HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-21 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa------._
• ' '
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~ ame r.a
. Buried in· Lonesoine Bain
I~ . . . . TUESD~ y AFTERNeON, JANUArp'· 2 f, '1969
'VOL .,, MO. , .. I dmota. n , ......
~ '
Maroonf'd ,hy ·Bain . . '
n :U 1.
'Wild Mouse~ llurulw
-Pwcuh G.uilty to Assault
Frd ••wud Mouse,. Rtlndle·of COl!ta
lolela pleaded .gu!lty to ....ult with a
deodly weapon l(ooday lo II <>W I n g
........ Court abandoffmenl of a~
tempted 111urder charges agalnsl the
HeM!an MOtol<ycle Club leader.
Rundle, SI, of 13( Albert Place, w ..
~ to go on trial Jan. 29 on
the 1«JQer charges. He was ordtted
tb return to court Feb. I for sentencing
•hlch could pt.il him in state prison
f6r up to 10 years.
Judge -Gardner's acceptance of -·~.lollQndol o "dool" ""-'. the lllRrid . A~
tM!OJ~:Qlllco _mlllllldle'• lawyer.
"Randle was accusec:Lo11Jeadlbg a-mus
-amull .lut Aue. 7 oo formu a'Jna).ur bonr-Gluier, p1az1er, 30, of 2224 PlacenUa Av•.,
ca.ta Mtsa, was whipped :with cycle
cb9ins and shot in the left ha:nd when
a 1ang of youth,, be told police were
Heisia.ns raided his hon>e. Jl!>Uce believed the Incident to be a
...., reprl!a1 by the l•alher-jacketed
youths for an earlier bar room fracas
in which Gluier tnoeked down a member
of • motoreyde club. Rllbdle Ill belq held in Orange County
Jall..aall Ill RI at 111,500. \
-Pam Peace Tqlks Set
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• . , .
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* * * * * * * * * .~ * * . . ' ' . (
$eColl d BrOth'er ~alJlretJ
J . :
In Slaying of Panth~rs
Man Gives Up,
Shot Wound
of l)vo brotben tOUgbt In the calnpus
slaying of two Black P~t was· boot ..
ed on · 8USpiclon of. murder today after
surrendering himseU to police at a San
Di'80 airport.
Larry Joseph Stiner, II, auflmng from
a pnahot wound which deteCtlve OW'JtS
Clinton of the Weal Los Angel'!I police
siation said "looks three days old," gave
hlmsell up at Lindbergh fi•ld.
He was taken · to the Univtnitj or
California at Loa Angele! Medical-center
where a bullet was mnoved from his
. LB~ he was transferred to the La
Angeles County-Unlveralty of Southent
Califumla Modical Center's jaU ward
where he was listed in aailsfactory COD·
clilion. .
Ilia brother, George Phillip Stiner, 2Z,
•CC<¥11Panied•by an attomey, llUIT<lldered
hlm.!elf Monday at .tile Weal Los.Angelu
station. · ' ·
Detectlvea said the attorney called
them, told them of Larry Stiner'•
whereaboµts, then accompanied them to
the airport. Neither SUner nor the at·
tOrney would comment on the blillet nd • • ~¥.. !liiir'lfttbori hid bee!! tbol.iriel,
' ,• ( .. SLAYING, Pqa·Z) .
Stor1n f;lohh~rs (;o•~t . '
Streets, Boats Hit; Mor e Rain Du.e Wednesday
ot ... .,., ,.,tiff
Southern C.Womianl;c:ut a wary eye
toward de.cepUvely blue -ales today in
the wake of what was .termed ln some
areas the want storm in a century.
Along the' Orange Coast ire.a were
toppled, power lines cut, s~ Oooded ,
boata capsized and even docks tom loose
by the merclleu fury of persistent rain
and savage w''1ds. Weather forecasters
called for an encore oo Wedneaday.
One dock ripped away byl!ie strong
gusts bel""lled to the Orange Couuty
Harbor Dlstrtct In Newport, 8e>cli. "We
just. , looked out the window and saw
it floaUng by," s8id a Harbor District
Tbe other, a private dock from Lido
Isle Soud. hasn 't been recovered, the
district reported.
· The Newport Harbor ma bore the
brunt of the storm'.• wralb. In ilewport
Bay, 11 small ~. boll\ otitboanl>
and sailboat!, took on too .muc:h water
and sank. Several olben ;'tifoke loose
from thdr moorings and .boated WI
Into the bay. All were r=v°"".
The ocean front wam't the only
Newport area afieeted, ~ever. Ip
Corona d<I M.ar, a !G-lool eucalyptus
tree crashed over onto a car own«;l
by Robert s. Clar~ of 121 Polnfettla
Ave. It was one of several whlcb toppled
all over town, the parka department
reported .
· Another ecualyptua wr•akt4 , more
damage when it mWlhed • tlic'oulh· · a
large plate glass window In t!io liorne o1 Mr. and Mr1. W. D. Wrtclil of. '1111
Summit Drive, Laguna ~.The. 100;
loot tree scattered glUI lr'llP""'lll
17,000-year-old 4.ig.una
. ---
SfinJ l W o~n,':JV:o t.4 . ~~
' '
• l.D StVl . lf•httowll ,
~Ramy JJuri~ for Ja:ne Doe
.Doo1 Jet thole blal -fool
,.. : the rainmu.r'1 . lull c:ollect-
ing 11111 oecood 'W1n[I; 11 .. more wet
atuH ,for. II!~ '!Ith gusty
~llldl and ._ ....... u..
Jow fP'L
Vibert,~ and-g_.l·-
of tho. cemtl«y. :
BurfaJ "*' ·~ folJoiwl!>I the brief
-and eommittal lddi9 Jl'tldilJ. •blo JIClla sm11. n, of Lons lleadl,
made a teotati•e pboMls:rlpll tdeDo
titlcalloo of Ibo long-dud U-1 -
Despite an lnternatlanal IOudl for
her-lde1UIJ -~"-· _,,, -hid up today to
Wllllc hlll ....... ., loob
"'"""" Ail .......... '"""" ~fid<lll, l•~"t'J!' ,,.,, ;~
rdkf" ol 6tlno -· ol .... i.!oed 'm(C!I' hi TC... l'iifo~; .. ~ ... . ~ .. ...... , ...... ,.
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RAINS SWAMI' TOWN -Pholognpller .ttood knee
deep In waler to 1111p lhlJ view of Hlgµera Street,
1D11in utery of Son Luis Obilpo, which 1184 -hit
fell In ooe 17-bour period in city, with as much as
2'h lnche1 reconled In 28 minutes . Flood damage is
neor ~.ooo mart.
hard b)' current llOnn. More than 1_0.:.inch..:.::.et_of_ra_in ______ .,.-----------
RA.IN • • • Pueblo Watching. Russ
,,.,.. .. -.
Tralll< -..... .--by the ........ 8•1111..,. .. --the police depu _ __, _ Naval Vesseh-Bucher
-la lhe pal i... dl,JI, DllllllJ ~m ~-·~--tire -8. aJdddhc elf Ibo roadway • ~ ••• -·-
lyplL Oa Main Slnel, lw larp aada CORONADO-Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucber
-...,. blown Mwn, two landln& Aid today lhe USS Pueblo had been
on tbe campu1 ol Huntington Beach assiJlled to coodud suffllDiflt'!-of '"Cir=. VaDey, heavy flooding cJo>. _ Ruaaian nava l ve....1s in lhe straits -
ed Edinler Av<nue between Ward and between South Korea and Japan but
-11-.1or a 1hxtlllDI mrly his lblp waa aptured before lhll put
Ibis -.C. A fnr ....0 a-were of lheaal,......iwaaandertabn.
uprooted In Beal 8-b, wblle lllqlril-TestHytni apln at lhe aecood day
qlJ Jlllle lroollJe cleftloped I n of the court of Inquiry into the IOU w-........ . r-~--o~ the lntelllgenco lblp, Bucber began -OranlO C0onl7, powtt ~Q an accounl ol hlO. VO)'lllt to lhe apy
were reported in Tultln, El Modma, station off the North KCftlD cout. ~ Garden Gnve, Sala Ana and He waa lntenupted within a few
-Port -tire latl<r aHecllnr an minut. when biJ ltllhl>ony betian to
attmated t,000 homes. All problems move into claslifled areas about just
were cleared up by 1:1$ a.m. what informatloo the U. S. Navy was
ALL ROADS OPEN seeking and a ~ was called. ~ ....... " 'd C'.oun-Wben telllmooy resumed, Bucher "We have '--U vrry i !Jl; .. ,,., 111 .. revealed that the Pueblo maintained ~ ~ ~ :· ~ f~ radio allence from the day it sailed
tnec .=n ~ s.nt! ~ caa.ym and from Suebo. Japan, on Jan. 11 until
ta Yorbli Linda, an:1 tbe maaJ alide Jan, 22 When it WU al1hted by two
.., Pllclllc Cooat matrn1 at ea~ North Korean trawlen wbicb approached n-·• ~ ·~ _,..._ 11-" , within 30 yards, ---...... ., ~ 'The sldpper !hen prepared bll llnt Oraact Qlcmty flood c:antrol ;f: litultbi report for the commander of
C. 1L Nellon Wei no fJoodf:ng in naval forcu in Japan and the com-have been eq>erlenced, but channels
the weltem part of the county were
flowing hes•Uy, some near capaclly.
other arua of the state were less
tcnun.ai.. In San Lull Obispo, county
_..,., Maaday aahd GoY, _,,,
llMpn to declare .... c:cualy • -
-1reca ... ol -they termed the • wont 111onn in a e<ntury. Some II
mlllion in damage wu reported.
Four penona are tnown to have drown-
ed in the Southland aince the stonn
began. Loi Angtlea Coonty •-rocord-ed 2:0 fatal automobile accideDta:, many
ol them dlrectl1 nlated to .... rainlalL
And the word from h weatherman
to all of 'Southern California tod.a1 was
-m<n nln, hesV)' rain, wllh gusty
winda for Wed-,..
Searchers :Discover
Exposure Victim
TAHOE CITY (AP) -Searchen have
IOWld lhe body ol a Sacramento !ffn.aF
-appa=Uy lhe victim of exposure
-In an lJOlated aru just llOUth of
lhe Alpine Meadowl ald ftscrt.
A IW'Ch i..m IOWld lhe body or
Eric Jada! Nellon, 17, Monday al,..,_
-two days after the youth became
lost w1rlJe OD a lki outing.
....,..,. ..... " .......... . &.a,.Mhedi ........ ,...,.
R•lo11t N. 'W11I """'*", .... il"vllll"""
Fro• Pqe l
substantiate Min Smay's ldenttfteatton.
Chin tmnbllng and eyes rilling with
lean aft.er the casket lid was lilted
in SmJth'a Mortuary, Miu Smay named
her former roonHnate u Rhonda P'i!htt,
23, a Gtorda girl who followed the
the sun to Caliromia.
"l used lo be wUd loo," MW Smay
told lnwstlpton, aaytJw abe originally
became acqualoted with Min Fisher
throulh uaoclaUon with the Hell'•
Angels Motorcycle Club in lhe Holl,ywood
Known only as Jane Doe for official
records sUlJ, ahe is separated from others
in death, even u &be must have been
in life, driltlng lhrouih It in lhe anonymi-
ty of an ordinary face, dolni the ordinary
thing& -whatever they were -that
made up her ordinary days.
She ls burled near lhe edi• ol the
picturuque cemetery, •w•y from those
who had names and the funds to buy
what J•ne Doe now possesses 1n common
with them.
Orange County taspayen paid 1235 for
Jane Doe'• gr•ve.
"It is, literaJJy, • pauper's erave,"
Aid Vibert.
"County cues are not burled In what
we call open ground," he explained,
"but It ls ln the lawn area."
"lt'a dectnt." be II.Id.
HunU!llloo Bead! Police C.pt. Earle
Robitaille uid today that idenUficaUon
of Jane Doe u Rhonda Flsher ls
extmntly tentative and G e o r g I a
authoritiea have developed nothing yet
to support iL
mandlng general ol lhe Filth Air Force
nlaUng !bat his lblp had been d-.
Bucher said it took from 12 to 24
.houri before lhe Pueblo could establlah
comzm,n.!cations with base and that the
report could not·be transmitted during
that time. On the morning of Jan. 23,
be aaid, a aecond situation report wu
1ent saying that the ship no lorl&er
wu under Ncrth Korean surveillance.
Pointing to a map Of the Korean
coast, Bucher traced lhe nxite the ahip
look up lo Its northernmost point off
Cbonijin and IOUthWard along the coast
to a point 25 miles off Woman.
Bue.her said he was completely un--
prepared for North Korea's se.l.zure . ol
the intelligence ship. Bucher, who earlier
criticiled the Navy for deferTing his
requests for armament.a, told the court
of inquiry be was not apecting the
type of attack whicb occurred.
llucber, tatilyln& for lhe second day,
added, however, that the Pueblo bad
two interpre&er1 on board "who bad
the taall: c( mooltorlng the tactical
clrcu!ta of the Nmh Korean Navy to
keep me apprlRd of anything they were
planning to do to US,"
He didn't say if the interpreters had
picked up any informaUon about the
impending attack, in which one crewman
was killed and the 82 olhen were taken
prison en.
Frotn Pflfle l
age, toward the ]alter part of the
Pleistocene period.
"We are now salisfied that we have
the o1dest direct evidence yet established
of human presence in the two Americas,"
said Dr. Berger.
Despite her age, the lady was
aomethinc of a youn.gttu compared to
oldest human inhabitants of Europe and
Asia who lived hundreds of thousandJ
ol years ago.
Even the similar skuJls of relatively
modem Cro-mapon man In Europe are
about 30,000 year. old.
Dr. Louis Leakey, lnt.ernationally noted
anthropologist, asked in February to take
the s k u 11 to UCLA. Leakey ls the
discoverer of the oldest known human
remains, in Africa, believed to be more
than two million years old.
He has also contended that hand axes
frund in the Calico Mountains of
CalUornia ml.gbt be f0,000 years old.
Or. Berger used the carbon-14 or
t•atomic calendar" method which
establishes age by measuring the loss
of radJoactl\'e carbon in remains. Other
tests were also used.
Addltiooal analyses on the remains
of Laguna Lady were made by Dr.
Dale Stewart. senior physiet.I an-
thropologist of the Smithsonian Institu-
tion . His findings )>Malle! those of the
UCLA Isotope Laboratory.
11 Entombed Inside: Jee• •. c.,~1 • .,
\tic. PIU'*"' ... 0.-•6' ~r
n ...... ••••ii
President Won't Work in Traditional White H ouae OfficJf
WASIUNGTON (lJPI) -Pn!oldent
llldlanl --bis 'llnl fl1ll dot in.olfloe lod<)' by Jetting lo work belo111
any ol his stall and dlsclolin& lhll
be would do mOr5l o( bl.I work outalde
ol lhe Wbll< "°""'·
NU.., aid be .wwld ,.. lhe famous'
Oval Room -the ~I offici
In the White HOUH: -primarily frtf'
formal occasions. Most of the Ume, be
&aid, he would work out of a llllaller
room Lo the neighboring executive office bull-. .. I lite to wort m a ttlatively smaD
room, with papen aD around and that
sort of thing," Ni.loo uplained to
"l'm a tteature of habit," be remark-
He said two o~ reasons he decided
to do "everyday" work in a smaller
office in lhe old Stale Department
building were that he wanted his stafJ
menmeri to feel they-were working
c1...i, with him, ml from his poinl
of tiew be felt the need for a "certain
UPI c•1w11:11
Now, .Down to Business·,
Shaw Impassive
As JFK Slaying
Trial Begins
Shaw, charged with conspiring lo murder
President John F. Kennedy, got his day
in court today. He sat impassive as
hil principal accuser answered the roll
call of witness.ea and attorneys st.arted
selecting a jury.
The tall, while-haired r e t i r e d
businessman sat at the defense coumtl.
table without turning his head while
Perry Raymond Russo, 27. the star pro-
secution witne&1, called out "here" from
an aisle behind him when the bailiff
read Russo's name from a list o{ 19
state witnesses.
The trial o( the ~year-old Shaw got
lmder way before Judge Edward A.
Haggerty Jr. nearly two years after
the announcement by Dist. Atty. Jim
Garrison that he and his staff had
"solved" the 1963 Kennedy assassinaUon.
The lint ortler cl business was calling
the roll of witnesse.1, who fl.led in and
!i!led the center aisle of the courtroom.
Russo, a dark-haired, slender man with
an aquiline face, stood calmly l\'earin~
a topcoat. The wlblesses . after answering
the roll, were excused until further
Picking the jury was expected to last
at least five weeks.
Fifty-two sheriffs deputies were on
duty at various entrances and in the
corridors of the Huge Orleans Parish
Criminal Courts building. Spectators
were not to be admJtted until after
the jury selection.
chemistry" Illa< '''""' when he knows lhe pn>,..,:ily ol lhe office and 91"
biJ aid<J are nearby. living quarters. . t.
NIIon will be the llnt ~ent in "Usually you have to ftgure a °"' -~to...., ..... ..,..., • )lour drtv1o& • lo pl' lo --. ~., ................. -, 1---111-$11•1 , •• -
TrMtti-e!lf, ..... ~ llu ~~~~ • =-. ol!lc:e ~ tlle 111 w::~L~~'!: wcirteq trl'°" to·~ WbltA!
"SOii. • Bui Vtoe ~i!l;;i;. T, llilon • 1hll lint ~ mi .. ,
..... WW k --mt ol lhe ~ ·~ '"""' to mo tbon any,'
llMit. T" • ' ~ti tbek ins:-~· ·-'!'!""-~die% '• ·~·'"'4, "-iditic
t1a1 tllal 4--· •· . PrfsWint I ·• 'llll ·n. i.. .... 1lldte """" • 1111t 0e ...,. dpal ,.,e of ™" ,._ r. · ~ president could beCome a clbeer member im l ent the President's wllha." r,
of \be official family. In , ... _ f.::!. cut short blJ rtm11b to .. make
Nlxoo posed for pbolograplls ~ ~--the tender mm:lea ol tho
Oval Room behind a musl.ve de$ that :a :~r to where Republican leader
once belonged to President Woodrow Ev 1 tl M Dirkltn and Danocrltlo
Wilson. ere • Mlk Mllllfield differed '°' A few reporters were ushered in lo counter~ tieu! Nixon would dell'*
aee him. He looked rested and was d~y as w r. 'n n
in obvious iood humor despite the facl his State of the Uru~ I ~ u.ld
he did DOt fet to bed until 2~30 a.m: Dirksen dou.~ed it but mt w1U come
and got up a t :4.5. he expected the ~ ,.
"It's so close," he said referring to before us in penon.
* * * * * "
~hlna Baps President
World's View of Nixon ,
Cautiously Optimistic
Ulllted Prta i-aour N!Ion, be could reflect with mudi
Tbe world reacted today ta President aaUsfaction that despite the bittemem
NlJ00'1 inauguraUoa with a blend of ol. the put two yean be bad left hil
hope and cauUous optlmlalil. Most na-mart on tbe bialory of biJ put nallon, ..
Uona wlsbed blm lllCCtS& in biJ .Uorts lhe Post Aid. "We shall not lor181
toward peace. Only Communist China biJ encouragemen~ biJ simple -
and Norlll Korea condtmntd blm. '. al'P"'lch and biJ aupport." . '
China oaDed Nh<oo •"• chltltaln ol Tbe aeml-Olflclal new1paper Al Alir&l' reactionarle1~· aod North kea llJd~'tbe : In. Cairo accused the Johnaon" ad4
Nixon clique" waa JD.Ide up of war minlstratton ol. "total favorltlml ~
maniacs and mll!'denra. hratl and predi&ted lhe Jobnaon
Prime Minister Harold Wilsoo of Brl· ministration .. p1y in lhe Sovltt Union'
lain Aid NIIon'a lnangural speeCb Mlddl• Easl peace plan migbt "rtllrl<I
foreshadowed "a world on the threshbo1d freedom of movement of N1Jon'1 govern.
of hope." ment. ''
"I lhlnk he embarks on hla job with
lhe rlgbt degree ol hope and cauUon
and the recogniUon that there are no
easy solutions to the world's problem1,"
W'llson said in London.
Soviet President Nltolal V. Podgorny
and Premltr Altul N. Kosygin cbn-
gratulated Nixon and ura:ed Improved
U. S.-Soviet rtlaUona "in the interest&
of peace."
The Soviet news agency Ta.u told
the Soviet people or the inauguration
in a dllpa1ch that emphasized the new
Pres1de.nt11 call for peace.. It failed to
mention the anUwar demonstrators along
lhe Washington parade route.
Commun.isl China called Nixon "this
new chieftain of the reactionary V .S.
ruling circles.''
The Communist New China News
Agency in a broadcast heard in Tokyo
said Nixon would find tougher going
than fonner President Lyndon B.
The Communiat Chinese s a i d
demonstrations by anti-Vietnam groups
along the inaugural parade route showed
di!aatilifacUon with "reactionary rule of
lhe monopoly capitalist class and reac-
tionary domestic and foreign policy of
U.S. iml>6iallsm."
The JCT\lsalem Post r f!: f I e c t t d
uneasiness about the policies of lhe Nixon
administration by praising lhe man he
replaced. .
"When Lyndon Baines Johnson handed
over the reins of government to Richard
From P .. e I I
or an aU-points bulletin Issued alter the
militant Black Pant.her group ldtnllfiell
them as being involved in 1ut P'rldly'a
shooUng at the Univerally of CalllorDI*
al Los Angeles.
Slain were John Jerome Huagim:, 2.1,
and Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter, 21. The
Stiner brothers are UCLA ltudenti and
members of a rival Negro organlzaUon, us. ~
The shooting occurred after a meeting
of black nationalist groups called te
setUe reported d.ifferenet1 regarding the
running of UCLA's proposed Mr~
American center.
The StiRers race trial Feb. 10 In
neighboring Oranse County on chargei
of attempted murder, kidnap and aw.wt
with a deadly weapon In the $4,ooO'
robbery of a Santa Ana bar. 'l'bf!:y had
been free on bail. "
Before lhe brothers were arTate4'
Black Panther members told new1 conl
ferences in Loa Angeles and Buttler
that the police were playing down &bl
investigation into the abootingl. .A
"If the racist pig police doD't 10 tani...
and make arre.!11," one spokmnan aid,
"the Panthers definitely will set.k j~
for the murder of our brothen:.'' t
··~ JMM•t A. M•rph;,., Mt""'"' l •Hiw
P••I Nin•• ..._. ... ....... Sub Sights Tail of Plane -C.11 ....... : Jll IJfftt tn llrftf .._....,.,,,11-.. .. -.... ......
L..eeoN h ec": m "W1''' .... _ HOl!ll ..... h t<fl. at ii~ Sllftt
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -'The tall
sedlon ol a Scandlm•lan Alrllnet System
DCI jetliner which cruhed Into the
Pldfie Jan. IS may have been located
In m fed cl water by the reaearcb
Umited •llibWty ln the murQ-aea
prevented poiftiYe vllual ideaWk:atton
ol lhe object pinpointed by -but
ofOdall said they W'f:nl *'rtUoMhly cer..
&aln It " WU the tall.
'Ibo flllhl recorder which tepl a toe
ol turno and cbanc<1 in a!Utude II In
thfl tall lf!dkMI and ltJ l"'IC.'OVelJ COUkt
lid invatlgaton In d•tennlning the
calllt of the cruh.
Abo belltved entombed In the tall
oection weni tho bodlll of II ol the
Ii """"" kllled when tho jet plunpd
Into the Padlle .. IL WU -In
for 1 landing at Loi An1tJe1 lnturll.UOnaJ
Airport .
P.E. Smnmen. Deep Qom proll'am
manager. saJd "it looks like we havt
the whole packagt, bot we've 1ot to
p back" due to minor dlffic:u!Uet and
advene wutbtT.
A decision was to be made today
oo when to lerlli the »ton aub on
another dtve. The Weather Bureau ex·
pedtd another atorm lo alrll:e lhe cout
Tho 111lmlrlne'1 sonar first located
In eqlne of the plane during a dlvti
Monday morning. Then It followed a
trtll of. fUlf!:lage framework *'1on!J,
fllght bags and items of plley equipment
untU it found a lar1e atruct11re which
appw<d lo be lhe tall.
The pJp on lhe sonar tcrten lndlcated
II wu just over 40 feet Iona· The llU
HCtion of u. m is about • fett long.
Me111wblle, I Oiokesman for the Na-
tional Transportation Safety Board,
which is investigating the eras!:, con-
firmed lhat a light p\1ne was in front
of the SAS DCI ''"hen it v.·as cominc
in for 1 landing.
He also said there was radio con.
versaUon between the control lower and
the SAS airliner about flying speeds
which would maintain 1 safe interval
between the hro alrcrafl
Thero has been speatlaUon that the
SAS jet might have slowed its air speed
below the 125 mile. an hour coruitdertd
the minimum sale approach speed lo
maintain a proper rate of desctnt.
The SAS plane wu flying 1,500 feet
beklw UM! nonnal approach aJUtude just
before U crashed. I
The NTSB apoke.,man emphasized lhat
no cauae for the crash bu been
detennlned. and that the Investigation
•·as continllna:.
i long Awaited Trial B•lns In New Orleans .... :
'· ~
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eaeh T•s!tp.
I .
• • ~ ~. NO. II. 2 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES
ISOt.\J.JD .:::-C<mml!DHY Cenler in Huntington Beach Is one cas-ua!IY Of heavy rainstorm whlch hu batter.<! Orange ,Coast si.llc-"-
Saturday. It was an Wand surtounded byone to two-feet Of water·
lllis morning with acce .. by bolit only. It has been closed until flood
w•ters recede.
Pauper's Burial
Jane Doe Laid to Rest in Rain
Of tM 0.llY ,..., ,. ...
Jane -Doe -a reputed cycle gang
.... ·Who had bad teeth and a few
'"" ddlver"'1 II)' wbi~ "1aciliea of bv pau.P.'f's ... llllf lxirfod"lli. py,
Jilnesome rain.
No one was there at the end c:l her
final journey. urn... be bad • j-Ob to
d•-Cold rain fell, rinsing reddiJh soil from
their shovels as workmen at Pacific
View Memorial Park carried the gray,
economy casket from the white hearse.
The rain fell all day.
Jane Doe's burial in Lot 152F of the
~ de! Mar cemelery came to light,
like her murder 314 days ago, some
time after it occurred.
"We were in a meeting at the time
and when. it wu over, we learned the
body had been unupectedly released
ind was already tnteJTed," said John
,Vibert, president and general manager
cl the cemetery.
Burial wu delayed following the brief
funeral and committal address Friday,
y,·hen Jackle Smay, 21, of Long Beach, -.
made a tentative photograph ldefl..
Uficatiou oI the long-dead throat slasb
Despite an International search for
her lrue l~ty over the ~ 10 montho.
nothing new bed turned Op today to
substantrife Mi!i Smay's identification.
Olin tremblin& and eyes filling with
lean after the casket lid was lifted
in Smith's Mortuary, Miss Smay named
her former room-mate as Rbollda Fisher,
23, a Georgia girl who followed the
the.sun to California.
"I used to be wild too," MW Smay
told Investigators, saying she wiginally
became acquainted with Miss Flsher
through association wilh the Hell's
Angell Motorcycle Club In the Hollywood
Known only as Jane Doe for «lfficlal
records still, she is separated from others
in dealh, even as she must have been
in life, drilling through it in the anonyml·
ty of 'an ordinary face, doing the <>rdinary
things -whatever they were -that
made up her ordinary days.
She Is buried near the edge of the
picturesque cemetery, away from those
(See JANE DOE, Page Z)
Court Hearing Against 6
Jµ Gun Battle Continued
Prellmlnary heiring on iddnaping
charges against. . sic men Involved tn
a gun baUJe.-net. 30 ~ Westminster
hu been contlmted unt1l 1:"5 p.m.,
Wednesday in West -~e County
Municipal Court.
Tho preliminary hearing began last
Friday and carried through Monday. All
aix-men have entered pleas <>f innocent.
TwO add.iUonal charges of firing a
n into an occupied residtnce and
with a deadly weapon have been
gainst the aiJ: men.
Preliminary bearing oo the added
charges has been set for t 1.m., Feb. u, &T.o before .Judge Wolter Charuma
ol the West Oronge County Municipal
Court. . Hell! In West Orange County Jail on
15,0flt'\>ail each are :
-Dinald D. Uneoln, 22, Whittier. -llhud A. U.coln, 11. WhltUer.
~ G. Brookins, 23, Fullerton. -Risoen E. McGrft, 19, La Habra.
Helicop Patrol
Naming Studied
A commltlft ol ,...., pmons will
be cll!>tr\atod to select one ol more
Ulan 100 wggested names for l:he
hellCOfller patrol aim ol the H\llltingf9n.
Beach i!onco Deporlmeol
Tbe ~ Ja to be headed by coqncllinao Dooold D. Shipley. cou>
cilmen ~ecldod Moodty nJihl R<pr<S<I>
taUvq of the Chlmber ol c.mmuc:.,
Junlo<, q,.p.ber of Commerce and ono
OICb ~ tjle four newspopera in the .... ... 'lo. he oelected yet.
Onil ~ hu been purchued by
tho ""1 Jlllf tn olflcors dulpated
to ~.Jm-11ota tralnlnc toward •
«lllU!lfldll be1ICOlll<r -•
-Gary M. bgram, 19, Orange.
-Mlke ADea Feni.udes, Fort Ord.
1be men were involved in a 1hort
gun battle in which a companion, AJberl
Shirley, 20, of 614 Huntington St., Hun·
tington Beech. was killed.
Everett L. Pittman, 24, of 7661 Trask
Ave., Westminster, was accused «l(
shooClng Shirley, but no murder charges
,... broogbt ogalmt bhn because the
~ Cocmty cllltrlct attorney'• olfice
beld II wu In tell defense ..
Pittman, Illa --Jim, and one other man nre trapped inside the
Pillmu 1-at latll Alta St., w-....
Pollce Aid Sb1rieJ and hil IPWP were lootlna .for a IUltcaso fall <>I drup
which they ollegod Jim Plltmon hod
stolen from Shlrley'a apartment
Pitlman claimed he knew nothlnc •bout
the drup. He and a componlon bad
been held and beaten earlier In tho
day by -After escaplnc, he join-
ed hls lnther ot their-·· bouse.
Pollce mf"'1 too late to lllop the
,.. filld; but ma1111ed · to ......i Ovt
ol the -l:ldioapen. Pemandes WU am.Nd laler afltt wituea1ta rePmtecf aeeina ane man run 1w11 before police atrtv.d.
Ocean A vonue In HIUlllngton Beach,
or Coul 111.<hwoy os it Ja o1im called,
la now Pacll!c Cou1 ~ay by decl'1'
atlon ol the Clo/ Council Monday .
The nomtl cD8Jl(e wsa suggested by
the Plonntnc Conlmhslon to ellmlnate
-on the name ol the nine miles ol highwoy numlnc through the city. ..
. .,
TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 r, 't"' . . .
' • '
N.}". S.•kl
' ' " . ~ TEN aNTS
Storm Worst in Century
Huntington Traffic Officers Say Accidents Doub~·
' l
By TOM TITVS °' .. ..., ........
SoutherD Cflil-cut • wery eye toward dec<ptlv_ely blue lkles today In
the wake of what waa termed in some
areas the wont storm in 1 century.
Aloog the Orange Cout treea were
toppled, power lines cut, streets flooded,
boats capsized and' evtn docb torn loose
by the mere1Jess 1ury o1 ·pen1atent rain
and aevap wlndl. Weather fcncaaten
called lar ID enc<n OD W~IJ·
Civic Center
Location Still
Council Issue
Onil do4 ripped •Way by the l!lr<log RUlla blloolod to the Orance County Hitbor lllstricl ID Newjion Beach. "We
just looked out the window and uw
it Ooatlng by," said a Harbor District
private dock from ·Lido
n't been recovered. the .
Tbe Newport llMbor ma bore the
brunt ol the llonn'1.wrath. Jn Newport
Bay, 11 anall boats, both outboardl
Efen thoo&Ji the lllmtlnctm lleacb
City Council. bu decJarod. Main s-.-mt-:~eiiue-ecrw fi'Oili-HIDio:~
tlngton Beach IDgh School u the locallon
of its new civic center, ·the locad<m
question C1lntinues to come before the
Cowicilman Henry Kaufman Monday
night asked that a resolution be presented
to the council at ill nut meeting r<peal-
lng previous resolutions eetUni the center
site and calling far condemnation action.
"! want a dlanoe at the nut m«Ung
to reatudy the civic ceater· locatfon,"
be told fellow' coundlmen who were
lea than enUn1sjawHc about ftllOlutkllll
to repeal anything. ·
.. I won't ~ fer ~;• Ctiuncllman
Dlm6I D. !llllJilo!' -aauJ;<-::--
"ldl I ~ la !fir the ......,;i II>
l1lten to I ""' Jdlid ft I _. Which coWd .... the cllJ' ~
of • millioo dollan," oald 0,. Kaufman;
Councilmen aid coutloully that they
would l1lten to a .,..,.mauon to the
city's MJd.Beoch n.v.topment Con>
mlttee at 7:111 p.m. Wedne.!day ti Cltr
Hall, but Ibey refused to ·-repeal resolution&
"H Dr. Kaufman mo1ta hia ......,Ilion
Wednesday nlg!ll. l'll llltea;" &aid C.....
cDman Jerry ~. "!IOI I dm' want
to waste any more thDe on tlMa."
Councilman Shipley qi.ed. "I'm not
in the mood. I don' rolale the table after the p.me is ovar."
Maynr Alvin M. ())en, Sbljoley, Mobley
and Jack Green not lllfl!dsinllY were
opposed to any Blldden moves on tb6
civic center and Councllmen Ted Bartlett
and George Mt(!racken wanted to bear
Dr. Kaufman'• propoaaL
The men voted the !&me way for
selection of the site presently designated.
The plan to be e:rplalned by Dr. Kauf.
man is for acqulaiUon of a strip ol.
waterfront from about the HuntJngt.oo
Shores Motel «ln Pacific Coast Highway
to 5th Street and about one block or
so inland.
The city Parking Authority would ac·
quire the property by selling revenue
bonds based «ln anticipated parking
revenues. Uaers of the parting lots would
pay for the bondJ', thus relieving the
taxpayers of the price of the Janel.
The authority would lease alt rights
over the parking Jots to commercial
and office baildlng own<n and perhaps
as well as to the bullden of a convention
center and hotels.
Dr. Kaufman believes the city could
build its civic center on the strip and
save the cost of buying acrea ol parking
Jolt and the ~lte itself by leasing the
land and air rights from the Parking
t\T PM.OT ,_,.,." ........
Josh Coen, son ot Huntillglon
Beach's. maYQr, trl!'I out ,his
father's seat Mo~ night.
Thougla, he Is orl!:Y, 2, /oSll"leit
b.e could !Ill chair, ff> only bis
feet collid rea~ floor, Mot!Jer
was a bit wonied 8"0Ut .ltll
u.e of 'the gavel QD the ta'ble,
but councilnien agreed' Josi!
runs•a pretty good meeling. ·
Armed ·P,&ir 'Roh ·
'Colonel' of $300
Two anned .....ma ....mg "'1lom'
sweater ski m'-'m 'toot· $lllO Mooday
morning lnim Cololl<I· Sinden Kentucky
Fried CblcUn,.119lO Il<tch Blvd., W"t-
An employe, ROOert Parts, told police
the two men wilted Into the front of·the
building alid or*nd l)jln to ii•• them
all the money ln'the isfe. .
One man dlaphQed a long-barreled,'
b!aek pistol. No -...,. fired.
NEW YORK (VP!) -The· -it
ma rket took on an easier tone today
despite announcement that apanded
Vielnam talks will be renewed Saturday.
Trading wu moderate. (See quotations,
Paget 14).
• and sallbooll, took on too ...,.. -
ond ,..Ilk. Several otben -..-from their .-inp and lloalod OQI
into the Day. All were recovered.
The ocean lroct WBlll' the ooly
Newport area ollected, howev<r. Jn
Coiona del Mor, a 4Mool eucalYPIUI
tree craabed over on.to • car OW'Dld
by Robert S. Clart ol GI PQlnletlla
Ave. It wu one of teveral wblcb topplld
all over town, the parb deputmed
Another ecualyplna -...
damage when It llJIWhed lhrooP •
large plala glass -tn"tbe ......
ol Mr. and lfn. w. ii. Wrlgbt It ~
Summit Drive, Laguna Beoch. The ltlf.
foot tree acallen!d 11111 lra_.ia
tmooeJfoul the kitchen and Into the crib
ol the Wrliht'• !-year-old daughter.
Fortunately, no ooe wu -ot Ibo
time. The chlld ond ber -....
(See RAIN, Pap II
He'fd Witlaout 'Bail
Pair Charged
1ln_ -~elic~--~illi!!g_
ot .. ~llr Plllt Mtft ·• A pair or wspected throal·alasb slayers
were arralllJlod In Wett Orange County
Judicial District Court Monday oo char'" they murdered a gray-haired
11untlngloa Beach grandmother nine daya
Judge Walter W. Cbararnzt ordered
both men -an oilfield worker and
a lee!ltPd HunUngton Beach high ac:hool
dropout -to appear Fell., 4 ot I . a.m.
for pre11m1nary bearing. '
Jn the meantime, 'he'~ l""'1' L. Sianez, 15, ol 111 l, . '1911.
ll:dwlld Jl..8:.f.!;\.u.~ ·::: ~"'I'll -..... ,
• •· •· ...... ~I _4 ~J
Slaner II helll II Ortllll ~ JtlJ,
wbll. ~. 11 In ~ ~ !fll.
Hunlhlltoo Beach City J~, la~
with tloe· munler of Mn. R-&
Markee, 55, .of 1508 Ollvi Ave., nine
days ago.
Fountalo Valley atternq' Lloyd Nocker
appeared Mooday, ,wllb· .s-.~ llarJllllve wu represeoled by •.
clef eiider. . Just a weet ago Wednesdly;aerolplCe eneJneer Nll'lDlll COtlney, It, ol 125111
Footer Road, Loo A11m1to1, • n'd
Margareta "Mt.ggie''. Dingtr, •· "-• Dtlaware Sl, llunllngtoo B<ach, """ arraigned In the ume courtroom ca
the same charge.
Detectives believe . that: 10111eone s&Ole
M1sJ Dl.nger'a car ~enb before thl
llaylng. -c:Olllded With Mrs. Manee
at 17th and Main . ltreeti nearby · ~
then killed her to be&t a car theft
She may have been forced to the
curb, «lr attacked after uking for in-
fonnation about lbe other parties and
threateoing to call police.
The Ylcllm'I badlf gulled body WU
found lying on 17th Stnel near Palin
Avenue the evening of Jan. 12, and
Mias Dlloger'a car 1!'11 dllcovond obon-
dooed nearby ID a lonely ollfteld area.
Paint acrapes from the murder victim'• car were found tnnlfe:md cnlo
the ll1ngwr auto, •bole hitertor was
........... with blood anal)'Jed and
c1etmnlned to be that ol llrl. Markee.
Circumstantial evidence and stories -
cooflictJng nal\Jroll1 clue to the bl>arre·
cl~ fJf the case -Jed to
the Jalllni ol Coatney 11i111 Mlq !linger,
who were then fmnally charged>
A plea .by iavatlpilln for anyone
who mlibt abed lipt .., the cue, which
was then heading toward a poulble
mi8cmlage ol )lltlce. """1led Ill • m1jor tip by 1 local cab driver.
-He .said be picked up I bloodled ma
at Eighth' Slreel and Orange A....,.
early oo the Monday after the murder
and dioppeil him olf at • apot ...,
Sianez' Clay Street lplrlmalL
Since tllen, pollce ..,, they bave turned
up another wllneu .......... tn bloodied
men p Into the aparlmml llnDdlna
where Slanel Uvea ca the -.iaa en. lbe ldlllng. . .
' Suboequenl ~ led lo ....
........... or.-:ot tlloM. and'lllrcnft
at their-lilt-,. --p~ Cfpt. -ltollllallle a!d .....
W-ata~.ootlbe-.. ~ ..... ... ~~ 1=n
.P01d1I . -napon ar wba1 -
111111'1.1*0 -. • Beildli 1
• COUllC' ol JblZl'dtt, -.. cbaried aJoo with grand theft el ........ ml _... ol ... wed,411
ollill&lll 'whlCll ·~ feint. tf lii. '""' menL Tht latter crlmeo are both fel<ld&
-~ --·~-lilll -·Ud llarp-aM.wpl,l11:Jociond over.II> &lpeliar
Court lpr.11'111 ........ 'their OP[lel!r ar\1
-month .. """" pleat.
N~on Inaugural
Brings Hopeful
World Reaction
v-rr---.. · The world meted Wday to Prelldeot
Nhoa'a lnaugarotlon with • blend .,
hope and· eauUOOI optlmJam. Moel ""'
tiom wJahed him ........ In hia dforta
toward ' pOoce. J)oly Cnmn11mllt ClllDa
and North Ko!u condemned him. ••
China Cilled Nlx'on ... chlertaln el
reactionaries" and North Korea saJd "tbl
Nlroo cllque" wu made up of war
m1nll('I and mmderen.
Prime 111n1ater Harold Wllson ol Bli-
taln aatd· t!nmo•a lnaul1Ul'll spoodo
foreshadowed ... -Id 00 the -ol hope."
"I think be emborb on his Joh with
the r)ihl d-_ of hoJ!ll _ and cauUm
ond ilie """fl)llUO. that there are no
easy sohJtj• to the world'• lf'Oblems,"
Wilson said In taodoo.
Bea111 of ._ppe for ~een
. Soviet Predderd Nllolal V. :Podgorn)<
ond Premier A1eu1 N. Koeygln con-
gratulalod NW.. ond urged Improved
V. S . .sovtel relationa "In the -of peace."
Huntington Blind !J~y to .Get More Tests on Eyes
!loo' let Uloae ' blue Uies fool
,;.., the rotnmmr'• jdll collect·
lnl hll -wind. It'• more wet
-for W..-V with PY
-llllCI temperotum In the .... 1111'1.
INSmB .ft~AY
W,h,11' 11,11 rutcpsor lqoka
1 oroad ~ M1' Aome, fomwr ~,'Jfl<-~Kot.~t
f,rfllt" ... ,"""'*"" ltt~'ltit< l!illCd -JA r-.. l'llgc 5.
c....... ' £ •• ;;:;a ~ :£t{1 , i --. .... , I lt -.. ---.. ........ 11 ·-: -..
=·': l
--n =-. -1>M ..... '. •11 I --.. -.. =: tt ::..ii= .,
2 IWl.Y PILOT i.
wASl!lllGTON M'!l -Pmldenl
lllehard Nim> ataMI Ilia ~r day ~,.,---.. -:., "t° JD NII alld <lfilflillie t1111
he woold do moot of bis work oulllde
of lbe Wblla -Nlxoo..pald be would uae Iha famous
Oval --the pmldenlill olllce in -Ille Whlla. House -prllDJrlly )or
!onnal occasions. MOii al lbe time, he
uid he would work out of a smaller roor:i tn the nel&hbori.ng execuUve office
bulldln(. . "I Ht• lo work In a nlaUYdy· lmall
room, with papers all amind and lhal
aort of tb1na. • Nilon uplainld to
Beach Council
6kays 96-11nit
Trailer Park
A 96-untt mobile home park IOnillC
requeat was approved Monday nlglJt by
the Hunllnglon Beach City Council at
Yorklown Avenue lllld Ward Street In,
Hunllnglon Beach o~ lbe protest o!
rmdentl al a nearby tracl
Roy C. Brooks of the homeowners
group told the council that the requested
zone change for a trailer park would
allow "a change in the residential
character of the neighborhood."
He presented I petition with about
100 names against the project planned
by the Associated Southern Invet1tment
Co., a subsidiary of Southern California
Edison Co., aoconllng lo the awlicanl'•
laWJ'!,:J(:DaJO -" Buoh fo2 tlie counell lhil ttie land
---.-would bl dJfflcult to develop •• •ingle
1am1t; restcteolill 1nd maintained that
1>«:au1i the land ii bordend on almoot
three aides by powerllne eaaements, he
!eel.a a mobile home part to be lhe
bell Ille.
Councilmen agreed on a 4 to 3 vote
with Councilmen Jack Green, Jerry
h!aloey and Donald Shipley voting lo
deny the projecl
Noting commento by Joaeph Ferm that
the ctty'a trailer part ord1nance "is
sorely out of date," Mayor Alvin M.
CJoen won CDU:ncl1 AptK'OVal for a motion
ca11Jng r..-lbe PtonnJng Commlaaion 1o
reslud,y Iha requlremenll.
Beach Officer
Improved After
Barsww Wreck
A HlD!UnglM Beach motorcycle olllcer,
serlOWlly lnjuftd Sunday oa1he llarllow
Freeway when the Jeep In whlcb he
was being lawed overturned, 'WU lilted
In improved condition today at San
Bernardlno Community Hoapltol
Jerome Crualnbeny, 85, ol Huntmgton
Beach, lliffered "severe chest tnjurle!
and a possible collapsed lung" according
to California Highway Patrolmen in San
A second passenger. Blake Barrqar,
:ZS, ol Lynwood, su!ferd chest lnjurie1.
Quinberey'• Jeep .... being lowed
by a small truClt driven by hit brother·ln-
law John Albert, 36, ol Rialto.
Albert said he temporarily took his
eyes off the road when he reached
forward to wipe rainwater off the lnelde
ol his window.
The Jeep began to fi.shtaU, he told
CHP officers, and then ran off lhe road
and overturned, pinning Crusinberry and
Barre.sar inside.
The accident oceurred about 7 p.m.,
Sunday, six miles north ol the San
Bernardino city llmlil.
HunUngton Beach poijct I a i d
Cn.JJinberry has been a motor officer
here ainct 1969. He is the fatha of
two nnall children.
Olf.t.NGE COo\ST '11•ll$MING ~,Al<IY
•• ~.,, ,... w •••
'"''"'-"' ..,.. ,.....u!llwf
J1ck a. C1tl1y \llU ,,..~, ...... (i.(nfl'•f M.111••"
ft.,,.,., k•t•il .....
Tltt111•• A. M .. ,i.;"' Mf-"'t ••itw
Allle,1 W, l1t11 W:lli1111 1,,, Ii•-"'' Hll'lliool,.,, &Md! lf"•IOI" (lly !•Hw H...,.._.._,Offk9
lOt itlt Slr11t
M•ifittt ,...,,.,,: r.o. ••• no, •1••• _.,,.,..
.......,.,. ._ .. , nu WKI a.111o11 ........ ,..
~ .. Mtu: ntWt.i "''Sll'tll
........ 9Hr'lt nt Fitt1t ~ ........ DA.lt.T ,11.0'f, wla ..._II~ .. ~ 'l ,..,.., ....... .,., t l!Cir:.f .... Mllt ......... ~..,LltUN ......
Ml-' le.a.. C•ta MeM. Hl.Ml"'-
.. 1(11 -jo'.-t .. Vtllry, 1*'9 wllll e re.-.... .. ,. Of'-C...I l"Wlfllllin. c-r •llififot .....,., -., n 11 _.. ... i:-. ........ ,.,,_. ,_,.,, .., .IJI
W.11 ht' ...... C.S11 lri\fM.
TL: 11141 64J-41Jt ,., .. W ii t ••• c. '*''Jn
Cl ... t• MM1Wt1 Ml4&fl ,...,.lflll. tM&. 0r..... ,_, ........... c-...... ,,,,, ... ......,,, .... ..i.w --., ...,,~ .. ....,1 .. .,., .. ,_ ............. ~ ... _ ........ ............... ................... " ....... ..... -c.fl .... (9-.. ..... o ...... ... ...W '1JI ~I"" -II U.a _.,.., ...,., ....... , .. 91.11 _,,,...,
.. ------------------------------------- --- ----_;-----·-------
' .
tWttn. ! • '
"l'a & ~al llabl~" ""'' ... ~ ii. . " .•
. llo .... two .... _...,, :=:· io \lo "ft1*'"1.... .... ~'I ~ In the old Stole ~
building ..... lllal be. ""'1'<1 1111 -members to red they were woftiq
closely · wllh him, and from his polrtl
of view he felt the need for a "certain
chemiltry" tilat comes wheo he know•
hln aidu Ill nearby.
N-wlU be the l1nl Pr<!ldenl In
rect11t memory to carry out the everydq
c.bcnl of office oulnlde lbe Whlle Houw.
Nixon announced shortly after the etec-
Uoo that Agnew would have an office
ir tfie White House so that the vice
president could become a closer member
ol'the o!Uclal family.
Nixon po:ied ror photoera»ha ln the
Ov1J Room behind a m118lve de11k lhat
OllC< belonged lo Pruld"'l Woodro1' Wlbon.
~ --~.
'.A leir ~ were ' vJbered ln to
... blm. 'lie -.-and .... II\ ..,. ..... lqll(ll' ...... 1111 ·fad
ho did ..i.r: to ~ .,tll l:M Lin. Mljjol ... , ...
'uJfl • q.." !If said referring .. to
the .ptufmlty of 'the office and the UY!nc quarten. · "Uoually you have lo fllur< a hall
an hour driving time to get to wort.
I tan walk here in about 21/r mtnutta."
Later, welcomin; 1,300 campaign
workers and frlenda to Ute White House,
Nilon laid thin flrol day on the job
"means more to me than any other"
bo<:auae o! their praenco.
* *
~ew, jolniag ll)e Pmldent in ~ ~ YWIGrf, llld. "ev...,cllllil
Bit _,.,._,l ....... 1 rid. '1111 """ clpal role of lbe • vice ptelldenl ii lo
implement tbe Prutdeat'1 wl!hes." •
Agnew cut 1bort'hls remarkl to "mate
my way to the tender mercies of the
Senate" -where Republican leader
Everett M. Dirksen and Democratic
counterpart. Mike Mansfield diUered to-
da,y u to whether Nixon would deliver
h1I State of the Union in person:
Dlrkml doubled ll bul Manolleld said
he expected "I.he Prealdent will come
before WI In peroon."
.,, Coast Inaugural
Saluting an Alumnus
Whittier High School band marches up Pennsylvania Avenue during
inaugural parade Monday. Band peid its own way to Washington,
O.C., to salute school's most illustrious graduate, Richard M. Nixon,
Class o! '30 (see story page 4).
From Page J
RAIN ..•
tell the house earlier.
11U we'd been home. we'd probably
have been Jn the kllcllen blvlog
brealdail," Mio. Wrlght ooled.
Lagtma television vlewen were without
service for nearly four hours when a
TV anteMa blew down and cut off
850 cable sub&crlben north of the center
of town and along Laguna Canyon Road.
StreeUight.s and tramc signals also were
ahut off by lbe power failure.
llllh wlnda al5o lrtamc! power
failures in San Juan Caplstrano and.
San Clemente. In Iha Jallar city, one-
fourth of the town was cut off for
45 minutel when a tree was blown across
power lines.
Traffic olfice.n were moat affected
by the storm In Hunllnatoo Beach where
the police department reported accidents
doubled in the past two days, mosUy
the small. lkidd'n& off the roadway
type&. On lllaln Street, lwo large acacia
trees were blown down. two landing
on the campus of Huntington Beach
High School.
In Fouotain Valley, beavy flooding clos·
Civic Architect
Sought by Beach
aty officials are looltlng today for
an arcllltect to de11ign lhe proposed '6
million civic center and poUce facility
plarhed for construction within three
The council Monday decided to let
the city's Design Review Board develop
a list of architects and reduce the
number to 10. The board members would
then look at uamples of the work of
the 10 and bring the number down to
three to five.
These names would be sent to the
council for final review and selection.
Counct1men also agreed to the city's
Library Board belng involved with 1eJec-
lion of an arcllitect for the propoged
new central city library and authorlted
field trips to look at libraries u far
awq aa Reno. Nevada.
A new civic centor IJ planned for
the aoulbeolll corner ol Main Street and
Mansion Avenue and the library at
Talbert Avenue and Goldm West Street.
Teachers Hold
San Jose Caucus
SAN JOSE (UP!l -Slrllinl leochers
at San JOle State CoDeae hekf. caucua
In the admlnlotraUon building lhil mom.
inc after 1tqU11 1 2f..bour 1lt·in at
lhe president'• olflce.
ed Edinger Avenue between Ward and
Brookhurlt atreeta f<r a short time ,early
this mOmiJJI. A. few small trees were
uprooted In Seal Beaeh, white ~is
lngly Ullle troublo developed I n
Around Orange CoUnty, power ;fallures
were re-ported in Tustin, El Modena,
Orange, Garden Grove, Santa Ana and
Buena Park -the lalter aUecUng an
estimated 9,000 homes. All problems
were cleared up by 8:15 a.m.
"We have been very lucky," said COUn·
ty Road CornrnWfoner A1 S. Koch. "All
roads are Open. We have had a few
trees down in Santa Ana Canyon and
in Yorba Linda, and lhe usual t1Ude
on PacUic Coast Highway at Capistrano
Beach, but the highway is open."
Orange County flood control engineer
C. R. Nelson said no flooding problems
have been experienced, but channels in
the western part of lhe county were
flowing heavily, some near capacity.
other areas of the state were less
fortunate. In San Luis Obl!po, cotmty
supervloors Morn:lay asked Gov. Ronald
Reagan lo declare the county a disaster
area because of what they termed the
worst storm in a century. Some •t
mUllon in damage was reported.
Four perJOns are known to have drown-
ed in the Southland since the storm
began. Les Angeles County alone record-
ed 20 fatal automobile aceldents, many
or them directly related to the rainfall
And the word from the we1thennan
to all of Southern California today was
-more rain, heavy rain, with gusty
winds for Wednesday.
Delegation Busy
ot tllt CMlllY Pllft ttlff
WASHINGTON -The Orange C...l's
delegaUon hu been bul)' and bultllng
-and a trifle cold -dlD'ing In-
auguration Week activities here.
Perslstent rumors continue th a t
marketman and Iona:-Ume Newport
Beacb civic leader o. W. uDick" JUclaard
js due for an appojntment within the
Nixon AdminJstratlon.
i Ricbard, in some Washington chitchat,
also tuggested that President Nixon will
prefer a location in Newport's Cameo
Shores rath~r than Laguna Beach for
his "Summer White House West."
Nb:on bas in the past stayed in the
home or federal Judge Thurmond Clark
Beach PolicemRIJ.
Wins Elks "Club
Shooting Award
A large perpetual trophy and a per·
sonal trophy mark.in' his excellence
with the police service revolver \rcre
presented Mon~y night to Hunti ngton
Beach pallce officer George Renek for
his high total zhoo(1ng points during
1968. ,:;
The presentation was by Otis Rum·
zey of the Huntington Beach Elks Lodge
at the afternoon meeting of the City
Counoll. Attending the certmonles were
Orange County sheriff James Musick
and District Attorney Cecil Hicks. Sec·
ond D~trict Supervisor David L. Baker
also attended.
Honored along with Renek was Officer
Andrew Dickey who shot the highest
single score during the year.
Renek was also given a certllicate
good for free uniform cleaning for one
year at Five Points Cleaners by owner
Martln Tunstall.
The · Elk! plan to ~Ive quarterly
awards for shooting proficiency and aid
the policemen ln construction of a local
shooting range.
2 Armed Men Rob
Store, Take $588
Two men held up the La Palm Liquor
and Food Mart, 7988 Knott Ave. in
Buena Park Monday night and escaped
Clerk John L. Bretol of Buena Park
said one of the pair threatened him
with a revolver and then emptied both
cash registers. No car v.·as seen or
SF Policen1an Quits
ficer Raymond Main Jr., 41, suspended
for 45 days after shooting at a noisy
cat and grazing a nr.ighbor woman's
skull, Monday resigned from lhe force.
1n the Cameo Shores a re a of Corona
del Mar.
Recent apeculaUon IUQellled that Nix·
on's staff ml1ht select Laguna's ex-
pansive and historic Pyne Caatle on
Hillcreat Drive for the summer White u ......
But Newport's Richard today hinted
the old caJtle is out. Reason: "The
Secr<t service julll didn't like the Laguna
place." .
Too many secret tunnels, maybe?
* LONG TIME Orange County Con-
gressman James B. VU (R-Tust.in) was
on hand here to welcome the Orange
C...l group lo Capitol Hill. He held
a coll..; l"C'J!lion In Ills olllcea Ii<, the local&.
Most of the Oranp Coast group at·
tended the· Inauguration ~all -at -the
Washington Hilton where more than
30,000 Invitations had been issued.
Smallest ball was at the Mayflower
Hotel with only 2,500 attendance.
* ri.tns. CHARLES s. THOhlAS .of
Newport Beach, \\'ife of the former
secretary of the Navy, wore the same
blue satin dress, light waist and full
!ikirt, that she wore for the inauguration
of President Eisenhower.
Mrs. Thomas' gown required special
bandling on and off planes and buses
for its second trip to inaugural festivities
-a sentimental journey for the
distinguished Newport family.
tlPt C.l•Wifc
Now, Down te lu1lne11
Data System ·"
Seen Solving
Beach's Woes
A systems: approach to aolvlnc some
of the problems facing Huntington Beach
ii a poqlbillty in t~e future, councjhnen
decided Monday night !ollowlni a· Pie"";,
talion by Planning Comml,,ioner Mlchaei
The approach, which u~es data pro-
cessing equJpment in searching out
answers to problems, has been dJsCUSled
by councilmen who are examining many
ways' to keep the city progressing.
Bokor indicated that the first thing
needed to cooslder a systems approach
is establishing of goals.
"There is a sufficient goals program
contained in the Urban Land lnstltutit
report," Councilman Henry Kaufman
City Admini.!ltrator Doyle Miller said
that "we will have to head toward
systems anaJysis in !Orne form," but
pointed to the city of Burbank where
he said the city had considered a com·
plete systems review, but cancelled the
$2.8 million job when federal fUnds failed
DESPITE RAIN, Inaugural festivitie.s to materialize.
got off to a favorable start Saturday Councilman Jerry Matney pointed out
afternoon with Mrs. Nixon's reception that he has discilssed systems analysis.
for 9.000 ladies on special invitation bri~fly with the president of General
to the National Gallery of Art. "Systems Inc., of Torrance, Andrelf
The ladies stood for \\l'O to three ··-·Yeiser, who is a resident of Huntingt.oD
hours in the recepti on l!nc to greet Beach.
the First Lady, all elegant in hats and ''We might have a meeting with the
furcoats. peopJe of this firm some Ume to discuss·
Mrs. Nixon wore a simple light blue what approach the city should take
wool dress. She was assisted in the toward getting started on a systems
reception line by i\trs. lfugh Scott. Y1i[e analysis."
of the Republican Senate \Vhip and i\frs.
Robert Finch, wife of the former
California lieutenant governor and no\v
Nixon's secretary of Health, Educaliou
and Welfare.
* MR. AND MRS. Murary Cbiolner of
Newport. Beach, he the v.·ell-kno\vn al·
torney and former manager of Nixon
campaigns, stayed at the Sheraton Park
Hotel, scene of Sunday afternoon·s
Governors Receplion.
* l\'lost of the Orange Coast delegation
stayed at the Washington Hilton, scene
of Saturday's bit where 21 police units
and an army of Secret Service agents
discouraged a confrontation between in·
augural visitors and several hundred
so-called "Yippies."
AMONG THOSE al the Hilton were
the Arnold Beekmans of Corona del
~far. the Jolin MacLeodt of Newport and
Vie Andrew1 of Laguna Beach.
Indeed, for the 85 members of the
Orange Coast delegation It's been a busy
and excitlng week.
f'ro111 Page 1
l\'ho had names and the funds to buy
what Jane Doe now possesses in common
with them.
Orange County taxpayers paid $235 foi;
Jane Doe's gral'e.
"It is, literally, a pauper's irave,"
said Vibert. ,
"County cases are not buried In whet
we call open ground,·· he explained.
"but it is in the la¥.·n area.''
"lt's decent," he said.
Huntington Beach Police Capt. Earle
Robitaille said today that identlficatlcip
of Jane Doe as Rhonda Fisher ~ l
extremely tentative and G e o r g i "1
authorities have developed nothing yet
to support it.
If Jane Doe is truly Rhonda Fisher,
Jt makes little difference.
"No marker has been ordered by the
county yet," the Pacific View Memorial
Park president said Monday.
"They've never ordered one beloi;e, •·
he added.
Unless a Fisher family should somehow
turn up in Georgia, accepting the ideq·
tlficaUoo and willing to buy a plaqu!
for someone who may or may not be
their Rhonda, Jane Doe will sleep in
an unmarked grave.
"Some people really want the anonymi-
ty,'' Vibert Hid Monday, "so we don 't
require• grave marker."
Now, however, Jane Doe'1 gravt t!
closed and with it, in theory, the Cl.!e
of a woman known only to God and
maybe the man who raped and killed·
"One day, perhaps, all the unknown
will be known. and this case y,·iJI be
closed," said Methodist minister Rev .
G. Ru&SeJJ Shaw, who spoke at tht
Until that long.foretold day, however
Jane Doe will rest in more. !f\OfllJnPUi
solitude than anyone who mi1Dl. ·nm
it coUld ask -apart ftom other slwn.
btttr1 -without even a gravtetone.
Maybe •be loo, pre!er1 ll thal way.
President to Quit
At Oregon State U.
Dr. Eldred Rulharlord, head of the
American FederaUon ol Teacbon Local
l!Q, chaired the CRllCUI of 21 otritlng
teacben who hne been lhreol<ned With
automalk reslpallooa lhcirlly before t
a.m. Froro a 1o 21 o1 the t.acben
had rptnt Iha ofabt In Iha bulldlnc,
Robert ClaJt. (.
RAINS SWAMP TOWN -Photographer sl<>ocl knee
deep In water to snap lllls view o! Hlguera Street,
main artery of San Luis Obispo, which bas been hit
hard by <u~nt storm. More than 10 Inches Of rain
Uf'I Tl ........
fell ln one 17-hour period ln city, will! as much as
2\'J Inches recorded in 28 minutes. F1ood damage is
near $500,000 mark .
CORVALLIS, Ora. (UPJ) -Do:. lam"
JI. Jenten announced today be plans
to restcn u president ol Ort1on Slate
University June 30 .
JelllleD, U. uld be h.Rs be1tn ''invited
by lhe Rockelell<r Foundation to VIJil ..
Soulhealll Aato with the J!l'WJlect 0/
<joining the found1Uon'1 progr!m lbttf:•
-.. ~-·~~-----~-----------------.... ~
NG • ••
)V a~hington "'ore
ii> - . ' . • .
jl3.ir in ·'Srl9od' .. ·~ ~ ·ay L. M. BOYi>
,\ 'WllA'l"S your hat 1f1re
~ Am advbed the
~I" la 714' , • • OUR
~ GAME MAN says 11
Is almost Inevitable that a
lirf eaDed Uoda wm niceive. lier llnt malr!monial -1
In the !root seat of •
leC<lli<!hand car . . • THOSE
Gl!N'f!.FMEN who gtamlaln
lbla year In engineering upect to eet an average st{trting
la1ary ,t lllt a monlJt • •
more apt ~ do away with
themselves than most mf11. In olh<r jobs! Stallatlc:. lhow
IUCh lo be the cUe • • •
IT IS A MA1TEll <i hlsWrlcal
record that George
W ashlngton frequently wore
his hair in a snood, fellas.
DID YOU READ that report
out ol. the University Of
Wisconsin about the naked
lady with a brown paper bag
over bu bead? She kept ste~
ping out on the stage in the
Unive.nity's theater during an
.art lecture therein. Jt'1 said
the lecturer, an lllliltant pn>
fen:ir named Conrad Bishop,
had trouble holding hla au-
dience's attention In that
~e. No doubt.
Tbefa '"""" than • Sydoey
Smltb'• sparrow. Far worse.
Am referring to the English
clerlYJ'Oan wbo said, "A spar·
row fluttering about th e
chlD'Ch is an anlagonl.st which
the most profound theologian
1n Europe is wholly unable
to overcome.'' Nonetheless, if
I were a speaker at the
rostrum, I would prefer a
sparrow in the rafters to a
naked lady in the wings.
~ an Indiana girl:
"Ask your Love and War man
what to do about a boyfriend
with a dirty mind'! Everytlme
we get into mixed company,
be lttrta whistling d i r t y
l!OOP.." ••• MUCH IS WRIT·
n:N' -« late about bow
dangerom lt iJ to go oui by
yourself after dari:. All too
true. Bat it should be noted
that I® yean ago in· London
it WU !be Custom <i the bee~
ed citizen who wanted to s&ep
ool ill the iiigbl to tab along
bolh·. bodyl!\Wd and • Ugh!
"HASN'T Dean --longer than any o i b e r
secretary o( !tate?, A ~nger
thaa any eacept C....iell Hull.
the recoNt shows r. . . Q.
"BOW MUCH would· it cost
me to publi$b D'!Y ~ povel?
I mean if ·I pay for it-myself·.''
A. Figure about '28 a page,
roughly • • •. Q. "Lfl"S SEE
YOU NAME. five mates of
American can ~t were
manufactured 80 yean ago
and are still on the market
today?" A. Are tl(tre five?
Can only think of three.
Cadillac, Ford and Olds.
ON HAND IS a com-
munication from a California
girl who says she once bad
a liver·spotted pointer named
Mike who comntitted sWclde.
She says he became morose
when the family toot in a
second dog. Finally, be
shortened his chain b y
ceremoniously walking around
a pine tree siJ: Um.es, then
jumped over t.bie doghouse to
hang himself. "Belive what
you want tO, '' &be llyL 11-
know some dogs k 111
themselves on purpose."
A~ ASKS what f""
the fint Shirley Temple doll
came out. I remember that.
It was the year we stopped
inviting a llUle kid named
Vincent over to our place
because he got one of those
for Christmas.. Same year Will
Rogers died, James J. Brad-
dock took the heavyweight ti·
tie from Max Baer, and Clari.
Gable starred in "Mutiny on
the Boudy.'' 1935.
Your questions and com-
ment.! ore welcomed and
will be used wherever Po,.
rib le in "CM eking Up."
4ddres1 ~U. to L. lf.
Boyd, in care of the DAILY
PIWT~ Boz 1875, Newport
Beach, Calif., 92663
Judge Rules Panther,
Wife Arrest Illegal
OAKLAND (AP) -A judge
has ruled that Black Panther
ll!ader Bobby Seale and his
wife Wert: arrested illegally
In their Berkeley home last
Superior Court Judge Lionel
J. Wilson <i Allmeda County
waa criUcal of the police of-
ficer who led the raid, which
waa conducted without a
&e&n:b warrant. He contended
pollce lacked probable cause
to believe a crime was being
Suh Crew Finds
Crash Debris
submarine crew r e p o r t e d
Monday night sighting what
wu beHeved to be the missing
tall sect.Ion of a Scandinavian
Ah1inu jetHner that cruhed
Into thll!I Pacific.
The wreckage wu located
tn 325 feet of water about
lix miles off Marin• Del Rey
committed In the Seale apart.
"The inconsistencies in or.
ficer Edward Coyne' s
Wstimony and his appartnt
emotional involvement were
such that it is difficult to
segregate lhe truth from fic-
tion and fancy," Wilson said.
The jurist declared t h a t
Coyne's actions apparently
were motivated in part by
a desire to improve his
reputation by arresting Seale.
Seale and his wife were ar-
rested on suspicion of possess-
ing a sawed-Off shotgun and
altering of the serial number
of a pistol.
Alameda County assistant
district attorney Lowell Jen·
sen said he wouJd appeal Wll· son's ruling.
Seale and hl3 wife remained
free on ba.il.
Wilson's ruling was made
on a defense motion to sup-
presa evtdeace In the case.
Defense attorney Oiartes
Garry silid he wouJd move
for dismissal of the charges.
-• .. ::: .. .. • DAILY '9AT 7::
Strikers 'Sit-in' -~r~ry.~ .Trtat
.. ... ..
~<;ourt OKs 'fape ~vidence i .. Round the Clnck ~
SAN JO.SE (UPI) -A pwp
of ltrlklng memben ol t b •
American Federation o f
Teachcn bold round-the-clock
negoUation.I wilh San Jose
Stain offlclala today
althou(Jl only ·the leadien re-
malned rouqdotbe-cloct.
The group, which varied
from three persons lo a l}'m-
bolic 21. uted to ... .Pr.sJ..
dent-Robert Clark at I a.m.
Monday and WU uahered into
hla olllce. It bas been !her.
ever since.
A spokesman for the orderly
demonslra!ora uid they did
DOt coo.sider their action a
"sit-in" but something more
like union-management round·
the-clock negotiations -with
no management during the
nlgbtllme hours.
Smith spent . much of the
day Monday lalklng. with !be
teachers about bis ' reluctant
declalon to notify 21 striking
AFT members of thelr
"automatic resfgnaUom" for
mlsalngtlvec on sec u t Ive
classes without authorization.
Re couldn't convince them
to leave the office Monday
afternoon, so be . departed.
Three teachers renained in
sleeping bags throughout the
night, awaiting his return this
They vowed to leave only
lf. Clark promised no teacher
woold I°" hla job for hla
part In • ll<lq sympathy
wolkoul In IUpporl <i llrildng
A1i:r members 1! San Fran-
claco State College.
Clark said be war powerless
In the matter because of a
state law which provides for
the automatic resignations.
"Although J consider it un-
necessarily punitite," he said,
"J must allow the law to take
its course."
Valley Picks
Group Heads ·
Racially troubled San Fernan-
do Valley State College has
chosen a Negro professor and
a Mexican-American social
worker to head the sdlool'a
program to recruit a n d
counsel minority g r o u p
Eugene Bostic, 26, a
geography professor, a n d
Richard M. Calderson, 34, a
former social case worker,
were named Monday as co.
directors of the s c boo I's
E d u c a t jonal Opportunity
The EOP has been in the
center of student tumult at
the college. Minority student.s
seir.ed th e administration
building and kept 34 ad-
ministrators hostage at knile-
point Nov. 4 in a demand
for increased minority enrolJ..
ment, a black studies degree
program and the firing of
serveral members of the
athletic departmenL
The demonstration resulted
in the arrests of a score of
Black Student Union memben
on charges ranging from kid-
nap to 1S1ault. There have
been numerous r t u d e n t
demonstrations since d~
ding amnesty for the BSU.
One earlier this m o n t b
resulted in mass arrests after
rollege authorities said it
violated a "state of emergen-
cy" decree.
Tbe ll"lldell~ who jj!Oleril>
ed the llt·ln toctics "the t-i . ' ' dlsappoln\IDg devdopinenl , <t
the strike," calleCI the e
member Acodemlc cooi/cn In-,
to ""Ion loin Moocl"1.
Tbe council puled 1 reeolu-
tion condemftlog the ait·in taC.
ticl and, at Clark'• sciQelUon,
unanlmoosly. ~ • rnoJu.
tion utlng the Stain CoU.J•
Boan! <i TrualeN not lo fu.
vote the law qaln!t strJkers.
Tbe councll 11td
"p&rticipatioo ln 1 l r I k e s
, shouJd n<t be grounds in
itself" for teachers losing
their jobs.
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The · .declaJoo bonalnJ.lllio tw14eice loll on dartq 1 .. 5 ...
Staln"&l-.QluNJluruJed WU IJ>l!'"111d, ood •J•,e -1 ... llld -· 11J a
• ,. toge.recordtd Cillll"'4lion Sllpnme ~ ·reviUid llie prtv.i. la••..,...w 1,
may be lllOd u evldeoce Jn rullnc lolondo1.' _-far ...., 111o the bribery !rial <i a lai]d A toH .-iler, lnltilled ..
'devoloper even !MJgh !lie In ·~'a oljb, With •bif• ,,....,.. --
iec0rdlng0 was made wl!hool pennlalon; • .,.. ocdde¢oll;y tape ""' ..........
hil 'knowledge. ~ " . • .. • ,
1 Dist. Att7. Evellll!I Youn,gtr a,,,,· • • e.r
bod ... gbt unsuccessfully . 1o • m· u·n1· 11\ mlf<>duce the tape recording
· In the trial of Keith Smith, = i:i:.r~ ~ i:! IS COMING· SOON ~ Angele1 Harber Com· ' • •
mwlan. A lower co u r t
' .
What do you call a ni3n .
who . ()WDS a building,and·a
Liqtiid ' , · tve earnittg '5.25%
at California Federal?
• •• ~ ..
Good building, projitabl<> in~t
aniJ cvorything's going just fine.
Calilornia Legislature in Action
Bot foresight comes fronl hin&iglrt.Jk
remembm the )':am wbeo real estate and llloi:lc marlcm
were 'Way down. So, as be looks ahead, he lites did ceztainty
and safety of the funds he keeps at Califoml& Fecl!rnl.
~ ........ S..cr•.-to.
,..,..._ -M..U. ""'-• llOlll 119r· ~ lll>ble ..,. ~ flf "'11"" -• fir. •l'ld fflMtllnt fir. -1-1
fll • m.xlmurn ""° wti.n • nrw i. •l1rted b'I' 1 minor 011lld1 A• 172. •1me., Jl-S.ln oie.o.
Tix• -Ina•-•JUll'llptlool tor bvll""' /nvtnlort"' ,,._ \J _,,. to 22 HIUl'll Wiii r>tducft ffO n'lllllon
•rTnerlted br •htvft tor up1111 Oii!·
i..,. 1G NI mllllo111 Al 1D, V..rnan.
A·ModnM. ~ -""°....-;..re1 11.1 rnltllon
In ack!ITloNll f\md1 tor Stile Colletu
to """" enrollrNnt Oil -lffled 1tu-*"h fGr ""'1fll ~r !Mt .tlO othlrwi. -Id bt Upf aufl ,..,.,.,, 0.kwrty Hiiis • ..,...,.._"_,,,.!loft _
_,. from IOUbfle 110eurntnb, IMltllll
Qlllttntl .... u.1111 ,. _,, ~
anly on CiGllr1 anter1 A• 11'1 Miii«, 0.9'f'ktley.
• zh;wwwwl -MM., ''-"' f'IW l:ll'llt~lf l'TKtlqo Ad ~ ..
tt Aella;;-.'""' ...._. ..... ._, At 111, Wenwi, o.ui., ...,.._
....... -l!JCtmdl Kl en.""9 ,. .. _...... c-•JM • .._ si.1111 • ~ ,_ "'"' .. '"'· la J\llW .. tr7'11 11111 """"""" ... I r9«t .. ~ """'"" .... "'-''"
lltt.Mttv. --''"""' """' .... 1• """"' A• 1'1, l 11rlorl. 0. a.n llr...ci.c..
I ...... -lt~ra 1t11oi CMl-
flct;llll'I flf fllCtrQI "-<'°" -,.....,. '"" J..,., 1, 1m tr -cHy,
CGUMy flt" ...ibl1c ~' All !JI, 1"_.,.,., O.Tarr-..
• .._.. -,,...,,...,.. 11 7S.Ollt to
.. 1 ... 1&11 I """"'' otnh!r hW mtf>o t11tr rwt•l'dtf -11t v-11111,.,
Slnt9 .. m.r1 ltllll Sin t.1111 Ob'-
COllltlhll A.a 1& ~Id. 0.0111, cw..r. -°""" _,,..nwtl .. for ~. IOrY •IWN'" """' (/r(:llfll-
"ltl(:ft •1111 "" ........ .. WG!lilrft -..... ,."-.......... " c-.....
= ---
the nation's largest federal. ·
How about )'007 You're fm:sighted. Wooldn'J :pour fll!=
be mono certain if yon started a safe Califomia Fedenl.
Liquid Riiscne for the money )'Oil can't afford to risk?
You can earn.at two high rates-
5.25% Bonus Account: (A•allable In mlltlplel
of $1000.) Enns 14~ bonm each J"'!f lbore
reeuJar pUlboolt rate wbeu held 3 yeus.
S.13% PISSbook Accoant: ~ ,..._, JteM
• I M JEl'lllloot acc1imls wlllll UI saliip
ml dlridmds aawda .. ,.-.11 die~ ems I
rate Is mlMolM ... eomfJ hi WIJ fllr a ,W.
Head Office: 5670 Wllshlra Blvd .• Los Angelos
-.. -..., .. 1u,ooo---.ota.Poc1on1sm..,ai:.e-~·--"11iau..-0e r ,
T ..
,-,--:-··~----=-··----~--···""'""""""~,--:-....... -----........... --....... ·---::.c.-..c.::--:-:-.--..:-. -----·-.. . . . ~ -------.
. ,
lntlction 1fe•ru'
• -A·
Business Upturn to Slow? ~::rr t:. .~------------IM\t' ,, 4.21 ' A1n MClkl<t HN YOll:IC tlU'1 • ,.,.. .. .,., ~· A111Nt1C.1 t H"' Yotk Stld; E.,._ -~; .m N••o 1 ---Jlilft H• Nrl ~I* .$19
(Iida,) IU• Lw ci..eo.. ....... "' ...
87 SL YVlA POllTllll
The ne• Ntsen
Admlnistr1Uon will mark tls
firat major economic
milestone leu than two weeks
from now. The celebratkm will
be for the eighth birthday of
the Ketmecly,lohnsoo buslnm
upturn wlllch was born in
FebruMy, 1961.
It could be the 1961~9 ei·
pamlon'1 1aat birthday.
being put to work to combat
inflation work u they should,
we will at the very least ex·
ptrien~ a per ce ptible
1W11 fnb paper money.
AND Q!' TUE alowdowll dbu
occur, 11' will be the mull
of deUberale pollc7 declllonl
at the hilbeal t.vels -the
Nb:oa AdmlnlslraUon, the 1111
Congreu, the Federal Reserve
The economic predic Uons
ror 1969 are .so embatta.aalng1y
diverse that they move Into
lht realm ol guesses, and no
wonder. The unknowns range
Crom the length oI t!lf Viet·
nam war to the extent to
which Washington will risk
''trad in g ' off" higher
unemployment for more price
~1ablUty. Nevertheless, the
forces suggesting a slowdown
are persuasive.
-A-= mr !.. won't. pursue. the projccL And ~'1 L~ui1 ~~ =-~ ~ ~~ + ~ ~m'~lr '!:
undoubtedly while the Viet· ~~':-1~.: 11 \~* \~~ 1~ t ... ,··.: ~~ti r·1t
1-ACIM Mkt 211 )I 4 •n. '"-"' M\N ,u,Jl nam war Q; oo, the Nixon Mlwnf l.l18 JJ 1"" 1t'4 it-. "' """'••1111:,.
d . . u NJ Miii hi .to :IO\ot ,. :" 'I'" "'1.uo•' \, A nuruslr1Uoo w I maint.ain =~/ 1.• 1,111,, {i: 1~ 1,'HI = 1~ :,.,511111~:2:"
I lid 00 other S""''"'ll"" """"'L floe 1 ~ )4~ i'V. -~ Nn Tl. T 1.• ............. '6• ~l'r' C. \{ \tl~ 1,_ I,._+ "-""" Tob l,N
THUS, IT MAY BE that:1rl~ \~ 111 ,a:: r.,,., ti":=~~Wl¥f:li".~
this approaching 8th birthday .:t, 1~1{1ti 101 o• 1,14 111a + '' AW 1~ 1.0
celebration will be an even •1kri2 .12 ~ ~ ~~ :"it :f."" ::::.~klc11
more ~ial OC<'aaion than an· ?.'Ii:.~ ~·~ J~: n.'.Z ~ ~ "· ~c~ .f
Ucipat.ed. And even without :I!!!~ ra1 J tl11o ~ t] :.... v. ~:.,!rocc;..':
this "a-'-," it's 1 Ur I! I y :·,·~~~ ':~ 1H ll~ !~ 3-1~ +"' A11u1M 1.• ~u,. " z1 ~ """ -..., All•ra:f I·" special enough. :Mi:l';~1 :1l li if"' ~ ~" t 1:Z ="e:~ ~~ For al 96 months 11.t~ Alllfids1• 1 «1 '° ltiut u1.0 JMt. --4• Al\klll Chttrl , Ill.> AIUfCISy-... 6t 1fl 1 IN 1'"9 -\lo ""°"°II 1.l2f
ccooomic expansion smuhes "•'•':it'' S,'"."',.... n "'• 21T 11t1 +'Ill Mi.o... c.,..., ~ .. I 'J"' ~ 21"f , .... A~hDt~ 1.1~
aUllS ""'°b _rdJ for duration . of:~ .1~'° 1i1 '~~. ii~t ~--~ t.1::1Cf?t.J
. . us1oess upturns, beaung ~"'•'•~ !,;." ' ~ lit >tt1o + u. Armco su 1 ,.,.. ._ .. t Sf .... 51\lo 5tM ·I~ """°"' 1.60 by far tbe 81).montb expansion AMBAC w,". 1 ~ ~ ~ + ' Atr11• "' •.15
"'hlch spanned World War II. !~E~'.n'° :w.1 l! lt,.. ~-,..,,. ~\11 .'n~
A . ._ __ Am .. .O... l Iii 101 1ot~ 10ll\l --tl A....,.,;o I 60 t 96 months, 1t udli MlrF111r .llO :it lNo Ujl 3114 -\i Are co.., .t'O
distorled all the averages for!;:;: A~~~~r 1"° uj75Xl~v.19l\~~3'"\-J ~ o11~1Jo
the life of our businstt upsi.v--!:l~l"i~ .,, ?l~ ~ 61:~ -+~ :=:=o~"r.oo
In~ UnW t'""'-••n11norion t'"· Am C111 /·'° 101 J7•• SI'~ 5'"6 -·v. Alll'~'lfl J.20'> o~· IWI -..--· ' IC ACM pl )! 1 :)(11.i ]()''> 30•-a +Vo AudT•••I .-.o
overage We of UJe 28 busineu Am c ..... 60 ., w. Ith ,.,,. ~ Anodn• /·" A (11•111 I.'° 11 )fl;, ,,.,,., l"'lli -ft Akfoltcn .60 U--· f........_ J-"· J~J W"" Am Con$ ,tif 2 1' 111' 19 . . Akflhi pt .II tAU&UO '""' °'" w . ;:rv '""AmCredll ,flO SU 7t ~ 71'4 -l-ll.(, AllCtv!'l 1,30 30 months. Whe n this one 1s Acrysu11 i.•o 1 ll 31 ll ~ '4 At1 111c~ l.llO . . AC"' "'4,..,. 710 n n n +1:w. """~"''! COWlted with the previous 2A AmCY•11 1 ts 201 ~1~ 31 Jl~ -"" Att 11 ...
-A Lot of Beef
If the slowdown grabs llold
1 bit too much, it could turn
tnto an "interruption" of the
business upturn. This would
meap a perceptible drop Jn
lnduslrtal produetloo and a
rise in unemployment lasting
e mlnhnum of four to sis::
To recapitulate: the Federal
budget, which has fueled this
lnflation, ia finally turning to
the side of dellaUon. The tax
squeeze is getUng more and
more brutal and Olis aoes
beyond higher Socia! Security
tues, the utraonllnary Apr.
15 plncll, the probable <I·
teru1on or the Federal
surcharge and into the oever·
ending up-spiral of laxes at
the slate and local level. The
tightness of credit ii ol utmost
• _ .. •>..:. • ol AITIDISI 1.40.0 1 d o 4"h l1"'1-o.;, Attltl ltf WI -auu ....,... one IS n over,..., D111Ne.1 n 1r~ 11 i1 -•\ Att11 n. .•
I the will AO\IJll pt,14'1 10 l•V. l~ UV,. + I\ Atr11 Corl ye -averages never AmEIPw 1.'1 t1•1 1~ :16•• :111..., + •·. All•• ra Pf
be th • A 1!111<1 I~ lf !U ~ ~ +Yi A11rcN"•PI .ll e same again. Am E•• 1nc1 n 46'\ '~ ... "' ""' Jr,un Nldl .At
Tra ns Ioternational Airlines stewardess Darlene
Robertson may have discovered the fastest way to
foad an airplan1'-by poking the passengers aboard.
J;n this case the passengers are 270 cattle that are
being ••cow Lifted'' from Fort Worth, Tex., to Chile.
These l~erefords are first group of 7,000 that will
·help Chile alleviate a beef shortage.
If we do finally move. into
1 slower phue ol growth, it
could be a bealtby thing for
all of us, for it would help
eliminate t~ exceues which
have IO dreadfully blemished
our historic boom since 1
AT 11 MONTHS it hu AE•lnd .,..,. i710 11v. 16 ... 1111o +/"" AttA ll'IC •" 1 AmHolsf 70 '' '4\lt 73"" '3'h -Au'5pltlr .•• pulverized lbe •idesn-:id fear A liome i.:io 201 5"'/• n ... S&"4 +1v. A11tomt11 1nc1 • " t--AHorn. pf 2 4 ""6 M•li 16'4 -.:i A-CP 1.20 in the 1950I that modem Am HOSP .n '~ D'~ l'~ """' -+ .1.vr.o 011.•
b. . Amlfl'f!il I.le '1 2fl• 1""' 24 .... -'4 Averyr.< .!< Ullnels u. pt u r n I were A•ntt 111 .lit
shorten1n1. Until this one, the .. ~M "d i . .e
length ot the previous post· 111bdl w 1.3'
World War II ezpanslons had Conservative r:r1lr 1&
been in months : 37 ; 45 ; 3$; l'"''i.rnt ·'° Jt would remove the "' N I 1"~ "', .w. ow we are n an ex· 11..-bOn 3.1Ti
f69 Wage Hikes
or an abrupt switcli ro ild
upsurge to big busl. It would
.. Jay the basis for a renewal
<lf sound advance -in which
we again could s pend on
prior!Ues which make sense,
again have ruped for the
dollar's value, again buy
stockJ because we believe in
our oalioh's econorp.lc future
and a compa.cy's prospects,
n'!t because we _are n•nnlng
·ncance, for if you can't
ge to pursue a project
or if the cost of the 'money
is simpjt too steep, you just
pansion heading powe.-ruuy in-T i·end Told i:m r;,.:J
lo its 96lh m onth . . . 111111 1n0
And had it not been for 1111to Ind Pf s
the cursed Vietnam war, we NEW YORK (UPi l -The l:UJ:r;: :ft
m ight be celebrating lhe 8th · ta ch d · B•l'\lkClt ·51
b'-thday of a s11·11 sound , s11·11 income x sur arge an ris· :::r~· i~2
u tng prices are responsible tor 111<11m•n .so
balanced expansion, fueled nol . d d lllCtD!ID1 ~
by war spending but by spe~ a conser,vative attitu e towar r.r::t.; Jo
d. Jdin .. , ....... ,.; .. If by the nation's· eo& 11,..",H'"' 11· .. " mg on rebui g our c1t1ea, ~.,, .... a h N 11 . I !kill r,:;._
Beckman Inc. In '68 Pattern
:: .J ..
By.JQlllLCllNli!Ff _
~Ing year appears likely
. tO duplicate 1968 in one
respect: \Vage increases are
~· -going to be large. Negotiations
already completed make this
a· certainly. But some or the
Jiicrease will be an illusion.
"The L a b o r Department
·r9ports lhal major collective
bjrgaining agreements last
ylar provided median i~
t.nases of 6.6 percent 1n
wages and benefits. And these
1' t14Jne contracts, in some In·
1;tances, cover 1969 also.
Jfowever, almost matching
•• i<lmC wage irfcreases is the
sflongest inflationary surge in
lt years, about 4.7 percent
fef' 1968. In fact, at one point
last fall consumer prices were
soaring at an annual rate ol
mOre than 7 percent.
The dazzling g a i n 1 ,
lli!rerore, were partly the
blinding reflection of inOaUon;
ai wages rose beyond pro.
doclivity increases, prices alao
wtnt up -the. very prices
workers must pay in order
to live.
_To....pui it.another way,.Jn~
flatioD b a merry-go-round in
whlch no horse advances on
the other. For the rider to
beli~ve he can gain a nything
but a little height advantage
from time to time makes him
a dreamer. To believe that
he can win the
him as a fool.
race marks
educaUon, control o( pollution, sumers, t e a o n a kmhco 1 . .0
tr rtau ' k 11 'a) -•<•-Board lltndlX 1.'° a anspo on ne wor • tnsiustr1 c~o:nce_ l::IJ1f 11
mighrliave been-: --rts 11.,.,..1,, iiu.:io
rou.ERTON -Beckman TO GIVE YOU a perspec-repo . llMI" -.i.511
Jnstnunens, Inc., reported tive, here's a table showing The board said Sunday a :=:uu:; m
results continued to improve the duration of business u!)" survey of 10,000 families in I!~ ~:.
In the second quarter but re--turns since 1929: November and December iT:'T~s.~ 1::
malned b I I. •u•l111n au1l~tH Mlnllll 8l1cii:D~ 1.0J e o w year-ear 1er L•• ""k u, shov.·ed plans to b u y 11n" L•u• ~ I els . l ed' l d llktt 9111 1. ev 1 15 preVIOUS Y pr IC e , M•rcll, 1'31 M1Y. ltl• 50 automobiles remai~d firm, 8001111101 w:.~
because of g o v e r n m e n t Ju"e, 19Ja Feb. ito '° ~~ ... i ,n
research cutbacks and in· ~:: ~;:: f:,~; ::~ " but markets for homes and 11o11c•~ :1sto " . 1· t d !!!_11',,•,',t.',' The Leisure Group. Inc., Los vestments the company is ,...,.. 1t5' J,,11, n~1 1s maJOT app iances a re expec e ~M!h 1.71
Angeles, announced th1t it is making in new clinical pro· ~:~'.1' 1;!:1 ?~??I M•Y·,.1'ne1>. 1,~; lo soften. 1:~:;1,1·~ ls
To Buy Cox
engaged in negotiations with grams. ~~. ~ :::! r~~1:= f=
Despite much talk about officers and shareholders of For the three month! ended Rost ~ c.
how wages have eaten into L. M. Cos: Manufacturing Co.. Dec. 31, earninp totaled 0 VER THE c· 0 UN TER iri:7111~i:M1:~
profits and prices Into Wage!, Jnc., Santa Ana, for the ac· $815,223, or 24 cenU per share, , 11.1,1 1 ·" ArlslMY pf 1 the relative power fl. worker quisition of Cox. on sales of $32,723,832. In the A-.. 11111 1
and employer haan'l changed A preliminary aareement 1n first quarter of the year, the NASO Listing& for Monday, January 20, 1969 l~~OGpf1~
that much in recent year&. tl principle has been reached on period ended Sept. 30, earn-111119., a ™"'""""" •k ww:+ --l~s~?r."{
A report releaaed reeen Y mos& major points between inp were $876,Ma, or 20 ctnts ._.. .. ,,,t., '"'-""._ ~11111.,llM 11 •~nllltnllHf' , A.Ill. tnm HASD. ~~1.10
by Standard &c Poor's Corp., the parties, subject to per share, on Siles of rrkl• .. 1111 111c-m1M.,. #11111v•. rnttt. ... 11"'" ctmm1u1H. 1111aneh lJO
an investmenl advisory firm, negoUaUon and extct.1Uon of $ 3 O 425,309 Second-quartet 11ua~r1.2 ••• "°•! Jn J-the la'••! a formal ·--ent. The .' • HEW Y,9~_(AP) Colo<i Sir JO JI !nlr1red lt ?t Pict l'dt 71\o 7'~ llU<ld 2: ~OS ouuWI 'Will ;iu1, ,,_ _ ... _.. e&rnlllgS I year afO Wett -fhe !:::r":. bid !mmdr l>I, M lntllk W$h 15'h 11'.4 Pied NG 22~ 'Zll'o == F pf.60 year ltudied, wages equaled Leisure Group did not disclose $1,SBa,207 or 41 cenb per !ii.')illd 1 _11J Y0:,'.; ::; '(}::' ~!,,~ ~~ ... tnt Mm 2~ ''"' Plnicer1n dvi. u B~d,tt In .6c,
27 o I f I J In th ..,,...,), i.1t10!YI Jr,U«I· omw Tel 30 JI l~t Nctr l lt\'t PIMr HG 21\/t 2lV. Bull Fo•!'t ,,., perc:en o nl! &a ea. e .,... ...... ase price. share, on sales of $33,197,132. ,,io " s.c:ur111es como " ,,,., 1,,., 1n1 Jy~ •.:. 21•4 Pl cab1, 16\lo 11~ :u't''11.:!'o 1966 tht _,,enta1re was 27.3, Qx is eno-11aed in' the F th · • ..._ __ ... .a°"''"· 1 nc .. 1rt !mp1r Ind c1 JI 1n1 SY1 ot 11 Por1er HI( Jolh lS''r 11un\Jt I'll stl ..-.. e -o-e Of e SlJ: mOftl.Wll 'l:llUCU nof ICl\Nll tf't ,,,IC· mp Miii 10'~ l1Y, Int f"ll>OI 1 i; 15 Preslon 0 • IV. FIUlll Ind 1 :.r, in 1M5 about 27.l and in 1964 manufacture and sale of ""--31 »--tma '""-I 1n1 non. bl/1 1r• reo-or.olomr t 9~ tn!••t JD Jl Pro G11ll '° tM.o Bu•nolV M UC\:. 1 Do:\: n """"'" n_ rtunltllvt 111!er· (<111 Rock 79 31 lonoCI Inc 35 31 PubS NH JCN JP4 ,ur 0 g l )O about 21.S. -..i... nn....red model • _._ 11 '92 871 r '~ ...... •~ c11ai.r orlM •• ot c"" tomP n>.< lflolo I• $oUtil n•1 331; PYD1 NM a 21v. vrr v "ut
T l ""6.,,.. r-~-WS04.. ,, , t 0 "" ._....,, ... '""'"'"" J !°"l•lfd lOlo I I'll Jc.DI FL II• II-I• PS NC•rt 16U 11'1o llu•~Ur.v.~ A> SAP pointed out: " ota • I d Th -· -"•-00 sales 0 I om, 11 ..., ttiei.e -· 1.. .al •• ..., J1<1111lfl c l • isv. Pub11~" lCI,,., 31'~ Butters "''°'
ha 1,, ... n., . llf'P ane5 an race cars. e _. au .. ~, .Vrlllts could rornarn JO''r JlY, Jam W,11 31 ;1 Pur~c t t~
labor colts ve ac ........ ,,. nsen Leisure Group manufactures $83,149,141 compared w It b ~:r:,,,.. ~..:1I w;; ~~~~~h ~~s ~,,.. ~~ ~:~:~~1 !~"' ir~ ~'b'J: cS:~ la~ lf c1bo' co .to 1barply, bul salts aho have and markets a broad line of .., -•~• .,. 11 -n•· ....,,. " ibidT 11ler· ~voru c 1t 21 JHIJ Fdt ,.~ ,~ p,,1r11m1 1111o i1v. c11 Fln1n1 ..................... ,,__has been .... 41,...... -... _. Ill•... ma1'1els OIMT'IOn c lS l~ 1(111•• SI l lft ~7 .... ll•d D~MI •lVt .s·~ t~ll•h M .m
la.r•-.,_., IO u.uo: brand name COlllUmtr pro-share on sales of tt.l 901 672 dll"tl rhrout~· Danit! tn ') ?61'> IC•l1er of '1 ,2 lt1oubt El lJl4o :»Vo Cam,.o.C 1·4~0° on! _,_ ;..-....... in the ' ....... I °"' the d1y. P•k•I Daf\IY Mdl 16'1 17\0o 1(1lvar 70l Jn ll•Ycllm 265 27'0 C1m p . 1 a 1.1-... _...._. duct5 on a nationwide bui!. a year eariler 0o not h>e!ud• Dara Duq 2i11 ''"' 1Ce••11 & T 11v, 11'-" ••vmd co :ll :u c"" •,-,·• ·-'-UVe c•• Of ~Rl•-ia• __ .. • rt111i m1rkYO. Davis Fd 21"• 22cv, l(tl'-od 15 17 llKO!t Ea UV. 61VJ Cdn •c ~ "'" ~·~ GllUl···························•·ll'lll"'clowfl ... tom· OIY Mir l'll'• :l9v,. Kev! & E :11•r. 2t\lr Rriell Cr lf Cll"'h c ... all'ld 1.10 w••es.'' '£Nloll. Dttor !NI 11<• lR IC1yn l'lb 11 1l\li Rlln Sn. 27V. 'jllo c:an1Hn .llD -. COB 11 11 DtlllX' Ch ll'"-l<IV. Kev•• cu, •1 ..,..., ROllOw Elf Jl 5 C11 c l delcf " C$,~ •n~ 14 ... Oelhl Al"el ''~ flli Kt111 PC I~ ll~ Rabbln M 30 34 C1rt1r1111 1 . .00 M t I F d Mm1 14 1S 0.!hl T•Y 1'~ 1\1; ICl"'8 El 151,(o U~! Roy CJtle 11\lr 1\V. Cl•ll'le . .0 U Ila un S ~ I d .C: .... Del C1nT 11'"• 1'\lo IClng Jt1d ll\• '."/"' RO\'OUI P l"I I r:eroPLt l.lf
S H B e ld • 1m Jt111 » :19 Del l11!Br "" 23 X nv1pt Pr JI"'' :illllr lluss S!ov co•~ 4f (iroTI. T .76 ' r.-7t JG Diam Crv 2'1~• JOlli KM~ VOil! 1. Jl 1dlltr 11>\i 1 V. r 1roTch 1.10 tate Ome Uf, .. ng AG oool• .HVa 60 01vtt1a II'' 19'1< Kor• lf\I, 20 turn Air 21 11 cirrler co 1 .. A\r nd 13'1o l4'h Oocultl JO 11 L•Me l V. 311.4 am 1"11 7714 1!'~ c ptt.lS A rtw"n l"al a:: 19\~ 0011, Mad JI'': ll\'J L1ncl8 In lift lo~ >t1nt!ln El 17\to 211. c:~erW * ····························•l'rI; Sid 3) Oow Jo11,s Ill ns LI,,., WO 2llf> 7l Wit Trml 17"" 1)1'> C:llt Jt . I' '\co LO 11\o'J 0ov1e 011 7' 291' \.e~ ln6 1J-11i 14'\a tbb Red 15~ lj\lr C••• ri1 ..,, ,J
S A lleV t\lr 10 Crew N11t ll'l 1311. Loth toel )\Oo I Nekllrn 1"'•~ 1 \Oo C llolCk• "" T C . , .... ,. Ote•I 1111; U.:JOIS.'1 M11t 11.1111.0I JlllllrlM 11 "i:.m A\llt Pitt ,,,,, 11\lo Dull Br.a ll'• ~ Ltllurt G '' ... •Hlllt M •iv."' c!~trTr l Mt
0 Ontf,nue trong HEW YOJtK !Jr,!") Det.wlr• 16.UUH Slodlr 11"12U7 "I'" 'a' ... Aid,.._ ... "' P• Ou"ktn D Cl .. Ltv ln Tn '° 2J N1ffl Mtq 11'> '"''"(IM••"'" P',,. Jt U 111 Alli-' ~ 13 13"4 Durlro!I 11..., 13 Llrw~h IF 11 21 N Pu!""' 2t 7t ... _.0 >> -TNfDOtwlng .. -C~ll•Tr ,.SJ ll..O SelKI f~ll.07p~ n . l APll G .. 161411 owe. 1iMli10ftiLlb Eou l ?S 16 N•tn &1112,'!t11V. '"C•M, ....
• ~· •111111lltlt br ~•Id Stir 3fl '·n v •• P•w f .12 t,f"I P'ltll "' 1J. 11. Am t"• !Iv. J1 Econ L•I> 39 «I UllY 7l'/t 15V. "'"" Wiii• llYJ 11 Ct<:O 0 Ntn-1 Al$Od· Tll In I Oii I. 1nv lttsh 6 13 •.7' P'r'kl Jt 'U~ (, AmE Liit l \\ 11 Ed<Jcb S!I 1l•i ~ Lobl•w 1-1'11 1"' NlonblQO 61'/i "'~ 0:1111M~ ... • •' , bef Ii: II Slo,irl!IM ,._~,t IJ.65 1,. 1tel 21 )f 292' it'N 11 II.If AITI Kllf' '• ~\ Educ $¥• 111\ 11\'o Lon C1f\dy 1( 15 NllUI T 6 6\'r Ct an "' • SAN FRANCISCO -Home 1>3Ycbology of ' buy now Ort ~. h11;, Tr' fT>'fll1 1 u 1 IYffl 1•51 u ff Provlcl"t '· 7 It Am F11r11 ll'llo u•~ El P110EI H\1 1~ L¥ncll c 31 «1 Nloc l'L 2'!.l :u11• r.enc:,•,•~, 4~ a.rl<M1ll'llcl'I 1t°"'l.liow1«1· ~ 30.StlO P\lrll•n 11lll.llAmGrMl«IV.(11.'i EIN'tf 1S '6V.M1crod! 101'1 71 V!Wlt!WE11 l~IUCt!!I Y bu] I ding in Cahfomia should pn"ces rm even blgher " 'Ibil lt\tlP •f(l,lfltlft 111111 11 61 lj·'' n&!n tl.'711. Pulfllm Fund~ Aln Ht•ll ll'h 14V. E ~clco¥ '' 2J Mid G !: 1 • li"'l. Wyullk1! '9 '9"!. ,..'" MuO 1.d
P ' i a· bfttl fWlfl 1' 2:S l ~ ~I"'! 1'11t11h· Eoult H 17.7i Am ln$10 50 5J E!1romaa 13 ... l4V. Melle 11 ~ ll V1«1 ElK 10!• ll•-Centll!l..t 114 continue s trong 1n 1969 despite i. ......... __ glv••• a betpi .... '"--.a n111c1 or bOufl'd _. 1.:io "" 1 11ff1' ~ ,._ j'·" .., Ml,... 1.w Ji. E1tc CaP 3l Joi M• rt1tv 1s\4o 1n~ Sci con1r1 "'° 41'h r 11•1 '!""' '" u.> ~ -.._ ""6 lWUllJ I) 1y; f51"" ls..27 16. 111 12 21.• Sol. Gftll 12. ).tt A"' Pl~ 22..,, 2 El C Sn I>,\ tV. Mt rtt U •1 Sc\ "°'"' > iv. Ctnl11P 1.n
rwng costs, high tnleresl lo home -·-•·•'•• "oce JM'I J.oi ~i u 5111 ff cus '' 'I' It .....,, '·~ 1·'7 Ami' !" " I 0~11 'l'-'' M&"'"'' A1 IJ\i 1•1.11 ffi '"" lJ , 1.1 r..,tL•EI .111 ._.a . .,....~.. ""'1• 01111v1 I n 15.21 u c .... kl 6 '""'•' I· j Arn tG , 1 11 Modu! 11~. ,~ M••lorl L ~ 50 11 OM !1 !r c.,,M_ 111 rates and an expeci.eu !lowm& ~lte high mo.t .. 8ruio interest f.ot f. , 15 jj '! cus K2 ll" v•1• 1 . 1 . Am!tl 21•~ uv. mpS DH li ?•'Iii M B•ow~r :il . 31..., crlpin H JO r:""' sw 11'1) ,_ olh secto J '"-sta•·• '"'~t' ... e~ I.• 1. :!iiy 11 l 1 Cui I' ·"!•· lltt1 lldl t'2 . ,\tl(hOf' CtJ IW. ij"' MfllY ll t O'• 11~ Md ShlPD lOl'o :n Scri•lo A flll t>.< c""' s,ov. llO UI er rs UI ~ le I rates AIJIM 11.n lj· I" ( lJn1v1ll (us t I I ! ' ......... l 971 AnhtllMr r. m 11nl1 Bus 39'1> OGV. M.IYlr 0 39 olO SHri. pl 18V. 1'"°' f"lflTtlll 11111
W 11 F B--~ · Amefp 616 . I-"" 11.0311 .'2 Cui l! '(J' i••nlllt /lfljl An;s 11\Cf Dfl CP no 1\11 Mlult CC ~ '" ~tdco l11e 2J''o li'" Cerro 16eto eco~my, e s argo .... '"Jbe av a l I a b l l l t y of All! l11t j·" j ' tu!! '""' 11.60 23.•1 c~ 1 1 1. ! mu1,., , ' An11111 M u\6 ....,1rv 011 ·1111 11v. McOu11 l6 » s.11 Cm• .n"" lj"' r m -t!f'<I 10 f t • Am 01v1" l l!' ·lt -l7." . P ,,1, I"~ eWdi..-F..,.....: .. '"'!.~!Pf '2 « ri. .,.,ch 1111,, 1lVi Medic H ,, lS S-•~ 11 ' c 1,.,, plt!J or:elSb~ )ooks fOr housinlf mortcabuilge' df~, isV~~cal .lo ~~ f:.~ 1,.211l:i !i~ '" ~mu;~ ~~ ~tll 11~ 1 • f':!:ci"""V .fl~~ll ~~ow""if ll" ll~ r-c.(~Ok ·,.:.~ ti,lZ ~ll~~~IC -:,~ ro\~ ~:;::, ~I ffi: ~~ ~~~;11i1~ ~. ~"6 home lDI nio:ua said, A Mll1 10..0 lj·S f.rrt.i 1 l't !I t••ll'IQI n Oii i .11 11 lf SI . ArvlcNo ~ 11!2: 1'41 r1 Tf .. l v. M dtd Cl• IJ'• 141<1 Sh•P NII 4 so r Obll C".o'~ starts lo climb approximately d be beU ' fund! h Id Am kGw J._ta Jll ~,.,,.. 9M1,1 l h·°' r:, Jt1d'I U.,. ·~ om SI l . H ' Aso CJ;Col ~ 1!~ l'll1y •d• 50'o 51"' Mkl!eJ 1'4 t\11 $1e"""1 H 1• 75 c;:!..,oll 1 '°
. h" an eves II 00• :~K~., •. F[~1":' fM i1.ll t1t'I':t. '°'!! '*' ~ p~ll 11 J·H :~ ~11 .. ~, .... ~ .... ~:~~111"11 12~ J~ ::::wl~fT u ~ ~::.nel P~o !J~ l~ "hmoNM l 60 111Z,OOOun1tstl!yesr,com-be reasonably a..IAl'tt•ate m c., 111211.311" unt11t.2flt.'7Ltet11~ 1. !· ,,f~y •0tt.t1-.u10Sc1 1?•.n•~Fe-c1N\..10111n• MPl1G1s :i1o1.t :i1 ~NG"""" (h•r1•rNY? -• t ,. ted 162 000 . '"''I" Gi-wl» ,,! 'tO!I "" ·r.1 2t.21 H.7• LIM •. 1 . ' e~ Am 11.17120t Avemco ,., ••• F•IBOI. (p lOI 117 Miu ValG ,, 2J'~ ~al w-1 11'1• ,,,,. c~ •• ~11t ' .. Pat= o an es 1ma • 1969, though interest rates will 111v io. 1 os F n111e, ,.,...rm, Loom11 S•vlts ei SDt<S i1" '° 1c AVM '" ni~ 11:i.. F11 M19, 2i•1 ?01, Mo fhch 1 ,.., oNE r11 -O\\ ~"' l"~Kk•• 'tr.:i loot year . ·rd Inv 11 ll.1• °"""" 1.46 f .26 Fd1. 1,m1 n •1 lls.I -'ltK 011 11•, 11•~ Fst Rf<>Co l\t t MoM•~ It l• :w. " G1s l!,,. :.oil.I r~emelt! · ....,. • rem am high. Anocl•hl 1 " 1 11 \!\Mt s u s.t~ canl<f 4 ." 490 mu~ 11 10 11 ia n B1bbitt n..., 11·~ F•1 Smllu• 10 11 MMm P~ 1j'~ "'* sw El sv it :io r~em .. •Y "' "Dur1no the last three years A•e Mou~Mon _.. tis f 03 C•Pll 11.~ljf; !w •~w-i,t u"•w•H B•l•d •t 111·~ 7 '• F,i w .. 1F • '"' Moo•e Pd 1 ,., ll'• sw G11 C• 20 7Cll1 r"" v.,_1 1°
'"6 Fund A t.S?103l "'' lf\Gth ,tM'"t Mui 1tf11 l ovtr lllY 1'0711.60 B~~e· M lS'\ 161• Fllohl SAi ,.,, ?S\11 Moo ... s n~. 11"" ~OCrY1 IJ l~ ,..hn Oh ... hcfme building has been below LEGAL NOTICE F1111d 11 11 u 111 Fsl 111s1111 . t 11.1 "'"•"hi" .» D7 StFrm Glh '·11 • ll a,1 P1ln1 t \, ,,,. FOO<IF orP Pl ~ Mo!th M ljU UIA "'''o 1t ;J · · r~""'°"'~ , .. ,, . S1oc• ,.II t 4 Fsl Mult1 1 . I lj ll MllS.I Fncl I 21 11 U S••!e St /l .S Sol 50 1l1rwlck 'J 1( Fo1t C.r111f 1!\o :1614 Motor Clyb I ~ 1' Id R"Laf 11 11 r~orc:~r bl.SIC needs . ' Ward C. Krebs, .. ''"'' TO ' YOTl!O iN ·•d C1 .~ I 02 F•I Nil . .61 Miss G .. l n U et Ste1dm•" di B1Yl!ll 13' • ll'o FC>locnm S "''l'I N1rra<1 C :U ll ltd Screw lJl,I; ll'~ rh•0~~ ... ~.•I' ~ · · ... , v ,, t 01• 1•b1Dfl t 03 t o:J F~t• M¥111 MIH Tr l 'l't 11.90 Am Ind 15 U 16 11 Bttelllm j! ... :MO... F•ll\Chd 11•1 131'1 N Chm5cll c!•li 46'' 11nH Pd Jol'li )11'1 0. ...-' C ser11or vice president and IM•o'T!',•0•,•,vJ,•, ... r' J;,,.rlT tcT 1111 11i.i ic.ll u u F tt o 2t :io M11e1 1too10.oo "'""c • i' 10 Y Be111on Mt 11 2l F•8~w1 c a 1•'• lM E" E<111l1 10 ec 1r•w \' '°'"' 6j"' rn~u·p P\S . , . ... ,.. Bonddll I tot F th •.01 '" Mtoth"• ntt21n Seit~ Is 110 Btllfo 111t ll'114 F~ln Ettt :ioi. 11-. f! ~dPd 37"6 3l"4 Ybsc v tt 11" r" "'u•Tr ·chairman of the banks credit 1i.1cTt0N ffi1 s11c un1.y111 Fnd , s.;1 '-51 M5; 11.u u .:n s111n 1toe Fu""': 11t1m Ind 11 n Fr1~ Mnt 10 11 •t G&o ' 10 SUCldl Fd• 11,,. Jr:>Jo rn1J1-u 1 to
I. . 'd NOT ICE IS "l!"ltEIY OIYEN 11111 fOll t~ll.17" ., f JlO.Ot M Mui 1.d 11• ••• '1ft 71H lletl L•b u •. o •. Frlllll Illy 11•. !J\4o NII ~KRt 11~. ,,,,, 1••1111 "'" ,,.., , rn• If!.,,. po ICY COmm1ltee. Sal . 1119 fellowl"\ rM•W•I If to be •.md ro.d SI ls'. lt..cl l'GO.ll1oll ll.W U.11 C1 17J1 lf 34 Intl l•.ll 16.'~ B1v Enler '1""' U Fyll~i~w I• tV. N 8"1M S4•~ Sit''> 1mo•• 11S l •~"'"cl ,,~ "Th l hou · Iha E ·~ !i' pte;lll Oll1r ct £11ctkHo 10 vlltXll. 16. I .fl 1'r.11kl"l "'8"' MoodV'• 5 5' 11111 Skid! B JS n.:s !ll!luo• w 11'111 lJI~ G.lrll~I 10 n NE1111 GE 1l't 71h Ta""tr 7t 31 rhlt•• ctN• .. esurpus sing l ... , fl!O'EMEltALDIAYSllt\llC1i iG Fil I&. ,~I c~ 1111llGIMo;'ll)tllFUlld•. iup !nGt!!,Ol l lil rdS~ll Sl SI GAln;nlcst '..9\ltNJNl lG 11\1171 f-11 ,, ......... rih Tlllt1 1'1
I led · th ly $T 1lc on fUUO.y !M lllll ._, 111..:11111 If ONTC 11 •15(1 C.rwtto '"M'l·il vr.c:• Gtll 1 ... 1.i,1t Blrlch• ''~ 10 G Pfylc:" ' ~ l(lcfl1•~ , Jl ....,, T1thl Fr 151'1 l~ •hodo:"'uf1 .ff .eccumua Jn e ear "~ .... IKt ' •Dtl lroc f 1J4 Olli 1 11 Lt lncorn s. ·ll MRAD ttl6l1.1611.a Hll 3''.0 • ~"Gllbtrt •'~ ~N•tlt ... l''•ll'ATIYloo"W ................ ,crttf! I
·1t111rs has bttn exhausted. The ~ ~~""" w=flf llle1J= IP\!~: 1\.~ ll.l: J~~m 1?·~~ 1l1' Ml~w;d ,r 24 2'1·fl l~~~;: 1: I! 11'!8 8o,""11e~N 1''4 ,,~ 11~1i'~ics 1i:~ il~ ~~11.:11 It ff~ N~ ft~~m1r: l1,,., H~ ~g: ~ 1 ~ -·It' b cJd f d d "" · i"11f'~ f..,.,.;t· ~~" SI!<. ll 00 13 Oil M.IF (;It! '51 01 TK~Mt t U f2 Boolllt (, £!'" I.I~ eolel 11 U l(C:.r NG 1111 ""° j~~ DNI ltv, YJ r~....,11t .-• _.. 1ng a og 0 eman in:· corw,r1iocn pf tldllllll 1¥9~ 11111 ll lf 141 tl'b .. 11~ lS 15 U.7S Mut gGtll s.~ .t ~ TKflftOh Lt! t 7j l o. C101! ll'~ 15''• Glllhlt lSI~ 361'1 ,t!oE ur 011 jW, ,... Jr.•"" Jlv. tt f"h-•I ... s
bu caused uTiUlllllly Jow r!4,~~'13'C~'1o11 ~'\i.1'~ .,~s• l:;i I "Z':O k 11.1•a·, =~ •<W 1~ M· T~c' lt~li.~ 1=::' lo! 1tt ="w"° ri.~ ~ M~""~.fG 1~~ 1~~ lr:~1 c., 'rJ 'l11o ~~11rir.';1' ,'"°
l!lleancy rates and sharply r\S• tit!;Hlti• 1,.. _.,... 1 -r•-5 •-! " t. Cam St 1' OI .U i111 ~' 1. 1 1~!tto 5 n 'l3 •kw•Y G 6'<0 ''"" iGr.oh CM n 1• NwPl/ll s~ ,,,,., 25YJ j'•ns G.11 :n 211" cr11 r:i: -' ' •ftllr 1 'llUblk .,,, or 1 '~I ~olll 11 •, f ul Ad 10 01 .t4 l!A~ l'·"l Inc """" Ar jj ll rallh Sci tt 101 Nuclr 11111 «I " r1n10 M Jl 1~ r1 .. .u111 1.1!111 Jfto-rents " utllltv" 11 6tfll'le.I SK11"' SIN Gr'9ul Gr!!! IP!d 21.74 ..G •I 1.1' 1 , C \Jnlf rulll lltr \'I ll'M !W11ll 111 l31~ l•\4 ~ID Wol ll'li 3-IV. Trlco I'd Ii ••-,, ,.1~•11 T"" -• .... H'-----c.*. und l•.15 IJ.M G ... pfloo .. "" I)" I Mwl 11,, U,$1 llud<•Y• " JO rnf!O 111 n 2J :i:fii~ ,, 112 116 Trldllr U\lo ;i;w; rrT I' on 51 · Adding to the ...,.I-up hOUS· " !he s""""' 1 --.·' _ :!I) 11u111t." "'21011lH •\ n...,11.tJ .&a IJrolld 11tlucw B11tl""'" 11G 1'1'11 Gr!"nen 1« l~ 1n411~ Junan o i s..., iW. r•11e1 s...-'
· ,....... '"" to i.t1 9'"DOMdl'I01 r 1 ... f9 "11 kl ii:"'" Ov•rd11 71ff~~ ~"'\· ur11Ted Fu!'llh Cit w115v 11'11i :tll't grove Prs 1111 ,t ntr P 22~2l UnlfK 1l t r11s ~~s J.,,,,. demand is an inflationary 'o ~nc41 tto. ~!~m:""' ~"<Wllofl C,_. II 1,. 20.l \ al.C L.,, IS . It 1.31 lj'l Jroccm 1.2' • Ool C•mco lJ JJ ,.,.1h '"" 37 :it '" NA • «a UnArl Tl! 2'1.1 114 r1.., hoy JI"'
"'6 1n ·~"'""' """ -•-/If Grwltl t.Jt ,,,.. h41 5 UI .1 lne<1rn 1j1117l7 !'""°" M It 'J 11•rd Ch "" 10 •Y Cl! If 20\11 u" Ootl1r 15 !"ttvhr~ ef•t 'OT! ChN,.r 21 {COmfTllftC "9 Wiii! dlon ~fM(C 11 11j" lllll"tr 1 I Yid SU I SI' Sci If\ 60 10.lf IMDll a U t GY" Int 10', Ul.lo PIG! llr J t7 Un llktm l114 1"1tv1n IJfl.3' LEGAL N CE SfN,1) II ,.,,, S ti DIYlllM 7 tf emSt N J.SI " H1MWtll lt.s!' 21. S!ll •.62 f 1' U11Fd C•n UMvtll 10 1n1A Jll'r nt~ Gy""'~"" l•"' H\I. P•c A"""" 3141 Ul M<Gll ~ rl!Y ~" '" -IN Str"h ll'ld Hlftlwl"l'f (odf, tull!KI -111'1 l'dl" ~ 16 l1 II•' lnCOl'n • U ?.o.I Vtl~I LI"' Fulllh· _,11 Saw 21 21l.o Kim CD•C 1 l'7 f't7 PK F•rE j ~ 11-,, I) flkNott 1" ~ '"'•rlr F" 1."'I llfALO 11.T Sl!ltVICI! OISTlllCT to .,,. CQNtnl ol Ille PUbHC 1Qlllt1 IP Pt 11ao11 tO H M•~ll Unt\•t n Stoc:lr. 10 ,, 11 l' Vil Liii 't" 11 il ., T~ 101. 11 .... fl~nd VOD ,., •YI l'lftl(Clf "' 1' IJ rown 1 \.'! • rt.rt-ru1 ·"' °' "c1!K9!•1 ... " l!1tc1i. or ,...1>11c u11111v '"''llOflllble ,., "" 11c-ll.lln.11 H\otosmn nu n~ .,.,, i·u'lil ·~-.11 1·11 ••tt • JJV. 16 H1neve.-s ,,,, l'I Ptwv 011 20 11v.1.1 ...... 11 • ..,,...u,. 1J11 LIN L 0-" IC Eb S•crtla"' ol own11111, -r•llorl •lld "'1l..t ... 1n~ ol "Yftl 1~.U 11 .•I IDS lldlm S &.i 6 f:Wttf , , $ff '" 1 .11 l ,t7 -"'' H I l:l'I\ 1):00 H~v•n 11111 I•~ I l'•ultY P 1nll 1TI11 U M1t .$.11\ W f"'"vE"~ •~I Id Illy , ....... c. l1lrl<l .• ti,,... $udl t1clll1J.i,. S'<ICI< 10.H 11 tO 1$1 GI!! • ~ " ::!: it.ii ··~1 • ... VII' 23\lo )JIJ, H'41o "'t "'" 1W. P1 .... ll• 11 11"1 IJ Tri.L 4,., ff\~ riw Pit J,, mo«IJ' -¥oQ Olot•>t:I O•~ll'lZM "'""" Tiie 111!111. will b* °""' bt'-tn tllt Cwttll A&" I,.. I ti ISi lnc i 1 /· Ill 11. 1 t '"' lU f~ Ch!ft L••m JI'' l!l'I fl•nred" F •i't '-' I' Dl•lsq lJ 11 Uo Pt11P 2'\t 'Al ''9Y P to! 2 flwl l1wi ot ""' S111t II Ctlilorill1.1 holln ol I lO • rn1 1"" 1·00 •on, ~"" Cl.D J 01 2 11 1mp C'• 10 l .t tw ¥ n . . VtfWhrtl't I 1 , t"" U\11 1t"1 I \~ Molm EP 11 7! P1 E"'I" 14"' H~ Utlll COM lit IV. r"'°t~ '"'ti tlves "l)llco 11111 ll>t ,._If Thi toellllll'I • ll>t Hlll~t •If" hit Gml'I!! 10,SllkMll Gtn fl!l0.11 ~wWlcl Ht! Vt nacl 6 hl 9r&I f• I HO\l¥ft" ll~J1 P1.Gl.W 271'121 IJI.,_ Sflld fl\lf ClrYltw pnJf ~ o~loutlv ..,, roo-Jlf\Utr~.~1 .. Id SoKltl Dll1r1c:1 l lK!i.t •11111 l>t .,..,o I' 10 JI\ M r:: Fnd u 11 1j.'3 Ntw""' ll.1$ 11 ff Vllr 11141'1 • '! "~ ~·hrkt s lU 14' "o"'I Fii "'' "" JIEC hr'\' 11" 11''°1 orU\ lflO ,.,,, 2t..., rier~• 15" I ,. ""''on I 1>r-ltlcin lo -~ Ftltl HOUSE \lellN wllflln !111 D ~ 11.tJI I< nc f'd 9 lg .l1N-ll 11~1 · Ylkll'lll I S f,1) hrlll pf 1101 1• H11cll 1;1,11'\')1',,.rle11 II lt\'JVttt SH 37Ytll ... Clue11PN ff til•lttl-t our_.; Is Cl~llt<I. trlct ' Otl'llfll 6\t •.71 l!Ofpnd 1) 1t.t) ~Pl! 11 I W1llU '" l ••ll U lladel ,.._ 10'1 fl11d ~·¥ ll 2t PtM ll EI 'l" 1~ .i LO.¥~ lll'J rf'-"!"1P P"I
Otltltl: J1-ry 11. 1.... 1114' J,f!U.,.,."' '"'· tllCO'd to!i 20." '"" T1tncl 'I· 'tj . ,.. ..51 w •• ~ MW l'i! ,, J< 1111 U!A ''" ,. H\l(f PP -. lJ 'loJ.\'iol P• W1$h '* , .... V11tC• '~" :JO r~··· SI r.~· < M•ttLINL D1'1(E. MEltll"IL OJr,ICI! on1frw 11. llli l"<lll•Y < ~d 1.Jtl ,IS 11ttof\ a 1t.1,C!t>1Ulll U Jl~Mvqo!G•~ll 11 p,,..,, ll• '1iVl!roAm "'l.l1V."'llS0•9f1l• .... Stutler . llct"el•...,. ~~~v•u 6..1011'111~5!~· 1 ;rtmsu.4'1 .U ·~'ri' 'IOOl!l":rPrt l••·•S'I MUllOIPd "'~'•Y:oPe"ltSI ll1Jo!J_\loV~ •• ,. ....... oc.c ... 1;~ ' ErM<r•I•: ll•Y £ ..... nkl •• , ~:: ~ ,_];,;,1! :~: ~~: li.'11' ll11 Nt lw!I 't.B n.~ w ~~ I ~ ~ttt :Yl!o 't~ l:~ 1};, ~~~t: " 1r· ll ~~~~11' DI tt .... :,~ ::OWi~ = tl ~ ~~~ 1':% , 51,...,lc:, Dll11"1 Slrvlt• Dtnrlcl 1111'"1' (II 1S 71!1! I"" lnO•c 11 H """Soll ij·'* ·;.$1 Ll~'ll',id HU 11.3' 11~!0<! O Jl\1 '' l<INI T!l'I' ,.,~~Phil ut:I ff\.,""" W Jt•-l.i.IO> ""'Colo " .,,·~ )•lllltfd Lltl\11111 11~1-Clo 01111 P'ilol, 1'11111111\ed 1.tlllne h«~ Dilll\I Jllklt, ,_" W I. f 11¥fl k l 13 I J.OI I Mui J.11jj1' Wll(Df\ 1,U ~'' law J''J •l IM l'•oeo \0 10'1; l'n 11111 G1 64'~ "-"' W••MI fl 1.141 If f"ollln•lll: ,-;: J-vl'lr' 71, , .. , lOf.lot J,.,...,, tl, 11, lt., llMt v .. a M 11 I l11~til G""''· Plllll J...it U Wortl\ • '5 S •1 oltmt" ( t t l.o Ind G• W 1' 114 "flt!..., f"< ni;. " W•'" NG !'Jh lJ\'°I '.:tlllrlltH , .· . . ~
·-.. I ... ..-. --.,.-..-~-·-· --_, -·-----• .. -' ·-... I
Prices -Complete New
·-----···-.-· ... -• .. 4 _____ ... -·------~--...... ··--................. -·------1
, '
"'°"'"· .i....,, 21, 1"'9 (H)
• York Stock Exchange List ..
. -
.--• ' •
Ex-Newport Ace Obtained in Tr<.Ule
pream Comes True-Voss I·s an Angel
Of .... Dlllr "" ....
... Two wffb ago, a writer wu chatting
about butball with Bill VOii and lbe
White Sox outfielder waa a 1 k e d :
""Wouldn't. it be great ll you came to
Che Angels in a trade?"
'''"'\'t,:S, i~ would," bei replied, but you /iuld ldl by lhe look oa bla lace that
itwu only a drum. :'Dreams have a way o( ttmaining
just that bolt that partlcuJar ........ tiue Monday !0< Voa when tile White l"' swapped him to lhe Angels for
ls Like
:For Laguna Beach's Olympic decathlon
Campion Bill Toomey, tract and field '! taking on the mistress image -
he•a not married to it but he might
i.s well be.
At least th.at '! the way Toomey
describes his relationship to the &port
Which be must now consider giving up.
• "It's a tough decision to make," the
lQ-yeaN>ld wcrld aw points out. 0 1·rn
getting a Jot of pressure to quit from
p,t!>ple who think Olympic championa •
larnisb themselves by not retiring after
tfiey win the gold medal," he nys.
-1 'But I have a few goals left to ac-
complish. I'd like to breat the world
record and I'd like a chance to beat
lbe RWJSians when the U.S., Russia and
British Commonwealth meet this sum·
mer in the Coliseum.
''The only time I competed in the
.U.S.-Russian meet was in I~ and I
&at beat. That Joss &till stings. I've
,., N.•NM wrMIT•
.... , ...•...•••
'Won every major meet I've been In
except the one with Russia and another
Wtth the Commonwealth.
"So with both of them getting together
'fdr the same meet it's a golden chaoce."
From the tone or conversation, you
get the feeling Bill is not yet ready
'te call it quits, although in more seriou!ll
momenta he tells himself that he's at
the age whert he mu.!t get busy wiUl
a c.areer.
Since bagging the Olympic goldpiece
In Mexico C l t y 9• days ago, Toomey
has been on the go, accepting awards,
negoUating about 1portsca1tlng
possibilities in New York, !peaking to
He allo found time to compete, ruMlng
a 49.1 440 in a San Francisco indoor
meet earlier thi! month .
Toomey is also a candidate to fill
IDt administrative: post in a Santa
Barbara school district.
Wlll Be a Dean
And next month he departs for
Washington, D.C .. where he'll be a dean
of boys in a special five-week: :tebool
tO give high school kids from around
fM country a chance to see the govern-
ment in action.
Oppmite Toomey will be Mrs. Scott
Carpenter or President Ni.Ion's daughter,
Tricia, lf current plans materialize.
" The project has the sanction of such
people as John Colden, head of Stanford
Research Institute, and a number of
·ioddenlally, a Gttman publication ran
•-comprehensive study of Toomey,
Nveallng that he 's been in ovu 2S
decathlons 1 inc e 1963, ol his I a• t II
be's woo 12, placed secood ln four
.end third In ooe.
~ii times he's been over 1,000 points.
W..OCkl record holder Kurt BeDdUn of
West Germany has broken that barrler
on! thtte times. ·.!.._ ,...ardlng p r o track, which Is cJ.,..
to becoming a reality, Toomey says:
•'f wooldn't care for il. J think my
amateur atatua is worth more than 8
few huodred bucks."
pitcher Slmmy Ellis•
Pitcher Andy Robllolta also comes
to tile Aqels In the deal.
Vou ti an Orana:e Ccwt ma product.
The 23-year-old athlete wu a star at
Newport llarl>or ll!lh and Oran&e Coast
College Wore tumin&' pro in 1954..
If you thlnk Voss iJ happy about
being swapped bact to his home county,
yoo should bear Mn. You.
"Ob, that's grtat. It's the most
wonderful thing that's ever happened
to us," she &aid, when informed by
the DAILY PILOT of the trade.
The word from Voss himself wu ''Fan-
'l'ben be coofessed he was a hometown
sort, anyway.
.. J tbln.k any player ln the JDIJot•
would rather play in or ne:u hls
hometown. l'm no different, I've always
wanted to play fOI' the Angelll."
Voas was caught by IW"pl'ist.
"I didn't even know the Angels were
in the market for· an ouUielder. It's
just great, that's all"
Angel general manager Dick Walsh,
who completed the deal at noon Monday, w., elated at acqulrln& the lelt-lumded
"'Ibe way l look at Jl, Voss will
challenge for our start.Ing rtghtfield posi-
tion, which at the moment b wide open.
It'll be either Voss, Roger Repoz or
Jay Johnltont." Aithooih v.,. has played centerlletd
!0< the White So., Walsh said he expects
Vic DavaWlo to hold down that spot.
The left lltld job, Walsh added, is Rick
"Voss b the kind of guy you like
to lh1nk of 10 years from now," the
GM added.
"He'1 got all the tools to be a star
bolt with the Injuries he'• bad be'•""" been able lo be untracked.
"The> Whit.e Sox wanted to give WI
Cisco Carlos (or Ell.ls but we k e p t
pur;bl.ng for Vosa. ''
Voss was seriously beaned.in~
last July 4. A Pete ~. fu!J>all
broke the iygomahc bone Jd below
bis right . ey~ Doctors feared if the
repair job wasn't 100 pereent correct,
the right eye would drop and be1d have
double vision.
But lbe Newport and OCC grad says
his vision is normal and anticipates no
such problenu in spring training.
Musial, Campy in Hall of Fame
NEW YORK -Slan MU!lal and Roy
Campanella, each a thr~time most
valuable player in the National League,
have been elected to Baseball's Hall
of Fame, it was announced today.
Muaiat a seven-time NL batting cham-
pion with the St. Louis CardlnalJ, became
the fourth player to be elected to the
Hall on bis first try.
Since the ftrst election in 1936, w h e n
former greats Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth,
Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson and
Walter Johnson made jt, only Ted
Williams lo 1966 and Bob Feller and
Jackie Robinson in 196% were chosen
on their rtrst try.
Campanella, whose career as a
Brooklyn catcher ended on Jan. 29, 19&8
when he suffered paralyi.lng injuries in
an automobile accident, misS6.i by eight
votes of being elected last year when
Joe Medwick wu named.
In the 1969 voting by members or
the Baseball Writers• Association of
America, Musial was named on !17 of
340 ballot! and Campanella on 270. A
vote of 75 percent or 255 was necesary
for election.
Musi~ wu. o.amed on 93 percent -of
the ballots and Campy on 79 percent.
Musial, ' whO retired at the age of
-42, set or shared 64 National League
or major league records while compiling
a career batting average of .331.
RUSTLER GYM -This is an artist's sketch of Golden West College's
proposed gymnasium. GWC officials hope construction on the facility
will begin in June. If so, it should be ready by fall of 1971. The gym
He won seven batting UUes, was named
the league'• Most Valuable Player three
times and aet the league mark for most
hi1' durlq hil career.
Allboogb be called himself a singles
hitter. be managed to slam 475 home
run:!I and was cooaldered a good out-
fielder before moving to first b&:!lt late
in his career. He also set the league
endurance: mart by playing in 895 con-
secuUve games.
Campanella, also a fine de£en~ive
catcher, set big league records for
catchers by hitting •t home runs and
driving lo 142 runs in 1953.
He played 10 years with the Dodger~
and won the MVP Award in 1951, I~
and 1955. His highest average: was .325
in 143 games in 1951.
Al 47 years of age, Campanella ls
one year younger than Musial. He has
been paralyzed from the waist down
since the accident that ended his career.
Among those who failed to get the
required 75 percent were: Lou
Boudreau, former Cleaveland shortstop
and manager, 218; Ra Ip h Kiner,
forrnet,' Pittsburgh slugger, 137; (5.) Enos
"Coun~ry''. Slaughter, former St. Louis
Cardinal star, 128; Johnny Mize, the
e1'.(;ardinal claqter, 116, and i1arty
·Marion, former Cardinal shortstop star,
will seat 2,400 for basketball and contain other classroom and athletic
Cage Ratings
AP Poll
Penny Ann Race Set;
Baseball Star Mending
Rustler Gym
Set for June 'N• 1. UCLA (JO) 2. Nonti Care11,,.
J. sama a .... .a. O•Yld»n
S.. ICenllldl:y a. 51. John's IN.Y I 1. Pffw .v..xlw .,.~
I. UllMI,
•. l.•5•111'
10. °""-H . Vlllal'IO'<•
!?. Olllo Sl1lt
11 IC•11.11H
14, T11tM
15. Notr9 D1~
16. Mlrttutnt
II. ColotlOI>
II. Purd..,.
lt. (olllfntl•t
l<I. 01YIOn
lttc'O•• •u ,,, ... ,,,
'" 11·1
11· 1
11·1 .., ,., ,,,
1'·1 ,,,, ,,., ., ,,,
VPI Poll
I UtLA !l3)
1. ""''" C•tllli111 ' Stnt• t11r1
• 01vlelson .S. ic,n!ucky
~. Ntw ~k.o "•Ir
I. SI. Jori~'• IN.Y.)
•• lll!l'IClll ,, v111.,.. ••
UL Tut1•
11, ICtnMI
It. Coluadl U,(T~)~"' _.,._
IS. Ollie 1111'
11. l.t Mllt
it. toluml!l1
''· $1. 1ontwn111 ... lf. !Tit) O•l'lon
Ntw M1•1«!
~llftft ...
"' .. m "' •• .,
"' '" m •»
'" " " Q
~ n
" »
" ,.
"' ,. ,.
·~ •• '" .. ..
" ~ tt
" " ..
" " • •
TIJUANA -Penny Ann Early, ~
leading figure In the drive for recognjtion
of wom'n jockeys, is to compete with
Alvaro Pineda in a match race Sunday
at Caliente Race Track.
Pineda has been lhe second ranked
jockey in North America lhe past two
years and the race is designed to give
Miu Early an opportunity to show why
she think! women should be allowed
in what has been traditionally a man'!
* * * SALEM, N.J. -Leon "Goose" Goslin,
U. loducttd I a 1 l summfr Into the
Baseball Hall of Fame, wu reported
~lorwlay bl sath:fadory cocdlUon la
Salem Cou.nty Memod&I B o s p I t a I ,
rttOVert.1 from bums.
* * * i\tODENA , Italy -The Italian Ferrari
racing team announced today that it
has decided to give up participation
In the 24-hour Daytona Beach auto race,
first event or the tntematiooaJ prototypes
* * * SWEETWATER, Tenn. -Bowden
Wyatt, one o( the nation's leadlna: col·
lfge football t"Oachn for many yean,
died of a virus Weedon here today. He
was 5S.
Wya&t, former head coach at Tenne•·
see, Arkan11U and Wyoming, died anex·
peetedly. He had ll"ed near Kln&1ton,
Tnn., since llil rettremait from coach-
ing several yean ago.
* * * NEW YORK -Olympic champions
Bob Beamon, Al Oerter and Laguna
Beach's Bill Toomey are among a group
of athletes to be honored by Sporta
Lodge of B'nal B'rith at the organiza·
lion's 18th annual Bill Corum Memorial
Atvards Dinner Saturday night, it was
announced Monday .
Golden West College athletic ofricials
are making qualified predlctions today
that they'll have a gymnasium in opera-
tion by fall of 1970.
With plans for the structure a n d its
financing having been OK1d by the state
Community College office and Depart-
ment of Finance, construction, GWC
hopes, will probably begin In June.
The multktory, multl-purpooe plant
will be uniquely functionil.
"We are hte0rporaling features which
will give U!ll versatillty and fiexibility
as we face the challenge of an ever-grow-
ing student populaUon and a changing
curriculum," explained Dr. Dud I e y
Boya, GWC president.
The center unit of the 120-by-280-foot
i;tructure will be used for basketball
and other indoor athletic activities.
Present plans call for p u 11 -d o w n
bleachers seating 2,400.
Pop Warner Indian Killed in Fall
The building':; ea.st wing will house
"·resUing. gymnastics, and "'eighllifling
on the ground level with classrooms
upstair!. Classrooms will be on the
ground floor of the west wing.
Architectural plans for the project will
be presented soon to lbe Orange Coast
Junicr College Dtstricl
S!lOOND MESA, Ariz. (AP) -Louis
Taranlml, who Jell the Hopi 1ndlan
Bi I ·-lot Olympia troct f1JD& In
the d07S., Jim 1hrpo, la dead.
'Old. lee!>le and more thin to yem
oiif. 11>1 -Ume dlsWloe runner fell
&om a 'IO-lool cli!I to hil de>th late
Saturday night on the reeervation where :f::: spent all but fivw years of
~ tlme fftt Years. he went to the
Corlllle IDdlan Sdiool. and ran '"' a>ach QfM *Pot" Warner'• tract temm.
& lldlMd ninth In the Jf.mlla nm
~;1111 -Olympics at Laadon, and 'J ,.., lallr came In '""""' to
~ Flying Finn, Kanne. Kolthmaintn,
1n the 10,IXXI meters at Stockholm.
No American bettered his Ume at
th.at dlstaoct until Billy Mills did it
at Uie 1964 Tokyo Games.
He attended a r'ligk>us ceremony at
the Kl•• here Saturday night, according
to • nephew, Alfred Joshonge\la, and
was returning to his home a l
Shoniopovl, about a mile away.
He appamltJy mistook a beacon light.
the newphew said, took the """" lt•ll and fell down the cUff.
He •M found early Sunday, and, ac-
<0ntlnc to Hopi c:ustom. bolrled lhe .. ,,,.
When he enrolled at. Carlisle-lndi11n
School weighing 110 pounds, 'l'ewlnlma
reportedly uted Warner for a tract
"What for!" uktd Warner ... You're
not big eJlOUlll to d• anything."
"Me nm fast good," lhe lndian youth
replied. "AU ltopil run rut good."
Wrltlnk in L!HO, Thorpe recalled !hat
he. Tewanima and a thfrd Indian. Frank
~1ount Pltn.'iant, made up a team that
beat the 2G-man team at l.afayette CQl-
Jegc, and later won a dual meet with Syracuse.
Thorpe and Tewanlma were aood
enough that they were HJected fer the:
U. S. Olympic team without uoderc•ina
trials. .t
Tewantma 1pent about a month at
Carllall aft.er the 1912 Games, then
..........i homo to tend his sheep and
nill hll crops. Ht r11reiy left the
In HIM, the l{clms Foundation Oew
him to New York to be honored a11
it member ol the all-time U. S. tr3ck
and field team.
lnduded into the Arizona Sports Hall
C)f Fame in 1957, Tewani ma told t.>w
he ran down rabbtb (Ot" Ute fun of
it a1 a child, Ind occulonally ran to w--. !Jknile mmd trip -
JU." to "'~ the ttlina go by.
College Basketball .....
""""" 71, ,.1~ °"*~ •
l-Sit'-"' ~SN'-' !I Wts,.r11 Kl<'llu(lo;y l'Q, DIYIWI "
'"'"" Ohle ~Ill• 11 ~,;t Tl(fl 41
Etll C1r.llN ll. VMI n
G'°'llt JS, Autiur11 M
SO\IT"W•IT "'°"• .,, FIOrldl st1~ IO OlllAllOMt (!Py H. SOut .... ft M4tl'lodltl 7' ••1: w•sT
Air' fl~ 7', 0.-""'-II W~•ar.....M Wti.11""""' Sfft •1, er-1'9tl 40 "'"*' a.. .. t'I , ""°"'•M •• Mof!ttllil ,,.,. '" klMlo f!11t 10 Wtt• flldtlc .. Alttl• II
.__. _______________ ..;. __________________________________________ _
N.Wport'r Bill \Ion
On Strike
MEXICO CITY (A P) - A current
labor·management stalemate here J.t
benefiting only the bulls.
The animals got a new lease on Ji!e,
at k!asl fo r a week, when management
of the El Toreo Bullring called off lh9,
corrida Sunday just minutes before It
was due to start.
The matadors and picadors, aU dresset!
In their finery , sat in their cant ou&sidd
the ring.
The ran s, already lo their ~b wen(
v.•ild at the news, and many wbo ~yed
at borne to ca1cb the fights on national
television were spinning their dials 111
And therein lay the problem -:
television. ,
The Association of itatadors and the
Subalterns Union had given manageme11t
an ultimatum that they must have a
share of the tel,\lision revenues before
they fight again . Management refused .
All major lights in Mexico are televis·
ed .
Two years ago bulllighters and th'Ir
assistants. then in another union, called
a strike for the same reason, but It
lasted only a month .
Some matadors continued working
from t h e start, and others drifted bacill
to the ring, lured by the '4,00045,000
they get for 40 minutes wart.
Working matadon broke away and
formed the union which now has refuted
to work until they get either a lbare
of the revenues or stop the televbin3
of so many fights.
Hocliey Stars
In TV Duel
MONTREAL (UPI) -The National
Hockey League's west division All-Stan
count on a trio of outstanding goalies
to gain a "Super Bowl style" ui-t l()o
night over lhe East. The game wJU be
televised at 11 o'clock on Channel a.
Scotty Bowman, coach. of the stam-
peding St. Louis Blues and Western coacb
in tonight's game at the Montreal Forum,
seems to be following Joe Namath'•
upset recipe which led to the New York
Jets amazing Super Bowl triumph over:
Namath boasted as long as he had
enough defense, he could win. Bowman
isn't making any boasts, but will have
three of lhe top nel·mind,rs In lhe
NHL out on the ice facing the certain
bombardment of the East's great Fat
The West's three netminders have ·~
total of 12 shutouts compared to twb
each !or Eastern goalies Ed GiacomJn.
of the New York Ran gers and Gem
Cheevers of Boston. From SL Lou~
the west has Jacques Plante and Gle$
Hall wlth five shutouts each and a:•
against records of 1.79 and 2.20 respeC.
uv,. Third -string goaltender Bernie
Parent of t h e Philadelphia Flyers tii;~
a respective 2.43 average and two
shutouts. · "
Cousy Resigns
Coaching Pos~ ~
Enters Busine88
NEWTON, Mass. (AP) -Boll <;oy1~
who earned the title Mr. Bls~t.
as an All-American at Holy CrOSll "
during 13 fabulous year! as a pro with
lilt Boston Celtics, Is aband~ !be
s p o r t after iii: aucces.rlui ~ ~
coacl> at Booton College. • •
Coosy, wllo •bocked awonenti "11!
hit clutch play as a g..foot.2 11~
In college and the National BaUe
-lion. -°""""' II by lnoounc:lng bla resignation u Bostoil
Colltgt coach, effectJve at fbe end al
the SWJOR.
Only 40 and still capable of shoollnc ~sktts from all angles . coUsy sald ~ ,
1s ltav\ng BC to devote more U111fi
to his boys' camp in New Jlam_pshlre
and to hl:!I variou., bui;iness ~
mOO In public relations work.
"J have truly enjoyed my .A~D\\tf! af
8 o 1 t,~ n Cotlege ~uring Ule, ~ 11~
Y•an, Cooz said. 'hly 0011 'ewe! Ji
thst I must dlooootlnue my -
with the fine group of l'OUll& ~ rour team." ~,. · •
• ' • . I . . . ___ ,t. -~ ·---.....-----' • , . ' • ' • • . -• { 1 ;·, ' • !
' . • "
• Foup VaUey
EDITION N.Y. St.eek• , l 'I l I •1J
•' ' J ESOAY, JAN\fARY. 21, 1969 ~oC.-'2; NO. 'II. 2 SECTIONS, 22 P,l.GES
. ...!...~~--..... -.,,
1.0U.TED -Coaununfty Center in.Jhmllbglai Beach ii one-ea ..
ualty <if heavy ralnatorm which has battered Orange Coast sinC<O
Saturday. It was an Island surrounded by one to two feet of water
this morning with access by boat ollly. It has ·been closed until flood
waters recede. · _ ,
Pauper!'s Burial
Jane Doe Laid to Rest in Rain
Of ... '*"' Pl• lltfl'
J1f11 Doe -a repui.d cycle gang clrl wbo hail bid t.eth and a few
sood ~ -wu . deU..ed 'by. white
CadHIM lo lhe-l>lf"-·ol ber pauper's-
...... ~ ... burled in • ,,.,, .............. ii rilli.. .
No. me wu there at the end of her
lbial journey~ -be bid • job to ~ . o,w rain fell, r!Jl!lng reddish ,.u from Mr sbovell u workmen al Pacific
View Memorial Part carried the gray,
ec;ooomy caaket from !be-white Ileane.
The rain fell all day.
Jane Doe's burial in Lot 152.JI' of the
Corona del Mar cemetery came to light.
lite her murder 314. days qo1 some
tirne after It occurred.
.. We we.re in a meeUng at the time
and when It was over, we learned the
llodY bad been miexpededly nleasod
and WU already interred,!' llJ4 John
\'lbert, pr<Sldenl and pnw nianager
of the cemetery. Bllrial was delayed following the brief
fllliUal and committal addresa FrldaJ,
when Jackie SID8)', 21, of Long Beach,
made a. tentative photograph Iden·
tiflcallon ol tbe lonl'<fead lhroat ·aluh
vie>tlm, . '
11er~":~.,.: ...iiilif ·~~ 1IP lodo1 to' :iubolantlate 11111 S.,,'• ldut!llCalion . Oi!n trombllilg . ml ..,.. ll1lb!J with
leans -tho · coket lid 1!U llllod
in Smith'• ~. -Smay ·-Iler former roonHna!e ii llbondi Fisher,
:D, a Georlla girt who followed the
the sun to California.
••1 uaed to be wild too, II Miu Sm1y
told Investigators, saying ahe originally
became acquahttecl with Miss Fish<7
through asoociatlon with tbe Hell'•
Allgeil Motorcycle Club in tbe HOllJWood
Known only as Jane Doe for official
rei:onls 11111, ahe ii aeparai.d from othm
In death, even u she must have been
in llfe, drifting lhrwgb It in tbe anon)'llll·
ty ol an enllnar)' face, doing tbe ordinary
things -whatever &hey were -that
made up htr ordinary days.
She ii buried near the edge of the
picturtaque cemetery, away from those
(See JANE DOE, P11e %)
Court Hearing Against 6
Ill Gun Battle Continued
_ frellmlnary bearing on Jddnaplng
cti£~!5 L agaiMt slz men involved in
a •. pn batUe Dec. 30 ~ Westminster
has been cooUnued until 1:45 p.m.,
w.,inuday In West Orange County
M""1clpal Court. ne preliminary huring began las!
Ftiday and C!'rrled through Monday. All
aii mm have entered pleas of innocent.
,..,,. addlllonal cbariea of firing a
wnpon Into an occupied -and aasJo.lt wilh a deadly weapon have been
filed "l.pinlt the .ail men. PteJlmlnllY beulng m tbe added diarleJ bas been aet for t a.m., Feb.
IS. iWo belcn .Judge Walter CharU!Wl !!l' WeJI Orange County Municipal
A~ In West Orange County Jail on it1:&'ball -11 are: · 'J>. U-la, JI, Wbitller.
-.L Uocola, z~ Whlltler. .:.0-.. G. ~. %3, Fullerton.
·-~ E. McGrew, It, La Habra.
H~licop Patrol
Naming Studied
..cOmmntee of ..... pmonl will
be clelilnli.d to ael«t .... ol "'°"'
thn loo lll((ested lllll1l<I for the
1te11cOfter patrol arm ol tbe Huntinct<Jn
Beach ~~1:;>:.~ · _, ·~ T1'e ii ... be bead.. .DY .
CoQlldknlll Donald D. Ship~= e~'<declded Monclllf nlgbL
tadvtl ol the Chamber of Camm<rce. Junlof'aiamber ol Cumuen:e ml one
~ the -newtpapen tn tbe
.,.. ~to be -,.i.
Oge hellcopler "" been porcl1aaed by u;. il!1 ml two olflcen designat.d
to'.~ Immediate tralninC toward • ~ 1lelltfptfr Dcense.
\ '
-Gary M. Invam, 11, Orange.
-Mike AlJeo Feniand<1, Fort Ord.
The men were involved in a short
gun battle in which a companion, Albert
Shirley, 20, of 114 Huntington st .. Hun-
tington Beach, was killed.
Everett L. Pittman, 24, ol 7661 Trask
Ave., Westminster, was accused of
~ ShirleJ, but no murder chargea
'"'"' hnlugbt against him becauae the ~ County dJalrlct 1ttorney'1 olflce
beld·lt wu ln aell,dl!f-. ·
Pittman, bla ,...... -Jim, and ..,. oilier mu m trapped lnakle tht
Plttmu bome .at Hiii Alta SI.,
POllce Aid Slllrky anil, bla·-were
1ooktn( fer a -~ Juli ol druil '!hlch the)' allf&oed Jhn Pllbnu bad
stolen frmn SbirlOJ'• apaaW
Pittman cla-llo bew noWnc about
the drvp. lie and • --bid been held and bealn earllei In the
day by s...,i.; .Allor ,...plo(, be Join-
ed bla lnlllor at -mother'• bollle.
Polk:e -too· late to ..... the
l!\ID flcbl.. bol manapd to arrat five
arruted later after wlh!•ss11 ~ ...inc""' !DID nm · • ...,. before Pol!oe
' ' ..,J P A'ClFIC NO}j!
ocean A....,.. In Hunttncton Beach,
or Cout llillnru 11 It lo ollen called,
lo -Paclftc cOoll -b7 decJar. atloo of the City Council Moilday •
The name change wu ...,,..i..i by
the Plannlng Commlaloo to e11mlnste
confusloO Oii the -ol the -mlleJ of blah•l1 """""' tbroulh the city.
l •'
Storm Worst in Century
Huntington Traffic Offic.ers Say Accidents ·Double
By TOM T1'niS °' .. Deltr • ., .....
. Sootberu ~ ....... a "'"'Y .,.
'toward decepUVoly·-· Ules today in
the wake at wblt w• .t*metf In IOIDt
areu the worst itonn 1n a century.
Along tbe Orange Coast trees· were
toppled, power llnea cu~ streeta flooded,
boat.. capsbed and evm docb t.orn loose
by the merdlus fury of penlsteiit rain
and aavage winds. Weathef forecutera
called fer an encore on Wedntlday.
Civic Center
Location St~ll
Council Issue
Even tllouih tbe llllliltngtoo • Beach
City Council hn declared Main 51\<ft
lllll HaNloo A"nue acroa fl'olil fiDI>.
tington Beach High Schoel. u the ~Uon
of its, IJeW' civic center;. the locaUon
qu"'1on eontlnuea to come bel.n the
Cooncllman Henry )llrplman MOOdl7
night asttid ·that a retOlutlon be preoent<d
to the couocll at lta next·-1tnc -1·
Ing previous reaolu&m ~ ~.,_
site and calling for condem:nltlon.adllo.
"I want a chance at the DQt meetlnc'
to reslud7 the 'dvic -~· he told · fellow CQ1mc!Jmen wl» 'lrft
less than enllMuda~ about ~
to repeal anything. ~-· "~ won~t wte f«ft · Dooald D. slliP,le1 ' • • ' "41! I w,il.lff!'!' ..... ~
lltttii .... a -.... . .... " .. whicl>ceuld llVf the city llw-le•
ol a million clolJAn,. Aid °'· ........... COuocUmeo ..,, ... ~ thal the)'
would llsteo to .a ~ to tho
cily'• Mid-Beach Dovelopment . Com-
mittee at 7:IO p.m. ~wednelday at City
Hall, but tbe7 refused to onler repeal
"ll Dr. Kaufman makea 'his pmenttlon
Wedneaday night, 111 llaten," Aid Oxm--
cllman Jerry Matney, .. bUt I don't wt.at
to waste any more time on thb:."
Cooncllman Shipley agreed. "I'm not
in the mood. I don't rotate the table
after the came ill over."
Mayor Alvin M. Coen, Shipley, Matney
and Jack Green not aurpril1n&ly were
opposed to any suddta ·moves on the
civic center and Counc:llmen Ted Bartlett
and George McCracken wanted to hear
Dr. Kaufman's propoul.
The men voted the same way for
seiecUon of the lite presently detlgnai.d.
The plan to be ezplalnod bY Dr. Kaul·
man la for acquisition of a strlp of
waterfront from about the Huntington
Shores Motel on Padflc Cout Highway
to Sth Street and about one block or
50 inland.
The city Parking Authority would ac-
quire the property by aelllng revenue
bonds based on anUdpated parking
revenuea. Usera of the parking lotl would
pay for tbe bonda, thus rdlevtng tbe
taxpayer• of tbe price ol the land.
The authority would Jeue air rights
over the parking kltl to commercial
and o1r ... building ownen and perhapo
as well u to the builders of. a convention
center and hote.bl.
Dr. Kaufmao believes the city could
build tta: clv1c center on the strip and
save the cost of buyinl acra of parking
Joto and the •lte ltaell bJ leulng tbe
land and air rlgbta from tbe Parl:tna
One doclt ripped away by tbe strong
guN ' beloo!ced to tbe Orang• County
Hartlar Dlali'lcl tn Newport Beach. "We
juat ldtd · out · the window and saw
it floating by,•• aakl a Harbor District
The other, a private· dock from~Lldo
!Jle Saud, """' been -ver..i, tM. dlstrlct. "'ported.
TbO Newport ' Harbor arer bore tbe
brunt ol tbe stGrm!a wratb. In Newport
Bay, 11 amall boats, both outboards
. -!-.~e(.,.,.,,._,.,. ' ' ·-
1 .. ~: ·. · ..
Joih eoei;,. .•on of :Huntblgt~
BeaCll's nuu1or1• tried · out ~s
father'•· s&t ·Monday night.
'!bough be ls only 2, Josh felt
he coultt, fill 'chair, if'. only his
f~et could :reach floor. Mother
war a bit worried about his
use of ·the gavel on the table,
bot councilmen agreed Josh
runs .a pretty good meeting.
Armed Pair Rob
'Colonel' of $300
Two anned banW.ts 1wearfrig· pullover
IWU~ akl ·muU toot $300 Monday
morning fro.m ·Colonel Sanden Kentucky
Fried Chict.n, 14920 Buch Blvd., West·
All em>'.;ye, Robert Parts, told police
the two men waited Into the front of the
bulldlag . and· ordered hlm to give them
all the money 1n the aale.
One man dll:played a Jong-barreled,
black plstol. No shots· were fired.
Stoefc Mcrfuu
NEW YORK (UPI) -The otock
market took on an easier tone today
despite announctmenl that expanded
Vietnam ta.JU wW be renewed Saturday.
Trading waa "'10derlte. (See quotations,
Paga H).
• .
and ..Ubosts, toot .. too --.'!!'IF
and aant. Sevonl -..tina _,.
from tbelr .-tnp and fl-' iii
Into tbe bay. AD.,.... _,_ed.
The ocean fronl wam'i Ille olily
Newp<rt ... affected, -· In Corona de! Mar, a 40-foot eucalyplu8
trft erubed flffli Gato a car owned
bY Robert s: aa.t of at -a Ave. lt wu one ol amnl whldl ~
all over town, tbe parts departmiDt
Held Wltlun1t Ball ' '
·· Pair Charged
In ·Beaeh. Killiilg:
. ' .
Of 1111 Dell'f PIM u.ft
A pair of suspeci.d throat-tlllh s!ayen
were arraigned ln West Orange County
Judl<lal !liltrlct Court Moodly oo
charges they-muTdered • gray-batred
Huntington Beach grandmother nine da71
qo, I
Judge Walter W. Charamia ordered
both men -· an oilfield worm and
'!o. teenqed' llunUngton Beach higb 8cbool
cJni1*1t -la appear Feb. 4 al t IUD.
for prcllm1nary hearing. · , ' ' •
In tbe meantime,• IM> lliPllotad.11""1
L. SllUIO!. 25, ol / SU Olay SL, and
Edwlld i-lfarlrave, Jl,.ol ·11111...-~·--IP lllljoiij' ~ao bflf tlit, I ;'" I } • • • )
-s1&uei 11 ~ • ·~ei$iati• Jail,
while H111J'm ts, m ~ at the
Hun!initDa Belch City Jail, bi~
wltb tile munfer •of· Mn: Heller S.
Markee, 55, of 1508 OUve Ave., nfDe
days ago.
Fountain Valley attorney Lloyd Necker
appeared Monday, with. ·s1...., wblf•
Hargrave was represented by a public
Jllst a weet ago Wednesday, arJ'OlpAce
engineer Nortilln Coatney, 41, ol WI!
F°'ter Jtoad, Los ·Alam!IDI, and
Margareta 0 Maggle" Dinger, 18, of 2809
Delaware SL, Huntington Beach, were
arraigned ln the same , courtroom on
the same charge.
Detec:Uves btlleve that someone stole
Miss Dinger'• car moments before the
slaying -collided with Mn. MMtee
at 17th and Main ltrfftl nearby -
then killed her to beat a car theft
She lll!Y have been forced to the
curb, or attacked alter asking for hr
formation about the other parties and
threatening to caU.poUce.
The vicUm'1 badly gaahed body wu
found lying on 17th Strttt near Palm
Avenue lbe evening of Jan. ll, afXI
Mlaa Dinger'• car wu dlseovered. 1baz>.
doned nearby In a lonely oilfield area:
Paint scrapes from the . m u rd e r
victim's car were found transferred onto
the Dinger auto, whose interior wu
smeared with blood analyied and
determined to be that of Mn. Markee.
Circumstantial evidence and stories -
coot'lictlng naturally due to the blilrre
clrcumstance8 of the case -led to
the jailing ol Coatney and Mial Dinger,
who were then formally charged.
A plea by inve.tigatorl for anyme
who mlght shed Ugh\ on the cur, which
was then heading toward 1 poulble
Nixon Inaugural
Brings Hopeful
World Reaction
. '
Vatted Pnn lalenaaoul
The world reacted Wda)' to Prealdeot
Nlxon'a illauguratlon with a hllllcl ~
hope and caullOUI O!lllmilm. -na-Uona wilhed him Ncceu In bla elforla
toward· peace. Only CommWlill China
and Nortb Koru condemmd tmn.
Cb.Ina called Nlzon "a cbieftahl ol
reactlooarlea" and North KDrea said ~the
Niml "clique" WU fDlde ap "' war.
man!IC'I aDd murderers.
Prime Minlller Herold Wlboo ol Brl·
laln salcl-Nboo'1 Inaugural ~
foretbldowed "a world on tbe' threebbold
of hope!'
"I think be embaru m .bla lob with
tbe rilbt degree ol bopa and caution
and lho rt<OglliUon that there lite n6
euy llOI-to .... -· prob!ema," Wllaon aald In !-
Beam of Hope for Teen
Soviet Pt--v. J>odgorny and Premier Alenl N. KOl!'Jln .,..,.
graiuJai.d Nbcon and 111'1~. Im~
U. S.-SOviel' n!aUODI "In tho -
ol peace." .
Huntington Blind Boy to Get }!ore Tests on Eye&
?. ,\
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J Ull.Y PllOT
,r-~ I l'I • ' i<f: ~
I I 1 ' , ~ "\ •'
WA511JNGTOll (UPI) -Prelldont ~ ' 'flw!!Ucmey, 1M lice bu
IUdllN Nl1'1ll llUtOd hll 11r11 tu11 day . 'I'll> a ......,,. or 11a1114" i. -~ iii -.JJ> ~ 1JW1119. ~ ........ "" ....... ~,..,-..... . . • • •( ..... i.iri. ....... ·la ,,. •••••
:' .: ... ~ '!:!i':'hlldl=~ lie Aid 11" .......... ~? •·109.~ ... Vlda 'l'll'lf' 7
-..,, 'I',
al 1be White House. lo do "e1•11111J• wwt --~ WllJ ht -~·aot !lf tr ~
Nixtln• aUd be would UM! the famous office in the old State .. Department House.
Oital Room -the presidtnllal ottlee building were that he wanted hit ttaff Nixon announced shortly after the ~lee" '
tn tbe White House -primarily for member• to .!eel they Wert-working lion .that Agnew would have an office
bmal occaaions. Most of the time, be closely with him, and from his point lri the White House so that the vice
aald he would work out of a emallu of view he felt the need for a "certain president could become a closer member room in tbt: neijhbo(ing executive office chemlitry" tllat comes when...,_he know• of lhe ofilcial family.
building. ""'" . -his aides aM nearby. _ . , NIJ;on. postd for photo(raphs in the
"I 11b to w.k In a r<teUveiJ ln\lll Nbon will be lbe fm Preaident ID Oval Room behind a muolve desk thal room, with papen all around and that rflCell1 memory to catty out the evt11d1y once belonged t.o Pre&lderit Woodrow
tort of thinl,"' Nlnn explained 1o cbotea of office oulaidt the Whitt Houae. Wllaon.
Beach Council
Okays 96-unit
Trailer Park
A 11knit mobile home park '""1ng
"'lUell ,... approved Mooday nlzbl by
the Huntlqtm Beach City Council at
Yorktown Aveoue and Ward Street In
Hmi!IDilOD Beach over lbe protesl of
residents of a nearby trad.
Roy C. Brooks of the homeowners
group told the council that the requested
10rte change for a trailer park would
allow "a change in the re&idenUal
characttt ol lbe nellbborbood."
He presented a peUtlon with \U>OUt
100 names against the project plaimed
by the As!Oclated Southern Investment
Co., a mblldiary of SOuthem California
Edison Co., lccordJng to the applicant'•
Buib told 'Uie councll that the land
would be dlfflcult to develop as single
family .residenllaf and maintained that
bee11ise the land 11 bordered on almOlll
three Iida by powerUne euementl, be
feela a mobile home park to be the --Councilmen agreed on a 4 to S vote
with Councilmen Jack G,..., Jorry
Matney and Donalil Shl)>ley votintl to
deny lbe projed.
Notlntl commenll by J ""ph Ferm that
the dty'1 trailer park <rd.lnance "is
IOl'flly out of. date," Mayor Alvin M.
Cloen won councll 1pproval for a motion
ea111n& for the Planning COmmllelon to
r-.i, the requlmnenll.
Beach Offi,cer
Improved After
Barstow Wreck
A llunllnlf.oo Beach motorcyde ollleer,
llri<m)y lnjurod Sunday oo the Bantow
Freeway when the J .. p In which be
WU being towed overturned, WU listed
in improved condition today at San
Benwdlno Community Hospital.
Jerome Crllllnberr)', 15, al Hunlln&lon
Beach, suffered "severe chest Injuries
and 1 poooible collapsed lung" aC<Ordlng
to Callfornla HlPWIY Patrolmon In San
A second passenger, Blake Barregar,
25, ol i.,nwood. lllflerd ch.,t 1Djwie1.
Crualnberr)''I Jeep WU beJng lowed
by a tmaD truck driven by hill brotber·ln-
tew Johii Albert, 31, ol Rialto.
Albert uJd be t<Jnporarily took his
eyea oft the road when he reached
forward to wipe ntnwater off the inllde
The Jeep bqan to fishtail, be told
CHP ofllcen, and then nn off the road
and """1urned, pinning Crushlberry and
Bamgar inllde.
The accident occurred about 1 p.m.,
Swiday, sis mile1 north al lbe San
BemardlDo city llmlll.
Huntington Beach police 1 a i d
Crulinberry bu beeu a motor -here li:nee 1959. He is the lither of
1 ... mtall cblldnn.
twlANCE Co.A.Sf l'U•l.ISfllHG COMl'AN'f'
ReMrf N. 'W••'
"'°fU*ftl ...... f' ... Ullhtr
J•cl: It c.,1,.,
Vkt Prn.l*nl -~rwr .. N.41,..ttt"
Tll-•• K11.,il E"_,.
111.,,. •• A. ..... ,1.1"'
~"" r•1iw >JIM,rt w. ••••• Willl1111 .....
,,_ •• ,. l-!Ufllifo9-·~ fdllOr Cl'r l•llor
M•9lf11 .... 11 ..... 0ffke
lOt ill. Str1tf
M1ill111 Atldr•~u r.o. ••• 7'0. 91641 ---................ , nn w .. 1 .. ..,.. aw~
c..11 Mew: nt Wett .. y '""""
Saluting an Alumnus
Whittier High School band marches up Pennsylvania Avenue during
inaugunil parade Moi>day. Band paid Its owti war to Wuhington,
D.C., to salute ICbool'• mostJllustrlous grad111!\e, Richard M. Nixon,
Class of '30 (see story page 4).
f'rem Page J
RAIN •..
left the house earlier.
"ll we'd ....,, bome. we'd pr<>bebly
have , been in the kitchen havin&'
breakfast," Mn. Wright noted. ,
Lapna televiaJoo viewen were without
aervlce fM" nearly four hours when a
TV antenna blew down and cut off
8$0 cabJe subacribera north of the center
of towD and along Laguna "Canyon Road.
StreeWgbta and traffic signals also were
abut oU by the power failure.
!Ugh winds also triggered power
failures in San Juan Capistrano and
San Clemente. In lbe latter city, one-
fourth of the town wu cut oil for
45 minutes when a tree waa blown across
power lines. ·
Traffic of.ftcen were most afftcled
by the otorm In HunUngton Beach where
the police department repGJ'ted accidents
doobled In lbe past two days, mostly
the small. gkiddlng off the roadway
types. On Main Street, two large acaci1
trees were blown down, two landlng
on the campus of Huntington Beach
High School.
In Fountain Valley, beavy fioocijng clos-
Civic Architect
Sought by Beach
City officials are looking today for
an architect le> design the proposed $6
million civic center and police faclllty
planned for construction wlthin three
The C-Ouncil Monday decided to let
the city's Deslgn Review Board develop
a list of architects and reduce the
number to 10. The board members would
then look at e:zamples of the work or
the 10 and bring lbe number down to
three to five.
These names would be sent to the
council for final review and selection.
Councilmen also agreed to the city's
Library Board being involved with selec-
tion of an architect for the proposed
new central clty library and 1uthorlzed
field trlpa to look al libraries as far
away 11 Reoo, Nevada.
A new civic center Is planned for
the aouthe11Jt comer of Main Strtet and
Mansion Avenue and the library at
Talbert Avenue and Golden Weit Street.
TeacheI"s Hold
San Jose Caucus
SAii JOSE (UPI) -Striking telehers
at San Jote State C.Otleae held I CIUCUI
In th• admlnlmUon bulldlna lhll morn-
ing after rtaaina • 14-hoor lit-in at
Ult prdldent '1 office.
ed Edinger Avenue between Ward and
Brookbunt ttreeta for a abort time early
tb.la mornlng. A · few small treeB were
uprooted ID Seal Beach, while surpria-
1111111 litUe trouble · developed i n
Around Orange county, power tatlures
were reported in TusUn, El Modena,
Orange, Garden Grove, Santa' Ana and
Buena Park -the latter affecllng an
esUmated 9,000 homes. All probleins
were cleared up by 8:15 a.m.
.. We have been Vf!r'J lucky," said Colin·
ty Road Cornmlss1oner Al S. Koch. "All
roads are open. We have had a few
trees down in Santa Ana Canyon and
in Yorba Llnda, and the usual slide
on Pacific Coast Highway at Capistrano
Beach, but the highway is open."
Orange County flood control engineer
C. R. Nelson said no flooding problems
have been experienced, but channels In the western part of the county were
flowing heavily, some near capacity.
Other areas -Of the state were less
fortunate. Jn San Luis Obispo, county
supervisors Monday asked Gov. Ronald
Reagan to declare the county a disaster
area because of what they termed the
worst storm in a century. Some $1
million in damage was reported .
Four persons are known to have drown·
ed in lhe Southland since the stonn
began. Los Angeles County alone record-
ed 20 fatal automobile aceidents, many
of them directly telated to tbe rainfall.
And the word from the weathennan
to all of Southern California today was
-more rain, heavy rain, with gusty
wind.a for Wednesday.
st Day · Early
A 'r.w .......... were usher<d In 14 ~
'tee him. I ilo , lo911ed reoted and WU A1J1tw Jolnlnl the Pmidenl in
ll olioW pad 11111!\0r 4-llito the faCI 9Nidn1 I tia Ylil(IWI ~ ~·~ • did !lit • ta lied Dill J:lf . ..,.... . lloa Piiotdent wUlfi.0 1 want ' Tllo Pllil'
... 11111 VI' If l:jl. clpal role of Ibo vlee preotdent II to
Uf\11 fl! dalf." ... ht said refenilla lo implement the Prtaident'a wishes."
the ~ ot the oUlce and the Ainew cut short hll remarb to "mall• liytn; qttarten. my way to lbe tender merclet of 1be
"UIJ,lally y~ bave to fiiure a baU sen1te0 -where RepubllCID. leader
an hour driving time to get to work. EvweU M. Dirben and DemocraUc
I can walk here in about l'n mlnut.e.s." counterpart Mike Mana!ield differed to.
Later, welcoming 1,300 C811lpalgn day u to wbelber N-would deliver
wort.ts and lrlendl to the Whlta House, hll Stoia of lbe Union In perlOll.
·Nlaal uld Ilda lint day OD lbe job Dlrue• doobted II but Manalleld uld
''meana m«e to me thin aoy other0 he expected '"tht Prtaident will come
hecl1w of. tbelr presence. ht.fore \II lo penon.,.
* * * * * * Coast Inaugural
Delegation Busy
01 IM Dfi\ly Pll .. Sf9fl
WASHINGTON -The Orange Coast'•
delegaUon bas been busy and bu5lllnr
-and a trifle cold -during Jn.
auguration Week activities here.
Persistent rumors continue t b a t
marketman and long·time Newport
Beach civic leader O. W. "Diel,. BJ.chard
is due for an appointment within the
Nixon Administration.
Richard, in 10me Washµlgton chitchat,
allO suggested that Prealdent lltsO. will
pre.fer a location in Newport's Cameo
Shores rather than Laguna Beach for
his "Summer White House Welt."
!Itson bu In the past 1tayed In the
home of federal Judge Thurmond Q1rk
Beach Policeman
Wins Elks Club
Shooting Award
A large perpetual trophy and a per·
sonaJ trophy marking bis exettlence
with the po11oe .Jel'Vlee revolver were
oresented Mooday n!J!hl to Huntington Beach __ pollce ofllcer George Renek for
bis lY8b total shootlng points during 116.8. -'Ibe~resentatfon wu by 00!: Rum-
"Y <•l:lh• Huntington Beach Eiu Lodge a_t~'lfttrnoon meeUng of the City ~~ Atlendlna: the ceremonies were
Otari8"e County · Sberlff James Musick
and Dl!trict Attorney Cecil !Ucu. s.e-
ond Dlatrlct Supervllor David L. Baker
also altended.
Honored along with Renek wu Oflleer
Andrew Dickey wbo 1hot the hlghell
single score during the year.
RenU wu also given a certificate
good for free uniform cleaning for one
year at Five Points Cleaners by owner
Martin Tunstall.
The EID plan to give quarterly
awards for ahOoUng proficiency and aid
the pollei!men in conatructlon ol a local
shooting range.
2 Armed Men Roh
Store, Take $588
Two men held up the La Palm Liquor
and Food Mart, 7988 Knott Ave, in
Buena Park Monday night and escaped
with '588.
Clerk John L. Bretol of Buena Park
said one of the pair threatened him
with a revolver and then emptied both
cash registers. No car was seen or
SF Policeman Quits
fleer Ray,nond Main Jr., 41, suspended
for 45 days after shooting at a noisy
cat and grazing a neighbor woman's
•kuU, Monday reaignecl from the force.
In the cameo 8hora a r •a of Corona
del Mor.
Recent speculaUoo IUQeoied that Nix:
OD'I llaU mipt IOJecl Lapll'I Hr
panalve and hlllorlc P)>ne CuUe on
HWaut Drive for the aammer White
Bui Newport'• Rlcbard today hinted
the old castle II out Reuon: "The
Secret Service lull dldni like lbe Lquna
Too many secret tunnels, maybe?
* LONG TIME Or""'° County Coo-
greuman James B. V&t (Ro-Tustln) wu
on hand here to welcome the Orange
Coast group to Capitol Hill He held
a coffee recepUon in hi.a offlcea for
-t.be locala.
Moat al lbe Orange Cout group a~
tended the lnauguraUoo Ball al the
W aablngton Hilton where more than
30,000 IDvltaUons bad been lasued.
Smatlest ball was at the Mayflower
Hotel with on1y 2,500 attendance.
Newport Beach, wife of the fonner
secretary of the Navy, wore the .same
blue satin dress, tight waist 1nd full
skirt, that she wore for the inauguration
of President .Eisenhower.
Mra. Tbomaa' gown required special
handling on and off planes and buses
for Ila second trip to Inaugural f..Uv!Ues
- a aentimenta\ journey for the
dialinguished Newport family.
* DDPITE RAIN, Inaugural fesUvities
got off to a favorable start Saturday
afternooo with Mrs. Nixon's reception
for 9,000 ladies on special invitation
to the National Gallery of Art.
The ladies stood for two to tlne
hours in the reception line lo ,reet
the First Lady, all elegant in hats and
Mrs. Nixon wore a aimple light blue
wool dress. She was assisted in the
r«tplion line by Mra. Hu1ll Scott., wife
of the RepubUcan Senale Whip and Mn.
Robert FJncb, wUe of the former
California 'lieutenant governor and now
Nixon's secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare.
* MR. AND MRS. Murary Chiotner cf
Newport Beach, he the well-known at-
torney and former manager of Nixon
campaigns, stayed at the Sheraton Park
Hotel, sei!ne of Sunday afternoon's
Governors Reception.
* Moot of the Orange Coast delegation
stayed at the Washington Hilton, scene
of Saturday's bit where 21 police units
and an army of Secret Service agents
discouraged a confrontation between In·
augural visitors and several hundred
so--called "Yippies."
AMONG THOSE at the Hilton were
the Arnold Beckmana of Corona del
Mar, the John M1cLeod1 of Newport and
Vic Aadrewa of Laguna Beach.
Indeed, for the as member• of the
Orange Cout delegation it's betn a busy
and ei:ciUng week.
Dr. Eldred Rutherlord. head o( the
American Ped....tlon ol Teachen Local
1312 chaired the Cau<UI ol 28 otrlttng i.aclien who havt been thr .. l<ned with automaUc resi,nauona ohortly befono t
Lm. Prom 15 to 28 ol lbe le1cb<n
had 1pent tho nlihl In the bul!dlnl.
Robert cwt.
RAINS SWAMP TOWN -Photographer •lood knee
deep In waler lo snap this ;view of Higuera Slreet,
main artery of San Luis ObISpo, which has been hit
hard by current storm. More than 10 Inches of rain
UPIT .......
fell in one 17·hour period in city, with as much ac
21> Inches ~orded In 28 minutes. Flood damage ls
near P<l0,000 mark. •
• I •
, Data System
Seen Solving
Beach's Woes
A aylleml approach to solvlnl tome
of the PfO:blems facing HwiUngt.on Jleach
II a po5'iblllty In the fubfre, councllnlen
decided Monday night following a presen--
tation by Planning Commissioner Michael
Bokor. •
The approach, which uses data pro-
cessing equipment in searching out
answers to problems, has been discussed
by councilmen who are examining many
ways to keep the city progressing.
Bokor Indicated lbal !he Orsi thing
needed to consider a systems approach
is establishing of goal!.
"There is a sufficient goals program
contained in the Urban Land Inst itut.&
report," Councilman Henry Kaufman
City Administrator Doyle Miller said
that "we will have to head toward
systems analysis in some form," but
pointed to the city ot Burbank wbenl
he AJd the city bad con&idered a C<lm-
plete systems review. but cancelled the
$2.8 mill.ion job when federal fwlds failed
to materialize. .
Councilman Jerry Mainey pointed out
that he bas dlseu&Sed systems analysis
briefly with the president of General
Systems Inc., of Torrance, Andrew
Yeiser, who is a resident of Huntingt.on
Beach. -
,;We might have a meeting with tht
people of this !inn some time to discuss
what approach the city should take
toward getting started on a 1ystems
f'rot11 Page l
who had names and the fUDd! to buy
what Jane Doe now possesses in common:
with them.
Orange County taxpayers pajd $235 for
Jane Doe's grave.
''It ia, literally, a pauper's grave,"
said '<lbert.
"County cases are not buried In what
we call open ground," he explained,
"but it is in the lawn area."
"lt'1 decent," he said.
Huntington Beach Police Capt. Eip-le .
Robitaille said today that identificatlon
of Jane Doe as Rhonda Fisher is
extremely tentative and G e or g I a'
authorities have developed nothing yet
to support it.
U Jane Doe Is truly Rhonda Fisher,
It makes little dHference.
"No marker has been ordered by the«
county yet," the Pacific View Memorial
Park prealdent saJd Monday.
"They've never ordered one before,"
he added.
Unless a Fl.sher family should somehow
tum up in Georg!1, .accepUng the iden-
tificaUon and wllUng to buy a plaque
for someone who may or may not be 1 their Rhonda, Jane Doe will aleep In
an unmarked gn.ve.
"Some people really want the anonytnf-
ty," Vibert 1ald Monday, "so we don't
require 1 grave marker."
Now, however, Jane Doe't grave ts
closed and with It, in theory, the cate
of a woman known only to God and
maybe the man who raped and killed
her. '
"One day, perhaJ>!I, all the unknown
will be known, and this case will be
closed," said Me\bOdist minister Rev.
G. Russell Sb1w, who spoke 1t the-
Until that Jong.foretold day, however,
Jane Doe will rut In more ao~
tolitbde than IJl')'Ontl who might want
it could a1t -apart from other slum-
btttn -wit.bout even 1 gravestone. ·
M.•Ybe lhe too, pre.fen It that way.
President to Quit
At Oregon State U.
CORVAU.IS, Ore. (UPI) -Dr. Jll!lu
H. JenRn &Mounctd today he pla.Q£
to m;lgn u preatdtnt ol Orqon Stale '
Unlveralty June JO.
Jenaen, 52, a.aid he baa been "Invited
by the Roctefella Foundation to vi11it
Southeut Alla with the prospect 0(
jolnlna the ri>undaUon'1 program there.•·
I \
JUESOAY, JANUAllY 2 f, '1969
' 'I I
Ted•y'• l'hull-
N. Y. s-...9
L. ' :·agu n a s 17,000 -y~ar-old · :·Ma ri -She !''No t He
Of "" °"" ,. ... St.ft
Laguna Man lm't a he. lfe wu a
nt. Is the concluaion of a UCLA
ldtntlst 1 who hu been working with
Ulill,~ear-old skull dug up in Laguna
Beach 38 years ago.
-Dr. llaiderBerger bu determined that
Ille Hull, llnewn li aroheologlchl clrCles
1 .. three decades u'f.agllua Man; should
..... been .,.Ued LaguDO' Lady,
'1Tbe thin ridges above the eyfll and
' ' . I
~ r ..
Siilng Her Vp
show the skull to be lhat oC a woman,"
said Dr. Berger, who h,.dl the UCLA
Isotope Llboral<ley.
DettrminaUoo ol the li;ull'a age by
Dr. Berger bu extended direct evidence
of human presence in the Americas
by tOOO or ;;ooo years.
W. Howard Wilson, 227tl Visla Del
So~ Three Arch Bay, owns the skull.
He found it in 1933 at what ls now
~-daintier lhape of lbe tye sockds
255 SL Ann's Drive.
Wil.wn and i;dward H. Marriner were
DAILY l'ILOT Sllff 1'119t.
'l!hese E1 Toro youngsters, three-year veterans of Laguna's Pageant
of Ibo !ilaBters,' get bead start on casting for 1969 pageant set for
Jiily 11 through Aug. '24. From left are members of Hutter family-
Clay 8; Jennifer, 6; Tim, 10; Donna, 5. Persons of all shapes and ·~es' >yill b& chosen for 1969 pa'eant at C'ast!Qg parties Feb. 8 and 9.
Latest Vacation Village
P;r otest Ends in Rebuff
Loren Haneline's latest bout with city
pluming commissioners over a If.unit
addilDn 'to hil existing 116-unit Vacation
VHlap comple:i ended in rtje<:Uon Mon-
"f, inform you that you have 10 days
to appeal this decilioo to the city coun-
cil," Commission Chainnan Fred Briggs
Haneline sought a varian~ on density
for his development. He decried the
"onus or split ioning" that made him
apply for repealed variances from the
cny. ... • , , . ..<. aii-Atotr n~«I ""'t the 11 uui~
in _till-,. oi&r7 addition ""uld ho · ma~ a property already 14 units
over dtnllity. _
' from Clyde Springe, building director,
to Haneline stating that unauthorized
additions to the Reef Towers structure
would have to be removed.
Haneline aa.id that while he bad receiv..,
ed a stop.work order on, the ap-;
purtenances, he baa not receiv~ a teer·
down order until the letter, so he jtist
left the ladders and blllcony-trellis In
The denial, moved by Commissioner
Charles J ohnson, was unanimous wllh
ch.airman Fr~ f:~ ab!tainlng.
1 • ·-~ t. lnauprol Gossip.
digging lor artifact& ad llooea in the
bank of a road cut at tlio -· Scleottata in Europe and America have been a.·
amining the skull oo and oil It< years.
In the past, bonver, there wu no
sure way of dali.N il Man formerly
was believed to bave dated back 10.0IX>
or ll,000 years in America. ·
Scientists recenUy ~ed a charred
and broken skull found la Waahingt.on
s t a t e at a federal dam lite in 1966.
It is believed possibly IJ,GOO yean old .
But Lag1Jl!4 Lady, Dr. Buaer bu
Worst Storm in :Century
Clohh-ers Orange · Coast
Nixon· Gets
Early Start
On l st~a~~
WASlflNGTON (UPI) L l'rtlWlll
Ricbald Nixoa..llar1cd bla ~ !WI da•
in office today by gelling to wort ~
any of bla atal! and cbcloaiDI that
he would do most ol. bis wort outlldt
ul the-While Boule.
Nixon said he would use the famOUI
Oval Room -the prtaldential olfice
in lhe White House -primarily for
formal occaslona. Most_ of the Ume, he
said, he would work out of a smaller
room in the neighboring aecutlve office
"I like to work in a relaUvely small
room, with papers all around and that
sort of thing,'' Nixon explained ~
"l'm a creature of habit," be remark·
He said two other reasons he decided
to do "everyda~ work in a smaller
office in the ~Old State Department
building were that he wanted hil staff
members to feel they were working
closely with him, and from his point
o( view he fell the need for a "certain
chemistry" &hat comes when he knows
his aides are nearby.
Nixon will be the first . President in
recent memory to carry out the everyd1y
chores o( office outs.Ide the White Hoast.
Traditionally, the vice president hu
had an office in the massive, el1borate
structure known in W·ashinrton a.t
"EOB." But Vice President Spiro T.
Agnew will be working out of the White
Nixon announced shortly after the elec-
tion that Agnew would have an offlce
ir the White House so that the vice
president could become a cloaer member
of the official family.
Nixon pc-1 f0< pbotosraphl in the
Oval Room behind a massive desk that
once belonged to Preatdent Woodrow
A few report.en were ushered ln to
see him. He looted rested and was
in obvious good humor deopftO Ille lact
he did nol get to · bed until z,31 a.m.
and got up at t :45.
"It's ao cloee," he said rel' erring to
(See NIXON, l'ol' I)
Tn'tstees SlatC::J\leet
Laguna Beach UniDed School Diatrtct
trustees have ICheduled 1 study Miilon
at 7,30 o'clock tonight to~ -.blilh · school fadliUe! and the e4uatiooai pro-
• ~-'=' · FaDeliT'ree f;h·•lk Mark Wins -. · -= -· • ·
Realtor MQVes Awaj ~From Meters
You've bwd of the straw lhal broke
tho camel'•. back h!ll bow about the
chalk mark that cbaaed Ibo !IUllor
When Laguna Beacb oflleiala decided
to enlon:e ihe tire . ,_' .. Pfl'klnl
aioww. ~ 11~ too much for <OQllrmad
meter-I• w.lioco L. Neff. ,
He JllOftd 1111 olJl<ts 'lo Corona de!
Neff, who had -localad at Sii
Forett Ave., tried the tnUllcal. car game
ror awhile. He •dmlttf/d be ev'1 erased
one chalk mark from blt Ure.
But suddenly the 'Whole thing seemed
too much. Even though be ·wam't.gettinc
any more parking tickets than average,
the atraln of watcb1uc. the ticking meter
head, looking for the telltale chalk markl
and moving hta ~ ~wearisome.
"! just thoallbl It was stupid, ihe
whole thing wu uuperatiDg," said Neff.
"I wu even madder than (stock· broker)
Howard Da~m." ·
So despite ll year1 doing busineos
in Laguna, Neff moved to. :1816-B Eu!
Col.st Highway.
"I love it here," he said today. "I
park rl1ht on a aide street without
a meter. I can alt there all day in
peace .1100 q\llet. My car's real happy
Nelf said he bu even-thrown away
the rabbJi'1 foot whlCh be kept to help
ward oil Ute meter men.
DAILY rhAT Itel\' l'liiM .
'!'VE HAD IT' .
Meter FHder Neff
Site for Laguna Library
Topic ·at CTPA Meeting
· DiscuUlon of a lubae Laguna Beach
library• Ille will be a principal topic
tOolght dur!na the amwaI meeting of
the Cltlana' Town Planning Alloclation
The meeting Is to begin a( I p.m. ·
In ihe community rootn of ihe Laguna
Federal bulJdlns.
The ,...mi plm> consultanll hli••
,._mended ·aglln!t exptndiog ihe llbnir' .t •Ila prti<St locatfon, famng
Illa on "l'ldnt 811-eiet'er Ill< scbOol·Ptv-' pony at Park Avemi.-snd Biiimant ·
Stnet. '.l'l>e,-.U. wlU be bef ... ihe PlanD\ni ~,·ana~wtttM,1'clt'
-0...roll,.1. . -·-......... .., .
The C!'PA bll•·Wa<il .ciliaen-~ ·-:·,·, fr~-'' ' '
of the existing central site. A CTPA
circular states the group will make a
strong plea for a planning NlltudJ and
will present data not considered by the
"The CTPA library Committee and
board members are worklng fut to
present u Ugh& and complete a caae
ror the central site (afstlng and ,..
panded Into adjacent triangle} aa pooal-
ble," the circular states. .
other tOplci on tonJiLt•s QeKta will
be the Flnnish. p~iie film, •11J'1,P.l0Ja';,;
elt;c~on. rof ,.oUictrl: ireenbe1t: rt~;'
dilcuhiO!i ·u1• a· .c.n1c! 1nvintorl-r ~ '
fepotla , on nei(hhcf¥00 elloda. Jn.,dil-
fdent ;tMll•.' '· • ... ,,-. j
Hits Home
In Laguna
• By '!'qoJ Trl'llll
• • • OI "t,J!I'! .... "'!'
·lldullionl ·~ -• -~.,. innr4 dOeept!.w;. blilo -1111"1 In lht.wib d what WU lermlil.111.--·-atann lo •....-Y· • AlmfC Iba <nllP eo..t -...
lopplod, "'"'"' 1lnii cut, -ta· floodool.
WIS cijlollOd and even doobl --
by the merdl-·fm7 d ·penlltenl -and aavap wfndl. Weather fonc:uter.
M called f9f an encore on Wednesday.
·one· dock ripped away 1>y·111e -;
gust& beloogod to the Orange Coonly
Harbor Dbtrict in Newport Beach. "We
jdlt' Cooked cluf the' wlnd.W and ....
·It floating bf," Aid a Harbor Dlatrlcl
olllcial. '
The other, a private dock lrom Udo
Isle Soud, hasn't been recovered, the
l(ta!rfCi reJ!O<lad. ' The Newport Harbor area bore the
brunt of ihe albrm'• wlath. In Newpmt •
Bay, 11 llllllll boats, both outboards
::: ~~ :i.: = '::!
from ihetr mooringl and -Oii into the bay. AD wtre JeCOVered. _
The ..... lrool WUD~ Ille CllllJ
Newport area afleclad, 11ow ...... •In
CoroDa c1e1 Mar, a •r<>Qt eucalyptus
tree craabed .over ooto a car owned
by. Roberl S. Clark cl GI p.-.,
Ave.. It wu one ol eeveral wbk:b toppled
all over town, the paru department
Another ecualyplul wreaked more
damqe when ii lll118lhed throuih •a
large plate gJus -in' the home
of Mr. and Mra. W. D. Wr!pl d 715
SUmmll Drive, Lacuna Beacb. 'Ille la&.
loot !rte scattered gJ-. ~
~.houl the ~ and into Ibo crib
(8oo RAIN, l'llp I)
NEW YORK (UPI) -The -t
market tool:·on an .ealer bie today
despite anlOQllCftDtllt that expanded
Vietnam talb wm ho -~Tl'ading wu inoderate. (See quotaUona,
Pages 1-1).
' . 1"eadter
Don't let -. blue aldea fool
, you : the rainmaker'• jull -Int 1111 -, .. ind. It'• min .... .... ' .. ,._ .........
;r,~ \' . . "'-~-. . . .... ., .. &ii<t:Man· :Fa~hig : ~:~·=~th 1n'":
()Jlponata of Haneline'• propooed ad-diP.oa: ~ whether the VacaUm vtn..ie bxnplex might male the aru
toe CQl:!Qflfcial for•tberu ever. to develop P .resident ' . .
·p ·:r "f ·' rs· :·~./l~·:e. ·dMl:" ' 9 , Dratk-b~e~· I INSmE_.,TODAY e ' e •·• ' . ' . · i '(' .. ' ~ . :p ' WMe · ldt 1 .....,.,., loolci • • • .. • • ~ -J 'iii\ ' ... , " . ! I t I . --~ ' · · · . " , ··: ,.', · ·. -. . ·, .,. ·;·a, Price Dmah1t1e J.Qt'rt•.., · 1 ·..-.his· w lamM, =tormir'' ~~ ':' ~';i:;~~ "!,..n ..,iol,. PY Hollow la already filled to · ,. t, .' Then you 're rbJck with
• o( property worth • Jot ol.
"l"""f~~ CUl't do &11ythiog ~-!~"
!Cl. Mjl!l"d !lav.U. told the pla1111«~ "Mr,.~ Hanllne's develQ'PllWlt h 1 a
1lread, made Sleepy Hollow too com-
merclll I« naldentlal uae," &he Aid.
Mrt. S.ve~ represented her molhu,
ewner cl Jl'OllOllJ> adjoctnl to V aatlon Vllllp. .
,,~ ~'!foe WU made ol I letter
·? ·
Of ... Dllflr PUii Slafl'
WASHIN.GTON -The OrllJ\llO Coelt'1
deltaation bu been buly and bustling
-and a trllle cold -during In·
aogur.Uon Weet actlv1Ues here.
Penlstent rumor• conUnue t b a t
marketman and long-time Newport
Beach civic leader O. W. uDki" IUcUrd
ia due for an appointment wllhln lhe
Nixon Admln!llraUon.
Richard, In IOllle Wuhinlloo chlich>~ ,..,
· · ·-•< • ' ··' • ' · . · · •• ...,. : Pruidc!tt J A 1Mu •._-' . • · · ; I · • leeell;<*arged with ill'alt dodllJtc, bu . i fkl" ~&:a
also suggested 1hat Pr!Sldoil\•\JlxGn W!n ~ · · 1 · · . ; : .; · ' : : ' ' · ' been·~ ·to apileat Los Anjelel . I " at al All *
prefer a locatlan in_N~'( Cldqao · Jl!lat~'-'~".todllr~: f-.J-.ourtJ~.31:1"'.'tdil I IOO<d nmcl\ In,..,,.,_ l'GQ• S.
Shores rather than l.aliliil,1*di ldr ~ oti_, • .i,' aat.. -r~~ · Donalnie, l!J, HlllNJ.":Lopa; "lll*"d I ~ ...l = -':
hl• "Summer Wblte Houa wo.t.·• ~~~)/&;.tidal~\~.~ ' Friday befono Jiid1• Wllllam Glay. H• ' E ll w= '4:
Nixon bu in the Pl#·&tUM;ln 'till .r.>.:..· ..... 1.:..,._,,., ·, . 1s_,..iwllhvlolltlonsof11Mi8elocl!Ye' - -,. • -1
home of federal Jadge ntn:•'"'~· """"_,.""'"""!~11<1·. · sen .. Ad~.n1um,. Id lllllnilt '!« I:=_ ':-!!!!!!-·:::;, in theCameoSborelar'~'lil.c«onl. , • ,, •. ,.* ·; lndtidJon.. 1 .... ,, ., w ;;;....,. u ,
det Mar. · , Two Ora.nae Couot.y men who fact 1 ;a. Qllf ~ R"rr :
Recent speculaUoo -'"<! that Nix· LONll . TIMS· Oranp e<xmtf Col> 14nJ1ar <halies ""' beh!I ...,,,,1 bJ .., -11 -"
00'1 staff mlRl>t selecl Lacuna'• ar-~ ,_ L Ill& (Jl. ...... ) 'u feclenl ollkln. They are Pad 9lephml ::=.,.. l: = : :
pamlve and hlat«k )'yno Cu11e on on baod bOn . ~,. Ibo ~ Dulloil:, II, of Oranp and J'nlll< N--•
Hlllcrell Drivt foe Ibo 11unmer 11l>lla (!loo llU l'l!P I) F"-11, of Santa Aaa. '-----------'
,'1 • I\ ~ •·
~ " ,,
. I
Jant< Doe ~uried a Pauper on Cold, Rainy Day
L T...,,.-.,ft.lM
Cemetery Foreman Henry Reed Puts Flnlshlnt Touches on Murc:ter·Vtctlm'1 Final R11th)I Place
Bite Fro111 Past
Viejo Girl Finds Dinosaur Tooth
"When ahe ftnl' !ouiid It 'lie -·1
know what It wu; we thought of
dinosaurs and other tlllnga."
Mn. Jamu Terry, Jti811 Andalusia
Circle ID Mlalon Viejo, WU speakl!J&
of a two-inch triangular tooth found
tn the back yard by her daughter, Terri,
•• Marine l>lolotlill., Jolm Jobnson of
C..... d<I Mar HIJh School lold the funilJ the "moc.a mo1"'" bad btloqed
lo a ~ abort.iJb creatun.
He eotlmaled that It WU n1mmlllc
over the aru JO to JO miWon years
ago wbm the oea ranged Inland lo Sad-
dlebact Mountains and the hllJJ of
Mlloloa Viejo were lllanda.
JohMon bad never com e across a
prehlstoric shark'• tooth that alle. "Terri
was so interested in finding out what
it belonged to," said Mrs. McDonald.
She sald the lootb bad boon DUI' the
surface of the around near the-· Terri'• 'fourtll grade tcbool mata 'at
Linda Vlafa Elem<ntary Schon! .....
inlmlted toe when abe toot the big
tooth lo clua.
Mn. McDonald said the tooth was well preaerved with the enamel Intact
but the inllde l«Dlingly lurPed lo a ,..., mateiiaL
U Milll.on Viejo'• plans for a muaeum
mal<rlallze, abe sald, the bl& loetb wlll
have a permlMllt abowcase 11 a gilt
by Terri lo the muaeum.
China Raps President
World's View of Nixon
Cautiously Optimistic
BJ Ulllled !'ml htorlltlaoal
The workl reacted today to President
Nixon'• lnaugw'•tlon with a blend of
hope and cauUOUI optlmim1. Most na-
Liona wilbed him aucceaa ln his efforts
toward puce. Only Communlst China
and North Koru condemned him.
China ca1led Nl:ran "1 chleftaln of
reacUon1rlta" and North Korea 11ld "the
NlJ'on clique" wu made up of war
maniacs and murderers.
Prime Minister Harold Wilson of Bri·
lain llld Nixon'• ina""'111 1pe<eh
foruhadowed "a world on lht thrtshhold
of hope."
"I think he embarks on hi.a job wilh
the right degree of hope and caution
and the recognJUon that thm! are no
easy llOlutiona to the world'• problerru:,"
Wllloo llld In Londoo.
OllAlllCOI COil.f1' P\ltl.llHING COMl"IUl't
lt•bttf N. Weil
.. rt11W11t •NII l"ul>lltl>t~
J.,. •. c •• 1.v
'll(t P'rft!Oellt """ ~,,, ... ~ .. ,
l••••1 K•••il ••* Tll•••• A. M~rplli~•
,....,. ..... l'•li.t affJ,..,, r. Nill '••I Niu111
Soviet Pr"'1dent Nlkolll V. Podgorny
and Premier Aleael N. Kooylfn con-
gratulated Nixon and qed improved
U. S.-Soviel rtlationa "in the lnleresls
of peace."
Meet to Discuss
Black Education
Education at a private school for black
children will be discuued Thursday at
8 p.m. at Laguna Fedual's lhln:I floor
conference room when Hakim Jamal,
cousin of P.talcolm X, speaks.
Jam.al, direct.or of the Malcolm X
).1ontes.sori preschool In Compton will
describe the educational methods ol the
The meeting at the savings and loan
building, 260 Ocean Ave., is 1pon50rtd
by a support group for the achoo!.
Mrs. Jean Sutter, temporary chainnan
of the Laguna Beach group, uld the
meeting la the firat of a wie1 deslgned
to raise money for the IChooJ.
There ii no cbara:e for attendaoce,
however, a collecttQn wtD be taken.
From Pqe 1
C'.oasl group to Capitol IUU. He held
a coffee reception tn hl.s office1 for
the locals.
Most or !be Orange Cout ,groiip at·
tended the Inauguration BaJI at the
Washington Hilton where more than
30,000 invitations had been issued.
Smallest ball was at the Mayfiower
Hotel with only 2,500 attendanct.
Newport Beach, wife of the former
secretary of the Navy, wore the same
blue satin dress, light waist and run
skirt, that she wore for the inauguration
of President Eisenhower.
Mrs. Thomas' gown required special
handling on and off planes and buses
for ill second lrip to inaugural festivities
-a sentimental journey for the
dlallnauW>ed Newport family.
* DESPITE RAIN, lna""'1111 faUvlU..
got off to a favorable start Saturday
afternoon with Mr!. Nlxon's receptton
for 9,000 ladies on special invitation
to the National Gallery of Art.
The ladies !tood. for two to ttu-ee
hours in the reception line to a:reet
the First Lady, all elegant in hall and
Mrs. Nixon wore a simple light blue
wool dress. She was aS1lsted in the
re«ption line by Mn. Hagh Scott wife
of the Republican Senate Whip and Mn.
Robert Flach, wUe of the fonner
Calilomla lieutenant governor and now
Nixon's secretary of Hea1th, Education
and Welfare.
* MR. ANO r.ms. l\farray Cbodaer of
Newport Beach, he the well-known at-
torney and former manager or Nixon
campaigns, !tayed al the Sheraton Park
Hotel, :scene of Sunday afternoon's
Governors Reception.
* 111ost of the Orange Coast delegation
stayed at lhe Wuhington Hilton, scene
of Saturday's bit where 21 police unit.!
and an army of Secret Service 1genta
discouraged a confrontaUon between in-
augural visitors and aeve.ral hundred
so-called "Yippiea."
AMONG THOSE at the IUlton wert
the Arnold Bectm.UI of Corona de.I
P.far, the Joltn Mad.Nd• of Newport and
Vic AndteWI of Lquna Beach.
Indeed, for the 85 members of the
Oranre Cout delepUoo 11·1 been a holy
•nd ucltlDi week.
• ., ,_,. ... VINll:L '··---. Juia --• reputed .,.1e" -pi wlol bod Nd teeth IDd I few
good Umee -wu delivered by wli!te
Cldlllac lo the btac-of ber pauper'•
rr•vt Monday and buried in a 11ay1 lone80me raJn.
No one wu there at the end o( Mr
final journey, unleaa be bad I job to
cto. ' Cold roln fell, rllllln( roddllh IOO from
"tholr lhovell u wanm.n at Pacific
View Memorial Patt can1ed lbe gr1y,
economy cuket from the wbtte hearse.
The rain fell all day.
Jone Doe'• burial In Lat 151F ol the
c.r.na d<l Mar cemelerJ """" to lJcl>I, Uke ber murder Ill da11 .,., ...,.
-oiler 11 occumd. "We were In a meettna at tbe Ume
and when it wu over, "' learned the
body had be<n ~ .. 1.-
and WU llteady lnl<rred," sald John
Vibert, pruldent and genorll managu
of the cem<tery.
Burtll waa del1yed following the brief
funerl;l and commltttl addna1 Friday,
when Jackie Smay, 2J, of Lon• Beach,
made a tentaUve photograph iden-
tification of the long-dead throat alalh
Despite an international &eareh for
her tnie ldeoUIJ over the pa!I 10 months, nothilll new bad turaod up loday lo
For Schools
Wins Praise
An endowment p-ogram to btnmt
Laguna Beach schools w~ lauded Mon-
day by Dlslrlq chief Dr. William Ullom
speaking before a meeUnc of the Laguna
Beach E1change Clubs. -.
Dr. Ullom said that while olher
goverrunental agencies have a variety
of 10Urcea for fuods. schools have only
properly ta1; aome sales tu U&lltance,
and minor federal a.id.
The endorsement plan organized under
conlrol of lhe school board would pro vide
additional money with no increases in
taxu, be said.
Cal)ed the Laguna Endowment Foun-
daUon, the Idea WU formed by a group
or interested cltlzeru, Ullom said. The
meuure would help meet increasln&
icbool .._..
He noted in the five yean he hu
been with the Laguna dlstrlct, It bu
grown by 35 1eacher11 several ad-
mi111lratofs, and other personnel.
"We feel strongly that the fint U
yean ue the moat imporllnt In a cblld'1
life," he said. He noted home, school,
churcll tncl community are the in-
fluenctna factors.
"It la dependent upon the salary the
caliber of peraoonel. we a:et to leach
your children.
"Jn the near future, we'll have le>
start looting for new blih td!OOl
facllitiu," he told the group.
Ullom Wd that the endowment foun-
daUan would be of great asal.stance in
such matters.
f'rona P .. e 1
NIXON • • •
the prolimlty or lhe office and the
living quarters.
"Usually you have to figure a half
an hour driving Ume to set to work.
I can walk here in •bout 21,;, minutes."
Later, welcomlna: 1,300 cunpala:n
workers Ind frimd.I to the White HOUR,
Nilon llld tblJ Drat day oo the job
"mean1 more to me than IJ1)1 other"
because of their presence.
Agnew, joining the Pruldent in
greeting the visitors, u..ld, "everythini
the President wanta, I want. The prin-
cipal role of the vice president ii to
implement the President's wllbes."
Agnew cut lhort hl1 remarks to "make
my way to the tendu mercies of the
Senate" -where Republican luder
Everett M. Dirksen and OemocraUc
counterpart Mike Mansfield differed ~
day as to whether Nixon would deliver
his State of the Union in person.
Dirk.sen doubted it but Mansfield said
11< upecled "the Pruldent wW coma
before 111 Jn pera:i."
l,.-hldl· ..... ,!fl ...
(lif .t:lllo< Dlrecl• Comnaerclal-Botel Zone
...,.1nuw111a11mQ'• ldenll11c1t ..
Qla -.,.,,. ... -.......
lean alter Illa cubl Ud w• -In Smith'• MorbmJ, Mlsl Smey .-
her former room-mate u Rhonda Fisher,
21, a Georgia girl who followed 1111
the IWl to CalJlomlL
"I med to be wild too," Mill Smay
told tnveatlpton, uylna ebe orilinallY
became acqualDled ·wllh Miu Flaher
throup -.iion with the HtU'a
Aocu Moto«yde Club In the Hollynocl
Known ooly u Jane Doe fGr offklll
records .UU, she 11 separated from othtrs
in death, evtn u she mwst hJve been
In lUe, drifting thnlup It In the lllO!lymi-
ty of ID onlnary lace, doinc the onlnary
tblnp --tbef ...... -tlllt made up ber ""1inarY day1.
Sba ix boried DW' the od't of the ~ cemelel')', IWIJ from tbose
Who had 1WD01 lllCl the funda lo buy
what Jane Doe now posaeua ln common
with them.
Oranre c...nty tapaym paid I JS for
Jane Doe'• crave.
"It II, lltrrally, a pauper'• ir ave,"
llld Vibert.
0 County cuea art not burled In what
we call open cround." he upl&lned.
"but it ii in the S.wn area."
"Jl'I decent," he aaid.
Hantlnrlon !leach Pollce Capt. Earle
llabltlllllt Aid ledaJ tllat --of Jlllt -u Rhonda Fllber la '
all....V -..... ,. •• ,,, •
..,.. ,. -..... ~ ....... J'l
to IU-1 ii.
U Jane rio. II truly Rllonda nar.,
11 mak<I uw. cllll-. •
"Ne -bal -onlond '1 jl!O CC1m11 yel," the Padllc Vlt" M~ Part pmldenl Aid M.-.,. ,
"'l'bty\'e never ordered ooe bifote,"
be ldded. ' -tu·
Ultl-a FlllPer famJIJ """'lo! ...... turn up ID Gtorl[la. acclptlq the 14fn-
tlllratloo and •llllnr lo. buy ~' ;1tW for..._ wbo ·-or mey nol ~
their Rbo!lda, J,.. Dot wlD 1leep. m
an unmari:ad cra•e.
"Some people reallJ want the anonyini-
ty," Vibert llkl Mcmdlf. NID "' dM't require • .,. .. marbr." .
Now, bowenr, Jane Doi'• srave ·ii
doled and w1tb JI, ID theory, the -
of a woman -., oaly lo God u4
maybe the IDID who raped and llllled
ber. "On• day, perlllj>I, Ill the unl:nqllll
wW be -lllCl tblJ -wlD .. doled," Aid Metbodllt mlnllter n.r.
G. Ruaaell Sbaw, wbo opolte at the
UntJI that Iona.foretold day, howtVC',
Jane Doe wW nit in mon anoqymoua
solitude than 111yone who mlght want
it could ut -oport from other 11-
berm -without even I snvu&oae.
Meybe Ille loo, prelera It that wey.
.,,.... r.,e 1
of the Wrllht'• S-y..,...Jd daucJ>lu.
Fortunately, DO oae WU home at tbe
tltoe. The cblld lllCl ""' -had
lelt the -earller. .. U we'd been home, we'd p-obably
bave been In the ldtdlen llavlng
brutlul," Mn. WrlCbl noted.
Laguna lelevlaion ritwen werew!IJlout
service for nearly four houri when a
TV antenna blew down and cut of1
850 cable subscrlbul norib of the cttnter
of town and 11.., Lquna CellJOll ,Rold.
S1reeWpll lllCl lrJlflle ollJllkll allO were
ahut off by the poww fllllure.
HiJh wlnda allO trlaered pow'1'
flllurea In Su ~-capatrlDO lllCl San Clemente. In tbe litter city 1 one.
fourth of the ~ !lot cul oll f"'
45 mlnutu wbtn • Jnl. wa;.lowo acrou
Capo Plans V,,ote
April 15 on
so.cent Override
Of tM D1llY Plltf lllft
A 60-ctnt school tai overrJde election
next April 15 was called ).1onday night
by Capiltrano Unified School Dlstrict
Board member• said the override
would restcn cull in the educaUonal
program made th1I year and allow the
diltrid to keep pace with expected
enrollment lfowth.
The ovtrrlde tar, to continue in-
definitely, would ioertase the district
tu rate from 11.U lo 14.62 per ltOO
of URlled valuation.
According lo Supl Charlu F. Kenney,
$4.C would be an average tu rate
for school districtl in the county.
Kenney had recommended an override
of 61 ceni., Including 10 centa lo build
up reservea. But board member• decided
not to replenish the reatrveli, low by
compar110R to most 1ehool districts, and
to cut off an addltion1.I eight cents
to reach the roond number of SO cents.
Some board members thought the
district's as:aeued valuUon will increase
next year by more th.an lhe 12.4 percent
Kenney figured on, boosting the income
and stretching the 50 cent1 farther.
ICenney allo recommended a later elec·
Uon date lince April 15 is lhe day
federal income tu is due and only
five daya after the due date for county
property llit.
But a majority of bolrd members
felt it would be more C1lnvenient to
voters to consolidate the override election
with the April 15 biennial ICbool trustee
election. It alto wu detmnined a llngle
election would nve Sl,800 in electlon
Cuti to be rtstored If the override
pauea include rtmed1al r e 1 d I n I
tucberl, m ... ,, boot purclluea, and
preventatJve maintenance.
The override al10 would pay the cost
ol educating l,IOO acldltlooal .-1a
-.,.ar above the prt1111l 7.GOll, r;..,.
po'llU lines.
Traffic olficen were -alfedecl by the !11orm In HuntlnaloO Bud! wbli'e
the pollee cleparlmenl roporlad -cloabled ID the put two dayl, moatlJ
the amlll, Ulddlns off the ........,
lypeL On Mlle Stred, two larp acacl&
lretl were blown down, two ll!Ddln&
on the campue of Huntington lleach
lllgb Schon!.
In Fountain Valley, heavy flooding elao-
ed Edlngu Avenue be!,.... Ward aM
Broolcbunl llreela lor a lholl llme -ll
tblJ mormnr. A few amell Intl _.
uprool6d ID Seal Beach, wlllle ourprl!-
ln(ly llllle trouble cl<veloped 1 •
Around Orin(• County, pow'1' llillltt!
..... ~ "ID Tuatln, El Modtlll,
Orln(e, Gardtll Grove, Sula Au ud
Buena Part -the litter allectlnr an
..umeled l,OOI bomH. All poblemo were cleared op by l :IS a.m.
••we have been vff1 lucly,u Mid eaun-
ty Rold CGmmillloaer Al s. Koch. "All
road.I are opu. Wt havt bad a fw
lretl clown ID SIOla Au ClnJoa and
ID Yorba Linda, llncl the lllllll 11lde
.. PacJflc Cout lllll>W•Y at Clptatruo
Beach, but the blgbway IJ open."
Oran&• C"1l!!J flood control en(lneer.
C. II. Nellon llld no flooding p-oblems
have been uperlenced, but c:lwmell m
the weatem part of the county w ...
flowing beavlly, ,.... near capacity.
other areu ol. the rllte were less
fortunate. In Su Lull Obllpo, ~
oupervbon Monday uted Gov. lla!llil
Reagan to declare the cOunty a dlauter
area became of what they termed ~
worst storm in • century. Somt tt
mllllon in dam11e wu reported.
Four penona are known to have dtown-
ed In the Soutbltnd alnce the atorm
began. Loo Alleelt1 COUDlf alone .-do
ed 20 l1tal aulomobl1" llCddenla, -
of them dlrectly related lo the raln!llL
And the WOl"d from the WU.thennu
to all of Southern Callfotnia todlf was
-rMre ratn, heavy rain, with l\JlllY
winds for Wedneaday.
Photo Contest
Deadline Feb. 10
Amateur and professional photoeraPll·
UI have until Feb. 10 to submU black
and white plcturu ol typlclll Llcuna
scenes for the Chamber of Commerce
phote> contest.
The chamber wiH buy both pholoi!
and ne1aUver for SlO for e1eb photoirapl\
chosen. The oot selectad moat tntcmllDI
will be purchased foe $25.
Dick Clark ol the chamber'• Adver·
lillnc Comm1tlee -that ~muat be I by 10 incba and bave 'lmmln
interut." No colcr pbotoa wtD be ao-
Enb"it.1 may be aent to the Adveribtnr
committee, Chamber ol Commlrca, •
Part Ave., Lquna BtKb.
a..,. ...... Office
221 f•11.t A••·
M.nf•f i.IM11111 r.o .••• ''" tl6SI --, .... IMM: )JI W..1 ••• $1,,.1
.. _.. ., .... 11. Jlll """' .. !bN .... "-••• ....... 1119"11 &~. lOt )Ill Si.Ht
Slides to Show
African Scenes
A color slide presentation on Sou.lb
and Eut Afrtca wlD be made by Mr .
and Mn. o.w. Price folJawlnr a pot
luck dlnntr Tburlday 1t •:30 p.m. for
the AmerlclD Ltglon and Ila 1uzillary
II the Logion Club houle.
Bewilderment Marks First Hearing
Special lnvtllitionl to the event are
belOI tendered to vetttan1 of Vietnam ~ r<tidtn1 wltbln the community.
The Llguna poet announced 11111
followlnr recont action by llllt lll""P·
flnt yetr dues of V1etnam veterans
will be paid by the loclll poet.
SF Policeman Quits
fioer fta1maod Mein Jr., ti, IUlpencled
for ..S day1 after aboot1nl at a nolq
cat and lfldnt • ntt1hbor w.xnan'1
skull, Monday resigned {Tom the forct.
Protests and bewildtrment marked the
first pubUc hearln& for Ll.gwui Beach's
proposed Commerelal·Hotel zone held
Moodliy befo~ the city planning com·
Discussion of the fifth draft of tho
mtasure des.J.gne.d to provide uniform
llalldardl for the hotel and motel
1ccommodaUons varied from t b e
phi}OIOphy ol Laguna Beach lo null
Ind bolll dlugreemcnt OVU bei&Jtt of
parking ttructurts.
Second public hearing on the measure
will be held at next Monday'• rneeUna.
"1 think we've eotten • Jot ol aooct
reparll on the meuure," Plannln& Com~
mlmdM Chairman 'Fred Brlat Hid.
Local el)linetr Bernard Syfan tnld
commissioners LlfY should see \\'lull tl)ty
hid aner mrr1tlng the 1one rt(lllalloo
!Jn tlmet.
''I lhtnt ...... thff-we should stop and
look back after having gone through the
gymnastics ol the exercise. We need
lo evaluate what Wt adually hJve on
paper,• hi Aid.
Syfu chllpd 11111 the Pl'4'<Wl law
would dl-.rap bole! development In
the city.
"My pblJOllOplly 11 1111! Lquna Btacb
would Ute lo be IO!ltetblnr mon thin
it 11 now but rtta1n Ill pment qualftlu.
Thli city doa need aome good IJnt
class hotels," be Aid.
Contuskln N to whither tbt mtuure
would bf: mor9"rem1ctfVI Of ltA restric-
t/Ve than prnent la:• was voiced.
"l w1 like to be able to tell a
min who wonta lo buy my po opei ly -Denlod IPPl"Vll ol a.,. dftiatloos
11111 ba 11 ablt lo do tb1t lllCl tblt requlated by 0. W. SteJ>I-lot lleoll!J
and net -lo the ollllning commltllon Cout Ford.
for 1pec.ial pmnlulon for somethlnc," -Approved oat buDdJns llta at a twe-
one opponent llld. lot p!opeilJ 11 OI lllCl 111 -Jlrtyt
City Planoer Al Autry ootod th1t would requatod by Donald H. Jllllllnp.
be poaibte under the rule, but 11111 -Appmod I IJ.unlt ffnlopDtmt. al
the rt(lllaUon would provldo gruter flu· 1115 South Cout mctnraJ ll!bJlct to lraf.
lblllt,y In daiJnlnr hotel -· Ile COllllderetloal. The pr_..i onllnance would 1pp!y -Delerrod -oo a vtrlanc9 • to 1 beach 1re1 from COlat hlghw8J pli<1tlon by ADt11 Oiclllnol>llo.cD•,
to the ocaanfront between Lqwia Simi 11111 South Cout llllh-, until P'tll. to Cleo Slrtet. s. " -
In other •ctJon, pl1nner1: -a-meodocl a4op11oo ., ,. .aNeet
-A-vod 1n 1pe,t1on by J. M. -1 of Cio7<>n A-Dr1H ID ..
Gooley lo build two on 111\Jotnlnl pndll plan ol llWlal -
proptrty II nu ind UJI La Minda -Apllfoved -modlflci!lc*io'ftir
to the center llne of the loll. The booHI the Country Boy Manet at ill 'lf>dt
Woujf be separttod by I fire WllL ' Stnel, • .... ---------------~----------
--;;Elb11inating (;hild Abuse
• County R ecognizes Prob'le m B ut Lagging in Solutions
-. -By TOM BAllLBY
, Of .. Olllr Pftll II ... " lmplemeotatlon of a otatewldo plan
almed at elimination of mounting child ddle in California ill a mere.five m~
~ ·~t Orange County -with the ex· 1'!iPllon of reoogn!Uoa and .........,.nt J1f tho growing problem by two volunteer P!>I -bas done Utile ff anything
towards "tooling up" for the July 1 Jauiichin& date.
.. ADii many professionals are unwilllng
to admit that child abuse even exists
111 thla county .
·J ~ Tllll the swnmation rl a seminar
on •'Prevention of Child Battery a~
·AWrault.. held last Sat.urday at the
UtJllle County Medical Center. The day·
long meeting attracted n a t i o n a 11 y
-psychiatrists, psychologists, .~sldans and Onnge County welfare
'lll&I aociaJ workers. . ··.'-~There can be no doubt lhat you
(Orange Cqunty) are far behind the
ehild abuse ' programs that have been
ili.lnched in, say, Los Angel~ and Ven-
tura counties," commented Dr. Morris
J~ Paulson, professor or m e d I c a l
psychology at UCLA and . an active
v.oJuntee.r worker in the pre"ention of
.child abuse programs in both areas.
,.,./'It is Vf!ry doubtful that even the
JROSl strenuous activities at tbe volunteer
level will enable you to do more ttlan
11eratch the surface of this problem,"
Dr. Paulson added. "There will have
to be substanUal funding and thorough
training of the specialized workers need·
eel £or thhJ unique type of work."
County Welfare Director Granville
Peoples told a I.ague of Women Voters
meeting last Dec. 15 that he intended
to ask county supervisors for funds to
:'Molaagan's Job
lnauprate such._....
Pooplos today aald tllal hil department
bad plaal !or a "pilot projoct" lo'°Mllll
four soclal wotken and a clerll: "which
wnuld IOrt of set ua Jnte tho picture
pending ddlnlte. coun\y actioa QO a lull
scale project."
&t that pDol project binged nn th•
caunty reee.ivin& some $25,000 Jn state
funds, Peoples t:ald. "They have men-
liootd that this mooey mJgbt be available
and we would be expected to contribute
J s percent of that amount in county
funds," he said.
Peoples admitted that the four warken
who would be utiUf.td are almldy engag·
ed In other weUare project.s. "But I
wouldn't say that we'rt: doing nothing
about this," be said, "we are awJte
of Ute problem and I'm sure that we're
going to get into this field given a
llttle time."
County supervisors have not yet been
asked to provide funds for such a pro-
gram. League of Women Voters officers
expect to advise the county board of
their research into Ute child abuse situa-
Uon in the near future.
Recent passage ol Assembly Bill 74
pointed the way to prevenlion of child
abuse by enlarging the provisions of
the state's Welfare and lnsitutions Code .
Each California counly must, under the
new applicatiom of the code, expand
its social services to include staff and
facilities capable of i n v e s t i g a t i n g
reported child abuse.
County v.·elfare workers adinitled
Saturday lhat their department had done
''very little" towards meeting the new
provisions. With an existing dearth of
trained social workers, they commented,
it wu difficult to see how they could
hope to expand counseling and launch
~ew Speaker Carries Ball
for Gov. Reagan Refo1·m s
Of flll Ol llY ,Ji.I' Sti ff
,. SACRA~1ENTO -In his Slate of the
~tate address to a joint sessior. of lhc
fl.ate Legislature, G o v. Ronald Reagan
called upon the legislators to vote into
Jaw several new programs and revisions
of old ones which he said be felt were
necessary to help run the state's business
jDOCe efficiently and economically.
'"'Now that the governor has outlined
'.tds ideas, the responsibility for s~ing
diem l h r o u g h the Assembly hnes
\'filh Assembly1nan Robert Monagan or
'rracy, recently elected Speaker of the
:-: AF. speaker, Monagan foresees few dif-Jt~ltieJ in passing the programs Gov.
;ljt:agan requested.
One of the governor's primary concerns
It streaming state wellare programs
tO eliminate paper work. "A major por· -4ion of welfare paper work is wasted
(fJ people who automatically received
Qekfits such as the blind, disabled and
Ced," Monagan explained "so if we
can computerize in this area, we'll save
a kit of wasted time and mooey."
A major portion of Gov • .Reagan's
apeecb was dedicated to law en-
forcemenL Among the bills he uked ior are control on gun sales: use of
J;lectronic surveillance by police ; and
stiffer penalties for drug abuse and
Jliistribution of obsa!ne materials.
,,..¥In the last session," Monagan said,
~ had a bill which increased the
penalties for illegal use of firearrnS,
listed more types of people prohibi~
guns, and increasing the lime penod
for a permit app\ication to ~ ap~roved.
Jt did not go <II far as licensing or
regi.!tering firearms.
••unfortunately Senator Kennedy was
assassinated about that Ume and tome
people wanted the registration arid Ucen&-
ing '9f gun,,. Of course there were others
.who felt this was too much control
Hd,«1 nothing WU passed.
'"We're going to try ~o pa~ a bill
like the original one this session. We
have an informal agreement with the
·gtifl '"Control dissidents of last session,
to'tlhlnk: it stands a pretty good chance
of.Jlill!Sing." •
:.'lll'"to how far the e l ectronic
~Wance would go Monagan 18.id, "the
gov~ ts not proposing any more
th8.n the Federal Omnibus Crime Laws.
I ~.no reason in some instances why ~ 'Chn't give law enforcement officers
a brtak, with a judge'• approval
"I can't say what the effec\I of this
Jaw will be on privileged in!onnaUon
such as a lawyer-client relationship,
because I'm not a lawyer," be added.
Assombly Speaker Monagan
intent to "Violate the law so that trespass
pena1ties can apply to them," he added.
One of the few difficulties Monagan
foresees will be the passage of a tuition
requirement for the stale college system.
"I do not think the ~mbly would
pass a tuition Jaw unless the regenLs
passed a similar requirement for the
university," he explained.
Monagan said be favors the idea of
tuition. "Personally, I feel the state
college system is preventing lower in·
come students lrom using it. Student.!
from middle and upper income families
have been using the :system, ao they
can pay. Ideally the colleges should
be free, but the taxpayers just don't
want to pay anymore. Tuition should
be paid by the people who directly
benefit from the education a.s Ion~ as
scholarships and grants are pnmded
10 that the .student.! from lower income
families can attend."
As far as his flwn plans as speaker,
Monagan said, "I'm going to devote
myself to the operation and organization
of the Assembly and Ute As.l!embly com-
mittees in addition to my duties as
a regent for the University of California,
a member of the board of tru!lees
or the dale college system, and a
member ot the state Disaster Council."
procedtrrft for chUd abule caes.
And Oranp County Medical Center
facllltlff !or child abute lnvatlpllons
are presently limited to one half day
every two weeks. That dinic, a atmlnar
participant pointed out, "doesn't go half
way lo meeting the aJtuatlon we have
at the prtsent Ume."
It was generally agreed at the ~
ference that results in any anti-child
abute progam could l>eot be obtained
by concentrating rehabilitation efforts
on the parents of beaten cbildun.
Dr. Brandt Steele, profe-of
psychology and chief of the psyehlatric
division o£ the Univenlty ol. Colorado
Medlcal School, stressed tbe need for
good psychiatric counsellng of such
parents. "Let them think that you're
trying to interfere and prevent further
punishment of the child and you'll get
Ow! door slammed in your face ," he
"But let them think that you're on
their side and you want to help them
against a lot of nosey people and you're
ln,'' he said. "And a foot in the doo_r
is just what you WMt. Remember, 1t
doesn't matter IK>w you do it as long
as you're working to alleviate the con·
ditions that Jed to a child being beaten."
There are many child beatings, but
few prosecutions in proportion to the
abuse, Dr. Steele said. "The very
circumstances of the injury and the
obvious Jack of creditable testimony from
persons other than the parents pretty
well ensures a low level of court action,"
he said.
It was suggested during the seminar
that there are "at least" 1,000 cases
of child abuse a year In Orange County,
the vut majority of wbkb receive only
the ~ cursory Investigation.
Rain Holds Vp
Opening of
New Freeway
If you tried to use the.new San DI.ego
Freeway section which was scheduled
to open ~tonday, you already know.
Rain again was responsible for a delay
in putting th c final, 8.8 mile Interstate
40f> link into operation and wet weather
could stall last detail work through the
remainder of the 'reek.
A spokesn1an for the State DlVlsion
of Highway's District Seven headquarters
in Los Angeles said the freeway":ttselr
is ready to go, but many changes must
be made in mileage signs.
"Especially al the Garden Gro\'e
Freeway interchange," he explained. Ad-
ding that lbis involves bridge climbing
.and other maneuvers made more
hazardous by wetness.
"We aren't taking any bets on when
it will open now," he continued, as
rain poured throughout the Southland,
with more en route from the north.
Depending on the weather. the
sign a Iterations will probably
require about two days, based on the
opening schedule before weekend showers
Officials said if ~fonday had brought
fair weather, the freeway would probably
have been opened Wednesday.
Once In service from it! current Costa
f\1esa terminus to it! Santa Ana Freeway
tie-in at Sand Canyon in the lr\'ine
area, the freeway will be a through
route clear to Encino.
~1uch of the burden now carried by
the busy Santa Ana Freeway will be
more evenly distributed as a result,
slate officials predict.
Sina tI·a's Father
Taken to Hospital
HOUSTON (UPI) -Anthony Sinatra,
father of singer Frank Sinatra, was
"progressing nicely" al Me.tho d I 1 t
hospital today under the watchful eye
of his famous son and the care of
famed heart surgeon Michael DeBakey.
The elder Sinatra was undergoing teall
for "possible ableminal aneurysm" or
dilation and swelling of a blood vessel
resulting from disease or a blood vessel
wall. He had not history of heart trouble.
Sinatra arrived in Houston from New
York Sunday night accompanied by hil
son and his wlfe Natalie.
Exposure Victim
TAHOE CITY (AP) -Searchers have
found the body of a Sacramento teen-ager
-apparently the victim of exposure
-in an isolated area just aouth of
the Alpine Meadows sld ruort.
Monagan aald he seet the chances
of a stronger obscenity law being passed
as ~ceedingly good.•• In past session.,
ob.Wtnlly billl never got out of the
Cri..,.l ProcedUre Committee, he aaid.
"f1m·t6re the new speaker will change
that committee so the members of lhl
~bly will hav• a chance to at
least vole on obsce.nity bills."
Nixon Dogs Move In Witliout Snarl
Suppotl ror Gov. Reagan's l~aAed
penal.lief for campus trooblemakera
crosses party lines Mooapn said. "We
ftnt tb clear up the amblgnilles ln
al!' laWs '° that penalties Are ctrtalnly
•,jll>lie<l .\o anyone wbo endangen Iha
llfetJJ>I tbe students, -O< !"'blic.
Wt L a~y have bU1a which require
the d .... lssal of tucben Ind espul!ioo
~arudellll who vi®lte the law oo cam-
TllllllPASS LAWS W.t allo have one extending the
lrespasa ll1rl to pt0ple who demonstrate /
House transition at the canine-level was
completed without a growl Monday well
before Richard M. Nixon succeeded Lyn-
don B. Jolmlon as Pruident.
Trapbes Bryan~ who double! u Wbli.
House electrician and doe handler, Wll
credited with tho -ul completion or the """'rer or dog power.
He met the two Nixon dogs -Pasha,
a Yorbh.irt terrter, and a poodle named
Vicky -at Andrews Air Force Bue
when tho Nil<011 parly arrived Sunday
afkmoon. /
Yuki, the mongrel favored b1 J°"""""
wu on hand to give a wtlcomina: bark.
Once the pat'1 1ot back lo ~ ...
eculive mansion, however, Yuki found
hlmself already disphu;ed rrom hiJ base-
ment quarters. The Nixon dogs were
moved in.
The Whlte Howie chef, Henry Hatler,
was UDderstood to have prepared a la5tJ
dilh of roast beef for the new arrivals.
Yuki's old room and lbe doghouse outside
the Pruid.,,t'1 office bad b<to painted
and d .. nod.
Brysnt reported that the transition
nUTOWly mlMed ~tung 1narled up on
1'hat WSJ to be Yukl'a last rtde back
to the White Home. No nlPI w-ert t:r-
cllanged. but Yuki rode wltb Ibo di.au!·
four wtille p..,ba and Vicky rode In
the rur.
UPI T• .......
Long Awa ited Trial Begin• In New Orleans
Clay Shaw Triai Opens;
Jury Selection Begin s
Shaw, charged with con,,piring to murder
President John F. Kennedy, got his day
in court today. He sat impassive as
his principal accuse r answerei the roll
call of witnesses and attorneys started
selecting a jury.
The tall, white-haired re t ired
business man sat at the defense counsel
table without turning his head while
Perry Raymond Russo, 27, the i;tar pro-
secution witness. caJJed out "here" from
an aisle behind him when the bailiff
read Russo's name from a lilt of lt
state witnesses.
The trial of the SS-year-old Shaw got
unde r way before Judge Edward A.
Haggerty Jr. nearly two years after
the announcement by Dist. Atty. Jim
Garrison that he and his &taff had
"solved" the 1963 Kenoedy assa•siMtion.
The first order of businesa was calling
the roll of witnesses, who filed in and
filled the center aisle or the court.room.
Russo, a dark-h~, slender man with
an aquiline face, stood calmly wearing
a topcoat. The witnesses, after amwerlng
the roll, were excused until further
notl ....
Picking the jury wu expected to last
at least five weeks.
Fifty-two sheriffs deputies were an
duty at various entrances and in the
corridors of the Huge Orie.ans Parish
<Iirninal Courts building. Spectaton
Wtte not to be admitted until after
the jury selection.
Paris Peace Talks Set
To Begin Again Saturday
PARIS (UPI) -Allied and Communist
negot iators will open poliUcal t.alks on
the settlement of the Vietnam war at
10:30 a.m . Saturday, it was announced
A U. S. Embassy spokesman uid
the conference will be held ln the former
Majestic Hotel, the French government.
owned lntemalional Conference C.enter,
between the leaders flf the four delega.
tions and their assistants.
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, lhe
newly arrived American delegation
leader, announced earlier today the first
metting of the talks will immediately
tackle "substantive," or war and peace,
Agreement to start the bargaining at
10:30 a.m. Saturday came shortly after
an hour long conference between Lodge
and Pham Dang Lam, the South Viet-
namese Aelegatioo chief.
The four chief negotiator'J will be
Lodge, Lam, North Vietnamese Minister
of State Xuan Thuy and Tran Buu Kiem,
the "foreign minister" of the National
Liberation Front, polltlcal arm of the
Viet Cong.
North Vietnamese officials announced
earlier they were ready to begin the
talks immediat.eQr.
Lodge. again emph.uir.ed his readiness
to get lhe Pari!: talk1 moving ahead
"1 am full of. uaI and full of desire
to get moving," he Wd. "1 am glad
there is Ulla progress" oo a 1wlll opening
of the conference.
Lodge arrived Monday nlght to la.ke
up his po6t as chief U. S. negotiator
and said the Nilon admlnlstrlUon would
"do all In our power" to negoUate a
Vietnam peace selllemtnt.
Lodge pledged the N I 1 o n ad·
minlstration'a "great" conctrn about the
success at the negotlaUoOI.
"I wllb lo "'"' tho great importance we attach to tbeae meetings. We think
they are of really cwerriding, supreme
Importance," Lodge told newsmen at
Paris' Orly Airport. •1we will do Ill
in our power to mall:e them a mcc:aa."
Lodge would not comment on any
poo8ibl• changes In U.S. pea« atrat<I)'
which Nl1on mi&ht tnltiate.
Diplomata torecut that for the mo-
ment at least Lodge would generally
follow the lines laid down bJ former
P...,\dent Jolmaol1'1 11.~tlan, hooded
Uf'I T ........
Peace Negot&.tor Lodge
by W. Averell ilarriman.
llarriman briefed Lodge lo Washington
Monday before the new chief negotiator
Dew here to take up b1s new poo,,
Powell Ge ts P osition
Clt,ylon Powell, (0.N .Y.), .,. pot ba<:t
on the House Education and IAbor COm-
nilllee 'l'hundaJ, "" the botlA)m ol tho
...Uorlty ladd•t. BefON! his ...... from
tho lut CGogrw Poftll WU chalnnaa
or Ibo conunltt"
Did Suh .
Find Debris
Of Crash?
LOS ANGE!.1!3 (UPI) -'Illa tall
lfdb'I of a Scandlna:vlao A"-S,,Jlmt
OCI jetUner wblcb crubed llA ll>o
Paclflc Jan. !3 may have been 1ocatild
In 32S f .. t or water by Ibo ruean:b ..
.. -.. Deep Clo!st-. . .
Umited .vlllbllJly '"' Ibo =tr preveoled ·pmtt,. . ..-W kl -or Ibo obJocl p1apo1ntec1 by ....,. bUI
ofllciall aJd they Wtl'e ••ruaonabfY c:er-o
taln" It wu the tatt
The ffight =order whkb kepi a lot
of tuma and chan&a In altllude II la
tho tall -alld Ila ..,,,,,..,, -aid love.tigalora in deleilllDlltC tho
cau.. or tho cru11.
Al!o believed en-bed in .Pio tall
oectlon w.,. tho bodJa ol l~ ol tM
15 persons killed when Gie jet plnr.,.t
into the Pacific aa it WU ecimq tn
for a landing at Los Aqeles lnt.eroatli:al
Mport. ' P.E. Summers, Deep Qua(_ PrOgrllll
manager, aaid "it lootB like we haft
the whole pactap, bul ~--to go back" due to mha-dtfftmlt\M end
adverse weather.
A decision was to be . madiJ today
on when . to aeod the ao.ton· ~ on
. another dive. 'lbe Weather B&sad ex~
peeled another stOrm to atrib tba coat
today. ·
Tbe submariile'a I0081' ftnt ~
an engine of the plane during a dfft
Monday morning. Then' ft followed •
trail of fuselage framework aec:tJcm.
flight bags and items of galley equlpmmlt until it found a large ltrudure ~
appeared to be Ibo tail.
The pip on the sonar acreen indicated
tt was just over 40 feet Jone. The tall
section of the 721 b about t$ feet~ Meanwblle. a .,.._,.. tot• Na-
tional Tramporlatlon Safety .
which la inveatiptlng tho craa1J, """'
firmed that a light plane wu In l'mll
of the ·SAS DCa when it WBI. comlnl
In lor a )anding. .
He allo said there was radio COfto
versation between tbe control tower and
the SAS airliner about flying llpeeda
which woold maillWn a safa Interval
between tho two aln:ralL
There has been apeculation that tho
SAS jet mlgbt bava olowed Its air speed
below tho 1zs mn.. an hour COllllderecl
the minimum me approadi oi-s 1o
maintain a proper rate of descent.
The SAS plane WU !lying 1,500 led
below Ible norinll approach altllucle juot
before tt cram.d.
The NTSB spotesman ""phasiud tllat
no cause for the crub has been
detmnJned alld !bat Iha lnmtipl!nn
WU conHmdng
Pair ~aigned
' .
In Throat Slash
Of Beach Woman
Of .. °""'" ...... ...,.
A pair ol IUIP'Cted throat-<Wh alayon
were arnlgned In West Orange COunly,
Judicial Districl Court M~ charge1 they murdered a gr
Huntington Beach grandmother "1•
Judge Waller W. Cllanmza arder'od
both men -an ollfield wmter ud
a te<naged Huntington Beach blgb achnol
dropout -1'o appear F.t>. 4 al I a.in.
for preliminary hearing.
In the meantime, be rttwlated, Henry
L. Sianez, 2$, ol 312 Clay St., ml
F.dward R. Hargrave, 11, ol 17393 Markert
Lane, mw:t remain in c:ustody with DO
ball sel
Siano la beld at Orange County Jail,
while Hargrave is in custody at the
Huntlngloo Beach City Jail, In -
with the murder of Mn. Helter S.
Markee, SS, o{ 1508 Olive Ave., nine
'dayS ago.
Fnwllaln Valley attorney Lloyd Nocket
appeared Monday, with Sianez, while
Hargrave was represented by a pubUc
Just a week ago Wednesday, aerospace
engineer Norman Coatney, fl, ol 125111
FOiier Road, \.OS Alamjtol, a n d
Margareta "Maggie" ·Dinger, 39, of 2808
Delaware Sl, HunUngton Beach, were
arf'algned in the wne courtroom on
tbe same charge.
Detectives believe that aomeone ato1e
Miss Dlnger's car moments before the
slaylmt -collided with Mn. Markee
al 17th and Main streets nearby -
tl\en killed her to beat a car theft
n~ ' She may have been forced to the
curb, or attacked afttr asking for i,,..
f"""'llM about the other parlfes and
tbttatenlng lo call pollce.
The vlclim '• badlJ' pshed boc1J' WU !wild lying on 17th S~ _, Palm
A .. nue the .. en1ng of Jan. 12, and
Miu Dinger'• car wu dilcovend aban-
doned neMby In a lonely otlfldd area.
Pahlt ICZ'lpel from the mu rd • r
vlcUm'a car were found transfmed onto
the Dinger auto, whole lnterlot was
•meared with blood anat,.ed and
determined lo be that or Mn. llar-
C"""""'8ntla evtdenc< and --~ naturally due lo tho bban'e
etreumst111C01 or the .,.. -led to
tbe Jailing or Colllley and Mia Dlnp',
who ...,. then ronnally charged.
A plea bJ lo•elllgaon lot -wbo mlll>t obed UOit on Ibo-. ""1cb
.... then beadlnti -• ~ mixarriUa ol Jusl1oa. resulUd la a major Up l>y a IOcal cab cir!..,.
Ile said be picked up a ~loodled -
at Elgbth Slrftt and ~A
Hrly on the lloodaJ an.. Iha -
Ind d':'!fed him elf al & .... -
SI ..... ~~ Strtet 1partm<nt. -4.
Don Pollechla, a New York taxi
clriver, llgur .. ho 11 heln& taken
for a ride by the eloctric company.
PeUoclda, whose electric hDl or-
dlnarily nma about '9, received a
bill for $2,906.40 from the Conaoll·
elated Edison Co. lhla month. •
TM Britiih tDOf'lhip Tartar
ufl St lfar.air<, .P'nmc< •ftn •
good!Dill lliii~ uatring behind:
OM sailor llolpitoliud aft<r •
bar bnnol; """""' In jail .U.g-cdlu for ....,111ng • 11o1u. """' thc head of a hoUl owner; 4
long Ull of complalntl concem-fno 1toln and wrtcked can and
brokn t0indow1.
Alberto Marti..., who died Jn a
cbarity hospital at tho ago ol 7t
Jn e.dajoz, Spain, bad two fune-
ral&. M. he waa about to be pJ.ced
in biJ coffin, docton went away to
an emergency case. Undertaken
took away tho empty coffJn and
burled it. 'Ibo doctors c!Ucovered
tho millalto m their return. '!be
undertaken made l1ll'I the reldc-
tant cadaver was Interred the 1e-
c:ond time.
'. .
In Gold.stone. Engl•nd ActlUftr
tent E...-t Kl,..ley, 58, ii aick of
planu ftying low over hll llO!ne on lbelr way to a Jandlng at Gatwick
AUpo!t. He plana to build • 250-ft.
TV aerial -equipped with tho re-
quilite warning llgbta -lo deter
low-flylnJ pilotl. •
TJa.t /cUouJ on the right avmbo ''
what ,,.,.obabl~ ii the world's mo1C
famous magaziM of hvmor and c01l'l-
m.ent, Pitnd. Tht ftllo1D on the l.eft,
WiUiam Davil, 35, ii taking over the
•ditonhlp of.Punch, &ht uoung.,t of
th1: JO mm tDho haw occupied the
editor'• chair of tht 127·11rar-old Lon-
don magazine. • The baboons have .been left out
In the colcl at Chicago Brookfield
Zoo lhil year and they aeem to be
lhrivinl on il Zoo Director Potor
Crowcroft reports they may get a
bit cold litting in the IDOW but
their coeb are thick and iJeamlng
and they are heeltbler than In pasl
yean, when they wintered Indoors.
Infrared beaters have been install·
ed under some cave ledge• lo keep
them from getting too cold. • '!be desk ,.rgeent at the Troy
N.Y, city police headquarten has
lllia 1ign above bla window: "this
c!Q7 ia oatol order."
24 Dead
TJaHfietl Takeover
Soviets Scorn
Czech Fire Death
PllAGUE (UPI) -Soviet Union todoy
d,_ Ibo Mlf-lmmolatloa ol a
Ciecbmk>vU ltudent u an antl-Com-
munllt .,....ocatlon. But a &O<OOd mu
set blmlelf on fire In Pilaen and Wa..
ctal.u Square WU filled with moumer1
as in the deflant clay• followln& the AIJIUll invuion.
Ttie situation wu ao tense that Prell·
dent Ludvik Svoboda warned tn a
1.elevWon 1peech l\IOoday nl&hl that
Nixon Gets
First Taste
Of Dissent
WA5111NGTON (UPI) -Richard M.
NiJon got bla: first tut:e of violent dlasent
u president lea lbao three houn lifter
beina nom in. Antiwar demonstrators, sbouUna: "Inaugurate the Pig," threw
rocb and beer cans In the direction
of his llmow.l.ne during the inaugural
Later Monday afternoon, when the new
Preakient wu reviewing the parade from
hia lnauiuraI 1 t • a d , demonstrators
taunted police into several brief but
violent confrontaUona. By nightfall police
reported 11 arrests, most of them for
failure to move on and disorderly con-
MlllJ' of the tbouaands of parade.
viewers were unaware, bow ever, that
there wu trouble along the route.
Today most protesters were on their
way home fr<m the nation's capital.
The trouble started between 12th and
14th Street on Penn!)'Jvania Avenue,
where a group of "yippies," perched
in tr.ee1 and on the aldewalk started
sboutlng "(obtcenity) you NI.Jon.'' "Seig
Heil," "Inaugurate th1 Pig" and "Ho,
Ho, Ho Chi Minh, the NLF Is Going
to Win."
Soon several rushed Jn to the t1treet.
Police arrelte<.I two and ushered the
J'tlt back behind rope barricades.
JUJt before NWm'1 motorcade wu to
pall the tpOt, a platoon of l1nd Airborne
Divillon troopa, armed with M14 rifles,
rutbed to reinforce police and prevent
the proteltert from apillJng out onto
PenmyJvania Avenue.
As NWu'l $500,000 bullet-proof
limousine came into view, the
demonatratcn renewed their chants,
louder than ever. About a do:.en pro-
t.lerl, mOll ol them wearing long hair,
raunchy beardt and ababby dress, threw
beer CM.I and rockl u the new president
* * Having
... IDOtber force" -munlni the Ruularui
-could take over the pemment. The
CU:diolloTat Comm u. a I at party
new.paper Rude Pr1vo a.kl today the
outcome ol the crtsla .. dependa on each
o( UI."
11>e MCOnd Ctecboelovat to Rt himself
on fire was Josef Hlatavy, !5, who
burned hlmlell ln PUieo'• Dukbl Square
in front of a monument to Tomas
Muoryk, 11 rt t presld.nt ol t b •
Czechoelovat republic. The firat wu Jan
Palacb, 21 , who dJod Sunday.
SWI a third victim ol. Hlf·immolalion
lay In cr!Ucal coodidon in Budapest
w h e r e So'riet troops curbed the 1956
uprl&lng. 'l1le 1zar-dd lludeat sripped
lwo Hungarian and then Id himself
on fire to shaw" sympathy for the
CUcbo&lovu martyn.
1Il1tlvy, 61 per<:ent of hll body charred
by names, tried to. •pell to doctors
thil morning but they could not un-
der11tand h1I faint wordl, the doctor
tn PllJen sa1d. He u1d Pllatn resident.-;
believed be bad dX>len the Muaryk
mooument a1nce Muaryk II ICOf'Ded by
the Ruu1anl and revered by the
In Prague hundreda ot persons crowded
on to Wencealu Square in support of
four studenll who have bl!pn a hunger
1trlke tbtte. Monday there were c:ruwds
of 200,000 in the streets to ahow their
sympathy for Palach.
Again today the Bqll&tf: waa filled
with postera., flickering candles, wreaths
and ffags.
Israeli Soldiers
Kill Six Arabs
111 Desert Fights
TEL AVIV (AP)-Jsrael\ desert pa·
tro\s killed six Arab saboteurs In two
clashes in the Negev Desert near the
Jordanian frontier Monday night, the
Israeli army announced today .
An army spokesman said one patrol
killed three members of a guerrilla
squad near Ein Yahav, 37 miles south
of the Dead Sea. Twenty mi nutes later
a patrol intercepted another group ot
in!illrators in the same area, the spokes·
man continued, and three more Arabs
were killed.
After the clashes, the patrols found a
variety of weapons and land mines.
The spokesman said there were no
Israeli casualties.
The Arabs, the spokesman said, were
members of the Al Falah commando
organiz.aUon, which had not been report-
ed operating in the Negev area In some
a Ball
First Family Tours Inaugural Dances
Nb:on ended bit first day as President
on a jubilant social note with a four-hour
-ol 1111: lnlqura1 ·balll ao jampackod
with bejewelled l1dle1 and twu•do-clld
men that dancln.& wu a near Im·
At leaat 30,000 ballgoer1 gave the new
Prea&dent and his lady cheering ovaUons
u he madl the roundt Monday night
in white Ut and tails, making brl•I
speeches laced with humor and ex-
pmalng llllh In tho American people.
The Prealdent and his family spent
about 30 minutes at each ball and he
wound up at 1:30 a.m. on a serious
not.e: I
"Am.erk• la • 1ood country, .. be 1&Jd,
"ml Americana are good people. I hope
we can be worthy ol the grut goodneas
that la in America -tbele oeli four
Mainly, though, Nixon \vas in a joking
He rtported that "President Johnson
left the Ughts on at the White Howe
for us."
When he finally headed borne, he told
a delighted crowd: "They gave me the
key lo t.he front door of the White
House and I'm going home to see if
It flt.."
Nixon's enjoyment ol his new role
was obvloua. Many of hil joking remarks
were directed at bow Jong he had sought
the presidency.
"Where I sit," he said, "Any in-
auiuratton would be good. I lhought
this one wu eipeclally good, dldn't you?"
He noted "I never had better seats
at a parade than I did today," adding
"J sent for my seats eight )'ears ago."
• Ill Coastal Storm
In.clement-Weather Forces Evacuation of Do ze 1ts
M9tfl'I' dludv With -""""'"" .... ........,... ....... ,,..,_ ...... ~~Ktt\'I,., ...
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RED TAPE -Bound logether by rope tied around
necks, Viet Cong ~uspects are marched to interro-
gation area after they were captured by U.S.
Marines in tunnel during Operation Bold Mariner,
65 miles south of Da Nang.
Cong, N. Viets Launch
Rocket Attacks on Gls
Nixon's Vietnam
Envoy Says U.S.
Policy Pays Off
SAIGON (AP) -Viet Cong and North
Vietnamese troops attacked U.S. land,
river and air forces with rockets,
mortars and grenades Monday and today,
coinciding with the inauguration of Presi-
dent Nixon.
At least six American servicemen were
klllecl and 35 Americans were wounded,
including a clvlllan.
A high-ranking South Vietnamese police
official said captured Communist orders
directed a new wave of terrorism at
U.S. troops in an attempt to increase
anUwar senUment among the AmeriCan
Several other 1ttacks apparently were
thwarted by American forces who un-
covered two enemy munitions caches
and broke up a convoy of enemy sampans
moving troops south of Saigon.
In the past 24 hours, military
spokesmen said, Viet Cong and North
Vietnamese troops attacked U.S. Navy
patrol boats and landing craft and cargo
ships, American officers' quarters, a
U.S. military advisers' compound, a
small observation plane flying over the
demilitarized zoae and U.S. troops based
within 11 miles of Saigon.
Inside Saigon, terrorists threw hand
grenadea at two U.S. hWeta a mile
apart and wounded eight Americllll!.
The terrorist.. escaped. I n c r e a 1 e d
number& of uniformed and plalnclothes
South Vietnamese police were roaming
the capital because of the directives
calling for a new wave of terrorism
against Americans.
Enemy rockets, mortars, machine
guns, hand grenades and mines sank
a 31-foot Navy patrol boat and badly
damaged another.
SAIGON ( AP)-U. Alesll Jolmsoo. the
N1xoo adminialration's flnt bigb-levtl
representative to visit South Vietnam.,
said Tuesday "U.S. policy is paying
dividends here" and that he will not
reeommend any change in the Amer-
ican commitment to the country.
Johnson, however, declined to di!cuss
possible early withdrawal oC some U.S.
"I feel there hu been progress, great
progrw, made here, particularly in the
past year," Johnson told an airport news
conferen~ u he concluded a sii:dar
visit. He is retuminl to Washington to
report to President Nixon and to berome
undersecretary of state for political
Later, in answer to. question!, he
said: "I'm encouraged by the t'rend of
developments here. They are obviously
In the right direction."
W1'r• building• NEW beeutlful year 'round H•1ted Roman Swimming Pool
for your enjoyment and pleasure •tour Cost• Meal Spa •••
, • ~ OPENING SOON ~~ --~-.
A l
' Womon
Call or Stop
By T ocl1y for
A Free Tour
• DAMIH CDll "-UMtl • MOT WKlllPOOl UTlll
• '1.0llDA JUN. TAN
• ULTIA MODllll t'OfeJTIONIHt PACn.m1s
• ANAHEIM•• 826·0381
510 S. llACll Pftlllwer 1') Ployt 1'ttu Slloppin1 ""'"
• COSTA MISA •• 549·3361
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• ORANGI •• 639·2441
622 l KATlllA ('llu IHI Si.o,,l"I C-) •hr,._, .....,. ..... UIMl.r C.nat. 111 ffHtl"1tl11 hec.h
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• ..._.
. "" ~~2. NQ. II, 2 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES -
• •
Newport Blvd. Spared?
' Freeway . Route
·showdown Set
~· Of .. hlr "" Sllft -·• S>Uliic hlarin& Oii' a new all8)lment. for the fmal stretch of the Newport
Freeway as it beads toward the sea
wlU be held Feb. I& &I Ille Orange
Qlunly Fairgrounda, the stato Division
d41lgbways lllllOWICed today.
The Jell1on will start at IO a.m. and
II> expected to last throughout the day.
1t'1rifi be held ln the Falrgrounda' Junior
Ji:lhlblt Bullding.
,At lssut I.mi whetller the adop~'
·fOiitt-.houllt be chonged, but where tire
,. alignment should he.
Nixon Gets
Early Start
On First Day
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Preeident.
~ Nbon llarted bll f!ral fuU 4ay ~)lllce 10i!u ll1 gottinc te -t beloi<. .., o1.1l!. '::ta11 '>nd ~ thal
be woullf do ~ <t bll wort ~de
d the White -. Nixon said be would use the famous
Qval Room -the presidential office
1JJ; the White House -primarily for
~ occll!iOJIS. Most of the time, he alJd, he would wark out of a smaller rOom in the neighboring executive ottlce
, ''l like to wort 1n a relatively am.all
room, with pai>erl all around and that
::ort of thing," Nixon explained to
11I'm a creature of habit.," he remark·
He said two other reuons ~e decided tit , do "everyday" ,wort in a mnalltr
Oltlce tn the old State Department 11!\UdinC were that he wantod bll llaff nifmben to fed they were warking
clooely with him, and from bbl point Of:-yteW he ftlt the need for a "certain
ebemlstl'l'" that comes when he knows
hJa. aldes are nearby.
Nixon will be the first President ln
recent memory to carry out the everyday
chores of office olltlide the White Hol19e.
TraditJonally. the vice president bas
hid an oflice in the massive, elaborate
structure known in Washington as
•EOB." Bat Vice President Spiro T. ;A.ghew will be working out of the White
Houle. ~.lxon announced shortly alter the elec·
tJ6n: that Agntw would have an "Office
~e White House so that the vice
td$ldent could become a cloeer member of')l!e ofllcl>I lamliy.
'" ..
l\ '-.__......_,
Both the Newport Beach and the Costa
Mesa city counciJJ are already on record
favoring a new route somewhere west
or the present alignment, adopted 24
years ago.
'lbe California Highway Commission
last NOV<mber lndicatod qreemenl with
the two dtla by formally ,...,ealng
the raute qQeltloo.
'nit~ route la superlmpoood·over
N<'l!P<ri .Boalevard from Bay SU. in
Cqil&J,blll 'll> the adopted Pacillc Coast
Freeway niute near the Arches Overpass
in Newport.·
Both ciUu would like to see NtwlJOrt
Boultvanl' Wt open U a local arteria I.
U ·Jt ls replaced by the !reeway, it
WOUid wipe (It.It mticb of Costa Mesa's
downtown area and would entrap Hoag
Meinorial HOlpital ln a nwe of fr«way
IJIY!slon d Hlllnr•ys Offictals noted
lnday thal four • alternate routes will
be discuued &I the Feb •. II bearing,
wlJlch will be bold before Divilion
OM .r<JV1b17 panlllla N e w p o r t
_ ....... ·Ill lftll'-. """' it ... : •ol0 5'per1or A-,A .-..r.Jlio )1111 wiol el Newp«t
Botllevard and. 1htn moves d o " n
SUjlirior. Two othera ... locatod .,, .. ,.1
blneb weal d Newport and Superior,
cutlinJ tbrouP largtly rtlidenUal mas.
Betwem.JJOW" and Feb. 11, Costa Mesa
city cou......, mmt ..,.. on one of
the altemole roma through their city.
Jn d1aCu!aiOILS to date, Costa Mesa
officl.alt have tndicated no unanimity
OJI the subject.
In Newport, the situation is entirely
"All we're concerned about," said
MllYW Doreen Manhall. "l.s to &•t the
freeway moved west and oft Newpq-t
Boulevant, '' She point.ea out that Newport coun-
cilmen are unanlmowly in favor of an
alignment just west of Superior.
"'Ibtra is nothing we can say about
where the route should go in Cmta
Mesa. That's their problem."
A Division of Highways spokesman
emphasized that no final detenninaUon
on the route wllJ be made at next
montti's bearing.
"The purpose of the hearing Is to
lake testimony from local governmental
agencies, clvk organizalion1 and ~
divlduals, 11 be aald. ''The transcript o(
all this will be forwarded to Sacramen-
State Public Works Director James
(See FREEWAY, Pago I)
* * *
1 ...... T
orm es
DAILY P'ILOT P'"-'t " ltklll:"I Kettlllt
''We're Just TMnkful the Tree Fell on Our C•r Instead of Our House"
IR4ugt1ral Gossip
President· Pref~rs CdM?! . .
CH tM DILb' P'llllt Sid
WASHINGTON -The Orange Coast's
delegation has been busy and bu.!tllng
-and a trifle cold -during In·
auguration Week activitiea here.
Persistent rumors continue th a t
marketman and lon&·time Newport
Beach civic leader O. W. "Diet" Richard
is due for an appointment within the
Nixon Administration.
Richard, in IOme Washington chitchat,
at.so 11upested that Preslde11t Nlxon will
pre(er a loc11Uor. in Newport's Cameo
Shores rather than Laguna Beach ror
his "Summer Whitt House West."
Nixon baa In the past stayed in the
home of federal Judie Tba.rmond Oark
in the Cameo Sborea are a of Corona
de! Mar.
Recent speculation IUUe.&ted that Nil·
on's atafi miaht select Laguna's ei;.
pans.Ive and hlatoric Pyne Casile on
klllcrest Drive fOr the summer White
Badham Calls Bond Vote
Businesslike Proposal
Newport-Mesa Unified'• $1S.9 million
school bond issue today was endorl'ed
by Assemblyman Robert E . Badham
<R·Newport Beach) who called it "a
businesslike proposition.''
Badham said the Feb. 11 bond vote
is for .. critically needed facilities in-
cluding·relocatahle classrooms.''
In h I s endorsement of t b e current
bond proposal, Badham noted It would
finance a fciur-yqr building program
.. •
llOU'l( !I'
with the JllO&l lmmedlate effect being
the end of double seWOM by next lalL
Badham s a I d many schols in th e
stale have used ~locatable classrooQ'IS to 110lve tbetr housing problems promptly
and have found they do not need to
build m<!h iatge pennanent school•.
He said he W8' told by Supt. WlllWn
Cunntn;iam that Newport-Mesa plans in
new arellll to end permanent construction
at 81 percent of anticipated saturation
and use relocatables until enrollment
* * * NewportOia•r
Backs Bond Issue
But Newport'• Richard toaay hinted
the old castle is out. Reuon: '"lbe
Secret Service just didn~t like the Laguna
Too many secret tunnels, maybe?
* LONG-TIME Orange· County Coft..
gr......,. James B. Utl (f\.Tt:ltln)'wae
on band here £o welcome the oranae
Crashed Plane's . .
Landing Wheel
Found in Newport
A Newport Beach man today found
the landing gear wheel of Ule United
Alrllnes jetliner that crashed into tbe
sea near W Angdes Jntematlonal
Airport Monday night, killing 38.
Murray Mcintosh, 11( 40th It., Aid
the !&-ply Ure bobbed up the· beoch
in heavy surf in front of his home.
Mcintosh, 21, · and a companion,, Bll1
Graft, donned trunks ll!ld phm1nd !:Ito
lhe huge breakers to recover the Ure.
A United A.irlines apoke!Itlln told
Mcintosh that the Ure W8' from the
doomed aircraft. 1be aerial number on
the Ure confirmed. the dllcovmJ"
The airlines official said the find wOUld
help autborlties ln their conUnuing tearch
ror the wreckage, at least bllf-af ;which
was believed lost bJ 1tonn-poerated
heavy aea1,
Surf ·Again Chews . . .
At Newport Shore
. Pounding surf thl.s morning ate. •l'I!'·
at another portloo of N""1'fll'l Beach
<Ol!lline. · but . poltCf no strong , tlna~
city tlle:oiards lald.
Tho lileguarda were waicl1inf the 5JUJf
partJCularly clooe!Y . di$8' the. preoent
stonn, alnce !be. b.aviolt'~ couaed by the lllil I.I rflhl al :tl!<Jr ,dilor. Al ._ today, ..... 1u dlowed
away a three-foot iulh. Tedie Up. to tbe
Ira•! lleJll of th&~ Tho
waves were driven bj a IOUtllelstetb'
ADOPTED AOllTE 55· fWY "'~ -· ~,aa1;q...dii.Ctor. lald the wind I.I di>ed*ll6.llilf! lblqich • •
• ' '
M'PflOlllM&ll !Ull
... 11C>U,..,PWS Of r£rr
~,. .... . .
. --
• • • • • • .....
"'"""~ ~ • """' • •
~ f • • •, 0
• • • • • • .. .
"" "' tho day, euing~ -~ . The uluaJly ' · bit eroiloi:f,oru
l1W' tlol -bojdinl up.'wejl,' fie addnd. . . ....
• f .. • • 2 . ' ' " •• . " "" • \.-.... ! .!-.
,t,l:JIW "Gr-" Ali1111mont Runs Al .... Ntwport lllvd.; Falt. II HNrI,,. Moy Rttull In N-Cholct .... ) .. _;.
Teday'• ........
N.Y. Steek•
11 Vessels,
Docks Lost
• In Newp()rt,.
BJ TOii! 'ITl'IJ8 °' .. __. .........
SoUtben: Calilomiam cu1 a •arr eye
Inward clecepllvely blue akles today Ill
the wab ol What was termed .In 1G1D9
..... the wont Jlorm in • century.
Aioog tho Orange Coul -we'5 toppled, powu lines cut, -ts lloodnd,
bpall capoirnd and even docb torn )nooa
by the merciless fury of ~ rain
and 11vago winda. Weather li!ncutera
called for an encore on Wedoeaday. ·
OM doclc rtppnd away by the llnJoC
gusta belongnd le the Orang• ~
llarborclllltrlcl 11t·N""1*1 lliocb; :0:-
jusl loobcl out ' the . wbidow and A•
it floatin& by," Aid a Harbor Dl.strtcl
The other, a private dock ·from Udo
Isle, ls still being sought, the district
The Newport Ha-area bore ,lhe
brunt of the storm's wnth. In Newport
Bay, II IJllall boats, both outboarcll
and uilboata, took an toe) much water
and aW:. Several othen: -· -from their moarinp and llolted oul
toto the boy. All---.
The ...... -..... , the on1, Newpoil area alleded, bow...... In
Ccnna dtt Mar. • 40-lool "'5COlyptua
~ ·c:rulJnd ~ nDIO a car ownnd bl' 11oMt s. Oar\'' al ill M•tU1
A ... II wu -_.I 4 'l!lill:fi '""°"" au.1tflr town, •• ,... J ;riiilat ~ .
Anolher ecualyptus wreaW more dlllllie 1\'llen It amuhed tJ\rqh a
lorp IJ41e glaa -jn. the -of Mr. and Mn:. W. D,· Wrlibl of 'Iii
$unu:iU llrlve, ~ Bef!:ll. Tho 100.
fool ireo ac&ttered, ctsail . ~
lhn>IJlh'eql tf>e ~ and into Ill' crib
of thil Wr1Pt'1 S.yejiMld d!lu&blrr, Fortuna..,, DO one WU home at the
time. Tho child and her -had !ell the -·earU....
"U we'd ~ home, we'd ):rObablJ
have been ln the kitci:al haYIDC
breltlaal," Mn. Wrilbl 2IOled.
Laguna televllton vfewen "'"wi-
-for nearly four l:oun when a
TV ........ blew down and cul cif
l&O -o:ubeaihen noril: of the cen1e, of town and a1oo1 Laguna ean,... Botd.
Streelligbll and tnfllc llgnala also """
-oil by the power !allure.
Hlgh winda also triggered -
fatlum ln San Juan C.platrano and
San Clemento. In the latter city, -
fourth of the town WU Cut 'Oil IOI'
45 mlnutel when I tree WU blown ac:rtllll
Trafflc ofllcmJ were moll allkled
by the storm in H1mtington Beach Wlwft
the police department reported --doubled in the past two days, mneti,
the ,...U, skidding <ti the roadwq
types. On Main Street, two larp acacia
trees were blown down, two landing
on the campua of Hantlngton Beach
ffigh Scboot
In Foontaln Valley, heavy OoodingcJoo.
eel Ed.lnga Avenue between Ward and
Brookhllnl ::tmts fer a lborl time early
this morning. A few small trees were
uprooted ln Seal Beacl:, wblle surpr1 ..
lngly llWe tro\lblo clenloped i n
Around Oronge County, power lalluru
were reported ln 'l'Ultin, El Mndala,
(See RAIN, Pago I)
Doni let thol:a ~ akles fool
you; ·the ralnmUer'1 JUlt coUect-
inl bll -wind. It'• ........
11u11 fer Weclneadl1-wlth pty
wlndl ud lelnpo<atma Jn tbe
low ....
Whll< hit 1t~t110r loob
around 1W MIO ""91w, /ormn
l'rflld .. I .lo1iluotl lial "gn<ll n11<r· a1 bcfitg &oc1< Ol '.;i ·is.
loWd m:ch .. ,.,..., />fJi(/# s •.
,_ ·--OCZeli• --=-J:".111 I ==-=c.. -
' "'' " " n n .;, .. n " " " ..
-" --I
__ .. --. ,_...,. I
leiiii... ...,. -.... =--';: -.. -. --,. ---..
1111!~ ....... i•·:...i;._> .... , ...... *-· ;.;. -
,....,,, .,_ n. 1-. -'
Cemetery Foreman Hanry Rood Puts flnl'!'lng ToUchu on Murdar Victim'• Final Rull"\ Place
OCC Election 11,008-year-old Laguna
Ruled Invalid· Sk ll W N M ' u oman, 1 ot an
Repeat Ordered By RICHARD P. NALL Delenninalion or the skulrs age by
ElecUon of spring aernester 5tudent °' tM ~17 P'lllf '"" Dr. Berger has extended direct evidence
body officers at Orange Coast College Laguna Man isn t a he. lie was a of human presence in the Americas
wu declared invalid MoodaJ due to she. by 4000 or 5000 years.
ML-It-• i_,,.,,.;,fl.o,• I> l..,.J,.,U., .. , IOW"CeS r
lJflUUI, .... ~-u--........,; This is the conclusion o a UCLA W. Howard Wilson, 22711 Vista Del 11~: ~':"~ Keith scientist wbo has been working with Sol, Three Arch Bay, owns the skull.
Solomon ordered a repu.t elect.Ion. The the 17,(XM).year--0ld skull dug up in Laguna He found it in 1933 at what i.s now
ltudent judlcW board wu &o meet this Beach 36 years ago. 255 SL Ann's Drive.
aftenoooa. lo set the dale and lo decide Dr. Rainer Ber~er bu delennlned that
whether to hdng election tampering the skull, known tn artheological clrcle.s
~ , hfor thr~ decaduUed Lagu.u ~~dMaa, should lt . ..,., the third auccessive electioo ave ~n ca na i..co. y.
at 0r8Dle Cout College ruled invalid "The thin ridges above the eyes and
becluse of fraud or sabotage. A vote the daintier shape of the eye sockets
on student COMUtution revision Ia.st show lhe skull to be that of a woman,"
spring was nullifJed becluse of ballot said Dr. Berger, who heads the UCLA
box stuffing. Another spring election, Isotope Laboratory.
for student body officers, wu repeated
because one candidate's campaign post~
en were torn down and his campaign
booth ripped apart.
In neither cue wert the culprits
Al Porco, seeking reelection as student
body pre.sident, headed the list of ap-
parent wltwen: in balloting 1 a• t week.
All results were thrown out, however,
because of the lrftgullliUes.
Dean of SttJdent AcUv:IUea Joseph Kroll
said some studt.nta evldenUy voted more
than once using student identlfic.alion
cardl from this oemeller and from last
RmeSter. He said be did not know
how many sludenls uaed two cards or
for wboni they voted.
The name of one candidate for student
&enate was inadvertently left off the
ballot, Kroll uJd. There also were com·
plalnta by students lhal voting boottu
el06ed early.
Krall said about 7&0 votea were ca.st.
more than usual, although some 6,000
daytime 1tudents are eligible to vote.
SF Policeman Quit8
ficer Raymond Main Jr., 41, 5USpended
for 45 days alter shooting at a noisy
cat and gruing a neighbor woman's
atull, Monday resigned from the force.
OllAHr.t: CGASt .-u11,.1SHJNG cOM.-A•n•
R1M•t N. Wtti
PrniH<lt tnd ~ll~r
J11~ R. C11rl1y
'Vb f'ttlMftnt Ind Gtn<'r .. N~tw
lh .... , 1Ctt¥il
Newport Man
Faces LA Action
On Machine Guns
Legal proceedings agaiMt two South
Coast men and a companion from San
Francisco wbo face charges of having
illegal machine gun.'!! were translerred
to the Los AngeJes area Monday by
a U.S. Commissioner in San Francsico.
The three men arrested by federal
agents and police Friday are Albert
C. Holbert, 31, of 210 32nd St., Newport
Beach, James V. Winterbourne, 29, of
26472 Via California, Capistrano Beach,
and Michael Maloney, 20. of Sausalito.
They were arrested Friday night in
a San Francisco warehouse, where agents
Claim they confiscated 30 M·l carbines
and kits to make them fully automalic.
The arms and kits were in a renlal
trailer from Los Angeles.
U.S. attorney's office spokesmen in
San Francisco today declined to dl'vulge
lheories about why the men po~ssed
the weapons or their intended use.
Bail for the lhrtt was set al $10,000
Monday and the men were bound over
for grand jury action in Los Angeles.
'Wild Mouse'
Pleads Guilty
,To Lesser Count
Wilson ancl Edward H. Marriner were
digging for artifacts and bones in tht
bank of a road cut at the time. Scientists
in Europe and America have been ex-
amining the skull on and off for years.1
In the past, ho,,.,.ever, there wu no
sure way of dating it. Man formerly
was believed to have dated back 10,000
or 12,000 years in America.
Scientists recently displayed a charred
and broken skull found in Washington s t a t e at a federal dam slte in 1965.
Jt is believed possibly 13,000 years old.
But Laguna Lady, Or. Berger has
announced, is 17,150 years old, give or
take 1,470 years. Berger said she pro-
bably ·lived and died during one of the
last major peaks of the Wisconsin glacial
age, toward the latter part of the
Pleistocene period. .
"We are now satisfied that we have
the oldest direct e.vidence yet established
of _human presence in the two Americas,"
said Dr. Berger.
County to Study
Moving of Courts
Orange County supervisors today asked
staff aides to study a proposal from
the city o! Newport Beach for relocation
of Harbor Judicial District court facilities
at Newport Center.
The matter was referred to the coun·
ty's Department oI Real Est.ate.
Supervisors dld not discuss the pro-
posal, which asserted a Newport Center
courthouse site in conjunction with city
civic center development would oe
liuperior to any other site an}'\\'herr.,
whatever the cost.
A report back., with a recommendation,
from the county's rtal estate expert!
is e%J)tCted vt'ithin three or four week:;
Newport city aides were told.
Freak Fair BiU
·on Cold, Rainy -Da
117 ilTBI* IL VINSEi. ., .. .., ......
J• Doe -a reputed q...., -
-' 'llbo .... ,b.d lttth and • ,..,
iood llnl,. -wu dellverod by whit.
Cadillac to the blaekn"' of lier pauper's
grave Mond1y and buried in • gr1y,
lonesome rain.
No one was there at the end of her
final journey, unlw be hid a job to
Cold rain i.n. rjnsjn1 reddllb IOil from
their abovell u . wortrnen at Paclflc
View Memorial P.ark carried the ll'&J,
...._ cult! from the white bwa<.
'lbe rain leII all day'
Jane Doe'• buriaJ in Lot 151F' cl. the
Corona del Mar cemetery came to light,
like her murder 314 days ago, some
time aftir it occurred.
"We were in 1 meeting at the time
IOd when it wu over, we learned tbe
body bad -~ ftleued and WU tJready interred,'' aJd John
Vibert, pruldebl Ind 1eneral llllllager
of the COlllelery.
Burial WU delayed following the brief
flmenl Ind committal address Friday,
wben Jaclde Smay, 11, of Long Beach,
.,.ie a tentative photograph lden-
tlllcalioo of the Joo1-dead throlt 11ub
• ',Jcttm.
Desplle an lnlernaUonal oeucb 10<
bit true jdeatllJ over the put 10 moolhl.
nolbln& -bid turned up today lo
,.,..... P .. e l
Coul IJ'OUJ> lo Capitol Hill. He beld
a coffee recoptloo In bla offlcea for
the IocW.
MOii of the Or ... e Coul l"'IP 11-
leoded the IDauprlliQll Ball II the
Wublnsfm llllloa where lllGnl llllb ao,aoo 1nv11a11on1 bad 1-1 IAued.
Smallen ball WU at the MayOower
Hotel with only 2,500 attendance.
Newport Beach, Vo'ife of the fonner
8ettttary of the Navy, wore the same
blue satin dress, tight waist and full
skirt, that she wore f0r the inauguration
of President Eisenhower.
Mn. Tbomu' gown required 1pecial
handling on and oll plaMI aod buseJ
for it.s second trip to inauiural festivities
-a aenUmentaJ journey for ~
dUtingulshed Newport fllllll,y.
* DESPITE RAIN, Inaugural festivities
got off to a favorable &tart Saturday
afternoon with Mn:. Nixon's recepUon
for 9,000 ladies on special invitation
to the National Gallery of Art.
The ladlea atood for two to three
hours Jn the reception line to greet
the Finl Lady, all elegant In hals aod
Mrs. Nixon wore a simple light blue
wool dreu. She was usisted in the
reception line by Mra. Hug)I Scott. wife
()f the Republican Senate Whip and rtln.
Robert Flncb, wlle oC the former
Callfornia lieutenant governor and now
Nixon's secretary of Health, Education
and WeUare.
* rttft. AND MRS. MEU'l'IY Bodner of
Newport Beach, he the well-known at.
tomey and former manager of Nixon
campalan!, 1tayed at the Sheraton Park
Hotel, scene of Sunday ~ternoon's
Governors Reception.
* Most of the Orana:e Coast delegation
stayed al the Wuhlngton Hilton, scene
of Saturday'a bit where 21 police units
and an army of Secret servtce agents
discouraged a confrontation between in·
augural vislton and several hundred
so-called "Yippies."
Al\tONG THOSE at the Hilton were
the Arnold Bectmus of Corona del
f\1ar, the John rtfad..eods of Newport and
\'"le Andrews af Laguna Beach.
Jndeed, for the ~ members of the
Orange Coast delegation it's been a busy
and exciting week.
sub!lllDll1Je llJA Smof'• idenllflcllloo.
a.Iii -Nl"I ad qoo llW"I wltll
twW after the -lid WU lllJed
In Smith's Morl1jlry, MJas Sma,y oanied
her u former room-mate, Rhonda Jl'lsb.
er, a Georgia glrl who followed tho
sun to Calllornia. "I used to be wild too,•• Miu Smay
told investigators, saying she originally
became. ICQUlinted with Miss Fisher
through association with the He.ll's
Anltls motoreycle club in the Hollywood ......
Known only as Jane Doe for . oUlclal
recordl ltlll, she ill separated from others
ID death, evtn u she must have been
In life, drlltlng through it In the anonymi-
ty of an ordinary face, doing the ordinary
things -whatever they were -that
made up her ordinary days:
She Ja burled near the edge of the
picturesque cemetery, away from those
who had names and the fimd.!: to buy
what Jane Doe now possesses in common
with them.
Orange County taxpayers paid $35 for
Jane Doe's grave.
"It is, literally, a pauper's arave,"
said Vibert.
"County CllRll are not burled In what
m call open ground," he e1plained,
"but it ill in the lawn area."
"It's d~t." he said.
Huntington Beach Police Capl Earle
Robitaille !I.Id today that idenUflcation
of Jane Doe as Rhonda Fiaher is
exlnmeJ,y . leolallve Ind Ge or Ii a
•oc•lllso -~...._.IOI
lo '11ppiri IL
11 J11111 Dot II truly RhOnda 1'WWr
Jt mUe.t Uttlt d1lference. ,. " •
"No nwter bu beelo onlerecJ",bJ.6•
county ,.i." the Pacific View Memwlal'
Park president aaid MoDday. .. ,,... ~
"They've never ordertd one belQ19tf\
he added. .. 1t1"Wl'1
Uolw a Fisber famill' ahoulol --turn up In !1lorala. """'J>ll"I the .. tlflc-and wllllni lo bo7 a pr,que for son\eane wbQ may or D>&1 . Dlif1bl'
their -· J..e Doe wru a1oep 1n an anmtrked·grave. ";?
"Some people really want the anonynd~
ty," Vibert said Mood•y. "IO we 'don't
require a grave marker."
Now, bowevtr, Jane Doe's &raff ti
cl06ed and with it, in theory, the tm"
or a woman known only to God ind
maybe the man who riped and ~
her. . ,'
"One day, perhaps, all the unknmm,
will be known, and this case will-be'
closed," said Methodilt mlnisttr Rtv;
O. Rmse.11 Shaw, who spoke at tht
Until that long-foretold day, howevtt.._
Jane Doe. will rest in more anonymbl.l8
solitude than anyone who might wan\
it could ask -aj>MI from other llullo-
beren -without even • graveiton~ ·
Maybe she too, prefera it lhat. "11· . ,
Chalk Mark Wins·
Realtor Moves Away From Meters
DAii. Y PILOT Sltff , .....
Mtttr Fetdtr Ntff
You've heard of the straw that l>rM•
the camel's back but how about t11t
chalk mart that clwed the Reallpt
When Laguna Bucb officiala decided
to en!orce the tire limit on parkina
meters, il was too much for confirmfl
meter.feeder Wallace L. Neff. .:.
He moved hiJ offices to Corona de1
Mar, which has no parkin& meters.
Neff, who had been located at 228
Forest Ave., tried the musical car game
for awhile. He ldmitted ht even erased
one chalk mark from his tire.
But suddenly the whole thing see.me~
too much. Even though be wasn't geUinl
any mare parking tickets than aver11e;
the strain of watching the Ucking meter
bead, looking for the. telltale chali marks
and maving Ilia car became wearhome..
"I jmt thougbt It Wll stupid, tho
-le thing WU exupenotlng," Aid Nelf1
••1 was evm madder than (stock broker)
Howard Dawson."
So despite 12 years doing businea
In lal\llla, Nell moved to 211&-B Eal
Co<SI Highway. -
"[ love it here," he said today. 111
park right on a side stre.tt without
a meter. I can sit there all day in
peace and quiet. My car's real bapP,.
Neff said he has even thrown aw31
the rabbit's fool which he kept to beJs
\li'ard off the meter men. ' "
From Pqe l
Orange, Garden Grove, Santa Ana and
Buena Park -the latter alfecting an
estimated 9,000 homes. All problems
were cleared up by I : 15 a.m.
"We have been very lucky," said (;oun..
ty Road Commissioner Al S. Koch. "All
roads are open. We have had a few
trees down in Santa Ana Canyon and
in Yorba Linda, and the urnal slide
on Pacific Coast Highway at Capistrano
Beach, but the highway is open."
Orange County flood control engineer
C. R. Nelson said no flooding problems
have been experienced, but channels in
the western part of lhe county were
flowing heavily, some near capacity.
Other areas of the state were less
fortunate. In San Luis Obispo, county
supervisors ?.fonday asked Gov. Ronald
Reagan to declare the county a disaster
area because of what they termed the
worst storm in a century. Some $1
million in damage was reported.
Four persons are known to have drown·
ed in the Southland since the storm
began. Los AngeJes County alone record-
ed 20 fatal automobile accidents, many
of them diredly relai.d to the ralnlaD.
And the word from the weathennu
to all of Southern California toda7 wu
-more rain., heavy rain, with eust1
wincb for Wednesday.
Harbor High's
Band to Wave
9 City Banners
Newport Harbor High School's band;
when rt goes marching, will IOOR ~
carrying the naa of lhe City of Newpar1
Beach - nine such nags, to be exact.
City councilmen, at the request .r
band director Richard England, 1gteed
to give the banners to the high achoot.
Councilman Howard Roger1, who
reeeived the ~uest, explalned that the
flags would be carried by "a cadrf:
of m1rt:bing girls" when the band visill
other communiUes.
l k•m•• A. Mur,loiiftt
Ml""'fl' !:•lter
J.,. ... F. c.u;,, 11111 w:u ...
Hr-I •tu A"'t•ll••"• C!l'I' 1;,1..,. b l•f(tt.r ,__,.., ...... OHi••
Frank "Wild Mouse" Rundle of Coata
Me.,,a pleaded guilty to ass:ault wllh a
deadly i weapon Monday f o 11 o W I n g
Superior Court abandonment of at4
tempted murder charges against the
Hessian Motorcycle Club leader.
'Mao, Red Guards' Coming
He pointed out lhlt the colors of
the nag are slmllll' to the school's
~Ion. ., And there is c:erta.lnly a coin-
cidence or names," he said.
Rogers added th1t be doubted other
area schools would make the ume l'f'"
quest. "There is, after all, a cerWn
amount of rivalry wflh Corona del Mar.
Coooa Mesa and Estancia high 1Cb9ob,'."
he smiled. 2Jll Wtd 1111111 l1wl1¥1ril
M1it1., ,..i1r111: ,,o, 111 1111, 'J66J --" (tlti• MH.-: ,,. ""''' ••• ,,,.~,
Lt-kl!Cfl· JU'"""'' """"Vt """'""'"°" kKI>: JOf )1,. ~,.trt
Rundle, 24, of 134 Albert Place. was
scheduled to go on trial Jin. 2t on
the. former chargts. He was ordered
to return to oourt Feb. I for oentenc1n1
which could put him ln state prbfon
for up to 10 years.
Judge Robert Gardner 's acceptance of
reduced charges foUOftd con.summ1tlon
of a "deal" between the Dbtrlct At~
torney'• Office and Rundle'• lawyer.
Rundle WU accuaed of le.ad.In&: • mus
Hessian asault last Aq. 7 on fonner
amateur borer Robert Glader.
Gluier, 30, of m4 Pleeentla. Ave.,
Costa Mua, wu whipped with cycle
chains and shot lo the left hand when
a gang of youths he lold poUce wtre
Heaaians n.lded hls home.
Potice lleU.ved the Incident lo be a
mus rtprilll by Ille lulher-)a<:tei.d
youths for 1n earlier bar room fracu
in which Olalffir knocked down 1 member
of the motorcyole club,
Rundle is being hold Jn Orange Cou!lty
Jail. Biii Is sel at 13'1,f'·
Don't breathe a word of this to anyone
else now, but Mao -and The Red
Guards -will be in Orange Counly
nut Saturday.
That's the name of just one amona
3" bands In the Radio KTBT Cbr~lmu
Festival and Fre.ak Fair scheduled Jan.
25, a month late, at the Oran1e County
Jnternational ~y.
Scheduled noon to midnight 11 the
IJO..~ fadllty at East ln'ine, the event
by I.ht popular Garden Grove FM Ntlm
promises to be bigger and better than
originally plllllled.
Underirouod M St1Uon Manage.r Glenn
Ad•llll AY• wild light shows wtn be
Included and the KTBT Hummingbird
-a helicopter -will drop thousands
of flowers and love messages on the ....,.,
Booths Ind di1pl1ys OC handiwork Ind
cra!lll wtU be set up for those lntereattd
In buying ertisans' •arts, w I t h
11urfboards, electric guilars Md other ,
prizes to bft awarded.
Orlgln1lly planed 10< Dec. 211 at the
Or1nge County Fairgrouoda In Colla
hfeu. clty offlclals refused a' business
license 16 permit the big amateur show,
due to short nollce.
Recalling the Newport Pop Festival
la.st August -1 bummer in the summer
from the city's standpoint -councilmen
led by Mayor Alvin t... Pink1e.J managed
to derail the staUon'1 plan.
Manager Glenn Adams, heartened at
•PP"Oval of the ackt rock fat bf Orange
County Fairgrounds direct.on, decided
to go 1head with Jt, despite possible
The primary sllpulatlon was that 20
police or security guards be hired, bul
all efforts to recruit them -evtn
through private aaenctt.s -met with
resl!tanct .
One comp1ny rtporltdly said they had
been .. t..i ... to COOJ>V•le with mr.
and Adams says In 1 prus release
that the ~Jblllty of a conspiracy is
behl)! probed,
Commaiting on Mayor Pinkley'• a~
pamrt Pftjudlce towml such <mrtl,
KTBT officials said he will be aent
complimentary '2-M lltlets for himselt
and his famUy, for a look at how the
leatival wUI be nm.
Anloni those OrlllJ!e County llmllellr
bands the Pinkley clsn and other visitors
may see in action are: ~!sea; Dry
Jee ; Section lV; The Gas Company:
Human Nolse; Snowplow; The Popped
The council, which several months ~O
eatl.bliahed a price of $10 each for tht nap. decided to "loan .. them l"o Karboi
Hl'h -on a permaoenl buis.
Clutch; Mao and The Red Guarda; The A. Moe would lben mate. a fllCOm-
Wlnston-Salem Two.Humped Carnel ; ind mendaUOll, based on the traNCrlpt, to
The Weed Palcb, the sevt..,.,ernber lllghwlJI ConutlWl"'i
Thru leJ)lrat.e bandstands will be the final arbltera on state lrteway·mit
r~1tured In ttt. t'Z-hour Saturday event ters.
and free bus aervlce. wiU be provided "If It want.I to," said lilt division
at 1$ minute intervals between KTBT spokesman, "lhe CM'lmlaalon tw.1d tne.t
st.udtoe at "29 Chapman Ave., and the call another hearing on a preclM rou~
raceway. so all the po.ulbilille." could be es.
Site o( the month-late Christma1 hlu1ted."
restlval and Freak Fair II rigbt beside Exblbtll oa the ""°"' 1ltemild \rlil the Sanla AO.: neew1y II Laguna C.... be dl1playtd at both clty hallo ol!ith!I
yon Road, with plenty of parking are.a. Friday of thls week, he addtd. 4
, • ' ~ I
• •
• a ---
vot:. ~i. NO. 18, 2 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES
Freewa,, Routes
Council to· Quiz
Highway Aides
Costa Mesa City Council members -
•ho must IOOD mab a route choice
~edalm -plan to question highway
tflldal• aboul just wbal each ol four
pmlblo NtwpJrt ,.,...,ay roulel may
apell In tBecUI cm the ommrmitJ.
' Nixon Gets·
' Early Start
On First Day ·
, WASHINGTON (UPI} -President
Richard Nixon !tarted his first full day
In ofllce today by getting to work before
any ol hi.I stall and disclostog that
he would do moet ol bla work ootside
ol the "Wblte Hooae.
Nixon said be would ""' the famous
Oval Room -the presidential office
in the White "°""' -primarily f!>'
formal occasiorui. Most of the time, he
aid, he would work out of a smaller
room In the neisJ>Wiog euwJiw office
bailcllJll. • "1.lln to w:ork In 1 roliUvely small
room, with papers all around and that
sort of thing,'' Nixon uplained to
"l'm a creature of babil," he remark·
ed .
He said two other reasons he decided
to do "everyday" work in a smaller
office ln the old Slate Department
building were that he wanted his staff
member! to feel they were working
cl.,.ly with him, and from his point
of. view he felt the need for a "certain
chemistry" that comes when be knows
bis aides are nearby.
Nlxon will be the first Presldent 1n
iecent mtmory to carry out the everyday_
dlores of office outside the WbiteJlcme.
'Traditionally, the vlre president has
llid an otlice in the massive, elaborate
structure known in Washington as
"EOB." But Vice President Spiro T.
Agnew will be working out or the White
'Nixon announced shortly after the elec-
tion that Agnew wouJd have an office
ltr the White House so that the vice
pj:esident could become a closer member or the official family.
'Nixon posed for photographs in the QVaI Room behind a massive desk that
once be1onged to President Woodrow
A few reporters were ushered In to
eee him. He looked rested and was
to obvious good humor des_;;iite the fact
ht dJd not get to bed until 2:SO a.m.
atid got up at 8:45.
"ll"'It'1 so cl06e," he said nferring to
lite proximity of the office and the
Jiving quarters.
" .... Stock Markets
'NEW YORK (UPI) -The st.xk
market took on an easier tone today
dupite announcement that expanded
Vietnam talks will be renewed Saturday.
1'rading was moderate. (See quotations ,
Pages 1-1):
No elite bu been oet for the p10el
Interview sessloo lnlllated by Councilman
Wllliam L. Sl Clair Mondlly night, but ·
It mu!I precede 1 Feb. II public hearing
Mayor AIYln L. Pinkley and SL a.Ir
clashed open}y last week over the niuti
choice issue, so the freshman councilman
hu decided to ask information of those
who know best.
irayor Pinkley safd today l ha t
ipokesmen. for District Seftn, of the
State Division¥of Highways, have agreed
to the public study session on the freeway
route choice.
St. Clair and a group of downtown
area businessmen are bard backers of
a westerly alignment which would save
the present Newport Boulevard as an
intercity link to the beach areas.
The council .u a whole, however, has
lakea l!O lland, pr<fcrriog to wait until
more fads are kDotrn about the volume
ol lralllc to be dumped 00 city llrecll,
u well as COit data.
Costa Mca alreody bu traffic pro-
blems to.e. pay for, without ~ fteewa • llif city. DUrtac illy council meeting,
Viec Mayor -Id. Wilson IU•...ud '"''""Ii"' .s~ .ci.;r·~ -Tf.t 'Ii meeting, ln .--hl"""')"~ had
finlil7. IChedUlid a 1111(1-Pebruar)' hear· Jog;~
'l'ild>y, word came that Feb. 18 Is
the date, but. they also agreed lo the
meeUng proposed by SL Clair, at which
the public will be welcome, but w:Iuded
!rom. questioning the experts.
Wllson suggested Monday that St.
Clair's resolution might be held over
for two week!: to determine statm <lf
the route bearing question.
11Bob. I feel like the guy floating
down the river toward a big watmfall,"
Sl C1alr replied. "We're gt!Uog awfully
close now."
Wilson coontmd by uplainlng that tact and diplomacy must be wed in
setting up such an affair, 9)JeciaDy
(See ·FRUWAY, Pap S) -
Top Management
P1·ofesso1·s Set
Mesa CofC Talk
Two top business management pro-
f essors will give Costa Mesa Chamber
of Commerce members a allmJll' of
how UC Irvine can benefit them during
a luncheon: Friday.
"An Introdilction to UCI Programs for
Management ~ent'' ill the tiUe
of the noon talk acheduled at the Caspian
Rcllaurant, accordiog to Chairman
Vaughn Rodding.
Speakers will be Dr. George Brown,
dean of the UCI graduate school or
administration and Dr. Harley Mowry,
head of progrlllDI for \he business and
industry extension division.
They will outline opportunitie.! for
career studies, certificale programs and
individual advancement plans for men
who mnain on £he job while enrolled
in school.
Ereak Fair at R~au
!IJESDAY, JANUARY 2 f, 01969 . . . ••
, .
STUDY LIMITS .........
' . ' .. ·llOU'fl I ,!0 UY, tT '
··""'f. Oft•lrlG(
• • • • • • • •
$'-llll t .....
0 ' i. ·-·" = .IPPllO:r1M.ll f !>CAL(" • IN HiQUS.INOS Of f [( T w TIJSTIN
• ~ !~ f • ' ! 0 • ,llRUA"-l •••• STUOY LIMITS -
' . '
• • • • .,,
• • •• ·o •
• -
ll'OUTt ,,
HERE ARE ALTERNATES FOR NEWPORT FRElf#AY, WHOSE ROUTE TWO CITIES WANT CHANGED ~ "Grion': All•-Runa Alone Nnport·Bhol.-1 FU. 11 HNrlng'May •Rftult In New Choice
. . ........ .
Mesa F.lla . Un-
. -~.·~ ~:· £\s , ~te_ptler -
For New C.outts
County supervliors may be conaiderin1
a Newport Beach pitch for a new
municipal court site, but Costa Mesa
seems to be edglns up a1 a contender,
with a $400,000 Orange County
Fairgrounc!J Ille.
Dlrecton ol the 32od AsrJcu!tural
District npcct to eomo to "'""' tort
of ronclastou at lflelr, Pell, JO ~
OD tbe pDSllDIO IJ.ce..lfl>rirJ-eciGrl site
at Fairview Road ml Arlington ~ve.
Costa Mesa city ofOclllJ are known
lo be, quite onthullulic ilbout the site,
wbicb W """" .llPP! "I t I at flOll,000
in value by two dltterent aources..
One consideration is its Ideal location
in an area wbich-lJ be.lng engineered
and developed toward muimum public
use, under an instituUonal and recre•
tional zone des:ignatioo.
The regioiial library would be valuable
to nearby Costa Mesa High School,
Orange Coast College and Soulhern
California Colleg.hile tbe court site
Is near the local -llatloo.
An arrangement Jn which the 1tate-
owned land could be Uled by the _,,,ty
would· put •empty "land t.o ue, u well
as plowing badlf .netded hmda back
into tbe fairgroundl It.sell.
Budgel cutbai:a <bJ Gov. R<>nald
Reagan have left the Orange Coiunty
facility as wen Ill atben thrw&hout
the state In oome flnanelal pain.
Studle; ol the pn>pOOed 13-acre court
sli. llhow an-_.,.at ol !40.000 per
acre for eight acm of the actual bulldtng
property, 1fiUI $11,000· per acrt for five
acres or joint parting area.
This would wrap the 13 acres up
into an attractive '380,000 package deal ,
<lne which woo.Jd. likely interest. the
Orang~ County Departme.nt or Real
Property Servlees.
'Wild MQwe' R,qnd~
•. .: ... >-·J: .... j;. ... ·:p~· Gliilty to As~ttitlt
Fr&nt .. Wlld Mouse" Rundle of Costa
Mesa pleaded guilty to aasault with a
deadly weapon Monday f o 11 ow i n g
Superior Court :abandonmeot of at-
tempted murder charges against the
Hessian Moloreycie Club leader.
Rundle, Jt, ol. 134. Albert Place, was
scheduled 1to go OD trial .Jan. 29 OD
UR . former ""°""" Be -orderecl ..; return to cOOrt Feb. I for sentenclog
which COlll4 put h!m In llate priloo
fcr np to ·I~ yUrs.
. Judge Jlol>ert Ganlner'• acceptance of rec1iicot! chlrps 10ilawec1 aimwmnatl'on
of • "deal" between the Distriet At-
torney's Office. and Rundle'• lawyer.
Rundle wu ICCU9l!d of leadinj: a mass
Hessian assault last Aug. 7 on former
amateiv tmer Robert Glazier.
Gluier, 30, of 2224 P1acenUa Ave.,
Costa Mesa, was whipped with cycle
chal111 and ah>! In the left hand when
a a:ang of )'outbs he told police were
Hessians raided bis bome.
Police . believed the incidtnt to be a
mass reprlaal by the Jeather·Jacketed foutha for an earlier bar room fracas
1n which Glazier bocked down a member
ol the ~c:le club.
Rw1C1Je II .~ beld In Or1oge County Jau.n.u la .et at fl7,!0IJ.
Motorcycll1t Rune!!•
Ballot Fraud Invalidates
Student Election at OCC
E1ecUon of sprin& semester .student
bocfi of!!cers at Orange , Coast C<lllege
wu · d6c1ared Jovalld Monday. due to
.. ballot JrregulartUes," Including, aources
laid, ballot bo1 1tufllng.
-~'Mao; Red Guards' Coming
-ll:ledrool CommlDioner Keith
SOklmoa ardmd.a ·ttpett -Tlw
-)udlClal board .... to meet lhla .-lo 1111 tho date .. to·-wbOtbit lo brlog alectton tamperlog
at Orange Coast College ruled invalid
because of (raud or aabotqe. A YOte
on student COMUtutlon rt'vlaion Jut
spring was nullified becauae oC baUpt
box atUffln&-Another, oprlbg election,
far atudenl bocly officera, wai~
beoauM cine aindldate'a campelgn ,_.
en were tom down and bll cilmPltsn·
booth ripped •fJl'L
In nctther case were the cutpliti •
Don't bruthe a word ol UU1 to anyooe
else now, but Mao -and The Red
Guarda -will be in Orange County
next Saturday.
That's the name of Just one among
31 bands In the Radio KTBT Christmas
Festival and Freak Fair scheduled Jan.
~. a month late, at the Orange County
tnternalional Raceway.
Scheduled noon to midnight at the
120-acrt fatillty at Eut trvtne, I.he event
by the popu!or Garden G,_, P'M staUon
promises to be bigger and better than
orfginlUY planned.
Uadergroond M Si.Uon Manager Glenn
AdlW .. ,. -lllbt -will be lnduded and tho KTBT ~
-a hellc:optlr -will drop -1110.,.ancll
et -and love ...... ,.. .. the -•
Bootha and dllplay1 ol hancllwork and
crafts will be oet up for thooe interuted
in buying artisans' wara, w It h
surfboards. electric guitan and other
priz&s to be awarded,
Originally planed for Dec. 29 al the
Orange County Falrgroondl: in Costa
Mesa, city <lffidals refused 1 bo!lness
llce111e to permit the big 1mateor show,
due to lhort notice.
n.cautng the Newport Pop l'at!Vll
lut Auptt -a bummer In the summer
from Ille cily'a alandpolnl--councilmen
1"d by MQ<>r Alvin I. Pinkley IDlll&led
to derail the llatlan'• plan.
-al of the add""* r..t,by Onnc• ColmV Falrpmdl dl!Odora, cledcled to p abtad 1rlth I~ clelplle -pooatble
The primary .Uput.Um ..... that 211
police or leCllrlty cuard• ba hind, but
all efforts to reaull ~ -.... thtouaJ! private ,;p.itel'--met---wllh
resistance. ·
One <Ompan, rtporlcdlj-"1 lhey·had
been Ul"1 not to cooperai. 'ldtb KTBT,
arwf Adarro iays In a prw release
that the possibility of a CQl'llPiracy ·is
being pcobed.
CommenUnc oo Ma1or Plnkley'a. •I>'
parent pc<judlce toward llJcil IVmla,
KTBT offidala aald be will be aent
comp!lmentarJ $1.11 tldllla !flt -!I and jllo lllllllJ, for a looli at i--.tllo
feotmlwULllarun. .
..., -~ .. , ~;Pry
( .. ftWPalS,P•ll
·A '
It· was the third succeasi•e elect.bt
i ' ,
caughl. · ·
Al Porco, seeking reelection u student
body P';:'h~:'!' headed the lilt ol lj>-parent In balloting I a It -k.
All 'results were tbrqwn out, bowevu,.
because or the 1rreau1ar111es.
Dean or ~udeiit ActlviUes Jotfph Xron
laid """" stOdcnll evlcltntly voted -..
lhan once using student klm11Dcatloe
(anis from this .emuttr ll'id from mt
semester. He aaid be did not -
how many llllldenll Uled two -or
lor wiljlRI they "!)led.
The name cf-candidate for -ltoM· w• ~,Wt 1 oU tht
llallot, Kroll ~ Thon·"=' -· plalnll by' .i-.. tW ' <bootlla:
-earlf. , Knill said •boul·7IO ........ COlj,.; ..,., than 111Ul, altho\lP,_ .,,,.,
daytime atuclenll m ~-lo.._
' N.Y. Stedr•
' ' TEN~
11 Vessels; .
Docks Lost
In Newport
II)' '!OM 'ITllJll
.... Dlllf' .......
So!ilbern Callfarnlalll -• ....,. eye
-deceptlvoiy blao -lodq In
lhe WW ol wbal WU famod ta -·
Aloog lhe Onogi Cod -.....
toppled, power flnel cul, -flooded,
boa&I caiWud aoo even cb:b tool, 1oole
by !be mercileu fury ol ~ rain
apd savage wind!. Weather foreeutm
called for an encore on Wednesday.
One dock ripped awiy ~y the """"' l!llStl beJonged to !be Oraoge ~
-~Dlatrlcl hillewport -
just lool<ed DU\ lhe wind... ml -
it floatlng by1" aald a Harbor Di*ict
The Giber, a private · dock from U.
!Jle, Is IUll beJnt oough~ the ·cllltl:IO
The Newport Harbor aru bore the
brunt ol the atonn'1 wrath. lo ll<W]>ll'I
Bay, II IDlall booll, boCh outboardl
and &allboall, toolt on too much w-
and 1aJ!k. Several olbera bnb ·-from . their moortnp and -oal Into tho bay. All ..... ....,.,-.
The ..... !"'!'I ...... , ibe 01111
NeWpi,ri ' Ir<\ ...... bow .. er. lo
~ del .... 40-fool eucaly~
tree <r1!11Jec1 --· a car -no. M1i1t S. C1art1: ti •l·P ff Ml• A-...·n wu ·-ol omni -ia,,led ~· towo, lhe. ... dlf?-t
AnOlber eciJalyplul . #rtal<~ m«e
4atlll.P. when Jt smashed thrOugb a ·
large plate glass window In the home
ol )Jr. and lol1'I. W, D. Wrl&bl of _)II
-..it Drive, Laguna llHclt. The 100.
foot tree ocattered glass fragmenta throoihoul the ldt<ben and into lhl crll>
of the Wright't "..,._d daupter,
Fortunately, no OllfJ WU home at the
time. The child and bcr mother had
"ll we'd · -home, we'd probebfJ have been In the ldtcbeo bavlog
bN>lk!MI," lol1'I. Wrllbl DOied.
-W< oelrly four houri wtien a
TV· dt8ma blew -:aid col off
lltabfo.111biCrtbeft -ol the -
ol -'abd """'Laguna Canym -· Streetll«IU and tralflc slgnall allo ""'' •!nrt oU by the power failure.
High wtndl allo trtgg<red power
fallure1 ·in S.. Ju .. CapUtrano ml
San Clemente. In the latter city, ane-
fourth of the tow11 was cut off for
4.5 minutes when a tree wu bJown acrosa
power lines.
Traffic officerl were most affected
by the storm in HunUngton Beach -
the poUee department ttporled ICcldeoll
doubled In the put two dayl, moolly
the IDlall, . Ulddlog olf lhe 1'0lldnY
types. On Mlln Street, two hlrp 1CaC1a
-were , blown down, lw1> -,
on the compu.1 ol IIuntillpll -Hlgbl!dlOoL
· lo Foffltaln Valley, be.lVJ floodiq dol-
ed 'Edlncer Avenue between Want and Brw.kbu!ll llttell for • altorl Ume ..,,,
this morning. A few amall trees were
uprooted in Seal·-. -~ lngly little trwble denfoped l n
We.stmlnster. ,
ArlWld Oraoge County, power lallurts
we~ ~ in Tustin, El Modena,
-(S« RAIN, Pare I)
Weatlier .
llonl !« -, )llqo ~ fool
Y<!OI; ~ ralmDlbr'I ,. ,colled-hii llll 'llO<:Ood lilM. 11°1 m. we1
atuff !flt W-w .1'fth aust1
--aod len>peralurel In lho low lf.1.
lVhllt his au~uor loob
around hil nno .home, f01'1MT
f'rtfident Joh"'°" "°' Hgrecz&
reli<f' ot b<i1lg bocl<.•OI ~It bc-
1....t ,_~ In T....._ l'oQ• .S.
' l
.. r
I IWl.Y !'Ii.OT c
Jane Do~_;B~fied a Pauper -on Cold, Rainy Day
. . .
Cemetery Foreman Henry Reed Puts Flnf1flln9 Touchn on Murller Victim'• FiMI Rutlng Piece
Hearing Slated Feb.18
On .Freeway Alignme":~
Of tM Deti PW stiff .
A public Wring .()D. a new alignment
for. ibo final atrekh cl the Newport
Freeway u It headl towanl the ou
will bo held Feb. 11 ·at the .,_Orlllle
County F~.,l!!t".tate .ulvi.llon cl Hipa11 a1111011nc•1l'loday.
The .....,. will llart .• t 10 a.m. and
la -1ed-to lul 1"""1&l>M .... ,clay.
It _;rm 1"! Dold in the f'alr8'D<lllda":'Jwilcr ~~"ft whelh.r lhe laOPtid
route should be changed, but where the
new alJgrunent should be.
Both the Newport Beach and the C°'ta
Mesa clty couoella are alrtady on record
tavorlna a new route somewhere west
Mesa Police
Discover 'leak'
ID Department
A leak hal been diacovered In Ibo
1tzudute d the Costa Mesa Police
Dopctmen~ but no cl!mlnll lntelligen<e
la llltely to ,..P oot and benefit Ibo
A four-point program In fact Is ade-
quately laking care of the difficulty
today, under coordination of detectives,
patrolmen, jail trusties or just anyone
who might be passing by.
Point One is a blue plastic bowl in
the carpeted hallway outside the detec-
tive bureau.
Point Two Is an orange plastic dlsh
a few inches to.its lefL
Point Three 1J a mli:ing bowl set
a foot away, forming a rb"ateglc triangle.
Paint Four -called Into play when
the leak ln the roof of the two-year-okl
Police Faclllty at 99 Fair Drive wm leMd
Mooday -is a deep gWI pe.u>lll bolter
DAii Y Pll 01
CMIAHC.I: COAIT '1.l•LtSHIN(l. COM .. ,t."IY
'-•lt••I N. W11J
'~••• .,.. 'wbllt/>•'<
Th•111•1 1(,, .. :1 t:•11w
111 ...... A. MMt,liii~t
'•"I N;"'" A"1Mltlrtt Olttc!or C.0--)JO W11t a.y $tr11f w.nr..,A44f.,..,, r.o.1 .. 1r,o.ti•2•
tt.w-f .. .,,1 ml '°IMI lalbM ....,1mrlll ~ "*""': ,,, 'w.r•t ...... _ ~~ .. ..-:h. -~lh $""'
or the present angrunent, adopted 2f
years ago.
Tbe California Highway Commia&i9n
last November indicated agreement wlth
the two cities by formally reopening
the route question.
The pruent route la superimposed over
Newpart Boulnard from Baf. Strm in
Coota Mesa to the adopted Pacific Coast
Freeway route near the Arches Overpass
in Newport
_Bo~ cliju would like to see Newport
Boule"vard 'Jift open as a local arterial.
IC it . is replaced by the freeway, it
would wipe out much of Costa Mesa 's
downtown area and would entrap Hoag
Memorial Hospital 1n a maze of freeway
Division of Highways oUlcials noted
today lhat four lltomate l'OllleS will
be discuaaed at the Feb. 11 hearln&,
wblch will be held before Dlvlllon
One _fOllll:il:y paraDels Newport
Boolevanl IOlllb to 17th Slreet, where
it "'1np wui ol Superior Avenue. A
-Des jult wet! cl Newport Boulevard and then movu d o w n
Superior. Two othmi are located several
bloc:U ft!I of Newport and Superior,
cutting tmcmgh Iara:ely HSidenUal areas.
Between now am P'eb. It, Costa Meu
city couocllmen must agree on one of
the alternate routes tru:ooJh lheir city.
In diacuasioos to date, Colla Mesa
officials havt indicated no unanimity
on lhe subject.
In Newpart, the situation is entirely
"All we're concerned about," said
Mayor Doreen Marshall, "ls to get the
freeway moved west and off Newporl.
She pointed out that Newport coun-
cilmen are unanimously In favor of an
aUgnment just west of Su~ior.
"There la. nothlni we can aay about
where the route should go ln Costa
Mesa. Tbat'a Uleir problem.''
A Division of Highways spokesman
emphasized that no f1nal determination
on the route will be made at next
month's hearing.
''The purpose of the hearing ls to
take testimony from local governmental
agencies, civic organizations and in-
dividuals," be said. "The transcript ol
all thls will be forwarded to Sacramen-
Slate Public Works Director James
A. Moe would then mal;e a recom-
mendation, based on the tran1Cript; to
the Hvtn-member Highway Commlllion,
the final arbJters on lllle Ireewa, mat-
ters. 1-
.. Il It wants to," said the division
spotesm'a.n, .. the commission could then
caU another hetrlng ol> a proclte rwlt, "° all the pouthllitlea . coald be ...
Eiblb!aa "" the vma... a11cna1es win
bo dlspjayed at boll> dty hall& lllarllDg
Friday cl lhla ....... bo added.
* * * From P .. e l
where dt!iClte atluat.lom hive existed
in the put.
"Maybe !'Ve been too clooe to lhe
freeway quatlon !or too Iona." Wl!Jon
said, "but ·tbele people can get a little
lbJn aklnned II you pulh too bani. They
won't opea &belt mouths at aJI."
"U ydiu • tnfonn•Uon rrun thmn,"
.,. --· ·~·.. Fini to ha .. ., dttt 11""' c...iuny."
The vote WU flnall7 tallied I to 0
In fa.... Of •-bla1 tho lllatrkt s.... blihw.,. offldala wllh • publlo
•tud1 -on 'plan. depencli., on .tatua
Of th< long-planned b;l•I·
Crashed Plane's
Landing Wheel
Found in Newpo1·t
A Newport 'Beach man today found
the landing gear wheel of the Un1ted
Airline& jetliner that crashed into the
sea near Loa Angeles International
Airport Monday night, tilling 38.
Murray P..fclntosh, 114 40th St., said
Ibo !&-ply tire bobbed up lhe beach
in heavy surf in front of tilil home.
Mcintosh, 21. and a companion, Bill
Graft, doMed trunks and plunged into
the huge breakers to recover the tire.
A United Airlines spokesman told
MclDtosh that the Ure w~ Irom the
doomed aircralt. The lierial ruonber on
the tire confirmed the discovery.
The airlines official said th e find would
help authorities in their conUnuing search
for the wreckage, at least half of \•:hich
was believed lo.st by storm-generated
heavy sea!.
To Hear Aldrich
On Campus Issue
Conditions on American college and
university campuses will be dJscussed
in ·Costa Mesa Thursday by UCt
Ch ancellor Or. Daniel G. Aldrich.
The Mesa Verde Homeowners' Associa-
tion will highlight its 7:30 p.m. quarterly
meeting in Mesa Verde Country Club
with the talk by Or. Aldrich, according
to Norm French.
This meeting will afford residents the
opportunity to meet and question the
chancellor about disturbing items of re-
cent months," noted French, president
ol the assoclaUon.
Prior to discus!ing the board social
and educaUonal Issues; members will
discuss traffic problems on Country Club
Drive and more effective enforcement
of on-street trailer parking prohlbltlori.
Someone will also be on hand to answer
any questions members may have about
the upcoming $1~.9 million Newport-Mesa
Unllied School District bond elec:Uon.
County to Study
Moving of Co11rts
Orange County supervisors today aslled
staff aidts to study a proposal from
the clty of Newport Beach for rel<W:aUon
of Harbor Judicial Dlstr'lct court facilltJes
at Newport Center.
The matter wu referred to the coon·
ly's Department of Rell Eatale.
Supervt.on did not dl!cuu the pro-
J>OS&I, which Ulelled a Newport Center
courtbouao Ille tn coojunttlon wtlh city
civic ~nter development Would oe
superior to any other site an)'Whtn\.
whalevtr the co,,l.
A report back, with a recommendaUon,
from tbt county's real estate nperta
Is Uptcted within three or four week;
Newport dly aldes were told.
Tennessee Williams
Hopes to See Pope
ROl\IE CAP) -Ten......, WUllam.i,
the Amerlc1n playwright who recently
convtrted to Raman C1tholicl1m, an'lved
In Rome today and said he would like
to ,.. Ibo Pope.
Williams Oew In for a brief Tact1Uon.
Asked at lh< airport ff he WOllld be
r«<&v<d by Pope Paul VI, Williams,
who was an Epi9COp1.lt1n btfore h!s
converJJ.ion, 111Jd he would be ple1Sfld
to see the Pope "U lt'I possible.'' c
-.,. AM1l\1a R. VlNllL
.. .. Dllr 'I:*• Jue Doll, _; a reported qi:le ...,.
llt1 wloo bed bed teeth and a '"' &90d time;, -was delivered by white
CadUl1c to1 the blackness of her pauper's
grave Monday and burled in a iray,
lone.some rain.
No one was there at lhe end ol her
final journey, unless he had a job to
Cold, rain fe~ rilllin& reddiab &Oiil from
their lhovtll at woflone(i a1 Paclllc
View Memprial Part carried the gr&,,
economy caatet ITorn lhe wlllte hearse.
The rain reu atJ day.
Jane Doe's burial in Lot l52F of the
Corona del Mar cemetery came to Ugh1.,
Jike her murder 314 daya ago, tome
time after it occurred.
"We were in a meeting at the time
and when it wa.s over, we lea.med the
body had been unexpectedly released
and wa.s already interred," said John
Vibert, president and general manager
or the cemetery.
Burial was delayed following the brief
funeral and commlttal address Friday,
when Jackie Smay, 21, pf Long Beach,
made a tentative photograph Iden·
tiflcatlon or the long-dead throat slash
Despite an international search for
her true identity over the pa.st 10 months,
nothing new had turned up today to
Inaugural Gossip
111.,_•qll11" 1CllJ 611taY'a ldonUQro!loo •
cw. ln!!llllli\I ... -lllJlet wftli lean alter Ibo cul<el lfd wao 1lfted
In Smilh's Mo<IUary, MJ51 Smay nalJlld
her JS former mim-mate, Rhonda Flah·
er, a Georgia glrl who followtd the
sun to Calllomla.
"I used to be wlld too," Mlu: Smay
told inveailgators, 11ying she originally
became acquainted with f.1\Js Fisher
through UIOciaUon with the Hell's
Afllels motorcycle club In lhe Hollywood
Xnown only as Jane Doe for o£0dal
recordl 1WI, she is separated [tom other1
ln dt1tb, t:Yen as !he must have betn
In llle, drifting through it in the anonyrnt-
ty of an ordinary face, doing the ordinary
things -whatever they were -that
made up her onilnary days.
She is buried near the edge of the
picturesciue cemetery, away from those
who had names and the funds to buy
what Jane Doe now possesses in common
with them .
Orange County tupayers paid $35 for
Jane Doe'• gn.vt.
"It la. J,Uually, a pauper's rrave,"
said Vibert.
"County cases are not buried in whal
we call open ground," he explained,
"but it is in the lawn area."
"It's decent," be said.
Huntington Beach Police Capt. Earle
Robitaille sv today that Identification
of Jane as Rhonda Fisher is
mmaelJ tea1"Uve and G e or 1 I•
-... dml.,..i ~ 7<!
to support it
If J111e Doe-la truly Rhonda Filher,~
It mai.e. UUle dUfertnce. 11 "No marker hu been ordered by the
county yet," the PactfJc View MtmoriaJ
Part presidr.nt aaid Monday. .
"They've never ordered one befoN!,",
he added. ·
Unless a Fiahe.r famUy should aomeho19 .
turn up in Georgia. acceptin( fhl lden-
tUlcallon aJ!d willln& to buy • plaque
for tomeooe who may or may not be
their Rhonda, Jane Doe "111 llffp in
an unmarked cfave. ·
"Some people really want the anonymi-
ty," Vibert said Monday, "so we don't
require a grave marker."
Now, however, Jane Doe's grave Is
closed and with it, in theory, the case
ot a woman known only to God and.
maybe lbe man who raped and killed
"One day, perhaps, au the unknown
will be known, and thia case wUI be
cloeed," aald Methodist minister Rev.
G. Russell Shaw, who spoke at th~,
Until that long-foretold day, however,
Jane Doe will re!lt in more anonymous
solitude than anyone who might want
it coUld ask -apart. from other 1lum-
berers -without even a gravestone. ·
Maybe she too, prefer! it that way.
President Prefers CdM?
Of "" oeuy rn,, lt•ff
1' ASHINGTON -· 'l'be Orange Coast 's
delegation has been busy and bustling
-and a trifle cold -during In·
auguration Week activities here,
Persistent rumors continue t h a t
marketman and long.time Newport
Beach civic leader O. \V. "otck" RJchard
is due for an appointment "·ithin the
Nixon Administration.
Richard, in so1ne \Vashington chitchat,
also suggested Ulat President Nixon will
prefer a locaUor.. in Newport'& Cameo
Shores 'rather than Laguna Beach for
'his "Summer White House West ."
Nixon has in the pasl stayed in the
home of fed eral Judge 'lburmond Clari:
in the Cameo Shores a r e a of Corona
Recent speculation suggested that Nix·
on's staff ml~t seleot Laguna's ex·
pansi\'e and historic Pyne Castle on
llillcrest Drive for the summer Wllite
But Newport's Richard today hinted
the old castle is out. Reason: "The
Secret Service just didn't like the Laguna
Too many secret tunnels, maybe?
* LONG TIME Orange County Con·
gruaman Jamt1 B. Utt <R-TuaUn) was
on hand here to welcome the Ora.nae
Coa!I INUP to Capitol Hill. He held
a coffee reception in hi.I· olfJcu for
the locals.
Most of the Orange Coast group at-
tended the JnauguraUcp Ball at the
Washington Hilton whert more than
30,000 invitations had ISHrl b sued.:
Smallest ball ~·as at the Maynower
Hotel with only 2,500 attFndance.
Newport Beach, wlf8 of 1be former
secretary of tile NayY,' wore lhe same
blue satin dress, Ughl wai!t and full
sk.lrt, that she wore for the inaurUration
of President El!enhower.
Mrs. Thomas' gown ~ulred;'.IPeclal
handlinl on and off pl&nes and busu
for it.! second trip to inaugural feslfvlUes
-· a Sentimental journey for the
d~tin~hcd N~wport family.
* DESrlTE RAIN. lnaugurol festi vities
got orf to a la 1ol'ab·c st.:irt Saturday
afternoon \\·ith lifrs. Ni:;on's reception
for 9,000 ladies on spc~ial· in vitation
to the Ni!Uonal Gallery of Art.
The ladies !tood for l\';o to three
hours in the reception line to greet
Badham Calls Bond Vote
Businesslike Proposal
Newport.Mesa Un.iried's $15.9 million
.achoo! bond issue today was endorsed
by Assemblyman Robert E. Badham
{R·Newport Beach) who called it "a
businesslike proposition."
Bored Schoolboys
Tell Policeman
Tall Theft Tale
A pair of Cosla Mesa schoolboys who
livened up a boring, rainy afternoon
by telling police a tale of strongarm
holdup learned Monday that criminal
offenses aren't all the co})!:-and-robbeN
kind .
The bGys, aged 11 and 13. cont.acted
Officer Wayne Harber at Baker Street
and Harbor Boulevard . to tell of being
fortibly robbed.
Officer Harber -skeptical of the
story, which he did not pa~ on in
the incident report -pumped the falter·
ing boys for more details and determined
the t.all t.ale was exactly that.
Tak en in oo suspicion of making a
false crime report, the pair got a loot
a1 whit real oUenden tee: detectives,
wanted pooten, al~polnla buUellns and
lhe Ute.
Bol.h were tater released to their
Basketball T earns
Slated for Women
Costa M~• girls and women from
16 years up who are lntertlttd In
Women's Basketball League play this
season are Invited to contad the city
recreation department
Entry lees will be determined by the
number of •pplic•nts for the leagu,,
which will be aovet"Md by American
Auoclatlon tor Health, Physical Edu·
ca.lion and RecruUon Nies.
Addltlonal lnfonn1Uon may be obtained
by ca lling "4""°3 and aaklnf for Toni
Badham said tht Feb. 11 bond \"Ole
is for "critically netded facilities in·
eluding relocatable. classrooms.''
In h is endorsement of the current
bond propolial. Badham noted it would
finance a four·year building program
with the most immediate effect being
the end of double sessions by next fall .
Badham s a I d many sehols In t h e
state have used relocatable classrooms
to solve their housing problems prompUy
and have found they do not need to
build such large permanent schools.
Re sald he was told by Supt. William
Cunningham that Newport-Mesa plan! In.
new areas to end permanent construction
at 81 percent of anticipated saturation
and use relocatables until enrollment
* * * N ewpo11 Cl1amber
Backs Bond Issue
Ne1\•port Harbor Chamber of Com·
merce directors fl.fonday approved an
endorsement of Newport·Meu Unified
School District's $15.9 bonCJ issue iden-
tical to the one passed by Costa Mesa
Chamber directors ta.sL Tbursdoy.
Volel b7 dlrecton cl both chamberl
were unanimous. They IJl'Pd chamber
of commerce members to acUvely wort
for passage of lbe booda: Feb. 11.
Earlier, Corona del Mar Chamber
directors endorsed the bond luue giving
the school district aolid chambtt of ~
merce supp<rl Costa Meg and Newport
Btach city councilmen also a~ on record
backing th< bonds.
The two chambor1 aald they endoroed
the boods after an e1h1ustJve study
of the entl~ ~hoot picture Including
clasiroom shortages. 1lle1ed frllla.. the
double session dlltmrM, transportation
and warthou•lnl need&. aM ateadlf.7 ril-
ing building com .
The •dopttd reaoluUon wu autboftd
by Newport Harbm''a J. Robert Pa1M
and Costa Men11 Alton L. Gd.Hr, co-
chalrm<n cl a joint dllmber atudtnt
committee that apent nine monthl in-
v~tigating school district needs.
the First Lady, all elegant In hats and
Mrs. NiXon wore a simple light blue
wool dress. She was assllted in ti.
reception line by Mr1. Hugh Scott, wlft
of the Republican Senate Whip and A-trs.
Robert Floch, wife of the former
California lieutenant governor and no\f
Nixon's secretary of Health. Education
and Welfare.
* MR. AND MRS. Murray CboUner of
Newport Beach, he the well-known at.
torney and former manager of Nixon
campaigns, stayed at the Sheraton Park
Hotel, scene of Sundiy afternoon ·!'
Governors Reception.
* M06t of the Oralll!e Coast delegaUon
stayed al the Washington lillton, llCt!OO
of Saturday's bit where 2l police units
and an army of Secret Service agents
discQura&ed a confrontation between in·
augulaJ visitors and Rveral tn.mdred
so-called "Ylppies."
AMONG THOSE at the Hilton were..
the Arnold Beckmaas of Corona det
Mar, the John MacLeod1 o{ Newport ind
Vic Andrews of Laguna Beach.
Indeed . for the 85 members of Iha
Orange Coast delegation it's been a busy>
and exciting week.
From Pflfle l "
Orange, Garden Grove. Santa Ana l!Jd.
Buena Park -the latter affetUng l!I
estimated 9,000 ho mes. All probleait
were cleared up by 8:15 a.m. • ..
"\\'e have been very lucky," said Cou{l:-,
ly Road Commissioner Al S. Koch. "AlJ
roads are open. We ha\•c had a f~~
trees down in Santa Ana Canyon and
in Yorba Linda, and the usual slide
on Pacific Coast fligh~·ay at Capistrano
Beach, but the high1vny is open ...
Orange County flood control engintel'
C. R. Nelson said no flooding problerr\~
have been experienced, but channel! in
the western part of the county were
flowing heavily, some near capj!city. i~·
Other areas of the stale were le~
fortunate. In San Luls Obispo, county
supervisors Monday asked Gov. Ron~
Reagan to declare the county a disaster.
area because of what they termed tP.t!
worst storm in a century. Some .• i
million in damage was repor~. , ..
Four persons are known to have drown·
ed in the Southland since the stawi
began. Lo.s Angeles County alone record-
ed zo fatal automobile aceidents, many
of them directly related to the rainfall.
And the word trom the weatherman
to all of SouUJern Califomta today wes
-more rain, htavy rain , with gusiy
winds for Wednesday.
flro1n Page 1
Ice ; Section IV; The Gas Company ·
Human Noise; Snowplow; The Po~
Clutch; Mao and The Red Guards; ~
Wlnaton.Salem Twl>-Humped Camel ; and
The Weed Patch.
Three separate bandstands will be
featured in the 12·hour Saturday event
and free bul service will be provided
at J5 minute intervals between KTBT
studios 11t 9929 Chapman Ave., and the
Sile of the month-late Christmu
Festival and f'rtak Fair iii right be.sJde
tht Santa Ana Freew1y at l.Aguna Cao-
yon Road, with plenty of ~rklng ares.•
Estancia High Band
Concert Wednesday"'.
The Estancia High School bsnd ,;p
prae:nt a he concert at a p.m. Wtd-
neadoy night In lhe school Forum.
Selectkm wtll lnc:lud< "Second s~
by Hobt., and medley fr om "Umbrali&s
of Cherbourg."
EJi111inating ~hild Ahuse
County Recognizes Problem But Lagging in Solutions
0 Reeds •••
.In the Wind
i '"''Rain, rain go away," pleaded
JA>rraine Faber Monday as she
opened her husband's &hop aver in
~ Beach. Her bu.band Ted oper·
!fies a marine electronic shop and
J.Orraine was wishing be bad a
Pt or two handy when she went
"The whole area was flooded.
"We had three inches of water
i 'D the shop and there must have
been water all over the apart.men.ts
behind the shop," she said.
Lorraine and her crew went to
work with the mops. It seemed to
be a losing battle, but, eventually,
they found some dry floor. Her ex·
perieoce was typical of those faced
by Orange Coast residents as the
rains came down -belatedly but
* Last week a large ""'bite and
orange dummy mine had every-
body along the beach shook up
.when it washed ashore near the
i!untington Pacific Apartments.
Of .. Delr ..........
1mplema2itat.lon ol. • atatew\de plan
almed .. tlimlnaUoa "' .-u., child abuse tn California It a mere five months
But Orange COunly -with the <X•
ceptlon cl. rocosnltlon and -ol lhe growln( P"'hlem by twe vohmt .. r
groupl -lw dooo IJIU. u IJ1)'lhlng
towards 0 tooling up" lot the July 1
launchln( dalt.
And many Pf9fes&lonal& are unwilling
lo admit that child abuse even uists
in tlliJ county.
So ran the 1imunaUon of a seminar
on "Prevention of Child Battery and
AssauJt" held last Saturday at the
Orange County Medlcal Center. The day.
Jong meeting attracted n a ti o n a 11 y
recogniz.ed psychiatrists, psychologists,
physJciau and Orange County welfare
and social workers.
"There can be no doobl that you
(Orange County) are far behind the
child abuse programs that have been
lallnehed in, say, Los Angeles and Ven-
tura counties," commented Dr. Morris
J, Paul.son, prolessor of medic a I
psychology at UCLA and an acUve
volunteer worker in the prevention of
c:hlld abuse programs In both areas.
"It is very doubtful that even the
most strenuous activities at the volunteer
level will enable you to do more than
scratch the surface of this problem,"
Dr. Paulson added. "There will have
to be substantial funding and thorough
Lraining of the specialized workers need·
ed for th1s unique type of work."
County Welfare Director Granville
Peoples told a League of Women Voters
· meeting Jast Dec. 6 that be intended
to ask county supervisors for funds to
Monagan's Job
inaugurate such • program.
Ptopl<• today aald tbal his depatlment
bid plans for a "pilot iroJfd" lnvolvlng
lour social wor1ters and a clerk "wblcb
would IOl"t of geL us .Into tbe picture
pending definllt COW>ly actlon on 1 full
acaJe projecL"
JM Iha! pUol project hJnied on the
county recelvlng some $25,000 1n at.ate
funds, Peoples aald. ''They have men-
tioned that this money mJgbt be available
and we wouid be expected to contribute
15 percent of that amount in county
funds," he aaid.
Peoples admitted that tbe four workers
who would be utili.ied art already qag·
ed in other welfare projecta. "But l
wouldn't say that we're doing nothing
about this," he said, "we are aware
oC the problem and I'm sure that Wi!'re
going to get into this field elven a
little time."
County supervisors have not yet been
asked lo provide fund! for such a pro-
gram. League of Women Voters officers
expect to advise the county bGa.rd of
their research into the child abuse situa-
tion In the near future .
Recent passage oC Assembly Bill 74
pointed the way to prevention ol Child
abuse by enlarging the provisions of
the state's Welfare and Insitutions Code.
Each California county mwi:l, under lhe
new applications of the code, expand
it& social services lo include staff and
facilities capable of i n v e s t i g a l i n g
reported child abuse.
County welfare workers admitted
Saturday that their department had done
"very Uttle" to"wards meeting U:le new
provisions. With an existing dearth of
trained social workers, they commented.
it was difficult to see how they could
bope lo ei<pand c:oonseling and launch
1t1 Soon after it touched shore the
t>rdinance men from the Seal
fieach Naval Weapons Station ar-
T:ived with a truck and hauled it
ba<:k home to the :relief of most
'veryone In the area .
.-.: Weapons Station officials said
"Ule object was perfectly harmless,
cl\ul no one could he found who
.~anted to test it.
New Speaker Carries Ba!]
'• * For Gov. Reagan Reforms
Chris Williams was a student on
the Chapman College afloat last
year and will be going to sea again
this year as a student assistant.
She leaves Feb. 3.
Art Linkietter has interviewed
lier and the resulting film will be
ftn his television show Jan. 27.
Chris lives at 16302 Dutchess Lane,
i!untington Beach.
* · ~lrs. Joan Sheldrake, formerly a£ Whittier, reported that a cat she
~t while on a camping trip a year
Ago has come home. A former
•eighbor in Whitlier called her and
told her to come get the wander-
ing cat. Seems the cat walked
!Orne 200 miles home after disap-
pearing from t b e Sheldrake's
&mp site. It took the animal a
xear to find its way back to \Vhit-
t She said the cat is not much
worse for the wear which is more
tpan some of us could say ll we
had to walk to the grocery store.
• Prime Minister · .
Wilson Wants
Meet with Nixon
LONDON (UPI) -Prime Mlnlsfer
Harold Willoa . has ul his sighta on
an e:arl;t ~ WUh President Niiori,
J>O&lhly.. at lhe <Oil ol February or ·
early fn March, responsible British ..., ... P1d. today.
Wiload· ~·~to fly to Washington
t.o ~ the President or to play host
to him :m London ii he decides on
an early western European tour, the
sources said.
wn...i lilmsell bu pdmilled pnbUcly
hi> deslnl lor an ..ey meeting.
Asked In a televllioo lntervtew Monday
night whether hei planned to visit the
President before loog, Wilson replied
unequivocally, "yes. this is the sort of
thing I cou1d only substantively discuss
with him once be had taken the inaugural
Clalh. We shall now, I think, be moving
quickly towards seUling a time. I look
forward Lo working with him."
Government :sources said Wilson '• chief
aim Is lo try lo establish a friendly
personal wortfn( rellllonshlp with lhe
new Prestde:nt auch as he enjoyed with
former Prcsldcot ~ II. Johnson.
01 nte DallJ Pltet 11.lff
SACRAMENTO -In his State of the
State address to a joint session of the
state Legislature, Gov. Ronald Reagan
called upon the legislators to vote into
law several new programs and revisions
of old ones which he said he felt were
necessary to help run the state's business
more efficiently and economically.
Now that the governor has outlined
his ideas, the responsibility for seeing
them t h r o u g b the Assembly lines
with Assemblyman Robert Monagan of
Tnlcy, recenUy elected Speaker ol !be
As speaker, Monagan foresees few dif-
ftculties In passing the programs Gov.
Reagan requested.
One of the governor's primary concerns
is streaming state welfare programs
to eliminate paper work. "A major por·
tion of welfare paper work is wasted
on people who automatically received
benefits such as the blind, disabled and
aged,'' Monagan explained ''so if we
can computerize in this area, we11 aave
a lot of wasted time and money."
A major portion of Gov. Reagan's
speech was dedicated to law en-
forcement. Among the bill! he uked
for 8J'fl control on gun sales; use of
electronic .surveillance by police; and
stiffer penalties for drug abuse and
distribution of obscene materials.
"ln the Jast session," Monagan said,
"'we had a bill which increased the
penalties for illegal use of firearms,
llsltd more types ol people prohiblltd
guns, and Increasing the time period
lcr a permit applicaUoo to be approved.
Jt did not go as far as licemlng or
registering firearms.
"Unfortunately Senator Kennedy was
assassieated about that time and some
people wanted the registration and Ucens-
ing of guns. Of course there were others
who felt this was too much C1>ntrol
and so Jll>lhing was ~
"We'nf going lo irJ\. to plSI I bill
lille the '<Jri8lnal one mill iealon. We
have an jnformal agreement with the
gun control dissldentl cl last iesslon,
ao I think it stands a pnUy good chance ol no•~-'' ~·, . As to hOw far the t:Jeetronlc
surveillance-would go Mooa.gan said, "the
governor is not propos1ng any more
than the Federal Omnibqs Crime Laws.
I see oo n!UOO In some i~ why
you can't giv' law entortement officers
a break, with • ~· afprovaL ''I can't say what tJMe effecu of this
Jaw wrn be ~ privileged information
8Uch as a lawye?""Clle'! relationship,
because I'm not a lawyer, be added.
Canine I Protcteol
Nixon, Dogs Move In With~ut Snarl
WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White ecutlve mansion, however, Yuki found
llOU&e transition at the cani~level was himself already dllPlliil~ from his base-
compieled -a .,..i Moodly ... u menl quart.en. Til4 Nil<oo clop wen1
belore lllcUnl M. Ni1oo ..-~ moved in. 1
don "'.-IS Pmldt!!ll. Tho Whitt "°""' tJ,.t. Henry IWier, Tr'l'I'!' Brran~ who dooblH u White wu unden!tood to have ,,._ 1 lasly
Rouse electriclan 9Dd dog handler, wu dlsh of roaat beef f(l' the Oew arrivals.
credl'!'1 will! the .....,.,.ful completion Yuki '• old room and the &gbou.,. ...Ufde
ol '!'<ilransfer ol dog pcnrer. the Pre•ld<n\'1 otnce hid betn painted
He: ,net the two Nlson dogs -P11sba, and cleaned.
a Yorkshire terrier, and a poodle named Brysnt reported that the tran&IUon
Vicky1 -11t Andrews Air Foree Bise narrowly miSRd getUnc snarled up on
wheq ,the Nixon p11.rty arrived Sunday \lllhst w.aa to be Yuki'• last rtde back
afternoon. to the While flotlR. No nipa were u:·
Yuld, the nlOfl&J't'.I favored by Johnaon1 changed. but Yuki rode with the. chauf·
W:l.'I on hand to give " welcoming bark. feur whJle Pasha and Vk.ty rod'-in
Onft: the party got back to the e:1· '"1he rear. I
Assembly Speeker Monagan
Monagan said he sees the char.:::es
o( a stronger obscenity law being passed
as "exceedingly good." In past sessions
obscenity bills never got out o! the
Criminal Procedure Committee, he Wd.
''I'm sure the new speaker will change
that committee so the membe.111 of the
Assembly will have a chancfl to at
least vote on obscenity billll."
Support for Gov. Reagan's lncreued
penalties for campus troublemakers
crosses party lines Monagan said. "We
want to clear up the ambiguities in
the laws so that penalties are certainly
.applied to anyone who endanger• the
safety o( the students, teachers or public.
We already have bills which require
the dismissal of Lflacbers and expulsion
of studeoll who violate the law on cam-
We al.so have one extending the
trespass laws to people who demonslra~
intent to violate the law so that trespass
penalties can apply to them," he added.
One of the few dlfflClllties Monagan
forest"es will be the passage of a tuitioa
requirement for the 1tate collea:• 111tem.
"I do not thlDk the Assembly would
pass a tuiUan law un1esr the rea:ents
passed a similar requlttment fM th&
university," be explained.
Monagan said he favors the idea of
tuition. "Per90natly, t fetl tile state
college system is preventing lov.-er ~
come students from using il Studenta:
from middle and upper income families
have been using the system, so they
can pay. Ideally the colleges should
be fret, but the ta.µayen just don't
want to pay aeyrn<ft. TuJUoo should
be paid by lhe people wbo di1'Clly
benefit from the edocalion u long as
scholanhips and grants are provided
IO th1t the student& from lower income
families can atteM."
M far tts his own plans as speater,
Monagan said, "I'm (loing to devote
myae:lf to the operation and organlzaUon
of the Alscmbly and the Assembly com-
mittees In addiUon to my dutlts u
a ,.,.n1 f0< the Unl....tly cl. Clllfornla,
• mtmber or the board of trusttta
or the rute colitgt l)'SltQt. ancf. a
member of the ststt Dlsasttr l:ounclL"
pn>ctd ..... l ... >dilld ·-.,...., And Offn&• Cow1t1 Medl<tl Center 1aciuu ... ,., dlild -.. , ....
are ~1 llmlttd ,fo -· dlQ!
•YOr/ two -Tbal Cllnlc, I-.,.. par\lcJpant polnltd ... ~ ._, .. ball
way lo ~ the liluatloo we hi" at the ~nt time."
It WU (enetol17 qreed al tbe -lutnce that rt111lll In any aaiJ.dllJd
abuae progam could bell be oblllood
by coocenlraUng r<habWlaUon tllcr1a
on the pa.rents of beaten children.
Dr. Brandt Slede, prolesaor ol
psychology and chief ol !be psychl11rlc
dlvlslon ol !be Un!Vlltllty cl. Co1ondo
Medical School, maed tbe need !«
good psychlalrlc oounsellng of auch
parents. "Let U>em think that you're
trying to interfere and prevent further
punishment of the child and you11 set
ttw-door slammed ln your face, n be
'·But let them tlllnk that you're on
their side and you want to help them
against a lot of ooay people and you're
in," he said. "And a foot in the door
is just what you want. Remember, it
doesn't matter how you do it u long
as you're working to alleviate the con-
ditions that led to a child being beaten."
There are many child beatings, but
few prosecutions In proportion to the
abuse, Dr. Steele said. "Thi very
circumstance! of the lnjury and the
obvious lack of creditable testimony from
persons other than the parents pretty
well ensures a low level of court action,"
he aaJd.
It was suggested during the seminar
that there are "at least" 1,000 cues
of chiJd abuse a year 1n Orange County,
the vast majority ot which receive ooly
the most C1D"SOl'y investigation.
f;ity to Schedu'le
Meet on Marina
Newort Beach city councUmen will
decide next Monday when to takt up
a proposed 3,900-boat marina project
•·in greater det.a11.'' Mayor Doreen
Marshall said today.
She emphasized that the cooncil will
take no actJon other than placln& the
matter on an upcomlq agenda.
After the addWonal ('J()Wlcil perusal
ol Sttphen C. Anl<l's mnbltlous propoul,
Mayor Marshall aald the council would
probably go one of two ways on the
One alternatlve:, she saJd, would be
to forget about it altogether. But jf
it is decided it mJght be worth pursuing
further. "we would probably turn it
over to lhe Anny Corpe of Engineer•
for a preliminary feaaibility study."
She said lhe doubted that any city
.WI Ume, 1n any event, would be 1pent
on the project unW lhe Corps t1kes
a look at It.
Auto Shop Course
At GWC Evenings
Five auto shop couraet will be offertd
during the apring semeater of Golden
West Evening College. The semester
begin8 Feb. 3.
Open reglslntlon for aulo body repsir,
air conditioning, braku, tran1mWlon1
and tune-up will be coodDcted Jan. 2Z
and Jan. 30 in the college center.
Further reg;.traUoo will be beld Feb.
3-6, 1~11 and 13-lf u vacancies permit.
Tuition is $5 per course.
Auto body repair will meet from 7-10
p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays ; air con-
diUonln& 7·10 p.m., Wednesdays ; brakes
7·10 p.m., Mondays; transm!Blionl, 7·10
p.m., Thursdays, and tune-up 7·10 p.m.,
Nixon Starts
Witliout Slogan
admirUatratlon - l for the time
being -is the · In 36 yean without
a fancy nam or Itself.
Richard • Nlmn'• Inaugural 1ddmll Monday design cootalned 1111 c1tchy
phrase or aloganb:ed Lag to pin on hit
nNt' admJnlstraUon.
SlMtlng ln 1933, the past five ad-
ministrations have been tagged at t h e
ootsel. 'I'here waa Franklin D.
Roosevelt'• "New Deal," Harry S.
Truman's "Fair Deal," Dwight D.
Eisenhower's "G~at Cnmade," John F.
Kennedy's "New Frontier," and Lyndon
B. Johnson'• "Great Society."
Slated at GWC
Open regi.lltralion for Jn evening class
In engineering review at Golden West
College will be conducltd lrom 5:30
p.m. to a p.m., Jan. :D and 30, ln
the college C6lter.
The course Is desl(ned to prepare
ltudenta for lbe CaJJfomla Board of
Regtslt1Uoo aamlnlUoa lo< civil and
pro1 ... 1ono1 eng1neen.
Class w10 meet from l :JO p.m. to
1::10 p.m .• WednoldlJL 'l\liti(ll lee la
Powell Gets Position
WASHINGTON tuPll -Rep. Adam
Clayton Powtll, (l}N.Y.J, w11 put blck
oa the lfoute Education and Labor c.om-
mlttee 'niuroday, .., the bot""" cl. the
...tortty Jadd<r. JldOH hil ........ ll'Olll
the 1151 C<ngms Powtll wu chllmw!
of the committee. "\
T"'"7, __., 11, 1969 .
Pinning An Eagle
Mrs. Jack Ziv pins n~w Eagle Scout badge on her son, Jonathan, a
member of Boy Seoul Troop 291, Fountain Valley. Jonathan earned
21 merit'hadges to reach eagle statu., scouting's highest. Ziv family
resii1es at 0158 Pelican Ave., Fountain Va_Uey. '
CYA Rehabilitation Work
Called 'Mockery~ by Hicks
Of h Dllllr Ptllf lttf'I
Orange County District Attorney Cecil
IDcks ha! termed the California
Youth Authority and it& rehabilitation
program ''a mockery. • .one or the
grealest tragedies."
Hicks, speaking before a meeting or
the Mariners Lions Club in Newport
Beach, saJd that despite the CYA's in-
tentions when It was formed in 1947,
ll! intended: purpose WlCe then hu
ohilled from rebabilllaUoo ol pottnlially
good clti:Ams 'to holdfnl'1il ·toutha who
are beyond rehabilitation •
· "Instead of seJl!ling the boys who com-
mit lhdr linl 0r IOCOIHI off.,,,. lo
a CYA instituUoo it teem.! that they're
sending 12th and 13th offenders inltead,11
he •aid, during hi> tall: las! Friday.
"Do you know who tbe biggest guy
in CYA Is? He's not the one who has
vowed to learn a trade and make good
when he gets out, but he's the one
who hu committed the biggest offense.
He's the biggest guy ln the yard," the
DA asserted.
Dwelling on the increase ln juvenile
crirne In American society, lficks said
a better alternative to exposing otfendera
to corrective institutions "would be to
send them to state prison for five days.;
That would be"much better than a fKklaf
sentence in county jail, or -especlal}J.
He aaid that the lack of respect cl
police aulbority by today's young people
stems from experiences they have had
throughout their young life. "From the
time . they are very young they have
been bred lo fear poll<enieA. How can wi er:pect tPem. when tbiy're 11, to
, bug pollcemen io the1r breast?" be aaid.
lie urged """'"" lo -• blend of a/fectlon and dladp!Jno 111 clJJldn!n
and "lnslill fn them an idea of adhei_,,
to the law. TeD them that II they dlsplto
a law lhey !eel Is unjust Ibey cm
ch&.nge it by constituted means."
He erpresaed optimism about the
ultimate achievement or the current
young generation, t e rm I n g toda7'1
youngsters "the smarten and beat )n.
formed and probably the best educated.
l'm not talking about judgment_ inind
you, but their education is vutJy superior
io that which we bad at their age."
Putting Pieces Together . '
Slows U.S.-German Tank
W ASffiNGTON (AP) -The Unlltd
States and Wat Germany have agreed
to take more time in the $300-mlllion
developmwt of an advanced new tank
because of uncertainty over bow 10mo
ol ill key parts will work when put
This may jeopardize the goal of con-
fronting armor-rich Russia with a revolu-
Uooary tank in the early 1970s.
Meanwhile, sources 11aid1 project
leaders have set in moUon studies aimed
at reducing the cost ol the Main Battle
Tank·70, which promises to be the most
expensive ever bullt.
A.11 things stand now the unit price
of an MBT70 could reach $750,000 -
more than double the cost of the best
tank now used by U.S. forces.
"We've decided lo take a llllle le&s
risky route -to walt a little longer
before deciding to go into serious pro-
duction," a Pentagon official said. "Thla"
is reattltlng in 110me stretchout."
"We have pteces of ha"rciware that
Are 1Upposed to work together," the
ofOclal aatd. "They don't alway11 work
the firll time ."
He declined to uy bow much of a
1tttlchout is involved, but I\ obviously
pusbes back a goal set by then Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara ~
years ago when the joint U.S.-Oennan
proj~ was first started.
Offlciala disputed reports that techn ical
problems encountered were staggering.
They described them as ''normal
technical problems," but acknowledged
the problems were "somewhat •C-
g:ravat.ed by two countries Pf'Odudnl
parts of a single tant."
Of (l'elltsl concern .,. lhe J>!'Ol>OS(d
englnall, tu.spenslon ayltflJD, and a novel
automatic ammunition loading device
wtuc:h wtU enable the tank to fire while
on the move over rough tttraln and
permJt reducing the crew from four
to three men.
Al envtiloned, lhe new MBT'IO would
mark a comldenble lmprovttntnt over
tho belt U.S. lank -In operation,
tbe 5~.,. J\1111 MP, BalUe Tank urned
with the Shlllellgh (Ulded missile.
The Pentagon has claimed that the
new tank "will be capable of defeating
any known opposing armor" and will
have Improved speed, range, firepowei:
and protecUon for It! crew.
According to present specifications, the
MBT70 will weigh 18.5 tons, but engtneen:
hope to reduce that to 48 tons. lt.s
cross-country speed Js classified, as is
il! operating range becawie, as one of-
ficial put it, "this is something the
Russians would dearly like to know."
However, the Army says lls 1peed
over lhe road ls between 40 and 43
miles an hour compared with the M60 '1
32 m.p.h. ·
Among other things, the MBT70 would
be able to operate totally submerged
under water.
No final decision has yet been made
on con1peting U.S. and German engines,
suspension systems or loaders.
Although the first prototype o( the
MB1'70 was shown pubUcly some 15
months ago, only about a dozen pilot
models have been built so far. Another
11 recently were authorized.
AuthoriUes said the American• and
Germans had la!ked •boul how ....,,
tanks eventually will be bu:ilt but that
they r1o not yet know wll.at the total
will be. Thus, they uld, they ct1n't
tell how much the over-all project tven-
lually will cost.
They described Ulill original cost
estimal.ed or $80 mllllon as "only 1
down payment," And 90 lnlmded.
Current development cost stand1 at
$300 million. The United States and Wen.
Germany llplil lhe firsl 1118 mllllon ol
the ...i between them, with lhe dJslrihu.
tlm ol the remainder to depend on
future arroogementc.
Weshninster School
Truslees Meet Set
Trust«> ol the Westminster Scboo1
District meet Jonlghl In the -111-
minlllroUon bulldln(, ltlJl Codanroo4
Ave. 11io .-ton gets lllllkr wq II\
7:$) p.m. ·•
' •
[_ '·
' f
I • ~ 0
~ ~
• • ,,
•• I
q ,,
ti •
,~ .. --,...~
Don Pollechlo, a New Yqrk tan
driver, llgures he 11 belnf taken
for a ride by tbe electric COIDPU1·
Pellechla, wboae electrlc bill or-
dbwily J'ODI about '9, rectlved a
bill for $2,llOll.'° from tbe Consoli·
dated Edllon Co. th1J month. •
Alberto Mortlnn. who died in a
charily hospital at the age of 7f
in Badajoz, Spain, had two fune-
rals. As be was about to be placed
in hi& coffin, doctors went away to
an emergency case. Undertakers
took away tho empty co!fin and
burled it 'The doctors discovered
the mistake on their return. 'Ibe
undertakers made sure the reluc·
lant cadaver was interred the 1~
cond time. • In Goldstone, England Accoun-
tant Ernut Ki"11ley, 58, ii aick of
planes flying low over bis home on
tllelr way to a landing at Gatwick
Ah1Jort, He plans to build a 2.50-fL
TV aerial --equipped with the re-
quisite warning lights -to deter
low-!lying pilots. •
" T/14 fcllmo °" U.. right ltl"'boliu1
eohat probabli,i ii the tooTld'• moat
famoua: tnaQa:iM of hvmor and c°"""'
...,.1, Pvnch. Th• follow °" !he l<I~
WUliam Davil, 35, i.s taking over the
editorship of Punch, &he voung1:1t of
the JO mtn who hcroe occupied the
editor'• choir o/ the 127-vear-old Lon.-
don mogaz:inc. • The baboons have been left out
In the cold at Chicago Brookfield
Zoo th1J year and they seem to be
thriving on it Zoo Director Poter
Crowcr<lft reports they may get a
bit cold sitting in the snow but
their coeb are thick and gleaming
and they are healthier than in past
years. when they wintered indoors,
Infrared beaten have been install·
ed under some cave ledges to keep
them from getting too cold . • Tho desk sergeant et tho Troy
N.Y. city police headquarters bas
th1J sign above his window: "This
dty is out of order."
24 Dead
Soviets .Scorn
Czech Fire Death
PRAGUE (UPI) -Soviet Union today
denounced the oeU·bnmolation ol a
Clechollovak llUdent as an 1J1U.q,m.
munllt provocation. But a MCOOd man
aet·bimself on fire ln Pilsen and Wen-
ceslu Square wu filled with mourners
u ln the dellant days followln1 the
Auguat invasion.
The altuaUon WU IO tense that Presi-
dent Ludvik Svoboda warned in a
lelevllloo 1peecb Moodoy night that
Nix.on Gets
First Taste
Of Dissent
Nbioo got hll fJrlll lute ol vloi.nt dbaent
u president leu than three hours after
being awom in. Antiwar demcmtratcn,
shouting "ln1ugurate the Pig," threw
rocks and beer cans in the direction
of his limousine during the inaugural
Later Monday afternoon, when the new
President was reviewing the parade from
hit inaugural 1 tan d , demonstrators
taunted police into several britf but
violent confrontations. By nlghUaII police
reported 81 arrests, most ot them for
failure to move on and disorderly con-
Many of the thousands of parade·
viewers were unaware, however, that
there was trouble along the route.
Today mos& protesters were on their
way home from the nation's capital.
The trouble started between_ 12th and
14th Street on Pennsylvania Avenue,
where a group of "yippies," perched
in trees and on the sidewa1k started
shouting "(obscenity) you Nixon," "Seig
Heil," "Inaugurate the Pig" and "Ho,
Ho, Ho Oti Minh, the NLF Is Going
to Win."
Soon several rushed in to the street.
Police arrested two and ushered the
rest back behind rope barricades.
Just before Jjixon's motorcade was to
pass the 1pot, 1 platoon of Gnd Airborne
Division troops, armed with Ml4 rifles,
rushed to reinforce police and prevent
the protesters from spilling out onto
Pennsylvania Avenue.
Al Nixon's f5(1(1,000 bullet-proof
limomllne . eame irito view, t h e
demOllltrators renewed their chan~.
louder than ever. About a dozen pro-
testers, most of them wearing long bair,
rawx:by bearda and shabby dttM, threw
beer cam and rocks as the new president
* * Having
"anotbet force" -meaning the Ruaalans
....: could take aver lhl 1overnment. The
Czecbollovak C o m mu n I 1 t party
newrp'aper Rude Pravo said today the
wtcome of the crisis "depends on each
ol us."
Tbe oecond CUchoslovak to "' bimsolf on fire was JORI maiavy, ZS, who
burned himself In Pllaon'• Dukla Square
in front ol a monwnent to Tomas
Masaryk. f J r 1 t president of t h e
Czechoslovak republic. The firlt wu Jan
Palach, 21, who died Sunday.
Still a third victim of aelf-lmmolation
lay in criUcal condition In Budapest
"' h e re Soviet troops curbed the 1956
uprising. The 17-year-old student gripped
two Hungariaa Oap and then set himself
on Cite to show sympathy for the
Czechoslovak martyn.
Hlatavy. 66 percent or his body charred
by flames:, tried to speak to doctors
thiJ morning but they coo.Jd not un-
derstand his faint words., the doctor
in Pilsen said. He said Pilsen residents
believed he had chosen the Masaryk
monument aince Masaryk is scorned by
the RuMlans and revered by the
In Prague hundreds or persons crowded
on to Wenceslaa Square in support o!
four students who have begun a hunger
atrike there. Monday there ftre crowds
of 200,CMXI in the meets to ahow their
ll)'lllpalhy l<r Palach.
Again today the square was fiUed
with posters, flickering candles, wreaths
and nags.
Israeli Soldiers
Kill Six Arabs
In Desert Fights
TEL AVIV (AP)-Israeli desert pa·
trols killed six Arab saboteurs in two
clashes in the Negev Desert near the
Jordanian frontier Monday night, the
Israeli army &Mounced. today. An army spokesman said one patrol
killed three members of a guerrilla
squad near Ein Yahav, 37 miles south
of the Dead Sea. Twenty minutes later
a patrol intercepted another group of
inflltraton: in the same area, the spokes-
man continued, and three more Arabs
were killed.
After the clashea. the patrols found a
variety of weapons and land mines.
The spokesman said tbere were no
Israeli casualties.
The Arabs, the spoke!tnan said, were
members of the Al Falah commando
organization, which had not been report-
ed operating in the Negev area in some
a -Ball
FirstF amily Tours Inaugural Dances
Ni.Ion ended hla first day as President
on a jubilant social note with a four-hour
tour ol aix inaugural balls so jampacked
with bejewelled ladies and tuxedo.clad
men that dancing was a near im·
At least 30,000 ballgoers gave the new
President and his lady cheering ovations
u he made Uie rouoda Monday night
In white tie and ta.lb:, making brier
speeches laced with humor and ei·
pressing faith In the American people.
The President and bis family spent
about 30 minutes al each ball and be
wound up at 1:30 a.m. on ;a serious
"America Is a good CO\IJltry," he said,
"and Americans are good people. I hope
we can be worthy of the great goodness
that ii in America -tbue next four
Mainly, though, NI.ion was in a joking
He reported that "President Johnson
left the lights on at the White House
fGr us."
When he finally headed home, he told
a delighted crowd: "They gave me the
key to the front door of the Whlte
House and I'm going home to see lf
it fits ."
Nixon's enjoyment of his new role
was obvious. Many of his joking remarks
were directed at how long he had sought
the presidency.
"\\'here I sit," he said, "Any in-
auguration would be good. I thought
this one was especially good, didn't you?''
He noted "I never had better seats
at a parade than I did today," adding
"I sent for my seaUreight years ago."
• Ill Coastal Storm
Inclement Weatlier Forces Evacuation of Dozens
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RED TAPE -Bound together by rope tied around
necks, Viet Cong suspects are marched to interro-
gation aree alter they were captured by U.S.
Marines in tunnel during Operation Bold Mariner,
65 miles south of Da Nang.
Cong, N. Viets Launch
Rocket Attacks on Gls
Nixon's Vietnam
Envoy Says U.S.
Policy Pays Off
SAIGON (AP) -Viet Cong and North
Vietnamese ~ attacked U.S. land,
rlvir arid -aii fcirces with rockets,
mortars and grenades Monday and today,
coinciding with the inauguration of Presi-
dent Nixon.
At least six American servicemen were
killed and 35 Americans were wounded1 including a civilian.
A. high-ranking South Vietnamese police
official said captured Communist orders
directed a new wave or terrorism at
U.S. troops in an attempt to increase
antiwar senUmeot amona: the American
Several other attacks apparently were
thwarted by American forces who un-
covered two enemy munitions caches
and broke up a convoy of enemy sampans
moving troops south of Saigon.
In the past 24 hours, military
spokesmen said, Viet Cong and North
Vietnamese troops attacked U.S. Navy
patrol boats and landing craft and cargo
ships, American officers' quarters, a
U.S. military advisers' compound, a
small observation Plane flying over the
demilitarized zone and U.S. troopa based
within JI miles of Saigon.
Inside Saigon, terrorists threw hand
grenades al two U.S. billets a mile
apart and wounded eight Americans.
'fhe terrorists escaped. I n c r e a s e d
numbers of uniformed and plainclothes
Soutlt Vietnamese police were roaming
the capital because of the directives
calling for a new wave of terrorism
against Americans.
Enemy rockets, mortars, machine
guns, hand grenades and mines sank
a 31-foot Navy patrol boat and badly
damaged another.
SAIGON CAP)-U. Alexis Johnson, the
NiJ:on administraUon's fir.It hJ&h-levd
representative to visit South Vietnam,
said Tuesday "U.S. policy is paying
dividends here" and that be will-not
recommend any change in the Amer·
ican commitment to the e<>untry.
Johnson, however, declined lo di.scu!!'I
possible early withdrawal of some U.S.
"I feel there has been progress, great
progress, made here, particularly in the
past year," Johnson told an airport news
conference as he concluded a sixday
visit. He is returning to Washington to
report to President Nii:on and to become
undersecretary of state for political
Later, in answer to questions, he
said : "I'm encouraged by the t'reod of
deveJopmen~ here. They are obviously
in the right direct kin."
W1'r1 buiJdlng a NEW buutiful y11r 1round H11ted Roman Swimming Pool
for your enjoyment and pl111ur1 •tour Cost• MH• Sp1 •• ,
ull or Stop
By Today for
A Free Tour
• DAMISM au f'lUNGI'
• RO.tlA Ml t AH r • UlTU MOOllll QMIDITIOtlNI fAtlUTIU
11 ~HEIM•• 826·0311
; 510 I. WOt lH19hwoy st) l'loyt l'ttu Si.op,lng C..ttr
Iii OSTA MESA·· 549·3368 L HOO HAlllOtt IL -111.,,i., C..tw)
it DRANGE •• 639·2441
I 622 l KA.TIU.A (Ptlu 1111 st.1,,IRt Clfltwt °" __ .,...__._._ .. __ _.
I .
' '·
not ,.,_
"" 1.S.
"" tay
he or
• tlAILV l'lt.OT IS .
·-' LBJ Feels •Great Relief~ . I
Stepped Fro~ Van
3 Salesmen Slain, John.sons Back at B.a11ch ·as Private Citizens
(UPC) -Fat live )'Un,1 tho
pu<:o and blallly ol tho T<iu.t
hill country lllllalned Lj1idoQ
B. J-wbell tho 111JJ1D ol tho country'• hlahal office
f .Jie<ame almost too much lo .. ..,..,_ I
~ Today Johnson WU ~ to ltly, a private cltlRn a yean spent I In pub
':.. .service and five yea.rt and
1 \ "6& day1 after he toot the\ ~\4oath of office as Presidm:it • <t'n Air Force One on a f1tefUl
''NOV<lllber day in Dallu. .
.. I don't have to be can-. , 1
} . cerned about everythlnc that 1
1 happeM DOW," Johnson ta.Id
when be arrived in Teus, i aboatd.thal aame plane. "The
1 , responalbiHty la tomtwbere
., else_ It's a grut relief."
J ollnson, miaty..eyed and
, choked with emoUoi;a, wu
, greeted by a crowd of dieer-
; ing Tellnl, more than 5.000
• strong, at Berptrom Alr
, Foree Base in Austia.
"We had a great day, but
the time had come, 09 be Aid.
''You don't know how won--
derful it feels just to be witb
you in this part of the country
we love so much."
He spoke with relief of being
free to ride lhe range and
"not have that man wilh I.he
bag following me."
lie was speaking of tbe
' leCW'ity agent who carried the
1atche1 containing nuclear at-
tack codea.
Ac<:ompanied by his wile,
* * * Poll Shows
Wai· LBJ's "
Big Failure
6 nationwide survey Indicated
Monday that most Americans
regard the Vieinam war u-
Preside:nt Lyndon 8. Johnson's
greatest falure while many . . ,, regard the inconclusive Paris
talks his main achievement.
A poll of 1,822 Americans
conducted by the market
research firrp oC Sindlinger
& Co. showed that I0.7 percent
of those polled listed the-war
a& the ••greatest disap-
pointment" ol the Johnson
re&Une. while 19.3 cited the
at.art of the Paris talks as
his "major accomplishment."
()( lboee polled, 14.1 percent
thought J oh s o n "did
everything well," and 13.7
listed bis decision not lo run
for a third term as the
a:reatest disappointment.
Ttle poll listed the following
figures as endorsing other
John 1 on accomplishments:
Medicare, 10.9 percent; an-
tipoverty pro}rams, 8.7 per-
cent; clV11 right!, S percent.
and social security increases,
11.1 percenl
': Among minor disap-
poinbnenl!, 12.1 percent listed
11 Jotmson's failure to get the
gun control bill he wanted,
. and 7.5 percent cited
:. Congress's failure to enact hi.s
1 whole program.
'Irish Note
; Founding
I DUBLIN (UPI) -Ireland's ·~nament today celebrated
ts 50th anniversary with a
Umental pilgrimage to
here It first assembled under
}he guns of the British.
Nearly blind and aged bul '~ill a name of magic to the.
rish, President Eamon de
galera led a host of deputies,
enaton, veterans d. the war
Independence and the first
al (Parliament) to a
1elebntion in the roundroom fl Man&loo llou!e.
9 Membtn: ol the diplomatic
111orps and national leaders
also attended the ceremony
-.:> pay tribute to the nation's
*>unding father• at the home
el Dublin'• Jgrd mayor. e It WU there ~ 1Mrl ago ~ay the fin!, teo&iclo-packed lleet.i.ng of Parliament was
•eld to spell out Ireland's road to independence and to pro-
llaim her place among lhe
\oiatlons of the world.
'l Many o{ the deputies were
that Jan. 21. 1919. Some
m uile, some were on·
, some wfrre in prison.
· Today, only a handful of
'" ·vora will be on band to
that milutone I n
•• hlltory.
• ~Parade's Over
• WASHINGTON !UPI) -t rkm bea:an dismantling
bleacher• and othtr te~
ary wooden structure• to-
day along tbe parade TOUte
and 1l the C0<al pointa ol
1)1 ln1111Ul'llion.
t IWI l'Mt.
BACK Htl>ME -Flanked by bis wife Lady Bild and
daughter Lynda Bird Robb , ex-President Johnson
tells to Sl)me 300 at tlte LBJ Ranch bis pleasure at
being oo,ne again.
Lady Bird , and hls two
daughters, Luci Nugent and
Lynda Bird Robb, Johnson
flew from Austin to bis ranch,
deep amid rolling hills and
clear, apring·fed streams.
Hundreds of iriends and
neighbors: from the hill coun-
try were waiting for him at
the end of the nmway on
his ranch.
"This ii the nicest thing
that has happened to me in
all my life • • • to come back
Hum.phrey' s Moment
WaS--Saddest of All
waa the moment Hubert H.
Humphrey had dreamed of but
it wasn'L liiL n belonged to
another -President Richard
M. Ni1on.
But if one person knew how
Humphrey felt, it was Nixon.
NASA Gives
Last Tests
To Apollo 9
Moonport engineers put the
Apollo 9 spa~e machine
through its lut o v e: r -a I l
systems test today in prepara-
tion for launch Feb. 28 on
a crucial earth orbilal test
of the ship buill to land men
on the moon.
The test began Saturday
night and was leading to a
make-believe rught w i t h
astronauts James A. McDivitt,
David R. Scott and Russell
L. Schwelckart at the controls
this afternoon.
The e1~· e, caJled a flight
readiness . l1i: designed to
electroni sim\llate flight
Humphrey, who wanted so
much to become president,
was a bit player in the drama
of the inauguration.
Of all the people gathered
on the east steps of the Capitol
Humphrey mll!t have been the
The 3tandard bearer of tbe
politics of joy was grim and
unsmiling at the swearing·ln
of a Republican President -
Nixon -the man who
defeated him ·in a Ugbt
presidential eelction.
Humphrey 's reaction to the
moment was a sharp contrut
to that of outgoing Pruident
Lyndon B .. J.ohnson who seem-
ed almost joyful at the pro-
spect of shedding the burdens
of the presidency.
Exactly eight years a&o, In
the same place at the same
time of day, Nixon stoically
sat through the inauguration
of Jolm F. Kennedy.
Lllte Humphrey in 1969, Nix·
on on inauguration day of 1961
was an incumbent vice presi·
dent who had failed in tbe
quest for the White HOUR.
In the final moments oC his
vice presidency, Humphrey
had to go through the ·Ordeal
of the traditional rituals which
go with the tran5ft-r of power.
He was plclte:ct up In a
here after 31 years ud havt
you f o l t s hm tlb thla,"
Johnson .-wr.
"You will· always be Prul-
dent to us," aa1d one:.
Anolher; Otto Llndif, joktd
wllh Jobn.oon, uying, "and it'•
no more of that 'mlattr' atuff
now • . . ll'1 jllll otto and
"We are on our way to
peace now, the tr1tn I, on
lhe tracu. I hope It doean1
a:et oil."
4 Hurt in Ambush
-Three mapzlne salmnen
were shot to de1lh and four
othera were wounded by aun·
ftre 1 Monday night as they
11tepped from their bus-like
vehicle on orden f r o m
another croup of mm.
vehlct. anc1· that Just before
they opened n... lhey lhouted,
"Miaflty War Lordi!"
The b~llke vehicle wu rid-
dled with bullet holes and an
the window• wert-shot out
or shattered..
"I've given IL all I had,"
Johmon II.id ... u· •• could
have had our drulber.a1 we ,
would have bad ~ But
you don't 1et ev~ iD
Police said witnesses told
them that the auacten. car-
rying varlou1 types o f
weapons, hid surrounded . lhe
Robbery WU not a motive.
the police WI. becau>e money
from the aalesmen'1 day'1
sales was still in the vehicle
and the vicUms still bad
money on them.
The aUackers amt lhose at· life.
It was • highly charged day
for the Johnson family. The
daughters spent tbe nl&hL in
the seven-foot. Lincoln b6d and ,...__~w-iKt .• ...,...._~
cried when they ftnaJly Jett •;;;;;.::;;;;;.;.-,;.1~;;,;;;;:;~;;;;;.;;;;.;.;;~-.-,..-.i
King Widow
Cheered in
tacted were Negroes, police'
said. They said there is a
black militant group In the
area known u the War Lords
but they did not believe lhe
s hootln11 had rad.al
overtones. the great manaioo that they "'Get lolt.,.
once referred to as the .. white
Lynda 1Hpped Iar1e dart
glasses on to bide the mplature
in her eyes u they rode away
from the Whitt House.
Jt was the firlt lime in
several yean that Johnson
had traveled anywhere
without musive a n t i w a r
demonstratiom followin& his
"I felt diUerenUy within
four seconds after I heard
the oath,'' Johnson 1aid. "I
feel for him and I know what
he will he fllclq up to."
Dope Sale ·
At Syr!lcuse
Broken Up
A nUd termed one of the
largest tn New York State
hiAory today broke· open a
youthful drug ring that police
said apeclaliied 1n selling
dhlgs such as opium, codein
and methedrine to collqe and
high school students.
More than 70 persons
reportedly were arrelted by
polici agencies of three coun·
tit.s, lbe State Police and
federal narcotics in·
A Utica pollceman described
moat of the muted in bis
city as young persons primari·
ly ol high IChool age.-.
In Syracuse, where about
30 persons were arrested,
police said the ages averaged
between 17 and %2.
Two or the 37 per!IOOI at·
rested in Utica were aa1d to
be under tllre age ol 15.
A report.er at the dty's
police station II.Id that .. most
were over 111 ...
Stale Police said the raids,
after a four-month in-
veat.lgation in Ono o d a1 a,
Madlaon and Oneida counties,
"centered on the sale of LSD,
opium, eodein, metbedrlne
referred to 11 speed, hashish
and marijuan1."
Israel Shows Military
Maneuvers to Newsmen
-India Visit A spotesman for a Kansas
City publlabtrs service a.aid
lbe victims had been under
NEW DELHI, India (AP) Ua employ ror about a weet. ·
-Mn. Martin Luther King · He said he tnew of no rea.900
Jr. began a week-long visit for the sbootlng.
to India today and reeelvr.d ----------a h1&hlY tmoUonal and af •
fectionate welcome:.
A large gathering or ad·
mirers smothered her with WITH THE I S R A E L l The show attracted military garlands, bouquet.! and rose
ARMY (AP) -The howl of attaches from most countries buds.
je:L!, thunder o( artillery and repmented in Is r a e I, m. Mr1. King told newsmen she CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo.
eluding Col. Antoine: Guerrin said abe: ho-' her vblt would (AP) -When lJnda Ka"·-eruption or nap1bn marted r F H l h -• ,_, __ , .. o ranee. e w • c Q.t b& t b e "beginning ot a rela· Ham came to the southeast the end today of winter French-bullt Mystere a n d tion.mip all of us are strug. Miuourian to announce be:r
maneuvers by Israel's crack Super Mystere planes In ae-gling together for : t h e engagement she uted that
G<llani Brigade opposite the tion. Two weeks ago President achievement 0 f liberation, full names be used.
volatile Jordan cease-fire line. Charles de Gaulle ordered a univenal brotherhood a 0 d Mias Ham's fiance ls Ken~
The operation -dubbed 'I11e complete halt to f u r t h e r world peace." neth Michael Burger.
Mighty -brought to a flam-military suppliell to Israel. ,;;;====::;:=======;::::===.::;=:::; ing crescendo wee'u of-in-The Israeli commander In '
tensive training six mile.3 west chief, Bria:. Gen. Haim Bar-Colnm · • Cit • J18I
of lhe IUver Jordao. The abnf le~,_ walched lhe 1'l!!':bout __ . _11_ · -1 . .,na· _ ---• -was to ~tnt tbe prowess fr operation with Golda Meir, Q-"IJ.J. ·••J:
the brigade's 3,000 men in fonner foreign minister.
nighl defense and attack. Opened before dawn, the ,' IS COMING SOON For the first Ume ln many final exercise wu an im-
monlhs the Israelis invited prua:ive: display of auault
newsmen to maneuvers -"to flrtpower.
~•pet once and I« all Anh!..::.:::~~-~~~~~==================================~ stories that we are musing
troppe on the cease-fire line
for an attack," said a senior •
army officer. 1
An American attache said
It was the first time he had
beep invited to watch such
maneuvers in two ye:ar1.
Enterprise 1
Rites Held
Crewmen ol the nuclear
powered aircraft carrier
Enterprile attended memorial
servioe1 Sunday mornlnS for
their 2' 1hipmate:s who were
killed In lut week'• fire, lbe
Navy announced Monday.
operations and lhow that the
Apollo 9 command ship and
I t s four-legged companion
craft,· the lwJar module moon
lander, are rtad;y for flight.
limousine at the door of his ICBM Lofted apartment hOU3e by two mem·
The Navy aid the servlces,
which had been set for Tuu-
day, were held Sunday instead
because llOl'De 1,IOO men of
the: ~p'1 air wine were to
leave the ahlp Sunday af.
temoon. The air wing was
transferrtd to the naval air
1taUon at Kaneohe , both cm
Capt. Kenl L. Lee, En-
terprise's commandinf oficer,
atende<I both the Catholic and
Protutant servicis held in the
carrl.er'.1 bana:ar deck.
We can
keep him
hers of the inaugw:al com·
millee, Hou, e Democratic At Vandenberg
leader Carl Albert an<! Sen.
I ' F d B. Edward Jordan (D-N.C.), VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) t S f8 U ' who escorted him on a shorl -A Mlnut.man I in-
lrip to the Capitol. tercontlnental balll.stic mluUe
S Of the four main characters was launched early today by W J p le l Says tate In the trlll!iLion, Hwnphtty crews from thia bue and the a es ro 8
was the first on the ptaUorm, 44lh Slratqlc Mlutle Wing ABERYSTWYTH, Wales
NEW YORK (AP) _ A shortly followed by Johnson. from Ellsworth Air Force (AP) -Four rtudents barri-
woman with 11 children h a s \\fhile the President greeted Base, 3. D. caded themselve1 in 1 lecture
been turnd down in her re· guests, winlted at his wife Air Force Firat Lt. James room at the University Col·
and seemed to be relaxed and H. Bernhardt was in command Jep of WaJes today, on a hun-quest for welfare aid because enjoying hinuelf, Humphrey of the Ellsworth crew. Deputy ger strlte becau.te they don't
the Department of Social t . h' hair ti command•• was %nd Lt. want •A be schoolmates with Welfare says she moved he.re sa m l! c apparen Y .... ...,
from Clarks.dale, Miss., solely deeply immersed in h i s Jamea: E. Olson. Prldoe Charles in April.
tc> take advantage of high re-private thoughts. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;-;j
lief payments. Only when incoming Vice
The v.·oman , Mn. Louvenia President Spiro T. Agnew join.
Day, would receive: about $745 ed h i m did Humphrey come
1 month on welfare here or to life, sharing an animated
$640 more a month than In three w a Y convenaUon.
Mississippi. She appea1ed the Minute11 later, they were join-
declsion before a trial eum. ed by Nixon, and Humphrey
tner named by the State l)e.. greeted him wannly.
partmenl of Welfare and lM Humphrey, almos t
verdict is pending. me Ulodically congratulated
Her request wu rejeded un-Agpew and Nixon alter they
der Section 18&-A of the State w e r e sworn in and ahakinl
Social Service Law ,..blch hands with the clergy aflu
states that persons who eaCh o( the lengthy prayers.
"come Into the state for the When Ni.J:on finished hil in-
purpose of reetiving public u-a~ addrm, Humphrey
sistance" are ''unciHUViq gr.abbed hi• hand and aald
and ineligible" for welfare. "fine, floe ." ======
Old World
Spanish Furniture
tlecel.-ld can•llation ef $22.000.00
Spanish and MedlttrraM1n furniture .... ,., .............. ..
Det11•w'1 ...... H_O......,
Jteru .. follows: Georg..,.. 8 ft. eu1tom
quilted sot. with separate looso ~illowa with
heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3
matching oat occasional tablea, (2) 58" tall decontor lampo, banging chain swag lamp•
in wrought iron. an 8 piece king lize ma1ter
bedroom suite in pecan panelled lifedJterran·
ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty
ting size maltre18 & box springs. Spanish
decor dinlnt: set. etc.
..... ......,.. ... ,...1.s11za.01
MUST SACllPICf $698 00 FOi ONl Y .. -·-· e
Any ,._ Can .. l'u,.hlood ln4Mdually
T armo Available -....._ le Calif. c....r1t A,,...vod lmmodlaj,oly
J JI J) Furnit•re
At Harbor Blvd.
He'• a big bad financial emergency.
He's uru:xpcc1ed dentJ hills and budget-busting taxes and roofs that ·
-leak and heating systems that break down.
He's any kind of money disaster that comes along when you don'thave
any money.
But you don't have to be afraid. Not with a $900 millionhanldike WI
on your side.· We've got just what you need to keep him away.
Your own penonal emergency relief fund. Otherwise known as the
No-bounce AocoonL It's available in amounts nnging from $300 to
$2400. Once your account is approved, you can borrow from it as and
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_There's nothing like a nice Iona talk with nobod1. Who wanta to
-ditcuss their money troubles with a loan officer? A No!bounce Account
means you can get an automatic loan by simply writing a check.
It'• not charity. But it'• not robbery either. The charge L. only 1~% per -
month on the average
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So open a No-bounce .l~~
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look 1heepish.
1144 Newpoit N Co.ta ..... llllly
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• \
• I DAIL y PILOT EDl'l'OBL\L PAGE I . ) ,,;.
Sensihl·e Ac.tio~.31;0~. ~ ~.
Soci., ()M!mn .. ,ts.ae ..:d'J. •.. prom~ .and part)..
dl>allllltil>ililt 'fctlftllet cir~~tamla1!1'!', wblch ts .. 11~ aia .f!!JllJI at:n~..ii and·radical& ......
Faith of Orange Coo.st taxpayers In the good sen••
"" well "" petrtotl.un ot Onuige Coast College 1tudt11ts went up ~ notches Wt 'weet.
By an overwhelming majority (23'1o 6 with one ab-
aleollon), OCC's Inter-club Council voted agalp>t a P<>-
titlon by a· bait dozen, students wanllng ·lo form a chap-
ter of Students for a Democratk: Society .(SOS)· Oil their
. SDS, adopting an ancient Communist tactic, bas a
highly nilsleadlng name .. lts g0ala are, Jn fact, precluly
the oppooite of a "democraUc ooclely.''
Marie Howes, OCC dean of women and advisor to
the Inter-Club Cou'ncil, correcUy described SOS in a let-
ter lo eacll club presideot:
. "The (SDS) movement expresses a deep hatred for
Americao society today and a laclt of faith In tile demo-
craUc· procedure .• ·• The national SOS sees ita:eU as a
revolutiOllarY group, manipulating into situations of
confrootation with authority using force and aoarchl!Uc
'Ibis description is from a represenlalive of the "e~
tablishmenl" But ii diliers litUe from SDS's own. A
..U-descriptioo emerges flvll> an.SDS.leaflet circ111ated
to its members in advance of the disturbances the
group created in Wasbingtoo before and during the
Nixon Inaugural: .
"A ·militant program al the Inauguration is crucial
In order to demo .. 1.rate· solidanly' with the National
LiberaJjon Froot (Viet Cong) and the North Yletnamese
army. The action at the inauguration mmt show the
presence of an able and determined movement; a
movement which will meet the threat of repression
with confidence, strength nod the will to fight back .•. "
In February, 11166, FBI Dlrector J. Edgar Hoover
testified about the subversive character of the group.
HiJ description: ' .
.. One of the most militant organizations now en--
gaged in activities protesting U.S. foreign policy t. a
student youth group called Students for a Democratic
"lo fl!t.Nt1r '~--.C~SDS b '\,key pa,rt,,tblo :
"Old Lell"'dttbe GM>Jl!!lllllt~f Ht!lnS "Old, bal" .lta !~, .l)llly 'Jl!ot ~ to enie.rge; ~ lo the •
left.of U..Sovlet'~lt doctrine. '1·11 cIO.er 'to MMTae.tun&'1~~Wlallon, . · . . . , . Georc• Xennan:. 1!1111111r~sslldor to ~sia and '
• an eJt)el't oil RyHiall ~!>'~ .. had this comment: :
"America'• New Left ts ~a01WIJ' like ti!• Russia1' sl"·
dents who helped bring down the Czarist aov,.,,ment
· In 191~ -only to gel sometldoc wone." .
Free speech if a campm euenUal. Bui neither on
lb• campua nor eilewbere·llr Amerlca'l!rthere'a ptopet
pl,.Ce foi;·a ·111bv'"1•• •movement wbOse •goal ·ts io ·4.,.
·• ttroy our government, o\lf freedom of ·~·and P!fSS anil ·aJi our other~ -6nly ~replace -lt\I &. to13\ilarlan dlctatOrship 'and total repression.
Fortunately, the otQdents at OCC seem to under·
stand this equation completely. ; L, . •'l;I
Questionn~tfil. ·Q~:;
State Sen. John G. Schmitz bas a way of .plm>slng
a question, you have to admit that. · i-.•
Hix latest "questioimalre" to · !jis OrlllP, ~: •
COMtltuency is much •Jlke bis fin~ and' th...,, .. uttr~
doubt of the conclus~ at>UY worded are the ques-,
lions. . ·
II moves us to submit a multiple-Choice questioil to
lb to ., ___ ,, . ' ·' e sena r uunacu. ... . . •·~
lllembersldp In Ibo John Birch Society is; · ·
(1) The least effective credential~ a~tate luis-lator. · ,•
(2) One of the least effective crtdenllall for a.ii.to .
legislator. ' · ·~·
(3) No credential for a state legislator.
(4) None of these.
• ~
I ;
' "
People of Real Jtl eans Take Flight Good Words
been the leul successful ID Illa ID
maintaining public coufldence In cur·
reocles. Britain devalued the pound sterl-
ing 13 months ego, but . the move did
liWe lo restono ill acceptability. "Our
curmicy is genUy upiriog, wlllch leU
us off any form of saving," wrote
waspisb Malcolm Moggeridge. "II would
be aa sensible to save next winter'•
snow u the pound sterling." · Pra:ident
Cbariel de GauDe hid lo llolJoa.pan11
TUB COii'!' OF Uvlng ID style in blg
cities bu never been'bigber. New Ycrk
mapzlne r<eently reporl<d with a
straigbt face that it ii possible for a
New Yor.ker urning $80,000 a year "to
consider · himself both middle class and
Dr. Fram: Pick, a New York cu.rt"eDey
analygt for the wealthy, la convinced
that "money ii created only to be
devalued or ezpropriated." He predicts
that the current monet..,.· upheaval will
end In a workfwkle devaluation of cur·
has managed lo~• tileoi'l ..
. look -If not . '\lit' tlltal
of credit supplied b1 llie 1o~nl
to the economy bu. beer! ,dbnbin8 :al
a 6.4 percent rate alnCe Se!>Cmber -
nearly twice the hlstorical ·rate of gain
in the decade '1957-67. In Lhe Wt ifoUr
years alofie auspiclon bu been.cul.GD
currency .by such Trusury actions aa
the end lo redemptloo'of ·paper · money
in silver,! tbe· elimination ol the ''Cold
cover" on Fedual Re9erft ·Notes,. aDff
lhe &wllch lo cuprodckel ..U..
Philosopher Nannan Brown: contends
that "all currency ·11 neurotic .eutreney,,
Bui the pseadonyl!lOUl'Adlm Smith -
tends that in the ·Ienir nm the ..uo.s
of all hweston ba .. , to be buM ·"on
the belief that leadalhip, tnon ' what
it is doiJC and t41t-. ritiObal : men ·are
handling the· natlol'l~1 busineaa , n;.
llonaDy." Aod.be-warnr. •·u thltWef
fades,.tben ao do the marketl."
What Will Poor Robin Do?:
WASHINGTON -"Brrrr!" said the
economist, shedding his coat. "BrnTIT!"
"Wbat'1 all·the·brnring about? ..
He held up 1 finger:
"'The cold winds," be said. '"will blow.
And we llhaD have snow. And what
will poor robin do then? Poor thing.
What will poor robin do then!"
"AN you sure you are all rlght!
Do yoa wish io lie down while we
aummoo the hoUle physlcian ! "
"I'm all right," he replied. "I mean
I am not all right. l do not have
the Hong Kong flu. Nor do I have
fever. But I do have chills . . , I
have been taJking lo bankers, economists,
and financial men gathered here for
the big doings. I abo have been ..acting
the bu!iness page headlines, 'In.....,t
rate up&Urge ca.uses chill • • • Wall
Street weather -cloudy, cold, variable
windl , , • " Bmrrrl What will poor
robJn do then?"
04MR. NIXON IS 'poor robin'?"
"'SymbollcaJJy,11 he. amwered. "But 1f
the wlad& do blow cold along Wall Slrt<t
moot of us wlJJ be ...., -rvbin& .. Prelldent Nlaoo, ii coune, would be
• '
the one most chilled by any cold winds
tn the economy. This would be particular-
ly true U unemployment should become
aeriow:, esprdally in tbe lower income
levels. Employment figures have been
remarkably good for about 15 years.
They are flawed chiefly by the fact
that the black man, traditionally ';the
last hired, first firtd,'' has an unemploy-
ment rate more lhan twice that ol
white workers in the lowtr pay ranks.
President Johzuon. in his public
message days before Che lnaupaUon,
puabed for retentlon of the 8U1Ux
enacted in 1961. Mr. Nixon in a separate
atalement also r<C<lfDl1lended ,.taining
the tax. Newspapers have dug up a
talk by Prtsident John."1n m ad e
December 4, 1988, to lhe influenUal Na·
tional Business Cooncl1.
"WE KNEW WE needed act1on oo
taxes 1n 1968," the President then aatd.
"Many of you ln this room wUJ
N!membtr what happened when In
March, 1966, 1 ask:ed how much support
you would give me (on 1 tu incrt.ue).
Not 1 hand went up. la addition. I
was told I cou1d not eet but four votes
on the tu committee of that CongreM
out of :is memben.'' (Chainn&n Wllbur
MU'-. D-Ark., 1 man who teemingly
plaYtna aulocnlUc pollUc& wllh
.... -Ind la-dlalnnaa
ii mtllft.)
fn 1t1D Prelldeot Kennedy, ,..luclantly
1114, with abvloolly croa«1 Ongers, ob-lalno!I a tu reduction. II worked w•ll
In futlJog then &lawed-down businell ad-
vaoce. N°"• in 1N8, u in lt&I, new
-..... -lo r«lue< the ... O..U001r1 ·tbermor11eler rudin,p.
MR. NIXON Ill, Ind wlll be, In the
ll1nl uncomlortable politioa u WU Mr.
Jolwon. lncrused tues. no matter bow
1t111lble &nd ,,......,,. ""' ... rood
polilicl. Economl!ls may admitt all<!
end.lire. But the a6-caUed averaie voter
doesn't think, He sees his take-home
pay> 11 cu~ by a tu. It does ~ matter
to him that lnflltion wBl cut· tt ·Mn
more. InOailon rartly cretps. I t
sometimes gallops. Eic.o a o JD I 1 t 1
.sometimes wonder at what seems to them
the Jdi>cy ol . forces that brlni about
large wage advances and, thtreby, pr lee
increues that more than outweigh the
added payroll income. ,
Mr. Nixon sensibly will wait untll be
can gain llMlt idea of the ~onal
mood. A president cannot raiae or lower
tues, He IJll:1 IUqelt. urp, and
persuade. Bui onq the CJoaCms may
act And the Qinpoa, fwful ol the
wrath of coostllueata Ind local readlon,
ts very cautlOUI Indeed.
IN THE nUT EllenboWtt year there
WU a mooey aials and • recesmoa.
Ike and tbe Congre.u bad given ear
lo "hard mooe:r'.' George M. Humphref,
It was a near thl.ng, reversed just before
a N!al crunch. Mr. Nixon, qulte un-
derltandab1y, does not want budltntl
about a ''Nixon recessJon. ._. be -wm try
..., hen! lo -liJ1rt.
In prlmlllva IOdlliel, a mark of
c:ultural l'"'l1W has alwaya been,
and still ls, the lhortenina of hair,
lhe ootna away wtth beads and
trinkets, .the lonlng -ii patnll
•nd markht(1, the covering of
brusla, Ind the lengthenin( of
sldru. Seemt like JOth Century
civilization hat: •Upped a mg.
-Dtogtnea 'U
""' ...... "'8M'lll ,........ ..... ... ~ ......... .... ............. ...., ....... ....
One of ~the most fascinating aspteb
of language is the way in which words
become "pejoraUve" -that is, come
to have a "bad" meaning, when dle
original meaning was eilber "good" or
at least neutral. ·
Would you like lo be a~ lo,~..;,6,.-It eossibli' says something about !he
everything that ever bappeiecr to you? original' sin of the human race that
Wivea, elephants and JPale novelists so many words have loat their benewlent
are popularly supposed to~bi.ve thia type · meanings and have uirried into tenns
ol total recall. They pever fm-get becaa1e · or Criticism or opprobrium against
they simply C&ll't forget. ~e _.are evep others.
hauniedfor'yeanby$111&mimberl _Whep we cast an "aspersion," for
of can that pass them in · stretft. · ·~-h!Mad, we are spotting or hurtinl so-
Sucb a memory, id by unlm-meone'r reputalioo; but "aspenion'' at
: portant trifles, could be iA confoUrided first munt only "sprl!\kling,'' aa· in
. nalainct. But · a aelecUv•. memofy~ thlt · • Shak~'s line In The Tempest: "No
can recall .cross the years !the cttetrfol · sweet asperaion shall the heavens let
• .aQ4 wry moments of the P,aSt that' mate fall • ··''
. ua , wbt we are is a bits.sin( beytq<t kl& ., .. / ·P! . You've got a pretty varied Stock' of
memcrtes yourself if you .cu JoOk back
1 and:ftmember when-
CALLING A CIULD a "brat" hlll
not always been a fOl'in of derogation:
originaUy it meant the same as "brood,''
as In some translations of the Wble~
"0 Abraham's brats, 0 ·brood of blused
Yo,i THRILLED to af' stageo•presm--seed." In the same way, the word
ti,t(on of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" teatw1nt · .. rascal'' fndicates mofa1 contempt only
El!Q.:.S dash 1crosa the ice pursued by in modem English; earlier It slm1HY
. b.~. .. ' • · distinguished 'the common people, the
'llall the college football· plliyor1 , In • pltbt, fropi the popahlt.
. Amflia sough\ swnmer 'lfork as ltemen To ''~" '~eone is a clasSic
because It was on suclt a job Ula1 example ~ pejorative change. As Trelkh
: famed Red Graage had kept in sbaPe· trenchanUy points out in his Dh:!tlonary
du,ring the vacation months.. · of Obfolete .Eng:Osh: .. It speaks ill for
J .Yw could tell vaudeville hoof en by • 1he charity of . men't judgmenta, that
thelrchecked sults. · 'censure,' which designated <i>ee
No real lady would drink In pllbllc, . favorable and WJfavorable judgment•
but a considerable number got high p,. alike, b now restricted to unfavorable.t'
the : privacy of their boQdob's on blood
tonics· htavily spiked witti alcohol.·
.k\Yeoe who wwe bifocal giasRs :was
camidered elderly.
., I •;
Slf'ilCE UNFAVORABLE judgments
are fir more co.mmon than favorable
ones, they have appropriated the word
''censure" exclusively to tbemsalves.
MlJiCh lhe same b: true ol ·~nt"
and "retaliate," and "remonstrate,"
whose history tell us as much about
people as they do about words.
When first introduced into the language
in the 17th Century, "re.sent" meant
to have a feeling cf that which had
' been done to us -either a feeling
of gratitude for the good, or of enmity
for the evil; the word was employed
in both senses. Now it is used wholly
in the latter, indicating perhaps that
our sense of injury is stronge r and
more lasling than our seniif' of benefits.
'1RETALIATE" ALSO meant originally
the "retaliation" of benefits as well
as of injuries (Dryden writes of "the
kindness which he has graciously shown
them may be retaliated"), but now it
signiOes only wrongs. "Remonstrate",
as meaning protesting against, is a late
growth on the word, which at first
had the neutral sense of a mere
Hundreds of other English words hhva
suffered the same descending fate.
"Counterfeit" did not imply rraud;
"conceited" did not mean vain; a
''gossip" was a sponsor in baptism;
"indolence" was not I a z i n e s s ;
"insolence" was not rudeness; and even
1'cunning" was high and not low in
Foxe's Book of Martyrs, where the three
Persons in the Godhead are termed
"even in power and in cunning, full
of grace and all goodness." vop · ~~ GET a child'• teeth
.1~alg~\ened ;_f1r. ... $500, and send-him
thrOOah his .ftf*bman year ·at colleee
tor the 11me-amount
<l!dJ:·llJe/ric;h;~ f~ ID butler.
~e\ .. llsodlard. . . . ·~J rrelevant' Education?·
Ill a smau town al )light ij • dog
barked at ·the moon it , would set off
a canine chorus that could be heard
for mile.a acfo:sa the countryskie ..
A boy 'became a man the _day his
father presented him with a got~ pocket
watch. Jt wu a kind of solemn rite
daring wllldt -ha~ ·t~ wipe away
tremulouil tein utl t'Vfll'7. member or
the famlly remernbend ~· ·,.'
THERE WERE two clastes in every
vi Hage-those who teued tWvillage idiot
Ind thooe who sougbt lo protect him
from mockery.
U you told a banker )'00 Wanted to
borrow money to go cm • vecatlon,
be .would have thought you bad taken
leave of your aenset.
Most ol. the skllng in Am~a wU
'1one by small boys on barrel >laves.
.No smell on earth wu more heavenly
than the smell ii -bread· be1nJ baked by mother Ill aa olo! · iron
lltcl>tn stove fueled by wiod. ·
IP YOU WEREN'T seen in chutth
on Sunday, ..eryOM in the ncig-
felt "'1rr1 for )'OU beca.,. they ,....
au.re 1ou must be home ill.
You ~dd tell the wealth or J¥Ml11
ol a family by the amount of <lolhli!I
that Oopped on the backyard clolliasUiie on MondQ'. , ' •
A boy .. ' slalldlq -his """"" depended lo a l"'I alent .. boW.
ala1D1 he eoald wldltle Ind boW Irr
he could spit.
MlllY a farmer'• cow pl lleller
mecUcaJ ti:eatmtot Um many .;ramw1a
A lot ol -I• who drank -rqularly lhoo&hl )'OIUrt ., .. ...,. lllld
ol lndtan rtlllfous leader. .
U a le"°'! couldn'I efford lo buf
IO!Dtthin&, be dltl without , It ~ he·
-· i . ' Tfiott ~ lllt .U,.l'Hmmlbor! •
ft '1 encouraging to see someone finally
responded to monotonous ace11sations
that 80thing -especially in ateas o(
educaUon, religion and morallly -is
"relevant" to today's problems.
Lack • of relevance has become the
wholesale charge upon wllleb an ccm-
temporary society is conveDieotly found
pllly withoat-trial.
Educ.lion, being the focal point of
current revohC!onary «acilfOt'". has
borne the brubt'ol the attad/.
But, 1;3ys a prominent ~cat.or, our
·system ne+et ttM been d}lpted to lhe
!'needs ol. t.day,"
In fld, cteaared Lee ,\. DllBridgo.
president f1' California lnltltute of
Tectmology, "Education ll not 'for today.
It ls OF ~ past and jl 11 FOR the
future." .
DaBRIDGE, WHO wa Cboeen as !!Cien-
ce adviser lo ~lect Ri<hard
Nlxorl, wmt ~. Vlfenet at colleges
and univen!U~ ii the _.I of ,_
in our .,.~ rd-1tta flllurts, he
aMa1ed. fllv:U. .. yaistq' eUeoded educa·
Uona1 ~ --~ lldde1I im· ~~lo the -1d'1 atore or kn0w1eclge, au... II beinc inWcted
ror: not · :i>ll ~ the ..,.,,,,
lilt percent, all " !line. 1)1 ellilr ~ .,.., *""!DPllllun"111
and p .... j'~ nor lo lltisfactlon . ' . ' · QU. tes
• •
Vaect Gtltr, -''Man bJ
nature ll l#gmll , blit be la able to
nsolvo that aggr! 1 ....... -nol by
lllrftl'a ln the• 11-ld. bat by a ~I ot and ic-........
but to Impatience that more ts not
done -and done yesterday,
IRONICAlLY, making educ al Ion
"relevant" to contemporary living has
been a major goal of educators for
decades. Not long ago, our colleges
emphasized only learning -Latlil,
Greek, philosophy, theology and law. And
they were respected as citadels of
knowledge. Today, they teach everything
under the sun -and are accused of
being "medieval."
We suspect that rtftlancy, In the
minds o( most who complain loudly about
lack of it, Is judged ~1y against their
particular prejudicr:s et the moment.
Surely an institution can remain rele-
vant to the exacting demands o( our
day and age without promising Instant
utopia. ·
San IMero Evening Tribue
r---By George
Dear George:
My toothpaste tube and hair·
dreallng tube are both red a~
white and my problem is this :•
Hmr do you get loothpjsle out °'
)'OW" balr!
DAN ii.
Dur Dan It:
Gee. Dan, your leUer gnve me
a Caod imile. And I wish yoo
wouldn't make me 11mile -~inct
I rot thost red ancl white tubes
I have very gre~ teeth.
' . ....-
• ,1
'" n
•• '· I;
" ,.
"' ot
ir ..
-----... ------,-~ --- ---· -·--~--~-~ --,.-:;i-;:·,-~-----~·-
,I· • UP ... ~
. \ Strikers ·~sit-in'
.. :&una tiw c&~lt -' . . ~.
-~ 'frlat ""' • . ' -
Court OKs Tap,~ E~nc~~
LOS· ANGELES (AP). -'!be
W hllt
-,·gi w'. -SAN~·(VIUl -,.iJA Tboprllidtdt,wllodiicrlb--Ji/ataSUpremeC(\oidh~uuled ~ ........... =~ a, \ape-recorded "'l'\•-\l<!n as -on ·ore w;··-' -;tb,e, ~ lha,llWn·lldlci"lllll'moil. '1911 be 'll!ed ... e'd--ln . · , ·, .-· ~· ;t , _ · ~ .e't · llla~ ...... .-.w; 'the ·....__· trW of a :1"'1d ' '~·-· T~·bil6~-· 1 1•·-....._~,~~~'!;. __ , · . -. , :l~ , ••-.• I .,..., ,cfevelc>por, ...., •tJiou8h ,tho · ~ · .:. ·-, ......., ... u.;.,_ ·-·•·· ' tJ • ., .....,w. • • · · I 1-g waa ma~ wU!ll!l!t
H 0 0 -·L ·d~ '· 1' ~_. -"""'. . ~1'.to_...'Ulo ,.-,,1 ·l\iskoowl~. air m nuo , '°';~ ::;..;.-:-::;.~,;: nocOciiicll'~~ D~t. Atty. Evell~ Yoonge1 C.olll ' .0· ........ :'-.· e ~ • _ : _l mOh\iicl ,,,.,;.i.~:' ticn CCIOdonlnlpi'tbe.~ 1>0. , _ had sought unsuccessfully' tO ""'i n;. ~ ' ~I/, ; : ~i ·, 'l'!iO -.,...p •biCJ>-· ~eel· •t1ealllld4~~~· · introdUce the taJie 'r«0rding •111:111. _ ••J
BrL111. eovn \ lhat ·1,~· ~m"'~ .rr.~.~~-.. ·*"1m--:nan:~~~: :· .. ,ar0~\~uon . in Strlke.s .:Uti;ed~thofn!ei~~~; .-.·a·s·. -·c-·_QMf··, . -·-.· · ___ ;:'$0 ...... ON
WHAT'S your hat a I~~ II was.the <us fifJ!itJllel. bollC 'lt, ·asked .lo~~ Boan! of~ 'QOt''te II>-'~d ' ~ be 'grounds . in bribery In de~ with the
mister! Am advised th eddtlzenwbo--,.anteil,tol!Op ,, __ .,,,,.._..~~..U 't '"'' <votetff.law·~-· ,1tsell" ~teachers t°""g .Los ·,'"•eles Harbor Com· out in the nigl>I to ti,ke "'""• -· ...,,..., -· •. m. ' Th · ·•J . . ·' . ' -.. average la 714 ..• O~ botb '•·:n· -.,., • ., ! .. M~ and •as UJ~·· .. -'-•,...-·.<,;...;.•.;;_.;;•..;•.;.•·.:,.·..,..:"'..;"':.:l..;d:....-tl>e=~::'·,;lo::bl::.'-· -...;.•...J.-''-'-' __ _:mwi:.':?·:::!o:::•:..· _A:.:_.:.lo::w:;•:..r....::..c.:o.:•.:.r·.:.I!!.. __ ,..,.,_..,..., __ ... ,.,.,. ~·,_.,"" ___ •
NAME GAME MAN sa~ it ~· , -.' it ·, 1
• • hlS <ofnce. It bu tJHn . there I"""-""""'"'"';,• ii!""-.... -·.,_;.· ;,· ---·-l)i',i'-· ---· ________________ .,.,;'m••ooipii•',-.;'ii"ii.•"""'oiiiii!ii ls almost inevitable that • ClJ!T() Sl~r Q. ·' ever ·alDct.' -. -. ... -..
girl cal)ed Linda will receive! ''llASN'T bun Jbt8 Mrved-· ·· · · ' f '4~
her firsi matrimonial pnJpOBal longer. f!1a1i &.y o (be r· · · A,illl>Ok .... 1n for ll>t Ol'.dF!'
in the front seat of a · ~· <f l!lalet ' A' Lloaer·, --aton Alli "they did
sec<indhand car ••• ~· rttuut 't.jeept Gd'delllHull. not~ conalder ~~.~on a
GENTLEMEN who graduate the · . · s~I ;: .... f ~ •".it..m·~ but ~ more t~ year in engin<eling e!p!!Ct "HOW~ 'Wou/d' .\f C!!Sl lib onl~\iit -
to get an average .starting me to · inY ~·~~ ~ .• ~ _ with
salary of ,$818 a month. • • I mean P'$ (or-,it. ~· · · · meDt M-J... tbt
• WHY ARE POLICEMEN A. Fi ~; •·i ~tt&Je. ~'. ipamge , · u.~.~'
more apt to do away with roughly .• ~._ q;;ttt£r'S-SIE JU~ Houri:-, themse~ves than ~ost men in YOU. N~ .. ~f\' ~~ of ~··:,pem ·JJl~ ~ ·tt>t
other Jobs? Stati.sUcs show America, 1 c~ .~~ were dat Monday taltlnl ·~tb tbe
suclt to be the case , , • manufaQU(ied , le , Y,Utl ago teacben 'about; bll .nluctant
:~~o~r~~~o1G~~~i~~ ~ay~·fU=· ~::; ":~·-~ ~:·~ ~
Washington frequently wore Can onlf ). t6ink or three. AFT members GI. tbefr
his hair in a snood, fellas.. Cadillac, Ftr,d' and Q14s. "aukmatic reaignUona" for
DID YOU READ that report ON ~ IS a. -oom-mluiDtflve. con·•• cut t v e
out of the University o! . munlcation' • a ·CallfWnia cl~ WitboUt·nthorfsatlon.
Wisconsin about the naked girl l\vbo· saJS she once had Be · coWcln't cODvlbce them
lady with a brown paper bag a Uver-fl)Otted pointer named· tq teave the office Manday
over her bead? She kept step-Mike who cc:mmitted suicide. afternoon so ' be.' dipl:rted.
ping out on the stage in the She 3,IJ;ys be,-became morose Three ~mi Rmaintd in .
University's theater during an when -"the family look in a aJe9ping bags: tlroUOOUt: the
art lecture therein. It's said second · dog. Finally, he nl&ht. awaltina hia.retmn this
the lecturer, an assistant pro-shortened bis chain b y morning. _
do ,you call a man
Wbo owns a building,and ·a
liqui(J_ Reserve earning 5.25%
at ornia Federal? • ., ..
\ ·-
lessor named Conrad Bishop, ceremoniously walking around They voWed to leave only
had trouble holding his au-·, pine ~ Rx times, then if Clark promlJed .no tllcbiU .
dience's attention in that Jumped over ~--da.ehOwJe to Would lose fill· job ftr his
circumstance. No doubt. hang himseUi-""Bell~ whit .-pert In a · ~y .,,.Jll'~
That's worse than Sydney you . want to;" she says. "I w~ 'bl 'IUppOl't-of; ~ .
Smith's sparrow. Far worse. know some dogs kl 11 AFr member• at :San ·rran-
Am --refening---t&-lhe -Eeglisb---themselve.s..on.purpose.~ _.cisco..&tme Q!llyt_.__.:__ ~ .:._ ___ _
clergyman who said, "A spar· A CUENT .ASKS .w~t year ".Clark"aald·he waa·pow.._
row fluttering about the the first Sblrley'Temple'dall ln ··tbe ~tter· becf1u·G1 .a _
church is an antagonist which Came out. 1 remember that. state Jaw which provldel,for
the most profound theologian lt was lhe year we stopped the automaUc· re~tlonl..
in Europe is wholly unable inviting a lil.Ue kid named "Althougtrt·Ulllldet'tt un-
to overcome.'i' Nonetheless, if V~ent .over to Our place . neceiaarUy pm.ithe," be Rid,
I were a speaker at 100 because Ile got oo.e of those "I must a1Jv,1: .the· law to take
rostrum, I would prefer a for Chris~ Same year Will its courae.''
sparrow in the rafters to a Rogers died, James J. Brad-
naked lady in the wings. dock took the heavyweight ti·
WRITES an Indiana girl: tie from Mu Baer, and Clark
"Ask your Love and w8r man Gable s~ in "Mutiny oa
what to do about a boyfriend the Bounty." 1935.
with a dirty mind? Everytime Y-ouT qutstions and cpm.-
we get into mixed company, men ts are welcomed ond
he starts whistling d i r t y wiU be used .10Mreve1' po,s·
songs." • , • MlJCH IS WRIT· sibl.e in "Checking Up."
TEN of late about bow Address matZ to · L. ,JI.
dangerous It is to go out by Boyd, in eaf'c of tht DAILY
yoursell &.!ter dark. All loo PILOT, Bo:r: 1875, Ntwporl
true. But 1t should be noted Beach, Coli/., 92663 ·
Judge Rules Pa,nther,
' Wife Arrest l~~gal
OAKLAND (AP) -A judge
has ruled that Black Panther
leader Bobby Seale and his
wife were arrested illegally
in their Berkeley home last
Superior Court Judge Lionel
J. Wilson of Alameda County
ti was critical of the police of4
!icer who led the raid, which
was conducted without a
,, search warrant. He cont.ended
,. police lacked probable cause
tG believe a crime was being
Suh Crew Finds
Crash Debris
submarine crew reported
Monday night sighting what
was believed to be the missing
tail secti6n of a Scandinavian
Airlines jetliner that crashed
into the Pacific.
The wreckage was located
In 325 feel of water about
.. six miles off Marina Del Rey
committed In the Seale apart-
"The inconsistencies in of4
ficer Edward Coyne' 1
testimony ,:and his apparent
emotionaf. ,involvement were
such thal it is difficult to
segregate the truth from fic-
tion and fancy," Wilson did.
'The jurist declared t.h at
Coyne's actions apparently
were moti\lated in part by
a desire to improve. hil
reputation h.1 arresting Seale.
Seale and bis wife w~e ar-
:ested on su~picion of pos~
1ng ~ sawed;-Off ·shotgun &J)d
altering of the serial number
of a pistol. Alameda County assis1'nt
distaict attoflel Lowell Jen--
sen said he .d a~ Wil-
son's ruling.
Seale and his wife remained
free on bail. ·
Wilson's ruUhg was made
on a defense motion to sup.'
press evidence Jn the cue.
Defense attorney· Charles-·
Garry said be would move
f0< dismissal of the clulrges.
Valley Picks
" ' Minorit ·· .y . '' .. '·
Racially troubled S;m "'°""'"' do Valley Stale" Qlllege 1119 ·
chosee a Negro prof.....-and
a Mexican-Amerltan IOC?lal
worter to bead tiae-1cbooPS
program to recruit a n<I
counsel minority Ir o_U'P
Eugene Bostic, 28, a
-phy prof ..... , l'D'd
Richard M. Caldenon, st, a
former social cue worker,
were namlld.~Mo~y · u co-
dirtclotl .«. 1be'<1Chooll1'11
E d u • a t lOoal Oii(>ot:tllilitt Program. : .
The EOP bu; been •ln '~
center of ttudent · tumult '1,1
the college. MiDority ltudenta
1elzed lh• --building '""' kepi, S4 ocJ. mhi!straton boltap at-l:lille-
polnt Nov. 4 In a demand
for lncruaed mlnorltY enroll· men~ a black -.. dqiee program and the' _firing oj
serveral member1 of U\i
athleUc~ ·
The demoMtratlOn ttfllltad
in the arrutl of. a acore fl.
Black Student, Union memben
on charges rlnlinl from l:Jd.
nap to wault Tbtre ~
been nmnerous a·t u d e;n t
delllOOllntlollo Slnco delilan-
dln( ·onmesty for the BSU.
One_ .ealler tb1s m·onth
resulted bi mass arreatl after
collqe authoritiea 'Aid It
violated •· "ltate of ·emeram-
cy" decree. '
California Legislature in. Action .
.... om\l ........ .,,.. ...... ,.. ............................ 1
MeMly, JIR. 2t
Tiie "'"'" 1dmlnl1lr1tlon 1rmounc-•• It Wiii Jeell SM.$ mlllklll In !tie , com!,. ILK.II ,.eer tw ment11 llMllh
Tiie mler1t -rlllTM:llt th•NleM
C1U/Wnl1 1•·trh 1 116 mllllon ia.t In
f\Jnd$ II tht IHlll&IUr' 1cllouM11 ~
<fa .. JlllY l,
11111 l ...... llCMI °""" -PnWklft 1!1ffef' Pl!Mllln • tOf" -~kill, 11111. m111Ufldll,... °'
t•111-1at1Dn GI re1lrkft<t ct1nterou1 ctru1111 A& ,.,, Wlkelllld, 11:-Soulll
CO.le. MM1h1--0e1..ie1 rn.rlkl.,..
from 1!1llltor'f dlflnllloii qi[ "NIN:OI·
lc1" 1nd 1r1n1~rs P!T<'lllont n1l1!fnv
, II) II to 1 H1>1r1!e dlv!a!Ol11 A.l!I 1't,
V11ccincellol. O.-S1n Je1e.
I.I--llMUl'1111 --\'$Ir ..,._
llel111on !II ti. cll'IYer'• llunte of 1nv
Jff'IOfl Coft'l'ld'lll OI merl"'-~
alorl wltlll I --or OlltrtlW ., 1 motor wl'llcll1 Al 200. Cul-
Uhl• -llwiw. *"' ltlll'lln9 re-.,,,._.. It llKlude 1olni!IOll C1ll
., ettecilwneM •nd !M1llllblb .... ll'ltf ... 1J11•ll"fflll'I Cleltf Al ~ c..-. o-Al1!Mde. . Tnll'--llt...ulrn 11>P01n1" h'v>-
1 ~ ,,, C.lllDl'fllll $lilt •COi'"-....
mlu ""'" tOftfeClltl" .....,llr mett-
11'191 or ""'° •'111 11henl trorn 2! ""' unt or '"°"' at 111 "*'in91 !ft -YNr to IOt'ftlt !Mir P'lllce1 Al 111.
. shlM!ltl -11:-lrts ""*'" ma. "'111t 11 St1te tollffts n "'* \.tft\. 'lttllll' Ill c.0111"'" to •ltfl u"'9
"""'.. lo "'IQ ol """"' ~ ,,,,.. ,_ "" Pll'llllY Ill _.._ ·-•Ion• ,,,. ,., w,,,.ttt-11:1.
Ota -Pl"Clfllblll k-1"' Wlt(hclOlll
I u"ltll loul ttr. dell1r"""1fl .,. l!Of\. ..JJ/td IA •b!llOI At 1'2. 1.-tit,._ 0.
,. • '
' . '• ·:. '
•¥11188 ---
' '
Good building, profita1>!o investment-
and e..erything'a going just line.
But foresight comes from~~
remembers the years when real estate and llflick·m!jJhls
were 'way down. So, a!belOOlcs ahcall, he llbltli8cerllillty
and safety of the funds he keeps at C8Jif~11edliral. ' -
the nation's largest fcderat · '
How about :you? Yoii'i:e foresighred. Wou!cia.'t ;oar t1llUre
be moie certain if yo1ntarted a sare-oilitoniii,~. '
Liquid Reserve for the money)'Oll<:an't aftu!ll~T
You can eam at two high~~
5.25% Bonus Acc0unt: (Aftilallle la ll!llJllp,s or s1000.) Elrm ~% boails each Jm" abaft · ·
replar· pusbook nte when lield 3yun. I
5.13% Passbook Aecounl~ Sl3%.-..~·
on lmmool pailboot -ts whm all sariJlp ·
...... ,A.e"4ifta• ll omc. •>..ti over $1.S Billion ; ,,t '.. • . . . . .
aad dlridenclsrai1hl.SJ-,iftlle5*Lli1•1; JI
ntelsma!nfwl11colllll4~ 1 'te4UllJ .. a.J,ilr •
• \ t • ...,
i'.• '\ . I
t. ' \
" .. ' • ! .
' ,, ,
. ' d .,
'" J ' ' < . ·~ \ . ' ~/EAST OFFICE: 1717 E. LINCOLN AVE. • 7'1l.;e'700 ~NAJtE™/WEST OFFICE: 600 N. EU<;UD AVE. • 7'11-2222 .
·:.icOStA MESA OFFICE: 2700 HARBOR BLVD. • 546-2300
• • · ' · ljead oince: 5670 Wiishire Blvd, Los Angoles
'• •, . ' ' . ~ ....... ' • ""'I' "'~ . . -. ' ..
' ' ' •
" I
' I
• . -
• ..
' Business Up~urn to Slow'! 1
·A Lot of Beef
Trans International Airlines stewardess Darlene
Ro bertson may have discovered the fastest way to
load an airplane-by poking the passengers aboard.
ln this case tl)e passenger• are 270 catUe that ~re
being 11Cow Lifted " from Fort Worth, Tex., to Chil.e.
These Herefords are first group of 7,000 that \Vilt
~elp Chile alleviate a beef shortage.
--'69 Wage Hikes
111 '63 Pattern
coming year appears likely
to. duplicate 1963 in one
.respect: Wage increases are
-going to be large. Negotiations
already 'completed make this
i certainty. But some of the
increase will be an illusion.
• The L a b o r Department
·reports that 1najor collective
bargaining agreenlents last
year provided median in·
creases of 6.6 percent in
wages and benefits. And the se
... same contracts, in some in·
stances, cover 1969 also.
•• .: However, almost matching
· some wage increases is the
. 11trongest inflationary surge in
' -17 years, about 4 7 percent
for 1968. In fact. at one point
: last fall consumer prices were
~. soaring at an an nual rate ol
' -more than 7 percent
\' . -The dazzling g al n 1 ,
' therefore, were partly UM:
&lind1ng rellection <>f inflation;
. aJ wages rose beyond J>!O"
.iluctiv1ty increases, prices ilso
went up -the very prices
\vorkers mw.1 pay in order
to li\'C,
To put lt another way, in·
flaLion is 1 merry-pround ·in
which no horse advances on
the other. For the rider to
believe he can gain anything
but a little height advantage
from time to time makes him
a dreamer. To believe that
he can win the
him as a fool.
race marks
• Tbe new Nixon
:A.dminlatriUon will nllrk its
first major economic
mlleltone leu than two weeks
from oow. nte celebration will
be for the eighth blrthday of
the Keimedy.John.son busineu
upturn which was born in
February, 196l.
It could be the J981-69 ei·
panslon's la!l birlbd.ay.
being put to wort to combat
1.nflation work as they should,
we will at the very least ex-
perience a perceptible
If the slowdown grabs hold
1 bit too much, it could t\Ull
into an "interruption" of the
business upturn. This would
mean a perceptible drop in
Jndj.llllrial product.ion and a
rise in unemployment lasting
1 minimum of lour to Ji1
If we do finally move lhlo
a slower phase of growth, it
could be a healthy thing for
all of us, for it would help
eliminate the excesses which
have so dreadfully blemished
our historic boom since 1969.
Il wonld remove the danger
of an abrupt switch from wild
upsurge to big bust. It would
lay the basis for a renewal
of sound advance -in which
we again could spend <1n
priorities which make sense,
again have respect for the
dollar's value, again buy
slockl becaUU we believe in
our nation's economic future
and a company's prospects,
·11ot ~ause we are running
To Buy Cox
1w171rom. Jllper mooe7.
AND II' THE llowdowa do.-
occur, H will be t1>t nowt
ol del!bera!e pollcJ-
1t the hlPt! i.veli -the
Ni.on Admlnlmtioo, the 1/91
Coogre,s, lho Federal Rewve
The economic predictions
for 1969 are so embarrassingly
diverse that they move Into
the rulm of gueuea, and no
wonder. The unknown.s nnae
!rom the len&th ol the Vie~
nam war to the eztent to
which Washington will risk
''trading off" higher
unemployment for more price
stability. Nevertheless, the
forces suggeaUng a slowdown
are .persuasive.
To recapitulate: the Federal
budget, which has fueled this
jnrJation, is finally turni.t)g to
the side of. deflatJon. The tu
squeeze is getting more and
more brutal and this gOe!
beyond higher Social Security
taxes, the extraordinary Apr.
15 pinch, the probable' •• :
tension o1 the Fed er l 'l
surcharge and into the never.
ending up-spiral of taxes at
the state and local level. 'lbe
lightness of credit is of utmost
signiflcance, for if you can't
get money to pursue a project
<Jr if lhe cost of the money
is simply too steep, you just
Beckman Inc.
Earnings Up
$425,000,000.00 ~~I
HEAD OFJ=lCf: t;:--1. ·~l
315 Ea.t Cok>rado Boulw.nt _,, 'f •
,..,.._, C.ltfomla 11109
. -. . .
• •
..... ...
::~ t+ ~
l ~· •• ~~ . +• r-_ ... •• ...... '1'" •• . .. ·-11· + .. ,_ \o •-"· -" -.. + '• -..
+ " -'• + •• '+ ., ... • =l:: +H' • -.. -'• -.. +•• -.. -'•
h " -,,
+1 _, + ,, -.. -., .... , .. + .. . .. +v. _, + ., -,, -·· _,, -+ •• + •• _,,
-" + " ti!: j: •• ... 1,11•.
+ " -" ... ... . . .
' " ... .. , .. , .. ,
l-1'~ ' .. _,,;
-!<. ~ '·• .. , ... -'·• ...
. " _, . '" ... . ~ . .. '• ... ... •• •
. ·~ '• .,
'" '· " .,
" ••
" " .. " :~ ,,,
' •..
" '· • ..
"' .,
" ,, ..
" ... . , .. .. ,, .. ... . ,
'· •• •• ,.,
'• " •• " .. .. .. " " '• ..
'• •
• • • • • " ' • • •
' •
I •
,...___, __ -
. . ... Monday's Clo~ing Complete New Prices -
"""'1.-.,, n, lM (SJ
York Stock Exchange List
-· ..
• 'I
• '
Ex-Newport Ace Obtained in_· Trade
Dream Comes True-Voss I·s an Angel . . -•
Of ... O.llr ......, ll•ft
~ weeks aao, a writer waii chatting
about bastball with Bill VOS3 and the
White SoI ouUielder was a s k t d :
"Wouldn't it be great if you came to
the Angels in a trade?"
'""t'es, it would," he replied, but you
~ tell by the look on hill face that
it 1Q1S only a dream.
Dreams have a way of remaining
just that but that particular ooe came
true Monday for Vosi when the White
Sot.,. swapped him to the An&els for
pitcher Sammy Ellis,
Pitcher Apd)l Rubilolta al!o. comes
to the An.gtls in the deal.
V OSI l.s .an Orange Coast area product.
The 23-yeir.old athlete was a star at
Newport ffaibor High and Orange Coast
College before tunUng pro in 1964.
If you think Vou is happy about
being swapped back to his hoine county,
you should hear Mrs. Voss.
"Oh, that'a great. It's the most
wonderful thblg that's ever happened
to us.'' she &aid, when informed by
the DAILY PILOT of the trade.
"The word lrom Voss himself wu "Fan-
tastic!" ,
Then be confessed be wu a hometown
aort, anyway.
"I think any player in tl!e majors
would rather play in or near bl.I
hometown. I'm no,different. I've always
wanted to play for the Angels."
Voss was caught by surprise.
"l didn't even know the Angels were
Jn the market for an oatfielder. It's
just great, that's all."
Angel general manager Dick Walsh,
who completed the deal at noon Monday,
was et.led at acquiring the lefl-!iand<d
"The WIY I looll al JI. v... wDl
challenge for our startl.ng rigbtfJetd posi...
Uon, which at the moment is wide open.
It'll be either Vosa, Roger Repoz or
Jay Johnstone."
Allhou&h Voss bu played centerfield
ror tbe White Sox, Walsh said he expects
Vic Davalillo to hold down that spot.
The left field job, Walsh added, Is Rick
"Voss i.s the kind of guy you like
to think of 10 yesn from now," the
GM added.
"He's got all tbe tools to be a star
but with the Injuries be'1 had be'• never
b«o able lo be -ed. c~c-=~r-Ell:an~~ ~.11~. ;~
pushing for VOoi. ' v ....... sertoualy beaned 1n Blltlm0<1'"
::keJ~e ~y:.:.: t!:'i'UBI~~
his righ.t eye. Dod(q (Wed jf lhe
repair job wasn'f. 100 percent ~.
the right eye would .drop aDd be'd>1have
double vision.
But the Newport ud OCC grad laya
his vision Is normal ud aoticlpalea no
oucb proble1111 In spring training.
ls Like
Musial, Campy in Hall of Fam~
NEW YORK -Stan Musial and Roy
f Mistress
· Cainpanella, each a three-time most
valuable player in the National League.
have been elected to Baseball's Ha11
of Fame, it was announced today.
., -.tir Laguna Beach's Olympic decathlon
cb@!pion Bill Toomey, track and field
is ::\;aking on the mistres! image -• he't not married to it but he might
a! Well be.
At least that's the way Toomey
describes his relationship to the sport
which he must now consider giving up.
"lt's a tough decision to make," the
30-year-old world star points out. ''I'm
getljng a lot cf pressure to quit from
J)eP,Ple who think Olympie champions
t~ themselvel! l?y not retiritiL~l~ _
they win the gold medal," he says.
"But I have a few goals left to ac·
complish. I'd like to break the world
record and I'd like a chance to beat
the Russians when the U.S., Russia and
British CoD1llloowea1th meet this sum-
mer in the Colisewn.
"Tbe only time I competed in the
U.S.-Russian meet we in 1965 and I
got. beat. That Joss still 1tingll. I've -,,,, ... , .. , ... ,,.
' J'. ~ '**************'
wOh every major meet I've been In
except the one with Russia and another
wilh lhe CommonweaJth.
"So with both of them getting together
foftbe same meet it's a golden chance."
Prom the tone of conversation, you
get the feeling Bill is not yet ready
to all it quits, although in more serious
moments he tells himsell that he's at
the age where he must get busy with
a career.
Musial, a seven-time NL batting cham·
pion with the St. Louis Cardinals, became
the fourth player to be elected to the
Hall on his first try.
Since the first election in 1936, when
former greats Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth,
Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson and
Walter Johnson made it, only Ted
Williams in 1966 and Bob Feller and
Jackie Robinson in 1962 were chosen
on their first try.
Campanella, whose career as a
Brooklyn catcher ended on Jan. 21, 1958
when he suffered paralyzing injuries in
an automobile accident, missed by eight
votes of being elected last year when
Joe Medwick waa named.
Jn the 1969 voting by members of
the Baseball Writers' Aasociation. of
America, Musial was named on 317 of
340 ballots and Campanella on 270. A
vote of 'IS percent or 2.5S was necessary
for election.
Musial was DIDJ.ed on 93 JM;rcent of
the ballots and,Cainpy on 79 percenL
Musia1, who retired at the age of
42, set or shared 64 National League
or major league records while compiling
a career batting average of .33L
He ·won seven batting UUes, Was named
the league's Most. Valuable Player three
times ;and set the league mark for most
hits during his career.
Althou8h he called himself a singles
hitter, he managed to slam 475 home
runs and was considered a good out·
fielder before moving to first base late
in his career. He also set the league
endurance mark by playing in 895 con-
.secuUve games.
~panella, also a fme defensive
catcher. set big league records foi-
catchers by hitting 41 home runs and
driv~ In 142 runs In 1953.
Ho played 10 years with lhe l>Odgiff
and won the MVP Award in 1951, 195l
and 1955. His hlgheat average was .32S
in IU games In' 1951.
kt 47 years of age, Campanella is
one year younger than Musial. He has
been paralyt.ed from the waist down
since the accident that ended his career.
Among those who failed to get the
required 75.percent were: Lou
Boudreau, for:mer Cleaveland shortstop
an.d .m~er. ,211; Ralph Kiner,
fonner Pitbburgh slugger, 137; {5,) Enos ~·eoU.Dtry." Slatsgf\ter, former St. Louis
cardinal st.er. 128; Johnny Mite, the
ex'i.Cardb\al ·'ck>uier, 116, and Marty
Mirion, fonner Cardinal shortstop star, J!2• . .
Since bagging the Olympic goldpiece
In Mexico C i t y 94 days ago, Toomey
has been on the go, accepting awards.
negotiating about aportscastlng
possibilities in New York, speaking to
RUSTLER GYM -This is an artist's sketch of Goldtm West College's
pro\)OSed gymnasium. GWC offieials hope construction on the facility
will begin in June. II so, !t should be ready by fall of 19'11. The gym
will seat 2,400 for basketball and contain other classroom and athletic
He also found time to compete, running
a 49.I 4-40 Jn a San Franclsco indoor
meet earlier this month.
Toomey is aJso a candidate to fill
an ~administrative post in a Santa
Barliara school district.
WHI Be a Deon
And nex:t month he departs for
.Washington, D.C., where he'll he a dean
of ·boys in a specia1 five-week school
to 'give hlgb school kids from around
the country a chance to see the govern·
meot in action.
Opposite Toomey will be Mrs. Scot t
Catpenter or President Nixon's daughter,
Tritla, if CWTent plans materialize.
"Ibe project has the sanction of such
peOple as John Golden, head of Stanford
Researcll Institute, and a nwnber or
Inmentally, a German publicallon ran
a -o:mprehensive atudy of Toomey.
revuling that he's been in over 25
cieca.thlOM 1 in e e 1963, of his I as t JI
he's , won 12, placed second Jn four
and j.hird in one.
SU times he's been over 8,000 points.
'Vorld ~holder Kurt Bendlin of
We¥i Germany has broken that barrier
only ·three times. Rf.ianiing p r o track, which b c106t
to becoming a reality, Toomey says:
••1 wouldn't care for il I think my
amateur lltatul ls worth more than a
fn: bundrM bucks.''
Cage Ratings
AP. Poll
1. UCLA 00)
7, NOrth <•mil,..
J. S•nl1 C11r1
•· Davidson $, Ke!!fvd<V
6, $1, Jot.n's (N.V,l
7. New MPICO stl!P
I. lll!r>Ob
t. L1S1I~
TD. Duq11"'51'11
1 I. Vi1+1nov1 IZ, O~lo St1!1
n. K"'"'' 1•. Tulu
1$, Notr1 Dtmt
11, Mar<iveltt 17. (olorldo
l ll, Purdue
''· Colilmbl.t .........
RK ... ...
17·1 ,,.,
"' 11 ·l
11· 1
11·7 .. ,
"' 17·2
11·7 ,., .. , ,,,
I. UCL.\ (lJl 1. Nortll <1ro11111
l . Stnll (l•l'I
•. Otvkli.on .s. Ke11tuckv
I. N"" Me;cico Shit
1, SI. J011n'1 (N.Y.)
I , llllMl1
t, Vll!trlDVI
10. TU111 11. Ktruer
17. Colc•ado
1:1. (T~) OIJClllMrlt
Notn 0.mt IS. OtllD SI.,_
16. LtS.111
17, CGlumble
II.SI. 8oll~
''· (fie) CM>"'°" """' Me•lco
17·• , ..
"' 11·1
"' "·2 11·1
11·7 ,,,
'" ••• l l·l
J'.7 ... 1'·1
'' 11.1
.... ...
"' .. >n "' "' ..
"' '" "' '" '" " " ..
" n
" " "
"' ,., ,.
"' lU ...
'" " ..
" n
" " " " .. • • •
Penny Ann Race Set;
Baseball Star Mending
TIJUANA -Penny Ann Early, the
leading figure in the drive for recognition
of women jockeys, is to compete with
Alvaro Pineda in a match race Sunday
at Caliente Race Track.
Pineda has been the second ranked
jockey in North America the past two
years and the race is designed to give
Miss Early an opportunity to show why
she thinks women should be allowed
in what has been traditionally a man's
* * * SALEM, N.J. -Leon 1'Goose" Goslin,
fll. inducted I a s t summer Into tht
Baseball Hall of Fame, was reported
~tonday in satisfactory condltJoo in
Salem County Memorial ll o s p I l a J ,
recovering lrom burns.
* * * MODENA, Italy -The Italian Ferrari
racing team announced today that lt
has decided to give up partlcipation
in the 24-hour Daytona Beach auto race,
first event of the international prototypes
* * S\VEETWATER, Tenn. -Bowden
\Vyatt., one of &he nation's leading col-
lege football coaches for many yean,
died of a vlnu Infection hen: today. He
was SS.
Wyatt, lormu bead coach at Tennes.
see, Arkan&u and Wyoming, died DJteJ:•
pededly. He bad Uved near K.tagst:on,
Tenn., 1ince bis retirement from coach-
ing several years ago .
* * * NE\V YORK -Olympic champions
Bob Beamon, Al Oerter and Laguna
Beach's Bill Toomey are among a group
of athletes lo be honored by Sports
Lodge of B'nai B'rith at tht organiza-
tion's 11th annual Bill Corum Memorial
Awards Dinner Saturday night, it was
announced Monday.
Pop Warner Indian Killed in Fall
SF£0ND ME/!A. Ariz. (AP) -Louis
~mlima,, wbo Jeft the Hopi Indian
--for Olympic Crack lame in
Ille dql., Jim Thorpe, (J dead.
Old, l"ble 11111 rnon than 911 years o11; Ibo one-time dlst1J1Ce rumw !ell
-• ?Wool cllll lo bis d .. th lsto ~ nlglll on the reservllllon where J:. r -t aD but five ywa of
Jrc3Doe ftve years, be ftrlt to the cariiit bxfllll SChool, and ran an coach Gleclfl upqt" Warner's track teams.
St: flllWMll ninth in tbe 26-mlle run
In fli J19 Ol)mpica at London, and
(out;i,,_. -..... In T to
IM Flying F'tnn. Kannes Kolehinaincn,
in tbe J0,000 meters at Stockholm.
No American beU.ertd his lime at
that distance unUI Billy Mills did it
at tbf! 1984 Totyo Games.
He attended a religious ceremony at
the Ktva here Saturday nl~t. aceording to a nephew. Alfred J06hongeva. and
wu returning to his borne • t
Sbon,gopovi, about a mile away.
He a~rcnlly mistook 11. beacon 1i1ht,
the newphew said, took the wrong trail
and fell down the cliff.
Jle wa! found early Sunday. and, ac.
cording to Hopi custom, burled the same
When bf enrolled at Cllrli!le lDd.lan
School weighing 110 pounds, Tewanima
reportedly asked Warner for a tral'.'k
''\Vhat for?" asked Warner. "You're
not big enough to do anything."
"Me nm fast good," the Indian youlh
replied. ''All Hopis run fast good."
Writing in 1940, Thorpe recalled that
he. Tewanima and a third Indian, Frank
Mount Pleasant, made up a team that
beat the 20-mBn teaai at Lafayette Col·
lege, and later won a dual meet wi th
Thorpe and Tewanima were good
enoogh that they Wert sclteted for the
U. S. Olympic team without undcrgoirlg
trh1ls. t~
Tewanima spent about a month 11t
Carlisle after the 1912 Games, then
nturned bomt to tend his sheep and
raise hi., crops. He rarely left tbt
Jn 19$4, the Helms Foundation fltw
him to New York to be honored a11
tt member of the all·lime U. S. track
and field team.
lnducted lnto the Arizona Sport! Hall
of fame in HIS7, Tewanima told how
he ran down rabbita for the fun of
it as a child. and, occask>nelly ran to
Winslow -a J.20.mlle round lrip -
just to witch tllle: trains go by.
Rustler Gym
Set for June
Golden West College athletic officials
are making qualified predictions today
that they'll have a gymnasium in opera·
lion by fall of 1970.
With plans for the structure a n d its
financing having been OK'd by the state
Community College office and Depart·
ment of Finance, construction, GWC
hopes, will probably begin in June.
The mulU-story, multi-purpose pJant
will be uniquely functional
"We are incorporating features which
will give us versatility and Clexibllity
as we face the challenge of an ever-grmv-
ing student population and a changing
curriculum," explained Dr. Dud I e y
Boyce, GWC president.
The center unit of the 120-by-280-foot
structure will be used for basketball
and other indoor athletic activltiea.
Present plans call for p u 11-d ow n
bleachers seating 2,400.
The buildlng'a east win& wUJ house
wresUing, gymnastics, and weightlifting
on the ground level with cla.Slrooms
upstairs. Classrooms will be on the
ground floor of the west wing.
Architectural plans for the project wil1
he presented soon to the Orange Coast
Junior College District.
CoUege BaskethaU
"""" 71. '•h1tilfl OM'"-0
·-,,.,. It,, Olrl1"'°""9 ...... u WH!fno ~y )'Q, 0..,... .S
IOUTM ~le ,,..., 1J. GMr-.lt Ttdl 41 E~•I Ctro!llMI 11 'IMI n
Gf0f'1l1 "'· #oWvrn ..
It!.;. It Florldl Slti. to
Oltltllom• (lly M. :lo\lt,,_,11 Wlllodl•l ''
!'Alt WlfT
"'"' f'or(• 1t, f>t<IWtl' 1(191f, JI W1"'l1M11'11n .0. Ono-J.4 w1)11111.aton St•ftt •1. o,.._ 111ti. .o w ... $Jtitt •1. MOnt-II
Mfol\I .... I.I ... 11, ldlhe 11'1'9 "' S.•lflli Pt<Jtlc 11, ,.lllSll.• $.I
Newport'• Bill Vo11
On Strike
MEXICO CITY (AP) -A current
labor-management stalemate here Js
benefiting only the bulls.
The animals got a new lease on Ille,
at least for a week, when management
of the El Toreo Bullring called off the
corrida Sunday just minutes be'o~ it
was due to start.
The matadors and picadors, all tl~d
In their finery, sat in ~.cars .outside
the ring. . .
The fans, already In tl\eir sea14 .went
wild at ·tfie news~ and miny who.' 'flayed
at home· IOCcaJ'Cb ibe fighfil mn1(~l
television were spinning th.cir dial.S in •
~puz:zlement ~
And therein Jay the problem --
The Association or 11atadors and the
Subalterns Union b.ad given managementf
an ultimatum ·that they must have a -
ahare of the television revenues before
they fight again. Management refused.
All mafor fight.s in Me'dco are televis-
Two years ago bu!Uighters and their
assistants, then in another union, called
a strike for. the same reason, but it
lasted only a month.
Some matadors CQntinued working
from t h e start, and others drifted back
to the ring, lured by the $4,IXJ0..$5,000
they get for 40 minutes work.
Working matadors broke away and. f>..
formed the union which now baa refused J
to work until they get either a ahare n
of the revenues or atop the teleTising
of so many fights. ,o
Hockey Stars
In TV Duel
MONTREAL (UPI) -The Natiooal
Hockey League'i west division ~tars
count on a trio of outstanding goalies
to gain a "Super Bowl style'' ~ to-
night over the EasL The garile Will' i.e
televised at ll o'clock on Channel L ·
Scotty Bowman, coac h of the mtm-
peding St. Louis Blues and Westen):<:oath
in tonight's game at the Montreal Forum,
seems to be following J~ riiunath~a
upset recipe which led to the'Ne\t Ybi'k
Jets amazing Super Bowl triumph oRr
" >1
Namath boasted as long as he bad J •
enough defense, he could win. ~an ;~
isn't making any boasts, but \Vlll. have,,,~
three of the top net-minders in ~6
NID.. out on the ice facing the certain1 bombardment of the East's great goal t."
srorers. ~t ,
The West's three netmlnders have ~ ...
total of 12 shutouts compared to two 1 each for Eastern goalies Ed Giacomin ,.
of the New York Rangers and Gerry ·'...:i
Cheeve rs or Boston. From St. Louis.;&,.
the west has Jacques Plante and Glenr;,..11
Hall with five shutouts each and goaI.o 1"
8:gainst r~ords. of 1.79 and 2.20 respec~!
live. Third-string goaltender Bernifh.11
Parent oft he Philadelphia FJyen has ',·'
a respective 2.43 average and twoit•J
shutouts. •
Cousy Resigns
Coaching Post,
Enters Business
!2~1~ .....
NEWTON, Mass. (AP) -l)ob Couq,J
who earned the title Mr. Bestt:etW
as an All·American at Holy Cross and ·
during 13 fabulous years as a pro with
the Boston Celtics, is abandoning the .
s p or t after six successful seasons as _
coach at Boston College. ~ /•f'
Cousy, who shocked opponenls wi'fi"-
his clutch play as a 6-foot-2 sharp-shooter
in college and the National Basketb~"·1 •
Association. stunned observers Mond9"'
by aMounclng his resignation as Bosto,q:' ,.,:
College coach, effective et the end % : ' the season. 111:..
Only 40 and rt!D capable of ~hooll;fQ,~ ,
baskets from aJI angles. Cousy said. ~Ii ;v
is leaving BC to devote more tl;il4 ...
to his boys' camp in New JfampsbfRl'f~
and to his various business entcrprt~ ~1 ,
most in publi c rtlatlons work. ~ .. ~;
"I have truly enjoyed 1ny tenure .at,1 ~
13 o s t,~ n College during the past Ms-" r
yem. Cooz said. "My only regret £...,.
thal I must dllcontinue my close. cont.rt ~-,
with the fine group of young men GD ",,,.. odr team.'' ' :iW1' •'
. •
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P,.W ~ (o.aeh"s "Foueh Can Inspire Yo~t~
, -I"•. • .....,"""' ..
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. ' -~ • I"\ • , ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~l_L.Y ,.ILOJ' r..... ..w_n.1 O'~r. •
Eyes I,000 Mark
Cunningham Has Shot
At Pro Ranks-Davis
What a difference a year can make.
A year ago UCI basketball coach Dick
Davit WIS wondering how Jeff Cun·
ningbam ever made the team.
But now he !peaks of Cunningham
In more reverent terms. He even says
the junior forward could be a pro in
two years.
"Jeff started out very alowly last
year," says Davis of his 6-3 blond ·
"In fact, he was awful But in
retrospect, I guess the rest of tbe guys
started unusually fast la.st year and
Jeff was off to a nonnal start"
At the end of last season, Cunningham
was starting and showing great promise.
Now, averaging 20 points a game and
puformlng some of the classiest moves
ever seen in Orange County, he 's at
the top his game and still going up.
Jf he has a flaw, it's a tendency
to fall into foul trouble but there are
those who score more and fouJ less
because they don't play defense.
He's well on his way to at least
a. 1000.point career at UCI. He has
897 right now at just over the halfway
point. And next season , with Mike
Heckman and Nick Sanden gone, he'll
iCtll'e a ton.
Davis was asked how far Cwmingbam
can go In basketball.
"I think Jeff can play pro ball," his
coach "'l'Onded.
"He can ce.rtalnly shoot well enough
and he haa excellent speed. He 's a
1ood one now and he'll get better."
TAMIYASU DEPT. -Former Pilarlna
Hlgb qaart.rboek Mike Tami,... • .,.
a:a,. he11 undtclded between Goldn Wed
and Oraqe Coast. ne former Marin.a
Hip ..a. •lkl Jut week .. wu golllg
to enroll at Golden West but DOW he 's
Tmniyuu dropped oat of Orecoa Stlte
rteeady, " b e r e lte played frolll ball
J a• t leuon. "It was 11 wel ap daere
we pracdced tilt I a s t two moatbt Gf
the season In the mud," Tamlyua uJd.
CHARIOT DEPT. -Charlton Heston
came up with a good line at the Pro
Bowl Luncheon last week: "Before I
rectntly made a film about a washed
up pro quarterback, my only endeavor
in athletics had been in a fixed chariot
WEATHER DEPT. -The Aqels ore
off to a good start. New aeneral muqer
Dick Wabb was to get • first loot
at bis talent Monday wbe• &be club
had scheduled a workout al Allalleim
Stadium for those players re1ldiq ii
Orange County.
If It's dry by tbea, tbey'D try it
again Wednelday.
SUMMER DEPT. -Curley Manfree,
"'"ho guarantees a winner, is looking
for a sponsor for bis Costa Mesa summer
league basketball team.
Hls outfit was sponsored by Jabaco
Pump last summer. Call him at 531-6301.
GOLF DEPI'. -Tbe lndde word
Is thal Vince Lombardl wtll be "°"
added to the Aatrojet toarn&mall .a
La Costa Feb. lf.11.
1ba bl1 names roped so far 1nchtde
Joe Namath, Mickey Mandt, Joe DfMa&·
g1o and Wlllle Mayt.
The pro atlllelel are llappy IM .....,
ment will remabl at La Co.ta ud not
moved to ln1ne Cout Coa.atrJ CIU,
a move that wu Ill tlae wor.b lul
Americao Alrllntlo olfldall Md UI
appllcatlom from. pro ftlletel te play
In the tourney but they Kctpted oaly ...
Christense11-led Tritons
Invade Foothill Tonight
Slin Clemente High School will be mak· tna-a bold bid tonight at the Cre.stview-
Lea1t1e lead when the Tritons travrl
to J"oothlll High for a basketball
San Clemente poses the only immediate
Uuut to the Knights. The Tritons are
~J whUe host Foothill is riding a four·
11me win strtak in league action.
Leadln1 the San Clemente cause is
Erie-Chrlst.tnsen, leading scorer in
IOrangt County with a 21.4 per 1ame .,.,....
Glltte time Is 7 o'clock along with the
l!Wion Vlejo-T\lstln affair at the latter's
Jn afternoon action, Orange was at
Lalllfta Beach.
11lf: Irvine Lugue moves Into round •o Wedoelday with 7 o'clock games
Ill )IQnolla ud &tancia.
f"ountain Valley is at Corona del Mir
ln a 3: 15 test and then Loara movn
inlo Estancia and f.1agnolla hoet5 CtJsta.
Mesa .
Pi1ater Dei, meanwhile, battles Bishop
A1nat Ylednesday nl&}rt in an altemJM
to get oot ol the Angelus League cellat.
The other league combat.ants go at
it today.
The Sumet circui~ Is Idle today d u e
to final exams. Saturday action will
make up for the day off.
The Irvine League c.rvclal appears to
be at Ccrona del Mar.
Fountain Valley, loser by 12 to
Magnolia in first round action, must
win at Ccmna if the Barona are lO
salvage some hope for 1 crown.
A Corona de! Mar Tict.ory would put
the Sea Kings into sultlus title conttnUon
.1. with Magnolia. ··t.
Sports Editor
What's This?
Western Looms
As Loop Power
Huntington Beach High School's basket·
ball quintet is faced with the problem
of upending an undefeated team in the
Sunset League for the second straight
Flnt It was Anaheim that posed the
obstacle with a 3-(J Sunset mark. The
OUers' 69-62 win ended that threat Friday
Now it's We9tem High from Anaheim
that is standing in the way of ltun-
tington's 31·game circuit winning streak
with a four.game kxlp skein of ill own.
Western and Huntington collide Friday
night at the latter's gym. Tipoff Is
at 8.
· The Pioneers of coach Marv Blernker
have come on strong since lbe last
time they met Huntington Beach.
In that ooe. at the Rancho Alamitos
Invitational, the Oilers ran roughshod
over. Wutern, 72-44.
Western, however, was reeling with
Ou and It's doubtful that anyone is
willing to predict another 21-poi.nt vic-
tory for HunUncton.
Btemker wu asked just what has
trampirtd to turn thf: Pioneers Into
an undefeated Sunset League contender
in such a short time.
"We've really jelled since the league
has started. And our offensive rebounding
hu come along particularly well . It's
really brought us along."
Wutern ii now 10-3 wilb a five-game
ovtrall wbminc ltr!ak.
Nol IUl'llrillnlb', GleM Nygard ~ the
Jeldlng 9COrer fer WMtern wltb a 19-point
averace in loop action after notching
II a pme durlllJ the fJnl alne teat..
Nyprd, a $-11 oenlot sum!. has
1tuted for Wettttn since he was a
IOpbomore. He 11 especially deadly with
:i.Mool jumpert.
Counted on for most or the rebounding
the Pioneers wUI require if they are
to stay In the game with Huntington
Beach are John F.dward1 and Alan
Edwards is M and Peters 6-3 1h. in
the double post set up.
Blemker ca1b th!a: week lhe moment
o1 truth r,.. hll oquad.
Flnt the Huntington fracas and lhen
arch-rival Anaheim moves into the
Pioneer confines Saturday night.
"Our whole &eBIOO 11 wrapped up in
a nutshell this weekend," Blemke:-says.
Only one junior dots the Western
roster. Jle's Dan Rafferty, 1 6-2 forward
who -..! II aplnsl Newport Harbor
despite the fact he didn't play until
the. &ee0nd quarter. ell
. .....
Gets Best in West Label .. ., ....
Marina Wrestling Tourney ~
Draws Top Southland Prep~
01 lhl 0.ll'r .. , .. , ll•ff
A major wrestling tournament looms
Saturday at Marina High. School where
the Vlktngs wlll host the fourth annual
Mar~ Five Counties classic •
It's an all.cfay alfair con.aidertd
rougher than the CIF l1nals. ln fact,
one coach went so far as to label it
"the toughest high school wrestling
tournament in the wutern United
With most of the CIF Southern Section
powers included in a fonnat with three
Bakersfield schools and representatives
from the San Diego area, here are
just a few of the re850M why the
Five Counties classic ii held in such
high esteem :
Of the 13 ClF Southern Section in·
divldual ct-.ampions crowned il} 1968, ei1ht
competed in the Five Counties event.
But only five of these CIF tiUists
were fortunate enough to win a title
at Marina.
Doug Casey of Corona del Mar, the
178-pound CIF champion was hard press--
ed to finish second in the Five Counties.
Eddie Bond, Huntington Beach's 1968
CIF titleholder found the going so rough
In the Ill-pound divlaton that he could
not even make the consolation finals.
Another O!"ange Coast area entry, Gabe
Rut of Costa Mesa, was defeated in
the tourney by Paul Robinlon of
Westminster, then went on to beat
Robinson in the CIF finals.
Called the Five Counties because teams
originally invited in the initial year were
from five different counties, the event
iB now open to ail counUes.
Teams re:presentin1 Orange, San Diego,
Los Angeles, Kem, Riverside and San
Bernardino counties will be there.
Bakerslleld HJgh will arrive favored
to uphold the Kern County domination
or team scores.
North Bakersfield took the team title
In '67 and South Bakersfield won it
last year.
Both of thou juggernauts are slated
lo compete this year along with
Bakersfield fligh .
Southern California schools wilh im-
pressive records include host Marina
(winner of the Morningside tourney),
Pacific or San Bernardino (winner of
the San Bernardino tourney, South Tor·
rantt (champion of the Torrance
tourney). and Fountain Valley (winners
of the Cal State Long Beach and Orange
Coast College tournaments).
Wrt!tlers are seeded Individually and
from results last year it appears the
organizers of the tourney know what
they'"' doJno:,
Of tbe 26 aeeded grnpplen in I.he
13 weight dlvlslona, 25 of them finished
elther Ont ... oe<ond.
The onl1 drawback for coJCh Jack Ken.
nedy of Marina in pulling on the J(ant
wrestling show is the fact that he 11 Un·
able to coach his own wrestlers-let alone
watch them compete--4ue to the tre·
mendous amount of leg work required
durlng the day.
Outstanding wresUen entered are a
dime a <Joun In the upcoming tourney.
Hue, however, It a sampling :
Chris Sones (lOG) and'Olen Anderson
(130) of Fountain Valley (both un·
defeated ): Dave Wommack of
Westminster (115); .Marina's Craig
Gephart at 130 (20--0) and Andy Vorono
at 235 (~).
Newport Harbor's big three : Chris
Horpcl (17--0), Kent Hammeru and Bob
CUrry (17-0) at 138, Ill and 148; El
Mod.ena's Mike Roberta at 157 (18-1);
and Steve Clark of Rancho AlamJtos.
Clark, a 104-pounder, bu chalked up
Basketball Polls
-. ..
22 pins en route to a 23-0 mark aD'cJ
was voled the outstanding wrestler in
three of four tournament.s participat~ ••
in during the campaign. . ...... ~
CompetiUon befins at 9 a.m. SaturdaT..
with consolation fmals billed for 7 p.m. . ·
Finals are set for 8. Six mats are ~,
used in the eliminations, three for con.
solaUons and one for the finals. ~:;
The finals are upected to draw 1,Q 11 . fans. -.,... . ~, ..
' .. t.
~ .. .•.
Huntington 8th in CIF, ~0:;
~1· ..
CdM, Monarchs Get Votes.~
.... .....
Huntington Beach Hilb OUen lead a
trio of Orange Coast area basketball
powers which enjoy ll1Ung among the
top Southland schools, according to week·
Jy CIF rankings released today.
The Oilers of coach Elmer Combs
are 8th in the large schoola dlvillion
after they disposed of Anaheim Jut
week, 6M2, in a Sun.set League crucial
They have another biggie coming up
Friday night as they host co-league
leader, Western.
Corona del Mar and Mater Dei hauled
In votes for the AAA schooil pool with
the Sea Kings of Corona del Mar in
13lb poa:IUon and Mat.er De1'1 Monardls
rated !!th, despite their 33-17 ION to St.
Corona has one stiff lest this week,
hosting Fountain Valley Wednesday
Mater Dei tac.kJes Blahop Amat
Wednesday night and Servile on Friday
in a pair of home duels.
Leading game thla: week i~ i.n the
AAA group with !loverly Hiiia (Ith)
J>osting Aviation (5th) Friday nJgbL
Place Team , ..•........•.. PohttJ.
1. Campton (lS-0) 1'9: w
2. Pasadena (17·2) Ill(~
3. Sunny Hills (13-1) 130 ...
I. Muir (17·2) UO,.,.
5. Ventura (15-1) _. ......
6. Chaffey (16-2) ,tt
7, North Torrance ( 1~2) •&t..:i •
8. HunUngton Beach (JH) .Sil .'..
9. Covina (15-3) 29o'
10. Notre Dame (14-4) ~.: ..
AAA ""~ t. Garden Grove (17--0) IG"l ~
2. Claremont (17--0) IllO •
3. Santa Marla (16-1) [29 '".
I. Beverly Hiiia (JM) Ill''•·
5. Aviation (IJ..3) '¥/ "~.
6. Nogales (13...f) 5' "''
7. Glenn (J:i.5) 'f."'
8. Magnolia (t~) SI•
9. Lasuen (12..!) .1c~·
10. Cabrillo (10.S) 20 ••
Others-Foothill (IS), North Riversitl~~"··
(t5), Corona del Mar 19), Colton (ti ..
Rlverllde Poly (5), Miter Del (1)·, S\! ;"'
AntJJon, (I). ·····1(/o.
I ~ •" ,
Garden Groye Still No. I
Among County Preps
'• ''-
Garden Grove High School'• chances
of continuing as the too lam ln Orange
County appear eice.bent with ooly
Garden Grove League compeUUoo 1tan-
ding In the way of an uodefeated aeuon
for the Argonaut..
Grove, w Ith a 17-41 ncord to d at•
includ1n1 a four-point win over Hun-
tington Beach, is highly fl\'Gl'td to wade
through league compe4Jtioa wlth little
Sunny JIUll remain1 teCOnd and lilll)o
tlngton Beach kept Ito lold on thin!
wJth Its 8Mi2 win over Aftahehn.
Anaheim, despli,e the loe1, dropped
only one notch t.f· flflh while Magnoll11
was taking over lhe rourth spot. replacbl& ... ':
She Colonists. .. • 4•
Mqnoi(a won twice 1ince lut weekr. ..
pleb lncludlnjJ a 121>01nl spread ov;r ,..,,
FountAlll Vllley. .. ••
Top It .•
I. Garden Grove (17--0) i, .. ,, ... .,..
2. Sunny Hill! (lS.t) ,;.,
S. Huntington Beach (JH) . •
4. Magnolia (!U 1l s. Anabelm (lJ.1) u.'':::
I. Troy (!J.2) 1(;·
(tie) Kattlla (!W) lS ''
.. Foothill ( l) -4) .1%.
I. Wutem (llHJ 8 "
10. San cielnenlo (10.5) I~
• • I
, l
For the Record
BOAG,JR. w.....,... Eowant lloe•, Jr. O.t. of
dMltl, J1n1HO' lf. lnf1nl IGll OI' Mr.
ind Mn. W1y,... Edw1rd eo.1. Sr .•
af 1DI TUltlW .. Liu, CO&ll Mtw. Al..,
1urv1-...i bv •llten, lhll'Y1 111d Debr11 ~. WUll1m • .v..t1 of tti. AnlMis. 10 AM toa.y, T!Mday, 11 SL John
ni. l1P1 .. I Caltlollc Clwrdl. lftfer• .,..,,,, GoOd SMPMrd (.,.,...,.,. Dl-
r.ctftl bl' SlllJ Morlu1rv, 17•1 ,..,.
"riot, Colli Mn.e.
MlrMret l'r19'1holl. a12 Malle Clr-
cll» Hl,lftflntlllll &eec~. S•u·vic.. Hnd-
11111. Smt"-MOrtulf'Y.
Ceroaa del Mar OR S.HSt
C.1tl Mea MI I-UM
nt Broadway, Cotta Mtu
17111 Bea .. Blvd.
u-.-11 ....
Cuoel<ry e Mortury
~ ...
-Paclllc View Dilve
Newport JIH .. , 'filonlla -PEEK FAMILY
7111 -A-W-•---
m Malo SL
Ll!I MSlt
.,, .. 1'1111 SI., Colla -
• • •••
Finals Set
For Friday
County southeastern district
final! in tbe 32nd Annual N•
tional IDgh School Orat«lcal
C.OOtest apons<nd by the
American Legion are tchedul-
ed here this Friday.
-vaiioDi itePt~Oli up ror-wln-
ner of the county-wide finall
in Santa A n a Feb. 2 could
include competition visits to
San Francisco on March 2,
Merced on April 14 and even
national finals April 24 in
Boise, Idaho.
Legion officials noted that
high scboolm participating
generally contrut thole moral
and spiritual values whose
wellspring is our U . S •
Constitution -the cont.tit
theme Binet 1936 -qllnlt
the unholy OOnlen of life under
C,.et1• '¢......,....
ai:in:tla :r·~
which lncludeo s..J Beach,
Huntington Beacll, Fountaln
Valley and Wea1mlnmr and
Midway City, were held Mon-
Southeastern district finals
-encompassing the Harbor
Area and aoutbun Orange
County clties -will be Friday
at 7:30 p.m. ln the San
Clemenle IDgb School little
At the top ol the naUona!
competition, won 1 e v e r a 1
year1 ago by _a "FullertOn
youth, lies 18,000 In cdlege
scholarship award m one y ,
divided JllllODI four winner•
in order ol their placG<llL
OCC Plans
Math Class
Modern math for the eoltep
student and eJementary
teacher will be offered in the
evening by Orange c.out
College this spring.
"Modern Math" will mett
Tuesdays from 7 to 10 p.m.
at Estancia IDgh School ,
Room 725. Fee for the course
ls $5.
Students mll5l have had 1
year of high school algebra
and plane geometry. Student!
will learn the nature of
modern math, including sym-
bolic logic, axiomatic
methods, nature or proof, sets,
functions, probability and reaJ
number systems.
Registration will be at the
Orange County Fairgrounds
from 5:30 to a p.m. according
to the first initial of the
student's last name :
A-E, Jan. 13; F·K, Jan. 14;
J,.Q, Jan. 15: Jl.Z, Jan. 11:
open registratJon tor all Jan.
22 and 30. RA!gl-tlon will
then return to lht campua,
vacancies permitting, Feb. U ,
10, II and 13.
UCI Slates
Race Talk
"Slavery and !he Oricina of
Racism" wm be the topic ol
a public lectuno Wednelday
afl8noon at UC lrvlne.
Speaker wlD be Prolwor car1 Degler of the Stanfonl
University department o f
hiatory, author of sevusl
worU on American Ntgr0
Admiaaioo to the lecture at
' p.m. Jn ScJence Lecture Hall
will be rr.e. It ii one In
• conUnuinl ...-on .. Black
i!lllDry" lpolllOred by the UCI ......,__.,_,,
Pusing Out Awards
Marcia Roberts, Miss Orange County Press Club, displays ooe of 28 handsome
plaques she'll hand out along with cash prizes Saturday ntght when county's
newsmen gather at Anaheim Convention Center to hi>oor outstanding efforts
turned in by pr .. • club members during 1968. , Clllb'll' ltth Annual Awards
Banquet starts at 6:30 p.m. It is open to public and :reservations can be made
by contacting Wayne Clarie, P.O. Box 4224, lrvtlle. Calif. 92664, telephone
Appmah Clll CIM!rlheapedtUm olman :md nature-
appocilltlllll cl life, apptedatlm of a friendly smile,
aJ'P'datlcn of a rainy day, the aroma of steaming coffee,
the 'llbrant color bkmtling of flowers, the mischievous
giggle ol a small chlld, the breath-taking beauty of fluffy
clouds, 'Ind ewn the mysltrlous •padde of an evening star,
H<n ate simple, eveeyday sights thtt cm make a day rich
mlmjoyal*'.111 the mixed pool of human nature, appreci·
atitll ha becmoe a way of li!e for us, and is something
that .,.., believe in and practice,
Apprecia!ioD ean make a day rich, pleasant, and enjoynble.
Why not me this every day? To us, apJ>"'ciation is a very
:real faroe, strong and 'rital to our everyday lives. l t is
gotemed by a 1.,. that Is almost as direct as the laws of
pbyaic&-"We draw to ow..hes the good of ..erything we
appreciate, but the eril of everything we ~tile.·
We ~ that ln banking, pttl!lle represent the very core of
&uccess or fa!luno, and there is alwayo something to ap-
preciate ln an people •• , if we lool< for ill "Appreciate, and
,..i prosper. Belittle, and you Jose", Because of this time·
pt'O'm prindple, each person's fate is in his own hands. We
appreciate each employee in his own way, and they, in
mm, appec:iale each depositor that enters our bank.
A 17
Saterfield Granted Delay
, SANTA Al'IA -CO<>vlc!edl;::o::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::=:::::::::;
tilltr FrMerick Saterfldd'1
return to Orang_e County wu
cldayed Monday wh<n
publlo defender 111ccess!111ly
.appealed for more Ume t
prepare fer • Dn' trial
. superior Court J u d ~
Simuel IJl'elztn le! tile -·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~ date as Feb. 20. SMfleldli
will then leave ' San ~Un
to partldpalj In c o u r I
ceeding1 lbil wUl be Umlled
to a rebearlOC o1 Ille Pfllalt
phase of bll trial.
The $l·year-<>ld S..Ia
carpenter waa one fi _ _.
30 Inmates oo Death Row-w '
won new trials when the U .
SUpn!!De Coor! ruled tbal the
death penalty w a 1 con
slitutional However, that rul
ing meana: that there-muat
be no' questioo -u there
WU in Saterfield11 f1rlt trial
-of proepectJVe jurcn beiN:
dial1\IMed from the PJ1ne1
becaUBe they were ofPOlied to
the dealh penalti,
Saterfield was convicted two
years ago. or the sllylnp of
his commm law wife· and her
daught'er In lhelr Sanla Ana
~-He bad been pll(Oled
after aervihg six yelll'I of a
life oentence lmpoeed f
murder be committed ID 1950.
I see hr Today'
Want Ads l
·-SeepSeO' I ·
SW< ..... di'~ In
a bedNom wta a.w _..
nit!ft: • walnut ~
.. ~ 00. .prqa. -quilted mattreM, bnnkce•
headboard, 2 drner d&bl
slabd&. lamp1, t m.wer
dreaer with r:dlJ'ftr.-.U in
new condiUon. and aD 1nt
only $15111 .
• Improve )'OW' health the
nJN Wa.)' • • • With thJs RoHdaJ Health
Spa rnembentdp b' two •.
with about • moDdtl w.
"""'· eSave111
By ~ ahead and
-In ... -· dttp meu, a llrP 16
cubic feet. white, and in
petfed condition.
0 Dur to the rain, ·---...
ia cancelledt
'I1dl mmth marb the clllmlnation ot flftJSlll of tlJ:Will;
this 'rital faice. Ftte ym ago this mootli, our doars
opened for--and it was a chllllenge form, a Yfif1
competiti.,., challenge, at Iha~ We had a roof, floor,4wal16,
and a smill safe. But. we realiud then that these material
assets were not going to be enough, if we were to be sue>
cessful, We neOcled to have that something extra ••• the
"Art of Appeciation", We started by hiring that certain
kind of employee who had this basie quality inherent
In his pe<iollallty.
The people of Orange County have responded to our kind of
appreciation. In iiveshort years, our success is being real-
ized because it is based on this slroog !Ind vital force. Our
asselS ha1e grown fr<m zero to over 55 million dollars iD
that time. Certainly we appreciate this growth. However,
we appreciate even more the fact that our depooitors appre·
ciate our many semces and haw our people have worked
With them. The"Art of Appreciation: really works. Let any
mm trr it for""" ttdinary day, and that day will be differ-
entandmorerewardlngthan any hehu experieoced before.
IC you are not appreciated when! you oow do your banking.
please pay us a visit and trr CllU' brand of appreciation.
We'd apprtciall? il!
" ' ~· ' -••
'" ,.,
"' ...
•. ,.
----------~-~-----. ~--~ ................. ..,. _.,,. ...... . --. . --. -·---~ -------.. --.-__, -..--.--. -.....-. ---.---------· ---·------~ ---
By JODUN' HASTINGS ... .. .. ..., ""' .....
-. .tove;;Wlillt;~be more Important· to a,tlny newborn Infant? · c.;, · ~ National Foundatloi>-Marcb ot Dimes and the (l'O!'l,>'Of"" ~ teers'wbo slalf'tlie' prenatal clinic In Orange
htnalal cai9<>caii,, and' does, reduce the risk of death or disability
.from birth defecta'. ' . Yet .uil> 1tat1Jtica'.remaln .ahockfug. ·
, Eveit tllOogb a· vWt to the doctor during the first three months ot
pre&nancy Could reduce lnfant1mortality by SO percent, more than~ per•
, cent ot Orange Coghty women upectlng babies have had no prenatal·care.
Birth• defects ·(far more serious than polio) are the s~nd cause of
dee th jn the United .states, and preventing them ls the prime concern of ..
the March of Dimes. . · •
.. .Povllrty, immaturity and lndiHerence have been the thr~· basic fac-
·tors in the'lack of prenatal care. · ·
~ammed against. a wall in the o~erfiowlng hallway of the out·pati~I.
sectlo11 of the medical center is a desk staffed by the pink-cla4, ·smillhg
.volunteers. . .
"At one time. an'· expectant mother might have to wait all day and
then be told to come-back tomorrow before anyone coUJ.d see her~''
explains Gwenda 'lMts. Norman) Watson, whose diminutive size conceals
a ~werhouse of .. epergeUc dedication. HNow the longest a new patient
nught bave'to waii ·would be a: couple of hours.''
Mrs. Watson, director of volunteer services for Orange County·and
state volunteer advisor for the March of Dimes, tells how it took three
years to get the prenatal program "off the ground." She has nothing but
praise for the worpen who staff the clinic, open from 1 to 4 p.m. each
Tuesday a:nd Wednesday.
"We do the 1donkey work,' " smiles Mrs. Ernest Johnson, who devotes
two days each week to the clinic. The volunteer staff, in addition to provid-
ing a warm and l'eassuring reception, handles all the paper work, plus the
weighing and measuring of expectant mothers, This frees the professional
staff of nurses and doctors to ·spend· more time with each patient as an
Between four and five women staff the clinic each day and assist
between 25 and 40 patients, but the need for additional help continues to-
grow. There also is a need for women to provide transportation for pa-
tients from all areas of the county.
(Seo CLINIC, Pav• 14)
EMPHASIS: CARE -Making her llrst visit to the prenatal clinic
in the Orange County Medical Center Is Mrs. Raymond H. Odom .
(left) ot Huntington Beach. In addition to the professional staff
the clinic is aided by March of Dimes .volunteers, a:nd helping fill
out her medical history aTe (left to right) Mrs. Phillip Yorba and
Mrs. Gonion Pearson. Although ,pz:enatal care could .reduce in-
fant mortality by 50 percent, more than 33 percent of Orange Coun·
ty women having babies have not been seen by a.physician.
DEDICATED WORKERS _:..Although the work done by the March
of. Dimes volunteers is routlne ahd nong1amorous, it has played an
important part in increasing the number of expectant mothers
seen in the cliJtic. Completing the charts which wlll IM!. turned over
to the medical staff are (left to right) Mrs. Bobbie Bowlly, a
volunteer from Brea Junior Woman's Club: Mrs. George Thomas,
Newport Beech, and Mrs. Ted Giakas, Tustin. Prenatal care is
one of the many facets stressed in the March of Dinles' battle
against birth defects.
IN THE RECORD -Mrs. Odom Is weighed and measured by Mrs. '
Pearson, March of Di.mes volunteer, and these facts are included in
her chart to be preserited to the doctor. The preliminary work done 1
by the volunteers freeS the medical staff to devote more personai
attention to each patient.
Farmer Might Make a Fo:rtune Bottling
to the wife who signed h e rs e J f
"Clothespin Nose" showed your ig·
norance, Ann. It Is obvious that you
have never been around well-cared.for
My husband and I have had a dairy
herd for several years. Goats are the
cleanest and most finicky animals on
our farm. They do not have an offenSive
odor. I cannot say the same for our
horses, cows, pigs or chickens.
So, Ann, In the interest of accuracy,
when you wish to describe a careless
or unhygienic penoo. please say he
smells like a horse, not a goat. Thani
r ' • .
and t.be roats I encoutend were not
exactly the essence of colope. It juat
IJ:n't true, I gaeu, that whea you've
imtlled one 1oa& yoa've 1meUed 'em
all. Please give my apetogies &e all
yoor 1weet-1melltac NIJllJI and BIQys.
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I had , an ·
oot--Of..wedlock child last year, 1 had
to move in with my parents because
I cou1~'t make enough money to pay
a baby-altter and rent an apamnent.
I work hard all day. My mother seems
to think I also should keep my room
clean and help her with the dishes.
And that's not all. She feels 1 should
do housework on my day off.
My dad always is bugging me about
my social life. I am going with a very
nice man. Dad gets mad because I
see him every night. I am 23 years
old and' I resent being treated like a
child. Don't you qree that they should
get off llll' hack! -PICKED ON
DEAR ,PICK; No, Yoar tnck rteord
t1:"nicllq'!1'>· bnC ·aboat. Mt)'be ti'• lline ,.. llllefted lo oomeliOdy,
Y oa conlplala becaaM yvar motJter
Upecll ,.. lo help with the dbloff
and do housewert on yoar day off.
811 It occa.tNd to 100 tlt1t 7oar mother
doesn't ftl a day off? 8"'1 1t· ltome
<VU)' day lttillg care of yoat cktld.
Al for .-., yolar boytdend evtry
nlgllt, I'm with Pe.
DEAR ANN t.ANllERS: "Anonl'lllOUI"
wrole to :iou receotlJI and llld, "When
'Ewe de Colog1=1e'
my husband was courting me 18 fears
ago, I fell tn love with , his , brother.
It was too !ale to call off the 'Wedding
10 I matTled Arnold blowing be wss
oot th&one for me."
Now the lady w-)'OU' to back her
up IO she can dump :Arnold and m~
his brother because lhe has ••sneai:ed
around and pretended loog etlOllgh."
You gave her a gQOd "what-fer" and
now I'd like to add 1my nickel's worth.
A member of my : imthediate family
pulled the same rotten Uick and it
landed two of her k1dl in a mental
hospital. '
Tell the Latter-day Cleopatra that If
It was too late to call off the wedding
BEFORE It happened, II yem and
three kids 1ater· ls ooe whale ' ef 1 lot
too late. -MADE THE sti:NE
DEAR SCENE: Yea told lier -
thu l .u.i. -... doe . In ti u
1be1HaJd ·ptt1oe~ \,
Whst ls Freodl lllalncl la ~wtOO&!
-8hould eel tbe ""'*' .. •llmlla -the boy or lhe girl? c.n ., lhol8w! ·
wedding succeed! Rud F Lan4i!tt
.booklet, ''Teenage ~ '-,._ Wayt
to Cool It... Send ilO -In ciln ' 81)1!
a loog, sell-addru10il, ~ eof\le!Q\Je.
Ann Landen will 'bO flld, I. help
you with )'O!I? ~ SetM , lbena
to her in care ol lliO DAJL!i.i.~
tnel08lng ' • stain~. .... envelope. ,.
' -
r •••2•1112•1•2112••111!1••2•110••2•2 •2••2•2-•2-2 _,_, _,_s ___ s_•s-•"'•-•,.•"''-' ..... ,_,,., ... _.,., .. , ... ,,.,_.,. ... ,._, ..................... ".'""'*=-•-=-• .. ·-···-·-·-·-·-·-----;---·----·· - -
J4 D.llLV l'llOT
Indians Cal endar
Return Eng agement
The socood annual theater aoc:W of Ot-
ani• Counl)''s Stanford Club wUJ be a r&-
turn to the South c;oest llfpertory Theater
to attond tho 9rllinal ragtime musical by
Ron Thronion, "'lbe lncredlble Reign 9f
Good King Ubu." •
The performance w'Ul be· at I p.m. ne;it
Thursday. Prior to curtaJn time, Th"""°n
will live some Introductory remarkl, and aft·
er llie closing curtain a champagne tecep. ·
tioo wUJ takt place for tile audlenc.e and cast.
R. Keith Dinsmoor 1" handfing reserva·
lions and t!cketa are '2.50.
Othon a11lating with the plannlng are
Charles Hlrstjl, president, Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Boren and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Herp!ck.
Ho roscope
Spe aker Talk s l
Dollars , $e ns e
lt'1 'Your Money, Honey, ls
the ...,. cl. the talk .to be
llven by COi. WJlliam IL l!Oley
during I meeting cl. Parents
Wlthollt Partnen. SOUth Cout
Cllapter In Laguos Federal
Savlnp and Loan building I
p.m. Friday, Jan. 24.
"Too oltea slnglt parent.o.
wlU1 an average ~ of
under 15,000 per year, 11
aa:ainlt an avert1ge of. '7,000
for famlliet with two pareots,
confroot the end of mooey
when tbtre't too much moot.h
left," &aid' Mn. Marge Miller ,
publicity chalnnan, erplalnlng
the need fet the discussion.
• Col. Roley will discu.u
varlou! aspects of sound
fmancial planning from the
alngle partnl'• >lewpolnl The speWr entered the
U.S. Mlrlntl durln( ;llorld
War II and _..i .. t ollot for u yem Durtnc tbll time,
be atudlad flnallC<I and teC1ll$d
his bslll:iraae llc<ase.
He ~ed to J:Olleao from
l tst-58 aod earned a degre~
In bualneu ldmlnlttratlon a"'1
polltlosl octence. Slrice he
ttt1red Crom the le1'Vice in
1965 he has devoted-llls Ume
to financial plaM!nl and lee·
tured throughoul S o o t h e r n
Calilurnia and at El Toto
Marine Carpi Air Station.
. "Parents Without Partners
origlnally was concelved all
a service organization to give
single pamita an opportunity
for personal growth and to
help their children mature as
well iu U U!ey had two
parents," said Mrs. Miller.
'From the Grapes Come the Wi ne'
·. To raise funds for school equipment, a pleasant fornia grapes which are selected by vintners are
committee members (left to right) the Mmes.
Samuel Trotter, N. H. DeHoff Jr. &lid Robert Tatge.
Chairman of the event is Mrs. Peter Barrett who
may be called at 642-4927 for reservations.
Gemini: Time Moves
main calm while 6cbanglng good sportamanshlp. Th e n
views with vial tor. No need mlaundersland.ng i:1 smoothed
to argue. Strenjth is on yoqr over.
Adult, family and children's
activities are acheduled each
month tor separated, divorced,
widowed or unm·arried
parent.I, regardless II theY,
have custody of the children.
Re£reshments and a social
hour will conclude t h e
meeting. Further information
about the galberlng and other
activities this month may be
obtalned by calling Mrs.
Miller, 494-2025.
event of sampling vintage wines and delectable
cheeses is being planned by sunshine Community
: Nursery School. The party will be staged in the
. Sheraton-Beach Inn, Huntington Beach from 6:30
· to 8:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24. Inspecting fine Cali· •
By SYDNEY OMARR side. Coodllcl youmll with CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan .
"'The 'friae man controls his dignity. Don't neglect relative 19): Takes effort to achieve
..... '"" lo In who bas made a special re-baaJc goal! today. There are
_ _, • • • Astro CY po ts quest. · •·-·ptl f·'·· I the~ --·~-·=
Many Faces
Of Japan
Pat Likes to Remain f
In Husband's Shadow
,Leade r Hosts
Dinner Party
For Her Club
~~n (Au• •• •·pt ~) · Maintain st.ady pace. Family ARDr8 ("·-• 22-A~il 11): ·~ •· ~ · " · What JQ.alt;;' be a"" mlaaed Money coDditiona apt to be membu wbo resilts common
unstable. Protect a s s e t s • senae will change -for the
revenn in your Finisb project. B e sym· bEtter.
favor. Pay attention to IP' palhelic toward one in dU· AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
parent minor detail. Di5cover flcuJty. But don 't leod _ 18): Hold ofl on travel, if
loophole which places you in unless you can afford to lose. possible. Directions are con·
driver'•, seat. Word to wise should be suf. hued. Wait for facts -
U you havt" new neJa:hbors
or know ot an,yone movtn&:
to our area. plea.se ~ll us
so that wt' may extend a
friendly welcomt' and. help
t~m to become acqualnted
in their new aurroundlnp. 1 .0...~~~.-. -• By JOY MILLER
· ,Phl 11ff'.Alumnae of Orange Mrs. Richard M. Nixon
County wilt heara-tallron-rea:nz.es tha{ u·s-cne-Ffi'S\
the Many Faces of JaR3Jl Lady stamp that will pfovide
when they gat!ter at 8 P·!D· the needed boost to many of
next Thursday m the Anahetm her pet projects. But since
home of Mrs. James R. she likes to wort behind the
Hannon.. . scenes, this constant display
According to Mrs. Merritt in the forefront of her good
Conroy o~ Westminster, Pf.o-works may prove something gra~ chainnan, the topic will of a private trial.
be discussed by Mr1. Frank At 55 Pat Ni.Jon posseiSeS
Mirusawa, whose parents are formJd~ble energy and en·
from Japan. durance. When duty ts In-
. Also included on the pro-volved she shrugs o f f
gram will be a demonstration 0n:iinMy human frailties. She
on Japanese flower arranging can go all day on a cup of
by the speaker who also bas coffee or stand for hours on
a degree to teach this subject. a sprained ankle to shake
From Page 13
.•• Clinic
Mn. Walson cites as an
eiample a youn1 mother in
San J uan Clplstrano. Dedi-
cated volunteen traveled
more than 100 miles through
winter ralnl and Oooded
streets to provide btr with
transportation to the clinic.
The mother ind her newborn
infant bad ialmdlce, and with-
out the aicf of the voluntee.n,
both mlibt have died.
There also is a need for bi-
lingu.11 W<lrUn to liaff the
clinic, but the most Impor-
tant quality for any volunteer
lJ a feeling of responsibility,
uya Mra. Wabon. The empbasb on pr<nata l
care p prevention of birth
defects lJ becoming 1nctta ..
lngly Important, and volun-
teers are looking forward to
the day when prenatal clinics
can be established (n indlvld·
dual communlUes, or mobile
wiita made available to serve
the ever-lncreAllng population.
The army of March of
Dimes volunteers bu joined
forces with the medical pro-
fesaion, public boelth admln-
b:traton and other commu·
nity organluUOOI t"o improve
the boelth before and beYolld
birth cl. America's children.
Tbrougli ecb:allon they hope
to motivate women to a J>Ol!li·
tive acceptance of the value
of prenatal we.
hands, confessing q u i t e
honestly that ban!Jhip and
paln don, bother her.
"Creature comfort! don't
matter," ahe says.
She is organir.ed, efficient
and unflappable. She knows
what guests were served what
and when from file cards she
started keeping back In her
husband's early congressional
"I can't do a thing without
trying to do it well," she
bu of\en said.
In I.be last few months she
has moved serenely through
the rigors of campaignina: aod
lbe election ; the marriage of
her younger da\llhler, Julie,
20, to David ElleDhower, son
of John Eisenhower; the reset·
Uin1 of the family home in
Key Bi.!cayne, after five years
in a New Yark City apart·
me.nt, and, flnllly, lhe histor ic
move to the White HQU!e.
"I only croa bridges when
J come to them," she says.
"I live one day at a Ume.
If I have •·problem I keep
it to myself."
Many times over the years
lhat the Dick and Pat Nixon
pollUcal team bu floorbhed
the masculine half b a s
remarked bow much h e
respects his wife's judgment
and relies on it.
She says: "I talk to peqple
and eet their opinions. I am
eyes and ears for Dick. And
I fill him in on what women
It's poll!ble that the brown-
eytd Califomlan bas bad more
contact with, a D d un-
derstanding of, the averaae
Mn. Emily Slriclw, pres!· TAIJllllS (April 20-May 20): ficlenl. dllcard rumors. Dealing« In·
, dent of the Laguna Beach Private talk with work· f.IBllA (Sept. 23-0ct. :12): dlcaled with relatives .• B~ a n d Prof~ a 1 a _o c t a t _! could _prove An apparent rt val la bluffing. vlalton, nelg~bor1. Day 1S
-Women • Club-wlll-host-tili-~-be-Younw1rllle""fl>OSS"n1mre·....lwx.="111<Lllrill&.----ner meeting and iniUatlon of resentment due to Jack of )lriglnallty Best to h Id . PISCES (Feb. IV.March 20):
new members in her Laguna communlcaUon. Cbnge of f · 0 your Utlllze c o n f 1 d e n t i a l in-
Beach home next ThW"sday routine is 1ndlcated. Be nu. ue. gbGive con~:>' ~~ forma Uon to further financial
evening ible Don't batUe progreu enou rope. . Y wa ....,. cause. · Day to add t o
Mrs .. Clementine LaWBOR. o itMINJ (May 11..June 0 20): game. PaU~lB your ally. pos.sesslona. Don't be misled
membership chairman will MoQey from put efforts ln-SCORPIO (Oct. 13-Nov. by one who flatters. Get the
conduct the initiation f~r new vea:tml!Dts in spotlight. Tune 21): Let others express views facll ...... then b{lck up yqur
members, Miss Ann Cora.w:t your moves. Make neceuary without 1 n ~ e r r ~ p t. I o n . beliefs. Profit indicated.
and the Mmes. Herbert Abt, domeiUc adjustment'f Accept Diplomacy w~ friends. Ac· GENERAL TENDENCIF.S
Patsy Orr and Sue Gilmort. aid from friend. Keep open cent on gettmg along wllh Cycle hlgh for A RI E S ,
Dinner arrangements are mind. You may do some those who perform special TAURUS. Special word to
being made by Mn. Rohm traVeUnc. ~ervices. Hunch pays off. Heed LIBRA: what appears to be
Gill and her c 0 mm It tee CANCER (June 21.July 22): mner vol~. abrupt c~ange -was planned.
members. Festivities w i 11 Don't mix businel,, with faml-SAGITI'AR~S (Nov. 22--~ow th.ii and protect your
begin with a social hour at ly affairs. Domestic friction Dec. 2l): Friends, loved ~es mi:r:;i:,: !l'lfnfY Omarr's '°""""•
6:30 p.m., followed by dinner should not be n.orrnitted to may be headstrong. Utllue bOl*ltlL TM Trvlh Abouf As!ralo!lv. ,..--· se se of h La h I Mncl )ll uni• to Omtrr 8aoll:ftt, at 7:30. upset sound judgment. Key n . umor. ug a your "'' o.1.1LY ,.u .. 01' Bo• :u.o. ~rand
Members may ob la In is maturity. Someone today own foibles. Set example or f=1~.'' s1.11on, " YOl'k • Y.
reservations for the fund·rais-may try to tempt you. with
Ing event by caWQ1 Mrs. Edna false flattery. Be practical.
liurilinaton Beidi
Costa Mesa Visitor
So. Coast Visitor
Harbor Visitor
F lrtt L1dy
American and grassroots
citizen, than any other First
Lady entering the White
House. For 20 years Pat Nixon
has been shaking hands and
Her slim figure - 5 feet
51h:, 110 pounds, size 10 -
is admirably suited . to the
well-cut, understated desllfler
clothes she wean now.
Cannlchael, 4M-itl65, today. LEO (July 23-Aug. Z2): Re-
Engagement Revealed
During Family Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Wt I 11 am
Dawson Joyner of Balboa m-
nounctd the engagement of
their daughter, Sheridan AM
Joyner to Richard Matson of
Monroe, Conn.
Mrs. Nb.on 's fashion taste
has kept p1c:e with her
husband'• rise in lncome and
political fortune. Gone forever
are the silk print jacket
dresses and the fussy little
lacy evening numbers that she
used to rush in and buy off
the rack when she needed
something. Now she wears
smart, younger-looking clothes
in elegant fabrics and flat-
tering colors, many of them
by Ruth Matt h ews, a
California-based designer.
On her strawberry blonde
hair she used to wear fiowers
and veils and straw sailors,
but now her short and lighter
blonde coif ls seldom covered.
To Join Brldat
Cloee relaUves were a~
prlled of the news during a
dinner party in the Alameda
bome of the bride-to-he's
maternal grandmother, Mra.
Arthur Beebe.
Mill Joyner Is a fourth
a:eneraUoo Calllornlau and the
great.great..granddauahter of
William Worthington Chip-
man, founder of Alameda. She
is a graduate of Newport
Harbor Hlgb School a n d
preaenUy b a junior and
sociology major at Oregon
State Unlvenlty. She pledged
Alpha lleJta Pl and lJ a
member ol Copa de Oro Socie-
ty, Children of the American
Not long ago someone joked---------Her flance, 11011 of Mr. and
Mrs. Roman Matson o f
Monroe, Corm., ls a eraduate
of Masull Hlgb Schoo~ Mooroe
and received 1 ICbolanbip to
Oregon State where be also
is a junior. All anthropology
to her that lf she kept on
going bareheaded the
mlllinery Industry would be
¥0'Y unhappy. She looked
almost stricken, and cried :
"But I l0vt hats: I would
like to wear them qain."
GOP Leader
Views County
GUJ Owen, executive di.rec-major, he afflllated wJth Pl
tor of the Republican Central Kappa AlpbL
Committee of Ora11•e Couoty No definite wedding plans -. have been made.
Babies, child ren, adults,
Groups photographed at
additional 99c per subject.
will look at the county1 _________ 1 organization during: a meeUng
of Laguna Niguel Republlcan
Not tinted or painted.
One per s11bject,
two per family. Women's Club Federated next
The NaUonal Foundation -
March ol Dimes employs only
IS5 people in Its headquariers
and 203 field representative.s.
The bulk of manpower oper·
ailng more than 3000 chapters
11 provided by the volunteer
And they plan to win the
battle against blrth defecta.
Al Mn. Watson proudly men-
tiooed-they alread,y have won
at Meet Thursday in the Monarch Bay
Beach Club.
The group's first meeUng
of the new year will open
with coffee al 9:30 a.m.
followed by the meeting at
10. Supervision for preschool
c.hlldren will be provided.
advice can t
or money refund ed.
! I
the war against polio! ·
Renewing friendships after
a month off from activities
are members of the Junior
Ebell Club of Newport Beach
who will meet for lunch on
Thursday, Jan. 23.
jecls completed.
A successful Chr is tm as
sharing project, sponsored for
a deserving family b y
Amerlcanlam chairman, Mrs.
Robert Basham, will b e
New commtttet members
include the Mm~. Richard
We bb, p a r llamenlarian ;
Raney Draper and William
Eedie, telephone ; Raymond
Strauch and Philip Sandenon.
Wll)'I and meanl, and Carol
Burril, bulletin.
get you in a lol
A mild little hand lotion
worked wonders for
grandmother-but if you
ex pect it to co pe with
today'• killer cleanera,
you're talcing the life of
your akin ia your hands.
' I
JANUAR·Y 22-23-24-25-26
I Peering
Josef's restaurant will be
the setting for the general
meeting Which will begin at
ti :30 a.m. Mrs. Edward
Whitehouse Jr., pttS!dent, will
di.red the business meetin1
and Mn. Warren Fb, first
-president will can for
reporll from cbalnnen Oii pt1>
The joint project with the
Ebell Club of Newport Beach
secured a meal, new ghoes
for seven children, new toys
and cloUtlJll foe the family.
Merchlndlse WIS donated by
merchants. A Qib &out troop
-led filled stodlnp foe
the children and too """"" ditloned blc:ytjea.
Mn. Robert 'Mlnmu, pttS!-
denl ~ the club, Nld all
Vedra ia the hud lo-
ti on up to today'• clean.
cira. AIOC1, the deaert'1
moislurbing plan~ belpe
restore what cleaners
strip away. Vedn Lotion,
1.00, Cr.am 1.50.
. -,
I '• Mn. Andrtw Koran. for·
-member of Jwilor Ebell J» of Newpcrl !l<acb didn't
a.I a Junior club In ber new.
..... to'lfn.. So , b formed
.. Sln 1Wael .Jpnlo r
...... , Club. TO -their
¢21 Zill, N~ Ebtli
,, .... will tend an env•ved
Oft!I lo-Mn. !Copa wba will
lie Ille -praldent.
" I
Re bekah Lod9e
Triple I.Ink Club or Mesa
Rebel:ah Lodi< has meetlnp
tbe fourth Monday at I . p.m.
In various locati001. Mn.
Doita!Q Morgan at $11.11138
ml)' be csDed for addltlonal
information. •
RepuhUcan -In Lacuna Nlluel and Its environs are
!nilled to atteod.
Dailr Pi lot
3088 Bristol Ave.
1 l :llO fJ Tiit llf: Hen (CJ (60) .ltflJ
OIJ119lly, om .. _ .... ., ctl (30>
0 SllN Allen S11tW (C) (90) Sit·
'"" Jlheit Clltnt. Dr. M1rsh111 Ho, Pro·
ftSQ TMlll·Ylllfl and .k)'ftt Mtid·
OW$ Joesf.
,'>o SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE-CM * 11Journey To The Center
Of The Earth"-Part I
O Sil O'Qod Mo.-le: "Journ1y to
th• C.nter of !ht [arttl" Part I
(Ki·l1) '59 -Pit Boonr, James
Mason, Arlene Daill, Diane Baker.
" In .lules Yer111's astoulldinr 1111 ot
th1 worid ~uth ttie [lrth, • in-
b kklM!*ll hom ltw m1Wll: -b111(f Mtftel1111 bf Troj111 wuriw "•ris. o Iii Cil m "" ct> <30l .,,.,.
Off Tn ttit Tu-rl.. .1u1i. 11 m..i
by 1 rauow employ• trom peflOll·
11« io htlp ttleir COl!IPll'IJ hire •
limed bllt reh.ditlt lootbttl htnl.
The p1tSS11r• II on Altfotptet per·
'IOftntl m111 Rank Klmlltll to outbid
wmtl olhtr comptn!" IOI tht
,rntla• tdri111 °' pro·foolb•H 1Lt1 1:r.r--Yrll'T1minr Dav. Boyd,, •nd whR Bord pltff
it cool, IM pet'IOMtl mtrt-Wholl
supttiorl alt IU flbld pro.arid fllll
-bHn. dttptnWy to Ji&jla for
hllp. MOITb £ttJ, r rid Willia111to11 .,, , .. turwd.
0""" lo ..... (C) (30) o @rn mnr•••"'"'ctl (60) 'The Artbt Is tor Framin1."
S11'iSI POiice lnspeclot Berman
(1uast Pa1.1I H..,..;d) trrnb AllX·
illd11 Mundy for tilt perpetntion
ol • se1ies of ]1Wel robberias. Gil
Seal• pl111 A112et. m 0ou1d O'ten"°' (t) (90) Jo• n1nn. £d Begley, M1rilyn Mu·
we!(, Melody P•tttnon, lortt ha·
zier and Sebasti•n C.bot 1111$l
(!JIM 11111 Oedt (C) (30)
«<lJ'D BfTT£1t 6E\' N.»11 FKGll '™AT PIANO e£CAUSli
. , . ._
Tut$Clay, J1nuary 21, 1961 DA11.Y l'!l.OT J/S
CRISIS ~ Harry Reasoner, above, and Mike Wal·
Jace report on the crisis in the Middle East tonight
on "Sixty Minutes" in color at 10 on Channel 2. .. , les30i" 1nd his lamily let out lo
Jllobfr ll'l)'Sttriu along th• 3963
mil .. to the Urth's ctnler, battlinr
fi11ntic prtlt!storic reptilt1. sai!iq
1111 51Jfllns See of Sakllll1Wfll Ind
findinJ the famtd lost city ol Al·
'"'Dlil!!l!ll*'-"""' By John Miles
(C) "flhlUMit 45J• (df1m1) '66 •--------·-------------..---------------...,.,:;-;;:;;;:~] -Julit Christie, Oibr Wtmw.
They offer their first-hand ~xaminations af the
moods of both sides in the cUrrent crisis of the
troubled area.
(;J ( "" (C) (00\ ID 811t1111 (Cl (30) fE Wllrt's New? 130) "Advent~rts
tn Dinol1nd." The Devonian Art
(319 million years llO) is ~p!ored. m 0tst1ne " c1ortt aJ ltl'l.M Ntw1 (C'j
t :JD 8 ltNIC ltl'nlniA (C) (60)
l!J YllJI!* ti t111 1ott1111 Ill Ult
... (C) (00\ m ....... , .. r Clrild (30)
"feadltnt: th• Koft..£n1![sll--Speakln11
Cllild-'' Marion M1rsh1H otfeis SUI·
1utions for parenb of ll!lll·Enrlish·
spe1kin1 childrtn to help them
prepa'e ttlt child IOI" $Choo!.
!D !IJ Ell •-(C)
7:00 6 C8S Eftfliftg """ (C) 130)
Waller Ctonklta.
O WNl's Illy line! (C) (JO)
GI ttt.ierd (C) (30)
fID Tiit frwtm Clttl' (30) JllU1
Child PrlPl'ts • coop d1nrier In
half .111..houf~
Story of a hrlllrl society Ill which
•II books afe bumlld and r•din1
is 1 crirnt. Tile titl1 al tt... film
ii the temperaturt al Whlell pa,per
burnt. Werner portrays • firtm1n
whose job is to burn t>oob, PIOl
elliniuith ftimn.
0 5*ute s (C) (60) Thi Doo-
dletown Pipers star in 1 11ro11Rm
1ntitled "'All American HofidlJ."
Q) Rut fw Tow Lift (C) (60)
tB NET F.Otl (60) "CiBlml o1
th• N!Mt"d.-Probleftts tr• tttaclled
In Sltiric:, iwm-re1llstic ftf111&. m Lii ~ ,.,,,llct
""' 0 9 00.... .., (C) (lO) ' lho112hlful Rift flom Leroy, an an·
tique cllimi112 dock, all!IO~t c.ausei
Dorii to :iuccumb to complel•
physical t~ll1ustion.
D (jjJ (}) Ill """ (t) (30) .,..
Ni(ht Walttt.." Jtenne A!extndw
pl1y1 Maule in 1 sl:OfJ about •
lftintl~li:ltmf" Silspected ot ~!!--
-~· ----,. -
'*'11 µ-'VE A. PlTE WtTH
6LOll:IA: vou'o !ETTER
Gll/E !1Ef A CALL: ~E
)r(t.'OW~ I WAS OM JAY
W"Y 01/Ell: HERE!
I 5'-K>ln.P HAVE
1'll HOOl A60!
--'-I m 111nds 1rt t111 ,. m Tmll • eo..seq'"'" (C) in2 1 '"'" because ht "" ..tinl -
, 7:301J9(J)Wctr (C) (60) (;11tsl
1 Stefani• Powm piers a winsome
t1 ish l•u wllo cons Scott lancer
"cclltanrinlted" food.
0 "-(C) (ao) Ted Meym.
into belitvinr her connivinr l1!Mr 10:00 tJ ~ @50 Nin11t111 (C) (60)
fnlly is an innocent down-on -his-CBS fjews' MagaziM-of-the·Air lei·
luck farmer and ttitreby inf(icts 1 1urfoa Harry Reasoner and Mikt
wave of thievery on the local coun-Wa1!i1C1 11 on-lhe-<1ir ed1tou.
trysidt . .k:li.ath111 HarriJ ruesu_ 1s 0 m N111n (C) (60)
the tatW, Wl'ho charms fht aulllble O ~~ m-·• '' (C) (00) S«Jtt aifficientlw town thl leil.e w~ ·-• • of 60 Kl• of t1nc1r 11111'.1 btfore "A Cold Is l'lodlilll T~ Sn111:1 at"
tile Mahbof11ood betomtll :rwere o! Agnes Moorehead, Pllil H1rr11 and
his llrteftOUS te!ldtncif$. Rodt1e1 -D1n11tff1eid .~ wl'ltll Q ljJ ({) m Jeny l.M'i5 (C) (6G)
Bobby IS fvlled by .tfll fhl bUl-
lhe. W1"1! Brothen. Ridl Uttlt, ~n~ C:J ~ Dtllclt (30)
Raymond Bun &~-.ltrry opens @ ntt .SJ!ow (C) (30) "Mike-Up."
the show sillfing "Red, Red Roll Selma Diamond &Ue5h.
;.:• 111d f~ 'tlitil • Ol'.ll'Mdy il<.111 ID BIG P1Jsptttiwt (30) A p.aRt!
111 which M ._:s.tr2tes • "pH 1 ol local journalisti talk wi!h •
ltct, • buRet-proof teSI . Jerry ind mayoralty Qlldidotlti abcM.lt the ep-
R11mond Burr particlpatl In • Sil tomi111 Qmp.aip.
•bout tlll prob!..,. ol two ttf'fngtl'~ m Didll ll:obH1
forced ~ JI!•• ftle -tibia in ·
• Cl'a.iad rtllilbtll'lt. Rldl; Linh 10-..JO (;J Mwir. (C) "Ytollllt s.twdlf' does h'nprmiora Clf &#. .. .,., : · Rocklflll.,, Gar. RO!t91d RMpn. (dr1m1) 5S-¥"ictor MdUIP, Rich·
Sen. E'Mllft Dirben. Htlbtrt Hum· lfd [&IL
ptirlJ)' Mid bl!lfl' Pmidefll Lyndon ID lltwli ('C) (30')
.lotl'*"'-Ma 1111:! ,..ts a ~ ffi hlp9 Jhws CIH!"'911CI (30)
sflot Ill Whic*I It. fl~w tM roles ol el Dr1ra 411 Mn
astroneuta Ed SU!liY1n. Jackie Glels-
on. Joey Si.sltop lfld GeoJre Bums. IJ:Oll iJ 0 @!)fl) Newt (Cl
0 Lost ii Spice CC) (60) . Q Altrl!d Hlttllcott o ll1l rn m"" ""' (Cl (601 m ,..,. • , c "Flight rMI Doesn't Antwer." Capt. "'1 ( l
Greer and the two boys face c!tath 6) Miwit: "S1111rt liirb Dot1'I
in 1 lorced plafll! cus~. They are lair (mystery) '4&-Yir2ini1 M1yo,
a1sl11111d lo tr1MPOrt TollJ l.Mldon, llruce llennett
~11 1ilin1 syndical• 'int-Pin. from
priton to tht slat• capibl for lesti· 11:15 0131 00 m ""' (t)
mony tlehott tht ll)Yernor, tnd the
pilot ii Sorced kt cmh·lelld' 1111 tl:JIS iJ M'* (C) "11111 II' ftlt AnW"
plu111 by • membs of the mob. (1d¥entur1) '56--Aod Slei1er, llri111 0 llli»lft $ Mow!« tC) -...t tf Keil"-
lJ'llllriel" (tomedy) '62 -DIYid g "'°"" -n,;.,: DttlCll" (com·
Nivtn, Mkh1tl Wlld"nia. Sllir• on edy) '39-Laurel & Ha"idy.
the poi~ °' ~ is 1o111 o @m m• lbftop (C) I~ !tie pl)lnts of YIPW al lwtl
llltlft, botfl di$fllsttd by warlare ~nd ID I L"9 LllCJ
Oft opposite sides. They are ,11~e i11
many WfJ!. 11:45 D@ CIJ m To11jpt Slltw (C)
ID T/Vttl er C.11111111t11m (C) (Jtl) ,
ThrM TV pmduoerl fi'o• clues to 12:00 m n S1111M'I SU•
contestants, .mo lry lo malth tilt
m111 to tht 1hclw' they prodllt.:8. 12:"20 0 MRi« "Srmllldfr, Mell! .. (1d•
CD"'"' .._11 (&'.l) tenturt) '59-Ktith Mdes.
m ,... • • 1m ~) u:JO m A&ftell n-w. '"541* o1 ttit Air.· fI)lll11 Aqrl .......
Ham-IQ (30)
ID...., -ltl !"1!
m ,...... OrtlOll """''
W f 0 ~J E S D A Y
-DA""""vr"'1""M"'E""M"'OV1=E"'s,.... •
t:OOtJ llt'litl ..... Pl'lttJ ...,..
(ttW.P roti:-fOllllllCe) 'SJ -S.1
Mineo, .loll• S..Oll, Lua111 f'ltttn.
OfJNtwS (C)
o--""' (C) ID rre9 ., _., ht (Cl
'''° m """""' "'"' .. .,, .. , City Confidefltial," '1ht Liiier'' and
"Tht ~int II.Id."'
10:00 O "ttMI' L.t lo" (rnys!1ry) '62
-Rldi1rd Todd, Ptl" Sellers.
lZ:lO ID ..,1tt"11• (d11m1) '!i6-Y1n
Heflit1. "'11.tlbl ... (drtnll) '56-
Mar11 SttrrtM.
!:OOa>"'111"'91 Ct• Ill T .. ~
(wut1ml ~eofl' Montao!Ml"J,
t.JO D (C) ...... " 111t MM" CH·
.,.,lurt) 'SI -V•• HllCllA, Juli J:IO 0 "f~ et tllil lldJ lltldl·
d (sci.fl) ~ MtC.rttiy,
DIN Wyntw. t:JD B -n. DfWfl #Id Nbt Jenn"
(ltnlllJ) '41-.1111 Mhu/. Ol&nN 4:30 IJ (C) "'MfA ...... lift" (tcNtft·
eotiun1. lurtJ '54-Al111 L.16d, Joll Tttnl
·Out lily l'tlntillt •11CI 0.1Mt1dtbl• S•rvir.•
for "'or• th•• • QM1•lt• of • C."IU•f·
ME AND $A(0 ~E
'ffiE MOON!
00 YOUR l'M<NT5
By Harold Le Daux
nm.'E"s i 'lftGlfr Ctftll U.ttro THE
FAT it;1nt:ff! TAI(€ HER: TI-4ER:E FOR
lllEi:E, PRET~P D-1.\f WEITHEll: OF
By Tom K. Ryan ,_..,_ -·--
.... --......... -,_.,__
By Gus Arriola
we 6eTCASH
Nixon Learns,
LBJ Didn't
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -President Nixon's in-
augural address Monday made clear he already
knows more about speaking on television than
Lyndon Johnsin learned in all his White House
Nixon's address was a low-key endeavor in
which. he demonstrated again his .recenUy develo~
ed ability to talk in a niost natural way to liomt
_viewers. Content aside, this".is a tremendously_v.al~
uable asset, and certainly a boon to the watching
citizenry as well.
For, as someone pointed out, former President
Johnson's constant and overwhelming drawback as
a television figure was that he always seemed to be
talking the way he apparently thought a President
ought to talk.
HE ALWAYS seemed to look, in his speaking
manner and delivery, the way he apparently thought
a President ought to look. He sounded the way he
seemingly felt a chief executive ougbt to sound. He
never -well hardly ever -appeared to be just na-
tural, just himself, and this left him open to very
easy parody and caricaturing.
Persons close to Johnson often maintained that
the way he was on television was not the way he
was privately. Away from the borne screen, in man·
to-man talk, he was highly persuasive and relaxed
and naturaJ, his associates claimed.
And, in fact, he did have one lengthy network
interview a while back, in the John Kennedy style
-talking informally with newsmen :...... and it seem-
ed that this program would break down the video
image barrier he bad unknowingly created. But
the promise was not fulfilled, and his manner be-
fore the cameras barely improved afterward.
THE CONTRAST of Nixon's and Johnson's
television ability over the years is vivid. For many
years, Nixon had no command of the medium, and
did his image no good. Yet he saw video's value,
and worked hard to improve himselI -and did.
Johnson, on the other hand, actually was better
on television 'when he was Kennedy's vice presi·
dent. A hall-hour interview he did on ABC.TV dur·
ing that time stands out even now for its natural-
ness. Yet once he got into the White House, he be--
came a more remote, impersonal television figure.
If he saw or felt the importance of working at
improving himself in direct television communica-
tion with the public, it didn't show -except for
that one informal talk with newsmen in prime time.
JOHNSON'S television relationship with the
public in regard to the Vietnam war was the ulti·
male example of his video failure. As the credibil·
ity gap grew and the public needed a very person-
al kind of reassurance. Johnson becan1e mare re--
mote in his image on the home screen, and his
chances to gain added understanding diminished
Television made clear that Johnson was a proud
man. And there are video moments in which one
recalls his great personal dignity at crucial times.
The nation saw ·him after he was sworn in as Pr~·
dent following Kennedy's assassination. And it also
saw and beard him withdraw from the race for
re-election last year -a moment in which it was
impossible not to admire his presidential honor.
Deianis the Menace
. '
' "
.. "",. .. ..,.,...,,...., ... _,..,....,,.. ... .,. ... ,....,.,._,....,..,,..,...,...,.. ... .,...,,....,,..r'T..,,,...._,r"\'...,... "'·'"'·""~·"·~·...,..· ":."':' . ..,.r:r...,.....,r••.,.,....°".,,...,""'""~"'1$'.>':'."-".:-.~.:-;-:-·":".":".~"";,":':;-;".--:;-;-;'". :-. ":~-:-": "': ""; ~ -.._ -;-.:-: -: -.. ~.,_:-..-,,_;...,.;..._ ~ ..... -.... -·-·•rL
JC DAILY ,llOT Tue$4bif, J1111art 21,-1%?
Towering Monument
'Elijah' Brilliantly Performed
By Irvin e Community Chorus
Of .... .,..,., ,. .........
Felix Mende:Wohn'1 "Eli-
jah" is a compelllng, deeply
moving oral0r10 tnat is as
much a towering monument
to a master ol mwdc as it
is 1n inJPired son& of praise.
It is a vigorous, exhausting
choral wort that demands the
uUnort dedication from its
participants and the m~t
meticulous dittctioo from its
leader. Add to these
formidable requirements the
tremendous physical demands
imposed on any choir by this
complex-. almost overpowerln&
wort and you have what we
believe to bt the reason for
llte v l r t u a 1 disappearance
from today's cooce.rt halls of
I.his glorious oratorio.
"Elijah" was in carefuJ and
compet.m bands SUnday night.
We wert a member of a
capacity audience at tht
University af California al
Irvine's Campus Hall which
gave Dr. Maurice Allard and
his Irvine Community Chorus
a richly deserved standing
<lvation at the c<laclusi<ln <lf
Crossword Puzzle
ACROSS ~ "4 2 I ulo.ff
'43 Advlct to
1 ''Thirty· blserunnet
nine -" -44 Holy person: •on·-; Abbr. Equal: 45 Senorilt's 2 •ords ido l
10 Canvas '47 Play. a p1rt
111ker's 51 B1seb11I
Ytsterday's Puu le Solved:
' '
Ulla grlppinc, pulsating work.
A well balanced choir and
e.Jcellent sololsll n e v e r
faltered in the.ir near perfect
delivery ol tbis memorable
''Elijah." And the casting of
bass-baritone James JohMon
in the tlUe role paid rich
dividends; he brought JlOlfU
and ast to hi! deplcUcm of
the fttquently frustrated and
<lften infuriated man of God
whole bitter disappointment in
his fellow man is so movingly
assuaged when the persi!tent
prophet seeks comfort and
reassurance from his maker.
Many (If those magnificenl
arias are still with us now.
We were particularly im·
pressed by sopran1> Darrellyn
Melilli's beautirully phrased
"Hear Ye" and tenor Estyn
Goss' moving rendition of "If
\Vith All Your Mcarts." And
Donna Fuller's fine alto 1vas
very much to the fore in
i.:everal key arias.
In an oratorio m ad e
KNOTT'S STARS -Costa Mesa's Kathy Esqueda
shares the bandstand with fellow California Sun
1nembers Ron Pezzopane, James Grinstead, Doug
Anderson and Frank Cota {from left) at Kn'btt 's
Berry Farm Sunday.
CBS Claims TV Violence
Cut in Half on Network
Perry Lafferty, programming
Vitt president for CBS, says
his network has cut explicit
violence in hair following
public outcry at the uaa.salna·
Uon.s la.st year of Martin
Luther King and Stn. Robert
F. Kenoedy.
Four months into the new
television season, Lafferty
said: "There's no question
we've reduced the amount <lf
violence on our shows.
"The only series that pose
problems for us are
'Gunsmoke.' 'Lancer,' 'Hawaii
Five-0,' 'Wild Wild West,• and
"I didn't include 'Miss ion :
Impossible' b e c a u s e it is
primarily action and drama
with alm<lst no explicit
Viewers know tt isn't TtaL
The fact that 11 Isn't e<&
i temporary helps dilute Ott
f.i&htl and shootlnp ...
I Curiously. public ... ctton lo el'' decreased violence has beeJ:l . 'I negligible. Viewers apparent I}'
.. ·· are ne.ilher pleased n o r
W displeased. . •
lfllltA-...r !
Evidently the viewing pu~ic
can take violence or lcaVte
it al<lne. The network ha.mil.
been overwhelmed wilh ·~
plause f<lr its effort, ncr
criticized ror waterlng down
--------•· ~ the bloodshed. "The assas&nations a r c
poli~ shows you have nolhlng responsible ror a closer ex·
left." amination of violence and
"Mann.ix ," according 10 1..af· gratuitous killing," Lafrerty said. "But these govtrnment
ferty. presents the biggest commissi<lns on violence cony:
problem because the private along every ~ven years -
eye doesn 't have a franchise 1954, 1961 and 1968. Each time
rrom society like a cop or we try to exercise our best
sheriff to deal with violence. judgment without losing sight
"Our 'Wild Wild West' still or our <lwn goals and Ute
contains c o n s i d e r a b I e public taste."
violence ," Lafferty said. "Butl?~~~~====='"-,
"So only five such shows --~
out or 35 prime time series 1 '
-or one-seventh <lf <lur 673-4048 '._ "
enMtuct st1tlslit
14 .'Butter· 52 One who
notew<lrthy by the tremendous
demands it imposes upon its
participant!, no greater C1Jn·
tributi<ln is called for than
that given by the <lrganist.
Ruth Langworthy Hall met
every <lne of those demands
in a supporting performance
Mesa Girl, Quintet
In Knott's Spotlig ht
it is moreBoAf LaBcO.clooAn. -
schedule -is pretty good to OPEN • • • •1."c" aLv?!T!Ut!:,
begin with. The 0 t be r 6:45 H UNTINGTON ...... CH . U7·•eot
fteld 8" ex1cts aathor s1tlsf1ction
15 Group of 54 Seo~ In
tlqlltnslve certain
s.ats ~rt 1/21/69 lft·F111granct 51' -the 17 l ount jewel Waves" 6 Priestly 35 Lass dlfferenUy 59 Enco111p1ss· vest11ent 30 Man's n1111e
11 Kind of ed '/ 7 "D" on 37 Stag, e.g. lnvestntent •l Kirt o( report card 39 Character l• Singer crown 8 Fe111ininen1111e In "Trilby"
20 Requl~ as 62 Ch1stt 9 Pac. Oc ean '40 T11nsparent
a necessity 63 Having no nsti: 2 won:ls paper
22 E111barrtssed co111pany 10 Until no w; '42 Egypt. solar
Z4 Malay 64 Htldin9 2 W«ds deity; Var.
tlagger. Var. lh• list: 11 C.-ud 41 l egislator
2• 'Pac ific p0tt 2 word s 12: Out of the. 44' Metr ic units 27 Jfortf'I 65 TV or 11o•lt ordinary 46 -out: 1(111
C.rollniins bactorovndr 13 Occvpatin -Oltefpkut
31 Sb'lvt for 6(t Blaci . 21 Re cline '48 Enterhlln· s uperiority •7 Btst b11I 23 Brealr: dow 111ent for11 JZ Bitter purga-telecaster ·25 List of '49 Turn outward
11Yt dfug 27 ,','"•d idalfs 50 Imp 33 Calendar DOIN 53 Skatin g tnllY 28 N. Dakota's surface
35 Hlvfily 1 Painful ne ighbor: 55 Brolldway
dlspleistd 2 At Ul1t li11t Abbt. rolt 31 lall meMbtr l Direction 29 Olsorde:rt 7 5 ~ God
1• Klod of seat '4 Procl1imed retreat 57 Ticker_
-40 -••nln; ·11ie gosp el "30 RK reatlon 00 Ottomin '4l NateoUc• 5 C•rtaln 111· 34 Pa rt that Ellpirt shnlb erary works rotates offlclal
Hawe youf picture laken
with a favofile televis10f'I
or motion piclu1e per-
sonality. The $1 cha1ge:
goes to the V1lltyYoulh
r oundat101.
JAN. 24 thru FEB. 2
Mon.-fri.3to11 pm
Sat. Noon to 11 pm
Sun. Noon to a pm
Ad•IU $1.75 ttindre• 75,
• S.1 M-y ~ & 1.....-t S,..,.. & V.cwtle.1 f:11Jrilbltt
• S.. T••-~ All·H-fl.Witt T.U. hllibit.
• S.. fobW1a G11 I H1R'"'9 f"91°p..nl bltlbitt
• S.. lc"t• & ColorfW ~ & Mulot 1 • ..,...;-t
Vo.o•i-h11ocl f•hl\ltl
~~''' orr,·,r· ,. ~· "'""""""' •• 1: .·. ··r" · ·. .. ..... , .... r ' 1
, '' "" " ' ,. e . I"'., I• !' • ' '·"' '. I , Lii" Jn 1
4' S.,,llln1-----15 Manf1ctllms
that particularly caught our F<lur boys and a C<lsta Mesa
ear and her fine organ work girl blend voices and guilars
literally ensured the success in the "California Su n . ' ' of ''El.ii.ah." They'll display their talents
BRIEF SALUTATION at Knotrs Berry Farm·s
It was a pity, we thought, Festival of Sounds next Sun·
that Dr. Allard did not bring day at 4 p.m.
her more -to tho-Jore when-Run Pezz.<lpane. and. Janes
t b e r i c h I y t ;i. r n e d Grinstead of ·Garden Grove
a c kn o wledgements' of a both play guitar, Doug An·
delighted audience were beinll'. derson of Westminster plays
garnered. Miss Hall deserved bass guitar, and Kalhy Es.
muc h more than the brief queda of Costa Mesa is
salutation she received for her featured vocalist. Leader of
two h<lurs at the keyboard the group is Garden Grove 's
and a faultless performance Frank Cota, \vho sings and
that sealed the success <lf this plays drums.
fine "Elijah.''
l\1any new c omer s lo
Mendelssohn 's magnificent
()ratorio are deeply impressed
v.-ith a choral work that has
proved to be ageless during
a century <lf performances.
It is reminiscent of Handel's
''Messiah" in many ways ,
particularly w i th Men·
delSSC1hn's uliliiation. in many
<lf the arias, of the block
harmony in the final cadence
that is so much a feature
<lf the Handel work .
Bear with us while we
m<lunl the ever ready soap
OOx for our fina l paragraph.
What we· needed Sunday
nighl in the audience was a
present day Elijah to use a
Jilt\e James John son bellowing
at the latecomers who helped
to destroy the beauty of those
opening arias. T h e y were
allowed to enter as they pleas·
ed, completely di srupting the
solemnity <lf the <lratori<l's
<lpening end completely in·
luriating this critic.
We don't blame the
latecomers. We blame a lax
management whi ch allowed
this to happen. Let us hope
that it y,·iJI not be allowed
to happen again.
P lay Bought
Universal has bought screen
rights to the J<lhn T<lbias play
"Is the Real You Really
Mesa Slates
For Comed y
Tryouts for ''T i1e
Remarkable Mr. Pen-
nypacker," one of the largest
cast shows lo be staged at
the Cosla Mesa Ci vi c
Playh<luse, will be conducted
next week, iL.was announced
by residenl director Pali Tam-
The readings will be held
Sunda y, Jan. 26, at 4 and
8 p.m. and again M<lnday,
Jan. 27. at 8 p.m. in the
Community Recreation Center
at the west gate of the Orange
County Fairgrounds.
A cast <lf IS adults and
nine children ranging in age
Cr<lm 8 to 20 years is required
for the Liam O'Brien comedy.
Scripts arc available at the
Costa Mesa R ec r e ation
The play recounts the gay
and wistful crisis in the life
of a nlan who becomes the
head of tw<l households. "Pen-
nypacker" will be presented
for two weekends, ~larch 21-22
and 23-29 at the C i v i c
Playhouse on the fairgrounds,
with f u r t h e r infonnation
available by calling the
recreation department at 834·
networks have at least double =..:. ~=ula
the number or westerns, I~------....::
detective or police shows that HELD OVER lead themselves to violence."
Lafferty is oot certain ·there 4th WEEK!!
is any correlation between STILL THE GlEATEST
C<lta arranges all t he television violence and the SHOW IN TOWN
material for the quintet, who crime rate increase WINNEl O' Sii
ha ve been together f<lr several throughout the country. Still,\ ACADEM Y .AWARDS
m<lnths. He alw composed he is doing his best to mute i
most <lf ~the mu.sic f()r a the killings and brutality at
demonstration record recently CBS.
1nade b! the group. "Every single script Is
b,11 five _members_ <lr _lhe........uviewed+by~my-progr~in
''California Sun" plan to mllke dep8rtmerit.'' he said. "And
a career of music and have after we evaluate it, <lur pro-
entertained, separately and gram practices department
together, thr<lughout Orange analyzes it foc policy set down
County. by company management and
The group will be presented the Nati<lnal AssociaUon of
in Kn<ltt's Festival of Sounds, Broadcasters.
a showcase for young, talented "That way Y>'e weed out un-
cntertainers. Entrants a r e necessary violence whl ch ls,
eligible to win week J y , after all . a matter of degree.
monthly and seas<ln cash "\Ye 've d<lne a i<lt of soul-
.awards, and may return to searching and cutting. The
the Farm for <lne of the fact that we 've brought down
runoffs. violence hasn't hurt us in !he
The festival features non· ratings of the dramatic values
profressionals between the of our shows.
Positively ENOS Tues. ..
Starts Wedne1day
WI R•r •f ... N-Yw\
CltlflC'S .A.WAID
For lest Plctft9 •114
Int Acte,_.
ages of 15 and 25 years, in "But conflicl U the essence.1._?'""""'""""""""""""'"'=;I"-""""""""""""""""""==: the areas of music, drama of all drama. II y<lu taker 1r
and dance. Mike Dexter. !he physical conflict out <lf \
entertainment director in· westerns and detective <lr ~~I D Q ~
dicates that there are '<lpen· COAST,..,."' 11 11. ~il
ings for additional applicanis. ~~ .,.,0., """ • °'·""'
~j-ENDS TONIGHT Dean Shows
Ne \v Talent ... _
-~.....,,·-=,___.,_, •••
-.. , ... ~ ...... ~Spec.-,,.,-........
t:hte! S;:al:t:
PMl#i 11 i.I IWnOCOUll.
;_.,~P•·•._,,..i,f><ell.t«I S IUo
0'EN DAILY 6:41
Best Actre11
Best Direction
N.Y. Critic's Award
I jj@aJ!rom®
"~l'illlllt"'WI.~~" rachel. rachel -·i--·~ m::mar•-.•.ma am•
Peter O'Toole
Maggie Smit h
r. ~,,.,· .,
f" ·-1' •• _ .... ;\ '
N1WPORT & KA~&oa. {0\U Mt)~
I Peter Ustinov. Maggie Smllll
Karl Maiden
~ ""·•-·'-0 l1\'.M
WED. 1 P.M.
Fltll ltfrnll-111ts
M111tl111• .Allllllulo111 1.00
1 ll Tb1 'Paptr Uan'
, , l11lialt 11
-•JICllU\IRNER ·-•.millll06lll TECHNICOLOR".
The colorful sound or
Orange CounJY Music
.. 1'i!
From Fashion Island, Newport Beach •
get crumed !
2nd Hit •t Cinem• 2nd Hit at Cinema Wut
NOTK• TO CltlOn'O•S-NUU 1---:-::Ctl: .. = ... = ... :t~~.~ .. ~= .. :,:,:.: .. :,:---1--:11-;:;';';IC;.:M;.~?.;::,;.,.;;;,;,--:i.---=== .. ;.~ .• ~"=.==:... __
tU•l alOll COUllT 0, TM• C.l.l'TlfllC:AT• °" llUIUtQf •KYtTICMn lllAM• ?( f~ 1J:!I lllO'Tkl f'I) ffl.DITOJtl STAT• Of' CALl,OllMIA •o• ••c:rlTIOVI ....... ""-"""" ...... urtlfv """' .,. ' A o~ A ii' .tU•••IOll CQU•T Oil' ntl TMS COUNTY Oil' OU.HOil TM unOer.ill!llll ... c.rlffY 119 II COlllUdlllt • .._._ ti UM hrll• ' C e. Mitt, UH 11'4Tl o• CALll'Oll•IA ll'Oll
Mt. A"'IMt corw:ludin. • --.. ti lJU f'1Ks111!". ..... A..,.... Co"• Meta, Ctllforfllll, (•t11' d H'LLIE H &lNNV De<:M.. THI COUNTY OP OUNta £1tet. ol ANNA 11'1.AT'T, 0.C.•1'11. A-, H""°" BMdl, Qilltorflle, llftllliw l!Mer flls nt:t111o1M llrm IWln'4 of .. • ' ........ 1"1
NOTICE 1$ HEltfBY OIVEH .. 1fMI ltM 11(11"-nrm M""' (If AOVAMC:I "LAITll '$ COSTA• M£tA ONI! HOUR ~tlC:l IS HE•el't _!)..'_"!_ipl II !'!'f .. ,,.. ot Wl\.LIAM 1. WEIElt,
9"dl'°" of tti. •bow 11t!Nd dtctcltnt IMltlHE DltlVIRI POOi.. .,,. l'.fl9t M'4 MAlt'tlHlllHO end l'.fl9t ui. flnn lt E'!'J of the -.::V-'T..T',... -=l OKt•nd. ~I Ill ,._ htvlne <i.l!M ... 1ns1 tlnl'I 11 ~of 1fMI fllllowlfl9 ..,-. __.,.•I the tollowlne Hf'llON. .,.._ .:Id ~I ,v~ ,:,::1:; ,. .. flt! NOTICE IS HEltfr.Y OIY•N to 11w
-Mid .....,, •r• rM11lrM "' flit .,_ -II\ fUll Mil Piia ol ·~ '"'""'' "' IVU .,. JllKa ol •hkltntl ' wrtii'lt;""'*""'IY voUcfltrt. "In CACI""* ol \"" tbovt ........i ~
-· wltl'I lht l\ICIU•l'Y ~.. I" " II tolloWt! -" 1o1iow.r .. Office ol "" ~ .. ,,.. « "-1lllY9 tl'ltl •II ",..... hll~lnt (i.lrm ... tMI W'jf on1c1 ol tht ci.r1r. Ill h •bovt wu1i.., Ckl. I.Mot l"ltetrltlt .. ..,.....,... 11.ICMUD A. -"'° -..vE"ll A. """'"4ld oCOl.lrt, w to _...., ..,.."' -'111 lfW Mid ~nt trt reqU!._, t. ui.
-'llled covrf, Cir to Pf'tWll #let'r>. Wflll ~ ... di, C1I. U.STl!lt, l"Jltl Une, H11nll•90ll "" u"' ~ lo ..... vno llltm. Wltfl Ille 114<tntrY 'l9UC!)tra. Ir> 1M _.,.,., vouchen. lo ttw lif" C.1" .,._,... 11. 1 .. t 1M>1otf1. C.llfWN1. ""'"' • ""\1 "' FrlflllMr. !tie offkt or 1111 cltrt: .a t11f allow "*"'91'1111 11 IM dflc9 ol htr .. 1'°""-y, Wll\11111 V. Ctel 0.teO .a.-rv 4 1Nf !""' fa:: n. c.I' llif ~ $~ enlltltd <OUtt, f/lf lo 11tftfllt ttlt!ft, wllfl
.. tl'ltnl Niimi", l3IW Wnt Beverly STATE 0,. CALIFORNIA • 11.IC~APl'O A. LA$1Elt. = -~"' -1•1M .ui ... ':.en ttw t'lt<UlllY ~a. to t11t II"' 8°'1W1rd, lat A""le1, C•lllol'fllt t<IG4, OAANOIO COUNTY1 YVETIE A. LASTER f11 1n IN twit ,11>9 i. 111t .. f= Oerdelllcl •I lllt ofllc. o1 htr ''"'""'"" Whkfl t. fht 1i.~ ol 1>utlnu1 ot ~ On ,,._.,, 1), 1fllf, befor• mot, • $tllll flf Ctllfot11l1, ()1"1 .... COlll'll'Y: o1 .. 14 11t ~fblto l\M" !'!*!IN t. IP f' 0 L D, M E N 0 E It S 0 N 1 n d W!4tt1l.n.cl Ill •II ll'llll"rf P11tt1l"!nt Hol'1'1' P~C In llOd for wld llfh, (Ill J 11M11r't' 1, lfllf~ llefort 1M. 1 1111'11' lllt l'$t 1111~i thl1 nonot.. OINIMOOlt, »O E. 17111 11-1, ~ltll!
Mo rff* esl1l1 ot "Id Oec..itilt, Wlfll!l'I -11'1' N11>Mrtd WIU!en'I Clld knDlll'll Motlry PWl!c: I" •1'111 tor 1tlcl $11i., Da!td~Ol<lljli: 1 f IClollor 111, Co.It M ... , Ctlllornl1, """Id! 11
...,,....,.,,111, tltef' It.. tin! •llllllUllOfl !(I 11'11 "' bl ""' --""""°" _, ,.._n.,. ..... rid lt.ICHAltO A. .... ft ~n;;. .. 1111 .~ t1' llul!N• ot trlt 11fldfl"alfnlll
at' f!ll1 nolkl. 11 l!lbtCl'Lllld to ltlif Wf'lhll'I 11111~1 YVETTE A. lAITElt k,_,. to "" ~ti 1 "'"'"' In 111 mtltf'n pWt1111119 to 1fMI 111111 "lo.teof J1n1.t11'Y ll. 1'6t •nd 1U-ledted tie U1C1119d !hi ...,._ .. be flll _.,.. ...._ ,..,_ l!"I t';J.l n of 11kl dtcll:llrlt, wtlllln twr moont~
"? I' r1 R-GGl\lb. (Qfflci.I :.tell .ubscrlbld !(I fhe wltllln IMtrwntlflt ll'llf IJ I!, ' 1 1t11r IM fl~I Mlkllbl ol lhh notit..
EKKUh'I•. of t11 .. 'win ot J9M"" E. 01¥11 ect{ll(I'"*"" ...... -·-lf'lt MIN I !!.ti. ·c: I O.hd J.t-rv u. !Mt. ltiol .i»•1 MlfWd GIWlt nl No19rv f'11bll( • Clltl0fnl1 {Of'PICIAL IEAL) ' A~""tw. MAii.iit Wl:llER
l•ltNARD NllMAN, ll'rtnclHI Oftl(I 111 J-11 E. DIYlt Pullhihtd Or~··t 0.11'1' Piiot, Mmll\!1lr1trht Wltfi l!lt Wlll
..... Wnl hWl'lt Sllllet•r4. or-.. COun1Y' Nol•l'Y f'ubUc<•!lltT"I• De<:embar ,I, 'i'lii "":.;J J•nuttv J,,_ 1_'!, AnM~-d
"'" jlft ...... C:•llterlll• .... My c:-ml11lon EJtplres Prlt>CIP•I OffiCI In JI, lfff :r.1-of tr.. Etl•,.
""'*'fllll WotQf J11nt 21, lt10 Orintt C-tv at lllt 1bov1 "'""" dec9VI"' ~r ttt a&KV!rhr Publl~ or1nat Cot1t 0111t Pllol, ,,.,., Comml•lol! t!i1>lr•s LEGAL NonCE lf--. MllMltnell" '"' DI~ f'lt·ltt\\ J1nu1ry 1-4. 21, 1' I/Id Ftbtvtry 4, JUlll' 21 lt1I ut I. ll'ltl Sh'Mt, 1111!1 111, \J..~blltlltct Or•-Cold 01llv Piiot, IH9 ~ Pllblllhld o:.ntt Cotd D•llt Pllol, Cltll IMll. Clllftnlll ~llttY 14 211 11 ll>d F1bt111rr61.t; JllMlll'Y 7, 14, :n, & 19'it 11• C&ATJ~t~f' ~s;HaQ !~'::.. Mnll~INfrll
i LEGAL NO'J1CE LEGAL N TI' Oil' TM '"*~'1'*' .,.. (II'"'"" "' .. w1111 '"' w1• ..._ ... • l:'GAL NOTICE 0 "'-'"' COl)d!X.flllll .. llutlntu It 75t $1. Cltlr, l"ubll.ntd Or1t11 .. CMt! 011!y Pllol, ,..,.,.. IM!P..Al..D ·~·~!_IC= OllTitKT COii• Mlle tHM C1ll!(lrnl1, uncltf tht Jtl'IUIN 21, 2t lllO Ftbn.irv l , \l, ,,J;;r~ ot l~ OA~r,b ~~'::-ot SAlt·lU) lh:flfloln fir"' -Gt H .. H SERVICES 19'it IO;Wt
NOTICI TD CRllDITORS Em«tld It ~I" lttr 'i, a:im-HOTICll TO CltlDITORS {SUI.I,.... ""'1<9e. • Tia S.rvlttoi) •!'Id
•,.. SUl"ElllOlt COURT oir-THI! mlll'lltv "rv~ <llitrlct a111tn 1 uncllr SUl"IRIOll. COUllT OP THlf llltl Mid flf"ITI b com-tcl ot 1111 LEGAL NO'n.CE
STATI Oii' Ul.tJIOltNIA. FOlt !llt llWI of 1N1 Stile o1 C11'ornl.o. STATI OLS CAllf'OltNIA l'Olt followlnw ""°"• """-""""' Ill full
1 THI COUMTY OF OllANGE i'l&r<!bY tlv• notlCI ll'llt 1111 li>ICial TH& COUJlllTY 0" OllAHOE Ind P1.U"' ,..,1......,. It 11 fol .... ~ )------,,..,,,,,,------' ... ... A .. ISOt ,.rec;tson Pl'•YKllal'I' Ml tor Jtnulf'f 2L NI ..... 1m Nld'IOI•• M. l"rllst. lOfOf SOV!h V1ll1y ... mn ·w~k.:' e".':i~~~T L'Es~l~ss:t~Se~t ~~~~l~~~I:;. lo •dcpl t0~111te of LENNIS WLUIAMS. Oeeta~ ~~ "J:,;;.~l~r~lll .• t060ol CEltT:r~?iT~~u~'" N~J~Nlf.Sl
... L. R:USSELL 1"4 MAJOR e. L MEltLIN l . DAKE NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN lo I~ f\lld!ol11 M. f'rl11t n. lllldtllJtlllld 00 C•tllfY ""'' ... JUSSEll., Oruas~. $t<rt11ry crt'dlto,.. of 1!11 1bav1 11tnwd clecfdent S1ATE OF CALll'Oltf\111., COnd11eUnw 1 11\11111111 11 ""' W. Co111
NOTICE IS HEltEllY GIVEN 19 !tie E1Nr11d 1111 l!ltl tit "''-'' h1Ylll9 Cl•lm1 101lt11t ORANGE COUNTY: Hwv., NtWPOt'f 1t1cti. Ct!lforn1,, 11nci.• ~!too ot !fie eboYI ntmtd dec:ede"I krvlct Olrtrlct tht 1111d dKedlnl 1r1 requlr~ IO Iii. On J1nu11"1' 2(1,. 1'6t btlOrt mt, I tn. ll<lltloo.il ~rm neflll. OI J'J!OGltl!!SSIVE ~I 1!1 per~• h.IY!flll ci.lmt 1g1ln1t Pub.Jblled "ll!lllftl BllCh 0.11'1' ,P,!!o}j ll>tm, wllh !he MCHUl'Y V<)uc,.,.,r1, In NullrY "ubllC In IN! for .. Id Stile, (Alt W"'SH •!'Id tl'ltl 1tld firm II con>-
-uld dec1>11111I •rt r"'1111r~ to file J1B1H1rV :M. 1961 < ..... .... off~ of 1111 clerk of Ille lboYI Plf'$0!\lllV •P-ncl N1dl01tl M. PrltSI _.., ot "" lollowlnt Pfnot\5. WliO•
1"""'· w!lfl fht nKesurv vouchen, In entlllld eo11r1, Oi" .to .,,,.,._,., lti.m, ..,.1111 kflown to me lo bl ltie penon """-n1m11 Jn tul1 •f'd p1Ke1 of rnldtl'ICI 'fl'i8! afflal of "'-ci.rti. "' t111 1blw1 LEGAL NOTICE fl>t 111eeu11'Y voudlen. to flll """ ,..,,,.. 11 1ull$Crlbecl to thl v.ltMn 1,,. ire ., fOlkr';:
Wil/llM CO<ld, vr to e>rntmt !Mm, with dtnf.fltlCll 11 1!11 ofllai of Its Trv1t 1ln.tmff'll lnO l~IMri!ed he e•t,ultcl ROBERT J. L.AOO, not W, Allthunt
N nettsSlrv vouche~. lo tt>e 11n-f'-ml't 01P1rtm1nt, IOI North M&ln Stt..,t, Senti lfle Sime. "'I., Santi Ani. Ctl~nl•. de~lilntd 11 c/o e 11er1, L-e. 81r-r Ct:ltTl,.ICATlii: OF aUltNl!SS AM, C .. ll0<"11l1 '2101, ~lcll ls !hi 11llce (Olllcl1I ~ti) GENE 1(Rl!!SS. UC Sll•!lmtr, C°'ll ~ .MYtn. P<nl OH!u 80lC 1691, NtwP11r1 FICTITIOUS HAME ot but!-of ff'I• Ull(!enltlled In •II Ro!H!rl 8. ltublnJ1ell'I MUI, Ct1Jhrnll.
1k1c11, Ctllfarnll '2UJ, which Is the Thi uncllnlt!llO dOIS ctrtlf'I' Vie h. ..,.tit,, pert11nl.,. tQ 1111 Hllt1 OI Not1ry PublJc • CtllfQrn!1 STANLEY I{. GOODNESS. lGSIO $!eni I~ {If but1M11 of 1111 ~slt..ed cond\IC!ll'lll • 111,.1~» al 657 w. ltth Mkl de(lldenf, wlll'lln Ill rMnll'1 1lhr Prlr1<!p1I Office I" Ave., Gircko, Grove, C•lllornl•. I
I 11H matter•. pert1!nl1>11 lo the e1!1le ~1 S..llt "A" Coal• Mne, C•llfOl"ftll, thl flut PllbllctllOl'I ti ltlls no11<:t. Or•l'lllt Ccuntv Dtlld Jmuuy " Ifft.
H ld dtced!ftl, wlllllt• four monlhS wider tlit ticfltl""" firm "'me OI Oiled J1n111ry 17, 1t6'. Mv Comm!Hioll Expires ROIERT J . LAOO
j r tf\e flrtf publle11\e<1 ol 1hll llDlkt. $VSAN'$ HAIRPIECES in<! tl\lt .. Id BANI( OF AMElt1CI. NATIONo\t. J\I~ 6, ltn GENE l(RES$
led J1nu1rv U, 196, tl""' Is Clln'IPOSICI ot !tie tollowlflSI ,....111", 1RUST ANO SAVINGS Publ/11'1«1 Or111G1e C0111I OtHV Pill», STANLEY 1(. GOODNESS
\ P11trlcl1 G. Hiid.cm wile" l\etne In lull tnd plKI ol resklenct ASSOCIATION Jtn.._ry 21, 21 Ind Fe11t .. 1ry •, 11, Still o! Ctlllornot, o;irin;t Co,u~J!
I EllKUlrl• of !hi Wiii of i' 11 follows· Bv N. E. Jovner, 1'6t 10Mt On Jfnuarv ,, Ifft, beta.-. me. 1
tt.1 tbcw. Mmed dt'ctOenr suun wi111,, Herv£V, JloM Ill~ AuJ1!1nt Truu ottlc1r Nottrv Pulltlc Jn 1nd for ••Id St•I•.
!t:tLElll'S, LOFHE, Pl., Coll• Miu, C1Clforni1. E•KVtor Gt 1111 W!H LEGAL NOTICE l>er$0Mt1V •P11e•rtd ROl5EltT J. LADD, (9'11.ltl.NGIE'lt & MYEtS Oeltd Januirv' 1Nt ot 1111 llbiove Mmtd d«fdenl GENE l(RES5 1nd STANLE" K.
'l'tll Olflct ... 1'" SI/Sin W•li;.,. H"•rvev NUltWITZ. HURWITZ .. AIMER •• , un GOODNESS llncwn to "" IO be tilt
•H-rt 8tH~, C1lffClr11L1 "'61 Sl•l1 o1 Ctllfcmle, Or111111 CGl!nlv: Qt . J2llC &Intl NOTICll!! TO C:ltlOITORS Hr$0nl """""° n1111H 1r1 1uMcr!bed ta
, T1Ltlohe111: """'° On J1n111ry '-lf6t, bl10tt mt, 1 H""'"'1 auttt, Cillfwftll SUPll!!ltlOlt COURT OF 114E .._. wllflln l~1trumtnl tnd 1ciuw;i'"ltdfle0
l."""'1• !tr E:uc:ulrlir Nol•rv Publ!c In l'IO fol" .. Id S!1l1, U).fHt STATS 011 Colt.tll'OJINll. l'l'llt !hey exltCUIN !ht ume.
I .b T·UMf 11en.cn1Uv 1ppe1rl'd S111tn W1ti.c1 Allir•n fw ll:atcvllr . TNll!! COUNT't Of OltANGI (OFFICIAL SEALl l ltlled Or•flSle C<>1d D•llv Piie!, H<'rvey lr.t1CWn to ,.,. to be 1111 lie,_ Published Oru111e Goist 0111v Piiot, N11. A4UU Joi""1 £. Ot•ls
J JI, 2f dnd Fellrutf'I' A, 11. wl\ln.e n•.,,. 11 iubK.t!btd 11 the wl1"1n J1n111ry 21, 21 Ind Ftbnuuy '-11, E1t1tt al U Frll!ct M. Pettrto". NQlirv Pubtk·C&lifornll
1 ,, ll0-69 ln5trumml 1nd Klr.llDWlecfgtd 1ht U· \Hf los.49 ~g\~rE 1$ HElt:ESY GIVEN fll the PrlnclPll Ottlce In
• KYiee! the 111me. LEGAL crKll!Of"i of th1 •ban nemecl lkttOenl Ort11111 Ccuntv ~ LEGAL NOTICE (OFFICIAL SEAL) NOTICE lfltl 111 --htvln1 claims t t oln•I My Commlulon Eallcltel j JC$fllll E. 01¥!1 the Mld de(""""I tr1 rellulrtcl lo Ille JUM ,1. 1t1Q
, Noltrv Publlc-Ca!l!crnla 111.•·UM "'"'"' wllf\ lflt nK1n1ry YOlid>ersbo In Publt~ Or&'llll CGt•I Dellv l"llol.
I MEI.SURE TO Bl! YOTll!!D ON Prlt11:IPtl Offl<I In NOTICI TO CRlfDJTOll.S ~II.::~~. :'to<~~~= :e'°'m.' wl~ J1nuarr 1, 14, 21, 21, lMt 1.wt EMERo\LO BAY SEliVICI! DlST!tlC:T Or•nM Ctlun1Y SUPllltlOll COURT OF' 1HI! 11\e fle<•uarv voocl'llrs, fa Ille 11~1--------------NOTICE 01' SPlCIAL OISTlttCT My Commlulon Ex!llru STAT! OLS CALIFORNIA FOlt <Mrihmed at the cffkt of ti.,-•ttorllev,
NOTI CE IS MEREBY GIVEN ltla! Publblled O•al'lll• Cont O•UV P llcl "-. 1.41"9 ""l"reno ............ LOI AllOtles. C~lllftrn1111------:-:::::-------1 I"-fcllowl"\ mNlll'"' is lo be Vc1t0 Jinutrv (, l4y 21, Ie, lttl JI).~ E•lt!I of ROBERT HOW A It D t00':7, vlfllcll 11 ltil place o1 bu1l111u l"·mlt
!t),:ltd t'tt.Pr_..l~R~~g'e'ol\~n1~1(~ CHl,SSAQNE, ~std r.1nt= ~11_;;r_lt1n J 11 m10•11rm...J':!.•· al.tt•lttf
101ST tlCT on• Tund1Y. tl'lt Utl'I div LEGAL NOTfCE NOTICf: IS HEltEIV GIVl!:M lo tl'lt w""ln fcuv ITll!nlfl• 1n.r 1111*' rrif~UMrr; · Cl:ltTll'ICAT• OP IUll.MIU olTF~'.!r'-.J..1169..:. .....__ 1111 District c.rtdllOt"• of 11\t 1bow Mrnl'G dtadenl !Son ~ lf\Js notice. •ICTITIOUI MAMI I I'll ..,,.....,.,_. "' .. '"""'.... th.ti 111 ,.,...""' htYlnt clllms 1t1ln1I Diiied Oec•m-111. 1'6t. The 1111dlrll11nt0 dOel CtrllfV ht Is 11\0Yld •dOPI the follow11111 adOi!lonal CEltTll"ICATI! OJI •USIN&SS nw stld dec...ciMI lf'W rl'Qulrtd to lllt OovY Hocn1n11n. l.drnl11lst11trlK conducll.... I butlntu II 2)4 VIII• I purpei;t· , f'ld'IHllll H-of tf\I E1ltl• of !tit • _ The. UIC\vt"-IQA...(11-t•llllnll...Gltuti ~~11',.......don-·certtff-tie · h J:httn. _wttll. lfll ..ne<uMrv .voud!e~ __ .....,.... ntll'lld"'Oecleddt -Vl'11.. wav. Ot-. -CllJll!lrflll, llnlll:r
I l ltctrl( and communlciiliii! ltcJ,lille! t'Ol'ldudlnt 1 ~tneu If 1117 MIPle fM cfflct of IM clerk of !tie lbow C'Ult.11$ t.:LEGl!ITOH 11\e flcll!lous rlnn "'m1 ~ WOlllO'S I o lltldertro1,"'d lcctlloM. W II I e II Ave N 14 c I• Mt1t CttllO<" 1 lnltlled court, or fll present tllem, wllfl 1'11 NI. rr1• A.Y11t111 llERSE COMPANY 1nO lh•t "Id firm 1crn11n f"' .,....~ end -l'll!ed bV ·• 0• ' "' ' n •· !tie nteeSltY vovc:llen. to 1111 un-La AMI c1111. tlQ7 11 comPCHd of the folknw!nt ""°"' j •llher I 1111bUc •9"'1><Y' (>( I 'tiubtlc ~t'ldcr tllt flclltl-11"11 lllme pf IOS•S Oenilt!Md II 1f1e pff/c. of her •ltomeY Ttl: UfJJ 4'7 .. 17t Vl'f\ole nlmt In full 11'1d pllct of rltkiencl 1Jtllil'f' H dellned In Sectlen ~-~ WINDOW CLEANING In! in.I 11!0 firm ' Altlnitv fir Admlllldrtlfll( ! bl 11>e Sl1ft!I 1rid Hl11hWtYS Code, It ~ pf the follcwl"" P-en.cni J•mtt A. J1dltn1n, 41.C Wnl 10!11 Sttttl, Publlltled Oruin Cotll Oifl'I' Pllpf ~ •t follows:
I •nd 10 take ll<"OC~lna~ for "'" 11o ~ name In tull tnd ploce of rn1c11n« :1~ ~· r:"=ac~"'of ~~~~;1 ott'.2~ o,,~1.,mbtr l1, JHI •nd J•nu•rv 7, 1~ w~:.-o'r ... ~t. J~~.:i!"' n~1;1• vr11• fln!nce !tie con "' "'~" conver1 on 1, o1 tollowt ' • "93..,
I In tccordtnr.• wilt\ Ille pr1•~151~s cl ••rt ·Alan Herkus 1 ~17 Mtol unOeMllll'lld In a11 m•n.f• Pffl•ln1M Oiied D1Ctmb9r 23, 1961. Cl\ap!tt n (o:o<nmencl119 w th Secfi<I<' ' e lo 1111 nl•~ ol wld dK.clf'l'I, within LEGAL NOTICE HOMER H, JONES
1 _,1.1'6.ll 01 Part l of Dl¥1sori 1 of t~i::i~~"~:·rvC:f,111~:1•· C•llforn!t four months '"" 1111 firs! publk 1llon P. o. soic 31111 t~e S!r111s tnd Hl11llw1v1 C:oOt, t.Ublect • of 11111 noflct. Ortntt. C11ifornl1 '26£1 l to the coruent at Ille; PUblle •ll•"tY STATE OF CALIFORNI A, Dltld J.ln .,., 13 1'6t P.JIJIP s c !lk>r i. 0 Col.I Iv ! '" pubUc 11111]1'1' resooml~le for 11\e ORANGE COUNTY: ~trth• 'M ChalSlt~• Cl!ltTILSICA11 01' llttSINESI 1~ gt0«'.mtie':. 'n/'~, ~:, m,,
ow!'HnQ, ir"'"a11a11 and mllntenanc• ol Ofl J1nu1rv 17. lfft, before me, • Ex~u1fl~ ·o r the w111 of t!le FICTITIOUS NAMS' 1 No!frv Publ!c In ind tor u 10 stile.
j IU(ll l•c 111". ... 1.. Nol1rv Pub!IC I" •nd for •old Stole, ., 0 " 1 T~e ~ndet1lsmeO ooe1 certify he '' -•·-·II• ,_,,., HA-er H. Jontl Tha pol!j, will be c~en .... tween .. e PenOl'll~' ,,~ired Rllllerl Alen H•rkus •bO•• Mm K en ,...., ~-..,... ''"' 1 flou,. of 7 I m and 1 DO Pm .... JI.MES I. JACl(MAN Condudll'l!I • llu>l'heu 11 1t'1l H.,t>ot lr.nawn lo me lo be 1"9 ,.,.,.,,.. Wtl<ne 1111 1oc;,1ion· oi 1111 Do111nQ "p1tic1 for kllDWn lo mt to bt 1111 "''°" ~ ' 11-..d .• Cati• Mne, C1lllor11!1, undlr Mme It iubscr!t..d lo !Ill wllhin r,.. .•~Id Si>e~l•I 0111r1CI Elec!ion 'hell be Nme I• •ubscrlbt<I lo lh• within In· ::!''w202
1011, St IM flcll1loli1 firm rwime ot HARISOR '1ruml!'lt 1no ldU'>aWledted ht tXtcUlecl , l'>t FIRE HOUSE, Joc;lttd within the 1trvment 11\d ac1<it1CWlitdted he extculed S Ill A C ufo I tUtl HOB8YCRAFTS 11'1d 11\11 uld firm It tl'll lllM!.
Ol•ttlct. IPw seme. 1 1.,;''· • rni CC"'PCIM of ll>e tollcwlft9 Pl.ll"IClfl, ~ IUFFICIAt. SEA\.) I 011"1 J•"u•rv 10. lt,t.E (Ollltl1! S11!) Ttl: ltOl nemt In NII Ind olou -,,,...... ''"'' ... G•-• MERLI N L, OAK Ormlh V Ult Altll'MY .. r $!Xtu1lrlx "' ,... ~ ~ "' ••• t Se<::rettrv Nollrv Piibllc. C•llfornlt Publlthed Or11111e Cotti 01llY Pilot, 11 11 fella"": NcllJ'Y Publlc.C•l!fornlt
I Emel"lld 81r PrlntlPll Office In J1n111rr ll, 21, 21 ind Februtrv 4, Robert Sikes, Un Sim PllCI, Prlnc1Ptl Olllct In Servlct Olllrlcl Ort/1111 Cooni, 1'6t 6l""6t Anehelm, C1llfcr"(1. Ora"" COl.Ol'llY
I PVbM"'1ed t.1tun• Bffctl D•iL¥ Pilot, My Commlnlnfl Uplns D•ll'd J1"u1rr 10, lHt. My CommlHloll Eulrtl
J1nuary 21, 71, Ut.t 109.ff Mireh 21, lrn LEGAL NOTICE ltoblrt Srkn July ?I 196, -LEGAL NOTICE f'ubllshed 0••-C0111t O•llY f'llcl, SI~ of CatlfOml•, Or•nte C111,1n1Y: IOMOND ui..PH l.MOl!tSON, Jll.. _ vn Jl"WI... 10, 1'6f, belo.. me, I l.tllnln J1n111rt 11. 2t •nll Ftt>ru•rv •• 11, ..... "" Nottry ll'ublle In Ind tor s•!d Slife, U1111t1 ••Ilk S'flllf'I
'1 i I I
I i
l!ICrtW NI. lt,111·1MI"
Ifft t.Mt NOTICll TO CltllDITDRI Ptrson1Uy •-rid 1t•rt Sik's luiown CtnttlL Tl'ftl", Suite m
IUPllltlOlt COURT Ofl TMI! to mt to bt "" --""'°'t ,..,,.,. Or'ulM. c.n .. n.11 .,... STATE OF C:AllPOllN11. FOlt II lllbl.ctfbe(I lo the w(lf\!" !"I'"""'"! .... ,11, ... 0,,_, <--ol 0 II ,I .. THE COUNTY OF Olli.NOE I"'<! Klr.nowltdaed tit UICutecl 11\t ,.~ "''" ·~ -I y '
(SICI. '1tl-41t7 u.c.C.) SAR U71 N•. A41Ut (OFFICIAL SEAL) Hrnt. J11'11111Y 7, ''· ll, ''· 1Ht 13-" i~otlc<1 11 l'>ertbY t lvtn to cred•IO~ NOTIC:ll TO Clil!:OITDltS E1tete of HENltY KAROlNG 11.ILEY, JOltPh E O.Yl
t the w!tllln "o......i partk!s thtl 1 SUPERIOR. COURT OP THI! .ioo iu-n ll HENRY H. &AILEY, Nof1tY P~b!~tlll I LEGAL NOTICE " tta~sler 11 Intended to ~ madt STATE OLS (jl,LIFOltNIA FOa crn I I pen.onal Pr'1!Per1V herein •lier descrlt.. THI! COUNTY OF OltANGI!" 1114 "'1own 11 H. H, I.A.It.EV, O•u::eand. Prlt11:!pal OH1t1 In el. Nt. A '11t6 NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN lo the Ort""' Col.1111'1' NOTtCI TO Pl!lt!ONI INTllltl!"STl'O 1 "Tiit "'mt i"'<I bu•lneu acklreH of Eslt~ ol CAROLYN lOUlSE MtNEll. crldllors pf !tie. ibovt f\tml'd dt(toh'M My CcmmlutOfl E~•lres IN THll lflTATI O" AGNll Cl.SPEit,
ltife Intended lr•ntl~rcr ire R08ERT Oect•«d lfl•I •II perJOn1 ... Vint <ltlms 1o.1ln1t J~nt 21, Ult Dl!:ClfAllD. llcd A c t N011CE 1$ HEREIY GlllEN lo 1111 the 1tld Otcec:lti!I ,,.. ,...;ul.-..d to Ill~ ftubllalled Ora119e Cot1! 0111¥ Pilot, NQI!« II Mrl'br i lv.n: l E GRAY, 1900 WI Ye., 0• a credllot1 of Ille 1bcvt 11tmed detlOenl 11\eo'\, wlllt tilt necevrv YO\IChtn, In J•Mllll'Y 14. 21, 21 Ind flbrlllrv .t, To 011 0_,.. 1,.--. •"•''"' Me••· Ce!lf0f"ri11. tl>lt tll persons "'Y!fl'll c1tfm• ~11...,1 1111 oflla of tilt <lerlr. of ttw &bcVt 1'6t ,.._,,. '~"."'"'"' " I lfl!e namn. and bustne•' lddrns gt !tie ~Td , ll«tllent art requ red 1o flle enl!Otd court, or lo PrHent them, wl"'f---:;-;:::;-:-::--:::-=o==-""c"': 11 crldlto,.,, tltlri, 1.-.i111e1. or dtvl1H1. '" l~lend.O trtnslertt1 are. WILLLo\M lt>em, wot!\ the netes11ry vavchers, ·In "'9 ,,..;tutry YOl.>d'llrl fll !ht u,,. 1 c>GAL 0_ I" th1 u11t1 of A1nn Ct,l>er. Gece1i.ed, J! STOPNll( and HARRIETT A STOP· !tie oftl~1 of !ht cletk of hit 1bcv1 denltned 11 cfo YOU..iG PRENNER Mil! J'IJ tJCE wl!Cff 1111 tddrHI wa1 81lvkltte,
( f'41 K, l\lll LYnOC>ra, Norwellr., Cal1fornl1. ~1111-;:re~'!:, orvUe'(.tentlot~ ~ a, HEWS, Atlorntvl •t ~w. llJ Wt•I Nebr11k1 683\J, thtl ltlferi tn11ment•rv
I ft.at lfle pr~ITT P"'rtlne.il hertto Gtr!ll!..ed it cfflce of ii.. F Nt:ll!'Mn Tl\lrd llreet Str;I• /VI~ C•l!!9fnli '2IOl SUPllt!Oll COUltT OF TNI or of 1dm!nlltr1tlon ha•t bet'n lt1ut'd dUtTlbed In ,..,....1 as· Mllefllll, Altl>rhtY 11 ~· 1711 Onl!ln . AYe ' Whlth Is tt:, place of fus!ne1i ryf lhl! IT .. !'I! Of' C:l.Llf'Oll'WIA POlt to 0.11 Prltltrt, bl' Tl\eyer Co.Hltv
I Plln., merct.tndlte. ""'11h>mtnf, anG Ccsla Mtl.l. Ctl~'· 92627 'Pllcr!t • /1U) urderslil'lllll In •II mellel'l' pertalnh1t TNI COUNTY OJI OltANGll: Court, • eourl ol CC1l"IPl!enl lurhdlcllon
! 5~1~E 8"ST,t,~M~"' ~~s~ ~:~i: ~~~1·11::l'~~l11~"'r"P~fi''m':tte~1 ~ lo lllt •11•19 ot 1tld OKeOent. Wlll'tln NOTICE o .. H7it.'~:1oF f'ITITION of~,5~'1o11~:i~":e.._ h Indebted
1-ve•" ''' w 1 H'lh Strttl Caslt llllnln1 lo Ille e1111e ol .aid dKtdffll, lour mcnlf\1 1!'hlr the flrsl PUbHullon ,.0, IO or llok111'111 ,.,lQftfl pr-rty o1 tilt ~ c'"iit 1 fi ' Wllf\ln lour mc111f\1 Iller 1111 H~t public. ot thl1 nollct.
I ,f ll . ' om.. lion cf lfll• 110t1nr D•~ J1nu•rv 2 1 .. , f'ltOll.Tll!! OF Will AND Hid de<et:enf: Th•I M id bl.Ilk lrtM!er 1, ln1t"4td o.ie0 Decembei-.,.,, 1\IM. eessle E~ IU11~\' CODICIL AND FOR Newpart B•lbol $ev\ft91 •nd LOlll
11; be coruumma!M II lhe cfflce o! VIOll M. MC E I W I I 11 , Ad· Admlnlllrilrl• of !ht Wll! ll:Til!ltS 1£STAMl!NTl.lt'I" Auoclt!IOn, l366 Vl1 Lklo, NtWPOrl
1 1m1rcy E1crww Comt>•"Y· 3671 Wtsl mlnl1!r1!rlir of the l b<lvt f\IMrd deced ent 'E'1t1te Gt Fr•nlr. Jennlnoi E""'I", 11911 luch, Or11111 County.
Xth 51., Lon Anttln, C1llfornl1 tQ005. ~bci 1111 ~:~ ~~=enl CLAUDI! f. YOUNCJ known 11 Frink J, E""'ln. OfcflHd. Tll1l lht 11nd1~lgr1td dnlr'ft le rtcflW
, ... or ati.r Februtrv Jl, 1969. It. fl NEU'aAN Ytullf f'rtillllr & "... NOTICE •s HEREBY GIVEN TM! hit u ld 11tri.o11tl propertY Cl' co!1KI 1so fir 11 11 k!IGWri tc .wld lnltn<!ed 1"1• \),,1111 Av• ns wf.t TlllN ''""' Rober! L. Huml'h<"IY1 h11 111"1 111rel" 1111 cla1m1 ....., lo rtf'rl<lw th•l collKftO
I 'fr1n1f1rees t•ld Intended Tl'llnsferor ui.ed c1u1 Mn•. c11i1. tun Sanl• Alla, C•Of.lrnl• • Pttlllon !Of'" pra.1111t. at wnr •nd or rtctlYl<I f!"Om 1111 Slti. of C11!10rn l1 Ii lcllcwlflSI lckl!llon1I bVl1MSI 111mei Tit!: 1111) "6-7611 Ph..,.•: S4l-4Ul Codlcll •nd for IH\ltftCI of Lelllr1 IO l1'>e .. Id 11•lfl where ltlllln IHlll'r'ltri.
I 1ddre1"'1 wl!hln the three ~ears AtlerMY flf' Admlnlstralrtx Att.n'llJ ft!' Adml"lllrllrll Taltmenlll'Y ti PtlltlOlltr, i'...tef'ffl(e llJ'Y Cl" of 1dmlnl11r1tlofl hlv1 betn
I l'ltl: POUR HOUSE, 8lJ E. hi o:,;':~~:c'JP,'aj",..e C1o:JI ra·~~~'P'l~I •• lt, PuDlllhe<I Oranwe Cont OiilY Piiot I<> ~ld'I h m10e for l11r111er ,_r11<u11,.., lulltd.
I , Sin!• ""'' C1llt, 21 1969 •••• •• Jlll\llf'f 1 lt. 21 21 l9't l•4f •nll !hit !ht ltrTM 1no Pl.tee of hfflrfnt All ~•IOt\I h1vll'l!I dafmf 1g1!11st lhe afeG: J1n111rv 10, 1969, ' .._._ • ' ' the ume l'lls been pt fer Febru•rv deceOenl or In tnternt In Hid nt1te I Wlll11m J. SIOPnl• I" r;-GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE r, I~. •I t :JO 1.m .. In the courtr..,m l"'<I wl1hl1'111 to oblect hi 1uch r'll'MVtl
1 H1rrltl A. $1apriik ......:.. of o-rtment No, l Gt ttlcl court, mu1f give wrll!til ""lie• of 1u(!I oltftcllon
Tr1r11ltret<S ti 700 Weil Elellth SlrHt, In !tw to Ille Pt._ or P-e/'ICnl Indebted lo,
! Jm.()C 81.R·lll4 f ·D»l Cl1Y of Slnta l.n1, Clllfcr"I•, Ol' f>.oldlnt Hrton1I orppetty gt, !ht
,.Ubll11'1ed Ortl\Gll C:Gtsl Otll\I' P'ila!. NOT1C:E TO C:ltEDITOltS C:llltTIFICl.1E 01" llUSllllS5 Oiled Janult"Y \$, 1'6t. dlC!'C!enl, S\ICll nollct f'fWll bt 11¥"' Jtnu•tY 21, \Nt tl-•t SUPl!ltlOlt. COURT OJ< THE LSICTITIOUS NAM£ w. E. ST JOHN, County Cler•. IO lht HrlO!! holcllnt tht PotrtonaL pro-
' STATE OF CALIFORNIA POil The undinJgMd do ctrlllV ll>eV Ir• lttbttt L HIUll,IW"ln aerty or •t•ln1! whom the clllm !1
TH• COUNTY OF OllANGI! conductln1 1 buJln.u al 1S.U Plt<tnllt I" P""'rl• f'~, mt"'°' ti Ille ad0rn1 ... 11111<1 1bovt
NI. A411SI l.Yenlle, N-..t Bud!, Ctllfornla, under UH l.ll11ns Su!ll DI;, wlllll": JD DA.:$ Iller first publlc1!lcn
Eslt1t of OUOLEY CH I. It l E S Ille lld!llcu1 firm n1m1 or NEWPORT c.11 MIN. C11Uar11lt r.IW of 11111 notice, aAlt·lll' KOOISTRA SPENCER, DecetftO. TRUCI( LEASING inO ltltf 1tkt tlrm Ttl (n4) ..._.,,. Dlted: Otclmbtr 11. IHI.
SUPlll\Oll COURT OP THE N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the 11 coml>QseO of th• tollowlnt 11trsori1. 1.tttmeY kr PtUlllntr <SI DAIL PRIEFERT
LEGAL NOTICE ·~------------1 I
$1ATI! 01" CA\.IFOltN11. t'OR Crtdlton of lhl 1boY1 Mmecl dKlcltnl Whoff l\IMn In lull 1nd pltcu cl Pub!lmed O•lntl (Mii O 1 I t, "5 AdmfnlJlr1tvr cit bori~ non 1 "I TNI! COUNTY OF Oltl.NGI! !h•t 111 peri.ont1 htv!nt cllrm1 .. iln•I rHldenct ,,.. 11 tollcwl: Pllol, J1n""rv 10, 11, 27, lNt .,.., <.l.1. I Ni. A4 ltsl ll'te a.Id deced1nl art A<!ulrld to flle Andrt'W Ctel, JUI P11ttnll1 Avt.. 01 Ille Etf1le of "9nH C1.-,
NOT1CI Of' HEARING ON •l!T1TIOH !hem, with the 111eeHIJ'Y llOIKM,., In NeWllOrt 8No;h. Cillfornol LEGAL NOTICE Otetefld,
' FOR f'ROtATE OF HOLOGRAPHIC !he off!oe ol 1111 dtrl: of tl'lt aixr.1 Wllllim L. frlt<lt~r, ISf f'rttldlo •on
! Will AND FOR ll!TTllltS Ofl AD· enlllltd court, Cl" fO 1r111111 flltm, wllh Orlvt, Costi Mew, Cetltoml1 l'O·••• Publlllltd Oranee CNtl 01!1y l"llOI, 6U1ttSTllATION WITM TMI! Wll.L AN· IM tleC~1tr\I' 'roudle~. to tr.. u~ Otltd Jinuirv 11, 1ff9 .. J1nu1rv 7, 1'• 21. \HJ 24f + tlEKl!D. NO aOND ltEOUlltED. dersltned 11 Ille offlc:e of lier" atlonM1¥, Andrew (Kl NOTICI TO Cltl!DITOltS
Estell of ALBERT F. 1tUNT$CH, •IW CLAll:ENCE E. llLAIR, 'fl Wnt Comc>Ton Wltllim l . i<r!tOeuer IUPl!ltlOlt COURT OLS TNI LEGAL NOTICE lo;ncwn •• ALllE'ltT FRAr\11( RUNTSCH. BIYd.,. C<>ml>l<lfl, C.llfornlt fl0220, which STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~1ATI! OP C:Al..ll'OllNIA l'Olt
DKN ltd. !1 th1 Pltee cf'b\ls1..en ol ll>e 11nd1rslcilled ORANGE COUNTY: TNI! COUNT: O~Oltl.NGI JtOTICE 01' SALi!" OF RIAL
NOTICE 1S HEltE8Y GIVEN That In 1111 mitt~" Perl•inl1111 fll l~e nlalt On J1n~erv 13, 1"9, before me, I M. ..l 1"11.0l"lltTT AT PllYATI! SALi! tJNIT ~O STATES NATIONAL BANI(, of Slid dectdtnl, within tour mcmths Nolll'Y Publlc In lnO fer 11td $!Iii , E1t1!9 '1f JOSEPH JOHN 1(08051(1, No, NW p.lJll
• nah0fll1 blnk!~il llSCCla!lo~. h•• flied tfl'r The f!f"ll •ubltc•ll11n ol !Ills 110tlce. peroon1llY IH'tlr..i Andrew Cf<'.! Ind Oect•ied, SUPEltlOllt COURT OF 1HE h..,.tln t P<'!ilkin for Probl!t of Oated J~l!Ut,., 17, 1'6t. Wlllllm t.. ll'rledtver know" lo me NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo 1tw: • l•oloorepMe Wiii •nd fo~ lnu•nct of PE.oiRL AUOREY SPENCElt hi be Ille pe•IO!!• wl'lola nimn irP a.01tor1 of the 1bc~ nameO decH1nl STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR. Lelle~ of Admlnl1!r1!1on wl!h Tl'te Wiii Ad'mtnli!rtfft~ Wl!h 1111 W111 iubtcrlbed fll !ht wTthln Instrument ind ll'ltt •II person1 Mvl.,.. < .. lms 111ln1I 1HE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES.
JinMxtd, r1ltrtnc1 lo which Is mtd'e Anne•td of ll'>e Etl•"' tdttlCWltclt'ed thl:Y IXKuted !he samt. ll>e Hid dKl<lenl a•e '""'11fl'd to fl~ In 11\e Miller of lflt Elltlt of VIRGIL for f111th.,-Pltllcvl1~. Ind lt1al tllt of the •b!IY• n•rntd dKldent {Offi<l•I 3ell) them, "!"llh 11\t ntct1Slf'f voudlcn, In H. WAID, Dtcea&ed. tlmt ll'd pla(t ~ ht1rlng l~e 11me CltAn(f E. alMr JOllept\ E. D•Yll t1'1t office ol the Clerk ol the •bowl! Nollet I& ""'"'°' 11tytn thll tllt 11n-h~1 been •f.I lot" Ffbru1rv 7, ,.,.,, lfl w. C«111tlt~ IK. , Notarv Public . C1ttfoml1 enl!l!td c:ourt, or lo ftnfffll lhtm, wltll dff'll1ntd w!M 1111 11 f'rlv1lo 1119.
.11 t :30 1.m.. In '"' cour1roam ol C1t11•10ll, C•Rfll'lll• ttm Prl~c11'91 Olfkt In 111• nee_,., vovdle,._, lo !tie u~ to """ hltllftt 1ncr but lllcldef", 1ub!ttl
tltparln'l<!nl No. 3 of u ld COY•! II Tiit (IU) nHSU Or•nt• County clt'1!tned II the ofllc1 of 1111 lllomtY, to oonl1rm1llon ot Slid Superlllf" (:f>Urf, -..,00 W. Et1hth S!T"l'tl, In 11\t Cftv Of Att.rntr fer A*'>lftll!l'llfrlx M'I' Ccmmli1lon E••lru JOHN 1(. TROTTER, Jr., toll florlh on or 1t1tr !tie 1411\ d•Y oJ J1nu1ry,
S,,011 l,1\1, Callforni•. Wllll 111t Wiii A11 ... xld Jynt 11, U70 Brn1clw1Y, Sutlt $07, S."11 Ml, Ifft, 11 !tit office of GEIALO 8 ,
01ted J1nu11Y "lfl· 1969 fl\oblWled 0<111111 C011' 01llf Piiot, "ub11i11f'd Ortntt C11st OtllY Pllof. C1Ulornl1 tnlll, Wllldl 11 lhlo lllOt Tl.NN!N ol KATES, TANNEN & K-'TEI,
IN, E. 'ST JOHN, J1nutr' 21, 11 .... Ftllt\llf'f' A, 11, Jll'l\llfY 1l, 21, 21 •nll ftbrulrv oi, of bu1f111U of ""' ulldtrtltnld Ill tit 11111 C1n1 SI., l u!te l'OO, S.11 Ftrnu1do,
County Clttlr.. 1'6t lo.wt l'6t ""' miller• Ptrl1!nl11t II) tf\I Hlllt ol Cou"ty Gt Liii AngelQ. S!1!9 ol COOICSE'I', SCHUMACHER & MIN'l'A1t0 .. Id dtctdlnl, wllhln four monlf\1 1flt>r Ctllll>rn11. 111 ffll rttn1, tlllt 1r1C1 lntffftt
I '" Ttwn '"' """'"' .... ""' flrtt Pllbllc•llon (Ill llllt notlct. of ,.!d <ltcHMd ., fflt l!m• ol dtllll Or""t•• (1111. nUI 01ttd J1n11ttY 3. INt. 1NI 111 the rlt~I, tlllt •I'll lnltrQt
Ttl: )0·5111 Emer J11" l(obolkl 11111 the Wale Gt Hid dlcltHd h11 ,t,ttor~•YI kr Nin..... SERVING THE PUBLIC AND TRADE -'dml"!111'11tor of 1t1e Et l•I• u:oulrtd IN' 0Ptr1tlon o1 l•w or ollltfwllt, l"'lltll11Md 0•~"11e C"tl 0.llJ' Pihl!, ot 1111 •bow °"'med dlcldlnl otner 11\tn or In tddll!On lo 11 .. 1 of
J1nu1ry ,1, 71. ft, 19't 1114' JOHN IC. TllOTTR"lt, Jlt. 1tld dKM1eO, 11 t1w llfnt "' M11t1,
' "' NI. ,, .... "' w ii. "2r In Ind fO 111 !tit <erl•I" ••OPtrly LEGAL NOTICE WITH
e Lttt1rhuds
e 8u1intt1 C1rd1
• Mtnus
e Tlchh
• •
e 8u1ln11• Forms
• lnvit1tion1
e POtftrs • Houte Organ.1
1111 Wu! B.tlbo• 8Dul1v1rd. Nowport 811ch
ltllll Alll. C1llf9Ail1 tmll 111\1.altd In tf\I C:Ollnh' of Or1n1e. 1!1le
T•h 1474"' ot C:tlllcr!ll1, p1rt\c:u11rtt dncrlbeO 11
Atttirwr fff Mlft!Mdnllfr fOllowt. lo-'#lt: Publl.,._ Ortllff Coait 0.(!y PJlof, AH UNONIOED ONE·HALF IN·
J1n111rv 7, H , 21, 7t, lt6t 124' TEltEST '" nr.f'Ollld ,..., .,_h"
LEGAL NOTICE 11 "°' E. l°'!flflr St.. Mtlltll'll, C:•lltc,.,11, )fwetJy deKrlbM tt follnn:
Lot ll and lllt w,ittrlt U i.tl
Ill. lt·Utf of L.i 14 pf Tritt No. IM.1, " \'-'! on ,..._ ~~ 1n 80Cll: '3, NOTICI TO CltlDITOltS f'tfts •s..M " Ml1ctlllntOU1 M-.
SUP•lttOlt COURT Ofl THI! r-11t ot Or11111 C-tv, C.Uton>lt . 111.Ta OP' CALlll'OtNIA f'Olt EXCEl'T1NO Ill oll Hlrolllu!I'.
1NI COUNTY OP 01.ANCJI 1sllll•lll.H'll. 1• Ind 0111_... hvdrot1fbcll ttt. A416'1 ...._ Eltt~ of THOMAS C: L I " F O It 0 l~tll:ft h<w.,. 1"° tlelnt tnere thtn :see Ifft """""" lllt 1~rfte1 of Ille l.ltC11ER. o\llo known It THOMAS C, lilllf •llav<I dttetlbtd: """'htr wllll
AllC.HElt, D11t.tatid. ni. ri911t to 9f\flf -..1d lll'ld Mlt!W NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVllN fO IM but nof •bo.,. ""' Nici Sl»-fool ...... 1
crfd!tort ot lllfl 1bcYI ntmef ~t kr ""' 1111,_ of tatri~nt '""" """' 111 ,._ lllYl/19 (11lml 111tn1t Wbllll'I("' ., '"'rvl'd In "" -
1M Mid ll«'ldtofll '"' t1<1ul1td lo 111' to W. E. Cltnt Ind pfllln dlled
lhtm. Wiii\ 11'11 lllCttllrY -11trt. In J~ty Jt, \fSI.
ft\I otti«" Gt IM e ... rk ol l1w Atlo\'t Tll'fnl 1111 "" ctV. In WW'lul "'°"" Rr>HlllO oCOl.lrf, flt fO -..M them, wllfl of lhJ Ul'tllld 111111 tn conllrJ"l!lllOI\
thl _.,.., ...wdllra. lo .... Ult-f//f Miii. Cl" •lff CAii\ l lllf bllana °"""ned •I !flt dfkl ot hll lflot'l'llYI. tulc!Mfld "' ""'° l«ll'wd bY Marlltll WALL.ACE, lltOWfol • C!'l.tlll, W DC!vtf er Trwl Dlld on 1111 p,_rty ..
Dr!vt, Svlll ,,, ........i lffdl, CatlfOrllla IOkl. 1tn -tent ot -llt llld
f'HoA Mlld'I Ill the IPIKI " tllltineM tte be ._11111 wltfl bid. o1 ""' vnderal1,.,. 111 111 n11tt1r1 ..,.. tkh or _,.,, 1o "' 111 wrnin. tl'lll
ja!rtlnt lo ""' ''''"' .. MIG <ltctdlllt, wm "' l'l(:el\Jtcl " , ... ..__Ill eltlet w!lfll" four "*'"" l'fTlf II• llrtl Mllcl· 11 • ..,. tlfN 1111• tllt f!nl Jlllbtlulloll "Oii I/I lhll fltflc9. l'lit'IOI _, ""'-"' di" of Mlt.
Olllld J1r1111rv J. *"' Dtlld lllh 10111 GIY o! J•nutrY, 1,.,, "•mtW. A. lntn•11 afLIN L. WAll.D.
AGm.lfll1t,..1rrtt o1 thl t1111'o l'.li1<lll•I• of ""' L11t wm
ol 1111 '"" 111!'11td cite'°"'' of ulcl l>lt"'nl, WA1.UCI, 11t0WN & Cltl.1111 IS'ltALD I . Tl.NN•N ti UJ ~on,.. hllt tt ICl.TIL TAMNIN & M:ATIS ~ ._II. Cl ... Ril ..,... Ult "'°' $1 •• Sllll Mt
Tth M.a1f "" !'~. Clft. flMf .ltlenllf• fir Aflflllll..,llMtt Atltnllt tw aaeclllrltt
1"\1111\'ll'>ld Or1ntt C .. •I Otllf f'l"11, Ptllllllflwd Of'lllH C.11111 Ol!l'I' Pltot,
"""t r"l' 7. u , 11."' 1-.. 11..tlJ11>111rv 14, 11. tl. ,.., .M.ff
OAll.Y l'1laf IT
1000Gen1r1I 1000
Charming 3 bedroo1n or 2 bedroom & den.
H4 baths, firepla ce, carpets & drapes, built·
ins & forced air heat. 'fhis well landscaped
home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a
very large fenced back yard, with roo1n !or
a boat, camper, or build a rental unit! lt has
a paved alley entrance for easy access . Loca·
lion is just about perfect, l 1h blks to New·
port grade school, and only 2 blks to new c.Jty
park. East 17th street and \Vestcliff shopping
and two other schools within walking dis·
tance. For appointment to see, wtitc:
· Private Party
Box P612
Doily Pilot
NE\VPORT near B ca c h,
some OCi'an vie111, 3 UNITS.
2, 2 BRs & guest ap!. Dbl
gar. $34,500.
EASl'SIDE C.r-.f., '.! homes
on cort!E'r lot, 2 BR & l BR
Live in one, rent one. S32,9!IO
EASTStDE c .M. 8 units l BR
ea. Excellent rentals. ln·
come $660 m<'. $5,11,500
0 ~
Near NB Post Ole. 646-2414
Mao;iazine Cover
Show Place
do not alwa}'ll come in
SMALL pack.ages. As an
rxamplc, be sure. & scc
lltis BIG 4 BR 3 bath
home w i t h additional
16.xZi' living room. AU
the nlce things, too. Only
4 1 i years old & in prin1e
central location. 0 n l y
$36,500 & it's YOURS.
Can be seen anytime.
-->'5464'°"' 141-
(0pen EV1ningi)-
ln absolutely safety in this I~"'°'~~~,,,,~~""~
secluded location just a few Kid~ies Ride steps from schools · I.: sho~
pi"'°. 3 Bedroms, 2 baths & Their Bikes
all electric kitchen. Ov.·ncr Charming Custom 3 bedroom
asks $26,900, only lO~Q down and dining room in a pie·
or 11.'ill trade for uni!s, turesquc e11.sls!de selling.
646-7171 546-2313 Open bean1 <..~illttgs, gleam·
OPEN EVES. 'TlL 9 ing hardv.·ood Iloors. & used
R·2 lot + house. Rare avail·
ability, high investment p:>-
lential; close to Ocean Blvd.
l: beach. J BR., 1 %. baths;
some view. Always rented.
Priced to sell, $37.500.
brlek fireplace gives the liv·
ing room a "Copper Kettle"
stylt·. $26,500 -Terms arc
easy -
546.1313 646.7171
Four Beclrooms-
r-.~ove Into lltis large family
Gtn1r1I 1000
A»aume Sll, '50 to~ltA LOAN
or 1700 sqtlaM fttf. fo1.ll'
bedl"OOln, 1 ~ b a t h hon1e.
Ideal borne lot tarae lMU11
011 larac cul.de-u.e lot. cios.
to achcdll. JIU~ ~
tation And lhoppirlc. ONl.'t
* * * • * SIX UMITS
Own lwn sharp triplexes,
Two and thrtt bedroom
aparlments with 1 %. batha.
bu1Jt.Jn range and oven a.od
foreed air heal. Located
ncal' East 17th Street Shop-
TOR. Substantial return oii
your inveatD\~nt. Priced !.O
Evenings Call 646--1050
Corona del Mar
\Valk to beach and shops.
Cozy ft'Ont home newly d~
corated with beamed ceil·
ings and fireplace. Large 2
bedroom apartrnenl also ha.I
beamed ceillng5 and com-
pletely carpeted. Plus Nice
guest room and bath. Double
garage, each unit is com-
nletely furnished. O "! n e f
leaving area. Mutt Sell~!"I'
Qnly $38,950.
&1&-7711 Open ~
4 bdrm Pacesetter. 2
story Ooor plan with
dining room & panelled
den, beautiful n y 1 o n
shag carpeting, new
palnt & large yard. Top
l'Ondition thro!J&boul!
Priced at $36,950.
See it this week.
•)1 ~1·s~\~·r,\.-"]\1 1 1~,
546-5 990
home today. Close lo sho~ I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiii•
ping, schools and churches.
J ust put on the markf't, this
onr won't last. n:>:~ per
m onth lncludes taxes and
insuranCl'. ONLY $700 DN.
total C8..!lh required!!
Newport ••
For a cozy 3 bedroom, 2 ba1h
home in eX"cellent location
drapes, BUILT·INS on 6000
ft lot with spacious yard
with towering shade trers.
All this can be yours, Mr.
Qualifying Calif. Veteran.
Call .NOW!!
2790 Harbor Blvd.
545-9491 Open lilt 9 pr-,1
Eastside $19,500
6~J'i~ financing aval'ablf'.
Large R • 2 lot, 2 bedroom
plus den and : baths. Wslk
to all the shopping, detRch-
ed double garage, chain
linked fence. Act no\v or
loose this llltll'.' grm.
Colesworlhy & Co.
1904 Harbor Blvd.
CM. 642.7777
Open Eves.
Baycrcsl 4 bdrm bon\e wilh
lovely pool. Patio with BBQ
I< poolside \J.'t't bar. J car
garage. Minimum c a re
yard. Price drasl:ieaJJ.Y cul
/or quick sale.
Arnold & Freud
38't !::. 17th St., C.M.
Rl'.'altQ~ 646-7755
514% LOAN
Pnyment!'I $141 mo. tncludf's
1111. 4 LA.rge bedroms, •PDc-
ious liv. rm •• 1""-BA. large
646-7711 Open Eves.
Fit's\ tin1e listed , •• ateps
to 10th St. Beach. We are
very proud to offet this Im·
1naculate property. Always
rented summer &: 'winter.
$61.500 ls the price ~ v.·e
have the k('y.
2025 W. 881.boa Blvd., N.B.
Uke New
4 BR. J ba, tnod beach homr,
Jl!'\Y carprts. dra~s. paint,
Vocant. ready ID go, $35,500
Whistle Clean
J BR, 2 ba, n1od beach homf',
$25,500 • lc:rms.
Caywood Realty 5'68-1290
6306 W. Coast Hwy, NB
VA-MeH Verde
Neo do\vn at all to veteran.,,
See thict sparkling clean
horn~ wilh new carpeting &:
Iota of extras. Hurry now •
don'l be sorry you didn't call
u11 (after it's !lOJd). J,.ffA
lertru1 OK alllo. OnJy $2a, 7:iO
(I'll!• Cllltml 11\tJtrt)
fenced y11td. Near !!Choola: --RtnfBNterS-
lt So. Co<u:t .Ptaza. Jmmech· Hf'po!I!'.. :t BR SU!,4:"i0. $7".JO
ale po.w-saion. dn. Sl~17 mo. J>llYS all. ~1.ARTIN R.E. r46332
jiiii!Oi!'C!P.iEAl!i!iNV!mlEWif,. I < nR 2 """· iz.·\30, l1"!l dn., 5198/1110. ~ all.
2 UR. 2 Ba, l block
to beach, $29,SOO
G1tOrge Wllli1m.t0n
Realtor ,
GT.J."3..'ll l.Ve!C. m..1564 -----
on 3 101~: Nljacent to Ocr•n·
front. SL\.i ,000.
81lbo1 RMI E1t1t1 Co.
700 E:, Balbo8. Blvd., Balboa
Probfth .. Suhtnit bid~ 3 Blti,
I ~~ baths, Sl6,5CQ.lema.
Bob Ol10r1 Rc&l!or ~
W&rm irrvltf~ Jiihaki• rooted
hGmf, 11 Ith J bdrm11. l.uc11ltd
in qu iet \V~tclifJ r .. -UI to .....
Pete Bar,..,t Rt1fty
tsm \Vestcll(f Dr. NB 6-r.?.S..."'OO
4 BR 1 * bath, large reir
yard, close to shoppine. Call
Newport .,
100' I 300' lQf
Zoned R-3 C.'P. with 1400 ~
ft house. $49,500 miall cio'Mi.
Also other a.cteage US.im
per acre in city. '
;1'1 ... <;T,, ..... "', ••
1797 Orange, Costa Moa * 641-1771 Anyti-'*
2 Units E11t1ide
2 BR f'ach. FlrepJat~1 h~·
wood floors, double p~
Uke new • , • , • • • •• • $2S,5Glll.
' c
HorM & Business C· l
Excellent fol" ·aocountanl,
beauty salon, a.ntiques, etc.
Home includes_. BR 2 bath!!.
double garage ...... $23,5@
6"l8 W. 19th Strttt. C.bf.
Duplex $24, 950
Eu:taide CDllta ~fesa. I Lard·
wood noon 4 double ca_r
garago separating unita il
bdnna a. c:h ). Extra I.at&•
kitchen arta in 1 unit,
W111a-McC1rdl•1 Rltn.
1810 Newport Blvd .• C.M.
548-Trl9 Eves. 644-«iSf
3 bedrooms. l bath:J. Rrtrii:-
<'1'8tor, dlshYtMher, lwcury
carpl'til'l( & dn&pcs. Only 1
yr• ntWI Walk • in pantry.
TARBELL 2955 Horbor
Bt1t Buy In llolboa
Duplu nc 81.,f. 2.-2 BR'•
Funt + -· lo>I' -$39.000.
& lt Mk.bat!, ~~tor rm &. Batt-' m. ~
ChpnMI Rftl-
For Sale or 4ue at S5"Jll
pi:r mo. to nliable pnrtiel
o n I y. Olelll!I' SaU:sbaf7,
Rrallor. 673-6900
.... 9111!11--------------...... -------._....~~~--~~~----. -~----..
f8 DA/LY PILOT ,...,.,, J"""" 2l, 1%9 t~·!'tiOU~m~~Slnl~ri.S:F:O:R:W:==~l!.-~-!-~>tOU~°'~··•s~~=FO==lt=SA==L~E~~~..,-i:IHOUS="'ES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RIAL ISTA'Tt ol 1000 Cella -'1100 Coron. dol MM 1250 Dvpiu• For Sale 1975 Apts. Furnltbod Apb. Unfu-Apts. Unfurnlshod O.norol L Go-.! •-r-·-11 5000 ellt Bl ff 5242 R1nt1'· Wontocl dt90
Vlo-Vl•-Vlew BEST ••~ NEW DUPLEX ---:::;e-:5;"::--;::::;;~= j ·~;;"if';;;;::';;;;;;;:;;j
16tlt I Tustin-Costo Mesa
J!::rtellent local.ion, near schools, llhoP.plng
and beach Only a few left. Buy now "bile ln-
terat ratea ire only - --
7% with 20% down -~% with 10% On.
no 2nd -ne points-29 yn on balance
Exclusive Agent
p. a. palmer incorporated
T'rlCt l'h; $40.5113 From L.A. Coll MA $-8034
N:.!..-.=. ~ ': coRONA 0Ei.'MA11 ':!"'..;.:...:~~ 311_,!E~1u,. . VENDOM-E ... · Preslige locltion ~.~~::a;';:f:~
view of ocet.Q. Muter bed-Small bo1.we Pita Fun. J\.nt. ' $ t>rstres a~ 4/S 'sX»
,.... witlt priYaw i.t1t • al Ualt on full .._ lot .J'tlll w/VW of ..,... • Bay. ,,. ZS Month r.. ...... -1111 ttQ. ft. -· ••ll ••-cbftlitc toOl't\. PalDI Verde price $28.'00. HURRY ON i'ina.ndlw. pal t~nna. J'107 Pt.JU, OPnON TO BUY ~ ~~ t BR., 2\S bL A.i>f.. f'rr.k., turn ~ BR bt.'h apt.
fireplace. Ji'antlltic buUt 1n nmi! :..::-Blvd., N.B. ~ CRefrlCtntoni ..tn.ilahlaj ~T ~~ ~-1~ta.~!"t ba.r, Lqun&!Newpor'l Call I 1-
kitcbert, ~ famfty room VOGD.. COMPANY Nodepollto.a.c. SE:CnONS .o.n .... ,...,. .,.,.,. -...-..... ; w.. ~ 4:30. 71t: 56-Tln tin.
wltlt enclooed coort yazd. 266'1 E. Clout lln .. Ct114 RENTALS H.FJLC. AV-off ltllclt. Dish ......... dbL """"° ,
u-$3&.000. 613-""° --Fumithod Fumlturo Rontolt Cl-to Shopplnt, Par1t ""'"' pool. Coowol<nt to QUIET, ft-"~ eo•~-u~ •rt • • Splcbu S Br' .. 2 Ba -· _.__,_ .._ ~• ~--· •••
.,. ftQ --l•lo to Shiro 2005 517 W. Utb. c.M. S48-3l8I • 2 Bedmtma -h ~ s . wt.......i Income & fOI, ... SPRING Lido.... 1351 :t5611W.1"1dn,AnltmT!+2800 •SwloiPool.PuV....... ONLY $32SMONTH _..,.,.,,..,-.. -nv • y mv SINGLE pl w/3 bdr eoodo $ll5; 2 BR .. ear .• utiL paid. • n.i. lndlvtlnarJ !ac'lo-•P~ funt & ttJlfurn. Applox ._.:._a ~J. I. Custom Family Home cot TV, wilhf'r/dryer Ad-<llilclttn 0.K. 1145 Anaheim Ave, U5 AMIGOS WAY mo. Avail Feb. !Jlt or lakr.
I •• -"anwtime" A beautilul home Oil large am.1 I Brookhurst wlshes to Broker S3U9SO COSTA MESA "2-#M Newport Be1ch t.aruna Bcb or CdM a.ru,
2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. e · lot • to 6 Bdtma, 4 ba .lb.are w/u.me fi5. mo. =========== Mgr, Apt. 9 xlnt references. ~1605.
toZY28Rhomenea.rNew-£00~~~~~~ ~ roommat•• for Cotti Mell 4100 tuOI; 2~.:!~ba.,p.no. cor0na del Mir 5250 F~taYMde:.·~~OOU:i C cu~ ~ ... • JNTROOUCING • w w. ~n .. ~ ~OK. . ....,.. port Hel.&bta. ~ de Sac R. · :~ .. Realq Newport luxury 4 BR.. home ~ _....._ Baker. East ol Fainiew to
street, J.arse R·2 lot with Ml6 Via Lido 673-9300 Oll Canal Private club &:: u t ;]) 1 FOR SALE OR LEASE •.,, $250. Mo . Call ~10
room fur rental Unit, $19.900. pool. Wo at 6<f Oubhoose • Ch1nnel RMf ~ e LANDLORDS e Graham R-11.. S.ylront Duplous NB. m-ms a t6ere P ho .. o-· FREE RENTAL SERVICE --·' J105,CKXI • 2-three BR'a ---------•nt UM Aot. .... .-... EAST SIDE CX>STA ~ Near N.B. Polll OCi.;. 646-2-t14 $Jl5.000 . 3 BR I ,...,, BR's WORKING aUi to share turn ~ Cl:>utrty's ~utifuJ $550 ptt t00. to rellabie par-Broker 5J4.Ql82
NEWPORT HGTS. AREA QWltfl'S LOSS with Fittplaces Ubiversity Park home w/ NEW Adult hvtbg compla tie.. only. Chet Qllsbwy ON TEN ACRES 1 ~w-ANT~C" .. "','-c•-•"'pt.,.,-.,..=,.,,,.....=,_ I
. ------
AU. THIS -AND R2 OWNER BAJ~G Otrr. Walkir Reifty same. [)a,ys ~ eves. CUstom tum or untum. Realtor. 673-6900 1 I 2 BR. Fwu le Unturn ing girl SQl..$90. Pbonr
_ . /$25.500 YOUR GAIN! Many extras W~t.s ~:.le ~~e 3336 VU.. Udo ~S3XI "833-0:,,1'31_:::::..... ____ ~ Sin&lea • 1 Bdrm· 2 Bdrma $ll5; 1-BR. w/w, drapes. FrJJJcs I Pri I Pltklt I _:64>-0l:;-;;;;79~alt==';;'JO:,,=====
ommir.-3 bedroom or 2 are added to this 3 BR fam.. oo rie esa e * YNG male 24 v.'OUld like • Contemporary Oistom bltns. di.shwuh!:r Pool&. Tennis • Contrlt'l Bk· --;;;
bldromi I: den 1%. be.th&, Uy room bomt in Mesa Ot>l home. Price reduced to 7'1'. INT. 16% DOWN rm. w I ha.th 'or share. Call De&ign ' Broker 534-6980 hL 9 bo2e Putt/Grten. Rooms for fCent 5995
firtplace. carpetl •I drapes, Mar. W/w e&rpetll 1 year $28,950 pool & alt CAU.. ('harming compact 3 Br 1% 645-1191 att 3:l> pm or be! • Lwrurioul Gardens 900 Sea l.a.ne, CdM 644-26U
built-in A. forced air heat old, v.'8rer ht-ater 6 mo11ths 540-H .1;~1 0~~~~-t ~ v e 1 ) Ba, frplc, lrg sunny ~Hos. 10 am •Bubbling sprin& & brook Costa Meal! 5100 (MacArthur ar. Coast Hwy) CQLLF,GE Or working &ifl,
This well landscaped ~ old, sprinklen, 2 baths, nice en._..X" ...,. .... .,.... ate modem kitchen, 45' lot. $47,-'·EMP--LO-Y-ED--~-man---t o • 42' Pool & then.py bath live on Bal h. KiL in can be found <Ml • hur:e R2 built-in kilchf'n with dish-NEW 2-&ty. 3 BR. 2 Ba. 500. Owner will finance. share plea.sant h 0 me •Activity room/billiards 2 BR. New redec. um sq. rec/rm I.net: SS5 Mo. up;
lot with a wry large fenc. waaher. Large living room Cptg. & drapes; Ui,950; 67S-2&l3. w/wne. $00 M 0 n t b. : ~~Bath ~:!:,~~ ~ achu':'e~ ft, new crpt, drps, LR 18x22, with meals $125. 675-3613
ed back yard. with ~~ .. u &Dd fireplace. Close to all $3,000 Down. Owner 6f2...91S7 548-0072 days. • 0u•-"-.,...cu"ae~ ,_pea-• -.1.-. bltn kit., 601 Larlcspur, SITS LARGE Room w/private a boat, camper, or uww a school and shopping. Low Hu t' gton Bea h 1400 ........,. ..,~ "'6 .... .,.,...,.. mo incl utiL Adultg, refs. bath &. entrance, sundeck, rental unit! It has a paved •-t nd -• ~~and M sa D I M 1105 n in c • Encl. .............. &:: sto-.. e Discrim1nat1ve Tenants •~mo. Bea•h ·-• . ..,._ ~ entrance for easy ac-~I~. On•Y ~u·'""" • e ar DUFFERS DELIGHT Costa ~ 2100 CENTER~t;;v,.-n -~h:een l, 2 " S BDRM. APl'S. 646-4095 ;;,M & ~ 7o; man only
cess. Location is just about --FIXER-UPPER, GI I o w \Vhy get up at Dawn to play FURN 2 sty, 2 br. 2 ba. Bay&:: Ford/Harbor & New. POOL. NO am..DREN 4 BR. 2~ Ba., frpl., cpts,
perfect, 111' blka to Newport ~·-SC lill1Wil down. $26,000 value, 5 ~R, a round!! \Valker &: Lee bas cond., incl piano, bltne:. port MARTINl9UE drps., garage, bltns. $300 ~acri;t~~~7ar pa.de Khoo], and only 2 blks --• -• -• ..._ converted gar; needs pa111t. an ideal 4 bedroom borne :R.e£pon adults only. 546--2668 2000 Parsons, CM 64.2-S670 Month. Call: 54G-l234 Ext
lo new city park. East 17th carpet. $23,950. 0 w n er on the ~rd Tee of fi.1eadowl========= GARDEN APTS. 421 d 5996
street and WHtcliU lhoJ)-546-4607 Lark Golf Course. Vacant & Corona def Mar 2250 ~ SEA LARK Uth I Santa An•, C.M. 2 BR. lor furn.) Fireplace. Room & Bolr
pinE and two other schools 1093 Baker. C.M. 546-5440 ready for your family. "T' MOTEL Call ?.f.rs. Henderson 646-5M2 Near all. S15fi mo. 67s.-3l53 LOVELY borne, nic! loction
within walldllc distance. For I"'""~""~'""""''""'""" I Meu Verde 11 TO Priced to match yoor score VIEW, I u x u r y, $375. 1rn Santa Ana, Apt lll, C.M. after 5 p.m. in Fountain Valley. Pre.l~r
appointment to see, write: For Growing ------in the mid 30's" mo. lease. Aduloi:, 2718 WEEKLY RATES CLOSE To beach 3 BR.., nice employed lady. Worth
Privatt Party Fa ·1y l BR 2 bath. family room, w· .. lk & L. Sbdl, China Cove. 644-0900 2301 Newport Blvd.# CM NEW GARDEN APTS. carpets, drape3, st 0 v e I lookng inla. 96Pr2741 aft
Box P6l2 ml 2 !irepfa"'" 1300! dn. 611% a er ee 1============ e 646-7445 • l & 2 BR. Modorn kltd><n w/ ..rug, ..,-. U65. 64&-<lill 6•30 PM
Dail.v Pilot Thi.5 young well planned split loan • total PY m n 1 s Duplexes Furn. 2975 --.,=;,..;;,..:.~~::.;;...__ l;;;iiiiiiiiiiiii.i;i;i;iiiiii• I level home ott~rs lots of' Iiv· $100/mo. Owner ~71122 76ll3 Edinger $25 Wk. Up ~ .i: oven, dia.bwasber, 2 BR. Car furn.) Fireplace. hor ing space and country at-J;::::::;=;:::;:;==;;;~J~8424455~~~0po~~"~E~v~"~-~5<0-~~511!!'40 FURN 2 Br, l~ Ba. Apt. etc. Enclosed gar. Olympic Near all. $155 mo.. 61S-31S3 Bays ~ mosphere. Large Ii v i n g Newpor1 Be1ch 1200 5'' ., many extras. $160. 54!>-TIM .• Slndtu<lioU!,·~cph .. ~~~r....... six.e pool B-B-Que l: lawxiry llft 5 pm.
5998 Guut Homea
a..-• 74 10 or 673-7350 ....., "" J.Al<>C ...... tac. Elec & water pd. From -r·••W room, 4 bedrooms. paneled W lk t 8 h Anyone qual ilies. 3 BR 1%1...:;-'-,:,..=-----e Maid Service-TV avail U35 mo up. Adults only. 2 BR Apt w/gar
&Inn recently rebuilt home ~ation room. Deck plus • 0 eac baths, elect, built-in ~e & i<.cNT AL:t • New C.aJe I: Bar 24l Wilson, C.M, 642-540! Mr. Forney Agt. 540-3862
WANTED: Elde rl y am-
bulatory lady de.-itts room
in rest home or priv. OOme;
Mission Viejo or El Toro
area. To $175. 837-2856 After
5 PJ.I
w/pa.t Bay View trom Liv balcony over looks ca.rt)'On NeU-'t'r ultra sharp 3 Bedtm oven, FA heat, carpets & Houses Unfurnilhed 2376 Newport Blvd. 5e9'i;i5 rm. masltt suite and Guest vic\v. Excellent condition 2 baths • Dny living room dralX's, largest lot in de-Gracious Adult Living
and area. Exdusive with with v."OOd burning fireplace \'elopment. Fenced, land-General 3000 Gracious Adult Living 2 BR, 1~ bath, w/w Cll.r""ts, rm. Luxury carpets, drapes. J Sm ti $42 ..,.,., wall -wall carpeting • huge 1 Bdrm I ts d fi ta ~ wet i.r and nice patio . . ean . 1 1. ,.JVV. scaped. FUii price $23,500. . -·• w w carpe • rap-rep ce, li'piral 1laircase
• •••••••• ............. $76,500 JEAN SMITH d,:.:. .. ganageat ~ 950& patio. EZ Just can·1 be beat. S134 per $2251, 4b<nf'amCh. nnild., 2 ~thst. "M· Eba!SoonA YEA'"s"T·o. APTS. and pool. 400 E. 17th Costa Pi-fesa ...... .., -· · month w w, s. em "' pe Mesa Eut Apt. fdn, Harvey 64&3'.155 . 0.K. Bro.leer ~ 145 E. 18th, C.M. 642-3474 lJ5 E. 18th 642-347.f
-Repossessions . --'! .... sP'RiNG 1Ymlil4,.-_o:; mu. Coste Mos.I 3100 'i:!! ':::.!":;,~!: ~: ''THE SEVILLE" ~ aM .._ "'6m 'T'!!im1r .....,. New 2 BR. w/gange $140. • ... REALTY FINE 3 BR.. 2 BA home Adults. $150. 2272 Maple St (AdulUJJ. Fenced, priv. yard, C.WWlll,. a.kw & Co. in scenic Sa n Qemente. ~-"'ANYTIME" 2 STORY /POOL Hom• in best area; near WestcliU =64>-4807co-==='=.';,,543-S51;6:..;;;.-=".:.._---cpl&, drps, bltns, water pd. ..:J-=::. =.. ~C:~~· Jo!. 46~ """"Har m d C.M Large Aeparate family room, Plaza &: scbls. Lrg fam EASTSIDE, Quiet: 2 Br. 2619-J Santa Ana Ave.
11:1 ,... CMt •-interest, 30 years. ";'points PJ,L.;,1 bor v ·• • quality carpel.l!i, 35' pool with rm w/frplc. Fncd yrd, 2 elec. bltns, patio. Adults 00.. e 636-4120 e f:=z=::z=::z=::::::::::::::=::::::::z: I to pay. New carpets and Ubrary for Dadl .ruter & he~ter .. GI ?r FHA car gar. Lease i220 mo, Jy. 361·B Ogle, &12-1298 NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba. 'I'Ymhse.
drapn, completely redecor-• lernu. Price IS right al \\'8ter pd. 833--0'126 LGE. Clean bach. apt All Bltns, crpts, drps, Incl gar.
ated. Some with view, ot-Plus excellent planned kitch-S33.500. 2 BR. l 1h ha.: Al.50 3 util. pd. Adlt.s, no pets. $100. Club hse & pool, 5404179 afl
fice: 518 San Juan, San ae-en for efficiency off ('norm· Paul Jones Re1lty BR. 21~ bA., condo.; pool; 2115 Placentia 543-2407 4 Sat or all day Sun. john macnab
Huntington leach 5400
EXCLUSIVE Misc. Rentals 5999
ON-THE-BEACH l>l ·Mo. ,._., <J&le
2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. garage. Comer 23rd &
Lwrury llv~ to pleue the Orange, Costa J\.I e 1 a •
1nOl't dlscriminatin&· No9' 548--0522
available at \ ,.:C:,""'==-==:-=
the Hunlinglt1n
Pacilic ~
LARGE single garage. Alley
entrance. 168 E. 19th, CM
Income Property 6000
7ll Ocean Ave., H.B v~R, hilly leased glare mente. (Models open daily). ous family room. Exclllllive 847·1266 Eves. 536-n24 $170 Month & Up. M0-6289 ATTR. 3 BR apt., 2 ba.. NICE 2 Br studio apt, near
• BAYFRONT POOne 49'2-!1288 or 545-3@3 listing. by appointment only. Executive Home 2 BDRM. HOUSE $140 W/W carp., drps., attr. yd. occ. 984 El Camino, C.M.
• Just listed s Bedroom, fam. W . E. L•chenmyer, Rltr Delta Real Estate 646-4414 A home of distint'lion _not a 2306 ELDEN 54g.3481: 540--0154; 646--6922 S145. !J62....Sm0. Avail Feb
(714) 536-1481 &: oWce bLdg on major ~~~~!"'~~~~· I highway in Orange enty of·
Sl25 & $150; 2 &-3 BR fered for sale w/rea.aonable
apts. Newly decor,, cpts. tenns to ... ,,.,;,;..,.i bll)'tt.
' '· :
Dy room, den. 4 baths " ON THE BEACH BY OWNER; price reduced tract home. 2 story 4 BR Phone 531·1'123 e NASSAU PA.UIS e 1.
powdtt room, heated &: fil. from iu,soo to $37,500. 3 beautiful !ireplaCf', extras N rt n-h 3200 1 & 2 BR.. -Pool 2 BR unlum. refrigerator,
tend pool Tom 'J'hewbuf Etclusive auna Qwe home. BR. 2 Ba. Huge Uv. le .... 10re. S40.500. i;;ow;;;:<pO;;;;;-;;;•;<:;;:;;;;;;;;;;i ~177riEij'f,2'lnd=T,;S:::t.2i8"~642-.1645~~ bit-in stove, redecorated, c:lniped Pier and Float lor fi<M •-year around living • best fam. nna.; very tge. lot; R. 0. SLATES, Rltr. BEAUT. lge. 2 Br. 1% ba. new crpt,, drps, $130. 568
boats up to 00 rt. 1U1 ex· Harbor area. 2 BR. 2 Ba, can store boat or house 847-3519 Evl'I. 536-1840 B/B studio, pool, adults. S185 Wil!lon SL C.M. M.>-0760
~. beylnatmt ~,SOO. pricedtllsellfastat-S69.SOO trb'. Car. cf 15th St. & H t' to H"ll TOWNllOUSE 2llO Santa Ana 64:>-2933 3 BR. 2 Ba., trpl., clOMd .,..,..-u "'3 appo en · By appt M1y Kings Pl. Call: 54f>-.5124 Uft lftCJ ft I 5 garage. Adult&. $140 Month
(714} 642-ll35 CORBIN-MARTIN *BAY VIEW Ftt lot 85' Take over 5%% loon. Hard· 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath B~~RM~~t~ ~ s= 327-8 Cabrillc 5484691
881 Dover Drive, .suite 101 x 195, wJ plan.<>. $34,900. wood Doors, large 3 BR, 2 ~/MC.,,.,oothrts Macco Realty Co Bldg REALTORS 3xl8 _,., ...:J'5=:E=·=-==Sl:0,=C.,OM,O.==~ 2 BR, naJ. Slave, disposal
Newport Bead, . 3036 E. Coast Hwy, CdM _;Ow..=='=548-::;:7249=:=· 54=~="=""==1 ~ out.1~1j ';:• 0i;e~t in Pools • Adults Only! -& crpts. 132 E. Bay, Apt
Ir: drps. mm. Refrig. avail. 'i,,.......... ..
2 Children OK. Nr. Beach Shows good return, approx
mvd. & Main, close to 1D yrs old, xlnt const. Call
schools Ii shopping. 847...axi Agent eves er wk-ends at
83.S-'1570. Want Privacy? Newl
SlZl mo ($142 Furn) garage ER 10-2 BO. 1% ha. apts. &
202 • 14th. 536-Lll9 673-1784 4 Bd. 2 ba. res. 3 Yr.
B old. Pool. 2310 Santa Ana , R Duplex, private yard. CM 675-1393 Patio, carpets:, drapes &: 1-==-==.:.._ ___ _
pool. $135. 842-1540 !!iiii::1!!~~6~7S.~l66=2~!!!!!!1 Newport Hgts. 1210 BRASHEAR REALTY Bay & Beach Newport Beach 4200 A.<94-""2 So-....&.lft~CJ 847-8531 Eves. 968-1178 Realty, Inc. 2 BR, 1 block to beach Sl.35 Qulet 2 BR. Duplex
""'"1 R•re Opportunity EAST SlDE COSTA ?-.IESA FOR sale and/or lease 901 Dover Drive Suitt! 2'Z1 mo winter rental. Ne-wport 304. Broadway. f125. 2 & 3 BR., 2 baths. priv.
For Everyone Eastaide 2 BR 1ili bath NEWPORT HGTS. AREA superb custom 3 bdrm 2 64.>2000 Eves. 548-6966 Beach Realty. 675-1642 Call aft. 5-531..s282 patio; bea~~l.
Beautiful ea,ttest. fonna1 home, new carpeting. AU. THIS AND R2 ba & • den. Many extras, 1---------" SfEPS To bch, mod 2 Br, LIKE NEW 2 Br., naw cpta., 1-:======== d1nirc room. 3 Bdmu, lam-SQxl50' lol Only $13,950 . S2S,500 xlnt location to schools & l BR plus den, new crpls, frplc, bit-ins, adults, oo pets drps, bit-ins, carport; 00
Sant• Ana 5620
Business Property 6050
For sale a sleeper.
4000 sq ft bldg double
street frontage, City of
Orange, Xlnt for user
' • •
Uy "'°"" 2 Palo< Vonl•
Channing 3 h«lroom °' 2 •hoppi"" '" R. B. Call bnmao. 2 oar gar, adwts 1195. yrly 642-3'!>J P"!s; adwts $125. 543<769
•-·•·-. , __ ... _.... bedroom & den. 1%. baths, 536-4698 after 5 & k only, $235. 548-1200 Bier. 1 ,,::::;~~:;;;.::c::::_--,,......, 2 BR. apt, clean; new cpl. u..-.•~" J...-.IJ<aoUlr fireplace., carpets &: drapes, wee • 2 Bt:DROOM, ocen front,
ed. for easy care. U:iads of built-in & forced air heat. ends. BEACH Hou1e 6 ~ to $1.50. till June Z'ith. 9&2-5056. Drapes, built,l.os. Inquire
charm th:nx>U~ ~ syizecl This w"li landscat>ed home FHA LOAN 5 lV,4 O'c, Ocel an11' ~'mo"R._ Bkrpa. "°67; ,,•,.ar· I====~====: 1552-A Coriander, CM
yard-Askirc ,,.,.,,.NV· our 143 Broacfw 645-0111 can be found on a huge R2 . 1~ yr Y "" .,..... Balboa 4300 SPLJT-Level 3 Br. 21,2 ba, terma. Widowed owner needs E 642-M~ 646-4579 lot with a very llll'IJe fenc-4 BR! ·2 ba, blt-1ns, cpts/drps, 3 BR. 2 Ba., trpl., cpts, ;;....=.;;... ____ ...;..'-"" cpts, drps, bltns. No pets.
to ID0'9'!. ves. ed back yard, with room for !rp <r. Insulated, shake drapes; 1% blks. to beach. Q..EAN Bachelor Apts. 2885 Mendoza, CM 545-5421
a boat, camper, or build 8 rool, walled Y~· Perfect Yearly. $200 Mo. 673-8088 All util incl $75 up 2 BDRM unfum, pool. close
rental unit~ It has a paved cond. Vacant. Price $25,900. I.-="="====== 315 E. Balboa Blvd.
alley entrance for easy ao-0\\-'Jler 837-5178 or s.17-3880 Newport Heights 3210 BALBOA 673-9945 to l!lihopping, $125. 313 E.
VERY Clean 2 Br. 2 Ba.
Garden Apt&. Prv patio.
Pool Nice area. 546-1525
L•guna Beach 5705
or fix it up & lease.
Owner's Agent 538-1723
J1h ACRES. C .one. Mis.sion
Viejo ~ Laguna Niguel area.
Less lhan $1 sq ft. 837-5178
Busineu R•ntal 6060 StJB.LF..ASE attractive 4 and
1amily room ri.fesa del Mar.
Frb. 1 to Sepl. 1 or possibly
longer. $250 including gar-
cess. Location ii just about LEASE.OPTION 17th Pl, C.M. 642-M99 perfect. t !h bl.ks to Newport lmmac. 3 BR 21,t ba $200/mo East Side Costa Mesa Lido Isle 4351 ~.:N~n de~~ tc!::~
grade 11Cbool, and onJs 2 blks ALSO REPOS Nawport Hgts. Aria =:::..;=----=c.1 Newport BHc:h 5200
Yearly Lease. 1 Ir 2 Bdrma.
steps to Shore • Shops
<kffnview from every Apt
from $150 mo Up. lease ... ,.., S.C&·5180 to new city park. East 17th $195 down _ no 2nds. Charming 3 bedroom or 2 Ch•rming 2 Story Former beauty shop moved
{rarcinematheatrtl meet and We!tcliU Mop-HAFDAL REALTY bedroom & den. 1% baths, SpacioUl!I 3 BR 2 ba.. fflllc. UNFURNISHED Apt to larger quarters.
:rv ta
pati. 2 parking A ail N rt n~· L •EAL ESTATE Reasonable rent. C a I I OLLEGE REAL: ping and t\vo other schools 8740 Warner, F.V. fM2-4405 firep ce. carpets &:: ra.pt>1, o, car · v · ewpo ..... u x u r Y, "' You wm't find a. better val~ lSOOAdaliaat!Urtlor,CM. \\'i.thin walkin&: distan~· For $l 7 250 _OWNER built-ins & fo~ air hc~t short term or yrly lease. view, duplex a ~t, General Ifutchens, TI4: 83S-651.1
in Mesa Verde at such a kJW \ .,_,....,,.....,.,.__ appointmeot to IK'e, write: • \\'ell landscaped horn~ with Adults only. Ask for htn. split-level, 2 beod, frpl., I-::---------SMALL Reasonably priced
FHA/VA Private Party 3 BR J'% ba. bit-ins, frplc, a very large fenced back Grunsky thick carpts., drapes, R1nt•l1 Wanted 5990 store Buildings in busy
price. 3 BR 2 bath, electric or assume existlno 5,, ,.,..0 _ ., __ P6l2 dble gar. 83?2 h1unster Dr. yard. Location is just about Pate Barrett Realty garage. Available Jan. 25, Corona de! Mar location. ·built-in kitchen, laJlt'! living ·~ ,.. -" DUA p-,,-,,· .... _... "A"2J09 1-"-'! al 6 PLANT Moving to ~ total .... .,.,.,.,nts ,.,..., 'mo. 3 I====~·~=~·~-='=== I " c '"'''"-'s. .,.,,... perfect. l 'iii blks lo Newport 642-5.200 .61:>. vu ter p.rn. v.-.11'\ge Call Hutcbe_m, 714: 838-65ll room with fireplace, sprink· J"'Y-·-..,....., " '=========~ 548-2394 Co. Middle-.aged coup l e len front & rear. Will sell BR 2 ba., vacant. $19,950 L B I) 1705 grade school, and only 2 blks 1 · wl&h to rent 1 BR house. 6 DOUBLE stall garages FHA or VA only ~.950. DAVIDSON Realty Nawport Shores 1220 aguna eac . ~~~ ~:!i ~e!ic~'f16t~ B•lboi lsl•nd 4355 UPPER Duplex, 2 Br . .$160, Excellent references. Up to and/or car lot for lease.
Handyman Spec11ls ""Y" BACH 0 11 _, 1 yr. lease; lower duplex $100 month. Call CoU-t Low reot. 191ll Harbor Blvd.
Rltr. 2750 Harbor 18, CM NEWPORT SHORES 3 Bd. Income Units ping and two other schools . apt, 1 a u On1y, 3 Br. ;185, 1 yr. lease. 1213) 288-8354 .....
546-5460 Eves. 548-8584 2 Ba. $27,900 Paul Stuart Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy, within walking distance. $180 wat('rfronl. Grand Canal, Adults; no pets. &e by C.M. 646-5484
RE. 675-4070 -494-39'19 150 yds froni Beach. 4 ige For details, write: little Bal. Island, boat dock: app't. onJs. 1.tiss White 1 BDRM house or apt, STORE OR OFFICE
BEACH BAR. GAIN Apt. units. net'ds paint & Private Party avail. Jo.larch 1st. $lGS Mo., 712.9150 Eastllide Costa Mesa, mu£t ~lUNTINGTON BEAOI ~ ood 1 1 PO-incl. uW. See now! 673--0207 be reasonable. 6 4 6 -4 2 14 In Cent Be h m·-' Modem 3 BR, 2 ba "A" University Park 1237 g geneni c eanup. Box P612 2 BR, 2 Ba, CJl>la Ir: drps er on ac vu..
I' \I I • \\ 11111
~'\It\ Ill\\
k f \ I • \ • •
C83 Baktt, C.M.
.... !!!0!!!0!!!0!!!0!!!0!!!0!!!0!!!0• 1 I·--_...:;-"------TENTIAL I NC 0 ht E EX-!175 on yrly lease. r-~rt. evea. 847.(fill
F fram~. stepii to Ocean • BY OWNER 3 BR., 212 CT.EDING SI0.00) ANNUAL-D ii p•1 Huntington Beach 4400 Call 642-5567 eve. .......,t"' BAY or beachfront hon1c BLOG . 50Xl00, tn heart cf
$25,!IOO -terms. BA. fa•o nn. H•• LY. -,-•~.950. a y I Ot I I . N lBJ ...., rr ,, .. .,.,., year Y east' in e\\J>Ort doY:ntown Costa r.itesa
l ely Bac:k Bl J I Caywood Rlty. 548-1290 Evetythifti! Pril'ed to Sell! ~ITSSION REALTY 494-0731 Westcliff 3230 FURNISHED or UN-DA.ll.Y PILm DNE·A· ~Bal=boa,-",._..are_•~--'1'-...,.--1_..007"--548-3401: 54S-3270 Ews.
OY Y l~th 833--01()(. 985 So. Coast, Laguna I"'""--"'-'-----"= FURNISHED LINES Yoo CM UM theom Sl'UDIO or Bachelor pl, util SHOPS
Depnt new 4 bdrm -1----------. WESTERN AWARD 3 BR.., dining rm .• family 2 bedroom, 2 bath i::tudio, for 1ust pmrd.e1 a dQ. Di..! pa.kl for lady wl child. Max wt~~$7l.v:' 1.:C:::°':::t::•_Ml::.;:::::,.:_ ___ 1:.:1:::00 NO rri:;ler_ ...ti_~ it ~~ 3 Ir: 4 Br. Semi Custom nn.; 2 Ba., nt'W cpt.s.; close best location 1 ~ock to 5 6'2.-5671 $65. 496-J84l. Rltr Nr. Newport Pi~:J.-0860
-Roy J. Wird Co~ , BY OWNER · &-side 3 Br. I ..;~..:!Wr=;;..;;W:.:~:.t ..;..,..:AD='•.;.! ..;642=-567!= I ~~n;~s ~1:u~~·~: ~~=.,. ~~~ ~: i::::. t~;~e7.1 resta=~ "Go:"'n=o=r=o7'1 =====:4000:=:-:Go=n=.,=.=l=====4000~=..,;~Go=~=.=,.=1====~4000~~I
1842 Sanliqo Dr. 646-1$0 2 Ba. Natursl v."OOd bltn on Mountain View Drive o!f IM. $350 Month. 642-8839 lrom $130. 7701 Ellis, Apt
kitchen: utility po r c h ; PLACE )"OQI' wua ad •hen . ' D. M~3 or call OWlll'r
DIE QUICKER Yotf CUL. crpts., drps. Close to schls tbeJ ar. kd:inc -DAILY Tyrol Drive. 642-281'1 l'mE~;;QUlaa:R~~~~YOU~~SE!~'~· ~·~,.~·=··~· iz;~.""°~· ~,..,_~~~~PILOr~~d~·~-~.-..~!~612~·~"6'1a~ A.P.I. SALES AGENTS S.lboo 3300
~ • YCM" Dully-AcfMtr QiKJe ~. Acwrcfl•t fo Iii• Slor1.
To &w1op message for wed.1esdoy,
n!Od 'Mlftis corresponding to l'UTbers
~TAUIVI of )U.lr" Zod1oc birth sign. ,,. ... ,,._ " """ .. .....
>;:: WAT Jf '"" ,,_ 62S1~
. 1. 6-13-1 3YW,. 3J,_ .,_., .. ,,,.,..... ,.,_ 6' T..tp,cy .. ·-"'"' 65 Find ·-,._ '6T-,_ 37""' .,-..., ·-, .. 6100
. '"" 3'V.,.... "' ..... ........ ool0Yc;it.1 w "'"" ""'""" AJY ... ,, ......
If:" .,._ n" ., """ '"""" ,._ ......... '""" tsv-"'""' ,,.,..
!IA .... ,. ......
'"'" .., .. 17,.,., , .... .... 71 ... , ....... .. _.... "'" ~-
,.._ .,_ ,__, ",_ l lY-,,_ .,_ .,_
"'"""' "'"""""' -~~-,._ .. ,,,_.
•;ljY-.. ..._. 5$b ,.,,,_ """""' .,,._ """' 21 UIW'All ,. ........ UAni ..
"'" .,,,__ ........ ,.,.._ ....... 90TT,'-
®""" ®...-() '"' Ill .....
Phone TI4-892--TI01 for :.;c:......:...... ___ _:= UTILITIES PAID
further lnfonnation 4 BDRMS. with boat slip; 2 Bdrms. furn. I-ltd. pool , ---------·I 2 baths, fncd. yd. w/bbq. 802 Knnxville, Apt D. H.B. " 1707 $425 Month. ~00 e SJ&.2914 e
Laguna Nlgu•I -=----'--"-·I---------BAOT. apt. fUN\.; 'l\:atcr & J{as paid. Adult only. $75
918 Palin. 1-funl. Beech
5.16-4676 or 5.164979
DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba.: pro-Huntington Beach 3400
fess. lndscpd.. &-decorated;
In excluslw Monarc:h Bay; FREE RENTAL BOOK
l0vt:ly ocean view: auto. Drop ln & Brov.·se
w•"'. "''''"" & ''''" gar. Walker & Lee doon. 1 yr. f'll'W, $59,500.
\lilh Ii~. '1i loan. Owner (1) 499-4198 768ll Edinger
---------842-4455 Open Eves. 54Q.S.140
00?-.U'ORTABLE Old hou!ie
Capittr1no Beach 1725 plua 2 rm cottagt". Lge I-"---------irounds. lSl1l Beach Blvd. OC'ren Front Home 4~9 4 BR 3 BA $75,(0)1---------
Ja('k lnplls Realty
Geo. Narbell, Al59xiat"
14182 000..,. Part ... d
Opp. Thr\lty Drug Stin
Off. Ttl. ~245S
Apts. Fumishod
Gon•nl 4000
1 BtOCI< from ocean. I &:
2 BR apts.. heated pool
bll·itlll, rec room. lntu-<:om
musir.. Agt. 536--8874
1 Ir 2 BR furn apt, nr bch
$1 25 up. Frt'>e utilities .
536-37n, 53f'r1282, 536-1366
2 BR. Large upstalrs. AU
util. lncl. S160 Month
2106 t1orida S$-.1621
MODERN Vtey,. apt. north
end, 2 story, 2 BR. l~
Ba. 2 sundeclca. pr. 1 blk
~\fti-beach. Very plush.
p,o mo. 494-35182
U NJ.:S. \'ou can Ille them
!Qr Jult pennles a 41.r. Dl&I ..,_,.,.
Soluc 4 Simpl< Sffltm~lcd Word Puzzl< for a Chuckl<o
0 f:1:mb=--WO:, ::
b# to form four lfmplti words.
IMIFNIR I .111'11
I r I r I
IKIRPE • I I I' I Many g irls who o re at . . . . IOO$e ends are intl!rested In
.-------~vetting--. IDUYBOL I 1-21
1.-, --r,l-,.-l -lr-Tl-,.-1....j 0 Comp .... ;,, "'"""' ""'"" by f;ll~.~ ...............
• ya..i dw.q, frOlll ltep No. 3 b.low,
9 PR~~~:.'t~s LETifts lN I' I' IJ .1' I' r ]
---~-------------~~--~-~~--~~-----. ----· ..... -.... - ---..... --·---~--------~"O'.·--~ ..... -,
.,.-.c:. • .. ---c ---M~ -··--··-
1*° SIRYICi DtltECTOlllY .t0tli)o a l:h1r'1.Vt-M«N•
lncomo Tax 674!1 "°'' w.,.IM. llilol> 72111
I '
au.. ~lee 6300 Bus. Opportvnllla '300 ""'"-T .D:a * * * .
,., ,.., ...... a w ,...., AMlltucll
DIAL DIJUIC.i' IJ4.l.587a ..
SJ.GOO Ind To at Sil mo. ind
llUN IT IN YOUll $PARE "TIME 10~ oil m. tn 3 yn. 0n
YOU CAN ..EARN $780.00 A 'MONTH OR Cleean View to~ ........
BE .L llatlolle!l Qlcot ..tlb
Ji&rrll Tu Servb. 9'h yr.
kally. Av.JL ll ""'°" !117
Roosevelt WQ, Ori.
"Mack'' 541)..29'11
*mt YEAR*
' 11 HOUSES FOR SALE :.~'::'&.':::::':':.:::.:::::·::= U 1our,9 to S job puts a ceiling on your earn-ANNOUN'CEMENTS =
tvetwbrd ~ •PP'{ 56.mJ •IMSllAL_~···•••••••·•"•''•"t• ltlDUSltu.a. PaOl"aaTY ..... . '• corr• ••-.................. 1\t1 COMM••C1At. ........... • MW DIU. MAil ........ , ••• ,.1111 iMDUlTI~ tllfTAL , ...... ..,.
lnp and lllplts your abilities, beni is an op-ponu¢1>' Wlor made for you. end NOTICES , , INCOME Tt.xtl prescecl
your borne, locW form com-
bined, us. -' MISA "uo. .... , ........ ,.U1t ~ ................. : ....... •I• ... _ .,,., COLLaU PAlllC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1'11 UJllCHU ,,,,,,,,..,,.,_,.,_,.alN
, •ll'Wf'<MtT ••.t.c:H ............ 1• c:naus ••ovu ............. "" W•·•re lookln g for dialrlbuton to represent Pound (F,_ Adi) 6400
Nallontl Plua Company, the largest, most """ rr .. IWPOaT "'•"" .......... nit a.c•ue• _, ................... ...
1 t.\UOA COVIi ......... ,.,\llJ U.ltl ILllMOll .............. .... --·'" • d f ! win f MIN Y1llJ male; oU white
Whoddya Want? WMdclya Gott
NIWl"OIT SllOIQ ........... 1111 11$911:T ,lliOPalTT .. 4111 ~ MYCIUT .................... 1m 01 ..... 1 CO. jlolOfl'lffi .:::: .. ,
•AYSMOlll i!'""'''"'"""lnl OUT 01' ITATI PttOfO ........ Qll
su, ... ,,...~ an as est gro g company o poodlo w/Jona lall. No .,,. its kind. le , __ lar. v ~u Pl., CM.
Spoclol Ile .. _ ~II SHOil 1 ,. ..•.• ,. .. ., .. Int MOUtfTAIN & Olllr/ UM WllTCLl,11 ................ Inf IU•OIVlllON UtlO , ....... UIS !'ioUtlng to sell. Service company &eeured 3C·
counl!. One timO minimum investment of
$2,390 to $4,360. We furnish all advertising,
merchandising and support material
-HA••o• MIGMl.AHOS ........ 12)5 ll:UI. UTATI •••viC.i".'.' .. :Ult t,IMIVl.UITT 'AIU( ........... ttv t.-e. llXCM.AMOI ... ,,. .. ,..,,.a»t llYI ......................... lUI, t. I, W4NTI~ ................ &Ml u.ett u.v ..................... iw BUSINESS and IAl'l'IW,P _,1 ....... ,_ ... , ... 1MS 11VINI T11 .. c1 ............ l>U FINANCIAL
5 Lin• -5 tlma -5 bucks llULEI -AO MUST INCL.UDI!
1-wri.t 'IC\ll fltw JO ,,._, S-WMt 'fOll W•"t In lr.:0.. 1-VOUll PllOM 1r!d/Df' .odm.. ~ Nne1 of l4Vtrtl111!" .1-HOTHING FOfl SALi! -TAAOaS QNl.YI
PHONE 642-5671
J1nltorlal 6790
2 HIGH School stnkn will
do oUlce cif!&JMJ.P. i~= =~I=~·::::::::::: l~1':I: -~NITllS .. :: If aQIJ. are at the crossroads of your career :LEor ~· Male. No
.._ lt.t.eON IAT ................. i• 1NY0TM1NT ~ .... "1• an are 1oo1dng for a money-making oppor· Vic· Beach MY ISLANDS ................. T .. IWl!ITMINT WAMTIO "'uu "Hell. HB. In-Un
To Pl1ce Your Trlder'1 ParedlM Ad . --· HUGHES 1.100 1u.1 ..................... 1•1 MON1v To lOU ...... ..,. tunity tnv••tigate how you can run your own .,, IALIOA tM.A•D ............... tau Jl'l:IO .... ' .................. _ ...., Bl.ACK &: white puppy with Home in M~ Verde 3 BR Hu•T1M•T011 If.ACM ......... 1• -........... -business In your •nare time Wn'te Today In + 1--••· 1u ~-Mt.11rtiNoto.. M.t.•.OU• ..... 1• .aawauv UWtt ............. ime ""'" • • -black collar, vie Art Center, ...........,., ... -..... ths. WANT
Tl"ade 17 n ~rfonner out· Landsc1plng
board, CH~) for full
SOO Suporlw AYI. or part payment oa ...,,.1, SPRINKLERS 110U111a1N vau.av .......... wt• ~'t~":~'f.::: .......... := elude name, address and telephone number. Laguna Beaeh. 494-7).11 local Units. D;u1ty $8,000. ~ iu1. •1AcM ................. tUI MOllTOAo•s.,...,,., o.iii ..... &aiU Complete descriptive material will follow. ~ J.aentlowner tUMICT'llACll ................. MOlll•Y WANT•O .... ... 1 .. ,.,. Hovo ................ ,, ANNOUNCEMENT'... NATIONAL PIZZA COMPANY loot 6401•-,,-=.....,:"'":::;.;""'~,,_=,.,.
drapes. ludlcapl!w, fe~ I Sod Lawna. Uc I Boodied
in&' or '! 1' 642-4980 aft 7 pm * &G.zTl3 ' * Newport Boach, C11if.
LOfflbCM ........ -........ 1Nf ., ----------LffAVE STANLEY COl.J. ~-::C:uwrr ·:::::::::::::::: and NOTICES 10407 Liberty • BLACK Fttt Poodle puppy PONS TO TRADE FOR
ollT •• coullft'T ............. 1• F°'-!No '""' ....,.,.,.......... ... Bo 69 • v · 1 '· • p•--olJf., .,.,, ................ 1 .. I.Ott ................... ;r:, .... , x mo., IC 0 ..... esar I ........ BLUE OR GREEN ~AMP
STAN'TOtl ...................... 1611 !~.·~~';'...-.;.;.;.;,·"·"··""'""""'' St. Louis, Missouri 63132 on Bolsa Ch1co & Warner, BOOKS. wasTMl ... Tll. ................ 1a1a -'""-~·· ............ HB ~--~ 2 53 M1owav CfTY ................. 1•1• •1•Tlft ................ -...... 6411 Area Code 314-423-1100 · · .KeW .. u. 59 • 14 5l8-367'J 1.t.NTA MIA .................... 109 PUMlllAU ..................... 11411 Eve-s. 638--8029
SANTA AMA Mors. ............ :ue :eir.::~~~:i:'diiu··:::::::::l! ASK FOR MR. JAY Larae Cabin Bir Bear area,
San Clemente lnrome 2 C'OMMERCIAL • residential
t11tores • 2 lots 2 offices 2 Gardenlnc I I..anmcapina:,
Apts • WW · take TD't11 ot J.oe O:wnl (l62...f16f
t11maller property. Make oU·
er. Call -494-3262 P1perhanelno
Newport 0..plex, >lO' to I 'P-'1-"ln.:.;l.:.;lne~---.:6850=
OMMOa .................... " "' "l.ORlffi MIS FEMALE P/Poln, lite tan { • JO ft lot:I, value $14,000 ~ ~~~= tUi.TiN"::::::;;::::::::::: CAID O• TM.i.'NiU".','.'.'.'.'.:· .. ::,ua &: wht. Ans to Ginger. Trade $9,0CXI equity for de~ .t.te.t.N11M 1651 111 Ml!MOll•AM ................ '4n EAL ESTATE REAL •STATE vo·· Sil .. ·-"-Canyon ert "---,. .. •---• •-1 ?
111.v•11:Aocrc·;.MYOii';;:::::::1"' ceM1T11Y LOTS ............. M11 R .. ... .... ,......., · •-...imi· ... --"" ot
beach. Will trade equity
tor good Laguna ret11lden-
tla1 lot. P·O. Box 1423,
Huntington Beach. {TI4)
JJ.l6-0()l5 °""".
VINYL wall coverlnr
specia.llat • kit. " baths •
Material le laOOr. Est
LAOUICA HILU ................ 1111 Cl!MITIAY c•vPTS ......... 641t Gener•I General ~ 642'6250 U.OUMA SIACN ..... ,, ....... 1111 Cl!METEaY CIYPn .... ,,,,.64111-::.:;.:.:0:CC-------, 1 RED Se S · LAMINA IUOUIL .. ~ ......... IJU' C•IMATOllEI ................. ars tlngray Bike 17' Glassline Boat&: trailer "'N CLIMlNTli .............. 1111 ~lMOll.t.L. •AllCS ........... "'21 Offiw Rent1J 6070 lndu1tri1I, Rent1I 6090 w/wht seal. Vic Christ 165 hp Interceptw-, Eaton M-'lbu ·-a, 1 --, hill-PAPER.. RANCING IAM ,UAM CAPllT•ANO ,,,~,17'• AUCTIONS ..................... 64» °" ... ,. ..... ,... PAINTING
$6144831 por mo.
c.t.PISTU.MO su.cN ......... 11'1:1 AVIATION 1e•v1c1 .......... ...,. LAGUNA BEACH Lutheran Playgrnd Fri eve. drive>, used 6 Umes, like side rt!treat, ruMing creek, 675-3043
o.t.NA POINT .................. 11• TUVEL. ······ ............... MU COSTA MESA * 646-2561 new. Trade for 22' trailer, :>ak trees, approx 100' rd i£~~UIAO ..................... 11 .. Altt TIANSPOITATION ....... '441 Air Conditioned * ARTIST'S oil pain~ ·-bl"· 3 b• ho .. -0" •. <:AO........ p AlNTING, tnler.----erior ~_EANSIOI ................... 1751 AUTO TIANINllTATJOM .. ,.,6«.I ... ... ..... • ....... • ~ front, 3 ml to ocean. Trade ........ . "'" 01100 ................... 1rn LEOAt. NoT1ci:s ............. 64• ON FORES"/ AVENUE Coa r rhouJeTD '847 "'18 state lie. • bonded. Free llYl!lllDI (OuNT"f ......... , .. OEIMAM .. TUTOllNG ...... ,. Desk apaces available in Now leasing new industrial tool txa, st Hwy, So. Good vw Kombi, '65 w/1500 ° .. OP • '"oN estimates 642--0238
Writte n teal Jan. 29., 1969.
6:30 P.M, Excellent ~
tunity ~ men ~ ca-
reers: in law enfon:ement
with pqreaJve, protea!(&
a1 department Requiret
U.S. Citizenship; hi school
rraP; mm. n )'I'll.; max. 30
w/o experience, up to 36
with experienoe: min. 5'9",
150 U11., 20/30 vWon uncor-
rected, Contact Pel"IDnnd
Office, City Hall, 3300 New-
port Blvd., Newport Beach.
Call!. 92660 n • 67J.6633
MOt.1s1.s TO •• MOYl!D ...... 1 .. SERVICE DIRECTORY .. _.,. ~--. ~-·-· at bldg 1350 _ f' -••-• Laguna, Jan 16th. Call coll engine, 38,700 mi For Custom built 26' cabin en.ii&-I~.:;:~=..,:,:::,,;;:::::.._~ CONDOMINIUM ............... ltte A<<OUN•>N• .,. ..,... OUI\..--. .,......,.. • -. ., uu.n---.:: Palm Sprlnes n< --•9 . • INT ~ ••~ SIZE
O ... ,,Xl!I PO• SALi 1t11 • .................. • .:MO"'JV'I n.., __ .. _ v--·n G .. ,. ~.. e .. , '°"' m.~ ••• •····. -_...,, IU .. L aiAaTMl!Nn l'Ol SALif "'"1,_ ANS'#l!llMO 1a1v1ca ....... '511 prime lot:atlon in dowyntown rest room. $155fmo. · .---"'"""'" na.au,.. , ..... "" • '"'!!> ·v ..... .. •· .t.•PL•AMCI! •&•AIU. r.m. "11 Lquna Bea~ Air condJ. R. Nattress Rltr 642-l485 RE w AR o . Welmerauner VW Bug of like value. tully equipped, $2500. Trade, JOB. Xlnt work, refs, free
RENTALS AIPHA&.T. °'" ................. •111 -~ .. _ "'""·'l~!!!!~""~,.;,·..,~.., .. I dog, med. size brown, Jan. 646-7'205 trir. camper, truck or 1' est. JIM. 642-4669, 646-3749 u. F I hod At.ITO lEPAllll .............. &!a tioned, cupeteu, ....,.uww. n.UMI um s AUTO, $Mt .. m. T ..... l!tc. Uff paneled partitionin&-T,, 0 FOR Rent; M-~. 100) ~· 18, Victoria Beach, Laguna.. GE Electric Clothes Dry· ot same value. 548-3997. VET'S Bonded pal n t l n'. ::~:tsLTO'sHaiiii";:;:::::.: ~:r:m::~.NAitc·1 .. ::::::::= entrances: Frontal• on fl c;ocxi Jocation for ~ Box P-702 Daily Pilot er, like new lhru-oul Will Bronze, trosUess 16 cu ft. Free est. Uc, ins. Small
COSTA MllA .................. 11• lll(IC, MAIJONlY, ......... as. F----•••·• -·· ,,_,_ to , .. _...;_, --'et'I 64! w 17th LOST s· • ·--· . I _, ' G Cl '"-' doo•, late "mod•! ..... jobs welcome. 642-0427 M•SA Oll!L 111\Al: .. : ........... llU IUSIMEIS IEIVICIS ........ a5d ........ ft• ...... -"""' .... _. • • ; LHJTl se ....... po1n .... e or as OutcS • ... .. MEJA v&1toe1111 11u1LDE1tS ................... Wt Munclpal perldns kJta. $50 St Costa Mesa. Owner's female kitten, 9 mos old. ~r in like condition. can relrlg. Trade for whlte one INTffi or Ext PAINTING,
COL.L.EGI! PAllC .............. tlll o.;r•lNO U7S ._. month for space. Delk tel: ,673-1927 Vic. Baker/Coll:"-. Of ... ., """" Df equal value w/rlght h&nd IMMED. SERVICE. Local MllWNlllT Sl!ACH ............ 22M (A NITMAKIM• ............. '511 r-K "'6" U°M'"'JDllO :I NEWPORT MGTI ............... 221t ca1•e:MTEt1NG .............. UH and chain a•ailAhle for ..,. 3IXXl SQ ft warehouse & office ~9584 CONTINENTAL -· 4 d oor. 833-2948 P .M. ref. FREE est. 548-1627 ME'Wl"OllT IMOlll!S .......... ~ CEMENT, C""'* ............... BuliJ)eq boon answering .... e r Del Villa 53 I IAYSMOll!S ................ ms (HILO CAIE. LlCtlllN' ........ "1' + 6<XXl s_I' ti paved & fenced LOST 1/14/69 Silver gr e y air cond 1964 Conv Sedan'. wee M, F c. DOYEi IMOIEI ............... 2221 CONTUCTDll .. ................ 'RrVlce av~ble for $10. yard. 1855 Laguna Canyon F•mal• Poodle ••• Jacaran. D-ut • W•ll ca'ed to" WANT waterfront h 0 m e; WllTCl.tl'P .................. :me CAllPET CLEANllllO ......... '62S ... tlllt:iel ft•id ucept n4) VI uo:<l • ·-···"-d ho w NT UNIVll..llTY ,,..IC ........... ml CAllPET LAYLMG ....... ,. "2t AU u r-Rd. ( 494-8066 or (U4) da & Toucan F.V. Reward. co/XI, o..i~ -.. t $10,500. T.... IU·l-vwnc:a me, A
••VINI 1:·•""""""'"'"'!.:-Oll<8111ill.lliS ................ ...... ~-540-7680 "A .. ._ ... Orange eo. prop!rty or •An :1.•M. ................. :;,a DmMOLrTION ............. : •••. Ma DAILY Pll.D'l' 962-1224 eves/wkends. iood. eq, in hse. Kl ~. ..... oa·•-RJ 1avo1 r••UC• ........... t:Ms D~n1No J•1Y1c1 .......... Mn NEW ML 600 ft rm ...,..t. YIQ ty.• &U-100l coaOMA DEL MA• ........... UM Et. cr11c.u. .. _ ............... "41 222 FORES? AV™UE -~A Rand"'o1' h. CM LOST: l."Tey-green young '66 Scad· A· Bout camping 3 BR ti be., MontiJUo &ALIOA .......... ._. ........... 1311 EQUll"MINT l.ENT.t.L.S ....... 6'51 ••"'UNA BEACH mo . ...,.... P , nAPPf\t• vie Harbor Sehl.' '-il ,_ 2 + LIDO ISL.I' ..................... IJn PliMCIM9 .......................... ..-..... Callcollect213· 789-8633 ..---" • 'lnl er,·""""~ cabana, C.Ondo, cptS/o/PS, bit-ins, 2
Plastering, Rc.,!ir ~· 0
a PAT'S Plasteriq • all
Types. Frt• es~ Call
540-'8ZI •
Plumbing 6890 .... v Ill.ANDS .................. UM 'L.D0111 ........................ "",\,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<9<-;;;;91116;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I · Fountain Valley 962--3024 t'lleeps 4. Stove, sink, ice-pools. $3900 equJJy, Trade aAL&OA nu.ND .............. us1 f'UllNACI! llfll.t.11s. rte._,,,..,, ----------·I "·· Trad I 8 l!AST t&.U,,. .................. mi fU .. NITURI! IESTOllNG BEIGE Female Cocllapoo 7 .......... e or . cabover for 3 or • BR home, TDs, PLUMBING 24 hr. t'let'V.
•Acic •av ..................... 224' a11eF1NesN1~0 "Js Oc:ean & Bay Rone•-· 6150 weelai old. T-t vi c. cam""r. 545-2100 att 4. c .... o• • Ow•/A~ ••0 .... w k Lie ~-u.c1C •AT ................. J24f GAIDl!MING ...... ········"" ~ UJ<> .... .... • • • .... .,.......,.,.,. or guar. . • .._ .. ; HUNTINGTON l•ACH ,.., ..... 240I G•MEkAL SllVICU ......... "'1 v• Bayt'lbores, NB 64>-1289 * remodel, repair, rooter RV.,
POUNTAIN VALL.aY ............ ,. O&ADIMG, DISCING ........... "'5 1ews I * * * * * 531 -s•.t.L sl!ACH ................. :MY GLASS ........................ "" INTEREST ONLY YR. Male J>ut. Lite brwnl~!!!!\!!!'!!i!J!~!'!!!~~!!!!!!!J!i!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!! I -·~ LOMG &EACH .................. :as_ .. :· ..... •,.T:UMI ................ ,. OFFICES FOR RENT . w/blk face. F1ea oollar. Vic -PLUMBING REPAIR DIANO• couNTY ............. . .................... uie WW d"ovkle to suite tenant. Will carry this 44 Acres SERVICE DIRECTORY SE SANTA ANA .................... 2111 Hl!.t.L.TH CLu11 .............. am · Lindberg Sehl CM. 646-3569 RVICE DIRECTOR'Y No job too small WESTMINSTt:• ................ :w11 MAULING .................. tne RED (ARPEJ North of Escondido: local-_.;.;_;.;....:...:.:o.c.:.::.:~-• S42-3128 a MIDWAY c1TY ................. i.1• HOUSEcL.~NING ............. tm e • eG in water district, brushed WHITE Cat, gray on head, B1by1lttln" 6550 Controc~n 6620 SANTA ANA Mii.MTS ........ ,.. INTllUOI OECDUTING ..... 61l7 • •w"tabl• lo• Avocad ... Full crooked tail. Please ret. 8«l :.::!.:::.::.:.::!"'----=== _.;;.c_;;_~•.::..•;:... __ ..:;::.: COASTAi.. ...................... int INCOM• TAX ................. 6741 • --R od I R I 69 •• LAGUNA IBACH .............. ms lllDN, °'-""" .... ltc. ........ use REALTY price $59,400. 20% Down Glenneyre, Lag Bch WILL babysit. My home. Additions * R.l!modelifl& •m e •• ep• r. ~
LAGUNA NIGUEL _,,,, ....... !1111 l•ONINO ..................... t1SS (30 ottlces to serve you) F need ·~-i M "" ~ .. H '·-· V.M CL.BMliNTli .............. 211• INSULATIN• .................. tJH will handle. For map & GLASSES. !\tan's, tri-focal, e ¥....... y""' month ... , ..... UQwick, I.Jc. IF You need remodeling,
U.N,UANCAPIJTIAMO ...... 172J INSUUNCE ............•...•.. am 2025 w. Ba]boa Blvd ., N.B. more infonnation. please vie K·Mart. 494-8295 . old daughter needs a com. m.6041 * 549-n70 pain"-., ---,_,, CAPllT&AND IEACM ... -.... Vlt INVe:ITIGATllll•, ~ ,,.1111 ,._ _.... · Be~ 2 -~ ---~ ~ DANA POINT ................ 11 .. IAfUTOllAL ............. ,,,,,,,,,. 01~ call K. W. Small with REWARD! paruon. 1 and % Dick. 612-1797
11vEtt1oe couNTY ........ ,... 'EWE1.1v llEJ'.t.r•. Etc. .......... Eckhoff '-Auoc., Inc. LOST S mo old 0o~---, preferred. Days_ • Near Cir_. Clunl-6625 \.=:==;===::;:== VACATION ll!MTALS ...•..... !ttl LANDSCAPING .................... od Offi ~·~· H ho Shop Cen .... .. . SUM.Mii llNTAU ......... 911 LDCKSMITM ...................... * M em ces 1818 w. Chapman Ave. red. Vic. Buchard &. Adams, ar ~ ping -ter. Roofing 6950 coNOOMltrUUM ................ me MAIONllY, •••CIC ............ mt Orange, C.alif. HB Reward. 962-4116 Experienced. 548--1.195 CARPET & Furn. cleanln&:; I ;.;c;.::.;.;;.:.,. ____ ...o."-C I
DUPLl!XES 5u•1t. ............. 2111 ~:~·~: :~·::::::: Sing)e,· ... A .. ,_,ar, ,.,·~!!·. ~:~ a41-2621. Eves-wknds 538-5971 BABYSITTING My home. for 1 day Rrvh::e ' quality ROOFING All types, me RENT AL NT I ff, si.. .... ' .......... au .._..... ........ ~rienced a ho 'ktlrk, Cllll Sterllfli f.or est do own work no hi Houlft Unfurnishtd ;aTios .......................... service, central location. Person1l1 6405 """'I"" • ean me. brighlne"'· ••• --' HOTOGUllMT ............. tel'I C. Robe~ N 1, __ R•·'Jo• l----·------ll----'------I Hot I··--"--• na., v 0·, .. · ,·1y ~~ o'head, .,A bonded. 847-1136 GIMl!llAI. ........................ PLASTEllMI), '9tdl, ... Ir .. 6111 11 a U'<'""' .,.. ...,...,"°"' 11t • ....... cosTA MIU .................. n• PLUM11NG .... -· ............ am 230 E. 17th street ReSC?rt Proporty 6205 LICENSED of Harbor & Baker 540-2301 NO Girnlcs! Beat expert cpt Ml!SA. Dt:L. MAR .............. 11m POODLE GltOOMINO .,.. 642 t485 •--"-'-'-'-';.:.;.;:_-';.:.;.;I Sp" ..•• d · BA & furn clng. at lowest I :Sow:.;;~l;;na,,_ ____ .:;6.:.9.0600 I Mt:IA \tEltDI ................ 3111 NIOL SEIVICE .............. ,rn C.OSta Meu • 1 • trillULI readings, a Vice BYSITI'ING my home. 1 ....s; co&.L•o• •MK ......... _, .~111 POWl!I IWEEffi111a .'." . .'.'.'.' .. '.:atu OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Furn Mamouth on· all matters.180 s. El child, JI,) yrs. or over. $20. prices, 546-1486, 646-2717 NEW•O•T •t:ACH ............ » .. PUM• IEllVICE ................ ,. Mo nt in C.Ond .. NEWPOIT HGKTI ............. 2211 llDOFIMO ........ _.,.,, ........ ltSI Private alcove, desk & an-u a omuuum Camino Real, San Oernente. wk. Wilaon Sehl. 2 blks. WALL TO WALL Carpet
llll!WPOll:T SMOlEI .......... mt lADIO, RtHln. Etc. ............. sleeps 8. 540-2730 492-9136. 10 AM-10 PM 645-1132 c I ea n in. ~ "p.' t IAYIHOll!S ................... ms REMOOELIHG .. flEPAll ''-40 swerlng serv lncL From _cc:...::c,~~-~---00\lllil sMOllS ............... m1 &SMOo&LING, ••TCHENS M4S ir'K mo. P••king. 300 N. • FOR Rent Furn. Mam· PACIFIC SINGLES •112 WK Lo J ho upholstery cleaning. 646-3780
ALTERA'I10NS & Custom
Dreumaking. Very t 1 n e
work. App't. 548-7104
J. C. PENNEY 00,
?'IEWPt1k1' B!:AOC
H11 Position
open for
Outstanding benefits. Prey.
ioua experience required.
?i1on .• Frt. IO am to 5 pm
J. C. Penney Co •.
24 Folhlon lolond
N-rt Buch, C1Uf;
$523~36 P'' mo.
NEWPORT BfACH WESTCl.IF• ... ¥ ............. lUI ICISIORS SHAlPEN ...... ::::,,u -.. ... . ve y me UNIVEllSITY •A•IC ........... m, Sn'INO ....................... lttfl Newport Blvd., NB. Farcl moth Mtn. C.Orxlo. pool & for attractive single adult3 needs t'IOme little com-CARPET & furniture clean-llVINlli .. ... . ......... -.. ml lliWINO Ml.CHINS •••.t.1111 •m Walker 6f6.7tl4 aa.una, tleePI 8. 540-2'130 who want to meet others: panlon11 for my 2 VI" old. ing, 1~ .. ;,, .. & repair. ,.._,. Nc>at •. accurate, 20 yrs. exp. Excellent op-unJJy 1-11v1N• TlllllACll .... -...... n.s SIPTIC TAHICS. '-"" llc. .. aMJ!~~;;:;,;;;.;,;;==== .;1• .....,_ \..a.I.I • Ore!!amaldng-A1terationa ....... ... coaoNo\ DI&. MA• ........... :me T.t.1Lo11No ............... ,.,,,,,. NEWPORT CMC CENTER 1..1.~··nt. & ,...____ who are particular, 545-1534 Lois of fun! 968-1384 Girouard-Carpet 642-9656 man with minimum or one a.t.LIOA ...................... :I* TEIMITI! CONTIDI.. .......... .,n muu ..,....,. 6210 -· Special on Hems _._ •AY 1su.Nos ............ -... UM T1~. c......ie .:,,_, ........... m 4 Offices mltable for C.Om-1--'--''"-''"-'...::;::.:..:......::..:.:' e Selective Singles e DEPENDABLE day care. year expei-"'nce in t11hop
LIDO ISLE .................... m1 TILi!, U-•• & Mir* ...... 1n1 me-'-', M-.. •-1 Dectal. 5 A NR H What•-oleo ---~ --~L wkly --f • • Dr1flln• •--I•• 6637 ~===*=-===*=== work or --rat maln•-aAL&OA llLAMI> ......... · ..... nu Tltle: IEIVtcl ............... ,.. i-uou t:UU.o<Uo emet Xlnt view. '¥/IC mya.ouun ..... .---1-.:: ........ 0 -yrs. • OHl1".... ·-~ """ NIWPGlT Wt:ST .............. DJS TeUVISION, ........ lie. ....... Air-cond .• crpts, elevator 2800' el. Wtr, deer & quail. you seeking? Call Lie. Hrbr/ Baker. ~1539 naooe worlc, or apprentic!-HUMTINOTON 11!.t.cM ......... )lloe u•HoLsTE•Y ., .............. ,,,. ""-m 170 64" -N tog PM Mapa; Geological ar Civil TILE, Cer•mlc 6974 lb.Ip -"·1-in --n-. lllUMTINGTON M.t.lllDUl ..... MM Wl!LDING • . . ..... .,,. l" '" $5500, $55 dn. 633-77W 8-10 _....."' oon BABYSITTING My home. ·-FWng .. d;°:di't.e J;:;:;-..., "".,~ ~~~~T::c~"~~.~ .. ::::::::::::: JOBS & EMPLOYMENT SU-5032 OR 675-2464 agt. ALCOllOU~ Anonymous Rell80nable. College Prk Tr:: ~~\v~~~ * Verne, tbe Tile Man * te1t J1.11tw)' 2T, ~"'; ~:::~~~':.~ . .'.".'.".'.'.'.'.'.".'.''::: :g: ;::~~g:.;"....-·:::::::::: ~!no:;;~ ~:,rox BUSINESS •nd ~c~ 542-:: ~ t~e to are1. cocq 54ft.7090 675-6874. P.O. 37.t, CdM c:t. ~k. in:!u.t: r;:::; further detana contact (ll4)
DIANGI couNTY ............. »111 Joa WANTEO, • •-..t FINANCI · · x s a eu... BABYSI'TTING. my home. o ""' too • 673-6633, Penonnel Of6ce, s.t.MTA ANA .................... Ml• MEN A WOMM ............... ,.,. b)' ~ County .nulfUI•· AL Costa Mesa area. Tender, Electric.I 6640 patch. Leaking •bower c 1 t y u.n ~-N-" Wl!STMINITIEl: ................ :Mll DOMl!ITtc M&.U' .............. 1*SI Avail immediately! 6754130 ~-------:,;..;.: 847 1957/846--0'.o5 ....... ~ ........... . M10111Av c1TY ................. :Nit .t.OENC1t:s. ,.,... ............... 11• Bus. Opportvn•"llM 6300 Announcement• 6410 loving care. 646-4.185 -repair. -Blvd., Newprt Beacb, OWL SANTA ANA Htl•HT• ......... »» HSU" WANTID, MM .......... 7* 1 CDMME11.C. -JOO Sq. ft FLAG El.ectrtc, 1en'l elec-92660. co.uTaL ..................... me aoEMc111. .._ ........... ,. ft. -ALLEY WEST WILL babysit IN YOUR triclans. c.o .1 J-S & EMPLOYMENT """'~===----t..t.•u"" 11.t.cM .............. 179 Nl!L.• WANTED, "-...... '740I 1 INDUST. -800 tll(J. C•ndy Supply Route ANNOUNCES HOME any hour $L25 hr.; me • res•• 1JV n.s • SERVICE LAGUNA MIOUEI. ............. Im 10.1~ .. ·-.......... ~ • 64fr2130 • !-faint. Sm jobl we I c. -IAN c1.eMENT• .............. 111• .t.OENClll!S, ,,_ aw-.... u <Part or run Time) lunchn 24 hr. rates. 548-4383 ~1045 Job W1nted, L·..._ 7020 PART TM
t.1.PISTUND ................. S1U KHOOU .. INSnlUCTIDN .... ml OFFICES: 2; 300+ sq. ft Excelle t lneo -· CAPllTl.t.NO •EACN ......... 17>1 'o' fllfPAUTI0111 .......... 1111 t n me for few Mo/Xfay thru Saturnay --~~=~:~~~M ·:::::::::::::::·:: MERC•HANDISE"fO'R"" each; stttet level: Coas hrs. w) ee~fii:_'Ork (days or from ll:30 dally Brlck,Mlitonry,.tc. G•rdenlnt 6680
ouPi.EXl!I uM,.Ullt. ......... ,.u SALE AN Hwy, CdM. Call: 613-4830 ~ves. re...,,.."' and . collect. Every Sundi~ 6560 suMMI• ••MTAU .......... ms D TRADE mg money from coin oper· cli ANTHONY'S
RENTALS 'uRNITURE ·· ........... -Commercl•I 6085 ated dispensers in Orange Blcyc • Brune BUILD, Remodel, Repair G1rden Service
Ap'ts. Furnished ==~~= :~~~~~~~ ·::::::: .. :; -County and t11urrounding r.:om lD M-l . Brick, block, concrete , 646-1948
oEtiBllA&. ...................... ~l~': :::.,1::::...'flT .......... :J' area. No selling, (Handles werving. Eggs Benedict, crpntry, no job too small. BUDGET LANDSCAPING
COITA MISA ................... IOI •All £0UIPMIENT ......... ..,: name brand candy and !luevos Ranc:heros, Llc Contr. 96U945 Ml!SA v1•01i ................ 411• Mous•No1.o GOOD, .. -....... _ Ma1'or Olf1'ce Bldg. ksl 11"'""' _.. . steak" Eggs. Prune ... Ptant ••• Prepare lllll!WPOIT IEACN ............. ,. OAllAOI! SAL• .......... .., snac . ....... ca ... , required. 21 ~ w ~--·-·t '!onthly Malntenan-NllWl'OllT NEIOMTS ,,,.,., ... llll __ ._,........... ....., V\.-.:&nuw• " "" N•WJl()lT SMOlES ........... 42211 f'UlNITUll AUCTION ........ tm For personal _interview in N•wpo" rt Beaeh C1rpenterin1 6590 i;-....., Horticulturist w•IT(LIFll ... . ........... 4UI AP•LIAMCEI ................. llOI C.Orona del Mar Oran .... C.OunJy Send ~·v UMrYl!lllTY •ARK _ ......... m1 '"~i:-Ull!I "''1N __ ,, ........... 1111 uality tru ti .. ~ . name, ( rogn from Pie &: AL'S Gardening Service
•Acic IA T ..................... Olt ~5u.,~:L~~~.u~l:MT'""":l':: Finet11t q cons c: r: ~:dress and phone number ac ~ Fleet) CARPENTRY Lawn maintenance, earden-
11\11Jl8ieme11t -public ftla·
lions -sharp oopy -e:raJ>hlc
artist. Eveningl, 546-36.14 or
write Box P-466, Dally Pilot
LADY ~ job a.a travel
com p a n I o n, boullekeeper
nuning experience or open
to oHers, call ~3647
FULL Time houadreeping.
Experie nced . Owe
transportation. 543-5038
Need men now, Muat be neat
and lllftU.lve. Work I to
10:30 P.M. 547-TI82
or/and put ttme. Neat ap-
pe&rancl!. Must be able to
meet and deal with the
publle, &ood filuro, Apply
In penan, llollllay Heollb
Spa. 2300 Harbor Blvd.,
C.M • He~::L':,".'L..:~~:::::::::::;: :lAD~gs ~ .. ~~~~~~.::;:::'.::;:::: ~;::~~et:_~~~end~ng TRANS.WESTERN VIKKI'S Party Time Friday MINOR REPAIRS No Job Ing & clean ups. 64&-3629
.... y ISLANDS ................... 111 TIL.EVISION ................... llOI excellent rt!nta1 record DISfRIBUTING co. Jan\llll')' 24th 7 PM Lil • Too Small. Cabinet in ....... JAPANESE Gardenin .. , Prof ----------LIDO ISLE qf1 Hl·PI I JTElEO ............... tt11 . ,.--.,.. l.t.L•OA 1su.MD'".'.'.':::::::: .. 4W TAPI! lECOlDEIS . ' ........ mt Room for expansion 590 N. AZUSA AVE. J.'ood, Kamel with "Oly'' ares & 0th er cabinets. Maint. L. n d I c. p ID i Domettlc Help 7035
MUNTINOTOM IBACM .............. CAMEii.i.$ • EQUIPMt:MT ...... $395 000 COVINA, CALIF. 90722 on tap. C.Omc cbeck our 5'5-8175. ll no answer leave Cleanup. 637~ ;:cc;.;;.:;:;.:o..;.:.;=---'--' FOUNTAIN VA&.L•Y ......... 4411 HOllY IUP•LtlS ......... ,. M0t . ' sll!.t.&.1£.t.CH .................. 4411 ::~~~.~s2~PEs ·::::::::::1 CallEIWm.R1ng FRIGIDAIRE prices. 1791% Newport mq at 646-2372. II. O. JAPANESE G ardener. Needed at oncel
HOUlekeepers, c:ook5. Maid&. ~=o~":~~NTY""'"""""= MISCELLANEOUS ................. Blvd., C.1'.1. Anderson Complete s er v Ice . Ex-
8.t.IDIN oaovli .:::::::::::::4'1• Misc. W.t.NTt:D ................ Ml• JET ACTION perlenced. Reliable. 642"'389 w1:sTMtNST11 .................. 11 MACHINl.llY, EtC. ............ me Beautiful renewed Laund ...... Funer1l1 6412 A·I °"IOWAY (IT'f 4'16 LUMIEI ....................... t1M '" Cu t & Edgt Lawn
.. -A •NA ,.,, ............ 4629 ITOl.t.•E ...................... tni 28 wa:Jhers, ll --.... 21) lb. r.--.n-, any ,,·., job'. 'la•"nt<••-. U--·•
....i.TA ANA"Hi'10Hii".':::.:·.:·.4m :~l~~IN~ MATl:llAU ...... = v washer. m.ooO¥;~ eross. WESTMINSTER ....... oill ~rdon 847~-6745 ~·.0 ._;"66'mo ..... _....
TUfTIN ........................... PETS nd LIVESTOCK REALTORS inc. Flhd out how euy it 11 ~/ a.It
~~tTNA.t.L i i:i.i:N··:::::::::::::::: P•Ts .GI.MIU&. ................. 673 4400 to own! MEMORIAL PARK REPAIRS, ALTERAT.JONS etrr & edge lawn oompl L.AOUN" N1ou1:1. ............. 41'11 can .......................... llH • C • O Mat" CABINETS, Any size )Ob. aervice:. Uc. 546.Q6l eYts
U.M CLllMENT• .............. 411• oots .......................... ""l••!!I••••••• Olft• • IC Mortu1-& CtrMte-z; yn:. ~per. 548-6713 & weekend1t r.~:1.E~1~ ·::::::::::::::·:::::= ~~~~ .... : ... ::·:···:·:: :: Equipment, Inc. ComPl;te funerilt., C•r-ntrv Work I-'::;:======::;:= RENT.Al.$"' ................ •se CALIFORNIA LIVING ,. , 233414 W. Valencia from $245 w~fed. • M2.1505 G.ner1I Services 6682
L_.1 NU.s••1E1 .......... 1t11 Fullerton 714 · 525-7833 C t rv I t -Apts. Unfurnf1"9QI •w•MMiNo l'OOL.s ............... ... Q · eme e.' 0 1 MASl'ER carpenter, $4 per llEATING A: Air Cond. Serv
GIMWL .................. -:~:01""" ............... = ~ ATI'RACTIVE Beauty aalon. from $150 hour. Remodeling. Repairs. COSTA MISA ... '" ......... 11• VACATIONS ................. llf2I ' reUOJJAble price. c a l I Includes Endowment CIJ'I 642-6409 or 536-3900 • repair, alllD Wuher &:
MESA v••o• ' ............... 111• TRANSPO.RT·A·TION. ~ ~· k fo GJ-'-dryer repa.lr. 24 hr serv. NIWJ'OIT St:ACH .......... llCll .............. as r ........ Everythina In one beautiful 842-7237 847-6681
NIWt'OlT Ml:IDMTI ......... m1 to.t.n' YACKTS ... la ·---'·--c 6600 " Nll!Wf'DltT IMOllll ........... mo U.lllOATI :::::::::.::·,.,. WANTED: Ott.sale liquor p Ce mean• -('()It ""41Jl19ftt, oncrete WISTCLIPP .............. It• l"OWB• GllUllElll ............ ..,. 11 licen11e for Orange C.00.nty No traffic problem1. HAULING. Cleanup gat'll.l9, UMIVl&SITY , .... K .......... lttl IPIEO-llCI IOAT ........... NII Can·. ••••139 1·-Be•ch. w.~-1--* roNCRtTE work. Bonded odd jobs etc. Free esl Jim •ACIC•.t.Y · .................. SMe •OA.T TIAILllS ......... "21 ,......... ~ """'1 •uu '"''~ 54s.5J25 --.ti l!AST aL.U,, . . ........... ntt •OAT MAllllTlill.t.lfCI ........ tm • 5ll-1Tl5 893-2421 & UcelllW!d. Concrete sawing l-==='=~=""·m-·=::;:==
co1toN.t. o•L. ~ .......... sut ao.t.T L.AUNCMIM• ........... ,.,. Invest. Wintod 6315 Phillips Cement. 548-6380 •ALIO..t. .................. S»I M.t.aJNI lfOUIP. , ...... MS a.t.'Y ISi.ANDi ................. 1111 10.t.T,SLlff, MOOIUlfe ........ tQI ~,;;;c;::;o.;__;.;.:;;;.:::__:.:,;.:; e CUSTOM PATIOS•
LIDO !IL.I ................ llt1 IOAT •••VICEI .............. ,.,, ·~ RErtRED Market-1-Elt;N>rt C.meterv Lot• 6411 ... -.......... -.... . ULIOA llUMO .......... SW aoAT Rl.NTAl.S .................. ...,~ r-'1 ,..,., "'"' '"""'""'
MUNTlMOTON lllACH ............. IOAT CMAIT•I ,.. NOW'S THE bored .... wtth... aoll. .. ill hPlp PACIFIC View Mem. ~~. Stale Lie .• 842-1010 .OUMTAIN VAU.•T .......... 1411 FISHIMe IOATS :::::::::::::::.... ..., --),,1.:-3. •u• SEAL lllACM .................. 14• ltOAT MOTi... .................... ~2507 your ~""""''"'· choice 4-grave burial pk>l CEMENT wcrit. no job too LONe ••ACM ................... .OAT ITOUOI ,... '"r OU.1101 COUllTT ................. 10.t.TI WAllTBD ".':::::::.-: .. ::-====-:=====::=::I-~-~~· -~~~·~-~---small, reasonable. Fr c e
~ling 0730
CLEAN Loll, carqes etc.
Tree ~moVal, dump, sklp
blk'khoe, fill, 1 rad e.
Companions. Top wa&n!
All fee pajd. Call
Miu Abby, 548-7796
Al.so fee jobt'I
1865 C Newport Blvd., C.M.
Georp Allen Byland Agmt:J
Em~er Pays Fee
105-8 E. 16th. SA 547--039$
S&nta Ana. Call!.
CAMPER It Motor Home
builders • IMemblen fDr
all phales. M\l8t be et:•
perienoed I: haw own tools.
Contact or call RJc:k at 2ll5
~ Or., Olsll Mesa.
:ttlne9e live-inL Cheerful Permanent Experienced CARPENTER w/ttp. in all Far Fat Agency &4U703 =:.r~.~\:Je~ ---------·I resume• "'h ft>: Muon A•ontlM Mon 7100 ear,. P. 0. Box 3118, 8'100. • • lalant1
JOBS GALORE ruu.=.,..;..,~part-~lln>e-~he!~p-I
WORK IN TI!E AREA wan""'-'f"I! ......_ chance
YOU CHOOSE for adva~t.
Draftsman • • • • • • • • • • • to 9K 2!:ri0. KartM:r BMt CM.
Buyt:r Trainee • • • • • • to 7K
Accountant • • • .. • • • • • to UK
Detail Man .. , ....... to lOK
Mrl<t( Anol,st ...... Jo UK
PART tlml ewa: A SaturdQs
yoonc man kl belp mo in
f>\Y work. Can 0 r a n
..... o•• ol'Ov• ................ ,. "1•<••" ................ n• TIME FOR "·-· L ·-o estim. H. Stuflid:. 54M615 • wt:sTMu11r11 ........ -..... wu P1.Y1No LESSONS n• mufM'Y to oa_n ~· SERVICE oinEc-, ORY • BEST IN CON~~ MIOWA'f CITY ................. M-. MOllt.• MOMn .......... _.... .., """""''"' ::~: A~~ArtiiOMTi''.:::::::::: ::i~~.~n .::::::::;;:::::=: QUICK CASH RETIRED CdUPLE Ba...._ltti-6550 Wa1ks, pool decks, noon.
TRTht. becJce, treea. Gen.
clean-up, ll&Jl)e It! l baul.
reasonable. 6t2-41m
°"""'" ""8nlc .... Jo 161< fdrmt Trainee ...... to 12K "'""""'" --.. "'L
, TVfTIN .......................... •L.l!cnlC CA.IS .............. mt flu ..........., to lrnd QQ lit I, "'J• ... Padol. Pb::lne 6C-!SJ.4 COASTAL. ............... .Piii MIMI e1K11S ............. ,. ... fl7S ,,,_.-J
LIGHT Haulfr1g, 5C5--6C90
u.•UN.A ••ACM .............. lltl MOTOflCYCLft .............. ... lnd mortp.res-can Babysitting, In my home Tho-.t. Concrete. no job l,.AelHIA NIOU11!1. ............ IJV MOTDlltCOOn.S "'9 n-'-• .,..., ,....,. '¥" • u.• c1..11MP1T• ........... 111• auTo •••vtc•s ~,.·1n·· .. ·,. THROUGH A Di.....,.. ...... u.w Jnfant to 6 yean. Ftl'IC'td to ama.11. Frtt Htima~" ' ...... JU.t.• CAPISTIAJIO ..... 1'29 AUTO TOOU'. '· ... :::·Ml, -yltl"d. Costa Meu &0-0423 • 646-1234 . DANA N>nn ......... JHI fllAt&.•lt. JUVI ........... Mn REAL ESTATE1 I ra.t.1L.1•-1. U••~ ............. = Real Etf1t• LNM 6340 BABYSIT-Pre 9Chl. e xp C'ONCRETE worlc, all types.
Houseclt1nlng •735 -----~
• APf. tl.EANINO *
Fut I tMroulh MU164
WlWAMS Cltanlrw Sttv. General =::• .:.::;;:;:::::;::::::;:,,.. DAILY PILOT HOME LOANS molhtt' w/bab)'IU days at Pool deckl I custom. Call
nul'L.•"--. ................ ,,.. ,.,,.. ............... tt11 u ... -90,. ·-~-,1 .,., ~-my home. HB uea_ 962.-G23t -""'"=-1314='-------CONDOMINIVNI ....... ,, ....... OUM• IUIOlt:I ftU n>"""' , • ...,_....,,. ,,. -,., _ llllTAU W,t,MTfO ...... ? ... ..lttl IMl"OITID AUTOI ............... lnterat Qleck our 6 9% IOOMI J'Ol: •••T ........... "" ll'OltT CAii ............ 11 WANT AD 2nd . MANY 1'0ND!:llf'UL OP. •OOM a acia•D .... "'"" .t.J1T1ou11s. cuu1u ........... ll tt""lf'lm I TD 1cnns. POR'JVNJTIES Ill'•• bttll Chi Id Care 6610 fncomt Tax 6740 MOTll!LS. TltAILll couan JWI .... ,. Ull, 1001 ........... HH Saltltr Mortg;oige Co. Inc. d'·---· tn ~-.. JI'·' A'" 1.:c:;;;;:...:::;.;:_ ___ :,;..;.;. -· -·· .. --'---GU!:IT ..oMli• '"' 1.uTo 1:v1:Nn ................ MU 1 --. .... "~ ...u. wu -... _. • HOME SERVICE e MIS(. •ENTAll 9"t l.UTOI WANTID , ............. tl'll 336 E. 1tb St. T'w1I. Melt to ''Butmul Op I Wll.L ba.,¥,,.f, Jn)' homt, •
, 1NCOM1 ••0P11n ........ "" NP CA•J ..................... 642-5&78 &42-21TI 560611 __..,_It'··" NC1WI 5 dfU"S week. ~5 AMheim FmERAL I STATE
IUll!lll.1$ PltOflll•TY -•UTO LU.SI•• .............. .... -----""-';;.:.-""---' E"---~ .... H: r_'"US7 _-_~_·_~ _______ • ,·;.;..::::..:".!".;;..";.;:_'".;.;. ... '-·---·~-I !!Al~Elt PAlllt l«t!JllO CAltl .. .. . ........... ""~ 11<.> lll<W .,..,.. ,.W., • ...,.......~ i1Y-I
' •
~ S&les •••••• to 24K
i'tnlnol! TrnH! • • • • mo $450
CUufJy Adj ...... to flll)+
Aloo Fee J ...
CA." Arri!· $48. •. 1$
UCENSED Oolleeta<, .....
time, mabn man. tem-
.....,..~ 1n -a1 ....... stdter, SOIU ......,. c..,... Rd. i..a a
MIMger Tr1lnee1 .
U.w d;ent1 wt1o will train BUSmrf ~ •
m1M1' minded lradl: In Ttn-tmmi ,,_ DAJLY PILOT
.,._.., Im, hctory, S.-. a......... lletlca. II."
C.UMrA-..... ms
ARGUS AGENCIES :::;-:;• -6 _,, I."'*
UIJI C N ....... Bll<L. CJI. •-----·----'
' •
H DAILY PILOT T_,,J,-..,, 21, 1969
. ~J<2.Jt1~s[at!IM~~L~u~•~,.~~~N!!'•=·~-!!1'"~~~!!NT~~~&~IMP~_!:LO~Y!_!M~l!!NT~ 1JOIS & IMPLOYMIHT JOBS & llill'LOY!olENT JOIS A IMPLOYMIN'I """tlel, Mon & M!ltCHANDIS! FOR MERCHANDIS! FOR .,
Hollo W..i.L -7200'1o1D Want..i, -7200 Holp ·Wlnt.d, -7200 Alonc1"' w-n noo "':. W1nlod Hotp Wo nted w-7550 SALE AND TIADE SALi AN~ T RADi" •
• •
• ' ' •
NEW YEAR. . . . Electronic
OLD RVT? Engineers
WILL 1969 be 11 ntw uear of bright promise for
vou ••• or toiU lt J!Ut mean a change of col.en·
dars1 Perhaps 11ou1re modtrotflV tuectufut ltt
1fOUT 100rk. but if Vo" feel diuatbfaction with
any pha.st of JIOUr progreu, pltaJe reGd on.
IF yo~u· aJe a recent college graduate whose
fu lW'1! Is blacked because of the nalure of his
work or the me of lbe organhalion
a man now selling who feel! bis work Is not
sufficiently cb1llenging or that It d.., not of·
fer adequate income or advancement possibl·
lilies or requires too much travel
a junior executive, school teacher, engineer,
business owner, accountant or lawyer who be-
lieves he has the ability to earn more
investigate, this opportunity lo qualify !or the
highest recognized level of selling to business
and professional groups. Our Aptitude Analy...
sis System will determine your chances for
succeu In our Field. If yo u qualify we will
pay you an attractive salary while you learn
the buxiness and gain experience under su·
pervision. Your income prospects will be well
into five figures .
Ph9no 542..5623, Ext. 321 or
write briaf pairtleul•r• to
Box M-655, Dilly Piiot
Circuit dfficm:n wtio ca.ft
Initiate own dellcnl. super-
v1ae 5k:llled ~ ~
ina consbucUon and make it
•vork durinl tn:L ~
ent carttr ~ with a
rapidly erow1nc new divil-»n.
Work b: in state-of.the-art
high power electronk: IP'
tenu. 1'1ill recocnltion and
top c.wnpenMtion.
200 I S. Ritchey St.
(714) 547.3906
Equal opportunity employer
fl1inimum f o u r yean
eltt1ronics experience,
'IV repair not acceptable.
Trouhlfo lhootlna and a.l.m·
p!e ctrcuit desi&:n..
1640 Monrovia Awe.
Cost• Mtu
AD <qU8I opportw>lty
llookk-, , •.• $431 -7400 w-7(00 Fuml""9 IOOOFumltun 8000, .
1-1 .......... will....... A[ft .. ITINlf A ...... tllupsJdwllhbldqlJI IUAIMU HUNTINGTON •
Ci:j,,;. Steno .... $313 fOR SEA CUFF =.flr
:~ "':: .:..~ Coutry ci.b AHllCY ...., -WOMEll'S DEPT. lloug/>I Mlnufo~urer'1 '61 ShDWl'DDt1\ S1mplu
NEEDS Tr,p11n • • • .. • • .. $3-4:4
I ere ii a chance for bright ~Mr.fl to atart th!lr ca· NIGHT I: SATURDAY WORK Mttsr BE EXPER.lENCED
TlVE cocxrAD.. WArr-
RESS. ~a mmt
Able to w t a r mini
akirt pnl'd. Top o-y, pd.
v~ .. pd. &ick dayt, pd.
hos(llt&lliation. Min. 40
)n. a wk.
• l/11.._,e • Pl1c1~nt Agency
542 W. 19th St., C.M.
Alpha neumtrlcal. Lon I
term asatgnmenta. days.
Long Buch ana. Fr e e
230 E. 3rd ~t
Lone Bead>. Calli.
(213) <D-8191
Equal opportunity empleyer
See Betty Brvce at
Acel>CY for Career Glrb
(10 W. Cout Hwy .. N. B.
By appoint 546-3939
Order Delk • • . . • • • $500-~
EmpJoytr l*)'I fee Small
'tronc Co. C:O.ta b-te11a. Good
typini', no shorthand.
(Fee Jobs Also}
J. R. Pierce Anoe. Agency
1885 Newport. c.~f. 642-6720
Holp Wonted
Womon 7400
J. C. PEi~EY CO.
H•• poaltlon
open for e Preaaer/Spotltr e Tailotl!GS
Rttent 1ucceuful apuienct
preferred. Competative wag .
es, outstandinz bendits in-
cludinz profit sharlna;. ~
l'fo, 47 C'.ourls n( Fa.shlan
Newport Center
AD <qU8I o-tunlty
I 3000 Palm Awe.
H untington Buch
catt, llVt in or out. 2 small
happy boyL • ~ •• 1" pvt
rm, beaut new home, happY
----,,------I 1amlly. Ptrnt. Wk enda off * SlOO mo. Mesa Verde WAITRESSES 5'1J.<l910 * EXP'D. TELLER
For Savinga and Loan, tn
CdM. Phone 6:7S-5010 for
Equal opportunity employer
open.ton or tralnesa. for
151 E. C011t Hlghw1y day sbifL Apply S: :t) to 4 p.m.
N1wport 81•ch MO w. 18th Costa Mesa • ----·----ISERV. Sta. Atbt. Comm +
aal. Tom Sharp Union SeTv.
D>l E Cst. Hwy. C.DM..
Full Tlmo
9 to S P.M.
151 E. CoHI Hlghw1y
N1wport Be1ch
Credit Clork
No experience necessary.
J-lollday Health Spa 2300
Harbor, Coeta M~
BABYSITrER wanted in my
home from 1:30 to 5:30 PM.
6 days a week Laguna Bcb
atta. 644-2030 before ll AM.
Housekeeper, live.in.
$25. per wk.
12 Noon to 7 PM
H 0 USP.KEEPER. live-in;
woman alone, halldicapped;
no Wting, $25 Wk. 643-2232
4U L 11"' I t. ., .. ,. Mtta
1 lM I. 17th I t. -·-M1"'721
Mooson gor lloy $370
""'"" • !le!J-mail. mllital)' complete.
R-rch Hotpor
Cum-polition with nation.
al coacem ~ YOW'I&
men with 25 unlU of ooilege
and 10 unit• In Pb,yalcal &i-
ence: " Math.
At T.,,.. s..llttil 5'MW htae..... " '
8' Wood carved a.rm divan, lg. man'• chair 1
or love seal. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w /black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR r
set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror 2 '
commodes, decorative h<adboard' In SpanLrb
oak de.lgn with matching box springs, ma~
tress & frame.
Item. Sold lndlwtdu1lly r :
Shop Around -Before you buy SH USI
VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.9 5
or terma as low 11 $4.66 per ..-.. k
No Down-Use Our Store Charge Plan
No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values Inside .
12 Years sam:f!~ll~·~5,-; ij :
Personnel "'
Stoffin4 to $11,.500 54 .. 9660 '
Ftt paid. BS or l\1S deg:rtt
In nuuuttement. Emphasil 1.,,;:;::;::::;=:;:;=:::'.!:..,..=
on per.innel mana,emmt JOBS & EMPLOYMENT F , umlture IOOO One to three yeus experi-Jobi Men, Wom. 7500 1---_:. ___ .....:;;.::..:1
etu rem.rltment c.al*fty -SPANISH F U R N J T U R E >; •
with eXpOSUre to manqe. Employment CounHlor RETURN ED F R 0 M :
mmt & technical employ-MODEL H~MES. SAVINGS
ment. Should be famillar Male or female for busy TO 80%. Spanish quilted
with d e pt h interviewing, agency. Prefer e:xperlence &Ola & love seat, 3 oak living
manpower plaonlna; il na-but will train. Call room tables, 2 living room •
tlonal rectultment Mr. Anderson 541-7796 lampA A-Spanish pe.intlng. '. El Presidente ki n s11lze ·
Cott Accountant GEru.tAN Te.acher, Part bedroom suite, oak trlpl~ 1
Cltrk T reintt to $525 ~~1~ private achool. dresser & mirror, kin&
One-two years college & headboard, 2 commodes, 1
80me accounting experi-kingsize rnattre.ss & box ._~ Agencies, Mtn I: sprinp, 2 boudoir tamps, •. ence, or ~..,.... ye.an college. W 75SO 6 •-Company will pay ;s ot the 1_..;.oom:.::;::.o;on ___ _.c..= p..,ce Spanish ""'J'OUihl ~ ~----. • '"SERVING FOR 39 YEARS" $2ll. down &: $4.50 weekly,
Recordt Admln
lo $11,000
iFee pa.id. BS in Buslnei:s or
Ma~ent but not euen.
tial. Rellponsible for de:vel·
opi~. Jmplementinit, main·
tanfnJI • •odmJnlmatJnc
comi-n.Y wide records 4
fcnDal control program.
We C1n find The sell separately. Easy credit.
Right Spot For You HAl\ULTON FURNITURE i
"It's Not Luck" 594S Westminster Ave.,
"It's Know How'' \.Veslminster. 894-4434 daily
.FEMALE DMSION 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.., Sat.
Sec.. Free •••••••••• , • $600 10 a.m. 10 6 p.m., Sun. :
Bookkeeper ••••••• ••••, $500 12 p.m.. to 5 p.m.
"'"" ............ : •• "' l<OO MORE CASH Medical Ofc. •••••••••• $400
Gen. Ottice • • • • • • • • • • • • $350 '
Credit Clerk: •••••• start $3M PAID FOR
Tim•kffpor Trn11 $391 o..w Fro"' off! ....... ;soo Furni'ture
Lack o1 exp. hoiding you
be.ck? Has your education
failed to prepare you fur a
top paying job'?
Mon • Fri 10 am to 5 pm 222 Oct1n Av•nut
L1guM Be1ch
Coiffures de Femme, llflf
Beach mvd, H.B. Ml-1115
FULL Time Dental AM't.,
no HP nee. Send resume
to Da.1ly Pilot Box M 552
High School grad, good MALE DMSION
hantlwriting 6: fl.l'.d'e apti. Time Keeper •.•••••••• $407
tude. Construction (cable ins. tralfl. Color1d TV't, P l1nos
Appll1ncff, Antiquu
l Piace or ' SHIPPING
Two ye&l'I' e:xpm.ence,
to pack and lhip by
truck., n.ll and air. Mmt
· have sood Jmowlf'd&e of
on ""-and malling ......
1640 Monrovia Avt.
Costa Mell
AD <qU8I opportunity
$651-$791 por mo.
Written test Sat., Jan. 25,,
1969, 1:30 A..M.. Excellent ca-
rttr opportunl.Ue:a with pro-
gress.Ive, profeuional de-
pertment Requlrn U.S. Cit·
b:ership, hj school grad;
min. 21 yrs., max 30 w/o
e::xperience, up to 35 w1th
experience; min. s·r·, 1t0
lbs.. 20/30 vision uncorrect-
ed. Contact Pe:rsonnel Of·
Hee, City J-WI, 3300 New·
p:irt: mvd.. Newport Beach, ea. 9:2&60 nt 673-6633
Join todays fastest grawinz
{S'Ofesal.on-Mutual Fund sales
No ~ necessary.
We train • full or part time
Mutuol Fund AdvllDl'I,
Npt B. Jfi0.1 WntcllU &G-M22
S.A l212N.-.,.
bMdna' fur a future w:ilh a
quality pie ahop. Will train
for lt'Wft ci-..y opttatlon, sh
dQ schedule. Many bene:fita:.
Apply 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (See:
Bob) at:
Vi't Pit Cott•ge
l9'1 E. 16th. Coe:ta Mesa
MEN 11 ·26
ltfprdleu ol draU 11l.atu1,
local advertislnc agency
nted$ 20 men lmml!'d. to
be.Ip tn kkkdl l'ampa.lgn.
Earn to $4.4.:i per hour, lull
ttmf' 2-10 PM or par1-11me
&-9 PP.f. Call Tues. 839-6638
'tU 9 PM.
Hew car deaknhlp needs 3
Grit d&u mechanics for ~:1-
psndkw: JArv1ce dept. Top
J11.1 4 Co. banrflt&. Apply In
8ALD .i SERVICE Jlli llartKlr, Costa Meu.
No exper l1nce needed
Profellllonal trainlni pro-
lfam to learn.
CALL '4«1212 •
RfUBEfl l IH
151 E. C...11 H lghwoy
Newport Buch •
Training in ules .i ollice
m.ana&ement Futuft for
iood men. H.S. grad. Somr
college prefe?T'ed. Must be
neat, punctual and ambit!·
ous. Car nee. start n oo to
$600 mo. salary plllll Co. -nu.
APPLY 9:30 'tll noon
12732 Garden Grovr Bl, G.C.
Sales Tn.inee e YOUNGMEN e
EARN $14G-$17S & up
fO to 44 hours, day work, car
necessary. Local fllTn 22 yrs
in busincSll. For tntervlew,
Call P..lr. Goodwin at Holi-
day Inn. Anaheim, 537-8500.
9 to S P~I Mon.-Fri.
AD new lype operation: must
see to believe. New com·
pany needs 2 field P.fgrs. in
Orange C'nty. Top dollar lo
men w/arry type Mle11 ex·
puiera. Call Tuesday til
9 PM. 839-6638
MODEL & Plug buUderB in
tiberglas It wood with l'Xp
In boatl I: campen. Mut'I
haw own toot.. C.Ontael or
call Ric.k al 2135 Canyon
Dr. OJeta Mea. 642-9758
Full ti.mt, gd. Kl plua
benefits. Neat. courteous,
O\<er 21. None other nttd
•pply. See: Clyde. 2500
Newport Blvd. C.P.t
YOUNG man 11 or over.
part time to train for foun-
lain "-'Ort il cook. The Zoo,
Coast Hwy .i MacArthur,
e \V /\NTF;De
Auto Dody M•n
Exp'd Painters helprr. ....._
NEWSPAPER de 11 very
Saturday I Sunday. Early
A.M. Truck require:d .
FULL time porttr, 5 di.YI
a week, no •P llmit. ApPly
"""'-lo, No. l f&ahlol>
leland. N.B.
Experienced try axak with
rdertncu. Houn 7 to J.
Bento11° • C.otfee Sbop.
U3 So. Coul lllW)'. t.aiun1
SERVICE man ~ yn to
"'1Vioe ~ In field .
StNdy Ml, ad "'"""'"'"' P. O. Btix 10234, Santa Ana.
A nationally known concern
Is hi.ring personnel for the:ir
sales and promotional drpt.
$500. Mo. Gu•r•ntff
il you meet our requiremeohi
•Neat appean.nce
J. C. Penney Co.
24 F•shlon lsl1nd
An equal opportunity
em player
Equal opportunity rmployer
11 to 7
RN's and LVN'1
Hunlln&ton Beach area.
Draft1rnen to $900
?tlust have 2 or 3 years ex·
perimce In the Civil Engin-
ceiing: tlcld.
P.1AID, Exper, over 30• 6 P1rhm1n to $3.50 hr
New convalesctnt hospital. da/wk. part time. $1.'15 hr. ?i-!ust know industrial mo-
Scheduled to ope:n end of C!M-8521 Laguna Bch --o===.c::.:.::.,,--1 tors & llhle to Identify Jan. Apply in person. 393 MOTEL MAIDS
Hospital Rd. comer New· Full & part time. part!.
port&: Hospital Rd, N.B. 1967 Ne:wport Blvd., CM
ttl .................... $390
Ship & Rec. Tm, •••.•. $346
Internal Auditor •••• to $1COO
Disas&embler • . • •• • lo $488
''We have: many good jobl
waiting for you''
It Our Specl1ltyl
TUTORING El Toro en-
virons. :r.talh, P h ysics,
Chem, Biology, En&llah.
Grades 6-12 by e :1 per e Wlllina: to follow inltruct·
Opportunity for alert tndi·
vi.dual to wurk in sales d~t.
of amall mfg. co. b-lust haw
good shorthand, typing akilll,
be willin&: to do variety ol
dutlea. Good advancement
At.TI'OMO'I'I_VE Se r v I c. e Coiffures de F~ 17414
Cashier with experience tn Beach B!.d H B 042.11,.
Account1nt $6S0.$700
Payroll &: Budgrting. No
decree neoeu:arJ but ~
have 3 years experience.
2M3 Westclill Drive teacher. 64~2708
e Hard working factory claimL Good typist, ·• · · ....,
Lobby Ollice Quality King-Size Bed.
Comer 17th & lrvine beautiful quilted mattress.
Inspector $3.25 hr up 6=rtin ~c:r split foundation, bll·in
Compa11y will pay more for Orange County frame. Never \llll!d, $98.
For appt; 642-SUO or !l9'l-56ll
good at customer contact. BABYSITIER
Johnson &: Son, Lincoln Mission ViejG. 837-3777
With mobile home eJ:pCri·
ence. Excellent bene!.its.
Apply in person.
Staco, Inc.
1139 Baker St.
Costa Mesa B2626
Mercury. A s k lor Mn. Put time help, over :n
Brant at 540-5630 545-9863
top man familiar with air 1 -~=.;"';'"'.{,2771l~=~-· I :==W=orth==""'=·=ll4U536===:.. frame sheet metal &. plutic 1• RESTAURANT ' .
formiJ'Jg. Mana-r Trnees, c 0 0 ks, Office Equipment 8011 •
M!J.3<J41 Full Tlmo -Doy Shift Job>-Mon, Wom. 7500 ·-Sous Chefs, sharp Waitres&-!Bf.I Executive Mode 1-C
Apply in Person FEMALE es (food & cocktail), Top typewriter, stand A chair
An tqual opportunity
employer lluntlngton Beach REAL S Xlnt J Call "·-•· Jn <>mval'"""' H"PiW E TA TE pay, '" ~·=· cl•dod. Pri"' 13 00.
h S free S48-7796 540-3543
4000 C1mpu1 Dr.
Newport Beach
JOIN an exclusive sorority. l8972 D@laware SI, Hunt. Be ALESMEN ARGUS AGENCIES
Become a 8 ea u t y COMB. INATION, Sharp Bar lnvesH~ale the U•'"'~ ,.... 8kk,,r/59Cty to $650 18fj_q C Newport Blvd., C.M. Ansa·phone fur sale,
M •· •· Go Go o ~ ·~-,. Full~--• L-"'·----with Like new. $250. Counselor. Get a fr e: e a.iu.s no ancers. portunities with Newport's "'._6 UJUPJ\~~ ......
"Beauty ?tt!st F a c 1 a 1 Top wages $3.00.$3.50 to faste:st growing pro!esaional top steno skilh. \Vilt handle 1---------1-===·="='·=""==·==:.I
Sauna .. J 0-•y Fl start Ph for Int ~9983 •--1· . . 2 dlwiON, can woric into School .. lnstructlon 7600 1 • • , an. 1u • ex. · · · mar...., mg organ1.Zation, Res-H hn. a few distr. opps open SASSY l..ASSY, 2901 HarOOr, ldentiaVCommercial top ~el posilioo. -outehold Goods 8020
YOUNG for mature women. For C.M. PROPERTIES WEST S hTho Nfewport GOING eut, •-•· ol -•~
I 6-•195 HOUSEKEEPER. Lt · Prt'voll •-~y """ up c ool o Bu1in11s """" ....,QUI>, app. ,......, ve lll 1028 Bayside: Drive ;79'-1 ~ new, very rea sonabl• FRY COOK OR
KITCHEN TRAINEE mot•· I ho , J '·-··· N ~-m-•• " looking for -1 HAS A GUARANTEED SHEET METAL ,..,r ess m n ~ ... -. ewport Beach '-" ......... .,, 6 .... furniture. Twin ,;.,d •·•,.
hll•-l" •· 31L Mmt .,.,.., .. w~ , •• -•·o shorthand 80, CURRICULUM FOR ... ~ Jl.tECHANICS c '°""· ·11 no l'I· u•..-.130 '"' ... ....,., s CCESS Also hi·ri /stereo. Waaher,
f'f'nnanent. Full time job.
Oiance for adv~~t.
!Precision) Must be able to drive. Pref. age 25 to 45.l•••lliii9iii••• type 50, able to make deci-U ! dryer ilill in warr. Lamps,
fsbricate parts compliete Sal open. 54S-110l exL 275 e U lions. c.ompe.ny said thf'Y 833 Dover Dr., N.8. hurnidilier, filter for port·
APPLY 1N PERSON lrom blueprints. r.ontact dayi;/ 494-6298 wk ends. N RSES AIDES e wwld go higher for well 646-0153 able pool~---Capn·-~ 3 PM to 11 Pl>.I "-UJ"' .... ur TRANSICOM \VELL Groomed woman for and qi.1alltled v.·oman. MERCHANDISE FOR gan, child'& slide, etc. Many
154 E. 17th SL
Costa Mesa
851 \V. 181h St., C.1\1. exceptional opportunity with 11 PM to 7 Ar.I F" SALE ANO TRADE_ 1 ::''='~::"=·::'=~:::;37;:67:;·:::::::::=1
UVE ln help needed for leading cosmetic Co. Flex _ 1 .
motherleKll family, yo11J1g hrs. No canvauing, For ORDERLY P1rsonnel Secty $550 Furniture 8000 ~1r1ge Silt 8022
Doctor .l 4 chUdren, 6 to Appt call 65-0809 7 A1'1 to 3 PM Shorthand 100, type 65, ma· 1--.....:..0.----'=" I
13 yrs. Jl.1ust 1pe:ak English FULL TIME STAFF Parit Lido ture, perronable with excel-DECO RA TOR GARAGE sale, Sat & Sun,
& drive. Salary open. LADIES SPA Convalescent Centa lent work background. Jan 18th & 19th, 5891
4!Jl.W8 d•y or night. BALBOA BAY CLUB "6 FJ..,hlp FURNITURE Edmond• Circle, H.B.
1221 W Coa t H NB Newport Beach ~A.,.,,.., P .R. Secty to $425 Unusu~11 .. fine piece:1 belni
1107 Jambortt Road
Newport Beacb
e COOK e
r.rusr BE 18 OR OVER
BUSINESS is Good! Jamaica . s wy., · . "'"-<>V'I .....,.
Inn Hotel flttds 1 or 2 more -~::548-:c:;221~1,.;Ex;;:;t.,.;1;;80~-II MME DI Ar E opening Type 65, shOrthMd nice but sold by owner. Shown by
n1aids; full or part time. e WAITRESSES e Janitorial Route in Hun. not necessary. Public con-appointment only. Que e: n
A I I 2101 E I J I .. -, -"" chance for 11barp Ann sofa, white brocade, PP Y n per10n. · Taking applications now, for n g on Beach area "'' Ii""""' "--·t H CdM Or call •"·-n• ....... · ,uv. ' g·' to ....... .-. marble top coUee table, •nd ..........,, v.-y, lnterviev.'s at Fountain Val-...... ~ income .,....,.., + "" ......... ~
for app·t. ley's newest, 1st cla.M rest· per Mo. tor ht1Sband & wife tables, lamps. Rare Audu-• R t' Clerk $400 bon PI c I u res. Whirlpool SECRETARY ntttkd tmmed aurant. 171n BroohursL no exp necessary, in. 1 1ng vestment ...... ul-" A ~,pcrience in rating pol\. Washer & dryer. Coldspot
for Adv. Age. SH 70 to HOUSEKEEPER-Live in. ·-... , .... , pply '°"' lrosUree refrigerator, 14·.
80 wpm, typing 50. Alt &. (~ mOlil Talle full charge: 7343 Camga Ave, Canoga ciel. both cammercisl &: 1.fLc;cl items, all in xlnt rond.
well groomed, 11ge 20-38. 2 chldm. age!!'. 4 yr "' 2 ,P:~t:ay...,'@e•~-~1 ~~A.~ 1 penonal. 549-42fi8.
f'tart Sl75 to $400. PHONE mo. Reis. lrvil'll!: area, .....,. u • • .......,.. 67!>-2742be 9-5 * DR Penonn1I Clk to $411 KING SJZE BR. set, 13 Pc ~""='=""'~"pm;,,·=--1 ;,,m=.:.:,,c::,"::,.. ____ ~ IYERS * Exprrlence workini with Med it. Same as pictured in
• WAITRESSES. Will train, WANTED: &itter, part-time. No Expen'enco • 1 • -or Home magazine. Jan 1~
J"" --ti M L-..-.ple hiring ""'~ c. 1.1.1,1 uu or .,..., me. ust -Mon., \Ved. &. Thurs.: 2 1~-SO L.A. timet, page 3. Plus
18. attractive with bubbling 1etiool-age boys, l lntant. Necessary! papel"NOl"k. type: • mattress. bo1: s pr Ing s ,
penonality. THE ZOO, 2344 My home, Back Bay area.. f.1mt have dean Calllomia $450 frame, 2 lamps. "'1lll pie-
s k Sh '#.
East Coat Hwy at 548-8175 drivi--........... A-'·· Recpt/Glrl Fri to tutt. Uaed under 2 mos. naC op M••-•,. Cd'! "'6 '"'""'"' l'tn.¥ ~,,,,, •-~ credit & debit, M I n.IUl •• .. HOUSEKEEPER & child YELLOW c•B co. ,. • ..... v.. ust 118.Crillce entire M!I 3446 E. Coast Hwy., CdM WOMAN w ""' "1ll II'!lin on pegboard, type '11t.11 04•1~ ft 6 •-' ANTED tor motel care, private room & bn1h. 186 E. 16th St. nd <f'NU· k-"""a pm . ._.. OFFICE SUPPLY v-ork, live In. Gd ...,;th T.V. 5~ day a week, penn. Costa Mesa 60, good r,h<rtha • ly.
public. DANA MAR IN A job &. paid vacation. $Dl.l ---;Ex0.::_,Cn"·,=n=""1:0---HID&-a-bed ne\.w used $100. Sales INN. 34lll Cost Hwy. Dana P.!o. 540-9212 ..-Clerk Tr net $300 3 Bedroom sets. kin&. lull
Rapidly expandlnc OUlce PolnL in4) .f96--l300 NBEDED: Ea per I enc e u~~enced No experience necessary. & twin 11.zes. 8' Sofa &
SUppUer in Harbor Area, WANTED LI v e ~out Seamsttets. Call 497·133.5, type :J>, good ~lleT, sim· love scat. Den furniture,
needs young min for oul5lde housekeeper. between ll 6: s PM tot e pie math, llORle ft.ltng. coffee It end tables. Occa.s.
sales. Experience pttfem!d, COOK PRIMF. FACTOR. an lnl.f!rview. COOK • chalra. Many olMr llel'f\3.
but will train. call Mr. West 675-UOO SHAMPOO GUU.. .,,__ .. -~ APPLY &.ck Offlc50e Must sell e\.'H')'thlf11! Only 642-~ s c R ...... '"'re: Newport Harbor Medical $4 2 monlhs old. All Medill ~-------E I:l'ARY-bookkttpt'r for ExclUll\.-e Shop. MU&f C S. E.'t'f'f'TlrnCf'd In all pha!4?5 Very ttuonable. 71 f : HONEST, stable ywrv man Sinale, cood appearance, have Calif. cosm•t"'-"-'"' onva scent Hotplt1I 1 ~i~
I G •• ,. · • r 11 -0 •-· '"n"" cf back nrfitt. on Y top .,,,,... J3 ... or rocery ~1ve:rlt's or sma r.orp., Laguna li~nse. 6t2--0l94 U'9V" -stockina-. 'T'ralnlng & benelit Beach. 494~9701 Re•I Esti te Solos qualified ptra11e. Furniture n:tumed from di•
opportunities. RECEPTIONIST -Bkkpr, play 1tudlos. mod~I homes,
Apply ln person WORKING l\1othtr ~ mf'd olli~. Laguna aru. Men & Women Cl1ric1I $32S deoon.ton cancellation.
P.lr. Ada ms ba.b)-silter from 7:00--4:00. Nursing not mt. State ~ Exp.ndlng again. Olfice # Hiah flCbool. grad. ~lt' Span\M & Mf!diterranean etc
C01tt Super M1rket Near Pomona Sch. 642-7ro8 It quaL 8oJ: M-701. Daily •. opening1 availsbie for work flxP'rienct, rood band-RD FURNITURE
3347 E. Coa.\t Hwy. Cdl\t BABYSIITER 8;30 to 12 am Pi.lo! bcellled men A women. In· wriHna:. type 4.i
• Plumbers 1\100 thru Thurs. Own tra.n1 SALESLADY .For je:v.-elcy stant Income A l.ralnirlir· Mr 1144 Nawport Blvd., CM
• Finl~ ct.r'P'nlrrs 1 baby $lS 'Irie. 644-:Jil:E 1lore, J. C. llwnpluies, ~ne;-· Sp r in&: !l111:alty, Problte Sedy to $550 eve:r1 night tll 9
e Mtthanicll., pn[tt with MEDICAL Aa'L back ofc. Je:weler, 1823 New po r l ~====~---1 Abilll)' lo dmw up wills. Wrd., Sat A:: Sun. 'til 6
mdtnK l!ll'.perienct, e:xp in EKG. X.Ra,y, In. Blvd., c.M. ~ e SALESPEOPLE. Ne 1 t. type !O, liharth&n4 JOO, a1e LUe:time Gift. lypl:writinc.
lalander MoCor Homt1 Inc. jec:Oons .\ lleht lab/847-~7 EXPERIENCED Open.ion cood appr':t'atlCt· Due to dSCtaphone Oillcfren, anndchlldren. or
806 t . Wuhi.....,ort SL SALESG'" t nefo' f'Xptl'WOn )'Ollraell! lndividuallJI tu. ·•· inL. BAktt)I: morn-'"'Med for dn!ges,, Top Holld1y ..... Ith S 1 kln:d Oillcoat 10 Jeaons
Santa An& lnQ:s, 6 AM ro 2 PM. Balboa Picy. 86.1 Production Pl., NB. ~ sat I W P 1 it.pro Typist to $520 typirxr llC'1oot 113 Del Mar.
\\'ANTED: Mature, 21·28 yrs. Island. fi7J..8686 646--0ll8 espeop e. e tra ri. 'T)l:lf' 60. will be Wl'li'. ·"OS
ol ..... "'''· m-.....t-A ........i n•nvsrITE i;MaC-~7'7---,,.-.~~~I 00 f'XJ>. nee. Apply ln pe:r-technical _,.,c ......... ""-•°'='·c:""'="'9='-----.. ,,""" ........... onu R~Lllc h5kp'g, N o l.agunt Jtttf fl.1otd, aon, 2300HsrborBlvd C.~I ... t"'I-. """t"'"r I~ car: salary, comm., Pl fl{y home: 118 area. 7-4:30 3l:8J6 s. <.:o.t llwy ·• · tn('fd. DBL brd w/match nlte stud
allowance, \\'Ill train whil~ MM-Fri $40 ..,,.k. !IEil-4554 * $-200S * REAL ESTATE. Sboukln°t MO. Call aJter 6 p.m.
eamlna. Call: I AM-10 yuu bl! aelll~ the hottest Both fN bl "Cpllctnt 6'2·7362. ·M "' ........ MOTHER·s lleJper: live in. 0 r 1-; JL\ T 0 R s B 11 n d H tn•~ •• h ,.. ...._ rvt.. IU'lea un '6'on _.ac 1 incl f .. .,-d 'I com--KlNCi-Slze matt.. box irprp. ~. IT TO ·~•i rm .. 1 hllh. $17>. No flniidier&-Csnn~nt fA ctory Vlllqe Real EJU:tc: 962-HTl -n• -•lions. CU.tom _ made, •"~'-~ w." f')!Jl nr !l.ki l!ii n-q. M2-Yi74 t'Xl'lf'r. 00-2666 N .8. or 546-&lo.1 r-1 ,,_.. '"~ l.Jkfo Jlt'W ~. 64.>293J
Appll1nc11 1100 '
KENMORE Automatl
Washer. Excellent coDdltion
$45. 847...flllS
16 CU If. Upright Deep
Freeze, {wht) Pttlect rond
$135. 54Q..354J .
Antiques 8110 ·~
4 lee boxes, 2 Roll tops
2 Chopping blockii, 2 Brass'
be<h. 2624 Newport Blvd.,
Costa Mesa 642.:rl69 •
VAST stock Amer &: Eur
furn & clocks. Larry
Morgan Antiques. ~ f 2 8
Newport Blvd., C. M.
Sewing M•chlnet 1120
1967 SINGER complrte with
Wlllnut console. $37.88 or
Assume, 12 P8.)'rm!nls of
S3.85 mo. Due to dlYUJtt
actK>n -repo? Button holei,
bllnd hema, OVf'f'CUtl e:tc
No atl1ch needt!d.
GuAl'1Ulttt-OK. caII 52&-6616
Muaic1I Inst. 1125
BASS Guitar, case .r. amp.
X1nt cond $195. 6 Stfini
guitar w/vibrato + amp
$60 67J...%>29
srEREO tape reoordcr. Sony
500 with mies l speaJcen.
Finl J185 takes. ~73
Pl1noa & Org1ns 1130
HAMMOND • Stelnv.·11..Y \"a.
rn•h• • ntw & Wied plum
of all make:11. e.e61 beys ln
So. C..llf. rl(hl htte.
1907 N. ~Wn. ..
San1a Ana
HAMMOND Spinet w I (lfn:.
rnlltl.Jpny nntsh. .xlnt cond
$700. S45-2951 .
' I
I 1
- ---r -9 - - --------~ ---------• -• -
T"""'1, JanUllY n. 1969 • DAILY mdr :r J
1,,_;.,SAJ.;o;:.;·=l-'A.;;.N.;;D;;.-t:....;;R;;A-.D_l.'--i"-S'-'A"LE;;..;.AND='"-'.;;;t;.;;il";.;;.O:;.l:;;..l-.;;S:;.:A;;LE;;..;.-AN=D-;..;.T;;;ll;.;4D=I-MoblloHoOMa 9200 Imported Aul.. 9600 Imported Auto. 9600 Auto LeHl!!f 9810 UNd Cora t900
l,~ll•;•-;;;;·~;8600~~Ml~-;;1~i.q;ao~u~1~l600~1~ \'!(anted ', 1610 SEE tho Dull Wide li""4 FIRRAllt , TO'(OTA *AUTO IWIN6* FORD lo -w A'N J lo 'D •r Pan Amlrltu. P.aro.1__.. _ _._.~-1-.,----'-'---·lli MAJOR MFGllS., 11 BIG FINANCE CO.'S, i I:., mount, Elite and G-1 FERllAlll '69 JOYO' t•'t ./ ALL MAKES •64 Ford G•laxl1 XL NK~ H~ CONTRACTED TO, SELL MORE ., """1 <iiiolll> ~ ;._. tnobile bom" -at t Newp>rt lmporU Ltdl °" A ./ a>MPETETIVE PRICES llw!l8d by UttJo 'ole fttlred
AJii 250, WORTH OF NEW & USED PU!llt. 'lL-» Fltnilhire °:;'010 r Dual Wide Sciles an;o County's mtlY aulltor· All Modol $l770 Cort Fox Auto L.Hlns mariot. 811.Y blot, v.a, auio. • . •
PLIANCES, COLOR TV'S, STEREOS & 100'$ TV's, ......... awtianceo Clial""an Moblle llomH In<· l%ed dealer. 1 Fr. tu W. Cout HJahw.,. · matlc, fa<I '"'" pwr 11"'~ • DID ' YOU • ~f,GROUPS, ENSEMBLES, ALL TO BE SOLD AT l<>t>la ltlld offior -nt'. 530 N. Harbor, S.A. SALES• SEllV!CI!: • PARTS ef lllll L~...: 1 Newpgrt llffdi MU!4li .... cllr. Ex<tollW COOtL fl> •
PUBLIC AUCTION . -. ~ ~ Ill llG Mlnjl .. ! 5314571 3lGO w._Ooaat Hwy. wn UlllO Collt-wm .... for.. lfOW
sn.ul2 * -N-1 Bem u,.d C•ro 9900 elcn car In trade, line pryt • If • ~UYTODAY-SAVETODAY-GETTODAY.-. w·'ANTE'D. 1$1orHomee 9215 SU-91116 W.1'161 IMPORTS Pri>.<9<mlor~ • II\ •
l ' AulboMd MO Dealor OYOTA-YOLYO JRAllSPORJATJON '68 FORD LTD ,2 Dr'. Fact. •THAT' vou • 100'5 of HOUSEHOLD ITEMS TO CHOOSI FROM Furnltvre• 4~pllancei CORTEZ-Yoit ....,., belle"' 1966 Harl>or, C.M. ~9303 air, aulX>, "'"'" RAii. pwr, I i
JAN .. p bl. A •• Color TV1 • Plano• ila • 'G6 .. low -... MERCEDES Blt~z CAR s•rr ~: ~--~!.. ~ •• CAN BE •• w10.' NITI u IC UC ion ETC. .., .~ oood -pvt Pi> -----,,----1Toyote '69 Executiw d•mon. au; ~~ ~---~ 7:00 P.M. C h • I/ h oria owner. 547-2133 atrator. This deep bJue Cof.. Credit problem? See-us tor acceu. T Mos: old; adult• • ~s 1n 1 our 8 x 35 SPARTONE'ITE, turn. cl1a 2 dt. w on1y 1015 mll· tnst.ant dt'JJvuy, 1owJcr1oes, driven m.2394
$41-4531 Adu l t park . Clean, ff. fullydloequi~_tn~~ heaNt· ~~ =si. ~Jdor ~~ ~ FORDV-8 • DRIVING •.
• \V A N T E D • reasonable. 64&-2318. er, ra ' w. w~. ""r. 0· in today, --·, Auto. 4 dr. Good Ula. • -rr::.~eJ~~:g:~~fy~~~·~~!·~~.q~::~ °c~~~=~~~~~ Motorcycle• 3036$ • $1695 .~~""'J:fi, ;:~~~ .• A BRAND :
n ew, Used & Antiques. 70 New liv rm couch-BJLL MAXEY
es •• -·cb~b•"', love sea•·, sectionals,· hide-PETS and LIVESTOCK '65 S·-ukl ty-AUTO SALES '63 Fard XL llT. bueket • NEW "..,.... '" ....... ..,, ...... • rr-2145 Harbor(; Costa Mesa seats, white ext. tact air, a·beds. Many fabrics & designs. 15 Din nns, Cits 8820 Motor Biko I I I IOI IA! WE PAY ASH FOR dlr. 185 rnh deb. Pymnt •
Span, Medilt, maboJ& maple. 25 Bdrm sets, Like Nowl 1964, 190, auto, leaU..r,T 0 1Y T YOUR CAR PAID $29 mo. 545<1634 • 1969
35 dinettes, name tirands, all styles. 80 Box SIAMESE. Aby, stud "''· $99 AM/FM ,a bsol"t.l y lllt"• BEAC-H •LV FOR OR NOT! 1'fW FAIRLANE. V-8, aulX>. •
• • • • Spr• & mattr new & used all sizes Slamese Ab)', Persian & 5.,9326 flawleu, perfect mecll cond. . • "I' O. 0 ' ' · Russian Biue k It t c n s , -------~=-1 $~. 644-0963 Hunt. Bt•ch .147.9555 R/H. Xl.,t me c b • n I ea I • POOLE BUl(I( • IS Color TV'1, Near now, '8po1, ,.....,. ,67 TRIUMPH 1965=-MEl\CEO==~ES~-0~,-..,~.; lmlN.o!CoattHWllooo&h BUICK eood.im,m.=evea. • •
.bl · U• T-100 C 500 C.C. Xlnt (X)lld, new pa.int, bh.tt w/tan Int. " A Landcnu.scr. 4 '6.l BUICK Wild••! 4 -. .-.n ~-0....,., A·' ~. • • 1 150 Near new & used appliances. F.frig's; r .:======== ~1 TOY<:rr · ---------1'64 FALCON Convert. stick hr • Uttt. • wasbe:rli, dryers, stoves, freezers, t· • sp v n,_ 8825 1 • t d 1 p 1 k .... ...... ......... ....... . ... ll.MllU.
k b ~· Low mileage, $825. Pvt. pty. Must see to apprec. Org w ~, r v e e u P • pwr steer &. brks. -11U1.11-....__ -=~" ~~,.... • s2444 ·: front dble door re:frig. Pianos, des , ar & e 531.s;m e o\1•nc.r swoo. 64).1644 "'I camper.Extras! · · ' Dyl.,_.,,...... r..-• ~
stools pictures1 lamps. All styles end & coif-ADORABLE white Samoyed 839-26TI ' ~213J775• 6 7 5 • 2 4 9 2 ; '61 FALCON 2 dr, 6 cyl,. 3 •
'fee ta'bles. Occ chain, small appliance,, Lge ~~fi~· ~.~· !~wn!i pe7t Trailer, Tr1v1I 9425 MG apd. cllr, $50 ~ de:ls. • •~• f ood --~-gs -ovel'6eas · •-v· ·-• ' • •--------TRIUMPH '59 BUICK INV!CTA Blue p~bo $18. -·mo. 49'o9'l'l3 • • Seip.,u~n <? W ~ 'w it om • weeka. see to appreciate. i. 4 ,_ hd~ p S p 8 ~-,.. ~
W1 Fin~ with good rr9dlt-also Master Charge ~-------~~SKI~ ~· = MG ow~r s1'15. 6'ii979 . ..,,.. YOU CAN. 10 •. • '64 TR Spi-; ..... paint, MERCURY DOBERMAN P i n s c h e r s equipd. Loaded with extras. clutch I: rad1als. Day s: '59 BUICK Hdtop, very good --------I A·OK COMMISSION GALLERY ~!.pedigree, must ..u. ~~".::: tor ~ :'°.138or 138 51111, Service, Ports m1000: Eves. -1 . "'""· """· au10., pwr. br1" '63 MERCURY • n22 Gardin Grove Blvd. -~---~---~ 0 . pm . mo. Complete new MG Inventory '59 T • 2 & steer.; $250. 64&-9023 Hardtop. Air. bnmaculate. • V2 Block West of Beach Blvd., off GG Frwy. Great Dane Puppies .AKC O.A.C. Autborit.ed dealer fee the new Ausl.n America .R-.;iio $5 S Our
"'•· Ctutmpioru;ltlp b""'· ~::,~·Layton and Terr)-, Here Now! ===im-=2637===, __ C_A_D __ IL_LA_C __ 1 ~ttR MPrkeOTOl8'CiRS .•
Pi1nos & Organs 8130 Miscellaneous
ing. 541--6128 alt 6 PM · 1-ft'RFVKlt
8600 "RE~c'°'IST""'E'°RED=-,G=er=-m::-:-:a, Rick B1ldlno'1 · VOLKSWAGEN 62 SEDAN O.Ville. Im· Mobllt World 1naculalc! Air Cond. Power 2035 llarbor Blvd. • NEW YEAR'S~
In Uled
HAMMOND ORGANS RT-2 Concert Model •• $1895
C .3 With speaker , • • • $1750
M-101 Deluxe Spinet •• $lllfi·
M·?. Spinet. Maple •••• SS95 3l?l2 Spinet, Walnut •••• $t50
open Mon & Fri eves. HAMMOND
In Costa ?l-1esa
New sc.lection, fantastic prio.
es every Frid~ 10 AM at:
2750 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa
short hair Pointer Pups for 19432 Beach Bl., H.B. 9G-l3n '63 V.W. 8Ug, competition Steering, brakes, seals &: 548-5294 548-8511 •
sale, $75'eacb 642-0933 436 s. !-!arbor BL, SA 531-8710 ~low, 3 nio. new "-•. • ... .., windows. A Bargain at '65 MONTEREY t dt sed
WEIM.ARANER Pi.tPS, AKC, 13' ARlSTOCRAT Lo Liner, me whls, reblt f!ng b)' SUOO. 548-5508 pwr st, brakes. Truly ~ •
8 weella, ;75. 642-4033 after copper refrig, stove, queen 3100 W. CoMt Hwy. Pl'Of. wl.th 6 mo par. now ....i b O"'" owner ~'75.
6 or \lr'eekends. Newport Beach 1 wb old. Ntw transaxel. CHEVROLET . ~:'.7973uy, ... ' .,.... •. size bed, bunk, cabana, 642-MOS S4G-l76' 1Clnt ,buy at $800. 4M.om .,..,,.. TRANSPORTATION chem toilet $895. 492-0057 · A 65 COMET Caliente, 2 dr •67 17 FT ·~-TT Authorited '.Pif'G Dealer V\V '64 ~. beige, R/11, 11/H •
& Y ht 9000 ....... tocrat · ' w/w, Top cooo, clean & brd top. 4 speed, •very OI IC • -Sleeps 4, not a/e. $1395. LA'.I'E '67 MG Midget Load· sharp.. Ol1g owner, will sac., •
968-1704 after 5:30 ed. 15,000 mi's. Called in sharp. Prv prty $9SO. S1l9S. 673-l569 •
SEDAN --N• .... 2U21
28!>1 E. Coast 1-lW)' .• 67J.8930
Basic Boating Cl11te1 Trucks
itervic-e. $250 & take over 613-lMJ
pymts. Karl ~512 '65 vw. IO\V mileage, good '6S MERC ltation wqon, air-• $199 '
'62 MG midget. Xlnt cond. tires, eXCt>llent condition, cond and everythlni, 3 seat • 9500
• •
• • • • • • • • • • • WT DAYSI!!
fligbet prices are com1ne -New slate S695 v8.I Now $295
':_rut ~e _ ~ &UU ~un~ _23, Mod~~ to c~ il'oJn $59_ an pianos & organs1n--nie up. 213: 6924167, m.2101
OUered to Public by
B1lbo1_Pq_Y1er Squ•(ron Startlhk 7 PM«Mon. Jan. 13 at Newport Harbor Yacht
Oub 720 W. Bay Ave., New·
port Beadl. NO ADVANCE
646-8422 or 673-1855 for more
*SPORTSMENS VAN* * TRUCKS * They Aro All Hero At
..fJ.!!tullc Oltcou
Priced for quick sale $850. $1100. 54!!-2819 $1995. 96M512 aft 6 pm •
Call 549-1758 alt''"' PM '62 vw B .. $6'5. ~2-2487, DOWN •
'53 MG TD, completely re-Hamilton & Meyer St., MUSTANG . • •
last days of the great Mov-
ing Sale. It will coat )IOU
money to wait Shop 4: buy
now at:
1801 Newport, C.M. 642-8484
Pianos & Organs
See them now at
Coast Music
1839 Newport Blvd, CM
Famous Name Brands
from $529.
Also USED Instruments
Gould Music Company
204.5 N. Main, Santa Ana
So. of Freeway 547.oo81
Mon & Fri 'til 9 Sunday 12.S
l:llDE-A·BED never used.
$100. 3 Bedroom aeta. king.
full & h\in sizes. 8' sola
& love seat. Den farniturc,
rofiee & end iables. Occas FREE
chairs. Many other items. Basic Bo1ting Cla11e1
Must sell everything! Only OFFERED TO PUBLIC
2 montba oW. All Medltt. BY
Very reasonable. 714: Huntington Beach
870-1592 Power Squ1dron
CARPET WAREHOUSE ,Starting Mo,., Jon 27' 7 PM
R 2-'Roll E-.. -at Huntin(ton Beach Higb emnants-uu-,.... School. H.B.
Thousands of yards to cbooee For turtber info call
from! Someat Colit&Be.~. 842-1227 or 846-2350
Ready"for immediate d"""" BEACH CITY
165;j[j Beach Blvd., Cll~y. 39)
Huntington Beach
'67 1,1 TON PU, 8 cyl, std
trans, cus. cab, p I a ,
sporb!:man trip, $18 5 O.
--ccmdllioucd. --$1400.. -·-1-<°"-.iOita""°M"''"--.-----~ e-MtlSr.NG ~-'• wl _Lkn!!__ !!I• Evts a!tc>r 6, 546-5259 '60 VW C&mper witb Covair • ... ,,..... CNdft. eMAC
1954 MG, n1odel Tf',
good cond, $875.
*114 -837-6589*
enafne. $1000 or belt oiler. Cpe. Bucket .at. automatic .... ._. Fl...S.. 8 6'rr..l.270 i --=~ tranl., radio, heater. Vuy -'64 EL CAMINO clean. Low miles. OWP432. • <-" •
'66 W. Blue!. blk int. VS, fac air, R & H, alltoma• $1095 • • =========I Chrome rims. $1300. fit'. power steerinG". bucket& GUARANTY • • OPEL 548-2'163 VOH'8
19158 OPEL Kadette Sta \Vag.
13,000 n1llcs. AM·FM. w/w.
Yellow '''fblnck interior.
S1750. Call 842-1359
'62 VIV Sunrool: l-0woe" Slro<l CHEVROLET • •
radio; recent eng. o'haul. GUARANTY 7U E. 17th St. • •68 IUICK •
Good tlret. $600. 546-2({,2 CH'"'-oLET At Santa Ana Freeway .Gr•11 Sport. Auto., oir•
'68 VW Fastback. near new; nlllYK Santa Ana SU-9311 •conil., PS, Pl. tWXE561) •
llght'bliie. blk. vinyl inter. At SantaE.~tb~~ MUstANG '67 GT hardtop. $3395 •
Call: 644-0256 Santa Ana 54.1-9311 V-8, au.to tranl, PIS. air, .a
'66 VW -dlo -·~ Good disc brakea. R & H. U,000 , ...._._ omdltio;,:' Se°.iS:.;b_ 21.3, '68 CHEVY II mi. Pvt pty $2,300. Ul • H IUICll S·y-• Cc.:;'m=p.:.er"s'---,----95_2-'0 '67 PORSCHE 911 Targa, '30-l914 Nova series. Air, automatic 532--5141 • H.T. Cpt. A11to111ot10. r.•d··
Hrs: 8:30-4 p.m, Mon-Fri.,
Sat 11}2 p.m.
J 753 S. Richie
.62 CHEVY Van 28 000 mi black, xlnt oond. $5900. trans powtt iteering Ra· lo, h1ot1r, p_,, ''"""'' ·SCRAM-LETS $500. Eng· runs' xl~L M1,111i Day11, 83J..664!, Ev cs . '65 VW Convert., $1150 dlo Heater + olher e~ '66 MUSTANG, 3 1pd V-8 •foctory 1lr CFXC•4•• •
sell. SM E. Ocean tr on t 4~1 att 8:30 • 545-?42? • Lo~ tnlles '# 24316L new brks, t!res. $1600. • $1195 •
Balboa. 613-1684 '67 PORSCl'IE 9l2. Like new. '64 VW Xnlt cond $79.S $2090 =~~~~car u •--------•
GRAND OPENING ANSWERS ,.D:cu:.:.n:::•..;B;;.;u"g:;gl.;.11;.__9;.;5=25 -~,__,,..· ..,Call=....,,'15-5333=-:c=oor 1--962--22?3_0_,_!IQ.0538___ GUARANTY 'BS Mt!STANG. An power,• '64 RIVIERA •
Mon 1/27/69 Ma.rd.an Foun-Infirm -Exult -Piker -·· '64 c. Xlnl Cond, clean, VOLVO CHEVROLET 2+2. Stereo. Xlnt cond. •R•cllo, hooftr, •"*0·1 rs.•
Sanla Ana 541.SOn
dation Ttirlft Shop. g:3()..l:OO Do .. 1o.1., TIED UP V\V rloor pan. with disc M/FM I , $3000 1---------711E.11th St. $100 +low payment1. 1PI, pow1r wlndo)ll'lf 1lr1
I • 8205 ...,.,, -hrakci;, 10" chrome wheels A • ownr, · VOLVO! At •--ta Ana F 675-5628 cond., I owner, loc1I cir. 1Te evis1on 1vton, \Vf!d, Fri. Benefiting Many girls who are al 673-9339 or 675-5835 ..,.., rceway I <HCTJ 70) •
.;.;;:;;.,;.;.:c..;''------1 children with leaming di• loose ends are interested in w/U/35 lndys. VW motor Santa Ana ~3·9311 '66 MUSTANG Convert. Pwr. · No r!!~[.~ $Je~ivery abilities. 18n Pa.rk Ave., gttting TIED UP. ~a!!!~':t~a~i~~;~ ·~ ~O~ Gd~~~r·~~ All Models Fr. $2695 ';,6 CHEV. 2·Dl'., 283, 4 spd.; sletr. & bl'akes. Low Ml. • $ 1995 :
534-047! or rr.i.9110 C.l\f. Near 1-larbor & 19th. ), FT. Custom Flaml~o pty. 67_,3.3267 ,,.., Hurst linkage; positraction; $1500. 54&1886 after 5 •.--------
USED TVs S25 & up. Repairs 1 -"',2·-1850~~===~~ ~~~~ ~Jue 00:,nd ln~s~~~; c~::c~Tti:,u::ck ~~~: '63 PORSCHE S, xlnt cond, ~faJ\ lemia ~~~I~ :::~: ~~a~ OLDSMOBILE :65 OLDi Dynamic ••: I in shop 01' home. 2Q21 * AUCTION * painted. New white side curtains • .Re~blc, all nc\v t><JUlp. Best oner. fer! 549-IK38 Eves 4 Dr. H.T. RIH. 1uto. PS,
. Harbor st., CM. ~1672 lf you will Rll or buy n 1 Ui ah yd e , Upholaterv 496-3767 494--3237 after 6 IMPORTS =~-~--·--VERSIJY ••it co11d. lMOYl-461 •
givo Wi"<fy a '" Throe 16\l hp Cbamplon ======== 1.Zo======= 1967 EL Camino, ( speed, llfl • $ 1 595 •
Hi.fl & SI•-1210 Au'"'"' Friday 7,30 p.m. -·• Complete w It b Imported Auta 9600 RENAULT •pectal ""'penttlon • 396·
:5T:cE.:.RE.:..:O::...:;·;.;l968;;...;;;;;.Sol_li_d...;;.ata;;.te;.o, Windy's Auction Barn several fuel tanks, ateerln1 ;.c::::.:;;..:.;,.;;...;.=~---1 1966 Harbor, C.ri.1. &16-9303 Black, penonal ear, new SALES .& SERVICE • •
and controls. See at 2808 e Spot CUb..JCl' Import.I i958 RENAULT Dauphine. * '68 Volvo 144-ti e 6t~.;.l't. dul cond. $205ll. M.lfMOBllf e '62 MERC. MCNttir..,•
14 .apd, 4 speaker audio Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'l • -•-tt N--"·ach. We pay ~re fc:c an1 .Jmport n -blt •""· New rear ihockll. Shlf 17 I ,.,...""° WW • I d • . -·-'-"t ___ , """"'L Newpo..t CM: 64&8686 uuaYe e, ., .. .,._. oo:: _ _., ol '""' n.c .,. t. ,000 m, Autom1tlc, • r con " pow. system rn wawu CCl.l.'llUie. ""''"~ ,., l'eg....,'U.leu Ytll'. , EQ-• New t , .•• , , ~--mi--'. '''""' tier ,._~.3 '63 CHEVY 2 door 8111Ca)'ne, 1 IGEX••o' •
lay n..., 17 FT. Performer. Ialander • ,_ L\.V•ov <.:lLI S-..u/O • 4 .O.L;J '10&1\ llarbo• 81•_. ••r 1tt•r ng, I I Left on away, ~OJ. WALNUT BR set, box-or condition. 1r, UI ~ Good trans, car. S125. slick shift, 6 cylinder, $175. "°""' • vu. $695
1 balance of $79 cub or low /~ f 1 rm quilted matt. D e 1 u x e m 0 de 1 ( a 11 you sell. ELM O.R ~ 54&--057l a... ft 4 PM A I Cl I 9615 6434lU6 om.a Mesa • • l pymnts.Warehouse. 535-1289 bookcase headboard. 2 fl berg 1 ass l oi,itboar MOTORS. 15300 Beach 'Blvd. nt qu .. , au ca 540.!l&kl u~ Can Mo.mt • •
"''ILLIAMSON Stereo, 100 drawer night stands; 2 Custom snap down cover. Westminster. ~ '63 RENAULT Caravelle. 1936 Ford grille $15. l rear 1961GoodChevy, $300. • •
I \\.Ott AM IF M. Gar. lamps !l drawer dresser Bl& wheel tilt trailer. $700 ==="'===-==== Good cond. Two tops. One door•. complete with a1au Trani. PONTIAC '65 OLDS Cuti ..
changer. See to appreciate, W/lga mimn', new eond, phone 642,.4980 after 7 pm. ,A~U~S~Tl~N!_H~E~A~LE~Y~ j•o=wne=ri:, ;$550:;;;.~54<>:;';2000;;';== $10 eL One front end, com· MG-1S68, aft ,5 PM. •H.T. Cpo. 11.lH, •uto .. PS,• . Cali anytime 548-l447 Sl50 total. 642-8893 FOR SKIPPER OR BOAT _ plete with A-frame & 16" 'S 7 CHEVY. Needs !'S PONTIAC GTO ••Ir cond. IP6P1161 • New Craftsman MAINTENANCE CALL 'fi6 AUSI'IN Healey, 3((11), red SUBARU whf!e!A, ideal to make a i:: en e r at or, excellent Local cat. LOw mu.es. Ownred • $I &95 1 Cameras & Equip. 8300 54S-356l w/blakc in!erlor, prlv/pty, trailer wltb $20. V.W. bua upholstery. $150. 897-9420 by Uttle:_ 'ole lady Jn Capt. _ _ T ble Saw 1969 SUBARU seets about 6' lon11. S25 for STATION waaon '65 Bel trano . .' Plush blue bucket . . 1 t1INOLTA SRT -101. Brand a S1llbolt1 9010 $2·500· 537-2757 from $1297; 66 MPG 3 of them. Call 536-841l H.B. Aire, f>9wtt s&B, new tires, scata, blut nt. white top,• '65 IUICK Skyl1rk •
"', ,,.-u-~. FL4 •···, * 12-rNCI! * y• ·•-dJr · HT C •au I PS " ._. ~ .. l2SO. Sa~ e $175.00 e SNOWBIRD #371 CORTINA Complete foreign car ~rviec MODEL T 1-~oRD Expreas iood cond. Sl.295. 838-nU -o, &11.w, , pwr steenng, • . • po. " .-.. ou o,. ·•
I carrying case W K ta K f K t-·~ u·-·•--'. s-. 381 wt.re wheel covers. eoo:: Ca!!h •P0 wlnclow1, •i, c:ond. • . Private Party -531.8387 All wood. Dacron aall Ex· ---------1 OS US Om Qr5 .-.... , .. _.~ ~ '83 OfEV. 11; lady'a car ...,.,. p y
-'="=·=646-0-t=,.,"'===== iftiMAN Hair .t::UoMe wiglet, cellent condition. Ready to '68 CORTINA dlx, R & H, 1!8J Harbor Blvd. fi46.M84 E. 16th St. C.M-S48-S9S6 $495 2191 Harbor Blvd del!. will fine prvt prty. I D 2$"'1695 -lt 000 . ~ 1200 r_;_ M••• ~·-"'~ " 494-9773 or S4S-Oll34 • • S I• Good l500 new ne·-· worn $10 Also Sall A • •~ --or , m 1 u11uer warr, .......... ......... ............,., _,_po_r_in,.g'---'---Hum;;; Hair ·Red· 548-94.S~Q· _....vi~ below book. Xlnt, one ---------.~A~u:!!los!!_.~W~a~nl~ld~--97!!_!00~1==;::;=;;:;=;;".;';::="-1987 FlREBIRD 400 fact all'• I
SCUBA Outli~ """plet.; dbol>&>wn long fall (Ml o""''· &14-0141 TOYOTA 'wE PAY CHRYSLER Pwr S&B, cul1 trtm New • '64 IUICll S....._., •
i purchasedinl.968.Makeof· cap). Pak! $120, sell for 20 IT'r;"~P· manyTextru.Cat!========"'-1----------... 5 -Radlalttres, 19.000 nµle&, ....... _ . '"'"'"": ... fer 673-88Zl $850 • ......,,..;, terms. om DATSUN CA H '81 NE\V y k 4 Or bdtp. Verdaro Green PaJ,nl $Sl00. ~m1t1c:, power ,+ .. tt119,
;·J\tAUI'' Surfboard by =~:s::.:.t ~~~·i;Oi"i :;~00 2614 New po rt· TOYOTA. . · Blark: r:~v ertirer: · RWS'· !if&-738' eves. 8 '0110' h$"'7'"9"51
"'79 > •
1 Creek. 'l' 8 .. , very tood aw~· to sc:hool will_sell my ""°~"'=~--~-'67 DATSUN HV.fif!llPflHTF.R S Pert. cond. Be1t oUet '.58 ·PONTIAC Sta-War.• •
condition, S60. 536--0402 $1"5 hope chest. like ne\v, SNOWBIRD And trailer, new Big Sedan. Near new! One ELMORE for used can il trucks Jult ~ Good tiret, new b & t t . •
S50 Cash. Call Mary ~· ~t, varnish. 5f6..678? owner. Excellent condition. ca:R us for free calimate. Transp. car. lit $125 takes • 67 OLD'S Sta. W1t9. •
M __ i_sc_e_ll_•_nt_o_u_1 __ 1_600_ 6'B-93S8 after 6 PM Owned by little 'ole man GROJH (HfVROlfT CONTINENTAL it. 678 Govemor. ~ •Aufornotic, olr colld,. p. • ~"Y Va·~·um cleaner &: p C I 9020 from Laguna. 4 Spd, dlr, ra-15300 Beacb Blvd., Watmnstr -f1orlng a 1>,ak11 IVCL-PE1\.tCO Aquarium 77 pl. ~ "'" Owtr ru Mfl dio, heater, automatic, fawn .ftl.-e -· .,_ '63 CONVERT. Xlnt cond. RAMBLER •'0721 ' •
n I. hte attacbmeot.s. Originally sold ---------•-.....:·;;."=~•;;,..;~=~=·--• -k 1 o .. • M r 1 v.·/ uoreacent Calli!"~ fot over $300. Take ewer 28. FIG Californian ~S!< g"*n ext., pluah black 1 • 1~ 182~~ ;;:~ B~d~e Llhr. Inter., fact. air; leav· • $3195 •
1 ~ ~ mna1I pymntll or $49.60 cub.. Cruiser • xlnt cond. Loaded leather bucket seata.. S75 BUSIEST m•r..:etplace tt1 Ing eta le, n1ust uc. Sl.050. RAMBLER 1962, 2 d r • •
SLATE top Pool tab I e credit dept. 535-7289 tor fishing, family cruising. Cash dela, will find prvt town. Th• DAILY PJlOT _ l-lun~~~1r1acb 64ij.:.3104 clas11ic, S cyl 1tlclc. ad1.--------
l 3~1ix6%, $200. Hon1c bar n. ... 11.., Klng·Slze Bed, $13.IXX>. 642-8200 prty. 494-9773 or 545--063f C11U8Uled acctlm. Sift 11162 CONTINENTAL. 1u11 ~l""po!l.rt&tion. $200. 642.-5168 .·'66 DO..a Monaco ••
w/4 stools, $95. 897-9420 "''"" " rnooey, time & e!flU'\. i..oolr WILL pay ca.ah ,for your ...........i rres xlnl cond Mer HT ll beautiful quiltM mattresa, SOCK IT TO 'EM! now!! 1 Rarnblct'. Al\1X • Javelin, power, fi""" 1 ' ' 4 Or. · • H, •i;t-.,
STEREO tape n.C\ll'der, Sony split foundation, blt·ln Spud-Ski Boats 9030 ========:.!.-=========I American, Rebel, a.nd Am· by owner. $900. ~1724 SHILBY •PS, olt cond. l'TPU032f •
;J()() \vith mies & speakers. franie. Never uted. S911. '65, 15~' CLASSIC •kl boat Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 bo.lsador. Top dollar any • -a I 995 •
>'int $185 falt". 54s.«/3 Wonh$250. ~ Ii~;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ CORVAIR • • w/fii) Mere., big whl. ttlr. make. SHELBY '67 GT 350, C Spd. •
l'ROF Drafting Table. New. iiEbwooo PallO r urn, Xlnt roM. $1195. 968-46Stl ,80 OORV AIR, Ed transporta-Xlnt oond. $ml. Private ......... ..
I S:.O. ™· brd, • mla 11 items, IMI Boot Slip Mooring 9036 e e ' . ~nt tune up, $22!. · •. JAGUAR •. I"'"' odg ..... Id bulwood gilder .. trig. air <»rid,..... D~D[!)ara Party ~73
~· ========I '"""""'' G4"'2!o. T BIRD I FREE TO YOU BEAUTIFUL blood .,11 . SAIL boat moorlnr la< ''"t '65 OORVA11'. 2 ell:. llT. • • lll:lNllllftftlllf •
wJ maximum 1 ft beam. ILMOI M 1-<>wner Good cond -llUUIUUAllll&I """"'·hand tJed, orta. eoot """6"""11 I OTORS or belt ~Her. o.,.. m..mt '450 T-BIRD 11Complel1 Soles -s .... • O~I~~mb~ $295. WW llll tot f1S. Eltet Cold body, white Uhr, 1tce 1ncf Perts 0.rirl·• 54&-7817 alt ''"'· Alrorefl 9100 15300 BEACH ILYll. WESTMINmR 8f4.JJZ2 CO VETTE di bttcicet •atA. Rblt ,,.. 1 f JA"'UA s with wood """-Good R '· · •m•• °" '"' • • mulch. 83J..5332 or 546-4931 UPHOI.STERlNG • $1'!1.50. 2 p I Pll C 4 --..... ------1 over hauJed tram, a1lo new S.. 'n• lttltl"t
'betw 8 & s Mon thru pc. (Euro~an craftsmen) r. ot ourse 'V: ~ FOR YOUR W patnt. car tn pe.rftcl ahe.pel • ltlt J•I'•' Tod1y •
I ~ ,..t, del, pkk""• 215 $75 dn. $~10.16 mo. Moon~y J 0 '63 T'8rDACK, red, black "'-boilt t~· ·ut »• ~-• ... •
>'ri. 1131 ;.;;,~. HB "Berny" .36.--s.1 ... F M ""rdo ~~ .. a::: 1.:r'n.. M:;; ;;w dell::."".:..i ;;;. ~ .. n•••••·
MALE. c;.,, ""'•· • 1 , s·-"A ~-·-°""i• c'" • '> Airport , , ,. 1 ' CONNELL · """· -11 12u1 G(.mJ \\'eimarancr 7 n1os. all NEW t.'Omp c'" uvu-"'-'lltlM 50-2666 or 546-1610 '" •n 1netn! •-•I lolt •'II ~ $%Iii), (1) 493-1887 KAit ~;-; • 21' E. 1llh SJ • I bBby turn. !!et + crih A b111k •ppro¥o of e'ocllt, CHEVRO"'T or -~hota. Very aUectionatc, mattress. Nevtr used. S175. Mobile Homes 9200 Wi '57 f.a1lD • • •
I &12-6585 botore • p.m. 1173 308 >;th SL, NB 673-<W 1-------~EE• FREE 2328 llarbor m .. d. ___ D_O_D_G_E __ 1Xtr& lbarp> stm mi; new • 541•7765 •
PAYED '"'""' Bol<er: all = BAY 'HARBOR "' Colla Meta 1141-12!1 ·-• tr&oo. New~~ \'llCC, Good family dot. 2948 Staufflr 11WUUClftt l v v f' '85 DART ._ • ~rl a:lo 1111 • E. eoa.t HJahway Corona Mechlne -$85. Mobile Hom11 Show as eq1s aca IOll Will Buy Cpo, Runs good, -car. ::":' • lb~ . "boo • •
d.l .... , 9 to 5 * 5CM753 * 1969 JO i: 12 WIDE SALE 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS See to appreciate. pm. .. t pm ·~ Fo' R TWO RANTY ·-· T n~-Uko II. • ·-~-• -• OOMINO Da.mM.t • ~D HOUOAY Health s p. 40 ft. 80 ft ... ft. Your Volktwapn « Ponche GUA ._ ~. rrw, ........ v :-am ! A'lftl. Must have eatabliab-'membership, for fwo, .,.. l OR~ 2 BEDROOMS No P11tc h••• N1c•11•ry A Pli top doUan. Pa.id lor CHEVROLET pwr. 1 a.mer. ~ -• .. '' pt\l. •
I Ni Salt Wate• AQuarl1tm. .,... 8 """· bal. ,.._.,ll A> Low ,,. "' oot. call Relpla -BIYd. C.M. • Sund'1' It ,om • '""""° 1121 IUS6 Down -!61.m p.,. Mo. . 1 SJOO ...... •tyd, 673·1190 m E. !'Ith St. 'IO T-BDU>, """ cond. • to 6 ""' • Ml1c. W1nted 8610 ind. tax, lie., del and set-up uctlwtil At Santa Ana n-etqy 1Ml17 atru. $395
110 ~to. male, Cocker, BeaaJe
I mlxt'd, All &hota • lla:bt tan.
>tH901. AA. & PM I/II
7 MO. old, fl!m&le, zm;;p
dog pltll: 2 female puppies.
Lo+et11 children. 83&-1986 1123
and l ~an I~. w .40.1 .a. IMPORTS WANTED Santa AM 54M311 e Call: --e
BUYING s""" eo1ruo io% 1425 Baker sL, " Harbor 811111 R11pr ~ °""1tl•
owr "''" Oollan $1.1'\l. Colt> M"" 11< 54()641'1 19'-3322 TOP l BUYllll DOWTIUSl'WISHtor..U.. Q'o ---ll!c-Sllver olcl<>ll ll!ll roll. TRAILE!i I. Cibella I « DILL llAXXY TOYOTA lllloa to "'"'111> ,_ ......... Ml•-'"" Seo t11o COSTA COINS 637 w. 19th 2 bdrm. Xl•t lhN<>ut Phone OPEN 7 DAYS 1!1!31 Beach Bt.d. . ... Cod ,..._t buY1 In to-DAILY PILOT Oullllotl
St .. C.M. 6't6-144SO ~-R-'3-_2908..,;;;, ______ 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JI. Beach. Ph. 847-8555 day't Clu!dtlflt A.(» ~ NOW!
' •
.. -==--------=:...,--~~-~-·---~---_,_, __ ---------_, __ _.:...__::=-:.----_____ ._. -
nn 11.11._t '-)P,.1•
~ _.,_,._ ._ ..... ' -~-~-. --·---···-· ---· ---·--.. --·-. --------
2.1 IWl.Y 1l\4T
... -'
• .. ,. • 'I '1'°''f ' -~ . . . . -
• ••
I ' .
. . . ,, .. ..
Ch-uck Roast .
......____ FAMILY ':::r ECONOMY
· Round STEA·K
· PKG.
Cl101CE ___ .. _ .
. FULL 8--
~! Shou,l.der Clod
li.i.TH i l·LI. rACKAGE
:,=.:~ 5·· I C IACON ' ~'i. 5nt . ~Ke. 7·
TENDER . , lb. ·-IC-!LA-NDl-C ---.
swlFT's LAZY MAPLE . ....;. --swi-"'s_LAZY_· -MA,-u ---sw ..... 1ms-. i.Az-y -wJlf-. Halibut Filets
l·LB. 7 9c l·LB. 79c PKG. ROLL
BONE· 1 s9
. . ' .
PORTER .. OUll (
...._GLO-BE -· HUNT'S ~ GERBER .,;;' LIHY r,.~ S~E~~!~. · , SWEET • CALIFORNIA 1-l&. PKG. 300 CAN STRAIN~D . . . . NO. 2 CAN , a,.. extra
saving• mad•
A. -1 TOMATO BABY PEAS & ::~b:~by.:.:~:~~i:~:
pa119d on to you •v..-yday.
Spaghetti SAUCE
f l\JITS 1 oc """ . VEGETABLES
14c 5c r;~ HOvtE • rOKER Qll!J: CARDS
··R~~LAR 38C
J' ---· ~ fl.Mil Y, SIZE EVERYDAY lOW rRICE ·
BISCUITS •e;;uo~· •
CEPACOl .........
•• MORTa-i • a;1NCH:• SAVE ac BOLOGNA *i~ 66C.
Fruit Pies I ~ SCHJCIC . Dollbl. Edfed
APPLE = BERR~ •PEACH 4i$4 00 •
f ' . " . ' KING SIZE UZOll
UlADBl Willi flA VllR
2 29c 1~~ LBS.
.~· 'GA!A • DKX:llATOlt •AND COlORED RAAll MEATHT 5 7 ( KllONA B9LAD9ES ... ~.~·;VE 5cels 27c WIENERS lb. ·E:'~ • , 11, i.' .r~. 10W . ....__ __ ___. $297 6 IHCH l'OT FOIL waAr INDOOll
2120 SO. llllS10L AT WAINR
' '
--------· -
• ..