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1969-01-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• I • • :Polle ... 1"5 ••nting.ton __ Slngi·~~ .. . ' . ~AY AFTERNOON, JA,NltARY, '15, 1~69 1.oc ' ,;b\ • 1 VCK..-. ijo. 'Q,.1 JKttolitl. .l PAHi _, I -' ·"'' .. • • ' • lo:! ' ·,, \ oro_, e .rec. Jane Doe~s · Final Rest ' . . ... Mystery Murder V~tim To Be Buried for $95 DOE JaM Dot. AddreJ1 unknown. Ditd to Morell, 19118. S•111it<•, Fridau. l p ..... Smjt/11 Cllap<~ tollh. a ... G; B"'f'U ..... of~. l.stqmf!<I, Poelfl< v!.t. M...-r Porlc.-Dirict.d bl/ SllMthr .lforl'""ll· By~'~ SllO ~ !J!Or• faii!e )!' deetb !ban ltle eoaJd ever have eXpected in a life ~ onllnarrllld lrbll1eot:11111.~e "'"'""' tli'ougb it without anyone to remember or tell the W<l'ld her name. . .Jane Dae' -sent to eternity by ~er slashed her throat -will be lltiMI Friday. ):Ten 1 final place of rest was a Roo.Jrle RU88ian . ,.1 Spacemen -.Head For Orbit Switch :Moscow (AP) -Foor roo.kie Soviet ....,.,,,..11, riding Soyuz 4 llld Soyuz I, bqan maneuvering In space today for perhaps the world's first crew transfer in orbit. A telecast from aboard Soyuz 5 reported about an hour after its laun- clting today that the "splendid" craft WU-functioning normalJ)• and the tbree- JDan crew wu feelinc fine. Earlier comnonaut Vladimir Shatalov, flXlhl ·alone In · Soyuz · 4, reported all .... won -1111 cralL Sllalalcw .... lauricbM -H '-a belcre bis com-pt/olon lblp. ' There were tmeOUftt rued reportl la Meecow that the• two ships would 1ink llJlo llld ..,. ol 0 lhe men from Soyus i ,...id climb aboard So)'UZ 4. A> uaua1, s1*oe ollldall kopl llilent "' plans for the four-lium -· Tbe .,....,.... transfer would &Iv• tbl: Soviets another "tint" in apace, and alaa would mark the flnl time Ibey mald>ed the U.S. feat of manned docklnll In orbll Ship commander Boris V o l y n o • .. reported In the telecast from Soyus 5 ~I be and hla two fellow mwmen wllbstood the llUnch "ve;[ weU" 1nd NII. balm llllll)eCllled '. I 0 I DI el· ~" WUb Shi~·· crafL Tbt lelircM; i:ell1ed by _,. .. M-Wovllioh, lhDwed V~ ujL .-...,.... .vev10ll)'. -. ~ llld relulnl In the cablo. 'l'be Uilrd mM aboard, Alenl ve111ey ... wu nol ·wtthln camera ronge ml mJahl bwe--beal In the spacecraft'• other com-- portmenl. - -ralioed.ln poqnd COOlrOll<n !bat ht bad -the felry launcb of Soyuz 5 fnlm Ida p.ill<ll ln or)>IL Volyrm 'later WU reported using rn•nual -In odjull the lncllnatioo ol Illa <hit. CTA. Denouncea AFf . LOI ANc;li:u21 !UPl)-1lle aoalll<m MClloa ti the ColUornla Tea<hen Asao- dallml ~denounced Ill rival, tho ,,__., ol~far takln& !'!It ' -IU1IIO-'Ill '!oft FraaClai:j, .. io Colltcc. • I ~·· loog. ~-<Gjning. , Methodist Cbureb of -tlngton Beach, Jane Doe' -wu found dulriped :in .. will officiate at the brltf 1 p.m. rites, modilT Bmiuortoo Beocb dllcll 311 <llY.r ,i.i1 ·-ol wbatev<r ~ has In "1 ltgo ~whoo @le""""'"">! Or:a&t· '"'!II inol(I ralbwl"-, Cooal;\jfll ... -~ . bl • .t/V. ' ' fUra . done 1o1 w~' ' , · · ·., · · .;o;· 101vtC1 "1 ~ · ~1-· wlll .... "8';@.(ii.ra1 '~ °' '""' ·~ "' "" . . h(,Slliltb'a , ~·Beach, ~ ud 11ie1 will be b\lrled wttb -&114 ~ far _. Iii Pacille View II!" . =·-C..:.,.~:!: rolllJlll 'Omli ooine .ai Re.. Shaw'• romaru "D's UsiJaJl1 Iii 1e $lo." said Deputy "~ :W,~~ the kl11er w~ 'l'llb!i<>, ,\Illllll\llralnr 'BIJI ~leJ>l>ens. "ii . 1Wb0d. -... ·llllo~ her dyln v~.adellarortwoeither.ll!'ay.'' -bodY · j·JMW', y~ A.venue an Pirjlapa her resting.~ -assigned Newi..cI · Slreet , Il!!'i Mardi 14 lmoW· b7 cdmtty corner's, rotaUoo lists -ia anythiDg m0re· aboUt the 20 to '%$-year-old rucer than she mJgbt have expected woman. ' ~ Her grave marker will read only: lltv. G. lllmell Shaw, of !be Firs! (See JANE DOE, Pap 1) Huntingwn PaUce :Seek ) -Witnesse8 w Slay~ng~ Police today are seeking peraon1 who blue cat or ancitber car followed lier, may Have wttuesaed ....U 111.· !be Jut police llld. · lew mlnutea in the Ille of Mn. lleller Slie , portld lier ·cir nm to !be curb s. Markee, 55, who wu .murdered in acrca,fl'Clll(tbell:kle:dttveWar to Dwyer Huatlnilno Beacb Sunday evening. Intenn.dlate sdlool, possibly fon:ed to lletectlve Capt. Earle Robitaille said the curb. today that aomeurrie between I : 45 and From this point on, no one can be 9:1» p.m., the white two.door OlevroJet sure· wbat hl---.-1 except fer the killer driven by Mrs. Markee u she returned ~ home from • laundmnat WU In • minor of the w""8.i. It _... !bat MrL accldeal with a blue Dodi• Datt at Markel\ IOI out vi. •b!I;, car-1¥ may Main llld 17th streets In iluallnglno ha~ ......,.. Il!t ....... •. She lleacb. WM ......... a(""" ....., .-. . "Tbere 11"1' "' .. -mnn: ..,.. :!"'t'• ---·-o6d fel :~.:i .. :ct.::"t1111~';:'.::.':. :r..J~'..:!..~ ""'' llare <f aP!lftclate laltln& ··-wbo 11111 8ooqo9 liter' 11 11 ~ 11111 a have aeen tbll ...,...,. !II' "any vi. !be ~ alond 1111 .car. Clll IOoin( lllO involved ears aboOt. lblr time Sunday Ulbll vi. !be car parted al a. curt night." said Capt. We. witb·lt. -11111 ramdnr, ~ · 1be Market tar wa •IJ&bUY damqed. Tbe driwr iooted 1ov.-lhe 1CeD1 and in the accident u wu !be blue car. probabl!' aaw 'tbe body vi. Mn. MarUe Mrs. Marl:ee drove on Iowan! the ocean In the pool :;.i:=;1s: a few 1ocbeo on !'Ith stnel llld lt II poalble the fllee ' 1'ljl I) ! ,~.-....· MAKING 0 HIS POINT LBJ, Addra1H1 N1tion , London's Gold Price Makes Reco~d Jump 1LONDQN. (AP) -'!be prU:o'.Of·g.o Id Jumped 15 . cents on· !be Lobdob . free ~ I ' . I bullion fllarkel Io.an t!!tiJne ;Jl!!l!i<ti>daY. apponmlb> on _,_, ,..,,.,..flOllCt of PrN!denWl<tt'1Nlil>o ""'-~ di~=-=;Oi ih.;r~· l<Jr !be ihelal al',42.!S ii{;~ 'fbil com- ~.:.llll Tll""'1 '~·: f1lll1I ·Cities Back. ~c!tqol «B0·nds · N'ewport, . .Mesa Counca8 En4orse$1~.9 Mil,l'i-0~ ,R.eq~st · -~ .. l ~.... t 't ~ II' • • • ..... • j • llJ TllOllAI rci,ariilils le ·ldlaa( lnlaleel, "we ~ the sal~. '"'!1lla meeting represents a matur- • ., -""I ""' • ..,.. .._ • ShtJndl dty anlI 1 Ing of commuhllt jlolltichl ~.'Now Unprec<denled ~a ld!iol ochool oUiclaJs allould wwk qetber ti-· -. _ _.. In ·...1...~ • .W...l.... bond lslue Wu elven Tuel6q n'fch& wbat'1 belt fer resSdents.. ~ I we are -·~ ~'°""a;• on .._...,"'f by Newport Beacb llld c.ata·M ... city Recalled'M' ... 'i'Plililty· prob~. W11hout,.....,.. ldlo!>ll w1 are councilmen. .. · nol gohll &o have belithy l(owth:" V"""• , __ .._,.,_ ml from For t5 yeara .w~ have \l"Vtr gone In thO ip'"'' _ N_._1 n-.._. ....-..._.,,-, co, men cm rle«d on a M:bool 1-:. We felt time • .., ... _ .. ,.....~ ~.- the two dUes urged vol« appnival Feb. tbll WU lllOtber """6< ._ eleeted dim... Pllil ~I lllJ4, "l b!Jjli we 11 of 'N~-'Uollled'1 '1U by. tho people ani1 we ll\oulcln, ltlct C.0 haft an ·ll.rliJ.!1jubllc'and'lot Put mllUon ,bof>d ,.._. · • • , our ,_ In their -. Tbe dill.._. defeats bec:ome )Ult a reoon! 11111 nobody ~ J!>lbCll'. wltb U..-~ tblr ~ ii we w.,. ln•lled In take wants to ......,..,., .. , . · 1 • • al Coala -ff -. .......... l aJand. -"f"· l ho' cLtl.led n .:,. ~-aaJd lhlJ' -Jo noopltlon tbal-tood Said Pinkley, "A> -u ocltooll lD .... w oana , -'~ ochoolo -a lloallll)' -'IJ. atut to deteriorate ,.. loee lndllstr7, I Meaa c.undlman l!Q>erl "11'""1' "l'J'91 '"We __ , 9"'. we cmt't alronr then ..... and U'• hard on everyon<. lit~~-.II "''"°'',irluet•h .11· le mid apln bocaM tbae lo nmnlq We IOll ,.. very (OOd new lndUllry 1 ~ lllat II 1*<led." • ., out." ..raW Colla M... M.,..-/JYb> bocauae vi. double -. aboUt three " ' . votes ilote ~,. ,'!'IOt ail Plnklly, "0 t ' > -..,,. Cour!Clllnert •ln •itrt<rn...i. -Board Nnport'1 Mayor Ooreeii MarahaU said Newpt:l'I CowtcUman Howard Rog era tS.. COUNCILi, Pal' 'I) · ' . • • - ·-. --~ ~--·. 0 -UD . ' . . \ . . • • --------------\'----.~-'----· ' . . .... ,..._... . . -' L,BJ Senti~ental . In· . Fi~al Spe·ee~ 0r..,• · c.a• I I ,, ·weedier · · ' Fair akiJ wID p.\fjjj TllundllJ, foUowma .the..'""'" .ci...tY ....,.. Ing,.witb ~·baclt·up to 10 . aJ!lofl theo.~ llid•lntbe 79'1 flllWir" lnland.v. ma•.;ioD&Y > - . ---------~~-~~·~ ~~=~~~~~~-----~---~----------------,.--------------- . -- •• . -· ' ' -- • .. -.. . • • ~ ·r Enterprise Fire Toll: 4-2 Dead or .. Miss~ng l CREW OF CARRIER ENTERPRISE MOPS UP AFTER DEATH-DEALING EXPLOSIONS, FIRE Clos•up View of Stern Indicates Damage Cauatd in Tragedy at Sta Tuesd1y Teens for Christ Battle · Beach Man,,24, w1· hll · Sch -•~ -Killed, 5 Hurt -w--lt --untington --. Ou.i:5.--1n--: ____ _ _ :r--. Auto Cras11 By TERRY COVILLE Of flM O.llr l"llol Sr.ff Teem for Christ carried their battle for Jeaiis to the /root ol JlunjJ"""" Bead> lll&b Scbool 'llleeday --and coolinued it on to the eftnfng meet~ Ing of the HunUngton Beach Union High Scbool l)illricl Boan! of Truo~. Pr~ wf\11 they tam "acfuca, lion's mmle oa~• abOll!_ll or ' ' ... From P .. e J 20 hippie-clad Teens for Chrl!t picketed the high school from 2: p.m. to 4 p.m., canying llil>t call!ni for a ftturn to Cllrllt Ind puslng oul reltgloos lracta to atuclenla leaving cm.. The picl:eting· was ·b~t oa by a warning from school officials lo Mike Willis, 15, a Huntington Beach High E.. bomore whO·wu told not to pus out lrldl 00 the school ---Beach Alsistant l>rliJcloal Wll1tim D. Ralllns .. Id \odaY lhat Woll!s 1'ad tnereJy be.en informed of acbool and &tate regulati005 on the .subject. Some ol the T-for Chrltt appar-J ANE DOE •. :. ·:L~::t.l:t~':: , -, , , 'i -L euc11 act!<>9 o1 ..,_.r .... tabn J1111Doe,llirdrli1,1t11! .... o: 'i ~~the\i:: -.. ·-' ~.j''iilimuu. ' . . e ~11,~~ , .. ... 'liliii~ ~~ i !:'. . ' . ~:Jar• wu -•~ ~~ · ' . ioLtheir "°"''act!' •f"" · If"" than &lltll11># Or t.oii\f. :"I"-' --lbt,auutlan r;,.. HnaUag!m Beach ra down~ ... . -reOnned to , Ille od!ool ar<i afld:J...i In· ao tll'cirt l<i-de~ ~· . -ol hte<e' !llfftlng Jaa~.Jlia!a'.iUI naaiij or gDd oo-e .'!\ olfklll. •£'\lll Main Street who ~ \>low ·Ilia ,_ bodr and offer ~ ,tll!i HllllU!>lton Jleadl Hlgh School a clue.. CllQ.P'1fo· ~ ' .But t!nie'r lnt\iilable .~ tilok . :_,'Ulldt" J;>av~' Be~~._) .. der of Jhe t1><1r toll. No one un f"'MID)q bil' i'D"P spoke to the ""'IA citing ,the Flnt Amendment and aeveral Supreme ~-d th ~-J ~ •·bl Court decisions II reasons for allowing ea • i9.1w11:ver, ane uuv J>l'OUil Y the teens to diltrtbute rel!"'"''• leaflets trave1ed farther -If oOe can caD it on acbool grounds. a- that -than she probably ever would D.lltrlct SUperintende:nt Mar Forney. In tho life tbal WU '° ordinfry and told'Bert tha( H be wlafled actioo .. a 1r......-. fW Jt-nmalnl a lll)'ll&y, maU.r lie abould IUbmll U Ill writing Clrcuian carrying ber firllerpnru0 and so the countr aiunteJ could giva aa qWet, dead photosrapll, moucbed with opinion before board members com- c:osmetir:s mor< plain than abe 1Blgbl .menled IUJ'!b!r. use -were tent ftm1 caHfornia to ~ York and from Canada lnlo Mwco. 8bortJy aft.er Jane Doe'• dealh, she •u l"llpOMible for reunlUng a mother and daughter oeparaled efibl yeva by a family llCjUabbJe. But epltaphl ... not Included Ill her • fnaeral. Jane Doe will wear all abe Is -now to bave owned: a flonl ]Wini b1ouse, purple apria, and a pale blue ...raid- cut dinner ring -not Tf!rf npenlive -'"Wilm Ibo Is buried Friday. That Isa 't very much by the llandanls el aome Jane and Johll 0... -bul at leut It'• .melhlng. DAILY PILOT ............. ti ........... ---·---c:AUPOINIA lt•lttrt N. w,,, ............. "" P'uttl!- J1t.k 1. c,,..1.,. ""' "'''"""" -o-• ..........,, n,"'.' ic.,.,;s .... TJ..Mt• "'-M1.,,lil111 -.... ............ ra11I Hint" '""'""" o•--c-lt "'"9: t» W..I I.ff ....... • Hll-1 ~' Jiii ....,, , • ..,,. ~ ....,....._.,1m,_,,..,.,. .. 1111ftlltltoll ltfdl1 .. -..... 'From P,,.e J COUNCILS ••. President James "Bill" Peyton ~ marked: "Jt certainly Will be helpful to UI in our bond election to point ouJ to the electorate ~e are finally a unllled district.'' The only provocaUve comment In the aesslon that was all rweelneas and light WU Injected by Colla M ... '1 WJlsoo, He asked what oouJd ba done to bring the lrvtne lndultrial Compla . fllto the acbool district u a t.a1 bue. To do It it would have to be de-armezed from the Santa Ana Unified IChooJ oyllem. . School board member Sellin "Bud.._ Franklin told Wllaob, "A foocl step might be to have ·your city aUorney talk to the county c:ounsel." : Argument.a for the bond election were miewod -by ICboolll Supl Wllllam CW>- nlnatwm-, ~;-the ll<hool diJlricl Is .. , pectJng enrotlmoat to grow by mote than 1,000 ltUdentl per year. For evuy new sutdent two will have to bt put On double 1ealorw, he pointed oul Should .. Ille bond 'llsue·WI, _be aald, the number of studeatl Oii double Hl!l1on will In- crease from J,300 at present to 2,100 .next fall. -He &aid atudentl on double seuion an beflll lbort-<hanfed and a half hour of lnslrucllon per day which would add up to .,. Ind one-llalf years Jeu acbool- lng U conlinued to high IChooJ pduallon. lie Aid. .. If we wen to construct today wbat "' Jlll))Oled 1' moolhl ago (in a defeated 0000 issue) tt would -$L5 million more than It did !hon. 'lllal .. the-ii of lnflotJon." Ha uld Coot o1 Lbo bolld1 to the ..... ol a 1111,000 -wouJd be •7 aioll lhll 1'"' ~ Ill $1.lt Ill the peak year, 1'71, decnufn( )'WIJ -. ''That ;...,,. nomlMJ In me but I Piii I'm bialed.'• be Aid. Cornmmttna. "candlclly" ht IUd, on how lone the bolld !llOIMI)' WOllld lut: "JI· we .,. ""'11 to 8l4J ahead ol our enroUment ft•lf have .to Come back for 1nother bond luue In two and 1 half years." A Huntington Bl\'ch mao was fatally cruabed In a We.tmlnlter broodllde auto eoJJ!sJon Tuesday nlght wbldl left Jive others injured, one of them ~ lr:aJl1. Glenn E. Ray, 21, of 1™2 Jacquelyn Laile, WU pfllaed in Ille m&n(led auio for ZI minutes before firemen oould fne blm for transporlalloa to Weatmlnatel' Conununlty Hospital. He wu dead on arrival. Pollco said the victim wu riding Jn an .-.00 w-drlv,. b1 RooaJd 1t. GOodaJJ, II, of 7tlJ Bolsa Aft, Mldwq ' "'~ Coanly Tralllc ·t -1"" ~ Deallt Toll, 4 . • I !'-' City, when It went 0 oot iii Q a!l>t jumped.a w .. tmJnater Boulevard dlvtdir llOar Magnolia Amme. · ~ ' Orall(e Cowity Proba1Jon·~ officer Weill A. Macoy,. 41; ·ii Santa Ana, WU driving weal Oii ~-lloulovard and alammed lilto the alldbll' Goodall car, wblch carried two other-. Lonnie c. Rhea, II, ol UUll!o-Jacbon St., Midway Clty1 ·~ Ill !!Uf4;al tood1Uoo today at Wesimmmr CommunJly Hos- pttal, while Bernardo Gollette, n. of ISl33 Wilson St,. la ' lJited to . &ood coodllton. Macoy-aod hi> wife, Ethel, ,.... liltod in fair condition by bolpJta1 tpOt= hnera1 services for Ray l?e today at Smiths Moriuary In lluDtJD(toD Bead!. Frotlt p .. ,, J TORO JET •.. poaible" to the wreckage. "But that may be aeveral miles away,." Burton said. "lt'a going to take a IOt of hard work for us to get to that Wreckage." The radar officer of the missing plane was found Tuesday afternoon seriously injured near San Juan Ho( Springs in lhe Cleveland NaUonal Forest. He had ejected from the falling plane. Ll. Edmund Kinsella Jr.1 21, of Tu>tln, 11 ln criUcal condition U>C1ay In St. Joa. eph Hospital in Orange. He is suUerlnJ: from a fractured shoulder, dialocatea knee, cuts and bruises. He loot conslcJ. erable bloocl from a rupmr<d leg artery, Moro lban lllO Marines from the Third MartM Alrcroft Wiii( at El Toro aided by memben. of the U.S. Forestry Serv- ice and the Oraoge County Sberifl'1 Department were in on the search. Five helicopters were Iaunc.hed at fint llaht lhls morning. The l!F--411 jet dlsappeaftd from th< El Toro tower radar about 6:27 p.m. Monday shonly after a May Day emergency call was received. Its location was spotted 1t about ti mUes eut of El Toro. 'lbt jet was on a routine tra1ning mlaioa. If carried a crew of two. From P .. e J WITNESSES. • • from the f-ol ber car. The driver -or drivn -drove on without lloppl11f. "Teotlrnony which coold be given by anyone who 11.w either or both eventl could ....... juallct belD( done," said lbe captaln.-He can bo lMlbed by eaOiD( 11Mi71 and aiui( fer Capl RobltatJlL Big 4 Meet Sought PARIS (AP) -Franco will fonnaU, propooo within the nen few dayl a Bl& Four fonl(n minlsten' conference under U.S. 1uaplca to -a aolutlon to the Middle Elll cr!Jls, French govern- ment sourcea said toda> . • • ' ,, Carrier Tragedy -.. T~i~tl of :f.ietn<im .. War.. 1 -PllARL HARBOR .(Ul!I~ -l'!sar ,and Tbo llO,OOMofi Enlarprlse, wltlch hh one exploolon a11e1•aooiber.• - uplolll ... abOl~--lhe USS l!l!tefprJta 5,IOO'....-.men, WU on a bombing prac-r'Dlm ,.,.. • JllUIUtudt of ~" left G ,...,_,~ daad or 1ft)saing at sea llct mlulon Tueoday when thunderout 'HI<! cbJV ~ olflctr'1ame1 Hillen. ..... acorea lnJurtd Wednesdu tn the explOllons rocked the veasel and flames :11;·s.n Diego, •it mr 6ne man phyalclllJ: ·ihifi ~ ditrlir..1"-li'tpilly ·er Al ":rltilim whipped acrou the rear end of the blown from the 9Cf!De by an eiplollon. war. • 11'fl fi'11le-1Carred nacle.ar carrier was ~rtbed near Ille corrodin& bul!I ol slllpg • ..U iD the 1Ml Japanelt aUlc.k '{hile bt.wt,atora tried to delarmla; 1bat 1 wmt wrong aboard lhe world'• JaJJtlt wanlllp. • ; ; 1111 Navy shelved conwlli ~s tor the Enitrprbt, which w41. ee ·tout.I to Vietnam for the fourth time. ~ • · Tbl casualty U.t Included -II dpd, • ll·mlallng to the Pacific 11111 • jD_jlllJC). •Two Navy ships and ....t ~t scanned the tepid walm 15 miles southwest ol here ror signs of the missing men. "What caused lhe explosion we don't toqw," said Capt. Ken L. Lee, of Pied~ 'mont, 'when tbe qµarter-mile kmg Big Ill .-heel port. . • ~ Navy aftlclall aid it was possible Uve ammunlUon abojlrd a jet aircraft 'ready· for launcbJn( may have detonated. Ff&)lter• '"1 Ille deck were equipped with rocketa, bombl and %5 millimeter ammunition. "A big baD .of flame exploded IUl-• demeath one al. the airplanes jllit 11 we were preparing to launch ," said Botawaln Mate 2.C. Jerry lleMard, 31, Warner Robins, Ga. flight deck. lie returned to fight the fire and wu Capt. Lee, who turned lhe $444 million knocked down again. He wu knocked carrier into the wlnd immediately to down several more Umes and each Ume ran the flames of( the stern, ~ it he caqlt back again.'' took nwlr four boufl to qu~ the Doctor!. nurses and blood wen ~ed fin. ' to the fla!lllng ship by helicoptan, 't!blch "We kepi fi&Jltlng the Pru until thfY returned · to Honolulu with the 11\oSt Wert Ollt," aaJd FIJght Deck. Qllif Larrr serJllUlly hurt. Upcbur:ch, ZI, Dallu, Tu. "'"*' wu 1'<11 wm llown to Brooke 8111'11 ~ From P-.e J JOHNSON ..• Vietna1n began Us inva1ion with its regular forces more than four years 1,0." He empbaalzed that the problems he bequeathed Nixon were inherited from Jobn F. Kennedy and, his predOfOSSOrs, and that the commitments he had made were the product or "no 1na n or group of men ... alone. Congress and the ex· ecutivt branch wrote them Into iaw." ln Vietnam, he aald, "the free nations of Asia know now what they were not sure of. •. What tbey cannot achleve their aggressive purposes by force." ,• In Tesaa wlllle M others ...,. trulo4 at Trlpler Anny Hospllll. Tbo JCD&Jndr ol tbe flljured were attended11r -In tbe carrler'• JOO-bed hospital. More than 1,000 persons Jn Hmiotulu responded lo an emergency appeal for blood donations. The Enterprise will oeed e:rtenslvt: repairs as the e1ploeions ripped holes as large u 20· feet ln di~,..~ Ille 4 \\ acr. lllCht deck. 1lllem JOI aircraft were demolilhld1 1tnn 1croa the carrier in clmred bwW. Cmdf, llarry •TreV~. Ali! It might take months, u In the 119'1 USS Fomstal cn.a.tei, to lm'ret odl precisely wbat call8ed the eiJl)<lalol!L • He discounted accldealal bombliis by a landing aircraft. He said planes caukl not land while the flight deck was covered with aircraft preparing for launchings. -·- _,_ ' '. . ,. ' W1nt*I for tile sportifst of rea.Ons: Delta 88 Royale, New lop-if·l~i'lin1 88, witll;~ll IDoi:t!ls :,' · · MryWhlll. •Custom rtar l'li>dow •Vinyl fllp • Pintiilpin1 • C~iVnl! ldijder louvers• Choice of Btlt~b-~ C~stom Sport Sett• Dtlull lleerl~& wheel •All yours; aU &bndard! for ,b11-car luxury w11b a sport1n1 ~pltlt-11111 Is H! ' . . .. . ' Wanted lot luxury that really swings: Delta 88 Custom.-Swini down any old ,rtiad: 1~d feel tht bi&.._., ditttrenctl • NtWi lonaer, 124-incll wheelb,.. • IS-indt whtels •Rocket .SS V-&,po,,..r •.S/m\J>tuo!" interiors, ttlb lttlt rvn neerty five feet wide•· New fk>Thiv Ventilolion!Olds V1l11111lways weeds the price you pay for il Wanted for an usy move to the big time: Delta 88. Your foolproof escape from ,..._.lied low-price cers! • Lowest priced of Iba bi& 8&s • 811.._.r ride on a 124-inch wheelbase • Husky Rocket 350 V-3-with re1ular-ps tc:0n0my •New GM safety fNtures elso! Price one. You're closer lo Olds than you think! Nut beat thlnll to• new Olds is a used Olds I See your nureat Old&moblle duler. ., .. ) ' .._ _ _:...:..'---------------------------------------~-----"'"---____ ,_ __ ,,_-::;;__,.:o:._ ____ - ----... I I I ~ ' 1 1 ,, I,, • I ' I' I " lrj I --',.... • ·Huntington ·Beaell ¥oL: 6Z, NO. '13, S SECTIO~S. U PA6ES ----~---' . . . • • ' ' ... -3. • • ,--• M.Urder ~ . ...--.... . ForQJ'.ally Filed ·~ . I Beach Pair Accused in Slashing ()eath of Woman; ' I SOYUZ 5 LAUNCHED INTO EARTH ORBIT ThrH Cosmonauts Aboard S,.cKraft ' Cr-ew -T-rans:leF4'-os-sible--· As Russ Launch Soyuz 5 MOSCOW (AP) -Four rookie Soviet ~auts, riding Soyuz 4 and Soyuz S, began maneuvering in space today for perhaps the world 's first crew transfer in orbit. A telecast from aboard Soyur 5 reported about an hour after its ~dBi tod.17 that the "splendid" craft wp ·(unclloolnl normally and lb• thr ... man crew was feeling fine. Earliet cosmonaut Vladimir Shalalov, fiyiDI alone in Soyui. I, reporled all wu well aboard. hia aall Sbatalov was iaiinched about 21 boUra belori his com- p,;,aoi, llllp. -there were unconfirmed reports In Miooow that ihe t"" ships would link uP. and one Of 'Ult men from Soyuz s would clbnb aboard Soyuz 4. As U111a1, apace officials kept silent 'on 'plans for the four-man mission. .. 'J'be cosmonaut transfer would give $lain Woman's Identity ' • Goes With Her to Grave DOE ~·JaM Doe. Address unknown. Died i1l March, 1968. Servtces, Friday, 1 p.m., Smiths Chapel, with Rev. G. Ruise!! Shaw officiating. Interment. Pacific View Memorial Park . Directed btt Smiths Mortuary. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of "" DtilY Plltl Stiff She 1alned more fame in death than 1be COllld ever have upected. in a life so ordinary and transient that she passed uW-ouah It without anyone to remember or tell the world hc!I' name. Jane Doe -sent lo eternity by whoever slashed her throat -will be buried Friday. Even a final place o( rest was a long time coming. Jane Doe was found dumped in a muddy Huntington Beach ditch 311 days ago Friday, when the people of Orange c.ounty will do the last that can be done for her. They will pay tfiO for her funttal L.. Smith's Mortuary, HunUngton Beach, and PS for her grave in Pacific Vie-.. Memorial Park, • peaceful, rolling (See JANE DOE, Pap 2) By WILLIAM llEEll OI .. o.ltr Pllft Steff Form"1 "1urder ~ wm•ICll.,iul- ed to be fljed at· 2· p,m. !Oday qitnst a Huollpgtoo J!<acb' ~ ·'l!K\! -.0 accused of ' alashlrul "to' death· an op. tome~ ''""l>UoOlsi S~ \!IPL · Accused of. tbe·•I~ dei\li ol Mrs. · 11ea1er .s. Markee, ss ci1.1•·<mv, A••.' are Norinan Coatney, :41 ~ ·Mirgareta Dinger, 38, both . of 'whom work 'in Newport Beach but gave u-Uajr address Carrier Fire Leaves 42 Dead, Missing ' ' "''' ...... t • I ' < INTlllPIUSE CREW MEMBERS GAZE AT GAPING HllLE IN NUCL!Alt CARRIER'S l'l·IGHT Dl!CIC V•111I Hit by ExpJo1ions, Fire While on Trelnlng Cruise In Pacific I -lltlaw°"' SL, ~ Beach. DopolJ Dlatiict AUoiney Job - WU to W Wlol Ol'up County Municipal Court Jadp Wa!IW ·w. ~-to bold . tlli ......... polr without bill. 'Ibey' had been ICbedu!O!I .... ..... railnlnent al • a.m. kldiy 'but llDil cmlerencu between detectlfta of the HUl)tlnaton Jieach Police ~ent and dislrtcl 'attorney depull"I oCcupled moa\ ol lbe momln( u eVidence apihll lhe aecuaed polr wu ·llltod. 8o6 Coalney and 111" •!Jlolot ..... pml--.nee ol ony lnve!Vemeat In lbe blood1 alaytng ol llni·- on 17tb -near Palm A.~-· Ooltn01, •• ..-o(~.A, aad M CoUeco, WU 4-tbec! 1'J ponce· as a bilhlY .....-. ......,... tllCinttr l<Jt a )l...piri Beach firm. RecGiy dlveretd fr<Jln h1a wife, Elizabeth, Coatney ls the lather of two d>ildron, a boy, i and a &lrI. 10 wbo ara ,jn . . Marvelous '"''~ MAKIN~ HIS, POl)'l-TL• , \ , L.a,I Acldrot,.. l(atl4il> ' -' .. • tl ... ' .. ' ·~· :·C'eu& . ., . ' Fair lkin will p;evaJI Tbund~y, !oiloWJnc tbe U!UBI cloudy mom- in(, wlili ~~tljt" back up to IO •alolJJ .11\e <Piii and loll!" 7"1 furlber ~· ' ' INllDB ToDAY· ' ' • • • --- • % Nil V Pft.OT 'tt'tMPf:f, J.,., 15.lM_ ' , DAILY l'ILOT lltfl l'IMole PICKETS PROTEST ON BEHALF OF PRINCE OF PEACE AT HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH THn1 for Christ (front to r .. r) ~•,P W:cdJI~~ Mike ~allis, Louie .Nolan, -Bob Me:DiNilcf ' T~ens for Chri,st Battle No Bond V.>te • • •• .. J With Huntington ScJiools :n ";!"fs'~ ~,...,;,-..,,-~°"~~~~ ... ---~~~tlfuca-·· Volefs in Tue Huntington BiaCh-Union Teem lot Christ carried their baWe tion'~ J!luzile on reliiion," ~t 15 QI' High School .District will not be yoting for Jesus to the front of Hun\ingtoo • 20 h1~p1e-dad Teens or CbrlSt pitjteted on a school const.rucUon bond pro-•&n Beach High Scllool. Tue.sday a11emooo the high school from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., ..- and eontlrn1ed it on to the evening meet· carrying SlgllS ?ffing for a. return to on April 15 after all. tng ·ot lbe ffl,mtington Beach Onion HJgb ~ and passmg out religious uacts Trustees unanimously removed the . to sttidents leaving classu. . MURDER ••. 'Ibe plcbtlng was b~t on by a bond proposition from the Aprl] 15 ballot waming ,fnm .ochoolt olfie•als to ,Mike ."1~Y .niBbt .and . d~~ .,to lak~ a Wallis, 15, a Huntington Beach High. more leisurely look at the-construction so~ who was told oot to pass out needs of the district. how l4la Dln81r.'• car, Jal to tfii:'Slml re~-~~[ ~l\f! Tnl!lees had ~rdered the'. papen aDd Oll".e ' Av• where . it "81: found , WiUJlm 8. RoJfinl aaia toda:y that W pr~pared ·for~ resQbmi.ssion fl a $12 ~few minutes iilter lhe Rfllll'., murder _llid,!yierely ~n inf°"'"" ol_school and milllon bond package, the one wbicli • . B ' eh~ c_..0 h ~. ~40 .. ··~ .. :u .. ' , ,,, 1KH1s Man, ; . ' . . ./ . - Hnm·1~ive. ! ... • • " ' . .,. ' . •• • t -' '. l .. , A Blmttn,ioirlkld\ Olan was fatally I, cruabed In I w~ broadtlde ' aulo .Oru.toft 'lli!oclai,nl&fil ~bicldert n~ otben tWured. ono at ljlem criL· •••I icalty. • Glenn E. J!ay, Zl, of 1™2 Jacq~tlyn L&ne, was p!Med in the mangled auto for 25 minute& before firemen could free hln\' for trlbSpoNtion to Westminster Community Hos~!. He was dead on arrival. Police said the viclim wu riding in an eastbound car driven by Rotiatd W. Goodall, 21, of '1912 Bolsa Ave., Midway Cit)', when it went «Jut of eont.rol and jliJl'lpe<! a w .. 1m1ns1er Boulevard divider neir lllapoila .......... : ' , Orange , Qiunty ProbatloD llopertmen( ~, Wella ,A. -Macoy. It, Of . Santa Ana, WU dJ'lvlng Wost 08 the booJovard and llarnmed into the . slJdlng Goodall car, which cUrted two other passengen. Lonnie C. Rht!4. 22, of 15181 lh Jackson St., Midway City, is in critfcal eonditi'on today at Westininmer Community Hos· pita!, while Bemardo ·G-Ollette, 22, of 15.532 Wilson St., Is listed in good condition. MaC1)y and hll wife, Ethel! were list.eel in fair concDUoo by hosptta spokesmen. ./ . - ---INJURED WELLS MACOY WAITS FOR HELP 1 Klllacl, 5 lnjuracl In We1tmln1tor Cram ' rs discovered, polic91assiitedi :.llati~ regulat~ OU ·~_, SUbJ~l . voters falled to give the-needed tw0> MINOR ACCIDENT Some of the T~ns for ChrlSt appar-thirds majority last Nov. 5. . ;.1 "•" :-.; . . enUy thought Wallis had been asked not Trustee Matthew Weyuker begll)t P?lice . theorLZt that a mmor traffic tQ ,Jtl:Wm. ~ school, but, Rolllna aa1d no debate Tlldday ·night on lbe:bood needs llCCld~t ,mlgbl bUe.,led 19 Ille , ~Y» >uc\J actiob fl' a., ~ wu tak'I! 'of the illJtiict by IM•;•• -lo reduet tlaJhing .lhal 'left ats. Mar. against the lioy. • ~ .,.• · -.. M:;. v~' ,In f~t her. , • l A cooferen;i! · ' ' nls as!· the! bood •Jllount to 18 mflllta .,,<t allol ' ' " • nt l!lldE! · · lir I th~ mone)f.,lor ~mJ~ fidilue an "' · · , ~ Iii! , ., ;:',ard~ a •11i.;. a6*ady '.Vfiiitd .. · . ~'I'! -~ to Mia Dinger. · lM u aon'•.'• · . , · • .' an4 to buihl some add! . . . .. tlreslon tbO reg;;u.,ulin ~ .'l111e ev . tian n!vo-al Westmimter,High ,t . a .1.ampoc add=~ IJel.eapt: ~! -~, to 1Jie acl)GOI aM ;, 'lhlJlee:·~~·-.Rll>oL . " bad llobllallle ' credil<d the Lompoc Pc!Uce 16Jlli:bl1be l!oard or· Tni:.tees .... llhf .serlolll doubts ' ·--~ .. t•:-, C!IIl cil with '!llno ,WQik" in delennining 4bat ~CllJsttkL>o!fic>s, ·~ MOln Streel holding_ the election for ....., at the l\(ja ~ llad med from Lompoc /Wlfl. the illlntington Beal!l High Schcq aime Ume as the 1rustee efectlOoL IO H~ Beach.· · . " ~.. ' · . • : J~ph F,rm, ehatrman ol<\lle-Proper• . 'Sbe was·.,...,1..t Olong with-Coale!JY iiiouo:-•Davethelleq' !Uder .or tht ly owners Pro\ectift "'--••Id be it her ·~t _,1 ... "'"'8 alter ' l'lr!lf :-• toei>t ·an4tnisteea, d!il'J. tht igre!!fl lhat the·amount ~J:s reduc- the body of Mrs. Markee was dlsco•ered '"ewrt t::Jcu ~·=· !!fl, bul his JllllllUon, was . ed bJ by a passerby, Donald Carr of 201 Loyola the teens to distribute reUgioua leaflets Rotic:rt, E. Dln~alJ, chairman of the Road , Coat.a Mesa. on &ebool grounds. district s committee on full use of . Officers said the Markee car had been Diltrict Superintendent Max Forney schools. lovolved in a minor traffic accident told Beta: tbat if be wished action on 8 Dingwall said that at first the amoun' moments before the gr a y • hair e d matter lie shOuld submit It in writing n~ed for bon?s was listed as $22 P'~" was slain. The ~dent &0 ~ CCUDty cwnseI could give an m1lhon, "then 1t .~ame $23 mil~on 1JM ~ 11th and Maln streeta Jbout opinion. befott ·board memben: .-and !;hat was cut tn half ~ ~12 mlllioa: three . blocks from where the ·lifeless mented further. · Now y~ say that $8 trullion should .body was found in a pool of blood be the figure. In front of her still running automobile. "I don 't quarrel with any of these LBJ Urges Combm" m" g figures, but if they are changed over. l'lrnSUED WOMAN and over the public will think yoiI loot At ~nl, police theorize the killer R gul A• "' pretty silly." l"•Y ""'e purll!ed -,tho •Lain woman to e ar' Ir Mail Trustee Richard Wtlson, who already ~ Ihm"dei' 'lp!t ,_nd in anger over ., has announced that he will nm for the trifflc acddent, hacked her to death. WASHINGTON (AP) -It will ~ elecUon, said he was for . the $12 mllllon The marder weapoo has not been found a penny more, seven cent.. to miiJ bolld .issue but would "bow to ·the wW )'et, police said. . a letter u Congress .accept& a recom· o~ l:lle m~orlty of the board. if It was, Ofticen: aaid that neither of ,~ ac--mendation of President Johnson ln. "his felt that mqre study time ii qeeded." cused has been able to explain how bu-l•et su&mitted today. , • Trustees finally decided that the bond Dinger'& car happened to bt in "6 proposition would be better. handled at deserted oil field where 1t was found. The Pre!ident recommended tliit the a special , election in September or car hid not been reported stolen, six-cent first chlSI rate and the ::~t October andi ordered a n:port on the police said. domestic airmail rate be combhM.d in amount needed, "somewhere around $12 · a slnaJe class cost.lng seven centl. Much million." OIUJl6ff; ~1' "'-'klWtllffl COMl'Al(Y ••beri N. w,,.r p~~-,.111>1~ J•dr. 1. c •• r.v Viol Pr~ ..... i;-tral MIM'Jf• TN••• x .... a ..... Tlu111111 A. M1r,.l.U.t ,.......,._EltlW Allitrf W. 11111 Willi1111 Reed AnOC:ltlt H""•lnto-·h.,;11 t:t1ior c;1, l!ll!or N•lltt .... • ....... OH'ICI: )Of Stk Str11f M1lliftf Ad1b111: P.O. l ot 7t0, •z••I -°""" ,..~ ._ .. ; 2111 Wnl klbN --.. .... ~ Mn.I; »I Wt" ••Y llfftt • lint clw mall aJreaily m5.by air, In lhe meantime lhe lrustees aaked said ~JohMob, urging the · · u a for studies to be made on popalalion m~IM to reduce the perennl · . postal projections, repairs need~ at some -deficlL · ~hools and on land purchase. From P11ge J JANE DOE .... cemetery above Corona del Mar . '1It'i' usually $80 to ·$90," said Depoty Public Administrator Bill Stephens, "it vsries a dollar or two either way." Perhaps her resting place ....,. assigned by county comer's rotation lists '-· la nicer thao she might have expected otherwise·. Rev. G. Russell Shaw, of the First Melhodi.>t Church of HunUngton Beach, W:lll officiate at tbe brief 1 p.m. rites, by.t much ol. whalevtt he has to aay rmul lnevttably be rather vqu.. AliJ .. •i:hlovemenLI, uplrau..._ Jean eonquerm or_ problems ...,. -bJ Jane ·Doe are u myltetjow: ... bu id<nUly and 'lhey wUI be biirhKI with her. Only 50lt'le or Rev. Shaw'• remarks w1!1-be·ol-IN 1&4 . _ Jull GOd ..... """""'· tho ldl1'r 'IJbo •lashed her 111'1 ·-her dytnr bod,)' Dell Yorktown Avenue Ind NewW>!I. Stroet last ..March ll bow ~:mere~ thalO to ZS.)eaMIG woman. Hor ...... marbr will read on1y , 'J_.,.Dci,-Mardl H, 11111. ecr-•1 deputleo • thi!J'. bellm Ibo ......, -for~ .......... , -iilit'm 'ftlrlgerat.a ~~ than any In Ibo blJtory of Orange County. Huntlngloo Beach police ran down lead after lead in an effort lo determine Jane Doe's real name, or find someone who _could view the body and offer a clue. But lime's inevitable processes took their toll No one can recogniie her now. In death. however, Jane Doe probably traveled farther ·-if one can C4ll It that -than ab& probably ever wOuld in UJ:e life that ~as . so. ordinary and tranoieot lhaL iL -& lllj'atery. Clrculan carrying ber llngerprinll and quie~ dead pboeorrapb, retouched wlQI cosmePca moni plaln lhan she milbt use -' were sent from, Calllornla \o New York and from Canada into Mu.Ice. Shortly after Jane Doe's death, lhe .... re@Ollllble r ..... vn1Un1 • !\)Other and dalJ8]rt<r ..,,.r.toil elcht ,..,.. bJ a family .quabble. Bui epitaplp are not tncludtd in her 18$ funeral Jane Doe will wear all ahe ii -. now to have owned: a noral print hlouae. purple c.opri&, and a pale blue emeraJd. cut dinner rinJ -not very "'POJlll" -wt.en she la buried Frld11. Thal Isn't very much by the atandanls of """' Jane and Jobn-iloa -but at least ll'a IOIDetblng. '·, .-, ~for lhe sportiest of reasons: 0etiss Rop ' / -:1<>P-<>f·lhai£a 88, wi~ Roya11 :totidies -evtiyw!ltre. •Camm rear vdndow •Vinyl lop• Pi .. iping • Chnime'~r~l.t:hoice of Buckels• .CUiiom · SW!Stat • Dtluxe steeriftt wheel• All yours, 1U.1tandard! ~.i ¥tr«1iixu'fy·willl"i sportin11pifit.:.ttlit I•. ii! ( - Wanted for luxury Uta! really swings: Delta 88 Cu51o1!1. Swing do,;.; any old road and feel tilt bl1-car ~iffelef\ct! • New, '°""" 124-foch wheelbase• IS~ndl w~eels ~ Rqeket 455 V·8. power• Sumptuous inleriort, seats lbal run nearly fivo feel wide • New Flo·Thru Ventilalion ! Olds value always exceeds tht·pric:e you pay tor il . W1nt8d for an usy move ID tlMt big' time: Delta 88. Your foolproof escape from so-called low1'riet cars I • Lowat priced of the bil. 88s • Big-car ride on a 124~nd1 wheelbase • Husky Roclltt 3SO V-8-wltll recular•ps economy• New GM safety features also! Prjco one. You'rt elmer to Olds thin you think! Nut best th1n& to & aew Olds la& used Okla! See JOll1' .aea.reat Oldamoblle de&ler. -. ' I " ' ' I' /1 II 11 I! I I' /' ,I I Ii • • -... • . "' .... LBJ Leaves, U.S. S9iµething . -•• ... • ' ,1 \VASHINGTON (UPI) -,.,._ "Ow' llj~ ,_ procrams.• he reporltd, tbe '"11ldGn 8. Joh.-has le!t lo<lli1 an thl' .. .,,,.... lb Ille 4°""90 adtnbllllraUon had the naUmi -~"-· t 0 .... ~. _.....,.. if __ ... -1non lhal\ ever )><fore, ~·~·~• ~ .. ·-.-.... r: ..... Conctlldtn1. he wrote: ''No remember him b ln ot. all the nation ".gaJnst a n y '" • S>t.6es. a book ai'tw~ "The foretoeablt challenge 0 r course o1. acUon can have a -tbreaL" hlihJr pur-thao tbll of . J•11>6,, 1~'1italet ",,.' > furthering world J>eace and , ............. ~ ._.. rizM1 human lrffdom. 1n t b I • • · ._ dlu he would 'i:"'~ book, "!' detalls budget. u In my ""vtous -br a ltoer "' hit o! \It" budgot. Io b n 1 on budgeta, I bave pursUed lbat 1-' <-: die de..,ilni "'l*led'1 COftlpared hll new course to the best o! my ablli-, ,.~·tianoed LBJ IDtothe ~ ~wttb the Jovel o! ty. I baY• !allb lbat Am.erica ~,.. lablt1dee " the bulky ctocu.. federal speodlng when be took will not now fail In Us resolve ... t'J)tnt c on t a I n l n I the office late in 1963. In housing, nor f o u n d e r in its '" ..i government'• spending plans crime control,. education, job responsibility to press ahead for the 1970 fllc'1 year. traiAing, b e a I t h 1 nutrlUon, 1 for ~om and justice at 1 A dominmit theme of the aoclll seaurity and ulipoveity home and abroad.'' . budget messagelJ lheJohnsool------=---.;__:...... ________ _ ..... _ view of the Johnson ... ~ prelklencty. <lb bis OW1l words, ;· ·, the author concludes: "The ..•• rttOrd r1 achievements of the pasL five years ill an im- pressive one." "In my first budget message ~ , five years ago, I eta~: "A ~-.. pernment that ls strona. a ~t that is aolvent, •· ......,..l .thal lo com· ~ . l"'lllooale lo ti!• kind o! .~ . pvernment that endure1.' r have sought to provide that .. · tl!)d of pverftU\eni u your Pneldeat. ljllth thb budget, I leave that kind of govt.rn· ment to my succetsor." SOLE, REFEllENCE •'" That wu Johlllon'a sole ':" ttference to the fact that ·.:; Rlchll1I M. Nbon wiII be !al· lnl O\'U the pmldmcy, and control of !ljd<ral gpendlng, In jUll five days. limry s. Trumu, by cootrut, poin- tedly reminded ~ ID 1153 lhal bo WU Jeavlnc o!llce """' and that the lncomlnC • Preslde1lt "will be entlroly free, ol cwne, to propc:l8t ·our Own H1,py Home INDOOR· OUTDOOR JANUARY · ·sAt FS {)'. C:I ,, • l • Wterltsdq, Jllll*)' 1', l!M = • • ' • • nylon ahUt gowns with d.Ucate appllqu•. 3.99 .... 1.00 cmcl 7.00 Solt and filmy nylon doubl• "layer shift gowns. Remember they make perlec! gifts throughout the year. P .S.M,L.. may co sleepwear 10 ' i · dluil••" In the budget. ;!~ Truman also emphuimt ••• that he wu proposing no new _,,_, _. .... .inJU&_llnaLbudgtt, ftll ft11 ' --~u--ti uare--- savings on bras underwired or padded . -2.99-and-.3.99 --··-. but both Dwight D. , Eisenhower in 1981 a n d Johnson this year offered a • ·. number of n e w recom- .. '111endations. Eisenhower also · • lndull!'d In some prideful reviewing of his own record , reporting amoag other doWll, •·a large measure of succesa" In his "etSht year effort •.•• lo •tlblliu the purchasing power of the dollar." Johnson came on somewhat atronger than that in today's message. -~~ "We have witnessed a 't>oriod o I unprectdenled ecooomic arowlh. with U:• panded production. r i 1 In I · IW!danls o! Hvlng and tbe lowest rates of unemployment In a decade and a half," be 'Cool' Man :·Hot Over $500 Desks SACRAMENTO (AP) - Spend $600 !er a new c1ell and. you'd expect the drawen to work. Right? • Assemblyman Eugene A. " Otapple (R.cool), wbo took over Tuesday as new cbalnnao of tbe Assembly Rules Committee, believes llO. But Chapple revealed the desks -all 80 ol them - don't even have a center · drawer. ADd the other · ' · drawers ltick. The deskl, which cost a total ·or M-0,000, are part of a $&00,000 remodelina or Assembly quarten which wu bf..gµn by Democrats when they controlled the lowtr house. The r'!modeliQ& ori&x,ally was estl.m1ted to cost ,000 · but some aides of the rules aJl1Ul1lttoe said thb did not Include the -o! remodeling the leglslalive cafeteria. • When atapple WU ukod b1 oewmJtD aboot tbe costly remodeling Job. he said ... meant .. dllrespecl "but -,.. ba .. people worldnc fer yau. . . .. Then his voice tni1ed oil. SF Juvenile .. Drug Use Up SAN FRANCISOO (AP! - .A 47 peruat tncreue ID juvenile parool!CI amatl In !IA lo .._ied by Su Frao- • •llco pollce. · · 'llie bl( -over 111'1 wa: a coot1aUIUon of a trend Jha! be(ao ID !ta, oll1cen llld Moada)'. Attut.s climbed from 441 : 1n IOl'I lo 13t lalt year. said police nacrotlca bureau u. Norbert Cllrrio, and "fw ' • .., )'OWllller .. picl!ed up. ~ at 1eut JO others W11'1 lt>- volved we couldn't pt tbe l &*Ion." I • red • bittlrlWllt • b1l11 -• ' • ch1rcul • ma..lne bf . • moss 1r1en Choice of decorator colors. 111c perfe<:t everywhere t':lrpet! Covt•rs a floor , borders a pool, or climbs a wall. And needs almost no care! ~lade of 100S acrylic flh,r fare with self adheMve heavy duly foam ba ckiog thai .J9h.eres to any surfaL-e. C1e&n.'I ea.\ily with vacuum, hose or broom. Resiit'.'I sail and stain, Let your imagination run. "•ild by mi:iling and n1atdiing squares. Bristol at San Dl1to Fretw1y COSTA MESA r , Om1o added Ille Kaleb~ i Aahbury btP!lk dlltrtct WU ' btlllnd to bl the main IOUfet Open Ivery Ev•nl"t ( o! dnip and maoy of t1ll ·• ydllo unoted ...., fnlm 'Ill 9,,0 p.m. -S.turday 'HI 9 p.m. : lntddl.<:laa homes. , __________________ , l . .. • - -~------ were 5.00 to 7 .W Great savings on two excellently styled bras. Stock up now for the entire year. Choose underwired or softly padded. a. reg. 7.00 wired bra with elastic back. 32·38 B. C; 3.99. reg. 7.50;32-38ri, 3.99 b. reg. 5.00 tricot bra, elastic back. stretch straps, 32-36 A.B.C. 2.99 may co foundations 44 , ANNUAL SALE your favorite Hanes hosiery This great Hanes sale comes but once a year. So write, call, or come to lhe May Co. for a .week of great low prices on your favorite Hanes hosiery. We have stockings in Cantrece® nylon, Micro Mesh. support ... many. many others. In beige,· tan, taupe, brown, and other fashion shades. Sizes 8V. to 11 in propo rtioned lengths. no. 615 nude heel no. 415 reinforced heel; toe no. I IS Micro mesh no. 5Xl semi aheer no. 205 C.antrece®, nude heel no. 210 Contrec:e~. reinforced no.? 15 full aandal foot no. 8lS support h069 may co hosiery 7 sale sole reg. · 1 pr. 3 p r. 1.75 1.50 '·'° 1.50 1.30 3.90 1.50 1.30 3.90 1.50 1.30 3.90 2.00 1.75 5.25 1.75 uo uo 2.00 L75 S.25 3.95 3.50 10.50 nylon tricot slips lavished with lace 3.99 to9.99 were 6.00 to 1(.00 Beautilul lace trimmed nylon trice! slips and half slips. Fantastic aavlngs on diacon· tinued colors and styles. Fill your lingerie needs with these excellent values. reg. 6.00 to 15.00 slips; 34-40; 3.98 to 9.99 reg. 4.00 to 6.00 half alips, a.mJ. 2.98 to :S.99 may co daytime lingerie 28 0 may co south coast plaza, 'san dlego fwy at bristol, costa me1a; 546-9321 shop monday throUCJh saturday 10 am to 9:30. pm \ I • . - J 4 DAIL y Pl\.OT Readers of this . New~paper: ·s·pec~al ,INTR.OD.,CT9RY; OFFER b_~Jngs. you ~ JntiCli ·~ ·- ' • • ..... .. • 1' Pays up to $fO,ooo.oo;tax fr~e cash for each hospital stay 1' Pays all cash direct to you (not to doctor or hospital) i' No age limit-no medical examination required if Pays in addition to all other coverage you have-including Medicare . . ' ' . 1' Pays you cash benefits that increase each year .•• to a maximum of $130.00·A·WEEK, .. 1ttnoextracostto you! *Pays $109.00·A·WEEK cash each tlme'you go Jo the hospital ... even up.to 100 weeks *No sal~sma,. wilt call . . . . , SPECIAL LOW RATES! EXAMINE POLICY IN ·YOUR OWN HOME ..-MONEY BACK IF NOT 100% SATISFIED! ' " ' \ r ACT NOW-YOUR ENROLLMENT FORM MUST BE MAILEO BY MIDNIGHT' SAT., JAN.18; OR IT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED One out of two families will haw 11t1meone In the hoapilal this year! It eould be you -or 90me beloved member of your family tomorrow .•. next week ..• nut month. Sad to say, very fe,,, familiu have anywhere M•r enough CO'ftrage to meet today'1 1oarin.-hoapital coata. These Clllltl have tripled in jllSt a few 1hort )'ears, They art expected to double &Jr&in in the few Ytatl ahead. IF YOU ARE 65 OR OVER YOU WILL COL~ECT $70,00·A·WEEk IN ADDITION TO MEDICAltE Stop for a moment. Think how much a long stay in the hoa'pital will cost you or a loved one. How would yoa ever pay for costly, Why are 1mart folk1 over 65 now' butenini: to protect but necu.1ary, X-rays, doctor bills, drup and medicine:i! What then1selvea with th• PresidentiaJ Ei:t.ra. Cash Plan in would you do if your pay check atopped, bot living e:rpenses l&dditio11 to what Medicare will do for them! k•pt roinc on the same u ever! The aame rot, phone, food, all Even though M.adicarw ii a great boon to folks o"er the daJ-to-daJ upenau that never It.op. · 65, it will not, of eoul"M, pay •ll the bills that quickly What ia the average brudwinner to do? W• believt w• llav• pile up a• a reault of illne1s or aocident. the answer in th• famoua Pre.idential E:rtra Cash Plan that lt•1ordl•u of your •1•, y0tr still need • •. 'oys y.u $ J 00.00 a •••k faJC•fr•• oddltlonol h•alth profoctfon, casJt wh•• you fO lo th• hospital. W• haw dulrned thi1 plan u the importa11t lldditin Now, Pruidential'1econom1planenablea1outomjoythispro-to whit you recei•e from Medieare-or anr other tectlon. Mail tht Enrolhnent Form. We will seo..d JOU the actual health inaurance you nay ba•e. .Bemelliber, all~ policy to look over at home. No ruh. No actnt wm can or phone will b. sent directly to you (not to·tbe ·~octorOrli• JOlL Take lti d&JI to decide. Sho'llt' the policy to a friend, a family pital), to give yoa. that .. extra" help just when you adviser firrt.. You lose nothinr if you don't "faDt tht:~U~Y· Bu0ti--tl-~need it most. U11e the tu-free cash~.!!f_!-'__!I)'(>U 1ee j:\L 1----"11-.,..,nlo-ws'rlt"1~~ttt1A"'lo---m'immlir•,-pmal/01V Alttt"yorwfU"l>rf!iiN&lenliw--Ui1CJii'CKsWi!t'lii"'b1g .... rate• de11eribed below. So low, you'll ftnd you get protection at a 0 11e1/ In addition to what you receiv• from Medicare, price that'a ju1t a fraction of what you'd expect to p1y. Pre1ldential p1y1 you $70.00 a week •• , EVEN FOR 100 WEEKS if necessary! You tan reotitie u ttlltc-' a• Your cosh ••n•fit• lncrffM eoch year - at no extra cost t• you/ Your caab benefttt automatically rise year after year, You re• peue of mind so you don'tha•• to worry abaat risinrcosts. Your protection automatically incr1aae1 $8.00 a week each yur. The first rear 1ou get $100.00 a week. You get $10$.00 a week in th• 1eeond year, $106.00 a week in the third year. $109.00 a week in the fourth year. By the:eleY111th year, your policy will be worth a full 1180.00 a. wo111k in bendlt payments., .at no increar.e in cost to you! This gcieroua caah reauve protection will belong to you for a1 Jong u JOU keep the policy. You can Bee that your in1uranct will b9 worth much mor• than the present "face value" of th• policy. Certainly, our increased payment. to 70u will help keep pace with risinr coet.1 -and be1t of all.,. ••• The Increasing ben.,Jts com• to you at no •JCfra cost. Yov ltlll pay tlHt regular low Presidential pr•miuml What other Plan protects you likt thi.!1 today! What other Plan keepa; protecting you against rising living costs in the yeers ahead without increasing your premium•! And that's not all. Thi• special Prealdentisl Extra Cash Plan .(~HP lBL-1067) ••• . - . Poys you $100.00 a week CASH for o registered nurse of home. \'es, In addition to the $100.00 weekly cheeks we send f1'U during )'our hospital 1tay, v.·e p11.y you 11.n extra $100.00 a week i! the «loetor aays you need a full-time rei:i~tered nurse to take care ot you at home. P1Av5 Up to $10,000.00 CASH for •ach •CCident or ,, I illnus. $lartlna th• very first day in th• hospital. P,AVS SI00.00 A WEEK CASH -if you need • full· ,, I time registered nurse when you come home from the hospital -up to 50 weeks. PAYS $1.000.00 EXTRA CASH tor accidental death. P1AVS Up to $2.000.00 CASH for accid~ntal loss of ,, I limbs Of eyesi&ht. P1AVS $100.00 A WEEK CASH tor ea<:h preanancy, ,, I when you go to tilt hospital, assuming both husband and wife haw been enrolled ·Jn th• Family Plan With Matemity. P1AVS Up to SS.000.00 at the rste of $50.00 A WEEK ,, I wtten 1 child eoes to the hospital tor 11ny ecci· dent or illness when you are enrolled in the Family Plan. PIAVS you cash benertts that incrtase each year ..• ,, I to 1 ma.11imum of $130.00.A·WEEK ... at no e.11tra <:Ost to you P1AVS you cash benefits for haspitalization for any ,, I accident immedi1tely. Anr. sickrltss is covered beginnlns30d1ys after Ef ectiv• Date of policy, N 0 ase limit -no medical e.11•min1tion required -no salesman wilt call. 17,(}()().00 for eacli. ilb1e11 or inj10·11 wh4?l 1'01pitalii1df How comforting it i1 to know that -after your 1t.ay in the hos- pital, if you've been there three'daya or moN, you oan return home to recuperate and )'flt not be a bordeD' to yo11r loved one.a. Yes, if your doctor 1aya you need a ftgistered nllzw full time within !i days after you come home, we'll eend you cbecla tor 1100.00 • ""'•k-for u lonr u You need the nurae -•ven up to so wfleks. lt's like haYing a n11erve of $6,000.00 cufi,tO draw on when you need it. ThHe beneftb a.l.oifttFeasaeach J'i!a.r _by58.00 a week. Another exception&l featu~ you have with l'residenti~.,, ... 'oy• you $100.00 • wffk cush motern;,y Wn•fJts -up to JOO wHks for Keh ho1pjfaJ dayf. Ordinary hMpital ,inauranae. ~Q take care vf pf.l:\ ~ J.<!llr tx- penm when JOO eo to Vie bOl!IJl:ftal to have & baby. Bili what policy can you think of that give1 JOU caah t.O buy all the thinp you need for the new baby! Now, it both husband and wife are insured in tht wonderful Fa.mil'Jf Plan With Maternity for the entire period of the pregnancy, you get ei:tra cash to uae any way you 't'o'ant. I! a pregnancy, childbirth or even mi1earriag1 put.I you in the hospital for one day, five days, 10 day1 -as IOflf a.i 'llece11arv-you get $100.00 a wttk for every day of your confinement, up to 100 weeks . All th~•• odd•d cash IJen•llts. Yes, in addition to i100.oo a weelc for hoapita1iu.tion or $100.00 a week mntcirnity benefits and $100.00 a wctk for a rtli• iatered nurse at home,,. you get 111 this: Added cash btntfits: $1J)00.00 ca11h to your family if death occur1 within 90 days from any accidental injury. Think of how handy the cash can be in time of loss. It can take care of burial expenaes without burdeninr your loved ones. Added cash be1M:fit: Up to $2,000.00 cash for accidental louof limbs or eyesirht, when the Josa oecun anytime within 90 days of the accident. The losa o! a limb or t)'!aight is a terrible thirig. Noth- ing can replace the 1011, but a check for $1,000.00 or $2,000.00 will brinr irreater pe&C9 of mind during the period of adjustment. Add" usla llnlflt: Chooae eitMr Familr Plan •.• and your <:hildren will be covered too! l'ruidentiaJ pays up to$6,000.00 any time your younpter goes to the hospital , •• for tobsfla, appea- dicltls, or'fl.n~ otAer illneu or injury! Yes, JOU will recielve $60.0G cub, week after week -for 11 many u 100 .o•NI, if necuaal')'. We poy your premiums when you •r• not obi• As 1 apecial oonsideration to you -if JOU an ho9pltaliaed just g weeka or more, all premiums that come dUe"l'fhile you are Atilt in the hospital afler this period will be paid by Presidential. And your protection continuu aa if you were paying the premium1 yourself! Then if you leave the hospital and must return for the same cond ition befOre fOU have resumed full normal activitie1 for 90 days, Presidential will again PAY ANY PREMIUMS \VlllLE YOU ARE IN THE HOSPITAL-TO A MAXIMU!tf OP JOO 1V1'.'EKS per confinement! Thia means you pay no pre- miums, yet your full protection l'f!m1in1 in force -11ou collecl 1tp lu 110,000.00 for •a.ch e<infi1t•nu"lltl THIS llM/TfD fNAOUMfNT OflfA fNDS SOON Amazing low ltates -Money..aack Guarantff You can now ban your !nt month'• protection at th• apeeial LICENSED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA collPIIll AllD MAIL W1l1I TDlll nm !Yi'? THE PRESIDEHTIAl LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA ~-=-~!.!~~--KB 11401 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHIUDELPHIA. PA. 19154. NAME (Please Print) s1 ... 1orRD# ·---------------STATE. ______ ZIP·----- DATE OF BIRT111 __ ~..,.----,;:::----;:::;----"GE SEX Male 0 Mon1h D•J Yff• OCCUPATIONl _______________ -:::--------,---,-- 1 also hereby 1pply for cover11e tor the membel'$ of my family !isled below: {DO NOT Include namt that appears 1bove.) P111se list additional dependents on separate pqe. DAT£ BIRTH NAME (l"lene Prl...., RELATIONSHlft SEX M~tl> Y•ar AGE I ' 3 4 5 = "!: =-~'" Q 1-~(J) bnf,.... 0 11-FamOy P"lan With Materntt, 0 111-FamllJ "9n Without Matern tty Do you carry other insuranct with thic Company? {lf "Yes" ple1se list policy numbtrs.)1 _____ .,., ------ To tM best of my knowled&e 1nd belief neither~ nor my plf$0tl listtd above, has been refused 1ny hnlth, !mi'it11 °'life iniur· -•I .. r111nd !NI I Ind IOI -listld -wll bt ""'"""""' 11111 Polley !or llll lnJlKJ « ticlultss I (wt) "'4 bf. f1lll tho EfftctiYI Dile ol tht Policy but not until It ha -~ lolct lor a continuout period of two I~ yem; ind thll th~ Polley lblll •t bt ii force until the Eff1ctive Oriti shown ii U. Policy Schedule. .._ ___________________ ,,,at•------- low rates Hated below! But you mu1t ad immtdiatelN. Your re- ques; for tbl1 wonderful lnwme Protection Plan must be mailed on the convenient form below NOT LATER THAN .1\tIDNlGHT of tba date in the Enrollment Form. Thia a1idnight expiration ho11r <:an1t•t •• •zU1tded. If yo11r enrollment form is mailed later, ;, eannot h1 a.«111pted. TheM a,.. th• ONLY •x clusJonsl Your Pret.idential policy covera every conceivable kind of a.ick· net.a or accident ei:cept condition& cauaed by war or any act: of war ; where <:are is in a Government hoapit.al; mental disorders; into:s:icants and narcotics; pregnancy ex~pt a.s provided UDder the maternity benefit pTOVilion;.and expensea reaulting from any aickneas or injury you had before the Effective Date of joqr policy . -• during the ftrat 2 years only, This la.at it.em i!I a real help i1 you a.lr9'Uit1 have a health prob- lem. U you are 1ick b•fot• you take out this policy~you will still be covered for ~at condition after the polic,-bu l!lln in effect for 2 yean. Of coune, meanwhile eveey ttsw condition f1 ;,,.,.. .. flW.lW eovered. How can tMH N rsrain low·rat•s buy so much? You can buy ordinary insurandiZlfj~....R.a1Jht_ftpl , it'yotr'W!Sh: "lllif'PF'eli n a can now prOviOejOu av-d your entire family with $100.00 a week tax-free Income Protee- tion at apecial low rat.ea only bec•use we enroll a large nutnber of people at one time -dir1ct bi;-mail/ Thi1 hi&'hly •fficil!lnt "Ma11 Enrollment" method cuts costs to th• bone -and 61'1111<i-u- i1tg1 are ptuled on. to vou! Make your decision car•fully Think how co1tly a hospital confinement 'Will H.. lmagine paying for thoae indispens•ble x-rays, doctor bills. medicinu and drug. that' ate not covered by your present inaurance. Would yon be able to afford the quiet and privacy of a privat. room and a private nura, sh6uld you so deain! Or a telephone to ktep in touch with loved ones! Or the rental of a TV 1et to help pass the lonely houn? Who would pay your bill1 that keep on cornin&' in at home! Man7 folks have lost their life 1a•ing1, their can, even their homes trying to meet such expense&. And no one knowa wboal tum it will be nut. Why YOI' .,.,,, od belor• th• deadline date show1t 111 th eM.fltnent form -just • l•w days front fodq Why muat you act befon the dead.line? Because, u mentioned above, we must reaive your Enrollment Form the •am.e tlm• u •U tM ot.lwn in order-to pass on to you the savings that come from pro<:1:uina tno:ltN policies at 0it• time Medical Costs Skyrocketing!, (So11re1 : U.S. Dept of Heattll, fdacatian & Welfare.) 200 1957-'59-JOO / 180 / Hospital ~ily 160 Service Charges .. ~ ·140 All Medical • .. _.....,,,. ......... 120 ---------------• too Physicians' Fees ·········· .................................. IO ' I Prescrlptio~s 1nd Orup I 1962 196J 1964 1965 1966 1967 .S-•• o.pon ,..001 o/ Hoall~. tJ.ocoiiM Md Woll on Soc/11 Swca,..;b' 811/J11in, July 1J61 Gort. ft~rea reveal your preaent health protection ... MaN u longer protlllct yoN a.gai1t1C tod411's rising medital coat•/ Don't leave your loved ones defense- Je.ss! Act at once to add up to $10,000.00 to your health protection. We mail you the policy aa aoon as we receive the Enrollment Form. When the policy arrives, ex•mine it in the privacy of your own home. Take all the t..ime you need, It's a very short document. and you'll be pleasantly surprised to discover there is NO 1''1NE PRINT. Then -show it, i/ )IOU. wiah., to som.eo11c you tn11t. Per- haps your lawyer, accountant, or banker. Belter •till-aAow it to rour 011111 inaxra.nc• mall , •• evn though. h.• ma.v '"r)I wcsll b• working /iw anat.Ur inntrcutc• compan11l If he la a ptr&0nal friend he hu your best in.teruts in mind. So JOU can believe him when be ttl.11 )'1)U there is no better bargain available any. wheN -atan.rpricel Money back guoron,.....;:n caM you change your 11tind Eftll after 1011 mail yout Enrollment Form below, •• even aft.er you u:amine the policy in your own home and talk it over with auyoue you wish ••• even after all thi1 Jt!U are still f.!'M t,o rehlrn th• policy within 115 d•)'I •""' '111117"W J>"1')' rent paid will h• .... funded •t OflN. Then will be no obli&'ation whata•er. MU11'11t"hlle, all duriq t.be lti days you are malciri& up your mind-)'1)u'll be protected b7 $100.00-A·WEEK erlra cub bene- fits just aa it you had alrud7 aaid "ya." That'• risht. JOU "!"ill be fully conred aJI thia time lot any acddent wbieh ~'.'It.; you 1n the hOapitaJ, eYen if )'1)U finally d~ide to ntum t.be policy. Howaver, after you'v• aeen the polity for yourae.11 fi!G will surely aiTff that this is a tremendous vtlue and you'li: want to cont.lnue this '100.00-A·WEEK extra cuh p!'Otection under th'l Plan that'a beat for you. PLAN I -INDIVIDUAi.($) ONlY Pl.AN: If you want to cover yourself -or younelf and OJ1t or more adult dependents (includltl.g your apouse) -then this is the Pli.n. for yo1L Each puson must be 18 or ovtr, and allall pay_ (per person) th• rat. applicable to his or her •re· NOTE: Where there are no dependent.Ill, PLAN 1 f1 th• moat economical to choo11 for a husband or wife (or both). TffESt Mt TOUI LOW llATIS ..... ftnt lltOftfh's 1""1.a.11.eca: ..... ....................... Act •t Ellrollm.nt Monltlty P'r•nllllf!I 18"39 .••••..• OlllJ $1.95 "°'"'9 .••••••• ocitw $4.95 51).59 ••••••• ' -$5.95 f0.74 .• -•. ' -• Oflly $6.M 75 •nd (Ntr ••• ontY $1.'5 SAVB EVEN MORE (over 8f. l) by paying 1t qUarterly, half )·ear or yearly rates, 1111nt wilh polk y. PLAN II -'AM14Y PLAN w rrH ""AtrllNIT'f Thi1 plan i1 for th• family t.hat is atlll fTOW inf. 1'o the total of The Presidentiale Extra Income Plan 11401 ROOHWlt ll'td., Phll•dt:lphia, Pa. Tiit l'l'etldtnt~ life lnwrM'IC& tompeff)' Of AtNric1 (Horn• Olllce: Chlea,o. Ul!l'IOlt) c.tr!et lun litssl f'"tMl'Wt. for th• P"Qfld.\ott"' sll poM~ll"I tnd It lK:IHKD IT THI ITATl Of CAURltffilA. I I I THESE 22 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS the mont.hl1 pninhun for the adulta to be iMund, Jud add f,5". Thi• .ntltlta 7otl to all maternity benefit&. It. alto eown all JOUr untJao-led, dependent chlldnn ti.tween Ult ao-of S monU.1 and'U.Ddtr lt'nat11 •M lln a.t bome. Fctund•ptnlknt chlldftn. will be coYaed tthen the1 reach!! rnonthl flt. •P and without an, adl11tion'1. <,h•'fe· Pl.AH 111 -PAMllY Pl.NI wrrHour "4ATUNITY This plan ia for tM f&milJ \hat i1 ·110 lonrer l'f'Owinr. Ta tht tot.al of th• mon~Jttmium for tba adult.a to be insured, ju't ·add it. Wtth n on of chlldrttr ,-t to be bortl, PLAN JU t~ all JVQr umarrlecl, de~cknt children betw.al the qn of a moo.Lb.t ud WI.du lt rt•n who ti,.. at ltoa. • ./ • - • • .ra.n~pa:c,-Acapulco --.. -= f •, . Tllo Soa i~~r a CIJJ/°""" n..-will be orpnfadl ClllJla Sea l\ICe (H\1111 Kooi ....... -...,.,.. ' and --br lllo SL • lo llanlla); Buenoo AlrOI lo vo ...... fo<holod Jo a UM 'Pe~ -YC • 110!1ei; , the . Rlo de. Jwlro;' GlraCUa, !ta. It.' lcr a ..id chalnnooj,Jp ."114 PoWell. ly; C11Jc11 .. Madinae, I b e p ocean ndq •AW91tColll ,yaGJ>llinln,Jlm· AegunSal1in1Rally,Plraeo• . by Ibo S I . 'Mlcllaell ol San l'nlDdooo, Rbod-., G,._, and U.. Fla. Yldlt Club. ~· aleo ~ lo • .,..,, Merblellead, M8S1. lo Novi Tbe two Soottblaod .c1111iilct on lllo oouublttee. Scotia race. • Ill WT I ;..."l' s ' . i ·? l W or tc·S · . er es. mlolmum, .-th.lo the Dvt lalett rocee eo tbal ~ reWrnln&. bQme. H• bu riot ~ and tw,o manator;!ts bad h!<l 11< 1bree ,_ Indicated lilt "'••• ..._ ... the ..., be tailed willl the beal • -.. i. ..... ·~--.-_,_ ..... c;o<m1ec1. Fleet poeltlilos nie two "'"'"'MGfJ -.., r.-.1""". will be the bula lot point be lllled "'001 trip. P-U "'1'I ~ °"""" aCCftdilaUOlll. 'lbree iN"""°" ~ ere bave been ioonded out on the :'If' lllo i>lennJaJ !All. Anple, < rii,• ~. i.J. COYll< 'lbil roam I total o/ eight -~llOnolulu. ·('l'r~· -... "-'dlt·lld>lill.I ~ races origJDallng In !ht U.S. ·:· , ~ year .:. ~ • II(; ilie -kl.I Tbe .w.tit«, . Tbe dbera .,. In Engllnd, ~ 1111' ~ lo ,_ .,. M St-Pfl.....,.,I France, Sweden, 4ualralla, ·~ "bkh·ll ochiddjod' lo ' rt. ~~ lhb.. 1) , New z .. land,N1enllnl, Italy -ti t>O"Niletl In Febnwy' 11111. aiid the . · 1o ')ionlego and Cblna. OI eight U.S. racee, ' ;raranil !ll lllo ~ · Baj '(i~lca) race iMltdl . lour ol lhem terminate in lo<- 'lbe boal and owner '"' alnady 111 Florida for Ibo world ocean rlCln& chin> charte,..,. muat be the same llORC and tiave lndlcattd llliljt . plonll>fp.klea. Maw-.lndlcated !or the three yeera, but rig· wUI mate Ibo · lllaml ti> ~wocild eomj)Olo. S..er1l glng and r111n& may be chan&· Jama!CA race, '.111eY· .. ,l>oP · · ,jlo Wtrnatlooal ra.. ed, C14rk· Aid. .WU, Jr.'t · ~-'iii.Jee Int , lncf .. Sumner , A Powell Wended the two (OCeen lllclnl ~· d. (nu,y and Oadine n, .:::.,~ Iola! d. 'Ill '"* )!). ,~ ~ lllo two elgn walera. . · lllo work! ll!O II( SouaJeril CIUll!r1la ,._'If": Noted lndualrlal designer, ' aedalor)'0and.flv< Ibo . l>i;aa141" nan.a., Bill Snallb ol New York, a mandatory raca beJni la Soottbern Cllllorala), Arnold recent line , liljµlert In the Florida by polallq out lbal Hunn'• lf·l'Ool 11)'1 S}'Clney lloblrt ract; Homer Florida aaUon mtlll go lo ~baeco and ~obll B. llln1'• pen/111 o1 ~. Fla., In Europe or Ibo Pa~ or·bolb, ~qot yawl KltJo,a n. ' · lllio, allO ao. entry In the to complete the ftvo optional Oiubaaco 8"" lolelte will Sydoe1 llDbul rll<O; Snalth racts. Tbe St. Pe~ lo probebl)I Nlum 11cxne iiler with bis F!Jero IV: Georae FL Lauderdale race Is bold the J ama1<a ,.,,,,, bu1 Kilroy Molfell willi aw--and every yeer u pert ' ol the W Indicated be wJll lake the S. K •. Helman. with indJgo. Soutbein Oceln Racing 'Con-Klaloa ll to · Eqland DeU Olbers upected to jump II ler<oce (SORC) and t b e llUllllllel' 111< the rufi'ld Fast-the ebanee !or an loternaUonai Miami.JIDlilca race Is held nel race whidJ follows C..... campaign are Robert F. every two yem following the Week. Johnean and hll ne" 7S.foot SORC. -In Kilroy'• case, ht could Windward Passage, and Ken be oll&U>I• lor Newporl (R. Ii) lo B<nmida; j aebt.sman with broad Jn. NIUI, Ibo two the Faaloel In E n 1 I and ; ten>allonal sailing experience, manda~ races and fivo or . P\ymouth (Ena.) lo La bu created a special trophy more ai Ibo opllonal ,.... Rochelle (Jl'rance); Annapolis, that wlll go lo the winner mus1betailedduring1 tine-Md. lo Newport, F. I.; Ibo in tm. Money !or the trophy year perod, Jan. 1, 11181· to Staw race iD Sweden; Sydney will be raised hi St . Jan. l , 1171. One of the races (Australia) to H o bar t Petersburg. must be in excess ol 1,000 (Tasmaoi•); H o b a r t to Powell explained lhat while iniles.. Auckland, New Zea 1 and :. the seven racei are the Wherever posalble, Powell compete in one tr more of De Meute in bis new 73-foot ,,. . • < •• ! So • • :.0 • . ~ ., '. . !! ,, :~ j : .:T .. ~ ... rt:~ •' '' . . ~ ., -. . . VIT~TD MOTO.tlZID ,J:Y,~E 244.95 .,,,,. 87 value · ' •Motori.1.d V'rtamaster Electric Cycle give• all th• heahhfvl benefits of twimmlng, rowing, horwbatk ridiftg • Plug1 info any room todet >--+. •Two-position pedal stirrup• ..... Y~1 IASY CllDIT TllMll HEAVY DUTY BELT MASIAGiR 59.95 2961 value • Powerf11I 1/5 honepower ....... •AU steel l:taM ancf po1t •Adjuttable 111ana11• belt lftfenslty control • Prafeuional 3-inch wtb belr 1-Yr. 1ver·lh1-c11nter 11ch11p 111111111 MINI ELECTRIC DRYER INI TRAVEL CASE :~~:. 4•• •fer Mme, off"IC9 or trcmil •Ou'"* light, giant perionrnanm •Hot ., cool Hfting • C.nying ttrop and 't'inyl coM ~ tl41•1 yr. 11ftCDftditional 1uarantee aald, the committee tried lo the Eu-.. r•""!' belofe .Blscidln. • YITAMAITER ROLl;IR, . JL&l_SAG.IR . . '. SAVE 20.01 179.95 Yalu• 15987 •Just Ille• hundr9d1 of finger• 1naaaging and •neadi"I yOur mutc:IMI ,. . ~. '. _ _..._._...,, . -• Stimulatli btaod cin:vlQ.,onl e UL~ppl"O'l'9d V.. hp. MOtor •Unconditionally guaranteed for 1.full por WATER PIK ·~ ORAL HYGIENE APPLIANCI 24.951667 value • R.c:ommendff by thou1and1 of denti1hl • Wat•r Pik9 corri•• on tho job your toothbnnh begiM • CleaM h1acc .. il:tlo pla<eJ Ylil'Ur l:trinh canftOf ,..ach Mell•ll• BROXODENT AUTOMATIC ..... , .. .. TOOT .. BRUIH 19.95 value 101 l1T 1au111i I • Recom1M1nded by ll'IOl'9 dentisb than all otMc. autoNtic toott.brwHI CDMbined •App.....i by C..ndl H Dental Therap!'tio of the AIMrican Dental' ..,,datioft Mlfl'S AU..P"'OSE MOCOJ[f0RD • 3.99, • .• 44 .. ' tlnLIBOYS' TINNlll .. OU 2.49 .,.,,,, w0Mli's1nns• ••0•1rlAn 4.n : 3•1 ........ value ....... . ' , ' • COMbinotion of IOft upf*9 and coinfjHtal:tle cnpe Ml• •Sturdy ca••• higlt top or low cut tenni1 Moff In black ., whit• •Black lust,...pcttent ''*'fl•t • Oiail• omaMnt on mot Jthch: •In tilodc, 1i.1n 7 ta 12 • L1tt1.,.1oyit• si1.e1 6 to 21 8ovs' 2'h to 6 ·1qCl'at'e toe . ~------ z1N1Tli 14~~. AU. c•ANNEL POlil'i'AaLI COLOR TY . . ' . ' . · 1 :-.:~;.:J'28 ·8 • Svper \'Id .. ronsa-12 .......... , tunin• sP,t..n •hclurtlN aolicHtat• thr.e 1tog. video a~ptifier •Pull rated p&w.r tran1fonne, · •Automatic 'ail or olarifier 'with magMtically 1hielded · pictvreo tube • Su1uhlne color TY pf du ... tvbe for grwater brl9htne11, tr11er color 'hJi' .. , .................. , Wll.Tl•G•OUll 2·DOOR RlfRIGlllATOR·PRl • .ZIR, I ~~,~:l~"· l .s17a •N.w chunky hMI. Si1H 5 t• '10. 129.95 value I ,~ •• ~CHU J " .. •lit l?-1nth pictvr•-sta)'t 1h'.arp •Ov11tanding rectiptiori ....... n in frh19e ore1;1 •Adwlr!C9d tuning on all 82 channel• •SuPff "1on119,000 't'Oltl of picture pow,, • ~pleN witft earphone oftd jacli: / .ZINITH,BIG ICRUN 20';. T ABU 'lliloDl'I!' COLD• TY Z,ody1 Low Pricel ' s399 1227 llQ. ••ell•• I •Con'l'tnienl front panel controh for iMtont tuning •Super 't'ldeo range tun•r·o• all Vchannelt •Zenith St.I per .50 hlth petfotf9tlnoe handa•fted O..i1 • SuMhlne color TV pictuN tube. for greater briglttnen, truer colon •oi. .... 1 ••••r••••t wU'JJNGHO•ll WYCU AUTOMATIC W .... c ... ,.,. at 119.95 s141 I • •, ,-;.' • • ~~ FABlJWlJS SAVINGS IN ZODJ!S UQlJOR DEP'l'.! • 1 QO.lb~ fl'Mzer wHh Mpcrrqtoe door-Mparately ii11ufot.d for bett- fr•zlng action : I lllAYY. aiwi• 'I % •, t. ZOOTS IMPORTIO RUM UGHT OR DARK. MolH perf•d Mai•Toit. Compare at 4.99 ZODYS GRIAI "Z" VODKA UiilA DRY c0 ,,,,_,0 'at 3.19 a.....l;.1~. . . FRAIUl MAllDY 10.YIL OLD aoulillo .. s.....e. ... 1i.w, ...., __ ZoDYS,CA•ADI--llKY ·86.6PR~Of CompaNat6.75 V9rf MIOOth, 1Mpotted. ·3 '"99 ' . '~"" •AvtoMOtic · defrotfing Nction -never needs dofro1ting • ~ull width, full depth •h•hrin. two pa11tlon Wtf ..,._ ' I OPWS1 ........ ........ ... -· .. ..,. .... d..,. • Emy.1oo.,.. ting I .. di•I contnl •2 WO!Or tetnperot~re wo.h cycl• ..tfttleM lnchter"'IJiet ....... _,f'I Pl••• . ., ...... w. __ ,. ' :·""""'~ ,,, '(111 .. .. • Sololr IJt, l«k ' .,.,..i .. -ltvb ;fllOP a IAVI AT ZODYI MON. THRU PRl.10 A.M. tot •• M.1 IAT ·~u&.lo to '7 •• ·• LOTI Of •••• PARK•••• 1!·..,. I ZOD'YI .... llMPLIPllD1NITANT CRIDIT OR r.•"• -~~-~ .... ·~·~··· .. IA:TllP~CIJ1~ euARANllDI • ·--' .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • ~ ~ • • • • • • • -.. -• • • .. . • -. • • • • • • . •' r ' . , ... ' . • - IH) . LEGAL NOJICB Your Money's W.oi-th ) Pity the Poor ! ~ " .. I ... OVER THE COUNTER ·~ ....... -.1:! ·A· i ' • I I I 1. ,,1 11 I ' I I' I' .. ' " ' ' . - (H I I·, Wednesday's Cl0sing Prices -wmplete . N~w ,'t , ,. -·~=:~~---:-==:=~~~---:-:-~~~~~~~~ -. . . ... ·-4 ... . -----·· -··-····~ ·-· U D-'ll l l'!LOT ;~ing Uhu' Masterful -Show .... ' •• = BJ TOM TmJS Of .. °""' ..... ·- • I~ble ta lbO 'tlonr for "The Iocrtdlble Rdtp1 of Good l4N; Uba,'' an original Qlllfl<al parody <0mpooed GI """"1 puts' of comic p11t..,,, imil>a .. tire and good old faiihlontid free ror all. It all bubbles over on the stagt of South C o a s t Repertory's Third S t e p Theater as the wildly comic c:.retttion of Ron Thronson. who aM9 as writer, director, nluSical composer and film edUor for the m.i:Ji:ed media 11'tetange. It is a masterful ~mplishment. ·ftn'onson has balanced his p0b1\cal satire -which must have had its inspiration in the Democratic ·convention of last August -with enough outright buffoonery to make the end result palatable rather than propagandizing. T h e shew i.s essentially comic, ''" • ,, OAILY f'ILOT llt" ~ 'INCREDIBLE UBU' IN SCR SATIRE Rog er Parker Take1 Typical Pose in Title Role which strengthens its recur- ring serious overtones and ·sets up the audience for a s e a ring, thought-provoking fini.5.h. Set in Jhe f!lythical kingdom of Germania, in an al· mosphere rel:nini.scent of Al Capp's Lower Slobbovia, the show is mounted against the backdrop of a political co~ ve.,tion where the country's leaders meet to choose their next klng. The setting is com- plete with TV CtJverage - by "Bill Ladlslas, the· voice of Poland," a role done with brilliant understatement by Jamei Baxes. POLISH JOKE Actu811y the entire show is, as Thronson describes it , the world 's biggest P_olish joke - America's 'Total_Frieedom' .. Extolled by Director J(azan By VERNON SCOT!' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A uniqu_e man in American e~inment today is a stumpy 59-year..old Turkish· bol-n rebel who strides with gif nt steps on Broadway and in '.Hollywood. fie is Elia Kazan. the only man v.·ho has successfully ~lien two novels, made them into screenplays, then prfxjuc~ and directed them. Ins books, plays and movies arj! filled with social et1m· ment, most of it highly critical of ;American manners, morals and institutions. states is the only free coontry, the only one that understands the basic beauty of total freedom. '·That's l\'hy I Jove this country. It's why I'm oot em· barrassed to admit I ' m greatly patriotic -which gives me the freedom to write about the country"s faulls." \Vhat males Kazan unique'! His versatility, drffe, in- tellectual probing and candor. J-le is essentially a simple man made complex by those who would attempt to define him in their own terms. and directs. The firs t was "America. America." His cur- rent project is "The Ar· rangement," which sold more than a million books. Kazan, or Greek extraction, is a fascinating man. His clothes are sloppy, his face rumpled , his hair a mess. He has none of the trappings of suc~ss. But look at the man's rcdird. ·•Splendor ill the Grass," "A Face in the Crowd," "Baby Doll,"' "East of Eden," "A Streetcar N a m c d Desire." "On the Waterfront'' and "Viva Zapata." thou&h the ttrm polack la·u>ed clllly ooce. Poland'1 dubious P<>Pu'""" II employed hml u a l)'ll!bol of lllo , outJan. d.l.lhneu of the play't events aticf. I JMlbod of 11nkinf' 1bem ;With ihbat of.our own tbne. ln the central role of "Uncle Ubu," .Roger Parker ii the completely desplc:oJ>lo despol, iDawinc on the bleached bones of Illa taxed-l<>d••th 111bjecU, yet capable ol arouaiog tm- menle popufar -opinion to bl! cauae. COc.ky, cruel and con- niving, be ts the perlect eJ:· ample of absolute power whtcb corrupts absolutely. MDst unforgettable In the product.ion, however, ia Caro.I 'Kret'.zer as the real power behiJJd the throne, who ltaodJ behind \!bu -wrually lo kick him In the panu -In Illa quest for higher status. Her t~ty tones belt out the rousing mll!ical number, li1•m A Woman," and true to its lyrics, that's the biggest thing around. ExcepUonally strong Is the perfonnance of c o m p a n y newcomer Steve de France as Ubu 's fiery opponent. Another newcomer, Burleiih Booker, is Une as the Polish crown princi! who fighll to regain his throne while pro- tesling that he's only lt TOP COMIC The most comical segments of the show are hilariously handed by Jerry Patch in a variety of roles, notably the riot leader thanking the TV commentatOr for his help. Nor is Patch lacking for a topical ad lib -when his harmonica sli~ off its stand during a musical num~ he sheepishly cracks, "It could on;Jy happen in Poland" . Other line pecforma"""'-""' delivered' by · Sandy Marino, George Barcos, Austin Kelly and Karen HasS in mlilllple assignments. The "Ubu girls," a trio of sexy cheerleaders who do more for the show's pace than. any other in- gredient, are well played by Monica Boriscl:\, Michelle Re-- day and Francesca L 'hoir. The integration of slides and movies into the acUon pro- vides both et1mic and dramatic sidelights, harking us ba ck to . the King and Ke nn edy assassinations as the king of Poland is done in, then flashing the Ubu couple on the screen with loc~I Harbor Area scenes furTiishing the backdrop, The tempo is tr a nt r c , demanding peak energy on the part ·of the cast. There is much that will be missed Durante~s Melodylnnd Show Reset Due to prior commitments, Jimmy Durante is pastponlna his achedueld appearance Urls month at Melod)rland Theater. Comedy Nearing LA Record Due to unprooedtnl<d tJcbt demand the etiiacem .. t Cl Ille li•ll Simon comedy "Plato SUlta" at the Loo Angela' HunUncton Hartford 'll>eatar, has been extended tbroup Frb. 15. Starring Dan Dalley aod Lee Grant, and dlrected by Miko N~, the comedy began Ill Hollywood engagement ~. 15. Now In ill 13th week. "'Suite" iB chalking up ooe of the longest rontinuoua engagements of the decade ol a Broadway hit at a major Los Angeles theater. "Pilla Suite" was written, produe<d and directed by the same triuvirate responsible £or -the two earlier comedy hits, "Barefoot i.n the Park'' and "The Odd Couple" - Simon, Saint S u b b e r and Nichols, one of the moat suc- cessful creative alliances Jn the American theater. DAiLT PILOf l tlff,.... Originally set to open a one ~k engagement Jan. 21, the Durante show will ·b e rescheduled at the Anaheim ahowpha, with the new ,dates to be announced s o o n . Featured on tbe show were Eddie Jacbon, the Pearce Sisters and the 0 1 m o n d Brothers. The next attractions at Melodyland will be the Feb. 1-3 appearance of "The JQhn- ny Carson Show," followed by "The Jimmy Dean Show" Feb. 4-9. The play opened o n T S t• A t Broadway Feb. 14, 1968 to Op · Uppor IDfl C or unani\JlOUS critical acclaim, Lloyd Jazz Fete at UCI and fas been the hottest non-James E. Smith (left) accepts the DAILY P ILOT's rr.us.lcal ticket on 1 h e Distinguished Performance trophy from Tom Titus, theatrical main stem since its DAILY PILOT entertainment editor, at a ceremony debut. The Chicago production last weekend a t the Huntington Beach Playhou!e. began ii! Windy City run last Smith won the countywide best supporting actor Oct. 21 and is expected to award for his p~rformance in Huntington Beach's continue there, to capacity "The Petrified Forest." business, Lhroughout t h err======~~~============;===; present year. Tickets for ''Plaza Suite" may be ~tained, lhrougb Feb. 15, at the Hartford box office, Charles Lloyd will bring his by mail or at any ag~ncy. jazz combo to UC Irvine on _____ _;_;~...:_- Friday, J an. 24. Lloyd, wh:o plays tenor sax staged 1n UCI's newly renam· and fiute w1lh the group, .has td Crawford_ Hall (t rf)' de~bed hls t~ o~ mus~c CampuS Hall) 8t 8 P-~~CI .~ _ I;ive ~r~~~· Jhi.sf.:tudeniL.andJacuU.y wilLbe moOd wuOOrne. oulat admitted for $2 and th Prague Jau FesUv~l In l ' general public for ·$3. e where the Lloyd group, ae·rlir;w;~~ri~i"~m·[I <:1lrding to the iau magazine Down Beat, was "rapturously received." . Ev•. Sito• Storti 6:41 c.11t1 ...... .... , ..... ., "'9111 J , ..... :Ado AM~Lf FRlf PARKING lllW'°'7 IUoCll -., ........ - .. hloookw IW. hlo -CM. 1--l i!O BEST ACTRESS BEST DIRECTOR NEW YORK CRITICS AWARD itlhl'Am.KCWAN immia1 racltel. ..... i Since splitting with the Can· nonball Adderly group to fonn his own combo, Lloyd has been one of jazz' highliest praised Innovators. The Lloyd cono::ert will be "/~22,l . .,. v', 1 ... ' • ~ ·-~ ,., Alwlllll Joanne Woodwerd e COt..Olt e "lA.CHIL. IACHIL" l(jm Novet; e COLOR. • "TH.I Ll!i-l~D OF LYU.H CU.II" PETER D'T-DOLE -:::::~~'~ Ii IN . "THE GREAT CATHERINE" DAYID MIWIN .. "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" • "HOT MILLIONS" wl~_l(.,f M.W. )'et, at Warner Bros. the o ll he r day he said p~&lonately : "I've traveled the "'orld but the United For the second time in a decade Kazan has written a novel. then turned around and transformed it i n t o a screenplay which he produces lie broke the interracial taboo with "Pinky" and tack!· ed antisem i ti s m with ''Gentleman's Agreement." because of the machine guu~li==:=::::==:~=:=:=:=:"il II pace, inspired possi bly by the "Laugh·ln" format, but to slow up would be artistically ,.... All c•r Mlhl Clit1IW11k!'I'" e COLOR e "M01£ DEAD THAN ALIVE" FOURTH ~ND FINAL WEEK! f:rossword Puzzle :ACROSS ~ Floatlng 'pl1tform , S Unwanltd • owtb 1 h: i... for• l •Cltv lo (lodla l~Part.of Asia l fir; llct lrKk ~llding 11 Sports ~ttst 18 ll1gnlncen t l\J)pposed .... : Dlal . 20-Soll 2~upid 2 Dt'" 2S. IYl f of •furope 2t:'.ftlnJor 2•.Bacts off 3Z:"'"' tomb. fl)l'l'I )) Japanese ..... div er , ... ,.,toot ,ef foo d Ji-ltt~ 40 Essirnce 42 Jacket feature 44 Utltt I loud shout 45;Jlnter 'bfltna11enon 4Uoodrn • •Ott shot 'l Cblld 5 r art of 1 • the bOdy . , ' - • 52 Eur. resort spot: 2 words 54 SL Lawrence RiYtf disco verer !i8 Coated sfltet tton 59 Past 60 DetrM holdtt: l11for111l 62 Tray 65 Desire 61 Fool 69 Air: . C0111b. for111 70 Loot 71 HeadQrns 7Z Flower 7) C1llfomi1 river 1-' Kind of healing 75 Eng. sand hill DOWN 1 NFL lea• 2 U.S. 1uthor ) Irish --: 2 words .f Shred 5 IClnd of fastener: 2 •ords 6 COlllpUS point 7 Zest I Log, of a sort 9 Orint1ng spot • 10 Near East s lfi ped f~brlc ll QuebtC commu!lily lZ Junt ptrsonality 13 Near a centtr 21 Hurrffd 23 Took lo tOllrl 26 Bilnstn bumers' relaUves 21 E1rly b~t bui ldtr 29Hlts 30 Man's n1111t 31 Flower part 35 8(:(1kkff'P· 1"9 entry 37 Gentle: Z words JI leattier- '"afl'S word 39 Substilute: Suffix .. n l/15/69 ~l Cost of liY· , ing item 4) Something s~rving as · a gulde 46 Math sub/tel 48 Body or Jewish law; 51 Is deRr· Yint of 53 Set into the SLtflCt 54 MIR joints wa l.tftlght 55 CorTespond 56 Jolly- S1 Housthold applianc~ 61 Kind of fact 6) St. Patrick's Ian' 64 Flowtr Mi Bird 68 Oratorio; Abbr. His pictures often arc social indictments, some of them bit· ter reflections on life in America. Kazan sees it as patriotism. detrimental. A triumph for Thronson, Ila creator, and everyone in- volved. "Ubu" c o n t I n u es Thursdays through Sundays until Feb. 9 at the Third Step Theater, urn Newport Blvd"., Costa li1esa. "Social comment isn't a conscious prearrangement in my work," he said. "Everyone is aware of soc ial con· ;::;=;:::;;=======~II sciousness. I try to mix the ~ social and the personal by lft t putting people in social situa-~•1"111 lions. I stay away from •• thematic explicitness. THEAUI "Like any artist I'm in·l.ll.;~;::::~;;!'..:"::"::'::'.:~~'~2..'.::"~"i:•::.J" terested in people. I make pictures out of pride. I don't make many, so I hope they're good. It's not for money. I ~i .lllSIPll URINE I "NEVAri 1tmr ~= .. ·-... .-. .. -..... UGV-~--"""""-........ JtM , DU.HANN , , JUUE BROW!! CARROLL HARRIS t:hte! Spht: -ERNESTBORGNINE ----- -tOO-Dll ..... OU·OIH Phone 673-6260 EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGA<;EMENT They lek the west "MORE DEAD THAN ALIVE" 1111 Clint Walker Vincent Pri~e Anne Francis ALSO Pl.A YIN• "TWIST OF SAND" lk~ Jett-· H.-rlhtcb.• ' 111e-rnesa '. _, .. , ' F ·,1 ,. ti.~ -. .. ,-·-. ' ' ' " f, ' 1 • -' NEWPORl ANO 1 1~\R BOR !N rO SlA t/,ESA TELEPHONE 541·1552 FOi INFOIMATION TWO FIRST RUN i'lATURES "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALBRIGHT PETER USTINOV MAGGIE SMITH IN "HOT MILLIONS" IN TECHNICOLOR I n . SHOW STATS 1 r .M. COKT. JUN. NOM J r.M. Rlch1rd JohMCll • COLOll e "'A TWIST OF SAND" ....... .t ,_. I THEMO•T I BBAUTll"U.L MVBIOJl.L" LOVE EVE R f - , HAms ·RtOCRllvr ·NffiO ·HrMWN~s ·Jtfffilfs • l ........... 'OIWf ..... t,a., .... ISNI tlacll'l'~lft I -~ '•I• Tiii l'•mll'y "llfl-lnJ . .._..., •• ,_11fl*f.All)M\ft"Dll".,lllllftt . ~ Dt'bbl-. Jilt1nDlds • COLOR . ......,JACKLWN!NER ........ .mtlALOOM TECHNICOL.OR9 • "HOW swrn IT IS" PANAVllllON"PROMWAAN!ll llft08..SE\/QrAln8 lt . 147·l 5tl -'"'" -"101 e COLOtl e f! "PAPll LION" ;--"2-nd.:,,.H.,C.:il_•:.tc..:C:::IM::::m::•:...,I 2nd Hit 1t Cinem1 Weit • ... =...,,....,,_,.:-:,~ii JULIE GEOllGE C. ·.:i.:.i" , Cl-lRISTIE· sea lt-fftml't!IH ,.,. A••ltO Cllnr E"lllwood e COLOlt e ~.:1•.- . "COOGAN'S ILUFP" ...... ., .l.W Jof!ll ~"'" • COLOR • ... llDIS OF ILOOD" Cf'w"i.tol>Mr U. e C0\.011 e "ILOOD JllND'" ..................... ... the uncommon l'l'ICWie. JAMES DEBBIE MAURICE GARNER REYNOLDS RONET ~ NOW .sHOWlllG OPIN AT 7:11 SHOIT SUIJI CTS 7:10 HA.TUii 1:00 ALSO ........ FIRST ORANGE COUNTY RUN -Ont Showing Only-- HELD OYER 3RD WEEK! The ori9ln1I compiete r~how version' of the multl Acadehty Award Winner 7 . IT IS LIFE . ITSELF ... IAW IEAUTY IN AU ITS AWAKENING! ~ - Read The Daily Pilot I I ii ) I 11 I I 1 • Fountain ·Valley • ' EDITION -. Ya.. 62, NQ, 13, s $ECTIONS. 66 P~&ES I WEDNESDAY, JANUAltY II, Ifft I L •• Beach· Pair A~cuseil in Sla.shing Dea~h of ·W o~n SOYUZ 5 Li.t.UNCHED INTO EARTH ORBIT Three Cosmonauts Aboird SpecKraft MOSCOW (AP) -Four rookie Soviet cosmonaut.I, riding Soyuz 4 arid Soyuz 5, began ruaneuverin,g in space today for ·perhaps the world's first crew transfer in orbit. A telecast from aboard Soyuz $ repirted about an hour after its laun· chlng today that the ''splendid" craft was flroctiNinf rlonnally and the tbfte. man cmr ~ feeling fine. Earlier eosmOnaut Vladimir Sbatalov, Dying alooe in Soful_;t !-all .... -al>ijol11 i)ll ,illiilalcii -launched a1xM '14 hou1' fcre bis-eoin-. panion.ablp. . ....., -~ Thert were unconfini?ed reports in l\loscow th'at the two ships w/llld llnlt tqt, and ooe of tbe men from Soyu:i.: 5' would clbnb aboard Soyua •. lo> usual. apace offldals kept ailent on plans for the four-man mission. ' 'Mle cosmonaut transfer would give " . . . Goes With ff er to Grave DOE Jane Doe. Address unknown. Died ln ltfarch, 1968. Services, Friday, 1 p.m., Smith! Chapel, with Rev. G. R'W&sell Shaw officiating. Interment, Pacific Vitw Memorial Park. Dirtcted by Smiths Mortuary By ARTHUR 11. VINSEL 01 .. Dlllf Pltlit ttlff She pined mar. fame in death than she could ever have ~ed in a life ao ordinary anol tramlent·tbat sbe ~ throogb U without anyme to remember at tell tbe world bet name. Jane Doe -sent to eternity by whoever slashed her throat -will be buried Friday. Even • final place of rest was a long time coming. · Jane Doe. was found dwnped In a muddy Huntington Beach ditch 311 days ago Friday, wheq the people of Orange Coanty will do the last that can be done ·for her. 'Ibey will pay MO for her funeral h. Smith's Mortuary, HunUngton Beach, and $35 for her grave in Pacific View Memorial Park,· a peaceful, rolling (See J~ DOE, Pap I) ' ' By WlLLlAM REED Of .. o..wr ... ,, ... Fonnal murder charges were schedul- ed to be Wed' at I P·'1'· today against a HlUltingtoo Beaeb man and ~oman ~ of siashlag · to death .an op-tometr~t.,...pllonlsJ $uoday lilghl · Accuaed ol lhe ~IO.hini death <f Mrs. H081<r $. Markoe, ~ ol 15qll,Ollve Ave. are Nonnan Coatney,1 4) ·and Margareta Dinger, 31.. both · of whom wwk in Newport Beach but•gave as their addresa Carrier Fire Leaves 42 Dead, Missing VPI ,.....,._., ENTERPR1$E CREW MEMBERS GAZE AT GAPING HOLE IN NUCLEAR CARRIER'S !'LIGHT DECK Vessel Hit by Explosions, Fire White on Training Cruln In Pacific \ • > l • llOI Delaware St., Huntlngtoe Beach. lllpu~ Dlstzid AUomey Jtllb Xrooln WU to uk West O:tute County Muolclpal COUrt Jil!lle 'i!alW 'I!. Cllaramza lo bold lhe eccU!ed ~ '!ilhoui ball. They had been IClleduled fer ar· raJgnment at t a.m. toilaY bol lllla1 conle.-.nces between -ol lhe Huntington Beadi l'oUee lleplrlment Ind dlatrlct attorney deputies occupied mosf of the mornln( aa evidence against the ..iiiuied pair WU alfted. Botb-Coatney Ind Mill ~ Jiavo prof-irmocence ol any lnvolvemept. · in· lhe bloody-.llaytng ol Mn. Marilee on 11th Street near Palm Avenue. Coatney, I l?aduate ol 1-A and M ColJtile. wu deacrlbod by poli1:J as a bigJ!Jy rqarded ...... _ encmeer for a Newport Beach !Inn. _, divorced from his wife, Elisabeth, Coatney is the father of two children, a boy, I and 1 girl, 10 who are in Marvelous Slain Woman Described as 'Kindly' ' _,.T......,. MAKlNG"HIS POINT - ' • , UIJ AddrH-!Ullin' ' ., ' ' I 1' • ~ ./' ' ,, .. _. . .~ . Jl'llr allJes wlD prevall."l'lluild&J, followhJI lhe -uaqat •louc'1 · _,.. ina, with tempsalunl hick up to .. 'alollJ the .... aod·lnlhe ,... further Inland; INSIBE TODAY ' --· • • I I .. :--Nil-¥ 1'11.0 -... - DAILY PILOT lllff n.t. PICKETS PROTEST .ON BEHALF OF PRINCE OF PEACE AT HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH Tetnt for Christ (front to r1•r) H•p Woti11, Mike Wallis, Louie Nolin, Bob McDOMld Teens for Christ Battle No Bond Vote W. h H . . S h ls In Huntington -..,-it_ untington c oo On April 15 ·--~ l!r-TERJiY-~YILLB---~ Scl!ool-Diltrlcl-llGorcl-~ --~--· . ---°' 1119 D11r. PllM '"" Protesting whit -they term "educa· Volers in the HunUn1ton Be1ch Union --,.,. ~~-t ••rrled their· batti-.tion'a muzlle on rellf.lon, ,,. about 15 er H' h •-h 1 . be ........ io "''"...., -l'C hl 1 1 d T Chr'~ 1 k '·d 1g oo.; oo Distr1e( will not voting for JMIU: 'to tM front of HUntln..tM %0 PP e-c a eem or ..,~ P c eu: Budl HIP School Tue3day ar~ the high school frnm 2 Jl.m. to 4 p.m., on a school construction bond proposition and 1n1Unued it 00 to the evening meet-carrying signs calling for a return to or. April JS after all Ing al the Huntington Beach U.llimi -Blah Cbrilt and pas&ng out religious llacis Trustees unanimously removed the to student. leaving claue!. The pkketing was brouaht on by _ a bond proposition from the April 15 blllot warning from school oWdals to Mll<e Tuuday night and decided to take a Wallis, 15, a Huntington Beach High more leisurely look at the construction -Mj)homore who was told not to pass out needs of the district. MURDER •.• religiOUJ tracts on ·the school ground!". bow Misa; Dinger's .car got to 21st Street Huntington Beach Assistant Principal Trustees had ordered the papers and Olive .Avenue ·where it wu. found . -Williiin B. ROllina said today that Wallb prepared for resubmission of a $1Z • few minutes after tbe grisly murder had 'merely b&en Wonned Of school and ml Won bond package, the one whlch was dlscovered, pOlict asaerted. ' St.ate regulatiODs on the &ubject. volers failed to give the needed two-;~oa •r.rmEr!fr . \ •: -,• .. ~e of the. Teens for Christ appar-thirds majority last Nol/. 5. ~· ~~ .• _,_ iotly-lhooght Wallli bad'been ult>d not ~-~· M tth "· k be · Police theorize that a nunor traffic to return to .!l"-...1 but RoU1ns aald no 11wuce a ew weyu er !1¥ accld t .... 1m.1 ha led to th blood ~ debate Tudday night on the bond need& en '""6"' ve e Y such action of any nature wu taken of the distrlct by moving ta reduOI ~·~~· .. ~fli¥. , ~ ~~liitht!-t.W ~~;i:ts~'~ thC~~oont to 18 million and allot An~ J rK ~~ ' • held with ' · e (ht;. mo · for bitildlng .OflJ! _school on up !J¥t~J>1Jieliedan ;w::; · tliY,..,._ lnfolloed of • -reg _ a lite !reedy Cll!Ded ~ \b£"1lstrlq \'WI~ to M1J8 Dlrlg~'"'· '. .\Ill-~ son'•' ictlca. ·. . and kl 'build somti>:&ddltioaal clas'5rooml diea iii Uie'1"JIJll'atlon <!ertifl~ ~ '''lbe..ame ·-the Cbrtltton r.h-at WeJtmlm!er High School. ~ • Lallll>oluld~ and Det. c.PI.:~ ~ .. r.t\itoecf to Ille school area Trustee J"eph RJbaf said ""' ha~ Bo~:.i:edlt'd 'tl)i.·).o· qpj)e';' · ' 11;\jlictet.tle Board of 'nUl!aes' m<ttfog "serious doubts about the wlJllom of with~~··!.rofk" ·5.~ng ·w :W -~· ornc.., acrcaa Mahl. Street bold;og lhe election for bonCll! at the MJsi iiiiet:jiad ~ fnim ~ ~· :mlunu.,tm Beafh Hlgh School J1an10 time .. the trustee elecUam to· """'"'"'""'Beach.· , . ·~ . J"epb Fmn, chalrmnn of·theProJl<I' .i.;:"'7);1~ ~ with Coaleny • Dave Ber(,, leader of th• ty Owneu ProtecUve Lugiie, ~d i10 Ati-h='t:oj~ ··' .. ·m aboUt ·fodr hours after =r·::::nd:en~ ~it cl=tulng thee .agreed that the amount ahould be reduc-- "• · f M · k .u ...... """"' ......... ed, but bl.II position was ch'a.llenged by ,.,.. o s-.,_.,1 ee was ..,...,vr " eafrt. _,1 .... u .......,. !or qg "' · by a passerby.~ Carro! 20tto;.lr tle.t<!enl to dlltdbute rellaloull loalljto ,.,berl g_ Dingwall, chairman of the Boad, Costa Mesa. -~ Ob stbool grounds. district"! comntitlee on full use ol . Officers said the Markee car had bet!n Di.strict Superintendent Max Forney schools. tnvolved in a znPw' \raffle accident told Berl tbaC u be wiahed acUon on a Dingwall said that at first the amount moments before the gray-haired matter lie lhoqld submit it in wriilng needed for bonds. was listed as m grandmot\let ~ slain. · The·. ~dent • so. ~ mmty aJUnSel cou]d give an mlllion, "Lhen it became $23 mllliotl was at 17th 8hd Main streets' .•bout oplnlob before board members com· and that was cut in halt to $12 million: three bk1CU fhim Where the . Meless meoted ·further. Now you say that $8 million ahould body was · found in . a pool · of · blood be the figure. tn front of her sUll Ttmnihg autoinoblle. "I don'l quarrel wilh any or the.st PURSUED WOMAN LBJ_ U rall8 Combining figur.,, but ii they are changed over -" and over the pubUe will lhlnk you look · 'At present, P,J;llice. theoriu: Ute klller R u} A pretty 1tlly." rnay !lave pursued Ille olaln woman to eg ar' ir Mail Trust.e Rlcllard Wilson, who already the murder spot and in anger over bas announced that he will nm for the tn!llC ac:dden4 ·baclted her to death. WASll!NGTON (AP) -It will -election, said be wa. for Ille 112 million The nlUrder weapon· has not been foww:I a penny more, RVen cents, to mail bond Issue, but would "bow to the will Yet. poUce said. a titter U eoogres., accepts a recoltl· Of the majority of the board if it wq Officers l8id that ne.ilher of the ac· nd U felt that more study time is needed." cosed has been able to explain how me a on of President Johnson in his Trul\ee1 'finally decided that the bond l.tIY Dinger's car happened ~· be In budget submitted today. · propo&IUorfryvoulcl be better handled at the deserted oil field where It was found. · 'lbe President recmnmtnded U'lt the a special election in September or '"1e car had not been reported stolen, • six-eent flrat clwi rate and the 11k:ent October and ordered a report on the P.Olice sald. · domestic airmail rate be comblntd In amount needed, "somewhere around $12 ' a single clus costing seven cent& ·Much million." .----------..,....., llrlt clau mall already --by alr, . In the meantime the trustees uked said Jollnlon. llfllni Ille .chanie as a for sludles to be made on populaUon l OAll Y PILOT ....... ·-. Cl:AH!iR COAST l'UlllSHl/olG COMl'AM'Y ltabt•f N. '#,,,. ,..._,..,. -P'wbhll>lr J·~• K. c.r1,., Vke Prfl~ ~ G""'••t '""'"•"' lli•M•• IC••·il ··~ TlitMll A. M"'•)'ilint -·-AIMrf W. l•I•• Willie"' ll:ttJ AtMKl•l<I ttun1o.,.1C<O.Btedli l:l•lo<' (oly l:lflv H111ff•th• IMcll Offlq J°' Sfli Sl•••f M111; .. , "'''••••: r.o. •·• 1•0. •1••• ...... """" HCYil"_, l ot tll: l'l I Wfll It~ Bel<le~••• C_,t Mat: U0 Wut a.y flrftl me.na; to 'nduee the pertQQial poltll projioos, repairs netded at I0018 de!1¢.f!: 11<boo and on !JIDd purchast. Frmn Page 1 JANE DOE. • • cemetery above Corona dcl Mar. "It'• UMJsily $80 to Im!," Baid llepuly Publlc Allmlnlstrator BIU Stephens, "k varies a dollar or two either way." Perbaps her resting plact -aaJped by county corner's rotauon lil;ta .:.... b nicer than she might have expected otherwt.e. . Rov. G. lWsooll Shaw, o! the Flnt Methodist Church of llllntlnilon Be1cll, will officiate at UNI brief I p.m. rites, bµt much of whl:tevtt he hu to ,_, murt inevitably be rather vague. ~Y achlevementi, upir1tiana., fean ~~«I or problems evtr aol.ved tly Jane Poe are u myrterlou.ii •• Mr ldenUIJ mt they will be buritd with her. Only &Orne of Rev. Shaw'a remark& will be o! IOdlu1ng fad. Just God and, perllapo, tbe ldll..-who ~"'lio( and ·-her -l'°"1 near York!Own A•tDUO a·n a N8't')anl! Slreet lut March 14 -lll)'lhlns more about lht JO to 15-__..id -Her .,... marker wtlJ md onl1' Jane Doe, March 11, ttA. Cotm..-'1 deputl• say tb'I blllrn the liody, rtlessed for burial Tuesday, wu kept In refrigerated storage lonatr lhan ... 7 In lht hlllor7 ct ()range Qxmty. HunUngton Beach pollct ran down Jud after lead in an effort to determine Jane Doe'a rtaJ name, cc find someone who could view the body and offer a clue. But Ume's inevitable processes took lbe.ir toll. No one can recogniJe ~er DOW. In death, however, Jane Doe probablJ traveled farther -II one can call it th.at -than &he probably ever would in the Ute that WI.I so ordinary and transient Q'lat it remains a myatety. Cin:ulan carrying her fingerprints and quiet,. dead pbotorrapb, r<toucbed with c:oometlcs mor. plain than 1he mlaf>l use -We.rt sent from Calllomla to New York and from Canada Into Mexico. Shortly alter Jan< lloe'I death, sha was responllible !oc reunltinl a motlltT and daughter separated olJhl yean b; a family 1qua¥>1e. But epltap11' are not Included In bet 195 funeral Jane Doe will ..., all lbe Is known now to have o'ffMd: I flora.I prtnt blOUlt, purple capris, and a pale bAJ< omerald- cut dinner ring -not 11ery fl.xpenalve -wt:eo ahe ls buried Friday. That ""' •cry much by the staodarda of some Jane and John Does -but It Jee>I Jt'1 IOlllelhlDt. B~ac&Cr~h \ KillsMan;'' ' . . - . .. A llun!Jnttoo· Beodi.,,,.. .,... fatally crushed lD a Westmlmtfl' broad.!lde . ' ' 1 ~ ~·~ liJtlll wfllcb Jen n.. otbln lnjur;d, ... ., lhem cri~ '• blly,. . Glton E. Ray, II, of 17l62 J~uelyn Lane, wu pinned ht the mangled auto few 25 minutes btfore firemen couJd free him for ~--tlon to wtslmlnster Communlly Hospital. He wu dead on arrl~aJ. Pollc.e s,id the . victim. was ridina: in an eutbound car driven by Ronakf W. Goad.all, U, ot '1'111 'Bolla Ave., Midway City, when It went out of control and jum~ a Westmin&tet Boulevard divider ow-Magnollfo Av_.... , Orqe. CollnlY Probation Depart!Jlent ofll<er Wells A. Moco•, 49, of . Senta Ana, WU driving. well cl.i the boulevard and slimmed Into the sliding Goodall cv-, wh)cll_ carried two other pasMligers. Lonnie C. Rhea, Z2, ol 10111~ Jaebon 81., Midway City, ii In ertUoal cond!Uon today at W..rmtnster Community Hos- pltaJ, while Bernardo Gollette, 22, of 15532 Wilsoo St., is lilted in good condition. .. .., ....... Macoy and hiJ wife, E~el1 were listed 1n fair concliUon by hmpiw 1pokesmen. INJURED WELLS MACOY WAITS FOR H!LP I Klllocl, S lni.urod In W11tmlnotor Cra1h -·- ' ' .. .... '. Wanted for l~xury thati911lly swings: DelttSSCusiom. ~wi!lt.down any old ioed .iid feel th• big.Qr dltterencel • New, lonatr. 121-lnch wheelbase• 15.inch i!!ltel!I! • Roc1<e1 ·455 V-8 power• SumplUO!I! interiors, sells !Nt run nearly live feil wide• New Flo-Thra VenMatiMtOlds value alwe71 •-di the price yoo P•Y for;t . . . . : ' . -' • W1ntod for an N1J move ID the big time: Delta 88. Your foolproof escape from 1t1-alltd low·price cust • Lowat priced cf the bil 88s • Bia:car 1111.e on • 124-ioch wheelbase • Husky Rocket 350 V-8-wlth re111llr·ps ""'°'"'•New GM safety features also! Price one. You're closer lo Olds than you think! ' l'lut best UWia to a new Oleta ls a used Olds! See your nearest Oldamoblle dealer, ) ., •. I, .. I ' I 1 ' .. . * '<PL. 61, NO. 13, 5 SECTIONS, 66 PA&!'.S ORAN&E CO~NTY, CALIFORN(~ ' ' I • . ' & . .Laguna School Vote S·park·s Amount D'ebate BJ JEAN COX Of .. OllJr "" ..... Liguna Buch school -who •"' · to sen. a iJroP.QSed two--year tu override of 51 cenb to 'voters by AprU 1;. w"" uked Tuesday night; wby Ibey dldn•l ask 'for mofe. 1 Tbt overridt ,was schedl4leel by board rovnber• ol ·~ Beach Uolfied Sc&aol District lo be held lo conjunction with . .tbe biennial trustee elecUon. The proposed increue woold brinl tbe prtll<I)! tu rate of 12,516 for opera- Uonal ~ lo 13.0llle per $100 assw- ed valuation. - Dr: Wllllam' Ullom, schools superin- tendent, had commented that this would cost,~ owner ol a $40,000 house asseas· ed at 25 per<;enl about $5 per month, or ~ per. ~ear. "It doesn't mean we will use that- tu rate. We are mertly setting a cti.Ung for the next tWtJ years. Then It is up to tbe board bow much we'll use," board m~ber Robert 'J'un><r com- mented. Fred PraUey, a higb i school teacher and member of the afculty salary negot!aU., .team, aaked w~y tile hoard had settled on sa cents instead of asking for more. "It ~ved Y.OU people to m~lte long· term plans a lo"' Ume ago. We can't go trorri ~to year,"'he maintained. Ullom ~!al out lhelr end n<edll were ti~ tu · calculate since tbe .......,, oface la ltill at wolf. Earllet be Md aald ll tu ........ ent. lo lbe district lncreues because of new con- struction or revaluaUon, the board might not need lo levy tbe full liken! tu addition. '"There is· going to be a tremendous jump In assessed Valuation. UU.' year,'! Turner, a rea) estate broker, predicted. William Wilcoxen, an attorney ' and trustee, told Pratley that capital im- provements needed in a eommUnity ll)e e rec ·OUll )a..-i~Ahi ~ ",. '\.t~ ..... :....~\"}\_:_~..e..,.'..!.:.:'. •t;i.:-::1;.;~~~1 ~ .. ~, ....... :~ I f Cr • ' ~· ::<:~..._!. • -· ··_\..· .... ···"="-~~-.... 1 i-.r~-~ !·;J~1( o ew -.4-..... H-""f"(''<· , ,, · "" ~ ··· ·~-· •.-·-\·""ll ;~ I . : 7 .~ <:!'::;"/,' y% ·. ' .' ~·: : of..:-·.::,,. ,.,,_;..~::.-:----~"~·;;--;,,~'. ,,, .. ~·-·'}... l.U f I ' .. · ·, · ~, · ··~... •·• ,..· ,.. . .._,.,. t 1·.,11 -.:X~~"' · .. ;. . ·. . '-" ,_ " . ~. C?_,,. ,. "). ~-' . ' " ..-·..t '.\. ./ . ~ .,·/. , ...... :::; ~-r.: ,;1 ...... .._,,, .,,,,. .. - , .: ·l-:~· .,.'·-~f •. ·~i., -.;~~ ., ' J:C';r-; !¢~.~·~'-~~-~~~+!t~·~ H=ilrl;· . · Pil. ot·; ... -. ·Wi·-.· --.. ~7'~,~t "j;·-,-.. ;,.. .\::.::~= .;... "'f-. -~:E· ... "':.;t'"\'·-·.·: . • . -.-• _.,..., &. .._;,;_ .. '•"' " , ,~ ~:". • • •l, .... .,,...!""J JCA • •' ' •. ,, {':.--..1 _ ,,--,..,,.. ..t ~lj .r.; f(,•!J. ·"· .... ,.:~. • 1~·~'"' f"j i"' ,,.,~11T1S .. ~,; .ft/.!.,J_i· j ~":"'• ., ... .,. Soyuz 5 Launched :~-:.;. ~~~i ~:~~\'.·~~:#:·._;q~_:rr~~:, .. ::·._-·~~:._:? Sim Souglil.. 0 -5-.-E---_Ii ___ . --"-. ""'."'---L...,.~-. ..c ~,-'-,.-~·. ~-·.f/5. •· -i':' --·-----·--t t ·· ' I . . , ' I -' I•?-• . ' .• ,. 'o . ' ' • r l ar 1 > ·'' •' ••• ·., ( lJ' I• ' • "'' ~ 1 )';::',! · ".· ~· !• ( • ':, ·~.~,· . . . ~ . I , .. : ·\ ',«-,.,;_ -· . "f'.RB"t; ' , ' i.., .. ,ff .. ~),l • • ,,. • • t . 1 .. •" ·y :, \ .. ~(,,.Ill( A1r ,aearchen t~. ID?~:~ ·Four 'Roiikle Cosmonauts . . ' • 1 "'""' • ~ --· ''"1 ' t · . . " t.....u ed "·t of -'--•-)!I T .• ~:·":::' .. ·: ·~.,_-· " \ • . '-.!':<"/ :i _. i •.• 1., ~"'.i. '"'" age ...,,..ev """ a l;lQDll~, · oro lifOSCOW (AP) -Four rookie Soviet ______ :;,h;;:;: .. J. ·.'.-·. _(.,~,~-J;· .i, . ~~.~ ·~-=-j; · .. ~ ~arine fhantom jet fnlm which a:.~ cosmonauts, riding Soyuz 4 and Soyuz ""'.!".:'.::.~· • .1 ... -:. ;.·.1 c.r~i,.,. ,r · 1 · \ ;;:: 1~· ·'l~~:~~:; tin radar off1cer escaped while IUfferiC ._.,,... •~,_.'. • "> •h"• · ~ _n .,,(..• ••. ,Jo' ·i"' I Jf riouJ lw'"-1-5, begaa maneuvering in space today l !-,«,:, c.-'.~ ..... ; .: ~1;,(':'...;·· ~-~ ' se ...,,_gm. for perhalVl the world's first crew -~ . --~ .... ~ ~./!lfi'.-··_( A'.P i ¢ ·--~~;:: ... • 'FaCe 1af the pllot·ll UJikDown. · . r~ _ .. ,,. "t -· ,__., ·\ ,r~~-J -'' -....::.=.. ~ ail.--~ transfer in orbit. ., .. ,..-.... • t ••• < •• -·· ·,!/:~~~ 9 ~·;. c.uao --~-::.._ Dlacowry ol ,wr-ol ~l- 1 -. ··,_·ii ~ .'! •• ~"'-,.,. • '•l A telecast from aboard Soyuz 5 . ....... · • · . ":··; r i ·.·.<(-;'_ •.. IJ/..."' ·''! Phahtom Rf-48 ~ ~,l0.!10"A.JI\." to- ,..__..,. about an hour 1ller its l•un-. '" ~":"~",-.!. t _ if ··· (.· Fi · · .. ., ·' """ • •hon ·--•ii..._ ••---' l"'• -., J, · ~.,, I z . .,.. -. J. a,..,. . _,.._ .,.., ~·!?' · -"'W f~ ~~-chlne ,\Oday tlial the "1pl1ndid" .J'aj} . -, l'l\lOll' ............ , , , wu4untll""1JI ·~" ·lb& 'mt" DA~K TRIANGLE !MR~S JET CRASH $CE~I'; °CIRCLt;;.&L Tp~o ;"'"-"~~-.... ~aN4~ m1111·~,.,..,~~ i '. · , ,. .,·:. ' ' .;-~,,-,--lie( !5 ... E,a-Uiif P>1!9'ooaur \?ledlinlr shi.t.tiov, •\ · ~.-c • 11 1 ~ "' • ~ ~. ,. ~er ' ,•rJ~ 1 1 . , • ~l!lf .~.\in !1oYu1 f, repor1e4 all · , .. · JnPP.d ·-orfi<lri:' the 1l1t !' foat'and~" ' ' . . Festival .Directors Wait To Rule on Pop' Concert By RICHARD P. NALL Of ""' O.llJ POii Std With the spectre ol the Costa Mesa musical debauch still mmUna the adult :u:·~t.~~F;-1~ view of I pop concert request. Wben boanl commentary bad -\he request by Rob Krooman, Lapna Beach High School stlldent speaking on behalf of the South Orange County Youth Council, the request. had been tabled awaitinl more 'facts. , "If we go into this we ought to have our heads examined,'' said Board Preli· Wife Abduction Hearing Slated A Calta Meea coot accused of al>- ductlnl a Lquna. Beach policeman'• wile ail holdii>i olf pollco with a 11111 fo ces preUminary bearial 'f1lUrada7 In Harbor D!Jtrict Judicial Caurl Marvin E. Aleonder, 21 •. Gf 2700 Peter30CI Way, was due in court Monday, but a continuance was granted and he waa St.nt back to Orange County Jail. The co-worker of the victim, Mrs. Diannt carter, II, ts held tn lieu of $3t,250 bail on four felOll)' counts lltm- ming from lbe Ju. f Incident In c..ta Meaa. Police who went to Alexander's home based on informaUon from a neighbor present during t~ alleged tidnlp - ln which she and the policeman's wife wtrt both physically attacked -found the -armed. After about 45 minutes. investigators said, they talked Alexander lnto Ill.If· rendering and handing over the .31 caliber wupoo which belonled to the victim's husband Kenneth. • • l dent William 0.·~artin. The req1est had beeri for use of Irvine Bowl on April 1 durlng E&ster Wee~, a time: of student vacations -and uodus to beach and desert areas. "I'll bet this lsn't Arthur Feidler, '' aald DiredGr HIChard BnlOb. Diredot Helen Keeley aakii!d if it wu the same gmip denied ""' ol tbe Orang• Coun)Y Fair GroUnd.a tn Costa Meaa recently. She was told it WU not. Laguna Mayor Glenn Vedder wondered about use <A' the !Ugh school auditorium but was told tbe group wanted the amphitheater's 2.400 seats as opposed to.the audilarlwn'1 1500. "We shouldD't permit it" said Director Verner BeCt. lie mentioned opposition lo noile by [lilbide realdenls abovl the bowl He said other applicants had been turned di>wn. Dlrector PauJ Griem aaid, "We turned the othera down beceUR they w~ not tnaly non-profit Or&anizalklns. ti . "I don't-think we can aet ouneivea · up u lUdi'I' of the lute and morallty of young J>Oople. ff It'• • good -I'm for it ttO percent." "I'm aplnal ft !DO perceot • . • I'm not judging morallty," aald liartln. "They go nuts at lhest: Wngs." Mn. Keeley uid of the aolle and residents of the area. '"l don't aee wQy they coukln'l stand il for one night." Sbe ·called for an lnvdll•tiOn of t1M clrcumstanca and said "I hate lo .,. the kida jut!I cut olf." Mayor Vtdder uld he Wll thinking of vandalilm addiftJ •. "not neceuarily vandalism, blcb l[llrlta." Bec:l: added, "botUed sptrfta." Brooka Aid the bowl Md been laid ool ,... relaUV.ty oectate --· "You'fl!aD Jwnptns to.,,...,1eimt," aid Mn. ~eeley, caJJin1 for mon flldl. rhe board agreed to lable the matter for 1tud1. I -~4~l"'~n~1a~,::,. Seo,-es I,n. w-.-;: -. ~~o1s1t~M..•· · 11 l"i!llop ' . -,. ·"" ~ ~Pl~ .rt ,.t ~"l~ .. M=.=~ =tuJ: C'a•r;nr B ,._ ""t" T h~•lb:_ ; · "l Alr~•1ii .. &:H;?, •-~P;..:t~~.1 U. :;n.,,fl'.onl~ "llbl'U.,. I I «:; ~ ' .l;Jta.11&/utjl' J.;;r ' ' ·1 ~' ,_. •. • ~· aboiM I. --L . Qiloanll)l;tle. ...,.,~~Ille 1paco offidala •lioptntilint on plaoa 11* : alf ., . be natl! ,;,, ~,iir/il'L ....... the foiJMnolr Qllollonc . ' 42 s· 'l . D ad, L st' Pn!it~" . . .eO<lut!Y,'' II wit'ai.cllll The eosmonaut ·transl er would give . lll 0 rs e ' ·~.. ·.· "'I -'·-'•-· -"' . ..k~· ·''1 the Soviets another "first" In spact, U l-1.. .--~ ·-"PS and also would mark the first time atricken alreraft later todly.·1 ', . they matched the U.S. feat of manned · MariDt Carpi Cl'.pt. :bmll $:a.moo docking in orbit. PEARL HARBOR (UPI) -Fir" and monli when the quar!el·mile l<ll'I 'Bl.. aald addlllo!W -·-bo>1MID ' Ship commander Boris V 0 I Y n ° v explosions aboard the USS Enterprise E reached port. ~1¥:optet' Co a P6t "• q!lllf II reportad la the tele<ast from Soyuz 5 ielt 42 seaman deed or mtsslog 1t ,.. But Na'J ollldala aald U "'j poooible " lo tbe · ---"llol M lbli !le l!l"i bla two · feaow "'"""'"' I ill may ·Je Mvtral rollll 11Way,"".-~1';be• llunch ·~ wen" ·and and scores injured Wednesday ln the live ammunition· aboard a je a rtr said. "It'• lotac to &aa· a ,Jat ol .hud hld~ ... ~lfted.''ro-tnt el· third carrier tragedy of the Vientam readyfor·tauuchfnamayh&vedltopated. wbrk.fqr ua1to pt to'Ullt~· Perimenta" wltb Sbatllov11 craft. ' war. FJ&bters, on ~ deck : were ~ Tbe radar offlCtnaf"U.~m-=-=· ~~' ~ "1:~deotape m The flame-scarred nuclear carrier was with rockets, bombs and 15 milllmetlr "1n11juredfo!114Dlll', ~San J:.~;~~ M•~. lelerilion: -•Olynov and uni" · .an JI~;~ ~ ...... en&W-Yevgeny Khrunov berthed near the corroding hulls of ablpa amrn uon. the Cleveland Natlanal F~ .ae , "d smiling and rtJ.U:tng in the cabin. The sunk in the 1941 Japanese attack while "A big ball of flame exploded· wt-ejected Crom the fallllw ~· _'.,,; . third man aboard, Alexei Yeliseyev, wis 1.,..eatigators tcied to determine what demeath one of \ht alrpllnel J\llf. 11 Lt..~ KinMl1a Jr .. It, Of,,_ not within c&m!:ra range and might went wrong aboard the world's largest we were ~ to launcb," U¥1 11 lo qtUcal ocmdWaa todu" In st. 1.1• Mve been la tlJe -·......,t'I other com-Botswaln Mate Z.C. Jerey Dennard, 31, ~-HO!J>!a fr1'1=":2'-· He1 0 1<, ~ .,..,_._.... warship. Warner RobW, Ga. uU111 9"wtd s6oulaer ~ partment. The Navy shelved comuat orders for The 90,000-ton Enterprile, which has knee, cuts and bruilel. He Jolt conald-- Shatalov radioed to ground controllers the Enterprise, which was en route to 5,400 crewmen, was on a bomblnc ~IC· erable blood from a nt~ le«~· that he 1Md bis~n ~U f~iryrbl.~unch of Vietnam fo;: the fourth time. tlce rnlaslon. Tuesday When lbupder,oua •More lhan 300 Marina frOm. tiwi 'l1llil Soyuz 5 rom posi on in ° 1 • The cuualt.y list included 25 dead, exploalom rocktd \he villeJ ~~ ~l?f "Air.craft WlM •t El Tordl'lldld 17 missing in the Pacific and 85 injured. whipped ' acrosa: the riar thd of tbe b)"" Diembet's of the V.S~ Foniltrl1liln· Stock ltffirketa Two Navy ahlps and several aircraft flight deck. ice and the Orange COUnty Sberiff'• -a n ... e.1;.1;.1; -1111 Department were In on the atan:h. NEW YORK {UPI) -Stocks finished on the winning side today fer the second succeutve day ln moderately acUve tradlng. (See ~UOlll Paps li-231. scanned the tepid waters 75 mLles Capt. Le~, who ,turn'i'i ""' .-n"' 'lit on . P.iY•j belie<> ... _ were . Jaunched ,1t southwest of here for aigns of the missing carrier into · the wind Jmmediittly to f'":,:_1 .... men. fan tlJe Ila-,off tbe otern,: aald ll fin.Ji. "fi~i.~.-~ rrmD Ji;. "What caused the upk>sion ,we don't took nearly four houri to quench: tM El Toro tow• radar ibGUt 1:27 p:m. know," said capt. Keo L. Lee, ol Pied-fire. Monday obdnly a11et a· 1fa.r ·11tY. "'\':c;....u .:~":i abooii'ii mlles -II I!! TOro.. .,,_-let :-Oii t routtne•--..m-·11 carried a crew of two. · •· • ~ •. '" ! Gr•••• r • 1 1·, ,. • -,-· 1 _r > ' ~ .. ENTERPRISE CREW MEMBE~' GAii' AT GAPINO 'HOLI IN NUCLEAR CARR!IR'I ,L1GiiT'oac1C l , VNnl Hit b Exp1Mlon1, F)ro 'Mill•~ rr~ C-'flt Pel:lflo1' ' ' '·• 1'" U:-/7 J t ,, -;.:.; .. f'I' . t ...... ':I-... t • ---- .. • % DAIL V I'll.GT I Praise~ . Capo's Swallows Won't Smash Into Big Bucket . r • . .. ,. .. ' •. . ,_ J DAILY PllOT ' . M:""°" COllo&T Pl.l•L .. WtlrtG-cwAN ... -·~--............................ J•1li II . c,,1 • ., VlrA PrMl*fll mN1 ~ .. ~"''" 1\11111' K11wil 1•w Tli111111 A. M11,,1ri;,., IMAtt• ... lfl• }klri1ri '· Nill ,,_,s Nlut~ u-._,,. ........,., ... Clt't Ill• Olrt<• 111 F1•11I It.wt. M1ili111t Ml .. •111 : P.O. l11r u•. t Z•I? o....- , .. ,, ~· UI Wnt •n it"rt ..._. lk«ll: 21'11 ..,, .............. ., • ........... .. _,,, p Jiii S""I • I •. . . .. . ~· . ...:...... .. ....... :JILi 1¢',~~ Mnrphy on Services 'fASlllNG'ION (AP) -11&.o-p Murphy ca.c.lll.), hH bei!n. 1ppohtt>d ,, t•;Senal¢ Armed Servi<u Coownl\tee. .... -- • QAU,'t r1LOT IMfl ..... Aek-leqell s.n : Juan capl•tr1111• Mrir:~ . E<lward Cbetmlik was am -tad..Y a!>out loller 11•· received 1rom Governor Reagan thank~ ing city councU for · its recent resolution backing San Fran- cis~ state College ·President .s:· 1. Hayak•wa !n:hi• •.!forts lo · deal with campus tunnoti. Changes For Sideyards Before Council Borman Goea Home CHICAGO (UPI) -Apollo I crtt Clptaln l"rank Bonnin wplnlted tram Jtil fellow utroM\111 todOJ far I triumphal oolo mlt to hJa home lown · .• ln nearl?Y Gary; lod . ---.u..:. · Ch·arged in Murder ) . 'Co ple Accwed of Stabbing .Beach Woman . ' . ..._ _... ..... w...., acl1'dllJ. ac<Ul<d of s11111N •to dOllb an .... -S. ~ 15 d U. oike A.._ · Id ID 11e ·llJod '!11 P.IJ. lodol' ,..i,..t tometrisl recepl1onlll&nday nillll. m N.......;, ~. '1 a"4 »spNla 1 "'""""'°" lleiCb IDID Ad ....,.. A<cuaed of the ol•"'''ll dtotli ol Mn. Dlncer, II, baih d -_, In •. . • Newport -bul P" II -"*'-2*11 Dtlawatt1 St, Hunttqtoa Beach. ·st.ate Ac~;; to Prevent. Dtputy lllltrlcl Atlllmey Jal>n ~ .... lo aal< w.. Or-·~ _....,, cowt ·""'"" Wlltir Ji ~ to bold ·u:· ...m.i ~ -boll.· Dana Harbor Pollution They bod been odtldultd for or· raignment at I a.m:· today but th1ll conferences betwftO detectives cl tbe A 1tate bureau has lmpootd llrinlonl rulrlctlOlll lo control wollr pollutlon which lt llYI COUid be .......i by the eorlh lllllnl ol Dllta lflt:bor to creale lbe propoeed marina. Tho Or1111e CoWllJ -Com-IT)llllon learnld Tueldoy thal the State W•ttr QuaUly Control Saud; Son DlllO fie,,.., hu lal4 out I plan wberlby ~ for cllrtty of water 1111111 be made at weiekly lnl.t:rvalJ at a& loeatlons bolh loaide and out ol lhe -·ter. 1ltt boo rd in)PQltd tile. dttW to insure that eorlh belni dropped In tbl blrbor to build a cofftr dam doel not filter Into Jiit Wlter al I nle wlllCh would -pollullon. The cbecb for Woilr cllr1ty will he lltlde and certlflld bJ the county flood control diltrtct. acUnc u 1 water purity lnlpectiM agency. Hirbor District Dlrector Kenneth Hunlinston Belch PoliOI D,~t ond Sompoon al4 the cofler dim, now ooJy d!Jlrlct atlorttly clepuu,o oocupjtd .moot z perceot complete, u!Unuital;r w!D cloll ol the mornlq u evidence a&alllll the oU the harbor, allowlttl the walft to aC<UMd pllr wu IUted. Botb Collno1 .... Miio lllapr .... be drlined iMtd• .. that -flU lor prof-· -.. ol l1tl lnvolftmllll lbe marina loland can be dooe oa drf ht the bloody lliylni ol Mn. - land instead of under water. oa 17tla Street near Pilm Av~. · Alter lhe Interior flUlng Ad dJUln« Coomey, a .,_te of T8lu A • .,.. of dwutell II complete the dom·Wtll M Cdlqe, WU dacrlbed bJ pOllcl u be broken, lhua lllowlni ou ..-to a hlgllJy '*l.nkd .. _ ....,.. 1111 the harbor apln. fct I Nowporl Beadt !lrm. ReComl;J Eorlh moven are -ping !heir lood divorced from hll wile, Ellrabllll. ol fill lnto chulu w h e r e the soil is Coatney ls the falher ol two children. channeled onto a conveyor belt llO inches a boy, 5 and a girl, IO Who are 1n wide. The belt can transport the load the custody of his former wife. ···. · -~ or one earth mover every 45 seconds, Miss Dinger wu ck:ec:ribed ....., q Sompoon slid. , 1 highly. reprdld 1111ploye ol 1 Nowport Tlte dam II apectod lo be completed 8-li -llll Polk:e oald , Ibo II by lr!lrch. . ....... of Ibo Ille tDOdd -~ Tiie water purity board's aind.JUons .about OP1 ml.le from U. murdlr ICine include the doeln1 do"" of the eorlh &mday nllbl wllh blood insido tM ff1ti. fill job if dirt in the water becomes : c)e. Police aaJd the car abowed dridente a definite pollution huard. of a ncent minor traffic accidenl I I I 1 -----I -- ,JOIN· ' ' Wint.cl farluxutythlt,..llyswings: Delli 88 Cu~ Swina dawn anr old rue! and feel the bi1 ... r difference!• New, lonpr, 124-lnch wheelbase• 15-incll wheel&• Rocket 455. V,8 power• S.mptoQtis interiors, seats thli rvn nea~i five feet wide• New Flo-Thru Veotiilt!oofOld! v1l1111lwm 1xcoeds Ille price~ par tor.ii. . . . 1 • ' Wint.cl far lft lllJ move to the big time: Delta 88. Your loolproof ISCIPI f~ »<all1d low-price c1r1 I • ~ prlcld of tho bi1 Bis • Bi1 ... r ride on 1 124·inch .w'11tlbaso • Huskr Rocket 350 V-1-wilh r11ul1r·ps economy• NIW GM safelr lutum abol Prtci one. You'it clour to Olds lhan you lhink ! • Nat 1*t thin& to a new Olds fa a used Oldal See JOU!' neaNSt OldlmolllJe ...... -f WJao'1 to Blame? Johnson, Nixon . ·In Tax Truce KEY BlllCA YllE, F~ (UPI) -Pro!l- d<nt l.yJ1(lon J-and Prelldent-tlect Ridlml Nizon obviously reached I truce over '!'tlio should ucept blame for co~ linuiJ!& Ibo 10 -t surtu. In almUar, coordlnated atatements, . they qned that 'Ibo 111 billion tu Beach Man Dies ·.In BroadsiCle . Auto Accident " Police today an! 1eeking persons who ma1 have witnessed events of the last few minutes in the life of1Mrs. Hester S. Markee, SS, who was murdered in Jluntington Beach Sunday evening. Detective Capt. Earle Robitaille .said tOOay that sometime between 8:45 and 9:05 p.m., the white two-door Chevrolet • driven by Mrs. Markee as she returned home from a laundromat was in a minor accident with a blue Dodge Dart at A1aln and 17th SU-eels in Huntington Beach. "There may have been more cars involved and there may have been other drtVers1who saw this accident. We would appndate talking with anyone who may have seen this accident or any of the involved can about this time Sunday ni&ht,'' said Capt. Robitaille. The Markee car was slightly damaged In the accident as was the blue car.· Mrs. Markee drove on toward the ocean on 17th street and it is possible the bJue car or another car followed her. . police said. , · muat .. 1...w;tly be coitUnued unlit war- burdened """1C>IDlc dra!N end and pennlla Ila etlnilnatioo. The truce ended aclme,pollilcal juggling between the present and f u t u r e prtaldeola. Both believed It muat be coalinued, -l>\11 Jqhnaon, -'less lhan a week In office, ·did not -t lo ut f<r it without Nixon'• concurreoce. The 10 percent IUl'Chv&<, eoacted by 'Congtoas al Ibo pl'line ol J-. la due lo expire Jlln6 ao unleaa Cooiras renews it. tn bis State of the Union message Tueoday nigh~ Jobnlon wed that It be renewed, and added : "The president-elect has concluded Iha! until his administraUon and the Congress can asa!rtain that Ute facts justify permitting tbe <aurtax to e~ire or be reduced, he will support my recom- mendation that it be continued.•• Simultaneously, NiJ:on issued a state- ment. b e r e saying that bolh he a n d Johnson agreed that the tax should be repealed as soon as "requirements for the war, the budget outlook and economic conditions wiU permit." He added: "However, until the new adminislraliOl'I a n d the Congress c a n ascertain that the facts we face justify pennltting the surtax to expi~ or to be reduced, I will support the president's suggestion that the surcharge be continued." Nixon's position. indicated a change in emphasis from his c a m p a i g n statements, although he recognized then the possibility of continuing the surtaxes. London's Gold Price Makes .'6.ecord Jnn1p • LONOON <}.fl .:. The price ol g o I d :-·She-parked -her car'Tlext -to the -curb acr;:iss from the side 'driveway to Dwyer Intennediate school, poss.ibly forced to the curb. From this point on, no one can be sure what happened except for the killer of the woman. It appears that Mrs. Markee pt out or her car and may have approached the r;econd car. jumped ~ cepts on the London free -bUllim1Qiirki t to 8n alITfm'e peik foday, apparently on uncertainty over the policy of Preaideij..alect Nir.on and general distru.t of.paper mone7. The m;cinilng fix.in& set the price for the metal 1t·$42.75 an owice. This com· partld with ·Tuesday afternoon's fixing or $42.to. U'"4Te ...... MAKING HIS POINT LBJ AddraS.1 N•tlon Reservists First To Fly Ne ·w Jets Los Alamitos Naval Air Station Re- servists will be the first in the nation to fly the supersonic McDonnell Douglas F-t Phantom II lighter-bomber, accord· ing to Vice Adm. Bernard M. Strean. The new aircraft, which Navy offlcl· als demonstrated today for the first Ume ·to a-civilian-audience at the air station, are not expected to increa.Se the noise problems over Huntington Beacb. and · Seal Beach where the reservists fly re&· ularly. Navy officials admit that the new jets are noisier than the airplanes which have been the backbone of tbe reserve train- ing force. · NEW.~AT THE WORLD'S MOST UNIQUE BANK ! GOLDEN I PASSBOOK Your new Golden Passbook SavinEs Acco unt will draw the hilhest bank rate of interest available anywhere ! • Now you e1111 •Jot' 5. t3o/I) )nterest Oft I Newport Netiontl Senk OoifMn Pesabook Account""*' your savings 1nd aU dtYk:lendl remain • year. 11-kt naN ponib'e when our 5°/o aKrent annual tntetHt rete 1• compounded deily and credited quarterly to your Golden Pa11book Account. lltia apec:lal accOOf'lt is ev11l1ble 10 indi ... lduals, oorpor1tione, pertnerships and non-profit orgenizetfona. You'll be ple .. ed to kn!M that your Vitefut paymenti •r• ffe1tlble •ccordrng to your own peraonal needs. With • mi~mum del)Olit of $500 and 1ubaequent depo11t1 of $100 or more, there 11 no llmil lo the amount you ~ depo1it in your G<Mden P11sbooloi; Saving• --'i'ooir lnt..eot ..... -"'" -ol depoolt _. oondnlM to the dete of whtrdlawtl We eot__. tlM o goldeo -to -., '/0'1' aaYlogo II""' t..tw tn • ~eesent 1r'KI 1ecure 1tmo1pher9. We would Inca to t8ft )'O\l more lbout thia Uniqu9 .. benk rMa• ol lnnr.t. Come tn 1nd 1M U1 or mail the ooupon bekM ondwo'ldothe,..._ ""NtWPORT NATIONAL IAMC I ~ (Select 1cfdrns of yoer ......-oft'ic.) Genllemm-: I "" ~ "' openiPlg • ... I Goldefl Pl'mbook ,4,coon. -, 0 .......... ..,,,,_(,_,.,....;i .... .__ cssoooo °"more ).,,.. ... oi»n She lllDOOCft ... I 1end ine lnOfW lnfonnltioft. I ......., UMM1t.d' thlt ..nthdr..-61• ~nnot .,. ra.s. until Pf"P8" aia· I Ntw• c9rdt ....,. bMn~ ttMI .,.. °" tu. '" the Bink. . • . D ,,,._...,..,._;.,,M-·-.... -,. ~--- I --·-------' 7 CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU IN ORANGE COUNTY __ ... 11r,.rt lffla ea111,us 11 MtlMW wo.2111 • .,.....,... e.,.w.c~ '42·1141 • ,.,.. -. ._.. ~ Mlall • ....,, ......... ll llMil' MZ.Jlll •f11W-~"" -. ....., "'c.m.. ..... 111.noo • ._, • -"""'• .,. an.me ----""-.""' ~ SIMl4? , W~ ...._, 15, ~'16' (L) cWi,y l'ILO'f , 3 LBJ Addres·s Cheered . .. ' WASliJNGTON <UPll -"Let us - Unue,? 1.yndoo B. J..,_ beged 1 pieviJll oallon-ll! bla flr1l -- -~~lnlloeNd NoV11Dber ol 11113. Tbe !allure lo - 1111-!lfOCl'lllll, he aald la bil linll •P- pWuco' .. preoldeot, -l>ri"ll 11lr111fld1 fllir our nation.'" ' ' . ....... lo tbe Praldent, wbo --ttadltlon In retum1na lo <:.ollll<>I Hill lo dellwr bil llnal illlle ol the Unloo ~· It WU ~ tbe --and nolalul lrilN1a bed ev.r rocelved from conai- Myster y • Tiii tllltm7 "' Oooci• llld )olw • .,,.,.,_ -Ille lint nlitlnC -..-.. .. per-ii, pr-Ibo m111n" -••• '1 the C«wtihdioo -il'!"'Jollt> ..... dldll In - Buried \ "'' ~ ·~... iq' cliff! 1n hi• WI daya In office -addlir ""'°"' tbao w ol 700 tnqw" lhal pe..,. ovaded hla praidaney -WOO from 00ogrua 'l'lleedlJ •• lbi tllectlon ancl -. that hid evaded him In bil Jut ,..,. Victim's Identity Going to Grave ln•oftlce. . . " Almoot l>OW'fieu now, ·be uted Coogresa• lo exleod hla Grtll Society -relerrlnf 1o tt by neme l<r the fint time in many montha -more !or model dlles, rnort l<r housing, medJcal care for the young, more for job training, 13 percenl more !or lbose on llOClal oecurily pensions. DOE Jam Doe. Addreas unknown. Died in March, IH&. S'1'Vtcc1, fridq, l p.m.., Smithl Chapel, witk Rni G. RustU Shaw oJjidatlng. l"ttrmC'ttt, Pacific View Memorial Pcri'k. Dirtdl!d by Smith,, MorttwiJ. And he uked 1 joint session of By ARTHUR 11. VINSEL Congresl to enead Its hand to bJ.s 11JCw Ot. .. DeHr ,.... ,.,_ ceaaor, Richard M. Nlaon. "Pmldent· She -•~ more .t.me ID dtalh 111an elecl Nlaoo wm need yoor .-ntanc1-•-Ing, just as I did." be uid. "He i! &he eou1d evtr bl.VI erpected ln I Ule entitled to have it.. so ordinary and tranateot that DJlliBl!led Wlih the COllClln'tnce of Nlzon, he through It wllhoul anyoiie lo .. - wed Conireoa .to mend beyond Ila or tell !be world her name. June ~ upiraUon date the 10 percent •Jane Doe -tent to ' eternitf "by Jncome tu llll'Charge which wW raJse whoever slashed her throa( -WUl be 11$ billion a 7ear. borled Friday. WJth it, he said, the budget for the Even a final place ct rest waa 1 current fiscal year will show a $2.4 long: time coming. billlon surplus -1 the first surplus in Jane Doe wu found dumped la a nine :reara -rather lhao lbe II billion mudd! Huntlnglon Beach ditch Ill da)'3 defictt he bad foreseen a year ago. ago Fridiy; wften ·the people of Orange The budiet for the next n.caJ year, County wtll do !be lut that can be starting July I. will have a $3.4 billion done for ber. surplus, he said. They wiD pay '6(t for her funeral Rep;.iblicans quarrelled with t bat i .. Smith'i. Mortuary, HunUngton Beach. arithmetic. Sen. John J. Williams, (R· and S35 for her grave in Pacific View Del.), called Johnson's projected Memorial Part, a puceffll, rolltng surp!U9el "A manipulation of figures." cemetery above Corma del Mar. Sen. Wallace P. Bennett, CR-Utah), called "It's usually* to $'90," said Deputy them "misleading." Sen. George D. Public Admlnistrator Bill stepbem, "it Aiken (R·Vl), said he was no; impressed varies a dollar or two either way ." with them, and Sen. Roman Hruska, Perhaps her rutlng place -assJgned (R-Neb.), aald, "II it'a !be lllD<. lype by coonty oornor'1 -llala ~ la of computaU6n we've had the last four nicer than she -mi&b.t bave Opected years, there i.8 no real rurplus." otherwise. Johnson wtltspell out bi1 computations Rev. G. Russell Shlw, of the Fint- in the federal budget for the next fisca.l Methodist Church of Huntington Beach, year which he was sending to Capitol will officiate at the brief 1 p.m. rites, Hill at noon today. Inevitably, it will but much of whatever be baa to uy do much to shape the nm fiscal year must Inevitably be ~atber vague. of the Nlion presidency. An1 achievement&, upiraUons, lean De.spile their fiscal q u i b b 11 n g , conqdered ,.. problema <Yer llOIYed by Republicans ienera\ly joined t be Jane Doe are as myl!ltaious u her Democrats in a w~ng. ioot..atompinc identity and tbey will be buried with jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ber. Only some ol Rev. Sbaw'a remmb wtU be ol eodoriJli lid. Jiiii God and, perbape, the tilJejo who . •lubed her and abandoned ber dying body near Yorktown Avenue and Newland Street last M•rcb 14 !mow anylhing more about the JO lo 1$-year-old woman. Her grave marker will read only: Jane Doe, Marcll 14, 1961. Coroner'• deputlea say Ibey believe the bodT.. releued !O< burial -, ' wu i.pt In r<lrigeraled 1tor.P. Jqqer than any In the bjllory ol orance County. Huntlngton Beach !10.Uce ran down lead after lead jn an effort to determine Jane Doe'1· real name, or find 110mtone who could view the body and offer a clue. Bu't time's inevitable ' processes took' tbeir toll. No one can recognize her now. In death, however, Jane Doe ~ly traveled farther -if one can call it tbal :_ than • she probably e..,. would In the life that was so ordinary and transient that it remains a mystery. Circulars carTy1ng her Ongetj>rin!.-and qui•~ dead pholograph, retoocbed wiih cosmeUcs mot!: plain than she ml&bt use -were aent from California ' to New Yort and from Canada lnlo Melico. Shortly after Jane Doe'a .dea&b, she was rupomlble !or reunlUng .• IJ1l)lbet and d•..,.... _,.ie.t. olCbl ,.... bl'. • laliilli iiijOililile. ~ -~ . But epltapbl .,. not Included hr. her .,-.a1, --~ ' - Jarie Doe wW wear all 6he ii known now to liave owned: a floral print blouse, purple eepris. and a. pale blut emerald- cut dinner ring -not very qpeaaive -when she ii buried Friday. That 1an 't veri ,much by the standard!!: of' some Jane and John Doee . -but at least it's something. . . . ~M'l~-LAST 10 ·oAYS DOOR BUSTERS LADIES' BEmR BLOUSES PANT SHlnS SWUJERS CHOICI · vou• 194 o~':i~. SWUnRS ·~~~::. 59"' 1 '194 TURTLI TO I. SLEEPWEAR l-"-2 ,., 6.94 IRAS ...,. SeMcdoll CANTRECE HOSE 1'• ... 2 '"' 1.54 HOSE s • ..i ... 2 ... 64c JEWEUlY 24c .. 1.94 DRESSES I ....... 1641694 l llectlen TO SWEATERS '"'::"' '194 ., 09-' C1Htpw I. TO SKIRTS w-494109• l s.Mi TO , BLOUSES 29! 394 SHELLS Pully WlllJoble 54' .SHIRTS 94' , 3321 E. COAST HIGHWAY • ·MENSWEAR DOOR ·o~~~RTS SPORT SHIRTS KNIT SHIRTS TOUR 194 CHOICE W.ASH 'n WEAR PANTS 2i1494 2i6~ 7.69 ... 3.~ ... KNIT' SHIRTS , ......... , .... -~ DRESS SHIRTS YOUR 2 ~494 CHOIC I 1 .. WOOLl-IL~NOI DRESS SLACKS 2for20.94 2for,34.94 • . -- Crula Probe Begl•u Why Was ' Plane Flying So Low? (C....tt.I .., ... Dlftr PUii l"ffl Jos•ph Frank Swift was hauled Jnto court in Greenbaro , N.C. for •pee<jing. The arresting officer tes- tified that Swift was Hquite jovial'' when arrested. 0 He wanted to know why 1tbe astronauts could travel 6.000 miles an hour up there and be couldn't go 100 miles an hour down bere1" the officer said. • TwO guards from the Michigan reformatory at Ionia recaptured Chari•• Buzczynski, 20, Grand Ra· pids, ·two hours after he was miss· ed. They were puzzled that Buzczyn- ski was walking along a highway towe\f'd the reformatory. Explained Burciynsld: "I changed my mind. I was going back." • the Teridents of Dump.tt"oad in Whitwick, E'ngtand have ap.. J pecdtd to the town council to ; c1r.ange the name of their strttt. T¥ good people in Dumpsroad sar the name of the street calls up an image of a littertd strtet leading to the garbage dump whtn it actually lead$ to a prettt1 and .serent wooded area. Mrs. M•bel Boyer was standing on a downtoWn ·street comer .in Erie, Pa.1 when she was approach· ed by a young couple c~g a box. They attempted to strike up a conversation but Mrs. Boyer suspi· ciously backed off. The couple band• ed her a box and walked away. Tbe woman hesitated a moment and then opened It. Inside was a· dozen carnations and a note reading, "To an unknown friend; Hope this makes your day a little happier, (signed) Pot and Miko." • ' LOS ANGELES CAP) -.The Sverre Vlklq, prOUd llhip ol the Swldlnavlan Alrlines fletl, o)lould hove been. Jqing al 1,500 feet when Jt skidded Into the Pacific. Why wasn't it? Thal wu the big queallon facing federal Investlgaton today a:, they iress- ed their Inquiry Into the Monday night crash of the DOI jet as it approached llllmlatlolial Airport in the rain. four were known dead; ll mlaldng and presumed dead. Organized IUrch ended today for II penooa mlasing in the sea crash; There were 30 survivors, plucked from the rainswept sea by small boats. Twenty·nine of I.hem we.re injured. The Sverrt Vlklnt, an SI million plane, ended its 8,000-mile flight over the North Pole from Copenhagen tn the Pacific &hallows off Malibu Beach. It sank finally in GO feet of watet Tueod>y aftemoon al the qe of the surf as the Coast Guard tugboat Pendant tried to tow ,it uhore for investigation and salvage. ~ Agents for the National Tranaportation Safely Board and for the airline studied whether to try to lilt it wJth a crane and barge. The back half of its fuselage, carrying the plane's flight recorder, sank in &(JO feet of water where It broke off when the plane hit the sea eight miles offshore. Investigators said there wu no way of knowing whether the missing were· entombed in the tail section. They said it apparently sank immediately. The chief investigator, William L. Lamb, said bill team might use: sonar ai;id underwater televl!Jon to locate it for raising. SeversJ, survivors aareed there wu no warrilng the plane was &olng down. One said he felt no dive. The pilot called his approach routine. Sirhan Trial Jury Prospects Asked About Psychiatry LOS ANGELES (AP) -Prospective jurors in the Sirhan Bishara Sirhan murder trial are being 11ked in greatest detail about their attitude toward psychiatry, their views on the deal!\ penal I)', an<I the. effect of p:etrial PQbllci· ty on their opinions. Defense of the 24-year-old Jordanian ., •ccused of killing Sen. Robert F. Ken- nedy lJ apected to f .. ture a "'-«>Pbllti,.ted~ legallslie tactic which ad .. ma. Slrban ftttd 'tbe falal bullel Yolt'ng Eva Ruinys of Charita riJ the Ritz may become hair.styli.rt tn Ttsidence at the White House. The Nizon .staff personml have ap. proacnea her on th.e possibility of be· coming tl&e pt"rsonal hairdresser of Mrr. Richard NU:on and htr daugh- ter, Tricia. in a beauty salon to be est.ab!i.shfd i'n the White House. • Mrs. Virginia Docking watched a second chapt~r in Kansas history unveil when her son, Robert Dock- ing, was inaugurated for a second term as governor of Kansas. Her gon was followihg in the footsteps of his father. the late George Dock- ing, who was the first Democrat ever to win re-election to the gov- ernor's office in this historically Republican state. !!llbausUve anil repeUlloua probing by bolh def..,. and prooocatloo hu ct,,. tered on questiona derline(I to. ahow how the proopective jurors would react to such a deefnse. Four jurors, all women, were iei. tatively aeattd by lh.e close of Tutsdaft5 •Wion. Both sides hope to bt.alb testtinony within a month. ' Sirhan Watched the proceedinis in· tenUy and was quoted by one of his altomeys as saying, "I am satisfied \l.'ith the way things are going." Prospective jurors are being asked Jf they can set aside their revulsion to the crime ll!elf and deliberate instead on Sirban'a state of mind at the moment lie pulled the rti&ger. They are allO being asked if they can forget the victim's world renown. "The trial," Pr01eCUtor David N. Fitts reminds jurors, ','la nothing more or Jess than a murder trial." Chief Defense counsel Grant Cooper tells jurors the prosecution "may, and probably will, ask for the death penalty." But -the defense contention o f "dirnirWbed responsibility," should the argument be successful, would red~ the degree of the crime on ground! Sirhan was incapablt of premeditation. He did menUon,, however. "aome dlt .. ficulty with the landing I e a r . • ' lnvesU1ator1 will have to det.crpiina whether that played a part in the tragedy. Weathu abo mlaht have been a factor, It wu ralnlnc. There was overcast at 3,500 feet' and ecattered cloudl at t,700 · and UOO feet. The airport repc>rted viBlbWty 1t four miles over runways, but the night and the sea w.,. plldl block,. offering little depth perception reference for the crew. There wasn't any apparent problem with the airport's navigaUonaJ aJda. They functioned correctly in a test right after the crash. The investi1ators ,wi0 check the plane's four aJUmeters -if they ere able to recover them from the water.filled cockpit on the aea floor. They also will determine whether the plane called for -and was given - barometic settin11 for the ahimete:rs often enough during the approach. Pllota estimate the sverre VikinJ was traveling between 1&5 and' 160 miles per hour when It hlt Investigators old it could have been going: lal mUea per hour. The airliner was over the octan becaUJe of a change in wind direction the rain. Normally, planes approach the airport from over Loa Angeles. Had the Sverre Vildng come Jn 1,500 feet low over the city, it would have fallen near the east boundary of residen· tial, suburban Inglewood. '2 Bad Men' Chicken Out, Release -Tot WHI'M'IER (AP) -"Two bad men'' who kldnaped Paula Ann McGinn~ released the 21h--year-old girl unharmed Tuesday night without receiving any ransom. Her father, Frank MeGtnni1; said he received a telephone call demand.lni .$200,000 ransom a short time after two men, posing as telephone repairmen, abducted the tot Tuesday. They left the housekeeper bound. "Two bad · men took me, 11 the girl told her parents after she WM found w1nderinl along a street in nearby LaMirada less than 12 hours after her abduction. "They appareoUy chickened out," said McGinnis, owner of a am.all tool and machine oompeny. McGlrioll W'8 at work and his wife was •hopping when they luroed of the kldnaplnc. He oald lhe flnt phone call wne IOOn •after he -home. "They told me the baby wu 1111 r!iht. and to get $200,000 together," he eaid. "They called back three or four Umes, but didn't reply when.we-said, 'hello.'" He said he received no lnstrucUons on how to pay the ransom. News of the abduction was carried widely but nothing was said of a ransom. "They must have panic'ked when they heard nothing about the ransom," said McGinnis·. The men lied up Mra. 1Mh Mitchell, 50, before taking Die ~blonde tot who \l.'U clad lo a light bl!!e allrper outfit. $242 Million Set For Census Budget WASHINGTON (UPI) -It will cost the people of the United States $2U million to f i n d out how many of them there are. That's the sum eannarked in Pre1ident Johnson's new federal budget for the expenses of the 1970 census. Heavy Snow Blankets Omak Soutliland Downpour Drenches Pt. Piedras Blancas Callfornla Temperatures Ki"' Low l"rte • .llbu~~•"'ut !1 39 .Of ."",,.,.''' 5 ·• Att111t1 ll1t1r·sfl•tf 11 11m1~ lloh• llOllO~ Clllr110 (IN:l~"•'I (IW11l1nd ,.,w, °"' Mot"" Dt•refl £urek1 Fort Wor!lt Fr-e1~ ··-Ho~olvh,1 HQll1t011 1<1"''' City l11 Vtt11 l .. """'" M11tnl ll11tll Mlrw.ul(1tot M'-•ll'Olls Ntw Orlle~I w..,. Ver'k O.l\!1nd ..... ..,.,llMttffll• '""""'·~ i'lttlDurtf't ,..,.,1.1111 ltt!IN City 11 .. llhlfl' ·-_,,_,,,, It. L.wlt ...... "" ...... (ll'r ....... .... l"fll!Cllce S111l1 ll1rfllr1 Sff;llM! » ,, "' '° ·'' 31 l l Tr 37 u .11 JS ?J 11 11 Tr . " 7! 12 Tr ~ " " . . . ' •• 'Cl .t7 61 ~) jJ '' .a1 11 l'lt .Cl . " " " •i ., 57 ., 4J SI ,Ct ,. '' " " " '' .a1 67 ., . " " . JT n .n1 '1 '' '1 JI ·" " " ,, J) .)t • ts .. , 84 " .lt " n .. ~ r, ~ .. » .u .. ii I.JI " u '' •J 'Cl s• .n " ' OPEN END OF FORWARD SECTION OF ILL-FATED SAS AIRLINER Torn Up Interior •ncl Backs of Some Seats Can Be SHn •s Section Flo.1ts Off LA Marines Tighten Cordon Rogers Pledges Vietnam Peace , Around Cong Stronghold WASHINGTON (UPI) -IV!Wam P. Rogers pledged today the Nixon ad· .ninistration will proceed "as fast a.s we can" to reach a negotiated peace SAIGON {AP)-U. S. Marines partic· lpatirlg in an 8,200-man amphibious operation on the Bat'angan Peninsula got their first taste of action today as they tightened their noose on a Viet Cong stronghold 340 miles' northeast of Saigon. Rear Adm. W. \V. Behrens Jr. of Harrisburg, Pa., reported the .Leather- necks repu16ed an enemy ,attempt to break out or the cordon, suffering two dead and seven wounded In a fierce exch8n¥e of small arms fire. Enemy casualties were not known. Earlier, four Viet Cong were killed In another small skirmish and two guer· DRASTIC FINAL REDUCTIONS ON OUR in Vietnam. Rogers, Nixon's choice for sercetary o! state, told reporters after a cloaecf rilla soldiers defected to the Americans, said Behrens. He also reported the Marines destroyed several tunnel com· plexes, captured 600 pounds of rice. corn and flour, and rounded up 700 suspects for interro~atioo by a South Senate hearing on his appointment, "our Vietnamese pacification ~. objectives in Vietnam are limited. We Behrens said the aim is to separate want to prevent North Vietnam from --th~ peninsula's Viet Cong ~"attfvlsts .. --taking over South Vietnam bY lorct." from the general population, estimated He added that "we want to work between 5,000 and 10,000. T M · b ltal' l sh out a negotiated setUement on an wo arine a ions swep a ore honorable basis -to irrlve at an am-ee· on Batangan Monday in what the U.S. r Navy said was the biggest seaborne ment that can be enforced." assault since the 1950 Inchon landing "We will proceed with that ll fast of the Korean War. as we can," he iald. OPEN DAILY 9°6 Home . e1 Gift Siop ' l.~ ~"""1 sr..,. REGULAR STOCK MERCHANDISE · WE CUT THE PRICES-YOU GET THE SAVINGS! ' ot the Entronce to Udo Isle RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER H33 VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH 673. 6360 ... fltll. ' U.t •. Ftll. It -·~ Thtmwtl w,,~...,'"" ~ ., ~ , ............................................. 11:11 .................................... ... ... I • 1' I I I I I • I I /1 London Talks End 1 • ' I With Nations Spli ' . LONDON (AP) -Leaden or Brltaill 's multiracial Com- monwealth end their IWMl1l talks lodly wUh 21 member iilates deeply 1plit on four central iSaues. -They failed to agree ways of •ndlof the rtbeWon or. Rhodesia's white rulers. -Baelktqe moves t 0 reconcile the wining Nigerian rederl(bta and brukaway Bialrano collai-!. -.\.~It of Eut African countries tmperiled prorpects for a quiet and coocerted bid to settle the poliUcally e1- ploslW. problem of mlgraUon inlo Britain. -And India and Britain tu(· ged aitd'lullled without agree- ing on whether the pact to stop .the spread of nuclear weapoM rates the support of the worldwide grouping of 800 million people. The British, who are at the anter of each situation, got much of the blame from their partners for the diiputes. But they also were credited with agreement on less ~n- trove:ralal luuu, ranalo.I. the Vleillam Wlr to iho -, llj the Mldd1o Eaal. A commualauo ~ for 1 &jllln)Yal of •lhe l"J'- ctuefl 1nclud9' . J l I .:. J. t e wb.lch: .• .-UnaoimOOlly, ajireosed the collective boPes of the iniuP that !alb Iii Paris will leod to an ml or the Vietnam war. -Uoanimollslyendorsed c:utnjll Bil Four <lfort.t ·lo prdlnote ~ Anb-lstull peace sellletn<nl lhrougb Gunriat / Jarring, special U. N. enVOJ in tho. f11&ioo, but Loot no I stand on the · Sofiet Union'• r new plan for a Ml'ddle Eut settlement. On the 'Nigerian civil war,l despite a ground.Twtll of SJllh pathy for the outnumbered a n d beleaguered BJalransl succes,,ive· peace .iQitlaUvd came to nothing. Nigeria/ largest African member r:l. lM C o m mo n w ealth, warned privalely it would ml.st an7 open conference disctwlon of the civil war, which it re1ards as a?1 internal affair. KNIT KNACK We have It. Pacbble, anbeetable. tied with its own SCllf. ·~ 100% Poly-..... N"Y Ind ""IM. •28. S°'ld NIYY also , UPIT•..,.._. WIFE GREETS RELEASED ATOM SPY Sobell frH After 17 Ya1r1 in Panltentl1ry Sobell Catches Bus, Joins Family in NY NEW YORK (AP) -Morton Sobel~ released from prlaon Tuesday after serving 17 years for con.spiring to sell atomic secrets to the Soviet Union, has returned home and says he has "a lot of Jiving to do." Sobel\, 52, stepped out of the federal penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pa., T u e s d a y afternoon, hoers after the U.S. Court of Aps>eals in Manhattan ordered him freed, He took a bus to New York City to rejoin his faiml y. mother Rose, 74. Mrs. Sobell said she bad heard or her husband's im· minent release on the raido and called to te~ him. She said he did not know until her phone call. She said her husband wanted to s tu d y engineering. -Mark, a computer pro- grammer with shoulder·length hair, said, when told of the release, "It's about time they lel him go because he is ln- ·nocenl." . , w.-.,, _.,., u, ~"' • { "'i! l'll.01' ~ Hickel Makes ·conservation Promise . • WASlllNG'roll (AP)' --"1· bo lold la Sen-CJ'4'1811, Ill c!fd-I wlll, ~.w.t ... _..,._. , ~ka Gov. Walla' J. Hick· -;;a;;;te;;;;;-.nl;;;;;;;;ttee;;;;;;;thal;;;;;;;"l;;;n;;;•;;;•;;;· ;;;;m;;;alio;;;;;wlll;;;;;;;;be;;;;;l"';;;;;;er;;;Ded;;;;;b;;;y;;;the;;;;;;;;elt;;;;;.;;;• ;;;;;;;;;;;i";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ el promised lodoy lhot aslr teerelary of. the Interior he would work with Congress to dev~op and coiwerve all of tbt nation's natural ruourcea. U~r fire from consi:rv• llonlst.s since his nornlnatloo to the Cabinet pool In the Nix· on administration, Hickle said be reallied his responslblll· ties woold be vastly different from thole as the eovernor of • state. The hearing of the Sen.ate Interior Committee m bl1 •P. polntment was packed w I t b nemmen and ~ton. Thfo corridor outside WU lined with persons hoping for a chance to get In. Sen. Henry Jacbon, (D- Wsah.). the commlttae chair- man. sa\d that ouationa rais- ed about Hlcbl's phllOIOpby woold be fully uplored. "The Issues and quesUom whi~ have been raised may be based on inadequate lnfor· mltlon or misundersta~s." Jackson said. He added that failure to m.ake a complete record ol RJcbl'1 views would be a disservice to Hickel and to the public. Rlctel himself has blamed much of the oppo11itlon to lib: appolntment Cl?-a mi.sunder· standing of ren\arks he made after PrtsldtnWl«t Nixon annoonced bis select.I.on for the Interior pool. Jn an apening statement BLEY LE PANT SALE ' 'NKkMff l'ltll lttn Otllf .a'!!• e g> 111~ l1u•C111I~ ...... _.. JC 'YC• ·-Al"llll~---' • SHOETREE ,a·-~" ··· .. ". ' • ~ • • • v ...... r.., •• ,, .. ,, ... MllW.11111 -·-' FINAL ·cLEAR~NCE JOYCE SHOES SANDAL GIVEAWAY 1" ia.,... ....... v.i .. uo .. 11.eo 5'° AND Were 15.00 to 20.00 HOIWl.OI--• _.'.L*tlL...CMr.Ll.lu.....Oab-1 ---- AU.~ l'IMAL South Co .. t Plan, Costa Mesa, Bri•lol 1t S.n Diego Frwy. . . The Shoo TNe, Newport 8Nch, 3410 Vi<i liclo I ... ',., ... ... "' .. .. • ' ' • . ''I have a lot (If living to do and l'rn going back to school," Sobel! said as he ar· rived, clad in what prison of· ficills call ''dresa-o ul dothing" -a gray suit, white shirt and tie-. Sobell, a radar expert, was convicted along with Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who ~re executed In June 19$3. T b e Rosenbergs ' were con- victed of committing wartime\~======== e.spionage as well as con· spiracy. sizes 3 to 9 only ouseof nine Sobell, who was sentenced In 1951 to 30 years in jail, avoided newsmen waiting at the bus station and left for an undisclosed location. ~ttting Sobell at the bus station were his wife Helen. SI ; their son Mark, 19; their daughter, Mrs. Sydney Clemens, 29: and Sobell's Although sentenced to the maximum term, Sobell had been due for release Aug. 24 because o{ good behavior. The appeals unit ruled he should be credited with 71~ months \ ' SOUTH COAST PLAZA he spent in jail for inability to post $100,000 bail prior to sentencing in 19St and thus enabled the earlier release. ~ Mell. tl'lrt l'r1. 11llfll1 IMI t 1• ""'°' S.I. 1111 ,, .... m. IJ16 ON THE MALL, IUl!NA ~Alllt CINTlll 0'9n Ma11., Wiid .. TIMln., l'rl. tlll t •.m. r( ,Ml totDCI now the ~ f~ ,~~ 40~ . ' ~. San Diego Freeway is completed ••• Just take MacArthur Boulevard south from the San Dieeo Freeway to beautiful Fashion Island, Newport Cen~er, in Newport Beach, 58 wonderful stores- Convenient free parking. FASHION j ISLAND JilEWPOBT OllKTE:a HISTORIC GIFT FOR YOU AT UCB. TO COMMEMORATE THE INAUGURATION OF RICHARD M. NIXON THIS GOLD !"LATED MEDAl:.LIC!>N. . WITH MATCHING 'KEY CHAIN , ' IGl AND INAUGURATION FACTS ON THE Re:YERSE SIDS. ' WILL BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE WHO OPENS A UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK REGULAR PASSBOc;>K SAVINGS ACCOUNT FOR $50 OR MORI::; OR TO PRESENT CUSTOMERS WHO, ADD $!50 OR MORE TO THEIR REGULAR PASSBOOK SA'1;1NGS ACCOUNTS. THIS UNUSUAL HISTORICAL GIFT AVAILABLE AT UCB OFFICES WHILE THE SUl"PLY LASTS. SB] UNITED CAUFORNIA BANK .............. ne .............. _...,.. COSTA MESA ' 3029 HARBOR BOULIVARD .. l ' I • • ~ ~"~·Y p~ ED~~ PAGE J • • I I Futur·e ort the Line "Eltl!er purclwes by l'elldent. are being lost to illher arou, or Laguna's &bare of tourist dollan baa declined or bolh." . ' This I• a •\ngl• sta!en:Jent from the 45-page soc!"' -analyst. of Laguna Beach. The report ii P""' llmlnary and but one of several studies ln a variety of fields to be encompassed In !lie general plan sllldy. However, the static tottriSJb and sales leakage COl\4 cept seemed a b111lsing shock to many last week. Some took It almost personally. Many challenged lhe criteria of the economist. Yet the report does set forth a good deal of data~ both statistical information and linea of thought, in reaching oondusiona. Confildering that the report is prelltt>iMry, perbapa: a few LagunaDJ over~reacted. Additional Information i> coming. If one considers the missing revenue the sum of Jost tourism and lost retail sales to residents, it would be important to know the proportion of each. Because of the nature of the information, however~ Jt can only be approximated. some have. suggested that lhe tourism picture may be better than the economist believes and that the real villain ts .actually a greater leakage In general merchandise salea to other cities than be suspected. On the basil of bed tu received by the city, at lout, the tourism quotient seems pretty healthy. La- guna Beach was up 32.66 percent In bed tu take during 1966-67 over 1965-fi6. Adjusllng for the fact that bed tu increased from four to live percent in 1968, lhe 1967-Q figures still libowed an increase of 8.37 percent over the prior year. It i. euy lo wapect ·that the leaU,e of aenonl tnercbandlH sales to local realdmts ·Is could1111bla. One bas !>lit lo look at Faabloo lr~ a fOtl mDp lW'f• . . . The tOuri!in an4 sales leakage elements,' )IOwever, are only a pai;t of the J1!porL Ju m.in thtwt ia In polnllng -out that Lacuna Beech will be under conllnulng ecooomtc · Pl'llSSW'e '·and. will have important choices to male in bel)Mg shape U. own desllny and fatnl'll character. ' The Ol'ODOmlst notes that the medlan -~ In_ Lao guna dropped by olght years to 40 sblce lillLAnd the numbeo ol stud,enu per 1,000 population ·1ncreued i50 percent He polnls out that ·the cl\y b cbanf[ng from a resort community to a suburtian residmilal commun- ity. The report indicates that the new·Autbnetic1 plant and other employment nearby. could add from 40,000 to 551000 persons to .the ares. 14The importance of· chaftneHng tliese economic forces into an orderly process of. growth cannot be over- emphasized," the report states. The economist told Lagunans during his presenla· tion that they have a spectrum of choice. The city couJd by annexation and addition of indµstry and commercial facilities become homogeneous and indistinguishable from the rest of Orange County. At the other end of the scale, the town could choose to be "isolationlst," encouraging culture and clinging to the village image. He underlined. the importance of the future choices by sayYJg Laguna's decisions can spell the difference between it& remaining a pleasant place to live and chaos. • 'May w.-put you under the financfaf ~ ~I scope, too?' (LI 'Maximum F easible Misunderstanding' A chieving 'Tight Little Mo xnihan'sRevealingBook A To~rab'le · = -~ob; m one of 0 ~ bnpati~t momenle,--. -~ . -: --'" -_,_~r ~I of :· ~~=~::::~ m --na'liince:·--~ ---~10 hn Birch·"Cell·s'· • ! . laid plafnUvely, "Ob . • . that mine · this country 1a estimated lo occur in ..., adversary had written a book." the areas of urban and rural poverty. Mr. Daniel Patrick Moynihan bu writ.. Thi!: is not guess work. It ls not the ten a book. Ml'. Moynihan Is to be past. It is now. Mr. Nixon's cllle.f adviser on urban al· fairs. His book, which wiU have general circulation about lhe time Mr. Nixon """""" the presidency, alrudy has bad national, even intema.Uonal, advertising. Mr. Moynihan was an adversary of at least a few million Americans before be wrote the bool. lie, of cour!e, bad begun the boot well before Mr. Ni:ron asked him to join his staff in an im- portant position. Indeed, the boot bad been completed before the telephone rang. It was even U>ea. .Ip tbe hands oltlltpubllsb<n. THE 80011: IS A ..,..ping denunciation Cl( the ~ programs that t>egan in the KenQedy admjnistration and were accelerated under. Presiderit Johnson. It i> titled "Mulmum Feasible Misun- derstanding." It cannot help but place Mr. Moynihan at the center of another vortu of controversy. The book, on the basis of advance releases, ii a total indictment of community action -that part of the anli·poverty program which brought some of the poor themsefvea into consultaUon and organization for the varioua communilies. 1be author says, for example, "It may be that the poor are never 'ready' to assume power in an advanced socielyi the exercise of power In an effective manner .is an ability acquired through apprenticeship and seuonlng." H e argues that what results in bringing the poor into community organizatioo is not a conveyance of power but a kind of play-acting at power. Tbe result.a can be absurd, he concludes. MIL MOYNJBAN favors a 104law course. He argues that wl1dom "bespeaks moderation in projections of the future and restraint in its promises fOI' it." He deplores the past. but, un- fortunale\y, there seems to be no alten)ltive ·ID his book. It ii merely a condemnaUon of past methods without offering any programming for lbe fulure. c.ertainly it is not wisdom to aay that moderation in projections' of the future is required. 1be future la not going to be moderate and the past ii very much the presertl i 1be present, which la a result of. the past which Mr. Moynihan deplores. includes, for example, the findings of a VfTJ considerable body of scientific inquiry. These findinp indicate a con- nection between malnutrition in cblldren and brain damage. This Is . especially true wben proleln Is lading. s....i,-five fl.tR. MOYNIHAN believes, also, that local officiala have been by-passed in too many community organizations. The inescapable truth is that wherever local officials have been by-passed, it is · becf;use they callously, and often with great reluctance, i8J>ored the shocking disease and suffering which went along with malnub'itlon. 1bere are literally hundreds of scien. tific report! "bich give irrefutable evidence of serious skin infestalion and ulceration, of eye and ear diseases, ot severt anemia, of bacterial and parasitic disease, of injury to the body's tissues and so on. Many of these scienUsb have. said, after witnessing first hand children who are suffering from hunger and disease, that we cannot any longer quibble between malnutrition and starva- tion, alnce starvation means dying from disease directly or indirectly resuIUng from malnutrition. Mr. Moynihan is an intelligent man and, as a member of a government responsible for acting on the problems of nat' and not of the past, he can hardly propose that the Nixon ad· ministrm:on offer the poor and hungry a ·stony loot rather than the symbolic ~ LBJ Leaves Well-heeled WASHINGTON -Whatever difficulties President Johnson may encounter when he leaves the White. House, they will not be financial. Unlli:e .President Truman, who reputed- ly departed "dead broke," Johmon is well bee.led. In addition to being P multi· m.lllionairf: with highly profitable radio- TV and ranch holdings, he will receive a record-high total in government pensions. Uke all es-Presidents, he will get $2$,000 annually. Jn addition, he will be paid a civil service annuity of around $17 ,000 a year based on hls more than 30 years' i;ervioe II an offJclaJ of the New Deal'• National Youth Administration, member of COngr'esa and aa Vice President. Total of these annuities I.a m~ than '4<J,OOO. JOHNSON IS AUIO taking with bbn Into retirement more records and files than "'7 of his ~ These pivate ml official paJ>en ftll eome 2,000 lour-drawer filing cabinets -which Ii plaeed baok to back would eirtend more than a mile. -----WednNday, January 15, 1969 ~ tdUorlol pag• o/ u.. Doar Pl/ol Ulb lo lll/ONll ...S ollm- 11/411 .....s.n br Pl'••""'no uu. ftflllpapl,.. opinioN and Cont- NWlorf .. topja o/ <nul """ olgolflconc•. br proofdlno • forvm for U.. upreuloft •I -....... .,,,,,._, ""4 br ~!Md-,... of l!t/oml<d ob,.._. ..S ~ ow topja of lh4 dq.- Robert N. Weed, PubU.her J In "lake home" pay, President-elect Nixon actuallJ will draw less than half ol the S:Z00,000 salary voted by Congress. That's tilt estimate of Rep. Wilbur Mills, D-Art'., chairman of the Ways and Means CommJttee that writes tax legislation. Slya MUll!I, 0 Mr. Nixon will wind up witb aomewhere between $98,111 and $99,248 alt.el' federal tues are deducted !nm the pay raise. ~.ooo looks big. but he only gels part of il" JUSTICE DEPI". WHITEWASH - While Adam Clayton Powtll regained his House .ee,at after a stormy and torrid debate, the last baa not been bean! of hi! notorii:m case. Bif;Wtisan opponents are cons.lde'rlng seeking an Investigation of ,the JUIUce Department's 'abrupt termlnaUon· of a grand iun probe o1 tilt bomlloltlc Harlemite. 11Ua dynamJt.e-loaded move is still in the· di8cuasion stage, but there ia strong feellng behl.nd il , Reason la the charge of a whitewash; that the Justice Department deliberately prevented the grand jury from brlnglnf in an i.nd.ictment. This ac:cusalioo was sharply volctd by Repruenlltlv .. a.rlt MacGregor, R-ll!M., 11. R. ~ I!.!-. Alllf,rt W-M.C., and others min,.'tbo ---dfe1 .. eatq PewelL Fwen""" -the -tbeJ ral.IDd were: -TB! GRAND JtJBY wu dlanlllf'd Quo tes ReY. B. Davie Napier, Staftfenl ch• ptl deu -"We have got to U.rten to the revolutionary vOlce, but we have to col!!Mtn It a well." on motion of the Justice Department "without making the detenninaUon It waa convened to make." Added Rep. MacGregor, "lf Insufficient evidence to establish a probable cause as lo the guilt of PoweU with respect to criminal conduct did not exist or could not be found , then he is enUUed to a 'clean bill'. For the. grand jury to make no determination leaves the orlginal que.s· tJon of probability of guilt or innocence sw.i open." -Federal Judge Edward Curran, who slined the department'• dismissal order, did so in the belief the tenure of the gra••\j~ bad expired. It bad not. It b · ed It still bad (our more months to function. -Two Justice Department attorneys who worked on the case prepared an .,.tndiclment last May. It ls charged this wu 111ppreaed by Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark alter confening with President Johmon. The draft tndJctme.nt was never presented to nor considerfld by the grand jwy. By Robert S. Allen and JobJ; A. ~ld1mHh Dear Gloomy Gus: That llO-Calied expert economist rully blew It wben be said thm bad been • big drop m genenl merchandise sales In Laguna Beach since 19150. He completely o•ttloo11:ed lhe incredible rtse since then of garaae sales I -L. w. fMe ... ,.,.. ........ ,.....,.. ..... ... -....rllY ,..... .. "" ....... -• ....,. ,_. "' ~ " ~ .... o.irr ,. .... Looking back on th< last baH-<entury, we' can lee thaf most changes were due to teclmological advance1 and our rapid adaptation to them, and most pro- blems due to the rigidity of our · iJ> ~ and their bosllllty to cbanlo: Jf, In the future, we cou]d learn to be mor.e crtUcal of our technology and more ~ OU:lble ln our Institutions, we might achieve a tolerable balance between the demands of change and the necel'lsity of order. 1 • • • One way to achieve balance in our pubUc attltudea is Indicated by Dr. Joshua Lederberg, the Nobel laureate in medicine, who suggestJ t h a t "lmtabllity of family life, the estrange. ment of the generations, and the !hallowness of human communi~lion are more preYalent and cum.lllaUYely more serlOUJ ~ thu violent crime, and must be given equal account . . • in any lament of human deterioration.'' • • • While it is true that most people ShouJd read more, it la also true that, just as those who ride all lhe time lose the faculty for• walking. those who read all the tlrne often lose the ca])Klty for thinking -whlch accounts fot the stunning unoriglnallty of so ~ "scholarship." • • • Medicine seeks to extend the average age of death, so that people may live longer, whlch la laudable: but we cannot have "death control" without birth c::on· trol, and must choose between fecundity .and longevity. • • • The greatest and most dangerous fallacy still existing ln thla world of 1969 is that aallateral national defeue Is in any way feasible as a means of avoiding war, deterring war, or "win- ning" war; rather, without the reforma- tion and strengthenlnl{ of some. mich agency as the UN, the more the In. ternaUonal system expands lt.i offensive and defensive capabOJties, the. more like- ly the outbreak of an irreversible catastrophe. • • • Passlol"lll don't change: just names do: the charge of ''communism" will lose a million votes for a man, by people who can't even de.Rne the word: the same wu true two centuries ago, aJJ Defoe wrote.: ''A cry o( 'Popery' wtll bring a hundred thouaand men to hone, not knowing whether the Pope is a man err a dog." • • • Except for basic necessities, people don't buy product., U..y buy fantasy- fulfillmenl3 : for who, ratlonally, would buy the averagre Amtric::an car, which I• too long to tum, too blf to part, loo •ri>ensl"" lo repalr, and too poftr!ul to control. • • • Tl's generally beli'ved that the familiar "Happy Birthday To You" 90ftS1: la tn the pubUe domain, when actually the seven mOfrt popular versions are 111 copyrlghled bo A!lCAP and "belong'' to private hands. • • • Women talk to Inanimate objeclo;: when the phone rings, a wmnan says, "I'm comlna. I'm coming," as though the phone can hear her; and I have even heard women talk lo their halt whlle drying It. To the Editor: It seems that everyone ls out after the publlc 1ebools. II not some Savio or Cleaver and their hairy comrades, trying to attract attention by stirring up trouble on the campl.lSes, it is a John SclunJtz and his fellow Birchers, making a more subtle but no less predatory appeal. Once again through the mail come those perfumed ·little p ( op a g a n d a broadsides, e n c I o s i n g questionnaires designed to help "guide" the pollUctens in Sacramento toward a tighter financial, and thence political, grip oa the schools, SPEAKING IN the tone of one of the. good guys, Schmiti aays in bis letter: "The most urgent task facing the California Legi slature. today is to prevent the complete. lake-over of our public educatioiial system by those who intend to use it as a vehicle for revolu· lionizing America, whether by in· doctrinaUon or by violence -or both." The method of the penurious Cleaven Is easy enough to see, for violence J!1 always conspicuous, if self-defeating. But what of the method employed by the more affluent Blrche.rs? In his constant disparagement of our schools, Schmitz forces us to wonder how he would staff hJ1 schooh1. Would hi.a c!Msrooms all be tight litUe John BJ.rch ce.U!:? Meanwhile, what about the education oI the children? ' S. ¥· HERTj'ON 6et Domn to. Cases To the F.ditor: It is said that higher taxation wiU halt the inflation lhal 11 weakenlflg and may even shatter our n~al economy. Taxes we have. Thef are going sky high on all !eve.ls, locaJ, state and na· tional. Every segmen~ of this society is feeling the effect of• piled up levies. We hear that wage raises are com· pensaUng for the tolls we now pay and will be asked to pay in future. That we win pay more taxes is certain. For, o~ measures art taken to juice the pocketbooks of the people, they are rarely re.pealed. WE HEAR THAT w' have a very low rate of unemplayilnenl But. . . from which statistaJ level ln regard to age of both young and old employables are lhese figures laken! A book baa been written which shciws how tt ia possible to lie with statisliai:. Often we hear about .1be Operation He.ad Start. But what about Operation Late Start! How la it that a person in middle life -trained to a gnat's eyebrow -has become passe and placed on the shelf When he has the uperlcnce to bolster youth. And the judgment born of experience with which to bolster the young worker? Why is age a barrier to employment when a man or woman can be. old at 17 and young at 71? Have wt become a robot naUon, forgeUul of the human equation ? AT A TIME when young folk art paying ~ for security, and older folk aro belnl lhol down by tuatloo between the years ol es llld ~. il they have been independent earners creatively employed, when lncrease.d interest rates and taxaUon threaten business. was It good psyohology to double the pay of the Pr<sldent of the U.S.! And Is It wise for !!0-Called dvil servants to buck for and 1et every ~ hike proposed! So<:all..I reUr.d fol) -and aome of I.hem have been forcibly shelved bec6ust of yt:ars alone -art the futest growina minority In these. Unil«I Slates. They have purchaslni power NOW! Tmy are plenty &harp, and they vote NOWI Letters from ,....,.. --· NDrm•lt, Wr11M '"°"Id <:Or1¥9' their -!ft 8 WOrdl Of leQ. Thi rl9ht 1ID a.ndeftM lttte,.. 1u fl! u~• or 1llml-n1te Ubd 11 rn«VN. All lstttn mutt lr\cludll "9Mfllr. Md m1111n11 addreu. but nama m•Y t. Wlthlleld CO'! ~ If Mitlk'"1t '"'°" 1' -~ , THEY ARE NOT apt to be relegated to the junk heap of hwnan.ity without proLest. They know that revolution is no good. but they wiU seek refonn under 0!.11' own system of govemmenL A person is pretty dull or uninformed who does not realize what spiraling in· ftation has done in Germany and many other lands. It is a hope that there are enough levelheaded persons in the USA who will insist that something be done to prevent a bust that will not only affect Americans but the whole world as well. We are virtually pricing ourselvea out of a semblance o( nonnal living and trade here and abroad. THOSE WHO have never experienced want may say that we have liltle need for material things. But have they tried a Montana winter withoul an overcoat or dug in frozen ground for a turnip to eat? And how about the lot of certain war widows who receive a pension of $51 per month if they make as much as $300 per year? It seems that we had better get down to cases in this land of ours. And soon! MARTIN PEDERSEN R elations 1l'lt/a Blnrks To the Editor: As a participating member o[ the recently held race relations seminar at Newport Harbor High, I would like to comment on the v•rite-up, Friday'! headline, "Blacks Shatter Hopes of Students,'' and indeed the entire article seemed to convey the idea that th• seminar was fruitless and that it was a pity that our blind idealism was destroyed. l fee.I that our hopes nE'eded to be crushed to make us realize that the task ahead of us is not one of simply proclaiming unbiased beliefs. Telling blacks you are unprejudiced will oat make lhe.m forgive and forget. THE DUTY of the whites is not to force. our own plans and ideas on the blacks, ~ul lo promote understand ing within our own race. We must make our own race understand that the bit.. t.emeu: and hate. they see in the blackman is the bitterness and hate our society put there. For some strange reason we are surprised at ilS magnitude and yet even now we are not fulJy receiving what we have. put in. This I have. learned, partly as a result of the seminar, and I do believe tlmt these seminars are an effective, if lit times disheartening. mode of conl- rnunication. Complex problems such es tihil are not easily i;olvL'd and J hope our community will recognize that more such seminars are vita Ry necessary. JEANNIE EGASSE B 11 George Dea George; Large, gaily-colored h o 1 i d a y candle! can be made at homt by sJmply mclUng wax In milk cartons! Alter a wick has been .nserted! B.N . Dear B.N.: Hm. No wonder my cereal tasted SO lumpy -I thought it WIS just the ha.ngovtr. • JI I I ( ., I • • • - Off ~red . by p:. T Units' Wtd~, Jool/"115, 1969 (L) DAILY JiLOT ~ Calendars !: LB Council Mn. CluorllH Boyd President COMING UP: Laguna Belch Unified PTA Council meetil;lg at 7:1> p.m. Thurs-- day, .Jan. 23, in the Top of the World Elementary School. Dr. William Ullom, superintendent of t h e Laguna Beach U n I f 1 e d School District will speak on the district's growth and financial structure. Choral readers from Laguna Buch High and Thurston Intenned.iale Scl1ools will entertain. Refreshmen~ will be served. Adams PTA Mn. Carl Leuck President al)l1CJUllCed Iha! M I c h a e I Brawn, pr 'ofe11or 1t caJUornla State COllt1e at Fullert«t will 1pe1k on drug alSUat probl<ms at the Feb. llO m«llng. REPORTS : CUb Scout Troop 187 Den 2 led the pledle at the January meet.in& .• ""1 take place from Jan. 25 through 3an. 3J. REPORn: J>,rellls a o d teachers participated in • quesUon and answer buzz session at y e s t e r d 1 y ' s meeting. , . Ed Burke spoke at the ._ aMual FalhCr-600 meeting. Mothers ol fourth erade students hosted. CM High PTA l\lrs. Omer l11ter President COMING UP : Board meeting at 9 am .• Thursday, Jan. 23, in the homt of Mrs. Omer Isner.' Drug evalua- Uon, nimmage sale i n March and Jwllor-Senior Parent Night will b e dlacuss<d. Canyon PTA Mn. Deula Mlller . President COMING UP : Mn. Gary Eva.Ni, honorary 11 f e chairman. wlll host a com~ mittee meeting at 1 :30 tonight, in her home. . . Mothers' workshop I o r school carnival from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wed· nesday, Jan, 22, at school. ..•. Members are worklng on the Febniary bond elec- tion. College Pk. PT A R E P 0 R TS : Int.emalional Relationships was lhe theme when the AFS students spoke at the January meeting. Frank Lopes, prin· cipal reported that members have registered volers and are planning transportation and baby-sitting for voters on elecUon day. Estancia PT A · ltfn. 81rkl1ll Bunltcm COMING UP : Mrs. Clifford ' President A1ra. Mark Goodyear President Walton, finl vice president COMING UP : Sweat shirt sale COMING UP: Cupcakes and Olympics _R&visited • The OI:r.mpic• will be revisited by Ed Burke (left), l!ammer thrower when he gives a )tour· of the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City via slides and a teclure. ,.Bllrke will present the program for the annual Father-son Banquet at Newport Elementary School at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24. Hanging posters which will point the way to the banquet setting are Jeff and Mike Adnoff (left to right). Grandmothers pmch wUl be oold lo •lud"'ls durlq Onala week, Jan. 11-13. P...-' In· l<mted lo · doo•Uns °' aalslln& lo aellinr may coo- lact Mn. GorOOo Gair, cbalnnan, 5*-0404 or Mrs. Mart Goodyear at ~I. R E P 0 R T S: Mrs. Walter Saunders was ralifled as ~ISUl'tl' due t.o the resigna- tion of MJ.7S. Yoshto Yam- ami,. • • . Mrs. Clifford WaJton, Mra. R o b·e r t Sorerwen and Mn. Goodyear attended the Harbor council meeting. Killybrooke PT A f\ln. Rould Hayward President REPORTS: Winner:1 of paper drive were Mrs. Patrick Guerra's fourth grade and J\.1rs. D. bi-Manning's third grade studenta . . . Snow White aOO the Seven Dwarfs. puppet show took place last week. . . Inoculation clinic took place for students. Mothers assisting were the Mmes. Joiqi ,Zorger, Donald Yarwood, Robert Heath, Robert Bergman, , Marvin Smith, Robert R I c b e y • Joseph Simrak, S. M . Rivers, John Toepher, Gerald Finch. Robert Anctil, Wllllam Robertson, Ro n Coleman and William Wilson. Monte Vista PT A !\Ira. David Goodsell President COMING UP: Board meeting from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, in the teachers' dining room. Honorary life .membership commJUM· and · P'outtder.r Day program will b e djscussed. Newport Ele. PTA The 'Exes' Hav~ It at_Hgiper Schoo l ___ --· ---·--- Upcoming first graders at Harper School will be given eye examination by an optometrist, engaged by the PTA. The project emphasizes the PTA's message that Eye Care Is Essential. Helping lhe unit convey this message are Deirdre Sutherland who is told to look at the light by "Dr." Garth George, while an eye chart is bell1g readied by Lori Isel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_,,- A 1 r I . John Scapple President COMING UP ; Annual Father- son banquet at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, in the American Legion Hall . Menu will consist of chicken, potatoes and salad. Ed Burke, Olympic hammer thrower will show flhns on the Olympics. Reservation.~ taken early, door prizes v;ill be a\\·arded. REPORTS: Looking at Our School District was the topic ot Dr. William CuMingham. superintendent of l h e Newport-Mesa U n i £ i e d School District at t h e meeting last Monday. Mothers or kindergarten studenl.!! hosted. Presidio PT A !\1n. James Ramey l'resldent COMING U P : ASS«'iat ion meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 20. Dr . William CUn· ningham. superintendent of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will speak. ·Rea PTA Donald Jackson and Marion Hartley. St. John Au x. l\lr1. Robert Reid D.C. to attend the tn- augurallon was the prize. • . Volunteers for the March of Dimes may contact Mrs. James Moultrup, chairman. Presidenl University Pk. PT A costume of your homeland and bring your fav~te main dish to the lnterrtiti· onal Potluck Dinner frdm. 6 to a p.m. torDOrl"6r. Admission is 25 cents 'fer person. COMING UP : Wine-tasting party from 7 lo 9 p.m. Fri· !\Ir. and l\,r1. Robert Kerr Noodland PFO -~ day, Jan. 17, in the school Presidents ha!L Tickets at $1 .25 may COMING UP : Gener a I Atn. D1Diei F1pit . ~ be purchased in advance meeting at 7:J> p.m. tomor-Prtsident : ~ rrom Mrs. John llarU at row in the muJUpurpose _;_;,;_ 546-2572 or Mrs. Robert J rOom. A panel discussion on COMING llP: Third a~ Mrs. ~~e~tellogg t.1cCormish at f>4G-3778. . . Ages From 10 to 1% will Father-son Dinner at l:fe Board meeting at a p.m. take place, followed by a p.m. Tuesday. Jan. 21; ~ COPiilNG UP: Spaghetti din-Monday, Jan. Tl, in the question and answer time. the multipurpose r 0 OC. ner from 6 lo 9 p.m. home of Mrs. George Cejka. , , • Weekly Saturday Menu will consist .:;..:if Wednesday, Jan. 22. at REPORTS: 88 parents at-maUnees of flbru, cartoons "'t school. Admission $1.Z for tended last weeks meeung. and live enl.ertainment is spaghetti, salad, Fr e q_C>l' adults and 75 c e n t s . Alteoclance award and ban· being sponsored by the Pta. bread, cake. coffee ti. students. Pep squad will ner was won by room 2A. milk. Admission ill fl.U:fli: N + Ht PT A entertain and provide the Membership trophy was W I PT rathers and 7$ cents, At noon every second Thurs· ewpor 5• decorations under the direc· presented to class SA by i Ion A Ticketa may be A thealer party has been Jan. 17, performance of "The day the Newport Harbor Ml'I. Elgie Armour tion of Mrs. Kirk Eastman. Mrs• Lero Y Taube• . at school tomorrow and Curtain to Open seiecied by the Huntington -Best Man" jn the Huntington Grandmothers' Club meets in President Dave Stowe will present the chairman .... Essay contest !\Jrs. ::e~d:~rpsoo day. Mn. Wllliam M Beach City Council of Beta Beach Playhouse. the Newporter Inn. Mrs. footbaU awards. for seventh and eighth grade and Mrs. James Kay ' Sigma Phi as its major fund-Cystic Fibrosis will benefit Verna Pitt at 642.3566 ma y COMING UP : Board meeting REPORTS : Serving on the students, The President as _:C_cO_M,.e;N_G;_Uc.P_:_Drc."'::::...cln::_:lhe::::.. _ _cc:chamne=·=="'-· ---~·o..:-: rai.5ingprojedforlhe year. from proceeds of the at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. nominating committees are a Leader, wu won by .. -.. Area Beta Sigma Phis are performance, and tickets will be called for more in· 21, in the teachers' Jun· the ~Imes. John Kelly, Joseph Pallo. An all expense Give Your fair Share fo the United fund;:: urged to attend the Friday, be available at the box office.,_r_onn_a_u_on_. ________ c:h_, .. _m_. ________ c_h_amn_· _an_,_Ro_bert __ San_k_•Y;_. __ r_o_u,_-<l_a;;..y_t_,i;_p_lo_w_as_hin_ . ..:gl<>c_" __________________ _.;'...;· for anyone who has oot ob-• ... NB Auxiliary tamed advance tickets from ·=~~~~~================~===~~~~~~~~~~=, """ -A Newport Beach Police Aux- iliary gathers the last Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Location is available with Mrs. Robert Wheeler, 675-1129. Among pretheater parties planned ii one hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sailor of Huntington Beach for members of Delta Alpha Phi and their guests. LET'S HAVE SOME FONDUE And fondue is men fun when you 're property equipped. Stainlen steel oet is complete with atamo bumer. Aloo great for tray or coffeo corale. $31 . Set of 8 fondue fori<s, $5. SLA.VICK'S Jtwtilera Sil'IC9 1917 11 Fashion lllend Newport Beach -6'4'4-1 JIO For Stronger Families, Happier Youngsters and Better Health, Give to Your United Fund NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS TO PAY DRAPE YOUR COMPLETE HOME DfRECT FROM MANUFACFU~ER Full Custom Coverq.ge ... Anr Home up to 4 Bedrooms (No Yardage Limit). Includes Heavy Duty Hardware and Installation. • Living Room, Dining Room, !\'laster Bedroo1n (Wall to Wall-Floor lo Srondard 8 Ft. Ceiling) •Family Room (Slider Only) • Bedroom 2, 3 and 4 (Wi ndow Cpverage) I Viking lnfBrlors inc. I 200 ROOM SIZE CARPET REMNANTS AT 50% OFF I . HONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9-6 WE HONOR 619 EAST 4th ST., SANTA ANA • Phone (714) 547·0958 for Appointment ucoME IN AND W A.TCH YOUR DIUPES BEllVC MADE" -·--- • ... •. =·= . .. ... ·-· ;:: . .. .· -···-~ •'1·.-"-I " .j i ... ~ : .. t.". .• ~ MR. AND MRS. LESLIE A. WILEY Merri.cl In Newport Beech ~es lie Wileys Select ~ome in Laguna Beach ~aklng their borne In Lagu· Camille Lincoln oJ Scottsdale, ,. Beach are Leslie Atwood Ariz., the bride's cousin an d Wiley and his bride, the for-maid of honor. .. Lynn Diane Maxey, who Attending his broLher as "left married In the Lutheran best man was Keith Wiiey or Qmreh of the Master, New· Davis while ushers were p\trt Buch. Thayne Free of Phoenix and ~Rev. Dr. William Eller Lawrence Broering Jr. of Bal· pjrformed the ceremony. boa Isl and. Parents of the bridal coople Following the nupti•ll w • ' President's Daughter Begins ~ew Life Luci Bidding Farewell .to White House By llJll.EN THOMAS WASHINGTON (UPI) ''MorbJd, morbid,''. s 1 I d aenalllve pre&JdenUal daupter Luci Johnson Nupnt as she aurveyed the pack.ing case11 fnalde the WhJte House and the l n 1 u 1 u r a I scalfolding outside. "It's like a wake ," she said, then hastened to add "It's all In jmt. Wt all make morbid jokes In jest. It makea it easier." In a telephone, lntuvlew, frequently interrupted by her lt-monU1-old 90ll Lyn who grabbed the phone to chatter, Luci spoke with deepfelt COl'I· vlctions of her five year1 in tile White HOUie and her future In Te1as. "The White House ha11 been nlv home for five years," she said. "It has been difficult, tumultuous and traumatic at tlmea. But It has been worth it.,, "I feel I am be11nnJn1 • new We bul still in lhnbo because Pat at.111 Is IWI)''" she 11\d. Her hu1band , Airman le. Patrick J. Nuge:ot will end his lOUr ol duty in Vietnam In mid-April. l..ucl said she i1 "proud" of him because he turned down 1 promoUoo l.O sergeant because ht ii not 1olng to Weddings, Troths . Pilot's Deadlines To help fill requtremeots on both "'ed· ding and engagement stories, forms ere avaU· able In all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4.121 or 494·9466 . . To avoid ~isappolntment, prospective br1d.es are reminded to have their wedding stones with black and white glossy photo- graphs lo !he DAILY PILOT Soci•ty Depart· ment prior to or within one week afteT the \vedding. For engagement announcements it i~ suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy p i ct u re. be submitted early. Il the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the \\'edding photo \vill be ac· cented. > ~-------. make the military a career 1 found myself falling in Juve and he felt otben ln lhe with it, tnowlni Ult people. service raled It more "to sup-who had lived there-. At first port their famili es," aaid Luci . I lhougbt Jt wu a mu.$twn . Luci observed that Tricia I was niortified when I saw Nlion, 22, Is 1novlng into the thoae (George) CatUn poin· White House "at just the right tings of Indians on the wall are.'' ol what was to be our ho1ne . ''I wu 15 and 1 half " she But then I grew to love and recalled, "and 1 had to 1adjwt undf!Tstaod them." to adolescence and to find 1 Luci said the White l~ousc myseU." taucht her "we only have one Speaking of Trkia, Luci said Preaident." "l'ni very p\eaaed for her, Sbe plan& to bt "eonstruc· especially because J ulie is live and po.siUve" In the future married (to former Presldent and support Nixon in the Dwight D . Eistnhower's presidency when she can to grandJOO) David . She'a young promote unity in the nation. and attractive. "Being angry and bitter and "The only thing I am belitling a Preaident is 11ot somewhat ttmorserut about i.s golng to . change him ," she the time 1 spent adjusting said . As she has heard her lo my nell' position." father say so many times Luci says dating for a single quoting former President Har- glrl in the White House has ry S. Truman, ahe repeated: problems but "the prospects "The buck 1tops here." also increase." Her advlce to She feels leaving the White the Nixon girls ·is to "be like House represents the "death a sponge -listen and learn of certain aspects o( my life." all yoo can durln1 those ''I want t 0 be the Pest precious years." person 1 can.•• she added, The black haired, blue eyed saying that life in lhe spotlight daughter of outgoing President of the p T e s I d e n c y is Johnson has always been of "character-building." a philosophic bent. Now she She has been taking a t.ape is more so. She said her ftel· recorder from room to room ings were "complex" when in the mansion recalling her her father decided not to run experiences for her personal for reelection. memoirs. She also ia snapping ''I wanted him to live and pictures of lltUe Lyn in the enjoy h.is grindchildren but hi!toric rooms. on lhe other hand , I ha ve She has saved mementos, faith in my father as Presi-including matchbooks and the de nt and his po I i t i c a I menu of the last state dinner. philosophy." She wUl miss the secret lime, lhe decl&ta, wu when she cot 1narrled. 'lbe pddu\ moment there waa when sM said 1Joodbye t.o Pat as he left for Vietnam. Petal Pretty She also felt assurance that service agents because they he was at the helm while have been "my friends on Your fingers will fly -YOU her husband was in VietJJam, a buai.oess-like basis." In fact, will relax while you crochet she said. "I trust his judg-the hardest part of Jeav1ng, each petalled square:" ~ Mrs. Ai.iyade Maxey ·or a reception foe about 60 guests Cirone de! Mar, Lynold Max· in the Laguna Beach home of el: of Sausalito and Mr. a n d the bride's aunt and uncle, ~. Carl Wiley of Corona del Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Wllsorf. lfar Special guests wen M r s . l;i~e.n in marriage by h er Camil Van Hulse of Tucson, f 1 er, the bride wore a floor the bride's grandmother Mr. I gth crepe go\vn wit h seal· and Mrs. Free and Mrs. Ket· 1 · · c..h..a PJ: J _~ring. B~thelJ a!l_Qf Phoenix. t in. Hea vy Mexican I a r e The bride is a gr8cruile· o f(l"med her yoke and sfeeves. Laguna Beach High School, al· Hir shoulder length veil was tended the University of Ari· '---------------------.! aitached to a fabric bow, and zona and received her degree -- f<11Ring her bouquet were in biology from UCL Her hus· wftite tea roses baby's breath band is an alumnus of Coro- and stephanot~. na del Mar High School, at- Wearing an emerald green tended Orange C~ast Collei:i-e velvet gow n and carrying red and also earned his degree 1n a&t white carnations ••as Miss biology from UCL ment," she said. she confesses, is to say goad-Crochet a._ wealth of ex- -UWberrit's-mt-over,-there -t>yrtr our-=-friend.s--tn-this--<tui1itHhlnp-with.euy aquare. ls no looking back," Luci said h043e. -pillows, scarf, cloth, spread, poignantly. "l did a term She hopes to write a book Pattern 73H: square S inches paper in high school on the someday of her years in ~ In No. 30 and '1 io string. White House and that's when White Houae. The happiest FIFTY CENTS (coins) fOT New President Leads Architectural League Hosting her first n1eeting of the year before members of the Women's Architectural ~gue of Orange County y,·ill be Mr11. Norman Cates, new pPesident. ·~ Newport Beach hon1e or Mrs. Cared Smith wHI be Uie setting tomorrow at 10 a.f!i. Assisting her will be Mrs. Rbbert Thomas at the brunch. Following the business por· lion of the gathering, J\.1rs. Maril Brubaker will offer a cosmetic demonstration. Officers and chainnen for the new year are the J\.1mes. St.anley Bell. vice president: J~es Sink, secretary; James F.tom Page 25 Corcoran, treasurer; \Valler Richardson and· Wilson Wood· man, directors, and Robert Thomas, parliamentarian. Others' are the M m e s . Sm ith, social; David Klages and James Barg, wa ys and means; Perry Babcock and Dell Williams, membership ; Jack Bassler, scholarship: Robert Lowrey, Kermit Oorius and Arthur La v agnino, a>A·ards: Everett Park s , legislative; Charles Johnson, historian: Ralph A 11 en, hospitality: Ron Yeo, public relatioM. and James Ward and Thomas Moon , telephone and reservalioM. • • • Winners' Circle However , as a devoted cook directed on package. Roll out as well as a contest aficion-and fit loosely into 9-inch pie ··aact, Mn. Greenlee will prob· plate, flute edges, prick and abl1 continue her interest in bake according to directions. the Pillsbury contest and may While pastry bakes, prepare now try out her special rec-n1ea( filling. Brown the beer ipa on the electric range she in small amouot of fat in WOO along with a $100 cash a skillet, stirring and breaking prize. up meat into small chunks CUrttntly she is eagerly as it browns. Add chopped awaiting her paid~xpense trip onion and green pepper arui to AUlnta, Ga. where she will coritinut cooking and stirring compete with 100 oth e r until \'egelables are just limp. Cm.lists for th e title "Best Mix in mufiard, salt, pepper of Bake-off" and prizes up and egg yolks. Remove rrom to $25,000 from Feb. 9-11. heat and spoon meat filling Mn. G r e e n 1 e e had into baked crust Arrange developed many s p e c i a I the shredded cheese over redpe:s to enter in the baking meat. c«delt during the past two The meringue is made by decedes. However, one of her adding cream ol tartar to egg favorites is: whites, beating until i;tiff and CHEESEBURGER PIE fold ing in the ketchup. This is spooned over the cheese ~ K E TC H U P 1\1 ER· toppped fillin g and spread INGUE "'Ith a spatula so the top I atk.i: Pilllbury Pie Crmt of the pie is completely Mbc or any pastry mix cove red . for a 11ing!.e crust pie Bake the pie for 15 minutes 1 ~ pounds 1round round nr In a 351).<legree ov en unUI the tean ground chuck meringue is golden brown and 1 4 cup chopped onion servt". hot, six pie~haped 1Jf; QJP c:bopped green pepper -=w=ed="ge=s=. ======= ( Optlonal ) Ir 1 ~ prep•rcd nSICanl l ... _ .. ll ~tvrp>mpeppcr i.-,.a. 4 Oll'ICel cbaddar cheese , ~ thndded ··-~ .. IP"'O"' crum of llrtar ~cuploolcbup l'r<pal'I Ille mlll mix ., PENETRATION ff••ri, •"'•¥•11• f••4t th• DAILY ,llOf. h•ll'+•f••11 11-.. ~· fw ~ kki· , .. , 0:-u,. c.ut. BLEY LE PANT SALE Faculty Wives Group Hears Folk Musicians Betrothal News Told each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for firsklus mailing and apeclal handling; otherwise thlrd-cLUs delivery will take three weeks or mere. Send to Allee Brooks the DAI· At A ' p t LY PlLOT, 105 Needlecraft Folk musicians , lhe. Misses Barbara Cheatum and Pam Luschern will present a pro- gram of original ballads and folk songs before Saddleback College Faculty Wives tomor- row evening in the San Clemenle home of Mr s. Mel vin Mitchell. "We write songs about things that are important to us, not necessarily to someone else," the two guitar players, both students at San Clemente High School, explained . Annual Day Features Discussion Christian Imperative and Responsibility is the title of the program offered at Annual Da_y by Church W o m e n United. The all day d i s cuss ion meeting will take plaet Fri· day, Jan. 17, starting at 9:30 a.m. in Independent Square, 2450 St. Andrews Place, Los Angeles. -Leading the discussion will be Mrs. J. J . Millerr Dr. Clif· ton Moore, Dr. Melvin Talbert and Dan Thrapp. 1'.lni. James Fa r I e y , chairman of the day, hopes that one woman from each chu rch in the state will attend. HB Aux iliary American Legiori Auxiliary of Huntington Beach gathers 111 lbe American Legion Hall at I :30 p.m. the first Thursday of each mo11th. On the third Thursday members may call Mrs. Arne Jensen . 536-2777, for location. Thoy ha'< studied pr°' n n 1versa ry a r y Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea fess.ionally at the Folk and Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Modern Musi c Center, San A June wedding ln the First Print Name, Addres1, llp, Clemente and have played Southern Baptist Church, Cos-Pa«en. Number. Giant, new together for over a year ta Mesa is bein& planned by IIU Needlecraft catalog - throughout the South Coast Pat Sanderson and Melvin Hil· over 200 de&i.gns to choose, area. chcock. 3 free patterns printed inside. For the program the coeds Close frlends and relatives Se nd 50 cents now. have planned a variety of were apprised or the news NE\V ! "50 I N S T A N T musical tales which cover during a dinner plJ'1.y given GIF'l'S" -fabulous fashions, history, religion and con· by MW Sanderson'11 parents, toys, decorator accessoriefi. temporary problems. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Make il today, give it tomor- Co-hostess with Mrs . Sanderson of Costa Mesa to row! Ideal f9r all occasions. Mitchell for the evening is celebrate their anniversary. 50 cents. Mrs. George Hartman, also The bride-to-be is a graduate "16 Jiffy Ruis" to knit, of San Clemente. of Corona del Mar High crochet, weave, sew, hook. 50 Mrs. Jack Swartzbau1h or School. cents. Laguna Beach, club president, Her fiance, son of Mr. and Book or 1% Prite Afghau. said the business meeting will Mrs. Roy L. Hitchcock of San 50 cents. begin at 7:30 p.m., foll owed Marcoa, is a graduate of San Bargain! Quilt Boot t bas by entertainment at 8:30. Marcos High School and is ,,_ H...,M ,...... 16 beautiful patterns. 50 cents .. Topping the business aeenda in a four-year apprenticeship Mweum Quilt Book z -· Is a report from the com· at Mira C~ta Co 11 cg e, PAT SANDERSON patterns for 1% superb quilts. mittee making arrangements Oceanside. June Bric:le 50 cents. for a Sweetheart Ball wh.ichl-----------------------=:....:=.:::;_ _______ I is being planne<! to com· d memorate the founding of the A college on Feb. 14. (!,- The January meeting is ,.. taking place one week later t h a n regularly scheduled, Mrs. Swartzbaugh noted, due to overlapping holiday com· mitments. Performance To Aid Funds A special benefit ptrforman· ce of Neil Simon's "Star Spangled Girl" will be presented at 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 19, in Laguna Playhouse. The event is being given fo r the American Auoclation of UnJversity W o m e n , Newport.Costa Mesa branch to raise funds for fellowships , one of the principal aims of the organisation. Anyone in tereated In purchasing tickets may call Mrs. William Clegern at 333- 0157 or Mrs. Gary Gillettt, 545-4710. I See by Today's Want Ads • A i;:lrl "'i th a I !opt Chl!~I Hike newJ is hoplna to ~II it to ~me hopeful 1:1rl. e A "~fat')' Poppil\l!I " Is needed to care for 2 yoong a;irla. Private room. bath, T.V. 10 with this perm11'). ~nt position. • F1y O\.'tr and lake a look al thil '62 T-Bird, all ex· tru. ln uotllcnt ooodl· Oon, for uJe by owner at a \>Ct)' low price. • "Please cont e home"! rrtn. brou•n Terrier/Dax· it 13 n11"ali-.: Jo.,;t 1t l!tth St., C.O.ta M~. • Nk.-e one ~roonl &che- lor Pad, exeeptionally m~ wl!h palio and with re•· IOhlbJe rent. COATS ' luxury fur trim1, letithers all~weather and c.or coots KNITS aulta and costumes famou1 Sebastian, Codlllac and World k"tt' DRESSES knits and wools, co1UGl1, party dresses e1nd CO&tumet r -onnual decrranc. IOllS • SUIPWIAI oncf glornofOUI, lamaut-malce AT-NOMI WEAi to 50% off sportswear clearance •Willll""1 ~l<Jlll'l CAl'l\IS new pastels, sohds ond ploids, fin• wool1 and doer on· polyt sters Reg. $11 ta $1' 7!19 and 8.99 Reg. $15 and up to 50% off South C.01t '1oia U33 "ltl11.i, CMfo Mt•• BIG MAD •USK II ON m:r: WlW GUEN TllmGI Becau.e riaht oow, the)"'Ye really anived ••. You know the Counlr7 Fnah S'Nbl.,. Owd. the muatanl &f'teIUI and tM Savoy ~ •.. Try 110me ... 1bera'• noth· irl& like 1 aood bunch or ereena to pucker up a jaded 1ppetite. Savoy C..bbfl&t:, m Cl'ilp and curly ... Give U a whiri in ·the salad bowl , aJonr with some chopped celery and mayonnaile. Sil· voy also does wondrous things with chopped ahrirnp and a few snipped fresh mushrooms. And wh,y not try on »0mc Napa for fiavor • . • Fint of all you fry up a Jlttle chopped bacon, then pour oU the extra dripplnp. Next chop up the NaQll or Olinese Cabbqe, u tolne call lt, aprl.n1de over the bacon, cov· er a.00 cook a crisp 3 or 4 minu~. ReaJbt when Uncl~ Dad Al awa to •llCh srut 1encths to &'•thet round all . theae &'OQdle thinp you should give them a whirl, and wOO knowt, you'll prob-abtY_ come back for me>No Aren't the fresh Hawaiian plneepple wondertul. In.re the .,'&)' some att llittd io ball and covered with cello. What a whltt u you ·paU by ;·.-. And the tans•r--1n6l. -me· • extra ble''"f.lncY-·- jwpbo navel on.nae•, the beauteoua D'anjou pean: you eat with a •poc>n. • • Strictly )'WDDl.YIVille and healtblville . • • The quarta of fresh .,.pelruit and ....,,.. )'II<" ha.ve been the bower at the Hone Kone hour w:lth their rad1anee or 1 sunahine anr bon appetite. WITll ALL "'18 FBUIT8 AND OBEENSTALK • • . step into the instant inspiration booth and come up with a winner tor dinoer . . . . Bi& homey cbunka of marinated Country style spare ribs ... or the delicate delectableneas of l'OI)' 1low~ ing chicken wina:s. Beef Rou- Jades could whip up a flavor 11torm or Pol'tc tenderloin stuUed to flavorful perfec- lion offers the a:lamorout type of cookery you love so much wittfiut the fuss or the muss. Can•etii;ht mcata ••• what a voay to cook dinner , . . Chicken a la Kiev has entered the CandJdia:hted pa r I o r wherein boneless chicken breasts are wrapped arolm(f a c~unk ot butter with chives, and the wiflJIC lip bone ia left to put a frill o .. for aaucineu and tun. SHADES OF THE LOS ANGELES ABT MUSEtml .. , How mod can we gil \\•ilh our haniing cha.in in the gHt shop ... Might clve you some ideas as to ,vhat to do with Junk>r'1 tni.cb and · Slaie'11 doll bua:ie11 . , • Hana: 'em up to 1et them out of the way. In the midst of the whop- Pl!l' of a sale 1oina: on in t.he a:itt shop you might enjoy the litUc musical lo&: cabin, Jt plays Sn1oke Gets in Your Eyes when you pres1 a but- ton. At the 1ame time t~ lid opeM up and lnalde a~ elprette1. Love matches are fun to have around ••• JlttJe round wooden boxfS like tiny canilters w I t h bunches of Oawttt on top. ' 1'RE BIG JEWELRY AND WALLET CLOSE-OUT .-. . ,,,. jool tune will .. no. more Nm tbs wan.ti, COltl purses, etc. are ftyinic the ailt abop coop too. All are hall and Vlrd ott ti!;. an are sont. Kind or ud, isn't tt. eut~ now n 've s:ot .omethhw . to lOok forward to • . . Wbl.t wll1 ro tn Lo their placl: , • • Anyhow here's Y'O'lr chance to IO wild UTIOfll the slitter and the said, the old 1lllltm! lace and cameos • • • lht hand painted rockl, the pc.aria, the rttlnertones and cey1tal ... Btrr DON'T MJS., 'l1IE Vll8Y NEW Here 's • pmt, &rod look· Ing ellOUlh to 1lt on YoUr (.'O{tee table and keep your aunts amUled while they'R waltlfW" for )'OU to whip up the pate de toia • , A IOI.id onyx cube about 6 tnchf!a in each direction. The top ii tcDred In aold ............ to make 1 pe_rfkt tic tac t~ tic.rd. Tlw:rt: •re lold ems. ea and •Uvet Os and Y'OIJ can l'8IJ.Y pa.y. stunnms ... b)' Jere ... You ml1ht alllO enjoy the new A and Z book- end" ..• Rt•I letter1 made aut of Iron and fln1ahed .,ilh a &old look •.. Heavy 1111 a rock. , • KJCRAAl>'5. nD: PEOPLE 8'l'ORIJ , , , ?'(!;W'P()llT 8~AC11 ' I I • .. • «); •. Ne~ort Barbor· I •• ' EDl-IION . • . NoL 62, NO. 'll, 5 SECTIONS, 66 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALll'ORN1A Mesa, By THOMAS FOllTV!IE Cl.f .. Deltr .... .,.,,, ' · · UnJJ«Cecleni.d endonement of a acllool -ilo!Je WU glvan· TIJesday nlgbt flY N""Jl«I B<acb and Costa Mea city Cour.cllmen. ., Votlng unanimoully, councilm"J from v.e·two cities urgtd voter approv&l Fe~ JI of ·Newport-Mesa Unilled~ fll.t ~-.._.. .·ileetini joially with the acbool board al Colla M-•High School, councilmen * * * Chamber's • • Board Backs • 'i ." School Bond Pair Charged In Stflbbing Of Wo~n ' 'lllWAMcllBED B~ ..,...., ,.. ""' ~Fomml miJrder.clmPI were llChedUI. ~ lo be ffied'al I p.m. lo.Jay against ii. Hunt.ington Beach mm ind ~ Occused of slashing lo death an OP' tometrbt receptionist Sunday night. ',\CCU>ed of the slashing death of Mr• . i.ester S. Markee, 55· of 1508 Olive Ave. 8rt Norman Coatney, 41 and Margilreta Dinger, 38, bOtb of whom work in Newport Beach but gave as their address lsJf Delaware St, Huntington Beach. : Deputy District Attorney John Kn>nln was to ask West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Wsii<r W. Charamza to bold the accused pair Without bail. ' Tbey had been tcbeduled for ar- raignmeul al t a.m. today but final --between -· .. ol the Huntington BeacllPol!oe.bOpOrtinent and dbtrici altorney dOpulles oCcOpled fD90l Of the morning u evldon<t againll the Accused paJr was sifted. ~ Bolh Coatney and Miss Dinger have Professed innocence of any involvement Ill tbe bloody slaying of Mrs. Markee on 17th Street near Palm Avenue. Coalnty, a graduate Of Teua A and M College, was de9cribecl by police as a highly rtgarded aerospace engineer terr a Newport Beach firm. RecmUy divorced from his wife, Elliabelh, €Gainey is the father of t ... children, a boy. 5 and a pi, 10 who "" in &he custody of bis former wife. MiJI :Dlnier WU de3Crlbed also U a bigblf-nprded -"'>" of a N~ -·-~lict Aid, ...... owver 'Of lhe late model -found abOul ooe llllle from the --&Jnday night With blood lnatde Ille - tie. Police said tbe ear *1ved eVfdtnce ff a recent minor tra!flc accident ' Altbougb both denled complicity in the ltlllng, neither have been able to explain flow Mill Dinger'• car got to 1lSt Street and Olive Avenue whert it was found a few mipulel alter Ult, gri&ty murder 'fV81 diacove.red. pollce asserted. Police theorize that a minm' traffic atcident might have led lo the bloody aluhlnl tbal left Mrs. Markee dwl on the pavement in front of her car. An OQofool aearci> Sunday nlgllt turned llP the blue aedan which pollco aald waa regj!tered to Miu Dlngft'. '!be ad- -on the regimatlon certilkat< Ul1<!d ' Lompoc -and Del Capt. Earle Robitaille cra:llted the Lompoc police with "fine wort" In detmnbdng !bat 'Mia Dinger had moved from Lompoc to HunUngton B<acb. • Newport raid lliey acted In recogn!Uon. that good scboOts" mean a healthy commuruty. "W'e shouldn't miss, We can't aHord to miSI again because Ume ls rwmiDg oUt," said Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin Pinkley. tO scb9Ql trustees, "We. represent the same W;payen;." She indleated city and llcilool . officials should work together for what's.best for. residents. lle<alled M..,.'a Pinkley : "For , 1,5 .years we have never gone on record on 1 >Chool Issue. W& 'fell this wu a.nother public _agency elect.ed by the people and .... we abouldr!'t. at.ict our nose in their buainw. The dUfuence this time ii W! were invited to take a stand." Said Pinkley, "As aoon .as schools start lo deteriorate we lose indu:stry. then taxes .and it'• hard on everYooe. We Jost one very good new industr)' because of double session& about three Weeki ago." . . . . ,. ' . Newport Coomdlman Howard ·BOpr& said, •-nus meeting represent.I a. mJtur .. ing of communi\y polltical tblnklul. N.ow we are acilng in concert on common problems. Without strong sebools we are not goJog to have healthy growth." in the aalne 11>lrl~ Ne~ Coim-cilman ... Paul 'Gn11* llhl.· 'll bope. we can have an a&erted public •nd let past defeats become jult a record that nobody wants to remember." . oii>rft ooe who besitated:'j aatd CQN Navy lnvestigaWl's Probing Enterprise Fire PEARL HARBOR (UPI) -Fires and erp}osjont a.board the USS Enterprise iett 42 1eaman dead or missing at sea mid >Cerea injured Wednesday in tbe tblrd Carrier tragedy of the Vienlam Rf. . The D.ame-eearred nuclear carrier was· ~ niar tbe ~ hulls of ships Slllll: ill Ibo liMI Japanese attack while ID>~ tried, to. delermlne what went wrong-aboard the world'" largest •arahlp. • The Navy 1he1ved comuat orders for the Enterprise, which was en route to Vietnam for the fourth time. 1be cuualty list included 2S dead. 17 missing in the Pacific aod 85 injured. Two Navy ships and several aircraft scanned the tepid waters 75 miles southwest of here for signs of the missing men. "'What cauted the ·eJP.los!,on we don't know," said Capt,. Ken L. Lee, jf. .Pied- . mont, when the quarl<l'-mlle ki"I Big E rea¢bed poi:!, . Bui N11V1 olDc:ials.lll~'lt was poasible live" ammimltion abo&rd ·a jet aircraft ready. for launching may have detonatea. Fighters on the deck were equipped with rockets, bombs and 25 millime~r ammunition. "A big ball of name exploded un- Lagunan's Body Found In Jet Crash Wreckage BULLETIN Searchns late thia morning found th< bod!I of MoJ. Choma L. Rodgtra, !6, of Lcigunc Beach in the wreckage of the Phantom ;et missing sinct Mon· day night. Air searchers today loeated wreck-age believed that of a missing El Toro Marine Phantom jet from which a Tus- tin radar officer· escaped while suffering terioualnjuries. · F.a&e of the pilot ls wlknown. .Discovery of wreckage of the missing Phantmn RF.@ came at 10 :10 a.m. t~ day -when search planes diacovered widely 3Clt1ered wreckage. F'lnl reporta aald the suspected crub acene la rn n1aed mountain terrain ta- land Of San Juan Hot Springs. Marine ofllcen Mid !be Ille Is four and ooe.lllK milts ....-of Sltlon Peak, abciut 13 mlla ~· ol the El Toro Marine Air Station runway. Sitton Peak is in the Cleveland Na· tional Forest. Ground parties were. warned from lhe air io be ready to traverse "50me pretty rugged country.'' It WU expected that searcll parties would reach the stricken aircraft later today. Marine eon. Capt. James Burton aaid addltlouJ w.arCben would be taken in by htllcopter (o a point "Al near u ~lble11 to tbe wnctqe. "But that may be ........i mil• away," Burton saicl. ·"ll'• IGinl &o take a ·Jot ot hard work for oa lo aet to !bat wreckage." Tbe radar olfli:or ol tho .mlalng plane WU found TIJesday aflemoon terioualy inJur<4 near San Juan Ho< St>ri!>&> in tbe Cleveland National For..i. He had ejected from the falllng plane. U . Edmund Kinsella Jr., 24, of Tustin, • Is In critical condition today In SI. Jcil- e(lh Hospilal in Orange. lie Is sufferil)ll fronr-a fractured 1bou1der dWoca~ knee, cull llld ~nzlses. ff'e lost COMid- er;able blood from a ruptured leg artery. More than 3)() Marines from the Third Marine Aircraft Wing at £1 Toro aided by members of the U.S. Forestry Ser.\'· ice and the .. orange Coont:Y ~riff's Department were jJI an the search. Five helicopters wefe launched at first light this ·morning. The RF-48 jet dlsappeared from the El Toro tower radar about 6:27 p.m. Monday shonly after a May Day emergency call was received. • • derneath one of the airplane& just as we were preparing to launch," said Botswain Mate 2.C. Jerry Dennard. 31, Warner Robins, Ga. The 90,000-ton Enterprise, which has 5,400 crewmen, was on a bombh}g ,prac· tice mission Tuesday wben thunderous explosions rocked the vessel aild names wtiipped across the rear end" 'of the flight deck. ' ' CapL Lee, who turned the 1«t.111illion carrier into the wind immediately to fan the flamea: oft tJ:ie stern, ·. siid lt took nearly four hours to quench the fire. Freeway Topic For Mesa Debate A pair of Costa Mesana known for words of wit and wisdom in their com- bined 80 or more years here will.debate the Newport Freeway Thursday, be.fore CHART, a Harbor Area organizaitan. Costa Mesa· Mayor Alviri . L. Pinkley and City Councilman William L. St. .Clair will discu1µ1 ,the NeWport Freeway section through their hOme city aod its various effects on the towTI. ' The Thursday breakfast ~ion of the Citiw:ls Harbor Aru Research 'l:eam is scheduled for 7:SJ) a.m. at the •Costa Mesa Country Cltfb and is open to the public, with pbotol and displ,ays eet pp for illu.straUon. · , · Those who wish to attend should ptaCi! reservations with member Jim W~, bY telephoning him at $46.69t0; accoii:fing to CHART organizers. ·1 , : . . I ' Mesa Councl1man Robert WUlon. 'jl fiel this time it 1a • :good iuuej it ii something lhat is needed." When the votea were cut,· wlth #all councilmen In agreement, School Board President James "BW" Peyton re-marked : . ·' "It oefWnly will bl be!J>ful lo •• In our bond election to po1n\ out to the electorate m are finaby a unified district." • •. Tbe only provoeaUvo COllllll!llll' In Ibo No t•Y'I · ..... ~:. I , t,..>I N.Y ... sc1:rka ·, ,, .. ! ' :. ...+-...... ' . ' • • B, ;u ' .' ·;·, d: • ;,,;~ ; . "'n· :, :·s· .. · · u ~r: I '• • ,. " I I ' • Girl, 11, Wins' in Plea for Pavmg MOSCOW (AP) -Four rool1'· Soviet cosmonauta, ddmr So)'1lll 4 and Soyuz 5, began maneuvering in space today ior perhapa the world's flrat crew transfer In .orbit. f> telecast · from aboaril Soyui ~ rei)orted aboul an bdur after ill ieCln- ching 1today, ·that tMe . ~~" ,.craft ... funclHmllll """"'1\f . .and Illa -man·crt"""" feellag lint. · Earlier ~ut Vladlmir Stiatalov,, Dicln& a1oneJ11 5oyu1 4, .._...i aJI Was well aboard bia craft. Shatalov· wU launched about 34 houri befort. hil com.. panJon lhlp. . There weft 'unconfirmed report&, ~ Moocow that the two lhil'I ...WCS. link up, and ooe of .the men' from Soya 5 would cllmb lllloard Soyui 4. "9 ""'81, space oWdalJ tept sll.ent· m plans for the lour-man mislion. , The cosmonaut tranafer would ,atve the Soviets another •'flrJlt'" ii ......, and alJO would mark the flrtl time Newport Poliee Nab 6 in Glue; Marijuana Raid Newport Beach pollco Jail Tuesday night broke up an alleaed mariJu~a and gluHDlfllng j>arly ~ a beachfr111I apartment. arresting sl1 )'Ol.Qll ftlel!· Officeia ,.td u 1l!<Y •~ tbe residence at 1510 OCean Jl'rJmt the 1tqe fumes permelti.d tho ln&2rt air so heavi- ly that "it made our eyes water." One l!Ulpttl, Donald' P. litapibauah, 20, of 2IZ5 0ctan Blvd., WU taken Into custody ...,. the ·~· Police aaid he was . 8'tn &taping · 1\)9,ut lhe sidewalk. He wa1 charged with befug under tbe ln11U011C< "ol poiaonous fumes." , stalnbaUlh allepdl1 told ol!ieen ht had been at , Wty at &he 1$10 Ocean Front address. Tbe five oCber suspects we" arrested .there .. They were ldeotlfled M Ira Doari Mlll<r Jr., Zi : J<f!Y Dal.t K'!lo, ~;. WU!laln · N. 1Wne1. •Ill; ~ 'W,. Ollob >Jr., 21 : 111\1 ~··llili ·.~;su 1'IOl' were aD ~on~ pruee'm charges. • • · · ·' P<tUee llld tlley I-lbrte .Pll'ft containing ftqm-<I pololbie' mari-juana, napkiN dampened wltb w~ ap- peared to be 11ue l!ld ·ot!Mr .. -Of I "party" lo the 'apatUnoll •. GluHnllflns waa littNbll4d bf low a few~ qo illlr.-.-11 detenmned that It cu ·~ ., breln 'tislelf, poUot noted. * 'i • -' l . - . ' ~ .. ,\ ( ..,... . , I ! ·I Fair at!OI will pmall .Tbunolv, foUdw~ !be. '!"'Bl ~ .-1 Ing, wllh ltlnpn lillm• .bll:t up· lo , ~.l!:d COit! and intlie 'IO'a • INSIDB ·~bAY ' . . -.. ' ~2~D~Al!!!,L-!_Y_IP'.,!!llO~T---_:N!__~W~! '!:,_!!IJ!:OJ~, ......., 1\1969 .. 7"11i P• i ---• ~ ·_COUNCILS .•• 1 . ; 1oa..,;;.,;..... ~ 4rPn<nll for the bond electloo "°'" ntliftl by 1CbD011 Slqll. WWlam cu.. ·-~;.,; ~·-·· ... ' ·oec:tlna eM)Umenl to ..... bY hloro ~ ' · ihlD i~OOO ltudeoll i"<" )'Oil. FOr <Wf1 •· ne,r .-two will have to be put on -.......... be poinlod OIL 5bould the bond '-"" laU, he Aid, the mnnber · of ltudeota on double se:>&lon Will in- aN!e !rGm 1.300 at pruent to 1.100 nell l•lL ·-.... ·: lie aJi!. lilldeoll .. double -,. ""' ....., lllJori.<blnllld ud • baJf hour . " lmtndon ..... do)' --odd up lo ... aad -yun .... ochool· In& If -..cl lo hlah 8'hool g>adualloo. He aaid, "U we were to comtroct tod1.7 what "" pr._..i II months qo (ln a dtlealed bond illoo) It ~ · -fl.S million more thin tt did-. that. Tbal II the mull of Inflation." He llld COit of the-bonds to the :: arm.f . ol a $15,000 bomt ....id be 47 ceota tliJa year ln<reasiq lo II.II In the put year, 1172, decreulntl yw-ly tb....i1tr. •suzie~ S1niling _ iy~p·: f "4"';nfed ''._tnJ's. Budget .. Rull~ ' ., Hits Peak ' -.-· . , In Newport ··See·s Surplus l . ' , • . cO~ ln Newpcl'I W In !Ml ooar.d to a record level, dly ol!ldall r 41111 centa, abolishing air mall as a &eparat.e aJ\nounced today. They said the total WASHINGTON · (UPI) -1-B. category. value of building pennlta wu almost Jol!nlqo lod"1 propooed a 1191.1 bl)llon He likewise called for lncrum In double the prevl°"' high. bucllei1hat WU both a 5'QWI ~il<!cllctory Sodal S<caritJ wilhboldlni tam on BuildlDJ D-0. S. Gnni lald to lila 'pr111c1eocy and a.cJlallenfl to hi& WOJ"tera and lheir aoploy1n, to pay a $44,111,211 In pennill wON iJaued durinl ~ •JCCWOr ''It .._ ahead 13 percont hit• In b.ai-: ma]nten-~· f'"· The pmtou. record In lhe for freedom ml ;U8Ut:e at "honle and ance of the preaeot MVtn peroeot ticiae ctt)' wu set· in ltlf when $21.7 mJIUon aboard." tax an new autos and phone caDI and In pmnits were issued. The 1987 total ma flhal hlllf#l foresaw a SS.f billion lligher taxea on truck fuels, aviatJon 1u. was $23.2 million. aurplUI .In .the IJr'!""\111. ~ July I. oline and alrllne tlcttla. The trend should continue In 1960 at .llut ft wu P"ll!'!' If Uie ilaq Ul\JlllP-Congress and the ~ent-.locl ..., aboul the Nlllt 1e .. 1 u Ulll, Grant tion that c-. wlh approve IU.8 llJlore the entire 1111 If tbeY wtah. But a pid. billion In prOpoied 'tam, Including a number ol the ~ probah'1 will One of the llgnlficant developments One-yur eiten&lon o1 the 10 perceol 111r-get lrlendly attention In the Democratlo-In 1168 In tenns of cost p<r Wilt wu char&e on personal and Corpara\,e income controUed House and Senate. the IJnda late commanJty, where pennitl tuu. The levy now if scbeduW to ex· Nixon was expected to aequiace In were obtained for 50 dwellings valued ~rw' .l~t• 30the. ~--,1 HJ:t the surtai: proposal, which would include at $100,000 apiece. The valuations, Grant J\Wll .presidential authority to cut or elimi-noted, were for ccmtructioo con. only, '"!bat _,.. nominal lo me but I -I~ blued," be Nld. Commelltln&, "Undldly" be aid, OD bow Jona the bond __ Jut, would lhow an 11.7 li<lldt. • nate the 10 pereetlt atra d1ar&o when not land. · T . F au recent federal budaets: u nt a record conditions warranted. Together wtth Other large projedl Included the finan. ·Viet ot Recovering rom Surgery ·for ·holh tpendln( and._ .. · Johnson'• recaue111or cont1nu•tion o1... clal comple• bordering P'uhlon llland, . ""' The l?rtsldent aaid the surchu1:e wu pirlng automoblle and telephone excise the Edwards Theater in Newport Center ''If we are going to atay ahead of our enrollment ~·1f have to come back for al!Qther bond issue in two and 11 ball yan." • TO>t BARLEY 1-f th 2 kl v· hlld neceaary to keep the government in laxes, would bring the government an and 74% units of a "linglea only" apt.rt. .,y 1PI o e -year-o ietnamese c Utt flJeck and to help check Inflation. est1'ma•~ M .5 billion. t I oi .._. o.u, ''"' statt · . wu •• men comp ex In the South Bay. art losing the bluish tint that 11 IO :...go.rev!", he ukld CongrtM to..8've in-Congress might buy 1ome of Johnaca's Gtant said predictions ror a continuing A happy, '"1!ling Suzie, cooUuuln1 her typical ·of the Ol)'itJHlarved hwl pa-ciiJo>lftl'P.,.rdf!Jll lllchaiil _M.'Nfl<oo dla-nther proposals, JUdi u a """ and big-lrend of heavy conrtructlon are hued * * * Table No Bar rapJd" h!covery rrom open heart IW'gery Utot IQ(ther cheecks are rapidly taking · cttdonJl'Y autber1tJ &o ·r,duc:e « end ger federal hospital 8Jd program, a big on plam for aeveral 1p1rtmeat com- at Childrens Hospital, tOday was on ·the pink, heallhy ~lush of a norrml _.:;~:r:ro:=~ Vlttnam ahould Social Securitf benefit increue and plexe.s and residenUal tracts. transferred from the iatensive care unit chlld. Jobman allo __, _,_. ..... 1... __.. brolder coverqe of txlsUna workmen's The tolal value of pumlts for the to · a two-bed room .Jn U1e third floor rva---•-. '"" ......,. oom.paiaaUon and unemploymatt illlur· month of December, he added, were ',.'Ami ahe'll gft much_ biller,'' a «a ftn:l dUI 1-"---'""'-to,.... area that she knows· so·wen.-· _. uvw .u ance ·J'll'Oll'am& $3,564,127. To Coast Mayo1·s "She's. dOlnf, 'very, well,". a hospital m~~ .?!.~t· .!!.'~~ .~ •. I --loo" ________ ;:..;.;_:_:;=_;==:..:::.:::.:=_;--------===::_-------- spokesman comnlented. "We've en-'"""""" ...... '"'"' .. Kl -• 00 • . · CO!llllered no problems and' looking al lib the poor · Utile be by wbo come hen · i:..ta "lesa '4ayor Alvin PtnkltiY drew her today we c:erUlnl1 don, anUclpate pJ(linl for breath all w.U. qo."· Id laul!m 'IUOoday lllght when be e1plalned' any." · · Sua!e II beln& carefully"ICfeOllOd from "Madam Mayor (-Buch'• · LI u · N · Thanh h · vtallon olher than her molhtr, LI '!bl Dore••ilhnllilll and I gol lofe1!'8' thll hlJ ~ ~en f: and a Pdl';':ngtt:i Lan and lnlttpreter Iloall MOIJll Ooahnh. .~ :O~sa~~awer!:Jdnt!b~~= f.s enlarged a ~tile every day.· Many "TbiJ 11 a critical period 1n t.mnll .A -·-1 lqQm"8 ~le 16 any other kind of table... of. th1e ctnJp that were so vitJ! In the ~ ~:~ ;:1tr1~cm .. ~a=~ F0< UJo.Joinl oehoolbcol enck>iMment . <!Ji.kl •)>ettle for surv!vat·belore aurgory . ...,, . _ meellnrl tablel were pul together Jn the bovt-f!OJ' beq dl!tontlnued. ~"!.'~ ""'1d ruin evaylblna that ,,...,. shape of a u with Nawpcirt..Miia icliool 11 any vl!ual proof ol lhe SU<COU """"" board IQeDJben seated at the tiase and of the · delicate ·fhoe.hour aurgeiy nre Plans ani under way today for a "'mrlW fnim !l!Llw~..!3aJUiU!!r ·needed; tt con be found ·an the dramatic ''vlclorJ parlj'' and Verda Mackey, the • ·• ·~ ilde. -----~em l!rSli21eY-colorll!g;'"The · -hoopllal' .. pu0Uc.nl1llon1-dlreclor.bopoa * * * ' · to ltage the celehrallnn at a Newport ·Trustees Choose Blurock ; As Classroom Architect • .. ~ -·· ~-1--. !·~· (: N~Mtsa achoo) truatees Tue!day classrooms each would be placed at .:rdgbt ·.Bar.ed rtbe..corona llllel ~-~. It&.Pcol .... Je.Wipkle ttnd Qtvi• in~ ;· arclli~ ftrm ot: Willian\ Blurol!ti: tMriedia~ ~ sixf.at Beil' Str~. • ; and Aliodatea to Jlmlop plW fOJ" IO Eltm•ntary, and foor al McNally Con- ;: portable classrooraTr,lll he pun:ha;;;J:iif Unuallon High ~I. ' ~ ... - :· the Yeb. ll bcmd isl6e puses. .. The addjt,lon Gf .,40 cl8'rooms would ;: II II neotllll1' ab begin plannlni now pennlt the !Choo£' distrid to do away ·; tr the damooml .,. to he avallable with double IWloos. :: for ICfi.ool' opedne;~ falt ~ 1 .. • " • .. Beach r..tauranl "We waut to take Su%le'a motber1 the hltefpreter, nune (Unda) Hmmln1 and my .....iary IOI" a quiet celehralloo somewhere ovuJooting the bly," Mn. P.tackey Aid. "The money bu been dooated by the U.S. Navy Languaga school In COronado and they particularly wanted ua to hold a party for thole who have been closeft to Slllie." Nurse Henning la the wife of Na¥y LL l>IXlald·' Henninr. the oroeer in- strumental In sendlng Suzie to Or!Jtie County. Lt. Henning diagn014d the cblld'•. crilicaJ COl)dition during ~atme:oi' Of ~ children at the Da Nang base, ; ,Jijs wife-t i.! aUU assigned to the' full Uml tare of Sulie that !hi hu maln- talned lizM:e the chlld'L l!Tival at· UNI-., hoopHaL . ,. Wert told. • . · · · £_ • • 1. • .. f~~~~:Z~ ~Honqr~ble-f rul to W~r c: -p1111in1ng i• ~. : I · ., ADdOrlfrl wd, ~ ... "it ..irr tie, .. :r.z:·· 1 E : D.. la 1i ~!~2:: .. ;: 7o :=: , 1 iui.,,, . nvoy ec res .. .. . .~ .... . ~; · . ,_-· ByEVELvN SBEllWOOD world." . ~· F · Ca • · --~.. .. .......... -· . 11t.predldtd Japaq would become the ~·.·· Ol'JDer pti\fe "·"ll'r ~.j. A~-can>i ~ lhltd lndUJ!rlal world" pow<r wtlbln a ~ few years. ,,. the whole world. Even now, the show "She has had a lree ride with Amtrlca :<: Unconscious of re!pON!bl!!t, .. a world policeman paying~ .. Japan'• oecurily. She has :;r, ands ~ ~ of Communism/' the Q\ade g~ ~ ln the Industrial :( WA31111iGl'O~ (UPI) _ Af!N spec. Phtllpplrie ambassador to the U.S. and World liJI her own efforts iJnd very little -' the United N tu-. t Id N wport Be h outside help," he said . ... • • Jiimet W. Brigham. one ·fi three a,.., .... 0 a e ac Jn answer to a question from · the ;. American Gls releued bf the ·~t Cong audienct. floor about Vietnam and ihe prospects · ~: 00 New Year'a Di9, ia uncomldous and . ~vador P. Lopez, Ambassador of. the. of the Philippine army g:oing there,. the -' tn ·lel'iom condition after ttnaergolng Phihpp4W:s .t.o the United Statea and Ambassador replied, "America can't sup-~: ~ representaUve t.o the United ply weapons to the South Vietnamese :;· brain surgery at Walla' Reed Army Nations, spoke to 250 members cl the right now. There are not enou-h arms --:; Hos19tal, the Army Jald today. Work! Affain Council st the Newporter or aopplles and the Vlelnanieae. are ~-DOCton at the hospital said the 21 Inn. .~vlng , Inferior weapons. I doubt If • · year old Ocala P'Ja. soldier waa operated 1n 8 hoarse and strained volce, be niore troops were sent the)' could be ..,,,: lut wed 's~ then "bis cood1tiOn explained he hid~ come from, viewing :atipplied." .O:· 00 · tbe Grat>d Canyon "dressed ln .Palrtr · He abo commented that South Viet· ~· wu waneoed ..and be has ~ Into -Sprlngadotheil." He addressed the.Irie~ nainese ~rs should oot be "bullied" •" thM!llldC'nasoea," a statemerit by the be.rs at the. dinnu meeting with raclll by America. :.:: dodcn aald. . iigures ~ prognostications on the ~ When the Amb~r ltaves hb: post J: i!d. "Allan-American Relalloo! alter In the fullrn, he hld be wlll aocepl ;; .. Vietnam... the ·presicteuey of tht Univen.ity of the •. • Americans art worried, he mted, "that PhtllpplnU. ' ~: · • they are . ptnQDal:b' not popular wben • ~ they travel. You can't be PQllJlar and ~. . .. bea~" ,, t•AHGt: cOA.st ru•1.mtt*> cOM,.AllY" Conollroed with America'14>0litj alter ·:i a.i..tt N. w••'-tbf;; vsetn&mm war, ht ptedicted a '.IS f'rH~• ....i1 ,.,,..llMr Vacuum. "U America pulls oul bei' troops 1 will aurely be fiDed by China or Rµssia," ~ J11al I. c.,, • ., be said· );: Vk' "~,,.. s-.i ,...._w, ·~ w~ld · would be~ dan1~s ~ Tli-•• .:,,...;1 place:._io Jlft.".' .bJ nottd; "if America ~. 1li••• ~~~'"''"' lefl her JlOlk:inl responsibilities." '1: w.M91"' r.i1or "Haw 'Alner1Ca end• the war,'' Lo~ ::: ,,.,. •• F, c.lli" '••' Nin,,, said. "~ prove more Important thin , • ..._. ._,. 1i•...mi.i.,. ho• we blg1lt rt. Ending the ,..,.,. (lh r•u• DlrKtw .. ___ bl •· 'al ... """'' --·-~wra y ~ ..... u to "~ .-.,--• 2fll w, .. 1111111 .... , ... ,,,. M•ili111f Al'••n : ,,0 , 1 ... 1115, 'f41l -- i •.. ' --~ ...._, J)I w.,1 It• S1•tt• l ..... e...i": 1JJ fWUI A~""~ ~ .. _. Jl:IJ ill! S!Ptt• ,_ • 4J " ' { . Other Big · FJres Aboard Carriers By Tiit AHodated Prut Major fire<; « ;Uplos1ons Involving "11.S. Navy aftraft earners &I~ World 1'1hrll' . Cl& 1', 11151. Leylt, Soulh Boston ""'"';t 17, tlllelJ. ' ' May · · • Benni , 7l m1ka IOCtth o1 · ~ R.I .. I~ tilled. Dec. 11, 11181. ConllellaUon. Brooklyn N&'Y y~ .41 lilied. . . ' · Ja ,~ 11111:' llaratop, -~ Sa. '1 Jd.llld. .r: . . ' . . Oct. :Ill, 118'. ~-Gulral Tollldil, M kDled. .+ . NGt.-4, II& l'NntUO D,-.11, GuU ti Tonkin. I \Jlled. July 29, !MT. Fomatal, Gull ol rontin, 111 tilled • ---~- , Group Discmsion Sess_ions Planned Ori 'Di.ssent Or?' Bued on a highly successful formal of dialoriue between yeuth and adults tried last fall, the Harbor Area Coonllnat.lng Council wit: talk over dltsent and unrest at il8 January meetllll-"Dilsent Or ? ? ?" ts the theme of the meeting tonight hesinnln& at 7,30 p.m ... in the Hoa.a: Confertnct Center building at Hoag P.femori1I HOIJlllal, NewpMI B<ath. Or. Roget Russell. vlee chancellor of the Univusily ot Callfornla, Irvine, will give a hynote introducUoo htrore the audience breab up into 10 groups ror ..,.. lntlmole OICha!1fl\!I. · Each group will ... led by • Barbor Area hlgb 8'hool lludenl or collealan, wtlh hlghllehta ol the talb covmcJ by • panel of partldpanta afterward. A alll)!Jar jftallllallon Jut fall Wll pralied ~ by bot!1 adulta and ,...u, PartlCI~ In l1'e atlampt 1.-al leut par\1"!!1 brl<lfe the 1<>-<1lled Generation Gap. The Horbor Area CoordlnaUna Coundl 11 on ...... llno toade up 11(,_n- tatl"' of tach 9tn1ct club, IOCial organlzallon and lltl'V1ce g>oup ID the Colt.a Mesa·Ntwport Beach area. ..: .. ~ · .... "' .. c-, \. tf. 'ft: I '• ~ • ~~I .... ' ' ·, . Wlllll!I for lite ljlOltlest of rusons: Delta 88 Aoyale. New top-of-tht-lina f8. with Royall ~llChes · · ..... .,.mar.. •Custom rtif window ·•Ymyl tD9 • Pinslripina• Chiome fender louve11rlC!ioicl.0!1!~or Cilst6lt Sport Saal• Dtlu1t mering wh11I •All yours, 11! standard! For bir·car luxury wilh 1 spoitinz spirit-this is tt! . -. Wanted for lllXUIJ .that rally swings: Delta 88 CUstom. Swinz down any olri-nlld mt Itel t11e llia- differencel • Naw, 1on11r. 124-incla wheelb.l>e • 15-inch -~•Rocket~ V-1 _, • SuropllK>us iMll!iors, sats thll nln nea~~ fivo f11t widt • Newflo-Thru Ve'!lilation I O~s'.vaiue .tiNayzvceeds th1 price you pay tor it W1nl9d for 1n UIJ move to the big time: Delta 88. Your foolproof escape from IO-<allad low-price cm 1 • Lowest pri<od of the bi& 88s • Bia-ar rid a on a 124'.inch wti11lbase • Husky llocket 350 V-8-wilh reaular-ps economy• Nsw GM safely features also! Price one. You're closer lo Olds than you lhlnk! l'fa:t beat thlllC to a. new Olds ls a. 1IMd Oldal See JOUt nea.rest O~ ....... ' • • ------·-- • --. I I I J I I I .. . ' I I ,, =~-· London Talks End · . .... ~ ~' '. With Nations Split -en111-..,.,..,_ the \1letJllm -,co .. -d1sll ID the ~Eu!. LONDON (APJ -!AOden of Brilalo'• mu!Uraclal Com- m-ealtb end their IUUUllH lalb lodly with 24 member A ~ drafted f04' approval al Iha pyeramenl 1tates .~ly spl!I oo four chleb lllcluded p-a u a J .• 1 centnl, lliU... whlcb: • -™1 failed to -W•l" -U " , .. of endJac the nllellloo of Iha co"J:u'":'4. ~ Rbodell1'1 wlllle ~ 1f1WP tba1 talb Iii p.;;b ,ri'ii -Blclklqo ..,,,. lo lead 1o an end.of Ibo VlolMm """"die the wurinc Nigerian ' -· ' fed<Olllls and breakaway -Uoanbnol&sl~ endoroed Bi.rtans collapaed. cu.-Bia Four ertorta lo -A· -al East African promote an ,Arat>,lorWI puce cowilltos Imperiled prospects .. -. -· Gwmar for a quiet and conc<ried bid JarJlll(. •Pecial lJ. N. envoy to aeUle the poliUcally ez.. in the region, but took no pl.,,ive problem of migration stand oo the Sovie! Union'• · into Britain. new plan for a Mi'dtDe East -ADC! ~ and Britain tug-utUement. ged.~ lualed Wilhool agree· On the Nigerian civil war, ing • whether the pact to despite a groundswell of aym. •lop the oprud of nuclear palhy for the outmmbered ... ._ raEes the •upport qf a n d beleasuered BlifmD. the worldwide grouping of IMJO successive peace i.nitlatives millioo people. came to nothin&· ?figeria, U,ITt ........ WIFE GREETS RELEASED ATOM SPY Sobell Free After 17 Viars In Panltenti1ry The Brltlab, who are at the largut African member of the center of each situaUon, got C o m mo n w ealth, warned much of Ibo blem• from their privately it WlMlld ... ~t any Sobell Catches Bus, partnen for the clliiputes. opeD conference discusaion ·of But they also were credited the civil war, which it regards with agreement on less con-u an intemaJ affair. r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~--.J . Joins Family in NY KNIT KNACK Webnl:it. Pteklbl .. u~. tied wfUI lb °""' i<m.-IOD%·' ....,_ ..... N"' ond whit<. '28. Solid N.vy alto NEW YORK CAP) -Morton mother Rose, 74. Sobell. reieued from prison ritrs. Sobell said ahe had Tuesday aft.er serving 17 years beard of her husband'• lm- for conspiring to sell atomic minent release on the raldo secrets to the Soviet Union, and called to tell him. She has returned home and says said he did not know uiltil he has "a lot of Jiving to her phone call. She said her do." bwoband wanted to s t u d y Sobel!, 52, stepped out of engineering. the federal penitentiary in 1'1ark , a computer J?r<>- Lewi.sburg, Pa., Tues d a: y grammer with shoulder-length afte~, hours after the U.S. hair, said. when told of the -COurt OlApPWSiiiMiitihiU'an -reiease-;--1'lt'~ a?!oCiNfme tl'le'y ordered him freed . He took let him go because he is in· a bus to N!w York City to nocenL" rejoin his faimly. Sobel I, a radar ewe rt. was Hickel Makes ·conservation Promise W ~GTON (AP) • -,Wecin.dq, Ile ..Sd ~ S.... .i-. G9•· Walter J. Hick-~ fl4 ciriuiilllee Ota!' "In ..,. el prom1'ed today that ., ...,..1ary of lhe hthtrlor he -.Id wort with eon.,.. lo develop l!ld -· all fl the nation'• dltan.l ruourcs. Under fire fn:rn conRrV• llont.18 llnoe his ....tnatloo to the Cabinet ..,i bi lhe NI•· 00 ldmlnl!tratfon, JnckJe 811\d be reolilod hiJ mpomibUI· fles 1"Klld be vastly different from thole u the governor of 1 state. The hearing of the Senate Interior Committee on his ·~ pojnlmenl wu packed w t I h newsmen and 1l*t.alors. 'l'llf> conidor outside was tined with persons hoping for a chance to get ln. Sen. Henry Jackson, <D- Wash.), the committee d'lair- man, said that cuestians ra~ ed about 1Ilcbl'1 phlt-'1y woold be fully e:rplored. "The issues and questions which have been raised may be based on inadequate Infor- mation or mlsunderstandi~s," .Jackson aald. He added that failure to make a C<1mptet.e record of Hickel's views would be a .:J.sservlce to Hickel and lo the public. IIlckel blms<U has blamed much of the opposition to ht. appointment an a mlsunder· standing d mnarb he made after President.elect Nixon anll.Xlnced his aelecUon for lhe lnterl<Jr pool In an opening statement BLEY LE PANT SALE ' I JE.Qln lnM 1 FINAL CLEARINCE JOYCE SHOES SANDAL GIVEAWAY tlijiiiiH.......-t-Y._ , ..... 11.ot--- IS•uth c •• ,1 Pl111 O"lyl 5'° AND NOIWLOlftlOlfl- iu.IAl.a fi1IAL -· South Coast Piasa, Costa Masi, Bristol 11 S.n Dil<,lo Frwy. The Shoe TrH, Newport 8e1ch, HID Vii lido "I have a Jot of living to convicted along With Julius do and I'm gtilng back to and Ethel Rosenberg who school," Sobell said as he ar-were executed in June l~. rived, clad in what prison of. Tb e RosenberlS were con-ficials call ' · d r e s 1 -o u t victed of. comailtting wartime\'========= clothing" -a gray suit, white C!Plonage u well as con- shirt and tie. iipiracy. Sobel!, who ·was sentenced Although sentenced tG the eizu3to9on1Y ouseof nine ln 1951 tG 30 years in jail. maximum term, Sobe.II had avG!ded newsmen waitin1 at been due f<>r J"!;Jease Aug. 24 the bus station and left for because of good behavior. The an undisclosed location. appeW unit ruled he should Meeting Sobell at the bus be credited with 7~} months SOUTH COAST PLAZA o-Mft. IJlrw f'rt, """" tnl ti• ._,.., S.t. 1111 ,, .. ,,m, G1' ON THI MALk SUINA PARK CINTIR o-IMll-o W .. ., TIH,n., ,.tt. KU t ...... :station were his wire Helen. he spent In jall fGr inability 51; their son Mark, 19; their to post $100,000 bail .prior to daughter, Mrs. Sydney sentencing 'in 1951 and thus Clemens. 29; and Sobell'• enabled the earlier release. ~ F~ (~A4 40~ • f ~. " ". v )1 now t"IJe San Diego Freeway is completed ••• Just take MacArthur Boulevard south from the San Diego Freeway to beautiful Fashion Island, Newport Center, in Newport Beach, 58 wonderful stores - Convenient free parking. FASHION J ISLAND . JUIWl'OBT OllRTIJB I HISTORIC GIFT FOR YOU AT UCB. TO COMMEMORATE THE INAUGURATION OF RICHARD M. NIXON THIS GOLD PLATED MEDALLION WITH MATCHING 'KEY CHAIN' AND INAUGURATION FACTS ON THE REVERSE SIDE,' WILL BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE WHO OPENS A UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK REGULAR PA96BOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNT FOR $!50 OR MORI::; OR TO PRESENT CUSTOMERS WHO ADD $!50 OR MORE TO THEIR REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. THIS UNUSUAL HISTORICAL GIFT AVAILABLE AT UCB OFFICES WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS. mUNITED CAUFORNIA BANK ............ 'Ille ............ _ ... ,.. COSTA MESA: 30'l9 HAlllOll llOULIVAllD -- .. ' , . • . '· • ,_ ' • f o.(llY PJLOT EDlTO!U# P~GE} g + ~ ' • ' i -' ' • • The Bay Clµh ~eas~ 'lbree Umes In lbe past tWo .)'l!lllS, ~ Balboa Bly Qub1lla1. asked tbe city .of Newport Beach for uten- lion of the club's lease of 13 acres of city-owned wale,. front property. • '1be latest proposal, now In the bandi ot the city •tall and awalttng coMldemUon of tbe COWitjJ. appears, In relative terms, lbe m~t attractive of lhe three: For tbe first time, tbe club bu suigested upw&fd revislon of lbe existing perconla'ge of ·gross recei~ls rental arrangement with tbe city. It has also, as earlier, proposed an•tncrease tn the guaranteed minimum rental, which II .!\OW $45,000 year- ly -a sum that is now roughly douh!Od·by the pel'Ctllt- age formula. The new minimum would triple it. _ Also for tbe first Ume, tbe extension proposal will !>'! voted oo by Newport resident., not decided by tbe Ciiy Council. In return for these changes, the club wants the city lo extend tbe lease from its present 1998 termina- tion date lo tbe year 2018. 'nle additional 20 years, says Richard $. Stevens, Bay Club vice president and general manager, would enable tlle club to finance further expansion, thus &h~Iy· ibcreaslng the cityts and the club's revenues. Pretjsely what tbat Increase would be is yet uncer-tam. but Stevens says It would mean·a total of at least $6.1 million in I'O<'l'llne for tbe clly tbrooghout Iba period of tbe e:rtended lease. . Under terms of the present lease, the city's income between now and 1998 would be conslderobly under $2 million, assuming no substantial changes in the club's gross receipts and not allowing, of course, for inflation. ary factors. The present lease ls no v.eat bargain for tbe city. Stevens himseU admits 1!. But he also points out. with reason, that when the lease was drawn -up in 1918, the value of the property tben probably did not ,..U. fur w iliflereat arrQC-1. ' - "Hlncblih~" be "II'.' In -ltb 1lz-page ~al lo the city, ''ia.-aJways very advaotageoUs." ll ii too ~.Y to pasi judgement on·lbe.leulng pro- posal. It may conlabi elemenfs ~are not to Ille dty'1 advantage. . , But OO· the face of . It, It dOeJ appear lo· •arrant serious conslder'll!on by Newport votaj's. The additional city Income -.. ~-IL It 11 In the millions· of "dollars -could well lie med lo belp fiuance sorw needed municipal projecla. The new;· larger cl.vie center, for one. A voting public lbat balks at school ~ Issues lie hanlly UkeJr to endorse with' enthoslalm a civic cen- ter financing program Iba! clirecuy· involves property taxes. So lbil time the same voling public will get-to d .. clde for ilsell whelber the Bay Club'~ leiue proposal ii a good deal It jU1t may be that they'll want lo vote themselves a new civic center in what appears to be a relatively painless tlnanclal arrangement. 'A Surprise or Two' On Thursday, Jan. ~. Newport Beacb will know who its 11Man of the Year" for 1968 ls. On lbat date, at lbe Newport Harbor Chamber pt commerce's annual banquet at lbe Balboa Bay Club, tbe big secret will be revealed. And tbere could be, according lo tbe chamber's ebullient manager, Jack Barnett, "a surprise or two." We believe Jack. It would hardly be becoming of the newly elected president of tbe Soutbem C8Jlfomia Chamber of Commerce Executives lo put anybody on. So make your reservations early. You might be tapped. N 'Maximum Feasible Misunderstanding' Achieving A-Tolerable Moynih-an's Revealing Book Job, In one of his impatient moments, ta.id plalntiveJy, "Ob • • • that mine adversary bad wrrtten a book." Mr. n.niel Patrick Moynihan hu wri~ ten a book. Mr. Moynihan ls to be Mr. Nixon's ctUef adviser on wban al· fairs. His book, which will have general circulation about the time Mr. Nixon assumes the presidency, already has had naUonal, even international, advertising. Mr. Moynihan was an adversary of at least a few million Americans before be wrote the book. He, of course, had begun the boot well before Mr. Nixon asked him to join his staff in an im- porWJI posiUon. lnde<d, the book had been completed before the telephone rang. It was even then lD the bands of the pobli!hers. THE BOOK IS A sweeping denunciation of the anU·pcmi!ty programs that began in the KennedJ administration and were acce1erat.ed under President Johnson. It Is UUed ''Mulnmm Feasible Mislm- derstanding." It cannol belp but place Mr. Moynihan at the center of another vorte:i of controversy. The book, on the basiJ of advance releases, is a total Indictment of community action -that part of the anti-poverty program which brought some of the poor themselves into consultation and organization for the various communities. The author says, for example, "It may be that the poor art never 'ready' &o assume power in an advanced society; the exercise of power In an effective manner is an ability acquired through apprendceship and seasoning." H e argues tbat what results in bringing the poor into community crganization is not I. convey.ance of lower but a kind o('play-adlnc at power. The results can be absurd, he concludes. MR. MOYNIHAN favors ·a go-tlow course. He argues that ,wt1dom "bespeaks moderation in projections of the future and restraint in ill promises for IL" He deplores the past, but. un- iDrbmately, there seems to be no Alternative tn his book. It is merely a Condemnation of past methods without offering any progra.mminc for the future. Certainly it is not wisdom to say that moderation in projections of the future ls required. Tbe future ls not going to be moderate and the past ii very much the presenL The present, which ls a result of the past wbich Mr. Moyoilum deplores, includes, for eumple, the findinp: of a very colllklerable body of eclentific inquiry. n-findings indicate a con- nection between. malnutrition lo children and brain damage. Tbi5 II espec1aU)r true when praldo ta·Iackiflg. s.vem,-11 .. • per cent of the mental retardatlori-iD- lhis country ls estimated to occur In the areas ol urban llld rural poverty. This is not guess work. It is not the past. It ls now. MR. MOYNIHAN believes, also, that local officials have been by·passed in too many community organisaUom. The inescapable truth is that wherever local officials have been by.passed, it is because they callously, and often with gnat reluctance, ignored the lhocldng disease and suffering which went along with malnutrition. There are l!lerally hundreds of lclen· tiflc reporta which (ive Irrefutable evidence .of serious skin infestation and ulceration, of eye and eat diseases, of. severe anemia, ol. bacterial and parasitic disease, of injury to the body'a tls.!uel and so on. Many of these scientists have said, after witnessing first band e children who are suffering from hunger and disease, that we cannot any longer qwl>ble between malnutrition and starva-- tion, since starvation means dying from disease directly or indirectly resulUng from malnutrition. Mr. Moynihan is an intelligent man and. u a member of a government responsible for acting on the problems of now and not of the past, he can hardly propose that the Nixon acf.. mioi&lratoo offer the poor llld hungry a 1loey' look rather than the symbolic brtad. LBJ Leaves Well-heeled WASHINGTON -Whatever dillicu1Ues President Johnson may encounter when be leaves the White House, they will not be financial. Unlike Pre.s.i.dent Truman, who reputed- ly departed "dead broke," Johnson is well heeled. In addiUon l<t being • mulU· millionaire with highly prolitable rad.i°" TV and ranch holdings, be will receive • TflCOtd-higb total in government pensions Like all ex-Presidents, he will get $15,000 annually. ln addition. be will be paid a civil service annuity of around '17,000 a year based on his more than 30 years' service a1 an official of the New Deal'• National Youth Admlnislratloo, member ol Congress and .. Vloe President. Total of tbe8e annuities ls more than '40,000. JOHNSON IS ALSO taking with him Into retirmlenl men reo:rdl aod filea: than any oi bis pre» • an. These private and olfidol ,...... fiD ..... 2,000 four-drllwtr filiag ,,.,.,,., -which h pieced bad to bad ..,... mend D'a"e than I mile. In "take home" pay, Pruident-eftd Nixon actually will draw Jess than half or the !200,000 salary voled by Congress. That's the -le ol Rep. Wilbur Mills, D-Ark., chairman ol the Waya and Means CombUUee that writes tu legblatlon. Says Milli, "Mr. NilOo will wind up witb aomewbere between $98,818 -and 199,246 alter federal wes are deducted from the pay rabe. '200,006 looks big, but be only gets part or iL" J\JSTICE DEPT. WHITEWASH - While Adam Clayton Powell regained his House seat after a stormy and torrid debate, the la.!I hu not been heard of his notoriowi case. Bipartisan opponents are considering seeking an lnves:Ugatioo of the Justice Department's abrupt • termlnatioa :of a grand jury probe of the boOlbulic Harlemite. 'Ibis <lynamlte-loaded move is still in the dlscus,sion stqe, but there is strong feeling behind IL Reason is lhe,dlarg< ol a whl~asb; that the Justice Deporlment deliberately prevented the qand jury from brtll(ittg in an indictrnenL This 80CW!81lon WU sharply voiced by RepresealaUv.. Clsrk MacGregor, ft.Minn., H. R. GJ"OSB, R-I0Wa1 Albert WatlOn, R-$.C, llld otbe" -durllli tile healed-·-ever ... lilll ~ ~ &mona the conlJnlioas llley raJ.aed were; -THE Gl\AND JURY WU disrnlJRd \' Quotes Ro¥. B. Dovie Nopltr, Slufonl cll11-- p<I --"We have (ot l<t listen to the revolutionary voJce, but we bave to coat.in it as welt." I on motloo of the Ju.slice. Department "without making the determinaUon it was convened to make." Added Rep. MacGregor, "lf insufficient evidence to establish a probable cause u to the guilt of Powell with respect to criminal conduct did not exist or could not be found, then he ls entiUed to a 'clean bill'. For the grand jury to make no det.ermlna.tion leaves the orlgitial ques-- tion of probability of guilt or innocence still open." . -Federal Judge Edward Curran, who aigned the department's dismissal order, did so In the belief the tenure of the grand jury had expired. It had not. It is claimed it still bad four more , months to function. -Two Justice Department attorneys wbo worked on the case pre~ an Indictment Wt May. It is charged this wu suppttSSed by Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark aft.er conlening with Pruident Johnson. The draft indictment was never presented to nor considered by the grand . jury. By Robert S. Allen and Job.a A. Goldlmf~ Dear ~loomy Gus: Before we pt too criUcal ol the police, '" lhould remember that law enforctmtnt I• men directly affected by lhlJ er1 of growth, upansion and change th111 per. hap< any other agency cl eovern- met1l. -T. J.C. ""' ....... ~,....... ...... -*"" ...... " ... "'"" .,.,. ..... ... ... ...... .. ......., ... S»llY ,...., ---------------- Balance 'llloochll Al Lar(e: Looking beck on the last half-c.ntury, •e can,. 1ee that most changes were due to ~ological advances and our rapid adaptation to them, and most pro... hlema ,due to the rtgtdlty of eur ln- llllullona U.. their bostlllty to changer If, ln the future, we coold learn to · be more erttleal of our technology and more fJnfble in our institution.I. we mJgbt achieve a tolerable balance between the demands of change and the necessity of order. • • • One way to achieve balance in (!Ur joublic atUtudes is indicated by Dr. Joshua Lederberg, the Nobel laureate in medicine, who suggests t b at "Instability ol family life, the ""ange- ment d the generattons, and the ahalknmeu of human communication are more prevalent ud camulatl•ely more 1erioa1 dlseuel d&8I violent crime, and must be g1veo equal account • • • m any lament of human deterioration.'' • • • While it is true that mod people should read more, it is also true that, just as those who ride all the time lose the faculty for walking, those wha read all the time often lose the capacity f(ir thinking -which accounts for the stunning unorlginallty 1'f so much ''scholarship." • • • Medicine .seeks to extend the average age of death, so that people may live longer, which is laudable; but we canJ'lot have "death control" without birth con. trol, llld must cboooe between fecundity and longevity. • • • The gnatest llld most dangerous fallacy still el'i~ In thls world ol. 1969 is that anllatei'al 11adonal de.fense Is in any way feasible 11 a means of avoidlng war, deterring war, or "wfn. ning'' war; rather, without the reforma· tion Ind strengtheninR of some such agency as the UN, the more the In- ternational system erpands its offensive and defensive capabiliUes, the more like. Jy the outbreak of an irreversible catastrophe. • • • Passions don't change; just names do: the charge of "communism" will loae 1 million votes for a man, by people tfho can't evtn define the word; the same was true two centuries ago, as Defoe wrote: "A cry of 'Popery' 'f\'ill bring • hundrtd -.... l<t horse, not knowing whether the Pope ls a man or a doit!' • • • Except for baRlc neceaitles, people don't buy products, they bay fantasy. fulfillments ; for who, ratJonally, would buy the averate American car, whJch Is too long to tum, too big to park, too expensive to repair, and too powtrful to control. • • • It'a generally believed that the familiar ••u.ppy Birthday To You" 81:'.mg ii tn the pobllc dom•ln, when •"""'lly the eevtn mOfit popul8r wtralona are 111 copyrighted bp ASCAP and "beleng" to private hands. • • • Women talk to inanimate ob}ects: when the Dhont ringJ, a woman ••YI, "I'm coming. I'm coming," as thoo~h tht. phone can hear her: and 1 have even beard women talk to their hair while drying IL - - 'May w• put you under ·the financfal microscop•, too?' 'Tight Little ' . . ----·------· John Birch Cells'· To ~e Editor: It seems that everyone is out after the public schools. U not 1ome Savio or Cleaver and their hairy comrades, trying to attract attention by stirring up trouble on the campuses, it is a John Schmitz and his fellow Birchers, making a more subtle but no leu predatory appeal. Once again through the mail come those perfumed little p r o p a g a n d a broadsides, e o c J o s i n g questionnaires designed to help "guide" the poliUciani ht Sacramento toward a tighter financial. and theoce political, grip OD the schools. SPEAKING IN the tone of one of the good guys, Schmitz says in his letter: "The most urgent task facing the California Legislature today is to prevent the complete take-over of our public educational system by those who intend to use it as a vehicle for revoJu. lionizing America, whether by in· doctrination or by violence -or both." The method of the penurious Cleavers ' ts easy enough to see, for violence is always conspicuous, if self~efeaUng. But what of the method employed by the more affiuent Birchen? In his constant Gisparagement of our schools, Schmitz forces us to wonder bow be would staff his schools. Would bJs c1amooma all be light little Johri Birch cf:Us? Meanwhile, what about the education of the children? S. M. llER'M'ON Get Down to c.- To the Editor: It is said thst higher taxation , will halt the inflation that is weakening and may even shatter our naUonal ~· Taxes we have. 'Ibey are going -aky high on all levels, local. state and na-- tional. Every segment of lhiB society is feeling the effect of piled up levies. We hear that wage raises are com- pensaUng for the tolls we now pay and will be -asked to pay in future. Tb.at we will 'pay more taxes is certain. For, once measures are taken to juice the pocketbooks of the people, they are rarely repealed. WE HEAR THAT we have a very low rate of unemploymenL But.. • . from which statlstal leve l in regard ta age of both young and old employables are these figures taken! A book bas been written which shows hoW it is possible to lie with staUstics. Often we bear about tbt Qperation Head Start. Bu& what about Operation Late Start? How .is it that. a penon in middle life -trained to a inat's eyebrow -has become passe and placed on ·tho sl)OU when be hu the experience ~ bol!tet ~ And the judgment born nl experience with which to bolster the young worker? Why is age a barrier to employment when a man or woman can be old at 17 and young at 71'! Have we become a robot nation, forget.tu! of the human equation? AT A TIME when young folk are paying more for security, and older folk are bein& shot down by taxation between tht yeara. of 65 and 75, If they have been independent eamen cnatively employed, when increased Interest rate.s and taxation Un:aten busineu, was it good P'}'Cholo()' to double the pay o1 lhe J>resideot ol the U.S.! And it It wise for so-called civil servants to buck for and a:et evtry pay hike propoM<I? So-called retlrtd fo~ -and somt or them have been rorclbly shelved because of years alone -are the fastest growlng minority in these United States . Thtoy have purchasing power NOW! They ara.plonty sharp, and they vote NOW! l.tt~ .. frvm ,...,.,, .,.. -Norm•llV "'""" 1"°'11d conv..,. Tlw:lr mesHN In *lO -rd• or len. n.. rloht to coodfnM letfe" to flt 11>aoe or t llmlo 111i. llbel 11 reserYtd. All ldters muit lnclUO. 1l1Mlure ind mamno add~, blJI names mar be Wlt!'lhcld Oii re<1Ullt If 1uflklent reason 1' IPHrtllf. THEY ARE NOT apt to be relegated to the junk heap of humanity without protest. They know that revolution is no good. but they will seek reform under our own system of government. A perscm ls pretty dull or wtinformed who does not realize what spiraling in- flation has done in Germany aad many other lands. It is a hope that there are enough levelheaded persons In the USA who will insist that something be done to prevent a bust that will not only affect Americans but the whole world as welt We are virtually pricing ourselves out of a semblance of normal living and trade here and abroad. THOSE WHO have never experienced want may say that we have llttle need for material things. But have they tried a Montana winter without an overcoat or dug in fror.en ground for a turnip to eat? And how about the lot of certain war widows who receive a pension of $51 per month if they make as much as $300 per year? It seems that we had better get down to cases in this land of ours. And soon! MARTIN PEDERSEN Relations With Bla.,ks To the Editor; M a participating member or the recently held race relations seminar at Newport Harbor High, I would like to comment on the write-up. Frtday'1 headbne, "Blacks Shatter Hopes of Students," and indeed •thP. entire article seemed to convey the idea that the seminar was fnrltless and thal it was a pity that our blind idealism was destroyed . I feel that our hopes needed to be crushed to make us realize that the task ahead of us is not one of simply proclaiming unbiased beliefs. Telling blacks you are unprejudiced will not make them forgive and forget. mE DUTY of the whites Is not to force our own plans and ideas on tht black.11, but to promote understanding within our own race. We must make our own race. understand that the bibo tmiesa and hate they see in the blackman is the bitterness and hate our !IOCiety put there. For some stranae reason we are surprised at its magnitude and yet even now we are not full1 HCelvlng what we have put in. 1bLs l have learned, partly as a resuH of the seminar, and l do believe that these seminars are an effectivei tr M times di.sbeartenlng, mode Of com. munication. Complu problems such u this are not easily solvea and I hopt our community will recognize Ulat mort such seminars are vitally nec:ess&ry. & JEANNIE EGASSE B11 George Dell George : Large, gaily-colored h o 11 d a y candles can' be made at borne by simply melting wax in mil): cartons! After a wick has been nsertedt 8.N. Dear 8 .N .: llm. No wonder my certal lasted SO lumpy -I thought it ~IS juat tbe han(Over. .. )1 \ I ! • • I I 11 j l ( • Costa . ' l Mesa ECITION •• ' WIDNESOA Y, JANUARY 15, -1969 • - T .. r'a fl•fl N.Y. Stodul -. • • • ,. . ' . Mesa, Newport Back School Bonds I By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ,._ 0.ltr Pw.4 ii.ff Unpreoedtnted endorsement of a achoOI band ·illl.ie , we.a · given Tuesday nigbt by NMo'pOl'I Bead! and Costa Mesa city CQUnCUmen.• I . ' VoUnc.-unWmoualy, """1Cilmen from· the two ciUes urged vottr 'appi':oval Feb. U of Newjlon.Mesa ' Unified'1 · $15.9 mlllian borid•request llleetlni jOtnUy with tht school board at Costa Meu High School, couocllmen said they acted I• recognition that fOOd schools mean a beahhy conununity. "We sbou1dn1: miss, ~ can't aff(l(d to miss again because time ia running out," said Costa Mesa Mafor. Alvin Plntlcy. . to 3'hool trustees, "We represent 1he \ta~'"''"·" Sh< indicated city. and ala shw1d work tocelher for for residents. !;a .l(esals Pinkley ) 16 ;.ears we, have nevfl cone on record on a achoo! lsme. We. felt thia WU IJlOlher P<Jblic 1gency ~by the people ~ we aliooldn i slfct cur nose ·m their busineu. The difference lh1I time 1r we were invited to late • stand.ff Said Pin.t.ley, "Al soon u aohools start to 'deteriorate we lose Industry, then taxea aad it's hard on everyone. We lost one very good new industry because ot . dout¥e sessions about ,il\ree. weekl ago." N~wport °"1ncllman Howard Rdgen saJd, ·~ meetlns represents a matur- 11111 OI community political thinking. Now we are act1nt in concert on common probl<rm. Wllllout strong ocbooll we are nol &oing to blve beaJthy growth." lh. the wne .11111rtt, Newport Coun- cilman Paul Giubet aaid, "I bppe we can have an alerlf4 public and Jet past dereats become just a record that nobody waJ\ts to remetn,ber." "l'm one who hesitated," said Co6ta Mesa Councilman Robert Wllloa. ''I feel th.is time it is a &bod· iseOe; it ii something thlt la ooeded." When tbt votes were cut. with ·an councilmen in agreement, School Board Prft:ldent James "Bill" Ptyton re- marked : "II certainly will be helpful lo . us In our bond election to point out to the electorate we art finally a unified districL" The o~ provocaUvt comment in the ....ion 11111 wu Ill sweetn... QI[' 11,&1 WU injected by Colla M<a'f WIJlon. Ha llAked what could be -lo brlnf the 1"ine lndumial Compla hilD lht school dialricl .. . • tax bolo, Ti 119 so it woold hava to be d&anDued fram Ille Santa. Ana Unlfled IChool l)'llem. School board member SeUm "Bud" Franklin told WU-, "A Jood llep might be lo have ·y.... city. •ilorJle1 talk (See~Pqll) 42 Lost on Enterprise Navy Team Begins Probe of Carrier Disaster PEARL HARBOR (UPI) -Fires and explosions aboard the USS Enterprise left U seaman dead or missing at sea and scores injured W edne.sday in the third carrier tragedy ol the Vle.ntam war. , 'I11e. flame-scarred nuclear carrler was berthed near the corroding bulls of ships The Navy shelved comoat orders for the Enterprise, which was en route to Vietnam fo; the fourth time. 'J'he casualty list included 25 dead, 17 missiug in the Pacific and 85 injured. mont, when the q01rter-mile Ion& Big E reached port. __ unk.Jn.Jhe • .l9il..Ja~ attack while in~estigators tried to determine what Two· Navy s'hlps and 11everal aircraft scanned the te.pid waters 75 miles southw.ut oI here_ for. signs.of I.be missing men . But Navy officials said lt wu ~Ible Jive ammunition aboard a jet aircraft ready for lawtchln& may have detonated. Fighters on the deck were ·'equipped with rocke.U, bombs and 16 millimeter ammunition. "A big ball or flame ei:plode.d µn· derneath one or the airplanes just .as we were preparing to tauncll," said ' --· ._.., . ., .-..... .. .... . ell.:i.AH"'f...._,.. nBe..4:a : . · ?. . t ~v,p, ,· ., t l' \<' ·¥'7't·, • :; Costa Mesa City ;Man~ger ~ur · R: 0 McKenzie buckles himselt in ;before helicopter rises above temporary pad behind city Police Fa- 'cility. City officials went airborne tod~f for view of city through eyes of a helicop as Hughes Aircraft 'Co. began two-day demonstra- . tion of effectiveness of" helicopters in,coatrolling crime. .· '-Nawpor .. MtH ldtool Vultffl Tueiday night named the Corona ~I Mar architectun1 nnn d WlWam "BlurOck end AJaociales to de\'elop plan1 for 40 fOrlable classrooms to be purchased if tbe Fe.b. tl bond issue passes. Jl hi netl!S$8ry to begin planning now lC the claSl!roonlll 11re lo be 11vrrilahle fOf' school opening ne.:.;I f~J:. truslc<:s were told. Sho.1ld the l,x)nd lssue fall. the school district v.·ould , be ou~ 11t mCIBI. ~1to0 In orehllllCt'I ,._, _...,. II Ma.YPUT,.....,.~ ..... • ' Ad.minilttaUvt Auistant Roy Andersen. l(TUllediate plannlnt Is necessary, Andenta said, because '.'tt will .)e • tight fit at best getting the portables ready in time. " u the bonds -· 10 por1.lblc classrooms 'IOdt -id be pl-i et L I n c o I n, TIWlnlJt and Dalis in- termediate -· Ill. at llat -Elementary, mt rour 11 McNllfJ eon- Linuation High SChooL • The lddltiao ol 411 cllurodmtl would permit the sthool district to do •way Wllltdallbll eoloilooL went wrong aboard the world's lar&est warship. Pair Charged In Stabbing Ot .W QfllPO. -' lly wuµAM REED °' ... D&llr , ......... l'orm1t 1'\urder char&es were pchedul· ed to·-'! tl(ed at 2 p.m. today ~ · i ~ Beach man ••• _.an lccuti!d ol~.\9 def\11 811 OP' tometriJt r~ptl.,Synday nipu. A!<:uud Of lbe', l!uli\111 dtath al Mrs. Hester ·s .. M:irki:e.~55 6f Uo8 Olive Ave. are Norman COatney, 41 and Margaret1 Dinger, 38, both of whom work in Newport Beach but gave as their addrHI 2606 Delaware. St., Hunllngtun Beac~. Deputy District Attorney John Kronin was to ask West Oranae County Municipal Court Judp Willer W. Cbatainu lo bold the accuaeif pa~ wllhlMball They bad been scheduled for ar· '. raigmntnt at I a~m. &ocia) but final conferences betW$!Q detectives of the HunlinglOllJlelcU'olice Department and di&trict attorney <deputies dccupied most af the morning as evlden~ a1ainst tM accused pair was sifted. Both Coatney and Mi3I Dinger have professed inrioctnce of ant involvement in the bloody slaying of Mrs. Markee on 17th Street near Palm Avenue. Coatney, a graduate of Texas A and M College, was described by police a1 a highly regarded aerospace engineer for a Newport Beech firtr,. Rectntly divorced from his wile, Elizabeth, Coatney Is tbe !ether ol twO children, a boy, 5 and a &trl. 10 Who are in the custody of 1111 foriner wile. M1al Dmger was ducrfbed also as a blghly regarded enploye ol a Newport Belch ratauraot. Police aaid lhe ii owner c:l the late model sedan found about one mile from the murder &eene Sunday night. with blood inside the veb;.. cle. Police said the car d'lowed evidence Of a recent minor traffic accldenl "Whal caused the explOsion .we don't know," said Capt. Ken L. Lee, of Pied· DARK TRIANGLE MARKS JET CRASH SCENE; CIRCLE, EL TORO Lagunan's Body Found In Jet Crash Wreckage BULLETIN S1archtrs late this morntng JOund tile body of Mo;. Chorlu L. Rodr/er1, 36, of Laguna Beach in the wreckage of the Phantom jet missing 1inct Mon· day night. Air searchers today located wreck· age believed that of a missing El Toro Marine Phantom jet rrom which a ru. tin radar officer escaped while suffering seriOUll lnjuries. Discovery of wreckage of the missing Phantom RF.-IB came at 10:11 a.m. to-- day when search planes discovered widely scattered wreckage. Finl reports said the suspected crash ICt!nl! ll in rugged mountain terrain In- land of Sart Juan Hot Sprtnp. Marine officers said the site ii four and one-half miles southeast of Sitton Peak,~ about 23 miles southeast of the El Toro Marine Air Station runway. Silton Pea k is in the Cleveland Na· tional Flll'est. Ground parties were warned from the air 10 be ready to traverse "some pretty rugged country." It waa upeded that search partie:s wouJd reach the stricken aircraft later today. Marine Corps C1pl. Jlll!eS · Burt0n said additional sun::hen. wauld be taken in bf. helicopter Co a point "as near 11 pouible" lo the wreckqe. ''Bui that may be several mllM away," Burian .. Id. "It's &o\l!J to \Ike 1 lot ol hard wort for ua to get to that wreckage.'' -Laguna Fears Mesa Repeat Fe3tival-Directors Ta:ke Dim· View of Pop Concert ,. . . BJ .1\ICllAllD P. NALL lald Director JUcbard Brookl. Director I'm [cir K'tOOj>iroent." ..... ...,.,....... He)en KeelMT sutfld it tt WU the aame .... \;d.I~ H 100 r . -,~ m-.--.......,t ... m Wlth Ille 1ii*1fo ti the Coola Mesp group denied "" o1 the Orange Couniy no1 '""'"'"" moralllJ'," ._jd Mortin. mulicil -11111 smart1ni the 1dul Fair Grounds In Colla M ... rteenlly. •-.• , mind's eye,' ~ Beach Festival d She wu lold It w .. not. ''Tbey ao null II ll-;lllloli." Al1I diroclon 1'11Md17 loot 1 nemnr Lqunl Mayor Gi"1n Vedder -~ed Mn. Keeley. Aid ol the noiJe ll1d view of 1 pop -~ requeat. aboul .,. of the 111&1> ICboot alldlt«lwn reoldentl o( U, ....,, "I cloni ,.. why Wben bolrcl commentary 1iad ended but was told the group . wlOled ' the they'~\ ,lland Il for . -nl&l>l" the requeol ~ii!;("'-JSl"'1111111, Laguna ompllfthe1ter'1 2,400 1<111 as oppooed Sbe clll<d f..-• lnvmlfatlon ol the lldch.lllp -1pe1klng oo to the eudltorlum'1 ;oo. ~ llld uld "I bile to ,.. behafl al the SGoth Or111p County Yooth · "We "'1ouldo'I pennll It" laid Director Ille Iddo jull cl\ O/l,;;-1· C...ncll, the rtqUtll bid been tabled Verner· Beck. lit m111Uooed -'Uon Mer« Vedder Mid he WU lhlnklna awaJlio& m<n Ilda. lo nolao by hillside 1<lldeoll above the al vindlllim lddlng. •not ~ "If we go lnld thla we ougl1I to bl\'e bowl. He uld other appbia had been vlllldallllil, hi... ll>lr11L • Bock odded, our heads: eumined," said Board Preai-turned down . "bottled splrtts.N ~ denC William D. ).11J"Un. Ol:red.or Paul GMem salll. "We turned Brooki Aid the bow1 hlld been laid The reqMBl bad been for UM: of trvlne the oU,era down beca11se thcv were not out for ~lativtly fldlte IUdtmctl., Bowl on April : during Euttt w .. k. 1ni17 non-prollt orpnizall°""" •·vau·re .u jumping 1o ....._,,, .. uld a Ume of student •acatlona snd exodm " dOn't tl1lnk we. can • ounelvea Mrt. Keeley, earu-. far' men flda. lo beach Ind deBert areal. up RI )uclges ol the I-and niot~il1 Tiie -qreod 1e·--- "I'll 11111' -fll'l'.!irlllll -·" • el.,....., poop!L H U'I a pod"Yl""P !Or~: . . ~ l Boat.swain Mate 2.C. Jury Dennard. 11, Warner Robins, Ga. . 'Ille l!0,000.ton j!:n~. whloll bu s.400 crewmen, wu on a bombtnC prac> tice mb:sion Tuesday when tllmderoull explosions rocked tbe veuel and Olmel wliippeci-ierou lht nor ad al -llie (jjgbl deck. . _ capu..., wbo.'lurnecUhe $«4 mlllialL carrier into the wlnd immecUatelJ to fan the flames pff the stern, Aid tt •. (See ENTERPl\ISE, Pip I) Four Rookie Cosmonauts M~y· Linl\ UR ' MOSCOW (AP) -Four rootle 5'vltl COSJl>O!!""ia, ridinfl So)'llJ I llld' S.,U. 5, lieg\ID maoeuverlq Ill ll(llct IDolq '°'iiblps the ""IM'• flnl ..... Ir -it )!>: tfrbll. . "'-'...>. ,~':~-;:-~ chlng today that the "apienmd,. ttlft wu luncUoillng normal!J and. the -. man crew wu feeUna ffne. F.;arller .colrnoilaul VJadlmlr -· fly\1111 1lone in sOyut •I, iepcirted Ill wu wt!! ·aboard bis craft. Sbatalov Wu leunclied about U houri bdore,1111 aan- penllm ship.· • -·1 . There were tmconflrmed re:ports fn M-w that the two lhlpa would llall up1 and ooe of the men from SOy(D s 'foold climb aboord 'So)'llJ I. I.a UIOll, space officiala kept llllenl ,., pl1111 lor lM four-IUD misilon. The Cosmonaut ttame.r would si•e the SavietJ another *lflnl" 1n ~ and allo tould mark the fi!'lt tbne they ma~ the U.S. fat !If mmmed d&king-ln-Gl'bll Ship coinmander Boris Vo 1 y ii t v reported In the lelecul from Soyui 5 that he and bis two fellow crewmen Withstood the launch "very well" and bed begun W11pec!Jied " j o I n I ,G · perimenta" with Shatal01"'1 craft Stock lllat'kets NEW VORK (UPI) -S-flnfal!ed on the winning side today far ~ llCOod aucce51tve day in moderately active lrading. (See quolaUona )'qq =::.lam Carryover demand from the 1e1Sicxl -followtng an atended dicllne !hat carried ---to their lowOll levtll ~ .,.._ -and a more fa-qvrl Climate belped bloa\er ~ list. . 0r..,. Weadler Fair aldel will )!m'atl 'l'llurad17, following Ibo 11111&1 cloudy morn- ing, -..__ heck up lo Ill IJGllg ,lbe -•In the 70'• lurlbor lnfllld. INSmE· TODAY A .,....., o/ Soalll COGll /!fp•l'fortl'• ..,. original ... col and a pt"'ttlf,t1D of the wctJr.. 1nd'1 c:omh&o cttractiot&s °" OTtlllg< Coon 1fagl1 °'' Ille hfgllllghi. o/ lodor'• omUrl<dft. ...... iuclioo, Poge1 :n.n. i ="' t --: ............. Sir-.: 5~ -·• i:\:'-.: -~: - ' • ,. ,. ,. .. .. ,. ,. .. •: -. ... .. .. ':; •• .. • • .. .. ;: ·: ~: .. .. ~· ,. .. .. . I .O»l. y Pll~L Chmpher~~ --. --- Board Backs ,, ' School Bond :. A .aolid endorsement o1 th~mmr . 11 6.I Olllb Newport-Mesa &thoQI llond issue '"'\\'at vote TUe!dlly nl&ftr111 the Corona dtJ Mar Chamber of Commerce Boen! of Dtrecton. The c!lambtr l>Q.ard, headod I!)' ptttl• d1Ut John SoJnple. at lbe iamt time; " backed the unified school district's ·p1ans - to use some of tlle bond money for 4'l portable cl"""'°'"' .to take huodreds •f yOOllP!mOll dollbl<-. . .. '!)!e Corona dd Mat -·· orpajzatlon acted on a motion br for· ~ Councllman·Diee Cook. It was by ;no.time Orarf.<t Q!Qllly Grand Jufy .member Mn. 'I': lllUlcBn Stelirart. : ; "We've been dlllr,-<Sallylna on Ull.C ton Iona:, u said Coot. ' We've Sot to provide - ·~suzie" SmUing Vwt Tot Recovering From Surgery ·By '!OM llAllLBY .. ,... ..... ,. .... A happy, •mllillc Suzie, contlnuln& her rapid recovery trom· open beart 1Url1!'1 at Childrens Hospital, todJ1 w J a trl.lliferred ftom &he ln1ensive care unit to a two-bed room in lhe third Door area that 11he knows so well. ''She 's doing very well," a bo!pital apoku:m•n commented. vwe•ve en- counttml no problenu and looking at her today we certainly dOll't anticipate any." UtUe Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong is back on solid food and a diet that is enlarged a UtUe every day. Many of the drugs that were ao vital .in the child's bltUe for survival before surcery have now been discontinued. her poollble c<llllracllao et a -. " • pbyalclan uplalaod. "<ll>t - contact coWd niJo evcrythlq ~ we ... done." ' P!Us are uilder way ~-fir a "victory party" and Verda Mackey, tbt hospllal'1 public relaUons director, bopas to stage the celebraUon at a Newport Beach restauranL , "We want to take Suzie's mothti-, the interpreter, nune (Linda), lfemUotl and my ~for a qulot ~ somewhere overlooki.ng the bay," Mn. Mackey said. '1Tbe money bu been donated by the U.S. Navy Lan«uage &ehoot in Coronado and they particularly wanted OJ to . bold a party for thqle who have been·.cJolest to SUdt." ~ Nurte Henning is the wife ol Navy Lt. Donald !knnlng, Ille -;.-strumental In oendJng sum. to omw. County. Lt. Henning dlagnooed Ille chlld'1 criUcal condllion during trub'Denl of chtldren at Ille Da N&lli bale. · a decent educaUon for our-tidl. . It's lmperaUve to boUI tile school ~cl and to the economy ot our art&: . . "The 11chcol bood8," be declared, "are an. absolute neceS&ity." imr~RPRIS& CREW ~EMBERS GAZE AT GAPING HOLE IN NUCLEAR ~ARRI ER'S FLIG..;}1 oWIC Vta .. I Hit by Explosions, Fire While on Trtlnlnt CruiH in Pacific ~~....:....~~~~~- U any visual ;roof of the IUCCUI ol. the de.licate five-hour aursery were needed, it can be found in the dram1Uc jmprovement in Suiie's coloring. The 11111 of the 2-year-old VI~,. chlJd are lootng Ille bluilh lint that II sa typjcal of the <lxY&erwtarvtld heart pa- tient and her cbetb are rapfdly taking on the pink, healthy flush of a normal child. ~·1 !Iii wile lo lllill ullped to the' loll time care of Suzje tba& lhe bu maJn.. taiDed since the chlld;11 arriv•t •t the bOlpital. There was no dissent on the is&ue. Tbe bond el<ctlon will be held Ftb. 11. E'ro111 Page 1 From Page i COUNCILS ... . . . OAllY PllOT • .., OllAl(GI. COAST ~U ll.ISl'llNG COll\tA.f'IV • .. 11• .. ••t N. Wtt4 ' · J•i~ 11. c • .r • ., Yott P•n•"°"' -c.t'flf•ll ~·'"'Q"' fh11111i K11wa f a1ior T~'"''' A. Mwrp~i~t ,,.,.,.,,,.~, ea;to• )1~1 N<nt ~ A-.·trtltl•I OlrHter C.tt• M•t• Offfu JJO Wtot l1y Slr11t ~. M1ili~9 A•41111: 1.0 . 111 1 l•O. 9JIJ6 . . -- ENTERPRISE DISASTER • • • at Tripler Anny Hospital. The rtmainder of the injured were attended by doctors Jn the carrier's !~bed lmpital. More than 'J,000 persor1t1 in Jfonolulu responded to an emurency appeal for blood donaUons~ The Enterprise ·will need extensive repatrs. u the .es:plosiMI ripped holes 8!i tar1e u 20 feet in · diameter in the 41,~ ·acre flight dei:l!:. Fifteen jet aircraft were demcli!hed, strewn acra.sa the carrier in charred bunks. Cmdr. Barry Trevor·MacC<lnnell said it might take months. as in tht 111117 uss !"orrestal d!Nllltr, to feml out ·precisely .what call8ed the exploaions •. · Jfe discounted accidental bombing by a landing aircraft. He said planes could not land while the flight deelc wa1 covered with aircraft preparing for launchings. Rites Thursd·~y For Mr. Liddell ':: A funeral service Is scheduled Thurs.. day at Rose Hills Memorial Pirk, Whit.. tier, for a veteran railroad man wh() died at his Costa '-1esa home Monday after a sudden illnea. Rites for Van W. Liddell, la, of IMO Anaheim Ave., will be at II a.m. in &he memori&I park's mortuarj chapel. M H• h D1 _ -Mr. Liddell wa.s a rormer traffic e8a ·· tg I)' UillS l!l"1"8" for the Union Pacific Railroad .· • .~ ~'· · . ,, -... ' and leaves his wife Emma,·of the home, D. ,". ·l -· p ...... ~ . _ .PIUS Une IJ'()wn children, two slaters, , ance rogrant f/xJr lfl'andcltildran and one lfl'U~ .. grandchild. · eo~·~ .Mua m.., School studenla ·~1 They Include ..., loan R. of Redllld• ....... 'UW' Beach. Marvin W., of Costa Mesa and put on.,modern dance prollueUon ca · a daughttt, Mrs. ElaJne M. Damon of "Introspect.: A.~View from Within" Thurs· Sl\_nnyVale. Also surviving are sisters d1y and Saturday nights. Mi's Elsi! M RI •· Soloist.i' S8Ddy· ·Laufer, deplctin1 voodoo · · Cuardson. of Costa Mesa 1 and Ruth Iverson of Lynwood . .. .. \ronh!P; Marlene Meister, dancing haikU -~-!t·•nd Gile Perlow. doing a dtufJ ".~• . will ·. C'OmPf:le for a t 1'0 -~-olarshlp. . • ., The money was raised by ~lbe d,ance production class,_ which hek1-a paptr 'l drh•e, collected pop ~ sold cupcakes. ... "' .. Student pubUclll lflt.· Bolton '~~ said t.ickets --7i ceftta ad\llt1, 50 ct'nt& Jt.udents -,.,.UJ be scld at the door, • I p.m. Thurid>, and Satunlay at the -Costa Mtta Hl&h.LY<91Jm. ·. . Cpllpl~ file, ,~cfion For MeS3 Accident A Colla Mua <90pl• whi>te car "" -.ne..,11J" daml&ld when It ,lllnlck a concrete abutmeDl1n a conJtrUc.'tWla ione IUt N.Vtmber hil ftlod 1 clllnn•.-Inllt the cltJ for $81 tn.4am11e1. ..'. ~ Club's Sleep·in Deadline Nears Tburllday ls the slgnup d01dllne for this wnkand'• I!oyl' Club 41 the Harbor Atta lltep-ln, Which tnclodeo gimOI, contat., prisea and a WaH Disney !eature film. Orpnlm& need to know bow maey be)>I," lip to a mubnum <If 100, will he attendlna the fl ._. event which bertna Friday at J p.m. '° they can plan Saturday'• brul;fut m'11u. The tleep-ln will he bold at the Boy,' Club central brm\Ch at SH Ctnter St., !'li'COlll to Coota Nua Park. f!M«v•· tltiil •boukrhe mi.re hi perooii al the Boy•' ~lub .. Murphy on Services · · lletlfl aiil ~l)Mrlne Helocil. \if-Ill I Mtij)li AYe., acting thnii.gh 11nner11 lff.Jrance Co .• Santa Ana, charaed that ~· Nov. t, mishap aL VtltQl'.la SttGet WASJUNGTON (AP J -Sen. Geor1e and Placentia Avenue required heavy ~furphy <R..Calif.), ha s been appointed Bor1nan Goes llon1e cffiCAGO (UP!l -Apollo I crew capt.thl Frank Borinan separated from his fellow astrmauta today for a triumphal aolo visit to his home town in nearby Gary, Ind. .. "And she'll get much helter," a meinber of the sw-gical team 1.'()m· mented. 11Ri1ht now she doem't loot like Ute poor UUle baby who came hen g11plng fer breath Ifs: wet.ks ago." SUlie la being carefully screened from viattor1 <ltber than her mother, U Thi Lan and Interpreter Doan Mona Ooahnh. "Thia lo a cr!Ual portod In terma of CT A Dep.ounce11 AFT LOS ANGELES (UP!)-The MU\hern section of the California Teacbll"J Aup- ciaUon Tuesday denounced its rival. tlte Ameri<:an Federation of Teachen, f..- tatmg part in a student •trike at San FranclJco State College. [!J . - W1nltd for IUl!Urythat,...Uy swings: Delll 88 Cus!Dm. Swin1 down any old '°'41·nd 1111 tlMI bif.ar difference!• New. lonier. 124-inch wheelbase• 15-inch whtels ·• Rocket 455 V-8 power• Siullptuous ittllriors. sub lhat run nearly five leet wido • Now Flo-Thru Venlilalion ! Olds valuo alwlys tllCllds.UMI pricll JOU )oy !or It Wani.d for an easy move to the big time: Delta 88. Your foolproof escape lrvm llH:llltd low-prlct cm!• Lowesl priced of lhe bi1 88s • Bi1-cor ride on 1 ll4·indl whfflbase •Husky Rocbt 350 V-8-wilh re1ular-1as ea>nomy •New GM safely futures also! Price-You're closer to Olds than JOU think! .... ~i!~'--<·"· 1. to~ ~ate Anned ServiCf.S_~Jttee. '---------------------------------------- \ , I ... ' London Talks End. • With Nations Split LONDOH (Al'J -IMden or Brltalc'• !l\ulUroclal Com: moawullh end lbelr IUllllllit t.lkt loda7 wllh 21 member •tat.. dteply IJ>lll on lour central 1autl. -Thty falled to 1grOC W•)'S of endJoc the Abe!Uon • of Rhodella11 1'hlte rulers. Baclttaae rooves to r.....U. the warrins M,trtan foderalllts IDd .b...Uway BWrlqs colLopoed. -A ,...tt al Eaat African coun-Imperiled proopedl for a quiet and cooceNd b~ to aettle the potiUcally es- plOIMo problem of mlgratlon Into Brll&IJI. -And India IDd Brilaln tug- ged opd -wlthoul agree. inl Cll w'betber the pact lG atop the sinld of nuclear we1pam ntes the support of the worldwide grouping of ado million people. The Brllllb, who are at the center of each altuaUon., got much of the blame from their partners for the dil!lputea. But they aloo were credited with qreem.ent on less con- iroversial llalles. 1'1111111& ~ the Vietnam war lo llio crloll In the llJddle tut. A OOlllDIW>lqut clraltocl for approval of the IOY ....... ch1eli included ~ • • a & e 1 which : -UnanlmOlllly . erpreuod the conocu,.. bo!l!s . or the .,...P that talb In Pllrla will lead to tn eod of the Vlotnlm war. . • ~°8~7'~~ Jll'OlllO!e an Ant>lmell """"' 1tlllemonl -Gwioar Janiag, ~ O'. N. 111voy in the region, but took no ltand on the Soviet Unloo'1 new plan for a Mi'ddle Eat settlement. On the Nigerian civil war, de!pite a groundswdl of sym- patlly f" tbe outnumbered a n d beleaguered Bialram, suettalve pe.c:e iniUalivts came to riothing. Nigeria. I argest African member ol the comm o o w e.alth, warned privately it would resist any open conferenoe discussion of the civil war, which it regards as an internal affAir. KNIT KNACK W.-11. -. .. -.. titd with Its CIWll scarf. -100% ...., __ • Ul"I T ...... Wl~E GREETS RELEASED ATOM SPY Sobel! FrM Afior 17 Years in P111ltlnliary Sobell Catches Bus, Joins Family in NY NEW YORK (AP ) -Morton mot her Rose, 'i4. Sobell, released from prison A1rs. Sobel! said she had Tuesday after serving 17 years heard of he.r husband 's im· ror conspiring to aell atomic minent release on lhe raido 11ecrets to the Soviet Union, and called lo tell him. She has returned home and says said he did not know until he has "a lot of living to her phone call. She uld her do." hUJband wanted to s t u d y Sobell, 52, stepped out of enginetring. the federal penitentiary in fl.lark, a computer pro- U.wisburg, Pa., T u e s d a y gram.mer with shoulder-length afternoon, hours after lhe U.S. hair, said, when told of U)e Court of ApPU!s in Manhattan nlease, '"It's about time they ordered him freed . He took Jet him go because he is in- W1• I JW1 ......, :U.-19'9 Hickel Makes Conservarion Promise · ·: ( ~ WASllJNGTON <AP/ -Wec!:::it' tolil ~Sell-II')' mnt, aldid-l will llnod ........... -. AJub Go?: Wah.. J. Hick· .. ate "" that "In <V· mUo will bo ......... b7 tlla .... el pmnloed IOd.,-that .. _....,. al the -he -1d -with Coocnoa to devtJop and coreene all of lbe natlon'1 na!W'al ,_.,.... Under fire from conserva- Uonllta llnce hl1 nomination to Ibo Cabinet pool to the Nix· on 1clmin1Jtratton, Hickle Pld he rullzed hit mpnmtbm. ties would be vqtly different from thole u the covemor of 1 state. The hevlng of the Senate Inlerior Commtttee on his ap- pointment was packed w t t h news1neu and soecbton:. Thfo corridor oul!ide WU 1ioed with penons hoping for a chance to get In. Sen. Henry J1cboo. (1). Wash.), the committee chair· man. uJd that au.Uons ra\.s. ed about Hickel'• J>h!loeopby _,d be fully explored. "'Mle i9SUel and questions which have been raised may be bued on tollllequale lnfor· matlon or mlsundersttndin,.," Jacbon said. He added that failure to mai:e a complete record cl Hicbl'1 views would be a d!Menice to HJckel and to the public. Hieb! hlm!elf has blomed much of the oppo11itlon to hls appointment on a mtsundtr· 1tandin1 of remarb he made alter Presi~ect Nixon announced his selection for the Interior p:>St. Jn an opening statement BLEY LE PANT SALE __ , FINAL CLEAR~NCE JOYCE SHOES SANDAL GIVEAWAY 1" '1.,.,.il l11w .... 1-.. U1 .. 11.00 I South Cot•t Pl111 O"ly I 5'° AND w-1s.ooto20.00 llOIWLOI---~ ~ ..... ~- All. llAlll PINAL I ' J ' . • I -""'7--' wllllL '28. -a bas-to--New ·:York -City-t<> · noceat.'" -· --~- soild N"'Y tlsf> rejoin his falqtly, Sobell, a radar eipert, was South Coos! Pl11A1, Coria Mow, Bristol et S.n Dit<Jo Frwy. Tho S~oo T roo, Nawport B11ch, 3410 Via LNlo "I have a Jot or liviog to convicted .aJortg with Julius do and l'm going back to and Ethel Rosenberg whe school," Sobell said as he ar-were executed ln June 1963. rived, clad In what prison or-T h e Rosenbergs were con· ficlals call ''dress· out victed of commitUng wartime.I========= clothing" -a gray suit, white espionage as well as con- shirt and tie. spiracy. a1-3to9cnly ouseof nine Sobell, who was sentenced Although sentenced to the In 1951 to 30 years in jail, maximum term, Sobel\ had avoided newsmen waiting at been due for release Au1. 24 the ·bus station and left for because of Rood behavior. Tht an undisclosed location. appeals unit ruled he should Meeting Sobell at the bus be eredited with 71h. monthJ SOUTH COAST PLAZA .,_ .Miii. tll1'1r l'rt. 111911111 1111 '1• ,-., S.I. till I!• •.m. m• ON TH I MALL. •u••• l'AIC CINTllt o.... MM.. w .... Ti.n.. l'rt. nu ' 1.t11. station were bis wlfe Helen, he spent in jail for tnabillty 51; their aon Mark, 11; their to post $100,000 bail prior to daughter, Mra. S y d n e y lltlllenCing In 1951 and thus Clemens, 29 ; and Sobel.1'1 enabled the eart.ier rtleue. ~ F~ (b~~ 40-HwJ.. ~! " ,,.. v )1 now the San Diego Freeway is completed ••• Just take MacArthur Boulevard south from the San Diego Freeway to beautiful Fash ion Island, Newport Center, in Newport Beach, 58 wonderful stores- Convenien t free parking. FASHION j ISLAND HBWPOB'I' OBK'l'BB. HISTORIC GIFT FOR YOU AT UC9. TO COMMEMORATE THE INAUGURATION OF RICHARD M. NIXON THIS GOLD PLATED MEDALUO~ WITH MATCHING 'KEY CHAIN AND INAUGURATION FACTS ON THE REVERSE SIDS.' WILL BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE WHO OPENS A -UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS A.CCOUNT FOR $50 OR MORa::: OR TO PRE;:SENT CUSTOMERS WHO ADD $!!50 OR MORE TO THEIR REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. THIS UNUSUAL HISTORICAL GIFT AVAILABl..E AT UCB OFFICES WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS. g UNJTED CAUFORNIA BANK ·-........ .. COSTA MU A: 3029 HAllllO!t llOUL IVAllD • ; . . ... ~' .,, • .-.. .. • ' . - I 7 -1 ~· :.....• ' --· ' ' . .--1 o.m.y -PILM' .EDITORIAL PAG~ j , • Controlling Eyeso .. A major step by the Costa Mela l'lenalili Com-. ml-wu lalten Mol>day to ~ quick Jmpml· tlon ol 1trict guider and conlto!J Oii Ille clb"• 80,plWI Tb1a caa, COllC<tvabl,y, rmllt In lllllr beln& lora down at Ille owner or 'fnnc.bller'1 expeDM, aller proper civil aciloll. I . I f • . ' • ! . . ' • • ! r ' ( ! A .... ltattons. • &>me of the buaineales ere thriving. Othen are .U.gracefUl and empty derellcll. ; Pusoge of an ordlnance draft ouUlnlilg 21 itan-dard! for various fac«s ol station COllllnlcUon and operoll.on will take "\II• dOCl'l'IOl)I Oii to tlie dQ< councll. Final acUnn Ls e1pected neit month. Contrary to what some cltlleitl mllht feer, the ..... vice staUon ordinance is not a hlow l'Cllin•t the llDlll businessman, or at free enterprue. Mlllllclpel la'IVl!lak· ors are lnteresled In helping build bett.r bWl!nea1er. In- dividual prosperity, after all, is community pn>SJ!trity • Independent owners -a few perhaps -may beef at requirements for landscaping and a tough stand againlt hawking tires, accessories and the like from portable stands and cabinets, Oii crowded station lots • But their sentimenU are certainly not industzy- wlde. Petroleum Institute sources have congratulated the city stalf for a thorough, modem· guideline to proper station planning and even obtained copies !or reproduc- tion and future use. Companies considering a Costa Mesa location will need oaly lo r~er to the ordinance In whatever fonn tpe counCll aC!opfJ it to see ju.st where to start drawing up their plans. Completion of the San Diego Freeway route has brought ·several new applications fur service 1tatiop construction and more are certain to come. One ol the stiffest clauses attached to the proposed ordlnanee is that allowing the city -to terminate the conditional use permit required to do business i! a sta~ tion just cen't ma1':e it. The limit is 90 consecutive days' closure or 150 days intermittently over a 12-montb period. And those operators who don't want to play by the new rules and comply wf!h the Jaw may find their sla· tions~f:acing action to declare them public nula:ances. ToQ&ll. lacli~f Maybe, If Ibey ever MOC! to lie ..,.. forced. • l • · .. . ' Thia la proi.,bly the~y ~F', to lhooe pel'IMl.al l01ers '1!1111 weedl, sprouUng th""!ih U. drlnw-r and optlmlatlc algna promlslng: Jlact Soon t'o.Sefve You. CJ.Uh With a B~g Job lleblDd el o s e d d~rs ol.plllllll an over Or111t• County, wbere oae caimol go without a pa11 and0 HCU!'o lty guard, ,men are llullding 1hlp1 to 1all the lllent 1eu ol lnterplautary space. The earliest' hlltory of man' a reaclt out Into the • blue sider of earth and their black beyond, bogevu, has a rich local heritage. EaoUy lorcotle1l II! the aopbll- ticatecl age ol Awlio moon lll&hts. men do atlll live who recall the acrid ame]! of airplane lacquer oa a sill! and wooden wing. One dldD't need to he an engineer to know the easy thrill of roaring Into the aky. The air was new and not so bWly. Much of Orange County wu a gra,.. and J!OP.Pl:• dotted airstrip, there to be uaed when the engine failed. And often ft did. · Worried that the years will take away these men and their memories with them -unrecorded -the Costa Mesa Chamber of CommerCe has formed the Red Barons of Orange County, a club with a big job. Named after Prussian Count Man!red. von Richtho- fen, WW I German ace who lives in legend, though he died in combat as the original Red Baron, the Costa Mesa organization plans to write a flight log o! those early local years. Besides stories already known, new leads on others have turned up in recent weeks and more will doubtless be uncovered to fill a unique history book. Good hunting, Red Barons! And good reading. (C) 'Mmmum Feasible Muunderstanditag' Achieving --Moynihan's Reveali11g _Bo"ok A Tolerabl~ ·-.. · Balanee- ' I Job, In one of his impatient moments, said plaintively, "Oh . . . that mine adversary bad written a book." Mr. Daniel Patricll Moynihan has·writ· ten a book. Mr. Moynihan is to be Mr. Nixon's chief adviser on urban af~ fairs. His book, whlcb will have general circulation about the time Mr. Nixon assumes the presidency, already bas had naticml, even lnternationa1, advertising. Mr. Moynjban was an adversary of at least a few million Americans before he wrote tbe book. Be, of eotne. had begun the boot well before Mr. Nixon asked him to join bis staff Jn ih im- portant posilioo. Indeed, the -had beet completed before the telephone rong. Jt WU evea then in lbe }laods of lbe publlsben. the exercise of J>Ower in an effective manner is an ability acquired through apprenti~p and seasoning." H e argues that what results in j)rlnging: the poor into commubity organization is not a conveyance ol power but a klnd ol play«ting at power. The-mulls can be absurd, be concludeti. MR. l\IOYNDIAN favon a gHlow rou.rse. He argues that wisdom "bespeab moderaliQQ to projecllao! of the fulllre ~ restraint to Its prombeo f<r It." He deplOttS the past, but, un- TBE BOOK. 11 A neeping denunciation twtgutely, there seems to bt no ol lbe anti...-, Jll'Ol?llms lhat began -~ hi ... boot. ll' ls ...,..1y to lbe Kennedy administration and were a coodemDatioo of put methoda without acceleraled under President Johosoo. II offering any progra....., fer lbe fulu!J- b tiUed "Mulmom Feuihle Mllllft-Certainly it is not wisdom ' to say !bat derstanding." It cannot help but piece moderation in projections of, the ';;; Mr. Moynihan at the center of another is required. The future ll not . vortez of controversy. 'Ibe book, on to be moderate and the ~ 11 "very the basis of advance releases, is a total much the presenl 1 Indictment of community action -that The pi'esent, which · ii a ruult of part of lbe anti-poverty program which !he past which Mr. ~01llihen dep!oru, brought rome of the poor lbe.mselves includes, for example., the findinis of Into consultation and organization for a very considerable. body of ICientifJc the various communities. inquiry. These fi.ndioO ~te 1 ~ The aulbor says, for eJ.8Dlple, "It nection between malnutritloa Ill children may be thal !he poor are never 'ready' snd b-dlmole. 'nib .la espedllly to assume power in an advanced society; true wbeiprotetn b Lactina;~.ftv• per cent oJ the mental retardation In this country ii eatlmated to occur in the areas of urban and rural poverty. Th.is is not guess work. n is not the past. It Is now. MR. MOYNIBAN believes, also, that local officials have been by-passeO in too many community organizations. The inescapable truUt is that wherever local official.I have been by--passed, it is because they callously, and often with great rohlctance, l_...t !he shocking disease and suffering which went along with malnutrition-Tbere ... literaD;y hundreds of scien· tifie reparts wblcll give irrefutable evidence of serious skin infestation and ulceratJon. of eye and ear diseases, ot severe 8nemla. of bacterial and parasitic diseue, of Injury to the body's tissues and so on. Many of these 11eienUsta have said, after witnessing fll'St hand ch.ildren who are suffering from hunger and disease, that we cannot any longer quibble between malnutrition and starva- tion, since .tarvaUon means dying from disease directly or indlnctly resulting from malnutrition. Mr. Moynihan is an intelligent man and, as a member of a government responsible for 'acUng on the problems ot. oow and not of the past, ht can hardly ~ that the Nizon ad- mlnistratm offer the poor and hungry a stony loot rather than the symbolic bread. LBJ Leaves Well-heeled WASHING TON -Whatever difficulties PresMient Johnson may encounter when he leaves the White House, they will oot be financial. Unlike President Truman, who reputed- ly departed "de.ad broke," John.son is well heeled. In addition to being " mulU· milliona!re with highly profitable radio- TV and ranch hoktlngs, he will receive a record-high total in government penslona. Lite all ex.Presidents, ht will get $25,000 annually. In addition, be will be paid a dvil ....ice onnulty of around Sl7,tm a year hued on bis more than SJ years' RrVice u an of6¢W .ol. the New Deal's National Youth Admlnbtration, member of Coo..-lllJd u Vk:e President. Tulal of these annuities ts mort than $40,000. JOHNSON 18 ALSO laking wilh him Into retirement more records and files than any of his predecessors. Theie prtvate and official papen fill some 2,000 four-drawer flUng cabinets -which L placed back to back would el&end more than a mile. -----Wednesday, January 15, 1969 TM <dilorlal poor of lhr Dm1y Pilot "'"' to "''°"" and •tfm. Mlatt f'fllMn bv prcsctttlng &his -·· oplftlonr and ~ ...,.,.,,, Oft fopja Of ml<r<1l cmd ,;g,dflamu, br prooidhlg a f""'"' for tM """'"""' of °"' .. ox1n.· opiftlonl, """ "' """"""g "" -· -,.aw of m/ontt<d ~ ""4 fPOI«,,..,. °" toplor of U.. ..... Rober! N. Weed, Publllbq In "lake home" pay, President-elect Nixon a~. ·will draw Jess than half of lbe $200,000 ialary voled by Congress. That's !lie estimate of Rep. Wilbur Mills, O.Ark.; .Chairman of the Ways and Meua Commlllee that wrllel lu legislaUon. Says MiIIJ, "Mr. Ntzon will wind up wllh IO!DeWbere betweto $98,111 and 199,246 after federal tlues are d<dtlded from the P8f ralae. !200,000 looks big, bu1 be onlJ gets fart of it." JUSTICE DEPT. ~ASH - WhHe Adam Clayton Powell re.gained his House seat after a stormy and .torrid debate, the ta..! has not been heard of hU: notorious case. Bipartisan opponents are considering seeking an iov•ligation of Qle1 JusUce Department's abrupt t~naU. ol a grand ill[Y probe or the • bqmbN1jo Harlemite. 1bi8 ttynamlle-loaded move Is still in the dlllcusslon atage, but there b strong f..ilnl behind It. Re...,. 11 tbi·cbarge GI a wlJ11noult: that lbe J111tice.i)opartment dellberai.11 prevellled lbe 'lfand ilB'f ITorn llrlnglhji in an iodk:t:mei'lt. Thia acd.mailoa WU sharply voiced by Re~·-Cllrt MacGrqor, R·Mlrm., It R. Groa, &Ion,· Albert Wal8o0, J\.S.C., and othon ~ U.. -----11a1-v .... noo1 .,_ u.. -t11ey raised were: -Tl!& GRAND JURY wu dlsml_. Quotes Rev. B. Davta Napier, Staford c)aa.. pel ._ -"We hive got lo lllten to the revoluUonary vorce, but we Qve to coutwn ft as wtll. '' on rMtion or the Justice Department .. without making the determination it was convened to make." Added Rep. MacGregor, ''If insufficient evidence to establish a probable cause as to the guilt of Powell with respect to criminal conduct did not exist or Oluld not be found, then be is entitled to a 'clean bill'. For the grand jury to make no determination leaves the origlnal ques- tion of probability or guilt or innocence 8llll open." -Federal Judge Edward Curran, who signed the department'• dismissal order, did 80 in the belief the tenure of the grand jury had expired. It had noL It is claimed it still had four more months to function. -Twt Justice Department attorneys who worked on the case prepared •n incftdment last May. It is charged this WU auppressed by Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark ilter conferring with President Johnson. The draft indictment was never presented to nor consider«! by the grand jury. By Robert S. AUen and Job.D. A. GGld1mllll Dear Gloomy Gus: Bllehen! Ir lbe Oiarren build a lladiwn with lbe belp ol Com Meea. there'll finally be a place lo hold stuff like !he Newport Pop Festival for U& teenyboppers. -G. M. McL. ""'...,.. ....._.. ................. _ _,,,, ...,.. " ..,. __ ,.r . ...,. ,.... "' ...,.. • .._, ._, DI .. '!Mt. Thoughts At Laree: Looking back on the last half-century, we can see that most changes were due to technological advances and our rapid ad1ptatloo to them, and most pro. hlems due to the rigidity of our In- stitutions and their hostllity .to change: U, tn the future, we could team to be more crltlcal of our technology and more flu:IMe fn our Institutions, we might achieve a tolerable balance between the demands of change and the necessity of order. • • • One way to achieve balance in our public atUtudes is indicaled by Dr. Joshua Lederberg, the Nobel laureate in medicine, who suggests t h a t "Instability of family life, the estrange-. ment of the generation.!, and the shaUowness of human communication are more prtftlent and cn.mulatlvely more serious dlseues thaa violent crime, and must be given equal account . • • in any lament of human deterloralioo." • • • While it is true that most -people should read more, it Is also true that. just as those who ride all the time Jose the faculty for walking, those who read all the time often lose the capacity for thinking -whJch account! for the stuMing unoriginaUty of so much "sch(llarship." • • • Medicine seeks to eztend the average age of death, so that people may live longer. which ls laudable; but we cannot have "death control" without birth con. trol, and must choose between fecundity and longevity. • • • The greatest and most dangerous fallacy still ulsting ln this world of 1969 is that nllateraJ udonal defeue Js in any way feasible as a means of avoiding war, deterring war, ot "wtn. nlng" war; rather, without the reforma- tion and atrengthenlnc of some such agtttcy as the UN, the mnre the In- ternational system expands Its offensive and defensive caoabilitles, the more like- ly the outbreak of an itTeversible catastrophe. • • • Passions don't change : just names do: the charge of "communism" will lose a m.Ulion votes for a man, by peo~le who can't even define the word: the same was true two centuries ai;!"o, a,o: Defoe wrote : "A cry of 'Popery' will bring • hundred thousand men to horse, not knowing whether the Pope is a man or a doir." • • • Except for basic necessities, people don'.l buy products, !hey buy fantasy· fulfillments ; for who, rationally would buy the average American car: which 1' too Ion~ to tum, too big to park. too exi>e,,sive to rt!pair, and too powerful to control. • • • It's ~en~rally believed that the familiAr "Happy Birthday To You" son, is In the public domain, when actually the ttven most popular versions are a11 copyrlf!:hled bo ASCAP and "belong" to private hands. • • • Womt!n tallt to inanimate objects; whtn the phone rings, a woman says, "l'm coming. I'm coming," as lhouRh the f)hOM can hear htr; and I have even heard women talk to lhdr hair while dryin& IL • ' ·'May w• put you under th• fi1"1C1ncfol mlcro1c«>P•, too?' 'Tight Little -J ohn-BiP-e-h~Cd-ls-~= To the Editor : Jt seems that everyone. ls out after the public schools. If not some Savio or Cleaver and their hairy comrades, trying to attract attention by sUrring up trouble on the campuses,· it is a John Schmill and bis fellow Bircbers, making a more subtle but no less predatory appeal. Once again through the mail ~me those perfumed litUe pro p a g a n d a broadsides, e n c I o a i n g questionnaires designed to help "guide" the politicians in Sacramento toward a tighter financial, and thence poUUcal,-grip on the schools. SPEAKING IN the 1one of one of the good guys, Schmit:&: says in bis letter: "The most urgent task facing the California Legislature today is to prevent the complete take-over of our public educational system by those who intend to use it as a vehicle for revolu· tioni.1.ing America, whether by in- doctrination or by violence -or both." The melhod of the penurious Cleavers Is easy enough to see, for violence is always conspicuous, U self-defeating. But what of the melhod employed by the more affluent Birehers? In his constant disparagement of our schools, Schmitz fores us to wonder bow he would staff bis scboolll. Would hi• classrobm.s all be tight liWe John Birch celll? Meanwhlle. what about· tbt 'education of the children? S. M. BERTl'ON Get Down Co c ... u To the Editor: It is said that higher taxation will halt the inflation that is weakening and may even shatter our national economy. Taxes we have. They are going sky high on .all levels, local, state and na-. tlonal. Every segment of this 11ociety is feeling the effect of piled up levies. We hear that wage raises are com- pensating for the tolls v.·e now pay and will be asked to pay in future. That we will pay more taxes is certain. For, once measurea are taken to juice !he pocketbooks of lbe people, Ibey are rarely rtpealed. WE HEAR THAT wt have a very low rate of unemployinent. But. • . from which staUstal level In regard lo age of both YOUDI and old employables are these figures taken? A book has been written which shows bow It is possible to lie with statistics. Often we hear about the Operation Head St.arl But what about Operation Late Start? How is It that a person in middle life -trained to a gnat's eyebrow -has become passe and placed on the shell when he hu the experience lo bolster youth. And the Jlldiment born of experience with which to bolster the young worker? Why is age a barrier to employment when a man or WOJlMlD can be old at 1'1 and roun1 at 71"? Have -..e become a robot na:Uon, forgeUul oft.be human eqaation? AT A TIME when yoUng folk are paytna men for security, and older folk are belnc abot down by tuaUon between tfle years of 65 and 75, if they have been lnde~nt earners crealively employed, when lncreued interest rates and taxation threaten buiinesa, wu it good psychology lo dooble the pay ol tbe President ol Ibo U.S.! And la It wise for »Called civil ltn'Anll lO buck for ind 1et every pay hike proposed? So-called retired IDIJr -and ,.... of them have been forcibly she:lved bec11use of yean alone -tul.e the futat growing minority In thtse United Stale!. They Mve purchasing power NOW! They lrO plenty sbup, and they 1·ote NOW! le~rs from nilder9 -'llnellmll. Narm1t1J wrtten •ll<>uld con....., tntlr met,_ 1" *' word• or Ina. T,.,. rlrlhl JO COllOenle ll'tters JO flt -or ellmf. n1le libel Ito ....,.....,. AU letters mv1t !ndude •iftllftlrt> Ind m11Un9 lddr~. bllt n.anMI 1111~ 11<1 Withheld 111 l"MllSSt II .uftlclenf /"M90ll 15 ll>PIArnC. THEY ARE NOT apt to be re1egA1a1 to the junk heap ol humanity without protest. They .know that revolution ._ no good. but they will seek reform wider our own l)'3tem of government. A person ls pretty dull or Wlinlormed who does not realhe what spiraling in- flation has done in Germany and man1 othet lands. It is a hope that there are enough levelheaded persons In the USA who will insist that someUting be done to prevent a bust that will noC only affect Americans but the whole world as well. We are virtually pricing ourselves out of a semblance of normal living and trade here and abroad. THOSE WHO have never experienced want may say that we have little need for material things. But have they tried a Montana winter without an overcoat or dug in frozen ground for a turnip to eat? And how abOut the lot of certain war widows who receive a pension of $51 per month i1 they make as much as $300 per year? It :seems that we had better. get down to cases in th!J land of ours. And soon! MARTIN PEDERSEN Relotlo111 With Black• To Ute Editor: A1 a partJcipating member of the recently held race relations seminar at Newport Harbor High, I would like to comment on the write-up. Friday's headlJne, ."Blacks Shatter Hopes of Students," and indeed the entire article seemed to convey the idea that the seminar was fruitless and that it was a pity that our blind idealism was destroyed. l feel that our hopes needed to bo crushed to make us realize that the task ahead of us is not one of simply proclaiming unbiased beliefs. Telling blacks you are unprejudiced will not make them forgive and forget. THE DtJTY of the whites Is not to force our own plans and ideas on the blacb, but to promote understanding with.in our own race. We must make our own race understand that the bit· terness and hate they see in the blackman is the bitterness and hate our society put there. For some strange reason we are surprised al its magnitude aod yet even now we are not fully receiving what we have put ln. · Thll I have learned, partly Ill a result of the seminar, and 1 do believe that these semi.nan are an effective, i1 at ti.mes di.abeartenlng, mode of com- munication. Complex problems such a.<t this are not easily solved and I hope our community wiU recQBRize that more such semi.nan are vilaDy necessary. JEANNIE EGASSE B.t1~"1Je Dea George: Large. gaily-colored h lilW a 'I candlet can be made at ~ by simply melting wax In milk cartoos! After a wick has been .merted! B.N. Dear B.N., Rm. No wonder my cereal Lasted ~ lumpy -I thought ll was just tbf: hangover. ' I I BY WILLIAM REED ...... . . ·• " i n the Wind ' . ' ' \ ' The· Talns gave ihe area a b8th Monday .and ~esi!ay an a., althollgb Tain almost ~wayM>rings with-it Some tro~bltt~. ,~~l~h shower oc:Casionally ~s much; ,to clean up an.d· refreS'h. the Orange Coast. " While crutsJog ·f{Ound looking for possible drainage problems,. I noted the competition between automobile dea1ers for the driver's eye is gettin-g pretty fierce. SA River Marina ··· Pr«?pos~d : ... ~ . ' " . - r BJ JEROME F •. c6WNS " <;" ~ ................ . Steven C. Aultl'1 ambltloul plan lot a 3,too-boat. marina enc103ed by · a breakwater Qfl West Newport Is sWI ' afto_a&-, NewP!>l'I Beach city <OUncl1men Man- ilay held tllelr fire uot11 Ibey learn more. Key segment& or marina structwu would-be located.at tbe-sanla Ana Bi"'.er mouth · between the cities ol Newport and Huntil>gton 'Beach • • After · the JS.. year-old advertiBing e:a:· ecutive outlined the proposal JD a 45-'( mlntite presentation, NewpOrt councibnen tl>ld bimJt deServ.d further conaideriUM ·~..n.t' will ~tit at an upcom1ng ,stu<1y session. · Leaders or · the West Newpor.t· ·Im- proverpeflt A~soc,auOO, bo~ver; gn,un~l· eel about the project· being carried that far. 'l'bey warned of a citizen uprising unless it is junked. . --------·----.,..----------------------------..,...,-- WoiMsd.,, ,,.,..,, 1.5, 1969 r ISl DAILY t'll.01' " On Beach Boulevard in -Hun~ tington Beach. for instance, there Is a huge tent-like affair towering Into the skr frc_>~ t~e par~tn~ lot i>f a dealer. Tbe rainsoaked, blue and white fringes in t~e sky really ao litUe for. the looks of the area and nothing to interest me in. a new car. . ' "We art 100 percent against anything like a beachfront roadway or an offshore breakwater," declared Ralph Watso_n. "You will be kicking the lid off a Pan- dora's Box if you go along with this.", "" ,~.· .' ' ."'. IS ,TH JS .WEST NEWPORT OF FUTURE ? CITY SAYS ·HUGE MARINA 'AND 'GENOA BAY' (FOREGROUND) MAY NOT BE i!IPE DREAM * At another place I sa\v furniture 1itting out in front of another ~ealer's diggings on B e a ch Boulevard. It seems that this iealer -and many others -are oot av.,are that the laws require merchandise to be kept inside for 1nspection. not outdoors io niar the "It's rather.inconce1vable that we have to stand here and tell the council that \\'e have a magnifice.nt ~an front," said Margo Skilling, president of the 400-me~r bomeowner.s' group. "How anyone can contemplate destroy'ing it is beyond me." Ray Martin, who said he has been a West Newport property-owner for 30 This provides for a residential-marine develqpment similar in Concept to Hun- tington Harbour. A channel would link it to the marina area. Called "Genoa Bay" by Auld, it would be built on undeveloped lands behind Newport Sbores and would coffiprise more than 800 single-family homes, 280 apartment units. two public parks, ·a shopping center and some 900 additional boat slips. ' view. years, v:as even more succinct. "This Ti;uuble is :lhaLthem::.are-::n~l:__pia.;~'::he: saili;. ':iL thee craziest' tlilng !nough people in the city govern-that has ever happened." • Councilman Donald A: Mcinnis, who reptesents-Wi?it.-Newport;-38.id-he would be unalterably opposed to the offshore breakwater -extending from the · Santa Ana River jetty to the Newport Pier area -if it would "destroy our most importa.l'lt asset, our beach." 11en~ to enfo.rce _all the laws and CoWlcilmen plainly didn't think so - Jesp1te protestations to the con-trary, the various industries and not yet. anyway. . . . businesses really do not police They were especially 1ntr1gued by an themselves. inland development aspect of Auld's plan. But be said 1f Genoa Bay can be NEW ... AT THE WORLD'S MOST UNIQUE BANK! --·--' GOLDEN . -· l<tWPOR7' ,.,. . PASSBOOK , SAl ION1\L ·.,·. ', ·.~ •. ~AN~-J# ~ Your new Golden Passbook Savings Account wHI draw the highest bank rate of interest available anywhere ! Now you can enjoy 5.13% Interest on • Newport National Bank Golden Paubo,ok Account when your 1avings and all dMdends r&main 1 year. lhr1 It now possible when our So/0 current annual interest rate Is compounded daily and credited quarterly to yovr Golden Passbook Account. This special account i• ava ilable to Individuals, corporattona, part11erships and non-profit organizations. You 'll be pleased to know thtt your inttraet pay1nent1 ere flexible according to yoUr own peraonal needs. With a minimum deposit of $500 and at.lb&equertt deposits of $100 or.more. therel1 Mi nmtt IOthe amount you can deposit In your Golden Passbook Savings Account. Your Interest startl from the date of depOSit and continue• to the data of withdrew-al. We cone!der this • golden opportunity to make your, tfVings grow fastec in e pleeeant and secure atmosphere. We would like to tell you more about this unique "bank rate" ol Interest. Come In and see vt or mail the coupon bel.l)w and we'll do the rest. In NEWPOllT NATIONAL BANK --, f ~ (SM>ct 9ddfeae of your neltl'elt office) I Gefttleman: t sm intere1ted M opening • new J Goldltl'I Paaebook Account. I 0 £ncloMd ii "'Y c'*k (money order) 10< $_ I ~.per« "'°"'>· P1e•M open the account 9'ld I tena me n'IOt'9 lnform,etiOn. I Mreby unde'ltMd • I thlt wtthdr1-i. cennot be made until ptOp.r ~-I n«w• catt11 ti.... been rettrned anc1 .,.. Oft 111. I '"~S-. I 0 ~ :Mftd me lllOf'e infomation about~ MW I a.-.......... __ ----·- I I I -1 7 CONVENIENT OfflCH lO SERVE YOU IN ORANGE COUNTY ........ IUCll -··~ Cl"'l!US af M1C'Artlltf S40-?lll • ......... ..,.... ,....,.. 142-1141 • ...... OfliM s..,.tw .t,,........ "2·t51J ...... ll\'ICll Wllldlff 11 Doilllr MMJll "' Mlllllll Celltte '"' om. NlllwocJil .. ee-.niu1t11 17la:JO • ...., .. ortict Klr\llf ll ... ~1·7291 ,.,_.. Of'llet Eut a..,Nil lt-stth Cehp ln-4140 accomplished without wrecldng the ocean beach, '·then I'm highly in favor of it." The hreakwate~, a proposed by Auld, would encompass f e separate docking areas, a sailing nnel, a view park near the jetty and three quiet swimming areas, which Auld said \vould ap- pro:a:imate '13 per<:ent of the existing beach. After considerable di.scussjon, the coun- cil finally eg're'ed to MC:Innia' suggestion that no action be considered until the matter is taken up a.t ·anoher study session, on a date to be aJµ!Ollnced. Before that understanding wu reach- ·ed, Auld, emphasizing that his plan was just a. o~man dream, reelted what 'he believed to be the breakwater-proo tected marina's ·advantage: He ·sald it would: -HaJt the 0 truitless" expenditure of public funds to combat beach erosion. -Provide new land &teas for· publli: recreational use. -Eliminate lhe •st1sma o1 bllghl" Classes Slated In , Landscape8. -•lrom West Ne)YJ)OJ'i.,.....-: · • -;;~",; , -¥rovlde lbe 1..W .-W: ~ · ol ll\Wlltlg. out .,the. lowl\I" b;ly. {Thi Landscape palriUng ·tn aCfS'IJCs~ otlr--Oolldlng. A-fee-·of $Ut I.!· required !pr 1>lan includesca· c&ahiteh:arved' ouHrom ~ ,-New~t Wand to the morina area.) and an exploratory ·workshop class using either class. still-lif~ subjects will ~ offered by the The landscape classes, f~aturing wotk Westminster Recreation and Parks at various sites in the city wlll be Department beghlning Feb. 3. offered M1ndays from I-( p.m.' The s\i!l- RegistraUon starts Jan. 15 al the life workShops will be held from 7-10 )Vestminster Community Services p.m. every Monday for 10 week!. -SbOrten the d1Stance' boats must now lravel ti> &et lrol!1 the lower bay to the sea. -Double the niimber' of boat llflps .once'envisioned ror the Hatbor Arte. ' . " • • • • ~ t ...-'.• -'-11--+~~~LAST 10 Dl,YS LADIES' BETTER BLOUSES PANT SHIFTS SWEATERS CHOICE vou• 194 OH• GROU, SWEATERS CARDIGAN 5941294 PULLOYEI ~· . TURTLI TO , . ' SLEEPWEAR 3.6' "· 2 for 6.94 {, ,,, IRAS " ' r..r,, S.tectlon . 99c '~. CANTRECE HOSE 79c ""· 2 for 1.54 HOSE s""''"' 2 for 64c JEWELRY . 24c .. 1.94 ~·' ·: DRESSES I 1-641694 Grand 1 S.IKtlon TO : SWEATERS •·1~"' "941' 094 . C..nU11n I. TO , , SKIRTS w..i-49• 1094 I lends TO BLOUSES 29! 394 . SHELLS Fully W11h1ble1 • 54' ~DIES' MENSWEAR DOOA BUSTERS DRESS SHIRTS SPORT SHIRts KNIT SHIRTS - YOUR 194 CHOICE ' ' WASH 'n ..• ,WEAR PANTS 2i14" 2~694 7.fll ••• 3.<19 ... ' ' INrT SHllTS hrttt, Mack Tlll'tle \ ....... C.U.,. QRESS SHIRTS YOUR 2 ' 494 CHOICE ~ SHI-JS '94' <" VIOOLl-ILINDI DRESS SLACKS 2for20.94 2for34.94 3321 E. COAST HIGHWAY ' . ·-4 DAll.Y ftUIT Wofntldq, hmllrt 1.1,IM . c.-..Ja Pro'lie Begins I ' Why ·was Plane.· Flying So Low? •, . ~.,. .. _., PW ,tiff) l IJ-ph fr••k Swift was hauled ll\lo court In Grwiharo, N.C. lor •~g. The arresting officer le~ ~ed that Swlll was "quite jovial vdien arrested. 11He wanted to know vOiy the utronauts could travel 6~ miles an hour up there and he cbuldn't go 100 miles an hour down lrere, "· the officer said. • 'I'wo gliards from the Michigan reformatory at Ionia rtcaptured ctierln Buzayn1kl, 20, Graod Ra- pids, two hours after he was mlas- •4: They were pUJZ!ed that IIUZc2yfto sltl was walking. along a highway t.Ward the reformatory. Explained IlO=)'nlkl: "I changed my mind. l•aa going back." :. . ~ TM ·,.eridenta of Dumpsroad "in WhlhDicl<, England ll<w• .,,_. ~aled to the toton council to ~hange the name of thtir st1tet. ~The good people in Dumpsroad "'!sot1 the name of the street calls ~up C1'l image of a littered street ~leading lo the gar"'1g• dump 1.:whtn ft tietuallt1 leads to a ~pretty and sertne' toooded area. ' UlS' ANGELES <AP> -Tb& ~verre Vlklnl, proud ship ol the &:11>1inamn 'AlrU... flee~ lhould •bave -llYbJ& at 1,soO feet when It sldddtd Imo-tJij Peclllc, •• Why wun't it? That WU tbe big qQUllon fadni lederal lnveotJ&aton IOdly a:. Ibey Jftl&-~ ed their lnqulrJ Into the Mooday olcht cruh. of the DCI ~ u l\ approoched IntBDllJooal Alrporl In Ille ra!Q. - Four wen known dead; 11 m.11$& and pruumed deod. °'I'""*' -ended loci>1 f« II perlOlll: m1'llng In the ... <rUb. 'l1ler't were SO aqrvlvor1, plucked from the rslnnept -by small boala. Twonl)''lllqe ol lhllll ..... J$nd. The· Sveqe Vlkln(, ao II m11Jloo plane, ended Ila I,~ lllch1 over the North Pole from Copenhagen In the Paclllc lhallo!<• oil llallbu Beach. It 1ant Jtnau, Jn IO feet of water Tuuday aftemoon at the edge of the IU1f 11 the Coast fluard lulboll Pendant lried lo tow lt ubore for lnveallJaUon and llalvago. . Agents for tile NaUonal Transportation Safety Boml and !or the airline atudied whether to try to lift it with a crane aod barge. The back haH of its fuselage, carTYing the plane's flight recorder, sank in 600 feet of water where it broke off when the plane hit the BU. eight miles offshore. Investigators said there was no way of knowing whether the misaing were entombed in the tall secUon. They said it apparently sank immediateJy. The chief investigator, William L. Lamb, said his team might use 30l'Ulr and underwater television to locate it for rai11Jng. He ctld tnenUon. however, "aome dlf. ficulty wJ~ the land1ng c e a r • ' ' Jnvestlaati.n Will have to de\lrmine wbelh<r that P1111d a part In the tragedy. • Weather lllo mlpl have been a factor, Jt wu ralnbic. There wu overcast ·at UGO feet and ocattered doudJ ot 1,700 and 1,200 f .. l · The airport repon.i vlsll>lllty at lour miles over runwl)'i, but the n1lht and tbe oea were pllch bl1ck, olferlnl Utile depth perttpllon reference I« the cmt. 1bere wun't ID1 apparent problem with the airport'• navigational Ilda. They functloOed correcUy In a teal rlpt alter tbe crash. 'Ibe investigator• will check the plane'• four alUmeters -1f they are able to recover them frun the water-lilled cockpit on the aea floor. They alto will determine whether the plane called for -and wu given - baromeUc aetUn11 for the altimeters often e1101J11> durlnl the •PJO'Olcb. Pllola Olllmate tbe Sverre Viking WU traveling between 155 and 190 miles per hour when lt hil Invf3tiptora llld it could have been coini tao miles per hour. The airliner was over the ocean because of a change in wind dirtction the rain. Normally, planes approach the airport from over Los Angeles. Had the Svetre Viking come in 1,500 feet low over the city, Jt would have fallen near the east boundary of reslden- LiaJ, suburban Inglewood. '2 Bad Men' Chicken Out, . - Several survivors agreed there was no warning the plane was going down. One said he felt no dive. The !'iJol caUed bis approach routine. -Release -Tot- Sirhan Trial Jury WHl'M'IER (AP) -"Two ~ad men" who kldnaped Paula Ann McGinnis Prospects -' -ked released the 21h:·year-old glrl unharmed nl'I Tueod1y night without receiving any ransom. Aho t P · hi l Her father, Frank McGinnis, aaid be u syc a ry received a telephone call demanding Young Eva Rui!l11t of Charlu of f.he Ritz may becomt' hairstt1lirt it1 ,.esidtnce at the White House. The Nixon sklff .. pcmonMl haoe ap- proocnea Mr on the pouibilitt1 of be· coming rite per.sonal hairdresser of ~fr1. Richard Ni!lon and her daugh- ter, Tricia, in o beauty salon to bt eslabW:hed in the Whitt House. • Mrs. Vlrv;n10 Docking watched a secood chapter in Kansas history unveil when her son, Robert Dock- ing. was inaugurated for a second le.rm as govemar of Kansas. Her 1011 wu following in the footsteps ol bi5 la!Mr, the late George Dock- ing ... bo was the first Democrat e'\U to win re-election to the gov· emor's office in this historically lleyublican state. LOS ANGELES (AP) -ProlpecUve jurors in the Silhan Blshara Sirhan murder trial are being aated in ereatest detall about their aWtude toward psychiatry, their views on the death penalty, and the effect of pretrial publici· · ty on their opiniOns. Defeme of the :14-year .. ld Jordanian accu....i ol killing Sen. Roberl F. Ken- . nody is expected to r..-a •,oph1atlcated, lega.llltie tactic wblch ad· 'lolls Sirhan fired the fatal bullet. Exllalllllve and repeUUoua probing by both c1e1.... and proucutloo baa cen- tered on queatlorm dUflned to show how the prospective jurors would react to such a detfnae. Four jwwa, all women, were ten-- tatlvely sealed by the clote ol. Tuaday's "" session. Both aides hope to begin ! teittmony within a month. i; Sirhan watched the proceedings in· .. tently and waa quoted by one of his att(}J'tleys u aaying, "I am satisfied vi'itb the way thlngs are going." Proapective jurors are being asked if they can set a!ide the.Jr rtvulsion to the crime itself and deliberate instead on Sirhan's state of ·mind at the moment he pulled the rlluer. - They are alao btlng asked If they can forg•t the vlcUm'1 world renown. "The trla~" Prooecutor David N. Fitts tl':minds jurors, "ls nothing more or less than a murder bial." Chief Dtfenae counsel Grant Cooper tells Jurors the prosecution "may. and probably will, ask for the death penalty.'' But the defuu;e contention o f "diminished responsibility," should the argument be successful, would reduce the degree of the crime on ground! Sirhan was incapable of prtmeditaUon. $200,000 ransom a short time after two men, posin& as telephone repairmen, abducted the tot Tueaday. They left the housekeeper bound. "Two bad men took me,'' the girl told her parents after she waa round wandering along a street in nearby LaMirada less than 12 hours alter her abducUon. "They apparently chickened out," 1aid McGinnla, owner of· a small tool and machine company. McGlnnis was at work and his wife was shopping when they learned of the kldnaplng. . He aald the first phone call came soon alter he nturned home. "They told me the baby was r.11 right, and to get $200,000 together," be aald. "They called back three or four limea, but didn't reply when we said. 'hello.' " J:ie aa1d be received no "'tn.muctions on how to pay the ransom. News of the abduction was carried widely but nothing waa said of a ran&0m. "They must have panicked when they heard nothing about the ransom," said McGlnnll. The men tied up Mrs. Ruth Mitchell, 58, before taking lbe blonde tot \\'ho \\'a.s <:lad in a light blue sleeper outfit. $242 Million Set For Census Budget WASHINGTON (UPI) -Jt will coat the people of the United States $2U million to f l n d out how many of lhtm there are. That's th!': sum earmarked In Pruident Johnson's new federal budget for the e1pen&ea of the 1970 census. Heavy S~ow Blankets Omak Southl.and Downpour Drenches Pt. Piedras ·Blancas · C'olifo,..i. 1 --.·W I ~!i,:'-1 /"' () . ow--"'-~~ FREEZING .,.1\> ~ WB• W:~t ---r-\~AIR ~OLD_ -ti"-\~~jj V , ~~ lJ·1SL50LD ~~-RAIN'-k... \ -~f'\COOLV C'o .. tol ll'tlr tNI Wltnwf tolll' ~ Tl'Utlr.Ml'I'. Wlfllls _,,.,.,.,, 1t to II '""'·"· T•r1 111911. .. It ... v .. ,.,..,.. ~tturts , • ".' .. l..-1f1 ..... dUIOtlow.,d. IA< ~ ...,. •• """' ,., ... -" .. .u. Tllt "'"'" .._...tu,. ..... 17.J .,... --Sa.., M-, 'l'WU .............. ..... lillttl • ,,,, •'"'-.. , THUatDAT ,,,.., ,... .............. 1t:n ....... 2.1 ==· lilllfl .... , ..... , ••• •:U '""' ... -.............. t i• It.II\. ... StClll'd """ ............ f ;ll 11.m.. '·' I"'*-lllMI 4:G t .l'n, ""Jill 1.m. ... ·-•ift '·'"" .... t 10) •-"'- Mtw ''"' •• Jen. I' "'"· IS ''" ....... F1•. J F•ll. lt 'l'emperatur .. s A.!l1n!1 ··-~ ... n.-lf IU1m1n:t O•H ... ~ Cllk"'° ""'-" c11 ... 111111 ...... °" Mo!~ """" Ev"~' l'orl Wlll'lll ··-...... ........ HO<llllMI ktnMI City lit """" LOI Al'lt'lltl Mltml lt•Cl'I Mllwt~~ M!Metteli1 Htw Orlttlll H-Yotl< o.~111111 """" PllTIMHIHllt Pll111t11lx Pllhb<il...it P&rtltlld R1old CllY ltMI IMI' ·-SK••"""'" St. L""IJ s..n"* Stlt Leilt ClfY S..n Oltff San Ftt l'ICIKO 51nt1 ltrWrt ....... 1 .. bM llltrll'lel Wt,lllnt!Oll Hl911 L-l'•K. 51 lt .02 ' " ~, ll '° '° ~7 ll " . l' 7J " " . .. 71 tJ lr . " ti ?1 tr " " " ~ . ' •• .. .01 " " $J '1 .DI •1 l'O .Dl ,. '' " . " . " " u :U ·" ,, ., " . " " " G • • " . " . •t " " s• . " " ·" G D ... • JJ .01 SI •J .11 " " " . . " " . • Jt .... • u , .... • • " . • • " ' ff • • u --------·----------~ OPEN END OF FORWARD SECTION OF lll·FATED SAS AIRLINER Torn Up Interior 11nd Backs of Some Seats Can Be SHn as Section Floats Off _ LA Marines Tighten Cordon Rogers Pledges Vietnam Peace Around Cong Stronghold '\'ASHINGTON (UPI) -WiWam P. Rogers pledged today the Nil:on ad· ,ninistration will proceed "as fa.st as ,.,.e can " lo reach a negotiated pl':BCe SAIGON (AP)-U. S. Marines partir· lpatlng in an 8,200-man amphibious operation on the Batangan Peninsula got their first taste of action today as they tightened thl':ir noose on a Viet Cong stronghold 340 miles northeast of Saigon. Rear Adm. W. W. Behrens Jr. of Harrisburg, Pa., reported the Leathe'r· necks-repulsed_ an _enemy altempt __ to_ break out of the cordon, suffering two dead and seven wounded in a fierce excllanfe of small anns fire. Enemy casualties were not known. Earlier, four Viet Cong v.·erc killed In another small sklrflllsh and t1-vo guer· DRASTIC FINAL REDUCTIONS ON OUR ril!a soldiers defected to the Americans, s:iid Behrens. He also reported the in Vietnam. _r...1arines destroyed several tunnel 'com-Rogers, Nixon's choice for sercetary p!exes. captured 600 pounds of rice. of state, told reporters alter a closed corn and flour, and .. rounded up 71.'0 Senate hearing on his appointment, "our suspects for interrogation by a South Vietnamese pacificalion t~. objectives in Vietnam ve limited. We Behrens said the airft is to separate want to prevant North Vietnam from the peninsula's Viet Con~ "act.ivists" taking over South Vietnam by force.'' . fcom .W._.generaL.population, .esumateci___,.1e ·•ntd~d th-nr-... -we -wlnt -10 ·wort-- between 5.0!JO and 10 •. 000. out a negotiated settlement on an Two Marine bettaho~s swept ashore h table basis _to arrive at an agree-on Batangan Monday 1n what the U.S. ono f ed,, Navy said was the biggest seaborne men t that_ can be en or~ . assau lt since the 1950 Inchon landing "'We w1I!, proce~ with that as fast of the Korean War . as we can, he said. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OPEN DAILY 9-6 Home c:J Gift -Siop i~ ~""'* Sl.oja. Buy MORE !JAYE MfJRE REGULAR STOCK MERCHANDISE WE CUT THE PRICES-YOU GET THE SAVINGS! et the Entrance to Lido t.lo BE RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER 3433 VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH 673 -63b0 " _, l London Talks , End: • )~0. With N&.tjon~ 'Split • ' . LONDON (APJ -Ltadel'I w~mlal llMif; fttM fnn of Btllalll'1 mu1tJroc1a1 Com-the ~·war lo Ille crllll monallb and t11etr -ID 11111, Ml4dlt Cut talit today w1111 21 JllGllller A ~ dnl!!li 'lot • IJllll'>Val GI liio ... l(imooi •!&la deeplr IPlil oa lour -I~ I II I I e'a central 1uua. t wbk:b. 1 ~ -They failed '°~";way1 -UnW...,. uPreo1i4 of IDdlnc lllo ~ of tlle coUectlN> lq>tl ~ the f Rho4eola'1 wblle ~ ...,, tllll talb-bf PIO will -i''C'ktap ...... I 0 !tad to ID 11111 el the Vletnlm .-U. !be ""t!OS NicemD war 1 • I~ INI ~rublray ' UDllllmoulJy llldantdl Bl.-<Ollapted. cumn1 Bl& P<>1oi ,irorti to -A moll. GI Eal Alrlcan ,....-ID -liriell- COWllriel lmperiled --setllemeot -' Gwllw" for a quW and ~ bid Jani"'; 1pecltl TJ. N. enV., to ICttle tbe pollUcally u:.. in the J"elion, but ·toot no plosive' probltD\ of migration atan<S on the ~~ Union'a into Britain. 1 ne'of pl an for a Middle. Eaat ~ lndl4 aQd Britain tu&-aetUement. ged ~ tuuled without agree-On the Nl1erian clvll war, ing on wbetJaer the, pact to despite a graundswell ot sym- stop tbe spread of nuclear ')>alby for t1'e outmnnbered weapons nta the support of an d beleaguered Blifrlns, the worldwide grouping of 800 auccesskre pea~ WilaUvu mUllon people. came to nothiJic. Nlgert1. The Brlt18h, who are at the Jaraeat Atrican ~her ot·the center ol each iUuaUon, got C o m m on wealth, warned much of the blame from their privately it would nsilt any partners for the dllputes. open conference dlscuuion or But they also were credited the civil war, which it regll'dll with aareement on less. con-as an internal affair. KNIT KNACK W•h.wlt. PICbblt. unblmtabl•, tied With its own se1rf. Rfbbld 100% Poly-kn;t. --""1---, '28. Solid Navy also . u,.,..... WIPE GREETS RELEASED A1'0M .SPY SolMill FrH Afltr 17 Yan in Penllontlory SQbell Catches Bus, Joi~ Faniily in NY NEW YORK (AP) -Morton mother Rose, 74. ~I, released. from prison f.1rs. Sobell said she had Tuesday after serving 17 years heard of her husband'• lm· for conspiring to sell atomic' minent release on the ratdo seems to the Soviet Union, and caned to tell him. She has relurned hom e and says said he did not know until he has "a lol of Jiving to her phone call. She said her do." huaband wanted to 1 t u d y Sobell, 52, stepped out of engµiteting. · •. ------ w-.,. -u, lM • w;·:LY F ' ~i •.. •• I 1 a 1 1 '< • • .~iclre~, ¥':!::.:~~:Se~!~:.i:=-· AWb Qov. Walter J. Hick· ale eiiinmttt.e uw "1n ... mata·-.m ... ...,_ 1>7·.. •·" . el promlMd today that as _.,,,,cl Ille lni.rlor ~ ftlld w.R -eo.irr-•to ............ -··all"' 111t-··--· Undu lite lioo> ........, •. lloolltl ..... bll -lnatlon to the C&blntt Poll In the NI>- ... -lnlo!raUon. -uld bt ...usell' ~ ...._iblll· Itel would bt 'visU7 i!lll""" ""'" thott .. !hp .,....., of • ltlte. ' '·1, I The· htarlq .;i lbt· Stnale lnteritr CommllfA!e .., bll ... ~:t.::rt<>J.'~ c.tldar clrtalde . ·wu · llnld with ptl'IOlll hoplnl ' lot • cbuoe le r•I In. Sen. Henry J..-_ (O- W.uh.), tbe commltlet chair- man, said th1t oueatlona nts- td about lllctel'• phllolophy W..ld be 1un, upl<red. ••fte llsuel and quesUont .which have been ralaed may be butd M lnal!equate lafCJ!'. I mati«l or mllundmtancllnjil," Jacmn aald. He added that failure to make a comptett record of Hickel'• views would be a diaservice to Hickel and to tbe pubHc. mcttl hbme1f has blamed much cl Ille oppooltlon lo his appointment OD I misunder- standing of remarks he made after Pretldent .. tect Nixon anoounced hia 1elecUon for tbe Inttrl<ir pool. ID an openinc statement BLEY LE PANT SAL~ ,, FINAL CLEAUNCE JOYCE SHOES SANDAL 1" L ~~·Y~AW~Y ·; ' ' . ,...,.,... ......... , .... 11.11 • <South Co11t Pl••• 0111j1 • 5'° AND Were 15.00 to 20.00 ... ..u.. .. -•• -A&L W1$ fnw ~' • < " '/ •, . . •• " , • . •' ' •• • . . '· ~; • ---· South C:0.1! Pl1u, Cost1 Mos1, lri1tol 11 S.n Oie,. Ftwy. ·----------------··--··--·------ The Shoe T-.,,Newport S..ch, 3410 Vie Ude lhe federar penitentiary in Mark, a computer pro-- Lewisburg, Pa., Tue sday · grammer wil\1 shoulder-leogth afternoon, hours a!ter the U.S. hair, said, ~n' told of ·the Court of Appeab in Manhattan release, 1'It's about time they ordered him freed. lie took let him go because he is in· a--IN&-to-~~orLCity . ..to.. .. nocenl:.'~-__ __ "join hb laimq. Sobel!, a Tldar expert, "" -"I have a Jot or living to convicted along with Julius do and I'm golng back to and Ethel Rosenbere who school," Sobell said rui: he ar· were execul6d ln June 1963. rived, clad in what prison of. The ~ _ were con-1'==·=-="'='="u=-=°"='== ficials call • 'd res 11-out vlcted of COJIUlllUlna: wart1mt1- ' clothlng" -a gray suit, white espionage u well u con- shirt and tie. splracy. Sobell, who was sentenced Although . sentenced to the oiz#3 to 9 only ouseof nine in 1951 to 30 years in jail, maximum term, Sobel! llad avoided newsmen waitin& at been due for release Aue. 24 the bu1 stat.ion and left for because ol Rood behavior. The an undiaclosed location. appeals unit ruled he should Meeting Sobell at the bus be credited with 7\.ii month! SOUTH COAST PLAZA o-Mft. fltrw '"· 11illltt. "' t•• ..-.. S•t. Mii ,, .. '·"'· 016 ON TH• MALL, •un.t. ....... c•NT•lt station were his wife Helen. he spent in jail for Inability 51; their ton Mark, 19; their lo post $100,000 bail prior to daughter, Mrs. S yd o e y se.nteocing in 1951 and thua Clemens, t9; and Sobell'1 enabled the earlier n!)ease. .... o.. MM., w--. Tllwn.. '"· nu ' '·"'· ~ F~ ,~~ Ml-~ ~! BO'W the San Diego Freeway is completed ••• Just take MacArthur Boulevard south from the San Diego Freeway to beautiful Fashion Island, Newport Center, in Newport Beach, 58 wonderful stores - Convenient free parking. :rsr FASHIONJ ISLAND Jl'llWPOBT CllJl'TEB - HISTORIC GIFT FOR YOU AT '.UCB. TO COMMEMORATE THE INAUGURATION OF RICHARD M. NIXON . ,. ~ . THIS GOLD PLATED MEDALt,ION WITH MATCHING 'KEY CHAIN . AND INAUGURATIO"i FACTS ON THE~~ .. 1 . WILL BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE WHO OPENS 'A UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNT FOR $150 OR MORi.; OR TO PRESENT CUSTOMERS WHO AOD $150 QR MORE TO THE!lt REGULAR P.,SSBOOK 'SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. THIS UNUSUAL HISTORICAL GIP'T AVAILAllLIE AT UCB OFFICES WHILE THE SUPP'LY l.AllT8. mUNITl!D CAUFORNIA BANK .... , ... ~ .. ......... i __ ..,. . COSTA MISA: ao2t HAltllOll IOULIVAltD •. " '[. ' • • " • ·-" . .. ~ ..: I ~ -' . ' -• ·I"! .. ~ ' .. . •• , .; ; l' : I ' ' 'l I ' 'J .., ' • ' ~ I " ~ • I ) • . -•• # • • - • •• ' I • • • • -- • ' ' ... ' ., .. AR~ Po..oi' DITO~ PA.GE I j • '1 ~ ~ ,_..: , l t I • ; "·~__:: ~~Ogressive Program 'May·w• pu~ J" und•r th• financial • •dcro1co,., too?' I .11 (lgi4<!' Wat QJl!t(• la Bunllqk>a _,.. la llll!o-Moot ljnportant of ·all, tbe -la pl•mi ,. lllliic itJllOll'llll d fllll ...... ..-....-111111 ....... WllllDI of bnJebu. ud ollior-lldonn--"dill' ol ...,,,,.ia llfe. u 11 on olfort not Glll;r to oolve J191oD1!a1 educatloul uppoth11Uia Ill a ltJ!e a 'I ,,.....,.,..._ 1 t>i'*-of ~ ,,.,., llut. to tan ~ ... appn>priato to Ille Hakaa Amerbaa -ID ..... 1 U.-who need It IDDlt. If aece11a17. · • · I fl~ 11u not w ac.i-radal ~ 1ar,ae11 lllUlt ~.= .~ "=8.;;_-.:W~ ( ti!M n-llM •11••• of,t""9 tromnclal mlnorltl• lo d111ta muJt Jmow 111onnt tbem. Jl!lt IM ·r."'!""' • 1111811, a with Spanish aurnamea, 1' Ofltlltal, ..... If lhil ... ,,_.. ... 11 ,to ~ =·· ··------Amerkaa lndlan and four Necro. ..--.. -.---- Tbo attllude llu booa· -of ~ among Uonal neeclo ol 1111 calluraJl.y.dtp ·~and i I ' t atudonta, faculty and aclm!nlltntloa lo do the main lludenta wW be mid too baay ~ mt-.&oc:allml.to job of the coneie -educate. Sludeata haft -i... partldpate In ltrlloor, ~ IDll•rlola. vtted to sbue 1n th• p1ann1ac and uecat1cn o1 111e Answer ·Need. ·ed Now educaUIBI prvgrama and fonnalloa ol cW •. One ol the special classea will be "The Black Man Appllcatloa bJ JOHpb Farm· fw•1 -chanie·to · 1n American Society," a count aimed at provldlnt allow a tndler part adjAamt to·a propoeed central 'dlJ' •. .~~ pf the ~ and cuitural contrlbutlom of part In Huntington BH:J::lll ciot •lhat'tlie P!Pnln( • ~ 'lllid to< lltt American herUqe. Commla&im1 11 laUIDi b< llje llnJea. Tho attempt h to acquaint an, but particularly Ferm asked -..-. c&anio · 1n """" from the ,,.....t wblle atodenta, with minority gioupc In the belief that manufacturlnJ dOllgnalim1 <>11 tho 30 -be OW111 knowledie can !Nd to undentondinl and acceptance noxt to tho alte of a l0111.Propooed centnl,put.. 1111 ,.. ~;!tliinam for themaol-, for what they can do u quest was dela:Yed by the conunla&ioll 1IDUI tho city h , ?atbel'.than for stln cok>r or ethnic background. bu a ch&llCe lo dlac:uu the patt·propocal fllrlher.' The flcWt7 now II Involved In devlalng a program The land and namp an -. Tolbert A,vanue ·am to tako edllcatlail to lhooo who really need It but who Golden Wat Street, ID·ana 'which appean to ·be un- do not alylllfS tnow how to go about olltalning an edo-usablo for lnclllllry beeauso ·o1 swamps, peat and UD- catlon. kti•e ~ much 11 elhletes ue now stable land. ~ d: minority or culturally-deprived atodenta Ferm tbinkJ It would be a ireat apot for a molllle -can pq>l!t from education II planned. home pan, but tho plannen an unable to aay either -Meeting ~ and oft campu1 wilh 1tudenla and po-that It ta or that It ii nol This polnta out that the plan-tentlal &tudalta to holp them algn up for dasaa, ob-ners have DOI taken time to lmure that lhla area ii talit ICbolarsblpl and to understand the educaUonal properly zoned according to tho best me ol the land. opporilmltia at GWC ii a pert of tho program. Presumably a factory could be built Immediately • Special training ol teachers to understand the because tho land lo :roned for tbil use. If the COID!!IJo. ' needs ol studt!lil from tho culturally-deprived ...., &iooen feel that Industry ii the proper use, they can and lull partitlpatlon of tho college In cultural activities continue with Inaction· on the 7.0lling. ouch u Cinco de ·Mayo celebration and·Cbristmu pro-Tho commlssloo should act dectalvely to Insure·~! gramJ In the communit, u well as on campus ii nftd. private land tae around the put Is compaUble with ' , ed. tbil Important public facility. '--TllEBOOI: llA.•1 rl1c•u•d"'- d the ....,...., inir-11111 boca lnthe~-......... --Praldenl Jolmlon. It b titled • .,,. ... _ ,...,. IOlmt- ~ .. It -llllp bat place llr. M.,.u.n 11 the Cf:lller d --........... ,. ,,,. boot. ... the basil ol adtm nW-s. ii a total ......_. .......... tty --11111 port d the anll-powrty procr1111 which lnug!lllCIDtdtbepoorthemoelves Into oW11uH1tkn and organtut!cm ffX' the VlrioUI O:Rill!iillltiea. . ,,,. --I« mmple, •11 may be 11111 tbe -........ 'l<ldy' to __. power in ID .mnced IOddy; LBJ Leaves Well-heeled • • • ---- -TD GIWlll .lllllY ..,. -- Quotes "°"· I. DoYPe N.,..., 8...,_. ..... ,.. __ .. w,111 .. ,..i.Fisten to the revolutionary voice, but we haft-to (llllftfala tt a welt" • Dear Gloomy Gus: Bef11tt .. I'll too crtllcal .. lbe pollce, .. -Id rememblr tllal In enfwte11Mll'lt ii more dlnctly 11/oi:ted by thll ... .. .,...th, ~ .... clllnce than I*' lllpauyotl!«-da<> ...... menl -T. J.C. ftll ........................ ... -·-·· ........... -·-· .... ....... _ . .....,. ....... .... (5) 'nRptaAtt.pr i,oc*"9i .. -·•·.tbe IOll lllll-century, we ca ...-e that !DOit cheiH were ' I . duo }lo tee hoolosl<IJ adv...,.. and our flpid .i.PtatlGa· lo them, .... l!l11lt JWO-_ .. '* to •Ibo rlPIHY ...... In- --... tbelr boltlllty .. dlange; u, In Ibo lutun, •• <Ollld ....,, lo be .--d our technology and mere 9a1111t-In our bwtttutlom. we nilPI -I tolenhle balance between Ibo dtmuds d dlange and tbe necessity .of order. • • • One way to achieve balance in our public ·-ii -..,. Dr. Joolwa Lederberf, Ibo Nobel lamute In medicine, wbo IUQeN t b • t ·1mta1>1111T .. r-11:1 life, tbe ...... rilent .. Ibo ...... lbw, .... tbe ' ....-.. -.. --... -.e '*''*" ... Uiii*llNIJ men ............. -..... alme, and mull be at-equal IOCOOlll •• , In Sll:flamentd'llmlwldet«loratioo." • • • While tt ii -llllt -. people -mod .... u ii llao true that, j1llt u -wbo ride 1111 tbe time be lbe ,_, for waD1fnl, -who rNd 1111 tbe -often r-tbe capacity for thlntfng -wblcb ~ f<r the llunnlng 1DQlgln1lllty d 10 mudl Utcbolanhip. tJ • • • Medlcl!le 1lteb lo ntend tbe avera111 1p d death, '° tllat people may U.. longer, which II iludlble: but we cannot have "death control" without blrtb con- trol, ud mull choooe betw,.. fecm>dlty and Ecqrevfty. I I • ,,,. .,..t..i nd 1111111 tlmll1rout llllacy 11lllF u11111n1 In thll -111 .. lllllt la thal ----It tn any way feufble u a rneam of avoiding war, deterring war, or "wln-ntnc•• war: nther, without the n:fonna- tlon .... -....... 1IUCb '11!nCJ u tbe -UN, the mon lbe in- lernaticmll l)'1lem uponda Ill off-Ive and defensive capabilities, the men llke-11' tbe eotbr .. t d an in.v.ntble calaatrophe. • • • Puslool don1 thanp; jull names do; the cbarp of "coaununlan" will 1o9t • millloo -I« • ...... ..,. people """ ... , .... dellne tbe -.!; tbe same was true: two ctnturles qo, as Deloe W!'Gle: "A <:rf d 'PoporT will br1ll( I bundrtd lllomaod men lo bone, not -~ "'1etba-the Pope la I man or a dog." • • • Except !or bulc: neoea11Jes, people don't buy p<Dduda, they ho)> '-· llllllllmeots; r ... wbo, rati<naDy, woold buy lbe ·-Ammcan ..... wblch " loo ""' .. -· too bl( .. Port. too •qiensive .. ...,,.1r. and loo powerful to ~trol. • • I It'• 1""""'1 believed that the lunlllar "Happy BlrthdaJ To YOQ" ""'I Is In tbe public domoln, -actmllY lbe eewn most popular Vtnionl se 1n CO!'Yritlittd '1!> AY:AP and "li<lmr" .. private lllnda. I I I w..,.,, lallt to lnanlmate objeda: wbee Ille ~ rinp, a ...... '"11. "I'm ~ I'm """""·.. u tbo1'lh the piiorie an "-her; ud I 111110 ..,.. lloanl .._, ta!~ to tllolr hair whllo d17111 It. • ·'Tight Little John Birch -~ells' To tbe Edltor: It teema that everyone is out afler the public: acbooh. u not ..... Savio or Cleaver and their hairy comrades, trying lo attract attentioo by 1!Urrlng up troobJe on the campuses, it ls a John Schmitz and hll fellow Birchen:, making a more subUe but no leu predalorj appeal. Once agaiD tbroogh the mall come thole perfumed little p r o p a 1 a n d a broadsides, enc Io 1 in g questionnatrea 'dedgned lo 'help "guide" tbe pollticl1n1 In Sacramento toward a tighter financial, and tbenco polltlcal, grip OD lbe llChoob. SPEAJaNG IN the tone of coe of tbe good 11111. Scbmill saya In biz letter: "The most urgent taaFt !acing lbe California Legislalure today ii to prevent the complete take-over of our public "'1lcaUonal system by those wbo intend to use it u a vehicle for revolu- tioniziDg A-ica, whether by in· doctrination or by violence -or boih." The method ot tbe penurious Cleavers la easy mougb to 1ee, for violence is always conspicuous, Jf stlf-defeaUng. But what al the method employed by lbe more affluent Bln:ben? In bis ~t dilparqement ol °"' ICbools, Schmit> forces us to wonder how be wooJd 1taff .n. ocbools. Would biJ clu8nJoms 1111 be tight Utile John Blrdl cells? Meanwhile, what -Ibo educalloa dlbecbildr<n? S. M. BERTfON GetDotl>ttt.C- Tolbe Editor : It ii laid llllt Jqber -will bait lbe.lnll...U.O thal b •ealtenln( and may even matter our national ec:onomy. Tans we have. 1bey are going aky hlgh on all levels, local, state and n&- tionaJ. Every segment of Uris society 11 feeling lbe effect ol piled up levies. We bear that wage raises are com- pemattng for the tolls we now pay m1 will be aned 1o pay 1n 1u1ure. Tbat we will pay more taus j1 certain. For, once meuures m taken to jo.lce tbe pocltetboolt& ol tbe people, Ibey are rarely repeated. WE BEAR THAT we have a very low rate ol unemployment. But. . • from which llaliltal level in regard to age of both young and okl employabies are these figures taken? A boot his been written whlch shows bow tt 111 poaible to lie wltb staUstk:s. Often we hear about the OperatJon Head Start. But -aboal Opentlcm Late Start? -ii tt that & -in midcDe life -trained to a pial's ey--bubecomepuaeandpll<td on tbe sbeU when: be hu the uperience .. bolsla-1'1Utb. "'"' tbe j1ldpJent born of aperieDc'e with wbJcb to bolater the youn1 WOiter! Wiiy is age a bmier to ~ when a man or woman can be old at 17 and young at 71? Have we become a robot oaticln, fc:qetful of the OOman equation? AT A TIME when )'(AIDI folk are paying more for llOCllrllJ, ud old ... loll< an being -down by tuatlcm between lbe yura d 15 and 75, H Ibey lllve been ~ndent ,..,,.,. c:nau .. 1, employed, when iocreued interest rates and tuatioo threaten bu.mm., was It """' psy<:hololJ' .. double Ille pay of tbe Prtsldeot d ·lbe u .S.1 And ii tt -lor O<>alltd dril ..,....., lo buclt for and ,.i mrt PoJ hike l"oi-1?' ~ -folk -... -ol tbem ..... been fon:lbly ahtt..d bec8U8t ti. yean alone: -m the fastest pvwlng minority In these United Stai.. . They ..... purctuwng pOWtr NOW! They art plenlJ abarp, and Ibey vote NOWI THEY ARE NOT apt lo be rele&aled lo tbe j1lllk heap ol humanity wltbooi J:l"OleSt. They know that revolution ii no good. but they will eeet reform under our own qstem of government.. A person Is pr.tty dull « 11lllnlormeOt wbo does not realize what 11piraling U.. flaU111 bas dooe In G.rrnany and IDID1 ether lands, It is a hope that there an enough levelheaded penom In lbe USA who will insist that something be done to prevent a bust that will not only affect Americans but the whole world u well. We are virtually pricing ourselves out of a semblance of normal living and· trade here and abroad. THOSE WHO have never experienced want may say that we have little need for material thinp. But have they tried a Monlana winter wl1hout an overcoat or dug in frozen ground for a turnip to eat? And bow about the lot of certain war widows who receive a pension of. $51 per month if they mate as much as PIO pe!' year? lt seems that we had beUer get down to cases in this land of oan. And soon! MARTIN PEDERSEN Relations With Blacks To the Editor: As a participating member of the recen1ly held race relations seminar at Newport Harbor High, I would like to comment on the write-up. Friday-'1 headline, "Blacks Shatter Hopes ol Students.'' and indeed the entire articlt seemed to convey the idea that tbe seminar wu fruitless and that It was a pity that our blind idealism. WU destroyed. I feel that our hopes needed to bt crushed to make us r~lize that the last ahead of us is not one of simply proclaiming unbiased beliefs. Telling bl:teb yoo are unpnjudiced will not make them forgive and forgel THE Dlmr of lbe whites is not to force our own plans and ideu on the black>, but to promote understanding within our own race. We m~ matt our on nee understand that the bit- -and hate Ibey ... in lbe blacbnan Ls the bitterness and ha~ our society p.it there. Far some strange reason we are surprised 1t its magnltudt and yet even now we are not fullJ recelYlnl what .. lllft put In. Thil l have learned, pu1Jy as a rauJl ol tbe aeml.nar, and I do believe that thue aernlnan are an effect.Ive, if at Umes diabearterllng, mode o1 com- munlcatioo. Complu pnibl..,,. 1IUch u thb ore not easily solvtd and t hope our canmlllllty will recognize that moni such ....tnan are vitally _.,,, .lEANNIE 'EGASSE 89 Geo,..e 0.. Georp , i:.u... gally-<olored ho 11 d • 1 candla can be made et hon. by simply melting wax In milk cartons ! Afta" I wick bu been _, B.N. Otar B.N.: Hm. No wonder my cereal tuUd so lumpy -I thought H WU • just tbe hanaover. .. CHEC1KING· .• u • ·· SF;FmaJs-· Increase ) ; Davy trbcke~ -~ ' • r ' • ff.~ ~M·~ralper '-- . . . . • • • • J • • ' . .., L.1\1'."llOrl\ ', ii-~ o!. ~-:r-Wltll'BI J..... lli-aham: Beilpe lijrJQ't ~es. ,.,., ·-·Clll40lt ~--· ...... "'"h . tiio)modltles, big lml it .Ibey go l>areloot Incil<lilalJy, ¥!>' D1nlel -ol · lh< .Ume aod ~ Boone ' and JlavJ' Cndetl lnet sprwl." •.. "SCOTCH repeatedly 'toot scalps, and WHISKV"' gets its color from we.re paid ~ately well for the used • sherry barrels in •ame. and that ii a fact. which it is Stored," writes . 141' BlJLGAIUAN' women ao authority on lii:iuors. • • make the best cooks, what AMONG THE Bf G G E R women make 'the worst~" in- towm San Frandtsco and quires a genUeman io Idaho.; Seattl~ are where· de highest WO,Oen of Englilh eitrl&ftion wages are paid, Houston and have that reputation, . sir. Atlanta the lowest. Or so says allhWgb no doubt it's unfair. apayrollexpert .... AMt\SK· Compa l'l·ned Voltaire: ED WHAT ~ middle lnilial "tngland bas 42 re~om and S stands for tn lhe name Of only two sauces.". • • A. F.dmund Muskie. It's for Six· SUB&:RIBER ASKS, "Wby is tus • • • THE CIDLD Richard Nixon's wife always PSYCHOLOGISTS contend it called Pat and n e Y er 11 the . younger _ bro~ or Patriola?" ~~ revea!' slster wbo is happiest, despite Mrs. NJ.J:ons original name tbe fac;t uid' yoonger brother was Thelma Catherine Ryan. or lister also is the most She was born the day before punWM:o!, ' Sl Palri<:l<'s Day. So her BOuNTY ~i have father started calling her Pat been turning up on television .in honor ol $bat event. with great regularity iateJy. Your question.! and com-- None too likable, those fellows. ~ are welcomed . and They are the villains ho bo will be wed whereutr pos- bo. Am surprised th e sible in "Checking Up." ICl"iptwriters have not made Addre.si maU to L. M. the historical point that it was BolJd, in care of the DAlLY the earliest bounty hunters PlLOT, Boz.1875, NefDPOri who originated the savage Beach, Calif., 92663 1968 GNP $861 Billion; 9%.1ncrease-Over-l967 WAS!IlNGTON (AP) The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that the gross national product (GNP) for-1968 rose to $861 billion in the last three month! of t h e year, a nine percent gain ov- er 1967. The GNP, the sum ol all goods and services produced in the country without com- pensation for inflation, rose by $18.8 billion during the last quarter of the year, the de- parlmenl said. Because the areas in t h e ecooomy where growth took ptace in the final quarter a r e 1Utt.!tantlally different from the areas ol growth g i :r month! ago. some ecooomlsts speculate that the hoped-for abatement of the business boom may be taking place. or the nine percent rise in the 1968 GNP, four percent re- flected higher prices, the de- partment said, but the bal- ance ol. five J)ttcent -an un- usually bigb amount -rep- represented the real growth output. The Federal Resenre Board reported that industrial pro. duction continued to me ln December. by about ooe per- cent. Over 19(;11 aa • .. whole. loduJlrial prodiiction IVerag• ed u percect l)igber than ID l!M'I. • , " ~""A . Attendance · Sears Compact All-in-the-Ear Sears Hearing Aids You Just Can't Do Better Than Sears! _, - Powerful, Reliable ~ $249 No eannold needed. Con· tinuoua volume control. Com1 ID today I ...... .. Deluxe Model 5elf-<0ntained. Lonf-lif• battery. G,..t.r power. NO MONEY DOWN on Sean Eur Payment Plan PERSON AL for the Hard of Hearin8 Does Your Family Mumble When They Tallc? Hearing Alda at a Price You Can Afford Backed by a Company you Cllll Depend On. ~····-········ ..... ····· ... ···~···········1 ~ ..,.._ &ce•i* u4 0.. =~ ~ WO &. or,_,.. 'BM.. LA. 9006' : : A•: Dh'. I DlpL ... : ~ I ...W lib ftU Wora.Uoa • ~ HM1iq :· ~.&Mil.I 1-...... obllpUea. : • • 'Hw ...... ' • • ~ ...,_ ~ • • : . ,aq ,..._ np : I ' '······································- 7 . -l- "W~r~tapping ~ QK by Nixon Old · W orM. . M~ite'f'i'an~n , Spanlih Furniture . R11:'1vod e1n .. Hlllon of '22.000.00 Sp41nllh and Mldlt......,.an Furnltu,. Al,.._T_,,~ ..... ...._. Decer..-1 0.-"-Oe ~ , Items ·la· follo••'ll:··Geo•eeoua . 8 ft.. eustom quil(<4.1ola·wilh-"'Parate 1001e_pillow1 with heavy oak trim ~r and matclllng ebalr, 3 n;uilchlng oak """"8iDMl: tabl'IS, ~) 58" tall ~~tor la!JlPS, '1anging chain l!W•i \amps in ugh! iron, an 8 piece kjDg aize llWlter bedr!>om S'llite in pecan. panelled Mediterran- ean ,atyl~ with .top. quality 15 yr. warranty king ,size matlre" & box springs. $panish deoor dinlnR-·se~ <>fc. . · . . . . . -. AU l'enriey ·stores Open'Everi.NJgh...t.Mondciyihro_y_gb._$!1l1c1rdiJ, .. _-. _ -enne~.t ALWAYS FIR!IT ll.UAl.ITY , ... ·• ' -. - , __ • ' FOR: A LIMITED TIME ONLY, ALL PENNEYS ·, " FAMOUS-~c;>R~QUAli~TY ~H.~§rs~ •• PENN PREST,® . SUPER s1:n, 'FASHION .MANOR.~~YOUR CKOICEt :• '-. . '~.-... ' ' . ' . ILEACKED PENN PllSJ'll NEY!UION IASY·CAlf PU~ SHEETS! , 72•10Jlw• ' " ......... w...~1.::,. 2.51· 111., ..... ~,,.......,_ ... '-lt,NOW_.a.11 ••---.-..:..211~n . ~.w..' ,•· ., ftNN Nist-aL!AcHED suiirt srzt: 1'INN PllSP' NIVU:.ollON IH!ITl1· IN' ATJIACllYI 50UD ccxoas · ,,.,.. ...... '• -.-~ ...... 3 67 ......... .NOW '. ·. , ............. S.1t,NOW 4;4f ..... _-I/Lit.-,,,..,, ............... ·-· ..... 'il.olAl. fi.IHLU'I', -.. _ Nnh-llON PllNllD SHnrl . nirtmlWeF . . . :. ., SHEETS 1HAT NIVEI NEED IRONING . _, .. __ ... _ .. , 3· ,. ....... """'..._ ...... "NOW • 10oi:ltolt:l!oii•~- )b:M .... ,........_ ...... ".ti10W .. ,, ....... ~ .. ·:.4.67 . . .......... ' .· •\ ................... " ...... ., Q~"-.... "1-''·~-212.11 . ,.... OUl DEEnOtilf sniPIO HICAl.B • IN,HONIY GOU> 01 MOSS GIIEN ,,...... 2 9 _"""' ........... ~· 3 .... & .,.,....... . Mlfl!M..._ ........ NOW__.a.ti .iU•M~ 1.,.2n.11,NOW.__,2j~' .OUI PllCAU! DIEP10Nl SHE~· IN HONIY GOU> 01 MOSS GIEIN -~=-.:.. ~~=-2.54 ,......... ' .. ...,...,.. .... i.~ .... ...,...:..s.n ----... 2/l.M,NCW-..211.28 ·INOWI'· wtm1 ll!ACJtED PllCAllS · ~ ~, IN·~$111SIJOIEAT5i'N1NOS · 'J, .;;: • '~~3.78. ,._., ............ . Iii .............. -.f:71 • .....,...M . 4f:11•-...... ""'--JCJW""-111:.7•. · 'MINI IOSI'. PRTEIN PflCAi&. rN KYAQNTH AND CX>Ul ••• SAVI NiO¥W' ... ,. ... · 2 ta ................ ':,,, . " Jl:11•M• • ....... ..._ ... i'M.NOW 1 I '" . ....... ... :lfl4 .-.. --2fL:1• ' ., PINN PllSP NIYll-llON ~H~, SIJ!ll. SfZIS II' l'l(ll'f SOUDSI 111.1• ...... iw. ........ --917 . Wt."**' e -..-. ... tJUt.-.-2/UJ ~...., ....... _ ... . TH!. Pl!NNBV !'!TORY Why make &uch a big deal out of . quality? I ••ktd a PUM:f fttft lil1n1gt.rlhrqe0Jiol~ '•nd Wllca ht t19atl7 de· tided f •11.tt;rio ... , he •id., "If t ctaW-oalJ ooc 1t0rd to~ • .phcoommoQ 6f'Peoaers, t'd plck11ie-.,ra, p.Jl11. ... Mr. Penney h1i 11: ',·. '.ft.Ylbe!'l\1/•••l:ctlblM .. 1 · t'abjeCt," he conrinocd. '"Ihr HJ' the oalf lhin1 1h1~ ltfll make1 Mr. Pia-· 6ey.atl(l'J i1,Mid'iciM- (lllf Ngult ft-mtfl~ mnc Pe11111.ey ctnlifJ' a · : ... I L:nffr pti~" ' 4t••-.... 2J;ll_,.,NOW..._2/l..21' c.-. ..... .... ~NEVJa.ilON~ llWSUM S!fl~,.~SNOWY WKl1ll na1 ..... ---..... 199 n.1M1ot• -..,., • . ,.. ........... ~ ....... S.ff 4l•M-.. 2/1.ff,NCIW-2/IM N4TION-WliJI MUSUN WHlll SHfmAJ 'llilWlt 5AYIH951 ,,.,.. .... • I -'.""'-.~':. IJIS ... ,.... . ............. ..,,,._ , ... _.._ .. .,,_._2/D" -· fiNN'PllSl" --,.,NIED SRUTS 111.•UPIJI stns .. ,.,._ ...... _ ,. .,. .............. w... . , . -~-·• . .................. ~-11 ......................... j_..,.. '""'-.... ~"'l«M'"'"l"t"~7 . ~........... . . ........ ' .. ·-' " '··:· •• .. •• l ' -., ' ' ' ' ., ~' • ' • . . ., ' ' 1 ··, ' ' • • i ' ., •i ' . • ' ' D • , • ., ' l ' l' ~ ... 1: •' j: ' Sears Sa.:.r-..:-n G"-"'__. --·-"' ............. , •------------'---'------------~---~------.--------.. •1-0JU(;•MI ~ ~·~ a.&n .._I 01,.""11 41 leee...r. I.Mr 11 ~ P---. 0.....,., r-.. I' Bae ~ ---... ···-· or Your Money " ~ •,:. =..·~._rv; ..., ... COSTA "MESA (Harbor Shopping-Center!· HUNTINGTON BEACH I Huntington Centel--1 • NEWPORT ··eEACH ( Fa1hion l11i111d) \ I I J I l I I • l " -...:.--~ -----===="~oc--_,.._,.. ......... ___ _ • • DAILY PD.OT . I Oops! ms Makes $4 Million Goof St~ike Support Toldl~~iiiiiiiiiiii1 Third of SF T eaehers Back AFT Suuul SAN f'l\ANCISCO (UPl)- The Internal Revenue Service hu dllcloted an t.rror in Its Income tu lnStruction book· let that would hive let Uncle Sam collect an extra $4 mil· lion from Callfornil.m oo their 1961 retums. Charle. E. Ktn&man, acling d~trlcl dlloctor, said Tues· day the mlltaket we-e prlnt· ed on page 15 of the bciokJet in lhe optlonal sales tax ta· bles med by persona who item.lJ.e tht.ir deductioos. The IRS table wau based on 1 sales tax rate lower than C.llfornia's five percent. The dlfferenct in deductions rang· ed from $1 to $8 for penons making up to $20,000 and .,.,·ould have affected about 4 million Californlans. The a v e r a g e Caliloraia \\'a~e earner would have lost S4 1n deductions and p&ld about $1 more in 'federal taxes than necusary. Slightly mort: than half of Callfomia's 7.S million federal income lax payers itemize their deduc· lions. Kingman blamed the error on last' fall's hassle between Gov. Ronald Rugan and the state lq:lsl1ture over prop- erty tu re.Iler. The IRS, fac- ing a printer's deadll.ne, as- sumtd no agreement would be ruched and the gles lal would 1utamatlcally drop lo •v. percent in October. Kingman said the, govern- ment was printin1 new charts which may be oblalned at fed· era! tu olflcts. Senate Vacancy Vote DateRappedby Demo SACRAMENTO (AP) -A DemocraUc party leader is critical of Gov. Reagan's selection of March 25 for an election in Contra Calta coun- ty to fill the Senate vacancy created by the death Jan. 1 of Sen. George Miller Jr. Roger Boaa, chairman or the Democratic State Central Committee, .sent a telegram Tuesday to the Republican governor saying the choice or March 2S denied' more than 33,000 .possible voter11: a. ct)ance to reglSter for the.election . Boas said state law requires that registration close 54 days before an electlon. Since the primary in the special election would be Feb. 25, Boas said, this means reglsltaion closed Jan. 2 -the day after Miller died . The party chairman said the 20,078 Democrat.! and 11 ,300 Republlcans who could not register "are previously registered voters who have been wiped off the registra- tion books since last Novem- ber.'' State Colleges for Saw? Paul Beck, Gov . Reagan's press secretary, said he had not seen the telegram, but said the a:ovemor "wanted to call an eleetion as quickly as possible so the people in the county could h a v e representation In the Senate which is so vitally needed." SACRAMENTO iAPl - Somebody wants to b u y cal.ifornia's. state schools, all 19 of 'em. The idea. says Director Andrew R. Lolli of the state General Services Department, Is to lease them back to the state. CaWomia would get • big wad of . cash and lhe in- vestor would get a steady in· come . Miller, a Democrat from Martinet. served 2'l years in the leglslautre before he died of a heart attack on New Year's Day. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A poll allows lhal aboul 1 lhlr<I of lhe leacben al Bin Francllco State CoUe1e uy Ibey support Ille leachen' union strike 1t the school, now In Ill Ulb day. Sllty·IWO puctnl of Ille 1,100 l1c11lly momhm mpoo- dlnc lo I malled poll by Ibo Allocla_Uon of s111e Collea• l'rolMIOn llld Ibey oppcoed lhe walkout. 'Ille other :II per- cenl backed II. The usoclallcm aald support was atronaer IDlOQI t.be part· time faculty membln thin among lhe l\lllllme memben . There are 1,C f1culty memben. Most of the atr1Un belong to the American Federation of Teachers1 Local 1352. Judge Hits Drug Lalvs SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A superior court judge has appealed to legislators for changes in drug laws which he said "betray a degree CJf hysteria" by im~ing "bor· rendous" mandatory prison sentences on e<>nvlcted users. Judge Francis McCarty said the "fury" of drug laws should not fall on the "user trapped in hls addiction" but be &lmed at the "profit-makin& dealers in illegal narc<>tiC!." BLEY LE PANT SALE -A---All-Penney Stor•5--0pen-.£very Night-Monday-through Saturday A.!8~8~~1fl ·JANUARY REDUCED FROM STOCK! LIMITED QUANTITIES! Playsuih of_ aa'ilan stretch teny or print cotton conllit'Oy for tots Pf9fty prw.d mtta. ainf • tifirr «3'*-'/,,_ -..di .. ~ talon.. Iii• 1-::l. Orig. 3.98 NOW 1~99 Fath ion clean-up. on women's dresses at tremendous savings! • kiliDl1Mf •'>"" cm ~ • lroli• &ir°"'• ID ~ llGriyt Orig. '6-18 NOW4.88 Orig. "9-'11 Now6.88 Hus•~.,._,...,,.._~ inac11rf .. tfr* ..... .a.n.a Orig. 3.99-4.99 NOW 2.88 Girf's dress 1avin11 in assort.cl 1tyle1l Buy several and save! • ~colon and fabrics • IP.rolo: .. Ii•, to COflte ~I Orig. '4-'5 NOW2.22 Orig. '6-'7 NOW 3.22 w..n..·1 ....... ....,... erMll,.rt ...,.. c'z11awww pct.di SaY. n..-1 ....,_., .w,, .... ... ,..... . .,.... ................... ... Orig. '4>5 NOW 2.99 Orig. •t»7 NOW 3.99 ·A flare for fashion ••• in ankle pants! 3.99 Thi flan'• ,... "'"'9 ill .... -*" ,....., .... ,_..,. ta • ~ ... cl ft-. .. ., .............. ...,. .......... , n.y ... of ... ttaz•ld b...t.d...,... of C ' ot"I,..,_. iii w.-.. or mic °"""···· '""' ....... -.... '""' ---S.1-18. Glrt's Cnslan•/aayfic pin stripe 11-.tops at big savings nowl ·~ ~ pM lltipto pat· ..,. • .tat sa-·..,. .. "' ..tth1oll ,_¥'(11bwww. 7·16, '2-6.l. Orig. '3-3A9 NOW 1.33 ~ece 90ods priced for tremendous IO'Vings on all your Mwl"IJ needs! • Ccattont"' _... c.okn ....... ,_. goodl; in 9QOl1ed • """" Orig. 69'-98' NOW50•yd. Orig. 1.29-1.98 NOW77'yd. ..,. ....... Epllff lhlm prie9d ,.., dew sea In-'" colofll Orig. 2.49-2.98 NOW 1.50 ,_,. _ _.... .... """' ,ncff *d••••k'l....,.MalMI Orig. 3.98-'5 NOW 2.50 COSTA MESA (H,,.bor Shopping Conler) HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT (Huntington Centor) (Fuhion lslend) Ray Wilson's MEN'S SHOP Newporter Inn Hotel Newport Beach ~OFF SALE --Starts-l-hurs·day • 1/2 OFF , SPORTCOATS Reg. 42.50 llz OFF 21.25 Reg. 50.00 'h OFF 25.00 Reg. 75.00 'h OFF 37.50 Reg. I 00.00 'h OFF 50.00 Reg. 135 .00 lfi OFF 67.50 Reg. 150.00 'lz OFF 75.00 1/2 OFF DRESS SLACKS -Finest construction & quality 100•;. wool. Reg. 22.50 llz OFF 11.25 Reg. 30.00 '/2 OFF 15.00 Reg. 35.00 'h OFF 17.50 Reg. 40.00 l/z OFF 20.00 l/2 OFf SWEATERS-Italian Imports-All wool knits-Cardigans and Pulloven-lncludft hand knits. Reg. 42.50 11z· OFF 21.25 Reg. 50.00 1/i OFF 25.00 Reg. 72.50 1/z OFF 36.25 Y2 OFF TURTLE NECK KNITS-100% wool-1mpor1oc1--1oo•t. Wool Re9ul1r Gooda-Lar9e color selection. Reg. 15.00 lfl OFF 7.50 Reg . 20.00 l!z OFF 10.00 100'!.Cashmt-Thellest Reg. 27.50 'h OFF 13.75 1/2 OFF -AND MORE A speciel selection of our regular 7.5B-Aff Silk Tioo-liend m1do in lt1ly. Reg. 7.50 SALE 2.99 1/2 OFF ROBES-lmporlod-Judo and DrHs sly)" Selections include cottons, cords & velour. Reg. 25.00 'h OFF Reg. 32.50 1fi OFF Reg. 35.00 'h OFF Reg. 55.00 lfi OFF 12.50 16.25 17.50 27.50 ' RENEGADES CASUAL SHOES $15-$20 'Ii OFF - SPORT SHIRJS-1oo•t. Cotton, on• pioco collors, Single needle construction. Our re9ul1r lino of 1!1li1n Shirls. Reg. 15.00 SALE RAY WILSON'S NEWPORT INN HOTEL 'MEN'S SHOP JAMBOREE ROAD OFF PACIFIC COAST HWY. 7.00 we ACCEPT MAillR CHARGE OR BANKAMERICARD DAILY 9:30 to 6 OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 2 644-0330 - ., .. --- ----------------------------~-------- .for ,the ·Record QUEENIE ----By Phil lftlirfciftilr • • ' • ' ' • • • • ' • • ' ' " ; SAM!Jll4A.lllllY, Oltfl W., 2t. ftl , '1°' ~ Cotti MM.9 lfld ' DorMty A.. lt. of 111221 llt-1" OrtYt, Oel"lltlt o ...... t KILLOOW.1-HANNN, ~llrk*: I!., 27, i al 1'30 011• LI,_, Hlll'flrfttlWo , llMdl 1M ... ltfl L.. JI, of , .... Ml~ SI •• W"'""'11t.r. ICNlllllllMAN-JACQUl!S, 1-h A .• • 70, el' "'1n El Moll1111, C1•lrtr-' &eHll I nd M1rl1 A., 17, OI 3-lJU El Mtllnt, C1•l~lflno •••th. • OE ,OllltT·HUGHl!S, W11ftr S., 7!, of 2SO W, EKllc><wl. Sa,, Cle ........ ind Jania o .. n. ftf Jl5'a Jew.I. , 5outll Llel.IN. , POWlll:S.IOOU'.STONI! MKArmut". • 51. el 311 ,._,_ ti. ...... V1rtr11 ..,A-K. Ill "' -~ ...... ..,. . "' .. ..,.,. ... ~ . . ------. • ltev LM Htn111!1Wa'f', 2'. di G1nffn G,_, 9l'ld llndrl 11.lllolr, n. of LllUMI lltldt, Ch1rles Rlt1'11rd ,.,,.,,.~11. 10, of Cad1 Me-.1, 1nd Robin AK &oeue, 1f • ..t S•nt1 An1. John Ch1•ltl Gu1l1vu,on. ?6. 1M J1nel . DEATll J\'OTlCES LOCBHAAS M1rtt.a Ellz1bli!h Llld!IM11. 0.11 Df · de1t11, J1nu1rv 13. ts5 C1!11ln1 Ave., : Se.I lleKll. 5U"11¥ed bl' ,,.,,,Mer. , Mrs. Ju11e Louls.t ~more; bro!l'l- t •!I. Jol\11 •1111 D1n"el Gtt!1t11 ; •liters, • t.oul:w Dlml!I"/', Fl~nce HllllloUH. • Ene-111 f11umhoffr four '"ndchlldrtn. r !>ffVlcH will be held 10:30 AM Frldt¥ • ln Dlld•w flrolt!trs Ch111el, 11'11 fie•'~ flt.-d .• Huntl11tton fleKh. U1-m1. Dil- d1y flralhtrs Mortiurv. 0 1..cton. KOEKER O!SlN ' M1bf:I M1de11,.., Olton. A.11 fl. D1!• d ; deoth, J1n1111"/' U. sunlwd' lrY twa d1111hi.rs, Mro. Y•no:t~ oon1r1y, Ntw Yort; (l!y, 11111 Mrs. LDrtNI D. li(y1f, t.1 Mlr..:ia: llv• 1r1rldchlldren 1nd 1 lwel'lt! 1ree1.,.r1nd,hl!dre11. Fune•1I • ,ervlcl!S wlll be Mid Tllllnd1¥, ~ PM, : Lii""" fltldl Mor1111N Ch1s>e!. In· , t•rment, Butte cemtltl"/' ln 111111-e. • Mool1N1. Dlrectf'd by l.ltUNI Beith :M~ll"/'· : BALTZ MORTUARIES ;Coron• del Mar OR s.t'8t :COstl Meo Ml I-MU BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY ~11 Broadway, Costll ~feu ' LI 1-3433 DILDAY BROTHERS HDAtlllltO• V.Ue7 Mortaar7 1'1111 Beacb Blvd. Haltllllln Betcll 14!-Tnl PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PA!llt Cemetery e ~forta1r1 • Chapel : 3500 Paclfle View Drive :Newport Bead, Callfonll . -- PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 1!01 Bolla An. Westminster as.sns s~um·s MORTUARY m Mata 8t. Rutlntto• Rueb LE M5SI • • iWES'l\;LIFF MOR1'11AllY !ui E. 11tli SI., Costa M.,. I Ill 4111 Fire Calls Capo Leader Named to Game Board CAPISTRANO -The ap-- pointment of Thomas A. For!ter to the Oranae County Fish and Game C.Ommission representing the F i f t h Supervisorial DiW'iet was an· nounced Tuesday by Supervisor Alton E. Allen. A fifth generation Californian who was raised on a ranch in lhe San Juan Capistrano area, Forester realdes at 30741 Calle Olutta, • San Juan Capistrano, with his wife Mary Jane and d1ughter, Christa. Fanter is a graduate of West Point and served Jn the Korean con.Diet. He is a member of the San Juan Capistrano City Council, a director of the San J u a n Historical Society, and a director of the South Coast Community Hospital. He is a busines s ad- ministrator for the Power Syllems Tai Labonltory of TRW's Power Systems DivWon ln San Clemente. -....11Mo11al Richard A. Roth, of Costa Mesa, has been named city editor o( the UC Sanla Barbara student newspaper "El Gaucho." He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Rolh, 1718 Jow1 St., Costa Mesa . Now! One 8x10 and Six Wallet-size Portraits of Your Child ALL FOR ONLY ... 4 88 Hurry in now few the .ost spectoador portrait .. em Ht lownl Yow'n get an la10 for YoU to lieep, ond six waNeit·tiz• to share with family ond frMnds. A Jo,..fy Ft04t1alt of your ch&ld is a worm and wanted gift for famitY:birthdcryJ , lterNrnber ... you con charge it at Penney's! 'ULL•RTOtll Orlnll'lll• Ctni.r Ind'*"· fl"1..f)(I HUflTINOTC* l•ACH "'"ntlllgllfl Cff\lfr 2nd "-' 11'2-'71! NIW'ORT l•.&CN fH~lfl\ 11111111 ,,,,. "°"' w-"u .. ~. J"*' "· 1'69 County 'Adds Harrisburg' in 1968 , . I ' -------- 'Mercurj II'' .. Penn Prest4P cu1tains! 80x24 3.19 IOx30" : 3.29 aoxu• ~ ~9.'. I 10x11"wlance J ~) cir_, your vmm.w. in """1 •ft'IH!idm Danni' I ,oi,•1r ninon flocla1I .,_,.....,...~. J rvfflml .,..,. ,... ,,,,,,,,.. ...... ~ ----. .... ,.. ..... _ .. ... _, ..... ...,,..... .. _, ... ...... _ ..... , ,.. r \c PENN·.P.RTi/82" ' ' 1lll&tW ... iA;A,• •wt~*'!:, NOVELTY 'Mayan' Penn Prest" natural colored fringed tiers ...... 2.98 ... ,.. 3.29 •••••· 3.59 • •• ,,........ 2.29 ___ ... _ _.. look ..,;If, .... d. '"'"" cotton --bl.wo Mn In ~ color ... ,_.. diob of ga6d -'""°" mi. trim. COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Center) ' CURTAINS 'Pamela' Penn Pres .. easy care solld color tiers! 2A9 70x3D' 2.49 ,..... 2.79 70xll' .. looff 1.69 ~ JCJD'W. ra,an ..... t s .... ................... --hie "'*'· .. ,_ _ ........ ..w .. .. ............... HUNTINGTON BEACH (Hontinglon Center) 'Napoltpenn Prest- Hml .. fieer tiers, frlnge .tl'lmlliedl ••• ,.. 3.29 , .. , .. 3.49 3.69 2.39 NEWPORT BEACH Nit.ion lsloncl I I ) Je DAILY '11.0T · • Legislature '' ' ' • • A At Work, ' trn.~•"'-• ,......,, Mii, 14 , .. __ a.n lftlonJ Ill i.o fftUdl 11reu Oii ~ w-qtt.cl -left •Ill~· !ft fht tftlil'I tiltftor' edl.ictlklll l~lleM .,,., --~""" ""'" ... nMltft to llCll!ew • N .. ftte. ,,. "-"lli.fw9 •INI ActlR ......_ -~,,_, IH•I •tr -'1 1'flll 1:-.ibllun Sl•le Cenlr•I Conwnl1- tee i_.. tflls SunO.y lo Jtn. 24 i. •~old r;onfllct wltfl ~re1l~t>eleet NI~°"'' lnt11111>r1t add'reH •nd l- 1oor1I ewnl1; Al t. C""rld, l:-$Mr- m1n Oils. • Jo~ns~n Bows Ou.t W it~ A~~ectio ~ ;.> WASffltlllTON (UPll - Some ~ Ute dlpli>jT1'l# on the House (Joor looked slightly puuJed. ~ lo the galJ:ery t.a'dy Bird Johnson beamed and brushed back .a ~ar,1' without bdng abte to Ing It up. 11'lnally he waa able rights legfslatlon that SO ·~en '",J>19Use. -'lllat,probably wasn;t remember his name. to , st.art ln on what he had splil House and S e .. " a t e a record, though statistics Ille But Tuesday night, at his come to Capitol Hill lO say : asunder was cheered like an , that don 't .~e 4 part ti , Namely, that a lot had been outbreak of peace $xth State o( the Union ad· · th6 congres&(onll record. But · done, much of it good, and Members who last voted tor numbers 0·1--interruptlcm dreS.'i, the a s s e m b I e d that he hoped p r o g r e s· s Johnson programs so long a.go a~ • .: ll . was Uie kiQd of lawmakers were recalling ohld already made would not be they would be hard pressed tumultuoua: ovaUon J<iln59" times, old friendships and t e lost to recall it . we~. forgetting wJshe4 he could have c1aimed , career of one ol their own. And lu and behold they even all the old anunos1Ues now. during some of w,. JiJ a man who as he potnted loved tbat. I I be d • out with a wave of his arm The)' even et t hear pnvioua State ot the Uni~n • Each. of those Great Society for Hubert H. :Humphrey. a addreSMB. started as a doorkeeper in programs he bad had such fellow whose name many of For R e p IJ b 11 c a n s ahd · the House public gallery 38 a hard time selling the: them had had a hard time Democrats alike, it was a sen- years ago. Congress drew its own in· remembering during the re· timental ,o c ca s i & n , · tlle Even the youngsters, who clividual roars ol applause. cent campaign. • ceremonial departure o( ob.e , .w ....... TIJ -... t!OWS 11\e sf1to to ~hlfll lo Los Anoole$ Hit lot•I wltt t- lnl<lvtr•.ntlr Mid IO the lf•l'll ullder 1'611 liw Mrmllll,,. Ille tlty to ISJeH I n e•lrt -ctnt !~~1 •t1~ ftr1 n.-,. own <:Olll<lhlfl efllJ _, Al "J2,, Mw< t111, 0-Vtll N11n. On the podium, Jn the glare. ol the spotllJhll, Lyndon 8 , Johnson stood smiling -a lltUe bit sadly, some people thought -as .the 'Shouting, stomping;' "whf!tling, standing ovatJon ate up four and a half mlnUtes ' ol broadcast time. never knew Lyndon in his Lawmakers who took ~ AJI told J hn ' ~" · te of the" o..:.. 'd • •· · wheeler-dealer da ys on Capitol • 0 son s _..mmu U' owq, ,a .-io:SI en., w.,., o r1!flt>ui.• •r -rft. Alf"'• Hwt ·copoii•rtr · ao "'"' • 1ao~ ~ Nevltlll -"• Hill , were caught up in it years to buy Medicare now tel~vised address wae in· was first and Jast a product , • Johns0n1 knew all the ap- plause wasn'•1, after all, for a naUonat --hero fresh from a triumph, It was. for a Presi- dent forced out of office. all. Applauding there, righl1_tho_ugb_;__t_i_t_w_as_gr,_ea_t_. _c_i_v_il_t_err_up:._t_ed __ si_t_im_e_s_b.;cy_a.;cp-__ o_f_Cap_;_i_to_l_·Hi_·ir._. ________ ~--------~.,...--~~---- in their midst. was freshman •MS l11trcMlllCH bno'*•• -Sell "w••umpliW lim-- ll•" o/ dru<llCtMttH for driver"S ws- ~ltd of drlvll'lt wtil,lo 1rttoxlv11ea: ... 11 tcs, 11kld1e, ll:·l:lvrrnlde. c.ra." -Est .. llshts M"""""" toc.i boltd 10 tottrn S.n l'rtr>elsco Slate Cotteee1 All 103, llurlon, 0-$111 l'rtncl1co. 1"1~ -Nittior!u1 ii.vme,nt Ill PIV<MiOlllCtl tXPl!llltl 111 1 d'1-Ab'l- lty lnsur1nce POiio; .t.11 111. llv•"• O-l11rllng1me. Ec-v -l'nilllbl11 s!r"' clvll 1ervic.e emiolotH •rom titi.,. 111d off on 11rt111fllll or ~onomv1 Al 110. ,._ '"· O-Sacr•mento. 10 -Author!1$ De111rtrnanJ ol On his left were t h e Republici.ntl who in months past bad worked theit speech writers overtime contriving 1.1n~nd things to _ say about Lyndon .. On his right were lhe Democrats ·who only reluc· tanUy .had supported his pro-- grams and who had run their election campaigns seemingly Rep. Allard K. Lowenstein, the liberal New Yorker and Vietnam war critic credited by some -possibly including Lyndon himself -with starling the protest movement that Jed lO Johnson's an- nouncement last March 31 th3t he would not seek reelection. ·So they all let him hear it, as he never heard it before, and Johnson stood there soa~- Molor vm1ete1 to lnue )d.enlll1c1tlDn I l~iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiliil~ Clr<h to •I'll' oer5'111 11 vein or older rtlher thtn 11 ve1rs or older: All 109. BrlHs. 11:-l'ul(erton. l ullel -JIO!'Qufres notllk1tlon of 1111horltle1 wltMn i' ~Oufl of time 1n 1uto 11 slrvcl< bv • bullet; .t.B 101, Britts. Meftlll -ll:O!'Q11lre1 beards of lfuJ- 109$ af *'•!e hooPlllll to elttl I cllll•mtn and mHt tt le.NI once everv three month1; requlrei stile "'"1!11111 ef 1U tr111leei I" S.cramento In J•fl. u1rv; "'l 1111. ovnv. R-H•llford .• M1rtlw1111 -MllkH new mtrltutnt CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCREENS Pl!fllltv ltw rttrDllcllve, 11ermlttl"' •elonv or m luleme•l\OI' cleterm!l\lll<>n tor ttl~ convicted b!!fcre "'w l1w ~"' Into etll!'d Nov. 1], 1961: Al Jn, Z'b!!r11. 0-S•cr•menlO. INSIDE AND CORNER MOUNTS .:.omplete Line of Fireplace Accessories Mff. lit • ., ••• hrctory l nelflfiell lllln>fuCl<tl KlllS -•eqoueots Gov. Re11•n to wod1lm '°"''" ~ ti M1rlln Luttler ICJ"ll !hoy In C.llfornla. ACR 1~. W1r- "n, 0-LOI A"""1t.•. ONE WEEK DELIVERY T"°"S.-.1'1 Call for free estimat• l 1oolutllnt ...,., ........ Mllllr -EJCPreo..,_ _,_ over !tie de•tn al Sen. Gl!ortJe Mftll!'r Jr., I). M.1rtlne1, on Jan. 1. Teele. D-"'tilro1d "'•'· •Hll -Memorl11J1.. JO••'~ A. • Complete Une of Gos Flome Logs Beel<, ~ec:•d•rY of th• Sen1re, Wl>o died lare l1tl ve1ri $CJI l. Scnm!ll, R· Tu11ln. SHARP Sa t A Tent and n 0 nO Awning Co. ~OZ--l.~A:IJr-----· S4l-0491 If !.!'!.'.r• • 1h~. freder, 1111 -th-, DAfLYfrJLOl""S-flmOu1-- Dime·A-Li,.. d 1uifi1d 1d1 ' S.turcley1, M1l1 • b.tt•r dee l , . • wh•fh1r you'r• b11rin9 1r 11l!in9. SANTA ANA WHOLESALER · OPEN TO THE PUBLIC T• m•ke room for 1969 in,oming inventory w• must ,JoM out on 1961 pat- tvnt ontf speciol runa of oH quolitiea of corpet. ACRILAN Ti' Sh1an4 ScroH [Ntttm, ... lndt thidl. Gtld, blut grHn, grttn, b.ige & m1rttnf. THIS IS A CLOSE OUT. RIG. 14.95 SQ. YARD 5 85 SQ. NOW • YD. CARPI! ONlY NYLON SHAG Very light twitted, h11t ut, nylon y1r1t. M1d1 fer tht 1re1 whfl ltelYJ traffic. One color only, Avoc1de Green. SOLD AT l!ADING ST 0 IE S FOJ 1.95 PEI YARD INST. OUR Pltet 5.84 ~. ln•tall1d lni:lwdint H•avy te1m -•ddl"t ACRILAN SHAG Ht1vr 2" thick, Deep, rkh carpet m1dt for many ye1r1 of be1uty & wtar. Antique Gold, Sunflower Gold, lei91. REG. 10.95 CLOSE OUT SPECIAL NOW 5.49 ~~. CARPI! ONLY DUPONT 50 I N This is a 1111 t l1b1I 501 N mdt fOf' tlM hetvy trtffic areas. Mtny colors to choose frem. SEEN AT OTHll STORES FOR 7.45 PIR YARD OUR PRICE 4,75 ~~. CARPI! ONlY BRING IN YOUR ROOM SIZES EXTRA SPECIAL· FOR SUN., MON. & TUES. ONLY ONE WIES: ONLY 1000 SQ. YDS. Of EXTlA HEAVY PlUSH ~OlYES!EI SHAG OVE• ONE INCH THICK. MADI TO GIVE YOU MANY YEA RS OF IEAUTY & ~VEAi. ONE COlOR ONLY GRECIAN OLIVE, THIS YIAt'S N£WEST COLOR. 6.95 '",~. COMPLETE INSTALLED H1ovy foom ,a .. I lnstaftotion ROLLS, ROLL ENDS ond -ov•r 700 Remnants. From car 1i1e to room size, 'riced 119 sq. From: yd. KODEL SHAG Over one inch th ick. Ver y plu1h made lor the modern l1mny. looks like wool, feeh lik t wool, wears like nylon. Cle ans better than any other. SOLD AT LEAOING STORES FOR 8.95 PER SQ. YARD OUR PRICE 4,90 ~~: CARPET ON LY S,ECIAL ROLL ENDS 30 TO 80 SQ. YARDS Kodels , Nylons, Acrilons, Wools. All colors. VALUES TO 14.95 FROM 2,87 ~~. You mus I come early f o r these. They won't las!. First come, Fir!I gits! PLEASE PHONE FOR HOME EST. 549.3349 HOURS DAILY 9 TO 1:30 SAT. 9 TO 5 • SUN. 11 TO 4 NO MONEY DOWN AND Ull TO 36 MOS. TO PAY L & J ENTERPRISES INC. OUIGE COUNTY'S LARGEST WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE 2406 s. MAIN SANTA ANA ONI ~~~.:· Of '.;1,.,1· -Phone 549.3349 - I ' "' • All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday 36 MO. GUARANTEE PREMIUM QUALITY GUARANTEE Should 1ny Foremost Premium Ouelity IHtt•ry f1il (not merefy discherge} within 1 yNr from th• d1te of purch1se, retum it to Penneys tnd it will be replac&d free of. charge. After 1 Y••r but prior to the expir•tion d•t• of the guerentHr J. C. Penney Co. will repl1ce the b1ttlry, c:harg• ing only for the period of ownenhtp, INsed on the current price 11 the time of l'flfum, pro ri ted over the 111tfll gu1r1ntee months. NEWPORT BEACH F•>hi on l>l•nd ,_. 1 piece molded tover Thru partition cell connectors shorten electrical path 35% More deliverable power Extra strength grids Full size plates no short plates Hi impact con· tainer Orig. 17.95 to 24.95 Now12.8·8 Come in to our Auto Center for your free battery test now! UBEYDUR EN NEV CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAYI HUNTINGTON BEACH Huntington Center ' ' •. . -· •• ,, ' • I I - I l...: ,El • ~ .. •1 .. • "-• t . 'e........ lt~vlved . , ~~-:4 M ~1 ,.: :J,H ~~;j ~">f .. I ,,: '!.'~ -; ~~ ··; f:.'~-'" '•01 • • ,a ' I ,.f, J.;g~·:x~(ifS :·i,~~ .. i . ij 1~~r.~.ts •'~.i"1 .. j1 ,, ~·,·-,\. ~ ~ \ '.! I j • -if,' ·f"'" .,,, .\'• f ~ :;i";;?r,:,;i:~1 j,~~J"~'?!;~~ ~"".":0"'.:7.'lfn~ 1iji , of.•: to'1hi'glrt ~.ll>ooill~! lie.nii&ht SOOl'e of BrlUsb homes tocfay, p~v~, see aga4'1. Now she is n 1ean late. r $4 and the mother of their It waa p;..'1 of a batch ca~ lhree children. tUred by Ute Germans aa they He · told her of bis life, of advanced on Britain's besieg-how he prayed for her each ed expedlUonary force In 1940. nlght, and enclosed a faded A former German officer, picture of the Madonna torn J •.. Ktller ol M u n I c h , from a French mag_azioe, recently found lbe letters "I didn't realize I could stored in his attic al)d ~le , like . that.." s a i d fonrirdf:d '· thtfp to .. C o I . Watsbn~ rl l i · ·. .- WllQim Heal, seci;tlary ·~ the · Mri~ Anne v·~nni of'Mfl.rch, ' Sulfi!li, l\qimeolal ANocia-.cambrijlgubjr .. got Jacj<,Ven-' Uon. •' ·· i 1 • t .i:i\'s.lti~r ·olJ''~eir -~wed-· Heal1'started aeqr:ting them ding anniverqr~. , obt '.6fond,y' t1J , perso~ he Venni, h01t' 5&, Satd ~e could trace. · remembered writing it in a "Keep your chin up and foxhole under heavy fire. It don't worry. Everything will began "Dear Ada" because soon be okay again," wrote that was a code they agreed CliffQtd. Piz:ey to bis wJdowed to use to sbow he was at m~.; kelMrfl·~~~ .. PWj. at the Jront. 1 1 •. • . Slolhnar ,· ..:iuuOu..I · • • · · , Some !tillers ·Will go rio Two -diy .. after writing it · fartll'i. ,Lban , Col.: Heal. -A~· he began ,·~ ·¥~ara ;•s~ a pr:e~· ,lia;lt'.~ .c9a1:1g.ed and Ge~man prfeoner. lfe works sorhe ~pte Ca¥0~ rse· lr~ced. no\f as a railway man, a Other15 'were . written ;by men 50-f.Ur:.old bactif:kN" !Ult}lvitlg wh,O did not come t>Bck. wi!Jt .ills 'iMU\ef. . . ' l\''1!kr ,Watsoo, 57" aOd a gr-~ · Ql'031i.Di guard a t Boy Sco~s Achieve Top Year Record achievements I n service lo boys were logged by the OrallJei Empire Area Council, Boy Scoots or America, durin& 1968. ac- conilng to its newly elected president ''.Details of the preliminary · figures will be given in a community repart during our Feb. 7 to 13 Boy Scout Week, the 59th &Miversary of the Boy, Scouts of America," said \V. Ed Crane, of Newport Beach. -m..--• _Q.MUM i "ftfe, spra•Uilg c-o u n c i I · :~ pverlipplng ~Orange and 'San l; Diego:~ countl,es serves . 460 religt..,s. scliool lll<I '''"" '.JI,.., '. JI tnunl:ty groups, sponsoring 622 .~!J, ~ . Scooting units and 24,053 ':~~~==~===============~ registered members. - '"The successes in our an· nual report are the result of 8,887 voluntttr adult leaders dedicated to those boys.·· Crane said, forecasting even m_Qre , ·strides in the years apead. Coast YMCA Offering Variety. of Activities An . eight·y~ar tong-range plan titled "America's Man-A variety of classes are Information on ·rea;i~tration power Beg Ins w it h opening and other activities for classes may be obtained Boypower," will be kicked off continuing -from fencing to by calling 642·9990, the athletic this year. swimming and exercise -ac· department · of the new Y During 1968. a total of 136 cording to Or&ntie Coast YM-facility at 2300 'University Gypsy Gives 'Fortunes' To Soldiers ,LOS ANGELES (AP) - GYPIY Rose Lee's fortune ciiokles .,.. '1ieslined to slrip away &IOOUl and bring a smile to a Gt. Theooe-Ume bur I eaq u e queen, now grandmother, was en route today for 25-day Viet· nam tour. She carries a box o( fortune cookies which carry Gypsy Rose Lee sayings : "Show me a man with both feet on the ground and 1'11 show you a man who can~t get his pants off." .. Or , "Show me an Indian who doesn't 'know up from down and I'll show you a man with a weird collection ot scalps." · BLEY LE PANT SALE · .~fLY ,!LDT JJ GRAND .R~·OPf.NING ~ New people ••• ne~ .image a completely new menu featuring meny new di1he1 .• We're .till 1erving our femou1 line of USOA CHOICE 1teek dinner• end we've en- lerged·our ·•andwich menu, too! Have a FREE deuert with your dinner during ~GlAND RE-OPENING. CELEBRATION! Monday, Tueiday and Wednnclay · Jan. 13, 14 & 15-11 a.m . to 9 p.m. 2267 FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA Post~·Office , Sets Stainp boys attained Eagle rank : CA officials. Drive, Newport Be8ch. 1nore than 2.000 Scouts went A nC\V session of the popular , _:::.::c::.:.:.:::::.::::.:::::;::::... _ _:;..===--=-==="-------'---'--""~:..::.====::::::::::::== • 4' 1 ..-. \' ~'•' <. . · C.111Ji.te S,..i..ttl Dh1_. f ~ Grte" ~ltd, ChOlce ol Orea.slnt ' I S11•tMnl, LMh ef MMt Sac• · h~kl""41 sac · Jell.O ... lhrkt f H•t Ceffee ., Tn t .. ..,t ...... ~..., •t-•:I f Grl!tl" S.!1d, (;holq oft:lr ... lM' 1' Rctsl Slr10l11 ol -I ..., +vs 1 ,......_,. . . $166 P•t•te l hU-a.,... .lell·O w ,..,_, Het C•ffff ef T• (kr"ld "l~ly, (:Jllp,,., until JOpm,J KONALANES COFFEE SHOP 2699 Horbor Blvd. Celt• --545-1112 . - For Apollo to Lost Valley SCout Reserva-Scu'>a dlving course opeiis tion in .Northern San Dlego Monday, to run Monday, County and 50,000 persons Wednesdaf and Friday frotn 1visited the Scout-0-Rama at 7 to 9 )l.m. under trliining lhe Orange Count y byJohnReseck. Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa, in Physical Director B i 11 Pospnester General w. ~'lay. Brown Sl!YS the YMCA *led Marvin Watson· announced to-outdoor swimming pool is open day ~t he has . approvtd a to members weekdays from 1-sant~amp· itf-triliole-rome-·10rwarama-~n·or oUf history,-;.--41--a~ -*-P,·D!or-and-I· Apello .a mission. . and honoring the great men to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Tiris special · stamp .wiU bC .and woriien wh,o have ex· Sundays. . . issued on May 5. 19tl9. the 'tended tt)e. human spirit. · . Physical c o n d 1 t 1 o n l n g anniversary date of the first "Certainly, few events In classe~ fo~ m~n and "'.on_ien, United States manned sub· our history have renectcd fea~ur1ng. 1ogg1~g, s~1alized orbital space flight . It was more glory on man 's ability ca hslhen1cs. we!gh~ lifting and on May 5, 1961, that Captain to raise his deeds close 10 steamroom·unwmd1ng are held Alan B. Shepard. Jr.. was his dreams. Ast r 0 n a ut s Tuesdays and Thursdays. rocketed from Cape Anders, Borman and Lovell For individuals who literally Canaveral, Florida, to pave pierced lhe unknown regions have six legs and a dozen the way for man 's greatest of space on a voyage of ex· arms, the Orange Coast YM- achievement in the conquest ploration and of discovery that CA has scheduled tbe First of space. rill fqrever stand out as on!. A~ual OCC Four W ~ 11 The design and place Of first pf ,lbe mountain .peaks of HaOOball Tourl'lament. day sale will be announced man's achieVement. And our · Set for Saturday , Jan. IS, liiter. ' i'Ction ~ isSui~ this po9tage the session is aimed at. Watson said: "Throughout atamp wlll be one more voice.-. familiariting area co 11 e g e •the ·years the. Post ·(Mfice· fl_ised in--a ·ChOrus of acclaim ~ handball player& accustomed Department has i s a u e d that joins together all men to lhe usual three-waµ .style postage stamps mark I 11 g who · admire the courage <lf with (our-wall competition's . significant moments in 1 the th~ yoOng Americans." faster action. All Penney StorH <>p•n Every Night Monday Through SaturdCff SAVE 203 FINE DIAMONDS S,.edeli._ Ill NM ~1, · o--... .. _....w ..... •Ml .,..,. ...,._ CLEARANCE! SAVE 20% ON A LIMITED' QUANTITY llarlnt batt•IM awall yo..i at r11"1ney1l S.. the •mazln• 10•ln91 •" th••• mo1nlfken1 llllomoruf j~ry pi~• •.• A. 1G.Dl•mo1ul W.CUln1 llnt-14: TW" 1el iii 1,.4K Gold.Ori;, 150.00. New Onfy 120.00 I , 12·DforMnd Heort Penclant-1.fK 1ettlng. Orig. 99.50. No"' Only 79.60 C. Olarnor.d Trio Se1-locfle1 diomond 1olholr1 ond mo11'• molchint wedding rinf. lodlH' Solitaire. Orig. 117.SO. Now Only 94.00 Man'• Matching Weddlnt Bond.Orig. J0.00, New Only 15.00 D. Diornond SMI farrlt1t•· 1.fK crown ntting•. Orig. 125.00, New Onlr 100.00 I . D'9rnoM Duo-.$ llllomonch each. Price for one: Orig,6'1.50. New OMy SS.60 ....... _......., •f.,..W.i,ht CHAllOl IT AT YOUll l'lHHEY'S f/Hl JIWILllY Dll'AllTMIHT FUUIRTON Ore111•f1lr C.r1ter H1'~'"' 1t Ort"91t .. orpo HUNTINGTON BEACH H11nl!n9t111 C1nl1r hiln911 11 $111 Oi190 Fwy. NEWPORT BEACH Ft1 .. io1t lil111d M1cAttl11rr 11 P1,. C1t. Hn. I ' . ' All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Sahnday enne~t----------ALWAYS. FIRST QUALITY . i .. ...,. .. . '' t i ,.. •• ) " ~. ' 1\ . .. -_. .. ' ' vin~ floor thats· as· easy •. I .. on your purse, . . . ' ,_ .. as .ywr feet. •·• -·· ' ' i l • • ' Pe~neys brift9l yo~ a 1vper b'uy i11 ,.,, ,,..·,ol'tl Y...,. f100t"ir1g. It'~ cOllecl' Ca.tilidn. Cottlliait km ~iltl ~ you would eve~ wo.nt.in o f1~', ... ond _,.., t~I tt he... soft, ~effKt •nderioot, yet 11 vM,.t wear ray... rnitts hov.ehold:1taiM, lc~ otMf ' . Krotct..., MOlli!\g it idHI for btrty ~itdteM . C4ttrillari alM lrlot tb• mort, colOrful ttyli111' N iiapottottt~" hOIMI todoy. Choo•• 1;..... Cortn Costilio•, p ~-lffi.~n, pli,11 two otti~ Pcrtttnm. • '~ ' l · Pffn.p flOoring aUf~ con i'*cilf it lii ,..W · ·· hOM witll o tllil';_;• of,.·,;;••••· . I $f 04 Do o 12'xl2' family room for · . " • . . $i3'0 "Oto 12'x15 ' fomilfroomf.r,._. _.;ic~i.-1-~· ~,.....,, ,. ~·Ri,i. '1.-··~· , .. , l•t.·,,,:>.i \·I·· I ·' . .' NO MONEY DOWN ••• USE PENN!Y5 TIME PA YMINT PIAN - NEWPORT BUCH~ FASHIOll ISWID ' " • ' -. J! DAil Y PILOT ·--~ VARIETY -Donald O'Connor, above, hosts guests from many fields tonight on the '·iDonald O'Connor Show" in color at 8:30 on Channel 11. Guests on the 9()..minute variety program include Della Reese. Ted Mack, Sugar Ray Robinson, Lou Alexander and Anne-marie Huste. TELEVISION VIEWS LBJ Raises Hoh on TV By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -The appearance of Presi- dent Johnson to deliver his si.J:th and final Stat~ of the Union message to the Congress Tuesday night was a warm and moving occasion which .~ost of the nation was able to sha~e through telev1s1on. ~-----·The·retTrliiiCiiier-executive, ~rtous-m -mien""- and obviously feeling the significance of the ~o ment, received an especially enthusiastic recep~1on upon arrival in the House of Representatives chamber, ''A BRIEF ACCOUNTING of his stewardship,'' Eric Sevareid later called his speech, "the vale- dictory of a proud man." When the President re- called bis-38 years, first as an emp~oye and later as a member of the Congress, bis vmce softened and wanned and it became a sentimental occasion. • The President's decision to present bis own final State of the Union address not only broke precedent, but the time raised hob with the eve- ning schedules of two of the three networks. NBC postponed a rerun of the 1962 film •. "The Miracle Worker" and after the President finished, network correspondents commented on various aspects of the speech. When they ran out ,or steam, the remainder of the second hour was filled by a review of the five Johnson years. CBS MEREL y pre-empted its scheduled 6-7 PST show, and after the President finished was able to move on to its scheduled news hour, a taped report of some light-hearted, amusing odds and ends its roving correspondent Charles Kuralt en- countered in his "On the Road" wanderings -a country telephone system whose operat~r worked out of her own living room, a fruit vender in New Orleans whose shop is a horse-drawn cart, an old- fashioned two-pump country gas station. ABC was in the worst bind in covering the presidential address. It had started live coverage of the National Basketball Association East-West all-star game a half hour before. Tbe network cut a\vay from the basketball game at 6, but spent little time on analysis and went back to the second half of the game fast when the President finished speaking. . NBC'S ''LAUGH-IN'• which usually tops tele- vision's hit parade, dropped into second place dur- ing the recent holiday period, and CBS' "Gomer Pyle" jumped into the lead, according to the most recent Nielsen ratings report. 1'Family Affair." another CBS comedy, was in third position. During the Dec. 30 through Jan. 2 period there were few specials in the evening sched- ules. CBS was the winner in the averages, with 21.7, followed by NBC with 20.7 and ABC, 16.1. Meanwhile, NBC 's research departmenl, pro- jecting audience sizes from nationwide samples, as- serts that last Sunday's Super _Bowl football game was the most widely viewed sports event in history -more than 60 million -and!that close to 80 per- cent of all sets in use during the time were tuned to the game. Dennis the Menace 1\111 ~ i~l/~I I ·~ ,~PR. ~.¥MAT'S lfAU1 '""'"'''" PERKINS 15-AREYOU _ .. y ...,... .. MEVfOW.'f!" IS YOUll: !£CE'ET.uY, YES,.ANP :I W5'S SNKltfZSTILL MUEVE-IT'.S W.TUl(J '11UF <aDal~ &l.05SOMIN6 ·INTO A. KEAL """"""'' wai.., W~'RE AU. U~E'. oN EAl>TH -r0<1irn!ER. so I 'TlllNI< WE SHOIJt.C> Tl>Y "TO <;ET ALotl<i Ui<e oNo TUMBLEWEEDS S1UPEN15!-NO COURSE IN SCAL!'IN& WOOL!/ BE COMPLETE Wl1llOOT A RE£1TATION OF1l\.\I PEAR, OLll CLASSIC: 'OPE TO A SlOl.EN SCALP'! LISTEN! •.. MUTT AND JEFF GORDO I If t \ -.. ,, .... • ..)'! 1!46-OeAL! WHATOOYoU El'Elt 00 FOl<ME! BIG FAMILY! LITTLE S::Al.P. SO AU. Al.ONE, l>E.1i\CHE17 F~M YER NAllVE OOME, l>ANGLIN& FJ'l\\1 Mf 15!JQ(S\(IN BELT, :LIFE HAS WITH 1tJU RUl/ED' PfALT! ALAS, !'JLFERED POMPADOUR, SET APRIFT FOREVER MJRE- T\10 I GOTYCXJINTHIS FIX, WNI as!: cru.P I GET MY KICKS? Oii).~ DI.Jc WA~ ro Xft JW.oY? Or!! ( :y Ken Bald By John Miles By Harold Le Dom: By Al Smith By Gus Arriola .... ,,,..,., =· M07111!1< OF Tl/£11'. MYTHS! By Men \ \I 'I':' •• / "-. <. . . . - WEDNESDAY 4:JO U FASTEST NEWS IN THE ' * WEST! With BILL BONDS, STU NAHAN, JIM· HEALY, ind CARL GEORGD ' ''°" a "' "" -t<J (IO) ""' OanphJ. BGH ·ua .... ;iC)(30) e---l<l \10l o L1nchat.', am Medllf, Alb WOlld«lltld IMd, 11111 JDttt put u .. .--tcl,...._ Sid-(~)' '53 -Audit Mlll'PllJ, Joen EvlftL q I ... (t) (IO) Q!I -• tel (!O) f.BJ...,. ..r (30) "SM!loirbil stary ... The tif• ... fl tile -1- iowlll ~ ....... .,_Ii_ m11U1-tc1 ""D me , .. tel (.,, mv.,. • ...... " .. ... (Cl l"l) D llRAfT llUSIC HALL * Jack ........ 1pocllll ... Dollble RoJnoldt. .,.,...,_ m-,. '• -(30) t:o111111w--• (90t "Your Shoppillc Clrt" Maril Har· 01""1¥11' ~ _... ti W tt. riftC\111 talU IDout eom111 oN ad.tit. -.._, ..... Ill food nlun for ,_ ...,. i.t IR"' ..... 'ht ......._ llJ -m--, ... -...... -... llW "" "'" ii It --....... l:GDUQtCilCIC - -t<J (30) Wtlht CniMiitL , Q-411 t30l '"-·--q-. ., .... (Cl (JO) m-l<l (30) 1aeou111m-,... tci (6fl) fDlthUI .. ~ flf ......., Olnll)' Wifiltn -1 ,.... IM (30r "£itrthi fllf-Hldtr." Merion (Susi• O'~I) fliJ...c ...,_ M1nhaH ind Eft ~ Glass Mid to Mr ;.o, '9mlill .... 1111 demonstntl l'ritbic ulbtlMrtlcs, wu under tlll wi..c. If • ,.,. mw...ri• Wd.iic • ..i .. -.. • --. -------_____ ... "" -&J Trtll • c...-(C) rKUt. B....U sc:ott ...... 7,,. IJ -(CJ \&)) ..,, ... ""· we liSI~ fn>lll 1ttt W91Mtll compound 1!111 "' WCI Ill lhlflll ctn be tDVncl. a 9 CI! m n. Yirri•it• (C) (90) "Dtlth Wlit... o.vid Slltlon (Olvld H1rtm1111) kilb in lllff-cllftnt1 Ind theft is tl'l!'llllMd by !Ill '-d man's ¥911111'111 f1mily, which Hi· ducJes • f'lllOWllld CUMfintw. e "" " -t<J (00) D@f])G!)Htrt C••• Ill ifWli (C) (50) "Thi FRMM." Juon Bolt'• llld tapim', bllrlmd Bm, '5 bltmtd for a rlCtllt r ol fomt fire& br til!lber OWflef Mitt Bathr. Edwlrd ~ tnd Monte M1rt;h1111 put (RltdleduW flam Die. 11) 0 MiftiH f INN: 'ft) "'lq hi· IMr (rom•nor) '5:>-J111t Wyrn111, .............. CDTNlll • ,.,,._,.,,.,,., tc> <JO) m ""' •-<60) mc.-••-<30> e>••Allfll .. llflfll'I a:oom ..... tc) (30) 1:30 Em ......... I.Mi .. (C) (30) "AnilMI Wtr, AnirMI '-t." All lnquiiy kilo llli1111I W.Mor 9 ·• how it rll1tu to tlll eonc:tpb ol twritori•l pmt9etioll and •urasion al 11um1n blill(S. m Miwcolll MMiC81 (Rlldlldtdtd fn:llll Ille. lli. t• OIB@l!ll11o -~ (60) "Thi --" ........ . PiPPI !call 18'11 Ill • ... M wtrid'I o..id .. ii Mnd .. ... th• MJ:Dlioel ••Pl*I''*' If • wrfta' ... mn.t ..n lflrll9M ............. ...w. em -tc1 l'5fJI a--c»> Ill "" -(Q CIO) • -,,. (JO) ., __ a----ir-Yo11w -,,., -· m-tel CIO> ., ...... C I -oo ·-... - m .... ,.,,. mu ft> ·---(1d'01nblrt) "41--«0fJ' Glllllrt. ... .. _ llll[f)ID- 11:1111Jlih* fC} ............... -· -·» .., -_,. Scott, 1oil• Ctrrol. U "The Good Guys" Comedy * HIT OF THE SEASON!! D@l!Jm>t--(Q ..... ..,,.,. •• TNll'" ("11- ttl'Y) '-45 -Dllt ~ .,_. Dultlin. f) TIM SNd CllJI (C) (30) To ush in on ttlt night·til!MI lrldt, Rufus 11Jd 8.rt kelp Bert'• Place open 24 hours • daf--4llltl U., ;1r1 ullltli. 1D *' IUb to ...,. 0 l!ll [l) Ell Jtt -(Cl their wltxWMfl. Johft flkl• llld ·~m--_ JKk Ptrtla n t.blrld. ~ '' -"" IJ Whit Wlttl tilll 1l:ft (C) (lO) liltlll MtcMnri1 tfld Grl( '1!:30liJM .......... ....,.. ( ... 1uest. m1) '44 -U. J. D:6D. r..... 0 ll1I IIH!D""" ,._ lt> 0'''""· (30) B•ttJ and stntll vow to llallt ·-,_ Martin Pl)'lon's will; Of. Milts 11· ,.._Actle11 .. Tliettle , ..... , ttmptl to buy '(icklt Gff; Korm1n l1utf0Wn. Ind Ritl JlllJ IMtctlmtbri for Eli 1M MU; FNd tries lo talk C1nJtJn Into livinl wilh hlra. 1:001J.... ~ ( ... m-..-(t) ("I) mo) .. .....,..., -· - ID"" "' -l<l (30) m ....... (!O) Ill- THURSDAY OAmME MOVIES ....... 00-tcl mr ............. ~ ,,,.m...__.,,,__. ·V1ce Squad." ... -?111 'flllllll _. ttll OMnflld,4 11>1>GfJW (-) -· II)' Scott, DilAI L"'"' ""'m '\Jllfo ,.,.. <-.. - Eowu• t . llobi!ltoll. -1 • (•111111) '54 GeOtJt ••• t:• IB "'U..._ .....,. '*'"•••> '4..........,_ Mid.I-. Wk11Me s..,. 1:30 a "Splrtlq ....,. (dnlM) •31 J:JI a <Q .,.. ca..... < ..... ~1rt: &.bit. Mldp Em1. hln) '54 -lli\Tf ........ .11- W.'-1. ~.IOU"llot -., "'"*" <""· 41091<1 'I-""'<-'41) '4J-J1111 MJIW, JM lkCm. '56-Wbll R.,,.... EHil Alhtf. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS O••lity Pri.,ti119 111d o.,,.,cf1lll1 S•t•lc.• for rM•• !h111 • 011•ri1r ef • C.11t11ry. I 2211 WIST IAUOA IL.YD. NIWPOIT IU.CH' • ' • :· --~-- • I • Govern~f Jlt<tf!get I LBJ ·Lear~ U.S. Something WASHING'J;'ON (UPO -. ~ "Qr Dt11J1or1 "'-.......... lie repor\ad, Ibo Lyndon B. Johnson hu left tadijo!'(t tho ~ II Ille J---hod the naUon !Omethlng to ,"'1tld. :....W..I ol ~ ·-"""' 1tw> .... w""- ·" .....,mber him by In, of all .the noll"'on~qa!M 1 n y COncludlnr. he W?Ote: "No . • ~ plaNt, a boot enUUed "Tbe f~ble clWlenge 0 r couTae ot ac.Ucn can have 1 ......., "'' the ~·~ m-•-·llnal." .,.. hliher purpoll 11>¥ tbll of ::~~ .. 7 --Cl0ial·1~ ". ~-~ih~ '.' . , ..... ~ tW ha would -"'inslile ... "boOI<, .. dotalll budPt; u In '111¥ t>fe\'l!iwl • !~ , ._:.~ .~1 de!~~ of t11t budfll. John 1 o o, budpll, t have punuad 11>11 ' ,_ -. -.--.. ,-iedly .-eil bll -couid to 11>1 bell o( "1Y ablJl. .,., ~ -~Into the ,-'o wllb Ille level of ty. I baV. !lllli that AniortCJ :·· 'aubotue< of Ibo tiulky docu-led<ra! IP.OJldln& when he toot wW not n.iw !all In Its -I•• •..C meat c o.a,t • I n I n g the off.Ice ta~ in 1163. In bousin&:; nor f o u o d e r in its ·" pvemme!llt'• spending plans crime control, educaUoo, job respon!ibillty to preu ahead ::;' f,.. the ''1! filc:a1 T~· training, h •a II b, 011tr1Uoo, for -and i..UC. at • • ' 4 domlilanl lhin>e of the IOCiol -y 111111 antipoverty homo IJld 1brood. • • ·· loudiet meaaqo la the Jollll!on .•::.•view of the Jobn1on ··:; t>l'li'il4m'•l" lll:Jila m.....s., ;~, i Ule author coocludei: "11le i •. record of achievements of tht •• · put five years la an Im- :· ... pressi"e one." :'.. \ "In my fir1t budget m"'"f' ... "five yeani ago, I ttated: A . ., ._, government that ls strong, 1 ..... '., &O.ftl1ll'Dent that is solvent, a pvernment lhll II com· • Jli• ...... ' .. ll>n tlnd o( ' -.. .. gOvernrnent that ehdures.' I " · f11rte sought to provide tba '.~ : 1dod Of government u your PHoldent. W1lb tbil budilt. I ltave that kind of gove?Jl- ment to my successor." -· soµ,: JIElllRENCE .; ~·~ 'l\at WU JohnlOn'S sale ., rdorence Ill the foci Iha! -. ·n RiCblrd Ill, Num will ba tu--_.., hti over the prtllideaey, and control of federal ll]JODdlng, 1n · 11111 n .. ""-Jlan7 s. Truman, by contrul. poln-leclly reminded ' Coogi'eoa ID 195! tbll be WU leavln& o11Joe aonn and tl>at tl>a tncunlng Oar Own H1,,yHame llDDDR·llTDIOR ., .President "will he entirely ·"<free: of c:ourae ' to pi-ief-"'~ I I , ; cfi'anps" in the budg.et. · ., ' ' Truman alao empbulJed · ... ;'that be w1~g no _ ___...,..---~ ·-:-;_,.:, ~--am1-m final budget, i ; ~.! 1n·\A~1 •• ~ f: i 9" x9" sq11are ··'-Jolmoon lhl1 year offered a l'J 1 !, . • ,_ of ' ' .,. ... • . , munll'll:'r n e " recom-, i · .• Jiij ~ '·mmd&UOOI. -lllo "t'I .... todulged In ..... prideful . !1 'noviewtng of hi& own record, ,.por11q lllllll1I other detalal.' · ••a large measure of IUCCeSI" ln his "el~t year effort , . , . to ollbiliJe U>e pirchas power of the dollar." J ohnaon came on amnewhal 1tronger tl>an !bit ID today's meaaqe. • • . "We have witnessed a ' ,piiiod o f unincedent<d Ocooomlc growlh, with ex- panded producUnn, r 111 n a •lllndlrcll of llvtn& and tl>e lowest rates of unemployment . In 1 decade and a half." be 'Cool' Man .: · H.ot Over $500 Desks SACRAMENTO (AP) - • ~ llOll for a D<W - and you'd 'expect the drawen "'to wOl'k. llllbl! • • Aslemblyman Eu,..,. A. .<:bapple (a.cool), who took over Tuesday as n e w chainnan of the Assembly Rules Comm.lttee, believes so. But Chapple ,._led the desks -. all ao of them - don't even have a center . drawer. And the o t be r .,'..drawen lllck. The clelka, which coot a loll! • .of. J'0,000, are part of a $600,000 remodeling of Assembly quarters whlch wu begun by Democrat. when . "'they controlled the lower • ·11ou ... The mnodeUn& oriKiJuilly WU ..tlmated to cost $1)(1,ClllO ,. but ... me alda of the rulea committee said tbil did not tnchzde the cost of moodellQI the lepia_ti"t cafeteria. ~ When ~ WU uked -by .. ....,... aboot II>• COllly remodeling job, he laid he meant DO dllrespect "but when you bl" people worttnr for you. . • " Then hil voice trailed off. . ' SF Juvenile DrugUseUp SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A 47 porcent tncreue In "JuytO!lt IW'COllcl orrall In 1• .. nparted by Sin Frlll)- .¢aco ~' .,, The bl( -..... 1117 WU l contlnwltion of I trend U>at bepD In 1113, ollken ' Mid llloaday. " Am!sll climbed Inn 14' • ~D 1Jl7 lo Ql iu& Jtll', Aid •. Polko --LI. ~ -Qm1o, 111111 ''!Gr .: e_,,........ .. plcUd up, •• -11 olben ...... In-. volnd we couldn't pl Ibo loodl on.'' , Culrio oddod Ibo Halpl· Albbury hlpplt dlllrlct wu beUtved to ... the main ....... . of drup 11111 many of Ibo youlhs .....ted .... fn>m ... --. • • pld···:.. • red • noc:tdo\ ·"'*· .-~ ... ..., .. ~-.. ·1)•.·, • bltt1nw11t • beip ·. ,r.). ~ .. ·".1' , •·. · • ct11rco1I • Mtne blu • · -·· . .,. .'· · ·.: • mo111rt1n Choice of de('~rator ('Olor1. The perfel1: everywhere c•arpet! Covers a ftoor , borders a pool, or climbs a wall. And needs almoft no care! ~fade of lOOS acrylic Rber faee with ielf adhc.<cive hellvy duty foam hacking that idherer to any surf11.c:c. dean! eaJOily with vacuum, ·hose ~ broom. Rr.~ist!I' soil and stain. Ld your imaghlAtion run \\•ikl l1y mixing and 1natching squares. 8rl1tel ot S.n Dloto frMW•Y COSTA MISA Open Ivery Event11t 'Ill t:JO p.m. -S.turday 'Ill f p.m. ,.Ji • I JANUARY -· · savings on braa underwired or padded ~-----~---2.99 and. 3.99 weNS.00107.50· Great savings ·on two excellently styled bras. Stock up now lot 1he entire year. Choose underwired or softly padded. a, reg. 7.00 wired bra with elastic back, 32·38 B. C: 3.99, reg. 7.50; 32-380, 3.99 . b, reg. 5.00 trioot bra. elaatic back. stretch Slfapll, 37.36 A.B.C. 2.99 may co fcundaticna « ANNUAL SALE your favorite Hanes hosiety This great Hanes oala comas but once a Y'l<l'-So write, call., or come to the May Co, for a .week of great low prices oil your favorite Hanes hoa!ery. We have stockings in Cantrece® nylon, Micro Mesh. support ; .. many, many others, In beige,.tcur. taupe, brown, and other lashlon lhOO.... Sizes 81-i to 11 in proportioned lengths. no. 615 nude heel no. 415 reinforced h"l; toe no. 11 S Micro mesh no. 53l Mm.I sheer no. 2IJS Cannc.GD, nude haol no.210Can1reco4D,Nlnlorced no. 715 fulhandal loct no. 805 aupport hose may co hosiery 7 .:tl• tal• t9Q'. ·i pr. 3pr. 1.75 I.IQ 4.411 ·I.SO 1.S UO I.SO 1 . .S Ull I.SO 1.S Ull 2.00 J.'1$. UI 1.75 1.IO YO 2.00 1.75 w 3.95. 1.50 10.IO • • I ' ' • • nylon abUt gcrna Wltlad~~· .. 3.91 _ ...... ,'°'° Soft ·and filmy ily!oa\ double l~r ahift gowns. Remember they mat. pmleet gilt• ulloughout the Y*D'· p .s.M.L mayoottleepnarlO ' , nylon trlcot .Ups laft1hed with lace 3.99 to9.99 ., ... LOO to 15.00 Beautiful lace trimmed nylan triCQI , ttlips and half itllps. Fantaatk: !laVlngs on dl8c:on· tiriuad colors and atylee. Flll your lingerie needs with th-ucellent values, · reg. 6.00 to 15.00 itllps: 34-40; 3.• 101 IM reg. 4.00 to 6.oG haU itllpB. l,Jll,i, UI to L• mayooclcryU/ne llngerie 28 · I . ~ may co south coast plaza, sa._ dlego fwy at bristol,_ c0sf4j ntes•; 14' 9121 shop monday thl'OUC)h saturday 10 mn :to 9:30 pm · : :· ~ • b ,\ • JI IAll.Y I'll.OT Readers of this Newspaper: Special lt,IT,ROD~CTORY OFFER brinCJs you lis mlle~ ··as • •'.W.;i : .. rf, ti'' Y,n Paysup ·to$1.0i*''Xl~ax fr~e I . ca5h for each hospl fal 5tay ir' P.ays aJI c•sh direct to you (not to doctor or hospltill) r • ' ir' No age limit-no medicif exanilnation required ir' ~ays In. addition t!) •11 other coverage you have-Including Medle11re ir' Pays you, cash benefits that Increase each y:ear •.• to a maximum of$130.00·A·WEEK ... at no extra cost to you! * Pays $1'0C?~O~·A·WEEK cash :each ffme you go to the hospital ••• even UP, to 100 wee Its *No salesm'an wlll call ... . . ' . SPECIAL LOW RAT.ES! 'EXAMINE PO.LICY ' JN YOUR OWN HOME·~MONEY BACK IF NOT l00% SATIS.FIED!· I · . I • ACT NOW-YOUR ENROLLMENT FORM MUST BE MAILED aY MIDNIGHT SAT., JAN.18, OR IT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED One out of two tamilin will haft aom!Qtle In tbe hoapltal th it year! It could b. you -or .:ime beloved member of your family tomorrow ••• nu:t lVMk •• ~ ntld 1'1onth. Sad to 1ay, very !tw familiu have anpberc ntar ~h coYt.rage to meet ioday'1 ..,.nn., hospital cost.a. The1e Ol9tabhe tripled in jiut a!ew abort )'eara. They are expected to~ at"ain in the ffiw yean ahead. Stop for a momenL Tbink·fi"oW much a long.1t.ay in the hospital will COit )'011 or a loYed'One. Ho,., would 70G ner pay for costly, hut neceuary, X-ra11, doctor bills, druga and m~tiMa! What 1r10uld you do if your pay ~ stopped. bat li..-inc-upensea kept roing on the urq• u evert. The aamt rut. phone, .food, all the day-to-da7 u:penaea that nner atop.· . What ia the ••erar• bnadwlnner to do!·Wa bl.lieve we h11.ve th1 answer in th1 famous Presidentit.1 Extra Cub Plan that ... Pay• you $ r 00.00 • week filx-fre• CG1h wlten yow 90 to tit• ltotpltaJ. Now, P re1idential'1 etJ)f)Omy plan en1blu70u·to~oy this pro- -".tec:tion. Jfail Ula Enrollment Form. We will Mll.d jou the actual policy to look o'ver at home. No riuh. No .,ent will call or phone 7ou. Take 16 day a to decide:. Show th1 policy to a friend, a family ·--m!IM'~t. Y oa: J09e-'ft0t~-il JOU'" ~ari,Hhe-pOlie,...-But. t! you do want it, you're entitled to PrealdentJ1!'1 special low n tn deaerlbed below. So low, 7ou'll find JOU pt prptection at a p;ioa that'• just a frartion at. what rou'd upeci to pay. Your cosll hneflt1 lncreaN eoclt year - ·-.t no •1lf,f'fl colt fe you I Your cuh benefit. automaticaU1 iiM )'ear-after year. You get )!Uce of mind 10 voii don't bantOwonr about rUUi,.costa. Your protection automatfealb' inereuea JS.00 & week uch year. The firat :vear you ret $100.00 a week. You get •toa.oo a week in the itecond year. •106.00 a week in tba third 7ur .• 109.00 a week in the fourth 1tar. By the •""'enth :vear, your goliq will be worth a full 1110.00 • toe•k in. benefit pa)'llll!llb ,,,.at no tncrease in coat to JOU! Thi1 senero111 cuh te.ene prottctiGn will belong to 7ou for u long a1 7ou keep the policy. Yoo can 1ee that your 1111urance will be worth n\.uch "'°"'than the present "face value" of the policy.-Gtrtainly, onr increa1ed pa)'IDf.nta to you 'Will btlp W p pw:;t with ri1inr coata -and best of .n, •. ••• Jhe Increasing benefits corn• to you at no extra cost. Yev stlll pay the regular low Presid•ntial pr•mi11ml What other Plan protects you like this today! What other Plan bep1 protectinr you 1gain1t riainil' living costs in the year• ahead without increasing your premiums? And that's not all. Thia epecial Pre1ident.ial Extra Cash Plan (#HP lSL-1067) .•• . . . '"Y• you $ J 00.00 a week CASH for a registered nurse at home. Yes, in addition to the $100.00 weekly checks we send you durinr 1our hospital st.fly, we pay you an extra $100.00 a ,.,.eek if the dot1.or 11ys you need a full·time re{istel'ed nurse to take care of you at home. • '· '_, DAV$ Up to $10,000.00 CASH for each accident or r I'\ I illness. startin& the very first day in th• hospital. DAV$ $100.00 A WEEK CASH -if you need • full· rl'\ I time registered nurse when you come home from the hospital - up to 50 weeks. PAYS $1,000.00 EXTRA CA.SH for 1ccident1I death. PAYS 'PAYS Up to $2,000.00 CASH tor .1ccident.1I loss ol timb1 or eyesi1ht $100.00 A WEEK CASH for each pre1n1ncy, when )'OU 80 to the hospitll, assumins both husband end wife haw been enrolled in the F1mity P11n Willi M1temity. DAV$ Up to $5,000.00 et the rate of $50.00 A WEEK rl'\ I when e child 1on to the hOspital for any ecci· dent or Illness whtn ')'OU ere enrolled in th• Family Plan. DAV$ you c•sh benelits th•t increase each year .•• r,, I to I maxim1.1m of $130.00.A-WEEK •.. at no extra colt to you P'AV$ you cash benefits for hospib lization for any I'\ I accident immediately. Any sickness is covered be1innin& 30 days .1fter Effective OIWol policy. No 1ge limit-no medictl exemin.1tion required -no s.le1m1n will call. 1 IF YOU AU 65 OR OVER YOU! Will CO~LE0-$70.00-A·WEEK IN APDITION TO'MEDICARE . . ' Why.,. unart.folks over-65 now huteninr to protect themHJvu·with the Presidential Extra Cash Plu in additio1t to what Medicare will do for thvn! Evm tbouih MedicaN is a 6?fft boon t.& folk.a •ver 65, it'wq! not, of eourae, pay GU the bills that quickly pile llJI aa a result of illneulor accident. '1tegardl••• of yow.09e, yev 1tiU need additional llealfh protection. We haYe de1icned tbia plan u the imporiant ad.ditto" to what you re«ive from Medicare -or anr other .; bu.Ith inaUl'anc. you ma1.ba""' ~ • .,i .ch~ will be unt directly to you (not to•tM dOdor or t.o.- pltal), to give you that "extra" help just when 7ou nwlit..mo&t....Uae....the. tu-!rel-cuh.an.)"__.,.,..,.au ... fU.--. And yo11 wJll be rlad to know th• chlldta 1'1'111 be bii OM-11! Ia addition to what JOU reotlyt from Medicare Prealdential pays yon $70.00 & week,,. EVEN FoJi 100 WEEKS if necessary f Y"" con-nioeiti• cte mvM u 11,000.0o for 111M illnu1 or inju1'JI t0Aen Jw1;plt4liudl HOw eomlortinr it is to know that -&fte;r rou.r atay hi tbe hoa- pital, if you've been tbe1'. ~riee·daya or mon,, yo11 can nturn. home to rec.uperat. and ~ Mt . ..be a "bti-rdeD .to .JOUr loved opes. Yea, I! your doc:tor ,.,, JOU need a registered nurse fu1l tlm. within 5 d1y1 after 7ou come home, we'll aend 7Dll ehecb for 1100.IJ(J •wile-for aa lon&' u you neea the nDae-even up to 10 111etkl. l~1 1ike baring a rnerve of $6,000.00 cub to draw on when. you nE It. These benefits oleo ~treGH 11ach ~r b7 $8.00 a Wffk. Another exceptional fea,tun you ha•• with Pretidential ·~· ••• Poy• you $100.00 o WHk casll maternifY. Mnelll• -up to 100 wHb for eacll fio1pifal st•Yt 0Tdinary ho•plt.al inwrlllH!t' !l'll.J take care Ill part lof 70ll"l' q:- pense1 when you go to the hoapital to havt a baby, But what policy can you think o! that gives you cash to buy all the things you need for the new baby? Now, i! both husband and wife are insured in the wonderful F11m.il11 Plan With. Maternity !or the entirt. period of the pregnancy, you goet e:rlra cash to use any way you warit. If a pregnancy, childbirth or even miscarriage puta you in the hospital for one day, five days, 10 days -a1 Jong 11e-11ec.1sary-)'{IU ret $100.00 a Wffk for every day of :vour conftnement, up to 100 w.ks . All th••• added ra1h beneflf1. Yc1, in addition to $100.00 a week for h09pitallu.tion or $100.00 a ·week maternity benefits and $100.00 a week for a rer· late red nurse at home ••. you get all this: ,4.dded rash benefib: $1.000.00 cash to your family if-death otturs 'Within 90 days [ro'!l any accidental injury, Think of how handy the cuh can be 1n time oflos1. It can take care of burial expenM!5 "'·ithout burdening your loved onea. Added cad beadit: Up to •aooo.oo·caah for accide.ntal loaaof limb.I or eyesirht, when the 1011 oce:un anytime within 90 days of the ~ccident. The los1 of a limb or eyeaight ls a terrible thlng. Noth-1n~ can replue the loss, bot a ~k for $1,000.00 or $! 000.00 will bring greater peac11 of mind during the period of adju;lment. Added casll lteaetit: Choo1e M&M r l'amib' Plan ••• and 1our children will be covered tool Presidential :PQ11 upto$6,000.00 an7 time your )'OW1pter goes to the'hoapltal ,,. for ton.ails. appen· dicitis. or any 0th.er illneaa or injury! Yn, jou will rteeive. $60.00 caah, week after week-for u man7 aa JOO toHke, if necesaaq. We pay your premium• when yov are not oble A1 a apecial consideration to JO'O -if JOU are hospitalized just 6 wc@ka or more, all premiums that come due whil1 you are still in the hoRpital alter thi1 period will be paid by Presidential. And your protection i:ontinuu as if you were paylng the premium• yournelf! Then if you leave the hospjtal and must return for the l!lame condition bcfOrt. you have re1umed lull normal activitie~ for 90 day~. Presidential will again PAY A·NY PREf.11Uf.IS \VHILE )'OU ARE IN THE HOSPITAL-TO A IUAXl1\IU11! OF 100 WfJEKS per conftnemenb! This means you pay no pre· mi urns. yet your full protection remain• in !orce -you collect '!JI to IJO,Q()().QQ for eaM. eonfiM7MMI THIS UMITfD INAOl.&MINJ OfflA INDS SOON Amazing low tlat•• -Mooey-laclr: Guarantff You un now have your Ant month'• protection at the apecial LICENSED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ THE PRESIDEllTIAL UFE INSURANCE·CO. OF AMERICA KB 11401 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHIUOELPHIA, PA.19154, atn~ er llD# r-------"-'--------STATE. ______ ZIP·----- DATE OF 8fRTH1 __ ~-=----, .. c:,::----;,;::,.::-, -~GE SEX Male 0 OCCUPATION1 ______________ _,,-----:-----,--- l 11s'o hereby 1pply tor COVtflll for the members of my f1mily listed below: (DO HOT includ• name that appears above.) P~na list 1dditional dlpondnh on sep1rtt1 Pl&• DAT£ BIR NAME P'IMM Prtnt) RELATIONSHIP SEX Month Ye•r ACE 1 2 3 5 = ':: =,... D .....,IJ!llrif we:~ -""' Q n-ftmff)' "'"WM Mn.mlty 0 lll-Famn1 "-"Without Mlt.mlty Oo JOU corry o!Mr """"""llitll ttlls Cmpln)'I (11 "'fn" pl11,. list pollcJ nll!lbln.l·----------- To lhl bt1t of mi ~Ind btlitf Mit!lor ~nor 11tr1 ponon lislld -his bttn 11fusld 1111 hHlth. hosj)i!JI « lih ill1w· • 1-tand WJ; ... -rtillll tlllld ..... .11111111 """'9(-W1'1'1111crflr 11tr1lnlorr«-l!llll11111W' lf1o !ff1<ti" 0.11 of 1111 Policl 6uf Oil '"111 it his bttn lo lon:e lor 1 conti"""' poriod of two i2J 1""; and lhal this Polley. tllll •I bt In forct until till Eff1<ti11 Dllo shown ilJlll Poliq Schor!ulo. ~ • ' ----------------"'''"------ • •M,.lll.JOll' -~---------=-~-~--------~ iow rate. liJt.ed .,,lowl But rou mu t act illmlAld.UiUlw-. Your' n- que1t for tllll wotul9l'fu.I Income Protection Plan mu1t be mailt!f oa theConvlllientfomibelow NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT ot the~ in' th6-l:nrollment Forin. Thia midnight expiration hour ccmX4C 61 •:rt.Mrd.. If your enrollment form ia mailed lat.er,, ii. catanoc II• &tOlpttd. 1,..,. ON ,,.. ONLY "~'·"-" ' Your Pruidentlal policy COTers "'l'J' eonce.iYabl• kied ot 1itk· nu1 or accident QC@t .condltl.OIJ8 c.auaed by war or anJ' a et. of war; where care is in a Government ho1pital; mental disorders; intoxicanta and nartotics; pregnancy except as provided undar the maternity benefit ~iori.; u.d upenH!I reaul~lng from 1 any aickneu or injury 7~ ~before the Eft'ective Data of 1our policy .... , during the ~ 2 :ron on!J', Th.is last item i1 a real help ff fOU ,W,elJdll haft a health f"'b- Iem. I! JOU are 1ick 61/tw1 yOu take out thia policyt you wU rt ill ·. k eotvend f.or that eondftio' after-the poliq bu betn in eft'ect ·tor 2.,-ean. Of courwL mhnll'lhile every""° condition ia ·inl-m.- IUi:Cfff..-COYered. ;: i How aut tlteM .ba,.Pla Jew rotes buy so much? You en b\1~0w&h;]I blsur111oea.t.~Um.e and pay th• replu --rat:n. u,o.-Un7ti1dintiil caitnow· provide ycu ~ your entire family with""$100.00 a>'Wedc: tax-free lneome Protac. tion at special loW' r~atu onlt beuU"" we enroll a larr• lltimbe.r_: of people at one time dirsct 6:r ma.i.I/ Th.it bl,hly efficient "J(a.u Enrollment" od dllta·eo.ts to the bone -aiul tla """" ., .. .;.s.pGtHdn.t.110.·1 : • • ' '• Make your d.Clalott ~a,.fulJY " Think.hbw.cosUy a hospital o:inADtm.ent'will be. Imagine payini' for tho• iQdiapenaable x~raya, doCtor hiµ., medicin¥ u d drua:a that ate t&O,& covered bJ your pf'llil!nt inamuet:. Would.you be able to a.fr-or4 the Quiet Ind J?rincJ of "Privllt. rooiri ~a.private DU.Tiil, should )'OU. IO d•1N! Or a telephone to'k'eep_in touch with lovedonea? Orth• rental ot a TV set to help • Piii' th• lOil.ely hours? Who would pay yoa.r bill• that kaep oD caminr ift at home! Many folk.a have lost their life savings, their oan,'even their homes tryinr to meet auch u:penus. And no one bow• whOM turn it will bl nut. . ~~ 1~'" Cid hfor• the. deadline date 1llow11 In· th entlillm•nt 'form -just a· few day1 from today Why must you act before the deadline! Beeauu, u mentioned above, we must receive 1fOU1° Enrollment F.orm ih.e 111wu timr QI aU tlu otMre in order to pus on to you the uvinp tbat come from proc:u1ing many policies at 011.« ti'll'u: Medical Costs Skyrocketing! (S11rce, U.S. Deot If Hoaltll, Edauu11 l Wottartl 200 lg57.·59 = 100 / 180 ../ Hospital Daily 160 Service Charges • ~ -·l•O All MediCll .. __,._ ...... 120 -------------• -- 100 Phy&kians' Fees .................. _.. ......................... IQ I Prescriptio~s and °":'KS I ' 1962 1963 1964 196S 1961 1967 ~'' Otpq"'"""' et H•al!~, fd.-Cll'li• ...it ~tlfert ~JM 5.curlt.)181.11/tti"" J11/}I JH7 Covt. fl.a-uru reveal your preae.nt health protection ... may ftO JongU' ,n-oUct yoK ager.Wt today'• riling medical costs/ Don't leave your loftd ones de.fenae· lcs! I Act at once to add up to il0,000.00 to your health proteetion. We mail you the policy a1 soon as w1 receive the Enrollment Form. When the policy arrives, examine it in the privacy of your own home. Take all the time you need. It's a very ah.ort document, and you'll be pleasantly surprised to discover there ia NO FINE PRINT. Then -111.ow it, if you wi.th, to 1onu10Jte you truit. Per- hapa y.Jur lawyer, accountant, or banker. Better 1till -1h.010 it to yoKr oWJt Utiurunu m.an,, , et1111 tlwug1' A• tlUI,. t11r11 t~·ell b• 11.iorkint1 for anotMr i111MTGWC1 eomponr/ U he i1 a personal friand ha ha1 your best intereata in mind. So JOO. can believe him when hi tells you there ia no better barrain a-railable any. when -at &GJ price! Money J,ack 9uarant--4n caH you change your mi nd Eft!I altar ycil mail your Enrollment Form below, .. e.ven after 7011 examlna the policy in 7our own home and talk it over with an7one 7ou wl1h, .• even after all this you &N 1till ff'M to return the pollCJ' Within 16 dayl •nd 1Vef1! j)~IUl.f ro• J10id toiU b• N• /KMded !JC 01tC1. There will be no obligation whaten:r. Meanwhile, .n durinr tbe 15 daJ'I JOU are making up your mind-)'OU'll be protected hr $100.00..A~WEEK u:tra c11h bene- fl.ta j111t 11 if you had already said .. ,. .. " That'• right, yon will be fuil7 coYered all thia tinie for any acddent 'Which puta yon in the boepital, eTI1n if you ftnally decide to return the policr. · Howenr, alter you've eeen lhe policy for JOUrHJl1.1ou will 1urely qree that tbia ia a tremendoua Yalile 1111d JOD'll want to continue tllie $100.00·A-WEEK extra cuh prote.ction under the Plan that'• beat !or you. 'LAN I -INOIVIOU"'S) ONLY PLAN: Ir you want to cover younelf-or yonrtelf and one or more adult dependenta (includinr your t1pou1e) -then this ie the. Plan for you. Each penon muet be 18 or over, and 1h11l pay (per pent0n) the rate applicable to his or her age. NOTE: Where the.rt. al"tl no dependent.a, PLAN J is the most economical 'to chooae for a huaband or wif• (or both). THESE AU TQUI 'LDW UTIS .............. ~ .• ,..,,.,,_. MCOf'lllflile .. ............... '"'"' Ast 1t tnreltmellt lrrlontl'llY ''*"'"'!ft 11-39 .••••••• onty $3..515 40-4,, ••••••• only $4...95 ._,,, • • • • • • • cint; $S..IS 60-74 •••••••• Ollly $635 75 •nd OYll' ••• Ol"1 $&.15 SAVE EVEN MORE (onr 8,.1) hr paying at quarlerlJ, ltial! 1ear or 7urly rat.ea, sent with poliCJ. PLAN II -IAMILY PLAN WITH MATIRNITY Thia plan it for the famU, that 11 eUU CTOwinf. To the total O! The Presidential· Extra Income flan 11401 ftOOMY*lt li¥d .. Phil•dllph~ ..... TM "9eldenth• Ufa lntuttl!CI ComPI.,,. cf Am1rlc1 {HOITll Office: Chlueo, 111\llOI•) eani11 full 1'11•1 merwff IOI'" the ~ M ell pollq""'*' eM .. LICINKD JY THl ITATl 01 CAUroRHSA. the snonthly pnimia.m fw th1 adlllta to be insured, jq• add $6. Thia entiUu you to all mat;ernlty buleftts. Jt al10 eovers alJ JeU"I' unmarried, dependent children bttween th• area of I ll'IOfttll• and undtr 19.yuri who live at honM. Fatun dependent ehlllten will be OOTlred when they reach a months of •rt and without U, ach!ltfllnal Ch&J'lt. 'LAN Ill -IAMILY Pl.AN WITHOUT MATl/llllT'f Th\1 plan ia tor th• tamJlr that i1 ·no lon11r rrowlns. To th. total of the montb'ly premium for the ada.lt.a lO bl irl•oml, Jo-t 1 add" ». With uception of dilldren 7el to bl bom, PLAN 111 t coYen au.your a.nmarried, dependent chlldren bet.'lll'eu ibe ec-~ 6f I mcm.Ui& aad au,du.U_,.,. ~ lin at ho-.. H0re TIM rtfllllr Metil:Ny l"rton9'1M 1fMMon '""" (1-r )'9llf ... ~ tlf'lte el • *"ltOll!MftlJ .. tr. UllM '°"' P'..,.,..11' _)IOU .. II~ -~ ..... -1, aut-ltu!fy ~-")'Ml,_ tr...; ......... ~ ... ~ OM.a '°" "-" tfl1oll-«. '°"' flt4 un -lit c'l'l•oa• Mftf.1 Of Mtio 11111d! er h-oft"" )'111 OOli.r """" VS -If llK•11• tJ ll._,... ... -. bill on\' If th•re te a l"ft••I niil ~. llP or le-. on lft POlkltn If 11111 .,,. .. ,.... .....,. .a.. . ' . Act ,...._,,,,.,,.~, Illa)' .. foe,.,_, t 'J'J!i!E IS PRECIOUS! Actquickl!I (No'1&le11nan will ttll.) Cet I your enrollmtnl form. h~to U. mai toddr wit.It )'O\lt ft"t. monl~'•• pre.n1ium according to Ute pfa11 yo• chooH. Remember, J')u mU:.t ·' be compltt.tly utlafted or rou.r monty •~I be refunded. Hut JO• must act rirht now. Rtmember, onet fn nfftr an accident or alckne:u, lt'a TOQ LATE''° b\17 ptottttlon at curr eotL n et .. wh7 '" ar.p Y'IU t& ad today -1't/0tw &n1thlns unuptdtd ,.......,, ' .. w-,-..,u,1M . Rustlers' RacehOrse :off en:se. Rips OGG; 94 .. 75 ~ i".,. -., . , ,ii,.~··· Davis HighJ;X · P~ased i , I , . ' _-4\ptea~ers:~1s~--~sli · ! 1 . ' • :Riverside.,: 1·06-78 By EAIJL GUSTKEY ef "9 O.llr Plllt Mlfl' lt. wu a raa:ed, f9Ul·infesled ba!ktt· )all •-· but UC Irvine wort by 21 iDQinta and that's the way Dick Dans likes 'em. "They quit and our JUYS were really humming," the UCI coach remarked 'after watching his Anteaters rack up Visiting UC Riverside Tuesday nlj:ht, lQl-71. Davis was unusually elated after ·the l'OUt. UCR arrived at Irvine with a three-game win streak and sitmed capable of knocking off .UCI. "That's lbe best Vve felt about a eame in a 1on1 time," Pavia continued. "I was worrW:d akk about this game. !Jut (Mike) Heck.man wu his old 1e1f tonight. I could tell we were ready to play." Nnt for Irvine, now 1&.5~ is Chapman t'riday o.Ia:ht in Crawford Hall. JI WU a total effort Tueaday by the .:Anteaters, who never traDed. 'Ibey even prevailed with top scorer Jtll .Cun-Jtln&bam playing .... than hall the pme. SUU. be scored 13 points. Cunningham picked up bis fourth foul "1th z: :ia lo eo befor• halfllm• and fouled Olli with 1:51 lelt. Jt wun't until the final 1& minutes of the 1ame. thlt the officials put away llltir _ whlsll<o and the Irvine rac<l)onl attack had lbe llllhlandtn blurry-<yed. Even Davis' ruerves were .soorinl al .. w in ll!e atr<tdl. . The· oWclals called a dlstreasinc 5S foul!:. Heckman made 10 ol. tu1 charitJ lo6Bes and acored 24. Tim Tift'• UCl fn>Bli beat Riveraide lo lbe prdtminary. ~. At no time ,_..as Irvine in trouble. Rivti-side closed to within 31-29 in the fi(st h a I f but UCI quickly raced "away lo 31·29. UCR started the a:ame u 11 finilhed it -. ice -cold. It took the H.lghlandera four-and-a·half minutes tp scOre .: field goal and the second one didn't oomc unui 11: 47.rtm.Wtd in the first half. oc •1vw1i... un ""''" J S J II ' l ' 11 I t l 2 ' s ' 17 I I I 4 2 1 ' ! • t 0 2 l I 1 1 l 2 I t 2 I I 11 """ 7' UC! ,,_ (If) ........ UC• ,,....,, un ""'' .. 7 ' ' II Sl9'1hcrn 1 I I I Sr:o!T ~ llllEVl nl Wlllll S 5 4 15 F.tbCll"d Fl* f J 2 :rt YarOrlNn Strock I 1 2 J Milo Moe,. I J S IS R11111n W1i..tr,.,1n I l 3 l 11.rm ti! 1 . 4 I J. ' J I l I! ' • s ! S 4 I 14 l 2 J • TW1l1 1" 1"I %3 1' Jal1l1 fl 17 2' Sf ~lfl\ITll Kirt: UC FroJll U. UC.It f roab 1'. They Laughed at Busby Before the Plane Crash Then was a thne when rival man11ers med to lauah at P.iatt Busby's claim that his Manchester United reserves wefe u good as his first unit. . That was before the plane crash. .. ~After the airliner carryina: the soccer tMm crashed on takeoff at Munkb. eirport., Bu.sbf's boast got the acid 'test. Bight firlt team 'Jllayers had perished fD tbt 11161 disaster and . two others wtre '° badly crippled they never played 11Pin-··B111by survived the ordeal, regrouped . WHITE WASH ••••••••••••••• 01.IHM WHITll Ids dicimated team -blending in the rtsttvea he had always touted IO highly. 'Two flights after the wreck, Man- c~ester United played a 11me with Shtf .. field Wednesday . It was the .rim test f<ir Buaby. And as Costa ~tesa. resident Brian M:c:Cau&hey recalls, "everyone expected them to get clobbered. Jt was ': creat ~g of courage that thty even went tiltouiti with the game." · But Machell<r United did £0 through with the 1ame, as llCheduled, and took • 1-4 shutout victory. A few days later Busby's fellows hosted (:olts Laugh, But Jet Loss .. Still Smat18 LOS ANGELES -The kiddfn& wu ioCJd.natured but ft WU obvlu lbe woundl are d,.p !tr NoUooal hoUJoll uacu• ptayen r.tlowtnc the .N.,. Y<rk Jra' 11-1 triumph .,., 8"lllmon in 11uoday'1 Super BowL The belt of the NFL '1 · but · were gal.hfnd 1t the 1nmial Pro Bowl Jun-. ....... polntln& towards Sur\da1'• 11th &1111uar tu1-w..,t All-Star •-· • 1\llled Inter Milan from Italy. And again 1 slaughter was apparently in the offing. But a1ain Busby's fonner bench came throuJ'h and . ?i-fanchester United earned a: tie . · '1Eyeryooe thoutht it was fantastic -utterly unbelievable,'' says McCaugbey, a naUve of Ire.land and now eoacb of the Coast 1tan1er1 aoceer team of ·the Orange Coaat area. He continue!, "When United went to Milan for the rtturn rame the Italians pVe tfi,em a tremendous ovation. They evea.. booed their own team for the · tacUCs ft used. United !Mt, but wan the adrrilratlon of the Italians.'' Italians are enremely partial to their hameiJtiwn ·products and it's an in- credible deP.ArtlJre fram. tradidon when .they put an ouUldtr over the hometown · 1adl in any ahowlnc ot eattein or ap- preclaUon,. l\'•ttonal Jllob Aln. BaUy'1 wOllder bd by llOlJ become utloul Moll t. U.e drtlt11t. -~ whl lato play for .... &tUdi O:IJ, a ...... llltttSI tlory ...r.t """ -..,,.. by a fafrylaad-Db eiMllq wMdl we11;1d aee 1tlancbt1ter tlllllool --..... ploa. However, Jc dldl't •U:lte work that way u United Mwtd ta tbt 1eJDlflnal1. SUU, It wu a tremendov1 credit to lloaby'1 •ila<llle1 -,. ud ablUty lbl tltt k1111· UouY • • well -w that It weald evU .c:omtaaa; to fu.itctlon after lbtcn9'. Recelll... Crula Recallinc Ill< inctdtllt, the plane was trylnc lo lob oil in a 1110Wst«m and baa to i.bort two 1ttempts to &et down die nmw1y fa 1 t enough to become ilrbome. 'l'be third try resulted In the accident. ,Busby -ranly dillCllll the """k but ·he.never seeme1 reluctant to travel .,,. ·air. A, • ., ... be "U knillhled by ~ ... EUi.tbeUr when Manchester United woo UJo· .......... cbampiooshlp. Tod4Y be announced that ht win ttttre ft9iD · coacbloJ this l(lrin1, bringtq lhl end_ "I .. colarfal and hflhly producUve career. ,, . I.lid lhal -will probably ... -led Ii)>, rliiol -wfth a l!ih ol ,..lit! -ndt tht laujhttr they .... kntw ~. Bmby ollfmed hll rtSeMll were u rood u lllo nnt tam. Amhro'lich's . Sharp Play ~ ~~~WC .• )ly Ji1t1. ilcmrARS J Of -'~Ir Hit Miff 'It WU, a toao:: U.. oomlnf, but Dick 8lricklln ..,.r lila ()olden WMI ~ . .. DAIL. Y f"ll.OT ....... ., R.lclllN ""'IW • . . BACKsOAAD. BATTL>f;,... Sc'rambllng for position tp-get rebound are Goldett West's.Brt'an Ambrozich Ru stlf;!rs' i4-7a victory Tuesday night. Jn back· ground ls referee George Selfridge, who was forced to call game alone when the other official didn't show up. · (5Z) and Paul Kordik and !lie Orange Coast duo <>( Phil Jordatl arn1· Tim S~yer (10) during the . .. • Sports In Brief Penny Ann Set To Gei Mount .. :Aussies Boo Panclw; At Santa Anita ARCAlilA (U~I) -ffionde-balred, biue;efed· Penriy Ann Early has isktd for 1 chance to ride ·at Santa Anita and:the ,pparenlly is goif1$: to get it. Eas.tTrips West,124-112 ;1be pritty 25-year-<ild divorcee -.M to be the nation's first wOnian jockey. TueSday she ·uked lbe Board ol StewlU'd.I· for a license to ride aR:ainst male jockeys in regufu races at lhe track here. Peruiy ill not eligible for Sn apprenlice jockey license because of ·her age. The 5-foot·S, lIJ.pound horsewoman rettived a license to J',ile in Kentucky last fall bot a boyCott· of jOckl!iys prevented her from competing at ChurchiU Downs. She says w.g., wUI be dilfmnt Jn California. ~ "I've been assured'·by, •cf<lzt!l-jockeys htre that they will .rtde· "'!nit me." P"1JIY ' saioj. ''.At leaat 'tbty'!t !filllng to live me '• chlnce ~:~· , , Santa Arilta hu·<!onltracted &.-IGcker room .and ·show•¥ Jor ctr! .Jo<U11.' alld ti!< Joclcif Asobdatlon.. 'ID J!blcb - of the 'lop ~ in t1>e'.1\f0il,'k)On(, &&YI It .;ID p>e '.&lil rtdtr -wftli ;die proper •allllfty -air ~PiiOrtvnlty 1o -make ooa ·· .··· ., 1 Bel.,.. Ml~· .Dr.ec1 In• reilllarr1ct, P...,-W\ir b.\' ~ b7 lho·.~il&r\f• to · brtak a borae ·l!'Olil the. ·~tarllng 1ale lh -the "'6i~ qi. ~ leiit lwo o!het bone1. • 1 -. .. • ' . ' . . ' SYDNEY - F 0 r m e. r wi>rld tennis o....,ploo paoobo Gonialel . of Loo Angelea ·ff as booed by t he crowd at the While City tennl.s courta Tuesday when he stOzintd , off the court in the middle or the mm•a ()pen double! chjl~ pionshlps "' New .South Wales. "I'm tired, l quit; tbe~'s too miJch tenr.ts for 'me," GO"nzales said after he forfeited his doublel: tnatch with.Spanhird Andres Gimeno asafo'sl ·Manuel Or~s and Andres ,Muiioz,. also o! Spain. - Gonzalel!i 0and1Gln'le~ won.the fil'!t set, 6-4, but Gonzaleti stalked off the couti after hi-: side dropped lhe second set, J:J.15. • • BALffilORE -RJchJe Gverirl.,coadi Of the lot1ln1 Welkl'1' Division '8am, told tlit. 1Jory tf die tt&b 1n11a11 NaU~nll Bl~tball Auodatlon AU.SW 1ame before It "'" played. 1'W 11 • (Olcor) RobertHa and (Earll AIOll'M 1&ardml, tH EM& Us nto re flrepoWer a& plrd thin we do," H 1ald. ··11 wt: cu hold their panf.1 to Ii pO/tls (between Utem) Instead of 45, wt c•• wla." Olmr-IC.'Wd M polnt11 E1rt . leered 111 o.car ctD.cttd die tropby for most "'.htabl~ pJirytt, ud ~ Eu&· Wot trae 11mt, IM-IU. la tlle ·lul .,.arttt, RobaUoa eu>• . .. . . . . off lbe btncl lo Join M,;,,,,.. Tri. w..t led, K:f4,. but Robertson · scored oe 1 couple of three-point p1.y1,1 •.lole. Some )luif:1, and the Eat i:an away wUla the a:ame. • • . .' SYDNEY, Australia -:-Rod La.Yf! pf Corona del Mar, favored to : win the New South Walea Open. Tenrl!S Cham- pionships, advanced .to the quarter-finals by be1Ung Ray Moore d South. Africa 6-3, 6-2, 3-L • • • INQLEWOO~._ pma Into J»lt, K bppeoed. Tit< Klnp ...... Red KeUy11 clu~ aceonipU1tred It agitnrt i.· New York Rul!ri' rtl<lday alp~ paW.1 •ff a 3-1 victory .. a pair at roa11 by sm •eowboJ"·neu. T b t win bad to m~ lt•llr.. !Oappy. Loi Anltitl had a IOU1'(aiftt loOJq alrtlk. a HV""llllle wlnli11 •trtli''llftd llad woa only ence In 13 tries llace o.c. 15. ' . • •• • N~W YORK -The small college basketball power mce .Jmown •-Neyada Southern ·~ 'operatln1 under • new oame but the RlbelJ are· still up to their old way1 of. lmprovJllg their atature and ---teen beQtd tflelr -victor)' -OnnP CoMI Collop, -' fJll bY Ulo -. ff.75, Totldq llllhl lo a'Wlld utl wooll1 cmlal. ~ who had never ...., hll club '-!fllhtn 1$ points of Orange Coll! In foUr previous lrf .. , W83 neatly _.,.... afttr the • ..,.. 11< admitted he was worrttd durtn& -al the clash and pnlaed forward Brian Ambrozlch, the moat compooed and effective player on the Ooor in I ragged but Q'.ctUnl game. "Ambmfch loOu lib ht has ann1 seven feet long," Stricklin aald. Am- brozlch'1 arma aren't qYI..,, Uaat Jong, bqt ~· •llU inMed lo &eOft r: points, !of>*' lb. the Pm<. •od-haul· down 11 reboul1ds. . ''We JUB;t dldr;l't play well," aaJd Orana:t qiut's'lfej<cted"°och Bob Wetzel. "We came bact twice and had plenty <>I opportunities, but we llls\ couldn i put the ball In 1111. b!oliket. • occ shot 39.7 plrttnt !tom II-floor -·Goldu Wert fired at a Iii.I clip. , The game itself was like fight bet.ween a s1118itr ml I ~ lljhter. Tino tlme1 Golden w,.i Dattened Orange Cc>aat ·wtth a violent ICOrln& flurry on1J to have ·the Plra.teJ jib tbefr way baclr: into cOotentlon wltb some fine defensive work. ' Tht tlW<f time the Pirates bo\>nCtd back into Contention was wJtb 5:27 r&o mairUng as they natTOWed an 11-point deficit to seven, 80-73. A tenacious fu~W1 presa by Oran1• Co4st caused G<>lden West Jo make five turnoveil in the nut Zit mlnufll, but the Plralta repeatedly mfsRd euy ac:ot• . • In( opportunities. ...,.brozich, Oii \h< btn<:h at this tlmt with -a Cut riear hit e>'i, 'returMI tct act!On, giving the Rustlers cOntrot of the boards and 1 chance to fut break and cherry pick easy baskets. Golden West rattled off 10 •trllsht polnts, sl1 of them by Mark Campbell, · to lock up the game. · Earlier, the contest was delayfd hair an hour by a missing.official, who. never did find hll way Into the Oranp Coart ·gym. And whtn play atarltd It looted Jike there was .only one team oft the 0-for the firll six mlnntts. Goldtn Wert shot oil lo a li-2 lead as Oranp Coss\ mfsRd Its 1ir1t nlno ahots~l!nd dldn't bit.from the floor until 5:53 had expired in the'contest.' Tht Pirates baUled bac~ lo cut tho miirgtn lo ZZ-20 In 1'ss than ..,,.,, minulel, but Gold<n Wat. put on another blitz_ lhll one IM, and K waa 37-M 'with 3:29 lo .. lri the hall. Again the Plrate1 battled boCk, ·and qnly a long Jmnper by Ollie Mirlin, just before the buzzer enabled the Ru!tleni to have a slx·polnt margin 1t the hall 44-38. ...._ Wnt lfO ,ori.ite U.•I llll ''"''.. ""''"' C1rnpblll Mlrll~ Mllltf" Ptyni.r Kordlk Pr1fller o ... ,.,._ HtrO'lns .......... 6AIU S1lr1r :tlJt J lflfl11r1er 2tl4 SIJll KLnHi.., l:tJll I I 0 O P'l1Mrty I I I I 1 I I l J1Cl)blel'I t I :t 11 6 0 I 17 Sdlt!'mertlol'11 I I 0 O l:tl,·McC1rllfl 1111 a10 1 H1nltl'lllla 1111 s I J 1e S1Jc~i.1111111r ' j 1 ' llll'ftJO<Can c 1'11 .. ,_. .,., Tolf1J' t1 12 Tl IA Tot1l1 31 1' 11 71 Htffllm. KOrW: Gokfen WQf 44 Or-CO.I & College Cage ·Results Wt rt Oregon 63, Portland 15 Boise State 75, Eastern Oregon 17 Cal Western 67, UC San Diego A Cal Aggtea 56, Chico St8.te 47 Western W ashlngton &4; Portland st. i8 · Cal Western 17, UC San Diep U 'Ptpperdlne 83, St. JOMph'J 71 Cal Lulheran 84, Biota 76 Azusa 120, Cal Poly (SLO) 101 S,atU. 71, Oklahoma City 73 Earl MornH, the Coltl' 101tnc QU&rterback, received a warm ov.IUoci wl)<lt tolroduced. •voa look put.• Ahl · muter ff "'i.!znanli,a Frll!ll< Bull. "I wllh I fell ... ,~ ", ~ Morrall. omlliOI wukly. "Bui JOI .._\ diuie 49ers Lose _ Spi~$~'.to~ :lndi·a.na · anllgontzlng the oppoollfon. _ , . UC• Jrvlnf ii rpt rl!lke<!. . ; • • Tht ""-hot>Rtbtlo, ....,.ntly renamed Unl..,.,,ity ol li .. ad1, l.u V"u, ·ran their """"' ....,.rd lo lt.l rat Saturday ,.;ghl· and ·ll>ed lht UM1 -'I-of VO<tland St.alt lo .,,... lnlo .the No. z po&itio"'-JW lht la tat ""'1111 . '11~1 . F.at Columbia 103, ~etown (DC) a St. Jooeph'a (PL) IQ, Watd>ater • Brandeb 73-Suf!olk 70 ~,. 8oll6 -ICClftboard... . Al for tho -........... -l&il, ...... Fl to .,.., • 1"' ....... W•'ll bl fadnl J><lllt -. • .•llo(rall "'"' .... Loo klCelol 'Ramo· -Glllriol Will ....,..._ Ilia 'fl'°L Don Mndlth of the Dll!aa ~ and ....... ,..,._ .. - Ycr1<'1 Glanta will pilot 1be Sul. .. IJabrt<l WU Uttd ftr a predldlon milheProBowlout<ome. "Wtll," ll&ld Gabriel, "I prtdJcte'1 lht llapll would pity In I b 1 lulllf Bolt! alld Iha ColU would clobber the J<la. "' kl< a Pro Bowl pftdielf<n, l don't want to stut Ult new 'ear elf wrortc.,. t.d!IG UACll -Cll 8tal• !Lone ......, ... Don -!lad .... "1H C """ 'elf -.. lbe bid ......... -nlm tam lhll al- --llfJrt 11111 wlll not bl -hie to Ibo.Jaw .... acboal lhll .,,.. Gaml>rll learned Monday fllCbl 1hlt f!f!llr, tbo Saola Clara lll!lh School ~ hll dedded lo <nn>ll at the UnlvlrlilJ ol'.lndlaoa. "H•'• the ~ nrtmmer In tht -Id.• G.nltinl'lokf the DAll.Y P1LO'I' tbfa. lllOnlllit. •''lie clllad me to ten mt ht had .rian,..t hll mind and would .. ) • • ~ l>. . . au.nd Ind... i..t.:ad of L'"1I B4ch Stalit. • . • "And H -'!Jbo~ II .. ihm'I WJ dlanco bt'll· RY.one. that clediloo. '11\<Y (lndlaO'IJ Dell' JWn back 1h+n ·-_.... Mid I ,._.. they dliL a·job olielbfblmonl6e-.• D.allna~~.Jab>a "Dor Cooillfllllin, ""°~ dlreded hil team lo tliit NCAA , &!fd MU IJldiJo{. ditnl- plonahf\ls tut year, caUM Sptb ''lhO l"fl.teil . awtmmer evtr to <:<mt out of the high ~:" • Spitz bolifs lhrff world .and lwo Amtrtcan........,. in lbe buUtlfly llrot.. .. . . Al Sanll Clara be ..i .nallonll adlolutlc ..-di for lOll, 'lio· and 400- Jatd f?tcllyle; 0 l*yafd buUorfly and :o»1anf tndtvlduat)ftedr.,.' IJ• "''"" Oil lhi: 1111 U.8. otyinp!c ~p ~and lllOGit'ter ft<09iyle .,tay '1Alllm1, -a ~ medal In the flkn<ler. bu!tedly llld a •bronze medal in Uie tjG-mtter ~e. Rt w o n ·five 1'0 I d ·medala in lht 1"7 P1inArt1!rlcdn pmu. 1Undtr present 1111U1 Spits wouM ·.be •llcible '"" . Ml\Y C<lllplUtlon in Februa,Y 1f/t. · · ' 111naf\ <Ollei• raUngs. . Ktntucley Wesleyan, IUIOll-looC llllCO -, bel4 an lo )he No. I ralinr for the alxtb coneecutlve weet. .n. Panlhtn (1114) 1ot M flnl plKo 'OjM "'"' • lolal of 32t points. ' • • • " South Carolina 71, El'll:IM 11 N011b Carolina Ill, Geori11 Ted! 'It C..ttnary 74, l.oYola (La.) • Eul Carolina 75, RI~ • -todiano rr, Norttnrtllern,. Wlscooaln •• Minn<eola ll Druo •. Cl1>dnn&U ff Iowa 17, Mldllpn SI. 7$ Ken~ SL 9', Fruklln IT Donilon ti, Ol1lo ,Waleyan II Oberlin M, Muakincum 41 •·••wtlft. llfl;e 71, 'ICU 84 Te111 Md.I 'II, .SMU II (OT) Seattle 75. otlaboma City a i I ' 11 ' l I' ., I. I 1 " ·1 l ' ' " ' . • -- ' - .. • • J!f DM.Y Pll.Of • ~. JMl8l7 U.1969 Huntington Defense Chokes Off Marin ,55-41 - TIED-UP ...., A 1r1o of 1ifo?ina defenden elooa oH l{uDungton Blah~ Lee W;Jtea dmjnc. Tues- ' 4-y illthl'• ~ Leque~ GuanUD1 for Ibo Vlk .. are Kipp Baird (22), ·Buddy Moen (20) and Rick Mosier (20). Huntington romped, ~· ' . ' . . Gardher Hits Lions A~complish T cuk, Key Bucket - Smmh SA Valley, 92-66 ~:.~ v~~:~!~~ame kun Laguna Five Turns Cold, Bows, 54-39 Down by only three point.I after three quarters to teague-leadiUI FnothlD High Schoo~ the Laguna Beach Arttall hit a cold opell from Ille field In the loortb perind and dropped a M"1I cle<:bloo ~ dily night In a Cnstvlew Loque -~ bill game 1t the lolen' eomt. Defeat turns the Artists' leque rean Into a 1-2 marl: with a tesl al Tultln Friday -00 Ille ...,.ia. l..ac'.ma hid bpi clOle wilh Ill deliberate llyle of play thrOuP three qnartan ... a bal1ncwl ICGrinl -- 8ut tbl Invaders tacked up an JU morgln In lhe fourth perind lo pill ' l'flay handllJ. Center Bill 11o7d, a """""'""' .lfJf, the Kntgtla In -'ntl with II p;lols CID -field goalo IDlf three !no 1JrvWa. He --1a117 cludlY inside. • No ..,. ICClft>CI In double ~ for ~ Ltldlnc Ille ICOrln& .... Sllfl Klnlterman with nine wblle Mlft ~ followod ..tlh oll)ll. 'Ibo ,vtllll. Iller drooPinl -belllnd II .the tnd ol the lfrll -potlnd, pl..,..r the Knl&bta even lllroaCb Iha -11111 third frames. * ..... -....... _, .. -.....L. ,. • " " ,. "' ~ .. i···.....,_ ltlll = . • ,. • 0rtw111 • 1 • a """'""" t J • ' ..,., • J ' 11 1J11r""" 1111 ,.._. 1lJICMl'MI lllt ...... 1111-..-••11 ,.,._ l 1 1 r • ..,..,_ I 1 I 1 llltla 11111: ~ ... ,,,, .. l-.._.,,.,,. a..:r'n it ' -" klffii" II II 11 11 -U were led by Jeff Powers (24), Dan Brnderlck (19), Darryl Berg (ti), Randy Combs (10) and Dave Delfs (10). Valley's l·Z..2 zone left a little to be deslred, as Delfs and Randy sm:allwood found Powers underneath the bWel conllnuously for eaay layups. The flrat th""' Umea Weatmlnster got Ille ball In Ila frool court, II took a &otal of 12· shots at the basket hitting only three. Howeyer from then on the Uona were deadly marksmen and dominated their offens.ite boards. Delfi. who played a complete game, led the Uons to a quick 2N advantage with hll ballhawking, after Santa Ana Valley jumpe;! olf to a s.s lead. In thal lllttdi, Weatmlnster oubcored Valley, 17-1, belore the Falcons called • ttmeout. The Lions after grabbing the lead at 7.g never trailed again and led by u many as 29, D.m in the fourth perlnd. Sherman Thomas led the Falcons with D . points before fouling out wlth one minute lo play. lhe brink of defeat to post a hair ralalnt SJ.51 deciaJon over Orana:e Tuesday after- noon at the winners' court in a Crestv!el't' League basketball battle. Victory gave coach Pat Roberts' quintet a 2-1 league mark while hapless Orange lw yel lo win in lhr« starts. Jf was Tom Gardner who stole the show, for the winning Diabloa · as the aeaior forward hit a IO.footer with IS seconds left In regulation for the winning point.\. Previously he had tied it with 1:23 to go on a six-footer. Mission Viejo was forced to Cilme from 15 poinla behind with f1ve minutes left In the fourth quarter after the Panthers had made a bold bid to tum the llblea on Ille bosts. However, a man·to-man pressure delene' and some clutch free throw 11hoot!ng · brought the DiablOI from behind. · In · the fourth period, Mission Viejo ap11111...i by hlWng IUCCeSSfdlly on lour one-and-00e situations. Gardner was high for Mi&Bion Viejo In scoring with 16 while Rudy Holmes (U) and Jerry Gloster (10) followed. Holmes did most of hia acorin& in the flrsl ball while picking up four personal foula. HI! went out in the third perlnd with his filth. MIW. \l'f.t.rt ~f'll Orllltt 1~1 n '',. r-trdN!f ~ • l 1a Gosw\!llr J I I I Gtosltr 4 I J 10 Ct!n ~. l l "> "'.~~!' \ • l • '"""" it l 5"°'ter Oll? t4ol"* 2 J 11 Ht....,r I I I 10 ~.J..._ l\llHttlY ~111 .. ,~ii"" 1i l:..:: It~ ~ 1T ,: 1: Ml•llll \IJ<o ll U 6 H. -Sl Or.,... 20 1 1' 1-SI Christensen Scores 33, Tritons in 6648 Victory lly 81'EVE EKOVICH ., .. _.., ...... '''" Cdc CristeDRD pumped in S3 point11 to I. his ·San Clemente tea1nm1te1 to'la tMI victory over VIiia Park Tues-di.Y' aftemoon 1n a Crestview Leaiue -beld at the Trllon gym. ~ belfed 15 field goato and tlnt tree"" throwa, and It "'" his cagey de(-...... that CO!llrlbuted h<avily lo bll Oulllandlnl perfonnence. Villa Park Wll MVU In the game. AllOr radni lnlo a llM lead early .. Ult flnl quan.r. Christ .. ..,, exp!nded wttb four conltOrtin bucket.a In a llttla mcra than a mlnula lo bury the Sporlana, IM. Villa Park mlde a meager comtback, but aotni Into the IO«lnd eight mlnulel san celmenll led. 20-10 . Alllr the Trlt<m belled lhe boopo 1or • ..... I>O(nta 1n the ......i qumer whlls llr ... Uni lhe VIiia Pull ollena.. San Clemente grabbed a1 lnvlnc:lbla 40-tl ,.., h1lntme bulge. ViUa Parlt: unglued it.Mlf In the le(Olld half and outscored the TrttoM. .l»4, but San Clemente'• nr.t halt stampede had alreldy done Ila dlJntie. In !bat !Int hall the Trllona took 37 Sholl It lhe basftl and puobed 17 ol them lhroulh the hoop. while Villa Park c:ould control Ille ball only long enough lo attempt 17 bas~ell and hit oo a dismal four. Besides Christensen. Sal Lombardi was Ille only other Trilon lo _. lnlo doublo f""""' He collected 1J. LM ci.-i. 1 .. 1 Ylllt .. " ... ,.,_ ~-~"' ~.... l ' f 1 ~:I.::'" ~lft 1111 F!~' ff?j~ ,,. .. _ ·\ ! j " r:&... L,..,.,,.... It •:= I ~-It JI 11r. T1;ll" It 1111 .. ...... "hirfWI lt11 Clitftlellflt :le 1' 11 1-M Vijiol 1"11• 11 I l~.N-• i 11 !l Dangerous Anahe~~,~~~f fo.r Qilers ... GI.INN wmn: ................ .......... A ..... that bu -I chilJ Into Ille bearll of -Clrup °"'1>ly f--.... .,..y ... ""' -•• dlqer lo Huntlnlloe -lll&h'• tlolllldhlc -~ liNAU>lll -...... u Ibo Oilln """ Coloolato ,_. Upofl tltne for their "'°"clown Pr1<1oJ nl(JIL Thi battle of SuDle& unheateDL was Ill up Tuad"Y nlll>I when 'lllmllnaton DllCle lmb ol alwoyo dlnprout Mlilna, IMI, before 1,IGO Wis In Ille Oller pm. VlclorJ pve coach Elmer Combo a 3-0 loop record, aame as APAheim's, and rt-wried an earlier 1elbact 1t the handl ol cnoch Lule Ol!on'• Vlkinp. The wlo Ibo kept the Oil City's im- preulve streak ot conaecutlve circuit lriwnpl!i alive. llrtldll"' II lq !O. Abel It lmP'"~ Ille -~ lo IJ.J. ComlMI WU plealed witJi. llio vi<t«y1 findJnl apeclJI prlfle Tor Ille ealln -defenalvelY Niii •1l"""1t CJill Mark ml~ field Ind Lee Wallul lee lhelr oflonolve accompll<bments. Walttn. a junior, was tomollUn( ebo. He pourod :Ill pnlm, IMHICI> Ille nets, muocllng tiuwgb for sbql alter shol . ~th· llil ~·~ Abel be playid • hus.Ulng game aereutvely. He wu a constant reminder of a fabulous junior ol a yur qo -Roy Miller. I Whllfleld was allo lbarp. He continued to plague Marina'• defenee, popping in ahota from the corner, then exploiting a lap&e and driving for an easy buellne basket. Huntington had an W1WIUlllY good night. The Oilers had only lix turnovers (MarinJ had 14), Ind lhtff of U- m.ist&ktl came in the f1na.I lour mJmria when tbe verdict WM aa!eUy tutted nay; . · .. • MarW nev• led and Olloo'I farct1 got Into trouble th< first 1:11 ct the game when Dick Ivie picked up three fQU!a, then got his fourlh shortly beforo lho !Wf. • -llllol 0 -lf'i"1 the fioor wblle·lhe losmpOtted 11.t,.._L So now it'• the showdown at Anabelm with the No. S and 4 ranked teama in Oralll• COunly locking horns. " .. " .... (Ill ...... ,. ' 1 "I Str•"°"' 1 I IVlt s 3 , Mnltt t • ' 81Jrct lf12Moll 16l2'11MOI<! Ill~\!,~ •1• 1111-.. u " lJ 11-.ss La Quinta Dumps Estancia Short, Eagles Fall 48-47 \ BJ ROGEi\ CAR1.80N Of .. '*" , .... tllff A lut-aecood abot went awry for ~ Hlgb School and with It went tbe Jut.cap chance for a come-from. behind vlclcry Tutlday nighl u the Invading La Qulnll Alleca nipped the Eagl,., 41-47, in a nan-league basketbaU thriller. Despite the Joas, the Eqles completed their pre-league 1euon with a winning mark al f.7. Mc Williams, Doelz Spark CdM, 55-45 John Doelz1and Mike McWlW&m11 com- blned efforts to lead Corona del Mar H1Jh'1 ~ Kinp: to a 5'4 ooo-league basketball triumph over Long Beach Jordan Tuesday night at the winners' gym. It was the · final tuoeup for coach BUI Bloom's Sea Klna1 belon! opening batUe in the Irvine Leque Friday niahl. The defending loop clwnplnns travel to Loara for the lid-lifter, carrying a 9-7 prtseason mark into hostilities. Bloom was anythlng1 but impressed with Tuesday's wln. ''We played well in apuN," he commented, "but it wasn't one. of our better games. Jordan didn't play ''ell at all." Doelz, a 6-6 senior, came off the bench the first half ana scored eight points while McWllllams picked up a dozen for the host! and did a vital job · of breaking Jordan's attempt at pressing by bringing Ille baU up court. Corona del Mar broke away after a reasonably cloee fln:t quarter and the Sea Kings corithmed tO pull away until the final frame when they slipped out of gear. The Sea Kinp haa a cold night shooting, canning 30 percent of their shoLs from the floor. Chris Thompson also hit Jn double ficures for the wlnntrs, tallying a dozen. l• J .... R ti ft lH II .. -., 1 J 1 • ! ' . . ! ' • I ' 1' ' ' . I H II 4S Estancia had pulled up to the one-point deficit with 33 aecond.s left after trailing by sit: with 1:33 to go. Mike Shaunessy's free throw narrowed the margin \0 one and finally coach Bill Wetzel's crew took control of the ball with 12 seconds left. However, La Quinta forred a jump ball deep in ita territory with two second8 to go and when Estancia controUed the ensuing lip it required a hurried 5bot and that WU that. It was a see-saw batUe that saw the lead changing hana.s IO times and the ~ tied another five occasions. And, it was a battle that left a lot to be desired from the officials. On one particular play, La Quinta drove the entire length or the court on a f.ut break that included one case of stei)s, a kicked ball and an olfen!ive foul Yet no whistle blew. But Estancia had its chances - particularly in the fourth perkld wbtn the Eagles blew several shots fnnn the gratis line. 'Ibey missed m atrai&)tt attemp&a: from the free throw line in one aequence during Ille lourlh period. And, the Eagles lost their chief acorlne threat with 3:44 to go when Skip Williama fouled out. Williams was held to 1ix poinla duriaa the contest while Geor&e Barnett and Bill Dugas were leading the ICOl'iui column with 11 points each. •••• .a. (t1l ""'' '• LI i;;-llfl l•l """,. ' l 2 11 .I I s I • " l ,, 2 0 ' ' J I J 1 f I 1 2 I t 1 t 17 1• 211 .. ••rMlf Wlllltnu Hty1 Du DI• Ho1! I 0rllll $Jllollnfts1 .Tottll J I J II Na.,..ltlt 1 1 J ' Motlll 2 o o t St.Clllr 21411Dlleo I t l 4 Knotll'ful 211 61"'*t'MndH 11] ,......,_ 1' U 11 a Tflhlhl '°"'"~ E1t•Ml• 11 1' f t1 -II Lt 0Ulnt1 14 1! 1 \J -• Raven Doilhle-teamed Newport Turns to Ice, Loses to Western, 56-4() By STEVE ANDREWS Of rftt 0.111 rtllf tMff When the teams went into the locker. room at halftime, it appeared that the one who could outrun the other in the second half would be the winner. II didn't quite -out thal way though as the action slowed down in the finai 16 minutes with the Western Pioneers coming out on top of the Newport Harbor Sailors, 56-46 in a Sun.set League bask· etball game In Newport Tue!day night. Hustle, hustle and more hustle wu the name of the game lbe first hair as the t!amS raced up and down the .court with neither gaining the upper hand. • We.stem took a 3L·24 lead at halftime however, and never relinquished It again. Newport turned ice cokl from tbe field in the latter haJf of the eDCOUnter, hitting only three shots from the perimeter, It could manage just one bucket In the fourth slania, that com!ng wilb just 42 seconds left. The Pioneer• double-teamed Tar center Lee Haven with IUC'Celll, granting the Sailor star only foar field goals and seven free throws. Jeff Mallnoff was the other Newport player in double figures. He too, 1ot there only because of free throws. Malinoff picked up 11 poinU, seven of them on charity tosses. Glenn Nygard, the liUle Pioneer l'JU'd, broke the Tars' back time and •lain with his Ioog jumpers. Nyprd wound up the game high pointman with II. Dan Rafferty Cilntributed 15 markerit for the invaders from Anaheim. The win places Western in a first place ltandoff with Anaheim and Hun· tington Beach. AU have 3-(1 records. With the loss, Newport Harbor stays In a three-way lie with Santa Ana Valley and Westminster for the runntl'Up tpOt in the Sunset circuit. Wt1fwJ1 INI M..,.,i 1'41 ''"''" ,.,.,,,. '''j"'ttee 0111 4741Hollna 3 11 9 ·•iT•l'lll Il l I, I l• ~"'r. , , ! ! 1f 1 ~c~is !f11s Z2~ J:~ 13•1'• Wf!lll...,. ll '11 11 I! -$6 ~I H1rbot 17 7 If 12 -'6 Go-Kflrts in Action Chuck Broden . (left) and Ron Stuart, bolb of Hunf.. lngton Beacb, are nearly aeck1Jld..,.,k duJin& a ge>-karl race al HunUngton Beacb'1 Cycle Park In • race Sunclar. Blaine Hall was Ille kart winner wbllo Ille mini bike cbamp wu David McKennen. I l: Bruins' · UNTeam Coming . ~(,:, • fl ' 11)' GLENN WHITE or "" D1t1Y l"tllt Std Sixteen nations will be ·• ." ·repre:Sented on the UCLA soc.. ' 1 cer team which wW play the • ~ .. :· Coast Ranger• Friday night ·...; .. ' at Newport Harbor ffi&h's Davi~ Field In the annual . T .i Ashcroft G' r • n d Cballeqe •, -Clip. "'' TheBnilill, -1 OOOIY --,,_ 11-M reconl for the IOlllm · aiid ire led by co<aptalns ' RoJ><rto Cono (Argentina) ~ . ·· Joan ~ (Peru). ,Cono has been "'-nu the squad'• most valuable player, while Engelsen was selected u \ts best defensive man. • Adding color to the team ls Bernard Okoye, who leaU lhe Bruins jnto each game with the Biafran war chant Okoye is a member of too. UCLA track squad. Olher prominent players for coach Dennis Storer's chaps: Goalie Cairo Salvatierra of r GOLFING • WITll ~Wit p~ ~'1----_;,,~~~-,;__..,., .. --'*' .......... HELPfUC HINT FOR PllOl'ER TURNING In 1 correct &Off 1wlnJ. the pl1~r TURNS on hla b1ck- 1win1but h...,er SWAYS, In t11rnln1. tho left shoulder 6ow1rs bln11th the chin (see illustrotion). The left hlpswlna• around and sllghUy down. The loft knff mov11 slig~Uy to tho rlcfll Evon th• head mey turn a bit with the shoulders. Howfter, all this turning must Uk1place1round 1central axis. There should bt no let. .. eral-sldeway&-:-movement to th• rllht.,Thls Is 1weyln1 and robs tbt swine of power ind control. To make sure· you turn in, stead .of sway, Imagine that I' huge, hand i1 pressing 11ntl)J 111ittst yoyr right side (Ste ii· lustratlon). This hand· prohibits you from swaying to the right, or even shifting your weicht to the Outstde of yoL!r ri1ht foot. The proper tutn will enable yOu tb ftil tension In yo~r back. and leg muscles. Without this feeling of hnsion at the top. of .your backswlng, you are not .fully utilizing your big muscles for maxirnum power. Panama has yielded only 14 '-----------~-----~--...J tallies in 10 outings. Tony Nemer of Me.1ico is an all<:onferenei! pick al ". . forw~d and boasts great • • quickness and hustle. Berhanie Anderbeban o { Ethiopia is a great ball handler and he's put on weight recenUy, climbing to 100 pounds. _ Other nations represented · on the Bruin aggregation are ; . · Rumania, Macao, B r a z i I • Poland, Liberia, the United ~·· States, Cos ta Rica, Germany, Chile. Tickets will be sold at the gate with action beginning at 8. DucaB-lre $1 ·ror adUlts · and SO cents for student!. A · preliminary duel matches two ' youth all-star selections. .,__ . Basketball Standings SUNSET Ll:AGUI: W L '" ""' Hunllflvlon Bftdl 3 I 200 l•l Afl;lhf:lrn J 0 lff t61 Wulem l o 1111 u l ~ H1rbor I ' 1111 1117 Wntmlnlltr 1 1 200 2111 ~nt1 Ana l1Utv 1 1 in 217 --Mvlrll 0 l 138 166 s.tlf9 Al\I 0 ~ 151 2U :. T.......,.1~d , '.. ANltlllm IM, San!1 ""' 112 Hunll1111ton Be.ch .u, M1r11111 (I Wet~m loll, NewPOrl Ht rtxlr 4' Wes-.iln1ter '2, S1nt1 ..._..._ Valley U Frk11v-. G1lllft Huntlnvton 811ch ti An1h<!lrn N<!WPMI Harbor 11 S1nt1 Atlt ,. l ~,,.,. 11 S1nt1 AIMI VllltY Wt1tmln1fer 1! We1lern Cll:STVll:W LEAGUE Foal!'llll MIMlon Vlelo s~n c~m.nte • VWle P1rk LQ\I"" !lr1t~ • •' El Mo*lll Tu1tln W L l'F JIA J 021tl0 1 I Ill llt 1 I lM 17' 2 1 11,•n 1 1 13'1 llS I 2 llt Jn 111711Q ._,' Ortl'IN 0 ~1~111 TIM41,•1 StOl'll : Footl'lltl Sol, ~9\tl\I lltlCh Jt Mli.sian Vlt!o SJ. O••'IM SI $111 C19'Mnt. U. VIII.I P1rlit 4 El Mo1t1na ... Tutt ... SS Frl .. n 0.'"411 °''"" 11 Lagune Bead! M!ulm Vltkl 11 Tu1!1n S.n C'"'-lt 11 Foothill Vlll1 Part: 11 El Mock.,. OltANOI: L..._OUE w l ,.,. , -K1f1:!11 l 0 1S7 Lo& Alt,.,11 I I lf.l El Dol'tOO 1 1 ln V1~l1 1 I Hll S..OdlebKk 1 1 IN a.... 1 11n s_.. 1 2 1u Loi Af"ll<>li o 3 6' T!ileH•r'• StWft K1~l1 17. Sldd~Mdt '2 \'1lentl.I 11, Sonor1 ~ El Dar10o ,1, ln11·0llnd1 tS Los Ai.mltos 'PQ, Los ,t,mflo• lf ""''y's °''"' K11~111 1t El Dorado Los Am!gOI 1t Sl<ldleb.ltk Sor><lr1 11 l rr1.0tlnd1 \'11e!Kl1 11 LOI Al1mll01 Plll!IWAY LIAGUI Sunny Hlll1 ·~· 51Vlllfll L1 Hlbl"I ,_ "'"' ,_ Ful19rtor1 """" W L PP ' . "' ' .... ' ' "' 1 ' 17' ' ' 17! 1 t 171 1 ' 111 e J 1511 TllKNO S- T,., ''· Kennedy S. l.ow'!M n. ,..,... ••rt< '' J..,.rtlrnt! SUfVW Hll .. ,JJ. U H1br1 a $In""" JJ. Fullertorl II ,....,.,..,._ K~ 11 Full&rt.. T..., 11 SIWl!tnl LI H.tlrl 1! I_.. P1r-Sti1111V Hll .. 11 l.MftH Calendar ftllrtd1y ; 'l!:...ui•I' ~ OrangMl !Ian "Clemente (3 >1M), • SA<; al ; Oruge Coast, den Weil " al RlvenickH .o,!oi. " --Frf~•Y Bflkdball -Corona 1tl : Mat at Loara, &stancia i ' Cos1a M ... , M~ &I • F-11> Vlllq; Hun~ -Bea<ll at Anahtbil, Marina at '.sna An a Valley, NUipO!t :u.-. al Santa Aina .. ; ly'ablliml« 1t Weiter~. " -Dei ·at SI. """"''· : : "El lilodena at M&atm ;v1~ :sao. Clemente at Orange, "c:N(lillo al UC lrvtnt (Ill : : ol I), Loguna Beacb al"rusUn . ('I), .· ....... -Loara •l ;:~ del Mor,Cosla Mou : 11 Eollnclt (boll! •I I ), Foun- : tam Valle1 ol M1gnolla, llllo- Unaloo Belch al Anahelm, Mlrlnl at Senta Ana V11ley, Newport Harbor at Santa Ans, Westminster at Western (all ~t 3:1&). Coast Area Jayvee, Lightweight Basketball JV Ma•lna 13'1 Hu111Jntlon ll•K~ {Jt) L"'l!un1 lllCh (tSI C.501 Foorhnt LKY flO) F 1101 Rtl'l:lllf cn1ml>tl'$ (ltJ F (10) p-OrdWIY C•I F {6) W+l1011 J1dt1011 C20l F 1111 (111111 llutl C•l C CSI H1rm1n Hlrtlald (2) C !fl PllllMr Thlrlft 011 G Ill) FuM.y McMurny rz! G {6) C1tHrittr Mll11 Ill G l•I llowrnin PlcneY "l G Otl Plflrwl Sawlnt Win: MlfiN Mocnlltidi ''- Sco7frit" !.lltifi -Cei,Uiii=-lfnlae ~!::i,:;--M;~~~nf1nt~ -. Foo1n1u-eu11m111 2. Cff-. .. , Mllr l4JJ 1651 Mlltllclll H11ttlmf: LllJUnt 21, Foaltllll :rr. L0"9~re COl F ~Ill Frink H«l!I 161 F (~] Glrasti: T~CITIOI (10) McGuire 171 Mu1!1llY 12!1) B•a1 1101 Povner 10) C$9! Huntington S1vl1r (11) C Cfl Ktloo F ,11 C1rlwn Coo~y cu G l•l Nel1011 F 1181 O.arltlOr'! WtlH (T2J G (SJ llradt~rd 6 (111 H1rnill Scorl"ll su~ di! Mir: Kill- e Ill Moro t ier C6J, II.Md (2), Fr111110 C~l. C (14J Wiii Htllllmt: Mlln-1n 31, Coron• del Scorlno .w~: Marln~1rl1 (2J. rl111 21. LI Qvi1'111 Ull ~lbY (1) F ~r!Wrd (II F S.:lll'IO '12) c LUF)d ltl G S!>ri"' Cl2J G tSSJ 'E111nc11 II) l'te1t•r (') Thomas l "l lluti.r !JI lllwdort (\0! Fr/edl'9dgrf Scorlnl' wbf: 'ESIMCll -Kllllt" J, Jol!llSCll '· L1 Quinll -Kordllt 4. H1ttrl~: Esl.ncl1 Jl, Le Qulnt1 n, ""Ull!ian IGl"t: Es11ocll ''· LI Quin" a. ... Mission Vifoio (51;! Sh•nllOll l14J F Dav/I (15) F H1111rc1 cut c Cttro {ll G Breck (7) G Of1nn U11 Ull JohllKltl 161 Skllnloki tll Thoft911 (1) M<F1rtefl (OJ C111 Scorl1i9 1ubs: Minion Vlelo-Prlte 4 Otll\D~otlan 4, Htnnel<!~ 2, l rl<fv •• H1lltlme: Ml~ian VllPlo 30, Or1rme "· Lag.,.,, Beath {"9) Handy ft) f Powt" (10 F Anatrwn Cll c K1warat1<1J (6) G ~lien OJ G Foat~ur 16-ll CltJ OWi!n Ill F"'111H C Ill W/Ulam1 (5) West 1101 lrOW>I Mir It. '" MIHlon Vitlo {21) Orl"9! {401 Pl"l11wood 13) F 19) 01vldtor1 Mlco Ul F 1101 GlolOllou To!l>trt Clll C CO) K1~ Holmtt. UJ G (0) Miner Htvn (01 G 1:111 :k>llelee Scorlll8 :wt..: Mtssloll Viel-Hirt· •Irr 6. H1ltrim.: Ml15lol\ lf,. 0•11181 14 Hvnt. IHtfl CU) CSSI W11tmlnster MCH•v (IJ F (6) Hlrrh !lalch OH F 011 Mll~ntwim.r W111ttr (4) C (11) Johm.on Wl!ltlltl<I lXI) G tlf) YOUl\8 Than\ton Ul G Ill ca.e Scorl"9 1ubl: Hunl\n110n-C1rlton 4. Whitt s. we11m!n1tu-Al11tn 1. H1Ullme M;Ore; We\tmln1ll'r ll, H~n!ln!llon J:I. Huntl11Vlon Beach (1!) (.,.f M'rltl1 l1lth CJ) F 11l Gooo:U.pftG TflOmson (0) F (121 ·S!>e•ll• W•lkfr Il l C Cf) 1..-1 Whlt!Mld (5) G (1) Cf\lnl< Wh!!t C11J G (11 Mtrrllt Scorll\D a'1s: Huntlntl!ln-Rllter '- M1rl111--Ptmltrloo I. Hallll"ll ICOl'll: M•rl11• 2S, Hunlll'lll- ton II. C1r110M1 Ml Mir (Ill HJ) Mllllklll Cort ltl F ()OJ P11..-. Df•ti (61 F 00) WICl<I L1w11 (0 C (JI Jollnson Scorlno subi: Leg~na-F'raprM J, Cam.ron CJ) G (}I Price FMtlllll-#olelltan '-HllMOll ,t, Tott! '-LowPr" CU G l6J Green V•llClmt 2 Scctll'lll 11Ubt-Coron1 dt1 Mir: Sum- mer !ti. H11111me KOn!: L111une 14. foal· Htlfl!m.: ca-doll Mir U. Mm~ ~Ill J:S l<.1n 22. BERG'S DELTA TIRES 141 E. 17tll STRm -COSTA MESA '°"..,.. ......... ..,, FULL 4 PLY DELTA SUPREME 110 TUBELESS WHITEWALL IACKED IY ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE fer lif1 of Hie tr19', pro·ret1d en tre1d w11r of 1ctu1I 11llin9 price i nd ".t on 1 fictifio111 li1t pric1. 700.13 • - PllCE 13.44 ' 14.54 \_5.48 • 16.26 ' 1:7 29 ' '· ~8.42 ":f9.97 llD 671).15 n5.15 711).15 115-15 760-15 845·15 ,15.15 . 821).15 PRICE 15.62 16.67 17.t7 •irche Tt11 ...... ,,_ ti.ti to Sl.01 l"W Th • BB DELTA TIRES 1~1 E. 17th St., Costa · Mest Phone •• , 645·2010 (Opposite Bob's Bi& Boy) ---------I WH!ntsd11, January lS, lM IWl.YPIL01' 11 ' News of Golt and <;ountry Clubs ' ·ch·~~king Otii ·the ·'Ar~tJ.· Fai~~ays Joha'11elly·and .Plul Rl11140 boast I IOUNll'Oke le;id Iller II bolo Jn the 36.hole Scotch twosoqie event at Rancho San Joaquin Goll Club In men's club aCUon. The pair netted a 581,i to outdistanei! H&I Smith aod Dick Boucher who have pollt- ed at 621\. lend his title In Ille 'IU and over bncktt. Other cuvliloos, . ... -•nd-. -· Harl ~ • ho!O-tn-ooe on the 141-yard. ~ hole wltb a threei tron on' Sun- day. ' Meaa l'erde 1n lbinl is Mon Divis and A best ball o1 loumlme In Wayne Wilson with &l -while 1Sunday 1Weeps wu WOG-by Guy Hanlon, and Bob Kelroy the ~1111 ol Dr. Chari., and ' 1rail tn foorlh place. I'll Bonn.ell Ind Gleml Jonos wj!h I net 17, Second ,...00 1ctlon gets Secood wee! lo Keith Neal wider way Saturday. ' lrt>fne· Coat Sam and Doris Keyes toot first in the men and women ctisS-cross of partners Sun- day with I 511, Second place went to Wally and Dorothy Fleer and • the tandem of Ev and Pat Morris with 61s. A better · ball of partners event was won _by Joe Ordway and Bob Hankey in men ·s club competition with 65. Jay Gould and R a n d y Pyle ftnished second with 67. Santa At1a Burke Speaking To Ada1ns PTA fwo.Ume Olympian Ed Burb wUI be lhe guest speaker 'at the Adams School J'V, mei!Ung tonighL The talk gets under way at 7:30 In the multipurpose room of the Costa Mesa elementary school. BWle ~ tnrJ J,. Ind Lila Yurllll'irttli 1 It. M~l«rle Jllnlor pliytr 'Mli<O Nti:bo~ fashioned 1.grosfll Frldly 11 Meadoittlrt C<iwrtry Club. Nlcllot., who tUl'lled !j lut mooth, fired " ~l on the l,Of1 .. yard coune. Par for men ts -.?U. C.•t• Mua Jldt rra.Jer acond ~ 71 IQ nab low aroa bonon in men'• dub actloo at Coata Meu 'l\'t' the -In low _..,, net .,...,.uuon. Low. pet tiUe "ent to· w.il; lard Lechner wllh Ill ai.1a.. with three players tied 10< second 11t 70. ' 'Q><l3e were Ray Rinder- knecht (.:>-I0-70), R. W. Jones (-.ir11·10) and Pete Peterson (M'16'70)o Al Chi r g w In (82-11-72). Charles Edwards (8H3-71), and W. Wyler (87-16-71) were third followed by Jack Towle's -71. (late Bouck (81·0-71), Dick Miller (85-13-73), Lyle Gra- ham (8(1..7·73), Don Keener (M-11·73), Fred Fredensburg (8').7-73) and Jack Clark (88- 15-73). followed. The annual seniors touma· me.nt beRins this week with three fliglits featured. . Burke, a• history instructor llt Orange Coast College, is the Amerlcan record holder in the hammer throw (235-11) and participated in the · 1964 and Ulfi8 Olympic Games: ---------- Defending champion Al Ho- ner will be in the field to de-- He is a tbree-Ume National AAU champion in hi s spedllly. Kids like to Ask Andy •i · -'t Extcu6¥1 Car Ltninr voU ean tatt drlw •"1 n•w lj6t _ car-tor.two years-without 1"111111 tU ·Take)'CM.lrJ)~ of the ''hqt" 69'sl Grand Prhi: ••• Riviera ..• Chlrpr .'~ .. ~ n1m• it. ,Executive Car L•asjn1 hi• the.in; 1.n"" .• • frOm Cldlllac;s to compacts I Only ExecutlVe 0Ner1)'ou thttl.nlque ''Idea('' lease that's like 1 2·yeartest drlw <r• • ONLY JSETIER! secause YoU ••t the profit if m. car market ia ·UP·'lit ltaH e~. Or If th• m'.lrket is down,')IOU Just uy "thanll:s for .the ride'' -aOO walk away without any oblfptloht tRem,.,,,ber ~you don 't need a trade-in. Buj if you haveooe, ~ecuti1'fwiil'l{wYou tht hilhtltpriG• fOr ft •. ~. 50 ~u star,t~r 2-Y'lr testidrlvt with extra c.1sh Ip your P<iikstl ~II ~cutl':'i tqd,oy.lor lh• full story. . Ex F:CUTIVE CAR LEAB~.C~ANY® 2202 Eotl I tt Str~~i1•oitj An• lnTho"Yefloy Kl• 7 ,• 1·• ' In ........... ST""14220 • ' .... OL 4"50H ••• ' . ' J • ' EFFECTIVE WED., JAN. 15 THRU SUN., J4N. 19th • STORE HOUIS: DAILY 10 TO 10; SUN. 10 TO 7 STANDARD CHROME REVERSE MUFfUI ' WHm , •• ,,.~~!wu,, J3.BB FOR MOSTPOtlm,OJEVYs., MG. llU1 3DAYSONl.l'1 DODGD, PLYMOUl'llS, AtUIPACfS 21-JOOI ...__.. I. • ' • 4&1 AUTO STEREO TAPE Pl.AUi . '$9.97 ' REG. alt 3A4Y.tewt1' llNr.6730 . sPOrun_,, ._MAGWHm -FISK BATTERY YOUA11"5UlATOI REG. $2A7. -3DAYSONLY/ ·3DAYSONL'l'l 3DA"ISONLYI' , 3 OAYS ONLY! REG£4.91 --GOOD REG .$16.95 12" R.EG.k91 3 BS· REG.91( 86"" ' ;,._ i.s. ;:..,.:22.ss . 3DAYSONLYI ', .... _ • ..... .. SAVEil ON PlR-l'U\"TOM 12~ .... 14 V<W111 CUAIAN'JEE llAS BmtR JIEG.$17.96 J49S · .3DAYSONLYI S.VISJON ' FIS'l PREMIEJ. . " """"' GU.UAJm!> :uJAYSONLYI 10 Alf,Vtl.J!1E BEST . ~~'!'v?'o..~v1 lfEIJ '2«11· 'I. 30AYSONLYI "!!:'l! =::=.. IOl!D . =; * 16.BB '11,'t;."·51 J.27' •~GU.UANTEll 12YOI~~ E024S WES1Ml~STEI 15440 llACH ILYD. --892-2088 BUENA l'ARK 5'15 LINCOLN AYI. At V.., Vlow 126-5800 BUENA l'ARK IJOl llACH ILVD. At Llll•wt•r 523-3040 COSTA MESA D10 ""'l!IPtt IUD. , t.wm.•, 548-2082 BRAU RUiD · 3'1MYSONLYI • llEO. Pl' .,_ .33~ ...... SANTA ANA 1400 IDINGli 41 ""'"' 546-7123 , . ' --------------- ---------------- , t; I I w~ • ......., 1s.t'l69 ~fl i .. Si.r~: Zp~l.ogi,~t : C~r,eer Is , ~ot Just ·Managing Zoos . . . .. 111 r. J. LAIN lo( ...i. ... atttmpls lo medial< oc ob• Io a• ap-d!Yidod lnlo a nwnber of zoo 1oa I•t1. no. Im, (llllmal blology ). Much Onan-choice. ==-:i~· = -""' -, - _ develop 1 •trial plao ct the pll<.ltlan, bill which could ~ speclOUJea which )'OU can find Calllomla Luthtran College, clal ualltanca lo avallobll, TOMOllllOW. Employment and In edtlalloo. - -•,. -,_ _...a,.111-a1zi· •.. In-.. ll80fullat•r)ln'llUdlU... delcrjbed hr arur recent TbouaandOau,Cal.tlllO. andildeacrihedlntbeabol'e .......... nttt .. for blo...,...•' ....... Qli..}lt ..._ °"**' IMf• vW'1•1le.·Clf tM ret-.ii-,..,._ •·~•--• 1n yN•• m-u-~ ~ .. ~ ·~u~·• .,..,....._ ..,....... ..,... """'"""'•tllN "' tvtvr. ...... ~ .., -. ......,., ~ ,,__.. u the eYOlutloaary rata ol ......,. KlUUUU& . .,... -'-· hy 1--t ""-lolUYfUC\., .nuu.i UI~ ....,...__. t be ....,. ~,. '· '· i..111. c.'"' .......,"" ~-....,., m .. cb1Dl1m in~ h.IM. --uc dlUtrtocts\-. UbraE)'. For a booklet , Pl\EPARATIVf'I. f liw, opporitmitlf'I tn 1ppJll'd lcienlLsts are ex,,.. .... ai. 0 c.-. ~. o.'" u-. .. 1..eu1" .... ~ • ~-. · ~--• aed ~7.n,·~~.,...lltlons, or lbe "Clrta in An!mal Biology.~' chemlltry aOO nilth .re illl~ bloloo (such u medlcl"'I vt:ry &ood throughout the =.-t!'':~ ... .:!~ :..;:i:..i,:-i: A.. ..11 -. ,.._ IL Sblvtr ti behatiot in wrip\111:, illJ: w:-In ., ch·--• 8,.,., .. n.. ltl}\t 2S Cf.Ota and a long white Port•nt. 'l'be more chaUtUtNr: research or T e t e r-I n 1 r "I U70'1. De:ma.od will be twr 1, ._ ... .-111 • Mwt m1urNt ·-· -. • u the cbar1eterlltlca of ag-•i• --~ ... ._...,, emelope. ltamped (I cents) posltlONI usuaDy re q u l re ma.11..1-) requtre f Dr the r parUcullrly ltroag for thoae '111111 l'tlCllM • "• .... MtrcwY eecretaJ ol the AIDlricM -t..... ,.....___ d L--'-funcUon. ---' 1.. d folio In • ........, ~-th d t lo do h '°""* ,.,,..,....,.. llcW;J ot ~··~me .,_.. ™ o ~ -teu•adclrtascd, to the grliduate atu y, w I a 1peclaliled train.Jq; .. u~ot wl ocM:n es resean: IDlltt'IWh4 iw ~...,.. 1Y111111-• -.y ..,.. GlU .n raeardl (which has no lm-st11nELDS. Zoo I o g y 1s Amer I c a n Society of bachelor'• degree ID 100logy wkh the IChooll of yoUr on problems important to c.tJt. 111C.1 Mololitb w-.......... No\·....:;=====c..:::..=::_c..:::==:.::..:=:..:..:."""-=-===:.::...-==~-=--==::..:.==-=-==.....:.:::....:::...==::.....;::_=.....:::.....==;_.:==.:.....;e-=_...----- -llJlhoOP ._ law de • -... 100 cur1tcn or dlree- ton. CIUlllllTr. l1robabl1 ~ b<a! bown ct the I 0 0 r.ooJOliltl II R. M a r I I n P<rtloa, -o/ the Sl Louil lnsUtutloa, who bu -famous lhnlaP Illa TV sbon: "Zoo Parwie" and "Wild Kiqdom.'' Mr. Perillna majored Jn zookv • n d became a apeciaJie& J n lier1>tlolo&Y. the brancb " ,..lo&Y which deola with ,.... Ules and amphlhlaM. His ..i. vice lo atudeoll lnltftlled lo zoo won la 1o major In vertebrate 1 o o I o I y , em- pbulJlna either (l) btrda (I) mammals (I) f'ptllta, or (4) flab, alao acqulrln( • wortlq 1mow1octp " .u rroupa. PEBSPECl1VE. HGwever, moo1 sooJos11ta won for achaoll at unlvtnltiea, non- profit or reseJJ"Ch organiza- tions (such u the Naliona:I Geographic Society), private incklstry or eovemmental ··-· 'Ibey .... -tlllcally -· nod willl aD COLUMBIAN Enameledware hr Ya1r Co1kl11 Nuds r~ ~ . . ' Ii i• 1111tlfll hrsi••• e.111 ' • (IOJllt\<l -'C•A'tOM __ .. EVER BLOOMING HYBRID TEA Ctrtilit• Calif1r1i1 ""'WI -2 Y1ars OI• -F•lty M1!1r1• -M1lstlri11• -M1l1ri11• Packi•c -P1a1tl11 I•· 1tr1cti111 11 Packa11. MIRRO Aluminum Ware tor Your Cookini Re1ds • 12 Cap Mallia PH '-" ol lllllmal Ille, ml --·~~~-· • 9V.15Y.x2ll" L11f Pll • s• Roni C1k1 PJI • 1¥ Pizzi Pl1 ··· ---- • l1r11 leaf l Dessert p., • <lodln1 ioololY -e1.., with bolany (plant Ille) and "' I c 10blology (microscopic Ille) -within the whole bit plctun " blololJ, tbe atudy ct aD Uvtnr thlnp. WHAT a.Bl! D GNVl!T • Tbe mccwlt11 now on analyUcal ("'!>JontlYI) rather lb an dcriptlve (collectlaa and cJwe'ficatlon) animal blol017, opeo.lng up a bl& 1ame safari ol opportun!Ues fat carter -~ CRACKEllS .\SBOll'llltENT. nu. lilt of .,._ clJnctiona II c:ertllnly not all-bcl.U.e; liilt auqetta alternatives: Same animal blologlatl are -with the coneervatlon of 1peclee facing ext1Dctlon, 1uch as the great grebe In BrlUsh Hoft. duru, er the whllt ~-of India. A ireat many work in the qrlcultural ad..,.., In · such areu · ts anlmal breed.lne. er control of crop pesta. Others teacb at aecon- dary acbooll, colleges and unlMSJ.tJu, and museums. A few make field tripe around the workt to atudy or collect animals for reaearcb purpooa. NOAH'S ARit AND ECHOLOCA110N. An Im a 1 bioloclN alao are encqed In applied rMOCrcll which could bonelll man; for Instance: the l!tudy ct mulne mammail' navlpUon by oound • • . ex- amlnallm o I pbyslologlcal ldaptllloM made by deop<flv- Electronics Lectures Due at UCI A ...i .. of tulorlal lectures on advlDC'el In quantum elee· t10nlca and -.rn opllct will brina toptber c a r e e r ~ and 1raduate atudenta at UC Irvine. Tbe ltmlnar te:ri•, under dirtc:Uan ol. Profeuor Hldtya H. Garno, II beln& held ln>m T p.m. lo I p.m. Tuead&I' evenlnp in tht C a m p u a Advance Conference Room, .ecood floor, Irvine Town Center Bulkfi.., d I re c t I y acroia !mu Ibo UCI campus. Followlni " the lecture schedule: " • Jan. II ~ Holisraphy, Pasl and P'U1ort; -n M.A. El· Solll, El-&Jm CGmullanta, -•II-lo Mcllonoel Doualu c..,. Jan. 28 -Acou1tlc • lloloCropby; Alenndtr F . MtdMnll, AdVl.nCf: RelUttb ~ McDonnel DouaJu °"P-P'lb. 4 -eompar;,... of FoS -Luer and M O D ochtomaUc J ncohertnt ~; EUu Reisman, Allmll<Gic Dlvb:k>n, PhUeo-Fn. .... u -Infrared l>eltc- tn; BJftllt N. Edwarda, -lllvlalaa, Pb1k<> Fwd. ... JI ...Qpllcal ne-.1« '"-J; -II. V. Lo!Jch, Aulmltlca Ill.talon, North Am«lcan RoctweD Corp. SWITZIR'S "Licorice" llTIS . DIXlf Home Cup DISPENSER Llloo~e lrlm rtlillY tGl- ~rlul styles to malcli yolll' dtror, ilchldina s1rool1ted te.alhtr. ANTISEPTIC "Sucrets" THIOAT Lozenges l IH' •r• 1111"1 c11u -c•11u fr1111: • Charlotte Armstrong • Crimson Glory • Mirandy • Nocturne • Countess Vaiidal • The Dcx:tor • Ecliitse and many others ILlllKIMERICAAD -PATENT Rose Bushes -~:. • Americana • Careless l ove • Carrousel 1 • Christian Dior • Chrysler Imperial "'! I • Dipl-Om1t • Fragrance • Mister lincoln & many u.1. 98 .. others SHULTON Desert Flower w/ALOI VUA POND'S Cold Cream 3°PIECE Mixing Set Dtlicio1s. chtwy candy 11so i.1 Clleny Red IJmr. ••1-7k 2 tt hp rar fist n:!iel of minor sore hi pain, mou!ll llld throat irrilllions. Deep clu nses , •• re< fllOV!S fklll lad tyt make-up ••• lipstic~. too. 5g~. sk "'' 4gc "Viva" RUG Lone wearing 100~ rf)'Oll, ac;. e!1tt pile in a~'t twaed decor· it or .cc lors. Coaled non·S kid b.te~in1. W(lfldert~I VJlue for !~1111ly 1oom. drn1n1 room, tic. 15.88 "Camero" RUG Stmnr. slur~y rug of 100% continu~us 24 88 fi!1111911t nylcft pile in lwo·lont cok>I tOtll· biutiolls 1nd ll'lllltl-tolor oombinat1ons. 1 "Y' ,, 1 va RUG RUNNER \ -- ~ltc:h 24J72"' 11JM•r wit~ llOll·S~id bad ~lps to prt· $erve liraer t1rptt lrom •~,j1 and dirt on Ill! most trl't!ed JfrJS. 811J st>Yeral '\ !IMS IOw Sav.-pnct, l1ttJ ••••• •••lr t-1• ''•ltclltlll "Takara" Douche Powder l•r F1•l1l11 ltfli111 U;!d hy 1n11!ions ~f "°'*" Sll"Ct 19\~ B\iy labil !1~ tt.e !iold PackiieJ. 1.25 2.25 J~ ti. I tr. gee 1.Jg 1.21 7gc 1.111. Sin · 1111a1n1111n111D111111111111am11un1•1an1m111111ant1llmK10111t11111111a11111§ lfljl I COLD CAPSULES l~1 t1~l1t withiA a ca,s111 ••• I. A ~ lor fist reli!r of sllfftd llOSe, sn1rtles. sl'tfl!1inc. hud.lcll!S, muwil¥ K,lles and pains. 2. A tablet for prolon1ed relief of Mii congtsl'l!n 1 gs -rtlid 1111' hofrs. 8 0 0 0 '®l!D'fJ. ; AUTOMATIC ACTION BRUSH I for TEEllf and GUMS )4 tl'111•1 I Al ,ltw NEYML ~ 11t•·Dn Wt lit• TWllSDAY dlrtlall SUMUY :. O,oo ' l.M. te 10 , .M. -7 0.,. A Wffk ' • I i NEWPORT BEACH !!:.~;;;'~.!: ' HUNTINGTON BEACH .=:,,, 'HUNTINGTON BEACH rue :A;t,qt SPRAY Disinfectant ~11$ ~flllt!llt lllllS .. ell- ft'Dllll'ltllf swftca -tlhri' i.11es odors -ptl¥tRIS ITWJW .. lllildn. \JI 1 3g 21 IL IUt 1 "WYNCREST" Ironing Table 1rJ ,IOCTOI -All 1111!lal with perforated top. In· lini!e height ldjustmenl for eisier ironing, Rllbbet rapped feel prtvelll. 11.,. pog. fill 54" Site 4.98 "TfflDN~ CHh4 Pad & Cover Set PIOCIH -...... 1,, gee sco~h rn1stant COWJI' with scin. ttlic~ cotton pH, Pad & Cover Set wnMlll -··1!11ot1• coat· 11 g td CU~tr. 3-bytr pK flts .0 stlllllarlf 54~ l»Jn. I llelVf cottoA .,;n wi~ lrts •. •11111 cialhls pin pocket. • Ironing Cover I ~~J:.!:=: 59c ........... ~donotl>O. d: • •• ... ,, r '" -~ ' -· . . .. . -..... , . . . '. ... . . ' • fKODEL @ FIBERFILL \TRICOT QUILT DUSTERS 57 4.99 values Save 28%1 100% Ce lanese~ ocetote quilt dusters with Kod~I' polyester fiberfill fo r maximum wormth, assured fluffiness . Eo1iy 1 core and quick drying! Styled w.ith double Peter Pon collars ' and jewel necklines, two outside patch pockets and inside , f pockets, embroidered sheer facings with lace edgings a nd cross- ' 1 dye lace trim. Both with button-front clo~ing. In pink, blue or ~ maize. Si zes 10 to 18 . • !.,...ia;, January I,, 1969 AMONG ALL DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES (Q:::: IN ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! :::::::;;J . ' 1il •' ) \ J ' ' \\ ' \ • • \ \ ., \ ,I \ ;' \.) 2·PC. HALF·SIZE JUMPER DRESS A. Two-piece jumper dreu in linen-l04k rayon ond 1i1k blend. Creoie re1i1tont, wrinkle-1heddln9 and wcnh· obit. Buckled belt, buck le him front, ldrge potlret and bock iipper tlo1ing. Butl on·hoc• white blouse .,,ith co~I neck. Jumper in tvrqvoiie, brown, gre1n or b1oclr in half 1ize1 14V1 to 2<1 V2 . 10.99 ••Iv• 377 ' :!'l ' ' . . 'M I .~iii . I . '\" " ' • -.. BONDID ACRYLIC PLAID ILACKI (,So•• 33%1 Sleeks with • fo1h ion !lore! 100'1. bond· ed acrylic 1loclr1 with 1hoped wide leg ~oltom and fly front ·with tob dosing, No-woi1l·band llylin9. In blue pcutel plaid. Siltl .5 !o 15. 6.t9 V•lue •. ,. LONG SLEEVE PRINT BLOUSES ' D. Save .Sl'Y.t !old print 1hirll in 1 00~• oc1Holt or rayon ond (Offon to top your 1kirt1 or dock•. Long 1!oeve1, .,utton cuff1. Cri1p pattel"n1 in newo1t fcrshiol'I colors. Size1 32 to •O. ' 1 :I.ft volvos ... '· l~A~ i . UEN'S EA.~Y·CARE lt't:.4RI PLUSH FROSTY PILI CARCOAT I. Sovt 26%1 Th ick frody pile corcoat with quilt lining l4'' to keep YIMI WCI"" GI Cl <ozy lira on Iha coldtd doya • Notch collar cind holf·boh hock. 70'Y. Orlon" cicrylic ond 30'}'. Verel ~ 111onocrylic p ile .,..ith 100% cotton BEL TID A·LINI SKIRT (, Save 39%1 Royon tweed skirt with inverted pl.:On ond fwo pockeh in front. Choin ond 'mo,.hmollow'Yiflyl belt. Bock zipper c101ing. Green or broWft. Siiei 6 to 14. J,99 ... ,_,. 311 I ····-· NORWALK WP Im.Al NWT. AT ITUDltA•ll 'POUIOAIN YALUY ' "' MAIM>I 91.¥•. At IDINOll ' MIN'S ACRYLIC KNIT SHIRTS THEY 'Rl WASHABLE 5.99 value .3'7 A, Sove 38 °/o! Full fo1hio"ed, hi-crew neck 11yle sport shirt1 wi..,_ point•ll• foncy front. Knil of fin• ocry!ic yarn1 to b• complet•ly woshoble. In blue, gold, 9ree11 , whit• or beige . .Siies .S, M, l, XL- PERMANINT ltRESS .DRESS SLACKS NEVER NHD IRONING! 6.99 value 4'' I. Save 30%1 Me"'' permonenl prt11 ivy 1tyle dreu slacks in • hcu1d10n1• re· vene ,.,,;;,, lobric blefld of royon, oc•· tote ond nylon. fit1ished botto1111. Bl6J:, olive, blue or grey. Siie' 29 to JI. badi:. In frolty o,h color, 1i•e' 6 to 16. 1 f .ff ••lwo GIANT CLIARANCI OF aOYS' IHIRtl 1,99.3,99 val••• 94cto 1'4 Sa .... _....., 50% I Shown i1 just one frtf'I' o tre1Mndou1 os,orl•ent of boys' 1hlt+t oll ot fob11lou1 so'fi~L Short and Jang ''••v•1,"llaih ond iport shim, 1olid1 ond foflCiet Included. Men! o r• perl!IO,..nt preu fobrJu. A11ort.d colort in 1i1e' 6 lo 16. Hurry in for the1el ' CLEAaANCI OP LITTLI BOYi' JACltlTS 4,99 .. 1.99 values 2'~0 3'4 Sovi11gs of offr 50% now! Choice of rrt0ny sryle1 in boys' wint•r joct.11 indlldin; pile lined, qvilt lin•d, hooded orf cordurey ski 1tyle1. Popular colon in Mnt l to 7, H9t •II 1iie1 ond colon i1t ....,ry 1tyle, Shop •orly for Ms! 1•lectiofll NORTH LONG BIACH ANAHEIM·BUENA PAR~. ANAHEIM-FULURJON W•STCOYINA LlnLI GIRLS' 3·1tllCI KNll KNOCKIR PLAY llTI ' 1•1 2.99 values Sova l7%1 Girh' throt•piec• set with "right fforcil pri11t top witt. pl•cket neck ptut two kflee-<oppor pofllt-on• in rtt0tc:hlfll priflt ond Oflo fl'! solid color, fOf twice tho fllfl. In pi.1k ond gree" Colllbirt0tiol'lt. Sit .. 3 t• 6X. io4'Y• Fashion Value!. • ... JlllHDGE RIDOllDOBIACH L IOUTM IQllT AT CNlllT llACN llV9. 6 UNtOLN ................ At LIMON AIUM AYL AT •tWTI ....... , ... Jt.t ~ ...... NAwntolNI If.ft, AT 10. U Y. C....,11 ,l,9NG .BEACH HUNJINOJON BIACH ' SAIOAANA OAllDIN OROYil •lllllANK . CAllOOA PARK LOS coY'ms. ,,., .... WOOOIU,, OOLDIN WI.If lo IDINGll N.._.UND AYl-.Af lnN lflllf ,...., .... lo llOO•NUllf MN"l ......... llYD,Al'IUtuN• fOP~NU CAHYOM ll~ At IOfCOI . 'SHOP & SAYE AT ZODYS MON. THRU JRI. 10 to 9 P.M., SAT. & SUN. 10 to 71 LOTS O• JUI PARKING!· I , I I II'. 11 I " ' ' ., " ' ' 1 \ f 1 ' ~-------------------~-- WtdntMSIJ', JanuatT 15,l~ ~ OAILY PILOT -£oast -M~n ~in· Service. Around -World \ ' \ ~ Pvl i-· a. Qefllr, 11, ~!!f.\1_ .clpal< In Projecl Cold agllnsl the Viet Co!J3. aoo ol llf. .,. Mrs. l""'1 ,,.~...,. He wu cllod fee bis ,. --~~J .... ~Ill 11~ , Tile ........ 1. ao alrcrifl perfoimance 11 a data -· ,.. -' ~...... -""1lc llllinOd lo. the ISrd -Hon stall of6cer '!llll .-. ]Mlrl I' I ad\>IUIO:!l!d Wt a I b tT ~-the JJtb Cqmbet support .-~ a 1'I. ltBi.i. Squadroa wm supjicri llie,WC. Group al Cam RIDb Bay AB, llJ., lie --· t•, Herdiltt -all toam V1otnam. to dri "'4 •"'l•i• Ifie llJ!ng '4 • I...ia for """' _::... """1'• ---and fln fog disdftl'oo f!lehls ~ Cit· Job K. K hob r et~ 111 ta& mll'--'p. Ramey AFB; \. .. o di I u b l , USli!C, '°" of Mr. and Mrs. ..........,. : Germaoy •. ..,.. _.,;me.Iii! John Klmbttl ol 21111 Niagara ..... •'w i c I(. C..UW, flif<e<diog n\laslom wW ~ Way, Costa Mesa, Is serving M. DtdRas.· 1D&7 Grant A~ vide lnformaU,U <li i. eon with lbP First M a r 1 n e ,.. ti Mr. and Mts. Femando lfl"1!rport areas: DivlslOI\, Vielnam. C. -, 11 '-"" with Sgt. McCabe-Mallir , -ti. a.II S11Jp1y ..,.i· Semce Del lllgb ~;'Ud lludled Pvl LC. I .E. Med!CI Jr., Ba~. llodllli G<t:many. at Santa Ana C<illeio before son of . Mr. and Mrs. J .E. 11le: ~ solGier enteringthelel'Vice.+ · Medico Sr., of 29381 5an ~-rlnijf"Cmta Mesa ~ Brtsco, South ~ was lllgb SclloDI,.~. and was Ml!). Robert · M. Sllfller, named eu outstanding recruit """' the Marlm C 0 F p I lhe Buie gjectriclly ad w-ol recruit ~ II ·-llepai,, 'Ba Diop, ElectrGnltlScbOol, JJ.S. Naval the Marine Corps Reciu1t with lhe dllllaclbl al ba'°" . 1'nlDllll Cenla', San Di.... DeJljll, San Diec<> •. !Ind lhe ll!Pill 1COtO al \di ' ~ I NI d U a It 0 D the '1lleJ In Pvl ...... B. pla1pc>a dllrinc marbmanlblp ~ .. lo ..--.... ""' al Mr. and ...... traJollls.. 'lbt !>l'lvala -lbelr lpOCl•l\y for· lllrlber ouo c. Paulal ol 30IS ,,_ ~will> Uie M·14 rlfle. tnlDlns: · _:,-;1-11111 ~ualo al"'...__. , -. I,ane, aod Pvl ._ J. Harbot ·~· ... • . .....~ ... ol Mr. ud Mn. School. Allmn l,C. Cit! M. u.,d, William IL Reigel, bout d -..., d Mr. Ill! '!r= Colla M,..; Pn. Jlanll L Alnua u.d:a Jt BllJIFJ, W. lJOy4 of tiSl .Feller, llXl: el G'barlel Feller daughl« or _.Mri __ 11111 Mn. Drive, llunl!natoo ch bu ol .... PoUact Drive and Pvl Edwin e: ,,..._ o1 1no ~ .~ f"' belp1n1 ~·r. Nie...., ,.. o111n. Mls3olu1 Sl,· Colla Ml!ljl, hll unll earn the U.S. Air E..._ O. -wall ol illfl ::;i .. ~T!Pandl!,g .~ Force Outslandlng U o It Clnyoo Lane Drlv,e, ~.of _ ~ », .-.. -Award. -11im11ngton Beadl and Pt!. !>!>en aaalg!"4J!1~ AFB, '!be Uman. a -·-w. lllorw, aoo et l,fn. Mias., for lo the --.le . Is In lhe {14111 Phil llem>il ol 1114 Rim llocl< peraormel field. Ftglitor Gn>up, Edwards AFB, CIDJoo Road ol L a g u • 1 employe( by tlife Mesa North USAP, soo ol Mr. and• Mis. following training at San PbirmaCf before. entering the Lester H. sutne. . ol 1136 Diego U.S. Marine Corrs senice. · Somerset ~. N-e w po r t Depol Bet.. -ftmau Mecut, son ol Mr. and Mn. Bernard J. McCabe ol SII91 Los Amigo<, Sift Juan, has been 11,.• .. .,....t Beach, bai -iiec-Ora¥ with the Broilze Star l/ledll at Hickam AFB, ·):fawall, for' meri+orin1111 service w h 11 e ,. .. -----· ,_ ... :"··-·:"'~~~ "---. Pvl 1.C. Dl1ll W. BanorUI, ·USMC, ..., of Mrs. J.C. Bmworth ol 1991 West!ninmr Ave., Costa Mesa, gradllllm She Is ~·te ol -will ...., the ~tlncti.. B<acll. -c!a lllP -aorvl<e rlbboll ua pennanent , ,..,.--. -.11on. Luco Cpl. Keoanl M. FeUr, Fire-A-~ L. He la a graduste of Marloa aqn of Mrs. Marllro Fella of llealdlel, USN, 1m of Mr. Jiigb ScbooJ. 1552 Elm. ·Costa M. ea a, and l,lrs. Roy A. Hmacbol parllclpate<l In Operation Hen-s.., ol 19W Cindy i-, llm> Five Orauge County men deraoo Hill will> the First tlngtoo Beadl, ll"'doated from have graduateil from eight Marine Division, Vlebuun. ACRIEVEMENT CITATION -Major James B. Davis, alde to Gen. Horace M. Wade, commander In Chief of U.S. Air Forces In Europe, ls presel!ted the Distinguished F1ylng Cross by bis commander. The major is the son of Mrs. Mary E. DaVls of 2504_, Duke Place, Costa Mesa. • -•- LVXllRIOVS WIGS 01! TBE FINEST HVM:AN BAIRI, CAscu1 w10..1T • Extno hff'Y,·""'"' Ibid wit ' •9 ·95 I •Of n¢urol 100"' hvlMlll 'Mir to,. • ft •• Makhy•o<OWft -1487 • Choiu of 30 exciting thadftl CUT·AND-STYLID WIG •~dy-t~"' wl91, ti.avtifully ·•s.ts value t'tyfff w191 . r ~·~of 100% f!M hvMGn hoir ~--.7 •On ttyrofoo• h90d for ttorm, . · -"'""'· -' 110~· !0IMN· 1,!All HAND-TllD WIGS •••• ;,;47.)7 -, ' ... J ~I ZO~YS 1.J'.JG DEPT. HUMAN HAii-IYILASHIS,. S..50 yal•e • ~ • • ••"! • ·f.71 STUIDY STYl.O]OAM HIAD, few wlfii•teroee • • ''' ------110- • 'llY IMITM COIONA HUFFY 20.INCv HleRISE DRAGSTIR ·11CYCLI ' . . '· 59.9f •alue • Chroloe plated, hOO')'"d•tr 3 .. ,. . 94 •frofne' . '-•. •Rae int styl9 m;;., . ..,.., • H(·ri• tiwy bar • . HUFFY 3-SPllD Hl·RISE a•CYCi.E 65,91 ••••• HEWEST RCA VICTOR ALIUM 'HAIR''·THE AMIRICAN TRllAL LOYE·ROCK MISICAL a Zody1 Low 3 57 v Disc.ouRt Price Brilliant, fresh, new, sweet, subtle and sheer fun. "Aquarius", "Hair"', "I Got life", and all the songs record~d complete as they were performed on the Broadway stage. SNAP•IN CARTRIDGE DELUXE FULL SIZI CONCIRT TAPE RECORDER Cl'-CLASSIC GUITAR selling e1lewhere at 70.00 19.95 ,., value i • Whl .. aprvce top • RelnfoKed nt<il • loMwoocf fingerboard •Mott of rhe Motvrft ef profe.+oMI goltol"l • 2-ply p,,..ivm qvolity tinu• •w of 200 .i...n 22·0.Z. LA VORIS MOUTHWASH SAVI 66cl i::s:s 67c •••• ' •Used by mCM'e d.ntJ,h than any othiir brand SAVI 11'1 BOX OF 70 BAND AIDS tic 1ize -- aize •Anti-penpirant aproy SAVI e Hondy 5.8 OL 60t1 oerosol can BARBASOL SHAVE CREAM :i~: 29c •Regular or Mentliol shove cream •11.01.con SAVI 49cl SOLID STATE 12 AM·FMRADIO PHILCO SOLID STATE AM·FM RADIO 19.95_ II'' IPH1LcaJW 29.95 YGI•• I value •AC or bJ:ittery operat .. • fM telescopic ont•nna • lfatlt lllCttherwtt. coae .. Co.. pl• with "1att9ri•t ..... " ... AM SOLID STATE 10.TRANlllTOR RADIO 4'' •10 tra•iston •Earphone and jack •lattefy h1ehrdecf e Hand5Qflt9 COM Wfth c:•"Yittt handte 16~~ • lO tranabtor •Wide rang• front speoier ' •FM cord antenaq •AFC •¥t"lkh : ..... MtwM PHILCO $0LID STA .. PORTABLE PHON0. WITH AUTOMATIC CNANGll! ••• ~ill - • I -· • • • • • ·;,: • ' :. ~ .~ . ·~ I - . " ll z, PJLOT.ADVERTISIR-21 Wtdltlfday, ~ 15,1969 -'• ----~-~--ransp~c; . Acapulco, ~ • ' ~ & v ' ~· s 0 ~ th. t. Ca~ ~ "'* 1riil be orpJl)led ~e ocean ~ and .by lhlf St. • ~.. b!ioa tncludad In. a .Ill! Pelerl YC under 'tbe ~ 11 prupllled f.. • ~lll'ld p al Jack l'oweJJ. ~P ocean ~ A Well 'yacldlm"" Jim ~pjonll!Jp by the 81; .Mlchae!t., <I ~ ~. l!'eterlburs• Fil. Y~ OIµ~. Wll. aliM{ ~ to IOI"(. Tbe twn Soulbland ~"' Qlljbe • ' • ' : • the -too Al!gelOt • The ,...., cover "' Honoliilu. (Transpac) -• -al . ·1sebllnc -eel G"' Yet.r -' and ' al u,;, . ~ •oW!dalo!Y t(ennl1J 'Ian Diel» to races are SI. P-1 J>Uk<> which I.I ICbedOIOcl to Ft. , erdale (l'.tb; . t) aalled In Februar)', 1'70. llld the • • 'to iltOote;o '~ormat ol the ch.Im~ Bay (J ) ,r'1C9 {Mardi 1 .. I.I a Iola! ol 11 ·raceo 1p. 'Olhel'a, a., 'two the world, two ol SOOt)Jern calll~ ra<e1.ue: jblc4 are mandatory and 'fiva the -~ ,Tfansatlantlc, Jptiooal. To be ellgll>la for Newport-(R. I. la Bermuda; i!hampiomhip llalus, the two the Faslnel h\ D 1 t • D d ; mandatory races and ftve or PlymOutb (Ena.) · to La rn-0te of the optional races Rocbelle (France); Annapolis, ni..i be sailed during a three-Md. to Newport, F. I.; the year perod, Jan. 1, 1989 to Skaw race Jn Sweden; Sydney Jan. 1, 1972. One of the races (Australia) to ·Hobart must be in excess ol 1,000 (Tasma.Jlia); H ob a r t to Uliles. Auct)and, New Zea I and ; China Sea Race (HOlll Kone to Manila); Buenoo Aires to Rio de JIDOlro; GltagUa, lta-4'; ,Clilcago-Macldnae, t h e "'-Salllngllally, Pinell> ~ Greece, and the Marblehead, Mau. to Nova Scotia rar· This makee a total ol .eight ,_ origlnallng In the-U.S. The dhen aR in England, France, Swedeft, Aultralla, New Zealand, ArgenUna, ltoly and Clllna. Of eilht U.S . ....,.., four of. them termJnate 1n for· elgn waters. Noted induatrlal designer, BW SM!th ol New York, a yachtsman with broad in- lemaUooal aalllng uperience, haa created a special trophy that will go to the winner in 1172. Mooey for the trophy wW be raised in S t. Petersburg. Powell explained that while the seven races are the .in, World's Series? mlnlinum. more tl)an the five -racu ao that yachllmtn optional and two mandall>riel bad two er thrM races In' Jllly°be aalloil with the bell mOre Cl' leol home Wltolw. 1ev.. counted. Fleet poal~Olll Tllo two mlndo'"'7' ncot COii will be the bull fer paint be llllld on ooe 111P- accredltaUoos. · ,,_ Newpcrt. yldlta art The boat and ....,... or ~ · In Florida f..-'the charterer mual be the llDla lloRc and haye lndlcaled llley for the three years; but' r1g. wtn llllh !he Miami to ling and raUng may be chlng· J...W.. race. ~ .,.. Doo ed, Clark oald. A,n; Jr.'l CIMO -'elee Powell' defeoded the two ' «>ceU Rlclna Cbalnplo.i Of mandator')' races ~ In Soll)hem , CalilGmlaJ, Alilold Florida by pointing out that llubil'1 f1 ·loot yawl Fiorlda aallon mU!I lfO to ' OlnlhalcO and,J'al)lrB. Kll!oy'1 Europe or the PacUlc, or bollt, !Uoot.yawl Klaloa H. to C<lllplele the five ""'1<>MJ Cbubasco and Mel~ will races. The SL Petersburt' lo probably retum home after Ft. Lauderdale race .Is &eld the Jamalct race, but Kilroy every year u part of the haa"lnilicated' he' will ·tafe the Southern Oceait Raclq Coo-Klaloa II lo. England nest ference (SORC) and th e summer for the rugged Faso Mia.ml-Jamaica race is beld nM nee wbicb follows Cowes every two yean following the Week. SORC. In Jrnroy's case, he could Wherever polSible, Powell ~ in ooe or more of said, the commlllee lrled to the ' Europear. roces before MEI'S ALL-PUIPOSE MOC'ODORD 3.ff 244 v.iue • Coflbil'lation of t0ft uppers and comfoctoble .. ,. •I• •IA bladt,. liUI· 7 to 12 . ' returning home. Be haa not Indicated bll plans beyond the Futoelnce. • l;'owell ,aid .,..,, ""'I"" have bein IOtlDded ottt1 en the world ocean raclng cbam- plooablp, lilea •. Maey Indicated they would compete. 5ev!'flll •1-"'• do lnlemlUonal ....,. ,... :Tiiey • 1nc1uc1e SWnner A <lfuey) Long, and Olldlne n , rec:<nt line wlnnera In the Sydney Hobart race; Homer Ilenlus of Mel~, Fla., In Rage, also t,n entry In the Sydney Boj>art race; Snalth with bll Figaro 1V; Geor&e Mollett with ,Guinevere and S. K. Belman with Indlgo. Others expected In jump at the chance f<>< an lnlemaUooal CaD)Palgn are Robert F, Jolinsoo and bla new n.loot Windward Passage, and Ken De Meuso in bla new Vs.loot Blackfin. LlnLI BOYi' TENNlllHOU I ,, value 2.49 •Sturdy canva1 high top or low ail Mnni• •hoe• i• blad: or white • UHi• Boys' ai1.e1 6 to 2; lo)'t' 2'/i to 6 ALlllU'i'I CDtS ~-, OILAaDlnq ., ··s··-• t.SO ""'" · . lP'~. •C.•ua~aliMf ...., .. I .... cf , , •PrwttlCky ............ ... • '°' w .. "'''• ., '".a . a .... WOMIWSIDEIS' IPORT PUTS ' -. .~~:. 3:~1 •Black (~,..-patent &p9rt: fist . •Chain GmOMnt on MOC st;fdt, tqVON toe -•Nn chvnky heel. SizM 5 to '10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ~ ., • • • • • • -• -• • • I ' t l I • • I _,....-------~UMLINE ALL 82 CHANNI YIT~STIR MOTORIZID CYCL• , YITAMASTIR ROLLIR, ~,., MAISA•IR ' . 19".PORTABLE TY. 129.95 .• ,, ,,. value I 184 .... lllCHIS ' •Big 19-inch pidure-1toys sharp •Outsfottding rocepffon-... n in fringe areo. • AMfteeel tuning on all 12 ch~lt • Svptr ltrong 19,000 voltt of pictvre ,_,., • Contpl.._ with eorphona and jod: 244,9s 19917 value . •Motoriied Vitamost•r El.ctric CYi=I• giY91 all tfte heolthfvl benefifli of swimming. rowing, horMbaclt riding SAVE 20.01 : '79.~S vcdue '1 1 ~~·~ ~-;.:N;A1;1;o;~;A;LL~Y~AD~.ivi~Rini1i1Dii~:--_::~~:_:-~-:·•:••:·":':•:-:·:N~;;'.':::"~.-~-1 ., :;. l , I . ' · .. ; . '~ ··J: • ' . ·)-. .. ";-• • Plu91 into any room aocltet '-...E'e,,.--A •Two-position ~dal stirrups EASY CllDIT TllMSI HEAVY DUTY BILI MASSAGER • f'oworfvl l/5 honepower W10for •All ttffl bose and po1t •Adjustable manage bait Intensity control • Profauional 3-inch wb b.lt '"41191 s 11 l:te l·Yr. over·lhe-couter excb11p 111rate1 MINI ELICTRIC DRYER IN TRAYIL CAii .~r:. 4'' •for Mme, offic• or trcrvwl • O"Mft light, giant perfonnonce •Hot er COGI Mttfng • Col'T)'ing strap and vinyl Cate MHel lMJ •I yr. unconditional 9u~rantM • • '. ,, ~ • • Meftl YMll,...llt • Ju1t like hundNdt of ffngert lft<lua9ln9 afld b9oding your mu1e1 .. 1 . • Stimulat. illlood circ•lotiOAI e UL-approved ~ hp. ariotor •Unconditionally 9uaf'CIMHd for 1 .full year _ ,, WATER PIK" ORAL HYGIENE APPLIAllCI 24.9516'' value • Rocomm'..ncied by th0Utand1 of denti1ttl • Watlir Pllr.9 earriel on the job yo"' toothbrush "aiM •Cleans fnaccestibla pfac.1 ·JVVr brv1h CO'"'f' ~ch ...,, .. BROXODINt AUTOMATIC TOOTHBRUSH 19.95 value II'' lex sGu111I • Recemntand.d ~ "'°"' denthfl thcut au other aufo.atic too~ eDfltbinacl • App.-.-1 by~··· O.ntal Tltarapatio .f the American Dental ANoclatioft . . • FABVWVS SAVINGS IN ZODYS LIQVOR DEPT.!. • 61Jll1f.1 ' ·"°·"':-. 1\1111.\•--:&-:-..... ~ ,. ._ . ..:.~:· ... ZODYS IMPORTED RUM UGHT OR DARK. Mak""°""" Co111p11n.at 4.99 Mai·Tois. ZODYS GREAT 'T' YODKA llJOaA DRY c 4 19 0.-! m .. ...r. om,...,. at ~. ntAllK SllAllDY 10.YL OLD a1HRuao11. , ~:-;;w1ow1 Ce•pare •t S.19 --· ZODYS CAllADIAN WHISKY 86.6 llROoP , c-,.ie•t 6 75 v..., -lh. 1 .. ,..w. • 2 99 """ 3 ,,. 11m ZINll'H 14'~: Aµ. CJIANNEL POR1'··~-· c•a:oa TY Zoclp La• prf~O .1 •2: 88' j 102so.,111~:,J . ' •Super 'flAo ftlllQll '12'Ch:atuwl tu fl Ing tytta"' •hc:I-. •hckt~to fhlff·lfa .. vidH alhplifier •full ""9cf ,,...... tranlOr.r • A~lor darifJW with .agn9tfcally ahi•lct.d plc:hfrf tubo • S•iuhine color TV plctur• tvba for 9reater brighhtau. truer color ~.,,,.; • .................... ,..., ,.,. .... 11JNOH • .,.I 2·HOR RtP•IGIRATOR·FRIUIR· I ·•~2w'.n. j SI JI --~ I,;;_' • t'1 •r;J • 100-lb. freezer wlth .. parat. door-Mparat.ly ilHufatad for best- 1 fr .. zing action •A~tic • 1 ' deff'Olting ..rtion _,....,"*' dafrottin9 •full widtft, f•ll claptft •h•Mt, two positiott 1half odjVlb •PWS: )Mt!!O< ... ,.,, ... ........ .. ..,. .... d- ZENITH •IG .CRIEN 20'~. TABLI MODIL COLOR Tv . Zody1 Low Prlcel 1227 SQ. lllCHIS I ' s39a •Co1W11niM1t front panel control1 for inttant'hlfling •Super vi~ ranee hHMr •• ~11.12 channe'9-. •Zenith Super 50 bigh lferfonnance. handcroitod ~ • Sunshin• ~lor TV plc:two 111bo for 9~fffar bti9htneM, ttvar colots .............. ,.. •.. , WllTllCGH.Uil 19"CLI AuTOMATIC-WUHiR Com,.re at 119.t5 •141 l·HUvYDft"'' •E-ol"f&.. dtal ca111trol .,_ t•Mpot'Clture winh .,.i. .. ~ ind1ttHt!f.hot ...... ..a ... ,. ...... •Fo..-...... odi!-~ '•Hoow""'t 'tr ......... .,.,..,Ill lodt ''f"'"i!oi• _, .. ~ -=~==~AU. TfiE FIB IQ CUIU YOU NUD AT ZODYS, NO PUICNASE NECissAIYI . . ! .,.HOP & IAYI AT ZODYI MOii. THRU PRI. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.1 IAT & IUll. 10 to· 7. ~. LOTS OP n11 llAllKIN•I [g91 ZODYI NIW, llMPLIPllDINITANTCRIDIT OR YOUR •ANKAMIRICAllDI ••• •AtllPACT*ON"•lllARAllTtlDI .. :·1. ~ 1 ""' "' • • I ·--·----~-~~-----~-~ • • --·----~ • • • ~ •. -.. " -• • - • .. -. ' • I I I ' 'I , 1 I' I• I I tl • l I ' • • DEAN WITTER. ~ Co. JNCOJU'OJtA.TU Mtll'lbtf Ntw'l'e.• Slll(_ll, tlc,,_f'lat SAH ,MltOllOO • l0$ ANGELES • NfW '(()Jiii( • CHICAQO .Bren.tort It. OQdcn , Monogtr 381 Dovtr DrlQt, Nttvport Btach Tel~onc 842-&JSO ' . . ' . ... 1 ' ........ • ..- = , --. " I I I . ( "'~-·----~-----------·~-------·---·--------.-----:---------~---- DAILY PILOT "'Tiie OIClt•DlaL• 11a10M ~J ·• 0" 9000 ION9 u•u- A""m91ie.I loaflno wrl"""' alld llllf'KIM '" It• '""'-................... M...,-O.vll, cPlltumed bf Mtttl s•i<flm. lltflll,. .,,. loaftdr• '•rbr• ~eni.d bf Soull'I tMlt •-rtort T,.,...YI ltlt'llWll IUNlft'I •I llW '"" Tllfflw, llfJ ~ .. ec. .. -. ' T)fl CAST ,.,~ IJbu • • ••••. _ .. _ p, .... Manin' Ullll .•.••. C.nol l(rwtlef 911 Ltdbln .• ,. ... J-ll1ut 8ordurt ..... SlcY• di F-Nlifolllu .. ,. .. . . Ai..llon ICtltr ll>S. ,,. 8Uflllllll i!ko<*tt OOl'tl .. Poo\lnd. s.,...,., ,,_..""' IClif!l...,,....cH'-< ·· •• ~ '""''"' ~· . . . . . ... nm P11C11 ....... .. "•ul O..-Jtt LM!lla , .• , •..•• , •.. •rMI FlttG ... tld \JtllifltoMMM;r ,,. ·••··•• ltU'lfl ...,,. Hi.in 111 ................. Robert GllM Tlf>.-111\M .•.• · . J«n' CC!f'l'IM' U•Dlrll ....... ll'oo!IU eor.ldl.. Mli;MIM R~Y, Fr~ L'llolr slage or South C o a s t Repertory's Third S t e p 'J'hefter aa the ·wildly comic ~Uoo of Ron Thronson, who acts as writer, director, musical composer and film ~Or for the mixed media melange. It i! a masterful ~ptishment. "'4"hronaon has balanced his political satire -which must have bad its inspiration in the Democratic convention or last August -with enough outright buf£oonery to make the eod resull palatable ralher tJ:wA propagandWng. T h e sliM is essentially comk. Wedotldaf, Janua17 15,l'lfll DAll .. Y f'ILOT Ji.fl """ 'INCREDIBLE UBU' IN SCR SATIRE Roger Parker Takes Typlc•I Pose in Title Roi• which strengthens its recur- ring serious overtones and sets up the audienCe for a s e a ring, thought-provoking finish. Set in the mythical kingdom or Germania, iri an at- mosphere reminiscent of Al Capp's Lower Slobbovia, the show is mounted against the backdrop of a political con- ve.oUon where lbe country's leaderii meet to choose their next king. The setting is com- plete with TV coverage - by '"BiU Ladlslas, the voice of Poland," a role done with brilliant understatement by James Baxes. POLISH JOKE Actu.ally the entire show is, as Thronson describes it, the world's biggest Polish joke -· r:tnierica's 'Total Freedom':_' . ~. Extolled by Director J(azan . By VERNON SOOIT HOLLYWOOD !UPI) -A unifli.te man in American erlt!ftainment todaY is a sttjiiipy 59-year--old Turkisb-botn rebel who strides with giant steps on Broad~·ay and In )lollywood. Me is Elia Kazan . the only m4n ~-ho bas successfully written t~·o novels. made t~m into .screenplays, lhen P'1'<1~ and directed them. lits books, plays and movies ary: filled with social com- m•nt, most of tt highly crilical I of '.American manners, morals anil imtitutions. Vet, at Warner Bros. the a~her day he s aid p.ionately: "I've traveled the world but the United Stf.lei is the only free country, thf:-onJy ,one that understands the basic beauty -of total Ireedom. '"That's why I Jove this country. Tl's why I'm not em- barrassed 'to admit I ' m greatly patriotic -which gb.-es me the freedom lo write aboot the cou.ntry's faults ." \Vhal makes Kazan unique~ His versatility, drive, in· tellect4al probing and candor. He is esses1Hally a simple man made complex by those who would attempt to define him in thelr own terms. For the second time in a decade Kazan has v;ritten a novel. then turned around and transformed it into a screenplay which he produces trossword Puzzle ·:ACROSS • I;Flo1Ung , plalform ~ ij,pwinled ogrowU. l~'lolh: :.£..Olllb, '°"' l4j\.1t7 ill t1Dd11 .lSIPart t f Asi1 l91h c:t trulc building 17 Sports contest ll lhgilflcftlt 1r..,~ppostd ,tj:j: 011!. 20.&oil zz:tupld 24:Poe111 25•1tivtr ol ~£urope 27.J,unlor 2t-Sacts off Jl'Wew: • Cornb. for11 )) Japantse WOiian dlvtr 34.Partoot of "'°" '' Rrrl -40 EsHncr 42 J1ctrt feature 44 Utter a .rf.oud shout 4S'llnter _wirno111enon 4JWooden • •ork shoe 4t ~hlld 5t P1rt of l tllt body ' ., 52 Eur. rt sort spot: 2 words 54 St. Lawrrntr Rlvrr dlst;ovrrrr 51 Go11ed shttl Iron 59 Past 60 Oe,reor holder: lnlonn1I '! '"' 65 Oftlrt 67 Fool 69 Ah: , Comb. 101111 70 Look 71 Hr1ddrns 72 Flowrr 73 Calllomi1 rl vl!f 74 Kind of htall119 75 Eng .. sand hi ll OOWN 1 NFL tram 2 U.S. 111thor l lrlsh 2 words 4 Shrtd 5 Kind or fast1nrr: 2 wtll"dS Ii Cc11fm "'' 1 Zrst I log, cf 1 sort 9 Drink ing spot I 10 Near East sttlpfd fabtlc ll Qurbtc comm1111ily 12 Junr ptrsonallly 13 Notat 1 'Ctntrr 21 HuU'itd 21 Took to co ii rt 26 Buns@rl bumrrs' relatives 28 Early beat b11ildtr 29 Hits JO Man's na111t JI Flowrt part 35 Boollktrp- lng e111'Y 37 Gentfr: 2 words 38 •rathtr· man's ward )9 SUbstJ tutr: Suffix 1115/119 41 Cost of lfv· io11 item 43 Something Stf'lihg IS · 1;uide •6 Mith subjt(t 48 Body or Jrwlsh law 51 ls dtStf· ving of 53 Stt into thr surface 54 Mlkt join ls watertight 55 Corr1spond 56 Jolly-57 Ho usehold applian ce 61 Kind of fat;t 63 St. Pattick's Ian~ 114 Flowrr 116 Bird tit Oritorio: Abbr .. and directs. The lirst was "America, America." His cui- tcnt project is '"The Ar- rangement," which sold more than a million books. Kazan, of Greek eKtraction, is a fascinating n1an. His clothes are sloppy, his face rumpled, his hair a mess. He has l1Qfle of the trappings of suc~s.. But look at the man's record. ''.Splendor in the Grass." "A Face in the Crowrl.'' "Baby Doll," "East of Eden," "A Streetcar Named Desire," ··on the Waterfront" and "Viva Zapata." He broke lhe in terraCial taboo with "Pinky" and tackl· ed antisem i ti s m with "Gentleman's Agreement ." His pictures often are social indictments, some or them bit- ter reflections on life in America. Kazan secs it as patrioti.~m . '"Social comment isn't a t:h12 Spht: -ERNEST BORGNINE -MllUOlll· MlTllOOOlOA AU O rt.AYING "TWIST OF SAND" ltLEPHONE 541•1551 FOi INFORMATION TWO FIRST RUN FEATURES "TH E IMPOSSIBLE YEARS " DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALBRI GHT PETER USTINOV MAGGIE SMITH IN "HOT MILLIONS" IN TEtl!NICOLOR IYI. SHOW ITAn 1 P.M. CON,. SUN. ,lOM J P.M. !"'c.A-C,oi;tt~dy " ~em,-ing . Durante's Mel.od y land Show Reset Due to prior commitments, Jimmy Durante ii pOStponing his tcbedueld appearance this month at Melody land Theater. Orig\nally set to open a one wee.k engagement Jan. 21, the Durante show will · b c rescheduled at the Anaheim showplace, with the new dates to be annoUnced s o o n • Featured on the show were Eddie Jackson, the Purce Sisterl' and the 0 s m o-n d Brothers. ' 1be next attractions at ,Melodyland will be the Feb. l..J appearance 0£ ''The John- ny Carson Show," followed by "The Jimmy Dean Show" Feb. 4·9. LA Record ~ 1o 1inprecedonlod Uclrel demud tbe •llll•S-OI of the Neil Slmoo comedy "Pl- Sul\e" at !he £os Angel .. ' HW!!ing!M llarlford Theattr ,_. ' ~ been Htended UirooJb Feb .. 15. , .Starring 19" Dailey and Lee Grant, and directed by Mike Nicbols, the comedy began Ito Hollywood ensagemeDl Oct. 15. Now in its 13th week, "Sulte" Is chalklng up one of tbe longest cootlnuous engagements or the decade of a Broadway hit at a major Los Angeles theater. "Plaza sUittr• was written, produced and directed by tho same trluvirate responsible for l.pe two earlier comedy hits, ''Barefoot in the Park'' and "The Odd Couple" - Simon, Saint s u b b e 1' and Njchbls, one of the most IUC· cessful cteaUve alliances in the American lheater. The play opened o n Broadway Feb. 14, 1968 to unanimous critical acclaim, and has been the hottest non- musical ti~ on t h e theatrical main stem since its debut. The Chicago production DAILY I'll.OT SI•" 1'1Wr. Top Sppporting Actor James E. snµth (left) accepts the DA ILY PILOT's Distinguished Performance trophy from Tom Titus, DAILY PILOT entertainment editor, at a ceremony las~ weekend at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. _ Smith won the countywide best supporting actor award for his performance in Huntington Beach's "The Petrified Forest." Lloyd Jazz Fete at UCI began its Windy City run last Oct. 21 and is expected to con~ue there, to capacity business, throughout their=======;;:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=::::======; present year. AMPLE. BALBOA 673-4048 ..... .,.. Jtt t. .. ,... . lalllea '"'ktwh Tickets for "Plaza Suite'' may be obtained, thi-ough Feb. 15, at the Hartford box o£lice by mail or at any agency. ' lle<:-•R•t ~ A•u1t1r Joenl!f' W-lnf e COLOR e ,.lACHIL. lACHfl" Kim Novik e COLOR • "THI llC.END OF LTU.H CU.II'" fOUNUIN \ALLEY i> 1\1 ~' I~ Hl·WAY 39 .......... ...... ,,..,.., I O.VW. THt• John i\Sttlt' • COLOR e "'l l lDIS OF I LOODn (lvlstoDMr Ltt e COLOlll e "ILOOD NINO" ·······~············· NOW SHOWING or1H AT 1:11 SHOil suu1cn 1:J1 FI A.TURI t:OO --Ona Showi119 011ly-:" HELD OYER 3RD WEEK! The or19ln1I complete f'Olcbhow version of the multi Acact.my Aw•rd Wlnn•r ,..~.'"9M . ~ IT IS LIFE rfSELF ••. RA W BEAUTY IH ALL ITS AWAKENING! fM. Sllow Stwm 6:45 Co11tf111•1t1 Show S11•da' ..... 2 p.111. gfdc FREE PARK!NG Mtwl'O•T IJAtM -•I .... ••"•M• .. h"-l•• lW• blo -QI, 1·11!1 A BEST ACTRESS BEST DIRECTOR NEW YORK CRITICS AWARD C& 1-·-!!). .,.,.... .............. PETER D'TOOLE -ZERO MOSTEL IN "THE GREAT .CATHERINE" JAMES DEBBIE MAURICE GARNER REYNDl.DS RONET ..,,,,,. ALSO . FIRST ORANGE COUNTY RUN Read The Da ily Pilot • .. ~ • Wins Prize At Knott's . " ' . t STEREO · $ENSATION! The cOIDrful sound Of _ ~ orange county Music .. ,_ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From i=-ashlon Island, Newport Beach .. ,,. .. l ~· we . , .. -.., u. 1'1M .!tl'Jt. . . "' .. ·, •• .. • -·-- ' DAILY-! : L ,. , LEGAL NOiii I - .. ' "'.~ -~·.,.- -..,,, = .~ ... di .,, ....... . , . • .•• u. ·~ ... • . ,. " •• .. •• ...... 1 i I , I ' ' ' ' " ' ' "' I i ~1 " \ I ! I ' I • ....... -............... ·..:.,.;.; ........ :.; j · •. :..: ........ ;, ·;, ·, • ~ ....... , ' • DoTtll ~tor Symptoms S7 PeleT J. &-, ~ID Dor Dr. Slelnerohn : At last I 1ot rny husband to 10 for a checkup. He tw been having aevere chest pains lately. Not unW I ut ne'lt to the doctor •l a diMer partJ the following night did J 1...,, that my husband told h1m notbhli about bnlnl IUCh symptoma. The doctor aald, "I'm clad you tOld me. lt'ti .important to know. He had • mrma1 electn>cardi'8f'ID and I thou.eh' his heart was all filbl But it's poulble to have angina, in some cases, without .., changes In the elec- trocardiogram. Better have him come in. Better sun. I'll Wk to h1m myoell aft..-db> DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE ner tonight." Dr. Steincrobn, 1\'ill you explain what be means? -Mrs. D. COMMENT: t suppose you art not in any mood for jGkes, Mr.i. D., nevertheless I lhillk thb old one makes a point in your huJband.'1 problem. A patient went to his dentist with a Stl'ere toothache. The doctor asked, "Where does it hurt? Which tooth is bothering you?" The patient replied, "You're the doctor. Why should I have to tell· you?" • fJ2'5 Value! ·wor$f-.I Wool $'lfeat•rs ' '5''~ P'UIJ faob!OoM tarCU.118' ud. lai-tn:w nect palloven ,irll!> taible tronta • ielulic atttclL lQOI. Wool W«" ..... in-tavortte •new llW'a.Dion tol• .... tic '1 !11 .. U~ • So the doctor pulled one tooth. "Was it that ooe?" ---'~:!rlleiilib'iXrnl pati'°WtShOOk ··- hi& head. The doctor extracted another and anolher and adother and the patient kept shaking his head. WhM the dcf:tor held up the last tooth 6140 Magnus Chord Organ ~:~.~::~9•s 'ffiltlJle Multtpte-Dail oun!~s Dally Ylt~111lns .. ltamin,.11n •' • .. in his forceps, the toothless ~ent smiled and said, "Yes, / UW's the one. I thought you'd 'neVer l\less!" You PttAY have heard this old joke but I believe it was worth repeating. Ptfany pa- tients go to their medical doc- tors and conscioualy, or with- out reallt.ing It, keep back vi- ta] information necessary for diagnosis. Your own hwband did so, Mrs. D. Why, J don't know. But it Is not at all un- common for patients to act lhil way. For ezample, in a ~ent survey of Sooth Dakota p~aicians (in 1 study of 1,500 pa}lent vis1ts) it was dllcovered that half lhe pa- tiept.a with heart a n d respiratory problems "failed to)nention either of these pro- blims which seemed obvious a.111 1triowi to the physician.•• • l RA VE had patients tell me that they smoked "a little" •·tple their family swore they smoked at leet three packs a Jay. Some have said they take a artnk once in a while ("I'm • ~ drinker") yet •·ere aoin-discovered to be chronic aleoholics. P•tienls with s t o m a c h ~. suspecting they have m ulcer and afraid of surgery, often will not admit to such diicomfort when they visit ib4ir doctor. And 90 it has been with yoiJr own husband, Mrs. D. Wllat his doctor meant was thts: In many cases of angina Ult other upectJ of coronary ariery disease, elec- trocardiograms m a y be notmaJ (especially when the dorbr baa not performed the 1.fbter tv.·o-step test) -tak- inl hurt tracinp before and ~ meuured e1erclse over ....... . THEREFORE, It b essen-wil that the paUf.nt tell all bis symptoml. Quite often the dliiP>osla ol an&ln• may be made on symptoms alone. nlat ii why the doctor wants another talk with your hi.ts- baild. He want.I the true pie· lu(e, ndt a fur;sy one. 1t ii evident, then, that pa· Utflla apead their money and their time neodlealy H they ··~'t come clean" wbe.n they vbit the dodor. WbaV'a more mprtaot. they 111!'7 be ... daO&e<lng their Uvea b y 'fiJbholdlnc I m p o r t a n l in- f Oimatlon. the truth, the whole truth, ""' nolllln& but the truth. •P-• u wen in medicine as k ~in a court cl law. ' • "!'.:"! "P. :.:~ :11. .... ·~. •con, u !: I .. ..,...., II ..,.. .... to Or, tMlnctolwl. --· key1, 12 chord but-tons, mahogany duralile cabinet f3.49 Value Dr. hllttle Pushml-Pullyu t'omod Or. Do-$166 little 6'' doll witb Polyzne- si a on his 1houlder and twin·headc::I Pusbtni-Pllllyu. 69• Val. Pe••• Circus ' Fudge Old f.,h. 2 F 1 toned 0 creamy R tudae • Chocolate nut. peanut or vanlll• not 0a¥Ora __ _.,. Prke4 New naire..i leg. Daz:illn& colon tn Ott?\ 1111 print.a. la 100% nylon trt-· col S,M',L. f4"ta,.teol Laltel Maker Uses atimd-$299 ml,. .. tape. New shape . with band com.fort flt 'P' Pk. Of 500 ,,, ... ,.,., ~ Full nam s-rt --or •••• ·Hall ..-: quality 8 typinr pa-7c .. .. •1Yal.Pk.1f20 20 brushes in dSOrtfid site,s, 5 7c A tremendou1 1/3 Off Sale of Pipes ~ ...... ...... s.11 ......... .. . $1.tl c ••••••• r't a.tee Mastercraft Pipes Beautil\ol $J31. pipes that · ;ire fa!lh· ioned or 100.year- old Al.ferian briar. · Jo,iltered for dry 1moki11g! Artistic-ally finished . ... 2.Mt.Lts Masttrtraft •.•. , $1'' .. $ ti ~= 65c . ::= 79' COM~ARt TO OfH(~I SELLIN' AT $2.94 ..... 1.tl .............. u ...... 2.ff lettle.tJUl1.Jt (!;llf'A~t TO OTMf.RI 5Ell1MG IT S:S.2' ........ 2M -. ........ 1 ... ..... Q.tt , a.ttJeefl65$2.21 --TMm 63C . 99c Mentholatum .............. -. Wll~-IOll If M-MT J & SAYi -2 F50C 49• · · on· Swalts · : ,_llCI __ -iJ.111.A •·"'· . . 7-7c $1.19 Pertussln Actln ........ . ... ............. t3.51y ..... ..... Oii .. 99c Ounce · ~Formu or Women. Leave. bod.1 witb f1all a hlat ol In- "' ,;;.== $150 YG5 air Spray =E"88c Ne'rer lea\-es your bair 1tifT or sLicky. J11cL 15c off on label. ! ..... •3 .. , •••• , T1•ch ,.., 1.11 .. ~c 99c Bottle! . Smooths rir17 dry rough 1tln. e 11m .. 't ••.•W. · s u .... .-c.w ..... .._ • M lw_. · ''' • ...._ W•. Wul t 'a e 11ft1 Y ...... '!'f-•0; A.,._ ..... &~ ........ • • ·stc Ylcb .... •6'.W.- 2i'7'JC ' $7.aa Value! . ' ( : ' 69• ea. loxed Stationery Buy 3 .... In• $1 .07 3:•100 eeautifUJ atsortment 1laD1 with dec:orated sbeeta and envelopes. White or colon:. C• O,•••r ·--~r.:':. $899 , ... 1-E C.HN - Mak•r B,.w ff 99 sele!?-tor f'Or pel'fect coffee. 4 to 8 tupa liie. r-12. - Ga•raa·7 teed t• 7c teep let· ·--- DeLuxe model , Gold colored, elegantly styled. \\'Ill ;ilso · hang on wall. This fine read· · in& lamp belongs in every room or the house. Good for office. loo~ $1 .SI YA\.Ut 5 Yr.lnrtllliM Light Bulbs 6 '":a !.1°1:. Choice or eo or too~_.. · Marvdite lleht Mlbl • • • • tbeYll stop bulb ........ Matchstick Cafe Curtains ~a::.'~-~~: 86• 1etill!e0 ,•blte ,• or avocado. 2'- lnch JU:e. . • r sut, sr 11.11,-11-• ~.98 Value! •••Ana · .·~•O''lugs v-. '.u-ta=·. 2 :""'~ $ 98 ~~Ge..,-.. 1' ' -: .... ::i : .,.. : -· . ~i J i j) (. . .., .. . ,, ... _ :} < . ' .. ' • ' ' :~ '.r '' ./; ' c .. ' ., , c . ,_ . , . ., . :: ' . -· C• ·-'· , . . . . -'' ,,. .. :-.. . .. < , ' ~-' -- . . ' "' .. ; ~ ,. , I _, .: I -· .. <, .. .. -~. I ~ s; ' I . ' • ~ • .. .. .. ' ... '• . ' •. < • ~ • ' :. ' 2 " • " ' ' ;.; • Persistence Pqys Off ' ' •• r . ' • ' ~ 6ei~ I ' .:,.) ' ' ' ~ . . ' • ~--.,., ...... ....... ..... , By ~IAN ·cQJc : ,.,., , • ·' " ....... ,. ...,.. . ; ~ .-.. ! .Ir~. Ho aed. (coy) Greenle. of;San Ju'!" Ca~~ano, on•<!! ~~t otanp Countt ~181.s to vi• In lhe PWsbury BaltHff CGateat, Is proil, poaltl.-!hat ~u? .. ce pep of1 In lhe end. =i "'" ..C:: ltf", c~· eo ~,. be"" failhfully submitting h ... )e¢pe• to Ibo Pilff.'h. . ··.J ·'' a . , . b"'' people s tbe)jstart~•l'~• contt1fi0 yeara afo. ••· :<:. · ·!><' ,, , \·~ ~ent a · or mort.""°!pe' t1lls 111119, as do herfyeart _ ~,.: . .. ..... '.\' L ..... .;'0:'-1!"1i..,.----~-..i/.· ...:.•-Jll. ....... ~1"' ~:'..\· •'' • " I~~ .. , i . ' , ,-...., .... ~·,.,,_. -• V· . 1 ··, I • I• • l··~ (-., /( ;:. I ,,no~,,~, • ~ la~the first tb:ne P.1\a.~won.11 Ii r ' ~ .. . ...... ....-~. : n. wile ~ m~lber ii an Old Jilllld at ·entering .contosll. Si.qce,~ ' 1 , , <W•i a iiRcle ~·· Greenlee h"'. spent ~Uess hours finl8hing jlng)es,_~· • , ljjlg .out·boltlnp• and composmg statdiitentiJ''extolllng a partlculal'-p~_a:; ·"1 ·~1(1" .... ~, .:1• .... • ,t i"t•l . ,rX;f:~--~t.f. d ~1 r · ~ V°'" ;t~' ,._.__...,,~.1""1,..,....,, _,·· .,.t~ ... '. ,.!~.. "'~'t· · · Her contest boOty includes a plastic swln)ming ~' el,.;trlc tnlii).t<~ washini machine, a trip to New York and a dlsbwash~ to n&me~•ie'lft~.. · However. not always does the course of a cOntelt entr&llt· 1 t smooth, There have been times wben frustration reared ill llg))", be 11· . Take the.contest which asked participants to name thO three lltUe I~ WOO iraslfed ato(!Dd the sinl WIJ>ln( OU! stains like magic lo adve'ii'e',::.!:..-. certalnAAe~u~~b~~~ht;.,,d ~eliJ\eraUon Mrs.-;,~~~ee decided, on n:~ !Jee Ne.e, n§!De• certainly worlhy of three magic-litUe gremlins. · .:-::.-; . , but.; tfle scouring poWer ·_people-chose some other person.' ~itb ~:::+. By NANCY MclNTVRE DEAR NANCY: My bw+band and 'I alw-.vs worked at ,being "yQ\181;1' swing- ing parents and pa1s ·C 'our1 teenage youngsters. Th~ff no genj!taticht gap in olir family 'Sjnce we're turhed ori to the ·attitudes and ~di•~\~~·~~~~;:_:o iin first :prize, and lf~s .'_Greenle~ hail to :~: ~ AD.9t11er Um£ ,the wont a tnp. to New Xo,k, .only to find she baa ~ of'· . ~·eet her own ~xj)erises. On..~~~r Occasioi;i she enfe'red a contest s~-::: ~ 19:f!d' by-~ appll•ce store,. with. the.. single-mind.eC:I intention to w~: ~ ' e:tb9e, which she desperately .needed. Instead· sh~ wort: a washing machiJltG~-- One of her~most frustrating.eipfiriences Was 1a · stab at winnin~ trip to the Kentucky Derby,'$1000 and last but no< least, a ·thorou&bbr4:3: · race horse of her very own. --. -.: .. ~=-;:;;+ causes of young people. Our children thin$ I Here's a oew way to w,ann sandwiches . . up~ .sn9w.Pliople when lhey DIPPY SALAMI SANDWICH c.~ in panting from the WITH TOMATO Bl8QUE ei>ld. Souper dippy sandwich-DUNK es-little bite.size sandwich~ I can (11 ounces) condensed you dunk i,n hot soup. This is bi.sqµe of tomato soup the new fun food that goes .:v, cup water down faster than you can 4 slices salami schuss down a slope. f sllcel toast, buttered,. or Dippy dlmki.'lg sandwiches ~~. rollJ, opllt, . are so qultk and eaay to pre--..~ ~ , . All Mrs. Greenlee had .to do to win all th~s' fantastic prize~. wp;:.:;! dream up the perfect name for the race horse. However, to help'J.nPe&iK=- the od.dS-in her favor, she needed to collect as many entry blanks' as P<tsS::'."?- stbl~, which in this particular case cam~ along with packets of pip~~:~ tobacco. . , ·. -:· Her husband, unfortunately, smo.ked cigarettes, not~a pjpe. But ttl.u&~; didn't faze Mrs. Greenlee. ,. -~ .·• l ', '. -;~~~ She began buying packets of pipe ftobacco out1. ot·.·he.J· M>usehQ14ti-~:. money and, giving them to friends a!ter·remoVing the entrY r'qU:iT,em,nU.;.t: Soon Greenlee decided it might not be a.'beil idea to· switch' fo .a j>ipe;aliit··' after tnuch puffing they accumulated well over 300 entry~blank!. -;#•~-:-- The ·tobacco company, mean\vblJ.e. unaware of Mrs. Greenlee's vaf.• . iant efforts, went ahead and ch~nged. t.Q-e ·Whole thing to 'a sweepstat:-.. Mrs. Gre€n1ee threw away the entry blanls in disgust And her )lUsbiUld. 'vent bac~ to smoking cigarettes. •· :' j • ~.. ' Mrs.-•.Greenlee sadly ~ti ·that her.-days as a Cfintest,._wmner. are_..; num~ered. .isponsors are going in for $Weepstakes. ' she eXplainid: .:-''Thero..w..nJ1Jll<ll'Ulateme.nL,g[.jjntk.£Jlllillls.Jo..l..illH.Ao~_,,; took a Uttle effort before. NO\Y .all you .have, to do is s,ign your name'.,' . ~ .-- (SH WINNE.RS CIRCLE, Pogo 301 , • · Swed·isH Version · Given pare, an oblll!in.< snow bunny 1 SUcod lllJll(~ ol!v.. (op. can make them while the . tlonal) 1 • , \ • (. skiers .are stowin& their skis. 'lepd · S<iUp ''a!>d water, All she needs is bread, Heati Stir now-\and . ·then. spread, f~IJ .11-.vt a can. i>t MeanWbiie, a«BQl'e\111.ilml on two .of con "d;oup ~andy. toasir. ·open-ace~· le. Cllt . ' , ' Since the day the Orsi •tack of. ft•pj@-cb was consumed, _,... have be<Jt a dish lookeCI Upon by most . as same- '"-·-elyc;\mellcan. -• 'Ol-C!.,;. ' ' Tbo ........... ~ty hous-es ijiriMitlrur up throughout tbe country 1etld credeooo to this belief. Though we like our pancakes, other coontries enjoy them too. As proof, hlre's a recipe for Swedish pancakes. SWEDISH PANCAKES 2 eggs 1 cup light cream l ;z teaspoons , :1ugar If.: cup sirted all-purpose !lour 1,'4. teaspoon salt Beat eggs just enough to b1e:ld yolks. and whifes; add cream. Sift flour, sugar and salt into liquid in~edien:ts; beat until smooth with totary beater. While · soup·. iS be,W\g, ucb'Blice intoi bt •. ·she mak the. :ian<lwlches, (~II). Top eacli . Gliv cutt~g them .bit\)' blte-!ize slice, )t ~-. pieces. Each cold cu'stOmer intO bOWls. ;~th ~ gets 1 mug or bowl ol steam· p~ ·~ i:i:i" . h\g . soup, a """"~ sand-IJ>OOll!..'.\! ~~~-' 1'mifliWI w and a skewer or tork soup ~ .... ~·4 .sefV1ni1:~1 , · dunking. A reB!ly \ bright SOIJPl!R Clln:S£, SANJ>. ' ptovides · 1pooos, ·too, WICK llJTR CllEAM ·OP . ..c. there's soup Jeft CiDcl.EN DIY ·".heo,jhe ·~g's,,dQoe. 1 ~ (lO;t ouncea:) .. con-· , .In ti. e mOW1tain .lodges denHd cream o1 clilcken .wher,t ~~ui skiers. gath~, •<!\IP 1 )'qi.~~ \! always 1 w!';lcome I'< =-~•t.r ~ wadi)w. :'fioll>lng ~lse tastes . I ii (3 O<in~·.Udt) 11~, ~w= come cr~.~e·=~ '8 ' wt · · UR: cold. 11• cup uwl'.,-. raui . { .. ~ffl\W!\11W $.Ji&ways I :i= ,. ~ ' .~ .. ~~~+iii •=rt ' I teos-~jtlice ' •lhilr putllnlr .ll>ise'l,;G' lavot· JO lea.!podii stated -•aie..togelbetilh•ylmm!y new rind • • ' ·'way~'the ~ .~111ices Whole .wheat toas~ in soup! ~ ,;-. · f(1 bfittered · Let stand at least 2 .hOUQ so that batter thicken!· and cakes will hold shape on grid- dle. Heat griddle to 375 de- grees. Beat batter again and pour 2 tablespoons batter Ior each pancake, spreading ' to fonn 5-inch cake. Brown on both sides. Roll or fold pM- cakes. Keep warm until ready to fill. Thaw two 10-oun~ ,a.ck· roU ui> again. Arrange 3 pan- ages frozen' strawbettjes and ctkes for a Jerving. Sift pow· drain. (Or ~ 1 quart' fresh t.e_red sugar over the top. Cen- sweetened ben1es.) t (er With a puff of whipped .. , Fill each p&DC8~ . wilh a cream and strawberry, Mikes Some aoups. and some .sand· • · ,1 fn sauceP,an. combine IOUP wiches lfste ~ im 11>-and .waler. Heat: ·stir -1et~e?;1A·diP!Ol !bOt .bJ8qae aod,..'tMn. Meanwhile, blend, of· "'°''IO soup, for etample, C!l'08lll cheeoe, ralolns, aJ. -Mo.den.~ oi>en-lace !!'.~l orange juice, and·rlnd. Mllilll saodyltli: Hlll 'crea\n o.,,..O ore8lll,cheeae ,rlllxture ·=blc~ ....,Q does some-on -i. open-face style. Cul r lli>bilievably good for a each lllce foto bltHtso pie<es s w!ch ol , cream cheese ( abollt U). Pour . ,qpp lqto with lllltl ...., rl!s!n.t. Here bowlii With forlt, 'dmil: _pr-· are a c!Ott)>1e.o1:.uuest1ons to Into bOI soup. ~ ._. ~ ~f=0~;::; ~~"r:.:ilDlill -~P· " ''"'l'°Jl!'(ff.~Rvr':E F.oit AFTER-s1\:(i,r ·~u!~ sP,O<Y.llul of strawberries and 1 dozen 5-inch pancakes. ··.) : ','-J • ~ ;. ' ; ~ ,,,7 ,,.. , . .q: • ' • •• ' ' • Clean.ing By DOROTlf\'.. WE/iCK. °'~•C-'1 .... ~ Tbe "leatber loot" is a popular fllhion these days. not qn!y for -.0, but for youngsters and men too.. And like all fashions there are some questions to think ablM belort plungln,;m. For. eJ\llDPle. ,Is !"' l<Jtber 1wn21t comlmablt -not toO slill,. not wo warm! Cln It bee. altered.! ·And ~ Important, how will it be cleaned? W\Cl leather g~nts1 "know before you 1my" ls a mu~ as, fQ!'.' u cm is concerned. GU~ 'al>o9t, ~can be '?ll\y. A leather ~ ·be rulnf!d if spotted, deaiied .1 ' or w. Md the wrong wa7. / · Smart'aoi>W So dte mut sbopper trill ·not p\trthue tiny prment of leatllef -rtial or ' simulated -that doe• not Uve a tag tbtt tdll what care Is 'tecommeocttd by lite manldacturtr. The Jabtl should tell you whtther lo wet clwi or dry clean the leather ~· ment. And you should follow tbese recommendaUons faithfully. That means ..._ '\: --_.. .... ---""'·" ,.!~ ·'---4 l -~·-- a <:;a rmen t P'roperly CanJe 'Tough'.~ 'L~a~h4 //'/ I wa!hed, othen ~clean with ilOllp · ~ Md :I lulve ., idea lmw ,<•~'o! vegetables are rnor•'eipenslvc~ r and water. ' ' 111 I ' u lbJ ...... dttt iOft ...,."tie regular'"'Nol 2 cans, cbut ~t'e .: I H·ome 'News' and V1'ews' A thin( type of fake leather consists ,... c:lleete· faod .... l• u..r. Wi!dil ndl saving·mm..y ll YOI! buY more:tiin cf a cotton base with a pennanenU1 el1e tbat cu be made bl h? · · ·, .··JOO eh use: before il •"lpOlls. lfei:j,~ ) t ' · attached poJyuttthane. toppln1. A. Thert'1,..no te&S!.»ft wby ,a fondue 1 ldme~for.UlngleftoYtfTveg~ ~ • ./ Polyurethane Is B0111ewhat s~'and setoj>ouJdbe,~.00}1for.cbeesef,piiduo:' Marinate,them in vinegar and~ ! , V brt• almosl .as .:.'::ell as ::!J11 It's merely a cont~·deVlse fol keep-lngs or In saI;d dressillg for ....aojllai "''""'tag .O,you con mer to ud _. 11 •11•111~.-..rr.°"'. ·:: sPotJtre~'fi::•beand~ i;g foodf warm ;n· a. !lih~table. added.,....; add a,/ ~lo lor :jjtolf ~ i~~~tJeed 11\ • ~ Ill mod.,.,~ fif ~'-by ·sbnoll any methOc! 1nc11Jdbii~ You miglll use ·~.)for OU>er,klnds of along ,;jth 1sqme f..ih crisp v.iil"ollle 00 •ill also want to know if the knit into • ,.medIIJJDokl~ ~ cleaning, but tbt. manulacturtr recom-tJot hors d'oeuvre& or .~ain d~ such such a.s celery (make bt1f a P!_airie g .... ent,.:.1. .. is1_m8tber•de. <>!_~!, ~lt~I f:~e wltlf• U tfe.-emlMIMel "'*a~ r.1endsha.:spongqwithaaudsycloth. as meat balls. Otfter ij'pes of fondues of jello at 1 time): cream &JMl'-:ieite ~I u:iu "" ""' .. u -crata ·ltll'~~~,,&i.· can also be made In It -fati.>etample , · ,. .. • "9~ .. lOO'll want to know what it't lag ·tbt· lh''.Mlifdttalaie-·......,-'ll! . N£1!' FAiE .. meat f!Jlldue or desse~e._:IQ;,meat over ~at or . fish paµ,y; ~.;!o ,"8* of. · · • ·fbi. • • · · • A ••• iype ~ ~ lla~.f¥e l<llldue, .'*" beet ii 'la-'~ fat casserpl!s; add to hon>emlcle or ~ • Wsshlble genuine leather now ~ ~ . ., . ~.l~ ~ fll\1~~-at all ~ II'• ...... ~ -rr ID bioth, llDlf the -ecf ...-.I is soups; u>e corn in pancakllf. • ·· • :":'-: avallablt u a r..Wt of U.S. Departml!llt-. ")&chine -~,..., but....., em~ fll rut ~ • .-._-itlW Jo ·• tit then dipped lnblit piquant sauce. Deaert · , :f~: of Agriculture reoearch. B)lt·-au-,, wlll IUffer· ftt:m alltltlOn, 'lo .~ powder, booclod 10 ~IO.Of l!'loo lu.tc, fondue futures sweet melted chocolate q, I Db lo ...,_ <t!f!Ol .!lillt leather ii washable, 80 IJnlea the washl• lllweMlellJncommended.• " ( d7e1, -rill,..,__ ud llleo wflll frulil, cookies, marabmallows and In larp quuUjltl 'fdr fDlflt ·aii!i!j. :f."!,:';~~!:~:l:':"i: -~~~·~~,\;ode · e=.::a~~..== ~~~~~11 • ' ·Do tliq ~ m .. • ~.~ ~jij; to wash and dry n, you better ltlld ol ~·-~"'! l\IAC~ to• fo1'ic llathelt,fit appeiin to;brio nUrty '&<fOd Q. l•tt.e-'II* .... 11a .. a piobltm .,. •ljom 10 ati\id Iii .Jn*~ it to a cleaner who prol'idel the required back -Ull(aUJ knot.+VlnYl ls1l'lCltpOl'OUI points-it's kls ~ff than genuine wltll ltft1 9"tr yep:cablu. 1 doa'l llke ttay en.pt + ,• 1 ,; .. ~ - •pedal leather cleaning plocen, Follow and does Doi breathe, ·IO 11111)' be ·un-leather, 11 stipple llld -and can 10 w•t. a..., bot I Ibo dGo't lib A. Tbe moot Important. • himgtag -for !pOlt!ng or leave comfortably wann In oome garmenta. be hand4P00ged with worm cudl. 10 "'1 Ille ... .u cau ....... 1M7 carrots ii vilomln A. U Is ~ • lhll to a professional. Vinyl must not be dry cleaned as 1, teera ,. mid more eipeufve. AaJ rathu than water eoluble, ao .+ · F AllES the cleaning Oulds cause st!Uenlng ahd QUESTIONS WE AllE ASKICD• aaJP.U..f • . is lost wheo cmot aUcb In: Tbere are aevual tJpel •f fake leather, damage. Simple gannenta m!ght be hand Q. We rectAved a food.IN Mt fer A. 'Y~'re right -the smaller cam in water. 1~;;; }~' . ~ ... ,! "-~""'-1"' ··~ ·.~; I :~: .... ~,, .. ~,.. ·~/. , ,,,._ -~-------------------------·---·--. .. ,,.., -·~ ~~----~---------------·-------~------·-. --- ,. Optimistic ~out Euro~ . . ' ' ' '\. 'f ' ' • • • • ' l '1 -' ' ' pis and a chic~ "" ~ ,'11f ~tural terma to Soulh l~ \hey move to, 1 hllMa 'AIDerlca wblch bu a dUfennt lh\!Y ollon move the 11~. !: buo," aid Donna. ln, too, and if they live -OI\ • tenn ' 'leftiat' there µie 12th floor, tbelr chtldrM• ·.:-' 'center' bere. L.rtlltl •"' locled In durinc working • are about u lilleral u boun. In the old lloullo& . llldwd Nhan. We 1111111 ehlldml coold play..,-... remimber lhal people ~ Another problem 1 ... South 1111111 ct -counlrtea doo1 Americao countria :Ja 'the have the bu1c rilbta wt've mlgratton to the ~ By hid far a hundred years ." improvln& land ~ and building new cities br ouklf• POUTICAL HOPE the-way places, ~ Donna belleva tblt South are encouraging people to re-America'• bope lies bl lbrtt main in the interior. direct.liioim:. 1be 1 e ft· r J 1 h t "I am very jealmbtlc poJJilcll eyde IDUlt b e 'about the. future of South elbnfn#ed IO that reform Amerlea," said DdM&. ''The gov-CIO implema>I wholi' 'lylltem i! dedlcaled to lllelr procraDll without thrut conl!ming . the status quo, · al a mlllla!7 cout> American Aboul one,,itcent coolrota II ' 11111 European lnduslry 1111111 perceilt of the wealth; tI>ere 'be'--aged to locale in II a very small middle cius; Soul!> ~. P!'>Tldin& jobs countries art not progreasliQI· and~~ for a lnldclle elua. W be n., v er there a.~ e Ad educaUonll systems movements to help the peoplt, mun; bf pi'ovlded. IOIDt that a rightist mllltary ..., °""'111 ~ lull-time unlvenlty to .. t It back. \ • ·, Pn>t-. inllud "parl-tim• "We must learn not to'ippti ~ wbo may take two '· ' ··. • I I ' ,_ to leach ·-class. I -act!VW.. a .!ct -~ Were the primaiy lillaroot ct Patti, -vwted Wutom and Eastern Eur .. --' IJbo fGand 'lfllt llUdent' eoin- plalaU, whether they were in ludlt SJat•.t '!'_ Ille totalllu1anSov1et._ ...... ba1lcal17 lhi -. • •. all waolod more' fttiGcim, "The -In West Berlin were i prtmuily qlinlt Axel l;pringer, who cootn>ll moot of the news media ~gb ownership," uld PatU.• ''Thely w e )' • demomtntlnJl ... ltteclomol the prm. fer views qtber than those ct Axel Springer." She described , stud~ ,as. being wry natlooaliJtlc in itiI COlllllrlel. Studenll in War,aw had no ~ to coine . to America but "°"' ConCer,>td with their own countcy. "Stu- dent cltmonl!rauOm in m1111 COlllllrlel ...,. qalm\.archaic unlven!IJ llJSt.nil whlclj re- , . · ·F.citwre • ' . quire, tor nample, that e\'lf)' •\Udel>I mlllt. lab .Ille - things at 11\f -.~ all over the ~· 'i1IJa ...., an l11ue In Paris demomtralloNo." -• -·-,T DEMONS'l'M10RS 51!l' WU <luJct to 119int ..t lbal ,,,. •• 1tud'ontl · -In~ ~ncloun•t_.rn,. _. Ibey •ore dlasatlolled with their -" ...... ....,t or economic aystem. 1bey are merely opting for m o r e penonal lnedama. ••1 found lhldeotl at the University of Madrid to bave the least hope ln ever ac- qulrlog civil rllbts." lllid Pat-'1-"These Wtre mostly former American Field S e r v I t e .. studepta }¥bo were p r o • :American. 'niey all weu against Franco slnce his Is perhaps the most au t holilarlan government. They knew that when Franco dfeci hls generals would mere- ' ly tab Ovtr, ., .. Thi '!lib' place ..... t>or• had llhort hair' glrlJ wore Joos . Sldrta and both h•d DO inlorest in demomtrating was Russia. "A -student wooldn't dream ci I demo!ISttaUn& qalmt aaylhln&. Be hal been todoctrioatad from blr1ll to Rud:1 ml ... --.. II 'the eqnlvalent ol .. I mootb eidl studeot pis from lbi pll'llmtnt to get pocl tlfadet. ,,,... students moot resemble 1he American studen!I ol the '50s." ·In bu Jravels, Patti .saw a clelinlle tm>d emerl)ng for the future. "1bere ' is a univeraal move away from defining a dichotomy between socialism and capltalism," she said. "Students everywhere WI.Ill to dbcard the cold war. A definite move to th~ center is takina: shape. "They believe that the world does IOt have to be hacked up. Thert is a better way to live." :·~agittarius: Keep Track of Goal ~i· \ . .. ··THURSDAY . benefit. Avoij:i brooding; ride are matlers which have been plol.ta~tonoflnte1Jectu1.t on dtaUngs with rtlatives, i-~~,.,_~··-------· -With"lbetlde:-Dmrt-push tar---murgtng-on: -Today--t·a k c · cur10~11ty;-~ean.s,_cl.iaeoY~-sbort-iotimt)'9r ''.1 ·•.JANUARY 16 immediate decisiom. Your definite steps. Clear away mad~; pr~flt accrues if'"you SAGlTl'ARIUS (Nov . :r!-~.;. 81 SYDNEY OM ARR long-range desires are being debris are inventive. Dec. %1): Keep track of goal. ,_ •. · LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You may be tempted to go "The wise man.controls his seriously considered. LEO (July 2J.Aug. 22): You are restless where lc>eale, in different direction. Stick to d.dtlitY ••• Astrology points GEMINI (May 21-JWJe 20): ~me distract you. But key residence is concerned. But knowa count. Money ls in-°'!~~" You need all the help. you ts to . complete bplc chores. there are family obllp.tions. volvod. You are due for ~ (Mardl 21-April lt): can get in connection with '!telati~e in transit may ap~ Fulftll tKem. Pace is slow, reward. But you need RCW"ity COOose career obDgatiom over money, legal questions. You 1ncons1derate. Individual who but steady. -You are gaining of family backing. penonal desires. Means today have been hanging on to teaches ~an help your cause . more than is imagined. Stick CAPRICORN (Dec 2%-J ul(tim a! will power is o( draining situation. Today _ Know this -express respect, to it kl -an . ..-.-... 1m-·-.Key ls 1· appreciation. sco'RPIO(Oct ~~ 2t)· 19): AYO tendency to brood. a--r--t---set new po icy. · _..,~v. · Perfect techniques. Superior i.-...te tbe real from tm CANCER (June 21-July 22): VIRGO (Au1. 23-Sepl 22 ): You get news which IS eon-acts in unusual manner Value tm...., Know yourself. New Yiewpoint is beoellcial. You h¥Ye fun but there could tradictory. Apply past lessons. your own abllittea. ~ your 1'01WS (April 20-May 20)' But partnership obligations be apjrebensloo concerning Key b to be aoalytlcal. Take """111. One at Ille top 11 reluc· oqQ'".:-=tually worb to your should not be neglected. There , funds. J?•Y: f ea t u r e s e:s:-nothing for granted. Accent tant but eventually sees things ·!C ;~ your way. ·.""-1-.. ~ AQUAJU\JS (Jan. 20-Feb. Huntington .. Beach ta to "The Best Man" were raised during a tasting party followin g the opening of the Gore play in the Huntington Beach Playhouse la st ay. Joining cast members and patrons 'vere to right) Miu Tommy Lou Edwaqls, Terrence e and Mrs. Wilfred Cohen , who assisted as teal for the event with Thomas Brcxlerick and • • • Feted · Mn. Willlam Susman. The play will be presented consecutively for fi'-'e Fridays and Saturdays through Feb. 8. Curtain tim~ 8:30 p.rn. and tickets, at fl for adults and iuo for full'41me students. may be obtained by calling M rs. Norbert Murphy. SJ6.3861. 11): Be aware of basic re- q\llremell1t. Beat to b e clilcrttL Dm't tell all you know. Cooperate in charity FOJect. Be subtle. Let others grab spotlight. One you aid today repay• much. PISCES (Feb. It-March 201 ' Some of your hopes, wishes can be fulfilled. But there is a certain amount of seH- disclpline necessary. Iftvolvu: the way you handle money. Maintain sense of balance. Then you win. IF TODAY Ill V 0 V R BmTHDA Y you tend to be lntrospecUve, idealistic. Ad- justment ln home Is upcoming . In short Ume you can make resldenUal change If 1 o desired. Otbtrwlse, there is hom2 improvement at current jibode. . GENERAL TENDENCIES· Cyelt bJch !Dr CAPRICORN; AQUARIUS-Special wonl to LIBRA: atve due rerpect to panot, ol4u Individual. Sculptor Tops Club Agenda ·• Well known Lagu:na Beach sculptor Peterpaul Ob..~ will pr~ a lecture a ft.4 demonatraUon to I.a 1 u n a Beach Woma.n'1 Club nert Fri- day at 1:45 p.m. In the Woman's Clubhoust. New members. the Mmes. Harold Moore, Sldn<y Rl<;IJ: anbon, J. M. Stamper and Estelle Yerkes will be lntrc> duee<I at .a lea followtnr the procrilllL Mrs. Omar Bacon, tea boat.eu, wW be autst.ed by committee members M r 1 . Harry CoMell, Mrs. James P. Austin and Mlsa Marian Atwood. ' ' TIME FOR A CHANGE -Mrs. Kay Delcoure (left) watches Mrs. Ken Head '1 clock which Is approaching 8 p.m., th' hour which will mark the end of Mrs. Head's presidency and the beginning of Mn. -Delcour•'• year· as presldenl'of t)le Young Sophisticates Women's Club of Southern California. The "Changing of the Guard" will take place Jan_ 18. Young Sophisticates To Install Officers The annual installation or officers will be the order of buslneu when members of the Young Sopl:l.irUcates Women's Club of SOathtrn California meet .on Saturday, Jan. II. Mrs. Kay Delcourt of llun- tington Buch will be installed president" during t h e in- stallation ceremonies wh.ich wW include · dl:mer at I p.m. in the Costa ,Mesa Golf and Country Cki!>- Other bolr( members to ·r oastm1-treue1 Surfside C1utih00st in Hun- tington Beaeh is the meeling place for memben ol Las Olas Toa.stmistnm Club of Huntington Beach on lhe se- cond and fourth Wednesdays at 7:30'p.m . take office will be the Mmes. Mitch Rouse of Torranct, first vice president; Roger Rhoades of Fountain Valley, second vice preaident; Jeff f\farskeil, Long Beach, secretary, and Stan Broberg, Long Beach, trea1Uttr. Mr1. Crall Cordrey will be the newsletter chairman. which became an elected office for lhe nr1t tune. The presentaUon of a special award lo the member who hu contributed the most to the or1anlzation will clima:t the meetlJli. Tbere al.eo will be special rl!COfniUon to the five committee chainpen for performing their Wits in an exeepUonal manner. Mrs. Kenneth Jlead , past pruldeot, 'will conduct the ln- stallatlon of new officers. Executives' Secrete ries Host Dinner The lath annual ln.stallaUon dinner meeting for members of the Orange County chapter, Executives' Secretarle3, Inc. will take place Tuesday, Jan. 21 in the Dlaneyland Hotel. Social hour will begin at 6:30 p.m. with diMer at 7:30. Mn. Andrew Rabner, area public relations dlttctor for Western Girl, Inc. wUI tum over the presideQ.t's gawl to Mra. Roy Peodergrol~ vice president ol the 0 r a n I e Empire Trani Bureau. Inst.ailing the 1989 board •till be Mrs. Louis Darden of McLean and Schultz. Dr. Robert Schuner of the Garden c .. ve Community Onirch will be keynote speaker. Isn't as Blind as Sho ·rt-sig'b!ed Future Mother-in-law ANN: A dear friend nf mine me lo bil!!lp her. t don'\ It l U. capoble ol the t.sk. ;;..-:,.,.<._me le spMt to her 5-year-old : a handarome. brilliant lad I last laW), dot ta.Uy, IDdal prestige, ·a-Mun.. i:.: -could baVI had ony • town, to be ..,.. and aelecll +:;:i1111 'll'llo II blind. Don' • , Amt, Rose iJ a nice penon. Sbl ii pleuanl lookin1 .,.. ar. not dl!figured. To lier CllJI would think she Is -I tbould mention, • that lhe araduatr.d from a lam.t:«;bool of mlllicl and oupports • .,. ANN LANDERS beneU by teoehlnc ,._ Tile young man aay1 he is deeply ln loft. that Rose'• bllndhw makes no difference lo him, but I have an m.a he la martyrlns himself. It might even be pity that he reels for btt. Wllot will happen If she gell P"'lfilnl1 Will she be sble to take cart of a child ! There art Ml man y probl ems ahead he has nol thought of, Ann. Please llelp'Dle '" u.....,, to him. -A FRIEND'S PIUEND l•EAR FRll.Mh I llGpo Y'" wtll Ila; oat ol. It ud 11ot attempt to prem:rt wla1\ 1C1Gnds Hft 1 beaudful inaniqe. nos~ m111bt bt a bettfr wUe te tll11 ~ ou1111 man U•1tl' many dr11 wltb perftLI Yltton. She ieunds like a I r u I y rem:1rklible persoa. Your frleDCI abou.ld be dellahted tn h11 ve lier 11'1 lhf family . f' - !lo• """1tlq ~t ta 1plto of ''' ~ tlie 1111 II piu;ll•a for a full ~ Ber 1l;htleu eyet ree belUlly ud fllftlmt9' ta ... da,, Uead. Tie llitt'• motlier 11 ..... •Ito 11 blind. mt be.hind m,y bllCk. Nor wu I awan that 1111 quletneu was Interpreted u ~-stupidity and that it has hurt my husband lli'lila (IM>lwloo because _. lose noapect. for him when they m..i bis ' '"dull. wift.." DIWI ANN i.ANDEftS, f am an stun-' Tile woman critlctsed my hair (okl- oed I cloo' --tc do °' lhinJ_ f~I. l1ll' clothtl ( too to1> A. ltlOnd jult h ft 11\j' home. Over • servaUft), ond she .,,.. had IOITl<lhlnf CU'P al ooffee rht outllned 1U the thin~ to say about the car I drive. that an 't¥tOQ8 with m'l She did 11 What do you. make of Ulil! '·ftlt my on good,. t,ecause she io: -STILL DAZED ll 1'lrue friend." OE.AR m:LL: I dt1't bow wUt'1 I never lhouiht 1 WN perfect, Ann c11Ling that •·omaa .. (1 lte1l1ate a. eall but I dkln't realize no one liked mti her 1 fritad), bat It mutt bt 1om,t•h11 Ind that I &real many people whom bl&. I considered frienda are laughing at Self..,,ppotnied crlUca an: usually fed Ill' wilb tlltaueJve1 but tbey fled It kll pablhl1 to remodel Utelr IC> qulatucn. nu womu II desk'aetJvt ud I ldvt. yoa tt 1t.1y away from Hr. AM Landtn' new book, "'l'nlth Is .stranier ... , " 11 a collection of bu' belt column1 over tho past IS y~ plUI """i1111tlnJ and common .... esu)'I eapeclall)' produced for lhla book. Available at all bookstores far M.ts. Ann Landers' will be Siad to help you wl lh your problems. Send therm to her in care or the DAILY PILOT enclosin1 a stamped.. self-add;;;d tn\•elope. •• • --------------- Silverplated Drive C~llecUngi;fQOa coupons for silverware and other needed equipment are stu- dents. ~t.~ieplas School. While Mrs. Duane Ulrich (left), PTO chairman, col- lects·cont;ributions from Mrs. Eugene lansiti, Jimmy Iansiti inspects silver- Waff' which has beel\rpUrcha6;ed. The coupon drive will last through tbe 'school · '·Year, and' the s1ogan is "Bake a cake today -send a coupon to school to- . morrPW~ Magical Moments Chuck Jones, The Magic Man will present shows al 1 and 2: 15 p.m . Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Ethan Allen School, Fountain Valley. Admission will be 50 cents. Explaining the rabbit-in-the-hat trick to the amazement of Bret Botzong ls Mike Casinelli, principal. LET'S lfAVE SOME FONDllE And fondue is more fl!n when you're properly equipped. Stainless steel sat is complete .with s!Bmo burner. Also g1'8111 for tray or coffee corete. S31 . Set of 6 fondue fort<.s, SS. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Since 191 7 (S) P-T Units Plan Movies, Magic Shew •f,·~ .• "-:.i,.,~ .... -=-= ..... ·-~ ~~ .L".I W•"''-~ •;;-i:; ~~ ~r~ ~ .... = .... ~~ ,.. I:: "~~ ...... ~. ~.~. 1or ._,.laltlot< Wtd~y~:ij Allen PTA 11om ... °"l'&bar President COMING UP: Chuck Jonn Magic Show at 1 p.m. Satur- day, Jan. 11. Donation 50 cent&. Surprises and autographs re~ M r. • • Melvin Marant, ways and means chairman. Arevalos PTO l\ln. B. J. Worts President REPORTS : Joe Condon, eighth grade teacher, coorcil- nated the project -...by parents and students dona· ted 75 new toys to the men- tally retardetf children at Fairview State Hospital for Christmas. Oak View PTA Mn. H. Bruce Tltraer President COMING UP: Cclor movie at t :30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, In the mulUpurpOse room. Admission of 33 cents tn- cltutes a free bag of pop- corn. Additional popcorn will be sold for 10 ctnts a bag. Helping Mrs. Irving l>uke, ways and means chairman, are Allen .Standridge, pro- jectionist; the Mmes. ~1arcel Boucher and Mkhael Wulf, super'vising chaperones; II ant Stan· dridge, popcorn chairman assisted by James Cantrell and Robert HudJOll'..' Mn. Joseph Van Buren will tian- dle tickets ... Mayor AlvJn Coen proclaimed week of January 19 Phyaiclil Fitness ~ Week. ffighlight ·of week is Jack LaLanne Show at I p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 11, in the Huntington llµcll High School · auditorium. J a c k Green, vice mayor, will be guest speaker. l\lrs. Bob Jones, program chairman, reports admiuion ia 50 cents for adulb and children under 12 free when ac- companied by an adult. REPORTS: The Banda Noqai Dancers, under the dlreCUon of John Reis and Mrs. James Durston provided entertainment at the unit meeting. Third grade TOOm mother ·· chairmen, t h e Mmes. Robert Anihony and Michael Miller, and their committee Marcel Boucher, Michael WuH, George Williams and Alfonso Gom.ates hosted refresh· men ts. Seal Beach PT A Mn. Sail Mlll1&ei. President COMING UP: McGaugh Beach Babes Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. members of TOPS Beach Babes convene at Huntington Beach High School for pro- grams. An Exercise in Physical Fitness Joining the observance of Physical Fitness Week Jan. 19-25, are. members of Oak View PTA wbo will highlight activities with a show by Jack LaLanne at 8 p :m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, in the Huntington School physical education department will p r e s e n t Tumbling Tumbleweeds at unit meeting Tuesday, Jan. Xi Mu Mu Follows The Stars Astrology will provide the th~e or an informal luncheon being sponsored by Xi Mu Mu chapter, Bet.a Sigma Phi, at ~ Saturday, Jan. 1 •. Chairman of the Follow Your Star iocw la Mn. Frank Stp1t0111iec1, irhe ,may be caU· ed for reaervat.i~.-. Ei:tendtng· the' welcome wall be Mi-s. Gerald Rusk, vice pre!ldent, ~ Mrs. Ted Ben· netLs, preiident, wtll presenl:1 MN. Phyllla Smith;. chapter' sponsor, who will be a gue&t for the occasion. , PostibilltieJ (or a cultural outing were discussed duling a bualness meeting tating place last Monday In the Westmina:ter home or Mrs. John Porler. Discussing tbe o.itlng_ wu Mrs. George Buraess and Mn. Gerald Rusk l'f'U:tnted a program on The Good Lile. .... · .. 21: at 7:30 p.m. In the McGaugh Sc h o o I gym- nasium. Play, Party Wear Seen Everything from d a i n t y lingerie beneath to active sportswear a n d after-five dresses will be dJsplayed dur- ing the next meeting of patroness members of the National Charily Le a i u e , SouUJ C.oast Chapter, com- prised: of i:nany members from ll~Valley, Mrs/ Richard Dolan, presi· will conduct the bu.ainess g and coff~ hour M'OW in t~ Old Ranch Club. Mrs. Clemens Fromlath Js program chairman, a n d among the models will be Mrs. Dale Phl(IJps and Mrs. Ernest Grether Jr. A social hour and luncheon will follow the style show. ' Waist Watch11rs TOPS Waist W•tchers asSemble every Thursday at 7 p.rn. ip-Orcle View School, Hun · on Beach. _,_ Beach High School auditorium. Getting in shape Ile' fore the show are (left to right) the Mmes. Irving B. Duke, Richard Hendrix and BobJ!arri•. _: , ' Sun View PFO 1.1n. Claude Creasey President COMING UP: Ken Joule from Los Angeles Department or Airports will speak o n Preparing a New Airport System at unit meeting Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 7:30 p.m. A representative ftom the ltlarch of Dimes will discuss the Mothers' March . • • Mrs. Richard Taylor, ways and means chainnan, reports a Paper Drive, Fri· Fashion Is 'Grounded' , ,. American Airlines sood" will be as !.,iilonabl< on the tround u,.Jt.(Stewardesses are in the~iky. Bri4'1t new red and blue , dresses will blossdm behind ticket counters and at air ter· rnfbals served by the airline. The airlines' red white and blue stewardea wardrobe pi'I>" ved a great success since its · introduction a year ago. '!bat's why American bu · planned new togs for iUI: 3,700 tmiform- ed ground personnel. •• day, Feb. 7 • • • Dance! Around the World js theme of Children's Talent :show Tuesday, Feb, 11. 1,11 Sun View 1 t u d e n t s:" y;'ill participate, with .. ~r·1 • Donald Presley~· ",I • ·.,,-: . ,•. Curtal·n ....... ·.,-:,.;~- -... ~"-t;·. To Oper}f:.:: .. . ·";-'. For Funds·' , A !healer party bu:,!leen selected by the ~ Bead1 City CoJmcil oi• Sigma Phi as Its maj raising projeet f<r the Atta Beta Sigma • • urged to attend the .., ' , Jan. 17, performance·ilf 6 Best Man" in the H · Beach Playhouse. :-; Cystic Fibrosis wilt' from proceeds ot ..... performance, and tic be available at the ~ for anyone who has tained advance lick members. • Among pretheater :. planned is one ml Mn. Richard Huntingto.n Be """*" of Delta Al and Uietr guests. :: _ .. /···DRAPE YOUR ' . ' . .• . C-OMPLETE HOME 36 MONTHS TQ PAY DIRECT IROM MANUFACTURER Full Custom Coverage ... Any Home up to 4 Bedrooms (No Yardage Limit). Includes Heavy Duty Hardware and Installation. • ' . • Living Room, Dirting Room, Mwter Bedroom (Wall to Wall-Floor to Standard 8 Ft. Ceiling) WE HONOR •Family Room (Slider Only) • Bedroom 2, 3 a11d 4 (Window Coverage) I 200 . ROOM SIZE CARPET REMNANTS AT 50% OFF I Viking Interiors inc. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9-0 - '. • .. ,_. I~·· ,..: . . 18 Fe1hion lslend N•wport B•ech -644-1180 619 lEAST 4~ ST.,' SANTA ANA e Phone (714) 547-0958 for Appointment '~ . • "COME IN AND W .4TCB YOUR DRAPES BEING Ill.WE" ... • •Jl The Daily Pilot Covers Boating Best In The West .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!:lt~! • ' -1---------------------·---· l~ - MR. AND MRS. LESLIE A. WILEY · M•rrlM in Newpor1 Beach es lie Wileys Select Laguna Beach iven in marriage by h e r er, the bride wore a fioor _crepe. -gQ!t\'rL.WitlL.scal- neekline and c h a p e l Camille Lincoln of Scilttsdale. Ariz .. the bride's cousin an d maid of honor. Attending his brother u best man was Keith Wiley of Davis while ushers were Thayne Free of Phoenix and Lawrence Broering Jr. of Bal- boa Island. Following the nuplials was a reception for about 60 guests in the Laguna Beach home of the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Wilson. Special guests we.re. M r s . Camil Van Hulse or Tucson, the bride's grandmother Mr. an<LMrs. Free.__afl4 Mrs. Ket·_ terlng Bethel, all or Phoenix. President's Daugh~er Begins New Life r • Luci Bidding Farewell to White House · By BELEN THOMAS WASHINGTON (UPI) ''Morbkl. morbid,'' s a Id ....Wve presldenUal daU1hter Luci Johnaoo Nugent as .ahe 1U1Vtyed !be pack.Jn& cuts Inside tile White Houee and lbe I n a u a u r a l acaffokUng ooi.Jde. ''lt'a like a wake," she said, then hastened to add "it's all i.n Jt:11t. We all make morbid jokea in jest. It makes it easier.'' In a telephone Interview , frequenUy interrupted by her 1&-monUi-old aon Lyn who grabbed tbe phone to chatter, 1lici spoke with deeplelt con- vicUons or he:r five yean in U.e Whlle Houee 11\d her l'llturt In Teua. "The White Houle bu been my ~· tor Ove years," she said, "It bu been difficult, tumultuous and ttaumaUc at times. But it hu been worth ii ... ..I r .. 1 I am beginning a new life but still in limbo because Pat sbll is away," Jhe Wd .• Her hu~band, Airman le. Patrick J. Nugent will end his tour of duty in Vietnam in mid-April. Luci said she b1 ''proud" of him because he turned dolrn a promotion lo seraeant bceause he is not going to Weddings, Troths · Pilot's Deadlines To help fill requlremenu on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT olllc ... Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 8'42-4321 or 494-11466. To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding storlea with black and white ~lossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Soci•ty Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the \vedding . For engagement annouru;ements it is suggested that the .story, also accompanied by a black and white gloasy p i c t u re. be submitted early. U the betrothal announce- ment and weddihg date are six weeks or Jes.~ _~Pa.rt, O!l!Y th~ ~~<Jdin_g__pQgJ~-\Viii_ be ac· cepted. make the mllltary a career and he relt others in the service rat1.'<1 it more "to sup. port their families,'' said Luci. Luci observed that Tricia Nixon, ZI, ·ta moving into the Wllite House "at jusrthe right age." "l was 1$ and a half," she recalled, "and I bad to adjust to adoleactnce and lo find myself." 1 Speaking of Tricia, Luci said "I'm very pleased for her, especially because Julie is married (to former President Dwight D , Eisenhower's grandson) David. Sile's young and attractive. '"The only thing I am somewhat remorseful about is the time I spent adjusting to my new position." Luci says dating for a single girl in the Whit'e House has problems but "the prospects also increase." Her advice to the Nixon girls is lo "be like a sponge -listen and learn all you can during those precious years." The black haired, blue eyed daughter of outgoing President Johnson haa always been of a philosophic bent. Now she is more so. She said her feel- ings were "complex" when her father decided not to run for reelection. "I wanted him to live and enjoy his grandchildren but on the other hand, I have faith in my father as Presi- dent and his politi c al philosophy." She also felt usurance that he was at the helm while her husband was in Vielnam, she said. "I trust his judg- ment,., she said. - I found myaeU faWna In love with It, knowing the -le who hid lived there. At lint I thought H WU a museum . I wu mortified when l saw thooe (G...-ge) Callln palJ>. tlocs of. tndl1111 oo the wall of what was to be our borne. But tben I grew to love and undmtand them." Luci lald tho White House taua:ht her ••we only have ont Preslden:t." She plans to be. 11coostruc- tive and positive" m the future and support Nixon In th< pre.sidency when . she can to promote unity in the-pation. "Being angry and bitter and belltUng a . Prf1ldent is not going to cha08e him," she said. As she hail heard her father say so many limes quoting former President Har· ry S. Truman, she repeated : "The buck stops here." She feels 1;-.ving the White Hot;e represents the "death of certain aapect.s or my life.·• "J want to be the best person I can," she added, saying that We in the spotlight of the presidency is "character-building." She has been taking a tape recorder from room to room in the mansion recalling her experiences for her personal memoirs. She also is snapping pictures of litUe Lyn in the historic rooms. She has saved mementos. including matchbooks and the menu o£ the last state dlnner. She will miss the secret •tlmet she declarel. wu wben 1hti' &qi llllJ'ried. The nddelt m0men1 then WU When ahe said &oodb)'e IQ Pat aa be left ror v1e1nam. Petal Pretty service agents because they . have been "my friends on .Your fingers. wtll fiy -YOU a business-like basis." In fact, will relax while you crochet the hardest part of leaving, each petaUed square. n. Heavy Me1.!can I a c e ed her yoke and sleeves. shoulder length veil ~·as a ched to a fabric bow, and f ing her bouquet were The bride is a graduate of Laguna Beach High School, at- tended the University or Ari-'----------------------' zona and received her degree - "When it's a11 over, there ls no looking back," Luci said poignantly. "I did a term paper in high school on the While House and that's when -sfie conJesse5, is toS liy gOocf: -Cfocllet-a-wealth -<lf-ex· bye T to our friends in this quisite things with easy square house . -pillows, scarf, cloth, spread, ~She hopes to write a book Pattern 7394: square S inches sonieday of her years in the in No. 30 and 7 in string. e tea roses. baby's breath stePhanotis. earing an emerald green " et gown and carrying red a white carnations was Miss in biology from UCI. Her hus- band is an alumnus of Coro- na del Mar High School, at- tended Orange Coast College and also earned his degree in biology from UCI. ew President Leads rchitectural League ting her firsi meeting year before members Women's Architectural e of Orange County will rs. Norman Cates, new dent. Newport Beach home of.~rs. Gared Smith will be ttlctl·setting tomorrow at 10 a.tC' Assisting her will be Mrs. Ro1trt Thomas at the brunch. 'J!lowing the business por-li~ of the gathering, Mrs. hf9, Brubaker will oiler a coimelic demonstration. <Mlcers and chairmen for · year are the Mmes. Be.U, vice president; Sink, secretary; James ·~ tom Page 25 Corcoran, treasurer; Walter Richardson and Wilson Wood- man, directOrl, and Robert 'fhotnas, parliamentarian. Others are lhe M m e s . Smith, social; David Klages and James Barg, ways and means; Perry Babcock and Dell Williams, membership; Jack Bassler, scholarship; Robert Lowrey, Kermit Dorius and ¥tJ1ur Lavagulno, awards; Everett Parks, leglslaUve; Charles Johnson, hiJlorlan; Ralph A 11 e n , hospitality; lion Yeo, public relations, and James Ward and 1'homas Moon, telephone and reservation:s. l · . Winners' Circle ever, as a devoted cook 11 as a contest aficion- s. Greenlee will prob- cootinue her interest in · sbury contest and may out her special J'eC'"" on the electric range she along with a $100 cash ent1y• she is eagerly her paid-expense trip nta, Ga. where she will te with 100 other ts for the title "Best k~ff" and prizes up ,OOJ from Feb. 9-11. Greenlee had many special s to enter in the halting during the past two d es. However, one of her rt\'lliltes i" ESEBURGER PIE KETCHUP MER· INGUE ENETRATION directed on package. Roll out and flt loosely into 9-inch pie })late, Dute edges, prick and bake according to directions. While pastry bates, prepare meat fllllng. Brown the beef in small amount of fat in a skillet, stirring and brealting up meat into small chunks as it browns. Add chopped onion and green pepper and continue cooking and stirring unti1 vegetables are just limp. Mix in murtard, salt, pepper and egg yolks. Remove from heat aod apoon meat filllng into baked crust. Arrange the abrtdded cheese over meat. The meringue is made by adding cream ol tartar to egg whites. bealing until stiff and folding in the ,ketchup. This is spooned over the cheese toppped filling arxl spread with a spaluta so the top o( the pie ls completely covered. Bake the pie for 15 minutes in a 350-degree oven until the meringue is golden brown and serve, hot, six pie-1bl.ped wedges. BLEY LE PANT SALE White House. The happiest FIFTY CENTS (coins) for Faculty Wives · Group Hears Folk Musicians Betrothal News Told each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling; otherwise 'third-class delivery will take three weeks <lr more. Send to Allee Brooks the DAI· LY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelse11 Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Addrea1, Zip, PaUtm Number. Giant, new 1969 Needlecraft catalog - over 200 designs to choose, 3 free patterns printed inslde. Send 50 cents now. Folk musicians, the Misses Barbara Cheatwn and Pam Luschem will present a pro- gram of oi:;iginal ballads and folk !!Ongs before Saddleback College Faculty Wives tomor· row evening iri the San Clemente home of Mrs. Melvin Mitchell. "We write songs about things that are important to us, not necesaarlly to someone else," the two guitar players, both students at San Clemente Hlgh School, ezplained. Annual Day Features Discussion Christian Imperative and Responsibility is the title of the program oUered at Annual Day by Church W o m e n United. The all day d iscu11sion meeting will take place Fri~ day, Jan. 17, starting at 9:30 a.m. in Independent Square, 2450 St. Andrews Place, Los Angeles. .. Leading the discu11sion will be Mra. J. J. Miller, Or. Clif· too Moore, Dr. Melvin Talbert and Dan Thrapp. Mrs. JamM Farley , chainnan of the day, hopes that one woman from each church in the state will attend . HB Auxiliory American Legiot. Auxiliary of Huntington Beach gathers in the American Legion Hall at 1:30 p.m. the first Thursday of each monlh. On the third Thursday members may call Mrs. Ame Jensen. 536-2'1'17. for locAtlon. They have studied pro- fe.sJionally at the Folk and Modern Music Center, San CJemente and have played togelber for over a year throughout the South Coast area. For the program the coeds have planned a variety of musical tales which cover history, religion and con· temporary problems. Co-hostess with M r s . Mitchell for the evening is Mrs. George Hartman, also of San Clemente. At Anniversary Party A June wedding In the First Southern Baptist Church, Cos- ta Mesa is being · planned by Pat Sanderson and Melvin Hit- chcock. Close friends and relatives were apprised of the news during a dinner party given by Miss Sanderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sanderson of Costa Mesa to celebrate their anniversary. The bride-to.be is a graduate of Corona del Mar High. School. NEW! "50 INSTANT GIFTS" -fabulous fashions, toys, decorator accessories. Make it today, give it tomor· row! Ideal for all occasions. SO cents. "l& JUfy Rugs" to knit, crochet, weave, sew, hook. SO centa. Book of 1% Prlu Afghans. 50 cealS. Bargain! Quilt Book l bas Mrs. Jack Swartzbaugh of Laguna Beach, club president said the business meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m., followed by entertainment at 1:30. Her fiaoce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Hitchcock of San Marcos, is a graduate of San Marcos High School and is in a four-year apprenticeship at Mita Costa College, Oceanside. c1-Hou&e ,.,.... 16 beautiful patterns. 50 cents. PAT SANDERSON Jun• Bride M111tu.m Quilt Book Z - · patterns for 12 superb quilts. 50 cents. Topping the business agenda Is a report from the com- mittee making arrangements for a Sweetheart Ball whichl------------------------------1 is being planne<! to com-di memorat.e the founding of the A college on Feb. 14. ~ The January meeting ~ ~ taking place one weelt later th a n regularly scheduled, Mrs. Swartzbaugh noted, due to overlapping holiday com· mltments. Performance To Aid Funds A special benefit performan- ce of Neil Simon's "Star Spangled Girl" wiR be presented at 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 19, in Laguna Playhouse . The event is being given for the American Association or Univers.Jty w o me n , Newport-Costa Mesa branch to raise funds for fellowships. ooe ol the principal aims of the organi.zatioo. Anyone interested in purchasing tickets may call Mra. William Clegern at 833- 0IS7 or Mrs. Gary Gillette. 545-4710. I See by Today's Wan! Ads e A a:lrl with a Hope Cht>!I Iii~ ~) bi l:ioping 10 ~t'll It lo some hopeful girl. • A "'f\hu·y Poppins" i• nttded to care for 2 yourc girts. Prtvate room, bath, T.V. to wilt! this pennaD- ent position. • Fly over lllld tan • look at thil '62 T.alnl. all ell· tras, tn excellent anti- llon. for Ille b)' owner at 11. vrry low ]>t"k.-e. •"'Please come home"! Fritz. brown Terrier/Dole· IC U misll/1r: )o&t al lilti St, Cbsta MrM. COATS luxury fur trims. leathers oil-weather and car coots KNITS suits and costumes famous Sebastian, Codmac and World kntt• DRESSES knits and wools, cosuo/s, party dresses and eo1tume! annual dearonc:e IOIU • Sllll'WIAI and glamorous, famous-maQ AT-llOMI WEAi lo so~. off Cott. M .... sportswear clearance &WE#IT&llS, lll<ll!n OAl'll.ta new poste11, solids ona plaids, fine wools end docron-polyesters Reg. $11 10 $U 7.99 and 8.99 Reg. $15 and up lo 50% off • Nice Ont btdroom kefle.. "" Pod, ._. .... ll)' -'l''ith pttlO and witb ,.... llOllable rtnt. SMJlh C..lf P'loto 3"3 lrillol, C•sto Mff• ~ .. BlO MAD aUlll 18 ON THE WILD 08.IZN 'DIINGI 1 Because riaht now. fbeY\'e rea1J¥ arrived • , • Yov. know t h e Country Frelb SM• Owd, the mustard areen. and the Savoy Cabbqe • , • Try 110me ••• Tbml'• noth· big like a eood bwJeb ol creens to pucker up a jaded appetite. S.voy Cabbqe. IO crbp and cU1l,y • • • Give tt a '\'lhirl in the salad bowl, alotll' with some chop~ celery and mayonnaiet, Sa· voy also does wondn:JW!i thln(s with chopped ahrimp and a few snipped fre!h mushrooms. And why not try on 10me Napa tor flavor • • • First or all you try up a little cbopped bacon, then pour oU the extra. drippings. Next chop up the Napa or Chine!fj Cabbagt>, as some call lt. sprinkle over the bacon, cov· er and cook a crisp 3 or 4 minutes. Really when Uncle Dad Al a:oes to auch grtat lengtha to gather rowXI all . the~ goodle thina:s you 5hould give them a wh.irl, and who knows, you'll prob- ably come back for more. Aren't the fttsh Hawaiian pineapple wonderftlL Love the way some are sliced in halt and covered with cello._ What a whlfl a1 you pus by ... And the tanger- ines, the extra big fancy jwnbo navel oranges. th@ beauteoua D'a.njou pears you eat with a spoon .•• Strictly yummysvUle and healthaville . • • The quarts of lre11h grapefruit and oranae julee have been the bower ol the Hong Kong hour with W i.r radiance of sunshine anr bon appetite. WITH AU. THIS FRlllT8 AND O&EENS TALK . . . step into the b:uit.anl inspiration booth and come up with a winner for dinrler _ • • Big homey chWllal o[ marinated Country style spare ribs , •• or the delica.ttt delectableness of roey glow· in& chicken wings, Beef Rou· lades could wh.lp up a flavor storm or Pork tenderloin stufled to fla\l'Orful peri'ec· lion otters the glamorow; type or cookery you love so much withput the luu or ~ mUS11. Canaelia:ht meats •• , what a way to cook dinrlar . , . Oticken a ta Kiev has critettd the CandlelJ&hted par lo r wherein booeJes.~ ch.icken breuta are wrapped around a chunk al bu~r with chives, and ti>@ wing: tip bone il!I Jett to put a !till or. '.for saucloeas and tun. 811ADES OF T8E 108 ANGELES ABT MtlllEUM .•• How mod can we git 'vith our hanging chairs in the gift shop . • • Mlcht give you some ideas a11 to what lo do with Junior's trucks anC Susie's dolJ bunies , •. Hang 'em up to get them ou: Of the \Vay. Jn the midst or the whop-. per o! a sale going on in the gift shop you miaht enjo1· the little musical log cabin. It plays Srnoke Gets in Your Eyes when you press a but- ton. At the same timt'! the lid opens up and in&lde arr. ciprettes. Love matches are fun to ha'~ around . , • little round wooden boxei: like Uny caniateni w t t h bunches o1 t!owen on top. · TRJ: BIG 3WELRY A+'VD WALLET UL08E·OUT . . . The jool tune will ht no nJqre a.ad tbt wallets, coin punes, etc. are .Qylng the gift ahop coop too. All a re hall and ll3rd otf tiJ; all are rone. Klncl ot aad. isn't it. But now we've 10~ aomethin& to look forward to . . . What will ro in in thlir place • _ • Anyhc:w; hert'• your chance to 10 "''ild amonc the glitter and the aold, the old filllirtt lace and cameoe • • • Ure hand painted l'Oeks. tltt< pearls, the rbine1tone1 anc! crystal • , . BUT DON'T l\rllS., 'DIE VEBY NEW Here'1 a ga~. a:ood look· log enourh lo alt on your cotlee table and ltffp your euestll am• while they're '1V&itirtr for YoU to whip up the pate de Iota •• A aalid Ofl)'1I: cube about fi tnches in each direction. The top ii KOred in cold . . . 9 llq1l&tt"I to make a perfect lie tac lo@' bo111:d. 1bm: are a:old ~ cs and •Uver Os and yoo can really play. Stunntn; ..• by Jere .. , You mlaht all!n enjoy the new A and z book:- enda . . . Real Jette" nuuif- out ol iron and rlnlshf:d with a iold look , • , Heavy u a rock ... IUCRARD'!, THE PEOfttll Bl'OU! • •• Jlrii'EWPOllT llEACR • • PHONE 67Ul60 .FOR HOME DB.IVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY I l>-17 -11 • \ 'f-a.i-t On;•n S...n1dn LIDO MARKET CENTER For Your P1H1.,,.. NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE by HILLS BROS 1 COFFEE I-lb. HILLS IROS. COFFEE 2 lk 1.37 SUNSH~E HYDROX COOKIES u o.. 59c RICHARD'S LARGE li EGGS I Ooz. 49' AMERICAN BEAUTY EGG NOODLES LIBBY SALE LIBBY'S HALVES YELLOW CLING PEACHES '''" 3 J0179c LIBBY'S SLICED YELLOW CLING PEACHES ••v. 3 J01 79c LIBBY'S Cream Style Corn ,., , 4 J01 79c LIBBY'S Corned Beef Hash""' ... 2 J0179c GEBHARDT'S JUMBO '#2'/i TAMALES 3 POI 51 GEBHARDTS with BEANS Chili Con Carne POMPEIAN •o 0.. 69( OLIVE OIL I-oz. 39' KNUDSEN La Bon Butter BETTY CROCKER BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX LAUNDRY MAGIC 1 ... 42 o .. 79c 49c ADDITIVE I-qt. 49' HEALTH and DIET FOODS Richard'• has over JOO v1ri1tie1 and 1it•• of foods in it1 Health and Diet DeJHrtmant. ~l!f!u~ HORMEL ALL BEEF WIENERS I Lb. 55' PILLSBURY TENDERFLAKE BISCUITS 1-os. 19' OSCAR MA YER AH M11t or All Beef BOLOGNA 12.... 59' ARMENIAN StringCheese 1.09Lb. &Mf:IJJ~ HOT, AND DELICIOUS MAIN DISHES. VEGETABLES, SALADS, MEATS. ALL READY TO TAKE HOME AND EAT! Bomi .. Foy FANCY SWEET LARGE.SIZE CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 6 FOR 51 GARDEN-FRESH CRISP, SNAPPY, KENTUCKY WONDER BEANS 2~ .. EXTRA.fANCY ~UICY WASHINGTON D'ANJOU PEARS 4 LBS. s1 GARDEN FRESH, TENDER LEAFY BOSTON BUmR or RED LEAF LETTUCE 2 FOR 25' SESAME & POPPY SEEDS SEEDED ROLLS 6J01 29c CHEESE BREAD 45c Cinnamon Rolls 6J01 35c HONEY CARMEL GLAZE •nd ALMONDS ON TOP Chocolate Chew Cake 89c PEACOCK DeLUXE TOFFEE Regular 1,75 ALL ARTIFICAL FLOWERS AND DRIED MATERIALS 1/3 OFF WNM!dq, Jona..y 15, l M * ~ 6){<We9~0W1U . 1f 1f b' M NV\U.1\1\11.MN As we honor the Inauguration of our new Presdent, on January 20th-- we can have our own special Inauguration or beginning. ~~LUUtttp,'fc1tt~~·~ Now, after the holidays, to start the New Year, is a great till\• to "Get 'in Shape." Richard's can make it fun -See all the wonderful dietetic and health foods we have to meke slim eating delicious. CHICKEN IS THE DIETER'S DELIGHT! BLENDS BEAUTIFULLY WITH ALC KINDS OF SEASONINGS. HIGH IN PROTEIN AND LOW IN FATS, AND SO GOOD, TOO! ZACKY FARMS CALIFORNIA GROWN FRYERS WHOLE BODY CUT-UP FRYERS SPLIT BROILERS ROASTING CHICKENS GROUND SIRLOIN FAT FREE FRESH CHICKEN LIVERS 79c .. . CHICKEN WINGS 35c LL GIZZARDS 29c .. . • BACKS and NECKS lOcLL STUFFED "OVEN.READY" STUFFED BELL PEPPERS 89cu. Pork Tenderloin 1.39LL WE ALSO CARRY 'A COMPLETE SELECTION OF EXOTIC SEAFOOD PLUS U.S.D.A. PRIME BEEF "Shape Up" Menu CUP BOUILLON Gr••n P1pp1r, Onion, Mu1hroom S1ut1 PINEAPPLE Bl\KED CHICKEN RICE PILAF I '/J -Cl DIET FRUIT GELATIN T ot1I C.lori11 , . , 4•6 Pineapple Baked Chicken Combine 2 tip. Ro1em1ry , 2 tsp. 11lt, ind '11 tsp. p1pp1r, rub Into 2 cut.up Fryen, Arr1n91 chlclr1n on U.allow b.kin9 pin. Add 10 p11l1d 1h1llot1. Combine 2.c. pln11ppl1 Julee with I hp. qin91r1 pour over chlt~•n •nd •rrinkl1 with ,.prlU. B1lr1 60 min, In JIO oven. Serves 6, 115 c1lorl11 per 11rvin9, TREESWEET GRAPEFRUIT BIRDSEYE TENDER JUICE 5,.r 51 Tiny Peas 41or 51 PEPPE RID6E FARM "'°'" llRDSEYE WHOLE PATTY SHELLS 49c GREEN BEANS 4 JO• $1 SARA LEE CREAMED KERN'S CHICKEN 7y, .. L 59' Sliced Strawberries 4J01 $1 ORE.IDA SMALL WHOLE PEELEO 2 LB. 49c POTATOES 3,., 51 BRIDGEFORD WHITE BREAD DOUGH 0111ta/J/l,a !3it!U't11f1,S~ (/I ·~ I • Pt? OUR PERSONAL SHOPPER SERVICE WILL FIND FOR YOU THE "JUST PERFECT" GIFT. ALL YOU NEED DO IS CALL "GERTIE" YOUR PERSONAL SHOPPER ..•• 673-6360. ' ~ . ' ' .. . . ... • ' • ' '• " " . ' . ' •. : . " ' • "2~.,..t-MARKET . HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP FLOWER SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR CLEANERS . • OPEN DAILY t-4 DAILY 9.g,30, SAT. 9.5 OPEN DAILY t.6 DAILY l •l0-4, SAT. ••lo.I j ~ ................... ~......................................................................... :j : .. . ... l ··: .1 . ' OP&N Dl\IL Y 9.7, SUN. t-6 ' OPEN DAILY 9-6 + J. ·-· . • ! . I ----... ---·----------------~-~-----~----~------~-~--~-- ~\·1r IWl.Y Pl\.OT .: .;Epicures • Olde ·· EQ91a.~d' • ·- • Redisc0ver Cuisine • '"' I/Ill< Ono ol lhe -utooishlng paNld honeradiab. and thin slicel ol ogg In CRUST and handi belcn II cools llld t onloa , peJ>P" to lute and "'l!•r. derol!llh ind lie. Dust with ~lnlOY p1>onomen1 ol the ptt \'BAL AND BAM PIE lltomale layers. Co..r wilh (for pie I Inches across, 6 becomes brillle. Put 1-3 aside. W cvp flour Sileo kidne)'I over mea~ add P,pper. Put a sprig of I • ..,, Jllt1 his been lhe Ill~ leoo ·~ J>111rJ top, cul oeat hole In lnche> hJP) Roll out rat.S-ll to y. loch lll qpc:::.::: oc elock 'llked musbrooml and oyst<rs r-ln!lde, il available . • ~ol&oodEn&lish ~:~-thetopwith•pas~yrooette •~1 Dow-I-~ hi ~=~~.°'q~~ 4or5m :~=~ Bolle"Uiebackwlthbutter ._..,....,.._. 11 .tea_. dried m!xid to cover hole. Bake In a slow 4 ~ ,._,. ~· or w te shape pagtry around it and 1 dooea oyslen (lll01 be lhlc~"; 00 lop. Pour st.ocl: or pen ·juice · while cooking <':!!! WlMI> f..-En&llllt cbel, 11er~ ( ni · lo moderate oven (300-325 •hot!<ning up-sides I lncliea. Round olr. OD!llled) ' over untll a•---level with u;.1q ·m1n. "~ W poond. , · Pbillp Barbell, vllt(ed hes< a ,...;:.) aage, ariorom, •·-') 1·11> hours. '!I cup water 2 pounds .. , , ~· fr ._..._1rew -m back. it was dit-, ....,"'"!"' .. ,_...~bile . t k 111 tea.spoon salt Carefully lift out jar. Fill wilh po~~ pota1oe1. Cover, bib -aoo Rtmo~e ·TN.St om oven , f'icutt"'to convince Americans t teaspoon cbo~ parsley \ ,MtanW simmer s oc . meal Al deacril>ed above, 1 ~sugar degree oven for 2 houri (a drain off e:tl!ess fat ftom that there wu such a thing 'A teaspoon W t , with a.couple of cracked veal Wamfjz1: lmperal.ive lhat make cov~. Slice lamb neatly, trimming simmer), remove lid ror.' the gavf,' · leavl6g twq tables- _. • .-~pepper bona for li'. hour. Test teas-lhe dougb ~kept ftry warm LANCASllIRE moo fat. Heat shortening, last 20 minutes to broWril tbe 1' ppMs. Add v.i cup Qf red wine ...W-t ' 7iJo .... : .;1!"81 aod ,_,,1,.. ~ oj I jrJ 1relrJger~..!!' . l\llJ/ t]oor. and µIt. warm llOT J\OT when bmwn, brown ~ ~ po111oea. · 'to plin, scral>t! up th* cooking ... ·' r.-,, f ..,; · wiOl.J:\oUll ;..,.~tb'Pl\ls.""'"'..,.. m'l!ll14W'eeoven.Brlllglant.. ' "°' mto.d~ llreproofovep · '•·•--juices aod cocik oo top· of ~ year ~ llO'lll" ..r stOok:i;""" ~' ~ pow-~ otoc1; 1Juou&ll lhe and "atieri te boiling Jl!liDI lo ·.z poonds .laml\.(>houldcr or 1 .jl!ih. Bron the 1Uctd ~ ' .....,.DLE OF LAMB the stove unW gravy thickens =~to !:a~.~·· _parsley, ~and pepper,~ ... .,.hole 'Lt.,r ejp ~ quite~ full. ·'a saucepan ' Make a Jell in cbops) : • t -iii IPX'~ µa. a4d ~· .. 'I'hil cut. is tbe two loins slighUy. Serve with mint sauce has . 'I r<awateslhic to ~ min~ain, aaye.llOck.· U.I _~ o)v~h:,~ not .bot-~, 'f/" watq a.id .•• , ibeep·kl4oe~ '' ' ' :<oot lllf"'°"1t, ~-.A1d ~<>!'lite "'W· trom rib /o tail. (not jelly)-« r..iturrenljelly, . . •1~~ to "'"""""'meat m·Jllr--. ~[rigorate! . oucc ..,. """e lant. ~· . quickli' ,but I lables\loon llli"!" . bol stock, ml>ln& WillloJJouf W'l'e.' cut J11f the skio. most baked potatoes ~r rf c e, ~ 'tile in i:;t"';"., .. <see ~l-,!'ilh:lfilii.illll o.<'1d·i11lh'8"1a4.''' ·. thorouglilf:, lb woocfeo·apoc1o , • .,l.tab~cOoltin&oi!, ~ 1or. sr• ~.!'!d.~ °"' fa~ Ulll ~Id the naps un· vegetabl_e. _____ _ ~--~Olllble,,, 1lrilaln ' ' ' ' .• . • . ' . ~01,0::~ r<cipea, ThoY ~ from county to county. Scottish and Irish cooking, strong on marvellous breads. -are quite dif£erent • from W•'.., cookery. and Co<-' \litlta ~ is. quite different ~ ..... &~hi '!orfolk. i ~ 1"..iti~~t:i;:.t • mg~ a result of the ~ tjustriJl, revolution. In early llfays, 8ritillh cooking wak greatly ~ed. AU the great reci~f old Vll'girua cookmg can..:. (U.ced., back lo 17th Ceitiilt \lln~cookhooks. I \v~~ ' ~ coun-1 · ~ · oittd home ., ~'have ·ve, despite ; ~es. a. . adiUoo which ' :Jts fl/Tl/ npidlf coming back ""lo 1ue: •I Recently a group oJ British ... food authorities chose what J;they consider to , be the m~ Clelectable "main courses ' ,,;tepresenlatlve of the best .. ~e o~ them -are familiar •to Americans. These dishes only skim the . surface. They leave out of ~t the innwnerable gut pastries. Uke pop ov e r_s, Bake::w.ellTart. CIJ"·ctteeses, hke ChEollitt ~ dellftrts, li ke . ;.iTrifle, st~Poberrid~th splits -~p-eam, or plWl\Cake. ·~'Rout Ribs ~f'\'lllief with ....... )sh!fe Ptllld!D«i a n d horaetidllh· cauce toes back to the days in.,,.Norlhem England when a vast beef-~ would be rot.at.ed before a blazing fire. The drippings, ,QfiUg,bt below, wer:e.,,used as ~-.basis fo Yorkshire pud-.~. TtacUU~ally tht dinner ~ld be filled out #i(b kale ot btoccoli, btu.sstl Sprouts, roast , ·potatoes aol:I sizzling gravy.-~ -- Veal and Ham 1..,Pte , witli salad and served "ith beer 'tls ooe of the best lunches or cokl suppers ever de vised ~ y or for tie spor~ minded. t began as a mint ,lunch, ' itl(.bread and meal an coril-· · · jn one neat package, Uy munched: The most 8mous of these •'raised" pies and still do come from e-l t on Mowbra y i n · stershire, which is as it ~ld· be, Ence this county ~ famed for fox -hunting and ~jigrlcoltUtt -also Stilton Cheese. Lancashire Hot Pot is a .J\iellclous m~al all in itself, wilh meat, mushrooms and potatoes, served with red cab- )'ttage and pickles, or if ob- iainable, with pickled red cab- bage. As implied by the name, A was invented tn the D.icby cJ Lancaster, which is the ....... ~ . .-, 1· e. ii. • ~• ·Lancaster Manehesi<r. . 'Sidclle of Lamb ts a cut ~tmOst exclusiyely Ertglish. It "enjoyed fmm ·fhi M\dJands own into Cornwall, but is a parUl'Ular specialty of the Cotswo1d1, west and north ~est of London. The soil there 1s famous for juicy and tender grass. . F..Kh of these' Engli s h specllltles can be duplicated , r-thout much trouble in the : ~ American kitchen. ROAIT BEEF SJrkin "1'08.St 4-10 -pounds. Booe In. ' Pepper (while or black) e Sprig ,J Rosemary tfite a sirloin roast, properly I aged tr tenderness. Leave bone· .iq. ti.e marrow bastes !lb<}"'""' ol .the fll(al. Wipe. ....._~_ .... ,. with ,white « Nack ~. bul · nO salt (salt ~ w the juices). P\.lt on racl ID roasting pan without rat, break sprig of ~ary over t¥ top, roast 111t 350 ~ for half an hour, then JOwer to MIO degrees. Cook ~·minutes to the pound, add ~~ minutes if desired well- dOQO. Baste [r<quently. >t YORIWllllE PUDDING (mile hatter when meat gves in the oven) .J 4 tablapoonl nour '"' .. plnl,Jnilk t tablespoon water f~salt l W fk>ur and salL makt =In the nour anj rillx in haH milk. Ibo eaas. lfeat ...u, 1;:ii;:~" milk. Beat to t ol cream, then let ... !tr "" hour. Add the ...w. wldlk just bef.,. coot- Int. pour Ut a hot tin pan PILLSBURY FRO$fuiG -' .. 13 oz. Creamy Fodge. · 3'7c 1 -4 or. er;ear,~"~an11ta _ _...,..,., , I - SCOOTER ~!ES -·-ir;?i,r"G. 3j' \" ' ' KAL KAN CANNED DDG'fOOD ' . . ' S&W YEGETAllES .. MAYFRESH OLEO 1-lb. CARTON . fOLGER"S ,.._ •1.33._, •. 11.93 · r. .. ~:-· -4~s1 Wi.le Ker•Conl,/3CJ3- Cffii§,• DcWty Sp~! ~.l!,D,~ ~;~~EAM _ 69c ~!!l~~.!~~il~_! ____ 5 ~s 1 ·, ma_ylliir Frozt.f\ F~ ' . MAYFRESH ·ORANGE JUICE 6-0Z. CAN S &for •t FRO EN PIES ~·;:....._-7:s1 ·OR~~IDA POTATOES :i.: ... ·.~29c ' . • FISH 'N CHIPS ,-~k ... _________ 59c ORANGES SUNKIST NAVU SWEET JUICY lb. CELERY 1 oc CllSI", lENOEll: --EA. PEARS 4k$1 f 1'NCY D' NiJOU -$ " ~\JHJJ~W\lllli Van de Kamps Sl'£CIAL$ n.n.-.111. K-11 IT'S... __ COOKIE WEEK! ONIONS 3i 25c U.S. NO. 1 sr ANISti S IT. l!Tl. IOUllON "''" s311 -~-,.... lkCLnuN SCOTCH s311 Nf'Oll'f£DIOP'IOOf ·-RfTH ·ZllGnlY VODKA S369 .,,_ _____ OUAllT I I t I ! I I I SMOKED I I I PICNICS I I I Ho""'"'"' T endet-Eastern Pork, I Sweet AnOke a.9. I 3 ¢ I I I lb. I I BEEF 59c I LIVER I F1e~ly 1~citd ·-lb.. I SLICED 59c I BACON "'"""' I -""""'" I l·lb. l"tG. trm•~o RIB STEAKS USDA Choice 8"1,--, tendet-and juicy. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a:"; I Fres h Fryer Parts! 59~ I I I I I I I PORK CHOPS Smoked, Center cut, delKious hickory smoke flavor. B lb. CENTER CUT BEEF SHANQ .. 41'· FRESH BEEF TONGUES _._ 51' BONELESS STEWING BEEL•.lt' HALIBUT STEAKS '~ ... 71' --maJifiir Dtfieo.ksst11--- SHORT RIBS Of BEEF . Ho PEllll SAUSAGE ""'~• It' FRESH BEEF HEARTS •.41' LlllKSAUSAGE =-'.:".o o<.25' 100 BONUS l~UE CHIPS STAMPS WITH EACH OF THESE lnMS! Funv Cooked, st a Md. Ho"""" SMOKED PICNICS _, USDA Choict. well~ twdlr BEEF RIB ROAST --···· USDA 0Doa, •hi•"-• borWns CHUCK ROAST _ __ .,,45c --· ~.98C ... __ ... gsc BESTtr THE FRYER _._ h 5gc LON(i HORN CHEESE ·· tB9¢' ~... lb . !~l,M~T BOLOGN~'°'"G 59c ~~ ... ~~ESPR~~G.sgc !e.~!9Ji~.~~~DS ~'.~~:o 39C i ; v•V wlllt 11 el 1111 !llCb o1 fat • drlpplnp from the roast. Cook in hot oven (~I IS-20 ~ cntn:utes . until brown. ~ whlle D pulfy with AP yovr lavoriles specially priced! air roast bed and lteoh ,, I. -• a 0 9 • I • ;;;; i .... --~"',;;.,,_.."""· """"'i"'''--~-"''-'''---'--'-----'-'--'----=--·-"'' .. --·--"'"'"'aa _____ • ._ ...... ,x .... c .. ~ ..... "'""""""cu.-.:>><=· "'' =c.c:::.:. "'""'"'"'."""'=-"· ::: . .-'.oo.Lfc" .b ~-------·---__ .. _ ' --~,~----------~-~------ Nehru Hit Knit this fashionable 1acket to wear under coats now, top off Spring separates.. Knit a newsy Nehru !'" ~Tj with raised leaf pmfi in front, seeckt.it¢l collar, cuf!s., band of worsted. Pattern 70%3: sizes 32-46 included. FIFTY CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add. 15 cents for each pattern for fir!t-class mailing and special handling: <ltherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks, the DAI· LY PILO'I', 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station , New York, N. Y~ 10011. Print Name, Address, Zip, Pattern Number. Giani. new 19" Nttdlecraft Catalog -oVer 200 desighs to choose, 3 free patterns printed inside. Send 50c now. NEW ! "50 I NS TANT GIFTS" -fabulous fashions, toys, decorator accessories. Make it today, -give it tomor- row! fdeaJ for all occasions. so cents. "ti JUfy Rugs" to knit. crochet, weave, sew, hook. 50c Book of 1! Prize Afghans. 5()c Bargain! Quilt Book I has 18 buuWul patterns. 50c Museum Quttt Book Z - patterns for 12 superb quills. 5()c Book 3. "Quills for Today's Llvin1". ·15 patter:ns. 50c. , ., Fish Salad Can Break 'The Mold' \Vhen seeking imaginative recipes for 11eafoods and dairy products, there's no better place to look than Scan- dinavia. From the dairy farm s of Denmark to the f i s h i n g villages of Norway C'lrnc many delicious cooking ideas that combine these two abun· dant natural foods. And ju!t picture the wealth of fish and cheese on a Swedi~h smorgasbord. Creaming shellfish <md bak· ing them with cheese are two of the ways in "'"hich dairy products can be combined with seafoods to serve warm. Many other Scandinavian fish recipes are prtpared in i'nolds for serving cold. Shimmerfni shapes of chill-· ed shrimp molded in cream and gel41Un are refreshingly diffel'tllt. To. ser:ve a seafood dish with a special Scan· dinavian toueh, h e r e is a recipe 1 from the S b r 1 m p Association of the Amerirzs for a glamorous Shrimp a n d Cott.age Cheese ·Mold. It's esPEtCillly eye-catching when molned in a large fi sh-s haped pan. SHRIMP-CO'ITAGE CHEESE MOLD 1 envelope gelatin 1.'4 cup cold water 1 (101A Ollllct) can C<ill- denaed tomato soup I cup cottage cheese I (I ounce) package peeled and deve.lned s h r i m p • cooked 1A cup ceiery, chopped I small cucumber, peeled and diced 2 tab lespoons anion. minced Salt to taste ~, cup heavy cream, whit>' ped • d Soak gelatin in col water. Heat tomato soup. Diuolvt IOBked lelltfn in hot iJWP· Add cottage cheese; let cool. In the meantime, cut shrimp into small p;eces, chop celery, -dice cucumber and nlinct onion . When tomatiH:hetse mix· lure 11 cool, add shrimp and vegetlbles. Add salt. Fold in whipped creun. Pour in 1 mold which has been rmsed Boneless Short Ribs 'Meat' the Test Drink Hot Mocha . Milk Booelielfi J beef short tib3 moiled with bacOn are llricUy for fe..U.,, Cut a deep 1U1 Iii eoch shqrt • rib to hold -., .. rled Jelly- roll WblOll &fllWld cbopfled oniQD, """"""f aod garlic. Aller brOwnfllc, the)"M rudy Aller brownillg, they're ....,Y to simmlr "'lii1 tender In white 1'ioe and tomatoes. II you like, g11mlth 0¥ tasty· bed -with canned artichoke ~.,.... To ooalc up the delicl.U Juices, plau to serve t.bll ~llent wrtern beef en· tree, with rice or noodles, ni"8hed potatoer or rounda or toaS. BEEF SHORT RIBS SUPREME • lean boneless beef short ribs (about J pound•) 3 alicea bacon 2 tablOlpOOOI chOf'P'd sreo:n onion 1/4 teaspoon ro1tmary Iii teaspoott garlic µowdflr 3 tableapoom flour I teaspooo Pfpnla t teaspoon aeasoned aal~ 3 lablespoona cookisg oil !ti cu p water ¥i cup wh1te dinner wine 2 quarle«d tomaloea 1 (kunco) <an arUcboke hearta Trim eicesa fat from mtat. Sprinkle bamct with Galon C(.ombioed wlth rosemary and garlic powder, Roll up u far jtlly roll; .... uch roll Into : pi-. lDsert ... In d<e9 allt cut in meaty part of ~acb . ' short rib. Coat beef with nour mixed with paprli1 an d le-All Brown In bol ojl. Drain off ex.ce .. fat ; add wateP1 wine and tomatoes. Oover and simmer about t ini to I boun, unW tender. Skim all ...... leL Add drained aod halved artlcbol<e bearta, ht.atlng • ,.., mloutta longer. M.it,.s,...1ngs. Looki.oC1 tor a perfect drink to Id as 1 pJck-me.qp llillere, during, or ""' hoUlecJeacin& chorea or to aerve dro~in ...,U! Looi< no lurll>er. Simplr try 1hls blsh-Jn.autrition H o l Modta Mllk at a ~ ot pace from coff~ lea or boullloo • t:loce I teupooo Wiant ed· 1 .. Mdt-1-I '-"OCN mix 1n a large cup l or me {klnct onea or luger)., FW •Ith bot milk: lllt untu eoflte &"II -are di&Q"'ld; Aa • Clamour -top wUh • dollop of wllip. ped ., ...... dlflt lil)llly witll .......... . N THE CELEBRATION Wini MONEY~ SAYING SUM PRICES P"" RUE CHIP STAMPS! ~A IRlilD'IHJ VONS llsAI •EtO SJSS ..... A\ .... ,, •••••. SAVE WITH VOHS Sii/ti Pli/CES LIQUID BLEACH 33' ' . . ' '·•· If CWB ·= ., DOU PIHIAPPll JUK! .• ., • • • ~ 21' V-1 JUIQ COCXTAIL • • • .. • • -:_:.e GRAPIFIUIT JUICl ...... , • • '::' ~ :II' HEN TURKUS Choice lib. Steab ·~ ··~ ~ --"" lontleu Cliuck SLICED BACON !~~~~O .JUICE 46 33' IWNZ UJQllP .•••..•..• '--* • ·~ 24f . iin ·MOllWTOIUTO wra : .. ~ 11• DEL MONTE GREIN PUS ..... :!:. D' ~o~.K &. BEANS 25' llllT YDlOW QlllG PU CHES ~w. ~ 21' TID£ DmlGDfT ......••••.. G;;.: 7 .. D9lf suaD PJNU,PPU. • • 1'h":1" 25" .. . ............ ,, • ,.,.. c --· :.........-.. " .. •·CM<.,IMI , CINNAMON I VONS RAISIN ROW BREAD ~~ ..... 31' i.i.~:: ........ 37' • , ___ , ... 39 Top R""tl Steaks -'1'! -~YAUlf'0 )0.l,lJ.AVG. C PorterhouH --'1'! :.~ 49~ .• w•-• GOtbEff 5TAI Top Sirloin Stub = '1'! ' -~·- ·Seafood Sea-lections SWORDFlSH STEAIS -..... -............... ~t: 11,tt MALllUT STUlS .••........ -............ ~.:IS. PlRCll FILUTS .......... _ ...... -·.~·= U.. flSM STICl.S ········-···-· -fi!.":';;;! Ill ICllTOl'S SllUOlll CRISPS ... -~-=Ill llVPEIT'S FllED SCALLOP$ __ '"'°'~ 1t• &OltOr'S FISll I: CHIPS ......... ™""""",...::lie Extra Valu,s! CORIED IEIF IRISllT ......... u..o.•~"1::. It;. IOIELESS TAVEH 11&1 •. '.~ie:",,'T,,~1J ,~ POlll: $:1DS&GE. UllS.-........ ~~.~ ..... J:: 111 SLICED IACOl .. w .. -·-·-.. H•~w.,z ... WAFU-UIDI .............. ~'"i:l.111 SMOHD l'Ol11 allPt ............... &":1i • IUTT!RU IE!F JIUll .......... -i.l:: 111;. Happy Mtm111t1 ... • l~~w-...... $1 2..1a.-w .... '' ~-....... ,. -G--.IU Anort-Hoppy Sl,000.00 w;,_1 Mr. D • .1 Harri. a..:.M1 • .$1,000.00 Ci..d: frono Art C..t~lo, Ma""'1W of v-Sont<r Ana Stot.. G.t Your fre. ~n With th. Sh;i,.• Ccwd Today ot Von1,,, No l'utc~•M Net •Hory. ' UIEJ'S QUAl.lTY, 1·LL PKG. •••• 5a. ,..,,,.._,. 69' 7-0I: v.rt' MAPl.f • CAMPBELL'S TOMATO soup · JP.OZ.· CAH Rich ""1vor .'.F10n11 VEGETABLES EVERFRESH • 9-0Z. PKG. -c"=.,.: . ''" *=~ .. ~ ,,,._, -OfMAI '"" ·~ -----------------· Pineapple Juice ··~~~ 46 ~~c l _c.-...... 11 .. .... c..--... ... 11- r"'' COUPON ;i DOUBLE BLUE CHIP I STAM PS wit h this cou- pon on the tot•I emount I of any purchese e .. clud-,. ing liquor, tobacco end fluid milk product5. I Coupon per. ,c'ustomer. , Coupon good Thul's. thru Sun. January I & to 19. SAVI c;ASH wmc Tt*Sf nooua mc1AlSI Plus •• • GREEN .BEAIS =t;· 1•~ • -Hi-Ho Crackers "'' Ot ........ 41' •• . StroWbe• I its Watermelons Fancy Papayas Bose Pears ---.. _ b. 29' lS• 29~ ~1~ Cottap CheeJe j Swlu CheeH f•IMll.)0-(Al OI: C VONS sua:o, AGEO t "-"'''"·""° 31 """"""'....., 45 ~y NfSH. n-. CTN NlmYP'LAQ._,,... ,. S Liquor Features ROYAL vam SPECIAL nm ... 1 IOYAL Ya'ltT • ......,. M59 DRY GIN ........ ._.,. Doti MJvvel Table Wl- • .,... a1 Y-t : :.S IOllO Choice • ~ 55 ~5!~ 1&1$.79 11.0L OHS IJ-Pr. We WeJc:ome ••• u.s.0:1.. J"5eymaid · ·autter ";'1.."": 7fJc Lady Scott TiS$U,8 ~~. :;;;; I ( ' /V/Q/NJS/ PQu~ir,; COFFEE ~l~ 2 LL 11 II e 3 LL 11H CAI C" SALTINE ,RACKER ,, ' . , ICE CREAM Globe A·I Spag . etti 2:.. lf;J39c Spaghetti Sauce Mix ~ e&/29' Hunt's Tomato aste ~ 2!29r I FOOD STAMPS · , -· 1-'WAPJ*-l-'W~· 1...iwc..it~ .._ s-iw.....,r--. ,_,w51-.. ..... U.. C'O!Mn' OMY . .. , ---.. ·* -~ "" ·-•Ull 7tc -~ ,.,. -(.6N 2k JOHtril90M QUMlfY ..::iouct'S ... ..... w.. .-.. ....... -m-,...,_ CM.CW ............. w-,, .. ~ 0.W... OI -T ~ JOC. .Sl.1• '"" "' ... ' • la cold water, tr jato 1& , dlvtduol nlo1d .. Chm unt11 soc. 10'1 "Adams Ave., at Brookhunt, Huntington INCi. Unmold and werve on chilled 5922 Edinger Ave ., at Springdale, Huntington ltocll greens. Serves 6 aenerooalr . • • II ' j ~ OAJl.Y ,Ila!' . " . . .. • l . ' The$e economical chuck cuts at · El: Rapch" give you a vari~ty of delicious meals for your familg ''s feasting,. at just .pennies 'a day! ' ' ' ' This is th~~ put El Rancho'• finer beef to the test! Selected U.S.D.A. Choice · t ' ' • quality beef •• 4-aged nature's way to offer more tenderness ... more flavor .. , more of "·hat you're looking for. And, friendly experienced butchers ... ready to serve you exactly ,,·hat you want -the '''ay you ''·ant it. No packages ... , no buzzeJ'S •• , 110 bells! There is a difference at El Rancho .• · •• '''here the i>rice is always right'. c Who sayii inexpensive beef cuts can',l be fancy fare? Try El r.ancho's chuck 1·oast ... or ground meats : .. : this '''eek-end ... and 1ee for yourself ho,,· delightful these ecQnomy meat.scan rcall~· be! 1v1n 8011 You needn't be an expert to buy better beef. You simply can't make a n'listake at El Rancho ... because.,,e offer you only the·i\nest • lb., U.S.D.A. Choice grade, trimmed to perfection for greater \'alue! 1und8nn1 H~'a all the flavor ... all the tendernes~ ... you could 'vish for, in ~I Rancho's finer U.S.D .. .\.. Choice Beer: Give your fa mil y a heirty treat this week-end, and save, loo, al our low prices! c 1 El Rancho low-cost Grocery Cake Mix ............. R~~c.cy~~ffi~s ........ 29' ChOose your fa\·orile Belly Crocker layer cake Yarieties, .. & sa,·e lOc ea.! Margarine ............... 3 ; $1 . Fleiscl1mann'1 ... 100 ~(, corn oil ... hirh in pol yu nsaturates'. l·lb. ctn1. Gala Towels ............ 4 : 51 ' # 'l'Y.'O ply,. for added strPngth & softness: Jumbo roll~ .. d~col'at.or prints! # tifracle Whip . . .. .. .. . 53' Jo'sforite dreuing from Kraft ... quarl Orange Juice . .. .., .. . . .. . . 5 ... 11 ('al Fame , •. frozen eoncentrate ... 6 oz. cans. . . 4 '1 fUt Cocktail . . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. ncfes ... cubes of orchard goodne.55 '. ... No. 303. llfmlel' s Spam .. . . . .. .. .. . 49' Pork luncheon loaf ... so \'ersatile! .... 12 oz. tin. Del Monte Fruit Drink .. . .. .. . 3 ... '1 Pineapple GrapefruiL ... 4~ ounce can!. Borden's Cremora .................. 69' Euy "'8Y to cream your coffee!.,. 16 oz. aite.. Macaroni and Cheese .. .. .. 5 ,., •1 Archway Cookies .... ~......... 3 ... '1 Choice of all 39c ,·arietie~; 1'hey're differenl! 'Kraft's meal in minutes ••. 7'4 ot. p&cka111:. • Minute Rice Mixes .. . .. . .. . . . 3 '" '1 Stouffer's Beef Stew ............... 69- Rib Roast. Drumstick or Spanish! Reg. 39C. Generous chunks of beef, lots of Yegelable1! 10 oz. Chicken and Noodles ............... 69¢ Surefire Color Logs ........... . . . .. . 69* Stouffer'! ... frozen. to heat and serve! 11 Yi or.. They blaze so brilliantly ... and so lonrl c· t V( Petite Peas . ... .. .. .. 4 '" $1 Brillo Pads . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39• Tin)r, tender and so sweet: ... froz:Pn ... 10 01 .. Bir pacKare of 18 .•. handy housthold helper'. C & W Zilcchini Slices ....... 4 ... '1 -· Ga.rd-en I~ zoocineaa! Froien ••. 1~ oz. pkgs. Sweetheart Soap .................. 2r • J)acliage of 4' rtgular ban ... save 6c! Lysol Spray ............................ 1r Doodoriw ... diAinlectl ... kiJl1 flu rermsl 7 or. loJll Bost· Ice Cream .............. 69¢ Catmnr qilality ••. favorite flavor&'. ... \2 gal. ~r Oft. oJl WO'lr ttrrd~ rrf f,'f r.onrho ••• (he 1J!'irr u<, r9 1/I ! AJer Aspirin ... .. ... 7'JC Listerine . . 98' ri.h relief from1 a.ch es &.nd painA : PkJ. of 100. Antiseptic that really 'vork1 ~ Sa\'t l9c on 1( or. aiM • . ' JV~th a beef roaat, 1ervs dtfititnult/· d'l"I/ Paul Ma11Jon Gamav Bea. ... iola.i.t •.• 5th .•. f2.19 .... lhe meal bet0me1 -in!Jccui'on! -- Chuc:kSteak · · 49c · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~ Enjoy hearty· beef flavor •.. and enjoy the saYings too! Quality beef-economy.price! Boneless Pot Roast ............... 79~ U.S.D.A. Choice Beef ••• trimmed fot· \·alue , .. bone\e&.'5 to give you more a-ood eating! Ground Chuck ............................ 69~ Ground Round ........................... ~ You: know it's fresh at El Rancho: So lean ... and so fresh! Precision ground . Rack of lamb ................... '1.69 1~. Hormel's Bacon ........................ 5ft.' U.S.D.A. Choice Lamb ... oven ready! Jo'irst quality at a budget price! Sliced. Fresh Sea Bass ........................ :................................. 89' lb~ Look to E,l Rancho for variety and quality in 1eafoods .•• ~Tesh or fro"zen.,. every day! I El Rancho low-cost.produce! Potatoes s lbs: U.S. Ko. 1 quality ... \\'bite Rose. Sweet Spanish Onions .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . 3 lbs. 19' ~1ild flavor ... yet distinctive! Fi1m .•• '''ith bright skins . Fancy Mushrooms ................................... 59'- 11othouse grown ... finer quality! l\lushrooms and beer. ~arden Fresh Carrots .. . .. 2 '" 15• Crisp and sy,·eel: .. , your pot roast <:alls for the freshest! El Rancho Liquor Values Four Roses FIFTll ..................... '5.19 Blended whiskey ••. so smooth! ..• quart ... $6.39. Canadian Club, r!FTH ............ '6.75 Canadian whiskey .. distirictive ~ .. Quart .. $8.39. Ballantine's Scotch rlfTll ......... '6.99 The name you know ao well! 86 proof .. ql. .. $8.60. Th ura. thrcntgh Sun., Jan.16, Ji, 18, 19 El Rancho Deli Bargains Danola Sliced Ham ................. · 59• l..can ... makes delicious sand'l'riches ! 414 oz. pkg. Cache Valley Swiss Cheese ..... 35• Katural s"·iss .•. naturally good! ••• 5 oz. pq, Luer's Lunch Meat ............ 3 ... '1 All Beef or All Meat Bologtla.. Cotto Salami, Pickle- Pimento, or Sandwich Loaf •.. 6 oz. pkgs. I p,·ict.a in efftrf Ask the mansger.aboul our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR; Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently locat9d stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ....... .... .. .. ______ -. -· ~··.u·1-t...:.· ... 11..it::: ....... ' •· Market Basket Discounts Prices On Quality Products- No ~ames, No :Stamps, No Costly "Extras" • • • ~sl stores claim to ho"¥e low pri~s. But on what-on o handful of items or Inferior ··products? Not Market Basket. We discount prices all through the store•. And.Guar- antee satisfaction or your money boclc an fNery purchase. True you giye up·.-rt1es rond stamps to shop al i'Aorket Bosket. But you get bargains ortd quality always, every day. See for yourself. ··· •, ........ _..., W..,I Ho1M •eli<1~ ' S";j;Ji;'~'ing ,~37c ''I......, hln,.t~ ....,,,,.J~ e•:•• 1 0' gc B11cuits ..... ";. M<s. f1,.!rl1 f,o,.., ''""""'"" ...,_Shri "'' 79c llP ••••• l'lC: l..ol. ...a_., .. , MorU. lo.0.11 tt l-0..01.ry ·AA-1.\1. 55c Wienen •••.• NG .• illl MU. I lt. 1'((i., Jtc eo........ ~1k.... 59c Cooked Ham ·• ~a . ...,_, $1111• ,o\JI -55c Bologna •••• 1 '~~ ~ ""Id Ot .... 1o. ,,....~ .... 7gc "---L f """ l\llUQlWUn • r(G· S;lami Chubs ~99c IJ Z .. CHUB. 1.Jt "bupl folt-trodlod or pet-' co!!troli.d prC1&. c.1111111.""1' .........,, "'1"'"'M· • , , 55c ~ ~ lllClll IX ~G ~ Yoo~~~,~~l~l~sofo~e~w~h~~Mo•k~~~!~•~o~ boy ~ ~;.~:~: :~:· ".~: 2417: ~ or your item will be replaced or you r mc:>ney refunded. ~· Prunes •, • • • • ~-~ '"'swEE1 SS ~.;;ft...,c;ktail;"~~12&9cc ..., NATUIAt-UNSWEETENEO ........... ~ GRAPEFRUIT u.s. No. 1 '"'qr •LAvoR•ut Pineapple. ··;:;~ • ~ WHITE ROSE 01 RED CENl'Mt AMERICAN s JUICE POTATOES BANANAS S ~ ~:t11~ 'l/:4.5~ "11~~ ~ IVllYDAT DISCDUWT ""' fVIUDAY Dl;CDUNT "'" IVUYDAT Dll<DUWT PllU s ~ . s . ..: "a' "" ' t u es 77c ~ :~~..:-::. 3 .:,., "ilc ~ areroo nOS • • • • • • • • • '"" ~ Tissue • .. • """'I ;J ~ S!UCHD ~"" -GOU"'"' D!UG"T 6 9 c ~ Dig 'f';d' .6 '~~'4r s Mushrooms • • . . · · , · • ro:.~~ . ..: ht Nuggets • ::~ ~ ~ fOI: A Hf Al THY ~NACr; -S~il D 3 9 ~ ~ Ra1·s·1ns ... (.,OF 10 c ~ :---~zd~··""""· 3 '~~$1 ~ • • • • I e e • • • e e e I Y,.OZ. ~G~ . i ~ !~ • • • • • ' lOAt1:$ \il1.,tlf'#.I. '.11.#lll'lllllllj fCereal • ,.~ : . j'oALln• ,. • LUI LIQUID • ~~·••* Cl•a. 1 It orr LAllU ,k •• ,. I OL A!IOSOC C~~. SI.It $;p;"c1-er ,a,;; 73c GAL.ln.J1.11 , • ~Beef :"i~61°' iii;1.,. •.. ; ~.:: 35c c;,....ls., :~41c "" """""' WISK LIQUID 0 ' 75• '" OfltlOINf flNCl. It. Off u.at'l) All ILIE FAMOUS FOR DEEP-CUT DISCOUN~T PRICESl •• *BONUS DISCOUNT SPEClllS-,,le .... .H.c- -ltitovvli ,,.. •• "1.laft.21,ltet. DAil. Y l'llOf •• l . 1· • NEWPORT BEAC U -llOO lalb" 11••.-•t ll~.s" ~ 1150 '"'"·• ~ .. ,. 1"'1111,c.llff pt-I •f SANTA ''NA-'.!!!.1:.:-' e HUNTINGTON BEACH"';!!.~':...... e FOUNTAIN VAU.EY-'!'~.~ ft COSTA MISA-~~"-• ' I I, • • / ' -, .. .-.. .... .. .• - -----~ ..... y --·--.... --~----------· . .. .. ·-............ . . . . . . . . . . . DELICIOUS FOR SUtmAY SUPPERS -Tip f~r Cooks. Smi]es Reward Servi·ng Cheese Many 'of ·the orig"inal and exquWte recipes we. 'find in newspe_pers and magazines were created by~ from all over the· world. The French; : af course, a r e especially famous (Or their contrfbutfOllS _ to t o d a y ' s cuisine. Am®' tlle'fasbionable food trends fr1lm France_ a r e delicioul ~pes made with the in~~ble Frenc b ct>eesea. Milny of them are regional spedajties and some are ~ · W daring. ex- perienc.1;d cbe(i in the popular cheese restaurants in Paris frequented by meticulous and knowledgeable gourmets wbo savor tbttr individual selec- tions of wine to enjoy with a specific cheese. Among Jbe popular disbes on the menu at Restaurant Andro uet, 41, rue d 'Amaterdam, one of the most famous cheese resta.uranta in Paris, is Le Steack de Fromage. It .is served with a fine red wine and a green salad, followed by ""8h fl:ull and coilee. • "'' limplo, }'el nourisbil!C t<!r!>bloallm .o I foods with rflaeh llalr! 1 3 tabltspooos water 2 table.spoon& grated Port Salut or Bonbel. 2 :::ilespoon grated Roqµe, Cut Port Salut into 91> inch slices, reserving en o a g .b . cheese to ~ two tab!,.. poons grated cheese, (or cut each Bonbel in three horizon. ta! slices, reserving eDOlllb for two tablespoons grated cheese). Chill slices thoroughly. Dip each slice in bea~ eggs, then coat thoroughly with Dour; dip in egg again; then thoroughly coat each slice with bread crumbs. Press crumbs firmly into sides, tops and bottoms of each slice. Place on a cake rack for one hour so that cnunbs will be crisp. This will help prevent bot cheese from seeping through. Heat butter and oil in a heavy .stl1lel SaDte cbeeee slices (lteacks) · quietly, o'vtr m~te beat, until golden brown 00 an sides. Remove to lightly butt.red. individual baking dishes. Prtheat oven " to 375 degrees F. Beal ·egg • yolks together with three tablespoons water. In a separate bowl, beat eQ whites until firm. Fold egg wjtes in beaten yolks. Gently bleod in grated cbee3e. Divide ~ evenly • over eadi steacl:. Place in oven and bate 12--15-minuies, or·until the tops are ~ldeo brown. Serve Im· mediitely. Makes six porlk>Qt In pr~'lflls .. disb at home, cme •can-choose from two semisofl --Abbey Port Salilf, Ille authentic French ~ ;Safut,' or ~r BonbeL ar · 1l'r<ncll GruJere .is avallable, it 'may 'be 11sed as an allemale.~'.Allhougb the roclpe r.f. lhe iwllle baiter cans oof)'.,.fir 't!>e ·usu11 m. gredionts'll.ed t. mal;e ·• Jll!I· ly omel.i,,_-'can, •ari tlie roclpe sllglltly '1iy iddlng_ a . few sprinklings of ll)iited Ro. N' • • quefort .• · • utr1t1on LE ~ .f>}! FRllMAl;ll ' !·lb ~·1'ort •Salut ar 2kl:pockqesll<Jlbel c . : 2 eggs,weB:!i"'... rea meu \>cup-,, 2 cups fine ~ <:rUDlbs 3 table<pcdis 'bUtler 3 tablespoons ollvt oil 3 eggs, separa~ Food Loss Is Costly Are you;. • food bills too hip! It ..., be becaUJe )'GU are IMol. your prbage dlspoolr .no..; nourlslimeDt than )I _,., ..,,... Mn. Dorofl11 Wenck, Orange CJouD. tyH-~. , Surveyg lhi>w '11111 la · Ille United -· lrCin ....... to 181 pereonl ol Ille caJprloo In • -food lllllPIY are thnnru •WBY 111 leer ti> anftnals . Yoo cau stretdl your food dollar u )'OU llore food pro- perty and -.., ........ 9'11<t' ly io --"""''""': and if you see lllOI eadl - la aerv«I , ... -h\mldf ooly the-......i. of foocl be can UL • I In Beef Dried beef creamed in a nutritious, delcious milt.rich saoce Is a l>reakfut, luncb or 111pper treat. Do It dH- ferently by' eerving It 00 apllt and to8ated wheat blscuitl! for new texture and flavor in- J<rest. For lfJ: servinp, splil 6 ~ wheat hbculll, b\11- f<r llgllt.ly and tosst under Droller. • Mell 14 cup butter; stir in '"' ~ nour. Add 1 cups milk llowlf, 'ctlrrlng coostantly. &eliim to taste wltb salt, pep- 5": and Worcestmhire or T'abasco. Cook until thickened , 1Urrlng occaslmally. Stir In ' '4 pound dried beef, shredded; beat tboroulbly. Place tqaltl!d b u t t e r e. d bblcull.s, cut tide up, In heated lndh1dual aervllia dbbe1. Pou on creamed dried b e e f , SpriM!e wtlh paprika, minced panley ancklr chlve1. . ' - . .. ~ Hf .. VUllllY-uirlf · T·~\ 39• VALUI KITCHIN DECOL(roo' COLOIS ' . :·t :1 · , •. ··~·-· L¥SOL SMAY ' l .• Kiili flu A*"' Ofl all •WfdceL l ... L ·SIAt .... t .111 .. LL ffAltl 16 PROOf-IMPOITED KINNAWAYI ). and,bCttled in ffrle: , • 111...... ....... . .. ' ..... scot ca ~~~~!! • ,. 4' 9.9, ~~=~~"~~ , . I C•CKSCASRID& American Eipress · MoneyOnlen ..... _. SmsT•I s... $"'51 : PP_r ·Alf row lllls r"" ,.,... sate Moaey" FRUIT'fLAVoRm · CAt ,fAME DRINKS ChelT'f, Ajlpit or Boysenberry 3~$1 ' -SMAD KRAFT, DRESSINGS· . ' FRfNCH I 000 ISIAHI> \13,C ~39C ' . . ..... '... . . . •• • FRESH MIST -CHUNK Light Meat Tuna FRESH KIST-IN SA.UC! . . Pork & "Bea·ns FRESH KIST BartleH. Pears -· . . • FOUR NOURISH1NG VARIETIES Petuna··Cat Food KOSHER DIUS .Li•by's Pickles . ' FOOD GtANT : -. ' I .. Liquid Bl~ach -.. ' ~" ' . ' POOD •IAllT SUOD .auoii11D . LUNCH MEATS LKYS-ASSOllTEll CHllJPID . ,,!'~~~ .. !Y •CORNED If~• PASTRAMI '·• f·• ; • l 3 .--.·rlt!I . .. ~ "' SGllLUNGS GRAW Ml~~ Brown orOnion 19~. Turl<ey 2\3'i.,. ' . • BOlOGNA •COTTO SAU.Mt • PICklf LOAF • .OUVE LOAF • SANDWICH lOAI • Dd.JCH LOAF ~L $ pk ... _, ' FOOD GIANT llfWX! sucm-W1$COll5iN AMERICJlN ·C PASUURIIEQ/PJ()Cf.SSOl!fP' 4l s .PIMENTO or .... 'SWIS$; · , ... msc~IS :.:::..3::2,g~ CORON ff 0NiON RINGS FROZfN ~29c ',t'-49c HOIJSENotD.QEANil TOP JOB · 21k>L 73c sin . . . . • BIRDSiR IN SAUtE • RICE, PEAS & MUSHROOMS • VEGETABLE MEDLEY • UENCH CUT BEANS W/Al»,ONDS •BROCCOLI W/HOLIANDAJSE • GLAZED-Bms • MIXED VEGETABLES • W/ONION SAUCE HUNT'S STEWED TOMATOES "'" 300 27' ... ""37' COit CO!! • TOMATO SAUCE 3 t<>.i. 35c 5 "'· 300 SJ .... """' AC a' 2300 llar.bor Blvd. at Wilson St., 081".bor Shopping" Center, Costa Mesa ----~----------------------~-~ ' .<:N l:'OOD SPECIALS RYEGETABLES MIXOR MATCH "S·MINUTI" ., . • REGULAR or FRENCH CUT GREEN BEANS • MIXED VEGETABlES ,. . C.C •ABT o• POUHOOK LIMAI • aaoccou 11111aa1 · 1 .. llANalQl•.CAUUPLO .. R ll~XOR ~!!MATCH -,!. il>E.C T SOAP ll.ASAFEGUARD t2 i:; 3lc ; 2 :~ 43c Al.UMJNUM FOIL REYNOLD'S WRAP l 2·inch x.75 h. economy roll 83c ..... ----.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:::_-i;=---=--~---~~--:-~----~~~~~--~~r'."1111~ : -.. ". . ......... ,. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. . . . .. . ~ ..... -............ · lliiiR ROAST c . HONEYSUCKLE-WITH GRAVY 3 •1 · &1CED . ~;:: . u.s.D.A. lllSPl~·YOUll• TURKIY TURKEY DRUMSTICKS ' . . "um ' FRESH Rt.C~ ~fD , Pl!.COOl:fD .....;._ ' 1-' BalADID.PilRCH . NOtfN SUPEllOI .\ · ~4-o~. FISH STICK• •••· Wl!LCH'S-PUIECONCOIO . 2<J:oL 43c· GllAPi 'ILLY '"' ; MAGIC CHEF 1 lb. 49 ' PEANUT BUnlR i~• ~ BUl~K PIPPIR ;:-291 ~SPUD INSTANT 16-oz.. 39J MASHID· POTATOIS .... C~ERRY c"iicuMian-2:2 TOMATOES •• ........ 1·2 L 2· . .. ,,. GRAPES ·We~ : . 12-eL c LARei UOWll, ·~ 3 .... " •• , . . · . MUSHROOMS ·1::· ·. . . . . . .. MARGARJME PARKAY DETERGENT TABlETS .,...79C SALVO i*• lAUNORY DETiRGEHT 35, GAIN I '::· AnrdDecoraied Poper . 35 , VIVA TOWELS ~ , I' ' ' WHO'!) mVllt oUl!fS iT'.$';1il~Rn -•_'{. ,(.-.. Cameuflaging .," Is the Answer A> all gocid Calllornla cooks know,-the· art of using left- oven consbts of creating a dish ,. unlike Its. )ndecessor that no * will gueas U1 . origin. . A cream-1auce-based casaerole like this Elcalloped Ham and Egp Is an ldeol extender of · leftover meatl: •• 1 i· because the milk gives it » ded proteln and butlered • bread crumb!ll cive that atra flavor and texture conira:st. •' Lamb or beef wfib · ap- proprlata llOUOllhig nriatloos ·may be aubiltl1uted 1or· Ibo I ham In lhll basic recipe. H Jamb ls used, • 'bit ol curry 11 an eicellent addlUon. U leftover beef ii the prir ·· blem, add a f.ounce can of muahroom aiems and pieces and an tltra dash of TabascO for a ml taste treat. In any case, bill and dab.s of any compaUble vegetables may be tossed in, if desired. Recipe makes 6 servings. &5CALLOPED BAM AND EGG8 V. cup (\0 1Uck) butter Old Standby " . , y, cup Oour ·. \0 1'aspooa 11111 II teaspoon poJirlb l uoa-n !I'~ sauce ; . - -• 11 tea-'nbuco 2 cupo milk 8 yard<ooDd -·-. I cup culiod ........ lwn (appmbjla~) •• • ! v. CU?.clloi>l>O!I--2 tabltJPQOU .;;..;_,";'- II .fine breld~ I ~··l'l!ildAkl· d;.~ ' ...... 'Melt butlB In a ~ over .low beat ~· -l!illtlii flbuf and ,..mlljpl '~'1'!1k gradually, stln:lnl• ~. Cool:, lllrrloi--~ min sauce ii lm9otb g,· 1JlllCIDen.. ed. Place aJtematli. Jl1ilrl of egp, ham liii!'~~ Ur buttored batliif a~ over. au,. Melt.'1--flble. •-bulter ID a ·.un p111. Remove llom !lull-md .<kl bread crumbs ind ... Jllz weU. ~~· over ~. of eauerole.•Bllt bl.-~. 350 deir<e. .... aliOai ' 15 minute.a, until liot and Dgfltly browned. ' • , • ' • New Interest Ad'd•d r 'Swllli lleak has been a meal- time favorite for many yea.ra. Here'• a method ot preparinc II lhat'a dilleNnt eaoog)I to ctve that wen.tnowa. 41sb a compleldy .... loot -and lute. Swla Steak w I t b Mu.sbnloma u ill Jdoll "A'I ol a<ldlnl -In-to· Ill old .tan.iby. . . pod • II--·~ fine • ... l cut loalllo,• ........ 'tr -. Mix !lour mlRll ··~ (JOUlld IDto -. I'll ...... _.,...., .. aborteolnr ... aldllil ... place .... .... • Iii.it. • SW'ISI ITBAll: WITH Brmm meat Ill~ - .llllllBllOOMS Add,. rtmalD... ~ •Salt,.,._ Cover UWet. Allor.....,.,. v. cup f!qur ' ·' pears, -~ .... -·s,poinf& ""'"' mat (cut . 111 boura.. Meoli,tlloulc! bo Sii lnche.o Udcl) turned ooda !dltrl1').00GliiDI· ' 1 ' .. ., ., . • . . ' .. . . ,, ct ' r " 'I J " 'I "' "I "' ,l • .1 , I I • I I I I ' • ' I 11 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wllsont St., Harbor Shopping ·center, Costa ~ MeM I can mu1m-i. · Shut ' oil ~ _ ~II" II s table!IJOOlll lal . J!klnulle before r .. 1110 .... , l medium ahed onlob, cbop-lltu or to make ~VJ·"· •• " 1 4 • I I ' ----~·~------··--·-...-·-··-----~----·---··--·----c;1 8 DAllY PILOT .. '. ' --..--... -·. ' . ' ... 1 .. - NOW Ftl111111111 $-fl.IGHT1 DAILY FROM ONJlllQll-.ORf Mtrulri•PlilA••-~OlZlIW gcmF~ [§~ 0 -~. 'fOll'LLPLY"AnllJlr W[§I] -. . @) llTIOITMlllTIOnLUOlll -t•Tll·ITITllll I.Ill ........ --- 1·· .... ' •. ,. 1··; -----. -· ·--~· ---·~ • ·------------- \ .... ~~--........ ' 3 -DAYS L 2· .N.IGHTS -=~==··. -OHTillQ .. ,Cl.OHl ..... PA.:-.0 YOU'U DRIVE A BRAND NEW VALCAR-TH£ WEST'S FINEST RENT-A-CAR l!RVICE . WITHTHEVALUEPRIOE PASl'·llH AllPOlrf oalVU't' 6.1'1Cl-a. VCUSW.t.OIMS TO UOIU.ACS U.1.D.A. CHOICE OR ITATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF L T-BONE L:.1. TOP $ SIRLOIN • LB. BAR·M.SMOKID UllTIR CUT ' CHUCK GROUND SLICED ·; BACON -~ ROAST I USDA CHOICE 01 ST A n•·IROS. CERTIFIED BEEF 39~B. • ROLLED ROAST USDA CHOICE O• • STA n• IROS. IEEF BONEWS SHOULDE• 79~B. BEEF · FIHH • UAN DIUCIOUS GROUND HOURLY 43~B. ' BEEF ROAST USDA CHOICE OR STATEll IROS. BEEF ROUND BONE 49~. TAllAl•AND ·I-POUND PACKAGE 45c ·· LB.J ' BAR-M WIENER ' AUMIAT-IUUC IUY 'EM IY THE POUND ORS-LI.BOX A '•C , •ILB~ 5TIAl<-NOTAIL _ s 119 PORTERHOUSE ......... L•. 5TW<5-WIU TRIMMED 98• SIRLOIN TIP ·------~-.. --· ... LI. ; ' USDAOfOICl<MtSTAnRUOS. 77 RUMP ROAST ..... LI. c 10NlolNUSOACHOIQOl5TATDftOS. 79c. ROUND STEAK ......... u . -• ' --USDACHOlaOltSTA.nRIROS. 98 . CUBE STEAK _.................. ' OICAIMAYll tJ.OZ. 65' SMOKJE LINKS ________ .. G. PORK - CHOPS IONn.1ssUSDA Ctto1ao1sTATIR8ROS. 89~) ROUND STEAK ............... -. ,, MAMU.nAMAU.•F. 43 IOLOGllA --~~ c ENDCUTS .--u.7 9' OSCAR MAYR 1-Ll.PACXAGI 68' SLICED BACON---·"· OSCAIMAYERUTTlEFRlll 69'1 PORK LINKS ------.. -~. _ ·. " .. •LIGHT------''" 25-0Z. FRUI, r· cocKTAl.L&'" ,,, 25, AMERICAN B!Aurv LONG -3 SI · MARGARINE ~~r'i,r.~·~----·-·-·· '"· 42' STA--ORISP CRACKERS --i~~~~. 29' s p A G H E TT I .................. PKGS . VIEJtNASAUSAGE sw,,-rs . --~oz 26' llBBY'SDEEPIROWNN0.21'. SlIE 3 6 9 C sultMAIDR~~tN;,~~~>-·~·~35' PORK&. BEANScANs TOMATOES wttol""''" .... -------CAN 33' TOMATO-COCKD'TlUWAlK 303 24< , 3 TOMAToliAsrt:~i::;~~.:~:iii~33' FLIHYRS30U3SIZEIT -cocK1A1L 69c LIMA BEANS m~ -------:JOO-CA• 29' , ............ CANS INSTANT SAN KA COFFIE --------•·DZ. '1" WISSON'S ~()·fk~..a.{~-e.t MAYONNAISE 1.19c IPlllOOT HALVES 21' 2 37' 32-0Z. RUITOOCKTAIL "' 2::33' ... JAR ........ II.ICED y; CUNG PEACHES ___ 2 ..._ 29' GOLDEN GRAIN STIR-N-SllVE REG. SIZE IUOEDEJEl!TAPEACHES . ______ 2.,,35• MAC &.' CHEESE OUAfll!IED PEARS _ .,, 21' CUNG PEACHES .......,,.,,. ___ ,., 23' --·1~· 1~ 'f/4/f«Af cl-lB.OCAN. FFEEJ-ll.CAN .•. Sl.991-LB 6 '9c ...w--..,_ -s~s1 FOLCiERS .. CAN. 9.'5J.!ljJJ!ICE .. -·~··s1 AUX ALL A s1 VEGETABLES ~··m -6 ,.., TAMALES BEEF ... ~ 8-0Z. -·- 00 -AS 3 ..... 51 CHALLENGE EHCHJ,~AD --""9, CHEESE COTTAGE JOHNSON:SPLE~GE ,,. -..... ,'1.28 __ ..., TICKS -5 JOHNSON s GLO COAT ............ 27-0<88' FISH S ·--·---'~0' CJ 31 ( AIR FRESHENER ~\~:.' .... _ 7-o<S4' - T STEAK 6 ( ,TS ......... SUPERCLEANER :-:'~:i'~-----0•79' HAl.IBU Ii ..... C) QUAIT ... ____ 5" GREEN BEANS ~~~;~"'-~--·· ----~24' __ ,.,.,. DOU"-U '1'~:3' 4 ' KA• KAN HEINS HONEY g~l_l'~1rvu ..... '" 79' BREAD un _,..... 89, DOG FOOD PANCAKE SYRUP "'"' "o'..'[85' toSAfllTAfllC·GIU!l4 3gc SALMON STEAKS -tt Ol S\ 11·0UNCI SALVO TABL£TS 81iT~f~~~~. . .. ·--·--75i Oll~~~.~llTOS -""\1• ';i°ilicH B~NS --4 "'' g::g:= r~s~:~: DREFT DETERGENT -------GT 79' ;,uaM£TSHRtMP -"3a.: ~£ii WMS __ 4 .,. 11 :~.J::~;;a; ~;~: ZEST BAR SOAP 2 ;r2, 29' ='c.'"10HEEI£--'1 "" ... 4· 11 CHICIUN-NO 11. SAFEGUARD "'°"°"'"' 2"0 29' ""' 3gc • .,, VEGhlBlE U>OZ SOAI" -··. .. ... ,. .. -..... Sill R"i'H'C-.Ku -"=.,n ~""'E"s."'""'"'"'2 ,33' LAVA HAND SOAP ' ..... dB' ...,, .. ...,."' ' POTATO ""00 "' IVORY BAR SOAP 2"'0 23' coto11£TIE1f ..-1'll 79' ~t•ASVO" 4 s1 . --... -~·K-• SIZE UQ'onzi ... , =~flb --,..,_ IVORYPERSONAL _d ____ 4,.,.7gc LBS. PITTED OLIVES ' OlllTIH0.1 CAN 47 ~' SUPll COLOSSAL .......... . •··• ,. CAMAY SOAP -----.. 2~"'8jl SPIC & SPAN ........... REG ,. .. 3 .. MR. CLEAN ...... ·----2•uz. 73' TOP JOB CL,µNER _ ,.oz. 73' · COMET CLEANSER 2 't;~i33" DOWNY :~~~~" '' ---·· GIANT 81' CINCH CLEANER ""'""· '1.69 lAIGf FRESH TINDER CllSP · CARROTS 3 ...... 29< CUCUMBERS .FANCYSOLIDGillNHIADS "'"· ~l~~-....... 2f,29c CABBAGE ............. ll.5' ~~~~~~~~2'29' CBST LIQUID 5-DAY TOOT9ASR MAKEUP. ~PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS, THURS. thru WEDS .. J N 16th-22!1d _.,,., ~ .. $1.19 DEODORANT _ ....... COVllGA "-'•"'-'1.05 UllOCIO~S ....... _~ """"" ~IH-•5" ..... 26' ""'· '1'' .... , '1 09 69 ...... ,___:7t, ...... ..... "' ... -'l.83 •-Ol. 'A IN.• 10 "· 4$' '""""' MIST IC>it 1e tc>HU$ . -------------~~~-~~~~ -~--- 1· -----------------;--------------------.._-......... ~~~ Wtdntlday, Ja"""Y 1', 1'169 DAJl.V I'll.OT 3f ' ' LUflQUAl.JTY 4nc MON!YSUCKUIUCIOl•.11.,. $139 " · · ·, .. MINI-SMOKED PICNICS .... '71b TllRICEY with GRAVY -... u.s.D.A.G_RADEIJ(ffOICES~-·. .,, LUllQUAUTTOIOSCAIMAtU 69' -SllCl<U2'h'":;..,_ $298 .TOP ROUID U.S.D.A. GRADED otOICE STEAKS PORTERHOUSE LEAN · TENDER s.11 s lb. SLICED BACON . -----·-··· •~· TURKEY RO:ASTS .. . .... . .. 1, L'iitit5AusAGE .... ..·\lb.29.: · itiiiURiiis ___ .... 49fb ~gmt':~ 98' lb. OSCAIMAYEI 69( qrTl-llnH111•. $198 • · LINK SAUSAGE ---···--'"· BREADED SHRIMP _ ....... _ . ....,··-·__,_. ------ ruHLALolFIPROBUTn1N FILLETS 4nclb FRESHCHICICEN 35c FRESHCHICICEN 49c FRYINGCHICKIN 1oc "711 CUT UP FRYERS ..... lb FRYER -BREAST ......... lb BACKS-a._d ·NECKS ·lb · GC) DEL~~AKEs~ Go~ i'I the Arnedc8slnd tlke~·10 5 l)9r3009 along. Just c!ip ~,,,) the Del Monte items lrOlfl this ad, Md pick up entry blftnlcs in our stofe. . ~ PEACAHES.lY, $ NO. 303 FRUIT for -'" COCKTAIL . • DELMONR460Z.JUICE 3bs 1 -. ~l~!~~PLE-G,~APE~~~!.~··::.~ •. $ ~ TOMATOJUICE ....... 31 1 COlll ........... ~'.~~ .. s~ 1 "Will' DllMONTtl03 <llT s· $1 .... MOllTI 30) s~ $1 . · . . Glllll IEAllS ----· ~ SWEET PEAS ............ • -·~··· .... DIL MOHTIFllNOU03 ·s . $1 OIL MONTIST!WID s· $1 .,... sucm BEANS . .. ~ TOMATOIS ....... , 303 ~ . ~ RED tfie!.1 DELICIOUS ~APPLES "EXTRA FANCY $ THEORGINAL LUNCHIOX SURPRIS£ ........... .. lbs. • WITH THIS COUPON HORMEL VALUE -llAND I " j • I-Ill I/./·.\ FOO/J.' • I ARDINtflQUALITY·'AGAL 5'9', • ICE CREAM .. CALllnH60L 5i$1 Iii ORANGE JUICE --.. -...... : .. __ _ ' llTTYIAJClllOX. CHIC.,llEF-15' con AGE CHEESE ... 29c ..,.c;e .. 100L $ J2' MEAT PIES ....... --"!!~!!.~-······ ........ ,.. 5'$] ·~J~~l .. cOFFEE .. -35 IANQUITASSTD. 35c MARGARlllE ............. I KRISPY CiA~KOS c FROZEN DINNERS ........... _ .. __ , COF~E5E ~~; 69' ~~; $1 99 HONEY~RAHAMS . 36' .,.....,.... OOIDEN"1ES 99' lliiiB.---·~i:i\Mi-~ .. !-· POTATOES ... ___ •!.~~-~-~;! ........ ~:!'~s'<i$1~.:..;.~0~s· "-17 r•1 VE,ETAILES ........ • CATSUP .................. • Ol!MOlfTf300tAN 5' $1 SIA""'5>30J 5' $1 TuMATOSAUCE 1 PEAS ........... ~~.. f wAlliiis ~69' ' SioiiE0LiiKs ___ 7tj'- Ol.'-SUCID60?. 3bs 1 LUNCH MEATS ___ I '' : . ~S •. CAN s42• CANNED HAM ..... __ ,_ . • NO. lSWIET SPANISH ONIONS .............. . FARM FlltSH 1 oc CRISP CELERY .. -~:~[ ... t I I 1 ' , . • t I ---·-·--·----·-~-...-..........----------·-------~· --. --~ - .,. un.rrn.OT Wodn6d'1, ,,......, 15,1969 l ! . -Str~aml/ne8 ~ers i?,ns . , , . ~ _.:. IAformal ·French ·Men~, Is 5i ·mply Pttlleal From ·t.he . Fre~~er ' . . ' ' . .i lllo ~ r~ 1 cup·~~.bool*lioal,,.. ·' -... ;J poundt-."cbutt, in ... parsl~ ' W, 1*JQ, dllcken, wllllr,' , ,_. te-• =mbi..I t11ymt .. 1, 11a11e.~ •. P'P'*"°""· and ·~miner 11 mlntJlet,. !'/: until 8lmoot t~ ,Add ~ 1od simmer 5 ~ 16.da tliced bed IUld cubed chltan. Cook unW heated. 'I'• "!"f, place a few aJlc9o ol 1>eC in each soup bowl,~lben cover wllll stew ml~. Serve 'llll tlohs. Mailes 1 lo a servings. ltO~E l'ETiT SlllllR I ~e.~(1 bunctl each) • 1 pac.Uge (JJ ouncts) frozen 4 o u b I e t b 1ekfteI1 of ' cream clMae blutborrler, tbowed ind .-kltll. Fill.. illl -I patkoie (IOOW1Ce1)1r ... 1p ~ l!llL ~ Bl:b1irlo wbole babJ .,..-• a boil: i-.. -uil aim- 1 J.c:Mge (I Olmcet) farmer drained mixtitre. 8et sle"fe in I bowl -tr C...blne butt.. IUld cream IUld • cbill al ~ I boon, be ilal Ibo ,,__ pieca • ,J -"'"-·.._.. -·· ....... °'· .. bt --ljletlllc; -,_...... --yo<r .. -.-, l~(t~)-Ftrat"""" .,)..t(Ompllhe(I ChktU .... ~. 1 packqe {10 OW>Cel) froz;en mer, CIOVet«I, J boun, °' untlJ baby lima beanl , • _, ll illlllq., -aoup. I ... odJOI --ill a mixing bowl ; beat ..-Ulllll WM1Y to serve. Un· .1 tablMpoon •gar ...-with a spoon unW soft and mold co.a~ plllter and I package (10 ounces) frozen begins to boll, skim surface. chopped kale ~ve meas. l tablupoon frozen lemon nuffy. Blend in farmer cheese carefully remove cbeuecloth. JUiee '(or pat 'cbeele), sugar arid'·· s~ wltb an ou\er circle venlon ~ 1i11!;.f1;olplll!t, a ~I J>PCkage (t ~I' !tofi"', hot afllllllaioi' ~ of -thlibs I crea!ll)', S,•ocftll ~bat· s qaarlea .. ~,,_ ed Oft • -.-'clloPPell 'li>llv l tablespoon tall. ach. R&p•i*~ (or its eft'Qrt.-· 2 b-., leaves lw pnporatlon are fro"" . r ~ black peppercorru sbrirnp· ne,Wrg and frozen · ~ ~ cap frQllD c ho p p e d I package (10 ounce.) !rw;en • CUI bOd Into ·lhlll allcu and peas cube ,cbk*ati ttmOYiq: a~ja Melt butt.er in a large ltet-~•nd 'booes. Strain SIOdp miJ- tle ; add' onions and coot urilil tuh ed rebeal lo boillnj : defrosted and lender. Add add vecetables eictpt peas WITH ~.FRUIT Y• cup ( ~ stick) 9olt sweet butter ll cup heavy cream labool)' .lemoo juice. Beal in enough ol pea"'°'-and an i.-ring ~Ut · · ~ are.un to make a nib:· o{ blueberries. To servt, cut 1 package (12 ~)frozen twi that holda its shape but cheese into wedges and ac- peach 1iilictt, thawed and is soft and creamy. company with frulL Makes t drained llne a aieve with dampened servings. cboppod splbach. • For;~ thaln course, a ar- ty ,.,..... known as Petite M"'lOl\I. I!. inade the shork\ll ' way wftll lrozen dlicken IUld fraza.vegetables. nte stew is ... coWfld .. ii ls flayorfUl, with u.r·tprllh! natural color "ii~~· •.. the •iitta-bles c •t:rtm .Mal: of perleetlon 'thniaili uick '(roe' zing. '!lie-= crusty French Dread also comes from the fnoeler, completely.shaped IUld read! to bake r... t1>at fresh-from-tJie.oven, -k· ed Osvor and aroma. Dessert is Homemade Petit Suisse, an adaptBUon <Of a delicate French dessert cheese that ll unaged, perishable IUld not always available in this country. It has the tart-neet taste lbt!,JI, Jood Pelil,Su!aR shoiJll1 ~ makifti" It. an idea ~plnimri for the a I w a 7·~· 1'1"k!eas0q froien peacbes'lltld blue~ Wbicb surround 'Jl. QUICK SHRIMP COQUILLE 2 pachges ( 10 ounces each) fro1;en chopped spinach ' ' " --' -,. ----_, ___ ,....,.. STAMPSaali!·&AMES con · ' . . ' SHOP AND COMPARE . THERE'S A REASON WHY tUCKY HAS BEliN AND REMAINS THE l EADER IN DISCOUNT PRICING! NO SPECIALS, NO GAMES, NO STAMPS, NO COME-ON'S ... JUST EV~RYDAY LOW, tow DISCOUNT PRICES!• 2 packages (1.Z oUDC9 each) (tor.en shrimp newbur& ~.cup (\; slick) butter I ,loblespoon lror.e chopped "'."~L ~ ••. Lucky Bonded Meats ••• guaranteed for .flavor & tendernes$f ClilVes ... '4-~cm garlic, minced "Paprika Coot spinach according lo package directions until thaw- ed; drain thoroughly. Heat shrimp newburg according to package direcdons until thaw· ed. Melt butter in skill~t ;·add chives a!JC1 garlic . and saute about ·2 minule~. Add spinach and im,-weD.r Fill i llllllllf icallop ilbeU. (or Individual mnekins) with spinach ~ Top wt~ shrimp~1'Dd as~~ ing ol paJ)rfb, (1f dtiir.d, sprinkle .. •iY. 1 cup, r~~ son ~bl mll<XI with 2 1ab•<W!s' melted iJot!«:>· Bake in .~~ ll10d~t•;., OVCD (3$& ,4fthts F'.). 10 , ,' minutes, or until heated. ~takes 8 appetizer servings.. ~ PE'l'ITE" MARMITE Ii. tablespoom butter or margarine , r "Warming .'1~~~.~I ' I I J Woldt•how proudlyyoqr dog will .walk by your side in thia Id knitted ol woi'sted. A dog'1 life b: a happier one witb this CO%Y, easy-knit net Note 1ly1il!J mnding col· tar. cables. PBUiern 'f2Si: aiRa a, 10, 12, 14, 16, 1a included. FIFTY CENTS ( coihl~ for each J>ll\em -add ti «nlB f« tach pattem for firsli(km flllilll!ll llld special haftdllnc: ..,,.,.... tbird-dau dell""7 wm take three weeks ~ 1Ml'L S<bifto Aiko Broob, ll\e1lAI> LY ' Pu.or, IQ(; N~llt Dept., Jiox 1113, Old Cll.ia.8 Station, New York, N. Y. lOOlL Prlnl Name, Addn#, 21,, Patten N1mber. Giant. new • ." Jf(tzCfaft C.tllll --2111 a..rg.,. lo <-. 3 -polleml printed lnllde. Send sec now. -.. r NOi "lO INST.ANT GIFTS" -fabulout WJoao. tofl, ~-•I« --• lodly, ~ .. ii ,._. ""'' lclhl ror all """""1obl. io-.. "IJ lllt1 11op• lo knit, ~ Wlar .. MW,'°°"'-·* 8ool< " ft -Afpau. '10<: - GlllER'S IAIY FOOD:=-: .... 11' JUNIOR BABY FOOD:::~ ........ 15' GElllER'S CEREAlS ............... , .. 19' FOLGER'S COFFEE '.'.;!' 69' FOLGER'S COFFEE ::r.''I" FOLGER'S COfFU::'"'I" )NSTAHT COFFH::':..~'1" W_ZIANllE COFFEl-"'--·-··69' LIPTON TEA BAGS..,;. ............ 65' ~· •·:·klt&fl '• KRA~ MIRA~~E WHIP . ~~~#:.,..~ ~~o CUNG PUCHES="ul'.'.__,._26' MOTT'S APPLESAU«-*-36~ ' CRA~IERllY SAUCE~~~ _T .. 25' ·FRIJIT.(OCICTAll~ .. ;., .. _ ......... ..lS~ SLKED PINEAPPLE :=:.'.:'. •..... 20' HARVEST DAY !'lAJ!S-u. ..... 38' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE =r'~ ........... 46' <RANBERRY JUl«=~.'.'~ ............. 55' ~k'·'·Y,~~~4'-lQ.~.$.I .. _ ..... ~.~!~ .................. 31~ RIB ROAST STANDING 7-9c LARGE IND !O Th• Arh toc:r•t •f •II le•st1 ••4 It's len414 ••••••••••·•·•••••· .••••••••• ,,. ,, , ,, , .,, ,,,,,, f.~~4~!!af.!!!~ .................................. 29~ ~.9.Y..~.~i.~!~ ......... ~~,~~~: .............. 7 8~ ' ' ·- CROSS RIB ROAST ... aui .................. L .... 79;~ FRESH PICNIC SHOULDER ,_ ..... 4~\. SKINLESS UNKS:::::.~ .. L ......... -....... 29' UNK SAUSAGE ::::.:-:: ............. 85' CUT-UP FRYERS~~~~ ......... -:... .• -33.t STANDING RIB ROAST-•. __ 89• PORTERHOUSE snAK ................. ,,,,,,,,,•1::. CENTfR CUT CHUCK ROAST ........ 4'5.t. PRUNE JUICll:'l'I':\:. ........ , __ 48' ORANGE JUKE :=i::~ ...... mm SI ' ~· ... :~&fl 'CT FACIAL Celft,.re l wcky't Lew 1¥ery4•y ••K•""' .,ltu •• the flfle1t 41u•llty ,re4wc e Meth· er N•ture ''"•' ... BANANAS , .. Ki/&;! . TANGERINE JUla::r-w"'.'.". ..... m .... 26' SUNSHINE GREEN GIANT RIC(,_;..._,, .... -55' 1-•u •nn1&nt · ' • HYDROX COOKIES SARA LEE POUND CAKE .-•• 79' 23-0UNC[ PKG. CREAM PIES ~ ............................... 27' APPU JUICE:~:.._~ ...................... 31 ' LIBBY SAUERKRAUT.H•u• ........... 19' ._,. HARVEST DAY PEAS:!:'.: .. 16' PRINqllA YAMS-,.~ .... 45' .t+ KIDNEY BEANS ::.:... ..... _ .. 16' STlWEll TOMA TOES ::::.~~ ......... 19' CUT GREEN BEANS::=: .• ~ ........... 24' MIXED VlGnABLES:ru-............ 21 ' RIFlllEI IEANl=~~ ..................... 29' 1 rr.. •·1 ·~&f/. · ; V::l! · 'KRAFT · I 1 :M~~-ONI ~INNER ' fJMWI& CIUll-<lltt. q~«MllT CIUIJ i ITl lW•ltf ca1.ut DOWNYFlAKE WAFFUS ·-·-..36' BANQUn MEAl PliS ~'"·-· 18' ( ... ROSARITA TA OS ,H•~ ........... 47' (bl' .... ~&fl HARVESTOAY GOLDEN CORN AUNT JEMIMA WAFFUS :\".~41 ' BREAD DOUGH= ........ _ .53' RICH'S-KlAIRS ..... -55' . PIOSWEEJ POTATOES:::'.'::'! .. .25' MIXICAN .FOODS:'!l.~ ............. 36' !ltnlflD.<-·----.... am sTEAll :r:..~-.. -..... m •• 89' FISH STKKS ~:::_, __ .. __ ,_,,,,_93' KLEENEX TISSUE 94° _..r M.D. TOILET TISSUE .. ~··--.. 20' ZEE TOWELS:=::::. ..... ..: .. -29' SCOTT TISSUE ::::..~..:.\·:~ ... --mm 37' MODESS :::i':;.'::'.~ ... ' ' _,,., .. , 73' 80111 DETERGENT ~n •• , __ .. 79' DASH DETtRGEHT -· ... m ,,_,_] 4' · IVORY SNOW :;:~:::'.:~ m .... -...... .79' DUZ DmRGENT ~~;~·~;~~ ................ 79' GAIN DmRGENT.~ ........... --79' DOWNY FABRIC somNER:';:'.79' · SAFEGU TOILET SOAP :::. 20' ' BlllAD£D SHRIMP =.-·-11" ONION RINGS :::-:: .......................... 45' 011 BOT BAG O' PIZZA--.88' ,.,,.~V"l~ CHIQUITA BRAND Goldeti ri,o. <e•nl POTATOES U.S. No. I ~· .... ~&ft.-.... SCHIWNG BLACK GROUND PEPPER .i.ouNClCAN · , -----~II 'i?M*•Wl·l~1B•Dl~••R;119H•l~i:r.u~1i\1/®ttl:I#!Jlltldl•P• ~ · :L9c I 'GEBHARDT TUWIS ... ,.. •...... 43' " ' CHUNK TUNA~...::~·'.:~: ..... m31 ' ALBACORE TUllAl:_'::.~~-... 38' .,... KRAFT DRESSING =-~~-.. 33« (------·l...:. .... SMN SW ·-. •.• ~ .... 36' HDNZ Knc .;.. ·~ ...... 33' Crest.~ REGUW ~.-.., or MINT ~ TOOTH PASTE FAMILY-SIZE TlllE _OUILOW 72( IVllTDAT · PllCI .. BATHE 'N GLOW ~:~ 44 c ASSORTED TOSS .............. il .... .., •• 1..................... ~ _, !'~~~~~-~!.".~~5.~ .. :::: 72 c ~ · PILLOWS SCOPE MOUTHWASH l-ne ,,_. r-ftr-11•• httlt. 111111 ·-$115 .. •• lllJ ....... ,... -" .. twMtli *'"" ... -.. OUI LOW DISCOUNT PllCI ------~---------~~-·~~ flESM LfAJI 43 C GROUND BEEF • • 1b. T-BONE SnAK ::~ .............. -... :'ll: RIB SnAK -............. , ........... 89;.. CANADIAN BACON =:.:. .......... 89• w~Van de Kamp's111• IT'S COOICllWEll AU TOUI FAVOlnU .,,,..,_~ lll.llllll\D11111111J1111111Wl11J111 ' Our u:m Evcr)ltly Pr~! lUCllY' suao LUNCH MEATS IOlOGNA, OlNE., l"l.P, 5'1CED MACAltONI • CHEESE '"°""" 31 c PKG. 46-0UNCECAN .I.¥<: Wl!Allf'Ulll" ~· NABISCO OREOSANDWICH ~::.·47• HI-HO CRACKERS =::'~ .. --37' HARVlST DAY BREAD::r.::""'.'33' •-r•••n WHOLE WHEAT BRIAD-...... 31' ""'" l-RJ' IJlllS 1" ] <RISCO SHOiffiiiiNG-.u• .... _8]' JIF PEANUT BUmR ,w,~ ... -61' ..-PEANUT BUTTER=j!! .. m ... 57' CRISCO SAµD OIL~-·--··-41' PANCAKE MOC:.=:;.~~~-·41· BOUILLON CUBES~-.. ...-19' EVAPORATED Mill( ::k"::::'. ... _.1 2• CIGARll Its =~~--R•o•mR•294 rr-.. ' ··~&f/.--'V;J' LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE 4-0UNCE CAN STOii MOUits ol .... ..... ..... Un· and oth. rcle ring cul ac· " . . . ' , . w-.,,..,;,u,1~ • I !....&'...J O . DAUY l'ILIJT· 4J • • • • ". ·,· . ' . .l~Ea AN~ ~~c9~. . ' ·I ' • ·:·.IWOEl!V~?.',!BE , "·~E:!tf·SU~O i HORMEL-lEO 'I)(.. . , '. "'IV CE-JAAY < ...... l;iVER : sa.•• UCON \' .. 7 ~. . . ~ ··:;;~~;;· :· . . ·, 4:9· .;. . f .' : 55!'f; . " ·;."!fln.Je,.:.~~~':9-ine nua~l'I' lb ' . . Ill .. ,.. · ~I ' •! • . ·' -CRY·O-VAC WU~P~b·~ t'1,i:IS. . ' .. . TYSON'S PRIDl>-GRADf "A" ROCK CORHISH SMO " .... " '' ~(: .:· . ~: 3 ·" · .. ' ·GAME ·Y .·ft.OZ.,·6~·5· C• \ .... 6-~·.· ·c·~,:.in(•;,/'. .. , ~ c , ~ • To eR01r-oR. eARBecuE S ..... . · . r "n L "'. · · · 1~ · "siaENCER., $' ~·l)>. i NEW voRK ... s 1 •i1b. HEN WT. . · . •• ,. •• .uc • .,· -..,a;ici~ ·. · ...... "'L . ,,, " DU,IcATEsQN DEPT. SPECIALS MEAT DEPT. FROZEN FOODS FRESH SEAFOOD SPECIMS· ~;:~Do'~~~H::~~~~~.~.v::~~ ................................................ 59~·' -~~~~~~ ............ 69:. :~~~~~~~~::!.~.~·~ ,,~ ::J~':.::-1~0~:.~~~~ .. ~ ....................... .-......... ,. ..... ,, ' ! ' ' . ' XLNT -1-0Z. . ' • 5 11 00 CAllNATION-12·~ P'9-ag· M'5. FRIDAY'l-l•·IO. 11tl FRESH fl,UTS Of ' · ~. _ • -· ~1 .JllflitAMAUS .... .t , ................................. ..,~···"'f'••·········· FOR • ·-m~n· :, .. _ .. _ ....... r • t llQ.HD ....... ,..,.~··~··\' .4 ·r :DOVU IOLl, ......... ~ ............... , ... -.Jt;_~·············•·l ········ .. ·· ~· . JANE .ANDEOSON-1-0?;' . ' -:.' .· . 35· f ' '50RT~1 • .i Pt.t •• '7 'j :-.lliJPElT-fl\..L ~. ·69~t 'l 'FOISH '.:1:;,.t.i;.w1. 'MAt · CHIµ CON CAINE ••.•• ,, •••••••••• , •••••••• ..,. ,.,, •• :. •• ,, .. ,., •••••• ,, , , •••• , u .~p-Cll'Sfl ,,.,f .... ". 1 ... ll'•MA"llT w/S..C. ,, •l; l'IAIM~W TIO~··J<f ••••.i,1,;..,,..,.i.; ... ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .... ' JANE ANDERSON INDIVlDUAllY WRAPPEO 1 , ' ' ; 69• t.dRTON-l·ot. Pkg.. 1 lliA.f .. TUR.lit MECK' ~tticl~O: •r 79f f FRO~EN ~COC«TAIL SrZE -TRAY PAIC . tr.• · AMlllCAN CHllSI Sl'llAD ········.•·············-········t•"'''''''''''''''''' • FISH CllSrS •••••••••••• •Yu ,YIALcuniTs Plairt •. COOllD SHllMP ••••••••• • ............. ~i.~ •••••••• :.:-.~ ... ~ ................. ; ... . . ' . OLD CARAVt>N-QUARTS BOURBON ... : .s399 I "' LONDON BRIDGE SCOTCH '3!! JERSEYMAID-CA T~NG 1' ' j . ICE . CREAM ' ,c 6 .9c REAL FLORIDA • ·S & F -LARGE 21/, TINS SLICED PINEA.PPLE • INClL 7c OFF M:D. 4-ROLL PKG. BATHROOM .TISSUE . 29c . . McCall's · COOKBOOK COLLECTION VOLUMES 2 THRU II ONLY 7 9 :C IACl;I , 11--Gtl Volume I Today-· ...; McCall's · COOKIE COLLECTION MIAT 1 P. .-.~;-~··,J .... . . ... ~---'....: . ---. . .. 1. .. PRICES EFFECTIVE THU~ . tftl'lf SlJN.. JAi'!. 16,. 17, 11. 19 t1 .. HAR1~1. 1Lv6~'.c~~T.i M~l :· •· · 11,k 1ROO.miwa~1:' GA•n G1ovib : ·L.:,.~ ! ·-r .... •.LL ... ' EXTRA FANCY NORTHERN PIPPIN . . . . . ' 1 AP,,,15 ... :.: .............. 4 .~~ :4, . SALA~VORlT~RED EGG ·o . . T'o·· me IASKET 2s· T ·MA ,... .............. .-..... . . CRISP RED1 LEAf " I · · · .,. ..... . ' .. LI 1r 1 uCE . " ............... .., ..... ·I O.J ' . . . . 1LU'E SUL "CAllN cam" SLICED ~~TOR ~~!f BR .. D 25.4 . F~lt.T SIZE" PKGS. . . . . • ~ ,, . ·1 . ' ' I t ' • ,i, , 1• '·"1lt*ER. SANTA ANA I I' ' • I ' . I I ' I I I , ' • \ 4% DAll.Y l'UAT HIRs Bros. COFFEE ·:.~b. $1.69 Pacific RG. Soda Crackers 1-lb. 25c FROZEN FOODS • • TURKEY'. 0 • CHICKEN 6 F $1 • BEEF .. R · · FRESH PRODUCE Large Size Fuerte AVOCADOES · 2 ~ 25¢ Full of Jule-Navel ORANGES 10: 99¢ Miid Sponlsh ONIONS Mornln9 F....i...-c.llo CARROTS Eastern Grein Fed PORK ROAST w11• Loin Entorn Grain foci PORK CHOPS Center Cllt Loin · U.$.1>.A. Chol .. -lonoloM bllod Shoulder Clod BEEF ROAST U.$.1>.A. Clholco BEEF SHORT RIBS Otcir' ...,..._.... . SLlaD BOLOGNA A!.W::. or t ,, I l . ---~ -,.. . ·ouncan Hines· CAKE MIX~:s ------~------~---- Springfield TOMATO CATSUP IORDENS DUTCH INSTANT 69' · COCOA MIX Z-lb. Con • : BODY SET • Pr•fessional Formula HAIR.SPRAJ ~~ 4"~ • 1.U., 1',0f. CAN · .~ . . . ' Bordens MAYON-,NAISE FULL QUART PUREX BLEACH - ONE GALLON PLASTIC JUG • ,. ~ J I.POUND 69' CAN 2 lb. can •••. 1.37 3 lb. can .••• 1.99 I ~ t ' USDA Grade A FRYING CHICKEN Eastern Grain Fed ; PORK CHOPS • ~ USDA Grade A FRYING Whole Bodied ' ' Center . Cut Rib 79~ ~~!~~~.:~~!~hs ... 5 9~ Eastern Grain Fed ------ Pork Chops EASTERN GRAIN FED··· FARMER· STYLE PORK SPARERIBS lean 'N' Meaty 69~ Large Loin 69C lb 69~ $19!. Prices Effedlve: Thursday thru Sunday R1th1 Cedar F1rm1 CANNED PICNICS 3 lb. can 89~ Jan. 16, 17, 18, 19 a9~ ....... ----M-~~-lo---·-----· ..... -Cor-nK-lng--------_-5_9_t II SLICED BACON 1 lb. pkg. U.S.D.A. Choice RIB snAKS 39~ 49~ WEGWE Bar M Westom Style BULK WIENERS -----------. ILU! CHIP 39:. STAMPS 69~ :'~w Bar M W01tom Style POLISH SAUSAGE ·BLADE CUT CHUCK ·BEEF ROAST U.S.D.A. CllOICE lb. TOMATOES FANC"'-• GQlDEN DELICIOUS APPLES19•. .. ' e :b./icale6#n • ' DUBUQUE PICNICS CANNED -4~ POUND TIN ••• 3s9 C.clte Voll1y Jade er Swil1 Sliced Cheese ....... ,, ... 69c Danola Ham •·• .... , .... 59c D I ..... 1..... 7~c ress ng .... 111fo!1 .•••••••.••• b · ..... 1..... • 69c ress1ng .,.,. .. . .. .......... . F k ............. d ,~-.,,. 39c ran 1 12 .. s.. pk, .......••...... FRESH CHERRY 2 .... 2t LETTUCE FRESH ROMAINE OR RED LEAF 10~. • Wnes & ofu,u.ors • P• k Ch bl• All Am"1"" 1 39 In a IS SllV• 10• Gallon • luy A Ca11, Save 10% Vino Primo ........... 1;101• 19c Beer ••b•• ., •• 11bb ....... lo. 1 09 6/11,.a;, H/lt loHSl.1 ....... ,, · Wh·iskey A1b ........ 11 .. d, 01d 3 39 Country flavor • , , f ifth • Bourbon o" N; ....... 'h .. ,. 8.88 Old Mr. lo1ten1 6 Yn. Ohl Bourbon=~~---··· "" 3.99 • :Jroz•n :Jood.t, • Dinners :'"c':'.:. . . .. .. . . . 59c DI Vo• do Komp"• 49 nners lndlllodo, 13•s. '' .. '... c I C AIHrlMn'o 59 C8 ream 1J1 Oall1n '411111,. . , . . C • .JJ.aftk & IJ.aul'I _)}uh • Apple Pie :·::;;:"."·'. 59c Chicken Pies ••• ••Komo 39c Tooth Paste ~:;":,.';"': ~~ .. 49~ Mouth Wash ~:,, s; ....... 86c Excedrin 100 c~"' 1.•1•n ..... 1.18 N I layal Majo..., ....... 3 /1 y QftS altd M9M S..Ml•tl , , , , . • o Pl~,:" CAKE MIX WnH THts COUPON -llM~ 4 Pll •AMllY. .~100 OPfP UPIW 1/21 I oNlY AT AllUTION'l 1 o.o-. si. •..... P t t ON ldo Pl•I< 29 0 G 085 Crl"ld... IV• lb1 ... , . . C Juice ::::,,:,w .... L 11n .•...•.. 4 /1 . Vegetables t':1~1:°~~.~.=... 3 /1 GIANT BOLD ••• 79¢ • OtANT • : OXYDOL-DUZ ••• 79¢ OIANI Ivory Snow /Flakes 79¢ ,/ DISCOUNT 10,841 · PRICES .-IT'S LIKE A RAISE IN PAY : FOR YOU. CENTER CUT FRESH PICNIC PORK CHUCK PORK . SffouLDER STEAK ROAST -STEAK U.S.D.A. 4 7 c 35ib. 59•. CHOICE • • • • LI. DAILY l'l\.Of 4J ""' Hoo '• .. ,,,. fllG. °"'. ·-ColW..,, ._., Df.U In oUlon"' · · • Now "' DlfCOu 0N'$ YO(I Glf H1 PaJcrs l'lut illUI CH,, STAMPS TIJer',. All '"" Of n,.' ..,._," ... w.·,.. .., "" lf4• lo Willi A =: ~ Dael •rid 'rou A,. Gel .. f e Ila .. Tho het Y .. , of. Your life ~. Dlocovnt Pri~ ... ,. ... ,,.... ..... llU1 YOll SAVI fy,.~~ At AJ.......,,,, Wffh Dio- cevnt '"'• · •nd IJ Chip Stcnnps. "• OVEN READY BEEF RIB ROAST 79•. 7·Bone Roast ~~:'~<Oft~'...... "· 47c Spencer Steaks =r..:·~.. .. ... 1b. 1.59 ·' O·Bone Roast .... ,......... ... 57c Sliced Bacon ~:··.~m, ... . ..... 1b. 55c English Roast ~:!i:.:"." .... '. ........ 1b. nc Halibut Steaks c •• ~. c.; : l•. 79c ' Rib Steaks c•01 .. ••d 89c W t 0 t · 69c •• --. • • -· -.. • 't ... ':of ... .,... ··~ - -~ ., .... •• .. , .... -~ '" '. • ' ..,, "' "'! .·~ ~··· •• .... • ~,, • . .. . • ,. ... .. ' -..... .... ---· ... % -"' .. ! .... ... .. .. i "' .. •• .. 8 ... w •••• c., .................. 1b. es ern ys ers , .............. 10..1. "-I .. QTS. KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 46c KERN'S 4 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLY 36:0L l 2c Off FINISH DISH DETERGENT 49' 33or. CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST 86« 1 ~1 • DEEP CHOCOLATE FLAVOR-FUDGE ICING-LOTS OF CHOPPED NUTS ••• • c ea. FRENCH BREAD ....... '1-LI lOAP 4/1. BOXED COOKIES ... ' ' oonN 4/1. AVAii.Aili AT 11'01U wrTH Off.PllMlll IAkRIU ONLY. } ALBERTSON'S GIANT DRIVE MD 4 PAcK /· con AGE DETERGENT BATH CHEESE W/ENSOLVES TISSU,E · ' ' ,· I r , 59c 29'"/ 29~. lOc ! I off , I JACK N' BEANSTALK JACK N' BEANSTALK 12 OZ. TIN KERNEL GREEN HORMEL CORN BEANS .-1SPAM • 149' 6i 5130a 5:51 303 Cul ~ • • • • . .. :. ... .. • ,. ! ... .. ... "" ... ------~ ~ ~ -~ ... .. -... ... .. ... ·~ ... .. ... ... ... ... .. .. .. •• ... .. " .\ ~ ' I , • ., .. .. "' ,, .. "' .. ... •• "' •' .. •• .. ... .. ~ .,. "' .. ... ... ~ ... ... -.... ... .. ... .., .. -. .. Yogurt .,,..._ ....... 4 /89c Pledge :;;::· •'.': ~; ..... 1.09 Glo Coat :.:.'.":;: . . . . . . . . 79c Thot• l'H 1 ' Dog Food T::'L .. " ... 2 /35c :~ Spaghetti t:~'"~ .. ,,.... 18c Prune Juice ~~ .... 46c · · ... -;_. La'"" kuiU•r Potato Chips ......... 4Sc Frosting~-···· 34c D'll Wll .. IN 39 I S Kllllher, 2241. • , •..... , • , C Coffee "'~~-'"' 69c •:· 1. 3 7 '• Hunllnstori ~~ll At11mo Corona!clel Mor-'049 c..et Hwy. t . Cotto Moll 535 W. 19th 'ount1ln V1ll1y-16042 Mqnello L19un1 llMch-700 Se. Coo1t Hwy. Huntlntton Btoch-15511 So. ldwo,. • -> ' ' . " -· • • ••• .. , .•. • • :a -••• ; '.3 ... - I I r • I I I t ' I I I ..... _______ ....., ..... ___ ....._. ...... _ .............................. ====-"""'"~"'-· -=-""""="'-""cs=::a=·-----~·-·e-L·.J..·•~-S"'~--.... .,,. ___ , ....... _____ __.L.Ll..LJ I • ' t I \ I . . . -· . -----------------------~~--·-·-· 44 DAft.fN:Of ' -.. 1 ~:--iU~·:. ~ ' I:• " ' Serving .~hie~~ .Neep n't :Ruffle, ~ I ,.., 0 , ... .' It I ' ' j " f .. ~ .. . t '' . ' • lla\1·,...., out" wbtn ' ' H -t.. ~ chick .. oflell. .J\01~ ~jr1!, nu~I · ' ,"'!4•""* to~ .{ , . You can giW: tt the ultra· gourmet Lreatment, or serve it "just plain b1ed. "•No 1Dt4~ ,... how ~ .....,, .II, 111W chicken jg·.· still tbe ~ · American JU.inltay. t _ ·' No lonpr Js mother stuck: wiUi the tail or bock,'""'""""· markets now supply cut.up parts or whole bird.>. SlJe doesn't have to alarid ever a spuller!IJI, llyiq PF. lo achieve a deliCately ctjsp golden product. .5lie just -it into the ovea 'Wfth·beautiful ~ resultl for both the cllicien and mother, loo. . · · ~ Fresh western grapefruit gives ..ocblcken that· gounnei touch without :it lot of ex- pensiw ingredienlJi and work. The pan gravy is out or this world with mashed po~toes. So 'Xhat more do yoo need to complete the meal but a simple.salad and a beverage? SAiJcY GRAPEFRUIT OVEN FRIED CIDCKEN Z broUer fryers, cut into serving pieces Salt and pepper Flour Salad oil 1 to 2 cloves garlic, crushed lit finely ml....t 1Ca11 for n I a grapefruit, peeled, sectiooed 1 California grapefrui~ pee).. edt cored, finely chopped• \!o OIJIOO, c:llopped 'h cup dark com syrup y, teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon flour 14 cup water l.IS cup freshly squeezed Orange juice 1 teaspoon Worcestershire lauce Seuon cfiicken well with salt and sprinkle lightly with pepper; coat with flour. Add garUe to hot oil and brown chicken pieces on all sides; transfer to shallow baking pan, skin-side down. Reserve all juice while sectioning and chopping grapefruit; combine juice with chopped fru!t in uucepan. Add onion, com syrup and cinnamon; bring to a full boil and pour over chicken. Cover with aluminum foil; bake at 350 degrees F. for 30 minutes. Turn chicken; continue baking. uncovered, for 30 minutes, or unW tender. Allow grapefruit sections to stand at room temperature while chicken is baking. Place baked chicken on warm serv· ing platter; top with grapefruit sections and keep warm. Pour pan drippings into mashed potaloes. Yield, 4 to ------------------ saucepan; skim off fat. Blepd 6 servings. ' in mixture of 1 tablespoon -To chop grapefruit easily,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I flour and , water; add re· cut in half, lengthwise; with shallow '"V" shaped cut, maining ingredients. Bring to remove white center core. a boil; cook 2 minutes. Serve Place cut side down on board; as a gravy with chicken; ex· cut crc&wise and lengthwise cellent accompanied w i t h into very small pieces. ' Beat· The Summer Rush: . TIADI IN TOUI DOUOHIOT POOL NOW r<Jl lHAf IUllT-IN loote . ., Swimming Pool SA l E GIUT 18130-0.D. POOLONIY$13S9 HCTANGUIAR 3 TO I FT. DEEP • COMPUTILY INSTALLED INCLUDES ... , ........ aullt-1• Allh-Sll-. ''""" Orel•, Slll111ttt : SIM U<llllr, l l!.INI -5ldil DKk••r, SI••• •11'111 :. Mii u-witll n Y-W1rr1Mv NO ELECTRIC r--: Mil u ..... a-ti .......... ~"" llflwti. Lll!ll. llldl. .... I ~ L111YL.WLIMHO.l1. ~ COMBINATION POOL & POOL TABLE SALE 100/o OFF of TOTAL! AMF POOL TAil! mt.If """ $19900 ........ I I 'r.."C:r 23 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM UUNSWICK $295 $2500 Billiard Tabh-PricH From to SALT BROILING BRINGS OUT FLAVOR 100% FINANCING Japanese Cookery Delicate Flavors Enhanced Eohanclng lhe delicate nat-um flavors of premium qUll· ity ~lent.s is the essence of ~ Japanese cooking. Often iiJ. requires only 1 few sim· ~ *""• IMJt food must be cllrectly from lbe "°"' u'. une of the subtle flavors obnostllonc<. 1t one reuon that res-~lo J"'8• lend lo spe- daDll ·lo 'II'. ,IJlnile dlsil or '4' ' 'Be Careful Bl cat'lfuJ not to overcook alloid CanadiaD-fl)'le bacon. Add • little butter o r muprlDO to lhl paa llled lat htailng . lhll very lean meal, and. coot wllh' care. tJe ol. food. If yOu a~ going \Vbole fish wlU require a lit· to duplicate Japanese food al tie additional sail to soak hozt;ie, It is recommeftded through the skin. Rq>ing the menu simple. After about 30 minutes, Ftr' beginners in Japanese aprinkle the remaining salt ~. one of the easiest over the fillets and arrange recipes is 1hloy1kt or salt-on a broiler pan. Begin broil- broiled Osh. For four servings ina at tv\Nt, keep'"" lhe ~· yuu'I need: --e ~ .. ~... U'6 ...... 11!. pow>c1s of Jilleted ,.1 about six Inches from lhe or mackerel name. Allow (CF minutes for t kSJ)OOft saJt the first Bide. then turn and Ju 'Ol 1 lemon t1t lirne ' broil ~bout rlx mi:nrtes more. white fish can Remove from the broiler, be • Small frish-\ sprlnkl~enerously wlth.lem· wa auch u trout' can \ on or I juice and se"e 1t be t.irdled whole. once.' Cut fillet.s into four or more A slight variation of the Slate Pool Tables FRUI T•bl1 Tt""h Top 11r ovell· w1•1 wit~ D E LU X I SL ... TE. TAllLIES 1•d P'flllE lntl•ll•t lo11 I $IE£ IT NOWl Lifttlmt G"•'· &Ill-. WE TAKE TRADES I POOl . • l\J(, E. CALIF· OHN 7 DAYS-11,00 TO 7,00 SUNDAYS 12,00 TO 6,00 CALL NOW 532·1992 lt la Very easy to make CanadllJHtyle blCDll Joo dry by """' cooiiq. k\divkt-1 serving pieces. recipe ls to broil over char· Sprink!e\flllet.s or small whole coal. For sm!aU whole fish, fish wiUI about half the salt. one skewer is sufficienl , but Set aside to allow lhe salt to fillels require aboul three penetrate which starts the thin skewer1 u the rtsh will Fish's own jui~s to now. The lend 10 fall apart wh ile cook· result will not taste sally. Ing. j1,_ __________ .... ______ _,. . . . ~------------------------------------ ( • Prlcts EfflClf'll lo Slf-Tl11n. 1J" S111.,.hn. II Un !!' , • Tempting Selecllon Of Breakfast favorite~ 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beac:h 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna • •• . .. ~ J •• ,' • " i! I ~ .,,. -: .. .. : ' :'I •• ~. ..... ,., .. -·~· ~·· ·' .. !· ·'• . ' '" .. : . . , .. .,, r ~: ·" ·;•' .,i •' . ' " ' . ... ~ ... 11! '.l .. ... _ •• ·' ·' :l :~· ~· .... " .•, ·1•. .,, ·~, .: .. · • '· .•;;-: ':. i • .l ' ·!~:: . ' . ' .,: :~lj t .. ·"• .,, •• . ' . ' :1; . " ... . ' , .. . • ~! ·.' .... • .. • • • l : I .. • j: i~ •• ,. ,,,. ,,. ' ·' ' ~: i ; I• . ' ' " ' ' '' ' . • . -" • . .. . . " , . • " . • t t• .. .. " " •• :1 21 ~l ~ ~~,:J;;f/,~. tooo am · 1 ..... 1;01~•·•..;Alllll,.,.N•hBl•.•fN&Nf"4tl I;· ' . . 1.;'b;~I 318-tL s 1 ~00 ·:. . . -··-pkp. ~~ Stmrberrl11 . :~~ CotlUion Ice Cream~. 69' ~; o..a .... .luice ~.:.-•::· 49' . ~ •. ' fblt 11-.n CH C.. = t.:: 75' leHir Frill '::' 2t' • ;f' """"a.tit Sal• ..... 5at . I -L .... ..6'i 116. 2 ...... -'(1 .•. • 1'•Clllel • ~-a.:.-.. ....... 7:f' W.tflet "' 1,y· r . i:~ ~ ~· :,: J! . 1) . ;: ( : ... : .,. •: .•. ·'· -~· •: ; J. ·1 -,,. Brocade T11#.fe ); £$::!.,. 3 :;~ S)jj, ··· r f ~-,, '! De11nl .... Chlllt.;:' 19.!'li.I" ::· . / ,,,. : Spa9hlHI :::::.. ": 29''11.I" • • Chuek T-~·i::-29'"0.I" I Todlido Soup•-.:-:::-. 1 O'':I.\' ; . . '.kal )<an MPS :=:-•:: 24''ll:., ) MliytllMjA !':'%" ':' 49'~· Vlll119• l111Jllco s;•n-r~"r Shortenilg ~ :[:,.,. 1.! 11 '"1..~ Salad Oil ~::,::::-:;;-39'"11.\• White Flour ::.;:: \! 39'"1\.I" llsquick ~?,":.1=. ~ 49',r Fruit Preill'Vtl ".:' 79''1.I" .!: ------------·-------~· ~: ,. •. ' ,. •• ,. ,. ··' } [ .~· . • ' ' . • . . ' . .. '. • . . . -• . . . . -• . -. . ' • . --. HE/IL TH & Bl/IUTY Buffered . Aspirin ~·-.... ~. 39' &.l.11 ,, ,. Analgesic Aspirin 1··1.c Jar . ,,. DAILY 'ILOT 4$ ·1c1warc1s . Coffee • ~-39' . •. =--.. k11-' blotd-1•=-3 •1 ~Li:=: ""'**' .... ~-4.:::; Or Nit. &-u6-Yoar netct-- Ralsin Ir•• Cak••eia · ·'~29' ... 29' .1i1 It::~, Large Eggs ~ ==·~561 ......... :::."'i.::=n• • ........ .,. =:t.:"' •:w a-lllitotl. a=:.. .:. w ...,_ OrWfl191cer::'L:PMJ =w ~ ...... =='·"=.::.. , .. _ ,._ 1111or· :=t' 'I:" .... ._..C..l.._:::, :to II' 1111•11• I ..... = t,.'t,t1• . ..., Fresh · Ellllrl a.-.f .. Ptrk ..... a 11£9211 .. LW1 Or F1,_ .ltH 4 ........ .., .... Cit ... tr;ln .. w I~~"' I ..,.. Fryw lnals ·~· . . . Ham Slices:::-.:..::. .. 99• Btit Off ''er ,.:~·.:59'! Sliced Bacon . Bonelns stelilt.' ...,.. ....... Y• ....... s-• ~· ....'"l\...... a.kt .,, I :=.=.. ~~ 69" Bone 111 I vea1chop1=-..:,;. .. w LamL Chops VealSteaks::-.: .. •1" u · ' vealSteaks~-.. 79' Lamb Roast -~ ... -"'l;;·a:r.~~' St..,U~:;-.. 91' PorkllYtr :-.:-.. 39' • •• , lJy ... :-...::: .. 59' Short Ribs=.'='= .. 39' Lunch ..... , .M .... j Franks ... ... ..... :::.""11 ..... -·--... .. , ............ ~---- OUll 11/l!NCH(CJI.\ r.uAll~NTll YOU ll Gfl ~i.HW~Y \Pl'H'HS' • .,''. 'f ! •. ····-. ~ -;: "1'f.:.'I• Pork lte.akl::.."1:.'l:' .. 69" ' . Pork ••••• :.'=" ... ""' ... .,. . Coaate'd R ...... :-.. 19' Bologna:=::--~59" Wienert l:."l::..:.'I:'-· :; 69" ...... ;;. ! =-~.. ! ="='* ... ......... ,, I Po ::W -IDline .. H •••1111=-"ll:. '1;:'111 ....... ~. -=-· • •• :=.~'-"' =· .... .:::-~11' .------... 211 E. 17th it., Cost• Mell 1000 i.yslde Dr., Newport lucll 24 Mon1rdl a., Plw, So. ~11111 636 N • .CHSt HwJ,, .... 111111 All,,..,,., If a. hl,Jlaili VltJo ,,, I ______ ....;. ___ _.._ ..... _____ ..;..,_....;·..;·..:.· _·:....._ ___ ~;___..:.·:;:.-::::;-.;::-..:.• _ _:.::;-··=::;-::::.:.·:..·:.:"....:..' ;:_· :-_• :-.··e:-::.· _ _:·:..:·:..:··:..:•::._:·:.:·:._L::!:.__:_ ~ __ i_~ --,,.:.-• ' . -.-... .. I ' t • rt ~· • ' ' \ l • • I j ., I " I I ,( r • . . . . . . --~----------~---------;--~-----' . ! t ... : ' . ·... : , rr . -. V\ldllo••....., 15.1969 ' ' ... • .. . . c-_,, ••. ,, '·•· • .. ~ I .rJ ... ~-~-=· ~;:~;:;:<;~:Ji~±..;~. ~I ~~!~~~ • < - . ' ........ . " ,. .... t<.,(•-. , . • • .. ~ . . . .. ·\. ' I I . . ... ;., , , I . •, ''4 r ·•·I 1 '' \ ' ::::14ma:i .. BUT~H·a·s PlUDB -MBATS _,. Y!lll'L& ii --Ill •v1 • DitCOUtfr'PlllCID •QUALITY l SATJSf~ CllNWITTBI • l.l GOillllii1fT ~ im· !OSl'S CHUNIC ~ CANADIAN • BACON 98t. ··~·' ' .. . . . ' ' . IC!Al ',i ~l~· "i'~ !11~' v~Y T(J!Al ll!St.OU"!S [r'FRY DAY J r i ' . . 1111 llAl1 4'' llOll. IASTUN llO POIK SUC•D ---PORK LOIN . u. ~O!UCllS ~na·91 · 4t. ALPHA IETA mmrt -. F!ESlt· • DIP£JlllllllE ;GJAliTY AlPllA w~ .1mm1 nu1 BEEF. U.S. GOvo!Nlwlr IMSP(CTEQ • , - TINDER oJUICY -.·ijAVOR-~IQ:· GROUNP BEEF ICDllNll i LIS.. 1111 -·""' ··-~ . .... ' lll. Pl.CKAGE • sutU> FARllEI JOHil.ACOM ·- SHOULDER CLO.D IOIELW RDllr' , 11. •CHU~ llOAST . 79• ILADE cur: ::. . ' .LI. ROUID STEAK 564 FULL CUT . ~-NfAT n~ES !IHCTIVE iliuRSO!Y .!fftuch l!iomoAY; INIUAIY 16 """" tt TllVJ. '"" 3 .... .. llfE CUUl . -111c •' 21c 261 II IU!O., 'DIUP, Ol'l ?L!CTJllC Ai'1.s°~ ,,, &r 1-1.1. ftEO. Oft n.te. 1.41 1.n' • nr:.l 01 [i.JUNl~ f'!'fRY DAY FREE NEW . •marr 11111 •fCll'f • -THIS Wftt "fAlfllY IA,AiW' • fLE16CHMANN"S •·1..U~~JITON _j4; SOFT M.IRUllN£ 43c '16' °'"''IOI ••Hf CARTON 3t' COITAi£ ·CllWE l3c QUUT CA11TON-I le Jk TOHSON • l,\i PT·. CAATOll '"-2'1 j .111rrmo" SOUR CWll -'I· PINT CJJtTON »<: ~ @) J.ll CRISCO 'iiilf SllOITPl"C lie 771 VAX CAMP• nr._ ClJf POii!( l llAllS lie 261 ' I ' DEi. MOlnl • ft Ol. CJ.N APllCOT 2 .. "WM 43c •· GENERAL MIW ..... SNACKS 311 oJIJ' • JIUGU:S • llOWS • P!ZU SPINS • DA15YS • WHlSTLU • VITtU:S rROZDI • 1-IN<;!l J".OUKCI) -SIMIU SIMDll PIES 3tc ON' AU. YA.ftrmEi-'IXCEPT CHEIU'IT rllOZEN • PACU.Of or 10 --llOWIE1fWI WAIFUI 3tc .. tl.llll·it1'J• \Gom. PA.CU.GE CRQ"ED O• LtAF 1 .. nollN SPUIAC• 17c: VAW! .~ TRO:SWtCT • fROIEN 6-0Z.CAN UAPIFllUIT JU1C[ .. 21.W . ' • ( \l) Ql)N<;E_l" • comt $111 • llW lllSTAJIT. 1.11 B1tt1r Pn0tl •t DISCOUNT PRICES . . :®~CifiiTitWELS39c 23' ·-: ~cwlis1 29c 18', ..... _...5~1~i-t'Til'""" 19c 1-7' ,• i'tnl" • U.U.~n. IX <tit• • • ~ \ •' I • ASSOft?ED COLORS · ·llE TOllET llOU. TISSUE 4 FAC< J-OlJNCI S12E k"Mfi • 1-0UNCt lontJ: FUllU DRESSING rll.AfT • 1-0UHC_t_'-OTTU: 11111t ISWD l>lllSSING ·NO. llh: CANS • '9GU Pl"Wft.E •fit.ICED• t:llVNl • CRUSHtO ,• . •·PACK • 11 '0I: lonu;s PWS Dl:J'OSIT Ill llITT COLA '"" . lie 31' "'8&' 1.33 1.a: Ile 281 3lc 31' lie 27' ftO't.At. Cl'OWK • l ·P.\CC & l3c- ... l!Oll-. MON. ltlrl fl'l.-10A.II."1 P.M. SAT. ft SUN.-10 A.ll ti 7 rll I .. THIN.SKIN • fl.ll Of JUICE TANGELOS . . ' ..... ,. ,. ... . ' YOUNll a l'INIO ' ,Ml( CDROfS Sc .. LI. . ~ ZAHlDf PAB.S . ' , - · ..oauct ilm inmM m,m. 1111. 111111111-.... M -' . ~~•c•• , 7. 7," PRICES. EFFECTIVE IN ALL -·' ~l,O>GOAT WAX .. •-. . H'A an A MARKETS ~~ouNm:mATcl!I ~7l ALP ~UDE Deodorizer 5t.,. · - n.av..t. SACHET Oii ~El( COSTA MESA-241 E. 17th St • HUNTINGTON IEACH-9045 Adomo HUNTINGTON ll!ACH-116*1 N. Moln St. l'OUNTAIN VALLEY-1930 Wa.- ·LAGUNA-30t22 S. c-t HhNJ I Mt LI. PK,. . s ... ' 48' \ _, __ .... ···---....... ~ ---_:_ ~ ~ ---• . - ' • . ! • . ' • . . . • . . .. ·.,. . .. -. -. • • . . ' I ~I ' . .. . . • . ! ' • : • • T I • ! i I i __ ·. 1·~ ._ ·' .. ~11 . , . .· .. •· . ' , • l ., IT'S .THE -MOST AUTHORITATIVELY. • I s Ty L E-D;DECISIVElY1INDIVIDUAC . .... . . .. . MOTOR ·O.R• 01=-THIS 6EN~- TION. ' . ' . "" ;.;·~··11i'\ .~ ... .. . .-. .t' . ' . . ~ . , . • . . . • JOHNSON & SON, IY VIRTUE OF THEIR" 'INCREASED CONTINEHTAI: SAUS AND GREATLY .IMPROVED SAIS AND SERVICE FACILITIES CAN NOW DELIVER THE MARK Ill 01 YOUR CHOICE IN SIXTY DAYS . · "As 'OrrOsED-TO 0 Y E_I ·EOVI .. , - MO.NTHS PREVIOUSLY• ORDER YOURS NOW! • • 9>ME SEE ~ MMlK m. • . ~ ' . J . • ' r • : ! .. . ~ t • • • !, s' ... " . , . • ... " ' •• J • · 1 ~: . .... ' • • . . "J '.-. I ,T • .. ....q.~. ' ., .. -~· ------·-ii·' '·• ' l • l THE MARK·ll l IS·NOT INEXPENSIVE. r~o ONE SAID IT WAS,'INITIALLY: THAT rs: OVER THE YEARS, How: EVfR, THE CLAS S~ QUALITIES OF ,11 IE CAR JHAT MAKE • IT TODAY :, OUlS T ANDING AUTOMOBILE WILL CAUSE ITS VALUc TO r,cMAIN HIGH. TH US ·tT - IS AN OUTSTANCl'JG ruy • • • ..... -... 1.. .• i • . ......... ' ,. . • l • ) .. . '• .: --,,-) ,.,>" ,,. f .-• l,...,.,. CONnNENl'AL TRADES • '67 CONTINENTAL 895 <f 4r, SNf.:.M 9"11· fin .. •k. fvy $) -..... It • ..., ··" ,.,,., ..... f:.try i .... .,..1_,, lnc:. tilt lfr111 · wlil., I~·..,. IY'ft., flll pwr,. I, . o-r,. lt.•..tt"fll.lliftt; TRK424 ,, .. '67 CONT: H'r 'cpe. ""'"""" , .... 1o!'·~•hh wHh $]8· 95 111•lckfltt • 1 •• fhe;. Jllhrf.,., ••t.. tr•n._ RIH, ·•lr..."C.M,. '5, '8. FYW, 6 ••Y pwr. INt. a..llfffutfy 111tllto t•lnecf. l•IM.c• <If 11•w ctr .... ,.. rtnty. Miil '66 CONT. Convt. Strikl119 •wt.mn rs1~t Ml~ fi11ilh wttli -tchlflt i11t.ri.,. I W.ck +.p. As YM WMf4 u,.ct •ute. tr•111,. Rffi• wl""'-t•p• .,m... •-'" .-ffc ... ,. .. Jr C•tttf., •ri-•tic ·•pM4' control, PS. Pl, 6 ••y •••t, P/W, •fc. C•rof1lly 111•in• ftlitff, 26,000 •Cftr•I 111i. SQL220. ·~'--~~~~~~~~ '66 CONT. 4DSD Silftr mT1t' fintd. ~ifh. "'\l•c• l11hr· ior I. l;j'"llJ•1t nef. All tfl. lenry • ,,.""'"....._ rs. ,., rw, ' ... .,, M.t, ;ltlHi •W: cotttf. Pl11 ••hfri•· tic ,,.... control, otc, )6,000 •eoo tli•I 11'1Ue1. RUlttJ $3·295 ' .. " · .. ' .. • -OTHli• MAKES '61 COUGAR ., I• : S...wp ytw, fli.. w/lillr. Yi11yt l11t., • "'"'-> RIH, PS, P 4iw I, tfriw,a '~' 011fy 17000 flll. l111111•c, Uc .... lie. VTM916. -----"-:--.---,-,---..,,.:..---.,.---~'-- '67 COUG'AR . .$·2· :!I 9.5· , . w.'.d., w .. .:1.Ulc f""' w/,;.td, hit., •· ....._.,~ PS.,.+.. Very. clui.. Uc. UDl11t '.' ' ! • .. '67· MERCURY • • , r$·2095 ...,, .. ,., 4.0,.. H•~p,, )ido< ~ • · 9014." fin. w/mtlcfri.. litl,. •• .......,. • 1 .. , Rl,H. ·PS. Pl, f.oc. •ir coMI. ~ . · ~ . l\Nl.t.f. 'f, "$31'95~ .. ; '" •fJt! .. • .,,. . , !;,:_t ... , ~ . ,, . ., ''6 TlllRDHTCpe. '$·25· 95" ·: . ... 11t, t•ld iw.M• oat, w/c.,.tr, · · _j ~~·,!~~ !~:::.:~.~~;::~::· ,· .. ' . '. I oww., •t,.fully .trlwe11. Uc, SIN. · • 529 ' • ' '118r M.USTANG 2-~o;; Ht...ilhiiw~lrf,Jtt ftlni, •rl. w/111•tchl11t Int, F1rlly·f••· •qlllpt. •· "tr•n1., Alli, PS,' •tc. Attroc. I · •con•m. VCKl77. · '65 CHEVROl.fl' St•. W911, l111p•I•. l•11111rcl• iilu• fll .. ~lllc ""· ~;\lk. vlnyl l11t;, .~· tr1111., RIH, n, n, ftc. •It, Sh-. h'C•I. Ctf9, Uc. Mlt12 '. ' ' . . . . .~ ' •• •. ,, • . ' " 'I I ' .. ,, ~ ' ' ., .. . ,, .. i' '66 ·CONT. 4DSD ~in• white nt.rior ..ttt. l.ur. 911My l••tli.r lnttrior, ..... tron1., AM-FM, llH, •Ir coMf... hJI l'Wf., .tr ... , l»r•k... ' ... ., ••••• ttlt 1fffri111 ......_. etc. SAl4J7, '65 MERCURYMont. S9 5 4DSD 0::-,..._•y",; A!cfit-'!hit., $1 , wttli ...... ,.. ~lu• Int.fl.,., ~ • ................ ''" ..... : ...... . ' '. -. . . UH, PS, Pl..·fedM"f, .i, c ...... , ... ,_..,, l111t111K1!m ..Mjj;.11. \IJMll . I . " $J;n9· .5~· ~ v~t I 1: ' -·-f -' . ·-"1-' .. ' .• , .. . . ,., . . r • • •• ' . . ' . . + ' • • • I ' J • •' p '· ~ . .. ' • \..'1:' t:_ ~. ·~ ' ' • . . I .. I ,, .. lLD ,~©®Jt!ttJ · ©@ ·~.]::~:~ffi:~lf/A\.[L . Q [rti].fA\fffi.fil m ·0·• ~ ~ rffi ©OD rmw ·0 ©®lID@&lm ·· ' " 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA ' ' ! ; • I • . .. \ --·-·---------· ,,. • • , •• ' -. .......... . ·------~-~~ ----·· ~ ~ . ; • " ' I I I I • • • I -I . -·-··~·-·~•'•. . . ........ , ... ,·' ... -... --··~ ~ ... lfOUSES l'OltiSALE 1~=~~~1~•~0.~ .. ~r·~·~~~~t=i~~~i=~~~~~~~~:~,~-~o~··! .. ~·~~~1000~ .o•:ST SID~~~;A ~ES~~ ~~=th~ • 1 l 4UNITSBALBOA' n..,_o,6'·'!' ·1_·1 "·~'' .. ' LAST CALL!! NEWPORTHGTS.AREA :::;;-.~~o:: I (IOOI w. llolboal V.)i...... la ~Wh VilLaf-~~CJ~'1!,:. ::t.:; ALL THIS AND R2 ~k =~--,$11.J;OO.-"'~ ;.Imo Jilled ••• sU!pa to loth st. Beach. __ ........,..,.., .,..~. , very proud to offer tlllolmmacullle 16th & TUlfht-C..ii MIM 11114Dl!L'l-lboclrwm2 th f .. ,""" $25,500 E> • Always renlttl cummer & winter. ·~ 111a1111 ·-.m. a 2 tll!lrY high living room, . ,, • ·~ · •-the pn'ce -we ha-Ille key. Excellellt locatlon1 near 1eb""'• 'silo~ 'balll-111 eteelriC 1'11C• • clilhwaoher, ............. c•--•-· 3 •-•-·-or 2 bedroom L den. ~.... , u •• llld beach OlllJ a rew left. 11v,y"';;;. wblli m; ~I Iii limlrlous greeA 111!;;;; .... M 1 '4~. flrep~carpeJs & drapea~ bulll· • ' " ~ ··SOMETHING FOR Wilt nlM IN ODiJ - --litl-.OrllY '25,050 • tllat lncludos lhake roof 1nJ & forced 'air heal This Weli lanc1'caped Near NB Poll Off:-• EVERYONE 7% wlltl ·20% ....,_m%·wlth 111% Dn.. II --le drl•llll1· /uJ added Incentive to home con b6 found on a huge R2 lot with a z I zz (1826 Sandol•oodl ~ul Baycresl Fonnal dining room, S Bra, 'family room, 2 Palos Verde mne flre- plaqo,J Landscaped for easy care. Load.I of cl!Q_ throughout Pool sir.ed yon!. Aikin( i5D;:spo. Your terms. Widowed owner needa to II)?••· , ~'DISTRESS DUPLEX" Div9tce n-.silates quick sale for tbil un- hellft•hle low J>ri~ed 4 Bedroom uc,:. and 2 ~m Umt aeross the street best Ocelnj area ~ Summer or WinU!r rental, i37A00 -will lis\eJI to all terms. If I DUPLEX Proflllcial plus i& this delifhtful 3 Bedroom, 2 ~home with Income. Seclnded commun- ity, !Deautifully maintained, $51,500 -- to aj>preciatA!. thla lMt llome eold we will lalldJcape the 1 f ced ba k cl, lib f Exclu1lvo Liatlng ne2nd-ne,.in117"2tyn• .. lo-~or.f-therearr,anl.(Youmlgbt very lrge en c ysr w room or lnbostll!l'.aru.W<I..,.~ lo :. a boat, camper, or build a rental unit! It has c-~-tri lxcWve .. _, ....,. u In uolng both.) lmmedlaU! Jl<l"" ~~• a ,.,,, """ ........ . , •Ollloil wWl 1119& down. Temporary oales of· a paved alley entrance for euy access. Loe•· ..., p1an. 6j&Mjj ,. ~ pa'="YIA-=potalH ,_-'!:-.. · A'!l!!"'t"':-~.-~~::i .. 1e .. i: .. s-a11 .. 13 ... -sJ:~:i.:~~~~ a~ :ELEFEIJ~ ~£1n~ (D,11. ; £sto~ Tncl .. h: •-•1•• p • • Call ua ·-•i-and two ntber schools within ·walking dls' ' · • ~ --NM ..... _ -~ E•""' 11rf Special Wice. For 1ppointinent to see, write: BY OWNER; -""•""' l _,, Private Party """' 1<2.500 ,. 137.500. a E.ABI' lllDE Clllll'A Jll:8A Finl --HARBOR BR. 2 Ba. H... liv. ·i ' NLWl'Ol<r HGT& Ail&\ H1GJ!1,ANDS, thu• bed· Frugal Buy.,. Look for Box P612 lam. mu.; wry .... lo~ Plulble Family PIM' · /<LL 'nllll .AND ,.. -ill Wh .....,. with Proportlff wi..,.. There Dally Pilot • ~ •;:e :;-' isi': ~"'! 'fOUlt atOICE or LMNG . IZ.!IOll ,.,. > ' -lllJOn. ............ ii o ltEASON TO SELL.. . '· > • - ARRANGEMENT!l tN '111111 Clllrmlar S -or 2 u4 -..-beat o,wtal HERE AllE 3 Kings PL Call: 545-6124 ~ llARBOll»mGBLAND .......... a .... 111 ....,., "'"""11'>112' ..... """'.... EXCELLENT vALuEs Completely Stoned l~c~ost~·ilii-~·~~~n~oo~ 1 3 BR. 2 aa. upotalia "* DOME -....... I<~ '*" tall • outalde -• deck. Liv, dill nn. -* 5 bedrooms. " fun· built.in I: forced air beat. llndactptna: • aprinkltns ,, Owners have moved b> ;;. blk bcb &: bey, bltn n~~ ~ .... ... Tbla ...u 1.-..... -• ..... Ao ....u..1 °"""' • • ,. o11.nng Patio. brick BBQ..... Rela11fion & Refuge .. enr 1oi. ~ " ::: * 4 bedrooma, plus can be found on a Jwae lU buy· Ill t!Xeellent location. choice University Park :;:11·~~. bll:: :~~!:1:;~~~1. flmily ·too m. plus lot wtth a very large !enc-ONLY sn,a50 -TERMS. Townhou&I!, sinlle skiey, 3 place, all 00 a huge ov· the things that take priority _, _ ...,.,0 dining area. or ed back~ wUb room for bednns + Family Room, erslzed lot. Full price in a busy family life are Oouy. 01..-0•1.0 . * 3 bedrooms & d1niJ'lg a boat. cam~. er buDd a 21Ai Baths. Only $27,250 only $23,950. NO DOWN easily attainable with a i·B=EA~vr=IF=·=u=c=a-c~u=,=,=.-,. area, plus 1epar:attd rental writ! lt bu a paved VA , OR. LOW DOWN pool, 4 Bdmu, den and 3 built. Large 2 BR. k F~ mothfl' • in • law u.. alley emnnce 1tJt eaq ac-./ Fa.mlly sepanticm pl'Ompta: FHA. Terms available. baths ln W. Colta Me.sa rm, 2~1: ba I: room lot , RED Dall!! nn&em@l!t; Cffl. Locatlcp ia :fua:t abotit Cameo Hiahlandi owntr to $198 per montb P!lY• hoPmll0e.P$39Ell,9MTl·E'c5100W)E, ST addition w/ lovtly viev.i · all with 2~ bathe, band1 pmect. l"' b1k1 tQ Newport sell 3 Bdrm + Family Rm. ALL! 2518 Via Marina.• Owner1 1 , built • ln kitchen, lncludfng irade tchool. and Ol'lly 2 bJks home with all ntt. Kitchen 1028. Bayside Drive 642-3219 • ! . R E A L T Y ,..,.....,.,,.,,_.,,F.,,.. lo new dly pork. Eut l'lth ZllLIM lo• $33,750. °"""'will -• COATS N.....,.. S.acb ELEGANT, w•ll blt &~ol ~ .. ~:..ard .. ~plete. with 1trtet alld Westditf lbopo-~ can go..9192 aiatr your Terms. . a I !!!!!!!l!!!!!61><\30!i!l!i,l!!!!!!!!J!!!!!ll $22,!m. FHA ar VA. • ~·•'• ~-• ae1>-,.... ml two .--W•LLACI I: R2 1.ug. JM,.. 'm 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach "P''to"'L run. tt ltaolty within ...w.c-. fGr .COWGE PARK ./ 1<.mo Down"""''"' will • 54 , 6 4 UA 141 LTOllS POOL-wey w,;i until aum· f~pL ""' """o:!1:' Rtnt1r. ~ 673-U63 Sales 675-6000 • rre appointment lb •· write: FHA/VA buy Irvine Vlllage 3 Bdrm, - - -::tiful ~ ~·~· ~ kitch, , 2 BR., den. , , - -!RliW,.tdllln.,NBM ... lf/IJ: Pric.tioJ:> Sudlup'·~-) l!"!bs :....~~·:..\!:'. ~ ._.IOpoft EvMlnp) home, 2\1 batho, Wn11y 6',_.,.l ~ Fo.: ..._ . ._ Looldnt For A lloilf,Pllot_ • 11>~---~'"';u! -...-..... _ _. .room .... t1o a"' olWaot SACRIFICE! ~$19,500 JODAfS BARGAI · WINkt•op7 SPREAD . OUT=--·'=;;,::~ '°';"'""!'°~ * BtJOY l:!~u:i..._ ~-;.·~~ ~1>,.;.~R/= ":.:..,1 Prime 4lftl. makes thll S Ji --'--"-'-• wWa ,..._For~ Daily at $3T,950. CAU.. 540-llSl bJtrui. Sprinklen. dbl ~ Move 1"'".tbls ...... -..... -conlitiollecl s BR ~-L ~tb ~=~ ·....=.:.=-=~"-121,lllO...,.., > ",' '":'!:"·I :r-o 5 ,-M·· ... 0 NEW • n ,. ...... .i -R..i home todi,y, a... lo -+ family room "°""' lo --s ----· --......., -""71n , ~. 546;2lll -, YOUR W RK -~ .... N• o:b1a & lhop'll· XIII pin&. 9CboQbi an:! dnzrdn. Mesa Del Mar. 1% baths. hJme u a:celltnt ft1ue -Del Mar home wftb tarp OPEN_.Aii; t ~y 232 ~ll'f C1nyen ~ • CAL OFFICE NEEDS IJ. E!tate. cond J J"'1put 18 tho...-_ this "'""'"'' boll>lll ldtd>en. llanlwood 11oon! It -"""' -, --· . ~IJffa. COM CENSED REAL ESTATE EASl'SIDE 6 UNITS By Owne,, 54a.828, one wart last. $15.l per separab! lawxtry room, fir&. ~ertor -~ Praie 1'00lll ud all built ID 1:ttdto * '4' * * =KER ~R ~s~: 2 ~~R &:&: 7~ 2 k~~·s 1 GREAT BUY l montll 'tndudH: tues and .... 1.-w/wcarpe(s A:dnp-with extra l worbbop en.SpollesstbroaahoUt.fteld ~&I-ch PLEASEr•~-. 6<•--•, •·-m•l~mo. Beaut.4Bdrm,21$Ba.lp insurance.: 01'LT ..fJ90 .... ~ ........ -Pratt. plla • d~ COftfed. car-·~ :lln!Jtlatt, and &bake. -.............. ·-o-..,,...,, u.ov ,DOWN toUJ cub~! m.i 1,nc1""1P"' Jard. egy. .port wHb 1DtY acceu -root. No better value at lty Inc. DAVE GAMBILL, Bkr. Excelltnt live in & rent out pool. $53.500. 6f6..8676 I ""',...·~""'nlV m'fi11 546-2s11 aa.JEAN 1$'M°mf 241>'1E.~:r·Cd>f .......,. IQG~hom Realty "i."."~;meoi":i,· 'ti,.':'(;,) V .. A .. ~~. ·~~ OPEN EVES. 'TIL • ' Realtor • Wolk .. Golden w'mOi!leP. . """"· By owner. 614--0im ........... .,.....""'" Duplex $24 950 Near N.B. Post Ofc. 646-2Cl~ *BAY VIEW Fee lot ln>m tbfa """"""""p!lae ' LUXURY Llvio< Ill PreWI< x 195' w/ pl&ll'-"4.900, 400 E. 17th, C.M. 646-3255 halnr. (.. Larp ~ • h b Eastside Costa Mesa. Hard· 3 BR. d bU4nl: .,., vA __ v.~. :.., i.:ii:. ::;:: A«.!1 . 10 n macna ;:'.. ~dou: .. 'fi ~L ... 1t. bridc•;:atfo, ...: awn... 541-7249, - "' place. Immacu!att:! Aumne No down at all to vetel'&DI. a ~-&i:c:e ~.Mtio MAGNIFICENT bdnns e.ch}. Extra Large VA loalt. $27,500. Owner Newport H ... See ttW: IPU'W,. clean next llO your prdtillmCbtn ldtehen &l'f'& in 1 unit. =ii·- home with new cupetina A witll aD. tbe~ bun~ VIEW HOME Welll-McCardle, Rltrs. = Je1!.. Peace Pl in EAST SIDE cosrA MESA lota of extru. Huny now • im. lmtD~te ~uion. 7te mlYu:e befine~~· ~~ 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. BY OWNER • E-lide 3 Br. NEWPORT HGTS. AREA don't be 11DttY YoU dk!n't call $43,900. ' ' w """' in S.7729 Eva. 6"-00U ALL THIS AND Rl ' ·;·11 L ".;_:J FAL r : ··rj; ..... ·rF.J.''. I' \I 1 • '' I q 11 ~j 1,:\ \!! \\ t<' I' ' > ' 121 SIX.DEWIE tm3 Baker, C.M. ·----·-~ """ 3 BEDROOM UNITS Filer Upper Daplex UI (after it'• idd). J'BA lfJ\RBOUR REALTY Newpirt: Harbor. 4 lJed.. 2 Ba. Natural wood bltn $25 SOO Like new on ~ acre ~ J )dnns el.Ch \lnlt. Easy Take Your ternu OK also. Orey $25 '150 50G Wa:rntt, Hunt. Beach rooma. 4 bath&. V!ew U.. 10'% NET NET NET-::n~w::roaep:r~ °'8nnin& 3 bedroom or pkteb' Nock wall fenc:ed. walk to shoppinr I: acboolJ, Tl •·Ill ~ ~·""'" ' 147-8595 ing nn, View dlnini rm. Lona: tenn le~ on this •-_ .. •• 125 a... uo ,....~~ bedroom&. den. 1%. baths Sprinklers·. aystern and luah 9Cm 1111 ft lol R-2. me -ng 54'·"'"" View tamiJy nn. Try $95.CIX> excellent income investment. • ..,,p g. .......,. ~ fireplace, carpets Ii: drapes I~ FA.ch 1U1it bu $25 000 Owner o( bi& Mesa Verde ~einlnlla.tlt) FOUR UNITS OPEN DAII.Y -Carefree l't'tum and astound· ASSUME 514 % VA loan: built·in & forced air heat lfull~~FAhMt"-• p GER~Lr;t $49500 !ZUGolaxy.,,., · 1u --'•ili·u Pr. Eutsid< 3 BR. 1" Ba _,_ l >·' --• 1ceaetter pool home ca.n't Aillalt 1 . 17141 642.a235 UW ture _... es. ace • ,. .; ~·-we l a ..... acaped horn carpeted. tau far details. N 1 move untll Jult 1 Thil p Ult.000. Income U,400 pr $22,950, Full price. Owner can be found on a h~ $MO Mo. Income owpor ., yoo time ,. ..it your I •~""'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!,..•ITOP LOCAnON • VIEW or 181 °"""' Driw, Suite 101 ,... NET. 64&.1193 lot with , very ..,... le 1 at home A bQy nm handlOft>e ' Rl1'9 opportunity ~ -2 bed. 1" bJl,thl. Macco. Realty Co. Bide. Walker 6: Lee Mr. Levine MUST. SELL, Immac 3 BR. ed ·be.clc yard, with room * 642;1771 Anytime * 2 ...,, with ..,... ..,.. Stnet ...., be widened, , ~~ ~~ at~ N.....,.. Beach Income mv..tment O.pt 1\\ BA home, lull,Y "'"'· a "°''· camper, .,. build Victoria room. tor 140,960. Eutaide 3 BR home wltb , 569451. all the xtru. adj. to Coif rental unit! It hu a pav row. $21,500 Newport II Victor!• 646.ull $19,950 ' e 3 BR • newly painted e Fenced yard Ii: patio e $148(1119 lncllJda ID Jtlb',64UllO .,........_ • ~NNEDY 646-8111 baMwood ....... 122'500 4 Units """"'· 124•900• 64W403 o11ey .,,......., 1°' """ • BROADMOOR NEW 2-oiy. 3 BR. 2 Ba. """· l.ocation II lust • Near Bay & Ocean HARBOR VIEW, CdM ep11. & ""'"'. S26 9ot» ..n"'• 111 bllm'" Ne ' ' ' en.de school. and only 2 OR.ANGE COUNTY'S ExCellent illvestment proper-2500 Wawecrest Dr, $3.000 Down. Owner 642-8167 to new clty park. East 17 ON THE .EACH HALICREST . LAltGEST 1>,, oo doubt• lot Each •h> Exec Tr1-i....1 Model ..,.., ""' Weatclllf . . 291 E 17th st 6"-44M d1o apt with 2 BR. bath + 5 BEDROOM D:clalveOlaaO:rvtbome· 3BR1% lat.ls. otra 11rp 143 Broadway 645-0111 • · • · powder room-always rent· $119 Mesa Del Mar 1105 ping lllld ·two other ac ,_. &"!"'I IMnc • bost famll> ...., with -· E-64U453 646-457' 11""' haw Unlls; Land er <d .................. $52,500 Diva G':"mblll --------wlthln wolldng dilta!l<e. F" Harbor area. 2 BR. 2 Ba, built-in kitcbeD, hardwood Lot tor sale or achanp. Walter Haue FIXER-UPPER. GI Io w appointment to ate, write; priced to.U·futat~$69,500 -->-·ble -Peal-511,% ''OAll ft !lave bo;yai. · .......... · 644-0J20 down. $26,llOO value, 5 BR, Private Party By iq>pt Clily ;J;d"~ with abade trffs, 1°" L'. Alao -builder tD joint venture -convtrted pr; needs pMnt, Box Pfil2 CORBIN-MARTIN patio. M.,.,.. ,. . .......,. Paymtntl $141 mo. inclllda ,...,llflunltlonyoqr DUPLEX ~ $23,o;o. OwnH ===Da=Uy=l'tlo=t===I REAL TOllS ate. °""' $23.900. all. ' W.. bedJoml, opao-lot er built 1o BOit. C.WWtll, ...... & (o. Ne"' &acll & Shoppillg aou.:.,c:-7·1~,,CdM Rl*b'.LACHENMYE. ~R ::;:.:v-~ i"..r~ ~~'1'::;~ .:.-.:=. ~ Excellent val•• al $34,o;o 1----v=.-... -.--=l=l-IO H1rbor Hlghlond1 123S or Ir Sa.'Cout Pli.a. lzmntdi.1~~0rana<~~'"A"ve" .. iiCMiiOi~il!~~·"!•'!l-~·!'!'·.,.."!'!'""~· ~ Geo,... ·Wllll1mson ==..;.:=:....-.....:.0.:.:: 4 BR., family rm. 2~ ba. FOllCED TO SELL a1t ...,.....,, i: R..iw 3 BR $26,900 FHA Enci""d l.Mal, & patio. ,.,.. Ve~ lednn. lmmlculate 3 BR home with MAR'MN R.E. S4M3.f2 cozy 2 'BR home near Ne•· $l2lO UNDER MARKET .. 67l-C350 Ews. 673-15&1 Fantutic tenlll on this Meu Crpt'd, drpd, bltru;. Must Luxury living. s batha. Din-2 spe.rkllng ba,thl, custom port H~ts, CUI de Sac Sm> ca.sh to present loan. ''===z::im=z:z;m; Verde home. 3 1g Bednns • ee11, teav'g area. $48,950. illgroomPLUS11ovt1Ylree """'"""' manl=<d ya?d TERRIFIC atnet, ia,.. M lot with $19,7'0 lull (ll'l<:e, lll6/mol • l llotlu . Wnlly..,... + 2 1501 Aolta Ln, NB Qvmer. fonn mm pool~ A..,... -with lbeploce, S BR 4 11<\b Boycttot homl roomformoll!Uol~ llt,91/0. P'>" all l BR ll4 bath Mon-IEACH BARGAIN fu<pb,,.., o..ntthu bought M&-3104 al lln<ll<ap"c. "-llvillg BBQ. Han! lo ftDd""" only with delJptlu( pool Excol-Gndlam Realty tioello ~""":""'" Modom 3 BR, 2 ha "A" ""'°""'. EZ """' • fl!A. -------- room witll fireplace. Built· $22.500. Must all lmmedi--lent Anttiua W-.y location. Neu' N.B. ftogt Ok. &t&-2414 auqe, carpe ' pes, fram~. steps to Ocean • VA • $2S.900. ha Plllltfit \oc:ation , ateJy. CALL RAY GAULT, Hurry 1or tlda one · bullt.U.. 2 pools, club $25,a ... tmm. " · .. University Park 1231 51>.l'lllfl S<o.~<~ eveal Htrlt-Arnold & .._ud -· °"""'""· 546-.s5!0 Caywood Rlty. 548-1290 ''i rmg ..... 10 UNI-... SPRING BY OWNER, 3 8', 2\\ Ba. TARBELL 2955 H1rbor .,. "· m E. 11th sL, cM. .._ · •• Your Volentine 1am has ' Realton 646-1'lS5 00 3 lo Adja""t .. Qc...,. ... bo all mill >th WANTED TO BUY 3 "' • --~ REALTY Priced"":' 11' ~· Davidson Realty , ~ll~:!~ bit· Channel Raef ;:f~= Elfito Co. rJ"'!. w ELL~· ~;'.,.V: ~ =~::-.,;: •• "anl/lhM" " · NEWPORT HEIGHTS in kitc:hell, fireplace. Reduc-P.nthoUH Alf. 700 E. Balboa BJvd., BaJbOl vitW home. ( bdrm.s. 3 ba, Sll5.00. Have cub for equi-2629 Harbor Blvd., C.Af. MANY W'ONl>mn.JL 0 21 .. ~ ~~~tb ~P-~ ed to $56.500. For Sale 1or ~-at m-u40 ,.1am.1,..1rm...,.m3e-~ .. abium t;v. Call 54W99S after S:30 BY OWNER: 3 BR. a: Fanll-==-~·=Zr~ ,' -..5 ... -. ......... ~Or-Cwt Pt= per mo. o •-Pll'HH • ..._ •-· PM ly. 2 BA. Crpta. drps thru· ._ .... __ , ..__ --· -cnn I ,..._...._ r .. n .... -. •-y J Word Co. Tun back to ''BuRieu Op-, ~ -.. -·-.r::::; 332 Murutrfta, Cd>f on y, ~= _,, -• OUL bltna. $:16,500. 541).(!321 l'Onullltlt•" NOW! I 518-.581 ~ Hf"'aU RMltor. l'ISex> • SOCK rr TO "ml 1IG Santiqo Dr. 646-1550 Dial M2am for ADULTS aft g wkd;yl or wknds. ... ' .. '" '. ' . jj -~· '. ,, ' • 5 4 6-59 9 ~ ------ . --~ ---- -1000Gononl 10000.nerol 10000.norol IOOOGonerol 10000.neral NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY HUlilTINGTON BEACH OFFICE:-oit NEWPORT BEACH OFRCE 646-7711 COSTA MESA OFFICE 545-9491 7612 .... Mvemt::."luna• 0,.. "-'811 • • WI '14ll sor.fl PlOPDTlls rQa UNT 2. 3 "'4roomt a :2 Bath. Dou~~ New Hom-. SepuaUca forcta rental at .-00.0..toocboolo• i , , I 3. ~.!!_Pocololde Pod. 3._,,1118ISh.Den.Cozy11topltat. 3& Pool ua~nat a Place! p)O Jll!° mo. will option to buy U cktJitd. 4, ~ 4 Bedroom. 2 Baths. BIG HOUSE. Bia: Caraae. Rc&l nice. $225 per mo. ' I 5. ~ Harb<lr by the Sea. 3 Huie BedroomL V.iew. Private swim ~L A at~ per month.. -" -· - 2043 W•tcllff D•. at lmno Qpen Evonlnp LOTS OP LOT . , Build YoUr own Dovtr Shorn ttreun heme in ftt almpk land. Huae lot nettled amoni bauUrul atatft on quttt i:rlvtiW 1treet. Heme COQ!d. have beautiful '1ew of Catalina end OC1U OQ the West. and mountalnl on the Eut. Wsest Jot 1n the immtd&ate ..... g,900. UST IUT IN U:ct IA T Lovely custom home .on Q'Ulet eul-de-.1c. Laree l*Pl,rlte flmity room. thr.e 1arre bedrooma. u4 thtM batha. One ol Newport 86a.Ch'• nieat areu. Owner out ot country and muat HUI Ottertd at '33,SOO.: THE ONI TO 511 IS PROM WALKO l UE 27f0 llAUOI 111.YIJ. oe-""°"''' ·~1 f P.M • CUSTOM WlStDI· RilfBLING BEAMED CEILING. '3 BEDROOM, 2 be.th sperkltr \\ith DOUBLE J'JREPLACE In LARGE FAMILY ROOM and QJtdoua livihJ" room appointed with lovely carpetl A drapes. Larae RANOr SlZEI) xm:llEN A aD electric buUl·ins. Fabtutic RADIANT HOT WATtk beaUar and many eustom features. The OOURT YARD ENTRY and low malntmantt, very private yard art viMYtd from t;n~"r.l~~Vtir:Lorth ev<ry ""'*' °' $3.1.950. and you w:lll have one of em:t& Mee&) OIOICEST tAX:AnoN homes with 3 -°"' Btd"'°"" 6 2 BaU.. luttfully oarpet<d i draped. Tbla HEAVY SHAJ<E ROOF dream home bu all ELEC'l'RIC""BUll.T-INS. lara• famjly dining area and cozy MAN1'LED FIREPL.\CE. All this on EXTRA LARGE LOT "'1th slrinklen front & rt9.r and lnvitina: PATIO. 4 llDIOOMS NO DOWN ¥m This lt truly • dream home In absolutely MODEL CONDmON with &:'Ol'ltOUS carpet.I I: drapn. MASSIVE IJVING ROOM with Door to cellln1 fireplace, ramt>- 1inJr: e:mdent kitchen and &@dudf'd mum bedroom t: Prfvate extra bath. It's located in terrific area <lfl quiet strtel wtth t<lwtrin~ SftADE TREES and beau. Ufully land9ca.Ptd for rel&xlng C.lif, living. You W<ln t blilleve less than $25 000. NO DOWN-$11,500-4 IElllOOMS ' plus BIG 15x15 f'AMILY ROOM, plu." DEN, service porch, tarpell A drt.PtL An this on larre: 145 foot dttp Jot ln eXttUent nelghborhod wtlb towttlna ftdti trees. Nolhinl down to Veterans or $600 Down FHA. ·~&6: -!! • " n. ,. .. H ~ ll, A ' " " •t n ' or 1$ •• •• .. o. r . 17 •• "' ~ •• . : ~: ' =i I ~ .. _ ----· . ' . !'iiOUiis FOR'fil.'f . HODslj ·;ok'sica-: . ·~~NTAU llNTALI '' ,,irr~u ' -RINTALI RIAL ISTA'rt w"'"""R~:,t; iOSINr:::or 4t I )fOlliol UnfuriikW· H....o"UnfurnbW • !e:'Jl.....W.W A~ U~l,llM o,noral , awrol PINAHr:IAL • Coron• d<tl Mor 1250 Dupl•JIOJ Per U!9 1'15 . " , ' '"' -• '< -lo w......... -~~' ;;;:, -o r~O,~•;..,;r· ;;~;;~1 I ·--~;,.;.,;, • ,.,;; C--1100 bWo hlO ·' • nJt Liiio hlo ·' 4151 C..te-. SlllO ::;;+• of~,,_ ~":' ....,._ "1',;;!·;;c_•_-, -;:::'.,'.·_ - I BEST,IOY 100' t0 bdicli. 0. Jf """' f .. 11 ... 101 Sonic. ! BR l .... 2 Ba,~" Chormlftl.2 li.rv' 2 n, IUD. -· d'-1 QQIET, -c.u.., Pi l'p<EC11TIVll OllW •..-Gel ... Into : CORONA DEL MAii eqOJ!ly .... """" 1-ao .. -...-.,,. .. _ -· -· .., ......... l!Pa ........ Bit • )No. ''"'" A crptL ua E. 1111'. ... "-lna>me ' .... roo ... ft. .... w Bid&'. 'Gol<left -""""' .. •Small~ Plut F\u"C J..etrt;. reakkndal k>f. P. 0. Baar , 't~ ..._ 'qy, owae P&Uo. tlet.r ~. •v&ll. A.~ '.• -dfalll pamaDl'llt bome er lw Onnp Counl;)t" Airport. .,.._ PblDl11t • ~~~ al Unit on full mt lot. NI 1423, Hunitn&toa B••Cb . ..._ms~~· lbtrt Ctrm. ·flli. Yl'b' leue. PATIO Apt l.Jlr •• apt, turn A unhll. Approa' Avail lnuntdiataly! m-clSO Station for Jeut; UO!. pike $2&.750. HURRY ON <n4J MQMS. Owner -Adults Oftb'. AU 1Jor Mra. bn,p l\tfl'll' IU ii; watm' $150. Avail Feb. ht or Jater. OFl'JCES: 2. 300 + tq. rt. .skit A M'arlne Or., Ki,;p~j nn~~EL COMPANY GOLD MeC!aJllon Dllplex. 3 Huntl ......... di ~ pd. Nr ... .;.,.. M~IOOI 1.quaa Bci> .. CdM ..... """' ...... le"'' ' Cout S..ch. eom.ct: 2'61 E. O>ut H.y., CdM . ~!.' :l,:'",;,i107 ~ mo llatbor Blvd. FREE RENTAL IOOK .',~et. I= "-""1. -ij&i2,B11. ou,lu ~~"":~ 1 ~Corona old Mu tit:~~~~ Gn-20!0 -Walt... -• "-· 5'$-9191 Open till • PM a ~,.,. i:z:~ ' ~ ~= _ ... ' 1111, ~ ... Ille, facbll 1 COMMERC. • !IYJ Sq. ft. ~.__ roa LE.<SE 1.eue this 0.,.... s.......... ...,.. ~ ~ , .. ass " 1 . , .. , ~ ~ ~=":: J!:! u11~.~.1110 ...,._ IEAUlY SAl.0 .!-~~.. 1151 llENTALS ·"-"~ • + """"' """"' """' ol this_..-~ ··i.:~~) -~~ 52111 ...... ,._.... .. mao • .._.... • ~-· • un111,, :t 60 ft. -North la.y HOt.(HI FumJahed f.e~ud~~ 5::1:1: sm.oo per ~ ~ lp, lft:.~~t,tdrtnt; ~ Apt. • .. M~ P,., PJlm Dcwrt, 2 SMlliiii l!lfti of~1;rtam • lAI""' locadon. Bn1 ..,.J, Jr~.~ :~l~~oo; 1":Z Rent••· •• Shlir• 2005 ~to •i:ioPPln&". all w°'""a'l'ker & Lee ~~ .• ~;.;:. ~~~ 1:.!';1~·~x!~: p~ ~Inc to Oranp ~:f;~~ltoom. =n Evn. ba11tparate.BeautpYtp.r--FEMALEroommateto~ Rtaltcl' 546-SSIJ Ytb'. St~ Mo., iDfi. util.. q1IU.-le\'~l. t bed. b"J>i., Co. Middle-qed couple 6080 1, MAN Op•ratlo~ den + Ba.Y tea. Oear, bouae. Balboa Wan(!:, $34 LEASE/OPTION 4 BR 2 'Tm Edincer Adults~' no,peta. m-0201 thkk carpta., . d r a Pe ' , w1ah to ttnt 1 BR houae. lnclustrlal ,,.,.. ~ Sandwidl Sboi. $24S.IXU. mo. Avail new:. Call aft bl.tbs. $200 mo-.nk:r l'Hiden-~ Open ""-. 51).Sltl) , .._..!F}• ~-~t ..._~· sart&'I· Avalla'ble Jan. ~ Exoilleat ttferencon. Up to WA{ITED " bt.a,y, 1 acre Excel »c.Uon, ea.ta .a. R. C. GREER. Realty 5 PM, m..2664 tlaJ area-t m me d ta t e $iilb Lovey .$ BR. l?i BA. =~:1"':-,!::~·t~ $m. cu.I dter t p.tn-$100 month. call C.ollttt lndUltriaU,y IONd propnty. Sell or leue. 60-8913 ~ 3416 Via Lido 613-9300 £MPLOY£D woman to P"!'f'S''°". CA1.l. MR . 2 ,tory ooodo Crp(a. drpa u~~-ai.--.. u::'n~ ~ (2131 2SS--83S4 So. ~ Co. Box 3111 A'ITRACl1VE Beaut)' .U.. sll&N! pleasant home BLACK 540-llSl (open atove rtfria ·whrJdyr ~ •~ .)~ bt. ··-..i J.ro., UPPER Du.plex. 2 Br. $ISO, YNG mttn M>okinc; Jor trc: Fullerton. cal. reUOOJble price, ca~ 1 IAYFRONT w/111me. $50 Mon l h. evea) Hfflt.qe Real Eetate pa&.' PrklE... Pool. au'bbs.. Ud. utU:~;See l)OWI ~ l )'I'. IN!le; tower d@lex sep rm or wtn cons1dtr . t,li2:-1252 ask tor Gl<ria. , 11kin£$11S,OOODUPLEXw1th M&-Wl2dteys. Call ll 3 ~ $1.E 1 :>T 1wle. abate. NB or CM aru. lncluttrl•t Rental 60f01 ::=·:=--;.====".=0!I 3BR.2balhsup.2BR.l:l MCJTHERw/amallchlldwill 2w,:!a.~ y~.c~~~ ~~ co Huntl""9n ... ch '4oo ·Adi.lib: 111,'peta. 'See by M>l19laftC:30pm. Monty .. l.olft ~do:;:;, 2~1: =~ share apt. w/an.ll!. Pool. pd. 1st k lut mo'a ~nt 4 BR S bo.&b ul!CUtive ~. UTILmES ·p~ID app't. ool,y. Miss White DIPLOYED lady v...nts l * (OSJA MESA * RETlltED COU,LE Walker R1alty Colla Mna M&-801f uq. $12) mo. 230-A Ced.I cupe~ drape11 heated poal. Badl. Apf. ... Htd.· pool 'l't).llSO BR Un!nm Apt beach atta to i..R~ JJt A \Tia l ie:... b~ MAN To share N-"POirt PL C.M. $330 pe1' mo. Wiue. it.al g Kooxvillt, Apt. D .. H.B. ON BAY near Udo. 1 Br., to $1.JO. GU' or carport nee. Haa money ....., OD . 2 Lugo LIOO LOTS BUILDER"S PRICES OPPORTUNITY NOW I Call for lnfonnatiou 642-5200 P1te Barrett R1alty Beach borne with pool U.IMAC. $ BR 2 bath. Estate ~ or~ . • 5»!91( • patlo apl (or f\lm). Ne\\ty 60-«*I attJ5 Now leasins new industrial 2QCI mortpps. Call 64• 3 • .1. A .. _ 5 PM bl . b/"-· tio decor. Boat atorap avail. blda. 1350 11'1 tt. office " Broker 547 .. 1333 ....-1 u ,,,,. ... "" l-Ull, cp "'Y'"• pa , f 'BR like new; nr Doullas l BU)CJ{° frohl "bcftft.· 1 Ir $l8a tll Incl fT3..6'GJ FAMILY desires 4 Br home, ~ll room. $155/rno. WANT 2 young liberal 'mind· Conv. loc. $210/JllO lease; " ·shops. 16m l.Akemmt 2 ,.i;m ap1' ... -heated si9ot 1.1 • Costa Mesa., North o t R. Nattttu Rltr. if.!·1485 lnl Estate Lelnt 6'ii ed bacbe'lon to share nioe NO pets. MS--0560 Lane. Avall qG\V $2ai/mo. blt.fn.s, ftc' room. Jftter-eOm 3· BR. 2 BL Frpk. . wlw Baker, Eaat al FaJrvtew to 1-:::::=:=:=:=:=m::=:: j ;;;;;;;;:,.,;==-"'=-~ 3 Br name. N.B. ~ .. BDRM. ]~ ha, ctllts. drp.s, lea.Ill!. A&t· 00-1m mut\e.· Ail ~ crpb, ~ bl~ sat. $Z50. MO. Call 5t6-S810 Ii R v l·N E lndustrl.l'.l 6,(Q). HOME .LOANS ' 25 YR. oLd \~ 1lrl blt·in& $225 mo on lease. -· ---1-BR. condo beaUt. furn. S%!5 mo ;r••Y· · 1 BR. Apt turn « unfurn Have 90% fimnc\ni al~~· v.1shes roommate tor Yl"l1 546-Slll. L .. une luch 3705 Nr. Atlanta ·a, L ....... JUvd. Newport "~ 5210 on beach in CdM, Msftd U.000 or 11.CUI Ill· ft. Call: int.ereat O>eck our C..11'; ti73-562S .._.,... r.._,.. by sln&le Dr C.all &U-292:> K, W. Small with prorram I: 2ml TD term&. beach house. 2 BDIU-1 ~. $140. l bdrm CHARM 2 J!f. 2 Ba. Atrtuin, ~~· $160. btwn 5 "g Fu. Eckhoff & Anoe., Inc. Sattler Mortpp Co. lnc. 1 NICE girl dffitts same to houae, $160. Phone 531-1123 cpta. drpi:, view. Priv. bcb. ~ er lB'2--66!3 $115. UPPER apadoua i Br, 1818 w. Qw,pman .Ave. 3!6 E. 17th St share <!ista Mesa Apt. $80. 1Ae.1$2Ji5. "4-60a1 \ ~E &che19r, util fu.rrl. 2 Ba. adulta onq, flllc., Oranp, Calli. &e-2ln 560611' Huntington Be1ch 1400 642-3004 alt 4. Newport leach HOO • I . • Sblsle older adult only, iso. ~-°:i :0, st AndfeWI, IMmt for Rent sn5 54l-2621, Eves-wkndl msn Eves. 673-7865 642-W'fi FD.fALE roommate, $63.50 ~•Unfutt.. 3f7S \V~ ti) sbp';. &:2--321!1 .......... COLLEGE Or work1nc strl ANNOUNCEMENTS $795 Down/NO 2nd .. , mooll" Balboa Island N rt .... L ' Bii, W/W ~l clrpl, Cil>IET " IEAllTIFUL lut lluff 5242 llve on Bal IL Kit In ":."::;. '!. ~"::°AAI= .... NOTICEJ Vet')' desirable &rea. Vacant. ApL ~ ewpo UHY1 '~. blt·lns., adults, Do Ad\1111 j,.O:· 3 Bll.. ,po o I ~ incl, $611 mo. up yard. lSSr5 LqmJa. ~ -=------- La.go • ,,.. .... .,,. WANTED, "" ""' lo ..... Rentals ..... ""E. """St. C.M. 1]611. ~··~· Pr·-,loc1tion Rd. m<> -... m4l ........ (freo Adi) t400 HAFFDAL REALTY apt. vie. Harbor H.S.; stu-RENTALS 2 :IR:.:~~ ..... ~P~ ~ _,,.,.. 540-7680 FOUND: Sba.a::cY bl&c.k "'Home& to 1\tatch Income" dent pref. $50 mo. 66-IM.c WINTER RENTALS Apts. fprnilhH Ull~{~"~ mo.~~· J\,r.1~ de~e l&S8 IQ:. ft. Income ,,..,....,y 6000 NPT. BOI. DN1rable c:ontr. )'OW!&' dog~ vie. Ricba.rth; 8740 '''amer, FV 842-4405 2100 NOW AVAILABLE ' l1qrtdal UCW ,,. ; • ·t ·BR.. 2~ ba.. APl l)plc., HOAIE 'INCOME by OY.'N-otc. A new ahop . ~ Mamt. ·Lido We. Hu . Huntin9ton Hills Coat• Mou -BR-1125. Gtnerol · 4000 ;_ 1'~1·' 1 "'' •705 ·m-........, ,,.. bar, ER""' Bll.·lli bL opts." lldl. UPS. OWnr. ILl~ whl" mutinas on -" • ~ROOMS, like new con-2 BR. -$~. -•UM· .. ,rtv. bakoliitS: dbl. prqebl " Bd. 2 ba. -1. 3 Yr. ebnf. ciS-GOli5 evu. : T&ke over 5'6 'r~ loan. Hard-'"w:.u ·ONT : • oil 1.1)... .... ......... """. d ,~ • '. .. --• noo-. I•-• 3 BR. diUon. Complete1"' furnish-3 BR. - 2 bath -$l7S. M""'...;.u ,,....:, -.,ti: r----~u.:u. ~,.__., old. Pool. 2310 Santa Ana, Acn... 6200 ~UNO Whit< p 0 0 d I e: 1' "~ ''" ~.. ed. Adults only~ maybe Ocean front 3 BR., 2 tiatb-l RMrr11 furniture ~. , .... ,, -~ ... o.tn. poOt.• Conwnient to CM 675--1393 ..., ; '"'u lam. ""· "'" paint '" ' -• -$ZS Mo-... end.. , ~· > Ii 11><>»1 -a ...,... :is MiN from San w. ""'""'' '°"· _,..,.,,. _l.: out. Sell GT or FHA. ont child. S\\immin& poo., -· ...,,... mn Ba, t .nK'Mkt, IV. 1 bJk 6bn ., Lane, Newport Stach. BRASHEAR REAL TY ""'"'ation centu at no .,.. e 111:0 (ABftl:T e FULL OPnON. ro BuY -'"":--Vay""""' O''LY ••25 MONTH lusl-P._rty 6jl50 Ob1-~ "'" ,..a bou> 1act· 1'13-1000 .tra charge. $235 mo. Agent Ill; An;I ___ ., I $260 mo .aaLDfll'l n .., tin&. peer, quail, plceons. ..=:.:·c,:,;.:....c:c----;::;;: 847-8531 'E\'l's. 968.-1178 5t6-414l C30 oiftces to ll!tve you) {Relrli:etaton Ava.uabl.8 '~-135 ~GOS WAY Af.J· HEART of Oirden •tc. in aeuon.. Apprte. FOUND mall' puppy 2 STORY/P00LHom9 F1JRN 2 "*'• 2 b 2 ba 2!125 w. Balboa Blvd-. N.8-NodeJ)OSltCt1.a.e. · ltlNTAl:J, · Newpert .... Grow bwdness. 40x2f0. always in aeuon.,~ per ~ht. ma~np ~ Lari:e lll!paratt: famµy l'OOffi, _.,..._ Ind •• ,, ••• -.!· bltns" ~~ H.F.R. • , ......... A........ Mir }.Ip ' $7950 M5J9Q eva. a.c. Xlnt .'lmn8, wm· d191de. -v!.c. 1.lellll • quall1y '""""" 3'' "'°'"'th ~-.. --· · IOurnltUN ~'" ~ ..,.g.r --, , ve · ' ' · · -.. -51&-7'65 filtt:r 1.:. hea~r. CI or ntA Respon adults only. 546-.266& I/I 517 W. JJtb. CAL Sd'3W Genlrll , .. soQo c...-..tllf Mit:_..S2JO luslMU Rlllhl 6060.FRA ~:::::TEllN:,;:;~l'N"'·,,....."'l'in::-. -="1 -terms. Price ill right at .N rt Sho 2220 1568 W. Lndn, Anhm 77...am • llltort Property 6205 vie. N~· 8'Jr.b, Jnltial ~~' J•··~.~·~~:11,. ~~=it~~ 6::::.. ~~· ;1':"a-~~~'!~ ·VIR6611 . ...,~~·-·-r""Wll/O» ~t:., ~ .. ~ .... Jj~ ~~~~~-= B~t:. ·~t::· '.: • No P<ls. 1 child OK. S250 ~onth Heated pool. Amp!• par"'R-n.n':..."-• ~ . .I.I. .,..._.,, ..,. ftllU!lle or ,.eep.s 1>;< irlll'"40o.w ...... R.1 In Hun"R-...n e.ach · Executive Home .... .. -~·~-n · ... ,...... ., ..,, ....,., Contact Bob -· •-= --·-"' home ot distinction -not a mo to July L 67~27 Pools . A""'ts 01 .. y! J.965N~n!!;'~o ~ . !MMliD. oecuPANCY !.aw' &t '215o. Mel!. V~ • l'l.ln nc~ Fum ~~ ar. Watmimtler. 84,_.1112 tract home. 2 story 4 BR 2250 Bay & Beach ' ~.,.. .. rAMILY " ON TEN ACRES ni.n. Ort""· Cotta. Mta. ~ moth M:tD.. c.ondostO-~ .. BLACK .. Whlt.c kllll Wred "beautiful fir!'place, extras Corona del Mar Re1lty, Inc, $90; 2 Bdrms, bdi-d. lln. '~S"'~TAU,iBr.E 1-&:·2 BR. hrn t: U CORONA del MU' Bcau4' auna. ll9eps L I dog. :Female. Vie. 15th p]ol"'-$40.500. EXECUTIVE, luxury, $375. 901 Dover Drive Suite 2Z1 Chlldtt~~~ , C&M:(9'Shepplnt, '•rte ~ ~ ~ ~ Shop in buay location. MeYnt. &,O...rt 6210 Sth-St.p.I Penn. f15-3123 R. D. SLATES, Rltr. mo. lease. Adults, ms 645-2001 Ews. S48-69G6 -· e Spa0om 5 Br's. 2 Ba tst. 9 ho1 ~~ Fonner beauty &bop mowd BLK ~female, W. 7.3519 Ev!!!!. 536-7840 Shell, China Cove. 644-0906 $100; 2 BR. 1 ba. '·~ 'fl2 ~"/den or ofc. •,; O:!M ~ to larrer-11uatter•. BEAUTJ.nJI. High Deaert; Hd·~ dD ~ •. Ytc LEASE New ·3 BR Con-On Peninsula. Ui.n PIJd, • e SWim Pool. PuVai'een 900 Sea. Lin•, JUIKinable. r ·e·"' t. CaJJ 5 Ac. w/amall stucco ,...,,__ CM. Ptlue cab ~ do inl Pool Walk to 'l:<M,;,I" fMh~,,--· fa" b llfacAribur nri Coast Hwy) .., ,_,..... ..,-. Fount•in Valley 1410 Balboa lsl•nd 2355 m wn · . Brokn SM--6980, • ·~t"! ~""f•'" ..... ., c' _ ,Hu~ 114: 133-&~ Hot " Col~ water, dee., r0UND in Mesa V•rdt:, ~t i -----·-::;;=.:..:==---schools. 1h0pping center l 1145 An1helm Aft. Sto' 1t'E OR OFFICr atr cooler. Xlnt loc. nr. 29 Jan :'Zd. Brownhh m1. larger 3 or S BRa BAYFRON'T 5 BR. til June park. carpets, drapes, auto C"t• Me.. 4100 tOS'f . .\ MESA 643-'.!8:!4 :4 B~ 2li-Ba., lrpL, cpll, HUNI'JNCroN BEAO; paJIDa. $7500 FUnt. 133:-2734 lg: 3 BR 1 •\ bath 1~·ilh fin-tst, $323 or YliY S500 incl garage. PM· patio. Th.e -drps., caraae, bltns. $300 ~. ot \\-ee.kends. c~:;::-;;;·==,---::-::--;;;-'.'::l U'L··. ....,, '"''"', i\lartha or Bluffs. -n n10. ~ e TNTRODUClN. G • _..... ... ,,'°''OR LE .. _. Month. Call: ~lZW Ext In Center on Be11.ch IDvd. BEA'~n Satin Black is~ bonus t'OOJTI easily .,,,,.,.,..,.,.., .,__. ,,.,.... ~ .....,... u Ju:u... , .con\'et1.ed to 2 or ntore eves 675-57&1, Mrs. \Vhite BEACH: House 6 doors to u I ::D 1 ClMinnel IMf 421 "1..(lStl BUStNESS ind youna: cat. Q-11.·ner plede bedrooms z. bath. Gas built· Ocean, 2 BR. palio. gar, • Panthtuie Apt, SHARP New 3 BR, 2 bath. SMAµ.. rea~"OMbl)' priced FINANCIAL Mleoti.fY. S6(l1l6 in range & OVCll, dish\\·ash-Duplexes Furn. 2975 yrly $160 n10. 81..'r. 615-4130 a t6eH $550 per mo to miable par-fireplace le. deck. Available Store BuJlding!l in busy FOUND -R~. Owner ~ :ite:r~~rg~a:!;. ~:~ FURN 2 Br. llh Ba. Apt. 3 BR. 2 .Ba., lrpl., cpb, Oran,ae County'• Be&1.1tlfuJ ties only. O.t s.lisbi'.?)' now. Don V: Franklin. Rlty. ~ut!ns~:i'4 : I= luo. Opportuniti1& 6300 ;tlty:::;·;:;M;:7::..t:;65.1:=====i H .. > pat!-, quiet cul«-many extras. $160. ~10C drapes; 1 ~~ hilts. to beach. NEW Adult lfvine eom,lex Rnllor. '1Ml900 673-2222BR. ( •-) ,....,,_,_..,. cosrA M -E !Tth. Candy Supply Route .aMlil "" Yearly. $3XI Mo. 613-4088 Custom tum or unl'urn. $lli9; l BR. 2 baths,---: 2 or uu.u. ,,. .. .,._""". eu., _.. . Lest .-sac stnoet. FllA approved or 673-7350 bl.Ina ~1c ---Near tu. '155· mo. C'l'"";N.153 Lema O'Ound lease. alJr)' ac-(Part or Full Time) ::;:;;.. ______ r l at ..,2,450 !O hu~ -will Sifiiles • 1 Bdnn -2 Bdrms ¥1/w, • ... v · ~ 1llO' Fron Excellent income fCll' few u..M. ... ....:. ~ · · • RENTALS Nowport Shores 3220 e °"'"'""°""' °"""" , BntJar ,,.._ Qt 5 PhL ' ...,, iaae. O""" LOOT. vk. N'pt. ·~ .. ---consider your small!!r ho1ne HOUSll Unfurnithed _ Dulp 575-5034 bn.. \\·eekly v.wk!I (days or PART-Weiinaftntt doc, in trade. SPACIOUS 4 BR, 3 BA, blt· • Lu:.wtioua Gardens h .!!•-SHOPS eve1.) ~ftllina: and collect· short hair, dk. brown;Ja1'09 ··g G1n1r•I 3000 ins, crpta, drpe, nr bcb 6 •'•ub"'·-,~--• b-.. C: .. tl MIU r 5100 Huntinlffn ... , .,,.._ Nr. N_,...,..rt. Pier h1'l'. money from coin aper-Sha1vn, male; Jett ear ta~ al=-;P,IBM pools. $215. See now •• a. ::::::--.vu;;.py~ ;;th· Rltr. -·-,-673-0860 ated dlspensen in Oranre to bead. Family mlla'kble, mm-642-lf.l86 ,,..\NI USIVE c 0 u D t '1 and aum>l.ID1lnl m'fard. 541--3'*' M6--Wl1 WORRIED? ======= • ~cttvllJ' ~ Excellen~ park -like Nr-UCL BLDG. SOXlOO, In ,,..... ol orea. No ..ntno. (.....,.. '..::.~~-L. e Sa S,th ' a. · ~ brand candy and BEIGE Female .......__. • Liogun1le1eh___!70S ... U..n "'"easy. W• N-rtH•lghll 3210ePu':;,.....,. ~ .. ::::-~ ON·THE·IEACH ::;:,wneo.~I;,'o"Evu. maclml.l1650cu•...-.,..... old. i...t Vie. Handyman Specials ~-in~:~v: Eut Sid. Cost• Mna • Oub1'ft CU B8Q:s ~t..tit. Teneta' 2 & I a,d,..,. Aph. F« penonal inLervfe:w In Ba)'lhores, NB M~l219 In-me Uno'h Y und N-port H-1 •-• • Ehcl . ..,....." -1, 2 A • llDIUI. ...... Lmtm> IMt>l to •""" ""' A•" -'-cinqe c.w.;,.::s.na....,., MALE .,...,..,., hlk. OOlfu ~.. ter, ear aro · .... •• • ~·-CEN'I'ER of town • bet.·een ~ ..., ·----••-i...t1 ..... No.,.. llJJTICI Rim.I 6070 -"".i-_,_....... · Ith SL . on Oceanside ol }hey. RED CARPET Oiannin&: 3 bedroom or 2 POOL. NO CIDLt>kEN ~~ ....,...,.._....,. &UWTS. and phone • .,......._.. -knot tall, •1e. • 1511 yd' ll'Om B<ach. 4 lgc • • b<droom k d ... 1% baths, ::;; A Ford/lluW A N"~ MJ.~TINIQUE •v ... bll •I LAGUNA BEACH ~~OUTE DEPARTMEN'l'" -.:8::·B::.·.::;%04::.;_;;;71~~~-~;!!d ~~~ne~~~ ~ :ms \V. Balboa mvd .. N.B. ~::·.C: ·~=: 200et PatwJ111;w l4Ufml $AlllEN Am. lite Hunllngtc-n of~~~~ P.O. Box 3846 ~ v~c.~uc':!t~1:: TENT JAL I N c 0 ?ii E EX-613-3663 \Yell landscaped home with SEA LAIK Iltb a Santa Ma. CM. p ·n Desk IPUN ava.llable In Anahetm.Caill. 92803 HB ReW&f'd. 962-4ll6 . ~~~;:::.ANNuAL-1 '11",."'",","•"R" .. "1!!!! .. "a.."'"F".,"~~I~~~:;::-.= y "~MODL ~=--'*~· ICI c ~ =~:n=~ 1n"'t~1p1t11 ~::,·~~~; ¥ISSION REALTY 494--0'i31 yard. Children a: pet OK. perfect, 1~ blks to Newport wr1KL1t uTli I ~ Bea~ Afr condj. National SalnJMadcrUas... Mar, Colt.a Mesa. 546-J!ifi ,r wS:s~E:s'A1;;.:, :4~ J* baths, ~-~=-~~2101 •. Ne: .. "1"7'!.~~twt •. :·cM:,=.2 ~ ru,~S:S.~irtt9 ~=~9!ins~~~ :0onop:n::P= REW~~~Mu~~ fenced yard. Frpl children street and Wntcliff shop-_. ~ • .,.•-t co ..... 1-...,, ~.... en-·-·. ~--·on ablt-tor individual 'f.ith loat •• 6-t . , 3 & 4 Br. Semi Custom · .... ..._ _.__1. -..-... ...,...... .,.. ... ..... ,.. ........ ...,... vi 5'8-1420 att ~4 PM · &: peb OK. Bkr. 534-6980 PUI& .... two tlu.u· _.........., $Z5 Wk. Up -.H... )cltl8ed ... --. N··-JJZ'i '6 Jl50; 2 ~ l BR. Farm AT•, ,. •• •-,•-10 rnture CaiiltaJ. TboroUSh ~ • · · · Hom'?s [rom $3',450.00 No" w! ... ,_ n i t.(-.. ,_ftR-... Dtl --·--· ..... .,. -"" -• ' .t._ ...... w .......... ~~--· -'.-.r... sbopp•~ center. opts. Ne\V1" decor., cpts. •lundpal .... ~ ... •-•-r...11 test markeH"''" In llJr: state LOST: Ure)'1S'ftD ~Sehl. under construction. Located 3 BR. View loL 24881 Spadra e .,,._ _ _,,_ ._ n -...i. ... ~ ..... .., _....... --. ...., ...,. , • M'--· v· . 837 -~·· For details, wdte: .;i•uwu-u..;n *P.... Adl&Jti' .... 1 ... , uA ·-1140 A: drpa. Bltps. Refri.r, avail. ,_ month ~ Dnk of C:alll. \\'e have acquh<ed a parrot: vie. Harbor , · ·on ?.fountain View Dri\'e, off \"''·• -Kln K')O. -.-Pri p e Incl Utfls" Pbcll» Rl'V Y"'Y '"" " ,...,,.a-_ N ........ ..-, __ _.. · Valle ~ ·i)'Ttll Dri\·r Mr. Wilson Yate arty ' Pt"flllD.-Skr.~ . •~-Ok. f, ~ and cba.lra a le b $S. product with toqnd ~ .. Fountain '1 • Maid Serv1oe • TY avail. ''THI S . i£ ' . mvd A Main. dose tG Baslne• hocn &JUWf:rins mot ~ntial. M~ 5 ftc· MAN'S bl&ck wallet Vic tilt A.P.I. SALES AGENTS $135: 2 Bdrm. Town.....,, lox P61 Z • N ... C&f• "Bu ~V LE~ .....,.;IJ l "'°PPlnl· MT-«lro ..,..;ce av.U.,ble tor 110, .,,... l!O"lbie, $25llO ....,.. SL on bc&cb ...,., NB. in Plione 71~9'2-TiOI for built-ins, w/w, drapes. D I 2376 N~rt Bl'Vd. 54S-9'/5S Nt\y· 2 ~.w/prarc Sl40. T N 1-t --'"' r fw1hcr inlo11nation BToker 534-&}80 Do y plot -"r-(AdaJ*8l.'"tenctd.priv.yqd. Want Privacy "" All u.tllUlel paid except men . QI~ valua.bla. Reward.~ ========tALL """tum, ............. -~·bl .......... pd. ONE BR" NF,AR OCEAN .......... FRIGIDAIRE = • BDRhI. 3 bath Top ol C-.o. ...... ___ 3100 Coron• d1I Mir 32.50 paint. 2 BR. Beam ~Wnp:. 26JtJ ~ ka...A.ve. $127 mo ($142 turn) a:arage DAI LY PILOT Pertonals 6405 i World. Ocean & mow-itain v.1• ,._____ Bli.Jns, Pool. $155. %l12 • ~JM e 202 • 14th. 536-Ul9 673-lTM 222 FORm' AvmuE JET ACTION view. S37,500. s-w-7366 2 BR. Priv. i a r a e e, OOZ¥ • Immac 2 Br. Cot-Maple Sl 5*-5S6G NEW 2 Br 2-'a. Twnhse 2 It l BR apt.a. 2 Ba. patio, LAGUNA BEAQI ~a~~~~ Sp!rit!:'!'2:!' advim •:;ondo:;.:.:=c:c' c;.·_-.:c_c_ __ l9_5:..,c0 ~./dryer. Rder. re-tq;e. Frpk, beam ceiliro, EASTSIDE. QWH; 2 Br. B!tni crp~ m,. 'incl · frplo, Cl'tlU. drps, p~ yard. ...-wuhlr $1.B tm ~ 180 S. ll. E'-mn1um '!......... prv patio .(or furn). eJ.c.bltns,patio.AduJtson-Oub'b.M I:~ {:· dilldttnok,$140.up.17811 Deluxe Offices mc.Fhidoui.how~~ C.:1:!'.::::n0emente. BR, 2 Ba Condominium l69 Mesa Or. $lla. 548-788l 675-4943. or V.Tlte P. O. Iy, 3Sl-B C>a'le, IO-l291 541Ml.19 alt 4 Sat, er all "Bell Circle, lLB. KJ.3677 SUITES Or a1rwJe oU1ces trom t0 OWQ! 49U1SS. 10 AM-10 PMi on Fairvie1~" C.rtt $22.000. IMMACULATE 2 Br. gantJl', LBoUXURx Sl3YC<13M8r. •-A11TR. 3 ~~~ ..!_ 2-:'... day &m. 1 1 2 BR. ~;.Stow, telrlz. S'l5. Carjlets. air condl~ _ Coln·O-Matlc, PACIFIC SINGLES.' . w I $2400. down. 121 Mor-crpts It drps, bJt-ins. $135. • ., ... m. rm., w w carp .. "'I">• ••u. ;r ... NJCE 2.,v .. .fi:ds.-•,· ,,... Gan&e,.SUIS. MuHfonJy irJ&', lll!!!Ctttufal •ervlc'e, 'ristown lA.ne. 540--6976 eves. mo. 546-9755 21i ~-~ts·.~-3 .~ ~; 540-0154; 6M922 oce. Jr FJ ~. cU. Sii Palm ~ cantnl· loeatJon. Ora.nae Equipment, Jnc. ~al~ ~ =~ a: \\"ttk~nds. 543-7322 days. ~3.:.:8:.,R_:;, ",..-',-'.,:::,-,.~,,-t,~d.-pa~tio, rr·ol~ . .,..-:. ~;w. NICELY tumia:hed 2 BR. S1"5. 86Ue60. ;Avail hb DELUXE J Br p;;, Mo. County 8&'* BlcJa. Z30 E. ~=~ W. V~'l&D Who &tt particular. 561.!M .. QUICKER YOU CALL. tncd )'d. Adults. '165/mo. r. · .....,.,. Qulet Adults. 768 Scott Pl. 1. ' ~ drpt. 1:ad: patio, ,Wt. 17th St., 0t iQ4416 -· I QUIOCER YOU .:iEJ..L RJtr. 6C-87X. OOCK tT TO 'EM? CM. 646-2323. iiiriNffi; ftlPOGSlble ~ Jn&. Nr ~· an~· NEWPORT CJVIC CENTER . GIFt' A Home 0.0:.-lbop, Attr1din IExpert • l~:;;,;~.;: .. ;;c~h'=;;,,;;:;:;:;:~;=:;;:;,~===25;;;0o;=L0:.o.;;n=,=a= .. ='.h'===2=s=oo:::: BEAtrr" .... 2 Br. 111. bo. la4f .,......,'1 Br. lllfltJln ' " s Bk; " -Jiiv. Otlcet .....,,.. tor eom. ,_. ..u..aoe , --..;:::':ff,:::""~ ·; 11 2500Long Beach studio, pool, adWtl!I. $115 apt, pr. 145', llua ~.. pa,do; bea"' ~-mm::tlf. Mtdfcal. ~ • 5M-Dlt'• ' loteat •tepo. Call C.li'Q'O ,fi,.( /)'C ~a· 111~8:~~ PALMS"":'1,c;. ~ ~... . .. :-"" :~;...~\; ... ~ w .• ~~ .. ~~ ~-IT'TO. "!!,"'1 ·" Plld l.""U tv~-~ ~q·;::i . l A 2 BR.-Flool ' bl•to ....... ~ S!!!!AM ; ,5'20'-===541=--==iOl\i=~=l4tl4""'====Ull=~=i===-.::=~=====-==:f. ~ ITT E. 22nd St. 6'2-3643 -. crpJI. • $1.!0, :lill vDtr ....., l "Br. ; Ba. I " ! So!ue•Simpr.SC'4tnbledWOTdPaz:!ejoraChuck!c l80 INO. utn. Small !tom WllJtio!liC.IJ.-~ ~ l'tv patio. f apt. 1-.dult. !"NZ l5tti A UNiUfili. l Bft. spL;" ;r&a ~.Na afta.'Sl&--1£5 Si Q ~~' --mb~~ _,..old• "'°bo· Ne\vport. &U-558l Jtt., exttpHonally niCe; ~ low':' ~ ... fou;e:~i; words. pltlo, ·~pei, Cpt. ;Adults. t ~::::;:~;;:::~~\ Nowport ... di 4200 195126 ;;, 22nt1 St. M>-127< ~ I TH 0 I E R I /. F'URN. J BR. ape No N'INni'i .Redoc. I • 'S -u; (I I' ,. I I I ,,-_ ... , ... , " ..... 2'06\1 E. ··~· ........... Conv. ""'· · · • · · 16th. S1li ' Uf. ts-• Npt Beach '*-4664 LOE. 2 BR., l'li ~ 'ft/w I I I I I 12S -Sl.-ll>l: ..... "'" dJsP-9¥ OK. !14!1r16!1 L"!"n• ·at.eh · 5791 100 CLlff, DltlVE U:-.rul\Y FURN/UNFtJRN Y-Laa 1 Al iloinm. _ .. 8hcn•Sbooo Octon\lleW "'""~ ..... from $150 IDO 'QP. S... ' --·· f! I T I L I M I 3 BDRM. \I bll<. t;' bet ch: cptl., dl'iPOL Ito\>;· prlo. . • • _ 67>.3X9 eNe.•11Y Ptaftted• ~ ""· 2 8:11. •l-i115 lllAL llT-ATI; I 0 0 , l Nowpol't Shoreo 4220 217~A "'-totlo 11$-.(12) ft--rol F 1 l lhty even have o dri..,.in -_,.. ; I I' I I' church with a dri-.in c.onf.,. 2 BR.. Mobile borne. 2 blJta; J BR. .'Newly ltedff. New r -11--------~--· -mo. Adulll crpb, dapo. Bltno. 1121 mo. onto lo Wonted 59'0 t ....... !(Ind of • -and -~ ,.,... ~ - I thing. ool1 • .._'!Ml LOCAL Bank '"°'"'· wile il ITETROT l 1'15 . UKENEW•Br.nowo;pll .. A2chlldren-aclean, · A eo..>i.o. .,_ doodJo .-"-· .._,Mir 4250 !!: ... i:~.~c:=~ no •poclous S Br, .1!< Ila. '1' • I I I' I' I ~ ~, ..... u-. ~ ... _~.-.!!. ....-.... ~--"°""·"""• ... I>\>"' o..n. • -• • • -, •• .,_ :. ltoin No. 3 -~· i .bftrm apt. s mt.. 1~ ba. ChUdftn dtl Mar. -.1m !l, 0 ~:i"rn=.is r r r. t r r I' r I = :::r .:::r~t'"' ~. ~~ :'"'' l~ :M.: m~ • -2 BDRJ.f duP«'x mar t.:ach. Nt:W 2 Br. crp'd 6 drp'd bs i-•Mhle. 14 5 -4 2 14 ?, 6 ;:c.:i't"" '°'I I I I :AN~ I I I I -.. :~" ~~or~ a.....,'w""'i'im:o.,,L=-... -.. -.v1ew--.... • •-.......... .__. , ; a aa.Jl.Ak..·frlll.. dollCI a, a s ....... ~•/Jlldld (_scy.M-Lm A11SWERS IN CLASSIFICATION tOOO ==~~=--c.i::ii:suo::,· ~=~·,.. 1 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.~~~~~~~-1--'----~- ----------------------- ' • ' I ' .. • ) • -... . . ~ . ... ' • , . .. • ' . ' • NO MA TIER WHAT they're in the market for. our readers find the DAILY PILOT is the best place to put the bite on bargains. And they 'do it with the seme gusto as the gourmet here showing how much he appreciates the worts of the famed Alkmear Cheese Market in The Netherlands. You don't hove to travel so for to find good things to eat, nice things to weer, new appliances et bargain prices, a real car buy--or even a chunk of cheese. Just shop the "armchair market," the one our advertisers deliver to your door every day. - . . .. / • ·-1 • ·-· j .. •• ' ) ' DAILY PILOT I I , l•!iimlllliililf!illlilllll•l!lllliilillll!l•llli"*·iii~ ••.•..• ) .. *i;' ilsiil. it!VIYICI DllllCTOllY_ llllYICI DllllCTOllY JOU • IMl'l.OYMINT JOIS·" •u•LOYMIHT ,.-~-·~·~ll!!M~,~~:!:~w-m~· !!1":!"~"'!!15~·:£lM~~!lT~!!:!jDAl\~V~Pll.~!/1'~· ~ * * * * -w :--""'•. "!"~~~ • -~ .. , ... , C..,trtctwl "20 hwl'?f "'° Helot Wantoe. Mori 1200 "9et1cl ... W-U OO Itel':::...-• it.la W•ntM Help W.,,..., • ,..,., . • ltOOMS ADDtrlDl<S • • DnumUlllw·Al-tkm • FOREMAll • _.W=·=---'7-'.00.:.: w-7400 w-740I LT. O>mtnl<tbi -on u.... Mlrt iwu A6fllCY OUIOI '*-* rooms. kitcbra er * ..._.... * W UU. ""'... smoie lltO<Y .. " A•teinot•• ,.,.. Western p1au e11atom 4-..... ror TI Li, C:...mlc "74 Mechl.......01y Shift '" P•I• --1.--t. ,.,,... • v ... .,..., Sacly ............ lllO • unt, TUe Man * MUlt be ...__mk: _ _. ..... ~ it.111 .. Nf.,}Ml • ~.~ -~ ·--~·-~~ ~.., -v .......... ...., G I "'-.... --·· ..... iau It repa.ltt. ti.ve lhil: uuu .•• tD take l! .. ~,._, -• Alddi0ona • Remadtlinc No job '°° small. ,,...,. com"1ete ...i..~. ol am..... _..,,..,_,, • •• •• •• • •• • • • • -If 1red H. r~ Lie. b. , -~-' "'*'P Exec ............... to $!163 m.60C1 *._.. .. ~70 p&IC -• bower t and multlplti ipln-Ex9C See (tpllt) •••• to $$50 repair. 8ft-'1JPSr... 1 &Uto.4CtllW IZLacbint &ate See '(ti:iV) •••• \o $525 ADDn10NI -Remodelinl • W ldl I clttL ~ "I s..r. ....• lulfOll9h1 or NCR Operator \\'ill pol.( inventory control. Elqolrience ... -100, StnaimaUc or NCR macltlDe desired. T b r • • yean •xperirpc;t tn , rota.\. bw inventory \RI~ Ill or LVll NllDID PULL TIMI Apply Newport Ha rbor Conv•teocont ""plt•I 646-7764 Wh•ddyo W•nt? W........,1 Get! SPECIAL CLASSIPICATION FOii eutntta • llloclc n-. • •! 6'9t ,Onj>ae °"""I' ~ ~IP-/'l ............ !* Free Eatlrnalfl. 50Al:St -WELD--IN-'G'-•-a-·"'.-.-.-1;;•;.;';.;l • :-~ol ~:: m~ = ~~i;········ ~ ca..,.t C ... nlnt 6625 porta~e e q utl.Qm•at~ o~fotquali!'.o!dP8J'o JtltCp •••• to $4tlO Yff U-68CTL Y ·a ltOW I .. ' STACO, INC. HOUSEKEEPER Full Tlm.e -D•y Shltt NATURAL BOllN IWAPPEll$ Sptcl•I 1111• 5 LI"*' -5 ti,,_ -5 ltvcica omamental Iron. Ca ll ilofl bavln& rnanq.rl&l ~rkt,:;p~·(~p.ji)'.':t;,$350 CARPET I FUm. ciunlnc: anytlme. 53M'fU ca .. bWtlel u well aa p T ~-t t ( -• ) •- loe 1 41ay "rvt<a ••""'II> Joi$ & IMliLOYMiiNT ........ .,......_ kn ow> ·;.,;;u: • ..: .. ~y.··;!~ work. call Stttllnc tor J-• W • ed(e. Appllcantll mu 1 t Tech W.U.tratocl , ••• to $600 Comp. Oprs. 111' l•k"' St. CosteMeN 549-3041 • Apply in Peram Hwittnston Beach Cbnwlncent Hmpllal IUA.•I -AO MUST lft(LUDI I-Whet V9V lltYe .. fr... ~"""-' ~ Mll'I !ft trll .. 1-YOUlt .,._ •'""1• Hd..... • ..._, ·-f/f Mvtt*ia. briab11*11 ~ VIII anted, Mtn 7000 hav. at ltut 3 yean See/Lfpl-Probatci • , to $525 For short term iobt NO Glmie1! Best expert cpl R A D Elutrcin beam up. ~ p;perlence. Stc!Ltp).Trial •••• to p ,•tartins in Januuy '"""""o"""""1il)' empJoyv tam .Delawve St, Hunt 8ch HOUSEKEEPER. clliJd care. Penn. Pvt rm. ba. TV. Saler)' open. f.1ust Jove dilldren. O.w 2 ymq stril) 968-.))0 or 548-5121 J-MOTHIMO l'O• IA\,.I -tll.ACh ONLYI PHONE 642-5671 A furn ctnr. II tow<ll 1.1 yn Ele< .. Ne A II> Ex"'U.nt .,....U. po tau~ F .C. Btrllpe •••••••••••• 1500 pplJ lmmff, To Pl1c:• Your Tr1d1r'1 '•radlM M .l.iipri<e&:;';'i;:..,..._:;;..:.1'"':;:;:;·,.;..,_:;:.:m;;.::1..., I dustr1aL 'Fkw '° travel lal and ~ ber&-Exec~·········· to S500 DON'T JUST WISH tor aomethln& to fumiah )'OOr bome ... .find 11ttt bays ln todaya Oas.sified Ads. Ocean v1e1v tri-level un.11, duplt:x It comm. Incl vacant comtt lot. $25,000 Val. J..o. ted ln Morro Ba,y. Will trade for ? '!' '!' 64&-S682 ::ooc1 V\V combl '65 IV/1500 ... 38, 700 ml. For Pot&ehe, Karman Ghia or VW bui of Uke val\ll!. .... _ 10 units Wilmington $200. net per mo. income. Trade T.D.·~. land, or ? Aaent/ owner. 646-2629 or 21].. 434-59;9. l\laui 1-la'.1."a.li -near new home $69.500. free Ir clear. Tracie for J or 4 BR home Corona del Mar Hiah School dist Salisbury Rlty 67l-8900 60XJOO lot, free, clur. 2362 Santa Ana Ave. Trade for home or unil!. Owner, H. Redfern. 449 W. Manchest- er, lnale~·ood, Cal. Have: l2Q Ac. clear In Call!. $.300 pe; Ac. Want: Nt:W• port Beach income or home, or Palm Sprinp. Matcham Realty 646-4837 10 Unit Mottl $39,000 equity for ro· .. Ln.od..AJl.IA. e~ Boyd Realty 6~5930 Have IW<ury J.sty, condo 'on Upper Bay, N'pt Beach. 3 BR .. 2 b&. $24,txXI Equity. Want seasoned T .D. 's. Owner CIU) 941.·ll68 * * * Newport t>uplu, 200' to WAU. TO WALL ear,>et 5'1-0ru er 1213> l3&o-DQ tits. Send complete re-Girl ~ ··· ·•••• to U'.lO Wtttern Girl, Inc. beat!b. WW nde equl~ c I it. DI n I .. • x p. r t •wn• al backcround. ed· Se(fttuy •.•••••••••• $450Up 1lUI Harbor Bl., O.ta .lt .. IW aood Larun• .......,. _....,, e1 ...... 146-11'0 .Id Wanted, L•dy 7020 ucatlon and oatary re-Socrotaiy .............. ~ 146-1'51 or...,_ tlal Jot. P-0. Box tUJ, CARPET I. tuniitun JeanO qulrtmenm to Genl Offtct •.••• , , •.• to $450 1--------'--'- Huntlnrton Beach. 1n4l lll&'. la¥ina: 6. repair, call TROUBLE SHOOTER Box M"11 The 0tJJ.v Pilot Gt11l 00\Coe ....... , 1t1 $425 M6-<I015 Own.r. Ol.rou.ard Catpitt. MM65S Just rnovtd 11> On.nat> a, Girt l'riday ••..•••••••• $403 t rod• My lllut Book area fn>m Beverly 111111 • *CARPENT!RS* E.,...w Tntnee. .... lo $350 llKtri I 6640 wish to find ~ u it ab I e $tempt for Your Green ca employment. 18 )T'• exp. 410 w. Coaat lli&hway Newport Beach 6f6.3939 St1mp1. 536-3249 n.AG Dtctrle. lfll'l elfo. in \Vomen's Sporta~ar. '65 Ford Pickup %T. ideal Criciana. Comt'I. res., Owned own lhOp in Bevttly for camper. Auto. t:ranL Maint. Sm joba w • J c. HUis for 10 yr. Alao dHl&n-~tarlea, many •• to $5.'0 TM• for TD. boa~ Iand.1 =-=-;;=====-I ed 6 mla'd own lino o! EXPLORER Fi C Bookkeepo• •••• to $500 With mobll1 home expert. enec. Excellent bmtlita. Apply in...- Serviloft. ~ 31st, N .B. 1 • cuuals. Box. M656, Dally CollecUon.tnaide • • • • to SSOO 613-6020 G•rd•nlnt 6"0 Pilot MOTORHOME DMV ••· •••••••••· •• • 10 1415 n0cc.~::>11n>;;::;n;i1'i1o~ti"i10::,,.tncom;;;:;:;;;;;,;[ ::::.:::=!---,....::::::I ADVERTISING G i r 1 Medical RtcDt ••.••• to $450 HOSTWES Full Time APPLY IN PERSON 9to5P.M. REUBEN E. lfE 151 E. Ctut Hl9hw•y Newport leech • Apple Vlly lot tor TD, ANTHONY S rrtanq'ement· -publle rela· Gtnl Otc, many .... to $425 car/nloble hm • 12/unlts G1n:len StNice Uona .. ,,aharp COP>'.-~ •ooo C1mpua Dr. Auto Cuh~r •.•.•• to i.oo '•--------• for hse or duplex. 548-U68 646-1941 artlal Evenlnp. ~ er Newport le1ch Dental As1t •••••••••• tO $350 l' Doy.le eo .• eves 81>1911 BUDOET LANDSCAPING \\Tift Box P...-. o..uy PUot1________ 1YPllbl, ml:'Q' • .. ·'· to $!50 OpenfftCJS for: Trade 20 Ac. qrlcultural Prune '·· Plant··· Prepare PERM rtL .. ,bk:pr, p n'l Trneoe Underwtl.~r •• to $346 • (ashier land, 600 ft. on main hwy. Monthly !:.,-!~ ore.. typing. No lht-hd. YOUNG Tmee ~ .. Ole •••• to ~ • Usherettes 6 mi to neueat sm town nr Exp. Hw-1.11,.-w.turial Some med. frt ofc. NB area. fRY COOK Oil Trnee ~,r 11 •••••• to ..--., e Candy Olrla Reno. AL'S Gardeninl' Servic• 613-8Sl6 KITCHEN TltAINEE Trnee Recpt.s ...... to S32:S A. ty S 2 ... I -• --ta-Tmre Tray Girl •••• to ms ,..pp •t 54&-2209 ...,.wn maintenance. " .. ~ LADY In 30'1, liv~ com· M I _ _. .?t1od 20 ac bot'M! ranch, ful. irw .I: dean upa. 646-3629 panion/bskpr, Lquna am. PermanMt. Full time job. Ttntt NU1'9H Aidff •• to $281 r, rniney JAPANESE ~-~ -·--~ p 0 ·--67 a.a-'" advaooem••L ALLSET AGENCI' EDWARD'S ly dev tr track, 2 .,'dis, 3 ~ ... e .... ,. ·~"" . . DU.I. 4. , .. _, .... Bch Costa M,.. M . L • I ---APPLY IN PERSON ·~ \V. 19th CINEM & * Hourlr Teller * .Hourly llCR Proof Machine Oper. EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Bonk of Amo•iu NT /SA 11691 Mein St. Huntt~ton leach 147-3541 XT. 34 Equal opportunity employer Waitress APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Ad•'"' Cost•MeN· houses, 1'4 stalls, 9M ft barn a1nt an"' s ~a p n I BJ!~ I TC, !H le ()<pin&:. .,., A .$95,000, $55,00l eq • For Cleanup. 5.17...el . tr 6: electronics, 20 yn. IOl'S llG IOY 642-6752 H1rber et Adams LYN' eomm'lor !Own6'7S-1259. JAPANESE Gard e n e r. exp.536-7248 Garden Grove C.O.tt MeN S Trade 17 ft Perfonntr out· OJmplete S e r v Ice. Ex· D A y w 0 R K / bt.bysltthlj: ~· l~th St 12291 Harbor Bl\'d. 3 to 11 & 1 f to 7 board, (flbttglus) for full perienoed. Reliable. 642""'581 .._ _ _._. .. " .. ,,. ta eu. ~ Ind Rell1f w a1•1-.. """'"• ....,; own tranl, MOTEL MAIDS Full &: part time. 1967 Newport Blvd., CM LIVE-IN housekM:per tor elderly couple; m a t \I re V.'Om&n pref. 6C2-U60 Jobe Men, Wom. 7500 "SERVING FOR 39 YEARS" W• C•n Find Tha Rl..t.t Spot ,.,. y.., '1rs Not Luck" "Ira Know How" FEMALE DIVISlON Sales .................. SS.."'fl Medical Ofc. • •• , • • • • • • $400 ~· Ottlot . • . . . .. . • . • • $3frO , MUI Trainees . .. . . .. • $300 l\tALE DIVISION "Tlmt Ketper .......... $407 Construction (~) •• S390 Ship I Rtt. Tm ....... $346" "We t\a.ve many good joll9 waitina: for you" SOME FREE SOME FEE MERCHANTS PWOlllEL or part payment on carpet, cut 4' Edge Lawn (d. ref. 835-G7 ·1----------The Newpert Penonnal WAIJR"'ES New ronvalHcent 1-.pit.al. drape•, """""•"""'· reno-Main!'""'"'· Lico""" MECHANIC Tompor1ry Apncy u.1 Schedn1od lo -end at ina: or ? '!' 6(2-4980 aft 7 pm 54&-W/6'5-2310 aft 4 Journeyman 1Dechardc, o. OU l lJ;,...., -....... Jan. Apply in pel'llOO. 393 %0U W~tclitr Drive HAVE ; 5 two BR u.nita, arr A:·edae mm CClllr1PI OemaeticHllp 7031 pertenced.J'li'tl,p Cll'. DO-n.:'(~~-~~':r~ lxparlen~ll • Ovar 21 H01pltal Rd. COrQeJ" New-Comer~th~~ine . 1arages, $33.000 _.equl.ty. Mn'ice. Uc. 5ti-&1161· ewer ~ llve-iM.. Cheerful rneslic. one or ~ oldest Ja:r.menta clost: to home. 3. Al'PL y pOrt l Hospital Rd. N.B. Newport Bet.ch 'VANT: to exchanie tor 10 6: weekends n-ForeJan car tetVice depart~ s --1-1 benefits 6: bcmWJea. \VANTED: Q U.: 11 f led m. Ofll-• in -" of I ,:=:=~======-~11:nnanent. Experienced t ~--Co ~-~ AMIGOS --tG-16 units.-F"!f:_!P~·-;:-~··-~-ef..=-~~~~en s tn ......... _..,.. • 1t .-t Reailter:..now! dlvldual to do income tax ~-"'-·-• .. BobObo,."Rli.. 516...SO Oener1I S.rvlcff 6612 : -·-··~ ... .,,;-w ..... t,.woil<u.oo 133 Don• Dr., N.11. ffifu-ni. --riia!vri!Uat;"·-v¥-~ - Beaut wooded bldg•)Ota, 11'. -per hour, pa.y bued on 50/ 642.3170 F1mlly IHtaurant P~pa. Corporatkml.l.,=========I on yr-round rtver pvd rds HEATING• Afr Cond. SftY Halp Wanhd Man 7200 503· Excellent workin& con-•>====o.;e"=== I 421 E. 17th St. Full or part time. 0?ntactl:J~o~Mii~Mt~n~,iWiiom.~i7i500~1 pwr. Lake Succe~. PortU: A repajr, also Washer A ' ditionl. Must have own hand For Personel & C J. B. SaundenKm. Western vtUearea.Tt-odet...&plaC< dryec repair. >I i........ UJIERIMEllJAl tools. Call ·"'· Ke lly, conlld•ntl1I pl• .. ment Ht• MeN 642 ... 262 Bustneu s.r.ic. Iii<. "63 • RfiL ESTATE airplane. A&:ent 642-5495 842--7237 or 847-5681 49"'9771 or M5--06M. -W. 19th SL, C.M. ~ A * * HAULING. Cleanup rar ... •. MACHINIST. S YOUNG MEN • V1tfque • SECRETARY $46-USO 64><!212 SAWMEN * odd JObs etc. Free est. Jim Pl1c1mant Agency _ V/OR~ IN C4M. Inves~te the Uniq\le .,.. 111!.ll!.!lll!!!l!ll_ ------=. anytime •, OVER 20 S42 W. 19th St., C.M. $421. to $545. SECRETARY to&-Lepl II> portttnlllea with N ......... ANNOUNCEMENTS SERVICE DIRECTORY u. II 73 ~o. No pnxtuclloo line. DI-took!nr '°' • tut= with a 64Ul31 2 Poaltlon. Xlnt opportunity ......., A NDtull Fund wt .. 1 rrowins .--i end NOTICIS ntrU ng I 0 veniified experience requil'-quality pie shop. \Vlll train --------Lor aharp yna: tirl Friday. work. Requh'e aborthand 4' marketinc orpniution. Ree- ------------ --"'--'-------1 ltbyslttlng 6550 CLEAN Lo ed, S yr. minimum. Attrac-for seven day operation, alx ---------Elec twewriter, abortband. mlllt take ~. Sal. identlal/Commttclal Penoneli 6405 ts, rartaes etc. tl\'e waa:~ and benefit£. day schedule. Many beneflu. Halp W1nted Min 2 yn: 6Wct exp. Full aey open. Write P.O. Box PROPERTIES WEST 1--==-----"-I BABYSITTING my Mme. 1'1t~ removal, dump, lk:1p Advenced Klnetiu, Inc. Ap~ 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CSee Women 7400 benefit.II. I Coroaa dfi.J Mar Cali1 • Selective Sin;;les • Pref 5 days wk. C.~f. area. ba~, tiU. I r ad •. 1231 Victoria, Od Bob) at: s2a25 • 1Q2S 8ayaide Drive What type of companion are Reuonable. 549-3159 952-87tj 6f6..Il65 Vi'1 Pie Cott•.. Gov@rnment Agency In Ort. LAUNDRESS N~ Beach you 1ttkln&:'!' Call DEPENDABI..E day care. LITE Hauling: l cleanup. An equal opportunity 191 E. 16th, Costa Meu. ADVERTISING Co. Call 5f0.291.0 or 962-2U7, 64:1-9676 Noon to I PM Pref. wkly care of 2..f )Tl. Reuonable. Ml .area. can ernp!O)'er SOLID 1 N c 0 M E OP-Mr. Sllv-eater. full time - ALCOHOi.i<» ..... ,....,. Lie. fu"'' s.ru. 516-1539 -2651 PORTUNrrv ,., .... 1n Secretary/ Auto Lrwic• ~~"... ~h ~ Phone 542-Tn7 Cir write to BABYSITI1NG, my home, TRIM, bedze, tnee. Gen. CAREER Beach Cltit-1 area. Cuh ... ...,., ~ P.O. Box 1223 Costa Me1&. days only. Xlnt references. clean-up, name U! I haul. bonua and frinle bendtbl Cashier Convaletoent Hmpital SALES ~fEN OR WOMEN Announcements 6410 WALTER Bur(r:as &: AlllOC. bit a bronze f!Iedalllon Home at 1007 Marlnet=s Dr. N.B. Funer1l1 6412 WESTMINSTER MEMORIAL PARK Mol'lu•ry 6 C~met•ry Complete funeral• ,,.... $245 Cemetery lots from $150 lnclutles l:.ndowment care Ev('[')'thi.nc In one bnutituJ pl.a.~ me.an& leu cmt. No tra!flc problema. lfSOl Beach, WtlUDJnstu 531°1725 893-2421 C1rd of Thinks 6416 F'""" yd. 96M764 / ... .,,,.w •. W-"'311 OPPORTUNITY! available. No experle""' Bookkeeper Daily ..... mmma,,,. Wlr• 13192 Oelawv SI .. Hntr Bd> V.'OULD like child 3 yn: or HAULrnG, 'clean-uP le J oin todeys faatut erowinl: ~ed. Full or part ttme. nnty repair orders. ~f us t WANTED: A.utmnotive omee older to care for" my borne melnt.; no job too nnalL profeuioo-Mutual Fundules Air maU C. 0. Byu, 1 have recent e~erw:e. mane.pr. Co m plete Mon-Fri. 675-7290. Reas. rates. rn.-6549 Eves. No experience n~ Cont0lidated P I: V Corp., l.eaponslble, top level 642-7098 knowledp of automotive wru. babysit lN YOUR H' I In. - 6705 We trabt • tun or Sl*-f1 time E. Ohio Bide., Cleveland, petition for 1h1rp, t1k• I 'co=M~B~IN-A_T::IO:.N=:...Sharp___ i eneral led1er thtu finM- HOl.fE any bour $1.25 hr.; ousec •..!'! I • Mvtv1I Fund Aclvlnn, 1....;0.chl:.:0_•:.:•";::'~=~--chargei girl. Must have M.uts &: Go Go nan:: ~~ staterMnt :•&al')'. 24 hr. rates. 54&-1389 * APT. CT..EANING * Inc. PART TIME exc1ll1nt s k 1111 Incl. Top wqes '3.00-$3.50 to Robin.o~M;_7781 M r · "'=----Fast &: thorouih MUl&t Npt a 1803 Weatclltt 6CUt22 • COOK WANTED • shorthlnd; h1ndle Ute 1tart. Ph. for int SG-9983 =;2~;;?.;:.:.::;.--- lrlck, Metenry-, .tc. WIU.IAMS Cleanina Serv. S.A. 1212 N. Broadway Hunttncton Seacllff bkkpt; billing. Under SASSY LASSY. 2901 Harbor, SECRETARY, Governmnit '560 , SC'l-13.11 Country CJub 35. (111 l1rber1. (714} .c"-.M'--'-. ------contracts experience, fa,Jt, 2 licenaed Salespeopie need· ed now • .Actlw, wdl-located office. Good prcenta.ge. CLIF PRIEST, RHltor ~1951 3CC4 E. Cout Hwy., CiM (TI4l S'lS-3581 ---·-·-- --------='-! lronln 6755 * SALESMEN , 5J6..mi6 642~10 1 n t elllrent. Radl&tromea. BUILD, P..emodel, Repair g * Must h!-over 21 years old. Executive Secr etary 18142 Teller, NB. ~2100 • COOK • Brlck, block. c o n c r e t e , EXPERIENCED J r 0 n i n 1 ~st exclusive mortaaaae Could develop into full time. ~WOR Top s.ldlls required, attrac· (actOSI from Oraoae Cowl~ • ___ ,, UlSUn!r, represen~ over CALlFORNIA •·~K ti • -·'bl "!Int •~) PPLY 011ntry, no )Ob too au>ILU· Sl.15 hr. Re f it r e n c e 1 300 A vlnrs and loan u:aocia-TV TECH, COLOR .!>Al• ve .. res ........... e. " • ~~:="~':':: .. '===---A Lie Contr. 96:M!MS ~7330 or 646-3409 lions. No prospecttni, no Bench 4' outs1de. ?rtajor Co. mum startinr aa.lary $600. HOUSEKEEPER. Live ID Newport Harbor collections. All leads furn. benefits, pak1 holidays, life seek:a ateno/typitt for trust Pbcme for •PPt. 64.7-0970. motherless bome ln 1.qw1a. Conv1le1c1nt Ho1pltal C=.:;-:.<:..::;;n.:.;t•~•.;.IOf~-_;65;.:;.;.90~ 1 ,L:;;•;;.nd;;;.o••:;;•:<p:;;l•:;,l~ _ _: .. =10 !shed. u you a.tt a top ales-1r: med. ins. and sick leavt. dept. Muit take dictetion, FOTOMAT D•I-Thru 2 children, 1~ 1 3'ii. Jrhlt --=~64c;=2,;'7c.7"'64"'=~--p•c~·RO ELL usisl of f icer, enjoy ... SPRINKLIRS man and • load closer, call: ,.. -I cu st 0 mer c 0 n 1 act Photo sales, evening work. drive. Prtl are 2$ to 4& GUARANTEED CARPENTRY & Sod La\vns. Lie 6: (7lfJ 962-816l u7 Cabrlllo Coe:ta 1.feu. Pmna.nent a are er ~ 3 to 9 pm.~ 19-22. Sal open. 549-llot ext. 115 INCOME 1.ftNOR REPAIRS. No Job * 542.zm •"""°"4'flF $1.500 IN A 1of0N111 in· YOUNG mu 18 Of' over, po'l'ttmlty' for q u al ified 201 E.17th SI., CM &f2..5J01 daya/ 49f..629!1 'fk ends. For Real Estate licenteea Too Small. cabinet in 1ar-COMMERCIAL " resMlentlal t rts you .•. )'DI.I tnwreat part time to train far foun-p e rs o n. !!i a I a r y com-HOUSEKEEPER, Ch l l d BUSINESS lB Good! Jamaica durln& trainlllc period in ac- qes & & the r cahlneta. Gardentni: le LandlClplna. UL Openin&: tor man over Wn "-'Ork • cook. 11ll! Zoo, mensurate v.ith ability and catt, live-in, to love 2 •mall Inn Hotel needl l or 2 more tlw Harbor Area OUice. For '6-8175, if no answer leave Joe CorTal 962-4'164 · 40 in Buch Cities area. Coa.£t Hwy &: MllcArthur, experience. C.Ontact R. C. happy boys qea 2 le 4; mekls; full or part ttnw. lnte:rview, seM back;rolmd msg at ~2372. H. O. No Qptrfence re q u i re d ::Cd::M:.;.,.-----~~ AthertO•• lovely nn. S day1 wk. Meu .Apply ln pmion. 2101 E. l quallllcatlolll to: Aoomon P•i:rhan1lnt CUI> OODU8H .... mall H. JANITOR WORK v • .ie. 540-<l910; 54&-'51.I °"'" Hwy. CdM or call SALES TRAINEE ,. ntl .. 50 E. Pate, Pres., Texas Ne\\'POrt Centtr Branch HOUSEKEEPER, Uve • trr; fot app't. BOX p 654 A.1 I "I Refinery Corp., Box'"' Ft. Older man. Call aft Securi'" Paclttc Nat'I. Bal'lk DAILY PILOT ,....., 1 so 546-3102 o.z woman alone, handicapped; WAITRESS wanttd ll 6 Carpentry. any iize jobl Vt:T'S Bonded pa In t Jn I . Worth, Tex.a& 7610L : pm. S50 Newport Centtr Dv. nD llftln&. S25 Wk. Call Moo. over, full 6: part time: Ap-* DRIVERS * Call Gordon 847~745 Frte Eat., Lie. 4' Insur. WANTED: Quall tied in. LAMINA.TOR w/surf. board I -~-N,,ew~po7.•t_De_,ach .. .-dq 642-ml ply in penon 2 PM to 5 N. Ex rl REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS Small jobs welc o me. dlvldual to do income tax &: •mall boat experience. Appflc1tlon1 Being NEEDED: E"'p e r l•n ce PM dally~ Snack Shop Jr. 0 pe ence CABINETS Any aiu job 642--0477 · returns. I n d iv l du a I a ~te Syite~, Inc. 1916 TAKEN Seamttrea. Call 497-13l5, Harbor 6..19th, CM Neceuary! 25 yn. ~. 54M"7u VINYL wall cover l n 1 Partnenhlpi, Corporations. ntla .Ave., .M. FULL TIME betweelnt n ll Ir 5 PM far EXP~"'~'CED s , "'"I Muat bav• clean c.automia :..C:~:,;<.:'-'---':::.=1 ·~•list • klt. 1: baths. • Full or part tlmt. Contact FULL time porter, 5 daya EMPLOYMENT an eryiew. , •• ,~·~-. ~. drl~ ~rd. Apply 1.IASTER carpenter, $4 ptt Malerial &: labor. Elt. J . B. Sa.wxienon. a week. oo age llmll. Apply Penn"'-nt 0 .. 1~ ..... ,..,.,. .... .-.,...,... .r.;w · b:>ur. Remodeling. ~pairs. &17-1659 Wes~rn Business Serv. Inc. DesmonW, No. 3 Fashlon "° itudents ':'p-refer,~aturt':. BAKERY aaieagirl, no phone trainee9 belfll" acetptied. YE LOW CAB CO. 642-6409 or 5l6-3900 563 \V. 19th St., C.M. Jtland. N.B. Liberal vatatlon pay. Mt>rit calls. I!'! t e r v le w a at 2901 S. Oak, S. A. T:»-3:30. 186 E. 16th St. PHONE MArl: 6 4 2-9 719 .• INT -E.>.'T, .ANY SIZE S§.1250 64U212 ~Ex=~=---"'~=-.--.-coo-k_w_l_th -·-··· em..i--... di.coun•• Flores cnce Bakery, 819 l9th HOUSEMAID. 4 4',ya/wk, g. i-==-°"'-=''"'.::M.caa=.--Fram' fin. hi--i •• board JOB. Xlnt ~wk, ttfs, fret ...,,...., ... ~ .. , ,...., t'-.J''"" -. t, .~t. See Mr. KnJiht. hnJday $2 hr PartlcU1at fl.AGUNA Bit h U l f I d '---------I, •·-'-n~t' ,.~. ::op··,~. Re'··. eat. JI~(. &U-4669, 642-1528. • INSTRUCTORS -FuU Werences. Hours 7 to l live day week. APPiy Man-EXPER W • · • ac n e ...... ., ....... AM ..... ..... or/and part time N I oman lo day cani Do all hous •work. Scbool District ii .......... 11 ..... C.-tery L~ "11 PAPER HANGlNG ' ea ap. Benton's Cofltt Shop, day, Wedne«l;V, 'n'lurtday I 5 k I d -·• ·• ..... Vl• -pearance M t be ble to or 1 "tt per o Rell:reooes.~ ' a pplications ror Lab THE Parents, three slsteri and grandparent a of Spec1alis! 5 Roger L. BroWn would like tv expreas their deep thanks a n d ap- preciation for the many kindne5ses llJ1d e:qitttsklns or symriathy sho\\'11 them by lhcir many wonderful friends in this area. 1---'--'--'-----'-'-" C1rptntry Work PAlNT"'G · 111 a 133 So. Coe1t-HhY)', l.agUJ'la and Friday. 9:30 tD 4:00. .etn.k'e'--u .... _,_.,d '__ 1 PACIFIC v· ., p ·~ --t= "' -· and deal with the F. w. w..:-'-L·-rth --~ ·--SALESLADY "" M-~--Aaeletsnt. 1!i hn ..,. wi<. U!W n em. artc, •;anu:u. n<U• ....,.., 67>-a'.)43 -·bllc ~ .,__ A ... PART Tltnt>. &Dy, eolt dub UlillfWU 613--2557 ,.~., A " Is t ~ us bol 4-gn burial I .... ., ........ U& ... "' . PPv ---------alore, J, C. Humphries;. pp .. can mua "" , , ~cr~494~;~v•s. P oL C1m1nt Concrete '600 P .AlNTING. fntt:r.-uttrior Ln ~n Holiday. Hulth '= equipment a t ten d • n t 2300 Harbor IJvcl. WOULD You like to make Jeweler, 1823 114 e w t 01 t · dtizen. Ple&lll! c n ta c I ' State lie .• bonded. n. Spa, 2JOi Harbor Blvd., ~~2i0 Ana Country Oub. rosTA. MESA '3 $5. -hr. u BEAUTY Blvd.. C.M. ~ I PnoMel Ottlce. S50 Blu- SERVICE DIJllECTOlltT * t'ONCRETE v.'Ork. Bonded nthnatn 64J....023l C.U. ---------1 COUNSELOR? No can-BOOKKEEPERS ;part t.\the tnonl ' 494-8546. bet ore I Licensed. Concrete sa.wtnc INTER or Ext PAilfl'ING, CARPET Cle • FRY COOK . App I Y, v&Jlin(, STh--0809 "'"ul ar --i~ to ~ 1117/69 6550 Phllllps Cement. 548-638() -n..n •rn.. SERVICE , ~• antr trainee. f1vln& Butler !lat Newrort EXPERIENCED --.ERlEN -... _ 1-------~..,.~ I --'-'-'-"'-=----'-"' ~·~v ~ '?'ng mam.. man i; to Bl;,i. N.B. m.-~ CED Operaton on Income tax ,......, call • MAN 01! WOMAN • CEMEfll'T work. no job too ftt FREE ~•t. 548-1121 ~ No exp. llfC. Good ER 2 Installment wanted tor dreuu. Top -..im or S31"6U3 25 to 60 small, reuanable. F re e workln cond. tm1 benefit.!. BARB /Mir. or rent Credit Clerk Pl,y. 8i3 Production Pl., NB. CASHIER l. CoucuO:>'n p.1, School • Home. coordinatina YSIT Dt,ys, my home. Mon-Fl'l, 18 mo. Ir up. Vic '4th &: Seuhore, N.B. l75-644t; Care loT mothen wt\o ha\'t: to 'Avrk and dOn'I want to leave their ctrllc:ln:n juat an)'\\ilcJ"C". 646-1662 atlm. H. Stullidl'.. 54S-8615 won tntn lead man peel-cha1r establlahed 1 h0 P · ~ Must be u Or older. A-i..: wort. 10 m 30 hn. a week. • BEST 1N CON,...........,. Pl•1teri11n, r• -· .. ' 0 ''°"· Xint op-·"l+v ,_ $37.SO week. 6'6-2MC · ' "'"" School h··-• •-··-~·~ ~·· ~ w• UNITED CALIFORNIA 01!:NE1tAL Otcto.-.t.. dHk. Port ""'""'· °"""".de! ' , c -~· "' ~~-~ \\'alka, pool decks. floors, • PAT'S Pluterifll: • all rlabt ptt'90n, ~24Z BOAT Builders -part time. BANK Ov. 21. ~fature w/pleu. Mar, aft. 6, t:ves. work helpf'lll. Posittons Im· Patios Phone ·~" 0~14 ..... _, ~ ••-at """" . Evet Ir: weekends. Ex· ~ voice. tor comm, PHONE SOIJCITING medlatdy avall. if accepted. . ~ .,,,,.. . .-'"'' es""' e .......... JANJTOR terv1ce, full time ....... ~net' nect:I'"'""""· l'B--2:117 NC job too large Of' innall. fW0....6S2j nl11ht man. Must have exp.1-"~::;;"c,,:,:.:::=::c-='"'-~ 222 OcMn Avenue blueprint •hop seo-9373 No experience necenary. ~~ ::a,, expert11e. Licensed Ir: lnlur'l!d. Fl'M Jn Door catt, w Ind ow KENNEL ?\{an, t:xp. prefer-Le1una S..ch GlRL Friday; J)aYl'Oll, typ. Holiday Heall!\ Spa %JOO --::--:--::--·--,.--- eal 892-2900 or ~156 Plumbln 6190 washirig &: general cleaning. red. steady, Hra. open, 494-6546 1111", accl'a payable I tlarbor, Coata Mu. Reil Est1te Sales Thoryk Concnte, 00 Job I Pan 1'1n.e help allO needed ;,64>-3MO"-,."---~~~-~ Equal opportunity employer recelv1ble. Space-Tek. 1922 Coltmetic-DRUG /Mn I Woman tn small. F\"ee eltimatea. PLtn.IBING 24 hr. Rt'T. 549-242:). Dishwasher-Week day• 6 to DRY CJ.e .... 1.,8 count« '"'"'"11. Placentia, O.t. 642-7263 Clerk. experienced. Ex}landl1la qaJn. ouic. # • 6f6..1234 • Work auar. Uc., lnlur.; KITOIEN He 1 per + 2 PM. Odin Restaurant, ...... ,. .... HOUSEKEEPER. 11 v t -1 n e 6'15-(5M • 4 opentrw1 avallahle tor CONCRETE work. all types. remodel. repair, rooter aev., dlalnrUhinc. 5 daA 1 olbt. 212 E . 17th St.. C.M. Call ~~ noon motherleu home. Newport TEAQIER want& babylltter lic:enled tneh A women. ,Jn.. Pool decltl It CUltom. Call 53l~r;a Owr 11 yrs old. eeit Terry ARCH , DRA,TSMAN OPERATORS Blind stitch-area. 2 Ollldftn, aan 14-11. wk~YI ln oo~. Udo Isle, ttant income' lrall:Ww· Mr M.1--tm PLUMBING REPAIR ln dd.I. 49S E. 171.b St., Inna Point 00\ce 48W31J hand flnlstwn-Oannerit ta.c> Prefer under 40. s..n-1450 Ref.~ m..a848. .Aft. S =· Sprln1 Ru.II;)', •CUSTOM PATIOS e CCOCf"ef• •'lt'b'w i removal SUtle Lie. • ~iou No job too mall _c,,.M_·=-=-====-tory exper. &c2-3l66 N.B. ELECTRONIC ~y BA.BYSlTTER, Mature OlQ' • • ""121 e • BOAT CARPENTERS 4qenci ... Wemen 7IOO HAIRDRESSER I SOLDERING. I mo's OX· home. 5 d4ys. 0.-n tftnac, .• SA.l..!:SP!X>PLE. Ne & t, • MW. MEN Oittturea M Ft'rnme, 17414 per. Apply In ptf'IOn l5l ~boys. 64S-1El aft I p.rn. pod apl*fVIC!t. I-. &o e ASSEMBLERS • KEYPUNCH • D W. L!lh SL. C.M. ""' .......... Jen.tn Marine Corp. OPERATORS Btach Bl\•d., H .. 842·111:'1 fit.ANJC\IRlST HOUSEKEEP'Er..nunet &kl. HoJWey HNJth 5,_ 230 ~~ C.M MANICVRIST w·-Llve In S days wk. $2SO needs-· Wo •-•· Bl.bys.It fJ\)' home. t lamedet ... leP1lr, •MO or 2 ctlldrn b'Om a.c;e 11• Chlhll Cera 6610 IF Yw Died f'C'QOddtnc. on. Fl'lt'ed yrd, eood rneala. -By \\11; only. 6'5--2187 YOUNG tifothtr ~ill care painU:Qs ar 1'tp&in.. Call tATURE itlrla '"ill babysit tor J'Ollf ct\lld . .F't'nctd yard Dick. 642-l797 ~vet in )'OW' home or O\IR; bot luncl'liK. Ma,cmUa 6 Ll-l--"60 O"A'l'I trans. N.B. area pref. Adami ~Glen Mar ..,,._dl,1:-::.:•:::.:",.!...o~:,._,, _ _::;.:: I 6·U.-2856 HB JU..5M5 Al..TERATIONI I Custom AB\'srrrtNG My borM. I WILL bab)'alt. mJ home, t>tlMmlktQC. VU"/ I In e Reuon11ble. Collep Prk· ! day1 •'eek. :rM5 AM.htbn ....ant. App't. 5"-110I area. fCXX') st&-7090 Ave. .• CM. 60-MS.2 Alteration• 642.SMS ARGE your wan! ad now While Elep~ntB? .. -'9QICl", ' Alpha neunwr\CllJ, Lon1 Ari'~ CdM 6'73--0aiJ u_., REA1. ESTATE. Sbouldn't term auWuntnta. days. O>Wures de Femme, 17tl4 • IG7800 • mo. area. no exp, 'nee. ~ m SIP" )'Oil be HllJw tbe botteat , __ Beach IJ"ta. Fr e • Beach Blvd, H.B. 142-lllS lb! Hou.ekeeper, llvt'4n. llOll, %JOO Hattier Bhd., c.M. ....,. "' Rtspons e woman IO CU'I $25. per .,,., A'~~ •rt& ~ Beach? .. rltin(. MAID, Exper, OVtt 30, 6 ,., \0 month old--""' u.. • .... ~ vw,.. llnl -.. ltlM411 KELLY S!llYICES INC. da/wk. part time. 11.15 .... home . .......,.,..,L-~ 96>-1&32 • NEED MONEY ., 11'\p,..,. or *-l!Ol 230 E. Inf Strfft •94-Wt ~ Bch BAR Maki; Ml tlmt, nlthta. fam1b" budfetT AVON DMdl Cal 1 Part time help, Ovw Z1 mu.t be reUablt. A.9'PlT you to N'l'V9 Qlltomen. Cell MAL!: Adull, to re a Jt t t.ona Bea.ch. I • Maki. Lacuna Reef Mot ti, 11 "S 9u• -· -~ ' -K-~ K'I. MM910 '40-11>11 ot ~ ~ft dellwritl and do odd Jc>b-. 1213) -..-e111rl 30806 S. Coat "Hwy --•-•v ~· Full tlme. M•I beve car. Equal opportunity emploJV • 499-~ • -IAIYSITillt RN'• and LVN~ "APT. Mfr. want up. qil. Apply 3111J Newport Blvd., fllb1"lon Vltjo. IJ7..J7iT HunQnrton Beach a.rta. NOW! Ntw dh. 11'.1 unU CJ4. Nt\\l'(rt Br:acll DAU.Y PlL01' WANT ADS! SOCK rT TO '£1\1! OWtGE m 847..-n • S300 Plus .,it. f15.U93 --'-------· I ---------- 5! .o.111.y ~ILpT Wl'llnttdl)', Jjou117 1.5.19!>9 l 1111i~ f.Oll r5;R l•E rvR ME~<(H\'t,°151 FOR MERl';HA~SI ~R ~RCHA!{filS~ , 'VS .... LIYESTOCIC -· . r SA ANO ~ '.QLE 'ANO ~lt,\01! • ~l' JI D TRAI>& , SALE _A T .:,OM .. ~LllE /Ii. Q ...... ~ • • 1125 ' ,. Delly Pilo; Clo11ified • l '""""'"' ' -utnllvre IOoo Pl•-& Olot•nt 1130 Mlsc:tll,.oous •-· •-""".!. llAIU: 8'olrbiin ~. _ • • • , 1 • ~· ~ Januory Sptclils --'-'· .c -· -~...,.. -'CLA1SIFIED 'INDEX I ' I Spa111ifi · ~VE· 1,09fo MANUFACTURERS -DpMND CASH' llOWHll REGISl:IWm .c • uul\ ' ,....,...,,,..,... -.....,. ... •• 14'4-• . ~ FLOORMOOE~S ,QNLY 1 ''MAMY~NY FINANCE COMPANIES idd>. ll mo.1ti5:a1h1'6. , ' • ' f!tedltenapew ' ~~0~!,;'t?~0~! $250,000 lnyenlory M~I Go 1111 ::, ~~~ . , Plioees Ale op.. 8:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m. ~hi Manufacturor's '68 Show"'°"' Somplt• • ' ,..._ ''830 • • • 8' w.:i1r~~ 'di::, 'Ts':'" =•hair ~r=-Sp";'i.:~ PUBLIC AUCTION 'YR A:QJI..\. "'-~ -9 to Noon S.t.tda~IOsed Sund~y ; / or lo•e seat. 5 Pc OcUgon dart oak dln sel SW., ~ .......... 139S Wtdnaday Nlto 6:30-Jin. 15th =-·~-~~."':!'.': DIAL DfRECT 642-5678 ·1 w /bla~ or aVOC!do framed cbalrs; 8 Pc BR lladd1*i :-• ·· ··• · 1;77 w. woleomo tht public to eomo In incl lftSi'Od ._ ......,_ -i set. 9-dr Mr. "' Mrs. dr~. lg ljljnorls2 =. ..:;: .... = Nr)y-•• WI sell quickly, You don't hove to bo II .!:.~=.· ·TI'~~; ' W-E.,..,. 'INSTER & NORTH co' UNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 1 , commodes. decorative bead~.la J.~n h Baldwtn~~:·. $41l dtil•r to h,,-, at de1lt".!_,prlces. ' ~"'""·~'"' ,..~.. .-JIM : oat deslin 'wllb matchlng bo% 11prlr\e. m•l· ,..,. ..... t.f.itt •• on1y 1865 · Nl!llf , IOI "& .:..... l · ._9466 l, ' tress & frifme· .• . Wwl!.,.r.""70 .... oniY<l890 Loveseals, couch<$ (velvel & oilier fabrics~ '' "-'Y~ ~ Hvnllntfon....,, 540-1220 19un1 llffch 49 iJ , ..... Sold lndlv1du1lly Co"!' eapri,,., Wal ..... 1225 gold Jut end & coffee tables, Spanish -FREE• ~ Shop Around -Before you bvy ... US! G6uld Music Comparty lrtedit.erranean eolfee & end table,,. Dining 8atlc 'io.tt~~...... CLA~11~1ao COUNTERI ,,.. iooat•d "follows: •t VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 2"" N. Main. Santa Ana room 5eu, dinellt$ (Vlrtue with wroug!tt ~n C/fl~retl to -~~ b7 .1211 --l•"••I. -_._ JH W• 1oy s-. C-.,_ .., .:: or term. 11 low •.• $4..66 per ..etc So. ot ~· Wl-0081 high back chairs), lamps, .. picJ;tlres, masnve lalJ:iO,i Power $qUadro'n AM .,,_,, , ........ lwL m ,__ ,,,,.,__ L..-. INcL ltJO.l~I ime,t. hf, & S.a. .:• No Down-Use Our S.t°"' Char&e l,'lan Mon a "' tU 9 Sun u.s custom bit Giiiespie bedroom Sels. Sandbtjrg Starttna 1 PM M6n. ,..._ u • ::; , No F'ancy Front -BUT Quality Values Inside riiq ~ f¥i$0Ns bedroom sets1 game sets, Qi&ny, J!llDYi dthers •t Newport &rbor Yadrt Mau Addrw1 k• 1111. Ntwport ... °"~ Caltt. ;;: APPROVED FURNITURE s w.!!J\ ,::;~ at> in Spanish./Medlt -maple ~ontemporary ~;,'';':.! 'l:g ~v..= Houn-Regulations-Dead1inss ;( 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA beginners on~ ~nd grou~. USEp REGISTRATION NECES-IRllORI' Adwrtt..re ... outi GMiclll thtlr adl dallJ ind rt1pol't lmmedl•tely •rnn ;~ J2 Yeara same 1o.cation-$&me.,.QW ~~ .!'~trum:~ ~ Spanish/Medit. Modern, Maple & Ftench Pro-~Y, ~u. AT Q...Ass Of' mlto1Ullf5Mtlo11L Tt,fl DAILY PILOT • ...,mea ll•billty for•''°"" •nit to :~ ~ D•tly 9.9 ~ practice tune av a i I ·ab t e v1ncial~oµche:s, love seats. hide-a· beds, occ 646-8422 or 613-l&S?i I« mare tM exWnt et pUbllattlng ~~· •dwrtlMment oorNCtly on• time. - ::l. ' \ Sund1y 10.S' , Register row -cluri starts chairs, recliners, dinettes. din rm sets. (Sev-lnlo. DEADLINE f'0'9: CfOPl! AND KILL&: l:SO P.M. th• daY before publle.tlon, except f•r 1 548-9660 -on Tuesday, Jan. 14, al 7 eral good hard rock 'maple..w/butcbes), buf-FREE • w .. k_nd l•lllon an• l(•nd'1 ~eoUo.-when elNlng tlmti la l:lO P.M. Friday. PM. Excellent teacher. lets, chinas, white canopy bedtm set, (a 81sic Ba.ting CllSMt :~ 1~:~~~~~~:~~=!~!~~~~1~ cla5ses for. serondary beauty!). Mahog<tny bed.rm sets, coffee&: end OFFERED.TO PUBlJC YOU MUl'f -HAY• KILL.NtiMBlRI When kllllftl an ad beeaUM of, 11ulck ,... ... , ... L: ljoBS & EMPLOYMENT -~~~.r ~~~ t e~'J::. tables. All s'tyles -some with marble tops. BY ~rt~~: :.':.:C.!;;r.Af ., Vt• kill number Qlven you by your ad tak•I'., • • Furnlhlre 8000 s;...., up now 4 avoid the Huntington Be1ch ·' J Jobi Men, Wom. 7500 ..... Color TV's -B & W TV's POwtr Squadron 1.,.,, •ffort I• m11h tt klll or eorrftlt a new ad that ha• been ordered, but we can· not gu•rant .. ta ti• M untll tha ad hU appe•red In the p11>tr. ;: be= ~~:!s. ~ · ENTERTAlNrNc All Styles--Stereos &: Co~bos · Starting Mon., Jan. 20, 7 PM ;~ W •,_'!"1"th sm.t.:'u •. split foundation. blt·in 411kNOWLEocEABLE ~~~~ttngtH.Son Beach High DIME·A·Llltl Adt •f'e atl'liitly c.tah In •dvano. Dy mall or •t any on• Of our of'flola NO phena ot'd.,., , : : an "" wi oome w owing frame used $98 Call for further infonnaOOn. Thoniasville round marble top dining rm sets ,.............. · ;-prefemtd. BlaY slxlp in ex· w~;, ~ · . HAMMOND w/mar}:lle top buffet. Desks, cedar chests, For fUrther info can Th• DAILY PILOT ,....rYW tfle rtght to cil••tf)', edit, centor or NfU .. any advt,.. ,~ ceUent locaUon. 675-3385 In CORONA DEL MAR game sets, 8 pc Cberrywood din rm 6et.s, 142.;227 or;M6.21SO '• , COUPLE wanted for ldtdlen PR o v l--N c t AL Furn. 2854 E. Cou! Hwy 673.S93J slate top carved dresser , ho"f,ital beds, dee-SCR• .•. ,':1,£.JS HOUSES FOR SALE :::::~ ::~:n :,: =~~~:.~111.v1c• !: U•ntont. end to Ghana• lb nt" and rcrgullltlont without prior notice.. I. eare .at looaJ. church. phone reasmable. Color TV & NEW YEAR'S SPEJCIALS 1 it .1 list' N & Ii ••NllUL "" NnPOttT IHnttll 4Ht 1ou11"MENT ttl!NTAU ~ ,; a:9 ~:~cher, part ~ 9'.l> w. Wilson, CM HAMM~Ng~RGANS ~ ITs~3" ma:~s 0s~t!1~~~°:~. . ew AN.ow· ERS ;:€ ... ::i;r iin i-... :!~,7.~.t:.,, •AA• ~ :;::1: ••"•1-1· ..... 5 I: time. Small private school. SOFA. avocado & creme, RT-2 Concert Model •. ~ a ;;n,,.,.,. 11:.M:M 1• CORON; DIL MAit mt FU•:~Tlu,~=.~~f::RINCJ UH I! 673-8610 foam cushions. Xl.nt cond. c.J With speaker ••.• S17SO Split Front ~ DonbJe door , Bother -Um1t -Folio -::=~~~:m n1• ••UOA-«Ml oMtPlNING "" :~ $95. · ~ M·lfil Deluxe Spinet •• $1005 -near new, refrigerators Totter -TOOT and TELL NIWHttT SHO•n ;: ~~~Nos !: ::::ii:'~ ~~,~~:.11 :: :~ Agencies, Men a M M-2 Spinet, Maple •••• ~., .. ___________________ .. [ 'Ibey even have a drive-In ft\YCltUI' hll IAUCM ISi.AND CH GU.SS "" ,, Women 7550 3022 Spinet, ·wa.tn~t .... ......., Refrigerators, washers, stoves, dry~rs, freez. churcb with •·drive-in coo-::~~.,:... m1 "uNT1N11ToN •••CK .-oRalN THUM• ,,... :~ OffiCe Equipment 8011 open Mon It Fri eves. ers, dishwashers . 1esaional. Kind of • TOOT .. UCLI'" ~= :~~::';.c~AL ... Y :: =~=L~o:Lu•s ::: '• u~i.-... . -•· , ~-·-h •AIV\ HAMMOND ANTIQUES and TELL thing. NAlllCM Nl9H....,Ds 1m LONG II.ACM ""' l1AUL•H• •ne ... -..r .... vu.. Loa£. ...... ·-··..-.vu Ansa-pbooe for sale, u~allSITY PAlllC 1111 OllAHOI COUNTY ... HOUSl!CLl!ANINCJ ,,,, '1t lhkpr-aiok Newport ••• $400 Like new. $7!!0. ~n ~~t J'.!; ~ We have one of the finest selections of An· l:,._ FT. Custom and~ :.ci:• •• ., ::: •.•..,••.•~ ... ••, ... 1 :::~ ::~::-:T::co••TIN• :,'!! > Cook It Mkpg OiM •••• $300 • 847-1659 e · ·· tique furniture &: mist. items to be t>old at nacer. Blue gold. 1.unLu'' t>O MIDW.t'I' CfT'f "1' i•Ofll. Oru-™-11c. ,,90 :: ~1 ~~e':.~ -._~~ -WT DAYS I 11 public a uction . Trailer " boat freably ::::A~:~. := SANTA ANA "" 11t.otuN• "" ·~ ......,..pe: ..................... r. t.Ual&ll Household Goods 8020 • pa in ted .• New white IAUOA PININSULA 1• SAMTAAl\IAMll•HTS .... ::;~:t:.~~: :~ :, but, one WOl?Wl Balboa ·--A·OK Commission Gallery 11 a u'g ah' de . Upholstery ••ACOM IA'f ,. ~m~~ :: INV«STtGATINO, OMdtve .,.. ·.·r; ..................... tc $800 FURNISHINGS of e; tire Higher prioes 1_1re ~ming. -Three 16.1,S hp Cbampion UY tSLAMDS , .. LAOUNA lt:ACN .,. JAfUTORIAL '"" :i Houseman/Gard live out $400 holl5(', all less than 2 yrs but ~'e are still disco~nting eogineg. Complete w i t.b ~~~~~LMO ;: LAu"•"c~••"•'"•",'•' ~. ~~w.0._!-!7,,•.0rl"Allt. Ek. ""'.,,, all pianos & organs 111 the 7722 Gardtn Grove Blvd., Westminster al fuel ~-•· st.......1.... .. ••• ...... """' Employer ~ Fee old all very reasonable, ~ver --..... _ MUNTINCJTOM ••ACM = DAMA POll_llT ' .., .. LOCKSMITH '"' :~ j<;..,,.. Allen Byland Agency ~ washer It dryer, pool ~I days of the. great Mov· 1/2 ll•c• W• ~ ~ •• ~ •!'9 llTII. and contrcls. See at 2808 HllNTJM•TOtt tlMIOVI kl• rt,ll"LIX. ik. ..,. MAIONllY. ••fcac wo •,. . 106-8 E. 16th, SA 5f7-0395 filler 11\af\Y othel'L ca1J 714-tng Sale. t i will cost you Latayette, Newpgrt Beach. :&,l!:T~f4'1Y: . , .. CONDDMIJOUM #51 :'f::.r1~G~ P~ :: :~ ABILITIES UNLIMITED 496-3767. money,.w wait. Shop & buy • _ __.._. ·---, BOGA~ous ~~=-:.~~~. ;:. ReNTALs • PAINTING. s• . ·-·~ ::--. -• Agency---laRHY' v-a C~n-~~BAiDWIN ~JO,jM~ii;co~l~1t;-;;;•;;•;;;;·;;l600~~~~ .. ~1~ll~1~noo~~Ul~==-~~t-;.;;; YACHT-~----r:;::-J,:H . ~=· -.. tz....~·Unfvmfto~h,.1dd---f::i~u. .. HY '°' :r * Precision Machine Shop * ditio~. guaranleed, ~ 1801 Newport, C.M. 642-MB4!• 2745 W. Cit. Hwy 548-2582 OllAN•I CO\llfTY 1• COSTA ti!IU. SIM =~~":.:::•• Petell. atHlr = .1, MoviJW to Irvine Complex new, w/attach. Full pnce • BARGAIN • * Alll'Tll\ll * KIRBY Vacuum deaner & '65 Col-24 Sb>p $3995. ouT o• cou...,..., IMf MISA 'ilAD• 1111 ;.oooLI •ll<>PMIMe '"° :. -Needs -$31.~. $5 mo. Call 638-2247 ...... __ ual Arti·-· ~.-'f'.lrvn attachment:&.. Originally aold 25' Ouiil O'Niter $2350. mN:.nATI ::;; ===~ :::;,.. 1:: l"OOL SEllVICI! ffll ·• JngpedOl"ll $2.50 hr max. anytime .vtn<U• _,, ~"c "'"' !or over $300. Take over 47' Diesel Ketch $22.500. w1n111111mtt '"' J111wtt011T 1Hott1s tl:Jf :3::•s=::1~:1•• ::: :.. .... ' • Organ w/orchestra bells &: Friday -Jan. 17th small pymntaOT$49.60cuh. 50' 'hf Dlf Steop~ n•ooo MIDWAY cm 1,1. WISTCLll'"' lbl •OOFING '''° j Shop .. 'Omen •• $2!JO hr. max. - ---· _,, t " 7 30 p M. ~·, "-l "'"" ......... -SANTA AMA UH UMIY'IRSlTY l"Altll' tu7 ; ~·d DriU/Punch ~ Applitnces 8100 extc ...... souuu sys em; 7~ : • .... .. , .. 1 =P .....,..,~ -· =~~~~--~~7 UMTA ANA M•n. tm •ACll' IAY 524' ttA010, tt•1111tn. ltt. '"' ';.~ •• $2.50 hr.~. -origiDal cost, ~2500-Tenns. NEW&: USED Ft!~ITURE NYWN Carpeting so sq. 1~ !T~~~~~ DllAMOI IQI UST •l!JFF S1'2 ::::t:::. A-~~1:. = 4118 E. l7th SI , ·~DI GOOD 20 gallon hot water Also. lge. selectiOn of organ Bedroom sets, dm1ng room yards, g 0 0 d c 0 n d TillTI" = :r:: DIL MAii ;: Self.Mn ~ ~ , Costi Mesa ·• 642-. 1'470 beater $15, suitable ·for kits, consoles & acred. set!, chests, deSks, . cofftt Blue-green tweed. $150 incl ~~ g ~ skwn ou~ ::_::.,:uniw "" ...,., ISU>IOI '* :::::: MACNlMI •El"Atlll :,T, • smaller home. Call 642-3526 NEWPORT ORGANS tables, dressers, du'lt'ttes, Goodyear cushion air pad. heel trail SJLYlltAllO CAJllYON 1w LIDO Ill• All S11"T1c T.t.HKS,....,.. •tc. "" Cooks rYNle or female afl 5.pm .. wkeonds. 300 w. Coast Hwy., NB mattresses. lamps. pictures. ~7"""' Big w tilt er. $700 LAGUNA HILU 1111 H!JNTIMOTOfll •IA(ff ..... TAILORING •f10 ~-·-akf ... ~'-64'1530 .,.,., phone 642-4980 after 7 pm. LA•UNA •••c" '"' l'OUNTAIN VALLIY IMll 1'EllMITE CONTllOL ttn • Fry t,,.Ul.!Aa, Bre ~. WlPRLl'OOL Gas Dryer. ~ TV's, Stereos, china qtbi-eA USED 13' flrhin<> -·--~-1 U.GUMA NIOUIL 17'1 ULIOA ISL.ANO ni:s TILi!, Ctr•mle "14 ; Soul Oaefs It ~. ExceUent condition. J.15. ya ma ha nets. credenzas. divans, B UTIFUL blond w i g , ~-t .... ~ ::;: ~~::'Ji~•maAHO ~: ~~~ ~~~~ = ~~L:.; ~~-:i~ • Mmlli :;: All restaurant he-Ip! 847-8115 Pianos & Organs chairs. Melburn upright !Ji· ~~w~ ~ ~·-~ w/9% hp Jobnsolt &: trailer, ·~tsT•AMO •IACM 11'1 OIWIOll COU'kTY UM TSLIVIStON. lllNln. ltc. ms Call Bernie. 54S-7196 <-~ ... __ now at ano, Spanish bar. Refrigcr-.,.,,1817 .,1 5 ~n $350. New & used sabots, ~~.~.,'° .. '"'. . 1111 OAllOIN ••ove NI• UPHOUTIR'f .,,. ARGUS AGENCIES Refrigerator. Frigidaire. ~ UIC•·-t I w•··--....... ........ :..... from $275. Sc.ho& Boat.. ~ -1141 Wl!J1'M!lllSTI• 161t WILOINO "" C M . a ors s oves, '"''""'• • .,. ... OCCANSIDI "" MIDWAY cm Ml• -11169 c Newport mvd .• C.M. large, xlnt con. $50. 646-7SG6 oast USIC ers, ~nd MUCH MORE! TWIN B!ds with frameti & 673-~ SAii Dl:ft 1171 IMTA ANA •• JOBS & EMPLOYMENT . 8110 1839 N1wport Blvd, CM COME BROWSE AROUND! beadboa1'is $40 complete .. 'D~IR=T'l"°'bu,.-,t~Dcy,,.--.~,.~.~F~an=tasy-:,i:~,.:·r.u~ao :: ~~MANA MllOHn :! ~g: :::~:~: =.,.. = , SchooJ .. lnstruct~~-" 7~ Antiques ~ 64'6·0271 WINDY'S :AUOION ::~ ~~ ensem-~_=~Ir. 1st ~=~~~N.~ SALi m; ~tr:,:-iuc" :: ~o:" ~':~~.. *' The Newport VI ANTIQUES . U.t.llTMWn PD• SAU 1frll LMUNA 1ruou1L 1n1 ooM11r1c HELP nu " School Of Bu.In... SHOW AND SALE HAMMOND • Steinway : Ya-:m5~-Neowport Blvd. UPHOLSTERING -$79.SO. 2 FOR SKIPPER OR BOAT RENTALS I.NI CUMIN'TI mt AGENCIES. Mn f\N maha -new & wed PlatlOS "-hind T • Bldg 'M t'l pc. (European C'l'aftsmen) MA!N'TEN:ANCE c ALL L-..1 SAN JUAN CAPISTUNO sns HELP WANTED. ~ ,,.. HAS A GUARANTEED January 16, 17, 18, 19 of all makes Best buys in ""' Ol'tY 11 · a I. Free aet. del, pickup, 215 5'8-3561 Hou ... Fumlsn9U DUA POINT .,., AG1Nc11s, w-1* CURRICULUM FOR Thurs, Fri, Sat 1-10 PM So calif pght here Costa Mesa * 646-8686 Main, HD "Berny"~ ==========-[ •DllllAL .. REAL ESTATE, r01~~:W"1:~!-::-= SUCCESS! SUnday ~ _PM . SrnMinT MUSIC. co., OPEN DAil.Y 9 tc 4 S.tlboatt 9010 lt.ENTALS TO ,..... = Gtneral AGINCIES. *". ....... 7511 833 Dover Dr., N.B. Long Beach "'1uruc1pal Audi-1907 N. ?.lain, ENCH & ,_. NEWbab °!~!let~~ll-A~b & C,::::0~SAMA• tlH ::.'"~>\'N~u~ :: :;~t: .. ~.~":~~ucr1ofl l: 646..()153 torium. Long Beach IDvd. i Santa Ana FR divan C11e1.1r, Y lW-n. ""'' Cl'! ldSA VlllO• t11t llENTAU WANTD mt '1'MEATalCAL net Ocean Ave. beautiful wood, needs mattress. Never used. $175. 21'· Vll{JNG Sloop. SAUCY couao• PAllK 'tlll •OOMS FOil ttENT '"s MERCHANDISE FOR l.ifetime Gilt, typftrlfuW. Cl\ildren, grandchildren, or yourself! Individually tu. tored Chilcoat 10 lessons lypinf 9clxx>L 173 Del Mar, Cl\1, S48-2859 MERCHANDISE FOii SALE AND TRADE hot ,A . ,..~-.__;.,8 ""° 3Gth St., NB 67 .. """" virtually reblt in Aug. wnPOttT 11ACH 21111 •ooM • •o••o "" VASI' stock Amer & Eur Television 8205 up su::rmg. .....,., c ...... ..,,, ""° ............... Fenner fleet champ, 2 sets MIWHttT MOTS. mi MOTau. Tl!AILU couan tm SALE AND TRADE furn &: clocks. L arry size 800 x 11. Men's Sid St1uffer Reducing MIWl"OltT SHOlleS mt GUEST HOMl:S '"' FURNITUlll .... Morgan Antiques. 2 4 2 8 MAGNAVOX Console 23" boots, size 10~ to 11, child's Machine -$85. of sails. extras. Possible ~H.0::... = MISC. ••NTALS "" OFFICI FUllNITUltl: •it Newport Blvd., C. M. color TV. Remele control. desk, child's's dresser, * 548-4753 * ~~ ... .,:ste~es~~ • .. ~~~;, PA•• '2ll ~"u~~:ss'":::::;:Y :: ~:C: s-:U~'::r•:TT :: 2 yrs. old. Wa1nuL Also Large dresser & mirror, It -~===~~~~=~ --.. .. '6 ttJ1 TltlJllll PAllllS ms CA,., RESTA!JllAHT tll4 3 PC matching bedroom set, Zeru·th 23" B/W -·-I•. miscel items. 673-6569, VARDEMEN Surfboard 9'7". $1700. w/terms to re!pOnsi-...... , ...... , :-. IUSIMESS ltlNTAL '* ••• EQUIP.MINT •IJ tl:M. Complete commode ........... Sat J 18th Wood tall-back r>n, Shetland ble ptw. Shown by appt -·-...... • OFl"ICI llENTAL .. ,. MOUll!HOLO GOOCS -"""""' 548--382) come see on . an. ...... .., ....... .. ft.CJ INDUSTlllAL l"llOl"l!ITY .... GAU.GI: SALi •u eet, $175. Many items.I--==~=~=--10 lo 4 PM. 411 Heliotrope', Ooor polisher, good con-644-1304 lllVIN• TlllUCI !Ml COMM•RCIAl as ,U.NJT\llll AUC'TtOM .lfH ~2145. RENT TV $10 CdM in garage. dition $15. 546--0573 CAL l>. Genoa-Spin sails. ~%:0~ DIL MA_• = IMDUSTll:IAL ttlMTAL "'' APPLIANCU 11• Furniture 8000 h 8120 No Deposit . Free delivery FRIDAY IS SOFA, Refrlg, tool bench, Racing gear. Xlnt cond. ••w nLM01 me.,,,· :t!!'CN11 :l: ;:!~:~&:....cw1N11 :: 1----..C.'----...:.= Sewing Mac in•• 534-04n or 7'l2-9ll0 644--0&16 LIDO ISLI CIT'llUS GllOYSI '175 MUSICAL INSTIUIMENT IUS SPANISH FURN l TUR E S .....: . YARDAGE DAY.•• twin box apring, mattress IALllOA ISLMD = ACalAOI •tot l"IAMos •ORGANS 11» R T R R '67 SINGER comp! with l! ED TVs_. & up. Repall'S 1• Co•ta M""~ &lran\e. 5C9-0ll1 alt. 5. LIDO 14, No. 1922 w/aaver, MUJllTINOTOM •••cN LA.«1 ILllNO•• ''" ftA010 nte E u NED F 0 M u: shop or Mme 2021 " ...... FO!JNTAllC YALL.a't )Ill ltl!SOllT,f'llOl"1!1ll"f' '"' TELf.VISIOM lttl MODEL H~MES. SAVINGS wa~t console. Transferred Hamor m .. CM. &1s.-'1s12 New seleetion, fantastic pric-PEMCO Aquarium 77 pl. trailer, North Ails. mue· ~~ :~~~ = OllAMH co. l"llOf't:lt'f'f •207 .. f.Fl • STElll'O 1111 TO 80o/o. Spanish qUilted Sl!'l'V!ce man forces repo. es every Friday 10 AM at: w/fiuorescent lights. A white. Like new. 847--5356 OU.NOi COUNTY till OUT 0" fTATI l"ROI". ,,.. TAl"I llECOllOll!RI 1221 Touch-0-maUc, auto ..; ... zag, lll" ZENmt Portable TV INTE""ATIONAL 962-3329 Ca& 9-5 l.UITA .... tillf MOUNTAIN. DISlltT ttll CAMl!ltAS A l.GUll"MINT IJOll sofa & love seat, 3 oak living -... ••n 9020 sU•DrYIS/ON LA.NO m1 HOll'r fUl"PlllS ..... room tables, 2 JiVing room button holes. blind hems & & stand. $50. Call aJter S · YARDAGE SLATE top Pool t able Power CruiMrt ~.:T~"r~ :;: •I.AL an•TI s11tv1c1 ''u , .. ollTING 00001 .,.. lamps & Spanish paint>--. overcasts etc. No attach pm. 673--623.S 2750 Harbor Blvd. 3!hx6%, uxi. Home bat 25' OWENS Cabm.· ,,._,,___ SANTA AM NllOMT8 "" •. L EICCMAMGI .,. •tNOC:UlARS, SCOflll WI ... '6 needed. $37.85 Cash or as-~I" COASTAL 1111 .... WANTID '241 MISCILU.Nl!OUS .... :i.=ide~~e.k ~g ~;1! sume $4.10 mo. Guar still HI-Fi & Stereo 8210 C'.osta Mesa w/4 stools. $95. 897-9420 w/gaUey & hea~. Slee{J!I t::8:! :~:l mt BUSINESS and ~~1:':~.E~k.. :': good. Call 526-6616 POOL STEREO tape n.oordel·, Sony 6. Single screw wms hp "'" cLIMaNTI = FINANCIAL LUM•I• ., .. dresser & mirror, king -'==="""'======-!STEREO -1968 Solid state, 500 with mies & speakers. Chrysler Marine e n'g • ..,,,,, '""" CAl"llTltANO 1111' IUSINISS OPl"OllTIJIUTllS .,.. STOltAOE s:ns headboard, 2 commodes, -4 pd 4 ake d' First "'" takes. SSB-6473 Recently overhauled. SIS CA~IUlt.ANO llACll ml •USlNIH WANTl!O ~ l!JllDtM• MATSltlAll ..... kingslle mattress & box Musical Inst. 1125 ....... ~m' in ~!7nut rco:~~~ TABLES .-. radio, bait tank:. $4,250. D,•,."1'••'"••"'1'c-·-"-* :::;:;:::.; ~""' :::; IWAl"S '"' springs, 2 boudoir lamps, "''" ~ _ .. ,. MOM•'f ro LONI .,,.,. PE-TS and LIVESTOCK 6 piece -Spanish wrougbt BASS Guitar, case & amp. Left on lay away. ray Misc. Wanted 1610 ~:"o!:::.1::.NT.lll = PllllONAL LOAMS ms Pl!TS. OENl:RAL .... iron dining set. Only $467. Xlnt mnd S195. 6 String balance ot $79 cash OI' low New slate S695 val Now $295 -PRICE REDUCED! DUl"lt:Xll FUIN. .,, JIWIU'I' LOAMS me ~~ = s:.». down & $4.50 wec:kly, guitar \\'/vibrato + amp pymnts.Warehouse. 535-7289 23 Models lo choose from $59 w A N T E D 25' Meridian. fiberglas RENTALS ::~~~~.Lt~~, = ~g,":.~~K -"" sell separately. Easy credit. S60 673-2529 Wil.LIAMSON Stereo, too up. 213: 69'J.4t67, 69'1-2101 cruiser. Xlnt cond. FullY HouHI Unfurnished M011TOM1s; Trtllt ~ t.•u HAMILTON FURNl'nJR.E STEREO tape recorder, Sony wall AM IF M. Gar. loaded. Owner 646-9139 MOfll:T WANTt:D US4I CALIFORNIA LIVING 15948 Westminster A v e . , Westminster. 1!94-4-t34 daily 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat, 10 a .m. to 6 p.m.. Sun. 12 p.m. tc S p.m. HIDE-a-bed, never u s e d ;$100. 3 BR. sets: 1-kingsize, l~full size, 1-twin. 8' sofa A liove aeat, den furniture, coffee & end tables, oe- ca.s.ional chairs, also· chair &: ottoman. Many other 111ttrns. Must sell everything! :" moa old, all medite. raoean, very reasonable! Call m.1592 500 with mies & speak.en. changer. See to appreciate. KNJTIED FABRICS We ~ quality Cno junk 32' GRAND Bankll d#!sel ~::,.~~LISA = ANNOUNCEMENTS ~=~~~s POOLI :1.: "-•o "A ·~ Call _... 548-1447 please). FWiliture, co Io r MllA DIL w.• 1111: ind NOTICES l"ATIOt _11 First Sl85 t.kes. '1"tO"'U'l73 ....,.,,.,, a • .,..ime TV's, stereos, appliances, Cruiser, fully equipped incl MISA \l'lllDI n14 "OUMO 1,......... ..... AWNINGS ;;,. FREE T.O YOU SMALL v .. aJnut cons o I e "'FOR SptALE& M.11 tools and oUice equipment. radar. 67J.-.8176 4-7 PM .-,..",.•'"• •,~•.~11 r,: •""'••-·u : vAG.t.TtoNs .,,. Magnavox Stereo. 2 yrs old. Rt!mnants, sam es 1 TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes! .. .,.,,on 11ois. 1111 AMNouw'CeM•im '"' TRANSPORTATION ----------1 Llke new! S175. 548-3825 enda Sat. Only 8 a.m. to 2 5.11·1212 • 893..(65.S Alrcr1ft 9100 MSWl'OltT INOltU -•l•THS .en IOATS a YACHTS "" I N __ ... a Ho-•. p.m. 929Baker, Costa Mesa. llAYSMO•n -"UNIMU '411 SAIL•OAT'S Hlf """' "'~ • WANTED • PYI Piiot C r DOYltt SMORP am PAio o•rTUAll.T •ni ~•11 c•u11••s tit» I' Ge She herd and Sporting Goods 1500 CH INES E 0 r i en ta I: • OU • nrTtltPF me FUNlllAL Dl•tCTOlt.I "'" Sl"llD-SK1 •o•Tt ,.. m nnan P Beautiful g x 12; deep pile: Furniture e Appll•nces $'l5 dn, $20.16 mo. Mooneoy uNiva•SITT PA•• sm FLotttm '41t soaT ntAlllf•s ~ l;&b mix, female, 4 ~os old. SCUBA °':Itlit, comple~; beige w/erobossed bamboo Color TV1 e Pianos AltcnJt Sales. F M Pardo ~--"J:• .... , = f:':i:.~"118 :; :::,: ~J:i!~::CI :l Ive• nice b1atk shiny roat. putchased in 1968. Make of· design at CtJrnel'll Retailed ETC Orange County Airpart l.t.ST ILUl"I" na C•MITl!RT LOTS Nit MIJllNE 1au1~. MS I need a~ back yarU for fer 673-8821 $1250 crttice; 1or $250 • 54~2666 or 5.f&.1610 ••VIMI TlltllAH .. CIMITlllT CR""' Mlt IOAT SLIP, MOOltlNO .. 1ne to play in and tender ~ 6 • ~ ~tan $75. Cash in 1/1 hour ~= ocL MU : ~~=~~·:!.iu ::, :g:: ~8..':c~2: :: loving can. 5f8.45.17 V1l Mlseell1neous 8600 1400 ~pbin Terr.,' CdM 541-4531 ~f:O 'r,'j:'1"" : !~r':."sinic• ::: :,>s!t~,.iH:;::.s• : ORGANIC Fertilizer, aged HID"' -........ ··--' tlrvine Terrace} BUYING Silver Coins 10% • IALaOA ISl..AMD .. TaAVIL .us .OAT MOVING ..., horse manure combined ....... -aucu never """""· · . , NRl"ORT nsT ., Al• TltANSPOttT.tTIOte tMt •oAT no.... .... wUh wood shavings. Good noo. 3 Bedroom sets. Icing, NEWPORT 'Beach Tenn~s over (ace. Dollars • $1.70. t\ 0 ~ MltMTIN rt'OM ••ACM Mllf AUTO T1lAMSPO•TA1'IOJJ '4U 9C»T1 WAMT1!0 ... mulch. 833-5332 er 546-4931 full &: twin sizes. 8' 90fa Oub Company membership Silver nickels $3.50 roll. .. J MUlfTtNOTOW MA•toU• -LIOAL MOTICIS Mar AIRCllAl'T f\11 HIDE-a-bed never uaed $100. '-tw 8 • S Moo .... _. 1 krw seat den lurni•-, for sell! • 2 re 1 u I a r COST'A COlNS 837 w. 19tti ~ t'-/ '"'uMTA1M VALLIT Joe OlltMAN a TUTOll:IJM "" 'lY•NO L1sso"s ,,,. ut: ....... • ... c llAL llACM l4fl"" SERVICE DIRECTORY MOllLI MOM•S ,,.. ,3 Bedroom sets, king, full Fri. 1/31 coffee & end tables. Occas members~ll!S +. 1 eoclal St., C.M. 646-1445 •••OS• •1tOY9 ACC0UNYIM8 -MOTOlt MOMU nu & twin sizes. s· Sofa & chairs. Many other items. membership. Priced \\·ell MAPLE Hutch ,, early ~ 1 -.... LOMO •&Attl ,,... AMSwRlN• SlllYl('a '* :t~yc;.'i:~~ UIS :: 1.Jove &eat. Den furniture, FREE lumber for firewood. Must scll everythin&! Only below cost. Oay11 5'7-8406. American 1£.mp. Must be )I( . :...~:8.,:UNTl' = Al"PLIAMl'I ••l"•••s. ,..,. cs1• MtNI 11ns -"" •coffee • end tables. Occas. Free baby buggy&. stroller. 2 months old. All Me<litt. Eve•~ . reasonable. Call 615-0742. WISTMINSTI• #11 :::::~~~":.. = MOT'OlttYCllS . -·-In ~--,._ It• • Toilet " tanlt. ·s.,; Plymouth v bl 71 4 Ing MIDWAY CITY Mlt •• ,. ....... ... MOTORSCOOTIEltl ,. u• · ......::__~"'!' 0m1 · .... ~.. &t6--S46S. 284 E ery reasona e. : HOPE CHEST'. Girt KO Art 5. lANtA ANA Ml1•Nn ,.. ... AUTO. s..iiM.t.. 1'•1. lie. ~ AUTO •~11vteas 1 l"Ail!n , ... Must -eeU .., ....... ,. ... Jljl:I n y I......... . 870-I59:J away lo school: will sell my 'P~E~T~S~~-L~l~V~E·s=r=oc=K7 COASTAL 1A•Y1m1flf8 ... :~~.r:o~~E~QUIP, :: '" montbt old. All MMilt Wall'l\lt St. CM. alt 4 pm. HUMAN Hair Blonde wiglet. $1~ hope che11t, Hire ne\\·, and t::~= :~:;. = IOAT MAllfTlll .. MCI W5 tllAll.WllS. UHi"' .... Very reasonable. 7 14. : GINGER. mixed small breed new never wom $10. Also S50 Cub. eau M a r y Cats 8820 ---u.N CLllMllllTI lhf.,. :e~::a:=:~.~ :::; ~~:,u = fl0...1592 female puppy, •bout 3 Hu m an Hair Red-673-9388 alter 6 PM C.VISTIAllO IUILOIU tl7t llfl!Pl l'unlltvre returned from di• mon . • e, .. .., dish--Bt'Ol''ll lorig bill (lull 10 AM to 5 PM Daily. . Aby, stud .er. OAAA POINT INt CAllNSTMAKINI f,S1f DUMI IUfffll -ths Love bl hl'al•h.. SIAMESE NOW'S THE cArrsTitAHO ,....,... "" CATllllNO an "'' ~ ttudios, model bomea. & smart 10 lovlng home. cap). Paid Sl2D. ~n b' Garden tools, patio tum. SiameAe Aby, Pertian & !~~=·~~FV•., = ~AaP1na111110 .,,. ~;;:~1:.:uTOt = decolaton ~Uon. $t6-8959. 1/17 $25. &48-4537 att 6 p.nl. _,_ --". washer/-'--. Rustian Blur k I t ten s' caMIMT, c-. .... AMTfOUll. CLASSICS N'll ..... ......... U&J"''' S4G-8858 TIME FOR RENTALS CHILO CAlll, UC... U11 UCI CAllS. ltOOS "" ~~ectlttmulean etc RA»BITS. maltt fX'ee tc 1,4 YD elem mlx. McCh. ~I refrig, bar-b-q e : e c . • F ishl'<I CONTltACTO•f ~,. AUl'O irvitm ,.. , . RD ~ FURNITUIJE good home or will trade hole digger, 9" tu1ger, ~ ~rfmo\\-er. Small items. "'-8825 •• !~!~ um .... ~:m ~~!:~": •l,Ati. ::! =~ca':i~NTID = ,.._._....,. ....-rt Blvd CM lot' female, black & white otter, Roma Nova. 3 hp Moving. sell cheap! 642-8210 ... ...,,. QUICK-CASH COSTA MISA ""' 01t.A1"1.111ts "II MrTo u1.11"• "" ... __.,. ~ ,,0 w ,.. ~. 613-J.J.U 1/1& mini bike. new clutch. 6 lk•utiful l YR OLD FEM. MUA Wl•H .... OIMOUTIOll .... US•D Ollll ,,. wt\(.~'t. T' sun. 'tll 6 SPAYED female. Boxer: a11 mo old, $80. ~ KINGSIZE BED Dachshund ~ w/clilldren -' """"·Good family dog. 2!MS GOOO "' pllon hot "''1" wlth quilt<d """"'"· <q>lit SIS. D•chshin>l pup1 8 """' THROUGH A HAYE YOU LOOKED FOR ftlRl'W ClJH E. .cout H.ig5bll!JY eoron. heater tl5. sultaNe for tot1ndaUon, bltn tn.me. Nev. -ma1e $3>, fem. $15. ¥UftA del Mar, 9 to srnUkf hoQ\e. 60-3526 after er u~ $98. wor1h $25(1. 646--Ml6 aft 6 ' FOii ~ITURE Al'l't.W'f(ff DR ANflQ!JIS. DAY OR NIGHT 636-3620 SPECIAL-MUST SELU 1 ~ toot flOla. Gold $15. Call after ltPM. tiCl..U I MALE tyr. hal!Schanauzer, s pm & wtckend11. 84U536 l.G°"REA="T"o.=.,.-c.-:,:-mo-."'1,-ma1"7e, DAILY PILOT THE HIDDrN DOLLARS baU -1<. all shots loves POl!TABL!" G.E. TV 13.1: E. Nam! ""'ring wh«I for horr..bn>ktn. "e 11 .,,.,,. . _ 19 children. 543--7586 1n1 andQued-blue dininR set, s V\V, SGS: 4·• Rltd'dc Corn-nered, lk!autilul.. $85. WANT AD ' 2 ftf. 1AJ) dCCS. 1.9Sl5 Maple chltn $35. ~100t ~ass $55: \l.'ttnia hf.nd be•~ =8J9.="17""'==,..,---,--IN YOUR HOME LATELY? A". CM. Alt..-3 : 3 0 3 BEA\Tl1FUL Man,,..uiN. mg Com po,., $3.1. All I°" DOBERMAN p; o 'ch' r' • p.m. 1/17 Come In l make oUr:r. c""~"'...:'-73-5930'-..:.CC,-~,-,--champ pedigree, must ~II. 642 5878 l .~I SOCKlTTO 'Dtl 18.'6 Newport Blvd. CM \\1hlte Elephanls'1 548.-'4--"-------·-~---·----,.~1 " .-.L --·~~ .... ;..M ""'"" --·-- ) ' • • • ,, ,, • • • ' • • • • • • " • • • • • " • • " • • " " • • • • • " • • • • • • • • • • " .. • • • • • • • " • .. " " " • • • • r • • • • • • • • • " • ' • ' •I " ' " • • ' ' • I • ' • • ' I • • • • • • I • ' • ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' • • I I ' • I I I i ,:•~"~"~;,~~Pu~-~-~T~;.~j~ION~··t"~-~-·!·~~~~T~L~~~~--~9~IOO!_R>,NSPO.~TATION!.-TRANSPO_!TATION TltA!IS~ln'ATION I ; Mobll .. Homo1 92po C•me" lmportod ....... 9600 Imported Alllot 9600 AulOI W1nlfd ' 91GO :• c.....1a1 JAGUAR .. TOJQT. • • ' _,.... Sale CAMNl CUAIANCI -,., , »' ~ 11519 dowa -$88.88-1., ltiL II 0..4.. '--' XU O:>nv. '&1, tUlly re1tored ! •no. incl. tax, lie., del. and Winch, Stoh111•11 •!'Id $eld· to new. BUr w/red Int, nu let.up -3 yn, bll. ~1.. 111-'•ll •t ....... _ ll ._ -- BAY HARBOR * JUO DISCOUNTS * . •' .-=:;,=a=wP;:• =··-:;::;;:=== .. All ...... .t.r. ·-~ • WHY NOT ,. ' • Mobllo HomO. Show 5,., '"'" , ... ,., ,,.,.. • MERCEDES 'l!NZ t ics Baker St., <;osta: Mell< e."''"' Ptl$el. • • • (at Harbor) •·t ·I I •Ft/ Mo4•h. Cti•• snP n4 5tGM70 t.eoi:t.r.. s,1f C.nt•liiM •. • •. ~ the °"81 Wide Road-U11lt.. All C•ll'IP't Ase•"' ' liner Pan Amaiean. Para· Mrl•• f11 Stock. . .,_ •• UP TO; A •• looom• Ellte --• G __ , S y,,r Fln•nd.at 0. l . .. al.Ill en~ Appro¥•d ~It ... ~·-.. """ •• . cAMPER RBffAU RA • 1 DllGI Wide Sales , • B ND • Qiapm.an Mobile Homes (nc. \. SpecW .....,. ,.._ .....,. : • 520 N. Harbor $.A.· ,.. , .. .,.,,_ ...... • . NEW . 531.1571 ' ' TH EOl)OR E . "' ii ::.·: ~·z~~ .. ;,.~ Robins ford : 1969 • i '67 HAlll1TOP LANDCRUISER The ...._. .... miJel&< we'\oe ewr teet. ~ ~ lncl. ...,. bl.bl • f)Ctra llrle built.Aft au tbt. (\lLJllllll/ f. $2399 • BILL MAXEY !T!OlvloJTIAI 1~11 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. a.ul\ _.7.cs55 S ml N. 01 c.oast Hwy. on Deb· TOYOTA WE PAY .... CASH -~PAYWH FOR YOUR CM CONNELL CHEVROLET :18:1811arbor8lvd. Costa Mesa 546-1200 drpl, 646-6700 tlM~S~~l~llS~YO. r. • BUICK : 1!64M I :M' :~~·o I~~ R~i)QUARTERS : TRAILER &: cabana 1 or 641:.00lt flawlea. perfect mech COtld. ELMORE • , bdrm. Xlnt thniout Phom =====·=::'.:':I· • -6#-0963 Will Bay ·: ,.,, ,io:::R:::"':::2008=::===== I Duno Bugglff 9525 $f 988 • MB oo, 250 s. iiilfirequip. IDlO n..<11 m.d., w-. .. .4 -• " · • p<d, beautiful conof pvt .,-.. Pbono -Toor v-....i or Pwscho Motor Hom0t 9215 '66 Dune Buggy • $4995. 846-0512 • ..,. top dolluw. Paid tor "• OOR~You won'I believe $1S99 =~· • VOLKSWAGEN orDOl.C&llRalph I" a '" -1ow mu • .,, .• ~~• MG 673·1190 tac air cond -pvt pty -c -• '63 V.W. Bug, com-tition IMPORTS WANTG> orig owner .. 547-2133 MG ~ ·"• 1~=::::::::::::::::::::::::;;==.. I • yellow._ 3 mo. riew Ura, ()rQge: Oxmtiea :'I . • chrome whls. reblt ene by TOP $ BUYER Mini Bikq 9275 •VI, 1utomotl~ Pow•,. prof. with 6 mo °''""· now BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ~·~-'-~~~-·· ·-MINI bike like new. 3 hp, Cost $160 ' steal $95. 31B 18881 Beach Blvd. .. lllX• wh••I cov•r1, h••d Complete new MG in eDlory Xlnt buy at $80(). 49f-Ol77 U. Beach. Ph. 847-8555 "\. •r•1h 111d m•11y, mtnv• See the new Austin America =c-=:::'--~--,--- •mor•I 9z1os111 • Here Now• 1961 vw, neW paint, 1969 WANTED: Early vW P.u. I edl f Dell • hi-back aeata &: int. Good Of' Panel. Cheap!, 675-Q75 • Vista Baya, CM. 548-7198 MotoreyclM 9300 14t.OJQ-41J.11ff • mm. I• very• mech cond $600 545-2622 or P.O. Box 993. Costa Mesa ltf~~r::J!YD. • $199 • or 642-0131' • " ' "· •·. • HONDA • MINI BIKES ==::;:;:;;::::;::;:::;,.:;:::=I• • WANTED: Eady VW P.U • lmporlecl Alllot 9600 • . ' • or panoJ Cbeap! 61S-W5 • Spot Cull .... """""' • DOWN • '3100 W .. cOut Hwy. : P.O. Box 993, Caata We pay more u any im.pon •rin Tn •lllf UctNta •• • Newport Beach = ... ....,,,·,,...-.,..,-~.,-- •· 1969 '90' OR '65' -..11ea ot )'UJ', make··~ ~--. GMAC• 642-9405 . . 540-176t '67 VW, xlnt cond., new ·' * $239 * •q--~r··-_,, A tl>orlzed MG Dealer """"'' & ,,.,.,.,..,., o'haul. '. ;; or cood:ltkm. 1ry us bdtre •°' lo•k Fhlandnt. • · u Some extl'u. $1400. Must '" HERB FRIEDLANDER yru ..U. ELM Cl RE ' ""' 64><l061 Afi.r & PM :' ' 11750 IEACH ILVD. HW. )9 :=...~= mvd. :•••••••( '61 VW, xlnt <:<>nd. Good : 12 11"" s •. s. s .... Fwy.1 =:::::::::::::::==== JAGUAR • .. g1ne. Riff. , track'"""· · '67 TRIUMPH • S<><03l "'"'"" ALFA ROMEO : HEADQUAITERS • ':,, "!,,M"'t sell! ""' or . '· T·lOO C 500 CC. Xlnt conc1 Low mileage, $825. Pvt. J;!t)' • Auto Llulng 9810 ~ALL MAKES ~ COMPETETIVE PRICES Cort r=.x Auto Loaslng 224 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach 642-8440 • 531-8387 • ·'· ·---------'67 ALPHA •Complete Salos • Sorv·• Mf.2325 "2600". Hardtop Coupe. S ic• and Parts Depart·• 1967 VW lmmm.ll.ate. Ort TRANSPORTATION WSW . ·• 2 HONDAS '65, 65 cc & speed. FM. Lie TUU533. •m•nt for JAGUARS. 1::=:::::::·===:;:::= owner. Am·Fm radio. Best Credit problem? See us tor offer. 642-mlD 'Del Montell. instant delivery, .low prices, •65 VW low _,,_ _..... easy terms. We decide On , ~· 90 CC, road & trail bikes, $2499 • S••, Th• bciti119 • MG '52 TD Red w I white with 4' x 8' trailer, 365 ; :· total. 499-3565 aftep 6 " • 1969 J•gw•r Tod1y a fiberglas top, interior ex· ........... cellen~ eng;ne .. bl~ i1lOO • UUICaa:e, &........ )'OUr credit. call or come '., 1965 BSA.G.50 CC Lightning __ j __ Mi...G9od mnct_. ---. C _d • cash. 547-0lOL or 613-6246 tires, -f'(Qellent condition. in 'toda¥. I moo. 54>-2819 54D-43f2 " . 549-3876 aft 5 pm. h s-:A" i---sP'EtlAL_. II .;,"'~~-;: ;;;_, ;.,,,.,, total reblt eng,; new o'!dze ·~L, • • CaU 549-f'l58 aft 4:30 PM '63 vw camper. 1500 cc -.rvrcJllP' · eng. Call &15-0173 111 2 pm. AUTO SAW i'lS-4719 art 6 pm. 2145 Harbor, Costa Mesa HONDA Late '66; low mi._, 'l•a_ ~CV • TODAY ONL y • Priced for quick sale $850. ""'" make otter 6"""" '\ • • 66 OLDS • '65 VW BUg. Orange; radio. ., '68 HONDA 115 SCRAMBER 14'.oJOJ-471'11'0 • • PORSCHE ~ .:nd.:s'.-084.64&-041'; :: EX~ ~':."ITION. 1'70 ·•-l ILYD. • TORONADO • '67 PORSCHE !m T•-.... vw, Sunroof• WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR PAID FOR OR NOTI ' 1 <.>•.:1""iRMn COSTA MUA -.. ~, e $975 e ·' I=:======== ~==~~~;;==l•D•l11x• Coup•. Full pow1r,• black, xlnt eond. $5900. e 962-l695 e •\ Auto S1rvict11 ANGLIA f•~torv •ir conditi<.>ning .• Days, 83.l-6643, "'Eves, 1~,...,,=----,~~~ • '67 Cad Coupe de 22,000 mt $4550 • • '67 Cougar XR 7 ll,000 mt. $2750 & Parts 9400 ---------I• tSVYl62). • 494-0331 aft 8:30 'Q!I VW conv, yeUow, R/H 1---------•59 ANGLIA Sta. Wagon; • '62 PORSCHE Cpe, Super. lthrette uph, XLNT cond : ; H.P. VW easing, xlnt good cond. Nrly new tirea. • $2695 • Chrome wheels. NI c e $1960fbest otter. 675-4568 cond., checked by Red-Org. owner. $.100. 675-2562 • • thruout. SZ450. 673-6689 ~t 6 64 VW BUS .i. master & other VW parts. 8 • '61 PORSCHE SU. Like'ne\lt', Stereo, ice box, bed unit • Exer-Cycle, new. Cost $528, sell $325. 540-4590 · BUICK ::: ::-~:es engine, exotl. AUmN HEALEY • • ~Call 675-5333 or •.-,.-vw-.-. rad---;-,,-,-wnwl.--Good~ cond. $175. Meyers Mame '66 AUSJ'IN Healey, 3000, red • • '59 Porsche, condition. Seal Beach. 213: MECIANICAL Specfall Beautitu1 '62 Buick. Ideal 2lld famil.y car when fixed buggy. 645-2621 w/blakc interior, priv/pty, • • $1695. 430-1914 ~9411 . !- ' 9 2$ S7.500. S37·m'I • "7 IUICK Rl•f.,. • -:0=642-4261,==="""":==;== '67 VW -Perf•ct «>ndi-:' 1_T_r1_11e_r,_T_r_1_•_•• ___ 4_ .,. • -Will take older car in trade : ; KENSKILL 'O! ...... $1499 CORTINA .,,II powod•d•"f ,;., low RENAULT 54&-2622 or 612--0131 CADILLAC , ---'-------l•mil••9•. ITHB5211 •i------·---1--'-'.-.~ .. -vw=.~14~15~.~-'58 CAD. Air conct, P/!, : ' Now !5' Slandanl folly • $3995 • 1958 RENAULT Dauphlno. P/B, 4 dr brd top, runs equipd. Loaded witb extru E 1 · h F d XI.NT MECH. COND • .• No pmts for 6 mo. or $38 ng IS Or • • Reblleng.Newrear~ 494--8247 great, good tires, $250. or :• total dn. pmt &: $38 mo. Complete' &ales-service • New tires. Economical. ,64 VW $495 best offer! call alter S:.30, O.A.C. Authorized dealer 100 MPH, 32 ml per gal. • '63 BUICK Skylark Good trans, car. $125. e Phone 673-5634 e .~541).=-'1253""'------ for Avion, Layton and Terry Full five pass. sports •H.T. Cp•. Autornotic:, rid.• 546--0573 aft 4 PM 1968 CADILLAC Sedan De trailers. styling. •io, h••t•r, power 1te•rl11g.• '65 VW Convert., $1150 VIJ!e, 12,000 mi, White Rkk Baldino'• CORTINA •'"l"Y ,;, <FXC'491 • SUBARU • 545-7427 • w/blue int. Fully equip. Mobllo World *Deluxe 2 Door* • $1295 •I--------15495Prfvate par\y. 54>-0165 l.9t32 Beach BL. H.B. 962·1317' 1969 SUBARU VOLVO 1960 SEDAN De VIUe, recent 436 S. Harbor BL. SA 531~170 $] 883 , • from $1297; 66 MPG ' engine/trans overhaul. Full R SALE 4' x 7' WARDS Immediate Delivery • 67 OPEL •Complete foreign car service VOi.VOi power, immaculate, $600 . TENT TRAlLER _ 00 Over 50 ... doors, 4 doors, • Sporl coup•. R1dio, h11t1r,. K fa K to K644-·;:.:"'°=~-----• ....... • .. 4 ····'· CUOF801 I OS us m ars .,... .. ., · When set up with lideroom GTs, station wagons in $ • '158 CPE de Vile, loaded. :1 it is 7' x 15', There is a stock. Fully automatic 1595 1980-::=Her::::::bor::::::;:;Bl=vd=. =-===I All Model1 Fr. $2695 WlUte on whfte, mU1t see. -double bed 4' x 7' on top of or 4 speed. . • • -" L $5250. 8't4<64 ;~ trailer. Extras include new y6S&_ ~~Ofu. • • SUNBEAM llllll lnt:1 'Sl CAD Sed. de VOie. Full • · ""'""' p1'te., 3" loam mat· •'65 OLDS Dynomlo 88• _ · WQ. WllO THEODORE S pwr. fac. air. Loaded w/pwr. .. tress, trailer bitch & ball. 4 Or. H.T. R&H, •Uta., P •• 1967 SUNBEAM Alpine. Must IMPORTS $500! 879-6088 (Fullerton) '• oversize new tires and elec· R b f 'd ••ir cand. IMOYl46) sacrifice! $1725. 673-9214 Irie hookup for turn signal•. 0 'ins .or •• $1495 •• wW.. or 1ft 4:30 pm. TOYOTA·•OLYO 1963 OOUPE De Vlllo. I ~' . Trailer is in excellent con-1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 family car. Full pwr, air . :' dltlon and m"'t be...... 206<I HARBOR BLVD. TOYOTA * New Volvos * $1500. ~ :;, 'be appreciated! Call Bob COSTA MESA • ,66 TEMPEST •ii----·------GET A 'ST or '68 Convertibles, low •1· 637--4156. -==;.64>-001::..;.;c':...,~~-I T C R di h 1 mf. on both, air, full pwr, ~· -H. . .. •••• '· .. "·• '69 TOYOTA! BETTER DEAL ........ '· CAMPING trlr AM~ .. .., Water '68 CORTINA dlx. R &-H, •••Oom1tic, power 1t•1rin9. , "'""'"====== : · proof canvas ..... ;;:-Good 11,00J mi under wa?T, $200 • tSVE6611 • Herb Friedlander ... ' . " ' of best offer. 714: 536-Y>88 ... ..., ............. . • 2 blks So. G:G. Fwt. tires. Equip w/ lites. $175 be0 .. ~r .• ~~141 Xlnt, one • $1695' • ~All Modef1 Fr.L$177 0 0 13750 Beach Blvd. (Hwy 39) VERY CLEAN 23' Kenskil tu laJia .893-7566 537m-4 ,,, 1959. exin.. $1200 • .....,.,., __ D_A_TSU __ N ___ 1• '61 THU.NllElllRf! • · · * '68 VolVo 144-s .. ' alt 5 N • l•nd••· Full Pwr., f•c. •ir,• IMPORTS Shirt. 17,000 ml : 25' TRAILER wtbath. Make DA TSU '69 • 10,000 mil11. IXSRI Ill • TOYOTA-VOLVO $2800fotter. 4~2193 oiler. * 892-1261 * Bl• New Sodtn • $3995 I 1966 -· C.M. ....93<l3 ------- '61 Shasta 21' seU eontaiped, Caoopy. .....,,.,. • • " ' • NOW'S THE Antlqu .. , Cl1"l" 9615 • 96 bp, overhead e&m e 4 """"' • boilit aeall • '60 CHIVlOLIT • TIME FOR 1936 Ford grille $15, 2 ""' e WSW, dlx hub caps 8• door t.•rdtip1 ~AH, •u• • doon. con;iplete wttb g1ua • Backup llgh1', '!<:· •"" PS. 1FXl'251 > · ' • QUICK CASH $10 •L Ono front end, com· Truo:ks 9500 *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* * TRUCKS * They Aro All H1r1 At F1nt.t1tic Discounts 50,000 Ml &UAR • $395 • THROUGH A ~':i.,"':0~·~;:.\016: $186 FULL DOWN 1--'----1 • DWAIALYNTPIALODT 1ra11., w1th l20. v.w, toua • '64 llllCI Sky1cft • seBts about 6' Jorw. $Z for I 3 of them. CaD. 536-Bm H.B. $54.86 for 36 mot. aAutom1flc, pow•r tt.•r 119, ··~=======:,.;========; r•dlo, h••t•r. IRIA67'1 .·~ •. $9.95 •l'.;;m"°;;;";;od;;·;;Aut;;;;;";;;;;9600;;;;;;'m;;;po;;rted;;;;;;A;;u;;t°';;;;;;r;;600;;;,,J Ready for immediate I~ delivery • Barwick Datsun BEACH CITY IMPORTS • '67 IUICK Sllylart • 000,..E oae + tax & Uc Sport coupe. RIH. •uto., v 998 So. Coed Hwy. L.B. •rs, 1lr cond. ITUZSl91 • 16555 a.ac:..,m:;· <Hwy. 39J c9o1-m3 545-0634 • $2595 : : HuntinetJ:>n Beach FERRARI ' •'66 DOD~E Moooco •. !• '63 CHEV, step.cjde Pickup. .., I' Bed, R 1-·H. MaR offtt. FERRARI • • Dr. H.T, l&H, •uto,, !: 0ty 6t&-3977, ~ 00-6244 Newport Import, Ltd. Qr. •PS, •ir contl, rTPUOJ21 • • '64 FORD II Ton Pick Up .... Cooon.,..1 ""'1 outbo~ • $2,195 • • speed 1ttp side R/H. 17.ed dealer. • Must eee CdM. m-8464 SALES • SERVICE • ftARTS . • '59 Dodie Pickup, .. bed. !!~.!.._. c...:!!"'' : 234 !: 171h ST, • • Overloads • $400. .. .. _.~ .r. e 531-I-~-zed MG o.:;'161 • ~41•7765 • 1964 -\I TON V-8 Plcl<up, \ -======== • Mon-l'rl 1!30 am •• !WI. SS15. ID8'f Ptacentta RAT Ii i. ' pm • Aw-.• C.M. s~-• •A • Jtop! '91 JEEP !{ Too Pickup. 4 wheel drlw, V .a OieV7 ena. Oversiztd Urea. Good cond. $1300. 646-4290 DAILY PIWT DIME--A· IJNl3.-Yau em -Ulm ... ,... -• ,,.,, llW -z •-•m .19 pm I Svndays I~ •m ...... to' pm ,, ,.arn~CE ELMORE MOJORS I 53DO llACH M.VD. WISTMINSlU IM-nZ2 4.10f< =~ 4 0-='= .,,. ... ef ..... FAEE°FREE LAS VEGAS VACATION 3 DAYS &, 2 NIGHTS FOR lWO N• ... l11t N111111911 15300 Beach Blvd.• Westmllllfer OPIN J DA.ft 194·3322 CHEVROLET '68 CHEVY II Nova tieries. Air, automaUc tram., power 1teerina, Ra- dio, Heater, + other extra!. Low miles. # 24.ll6L $2090 GUARANTY CHEVROLET m. E. 11th St; At Santa Ana Freeway Santa Ana SC.931l '66 EL CAMINO VS. Fae. Air, power •teerfna, radio, beater. P. 2W'T $1590 GUARANTY CHEVROLET m E. 17th St. At Santa Ana Free~ Santa Ana 5e831J '63 BEL Alt 4 door. 230. Like new. ct1c' own@l', 19 mpg, wtpwr cld, $995. &e.1409 166 CAPRICE, aD pwr, alfi:ond. Air/ reaaooable otltt. 34,000 mL !Jt3..396l. 68 CHEVELLE 67-421 eng. 4 ap. 411 pool<ratclon. !1900. ~ '5T CHEY.Y. Heed1 '1eneratar, 11ec-ellent -=..:::::::..=..=::::~=======-l.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,., o upbollleey. $150. 197.- ------------- 10 ' •r • t DI, lfOA!tS Y.OUR CHOICE $2187 16 8 STAnoN •AIOMS YOUR CHOICE '$232? 1 f INCLUDES AUTOMl\TIC TlANSMISSIOM AND WHIT! WALLS U(ClUOll AUTOMATIC, Ti!ANS.,IS$10H AND , wM!Tf·WAlLS • ~~ 1969 F~CON ' ' t DOOlt SlllAN 1969 FAIRIANE 2 DOOR HARDTOP '2121 -. :• -s2325 •• , .. ... Ntw 1969 ~TANC < 2 DOOi HARDTOP '2398 ~".:" NEW 1969 T-llRD 2 DOOi HARDTOP '3998 ..... • u • ORDER YOUR ~HOICE TODAY! FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE OF SHElBY COit\SI GT-350/GT-sOo _ ------The..!691-A.....COminlJ"--'- AS ORANG! COUNTY'S ONlY SHruy A/fl!RICAN DWER, WI AKI COOP!IATING Wl1H THE FACTORY TO CLIAI Tlli WT . DF Till '68'S AT " DISCOUNTS N!V!R l!FORI OFFlR!D' ON· AM!llCA'S•NuMl!l 1 HIGH P!RFORMANC! CAii CH!CI TODATI .=:;;;;;;;;-.:;;;;;;: '· , THUNDERBIRD SALE 7 to choo11 from. 2 doOr ind 4 door mod•l1, H•rdtapt •net l•nd•••· All .,,Ith 1lt co11ditionln9 •11d full pow•r. Sam• with lf•r•o t•P'•· '64 thni '67•Mod•l1 • EXAMPLE: '67 T·BIRO LANDAU R1dio, h11t1r, lf•r•o t•p•, tilt whe•I, 1utom•Uc, pow1r 1t1•rin9·br1k11·wintl•w1°11•f1 1ir co11d., f1ctory w•rr•nty, IVZTOSJ), 20"/. 4own or tr•d•. $2895 FULL PllCI $78 PIR 3' MONIHS '66 FORD 7 Ll'RE 5 P1t1•n9•r H•n:lto,, 119 •119i11e, •ulom1tlc, .Ir uoHitio11ln9, po-f 1t.•tln9. ISVX· 1 662), 20'/. down or tr•d•, llu• look pric• $22Ji. ' $1595 FULL PllCI $48· PH U MONT1!5 • '61 FORD F350 c.1t a. ~h111i1, (6151711. 20% clown. r tr•d• . $695 FULL PllCI $29 PH J4 MONINI '64 CHEVROLET MALIBU WAGON R1cllo, h••t•r, pow•r 1te•tln9. (OMJ 7911 . 20% cl•wn ., tt•d•. $795 FULL PRICI $29 Pll .. MONTHS '67 SUNBEAM ALPINE , R•cing r1cl w/bl1ck top l Interior wlr• wh••lt. IVZUlllJ. 20% down or tr•d• . $1095 FULL PllCI $38.Pll JO MONTH; '64 MERC. WAGON 10 PASS. '· C•l°"Y P1rk. Fill powtr, •Ir. IJIY 7JI J, 20 % d•wt1 or fT1cf,, $1-095 FULLPRICI . $3t PllJOMONTllS '63 ~INCOLN CONTINENTAL Full pow•r. 1ir condJtlonJ119. IFTU7001 10% down •r tr•d•, $1195 '"LLPlfCI ' . $44 fllJIMOMTMI '64 BUICK RIVIE/IA FuU,:aw•r, 1 .. c1,d.·Air ca11ditio11in9. 1Rlft177J 20% down or trecl•. ~ 1395 FUU PllCI ,, $4? Pll " MONTHI . '63 ~HEVROLET 0IMPALA I Oott l•rdtep. V0 I, 1utorn1flc, r•dlo, h, ... ,, ,, • ., tf1•rln9. 'llC¢Z91JJ. JO% l•wt or tr•tlt • . $895 FUU. PllCI $30 PH JO MONTHS '62 CHEVROLET 9 PASSENGER 111 Air W19011. Fully •quipp•cl. IQUDSIJJ. 20% dowtt or fr•d•. $595 PUU. PllCI $25 Pll M MONTHS '64 FORD SALE ( 13 To C,hoo1e From I . 2 Drs, 4 Ott.~ S•tl•nt, MMdfopt, Conv•rtibl•1, ~9on1, ""'• w/1Jr & p. tfrnt- EXAMPLE: '64 GALAX11: 500 4 DOOR v.1, outomt1flc, fully •q11ipp•cf. ITWR 4Jfl. 21% d•Wfl or tr•cl•. $695 PUU. PllCI $23 PH IO MONTHS '67 AMBASSADOR 990 H.T. L-"'"''l"t f,111 pewtr, •ir 1ondltf.,.l119. fUEX 4JJI. 20'1 4o-,, 1r•~•· . $1895 '"LL PllCI $49 Pll 26 110-. \ " Open Sun. 10 am lo 6 pm for Your Slioppina Co!t!enleli~ I I ~ ' I --·-1-iilii -----:-:::-:-:--:-:-------------·--•""11. ••: • ...----... -. .. -.. "loO--···· .... ... . ~ . ' TllANSPOllTATIOll Tll4NSPOllTATION T•ANSltOllTATION TllANSl'OllTATION TRANSPORf ATIOH . TiilNSji()itfATION . ." I ~:··:.CADILiAc £or :N~ETEEN SIXTY-NINE ' ' :ARY .LI .( 1967 CADILLAC Thia l•vt ly C••11• 0. VIiii he1 ell po"''' •1sl1h l11cl1,ufi11f ~'' 1t••~119, llreN1, w-.iow.., ... t •nd Ced111ec'1 f•'"o111 f1cto..., '" condlflo~1n9, 1+.w .. A.M-fM, tllf wh1•I, twlll9ht 1•nt., Pr•miu'" D~ulil1 l1gle tn•I. herilf'I loc•lly dri•e11, fl•• •11to'"obil1, (VA)C710) . . SALE $ 4333 PRICE ' 1963 CADILLAC Th• j'.eP•l•r 'S.Uit 01Vill• flnlthed lo •r'"h11e' whit• e11terlM with COft· trutl119 blir• cl.th •nd l•ath•r l11h "9t. Hai all th• popul•r C•dltl1c 11•w· •r •11i1h icl11dh11t 1tc1ring, brali• .. wldow1, •••f, A.~-FM t1dlo •ltd C1dill ec'~ fa"'o11 fa ctory air conditi oning. IRR6499) SALi ~111 PRICI ,' " ' 1965 CADILLAC D1-,;fil1 2 door. l r1atht1 kln9 1and bel9• w/butrtf hrome lull l11th1r, pow. •r~t•••in9, P-•r br•~11, al1c;hic window1 I •••h. tilt wht•I, wllit1 lidt w•ltt, factory •Ir conditioning. An lmmac11lat1 cer th1t h Tru• Qu1lity 1t • 1eo1l low, l•w price. IPCMJ711 SALE $2666 PRICE 1966 BUICK C111te111 l•S1brt 4 O.or htrdt•,. Sp•rlrli119 f••I Llut with '"'tchln9 int•r• lor. Factory air c•ndltlo11i11g, 111to'"etic; lran1'"i11ion, powar llt1rin9, pow•r Lrakt1, r•dlo, ~••hir, etc. Truly • fin• 1ul•'"obil1 thet '"u1t b• '''" •11d .lri•tll to •pp~cl••• lh fine value! ISIW49'l . $ . SALE 2222 PRICE /. 1965 THUNDERBIRD UMl111 h•nffop. A ff111ffful ••pphi~ lilu• T-l lrd with th• whit. le11d•• rot t ell vlnf.t••ior. F.~11 power equip"''"' incl. pow•r br1ke1, power 1tM,rin9, po wlndo• .. powv 111t ind f1 clory o1Jr conditionin9. An o•kt1ndin9 r al •irf1fandJ11$'1avi1191. fMPP 121 ) -SALE 1666 PRICE 1967 CONTINENTAL A. '••111.tH•I t11~itoi11 4 d•or with t11rquoi" full l••lhtr lnterltr. A.II the p4p11l1r pow1r e11i1t1 lncl11dl11g pow t r 1t•1rin9, br1ke1, window1, 1t1h, f•d o'Y t ir c•ndllioning. Thl1 ct r f1 t b1ol11!1ly fanlt lllc hoidt I 0111 •nd I'd ••it;,, fo~th·~::·'s3333'~·RICE , A , M.a,terpie'e .from ... ... The Master· Craftsmen On Display and Ready for Delivery Today! ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW! LEASE DIRECT • FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY 1968 EL DORADO Tho •••• pop11l1r El Dor1clo. Finish~ In b•ro~u• 9olcl with b1 ig• p1cld'1cl roof •nd gold interior. Tilt wh1ol, pow•t li•ttlnf, pow1r br1\•1. pow•r window1, power •••I, powor ve11t wlndow1, $ 6444 power trunk lid r1l1111 and 1na11y ll'!Or• lullu,.,. power f•tluttl incl11di11g C1dill1c f1clo'Y •ir conditionin9. l •Hor g•I h1r• fir,t • Oii thi1 •••uty. lVTL167 ) ~ Stunnl119 l1ro11u• gold ••lati•r with co¥•rt cloth •ncf l••~•r l11t1tior. fully equipped with ell th1 Cedillec power ft1lu1•1 i11dudin9 pew•r 1t1.rln9, powtr br1k11, power toaf, power window1 incl factory •ir condltionin9. AM-FM r1dio and crui1• control 1110. 16372) '68 Coupe DeVllle $4999 SALES. DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDA Y 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 Pd-,t SATURDAY and SUNDAY SAL E PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TU ESDAY, JAN UARY 21, 1969 JANUARY • • [• t J j. ,. ,, ' ., ... SALE 1966 CADILLAC Po~lar O.Vitl• c•nv...tlbl• fini1h1tl 111 ku1Te111 '"''llfl'I" gold with Dltclr kp a!Wll bleck ltariler l11terior, Fully pow1r •q11lpp1tl lnllutli119 f1ctory eir co11clltlonlng, AM-FM r111i9 e111tl 11'14111Y otl~r C1tllll1c 1cceuode1 inclucli~t tl•ctrlc window1 & •••*·A r1el wo1 h1t l I SQV'l I]) SALE $2888 PRICE 1966 THUNDERBIRD Tha 1porly 2 tloor h1rifop 11 fully •qyippod w!Ht power 1lo•ring, pow•r br•••1, powor willlfow1, pciw•r 111t •ltd Ford'1 fo'"ou1 f•ct•,.,. oir con• ditionin9. A l t•utiful 1•lin 1ll¥1r •rlt rior will! lileck vinyl interior. Miul be 1ttn l 41riven f• fvlly •pp11ci•lol ( RTUll9 I. SALE $2222 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC D•Vill• conv11tible. leawtiful C1'"'' boi9• with '"1tch in9 lop •nd leeth•r i11t1rl111r. Thi1 low mitee90 ''' 11 e11c1ptio1111!y •qvipp•cl with f•clery air cot1di,tfonin9, power 1t••tln9, pow•r b••••1, powor 11th, pow1r wJndow1, tl!t and t•le1cojtic wh1el, AM·fM r•dio. CXSP6921 SALE $4222PRICE 1967 C.ADILLAC Fleetwood lr•u;h•'"· M1jolllc r19•I 1ltver with bl•ck· p1dd1 d top and blt ck t1peitry 1n4I loetller inl•tlor. A.ti pow•r lncludi11g 1laerin9 brt k••, wlm1low1, v•nt wi11dowl, tnu•k lid tt lo11•. Sforto r•&io, ti.It ancl t•l11copic 1!11rin9 ... ti.11 plu1 f1clory •ir conditioning. WJ<'l·2ltl SALE $4666 PRICE • 1965 CADILLAC The pop~l1r 11d1n D1Vill1. fi11Ttlltd in ltrocj"ut 9old ••l1rior with match. ln 9 gold l••th•r encl cloth int•rio r. Ht s ell the pop11l•r Ceditl•c luxury f1•furt1 intl11ding power 1t••,in9, pow1r bra ~11, power window1, pow1r ••th, 1i9n•l 1•tkin9 r14lio •ntl of co11ra• C.dillec f1clory •ir co11clitioning. (71121 SALE $2666 PRIC! 1962 CADILLAC Coup• DeVil1,, Thi1 m•i•1tic tuxodo bl1ck Cadillac with whit• l1•th1r interior h•1 1lmo1• alt of tloio d•lwxe faatur11 th1! Cetlillac it f•-111 for i11cludi119 powor 1'•1rin9, power br•lr11, power 111h and powor wlndow1. A.110 h1i Cadill•c F1clory ,;, conditioninq, Ye11 mutt drivo tlli1 on•. IJll.H5321 . SALE PRICE 1968 CADILLAC F1nt•1llc Do Ville Co11v•rtib11 finhll•d i" b•111tif•I> lvanho1 9rt tn with bleck top and bl1ck le1th1r intorior. Fully power •1111!pptd including f1c. tory air conditioni9, 1lt r•o A.M·FM redio, automatic cr11i1t control, titt. t1l11copic deering who•I end 1v111 power wi n! windows. This C1dill1c is in t~perb condition i111id• I ovt! IXSP•9'4 J SALE $4999 PRICE Your Factory Authorized CC.ldillqc Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area ' • ! ' .-. ... ,, NABERS CADILLAC :.=..~v ' -' ' rurwAY aon ~ "::: ff l FROM ANTlilf~I ~. ~" 'f...._ ffC OUNOf eouttn -·-. i 1 MIU SOUTH Of SAN DIEGO f'#T. ON -MADO« IL VD. 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 rc'ir~oLET 9900 Uoed :HR,. YSLER 9900 CONnNENT:a.°° I ========1 --F;;;O~R;;D~-~ FORD 1 '65 cihevrolet '63 Chrysler "300" ... COt"f. F'ad. aiT, tul1 -------·I '62 Ford '""'· ·llhf. '"""·' xhrt ""'" '66 Ford Country Stallon Wegon ~ Impala Sport tallCoupei· a Hardtop C'Ollpe; !hi~ s~lal1~ 2'1.500 ,M!. $3.Dl. rt5-:isg2 Squire WO""n . Country sl!de.n, V-8, auto-~uttrul aold me le ~ car ol the Chryg r am Y .59 Lincoln, 4 dr hC1.rdtop. ';II-,-matic, dlr, pwr steering. i with sa4dle bllcht seats Is spotless in its EgpheJI New tires. Xlnt condttknL Thi.II Immaculate JO panen-Runs like lop! S75 Cash dell- terior. 4$,000 actual loall white and rnatchln&: interior. SJOl Priv prty. &44-0l4l ser waion ts a. beauttlul des-vers. Will fine prvt prty. 1nlles, factor)' air witlt pgw-, Factory air, power 5lee:rina:, m belae with matchlna In-Pymnts $1!1 per month. 494- er. Check Ibis low full price. power br:aketi, i)O'ver win-'62 Continental terior, Equipped wltb fac-97T.l or S-15-0034 ~c. NPA f68 • dowa, au!ornatic trans, ra-need• minor repair. S600 t alt. di bnb ~ $1695 dlo and heater. Lie. NYO. e 5JI-1450e ory ' SC poftr 5' SALE-1966 Jo'airlane Squltt car Jot on Harbor Blvd. 234. Full p:1re power altering, auto b'llru!, Sta \Vag. V..S, p/s. Aull> radio & heater. Llc. SID{. traM, alr-mnd 3rd llN.f. OH~N & SON ht.,., Jo1$d,~forbor mvrl. CORVAIR '170. Buy t>OW at winier prl'" 962-328> ' : .. c;i,, N.:·~h JOHNSON & SON '&2 Corvalr Mooua Conv. ... Full 't'195 1965 FORD Country Squl .. MERCURY '62 Mercury Colony Pk. Wagon ractDry air, po"·er st,ering, po\\.'er brakes. automatic trans, rad)() nnd heater. This wagon has been dros>ped to the full ptice of S895 !or the winter. Lie. FJI\f592. 151. car lot on Harbor Blvd. JOHNSON & SON l.Jncoln-Mercury Costa Mesa Branch 19-tl Harbor Blvd. 642-7000 ;Dtl Harbor Blvd. 6-12-7ffl0 Uncoln-Mel"t"llry s:t:i0 lat car lot on Harbor mvc1. Wagon. Loaded. Xlnt. S1900 064 IMPALA oo ?.:,~M~B·~~-"' co= ~"~,' HT. JOHNSON & SON 1964 ";"::;;. ... m.,~~ aulo MUSTANG f'actory alt, IWl:to, hel:W-r, t..-ov.·ner. Good cond. $500 Lincoln-Mercury R/H. Xl,t m,. ch an I c a I --------- automatic trans.. po \Ver '64 Chrysltr lmperl•I or best olfr"r. Dll)'!'; 673-3781 O>tta M•u. Branch cond. $67S. 17J..JS23 evea. '65 MUSTANG ~•-r•-. ,._, -·. y...., Full ....... , 11.ir conditionin°, 6 l!Ml Harbor Bh,"tf, 642-TmO •""" uig MUL"lLI ...... _,, .. ~. ·• Cpe. ~t seal, aulom11.l 1c ' . VZ:X 205. way pwr &eats, dlr, p11o•r an----------·I '64 ford G1ltxie XL lratl-i., radio. !lt"ater. Vrry $790 """" Car '" had loYlna CORVETTE Own«! by lltll• 'ol• .. tlrnd MERCURY clean. Low mil~. 0WP·l:l2. GU.ARANTY care. N'w llre&, $85 cash marirll!. Sky blue, V-1. auto-1-------$1095 "" delivers. Will tine prvl pty. '62 CORVEnl maUc, fact air, pwr sll"«'r· '63 MERCURY GUARANTY CH~IOLET Take low pymnt&. 4M.9773 i~ dlr. Excellent cond. $75 J~ardlop. Air. Immacull:.!r. ~ Black on black. En(ine, mo-CHEVROLET 7ll ptti St. or for, lnlns, ,...,. •nd • e..~-Ca.sh dtliwn. Will lake for-Book Sl!'.85. Chir Price $895 ~ At s.nta• Ada f'tte\l·a.y '61 NE\\' \'ork"-r 4 Dr. hdtp. Jent cond!Uon.. Local car, S8S •ign car in trade. fine prty NfWPORnR MOTORS 711 E. 17th St. ta AM ' ~3·9311 Black: new tire~: P\\T, Cash dellVttS. WW Wet prty. 494..Sm or ~4 At Santa Ana frtt\l·ay E Ma I 1 bu Pm. cond. Beal oUer small forelrn car. fine prvt '68 FORD LTD 2 Or. fact. 2035 Harbor Blvd. Santa A111l f>U.9311 ~.super Spa(( Convert. ~t. 536-4M4 prty. Pymnta S39.86..,C9f.8713 air, auto, tran~.; R&ll: P\\'r, M8-S294 548-Sjll tllUSTANG 1967 fast back /sw, M:-Aett a bt11.k~. 01· 56-0634 stttr A: bra.ke:a; brogtv:.m , . 390, slerno tape deck, xlnt ;z' ~·~111 CONTINENTAL 19S7 H T OONV. prrfed ~11~''!.t!a.&'lold~ = J\~Ri~!\l!~~'~:r ~4 1 ,"""',;,.,·;;-;:;;:-;=o-;:-::;--;;-; ~ti 18 """'"'l'lci n. cond, oriC owntt. Ct, IJ,2m. driven. 673-219-1 Air. Ex~ll•nl condition~ '66 MUSTANG lo ml, \'"'I. eltc $600. 646-0033 '63 LINCOLN c.onvt. Full many cxtru. &a4114 =~=~~-~-~--1 More th.en S.JOO under Blue auto, Pwr st. vl"li top. Xlnt :.tl I pm pow£r: leather lnbel'ior; 11 ::::~::::::~:::::::-_ 196T 1'"0RO XL, vinyl top, Book. 844-ll!H cond. $1700. 494-95.28 ~ Q. Camino 4 peed Mw bn.kes. Xlnt cond. white &ldewalla, tac air, IPtd&I -~ .11 Ji 1..e1v·1 Mta A m....C ..n, DODGE R/H auto floor lhltt, xlnt '&a OOLONY Park 9 pug. Black. pt'f'IOQll car. new _"'90 __ ._646--37_.,..,,04____ ---------t'Ol"ld. 6PM " .., k. end 1 'vqon; full r1vr. Ii alt. Lug· :ttr. 111 data oond. nroo. -JgjO DODGE 542-0879 g:i\f'I! ndr. SIS!li. 546-3665 ft>222i. PLACE WW" wUt •d .,._. iood n1nnlna condlllon, ndk>. '68 a:>L PK 9 pus Station they .,. b*ina -DAILY h£&t£r. rood tirta, new ba.l· DArLY PILOT WANT ADS Wl\g'l'Jn, air rortd. full pwr. , rlTTO'Dll Yo.pr d•a"llfd fer• tery. 5't9"4390 BR.ING Rm1LTS! $46.-78«. 548..J26J Eveii. ' OLDSMOBILE '55 OLDS 88. 2 DR. !IT. Hydro. R/11. Good n:n'g «md. $95. 5-ls.-048.1 Used Cars 9900 PONTIAC T·BIRD '59 PONTIAC Sta. w... '63 Thund11·b1°rd Good titta, n@\V' b ii. I l , Transp, car. lat $12S takes Coupe l "lt"'. =6'18=Go=""=""'='=· =~='="='= I Flnbhed 1n a beautiful ~· RAMBLER talllc iOld ~1th matching Interior. Tht car ~ho\1-'I the 1----------1 one owner can of 34, 755 RAJ\IBLER 2 dr hdtp, mlll!I. Po11,~r steering, J'IO'V- auto trans, goo<! cond. new er brakes, radio & heater. tires. pvt. pty. $4TS. J\fr. Lie. GBE!XXi. Try this tun Longo 549-1615 or 962-1377 · price of '62 STATION Wqon, 5 door $995 Ambusadot V-3, pwr str, 1~1 car lot on Harbor Blvd. '60 PLYMOUTH Val~ot. alr """'· 1395. '40-5207. JOHNSON & SON Needs body v.'Otk, but runa 1!162 RAMBLER Cla.ss.ic 4 good. slick. uxi. SG-2662 ....... W R/H 1 Llncoln.Pt1ercury lJI . ag. ., a t · Costa J\1eM. Branch '64 VALIANT Signet white, blk Int. bue:kea, auto. 1787. ~CdM 'V/wAlls $395. 545-QS.4 alt 5 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-71XJO 'S1 T·BIRD Xtra 11harp! 51n> mi; new SHELBY PONTIAC ena Ir: trans. New paint, SHELBY '67 GT 350, 4 Spd. <hrome • """1<><". CalJ be- --------1 Xlnt cond. $33Xl. Private fort! 6 pm. 642-8838 Party. 64i..3473 !::::::::::'.::::===: j T ·BIRD 196.l. Beiit buy in Town! ''ttlt w/rt'd Int. Full l'>O"'et, good rubber. Low T·BIRD mlleage. Xlnt cond. Priced '62 T-BIRO hd Ip. R t: H. to sell! 646-1136 pwr ~lttt'. btt1ke". St'll.t. '65 T·BIRD, llf'\V llll.lnt, MW Xlnt cond. S9,COO mi. $Tl5. Un-s. full l'lOWer I: Alf orig Owner, &J7-.56i6 O\\'tlt't, Sl525, 645-4731 ~ T-BIRD clu&k:; metaJ. I :1::"4:::-T::c=B::IR;_;D::..:.:::....:"'--- allm-w/ttd Int. ndlo: · · Like new n Xlnt .,~c ,.~..., pwr. 1 01''?W'r. 61~ '2249 cond. 12.000. .....,..,,,,,o; Har~ Bl ------"'.':'-~I .H no annm call: 545-4144 i--~-'-'-".:.· .::C.::M::. __ _ 1966 GTO Coav. ll8 at ltl · -l----4 ....... $1100. or beat ollft, 1111., ~-?,R HM top coupe_. TEM_P_E_S_T __ I 547..Jtt& wkdl,)"l 10 to S. all'~ IUU pov.-er,, xfnt ' paint " motor. ms OMJU. JOIN tbe n...,n tD tht:1""1D-'_67341m-'-"'-' '----'-DAILY PJLOI" WAH?' Ami / 642-56711 OIARGE your "''ant ad now. '&1 TEMP~ \VAGON Xlnt cond ! '400 or bf:st "oa.r B!J4..1'431 . ,, - ------~~-·--~--~-~ ·--~------------... .. ...... WI I .... -, U. 1'169 -... • • ' I , :~"4 ML~!!~t!. hfff~. f8 7 7 l>ucket '1Mft, con10I•, whit• wills. IHHX54tl $4t DOWN & $4f MONTHLY ,_ ...., t T & L :&!. ~;~1~!1tlc, rodio, $9 7 7 heeter, p •.... , ... p. br1ke1, p. windows. (OLE 243 I $l3 Dowo & $l] 11-IJ ,_ ~ T "'-t A.L 1!1.~~~!.~~~!!1 .. $6 7 7 . redio, heater, power ste.,11t9, fectory air. IVF86771 $JJ··DOWN & $lJ MONTHLY ,_....,+Ta L '65 Pl YMOUTH FURY Ill HeNtop VI, •ri-tlc, ,._, 1f1ffl"t I .,,,k, .. elr c•1111Utfo11l119. 1mno1 $JJ DOWN r. $JI MONTHLY 5977 '65 CHEVROLET a.I.Afr Sed111, VI, •utt111etlc, r1Jio, h1tf1r, whit• dJ• •• u .. 111'6tllll126tl . $25 DOWN r. $2' MONTHLY 777 Tehll Price + TI I. 'II PLYMOUTH. ......,.,, I, Vt, n,.l'Mlflc, Hullo, ... ..,, lVVJOf) '$26 DN.'&'~6 MONTHLY ?JI PLYMOUTH CJtR!SLER 'IMPERIAL vt. .......... "" ........... ,. """ 11.-rlflt+ wlilt. w.11f1, fSVP?t61 $4J DOWN & $4J llPfllllLY 51277 4 BLOCKS SOUTH OF THE s ... A:;N--~ DIEGO FREEWAY • -- :~!.~~~~.,!~~·~.~.$1 s 7 7 metic, rtdlo, hHter, WSW. ITGN-4111 $53 0own & $53 Monthly Teto! Prta + f & L :~~~;!,_Bp~~~~~~~~$10 7 7 auto., R&H. Buy . of1 th• w•elc.. IVZZ-7091 , $36 Down & $36 Monthly Total Prlc• + T & L :~ .~~~;!· .. 'd~~~!!.$10 71 p. 1f•erin9, whit.wells •. ISM· - 2421 $36 Do'#!' & $36 M011tltfy Total Prlc• + T & L • • '66 Pl YM Sp Fury R1dio, heaf•r, )'owar tfHrln9, 1utom1fic, power bielr:e1, ISVU-6601 $43 Don & $43 M•t•IJ ' ' $1277 ~~~;~,~~~~~:.: ~·~:$13 7 7 , Wind. INHK-1671 $46 Down & $46 Monthly Tot•I Prlc• + y & L :~. !.~'.!'"~ ~;,Y~ .... $1J7 7 •teer, euto .• RAH, fun vinyl int. IOGY-6661 , $46 lift. & $46 M-IJ Toto! -+ f & L , ~~!.~~~~:~~~· ::~r.$13 7 7 end he•f•r. (ULY-1861 $46 Down & ~$46 Monthly Tetal Prlc• + T & L :!~,;~~.~!. ~e~.~!~$1. J 7· 7 w/fectory eir, PS, Auto., RAH. ITVK.7011 . $46 Down & $46 Monthiy Teto! Prlco +' T & L '65 MUSTANG HT Coup•. Power tteerin9, eut .. metic, redlo, h9etar. A rnl buy, I PCR-l 1 II $Zt Dowo r. $1' Mootllly ~877 Tetal Prtc• + T & L :!!.!~!.~.u!!,., ..... $137' 7· , iutO., R&H, Out1tandln9 velue. " IUUS-8441 $46 Down I. $46 Monthly Tolol ~ t T & L ----'"" , .... tJ.it I( ....... ........... I ·= ~ ......... .... ..... 14.,~ ........ ...... _tto: __ _ --·--· ---"'"'. ~'I';. ~-:.:. no = s577 . . .. '-t . ' ' . ' r j I I L ' . s .....• ' \ • . I ' !' • r t-1 ~,I f-.... t' ' ~ , . . BREAK AWAY TODAY! BREAK AWAY IN THE CAR THAT HAS ESTABLISHED NEW SALES RECORDS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AS W~LL AS IN ORANGE COUNTY IASK ROY CARVER · ABOUT THAT> BUY NOW AND SAVE NOW! f969 FIREBIRD ~ .. 3~ -.!-• ,._ ·n. ~erl~"i s~rt1c11_that1ta1 ta~enth• country by, storm. Thi1 · e.r, l!l'i.t,'No. ,22l37fL601116 11 ready for you, tOdayl IHutiful _ ..... .M.yf•it..Mr-witk blac.lc.pt.,ier. Autom•tic-tran1mii.1ioft. reclio, ha et· •r, dlcorftrnp, pow., 1foorin9,.tlntff 9la111 custom trim, hoed rests ·P.lu1 mMY, othet-•xfre foet1.IJI!•• ,. _ •3077·· . itaNi) NEW 1969 CUSTOM ''S'' . #,· ' '·' ' ... ' . . .. HAR~TOP COUPE le•ufiiuf 'W1rWick •lu• with m~tching blue interior. 6 cylind•r-9ngino, clocor · ~1 l'ill&'bott.,, 1"1o, &Hier, tln!W wlndsltlofd.-&Hd -•lnts, white 1ido I • wolb. S.r. Ho. 2J,J19UOP544; • ,,T,•2:777 ·' . .. ., : ' . . '65 FORD LtD . '65 PLYMOUTH 4-.,, tloor s.Un. Vt, •ufomaf1c, redto, huter. white side wall tires. l'IET1241, l1rf'1cud1. 6 cylinder, 1~om1tic, radio, h"f1r, 41,<475 mil.s. IRRZ-5511 $1477. • r ' • • . ' ·o· -.: •} . ,-' . ' • . ' . . . , 0 • -'·· : .. TS S = 0 . . · • AL( PRICES IN THIS AD ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS UC. l T;.JC. '59 THUNDERBIRD VI, eutomi1tic, r.dio,_haot.r, wsw, powtr windows, 39,l'11111ilos, lowner.IOHX426$6 7.7. ·_ . : .. '67 AUmN HIALEY Ro1cltf•r. 6 cylinder, radio, ·hut•r, wire wh.eels, British ·R•cfnt~ t•H~ 13,940 m$V219 77 '67 FIAT 1500 Roadtftr. 4 •p••d, r1dlo, heifer, red with blaclt foP. ind interior. 28,397 mil"' .ITRT69l I . . $1477 '69 PONTIAC G.T.O. Convartihle. VI, 4 i~ffd, r,.wer 1t11rifl11 r1dio, hHter, red lint .,.u .•• ~ .. ··s l .,J 77 ~ . ''· ~ . " .,,. .. • . • I· I 11 • ... suppletrieftt "'the DAIL y PSI.OT w...-. JlnulrJ 15, 1'69 DAILY "1.or s ., ,. ~ All Penney St ores O~n Eveiy Night Monday Through Saturday ALWAYS FIRST BUALITV ~ ,. r I ~ r• Penncraft aluminum 21'' rotary mowerl lblt mower f.arurna 3~· H.P. ettglne, cCllt alYmlnunt d~ throttle, chob, atop control on handle, m•ny mortl Orig. 74w95 . ~· NOW . 64:11<~: Pay H little • $5 P.,· month 1 -1' • .. , . .. SAVE 20.07 1'1y H Ultle 81 $S ,., MOtdh • . '""' . ., " \ ~t Penncraft Premium 21" rotary power mower A btg 21'' c:uttfn8 wrddt, JM! H1P. •I\" Qfrte, fmpufte ....,, .. die calf ... Miium ••• float cGl'burefor • f>n thhl -~lg. 139.95 NOW · ~. 09.:88· . , ' NO MONEY DOWN ••• USE MNNEY'S TIME PAYMENT PLAN .. NEWPORT BEACH ., (F.sNon lst.nd) • . HUNTiNGTON BEACH ~~) J ..: • .. .............. - ' l ' L ' • ~ OAl Y PILOT • SAVI tUl IAfMM' Dll&L PUii, I~. 109.9', NOW .. 84.99"· " .; ., ~ y.,,,.,._,..,....,...~"~ .................................. " • .,a..'-............ .,... • t ~.,. ,.. 9MrM chuctc, ... ~ ..,, . t.1Hlf tM MOW, \r.wt. Motor Mt lnd.W. -' .. .~ ,,. ii >• .... , ....... ..., ·•n, f ~n~ • . • Otdloty -· . Newpolt .. ._., Huntington -~ VMIVI'• .......; Mclay, l•vary 17, 1969; 6iOO P.M. to taOO . PA .....,...._.,, FullldcNl ancl Cino11 , ...... , Satiirilly, January 11, 19'9, 10s00 A.Me :te llOO P.M. ,,,,. ' .,,,, ., IAVl·tn 7" UllDlll/POUIHllt . ~ -.14.M . ..___......, __ ~----------A NOW29.99 i r ~ ~ " .... 6 ... --d.velops Nit ll 1100 IPM. Tool ,..,, CIUX• . limy handl•, tanellng clsct, (/ 3 wt-eonl -"' ....... Ila 3 qt. copaclty vac hos a ~ HP ~. Ac:cetlOrl" Include CNVk• too~ convenion ~. utility noule, 12' cord. HUNIJ'J_hlGTON BEACH (Hun~ Centw) . . J .... • .... .... ... , . . NYLON, GIFT SET. 4 ·mCtf!N TOOLS. REO. 1.39, NOW ....••••••• •• • 99« STAH.ESS STEE1 TEA· KEml. CC>Pfa.'IOTT~ 2~ QT. R!Q '$.66; NOW ~ \ 2.99 . ...-.. .......... . ' 3 PC. STAINl!SS 5fnt., . " 1 .. &OWt stt"~ ~ ··ar.:-: tl{i.:;-.~ • QT., 3 QT. R!O. 3.66, NOW 2.99 I . \ti. ' " - Washday brighteners to iigtlten yoUr work! . , ..... ' ~ AEO. 3.99, ~ ····· 3 31 / "NO'!.· ' . . . . . -: • PENNCIESt LOW"SllDS LAUNDRY DmRGltlr. A 20 •· IHM with • carry-home han41e. U11 In ltot °' cotcl wottr. It'• concenhtecrl NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) llG• 13.99, NOW !"' . . . 1.1.91-.. ~--- . PENNcnn- SPRAY/~Y IRON. 1hllll•wlf9Clfwwtt-li. ....._·.·, ·._. • h , """' -2f ........ ..,.,......,... -- REG. 2.99, NOW 2,47 W996EN INDOOR ·DAVINO RACKI W)-n the "'"'Waft' 80 away, Jwt 11t up thll handy woodea _,. nadt and ltt everyfme dry lndoo11. Plf'ftct atul I •• th• bag ••• laundry bCltl Penney'• sturdy cotton laundry bag 11 now value priced I luy now I •. ,. 99 1.19 c NOW ,.. . - ._ . REG. 2.69, .. : ·2· 2· ~ : NOW ••••••• ,, . • I -mioR'-·CO~ IHNING -. -.. COVER & PAl>. ~ IWilftt ~Ilda aJl.ln.ontl Teflon~ ,.rnro~d-toa ctntv cover wtth pod. REG. 7.99, 6 77 NOW........ e 3 COMPARTMENT LAUNDRY -SORTER CART. Malt• It much ICIMr to kHp trade of the aockal 1otda flat for storage. Opens to 30"" x 29• x 16". HUNTINGTON BEACH {Huntington Center) 1: d ..... I I I: • . ~ • *'!',,., ., ' ,. .. t , _,.., t '..L .. 'YI