HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-20 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. ·~·reser:ve~.hoteet~ Defend' . t ' . . . ', • , Pre8ident Committed To Unity Pnmlllrt-wAsmNGTON -111cbani ·Mib NiJ:cm allm'Md the awesome powen and crusllJng burdens of the presidency todoy with a IOlemn commitment to devote all his energies to "the cause of peace among naUons" and the healing of stri- dent divisions among the American people. Tbe 61-yw-old Californian, who was ........,. oot <II' Ndonol pollllea. afler • Cft8hJnc -jolt slX ,.;rs .... . became the S7th pruldent <II' the United States a: IJ:llj>;m. llllbington-Unte, the moment he comDleted Ille oath· of <ll'flce proscribed by Jhe fO!IJldlng fatbers. Under threai.nlng jJds -.and elaborate oecurlty precauUoOs -Nixon placed bis hand on two family Bibles held by hla ;rrifo Pat and repeated afler Cbiel Jlllllce Earl Warren the tradltiooal 35-wonl oath lo .,_.., protect and defend the ConsUtutlon of the United State&." Thus In lhe Capitol Hill ceremony Richard Nixon, ciUJen, became President NIIoa. And with Lyndon B. Johnson, bis predeceesor, llJtenltJ&_ nearby, Nixon called )n hla ilul!llur*t· address for '~~t~ol -:Jllllll;• • -Od .,.,...... lo 1lie dlvililom ovet r.. llMI ..war be bu prom!Jed .. ' CHANGING OF"THE. GUARd lN:NATiONr!cAPITAL RiCHARD M. NIXOM·'.TAKES OATH OF OFFICE ' ' ' • J.• t ";'.. .... , : - Chief Justice Warren Sw•ari f n 31th Pr•':'tnt Before John~, ~n.•w, Hurt'l,phfey .. Nixon Inaugural Empwys Tightest Security· Ever WASHINGTON (UPO -Secfet Service agents aOd police searched and lllCUl'l!d today eveey foot f!1 the inaagural parade roote aloOg 'Pennsylvania A-.lrom the sewers to the skylights. Parking was banned after mldqfgbt from streets in a vast downtown area equal lo about ooe-flfth of the clly. Security agents began patro\Unl Jhe l,"enmylvanla Avenue parade route after the parking ban wu lowered, cbeckllig even the sewers to make sure they contained'neither gu leab nor unwanted intruders. Buildings along the parade roule •ere cbec);ed. No, windows weno allowocl '!IJID and r'lo spectators were allowed ·out on balconies or rooftops. H~of plainclothes f e de r a I age oapom -imder ll!Olr coats, were · lo mlnlle with the estimated ci:owd of two mllllm -•!Olli fhl, parade route. • • The llOCUrlty fO< the enUlo ~· ... lo'hul. . ' GATHER 'i!m UGllT And he added thh1 appeal: "But as our eyes catch the dimness of the first rays· Qt daw:n, Jet ua: not curse the remalnlJli dar~. Lot u.s gather tho lljbt." To, the oith . whl,ch he toot at 12:15 p:m ..• Nisoo added the word& "so help ine God." Pat Nixon, her eya never leaving htr bulband'a face, held the Bibles, one inaCb band, cine: above the other. Aa the --nut the jl-gun salufe, the -Marine bond lltruck up "Hall lo Ibo Cbiel" and tbal Richen! Ninn, S7tJi j!r-1 of IJ\I! 1 United States, began"hla Inaugural aildreu - the clwtlng of his admhilstratlon's c:oune • He spoke aolemnly and with delibera- tion, calling for the nation to go forward as a peacemaker and together, both blac:U and w&itea. "For the flrlt. time, because the peo-. r.les d. the world want peace and the eaders are afraid of war, the times are .. tlie aide of ......... be lald. . "We are caught in war, wanting pece," said Nhon. 0 We are torn by division, wanUng untty .. We see around us empty lives, wanting rUlflllmenL We see tasb that need doing, waiting for ~ . to do them." ' '"To a a1ali of the spirit, we need .. ...... ., of the IJ>lril," he added. . . • STOP SHOll11NG But. the oew President said, "We ell\" not learn from one another until ·we stop lhoutlng at one another." The chilly <f01!d punctuated Its brief applause lcr Nt>on al times during hi.s l!Peecb by tlNmJ!lng cold feet on the (Seo NIXON, Pago I) . MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 20, 1969 "'" .. "°" U', 1-.CTIONS. • , .... l:s 38 AbOdrd Killed F~der~l Agent~ Piece Tog'f;tller Plane Wreckage OCC Stud~nts Protest Re8ults Of Election Ora/ii• Coast College '1' otuilint judicial board 'today was to rule On the validity of an election in which Al· 'Potco ap- pafenUy was reelected student body preslaent. Results of the electton held Iii! Thurs- day and Friday have heed challenged by several ltUdenls who elalm voting booths were closed early before they had I chance lo vote. A repeat oloeUon may Ile ordert<j. Votes cut _.. the boolha cloaed lndlcate 21-y~ ~e p,... -rfflectlon. 'Ille lncuJD"-"t lluderil -'~-t oo!.nnlled" llOb: rz.er ' ·ulte .. ~ Ai :.rr -'r -7 )(~~ l'likl,iP~: ··~tea w-·i'~-~~:v~rte Mifclnk&i aluo0atec1 1 trial't ''ltUdent preold,o~' 1"9' :· ' ; ltuiient aenalors, Dpll 'Wa : ·. Fou,. Don Kltchtlir1. , TOlll.Htl~ Ailthopy. Turptf,,Jkyi'Kaser, 'Km tlol( ..., ~.r&',t-: . . . ' Nd one m"1-to i1m ·ag&Wt Ken Pianko, 11tudebt · bOcJY ~' prelldenl Ho waa returned to, office for another IMlmelter by vlite of conlldencl><ll' lhe lludenl Senate. trying lo bring UAL Flight 211 bac~ to land at Los An~es Internatloaal AlrJl<lrt w~ the death cpv, «=ted. · .~plte the fact' Iha! ~ Scandjnajlan ~·System~. ' llS'..,m Moiiilar. killing 'JS ·Ibo_ 411'' ~ .,. waa al10 C!Ub"tft!*n ·~ the !lie 'jaal--cldenlal. The SAS jetliner was making a routint, but seldom-used west-to-east landJna ap- proach in stormy weather when Jt a:plub- ed into the ocean, 1,509 feet below Its proper aJlftune . Jn.flight fire and explosion four minutes after takeoff for Denver, Galo., leat the llS.pas.senger UAL craft down Satur'· day night, but the question now ii: what catlled the flames and blast!-i..~- "I have a fire wamlng Ugbt an~ Number One," Capt. Lever900 radioed. ••1•m turning around and comlnC'bic:t:" -later, .. wttnea.e. ·-ll fiery trafl out of 'the lll«'my !>Wet'_ end 11 sea level, Flight XI ~ fn:ml the Los AngelM lnternltkmt Airport tower radarscope: ' . ' ~ I Seareb0rs immediately wont-ft>t<»llielr well·rebears~ program -wblcb 11\'ed 30 '1ctlms of the llnl c:onunerclal era In the 21 year history of the 1'is AftlOlei ab:port last week -but hopes ~ dim. "I al wags hope for. sw:vtvcn," 1114 U.S. Coas\ G~·Od<I .l!alpb M....._ ~b!!t .. d~.> Jiilfa~ -~ \~ Tt-w; • 1-.4 ,.<,~~of ' ' I • ~ ...... ~ ... \ '.' ,J ltader9'1 Wai~brac<cf, •oli• ~ w!lill1 '.p~ deck . of Ille ··ii;~ private Cruk.V,ertt& II'ja a~plowiiil through sio,,ny •. ilx~ob\ .... lo.~~-c:ra!h.-slte. ~ . .. • Fl"' days ear11-#'M~· wu on • • .. i::: • .... ....,,,, r rucue · aboard ~~ ' Point a;:i,:J;;" alfl'inr 1SAS· Uliier = operations. · Aniving at the UAL crub llOenl, Maderos' . ..,lier comment that !here was no lodfc8.tton the r pilot wu able to ditch in ";a normal manner began to come true. Uvltlea ta among the tight.ell In hl!totY, juJt u the ..... pieatdenl wtll JM Ille ll10ll tllhllY ~ed . clllel ,~. ln thesr...,.·. of ~·tprool aiau ""'!' ~ •lded both for ·lhe oath taJdn( at the Capitol and the parade watclllng near tho w1IJte Houte by the pretldenllal party. . . · 'Rlree belioopters Clew over the par~ :Beach Police Again Try ,To Identify Jane ~oe. · Fi!'st"tt>ete w11 an ea clJ:!Oii; !b<!i a bobbing coffee cup, then other uWtol! mechanical debrla and , IJnaJly portfcn! <II' Iii. lorn bodies and • lqne, llollttW teddy bear. , • Orange JOHNSON, NIXON HEAD l'OR INAueUU!. . For LBJ, A Quiet Exit ·to Texn '!!'tch ' . • 't ' . ' Drive-in Restaurani.tRobbed ' •AD employe o1, a McDona'd 's Drive-In resfaurant It UI W. Ball Rood, Anaheim, WU robbed llld banda•[<d lo a - menl pipe early today by an arftted bal,dlt who entered the place wearifll Tokyo University TOKYO (AP) -Aboot t,000 riot police 1-Toiyo Unlvenlty today alter WJtkend batUes with radJcat st.uMrta lhlt caused damage estimated at JnOf'8 thanl4~ . ------ route wjlile the·pande set Its ~ an-bout· c:dllrse. · H1111tlnJl<m ~ polke todoy have A ·..., babb"iMOP armored timoultne, returned to the 1U1< 'of attempting to built at •' ~ ot '600,000, wu deviled identify Jana. Doe, an untnown woman lo carry tho ptt9ldentlaJ party In altlJ. .-oluhed body wu . found In a The entire ~ bfatrlct or "91-n>Odllde dltob more than to monthl umbla_pollce force wu Oil dU\7 bacDd "'.:" new load 1o lier ldoollty _..eloped by ....,., · forces · alil Nat!ciiil 'Guaiil Frldt1 00 Ille daJ o1 Jane Dot'• funeral aoldier~. Ollldab -to gl" m 1 and achedaled burial. The burial baa exact figure 1o11 _,._ o11 !he ... Ure .... been detaJld peace-llooplng -·•••I !lo.'dilly ranced i AbnOll 'u tanorOi rtlo. bgaD, a u;.,1 •Pri,: 1::S~·-:.=.111 bavt !ti . Beach .......,, II year old Jactie Smay, fJiipr 00 tho ;.l -. II , !old po!lce lbal Iha . munlertc! --" ot"·~-wu-Pllber,abolilll,_.old. ooi -. ·~ ~• trwbtemaken. Del Sgt. )IOlllJI M:cKelmoo lald lodaJ, Final VP 'Pep Talk' WASHINGTOll (UPI) --IL Hwnplny '"' bll !all hurrah ii Vb President todaJ ol • i>O!Hat~ bndful for Democratic pemon In tM ume botel wbere Rlcbar.I M:. Nixon dreuod for 1111 maaur-.. ~ tao "We han tbt ttJet.1Pf:I out and •e ccrlaln11 bopo that tldo Ume will be the Ume Iha ...... la lde1tlftlea. bot '(IO, -.... down 'polftlvt' -tiflc.ltona blfore." Mcordlnl 'lolllla·S'IQy, ii..---~·""""'·~.··-wbeil found "" ... Wild·. ,~--., rode 'tftt.11 the lle!'1 Ana•ta. Dtt17 came ll'om Gtu1la, lhe 1old poUcoC ·~ =.-,, .... _ .. ._,... ,..., 11 ........ .,.,. :::-.....:.. = .~ ,, -. -.. ._ ..... , " ........ ) .. ' ' , ' , 2 DAILY PILOT s ......,,,_,.,1' .. Johnson · Bides Of-· to Texas Into Suns~~ I r I I\,. \ \\ 1 -' ' I WA8Hll!GTOK (UPI) -l4'ljdl8 a dell'*"\I hll ~~·and aide. ~ • ..,... the l.ard'a l'ra,ytr'' he would Hi•w••.Lod)'lllrdand<laUll>!JenLynda ofllv!iialn.theWblle~ 1 II ~ -vol)' wak:bOd b h wannlf ,.--rill • -Qlld Jolmaoo'1 final •• In olnoe wN bl orllldzecL '.Bird Robb and Lud Nugen~ both ol Hii wile and daugblen did.'~ ~mdoPr,RldoordM.~ ~atU."""olU.-. Olledwith-.111&_111,llllllo_ .. , Illa mOll ''""'' drelm of a whom came tO the Whlle llouM In tbJa week to eue \ll< way oot ..td -. In to4aJ to the pnsidm:7 lit 'DB he ud'. 1111 Wnlly pl lnlo a and an oolpotlrlnc ol lllecUoo i., bis l>r<lklhrouP In Pw and the 11ar11ng 1beir teen!, felt the wne way . Lo cheer him up. 'l'h'1 lllowed ~ Md held (or five years, 158 ct.ya. 'I1len Wb1tt Home lhn<u-.loe to go to the poUUcLan.5 and Utt.le people. 'Ibey ,aaJd ilgnal for aeriOUI Vietnam peace talks ·Luci took her son Lyn from room fan letters and filled hla d1y1 wlUi he qWelly slipped awlY, to pri\'att life. Belbeada. Md., bomt of bis Defense he had: been a "good Preildenl" came true in his final days in office. to. room, snapplng pictures. Lynda look affection. He spent Sunday evenint, nt a -Ptelldent wu in aa. affable Secrelary Clark Cllttard for a private 'I1le polls he p:ized 80 mucb too Beeauae ol that and. much more, Johnson her tape recorder to remember forever his last night in Ole White HOUR, e*-I maoci 81 m rode wtlh Nb.on fttm ~ luocb. " • ' . • much at Umes, ~ kind tO * 1n Je&Vtll wlth' 1a aen.ee of fulfillment and the hlatorl'c bome. t~ his closest staff memben ~ I! Wto Hool< to the Capl!DI ~Uoo '""-l!aPod to be back In.Illa native Ille end. One .-Illa popuWfly ~ tlrllnl-. to cmy on. , Jollnson bu aaJd lrequenU7 that he lheJr wlvu. Th~re waa a Morine bami ~ Ht llDlled at the hi.IP croft u Tew by ~11. IOlled to M.5 pen:eot aftc hla State Al moven came and we.al, Joh!llon, never regretted his decillon not to run combo 1or dancing aDd a lavlth blJ!fetr _.,_ ol applauae lnb out wblll U. I!' ...... the Pr<sidency with ol the IJllloa addreaa.1 l1Ded with ~-•·•· uvor<d the famlly'i again. ',But wltt.lra.W polns """' ap-Joh-told them be, would bo -1' • ...,... ·'·" sr-aod ll1lt and a polpancy an.r So 1orr bl oplrill -lit WI llard> _...,..... pacent ind no one mew, It m'"' than them "down the road. ' be e:D!l'led on the winlM:bllled i-worm. 31 JMn GD ~ Wublngton leer& 11He 31 when be: aruxmced that be ~ lut moments in lhe White House. For h1a ramny -lhe family lbat dreWI closer The occaaion was "happy-sad," u one Be llltmld ndlecllvely aa N!Joo ii mallntJ a i:1W> lnal;," aaJd ..,. not ,oedo r<decUoe, lit !ell that ft be blm eacb room took on -meaning. to b1m """the praaurea and laolatloo fellow Texan put it. * * * . ~~·~· ~~·~~~~~~~~~~~ ,. ......... 1 NIXON .•• noor of the woodeo atandl. J ...... ~N-to .~ Clpltil _.... .... cllat "' iba;WMlo . llll-.---at---....... lolo& .. !llO,-. : •• 1n '-""'8 111a adm1nlOlrallon. mm ·. 1111, "I do !lol oller f IH' of~' I -. I do 1101 call for 'I llle ol ptm . ...naee: I Ml: ,,.. to Jolo In a lolCb ad•-· ·.:.. --rlcll ~ humlnMT -... ~-.. t!ol-U-.. liVI m.·· · -arCllnd N-OD the platform outside the Capitol were tlWIY ol Ille -·· kaden -1ncludlng t b • Republican and Democratk: cblefa ol c.ng,.s. and the N-Cabinet -aa well .. the outgoing prul-and vlca pruldmt -L,-B.. Job!lloo and Hubert H. Humphr<y. Nixon and his vice president, Spin> T. "'°'"'went throogh the .oatdoor .,.,.,..., -topcoail daplte the 35 degr<e clllll of the ..... day. llAIN llOW8 orr -' But the ..,.....,., ... ..,....i the f.....tng rain .ml ---by the wealbl!lnnln. 'l1>e -da:/ WU briplmed however by the llllil«ma ol the mllltary, the bright acarlet ol the Marine band and the slng1ng ol the Mannon Tabernacle Choir, which aang, "Thia is My Country." . Alla' Ille_......,, JolmJoo .plamled to turn cmr stap: center u wen. as the power to N!Ioa. He Intended -to be bad< at 1111 Tuu ranch and rocloieg 00 the pon:ll by Inter afternoon. Repabllcan Senate Leader Everett M. Dlrbm -Ille man with the flowfng curls and orpD tones -WU the muter ol cenmonleL He llao admlnlltmd Iha '"''' ...... SCUFFLE BREAKS OUT DURING COUNTER-INAUGURAL Antiwar Demon1trator1 Sta .. Sunday Event "":JbAl/1"' ahor1ly bdcn N!Joo waa . .-... ~.-.. :;"'~ ~--~ A·n.lil":-ifriiug· ·~r.al · Frat pif : ·, ~~ '1 )~~; '". ~~i-t I t ,l " ,, .... ;· , . ;"!'"'-.;"~ ~ !Gt: Ille .... ,... Lady. • ' • . • . . · ·~ * _ * Siva ms on Para,de Route Aane_w Takes ; ?:' WASHJNGrr;,(UPI) -Several b~ llto the first ra~k:t of the marchers. Offl•ce Oath dn!d mllHant ' ter f n au aura I'' Three demon!lnltors, as w•ll " the demonstrators swanned to an ln· mao, were arrested. "communista! eom. tersedloo straDdDng President Ntxon's munlsb!" he shouted. "Se.ii Heil" tbe parade· route todaY in a lhoutlng con-paraders retorted. . . From Dirksen :WASHINGTON (All) -Spiro 't. "-• who belped ,11!1 Gr<el< 1mmlcrUI father · bawk "'°"'blel oo 8a1t1m:n -durio& the ~ took the eatll ol oWce .today to become the na- tion'• nth Vice llftllldd. senai. 11epub!Jcan Leider Evenll M. Dlrbm IUlmlnilttted the oath In the ---fir which be II noted. ndnuCa before Richard M. Nllon wu """"' In .. pm14ent. Acn<w'• band rilled "' ltls eldest daupter Pamela~ ·wblie.....red, Kini Jama venloo B°"'· It wu ~ at the tooth Psalm.,. the vlce ,~1'1 favorite -which readl 1n put: 11Make a ·joyful noi&e ,unto the· Lord." frontatlon with police. Some of the demonstraton clllltertd The protestora. many of them bearded in a huddle out.aide tbe famous Wlllard and shabbily drMJ!d. ahouted obscenities Hole), the beadquarten ~the inaugural at a police escOrt which flanked their committee. Some of them chanted, "The ranb durfN a ·five-bloc• march from .,,,.11_belong to the people." a part tf-P,ermylvanla Avenue and The . threatened disnq:Jtion began in lftb Street. a park where the demonstrator1 gathered Large nmnbera of poflcemeo and whfle, at the other end of Peonsyfvania plalnclotbesmen arrived at the acene. Avenue, the inauguraJ ceremonies were A rope t>arrtcadl wu atratcbed acrosa bein( held at the Capitol 14th Sine!, at Iii lni.nectlon with Pennsylvania. A band of the diaaldents burned doten1 of lmlD IOUVerdr Amerku flags at a number ol pnfull alOlll Pemuylvania AvenQe. ·In OM ln.stanct, I batch of 20 or ao flags .'were 1'nfted .beneath a group ol ioumlfr Repul>llc elephants being aold by a bawker. Police atrested at t 'e a a t 18 1 Killed, Three Hurt in County Auto Accident Rain Season Late But Not Least It took a few utra montba for Southern Callfomla'1 rainy aeuon to get under .,,., tbJa year, but the eleinenll were malling iip !or bl t1me today. An lntenae nllllLonn, blamed for at leut 17 Southlond deatha, bammen!d (lb" -9-Liit Tt, C.m M.. 1~ I.JI $.II .. _. ...,_. 1.61 "" $.ti ~ "'-" 1• «l •.• ~ lffdl 2.. SM S.JJ '-'"11111 YllllY T.» VI J.lt W•tnl""1wl' 2.. JM U7 IHI.__ ,_. SM S..J7 &..11.N ~ Wwld l.• 1.41 t.Jll Leaurwi HIWll l.• La I.Ii ...... Ifft JA 7.112 S..2' G1nMn o...... ).JI SAS U1 s.. '""*'... ·" '·" IMl1 AM 1..16 •.n S.11 .......,. ,...,_,.. ,..... -flown Ja l the Orange Coalt over the weekend and kept up its assault today. More of the same was Jftdlcted for Tuelday. The storm hU dropped upwards of two tncbes ol precipitation on some coastal anu -and it's not over yet. Seuon'a totail are creeping close to l1gurea registered at thfl time WI year, with HunUnston Beach ooly .3 Inches away. The Huntington Valley arta bore the brunt of the ravaging raln with Z.c.I inches recorded from the CWTeOt storm this morning. Laguna Beacb n!ported 1.8 Inches, N"'JlOrl Beacb 1.117 and Costa Mesa 1.5'. LltUe phyaical damage was reported ur1 T....,.... ~.;~·or~'>'_.;""".'"·. '.flae ~ly Wqf! to Fly ~ ~ -~ boW ~ Hlllib )f. Hober, publisbl!r of Playboy magazine and fnunder ol the An outboard mok.rboat beached on international chain of Playboy Club.J, has announced tlie purchase tbe Corona. del . Mar coastline . dae ·to of long-range Douglas DC.9 business jet. OUtfitted as luxurious air· the storm but oo damage wu r<ported. borne office, twinjet DC-9 will transport Hefner and other Playboy On ft:aJ~ and Balboa laland storm executives on trips to various Playboy interests around the globe. valves were being closed In lbe wale of &!> foot blgh lldel. No storm dllTlage was reported tn Laguna Beach where a ttewly installed flood control draln· 1ppe:ared to be func- tioning perfectly. · The storm also had its elfect on the sports world. Sunday's ~mile race at Riverside was postponed a week. disap- pointing: over 20,000 fana. some of whom had wafted all night for the event. Three Newport-Mesa school buses 11drowned out," said garage foreman Doo Enalgn, but all 00 the .. ., back in after dellvertni youngsters to school. One school bus in Huntington Beach's Ocean View Di5trlct couldn't be started but other bus driVers cow:n!d the route. ' In ~ Mesa, Mrs. Mikfl"oed McGaM, 203& Wallaee St., complalned to the city that water wu up to her house and she couldn't get oul "I've never seen so much water Jo my life," she said. Rescued on Mountain Buche1~ Reveals ·Request For Destruction System SAN DlEGO (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, skipJ)'r of the USS Pueblo, testified today that he asked for a "destruct system'" to be installed in the electroniC!I and code area of the a copy of the letter which he had written lo Washington. The commander said he did not, that it either had been destroyed when the ship was seized in the Sea of Japan intelligence ship and that his request on Jan. 23, 1968, or now was in the was turned down at the highest level hands of lhe North Koreans. He said in Washington. a copy of it should be in Navy files. His reqUest was not accepted, Bucher The court of inquiry headed by Vice said, althoagh he received what he lenn-Adm. Charles Bowen, got under wa)'. ed a lhoughUul reply. precisely at 9 a.m. Bucher sald that because. of llie: unique Bucher, dressed in a dark unlfonn mission of the intelligence ship he had with three gold slripes and two rows AZUSA (UPI) -Two 14-year-old Boy of ribbons and wearing homed rim Tbe .50-year..okl. Apew, whose father's name WU ,\ugnoolopou!OI, -lo· the oallon'a -od l>libal elected omce from BaJUmore County uecuUV.. thelj governor ol Maryland. demonstratora at « near the JJaa bum-liia· At one polqt, Ibey bold thrte )'O\dh4 lmmob1filed with bamm«locb until • jiollce patiol wqnn came. ScouLI and their 40-year-old scout master permission to deal directly with the glasses, appeared an entirely dlffertnt One petsOn was tilled WJd three Injured were rtSCUed Sunday by search and highest levels of command in Washington man than the gaunt officer who ~e ln a three-car C1J111•1 __ s.•~ •• "'""t l't3Clle teum alter spending nearly 24 on any matter pertaining to the ship, to San Diego on Dec. 24 after the He ,,.. the first man 11nce Henry WaJlace In llMO to become vice praldenl without serving in Congrw:, alde.s Aid. DAILY PILOT ........,. ING Ncartw .... hMlt a..,.-..... ,....,..,. ·--CAUfOINlA •alitft N. W11!1 J.,~ •. c •• , •• V-t '°'"~ -Gtftf•tl ........ ,., T~a11111 Ket•il ·-n ..... , A. w.,,h1111 ,,,_.,.,.. II! ..... '••I Nl111~ ·--·--C.111 "'""': JJI Wftl ..., ''""' w.-. .. ltdl: nu .. "' ...... ...,.....,, L ..... ._,.1 m I"_."-................ '°'' -""' .... A few mbtu'ta ]lter, two glrll were plcied up bodllJ by men ln civilian clolbel and carried kJck1n1 and acream- tng to a van. The tlai burnlnc look 11Iace near 1 bloc of bleacber seats pur<bued by ...,ter·tnauauralloo organllm. One large ll'ouP crowded In the doorway of the National Prus Buildlnl chanting; "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh. The N.L.F. fl going to win." Several arresta wera made before the dem<mtraton rucbed the perade route. Ooe wu a m1ddJe.aged man who rushed * * * Nixon Takes Oath On Traditional. Family Bibles WASIUNGTON (UPI) -In •'"Pini wilb • · lradilion clatlnl back to 0-S• 'IV~ R1cbanl Mo N-chooe a pair ol famJly Bfblea on wblcb to -1111 Prtsl<leltlal oath of olllce. The Bfbla, datlnl back to tm and lln, bdClqed to Nlxon'1 Quaker fottbean. lie med them twice pnvloully for llmUar 01lhtattnp, wbta be was """"' In u m president In HU and 1117. Today u Ihm, the two Bfbltt. held by Illa wile Pa~ _.. -to the aecood cl>apler ol laatall, fourtll vene: "And Be ll>all Judi'_.,.,... the aatlona and ll>all rebua many people, lllld they aball beat their -;s.-lllld their .... Into -Nation aball DOI 1111 up ap1nll natloll ; nellbtr IUD Ibey Jean war an.1 mori. .. .... W6llJQ ""'""'"' -e" hours in the San Gabriel Mountains near its outfitting and any other problems. 82 ··-1vm· • crew ~-ref•••-on Bolsa Chica Street near Ranch s~t .,..,_ · a memut:e:i were ..._--w-...:: here. Bucher was asked whether he had ed at Panmunjom, Korea. m Westminster. 1~jiiiiiiiNiiiiiillial.ii!Mii8ii;;i;;j;j;;iiiiliiiiiM;imiaMllMmmlllialiWUi~~~~ Police said James Edward Mlnnil, %7, ~ !llllllSKW.Rll• .. llJI Long Beach. died alter Illa 1m1ll spor11 Jiit Cotmly' Traffic lla II De.u. Toll I car hit a car spinning out ol. amtrol driven by David Henry Stewart, 11, of Jl)jOl Eton Cin:fe, Huntlngtoo Beac!L A third car, driven by Frill Albert Budmer, 41, of 10151 Theseus Drive. Huntington Beach, alao lilmmed Into the Stewart car, pollee said. Investigating officer1 reported that Stewart was heading north on Bolla Chica Sb:ttt when be apparently loot cootrol ol hll car and It began spinning into the southbound lane. It wu then bll broadside by the other two cars. Stewart and a passenger in hls car. William Acianan, It, ol 15041 s.vtlla Cirete, Hantlngtoo Beach, """ truted for minor Injuries at Westminster Com- munity Hosp]tal. Budmer w a s uninjured, 1>ut his w I f e WU tr.eated . lot .minor . injurfe& at Weatmlmter Community Hospital. School Children Riot at Irvine Pofke converpl oo Imne Par• Salur· day when an eotlmated 1,000 Loo Anpla IChoof -""""" In a riot. Sltertfra deputies, aailted by Calllornia llJibway Paln>l o111con and Orange police, -. 'Into the mlll1nc cmrdl and llopped .......... !bl fl&bta. There were no arrutt, lrtjarles or pro- ~ damap, 'l1>e rlol WU CClllliolled wi an hour. " Walch & Jewe~ Repair Q OMEqA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AU~?RIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELR'f\.REPAIR •rings sized end repaired e diemonds and precious stohtis remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY HAlllOI SHOPPIN5 CIN1ll, 2HO NAUOI kVI>. COITA MUA 141-MIS o,.. .,_ n-. "'· na ' , .... HUNTlNCOTON CINTll · HACH & IDIN!illl HUNT!NtilTON WCH H2·H01 1' I l t l- 1 I 11 I -. ~~-~---... -... -... --•• ------~--·.r . • N.Y. YOL:. 62, NO. 17, 3 SECTIONS. 30 PA6ES MONDAY, JANUARY 20, ·1 6' •• • TEN CENTS ' • ' • • -IXOD e' ' eace rive Court Plea In. Slashing Death Slated ' -By WILLLul REED Of ....... ,.. ... '!-fl· Format pleas to mlirdet char~· in tl1o slashlng deatli of l' Hunllnlton Bead1 grandmother were to be entered toda7 by a llfe-long Huntlzigton mldart and hi! teeHge friend. .-· ~ · · . w..i Oranile Cow!tr Munlcl!MI CoUr\ Judge Walter W. Cllatlnoi'a -· adlOdul- ed to aet.• 'lbne for ~ llearln& on tile -dllrRe" llllil to delmnlne '"-tile tWo ~ l>o"-topt'llllUl-lllo hearing. · . ,._ Held wftholll ball ire HW)' L. Sianez, 25; ol 312 Clay st -an oil fleld w°"'er presently held in county jail aod Edward R. Hargrave, 18, of 17392 Marken Lant, an tmemp1oyed laborer who has ·been held In the Huntington Beach city jail. The two are accused of slashing to death Mrs. Hester $. Markee, M, of 15111 Olive Ave. following a minor traffic accident Jan. 12. Mrs. Marll:ee's body was found shorUy after 9 p.m. in the street in front of her still running automobile at 17th Strut near Palm Avenue. Police all~ge that the two men took • car belonging to Margareta Dlnger. 39, of 260: Delaware Sl -about two :ris~-~~t .. i~~ih~ <lri'"'1 by Mn. Mvl!I& .at Jra1n and 17th~ a 1.,.-~ later. : , , 'Th4 dt>a imnlit. 1'llO •'!:Ml· •• -optometrist's recepUonilt ai ,m~~~ Shopping Center evideoUy dia~IJ; stolen car f~Uowing the accldent. She waa felled in a knife a~t. - Police found !be car belongliig to Misa Dinger abandoned in an oil field of old laJW and pipe lines at 21st Slreet JJ);d Olive Avenue within a coople of hourtl after the murder. Officers arrested Miss Dinger and her friend, NOrman Coatney, 41, of l.l>S Alamitos when the two could not eiplain oaUsfaciorlly how Miss Dlnger'I cit hap. p.ned lo be abandoned &nd why th..-. was blood on a jewelry bo1 In her 1partment. Miss Dinger and Coatney later Wert cleared of all charges. Informants told police later that they had seen two men covered with blood tiltering an apartment on Clay street the morning alter the murder and a cab driver Is reported to have picked llP one of the suspects that same morning taking him to a spot near the Sianez -' ·1; ·if~T 't"'-'. r r.~'f1+..~., ·~·'-. ,J: \;•.°:Ji.::.'-; JCi': o;l• .,.'l1~:.n,!"''-1<>;.f,~·. ~Jll ~, ,: ' · cHANGING-OF M G~RD IN NATION'f CAPITAL -~RICHARD M.' NliUIN tAic:i~TH 'qF i)FFl~B -· --~ChlefM'! .. Warren SwHn 1•·37th Pruldont BolotoJ.,~•l4unlPllr<iJ . . ,._ ·~ . .'_; A • ' ' . Senior at Marina High Named State Junior Mi-ss 'seventeen-year-old JaCkie Benington of . ' . Huntington Beach Saturday night was cNwned ·calliomia's Junior MW for 1969. . The pretty and pol$ed Marina Hlgh Stbool senior-~ was named CaWornfa's best over 22 other finalists competing in Garden Grove. 'The Junior' Chamber of Commerce sponaored contest was the first such COJnpetiUon Jackie has , ever entered .• IJt May, abe wW represent the state in tl1o national fuials. ---F~rw~~d.Toget_her ~ ·-,., < • - President's Plea '~.: ' ;.: ... . l\'omllft- W.IBlllllGTON :..-, llldiAnl . ,ltilhoull ~ """8ned ... aw"iiiiiie---ind ~-~the ::=.czrtndiy with a solemn commltment lo devote all bis energies to "the cause of peace among 11atltins" and tbe-beating of strl· dent d1vlsions among the American people, The ~year-old Californian, who was Ex-President To Rimf'Off_ Into Sunset WASlllNGTON (UP!) -Lyndon B, Johnson attentively watched h i a Republican succe880r, Richard M. NW>n, sworn in today to the presldtocy he had held for fiVe years, 59 days. Then •J be quieUy slipped away to private life.. The ex-President wu ln an aJfable mood as be rode with N!xon lro!n tile White Hnuse -to the Capitol lna\llllfation site. Bti. mrll~ at the huge ~wd &I a IJ>ll!er of ap~ _. ~ ad , wbtn lit,..,.,. tl!e, --~ .. - He listened rellecU"!J .. Nbila dellvded' his inaudfal ~ -aac nriDlJ shook banda·---~ ' Emufive at the clOM el'. &hi ceremony,~ Then he • and his fanilly pt. into • White House limousine to tto to Ute Bethesda, Md., home <i his .Dereme Semtary Clark CllHord for a private lunch. Johnson hoped to be back in bis native Tei:as by sundown. 1 -He ii leavlllg tile J?relldency with l!T•ce and style and 1 l'oilnln'Y .after 37 years on the Washington scene . .iHe UI making a clean break," said 'ODfl aJ4e. . Johmon's final week Jn,, office wu 11~ wilb drama, big 81"1 Uttle aucce81u , and an oulpourlng of affection by bll politicians aod lillle people. They u1a he had been a· "good PresidenL" ,The polls be prized ~ much, loo much at Umes:, were klitd to him in tl1o end. One showed his popularity had soared lo llU percent Iller his Stlte of the Union address. coonted out <i n1Uooal ~.iler. •. cnJihlng .defeal just idx yell'I·• ... , becanie tile !'Ith pr.ildOnf <i tlieU~ statea at U:ll p.m. ,w~. lluie, the mpment. be compr.t.Gibe oath GI office pre=Ibid by the fowidlilc ,IAtlien. Under ~\ellilir sides -,-and elaborate security prl!'llutiona -,, lilx• placed bis band on i,.,. family _8il)l .. held by bis wile Pal and repealed Otter Chief JUBtlce Earl Warren U..tradltloaaf . 3S-wonf oalb to "preserve, lrotect and defend the Constttutloo ol "1be· 1hdted Stat.et." Thos in tile· Capitol Hlll. ea,~""'1 Richard Nixon, clllzen, becmili ,,_ Nilon. And willl•'....._ :JI. J,.._ his ptedecem-,-~Wil!Y,:NIDii called in his uiuraf · -for Americans "lo go filrwiiHI topttiii'.•· - "We have endured i long Dlllit GI the ·American aplrl~" Nixon dedared in obvious rtference to tbe diViilonl over race and war he bu promlaed lo heal And he added this appeal: "But aa our eyes catch the dimness of the first rays of dawn, Jet us: not curse the remaining dark. Let U1 gather the J.ilhL" To the oath which he took at 12:15 p.m., Nll:on added the words .. ao help me God." · Pal Nixon, her eyea never l<avhil htr huaband's face, bO!d the Bibles, one hi .. ch hfnd· ... alioYe thit •• Ai~~~"*~* a~to~~~ll!~ ~:;' .. ~~~~ the chartlng of b1s adminlatratJ.on'1 course. He spoke solemnly and wllb deflber.- tloo, calllng for tile nation to go forward aa: a peacemaker and together. both blacks and whites. "Fot tJie flrst Ume, because the !'!':: r.les of the World want peace and the eaden are afraid of wart tbe timel.are on the side ol _~ce," be aald. "We are cauf.l!.t~ln war, wanti.Ql.peaoe." said Nll<on. • We are torn by cllvlllan, wantlrig. unity. We 'see around .,..,,..ply li•.,1 'Wlllting fUlflllment. we "'.-. that need doing, waitlnC for bandl i., do them." . · ''To -a crlJls of tile apfrtl, ,.. -an ,anfWer of the 1plrtt," be added. ·But, the new President said, .••we an. not' lei.rn troin one anotbh until'•.we atop &boutin1 at one another." _ Tbe cbilly crowd · punctualecf Ill brio! app14.,. I« Nwn at Uma Wrlnf Ids speech • by tbwnplng , mid , !eel °" 'Ille CS.. NIXON, Pap J) \ apartment. :' • p91Jce DetecUve captain E a r I e iobitaWe said detectives have a state- ~t from the suspects and have 1 ~ered aome physical e v i d enc e , ~deoce is believed to include a knife. ,On tbe·iide, Jackie ~&es to main-. lain a perfect 4..0 ·jrade point average wJille servillg u · a .11011&)eader and presi· dent <i Marina's Amerlcan Field Service So low in spirits wu he last March 31 when be annowiced that he would not aeet reelection, be felt that if be "&igr~ the Loni'• Prayer" he would be cr!Uciied. Hia most fervent dream of a breafrtbrougb in Parts and th<! ltarting 11gruil for aertoua Vleloam peace talka came Jrue in his final dll)'! in omce, Because of lb.at.and much mart, Jobnaon leaves with a senae of fulfillment and urging others tO carry on. Police Arrest ~addition to charges of murder, Sia- n ts accused of ~ion of a sawed- Off lhotgun and grand theft of an 1utomobik, also felony crimes. • Eeal Beach Council To Discuss Drilling The Seal Beach City Colmcll will discuas two matters related to oil drilling -at Ill I o'clock -ting tonight II city ball Tbe first matter ii a · proflOB<d ordlunce levying a buainess license ta1 M oil wells outside tile city which pw tllroolh or bottom lnslde city lirillts. The aecond matter is' IA emergtDq ordinance regulating oil wen drilling. Beach Rerun P~· ' Last November the students of Marina · selected Jackie as their homecoming queen. The daughter ol Mr. aod Mrs. Orchard Benington, 6191 Gumm Drive, won tile lilate ~Uoo on the basis <i her' Jalent, acholanhlp, pbyslc.al lit· ness, Poise and appearanct. A $1,000 ·scholarship and a '500 savings bond went along with\™:' trophies Jackie i<cetv.i ~ Calllo!'llla's Junior~-• Final VP 'Pep Talk' _:.WASHINGTON _(UPI)'-' Hu1'rt H. uwni>fu-er' tm his last bnrrab -u V!ce ~ ljldsy •·•·pep-talk breUllSI • lcr DemOc/aUc g.Vernci11 in ·u.. aarne bott1 wbeft~JUchn M .. Nixon drellled foe his Jnau&uratloo as PraldenL • WINS JR. MISS TITLE Morln1t HJth'•, BolllntfGn ' NEW YORK (AP) -The stock marbl cl08ed mDed ~ with lndusirlal blue chips oort. Tradfrig .... fairly active. <See quotations, Pages 18-lt). · Jane Doe_,'.~~~n!ity ·Sought Huntington lleacb, ~-today have reWmed to tilt tull !i· at1amptln1 to tdendff Jane Doe, 'lit Unknown woman ----~ --in. ~ ditch _. than -io mootba A oew lead lo ber ldeoUI)' • dev<ioped FrldlJ M the daJ of Jane Doe'1 funeral ind lichedul<d . burial. 'l1le llU!fal bu ·--delayed. Ah-1 aa funeral rltea began, 1 Long Beldl -JI -old JllCkte Smay, Jold ppllce that the munletod ....,.. ftS ihonda. rlaber, about SS years old. -Doi. SCI-MOW llrK!'-Aid toc117, "We' haM tM feldypt< cul Ind n ... ( r .. --~-------~--~ - AJ movers came and went, Johnson, filled wlih nootalgla, savored the famlty'1 last momenta in ·the White HO\llf:.' For (See JOBN~N, Pqe al I 11 on Drug, Rap, . . ' Eleven 8IJlpectl ....., analecf·fn-Lol Alamitos in what police termed a mari- juana raid Sunday nilbL Police broke ap . a party .11 111'/G Chestnut Ave .• and found abol$ -ball poUnd <i martjUana ·an<t 11111'-Jllls.- , Jalled were Dc}llllU "-·Dfana Morie Kaelnf. anll Daliafl. Li Dewitt, all II aod all •af,lfHJClielClll!l tve. ·one Juvenile n. boobil1fw pmea1on al ...,tjuana and one for cm,m, a concealeil irtapm; a "inritchbfada-blfe. '!be other al>' ·)l•enllea ..... -to their parenll by police. ' Oraa1• w ....... II you're .JookQ!c, for · a, ~ llnlq bebl!>d,lbou rain doudl, for- '"' ti. 'lblre'> ._ nlo. -'l'Ueadly, ;,111ppec1 by ..., ....., .... lempera-11!1 -... DSmE ftBA:Y Aft.r -tw -JOO ._.:of n> 1>\9iljllg·~~IA!ldot°""" I 1~···~-.1 ~1~ .·~-~ ... ,:e D.\JLY PILOT ~ Rai1tSeason ·Laie .But ,•. !Vat Least rt took J rew extra months ror Southern . California. 's rainy uason to get under way this year, but the elements wue maklpg up for Jost time today. An intenae ral.Mtonn. blamed for al least 17 SOuthland deallll, hammerod °" s~ ..._ ..... "'· Cofll Mesa l ~ 4.1' S. It N-1 ludl l .•l S.U J.tl L .. -&.9ch 1.to 4.42 .i,:16 Hv!lfl"fl!Ol'I ltac:h t .OI J.U J.S1 Founl1l11 Vlllel' 1.5' 4.7' 5.lt Watml111'11r 1.0I J.il J.J1 $Ml BtKI' . 1.Cll S.iJ •.» L-Lllsi;ni World l ,IO .i.47 Of t..""""-Nllll'I I .ti) .i,4' f.M Allifllltfl • J.. 7.02 S.H G1,,. G~ t.• SM ..... S.11 ~ ·" 1,1' ~ AM L56 4.7' J.lt ~ CIMl9n~ 11111n1 ~·_, from Jin. 1 the Orange Coast over the weekend and kept up its assault today. Mort of the .. me N indicted for' Tuesday. The ilorm has dropped upwanla of two lnches of precipitation on some coastaJ areas -and it's not over yet. Season's totals are creeping close to fi~,reglste:red at this Ume last year, wllh · llunlfnglon Beach only .I inchea away. u ... , ........ 'l11e Htmllngton Valley area bon! the brunl of the ravaging rain with I.Ill inchea recorded from the current storm this morning. Laguna Beach reported 1.1 lnchea, Newport Beach 1.67 and Costa Meoa j.56. JOHNSON, NIX.ON HEAD FOR INAUGURAL For LBJ, A Quiet Exit to Tex111 Rench Little plu.'9lcal damage was reported In the wak'e Of. the heavy wttkend storm. However, the Orange County Harbor Fron1 Page l Department reported several boa!& were NJXON taking on rain water. ·An outboaid motorboat beached on • • • the -Coioalt de! Mar coutllne due to floor of the wooden slanda. the storm, bul l10 damage WU nported. On Balboa and Balboa Island storm Johnioft ac~m~ Nh:on to the valvea__ weu_bell:tg .closed in the wake CapitQI altu a Co(fe.e cba1 .Jt the White of 6~ foot high tides. House. Both men smiled at each other No ltorm damage was reported In d h "A-........ . Lagana Beach where a newly Installed an s ook iui.uds as ..... , met. flood control drain appeatfld to be func· In launcblng his admlnistratlon, Nixon tionhig perfectly. said, "I do not offer a life of uninspiring The storm also had its effect on tbe ease. I do not call for a lUe of grim gports world. Sunday's 500-mlle race at sacrlfice. I ask you to joir1 in a high Rlverside was postponed 8 week, diaap-adventure -one as rich u humanity pointing over 20,000 fans, some of whom bad waited all night for the event itself and exciting as the Umes we Three Newport.Mesa school buses live in." ''drowned' out," aa1d garage foreman Gathered around Nixon on the platform Don Ensign, but an on the way back ouWde the Capitol were many of the in after delivering youngsters to aebool. nation's leaders -including t b e One acbool bus in Huntington Beach's Republican and Democratic chiefs of ol:ean Vlfw ·Dl&irict ·cooldnl be ltafled. Congrm and the Nlxnn Cablnet -as bal ~1!111 •·1ym ....,'"4 the (OUJe. ...,u aa the, o"tgo"'* oresldent and vi"" ln~'M~ fdil:;i.lnilied MCO.im, -Jrillcfenl·'~'~' & lolmaon -S·· • Wallict Sl, complained to Ille dty Hubert H: Humphrey. . thaf ill~ 'l°" llj>, ln. l>fr, ~· ,...i• ·--l!i''n and. Ills fll" preslden~ Spll'O • she tlO!<llt'l':t. "cm. '"t-<e, nev 'iOib ~ 1'1'Y"'-, ""'11 . 'lbitugh \ Iha ouldoor '° mud! walet in tiJy Dfe " she • ceremony without topcoal& d"Plt• tba -' 35 degree chill.of the gray day. But the ceremony was spared the freezing rain and sleet tbre11tenecl by the weatherman. From Page J JOHNSON ••• him each room toot on new m...r,,,, Illa wile, Lady Bird ml daugblen l.ynda Bird Robb and Lud Nu('ll~ bolh of whom came to the White-HouR ln their teens, felt the same way. Luci took her aon Lyn from room to room, anapplng plctures. Lynda took her tape recorder to remember forever the hiJtoric home. Johnson has said frequently that he never regretted his declaion not to run again. But withdrawa1 pains were apco parent and DO one knew it more than hll family -Iha !amily that drew cfoler to him under Ille pressures and faolaUon of living in the White House. Illa wile and da~• did everylhlng lhla: week to eue the way out and to cheer bJm up. Tbey obo.,..S bJm fan le!Wa and !Uled hll da)'I .111111 ~·· •'lle l•P!l11 Sunda!·',lmnfne; his 1111 nigh! lh the While a;o... en· lerlllhfna !Us cloiilt otalf lll<ilMr• aM theif wtVet. ,Theiii' .VU •a~ -biarld combo ror dandrig and a 1'aVWt 'buffet. Johnson told them he would be seeing them "down the. toad." The occasion ~ "happy-sad," as one fellow Tex.an put tt. 1 K,illed, Three Hurt in County Auto Accident * * * * * * One penoll WU killed and Jbree lnjund In • -collllfon Satunfay nllhl on .llolu Cl1lca Street near Ranch Stnel in Westminster. Pollce said James Edward Minnis, 27, Long Beach. died after hll small sporll lllt ll · County Trame · Dealh ToU 1111 I car hit' 8 car spinning out of control driv.ri by David Henry s .. wlri , 19, of 10501 Etbn Clrde, Hunlington Beach. A third Cat, driven by Fritz Albert Budmer, 41, of 10152 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, also slammed into the Stewart car, pollct aaid. Investigating officers reported that Stewart wa, heading north on Bolsa Chi .. Slieel Wile\> he apparentb° lost conlro1 al his car and it began spinning Into the southbound lane. It was then hit broadside by the other two can. Budmer w a 1 uninjured, but his w I I e wa.s treated for minor injuries at Westminster Community H()!Pltal. DAii i PllOI O•ANGI: (OASf .l'\,ISLllHIHG (0Ml'AN1' l:•btrf N. 'W11iil 1"r11i0e<1t •""' l'ubU.,..r J.,~ 1:. c.,1.1 Viet Preiide"I """' Ge,..•• ~,._ter 11. • .,,, IC ••~a f:01IOf Tho""•' A, Murphi11t M., .. t lfts fl!i.r AJlt1tf W, 11!1• Willi1M 11.•eJ ,Jt.MOCll~ M<1ftt ... 11Cn &t~l'I fd!IOt (oly E.li!OI H•11ff ...... IMft Offlc• )09 Stlri Str••t >'•llft1t A4iilreu: P.O. 11• 7•0, ,J,41 -Offk" .............. ; "" Wtt~ .. lllH ...... ¥ ... C..lt MIU' »II Wffl &I'( Jl._I \ Anti-inaugural Pratest Swarms on Parade Route W ASIUNGTON (UPI) -Several hun· dred mWtant "counter 1 n a u g u r a I ' ' demonstrators swarmed to an in- tersection straddling President Nixon's parade .route today in a shouting con· frontaUon with police. The protester~ many of them bearded and sliabbUy <lressed, shouted obacenlUe! at a Police escort which flanked their ranks durin& a five-block march from a park , to Pennsylvania Avenue and . 14th SlreeL Large numbers ol poU~en. and plalnclotbeamen arrived at the scene. A rope barricade was stretched across Valley Co11ncil To Consider Lot Handling Change A proposed change In the method for handling re<iuests on smaller-than-stan· dard Jots will come up for p.tblic hear- ing at the Fountain Valley City Council meeting. 8 o'clock tonlgtit in council chamber• at 10200 Slater Ave . An amendment to clty ordinance No. 66 which would eliminate the variance procedurt in granUng permission for gmall Iota bas been recommended for approval from lht Plal'lnlng Commission. The amall loll concern anu zoned for lfngle.family realdences. 'l11e current procedure 1..-allowing developen lo bUUd on Iota with le" than the 7,200 square foot minimum ts to sr•nt • varlanct on the land wlthoUI changing Iha ronlng. Tbe new procedure would allow the dty to 'sran1 a condJUonal use permit to a developer and rezme the area foe speclaf use. Planning Director Stan Manafleld feelo tllll approach would allow the city to maintain a Ught.r coolrol on Iha type of development that uses smallcr-Owt- llla~ lots. He said the city has set up a set of cuJdellnOI with, "Particular emphuls on lrmovaUon, quall\y of development and effed.uaUon of a pobUc park," btJon: a denlopeio wlU be ll'lllled a condltJonal "" pennfl In m1111 fnlllanct> tbe city council h11 1nd 111n ast dm1loperi 1o prvvfde a neighborhood part within their planned development. 14th Street, at its intersection with Pennsylvania. A band of the diss.ideots burned dozens of small souvenir American flags at a number of points along Pennsylvania Avenue. In one instance, a batch of 20 or so flags were tanlted beneath a group of souvenir: Republic elephants being sold by a hawker. Police arrested at I e a s t 10 demonstrators at or near the flag burn· ing. At one point, lhey held three youths immobilized wll.b harnmerlockJ unUI a police patrol wagon came. A few m1nutes later, two elrls were picked up bodily by men in civilian clothes and carried kicking and scream· ing to a van. The tlag burnlna took place neat· a bloc of bleacher seats purchased by counter-inauguration organizers. One large group crowded in the doorway of the National f>ress Building chanting; "Ho., Ho, Ho Chi Minh. The N.L.F. ls gaing to win." Several arre1ts \\'ere made before the demonstrators reached the parade route. One wa1 a middle-aged man wbo l'Ulbed .Tilo the first ranks of the marchers. Three demonstrators, u well as the man, were arrested. ''Communists! Com. munists!" he shouted. "Seig Heil" the paraders retorted. Some of the demonstrators clW1tered in a huddle outllde the famous Wlllard Hotel, the headquarter1 of the inaugural committee. Some of them chanted, "The &treeb be.Jorig to the people." Top Police Shots Due Elks Awards Plstol target shooting trophies will be pr ... mled by the Elkl Club to memben of the HunUngton Beach Polke Depart- ment before t h e city councU mtttln&, 4:30 p.m. today. Tn>Pbiea will be awarded to the In- dividual with tbe high•" aggregale "'°"' for 1088 and to the ofllcer with the highest single score of 1968. A perpetuol trophy will be pttsenled to the department wttb the name of each year's aggregate acore winner engriVed nn It. The sbootlng scores were recorded at th• Orange County Sberfr1 range In An1beltn. Each omcer waa required to quall!y with pistoll month!( ln lM Mystery Crash Probed 38 Die in Jet's Sea Dive; Countian Was Pifut Federal fnvestlgaton today began pni.. Hnc lopther "lhredded bll& of 1 Jetliner !hit atre•kl!d Into tbe Padflc Ocun off Marina del Rey Satunfay nlj!hJ llke a comet, killing au 38 persoos aboard. The stricken United Akllnes Boeing 7%7 slammed into the atormswept sea only a mile from where a Scandinavian jeWner pancUed lut Monday nlghl dur· Ing a beavy ltllnn. CapL Leonard A. Leverson, 29, of 2036 Victoria prive, Santa Alla, was trying to bring UAL FHght lei back to land at Loo Angeles International Airport when the death dive occurred. Despite the fact that the Scandinavian Airline Syalem llCI wblch wen! down Monday, killfng 15 of · the 4$ · penona aboard WU aJ&n landing, cmh prohera believe the dlsaaters are just coln- cldenLal. The SAS jeUlner was mating a routine, but seldom-used wesWo-eaat land1ng ·~ proach In otormy weather wben It 11J>laah- ed Into the ocean, 1,500 !eet below Its proper altitude. ln.fllghl Dre and aploaloo four mfnulei after takeoff tor Denver, Colo., Mnt the 115-paaaenger UAL craft dOwn Satur- day night, bul the question -I&: whal cauaed the fl&mea and bllll? "I have a fire wamlng light on Engine Number One/' Capt. Levtrson i:adloed, "I'm tumlng around and coming back." Secorvts later, as wltnessei aaw a fiery trail out of the stormy black skies end al oea level, Fllghl 211 dluppwed from the Los Angelel ln1ert>41lonal Alrporl tower radlncope. 5earchera lmmedlalely wenl Into their well·rebearsed program -which 11ved 30 victim! of Ille !lnt commercial crub In !be 21 year hlat<ry of Ille Los Angeles llrporl laat week -but 1-were dJm. . . - ••t alway1 hope ·for aurVlvcn, t' aaJd U.S. ~ Guard Chief Ralph Mad.....,, "but deep lnllde -l knew It wu a losf cauae." · · MaderOI wa11 braced on lhe wildly pitching deck of the 26-foot private cruiaer Derita U a.s she plowed through Huntington Man Granted ·Stay In Contempt Case A Hunilnlton Be.ich man convicted of contempt of federal court bas been granted a stay of execution or the six· month jail term to whlch-..he wu sen- tenced. ·, James F. Dilg, 8381 Jndlanapolis St.. was ordered Friday to return to court Jan. 'ti for determination of his ability to serve the sentence. Dilg has been ordered to provide medical reports relating to his disability. Dilg was convicted after it was alleged that he failed to obey a court order which prohiited hiJ operation of an amateur radio station. Federal officers said the Huntington Beach man was ordered le> disrontinue use of the lllatlon la.ot May 11. Tbey toot action a1alnst the "ham" operator- after· di)' poUce reported that DUg's broadcasts were continuing to lnterftre with televiaion reception in the area. AcUon against Diig wu taken Jhrough the F e de r a I CommunicaUona Com- mission. Students Set Teacher In New York on Fire NEW YORK (AP) -Three youths beat a science teacher and set hiJ jacket afire today in a Brooklyn high school, Board of Education officials aald. The teacher was idenWled as Frank Siracusa, 30. He was reported ln good condition and declined medical attenUon. stonny, si1·foot seas to the debris.littered crash site. Five days earlier, Maderos waa on rescue duty aboard the USCG cutter Point Judith. during SAS jetliner crash operations. An1vtng at the UAL crash scene, Mlderos' earlier comment lbat there Person to Person was no indlcaUon the pilot was able. t,o ditch Jn a normal manner be&an to come true. First there was an egg carton, then a bobbing coffee cup, then other ~ mechanical debris and finally pm1lons of six torn bodies and a lone Ooatlng teddy bear. Susan Keeley, 20, Seal Beach, tries direct approach in her bid for stardomr as pop singer .... Susan, accompanied by itinerant musicians, ·$troll~ -str~e;ts Of lpndon recently, singing and strwnming in pre- paration for her ~pp~rance Jan._ 29 on program at Royal Albert Hall. Suzie Stays in Hospital Suzie can't go home today. An Jnfectlon -the second to be con· tracted by the 2-year-old Vietnamese cblld during her 54-day hospitalization -will keep her in Childrens Hospital for another "ten to 20 days" her physi· cians stated today. But there Is no cause for alarm, doc- tors added. They described the infection a1 being confined to the incision area and a type of discharge that is not uncommon among mart surgrey pa- tients. Little Nyugen Thi Thanh Phuong had been scheduled to leave her third floor room today for a period of convalescence at the Orange home of Dr. Albert Goh, a member of the Chlldrens Hospital medJcal staff. From there Suzie would have returned to Vietnam. She left Da Nang two months aio as a desperately ill chi!~ for whom open heart surgery was the last hope if she was to live a nonnal life. An earUer ear infection and bia:h fever Jed to the postponement of the firsl scheduled plans for heart surgery. A second abandonment was ordered when a member of the heart surgery team caught nu and Suzie's trip to the operating room was off for the third time when a shortage of blood restricted the hospital to emergency surgery only. But Suzie wenl to surgery Jan. 10 for an operation which has been declared to be a complete success by delighted surgeon&. · Also abandoned today were plans · for a "victory party " which was lo have been held this wetk at the Balboa Bay Club. The celebraUon was set as a special tribute to Suzie's mother, Li Thi Lanh, her interpreter and nurse Linda Henning. Mrs. Henning, a Childrens Hospit.a1 nurse, Is the wife of Navy LL Donald Henning. The of!icer instituted ar- rangements for Suzie's transfer to the United States when he ooticed her critical conditlon during treatment of Vietnamese children at the Da Nang base. • ' • • > I • • • • • ' '• . . . . ' ' ' . ' . . . 5-ine Watch & Jewef,.'J Repair 0 OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA "' I AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE !Jl COMPLETE ·JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired e diamonds and preciou1 stones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN I MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HARIOR SHOPPIN• CINTU ZJOO HAllOR II.YD. COSTA MBA 1141·'411 HUNTIN•TON CINTU llACH & IDINIHR HUNTINIOTON HACH m.1101 ) ---------------------~--"-----"--------__:. _____ _ \ I i I \ l .. ' ··-·-··----------------------~~---- MONDAY • JANUARY 20 fV[N!N <~ l:«I IJ"' lie .... (C) (tiO) Je1T7 Dunphy, o m ,,..., .... ,.., (CJ (!O) D Stftt Alln Show (Cl (90) Nin· r.y Ames, Howard Storm and Ron Hunttf" fUtlt. D THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * Robert Tayl0< In "Many River1 To Cros•"--Colorl 11 Six O'Cloct Mn: (C) "N•llJ' ~ Tt er." (....tern) '55- Robert TIYfor, Etanor Ptrktr. QI In CCJ (60) 111-.. (C) (30) fl!) Wlaat'1 lllW! (30) "Adventures In Dinolend.• first IR I Hrles with Murt Deusinr 11 h• loob It 11r1 In the C.mbri1n period, 600 mU- llon Jt8rt lfO. a;) Oati11t II Clofi1 (DIPLM """" (C) l:ltl Cl MBC NIWMl"lict (C) (60) GJ Vtrap I• th• lotto111 et tht S.1 (C) (90) @) 1\11. Tot, Is Allltrica (30) "Lind of El Dorado.• Tht hbtwy, llnd, peoplt 1nd industri1I dMI· I Hitn4Mo11. fflnkll Ralldtll 11W Ttl•h• Houaloll 1uut. m•• .. -(., (30) &I TY Mlllkll GUiit I~ fJ 1111 m • .,..., ?JI CCJ (30) ~PiGifl ROllllfl()f. CoAciuNDI. Aunt s.. ..... !Mt cnibHl!lp "" bin (WiV Gttr) make wt4'tllll plans. Goob«, HowJIN and ~ 1l'lttt eh.ck out lht et'Plal• ti .. 11111 ht's • ;i.t 1 romc •llor pl1Jln1 fist •Dd looal wlttl Aunt BM. But, II t'9 ...tdlnt .......,.. prooud$, A1mt Bit lllttmipb I with I lllddtfl plel for poltpoa• flllllt ot tM Ctnlft'IOl'IJ'. 0llJ IIJ 11!1 NIC M•"'7 ..... (C) Jllillll" (comld)') '&5 -httJ Duke, Chtrlts l 1111, Jim BKllll*. W1111n Btrtln11r. The story of 1 1S-yt11-cld rlrl who.se 1tlllttic pruwtu ctu:iu problems In II• per1t1nal Iii•. O Mtt• C.111 th• sun CC> (60) llur111e1 H1my is 1utst of llonor at 1 "rulf' 1N•11 by Mora1111 1 Kint Harvt l'rtsnell, Fna Nuytn, llbertee, H•MJ' Btckul 11'111 Edomi Romn.,.. D !HJ mm n. -CCJ (60) "lliti l/liptor Kine. .. Jtmal DMI mmn to tht IUPllOrt tJ Hul- httl Mtllb, Cntk Indio chkif wl!o hu tlUed I llflltl 11111 llho tricbd him llllo lllnlnt ..., much of the tribt's !ind. P1ul M1n- tee iuuta. CD 1t11 ,., '"' LH• CC> (60') Ul Lt '"" M1hfitl 9:Jo a a [j) ,,.,,, Affllr (t> (30) Whfln Uiid1 BUI llCJ11 1 fi11111tlll crisis lhtl could bieat up th•'fam- lly, the chlld1tn taka 1m1rpncy 1ctiol! to 11111 money. 0 N1n ('C) (30) ltd Ml)'tts. @:C Rftiltl MuM1I J PERKINS JUDGE PARKER opment fl Cclumbl1 ,,. mmlntd .- by tlldler Ramiro Garcia. 10:00 fJ QI Cl) Carel llrHtt (C) (l'il) It. _...;• IE mm"'" (C) P•fJ' Como ll'ld comtdlln Tlftl 1"" 11111 m cas ""''' -CCJ (30) Wflir Cl'onkita. 0 WUt'I 1i1J Lint?' (C) (30) Alan Aldi, Soupy Sties and Mtredith M1cR11 au.st. G)PlllWtfd (C) (30) Arf1n1 rrin- ds ind Skltch Henderson auesl fD Unu ~lertl (30) m Ctur't World (!EJTnrth er Con11q•tnca (C) ..,,.., -om-{<) t"'l D Q7J CJ) Ill l>o Ill '""' IQ (60) "._~]I "'*.. Nia -i ro-ded Into 11111kinr 1 lonr·.W $5,000 bet thlt tflt 8a1'1ey Finch an bett Its loftrtiPl'll Pitt, ttlt Morton Ranch, in 111 upcomln1 rodeo. lo11 Rawls ruests. 0 Mdlll DIBOii (JO) (8 n.t SM (C) (30) "T Nth.• Ptiylll$ Newman 1uests. 7:lDIJ9(j)Cmmot• (C) (60) mn. ... War (JO) "'Compul-I Steve torrtst: plays M1nnon, 1 rtrth· slllfl. •Thi tlmt Is September, 1915, 1 f .1 ~..._--~,..._ Tht AllJea llllnch ll'Ut tttacb I less, ut-..r1w 11mm1n """ ao""'"' •11lnst the Watern Woll ID bml Ii Festus. Th• 1111111\al II out of town, Ind with his dtputy irav•IJ wound· tilt d•dlixk. Hiihllrtrb of tbt ed, ttte 11111m1n helps himself ·to Battles of ChtmP11111 tlld Loos. frM food, drink 1n1 lod1lnii, Italy tnlen Utt w1r. Om 1 l'WaJ 1111qutat1o1 "19 IE Didi• tob141 (C) (TO) A mi;# of the ouutand- lna: wtnlJ tnd .ceremonin I~ to· llt'.30 fJ umr. {C) "P'rtncl If rs.,..- d1y'1 lna ua:ur1t1on of President (drama) '5S-Rk:hanJ Burton Johll Richard M. Nixon. rnnk McGe1 b Derft. Ra)'lllond Massey. ' anchorman. e t.ost 111 Spa: (C) <60> m "• (C) <30> B (HI(]) CiE TM AHnpn (C) fJi) l111D'nt1Dn (30) "RoblY Dr· ("60) ''Tht lnl1rtogatttts." A num-111mlcs." Dr. 8renntll'l1n hhs 1 Mr of secret contacts 11'1 IY't91M· look II tM .,_ ftcllity to tut tically tlimineted alter 111tertl key lht dyn1mici ti rotatinf machf11- 11ents rehrm from their "'mysteri-tf"/. Ori&Jn1lly dMlo"d for IPIC.-ous~ llolld1}'1. StHd. T1r1 and 119 tl9IS. t1'1t ftcllltJ b now mil· "Mothtr" atttmpt to unra\'11 th1 ·~· for test1n1 c:omm&tdtl tn• mystary ftllt becomes Mn lllOft 11ne:1. clouded wbtn tht agents ••r tt11t a> Dltras dtl Mu,. their aiddtn diSllppetl'!lnces were mertly hOlldl)'S and turthl!f awur that thtY hlH not dlvulpd lllJ ll:Cll a DD m m lftn (C) Information that could have led kl g Alfrld ~ th• tUminatlon of !hair JlllCl"M CCII· bets. Rhonda Ptiter and Chrllfo. pher Lee 111tst. 0 llUlloo $ Movtt: .. Alll'I I..,.. (Trim•) '61 -Geora:a Hamilton, Mercedes MtCambridge, Joan Blon· dill. m DOUT Lin' aab (C) Rod s.r- 11n1 holtJ. QJ Movie: "11tt 8irl frM llluUt• Uo" (dnm1) '43--Dorathy LlmGut, Geori1 Morrtiom"J. 111>C1Jm-(Q Tm.II • Con11qut11C11 IC) (30) Posing 1s 1 hippie. 1 min plays 1 toke on his unsusptetlnt wife. 11:JO IJ Cl8m:rJ Tiit INll(l,lfal 1111 ft'I. (C) C8SliiM coven the ln1u111 ... r w PW11 llPO• (60) Biiia stv111 iii hfl1111r of th• new ED C.ftd111 d1 la R111 (30) President. ilIIUR Anltl en ti F1np Cli»@mmmm Th ht• 1urunil Ball (C)~rap from 1:00 R mt hwln &; M1rtin Llufb·ln ti) (lil) Hours after his inaugura· tion as PrtSldent, Rlchtrd M. Nixon Is seen on tht sllow for the second time. Hiney Sinatr1 tlso 111erts. fD I fffCl!IJ Win~ lntuflll'llSon (?) <2 hr) ittatillrhts of th• day'1 ceremonies. NET news corrispond- tllh will dllt\l$l the new 1dmlnls- trati0n's flltllre. W1slllneton, D.C., of ttl• lnau111nl B1lts In llonor of Presidtnt Rk:hlrd M. NiJoR .t tht Walhinrton Hiiton, tht Sher1ton P1rll Hotel, ind 11 lht Smlthsonltn Institution. Huch Downs i nd Barba11 W11tm report e able: "f1all •Rd die $pl,. {western) '56 -John Ai.tr, M1rll En1llsll. D Q7J IIJ Ill ~" '""' tCJ m I '-""' @El Cootkol J C.ndDMf , u:oo m n 11111111: stri, -IJ Q.t 00 Ktrt'1 Luer (t) (30) Lucy decides to ro on strike 1nd 12:Jll l1J llotle: "Tll'flr Ill t1Mi H1untld picket when Uncle HlllJ rr!USM H11qJI'" (harltlr) '58---0t r1!d Mohr, to 11ivt ~er 1 r1lsa. C.thJ O'Donn1ll. 0 Goldl11 Yoyqe (C) (30) "AH Q) Action n11tn: "Sofia.~ ARl~nd Alrir.a." fJ @ IIJ !ll P-"°" (C) (JO) Psycholollk:al tetb indicate Roelney'1 doubts 1bout ~is marrt11e; Ell 18Cltvu tn invitation lo ump!I M•11l1'1 elder; Dr. Miies Pa Lew J;OQ 0 Spulfn1 frtelJ (C) Ill Co•111unn, hllttltl lom (C) a-CCJ 1n ultlm•lum rt1ardin1 his futurt. 1:15 IJ Mc:!lt: '"Tiit Wllitl 5'1~,.. GI Do11l4 O'Col!Mf (C) (90) Blah· (wulem) 'S6 -Dlvid Brlln. lllJ op .1111'111 A. Pitt. Nina Foth. Sklla WynrL TULSDAY DAYTIME MOVIES 12:30 m "'llltwbtmd"' (dr11111> ·•1 - Robtlt Newton. "Tiii S1nll ... (dr11111) ·45--0,.,n Wtll•s. 2:00 m "Thi ttotu .. • (1dvtnture) '57 -Ron R1ndell, M•tJ Paiter. l :JO D "1'11 f11111 Te II•" (1M1a11Ct) :S:30 llJ ('C) "1\t .., tfld .. P1r1W ·~t-June Ally9oft. V11 Johl'llOA. 1:30 8 "1'11 Liie tor Tflln" (drtma) '49-l..Wbtth Scott, Dell Du1J1•- 10i00 e ·u TWI Md H--. TW' (drtllll) '4(\....1«1• Dt'lb. Olirilt 4;.JO. (C) ...... ,. , .. (b ...... N) '7 ........ -· • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q,.•lity Pri11ti119 t11d D•p•nd1lil1 51,....ic• ffr l'll01• th•11 • Ou11l•r of • Ce11'111y. 2211 wm IAUOA ILYD. NIWPOIT llAC .. MOON MULLINS ® TUMBLEWEEDS . OOY! f.M I FAMISHED! ll!INK l'lL HAVE TOAST N' ROUS FER BllfAKFASTI MU'n AND JEFF GORDO ,_,,, MISS PEACH -·--r-------------· ly Cliarln M. Sc•IJ .-~ ..... ~~~~~ By John Miles By Harold Le Doux By Ferd Johnson IF' CHRISTMAS WAS A FSW W.l!'l<S LATl!R, I COLJLDA .. OT TWICE!' ).S MIJCH STUFF FOi'< TH' MONl!Y'THEY, Spj;NT ON Ml!. By Tom K. Ryan HERE'S lt>nlE SUN! OFT' MAY IT RISE! BOTTOMS UP, BOYS, Hl!RE"S MUD IN YER EYEsJ By Al Smith --------,..----- DAILY PILOT .. • • . ' • . . . INAUGURATION -Frank McGee, above, is 8l>-~· chorman for a special program, 0 Inauguration '89,!' '. tonight in color at 7:30 on Channel 4. The hall-hour program will review events and ceremonies of thl inauguration ol Richard M. Nixon in Washington today. TELEVISION VIEWS TV Effects: Good and Bad By TERRENCE O'FLAHERTY : . We have all beard the publicity man's creed:· "Who cares what they say about you as long 'AS they spell the name right?" · If there is any truth to that, television h :a smashing success: It has always· been' ... subjecl Of criticism at the office water cooler but today it has moved in many new directions -even upward -to Capitol Hill. ' •· · IN THE RECENT exchange between Congress-• man Hale Boggs and Frank Stanton before the ti•-; tional Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. Boggs asked the President ot CBS vfp;y •• Presidential campaigners spent so much money qn ; TV commercials last year. • "Because it's an effective medium to rel9h : people,'' replied Stanton. .. : "WELL NOW," asked Boggs, "Why is televislOo : effective in reaching people and advertising poll~t'-; ians but it is not effective when it shows sadism, · masochism, murder, mayhem and rape?" In light of the fact that television appearances hold the key to every Congressman's re-e1ecUOn , the current hearings are either a surprising act"9f politica1 bravery or an attempt to forestall action behind 100,000 yards of testimony. · It is odd that the most noise is being made over news coverage which is one area TV seems mo~ comfortable in. Yet, as a result of the coverage of the Chicago convention at least eight investigatl~s are planned and news executives feel the threat of · governmental censorship is stronger now than ever before. ., NBC NEWS chief Reuven Frank believes that what the viewer has seen on TV has shaken hi.qi! "The world as reported by television threatens him. ll is a short and understandable step to conclude !bet TV threatens him. It is what psycbomuilyMI call 1transference1 ." • • RecenUy a scholar who bas studied the disooll- tent that is reflected in the headlines reached the conclusion that it is not the result of youth losini faith in democracy: ''Militant young people, tar from being disillusioned with democratic processes, are totally unacquainted with them, since they ar6 rarely shown on television. The arduous, day-to-day debates, fact finding, and arguments by which social decisions are arrived at by every 'democratic body in the land, from town council's to the Con- gress of the United States, are never shown. Al THOUGH HE didn't know it at the time, the man who made that observation was desUned tO observe the results of TV's shortcomings at closer hand than he expected. He is now the acting presi· dent of besieged San Francisco State College, Dr. S. I. Hayakawa. A. William Bleum, a professor of broadcast journalism at Syracuse University, blames the pul>- Iic's nervous state on an exposure to too much real· ity through television: ''TV DID what society told il 1.o do -report t!l:e confrontations of our times, get away from escapt1 from nonsense," he said. "But listen, we'd bett~r get back to escape or we're going to blow the !ld ~~~;;;;::~ off this society!" I._.~~--.... . _ -Some people believe it's already in the air. ' .... &...... G.J: . 1---------------'-------. .... ----~ .,,...~.._..,,...._.. By Gus Arri~la _ 'TllAT •r CCDIFl~TION R 6PV.Jt6 I·, l'OIC . "~' JI • I By Mell 'IMllRB 15 NO !J.14IT TO THS A'l"llNTION·GITTlNGr oev1c•6 HE WILi. RaSORT 70 •• Detanis the Menaee i if I I; , . . - J8· DAILY Pll.OT CHI .. .. LEGAL NO'llCE Skymark May Shed State Laws SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ~omla'• Public 'UtlllU.. COmml&:lm bM v o t c d lo consider uem)ltlne SQmart AltlloeJ !run ute ...,.i. Ilona. By la•, the-..... not regulale IJI airline lbat rue. oullide. ol the &lale and Sl:ymart &01' 11 aow _..1 .. toRenou,..Uuto C&lll<rnia poilll&. wP•11io. COl.I•• °"' nt• u the PUC sl!cUld aempt -.n•n Oii CALIN)llJUA l'04l Sk;ymut. tbe line would be TMI ccu:..."".w~~ ou.Ni• free of l!l1 eontroll .mce the NOflCW OP H1.uu.. °" Pnmo.. federal C Iv i I Aermauli-'o• ..... ' PllOIUTI 0, wn.L AHO Board bu rdmed l 0 •-<ODICIL AJllD l'Ott ••-"-1'--lbal -•••-~1111 T.-STAMl:NTAllY -r-" ·-f.Wal U8e ..,__ £Watt o1 Fr.,. 1-'-Etwl"' •IM of lea than 12,500 pounds. ~ a franll J. e,.,.,in, Dec:eUild. ci:i.u-...... _... .......w,,..,._ NOTICE IS HEllEIY GIVEN ni.t ....,,.~-, 1'iWI ._..,,,...,._.,. 11.-. L "'-"''...,. • t111M1 _... In Sa er a mt n to, rue. '£:: tor ~oll9hl o1 wlM Mid (: t .....i tor t•u...et: d L•""t DeJlavilland Otten, Which ,. ....,.urv t• .._u11oner, ntel'WICCI C"""' lJ ru111•--and weigh to '"""'ctl 11 ~for further ~kvU.ra. -•J ~-,. •11111 fMt fM tll'M •lld PIKI' ol llHt'l"f Jess than 12,500 pounds. tN _ j.m,, ~ '*'" ..t tor 'ltbnlWY Com fin• n---had 7, ""'· .t t:• ··"'" In !tie _,,.,.._., pe._.. AWQ cont-.. o..rm-1 No.. J ar .. 111 court. plained tbe line was flying M lf» Wftl elghftl $tr .. t, hi the fl.-..1.-.1 t-In ply c1~ ., Sant• """· c.111ond1. unaul.U\n uc:u rou..,.,. re • New HCDA Officers °'!'!'.~;; ~tH':.'i:ountv Cit,..,, Skymart v1ct president J&mes ~ ';.:::" F. Thacher told the PUC: Members of executive committee of the Motor Car Dealers .(\ssociation of ::_ ~ 't!tr..!:', twJ ~~ ~~ora J:e u:;:, :: Southern California are shown discussing plans at a recent meeting. Seated T• UMI ...,. l.herefore are not subejc:t to (left to right) are Irv White, outgoing president and ex-Officio member; Robert ~ ":',':::'" co.11 o, 1 •,. PUC jurisdiction." A. Smith, Hollywood, new president; Theodor~ A.. Robins, Sr., Costa Mesa, first Pl~{ JMuLEG.., AL,.. "N· ~~ f'Mf A similar case involves Cable vice president; and (standing) Elton K. Walker, Los Angeles, treasurer ; James Commuter Air 11 n es in McFarland, San Diego, second vice president. IU,..K>I. COU•T 0,. TH• ITAn Southern California and the----------"--------'---------------------' fW CALll"OIUUA .Na T11a cou•n ol' o•A1101: PUC has not reached a •. • ... .... int d · · th "'--lllonc:ll 01" HIA•INO fW l"eTITIOM ecwon ere e1uicc. ,. P•ou.T• 01" w1LL AND l"o• Without PUC re ..... 1 .. tion, a ........ TllTAMIMTA•Y (If 0 &'"° •OflOt line could charge what it ....... "' MATILDA OAILEY. llso pleased and Oy where it ano.ti .. TH.LIE DAILEY. 0.C.ned. H011CE II HE•E•Y GIVEN Thlt wanted. It also would not be Kil. It. SUEH .... nlW ...... I ..mten able to -· a ~1y on Cash Circulation Up in U.S. tor ,.,.._ o1 Wiii ll'MI tor ...,.,_ --r" "' Ltt.r. Tnt-tarY ... Pirtltlonff, any route and would be SU~ nflrWlcll 1e wtildl 11 .,.-tor tur11Wf ~ lo ~u competition ~m _.i&tolln,. lftd !IV! TM tfmt lftd ~--,,.,... aw.I II U "' ....,,,.. ,... -Ml """ ... regulated lines . ..,. """""' 1, !Ht, II f:)CI '·"'~ "' 4tMI ~ ot 0estertm.nt .... Richard D. Gravelle, PUC ' .............. ., 111 fllorfh ~. 8taff ___.. ... 1 said ·-......... Despite Ctedit Card Trend "'·*°"-"'..,..AM. C.llforM, "~ UC' ~ By SYLVIA PORTER woman and ehtld. o,w ......,.,., 1s. 1,.. the legislature would pus a • w. e. n JOHN law b r i n g i n g out-of..Jtate Do you have $241.%7 in cash THE INCREASES and the Paiftlr~i~u•kllN afrlines under oommission including $27.55 in change l<t.othlS wOuid be imprf!$Sive ~~c!1~. "'" jurisdiction for th~ part of in your pocketll or waJlet enough by themselves. What !~',!";.:~-their routes within the state. as you read this? Do you, f11akes them even more pre>-"~'lhld oi...... coa11 D•ll'I' Piiot, S k Y m a r k b I s P U C as a family of four, have · · he I th h JanytT 11, '°' 75, iHt t1Mt author'--tion to 1 er v 1. c e vocative LS t act at t e -·-~~~--LEGAL NOTJCE S a c r a m e n t 0 , F ~ esno, hand _ including at least two trends are occurring side by sun••o• cou•T 01" TH• 1TATI! Bakersfield, San J 0 s,, 1100 bills? side with the surge toward . . 01" CALll'O•NIA M 0 I ,oa '"' coUNTY OI" o•ANO• onterey, ak and, and Lake Of course you don't, because a "cashless" society. ,.., .., .. 1.. Tahoe. th r· C 1· o1 tr 1· M01)()9 M 11u•1No o'" ll'l'T1T1t1N ese 1gures are averages, oun mg o y ansac 10115 ~"::9T'a1'~ .. :.~'.!"~v AND '"0• and averages, as those figures by checks, Americans write htnl ., •1c11an1 e. Moe911ne. o.-dramatize, are u s u a 11 Y 20 billion check! a year, c•~7Ke is HE11teav GIVEN TI141t Sale Planned sta tistical myths. equiva1ent.to 100 a year for ~~ e1._ w1~:..S1~ • ~ Nevertheles.s, the figures are every individual On all sides. ., c.n... T"'-t.rv to P9fltloMr, NEW YORK (UPI} significant, for they underline you are being lured by some ~ 1e1;:':.,1'n..~ ~M~ Gerald H. Ruttenberg, newly· the fact that U.S. cash in form of credit card, charge-it .,.. .,.,,,. ,.. betft "" elected pre 1 id en t of circulation is oow up to $48.7 plan, toll ticket, payroll deduc- ,.. ...,. 1. ,,..., II •:• 1·"'" Studebaker w~•;•M-Inc billion, a full $17.3 blilion or . y Id r--" .., tilt ~ e1 o.1r11Nnt No. • .... wuug..,.., ., lion, etc., etc. et, o -~uon-~. ':"" ... ~;.. ~n1'!"'A.:1.~',1:.:;~ said be intends to sell the 55 percent above the level ed casb also ill in this phe- 0,.. ~rv 17, ,,... company's Alco products 1t the start of the decade noonemal boom. · w. e. ST JOMN locomotive works at Au-and on the way to a landmark can you guess which is the. NStt.1o~:-Dc.w;::0 burn, N.Y. Ruttenberg said $50 billion soon. At the same most rapidly growing: ' ;::..::n_:.."":. '""' the. company alao w:ill iliscon-time, the average per capita denomination of r 0 J d I n g Lme ._..... c11.._., ,..,, linue manufacture of heavy is up from $179.21 in 1960 money? •=.s• :r:"~.._..eo.st 011"' Pito1. condenser air conditioning lo $241.27 and on the way THE 100 BILL. Over ~e J1....,... 11. JO. 'J. 1"' 1111Ht equ.ipmenL to a landmark $250 per man, past decade, the value of ~· LEGAL NOTICE lf;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;i1 money in $100 bills has 1u~•1011t CDU•T OI" THI! sTATI 1·umped 69 percent. There are ' 01" CAL!l"OlltNIA I s b T d • J:o• TKI COUNTY 0,. OllAKOI! ee y O ay S DOW 97 million Of them in .. 0nc1 0, ::_;.:~:'"" l"ETntoN circulation: in total value, the l"Ofl ,.O.ATI 01" Will AND .. o. Want Ads $100 bill now tops the $10 Lma11tt TISTAMINTA•Y ·11 d d I Eiitlflo ., LINDA c. 11AvM. .,.., b1 and stan s secon on y It-.. LINDA C. SEVE•SON, O«t-11-lo the $20. edi.GTICE IS HE•EIY GIVEN ""-' • Lazy leather lounge . • • The next . fastest growing MILD•EO s. K•l!TSINGE• Ills flied A brown leather reeliner denomination is the -bill. ..,.. 1 ""'loll tor .,... e1 wm ha' · ood -end.-11&uance of Lett.,.. Tnt•""'1t1.., c ir, in wry g con-Since 1958, the total value of :.!"',!.-~~ .. ~ --:~c11 "'!~ dition, for only $.3:i -en-these in circulation bas climb- ..,. """' llf'4 plKe o1 hH•l11t tht joy the Pro Bml•I. ed 56 percmt, from $10 billion ...,.. Ml ~ aet tor F.iini.rv 1, ,,.; •' t ::ie •·"'·• Tn tht court~ • Save the Redwood! U you worth to 115.7 billion worth. !'t ~'::" e':t.ni' ~rtt~ldln~ / don 't, this redwood patio This is the biggest dollar in- c"" of ~ .-,,..., c.11torn11. furniture set will go to crease of any denomination D..., u_,..,. 1'· 1"' someone else -your loss. -larger than the rise for • W, E. ST JOHN ... c ... ..,.., c"'"" all the under • $20 denomina-_..0_ •TIM, HUCKIN,.A.Hll!• AMD • Mahogany, Marble and lions puttogetber. """ Maple: Beautiful w he n =~.:m" tutdully combined in As fascinating u the trends c..-. """'-c.1t1n111 ""' your living area, in the are the reasons for them. T••A"I ...,ns1 A FIRST KEY fo-be.hind • .......,. "' Ptnn.ltt' pieces oUered, all &tep, ..... ~ l"Wllatied Or•'* co.at Oall'I' "1'°'· end, or coUee tables, the cash upsurge is the ex· J•Ml.,., 11. .. 25. lttt 111... • of LEGAL NOTICE p!OS1on teen-agers in our • Green TueAday '!' Docs the land, a direct nsult of the NOTICt OI' uL1 thou;gbt of ironing make baby boom following World .. ~,:.,..,.""": ~ ~ you W? Then why not send War II. Teen-agers always ttu~:if"'to ~ ':.~11 ~ ~,:.re,~::;:: it out? Bring your own operate primarily on a cash .,,. u"*"'9ned• a..umont-Grlbln-Von hangers., and let thil hap-bu:is and today, they have °"'•' WIM u11 11 lff,lbllc 1vcllon, 1t py lady do yoU?' work for tS11•MNllon c1rd•, w11tm1n111r . only 80c an hour. a volume of spending money c111f11m1e, 11 11:00 o'clod; A.M., onJ~~~-""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'~~~'._~~oo~d~a~n~~:".""'!."~•:•er'.:_~t~lmo~w'.'.'.'.:n.1 Frtd!W, "" 14111 NY ol Fetiruerv, 1Hf, --e ,,,. "11"Wlnt dnel'lbtd ~. 1-11= 1'111~ Color T.V .• G. E. clod< radio, Mettll'Wll -11bi., llt... -IP. ... 111...ttl'I' "1 ,.,.,,,.,.. Se.Id ..... 11 ,_. TM _._ el a.anilfVlnll ..... "' "" Ul'idotol9flld "" ,.,,, owed eo1 ...,,,..,..,. t lllao,.,, •I '561 MM'- Clfdl .. WM _, of t:Ol.Cll. lottff\t<' wftil cm1s el ild'lolrlllll'9 Ind ~ ...... Dt_)'ld JanlMl"I 1, 1M. &e~ ... VOft Dyl • .,. Otllnlil w. """' '°""".,_, ~ CN11 Del,,_ P!JDI, .J..-T IS. a f1 .... F*""'"' J, ,,.., ., .... LEGAL NOTICE STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound or Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island. Newport Beach A second factor ls .our fabulOUI travel boom, both within . and ouside. of our borders. • Despite the many warnings to cal'T)' a minimum in cash, this still is the most convenient and favored form of money for a traveler. A third factor is, as it always has been, hoarding of dollars, particularly by foreigners· trying to protect themrelves agaiMt devalua- tion of their own national cur- rencies. A FOURTH fador also is, as always, an effort to evade taxes. How much easb is hid- den in safe deposit boxes and other plac6 by those trying to cooceal the income and its sources ls not tnown - but the amount undoubtedly is r:normous. Then there is the growth of eating -out to all time peaks. This involves record outlays or cash as weU as record use of credit cards. There is the nation's overall boom in retail sales of every description; you've probably guessed that a major pro- portion of the circulating CtD'- rency and coins is in cash registers, $tore and 'bank vaulta, vending machines, the lite. And finally, of course, the upsurge in cash in use reflects our general economic upsurge. THE AVERAGES may be silly; the story is far from it. U.S. Steel's Blough .To Retire NEW YORK CAP! -Roger M. Blough will retire at the end ol January as chairman and chief executive officer of U.S. Steel Corp. Bloogh. who will reach the company's mandatory retire- ment age ot 65 next month. announced that be would re- sign and be succeeded by Ed- win H. Goll, pre&ldent ol U.S . steel. Edgar B. Speer, now ex- ecutive vice president in charge of production, will becomr: company president. Blough Is credited with ma1termindlng the reorganizaUon of U.S . Steel from a loose-knit collection of subsidiaries into a cohesive system of di visions united under a strong central framework. A graduate of Vair: Law School, he joined U.S. Steel lo J9Q after practicing law wtth White & Case of New Yett. the company's counael. Ht mcceede.d the late Ben Pa.lrle!it u cba1rman d . U.S. Steel m 1!165- ln 19$2, ""'" U.S. Sleel decided to eeek a SS-a-ton price lncftue, Blougb de- llvmd the """' to l'reslllelll ll<nna!Y. Blough bcn the brunl ol Kennedy's bitter denunciation or the proposal as a threat to the national Interest, and in the end Blough backed down. 1'he new chairman of U.S. Steel la a SO.year-old naOve ol Pllllbufi)l and a ifaduole of Lehigh Unlvmlty. Cott Jolntd the COlllJlllllY In lll3'1 ar\er tening far ltVeD ye.an with the ltDppe1 Co. .Wanted: ~A- Overseas I . . • ~i- MoM.or. A>WJ' 20, l 'M ( H) D~lv PltDT j Monday's Closing Prices -Complete New York St0ck Exchange -List ... lt&Hl LN r. ... a..~----------·• -.. Ill&) • 1"" Cit•(.._ f!·kt;~I~ List I I \ ' ' I I __ ,_ _____ _....__ .. ;; ; ; ; ;.--.. --;, -·: --;: -!'1:'7'-"·=· ·='"'"· ... *"'··°''-'"-"· ··"·'"· -:-:-:.,--:.:-. -:-;-, -:--.,.·-:o=w"""'· """'"'·:-'-:. -..,...,.., .,._ ................ ,..., ..... ,, ......... -.,...--•• ,..,, ................. ,,...., ... -...., ................... '"· .... ..,..--·~· -~·-~·· ~ . ~ ... -.-...--.-. • ., -~·· --- ff DAILY PILOT TO 8! INSTALLED Mar Vl1te'1 Moor 'Moor New :Master of . . Mar Vista . · Lawrence Moor of Costa Mesa became the n e w :Wlll'Shlp!ul Master of Mar Vista Masonic Lodge 828 in ceremonies at the Newport Beach lodge Saturday. Moor succeeds r-e ti r in I Master Arnold C. ATI!. Olher new officers installed are Robert D .. DiDomeinco, sentor warden: Joseph E. Tboma11, junior warden; Carl R. Meyers, treasurer; Clarence A. McCoy, secretary; Victor E. TWy, Chaplain; Leonard Gerardi, senlor· deacon; S. Alfred Ascbenberg, junior deacon; Gene ff; Barnett, )IW'Bhall; David0 G. Leighton, JeDlor lltnanl; Davld-KnO!ie~ junior imranl~ Neal Morphy; organ!•~ and Cbarles C...Ube Jr., tiler. Past Master Paul Todd was ln!lalllng officer. Painting Class Due • It's Demos • • . . Who Need . Subilrbs WASHINGTON (AP) - Master llctlciaD Lawrence F . . O'Brien lJ leaving the polltk:al . aru for banken' hour• with tllll -ol . advice lo hi! feJlOW Demdcrab: I LOok lo Ille auburllo. Thal'• wbere the Democrafl are. O'Brltp, who ' guided the campal1a• Of three Democratk: ii:<sldeo!lal .... dldales, resigned .. l\Atlonal party chairman . Jut week lo becorn< preddeot ol a buklng Investment !Inn In New York. He gave Ilia parting advJce ~ In remarks Jlftl>I~. r.r the Democratic Nati61111 Coin- miltee, which convened to name ,hi! aaccesaor. Sen.i'Fred Harris (D-Okla.). backed 1oy· V!<e PrealdeDt Hubert H. Humphrey, was es- ~ lo get the Jo~ which wUl enlall cleaning• up a cam- paign deficit eolimaled Bl bO.~n 19 ml1llon and Ill mlJIJon.and rebuilding the par· ty, In o:Brlen's words. "from the-bottom up." · -O'Brien wi.s a charter mem· her : ol Job!> F. Kenno<ly's "lrlab· M~" whicb ran bis 11u~·'1presi,dentiaJ cm palgn and provided hi! c\osesl advisors in the White House. He ran President Johnson's campaign in U164 and later bec8me postmaster ~al. He resigned !hat job bi 1963 lo nwiagr the ~tlal campaign ol Sen. lll>berl Ken- nedy. WbeD Seo; ~edy WIS usasslnaled.after. SIOlpl'Jsing primary vtctoey 1" ~Qmia, O'Brien joined ff111npmey'o campaign, ·be1Jilng1lo 1!e<r H to near-victory. O'Brien told the .committee the Democratic party must ~ bu1lt "once again into a setW<:e. organization." To do it:;~d, new . sources of aup~ust be found. "We WI.II not survive as ;i ~ilf'.:We just rely on the old JXJ~9). organizations, the old / ,,liiiances, the o I d allegl;n:clti My advice Js: Coones !or the beginning look lo 'die auburbs; that's artist and .the be a: i.n n 1 n g where ma'ny of our .Democrats pcrtrait painter are. to be of-have pe. Look ta _the grow- fered in the evening ,by Orange ing .Jl'Oblems of ' !aburban Coll spr.WI and suburban blight; Coast ege. that's what l'IO 'nlany of our BeginnhJJ PainUng will'have Democrats are con c-e r n t d three ~te clau ·aections: abouL" •.. , -Mooda)'s rr.m 7 ·10 10 p.m. The MassacbUBOll&.pqlltjcian at Corona del Mar High also urged the comiDittee to School, Room 305; 8 n d "embark upon an hHiepth Tuesdays or Thursdays from research pro· 1.ect to develop 7 to IO p.m. at the 0C:C Art Center Building, Room 14. a proJ>06al for f_j n_ 1 n cl n g The course will cover the presidential elections w l t h basic techniques of painting _red_er_al_f_und_•·-----I and drawing in various media. Students will paint from still life and costumed figures . Material charge is $3. · Portrait Painting will meet Wednesday from 7 to 10 p.m. at Corona de! Mar High, lll>om 305. The course will be for beginning portrait painters and models will be provided. Material charge is $4. Registralion is under way. Trade all those ~~bills for one easy payment 'L' \J use our money! That's what Morris Plan money is for. You may borrow from $100 ID $5,00J, or mote, for bill consolidation, taxes, medical expenses. any good reason. Payments scheduled to fot your income. You may ·have your money the day you apply-with no repayment for 45 days. SAMPLE YOUR -" No.of LOAN CASH ...,,,,_ -... «HEoutES $ '5W $26 :II $1,011.57 $S1 2A l1.5W9 $51 31 $2.1!%.ll $75 31 Credit life end dlltbllll)' lmurlntl Mltlblt. Morris Plan 673-3700 Newport S..ch-3700 Newport Boulovord ~-. . ANAHEIM 444 N. Euclid 535-1121 Mon. thru Sit. 10 a.rn. to 9:10 p.m. .... -_ ....... -''----....... =..:..... __ _ ' .I. ,. NEWPORT 47 Fashion l1l1nd 6'44. f 212 Mon. thru Fri, 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. s.+. 10 1.m. to 6 p.m. • • • . , " . THE GRASSCLOTH LOOK IN READY MADE DRAPERIES 8.99 reg. 10.00 48x54" An elegant nubby textu red look in rich reyon ecetate. Ready to hang in exciting ne:w colors. Choose white, blue, ,gold, .jade, pumpkin, or banana. We call this excfti;q drapery Scotti'dole. Reg. si1e SALE 10.00 '48x54" 8.99' 14.00 '48x8'4" 10.99 19.00 72x54" 15.99 24.00 72x84" 19.99 24.00 96x54" 19.99 30.00 96x8'4" 24.99 33.00 120x54'' 27.'9 41 ,00 120x84" 34.,9! YOlLE WEAVE , !~ ·'. ;;,;..."'" . U.NDERDRAPERIES OF · 1 Q.0% DACRON~ . . ~· POl¥ESTER 11.99 reg. 14.00 54x84" Mode of eosr care Docron* polyester perfect as a washable underdrapery. Pfea.f.o..,. ed lo over 200% billowy f~llness to creo\o • custom look. In white, eggshell , blue, gold, gree'n,_· pink. Ask for Grammercy. Reg. 14.00 25.00 35.00 42.00 size 54x8'4" 81•6'4" 108x84" 135x14'' Allow 10 to 14 days for c:lelfvery WILDFLOWERS IN A PERMA- PRESS ENSEMBLE SALE 11.99 lt.99 29.99 l4.99 13.99 reg. 17.00 twin bedspr .. d Fully washable ·100% collon·throw bed- spread end cafe style draperies with rings create a fresh look for Spring. Blue, pink, tangerine. re9. 20.00 full bedspreac:I CAFE CURTAINS WITH RINGS Re9. size 4.00 <fl•lO" •.so <fl•l•" s.n l.10 S'4•ll"vtl•11tt l .l' Orep.,ies I 0, all stores HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 ~clinger A••· 192.))) I Mon. thru S•t. 10 a.m. to 9:1 0 p.m. ( I · I -. ,·Fountaih V,all~Y:---. EDITION voi:. 62, No. 11, 3 sicr10Ns. 30· PAGES • IXOil •' I e es • • . . ~ . - • •MONDAY, J~UARY 20, '1969 •• eace . t • , Today's Fla8l N.Y. Steeks TEN ~ • rive Court Plea Forw~rd·Together fu Slashing Death Slated By W1LLIAM REED .... CMlllr , .. """ F""1)11 plOu to murder charges. In the lla.ahll)C death ol a Huntington Beach grani!mother _.. to he entered today by a ,Ufe.loog HunUngton -and hi! l<el>'&ge friend. West Orange County Munlclpol Court Judge Walter W. Cbaramza wu xhedul- ed to let a time for preliminary hearing on the murder charge and to determine where the two shall be kept unW tbe hearing. • Held without bail -are Ht!m}. L. Slanu. 25, of , Sl2 Clay St. an oil OeJd worker presenUy held in county Jail ari4 Eclwanl R. Hargave, 18, of 17392 Marken Llqe, an unemployed laborer who has been held in the HunUngton Beach dty'jail. The two are accused of a1ashing to death Mrs. Hester S. Markee, 55, of 1505 Olive Ave. following a minor traffic accident Jan. 12. Mrs. Markee'& body wu found shortly after 9 p.m. in the street in front of her llllll running aulomobile at 17th Sq-eel near Palm Avenue. Police allege lhat the two men toot a Car beloriging to Margareta Dinger, 39, of 2602 Delaware SL -about two and one-ball blocks from the apartment o1 si-· -mi col1lde<I with thlr. car driven by Mn. Markee al Malil and 17th l&rtelJ a kw minutel later. The dead "oman, who worked u an optometrist'• receptionist a( Five Folnts Shopping Center evidently chued the stolen car following the accident. She was felled in a knife attack. ' Police found the car belonging to Miss Dinger abandoned in an oil field of old tanks and pipe lines at 21st Street and Olive Avenue within a couple of hours after the murder. Officers arrested Miss Dinger and her friend, Norman Coatney, 41, of Loi AlamJtos when the two cw.Id not explain 1aUsfactorlly how Miss Dinger's car hap- pened to be abandoned a.nd why there was blood on a jewelry box in her 1partment. Mis! Dinger and Coat.Dey later were cleared of all charges. Informants told police later that they bad seen two men covered with blood entering an apartment on Clay Street the morning after the mlll'der and a eab driver ls reported to have picked up one of the IUl!lpecls that same morning taking bJm to a spot near the Sianez apartment. Police Detective Captain E a r l e Robitaille said detectives have a state- ment from the suspects and have recovered some physical e v I d e n c e , E\tldence ts believed to include a knife. In addition to charges of murder, Sia· nez Ls accused of possession of a sawed· off shotgun and grand theft of an automobile, also felony crimes. Seal Beach Council To Discuss Drilling .. The Seal Beach City Council will discusll two matters related to oil drilling at Us a o'clock meeting looight al city hall. Tbe flnt matter Is a proposed drd1naDce levying a business Ucense tax en o0 wells outside lhe city which pus thrwgh or bottom inside city Umit.s. The tecond matter is an emergency ordlnlnce regulallng oil well drilling. ' ileacla Rerun SenioF at Marilin .High . . Named State Junior Miss . . . . Seventeen-year-old Jackie Benlngton of Huntington Beach Salunliy''lllgbl ,. .. aowned'Californll11JuniorMissfer1889. The pretty and pobed Marina mgh · sCbool' senior was named Califonlla's best over 22 other finalisb compeUng in Garden Grove. Tbe · Junior Chamber of Commerce spoosored contest wu . the first such · competition Jickie has ever entered .. In May, she will represent the state in me -.nauooal finals. On .tlie-side, Jackie manages to main- tair a perfect 4.0 grade' point average ' while s~ as a soneleader and preii· · dent ofMarlna's American Field Service . progra,n. La.st Novtlftber the ,students of Marina selected Jackie as thelr homecoming queen. The da<iabter ot Mr. and Mf'1. Orchard Benington, 11191 Gumm Drive, won the state compeUUon on the buis ol her ~~ oebolm1blp. PIYl)cal fit- ness, poise and appurance. A $1,000 scbolanhlp aDd a $500 savings bond went aloni with llw trophies Jackie receiYed u Ca.JU'ornla'1 JUmor Misa. Final VP 'Pep Talk' WASHINGTON (UPI)--Huheri H. H1JIDllln7 gave hb·lall hmnb u Vice Pr<tidenl today al· a ~ breatfut. for Dem>ctatk· gonrnarl tn ·the ume holel when Richard II(, NWlll -for bis lnauguratioo u PraldenL WINS JR. MISS TITLE Mortna Hlth'• llenhlglon NEW YORK (AP) -The stock mamt closed mtied today with lndulirtal blue chips ' soft. Trading was fairly "actJve. (See quotations, Pages lS.19). • /· -President's Plea Beach Parking Auth(;rity May , Buy Land Strip } * * Ex-President To Rith Off Into Sunset WASjm;GTON (UPI) -Lyndon' B. Jobnlon attentively watched b I a Republlean succeaor, Rlchard M. Nlxoo1 !IWOl'll In today to the presidency he tiad held for five years, 58 .diys. Then IJe quleUy slipped away lo private Ule. 'ftle n:·Pre!ldent wu 1n an. affable mood u he rode with NWlll fnom the Wbf.. House lo the Capl!DI lnauguratlon &lie. He smiled , at tho . crowd · aa • IP8ilu o1 appla..0 bro out when. i,..,.,.,....""'""1the . . . -.,. ... lliteioed . ~' -~ ·hls-tna4w~ • mid 'IJUID!y lhook handl wltlt Iba --Eucull,. at the-ol the Oei...oli,. Then he and hll famll!' fDI lato I White H..,. lbnooslne to 10 to the Bethelda, Md,, .home ol bli Def..,. Secretary Ch\rk Cllllord ffJI a private lunch. · Johmon hoped to be back in his native Texas by sundown. . He· la 1eav1n11 the Preaidency. with grace and atyle and , a , poignancy alter 37 yeara on the Washington scene. "He The possibility of the Huntington Beach is mating • clean break," aaJd one Parting Authority buying a strip of land . ~~"-·A-' flnal • In ..,_ from Pout Vt Street to at least 5th ~' • wee. OUA~ wu Slreel and a-· a block inland from · ~ w1\h dr.ama, big apd liUle --· Coast Highway will be el]llalned today and an outpouring ol affectlon by big to the City Councll poUttdaDS and UUle people. They laid Und the Ian ,;blch Is '-'•• studied he bad been a "iood President." er . P -.... """"•• . The polla he prized 19 much, too by a ctty committee, the • .... ""'& much at times Were k!nd to him 1n Autbor!ty woolcJ obtain the atrip of land • and h!ove JI cleared. Rovenue bonds the end. One •-ed hb popularity had would he aold to pay the cost. soared lo llU percenl alter hlx Sllle of the umoo address. While the IUlface tl the ~would So low Jn spirits wu he last March be used for parking purposes, the 31 when be announced that be would Authority would lease air rJghta -the nnl reek reeltocllon, he fell that li he space above the height needed lor park-"slgroed the Lord'• Prayer" he would Ins can -to potenttal developera of he crlUclzed bus.l.nesl-and hotel buikilngs. His most fervent dream o( a Included In 1ba 'prellmlnary plall la brealrthrolJi)I In Parla and the llarllJil the idea of a convention center and signal for serious Vietnam peace talkl the possibility of a new civic center on came true in hll final days In offlee. the waterfront. Becauae ot that and much more. Johnsoh It is the Ide.a of a civic center which leaves wllb a sense of fulfillment and · Is expected to !ouch all tllO pollttcal urging othera to carry on. fireworks at today's meeUng in cowx:il As moven came and went, Johnson, chamhera of Memorial Hall, 5th Street filled wltll llClllallla, aa...-ed the laDllty'a and Pecan AftnOe. 'Ibe ' aesaion 1t1rt1 last momenta In the White House. For at 4;~ p.m. (See JOHNSO~, Pap II Four members of the counctl -Mayor Alvin M. Coen a,.r Councilmen Jade Otten, Jerry M-y and Donald D. ::iley are in favor of tbe sHe ·under · emnatkm Ktion' _,, 11 Main Street and Manaioo .A ftnut:. McDonnell Sends . : ..... Rocket to Cape For Moon Launch Councilmen Jlemy Kaufman, Tod Bartlett ad George Mc£racken have oppnaed the hlg)i school n u "unaullable" hecauoe ol potentlal lnfllc problem& and ha,. qad • Ille downtown. The c:ommlllee making the "air rlihla" The third atage ol the roWI ~ sU!dy bu .lndlcatod that the cMc center to lab utronouta out lfJI man 1 · lll'll could be built .., the ,..-..i, atrip alep O!l tho mooo la oo Ila nt le CaPe · and the tupoyen -ld·11 .. the fllO,llOO • KeimodY today, """""hlrl to ~ or more that. 'the land at the 1 Main of tbe McDonnell ~ Altronlul\cl counted out of naUonal PoliUCI after a crushlng defeJlt just alx year• ..,, became the 31th president ol the Unl!ed Slalel at U:ll p.m. 11'~ 'llmcJ the moment he completed the qath ill office prescribed by the founding fathon. Under threatening sides -and elaborate security precauttoos -Niloa placed his band on two lamlly Blbleo held by his >yife Pat and repeatod alter Chief Ju.tlce Earl Warren the tradlllooal 35-word oath to 0 preserve, 'prated and defend the Constitution of the l1nlled Statea.,. Thus · In the Capitol HUI ca"'WIY Richard NWlll, citizen, became Praldent NWiii. And. Wllll ~ B. J-. lila predeCWiit, liiterung nearby, Nixon called In his inaugural addreu lot Americans "to go'forward together," •iwe have endured a long night of the American spirit," Nbon declared in obvious reference to the divl.Poua over race and war he baa promiJed to heal. And he added this appeal: "But u our eyes catch the dlmnea: of the first rays . CJ! dawn, let us not CUl'le the remawng dart. Let us gather the Ugbt." To the oatb which be took at 1J:1$ p.m.. Nixon added · the worda •,. ....... me God." ._.., Pat NWJn, her eyes never JeavlzJg her hmband'a face, held the Blbla, cme ln aach band, ..,. aim. the other . .t._llllllle '%1:'~1~ :.!: "'·"Hall to the Cblel"'and tllen Rfchata l'i:.: ,17th presldmt ol the Un!tod uegan hls Inaugural addreu _ tho charting of hls admlnfatratlon'1 ........ He spoke solemnly and with deliben- Uon, caUins lot the nation to go forward as a peacemaker and together both blacks and whites. 1 ''.Far the first time, because tbe peo.. J))es ol the world want peace and the leaden are afraid of war the Umea ¥9 ~. the side or ~ce. O be I said. We are caught In war, wanµng peece," l81d Nlxoo. "We are lorn by dlvllfon, wanting unity. We tee aroanct us empty lives, wanting fuliillmeot. We 1ee tub that need doing, waiting for bandl to do them.'' "To a crlai3 ol the iplri~ wa need an answer of the spirit," be addecL • But, the new President saJd, "We can- not learn from one another unW .,. rtop shouting at one another." The chilly crowd punctuatod Ila brief applauJe for Nix"' at tlmea durlne hls speecli by thumping cold feet nn the (Set NIXON, Pa11 I) Police Arrest 11 on Drug Rap Eleven upects were arrested lo tm Alamllol In what police termed I mari- juana raid Sunday night_ PoHce broke up a party at 10741 Chestnut Ave., and found about -ball l'OUlld· ol marijuana and :JOO Pilla. Jailed "'" "'°lilao Hape, Diana Marie Kaeinr and Donald L. Dewitt, aU II and aU of Jl'la a-.i Ave. One juveille wU booted f« poe•ston ol marijuana and one for tarTyfnl a concelled weapon. a switchblade knife. '?he other slz Juveniles were rtie.d to lhelr parenll by pollce. Weedier Jane Do~. ld.entity_~·Sought sir.et location la e.\>ectod to C!Oll. 'l1le ~ ~ 11qa, ~ to C!09I would he r<pald fmn parking 1.-s give the flnal puall to the hmar-l>Clmd andln~!t_~C' area 1or·t1w Apollo 11 ~. wa.: tabll hn _......, ~ the M.cDcmaU t>nuaJa& tall -·In . center CGUld ba daDY and on -aboard a Sapor . OuPPJ weem.dl with the beach1-« wllh alrplane fmr the fUO( to the NASA te-lnd Clilrn~orolhs bull\ftne launch 11 .. In Florida. JI )'<llt're looking for I lllv .. llnlng behind -rain clouds, ""'" ret IL Tbere'a mm-e rain c1u1 Tuelday, wltJpped by 811111 w1ndo, and lemperatum .... -al .. HunUngton Beach poU.. today have retunled lo the tut ol allemptlng to Identify Jane Doe, an QDJrnown woman tftx. slubed bodJ RI found in I -ditch .... than 10 montha .... . A new lead ·to her ldcnlity devejoped FridaJ on the da1 ol Jane Doe's flmeral and lcbodulod borlal. The burial bu ..,. been delayed. Almool aa I-rltea bepn, a Long Buch woman, II )'U1' old Jackie Stnay, told IJO)lce that tile murd<red woman DI Rhonda Jl'lsher, about U years old. Del Sgt. Moot) McKennon Aid today, "We a.n tho toltlypos oal ..r wa • t -.· to he built .. 'Uie ilrlp. . While al --. the S.lVB llallc pleUon of the present invest111aUoo. c.ot ol _ the land woolcJ be flrod and r<nelvad 1 ...,, - OOectlves Aid the borial wllfbe further recovered ,Ille · ·"IP ,_ ,the ...ml , ~ '. .~ toou goad to.ta.~ . I lit ,' ~· 1 • ••. '<' .,,. So••-ulllo-~ *"I',_,·~~· .• ·• ·~ ·n·~~•if ' ...,-,. r u1n ~ ' • ..J..rt ""'!"'"" • 1 • i....afl In '11N ' mlt lW ' 1o-...n... "clflt"'d-nedod, H la'·-JU<t, -~ ...... ~<\.Iba -, ~!fi'Aoollo'Ul -'d • MneOne CID prove ~· 1Jeteo., ~ lbe .PmlzC1.~ ·?RC_.., · · ti the flnt Amerimn •fM 111C11D • Uve1held ..,._.,bope,lhiHllt·lolell la~.~=, -.. · . , I' . Wall ....,Id ve ln!HM. buUlclC-· : c~~ . .-i.·11!.. . · · . ~ •.' ·· · .. pointed out 1:.... ·tlia1 t1esp1ra-· wtlh'U.. c11y atornot!lnt aw...,..,..'· 1or . .,u. u,,llid · dJuppoiJltm<ilJa ln the put;~ cOuld ~=.:· -~ 'fhit 'bla :itlllco ":/.",' ~N ~.:.tJ>e, ... ~~-5 1 be the ti.D;J.e." ~ ' • ... dltiaal;,.. . ~,=_..,,,,__ "".....,-~ . The lindy ol Jane Doe ii.~ I ~""""! , l!i!lri ' L ~Alf~~~·· ' Smith's Mortuary In Huntlnlfm " ' 1tll0 ~ , , . • '!I . .......,.S -.i. Dflol: ... · '£, 1 today u 1U co111oected with 1116 ' •ctn no ii(1tt Wlllinoit ~r., an Alt)'.,... ..i-1, nalt -lloo lrGal Gtqla. .... ladlltlea. ..... ' PIJol. • f -t • INSWB T8D4Y I I I .. -----·--~--~-- - f DA!l.V PILOT ff. Rain Season Late But • Not Least Jl took a few ertra month.I for SOulbern Calliornia's rainy season to aet under WI '/ tflill year, but the elements wert making up lor 1..t Ume tod07. An intense rain.stonn, blamed for at least 17 Southland deaths, hammered ci.y s~ ,..... Wit Yr. c.,,, Mew 1.15 •.n 1.11 N.-l l~ldl l.•7 ).26 .S.tl l .. l>nl 8teefl 1.tO 4.Q LX HUflllntl'Pn 8tadl 1.111 5.U 5.S, Foun••lt1 V•lle, 1.56 •.n S.11 Wnlm!IW., 2.llt S.U S.J1 S..tl 8t0Cfl ,.. 5.U S.:11 lOfllM l.iw .. worw 1.a •A LM ~ HiitUtl I,. ._o 4.11 ...,, .... "" 3:• 7Jl J.H G•"f!!' G-2.ll J.45 •.ti SM a.-fe• .'1 1,1t IMto 11M 1.Sfi ol 1' S. lt ~ Clfnwli. litvrn aHIOll flWI JM. 1 the Orange Coast over the weekend and kept up its amutt today. More of ihe aame was predicted for Tuesday. The olorm hu dropped upwardl ol two Inches of precipitation on some coaata1 areas -and it's not over yet. Seuon's totala are creeping close to flgm<ea rtgiatrnd at this time last year, with Huntington Beach only .3 inchel a'!IY· The lluntlngtoo V1Uey .,.... bono the brunt of the ravaging rain witb 2.0I inches recorded from the ctuTent atonn lh1I momlng. Laguna Beach reported 1.1 lochH, Newport Beach 1.17 and Colla M<sa I.SI. JOHNSON, NIXON HEAO FOR INAUGURAL For LIJ, A Qultt Exit to Tex•• Ranch UWe pbyoical dlmage wu .-.ported In the wake of the heavy weekend st.onn. However, the Orange County Harbor Department reported several boata were taklng on rain water. An outboard motorboat beached on the Coronl del Mar coutllne due lo Ille lton1!, bot no dlmlge wu .-.ported. On · Qalboa and Balboa !Jhind starm valvea w,ere being clo.sed in the wake of 6¥.0 foot high ildes. No storm damage was reported In Laguna Beach where a newly lnatalled flood control drain appeared to be func- tioning perfectly. The storm also had it! effect on the aport.s world. Sunday's ~mile race at RJverside wu postponed a week, dl!ap- polnting over 20,000 fans, tome of whom bad wafted all night for the event. Three Newport·Meu school bu,., 4'drowned out," aaid garage foreman Don Ensign, but all on the way back in after delivering youngstera to school. One school bul In Huntlnglon Beach's Ocean View Diatdct couldn't be 11.arted, but btller bt,lS driven covered the route. In OoN Mesa, Mrs. Mlld.-.d McGlnn, • Wallace St., ciimplalned to the cit'/ t,bat 'il'ater wu up to her bouae and llhe C<>Jldn\. id out. .. , ...... .,. -. ao much water lo my life," W ll1d. 1 Kilwd, Three Hurt in County Auto Acci.dent One penon wu killed Ind thnot Injured tn a three<ar collision Sablrday night m Bolaa Chica Stnet near Ranch street In We..tmin!ttt. Police said James Edward Minnis, 27, Long Beach, died after his small sports IID IJ C...ty Tn!Oc Del .. Toll 1111 • cat hit a car spinning out of control drl•en. by David Henry Ste.Wart, tt, of JOIOI Elon Circle, Huntington Beach. A third cat, driven by Fritz Albert Budmer, 4.1, of 10152 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, also 1lamrotd into the Stewart car, police said. lnvestigaUng officers reported that Stewart was heading north on Bolsa Ch.J,ca Street when be apparenUy bl control ol his car and It began spinning Into the southbound lane. It was then hit broad.II.de by the other two cars. Budmer w a 1 uninjured, but biJ w 1 f e wu treated for minor Injuries at Westminster Community Hospital. DAlrt PILOT OltAHGf CQ.lr.!.t rv1L1~H1NG cOM,.AN'I' l•l.•tl N, 'Wt•4 1"r111dH!I end l"Wll- J•di: 11., c.rltr \li<t l"U\ ..... t •nd Ge~•fl Mt•lfff 111 ..... , )(,,.;1 llooi.r ThOll'll l A. Mw•rhi•• _....., flol., Allttrf W. ltl•l Willi•M «•tJ ... ...i... '""''~'<!fl ''"'" Ellltf' (ii, ffUor M11 ....... a...llOHk• l" Stir! S•r••f M1lli11t ,"414,..u: P.O. ltr 7tct, •2•41 ---"'-' SNC" '"' WPll ... .,,. ............. (Mlt Mtw, J>O Wf\I Ill ''~ l-"41 .........,, m Frr,1 •-O-.ILY l"ILOT, •1111 _...lctl " l .......... ~ __ ......., ... "'*"-h ilt ,.tf"PI """ ...... _ ..... " ...... 1.-... (J\. Nfw-' .. ..,,. <Ml• ,,,,.... .. .... u ... - .. IOtll -,_.Ml \lfllfy. ·:-"'ti~ • ,,,,..... H llklrl. Ori""' (M\I ............. C-~lflltir. IM1•11 I •• •I ttll Yff•I ....,_. llM., .....,.... l..U.. _, U1 ..,. .... s...... """' ,., .. fill•· 11 lfl41 64J-4JJ1 ,,._ .... ' Pu W 141·1221 O '1IM: .Wuudal11 641-1671 c..t• , ... 0r• C.-1 ,,. ..... ~ .... -•••rt1 1. ~..,..,,_ .......... --,,, ...... lloMo••• ..... loo ...... " ,.,,..... ..... ..-i.1 lllmfthtlefl ......... -. ..... °"' ..... ""' .. ,._, ..... -(.t1i. Mt:u. C.llfonol.I. "*"'loHIOI' .... <Mf1i9' 61.n __..,I ..,. ~ ., ........ lflf1'1 "'....,. ,......,..,..,.., 11.n ~. From Page 1 NIXON •.• floor of the wooden atandl. Johnson accompanied Ni.ion lo the Capitol after a coffee chat at the Wlllte House. Both men smiled at each other and shook hands u they met. In Jaunchfng his administration, Nixon said, "I do not offer a life of uninspiring ease. I do not call for a life of gitn sacrUJce. I a.sk you to jolr1 in a high adventure -one as rich as humanity Itself and exciting a.s the umes we live in." Gathettd around Nixon on the platform oo~ the Capltol were many of the nation's leaders -including t h e Republican and Democratic chlef1 of Congreu aM the Ntzon.' Cabinet -as well u the · CJUt&oinl president Ind vice pnoldent ' -Lyndca B. Johnoon and Huber! ll, [l~pbrey. Ntmn· ~ vice· prelident, Spiro T. Apew, '""ill° througb the -ceremooy without topcoats desplto the 36 degm chiH ol !be l"Y doy. · But the "ceremony was spared the freezing rain and 11eet threatened by the weatherman. From P-.e 1 JOHNSON .•• him uch room took en new wntQI His wile, Lady Bird ~ dlllghten Lynd1 Bird Robb and Luci Nag'enl, liolh of · whom came to the WtUt&-House in their teena, felt the same way. Luci took her son Lyn from room to room, snapping . pictum:. Lynda took her tape recorder to remember forever the hhtoric home. Johmon bu aaid frequenUy that he never rtgretted hls decision not to run again. But wltbdr1wal pains were ap- parent and no one knew it more than hla family -the famlly that drew closer to him under the preasures and isolaUon of Uvlng in the Wblle House. His wife and d•~ did everything this week to UH the way out and lo cheor him up. They -· hhn fan leUera and filled his days • 1rith afff!C.'Uon. He spent Sunday evening, hl.! last night 'In th• Whit< Hoose, ei> tertllnlng his closest staff rpttnben: and their wives._ 'J'bei"e WU ' Marine baod combo for danc:lng and a lavish bulfet. Johnson told them he would be seeing them "down the road." · The occuion was "happy-sad," as one fellow Texan put it. * * * * * * Anti-inaugural Protest Swarms on Parade Route WASHINGTON (UPI) -Several hun- dred mWtant "couoter i n a u a: u r a I ' ' demonstrators swarmed to an ln- tmecUon straddllnc President Nixon's parade route today ln 1 .shouUn1 con- rrontaUon with police. The protestors, many of them bearded and shabbily dressed, shouted obscenities at a police e.!COrt which flanked their ranks durlna: a five-block march from a par"k to Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street Large numbers of policemen :tnd plainclothesmen arrived at tbe scene. A rope burlc1de was stretched across Valley Council To Consider Lot HandJing Change A J)1"0po5ed change In the method for handling requests on smaller-than-stan· dard lot! will CMie up for public hear· ing at the FCNntain Valley Ctty Council meeUng, 8 o'clock tonight ln council chambers al 10200 Slater Ave. An amtndment to city ordinance No. le which would eUmlnato the vmonce procedure In grant.ina pmnlaslon for small lots has been recommended for approval from the Pllnninl Commission. 11.e amall Iota concern areu zoned for &Jnale-llllill;f rdclencu. The curmit procedun for .Uowtna dev~ lo build cm loll with lw than the 7,l)O oquare foot minimum ts to grant a vwiance on the 1lnd without chlnlinl tht llOnlng. 'Ibe new proctdure would allow I.he city to crant a coradlllonal U!e pennft to a developer and reaooe the area for 11pecl1l use. Planning Dlroclor Stan Mansfield feels thll app<'Olch would .Uow the cl1j< lo m1intaln 1 Ughlf.r CCllllrol on the type ~'°Ci°' that uses smaller~ lk Aid Ille city hu sel up • set ol pldeUnN with, "Plrtlculor anplluls on lnnov11Jon, quallty ol develo!>m<ot llld tlleclultlon ol 1 poblk: port," before a denloper wtD bl ll'llMd • condltlonll ... pmnll In m1111 lmtlncOI tht city councn hat Ind wlU Ilk de,.lopen lo provide • ndghborhood park wlthjn their plaMed development. I 14th Street, al its intersection with Pennsylvania. A band of the dissidents burned dozens of small souvenir American flags at a number of polnta along Penruiylvan.la Avenue. In one Instance, a b•tch of 20 or so flags were Ignited beneath a group of 80l!Venir Republic elephantl being aold by a hawker. Police anested at 1 e a 1 t 10 demonstrators at or near the flag burn- ing. At one point, they beJd three youths immobilized with hammerlocks unUI a poUce patrol waeon came. A few minutes later, two girls were picked up bodily by men in civilian clothes and carried kicklne and scream· Ing to a van. The flag burnlq took pl1ce near a bloc or bleacher seats purchued by counter-inauguration organizers. One large group crowded in I.he doorway of the National Press Building cbantlng; "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh. The N.L.F. is going to win." Several arrest.! were made before. lhe demonstrators reached the parade route. One wss a middle-aged man who ruabed .ilto the first ranks of the marchers. Three demoMlrators, u well as I.he man, were arrested. "Communists! Com- munist!!" he shouted. ''Se.it Heil " the parade.rs retorted. Some. of the demon.straton clustered in 1 huddJe outside the famOUJ Willard Hotel, the headquarters of the inaugural committee. SOme of I.hem chuted, "The &treets belong t.o the people." Top Polle~ Shots Due Elks Awards Phtol target shooting trophlu wiU be presented by the Elks Club to membe.rs or the HunUngton Beach PoUcc Depart- ment befort t h e city council meeUng, 4:30 p.m. today. Tropbl.. wlU be aworded lo the Jn. dlvldual with the htihest •"1'fgate JtCOre for 1168 and to the officer wilh the hJ&besl 51nile scot• ol ltl!ll. A perpetual trophy wlU be p.-.senled to the department with the n.ame of each year's agregate 1eore winner engraved on it. T1le ahootinf IC01'tl were recorded at lhe Or1111e O>unty Sberll'1 r1111< In Anaheim. Each offioer wa., rtqulred to que.tlfy with pistol3 mon~ In 1968. Mystery Crash Probed 38 Di.e in Jet's Sea Dive: Countian Was Pilot , Federal ln...Ugaton todoy be&an pit· Ung togelher shredded bltt " • J<1Un<r that streaked into the Paclflc Oce1n off Mmna del Rey Saturday nlgbt Ilk• a comet, killing all sa penons aboard. The stricken United A1rllnt1 Boeing 727 slammed Ir.to the nonnswept sea only a mile from where a Sclndinavian jellioer pancaked lut MOlldly nlibl cluJ-in& a heavy storm. C•pt. Leonard A. Lrnrsoo, 29, of 2036 Victoria Drive, Santa Ana, wu trying lo bring UAL FUght 2111 back to land at Loe Angeles International Airport when the death dive occurred. Despite the fact that the Scandinavian Alrtlne System IJCI wblclJ ftnl down Mooday, tilling 1$ ol the 41 penllOll lboml WU a1Jo landing, Cruh problrs believe the dlaasters are JUI( ~ ddeolaL The SAS jetllner WH mUin& a rouline. bot leldoJD.USed WHl·fo.ait ll6ialng Ip. proacb In llonny w .. ther when It tplub- "'1 lnlo the OCWI, I ,500 feet lielow ·II• proper altitude. · ln-Dlght fire Ind uploaloo four-minutn after takeoff ror Denver' Oalo,.. tent the ll~passt-UAL cnft down Slltm- dly nigh~ bot the queslloo -II: what caused the flames and blut? "I have • fire warning Ught on Engine Number One," Capt. Levencm radioed, "I'm tum1ng around and comlna bact.., Secont11 later. •• witnesses saw a fiery trail out of the stormy black lklei eud at ... leve~ Flight l6f dlslppeared from !be i... Angeles lnlernltloaal Airport lower radancope. Searchen lmmecllltely went lolo thelF well-rehearsed Jn1f11D. -wbkb aaved 30 vldlml " the fint -crub In the 21 year blslory cl the i... Angele1 airport Jut week -bul ~ we... dim. "I always ~ for aurvtvcn," Aid U.S. Coos! Guald Chlel Ralph Mlderol, "but deep lnslde - I knew it wu a 1061 cause." Maderoa was braced on the wUd1y pitching deck Of the 28-foot private cruiaer Derita ll u abe plowed through Huntington Man Granted Stay In Contempt f.ase A Huntlnglon Beach man coovlcled of contempt of federal court hu been granted a a:tay of execuUon of the 111· month jail t'enn to which be wu tt~ tenced. James F. Dilg, &181 lndianapolia St., was ordered Friday to return to court Jan. 27 for determlnaUoo of his ability to serve the aentence. Dilg bu been ordered to provide medical reports relating to his disability. Dilg was convicted after it was alleged that he failed to obey a court order which probilted his operation of an amateur radio statfon. Federal officers said the Huntington Beach man was ordered to disconUnue u.. ol the ltatlon IUI Moy H. They took acUon against the "bam0 operator after city police reported that OOg's broadcuta: were continuing to interfere with tolevlstOll .-.cepllon in the aru. Action ogalnst Dilg wu taken throup tbs F e·d er a 1 CommunlcaUons Com- miaslon. Students Set Teacher In New York on Fire NEW YORK (AP) -Three yooths beat • science 1'acher Ind set his j1cket afire loday In a Brooklyn high 1<bool, Board of EducaUon officlah: said. The. teacher WU identified U Frank Siracus1, 30. He WU reported in cood condition and declined medical attenUon. stormy, sjx-foot seu to the debriJ.llt\md crash alte. Five days earlier, Maderol was on nscue. duty aboard the USCG cutter Point Judith, during SAS jellioer crash _.lions. Anirilg at the UAL crash :scene, Mlderat' earlier comment thJt Utert wu no indlcation the plloL wa1 abJe to dltch ln a normal manner bepo to come true. First there was an egg carton, then a bobbing coffee cup, then other l.arted mechanical debrii and finaUy parlions oi aJ.1 torn bodies and a loot float1n& tfdcty bear. . Person to Person Susan. Keeley, 20., Seal Beach, tries direct approach in her bid for stardom as pop singer. Susan, accompanied by itinerant musicians, strolled. 1treets of London recently, singing and stnunming in pre- paration for her appearance Jan. 29 on progr'I"' al Royal Albert Hall. Suzie Stays in Hospital Suzie can't go borne today. An infection -the second t.o be con- tracted by the Z.year-old Vietnamese child during her M-day boopilalizailon -will keep her in Childrens Hospital for another 11ten to 20 days" her phyal- cians stated tod1y. But lhere is no cause for alarm, doc- tor3 added. They described the Infection as being confined to the incision area and a type of discharge thst is no( uncommon among heart surgrey pa- tients. UtUe Nyugen Thi Thanh Phuong had been scheduled to leave her third floor room today for a period of convalescence at the Orange home of Dr. A1bert Goh, a member of the ChUdrens Hospital medical staff. From there Suzie wouJd have returned to Vietnam. She Jett Da Nang two months ago as a desperately ill chll~. for whom open heart surgery was the last hope ii 1he wu to li ve a normal life. An earlier ear infect.ion and high fever led to the postponement or the first scheduled plans for heart surgery. A second abandonment was ordered when a member of the heart surgery team caught flu and Suzie's trip to the operating room was off for the third time when a shortage of blood restricted the hospital to emergency surgery only. But Suzie went to surgery Jan. 10 for an operation which has been declared to be a complete success by de.lighted surgeons. Also abandoned today were plans fOl' a "victory party" which was to have hem held this week at the Balboa Bay Club. The celebration was set as a speclal tribute to Suz.ie's mother, Li Thi Lanh, her inte rpreter and nurse Linda Henning. Mrs. Henning, a Childrens Hospital nurse, is the wife of Navy Lt. Donald Henning. The officer Instituted at· rangements for Suzie's transfer to the United States when be noUced her critical condition during treatment of Vietnamese children at tht Da Nang base. 0 OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTO~Y SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired • diamoncfa end precious stonu remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN i MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HAR-SHOl'Plll• CllCTll 2JOO llAUOI aYD. COSTA MISA 141-MH • ' 0,. -Tlon... M '111 t ...... • HUNTIN•TON CINTll lllACH & IDIN&U HUNTIN'9TON WCH ffl.llOI -. , - • • • I • • • l .. ~DITION :VOt 62, NO. 17, l SECTIONS, 30 .PAGES ... • • IXOll '" : .... ., . . -··- -. ~ ' Arrived in 1904 t Laguna Pioneer Joseph Jahraus_ Succumbs at .79 By RlalAllD P. NAIL . ...... °""' , ....... Joseph Richard JahraU<, cldeal re- maining Laauna Beach pioneer, died Saturday at South. Cout COmmunlty .1 l!Dopital, lie , ... 7t. . MJ', J-.. wborcame to Lqlma In 190t -the ·community coaillled of u famlllea, had -a butt attack: abQut ,two w.U. qo and then: contracted pneUllJOllla. Friends Mid that' the toog~ dvlc 'laad<r had done ·a& much to. shape the destiny of Lquna Beach u any - living or dead. He wu, tnown fGI' hll quiet contrtbutlolUI to both erpal- and needy lnd!vldoals. • . Graveside services will :be bdd at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Fairhaven ~ under direcUon ot Lagbna Mortuary. The Rev. Dallu Turner offidate. •. Mr. Jahr ... W8"100Dder and pnoldent of Laguna ~ IJmlbiLr.Co., • ·Wally owned .~ lit lllr'*I · the ~ .. \lb~f. Ill ~ lcJcatlol!.:~:~ ~ ...... , ..,. . , .... ·, )'· ..• .,.. ....... - ' came to -a)lloo-.--_"'l'.:_=·~--~' ~· ,!!:. G~U~~~~l>-1_::_. !_E•-lo~ !1:..-" II a p-.... LA ,;.,u •ii· AD<I ·-*· Mr ~-&. · Moifi •R. Jahr..,. ·· .... __ _ 2 Long Beach Men Lose Lives On County Roads Weekend rain resulted· tn deatbl of lwn Loog Beach men on Orange COunty hlthways. ~ ...... L. Potter, 18, of llO J.cxna Ave.; was tilled early today ·When his car ,went out of control on the Garden Gr~ve Freeway. He was dead on arrival a{ Loi Alamitos General Hospital. California Highway Patrol offict:rs said ltlt O>uty Tl'llflc lMI U Deatll Toll I Potter who was alone in the car evldenUy lost control aM hit a l!.gbt standard on the 'east side of tbe freeway. JamesR. Minnis , 27, of 17001 Pinehurst Sl, died SatW'day night of injuries suf. fertd in a three-car crash al Bolsa Oika and Hlncbo roads in Westminller. Pol.lee said Minnis was driving north GD Bolsa Chica when he crashed into an oncoming car which had .skidded lx'oadalde into his path. The skidding r.ar was driven by Fritz A. Bodmer, ti, of 101532 Tbesew: Drive, Hunt1qton Beach. Bodmer and hit wile Ccnltance, ta, escaped with minor in- ·ur1e1. 1 J. third nortlll>Owld car driV'1l by David H Stewart, II, of IO!<ll Eton Circle, Hiuiiblglo!I Beadi, snwhed ·into the Bod·. ~er car. stewart suffered minor Injuries. ~ . Goateed Gunman Rohs Coast Store •• w)lea accea, .. , the na a _...,Can. . ..._....,,~ .. Lquna yon. He ainated Jn ihe /otrJ13 ·lD Wcrld war I and wved OVet'lill. Liter'" be becune a cbarter member of Lquna'1 American Legioa POii. ' ·Mr. Jahrlm --la the ~of Lqulla -Be .... WU OD urlJ di~· Be and foor other Dllll . Liao)Do 'leech County Water Dlllrlcl'toibrll!C ln.1r1ter --the COOUDllllllJ -. .,..~ Oii ~llL . He alao aerved <11·llle boltd d Tustin lllih School --It ..... Jn 111 lnfaney and ....... r 1a 1111t. capodty when Tustin built lta flnt Jilp achoo) whicb Lagupa atudenll ~ attended. fo!r, JahraUI O!JJ>Ol<!d roullq"of allllnl c o a.• ~ llllhriY · a n d jolimeyed to Sac:rameuto lD 1921 using lib awn lunda to attempt lo have ·the blghny located bdilild the bills along w6at 11 -the route of llihlre Coaat· Fmway. · Mr; Jahr1u1 WU 'b:totm too·' U I polllicol -..... lie. bad· nm a rquilr CQhmm of comment on ~ natlooal llKI internaUooal llauea ID · LalllDla peper1 for about aa yean., He wu alJ<I a former pretklent of the Lquna !ftcll Rolaiy Clob. lie lived at 121 N. Cnut lllglniay. Survlvon IDdude bis widow, FranCu; • aon, Jooepb lllcbanl II, ""' ar-. Josepjt lllcbaril W and' Jtffrey L.;, a graoddaqhter, Jamlfer L.;·amf 1111ter, Mn. A. Y. Smith, an of Lquna'Beadl. · Btues Banned ~· -' .. ; ' . . 'MONDA'(,. JA!"llARY 20, )969 es eace . ~ t .\ ..:J ' .. Nine peraons ar;ated Friday on n~ cliargu in L«guna Btach after a federal customs officW with a squad of ave Sberifra deputlea and · La(W'la poll« brqk• up lheJr party ... ~uled for mafgnment 1buroday AD<I rlidiy. Gem Thieves Hit Lag:u.na Stores Fwr rinp ·with a total •aiue of $87S ....,. reported i!Dltn · from Tbe Loll Anlique1 In Laguna Beach. · Police LI. Jolii Zelko said the thelt from ill' ~ al UM S. Coul Hllbw~Y WU reported th11 , weekftMI but 'WAI ll1d to have occurred Dec. n. In another jewelry store theft early this ·~, one rlq. wu matcbed from a' dlapllJ ...-.11 J•'• 1m s. c.M~ 1boul 1:11 ..... Bollct\'iUdtlbP tllill Uled a .,..,.gt· blctk ·lo '.ima.h"' Ibo W!ndow. 'l'be ring: wd vl!uiit al $Ps. ' A. b.irlJa<y &nd mfocbiol bacbllp II ibe 1'~ '.t Uie Mallerl la allo under lnvelllfcation. . ...... 'Aid the bmillr. blllrYad Ill be a )o-U., -a $40 letterfnl let. The IUlped 1iao 1Ullllpl0d to Ml 1lre .... _. .... Uled,t llllmJI bearliJi the sljpll!W• of Pageant prod-llOa Wiiii~ lo lllmp a llble lop. SI.I ·men and three women are booked by ·olflclr• ldto Orange County Jan on ctw,.. ·•f IDlpicion <I posaeaakn and intent to ..n marljuaDI and dangerlllll drup. Olllcera had gone ·to a home al 20388 ~ canyon Jlo!ld Friday to wiJI the . federal ' customl · agent In serving a; w.,rant on a -inan .wt)o a:ave that addreai u hil residence. ·While b9' WU not there, and is aUil a\ llr&e, '!fflcer1 afieged!y ~eel a party ID . .....,..., 111cr Sllorlffa Capt. Jamea.Broaclbell .. C.pt. Broadbelt ufd 01flcer1 found 200 grams of hashlsh, 58 capsules of peyote and . about one hall pound of I.SD." Boohcl into Orange County Jail were: ~ge c., Ollpban~ J;, of • 161 W. Aleaai\dro, San ClmM!nte released on $1,250 bail; Gordon F. JoblllOll, 23, Long BeAch, ....._~ $1.lii ball;,...r. • Cbarle1·0."TaJlor, 24, 'ol 130 Woodland Dr., La-. Beach, ref~ will¥lul ball; Eik:: J.1 Ralph., 19, released on $!·~ ball; Jol\D T. PrenUce, 19, refeued wrthout1ball; Brian McAdarm, Zl,,reJeu. . eel oo' 11,l'IS ~;· ahd, Helene ~om !olUl<r; 11, Jean M. Rum~ '21, ·anc1· Yonlca Menne, 22, an refedl!d· ... $&15' ball. Tbe 1as1 m: ·-afi.gave~~LagunaCan)'Oll mldence u IJl!!lr addml. IL toot a· few extra monthl for SOuthem C.llfornta'I rainy 11ea590 tG iet· under way W, year, but the element.I were maklpg, up , for loot Ume,todly. An intense rainstonn, blamed for at 1.,111 f7 Southland deatha; llommered A IQft.cpoken gunman with 1 goa~ rolibed The Spigot liquor ator< in Laguna Beach Satunlly nlg)lt of !300 lo $400. "Kelp your hands out from under the tom1ler," tbe bandit told clerk Frank Hamikl. He pGinted 1 ~volver, possibly a Jt, al the clerk AD<I told hJm lo pof the cash in a bag. Human Chain Not -Ne.eded ' Pollco LI. John Zelko said the bandit left .., foot and ~· ll< said the man wu cabn Ind ipOte solUy. He 'wore bornrim aJauea, wu aboat m t.,i tall, •lender and ll to 30 yean ol(t, 1 Zelko aa1d. C6hen to Michigan WASlllNGTON (AP) -Secrl.Ury of llWlll, Educatlm Ind Welfare Wilbur J. Cohen announced tod•y hiK ·~ polniment u dean ot ~ SChool of blucaUon al ibe Unlversl\y of Michigan. ' .. .... _ ..... . "' • , Today's FIDal N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS • rive 37th U.S. President Takes Oatll From W1re Servkff WASHING TON -Ri charc Mi1boua Nixon assumed the awesome.pcwen ad crushing bunie,. of the presidency lodlY with a solemn commltment to devote all his energies to "the cause of peace among nations" and the healing ot stri- dent divisions among the American people. The ~year--Old Calllornian. who wu counted out of national politics lftel: a crushing defeat jult alJ: yean.-qo. became the 31th president of tho United States at 12:16 p.m. Washington time. the moment he-completed ate oath of office prescribed by the fOUDdiq fathen. Under threatening aides -and elaborate security precauUOOJ -NI.ml placed his band on two ram111 Bibles held by his wile Pat and repeated after Chief Justice Earl Warren the traditional 35-word oath to "preserve, Protect and defend the Constitution of the United.,. States." Thus In the Ca pitol HW ceremony Richard Nil:on, citizen, became President Nixon. And with Lyndon B. Johnlon, his predeces.sor, listening nearby, Ni.J:on called in his lnaugural addresa for Americans "to go forward together." 1'We have endured a long night of the American splrlt.'' NiJ'on declared in obvious referen« to the dtvilJonl over ra« and war be bas pramiled lo heal. And "" dd"" llils • .!...... 'k 10uf ·~C:tcb""t11e ~cit llit ~ rays of dawn, let ua not cune tht ....... nlll& dark. Let U1 plber Ibo u,111." To the oath wbk:h he toot al lJ!tl p.m., Nixon added lbe wordl .. ,. btlp PHI God." Pat Nixon, her eyes never leavinl her husband's face, beld the BlblOI, one In each band, one above the other. • • AJ lbe cannons boomed out Ibo fl-aun salute, lbe red-coated Marine band - up "Hail to the Chld" and ~ llfcbard N lxon, 37th Jll"Sidenl of lbe . United States, began his Inaugural addr<la - the charting of hll admfnidratloo'1 course. · He spoke oolemnfy and with delibefa. tlon, calling for the nation to go fmrard as a peacemaker and together, botlt blacks and whites. "Far the lit!!I Ume, became Ibo --pl es of the world want peace ad ·the leaders are afraJd of war, the tlmll are· on the slde of peace," he lald. ".We are caught in war, wanting puce," said Nixon. "We are torn by divlllon, wanting unity. We aee around 111 anpty lives, wanting fulfiilment. We aee tub that need doing, waiUng fer bandl· to (Seo NIXON, Pqe 11 Funeral Slated For Mrs. Stinson Funeral services for Elizabeth E. Stinson of Laguna Beach--wID be held at noon Wednesday at the Church of the LllUe Flower, Forelll Lawn, Glendale. Mrs. Stin5oo, 14 .t !IOI 'N. Coul ffighway died Friday morniDg al her home. She was the widow of the late Walter A. SUnson and had been a resi- dent of the South Coast area for about 20 years. Weatlter U you're looking for a silver llnlng behind thole rain douda, for- get it There's more rain due Tuesd11, whipped by 1U11J windl, and temperatures art duct at IQ, JNSmE TODAY A/ttr ncarlu 200 .,.Clfl oJ '~ plollftlg the Gofdn Land of C..U. · fomla, ..... ii """' lr!lillCI to ,.. pair Ille rovagt1 o/ that nptou. lion. POQ< l I.. I ' I-' -• ~ , ... ~ ,._ .. ~i ..... ,~~,....., .• j,. L~'' ~ ~: Q; .... :~\.1: ·{ ....... ''........ .... ...... .._ . s... .......... .... Ill-a I 9 ,........_ '' ....... ,.,. ......... . '"c.tt "~ 4 ~; • ~; :..-: ;:: .1l ' .. ' • I r ' l 1' ~y l'ILOT l Johnson Rides OU · ,.,-Texa -·lnio Sunset ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Lyndon B. Jobooon att.nU•<b' watclled b I 1 Jlpa~ IOllC IJJ!i 1 JUcb&rd I(. Nia. _,. In today le llM Pl~ ho bad held ror five years, 59 dlya. Then he quietly slipped away to private life.. Tbe u·Prt.aident was in an affable mood ai hf: rode with Nixon from the Whlle H-lo Ille Cipllol lnalliuration site. He smiled al the huge crowd as a spatter of applause broke out when he emerged on the wind-dU.Ued platlorm. He listened reflectively as Nl100 ddivued ru. inluaural oddml and From Page 1 NIXON ••• do them." "To a criJls cf the spirit, we need an answer of the spirit," ht added. But, the new President said, "We can-· not learn from one another unUl we stop shouting al one anolber." The chilly crowd punctuated Its brief applause for Nixon at tlmeJ during hls speech by thumping cold feel on the floor of the wooden stands. Johnlon accompanied Nixon to the Capitol after a coffee chat at the White House. Both men smiled at each other and shook hands as they met. In launching his administration, Nixon said, "I do not offer a life of unlnsplrlng eue. I do not call for a life of grim aaaillce. I uk you lo joJr. In a blgh adventure -one u rich u humanity itatlf and exdUna u the Umes we live ln." Gathered around Nllon on the plaUonn outalde Ille Ciptlol were many ol Ille naUon's leaders -including t be Republican and Democratic chlef1 of Ccqr<al and Ille N-Ciblnal -u well as the outgoing prealdent and viCf: praldint -Lyndon B. jobnlOn and ·Hubert II. Humphrey. Nixon and hil vice president, Spiro T. Agnew, went through the outdoor cettlllPflY without 1opcoats d.,plle the 3.5 degree chill of the gray day. But the ceremony was 1pared the freezing rain and sleet threatened by the weatherman. The overcut day wa1 brightened however by the unUonn11 of the military, the bright scarlet of lhe Marine band and Ille slngl111 of Ille Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which 1ang, ''Thll is My Coontry." After the ceremony, Johnson planned to tum over stage center as well as the power to Nixon. He intended to be back at bia Teµa ranch and rocking on Ille po\"Cb by later oflemaon. Republican Senate '"teader Everett M. Dirksen -Ille man with the !lowing cirll and orgari tone1 -was the master o( ceremQllies. He alao ~ Ille oatll lo .\pew lbor1lJ belare N-,,. .. BWOJ:n Jn: . EarUer Jobnlon met , tbe Nizml ; at ::: ~lei!'".::"~::~ . tOr UJe new Flr6t Lady. * * * Nixon Takes Oath On Traditional Family Bibles WASHINGTON (UPI) -In keeping wUb i. tradlUon daUng back to George WuhJnilon. Richard M. Nixon chose a patr of family Blbles on which to swur bis Presidential oath of office. The Blblts, daUng back to 112& and 1872, belooged to NiJ:on'1 Quaker fofebem. He used them twice previously' for similar oathtakings, wh'en he was awora in as vice president in 195.S and 1957. Today n then, the two Bibles. held by hi! witf P.at, ·were open lo the second chapter of Isaiah, fourth verse : "And He shall judge among the natioM arxl shall rebuke many people, and they 1hall beat their nords tnto p10W11h1re3 and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation 1hall not Wt up JWOrd agaiMt nation; neither aha II they learn war any more." DAILY PILOT CllAWGE COAST '1.111.llt!ING (OM,..\NT' ll1b1rt N. W11.I '°tt11ftnl "'" '""'I"'•' J1ck It Curley V1co ""'"°'"' IMI GON'•I• Mt"ll" f.d•lo• Tt.e,.,11 A. Mwrphine ...... llffi"' El1!0t ~ich1rd P. N•ll L•-• kKI!· Cll'J Elh« r.~1 Nin •" ......... 0.1,. DltKI• L .. ••• lffd OfAce 222 i: ••• , ....... M1lll•t Adll•t ti: P.O. l11t '''· t265l ...... °""" Cetle .V..-u: "6 w .. 1 It• Strttl N,_. 9t<odl; 7111 ""°'t .. _ l w ls'Jtr• ""'91~ .. tcllo, _.)Ill S•ttl OAtl V ,It.OT', Wlfll ... ldl lo c..-.lllN flW N1-1'NM ...... ft!IM ... , 1•< ... t '- • .., "' _.. ... """ ........ l-... di. Mr-' .. ~ c.i. Ml... """llflt-..... ..... l'-t•• ., • ..,. ............. . ''"'°""" "illllll Dr•-CNu 1"11111..,,klltl cc_.., ...... 1.,_ ,.11,.11 ••• •• n11 w~11 .""°" -.i.... ............ ... ~. .... »I Wcq .... SI•""· C..lt MtM. ,...,,,. cnc1 •••·t4'' ClrulsftM .... 641-4111 C..Wll"I. ltll. Or-tMV ll'\lfll ....... '-· lilt ....... ....... ...., ... *'"" ,...,.. IOlllW ., ...... ~ ,_..,.."' -"' .-.-... -i-... ... .., .... ......... _..,._. ltCW ...... _,.,. INWI 1t ~ ~ ,,,. <•'• .v.n... ce1.,...,..., kllltc.ri.tfell n CIN'ltt II.ti ••••11•1•1 b., ,,..u d .• -'911'1 MINlfll'Y .-1M1i.., II.Ii -"'''• wannlY ahool: 1""4' wtlll u., ... Qllll EncuU,. at Ille ci. ot 1111 -.,.,,,,. 'l'bMI i. llld WI f...U, pl bilo a Wlllto 8-Dawwillt lo IO II Ibo BtlMlll1o JU,, .._. of bti D1'.,. ~ cwt Cllllfonl 1o< a prime lunch. . , .. ' ' Johnaoo boJ>O<f lo ba back In hll native Texuby- He ls leaving the Prtaidency with grace and style and a poignancy after !IT years on the Washlng\on tcene. "He i! matlng a clean break," said one aide. I "1 ....... 'l flnli -k !!' ... olllco WU flllad wtlbdrama."" ml .... --..... "':'I. ol. ... .., .=s ~-r..,,...:i_'-'"1 . -""' pollo ht pr!lad .. ...... .... much at times, •ere kind to him l.D llM end. One allowed bts popular11J had IOINd lo 6U perconl oflor bts Slalt of the Union address. So low in spirits wu he last March 31 when he annoUneed th8t he would not seek reelection, ht tilt that if he "lilbed Ille Lani'• Prayer" be would , I •holn came to the White HOUie ln lbe1r 111111, loll llw lllM .way. t.ucl IOOlt. liar ... ~ -,_ to room, mapplo& plctura. Lynda look ha' tape reconhr to remember fOl'IVa' lbe hlsloricbome. Jobnaon bu aa1d ir<quenUy that be ntftr·tegretied bll dedlloa not to nm ag:aln. But withdrawal pains were ap-Pl'W ~ 111 one knew ii more than hi, f~ -Iha l>inuy that dr<w cloler to blm -Ibo JlftSS1""' and laoloUon ol'ltfllll ID t1oe While l!oo!e. . * * * Hts wile and daughlen did everythlna t!>la w• lo wa Ibo vray out and to -blm "" 'l1>ey --+1m fan letten and filled bts dayl with affectloo. He !pent Sunday evenin&, bts laal night In Ille White -· .... ·tertalnlnl bts clooul lfal! memliota and their wtvq. There WU a Marine bncf combo for dancing and a lavish buffet. John!on <old !hem he wO\lld be •eeln& them "dowa the road." The occasion was "happy-Md,'" • oce fellow Teuo put IL * Weather, Agn·ew Too Frosty COOlt Del.egation Also Braves 'Terribl.e' Wayne Film ' II)' EVELYN SHEllWOOD ., ... ~.,,., ..... WASHINGTON -Bravlnc una~ a&Stomed cold, 10,000 blppla Ml •."ter· !Ible" Jolla w.,,,. movie enroute, Ibo 15-manbor 0r..,. Coul deltpllon ol tm't the hippies. It's getting a taxicab in this town." - Oiw.lollJ', Ibo °''!'I' COaal, de1t1aUon wu unpr<par<d for Ille cold, bul thtlr iiplrtts were high despite the chllly weather. and a smashing fur hat. Weather permitting, the Orange Co.a.lit delegation was expected to stick out most cl the ln1ugural parade. blle&n1t(ld~weretflorouchlye~ ~ thtlr vlllt to Ille 1na..-u.. The frosty weather outside was met by a real frost Wide Sunday at the reception fer 'Viet Prelldent and Mrs. Spiro. T. AJoew .at .Ille Smllbiolitsll lnatituUon. It was attended by more Secrt:t Service agents, it seemed. t h a n well wi.aben. There are all balla to attend this evening. The group wlll board the TWA flight for it! return to the West Coast at noon Tuesday Washington time (9 a.m. PST). Tbe charw lllght lo Wasbington In- cluded ~ screening ot a new John \Vayne release, "HelWghten." UPI- JOHNSON, NIXON HEAD FOR INAUGURAL For LBJ, A Quiet l!xlt to TtxH Ranch ' Anti-inaugural Protest Swarms o.n Parade l{bute WASHINGTON (UPI) -Several hun· dred militant "counter in a u cur a I ' ' demonstrators swanned to an in· tersectlon straddling President Nixon 's parade route today in a shouUna con- frontation with police. The protestors, many of thei\, bearded and shabbl1y cbused, shouted abcenttlu al a police escort which flanked their rankl during a fJve-block march from a park to PennsylvanJa Avenue and 14th street. Large numbers of policemen Jnd Infection Delays Suzie's Retur1i From Hospital Suzie can't go home today. An infection -the second to be con· tracled by the 2·year-old Vietnamese child during her 54-<lay hoapltalliatlon -will keep her In Chlldr-eM Hospital r~r another "ten to 20 days" her phyU. cians stated today. But there is no cause for alarm, doc- tors added. They deacrlbed the infection a! being conllned to the lnci!lon area and a type or dl.scharge that is no( u,ncornmon among htart surlfey pa· ltents. Little Nyugen Thi Thanh. Phuona: had been scheduled to le.11ve her third floor room today for a period of convalescence at the Orange home of Dr. Albert Goh, a member of the Children! Hospital medical staff. From there Sutle would have rtturned to VJetnam. She left Da Nang two months ago u • deaperately m ch1kt for whom open heart surgery was the last hope iJ' the wu to live a nonnal llfe. An earlier ear \nfection and high lever led lo Ille pootponement ol the first acbedulfld plana for heart 1urgery. A seccod abandonment WU ordered when a member of the heart surgery team caught Ou 1od Sm:ie'a bip to the operating room wu ol1 tor the thtrd time wbe:n • shortlge or blood rutrtcted the hospital to emergency surgery only. But Sude went to surgery Jan. 10 for an operation which hu been declared to be a complete aucceas by dell1bted aurgeons. Also 1bandooed today were plans for a "victory party" which wu to hive been held lhil week 1t the Bl.lboa e.,. Club. The celebrltlon wu Ht u a specill tribute to Susie'• mother, U Thi !Anh. her lnlerprelor and nuno LlndaH...in,. Mn. Honnln(, a Clilldrw Hospllal nune, II the wlle ol NaY)' Lt. DooaJd Honnln(. Tho olfic:or tN\lluted '" rangtmSl!s for Sudt'1 transfer to the United Stat.. wben be noUoed her aiUcal coodlU"' durlJll lreabnent ol Vletnamao childnn al Ille Da Nq bue. ' plainclothesmen arrived at the scene. A rope barricade was stretched across 14th Street, at its intersection wilh Pennsylvania. A band of the dissidents burned dozens of small souvenir American flap at a number of points along PerinsyJvania A venue. In ,one inltanct, 1 batch of 20 or so flags were ignited beneath a group of souvenir Republic elephants being sold by 1 hawker. Police arrested al 1 e 1 1 t 10 demonstrators at or near the flag btJm. ing, At one point, they held three youths immobiliied with hammerlocks unUI 1 police ·patrol wagon came. A few minutea later, two girls were picked~ up bOOlly by men in clvlllan clothes and carried kicking and scrtam- ing to a van. The flag burning took 11lace neru a bloc of bleacher seats purch~ by ~t.er·lnauguration ora:aruurs. One large group crowded 1n the doorway of the National Pre!I Building chanting; "Ho, Ho,.Ato Chi Minh. The N.L.F. 11 goloi! lo>fln.'' Plan to Destroy Pueblo's Secrets Rejected: Bucher SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, skipper of the USS Pueblo, tesUfied today that he asked for • "destruct system" to be Installed In the eleclronlc1 and code area of the inte.UJgence ship and that his request wu turned down at the hlgbut level In Wuhlnglon. His reque!t wu not accepted, Bucher said, although he received what he term- ed a thoughtful nply. Bucher saJd that because or the unique mission of the inlelllgence ship he had permlssion to deal dlrtctly with the highest levels of command ln Washington on any matter pertaining to the lhJp, its ootflWna and any oilier p<Wlem1. Bucher was asktd whethtr be bad a copy or the letter which he had written to Washington. The commander sa.id he did not, that It tither had been destroyed when the ship wu se1i.ed in tbe Sea of Japan on Jan. 2:1, lMI, IX DOW WIS ln &be hands of the Nortb KOl"Wll. He said a copy of It ahouJd be ln Navy ntes. The court ol Inquiry beaded by Vice Adm. Charita -..., 81ll under 1l'IY procltely at t a .m. Buchfr, dn!ued ln a dirt uniform wllb threo Joki llrlpes and two '°"' or ribbons and wearing homed rim gluaes, •pptared an enUrely different man than the 11unt officer who came lo SM Dtego on Dec. 2C 1fter the 82 !lll'V!vlng crew mtmben wm rete .. td at Panrnunjom1 Korea. ' nat1oo'1 capital. . The !IM-temperalur< lbts mom-lnJ, coupled with t b r on J 1 of demomtralora and unUIU&lly u,ht securJ. I)' lffJDed lo be minor p<Wlems, however. One member aald, "The bJ& batUe Plot to Hijack '.Airliner Foiled; ; Police Arre$t . 4 Santa Ana police claim . today-that they have foiled a plot to hlj1ck ao airliner with the arrest of four peraona:. Jailed were George E. Anderton, 23, of Pb1J1delphla who hu been IO!Jlht by the FBI ainct September, 1968, when be allegedly fled Phltsdelpbts following a shootout in which three penons were wounded. Seized with Andenon and Corllu TMI Scipio, alao of Philadelphlll, were f I r e a r m 1 , pro-communist llterat\ft, mapa and dnwlng• lncludJn& thole of Santa Ana's underground d r a t n a I e l)'lltm. Alao booked cm IUSplclon ol harboring a fugitive were James A. GaJea, 23, and his wile, Betty, zz, or 1213 W. Brook St, Apt. 1 where Anderson and Miu Scipio were nabbed. Anderson was booked on suspicion of con1piracy to steal an airplane, al· templed murder, flight to avoid pro- aecutlon and carrying • cooCuled weapon. The woman wu charged wtth conspiracy and carrying a cooculed weapon. . Pollet would not disclose deatils of the plane hijack plot but claimed they had sufficient evidence to prove that the pair planned to steal an airliner. Dana Point Man Gets $250 Fine A Dana Point man convicted of em- bw.lement of union funds was ordered Friday to pay a $150 fine and placed on probation for • five year perlod. James Terrence Ward, 29, was sen- tenced by Judge William Gray in lM Angelea federal court. Two of the lour charges in a four~nt indletmtnt returned by a federal grand jury w e r e dismissed. The grand jury accused Ward of embezzling more than $4.llOO in union funds while serving as treaaurw cl Local 504 of llM AFL<!IO Slqe Mo•ln& Plclure Operators in 1966. Tht audience or several thousand. turn- ed to portable radios t0 hear the Viet Preslde11t'1 commentl. He coul~'\ be seen behind lhe ring of security men. His rapid Wt afterwards dttw some criticism, at leut from tbe eout group. A> for Ille Inaugural Itself !hf pro- minent c o u n t y RepubUcw .wclared Unanll1)0uoly that the <"'!II thix mOroing was indeed "an bl!tortc rDomenL 1' A welcome respite from the bitter cold WU Congresmnan'i Jallll!I B. Utt'I recepllon for lbts c:onstltuents lbts morn- ln& Jn blJ om ... 11r-u..·111;l>W'n Btilldlllg. 'Ml& coast delegation enjoyed hot c:dfee and doughnuts. Pat Nixon attended the affair ln atun-nhti: attire, including an oranae coat Lamentably, the majority of the delegation agreed that the movie wa! terrible, so they occupied the time enroute playing gln rummy. WayM was not among too.e who made the flight. New Defense Chief Plans Vietnam Visit SAIGON (UPI) -America's new defenae 1ecretary will viait Soulh VJet .. nun early next month to d1acuD U.S. troop wilhdrawal and other .PCllJC)' mat- ters, American sourct.nald toda-y;-:- They said Melvin Laird will make hiJ tint Saigon visit in the defense pool for lalU with both American and Soulh Vietnam officials here. DAILY PILOT 111" Pl!lt9 Car Rolls in Rain Jane Plaster, 34, of lfi20 Louiae St., Laguna Beach, was shaken up this morning when her car overturned on Pacific Coa.st Highway near Scotchman's Cove. Traffic officers said accident occured when she swerved to avoid another car which had spun out on wet pave- ment. Driver of second car, Helene Anne Carter, 35, ofr948 GleMeyre St., Laguna Beach, was taken to South Coast Community Hospital for treatment of injuries. • ' • • • .I • .. • • • • • • '~ -•• n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted • peerla restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN A MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HAUOI SHOfPIH CIN1U uoo -aw. COSTA MlllA Ml-Mii 0,.. M-. fton.. M 'Ill t ,.... HUNTIN•TON CINTll HACH II. IDINliR HUNTllMTOll HACH Hl·H01 g d " • r. " I I I ' l l .. - UPI Tett•~ .... CAPITOL PLAZA CROWDS BRAVE CHILLY WEATHER TO WATCH NIXON INAUGURATED Security for Evtnt Tight; Nixon to-be Most Closely Guarded President . . WITf,_... NEW VEEP -Spiro T, Agnew lakes his oath of office as Vice Presi- dent of the United States. Administering the oath ls Senator Everett M. Dirksen (R·Ill.), chairman of Joint Inaugural ·comin!t- tee. J. l\fark Trice, secretary of Senate Minority, looks on. Senior at Marina High Named State Junior Miss Seventeen-year-0ld Jackie Benington of HunUngton Beach Saturday night was crowned California's Junior Miss for 1969. The pretty and poised Marina High School senior was named Cali!ornia'a best over 22 other fi nalists competing in Garden Grove. The Junior Chamber 0£ Commerce 1ponsored contest was the first such competition Jackie has ever entered. Jn May, she will represenl the state in the national finals. On the side. Jackie manages to main· tair a perfect 4.0 grade point average while serving as a songleader and presi· dent of Marina's Amecican Field Service program. Last November the students of Marina aelected Jackie as their homecoming queen. The daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Orchard Henington, 6191 Gumm Drive, won the state competition on the basis ol her talent, scholarship,. physical fit· ness, poise and *ppearance. A '$1,000 scholarship and a $500 savings bond ftllt along with the trophies Jacki• received u CaliforDla'1 Junior Miss. Bearf& Rerun WINS JR. MISS TITLE M•rlna High~• Benlngton Tight Security Put in Force For Inaugural WAS!UNGTON (UPI) -S<cret Servlct agents and police searched and secured 'today every foot of the inaugural parade route along Pennsylvania A venue from the sewers to the Skylights. Parking was banned after midnight from streets in a vast downtown ~a equal to about one.fifth. o{ the cih*. Security agents began patrolling the Pennsylvania Avenue parade route after the parking ban was lowered,.checking even the sewers to make sure they contained neither gas leaks nor unwanted intruders. Buildings along the parade route were checked. No windows were allowed open and no spectators were allowed out on balconies or rooftops. Hundreds of plainclothes f e d e r a I agent..!, weapons hidden under their coats, were assigned to mingle with the estimated crowd of two million persom along the parade route. The security for the entire day's ac- ti vities is among the tightest in history, just as the new president wilt be' the most tightly · guarded Cliief executive ln the nation's history. Sheets of bulletproof atan were pro- vided both for the oath taking at the Capttol and the parade watching near the White House by the presidential party. Three helicopters new over lhe parade route while the parade set its three-rnfle. an-hour course. A new bubble-top armored limousine, built at a cost of $500,000, was devised to carry the presidential party in safety. The entire 3,m.man Dl!trict of Col· umbla police force wu on duty, backed by reserve forces and NaUonaJ Guard goldlert. Officiala re~ to giv1 an exact figure but estimate& of the entire peace-keeping contingent on duty ranged up to 10,000. The FBI wu reported to have Its finger on the whereabouts of m06t, if not all, of the known troublemakers. * * * Agnew Takes Office Oath From Dirksen WAS!UNGTON (AP) -Spiro T. Agnew, who helped his Greek immigrant father hawk vegetables on BalUmOf'e streets during the Depression, took the oath or office today to become the na-. lion's 39th Vice president. Senate Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen admJnistered the oaUt in Ule Jonorout tones for which he Is noted, minutes before Richard M. Nixon was iwom tn u presidenL Agnew's hand rested on his eldest daughter , Pamela's whlte-covered. King James version Bible. It was opened at the tooth Psalm -the vice president's favorite -which ttadl in part: "Make a joyfu) noise unto the Lord." Jane Doe Identity Sought HuoUngton Beach police today baV<! returned to the Wk of attempting to Identify Jane Doe, an onJrnown woman .,,hose slashed body wu found in 1 roadaide ditch more than IO months ai_:-new lead to her identity developed Frkl.ay on the day of Jane Doe's funeral arfd scheduled burial. The burial bas now been delayed. Almost u funeral rites began, a Long Beach woman, 21 year old Jackie Smay, told pollce that the murdered woman w1s Rhonda Fisher, about 23 years old. Det Sgt Monty McKennoii said today, "We have the teletypes out and we cmawy· ~ .that this Wiie wUI be the time the _,,.. is ldenllfied, but wt have run down 'polltive' ldin· tif'ications befOre." ACcording to Miss Smay, lbe·murdered wpman· who was wearill& a leather /acket wbfil_ found WU "I wlld ~t who rode with the HeD'1 Angels. Sbe likely came from ~a, lhe told police. Detectives ha•e procelltd bun:tftds of leads since the body, of Jana Doe was found by boys tromping through the grasay Itta 00 I frog tnmtin& U:· pediLion March J4. Alt.hough the ttmetal services Wert eompleted by the ReY. G. Rum U Shaw, burial has been held up ptnding com· pletJon of the present investigation. Detectives aafd the burial will be further delayed il &11y part of Miu Smay'a atory loob good to the police. So far u the local detectives are concerned, it is suit "Jane Doe unUI someone can pro•e otherwift." netec-- uv., held no great' liope that the lablst lead would prove fruitful , but Mcl\""""1 poioted out today that delpit. countlela dluppolntnwtla in the past, "'lbl• could be the time." . The body of Jane Doe Js 1UU at Smith's Mortuary in Huntington Beach today as all connected with the murder l'A'ait information from Georgia. Mondoy, Jon..,. 20; 1969 L DAILY llL.oT S My,stery ·Crash. Probed) 38 Die in Jet's Sea Dive; Countian Was Pilot Federal invesUaatora today began pul· ting together ahreddecl blu of a jetliner lhal ltttaked into the Paclllc Ocun off Marina dtl Rey Saturday night like a comet, killing all 38 persons aboard. The strickeo United Airlines Boeing 727 slammed Jnto the atomuwept tea only a mile from where a Scandinavian jetliner pancaked lall Monday nlgbt dur- ing a heavy storm. Capl Leonard A. Leverson, 29, of 2t).'J6 Vicloria Driv~. Santa Ana, was trying to bring UAL Flight 266 back to land at Los Angeles InternaUonal Airport when the death dive occurred. Despite the fact that the Scandinavian Airline System DCB. which went down ~fonday, killing 15 of the 45 per90M aboard was also landing, crash probers believe the disasters are just coin- cidental. 'Ibe SAS Jetliner was making a routine, but seldom-psed west·to-wlt landing ap- proiu:h in stormy weather when it splash- ed Into the -· 1,500 feet below. Ila proper altltude. In-fllght fire and e1plosion four minutes ~ter takeoff for Denver, Colo., sent the 115-paasengv UAL craft down Satur- day nlght, but the question now is: what cawied the flameg and blast'!' "I hdve a fire warning light on Engine Number One," Capt. Leverson radioed, "l 'm turning around and coming: back:• Seconiis later, as witnesses saw a fiery tr11i.I out of the stonny black skies end at sea ·Ievet, Flight 266 disappeared from the Los Angeles lnternaUonat AirpOrt tower radarscope. Searcliera inµnedjately went into their weJJ.rebearsed program -which aaved 30 victima of the fll'lt commercial crash in the Zl y~ h1st.ory of the Los Angelet airport last weet -but .bopea were dim. "I alwJys bope for 1urvlvors," said U.S. Coast Guard Chief Ralph Maderas, ••but 1f.!i'P inside -I knew it was a lost cause." , . . . Maderoa wu braced (10 · the wildly pit.chlng deck of the ~foot private cruiser Derita n ., sbe plowed through stormy, slx·foot seas t.o the debrlJ.llttere.d crash site. Five days earlier, Maderos was on rescue duty aboard the USCG cutter Point Judith. daring SAS Jetliner crash 'I HAVE A FIRE LIGHT' United's C•pt. Lnersen operations. Arriving at the UAL crash tcene, Maderos' e&l'.llet comment that there was no lndlcaUon the pilot Wll able to ditch in a normal manner began to come true. First there was an egg carton, then a bobbing coffee cup, then other 8S80l'ted mechanical debris and finally portions of sil. torn bodle.s and ·a lone floating teddy bear.-"" - S}larka prowled just below the surface of the 57-degree water as potential rescuerw smoked , and t ~v~red in ~ cooler air '"above and realized their mission was futile. About 1,500 pounds ol .debris,· none ol it in pieces more 'tM.n a few feet square, had been gathered today and federal investigators -the eecond team to arrive in a week -forecart a Jong, tough job ahead. A spokesman for the National 'l'nllllportailoo Safety B.oard, which 1- aet up beadquarten near the a1rpcot to probe the twin cmheo, l4kt It mlpt be eight months beloJ'e the C8Ul6 la known. "The body of the alrpl ... I.I our molt important tool in <he investigatJon." be said, "so lint w"' have to aee if we can find it in 900 feet of water - then determine If It""" be bolalect." "Our team usually spends 10 da)'ll just )-ag at the corput dellctl ol the air crash, but in thla case we don'& have that," he added . The forward section of the SM Jet which went down last Monday Ooeted many hours and has been brought ashore, although the tail Section lri which tl are entombed is on the bottom in JOO {eet of water. Wreckage of the UAL tfi..jet, .wbk:ti may contain bodies of many· more vjc.. · tims. -including two babies; -~ a Methodist theologian and tlie claugbltt'. of an airline official. They were Dr. Lowell B: Swan, II, pmidenl of Iliff School of TbeoJacy, Denver, and Bonnie J. 'CoUle, 19, of Palos Verdel Estates, daugllter of Capt. J. RulSell Cottle. Sbe was retmulnC to the University of Colorado after a visit at home. Capt. Cottle is flight operatioM manager for UAL at Los Angeles In- temaUooal Airport. Another UAL employe, Capt. Warren H. Le Rny, ooe of the four IC><alled "Flying Le Roys," who work for the airline, died in the crash. Sir Wat Bend, Wisc. chlldren a&<!i 1s to 2 were orphalled when the i<tlinet carrying their parents, Mr. and MrJ, Robert K. Schroeder Jr., back from a Palm Springs convention, went down. "1be.re were a few tear1 shed, bet overall they took it·weJl,'' llkl an.uncle _ WOO helped breal: the ..... to the . children. .. Final VP 'Pep Talk' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Hubert H. Humphrey gave bia lut hurrah u Vice Pteaident today at a 'pep-talk breatfut for Democratic governors In t1te same hotel where Richard M. Nixon dnUed fer his lnauguraUon as President. NEl-.AT THE WORLD'S MOST UNllUE BANK! GO'LDEN Y• nn Qllilea Passbook Sating$ Accom1t wl draw tbe hlgbe$t bank rate of interest avilable anywhan ! Now-you can 111joy 5.13% Interest on • Newport National Bank Golden l'llasbook Ace<>unt when your savlnp-and •ll·lnternt nmain 1 year, This is now possible When our 5% current annual interest r-'~e is compounded daily and credited quarterly to your Golden Passbook Account. This special account is available to lndlvktuals, corporaiiotls, partnerships and non-profit organizations. I~ H<WPO·-.,-NA-TI-OIW.--.-------... 1 ~ {Select •dfhts of YtAJf' neamt olftc:e) I C.,.tf•men: I 1111'1 ~resl!ld kt ~ 1 ,..., I Golden -..,._ I D ""'-"""''"""•<.....,. • ...,>,.,,._ I (te00.00 or moN }. Pi... °'*" IM 8COOW1t Md wtd me mot'9 lnfo~ I Mrebt/ ~ ) tfltt wtthdmwila CMlt\Of be m1dt until PR't*...,.. I nmture ardt MYt bMn rtturned Md .. on Ne · In tht Benk. 0 Pit•• tend Int more 11\forrn•tlon eboul: YfJAlf...,.. Go1dln Pnabook Savino• Account. · voui1 · bo pleased to know that your interest pay- ments ire flexible according to your own personal needs.,With 1 minimum deposit of $500 and subse. quent deposits of $100 or more, there'is no limit to the amdbnt you can deposit in your Golden Pass- book Savings Ac<:ount. Your intemtstans from the date of depnit and continues to the 'date of with· drawal for funds on deposit 90 doys or more. We cOl1$idar this, 1 golden opportunity to make your savJngs grow faster In 1 pleasant and secure·1lmo• phen. We would like ti> tell yoo more •J>out this unique 0 blnk rata'' of Interest. Come in and see us 'I' ... .._ ________ _,,,,.__ __ _ or mail the coupon and wo'll do the rest. 7 CONVENIENT OfflCES TO SERVE YOU IN OllANGE COUNTY I ,.,_ OfflM C..,.. It lllrAltls l40-21U •..,.... Olllcil a.,.lde II JI .... &U:·ll41 • 0.-. Mom. ....,_.It Ce:a ' : W!i 11l.a9 ----II ... 111·72t0 • ....... --II -IU4511 • __ laol_tl_toilolo_ ---II-IU-3111 I -- 4 IW~Y PILOT MOl!dl;T, J.AAUlrJ' 20, 1969 Marines Corner Viet Cong in Tunnels Half-naked Gls Kill 23, Capture i36 in Battk 30 Feet Untkrground . c~•-o..r,,..,,...,, The weather's lousy and today is a working day, so SpliO\.T. Ag. MW11 ancestral home town m Gar- ballanoim, Greece has scrµbbed a scheduled celebration oJ his becom- ing vice president oJ the United states. Original plans included Jolk dancing in the 1treets and a com· munity barbecue. • Never let a girl you meet in an ~y !alk you into trying on a pair o! lo)''i!IJJ<lcuJJs. Goorv• J. St. Cleu4, 16, dill just that and, alter snapping on the culls the girl wallted away into the Hollywood streets. S~ Cloud tried to Jree him· self with the help of a passerby but failed. Finally a policeman opened the toy cuJJs with a set of keys to biJ real ooes. • Men. women and children are frolicldng in the nude in the public 1wlmining pool at the London suburb of Croydon. The town coun- cil bas given permission to a nudist club to use the indoors pool on Wednesday nights. Security men guard the doors and Oll!y the lifeguard wears trunks. • 'Whn th.t fire brigadt of Leri· da, Spain arrived at the burning hotut •. thetJ couldn't find thtir 10eter h<Jse. After a. ftw minutts a: motorist drove up with the de· partment'1 hose in his car. Tht host had falle-n off the fire truck when it made a sharp turn and the man had picked it up off tile strttt. • Government workers have had SAIGON (UPI) -Hall naked Marin,. carryln& .ti callber plalols in one hand and Ouhllghto in the other ltilled 23 Viet Cone and caplw'ed 13' more in a bltUe 30 feet llllderground, mllltary spokesmen said today. The Og1>Un1 rqed durinl the weekend in the guerrilla tunnel network uncovered by aome of the 3,000 Marines and 2,000 South Vietnamese troops sweepina: the two-milHquare Batangan Peninsula 320 miles northeast of Saigon. Lanco Cpl. William Cox ol Jacbon, Miss,, one of the Marine "tunnel rata" said be Ont saw two Viet Co!ll peeplnj( UPIT•_,... WINS APPROVAL Gov. W•ltor Hickel '. Senate Committee OKs Nomination Of Gov. Hickel at him from a tunnel openJng. "We yelltd at them to come out. and one of them yelled baet, 'You come in.' He nld it in Englls.b," Coz .. ld. C o x end two other Marines llltlpped to the waist and, armed with the plltoll, flashllghta and smoke gr e n a d e 1 , acampered into the tunoel openJq. Marinea above ground at tbe aame time spotted a female Viet Co!ll pop out of another opening. They aent her back 1n with ordera to urp her comrades to BUfl'eDdet. Several minutes later nearly 100 Viet Coni emeried, their hands In the air. Soviets Off er To Negotiate Disarmament MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union greeted the Nis:on administration today with an offer to negotiate disarmament Including the reduction of nuclear mlsaile and anti-mlasUe systems. " "When the Nb:on government is ready to alt down at the: neeoUaUna: table: we are ready to do so too," a Kmnlln spokesman told a news conference:. Kiril Novikov, chle:f of the foreign mlntstry organlxatlom depertmen~ lald the Soviet government "is ready to take any combination of ate:ps, we are ready to ta 1 k about general an d complete disarmament and we: are ready to un- dertake me:asurea dlrecttd at tenninaUon of production of nuclear weapons." A Kremlin .tatement read ·to lhe ·con- ference by another ministry offtclal said agreement with the: United States on curbing the anns race "is quite feasible though not an~ea,,y thing:" The statement read by L e: on I d Zamyatln, foreign ministry pr91 chief, saJd the Soviets are ready for a "serious exchange: of opinion . . . concerning mutual restriction and subsequent reduc-. lion of strategic means of delivery <Jf nuclear we:apollll, including defensive: systems." In the tunnell, the MarineB such u Co• cornered aod battled the dle-hanis. The drive Into lhe peniD.sul&, lq a ....,,.ma 11rOOlhold. lllllted the 1ar1..i Marine amphl6loul~ .,.um since the Koreeu War. Mlllltf>: opok......, aald 57 ComlllWllstl have been ltilled in the weetlong camPllln. plus the 139 cap- tured. They aald I, 711 111errt11a lllllP"Cll havo been rounded up. Elsewhere In South Vietnam, Com- munist f....,.. llffi'ted the N-a<f. mlnlstrstlon todey with usaulll qalnst two U. S. basea: Mil' Saigon and a raid into the central ~ city of UPIT ...... tl MARTYREO CZECH Student Jan Palach Bao Me ThuoL The atlackl In the boUrs before Rl.wd M. Nlloo'• lnauguratloo killed alx Gii and wouoded 17 more. u. s. arttller)' bluted lhe guerrlllu back Into the jwlg)es. lo Baa Me 'l'huot. 17' mu.. north of hero, a guerrilla haod IOeated iDto the city and tried to l?eb the South vi.tnameoe rodJo IUUoo. Government mll!Ua IO<ll threw back the ettacken In .. hour """ flg(IL ln the peMMula battle, U. S. 1potecmen said Marine bses were: "light." They lllld most caauaJtiea came from guerrllla booby trapo ariiund the tunnel comple•. A Marine o!flcer llald the tuJ1Ml com- plu uteoded bundredl of yardo. lit aald it probabl)' took two )'WI to 41(. "A bomb strike wouldn't loucl1 lbem In these tunnels. Som• are ... and two . otoriell and going 30 feet belcnr the ground • • • it'll take UI a wttk to blow them up," said U. Terry Arndt of Coh.,., N. Y. The Marines WlCOVettd pert of the complez when a Jeatberoect, dlaiDg a foibole, dllfl too doep aod fell Into a tunnel corridor. Prague Mourns Czechs Honor Boy Who Killed Self PRAGUE (UPI) -Thou!anda of Czechoslovaks, with ribbons over their hearts for the firat time since tht August invasion, marched silently through the: streell ol Prague today ID a display of respect for student Jan Palach, 21, who burned blmaell to deelh. Western observers · said they believed tens!oa In the city wu grute:r than at any Urne s1nce the Soviet·led Warsaw Pact annlea rolled acrou the border laat August. The m.arche:rs dJd not chant as they walked through 1 sray hue: of coal smoke: on this unseasonably warm day. Some students, in a defiant a:esture to the Soviet occupation forces, gathend to rename Red Army Square in honor of tbe young student who poured kerosene on bis cothe:s and burned himself to death to protat lluuiao Interference in liJJ homeland. Not since the invasion have: citizens appeared og the streets with lhe red, whJte: and blue "badges of courage" pinned to their coals. Most of the ribbons were crossed with a strip of black to honor Palacb who burned himull fatally Thursday. At the bead of the columns of persons, estimated at 6,000, a youth marched soberly with an enonnoos photograph of Palach aOASed by a black mourning band. other students canted 1 o Czechoslovak flags and one huge black bsnner. There were fears of more self-im- molations, in protest against Russian oc- cupation and a dealhbed plea from Palach not to do so -bis dying words were, "My act has fulfilled its purpoet." The: country was tense following Palach's death and there were repeated warnings by high government and com- munist party officials against "ill con- sidered actions" which could bring on another Hungary where thousands died. Posters around the city anoounced a second mass r:ally of studenta: this af- ternoon on old town square:. But the Unlon of University Students disassociated itself from the rally a n d announced it did not know who had acheduled the meeting. student sources said funeral services for Palach would be: held in a small Jown outside Prague whare hi.: mother ·uves. It was wxlerstood memorial services also would be: held in Prague. The secretarilt of the: Communist par- ty ctntraJ C1>mmlttee called on all party members the length of the and "to help calm the situation so as to prevent ill-considered acUona." The party asked members "to create an atmosphere ()( calm which would perm.It peaceful work." some of their privacy restored !bank• to the efforts of Sen. Sam Ervin Jr., (D-N.C.). Workers will no longer have to --report whether Ibey an aleep walkers, have hom<> 1exual -tendencies or have been pregnant. Ervin noted that the in- formation _was urarely needed.'' WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate Jnterioi-Committee approved today, by a 14-3 vote, the controversial nomination of Gov. Walter J. Hickel of Alaska as 11ecntary of the interior in the Nizon administration. The endorsement.. hard won by Hickel in five: days of committee scrutiny, came leu than two hciurs before the: presiden- tial Inauguration or Richard M. Nixon. The other 11 new cabinet members bad won declared or t.aclt approval of varkm Senate committees without major difficulty last week. Most appolntmenta were due to go to the floor for con- finnation today. Novlkov and Z8myatin said their con- ference: was "not deliberately" called today to coincide: with the: inauguration in Washngtoo of Richard M. Nixon as President. ' "But if the Nixon adminiatration would talte into conalderatioo our statement, In our OJ)inloo it would facilitate • better lnternaUonaJ atmosphere," Zamyatin said. Both SOvie:t spokesmen warned against ''tendencies" in the United Slatel to "IPOak to the Soviet Uoioo from the poslilon of strength." Nixon Negotiating Team Arrives for Paris Talks Two More Planes Hijacked to Cuba With 25 7 Aboard • Chairman Henry M. Jackson (0- Wuh.), of the Interior COmmltt.ee Aid Ricke.l's nomination would not be acted upon by the Senate: until Tuesday at the earliest. Sirhan Defense Scrutinizes Jury The late "Secretary ol State John Foster Dullea, who was an advocate of UUs policy, rejected It toward the end of his Ille. Nothln& came out of tt," Novikov said. "And nothing will come out of the: current talk of dealing with the Soviet Unloo from the pocitioo of strength." PARIS (UPI) -The. vanguard of President Rich8rd M. Ni:1on'1 negot.iaUng team arrived today under orders to get the expanded Vietnam war negot.iat.ioru1 1tarted as quickly as practicable: this week. Lawrence E. Walsh, the new deputy American de:lqaUon leader, to 1 d newsmen upon arrival from Washington he aaw ••e1ementa for optimism." in the new talks on bow to end the: conflict starting lhiJ week. S~ a prtkntious Atlal poiturt, tJi.il girl ciddl a "'r~ali&tic" touch to a pie« of "minimal Mt" 1hown at die ••Jlinimaf Art.!" t%hibition which r•· centlu opmed in Duuieldorf, G,,.. manu. Th.t outriied black bo% ii a wood iculpture which cctvallu reita In its titled porition mi a cutawau comer bole. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The attitudes and backgrounds ol 12 persons tentatively eelected to try Slrbao B. Sirhan for the slaying of Sen. Robert F. Kermedy were M:111tlnlzed by defense attomeys lodey. The three lawyen must decide whether the six men and m: women would make: a better jury than whoever mJght W:e their places if they wee challenged by the defense . Garrison D1·ops Attempt to Delay Oay Shaw Tnal NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The state lodey abandoned Its eftort to delay the trial of Clay L. Shaw, 5$, the wealthy retired New Orleans busine:uman char&~ ed with conaplring to murder President John F. Kennedy. ••1 think it would be wrong to minimize. all the dlfficuJtles ahead," Walsh Aid. .. Everyone realizes that a good start has been made but there la more to be accomplished. But I see eleme:nls for oPtJ,mlam here in Paris." Reservists Lose Anti· Viet Fight At Supreme Court • Somewhere in Mexico city, some The prooecuUoo appeared saUsfled with the pounttal jurors. Chief DeJ'lly Dl!t. Atty. Lynn D. Compton start I e d courtroom ob.servers 1ast Friday when he announced, "We accept the jury a1 now constituted." Asal Din. Atty. Jamts A 1 cock withdrew the state'• motion for con- Unuance at a hearing before Criminal DlBt. Court Judge Edward J. Haggerty and said the: state would be ready to go with the: long-delayed trial -schedul- ed to start Tuesday. tbiev .. have a good foothold.on the aituation. 'The Portales Shoe Fae· b>ry r.ported the theft of $4,000 worth of shoes. More Coast Rain Forecast WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court turned aside today a challenge to the mobilization of Army reservllits for Vietnam duty without a congressional declaration of war. JusUce William O. Douglas, in diasent, said the court had "become an agency for helping to crute an awesome credibility gap." Meiner's Oaks Families Saved Fro1n Raging River He chastlttd his colleagues and said they "should construe: laws u fulfilling, not breaking, promiaea made by this a11-powerful government to Iii citiuns.'' California LOS AHGfLf:I AHO V!CIHITY- lt1ln tll!llthl '""' T~Y. lt•llO hltVY 11 ti-T..-1'/'. Gul'Y wlndt. Llnlt ...,,._llu'°" chi-. Hlllll TueMIY j4, l-tollll!ll! ll. Cll111C1 of r11n • "'. ~ T"""8y. C°"'ITAL AHO IHTlltMl!DlAT! VAl.ll!:Y~ll.1111 llllO!Ohl tnd Tvftll11. lf1l11 ,_.,., ti 11....., Tllftdty, Gua'Y w!lllfL Ll1'ti. ~Nre dll ..... L-tenltht d to 53. MCWJMTA!N .l,lfl!As.-lftlft ""'W ti ti"'" fenlwhl 111d T.....:11'1'. S-lt.,,,I 1bclvl 1.-fffl. 51._ Olllll'I' wll'di. Lim. tlm•••Mw W11•e. 11'4Tllt101t AND DESlltT llEGION5 -lftltrft'I"""' "''" ""''"ty ...,..,.., -· llllfl torlh!M .... T""4ty. Gutf'/' •lfldo. Ltttt. "'°'""'"''' dl1-. L.,... 1.,. ft/911t ..... All ...-..... ,..1n"'°"" bl•"""' tor 1t '"" 17 °"'"' '" Soutti.m (1!llar111• -~ hi .... todtY but lt'IOf'I ,.1 ..... fior'IUJt fW ton ... !. T"-U.S. .........,. 111-11 ttld 1 MOllld fnll'l'I Cllt"'"""' ,,,. "" °'""" c;..., -.Ohl ""°""' 1"'9 SOlll'rlern (111- ..,... ........ ll:ill"'*I ... t bt~I <l«r· "" ..... ....__ .., ......, ,., ,_,, lncMt "' ,.111 W ........ 1t LM """"° Cl•lc t•,.. W ,.,._ ""' tl9m\ ""'" S.lul'OllY -Tr9fl'lc ~ "" '"" ''""'' tnd ,,..,_,. dillrMill fN II-of 1t .. ,.. ...... bMr """"""· '°-St11 O'"°' ....... -....... -... u .. et ............ Hil lloct'i' ••1 111._ ..... $ufldn ... .. "'~'"" "'"' ..... ltoPCfl. ON 9' it.. ,..,.,_, toff ''"' .,,, ~ (WftfJ' ...,., rtt#le ... ie. (VI "" ...... '9mlllilt ~ 11 "01111 ~ ., .. ~ a.cw .....,. """" ~_!f """' """' llilf -............ ~ ---.,,_,., U.S. .. o.a....... '9t•-.,...., iii ,,. twtn v ... 1vr. •1- t«EYIEW Of ESSA W[ATH[lt IUltEAUFOltlCASt TO J:tGA.M. tST I ·ti·•• """' "' 111,.,.,.. "'" ~I, ~ .,..,... rlcldlls ..,,.,. rtlt rlwt CfOllft Cl!~ Jwftle ... ~ W•• t>VllN ,,...... troe cur"'°'! 11'1' 1~1ff'• *'°"'"" ....,.,. l!ldlld tlOM t wtlff '" 'O mt.htr.em. l.1w ,,.., ltMltd for ~ 111111 tJC-'°" 11 Vtr.- 1.,r1 Co.N'llY °"""'' ~9-1. Tfte ''°"" Ill ...... ""'°"' -n .!1hl lnclltol of .. .., "' "" lv" Ob•-111 • 1 ~ """"' •11111 "-"ltll"' ..... •ltlCl•lcifY ..... 111111 .. ...,.._ .. ,..... q-lo • ....,.,., "' "" ••• ,...,. -·· "'"""' -""'"" "'~' ..,. dOWfl"""" ''" 111111 ~-·•b'- ......... -,_... "' "'*"-" •I• In '"""'· Al WI -f/f .... cltY1 ,,,,..,. ,..It 111ntw1t _, cm "'--.. , ........... -"""""· "'"" """ ff tJ.I. 101 .,.r1 clcllf .. """" .... • _,. tllthilnd ~ Oft ..,. ............ '""' '*'"' • ... l• Al'IMtb CMlllY h Coutal CleWY wlllt .c.IM...., """'""' lt\rlMll'ICIUt It. .n-. W!'ldt aov• _..,.ty, II to 2S m.t.11. TOdl'l''I llltll. iS lo "· Y• ...... 'l"'t ...,...,.f\INI r In I I <I '"""' • """ " .. kt • ""' " "· .... ...................... ,. ,.,_ -... "'· TM Wlttf° """'-•tt.11'11 .. , 11.4 .... ·-s-. Jlf-. TUu MOMDAY TU•IDAY f:l'I ....... 1.1 II :SJ •·"" 4.1 '' .. "' ., ....... '·' . ll:li ...... 5.l • 51M 11.m. •-~ ..... ·-1:5' ...... "".,,, ,,,,.. ..... """ •i• •·"'· "" •:• """' '""" •• ll•lf Lall 0. ~ .-.... U t<tb. I Ftll> 1t P'~ 11 Temperatures A groop of 111 ......-vlsts from the "1911 L .. Ptff. Cleveland area, most of them alre:ady AJbvCl~•r.i.it '""'-Alla"'' ltlt!ITT!lflof l li.merd: l!ol•• ... ... '"-Clndft....tl ,_ ... ...... ... ...,_ """'" ...... .... """' ·~~ "'"'" l-!~uh.1 "~-1(1-City l•• v-. LOI A-lft Mltml tlMfl Ml,_. .. Mfl'IM.IMllt ... _ °''""" "-y~ O.lttt...i ...... "''"' •oti• ..... H .. lfiofl\9 -· ,,,,...., ......... II.id '"" It"' .""' ·-SKI'•""""' SI, l.""lt $111111• Slit llkl ("" S•" O'"" Sift Frt"CIKO ''"'' .. '"'' ....... ........ ,_, Wt1'11 .. IOll a to 1n Vietnam. had poaed the: challenge. !: l; 1 . .w They were mobilized under a lt66 t? J7 .o:J law that gave: President Johnson authori- ~ 3! .o ty to call up reservi.N without a de:clara- ts » lion of war or national emergency. : ~ In another decision, the court limited " ~ the power of cities to repeal open-housing :; 11 la"'·s. ~! '•1 In an 8-1 decision the court found ,., .II h •1 11 Akron. Ohio, ad put an unconstitutional s~ ~ ':g "special burden" on Its Negro mide:nla " sr by requiring bans on housing dlscrimina-~; ~ tion to have the: 1pproval of the: majority '' n .oi of the voters ln the city. ~ !: '::; Justice Hu.go L. Black. the only :; :; _,, dissenter, protested strenuously I.hat u '° there was no foundation in the Conltitu- ~~ : .st Uon for thla lat.est pronouncement on 11 ,,., ."1 civil rlghts . :1 ;: '·" The test case: wu brought by Nellie ..s ,s. ·" Hunter, a Negro housewife, who Md :: ~ difficulty buying • house:. She tried \o g ~ rtly on an open houain& ordinance :: " ;:~ adopted by the: city council that aasured l: "' '-" "equal opportunity" to dectnt housing: ., ~ ,,. raclllties. : ~ .u She was UMUcceutul because the city .e ,, 1.11 charttr h11d betn amended to nullUy # n ... the ordinance and to require that any '' ' ·°' future ones must be: approved by the !: ~ ,,, d\)' etrctorate. Walsh said new delegation chief Henry Cabot Lodge:, expected to arrive: here tonight, will decide: himself whether the conference can open Tu~day u proposed by North Vietnam and the National Liberation Front (NLF), the political arm of the Viet Cong gue:rrilla.s. Moving ahead at unusual speed after eight month.! of bitter public az:td secret bargaining the four parties involved - Washington, Saigon, Hanoi and the NLF -Saturday approved alt procedural issues and agreed to plunge into main war-and-peace matte:rs early this week. American diplomats said Lodge: may suggest opening the talks Wedne!day rather than Tuesday so that he: can get acquainted with the: technicaliU~ and meet his Saigon colleague:, Pham Daog Lan. Officials said that Walsh and Lodge were under orders from the incoming ~dent to get the talk.I under way u soon as fe:aslble. MIAMI (AP) -Two airliners carrying 257 persons were hijacked Sunday - making it the second successive weekend of twin air piracy -by skyjacker$ armed 1'-ith a hand grenade and rnachineguns. An Eastern Airlines jet carrying 168 passengers and a crew of eight was the first of the pirated planes to laod in Havana and also the first to bt released. Capt. R.D. Smith of. Atlanta, Ga., his crew and five passengers flew on to MiamJ Sunday night and the re- mainder ·of hill passengers landed in Miami early Monday aboard two prop jet plane3 sent to Varadero, Cuba, by Eastern. An F.cuadorian prop jet seized by four men brandishing EUbmachine guns re- mained U:i Cuba, with no indication as to when it or its 7$ passengers would be released. The plane carried a crew of six. . - Ul'ITt ........ Protesters Washed Out Tokyo poiJce t.raln streams of water on the roots and clock to"·er of the Tokyo University admlnl>traUon building to dislodge radical students from the buildlnf. Alter a furious battte, riot police took the building, 202 days after I was captul'9d by the students • ._ ______________________________________________________ -----·---- - • \ I ' t • • I ' ' • • I I ' ' I 1 ~· I I . . .. . 151Ci TROUBLE -Prof. Harold Hill, the famed "Music Man," would gay !!le Revelers are beaded fur big trouble. They plan to shoot pool as well as play ping-pong next Saturday. Their inten- tions are good, since all proceeds will go to the Child Guidance Center of Orange County. Mrs. Bernard· Luskin lakes aim with the advice of Coen and Mrs. George.Bzyant (rigbt). The Lagu na Line 'Gangsters' Capture San Clemente Party By J EAN COX, OI t"9 Deltr Pli.t Sl•ff WHILE OTHERS are thinking of Dan Cupid and frilly hearts. and flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Riggs, both of San Clemente, will have their own kind of Valentine's Day. celebration. The two couples are ccrhosting a St. Valentine's Day M~acre, in memory of Chicago and the .days of Al Ca'.pone. Aboot 200 guests will take part in festivities which will begin in the O'Keefe's home at 8:30 p.m. Guests will wear Roaring TwenUes costumes for the party, and for tbe occasion Mrs. O'Keefe said she will be in her favorite dark-blue sequin flapper dress. MRS. ANOREW MOR THLANO, who flew to Philadelphia last week to attend an educational conference at Bryn Mawr, was detained in New York before returning to her oceanside home in Lagutia Beach. Her baby-sitting services were needed for her two grandsons, Andre\V, -t,inonth-<>ld son of Dr. and Mrs. Ian Bush, and Christopher, the llh·year· :o¥f son of Mr. and Mr&. Joseph Hammer. MRS. RALPH S. RA YMONO of Laguna Beach left last Friday by chartered jet for Washington, D.C., where she will attend the Inaugural Ball (olllght. For the glamorous affair, Mrs. Raymond will wear a full length gold lame gown. She traveled to the, nation's capital with , the Long Beach .Mounted Police, one of two organizations in California which was repre- sented in the Inaugural Parade, she said. COFFEE AND OOUGHNUTS were served to members and guests of the Shuffleboard Club and many out-of·state visitors during a gathering in Heisler Park co-hosted by Mrs. Myrle McAllister and Mrs. Maude Peterson. Mrs. McAllister is a charter member of the SOOffleboard Club which she formed 15 years ago. " • • • • ' . " . • < r ,_...,, J_.,., a 1... L .... 11 J EAN CO X. 4M-f466 • . ' . ' · .. p.a rty .. Airrts· For Profit '· Revelers, a couples club which !upports the Child · Guidance Center of Orange County, will mix ping-pong, pool and philanthropy during a party next Saturday evening in the Three Arch Bay borne of Mr, and Mrs. James Coen. For the ev~ning members and their guests will be served cocktails and hors d' oeuvres in the Coep's en- closed patio. The game room will Jure ping-poiig ll!ld pool enthusiasts. . Arrangements for the party are being made by Dr. and Mrs. Jun Chino and Dr. and Mrs. James Townsend, .and proceeds will go to the guidance center in Costa ?\1esa. • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klauer, preridenls o1 the club, said the center is a nonprofit, low-fee outpat1~nt psychiatric center~ · . ~ · _ _ Diagn0&is and treatment of emotionally dlJturbed children and adolescents is provided by a profeim.onal •taff of child 1>$ychiatrists, clinical psycbologlrts and psychiatric social-workers. An associate staff is com- ~ed of volunteer wo.r;nen who carry out clerical and administrative tasks for the center. · • Other couples joining the Klauers on the executive . board are the Messrs. and Mmes. Ralph Brown, sec.re-- taries, and Roland Fribourghouse, membership. MORE THAN 25 Lagunans were among the first to visit the new Jtal· ian cruise ship, Princess Carla, when it docked in Los Angeles Harbor recently. Among those joining a lour to San Pedro were the Messrs .and Mmes. Las M~drinas Set Puppe t God/ fo r 1969 • • I• .. If ... .. ' • • • McClellan Cole, Rudy Burton, Vernon Grant, Verner Heck, Robert I-lastings and Paul Hammersmith. Also taking the trip were Dr. and Mrs. Z. T. Malaby, and the h1mes. Under the direction of Mrs. Floyd Parsons, puppet chairman, Las Iwf-adrinas Chapter members, South Coast Community Hospital Auxiliary hope to make at least 500 finger puppets during the year to give to children who receive blood tests at the hospital. They are also malting band puppets for children who visit Ille boo-· pital. Di•playing their handiwork ara (left to right) the Mmes.: Phil Dennis, Lois Rennie, Allee King, George Kirck, Mary Crowley, Lqcy Marra, Eva Kalscb, Robert Spencer, Ethel Goodin and Blanche Smith. Norman Benham, Richard Kopp and Parsons. The Man Who Comes to ' Dinner Better Be Her Husband DEAR ANN LANDERS : Tell "Black Lace Trouble," the woman whose hus.- band asked her to Rrff him brukfast in the baby-Ooll ootlit be brought from AUantic City, that she should be thankful she can still lottttst him. When 1 read about people like I.bat. J count my blessings. Peggy and 1 just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary, and we atil.I are as excited about each Gtba' u we wen: the day we m&rTitd. I never toow what I'll find when l ,,.... home lo diM<r. One nlg)& Pqgy will p'fft me at the door wearin& a biltinl, UH! next night it could ht a Ooor length evening gown, or panties &Dd bra. TorUght she wu toplellll. l~eaven --lomot row will brin1. Peggy ANN LANDERS ts so full ot little mirpr18es life hever gets dull around our house. I'm one o( the JuckJest fellows alive and I know il I'd like to surprise Peggy wtlh lhis Jett.er In the paper. Be a pal, Ann. She readJ you every day. -NED DEAR NED: Wdl, yoa two DO love aurprJae1, dot'l ycMt? H•w nice! Pleatt dottl sarprtse Ptra by 11rtqln1 .. me aa old 1cltool chum for dinner, Bub. He ml,.t Id die 1111'prite of lb Ult! DEAR ANN LANDERS : My favorite •ubject ii LatJn. Wben I teU U1" to my lriendt they look at me at if 1 am crazy. Just today IOmebody said, "I wouldn't take LaUn for all the mooe.y in the world. It's a dead languqt. • l must admit I've nevu beard people talking to each olher In La.Un, the way they do in Spanish or French, but Latin helps people understand ALL languages. F<r eurnplt. l undenland English a lot better because I know 10me Latin. Jn the lat two years my vocabulary "" lnc:rtased tremendously. Kida don't pay much attenUon to what 1 say, but they llittn to Ann Landers, :so please say 10!ne~e good about LoUn. Tblnk you. -A LATIN LOVER DEAR LOVER: Ytar leUU Wt me -. K ""'1. If l ...id Bve m7 MP 1CHol 1fan •vtr, U. _. &Idle 1 w..id do dlfftrutlJ WOlld be &t toe J..aUn. ltlocbdH""'-l, ... ,~11 w• a dead Jaaau&t, nf l ltffe...,.. ted tt Ifft' thlet. ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our 13·yeat· old daugltfer ii adopted. Lynn knows ahe was a P>o&tn Child. We toot your advice 10 years ago and told her. What J need to know now is tbiJ: People keep meotlonlng lbe !act (and often in bu praeoce) that Lynn It a<tlinl lo look mort llte her dad m:ry day. Should one fl. U1 say, .. Lynn Ii an ad'flled dllld and we are oo deilghted that she -Un Harry"! or -Id nothing be $11<11 -CHA'!TANOOCA DEAR CllATr l'l&1 It •1 ... ftere 1UJ' • .... wMI ,... wm •ut i. •obnrtttr 6e IDlormadm, ... time• ,.. ' . . . ... ' ' ·--- J4 DAILY PILOT MOlld<J, J....., 20, 1969 ' Ta king Her Cue From Experience April Weclcling Pat's Ready for Role Cast by History Susari Buell to ·Marry Sulu Buell, daqbter of llr. and Mn. J-w. Buell of Nnporl Beach, ..ut bocoQ1e Mn. Ella Sclmdludl. tho b rlde1room·to·b•'• lfandmolber. :MIAHEJM THE BEAUTY SALON'S SUNKISSED FROSTING For the new year pamper yourself with frosted streaks of femininity anef elegont slyling ... both, usually 25.00, now 15.00. If you prefer, we do tipping, too! While you're in look at our lustrous human hair pieces. Coscodes. 20.00 volue , 9.99 ; l•lls. 45 .00 volue, 22.99. Appointments not alwa ys nacessary. Call your nearest Broadw~y: Tho Beouty S.lon oOI. from An•heim, 5J5.l I 2 I; from Newport, •44-1 212; from Huntin1ton leech, lf2.JJJ I NEWPORT HUNTINIOTON BEACH 7777 Ed ln9er Night for Splendor Mrs. Richard M. Nixon models the Harvey Berin gown she will wear tonight at the Inaugural Ball in Washington, D.C. The mimosa yellow ensemble is of double-faced silk satin. Tbe petite jacket and small waisted gown with bell-shaped skirt is em- broidered with Byzantine scrolls of gold and silver and embellished with band-set jewels in jonquil and crystal. Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew-shows her Helen Rose original ball gown which ' she will wear. The gown is of shell pink pure corded silk and the bodice is embroidered with shell pink crystals and pearls on a matching silk ch!Hon background. Her double- breasted pink coat features button detatl. By JOY MlLLEl\ Ille bride of Gary fAnCtGo, WASHINGTON (AP) -Fer son of Mn. Wa~ ~ Pat N!J:oo, the AIJ>erlcan of 8allla • Ana aJJd, the latt cir.am wlll be luUlllod when Mr. Wnlton· Ille moves Into Ibo Whitt Their engagamtnl wu an· H-. It la a droarn, Ille l10W1Cld dur!Jil ~ pariy In 11)'1, that all Americus CID the Senta Ana home ol Mr. hang on lo and make come and Mn. Larry Lan&too. the tnie for lhemulvu, loo. brlc!Hlect's •iakr ud the But being Flnt Lady abo benedlct-elecl'1 broth er . will mun tak1pa oo one of Speclal guesta wve Mr. and the tougbul J-Ob1 -and un-sus•u BU-ELL -Mn. J.J. Boylae, the future ptld, al that -afforded a ~ bride's lfudparentl; Mn. woman in this country. Eng•gM Laura Boylan, her aunt, and M1aa Buell ti an alumna of Newport Hetbor Hlah 5cbool and allend<d Orqon State Univenlty whel1I ahe •tudled home economics. Lanatoo lfadllated from lndlo Hlah 8chool and ·-ii elD'Olled at Ch •'Pm 1 n College whfft be wW gradulite In Junt. He ii maJorlnl In poycliology. The couple have Mlocted Aprll • for lhelr wedding datt. EssenUally a private andljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii modest wnman, Mn. Richard M. Nllon wW live ln the public gaze for four y~, with btr every word and action a mat· ter for di scussion Jn housebolds"""'"' Am ... lca. Her first duly, of course, will be making a home in the historic mansion at 1600 Pennslvania Avenue for her husband and unmarried daughter, Tricia, 2:2. More than 1ll08t m e n , perhaps, a president needs the comfort and understanding of a devoted wUe as he ponders decisions that wlll make history. Pat Nixon knows lhls. During the rtcent presidential campaign she said she thousJit her greatest contribution to her husband was this: "I don't nag him. Tbe best I can do is cheer him up." · Her soci.aJ duti~ Mn. Nixon feels she can take in stride. "I've had so-<:alled on-the-job training when Dick was vice president," she has said. Dur· tng PreJident Eisenhower's iJ. Ineu Dick took his place and I did the First Lady chores th<n. - As for First Lady projects, Mrs. Nixon gave a good deal of thought to the matter. "I have some very good tdea.!I ! " she told inquiring reporters, and ticked uff the ldeu in general terlll3: quali- ty education for all, massive on-the-job training programs, community self-help un· dertakings and youth projects. "The main idea is that I'd like to assist my husband in what he wants to do. There's so much to be done, l'm sure I'd keep busy." NationaJ poll! and .!lurveys, she says, have convinced her that there is a large percen· Lage or the citizenry that would volunteer to help im· prove their communities. • , * ~""~~"' 20'fo off on our Regular Collection Cocktail Dffues f I N A L CLEARANCE ond Formals * UP TO Y2 OFF DRESSES ••. SUITS •.. COCKTAILS ... FORMALS •.• COATS ..• SWEATERS ••. CAPRIS ... BLOUSES ... Ask About Mr. Tom's Men's Department 1'G•t Acquainted" Sile CHA•GE CARDS WELCOME Komus Krewe Names Queen 3424 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT BEACH• 673-1970 DISNEYLAND HOTEL -ANAHEIM• 638·5142 N·ew Chapter Forming these discussions and may ob-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! The Mystlck Krewe of Komut crowned Mrs. Michael Trujillo the new queen and introduced the four maids and dukes of the royal caurt at their Twelfth Nigh~ Ball in the Mesa Verde Country Club. Tbe queen and court were selected by secret balloting. Chosen for the royal court wett the Mmea. Thomaa Coad, Virgil Knotts, Robert Mebnnann and John Cochrane and Richard Alexander, Phllllp Caneon, Charles Lu.sin and Joseph Plnata. Still to be revealed ls the new King Komm on Feb. 14 at the Grande Mardi Gras Ball. · A new chapter in Huntington Beach Jw been formed by the La Lecbe League. The new unit will host the first of a series of rour meetings on Wednesday, Jan. zt. The topic of th.is meeting will be the Advantages 0£ Nnnlng Your Baby. other scheduled program! will be Tbe Art ol Nursing Your Baby and Overcoming DilficuIUes, presented Feb. 26; Birth of the Baby and Family lttlations, March 26 and Nutrition and Weaning, April 23. All four meetings will take plaee in the borne r:l Mrs. A. Lynn Meyer of Huntington Beach at 9:30 a.m. Anyone i! welcome to attend lain further informaUon about lhe league and its activities by calling Mrs. D a v J d Walercott uf Huntington Beach at 842-lK!59. Nuts 'n Nibbles Attending meeUngs every Friday at JO a.m. a r e members of Fountain Valley Nuts to Nibble! TOPS Club. The women have selected the Re<:reation Center in Hun· tington Beach for t h e i r meeting place. Mrs. Tom Spine at 897-7856 will answer questions about the group. FINE FUHNITllHE CAHPETS l.Al\!PS ACCESSORIES BIGGARS TWICE-YEARLY SALE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK OF QUALITY J\IERCHANDISE CRAFTED BY THE NATION'S FOREMOST MANUFACTURERS POMONA PASADENA ..... ~;1~ SANTA ANA MAIN at ELEVENTH e kliN AH s,.,.. o,.. M•INkf 19"1• e NEWPORT CENTER LET US LIGHTEN, BRIGHTEN OR FROST YOUR HAIR WITH CLAIROL® COLOR ONLY OUR SALON STYLISTS KNOW FOR SURE HOW TO ACHIEVE THE COLOR E'FFECT'5 BEST SUITED TO VOU 1 BE T1iEY Bl..ONDE, 9RVNETTE. REDHEAD OR INTERESTING IHTEftl.ACED SHADES. IT 15 DONE WITH THE MAGIC OF Cl.AIROLe , MATIJRAU.Ye•e PERFORMED BY OUR EXPERTS WHOSE SUCCESSP'tJt., WAYS Wint LIGHT'EHIHG, 8ft1GHTEHING AHO FROSTING ASSURE VCU A RADIANT HEW LOOK. Lds COSTLY THAH vou'o TMIMC, SINGLE PROCESS MISS CLAIROL~ TOUCH~l-5 START AT 10.00. SAVE DURING OUR WINTER WAVE EVENT- 1T's TltE SALE YOU WAIT P"OR ON OUlt VEftY 0WM SAL.OH FORMUL.A PERMANENTS . CALL FOl't YOUft APPOIHTMIHT TODAY• FRENCH ftOOM: REG, 30,00 VALUE1 HOW )J.00COMJtLl!TE• 1t081HAIRE: JltEG . 25.00 VALUE, NOW 12.50cOMPLrr£. IH OU" BEAUTY SALON, ROBINSON'S NEWPORT e FASHION ISLAND e 644-2800 ' ·--------.. """ ___ .,.. . ..--. ,...,,....... ,._ . E :::;:::i ... _.. -.- I ·Newport ~Ot:. 62, NO. 17, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES • . -;r ' .. MONDAY, JANUARY ·~'. !969 IXOll e eace F or Cit", County Newport Cente r Court Switch 'Golden Deal?' By JEROMI: F. COLIJNS .., ...... ~ ....... If ~..,. COullty decides to .. 1oca1e Harbor Jlldlclal Dblrict Courts al Newport Center, It WCRild be a golden deal for bolb the clly 1114 the coonty. Tllat" In 11111D, II the finding or Eeonomk: lle!oan:b Aaociates <ERA), a cooiuJUng fll'ttl hired by the city to help woo lhe court facilities to the proposed new civic center alte. ~ Accmiding to ERA, the move or the courts from Costa Mesa to Newport would : -Assure the city or a $2.2 mill.ion savings over a 50-year-period. Most of New port Man, 2 Others Face Gu n Clmr[& SAN FRANCISCO !UPI) -• ~~­ mlaloner Rlcbllrd Gold&milll loday lltt bail at $10,000 each for three men arrett- ed Friday and charged with poaswlon of llltgal machine-gum. ' The govemnient bad asked ball of $50,- 000 for Albert C. Holbert, SI, Newport Beach; James V. Wlriterboume, 29, Cap- .lstrano Beach ; and Michael Maloney, 20, of Sausalito. . The three were arrested by Iederil agent! and police after btlnglna a U-drive trailer from Los Angeles loaded with 30 M-1 carbine semi-automatic rilles and kJ.Ls to coovert them into fu'll automaUcs. ~ large amount ol ammuniUoa for the auns a1&o was conlilcated. Goldsmith aaid lher< _,ed.no dong. er of filght and reduced the ball, saying the U.S. attorney'• office indicated t be trial mighl be tramfemd to Soothern California. He set Feb. 8 for a further hearing and made the ball for Holbert cor.Ungent on hi• relinquiabing bla pa"JlOrl. .City to Schedule Meet on Marina Newort Beach city councilmen will decide out Monday when to take up a proposed 3,900-boat marina project .. in greater detail," Mayor Doreen Marshall said today. She emphasized that the council will tale no aclloo other than placing the matter on an upcoming agenda. Alter the additional council perusal ol Stephen C. Auld'• amb!UOlll P'Of)Olal, Mayor Marshall said the cooncll would probably go one of two ways on the plan. One alternaUve, she said, would be to forget aOOut it altogether. But i! 11 lo decided It might be worth punuing further, "we would probably turn it over to the Army ~ of Engineers for a preliminary feutbitjty study." She said she doubled that any city staff time, In any event. would be S(>!nt on the p<Ojed unUI the Corps lakes a look at lL .,. tbla woold be Ume and · trav .. oavlnp resulliDI from -ol .... po!p headquarters adjaoeol to tile _.to, -Provide the COW1ty with a Ille "economically supe.rtor to any .iternauve lite with a freHlanding CDuf\hoUle1• ~ even if 1lnd elsewhere Wirt dooated to tile county. ADVANTAGES CITED A 20-page document prepared by ERA citing the county's advantages in relocating al Newport Center will be presented to the Board of Supervisors Tuesday. Supervilors are ex~ to turn it over to the county staff for further study and a recommendatioo. The City Council formally 11CC<pted the ERA report, which cool 14,000, JUI week. The key to county savinp, .. ,, ERA, Is the r<duced acnai• .......-ol the county at Newport CenW t-.p joint ..,. GI ~..,_, ~ -.... ~eell Ndlllllii A free :tanctb;JI courthoale .....,. dDe tUt sharu DO foc!Utiel With -...,..Y -woold ,., ,,,II_ ....._ ,,,.. II ,......,. -~ would build • 11-ailr!rooift ......... .,..._ Al Newpst -· a lkourlroom complex would Med but 4.8 acres. IU,111 PEI\ ACRE Coat ol the Newport Center land to the coonly wOll!d be about 183,000 for each improved ~. accordina to the research firm. But becaue of the various savings -immediate and over the 50- year building life period ~ the Ille would be superior to any locaUon elsewhere. ERA says, for purposes of comparison. if another site did somehow loclud• equlvalet1t malntenanee ntlnp - estimated at $320,000 over 50 -years - the county wOll!d llill be ahead unless the alternaUve site cool !..; than l!&,SOO an acre. Other county advantages cited by ERA Include freeway accus ·to the Newport Center site and Its cloeeness to the judicial di.strict'a 1lllO center of popula· lion. All the cost advantages aris.inl from shared facllities are bued on the .....,.plloo that the city will build U.... municipal government bulla&ig. -city hall, council chambers and poUce head· quartes -and a new central library at Newport Center. City councl1men tut week unanimously declUed the city's intent to proceed In thal dlnclloo. . Trikes Gathered • By Harbor Elks Chri.!tmu all year for bite and trlke- leu JOW1Plen in the Harbor Ar<a Is an idea bejng !ottered by the Newport Harbor Ells Lodge. ' Lodge members are collecting used tricycles and bieycles, rocoodllloning them, and giving them [ree or charge to d!Udm!·ln need. • Stan Panek, Box 384, Huntington Bia.Cb, Is asking aD relldent& wbo baVe such ( items gatbertnl dust in r their garages or st«e robms to clear tbelr space by donaUng thm1' to tbil cause.· Either drop him a ttne or phOOe hlm ' It 53MG1. · Weather, Agn~w Too Frosty Coast Delegation Also Bra ves 'Terrible' Wa yne Film By EV1!L YN SHERWOOD · . Of ... .,..,, ,., ... Staff WASHINGTON --Br av in g unac- customed cold, 10;000 hippiea and a "ter- rible" John Wayne movie en.route, the Bft.membt.r Oran1e Coast delegation of Republlcaol today were tborouihJy en- joying lhiir vtmt to the inauguratioq ir. the nation'• capitaJ. The »degree temperature tb1s mom~ Ing, coupled ·wilb t hr on 11 of demonstrators and UlllllUBlly liabt oecurl• ty seemed to be minor problems, however. One member said, "The big battle Isn't the hippies. It'11 geWng a taxicab in this ·town.' .. Qbviosly, the Orana:e Coast delegaUon wu unprepared for the cold, but their spirits wue high despite the chilly weather.- The froaty weather ouWde was met by a real frost ' i.ollid.e SUnd.ay at the recepUoo for Vice President and Mrs. $400,000 Budget Deficit Heads Truste es' Agenda A 141o,am bud,.i delldt w!R <be a prime topic of df!cusltoo -~· Mesa Unliled School Diatrlcl 'lnisiees meet Toesda)' lilbl- ' Supt. Wiiiiam Cm>nlogham may have some ~ati9nl Git eurtantiig pra«>I p<qirllllll to mW. the budiet balaoce by June !o, eod . ol. the filcal year. Cunningham said be hadn't come to any declllon yet loday and II aUll pulling together mt!l1106 from achoOI llalf members. He attl1buted' the budpt dplcit to the slate 1"' funding I lengthened ldndergarterr' day it was e~ed ~ ortate-, wollld · aL, the timf! the bud(et w81 · idof>te4. ~dditkmal teacbera were hired . 1o tudl{lbnger single \eaakils instead o( one teacher teaching two half· day RsSions. Caiminghnn said lie will point out to the board Tu..day nlght that to' continue the program next school year might -the·dlslrlcl aootJier !400.<m "beyond our Income." NEW YOllK (AP) -The 1tqck market closed mll:ed today with lndusUial bWa chips soft. Trading was fairly active. (See · quolallons, pq,. ti-It). .After w 1ntall ln!Ual galn, the Dow Jonea ,inHusttlar average 1llpped I n t o minus i.rrt!dry· u pri>lit taking contlnu· . ed on '°"!" Of the· tea~ Issues. Spiro T. Agnew at tbt Srnllhlonlan lnsUtuUon. It wu attendtd by mote Secret Service agents, it seemed, t h a n well wishers. · The· aodlenct of several ihousind turn- ed to portablt!l rad!os to hear ·the Vice President's comments. He couldn't be seen behind the ring ol aecurlty meo. His rapid et.it afterwards drew IODle criticism, at Jreut from the coast group. As for the Inaugural It.ell tile pro- (See DELEGATION, Plf'l l) Mes a Jewelr y Burglar Gra bs $9,000 in Loot A burglar· wlio . •vtdenlly knew bla way around ~ a Costa Mesa. jewelry ;io,.;, of 'tio 'wafdlel .aod otti ... merchan- dise valbed ·at tqt' to $9,000 ovtr the weekend. 11.wu dlJcoveied today: Jeweler Wayne Orr discovered the burglary of bl1 abop at S3S ·E. !'Ith St., when he arrived to open up and police were 1Ull at the scene by noon, checking for clues. Inve.11tlgator1 said a complete inv.entory or the Jon · at the 11hop, lutlnf Into afternoon hour11, would be required to fully determine Orr's bli loSf. • Officer Randy ' Nutt said iher< walr, no indication of forced elitry at the scene, ao the bur&lar evklentJy ··hid a trey to the bulldl1111. • • · , Once I~•· the ,hl¥'1la< qqlc<!Y. llhot off t h e alarm S)'!tem lllfd •~\; about hiJ work unnoUced. · • · · • ~-Hicks Assails· CYA -. . \ "" ··-as 'Moekery' Crtm<! Sctn< fnveatlplof Hairy - WU alao-diapatclleil lj) lhe ~'shop ' to delermlne Jri>etbes\ u1atile fingerprlob cyuld be llftod fnllll ·~, --. or any other ,.,w. cl'*-ptllered. · 117 JORN VAi.TERZA .............. <>range Cmh!J Dbtrlcl Attorney Cecil Hlca Friday tenned the C.llfonila 'Y CKllh Authority and ii& rdla!JIUtaU• Pf"OIJ'am "a mocftrJ. • .one o£ tbe ve•test tragedies." !llcU, opeaklll( be!... i ....ting " the Mariner• LIDN Club in N....,.n Beach, said that deqlte the CYA'I 111- ttnUons when It WU formed in 1M7, tta Intended purpooe since then bu llhilled fmn ntiabllltalkin of potenU.U, sood cltlwio to bokllng ol youlh! who I Police taUytni up lbO bar1Jary,. loa • ..Hd' It llJli><an :1111111 of Ille loot -of ,1.~tzoo,.~ ,and .,w,ier, brljlld · -ldloo, llUt .tlh!r ._,,toe>, ...... definltel)< laltOD. . . • : Shrouded n dar • ..r boa'I)' riln, ' buraJarw'•alao kepi tla<'fl>tre In • ~ ~ feet : 1s .1111jliil ,... ,c'a!I r.osta r.i ... "" lj1e • . diimp 11 .11, ~ .............. ; . Carolina M.' , Ill E. 2111 1He ~-opll~ a~' lhe : St., ~~, ilom4 oy. ~· ftooi ! ~~~rs'.r.: I l!Jt~. r~"\!1'tba.~1-r-.=~· I ~ ' . ~ 'P4 ,.... ' -·~ lnclllded. "'~ lltt,' fitrnli;l'l,li~·~::i ;, • I ~'."1'-'. ' ~~Ii'' 'IJy IJ'tn 'flOt . ~·~~· r ··~~'ht:o~' y~;'biil r'~iUon tS\J;;;;;~~' . • ~ ""'· 1ar lltt ' to that which we hid at their qt.., car. · · 1 ·• r N.Y. Stoeke :TEN CENTS • rive 37th U.S. President Takes Oath From Wire ServJca 1 WASIDNGTON -Rlcharo Milhous Nixon assumed the awesome 6owen and cru.bing burdens of the presidency lot!aY with a solemn commJtment to dlYirte all his energies to "lbe ca111e of peace .among nations'' and the healing ol. ltrj., .dent divisions among the American people. The 55-year-old Callfornlaa, who wu coonted out of national polillcl alto!: a crushing defeat just Ill< ·y1ar1 ago, become the S7th pr<sideot of the United S.btes at JJ:ll 1J.1D. Wf"tlnllm .tlaN\; tbe momenf he completed 1he oath of office preacrlbed by the foundlnl fatbon. Under lhl<a~ning aides -and elaborate security precauUOlll -Nixon placed his hand on two family Bibles held by his wile Pat and repeated after- Chle.f Justice Earl Warren the traditional J>word oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Co~titution of the Oblted States." Thus in the Capitol Hill ceremony Richard Nixon, citizen, became President Nixon. And with Lyndon B. Johnson, bis pred~r, listening nearby, Nixon called in his inaugural addrea for 'American! "to go forward together." 1'We have endured' a long · nl&ht of the American 1plrft," Nixon declartd In obvioul' reference lo the tP.vililoos ' over tace arid war be hai pritmlaed 191¢ And ¥ a<jded thla meaJ: "Bui u ..., eyt1 catdi the dimness .of Ille llrot· rays · of dawn, let us not. Clll1e the remaining dark. Let us gatbet the Ugbt." To the oath which he took at 12:15 p.m., Nixon added the words "so help me. God." Pat Nimn, her eye11 never leaving her •. hµsband's face, held the Bibles, one 1n each hand, one above the other. , As the cannons boomed out the 21-gun salute, the red-coated Marine band ltruct up "Hail to the Chief" and then Richard Nixoa, 31th president of the United States, began his inaugural addresl - the cbarling o1 bis admlolstr•Uon'• course. ··He spoke solemnly ancl with de!lbtra- tioo, calling for the. nation to go forward as a peaceQiaker and tog;etber, boUi blacks aod whites. · "For the first tbne, because the ~ pies of the world wane peace and the leaders are afraid of war, the times are on the side of ~ce," he said. "We.are caught In war, wanting peace." aald Naoo. "We are torn by dlvilloo, wanting unity. We see arwnd ua empty lives, wanting fulfillment. We aee tub that need doing, wslUng !or baoda to do them." 1'To a crisis of the splrlt, we need an answer of tbe spirit," he added. But, the riew President aaid, "We can- not learn from one another unW we stop sbouUng al one another." Th< chilly crowd punctuated Ila brief applaase for Nixon at times during hia speech by thumping cold feet on the floor of the wooden stands. ·Johnson accompanied Nilcon to tht Capitol alter a collee chat al the White House. Both men milled at each Gther and shook lumda a Ibey met. In JaWlChing his administration, Nllon said, "I do not offer 1 life of uninsplrlnf ease. I do not call !or a life of grim sacrifice. I ask you lo joir, in a high adventure -one as rich as humanit7, IS.. NIXON. Pqe Z) Orange Weadler JI you 're. looklllr for a iilfer lining behind -rain clouda, for· j set it. Tbere'a more rain due Tuesday, whipped by gully wind.t, and temperatures are stud: at IO. . INSIDE TODA 'Y A/t<r necrtu 200 ,,.... of <» ploiUng lh<! Gol<Un I.mid o/ C.U. /omio, man lr ,.,., tryllta to ,... • pOir lh<! <UOOlJ<.1 Of that uplolta- ~ timl. Page J l. l ' .. "" 11 " .. .: .... .. .. " .. -. ""*" ..... ., r. .... ~ It --.. lidlt -n.t' -..... ........... *-'• T......,_ 11• ftMtlN ., -. ·--ll ..... _ J DAILY PILOT N .....,, ,,_IO, i~, .. Johnson Bides Off 1o Tex~s .Into· .Suo~et .. . . . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Ll'!ldon B. Johnson attenUvet,y watchtd b I 1 R.U,..D IUIXIPDI', Rkhard Y. Nlxen, ....... In ..,,.,, lo the lftlld""'1 ... had held for five years, 51 days. Then he quietly slipped away lo prlvlle life. The ei-Presldent wu ln an affable mood ., he rode with Naon from the Whllo Houae to the Capltol inauguration al.le. He aniled at the huge crowd a1 a spatter of applause broke out when he emerged on the wind<hllled platform. He listened ttnedlvely as Nixon cklive<d his Inaugural addrds and Human Chain Not Needed; Buses Banned An alk>ut effort by Lqlml Beach and GreJbound but olllclala Saturday to keep buses from UJing OCeall Avenue preve_nted any action by members of the Human RJghts Committee who bad vowed to stop the vehicles with a human chain if necessary. Prioted noUces to Greyhound drivers warned them that Ocean Avenue bad been dt<\"'ed off limllll lo the big vehlcltJ by tile company. "Due lo thruil cl dlllurbance il Ocean A .. noe ii used by -cl the Greyhound company, aD drlvert ll'I CIU. llooed lo -.Ve Greybouod «>mpany lnltn1ctiPDI not to use Ocean A venue,•• Ibey read. A LquDa Beach pollca officer wu statloo«I at tile buJ depot lo enforce the order. Ten _. were muatered by the -Rtgtilo Committee far tho pr-. A lpokuman Friday bad predicted lflO parttclpanll. There wu no dlatW'bance and no 'fh. terruptlon of bu• service, clty offl~I! aald. Tbe Human Rights Committee on behaU ol Ocean A venue rtlldtntl bu been protelllng the ... of that llH<I by-alnceJune. Aller a oertea cl meeU.,. with dty olllclals and Greybouod ~Uveo, bulel were routed away from the itreet:- CommiUee members, however, claim- ed eome buJeS coatlnued to me the ~are. ctty aod ~ llne oWclaM aJ4 11\ff WU Jiec=~ jlrl~ ud .... dl'!Td' ;,. ... , . ' ti*~ ' wumly abooJ< lwlda wkb tho ..,, Clllll -JolmM'f final Wtd< In olllce wu -tlvt al tho clooo ol Ult per-. /, lllloll w11b dr~ bfl 1!111 lltUe - '""" ... :'11111 fllllllr Ill ..... ,, .... 1111 ............ "·-117 .... -H-~ It "¥ ~_. lllllt!!M:. l4id ~ 114., lioona ol lili ' ~·-1'' s.cr.tarY Clarlt Qlflord fer • 1 -.. jrlm·-1oe lwih.. mu al Umts, were kind lo b1m in Johnson -lo be bldl lo hll nallve tbe end. One showed his popul>tily 'hid Tens by llllidfwn. I aoartd to IU percent alter ltb Stalo lie ls leavtna: the Prt$idency with of the Union addrw. grace and style and a poJgnancy after So low In spirttl wu bt Jut March 37 years on the Washington acene.. "He 31 when he annouoctd Ulal be would Js maklng a clean break,'' said one not Seek rteltcUon. be felt that lf be aide. '1. "sigi.ed the Lord's Prayer" he would ~on. • <. rf -~ '~·, .... Comm! memben.-e. '_r ··'.If', ~ ,u ... R.Yi'1 ·· ;r,;~.-.... for "°"'':= 0a wbat,rutan i3 ~ ·' .BRISK SAllilNG J Un!denll!loi t entbuila~fe'iti· 11iir11kill.- he jUeo shoold butei 'contlmie and the mettle of his slnop SUndaY during letup in ~riving rainstnnn Oceaa Avenue. · ' which kept less ardent yachtsmen clnse Jn lhe hearth !his weekend. From Pflfle l DELEGATION •• mlnent c o u n t y Rapubll<am dlclared unanJmouaJy that the event um Dl<Qlni WU indeed "an histor1c momait." A welcome respite from tile · \ltllt cold WU Congreuman11 Jamel B. UU'I reception for thta conatttuents thll morn· ini In his alllcea In the Rayburn BulldlnJ. 111e cou1 delesadoo enjoyed bot collee and doQilmuls. ·Pat lllmn atlended tile affair In -. ning ·~· includJng an or1D1e ~t and a mnutllni fur bat. · Weather pennttttna. tile Oranse Coot delt:gatlol'l wall expected to sUck out, moat ol the inausural parade. · There . are §:lJ: bills 1o attend th11 eventns. The group wW board the TWA fliah' for ita r.eturn to the West Coaat a\ ooon Tuesday WaBhinllon Ume (t a.m. PST). The dlarter flil)JI lo W aahinstoa ln· eluded the 5C!'ttn.ing of a new John Waym releue, "Hellflghten." Lamtnlably, the majority of the deleg1tlon agreed that the movie wu terrible, so they oc:cupled the Ume enrout.e playing gin rummy. Wayne wu not among those who m1de the fU&ht. DAILY PllOT O•AHG£ (OAIT l"Vll1$MING (()M,AN1' lt•itrl N. Wt•' ~t"t'1'M~• '"° ~u11n..,., ,J1c\r It. C11rl•y lll•rn•' ICttYil Et, It• Th•rn•• A. Mw rfl'h iftt M.9""91"9 f.tHOt JtrtlM F. C•IHft1 P1YI Niue,. ,...__, It.ch ,\d•t•!ll~ City l•I,... Dh·f<tw ....,.., ••ec•OMH 2111 Wttt l1lia1 1 •• 1 ... ,,41 M&i~•t M"•••: P.O. It• 1111, 92&&J ---(Al• IMM! J)t w,,1 ••~ S11_.1 l•fUl'll ••~~ m ,..,.,, ,. .. ~ut ftull!ll'lllOll .. «II: »t ''" ' .. "' ' • Ac~on took place near· end of Newport Harbor jetty. Storm Uproots Trees, Swamps Boats in Bay Two day1 and nlghla of wind and rain ..... taking their toll cl dOltlll ol -11 plant«! lreu ln tile Corona del Mar area this morning, and several boat.I bobbing aboul in the lower bay were In daqer of being swamped. But ·el!ewhere in Newport Beach, Uie (ltJ Sttrni S11u11 Cott• M1M 1.5' • 11 Nt-1 t.e-dt 1.11 l .)I l .... 11 ... tlM<l'I '·'° •.• , M1111tlr.11011 8tKll 7.0I .5.U F011nl1ln vllle1 I~ •.n w~1lm!nt1tr 2.0I '·u Ull lltltl'I 7.0I .5.IJ la9Yn1 ltl111rt Worlcl 1.IO •-~' lt1111n1 Nltlltt 1.to •.a Antl'lelm J.4 7.0I 01rdtn o-'·" s.u Sin c11mtnt11 .ti 1.1t L11t y,, .5.10 ).ti •.u J.JJ J.lt s.» 5.)1 .... .... .... .... Sin!• AM 1.51 4.1' J.10 •~•n Cl~ t11u,t1 ~ f1'9111 Jt11. 1 deluge was yet to cause any serious damage, city a1des said. No major noodlng problema were nporled. Jake Mynderse, city a:eneral services chief, pointed out, however, lhat many atreet end1 and Intersections on the pminaula and Balboa Island wert filled with lil.andlna; w1ttr because city crews had to cloee atorm drain gate.a unUl a 10:30 a.m. hJgb tide receded. otherwise, he explained, water from Coast Pioneer Jahraus Dies Jotepb Richard Jahraus, oldest re· malnlns Lasuna Btacll plonoor, died Satardq at Sooth COlal Conunlllllty HOl!>ltal He wu 79. J\lr. Jal>raua, wbo CllllC lo 1.a..,.. Jn 1904 when the community COl1lilled of 11 famtUe1, bad tu!fered a heart attack about two weeks qo and &hen contracted pneumonia. P"rtendl uld that the long-timt civic leader had done u much to ahape the dtlllny of Lasuna Beach u any peraon llviftl or de.ad. Ht was known for hla quiet contrUJ\rtlonJ to both tr1ant11Uons and needy Individuals. Gr1vuidl aervlce1 wUl be hdd at 11 a.m. TUuday at Fairhaven CtmfttrY under dltecUon of Lqun& Beach Mo'11W}'. Tbe Rev. Olflu Turner wW offld.ote. Jllr. JallrauaYu founder ad fnsldent c1 Laauoa Beach Lumber eo., a family owned ccrporaUon. lit atarted tile bu8lneaa al Iii lft'enl loc&Uon 11 yws •ao lo 11u. the bay would have backed up the. storm dralnl. "We didn't get any repartl of rain water pouring into any bomts, '' he said. · Along the beachfront, a twe>-foot surf, buoyed on the 1.1.foot high Ude -down a foot from previous days -cut into the sand near the pier and undermined a lifeguard tower. But It was quicll:.ly righted. • Police responded to several "fender· bender" accidents within the community. None, however, involved any lnjuriea. Parks Department crews were kept busy picking up many new trees that had toppled over in the Upper Harbor View Hilla development above Corona de! Mar. The COWlly Harbor District said several smaller boats in the bay ap- peared to be taking on too much rainwater and seemed about to 10 under. but, In 1eneral, the situation was describ- ed as "weU lo hand." YMCA Sponsors Economics Course Orange Coa:;t YMCA Is co-1po111DtJng a courae Jn baalc economics bqlnnlng Tuelday nt(lhl with Henry Genrse School of Loi Angeles. Fee for UM! tkesaion courae wtll be 114 which include• coot o !the lnlbook. Huband and wile may tnroll for a ft4 whlcb lncludel coll cl the ie:ltbook. lmfructor Dr. John s. WlQlns wW use a Socratic question and llLIWtr formal RqistraUon will be al the first session, 1:30 f,.m. Tuelday night at the YMCA Build 01, 131111 University Drlvo, Newport Beach. School Children Riot at lrviI1e Police converaed oo Irvine Park Satur· day when an eatlmat.ed 1,000 Lot Angeles 11<1>ool children tn1ased 1n a riot. Shettff'• depuUe•. -b y Callfomla Hl&hw•Y Patrol otncen and Oranse poUCI!, bn>kl IDlo the mlllin( crowds and ltopped o1linemll lilt fllhla. 111ere ,..,. no mtlla, tnJurlH <r ~ perty damqe. The rlol .,.. C0111h>lled wllhln 1n bolD', t ... crttldaod. 1111 -, ... lllt d"'ll' "' • liruttlnuP In P&lfl ... the •l\l!ltl olplllfir ____ _ -..... II< Illa flllal day• Ill ~ 'htr•w (I Qiei at much more, JobDllll9 Jetvn wltb a aawe ol fuUlllmettt and Ul"fllc>I othon lo eartr OIL ' Al lnoven' came and went. Johnlon, fllled with nostal,ia, oavon4 Ille flnillY'• last momenta in the Whl\e House. For him each room took ta new meaninJ. His wUe, Lady Bird and dali&htm J.ynda Bird Robb and Luci C,tnt, both cl * *r * """' ,. .. ,, l NIXON • • • llltll and aciU., 11 the U-we , live In." I Gotbfnd around Nbm ml the platlmn -the Capilol ..... -"' the Dltkm'• leldtra -IDcladlDa t b • llepal>Ucan ad -.UC d\lell of C4o1rW and the Nixon Cohlall -as welf u the outcoln& president and 'flee ---Lyndon B. Jolluoo and Uuborl' H. Hmnpbrey. Nbon ad ltb vice prealdeo~ Spiro T. All>eW. went throo(lh the outdoor Cfl't!lllllll)I wllhoul topcoala daplte the at da.,.. chill of the gray day. But the ceremony wu 1pared the: free!1ni rain and 1feet threaltlled by the weatherman. The overeat day WU ~ however by the unifom>J of the mllltary. the IJrtlht IC&rfet Of the Marine band and the sloslnl ol the Mormon Tabtrnacle Cbolr, which ADI. 1'1'h11 is M,y C.UOtry." Alm the ceraDllllY. Jolmlon ~ to tum over stqe center as well as the power lo Nt.on. He lnlelNled lo be back at ltb Texas rand! ud rocking OD the porch by la .... .-. c RopubUcan Senalo Leadar Ewrtlt M. Dlrkaen -the man with the flowing curls and orcan ~· -wu the muter of c:eremonlta. He allo admlol-the oath lo Apew abortly before "-wu l'IVOrn ln. Earlier Johnson met the Nlxons at the White House with a warm handshake for the incoming pr!sldent and a klss for the new First Lady. OCC Students Protest .Results ' Of Election Orange Coast College's student judicial board todav was to rule on the validity of an elec't1on Jn whlch Al Porco ap-- parently was reelected :itudent body president. Resul!s or the election held last Thurs- day and Friday have been chlllenaed by several students wbo claim voting booths were cl~ early before they had a chance to vote. A repeat election may be ordered. Votes cast before the booths closed Indicate 22·year-old aopbomore Porco W(l"I reelection. The incumbent ltudtnt praldent out.polled Bob Freer, Mike Kuhn and Htlko Peschel. Other unofficial results: associated women's student president, Marie Mucinko; aasociattd men'• student president, Tom Boland ; student senators, Don Watkins, Carolyn Foss, Don Kfrchbers. Hugh Schreiber, Tom Hubble, Anthony 'rurner, Beryl Kaser, Ken Dale and Chuck Cooway. No one filed to run agaln1t Ken Planko, student body vice president. He was returned to office ror another aemest.er by v o t e of confidence of t h e student senate. Cohen to Michigan WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Wilbur J. Cohen aonounced today his ap- pointment as dean of the School of Education at the Univenlty ol. Mlcb11an. -came to the Wbtte llouae lo JIJJ wife and daugbtere did everything llltlr -!tit tllo aame way, um week lo .... the -Pl". and ~ ....... -I.p --lo -him up. ,,,,., ·-him lo 1'<10111, .......... plcturei Lyndf. .._ fan lettera and lllled 1111 day• with her tape reocrder to remtmber f«'lftl'" aff~ He spent Sunday evenlnl, the htsloric bome. lib lait Di(lht In the Willie -"-· ... ' Jobnsoll baa aald frequei,uy liill h6 , l#lllnJna JU clolell llaff ·-and never naretted ru.· d.ecillon nolJo tJ&D Lbeit wSvu. 'l'hare wu a Marine band qalii. BUI withdrawal pAfns wete ap. combo for danclq and a Javllh buffet. partnt did no one knew it more than Johnion told them be would be seelnS lilo lomlly -tbl family that drew clooer them "down !he road.'' to iw. -4tr Uw lll"usurtS and isolaUoo The occasion wu ''.bappy·Sldf-'fl one 11 Uvtmc In tb1 Wblie House. fellow Tt1!1l.wt l,t. ' ' *' -(:( * ' * * * Anti-inaugural Protest Swarms on Parade Route WASHINGTON (UPI) -Several bun· dttd militant "count.er I n au I~ r a I ' ' dtrQOnrtratora swanned to an in- tersecllon ltraddlblf Pra:ld!nt Nixon'• parade route todly In a shouting coz>. frontation with police. The protestors, many of them bearded and shabbily dressed, shouted obscenities at a police escort which flanked their ranks during a Uve-bklck march from a park to PennJylvanla Aveoue and Bth Slrfft. 1..:811~. numbers of policemen J.nd P\a~~~~tmen arrived at the sce(le. A roP!tJI blrrlcadt was stretched acroas 14th ll!fee~ at lb ~ with PennsYfvania. A band of tile disaldents bllroed dOIOns of amall souvenir American nags al a number of points alone Penn1ylvania Avenue. In one .ins.tancf:, a batch of 20 or so flags were ignited beneath a group of souvenir Republic elephants being sold by a hawker. Police arrested at I e a s t 10 demonstrators at or near the flag burn· lng. Al one point, they held three youths lmrp.ob.illZOd wfth hammerlock.!, until a police: patrol w•gor1 came. • A few mlnutes later, two girls were picked up bodily by men in civilian clothes and canied. kicking and ~am:. ing to a van. '[tie flag . burDmi took :place near a bloc\ bf · bleacber seats Plrchuad by 1'""1ef.inlquralion organlurs. Bucher Reveals R~est I Fo:t De~truction System SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher I $kipper or the USS Pueblo, tutlUed today that he asked for a ··destruct syrtem" to be installed In the electronics and code area of the int.el.llie.nce ship and that his request wu turned dO"'.ft at lhe highest level in Wuhington. Hil request \tu not accepted, Bucher said, althoulb he received what he term- ed a tbougbUul "'PIY. Bucbtr l&id that because of tbe unique ~,cl the lntelllceoce lhlp ht had !'!~ lo deal , dtreclly with the ~.levell of,coll!fnand Jn Wlsblnaton on, ..,~ .,111« '~ lo lbe. ihlp, jta•ouUJtti.qg and anY, oUllf proble~. 'ii.~ Buchar ,.,,.., askei' i . .whether be· had a copy of the letter whloh he had written to W ashingt.on. The commander said he did not, that it either had been destroyed ~·hen the 1hlp Will seized In the Sea of Japan on Jan. 23, 1988, or no\v 1\'aa in the handJ of tbe North Koreans:. He seid a copy of It should be in Navy files:. The court of inquiry headed by Vice Adm. Charles Bowen, got under way preclaely at t a.m. Bucher, dressed in a dark uniform with three 1old 1ltipea and lwo rows of rlbbool and wearing homed rim 1Ia1se1, appeared an enUrely dUJerer.t man than the caunt officer who came New Defense Chief Plans Vietnam Visit SAIGON (UPI) -America 's new deieme aecretary will visit South Viet. nam early next month to dllruu U.S. troop withdrawal and other policy mat. ter1, AmeraD 10urca uld today. They Wd Melvin Laird will ¥)Ike hlo flrll Satcon villl Jn the deftnae l>Olt for lall<I with both Amerk:an and SOulb Vleloam offldall bore. to San Diego on Dec. 2-4 Iner the 82 surviving crew members were releas- ed at Panmunjom, Korea. Infection Delays Suzie's Return From Hospital Suzie can't go home today. 1 ~ An lnftcllon -the ·.second to be con· tr1ctf4 . .>.1. the 2·ytar-ofd Vletnamue cflll~ ~ her !+day holpUaflzatlon ' -will . ~~P her in Chilcb'etll HOl'pttal for am.u,a "ten to 20 days" her physi-- clw slated today. But there U! no cause for alann, doc- tors added. They described the Infection aa being confined to the inclalon area and a type of dllcharge that ii not uncommon among heart surcrey pa· ti en tr. Little Nyugen Thi Thanh Phuong had been scheduled to leave her third floor room today for a period of ronvale.ctnce at the Orange home of Dr. Albert Goh, a member of the Children! Hospital medical staff. From thert Suzie would have returned to Vietnam. She left Da Nang two montha ago as a desperately Ill chil('I for whom open heart aurgery was the last hope if she was to live a normal life. An earlier ear infection and high fever led to the postponement of the first scheduled plans for heart sura:ery. A second abandonment ~1as ordered when a member of the heart surgery team caught flu and Suzie's trip to lh& operating room was o[f for the third time when a shortage of blood restricted the hospital to emer1ency surgery only. But Suzie went to surgery Jan. JI) for an optration which has been declared to be a complete success by de"&bted surgeona:. 5-ine Watck & Jewel"'! f<epair 0 OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA ~'I AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE !i) COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized •n4 repaired e di•monds end precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN I MANUFACTURE ALI: TYPES OF JEWELRY HAHOI SHOPPIN• ClllTD JHO HAllOtt &YD. COSTA MllA 141-Mll I' ' ' I ~ HUNTIN•TON CINTll KACH & IDIN•D HUllTIN•TON DACH ltJ.ll01 I I I •• t .. • MMIHJ, ,_.,,. -. lf6t Ill ..... IJ BEA ANDERSON, Editor Successes ' Applau,ded ' ' ' Saluting a !uccessful year and the people who made ·it so. were mem- bers of.'tbe, board of directors of the Girls Club of Newport Harbor at their 15th anpual meeting. But before wiping the old slate clean and "chaJ.k..ing up" a new year of activities a .nc\v board \Vas sealed and certificates of appreciation were a\varded. T a k i n g the hehn of the organization for 1969 will be Mrs. James Dodds of Newport Beach who succeeds Georg11; Hoag II. 0 th e r s on the board will be Jack Van Every, vice president; Mrs. Winifred Bacon, re- cording secretary; Mrs. Carol Franch, corresponding secretary, and John Toner, treasurer. The board was commended for securing the Teen Center for the club's property on Anaheim street in Costa Mesa. Girls Clubs of America Inc. National Service Awards were presented to retiring directors, Mrs. Paul Frtebertsluw&er.and Mrs. Ralph LitUefield. Outstanding board mem- ber of 1968 wu Hemy Vaughn. "Receiving certificates of appreciation were various community vol· unteers includiQg Mr._ Julia TeWinkle, Mrs. Sue Bussey, Mrs. John Lynch, Tom Dalley, Jack Barnett, Hobourt Loud, Mrs. Fred Johnson, Robert MilllPl and Mrs. James Wood. . Certificates also 'vere presented to clubs and organizations \vhich have provided their support to the Girls Club. A\\·ards were distributed to .the Ne,v.port Harbor Service League. Costa Mesa-Ne\\•port Harbor Lion. ett~. Costa i\·fe sa \Vomcn's Club. Ebell Club of Newport Beach, Wednesday l\1orning Club of Costa 1\Iesa, Costa Mesa Op timist Clu b and Costa f\1esa· Ne"·port Harbor Lions Club. Others receiving certificates were the Costa Mesa Kiw.anis Club, ·' Soroptimist Club of Newport Harbor Area, Altrusa Club of Newport Har· bar, Newport Beach United Fund and the Anderson and Anich Company of Newport Beach. Two members, Miss Patty Chavez and Miss Debra Riopelle spoke on G.ir!s Club programs and presented ·board njember Boony' Coleman a gif~ made by· teen girl m embers in appreciation for bis devotion to the· Gitls· Club. . ' .. •• • . . ' . ..... ,...,N,f BARGAINS GALORE -That's the promise made by Costa Mesa Women's Club to bargain·hunters who explore their racks between 10 a .m. and 6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, in the clubhouse. Sorting and pricing.rummage sale articles are (left to rlght} Mrs. Gordon Koster, Mrs. William C. Ker· mode and Mrs. Charles Stanley, president. ~ . --_, . "' James Dodds. The award was pr~ a1 the Ulh llllll1lol,llire<> ._ ton meeting wllidl WIS the•etting for Ille~ ofU. .a!• · cers. Club Rummages For Shoppers January traditionally brings to wise shoppers white sales and clearance saJes of last year'•· slow·moving merchandise. Following close on the heels of these buyer's entice-- ments offered by area merchants is the month-end sale, sponsored by Costa Mesa Women's Cltlb. · .. New and good used clothing will be sold, along with books, bric-a-brac and jewelry. An invitation is being extended to all bargain hunt- ers to browse and buy during the hours of 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, in the clubhouse. Besides getting good deals on the .iirtlcles, shop-. pers also will be supporting charity, for proceeds will aid the club's philanthropies, such as scholarships for future teachers and nurses, the Harbor Area Girls Club and Boys Club, Easter Seal program and Fairview State Hospital. Arranging the event are Mrs. Eugene· Wing, wajs and. means chairman and Mrs. Go rd on Koster, co-- chairman. Assisting the committee Will be the executive board, headl!(I by• Mrs. Charles Stanley. Board membt!:rs are the Mmes. Phillip Hay, Ralph LitUefield, Helen Traut. \vein; Karl Jordon. E. I. r..1oore, f . Lee Wadsworth. Robert McKcnnan, W. A. Clegern. Edwin Ma.5turzo and George R. Wright. The Man Who Comes to , Dinner Better Be Her Husband DEAR ANN LANDERS: Tell "Blk\ t.:e TroubJe/', u. WOIUft whose hlJ>. bind asted her to ..,.. blm breaklut In the bob)'<l<ll' oot!ll he brooghl from Ailantk Clly. lhal 11\<·abould be lbanklul lhe can sUll)ntefest him. When I md aboort piople like !bat, I count my blessinp. Pem and I just eelebraled our 00 weddltil •Ml\-'el"lat:y, 2nd we still are aa excited about each other u we were the day we mlirrled. I .. ..,. -whal l'U find wben I come honle lo &nor. One olaJJI Pew Will .,..t-me al ·lhe door wurlng a 111t1n1 the nqt olabl k ""1ld be a Door Je;;;u. .e..runc 1cnm, « pantit.a ulf bra. Teallbl .. WU topless. U..vm Qowi wbal --. ... will briq. Pew .. • ANN LANDERS Is ao full Of little surprises life never gets dull around our house. I'm one of tbl! luckiest feUows alive and I know il. I'd like to surprise Pew with I.his letter in the paper, Be a pal, Ann. She rtads you every day. -NED DEAR NED: Well, yoo hN DO love IVprita, ..... ,.., -.... ! pi.- ... , ..... r.117 llJ lll'toalq .... u old school chum for dinner, Bub. He ml&bt 1tt the 1nrpl11e of bb: life! DEAR ANN LANDERS : My favorite subject ii t.tin. When 1 tell I.bis &O my frleiill Ibey look at me as If 1 • am crQJ'. Just today somebody said. "I wouldn't take Latin for all the money in the world. lt'a a dead llnpaae. '' I 1111111 admil !' .. .,..... heanl ~ talklnl to each. olher In Lllln. the way they do In Spanllh or Fm1cb, bat Latin helps people understand ALL languages. For example, I undenitand English a lot better.: because I know some Latin. In the l~t' two years my vocabulary has Jncreased lrulendomly. Kids don't pay much attention to what 1 say, but they listen to Ann Landers. so please say something good aboul Latin. Thank you . -A LATIN LOVER, OEU LOVER: Your leUtt hit me wbere k'llm1r. u I cwJd Uve iny kip acboel ye_.. ewr, tlle one Wiie I wRld do d(lferailly woald lie lo lake LIU.. I docked II becaue I, too, lhoosil II WM • dad ,..,...., aad I blve rtp-tl- w u -- DEAR ANN LANDER.I : Our IS.year· old daughter Is adopted. Lynn knows she was a Qwsen Child. We took your advice 10 yean ago and told her. What 1 need to Mow now is thls: People keep mentioning the fact (and often in her presencr) lhat Lynn is getting lo look more like her dad every daf. Sllould one of us say, "Lynn is an adopted. child and ·we ·are eo deligh&ed that she loob Ute llarrT'! Or lhould nothing be sskl! -CHATrANO(/GA DBAll CHAT: .Pla1 H b' .... 'lllere mq .. -w ... ,..wtllwutlo --... •!llonaal!Go, -- ---·----- Y• mlp! wal to UJ ...._ Ami, boddelilollf,;llo1 It a....,,_ ddeace tbt " IDMJ 8llopW dllra DO (l"tlW "' lo raemlllt IWr adtpllftl paratt? · Is alcoholilrh I di.tease? How CIR the alcoholic be treated? Is there · l. cure? Rtad the book lee. "Al~sm -. u..,. and ~elp;' 'by Ann Linden:: ~nclose 35 cents In com with your rt• qu..i and a IOllJ. mmped, ,.11-llClclreiood' eovelope.. ,,.. "' , Ann Landen w!JI be. 'slllli IO ho!, you with yoor "'°"1tQJ1. ~ .lhoal to her In care ol the '.D"t!iY.~llhl'i en<IGClol · a damped, · ...._ envelo!>e. • • • .· .; .. • I I I ' .1 ·' ~ .. • - - 14 DAILY PllOT Mood«)', JanUll)' 20, 1"9 Taking Her Cue From Experience Pat's Ready for Role Cast by History ANAHEIM THE BEAUTY SALON'S SUNKISSED FROSTING For the new year pamper yourself with frosted streak s of femininity and eleg •nt st yl ing . , . both, usuolly 25.00, now 15.00. If you prefer, we do t ipping. too! While you're in look at our lustrous human hair pieces. Coscodes, 20.00 volue, 9.99 ; foils, 45.00 volue, 22.99. Appointments not always necessary. Coll your neorest Broodwoy: The Bo•u ly Solon CO I. from Anah•im, 515.8121 ; from N•wpott, b44-1212; from Huntintfon l••ch, 1'2-lll I NEWPORT HUNTINGTON BEACH ™ N. Euclid 47 FHhion ltl•nd , 7777 Edin ger - Ul'ITt~ Night for Splendor Mn. Richard M. Nuon models the Harvey Berin gown she will wear tonight at the Inaugural Ball in W11Jhington, D.C. Tue mimosa yellow ensemble is of double-faced silk satin. The petite jacket and small . waisted gown wllll bell-shaped skirt is em- broidered with. Byzantine scrolls of geld and silver and embellished with hand-set jewels in jonquil and crystal Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew shows her Helen Rose odglnal ball gown which she will wear. The gown is: of shell pink pure corded silk and the bodice is embroidered with shell pink crystals and pearls on a matching silk chiffon background. Her double· breasted pink coat features button detail. By JOY MILLEl\ WASHINGTON (AP) -For Pat Nixon, the American dream will be fu1fllled when she moves into the White House. It is a dll!am, she aays, that all Americana can hang on to and make come true for themselves, too. But being Flrst Lady also will mean taking on one o( the toughest jobs -and un- paid, at that -afforded a woman in this country. ~Ually a private and modest woman, Mrs. Richard M. Nlmn will live ln the public gaze for four years, with her every word and action a mat· ter for d l1c u11lon in households across America. Her flnt duty, ol course, will be making a home in the historic mansion at l&OO Pennslvanla Avenue for her husband and unmarried daughter, Tricia, 22. More than most m e n , perhaps, a president needs the comfort and understanding or 1 a devoted wife as he ponders ! decisions that will make hi!tory. Pat Nixon knows this . During the' recent presidential campaign she said she thought her greatest contribution to her husband was this: "I don't nag blm. 1be best I can do is cheer him up." Her soclal duties Mrs. Nixon feels !he can take in stride. ''I've had so-called on-the-job training when Dick was vice president," abe has said. Dur· lng President Eisenhower's il- lness Diet toot his place and I did the First Lady chores then. As ror First Lady projects, Mrs. Nixon gave a good deal of thought to the matter. "I have sOme very good i ideas!" she told inquiring reporters, and ticked off the ideas in general terms: quali- ty education for all, massive on-the-job training programs. community se lf-help un- dertakiJJgs .and youtb projects. · "The main idea is that l'd fike to assist my husband in what he wanta to do. There's so much lo be done, I'm sure I'd keep busy." National polls and surveys, sht; says, have convinced her that there is a large percen· tage or the citizenry that v>ould volunteer to help im· prove their communities. Komus Krewe Names Queen New Chapter Forming The Myslick Krewe or Komus crowned Mrs. Michael Trujillo the new queen and inlroduced the four maids and dukes of the royal court at their Twelfth Nigh+. Ball in the Mesa Verde Country Club. The queen and court were selected by secret balloting. Chosen for the royal court were the Mmes. Thomas Coad, Virgil Knotts, Robert Mehnnann and John Cochrane and Richard Ale xander, Phillip Carreon, Charles Lusin and Joseph Piz.zata. Still to be revealed is the new King Komus on Feb. 14 at the Grande Mardi Gras Ball . A new chapter in HunUngton Beach has been formed by the La Leche League. The new unlt will host the first of a series of four meetings on Wednesday , Jan. 22. The topic of this meeting will be the Advantages or Nursing Your Baby. Other scheduled programs will be The Art of Nursing Your Baby and Overcoming Difficulties, presented Feb. 26 ; Birth of the Baby and Family Relations, March. 26 and Nulrltion and Weaning, April z.1. All four meetings will take place in the home of Mrs. A. Lynn Meyer of Huntington Beach at 9:30 a.m. Anyone is welcome to attend ' these di.scussi-ons and may ob- tain further information about the league and its activities by calling Mrs. D a v i d Watercott of Hunt i ngton Beach at 842-8059. Nuts 'n Nibbles Attending meeUngs every Friday at 10 a.m. a r e members or Fountain Valley Nuts to Nlbbles TOPS Club. The women have selected the Recreation Ceater in Hun· tington Beach for th e i r meeting place. Mrs. Tom Spine at 897-7856 will answer questions a~t the group. FINI~ Fl'H1"1'l'llHE CAI!Fl·~TS LAJ\1 Pf:' ACCESSORIES DIGGARS TWICE-YEARLY SALE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE CRAFTED BY THE NATION'S FOREMOST MANUFACTURERS POMONA PASAOINA J.t18'11~ SANTA ANA MAIN at ELEV!NTH April Wedding Susan Buell to Marry , ....... nll l'ho .. SUSAN BUELL Engaged Susan Buell, daughter of Mr. aod Mn. James W. Buell or Newport Beach, will become the bride of •Gw 4ni1on, ilOn , ol Mrs. W-Lang\on ot Santa Ana aild the late Mr. Langton. .• • " · Their engagement was In· nounced during a party in the Santa Ana home of J\.lr. and Mrs. Larry Langton, the brlde-e\ect's ~r and lhe benedict-elect's b r o t h e r . Special guests 'Were Mr. and Mrs. J .J. Boylan, the future bride's grandparents: J\.1rs. Laura Boylan, her aunt, and ~'"~~ F I N A l ' CLEARANCE lttn. Etta Schuchardl, th• b ridegroom·to·be"a grandmother. Mil#' Buell is an alumna of Newport llarbor Ht,tl School and alt.ended Oreeon State Unlvenlty where ~ studied home economics. Langton graduated from Indio High School and noW ls enrolled at Chapma n College where he will graduate in June. He is majoring I.a psychology. The couple have selected April 26 for their weddlnt date. * 200/o off on our Regular Collection Cocktail Dresses and Formals * UP TO Y2 OFF DRESSES •.• SUITS .· .• COCKTAILS ... FORMALS ••• COATS ... SWEATERS .. . CAPRIS •.. BLOUSES .. . Ask About Mr. Tom's Men's Department "G•t Acquaint•d" Sale Ln US LIGHTEN, BRIGHTEN OR FROST YOUR HAIR WITH CLAIROL® COLOR CHARGE CA ROS WElCOME ONLY OUR SALON STYLISTS KNOW FOft; SURE HOW TO AQUllCVB THE COLOR EJl"FECTS BEST SUITED TO YOU 1 8£ TffSY DLCNDC, BRUNETTE 1 REDHEAD OR INTERESTING INTERLACED SHADES• IT1S DONE W ITH TiiE MAGIC OF' ~lftOL.e• HA'nJftAU..Y••• PERFORMED SY OUR EXPERTS WHOSE 5UCCDSP'Ul. WAYS wrnt LIGHTENING, BRIGHTENING ANO FROSTING ASSURE YOU A RADIANT NEW LOOK. LESS COSTLY ntAN vou'o llftHK, SINGLE PROCESS MISS CLAIROL!! TOUOi~PS START A"r 10.00. SAVE DURING OUR WINTER WAVE EVENT •• IT1S THE SALE YOU WAIT P"OR ON OUR VERY OWN SAi.OH FORMULA PERMANENTS. CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMDfT TOOAY • FRENCH ROOM! REG. 30.00 VALUE, HOW 1$.00cot.tPLIT11 ROBIN.AIR[! REG. 25.00 VALU E, NOW 12.50COMftL'llTC1 IH OUR BEAUTY SALON. ROBINSON'S NEWPORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 -----------------------~--------------- j I 11 I I I l ii I I I ~osta Mesa EDITION . ~OC. 62, NO. 17, 3 SECTIQNS, 30 PAGES • ' . lXOll. e • • • 130 Watches Gone · $9,000 ~urg·lary . . . ,. ' . Of· Mesa Jewelry ~ Store Discovered A ·burglar -evidenlly knew !\LO · · checkinll for clues.. . ...,, Anl!IDd loot.<! a Coota Meaa jewelry lnv.,,U,.ton said a complete lnve11t<ry 1t«a ol llO walclla 111111 C!lber mercban-.;.""oMbe at the shop, 1aa11n1 Into dill :valued at ~p to $9,000 over the afternoon hours would be required to weekend, it wu discovered today. r 11 determln '0rr• b' , __ Jeweler Wayne Orr dixovered the u Y e I 1g .._. burglary of hi• ahop at 333 E. 17th Of!icer Randy Nutt said Utere was . no 1Dd.lcatlon of forced entry at the st.., 'whtn he .amved ~ k> open up and scene, 110 tlie burglar ev:ldf'.nl1y had a police were still at the scene by noon, key to the building. Rainy Season Catches Up, Fl.oods Coast It took a few extra month! for Southern Callfon)ia's rainy season to get under way .,-.,..;., ~ lhe·lef..-. wm making up f., lost Umo today. Once Inside, the burglar quickly shut off t h e alarm system and went about his work unnoticed. ']rime Scene Investigator Harry Bowen was also dispatched to the jewelry shop to determine whether usable fingerprints could be lifted from glass showcases or any other subtle clues gathered. Police tallying up the burglary loss said it appears most of the loot consists of Accullon, Bulova and Wyler brand ~,.,Items, too, were ~~sand be1vy rain, burllJn alJO liopl· = er-here In Costa Mesa ovu U. ~ ' ''•' ~ · Caroline M. Bresler, of UI E. 21st S,t.,' reluqled...-..lllo!IJJ Jllthl from vi!Wrig a lllend fO H1ier ~ loot.<! of .more -u;itll•ln -lilll.<. . ' MONDAY,_JANIJARY ·200 1969 • -.e.a~-~--~ .. I An tllterise. ralnrtortft, blamed ror at l...t I! , SOOthland deaUu, hammmd the Orange Coast over the weekend and kept up ita assault today. More of the oame waa Jl"dk:~e-~J)or Tuesday. . The stonn ha!"". dropped upwards of The loot included • televition aet. stereo record player, 205 .1ong play albwns, 50 ainll&<:U! record!, two pillOWI and a custoo1 !teerbig wheel for her CM. . Just as in Ule jewe)l'f atore job, the apartment . burglary appeared to have been committed by someone with a key, police said. Weather, Agne:W 'Too Frosty • Three firms operating ln a Baker Street commercial area were also hit, by a bbriJar' who lifted glasa louvers or smashed windows when that dkin't work, police said. Coast De'legation Also . Braves 'Terri~l,e' Wayne film two Jncbes' of precipitation oo some coastal areas -and it's not over yet. Seasoo's totals are creeping close to fliures registered al this time last year, with Huntington Beach only .3 inches away. The Huntington Valley area bore the brunt of the ravaging rain with 2.08 inches recflnled from the current stonn this morn.Ing. Laguna Beach reported 1.1 lncbes, Newport Beach 1.67 and C"&>sla Mesa 1.54. uwe physical damage was reported fa the wake of the heavy weekend storm. However, the Orange County Harbor Department reported several boats were taking on rain water. Robert s. Riese, owner of ruese Engineering Co., 1141 Baker Sl, sa.id his company Jost $Z88 ln · valuables, in· eluding a camera, a .38 caliber n!volver and cash. Loss to Howard D. Van Cleve's Air- Comm Welding Co., which works out of the same address, wu •to in dimes, according to Patrolman Norm Koch. Auorted toohl valued at $1S5 were taken from Baker Equipment Rentals Inc., at 1151 Baker SL, aald Koch, who also investigated that job. A burglar who pried open a rear door and ransacked the bedroom of Marge M. Robinson's home at 151 Georgeanne Place, took •te . in loot, in- cluding money and a doublHdged bayonet. By EVELYN SHERWOOD . ot .. Otuf •'lllt st1n WASHlNGTON -Br av in g uoac- customed cold, ~0,000 hippies and a "ltr· rib le" John "Wayne movie enroutt, 1the 85-member orange Coast deleptliin' of Repu:biicanS tottay were thorou.ghly en- joyifli their visit tO the inauiuraUon ir. the nation'• capital. The D-degree. temperalure th!! ·mom· ing, coupled with t b r o n 11 of demonstrator• and unusually tight •ecuri· ty seemed t.o be minor problems, however. One member said, "The big battle Isn't the hippies. lt'a geWng a tuicab in lbis town." Obvipsly, the Orange Coast delegaUon was unprepared for the cold, but thelr spirits were high despite the chilly weather. The frosty weather outside was met D.t.tLY PILOT"""'., lt.ldllrtl .... .., COSTA M&SA POLICE Ofl~ICER RANOY NIJtT Sll!K~.r~)~GE(!f'JUN'.l'S ,AFTER BURGLARY · Thlavn ShVt Off Alarm lloforo Galhortnf Loot In .i.elry Sl~_Joll ·; - ( f ' -·. --------. ---- by a real frost inside Sunday at the reception fer Vlce President and Mrs, Spiro T. Agnew al ' the Slnilllll>m.m IO!Utution. lt WU attended by more Sec~ S&<N~ apota, It ---1 b a n wen~1 .. ...,,_ · .... ·"'·, . .,-1· The.auifi•e1.averal tbouMiia 1.m. ed · le ' portable radios to hear the Vke i>resldtiit'a comments. He 'couldn 't be aeen behind the ring of aecurUy, me.o. · Hia raµid exit afterwirdl drew some crJUcl!m,. a1,1 ... t from the COii! group. · AJ f6r 'ltii Jn!lupal i1sell the pro- . !S,.-l!ELEGATIO!l,.l'ai.el) . $40,0,000 Deficit Heads . .. .. .Trlistees Meeting Agenda A '400,111111 budget deficit will be a prime topic of dlllCUJSlon when Ne"1""1' Meaa .. Unified• School Oiltrlcl truiteU meet Tuesday '"f,.. . SupL Wlllla!il ."P'" may . have some -recoauDmidat1ons on au1&illng c::-~ ~Dis '¥· .... the buds" ce bf.JlJlll!, 19,,ft\d of . the fllcal· year, · · · aald . be hadn't' e.me to' lll~)'Ot ~-and Is 11111 pulling together . -frlllD school · llalt memlJera. Bucher Reveals Request · . Fo;r Destru~tion System t - . -. ' N.Y. Stoeks JEN CENTS • rive. 37th U.S . ' President 1Takes Oath From Wire Servlee1 WASHINGTON -Rlchar<: Milhous Nixon assumed the awesome powers and crushing burdens of the presidency today with a solemn commitment to devote. all his energies to "the cauae of peace among nations'' and the beaUJ11 of l&d- dent divislom among the American people.._ , '1be 56-year~ld Californian, who wu coomi.d oul . ol oat10na1 polWa. afleJ: ·a~crnshing defeat just llllc • yeara . .,.., became !he 37th president of the Unu.d States at 12:16 p.m. Wuhlngtoo lfme, the moment he completed lhe oath of office prescribed by the founding fathers. Under threatening s~es -and elaborate security precauUons -Nizon placed his hand on two family Bibles held by his wife Pat and repeated after Chief Justice Earl Warren the traditional 35-word oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the ·United States." Thu! in lhe Capitol Hill ceremony Richard Nixon, citizen, became President Nixon. And with Lyndon B. Johnson, his predecessor, listening nearby, Nlion called in his Inaugural addrea for Americans "to 10 forward together." "Wc . haye 'tlllured a loog night of the Anjerlca\I lplril,• Nixon de<:lared In obylpus !'ff~ to the JilVllions IMr rece and · 111' Jiu Jlr1lllll,.i to-heal: • t. ·l ... . ., t' ' r . Mil he added lhll 1ppeal:, 111111 u CIUr eyea catch the dlmnesli ol Ibo 11!1! raya of dawn, let us not curse the remaining dark. Let us 1alher !he UghL" To the oath which be took at 12:15 p.tn.. Nixon added the word! "ao help me God." Pat Nixon, her eyes never leaving her husband's face, held the Bibles, one In each hand, one above' the other. As the cannons boomed out tilt 21-gmi. aalule, the red-coat.<! Marine hand -up "Hail to Uie Chief" and then Richard Nixon, 37lh president of. the Ulllted State~ began \lla Inaugural addreal - the charting of his admlnlstralloo'1 coutae. He ipoke solemnly and with deJlbera. Uon. calling for the naUon to go forward as a. peacemaker. and • together, both blacks and v.·hites. "For lhe firat time, because the peo- f,les of the world want peace and the ead4}111 are· afraid of war, the times an: on the side of peace," be aald. "We are ca4ght in war, wanting peace," B8kl. Nimn. "We are tom by division, wanting unlt7. We aee around u tm~ lives, wanUng fulfillment We aee tuts that need doing, waltln& for banda lo do tliem." "To a cril1a of the 1pirlt, we geed an answer of tbe spirit." he added. But,. the new Preakleot aald, "We can· not learn from one another unW we stop·lboutioc at; one another." Tlw dlllly crowd punctuated Its brief appleuse for Ni1on at llroel during hia speech by thumping cold feet on the fioor of the wooden stands. ~Johnson accompanied Nil:on to the Capitol after a coffee chat at the White HOUJe. Botb men milled at each oll>er and shook handa u Ibey met. In launchfng hla admlnlstralloo, Nlum said, "l do not offer a We of unimpirinc ease. I do not call for a life of grim sacrifice. I ask: you to joir1 in a high adventure -ooe It rich Ill humanity ISH NIXON, Pap I) Orange Weadler If you're looking for a silver ' lining behind those rain clouda, for-get lL There's mere rain due Tuead>y, whipped by i!UslY Winds, and temperatUI'el are stuck at 60. INSWE TODAY After ncarlr 200 rear• of •:i- pjoiling lh< Golm Lon<! of CaU- fM'fli4., man ii noto truing to ~ paiT th< raoogu of that uplolf<>. lion. Page 11. -""""" ""-=·· ----......... 1.1 ·-I l'lh (tit :.··~ - ' ' " ..... 1: " • • 1•1t .. .. II " -. .,..,... *" ... Or-c.wt •• === ---,........ . --. _..,. . ..... Wflfta '' . .,.,...... .. I t DAILY PILOT .Johnson · Bides,· Off. to Texas .. Into S11nsei . . .. ~ WASHINGTON (UPI) -Lyndon B. Jol'N:oo. attentively witched b J 1 llJ.,.. =-· RlcUrd N. N!Jon, -In 1 .. the' potOldency be bad held lor live yean, 5$ doya. Thtn he quietly 5Upped 1w1y to private life. The ex·Prtsidtnl wu in an aff1ble ~ u he rode with Naoo bun the Wblle H-to the Copltql IJ>alll\lfaUon site. He smiled at the hll.I• crowd as I spatter or applawie broke out wben he emerged oo the wtnd.-dillled pl>llorm. He l1sl<ned rdleclhtlf OJ Nlioo d<livered bl! illolll\lfol addral ood Newport Man, 2 Others Face Gun Charges SAN FRANClllCO !UPI) -U. S. Com- mi-..-Richard Goldsmllh today aet bail at $10,000 each for three men arrest- ed Friday and charged with pouwion of illqal maChine-gun.s. The government had aaked bail of po,. 000 for Albert C. Holbert, 31, Newport .Beach; James V. Wlnterbourne, 29, Cap- Jstrano Beach; and Michael Maloney, zo, of Sausalito. Tbe three were arre&ted by federal ageqts and police after bringing a U-drive trailer from Loa Angeles loaded with 30 M·l carbine 11eml-autom1Uc rlnes and kj.W to convert them Into full automaUcs. A l>rge amount ol ammun!Uoo Ice the pn5 aJ.8o WU cooflacatecf. Goldmlllh aald there oeemed oo d.oni· er of IJiiltt ood reduced the ball, A>lnrI the U.S. attorney's oll1ee laUcated I he . trill might be -to Southent CalUm!!IL· · He ,.i Feb. I lor a lw1her hwin& ood made the ball for Holbert cor.Unient on hll rellnquWlln1 hl5 passport. Teen, Housewife Hurt in Mesa Crashes in Rain ~ Johnlon'a finol WMl< In ofO<;e wu llllod wtlh drama, bJi ood lftlJe - .,,, • ~ " .,... by~ :~':1·~·~ Tht polla ·Ila ";i.i""'":r'-. ... 111uc1t •l ljq)et, w.,,. tlnd to . Wm In the end. One lliowed.11!1 -lortty bid IOmd to M.5 pemnt ~ ~ ~late of the Unlon addreu. ''I Do ·solemnlg •• So low In 1plrtta wu he last P.farch 31 when he llllDOUftCed that he would DOI ..,k reelection, lie lelt· that U he "a!ILad the Leed'• rr.yer" he would '' • Costa Mesa City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie ·recites oath as be fs sworn in by Harbor District Judicial Court Judge Donald Dungan as a three-.year member of the state Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission. 'I'll• ·1~i:iner city polic~ chief, a Republican, wa& appointed last week IJy".!;Ov. Ronald ~llii· , ,. A teen-aged girl ·from· Orange WIS . ---· ~~~~~+~yoon!~E St. Clair "i-.nfi: tfl .~,ttle wreck, Calla"!-~ tA\diJ:~. . . ~· :1'~"1"' "'Y~ , Polrlcia Gcffible, •ifi -PjilllfdijO .. ' .. ' ~ . . , r ,.y1 , ' ·~~;:~'!~li '"Mm;,~art .,,H,, .. ,.. N.~ltattte a lload 1'oond,"*';lbe ·jl'as , · .. 'r.<'..¢ ~."-'<·~l'\'•1 ! · ·~··:vt.J.;~ v'• li-~¥·•~--to go home. ' Of!icer AI Muir wd Mis• Gribble wu ddvinf: south on Newport Boulevard al Palisadel Road about 6:45 a.m., "hen she was invoh•ed In a erilb wllh another southbound vehicle drivt:n by Jmes R. Miller, 41 of 144 Laurelwood Ave., Orange. Mn. Carol M. Jones, 19, ol 138 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa, WU treated at Hoag Memorial Hotpllal SatiWq night for minor injuries and then releued. Mn. Jones wu riding in a car driven by her basbancf, John, 10,· wbeo the "'11· c[e, coUlded With another at Newport Boulevard and Industrial Way. Jones was shaken up, while I.be other motorist, Howard A. Kay Jr., s.11 of llll!o Cahrillo SI., Cosio Mesa, escaped injury. School Children Riot at Irvine PoUce convqed on Irvine. Park Satur- day when an estimated 1.000 Los Anttle.s achaol chlldren engagei:!•in a rlot. Sherl!f'1 depuUe1, assisted b y ca!ilomla .Hlghwq Patrol ofllcen and Omige poli<e, brol<e Into the milling crowds and stopped mnneroua fiat fighta. There were no arrests, injuries or prG- pert.y damage. The riot was controlled within an hour. -- DAllV r11 01 Clll:AlllGE (OAlT l'Ul l lM'llNG C°""l"AN't 11: .... .i N. w,,J ,.reoioknt •"" l>\l~h~r Th,.,.,, Ket•:! [t oltf Th'"''' A. MwrJhine ~Ettlol ,,~1 N llllR Atl-lltlflt Olrtcl<)r C•1t• MtN OM« J)O W11t l1y Str .. I M1ilin' Arlllretn P.O. l•1t 1160, tl'l' QIW- ..._, ikll(fl: l'tll .... , .............. L-Midi; tn ,_.,A-Hlll'll ... ._ .. tdl: .. ~I\ Slttott 041\.V I'll.OT, wu" -Id! I\~ !fie ............... " -91•-.... , '"""" """" '" ill ...,, .. Ml"-""' l-• 9fff:fl, fllr-1 .. "" C•'-,,.,,,., ~i...tM ... 111;11 -l'Dlf!'lllfl V11Wy. '""" _.,,. • ......... ffllloft Ot•"W , ... , ....... ~. c-..,. ..... 11,,. '''"" ,,, ,, n11 .,.,..,, .. ,.. • ..... ' *•'*'' ·-ft. .... ,. W•ti ''' '""'· c .. 1. Mow ':'!•: l ,,,., 64J-4JJ1 Q • ,,.,. ..... 111 '4J0M7t ~Jllll. I"" On'* '61.i ~ ~ ... -1•'"· ,_,,,,,..,.,.. HllWIM ""'"'' ., • ~ ......... ""'"" -"' ,--...:.. wt..... -let -MIM-•-ltJrit-r, s.c ... &A .............. N.-1 IMdl ... <"'-Miu, Cit.,,,,_, ~ w Uf•IH S1,1S -'f!IWI .... -11 If .• ........,., .......... ., .... ,.,._ II f$ -"'''" Costa Mesa City Councilman Wllll>m L. St. Clalr -who cla&bed last week in public with Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley over the propoaed Newport Freeway , route -today plins to call for setUtmtnt of the issue. During lhe 7:30 o'Clock city council JegislaUve session, SI. Clair. plans I l1lP" lion to set a public meetln& featurtna State Division ol Highways erpertl on the freeway que1tion. St. Clair said the meeUng would im- panel men from District Seven office in Los Angeles, wUh quesUons d1rected to them by the city council. "In Ught ol rec:ont headllne1, ~ mlpt be helpful," be commented. During a breakfa!t meetJng of CHART, a Harbor Area research committee, St. Clair and Mayor Pinkley became in· votved in a hot aod later heavily quoted disctl5Sioo ol the freeway route. SL Clair and some downtown businessmen favor a westerly route alignmeat which would spare Lhe p~~nt Newport Boulevard as an inter-city traf~ fie llnl to Newport Beach. ,_ others say It 11 loo early for the city to make a definite 1tand. Burglar, Not Wind, Strikes Service Stati.on A Costa Mesa aervict staUon owne.r who returned on a bunch early ~ to make sure he hid the shop 11tCUred heard a burglar at work inside, but left. thinking the noise was just the -·ind. Harold E. Rink.in, owner of Rankln'l!I Shell Service, 3131 Harbor Blvd., came ba ck several hours later. however, to find the prtmises looted of $149, police said, The v;ct.im told Officer Tim Holbrook he heard a noise Jn the men's room about 1:30 1.m. and aaw a dark ltltion wagon sitting outakSe, but the lavatort doer WU Jocked. Someone, bowevw, WU Inside Ind Uleral!J love hit waJ thn!u&fl ao Id· jo!nlJll wall to 1et at Iha caah and Rankin'• brter cue, whlcb had been left In Iha office. Patr<>lman Holbrook uld the boapr tore a paper lowtl dllpe1ser and wWbuket lMallaUon out of Ill wall compartment to set into I.be main 1erme itat.ion aru. Plans Vietnam Visit SAIGON (UPI) -America'• new dtfenaa 1«rel1ry wlll "111t South Viet· n11D ttrl>' Dell month to dlocual U.S. troop wlthdrawal and -palkJ mat• --~Me::~~· makl hl.t llnl Salp vlalt In Iha - pnsl I« lllb -boll! Amorican ood South Vietnam ollldala bert. \ Amon& schedqled agenda ittms to be covered tonight is setting Of a public heartng on the dty's comprebe~ive new . ' . Zl~point ordinance on serVice Ila.lion development and Operation 1tandards. Stveral other items have been carried over from the Jut city council meeting, includina seve'l1 ff!CJU~ for varllnc'eS to evoeed i.one ~bomtng unit limitations on apartment developments. Hitch-hiking . . ' Winner Loses $100. in Theft, •• A Huntlniton BeacB mln hitthhiking borne with a reported $141 in tavern pool.&ambling winnings told Costa Mesa poJjce he was beaten and robbed .ear?y Sundq. . Maurice L. Lee, ~. at 20th Harber tale Lane, said the motorist and passencer who w.or~ed him over miSl!ed mort thari MO In tasb when lhey went throull\. his pockel>. Lee told investlaaton he left a bar al Santa Ana Avenue and Paliaades Rold, hlt.chh!king home, and was picked up by two m'en In a 1989 sedan. He said they drove him about a half mile away, lo · a commercial arta on Bristol Street, w~e he was beaten unconJC!ous and dumped out of the car. The vlctJm 1ald he came lo ind walked until he came to a bri1htly lighted hamburger stand whe.re he felt it would be safe to stop and report th e strongarm robbery. f'rnm Page l DELEGATION ••• mlntnt c o u n l y Republicans declared unanimously that the event this morning was lndetd "•n hlstortc mpme.nt." A welcome respite frOm the bitter cold w11 Congressman'• James B. Utt'1 recepUon !0< thla conatlluenl> thla morn-lni In hll ofllcee In \he lla)'boan Bulld!ng . The coast delegation enjoyed hot coffee and doughnuts. Pat Nixon attended the affair In stun. ning au~ lnctuding an oranp coat and 1 sm1shln1 fur hat. Wuther permitting. the Orange Coa!I del1gaUon was expected to stick out l1lOlt of the inaugural parede . The.rt are 1tx balls to attend thls evuuna. The croup will board the TWA fll«ht for J? return to tbe West Coast •l ooon Tuesday W1 sblnaton time (9 •.m. PST ). The chari<r llllht to Wdhlniton ln- cludad the acreanlng of a new John Wayne tt:leate, .. HeJ.Watun." Lamen .. bly, the majority of the dtJeiaUon qreed that the mcme w111 tmlble, ao theJ occupied the time enroute pllytn1 sin nnnmy. W~r'!' wu DOI llD<llfl ~ who made the lllgbl ' ' -bl crltlcltad. Jlll -1.-t dna111 of J ~ ID Pti oad tho lll!'l!al atpil ... -yialnom PM<*· jallii _.,..,.. ID !!la lloal clays In n~ .,.,... ... -inti much more, Jolllllilit Jeawa with a leOle of fulfillment ud uricbia'olhe,.. to car., on. Al: movttt ctune and •ent, JobNoo. filled wlfh nos!aJita, 11vored the lamUy'1 laat momenta in tbe!te HOUie. For him each room took ne" meaning. Hts wile, Lady Bird 1 daughters Lynda Bird Robb , aod Luci Nqent, bolh « From Pqe 1 NIXON ••• llaell and tultlnc u Iha Umea we Uve Jn. n Galhend around Nim! on the plntlorm oliltl4e the Capitol ...... many of the aatloo'a lwlfu -lnclud!llJ th e 1lepul>llcao . ood Democratic clileh or Canveit and the NIIoo Cab!ne.1 -as weU u the OOliOlnl prealdent ood vice pruldeot -Lyndon B. Johnaoo and 1111btrl H. Hwnpbrey. Nllon and hi! vice presJdent~ Spiro T. Apew, went through the outdoor ,.ceremony without topcoat! despite the :J$ degree chll1 of the gray day . But tbe ceremony WU spared the freezinJ· rain and sleet threatened by the weatherman. - The overeut day w 11 brightened however by the uniforms of the military, the bright scarlet of the Marine band and the linging ol the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which ung, 1'Tb11 is My Country'" After the ceremooy, Jolmaon planned to turn over stage center u well as Iha •. power to NIIoo. Ho Intended to bl back at hta Tau '10Ch aod n>eklng ~~=~Ever'ettM. Jllrkaen -the DWI wtlh the flowing curls and organ.~ -wu the niaater of ceremonies.. He .a1lo adrnln1stered the oath to Agnew sborUy before Nixon was wwom In. Earlier Johnson met the Nlxons at the White House with a warm handshake for the incoming president and a kiss ror lhe new First Lady. . ' OCC Students Protesi · Results O' ~·i:l~Jion Or8t1ge Coast COiiege's •lude.nt judicial board today wu to rule on the validity ol a.rt election in which Al Porco ap. parently was· reelected student body president. Results of the election hekt last Thurs- day and Friday have been challenged by several studenl.ol who claim voting booltm were closed early before they had a chance to vote. A repeat election may be ordered. Votei cast before the booths closed indica.te 22-year-old 10phomore Porco woo reelection. 'Ibe iocumbent student president out-polled Bob Freer, Mike Kuhn and Heiko Peschel. Other unofficial results: auociated women's student president, Marie Marcinko; associated men's 1tudent president, Tom Boland; lltudent senators, Don Watkins, Carolyn Fon, D on Kirchberg, Hugh Schreiber, Tom Hubble, Anthony Turner, Beryl Kaser, Ken Dale and Chuck Conway. No one flied to run against Ken Pianko, student body vice president. He was ~turned to office for another aemester by v o t e of confidence of l h e student senate. Cohen to Michigan WASHJNGTON CAP) -Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Wilbur J . Cohen announced today his ap- pointment u dean of lhe School of Education at the U.nivenlty of Michigan. ' whon'I ttme to the White House In , thllr leenl, lel1 the UIDI wq. Lud tool! ...... ~ -,,_ lo rvom, ~ p!ciw'el. Lynda took her tape rocorder to remember I_,.. thehlltorlchome. Jolullon,Jw aold lrequent\l' lhal he ~ver "41'<Ued bl! declaloo oot lo run again. But withdrawal pains were ap- parent and DO one knew it m<ft than hi> llDllb' -Illa family tbat drew cloeer lo him llitder the pressures ood lsol>Uon of Uvinl In Iha Wblie House. ' Hll wUe ood daulhlers dld everythlo& Jh1' Week lo eue the way OU( and .. -him up. ,,.., -llm fan letien ood filled bl! dl)'l with aJreeUoa. Ht 1pe.nt Sunday eventne, hta fut nlcbt Jn the \l'!llle lfouse, en· • terllinlng hit Cloaeat stall membero Ind theli wivea. There wu. 1 Marine band combo for danclng 111d 1 lavish buffet. Johnson told them he would he aeelnl them "down the road." The occulon waa "happy-ud,"'u ape fello~ Texao put it, ~ · *** **"* Anti-inaugural Protest Swarms on Parade Route WAS!IlNGTON (UPI) -Several hun- dred militant "counter i n a u II u r a I ' ' demonstrators swarmed to an in· teraection strlddllng President Nilon's parade roote today in a shouting con- frontation with police. The protestors, many of lhem bearded and shabbily dressed, shouted obscenities at a police escort which flanked their ranks during a five-block march from a park to Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street. Large numbers of policemen l nd plajnclothesmen arrived at the scene. A rope barricade was stretched across 14th Street. at Ila intersection with Pennaylvania. A band of the dissidents burned dozens ' ol small souvenir American flap at 1 number ol polnts alona Pennaylvanta A venue. lo one instance, 1 ba&eh of 2D or so flap were ignited beneath a group of souvenir Republic elephanl.ol being sold by a hawker. Police arrested at I e a s t JO demonstrator• at or near the flag bum· ing . At one poJnt, lhey held three youth! immobilized with hammerlocks until a poLice patrol wagon came. A few minutes later, two girls were picked up bodily by men in civilian clothes and carried kicking and. scream- ing to a van. The flag barnfnJ toOk Jllace near a bloc ol hleaCbu seats purcilded b7 counter-inouguritloo organiz.ers. CYA Rehabilitation Work Called 'Mockery' by Hicks By JOHN VALTERZA Of t1M Dtll,., ,lllt If.., Orange Couaty District Attorney Cecil Hicks Friday tenned the California Youth Authority ood its rehobili~lion procram "a mocker)'. • .Qoe. J7f tbe greatest tragedies.'' Hicks, apeiling before a mee.Unt of the Mariner1 Uons Club in Newport Beach, said that deaplte-lho CYA's in- lenllon! wbeo It w"~ la Jt47, its intended purpott.• ._ ~~bu ahtlted froofrehab!llM!!nri GI ~lly good ciUz.eno to holdlnc of yootha -arfl be)'Clld-l'lhlhllltatloo; , .. Insteaa of Beixlinc the boys who com· mi~ tbdrflirll cc llCOOd ollense to a <tY A lnilllulJoo It aeenu tbal they're 3'aUng 12th and "13th ollendm Instead," be said. "Do you know who the biggest guy In CYA is? He's not the one who has vowed to learn a tradf!l and make good when he gets out, but he's the one who has committed the biggest offenae. He's the biggNt guy in the yard," the DA userte.d . Dwelling on the in crease ia juvenile crime in American society, Hicka aald a better alternative to exposing offenders to corrective institutions 0 woukl be to send them to 1tate prison for five days. That would be much better than a 90-day aentence in county jail, or -especially -probation." He aald that the lack of respect of police authority by today's YOUlll people stems from experiences they have had throughout their young life. "From the time thEy are very young the.y have been bred to fear poUcetnen. How can we expect them. when they're 15, to hug police.men to their breast?" be said. He urged parents to exercise a blend of allectioo and dl!cipllne oo children and "in5lill in them an Idea of adhett:nce to the law. Tell.them that If they dispute a law they letl la unjust they can change Jt by consUtuted means.'' He upres.sed optimil:Jn about the ullilnlte achievement of the currtnt - young generation, t e r m i n g today's yoUngsters "the smartest and best in- formed and probably the best educated. I'm not talking about judgment, mlnd you, but their education i.s vastly superior to lhat which we had at their age." Infection Delays Suzie's Return From H vspiuil SUzi&Can•t go home toda)t. An infection -the second to be Con· tracted by the Z-year-oJd Vietnamese child during her 54-day hospitalization -will keep her in Childrens Ho~pital for another "ten to 20 days" her physf. cians stated today. But there is no cause for alann, d~ tors added. They described the. infection as being confined to the incis.ion aru and a type of discharge that is no( uncommon among heart surgrey pa· ti en ts. l.Jttle Nyugen Thi Thanh Phuong had been scheduled to leave her third floor room today for 1 period of convaleacenct at the Orange home of Dr. Albert Goh, a member of tht Childrens Hoa:pital medical stall. From there Suzie would have returned to Vietnam. She left Da Nang two months ago u • deaperately ill ch!W for whom open heart surgery was the last ho~ if. she was to live a normal life. An earlier ear Infection and high fever led to the postponement of lhe first scheduled plans for heart surgery. A· seeond abandonment was ordered when: a member of the heart surgery team· caught flu and Suz.ie'1 trip to the·' operatlng room w1s off for the third time when a 1hortage of blood restricted the. hospital to emergency surgery only. n OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SE~V!CE vi COMPLETE JEWELRY REP.AIR e rings ailed and repaired e diamonds end precious atones remount!'d e peerl1 restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN a MANUFACTURE ALC JYPES OF JEWBAY HA._ SHOPPIN• CIN1U uot HA._ &YD. ' COSTA MllA MJ.MH I !MSi& I • ,. HUNTIN•TON CINlU 11.lCH • IDIN- NUNTIN•TOM lllACH nz.IMI ------- .' ~,......, 21J; IM I • • I BY WIUIAM REED ·Marina 1 ~Dandy9 · • ....... In the Wind · New equipment · and new ideaS , are being introduced in the H~ tington Beach City Library. . New equipmept available at the library includes _fi_ve . ~~t1f!dge loading movie pro1ectbrs . '*ong with 40 five-min\lte fihns g_eared lo the special interests o~cbil~. ' cuy Llbfll11an. Walter" Jpl!tlsOn '6ays the P!.'0~11' ,..-~ -~e ~at even young· ' cbildJ'en. •an l<lperat.e them -are one of the Eost popular items availt\ble it 1the Jibrary .. He eompar~ the, p~ (jector workings 1o ¥ caitridge l!ipe 1oader: "Just pop a c&rtridge in, 'urn it on, and Wliltch a mQ"ie." Another new idea bieWing in 1th.is ~em librarian's mijld ~ the day J\Vhin residentS will have. their own ~ibrary boQk catarog at home and ~ill be able to order selections jby phone. uThe ·books would then ofle mailed' .ID the r .. der at the (library's reduced malling rate," tie explained. It would cost about '25 ~ents ID retnrn the books by 'mail .. •· ·Librarian Johnson also reports 'that the librai'y Itself Is undetgoing ',quite a change. No longer is the library a mo~gue-Uke pill,~•. where t•Quiet Ubrary" sitns abOuiulJ!i! 1 des6ibes the Huntington Beach faci\ities as "a beehive of ac· tivjty." . - , And to please even the hard-C~re "qujet'' enJbusiasts the. library has added a new 1 'quiet room." : * 1 The high schools in our town are also due ID get some new equlp- lment, much ID the distaste of 'at ~els! one trustee. Dr. Joseph Ril>al 'has called the rurchase of $2,150 worth of weigh lifting machines a ''regrettable waste of the tax· payers' money ... But other board members ·were not convinced and voted to accept low bids on the equipment. Board President John BenUey describeff th.' machines as a "Umesaver for teachers and students in weight lifting physicaJ education pr<r grams.'' Hanoi Prisoners Get Yule Gifts WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tile State Department has been advised by Hanoi that Christmas packages mailed to American prisoners in Noith Vietnam arrived and were distributed to the men . Such mail apparenUy never reached the prisoners in past years. A department spokesman, Robert J. McCJoskey, said the United States wu ••pleased to get this word." He said there were no further details. The North Vietnamese delf.gaUon to the Paris talks passed the ·word to U.S. representatives. McCloskey aaJd he did not have a precise figure on the number of American prisoners held by North Viel· nam. It is believed to be more than 500. . Plan Not 'l~possibk Dream'? • A 1.-i, J> r ea k w aJ'e ,...,._ flow ol boat tnlllc and wM<r lft lhal mtrlnael!Welllt...portmotbeneffller corner o1 the· harbor," be llld. "Evm ·-~ ... c1n ii oo1y ....ner 1>o111 coo1c1 set -sh. an hitpoalble ,... ID w .. ..,_ em, it WOllld llill provide ac:oan ......, to ·1n. tbe._ OP,lnlon ol .Ntwport. ~ City a lot ol people who oow have to make Harljoc' ~tor ~r .oa..... the 1on8 trip lhroush the 1w1>or Jeltl'." • "Sublect.to II> enliJ>!<rii!I lwlblllty," Strong objedlOM to tbe f/."11. already .~d u.e r;'llred Marine ~ today, 'bl•• been recelved at dty ·Stvml I think M I a dondJ plan. · . ' leaden ol the West N...port lmprov.- Dawes SQgelted tJsat .tvetU&a U· meat A 1 soc I at ton · crtucized It eculive Sttpben C. .l,uld'I ambltloua Jin> befbre the counclL 'Ibey Aid t h e poaal -·tabled for further' ltudy by dldni wsnt 0 thelr surfln1 beach "ruined" dty <oUllCilmel earli" Ulll week -by tbe C<lllemplated breakwater, which could aoconlplllh a ar<al deal for the Auld contend& can be greaUy revised. dty. But others have aupporlod the project, "It would save a lot of. Ume and including at least two members of the ~ i>n beach eroslm P,r<>lllem&; ,wQll!d same homeowners' groop, who told coun- .general!)< u~e t!Jre (WeSI N!wport) cllmen bf Jetter and In penon that onoa an(( Wi>uld provide a lot ol n<ecied they disagreed with the statements ol lloal!ni illld ......uooaI opace," be 4"id the 8'sociatioo officers. lo an lnterylew. Auld, In outllnlng hll plan befor< Ille Tile 411'W' 91d *" aide, chuged press, obouved that only 145 homes w)th qw.iefnc IM;I city's harbor ar< on. the waterlroot lft West Newport, reapcnlbllltils9 , ca~ . refrained while there are many hundreds mere from giving tbe project an wiequ1'ocal in tbe area wbooe o..-. would not endorremeut. < object autreouously, II at all "Tbe"' m a lot ol thlnp· thlt •have "In lllY event. a polJtical ckc!Jlon to be studJed,:befori we ·can. knOw for ls required of the ,.c:ouncll before the certain what' the marina could do, .. he plan aoes anywhere, be llld. said. "But 1· must '158)', Mr. Auid has Mayor Doreen Manball bu yet ~o done -a remartablei}ob:Ofl the concept." set. a date · on which the co~ll 1s · · ~ ~·· '"'S. N -"'· lo r<Consider Ille proposal, whjch mcludes D~w~ ~k111U "'"° ~; avy ..,,.reu•• a too-home "Genoa Bay" infand marina eers lft deY-a mUlna •for tile San b...... ~• north Diego Sailhig 'Cllib ,pri<ir' to jolrilng the copununlty on ~w .. pro,....es N -Munld~' ·~·u •-~ A .. ~.d of W. COUt !Dghway. e • ..,,.. ""' --· -· __ ,, Auld, a Newport Sbom residen4 has and liolore ...µring from tbe Marine lrWsted lft all ol hll presentations that Cor)>s had worled oo nume~ military the project II strictly a one-man show. enginte:rln& p:ojec:ta. · . "l am tn 1bls alone," he AJd. "I first Auld'• breatwaler, be sald,.J111cbt con-t11o111ht o1 the pion during JUI year'• ctivpNy HJ'\l"e as a ''beck of •. · lt>od eroelon crWs " n.hin& place~" He a11o ~ ;~. 'tblt At a pr~ cooference at h!s bome ~.brei1kwakr, which .~~ 'from he ....,ed nevmnen a cocktaU napti~ the Santa.Ana River j<tty to the Newport bearlq the flnt lkel<:bes or Ille proposal Pier~ might . ~vlde ;a , we "fbeor drawn~ summer. He hu since greatly a •• beach." A causeway · • "-U =x>·--••-"• o..C fu.._..,,_. -the dftam and transferred, ii -·..........., -...... -wa-. . to elaborate loyoots and ronderlnp. o.,.,., fllrtber ,_ <l>at Alild'1 . pro-He Aid bis ooty inWat in tbe projoct -1 "' the cou11clM11cludod. a claaMel II that ol a eonceroed cltlzeo. "II the far4lllail boals linkinl lhe.ma<lna .ma council wants t<> lorgel I~" be ·Hid, with the lower bay. Tbe .clllbnd.·Would ••tbat'llbetbeendoltl" be 9' tbrnugh ">. ·Newport. ls!Onil ·Some CQUnCf1 action iJ required belore bet_, -and S'ltb _.. furtmr siudte• can tale place because ''That would ctrtalnly lriiprove the the city bolds tbe Udeluds lo trUlt. " . Review Ordered Army-Reserve's Locks . Become Hairy Problem . ' NEW YORK (UPI) -The aubjed of hair hu been ptting in people's hair for a Iona time now; Take Samson, for instance. He was doing fine until Delllah gave him an wucbedoled balrcu4 to the deligitt of tbe l'll!Jllilnes. : or .Elvll Presley. Tbe Aney cut hll locks down ·to the delight of mU11ons of American men who didn't like nck n' roll. . Tbe U.S. Court or ~ppoall took oflidal cogiiizance of both these eventa recently, hokiinf' that the Army IOOukf rt~W the call to active at.Mee of. a l'fJll'Vilt who refused · to have his abouldel'-iqtb hair_,., Judge Irving R. Kaufman, who wrote the unanimous opinion, noted the court faced "a que1tlon that has been troublesome alnce the days of Samson to Sit. Elvis Presley -wbel! II a soldier'• hair too Iong?}t The cue lnvolv!d Tbom.n C. Smith, 26, or Jamestown, N.Y. Smith, a rtservlst who aaid ht wore ,his lengthy tre5IH because ht was a niember ot tbt IAffin ' Giraffe, a l[nlUp lft the irocmsJve nick n' roll style. Uncler ~ rqula-. Smith eon- tended ~ could wear tbel.r bait kml H It WU 80 oocupattoaal neoeaity, But bll commanding officer ordered I balrcut 8"""Y· Sm1tb reluled and wu !llven ftvo "unsatldadmy" raUnp while attending nau1ar cfrDJs. 11o 111boequeoily wss orderod lo.active duty. Smith then went lo court ... idq a dilcllarae .from Ibo Army. '!be thr<e-judge court declined to rtvieW fhe <rde"r by Smtth'1 coounandtna ollker but Aid tbe r<Mrvllt did have the rl;bt to haVe the order .reviewed by the Army liJell. "The Army cannot Ignore Ill own re,rulatlon11" in this ca&e pertnltUn1 a reaervllt to wear N1 hair kml if It wu neceasary to Ns occup1Uon, tht court ssfd. The court orderod the Army to allow Smllll lo ovail hlmlttt ol ellablilhed Army proceduru unleu It decided to wllhdraw tbe call-up onler. Briton Says U.S. 'Maligned' But Generous' LONDON (UPI) -BrltaiJ\'a top ilubllsber, Hugh Cudllpp, today callod the Untied Stalu ••tile moot malflned, the -mllunderztood and the moll 1ene• country In tbe -Id." Ho told an American Chamber oI Qim. merce audience· that the cuuntry had "such maturity that it even understood lnar•tltude. .. Cudlipp, former editor of t b e muttlmllllaa dr<olatloo Dally Mim>r and """ cbainnan of the -Id'• lartest pubUddJta aroup, Jn t e r.n at Ion a I l'llblialdoc Corp. (!PC), Aid be believod Britain wu no 1onctr content to .. Janplall In a hlnor1cal latoon-10 Tha choke JI between wuworkl or flrwGIU and the country had opted for llmmra -with or without tbe pelltlclaos, be ssfd. Grid Team Crash Awards Settled SAN DIEGO (AP) -Judgements wore awarded 1'rtday ln tbe last five claims llemmini !ram 'a plane cmh In t9llO that llllled II m<mbtn ol the Cal Poly San Lull Obtspo football team. 'Ille ~ eward went to Footboll Cooch B W. -. Federal Court Jadp Kamel awarded blm a to- Straiglaten That Line' tal ol '3lt,1a 1or permanent brain d..,. •I"-lie rectlvod 1177,IG after 1"""' .... and state -penaatkli had been 'New PhanlDm jets lined up at Royal Air Force staUon near COnlng1- by, England, will become pert of RAF 8,'l•adnJll jn MA¥. SUpe~c jell are part of about l'IO Britain Is bll)'iog 1...,. U.S. for JDOre than $1 billion. Pban!Dm II t"'P:'&eatar, capablo .,, ~.llOO mlje1-p«,llour. l1 can carry up ID five Ions 'or ..,.,,..,.,., !Deluding air-fo:elr ..U.i¥Js and ground attack rockell. ~ani In the cue wu the federal govtnlllMlll. Tbe court nilod that Afr Tralllc -llllj>!OJll at the Toledo, Ohio, all'p<rt ,... oe=ln ~ !Inc Ibo tateall' ol the Arctic Padllc Airllna plane earryl the te1111. \ ' ' . .. . ' "' • ·'I, . , •'. U'IT_.... Staging fu.,;,;J)resi · ~o~ . " , . . · . " --' . Joseph B~ (left) :am Mlcltael.'lllabttapr>ol wljm It comes ID the lanirrillily-depar\mellt. Boys Huntington.~Lqiig•Isla¥,'J!i£h 'Sc:bdDl··ln-NeW Yott-donned Wriale attire ID protest againlt.glra wear• believe coett. stt~~ as Dl!<s .af right· are slack~ Ing slacb.todass. ' " ' W. County Offi~ers ".:·JSauded NEl...AT TIIE WORLD'S MOST UNllUE BANK! PASSBOSI Y1111 nn Gofdtn Passbook Sninls Account will dmr the hl&best bald! rate of lntnst ~Yllitabll anywi.. ! Now yotfcan enjoy 5.13'){, intll'ISI on ,• NewROrt Nationel Bank Golden Passbook Actount when ycur 11vln1s and an Interest remain 1\ye1r. This is now possible Wh.lf1·0Ur 5% current 1nnu11 i~terest rate is compounCfed daily and ereditectquart'er1y to your Goklen Passbook Account. This special account is av1 1!1Dle to ln'dividuals, corporatlOliS. partnerships and non-profit cqanizations. You11 be plusad to k~ thet YD.Ur interest PaY· ments are flexible according 10 )'O:Ur own personal needs. With a minimum deposit of $~00 and suble. quent depolliS af$100 or mont, t~a(e.is no limit to tbe a~nt yoµ-can deposit In )'(!Ur GOiden f'!l'ss· book Savings Account Your Jnteit&t start•from thl .date of deposit and ..ntlnues 'to<thO.clate. of wit~· -dniWll fer lunda on'4oll0$it ·90 cS,ys·or .,..., VI• In . ....;.;;, NATIONAL --, ~ (6elKtt6dl'Meof)'OUf"11HruloMc.) . I Genti.mtn: I 9ln intett•ted 1n opertinf • ...., I OoldonP-- 1 o Encloood1•,.,."""'<-"""l""~ I {$500.00 or ll'IOr.). PleaM oP-11 the 8c~ 9'd I . . Mnd IM mo,. Information.· r~ undt,.tend I 1t'ft ~II CllMOt be 1n1dl untlf prop« 110'" miture ear-de lwv. bffrl t11Nrn1d trtcf .. on #\It lntM Bank. 0 .,,...~1111mor.""°'1Ntk!n..:,yclllr.., -~"""""~'. considor\611 a 1<>1din. opportunlly to mike yc\11' savinp a raw faster in. Pleasant Ind HCUl'I ittn05- phe,., Wo -.Id like 19 tell, you --.about this untqu1 "tank rite" of inftmt. Come in and see us 8'ttt '7Jfa 1 • or mall tho coupon 111d wa'll do tno rest , .. 7 CONVENIENT OFFICES TO s0V£ YOU 1N ORANGE QIU1'TY . ::-..:::.:-: 111~1.·=·==~Jo= ':!~ :~~ :t"J:::t:.J:'.: 1 -9"(-11 -llHlll " . :>, ' I ':"" -- ' ' I ·-------- . I 4 Wl.Y PU.OT Marines Corner Viet Oong i~ TuimC~s Half-naked Gls Kilt 23-, Capture 136 in Battle 30 Feet Underground , I ~ "' .. °""" ........... The weather's lousy and today is· a working day, so Spiro T. At" n•w'• ancestral home town in Gar· ballanoim, Greece bas scrubbed a scheduled celebration of his becom· Ing vice president of the United States. Original plans Included folk dancing In the stree!Ji and a com- munity barbecue. • Never Jet a girl you meet In an alley talk you Into trying on a pair ol toy bandcufis. Goorgo J, St, Cloud, I~, did just that a.nd, alter snapping on the cuffs the girl walked away Into the Hollywood streets. ~i. Cloud tried to free him· self with the help of a passerby but failed, Finally a policeman opened the toy cuffs with a set of keys to his real ones. • Men. 'women and children are frolicking in the nude in the public swimming pool at the London suburb of Croydon. The town coun-. di has given permlBsion to a nudist club to use the indoors pool on Wednesday nights. Security men guard the doors and only the lifeguard wears trunks. • Whtn U.. fire brigade of Ln> da, Spain arrived at the burning houre, thty couldn't find their water hole. After a few minutet a motori!t drove up with the de· partmtnt's hose in hi& car. The ho&e had fallen ojf th• fire truck wh.n it mode a sharp turn and the man had picked it up off tM 1tTeet. • Government workers have had SAIGON (UPI) -Hall oaked Marine> ctrrylnl . 46 callber pillola In ... band and n..hU&bil In lbe olber killed ZS Viet Cong and captured 131 more Jn a batUe 30 feet unclerp'ound, mUlilrr apokeamen utd today. The fl&hltrul rqad durlnl Iba weekend ln the iuerrllfa tunnel network uncomtd by oome of tbe 1,000 Marine& and l,000 South Vletnameae troopo aw .. ping lht two-mlle-aqum Batangan PeWnaula 3ZO ni!leanortbeaatof~ Lance Cpl. Wiiliam Cox of JICbon, Miss., one fl the Marine "tunnel rat." uid be IJnt aaw two Viet Coq peepinC --WINS APPROVAL Gov. Woller, Hkkol Senate Committee OKs Nomination ·or Gov. · Hickel al him from a lunoel opell!D1. 0 We yelled It them to eomt CIUt, and one ol lbem yelled bacl<, 'You come In.' Ht aid It In Jl:nillah," Cox aid. Co• IDd two other Matti. ltl1pped lo tbe wallt and, armed with Iba pbtola, fluhUahtl . and smote I r • n a d e a • acampere<I lnlo the twmel opea1Jll. MaJ1na above p-o(Jnd al Iba ame l1mO apollld a ftmale Vlei Coq pop out of IODlber opening. They -her back In with Or<len lo urp ber eomrtdes loaumnder. Several mlnula later nearly JOO Vlei c:.., emtrpd. lbeJr banda lo the air. Soviets Offer To Negotiate Disarmament ' MOSCOW (UPI) -Tile llovlet Union greeted the Nll<on admlnllllrallol1 loday wilh on offer lo negallate dlaamwnent inchk!inc Uie reduction of nuclear mlaalle ' and llllknllslle 1yatem1. ''When the Nixon government is ready to alt down at the negoUatlng table we are ready to do so too," a Krtmlln apotesman told a new1 conference. KlrU No-., clllef of the foreign minlatrl' oepnhatloN ct.partment. aald the Soviet government "is ready to take any combination of steps, we are ready to I a l k about general a n d complete dlaarmament and we ire ready to un- dertake meuuru directed at terminatkin of product.km ol nuclear weapom." A Krtmlln atatement read to Ute cot!· ference by another ministry official Ald acreeinent with the United StateJ on curbing the arms race "la quite feulble though not an easy thing." The statement read by L e o n I d Zamyatin, foreign ministry prtsa chief, aaid the Soyjeta are ready for a "Rrlous eichange of opinion • . . concemlng mutual restriction and tubaequent redue· lion of. strategic means of delivery of nuclear weapons, Jncludint defenaive systems." In the tunnela, the Marina aucb as Co• cornered and battled lht dle-llanll. The dtlve lnlo tile ptninsula, IODI a perrllla 1trong!lold, marted the 1ar,,., Marine amphibious openUoo alnct the Koreu War. Mllltary apok,s:men said 57 Communilla have been kUled lo Iba -illocC campatcn. plua the 131 cap. 111"'1. Tbey aaid 1,73$ auerrtlla suspects hive been rounded up. Elsewhere in South Vietnam, Com· muntst for<e1 greeted Iba N-ad- mlnlstrltlon today with aasaulta agal.nat two U. S. ba&el near Saigon and a raid lnlo the central highlands dty of MARTYRED CZECH Ban Me Tbuol. The attacD' In tbe lloun before Richard M. N-·· lnauJiuratton kllle4 lb: Gia and WOUllded 17 moro. u. s. artillery blut"1 the auerrtu.. back lolo the jwiglea. Jn BIO Me Tbuot, 175 mUe1 n«th. of bera, a guerrilla band ~ed lnlo the dly and tried lo grab, the South Vietnamese radio ataUoiL Govwunent mUltla meo threw back the attackers in an hour long fight. In Iba pentnsula baUle, U. S. spokearnen seld Marine losses were "lltbt.·•• They a.Id moat cuualtles came from guerrilla booby trapa around the Prague • tunnel coaipler. A Marihe officer uid tbe tunoel com- pies exJOnded hundrtds of ylrdl. Ho said 11 p/ob.J,1y took two yean lo di&- "A 1>0mb otrlk• wouldll't loucll lliem Jn tQ tunnels. Some are one and two a!O(les and golnl 30 f .. t below the groUnd ••. il'll take us a -k lo blof them up," Aid Lt. Terry Arndt or eobQ.ts. N. Y. The Marine& uncovered part of the compJei: when a leatherneck, dlaina a foibo1e1 dug too deep and feJI-lntO a tunnel corridor. Mourns Czechs Honor Boy Who Killed Self PRAGUE IUPI) -Thousands of Czechoslovaka, with ribbons over their hearts lot lht llnt Ume since the August lnvaalon, marched sllenUy through the atreetJ of Prague today tn a display of respect Cot atudent Jan Palacb, 21, who burned himself to death. Western obaervers said they believed tension in the city wu greater than at any time since the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact armies rolled aCl'OIS the border last August. The marchers did not chant a1 they walked through a gray haze or coal smoke on this unseasonably warm day. Some students, in a defiant gesture to the Soviet occupation forcei, gathered to rename Red Army Square in honor of the youn1rlllldent wbo]>Ollred ken!lene on hla eothes and burned himseU to death to protest Russian interference lo hla homeland. Not llnce the invasion have cilhens appeared on the streets with the red, white and blue "badges of courage" pinned to their coats. Most of the ribbons were crossed with a strip of black to booor t'alacb who burned bimseU falally 'J'hursaay. At the head of the columM Of persons, estimated at 6)Xl0, a youth marched IOberly with an enormoua photograph of Pala.ch Cl"06Sed by a black mourning band. Other 1i;tudents carried 1 O Czechoslovak flags 1nd one huge black banner. There were fears of more aelt·lm· molatlona in protest against Ru55lan or,.. cupation and a deathbed plea from PaJach J19t to do so -his dying word! were, "My act has fullllled l~ purpose." The country was tense following Palach'a death and there were repeated warnings by high government and com- munist party officials against "ill corr sidered actions" which could bring on another Hungary where thousands died. Posters around the city announced a second mass rally o~ students this af- ternoon on old town square, But M)e Union of University S tu dents disassociated itstlf from the rally 1-n d announced It did not know who had scheduled the meeting. Student sources said funeral aervJces for Palach would be held,, in a small town outside Prague whare hiJ mother lives. It was understood memorial services also would be held in Prague. The secretariat of the Communilt par- ty central committee called on all party members the length of the and "to help calm the situation so as to prevent ill-considered actions." The party aaked members "to create an atmosphere of calm which would permit peaceful work." some of their privacy restored thanks to the effort. of Son. Sam Ervin Jr., (!>-N.C.). Workers will no longer have to "'port whether they are sleep walkers, have bom<>- sexual tendencies or have been pregnant. Ervin noted that the in· formaUon was 11rare1y ne~ed!' WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe Senate Interior Committu approved today, by a 14-3 vote, the controversial nomination of Gov. Walter J. Hickel of Alaska u secretary of the Interior In the Nlml admfn!l)rlUon. , The tfitdoraement, hard won by IDcbl in five 'diy1 of committee llCl'\lllnJ, came Ieaa than two hour• before the prealden- tlal 1oauaurat10~ of Richard M. Naon. Novikov and Zamyatin said their con· ference was "not deliberately" called today to coincide with the inauguration , In WublJ&IA>a of llldwd M. !'Im! u PraldenL N·• "Bui u lht N-adinlntltri._·'"'"1d '. ixon tal:e tnlo comtderaltoo our -ent, In our oplnklo ll 1'0Uld fadlltata a better Negotiating Tedm '. Two More Planes Hijacked to Cuba Arrives for Paris Talks With 257 Aboard • The other 11· new cabinet member• bad won declared or tacit approval of various Senate eommltteea without major dlHlculty lul week. Moot appolntmenil were due to go to the floor for COD- firmaUon today. Chairman Henry M. Jacbon (0. Wash.), of the .Interior Committee aid Hickel'• nomination would not be acted upon by the Senate until Tuesday at the earllelt. Sirhan Defense Scrutinizes Jury tnternaUOllal atmoepben," ZamyaUn aid. Both SOvlet spokesmen warned aplnat "tendencla" lo the Untied Statea to "speak lo Iba SOvlet Union from the position of strength." The tale "Se<retary of State John Foster Dulles, wbo wu an advocate of lhla policy, .. jected It lowud the end of his Hie. Notblnl came ou1 of lt." Novikov a&ld. "And nothlnl will come out of the cumnl talk of deallnl "1th the Soviet Unioo from the poo!U.. of almlglb." PARIS (UPI) -Tbe vanguard of President JUchard M. Nixon'• negoUailng team arrived today under orders to get the expanded Vietnam war negotlatloru; •tarted u quickly u practicable this week. Lowrence E. Walsh, the new deputy American delegation leader, t o I d newsmen upon arrival from Washington be aaw "elements for optimism" in the new talks on how to end the conflict atarllng this week. S&rikfno c prctmtiour AtJoi posnire. thil girl odd& a "realistic" touch to a ~ o/ "minimal art"' shown at the •1MWmaJ Art.a" e:thibftio?l which re- centlv opened tn Dueueldorf, Ge,.. tnanfl. The outri:td black bol: ii a tDOOd ICUZpturc which actuaUv re1t1 in. ill titled position on a cutawar corMr bale. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The altitudes and backgrounda of U penooa tentatively ae!ecled lo try Slrban B. Sirhan for lhe slay!ng of Sen. Robert I'. Kennedy were sctullnlled by def-allorneyl today. Tile three lawyers D1llll decide whether the alr men and m women would make a belier jury lban whoever might tal:e their pl1ce1 if they were cltallenged by the defenae . Garrison Drops Attempt to Delay Clay Shaw Trial NEW ORLEANll (AP) -'Ille atate lodl1 abendooed Ila effort to delay Iba lrW of Clay L. Shaw, 15, the -1thy retired New Orleans h 1sfnel1V11.D chll'I· ed with c:omplrln1 lo munler Pnaldent Jolin II'. Kennedy. "I tb1nk it would be wrong to minimize all the dilficulUes ahead," Walsh said. "Everyone realizu that a aood •tart hu been made but there ii more to be aoeompliahed. But I see elements for optimism here in Paris," Reservists Lose Anti-Viet Fight At Supreme Court • Somewhere 1n Mexico city, some The prosecuUon appeared saUsfted with the potential Juron. Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Lynn D. Compton at ar tie 4 courtroom observers last Friday when he announced, "We accept the Jury u DOW com:Ututed." Aast. Di1t. Atty. Jamu .A I co ct withdrew the It.ate'• motion for eon- t!miance 1t a bearlna; before Qimlnal Dill. Court Judge Edwant J. Haggerty and said the state would be ready to IO with lbe tcng.delayed trial -scbedu~ ed lo atarl Tueaday. thieves have a good foothold on the situation. The Portales Shoe Fac- tory reported the theft of $4,000 worth of shoes. WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe Supreme COOrt turned ulde today a chalJtngfP to the mobilization of Army reservlstk for Vietnam duty without a congressional More Coast Rain Forecast declaration of WU'. JusUct WIDlam 0. Douglas, In Aisaent, aa.id the court hid "become an agency for htlpini to create an awesome credlbWly gap." M einer' s Oaks Families Saved Front Raging River He chutised his colleagues and aaid they "should construe laws as fulfilling, not lnUln&. proml!ea made by this al).powerful aovemment to it.s cltiuna.'' California LOS ANG(Ll!.S AND VICINfTY- 11:111' tofllsohl Ind Tu.tdloY. 11:1111 '°"""' 11 11mn T.-.0.Y. GvllY w!Nls. Llttl• .._.iw. dll,_-Hi.t> T......S.v 1111. Low too!lllhl st. CIWIMI of '111n • l'tr· ""' Tun09y. COUTAL AND tNTlltMll)IATf V.4U..l!Y$-lt1l11 tonltlllt Ind T'*"'Y· 111111 t.fltYY 11 tfmn T~41't'. Ov!IT wlndl. Llllll 1-ltwl cr-.n11. L-lollltf'll AJ lo ». MOUNTAIN All:!"AS-1t1ln ,....,., 11 II'"" """'°"' Ind f\lftd,ly. $"8W lfWI 1boul 7.Jllt '"'· Sff-lllSIY w1 ...... LlrTi. ten1•r1111r1 ~. IHTEltl()lt AHO D!"llltT lt(llol0ff$ -•""'""r""" r1111 INllll'Y flOl1ll ..,... !loll 19111"" .,.. f_.,.,., OvtlY -"'di. l J!ll• ~·,.,,,. CfMollM. ~ .. n!Olll • i. SS. All .,,,_ 1'1""'""91 MlftWd "" 11 ~tit 11 d911ttt In $llVIMrfl (.fil1tor11i. WI) -'-9 lo elM IOlllY lloul ,,_. (1111 -fotfmtt "" """"'· Thi U.$. Wt•""" llHMW Niii I ~ ftolll e11rrll'lllY tlf !ht Or9Mll Co.t -111 ~ llllt Stuflltm C.11-"""' ..,...,, 1onowr... t tir1ff c...,. ...... - .... """ '-llY '·" ~ flf '''" t1N '-""' 11 Lot ,,_._ Cl"lc (fl'. ... .,. "" '""" ~ Sllllt'dtl' -Tl'tffk ~ 911 -' ,......., """' et.timid ,.. n-of ,. -~ ... kr1 Olfto. ._ wtle•W ......... -' .-J ........... M • ...,._...._ ~ ..... ., 911 !ht tlrl<'ICI M•I .... -. 0... " ...... , .... , "" --.... ~ Couftf'( ... ,.. rltln1 _...,_ Olt ., """ flmll/ltt (.l,,_lllf If l"olfll ...... ..... ,.,., --... '"' ....... '*' • """' ....., flllf .............. ~ .. -' ,. u... •. o.-v-... ~ ........ 111 ._ -'" V1t11..,.-1 lt1'tr H(Yl(W ortssa wtATH(llUflEAUFOlllUST TO 1:11 A.M..tST ... ,, .... ~,_,,_fllJUr~..,,. r~ ~ ,.. rlwr ~ Clltl-foomll , .. ... -· ...,.... ,....,, t"9 CWJ'9llf "" ...... 111•1 ...... , .. ..,,. ~ ...... -~ "'" "' Mllkl.-...YI. Ll'w - ""'""' IOI' cvl't Inf ""'°"'" •t """" ""' c~ °"'*'-' ~i.1. T... ''°"" d.,,.... ll'IOfW 1lllfl ...,., l!ldils al -•w Oii IMi Lttlil <MlltH I" I !Mlour l'friocl Ind kl'lldl:H eul ti.<lrlcll!', w1110r 111111 ~ .....,. '« "' • _,.,.,. "' "" 20.M ,..~ ..... "'klad"" -· ,...,.. "',..,.,...,. lflt """''-11'!11 Ind C'lflf.,.flllt d-.. "'""*. ~ .,... '" ,,.,,.. •• wt -"' tM ell!''• """ NOiie ,,...._ wtM ol'f .... ,.,. wflM 11'11¥' -......... Tlltte .. _ fl U.I. 111 ..,.,.. t i.M ..... tlM " rlllld tl!hrMI .... .,. "" ......,.., '"'' -"' "' .. lit AnltMt """ty ""'· c-c.i CIMY Wl!tl --"""' .._.,.. "'"""'*"' -"""'--WMl:ft. ~ .... Nfll', It Ill • ~ T•V-. llltfl. . "' •. v .. .....,,..,... ••w•IWw ra11ttf "*"' • """ " ...... ., ... 11'1- ..... ----fllf'f ---• ,. 11. Tiii ...... """""911ft ... It.A .. -s • .., "'-rWes ....... iK:ONll lefl> .......... ~ 1.1 ~ """ lltll '·"'·"" fVfttAT l'Tm """ ............ •:• •.in.1.t l'll"rt """ • . •.• l t:• '""' u a.c:n ..., .... .. ....• ,. ~ ... --ll .. l tlot I.I'll. fltt l:ft • .If! • ... • ... •:• 1.tl'I ...... ,. '·"" """ .. .._ LIN 0. ..... ...,.. tt , ... ' , ... It '"· 11 Temperaturn A group of 111 reaervlsts from the "1911 L...-Prtc. Cleveland aru, Dl03t of them already Al~,,...,,. ·~­""'"'' 1'""1fltld •1-rdt ..ff -'"-, ........ , ('-11111 .. _ 0.. Mtl""" ....... l!\ll'tltl .... ....,,, ·~M w ...... ·-· ...... .,_ "'' ll• "-· L• ..._ ... ·--··-·-_.._ _v .. .,,. ... _ .. ·----:::=,.. _ .. ·-""' ll:M lllM -a.c. ii!Mlltf ti. l .. 11 flllrwl "" L11t;1 (ny .... -""' ,~ .. ............ , . ....... '""'"' ;..= ... ~ n tn Vietnam, had posed tht cballenge. .. " nt They were moblliJed under a 1968 '" n n .es law that 11ve President Jotmson authori· t! ,~ .u ty to call up reservlata Without a declar• u » tloa of war or naUonal emergency. : ~ In another decisioR, the court limited ~ ~ the power of cities to repeal open-housing ,. ,. la"·s. ~ !; 11 ln an a.t decision the court' found oe " · .. Atron, Ohio, had put an unconaUtuUonal ~ ~ i.tl "special burden" on Its Negro residents '' 57 .n by requlrin& bans on housing diacrimtna· ~; ~ lion to bave the approval of. tile majority ., n .01 of the votera ln the city. ~ !; ':~ JUIUce Huao L. Blick, the only ,, ,, ·'' dlaenter, protested strtnuou.s!y that !! : there wu ao founda&Jan ln the Coostitu-:! : .n Uon tor tbla llteat pronouocement on :is » .ti dvll rfChts. fs : '·" 11WI tut CIH Wll brought by Nellie ;: Joi .a Hunter, a Nqro housewife, who bad p : dlfllcully buylni a house. She tried lo " ' re1J oa an open bouslng ordinance !! ~ i::: adopted by the clty cou.ocll lhal aaauttd n .. l.JI "~al oppgrtunlly" to dtcent houslnc to : .• fac:dlUes. :. ~ 11 She WU UNluccessftJI because the city .. n 1.• charter had been amended to nullify : ;; • the ordlnanct and to require that tnJ n ' .ca future ones m\lll be approved by the !t ~ .lt cit)' .. ~ Walsh 1aid new delegation chief Henry Cabot Lodge, expected to anive here tonight, will decide himseH whether the conference can open Tuesday u proposed by North Vietnam and the National Liberation Front (NLF), tl)e political arm ol lbe Viet Cong auerrlllaa. Moving ahead at unusual speed after eight months of bitter public and secret bargalning the four parties involved - Washington, Saigon, Hanoi and tbe NLF -Saturday approved all procedural issues and agreed to plunge into main war-and-peace matters early this week. American diplomats said U:>dge may suggest opening the talks Wednesday rather than Tue3day so that he CM get acquainted with the technicaUtlea and meet bis ~~on colleague, Pham Dani[ Lan. om · aaid that Wabh aod LOOge were under orders Crom the incoming president to get the talks under way u soon u feasible. MIAMl (AP) -Two airliners earryina' 257 persons were hijacked Sunday - making it the second Sl,lccessive weekend or twin air piracy -by skyjacker• armtd with 1 hand grenade and machinegun.s. An Eastern Airlines jet carrying 164 paMengers and a crew of eight wu the first of the pirated planes to land in Havana and also the first to be • released. Capt R.D. Smith of Atlanta, Ga .. his crew and five passengers flew on to Miami Sunday night and the re- mainder of his passengers: landed in Miami early· Monday aboard two P'OP jet planes sent to Varadero, Cuba:, by Emtern. An Ecuadorian prop jet seized by four men braiidishing submachine guns re- mained in Cuba, with no indication u to when it or its 75 passengers wOu1d be released. The plane carried a crew of six. .,,,,. ....... Protesters Washed Out Tokyo police train streams ol watu on the roofs and clock tower ol the Totyn University odllllnlllraUon building to dislodge redlcal •llldfflll fl'om the bullding.'1Jter a fllri0us l>atUe, riot police took th• bl!ldlnf, 202 dayi after it wlu capllired by the studonts. . • DAILY ~!LOT Ii Israel, Egypt Both Reje~t Peace Moves ' Ullllo4 p,_ --eonqut.-1 In IN? In exchange plan. Inell aarwlon and stated BJc power moves for peace for Arab rtcOIJ'ltlon o f "The American reply was the c~ obstacle to 1 set.. Jn the MiddJe Eut met te*t. Israel's old frontiers would much wor15e than we expected Uement waa Arab terroriml. recepUoos today ln Cairo and lead to a new war. . becauae it manifmed com- Jerus.alem. i..ael rejected a "It would recreate the plete American favoritism Meuqea upreasing the Soviet plan and Es;ypt accuaed dangerous conditlooa which toward Israel," said the eemi· viewpoint were being sent to the United States of "total then prevailed," Eban said. official newspaper Al Ahram. W.uhlngton and to United Na.. favorttlsm" toward brlel. In Cairo, Egypt rejected an The new1paper said the lions mediator Gunnar Jarring Foreign M.lnlater Abba Eban American reply to the Soviet Amerlc.an reply I 1 nor e d In Moscow, Al Ahram said. ol Israel llld a Soviet plani--------------''-'--=------------ callbig far. line!! wllhdrawlll from 1he Arab ttrrltorlea It Dr. King's Widow '- Meets Pope FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sit. 10 1.m. to 6 p.m. NIXONS JOIN IN SINGING ANTHEM AT INAUGURAL CONCERT SUNOAY Daughter Jullt and Her Husband. Dav kl Eltenhower, Al19 Attended Event VATICAN CITY (UPI) - Pope Paul VI rectlVfld the widow of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today and expressed admiration "for his untlrlng and aell-acrlflcing struggle In favor of the rl&hll of man." 1st Inaugural Event Mrs. Coretta King, widow of the U.S. civil rights leader who was ususlnated tut April 4, called on the Pope alter receiving an award in Verona, Jtaly, in her husband's memory. Nixon in Mellow Mood at Concert WASHINGTON (AP) Richard Nixon approached the moment oI his inauguration in a wann, mellow mood, fin- ding it hard to express his feelings or restrain the in - stincts of a campaigner. "Great moments are hard to describe," Nixon said Sun- day night as he relaxed with his family ln the presidential bot at Con!ltitution Hall for the inaugural concert. A cheering ovation greeted the president-elect and his family as they took their seats for an All-American program that began with everyone singing the National Anthem and ended with the Nixons joining in "America the Th• Pope said 1he recogni- tion and utablisbment of the symphony conductor HOJ"ard p e r r o r m a n c e w a s The whole Nixon family and right.I for which King fought Mitchell, Wat.ts and Miss Ti.Iof-"magnificent." He said that many of the Elaenhowers will "C003tit.utea a prlnclpal road fo, offer.Ilg them con- she had ch.ided him: "If you celebrate the inauguration to peace" and he noted thiJ gratulatiors and ,giving a big practiced, you might have tonight by attending six in· is a theme of the world day wave to~ audience. ~n down there." augural balls, where 3 O of peace which be cal1ed on Nixon ru\d spent tb e brief The concert, a tradition of orchestras and bands will pre>-Catholics to observe wt Jan. Intermission talking to the inaugural festivities since 1933. vide dance tunes 1. performers and VIPs in a was the first event in which 1--------------------...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====== private off<Stage rea!ption Nlxon participated. His wife, room. He stepped out of tb'e Pat, and daughters, Tricia, UJht securitJ guiqd to chat n, and Jolie, 20, and JuUe's .a bit with reporters as be husband David Eisenhower, came and weDt. made the rounds of some WiUt the Nixon family was · private parties earlier. the pres.ident:eJect's 15-year-Julie and David also drop- old aunt, Mr& Jane Beeson ped in for a visit with former of WhltUer, Calif., who taught Pres i cJ en t Dwight D. him how to JIJ&y the piano Eisenhower at Walter Reed as a youngster. Anny HOipital, where he ls Nixon said he and his aunt recovering from several heart agreed that young Watts' attacks. Beautiful." l;:====================.I Nlion also joined in the pro- Jonged applause for the artlst.s -21-year-old Negro pianJst Andre Watts, pretty, .dark· h a i re d Philadelphia-born soprano Anna Moffo. the Na- tional Symphony Orchestra and the 375-member Salt Lake Mtm1.on. Tabernacle <lloir. Then, impul!i.vely, he turned to his aides and asked "Can I go down there?" poi.nUng to the stage filled with performers. In minutes, he was dowp there, his arm a r o u n 1:1 President Puzzler By WILLIAM MANSFIELD I. Wblch Pruident rec:<Jved the tiJcbest percentage of popular votes? a) Franklin D. Roosevelt in J936 ; b) Abraham Lincoln in 1860; c) Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 2. More Presidents have come rrom this state than any other stale in the union. That state is : a) Ohio; b) Virginia ; c) New Yori 3. How many Presidents have dJed in offict? a) 15; b) 5; c) a 4. The fint televised presldenillll nomlnetlni COi> venUon was held in I) l!MI; b) 1961; C) 111'4 I. Which President describ- ed a group of Nobel Prlle i winners as "the most el· traordlnary collection of talent • . . . that has ever been gathered together at the White House with the possible ex- ctptlon of when Thoma• Jef· ferson dined alone"~ o) Lyndon JollNon; b) John F. Kennedy; c) Franklin D. Roosevelt ' ANSWERS ·' ,,, ·q ., • ">'l61 -p>u0!11P ~ uaQq a111q .<aiu ., . ., ·~put A'atUQIJN 'P t •1 J .i: • o "1f<IAN0011 ·a 'S '"'1Pa!I 'uJOOOrt • ...,,,, ~.Ll'l! .,... '"IL ., ·c 'f 'tr.lllaf l{lfM 1X;)ll El Ofq() .,'flOilP!~ld JO J~)OtU,. 1Kj1 p<llJIJ 'eflll1Jti\ WOJJ 8WWJ flUilPlfil.ld lll8!3 ·q ·z "1£6! JO U0j""'1Jil at{l II'! 1Jilll~ • 0 UJAUIJ.'{ .<q 1tJ;>JJ;>d' a·w JO pJOJ.aJ sno111a.1d aq1 ll1J11~q 'J~Jild l9 ·;:, ., LUNCH AT Mt. SJEAK HOT SANDWICHES: BIG CADOY STEAK SAN S•r¥•d o~ • Fr•"cli r•ll with Fr•nch frie1. THE "DUKE" BURGER l/l lb. clio,pecl tirloi", French fri•1. THE "DUKE" BURGER WITH CHEESE 51¥• II 1bo¥• wi!l1 m•lt•d Am•ric•n ch•••• toppin9. ROAST BEEF ON A BUN Slic•d thin for ltli1. fr•nch fri11, CRAZY DOG Foot 10"9 hot clo9, Coney lilenii 11wce, pol1to chip1, CONTINENTAL l1r9• h•mhurfltt •n ...,,, filled wiH1 Swi11 ch•••• 111cl mu1hroom1. f11ncll lri11. COLD SANDWICHES: ITALIAN HOAGIE Ch••••, bolo9n1, 11l1ml, him, tom1fot1 ind l1tluc1 on • roll. P•t•lo d1ip1. MR STEAK CLUB OELIGHT Combin•tlo11 h•con, l•ttuc•, t•m•lo, ,old chic.111 on lo11i•d l>r••ii. P•ltlo chi,1 ., c•1• 1l1w. 1.10 .99 1.04 1.10 .90 1.20 1.25 1.30 The foUowing sandtoi~hts art served with picklt1 and choice of pototo chips or colt !law. BACON, LETIUCE, TOMATO ···········-.... 95 SLICED COLD CHICKEN -·· ···-·-·········-····-.85 GRILLED CHEESE . . . -···-··· ·-·-·--... 50 HAM & AMERICAN CHEESE -· ·····-···-··-··--.95 COLD ROAST BEEF __ ----··-.95 TUNA SALAD .. ·-····-··-----····---· ..• 75 SOUP OF THE DAY (cup) .20 CHILI .50 Soup or chili ,,.,,,,;wit~ cr•ck•r h1ik•I. ' We are abo aenldg our famous line of USOA CHOIC~ TEAK DINNEIS and many othe/ inner specta.15 at any time of day1 '"rt menu, too. ' l'EN Jl AM to 9 l'M 2267 FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA ----- Birthday parties are loads of fun. But cleaning up afterwards is no party, rijhtl Loads of fun mean.I loads of dishes. Relax. For two cents we'll do the dishes. Twocentswotth of electricity Is all it takes tQ run a load through the dishwaahcr, Then there's the carpet.For a fraction of a ccnt,dcctricity will do the vacuuming. Incidentally, it won't even cost you two cents l'O bake a birth- day cake in your dectric oven . No matter how you use it, elccttlclty docs so much for so little. In fact,dcctricity in Edison areas costs the average family less roday per kilowatt-hour than it did 10 ... 20 ... even 30 years ago. Practically everyone today is using much more elcctricity- more kilowatt-hours-than ever before, and it's still one of ypur . biggest bargains. Maybe that's why we get Invited to so many parties. Southern California Edison E .t -- . l DAD.Y PILOT EDITOBL\L PAGE I Massive Clean~~p. Joh tyndon JohnJon cl08ed out bis last clays u Pml· dent of the Uolted Slaw with a li!Ule on bi• face but wltb a leaden beart. He leaves behind a long and honorable record of public service, but without th~ approval-Indeed, with the acUve disapproval-of miWons of bis countrymen. .r.. ha& happened to a number ol ~dents In the paat, however, history IJ Ukely to judge bim In more kindly light lhllll biJ critics of tbia era. ' While bis domestic accoawllshments are generally approved, biJ foreign lnvolvem°'tl ~ave grown com- plei: and divisive-whether or not by Johnson's acts or policies. · ' Richard Niion will benefit trcm the smoothest lranlitlon in the biJtory of the presJa.ency -to wbich he conltlbuted .greatly by refraining from premature policy pronouncements and partisan .crltlclml. Never· theless he tac .. one of the most maallive clean-up Job• ·any new President ever had to tackle. Achieving an honorable aetUement of the Vietnam War haa top priority, of course. But of near equal un- portance IJ the huge chore of brlnglna under control the fantastic upansion In domestic.pro""'°' and prob- lems ..,. inflatlO!J. poverty, taw epfol'CJllll!DI. manpower training, aid to education, urban developmenl, Income sbarlng with .states, to name a few. · The need to put aside political parUsansbip and aupport a new President was never greater. UC Keeps 118 Promise Perilaps forgotten in the cOntlnulng wave of critl· cfsm against adnilnistratlo0& ot-callfonila. unlvenltlea and colleges Is the fact Iha! th& linlvenii,. sy&tem I• ' .. 1 1 ' ' ' indeed keeping Its 1p,.jim!$1 · to maintain ~ampu.s di .. cipline. • 1 '• ! • Justice, often Blow moving lo the point of a· asperaUon, has finally been done In ~ case qi the Uolversity of California students'involved In the Sproul Hall sit-In and Moses Hall seizure at Berkeley last October. Tho UC administration has dismissed or suspendld 38 sluden!J and placed an additional 133 on disciplinary probation for their part In 'the protests. All 18 non- studeols arrested in the two incidents were barred earlier from admission or readmission to the Berkeley campus. In addition, Sproul Hall student arrestees pleaded guilty · In Berkeley Municipal Court lo trespass and failure to disperse, were fined $125 each. and given 30-day suspended sentences. Students arrested in Moses Hall who pleaded guilty to trespass, malicious mis-- chief and disturbing the peace were given 10 days in taJI, 80 days in jail suspended, one year probation and ordered to pay restitution of $300 each tc>· cover some '2J,,OOO in damages and costs caused by the seizure. The university bas demonstrated that it is 0 deter .. mined to protect its educational processes from coerciQD by force or violence pirough fair but firm en· fo,rcement of its rules," as Chancellor Roger W. Heyns put it. ' The chancellor bas the solid support of the vast majority of California taxpayers, including students and faculty, ~ this, and in bis further statement: "The use Di force to effect change in a university, an institution coµmtitted to reason and the free exchange of id.eas, violates the basic ethics of a university and cannot be accepted." ' ·~---------- • A Reminder of Jefferson's Inaugural We Can Use Conciliation Rusk's Advice Largely Held To Be Invalid Child's Respect WASHINGTON -'lbll ii a beautiful di)'. A< one loob oul from a - hi Ollt ol tbe tall ~ OD• c8' see tbe vut -of the ouJ>urbaii areas, hazeh!clden al the horizon. ,pp closer are the broad avenues, the trees, the many mnall parks, st.atues, the sun on the river, the gleam of tbe Washlnglon monument. the White House, the many flags caucbt ln a winter's wind • • • • Somehow, I alway. think ol Jefferson'• loaugural. w asbln&too was then a village of mud- dy otreell, salaon&, boarding 00...., noldenoel and ·o ' felY govenuneol builcHngL The C•Jilol' : wu still un- finlabtA ' Legend bas It !hat Ji.teff"er~sonon .Iha! day rode bis horse from bis boarding -to tbe Ctpitol to take tbe oath. Tbe truth 11 thal he walked to tbe CtpitoL He WU dreaed in b1I: everyday suit. He WU, indeed, surrounded by I toot -wblcb kepi puwlng -ol lldmlrer&. '!'bey were cheerinC and wavinJ. to frlendl. A delacbmeal of milllla, walking al n>Ute llep, not well hi lloe, but wavhlg flap, beaUn1 drums and doiog • poal deal ol yelling and cbeerlog, followed blm. AABON BIJl\R, Iha! man ol many vices, acted honorably hi the loog and 110mewbat. IOl'd.id plot to elect BtUT rather lhao Jeff<rlOll. Be refnsed because he thougilt lest of tbe mollve1 of !hose who were trying to u.1e him than be did of Jeffenon'a chief~· Burr, on thal March 4th Dtonuiii ,In 18()1, bad been elected ~ a11he senate. HemelJeffersoo, ~-­Iy and cerem<IOlooaly to ibe-~~ ber . .-bere tbe ~llal, ......... gl ......... ,1"' Congrm 'bid-inoved:w.n ~phlalntbetoDDMl'ofUllO.)' Jqlm Adami WU' no\ presenl. He bad left the White HOUie at dawn tn ooe al tbe mqrw petly acts of Ille. Jeffersoo ow-prlSed some with bis Jn. augural address. It wu· oooclllatory. His election meant the death of the Federallsl .party. They bad foogilt blm wilb every means, honorable· and dilbooorable, at tbolr dispooaL ONE OR JD'l' ERSON'S DXft valuable assete had been -and Oii and after inauguration day wu -bis abOlty lo appear always as the landed genUeman and aristocrat whose manners and ideals were those that appealed to the common man. (Woodrow Wilson came near tbal But Jt· waa really not unW lW, when , Franklin D. Roosevelt wu loaugqrated, thal the oatloo bad ..Other president wltb Jeffereon•a tremendous qualiflcaWons al persooaill)' and man- nen.) hi 1969 the donlinanl bope is Iha! Mr. Nixon will aeek to bring about con- ciliation, to "bring us together.'' The tests be must meet are no greater, il as grea~ u · !hose conlronUng Jef. ferson. .. · All THE VEAi\ 1800 appeared, France wu oliD af war with Eqland, JluBsia 8nd A~ In ll9e tbe greal Bonaparte' bad beguit b1s Egyptian campaign~ &eek'".! ing a back door to harass Britain.. On bis return to '£ranee In 11911 lie had brougill oil a coup d'elsl that abolished the French ....Ululioo and gave him total power.· A month before Jeffer:(OD.. wu inaugurated Napoleon bad defeated· the Austrians and compelled their signature.a to the treaty of ·Luneyille. This Jett him free to give full attention to England and Russia. Jefferson, president of the new naUon with a federal constitution dating bact to 1789, was fearful -<>f war. (War came 11 year• later.) Awaitlng the inaugural of 1969, the nation ha been .negotiating in Paris about VJetnam. The Middle East is more dangerous, even, than Southeast Asia. We cab use coodlialioo. Whip Is Risk for Kennedy W A&lllllGl'ON -Mark It down thal Ilea. Edward M. ·Kennedy, Mus., la acceplhl& slrable polilical rlab by tUfng over u the Senate's Democratic whip. Thal la "'1al Is being said hi Senate cioobooma about Teddy's successful dlaplacem<nt al Sen. Russell B. Long, J>.La. Senators recall what so m e oblerven have forgotten : that the whip job bu not always been an open sesame to advancement for Democrats. While the job has helped somo Democratk aenal<n move up In the politkll hterarcilY, II haa mean! frustra- tion for otben. For a few senaton tbe job has been tbo end al tbe political line. Conoequently there la widespread ad- mlraUOP for Kenoed)''a courage, even -thooo Democrall who lake no --a.George o..r Gtorge: P1ea1e be terlOWI tbla o.... I have been reading yoor column end. many thna, have lllarled to write tbla lelltt. I know yoor col· WOil ts aalbieal humor, and my wl»le flmily enjoy• II -bowever, I Joi ol _.. must --1l)' IOnd you -problemo. I know you --lmiful tun ol anybody lA yo coimnn, but what do you do wtlll ldlln from people wbo .,. &duiil7 and linoerely lroobled! CURIOUS Dior Cartoul: ~ldo&el-....­......... ,w!D_,....._ wilallJ. Adulllr. -oD 1111tn~ thla ii a bumor -'Jlw m write with I rMttlr of mioul eoocem are ll'lllad on:lou&Iy. ~ perlOllall1, --=lllanpl to ........ .. _. -butfdom:t _._. nfstt..nto...,_ """'ml. • -tbeJ have wrttten -Chol f1Jl1 -.. ""'"' to .. --helpful -and -• ,_ -I« aotaal ... 1o .. - pleasure from an upward movement by the youngest of the Kennedy&. TIU8 IS NOT lo say lhal Teddy Is ~Iy threatened with an early political dem1se. It means, however, that the job of Democratic whip -assistant leader -bas certain disadvantages for a pollUclan bent on advancement. A< II has existed hi tbe .-.ceet pas!, tbe whip usignment has C4flied llUJe in tbe WIY al real power or respoosibllil)'. But when responslbWties are involved, they olleo nqulre Ibo whip I o subordinate bis own ldeN and hltereall to advance a party positioo. Important new aJµances can be formed In lhal -Old frleod.shlps and alliances ClI1 be severely tried in Jt, however. It 11 something of a gamble. If Ille lwlership posll, whip and floor leader, were viewed u unalloyed bless- ings hi the llatu&<:olls<ious Senate, they would be pan:eled on~ as ore aood ...,. mitt• usignment.1, cbainnanshipa and ~r· plums, on the basls of seniority. nDlEE UP, THREE DOWN -Sis lebllorl have tented a Sen ate om-allc whip In the lul lwo d-. For throe of them. Ille job proV<!d to be a lleppin(...,.,. towanl beller,thlng&. Preoldent Jobnlon "" Democr1Uc """" from 11111 to 1963 and -became floor leader, Vice Pn>Sldool, and then Quotes Erie B. llo<blall, SWIM! -lullllde -.. Returdl .,. only narrow the rilk of Jn-~ -public .. pmate; 11 can no1 man the deciakn that the -•!Jon p-esld"11 or tho decled plbllc olfidal bas tor" PresldenL Vice President &mphrey, Democratic whip from 19&1 to 1965, was elected Vice President and nearly made II lo the White House. . The present Democratic Door leader, Sen. Mike Mansfield, Mont., was whip from 1957 to 1961 and then moved up to bis present leadership assignment. ON THE OTHER hand, tbe whip posl does not naw appear to have advanced tbe polltlcal ambiUoos of Sen. Long, wbo was depooed by Keanedy hi the Democratic caucus after four years as whip. Moreover, two ether Democratic wNpa found the job a Ucket to the 'poiili<al 'Sidelines. Former Sen. Earle C. Clemeoli, O.Ky., who succeeded John9on as· whip In 1953, wu defeated when be ran for reelection to the Senate. Clements served two terms tn the House and 'was pemor of bis state, but he £ailed to win ' a· second Senate term. Former Sen. Francis J. Myers, O.Pa., who preceded Johnson in the job, suf. fered a similar fate. Myers bad been a three-term Congresmtan, but be failed to win reelection to the Senate in 1950. By Robert S. Allta and Johe A. Goidlmlth ...... iiliiiilil-- Monday, January :JO, 1969 TM cdltortal pogt Of ""' ll<rilr Pilot •••kl to fnform and 1tfm. MloU nodtr1 b11 prts1nting thil Mtorpa,,.,.-1 opinionl and com- """'4'¥ .,. lopicl of hlt<Tut and ri/l!U(il»flu. br providing • fonmo for CM eiprudon of ov:r ttadtts' opinions, and by pr11ndng tM dlvtT11 i:neto- polnU of flt/~d obstrveri and ipokennt9l on topkl o/ the ""'· &bert N. Weed, Publisher Must Be Earned Secretary Of Slate Dean Rusk held a press Conference in the first days of the new year and, 1n effect, advised the Israelis and the Arabs to search for the bases of peace, and abandon 1be terrorist ~·which have mark- ed recent D'>O:lliWrlP, the MJdeasl At ooe pc>lnt he sajd: "We call upon Ibo Arab governmenla lo recognize that they must do the.lr utmost to restrain terrorist acijYity. We call upon Israel to reqign.ize ~t a policy of excessive retaliation wUl not produce the peace Israel surely desires. These (animosities) ~ feelings which will have to be set aside." The trouble with tbia approach is that it has beeJl. used by adults against children since the human record began, and it bas not worked well. Our parents used to say, "Naughty-naughty!" Our current, smart-alee phrase is, "That's a riO"DO!" One of those beguiling half-truths that unthinking people are so fond of was enunciated recently by Billy Graham, ' when he said, "A child who is allowed to be disresptctful to his par!nts ' will not have true respect for anyone!" No doubt of it. That is ex;ictly the trouble with pliople who have no respect for anyone -they grew up disrespectful of their paren~· most cases. ' " Bui Billy . G falls to .. le the , otl\tr, ·and: eq_ Uy important, l blf of the trQth: ts who want their children to be respectful must do things that are worthy of the child's respect, and must respect the child. CIDLDREN . nkrECT what Jy see, not what they hear, or wbat is tOtd them. If they see their parents are greedy, they will not respect generosity. If they see their parents are hypocritical, they will not respect candor. If they see their parents are bigoted, tht;Y will not respect tolerance. It is easy enough to make a, child "respectful" through fear; it is much harder to make them genuinely. respecUul through the example we' seL CHILDREN ARE astonishingly clea~ sighted. They can see right through our pretenses and affectations down 1o the rock-bottom -0f our motivations. They know when they are being tdld the truth, or fobbed off; when they are given preachments that are not practiced by the parents; when a double s~ard Is being invoked for adult and for juvenile behavior. Respect is not an automatic response. It must be earned and it must be kept, for the chilct gels more. queaUqpjng and more critical as he gets Qidei" and observes the · disctepancies between the way we talk and the way the world i~ run, with our complicity or our con- I 00 NOT WANT my children to respect me simply because they hap- pened to be .born of my seed, or because ·I support them. Nor do I expect them to' be "grateful" because I give them the same sustenance that any living · creature gives it.s offspring. If they respect me, I want it to be because I deserve it for human, not filial, reasons. Because I respect their individuality, honor their privacy, and nourish their intellectual curiosity. Because I refuse to pretend to be better than I am, but want them to be better than I have been able to be. M06t of all, I dOn't want them to be like me, but like what God intended them to be, themselves. And If they respect these impulses on my part, they cannot help but respect me. MR. RUSK POSmBL Y does not un- derstand bow be ls regarded by the people be is addressing. In his own office be is a man of reason who has Ute respect of bi! cOUeagues. U large segments of the American people are aomewhat dubious of him as a philo&opher of Asian poUcy, this is wu:eiated to bis repute u a dedicated man. But this is not his image with his hearers. To I.be Isrealis be is a faraway philosopher who doesn't understand the problems of Israelis surrounded by ag- gres&ve Arabs. To the Arabs he is merely the successor to the late Mr. Dulles, who clobbered the Aswan dam. To many of them Comrade Brezhnev's metaphysics is more persuasive. Hi~t of the New France Therefore, what he says by way of admonition to angry people is largely held to be invalid, H not downright evil and gubver!lve of their interests and rights, even though his advice ap- pears to many of us to be sensible. This of course has always been tbe late of men of reason. BUT MEN OF REASON frequenUy betray a weakness: wben they stigmatire others. \hey forget how little they and their ideas are esteemed by those they are sUgmatlzing. Mr. Rusk's good advi~ is easU)' ap. plicable outside the Mideast, for instance in Czechoslovakia and for a considerable time in Vietnam, not to mention American college campuses, which don't happen to be Mr. Rusk's headache. The drawback of historical vengeance has always been that It is self· perpetuaUng, and tends to get out of hand after a time. A few month.'! ago the Egyptians were firing across the Suez Canal, and the Israelis bombed an oil refinery. This was rather abrupt, but w.terstandable. THE RECENT Israeli bomb raid on the Beirut airport was not un- derltandablt, becauae JI bit lhe wroog penons. Why should Lloyd'• ol London be mu for a million pounds becaU8e 1 couple al crazy Arabs gunned an Israeli plane at Atbeos? True, let's not cry over Lloyd's, which takes in more than It dl8burses, but unless we someUmes cry over something, we're back In \he ch'°' or anclet)I history, where nobody cried over anything, but accepted il as fate . JlL'¢ A.! Mr. Rusk says, this reprisal disease will not brlng peace to the Mltf<ast, or to any peoples, but be ii hardly the man lo say 11. At leasl that would be the cut&1n view ol tboee be WU "'lf°"in&· ' There is an awfully good book about contempgrary France available, "The New French Itevolution," by John Ar· dagh, wht for some years was thl? Paris corresponQent of The Times of London. This is an arre.sting, in.depth, intelligent, endlessJy iateresting analysis of France as she P&SS;eS through a more .difficult period of transition than almost any other Western country. Not all the present symptoms are happy ones (a decline or "Frem:lm6.55.'' for one thing), a fact that has been driving many Fr&.Qcopbiles, including the author, to despair. This seems to me one of the important books of lhf new year, a sweeping su rvey .9.f everything Frerich (from giant- scaJe planning for Paris in . the year 2000 to the rise of supermarkets and decline of the national cuisine) up to and including implications of the student disturbances and general strike of last spring. THE "REVOLUTlON" of An:!agh's ti- tle refers to the long-term process of economic and social change, nol Ille dramatic uprisings ol. 1961 (a new 1789, he suggesls). M. publlshcd in England, the book dld not cooialn the chapter written for the Ametjcan edillon on the 1968 crisis - a ptriod when the French went "joyfully and creatively mad." Ardagh sees that uprising as an acu.te symptom d au over·all ''social mi.rt. Tiie *"" ll"•Wdl ".......,. ., """" ...,,, ... --a ... , '"1 "'·I ..... exasperating" French. ARDAGH IS particularly harsh oo the arts, Uteralure and philosophy of con- temporary France. 1be saddest aspect of the Parisian intellectual world today, he reports , is its air or conventionality, perhaps influenced by the Gaullist poUUcal climate, or by some ill-digested modernism which is infecting all French soclefy, if perhaps only temporarily. He senses the loss of French originalit7 on many fronts. France no longer appears to be the cultural champion of the West; jts economic and social resurgence bas tone hand in hand ' with this anilnowi ino telleclual and ari~lie decline (including a withering of tbe Sartrian movement). Ardagh ~ quite high 00 French cinema. however, wbic:rb he find! ill atlU the most creative in Europe. William 8- Dear Gloomy Gw: 'llm< -1ne bas tbe -... tJie Pueblo deal: Bet Ille N- 1 Koreana """1dn1 hijack an Ia-ae11 ... t ~·P· I\. K. A!. " • -- ----------------------------------·-.-· -----------..--c.-o:·;.,....,. St~rnty Weather . Cuts BYC Regatta . StonnY weataer over the weekend cut Bolboa Yacht Club's Wl¢er Regatta ~ and -lo a number "tldlP tho.llnal scoring. On W-coones only one race . was n.lled Saturday becausii of, Ja1n and no wind. One race waa sailed &mdl)', but· ralp and too mllcil wind p<evallod lbe aal1lng " the extra i-!iice· Ractl were also cancelled on lndde courses. Cbucll Ullman'• Red Devil from BYC was Ille _._, In tb,f eight-I Soling Oeet, mar*g the fll'St Ume this new4'.>lymplc class has sailed in Newport Harbor. There ,..,. eight boats on the UOe. Seeond place went to Burke sawyer in Greyhound from Newport Harbor Yacht Club. ~ Flna.l results in all classes: OCEAN RACING (5) -Fin· l'lleMe, George Yule and Phil Morgan, NHYC. Soog, Bob WU!tamson, BYC: (2) No. U, Bill McCorV, BYC;· (!) Haaale, Jack Scbolz, BYC. KITE (I) -(I) Ltakln Lin- coln, sue Bameson, NHYC; (2) C&tci>the-Wind, Caro 1 McCord, BYC. SABOT A (11) -(I) Cu~ tyserk, Bob Burm, CYC; (l) Putty Sark U, Curt OIBon, CYC; (!) Freja, Nina Nielsen, NHYC. SABOT B (I) -(I) Lord Jim, Jim Lord, BYC; (l) Karim, Karon Nugen!, BYC; (3) Wba4 Jim' Nugent, BYC. SABOT C (7) -(I) Ftreffi, Mark Soden, BCYC; (I) Blast, Craig Uhl, BYC. Boat Trailer Simplifies Sailor Job CUTE BOAT-Boat Show. queen Patty . Walsh chooses a sailing pram to display ber own lines and · call attention to the 13th annual So~thern California Boal Show Friday. · PHRF (23) -(t) Gosling, Skip Ell!btt, NHYC; (2) tie among Cece ll, Bill Headden, BYC; U>ld, Saville & Hayden, 14YC1 and Aloha II, Glenn Reed, 5$C. RllODFS-l3 -(l) Therapy, Gayle Post, BYC. PC (7) -Tie between Patrl· clan, Dave Pillsbury, NHYC, and Misty, Oden Braatben, BCYC. What makes boating fanatics out of desert dwellers and turns suburban garages into drydocks? The boat trailer. Boats for SoCal Slww Exhibits Setting V p ENDEAVOR (5) -Tie between Deuce, John OWen, BCYC, and Aphrodite, Bill Langjahr, SSSC. EXCALIBUR (6) -Es Velero, Pau1 Jacobs, SSSC. The Outboard Boating Club of America estamates there are more than 3'h million of these versatile vehicles whlzz. ing: alooi the nation's hJghwa"ys. Sales this year should top 175,000 units. Reasons for the trailer's popularity aren't hard to find. They allow the skipper great lleDblllly In cbooslng his . playfll')Und. .If he's tired ol fishing on a nearby river, he can always trailer the ·boat In another direction and go water stung on a distant lake. Distance is no problem. He can take his boat anywhere be can drive his car. ,,.,, Boats will begin moving in this weekeod to &et up exhiblb for Ute 13th annual Southern California Boat Show, Jan. 24 through Feb. I at Ille Pan Pacific Atxlltoriwn. L 9 s An(!eles. Officials expect it to be the tareest show yet floored by the sponsoring S o u t h e r n California Marine Association. Space bas been increased 20 percent over last yq.r's record show IO that tbere will be 200,000 square feet of ex· hll>its in the all-marine event which will feature more than 140 booths and special di!:plays. There will be a number of firsts in this year's show, in-- Cl\1dlng Ille lwgest boa! ••er displayed afloat in a special lank constructed on land, and the lint partlcipaUon by ·the. British Board of Trade in a West Coast abow. Fourteen of England's leading manofaoluren and designers 'have taken more than 5,000 square feet of the exposition. Other innovations will in- clude the electronic a n d sailboat sections, boats and marine equipment from a number af foreign countries, and special emphasis on houseboats due to the rising popularity of the i ' l j v e • aboard" craft. Show hours at the P8n Pacific will be 2 to ll p.m. weekdays, noon. to Ll p.m. ~~ .. and_ .. 7 p.m. s ya. SO~G (I) -(I) Red Devil, Clwles Ullman, BYC; (2} Greybound, Burke Sllwyei', NHYC. CAirlO (I) -(I) Mlscbief, Jocl!.C4Jmon,. SSSC; (2) Von Voyigt,' Ben von KlelnSmld, SBSA. P.CAT (13) -(I) Pacl!icus, Paul Allen, BCYC ; (2) Copy Cat, .Bob Baker, CBYC; (3) Tlp'kish D eJ I gh t, Ale1 T1cbaikowsld, MYC. LJD0.14A .(17) -One-I o r· t!le-R<lad, Jim Tyler, BYC; (I) Femur, Merlin Gayman. ABYC; (3) No 2113, CbU<k Babcock, SI BYC. I LJDO.HB (15) -(1) En- oore, Bob Cmoll, BYC; (2) Rag Doll, Jim R,ud,v, BYC; (S)-Phast, lilan OlesOll; BYC. ' l\IETCALF (11) -(I) Sea ; Once the boatman arrives at the water's edge, the trailer maw the perfect launching pad. The skipper merely loosens the tie-downs, lilt.a the trailer bed and cranks the boat into the water with a winch. When he gets ready to go home he reverses the proc:eaa. Pickard Wins Crac;k at Cup Tlie trailer also makes stor- ing a boat easy, A recent 01!(: survey ol boat club member• showed that 82 per· cent Of the respondents stored their boats on trailers, either ln the garage or the back yard. The same IUl'vey showed that nearly a third of the club members trailered their craft more Ulan 50 miles each Ume they went boallng. Tom Pickard will represent a wintry ~ blast that the host Long Beach Yacht generated heavy seas on tilt Club in tbe C-Ongresslonal Cup ' ocean course. The weather match races in March. contributed to several g e a r blm and beat blm lo th• finish UOe. . Runner-up ln the Congressional Cup trials was Harry Molosboo In Gypsy. Both Pickard and Moloscbco will represent LBYC in a new Cal..fO team race n e x t weekend sponsored by the· Southern California Yachting Association. Pickard, s a i I i n g Art f.allures. Walker's Cal-46 Tetu a, Pickard started his race smothered bis final opposition against ~ssant by losing his Sunday when he beat Roby jib sheet and falling far behind Bessant in the !inal race of his rival. But the cranky the saikff series. weath«;r played no favorites, Stanford Schooner For Sale The race wu lo have been and when Besant got his spin- sailed Saturday but w as naker wrapped 8l'Olllld the cancelled because of no wind. rudder post ,. while trying to Sunday'• race was sailed in douse it Plcbrd overhauled Tbe 135-loot salllnl! &cbooner Te.Vega tw been offered for 1aJe by Stanford University. Boat Etiquette What w Do, Wear at Show New Trophy Honors Late \val~ Elliott For 1 number of. years the Te Vega, ooce a South PacUic Charter vessel, has been used In the biological o<eanograph- k leaching and researeh pro- gram conducted by Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station at Pacific Grove. Planning to visit t h e Southern Californla Boat Show sometime during the 10 days from Friday, Jan. 24 and Feb. 2? Then li8t.en to a few words of advice about what to wear. Boat &bowl are not fonnal affairs. DreSI comfortably -especlaliy in the pedal .... tremlly departmenl Cbancu are you wUI traval a lot of yards and cllmb a few steps and ladders. Neither ia the Boat Sh<>W a pillce to ahow your aaltlest seagoing duds -especially U you an go!ng somewhere before « after the show. Back lo the feel deperbpenl Ladies who wear high-heel shoes inay f1M. themselves doing as much sitting u walk- ing -not to -taking off said spikes every time you board a boal Leather soles of any ttnd are not welcome on most boats - even t h e no-malntenence fiberg.W.. variety. Slack& are pennissable for womm and may be more comfortable. Those who lnsill on weartne Dirts or dresael lhould be .....ruI not lo select the tlgbl variety U they ezpecl to be boarding or off-boarding boats. A aba pely , mlnl.aklrt"1 IWeel 10U111 thing at the Seal· fie Boal Sbow found oot t h • bard way, to wit : exit hatch she became A new perpelual trophy justifiably flustered at -the agtwt gazes of those waiting honoring the late Walt Elliott of Newport Beach has been on the platform to board. With an embarrassed giggle she ettablished in the Los Angeles- made a last desPerate Junge LOng Beach area and will be to get out"'Of her predicament awarded tO the winner of 'a and slammed her head against CaI.:.0 team race. a vtry solid aluminum tioom. The inaugural race will be They bad to ·carry her the held next weekend in Loi reat of Ille way off. . Ang·'-· Other boat show precau-!;:IQ Harbor with Long tions; Don't board large power Beedi Yacht Club challenging and uil yachta 'without 'eabrilloBeachYachtCiub. permission. Some boats have Any other yacht club ar~ sips ilatlng, "boarding by appolnbneot only. , lllated with the Southern ln its place Stanford will use a 96-foot tuna clipper to be called the Proteus, after the Greek sea god. The Pro- teus wW accommodate n t n e oceanograpben and a crew or seven. 11ie Te Vega carried 15 of each. Operations of the Te Vega have been supported by the researeh grants from the Na- tiona1 S c le n c e Foundation. Tbese grants will o o w be terminated. He'll Back Life Rafts Don't let the young'um nm Cllifornia Yachting A.s.socla· on d~ ot belOw· decka on tton may also enter the race. large bbatt, or clhnb over Each team will be limited or in omafl boata. '!'bey could to two boats. CBYC ia defen- get hart, or the boata could ding with Art Walker's Tetua •-'• Dossett of Im Angeles be damaged. ~..., Doo't try to turn steering and Lou Comyns' Absante. · will doubUesa be a very atrong wheels, tlllen or 0 t b t r LBYC is challengin& with Tom booster cf the inflatable We nrechan1sm on boaia. Pickard in Duello and Bob rafta featur..i by SeaauD and ~ careful of loose articles Leslle In Joker DI. other manufaCluren during sitting on tables. or shelves Y.icht clubs wishing to enter Ult Southern California Boat for decoraUoo purposes. the contest should get In tooch Show. Be A._....., -.... ..a.1-.. with CBYC or oUicen: or the Dossett was a passenger on 1.:G1--c:i~ ,.....,.,.. lmu••ug SCY A. t h e ill -fated Scandinavian 00 boats. Yoo could !"'!" a AlrUnes plane that dllcbed in hole in vynal material ..... or the Pacific off Marina del ...,, .......... clothing In ---------loae q-ien Rey. <Do look. admire and uk BOAT SAFETY Dossett hopped Into one of plenty of quesUODJ _ and ~, the inllalable life rafts and you'Ve got the prke, IJuy the PLATES SET -ped unsc:athed from Ille boat of your cbok•. . ~ ?::"';oo. ... Ob yes, <any a lllDal1 llhop-More than 11,000 pleaaure hlbltot, be wu nlumlna from tfat!: !t ~ ~ boata IOld In tlll Will WTY Europe w"-be had b •en pick. Bat bo camut of what the ~ lndastry ~ 00 • -trip lo Import else D!!II!lt fall In U. S o m • tlon laltty eerUOctto plate. boating productl. ciJatonlen lea"'-• the San . Thi plate ....... pm.;==-=======.! • .... ipOCtlft boat boJoro that 1be SHARP Franclao and Seattle b o a I cnlt . .-federal and 10- Mo~, J&nllll'J' 20', 1969 Brltlslt SUghted? Ptottist Due o-,,, Cup .. Tria~· • 1.0NDON - A apokesman thinll' clarilled by the Sycf!loy Yach! f:M>," Australia. c: !or Ille Royal Dorset 'Xatbt Club : T1iia l)'lldltllte said tt ,..P Club lald his group may lodge' wm the Im challen(er be wllllni lo bli1ld a boat UM! a pcotest with ,the New York determined by an in.. employ ' 'Warwlck Hoo 4", Yacht Club ~ ar~ ternational comQ1;ittee or by dellgner of. Australll'• Dame rangements for trialJ to-the Sydney Club ak>ne! Patlll, unsucceatul 1$17 -a challenger, fOI' t b. ~-1170 America's Cup clalsl<: · Will the BritlSh or Fftnch ·•~' --RDYC ls _____. <lube have any volL'<! in the The RliVC inatead .... ~ •Ullll ~·""" an eotey from a l)'ll(licate about the possible bandllng trial arrange'ments? headed b)t Australlln .... · of the cballenger trtals by Reason for the R DY c newspaper owner Sit Frank G k Pr h the a..;;,,al Sydney Yacht Club concern was the r ...... nt ··"~ Pac'-"bo fed••· --''-"'" ree eac es o1 A'::".L,.,_ which •-· been '"' -~ ·~ -., __ ,. -·-~ of the Australian group in which •-red the UlllllO' NEW YORK (AP) -designated by NYYC as Ille. reluslnli lo C\)nduct lrla1s to cesslul 116:1 dJallenger. ~ Arclliblsbop lakovos, primate official cballenger. <boose the Australian nominee An RSYC apokeaman ~ of Ille Greet Orthodox Cburcb The understanding was that for the series. Packer bad understood Ii ol Nol'lb and South Amerl<a, th• Australian ehal!eoger ' '!be RSYC call!ed a shocl< . would be cooau]ted aboUI 8'lr preac:bed Sunday al SL Pat. would uil trlal1 against the in world yachting <~cles by o~ boat beJng built, aiid rick'• Cathedral -be<mnlng E~ and French syncikates refu!lnl! to attept the entry threalened to withdraw lfot!Mt the flnl ptelato of Eastern to determine which would be of a syndicate beaded by club pmiatecj ID maklnc llbn Orthodoly to do IO at a the final challenger. millionaire Niirman Rydge, «1111pele ID< the righ! to .Roman Catbollc churcl>. Th& RDYC wabta several c:ommodoro of the Cl'uiJlng repreaent Australta. · . AR Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Sahmlllf · ' . .. " DlllU SA·r. 0#' Y! I .. RE u E I :; .. •• ...... .. . • -· Toddl.e.fimee makes bringing up babyeasy ... ........ .....,._ ..-..--.._ ........ .... 4hl..-....... i... ...... ~0•15. no.. a.a .•. llOW 2-.. Crll ....... -c... _ ... _..., ceelM .. --~ _ .......... ..,... -- ....... , .... ... ,, .... . Wwtupwf ....... ....,._,.._ .. , ........ ,,. ... ..., lfr* • ..,.~ ........ 1. ... -,. TODAYI Stretch terry playsuit Reg.$3 ••• Now $1 FOR J..i,.,..i for .. _ "!11.e lllllo.Glrfi-1 .... ~ llNldt ilyto.torryployw•-n. .......... _ bllftg, ao*""" -s>lnsl'lllil -11hit •.,; ••• .,,.,,. ""' of ·"" wooh .. ~ .. nawl ""'"" blue, pWr,. ... -· for .... 112 to 2. • • .... ,,. ..... -1 2""' '2 ----............... ... ...., __ I __ .,._ -. ............ .,. 1.25 l1r1 ..... I I= ..,_ .... ... ........ ..., .. ... -""'""""-. _ .. ., ... _\ ~2. ..... llDW s-., .. . ._,,,, ... _ ............ .....,_.,_ ....... ...,_ .................. 1t"• ..... The sign on the hull ol the '3-foot luxury uilboat said clearly: "Ladles wear Ing lkirts. you have 1 laddt:r to climb, Nuff said." A> the minl .. ldrted YOUlll ~ att.Jnpted lo negotiate the last atep of a ladder that led atralgbl op· llnugh an lhow1 1 w et e embarraued dmtry reqWrementa I 0 r If , .... ,. • th•r1t ff•cl•. ••• ~!:i,:'!':...,:L':nc1 = UIJ!linl. "°w•Uoo. 0ota11on. :,:.~. '~'i?1'..:rJ·-:,: COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BcAC,H gadceta ai&ibed1'"among the fuel and atoemc ayltemo, and s,.,.,,,.. "''' ' .,ff,. ' ~ NEWPORT BEACH ,_ llte>ablre. Noturally, no one !.'!"c:a~ygbl ml II«_. ~~ ' · · 1•11'""'' ,...,, {Harbor Shoppl'ng Center) {Huntington Center) Fash'-lsla~d .. knew 1' they Ft there. -~--'---0,·,...-'----·L..--:....."'':....."_'_'_;''.i;' r,,,_ __ .J'-------~'----------Jrl----------·--·--·------· ~ ------· ~ . -- 4:& DIJl.Y I'll.OT Mondlr, Janull'J 20, 1969 -Police Seek Two . In VCLA Shooting LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Police today sought l w o brothers implicated by \¥It· . nesses in the shooUng deaths · of two Blick Panther Party ·'.members at UCLA. An all points bulletin was •. jssued for George Phillip Stiner, 21, and Larry J09eph 'SUner, 11, botil Identified as · 1todents at UCLA. .~ Black Panther spokesmen reported here and In San yranclsco that the party sup- plied the names of the two men lo police, but \Vest Los '.Angeles detectives refused to identify tilt affiliations of the sources. "Several \\'ilnesses to the shootings linked the Stiner brothers to the murders." a police spokesman said. "They were able to supply us with the ·street names' of the two suspects, they couldn't give us the full names. "Based on the street names we were able to show them some mug shots a1 a result of prior bookings and the witnesses idenUfied these two people from the photographs." The spokesman said the police "would rather not say at this time whether the wilne!ses were m.:mbers of the Black Panthers. The shootings Friday oc- curred at a meeting of about ISO Negro students concerning the proposed Afro-American Studies Center at UCLA. . Walnut Creek Police ' '*"' • ' 'Quiet' Over 'Noise' UPIT .......... WALNUT CREEK (UPl)- The Walnut Creek Police De- partment is conctucttng a quiet investigation of a noisy mti- dent at police headquarters. SF 'BOOK-INS' -Librarians at SJ!' State got help day that a metal-encased from more than 50 volunteers in an effort to re- "bomb" had been detonated shelve thousands of books checked out and then in 10 the walkway, but be had by strikers. Dr. Janet MacWilliams (left), assist-vefy Wtle else to say: Structural damage? ''Limit-ant librarian, and Mrs. Harvey York, classify books At 1 I p.m. Saturday, an ex- plosion shook. the building, smashing window panes a n d causing a cloud of dust to· bll· low down a narrow walkway between the station and an ad· joining building. ed." for shelving. Some books have been tossed on the were co~unicaUons or floor, moved to the wrong shelves or stolen. electrlc}ly &rupted? "No, --"------...::.-----"'---! the pohc• station was 1n •per· The -oai.ly Pilot Covers Boat1'ng ation throughout the incldent." Any indicaUon who wanted to blow up u.. police depart-Best In The West A spokesman admitted Sun· ment? "I can't imagine who." ·l\nne ·JANUARY All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Short lengths in drapery fabrics now ••. 3 yd.for'I ThtM solid oM print fabria ....,. mad. to .. n for much 1110r• ! Thi1 group indudet 2 kt 5 yd. lwigth1 ... • greot r;honc. to _..on ben.r q1Jatity yordo;e in &hort ltong1h1! n ~VDU~ ~NJIEY HRGE ACCOUNT TDDAYI SPECIAL BUY! Short or average length half slips 99c You'U want o wardrobe full of thtte nyloil tricot half it.pi, prwttily trimmed in Sow or erNralct.y. if'I ..tiite or mlCltild colon, lhoclow pGl\lled, in .hai1 °' crver911 itnglhll W-0-,,.'1 -'!, fNdlvm, loro-. /, ;~ ----We,...,,•1 hleut• cuid apett top 1avi"91I Orig. '4 NOW 2.44 • Auort.0 ltylff, color1 • Brok.-Ni" • Molle your .. 1«1;0... _.,. TMrifk MYl"ll.,. 9itf'at•p1....t Orig. '3 NOW 1,22 • Umit9cl qvontiti9s • AllOf'Md •tylet. colors • ltolc"" 1ir" Fashion clean· up on women's dresses nowJ Orig. $6 NOW 4.88 • AslOtted style1, "'""' • lrobn tint • 11 eorfy for bes r wlKtianJ Wom•n"• U.ir1• •t 9r.ot..1avint1! Orig. '6 NOW 3, .. 4 * AUOl"!td 1lylts, lobrit~ • B•oken 1irfl • Choi(.'G r:I f•iu SportnN« Mfton, Hpon!IN4 MY!npl Orig. '6 NOW 2.44 1 S.. fhei.e OUorlt!d .tylo< • lroken toil*' • el fobr1c1 Girl's 1weal•n "'""' cliJGr•n<• prit"lcU Orig. •s NOW 2.22 • Vorioul 1tylM, col«1 • lrok.-.i1 .. .............. ........ ................ .. t-twtic .. "vi,,.tl Orig. 3.98 NOW l,ff • Vcsied stylot, fobrfu • Broken rim • limitM quorttitiM Girt'' 1kim "ow .pecially pric1d! Orig. 14 NOW 2.22 • AlllOrted 1tyl11, fobrics • w ..... :, .. in thh ~""0"') i Sow• ... ditoMrtinu-' tlw curtolM newl Orig. 2.91 NOW 1.66 • As.orttd 1tyt .. , colori • lroken .i1ff • OiKOl'llinutid 1tyle1 Fashion dean· up-heels, flats & casual shoes! Orig.8.99 NOW 4.88 .~..,. ............. t B"°"" tir.. 10 be «Wly ord 9UWl Girt'1 e"kl• 11!9Ah cl1arence prltetl1 Orig. '4 NOW 2,22 • Auoritd 1tylol, '°""' • lnlbn t.i 1M • V~fohria fo"f9etit ..vi"" .,. men'• .,.,. thlrhl Orig. 3.91 NOW I.ff • ChooM fl"Olll a -;.ry cf rtylu md cclOl'I • lrdtGl'I tit•' COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Harbor Shopping ~nt.r) Order Out \ of SF Chaos? UlllW Prtu 1111-lltnal A group of volunteers, work· td to the accompaniment or jeers from diSsident students Sunday to restore order in the library of San Francisco State College. The library at the troubled . collei• "~ dilrupt.d last week by stullenta who checked out large numbers o( books and immedi&tdy r e1t u r n e d them in an effort to create confusion. The library slaff was unable to cope wllh tbe I a r g e numbers of book.It b e i n g * * * * * * No Grades Threat Made by Strikets retumed at ooe time. When 50 volunteers, ln- ctuatng the w1fe of college Prealdent S.l. Hay aka w a, sought lo stralgbten OUI the mesa &md.,-they w e r e tbreatened by stodtnts who told them to leave and threw a book at \hem, J>olice res\ou<I Order. Hayakawa planned to meet 1<1c111 with a• four._bol' teem from tlle Federal Law Enforcement A 11Jat11 n c e AdminlltraUoo, which la ltu- dyine the disturbances which have been takin& place at the college since two minority stu- dent groups declared a strike Nov. 6. Alao slrik.ina: at San Fran- cisco State are aome 350 or the school's 1,300 !acuity memben, who went out Jan. Nixon Prayer ~~ J::.:!.:""i! said he would fire the otrtklnJ VATICAN CrrY (UPI) -tuchen, but bad nol done Pope Paul VI, in a telearam so yeL to President-fllect Richard M. At San Jose State Colle1e. NlJon, pld today he ia asking 21 American Federation or God to "protect and guide" Teachers memben who struck the new Preildent and reward in sympathy 'fJitb the striking SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) L who miss classes for five con-his "efforts for unity and t.eacbera were notified of their A spokesman for striking secUtive days w i t h o 11 t peace." "automaUc" resignations. union teachers at San Fran-authorization are subject ton================""====; cisco State Co'llege says sOme "automatic resignations." students may not get grades Bierman said SUnday AFT this semester unless California members want to glve the officials "b a c k down an d students grades for their negotiate." semester's work, "but can't Prof. Arthur Bierman of the unless governor ( R o n a I d ) American Federation o f Reagan ·and the state college Teachers, referred Sunday to administration back down and the state's ruling that teachers . negotiate honestly ... " - folnmuniC.rn\'181 IS COMING SOON . ........... • .......... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , EL RANCHO: the super~ ........ ,.. ..... ..,. e : e : .. • e: • • .. • e1 .. el I .: ei • • • • • • ' • ' Deliiht your family ""ilh hot biscuit!! .•• and delight your budget with El RMtdto"1 rNll't l'lliuel 1114gehi lllMer . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . 7K Fresh ... grade ··~A".,. Crom pure rich cream'. Smucker's Preserves ........ 3 •·· •1 · Apricot Pineapple, Boyl'if'n. Grape, 01"3nge Marm· ;1.Jadf', Peach, Plum, Stra\vberry ... 12 oz. Cl"b1lrs Soups .............. 8 ··· •1 i,.-MI> ....... Chicken Noodle, Chicken Start, Chicken Rict! lnttlllt v.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ,.~ ...... , ..... -<>-( Hearty coffet in a jiffy! ... 8 oz. j ar. MttrMal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 4 ••. '1 l)riginal li qu id diet.Arr •.. 1111 fh1.,•ors'. Fiddle Fiddle .................... 3 •·· '1 Snack that makeg a hi t nf'ry t.1m' ! Pri<ot t. If f ul at olt .io,..,, MOtl ., Tui1., Wed ., Ja:n.10,t!, 11. , t!e.lt Leif ,rou·nd . . . pertectJ1 .-.uc.Md , Pmeat meata . . • preQ.aion 69f ••• re&dy to ahape and ~! , . · I 1ee1 ·w.er ......................... tr. .. t ·-' • Young .and tender ... and you know it'&•tNlhJ • ............................ ~ .... :-, __ . , _,~· , .. ,,·~r{J·'.., ia:-.-IO~•"'-" , . , teWM-il ••• . . •. El Rancho'• own .•. Ranch ttyle 1Hcn! CNllchy crisp Golden lJ&. 5 '1 V'• L Jiciou~ .•• Fill the bowl and I watclt th"11 dinppo&r I • I . " The: Town Crier Orange County Calendar THI GIRLS CLUI OF THI HAUOR ARIA 1115 Anaheim Strllt Costa MIM i1 c•nfreUy located to •c· commoclata 9 i r I 1 ages l>-16, Monday thru Satur· .toy. Volunfaers er.e con1tantly ne•ded 1t the Girls' Club. to supervise and teach in the creative 1rt1. Th is is I 9ratifyiil9 experience for l1dias with time to spare and are willin9 to 1here thitir tima end know- ledge to help mold the ch1rect1r1 en~ talanb of the youth of today. No former training or pre· raquisife, required. We need you! Bring your talent and share It. Call the Girls Club et 6-46-7111 for further in- formation. Write or C1H Pa99T. Taylor for In ormation 1bout this Column 548-3432 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 11 O Broadway Street Costa Mesa, California Tel. ~48-3432 Minister Says Ray Innocent QUEENIE By l'ftll lntllfcmcfi • Troops Airlifted To Europe Games N U ERNBERG, Germany PHILADELPHIA (AP) -(UPI) -Amerlc1n j el The director of the Southem transports bqan landing at Christian Leadership Con-Nuernberf CUy Airport today ference'a nonvloelnt· education in 1 two-ell)' airwt lbat will ~--~-~~u~~ maneuven. Eul European COmmunlll oewspapu1 have deacrlbed the maneuver1 as 1 "tevere provocation." Jamea Earl Ray Is innocent Uie Ulli:.d Stal# to Germany of murdering Or. Martin for maneuven • miles ftom S h D J d Lulher King Jr. Bul he isn'l UJe Clecboslovlk -· earc e aye saying what evidence he has. Tbe Cltl St 1r11 ft er At a news conference Sun· trlDlpOl'lt carryln,s troops of LOS ANGELEs (UPI) - day, the Rev, James Bevel tbe U.S. Mtb Infantry DMalon The search for the sunken tall said, "I won't discu.ss the were acbeduled to land about secUon ot 1 Scandinavian Alr· specific evlden.:e now because every half hour Wftil the airlift lines System DCI jeiliner it wouldn't be beneficlal to ii completed Tue.lay. They which crashed In the 'Pacific Jamea Earl Ray. But he 's Dew from Forbes Air Force Last Monday wu halted Sun- not guilty." Base near Fl Rl.ley, Kan. day becauee of heavy seas Bevel, 32, a former liaison 1be enrdael are de1i&neft and conUnual ra.in. officer between SCLC and to perfect techniquea for Authorities hoped to resume militant Negro groups, sent emergency rtinforcement of the deep-water search today a telegram to Ray Saturday western forces in Europe. some eight miles off the coast which read: i..:::::!~~~~::.1!;;-'L~O~:.::;:::::.:::;:~-.J. More than 71000 AmuJcan from Los An&ela lnternaUon- The only medication that Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now! Moat complele 3-way rellall · This import1nt d1v1lopm1nt in htmorrbold lr11tm1nt com11 to YoU aflt< fivt )'tlft of ac+tntific •nd clinical IHtinr. Not .wy dots Coutlltrnoldt work by lns1nh11 PllO la• Q bl tollJnC, IOOl!liO~ tnd protect1nr lnjul'ld tissue ... but unllkl "'"' ottitr htmcwrhoid product Counltrnoid 1110 WOl'U 1 thirdwty. TllanQ to an 1xclusive lormul1 with DSS,0 "''only Counttrnold 1ets to I ""'°" CIUll Q.f hem«· rllolds: l'Jlnful 111rd consllp.tion. Without lrrlt1tln1 llulivt tfl'ect. Htr1'1 how: In hosplbl XitY tests doctors "''' demonstrated that , !ht r1ma1bblt Counternold fotm11· latlon with DSS,. P111t1rata '-i mlnutu to Ult top el tllto-.,., to toft• tM ......... tht •I lnGMllllt. tt•t11•---1 .. -to..Ulllbnl poulllt. So, ~ "" lnnttll Ult ""' .,,.. l•ar of raa.rrlnJ ftllnar hllro1tdf u0Ub1n.1n 1_., 1111t1 w1111 mtdlcallY·tnttd Counlnold. · At!Ulfly, UMd 11 dlftdld,~ l1mold olt1r1 the ll'IOll CCl!lpllftl 3·WIY relltf )'OU ~ pt without', I presmpUDn Of' Wlthoirt lllrtrJ., In stainllu crum or ~torlu. At 111 drv1 countm. .,.,,_., --·u• .... '"'· "t would like to Inform you "Don't ut queations.-jdst ~urry.• troopl ~ved tarlier for the aJ Airport. that I would be very happy _....;,.-'----------'-------------------------- to lake your case without fee. -------------------1 I w~ present on April 4 at tile ltorraine Motel when Dr. King died -you have been accused of murdering him. Of course, I know you are not guilty." King, who headed the SCLC, was shot to death In Memphis, Tenn., last April 4. Ray wa."l arrested · in l,.ondon following an inte~ve manhunt and ex· tradited to Memphis . ..,.here he faces trial beginning March 3. Bevel sa'id he didn't step up with his alleged in- formation sooner because '·I hadn't been responsive lo hlm. "But then I thought. 'here's a man sitting here that shouldn't be here.' .. Bevel said he would continue to be "very good and warm" toward Ray even if Ray decides not to accept his services. Give the United Way Camp's Freedo1n Road Led 110,000 to Death COLOGNE, Germany (UP I) -For more than I 10,000 persons the road to death Jed under a gate sign that read : "There is one way t o freedom." "Its milestones are called diligence, obedience, honesty, order, cleanline ss , reasonableness, truthfulness, spirit or-sacritice and love of the fatherland," continued the sign over the entrance to the wartime Nazi con· centration camp at Sachsenhausen. Today a West German court called to trial on charges of complicity in murder nine of the former Nazi SS guards who tended those who walked the one-way ''way lo free- dom." A \\'est German court In 1965 sentenced nine SS guards to terms of from one to 15 years in prison for taking part in mass murder in Sachse n ha use n. Fresh evidence produced this new trial which court ol£iciala oaid may last a year. Former SS M. Sgt. Otto Kaiser was the mai.n defen- dant io 1965 and received a 15-year term. The *year .old engineer was now being tried again, the fr esh evidence bringing fresh charges. Sachsenhausen wu a con- centration camp whlcb, ln the language ol Adolf 1Utler'1 Third Rei ch, "·as 1 different beast from a death .camp. In such death camJll as Auschwitz the SS guards' main business was mass kiDtnc. Jn concentration camps u. · vlc- tlm.I perished mostly ol. hanh coitd.ltions, mainly malnutri-. iloo. •' The mng of Money GIJJJJes )JaS come to Cheviin TslaJid., $2,300000 . IN r,ASH & MERCHANDISE . . ~rzrofdJV ~lil r!(fJ jl!J ~ Thousaiids rJ lllP"'" ._, ....... u. Get your Wiki Wiki game card at over 3000 Standard Stations and participating Chevron Dealers! Gome to Ghevron 1s/{lllll. .. 'Wllti'Wllti! 5 WAYS TO WIN! ~-- SJANDARD SJATIONS -~ CHMON DEALERS All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturdai. enne~J ALWAV9Fl~9TllUAlrrY THRU SAT. ONLY! REDUCED I • On the pair! Penncrest washer and drJ&r ••• color costs no nlOl'8 at Penneysl 4 speed, 16 lb. washer ... 4 wash/ rinse tempera· tures in white or colors, tool Reg.~95 NOW $188 'ar aa littl• 01 8.50 par month •All mer pore.loin in wtlite, coppenone or cwocado • 4 wcnh/spin spNd Ntting•, soak cycle Nttings • 5 walh/rint• t•mJ*'otur• settings, bt.ach fountain • full, medium, low woter 1..,.1 .. ttings, water sovtr • HtoYy/no,.nol/l;ght soil llftlngo TCICIAYI 4 temperature gas dryer ••• adjustable signal sentry ••• color keyed to the washer! Reg.169.95 NOW$155 l'#JY ot little ot 7.SO per month • 4 ltn'lfM"Ohw• Mttings, 10 minute coof..doww • Pormloln finish top ood drum, 130 minute ff'""' • Interior light, toe top door operw • Easy occtss filter, rotary tantrol1 • Choke of .-ado, ,_...,.or- 4 temperature electric dryer Reg. 139.95 NOW .................. , ............ *1M NO MONIT DOWN ... USI PINNIY'S TIMI PATMINT PLAN • • • ~-::-. •• OOQ-... -······ .. ~ ... "_,._,, -= t • N E W P 0 RT BEACH lh•hion lol1nd) HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington ~nler) ~;. DAILY PILDT • :·County NEW PENALTY? "Frederick Saterfield For the ... .. • • • :DEATH IVOTICES F.SPIN07.A • lltow l . Ell'lnoll-'292 ~nit Ynr1 • Orift, HvnllM!aol a..dl. SU"'IWCI ~ • twt -. "-utQ ..,. M.ll'CIM; 111~ •tl<l"9hten.. P1uline E. P..-rlnr, Eli.a , Lv9GJ, end Cfn.111 ~in.11w, w;~ ~ 1f1m P~rl~. Rof., ... /, fonl!lftl, MDlld1y. •?;JO PM. Reciultm r.14111, TueMSar. II Mondq, J'11"1J ID, 1969 Killer Be turned io Court 1'No. 14. Saterfield , Frederick. 187 P.C. (2 COUlllS) Pen.ally ," II was a criminal court calendar set.- tin& Friday that made the calendar clert klok twice. "Say, isn't tlull the iUY v.·l11>'s on Dealh Row for tllat Santa Alla killing ... ~ .. II ls. It's the same Frederick: Saterfield woo was sentenced to death by Superior Court Judge Byron K. McMillan on March ID, 1966 for the slaying the previous Nov. 26 or his estranged com- mon law wife and her daughter. The tall, rangy Negro, who left the courtroom for San Quentin and Death Row as impassive as when he entered it, is baCk to haunt the men who thought that they had senl to the gas chamber the man who cheated it once before -in 1950 "'hen ht' was convicted of murder in Los Angeles County. He served sU: years in state prison on that count and was paroled in 1956. Ten years later, ahnost to the day, the 49-year-old carpenler drove up lo the home of his estranged common law Record wife al 2222 W. IOU> st., Santa Ana. Shortly aft.r his 111Tivaf, nefijlben p1io ... ed poIJoe and complalned d. wbat ..,. elderly lady aa1d wu "•n 1whd racket going oo at the house acroa tba way, ..undJ like '"''"'mhlg and lhootlni·" ft undoubtedly wu. When offian gol there Ibey loond !he bodi., of Palrjcja Washington, 30, and her daughter by a former marriage, Mary A I i c e Washlnglon, 19. Both bad been shot to death. Mn. Washlng1oo'1 buflot.ciddfed bc"'1 WU 00 lhe kllcbeo 0oor .and Mary Allot's c:orp0e waa found in a bedroom. Police believe she was franUcally fleeing from the enraged Saterfield·when she wai shot. They didn't . haYe to toot very far for their man. He wu found a 1bort time later in a construction area near tbe modest borne where t•o women died. He had taken seven of his nine children from that home to stay with friends in Los Angeles. Santa Ana pol~ are aUU mw1.inC today over the criticism that wu levelled at them durlna and afUr lhe Sl.IUfield ~ U waan1 aid ln.u llW\Y wudl bat thl:1'e were several rtf~ to Mn. Washiocloo'1 -1 for protodioa followlt!i wller lllr<ala by $aterfttld. Whal mus! be decided Mooday Is whether Salerlleld mull go lo !he pa chaplber that ls bQt a few mlnutel' walk from the cell be bu occupied for · Ull put two years. He avoided !be dreaded "plli" becau,. of a cbalk"'° lo the dtalh penalty tbal WU only determined by a f.3 dedaloo d. the l1lllt<d Sta!M Su.....,. c.un. Saterfle)d'1 fonner proeecutora: make no ...m of their dimNsl·wlth !he whole . procedure. one menibtr of the dbtrict attorney'• office corilmented: .. I can't ... bow lhey1f e...-gd !be jury lo agree on a verdict." saterfleld ii guilty. 1bat vtrdld cannot be changed and be ii not being brouil>t back lo Orange County with !hat In question. But thould be die for the ldlli!!f ol Palrtcia Wuhlnglon .and her da~ • Fourth Round Filly • Tip Fails Newsmen Driver Held In Traffic Deaths of 3 M-'!MM .. Wliy Do Y~u Have A Poor Anaheim A .. cqmrmg Me1nory? An Arsenal A .. t<d pubfuhtr in ChlCll{lo reporu tMre ii a simple ttch- niqut for acquiring a pc»Nr· ANA.HEIM Re I 11., ful mtmorv which con pay Anaheim. 11ou reaL dtoidtnds in both Your poll c e department b'Ufinesi and .social adoontt· believes 1n the old Boy Scout m.ent and works likt ma,,ie credo: "Be Prepared." . • Many Anaheim residents to give 11ou addt~ poist, nt- woodered just wbal was going ct.ssarv 1tlf.co~fid.tnct cnul on -or about to go on _ greater populantv., thll week when city council According to thu publish.· agreed to apply for $3,000 in er, many people do not ·re~ federal funds that woold be ize how much they could 1n• used to purchase ''firt.armS fluence others 3imply by re· and riot control equipment." membtring accurately tVtTY· Before barricading their thing they see, hear, or read. doors and sealing their win-Whether in bu.sintSJ, at socio! dows many Anahelmers called functiurll or even in Ct1$UGl the police department. They convtf'satiom with new OC· got the. soothing reas~aoces : quaintancts, there are toaY• "It's JU8t a formality. We in which vou can dominate dani 1expecl any_ lroable. But each situati0ti b~ )'OUr fb:'Uty WILLOWS -A motorist In-there 1 no harm in taking. ad-to remtmbeT'. volved in a traffic accident vantage of the precautions To acquaint the YeatltTi of that killed a camp Pendleton outlined and financially back-this paper with the ~to. Marine Corps sergeant., his ed ·by., t b e federal govern-follow rults fOT' dtt)flOping mtJll. <kill in remembe ...... "" liny-' wife and little boy three , "" "'¥' """""...., thing 11ou choose to rc,.,.,ni. months ago has been charged r•LSE TEETH "''· th• v•bli•h"' h•v• pr:it>., with ml s demeanor rM ted full details of th.e iT' stlf· mllnslaughter. Ch i Etri I tra ining method in a nito LBJ Lists Newport in U.S. Budget Sgt Olarles Reidel, 28, his ew ng c ~ncy booklet, "Adventure• in Mem.-- Dis grunt I• d count Y the advice of the Post Toasties wile Nonna Jean, 'l1 and her Increased up to 3So/o ory." which will be mailed courthouse newsmen "e r e heiress. Fourth Round was 3-year~ld son died in the cun!C61 \atl lJrOft J0111 CN1 DOW /rtt to anyom who requests President Johnson's budget ruefullyreftectingFrlday,tbat beaten into second place in smashup on Inter s tate :'"~~~~=~it. No obligation. St11d your. requests to Congress last week Marjorie Dye was as good the slxlh race at Santa Anita Highway Five south 01 ~·~~":,~~ name, addre111, and zip codtJ included Sl.75 million for con-a tipster as she wu a litigant. Friday. Willows, Calif., in m 1 d-and fmrtr. .._. O.rmlJ '° t.h1J feel to: Memory Studit.f, 835 D£. October klOf'9 comlon.llt.. PAS'l'UI'B lit not. eluding work on beach e~ One of I.he last comments Mrs. Dye and Fullerton City Glenn' County District At· :!~"c':::k'!~·~ versey Pkwy., Dept. SOS-911, sion projects from Newport made by Mrs. Dye at the Councilman Ralph Diedrich tomey Roy McFarland issued r>mcun. Ui&t at '" -.ntw "' Chicago, lU. S06l4. A pose. Beach to Surfside. f • of S . Court d d a complain' l nanun' g William, ;""'=:"'="°=--='°"'=="m=""=-=-=="::.·°'c=a=Nl=w=il=l=do=.======i· The total budget request for cone USlOD a uperior eel ed on joint ownership of .i~ 09'P.MTBTB•*.Udrue ~. the corps amounted to more trial which determined the the gray filly after a Weary Christian, 28, of Chico, of· than Sl.5 billion. The .money Mure own· er·"p of the filly, . ~ l hou ficials said Friday. a.iu Jury argu~ or two rs The Reidel family was en for the local project will con-F urth Ro d "Put h th Mr Dy Imo I o un , was: your on w e er s. e W· route to Camp Pendleton when c ude the engineers' w o r k on the Newport Pier and San-money on her M'lt week. ingly sold the horse tO' the a-ash wiped them out. ta Ana River Jetty. You'll be glad you did." Diedrich when she accepted ---R---d---h----ll A !Olli or ll m!Uion will be Al !wt two d. the newsmen 110,000 from !be coi/ncilman, . ea T e Uvi,muniC.rlli\lal IS COMING SOON used fOl' the projects, whlle who cOvered the1trill are very There'll be no second Ume D 'I P'I f the resr will be paid back lo sorry !aday tllat Ibey took around !qr Fom1h '.Round • 0 I Y I 0 agencies fumishiftg funds (Ol' ,,..::.::.....:::=_:=.:_::::._:=_::.::::::....:::....:..:::;::...::::.::_: ____ _,'. _____ _.!!::====================::! previous work. \ • AM, boll! ., $1. I0011ftf1!U•I Ctlholic •Church. twntlngton ae.cn. Oln-c!ed , bY Pftit F1mll1' Coklnlal Funtr1I F• I' II .•-ire ~a s Most of the construction ·work in ill final phases will jnvolve placement of st.eel groins and sattd filling. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday , PORTER p•f,o • • • Hiiiie Ann Por!tr. 7'01 /Nfl!IOIO Av.., • t "'"''~~ .... ~ .S.I /Mr. Aire 61; O.!t at de.In, a .,., 0 •J1nu1rv 11, Survl......i br hU$lwlnd, JOlln , ... Porr.r; d1uohttr, M r1. ~rve A. •VHPfl", CC.Sii Me .. 1 9r11ldson. Rjd>- • 11"11 KtrP. Hun1irl9!111> 8•1U!; •1'111 - , tl'fff..grondchild. SBvM: .. , !OCltl', J , PM, 81ln: Cl!t!lt'I, ll:!O E. Co.•I Hit+>- 'w1v, Co'""' del M1r. Entombment, 'Melrow Ai>MI' MIUSOltum. Btlll Mor- .......... Oi-ectori. JAIIBA US JDSePll R. J111r1u1. nt N. t1111I eou-'It••"'· L1t u111 llfld'I. lorn AU9. " '1•9; c!ied. J1nu1rv 11. lK•. survived ·by wife, Ft1nu1; '°"' JOI...,. Rldo- 1rd II ; IW<> 11r1nd1om, JllH!lh Rlcll.ird 111 111d Jet!~v L. Jthttu.: lit•.,.,. """'hler, Jennll<r l. JIMIUi: 1i1~, Mr1 • .t.. Y. sm:1h. 111 111 L1w .... •Gr1vnldio '""'1Cf1 will ~ ""Id T\IK' ·o»v. 1 t AM, F1Jr,..•"" t•m•lery. will! ·••· 011111 Turner ottkl1lin11. Oirec._ ,f!l bv ll!IU ... B••Ch Mort ........ WOLNEY 1EU• c..r~rine WollleY. 351 ""ill SI .. 't11u ... -..ell. 05" J11\U1rv 11. 'su,.,lved bv two 1i11tn. ,,,_.,., Le1rv. 'sun v1 1~,. ind Mltlllnf L. Sm/Ill, Ml$0n City, tow11 three netlhlvn, DI. •J im Sml!h, Los An911<!1; 'Tom Sml!I\, •i.o. 01kot11 1nd Jolln Leery, Glend1I'° I niece. Ml•le Lk:ur1.1. p;,,..ry w11 r1- 'cilf<I', Sund1Y, 7:30 PM. Rt<1ultm Miii :w11 c!!'lebr1ltd 11111 mornlno, Mcn41v, !bllll ,, Sf. (11he!'int'I C1tt.ollc Chun:ll. ,lnl'lrrnet'lt. S!. J~'• Cl~rv. M• ,...., City, 1ow1. servk01 tondlKled bv 1L11\flll 8e1r;h Mqr_~u_1rv. • PAYNE '811f!Che Eilef:n P1.,,.. . .t.11e 65. DI »). O•Av•nkl1 CtJ!lll•, LIOU ... Hl/11. D11e .i OH!h, J1nu1rv Jt, Su1vlvP<I bv l'lu1- •1>1nd, F, E. P1vne, Jr.; b,11111tr. •~ •••rder Ptlenon, Mln...,,..11; sister, \Aull! E. P.t..,_,, l1 Joll1. S@n1lces 4111d in~r~I will be held in Orlon .. .... ul<!. Mln!'lts.ull. L•llU ... &ndl Mor!u- ,1rv. 10.w1Mlifl9 d h·tdort. Taurw -cond\oeled Maftdln 1tld Ft1dl\ll kir $d\ool t t1un QI llflfl .,.,, IWtl •nd ""1¥9 or O!her !Ir· o~•llcns cf 1 t 11111t !fl.II ... le•• el •. ""-i..1 o-inn ull Mr. DudtlT RICll, M2-all, IEal, trl. DEATH NOTICES BENDER lhfl l tnder. 1137 Pirie 51, Hunllno· Ion l•1ch. survived bV hti>l>lod. H•r· oldi d..,.ohtfro, Mn. June B•lf.r '"" Mn. Ml•I.,. Siclf"'edio"; 1l1lers, Meor11rtl MlllN 111d V-"9 Hubblrd: U ,,.nddlllclre" ind lflrff trfll t<'IMOl!ld~. F111'1i1r .......... lil<IM wbhlftli • l'lllke ~.i o»MrllHl- llonlo plate contriblltlt lo """ hllem 511r .._ E""°""""I Fund, 31:11' 2ltd sr., Hl.ltll!lltTCIR 8-ch. s.rvlcH. 11 AM, W~, SL Wllfred't (hurd'L, will! RI!"/, J1mes C.lrY otfkllllflt, lnlenr.ent, F1ln..wn Menw"i.I P1r1t, Or•""'-D1rctld bY Smlllll Ml!rMry. GABRIELWN Miry G1brilbon. 111m S.nl1 C•tbet"· l..e, Faunl1ln. V1!ir.o. survlvtd by d111ohl..,1, Mi's. Els~ Fowler 111111 ..,,.,. tll.il It. Sdll; tcur 11r1rldchlklnt1 ind eltl'lt ol'fll'9r'•lldchlldren .• ,..,..,, 7:45 PM tonltlll, Mof'dly, 5mllti1 Ch-I. Re<111!tm M11J. I AM, Tueld•t• SS Soman I. Jude C1!llollc Cllun:h. lnfe,. mft'll, Good SheMtrd C~e~rv. 5mlffls Morl\llrv, direcior!. BUNCE Ch1rtes G. l unc1. Ul'l 5. lllrth, S1nt1 ..,,.., Ser•~• Pff'dlf!O. Smi!hs Mcr- h1•1•. Mesa Boys' Hearing Set Juvenile court authorities have set a Jan. 24 hearing for one of three Costa Mesa boys allegedly involved in at least sevea burglaries or homes in the $anta Ahl Heights area. Disposition of the 15--year- old youth will be decided on that date. Court action hu: yet to be scheduled on his three alleged COOJpanions in the housebreaking ring -two Costa Mesa boys ages 15 and 11 and a 17-year-old youth from Ohio. Los AngeJ es County sher· iff's officers alerted Orange County deputies of the young· sters' role ln the burglaries with the arrest of John A. Paytosh. 22, of Valinda. Pay- tosh, described by deputies as VA.i'l REE the "Fagin" of the burglary Ev• v ... Rw. 111111 s ... 1, M••I•. ring. is charged as ringleader Faun11in VI I...... 0w..... ot Pi.•• f l h h b ki .. flefl Fov. 740 E. 16111 Pl.Cf. CCll!I Rffll"r'. H1,1fllin!l!cn Be1ch. 51,1rvlved by 0 e 0U5e rta ng enter• WleSI. survl-b' 1w11>11nd, Ml. llov•• t11,1~nd. Henry J. Vin RH; 1om. prise. FOY ~r:N: two dairvMotn. 8,i!M'ltf. MonK· Don1lcl and D1vld Mc,11,1fhet. Ser\'- '"'"' 111d ChrilllM, Fr1nce; 1!ster, Mn. lctt. TUl!$d.v, IO:XI AM. Dlld•t Paytosh is held in custody :,lrmooci. Dll!ffd, Fr1nce. R.oulem lronitn OltlP"I. lfllermeft1, P1clllc awaiting Setting Of hiS COUrt ..M•n WI• celebr1!ed. Frla1v, Jin. 11, \lltw ~I Pirie. Dlredlld lly .. , SI. Md'llm'' C.iholic (hUfCh. 111-D!tllat lro!Ml"1 Mor1u1rv, M2-7771. 8rfaignment. ~....,...,,, ~ s~rd ce-terv.1---------------'----------I ?f!r..cted bv 8•11 8roedw1Y Mcrtu1rv. J.10.8rC!ldwn', Ca1!1 ~. 1.-------,,----------------.1 RICHARDSON BALTZ MORTIJARIES Corona del r.tar OR J.NSO Colta Mesa MI i-14%4 : :. BELL BROADWAY I r.tORTIJARY ·J:lO Broadway, Cost.I ~1esa u lh1433 DILDAY BROTHERS HuuUngton Valley Murtuary 17111 Beacb Blvd . Hun1J1g&otl Beach se-m1 PACIFIC VJE\Y MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery • r.tortuary Chopef 1 ;sot Pacific View Drive • Newport Beac~. California : "4-%780 PEEK FA~OLY COWNIAL FUNERA~ HOME 1tl1 Betita Ave. w ............. - SMml'f MORTUARY U7 ?ital• SL -Hamtinita Bt.acll LE MUI , WF.8J'CUFF A10RTUARY , G'7 E. 17dl SL , C.SLI Mesa : -' ' ' --( Pamper yourself with midwinter beauty! Conditioner,shampoo3 50 and styling tre1hnent • Shampoo and set ,3 (Mon .. Tues. & Wed. only) NO APf'OINTMINT NlClSSAIY We ipec;ollte In f+i• cors of fo,hion •iv' PllLLallTOM 0r1,,...11rc ... "" 1"41 llfV.1)14)0 MUJllTINOT'Olll ••AC.H """'""'""' '"' ... 11111 "--· "1·1111 ... N•W,Ollt ••.&c.11 f ftl'lkllo """" '"" 11oo1. w.n1t COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH ..._(H•rbor Shoppi09 C.nt0<I ,_.. (Huntington Conlor) JANUARY • ' Women's dresses shift into spring! 5.88 ·-... -. ........... .. frant ••• r.m, to..., 1111o ... cn:1 ..... ... IPflng. Pkttnd .,.. lwt • t.w styMt ••• •1111hthl flonlr.-11,..ft, b•, ~· ----···-nMW-W.,. ~ Oftll9I., ,.... ...... •"-ll'ltiU!ll ll).11.12-20,ondhall5ml 1.f.241 Women's costume lewelry In your faworlte styles! 2f99c Holr ................. c--......., .. ,.... ... ,.. ............ ..w ....... ,... "°"' t.k:a ..... -terJt! NEWPORT BEACH 4foshion lslond) Californians . . ' Try:r. .. to · Repair I. Ravages • Monday, JanU117 20, 196ql conservatlonllta are unwilling '' uu. point to «>mpromlae some ilsuea 11ucb as lhe redwoods w damming por- Uons of the Grand Canyon. ' Edltor's Note: For nearly 200 years, man haJ exploited Calllornla's natural resour- ' ces iq an effort to build and .Jive "the good Ille." Here is the Urst article on how Cali- fornians now are trying to repair the scars or that ex- ploltaUon. planned new communlti'9. Then tbere is U I l y California, as is dramatized in emotlonaJ words ~ n d pbotograpfla ''by C(lf)o- s e rvationist .. uthor William Bron3on in his book. ''How to Kill a Golden Slate." ' ' earth ha1 been riped' (Ix' to outtaae hla propei,, be t!tabllahment' ol. the Redwood K1mJ concJOOed, 11lt's going ... .....,.,'-'*" _;:: dfY'tlopment. and piles ol hlb-aald. Natkna.I Put on Ctllfornll'1 to have to be a collective ..,..., bisb ond aarbage otrewn .ions Bot Kimi 'lldded, the land-!(orth Cout. • e!Jcrt !or everybody In Now Poss1'b1emo SL..!-1"':: .U,yi, beadltl ond atrum .....,. will •f!Cbl a1J7 ' at-• "We're speaking C9ut ~ CaU!omla. Wt are not going '.l .I.' IU'lllAo -· HdJ. tempi to Hep him 1rom using . i.ctloa •• r .... -~.. to solve""' problems by c1... painful Hemorrhoids ~--·-nu. C&llfomla it ·• bell hll land without compeoaation Waybura aald, 1 • T he 'I ' r e Ing our eyu to economics, • Bronson speaks bitterly of the California ln ~hi.ch most of the state's 20 million men, women and children \Vork, sleep. travel, play, breathe and dream. bl 1 l)liosi=~ eltll\OI wont," for the 1ou ol It." spealrlng o1 em acting !tom or clo!ing our eyes t o And ~llJ S~The ltcJUnr, Bromlon' 1 · ~f 11we llve ·m "AD o1 ua want clean alr that env1rorunent anything estheties" R li · In -• ,. __ _,_ V"'• C1ll!Omla."" ond wattt,•• W••born said. they can." · W burn. nd oth llitant • eve ain -.....,_ ' -~ A! ' By BILL ST ALL SACRAMENTO (AP) This is a tale or two Californias : Beautiful California and Ugly Ca lifornia. ''"" -~ ·~r "We can't hive Unrestricted ay a er m New Yort,, N.T. (Sped.al): Sd. The spanWi P,dfts bePn PoPUiaUon aettlement witbout1;====================.I ence hu fotln4 • medlcat1oa .f§.la_bUs?)lng lhe!r chaln 1of _.. -4.. ·~-6 r-~-~ Cit with the abUlQ', tn m.i UNI California ihisslons just 200 i:nuang ....... g u~ -~VI!!... ·u • lli\lal -to promptly atop tt.ehlnr, years ago. Slnee lben, mUUons But it comes back to ·m .... r relieve pe.in ud actually shrink have come to fertile, golden you and me. We have to pay 1·p hemorrbolda. for it" ........... bJ ·-~-,-• •'-• California in search ol the .1.•i. """""'.-. ni..u. """" of tht ran.a.a ........ took .i-. ,.; 'lbt-lo~­Tb•r•'• no etku tol'ldla ltlto ltl PreJaraUoa B .,._ -llnlrrll•tff--helpo,.....m-==.r In ot1atm1ut or ••»JO , form. .. You see Beautiful California ln lhe travel posters, the slick magazines, while d r i v i n g through the cathedral groves of redwoods, on the rocky Big Sur coast, in the lligh Sierra and some of the carefully Bronson's book is replete \\'ith photographs s h o w i n g sewage spilling into California streams, smog beclouding tbe air over the cities, freeways jammed with unmoving autos and lined with billboards, scarred hillsides where the good life. The element of conflict la IS COMING SOON tn cut after cue, while centf7 They b~iit the good life, but apparent u Wayburn cites the rt11m.. pabl, ICiW nduclioll club's recent batUe with ~· .. ' at a price. They drew heavily timber companies 0 v e r ~ ... on the state's n at u r a 11-=::::.-=::!::::::._..:_:_:_:c:==================::::!'.=:================= resources, particularly during the boom years following . !' World War IJ. thfr~w~.=·:;;1~.:;i~~.1~ All Penney Stores Open Ev~ry Night Monday Through Saturday ~ Old World Mediterranean Spanish Furnit11re Received c1ncell1tion of $22.000.00 Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture with increasing awareness of t.qe" damage caused by es:- ploltation and with n e w prelSUl'e for buildlng a quality environment in cauromia that will last into future genera· ALWAYS FIRST O.UALi'l'Y JANUARY All N•w Top Cj)110Uty kond No"'" . Decomor'• D~ .. Houw 01 Display Items as follows: Georgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose .eilJows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled 1t1editerran- ean style \vith top quality 15 yr. \varranty king size n1attrcss & box springs. Spanish decor dining s.et. etc. Whole ho11$ef11I wai reg11lor 51511.00 ~:~~~~R-IFIC·E· .. $698.00 AnytPiice,Can Be Purchased lndivtdu11ly Tirms Available -Newcomers to Calif. Credit Approved Immediately , /I J] Furnit11re At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Ne•wport Blvd. Co.sta Mesa only Every night 'til 9 -Wed .• S•t. & Sun. 't~I 6. tlons . NOT CONTENT ••we are no JOOger content to destroy our beloved coun· try," wrote the late John S t e i nbeck, California-born Nobel Prize winner in literature. "We no longer believe that a man, by owning a piece of America , is free to outrage it." Larry Kimi and Dr. F.dgar Wayburn represent traditional foes in the battle over the land. KimJ is natural resources director for the State Chamber of Commerce, composed of businessmen and industrialists who u t I 1 i i e resources f o r commercial l{ain. Waybum is presld,ent of the Sierra Club, whose 70,!XXI members are dedicated to conservation and preservation of lhe land. Both agree on an ultimate common goal-a more beautiful California. "'There isn't anything that can't be dooe if we fiod a way to pay for it," Kimi aa1d in an interview, The enU1bttD- ed land owoer does not want . ' Now-we have two better Wfl'/S at United States Natlot'lal Bank In which you eam more: money. In just 90 dayS, your money eama a big 5%~ Or It wlll earn 5.127% if maintained for One year.' SAVINGS BOND PASSBOOK ACCOUNT-Accounts of $500 minimum, on deposit"90 days or longer, can now earn 5% (5.127% II maln!Allned a full year). Add to your account.anytime ln amounts of $100 or 'more. All Savings Bond Passbook Accounts are lnsu"'d to $15,000. lnteniot 11 paid quarterly by check or credited to your account. TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT-Certilicates_ pay 5% (5.127% an- nually with interest computed daily). Minimum is $500 and need to be held only 90 days in order to earn 5%. On -Certificates of $100,000 or mo"' we currenHy pay at the legal maximum ra~ that ranges up to OV. % when funds are held for six months or more. If you maintain $5,000 or more in either one of th-plans, wewm Wllve aervice charges on your·checking account. Of couree, both prana are lnsu"'d to $15,000. Come In and start one of these aavlnga pl1111 today. UNITED &2 Full~ervfce Offices Servino Southern Californi• S'IM'.ES ... TOP JOB HAND TOOLS! ". .. .. ... . " _, . ...... ••• •1 .... UM• ,,,., ... ~~~ PENNCREST .3/8'' ELECTRIC DRILL ORIG. 14.88 NOW 7.99 • 2.1Amp.,1}6 H.P. motor • 100011.P~. ~/ • Slffl g.ars • Locking trigger switch • Automatic brush holder • 3 wire cord with adaptor ... .. .•. .• ... . . , .JV.A'I'.J(JJ.VLiL1r-~~~N-EW..--PO_R_T_B_EA_C_H~~~~~~-HU_N_T_IN_G_T_O_N_B_EA_C_H~~~~:• ---'-°""'-~ ~ f•mion Island Huntington Center .. . " • ., I, \. ,I -· ' ., ·-.. J! DAILY PILOT . ·- .. :Pollution . . .. Of SF Bay Feared ... ~ * • .':wASHINCTON (AP) -Two ftderal task forces will aid :califomia groups attempting te put the brakes on uncon- (tolled tampering with San -Pranclaco Bay. :~Secretary ol Interior Stew· art L. Udall announced the task frorces Mqoday, saying ltiey wiU be C01112rned with the potentiaJly harmful ef- fects of reclaiming parts ol fbe bay by filling them in with land . ... "Reports of the San Fran- , cisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission and the State Land Commission indicate -ibat 5 u c b filling could have serious effects iipOll navigation, waier pollu- UOn, fish and wildlife, recrea-tion, arid the ecology of . the . ," Udall said. ~mblned these effects could destroy one of the na· ffon's finest estuaries." CARVl!D BAY .. , Runoffs from the Second ·r'e.e Age carved out the bay abou( 12.000 years ago. The f.l r s t European explorers found a huge inlet covering nearly 700 square miles. But hi the last century, filling be- gan and the bay now is re- )iuced in surface to a little more than 400 square miles, About two thirds of the bay tliat now remain.! is less than 18 feet deep at low tide and Is considered potentially avail· able for filling at Jow1?r coats than digging out construction aites on the steep, surround- ing: hillsides. A 1959 report by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, for example, concluded that two thirds of the bay coold be filled by the year 2020. There was no major organ- bed opposition to bay filling, hOwever, until 1960 when Mrs. Clark Kerr. Mn. Donald Mc- Lau~lin and Mrs. Charles A. ·culhck called a meeting of .representatives from various _gr:oups, including the Sierra Club, the Save the Redwood League and the Audubon So- ciety. FORMED GROUP , nie result was formation of tlie Save San Francisco Bay ·Association, founded in 1961 aQd now grown to 13,000 dol- 1.--a-year members. ·'The group moved into the rOi'efront of campaigns for -~isl.ation to fonn a perma- -~t agency to safeguard the hly. The Bay Conservation ~ Development Commission 'his existed for the last three ·years, but it will end in De- cember un1ess renewed by the legislature. During preparation of it~ plan, the commission issued ~it:s for only 360 acres of flD, most of It for expansion of Oakland International Air- port. The commission's plan now Is completed and will be submitted to the legislature '9on, possibly this month. TASK FORCES One of lhe task forees an- nounced by Udall will oper· ate ln Washington, the other l_t the field. The field task force holds its first meeting this week In San Francisco. ll b headed by William T. Davoron, coordinator of the :facifie Southwest region for ~ Interior department. The \tashingt'on task force is head- ~ by Grenville Garside, di· NCI.or of Interior's prograni support slalf. Jet Production 'TOKYO (AP) -The Jipanese government today approved a niM year plsn lO produce 34 FU: Phantom jet fighter piallel in fiscal Ult and build a Oeet of 104 Phantoms b1 197'1. l ·~ Monday, JMLllfl 20, !"b't British Urged to. Cu.:t Pell(Jlty ~<Jr· 'Pot~ .Use '~ • Prcpon for lhf f1dw• •.• TodOI/!" LONDON (AP) -Smotin& nW'l)uana Is becomJn& a weekend pastime for more aod more umkilled Britisb -un. .. QlrtcW c:.mm;uee reported ,..,.,, "lbt eommlttet recom-- llWlded lbat lbe mulmum .,...., I« ustni pol be ttduc- ,ed from It years to t w o. II ' also urged a r<vlew of lbe p6wttl cl lbe police to mate dnc---and arrU1& • ' Scfiool of Business • S.et•larlal Ill w. 5th Sant• AM • Mellic•I htt•t•11c• ........ ;... e Det1tel A11lltlnt Pt.on. . 543-1753 or 543-1721 ., In this age .of :ha~tf..:pint e~onumy cars, is th~re a place for a 3,000-pound, ·5,-passenger sedan , · that can deliver up .to 30 .miles per gallon? ... ,,_ .,. . , ~ ~;:. ' ·':)• Many people still t6in~ they .... e onJy two choices when it comes to buying a new car. They can lay out a little money for a little car that uses little fuel Or they can spend a big hunk of money for a big hunk of car that ~ll drive them from gas station to gas station in style. Marvelous mavericlt The motor car at right pttsents an ingenious third choice. Mercedes-Benz sells ~5 Clefi- antl y unconventional gasoline· powered models in the U.S.-plus this, easily the most unconventional of all. It is the legendary Die,el. This marvelous maverick is built for people who want an economy car, but who simply refuse to venture onto today's highways in a feather ... weight, cramped machine. lf you ore willing to make • sizable initial outlay for the safety and comfort of o big, 3000-pound 1edan, the Mercedes-Benz 220 Diesel will re- ward you with fuel costs that match the flimsiest little haf f-pint on the road. What's more, the Diesel will eliminate many of your usual repair bills-and is likely to be serving you faithfully when most of today's sleek new "dreamboats" have been dtopped up for scrap! Cuts fuel bills in half The Diesel w~ks its incredible fuel economy in two ays. first, of cours •t uses lowly Cliesel fue:I, sold at the thousands of service stations across the country where diesel trucks 6ll up. The price of this fud varies from state to state. In almost all states it is lower than regular gasoline. In some states it c:osts only Jialf as much. Second, the Diesel 1ips its fuel at a miserly rate. In fact, the engiM burns every drop so efficiently that exhaust is virtually smoke.free. A sur- prise to many. If you've been resigned to get- ting 12, 15, 18 miles a gallon from standard sedans, brace yourself: The Diesel easily delivers over twenty-five miles to the gallon-and, on trips, when you get full benefit of diesel fuel's price advantage over gas- oline, you can average 30, 40, eoen 50 miles for tlie cost of" gallon of regulm-1 Many repair costs vanish The engine of the Mercedes- 8enz 22.0 Ditsel ls such 1 gem of sim· plicity that it merely dispenses with Mercedes-B~enz thinks: so. . ' ... i ' \ ' ' I ' . . ' The am.Ati111:nO·DiacL On trip,, it ac~aUN gets tip to 50 milts for tht wd·of •gallon of rtplar girsf, many parts ttiat normally .tnC:IUp cost· ing you iii.oney. It has no ;plf.k plugs. No points. No condensers. No~ even a carburetor to repair or repb.ce. It goes and goes and goes B"t of all, this «ylinder<!i.,.J injection engine is designed to give you uncommonly relioble servlce- for years. Not only are tliere relativ~\' few parts to go amiss; but ift't part!. that ore present have been engineered to have characteristic Mercedes·Benz stamina. There's a rugged overl\eaCI cam- shaft-and a five-bearing crankshaft. Twelve of the 16 piston rings are coated with expensive molybdenum, an exotic "space age" metal that won't melt be- low 4,712. degrees! Mercedes..Senz does not W4r· rant the Diesel to last for IO or 20years. Arry car's life depends on how hard it is driven and how carefully it is main- tained. But a. lifetime measured in dec- •dts is no pipe dream, eitMr. Of the 700,000 Diesels it lias built sinct 1936, Mercede,...Bem es t-i- , mtttes that JuUy 80 percent are still humming . .iloni •. first, .a Mercedes-Benz The engine makes the Diesel an economy car. But .its rul vaJue lies not so much in the things that make it different from every other Merced& Benz. as in the things that make it the same, Like every Mercedes-Benz, tl\e Diesel is welded into being, not bolted. After 50,000 miles or so, you may be- gin to wonder if it will tver r.tttle. When the welding stops, t~e body is dunked in primer, biked, spray-plinttd, han~d•d, spraytd again, then hand-sprayed. Even the insides ol the hubcaps are coated, To-- ta! pa.int and primer rust protection: over (4 pounds. Like every Mercedes-Benz, the Diesel bristles wlth sophisticated, ultra-perform.an.ct features that are simply unavailable on domestic sedans -at any price .. ~ All~ind!l'trt'dent suspt~~ion, the same type used on racing can for maximum roodholdlna and minimum I··--" wa11 ·' •'-" WUI, "'~·svJay: ,.. To~t.rec.irculating-ball-'type ·-.teering. Ycij;t'tt in full control; no sloppy "play':-llf;the whet I. It is fun lo thread a Di..4r-<hro"8h the corkscrew ' ' '"1· turns of a mpuitjlln road. . ,.. Beefr 4""fhlel disc br•ke1- tne same type•~loytd on 200-mph Grand Prix cars for .safer, more au- thoritctive stc)pi ." \ I • • The plnttadti:ol s~fety The Diesel's almost uncanny evasive ability ·is its best defense against blundering motorists. How- ever, if the worst happens, the car is designed to shield you. Naturally it meets all the U.S. safety regulations. But Mercedes-Bmz safety goes beyond the letter of these laws. The entire passenger compart- ment is built as a sturdy "s.tfety zone." Doors att designed to stay shut on impact. The front and rear of the car are mg\neered to ~mplt in a crash at •controlled rate, absorbing shock and rreducing.the,thrut of serious injury. The sobu verdict of Car and Drit>cr magazine: Of all the world's motor cars, the current Mercedes-Benz: line "represents the present pinnacle in safe car engineering." A matter of pride Like every Mercedes-Benz, the ; Diesel is conceived and assembled by J craftsmen who take int~ pi:i4~ in : producing a. machine its oianer;.wa.be proud of. Slip inside and Bex your badC. This is no marshmallow seat. It ftlp- ports you, mile after mile. It should: it was contoured with help from ortho- pedic physicians. Check the rear slielf. Gi!J'ded. Run your finger a1ong the f'Wsh of the car. No "orange peel" texture. Nudge the door shut. Ka-chunk. Many cars a.re designed to win admiration for their owners. Mercedes- Bmz cars are designed to win admira- tion from their owners. Quite a distinction. 24-page brochure If you'd like more facts on the $4,780,. Diesel-plus details of six. other 1969 Mercedts-Benz gasoline-- powered motor cars-mail the ~oupon for a full-color brochure. Even better, drop by tlie show•' room and anange to test a Mercedes-- Benz:. See what it feels like to drive a defiantly unconventional car. ' Other models to mull over: 250 Sedan-an unflappabfe· road car with superb handling and braking, $5,299'. 280 SE Sedan-the most road· 1 worthy car you can buy in the Juxury,j class, fuel-injection engine, $6,577•. 2.SOSL Roadster-a sports car ! . ' for. grown·up&, combines soul-stining : performance with comfort, $6,885'. 600 Grmd Mercedes-the uJ. timate motor car, $23,'759'. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • : Jim Slemons tmporu Inc. • : Mercedes-Beru: o( North @ • Americ&, Inc. • 120 West Wamtt' A'ttnut : Santa Ana. California 92707 Pl,att: Knd m' • 24-pag,, full-color • brochurt on tht ntw grntratlon (Jf motor cus fTom Mtrced,s·Btiu. • ..... • 1.ooatss • STAT( ZIP • . . ............................ Jim Slemons Imports, Inc. 12ow.wameri\venue,Santal\na,califomia927o7Phone:714-s46·411' 1 ' ----·--------------------~---------, ' II • t . , • 1 ' \ ' -· ,. • , . .,....,, ,_.,.,. .. lttt • .. ,. JODEAN HASTINGS, 64Ml21 Republicans Meet Washington Fete Viewed }ler observations of today's Inauguration fesUviUe1 will be described by Mrs. Richard Davies when the Huntington Harbour Republican Women's Club meets at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, in the. Huntington Sea· cliff Club. Presiding over the meeGng will be Mrs. Albert Her- bold, who was installed as president of the group la.st month. Taking office with Mrs. Herbold were the Mmes. David Mayberry, first vice president; Robert O'Brien, second vice president; Davies, third vice president; Ne\vell t.. Parker Jr., recording secretary; Glenn Rich· ardson, corresponding secretary, and Robert Deeds, treasurer. ' Serving as the installing ofiicer was Mrs. James Pike, vice president of the State Federation of Republi· can Women's Clubs, who outlined the responsiblliUes of the officers and addressed. members and guests on problems connected with the world monetary aituation. Retiring president Mrs. Nonna Endsley was pre- sented with an orchid and lllscribed plaque by the mem· bership. Mrs. Robert Bell reported that 18 members donated a total of 482 hours of service in the campaign trailer maintained on Pacific Coast Highway, and Mrs. May- berry lauded club members for m~y ad~tional hours of work in precinct organization. ,,,, .. During the first meeting.Alf_ the year plans for a membership tea to take place WednesU.ay-! Feb. 26, in Mrs. Davies' home. will~be discussed. .J · • The group a!So Will begin making preparations for the second annual Huntington Harbour Home Tour :m May. Patriotism Accented Red, white and blue will emphasize the patriotic theme which will prevail during the fifth inatallation of officers for the Huntington Beach Rain- bow Girls taking place at 2 • p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, in the Masonic Temple. Taking ofOce will be Vic1il Batu, worthy adviaor; Karen Lunden, ljorthY asaoclal• ad- vi!or; Tl!Oo Douglas, charity. and _Kathy All.,_ hope. Ouier offices to be filled will Include !alto, chaplain, recorder, treasurer, drll_l leader, confidenlial observer, outer observer, seven bow 1ta- tions, ,m11Jlcl1n, choir director and diolr. "n1e young women are. active in many community service projeits. They havt collected clothing: for Fairview State Hospital in addition to coJ. lecUng a food manufacturer'• coopons to contribute toward pircliue ol • bu>. They .... collected clothing and toya for an orpbanage located in Ti· juana. • • ' • • • ' ~ ,.,, .' ... f' ~ L •. 1" • • • ~-.. I . .'LllOKI,.G ·FORWARD -New .officets•of ·lbe··H~n Har- bour Re\iublican' Women's Club will dlocwis p~ fpr ,a member· ship . tea n~xt mot}th w~en the.club m.~~WQl:lne~y1.Jan. 22, ir the •l!Uritlng!Dn 5eec!i!I' Country-' Clpb-: Presiding'wilL be (left l< ; '• ri~ht, standing) the Mmes.Newell Parker, Ricbard Davies; Glellll R1cbardson (and .. ated) A. B. Herbold, D avid Mayberry·and Robert O'Brien. -: ' Yarn Artistry On Display Bright examples of needlework, embroidery and appliques will decorate the next meeting o[ the Happy Homemakers of Fountain Valley. ___.- After a holiday recess, the group will meet at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 24, in St. Wilfred's Episcopal Church, Huntington Beach. ( - Miss aetty ,Saltzman, regional instructor for the Broadway Stores, will display various kits and ex· plain their uses, and all area women are .invited' to attend the meeting. 1 Those planning to attend are requested to bring a . table service end a sack lunch for each child in the nursery, where baby-sitting is provided. .• Serving as chairmen for the luncheon follow· ing the meeting are Mrs. Robert Hubbert, 54()..(}98'1; Mrs. Richard White, 847-6493, and Mrs. James Dick, 962-5157, who may be called for reservations. The group, which meets the fourth Friday of each month, was organized a year ago with a mem· bership of Jess then 20 women. A cooperative organ- ization rather than a club, it selected St. Wilfred's Episcopal Church as a meeting place. The nonprofit , infon:pational group conducts programs which pertain to every-day interests, and the onlY obligation required of members is serving on a luncheon committee once a year. Any other services are voluntary, and baby-sitting is included. in the luncheon cost. The group meets eight months a year, and since its inception it baa grown to more than 40 members. Following the installation ceremonies and presentaUon of a Bible to Miss Bates a reception for families and auesta will take place in the temple. BEST ADVICE -Vicki Bates (right) who will aSIUDl"i: the re- spoosibilities o! worthy advisor to the Huntington Beach Rainbow Girl• during ceremonies to be .conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, receives her Bible, a gift from (left to rlgbt) Kathy ,Alleman, Theo Douglas and ·Karen LUllden, who also will assume offices in tbe organization. A patriotic Iheme featuring a color scbeme o! red, white and blue will be featured for the installation and re- ception to follow. Past prQgrams have included. candles, their care and use as decorations; boutique ideas, and creating "treasures from trash;" the fashioning of feather flowers, and uhibitions of table settings. The Man Who Comes to Dinner Better Be Her Husband DEAR ANN LANDERS ' Tell "lllack Lace Trouble," the woman whose¥ hus- band asked her to aerve b1m breakfast ln the baby-doll out!lt be brought from Allantic City, that she should be tlWikfu1 lhe can still interest him. When r rud about people like that, I count my bleutng1. Pego and I juA celebrated our 25th wedditlg anniversary, and we ltlll are u udted abaut each other as we were the day we married. I never know what l'll find when I comt bomt to dlnner. One night Peay will creet me a1 the door wearing a bikini, the ntlt nlgJit it could be a floor length everun, gown, or panties and bra. Tonlcht she was topless. Heaven toow1 wunomomnr will bring. Peggy ANN LANDERS [il is JO full of UWe surprises We never get.s dull arow.t our bouae. I'm ooe of the luckiest fellows alive and I know lt. I'd Uke to surprtse Pem with th.ii letter in the ~. Be a paJ. Ann. She read. you ev.ry df1. -NEil DEAR NED: WeU. )'.ta twt DO Mve surprlles, don't yoa? 90w illcet Plt11e doo1 '"""" P•w by briit&llf tiome ' u old 1cMtl cbam for dlmttr, Bub. He mlpt lel ~ tarprltt of hit Ufel DEAR ANN LANOERS o My favoritt subject II IAUn. When 1 tell thlt to my frlendl lbry look at me aa ii 1 am c:ruy. Jllll loday somebody said, "I wouldn't take Latin for all the money In the workJ. It'1 1 dead lanauage. '' r murt admit r•ve nevtr heard peop&e talking to each other. In l..aUn, tbe way they do in Spanilh or French, but l..atin helps people understand ALL languages. For eum)lle, I undentand Engllsh a lot bitter bec11ase I tnow 10tne LaUn. Ill tbt Iut two Y""' my YOCa1NW7 hu'lnc:reoled ·~•ly. Kids iloq'l pay much attenlloo'to what I say, bill they limn to Ann Landen, ao pJeue 1ay aomethin1 good about . Lldln. '11lank you. -A LATIN LOVER DEAlt U>YER' Yoar l<Utr .Wt me wher't k 1Nrt. U I conld Uve my hip IC~ )'Uh .t\!11'' &k OM tlltac I weald de drli_u, wtold be to ,... IAU.. I dueled It became I, lot, -pt It ........... ,_ ............. .. t<d It over l!,oco. • DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our IS.year· old daughter is adopted. Lynn knows she was 1 Okllen Olild. We took. your advico 10 ,.... llD and told her. Whal I need to know now Is this ' Peoplo keep mentfMtng the fact (and often in her pi..,._) that Lynn Ia gelUng to look more like her dad every day. Should one of us say, "Lynn is an adopted child and ... art .. ~bled that lbe looQ like Harry"! Or llhoold nothing be aaldl -CHATTANOOGA DEAR CHAT: Pia, H by ear. Tlltre .., .. tlmts "'"'• ,. will .... , le nrt.tetr U. lnformadoa, otlltr Umn yt111. mlsllt wut to uy nolb.lq. And, locldentaDy, lla't It a Upp)' ctf». cldence dsat 10 muy Hopled dlklrtl: DO pw up to rt1tmlrile tbetr ldoptl•e pareall? Is alcoholism a disease? How can the alcollolic bt •U...led! la tlieN a cw-e! .Read the bookltt "Akoboillm - Hope and Help;• by Ann Landen. F.nclose 3S ctnll in com wJtb )'GUf. re- quest and ·a long, stamped, R!Nddrmed envelope. Ann Landers wW be glad to help you wilh your probl<ma. send Ibero to ber tn cart ol tht DAI). Y PILOT, tncloslng a stomped, ielf .. clilrmect f!nv,Jope. ·----------------- ' I I I --..... --.. ........ -· -• -··~ -. " .. . . J .f DAIL V PILOT Mood•y, .lalKwy 20, 1'69 Taking Her Cue From Experience April Wedding Pat's Re.ady for Role Cast by History Susan Buell to Marry SUsan Buell, daughter of Mr. and Mn:. James W. Buell of Newport lleach, will become the bride· o1 Gary Lan&ton, ,.. of Mn. Wlj'De '-Ion ol Santa Ma llld the late Mr. Langton. Mrs. l!:tta Schuchardt. the b rlde1room -to·be '1 grandmother. • THE BEAUTY SALON'S SUNKISSED FROSTING For the new yeor pomper yourself with frosted streoks of femininity ond elegant styling , .. both, usually 25.00, now 15.00 . If you prefer, we do t ipping, too! While you're in look ot our lustrous humon hoir pieces. Cascades. 20.00 value, 9.99 : foil s, 45.00 value , 22 .99. Appoint ments not olwoys nece ssary. Coll your nearest Broodwoy: The Beouty Solon oO I. from An1heim, SlS-1121 ; from Ntwport, 6'44 -1212; from Huntington Bttch, 892-llll ~FlC>..ADWA.Y :ANAHEIM NEWPORT HUNTINGTON BEACH Night for Splendor Mrs. Richard M. Nixon models the Ha'1ey Berin gown she will wear tonight at the Inaugural Ball in Washington, D.C. The mimosa yellow ensemble is of doubl~faced silk satin. The petite jacket and small waisted gown with bell-!haped. skirt is' em- broidered with Byzantine. scrolls of gold and silver and embellished with hand-set jewels in jonquil and crystal. Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew show s her Helen Rose original ball gown which she will wear. The gown is of shell pink pure corded silk 8Jld the ~ce is embroidered with shell pink crystals and pdil.S oii a matching silk chiffon background. Her double- breasted pink coat features button detail. By JOY MILLER . WASlllNGTON (AP) -For Pat Nixon, the Amerlcan drum will be fulfJlled when she move.s into the WbU.e House. It ls a dream, lbe aays, lhat all Amer1c1111 CIJ1 1w1g on lo and make come true for themselves, too. But being Finl Lady also will mean tak1ni on one of the taugbesl jobs -and Wl· paid, at that "-afforded a woman in this country. T-..wl l"Mi. SUSAN BUELL Engaged Thelr enc:aaement wa ar.. nounced during a party In the Santa Ana home of Mr, and Mn. Larry Langton, the bride-elect'a sister and the benedict-elect'1 bro th e r . Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Boylan/ the future bride's 1 grandparents; Mn. Laura Boylan, htr aunt, and llllla Buell Is an alumna of Newport Harbor Hip Sdlool and attended Ottgon state University where lhe studied home economics. Laqton graduated from lndfo !Ugh School and ..,,. I! enroJled at Chapman College where he will graduate in June. He is majoring in fl'Ychology. 1be couple have selected April 26 for their wedding date. Esaentlally a private and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii modesl woman, Mrs. Rlc!bard M. Nixon will live in the public pz.e for four years, with her evuy word and action a mat· ter for diacu i sloh in bousebolds across America. Her first duty, of cburse, will be making a horpe . in the historic mansion at 1800 Pennslvanla Avenue for bet hllllband and unmarried daughter, Tricia. 22. More than most m e n , perhaps, a president needs the comfort and understanding of a devoted wUe u he ponders declslom that will make history. Pat Nilon knows this. Durin& the rec<nt pl'eJ!ldentlal campaign she said she thought her greatest contribution to her husband was thl!: "l don't nag him. 'The best I can do lll cheer him up." Her social duties Mrs. Nlton feels she can take in stride. "I've had so-called on-the-job training when Dick was vice president," she has said. Dur- ing President Eisenhower'! 11- lness Dick took his place and I did the First Lady chores then . As for First Lady projeds. Mrs. Nixon gave a good deal or thought to the matter. "I have some very good ideas!" 4he told inquiring reporters, and ilcked olf the Ideas in general terms: quali· ty education for all, mll3tive on-file.job training progrmm, community self-help un- dertak.ings: and youth projects. "The main idea is that ·rd like to ass1at my husband in what he wimts to do. There's so much to be done, I'm sure I'd keep busy." National polls and surveys, she sa~s. have convinced fier -· lllat there ii • large perce .. lage of the citizenry that would volunteer to help im- prove their communities. ~uuFadto'" F I N A L CLEARANCE UP TO Y2 * off on our Regular Collection Cocktail Dresses and Formals * OFF DRESSES ••. SUITS .•• COCKTAILS .•. FORMALS .•• COATS •.• SWEATERS •.. CAPRIS ••. BLOUSES •.• Ask About Mr. Tom's Men's Department ''Get Acquainted" Sale CHARGE CARDS WELCOME 3424 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT BEACH • 673· 1970 DISNEYLAND HOTEL -ANAHEIM • 638.5142 Komus Krewe Names Queen New Chapter Forming thesedlscussWnsandma.yob-j;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A new chapter In Huntington Beach has been formed by the La Leche League. Tht My1tick Krewe of Komus crowned Mrs. Michael TrujWo the new queen and introduced the four maids and dukes of the royal court at their Twelfth Nigh~ Ball in the Mesa Verde Country Club. 1be queen and court were selected by secret balloting, Chosen for the royal court were the Mmes. Thomas Coad, Virgil Knotts, Robert Mehnnann and John Cochrane and Richard Alexa .nder , Phillip.Carreon, Charles Lusin and Joseph Plzzat.a. Still to be revealed Is the new King Komus on Feb. 14 at the Grande Mardi Gras Ball. The new unit will host \he lint of a series of four meeUngs on Wednesday, Jan. Z2. The topic of this meeUng will be the Advantages of Nursing Your Baby. · Other scheduled ·program! will be The Art of Nursing Your Baby and Overcoming Difflculties, presented Feb. 26 ; Birth of the Baby and Family Relations, March 26 and Nutrition and Weaning, April 23. All four meetings wiU take place in the borne of Mrs. A. Lynn Meyer of Huntington Beach at 9:30 a.m. Anyone ls welcome to attend taln further in!onnaUon ibout the l'eague and Its acUv1Ues by callini Mrs. D a v l d Watercott of Huntington Beach at 84UOS9. Nuh 'n Nibbles Attending meetings every Friday at 10 a.m. a re members of Fountain Valley Nuts lo Nibbles TOPS Club. The women have selected the Recreation Center in Hun· tington Beach for t h e i r meeUng place. Mrs. Tom Spine at 89'1·7856 will •AMWer questions about the group. FINE F\JHNIT\:HE C'l\HPETS Ll\:\1 I'S ACCESSOHIES BIGGARS TWICE·YEARLY SALE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE CRAFTED BY THE NATION'S FOREMOST MANUFAcruRERS POMONA PASADENA J.tL-s-~1~ SAHTA ANA MAIN at ELEVENTH e Sffttl A.. s,... 0,... ....... hHlllfl e Ln US LIGHTEN, BRIGHTEN OR FROST YOUR HAIR WITH CLAIROL® COLOR ONLY OUR SALON STYLISTS KNOW FOR SUR£ HOW TO ACHIEVE THE COLOR EFFECTS BEST SUITED TO YOU. It: nlEY BL.OHO!'., BRUNETTE • REDHEAD OR INTERESTING INTER.LACED SHADES. tT1S DONE WITH THE MAGIC OF' CLAIROL9, NATURALLY,,, PERFORMED BY OUR EXPERTS WHOSE SUCCESSP'UL WAYS Wini LIGHTDilHG , BRIGHTENING AHD F'ROSTINQ ASSURE YOU A RADIANT NEW LOOK. LESS COSTLY THAN YOU1D THIHKt SINGLE PROCESS MISS CLAIROL& TOUat-<JPS START AT 10.00. SAVE DURING OUR WINTER WAVE EVENT.~ IT1S THE SALE fOU WAIT FOR ON OUR VERY OWN SALON F'OAMULA PERMANENTS. CALL. FOR VOUR AJIPOINTMEKT TODAY. FRENCH ROOM! REG• 30.00 VALUE, NOW 15.00COMPLETE. ROBINl\IRE: REG. 2s.oo VALUE. NOW 12.50 COMJ'L!:Tt. ROBINSON15 NEWPORT e FASHION I SLANO e 644-2800 ) .' ' . 1 ' " l -----------~----------~-~--------~~~--------- ' Lagunan To Claim HB Bride Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ill· ingworth of lfuntlngton Beach have announced the engage-. ment o( her daughter, Georgia Weyant to Dennis Janisse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Janisse of Laguna Beach. The wedding will take place Feb. ZZ, in Sls. Simon and Jude Catholic Church, Hun- • tingtoo Beacb. : The bri~lect is a graduate of Newport Harbor High ;School and is attending Orange C o a st College where -: she is a student nurse. Her fiance is an alumnus -af the same high sctiool and ~ is stationed at Sheppard Air : Force Base, TeI.aS. . Pars 'Girl Friday' • U~I TtlephCIM M .... y, ,.,_, 20, 1969 DAILY PILOT JS Scorpio: · Sha·r pen Sense of Timing . TUESDAY 'JANUARY 21 By SYDNEY OMARR "1tie wlse man controls hb deBUny • • • Astrology points the way." ARIES (March Zl·April 111' Air of illusion permeates ac. ti vlty. Could be a day of romance, dreams. Don't tell all you know. Encourage others to speculate about your means and moUves. Be a mysterious figure ? TAURUS (April 20-May 20 ), Some beautiful experiences are due. Express appreciation for artistic efforts, achievements. Some around you are willing to share talenL Be receptive. Accept social in- vitation. lo your l•dj!lllent roundinll~ Im~• property. vision; aee beyond !mmedlai. Add lo wardrobe. EJtellenl VlllOO (Aua. 2Uepl. I •>, ~ ~ lor-!&mi!Y mom· lndlcaUOllS. · · foe lmprovfiig -. Deal with th"" who ahan! ber. Do''mucb to rtabUlu Im-AQUAllWS (Jan. 20-Feb. You can win lriendl -tum intere.st.s. J.n.law could pro~ide portant relatlonllhlpS. 13): You can get w.hat you .on charm. Inner beauty comes a.,..er !O appannt dilemma. ·CAPRICORN' (Dec. 22-Jan. need today U persistent. You •lo (ore. Somt comJlllmeol you Handle ertra assignment with 19):-. You m busy! Visits and are able to be at right place -speclaJ person could et• aplonlb. Older· pe.non 11 in visitors are on agenda. There at right time. Have confidence press .Jove. your comer. You get needed are dealtnp with relatives. in ability lo locate lenuine .J:1e~'~ •;-~ WLS~ financial aid. You are '5ked to choou: pro-bargaJn. Be selective. -.i':'!t~ll.'!:~'.-~~· 9.~ 1,.1111\A (Sepl. »-Ocl. :Iii , per ~ of action. Key Is PJSCES (Feb. !~March 20), ~"· Utilize innate sen,,e o{ charm.1j==7::!;;===='====='=::;;;::;;;;:==========;:; May be oeeessary lo play ' subordinate role. You can auc- cesslully oomplelo ... k . Fellow workers, usoclatea 'll'e willing to cooperate. SCORPIO \Oct. 23-Nov. SI)' Good lunar aspect today coin- cide.a with ties of affection . Give and receive lo v e • CreaUve eneri{ies can be suc- cessfully utUhed. Sense of timing is sharpened. YOU wth ! SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21) : Make domestic ad- justmenta. -''beau t'i t y sur- • Wedding . Planned Mrs . Lucy Alexander Winchester of Lexington, Ky. will be Mrs. Richard Nixon's \Vhite House Social Secre\,ary. Although unknown in Washington circles, she has long been working for Nixon's ·election. GEMINI (May :U.June 20)' Harmony replaces friction where community a ff a i r s , career enter picture. Com- municate your ideas. Show superiors that you are capable of carrying through on policy decisions. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Improve relations with those at a distance. Write, telephone -be "in touch." Intermediary smooths over dispute through presentation of gift. Card of acknowledgement is un. portant. KNITTING MACHINE LESSONS All M•k., Mr. and Mrs. T.homas A. Conner of Costa Mesa an· nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Kathleen Conner and Michael Cbam1ey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Chamley o f Newport Beach. Host Toastmistresses Installation Ceremony LEO (July 23-Aug. 22), May be neeessary to keep secret regarding stocks, finances . Avoid self-deception. Keep on track. Veering off course could cause loss. M o n e y belonging to others is trusted 6 ANY WRIST WORTH WATC.HING IS WORTH Gl.YCINE Ladiea gold watchea by Glycine, one of Switzerland's finest watchmake11. The installation of officers Guest speaker will be Mrs. -b·l Appointment REGISTER NOW! Marquise, $150. Baguette, $165. The bride-elect is a graduate of Estancia High School and of lh e S anta Ana Bill Lay who will speak on Toastm istress Club vl'ill take All That Glitters. Tostmislress will be Mrs. Gladys Denney place Wednesday, Jan. 22 in and club speaker will be Mrs. Square, $225. Faceted crystal, $165. · Js attending Orange Coast THE • College. Her fiance is a graduate of Corona del Mar : .Hig)l.School. • The wedding will take place Feb. 15. Reuben's at the Orange Coun-Walker. Mrs. Ora Heine will _Ar, w ty Airport. be topicmistress. •/ 'f Mrs. Chet Briner oJ: Mission Mrs. tdc¥ahan Will ~present _ foast Women's. Club of nt • . t _, the "most i m p r o v e d Corona del 'Mar will convene Meeting Yo1,1r Chtn:11 Account 11 Wtleomt •• , Btn~Americ•rd, M•1l1r Ch•ri;i•, too SLAVIC-K'S J ewelers Since 1917 Viejo, vice chairman of Coun-toastmistress of the term" at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Mesa SOUTH COAST PLAzA cil Six, Golden Desert Region, award and Mrs. Everett Verde Country Club. A 3333 BRISTOL I 18 Fashion Island Civic league Hosts Event International Toastmistress Goings will honor the meeting will be conducted by PHONE 545-2812. Nawport Beach-644-1380- Clubs will be installing o(ficer.~":'.'.'°"'.as~tmistress~· '::'.~o~f~th'.".e~tenn~'.::.'_" _,"'Mrs~ . .'.'W:'.'.ill".'.ia"'m~H~al~l"'.ld"'.ay~.--~~~~~~~~~!!!:===========================' Dr. William Cunningham, superintendent of the · Newport-Mesa Unified School : .District will address members • t>f the Woman's.Civic League :of Newport Harbor lo morrow. The administrator will tell · about the needs of our schools ·.at the 9:30 a.m. meeting in . Jhe multipurpose room in : ~iners Library. ~ Also on the program will ~ Calvin Stewart, director ~f the Parks, Beaches and ~Jtecreation Department o f 'Newport Beach who will ; 'Present the s tory of Our #arka. at the 7:30 p.m. event. Miss Elaine Rhoades, president-elect, will take office with the Mmes. Arthur MacBride, vice president; Thomas R. Olsen, secretary; Pearl Walker , treasurer, and Harvey C. Niemow, ho.stess. Others servin g will be the Mmes. George Conawap, club representative; Gladys Den- ney, alternate club represen· tative, and Mark' McMahan, parliamentarian. Mrs. Marcella Wright, p~i­ dent and Mrs. Conaway, general chainnan for the event will provide decorations in line with the evening's theme, .. Stairway to the Slan." IJITRODUCING BUFFUMS' OWN PERMANENT WAYE BY llESTOll 17 .50 rei.3500value We're very proud of our penmnent wave solulioii by Restor. It achlally helps improve the quality of yoor hair as it waves. To intrixluce you to Buffums' CtlW Pe1manent Wave, we are inclilling finne-Genie Hair C01dilioner by Restor that helps bring shining beauly to your hair and helps keep your sel looger· lasUJll. Wuie includinr a persooalized hair~ut. And, as an added special, you wlll receive Buffums' Own Hai r Spray by Reslor. · Beauty Sludio, 111 stores exce pt Matin a ~lake an •PJX>intmenl at Ure Bulfum;' BealJly Sllidio nearesl yor: Downtown LMg Beach, HE 6·9841; Lakewood, YE 4·50411; lanla Ana, Kt 2'21iZ Pomooa, NA 3-4321; Palos .Verdes, FR 7-6737; Newport, 644-2200; La Hain, 691-1911. BufJums· Manlturts • Pedicures • Facia ls • Electrolysis ...... c.... .i,...a.... '4+22m. ____ lr:3D_..,. __ _ Not only did Fran~ La Russa and· her daught.er Ann La Russa of Glendale, together, lose 26* inches in 3 weeks (20 visits t.o Gloria Marshall's) but, in 7 weeks, mother and daugh. ter had lost a t.otal of 42* inches ••• this, after just40 visits. Mrs. La Russa lost 21 *inches from waist, Jiips, thighs, tummy and upper arms, while her daughter lost 21 inches during the same time, from the .same areas. The La R~s are only one of many mothers and daughters, and women everywhere who have found the safe, quick reducing methods offered by Gloria Marshall's, the world's leading Figure Control System (26 lo· cations in Califo?nia, alone). MISS GLORIA MAR· SHALL, Di.rector of the world's leading Figure Control System, says, "Call us for a sample courtesy visit and receive free, a sample visit, us- ing our modem special machines for roducing, plus an electronic Faciil'. Contouring visit You'll be swprised when you find out how little it costs to pamper youtsdi' into a. trim new figure and a more youthful ap- pearance." Sfart your new life now ••• not' only with the trim, slim figure that can be yours, but with Facial ContDuring included this week FREE as a special offer ••• so that, a8 you quickly and safely loee weij!}it ••• your facial features will, slim down, too. 'l'he new Facial Co,ntDuring electronic equipment is designed to eliminate wrinkles and age lines. SPECIAL ••• BJ. Popular Demand FREE! Facial Contouring So great have been the requests for Gloria Mar• shall's exclusive Facial Contouring that, fpr an additional week. anyone startinf 11J Glorli Mar. shall Program for reducing, wll receive 12 free visits tor Faclal Contouring. call your nearest Gloria MaBhall's now, •• arrange an appolnbnent for 1 sample courtesy visit, .flSlng the special machines designed to banish every correctable figure fault ••• then receive, free sample Facial Contourlrc, No charge or obligat'9n. Mod111 scllltCe, tltrlnll Eret:irvnlcs, bs dml, oped exclllllYe Clorla lilanhlll Facial Contolilfll(. GLORIA MARSHALL is No. 1 because . L Results, without ' messy sweat suits or strenuous exer· cise. No disrobing. We are not a gym. 2. At Gloria Mar· shall's, you'll loee more inches and pounds for less than you'd pay with any other progmm. 3. Special machfneb are designed to ban· ish every correct~ able figure fault. ~Gli'BB CONTROL SALONS ::~::.~~.:..~~~~:!·~·~R~F~·~'~ .. ~·~·~·~·~·~ ... ~~·~M~~-~-~..,~~~--!!:.ll1'»~!!M~4~#!JSW~~c«;!!:!•~c~ .. ~11'11~£~C.~JIJI~ ,.. ____ __ NEWPORT BEACH_..30 Pacific Coast Highway ( :.::-.:-a: J 642-3630 SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street 543-9457 SALONS ALSO IN : ANAHEIM, BEYERL Y HILLS, COV llfA. CRENSllAW, DOWNEY, GLENDALE, LAKEWOOD, LONG BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, , qNTAR!O, P.t,S.t,OEllA, SAN DIEGO, SANTA ANA, SANTA BARBARA. SUNLAND, TARZANA. TORRANCE, WliST~'l;Ij"' WHITTIER , •• ALSO FRESNO, SAN JOSE, SACRAMENTO; SUNNYVALE, AHD ·'WAtNOT, C'A ~l!'CIRNIA.' . --------~----------- ----- . ., ! .. I • , .. .. . . --. . : J8 DAILY PILOT Son Francisco Honeymoon tv\esans Exchange Marriage Vows .Jn Nevada Disclosed White carnaUon1 adorned the alllr d the Prince of Puce Lutheran Church. Costa Meu w be n Patricia Ann -became the bride of J!obefl Le<ll Wallace. Perlonnla& ,Ibo double r1111 nupltail WU the Rev. Andrew C. Andenon. Pareota d tbe bridal Si'. are Mr 1 • Leooard ... and !llr. apd l\lr1. lloberl Wllllc:o, all MRS. ROBERT LEON WALLACE Home In Co1t1 Mtaa Fine Arts Festival dc..ta!I .... GIYtll la morrlqe b1 lier brotber·ln·ll•, Robert Wllllunl d Newport llelcb. the bride WOl'I I taflela and W:e empire aown lublonid with I detachable trala. A matdlJnc talleta and lace plllhox held her Uered veil, and fonnla& lier bouquet ..... white camaU.... WUll 191. Mn. Jodi Dolbee, matron of baoor, wore a nd 'felvet ..,.. and carrhd red vartqale(I cematlon& AtteocHD( u bell mu WU Boll Spencer. .white Ulb<ra wn the brlde1room'1 brollMn, IUchanl and William Wallace. A rectpllon lor 100 1Uesta followed la the l\1111 Verde Country Club. Presidia& al the register wu Mill T 1 r a TllomJll'"'. Followln& a SU Fl'ancl!co boneymoon, t be oewb'we<la will n!llde la Colla lieu. The bride II a aradualo d c..ta 111... 1llgh Scboo1 and at· leJided 0range Cout eoneae. Her bwlband alao II a Cl\IHS llflduale and llm'ed with the U. S. Air Force. Book Opened Riviera Club'• Boot Seet!on member! heard a review of a boot on the h1story of art In the American 10Uthwest NB Auxiliary """'"• " ""''"~ril'lct b,.....,.-1 h" Mrs. Frederick I. Rlchmao The Ladies' Auxiliary of in her Laguna Beach home Newport Beach Fire Depart-torlay. ment gathers the t b i rd Mrs. C. Stu11rt Lewis, a Wednesday of each month at Laguna Beech a rt I 1!1 t , g p.m. in various locaUom. presented the review on "Land Information regarding IocaUon of Many Frontiers," written may be obtained by telepboo-1·. ~by~Odl;;e;B~. ;F;au;lk;. ;;;;;ill tac Mn. T. C. Dail<y, Ma-983$.ll MAL AlllSCMll HEARING AIDS C.rteltl A11,..I A'"•llflutlo,. NO IALllMI:• Talents ' on Parade J4H L COAST HWY • ._ .. _ 17S.JUl Talents d Orange County women will be on display, Thuncta,v, Jan. 23. Art of all types will be ex· hiblted durla( the 10th Fine Artl Festival of 0ran1 e Dlstrld, California Federation TRANS GLOBE TIA Vfl BUREAU AND OIANal COUNTY l!MnoYU ASSOC. Presents EXCITTNG SOUTH PAClflC MOVll. SLIDU. DOOi PllZES, llFUSHMINTI. FREE 001 YOUI IN.tOYMl!NT e Pl.ACli FINA.NCI ILD•. co,,a SHOP 6)0 N • ......,. --TUESDAY, JAN. 21 7:30 P.M. ..... ,.,,.., .... ...... C.11 ...... oo, ... 14J.04Z2 of Women'• Clubi,1 la the FUller1m Ebell ctublioiiie. The public dllplay will -at 9:30 a.m. at which time collee will be eerved. A proo grem of drama ll1d mualc will be -led at 11 a.m. At noon a bullet hmcbeon p"Jlll'ed b1 Fulluton Ebell members will be available for Sl.50. At 1 p.m. the an- nouncement of literary awards will be made, a aecond pro. cram of drama and mualc will be pmented and ID an- nouncement of erafta awards will be made. Judging the art festival ""' Mrs. Rose Baumruker, artist; Mn. Earl J llJllOll, artllt and teacher ol art In adult educa- tion at ll'ullerton J u n 1 o r College; Merton E. Hlnabaw, artllt and curator d the Bowers MURWIL Approximately MO oatntlnp will be uhlbllecl by club mem- bers of the dlltrlct. Eacb arUat may lbow two worb. There will be • llrat, leCOnd, third and honorable mention la eacb ealegory, plua a sweepstakes award and a UvnmuniCltrll\"81 IS COMING SOON FINAL JANUARY FALL FABRICS PRINTED OUTING FLANNEL good selections of d1slgn1 ind colors 100°/o COftOlt. 36" wide 9uarantee4 •••mbla HG. 44c YD. 3y_.$1 EYE-CATCHING CURLS- . . . . . . . FINE BAKERY Dietetic Coffee Cake Li9ht •nd d11lclou1 fine for low sodium dl1t1. 3 for He Dietetic Birthday Cake Decorated to your wishes, "on order'' 7" 5.4' 14 Carrot Gold Cake A p•rfect w•y to end • good meal. Lightly spiced, topped with pecans, coconuts, anti raisins. 2.55 SAVI UP TO $1.41 YARD EYE-HOLDING COLORS-INSTANTLY WITH WOOLENS I SUITINGS I I 00 -,.. wools, wool blends, 1cet1te1 ln plaid1, novelties ind solid colon. Values to $3.H Yd. 54" to 60" Widths $?50 Yd. ' k :, I' t h I 1· '.:t Let our stylist's deft finger.; shape your new coi!-Uten just flow this wonder- working rinse onto your hair. • colon: lnstanUy -and shampoos out when ,.._! • needs no peroxide, no after.rlnael • colon to cover gray, to tme bleached hair, to -faded hair! Newport -h. C11il1 Jllf.'""""" .,.,., ~ ..... ....,_ ,._. .,._Nlt Cost• MoN, C•llf. 1n 1. 17111 """' M4!'flllr C... ·--Cotta Mos-. C•lll. l!ilO ... rtiar llYG. ~~ RINSE 75' ~'i)lJ ~~"-~~~-··-··--··· $225 Monday thru Thursday IA~•• 5 p.m. -····-····-·-·--$2.501 Fri., Sit., Sun.--· --$3.00 Costa ""8a, C•lll. FO<lnt•ln V•lioy, C•lil. 111 W, 1"" Sir.ti 17'31 ~fl'IDll• '°"°"" 60.nH Viii.ti CMltlr -- Jeanne Moreau 11 starred as the fiery Russian Empress whom Shaw noted In bla play 11 a striking woman of much character but with few morals. lrUh·bom Ptter O'Toole plays the role of the Engllah officer who is seduced by the royal rogue from Russia. Also starred in this comedy, showing at the Lido in Technicolor, are 1.ero Mostel and Jack Hawkins with Akim Tamiroff. Grab a l1ugh or two, or three from Great Catherine. Paul Newman's initial effort as a director b tbla touching 1tory of a frustrated female who awakens to Jove and life Ute a klarm fire. Know what? The Paul Newmans (hubby di· rector and ltar·wife..Joanne) just might awaken some morn- la& beloro long and find a pair of "Oscars" on their door, for their Individual directing and acting In Rache~ Raebel. Up at the Meu It IJ Tbe Im· poutble Years. Thia motion picture ls ~ adaptation from the emaablng Broadway hit that bu aometblng to do with a so. called generation gap. David Niven plays a college lecturer who hu problems with his own daugl1ter and a lot of bearded beatniks. Hert Is a reminder about the new ratings system of the Ml>' tion Picture As!loclation of America. "G'' pictures are sug- geated for general audiences. "M" movies are for mature audiences. "R .. films will be restricted, with persons under age 11 denied admission unless accompanied by adult. "X" re- leases llhoold be barred to all persons under 16 ! FREE PASSES to Lido or Mesa will be malled (oday to Joleen Fry, 3299 Iowa, Col!ltl Mesa, Dion Kennedy, 1810 S.1 Bay Fron~ Balboa bland, JW RobblM, 2'21 Buckeye, New- port Beach and Everett Silvi.I. Ill Begonia, Corona del Mar. Wt hope your name i3 ln- cluded In this ,.est list be!.,. too loog. Jn the meantim1, remember you m1y gain .lft. HUNTINGTON Cl!NTIR HONll·l'liAZA SOUTH COAST PLAZA llanl admluloo •t Lido at EDINGER ,1 BEACH I 7th .. IRISTOL lll:ISTOL •t SAH DIKO FWY. Art.la, Cillf. Or1,,_L C.llf. S1nt1 An1, C11if. Santi An1, Calif. fount1ln Vallev, C.ltf. Miii &imply by producing 1"11 ,._r lllt 'I. Qlt,.,_ ,,.. "'"""..,...,. 71" "'O. ''!""""" Jil:l't,j,_1""'9r •I M1t HUNTI NGTON IU.CH SANTA ANA COSTA MESA ~ ..... c..-"""'ia-nil r-~ '"''""'"' c..-v11..., ~ ~ trully Muter Clt&rge Gard ' ·~----.:."::':-t;::•1:.;1..;~---...:14;;:1;;;-t;,;;l;;"~---io-..;14;,;i.;,;;;11.;;";... ____ .l--,_-'--.,_..,_• ________ -1''f,---"c.*c."c."'....c.,...c.. ___ c_'c.-'f-"'="'c.' ____ ., __ ..c..."':...c----~--or your Bankamericard. A 'ii • I• •• • • • • •• ltrr ... "1d md his, 1ion '·a ew- as -~·y uch ais. :ays leer iyat Ted the :ero i;ith ugh real tl!e ~ido ~on that :ide. '-Old ll<d all her ell >um "'"" • is 1rth· any Jo- ' in fort ling la le life iat? dJ. me) om- palt for and Im· tlnn rom that ... 1vld trer own ded the Mo- o! rug· ,... "" be 'der lea re- al! or ' to ,. .. s., JIU ..... via, 11'. ----· ·---------------------------------------------------------------~...---. MONDAY . JANUAltY 20 -· I I ,, ! ·~ING 1\11 Mnlq"I procr111mill1 It tub- ild: t1 *"P wtthll Htkt 111111 ti tilt l'nlldelltill 11 .... rttlOL 1:00 IJ DI Ila .... (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. a m K•nUtJ-lrfntllf <t> c30l 9 SU.. Mii Show {C) (90) Han· cy Amu, Kow1rcl Storm alld Ross Hunter nut tJ THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * Robert Taylor in "Many Rivers To Cross"--Color! fJ Sil O'Clock Moirie: (C) "lb111 Rlvtn To C,_.. (wutem) 15- Robert Taylor, EJ•nor Ptrht. fJ I "' (<) (Ol) m lltwlu (C) (30) ED Wllat'1 ltlW? (30) "Adventures in Dlnoll11d.'" flrst In 1 mies with Muri Deu$1n1 as h• loob •I tile In tllt Ctmbrlan Pt riod. 600 1111· llon J&ar> 110. m Dntl111t Ml Slori1 (£) KPlM NIWI (C) 1:30 0 IDtBC NewMn!ct (Cl (fi()) GJ Ygyare tt tli1 Bottonr ol th1 S.• (C) (60) till T1l1s, Too. Is Am1ricl (30) "Land of a Dorado." The himry, land, peopl1 1nd industrial dMI· • • & H1nd•110n. franiit Randall 1ftd Theln11 Houston 111at m •• a. Oddi m <30> Ill TY llllllkll o...rt l:OOOQ!l {))M-.,. «> 00> ''Shlpbolrd RomlJICe." COncl*- Aunt 8ff 1nd her cnilse»tlllp Cl~· !tin (Wiii Gt•) l!Ulkt wtdcffnl pl1na. Goob•. l:low1rd ind £frt. rnttt cheek 0111 the captlln to IQU sure he's llOI: Just 1 mini allot playinr fast ind looM with Aullt Ste. But, IS ttlt wtddlnr """"" Procttdl. Aunt 811 lnttm1Jlll I •Ith I SIJddlll piel fot poslptll• mint of tllt etremon1. ID I.it 00 II!) MIC -M*-il) ~illll" (i:omldy) '65 -Ptttr DuM. Charles Lant. J1111 Bad:111, W•rr•n 11er11n11r. The ltOIJ " t lS.yur-old lirl whOM 1thllllc Pl'OWHS CltlSU pn1bl11111 in .. p&flClnal life. 0 Here CoMI tllt Sbr1 (C) (IO) Laurence H11vey Is 1uast of honOf at i "roast" 11Yen by Mo111111 Kine. HaM Prainell, franc. NllJ'n, llbef'ICt, Hermy Backus and Edon• Romnl)'. O@ IIJ !Eno •-(t) (60) "Tiit }i"Uptor Kill(." .1tm11 D1vid comrs to tllt lllPPGfl fll Hllf. blttl Mekko, Cntll lndiln dlld who lln killed a trftltt m111 wflo tricted him Into li(nln1 ..., much of thl bibt's ltnd. Palll Matt- tH l\lllb. m lt•n ,. , .. Ult (t) (60) EE La lrw.11 M1Jd1ta 9:30 f) 9 (jJ r1mlly AtfU (C) (30) When Uncle Bill !ices a fln1ndel crisis that eould break 11p the tarn· lly, lht childr111 t1k1 tmerpncy 1ction to earn money. 0 ffm (C) (30) T1d Meym. IE! RIVlltl Mlllkal PEANU1S ~ 1111 PWl:l? PEltKINS JUDGE PARKER opment of <'.olumbi1 1r1 wml1111f I·· :.J:!li•iil~--~-~-~-:--~-~-~-~~~ by te1cher R1mi10 Garti1. 10'.DO U 9 (i) Carol lurMH (C) lea) Ii fI1 m aJ NfJll (C) Petry Como 1nd comedian Tirn J_.,. R*"r UE 'TD -....: r.oowty rue:st. ""'' :S: Ut'BHEMP \Alll'I 7'91 B!lll m * ...,1,. ""' C'l (10) Wilfir Cronkite. em .. (C) t60> M ~ 1.a THIEii'T'EN a: "°" uinimm no 111 ,.., A · '"'"""'*" _. '"'"" -- D WW'1 My UM? (C) (30) Alfn ~. Soupy Slits 1/ld Mer.tlth MKRat llJSSI. <I» "Joshua Wlhon.." Nick 11 . 1.EAWS, IOlded llllo matlnr 1 1o111..w 5AM. Pl'IVR $5,000 bit tflrt the BIBI.,. r1lldl ~~ Un belt Its lonftimt rivll, tht E«I m Password (C) (30) Ar!ent Fran· j:;is 1nd Skltch Henderson au~st. f.tl li1111 Abiwtl (30) Mortctn R1nch, in 1n upcomlq ft:MANPINl!i 1tlAT od L -"· HE IE 11>LP t eo. 011 R.,.,.. ruests. THE TJUTH! 0 M1ntilt Oillo1 (30) mCesar'• Worid 6) Trvtll tc C.nt11t11tnt11 (C) mn.t s• <C> (30> "'fef!tl." JlllJtlls lfm111n 111ests. 1 7:JOf)Ql(flCll'lllftOkt (C) (60) fm'lllt Sr9ll W1r (30) "'Comput. SIM ttrrtSt playi Mennon, 1 ruth· sioll." The tin II~-. 1915, lea, f1st4raw 1unman who shoots The Allies launcfl rr•t 1tbcb fl!ldlls. Th• ma11h1I 11 out or town, aa:ainst tfl1 Wtltlm Win to bmll and wmi his d-iilitY lflWllJ wound· the de1dlock. Hlfhlllhb of lttt ell, the 1un1111n helps hlmJell to B1ttles of Chlmpaa:ne end Loos. frM food, drink an1 lodginr. llllJ llltW1 the .,r. am I P•s.iw ln11curttio1 'ff ED ....... (C) (ltl) A r;i;w of !hi outstlnd· lnr ev-e.nts and .ceremoniu I~ lo· 10:)0 0 Mtvlt: (C) '?Tina: or "'""'" d~y's 1naua:u~abon of Pruntent {drama) '55-Rlcherd Burton, John R1ch1rd M. Nixon. fr1nk McGee Is Derek, Riymond Masaey. 1nchorman. 1J lost ill 5pac. (C) (60) ID•-(C} (30) e@ (!) m Jltt Av1n1en (C) ED lnllOhtfeq (XI) "Rlltary Dy. (60) "The iiilmo1al0fs." A 11um· nemiQ.'" Dr. lleM11111n tak" 1 btr of secnt contacts are sysltma· looll It tM ftlW f1cllity to INt Ueally elimln1ted 1fter sever1l key th• d)umics " Rltllin1 mxhl11- 1a:ents rehlm from lheil' "myitwi· lfJ. Orilln•ll1 dewloped for ·~ oos'" holidays, ste.l, T111 alld •re llMS, lll1 facility Is now Ml· ''Mott.'' attempt to unrnll th• 1bl1 for tntin1 commNI • mystery that becomes ..-en mDl't &Ines. clouded when the 1gents swnr that tE him Ill M"9 their sudden diappearances wwe merely holidm Ind· further swtar lhlt tfltY hlYI not diVl.111..S Ill)' 11:00 Ba D ti) OJ llm (C) lnfOfll\ltloll tfllt could haw lld to g MM Hllcklcl tht lllmlllltlol'I al thtlr .aft COii· CD DOUT Llll'I' Diii (C) Rod SW· tlcb. Rllon4I P.tl'tllr Ind Chrbb> II -pl\lr lM ID& "' ..... ,_ . ...,....,.. ---... ... -...... (Gr.JN) "ll -Gtoft' H1mrtton, t111• (dr1~a..-Dorottrr Llmaur, M•rctd• McCunbrld11, Joan Blon· Clwp M • :i:·,,..,. • --(<) (3~ Ill{))·- Pollnr " t hlppl1, • 1111n p!ap 1 Joki Oft Ills 11nsuspte:tln1 wtt.. ll:JO ! fld"41 ht l11111Prll 11111 ID Piny MIM (60) C8S ""' CINll'I tM h11u1u11I Ill tMr1 Ill honor of tht new tm Ctnclo.-it II Rau (30) Pmldtnt. GJV• ....... ~ ..... DIDm"1mmm "' 1. 11pn1 lill 1llYICiffn11 from l:CIO 11 m ..._ & Mll'llt t.qfl·IJI Wulllnston. .c., al ttlt l111111111t1I (C) (IO) Houra tfttf 11111 lr\turut• Biiis ht llonot' rJ Pntldtnt Richlnl t1on It l'ftaldlnt. flldlard M, Nixon M. Nliloft tt IN Wuhlnston Hiiton, 11 9111 DW lttll lhow for tht MtOl'ld IN Slllraton hit Hott!, and at tlmt.. N•llCJ Slllltrl tbo cunts. 1111 SmllMDnlan lrmltutlon. Hucfl Down1 Incl Blrblt1 Wtltll'll report. m-C'l (IO) •-= """' ...... -fm mem:J JllM l1111prrllol <wutern) '56 -.lotln lclr. Marla (C) TIJflfllflrfstrtt or t111 di)"• Enllllh. ceremon1a NtT newi eonupond· fJ -~ _ 1nb wlll d!IClla tilt ntW tdminla-i.w "lLI liU JMr lllJlo' (C) tretlon't futur1. m I Low LICJ ti) c..lcea y C.lld111n u:00 m 11 ••ut ltrir l:IO fJ Ill{)] Htn'o LX! ctl (30) Lucy dtcldu to ao on atl1kt ind 12:>0 B MoM: °TIFflr II tfll Hallfllld pldc.lt .tltn Unclt H1rry reflJlll lli1M'" (llomlr) '51--Gtttld Mohr, to alvt her • t1IM. Clthy O'bont11!1. 8loldl11 v.,... (C) (30) "All llJActill Thllrr. "Sofia." Around Ntlu." n~mm..,,.. -<Cl fill Psrth0lifica1 tnls lndlutt Rodne)"s doubts •bout his m11ri111: Eli rec:tMs •n lnvit1llon to Mimplt Mar1r.'• ddw; DI'. Miies 11'1'11 t..11 1n 11ttl111tunt tQ11\fn1 Ills future. m Donald O'CoftllOI' (C) (90) Bish· op Jamt:l A. Plte, Nine Foell, Skiles TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES 1:00a-"'""'C<l 0 Com•wnllJ 11nllfR luri (C) o-(C) 1:15 II MM: '"l1lt wt1ite scim- (w«Wm) '56 -01\ild Bn1n, M17 W}'Tln. u:.so m '°Sllftllllnlr (dr1m1) .,, - Robert Newton. "'1'111 S1ru ... (dllrftl) '46-0r«NI Welln. 2:00 ID.,._ 11oseq1• (td'ftntu11) '11 -lton lt111dell, Mery P•rl•. l :JD O "TM Yeuna T1 Klu " (rnm1nce) 3:30 0 (t) "Th1 leJ anl e.. Pntw' Sut.111 Gordon. '51-111ne All)"On. Vin John10n. f :lQ 0 "TIO Lill fw Te .. • (dtll'lll) '4~nbtth Scott O•n Duiye1. 10:001J •u 1V1 tllf Htlffl. Teo" {dram•) ·~• D1vi1, Chlrlu •:JOIJ Ct') ... ,.. 11 T11: 1'111" (df'lo " Boylf. ~) '17-'ilOlll Montcomery. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q1111ity 'ri 11ti111 tnd Dep1114laW• St 1Ylc• f., Mtfll thtl t Qt1rf1t ef t C.11lury, U11 Wiil IALIOA ILYt. ~ NIWHttT IUCN • TUMBLEWEEDS S0'1'I AM I FAMISHEDI llllNK t'Ll.HAVE m\ST N' ROLLS FER BREAKFAST! • MUTT AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH •A PARLIAMl!NT -a Ot'JLS1 ly John MUts By Harold Le Doux By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith ly Gus Arriola By MeU -· • ~. """"" 20, 1169 DAILY lltlOT . J f • INAUGURATION -Franl: McGee, above, is &Dj: chonnan for a aped.al program, "InauguraUon '69, •• tonight In color at 7:30 on Channel 4. The half·hour program will revtew eventa and ceremoni~s of the Inauguration of Richard M. Nixon in Washington today. TELEVISION VIEWS TV Effects: Good and Bad By TERRENCE O'FLAHERTY We have all heard the pub)lcity man's creed: "Who cares what they 18f, about you as Ione as th spell th• name righl! ' If there is any truth to that, televlslcn i• a ·am bing succeu. II bas always been a subject o! cr!Uc m al the office water cooler but today it has mov in many new directions -even upward to Capito HUI. IN THE RECENT exchange between Congres~ • man Hale Boggs and Frank Stanton before the Na· tional Commission on the Causes and Prevention of : Violence. Boggs asked the President of CBS. why Presidential campaigners spent ao much money on TV commercials last year. ' "Because it's an effective medium to reach people," replied Stanton. ''WELL NOW,'' asked Boggs, "Why ls televblon effective in reaching people and advertising politic-· ians but it is not effective when it ahows sadism,_: masochism , murder, mayhem and rape?" · · In light of the fact that television appearances hold the key to every Congressman's re-election. the current hearings are either a surprising act ot political bravery or an attempt to forestall action behind 100,000 yards of testimony. It is odd that the most noise is being made over news coverage which is one area TV seems moat comfortable in. Yet, as a result or the coverage of the Chicago convention at least eight investigations , are planned and news executives feel the threat of governmental censorship is stronger now than ever • before. NBC NEWS chief Reuven Frank believes that what the viewer has seen on TV baa shaken him: "The world as reported by television threatens him. II i1 a lhort and understandable step to conclude that TV threatens him. It la what psychoanalysts call 'translerence'.'' Recently a scholar who has studied the dlscon· tent that is reflected in the headlines reached the conclusion that ii is not the reau)t of youth losing faith in democracy : "MUitan! -young people, tar from being disillusioned with democratic processes, are totally unacquainted with them, since they are rarely shown on television. The arduous, day.tKay dehate1, tact finding, and arguments by which social decJ.1ions are arrived at by every democratic body 1n the land, from town councll'a to the Con· gres1 of the United States, are never abown. Al THOUGH HE didn't knew it at the time, the man who made that observation was destined to observe the results of TV's .shortcomings at closer hand than he expected. He is Dow the acting presi· dent of besieged San Francisco State College, Dr, S, I. Hayakawa. A. William Bleum, a professor of broadcast journalism at SyracWie University, blames the pul>- Jlc's nervou9 st.ate on an exposure to too much real· ity through television : "TV DID wnat society told it to do -report the confrontations of our times, get away from escape, from nonsense," he said . 11But listen, we'd better get back to escape or we're going to blow the lid oU this society!" Some people believe it's already In the air. :Qeianis the Menace .4:. . .. ' ( I I I DAILY PlLOT (Sl LEGAL 1'i1011CE SUl"l!l.101. COURT 01" TMI! STATI! Of' CALIP'Ol.llllA POil THIE COUWTY Of' otu.Mel! Skymark May Shed State Laws SAN FllANCISOO tAPl - California's Public UUllli .. · Comm1aclon bu v o t e d to COllllder eumpting Stymark Alrllnes from state r<auil· tloos. 1 Bylaw,theconuniAloocan. not rqulato .. alrllne that ' flla outaide of the stato ml Skymark soya ft now _,itea to Reno u well .. to callfomla points •• ·---- ., . . . . ... Wanted: . \ Overseas Exeeutives NEW YORK (UPI) -Fin- ding the rl&ht u:ecuUves for oveneu operaUons still ts one ol the toocJi<al ]ll'ObltJru American hWDHt faces. "The demand fO< tap Euro pean and AaiaUc executive: to npllCO Amertcans iJ American overseas companle: now bas reached esplo6.lv( proportlms," says George B. .Bub. m...,tng diredOr o! Handy Alaociatea lhlerna· .... ,...."' MOT.Cl! Of' HUI.IMO Of' PITITIOtl ... Pl.OllATI! OP' WILL AMO COOICIL ANO .01. Uthe PUC ahould ~, Skymart, the line woold be free of any controls s1nce the federal C I ' 11 AfnlOlutla Board has refuled t 0 • / tlol!al, Ille, a COllSllltinR firm. I '11'1s demand ii leadlbg to • tbe .._eence rA a ndr' u ecull•• ,,__. th. "ii> LETTl!llS Tl!ITAMl!NTAl.Y E111i. ot F••llk Jennl"'5 e .... 111. •Im ~-11 Frink J. f....,ln. OKHMd, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T!\11 ltobert L. H-"""1 l'llt 111911 ~ I "1111e!1 tor P<lltMlt ot Wiii and CocHcU 1nd i.... luuana Of LetM<1o Tn lamen••rv Ill Peflllon..-:, ~· to wllldl I• "*"" for t11rt11er ,..-1lcul1rs. and 111111 n.. Timi 1nd ~ of Mir~ 1"" same 1111 beef'! Ml tor FdlnlMY 1, 1"69, 1! •::Ill a.m •• kl the r;oun.._., •• Dll>lrt..-t No. 1 ot sakl court, 11 70CI Wa l E19hfll $!reef, Ir! the (ltf d Senta An1, C.llfornl1. supervise lines that me planes " less than 12,500 pounds. Skymark, with headquarten in Sacramento, flies DeBavilland Otten. which cany 19 pu:iengen and weigh less tban 12,500 pound>. .. \ernlllO!W-~,, whb can, dllCover Ind wort with Oiled Januarv u, lfff. w. E. ST JOHN, Caunl'I c~ It.wt L. Hvm.itNYI trl Prwrtl I"-. Hll A,_. hltf-. Cltla Mtu, C~N..,_ tU.11 T.t (7141 ~ ... ~ ...... •llllMw Publl51\ed O•anpe C:O.•I 0 I I I Y p;1o1. J.,..,..,., 20. 21. n. '"' ""' LEGAL NOTICE SUPl!IUOll COUllT OP' THE STATI OF CALlflOltMlA P'Oll THE COUNTY U GI.AMOE ........ 1t1t Competing lines bad com- plained the line wu Dying unauthorized routes. In reply, Skymark vice president James New MCDA Officers F. Thacher told the PUC : Members of executive committee of the Motor Car Dealers Association of "Our position is that, u we ny out of the state, we Southern California are shown discussing plans at a recent meeting. Seated therefore are not subejct to (left to right) are Irv White, outgoing president and ex-officio member; Robert PUC Jurisdictioo." A. Smilh, Hollywood, new president; Theodore A Robins, Sr., Costa Mesa, first A similar case involves cable vice president; and (standing) Elton K. Walker, Los Angeles, treasurer; James Commuter Al r Ii n es in ~c.Farland, San Diego, second vice president. Southern California and the~~-----------------------------­ PUC has not reached 1 deci!ion there either. I NOTICE Ot< NU.lt'IMG OP' PETITll>tt FOlt Pl.OU.Tl OF WIU. AMO 1"01. LITT"Eltl Tl!ITAMl!lfTAltY" I H 0 1.0HC} Eshllt! ot MATILDA O ... IL£Y, lbO t ,..,...,, 11 TILLIE DAILEY, DKenld. Witboot PUC regulation, a line could charge what it pleased and fly where it wanted. It also would not be able to gain a monopoly on any route and wouJd be sub- ject to stiff coffipetilion from regulated lines. Cash Circulation Up in U.S. NOTICE !S HEltEllY GIVEN Tt11t IO N IC. SIJE"I hn ftlld Mreln a N:titlon f1)I" probele Q! Wiii lf!Ci 1w '5t11tnor of Lttttrt Testa....,.11rv fD Ptflflonff, rtl!f"~ Ill wllkh 11 ' made for turt!ler 11artlcuLI~ and tll., !tit !\mt and Pl•n of he.rlr\9 """ same !'In bfen lo(f tor Febtvlrv 1, Ifft; II t :lll .a.m., In the owrtroom ot Olplrtm.errt HI. , ..... -rt, at .. ...,,. •• ,.......,.. In the City cl Santi ~ C.llfomla. Richard-D •. Gravelle, PUC staff counse1, said be hoped the legislature would P"'S a law bring in I out..of-state airlines u n de r commission jurisdiction ror the part of the.Ir rout.ea 'within the state. Despite Credit Card Trend ' ' Dated J..._...., 1$, ,.., woman and child. TllE INCREASE.5 and the By SYLVIA PORTER Do you have $241.27 in cash W. E. ST JOHN Caunl'I Ci.rt FltAMICLIH AMD 1"1.ANKLIM 1er l!"att '"" S!rMt -including $27.55 in change totals would be impressive Cotl• Mesa, C•ll1-rlll1 9"21 T .. , t7HJ su.nn ' ,,,..,..,.. ,... "~ PublW!ad °'1lllfil'I Co.st D•llJ PllDt, J• ..... rv 11. 10. "· 1.., ...., LEGAL NOTICE SUPElltOI. COUllT OP TME STATE Ot< CALIFOl.MIA FOlt Tl4E COUNTY Of' OU.MOE N1. A-41MI NOTICI!" OP HEAltll'fO OP l"l!TITIOH FOlt Pl.OIATf Of' WILL AJ('D t<Oll L£TT"Elt5 Tl'STAMl:NTAllY E1l~te of ltldlard E. MOeOll~. De- Stymark has PUC authorization to 1 e r v 1 c e Sacramento, Fresno, Bakenfleld, San Jose, Mont,..y, -Oakland, and Late 'l'ahoe. -~ your pockets or wall~t enough by . themselves. What as you read this? Do ~lt, makes them even more pro- aa. a · family of four, have vocative is the fact that the a totaJ of '985.08 in cash on jreod · ~d b hand -including at least two s are occurr111g 111 e y $100 bills? • side with the surge toward Of course you don't, because · a "casbless" society. these figures are averages, J ' 1 Couiiting only transactions and averages, as those figures by checks, Americans write Sale Planned dramaw.; are u s·u a I I Y 20 billion checks a year, u::r'ice •s HEREllY G1VEN Thal statistic a I m Y.l b s . equivalent to 100 a year for Mwl""" P•ln 11as "*' i..in • 11t111ion Nevertheless, the figures are every .indivi~u1_1i1. On -all sides, for •r\lbate ot w111 •nd 1or lssuenc~ NEW YORK (UPI) sianificant, for they underline I ed by ,, Ltl!ers Tni-t..., ta Pfllt'-. o-· you are be.ing ur some rM~ 111 w111cti is !NIM for fllrfht• Gera1d H. Ruttenberg, newl.y-the fact that U.S. cash in · form of credit card, charge-it 1>erflcul1rs. 1nd llllt "" time trld Placl ,__._.. · d t of .,, t1H•1n11 ttw """ "" tieen .ei e.1a,;1.C1,1 Pres 1 en circulation is now up to $48.7 plan, toll ticket, payroll deduc· ~r ~·br:;:,~ 1:•· O:.rt!,., ··~.;'. Studebaker·Worthingtan, Inc., billion, a full $17.3 billion or UOn, etc., etc. Yet, old-fashion· ~ cot said court, at 11111 w .. 1 e 1"'t11 said he intends to sell the 55 P.tftellt above the level ed cash also UI in this phe- strMI, In hf! C1N cot s...i. AM. ca1110rnl•. company's Alct> product.1 at .the . start o{ the decade O..ted J1nu1.., u, ,.,,, 1 . 1.-noonemal boom. w. e . s,.. JOH"' ocomollve wor-at AQ· and on the way to a landmark c "' c1e11: b N y Ruttenberg Id Can you guess which is the oun um, · • sa "" billi·on ·-At '"· same Nl'ILSON AWO klNO _. .......... WC most rapidly gr 0 wing "' s..ni ,...., '""' the company also will disco.,· time, the a-veraae per capita s..ii. M....,,.., ,., "-··· uf •·-f i..~. e denomination of f o l d i n g LM •-in. c11Ht11111 •n w.mu:: man ac"""oc: 0 0~av,-is up from $179.21 in 1960 AMnllTI ,.. '""',._, copdenser a i r conditiooing to ~· -~ th money? Pubn&11ac1 or1rove eo..1 c111r Pilot. ...-. ... , ala.I on e way THE 100 BllL. Over the J1nu11rv 11,. '20. 15, ,.., tOCMt equipment.. to· a ".Jandmart'*"ltll per man, ......, past decade, the value of LEGAL NOTfCE 1;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i1 money in $100 bills has IUPl!ltlOlt ~OUltT Ofl TMI! STA.Tl!" i·umped 69 percent. There. are OF ~ALIPOltNIA I ( b T FOii THI' COUNTY Of' 01.ANGI! :Jee y oday' s now '11 million of them in HO TICE oP: ::a:~:'°" Pn1T1c• circulation ; in total value, the l'"cill PllOl.lTI! OP WILL A.NII Fott . Wa nl Ads $Hl0 bill now tops the $10 LETTERS TfSTAMENT.lllY e.t11w of L1"'0" c. 11•0 1.1 •• r'IO bill an4 stands second only 1'._n 115 LINDA C. $EVElt.SQN, Ooce•" to the $20. "'NoTICE IS HEll F.IY CllVEN Tn11t • Lazy leather lounge The ne"t fastest growing M1LDREO s KRETSINGER he! flleO A brown leather recliner denomination ts ... -bill ""'rel" • ~!Ilion for PrcobA"' of wit! Jo-· • ood ~ -• ..a ..,, iuu~11ce o1 L~• Tnt1.,._11rv "''""tr, in wry· I con-Since 1958, the total value of ';..!''~"'"~~ett~i:,.1~" w,i;:: 111~ dition. ·for only S3S -en-these in·circulatlon hu climb- tt>e !Im~ and oLI~ crf hearl119 the joy· the Pro J30wl. ed 56 WCf:Dt, from $10 billion S11rne Ills ~ M!I for F..tiru1.., 1. 1t6f, •• t :XI a.m .• In 111t Ct1Urf"'°"' e Save the Redwood! If you worth to •15.7 billion worth. ~' i;;a-=' :i:lith, ;:ree't~ld 1"cou~ don 't, this redwood· patio This is the ·biggest dollar in- Cltv cot Sant• ""'· c.111orn11. furniture set wW go to crea"se of any denomination 01ted J1nuarv 1•. 1"" aomeone ellll' -yuur loss. -laraer than the .rt.se for W. E. ST JOH"I e ""'"'.., ""''' all Ule under -$20 denomina· McCAl.TIM, HUCKENPAHLIElt A"IO • MahocanY. Marble and otoH Maple: Beautiful w b en tions put together. ,,. ,.._,,,, •-.. _ _._ ... n.. -mb'~ ,.. As fascinating as the trends Suite M--SH ...,.u:aWIJ' ...., U""-' " cHt• Mtsa. C•llftnll• ..uu your living Jtt4.. in the are the reasons for them. ,.,,, rno s.m1 A FIRST KEY force behind ..,.._.... ..,. httttMlt" pieces otfered, all step, PubHshtd Dr•-CGlil 0111r Pilot, end, or coUee tables. the cash upsurge is the ex· J111<1•rY 11, 211. 15, 1"' 101"' plosion of teen-agers in our LEGAL NOTICE •Green Tuesday? Does the land, a direct result of the NOTICI OP' SALIE thouPt of ironing make baby boom following World ,,.,...::kot~OI~ ~ ~...... you m ! Then why not send War ll. Teen.agers always NOTICE 15 HEREllY GIVEN 11111. it out! Bring yaur own operate primarily on a cash 1ursuent ti! the law mtde ind pf"PYkled, hanaen, and let thia ~ ,~e ~, BffumG!ll-GrJb1 ... von PY•·~· do.,..,.,..___._•--baals and today, they have Ori, will wll 11 oubllc auctlOl'I, 11 _.....,. ~~ """'"-"' WI I o/ -~'"" tS111 Ma111sot1 c1~•· w, 11m 1" 'i' • . only 80c an hour. a vo ume s.,... ........ 11 money t•lllorn11, ti 10;00 o'elodl A.M., °"l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~be~~o~nd~a~n~~bin~·~·~e~ve~r~kkn~o~wn~.1 F•ld•r• 1111 lal!I d•Y cf Ftbrua..,, lNt, e l~t l<ltlowlltCI delel"lbtd -1'1, 1-tl: P~lleo Coktr T.V., G. E. clod!. radio, Mn~~ Pflrtlbll-, 1Mreco -•• orwilmllelY ~1 albun\5. ~id sale II tor TM pUorllOle cl s&ll!ll"l'l"I Hen of "" ~l1ntd for rwnt ow..i "" "'",,,,_, 2 IDull!d " tSll Mtdlton Cl"'le In """ lmCIUnl cf t730.0D. !Olltlher ¥<1111 a>lb of ICl~ert\11"1 Ind ftPentel cf u lt!. O..led J1nu1.., 7, lNt. lleevma~l-Grlb!,..¥&11 0~1 llY Dennis W. H(Jlm1 Pvbl!lhed Or11111t COl •l OellY Pllcl, Janu1rY 12. 10, 21 and Februa.., 3. lMt ~,~. LEGAL NOTICE STEREO SENSATION! Tiie colorful. sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island. Newport Beach -. A second facLor 11 OlD' fabulous travel boom, botb within and ouside of our borders. Despite the many warnings to carry a minlmum in cash, this still is the most convenient and favored form of money for a traveler. A third factor is, u it always bas been, boarding of dollars, par tic u la·r ly by forelgriers trying to protect themselves against devalua- tion of Uteir own national cur- renci~. A FOURTH factor also is, as always, an elf art ·to evade taxes. How much cash is hid- den in safe deposit boxes and other places •by those trying to conceal the income and its sources is not known - but the amount ( undoubtedly is enormOUI. Then there is the growth of eating -out to all time peaks. ·This involves record outlays of cash u well as record use of credit cards. '111ere is the nation'• overall boom in retail a,Jes of every description; you've probably guessed that a major pro- portion of the circulating cur- rency and coins Is in cash registers, store and · bank vaults, vending machines, the like . And finally, of coorse, the upsurge In cash in use reOects our genera] economic upsurge. THE AVERAGES may be silly;. the stcry is far from IL U.S. Steel's Blough To Retire NEW YORK (AP) -Roger M. Bloogb. will retire at the end of January as chairman and cbief execuUve officer ol U.S. St.el Corp. Blough, who will reach the company's mandatory retire- ment age or 6S DeJt month, announced that he would re- sign and be succeeded br Ed· win H. Gott, president o U.S. Steel. Edgar B. Speer, now e~­ ecutlve vice president 1n charge of production, will become company president. Blough is credited with maatermioding the reorganization of U.S . Steel from a loose-knit collection of subsidiaries into a cohesive system or divisions united under a strong central framework . A graduate of Vale Law School, he joined U.S. Steel In ·1942 after practicing law with White & Case of New York, the company's counsel. He succeeded the late Ben Fairless as chairman ol U.S. St.el In 1955. In 1962, when U.S. Steel decided to seek a $k-too price 1ncreas<, B I o u g b do- )\vertd tbe ne1" to President Kennedy. Bloogll bore the brunt ol K"'111edy'1 bitter denunclotion ol the pnlllOIOl as a lhrtat to the national int erl!St, and in the eod Blough backed down. The new chairman of U.S. Steel is a 80-yur-old nallve of Plt Uburgb and a graduate of Lehigh University. Gott joined the company in um arter serYlllf fer seven years wilh the~ Co. good European'or Asiatic u .. ecutlves. Handy bu inade a con- tinuing study of the problem based mainly on 245 in· terviews with executives seek· ing men for · oversea:a assignment,, and assessments of the performance o f American e:1ecutives already overseas . Baan said a study of American executJves Uvl.ng and working in Japan was parti.cualrly revealing. ' ' I t shows that the • U I 1 y American' atill . is alive and kicking," Baan said.' He found that more than one-third cf American ex- ecutives who have worked in .Japan 10 years or longer ha\'e not learned to speak or read Japanese. I "All too many of them are oh.vioualy imbued with the idea of inherent Americaii superiority t o w a r d the Japanese," Baan said. Baan charged that American execuUves in Japan apply different standards in judging their own performance and that of the Japanese. He said the typical 'Ugly American' e x p e c ts his Japanese 11;1bordlnate to work to · advance hls American boss's interest, but t h e American boss is little in· terested in how well the Japanese worker fares. And, said Baan, American businessmen in Japan reveal an unjU1tilied intolerance of Japanese customs and ideas. Baan said other s1tudlesfl showed that many Americlll\ companies in the $100 to $200 million anmal sales range em-· bark on overseas a~ without. considering psychologidal factors ·th a t make or break the venture.. ''Some'times foreign sensibilities are bruised ao badly, the American company simply has· to pull out at a Joss," be slid. While the·desirability of us- ing foreign executives instead of AmeriCans n o w is universaJly ·recognized, it is getting harder to fmd thern. This is what has created the demand for "the international American." Such a man, Baan said, sbould be 1'ell grounded In the most modern management techniques but be sbould be, above all, a man of goodwill. "He mu.st be at ease with people of all races and backgrounds. H be ts nol it's because he has an inner In- security and he will be unduly critical of all non-Americans," Baan said. Ba.an said it is also a mistake to believe t h a t because an American ei:· ecutive has done well in one foreign land he will do well in a very di!ferent ont. "He may not be international minded at an," Baan e x- plained. And, he concluded, many good European executives are even more parochial and unadaptable than Americans, so truly international Euro- peans are about as scarce as international Americans. Kaiser Net Earnings Dip OAKLAND f AP) -Kaiser Aluminum &: Chemical Corp. I today reported record 19681 sales of $850.093,000, but net earnings ol $52,035,000 were about P million lower than in 1967. Sales in 19'7 w e r e $'171,551,000 wltb earnlnp of $5(,131 ,000. Pnsldent T. J. Ready Jr., tald aluminum demand con- tinued at a record high level tbmugbout 1988 but profit m1.rgins were affected by ln- crused labor and aperal.lng com and depressed prices for agricultural ehemicals. "The aluminum price in- creBscs of this week nn both ingot and ribrk:ated products art particularly encouraglna," be uld in prodictlng "• mud> needed Improvement" in the rate ol return lo ltlt. --·~-.. ---~-------------------------------- ....... Wh.o Ream the Stars ' For the Stars? \ . I ~ .. ' ' It's Sydney 'Omarr And now this articulate writer who has been called the "astrologer's astrologer'' reods the stors for you. Sydney Omorr, longtime personal astrologer to many of Ho llywood's ond the literory wo~d 's most femous stors, is o DAILY PILOT columnist. Oma rr's record for accuracy of predict ions based on astrological analysis is amazing. Whether you read estrologicol forecosts for fun or os e seriousstudent of ster-gezing, you'll en joy Sydney Omerr's doily column in the I DAILY PILO T - r ' ---------· --· -------~----·~~ ------~----~---------·---------------.. ---------------~--------------------------------~~ "°""''· J...., 20, 1969 (Sl DAILY PILOT J9 WHAT~,5 YOUR HANGUP? i . ' •. 1,. ·. ;•· .. • ' . . If mountain climbing is your th ing, we can't help you much. But if your real . , "hangup" is looking for a broad view of the ':n,ews Iha! includes a good, hard look al what's happening at home, the DAILY.PILOT has Jhe. line you should grab. ' We give you a broader view of the world than you can 'gel even 12,000 feet above Chamonix in the Alps. Mont Blanc, over there in the background, is the highest peak in Europe, which reminds us ••• • >' • • 'II , • • ("""" flllClll'lbrYll "' Our local coverage is hard lo lop. When ii comes lo piling up information about local schools, sports, social events, entertainment or crime and cal~mily, we're . ' king of the mountain. We're your hometown newspaper. . '" We make keeping up with the world, the nation, the slale1 the county, your town and your school a lot easier than climbing a mountain. Just ·grab our line. No more hangup. The DAILY PILOT will take you where you can see the view from the lop. • " ~ .. .. • ~ . ... •• '* • .. •• ,,, ... . ~· -. •' ... ·•· •:, . ' -' -i: -. •• •• -~ '>,;N, ~ ·.; .. ' " . .. . " .. . '. ... " ... . ,, .. ,• '· '• ,._ . ... ... . ,.~ . -~ • . ··- .. ;.. " ' ' •, .. . · ·~·­... ........ " . .. ~ . .. "' . "• ... . .... . ,.,_ ' --- " . .,, ., " .. -. . ,; . • • ... ... . ,,. '·" .. ,,, . . ,. . . " .... ; • " > -. ' .. > " . .. .. ... .... ... . . ... '" ... •,' . . " ... - ' .. •' ..•. . .. .. . •• r . ' ... '" ·' .. .... . ...... , .. " . ' " ... - - --------· --• ·--------·----------------------------------------'---L " .. . . . . . . . . . ~ f"Wqj 1 ' ..,, -1 --.. H DAILY ,llOT TO BE INSTALLED Mir Vitt•'• Moor Moor New Master of Mar Vista Lawrence Moor of Costa Mesa became the n e w WorshipCul Master of Mar Vi.ta Ma!Ollic Lodge llO In ceremonies at the Newport Be>ch lodge Saturday. Moor aueceedl re tt rt n g Master Arnold C. Arif. ' Other new officers installed are Robert D. DiDomelnco, senior warden; Joseph E. Thomas, junior warden; Carl R. Meyers, treasurer•; Clareace A. McCoy, secretary; Victor E. Tean~, chaplain; Leonard Gerardi, senior deacon; S. Alfred .Ascbe.nberg, junior deacon; Gene H. _Barnett, manhall; David G. Leighton, senior otewanl; 'David Knobel, junior .teward; Neal M·u r p by, organllt,.ud Cbarlos Cassube Jr., Wer. Past Master Paul Todd was inJtalling officer. Painting Oass Due Courses for the beginniag artist and the be a: Inn int portrait paint..-are to be 111- fered in the evening by Orange Coast College. It's Demos Who Need Suburbs WASHINGTON (AP) Muter tactlclan Lawrence F. O'Brien iJ leavina: lhe poUUcal area for bankers' hours with this word of advice to his fellow Democrats: Look to the suburbs. That's whert the Democrat.t are. O'Brien, who guided the campaigns of three OemocraUc presldellUal can- dldates, resigned aa natlooal party cba1nnao last -k to become president" • bantlni investment fum in New York. He gave his parting advice ~ in remarks irepar<d for the Democratic Natlonal Cbm- mittee, which cooveoed to name his .successor. ' Sen. Fred Harris (I>-Okla.),, backed by Vine President Hube.rt H. Humphrey, WU el· peeled Jo get the job which will entail cleanlng up a cam- paign deficit esthnated at between $9 million and $12 millloo aod rebuilding the par- ty, in O'Brien's words, ''from &he bottom up.'' O'Brien waa a charter mem- bir of John F. Kel!n<dy'a "Irish Mafia," wblch ran bl! . aucceasfuj presidentW can> paign aod provldod·hls clooeat advisors In the White ·li9yoe. He ran President Johnsbn's campaign in 1964 and later became postmaster general. He resigned that job In 116! to -manage the presil\f,Dtlal campaign "Seo. ltoberlK ... nedy. When Sen. KellDf!dy was assassinat<d alter a surprlaint! primary victory In California, O'Brien joined Humplµ'ey'a campaign, helping lo;steer ii lo near·vlctory. O'BrJen told the ,committee the Democratic party qiust be built "once again into a l!ff!is:e organization.'' To do i~ 11!l~ said, new sources or 111ppoit mjlSI be found. "We will not survive as a party if we just rely on the old po!illca.1 organizaUOM, the old 1 alllailces, the o I d allegjaDces. My advice is: look to tilt liiburb!; that's where many of our .nernocrata have gone. Look to ·the grow- ing problems of IA.J}>urban spraw!Cud suburban blight; that'• what so many of.our Democrats are co DC e·r n e d BegiMing Palntlng wjll bave three separ:ate clul ledlons: bOuL,, -Moodays tfun 17 W 10 p.m. a Tbe.Massa"h.'~lmclan 1t em-·-def ..,. High ~---lo School, Room 305·, • n d al80 urged the . , ee "embark upon -an lo-dePll), , Tuesdays or 'l'tl1nda1I from ..1-1.. I 7 to 10 p.m. at the OCC Art research project to -·• op Center Building, Room 14. a proposal ;fcr f 1 n.a.n cJ·n g The course wllJ cover the presidential.~· ~em w tt h basic teclullques of painting _fad_•_r_al_f_unds_. _____ 1 and drawing in various media. Students will paint from sti11 . life and costumed figuref. 305. The course will be for Material charge ls $3~ beginning portrait painters Portrait PalnUng will meet and models will be provided. Wednesday from 7 to 10 p.m. Material charge is $4. at Corona del Mar ffigh, Room Registration is under way. Trade all those blll8 for one easy pa.yment 'L' \J use 'our money! Thafs what Morris Plan money is for. You may borrow from $100 to $5,000, or mor9, for bill consol(dation, taxes, medical expenses, any aood reason. Payments scheduled to fit your Income. You may have your money the day you apply-with no repayment for 45 days. SAMPLE l.OAH SCHEOOLES YOU R Monthly No. of CASH Payments Months I '5193 124 24 ll,OILS7 153 24 ll~W9 $56 l6 $2,IZ211 176 l6 Cndtt Oft and dlsabllity lnsural"ICI available. Morris Plan ' 673-3700 •. ~00 Newport BoullYtid • • l • • ~ . . . ANAHEIM 444 N. E•<lld 535·8121 Mon. fhru Sef. 10 e.m. to ':)0 p.m. .. ' . • ' • -.......... NEWPORT 47 Feshion lslend b44. I 2 I 2 Mon. thru Fri. 10 1.m. to 9:10 p.m • Sef. 10 1.m. to b p.m. \ I • .. . ' •• MID-SEASON • ' • -i THE GRJ..SSCLOTH LOOK IN READY MADE DRAPERIES 8. 99 reg. I 0.00 '48154" . An elegont nubby textured look in rich ro yon acetate. Ready to ha~g in excit ing new colors .. Choose 'O'hite, blue, gold, jode, ' .. -. . pumpkin, or banana. We call this exciting dr4pery Scottsd'ole. Reg. site 10.00, "41x54" 14.00 ' 48x84" 19.00 72x5"4". 24.00 72xl-4" 24.00 96,54" 30.00 9bh" 33.00 120x54" 41.00 120xl4" • ...,, '· SALE 1.99 10.99 15.99 19.99 19.99 24.99 27.99 34.'9 ' l VOILE WEA VE· uf!oE~oRAW!t1Es df'"uio%'. DACRON~ :1i ',J i !~ Pt~iST,fR , . _ . . i'.!J l lfr~,I reg. 1'4.00. 54184" ~ ,. ·' ~~.,-. '" !1 '• ' ... ~·. w . . --.:t:,. '( Mode of· ··•s'f;·~ Dacron• polyester 1' perfect os • woshoble underdropery. Pfeet- . ed to over 200% billowy fullness to creot. •custom look. In white , eggshell, blue, gold, gree'n, pink. Ask for Grommercy. ' Reg. 14;00 25.00 35.00 4Z.OD si1• Mx84" llxM" 108x84" ll5x84" Allow I 0 to 14 d•ys for delivery WILDFLOWERS IN A PERMA- PRESS ENSEMBLE SALE 11.9' 21 .99 29.9't 34.99 13, 99 reg. 17 .00 twin bodspre1d Fully woshoble ·100% cotton throw beo· spre~d and cafe style draperies with rings create a fre sh look for Spring. Blue, pink, tangerine. CAFE CURTAINS WITH RINGS Re9. size 6.00 '41•10" HUNTINGTON BEACH 1117 Edin9•r Ave. 192-lll 1 Mo_n. thru Sit. IO •.m. to 9 :lo p.rn. ' ' ' .. DAILY PIL.IT J} Stan The Man .. • on Hall -of Fame's Threshnld • •• ) • • . . BJ MJL10N RICllMAN -but not'unanlmously. NE',\' Y,l!RK (UPI) -TOdq,lfM_Dlct ... 11· .. -In~ ... .,. e .. ebaU."'1!ters Nlxoo • ~: tomamw is stO!l '(~ al.fr.ya P\)llo Jun and la.,it ol bueball Man) M~'a. .,., ,ow~ because they never can agree oot for mDJtary -Ice, Musial ftllt to bat 10,8$1 tlin¥. collectd a,aoe, bl .. drove in 1,937 nm, bit 47' bomen and batted .332. That's wbfn ttie)' innouoce the idenUty· ?R• ~ythlng and t)len go out and fall of any dew ' addiUon to baseball's Hall into the yery wne pit themselves. of Fame. in ~towli #lnd Mus.lal's Musial ·e-· . y was ooe of the He won the NL batting title seven time• and was MVP three t)mes. Moreover, he helped \be Cards to f o u r peMants and three world championships and had two bits in three times up the last game he ever pla)ted even though he was ordy a few weeks shy of '3. chances of inik'lhg · it 'art about the' greatest . Dl$yers ever to wear the same-ali: ·Nb.on~~ for m¥ing the nearing Si-~ ala' uniform. Some even in ~ ia'W~ .todiy;,. w~argue he was the area.test. He The ~ ~Oil" *boll! Mldlfl Is hol .. ;more than 50 NaUonal League and whetlj~J!t'll ~Ill< ooly unuimous . 11J1l0< league reeords but for oome !hat cbolce -ljl' lie .wl<!I 1Qto u.e bajI · slUl isn't enough to qualify him for upstate. ~~'who' did' the votlnll ~ement. are the Bioet.al flritep hsociatlon of 1 " people are just plain hard to Am~!l,ndt:'~ my "t•·l'I o.w cpn~ They wouldn't applaud even memfleis as I ~~·;rd have to say H tb!f,aaw a gµy move a mountain. I feJt Stan Musial moved a mountain so when it came ume to applaud t did by making him Oral choice "" my Hall of Fame ballot In the lai..t elOctlM. Roy Campanella WU my eecond choke. Stan tbe Man wW be, elected all right FiUn 1111 thn>ogh 1963 wilh one year Whatever diaappolotment. Mualal IDiy I ;i.;· ~ ~ ~. t ;._·;:> ,··19th Ant.iual Pro Bowl Battle T .-'/. ~:+··.F ... , '·· ·.· .... wo ormer Rams Reserves .... I Ignite_W est to 10-7 Triumph LOS ANGEi.ES (AP) -When they first started playing catch, quar_terback Roman Gabriel and end Carroll Dale were reserves with Lhe Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League. Sunday the pair combined for a last- quarter 25-yard gain and two plays later lhe West team scored to eatn a 10-7 victory o v e r the East in th e NFL's 19th Pro Bowl game. "It sure was great having Dale out there catcping I]'lY pp.sses again," Gabriel said lfWr Ute :Vic[Ol'y. Gabe was voted playefo;~ the pme. , ~ - "He· Ind I _~e up &he hard ,way together~· He was A second-dtring ret:elver ... and I was a second-string quarterback. We would usually go into the game together afJ,er the firs;t stringera wer' through." . _ ' , Dale, now a 'ttgular wi~~ the Green Bay Pa~kers, wound up with only three catches b u t the 25-yirder came w i t h less than 31f.t minutes to play and the West trailing 7-3. , Donny Anderson of the PaCk.ers bulled tt yards up the middle one · J>!a.Y later the first half and ttaUed 3-0 at in. and Bill Br.own of the MinnesOta 'Vikings t!tmission on Ram Bruce Gossett'a_ 20- smasbed the remaining yard for the y a r d field goal. An earlier 52-yard Gossett attempt bounced bigh oil the , go-ahead score. ·cross bar and fell back onto the playing D on Meredith of Dallas started f o r field. the East at quarterback but a stubborn Meredith got the Eas:t's only score West defenaive line didn't allow a· first : midway ~ the third period . on down for tbe first 241h minutes of the 'a· 34-yard pass to Cleve:tand'a Paul game. Warfield, who eluded San li'ranclsco eer So midway in the second quarter,. defensive back Kermit Alexander aild New York's Fran Tarkenton came.ir. raced in.for the touchdown: " • On hls·flnt'offensi,.. play; Tarkenlq!I , 'Th<!o.~allrid ·,mt~ ~·y. . w as dropped liy Vildnc·end.rji;rl EUtl" • "We sent Al>dOJ!Oll on a 11.W~." ~ for a ~yard l~. '-~pfained. HTben, on the nexfplay, '-la~ "Our defense played a fine game," used a play-action pass,faklng to Brown. said 'llfinning CoAcb George Allen of Dale was open up Q\e middle." the Rams. "The footing was t little ''They just caught WI in a zone defense poor and the linemen put-;. a. lot of wUh Dale one-«t-one with St. LouU pressure on Tarkenton.". Ca'rdinal Larry Wilson," said losing "But be's' so unconventional. you can coach Toin Landry of Dallas. never really ant.lclpate wbat· be!_, going . "Gabe· called all his own plays and to do,'' said Ram Merlin Olsen of 'lllJ'ken-J thought be mixed theiD u'p real well,'' · ton. Olsen was a nearly unanimotlS 'pick said Allen. as lineman of the game. It . was the 12th West triumph. Tbe The East gained only 81· )'Ilda· in Easl-llaa>won seven, ._, . > . u,,,......,. \!(ALL y AND JOE-An °""'"mouthed Joe Namath ljhl! East coach Wally Lemm of,tlouston watch the 'Ct!on during Sunday's AFL All.Siar game in Jack· sooville, Fla. The .West tripped up the East in the fourth quarter, 38-25.' Namath played the first and third quarters. ~ Wet Stuff lfostpones . W es~'s,..l,lawson Move t!2n~v!~·-.. ~ eay~·Off With ~ally M,. ·Trend ruvenidl:MO s:aCe 11t on ,· . ~ " ' · bl today, their nldllL>t1 drained and JACltSO!MLLEJ ~.(AP) -Len Joe Namatb, the league's MOii Valuable ' •ables di·---aWaiw..-Di.WIOft,' lS~IA':jD IU overlooked -p1 .... er, Broadw.v.._Joe eomple'•"' over-~~--. ""all of'~ F.lihtball '··--_,. ~·c ..., ·sanday aod lhe resChedul~ stock u;, rceBl llill ovM.'. ~~ shadowed Hadl, who wu far off in ca ace. ~ excieft ~ ... ·, succeeded where hls passing. steady downpour which pelted the Y~~-'!~<![ ¥' ~· W.e!I came ·from The picture quickly changed ., Bob 2.7,Je track and more than 20,000 fins f~ tf11e1~4t ,t_he New Yor~-Griese of Miami and Dawson became fo officials to postpone Su~'s d ~ . .,But. "1:5 m the league s rival quarterbacks in the second haH. se th annual running. It waa the only • ~ '.'";"~,I-· . sun the East led '-1-11 goh>g Into the ye ·in iWbich Dan .Gurney w,ifed to .. lf~ · ae ' ~~ ~ league tn final period. w; ~with the chec:kertd flag: '=y~~ dunn-. l!'<·r~r N°l'W Yort'a .Jim il'urner llicked the years. ago, with Pantelli J-i. ·ihe ~Id Natlooal ,League '1"81 of l1is liJ: IJeld goals earlr in the le g ,iter :;o laps, a 111<1ftii ~ r "I!<' ~~.city wit .owrloOked · liiial quarter 'lo' Jei\athen 'lliof.)mrl!in for a .... -~ l~ "'~ lbt-,~ al. Saa Die&o'• · to ~13 but thal en.r.n111ll:ial'1 ""'inl di seem to mind lbe-'llelli.·'lbaiiP· I ~-,J -~In tlleh''selectfon ' 111 oaw,.. toot~ "'"•rat. 'fli1h He aintalnlll his load.~: , t •!ftl(oW~)i team. · · aliil& from -e'omp'111"a11ve 11,,.., the ooly y.ar Iii 'li1ddj Gury _ •J!o!t !illit, · :coach ol the West, yoonptera -Jim ~ J:'lb7d )IJWe ney11ailCIJ. to wlpd qp_ with the •I"· YJll • .,,1iole' the error. He and Paul Robinaon, the iequt'a No. ed flag.',-• "• ~-·: • { ltleotecl bll .-Odefa' •. quarierback as a J rootie 'from OncinnaU. A.J . Fo'yt. wiM« of the Pole "°'tloo roember ol lhe oquad and made a ornart Lynch successfUlly covered ' an onside but a doubtful starter after a 104-cjegree DlOVe Stmday u th e West chalked up kick and Dawson and hlJ matt.I were fever was complicated by his reacUon ill fourth All-Star vlc.'tcry a.gal.Mt two on lheLr way again from the ·East's lo a penicillin shot, is expected lo be defeats befcn a rainy day crowd of 43. This time Robinson went over from ln next Sunday's race. 43,800. . the ooe for the fir8t of his two quick Bestdes being we;ather1%ed, tne can Dawson replaced Had! at the start touchdowna. are under 24-bOw"guard, ract officlala of~~ hall wilh the East leading A pass from DaWIOO .to Warren Wells sald. There will be m practlct runs 19-3 cbJeOy because of the passing and of Oakland ate up 27 of the yards. F or belore the race. they said. the l1IW1 algnal calling of New York'• the lirat time ibe Weot led -23-U. ' . . . East Folds, 38-25 (.,t ol, a O I beln( I' .... l)hnQ MIOCllOO llbouJd be CUBhlooed by the !act thiJ WU the flrol ~ he baea\ne ellalblo lo be el«:led and the only three othen voled In the f I r 1 I time around '!"< Bob Feller, Jackie Robinsoft and Ted Wllllams. It's hatd to btlleve but nonetheJe.ss true th>t even Joe D!MaQlo couldn~ make it hll first time around. That glvea yoo an Idea of how hard It la to impress some baseball writers. Knnwinl bow unpredlclabla· ,they are. and in a way apprec~tiftg them all the mo re. for it, l wouldq'~ be th e 1 ... t bit 5'\lPrl8ed. tt, the wrflors actOrd Mualal the largen -ever even though they fall to make bl:m a unanimous ' . •• • . r t . • . ' . chnlce. WUllaml eoUeded the bea.sest' Maybe the-1ate 1olllm1 '-'- , p<evlOUJ vote ever. a-1nlal<Jy 13 It belt one ~ lo AUJ1M 1llJ --~ I believe. Slan The Man coold MllSlaJ announced he .,... ntl!fDc lo top that. ~ ·-u you ever uw MuslaJ .hlt, you'll IRA DKl!'e wee-. never lorg~ him with !hat peek-a-boo "It's been a greii bolior, • -' stance ol bla and that wooderfully fiuld privilege. to. baoe--pul.on. tho amo unP- swing: if you never saw him hlt -form aod dreued in the aame clubboule particularly at friendly Ebbets Field -aa this great ,ballplaye-.'' said Keane.. you missed the treat of a lifetime. Later tJ>eY. .wen! out and bull~ a .~ More than having been a unique of MUBlal bl ftonl of ·the CordiUll' ballplayer, MUlial la a unique man. ballpark! . ' ' Here'a a·auy nobody ever said.a foul No wonder. word about. Tbit includes those wh>. l never bad : the honor or pri.,..• employed him, thole employed with him, of puttlnlJ. oa. the aame uniform ·tiiit and even thole empleyed. againal him. , I dn have the boMr ad privlle&e ol There waa nevw any prlma doona hi. knowing Stan Musial. And votlrlg lot Stan Musial lromJlllle Donora, Pa. 'him, too. NO HOLE HERE -· Weat fullback Ken Willard is liroogbt down by the East's George Andrle after a two.yard gain in the ·Pm Bowl game Sunday. East U•IT ...... linebacker Lee Roy Jordan (56) moves In to aid Andrie. The Weot rallied on the arm of Ram quart. erl>eck Roman Gabriel for a 10-7 win in Ille rain. Lakers Pack For 4-game Road Foray LOS ANGELES (UP() -The lA>S Angele! Lakers packed today for a foUl- game road trip starting at MUwaukee Tuesday, well-primed for the assault into cold weather country at the expense of the Cincinnati Royals. Paced by Urele.as Elgin Baylor, the La.ken put on a bot-shootiag show Sun· day night to ddhrone the Royal!, 132-117. Seven Los Angeles players scored in double figures, u the team 1bot at a $4 percent clip from the field. Baylor, leadlng all ICOrers with 34, hit 15 of 2$ shots. Big Mel Counts added 23 on 10 field goals In 1$ tries and three charity toeses. Jerry West had 19, Wilt Chamberlain 15, Fred Crawford 13 and Keith Erickson and Tom Hawkins U. CINCINN~TI LOS ANOaLrs O~T •~T Dltrklr11 1 1·J 1• atiylor IS 4-4 '3' LUU.I If 1-2 21 C~\rt ' .k IS ltol»rbon 1 7·11 21 COlll!tt 10 ).) 2J TAtV1r1t $ 0.1 II Erlcbo11 4 "5 l:t V1ftAndtlt lt W '° .._'#111111 $ !·) It OtlllWlddlt J M ' W.. I J.• It Fotltt f >-J t C ........... d ' 1-1 ' 15 f'rlnlc tM•EIM OMO D.$ml!Pt 1 0-0 2 Hewitt 2 M • We11rt t 14 5 Tot.,.. Ill 1NO 117 Toftll Sf -..1211 Clncl~lllfl • :D )6 30 -117 "' ........... ts ,. :D ., -1211 '"°"*' Clllf -"-· RAIDER ARRESTED BY FLORIDA COPS JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) -George Atlrinson of the Oakland Raiders was arrested by J acksonvWe police after the American Football League All.Star Game Sunday on a charge of being a fu&!Uve from Gecqla. A warrinl baa beeo laued !or his arrest. Peoce J111t1ee Donm 0ra11e , beld • bwlo&.on.bor,.,. psn:f>.and ordered 12'.llil'.liood' . . ' •" ' Awn.on iinetid the boqd. • .AWDlon wai charged in a warrant l!sued'by I h • Savannah, Ga., municipal court with abandoolna two chlktren. AtldNon lald be knew hll arrut WU pending but dll1led the cblldren are bla. Atktmon, a rookie defellllive beck, col- lected 11.lOO u hil ahare of Sunday'a football 1une. Chapman Slzzllng Ex-OCC Star ls Rebe4 Not Witlwut a Cause Like the now derunct Leleviaion serial character Johnny Yuma, a former Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College basketball ,player bas become a 'Rebel. However, the subject of tbl1 column -Bruce Chapman -is not a Rebel WlthoUt a Cause. l\t a member of the University of Nevada, Laa Vegu, Rebell buketball team, Chapman has ·• OouPLe cf prime objectives during the n.ext couple of seaflOns. He hopea to someday ~e it with the American Basketball Association. But WHITE WASH .... ,. ......... . And IOl'Wllnl Qff( FfaJay (M, ta poands) 11 pnMlncfas II pobota per Ull . •1we were sup~ jo .. be· w~ en die boards, bat It bm't tmwd out that wat,"' Chapman aalcl durtac -a ·visit to _ hll Colta Mesa bome aver the wee:bnd. ''0Heaafve1¥1 we reaDj __.,. It. Rolud Tadd b 1lie bed ....... l'\oe ever W •• , M'• Claglat me , -a lot, . etPedally defense." ' ' ' "But t,.e,r'eally _., played .. for a bad coach. They've all believed In the nm, run, run type of offense ud" that's what I do besl" Tbellebeltare •verar· . Ing 111'1 polllta per gamO. . Al a prep at Costa Mesa, Chapman Olalted for-coach Jules Gagt. "Bruce had' '~· the toola. lie ,bad helpt, • good toUch and ·natural Jmnpinl ability, Bui he WU Immature. He liked lo be at ... --t he's --~"•• 00 Oll4I of llie boys and I thongl>I· that U..:::. ~::::u:::~.. ".'::::'"''.:'.::::." milbt' he the thing ' that would bold P •-. --~ to -•~ °"" 'him bacl< ln collep·" Gqe ncallL "Bal spot ID¥>!ll the natiOl'l'p NCM amall ) I IQetl•ht'• matured a lot since then." college fon:es. Bob Wl!Uel, who bad Chapman .., CUrrently, coach Roland Tndd't lltl/I lwO' Eui.rn conierence champloosblp are ranked second behind K!qtuciJ r~ .. ..i. alJM 8 Wesleyan. They've Jolt t wt c e -IM2 teams at Orange vva;o., appr nx:e · thusly · to Sou~ Ullnois and .113-106 to oHe'~ a htlltlva ootslde shooter and Oklahoma Cily. , · J think be WOUid be a line flUard prospect ff.~ever, they ve d~~ted such op--for the ABA. He really eame into hil posJtion u Teias OJistian Universi~, for me in his last. fOlD' Of five Oklahoma, San Diego Sta&e an d own .....i behind Cre.tihton. ·And they have major test.I conference games when we •"' comlna up at the Univenlty o1 Houaton in th e flnt baK and needed a Int of '-·-~--.._.. help.'' P•~ • -·~.,....,..,. ...i .. 'fli1h potent Perbajls Chapman'• flMll boor at OCC Cal .State (loq Beach). was wi.m he acortd 41 polnta at De•f 111"'41 SU.re. Rlvenlde-in. • maldl oruclaJ to the ' .. Piralel' tllledlanc<J. . .,..•m-. ·al jufor, II Ille Wu II WU ojter that duel that Rl....icte ~U: ~ · _,,. u ~ '. bolo Biil Mullican can.ii Bnice :•, crtf ;("!Lt'~ per p-;;l·..W',a1 ·~ . cGl!eo •proapoct." . . • .... ,,u.. 1M '""' 1111.-. .'• "'"' · Chapman mfl NlllC)l·Sleln durlnf bla R<belt' -I llne. ' ' Jafce6 I •• r ol dutJ anll • b • II ... lecfdeafally Urie..:.: e r t• 1tarten -to • become Mrt.' Bruce Cha.pmln tbla m •ftrqbl In npm, t.dtldlDc Aoigusl. . . ' ' Joi Doo LY'Jlll -a dtal male. ~enlually, Chapman bopea to~ All• .. the i.am la 1.._ Rhenlde a i\byalcal edbcaUon fnttrui:tor. ai, Collep ace Tom WaWaa ud f~ But !or the -couple <I 7'lft ho'a ...,..i Cwnl1 wa-. n.,, alollc -going to ...-trate cm bolplna to U., 14tou, .. Mlllns 11 polall "" ,..,.. the Rtbela on~ qi the ~ -. .. ( ' U DAILY 'ILOT ' . Sport.I CUpped Short Rain Gives Bar her Kaiser Open Win .N.\PA, Cal~. -Heavy rolm !or a third strallht day lorc<d lhe c.-IWJoa Mondly ol lhe final round la lhe $1».- 0IJO Kolltr ln..,,..tlooal Open Oo11 -ond swtpt M1JJer Barber ii>. lo lhe dlalppiomhlp. Barber, i. veteran tram Shtrman, Tex..· posted a --136 lor • bola ot lhe cooclmlon of pl111 Friday ond no more rounds coWd be fini:shed So lhe Tuan -a top prize ol flJ,51111 euctly -lhe top P"1 oll hod lhe -.... lhe fllll 'IS-hole route. Batie of V•lte•C- Very conceivably, the We 1 tern Jle8looals ol the NCAA -.iball playoffs could wind up with two un- deleat..i powerhouses pitied qalmt each other. Unless somelhlng unforeseen occurs durlni lhe .. ma1nct.. ol lhe reptar campaign-~ It'• not likely -UCLA and Santa Clara, nationally ranUd flnt and third, will cblrge luD.ctwn Into the rqional> with perfect stale ........ The ume two t.wDI met l D the ...-i l1llala wt ,.., -bat with blemtslwd recordl. UCLA came: out on top In thll .... 17.ff, lo ..... Into the NCAA champloNblp round. Johnny Wooden'• Bruins ran their ncm! lo IU Satunlay u they soored • roulln( If poinll In the -boll lo eully ouldlllance -· IOM4. And the hlglHarbJg Ylcloty WBJ a<· complillled with the labulool Lew AlciJ>. dor on the bonelt lor lllOOI ol the game with a throat aliment. P-pld• to Sta11 CORVALLIS, Ore. -The "Great Pmnptln" 11 aolnl lo llay. Dee Androl, whose name ori,..,_ wal Kon1tanlde1 De:mostbiJlil.·i Alldrocoupolls, Saturday rejecled on' 11.i> tractive offer to leave hil bead coaching job at °"Ion Stale lo< P!IUbm'gb, which hu bad three 1-!l lellOlll. "I gueu you could ay xntimealit'~ reuons are the main thing," be ~­ "II'• tough lo gel loi<ther yow "fl':' squad and then up am Jeave tbtm... "'-• Star• to Rat WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -The Loo Angela Stan, -In two ol three weekend road pmea, had tw o dayo oll lo look lorwlnl lo today. But en the horizon loomed the powerful l._Jeading Oakland ow. Tho Stan, deaplle bol• ...... ICOl'lng, dropped a lt>IJO -5uDday night lo lhe Miami ,florldlanl. Miami, holding down fourth place io the American BaskdbaU AaoclaUoo Eutern Diviaion, jelled to shoot at a 55 percent clip for the victory, The Stars will regroup Wednesday at Los Angeles to host the Oaks. Kbtg• •• Streak INGLEWOOD -The Loe Angeles Kings loo~ r°"'arct with ~ed con-fid~ tod;ui to the leCood half of the National Hockey League seuon as they rode a three-game winnlng streak. The third victory came Saturday night when the KJnp scored a 4-0 win over the PIU.bur&h PeniuJnl alter previow;ly having butm the New York Rangers and Chicago Black HawU to emerge lrom • lenglhy alwnp. I G tt lajuretl Star ballback Mike c~ Chief• In II League IUl!ered minor injuries an alrllne 1tewardeas rid.lng in his ar "'aa killed in an auto acddenl near here dwin& the weekmd. Garrett'• car, aocording to· the Calllcmla ~111 Potrol, tpWl out ol coatn>I . m a rahHllCk street Satun1111 Dlibl and •lammed )>road.aid• Into a OCC Matmen Host Rustlers O.n ·Tuesday I ar.,.. eo...i and Golden w .. 1 Col· lap Wrellllna leama have had llllle auo- ._ Id Eulem Coalennce -..Ull<m lhll ...-, but ooe ol them wtlf po 1 I 111 llnl drcull vlolory 'IUel<lly wbori the rivalt clash in a S:JO p.m. match on the Pirate m111. Riverside banded Golden Weat Ill H<- ood Iola ol the con!mnoe aeuon, 13-11, • while lnjury-rtddled Orange eo...t m e t the wne lalc al the handl of. Mt. San Antonio • .,11, in '111uraday action. llelUlla: IU-....c:M11fl• f0CC.l -1,....,. Andl'IH• CM!. SAC) to-or--C-1 tomlt l~YllJ IOCCI Mil HtlTn ()Ill. 5ACJ .,,. t Jll""'°""" C-t ,...,.1, ,._T,..... CM1. -..ct --"""' """"' 1occ1. ,,., 1~ (OC(J ...,,......., ~I IMf. SACJ, •I 1~ CMI. IAC.1 tllWlf ......,. IOCC.t l~tlllt (OCCJ •llilaNlll ~ (Ml. SACI, ... ,~ c..lf """' ttt-CIUIM OM. SACI ..,...,,. C-IOCC.I, lM ~..,., IOCCJ ..._. S.H .. (Mt. MCI. I car comlnf tr.a> the OJ>P<Jflle dltecllon. · Tho ~~ Hetlmon Trop~y 'llnotr al USC tullered 1-.-on bla bandl, wblle 'the d!l•er ol 11!1 other CW, L1oY4 Buller, 111 Al-also' &ullendmlnlr- Tbe -·-ldlled In the accident WU ldentllled U -Glbaoo, •• from Inckpmdeoct. Kan. <1arrett't l1lter. GenldlM, SS, who waa riding In the back out, tuflmd a brokOD rtJhl lei. l.tll'C!r Deteatetl BJllSIWIE, Aullnlla -Rod Laver, the Canma del Mar prD, WU made the No. I oeed lcr lhe First A.;&allan Open T,_ <lwnplomhipo alarlq to- day. Tony Roche defeated Laver M , U , t-7, JS.10 In lhe llnal ol the NIW South wa1.. Open 1enn11 cbamplonahlp and Britain'• Mugaret Smltb Court troono- ed Roaemary Cuall, San Francllco, 1-1, I-I In the""-'• llllllJea llnal. Billie J... King, Looi Beach, was rat..i the top womeo'a oeed with 11,750 1oing lo the winner. Bue Defense Shocks Dons In 68-57 Tiff By'JOEL SCHWARZ OI tlle °""' Plllf ft9fl , '!bat Clbllujlry being prepared lut week lor the early death ol Orange Cout Collel•'• Ulll ba.aketball leam proved obit~.·· 1be Plrata are .atiD alive and kicking after opettlQg Santi Ana College, 18-67 Saturday in the Dom' gymnasium and coach Bob Wetiel already ls looking abea4 a Diile lo Feb. 1 when Orange Coast meets Euttm Conference leader Fullerton qaln. Saturdoy nlght's victory upped the Pirates' canfennce mark to 3-2, b u l Orange Coast ii ltill 2\la games behind the Hcrnetl:, who are 1IXl111ng a s.o mark. ''The way to beat Fullerton ls lo use a man defense against them, not a sooe the way we played them 18.IC time," WtSRI ta.id. "If you don 't man them, their ,/Ailllde •hooltnl wW kill you." Wet:Rl credited his defense for the victory .,., Santa Ana, calling It lhe "boot job of man delense In my three yean at Coast." Orange Coast's def~se was tight au night, rarely giving Santa Ana a 1ood shot des.p.lte tbt patient offenaive tactics of the Dons. Jn the fast haU , Santa Ana took 15 more shots than the Pirates, but held only a or'1&1Kllnt lead, 23--2'1, on the strength of five points in the last 34 aecoods ol the hall. The Dool continued their slow paced offense Jn the second hall, building their margin to 32-m unlll the Pirate• suddenly uploded. . . Jim Kindelon ignited the first of two Pirate scoring rprte1 by stealing the ball and driving in for a layup. He went on to san: e.ight points in a IS.I OCC spurt that gave lhem a tl-33 lead. Then after Santa Ana cut lhal lead to tive point.a, 42-37, Kindelon aent the Pirates on another scoring binge, th1a one 15-J, and the Pirates hid It all wrapped up 57-40 with &:S2 to go. After that Wetzel ordered fus team into a stall, hoping lo open up the middle. However, the middle didn't unUI there were only four seconds tell In the game and that's exactly when Orange Cout toot itl next and laat shot from the Door. Kindelon wu top scortr in the game with Z& p>ints. cw-c-t ,.., .... _., ) 1 * 1 I 1 l J t 7 I » ) 1 I 1 1 1 • • I I f ( 1 • • 2 I ' • I J 2 • • Slllfl; ,..,, UJ) "".., "' J4dt10n a 2 c 2 Hudr..,ltln J I l I MltcMll 1 l J 17 •v!CP!ft" • • 2 • ·-I It I ¥"*'"·-'""' 1 • • r L~ JIJ 1 G<irltfl J • J I• T1'191NI IJJ ' •f"O'fM I J f 4 Tll411t n n 11 .-To1111 '1 u n S7 Htlft1rnt _.: &ffll1 AM .. Or•-CMtl 27, Gauchos Embark On Heavy Slate Saddlobact c.Jlege pn!pared ltael! lor • brutal ....Und ol ba.akelball by bat- tling into overtime bef«e dropplng an U..'7'1 decision to San Die10 Men Satur- day night al Mbslon Viejo lfigh School. Now, 1fter a couple of days resl, all the Gauchos have to look fonrard to this weekend fl a schedule lhat looks llke tt was prepared for an NBA team -lour games In lour nipll otartina with Gronmont Wl!dnaday. Against Mesa. Saddlebaclt rallied lnim an II -point dellcll In the ~ hall lo take' -~ leod only lo ran back by 10 In the -ball at one lime by 10 pololl. Apln tho Gaucboo rallled lo tie the toore and oend the 1ame Into onrtlme. .. o-..,..... t'WI 1a1111Mcti cm ...... "' """ ,. t••~ f 1 2 •hrd Jftn M14:L-l11 t1J l~ 7 111S ·-· S ••U H1rt1r 1ttll t rlc*lrt' ' I 1 t lrtlt I t I t Cl'Mlfl' t ' 4 II N°"' t S , 11 """'" I f I t Mtr'rlll J J I t ~ 11 11..._ ,,, J If l t!!WMttr 1tlJ t fb... M It t1 • TOltll Jt 1) 11 71 HtlrlllN _.,1 ltfdlltl9dl 0 . 1111 Oi.lllf -· Sew. at ""' 9f ,..., .. ,. ..,, , .... Nell tt. SM DIHt ,,_. a. GLENN WHITE Sports ldltor OcmEvent Washed Out, Rescheduled Hoping lor beltu weather than the variety that waahed oul 8W>day'& All-Pm Clwnplonlblp l!UI... 0r.., •. COunly International Racewlf olfidall went ahead with plam !Gt -Sunday'• reptar drq raclni program. Supercbar1ed luel altered and Jl.tp IUperdluged coupel a!lll aecWta will begin eltMtnattons at J p.m. Qualifying lor tho niln> burninc alleredl wlII rtarl al t :IO a.m. and clote al 1 p.m. 'lbtre are elabt atarilQg lpoll open lor lhe $1,000 pune. The s.g.u 1Upe<ebarsed clua .,w be gnlng lor ODly lour llMlln1 poaltiom. AU ... lered can will quallly sJde.by..tde st.art.Ing at I p.m. on a onMbot, do-or-die bull. The four qualified cars will return for two RIUDdl of compeUUm to cletmnlne llnl throuP laurlh ...... Chuck Poole, winner of last Sep-t_.• OC1R wbe<l&landlng cbam- plonahlpo, will compete on the quarter mlle upbalt strip again Sunday. Poole UIO& two topercbarged, fuel-burninl Chry1tu engines mounled in the med of hll ''Chuctwagon," a modlfled Dodj;e A-100 pickup truck. In hit September runs, Poole Md the front wbeell In lhe air lor l,IOO !eel. Radio staUon KTBT will bold tta Cbrl&tmU F..Uval al OCIR on Saturday, Basketball Standings llAITlllUll COH,lllllJK:I w .... , ,. Fwl!.rton Cll&lfeJ Golden Wtlt Or ..... Cc11I S.ntt ""' CYll"ftl ' . ... "" ,,,,,as l t .. , ... ) 2 "' ,,. ··-Ml. SAC Alv1ol6- t.ln a.rn1rdlno Cllr111 tt•m l !Uf).ff l 2 •11 '" 1 •.a.11433 2 ' 531 MS 1•4lldl tf'27D ··~··­Or1nge c.tf 61. 111111 Al\1 '' Goldtn W•f .. San Blrnl"""'° '7 IOT) 111ci Hondo n, c 11111,.,. n A.lvtrtldl 111, Cl111.11 7' ,rltl1y'I .. _ CVPl"ft5 •I Gokfl.n Wnf 0••,,.. C0111I 11 '•" 1trn1rOlno lllV11"1ldl 11 Ml. $-'C 11.ICI """°' ltt Cltrvt s."t• ""' 11 ,un1rt0tt SUllSIT 1.1.aoua W L "' I'• Hunt lnot~ Slldo ' O lit lH Welltrn 4 t 2111 2C't An9'lelrn l 1 251 rn NtwPOrl Harbor l 3 Jlf 2'1 MlrlNO l l l" 216 Wnfmlfllltr I J W 211 S.nll An• 1 3 211 :NJ ''"'' ~ v.11.., 1 1 m 211 Tw•J"• OllMI Na .,,... ld't9dulto:I l'rtHn O- S.\ \llllr/' 11 .Allllflelm N-' •I Wtl!mlfll!W WMhnl 11 HllllT ........ lt9dl Slnt9 AM 11 Mir! ... CllllT\lllW Foolflltl $1n C 19mitnl• Ml11Jan \/Isla .,_,,. Tu1tln \IHll , ... L"llfll 811(.h Or-• LU.OU& W L I'll • 0 ,., 3 1 245 , , 2n , , ,.. , , ,,, 1 2 2» I J 11• • ' lt7 ,......,. . ....,.. $911 C19!!Mllt9 ti ,oalhfll O•-• " l.a9YM ludo Mtulan \/lllo 91 T11tl"1 \/Ult l't .. at II ~ lltVIJlll 1..8.AeUW " '" m "' "' "' "' '" •• Cot9nl tit! Mtr -·· ElllMll . ..... ,,. l • .. -61 I I <If JI' 1 • " ... COll'9 MHI ,....,,.lft \11flrr Lot•• • 1 .. ,. I I J1 4' I I ..S • w.........,. •• _ F-11111 \ltlllY 11 C.,._ dtl Mu ca.11 Mui " ~Ill Lotr1 11 ~ltftdl PRllWAY LUOUI w ' ... SUnin' Hll!t 4 O J01 r.-'''71 L1~1 l2UI SIVllWll J 2 HI . 9-l'ert I 3 )t1 full1rtwl I J 20t "-"dY l J .. -·-t.e-11 It k......., S..Vt-It Lt ..... fu~ •I lun!oy HMll 8-l'M111IT...,. ANOILUI UAIUI •• "' n• ... ... ... •• .. St. An........- St, 1'•111 ... ,, ... I f IJ 11 1 • " SJ ""'" 1 • " .. Ml .. r Dtl , l r1 n . .. ' • 1 ~ 1S -·-$!. Aftl,_,,1 11 l'llnl X Slr...111 It II, 1'1ul Dl'llY •--ulf'd, GARDllf OltG\11 LIAIUI w I. '" '" 1 1 n a 1 • n .i I t a! 11 I I U )1 t I 61 Tt t I •1 U --lllllCflo AM"'"-11 l'telflct "fll'leto9 11 Glor• 0-hlll GrMtlt It L• Qlrl!!lll Oil.Ult UAOUI ... ,,,,. K1Ml1 ' I J..i.I IU La AMl'llltol I 1 »I 1M l•tt tflP!Om Et OWWt 1 I t~ :tG lltldlQlck , , )Q 111 Y•l9tlr:l1 2 ii\ '11 tll lorlort IJ14'HJ LM All'llflt I • N :rM . .....,.. ..... K1ll!ll M. II Dtr• 6"I 1M111t1tc11 u. l.11 Aini• a ,,... n . ..._.. •1 Let. Altl'l'llttt ... ,,. ~~::::,,. ktltllt .. ~t °"""° LOI Arni .. 11 ~Md ._. II 11'11 \ltittntlt II Loi .tJ•rlllllOI • Overdllle Verdlet Trojans Next For Irvine; One of Worst Games, . -' .UCLA Wins tme'a talenled Troj1111 .,. nm oa tho aclledllle lor coacll Al Jrwln'a ~ -,.-UC 1rvtno swlmmlna lotta. But GWC WiriS, 88417' Allor aboorbla( a .... beallng al UCLA Saturday ~. UCI boots USC Salllrday al 11 a.111-There will benoadmllaloo-... Irvine wan five vi Satun1Jy'1 U eventa, a n d llldl -an4 Mike Martin, the lormtt eor.. del Mar ·llllb -~ -two ol lhem. 5opbomft oematlon MarUn captutod lhe IOJ'lanl rreutyle ~ la f :IU and tho 1.000 lree In lO:IO.t . 8nlln nlmmtn ..... -and third to each race. The other double UCI wiDner waa Rich Euon, In the LOO ln4 lllll free evenla. Steve rarmer won the &00 free. Hant Thayer took a secoocl in the 50 free. 1 Jbn 'Cooper llnlahed third in the 200- y~ breulltroke. ur•uct » -""Jk' UCt.A. fl~ ->·42.1 fr•• -••-(IJCI) !. Roc1trkk t\ICL.t.l 3. Drt'"""'lch ( LI.) Tlrnt -1 :•.J M--~· '•""'' (UCI) .l. Thtrw (UCO J t r II.IC I 1'11n1 -t2.t I... ~ J• "" (UCl.A) 2. W ... t I. .... IUC11 ,..,. -· t :OU · Di-1 .. Cl'lld CUC~, Wlllllflo IUCI) -1. l'I..... Lt.I I. Londl !UCLA) $, CUCI) Tltl'lf -10 100 l"r• -1. Ill-I Cl) 2, H111!1 IUCLA) 1 ::rtMr (UCll Tli:J: -"'-1. DW.'111 rucii Tlt71S ~~~JYCLAI 2. .llldo tUCLAI *ro::MuCi I. Marlin IUCI) 1 l'llllt (UCUI J. ~~~}~ T:=;-1W1 1 D9tlll IUCLAI :I.~"!!!: rt~1-1~~ t:' ~llllt -J :ll.6 r.ilfW.. -1. M.'r71ri{ucu I. llollk• IUCW 1. TllmMt (UCLA) TlrM -IO:JO.• B7 EAJll. OunKl!Y ..... ~, ....... Go-Weal College baakelball coach Dick -bad just beaJ throUlh ~~ nl .1bt al Orange In overtime, bl.I Ru1Um: won by a point, IM7. What's woru:, he had to watch three San Bemardlno lllola bounce oll the rbn In lhe final 10 -. lhe i..i one banllnl on lhe rbn at the bti:izer wore falling batmltaly away. ''They aay these camu take • year off your life/' tbe GWC coach sighed. "And we:'ve got 15 yean to p thit ......... Golden Wat ii now S.Z on the Eastern Conference ledger, wlth Cypreu the ne1t foe Friday at OCC. II would haft been dlfllcutt lo predict the bair-ralsint finish for lhe Rultlers Saturday night. Thelr performance In the rirst baH was far less lhan inspiring and, with tbe paltry crowd half asleep, trailed 3T-31 at lntermi&aion. More Sports On Page 24 . '"Ibll WU one of oar ftnt pmel, .. Strtcklll! .... plained. "Out ftnt untt was flit.· We eoulda't practice Tbunday n 11 b ~and tt - Somebody turned oll Ill" power Into the &YUi OD VI Tbuf'ldl7.", Slrlcklln, 1'bl tWI ~, -wllo m bis lint atrtngn; ,.-bis -10 mtnulel lbri ,..,. and -liberally the ol lhe .. .,. As It turned out, If -Mark Milter lor the hero'• rplt. illi 11 polnta in lhe lut loor minplel lol reaulallon plly and lhe overtime 1ur!>o41he tide. Hla ,.... throw ~ the -regulallon tie and he Dlada !lie llualltn' 11na1 bockel I Goldeo W0>1'1 hopes wtl'e putl.V enbancad by Howanl Lee l<ullng oul in the llOCOnd ball with fl pofnla. 1:r * * Gtl•t Welt (I&) fl ",, "' 1111 .... _.. .... ''" .... ,, "' J I t 1 ' 2 4 • ,,,,,, ~ 2 ~ 11 Oowtl !2 tlH•YH J 2 J • ~ 1 I t l C.llf'lltlllrt ,,,,, .. ~ I O I I Gtntldlell 7&2 21)~ 71tl5 S. .... l 2 ' 4 H1rrllln 2 1 ' f • 1 J • :U 20 U .. Tf1111ll llCOtl! S.tt hl'fllrtlllll 4 I ~ 11 •llJJI J • f ,. I I 1 I 2 0 I • t I I I All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday AiJTO CENJ~ER . CAN YOU STOP FAST ENOUGH? &:__L.~~~~ Q/$))~~,~ Not iust a reline ••• Complete Reliant brake overhaul! ' Molt Fords, Chevroleh, American compacts 29 •. *Volkswagen and most other American can 39.88 We instoll new bonded linings, rebuild all whHI cylindo11, ...urface brake drvms, 'bloecl and refill brake system, rtpack front wheel bearings, instoll new front ar- seals ••• morel Frn brake 1diustment for life of linlng * (/J NEWPORT BEACH I Fashion ltland) HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) ' , t ' .-----------·------------------·---------~------·-------------~-·-·----........---·------~---------- . ' . • ". • • ' Dri~e in .Toda ._;,.Take Advan~ ears p,.,. • ... , .... ~y,,.. Tuh~le1111 Whilewall11 $26.95 $13.48 13.47 ---$27.95 $13.98 13.97 $29.95 $14.98 14.97 $31.9:> $15.98 .15.97 $:W.9:) Sl1.48 17.47 ------. $.17.IJ.'J $18.98 18.97 ~~--· ---$.11.95 15.97 $34.. 9:; ·17.47 Anit.bl111 Sears , •. Steel Cord Radial Tires Aak Any~ ALlSTATE Ti~ Salt!man About Them! Monda)', hnlilrY 20, 1~ DAILY PILOT 23 Th~ Tremendous Automotive Sale! • Daublr l..amiMDrd Chlorvburyl 1nl>('r 1;,,..,.,. m .. mou .ii«ri•<': on~ l •~ llC" is rlor indultrJ. • Purnt<"d i1f<'•J Shout ck rs ••• 11'"<' IU>tt l!ttriniJ 1nri •·ornrrin11 '""'"ll fu. u!rr driYiac °" ,tJI told• 'P11en1f'd s;1~nrrr lhinonJ v1uuolt' "'lill'lin11t<or,,..ri11a 1q11 ... 1 JQJ 1c .... p IJ'OOV..S ~II !_. poll!IO( CJocUoa. ALL.STATE Passenger Tire (;uaranlee Tread f~ir,. Cu<1ran\re C.111r1n1•t!d Ap.irt111: All failures of rhc tire re- s ulriftJt lrom norm1l road hau.rds or defects in m;irerial or 'fi'Orli::nunship. for How Lo111: For rhc life of the origiml 1read. Whit Se1r1 Will Do: Rt>pair nail punc turc1 at no cha~ la the case of f1il11tt, io uchan8£0 for the rire, n:pl~ ir, Cbargifl& only ~ proponion of currt'tl.t rc&Ular ~lling price plus Federal E.xciK" Tu 1h1t rcptt~nt1 rrcad UM!d. Tread Wear-Out Guaranl,.e (;u1r1n1eed A11inst: Tf'C'lld wear-0uL 1-'or How Loug: The number of month! specified. Wh .. t Se1r1 Will J)o: In cKhan,ge for 1he 1ire, rcpt.er i1, t harsinx the current regular ~citing price plus Fctknl Excise Tu lcs1 the fo llowing allow:.i.ncc: \1on1h1 Golll"&nltt.d 12 10 24 27 m 39 ' Allll"'a1u:e 107. 20% 36-Month Nationwide Guarantee Full 4-Ply Nylon Silent Guard JI Bay ht Tire at Regular Trade.in Price of '26.95 t;~t 2nd T't.re for ONLY •• , F.•u• Low. P~l• •Pttd ~rtOrm-. r •nd 1ub1litf undtt •nf road umd1· ·-f..:uthio11 i"'P'"• ·rra,.•c:n •J.,~•• l>ru11i,,. 111111 b!o. ~~ Moilntlt ~; lltptl1 moi1111ra- fr<llll rain, ••ow ~ftd 1ofe1W>nl• )'tl\lr lir<: ~'- ) ·our r.£.T. 6.50xll f.hoic~ 32c -·--AnyShr - 7.00:.. I l l.i~i...J .14r 9 88 -6.50:.. 14 ~~f.H ~~ 7.00." 14 Phu r.f;.r. 411· -· ... rt ·--7.;>0xl4 OldTore .We ·47 TireSn~im:Tul'ltf •nd 511Jden HOPI ~ firml1 su.ppor- ''d witb llolgrd B)'• I~ 6.50xl3 Tubeleu Whitewall Pltu1 L8l Fed. Exe. T11. .lndOldTD"e 18-Month Guarantee New Treads Rt1Tl'.<1d1 on Soand Tire Bodia Blaekwalls 9 88 Plu~ 1.81 f''.E.T. Anti Old Tirs AToid Costly, Inconvenient Winter Car Failure! All Your Auto Needs and Services at NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment PJan BATI'ERY GUARANTEE ,,... """" .. _ ... 11i.. , ... .,. "',.n:~ If ..... "",..._.Hf"";... •AOtt .. ..,..._....,,.1-..... Mi_,-. I( .Wmin. .o!MI .... ..,. ,.. _,, , .. Ill• peril4fll lWMl .. illlo .......,, -.... """""°'" ~ ................ ... .... "'-· ....... ~ .. _._.......,__.. ., __ Nationwide Guaranteed Scars Allstate Batteries 12.)lonth Guarantee Fit• Moot 6-Voh Caro IS.Month Guarantee Fiu Many 12.Voh Cani Sean Has I Batlery ror Every r.ar. Evtry Bud~et! FREE Te,1in~! l\o Obligation! Whf'n You Pay Too J,ittlf! For A 81 •ke Job .•• You I.cl TOO LITil_,E! ~ • .,."ill nnl al•• )'•II 1 '"Tnn l.iul•" Br1lr.r Jo11b •I •ny prio·r! \ nnr dri•ini :"A~'t:T\' i• ,_ imJ111rl1n1, ~ ... ~ ... 111 rri"" yo•r llnil.r Jnb .-"'-wbl,· .. ,..,.. .11.1 ............ ;., .... t "''" SAtl:n ·. S...n Bnikr J .. 11' 11r1n11l,. .. i..1 1·u. oltoo.ld h1•,. 10 .... , JCl'Ur bnlr;n "'nrt. i,..,, ind 1 .... i...t1tr. If , .•• .,·awl "'txtr .. " 1hr) ·..., ••• u ... k •lair•~ r .. h""ll Se-_ .. ,.. •nc:r of *'s.1i.rM11io• 4_:111r11ll~ 4tr y..,. MoMJ' n ........ °'"" w9ic! Ld Se....i"'Pftl ,...., bnkl!f for ..te1.1 ••• at ,,. dt~. ., I n1pecl M•1ler CJ finder. . ., Bonded Lin in~ lmta.,ed on all 4 Whei!ll ., Ri!build All Wheel Cylinders .,,,,, Arr. Grind Brake Sboei Y' Rei111rface All 4 Brake Drum1 1' I n1pec1 Brake Hoeff Y' ln!!opf'ot and Adju1t Parkinii: Brak"" Y' Bleed All LlM1 and Add Fluid Y' I napttt Gre.11e Seal a Y' Repack )o'ront Wheel Barinp Y' fo'~• Adju1iment for Life o( Uninp Y' Road TMI (or Brake Reliability All 4 Wheels Only 2sss· All An1erican and Volktwa,ten C.n •thry1kr ,-dlktli ._i-.r ' ,.i.ec.1 ~ylirid.!n aM urw ,.;,+. ~lac brwk.,. .r:iftkJ1 ht,.ber . ""' -~·•I"!' ~ p.-11Mf labet-snd.W. II s..... ~ .... priNf ,-------------------------------------------------, -, ... TA 8-4400. S21-4S30 n MONIE GI 3..1911 lONG W.CH HE 5-0121 PICO WE 11-4262 SANTA fE SPIUNGS 9««111 VAlllT PO 3-8461, 9""2nl I CAHOG4 ,..,. 340-0661 OWO>ollt 01 .S.1004. a 4-4611 0trM>1C 1 saro AN 8-5211 """""'B> Z.1145, NA 9·5161, YU 6-6751 ..,.,. MONICA vt 4-6711 VOMONT l'I. 9.1911 I I ClDOIP'ICllNf 6-2581, NE 2-5761 HOllYWOOD HO 9-5941 OllANGE 637·2100 SANTA ANA Q 7..1371 SOUTHCOASTrtAZA 540-3333 UPWIDftS.1'27 CIO'llNA HUiSn """""""" 0« a.m1 •ASAm<A MU 1.3211, n 5-42111 I TOllWICf sn-u11 1 '-----------------------Sears ---------------------' "SatisfactionGuaranteedorYourMoneyBack" ....,._""_"'" Shop 6 Nights Moncloy through Satvrday 9;30 A.M. to 9;30.P,M. \ .. ·. ·. • '14 DIJl.Y PILOT ; College · Basketball ' ' Results s..twun •-"' ... A,.,,,, It. De,_MI 41 ,._ Sltite il Pitt 5f LI &&lit .. w .. ter!> Ktrt!VU' II Jt. "'9tifr\. f!l,V,. t l. Wftl Vl .. lnl• u ...... u.u.~1t1n liof'r c.._ ... Wlflttltkl n -H«1!I C"'oll,.. M,. W•k1 F-1 " Ktnhidt "· TenMUee .. l"lwlf.I Sii .. tt, TllleN M vni.,... JI&.. vir,1!'11• Ttdl !1 D1v..,_'6.VMI .. FlorllM 110. l'llf'Mtn U No. c., stete 1'. JKkwiw11i. n It~•· w1rn-1. Marv n N1vr 11, l11tt....,... U. 61 -· TulM 1', Mlmllllls Sllh' H 011'111n M. C. P111I 13 Olllo Sl1tt ... Mll;fll9an IS '-"· ''"""""' .. M"""'1 74. • 1-$Ilk 511 Oti.Jlome CltT ti, New 01lt1n1 L-lt 11 o.tr.lf ,., X1vl1r. O!l!o, •~ 1(1nM1 73, IC1n1•1 Sllle 11 Mlcl\l<tln Sr.Ill "· Nor!ll-krn 11 Wldllll ft, (ll!c.11<>-Lo~ll 7~ Clflc:lnn1tl llll. Nor!!l¥fl Mldllt1n " .... ._. Ntw Mt~b $Ille M. T1•1 .. 1EI PHO ., " Ari-Sltlll 103, Ultll Sltlf: ti Southern ~l.t 1~1. •1t1 to Tex" Al.M n, Te~11 c11rr1111n 1! T~~·· Tedi '5, Anvelo 5111, ID ,..,. Wnf UCLA 100, Ha.u1ton " U!th 1', Wrotnl!'ll 77 Air Foret ll, Oenwr Mt St, Marv'1, n, Lo\'Cla n Wts/l!nt!Ol'I Sltlt 17, O•Plltlll ll 8rl111N!m Vo.int 1S, New Me~IUI Porlltnd Sltl~ lOI, Al1ok1 II Wttlmcnf 11, P11adP111 75 UC-5.lnla ll1rblr1 62, U. 61 S•n F•H>c:lsco " S..n DletO S!1!~ 17, C1I Wule•n n LINlll •ncll Sl1!e U. St. JoH!'h'i, llld., .. S1nl1 Cl•" u . Si n J<llot Stilt ~ .. ---------..------------- Monclq, January 20, 196~ goe,tkg wit/1 r old Palmer CLUB CHOICf CAN MAKf Ol UEAK YOUR SHOT W~n th• green "'"'90•100 fW m.n fTont to back, you rMrt hcrw•aCholceofthreedihentclubs, two of which 'WOUid leow yaur thot eithtir short or long (sff illuttration). Som. holes on )'OUI' coune do not allow, a pd view of th• gnen from thti fairway. Try t-o note the pin po• 'Sition on thete greel"llta you play other holes earlier in the round. If in doubt oboot the ell.lb selection, note where the trouble lies oround the green; is it in front or behind the green? 'Th•n select a club which will keep you out of the worst trouble. ' '• Basketball Roundup Pro Cage Standings Sunset Fives Off • Till Friday Night Final exa ms week in the . Sunset League and a change in menu for the Irvine League changes the overall schedule for Orange Coast area prep basketball into a four-day ven- ture. The Crestview League con· linues in the same routine with a full slate of games Tuesday and Friday. Tuesday evening it will be San Clemente at Foothill along with Mission Viejo at Tustin at 7 o'clock. Orange is at Laguna Beach in a 3:15 battle. The. lrvine Leque switched to Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays for loop action in an attempt to secure a better draw of referees for its games. Two night games highlight the action on Wednesday with Lo.ara at Estancia and Costa Mesa at Magnolia. Fountain Valley, the only team unable to play night games during the week, lrtk! to Corona del Mar at 3: IS. ~1ater Dei plays host to Bishop Amat Wednesday night at 8 in an Angelus League ' test. A full slate of games is scheduled for Friday with Costa Mesa at Corona del P..far, Es tancia at Magnolia and Loara al Fountain Valley in the Irvine circuit . In the rugged Sunset loop. Western is at Huntington Beach. Santa Ana at Marina and Newport Harbor a t Westminster. The Sunset schools return the following night with more action because of the exam day on ~day. Salurdiy Huntington Beach Is at Newport Harbor and Marina is at Westminster. Other action Friday has Tustin at San Clemente and Laguna Beach at Mission Vie· jo in the Crestview League and Servite at Mater Dei in the Angelus League. A 11 games are at 8. Highlight of Tuesday action is the San Clemente-Foothill duel which could put Foothill into a two-game lead with only five games played or tum into a tie with 4·1 records if the Tritons can pull off an upset. San Clemente has won three straight after losing its opener with Mission Viejo. The Fountain Valley-Corona del Mar clash Wednesday is the feature test in the Irvine League with the Barons faced with an l>-1 mark if they lose to Corona. The Fountain Valley· Corona del Mar clash Wed· nesday is the feature test in the Irvine League with the Barons faced with an 0-2 mark if they lose to Corona. The Sea Kings, with definite championship plans a f t e r beating Loara, must win if they are to keep pace with league-favorite Magnolia. Magnolia is a heavy favorite to beat Costa Mesa. ... E1111r11 OIWl•!t" W l ,d. O• 111111mor1 JJ 11 .ua - lo1lon l l 1~ .6lt 2\.11 Pnlladt lPhil JO 14 ,6ft l N•w Yo•~ Ji It .•n •v. Cln(lnn111 7S n ,m WI Otlrolt lt 11 .(ll 15 MllwlU~lt I• 3• .tt:I 21 W.wl"ft OITlllon Los Angele• ll 15 .6'1 .t.tllnll '.JO 11 .631 1 Chla11111 11 11 .•1111\.lo Sen F•1nci•co 70 11 .114 1' S•" Olt!eo 1' 1t .Jff ll\.11 Sealt!t 15 35 .JM ll\.11 Pl>otnl• t 3' .JU 211'1 St111rll1Y'1 ln111t1 80":llOll 111. Set!tle t7 New Yark 117, Mltw111ktt 109 C~lcevo 101. San Diwo \In, overtlmt 0...lv 1umes 1clll!011!ed. s.,.,., • ., .......... . Detroit 170, Clllcooo 111 5•" ~••ncl•co fa. Pllll&Oelolll1 '1 Son Oll'ilo 136. Pt>Oenl• 111 .o.111n!1 100, Ntw Yori! 96 L.,. A"9lle1 112, Clncin111ll II Onl'f llll'Wcl 1dle-dullfd. TM•t"'f 01/"llH Od•oll YI. M!lwtutr.et •I Mt<llM1n, Wl1. 801!«> II l1!llmo" OnlV o•mh 1cl'llfd11ltO. TwtMltf's Ott'MI Loa Af19f\et. 11 MllWIUlt.tt ~•Ille ti NIW York lltlllmore 11 Cl'llc11111 Alflnl• ti Sin 0 1119<1 Clnc!nn1t1 11 Sin FrtP'ICltco Ot1\y 111mu 1chedul"'. ... Etlltr~ 0!~11i.ti Mlnnt.ei. Kentucky 1n011111 M!1mr NtW Yor~ 01k11...i OtnYtt Ntw O•le1n1 LOI A11ttl1!1 D•t111 HoutlOtl w ... Liii Pel. 0 1 ,, 11 .ses 11 70 ,Sn J n 1J ,'4lt • 11n ... t5 11 2t .lOO 11Ut 01~;1i.11 JS t .ltl - 7S 11 ·"D H 70 1• .•ss 1111, 19 13 .•S1 HV, 16 :n .•71 ,,,~ IJ 17 .31J 12\.11 t1tur~tY'• 1t11ur11 LDI Antelt1 179. llldl1n1 111, OYt•llmt D1kl1fld Ill. Ml<lnel911 11111 KtntuCtr.'f 112, Hou•lon 101 New Orle1M llt, 011111 lilt Only lll'M• 1cht011ttd. , • ....,.,., Rnwlh MTelTll lU, Los Afl9tlH l?ll 01tr.l1nd 111, Ntw Yori< lOS O•n..-• 111, 011111 • Onl'f 11mn .clledultd. Ktnlvd\'f et lnd11n1 Ot1IY 11me •d'>I0111td. T--.v·• Gt me Ntw Ytrl! vs. Mlnnt5011 11 Dululh Only ttlf'I" 1c;hldutld. JV, Lightweight Basketball JV Basketf>aU Mtrl111 fStl &.al 1101 P1yno: ltl ~.Ullllfl' (I) Tl'IOma• (9! M'Gulra (11 > Scorl"' 1ubl: ~>":llltr I. S.n11 s. O!it I. f.UI Stlllt Alll Vt lllY F !I) !11k•t F fl \M((ull~y C P?l Kuf1!!1Cllvr G !fl Oliwr G fll Mc0ofl11(1 M1ri111-E1rl Kull .. An1 Vl tlt v-$w•nwn 1•'91fllm'1 M1rln1 ,,, StMI A"" V•I· lfy JI. Ho•Hrl H1rller (ltl llfl S.1tt1 AM llKk!tl 17) " 1'<11 w;mtl'rlt HUI (It\ F !11! Cr1fld1!1 11:1!"11 OJI C 4U) JtMt ""°""' Ull G < U> W\'tldl: llrtfl (U) G (J) KllC!lttt Nt"""'1 H1•bo• 1~t11-Sheckl UI. S1n•1 Ane 1...e> ....... TMlllfWJlrt (1 1. Hlllllmt -S.fl1t Ant (2, MtwPOt'I t-!~rl>o• •I EtftfM;ll /41) 141) Cttt1 Mnt Sulle• 11> I' !11 l ~8!0n Tl!orntl I II ' (1) Jora1n t-!Httr !111 C (11 Swti!tll"ll 'llt!ltre /11) G (41 C11ll!t • k1lv-r !ti G HJ N•vllle kotifHJ 1u11J· E"•f'ltll-JOll!'l•on •. c..,. Moeu--$1""''°" ... l.fl6flt• :l. #Not 2. W111<int s. HtMl!-: IE1!1r.c:it 72. ("1•!1 MC)I 10 c ..... ._. M9r lhl f41J Ltera GotUn 111 J !I! Nlc~olton GMb'f 0'111 F IUI Wt>etle• IClllltfl IUI C 111 S1on11 Holltndtr UI G tl) W- Fwd (41 G O J O•Ol1 ~ 11.ibl: (dll'l-.ld1m1 l L• .~ .. lei l . S•111dlo• '· Hllf'llrrll: CdM 21, LM•• 10 Bee BaketlJaU Stftll Alll VltltY (Ml 00 JMrlNI Ci111i.en !2) F (0 LICY Pe<k {1) F fl) (llur(l'I .t.l•tnan IOI c 111 Otl1*1Y MOl"fil (9) (", (11) luff Cunntn91!1rn Ul G /ISi Thurrn S1nl1 A"" V11lew scorl,,.. 1ubl: Vein 1S, "l'ount 2. Ptlt1'on !, M.tyllt!d 1. M1rln1-Moort>oc-I . WrloM l. lle- woldt I, SPUrrl"' •· N~llolt l . Mills 11. Hl tttlmt H.l>NI: M1rl111 tf, S.nlt A ... Vtllf"t IS. 1oi...,...1 H1rlw i:tti un 11111e A ... RICI! 121 I' (~) Htnten Ted<mtn 111 F 011 AlttM K11rn1re 061 c -' (II) "-Holl (ti G U ) Gonltln l'llll'lln (!\ (0 Ill ,.,..,. korlnt tubt: N- Hl lnlmo: N.-1 IS. Stnft AM n. Minltll Vlt\e (14) S~•"'*' Ill ~ 01vl1 (6) F !·Hlll•rO !~I C en,.. 1•1 G l'rl(~ t "1 (0 (#l •I MM>t111 "'I c•11to Ul N dert0n tJJ Whli. !I) Johl'IJO" t!I AmtirDI korl"' 111111 : Mlu1.n Vltlo-troolcl Area Sports Calendar Tuesday Ba1ketbll1 Oran&c al Laguna Beaeb (3 :15), S8n Clemente at Foothill, M.is.\ion Viejo at Tustin (both al 7), Wmtlina -Pacifica at San Clemente 15:311), Golden Wat at Oran(t Coast (7:311), WednHd1y 1'. llr1ktl' 7. Cru1tro '· El MOC11n- Wllll1m1 '· Rv1n l. H1lfllmt! tcOtf: Minion Viele )I. IEI Modtlll tt. P'toUfllllfl V1lllJ (U) (U) M1tMll~ El!ll (16! F [I\ OeAvlll I 111111 !12) F (6) lloti.rlson Foot1 (7) ( (I ) Wlll11CICJI ClnnKtr. (I) G (11) Conlt Gtrt>er fll G (5) Mu<r1v ko•lnt lulls· MIQMlll-~fll 7, Wini 1. FOOJt1t1ln Yall"-W•l'oer ), Hltfllrnt: Fwnllln V1!1tY lt, "'"'" ..... lf!llKl.i CUI 11n c .. t1 ,._,. H•-\IOI " (4) •rlftft ll:nn I Ol F fll Y111.1119 W11M11 !ti C ((J RIH ,..,.. Ct) G (2GI MollV Sttwsrt (0 G (UJ Alllfl l<orl,.. IVbt: e111nctt-MlllOl'I 1. Smlfl'I I, ~oblnten l. M~Cl1lt1 I, Elldii.v •. Httftlmo: E1t1nd 1 2~. MHt t•. Cee Basketball •11t1Klt (U) iM) Cffll Mnt l OllOFI. T. Ill F Ill Atll\uf Ol10t1. J. !1\ ~ <l) •rcM• "°'" 111! (" (I) M<C••lntY I Wlrrtn Pl G 01 M1nnt t onier /I) c. IOJ ~oltlld kotifHI wbs: Est1rw;le -Lte t. llllcllCOd< 1. Wu~1w!tt J, ll•ownln1 J. 1111Wf1 •. BOrtd I. MtCrt1oor l, JohMOtO J. Mtt-Nt'ftll ,, •okl>tn I. H1INlme: Elll M11 U , M .. 1 I(. l'-f•lll V11i., IHJ (JU ~-Ill Mtlr161 (•I F 110) Goon-lln Heflt" Ill F' I)) Ht"""'n Hirt \ti C l•l Thorn- Ellltll ('I G 14~ G1clln leM1 UI G-111! l'l'lllllDl S-1"' 1ubt! Mltnol!-W•rltr 4. "°"n!tln '\11llfv-C:1rrltr t, H1!ftlrnt: """"t1fn VllleY l'-M•• noU• 11. LltCl'lll 9tedt f)Oll flJ) T\ltlltl s-n• l 'I F (l~l Good Ol ..... r U) F lh Rk:"lrdl Moormtfl 110) C 171 Nl(!W:)I' c-lft 1101 G-(S\ 111m,.f C111mblrt tl l G l•f l'1rtitr keo'IM tllbl: l1tufte-N-. T11 .. t1.......i...mernrc1 t, Dtlno s. He11'11mo1 L.•111111 11, Tvs!lt1 11. Mio .. Vitt. ,., Ct•I t!I MefteNl l l'rtnMOll <•I ,. It) Leone I Miu U\ F UJ S•fflt.OI TolMM !lit C i•I S'"9f H"""" HI G 101 Kt11!119 Ht\"11 t•l G IU) 1"t119 korLnt tuOt: 111\lt.itn Vlolll-0'~ •Id t, wt• t t1,tfft1mt: MJ11lon Vltlt 10. El Mf>- ' Checking Out Area Wrestling Estancia's Morley Named MVP Leonard Morley, Estancla 'a 98 Jb. grappler, captured the most valuable wrestler award and ,Wded the Eagles to an eiplh pi.ce linWi In lilt 18- team, Bolaa Grande Jovila~ Uonal Saturday at BolJa Gran- dt. Morley bas now won two comecutive tourney UUe1, the first being the OCC lnvlta· tional tut weekend. Other Eagles placing were Bob Raymond, third in the lH lb. clasa, and Brant Freeland. fourth in the 115 lb. group. Jim Kennedy cf Barstow walked home with the team trophy. "'""" l.Mrl !Hl Oi l c-. •1 MAr fl-Wll!11m1 (L) dK. WIM lCdMll .. !IN-lll•fl4'ied (CdM) drew NOOMn (LJ1 J..7 11s.-<:1uv {CdMJ OK. Gr~r (L)r , .. 11)....McGff ICdM) drnr Gtltt-(Lit .. 1)0 -S,,.,.l'l"l.ln (l) do!;. C11kt v fCdMl1 S-1 l~Wlnsotl (l) doc. J-s (CdMll •• 141 -Hoy fl) p)l'\l'led D'Amlco (CdM)J i :50 14-C11r• (CdM) dee:. lltr9tnl\19tfl fl): M IS7-Ev1111 IL) dee. •tar (CdM)I •• 1"'"-Hl!lltr4 (CdM.) pinned Donov1fl (Ll; J:U \7t-Gr1ll1m (CdM) "''· DrtPer (Lli J.O lf~rodl (L) dee. Sdlueultr (CdM); 2·1 HV--SCf!I (LI won by lorftll J w•lw Vt~lh' CortM HI Mir Ul) f\1) LMrl tt-l:1vno1a1 (LJ _, bv torttll 1--...11y,, ((dM) -lly fort.It 115-M m11c11 l~l'lon tCdMJ dr•w l'ttt1 (I,.)/ ... l....C11t!1nd ((dM) -by "1'f•lt !»---Munl Ill d«, Netlltlm (CfMl1 ,.. UJ-Scott (CdMI o..;. Frw ILll 1.0 '~••Ion IL) d«. Grtl'ltm ((fM!I .. 117 -Tober (L) dee. Sltllllker (C4MJ1 , .. l~Cort.. (CdM) frrw Wit• lllll tLli 2-t 17'-LtM tCdMJ wtfl by IOrftll ,.......,. m11Cl'I NV-flO mtU:ll v.,...,. •11tMll l•l flfl (NII MeM' fl-MorllY tE) cl«.. MOO!"• (CM)/ •• \~I'-(I!) clec, ICJ,.. (C}J l1 HJ-l'IO'(d (El clec .... Mani• !CMll .. lD-Fre-&111141' !El cltt. "urc111 (CMl1 .. lJO -ONIH (IEI cklc. Sl•llbtt1cr (CMh 4-1 l~~9h1n ICM) klm~ll CIE>: ).J 1~1......soc.111 CCMJ olnM<I ~''" CIE) H8-Ftrrym1n (CM) orew Neum1t1 "' 1$7-A,kl~ fEI de(;. ~tlllv (CM); 11).' 161-J. M1t1!• ICM) pinned Snyder '" 11-.-&rlr nt (IEI dee. Lown !CMl1 .. 1'4-ll1vmond (E) dee. Mlller CCM)I ,., HY-Gle1!M>ll le.Ml Plnlle<I G1!\ey (El ,,.,,,.. t•n 111 u"'' A111 v1111v K-Dol1n {M\ W1111 by lorftlf llN-llfflllY (M) pinned C1rr1n•I (SAVJr 5:'2 US-T. W1luvk (Ml pinned ~ L_, ($AV); J:2' ll>-Dul1noy CM} pinned 1:1""'' (SAVJJ l:l& UO-Rockeflbtcll ($AV) dee;. Htrbl· IOll (Ml/ 3-0 Ul -Guhlrt (Ml dee. llen1on fSAV); J).11 11""-McR"nolds (M) d«. 81nt1!11fl fSAV): j..t 14-M. Gtrrlton (M) p!fllled (ll1Ytl ISAV)I 1!2' IJ7-Smt rl (M) ~. l(tllei< C5AV)/ ,., 1., -Jennl11t1 (Ml OK. Jllvut (SA.VII 11.f , 1"1' -Abbott (Ml ~Mecl lr!tl'll (SAY)J 1:)7 IM-Mc.Cll ... l' CSAV) 11Mtd Mun:oloy (M)1 J:Af HY-Y.,_ (M) fl(Mlll (l\tl'le' ISAVll 1114 ,,_.., Y.rtMrr ~ Cril 1111 ...... •111t Vr'*f tt-11 .... 11 (M) -· '°" fortlll l._klttw (M) -... ~" lll-l.'tlll'I (Ml .iftl!M Ort11' ISAVh 111• I~ IM) dee. II..,,..., tSAV)/ .. 116-0ltwns (M) 111......0 CMY1rrll l$AVl1 1:'7 .,,.II .V,(11$ .. 1'28NISrwfM'NtT A T l»-Vtll Horn !Ml dt(. tfftlkt (U,V)I H Ul-G~rd1rl111 (Ml clec. AWtldll'tM< (SAV); 1-0 ·u-.-T. G1rr11on (Ml -w fo<"fl!lt 157-HtrrlJOn (M) won W forf>fH lll-1'1tr1 fSAVI OK. E-rr (Mii .. l,._Oue!MY ISAV) 11lrlfttd McCOY (NU! t :OI lt4-0r1ke !SAVI _, by torle!I HV-Ktltorltt (SAY) WOii br fOl'lr!t ·--Mlrl... 1411 lltl a tt••I• Mlrl,.. Oii (ll) PtcMlc• ·~"' H•Rfl11•tt11 ... di t•) 1211 Aftl~ ,.__H1mUIOll (Al olflned lor•rlO (MIJll; l;St IK-Ort1 lMI) O.C-. MOlllOY• (A) 115-0tvldton !H•I •lnneoll Fllm-mor (A)/ 1:20 1»-MOU (HIJ o.t. Etlrtdt {Al ,._,,,.,..,, Ot9) cite. T\lrMr IA) l»-Ju~c:kY {Hiil dee. ~lllllc:l'I '" Ul-. Jol'lllfOI'! tHllJ p!l'M"ltcl Wtl<fl (A): J:•I 14-.lrtll (Hiil dee. Tomocllt1 IA.I 1!7-0.tlc:Plo (Al p!l!llld ~ (M9)/ m l~HW!ller (Al dee. J, JohtilOll {HI) 171-T-llei CAI dee. Sleln (Hiii lt<l-<le,,_. 019) pinned CllYIM (Ali S:2' HV-Mlrllfl (A} won ""' 1~11 J•lllw V1rwlty Huntl111fell 9..c:fl CMl IHI A111Molm .........i011n1111 (Hiil dK. M1mllf1t11 IAI 1Dt-$wtelllY (H!I) pinned .I.Ilk.,.. rn1t1 (A); 2:'9 llf-aonteum {HI) pinned JtKh (All :St IU-111_,, 0491 wen by lorlt!I 130-llouller IHll ,, ••• Vtt1 (Al l»-Te••v IA) ctee. Pvrte•r (H91 1•1~1st IAI 4'lc. Merl ........ tH•I 1 ......... lllt11 (H91 """"° Clrolt IA)I t :lS 151-T...-flMlllf tlil) Plnntd ~ CAJ; :• I~ (NII lite. ll'11'1\ !Al l ,._TwlM 04•1 dee. f'autllr (Al 1.....,.... (Al lllC. Ol.N•I tM9) HV-4t1r$9ll IA) -b~ •ltull ..... ~ Wnlnll"'lwr Ut) (It) WtlMni *-4tm tWt.I p1nnH Coolte (WM.II I:# l~Wltt (Wt.) •IMtll MlmWllt.. ff. f'#m.)1 S:t4 115-MrMIMrltl (WI.) ... e. PlnMY (Wm.)1 N 113-WOITlmacll (Wm,) 11ll!Md SI~ lt•O (WI.II J:a 1»-A.Mmeto cwm.J d>K. Sii~• (Wl.}J 1-l 1»-Wlt'-(wt.) -.c;, K11rfJ. (Wm.)1 ... 141-MtNtlllllli.n (Wm.) OK. A~er1 (Wt.JI '""' 14--Mcl,..,.r (Wrn.I Ihle. Sllei (Wl,)1 ... , 157-•I ... (Wm.) dee. Gere11 CWl,11 •• '"-~lie.~. (Wm.) oec. Hu,... ~I CWl.)I ..._. Ht-ltll (Wl,J ctec. C.llmt~ 1Wm.)1 ... 1~....,.,4 (Wm.l plnlled Her· ntniHl IW!.); 3:» NV-$uler (Wm.I wan llv IOrfell J•flllr Vltr1lllY W•""llllttr Ull lt) .......... ff-l(r-1' {WI.) de<. V111d1rmol- ltn fWm.11 n-t 1N--t1tllll (WI.) rte:. Menl!lrllt, I . (Wm.); U lls.-<:roulln tWm.1 won by tomlt l~vmrMI CWI.) dee. Slerro (Wm.); •t 1~11&111.. A. (Wt!I.) de<. GUflfl (Wl,)I 2-0 1»-0rlffll• (Wm.) OK. Dir!! 1w1.)1 H IU-5e1rr {Wm.) won tw ferlt\I •~t~t (Wm.) Oee. Tollen (Wf.}/ 10.t 117-Wllbur cwm.) PillNld l lsh<IP (Wl.)l 1:1' 111-ltP"-J, (Wm.) dK. Mit111lc:k (Wl.)I s-t 111-$mll!I (Wm.) d«. WIUl1mt (Wl.), ·I• 19'-Ml(k-(Win.) ~ n.c.,..,,. (Wt.JI 5:11 HY-Ntll!MMot ('#I'll.) 4tlc. 'Tfflel"I (Wl.11 l·I • ...... P'••I• V•llW 110 011 Me9111flt 9'-LI lltnr; (il'V) •ltlMll SlllW !Ml: t:°' l-l1tt.llt (FV) ~ kll-t IMll :• llS--SOMf. C. lf&V) rllNril Artlbo (Ml/ l :2l l13-V1111ltfl (FV) Ill-· Y1111mt (Mh l :M l~rtM fl'V) ""* lw1ll (MJ1 ,:. 1»-W1rowr !Ml -"""' l'h-"nrf (..VII 1:0 141 -C.lme., CMI '1Jtnt!ll fold: (FVll 4;1' 14-W_, (FV) •lnlllll COll'lbl (Mll l:Ot 1$1-.. 11\1 (FVI 111""""' Mlrrt!I CMl1 s:a 11$-Vtlbuent (FV) 11Jn11M Slult {(t\)I 4:'9 l~rlllll (fV) 111MM ,'*'1wood CQM)I :SI. 1'4-Wtll.t!1" (FV) •lnnM Mc:C..,.. llf\4 (M)I S:tt MV-lY«lon (FVl plM141 Jl!Mf IM)I 1:n JllllW VttaltJ ff•ftl1l11 V1\lly C"I l'I M1 ...... l1 ft.-Sllrewtn (P'V) •· Ai•r tM>; ,.. lo.-KllO ll'VJ clll;. NlktmUfl {M)/ •• 11$-K. Sa~ {FVJ dee. New1r~ (Ml ; t·I 12l-Ot~ld•Dfl (FV) pinned Cal! (Ml/ ,,,, UO -Combt !F'lll dee. l:OPlr (M); ... 1»-G!tllbl!rD (FV) clee. !lulltrOldl; (Mli 7-0 i•l -o. Ltrkln (F"\IJ d~. W•r1kv (MJ; "I Ull-Arrmtron1 (MJ d«. 8Ul!ntlon t"Y); U • 157-Dlelll (Ml dO(. M(Gl1mmtrY ll'"Vl; 1 .. 16'-Ltwlt. (FY) plfll\ed Gu1dlfl {MJ1 :n Jn-.Klrdlt1er (FV) plnMd Ht•tY {Mir :50 '"""""" rntfCh HV-O.m111lci (FY) d«. O"t ll (M)1 ,. A TIRE FOR EVERY DRIVING NEED 5 DAYS ONll FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT IY-'"'" SAFETY INSPECTION Checlr: Tir11 • l•ttffy . Muffler. lr1ke1 • S1up111iion, ft,, WITH THI PUCHAll Of TWO T1W TUES.· WED.· THURS.·FRl.·SAT. BALANCE WHEEL 99~ A.U SIDS .,_ NEW LONG MILER •u••&1r NFUll 4-PLY · YLQr,4 CORD as SIZES 6.00xJJ 6.50 /7.00xJ l Open 8 am to 9 pm MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OPEN SATURDAY 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PHONE 540-4343, 646-4421 2049 HARBOR ILVD. lat lay! COSTA MESA Basketball -Founta i n Valley at COrona del Mar 13:15), Costa Mesa at MagooU1, Loar• at Eat.ancia (both at 7), BiahoP Amat al Mat.fr Oei (I), Oroumont vs Soddleback 11 Miiiion Viejo 17 •30). Gt141 10. • ......... ,.. .............................. ., .................................................................................................. .;;I • Strumming a Sour Note Marc Blackwell and Francy Walsh try to bring her father (Bob Engman) up to date musically. but Daddy doesn't seem to be buying ln thiS sceqe from "Gen· eration," opening Friday at the Costa A1esa Civic Playhouse. Pennario Sl1ows Virtuosity ·In Brilliant Irvine Concert By TO~f BARLEY Of tti1 oallr Pliot s,.11 Leonard Pennario ls one of those gifted and entertaining concert pianists who OC· caslonal!y become the targets of unfounded criticism whic~ Implies that lheir apparent preference for the m o r e popular portions of t h e keyboard repertoire amounl~ lo pandering to the public. Such program planning, ,we are told, constitutes neglect of cultural duty and failure to ensure "equal tirr.e·• for works of a more demanding and technical nature. had his eyes opened with a Pennario performance that ranged fron1 the romanticism in wbich he excels lo the rugged technical demands of a Prokofieff work that would daunt many a pianist of lesser caliber. \Ve're not suggesting for onr moment that this richly varied and exciling p r o g r a m reflected any desire by Mr. Pennario to accede to such ivory tower criticism. But we were personally delighted that this superb soloist showed us in such an immaculate man· ner the undoubted depth and perception that have always been his. Our personal preference in a beautifully balanced and well received program ran to Serge Prokofieff's Sonata No. 6, as true a test of the concert pianist as any master of music could possibly devise. Into that glorlous fourth move- ment. It is a fa st moving, very demanding movement, studded with slow expressive passages and returning again and again lo the restless driv· ing force that dominates this segment of the work. ll quietly lapses again tq,to quiet melody only to be broken up with the mountfng tumult and the superb crescendo and flourish that eod the work. It was brilliantly played. Tt was a breathtaking and fitting climax Ml the first portion of Pennario's exacting pro- gram. ~.'Night of January 18th' Westminster Gives Court Drama Splendid Staging By TOM TITUS ., .. OlllY ........... One of the major ctlallt.nges faced by a community theater attempting a large cast show with a preponderaoce ol cameo roles is that of depth -often there sbnply are not that many &killed actors will- "NIGHT Of' JAlllUA•Y "™" A or ..... tor AYll R.nd, •lrect.d ...... S•lly Crowin", twcllnk1I dlndw ... J.0:-. aufs11,,1 CILrwcfwr l>\.9!'111Mr111 MY&rl, pr"'"*' frld•v• "'° S.rur-<ltYI lt\t-11 l'.t;L I 11 fl'le Wehlml,.,. 1~r Commul!lf\r Tl!Mtw. '5H Wesr- mln1!9r Ave. '" 11111 Wttlnllnlllr Ctf>. ttr ..,.IL TM• CAST Oe!e111t Atty. Stoven> J1,...1 £. SM!ltl O!slrlcl AttY. F lint . . Ron Flll•n K•rM Atl<lrf N1no Wells Dorb All!Ht N•"C• LH F1ulllr>tr Ann FIU1n JGIVI GrANom Wlllllitld ... Jo. 5w1!n Sltunl J..........W •....... A"" .. MllrlM L•rry •"'" . •. . .. Jollrt MOr1n Judl9 ~•Ill , ..... Gf.U Sh.ow ~Odl Sven...., . , •. G•ff• Smllll celleol job. John Moran'• glib, gum-chewin1 1an1stu ii done wltb a ruddeniog matter~· factneu which trlagers laughter In the most serious l«llOI. Bill Williams ls comical, if a bit unbelievable, as a lo- quacious cop, while Cbri..s Duran ii leas effective in a private eye role. AM Flliao contributes an tmOUon-charg- ed moment u the victlm's wife, and Barbara Harris is f i n e in a cllche-dotted role as the widow or a slain hoodlum. Judge Grace Shaw presents a creditable picture of a no-. nonsense jurist, while roun- dinll: out the cast in lesser roles are Jan Storm, Leon GnN DAU.t 6;4' SAT. & SUN. CONTIN. t:OI RobH'll VIII llMuer.er,. .• Blrblr• Ht,r!l!"t Mrs. John H~!cl\I"•· .•••• at1tv Gordon Hamff Vin FINI ,., ••••. Cllrls Ou,ln Elnwr s-r ....... ,..a1u Wllll•m• J•IW CtMindl« .••.• , ••••.... J1n Storm Or. klrt.1111d ............ L.on Cl'llW .. Y almosl conversallooal tones, countering Srnilh's appeals to the emoUons \vith lhe hard ~are of proven facts. It is a skUlfu l contrast. bul o n e which will sway few juries. The evening 's most s u p e r lative performance, however, is delivered by Nan· cy Wells as lbe ck!endant, Karen Andre. MW Wells •P- proaches her role with an jcy cunning that chills the senses, throwing down her atheism as a glove before a duel and proudly proclaiming that she does indeed possess t h e capacity to kill. Crowley, Bob Whitted, Gtnel:fii~~~~~~i~\ll Tardy and Mary A n n Humphrey. Whitted Is well suited for his bailiff 's role fllDDI IX since be fills II in real lile I 0 81Ulff'. .................... lob WT!llted C111>r1 CIHt ........... GtlW l. Tl ,..., court ll~r .•. Mlrv AM Hu,,.riNr ing to devote their time to small as.!lgnments. Yet, in a courtroom drama such as Ayn Rand's "Night of January 16th," the play's success or failure hinges on , a collection or so-called minor roles and their interpretation. And the Westminster Com- munity Theater has produced a resounding success. Depth, balaoce and a hiih degree ol overali creilt"bllily mark the Westminster ~ duction, splendidly staged by Sally Crowley. With bul a few exceptions, ber ll·membu cast weaves a web of. complete emotional involvement in the intimacy of the s m a 11 horseshoe staging area. "Night of January 16th" is unique in that it presents both sides oI a grlpplng murder trial with equal credence and leaves the late of an accused murderess in the hands of a jury selected from the au· dience. 'nl'is placea the bW'den of proof squarely upon tbe shoulders ol the actors playing the two attorneys and chal!enges their powers of drar&ltie persuasion. NOT GUILTY as well. ----- Guilty or innocent? It's your NfWl'Oll'f IUCN • OR.3-135b' dee.Won, but the p1ay Itself deserves a unanimous verdict or well done. Four more performances will be staged, Fridays and Saturdays through Feb. I at t he Westminster C o m m u n i t y Theater in lhe Westminster Center mall. Of the many witnesses, the most memorable is Arvidlj~~~~~~~~~~ Malnu, playing his difficult IJ rol' with hi! jaw wjred fr1"D an accident a week ago and &lting a compelllog perlarmance as the vicUm'a loyal bookkeeper. Abo ex- ceptionally strong is Joe Swain as the banker who 1ttempts to bu y hi& daughter's ha~ piness and shatters on the witness stand when his secret is bared . COMEDY RELIEF Greta Smith and Betty Gordon handle most of the corned)' relief in a pair of dialect roles, Swedish and Cockney, each doing an ex· Tully Signed HOU.YWOOD (UPI) Character adoc Tom Tully landed a top role in tbe movie- for-television "Kill Me Once. Kill Me Twice" with Stewart Granger and Dana Wynter. "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DAVID NIVEN • LOLA ALBRIGHT AUO Pettr Ustinov IN "Hot Millions" C.olnmuniClir11i'1al i IS COMING SOON Beat Actress Btst Direction N. Y. Critic's Award Ask Andy Kids Like to FOURTH AND FINAL WEEK! '- DAil y l'ILDT IS j ~-· ..... '---=··-. ~' . . .............. ... rllGi.-.,~ ............ ii ...... -...,..., -·~OIL·~ t:hc S;>l;I: ... ERNEST IORGf•E .........,.....,., •1rf TEI ~'"' _COMt_., ,C.0.0-.... *" -- Phono67U2'0 EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT They le~ the west "MORE DfAD THAN ALIVE" 111111 Clint Walker Vincent Pri~e Anne Francis AUO rt.A.YIN& "TWIST OF SANO'' lkllft ........ H•llOf' 1~11 Our concert halls have. of <:ourse, their fair share of the crackpots \\'ho do our great artists such disservice by spouting this type of rubbish. !..Ike the New York critic who should have known better than to imply that Mr. Pennario had one eye on the box ofCice when he should have had both geared to the selection of a program that might have delighted the critic but migh t \Veil have scared off a goodly portion of the public who righlly revere this splendid performer. Pennario's was a fluent and moving reading of the ex- acting work from the slowish first momvent. heavy al'Jd dulled with dissonance, the almest syncopated levity of the second and the brightly melodic structure of the third with its rich, heavy rhapsodic construction. No less worthy of praise was Pennario's interpret.ation of Robert Schumann'S very lovely ';Fantastic Pieces; .. eight studies that were so cor- rectly labeled in f)U%' program as "the exalted language of the heart." It was tailot made for our performer and he made every expressive note tell ils tale in this jewel of the Schumann repertoire. In the Westminster pro- duction, it would be safe to say that the "not guilty'' verdict will be returned more oI1e:o during the s e v e n • performance rwn, for the defense attorney, James E. Smith, ls clearly the stronger of the two barristers and he has the additional advantage, if that is the term, of playing his role from a wheelchair, thereby eliciting a n un- conscious · measure of sym·i=====================~llTM:.: MO•T pathy. B•AUTIFUL That critic should have been present Thursday aighl at the UC Irvine. He would hilVC' Pennario's obvious regard for romanticism was very evi. dent in the elegant. delicately flowing melody of much or this Schumann work . And he was faultless in the third seg· ment of the suite, a spirited, exuberant p a s s a g e ac- companied b y tremendous bursts which eventually resolve into a gentle, melodic \Vheelchair or no, Smith's performance is a masterful one. He sets up his witnesses with devious craftsmanship and tightens the noose around Crossword P11zzle Pennario put all he kne111 ACROSS DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less! e COMPLnt LINE AVAILAILE e 'WIDa OVALi -IU,.•1: P'R•MIUM -P"OLY•ST!'R llADIAL SPORTS -SAND aUGQY -CAMPEil l'!'CIALI -A ALL SIZE TRUCK Tllll.S. IANKAMlllCARD MASTEi CHARGE BERG'S DELTA TIR·ES 141E.1 7th St .• Costa Mesa· 645-2010 o,'°lit• loltt 1'9 loy SPECIAL! SAVE ON NEW CAR CHANGEOVERS 8.F. GOODRICH or FIRESTONE, DELUXE 35 00 EA. PLUS 8.55115 FED. EX. TAX WHITT WAW 7.35 X 14 FIRESTONE W/W DLX 4 FOR 99 50 PLUS FED. EX. TAX 30°/o DISCOUNT ON GOODYEAR POLYGLAS FOR All CARS !FAC T. 8LEMISHJ BE 1 OOtr/o SAFE! W1!eh O" you• •w" do•lt wlli11 w1 9fv1 yow• ~•• I lO vif•I t•1h i11 So. C•lif.', firtt Ford Di19no1itc C1rrt11, J11d91 yow• c1t 1 11f1ty tfld p•rfoon111c1 f0t yo11r11lf, s9's COM,LETE THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HAR80R BOULEVARD -COSTA MESA TELEPHONF · 642 ·0010 their stories with whiplash I• l Command precision. lo cat His .opponent, Ron Filian, 5 11\ttcss apJ>!W;ches hi.! . district at· la ~:~ tomey s rolt with c 1 l m , 14 lfuts theme. With those arch enemies or the music critic. the en· Deborah Busy tertainment editor and Demon HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Space, peeriiig over our Deborah Kerr completed her shouJder, we must confine our role in MGM 's "The Gypsy remaining comments to the Moths" and reported im· delightful encores with which mediately to warner Bros. for the ever re.spon.sive Pennario "The Arrangement" regaled us. ----------His Scherzo in E by Oiopln ~ lacked none of the seething turbulence a n d dbwnrlgiit, unashamed emotion that can only be captured so com- pletely ,by the top.flight con· cert pianist. And lhe Scarlatti with which he ended .a AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? memrrable evening was given-Ir--------...., that nourish and sparkle that CALL 673-8650 logers of the' Italian maater'• 1 •---------' music savor so much. H & H INSURANCE Leonard Pennario, ladies .,.lilL•OT1torE _ C-lllll~ and gentlemen. A concert 1..,,11111 Port T"-•t pianist par excellence. for'69 it's IDEAL LEAS( TIME I Now•· I • lxdualv1 from EucutM -...,;: Cir Lu&lnc. Th9 Idell Llue il- U.. ... se that lf\'U '°" compf• Pf'Ollldion from speeulltiotl on the futurt of the car ITllrbt_ Wlthoorexclusfvt ,..se, at tM end at 24 monthl, If tht resale VllLM of J'OU'Clr fs .,.,...the profit II yotlrl. On the other hand, If thotN'• • a.:,.., wt eblorb it. For compJet• detafls, Clll Executiw tod(y. EXE:CUTIVE CAR LEASING COMPANY®, 2202 E•1t 1,1 Strttf, S.nt• An• '' '"'""' Kl 7-3011 '' u. ..... ,., If 1.uu OL 4.5000 15 PlfflCI 16 s .... ,. rodent 17 '''" 11 Atlatlng to Nor•tgl1ns 19 Arehl.•ct's: crutlon 2a Brrtt ZZ W1ltl119 In Cetta.In ·24 ::r ., ... 2•v..,, .. ..,. Z7 Mllll•Ptte •tnutr: Abbr. 30 P.llot's: COflCtr'll 32: Rlw" to the SL LN'tDCI Ji Fish l7 A bet ...... ltd 39 ProtecUon •O loot 41-gln ftJX 44 Ttnant'I ,., ... , .. S Antet r~IClllJ' 47 Rtlax: 2wonf• ~w;r.r..i kW ls 5Z l"ttl4raitd In 1 rodeo 5) Tllfl1 tl•ts: Co•i. fOfll 54 At a li•t In the past S• Hand tool 51 Tlrt1 '2 sto"" ··='-~· •7 Glrl'• ••t 69 Afrl(M rlYtr 70 Disch~ 71 ROOH't'tlt'I S.Cty. of tht rnt.rlor 72 Soup lngrtdltnt 7l Van lshtd 74 Tttt • -. z words 7S X•11 sound DOH l EllCuttcl battball .. ,. ... z '"'''" . 112011• 3 Acidity: 4 Kind of ••lllCIM s Shakts· ptutan ch1n1c:tr. 2 words 'Confutlat tunloll 7 l•Pu6tnt • l1t11t1l1 .... ---------------------------- .11211(6' 1 Stealln9: .tl Expresstd' Co111b. fol'• app1onl of 10 Kind of .tl Africans bu1lne111111" ot6 Eat su•pbl· 11 One of thr ously · East lndltt 41 N. A•er. 12 Where coin T1brlz Is Sl FONef Fr. 13 Ptrfonittd colony lq a.t tht Met Can1da 21 Olnhltnt 55 COll•atd' 21 Good~• 57 Cootboot: 25 Nlct•I, •·•· qiuanUty 27 L••• 51 Coant 2lflfOUU ptf'90ft a r..,.111 br 59 M•n'• ,_ Eurfplcfts 60 Clt1vtd 31 Vtrt qry 61 Japanne . ...... b .. .,. .. 33 ODI that 6) AO'IC11lt1nl trttts ponr bulldlnt 34 Rtactlon M King of to p1ln Israel JS U.S. 65 P..a~r. flnancltt Ca.lt. ; .. 38 Pont 61 Not tllt'IH• SOUfCll than: Abllt • ll:iVERf ~s : ~OGMVE" NOO ·HfMiNGS ·lfis l._. ... ,_"tmr..,,.,,qra.,u•• .. .,w&l e . .... ., •• ,_ 1)f l*f:AllCI MUii ,...,t.1.-'l . -•Jiili LIMllER · -•.llillll LD6111 TICffNICOLOll"-· MNAVl8ION"FROMWAllNEll llllOS..8EVINAllTS 2nd Hit et Cinem• 2nd•Hlt et Clnem1 Wat JULIE 'E~E C. c~RlsnE· sea ktwllca . .. lhtutm111101 rrnorie'. . ._.. ... _ _... ... it@ 'JOURNEY D TOSHILOll1 ;;;;eClllHlll\ll--IDI l'Ol&.~ •e_ ALSO FIRST ORANGE COUNTY RUN cun1 easrvvooo •n"COOGan'S BLUff" .. COUM ·A Ull~L "'9CTU"' T e Greot No. Orange Coast's 1 Paper! " ' • ' • ' • • • • • • HOUSi!l FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HCM~~-~1SU~~P01t~~SA~~~1~~1HOUSu~1AL1 Gononl 10000-rol ltllt General IOOOGoneral 1000 ' 1•G1srrll 1• U. Ille 1U1 ~ RKl\T-ESTATB:RS 1700 ilewport 2790 Hmor 646-7171 5'6-2l13 CHEAPER THAN . RENT GI -Immediate pot;sessioo -Dandy 3 bed· rooms & den and 2 baths, large living room with fireplace. -Carpeted and draped. No down to Vets -Just $1400 Down. to olhers. $22,450 FUU. PRICE MAGAZINE COVER SHOWPLACE Charming Custom 3 bedroom and dining room in a picturesque east.side .setting. Open beam ceilings1 gleam.in' hardwood floors. and used brick fireplace give.s the living room J "copper .Kettle'' style. $261500 - Term! are easy - QUALITY-PRICE-LOCATION Hard to find all !lJ one package, they are all in this channing 3 Bedroom, College Park home. -Clean as a whistle with new t.op qua~ty shag carpets. -Kitcllen with Built· ins and dishwasher, -$24,500 -only 10% down Deeded:· TOO BIG-MUST SELL The largest home in this fine area of ?i-fes3. Verde. Room to spare with every built-in con- venience-3 luxurious baths, party size patio, 1arge Sunset pool completely wrought-iron fenced. Owner may trade for smaller home- $42,500. You make the terms. Back Bay Mansion EAST SIDE COSTA MESA --. JXJCUTM HOM11 NEWPORT HGTS. AREA n A -LAST' CALL!i ~=~· ALL THIS AND R2 V~uccola ~ Gngfi.Jh U/lag-RANCffO LA CUUTA at BJOotburst "At-l\udlo imllia. "4111 ,_ .. lanla In HUllliJlttoa.Beadl bu Jmt one home ~· -"'-ICll $25 500 16th l Tustin-Cotti Mou nnclf!fj, 'Dlll3 ~2bathhomefellllra 1 a i -fOOI!'. a i 'llorJ' hip llvlnc rvom NEED llO ttOMI I Charming 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & cltn. ·EJcellent location, near schoola, shopping Wilt-In eleclrlC l'lll(e ·I! di.tiw•ber, ~teci I IW. """ -1 bo. •'"' I 'I' baths, flre~lace, carpets & drapes, built-and belch On17 a few Jell Buy now wblle In· lbrougbqut In I~ creen . 11ylon: Full· :;:" .;:,.~ ::S '!:'"'~:::- ins & forced 3ll' heat This well landscaped lerest rates are only ---price OlllY $25,050 le that lnclydes sbate roof ...n nn. _,. bd>. S114000 home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a 7% h • & conCft'te c1r1v._. As added lncenU•e to II. c. GREER. -very large fenced hack yard, with room for wit 20 % down-71'>% with 1°"• l;>n. get lhla lost home sold we·wW landscape the Ml& via W. ~ a boa~ camper, or build a rental un!U It bu "" 2nd:-no points-29 yn on llllonco frOnt 'yanl 0t·fillcithe reef yard. (You might ' a paved alley entrance for easy access. Loca· Exclull .. Agent even tal.t 111 Into dOlnl' bOth!) 'Immedlale pos-Boyfront· 0..plo- tion Is just about perfect, 11'> blks to New-I . ·. seaslon with 109'!doWll. T~mporary •lleo of· $111i,OO> • ,__ &a'• port grade schooL and only 2 bib to new city P• a. pa mer incorporated . flee In tho 'll'hile \railer par&ed al Brookhunt $lll.OOO..u: ~ J!!I'~· park. East llth street and Westcliff shopping 33n VIA LIDO & AUanta. Clll 068-13ll8 anyday fl'om 10 to 8. ·wa~--.... 17.smi and two other sebools within walking di&-- -------lance. For appointment to see, write: Tract Ph: 54G.5113 From L.A. Coll MA~ 3336 Via.Lido Private Party w,°"';;-;;'";;;r•;;I ;;;;;;;;·;;;·;•;;ooo;; ~ looch 1211 · Box P612 'I' Walk to lead> Hunt!""'" INch l<IOO ' Dally Pilot ,$1f W~:Y ~ALLw~THlfFsG'AND~ ::fR2 DOn DELA,. Y. N...,, u1 .. "-•-.. GROWING FAMIL YH ---------'---------I ,. .... 2 b&U. •. c.or.y Uvtnc room Uere'••aot'Seoalt•heds:ocp DON, BE T 0 P 125.500 S.., this today, & unit. T{lth wood bumlnc -)>ome. Sharp . ...._. A O:lanninc 3 bedroom ar 2 with a .3 BR .ls. tamily wall· wall carpetinc • bup Glut atta near~ add M!LllllfWRE UVE IJKE ONE. Enjoy the 16'x26' ash panelled FAM· ILY RUMPUS ROOM with 13' wide raised hearth Used brick fireplace -beamed ceilings and buill·in padded bar with stools. DEL PISO entry • neat three bedroom, two pullman bath home with DINING ROOM, breakfa!lt bar, laundry room and built· In ru kitchen including dis- posaJ am disbwuber. J)ou. ,,,. ....... -patio ,,,.,, and rnclcaed yard. An EASTSIDE· OOS,l'A MESA SPECIAL near Upper Bay for cnly flJ,500. A Bupin in many ways. -ACT NOW! ! • • bodroom 6 d•n. 1'1 i.thl, room °""'''a imJL 1'lve · dble pnae 4 patio. .Elj "'°wino. Quld< ....,. .0 i:ARROW'S NEW EXCLUSIVE TRADE·O·PLAN 4 :!' !'.'!!!:i 2 i1replaoe, CUJ!Ob • ""'""'· nnt "'°· -4 ,.... tenm at $211,960. San~,.,..._, Aa1uJne story ·noor · plan with ~!·~-~ 1~~ .. ~ ~~ ·• COATS low lntemt loan at 5%'% i .,_,_ " __ ,,_. ·---~ -~ ~·" "JUNG" and..,only$165permonth. ~ room ...-.-can .. 1.....i o• ..... R2 a ,. SPRING lnci...., .u. Thia 1a m den, beautlful nyl'on lotwith•Yl!l'Ylupkne-WAt.LACI w lk & L •h•• arpottnc.,,... edbeckyant.wlth~w · llM.TOU .• .:..-~.JfY 8 ef ee ,· I. DIRECT TRADE on another home -up or dow~ paint & larp ~Top a b:>at, cam-r. or bWld a M6 ti••-•• -,....& &-.. condltlon throtl&boutl ft .--~ . . 7682 EdlrWer PriC'td at $36Jfl(l. air: ;11~ ~ :.:: lO,.. ~) 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. M2-iti5 Open EWa. 50&40 See it this week. ce.S. ~tion ii just abobt · A Different Housel perfect, '11> bib to Newporl ALL ·EL!CTRIC ,HOME S.t . apart • rustinct o.m lf1lde school. and mJy 2 blkl $22,000I ether hcuses Ip best Back BlG HOME le-new city park. East 11th 3 bedrooms, 2 batba.. ltebia:-!Jaf area. Exclusive Ust-4 BR. 11,J ha., nr: bolpital· street and Westcll.tt ~ en.t.i:r, diahwuher, ltme)' ~ · 64(i...f4I4 Medical center a n d on4' ''I' ~-·)• I •• ~,\ \,: 1.', . l• ... t'' 546·5990 2. WARRANTY SAL~ If It dces not sell, we'll buy it. 3. 4% INTEREST ~lllNI ~ LOAN piflr and two ether xhbclt carpetin& le dn.PK OnJ.Y 2 r: ~;':' 1 $21,500. E-Z FhUtncinll:. ~'!.~~For =• Walk. 1n .....,.. ~lie ~~ £SUl,!j S:-...R· SLA~ :!'{i.s " Prtftte·""" TARBELL 2955 Hort.or 2 STORY/POOL -' on )'OllJ' home to enable laywiew .;you to bay another home' 5 Bdrm recently :rebttilt ~ of your cboiCl'. w/creat,881Viewtrom1Jv rm., muter suite ud Guest 4. SPEED SALE nn. LwmrY carpetB. ....... Buy your equity outright. wet bar vxl nice patio •• •••••••••••••••••••••• $'16,500 Competent and courteous Mr&. Harvty atatt are able to fumlsh home buyers. · Box P6l2 __ .BY_O,WNER; ~reduced i..rse separate tamlly rocm. DallY Pilot ~· -• 1100 .... $42,500 to $31.5111. 3 -arpota, 35' pool w!lb S P R EA D 0 U T •n-w-·~·vi-BR. 2 Ba. ""'' Ilv. & tiltor & hoater. GI or FHA ,..,., ,,__ .... tam. rn\11.; wry ~-· lot;. terms. Price ii right at 4 apacioua tied.roomt ~ 3 bedromn ·00mt on can Jtcre 00.t er bomle $33.500. storagt.plore. ~ Mesa tree lined street with a trlr. Cor. cl 15th Sl Ir P•ul Jonff R .. lty Del Mar home Wwa larse view of ocean, MW.er bed. Kinp PL Call: 545-5124 147-1266 Eves. ~7124 living room, bright family room. with private bath A BEAUTIFUL It C 111 t c 111 16632 RHONE Lane, Sol • 1 room and all built In kitcb-dtta1ng room. Pak» Verde i.tllt. 1 --2 BR. a-Fam V' ... -OPEN 1 5 Sat/•--en. SpoUea throughout Held fireplace. Fantastic built Jn nn, 2~"b., & l"(l(lm for ....... · ""'' •'. 5 Bedrooms 3 baths. Dream home built for a discriminat· Uw executiw am his de- oervlng tam!ly. Delightful decor. lMge livini room, bup family room. Landscap- ed with an eye towards beau- ty and easy maintenance. Located on quiet cul-OMac atreel U you can aflord a Pi,CWXI Dream Horne, ycu'd betret" a>e this today. GI NO DOWN!!! SUbmit )'OW' smaller home on cur guar- antee sale plan. J"'t pUt loW'-..,.....,.. DllLOO MM5li help to h:>me cwners and ~-• can wi now fer explanatioll ol ... l!neot •"'P":"' In Or-Coltlwtll, .... & c.. stone fireplace, and ~e kitchen, cozy family room addition w/ lovely vkw. :nu lean 514 %. 4 BR 2 root. No .. ~. val·-at with endcsed court yard. be, blt-lns, c p t s / d r p s , •i.ci -U 2518 Vla Marina. • Owner. trplce. Insulated, ab a kt 20ll~DRIVE B46-T711 o,.ot.... CHEAPER - THAN RENT GI Immediato Poueuion Dandy 3 Bedrooms + d~ . and 2 baths. large li~ room with fireplace .• Cal'- peted and draped. No dawn to Veta -Just $1400 dawn· tc ethers. $22,450 Full Price. 546.2313 646-7171 OPEN EVES. 'Tlli 9 TH E eyEAL E S TATERS $18,000 f BR l~:ba.tb. eledJ'ic. built· in ranae & oven, garbq:e dilpclal. dlahwMher. 1arae pantry, upgraded carpets & drapes, dooble garage, rom· pldeq fenced. $1500 total move-in • no closing C011ts. Paymmta ol Sl.80 per month !nch-taxeo. &: tab ev« fAttt GI lean at Evenings Call M5-8Tl3 no ~ m ifees_, nc quarny..1--=:::::::o:c..::::...:c::::::::_ 81* Criunty U indica.Ud by :12111 E.. Caul Mlllhw_, $28,750. Just 10% Dn. oder $35,CKXl. • • -~ roof, walled yilm. Perfect C le rlhy & ( ··i rmg'" * BAY VIEW Fee let 85' com. Vacant. Price $25,900. 0 SWO O, ~,. SPRING x 195' w/ plam. $34,900. Ownor 837->178 or 847-,1880 · 1ng --"""°-• BR Magazine Cover "°""'· ·2 .. ..,, ...,,, paint· Showplace theT~P~tlala. ~ ... ~~=- ed kitchen, built-in oven A: ,..,,.., quality '""°"' dn>p. OWmlng ""'1om 3 Bedroom 5ameth1ng ' 642-7777 1e-REALTY 0wnor543-'1249,MS-ml START THE 190I Harbor mw., CJ>L I •• 1'anl/lim<" II-Port Hgta. 1210 'New Year RIGHT es. w/w cuiietl a: fireplace, and dinlne room in a pie-fo E W<ll....,.,.pedl•nced)Vd. -·-.. -. ORANGE COUNTY;$ r veryon• Open Ewt. 2629 Harbor Blvd, C.M. EA$'t SIDE CO!TA MESA, Spread cut in a 4 to 5 BR, Payments $189/mo. includ-Open beam ceilingi, gleam-LAltGEST _ Qeautifttl BQctelit., • fQrmat esall-pricefl.f.700. in& hardwood noon, and 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ~ rmm. S Bdrma. tam- used brick fireplace cives \.ii;;i;;;ii;;;O;;;ii;;i;ii;;i;;i;;i;;iii;;;J ny ream.·.2 Palos Verde $500 't>OWN <XlZY-2 BR born ....... ~ On. this .4 bedroom 2 bath port He!Pta. CUI de Sae family home •. OOfle l'D every. sl:Iftt, Jarp Jt.2 lot wfut thlng. Just introdooed to tt. room tor rental Unit, '1!1900. markot. Won't bo """""' G h R......:._, Jona:! $130permonthiDclud-ra am ·-·z: - -· 2 A: 3 baths. Start Hvtll('! •• ~~1~~0~. HAFFDAL REALTY '. , $25,500 : . , ' ' .*'40 Warner, F.V, ~ ~ l'\ll·\\lll ll ~·\I!\ \II\\ II ~ \ 1 I \ ' '' 4 UNITS BALBOA First t1mt ~ • • • steps to 'llttlr st." Bektft; We are very prood to ctter this im- maculate pl'Cpert;y. Always rented summer & winter. $61,500 ls the priCf:o • we have the key. llDDlll: REA~TY 2025 W. Balboa IDvd .. N.B, 67UOOO Whistle Clean 3 BR, 2 ba, med beach home, $25,:;oo • terms. Caywood Realty 548-1290 6306 W. Coe.st Hwy, NB VA -Mou Verde Ne down at all tc wteral"ll. See thts sPirldina clean the living room a "cower uns NO DOWll stone fireplaces. Landtcap. kettle" •tyl•. $26,SOO -I" ed !or ouy ""'· Loads al Terms are easy. -claim thruoUt. Pool 5uied Q>annlna: 3 bedroom·"' .J ·•Hunt•1n11to Hiiis 'becttoom &: den. 1~ be.Uis,' 1· ':I n . , #tf!place, carpets &: draPe&, 1'l.ke over 5" % loan. Hafd. built-In &: forcM air ---tiea.t. ~ Doon, large 3 BR, Thia \\-"ell ~ped bOo:it! .f.3x18 ram. rm, new paint Jn 646.7171 546.2313 I BR 111 bath, W.• ,.... .yard. Asking ~.500, Your OPEN EVES. 'T1L 9 yard, close to sbopping. call tums. Widowed ~needs es princtpal and ln\tre:st. Near N.B. Post Ofc. 646-24.f THE eyEAL E S TATERS CORONA D£l MAR ft,.2 lot + hcuse. Rare avail· ability, hl.gh invesbnent po- oow. ·w mcve. DOU.. HOUSE -.,did bUil,t ·can be zcwid on a huge .R2 ,>A cut. Sell t;J oi: Fl{A. lllJ Eutalde home immaculate tot with a verY large teno--~~BRASHEAR REAL T'I , · ... conditicn. Pleasant dmlnf'' ed back yard, with room tot M1..asit Eves. 968-1178 • N rt area, ccny f I re p I a e e , a boat, camper, or build· •· -FOR We and/or lease twp0 2U.!5 W. Balboa. Wvd., NA 20£ WES10.Jl'J" D1JJVE hardwood Doors 1: I d It l ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i6ij7j5-4000!Jiiil!!'!!!!!!i!! 1 646-rnt ~·Eva air Mat. Priced 1.,0f'P!<_, rental unit! It .bu a 1>4ved . superb, custom 3 bdrm+ 2 .... .,.... Im alley entrance fer easy ae-ba I-den. Ml.ll)' atru: llarbo H• hi. ds mediab! sale at $21,500 .. Call cess. L>cation ~ jU!f"aboqt · xtnt location to 1ehoola i.. Victoria For Growing r II 11n 541>.-1151 (opeo • v e 1.) perlO<I, 1% -to Newport 'shopping In H. B. Call F-C1I 'ly Heritage Real Estate. ' • irade schocJ., and cnly 2 blka 536-4698 after s I: week· 646-1111 ml Newport Beach BY Ownor: • Br .. 1% Ba.. to oew city paik. Eaat 11th eods . $21,500 tential; close to Ocean mvd. -== I: beach. 3 BR., 1%. baths; iiiiii This young well planned split 4 BR 2% be.thA, hup living encl. patic; new pdi~t street and Weslclltt shop. -~~-----­lewl home o!fen lcta of llv· room with fireplace all Frplc., cpts, drps. $4.SOO ping and two Other IChbols 4 BR, crpts, d~, bltns, ·ing spa.Cl' and country at-built·in kitchen, haniwooc1 Down; take ever G.I. ·Jean. . w!Utln walking dislanct. For · hdwd !Jn, frplc, pan, 'Ba. mcephere. Large I'i vi n I floors, completely carpeted $158 Mo. pays all. SU-OO'lO ' app:Mbnent to set', write: fncd. ,cul de sac. Nr schll llOTile view. Always rented. Priced to sell, $37,500. Newport ., Vldorio 646-1111 BROADMOOR liARBOR VIEW, CdM 2500 Wavecrest Dr. Exec Tri-Level Model 5 BEDROOM 1611.500 D•ve Gambill 614-""'1 room, 4 bedroom11, paneled il draped, dbh! ...... --. Prlc-BY OWNER • r ·Ide 3 Br. . Private'Par(y &; ihp g. May rent w/ opt. recreation room. Deck plua •--~ ..,...... Bex P6I2 By owntr. 646-6304 balcony over looks canyoh ed l'D tell fut at $34,500. 2 BL Natural wood · bltii 1 DD' x 3DD' LOT Zoned R.-3 C.P. with 1400 sq ft bou8e. $49,500 small down. Also ether a'creqe $45,tul pu acre in city. ... ----PERRON ~.J •• ~.~~ .. view. Excellent condlUon Rltr. 646-3928 er 5C)..M83 kitchen; utlllty pc r c: h • Dally Pilot and ... L Excl.w"' with *LACHENMYER crp11" -· a ... to ..,iili, I '1o=.=kB::ay:::::::::::::::1::2:::40 Jean Smith. $42,500. --~=~=~-.:;A;:;abp~~··:.:125~,500:;:::·,_;543-""4:;=:;=;~ I ;-:::-'::":-':-;:---_-..:c;..:.:: JEAN SMITH FOR IENT NEW ,.,.,, 3 BR. ~ Ba. 3 BR. lldwd Dn: W/W crpt'g @ E. 17th 'Costa Mesa HouMI Unfumlthed Cptz, a: drapes; pe:,950: in Uv nn &: hall. 60'x135' 646-3255 $250 per month. Near S.D. $3.CWXI Down. Owner M2-9l67 Jot w/ cnw.. fruit trtta $15 Freeway and BrookhuntJ;o==:=:::::::::::=::;;;:=: Ir. pa.Ho alaba. :lO'l71 Spruce ,750 New • Bedroom' 2 belhl. Moao Doi Mor 1105 con Pallsad" Rd) $22.000, Costa M-• children and pets O.I<. No · by owner M8-76T1, 543-!029 1797 Orange, Cnsta Mesa •-lease required, near shops FIXER-UPPER, GI i cw * 642-lnl Anytime* EASfS!DE-3bcdrooma-and ochools. _,,, 1211.000 value, 5 BR. Coron• del "ar 1250 ;,;,~!!!!~!!!!,,;,.,....;~I R-2 let. Room for inoome converted rar; needs pa.int. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"';;;;;;;;;;;;:;; R•r• Opportunity unit. OWner will help fin-carpet. $23,950. O w n er I' Street may be widened. ance. 546-4601 BEST BUY Mou·V .. do lllO CORONA DEL MAR Eutside 2 BR home en 50xl50' lot. Only $13,0C.O ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2790 Harbor .Blvd. Small house Ph• Fum F.ent- 569C91 Optn t1ll 9 PM 3 BR 2 bath, family room. al Unit on full me lot. Full 2tlreplacea.U0Jdn-6~~ price ;28,750. HURRY ON ANXIOUS S!LLEI Joan • total p y m n ts THIS! laguno Booch . 1705 H•ndyman Speci1l1 lnCOl'ftt Units Lee. en Oceanside of Hwr, 150 yds from Beach. 4 Jae Apt. units, needs ~ .1: good genera! cleanup. PQ. TEN1'IAL I N C 0 M. E EX- CEEDING $10,000 ANNUA.ir LY. Price $69,950. \ MISSION REALTY '94"'731 " 985 So. Cout. Laguna WESTERN AWARD 3 & 4 Br. Senlt cu.tom ROITV!I from $35,450.00 Now under .construction. lAcatied on Mowitain View Dri?t, off Tyrol Drivo Nyl home with new carpet!~ & Qlc;EA EW · lets cl extras. Hurry now • 514% LOAN 293 E. 17th St. 646.449' ~ llvifW: room A: fam1b $190/ino. Owner ~7822 VOGEL <X>MPANY room with fireplace divider tt'e Bnca ~ am.. _ 2667 E. ecut Hwy., aw opening lntD both rooma. · --~ anytime A.P:I. SALES AGENTS . Phone n4-m 7'1m. fat , further infcnnadon 2 BR: 2 Ba, 1 blcck don't ~ aorry YoU didn't caU ID beach, $29,500 us Wier it's llOld). FHA Geor:tt Wflll•mton ~nns OK a1IO. Oftl¥ $25, 'l50 143 Broadway ~Ill Ev"' 642-8453 646-4579 EJOOY V\ew from wiUUn of deli&ht· a-t: rl I tbi ft't:r1 Sea the\ !!!~'!!!'!!!!Ji!!!~!!!'~!'!' fu1 prden 6 poo( J bdnJI>, D.llLY PIL0r 0 awlfled THE QUIO<ER YOU C\LL. .4 BDRM, 3 bath. Top cf World Ocean 1: mowdain view. $3l.5CXl. ~7366 !;;!."'""!!!al~~~~rn-;i,,..: I ~·{1't°~"'TT!, QUICKE!R YOU CALL, i~lctl!Mlt ,,.u tHE QUICXER. YOU SELL - Payments $1U me. includtt all. 4 Large bedroms, spac- toua liv. nn., 1"4 BA. large fenced yard, Near schoo1I I: So. Cout Plaza. Jnunedi. ate poaeaion. MARTIN R.E. 548-6332 DAD..Y PnmWANT AD6 Duplex $24;950 ~;'~~~'ft ewn.r w111 ,....,,.11o.. -NOW• . 'lllE QUIO<ER YOU SE!L F.utmde Costa Mesa. Hard-CENSED REAL ~ATE Pet. hrrett"lealfy Gen.rel 3000General wood nocn & double car LEAD MAN OR WOMAN, fl611i::~-::::~Dr~,~NB::.:60.\2oo::11..;;.=;;.;;::....-::=====::=====3000=:;;:Go::n;IO:r:•:I ==---=34!!!0-!!!!DO prqe separatq: unit& (2 BROKER OR SALESMAN -1 1 bdnnt •·ch). Extnt. larp PLEASE CAIL: w S@\\4llA-""B~s· . ' • ' • • • .l ·~ Al'W'l)'I: a Go-Ge! ldtchon atta 1n l unit. DAVE GAMBILL, Bkr. WolloMceardlo, Rltn. 614-""'1 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. SCS.TI29 Eves. ~ lovely Bock Boy .lowol Elepnt new 4 bdrm 3 bath with panonmlc ....... $13,000 • excellent fbaanebw avall- ablo. Roy J, Ward Co. lM2 Santtap Dr. 646-1550 Sol••• Simple Scmnllled Wonl.Pmzlt fore Clluclcl• 0''"'"'~ -1.:: ;,.--._..,,...--..,,..--r.... ... ""''°"""'r....-I SEVSUlt I I I ' I 11 I I DU WEN ' r 1 1 I I IGAlt~C I · r 1 1 1. • po=.~~~r:: I~====~=~-'" tf '" --for defoma!lon llOISi cldtaromr.• I-lo 1FT'-TT-~...-I O ~ ~ ~ •::,~ '°" ~ from ftp No. 3 Mbir. I I I • ----------- l ~I • '• •• ' ': ., •• l " •• llOlllSIJ, Jil!Ulf'Y ZO, l'Wf DAILY ,JlOT 1!T --------------------ANNOUNCEMENTS l~*flll-li!*flll-•flll-•*flll-•*p!ll-•*p ISIRVICI DIR. ECTOltY • ,. • •. , ,.,., •odllMICIS 1* Deily Pilot Cleuifi•d -------1 H.._1 .. n1n1 ~~5 Hoflt w .. ,..,, Moo. 7200 · •• ,, IM-. 11-?-·• • rLASSIFll" ,.~EX -. -· t}~-~~ ' :.i_~~ 1 • ,. • 'f ' ,.. Nlf -.. Wliol'1n>o qi.,.._.,. Wf!JI~ ~ s.,.. An.rt .... mar~IMtt••"·~ rJW~Cdl I "1i.m~ 1 '(YJ:1 AR _ , ; ;i ... :~i:c:. =··="-=:"=;':PM="'I 1_,. Tu •740 J.Y£. JY .z. £1./'I. • Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m. -S:JO p.m. , -"' m: A s.,_ OJ<n• w1t11 ••• -,... -·9th yr . .,., l I I ..... ' 9 to Noon Smnlay-Oos..i Sundoy A1.J:rt W'U't )ocally. Avail. 12 .mot. Sl.17 OLD RUT?1 Di~L Dl~ECT. 642-5678 ANNOUNCES R001e•elt W1.7, CM. . LU(!.,_. "M><k'' 5I0--'9l1 ~ thru .......... ""' I * rm TI:AR * . . ., WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL"FREE 540.·1220 ~·~~ w.NoldY• Wontt Whadclv• G<it? IWUIO~.i~ am. Bltytte_tinm<h SPliCfll ·CLASSIPICATION FOR ,,..1.n-1111 J>,,appt. 1SG<!D> WlllL JllU bt a ..., ..... ?I bright l""'r"bt fM l/01' ••• or vlfll ft J~....,. a •"""11c.•I ~ d<n-11 p.,.~ JO'l'U -IW' n<ciufol hi vour "!O'k, ht If rov f«I ~ tolll ••f ph<IH Of VOii' p<OgrtU, pi.... read cm. Huntington BMch 540-1220 ' i..,u .. -4'4--trom io. AM NATURAL BORN SWAl'f!ERS ......... roo .,...,."" spoc1.1 -. .. 6755 CLAlll,110 COUNT•RI eN f90tted •·ftlflW91 H.._ lW1cboroa. 5 LI--5 11--5 bucb Steak A: £aa. ltULRt -AO MUST IMClUDa IROmNG, ale: •n boUr, ~ .brin& h&n&e;ra. 251·8 AvOc.do CO.ta Meta. LI 1- 8227. U11 Wett ..... lalla:m4 -..... IH W.. ..,~..,_, C.... ti-. Jtt 210I W, Oceutfront t-wrltt -.._ • .,.._ ~WW"".,.. Ill.,.., Ne 'Beach ,_TOVl PM!w _.,_.. ........... ._. .._" ~ flM 'llte9f, fl&llafl• ...... m ....... -'--........... lllM&ll ......... & S-, wport ..._...OTHING l'Olt SAi.i -lit.OU ONI. YI '""""' lnllll Pler" PHONI 642-5671 IF you ue a recent college craduale w- fut""' II blocked be<a111t of the natur. of 1111 work or the size of the orgmizallon • Dory llttt) To Pl1ce Your Trad•r'1 P1rMlsa Ad VlkKl·s .....,, Time Friday Mall Afi,...I ... 1m Nrwpert ~ C.llf. IRONING ' Hours-Re9ulations-De11dlinH JUUU')' lfth 7 PM tU • Haw: m M-. elev 1n c.w. Food, · pme. witl!i "Oly'' $300 per Ac. Want: New· fR"ORl1 Ad¥9rtflitre tM1.11i ef'ltoll tMJr acM d•ll1 •lld ...,..... '"'"""i.t.11 Jo~ on llip.. Come dltc* our port· Sn.ch. Jncomt or ., mlaolMSlflolltloft&. THE DAILY PILOT--'"'" UaMllt)< fer •rnrt ... fr°W pricea. 1191~ Newport home, ot Palm ~ tti• •wtent *' pulllllthlng the •dvertlMment oel"Neltl,. en• time. BtYd., C.M. Matclwn R2'alty 646-48?1 DEADLINI: FOR CO,Y AND klLLli 5:30 P .M.the dS1 kto"' pullllklifffM,doeptfti .f ti , 6412 $39oo:Q 0~: "1°tel'ID' W"k•nd ldltlon end MonAr eecdor. when •••no time r. l:JO 11.M. 'rid'O'' unen t.r1..f. A::: elc. or .. vou MUST HAv1 KILL f(UM•ER1 w11 ... kllllnt •• lld ....... ., .,1n ,....., WESTMINSTER ' ~ Realty ~ .. eu"' to make • .,._,.. of th• klll number t1Wlfl reu ,,. yeur •d ttik., M . Home ln Meta Vm;le 3 BR .. ,,,, ........ ,., ••• ,L . MEMORIAL PARK + lam\Jy, lli batf)s. WANT Ewity 9ff•rt la maft ti kill tr ool'f'ed • new ed thttt hp Men erdeNd, but w. ...... Mortv&r., & C9metery \ocal Urilti. 'Equity $8,obo. not 1u•Nntee to '' • 11,.tu tflt; •d llu a,p.af'H I• tho ,.,.,.. ComplMe funerals Aie~r DIMl:·A·LINI Alts •I'll 1flrtot17 .uh In· advenff •1 fNill •r et ••Y ene *' eur effloll. f frern a.i...1.5 " NO phono ol'dt""" • • ~-HAVE .STANLEY COtr· The DAILY PILOT ,.......,..~u,. rtght t. olaelty. lldtt, MnMf'., "''* an1 UV.r-Cemet.ry loft PONS TO TRADE FOR tl1ement. and te. oftuge ltt l'lltQ·•nd regulalont wtthtllt .,..... Mtloe. · : from $!50 BLUE OR GREEN SI'AMP , lodud,. _, Qoro BO(lu• HOUSES FOR SALE · 1111woaT •uc" -ou1"T111• 11rnc1 ,.. ~ 'm· one beautiful s:w. llhl'OllT ... IONT'S 01t n..l(Ta9CM, · M 5t8-36'J2 o•lllAL ... WIWl'ORT IMMb -........... ll .. AU -plaoa melU 1-COIL 1:-:='"°"=-=-:---COITA M•&A tt• ! ......_.__ !Arp Cabin 8tj'. Bear &rm. MISA OIL MM n• WISTCUW .. l'IJKtM• • ... No trafftc .... .....--.. MaSA 't'lllOI Ult U•IVUllTY P.Ul ftOI ~ • ... lMCll Beadl; Weltndnlter C • 30 ft Iota, valut nf,000 COLI.all PAltlt 1111 MCIC U.'t' .... "111: .. Ata .......... Mc. -.;'t1 $11·1-. -,._ Trade $9,(0) -·1'"' for des-llllWl!Olll •UCM ... MIT 11'.uPP .. f'VllUTUltl' altTOllM ..... --.u ............ 1t11WP01tT Mll•Nn mt ~-L..., 4111: • ..,_ .... ,... "" ert home or \ocal lot or f eALeOl COVIi Jf1I IAUOA -.... on... ~. ... &CG5t1 11n"°n sMM:as 1m """ tllMOI 4111 ••1t•UL navte:n = (lfnefer.y LQt1 6411 lT Gla.uline Boat " trailer u.Ye!l•IT nn =:--ISUIMO ..... MAO ........ L\Yll<O«lft 1tll MUWTIMTOM OU.CM = =II .,.,_ . = PACIFIC View Mein, Pan, 165 hp Intttceptor, Eaton =Ill SMOll:IS ltlJ l'OUNTA• VAU..IY 4"'t OUll ~ l11t _._. _ _..__ .__._, .._1 ... t drive, used 6 ~ like w ncLJPP '"' UAL lllACM .. HULTit a.ua1 '"' QaNl,11' ,,...w ~ ... ,........ ..... -~ ... ~· _., __ llAlttoll MllHUllDt IUI LOf\IO IUCN $a 41K-8S49 • •-•'"'I' &OIUCl"o UMJVllllTY '""" 1m OU .... COUNTY = =~~~ltl,.. = er. ews. 3 hr house Of ? 54S-OU6 lltVINI llll .... DUI HOVll lflf NrTl'lltOtl° OM:OllAT.... Im Good VW u -b· ·Gs moo aACll: aol't IMll w•-•i ... •l "'' o··-~.. ,,. .-um 1. W. •ASTOLU'" 11.a _,.,. -.. "" __._ •0 'JfVI ml For lltYJNe Tl•ltACI 1141 MIOWAY CITY 4'" l•Olll, 01"111 1•· _,., '* ~•J.·i ·-·-· ~ .. -. · COllOMA Dll. MAa 1W ::: ::: MllMTI-= :i:.;.... = Ponche, Kannan Ghia ~ M&.aM P••INtuU ,. TVSTtii· -·--·-.,. WI Bual ol 11.ka wlUt. aa.t.C:OM IAY \llf ,. _ _..... •-. .,.,,_. ""'" 'tl\.AltOI 1• COASTN. 4Jlt ......,. .... ,..... ........ .,_ • c Is ! -·-LIDO KU: 1•1 u.euu ••ACM '°" J#JUTOlllAL .,.. IAL•OA nu.MD ,., LMU~Jfa.l.llL , 4M-.1n1U1'f' • .,.... .... -- ' -~ GE Electric.. Oothes Dry- HUMl'lfllOTO• alACM ,. UM CLllMINTa cm LMUCAPlll• • . er, like new thru-aul WW MUfllTtN8TDM MM:MtUll 1• DAO POIHT fJ'9 L.0Cte1*1TM 0 d I G ~-·~ POUNTAlll YAu.aY 141f nuruic. "" .,.. MAION•Y. lltlt'I: ... tra e or u '-lUUJU• llA&. auc• , .... COllDOMllllUM ... MO'l'lfll•.·•·fTOUH ... Dr;ver in like eondttlon.. call IUltSIT ••ACM ... R"NTALS ! PAIHTIN.. ..... 1111 -.... 6IU688 OAaDllt oaov1 Hn ~A_._ U Iv I L-~ PArNT1.,. Gfll _. L.Ott• •UCM ,.. .....~ n m ,,_ . ~ltY . . ... LAIC.WOOO ... MNIU\. • PUSTlarn. hfrdl. ...... -O•AllOI CO\IMTT 1• COSTA MlftA lltl "-UMlltNe · · ,.., * * * Trade 11 n Peru.rmtt out· boanl, lfibef<laul for lull qr part ~ (Ill carpet, drapes. l&ndacapiJ'c, fenc-lzli or ! '!' 60-4980 alt 7 pm &n Oe-tMnte Income 2 atom ·. 2 loll :I o!fices 2 A.ptl ~ WW take TD'1 or smaller property. Malm off • er. can . 494.J262 Newpoc't Duplex, 200' to beach. Will trade equity ror i:ood: Leguna ~std~ HaJ lot. P·O. Box 1423, . Hwittncton Beach. cn-0 MS-oolSOwnr. Malibu area. 1 acre, bill· side'.--•. ,,.,,.,. ....... Jilk trtts. approx 100' rd rrent. 3 mi t.o ocean. Trade &>r house T .D. or t 847~78 o.atmn built 26' cabin Cf\li&.. er, toUd mahogaey hul, run, equlpp<d. $2500. Trad<. trtr. camper, truck or 7 ot same vahle. 548-39!7. 15c each. 641-7320 6790 2 lilGH School eenlon wW do ottioe cleu-Op. 1133-2948 6110 SPRINKLERS & Sod Lawna. Uc I Bonded * 6G-lT.!3 • COMMERCIAL A retddentlal Gmlenlng • La,.,_lng, Joe ComLI 962-47M P1perh1n9lng P•lntl"I mo VINYL wall coverln1 IJ)l!!Clalist ~ kit " . betbl. Material A labor. Est. 847·1.659 e rNT -EXT, ANY SIZE JOB. Xlnt work, refs, fl'M est. JIM. 60-4689, 6G-'1S28. PAPER HANGING PAINTING ....,.,., PAINTING, tnter.-exterlor state lie. ~ bolided. Free estimates 642--0238 Qronz:ie, ftost1esa 16 ru ft. 2 ,dOor, Ja.te model Sears refrlc. Trade for white one t>f equal value w/right hand :lo!>i!,~ P-M:. IliTER °" Ext. PAINTING, lllMEn SERVICE. ~ CONTINENl'.V:. f'al"f: .f dr, nd. FREE eat. 548-1627 air eood lSIK Conv Sedan. , 'Beaut & Well Carea ··-VF:I' S ,Bonded Pa I n t in I , , cond. Orig cost U0,500. Free est, lie, Ina. Small Trade ro. &OO<I equity in jobo ..ic. """42T hou•e. KI ..,.,,., OR a mm now selling who feelo hls work b not sulllcienlly cballenllJlg or that It d°"' not of· fer adequate Income or advancement pooslM- llU.. or niqutr .. lilO much travel OR a Junior executive; acbool teacher, engtneer, business owner, accountant or lawyer who be- lieves he bu the ability lo earn more THEN Investigate Ibis opporjuntty to qmllfy for the highest recognized level of selling lo buslneu ond professional groups. OUr Aplltude Anlly. sis System will determine your ch111c .. for success In our Field. If you quallfy we will pay you an attracllve salary while yw learn the buslneu and &aln experience under su- pervision. Your income prooped• will be well into live figures. ' Phone 542-5623, Ext. 321 or wfllo liriif "parllcul•n to .~ -~s~. 0.111 "'" l . -. " * * * o PAT'S Plut-• oil -· • ---· OUT o• COUlfTY ,. .,,. n•D• 1111 ..OOOU:· llt00Mtll9 .,. our OP ""'· 14411 N~T •uat -' ST.t.NTOfl 1'1\ NIW-llT HllOIM'I "'' POOL t•1tv1c• .. 1 r -POWaa IWllPtNe "1i wnTMIMITIR "" 111.-.0ltT SHOii•• '121t PUMP IEIYI(. .,,. MIOWAY CITY '"' w•sTCLIPP I!» U.ltTA "NA 16M UNIVllStn PAltll 1111 ROOPINe ltM llADIO. •""""' ltc. ... Read SERVICE DIR;EqoRY; . SERVICE DIRECTORY Babyilillnt · 6550 Child C•,. 661 O ;:::;. ..... •11111 .... Call MAIL nar 't ~t'' Plumblng 6190 Excellent opporbmlt.y for well ;..;;=:;.;;.:...---~--1 sroomed yowc mu wtth PLUMBING 24 hr. aerv. carT Duties: im:lude maU DAY DISHWASHER U.llTA 4NA NOTS. Ua aAClt IAY 12• alMOOILIMe a llPAlll .. oaAN•• ,,. IUT ILUl'P na aaMODILIM.. ICflCNIQ ... rum111 ,.. toaONA all. MA• wt ..., NOITM TVIT .. I 1ut IAUOA t• :::::;-. ...... . .... AHANllM ..,. IA'f' dl.AM0S Alt ,._.,.. W.C11 ... llP.t.1a1 tN1 111.VlltADO CMIYOll 1• LIDO llUI ... ... -U.eUNA HILU ,,_ HUllTIHT'Olf atACN ..... SIPTI( JMKt. ....... M · TAILOIU._ -u.eUllA ••AC 1111 POUMTalfl Y-AUS'I' Mlt TlllMIT• CCNn•OL. an u.euru. NICIUIL 11D ........... Ill.AND .. #14 lilt cLaMINTI: '"' llAL IPCM .... ~ ~ • ..... '"' 1.t.111 JOlN CAPllT't.t.HO T1ll LOllO lllL\(N .. Ta.18 SlllYICI ... C:Af'tlTRMIO NACM 1111 ~ CDUllT'J .... -1'11.ftdfCMI -..... n. -... DMllA POtN'T ~ 11.UOIW OJIOYI: N1f u,....,..,...T .. Ull.llAO 11• WlfTMINITllt Ult ftLD.&tfO "" OCUtd!DI 115' MIDWAY CITY , U1• JOD< lo •u•LOYMENT U.M 01190 1171 """'" ANA I IOI .-, ~ lltvmRSIOll COUNTY I• UfllfA U1A NltfH'll Q , .. WAlllTID. ~ '11111 HOUSft TO •• MOYID "'9 TUtr ... , . !!!! .1t1a WAMTID. ..... Ml COllDQMINIUM 1 .. C'tl.UT'Al. .,._ JOI WNf'n:D. DUPLIXll POlt SALi lt7I :U.•UW .NAnt . SM' hi , woMlll APAltTMlllTS POtt UL a 1"I LAeUMA ·NIGUll. , llW ~te: Ml&I = REHNTALSF L-• r~::rJ':,,_ :: :~:.~ -:'.: OUMI umltn.w . """ .,. A•INCltS. ........ 7* ......... 1. -EA.Li ESTATE, ...... WMT•D. ... = al'NTALI TO IMlaa -' Gen.rel =ia"'=. ~':';-. M ~a::: D~~1!-.a ~= Tl!P'LD. 9k. _... ~ a llllftUCTtOM -MllA VIADI till COfllll0«1!,lltlUM .MIS Plle•AUTIOll ,_. , , • I I llNTALI WAMTIO .,,. TMU.TlKA&. "" co-•• ""• t1i fllOOM> ,..., .. 111 · '""' MERCHANDlSI FOR lllW:POllT l .. ACM 1"I llOOlrt • 9()1.aD .,,._ :::; :.::-., :: ~ T1tA1Lff cou•n '"' SA.LE AND TRADE . IA'f'IHO••• tnS euan MOMIS .... •uaMITVltl .. DOVll SHOalS nzr MISC:. llMTALS "" Ol'IPIC8 PUltflllUltl ... WISTCLIP" 1IJI INC:OIM PIO•lllTY ,_ OPPIC9 ..UWMlllT .. 1 UNIVallSIT'f' PAIK m7 IUSlltlU PltOHITT .. ITOl:I iioulPM••T au llt¥1N8 !bl T• .. Jl.Sll PAIQ -... CA.Pl, ltllTAUIUMl' lllt IACIC IAY D• tuS»tDS fl•NTAL .... aAa 10\!IPM.IMT lt!I IAl1' OLU~P 11:41 OPPICI llJNT.t.L 6111 MOUS.lfiM.D MODI - l•Yllll TlaltACI !Ml lllDUSTlll.i.L PllOPlllTY -OAU .. SALi ml CDltOll OIL I mt C:OMMllC\f.L -l'UltlttTVal AKTIOJI -IAUO: MA !M lllDl.ISTalAL llNTAI.. .... APPLJAKU IHI eAY Ill.ANDI till LOTS l'I• NllTlilUIS 1111 LIDO llLO ftSI •AMCHIS .... llWUIO MACJllMll .,. JALaoA 1IUMD tm CITltt.ts elOVll •111, MUSICAL IMITIIUMIMT d NUN'TllleTOtil aaACM 1411 ACRIAel nM PIANOS • CMlU.U P• POUJITA111 VAL&,9Y t611 LMI IUIMOtll -aADIO .. ~:~ ;~~: = ::= ~:-;;eitWnT, = ~~:1':11tN = O•AN01' CO\lllT'f' ,... OUT °' ITATI ....... '* T ..... ••coaoan .,. IMTA AMA Mii MOUNTAIN • MSlaf Git ClMlaAS a 10\tlPMllfT ... WISTMINSTlll Mil SU•DIYlttOll l.AllO aft NO•OY IWP\.let .. MIDWAY CfTY Ml• •••L lfTATI: 11avtc:• •n• INITlllO 9000S - U.llTA ANA N•l•Nn -•.I . IXCKAINI •Ill SIMOCUU.aS. KOl!al t1M COASTAL 1'N1 IL 8. WA""1> . ... MIKltLNllOUI .... uauNA 11AC11 "" BUSIN!SS and •tte. wAMT•• Nit LASUMA 1111eu1L "'1 FINANCIAL ~::111:1111".• .... = SAM CLIMIMTI mt IUSINlll Wl'ORTVMrflft -IT'OltAOI "71 IUI JUAN CAPlmlMO 2nll IUSIMIU W-'-__.. .. IUILOIMI M.lTllllAU "" ~t'r:O":: OIACM = IWlfTMlll'T ~.,,, IWllllM tllt SWAPI . ant a1V11•stD1 cou"" ,.. =~M:o"'Lo':ll'TIO :r,: PETS ind llVESTOCK VACATION llNTAU "" PllllON4L LOAllS •m PIT1. HN•Ul. -~=~:·u,':,.... = llWILa'f' LOAMS mt CAn .,. · COLl..At91AL LOANS ml DOOi -RENTALS lllAL ISTA1'9 LOAMI Q4ll MOii.Sii .. U f bL-...1 ¥09TOMlt. 1'"'91 0.... ,._ 1.f'f'llTOCW .. HouMI n um ~ MC*av w.t.wno '* CALIFORNIA LIVING -ANNOUNCEMENTS Muana1u "" 1eN•UL CDIT4 MllA MQA HI. MAI: .v.a:U. V11aoe COLLSOI PAalt NIW"°llT 1Lt4M NIWHIT MITL NSWPOll.T SHOllft aATINOltlS OOVIR IMORU WUTCLIPP UM1VlaSrrt PAllt 1aV1NI IM;IC OAY WT SI.UPP lllVllll Tlllutl COllOftA HL MAii ....... OA.T llUMDS LIOG ISU: IALOOA tsU.ND ••l'OU .. .,. 'fUNTl"91'0ll llACM KUWTltte,_ NAaSOOI: '0\INTAIN VALLIY Slltil. llACtl U.IOllt eaOW9 LOlllO a1ACM Oll:Nf .. COUNTY "''"" """ W'llTMIMITllA Mltnll'AT C11'1' IAMTA AIU Mlt9Hn ,_ ... ......UNA OU.CM U.'4JllA 11t1•lllll IAfl CLIMl .. TI: C4'1STllAlllO CAPltn.AM> aa.t.tM OMIA l"Ollff ~OOMINtuM U:XIS UNPVltlt. 11.ENTALS Aph. fumhhtd ..... llM. -·-MIU W•Dll ::: and NOTICES m':"'•..... :;: Mtt l'OVMO ~ ,,_ .... AWWlllOS -IN LOST i4n Y#ICATIOMI ... = ::=.U..im !: TRANSPORTATION -llJtna .in eo&n • fAtllTI ... a PUNIULS t4tl IAIUo.&1'1' • ..,, :am PAIO oenv.t.a'f' ..,, ....... C'lt\I.... = -P:UfllltM. DIO.KTOIS fn' a.atlo.-41C1 IO.ln = :=-:: n-. =~ =~ ~"~ = -M _,..!AM .. , .... ,. LAUMCflll... ,_. tMt CIMITIR' LOTS Mtt MM~a atutl". = M ~IY ca1'1"'11 1411 SOA1' SltP, .MOOI_. • ca1uY01ttn .. WT ••YKll • -IUMOIUA&.' PdQ ..,. OOA1' •lltTAU ... -AUC'Y10n .. ....., CWo\lTD ... Pn AVIA.TIOll saavlCI: ... • ..... ""'" ... .. ft.AWL ta. MAT MeYhl• ... ,. •• taMIU'Oltl'A.1'IOll • ... _,,.m ..... .,.••. -.. AVTO lftMSf'0'1'ATICMf ... -Ml U&t.\. ltOnCP" .. MtlCUP'T ll5 ~ ...... I '"'911.IMO ... Pl.TIN U"'*' ;;it SERVICE 'DIRECTORY ::;:;.• = '"' -~· ... OIC'l'CLCS ..... ... AltSWUlllO lllt'l'tC:8 -l~IKTlllC CMl:S - -41'1'L1Mt'~ a1PA.-U. ,..,. "" M... ..... --"" .. , A.......,... 4ld MOTO'lCYCLa '* o\P'MA&.T. °'9 tm' MOTOl:tcOOftll - : Mnt ••PA••• .. ""° nntc•• • ,....,. •• .. ,,.,,... ........ T-.. ttlr&. .._ AVT'e TOIU a lllUW. '411 wnm•• ,. tun.alt. ftA'tCI. ... = '°'T1Mlfll'nll.MCll .. ftAILl1tlo .,.... = ft UIClt. __...,, -... CAMPIQ ,,. =~=~...... = r.=r -CATl:AIM #11 OVMa a..-.JU = CASINllTMMOllO -W0111'1-D A4ilT9I CAll"llTla.. ..,_ ...,. CAM .,. cwin. e..11t ,. 1111T1111s. a..uea CMU CM:L ....... Mtl UC9 CAUi .... -= ..... -CMl'fl' naM.. Ml'nl WMrn• -CAltN1' LAT .. • • ., ... ttH .... c.A1tS -OUl'e"8ta -AMY8 .......... tiff ot:MOUTIM ... WM CAl:i -"" ---"" ... -= ... - HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR H9ME µTELY? ---------·---. The . DAILY PILQT . ·c· -~ .. ~\·~ IJ. , •• -• ' ' L A s s I F I E D ORANGE. COAST'S ltading WllJ., babysit My home. Fenced yard. My ~ month old dauabttt iieeds a com· pankln. Jktwftn 1 and ~ pttferred. Days. N e a r Herber Shopptnr Center. -54$-1395 BABYSrl'TING ~ da.Y9' kl D'l1' Jmme. Experienced, 1 ~ childn!n at home. 564148 BABYStM'ING My -· Reeaonlble. c.olll!ll!! Prk area. (DCC) St&-7090 D~~ ~-pr•-)1;1 ID--Work IU&f. Llc., lnsur.; plck-up, hi ~ ddtvery, ~ ... ""n. ..... ..., c r • t • , ft'T1'1odel, repair, ~r 1eV ., care ti. otfice tqtplles and creative approach tD pro-531-7566 m19cella,,,..... enud&. Call .duot potential of each dtlld. -,,P"""=~=IN=G,-,"""="AIR=-1 or apply: Hot ' J~ niid altn ...VDUJ ~ I DAY WEEK REUBBI l Ill anacb. Quiet t Im ea. No job too small Llmit.d numben. 8 ID 5 • 6<2-3128 • CLA·YAL co. 151 E. c ... t Hltfiwl'f pm. Far in1orma&n call N , Buch ..,...,. Romod•I., Repair, 69'40 17th A Pl-111 -~ . Controctors 6620 ~ '!"' ,.~ c::~ PART TIMI Additions * ~elllie Dick. 642-1191 40 MEN Fftd H. Gerw1ck. Lie. J\JI fll11al _ _,ly Must be willing ID ...,. ...... 6'B<0<1 * 5'9-21?0 Sowl"' 6960 .,.p1,,., 1mmo<11a1e1y, w..tc. 1•30 » DEPENDABLE day care. -10. 5 nlcbta a week, Top PQ PreL wkly. care ot 2-..f yn. ALTERATIONS I: CU.tom and aoine .OY'trtlnlit cturq: Llc. "'"'' Baker. 54<-1!139 C•rpot CIHnl"I 6625 ""'-"""· Vm 11 na SAi.ES MANAGER """ • montbo. WOULD like child 3 yra ar' CARPET , Funl. cleaning; wotk. App't. 543-n04 REAL· ESTATE CALL MR. REED older ID c:Ue for my -• ... 1 day """'"' 6 quallly Alterotlon....+12-5145 Spri Rally ......... · n4-7256 Mon.Tri. 615-1290. ~ call Sterling far Neat, acc\Jl'ate, 20 yn. exp, .0: opened Na. 4 office MODEL A Piua: tiiil&rl iii Bab)'aitttrw, in my home brlghtnea! 6(2....8521 e Drelmnaktng-AltttaUona on Harbor Blvd.. c 0 1 ta flberalu A wood with Gll' Infant to 5 year&. Fenced NO GimJai! Best expi:rt cpt Special on Henu Mesa, need uperlenoed In tm.bl A campers. Must yard. Oxta Mesa 60{I03 I: furn clng. at lowelt * 64&6146 * Real Estate Sales Alloclate have own toola. OJntad. ot WIIL babys:lt 1N YOUR pricel. Sf6....1486. 646-mt wh> oould qualify tor ma. can Riek at 2135 ~ HOME any hDm' $1.Z br.; WALL TO WAJ.L Carpet TILE, C.rimlc 6974 apment smttlon to lead an Dr. OlSta Mesa. ga...mg lH hr. rates. ~ C I e an In g a: e:.: 11 e rt agreaive ales stat!. For TV TECH, COLOR tgJbolatery cleanirw. &lf..3'00 * Verne, the Tile Man * ~ent. career opporb.ullly Bench I: outaide. lleJor Co. Bride, Muonry, etc. CAR.PEI' A tumiaire. clean-Cust.. work. InstalJ A: repa1n. in 1 ~ aJec atmo. benefits, pUI hobdaYI. Uflt 6560 No job too lmall. Plutu phere, phone att lend ftSllme I: mrd. lnl. and llCk lllw. --------1 tnr. -&• ,....ir. Call patcll. Lolldng 'h "w" to Mr. Gildner, all ,,,..._ PACKARD BELL BUJLD, Remodel. Reid' Girouard Cl.rpet. 6G-eG56 repair. M7~19S'lf846.02)11 ma.Hon held in atrlctest eon. llt Cebrfilo a.ta llflll Brld<. bloc>. concr•I•, Dnftl"I S."lco 6637 JOBS lo EMPLOYMENT l:":-""': .... =.-SERV. STA.,ATl'ENDAlri' crpntry 1 DO job tDo amc!1. • -FUil time, Id-MJ »WI Lie Contr. 96J.eM!i Mapa: Geoklgica1 or Ovil J b W t·• L d 7020 .. ~-Nea• -- trom .....,._ etc 0 •n -· • ' ~ARPE"'"'RS* ~-' 6590 T _ _.. ......... • Wri".:... JI{ .... n I Ii '1111!1 2L None Dtbtr need ~ .... .w........ .... ADVERTISING G I r·t app]Jt See Cl!de. 25111 1'15-8Rf. P.O. 37(, CcfM, i manageme_nt -public '!1-· With mobUI home dperi. N~ Blvd. CM. CAR~ENTRY Electrlcal . · · 4640 =:-= ... ~~ ~~ 111Excellent ba11dita. YOUNG 11W1 U or """ MlNOR REPAIRS. No Job 1----------"'-write Box P-486, Dally PiJOt D¥l!'Y penon, part time to tniQ far bJno Too Small. cabinet In ,Pl" n.AG Eedric, aen'l el.et> tam work 4 eaoJL 1bt Zoe( ,.., A o t b 1 r cablnoll. tridanL. O>mc'l, re•·• EXPLORER <»act Hwy A MleArtlnr, 545-81.75. lt no an.wtt" leave MaiJit Sm 'j&bt we I c . Dom"tlc Help 7035 CdM -•• 64&.l372. It o. 519-1045 . NHdad •• onCll MOTORHOME OWAN'TED8 Andenon !============ Housekeepers, c.ooks, Maldl, 4000 Cimpus Dr. Auto llgd:l' Mu O>mpank>na. Top wqnl Exp'd Pa1ntf!rl heJper. All fee p&ld. Cell · N•wporf Beach ......,.. Mill Abby, 548-1198 ~APER' dtlt••r' Alao ,,. jobo PART '!!ME Sa....., '.A s.a..i.,. ..... ARGUS AGENCIES a o0oK WANTED o A.M. 1'udl r•q•lred. 1869 C Newport Blw., C.M. H-Seldlll 5'0-6lll7 GeorRe Allen Byland ~ney Oow1try Oub =FULL=-,,---... -~...-..,-,"°'·5,_, .... - Employer PQS P'ff 536-11166 e week. DO ap Umlt. Applr 100-B E. 16th, SA 547.(1395 Maat be owr 21 )'Uri o&d. Delni«dl, No. 3 J'Ubloa ""-llve-lno. a-IUI Could -Into lull time. bland. N.B. Pmnane•l Experienced • ~= iiw;;;;o~wiidt;•iQi-11:-iiil Far Eu! •-6'>.-nxl o -Dist'"-... -· » ~--~ 2 PM . ._ - . • -....... -212 E. ""'SL; CJf. A.pnci., Man 7TOO 1.=M-::=. 111e. P•rl Timo CUiiO<llaft Men.geir Tr1lnet1 a E. Wubl:lwton st. * ftl.nC? • Haw client& who will train Santa Ml Drpertil!ncld fl7 .poa 'llttb career minded srad• ln J1n... lJQUOR dak rel.all. n:· refeNnCll!!t. Hcm'll t to S. ance, Int, Factor)', Sain. periel1otd O"M' 40. ec.ta Benton'•o.a-Sbop. Call Mr Anderson, 548-779' Mea uu, Pia. 5C1-3113 m So. (but HtwJ. Lqmm ARGUS AGENCIES 186!1 C N.,...rt Blw .. C.M. Helo W-Mon 7'l00ri•l• Wontoct. Mon 7200 Holp Wanted, Min 7200 J. C. PENNEY QI, FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH 24 Fnhlon l1land Nowport h•~h, C1llf. "" E4"'1 ~ -.. ALUMINUM WElDERS I ! i I I I ( 1 I I ' • ' I i . I ' -. • • • ' '' ' •1 I l • : l l l t I r------------------~---.,..--~----------------------..........--~....---··~....-+,_....--~.....--~--·· -------- ft DAILY PD.OT llottdll, Jiiltully 20, lM 4 ~ HUUliES FOR Qll llNTALS , ~••.tAU ltlNTAU UAL DTATi IUSINISS ,.. IUSINISS ond M flltuel 17117 Hot IT' U.,_....... l'umlahl4 Aplo. """"""'*' , GIMrtt f.INANCIAL FINANCIAL """' HI-....... II ntO LW. ltlo .Wt Cotta Meal !1100 ~ati Wantod 5990 lua. C1Jit!o!1unm. 63CIClllU1. ""-••ltl• 6:1GO OEUJXE 3 Br. 2 BL : pro-,_.. ~,....... 1;;;;;;-;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::<:;;;:,_.;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j -•-· • clecoraled: Eat SW. COiia -Charmlnt 2 Siert 2 BR. $121. .._ ~ QQlEI', R.1lnld ~ cir! I' In excl""1,. -...,, New ..... H .... Area -S Bii t i., lrple. 4 cn>CL DI E. .... Ali w/--4 -4 pet. OWN A l'ltOFITAllLE BUSINESS loYel.Y ~ view; •uto. Olann1nl S bdoom. « 2 J&tlo. 2 ear putlrlc. AwA A....__ ' ' · del1r1ll pamalllDt boml or RUN IT IN YOUR SP'RE TluE ..... , .. -A <lee. pr. hodtoom 4 "elm l!l i.u., -lmD ot ~ -Quiet 2 l!ll. Dap1or I Q~ -4 WllllrD. ~ ~ "' _., i Y'· ""'· 1$9,'500. -· corpeta A -Motta oaly. AJI< *"' -· ae1 Brilodwv. sus. · '151. Aval Fth. lit ar Joter. YOU CAN EAIUI $760.00 A MoNTH Ott -&!l" -·aw.... <ll hu8•lnl & lon:ed air bea< Grund\J C.lhft. ~m.m ;t<cw. B<h"' CdM -· MORE IN JUST A FEW HOURS EV!ltY WllK , =-=======:::-I wen Jonclacaped home -!'eta 11"'°" bllty LIKE1ml'· 2 er .... -Xlnt ......._ Ml-ll05. U yollf 9 to~ job puts a ceiling on your earn- 1. • ""' ...... 1......i ...... -..... -·-· .. PllANT -to °"-~-' Duplu• For Solo 1975 ,..... Location ii Juot about ~--peta· adulb $U5. ~ Oo. M~ c 0 u p,, lngs and linnll your abllitlea, here is an op- ..,_ 1\1 hlb to -llo-.bland 43SS ' -10 -I BR "°"''" portun!ty tailor made for you. NEWPORT Duplex for lalc. &ndeachool. .... onl1>hlb • BR. ......... , .... q>L !:uelle•l nolon-. Up.. We are lookll>g for dislribu~ to Npruent :i; ':"" .:i wl~ :.:;-~ \f.!"..:-' ,:'. ~· ~ult~ ~~~ l:i C. Call Collect NaUonal PIJza Company, the ' largea~ most residential lot. P. o. Doi pJ.rv and two otbu IChooll little BaJ, bland. boat doc!k; SPUTLevet 3 Br ~ be 1 BDRM howe or apt, successtul and fastest growil)g company of 1'23, Hunttn&tcm B•acb . MthlnnlJdnedlstance.$180 avaD. March lit. $115 Mo., cpb, drp.. bltns. ~ peu.' J!!utl!de O:wlta .&leu, must lts kind. (n4l 846-.QM.;. Owner For cletaill, write: tnct utu. Ste no~ f1l.«m 2885 Mendota. CM ~ be reaaonable. e 4 6-4 214 Nothing to sell. Service company secured ac.. RENTALS Private Patty Huntl ...... 8M<h 4400 • '""'· counts. One time mlnim\Ull inveslmenl of H-Fumlshod lox P612 Fu RN Is HI': D or UN· Newport -h 5200 ~w2 SR.& l<IW.~.~ .~~"o"• $2,390 to $4,360. We furnilb al! advertising, R t I t Sharw 2005 Dally Pilot UNFURNISllED Apt. , • ., w•wu ·-merehandU!ng and support material. .., I I • FURNlSHED N-u.... L 12 x u r ,-, or nr beach $150 mo. max. ' -~-2 bedroorn. 2 bl.th atudio "' .. t-~ ...... ~ H .vou are at the crossroads of your career SINGLE pl w/3 bdr 1.--. ' view, duplex a-pt., cot TV, .....,,;..,,... Ad· WHtcllff 3230 ~~ ~= '!1°"" 10 2 sp11t-1ew1, 2 hed, 1rp1., e LANDLORDS e and1 are looking !orb 1 money-making op pol' am1 I Brookhurst wishes to 3 BR.. dining rm .• family ;;;,; the.';;,';i,? Wck carpta., drapet, FREE RENTAL SERVICE tun ty investigate ow you can run your own share w/same $75. mo. nn.; 2 Ba •• new cpts.; cloee f!'om $130. 1701 Apt prqe. Available Jan. z. Broker 534-698'! business in your spare time. Write Today. ln- 96M938 to achooll A aboppine. Fncd. D. MJ.aJ3 or call oner ~~ after 6 p.m. w ANT &ch. apt, qJe worlt-elude name. address and telephone number. WORKING gbl to """ -,,i. wai.r • .....,._ paJd. ..,_,.,. -1ng girl 16().$00. p-Complete descriptive material will follow. Untvenlty P>:k home wl Loe $350 Montlo. 60-8839 UPPER Doplex. 2 Br. ;!BO, 6"'0419 aft 6,30 NATIONAL PIZZA COMPANY Sllllie. Days ~. eves. · UTILITIES PAID 1 )'!'. leUI!; lower duplex BAY or beacbfront borne be 83>-1531 Hunt•....._ •-ach 3400 2 BdrmL t=. Hid. pool 3 Br. !US. 1 Y'· leue. ..~ 1 In N -10407 Li rty 1 ,:::.:,:~=----,-•;.;.o;'""'".;:.:'"'-='-"--'-----1802 Knoxvillo Apt D HB. "'--by Y~•Y ease e .. 1"'>. f B 69 EMPLOYED woman to 1 • • • • Adults; no ptta. .-.. Balboa area. ~l007 01 share pleasant h 0 me FftEE RENTAL BOOK • 5364914 • app't. only. MW: White St. Louis, Missouri 63132 w/.ame. $50 M 0 nth . Drop In &: Browse BACH. apt. furn.; water 4 77'J.S150 UNF. House. Reuonable .Area COde 314-423·1100 ,.....,, ..,,. W Iker & Lee ... paid. Adu!• """'· $15 2 BR. ' ea. ""'" • -= .:w.:.""~-WllJL Share . my 2 Br. 2 a 918 Palm, Hunt. Btacb n 75 on yrty Jeue. carport. Ba. apt. w/workina: ;lrl or 7682 Edhller S3M6'l8 or 536-4979 can &0-5567 eve. Room & Bolrd 5996 ~~"'l!~~l!"'"'""'"""!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I ASK FOR MR. JAY ortudent. N. e. Aro a . 8<1-4455 0peo Evn. 51().5140 QUIET A llEAUTIPUL ======= -------·I REAL ESTATE 642-8971 4 BR 3 bath oecuttve home, Adults only. 2 BR. Po o I Elst Bluff 5242 ROOM &: bovd ft:Jr man onJ,y General Invest. W1nted 6315 WOMAN or girl to share 2 carpets. drapes heated poot 11676 Cameron. 141..:ztZ 1---------In private bomt>, near -'-------·I RETIRED Markl!tlng bperl. bdnn ........ Call $330 per mo. Vlllage Real 1 BLOCK 1rom ocean. 1 4 Prestige lotafiOn beach. $3l week. '3&"3SI Qfflca Rant1t 6070 -with .... ..W belp 6'£-2169 Estate 962--44tt or M6-8103 2 BR apt.., heated pool 5999 EXECUTIVE Offtce approx ~~~· your J'l"Ob!eml. !.=========I, BR, like new, nr Douglu blt~ rec room. lnter<cm 1'rtt leue, dehlu 1888 -i. ft. Mite. Rental• 100 11q. fl. In new Bldz, Costa Mau 2100 • "-IS92 Lakomont mU11c. Agt. 53&-m< 4 BR., 210 ha. Apl F>plc., $20 MO. ,...,... -by Oranp Cowlty Ah>orf, Mo to t -6320 · Lane. Avail now $200/mo. 1 .l 2 BR fum apt, nr bcb drapea, earprts, wet bu, praae. Corner 23rd A Avail immediately! ~ MY ~n a BEDROOMS. like l2W con-Ina. Art. 642--lm $125 up. Free-utilities. prlv. balconln: dbl aanae o~. c.o.ta Mes a. omCES: 2; 2,300 + 111. ft RETIRED COUPLE ditton. Completely turni&h-536-3Tn, 53fi..1'J82, 53&-1388 ott kitch. Diahwalher, dbl. 548-am each; strTet level; Gout Hu mon!y to lend on l!it It ~ =~ ::lng ~ ~· BNch 3705 2 BR. Larp: upstain. All ovtn, pool. Convenient to Hwy, CdM. call: 613-4830 2nd mortgages. Call t'eC:ftation center at no ex· FACES Ocean; "ttdec. 3 Br. uW. incl. $1SO Month ahop'i·· schools &: recrea-Income Property 6000 1 COMMERC. -300 Sq. fl. Broker 541.1333 tra clw'Ee· $235 mo. A;ent 3 Ba. Privacy. $395 Leue 2106 Florida 536-3621 Uon. FOR THE CAREFUL IN· 1 JNDum'. -800 sq. ft. s.6-tl•l Owner C94.Ql51 ONLY $325 MONTH VFSI'OR. fully leued ston> e &es..nap e Real Estate Loans 6340 La-•na Buch 47°' 135 AMIGOS WAY FURN 2 1ty, 2 br. 2 ba. CHARM 2 Br. 2 Ba. Atrium, •'"" Niwport leach &: ollice bldg on major lndustrfil Renfil 6090 HOME LOANS cond., Incl piano, bltna. epta, df1:9, view. Priv. beh. MODERN _ View apt. ncrth Mg Apt. 9 highway in Ora.nae Olty of· . , Have 90S' fina.ncine at 71.4% Respon aduJts on1y. 546-2668 Ue. $295. 4!M-G7 Owoer end, 2 mry, 2 BR, 11,ii r. • fered for sale w/reaaonable , ~terest. Q\eck our &.9% Coron• ... , Mar 2250 Duplox' IJnfum. .3975 ~ ~ ~ c-cltt Mar 5250 = !.a": ·= * COSTA MESA * :' J~ ci:."::;, v LE w.. I u n r_y. sm ... 2 DD WIW -·-. $260 mo. OMB82 IO yrs old, xlnt conat. Call Now leulrW MW ' ~ 336 E. l7th St. mo. lease. Adults. ma ~. bit.Ina. ... ~ts. ... ~ .1::N·1 ALS -. ., Agent ·eves or wk-end& at bldg. 1350 *I ft, olfice -., ~21~1B65: = Shell, China Cow. 644-(J906 peta. 389 E. 2)th St. C.M. Aph. Unfvrn&W ~ 835-?570. reat room. i155Jmo. ~=·======--ti,. ~· HOME & INCOME by OWN· R. Na-Rllr. 642-1485 ANNOUNCIMENTS RENT A~~ 3 BDRM, 2 he. blt-IM, ""'°' -at 5000 • ER lll'I BD. l'h be.. apb. & ond NOTICES -Unfum-A drpL ~-$2l5. . ll .. ll ON TEN ACRES 4 Bd. 2 ba. "'· 3 Yr. 3000 SQ tt ...,......, A of!!oe yriy. 213'-----• 1 a 2 BR. rum A Un!um old. Pool. 2310 Santa An&. + 6000,. tt pawcl & fenced Pound (Fraa Ads) 6400 General 3000 RENTALS . VENDOME =::ienn~.6:.:~~ =CM==615-=139.'!=====~I ~-(71i:4=o~~~ CHILD's jacktt, vie. o.1 $225;4&Fam.nn.,2baths. Apts.Fumlthad IMMAC.VATEAPTS! .... 9 bole-,-' G-. BI p I 6050 5§0-7680 Ocean & Poppy Ave., I bHna. Oilldern & pet OCCUPANCY q~ ~oilv ...... , UI n11s toper y ~c,...~~~--c--=-C.Orona del Mar. Call &. \Ill w, ..... -General ' I 4000 IMMED. 900 Sea Lane, OiM ~2611 NEW M·L &"XI aq. ft. $70 Id 'f 61-3234 O.K. Broker' .............., ADULT & FAMILY (MacArthur nr. Cout Hwy) For a.le a sleeper, mo. 2944 Randolph, CM. ~"~t,c'Y:..·~,_-~~~-1 3 BR. View lot. 24881 Spadra RENT SECTIONS AVAD..ABLE 4000 Ml It blda: double Call collect 213: ~ BLACK Puppy about 6 mo Ltt, Mission Viejo. 837-3648 3 Rooma Fumlture CIDH to Shoppfftl, Park 2 BR. New ~-1000 aq. 1trftt tron~. City of old. Vic. K·Mart Shopping Mr. Wilson e Spsdoul 3 Bt'a. 2 Ba ft, new crpt. drpll, LR 18x22, ~. Xlnt for user Rinches 6150 Center, CM. call to identify. $25 Month e 2 BR. w/dm « ofc. bltn kit, an Larlmpur, $175 or fix it up &: lease. 645--0873 C..ta MoH 3100 FULL OPl'lON TO BUY •Swim Pool, Put/.,... mo Incl ulll. Adults, -135.000 INTEREST ONLY MIN--,-.. -.-m-al-,-, _oll __ _ I"'='-------':' I (Refriprattin Available) • Frpa, Indiv/lndey fac'ls 646-4095 Owner's Agent 538-l723 ~1 .. wno....., tail. No ccN--WANTED: couple to rent. 1145 A hel A ............= "b mo. tD mooth, comfy 3 Br. No~~ c.a.c. n1 m ~ f BR. 214 Ba .• frpl., cpts, l~~~ ~~ ~: ~~c~ ~:;A~: lar. Vic Cecil Pt, CM. 1 ha. home in waUdne dist. .F. • • (l)STA MESA drps., garaee, bllllll. $300 Leu than Sl IQ' tt. 837-5173 bn1lhed 646--G48==,,---..,..,,--.-- o! W.~·"" sh 0 PP i • 1 Fumlture ltent•h Month. Call: 540--1234 Ext ed 1n water district, Cl!ILD'S p--~puon ~-·-• Ctnter.•o;;,r will maintain 517 W. 19th. c.M. 548-3481 $160; 2 BR., 1% ha., prqe. m 1: llllitable for Avocados. Full comer ~ '&: euo;:c;., , 70X40 .......i if you C&R for 1568 W. litcln. Anbm Tl4-2800 w/w. ~-~!:!,OK. 3 MODERN l BR Apta. .,40 lutlneu Rtnt1I 6060 prloe $58,tOO. 20Cfu. Down ta M~a. MS-2589 .,........ DCUflCr ~ .... wm handle. For map &: ==-;;--:=-::="""'" the house &. yard as your ROUDAY PIAZA to n1:11. mo. Avail allldt OORONA d•I M•• 0·ao~ · I t. 1 "' BEAGLE P"PPY Mal• No own. Immed. occupancy. DELUXE, Spacious 1-Bdnn. FOR SALE OR LEASE J~ Don V. Franklin, Sha . b .... b;tlo;;'° ~K. ~.o~:i;o;ith Pe collar or tags. Vic Beach $200 M11 M6-023't "Agtnt Furn. apt. $135 Plus utll. ChtnMI RMf Rltr. 673--2222 Fonnp -mbeauty,,., ___ _; · I • H'il. HB. M'l ... 161' pool p ho A t .. uw~ Eckhoff & Auoc., nc. • FOR LEASE • Lease this H~'-:1 ~~r: ::skin& $550 ~':!o. ~~bl; par-SHARP New 3 BR, 2 bath. to larger quarter 1. 1818 W. Chapman Aw.. MALE puppy, dark brown attracttvt 4 + family room. 1965 Pomona. CM IC-5RS8 tia.-_ .. 1.. Ott SaliJho-· fh'eplace &: deck. Avallahle Reasonable rent. Ca 11 Qranae, Calli. puppy with light pa}VL Vic Fetruary 1 tb Septunber 0 __ , ....... ...,.;..........., ...... , b>W. Don V. Fnulklln, Rlty, Hutcbe,., n4: 838--6511 su-Ev,.. .. ,,__._ s:m:.S9n Wallaoe St CM "'" - !. $250 lnclod!J>I aa""°"· 11"': 3 BDRMS., patio; hltna, ~ ' ••~ m.2222 SMALL Reuobably prlcod ~~~~~~~~--~~~ .. . . ~- Clme to abopp~, a 11 w/w; chUdren O.K. $1l5i 1-BR. w/w, drapes. 2 DD (or -.) r1re-1a.-. Bull . -" Loot •••1 --~1-Mesa del Mar. Eroket' S34-fiS80 bltna, dlahwuber """~ _...,.. Store d1np ut Resort .P-rty 6205 -~ BroJM 53U9llO Near all. $155 mo. 675-3153 Corona del Mar location. ' -- rolJ.EGE REALTYS46-68111 $155; 2 BR., pr., util. paid. I-;::=======:. aft 5 pm. Call Hutcbens, n4: S38-65.ll FOR RENT Furn Mamouth LOST: Black male part· •~•=/OPTION • BR 2 Oilldren O.K. I· Siame9e Cat ~arlnc jewel-~ ' Cosio u--5100 2 BR. (or furn.) Flreplace 6 OOUBLE ... ,, Mount a In Condominium baths. im mo-nice re~ Broker 534-6980 ..-· •~ garages ed green colla.r, An 1. tial area. Immediate!========= l·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1 Near all. $155 mo. fi7f>-3153 and/or car lot for lease. sleeps 8· 540-2730 "Scamp'', in vie. ot Spr- poaltPlon. CALL MR . Costa M... 4100l~ent. ~ • Uk• l'lll'-apt S pm. Low rent. 19lkl Harbor Blvd. e FOR Rent Furn. Mam· lngdale &: &:lingf!t', H.B. BLACK 540--1151 (o pen rotmdinp !:Ir adults req1llf. 2 BR Apt w/glr C.M. 64fi-5484 moth ?-.fin. O:indo. pool & 846-2741 eves) Heritage Real Estate e INTROOUClNG e tna peace • quiet. Mr. Forney Agt. 540-3862 STORE OR OFFICE sauna, sleeps 8. 540-2730 A~U~ST=RA~IJAN=~s°"ilky,..--mal-,,e-,,, I BACK BAY 2 BR. Patk>, u f ;b' Dbc:riminattveTmanta .c_.ftl'I HUNTINGTON BEACH 6210 Mos. black &: cream. by • n.-..n... ..__ Huntington ... ch --In Cent•" on o~aclt Blvd. Mount. & Desert 1..~~wen to "Bully." Vic. Ina!""'..,. Adult.."" a iJere '· • • • -~·~ . ~ ~· OK. No dop. CptJdrp. $120 POOL. NO am.DREN 847-0!11 5 A NR Hemet. Xlnt view. Newport Riviera, C · M · 6l6-l;6IJ'I Orange County's 8'atJlllul MARTINIQUE EXCLUSIVE BLDG. 50X100, In heart of 2800' ,1. Wlr, deer & qoaH. 642-580t '"" 3 PM • 2 BD~ ;!,O,,USEEN 1140 NEW Adwt llvlns complex GARDEN A"5. ON-THE-BEACH downtown eo.ta M... $5500, i.1> dn. emo s.10 =R~•waro=.,,· ...,,....,...,=.-,,,.,,. ~ cu.tom turn or unfurn. 548-3401: 548-3270 Evn. agt. SlAMESE Seal Point, main Phone 531-1123 -·I Bdrm· 2 Bdrm> U.. 4 Santa Ana. C.M. 2 A 3 Bedroom Aph. SHOP5 BUSINESS and wMe plutic <Ollar. Sirayod IMMACULATE 2 Br. prep, crpta &: drps, bit-ins. $135. mo. Sf6..9755 MoNVordo 3110 SPACIOUS 5 bdrm, 3 ha, family rm., close to Mesa Verde C.C. Avail Feb 15th. $325. Mo. 841·1004 for appt 3200 WINTER RENTALS NOW AVAILABLE : BR -Sl.2S. 2 BR. -$150. 3 BR. -2 bath -$175. Ocean l':rmt 3 BR., 2 t.th- $225.. $175. • RB> CARPET • REALTY (30 oHlcn to ltrW 10Q) 2U1$ W. 8'.lboa. Bhd,. N.B. 6t>3ll63 "----• B/B TOWNHOUSE 2 BclnD. 2 Bath ' car CuporU 12tlO/MMth ""°" . Adult. Ottlyl Bay & Beach RNlty, Inc. 901 Dover Orin SUfflt 221 20XI Ewa. 54S-698li j BR plus den, new crpts. tmmac. 2 car pr, adult.I ...... $235. S..U!IO Bltr. BR. ' Ba.. """ ..... drapes:: 1 ~ blb. to bf-a.ch. y-. $2IO Mo. m«m HOW'S THE 'llME FOR QUfCI< CASH THROUGH A DAl.Y PILOT e C.Ontempcnry eustom can ldra. Henderam ~ Luxury Uvtn; to please I.be Nr. Newport Pier FINANCIAL from m Costa. Mesa St. De&ip lTn Santa Ana, Apt W.. C.M. 1Dosl diAcrlmlnAtin&· No.,.. JUtr. 6i3-0860 Call 548-2924 or 6f6-37'J8 • Luxurioul Gardens I!!!!~!!"!!'!'!!'!!'!!'!'!'~!'!!'!" I available •t Bus. Opportunities 6300 Reward far any info. • B••hllni<.,,,.,. • .,..... NEW GARDEN APTS. The Hunti'n"'ftn Olflca Ran111 6070 c d s 1 R .. ·-wsr, "''-" Newport • • 42' Pool a: therapy be.th 11: 2 BR. Modem kitchen w/ Ill' --an y upp y o • C.M •Activity room/billlarda ranee Ii: own. dllbwuhtt, LAGUNA &EACH (Parlor-Full Time) ~:~:v~~~~:.sf;rnale: • Sawa Bath etc. Enclosed pr. Olympic Pacific ~ Afr Conditioned Excellent ineome for few blk 11 r choke chain • Puttina Kf't'en liu: pooL S..B-Que I! laundry ON FORES'!' AVENUE hrs. weekly work (days or ~ ~~ ' • Outside Gu BBQs f.ac . Elec A: water pd • .From Desk 1pace1 available tn eves.) refilllng and collecl· 1 ="'-=~· ~-=,-,,..-=-" •End. ~s A storage $135 mo up. Adulb only. newest office buUdtns at ing money lrom coin oper-BLACK Fem Poodle puppy CENTER ol town· bet...-een 241 \Vibon, C.M. 6Q.5W 7ll Octan Ave., H.B . prime locsUon in downtown ated d!spentera in Orange 6 mo., Vic of Caesar's Plu:a Ba • Ford~.~. '" N (714) 536-1487 ~ • ,DD.I...,..• ew. Gracious Adult Living Lquna Beach. Air coadi-C o unty a~ surrounding on Bolsa Chico &: Warner, 200' ~---·, ~.1 ••• ""10 2 BR, 1 ~ bath, w/w carpets, $l25 A $lll0; 2 &: 3 BR. U<lltd, urpet~. tie..utltul area. No seWng. lHandles H.B. Re1.1tard. 5 9 2 -5 3 14 --'-~--·c..c.~_;_'-"'~"-'"' I "--'· !ral ·•-·-panel~ part!Uonina:. Two name brand candy and Eves. 638-80'19 u11:--ce, IP at .... ~....., apts. New'1 decor., cpts. i...) s1= h '~ SEA LARK and pool Bl entrancel: l'rontqe on snac,.,, . wu ca.s requu-.ou· ~ Mesi E st A t ~ ~dren'Oire~. :::! Form A•e .. reu leads to For personal intervie1v in ARTISf'S oil paints in blue tool box, Coasl Hwy, So. Laguna, Jan l6tlt. Call coll Palm Springs 114· 328-3649 1/6/69. Blk &. Wht femal.e coker • sprtnpr. Reward. C.Omes to name ol Patty. MS-7849 ..,.. MOTEL 1'5 E. lBth 1 p&i2.3474 Blvd. &: Ma.In, close to MUDCI.~ puklna: lot-. SSO Orange Cotmt)': Send name, hoots a -1-847-6905 per montb lor space. Delk address and phone number WEEKLY RATES ''THE SEVILLE" "' P•••· aru1 chlln a'""1ahla hr 15. '°' 2301 Newport Blvd., CM New 2 BR. .,;..,.... $140. Wont l'rlvocy? Nowl 8.-.., """"' -e 646-7445 e (Adulta), Fenced. priv. yard, ONE BR'a NEAR OCEAN service available for $10, cpts, drpa. bltns, wattr pd. $U7 mo ($1G Furn) Pl'aP All utllidu paid ucept TR.ANS.\.VESTERN DtsrRIBUTING CO. 590 N. AZUSA AVE. COVINA, CALIF. 90Tl2 Gracious Adult Llvlnt 2fil.9..1 Santa Ana Ave. .. 202 -14th. 536-ll19 &73-1784 telephone. 1 Bdnn., w/w carpets. drap. • 636-4120 •. 3 BR. 2 BA. lent:@d yard. DAILY PIWI' FRIGIDAIRE wsr 1/14/69 Silver 1rey "· bakony peHo. 2 BDRM htxury l1ttdio opt Built-I ... "'l'b. d""' $165. 122 fOllEST A VENUI': F•m•I• Poodl• v1c Jacaran. MESA EAST APTS. 11.i baths. crpts & d~ 1'1541..U Roxanne Dr .• H.B. LAGUNA BEACH JET ACTION da & Toucan F.V. ~ard. 145 E. 18th. C.M. &42-3474 See Mlf. Wilson Gardena. 2 BR Duplex, private )'lll"d.1.,iiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiOiiiiiiii..._ Beautiful rtnewtd Laundry. 962·1224 eves/wkms. EASI'SIDE. Qu\et; 2 Br. 2283 Fountain \Vay Eu!, Patio, carpet!, drapes &I' 28 wuhers, 11 dry!:~. 20 lb. l ,BLK""7~. ~.~r~ .. --c---,..,.-. ..,..,,.".:'. elec. bltna. r-,tio. Adults M-atter t pm. pool. tus. 842-t~ Ocean & Bayview ~';f~ :t':.!w ~~~: to Albert. Tap.; 1 vie m> ly. 36l·B ()gte, 642..l298 NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba. Twnhse. 2 • 3 BR 2 ba'"-· OFnCES FOR RENT ?tfarcus. NB. 675-2098 ., ........ pnv. to own! LGE. aean bach. apt. AU Bltna. crpt.a, drp&. incl Kar. patio; hea~ poo,1 , Will divide to suite tenant. Coin-0-Matic WST: litt~ ,....,,. u<ll pd. Adlm, no petB. $100. Cluh lt>e & pool. $195. 962-• RED (ARP£r • 1 · SchL -~ .. .,. __ .. _ "-fMl¥I' "~" ~·-att • Sat -an•"'========-e 1 t 1 parl'O : vie. • ~ .-..... ~ .... __ _., '"'·'"""' ..... " ..... 1 · qu ptnen , nc. Fountain Valley ~ day Sun. lagunt lffch 5705 REAL"""' 2334~6 \V, Vaknc1a MALE 5· .,. -'!·• •' fullet'ton 714 : ~78.13 iamest ........ ~ ... ELEGANT 2 Br. 1% ha. 100 CLIFF DRIVE <30 oUicts to seiw you) • knot ta.ii. \lie. 8th St., All e~t. crpts, drpl, CE • 'UXURY --"/UNFUl\N 2025 \V. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Going Into Business? H.B. 536-0C'18 ltEWARD! $25 Wk. Up e lbllHo a: Bach apl&. • Incl UtlJs A: PhoM wrv. e MUI ~ltt -'IV avail. e New Cafe t.: Bar kiteh, end car. nr bus. $140 '"' .runi" GTJ.3663 Golde ,._.,...,,.,lty • .., h adults. Mer al 124 E. 2}th Yearl,y Lfue, l 6 2 Bdrma. 0 '"~~.,..,.~~°'"!!!' Q o., ...... _. ·i ac BEIGE Frmale Cocltapoo 1 St •tepa to SboN 6 Shop. I • , area. PhiDlps 66 Service "''ttks old. Lost V i c , 2S1I Newport Blvd. 548-9155 A'M'R. 3 BR l 2 be. 2861 MENDOZA: 3 Br. 2 ap • ·• Ba. unfum. upstairs apt. w/w ~ drps., attr. yd. 1 Yn. ledt n:;o Mo. ~; 540-0'1.54: 646-'92t ~2493 or .ee Mfr. Apt-A. • NASSAU PALMS e l Ir 2 BR. Pool NICE 2 Br atudio apt, ntar • 00:. 961 Et C>tnbto. C.M. lTI E. Dnd St. 642--3615 $145. 96J...d0, Avail Feb ......... llMch 4200 ~!.=------________ ,, BR wtlUnt. ,.lt1;cnbr. 3 BR. halt bUt to ba.dl, ~tAn stow, ndec:orated. -$190. -$165. .... .... ..,.... ....... mo. "8 O.K. lS ab St. ~ WillDll St. C.M. 545--0760 or 54S-021S NEWLY Radec:. 2 "" 3 BR. Octsnttont 1 BR., t;iacloua, Bltna. epta, drp1. c:onv. klc. modmo, ..,_,,OK. $115 4 up. 831-7'!11 • .,,._ • 3 BR. 2 a... ""·· doaod OC&A.NFRONT 3 BR. Bltm, aat'IP· Adult&. 1140 Month Oetanvltw from every APL Deloe Offices s.tation for lease : lHll Ba.y-&yshotts, NB 64:'>-1289 fnxn $150 mo up. leue Surt'ES or al.Qale ottlctS trom :1:c: =~ .. Ne\\1>0r1 LOST 5 nm old Doberman. 4M-U49 S'/"S. Carpets, air o:wdl~ afuCK CR0woER ttd. Vic. Buch11.nl i: i\dania, inf. ~tarlAI 1 er• t cir., ,71~,·~m:iiii"71~1~0;;;;;;;i7li;I~· ~71;~~l04J;: II ;HB;:::":'w:ord;:=.=96>-<1=='6=;::;;. ltEAL l!STATI, conlral location. 0raop · · Gonoral Coun1> Bonk BJdr. :t!O E. Pt,..n•I• 6445 -;;;w,-;::;:;-g;;l..!:',..~st~ .. ;;CM~.~..,..~185~-BEAUTY SALON 1------Ratttal1 Wanted S'90 OFFICE SPACE i;;.tahihhed, 6 Unl ... '"'"' LICENSED Prtvat. alcove. dW: & ..., Lqu~ location. Bett 9q\ltp. Spiritual readillp. adv1ce EASTERN uec., nonrmokcr ~ or. all matttra. 180 S. El wt no ch 11 d re n I pa t 1 . swtrlnl te:rv int.1. From uoqr.. Camino lteal, San Or.menta. Dtstre1 -i>~ 4./S S25 mo. P3rldrw. 300 N. 49f.9'n2 Eves. OM61!J .t92.-&l.3&. to AJl-10 PM -~·ble ••ll __ ,,......, Newfiort Blvd., NB. f"arel '!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~-~·I-~~~;.~~~~ ....,.,...,... ' · ._.........,.. Walkt!r 646-1•14 ATIRACTIVt. Beauty salon. PACIP:JC Sf.NOLES ~ ~I aii:: NEWPORT OVIC CENTER reuonable pricf!, . c a 11 for attract:IW .tncJa adults 4:30. n4: $6-nn Mn. Of.lien suitable for Com· 9&2-'1232 uk tor Glona. wwhoho a':!n~.!-~. ~= Kocon mtrclal, M~. Dtntal WANTED: Off&le liquor .... ..,. .,... ......... FAMILY deslrM 4 Br bomt, Air-om:I .. crpU. e.lnator Uoemie f'Of Orange County ALOOH0Ltl!:I AoOnYmOwo Cotta Mta. North 0 f From $10 Call: 6'U138 'Phorlti 50ttll or write to NO MATTER WHAT IT IS . . ' YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 6~2-5678 CHARGE IT! Babr, D.tt cit h.lrvMw to ="'='_="_o•_ns...,...m1..,.._ White eltpbants! DimH-Une P.O.. -1tD Qoeca Mta _P50. __ M<>_Ca1_l_"'r'81_.._o __ ,_C11_A_RG_E~""~~-.. _•_f_ad_no~~-·, __ Wlri __ 1•_Et~""'-'"-h_T __ ,!D~"ILJ1~~1'ILOl'::!:::'.:.W::.:ANT:::.,~ADSl::::_1 ,::::::::====::t:===::==============o:=:=o. pr. -Utll Incl. 327-11 Celrlllo 54M69I 67s-m4 Dial 6C-6r11 ror Rl.SULTS WANr AD , _______ _, I _ -. -----------------------------~"-----~---- I -· -··----·-----·--··---~-~··--. ··--------------------------·-----·--·--- Mood 20 1'611 .ION It M . ''· .,.,_, , ~LY PllOT 19 1.0Yll'INT JOU & IMPLOYMINT .,.. & IMl°LOYMIMT JOU & IMl'LOYMJNT JOIS & lllU'LOYMltlT JOIS & u.ll'LOYMINT IOIS & IMl'\oYMIN1 MllW~ltANDIH l'Oi lil•.CIWlblll POI llolp w......., 111o11 noo ""' w ...... "'"" 721111 ..... e v.:om.i. Mon noo llolp W...i.t. ~ 7200 Aeo"4111. W-~ "t "' ...... HelpWlftW SALi ANO TIADt SALi AND TUDI M4NUl'At'rulllllG e ll!Sl'RtJCl'OllS -N -7400 w-7400 '""""""' .. .....,;i ..... -~---Beclronlcs llWPUm ,.,... out-· 11oa• .-J_ newport AlTEUTIOllS . ~;:!(:-.=.~ . purum. M'Ult be ablit to • "-~-... -• m c1oa1 w1t0 a.. . personn~ J. C. PENNEY CO. --TecllllicllllS DIYISIOll ~ ...:n:-H~ &g811t'f fill er ar •utomadc PA5HIOlllSLAND YllYll mt eontnU. IXl'ANSION IN Ill>&. 23llO -Blvd., • NEWPORT BEAa:I • CM. 833 DO\IEJt DIUVE WOMEN'S DEPT. e DRAFTSMAN w.--tndk4 OMNOJ COUN1'Y ARCHITICTURAL Hn posllfOfl loutht Monuftctu,.r'a '61 St.....-S.mpln --·--tloa PNV~ Nr:Wi'OllT BEACll .. ·--=-.... ._ .... _....., MENl>oft: ~"t.mG ENGINEER o,i:n tor 8' Wood carved arm a.o, If. man's chair s,.... __ -~.,,. ..... -NIGHT• SATUIUlAY WOJllt •Pro-r-or Joye IOIL G Pc Oclaton dart oak dln Ml """"""'" nq-. MUii .e11cb-..T-.11114 INTERVIE\VED, HIRED ISLANDER llllST BE EXPERIENCED • TalJor!ooo w/blact or avocado framed cbalrt; 8 Pc BR .,...,.. .. __ de. • r -i, • ~ TRAINID 'IO l'ILL MOl'OR HOMES INC. Our -111 ..,.1 lo to Recent auccnlful apt& limcl HL Mr Mr. a. Mrs. clmser, ~ mirror 2 tailed ...,,.., .. ..01 M Finl ond= thllt ... n-GOOD POQTlONS wml 806E.W-SL help oach lndlvldual Ap1'11 .......... ot!lco, prei.n.d. O>mpetattve - -~ ........ tnp.,. a . 'llll'·Sl'AllTING P4Y. --Calli. achieve hlo 1pocl1I 3rd &or • e.. outatandlrw beftlfltt in-C>)mmode1, decoroU•e beadbou In SpoDlab pl•llDI them. $512. mo. & up CiMPm ' Motor Home gaol. P ..... talk to uo cl-prollt ....... oak de1tg wllll matcblng box sprlnp, mai.. Sboul .... complet'4 .µi. THE BROADWAY APPLY lN PERSON tr ... & nme. ClA·YAl CO. ...,. obltplJonl. bullderl I auemblen tor 1bout tho "'llowlng Mon ·Fri 1Damto5pm 1toin1 Sold lndlvlduolly AS ptt wrltt.n qreement all pbueL MUlt be ex• opporlunltloo. Mony Shop Around -Botore you ~--. USI Pie .. aplJb' la penon to: It qualll1ed and accepted eo perle.need I have own toots. IN too pold by tho tmORT J. C. Penney Co. VALUE $1095.f5 -fUL~ PRIC $529.95 17tfi & Plocontlo on tbt ~ tllia wee-. Cont&et tit call Rick at 2135 employer some art or tormo 11low11 $4.6' g:.:;;k C01t1 Mou HUGHES --... -Cuo"on Dr., Colt& at-. too pold by tho 1ppl~ No. 47 O>urta ot FuhioD 24 fashion lolond No Down-Uoe OUr Store Plan 541-2201 -"fl'i1U-_,. unt, you m1y chooH. Nowporl C.ntor .. ....,_ No Foney Front -BUT Qulllty olues lmlde .. ....,_ .. ilr't~wean -ar equal · ty em-A....-.w-noo .. _......,..., •mplo>u APPROVED FURNITURE * •• NEWPORT IEACH ptoyer. • NEWPORT BEACH employer 2159 HARllOR, COSTA MESA 500 Superior Avo. MINIMUM CARPENTER Nowporl Booch, C11if, QUALIFICATIONS MISS Elf( AGfJICY S.crot1ry $550 • Steno 12 Yun same locoUon-ume ·owners HELPER • ~20•ovtr ~ D111y9.f ~ • H school arid or Foo P1ld For an Account1n1 WAITRWES ()pportunil1' for Uert tndt. Sund1y 10.S $5234636 ,., mo. Equal-I> eqvlvaStnt Eli:~ Secty • • .. • • • • • • • • $650 Department of an at-vldual to wtl'k 1n Illes dept 541-9660 .mployer ...... • Oroh\'! County ,,,. .... ""' 5'c • .. • .. $063 lractJve establiabed firm . of small mfa. co, Mut·baw CITY DF ......... P.R. Soa<tazy ........ $500 The bou wanb PQroll e SEAFOOD e __ .,......_ NEWPORT BEACH • Moch1nlully Plln:h Secty • •• • • • • • • • $500 admlnlltratlon experience bewiDlzetodovarietyol Inel l nod Girt Fri (1pljtl • •• ... to $500 + iood sh. I typlrw. RESTAURANT dutlts. Good &dvtnc:eJMbt JOIS & JllllPLOYM~ JOBS & IMPl.OYMENT Excellent opportunity '" SHIPPING • Able to 1t1rt work PBX/Recpt ..•••••••••• MTS Secret1ry $500 poulbUltles. man with minimum ol Ont Keypunch 2nd lhUt • • to $450 RfUBEll E. IEE Joi. Mon, Wom.. 7500 Agoncloo, Mon & )'!at expaience in ahop now RecepUonillt • • • • • • • • • • S400 ~fust have a pleasing Staco, Inc. Womon 7550! work or pnenl malnte-INTERVIEWS Mail Girl •••••••••••• , • ;375 telephone penonaJ.lty + • nance work. or appnintice-MON. &WES. P.T. TypUt <,.UO ., $2. hr beln&' able to think for 151 E. CNOt Hlghw1y W9llll«rSt. lhip tralnq: in carpentry, CLERK Kl :S.'219, oxt. 23 Ap&llcont P•yo FH henelt Sh. 80 ' Wpm A N1wpor1 Bo1ch o.ta MKI rm& SHIET .MOAL MALE FU1ria deldllne January 24. Aak tor Mr. HW, Tech uatrator •••••• to S600 ID-70 lyplfll'. * ~ P!nonnel SUpe.rv • • • • $UUI test January 27, 1989. For Penormel Department Leit.l Secty • • • • • • • • to . $525 "" .................. MECHANICS Ent•· S.cty $SOO employer Destan """"· further delallt contact (n4) $&I.es 5ecty ........ , • $500 --In Enatnttr-HOSTllSES (NIGHT Slm"r! ...... DralUman ...... $1400 673-6633, ~ Office, Two )'!U'll e;<perltnce:. F.C. Bkkpr ............ $500 In& please with knowledp ~ •••••••••••• $1500 C l t y Hall, 3300 Newport to pack and ship by Senior Exec Secty • • • • .. • • to $500 lf technical propoala. ADVERTISING GENERAL Indus Eno' Jr •••..••• $IOD Blvd., Newport Beub, Calli. tNck. nll ... air. Must Girl Friday , •• ,, •• , , • to $500 Buytt, Mach Puts •••• $9C11 "'60. haw good knowledct of ~tary .......... $450 up S.Crotary $475 Full Time MACHINIST °"""""' -. all .., ........ -Dictaphone Secty ...... $450 An ucellent opportunity APPLY IN PEROON Secretary/ (NIGHT SHIFT! Coordinator • • • • • • • • • • Sll.00 CITY OF ratea. Technician Genl Office •• , • • • • • to $450 with a )'OWi&" vital l?OUP· 9 to S P.M. Admln/!!p<ratJcm NEWPORT llACH Genl Otttce • • • • • • • • • • to $C25 ,,,., ...... • well Bookkeeper MACHINE SHOP Mrmt Train<e ........ l800 MASTER Girl Friday • • .. .. .. • • $403 educated chi to grow with REUBEN E. W Sola/Mam! """" •••• $600 POLICE OFFICER Escrow Trainee • • • • to $350 them. Con1tructlon HELPER FEMALE P.T. Secty .......... $3.. hr backlround ....id .. S!crttary • • • • • .. • • • • •• • $600 $614-$131 P.r mo. SPECIALTIS CO. Minimum lo u r ,..ean helpful. 151 E. Co11t Highw1y Rnponlible, top levol (DAY SHJJ'T) Stenoa/GenJ. Ofc ••• ,, , $C0 electronics experience, . 410 w. Cout Hlghwa)' Newport h•ch position for th1rp, t1k• PBX/Recpt • • • • • • • • • • • • $125 Written tut Jan. 29, 1969, 16'0 Monrrit1 Av1. TV repair oot acceptable. Newport Beach 64&J939 Girl Frldoy $400 ch1rfi: 9lrl. Mutt hive WIRE BONDER Aho applicant f~ PC)ldticn 6: 30 P .M.. Excellent oppor--. Clot•-Trouble shootin&: atxl llm· hol\kooper ..... ~ ~I otflcll!. Telephone •~co lont 1 kJ 11 1 Incl. (BW!NG"8111Fl') HIBIROIR blnl.t)r tar meb steJdna oa.· 642-2427 pie ctreutt -· Local employer wm ......... typlnoi + .,,,,. EXPERIENCED 1hor1hand; handle llto . Pmoono!Aaeney rttn In Jaw enforcement '" .,, Wrp girt wttb - f1aure work. bkk"l,; bllllft9. Under MICRO Im w. lTtb 8trftt. with prtllfelltve, proteulon-AJ>equal~ M~ exper. St1nogr1pher. $400 lnlf1llment ELECTRONIC: Cocta Mea M.ma. oldeputmenl-Cl1lmo Steno .... $313 CNdlt Clerk 35. 111 Borbora. 1714) U.S. Otlienahlp; hJ school employu Front desk appearance + 642-3910 erad; mtn. n yn.; max. 30 SPfCIAlTIES CO. Workin modm1 otftce o1 a dlctaphone ability Ir some ASSEMILY.,OPERS MERCHANDISI FOR w/o nperlen«, up to 3& nationwide firm. No lhort· inaurance back&round. UNITED CALIFORNIA JOIN an exclualve IOlUtt)'. <SWINi: ilHDTJ hand needed. BANK Become a Beauty SALE AND TRADI with experience; min, 5'9", CITY OF 1640 Monrovia Ave. Typl1t1 . . . . .. .. . $344 Trol-$325 Coun.elor. Get a free 150 lbl., 20/30 vision uncor-NEWPORT BEACH Costa MIN Here ii a. chance for briPt Only ~trement. .,. 222 Ocean Avenue "Beaut)' Miit F acial CONTACr Fumlhlro IOOO rected. contact Penonnel 642·2427 that )'OU must be very Sauna," Jan. only. Flex. LUKE WOOD Ottice, Oty Hall, 3300 Ne"'" begtnnen to start their ca· L1guna Beech SPANISH FURNITURE port Blvd., Newport Beach. FIREMAN ""'· sharp with an lnterHt In 494-6546 hn. a frN dhtr. OPPI open CoUfns RETURNEO P'ROM Calif. ~ 114 673-6633 $651-$791 ,., ..... An equal opportunity • Vn'4ue • ~arninl Data _.,. F.qual opportwllty employer tor mab.ri Mimen. For MODEL H:lME& SAVINGS employer l other otflce machines. apptm-51ll5 FULL TIME Pl-ntA .. n~ IJ:JECT.ION moldlne TO IO... -qullllHI Written tut · Sat, Jan. 25, 542 W. lfth St., C · Part Time ln1ur1nc• LVN's "°"'. i.,,.-~ sod U\>lno HELP WANTED 1968, 8:30 A.M. Excellent ca· NO EXPERIENCE NEC. 646-1131 $3. Hour operators or traineff, 4 PM Radio. Co. room tablea. 1 nw. room LA.RGE CD. EXPANDING reer opportunities with ~ Lacie o( ~. hold1na )'OU e KEYPUNCH e Work S.l Mon thru Fri. 11 fo 7 to midnl&ht abltt or mid- ....... ___ IN ANAHEIM srentw, proleuion&I. de-bl.ck!' Hu your l'dueallon Must ba.w fire I home night to 7:311 lh1ft or mid-El Praidente kln11t1e NOW HIRING partme.nt. Requiru: U.S. Cit. falled to prepare YQU for a OPERATORS lWn!f'I pollc)' ratina ex-New convalescent bolpltal. nl&ht to 7;30 lhlll Apply bedroom .Ute, oak Jr1ple PERMANENT WORK. NO ......, .. hi -.,..., top pay1na: Job"! Alpha neumericaJ. Lon a: perlence. Scheduled to open end of 8:30 to 4 3324 W. Womer dreuer • mirror, kizll' EXP. NEC. IN SOME min. 21 )'l'I., max 30 w/o A nationally known concern term ualgrunents, dayL Jan. Apply in person. 39:3 850 W. 18th. Costa Meo Senta Ana headboard, 2 mmmodes DEPI'S.. AS WE HA.VE A upmenoe, up to ~ with ii h1rine pemonnel. for their Lon& Buch area. Free Hospltal Rd. corner New. LIVE in help needed f.oz' . ldnpize mattrta AbOi TRAINING PROGRAM roa exPmence; min. s·r·, 140 Ales and promotlonal dept. -· COSTA MESA port & Hospital Rd, N.B, motberleu famib', )'llWtl All -uan. --·--YOUNG MEN 1.MS. •{· ~,20/lOvlmn~ $500. Mo. Gu1r1ntoo KELLY SERVICES INC. Doctor Ir: ' chlldren. 8 tD on mft'lt wlth no btu ~ • piece -"""'"'" TOP WAGES ·· Contact Pe?'IOMtl Of· 1f )'OU meet our requlrements 230 E. 3ld street F.C. Bkkpr $600 HOUSEKEEPER 13yn.Must~-wud Race, Color, Creed or --lel Olll1 1161. PROFIT SHARING PLAN = City Hall. 3300 N..,. Loni Beach. Cilll. Full Tl--Day Shift Ir: drive. Salary 0 p e D, Sox. $2). ..... • 14.!0 -.... FOR QUALIFIED MEN. ·Blvd.,N ....... Beadl. QUALIFICATIONS: Cll3l <lU19l Collta:e + 1 )'ear ex· 4!H-I078 day or nllbL ..u _.ately. Euy cndll START WORK ' ea. 9'J660 n4 rn.au Equal o-pport;unibr employer perlence with qu.artl!lfy Apply tn l'enool HAMILTON nJRNlTURE e Neat appeanooe Hunttniton Beach BUSINESS la Goodl Jamalc;a 59t8 Westmlmter Av• • , IMMEDIAT~ -returns A heavy payroll 1nn Hotel need.I 1 er 2 mare • Wllllna: to follow instruct· Holp Wonted desirable. Convaleteent H01Pital Weatmhmtor.~dallo CALL FOR 4PPO CAREER ions l89Tl Delaware st, Jlunt. Bch maldl; tun or part ttme. REAL ESTATE SAT., MON., & TUES. e Hard working Women 7400 Apply In ........ 2101 E. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sal OPPORTUNITY I --· . OOMBINATION. Sharp Bar SALESMEN 10 a.m. to 6 pJn., Sun. PR. 4-7253 For appt: 642-5110 or 892-5611 PHONE SOLICITING Coe.It Hwy, CdM Or call 12 p.J:l;l. to !I p.m. LAGUNA AREA Makis & Go Go Dancen. for app't. Join todays tuteit arow1tt1 * No experience "'&eciuary. Top W&pl $3.()1).$3.50 to .......... the Uolquo or> YOUNG profeufan.Mutual Fund 1alea HOTEL Holl~ HeaIO. ,spa .. J300 start. Pb. for Int Sfi5..9983 SECRETARY needl'd lmmed r::::-... ;:.tb~. ~ORE CASH No expcr1enca nece...,,.. Harbor, Coe'ta Mela· F.C. Bkkpr. $600 SASSY LA.SSY, 2901 Harbor, tor Mv. Ase. SH 'JO to FRY COOK OR Wt train • fUD or put tlmt BELLMAN Houl!keeper, llw-in, Through P le L pleue. C.M. ll wpm, typlne 5'1. Att & marke"""°'"""""tlo!I, a.. PAID POR KITCHEN TRAINIE Mutu1I Fund Advloon, 125. ... wit. Should have background WANTED: babysitter wkday well eroomed. ap 21).38. "'PR'lil'~esT Furniture Inc. EXPERIENCE ABS:>LUTE· 962-1682 in buUdina' • I and start $375 ., l400. PHONE f'mna.nent, Full time Job. Npt B. 11113 W-'ltl -LY NECESSARY. APPLY development. morn~ far Infant: m)' m.-2742 bet M pm. laJI Bayside Drtw Oianee for &dvancement.. 8.A. IZl2 N. llroldwoJ IN PERSON ONLY. H 0 USEXEEPER, llw-ln; "home: It. hou1ekeep 'I HOUSEKEEPER 6 chtld N""°"Beacb Colored TV's, Pl1noa APPLY IN PERSON !ltf.&331 woman llone, handicapped; Dlct1phono Socty Univ. Prit. atta 833--0431 Aft care, prlvt.te room & bath • 615-4130 Appll•n-, Antlqua NEWPORTER INN no llltlntr.125 'fk. 60-2232 $450 12:30 T.V. 5"' day a week. pmn. I Ploco or BOB'S BIG BOY 11C1'1 Jambom Road FULL Time Dental Aa't · Construction .l it!rmal Of· HOUSEKEEPER, Chi! d job • pal<! vacation. ~ e SALESPEOPLE. N 1 at, Housefull lM E. 17th St. YOUNG MEN N<wport Beach no ~ nee. Send resume Hee experience to work c.are, 11,,.in, ttJ low 2 small Mo. - ....,_....,...Duoto Costa Ma& to DatJy Pilot -M 552 In an lntereltina: &ld of· happy boys agel 2 & 4; ...,.,.,..- OVER 20 MANICURISr fi"'· lovel)' nn. 5 days wk. Meu Jobo-Mtn, Worn. 7500 Holld1y Hoolth Spo ··~•lfyl n.s & SERVICE looJdrw tor a future wltb a e COOK e ~ de Femme, 17414 Inventory Control Verde. 5l0-0910; 546-6Sl8 --·W•tnln. 20 MRT TIME quality pt. 111ap. wm tro1n Beach Blvd, H.B. 80-WS Clerk to $550 HOUSEKEEPER. Live In Expertenood DO e:qt, nee. Apply in per. 24 HOUR SIRVICE "" ...... ""' .............. RN'1 and LVN·1 Far a lfOWlnc enatneer-motherleu home ln Laguna. "' • eon. 2300 Harblr Blvd., c.M· BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS dly ICbedule. Many b•ndtts. MU5T BE U OR OVER Huntma:ton Be.acb area. "" !Inn. Thay ult .,, 2 chlldren, 1% Ir: 314. M111t u~ Employment Cou-lor CENTURY dln1na eel, 41'" $250. PER MONTH Appl)'-I a.m. to 6 p.m. (See e APPLY IN PERSON e W-tl6TI ettldency & a sood work drive. Pref. age 25 to 45.· • COOK • md-.Wbase,Scbn, Need men now. Mutt bt neat Bob) at:· baclliround. Sal open. 54~1101 ext 275 Male or female for bUl)I 2-18'' ext ln.Vff. CUI p.dl and aarnstw. Work f to Vl'1 Pie Cott119e MAJD, Exper, owr 30, 6 da,yl/ 494-6298 wk ends. 4PPLY ......... -~ 12115. JD' Sola, -u. JD;SO P.M. M1·T7!2 U1 E. 16th, Colt& Mesa Snack Shop '#' 9 da.lwlt. ·put -· 11.15 hr. Aceount1 Pa/cable WELL Groomed woman tor Newport Harbor but will tratn. Call qu11..,, w.. ..., mo. o.. 3446 E . Cout Hwy., CdM 4Sl-85211.quna8ch Clerk $4 0 exoepUonal opportunity with Conv1lesc:ent Ho1plt1I Mr, Anclonon 54a.7796 llul coftee tble, pedntal Hole w..,.., Mon 7200 Help Winted, Mon 7200 BABYSITTER wanted In my Work 1n bel.utlflll omce1 leading cosmetic Co. Flex 646-7764 GERMAN Teacher, part base, '1'21.0" $135. Dble bed OFFICE SUPPLY home from 1: SO to 5:30 PM. with othel' very pleuant hn. No canv&lliDC. For -· Small prlvato ....... ll!l, nlte 1tandl, 9 dn.Mr PRODUCTION Sales 8 day1 a Wffk LquJm Bch pel'llOnnal. Experience ln Appl colt 615-<i8t» Rul E1t1to S1lu --·--area. ~ before 11 AM. oom:tructkm helpful + Men I Women ........, -"""' $115. Immediate openl"'1 Rapidly -Of.It"' MOTEL MAIDS heavy vendor contact FULL TIME STAFF Expandl'W qaln. Ottice # 00.T!BT Supplin' In Harbor Atta, Full • put time. LADIES SPA 4 openlnp available for ~clos,Mon& mD&+bed never U9l!d fl.00. needa yoq man for outllde BALBOA BAY CLUB l1ce.nted men le women. Jn. omon 7550 MACHllllST 1367 Newport Blvd., CM 3 Bedroom •ts. kins. full sales. ExperlellC!I! preferred, HOUSEKEEPER, llvt • ln: SANTA AHA 1221 W. r.oast Hwy., N.8. -·-·-·Mr "SERVING roR !9 YEARS" a twin mn. a· Sota a Mwt be 1ble ID set up and operole engine but wlll tra1n. CaD Mr. Weal perm. 1 chlld; priv. rm., be.. 543J2ll Exl mi Gardner, Sp r I Z1 I Rnlt;y, . We Con Find Tho Jove 1eat Den tundture, -• WAITRESSES • -cottee Ir: •IVJ tablet. Occu. faille •nd m1111ne m1cblneo, machining o! HONEST, stable ~ man Sal. opea. N'pt Bch. 642-5674 Port Time Proof Taking appllcatlooa now, for SCRAM-LETS Rllt.! sr;:: For You cbalrs. Ma1\Y other Item.a. = and •mall mogneolum and olumlnum for Grocer')' ddlverlel A IWRDRESSER Reed1r $3.50 hour lntervlew1 at Fountain VU. 'It's ot LuckN Must..U-QnlY ~ Re3~e. eeveral yem experience. •tocldrW. TralnllW • benefit CoUftftl de Femme, 17C.4 Mon, Wed & Fri 8: 15 to )ey'1 newest. lat clau rffi· "It'• Know How'' 2 moothl old. All Med.ltt Mull av ble !or possible second 1bllt opportunU:iet. Beech Blvd., H.B. SU.U15 5:00. De~ pn:ferred. au.rant inn Broobllr'lt. ANSWERS FEMALE DMSION Vrry reuonable. 714: wort. Apply In penon BABYSITTER P1r1 Time Girl NEEDED: Ei.perlence Sec., Free • .. • • • • • • .. • $6(lO 171>-1'82 Mr. Adami Nimon VJejo. 837.Jm ~per ••••..•.•.•• S5'0 SHEET METAL MECHANIC Frld1y $1.25 hour &!ammos. Call 49'1-1335, VmUI -Uhwed -CUlo-Sala .................. $520 l'un:dtlUtt returmd from cH. Coaat Super Merket Put time hf'll', OWi' 21 Work Mon, Wed It Fri, between 11 &: S P!.f tor Soiree -I CAN SUE Medical Ofc. • • • • • • • • • • $400 ployllludtoo,moddboma. Recent e:'J:rlence In alrcrall, mlulle or re-3347 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 545-9~ varied work proeram. an Interview. Bo)' handlrw rep:irt at.rd Gen. omce • . . • . . • • • .. • $350 deccraton canc:ellatlcn. lated !tel . Mual be 1ccustomed to cl01e SHAMPOO GIRL. Part tlme to parent: "Look th1I aver Maki Tta.lnee• • • • • • • • • S3CIS Spanlah Ir: Medltmnnean •tc tolerance wort ind b•ve knowledge o! min· Helo Wanted. Mon 7'lOO Holp Wanted ~ noo tor Ex.clu&ive Shop. Must and 1ee if I CAN SUE b o..to1 Front 0111ce .. .. seoo RD FURNITURE !mum bend radll and bend 1Uow1nce1. De-lOllG BEACH .... Calif. """""'°""' ddama&n or c.ha.raeta'." MALE DMSIOM 11144 Ntwpoo1 IMI. CM velop and 11,)'out platform templ11et1. l'ORIMAN license. 60-0194 e NURSES AIDES e nrne J<eeoper • • • • • • • • • • ..,, Wf:r/ nJcbt tl1 • Accounting Clerk WOMAN to care tar eernl-tn. SPMtnllPM Oonotructloa (mble .......... Wed., Sal 6 8un. 'til I SHEET fllTAl ASIMBl.fl.S ... et) •••••••••••••••••••• S390 PLASTICS & TralnM $400 valid 'WOrNUI, llaht duties llPMto1'AM Sh!D 6 Ric. Tm. • •• • • • SM8 l.lletlma Gilt, -"""· Asaembte mlillle alrfrome ind comir.uenll at nlaht to PM to 7 AM. tntemal .(ud!tor • , • , to $llXXI O:llldren, llQdcbOdren, or An exmlll!nt oppartwdty n ... ... hour. Bolboa -,....in ll>lll-tu. Ullng cold Bet rivets ind varloua o er 1 ... FIBERGLAS: FOREMAN *1r • wry brlcht itrl with hland. 673-3528 OJtDERLY Dlsadembler • •• ••• to $4SS .. Nd Olllooat 1D ........ toner Uchnlques. Requires uperlence and a eood math aptitude. RECEPTIONIST -Bldcpr, lAMto3PM Cl.rpalter .......... 'to $520 ..,, ... acbooL l!S Doi Illar, 1blllty to UH power bond tooll and rood ThLI ii a p&rilcululy Pm Lido ''We haw many lood Jobi med offtce, Lquna areL ~tCtnt.r walttz:w for l'O'l" CM.- blueprints. To •:lie our.J>lutlco· and flberglas .,.,,...... """-with Nurllnr not ..... Slot. ap )Utatandlng benefit. • ... ,,....,. SOME FREE T\JTORING El Ton> ... PW1K & f1IERGW FABRICATORS min 1cturtne aru. Requires ten years unlimited potentlol. A quo!. -M-701, Dall1 NewportBoacb -SOME FEE ' v1rona. Math. p b )' I I c I • elpOrleooo supervising p1as1la and fl. Pttot IM.MEDIATE -MEROIAMTS Cllem. llloqr, ._,lef! Layout and f1brlcote Jlaltlc and fiber~ ~ fabr!c11Dra and mecb1nlco and SALESLADY F« joftlrJ Jardtmial Route in Hwt-Grades 1-12 by e z D • r r::,: from. planning eoll and prints. er-a oroup lmowledge of manufldur· .-. J. c. "-tin.a ton -..... PERSOlllEl -·-rm tocl::! l1yout, operote c:urine ovena, lni melbodl, faclllU.. and ~pmenL 642°3170 Jtftla', 18%1 Newport ....... --llOD + MAPLE -!&bit 6 < pau "' or ncuum atoam plllell. Re. · Bl.,., C.JL -prr Mo. for liulblnd " wttl, -Ill). u,.._l\J '"' qulrea bulc lmowledte of reolnl and toam&, Pie-Cll1 Lee Kell17 EXPElllDICED ~ DO ap n•o• e1 ar1, mo lllll-Ddvo .. "" ....... Mlll •tab* and lllelr melllodo o! appllcolloG. 1714) 5461CQO ~newpon . ___ ,.,, -,..cdnid. APOIY Lal>l>J Ollko ss ... -:t- IJIJ Horbor 11¥11., Cotto Mau, C.llf. personnel .... ISi -Pl., NB. ms ea._ "'"· ~ a.-l!'tb • lnlDa ~Coll s p.m. Appl,y ID pe"°n ........ Put brtwel!I U Im A 1 N ....... - Mllllle Syotomo DMolon agency G&NEIW. OO:IOnllF -pm -tltnt '-· Ollloot In all " KINQ.Sla bid It bax 111111o Mt.ii. s,.-Dtrlolon o...p °"'"" "' ·/ft Alllallc Resurdl a.. 21.. -•/llllU. *DRIVERS* -=:,;;:-~ . It! · "'>k:e, **' e o m m , A01nflc Reseri TEMPORARY I blotprlnt lhop 5tM3TJ No Experience a1muwi dliPPiiiDALE llOFA COIPORATIOI CORPORATION DIVISION BABYSlTI'ER l :J>-12:» am N..-yl e-o:.i.. n:. ~~!! a-.d tn ll1lt ...... ""' Mon tin Tbun. 0... tnao ......... -~ • (bid a oocttdJ. Top --. A°"· .. 11MI .... ...._ C.,.. , .. .,,.nis ... _ A DI•. of Tllo Su....-Nnno Corp. lortho~lt""'""' ~LOW'-crco. c:n.-Joe. CoJI -lllWWN Llo.tlllr -Aa ..... _tfy~ .. _ ....... ~ lllld.tq,mo--:"es.~ """ """'ttloa An equl! opportunity mployu local .... paruy :lltllS s. O>ot u., Ill E. lltli !It. ARGUS AOINClll ·-· °""'-ltll C N...,.. 1!1¥11., c.M. llOCK rr TO 'Elli t • -------·--------·. MUCHANDISI l'Oa SALi AN&> TltADI MUOWIDISI P'Olt SALE AHO TIADE MIRCHANDISI FOR SALi! AND TllADE TUNS POii TA TION Mobile H-9200 lm...,.iod ~too 9600 • 30 DAILV PILOT T~PORTATIOlf • HOO T l'ORTATI eaqo "'-" & ~ 1130 ~ W•nlod 161~ 11W1,E11 ._ cai..a 1 ,.. MG l-~-a_oo _________ 8~~ ~~ w A N T E D ~~ ---------- lmpoo lod Aul°' 9600 I ;:::;;;;;:mp: YOLXSWAGEtl FORD i.o.w.• qalllocl --n~-· ---~ MG '83 v.w. a.r. -I Jiu. lllAICES '64 l'Gnl O.lulo XL .... _....., lit·ia -p,. ...... IG-71ll W• ....i """1111 lno Junie Mot« H-9215 , = !~ .... "7 ... ~ I COMPEl'mvE PRICE! °"""' by Ultle 'Clle ...... --"---$91. Tohrri-'205 -): ,_,,_, color s.~ s. ... 1 ... P.-rts -"'"'.mo.-.. -WHY Nor· c~ ""'w. ~~~~.. ~.~alrblue.. ~ :.-.:. ' WOIUl $150. ~ Tv'a.. lteftol. appillanoet. CORTEZ-You won't beUeY1, r...-..ilO .. ..., MG ... ._,_ .,. ..._ ... _.. .. .,, _......, ......,. r-· LL _,,,, __ ~ ~·--· ' -.... New .......... • • N~ "-·· -~. dlr. ~-~-· rood. "' oet. bed w/matob nlle....., •ENT TV •10 """' am o111c< equlpmenL Ibo '• :is • lo# ........,.. Seo Jbt..., '"""' •--~ Xlnt ~. t -~-··-· ~ --· $tb. C.U aittr g ·-. • TOP CASH JN 3U Mlnutetl tat .tr boD! ~ JM W .,__.'"° """ a _.... ""'"'' • • .___ CUb 4eli't;Wloi WW take far.. · p.m, No -• ,,.,. -5ill·l212 * .._ orit< owner. 5'7-2133 • ~ ll(owl. VW 'K seaaa; l>ii': Mr. STEP • lltod Co" 9900 tip cu In u..i., !Inc ...., I "2-:m. S3Uf1l ot TlUUOI-~::,;:;~~~;,:::::;..-w/w. Tap CObd. dean A • ·-prty 4!M.9TD or 5t5.o&3t 1 ~-E I nt eo11 tJSEDTV•12S••P.-• WANTED • Motorcycloo noo ........ Prv """ 1950. • • nill•mllllt•n1111 -ii°'.:OllD LTD' Dr. Fact., r·-qu pmo In -~ ... -· Im Furniture • Appllanc .. ='-'--'-'-"""----'-S73-™3 • UP TO A • lllUUUlnlJI II "" nm Aua·-for alt, ~-Bl.. CM. 64S-11!2 Color TV1 • Planoa '67 . TRIUMP.H '68 VW Sedan. bolp cotor. • ' . (jl SAl.E ~u:, ~;~ Like new. $250. . ETC. T-100 C 500 CC. Xlnt cond. ~ strreu, headen, lota • a 6edlt ...;.,..1 .. m1 &e ua for trim: tinted •1&11 I-many • 847-!6Sll • HI.fl & 5-r.110 Cash 111 1/2 hour Low rnll•aie. 1825. Pvt. P'>· SIOll w. Caul s.,. ol .. ...._ 67>-Zllf betoft BRAND lnltant~ ..... low ortcn. acceu. ' Moe. old; odull e 531-8381 e Newport Beach 3. • • euy tmna. We ·dcddt oh drivtta. 67l-2394 Housohold Good• I020 STERID • l9tl8 Solid ,,..,, 541-4S31 ~· ~ . • credl' can 4 spd. 4 spee.kt.r audio * w A N T E D * '68 HONDA 175 SCltAMBER .._._,,, MB-17M 1967 vw lmmaculate. Ora: • NEW yoor .. or ~ '63 J'a.irlaqe . ~ Squire -'-Authorized MG Dealer owner. Am.Fm radio. Best • • in iodu. • .. ,. GOINO t:ul. lots ol almclt ll)'ltem In wa1wt .--. ONE _,. -~ BOWL AND EXCEl.LENT CONDmON. • ..... ,-" b I , ~ '"" ~.. ~~ * --* ,.~ -MG u'"-L •·-• olt.r. 64>001Jl D•lollfontell. -~ •• ~•~Full p,;.., ntw, very r ea 1 on a • &&.!• Otl _, away, "'~ CHAIR. m«l88 (Fullerlon) v1,,.....,_ .......... "'' _....... u..-• • ILUI CHIP ~~ fUm; ..... ._ ,_ ..;. ........ cf J19 cub ar low HONDA Scnmb!er 250. N.,. ed. 15.000 •ml'L Called In '15 VW, .... -· pd • 1969 • Al"0 • ., -.,..,,,. A •U.S. Mini ,,......,. """1. fl5. >Joo bl' .,,..11.w.-S)l;.72ll9 PETS and LIVESTOCK ....,._ Xlnt nmntng A look· -· $250 A .... ""' , """-_,., oondlllon. • n~ ~ '; M,. 51!i B. 1'I st. Santa Ana fil"""'.W¥htt.-otlll W1LWAMSON -100 -tngcond.--pymll.Karl96U612 lllOO.S&-21!19 • WEP.AYCASHFOR 51FORDV .. In.,,,,., Lamps. humid-, watt AM/FM. Gar. Cats 8120 I::::==:===== ''3 MG ...,..,...,_(XX! rn1. '62 VW 8"' $S8S. 642-WI, • BUICK • YO\JR CAR PAID Auto. 4 "'· Good lftL filter for portable pool. dlanser· See to aPPft!date. SIAMFSE, Ab)' tud Triller, Travel 9425 gooc1 oond. Mu.t sell by Hamilton 6. Meyer St., • • FOR OR NOTI $175 or best ofier O>nn Caprice Orpn, chlld.'1 Cab &l\)'tlme MS-1447 Siame9e Aby • ?! . ~I-'-"'--'--'--'-----2/L $!DJ. ~ Costa Meu • ~988 . Rum good. 836-56TJ ilide, etc. Man,y others. -' ~WI KENSKILL '&9 • ·• •. • $14:!ll '62 MG -1..t-•a. VW Cam with CoYair 496-3167. Cameras & Equip. l300 ~ Blue k It ten 1, New 15, Standard fully u.uu&"'t. Xlnl cond. ...... pa • • U '6.l Ford XL HT, buc~I ,,...._....,. l!q\llpd. Loaded with l!Xtru. Priced for quick Ale $850. enclne. $1000 ot best Gffer. • I ICI( seats, white ext, Jact air, Ga..-Sale I022 BINOLTA SRT -tm.. Brand No pmbi for 6 mo. or $38 Call 549-1158 a1t 4;l'.I PM li'Th-1270 • dlr. $85 cash deh. Pymnt 1--·..-.. ~------mr, neW!!' uRd. n.t Jens, ~ 1825 total dn. pmt & $38 mo. '5.1 MG TD, completely re.. '66 VW. Blue, blk int. •~· • '&8 RIV~~ PtB. $29 mo. 54$-0634 ~·"'GE •-• --L·'-----i-caat _., SaW 0 A C. A •"-~--• d--•-__.,..___. ..,_ Chrome rlmL ..,'UW'I • • Pl.seat I: wulUl,JW.., vinyl ><'1' ;::.;::;xy •-·~ ~ ..... t:; o.:ua<oi, $15.:~ . -~ ADORA.Bl.J!: white Samoytd • · u~ -...::i· ..,.,. .......... -.. .... ~....... 548-~ ~;....;;;;; top, air cond. Beaut car. "'st' U'IJ.!:.· ""I ....... , .. ; pwr. l&mlllo bike, mens aolf -'::========I puppies. AKC, -"·w & pot Jor Avion, Layton and Ttn')' EYel after 6, 54&0259 • Prl ~ft-· •Au:ti _.. ._,... eer., ........ IC!e o apprec. clubl It etc. 16lfil Ballantine -quality, male &'..,iema1e 1 trailers. 1954 MG, model 11', '68 vw FutlJect, near new; • • v _...,,. ~· vo~i;JJ. Low mi. Orig owner. Reas. Ln.. Hwit. Beach ~ Sport1nt Goods ~ WMkL see 10 appredate. Rick Baldino'"• good cond, $875.. light blue, blk. YiQy{ inter. '63 BUICK Wildcat 4 Dr. offer. 546-W7: 546-8098 GARAGE Sale startl Friday, SCUBA Outfit, pnplete; ga..2)36 Mobile World •n4 ~ 831-6589* Call: 644--0256 •vt, •utomotfc, '•we,• pwr, iteer. & brkl., good 1964 FAIRLANE. V'....a, auto. Ja.miary 17th, for one week. urchued 11'1 ........ A.._ at -19432 Beach Bl, H.B. 9&:J..J3'n 1-· VW B"•, $1100 11toerln9, radio, lieat.r. d•·• cond..' $'T15. .115-24 9 2;. RJH. Xl.,t JJl e ch an le• I p ~ ......... • DOBERMAN p j D I c h e r s ~~" s. He.rbor m .• SA 531-8110 ;J<JO -lu•e wft.el CO•ett. .... d. f75.:l6TI nd ·~ ~ ~-881 Vktoria, Costa Mesa fer 673-3821 champ ~·-. ,. .• ~ oell. -PORSCHE 4""" ml wamntu I .... ' co . .,.. .... v•~ eve&. GARAGE sale, Sat & Sun, Jan 18tli & 19th. 5891 Edmonds Circlt, H.B. VC'"''lr'"" ....,. ,uuu ~ ''1'• '" many, many '59 BUICI<: INVICTA mue "MAUI" Surlboard by 548-&194 13' ARJS'roCRAT Lo Llntr, call 892-0186 •mor el 9ZIOll II I f dr, bdtp. P.S., P.B. Orig '64 FALCON Convert, 1tlclr: Greek.· "r. 8", w:t:Y ' aood Great Dane Puppie1 AKC copper reJrlg,u!ictove= '67 PORSCHE 9u Tarp. '66 VW, radio, 1unroof. Good I lmmedleta O.llvery • owner $1~. f3..1J79 · ahltt, orig owner. A-l eooo. condition, $9). 53&-0t.l'J . reging~:;~p6 ~-~~=-""..,me;-=,,· =-;1_:.SO=.::::m...,,=;--:;7,,. Sn ~r·E ~: ~~~n. SW Beach. 213: :. $199 :. --------:': = ~~pwr Appllan<H 8100 Mlscona-86001:-""'""'~=,.,== '67 17 rr -·-· T.T. ~===--'----=1'65 vw Convert., $1150 CADILLAC .... ..,.... Radio, healer, ~~------6 BASSET hound puppies. Sleeps 4, not 1lc. $1395. '58 PORSCHE Bpeedlter. 62 • ~7427 e •----------very clean$650. 5CS--U40 KENMORE tas drytt 125. FRIDAY JS 1 weeks old, S60 t:a. 228 968-1704 after 5:30 S 90 eng Gd oond Pvt DOWN ' Welbill gu '"""' I>! GE YARD•GE DAY Wave '""'') Loguna Boach . • '64 VW Xnlt cond •79S • • '61 CAD Sod. d< Ville. Full '61 toJcoo 2 <k, 6 ey~ olli. · "' • • • ' I ========= pty. 673-3276 • ....,.. •---•-• _ ... _. w/-3 opd $50 b •·I --refrigerator $21. 645-2866 AFGHAN F al AKC \' 962-2773 or 962-0.538 I • •"·· i.ac. ~ • ..._..,... •"·· ' cu ""'s. "'<>r<""" In Costa Mesa • em e. · Trucks 9500 '67 PORSCHE 9U. Li.Im! new. Pl• Te ... Uca.-"• $500! mal3ll (Fullerton) Antlqu• 1110 New telection, fantutic prie-Xlnt pet. Champ llne. 18 -------$4400. Call .. 9ts-6n1 or VOLVO .,.,,,.._. ei.4~. &MAC '68 EL DORADO, U,250 mi. et every Friday 10 AM at: mos. $100. 675--0954 *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* 675-S5..l1 •• a.r. lla•ct..1. I Loaded! :rtremist green, MERCURY f Jee boxes, 2 Roll tops, 2 Oqrping blocks, 2 1bm beds. 2624 Newport Blvd., Costa Mela 642-Di9 V >.Sr llock Amer il Eur tum & clocka. Larry Morran Anttquea. 2 4 2 a Newport Blvd., C. M. Sowing M~chlnH 1120 '61 SINGER compl with walnut consoJe. Tran.slerred service man forces repo. T~matic, auto zig-zag, button holes. blind hems I: overcasts etc, No attach needed. $37.85 Cash or u- sume $4.10 mo. Guar 1Ull ...,,. Call ,,,....,, Mu1le1f Inst. 8125 BASS Guitar, cue IE amp. Xlnt """' 1195. • s""" guitar w/vlbrato + amp l8l .,,..,.,, STEREO tape recorder, Soriy 500 with rDiCI & &pea.kin. First $185 takes. 548-6473 Pia"°' & Organ• 1130 e PIANO & ORGAN e CLEARANCE Every Instrument priced to sell Now! NO REASONABLE OJTEk REFUSED! Some typical examp&e1: Lester Spinet ......... , S395 Wurlitzer Fr. Prov ••• ,, $415 New Con9ol.ette •••••••• $$95 Fremont Grand •••••••• S585 Wurlitzer Grand ••••••• : $19.S Hammond °'1ral' • • . • • • $265 Thomas 2 Man. Organ • , $295 Wurlitzer Organ • • • • • • $495 Ma.Dy More To OD* From e NO DOWN PAYMENT e NO PAYVI' TllL MAROI Sun. 1U Daily to 6 Fri. to 9 Coast Music 1839 Newpori Blvd., CM 646-0271 NEW YEAR'S SPECIALS Jn Used HAMMOND ORGANS RT-2 Concert Model •• $1895 · C-3 With speaker •••• $1150 , M·lOl Deluxe Spinet •• $1005 M·:I Spinet, Maple •••• SS95 3022 Spinet, Walnut •••• $450 open Mon & Fri evtYI. HAMMOND In CORONA DEL MAR 2854 E. Coast Hwy., 6'1H930 WT DAYSlll INTERNATIO~AL REGISTERED German * TRUCKS * • '64 c X1n "·nd · 1 .. Y AllDAGE ohort ba1r PUlaler Pupo for Thay Aro All Horo At AM/FM, 11 ;,;,,,,; ~: VOL VOi :• ••••• ... ~P· ""· M • rr H 1 2750 Harbor Bl'vd. ale, $75 each 642-<1933 fantastic Discounts 613-9339 6'5--5&15 """" M.,. AKC Regla....., IR!SH SE:f· "' · All Model1 Fr, $269S • JAGUAR • 068 CPE "" Ville, loaded. '63 MERCURY Hardtop. Air. lmmac\llaf*. 1 Book $1C85. Our Price $895 POOL ~~";;a old. Weblyn Roady :~<dial< RENliJLT I A-!1 : HEADQUARTERS • = ="'· must .... TABLES TRANSPORTATION BEACH CITY 1958 RENAULT De.upblne. fJ• lpllUI •1Compldel•PSriala•0-s.,..ri.. · C'&rVROLET •m~"'f'-_BI':':. .... DOQGE Reblt eng. New rear •tx>ckL tunnDTC: c• •n a s •pa ··1--.,_:.· ,.....,.:.· ----·H"""""'~~=o:~=_;;-""""'~~;I;-· 9000 ~ ----New t •uo.~· · --1~•oL--•m•nHo..-,!1'6UARS; , New sWe Stillli val Now $295 Boeh & Yachts 16555 Beach IDvd.} (Hwy. 39) Good trans, car. f125. .· • 5,, na '"-<lttnv • ~ COMET ca.Jlente, J ~ I 23 Modelai"to chooie front $59 -540:2660 546-ai73 a!t 4 PM l.986 Harbor, C.M. "'646-!ml • 19l9 Ja911: Today • hrd top, 4 speed, R/H, very NEWPORTBI MOT9RS ; up. 213: ~. 69'J.2101 atEE! JlunUngton Beach •L""> RENAULT ,__ ll ......... • sharp, orig owner, will sac., ,.... ~ ~·" e. * '68 Volvo 144-< e , ' $ll95. 67:>-1.569 HIDE.A·BEI1 never -Uled. Baile Bolting Cla11H '67 -1,1 TON PU, 8 cyl. std Good cond. 1\1.'0 tops, One Stil!t. 17,000 mL • .. SIOO. 8 Bedroc)m lf!bl, king, Offered to Public by trans, CUL cab, p Is, owner, SSSO. 54G-200i $2800loUer. 494-2l93 SPECIAL full &: twlft shes. 8' 10fa Balboa Power SquHron sportsman top, $18 5 o · • TODAY ONL:Y & love ,..L Del1 tunU.,.., Stutlng 7 PM Mon. Jan. 13 673-2587 .,.._ SUBARU Spo'I C1,. 9610 • mflee Ii Jld tahlei. Occas at Newport Harbor Yacht ,64 FORD % Ton Pick Up I '62 MER C. chain. Man> Other ;t.ms. Qub 720 W. Bay Aw .• N.,.. 4 ,,_ ,..,. '"'' Ml. 1969 SUBARU LOTUS Elite 062, pd rond. • MONTEREY Must ltll ~! Only port Beach. NO ADVANCE MUil see CdM. &n-8464 fro 2 MPG W aooept best U 2 tDODUil okl.bi.All Med.ltt. REGISTRATION NECES-rn $I 97; 66 w , i-545-+1f7o *e-r. •4 door. Radio'111d lleafer,• V-~•-· 71 • ·~ CORVAN Tru-" Xlnl Complete foreign car .......,, , =========-. . . ... , ~ • "': SARY, ENROLL AT CLASS w \Ao 1 • •••fomoftc tran1mis11on,. 870-1592 646-&422 or 673-l.S55 fDr more cond. $600 or make otter. Kosta Kustom Kan 1 Cl ul 9615 power 1teari11t. air condi· 646-9866 Ant ques, a cs •Mnt119. IGEXl91ll • '64 EL CAMINO * A&.ICTION * Info. 1.911) -Blw. ..._ J.lJ36 ,.,..,, crille ll5. 2 ttar • $695 • "'· tac ""· R & II, -.. 11 ,.a ..in ..n"'....,. FREE camporo 9520 TOYOTA doors. --,..,. • • ~· 11.,.,q, """"'ts. ctw WindJ a .try Buh; Boatint ClalMI ,65 OIEVY. % ton truck S1D ea. One fm:rt end, com. a • SI® AuctiOm Friday 7,30 p.m. OFFERED TO PUBLIC ~· u-•~··· co earn-'69 TOYOTA! plete with A-tnme & 16" • GUARANTY Wid ' A .. ~ B BY wio ~ ·• ,...... wheels,idealtoma ke a • '" Y' """0 " 0 '." Hunt1ng1.,, a...h :!:;'." ~~ =: '=: ""'" ,. .. "°· v.w. ""' • • CHEVROLET Beblnd Tmu"• Bide. Afatl Power Squadren cab. R&H. intercom; many All Models Fr. $1nO sea.ta about 6' long. l25 ror I • m E. 17th SL '""'o~ ~ND OPCMEN-ING si.rttng Mon.. Jan. 21l. 'u~h' =..,,....=="=·595.==..,_=ll!Q==== I ""'• La..: I 'of lhmL Call SlU<ll H.B. • • Al Santa Ana ........, Moo V'll/69 Mordan fum. ~'::r.'" Boach ·-1 Duno BuplH 952S WH UUIO Raco Caro Rodi 9620 • '67 IUICK Dr'-• Santa 4na M>i3ll datioa 'nJrlft Sbop. 9:30-1:00 For further infD cell , Full powor, factory ,;,. low: 'ii (H.VY fl Mon, Wed. Frt. Benetittna 142-1227 or 846-2350 VW Floor pan. with disc IMPORTS '!' T·RDSTR. Fuel injected, •mnoa9•. ITHllll I Nav.. ~ea. Air, a~tl" dilldren with lee.ming ~ 1-.. FT. Om.om F"JamirWO brake1, 10" chrome wheels OYOTA~VOLVO Vette eng. In Hot Rod • $3995 tn.ns .. JIOWl'f ittt?Uw, Rao abUI-Racer. Bluo am .. ,.. w/12/35 lndy" VW molM 1'66 """"''· C.M. 6469303 ~· Bell o flu. • • dlo, '1:'" -!;-otber .,.~ HUMAN ll&D' tSlontle wiglet, Trailer Ii: boat frelhly .l 2 fiberrlua bodies, metal T~o~Yo~bo0'69~Ex>;eeu~llv~e}di0em~on-~I-:':=======::.. • Low '' # c~ '65 COU>NY Park 9 pull. wagon; full pwr. & air: Luc· gage rack. $1895. ~ '65 MERC station wagon, aJr. coOO and everything, l seat $1995. 968-5512 aft 6 pm '63 COL PK 9 pU& Station wagon, air cond, full pwl', like new. 5@-3263 e\ltl MUSTANG '65 MUSTANG ~. Bucket seat, automatic trans., radkl, heater. Veey dean. Low mileL OWPG2. $1095 GUARANTY CHEVROLET 1ll E. ,17th St. At Santa Ana Freeway Santa Ant 54U31I MUSTANG '67 GT hardtop V..fl, auto trans, PIS, alt, new newr worn $i.o.. Alm p •inted. New whJte nm. Rtuon&.ble. 496-3761 strator. This deep blue Col'-ed 9700 • '63 IUJCK Skylarti: I '' ·l2090 Hum an Hair Rt:d-n & u;ab yd•· Upholstery CHARTREUSE Dunebuggy, olla 2dr.buonly1015 mil-Autos Want ~.T. Cpe. A11tomotic, tad· I GUARANTY ~~·p!u<: =:~:L~:m ~i:::=: ~ro~p~~~:! WEPA(Y.A .. SH :•:~.::;$·:~;;i''''·: c~~~~~ 1 disc bra)re,i, R il H, 18,000 =-==o=---.~--1 and o:mtrols. See at '808 A;t slnta. Ana.Freeway CLOTHING ...... n•w. !.Wyett• Newport Beach. lmportod Autol 9600 e $l69S •Santa Ana • 543'93ll !::.:" :..~~, ~ 11 rr. ,.;,._,.,., ~ BILL MAXEY fur """ can • """'°' ;ust • . ·~ RIVIERA ,, • 1967 .EL carnmo, , ,,_i. swe.:ten. ~condition'. Deluxe model {all • Spot Caab tm Import! callusfortreefftimate. •Radio, "eater, ••to,. ·I ~ auapeDsion 396. ••• ....,. tlberal•11} outboar Wep11morehenyimport ITIOIYIOITIAI l'..llllftl CffEVROlfJ •''· powar •irtdow•, alrl Black. penonal ear: new ··---....__..__ -p ...__ ---. regardleu cf :year, make Vlll(IU cond .. I ownar, local car. tire ht clus nd. ~ .............. ,.._ uuwu ..., • .,, coodltioa. 1 bet •IHCT27DJ • ~ ~ co .,.,...,... HOPE CJIESl'. Girt ..... Biz_, 1111 tnlltt. $100 "' '1"' '"' 18881 BEACH BLVD. AU'"' Salos M......,, $1995 • ••~-awa: 113 IChool will tell In)' phone 642-4980 after 1 pm. you ldL ELMORE Hunt. Beach 147al555 18211 Beach Blvd. • '63 CHEVY J door Btscayne, $1'!5 hope cbelt, like new, FOR SKIPPER OR BOAT MOI'ORS, l53IXI Be9dl Blvd. 3 ml N. or Coast Hwy, on Bch Huntington Beach • I 11tick sbilt, 6 cylinder, $175. ml. Pvt pty $2,:IXI. (1) 5J2..5141 '66 MUSTANG Convert. Pwr. steer. & brakes. Low ML ,1550. 5(0....1886 After 5 OLDSMOBILE '63 Olds F8S 2 dr HT QMU46. !"" Full Prlce Terms Available U.S. Mtrs 515 E. ht Santa Ana ~~~Mary ~ANCE CALL Westmtnster. 89'-3.122. TOYQJA KI 9-3331 .,,5 OLDS Dyncmnlc 11•1 ,64>--0~=11_6==~-~~- KIRBY. Vacuum cleaner & AUSTIN HEALEY un: PAY WH •• "'· H.T; UH, nio.. PS,• '64 EL CAMlNO 4 opd., 327 PONTIAC •tQchmanta. crtgiDaD;y llOld S.llbolts 9010 HEADOUARTF.RS ftl ••ir cond. lt.i!OYl4ll • cu in post, chnn. rims, ---- kr """' $3YJ. ·Take °"" '68 AUSTIN Amerlca; f.(00 •. '$1495 • Rl<H, """'ti...,_ 64z.tfil3 '65 PONTIAC 0 GTO small pymnbo or!!,9.:00 caah. SNOWBIRD #371 Mi,_, wan-anty. ELMORE FOR YOUR CAR • • 1961Good0..!'.'.:.':"'°" Local=·,,,.. mlla. Owned Credit dept 535-1.-. All wood. Dacron Mil. Ex· $1, 735. 54s-ot78 • ,...,..,. by Utile 'ole lady In Capi> Quality Klng.sllie Bed, cellent condition. Ready to '66 AUSTIN Healey, 300:tored 15300 Beach Blvd., Wstmnstr CONNELL • '66 TEMPEST • 646-1568, aft 5 PM. trano. PlU5h blue bucket beautiful _quilted mattrea. Sail .Awa,y! $250. 67J..3690 or w/blakc interior, privlpty, Phone 894--3322 CHEVROLET • H.T. C•M,-. Radio, ho1ter,• '5 7 CHEVY , Needs seats. b!ue ext, white top, 1pllt loundatton. bit-in 548.9481 $2,500. 837-2757 '67 TOYOTA Landcruiser. f ••wtomatic, powor 1te1rin'il·• generator, excellent V-8, auto, dlr, pwr 1teerin1, frame. Never wed. $98, 20 rr Sloop, IlW\Y extras. w h l d r J v e p I ck u p , 2828 Harbor Blvd. • ISVE661 I • upbolltery. $liiO. 897-9al wire wheel 00\.'eJ'I. $85 Cub W...,. $250. 111><5.16 18511. Euy lerrnL -Cat CORTINA w I cam p". Ext u •I _eo._ta=M,.,,.,.c-=-546'-""'--I• $1695 •STATION w ... n •ss Bel d•ls. wUl !Inc J>M pl1;Y. 10 KEY addin& ma.cbine $12. Boats\ 2614 Ne w Po!' t. m-2671 Will Buy 1 .. --------tJI Aire, Power S&.S. new tires, "'""-=-97'13=c="'=-=,-.,,,,....,--,. 1 Royal Standard Typewriter, 67>2400 '68 CORTINA dlx, R I: H, -========::I 11 good cond. $1295. 838-Tifl 1867 FIRESDID 400 !act l&i:r $25. u........,. poMable, 11,(00 ml _, wur, $200 TRIUMPH • '6S OLDS Cut1 .. 1 • ,63 CHEV 11: WIY'• car Pwr su, -lrlm N,,. Pl. All recoodltiooed. 340 Power CruiMrw 9020 below book. Xlnt. one _________ 1YOID' Vollmncm • Pcnch9 H.T. Cpe. RIH. a11te .. PS,• $4$ 219i Harbor' Blvd Radial tires. 19,000 miles, Bro&dway, C. M. 2!r FIG CaliJm'nlaJI; Exprea owner. 644-0141 '&I TR Spitfire; new paint, I: P1.1 top dollan. Paid for •.;, coM. ll'GPllll eo.ia Mesa. 548-s:t:m " Verdaro Green Paint. $3100. Bigbe,prioeoatt""""--REDWOOD Patio Fu'~· OU'-·xlntcond.Looded dutch & nuliW. D•Y" oroot.6Call73~1190 • $1795 :I========--,.....,""'=,,"""=,-,,,,.--:..- OOt .,, ... •till d ....... llrc --· ""cond. -fur ........ family """""· DATSUN "'3-1(00, E"" ..,...,.7 • CHRYSLER .,,, PONTIAC Sia. w.,. :ip~of ~,;:.ttnM~ btd, •,mall itll:ml. last SI3,000. 6G-GX> '67 DATSUN '59 TR-3 $525 IMPORTS WANTED • '65 BUICK Skylark •1---------Good tire&, new bat~" q Sale. It will colt )'OQ ~chane<~~-~so.mo~~~-.,-=-Ii:==~~~=:=::=:: IBta: Sedan. Near new! One 673-l637 Orup Counties • H.T. Cpo. RIH, ...... rs.• '61 NEW Yorbr' Dr. bdtp. ~~~tam money to wait Shop I: bey B~tmroL-~ -.:'. ~ Spee~ Ski Boats 9030 owner. Excellerit condition. TOP $ BUYm •P·wi.ftdow., air cwl. • Black; new ttrM; pwr. """ •I' ,.,_ --• c-• Owned by Uttk 'of< """ VOLKSWAGEN Bn.L MAXEY TOYOTA IPOYl<" • ...... cond. Bnt ofttt WAllD'S BALDWlN STUDIO -WW ,..u tt 17S. 'IS. ~· CLASSlC old boot Spd olli 18881 lleaob Blvd. •• $1795 • .,....... 546-7817 art ~30. wlfBJ Mere .. hie whl. trlr. from Laguna. 4 ' • r&· 64 Volkswagen H. Beach. Pb. 84'74555 RAMBLER 1fll1 N...,,..._ C.H. ..,_ ·~n• ~·•G • ~ ~. 2 lOnt cond. $l.lllO. ..._.... dlo. beat"· auto. fawn.....,, •. ·1 CORVAIR PIANOS & ORGANS u.-~•~ .... ~ "'"....., ext., plush black leather LAO mi eage. Perfect con-NO 1n1.tter wtltt it LI. you DRAFTED! '.Must ~ '6f Famous NarM Brandl ~ (Europ,.~ab pl~ ..... ? Boat Slip Moorlnn 9036 bucket seats. $15 CUh dels. dltlon can sell ft wtth a DAILY • '64 IUICI Slrylcri: • --------Rambler Cusic. blue book" from $529. ,,,_, ., uoe>o ...... ..., "'"""' ··• will fine prvt. prty. 4!M-Bl13 ===61>«;4==1=""'-===:..'..:iP=lLOT==W;:ANT==AD==!=l=642=$71:,;; •A•tom1fic, poWOf ttt.t1111.1 61 OJrvair Auto. No. lAG693 $650. Must 11ttl $450 or belt Aho USED Jnstrwnebtl Mam; BB '"&!my'' 53UfllS SAIL boat moarin1 tor rent or 54S-0634 ra41°" hoa .. r. IRIAl791 I $199 Full Pnce otter. 66-0921 Gould Muoic Company NEW oomplete Slroll-A-Oak w/ nwdmum T ft beam. I -;;;lm;;oo;;;;rt;;od;;;;A;;utol;;;;;;;;;;9;;600;;;;;;1m;;!po;;;;rt;;od;;;;A;;-;;;;;;;;;;9600;;;;;, • $991 Tenns A..U.ble U.S. Min =======::=cl '°" N. >Wn. Santa ..,,. -tum. "' + crib • Act-67M8tlO FERRARI 11 • • 51!i ·E. i.t....,. Ana SHELBY So. ol -64T.<)681 ma--. N...,. """'· $175.I;"======= --------arn~iE ·~ CORVAlR Waron ; -a Fl1 'l1I 9 SUnd'1' JU 30ll 361h st.. NB 673-0583 Aircraft 9100 FERRARI • '67 IUICI Slrylcri: • yellow. Good cond. Mu.t KAMMOND • Stetnwll7 . Ya-$tauff9r R.tuclng Prl. Piiot Covl'M Newport 1mpcrts Ltd. Or-e e & , a :~°'!1,'::i·. ,~~~~}" • ~1581$77D. Prtv. Pll't1 SJ:IELBY '61 GT 350. I Spd. Xlnt cond. $3D). Private ---...,,. . ..,. " .-P'-Maehlno -$15. anr• "°""""' """ iutbor-$2 95 •I=-===--=--:--,,: o1 an,...., Bat""" In ===*~5!8-lc.....,153,__*-=-...., 11> dn, 1>!~6 mo. Mooney bed doaler. ELMORE MOTORS • 5 '15 CORVAlk 2 "'· HT. ~ OOllf. M~1 ..... 77 _, .-Sa1eL r M """° SALES. SERVICE. PARTS • • 1_,.,.. Good -. ISOO T·BIRD ._ ..... PEM<X> Aquarium •-· <>rana:e Co u n t 1 Airport 3100 w C:O.st H ---------I SCHMIDT MUSIC 00., w/D..,.....nt lltlblL 53>691 or 646-1610 N...;,.... B<•ch"'.· 15300 HACH ILVD. WISTMINsm IM-JS22 ••u DODIR M-: or bost oU"'. °'>' 67WISl '60 T -BIA,D ":n~ ~ 9a-m9 Call 9-5 60-SWS S«J.1164 4 ~ • 4 Dr. H.T, llH, 111te., COR'Yl:l II: Eltes Gold body, white ltl'I' 216 GAL 1bow aquarlwn with Mobile Homtt 9200 Autbariud MG Dealer 1 l2 0 • PS. air cen4. l'TPUOJIJ • ------..,---dlt, l:llclort -.a1L !>tt,....., l-------I ~~~518~ fill<r BAY HARBOR 1; • $2195 ..... FASTBACX.;,.,. b!&<k "' -..,... .... Roboll FREE TO YOU &ATE .;, .... table -le-Show MERCEDES BENZ ,.,, """''"' "'"'"'" L-------"'I =-~: !,,'J:'v.~ =-.,!"5~~ "'"'""'· ""' 3\ll<S\O. $000. Homo ""' UGI 10 A 11 WJOE SAIZ "''' .,,...,1 of '""" •. 234 f. 17111 SJ• ...... $2!00. (1) C.U67 1'9-8'. 494m3 or -a.. manure eamblned wlf ltoob. $95.. BT~ .,ft.toRAMtt. '57 T..SIRD J --... .._ Good 6TER£O ·-""'· s.., 1 OR..!~~ FREE. FREE • 548-7765. DODGE """ ....,., ""' .... ~ -._ .. -!IOI ..... ,,.... • -""'" $1lll Down -$11.111 ""'Mo. • • V V H • -" ,,..,._ New !"."'!'.Ii ~ I A S -~ Ftnt 1115 -&4Ml7J Incl. .... Ile. • ..._ and -IJIS eQaS i(I ftft MoM'rl 1:30 •m °IS DART ctuome A tnfftlor. Oill "" •~ "~ -----~ N 2 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS • to 9 pm ,_, -',.._ 64U83I '~ ---,_, ow....................... • S ~-130 •CP'· R"'" pd, -~. ~ SPAlCED -1lom': .U M.ul tdpd --lG.Baiu SJ., at -FOii TWO •lv"'"J ' om s.,, to -•11 T·BIRD, ""l' -'°""' -Good i;omll1 ""'· ,... """ -a-M... n• -No '""'"' ........ .., • .. 'I ""' •• GUARANTY Full pwr. Alr. --.. cw IQlllWltJ pa.ma . • ft_, • s .... _ ~·· _,.,.... ,.ic,. °""'-..... t1>1IW.Ikl5 ........... 1610 SEJI: dlO """' ...,. -11164, l!O, •nto. .,....,., 15300 .L Bl .I u,_,. """'om CHEVROLET Simbeck. -Mite. w..,.._ 1lMr Pan AIDll'ku, Para-AM' 11' M , a b 1 o J ate I '1 Beiw Y,.e • to 6 P"' I 10 llO. molt. ~ -~ llll• ucf <;.....i TUE, 17111 st. 1.964 T.S!RD. LDal new, fl -· ..u -·ii.iii .... eUY1Na SJ),... COfm lO" =:.--a1 11awr-..,.. ... meoi. cond. Weslmin .. er Al ..... ""' -pwr. 1 """"· 111 -a '-. Aft. I PM 1/11 ....,. ta... lloll&n • $1.llJ. "'al· 1""5. -·~ Senta Ana 5434111 ,_Bl.._ C.M-~~"'==~=,. su.., -.i. 13.50 roll. Dual Wide ..et DAILY PILOr onn:.A· 894-3322 're'.:::.:cs:::.o;:.. 006"rA COINS Ill V/ • .10th Cha"'"'" M""I• ti.mn fllc. UNF.s. You cu .,. them OPEN 7 DAYS o,:: ~ ,..,,"':.7t,:":: ll'ar • ad ., ,.a ina11f It.. CM. 611-1445 520 N. .._ ....... , S.A. tor tu>t pcml• a daJ. Dial -to a.. -,._ l-~--dial 106171. Dta1 ""1111 ~-lllllULTS 5'1-1571 --------------------------