HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • en . • ,• ' • ' . .. ' ., • . . . .-H@~~ib 'T(jreut , .. On ·Ilise~ . . . :·' .... . ' " . ' ···floast •Aatiiorities". W a~g '.'.i SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1968 • • N. IXOll • l ~ ' , ' Heroin Rise By JOHN \!ALTERZA Of tlle Defir Pllli Stiff • Aulbor!Ues along the Orange Coast are ;tioMJ.y watching indica,tions of an ~,.f heroin use wbic_hi. so far are sk~,, but nooetheleD aignu:icant. eontacis with de~ve:i from three coast cities resulted in expressed fears " about the use of the narcoUc and hints ~ ~co,::~ear 111iJ!'I ~I more While ~indications have shown up in all three ·cities,. the 81.ronl!!St •J>"8red In Laglina · Beadl about ab: wieks qo when pob arrested three young penons addJcted to heroin. Since 'that time little more haS turned up, and Sgt. Normon BabCock said the theory is that "perhaps a dealer in the area bad to leave the country." SALTING DRUGS~ He added that chemists analy:r.ing the f!OD~ta ,of some narcotics picked up in .recedt arrests have shown "traces of heroin· in .barbiturates and am· ptletamlnea that cOOld have been salted in to &tart the Wier on heroin." Ui s~. that since the three arrests of. ''the obvjously strung-out (addicted) 1uspeqts,':it all went qillet again." ObservaUoos by D&l'cotlcs officers at the Newport Beach Police Department were of o· llilhl!Y dllieront and lheontlcal lllhlre. Al~ .....UC. aJ¥1 vice detective (or the dOj>lrjmenl, •a!ll. tqat "There are l'll!llblel lo the c<lullly about ln- crtued use of heroin among the 'ne'ir genera.Uon', young ptr80fll 'now using dang ...... dfup. . "And you \now · -what heroin use i:neane-an incrwtng crhne rate all the way al,t>Und,'' .. be added. 'OOOD FEEuNG' ~in said .,me users of the am- pbetamine "'· b"Arbiturate drugs have rtl1ted lo inftstl&at.n "a good feeling when the druga . are irljected with a MedJe." While actual addicts of heroin have yet lo be bOoked into the Newport dty jall, Epstein sald that utera <t ~ have inatued "eubstantl&U,y': ' i n minibers ~-. , . 1.'i'ir a ;.Jfblle, the , ac:are. -• · the d(u& fook .)lold,. but ·11,· ....... lhll 'il ~.1et ;o apm and~ lddJ .ue 11oC• .., I(• "· 1lit' fonii~ under-whldl llw a.. {io!telllll11 lW<s ill alarm over IJenlin &1Ute Wni :_: there always Ls·•·~ tac• of users <t marQu... and pilJa wtio 1'111 gradual• to heroin and the object existence ac<0mplll)'llll! addiction. llame <tficen J>ove put the ratio ot one htnln addict cruted. from. aeve ln.vljlina ..... . . ' . ·niere .... D1lft and mbre drup IVa.Dable llDd 'Wherewr JOU haft a dealer 'frllh a Joi <t dnqs-and • IM:IVJ' demand ,.. ..... --· All It JoUo ii for Giii ~-ttd to recruit • f~ mart (See HEROIN, Pop I) • --. • YL & ,..MO. a, 4 -riCIJD"I\ n. l'All. , -v •• • ' ' ' . • .. " ' ' ' , I • ~ • ' . • ~ 1 '• ~' ·, • I • · . . . Overturns " -D. ' .. ec1s1ons by LBJ .. . ---·. C-. .. .. -· . I, ..... . '·'• ~ ' . , ,-Ii . , ,._ ' .. . . .:.., I ~· , -. -:t8'~.tl ·flltghw,1111. ' ....... '"· ' • ' .• . •. '> ..... ,.. ... , .... , .,.~1 . . ' . ' ' . . . ' ' CREWS CLEAN UP· CoAsT· HIGHWAY' AFTER'TONS OF EARTH TUMBLE OFI' PALISADES ThrH Lant• Block air; lkit No Ont ln(urod In Slldt North of·S.n Cltmtnlt Rain Brings Mud; Fatal Crash on Coast lligbway Helicops Come o.f Age As County Polie~ Tool • PARIS (OPI) -Tht Ports conference to find peace in Vietnam oiliclally opened today. Chief U. S. nq~ Henry Ca· bOt Lodge sald "I'm the m-OOI hopeful man you . have even known the talkl wouJd be successful,.'! DelegaUona from lbe Uniled States, Nixon Up8ets : · LBJ Decisions, Calls Council W ASIDNGTON (UPI) -President Nixon ended his first week In the WhJte House , the way he began It -by talking about Vietnam. In between, he over- tiirned several Jotinson admJDtatraUon decisions and served notice he would put his own imprimatur on tbem. Nllon called a 10 a.m. meeting today of the N oUonal Security Council On ~y. only a few boun aftor he got lo work .in the Wbl."i.~· Nixon corifmocl with the """""''"" <t atate and defense and olhe< .memben of the · council. · , t , By .. m ... 00 ... ~ !.,.01t,TUNE,.... Those airbOrne lawmen known as choppers l'll!ri-hased mld.z1 0 ' uiy HelicoPs Today'• ajenda Was top seere~ but ' " • -·-· •· I a cerllin 'topic.of ell-wai .llje re.. An earth slide buried three lanea of Helialps are about to come of age in also qualified w trafn er palro men sul( of the flilt sessiOn ol.'tbi ~ Paciric COast Highway near San Cle-Orange County, with one--potice. depart-for airborne law en!orcemenl. Paris talk& Becauae of the Ume .~-. menle Friday, wblte··on the same high-ment already in possession of iLs new One potentlal ~Y"l8\'a' to be cop-ence, Nixon. ind his adVt.seti Wm hitve ~·aJ'in Jlun~BeacQ two car1 col· whirlybird and others tittbusiasUcaUy • lidered.ai90 II pos:aible joint~ received prellmiDary repOrf.I ffom chief lided ~-~ 1 Sonia An• man, lludying program cosll.' agreemenll with HtmUnlllon' ,Beaclt, H neg' otlalor He~, Cabot Loci-by the ., be;;"~ c:oollnued· lo fall this HunUngton Beadl Polict Department co.ta Mesa ollldals buy. the llelJcop Ume the councl{ met. •· m«nlng along ,thelOrange Coast. hell<oplar pilot condidalel are now coocepl, which 'II . also beinf ~ Whatever 11 cie,,Je!ee! .. •I the council The w .. therman sald there II no let-· by Anaheim di)' flt.thers. today 11181 be partly revealed M!04ay, up in ai&bt. Chopper. Copptrs and their mtth-Newport Beach officla!a h'ave watched Nlion wm bold h1I fint newt conference A aeclion of rlin--cliff crwnbl-00. of adding "'"' ••f•guardi lo life the Eye-in-the-Sky belicopler procrom as president then -telewt' llve· lri>m .. • _. . North and SOuth Vletnaril-alld the V I e 1 Cong l""PI up to the old r.lofutic ff,.. tel, now the French FOrelgn ~·1 , JntemaUonal Q)nerilct Celitef. ·~ , before the tO :io Lm. (1 :30 a.m. PST) opening, Feeling among a lqe crowd outside WU rwmlng hill!>, and I\ look part m· lhe heavy poll~ ~ -~·,u.. en. lite ·-to break up violent ftil flt!ds w.;ee,; pro-&iuth' and i>ro-'Nonli v1e1- namese demonstrfdors. . · ~ he left the Jron.galed U. S.-Em- ba.sy lei<. the conference cenler Lodge said: "rm th_e most bOpetul man you have ever known in ycbr life." Looking serious and wearing o ll)!bt gray ·~ ness suit, Dodge sakl "I expect that as an opener the United States will make a proPosal about tJie demilltarhred «me. ... He did not elaborate. Today's opefaing m~ of the tour 1 S.man delegations cllina>:,ed nearif 1lhte months .al work. On May 10, the United Stale! ond North . V~ held 'their firit meeting, and" wbezt former Pfesi4 ' dent Johmon lllUIO\lftCed ·-halt. lo. oll bOmblng of North V~ Oct. Si, ib .... decidM 1o ,.~,\be -~ to Include \be SallOoi. Jll!V~nl and _.,.ntaU.es of the ~Uoiial ~­ tjoa Front , (Nµ'),"pollU~ aim of jhe Viel Cong. .. · " .. - . ButJI took 10,...,U oL f9ucb bataain- ljig. !<>•Milk tbe. laaue -!JI. ""'1/""11!" la· ljlll-· Once Iha\ )ll',9h\Oft! .. ., out <t the way, lhe llrat ~\Ir~ ~ <t the exPandtid talks -'• 'week ailo iodq -Wu a quiet llUCC'eQand'Uie 1our parties decided •to get down· lo immHiale ... ;piauon of pep. problems. ' 0r ..... ed <111to Cout Highway jut.north of the in I/OU' communit11 ort' dilCM&atd in too. bill ~ve ~ no action. wb!U! the~ Room of tbe·Wblte ,House. Soll Clememe "'11)' llniill and tt'look'a Family w .. ruy magazine by writer Orange COOnty Sherill Jamel Masi<:k llelplte the bam10o1ous lranfltlM per• _ , COl/W.~~ four-. Friday'al· GZ l . laff~•·· TM ~ek•!"1Gtt "· = bl/I bu ·no ~t ~ 1oct·be1We0n lhe·JOOi-111!'1 ~O..preoo: W .._, tni0on·1o·lc.op~woythewt1i.' u_,,,_ ~!~a wollt VoUr ·D LY .-to"i¢· ~a..,;· ., ,. lclellde!,-,Nlnn.~~;. . 8111 .. . <t llie ~ .JlilbliiJ crab 'DeoJ, ~· · .,,~,,.,. 14,,.,,,.,.,!~ ~nj,f 1',am ' : -~1'.:;.t~Y ~.:_~_:~. ~ ;cil\le< "., '. ,· ~: lbai Aibe old· ~ <i ''Storlll)' ~W,lt'DelinR,IO,wuthtl~~ P.!~~~....,f,1~1.~~'0f ~Ii . ...ihe~-~ .. -~ il"O •by·lhe~.. '. ' ,•Tbewaolberman'.&1WI~~ hunt Street .~ beloro f p'.lif,'Bt toaitl<tc~. , a hal not .>'ll\ai'""" ... ._, ..... , Wftllhor.''and~"'1ollllt,..,et· d1e4 .1Jr u.··11""• ·M.-W. ·r.· , . .. .·:il·IWlpub ., -, • .. . . el)!l,WUlbe~of··~aame,wllll ....__ -•-•••·· ••·~ff••,_ M•oclel '-....._ u~ ·~· •· be ""'" t : " " ' • tea)pOralurtl 'ln lhe'!Ow IO's along '"Jib"°:t?..;~": =' ~ Pei"'".;tm..illbe °W o'ranp~c.;;tr, ~·~~.;~~ rLE"' C ~unB·"'l'T ·;.' tbet.~ .. ,. ... ; . in.critical eondlllaot-ot-Hoq.-Ltii~ 6nt11clual-1rot·11e11copa. -,,_.-bi. loo----• llio " i.1 aJruc_ lf<M&' -. "INSIDE7~i\"'··-; ioUl!y lnjund ·'1\d ·-lo rtblilvu And Colla M-Polloe auei,,= Lons -... and other COQimunlllu D" EB' ur ' i;E· ~ .j.u-.J. D' . v.. ~ -~ .. """' wu a """-Fred; II. Neth II DC!•........,..,. a c!oet •• • -lhq·llave -tried. , ·r :ta .I\ ~ nuts1• That'tt/IO '°'"°" ~ DrlYen d two other '"" in the oc-pecl<agt foe· aiy-1{-· ArllD: JI., IJtiWJy, -plu Jocol celmlntl ... comincnt PClll<'...! S1IOOPli'• ~· dllent. =· Olson Jr., ll.·<i,1)41 M~'• adliinlaloo lo Ille dlr ....-ll'fllt ll>J!I be the main _.....,. Oleo cam~-~ cqUnCi1 and of ,.Jlglo#. Page 5, ..., •• M-· Vt, Huntlnpin Btacb, and di, W!!l!ln·llx '!etU. \ .....,. In wllelhor ~ Iola the .A11111iJ westem stnp; wbo -1ll!a own •. ~Piel ilhf II,, rl»lli;Grd•St., ;1fi'hiiJW ·One,W -....1f' a > ciloicOpl <t ~...........,.la• ..,qi. norirorl; 11mf -)f.-Y'nllh\ ii -.. ""U.... tt Newportlltacb,wth!oot11trloualyburt. peclOd lo tally up tj>•.....,,.Jor llllllllJ, . "' todat'1co ... 'tioJln•'l'V~1,.t =-1": ~ ·= Tralllc acclde11t1 m frequent purcbuo<ttwoallbenr.-~ "Wt ...... lryliii' &:--~be ·tlie~---·-.-, • ....., t lhnqhoul the .area on 'rain-oUckocl plus o tough. IOUND0111h,Pflol.lrallliftl ~~vlalbUJtyand~ 1;1· ,lo. ' , • ::l\'1"1"'::11 ;, ~ · ·.:~lfl! ..._. 1b!"Or011ge Counli' l!,u"bor <OOtR. ' • • ·-~ l!t11to"...........,.., <itl!tlifdlt dmlna " · · .. ' .<'.lo · •¥ -~•,,.f.:l - DtpVbnenl 'rtported t/10 of .. inCh or Moo,y -~ ... -.. ... 0 -two-day' Colla -toll ;!lb • . 'il ~ i I r~. ,I ....... . "' !'jft ram fell oo l'liday. pedeil. &o.dtop .IJlt lollowlat'1••'o•-· . ~ Alioraflo~a.ail ,ilola. : · ' · " ' '"" "" '' -1' ':•: " ' "'' • ""·' • ,; . t:t • .. \ --.. --·--- • • _. ' '. ~ ,"", '," I ' . ~. ~ ~~· ir .... • I..,.,.,., .... ~ ... · W~~ . ., ' • ' . . , , ~-----...... -----·---~----- • .Sirh:al!: ·J ~ry: All · Wal.ks of · Life·: . --' }Joth Defense, Stg,te Plea~ed, by .final Panel Selection LOS ANGELEjS (AP) -People 4oin !Qiny walks of l~e make up Ille jury lot Sirhan Blsllara Strhan'l , lrial Oii .- cbarge ol murderlog s.n. llobtttr. ltln- nody. ' ' I• that good! Chief ·del"• al!Grney Grant B. Cooper waa asked tbal Fri- dtY by newsmen after defenae and pros- ecution agreed on ~lgbt men and four women. "Yes, I woul<ln't kno)f ~I particular t1J)O of jUIOI' to -in1!ill ..... So UM nut bell llllq iJ to Ir)' to 111 a con- glomeration," Cooper said. Deputy Dist. Atty. David N. Fitts said Help for Hippies he, too, was pleased with the jurors : "They look all right to me." Bolb prosecution and defense accept· ed the jury Friday, the. llinth day of jury telectlon. . . The jUran, au l?oin Loi Angela or its suburb!, include a plumber, a truck drlve.r'a wile, a bigb scbooJ malh tlach- er, two computer system! analylta, five employes of utility firmB, 1 .mechanic and a clotbler. . . Sirhan'• mother, Mary, It, w~ bu watched the trial daily lronl a bacl< row in the heavily guarded courtroom, said: "They are nice people ••• I am sat- • ' isf1ed." Anotber defenee lawyer, Emile ZOia Bemii:n ·or New Ydrk, told newsmtn tfie - jury w "• fair nm ot minoriU.S," in· cludilll, be,llld, four apparent MG!cao- Amerlcam, a person of Ita.IiJn utrac-;.a tion and a J~. Bennan, himself a Jew. added : "Psy· chalogically, mlnoritits art dteply op- posed to capltal punishment. Being min- orlUes, they'ye. llUffer.ed in.sull• ancl been looked upOn Al oecond-<lus clllzens. I belleve-theJ oould ldenlil)' with another minority, which Sirhan certainly is." Judge Herbert V. Walker retessed Parents 'Turn On' to Kids : Bllf<TING THE SQUEEZE -Double seaalons mean dou1>;1e classes· '. for Danny Boyd, 8, and Julie Kawamura, 7, schooled hi Newport · Beach Boy Scout House by teaclier Mrs. Jean Duyndam to offset -J05t classroom time. WASHINGTON (AP) -The COilfused, -= mother was left with only a . U) of lhaller.ed hopU the day her IOll left !Jome to become one• of th~ YOW11. shaggy drug users she had always despised. Joining a discussion group of other Scout House C'lmsroom parents with hippie sons and daughters didn't bring her son back. "But I found out I wasn't alooe and that Ufe goes on/' 1he uys now. She's one of about 30 partnls wbo To Doub'le Session Kids gather once a week over coffee and homemade cooklet in the basement of St. Thomas Eptacopal Church, trying lo tune hi to their tum~ kids and Newport Beach's Boy Scout House has been turned into a little old schoolhouse where second graders on double sessions get extra schooling. , L05t learning time due to the double U&e of claSS'ooms is made up under the -tutelage of former school teacher Mrs. Jean Duyndam, hired by parents or 10 RCOnd graders. Twice a week the children spend two hours in the morning at the Scout House ocbool and then walk lo Newport Heights Spain Declares Emergency Rule, Muzzles Press MADRID (AP) -The 1<>vmm>ent of Gen. Franclaco Franco declared a lhrff- month ltate of emergency Friday night and muzzled the Spanlsb press to thwart what it claimed was an "international conspiracy to destroy the peace..'' The government decree gives police the right to surch without warrant, hold prisoners indefinitely without charge, e1# De Spaniards from their borne regions, prevent free speech and prohibit public memblies. Government censorship, which w a 1 officially abolished hi 1"6, was clamped on all Spanl!h newwpapen and maga· :dnes starting today. There was no immediate public reac- tion in the fint few bourll of the emer· .aeney period, and there were no reports of mus arrest.a. But a nallonwlde crack· down Is expected on political opponenla, · dislldenl lludenla and labor leaden and Buque separatista. Tbe action by Franco's government fol· lowed a wave of student demonstrations. . !'he unlnn!Uu of Madrid and Barcelo- Jta have been closed and ea,ooo 1tudent11 have been barred from classea- Sinatra's Dad Dies HOUSTON, Ttx. <AP) -Anthony Si· natra. 7t. father of famed linger.actor Frank Sinatra, died Friday night in Hou· i:ton'a Methodist Hoipltal after a cardiac arrest, a hospital spokesman 1aid. DAILY PILOT ......,.,. ...... " .............. . i....-..... ... .... '-"" e--cAUN>•N•A O•AHG& COAtf ~U.LIW!INO (OMP'ANY flt\.•'' N. Wtel ""'l*"' eM Mll'°"r Jtck 11. C11rlty Vkl ,,...lcM<ll -~HI Mlnfttf T•t1W111 1(,, .. tf Et•_, JJ.,,,,., A. Mw•11~i~• Ml~..iM El!ter r111I Miu111 ........... ll ... Olff'C,_ -Colll ,,_,,, 1:n Witt I~ St~ M_.-t 9"(111: ttl1 .we1 GelllM l""INlrl L-'"''" '1t '-ti ,,.,,.....,. """'11"'1911 .. .cltl "' "" S"'"' muter the courage to face the neighbors' Elemtnlary for regular half day af. aaeers. St. 11lomas, once lhe church of ternoon session. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is on the In the Scout House classroom the at· fringe of Dupont Circle, where crowds mosphere is informal. Mrs. Duyndam, gather on balmy evenings to danct to 30, of 406 Femleat Ave., Corona del bongo drums and gullars, get a line M'!f, ~ays she allows _CJ'.?ss con,ime~ts __ on.the city.'Ldmg_.lraffic. or justDHt •. by youngsfers slle couldn t pernut with · The church's rector, the Rev. Henry a larger class. . BrouJ, and Uie Dupont Circle Clergy She doesn't try to teach spelling or Association began trying to minister to math. Instead she puts emphasis on the "Love GeneraUon" two years ago. crea.tivlty -creative wriUng, art, social But one day, 1ays the rector, a woman studtea. enrichment, nature walka and said: "Okay. You're helping the kids. fitld tr11>3. But you're mi!sing the boat. It's the "The class is a teacher's dream," parents that need help." she said. "They ask a lot of questions.'' The Rtv. Mr. Breu!, a 44-year--0ld, Page • .-· All That's· One of Many Prizes In Pilot's CommuniCarnival Family Weekly and TV WEEK, the two magazines which make Saturday "double feature day" in the DAILY Pl.LOO', will sponsor prizes for earn.. muniClrnivaJ. The show, a carnival on com- munications, will be preaented jointly by the DAILY PILOT and Paclrlc Telephone Co. next Thursday, Friday and Saturday (Jan. 30 through Feb. I) in the carousel Court on the enclosed mall at South Coast Plaza. Pacific Telephone representatives will give away long dl!stan.ce phone calla to anywhere In the continental United States -one call every 30 miDutes -throughout the three-day show. Al the DAILY PILOT Com· muniCamlval dt.play, exhibits will show step.by-step how the stock pages are prepared for reproduction in t h e newspaper. Other di1plays will center on Family Weekly, the newspaper magazine which is the newest member of the DAILY PILOT ramlly of features, and on TV WEEK, the Saturday supplement which reports on popular television shows and stars and also offers readers a complete weekly log of programs. PRIZES WAITING Twenty prires -none worth less than $24.30 -wUI be &lvtn away at the DAILY PILOT exhibit. Winners will be selected at the close o f Com. muniCamlval, approximately 6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. I. Family W~kly's contribuUons to the priu list include a 16-volume 1et of Universal 'World :Refereiic:e Encyclopedia valued at it50, a S.volume new Webster Dictionary of the English Language v a I u e d al $25, 2·volume History of Mankind valued at ~ and a Unlveraal Standard Atlas of the World valued at 115. TV WEEK has arranged for the winner and hla (or her) immediate famUy to have a private tour or the 20th Century Fox Studio, including lunch in the studio commtlaary. the Cafe de Parle, 11therin1 place for 8tarl whose 1how1 haPC>tn to be In product.ion the day the Com- muntCamival pr1iewtnner1 visit the lot. The 1tudio, home of auch cum:ntly popular televblon aerie• u Lanctr. Peylon Ploce, Daniel Boone, The GllOll and M~. Muir, Julia. Land of the Giants and Judd for the Defense, originally was a JS(kicre local.ion "ranch" for the old Tam ,MlJ movies. the trip to the aela of :IOth century Foz and .. luncb with the etara" at the Cafe de PariJ. ' Other CommunlCarnlval prim will hr elude: TWo shares of stock hi Ford M- Co. (worth about 1103) lurnlabed by the Aeronutronlc Dlvlaion of Philco-Ford Corp., Newport Beach'1 la r c e 1 t employer; 10 shma of stock hi Bridlford F-Corp. of Anaheim (worth about 1100) aeleclod and furnished hy Crul· tenden & Co., Inc., Newport Beach stockbrokers; 20 Im cla,sslfled "want ada" of up to 10 lines each to run as long as ala days hi the DAILY PILOT (each ad valued al 12UO). One cluslfied ad will be liven to the winner of tacb of the tbow'1 first eight priua aa a bonu1. Twelve other winners each wlll receive a free clUlified ad to round out the prize: list to a total of 20. One of the most unusual prizes ever offered by the DAILY PILOT will be among the top eight awards at Com- muniCarniva\. It is a page in the newspaper to be filled any way the winner wants to fill it -as long as the requested material is in 1ood lalle, non~mmerclal and not libelous. Some ideas: tht winner could simply "get his name in the paper" in the largest type the DAILY PlLOT bu, could wish hi! 1pouae a haf>py birthday or annlvusary, could send a giant "valentine" to someone, ·or could use the space to tell about his civjc club, favorite charity or church. • silveMlalred man caU«t ''Henry" 1:tf members of tbe group, set up "Patents of Hippies." ' !1lfl pastor, a family sociologilt before turning to the ministry, has fonnd in those two years a generation gap com· pounded or a depersonalized American society and what he calls "a cultural change as basic as. the Renaissance " "The poat·Renaluance ratioBt is crippled," he says. "st. Paul 11 WI as made up or body, mhld and irlt. We've been on the mind kick aioce the MlddJe Ages. "These kids take the We of the spirit very sertoualy. And they accept their bodlel. They don't think the ·body la evil "Basically they mistrust reason, I think. "They're bright, middle-class kids who perceive reality differently. They see themstJves differently than their parents do.~ - And the difference is magnified by the pressures of American society, he adds. "We go through a secondary identity . crisis in our 40s," says the Rev. Mr. Breu!. "The father wonden why he's not president of the finn and the mother is getting crow's feet around her eyes and her breasts are sagging. 0 And this is the ume time the kids "" going through their primary ldenllt, criala -adolescence. Then comes the day when a diitr!Q&ht parent tells the Rev. Mr. B~ul, "l don't know what's bappened. My boy ran away from home.'' After talking to others in the group with the same prd)Jems, listening to Pl)'chialrlsls who dt hi, inviting eiqierta on drugs and the ~ds themselves to the ~. moat parents say they at ledt understand what happened. The parents often arrive al realization that some of the forces which tore away their 50t1s and daughters are beyond tbelr control. "I don't kiow what the answer is," says one mother. "I don't know how much good this group does for the kids. "But it helps the parents. Yon don't feel so alone. And it helps the younger children still at home, too. Even if il doesn't help the older ones." Czech March in Italy ROME (AP) -Students demonstrated in four Italian cities today to protest the Sov:iet occupation of Czechoslovakia. No violence was reported. to Yourself 'LANCER' LA.ND -Principals in "Lancer" television series pose in front of general store on western street, one of many outdoor sets for the aeries. Though CommuniCarnival prizewinner may not meet the stars, he will be given tour of the western~ in "Lancer" Land. Standing (left to right) are James Stacy, Wayne Maunder and Eliza- beth Baur. Series star Andrew Duggan is seated. Ita Cafe de Pari1 (commis1ary) wu built in 1930 as part of a set for a movie the name of which no one at 20th ...Century Fox can now r«all. In addition to the film famous, the "cafe'' bu 1erved up mtal1 for FrankUn Delano Roooevell, Harry Truman, the king and q11een of Grtece , the shah of lran. Sukarno of lndoneala and N I k 1 t a Khralheh4 v. WIN A PAGB Beverly Johnson, managlne edJtor of TV WEEK, will aceomp.ny winner• of DOLL Y'S STRlilT -Here'• aerial view of multl- mllllon-<lollar "Hello Dolly!" set at 20th Century Fox Studio, one of several slghta famlllar to movie and television fans which winner of TV WEEK'S CommuntCarulval prlze will 1ee during lour of the major studio. , ( • • \, ~inp until Wednesday, when 1h• defenlt will pment eYldence to support ·its motion to quastf the Los Angele• Cowlf1 srand Jury'• lndlctmetll against §trban. DelenH lawyen cootond the grand joty did DOI r<prmnt a Ct0$$- section d( the community because, they say, it excludes persons of !OOlf: OCC\lpa- liO!U. Judge Walker excused the trial jurors until TlulrldAY, but be and alj'*1teys In- dicated telttmooy won't start until a 1 ... · da11 alter !bat. 'Ill• Judi• told pro&-, pectlve jurors earlier the trial may last11 "three or more months." Fro1ri Page 1 HEROIN ... and before long you have a bunch of etrunl-aul (addided) kid1," Epstein aald. O!Hendn 1ue 1preads like a ruaeue. , and ao does ciime associated with It.- the thelll, sllopllftlng and proolituUon.'' The Jncreased total of amsta hinging on drup ln Newport over the paat five years iJ staqerlng. ln 1~, 18 persons were arrested on drug charges. Last year the total was 600. The measures the department takes to help deter use of drugs "work for a while, then people lose intereJt," Eps- tein' said. DON'T CARE "We ,have a COl!llJluinS publle relali'"'8 pn>gra111 where olllcers talk to pamit poop!,~· .. films and Ii•• ledures, ud ~ group ,llecomes in~ for a few ...m, llwol the lnlelm In belplng die•. down again," he said. EP1tein said police are having a harder time convincing young people about tbe dangers of drugs. "We don't seem to convince them ,.. .any .A>.Qre. _They, jwt don'.t seem to give a dilJJUI," he said. A spokesman for the Huntlrtgton Buch Police Department detective divlalon said that actual heroin use among young drug users in that community has not as yet swiaced, "but we wouldn't be surprilled' H jt did in the neit few years." "Patterns among drug users," he said. ''have always shown that a percentaa:e or them can wind up stnmg out oa heroin after using other drugs." Dr. Arnold J. Mandell UCI psychobiolo- gist, agrees with this. He slid use of Im• phelarnines (speed) is on the lncreue. "Lately we are dealing with dosage levels we never conceived of anybody putUng in themselves. We've got kldl oboolf111 lp00nfuls and hltravaneously." Llke the use of marijuana, he Aid, ~ sboot,ing is an entrance into heroin addiction. Dr. Norman Nixon, a prominent Orange Coast psychologist cons.ldera heroin addiction locaUy already a serious threat. "The number of heroin addict! among Orange County youths would prl). bably stagger tht lmaglnaUon,'1 he saJd. Although he did not offer any figures, Dr. Nlxon indicated he knew of eome cases Involving young peoplt from upper economic level homes. Airborne Troops Move to Check Red Infiltration SAIGON (AP) - A crack battalion. of U. S. paratroopers has been moved from . the immediate defense perimeter of Saigon to choke off a major enemy in- filtratkln routt 60 miles north o[ t h 1 capital, AJ:nerican officers said today. They aaid 800 men of the 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, have been de- ploytd along the Song Be corridor, which l2ads from Cambodia into War Zone D. Intelligence reports indicate troops from the Viet Cong 5t!t Dlvilion have been movi'ng south in the area and two Viet Cong 1apper battalions -500 mtn trained In the expert use of etploatves - aln!ady are In the zone, 1pokesmen said. They threaten two of the biggest U.S. base• in South Vietnam: the U. S. Atm1 headquarten at Long Binh, a l)Jl'IWitnl complex that contains huge stem of' mu- nitions and futl, and the maJor American airbale at Bten Hoa. · U.S. military spokesmen uJll 1n1td prusure hu reatrtctal the movement or Viet Cong 5th Dlvl1lon tro0pe to small groupj:, and there ha1 been a relatfvt.ly low level of enemy activity in \be three border provinces of T'iy Ninh, Btnb Long and Pbuoc Long. But analysts ftel this may be an enemy ploy to lull An:ttr- ican forces Into a sense of security. "The enemy has two· optlom," an off. leer said. "He can hit Saigon or be can hit other outlying inltallatlom:. We set ·a threat to other inataUaUons in Tay Ninh. Loni Blnh and Phuoc Long.'' U.S. military analysts SI.Id they u 4 pect tnemy attacks between now and mid-February on the three provinces. These would bt aimed at giving Com- munist negotiators ~ater Jeverqe at the Paris peace Wks and pulling pr.., IW'f: on the new administration of Pru- ldtnt Nb:on while It Is sWI tettllng ln, the analylt.I old. About $0 to eo enemy troops were caught on the move P'rlday sis mllea north of Bien Hoa. U.S. helicopten raked the enemy ~ matlon wtlh rockets and machtnt l\lll fir<, and allied arWlery btaatod their pQC!tlons for 4¥.a houri. The enemy 1ctkJ. im n...i back al the hellcoptm with small arms and machine cuns. Heldo quorlerl aald the bodJ91 ol It enemy were found. No American cuuaJfJea were reported. ,, • • ' ' • • ' • • . "-1 I . voe.; •2. NO. 22, 4 secno~. n PAG~ -• ' ~·· SATURDAY. J>.NU,l;RY 2s;;19y " ' ' i • • •• , •.. ' 0 ·e· ·1e·· ' , I ' . " ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' Wife Burned ' Laguna Man ·:·n1'.es -· . . In Home · Blaze N. w~· Wn,l!t. • 11·iear-9Id In· ..ita0 burned to death Id I lire at bis home In Lquna Beach this morning. Hia wife, Erma, 73, tae1Ped with burns en her arm In the blue that destroyei the home al ~ Seavlew SL llhorliy al~ ... ,,30 a.m. . Fliemen Aid Wright waa burned !Jo. ' ' yolld """llJliU... by. tht ~ they could &el to bis bedn!om. Cauie of· Ille fire was liAed u a wall furnace malfµnctlon, •police np<rted.. Mrs, Wrilbt waa tam. to South Cout Coliimunjty HoOpttil !0< treatll)enl Sbe was in the company of her . dauahler, Shirley Synunooa, ol 1176 Bluebird Can- yon Road, l.aguna .Be.aCh. Peace Talk~ Offici~~~Ott . . ' : I ' . -: ... ' . ' • 6 ••. : . ". . . .. • '. . . . ·e· \' ' I . ~-·:;:._;,..: ~\t . .~ -. . , Nn.Y "'-"'•..,., ...... , "'*s~tr-e-et""Fightm.. -g-F. tares --__ -_'_R_EW_s_. C-L-EA_11--_u_P_-GOA:::::::.&::..:'l'--H=IGHW:.:::_=1<Y::..:'cA.::l'..:1'=E:::A.'.!:T:::ON::s-G.:::.::F-:::E::AR'.::T::H'.'...'.l'.:.:U~Mlll'~'£c'.'.'.C· Off-PAl.~'..__;_1s__:_ADI-· _s_---'--. 1\. U :rhrM L•-Blocked, 1ut No OmdnjuRc! In Slid< North of Sin Cl•m•nt• Nixon Overturns tBJ Decisions, Summons Council WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Pn!id"11 Nixon ended his first week in the White !IQaa< the way be be&an ii -by taJkinC a§Out VJetnaril.. In between, he over- tlirned severaJ John90n administration declsions and served noUce he would wt hla etm !.mprimatur on them. )Q°Jxon callta a 10 a.m. meeUng today .r. the National Security council. On ~ay, only a few houri after he 19&. to work ln the White llouse. Nixon npfmed with the secretarlei or state sDl! defense and other members of the cauncil Today's agenda . was top secret, but • ~ topic of dlscuasion was the re- otllt of the first ....ion. of the .,panded Plfla talU. Because of the lime differ- eatt, Nixon and h1a advl.sers will have rkllved preliminary reports fro~ chief ~UltO< Henry Cabot Li>die by the li1!'! the cowicll met. · V(h&tever la decided at the council =11 m be parlly revealed Monday. Nl9on hold bll first new• ·conference . t then -t.lecaat u .. from the, Eul Room of the Wblt. HDlll<. Doopit. the ha..-lransltlon per· lool be-the Johnloo Md Nboo pre .. ld9idel. NiJ:on withdrew several deciJ. IO!!f bf the previous .:lmini.stratJon and n1!! be would make other chu!IU if ~Oest · of these wu hif; rucind- l'li -·• approval al lruspeclfic ~ for five .airlines. Nixon ordered ~Ci~ A.,....aulkl llolnl not to !Ut ._ action lllllil ;he ld•ioel the CAB "af my decilioo upon the merit.a." -. ~JY f.AM_PBELL DEBUT FEATURED · ' Hatchet Bandit Gets $16,000 A bank robber carrybil 1 batch<I ml wearing a gu muk waited into a llnt of America brlllch In Bueno Pm Fri- day eveninf and bepn cbopplna on a dest demandina: money. He wu &1ven over $18,000 in small billa and escaped into the rain. Buena Park police aaid the bold robber ocared the daylights Dill of the 24 per- 80l'ls in Ulfl bank, none of whom tried to interfere. Heroin Use Up ... on Coast Authorities Wary tu Drug Arrests Take Increase By JOHN VAi.TERZA ..... ..,, ...... AuthoriUa 11on1 the Qnnl• Coaa1 . ara clooOIJ wokbinc ~-al 111 increat tif 1bsolo -wtdcll IO far are~~--· Qlnl.tu wtlh djlldlM ~ -cout dUel ,_.led In apr ••"4-han aboul the use ol tho -~ blnla that the ...... ,. ia!clil lslnl ..... ":'1.:~~ln all thrle dllta, Ilia . I ~ In Lqlml Beodl liCllt ilJ: .... ip wball polltt lft-Uno,..... perlOlla llddldod It ........ ---llUle --.... '!bnled . up, 11111 let. N.._ Blbcoct laid the u...r, la thll "pothapl • ...... lo the .... bad to ltaft the'~-· Be lddolt lllat dltmllla au1Jxini Ibo --ol -· --....... up in NCtnt •rrala have ~ tJxnrn •i\ncel ol heroin tO bal1>-1114 ' - 11·. • j. • Youth llijacks Plane to Cuba Fleeing Milit.ary ..... '· • -. ' - . Rain Brlligs - . . ·. Mud~l:i,des, Fatal· Crash ' . ' Countian Guilty · In Pornography ........ -----,,___ -----'----'-------~-'-'•'-=--'--''~~--=~·;__·_L.:...:·-==:c..:-=-------------- 1. • . • . . Sirhan JUry: All Walks of .Life I ' • .. .' B~th DefeliH,.State P~ by Final Panel Se~tion· • • • '-1.os AN0!2J!1I (APt-~- 11\Ml """' QI Jjfe mab up ~ 1111'1 rOr Slrban Jllabara Sitban'1 h;1al ·on a char&• ol murdering Seo. BDl>eri.L~ nedy. ls thBt good? Chief defense attorney Graol B. Cooper wu H~ed ~t Erl· day bf newsmen after dtfeme tDif ~ ecuUoo qreed on elghl men ll1d lour -·· "YOI, I woulda' --pu1icu11r IYllO ol 1-lo .-In this ..... So lhe -I b<ol ~ b lo lry lo got a con- glomeraUon," Cooper 1111. Deputy Dtsf. Atfy. Divid N. Fitts said Help for Hippies lie, •too, wu 'pleuod with lhe jurors: "theY loot au right to me." Both prosecution and defense actept- ed lhe jury Frid.,, .lhe .nlalh day ol juty seiectioo. The jurors, all from Loa Angeles or its sublll'bs, include a plwn~. a lrqck driver's wile, a hlgh 1Choo11mt.tb teach- er, two comput.tr systems aoatJfts, five emplof"' ol utWl)' iinlls, a·-c and a clothier. Sirbao's molher Mary, ~ wli<> baa watched lhe trial daJly !tun a 1IOdi: TOW In lhe heavily guan!ed courv-; Aid' "'Ibey are nice people ••• I am sat- bfled." ·' Another dofeme lawyer, Emile Zota Berman of New .York, told newsmen the Jury baa "a lair ruo ol mlnoritlea," !J>. eluding, he said, four apparent M~an­ Amerlcans, a person of Italian U\rJC· ticm and a Jew. ,. Bmnao, himlelf.T Je(.' added' "P1y· cbolallcaDy, minor!tleJ llie deeply op- pooed to capilal punilbmenl Boinl Jnin. orilles, lhey've IUl!ered lmulb ll1d been I-upon u llOCIGDd-<lau ciU-. I belleY• Ibey CGUld ldemlfJ wilh _,. mlJ>crlty, which Sirhan ceriainl1 II." · Judge llerbert V. Walter recessed Parents 'Turn On' to Kids WASlll!'IGTON.(AP) -The confuaed, proceedinp untn W~y,'wlleo -1bt deftn.se will preseiil eYitl<oce to IUPP'rt its motJon to quult \he Los Angeles Cowlly grand jury'• iodicUoent against Sirhan. De.tense lawyers cootwd the grand jl.P')' did not represent a cr0$5- •eec:Uoq cl the conimwiity becauae, they ay, U ocludes persons of soml! oceupao tlona:-r Judlt Walker ucuaod lhe trial jUror• unUl 1buraday, but be am! aUOrneyl in- diealed testimony won't atart unW a few da:s alter tbal. Th• jQdge told proa· poet!Yo jurors •arlier tbi trial may bst "three or more months." Frotn Page 1 HEROIN ... and before long you have a bunch of strung-<11t (addicted) ltids," Epotoin said. "Hez-oln 1Ue 11preada lite a diseue, and ao dOel crime associated with it- tbe tbefta, shoplifting and p-ostilution." • BEi.TiNG TliE SQUEEZE -Double seaalon& mean double classes for Daimy .B6yd, B, and'IJulfe · Kawamura, 7, schoolil Jn Newport Befdl'.Boy Scout HOU80 'by1teacher Mrs. Jean Duy\(4am to offset Josi classroom time. ,i. ; , graJlnl mQtller waa left wl!h only a baabtful . ol sbaltmd bopel lhe dq her -left "°"'" to -... ol lhe YOWll; abaqy dnla UMrl ahe bad alwaya M[llMd. • '• •· silver-haired man called "Henry!" by memborl ri lhe group, set up ""'""'ls ol lilpplel." ·i;;- The pas!«, a family sodologil\ )i&lon 1nmlng to lhe ministry, bu ,. In lbole lwo "°" a _.u.. ,pp com- pounded of a ~ American _,. and -be calla "• cultural chinge as bllic u the RenalJsance." ''And this is the same time the kid! are going thrOj-lih the\r primary identity crisis -adole&cence. Then col'ftM-tbe day when a distr1ught parent tella "the . Rev. Mr. Breu1. "I don't know What's happened. My boy ran away from home." The jncreuid total ol arrests hinging on drugs in Newport over the past five year& is staggering.. ln 11U. 11 persona were arrested on drug char&"· Last year the total was 600. • Scout House Clnssrooin Joining ,a diNo'"'kn group ol other parmb wilh hippie aona and daughtero didn' bring bet ... back. "Bui I found ool I wuni alone and that Ufe goes on," she sayi now. "'l'bo poot..RmalaAnce nUoaalism II crippled.'' be aaya. "SL Paul 11.w us .. made up ol body, mind and splril We..,. been m lhe mind ticlt since lhe Middle Aces. After talldni to olhen In lhe group with the aame problema:, Ultenlng to psychiatrists who sit in, Inviting ezpert& The mell!urea the department takes to help d'1er U!O ,ol drop ·-t . for a wblle, Ulen people loee lnlerest," Epoo toln 'sald, on drop aod lhe ltida lhe-lvu to DON!T CARE To Double Session Kids She'a one ol abwt IO parenta who gather once a week over coffee and hcmemade c:ll$lce In lhe baaemeot of st. Tbomaa EpilcDpal Church, bjo!ng to tun• In u.. lhelr 1umec1... ldda aod mu.st.er Uie courage to face the nelgbbora' mffn. •on-ldda take lhe Ille of lhe spirit very llOliOUlly. And Ibey accept lhelr bodies. They don' think lhe_ )>ody ls evil. the meetings, most parenta uy they "We hive a ~~ public relations at least un<I.-od what happened. program where ofl1cara ta!lt to parent The paronta often arrive at realization groopit, -ahow fllr111 ~ (Ive iectures, that some of the forces which tore and the grqup ,becOt{les intereated tot Newport Beach's Boy Seoul House h"" 1-1 turned Into a Utile old schoolhouse where second graders on double &el!ions eet extra ICbooUng. Loot learnit1' time due to Ille double U1e ol clusrooms is made up under the-llllelqe-oWormu..acbool. teaclier Mn. Jeao Duyndam, hired by pareots ol 10 IOCOOd graders. Twice a week the children spend two """ In Ille morning al Ille Scout u-.:hool llld lben walk to Newport Heights Spain Declares Emergency Rule, Muzzles Press MADRID CAP) -The govemment of Gen. FiaDclsco Franco declared a thr ... inoolh slate of metJency Frid81'"1ghl ~ munled ·u.. SJ>111111> prea to lhwart whal It claimed was an "lntornallon>l conspiracy to deolroY lhe peace." The govmnnmt decne g!vu police lhe rlglrt to oearcb without warranf, bold prisonen lndellnif<ly wilhool charge, tx· De Spanfarda !rom lhelr home regions, premit m:. spetcb aod prohibit public asRmblies. Government ceosonhip, which w a & CJllJdally aboli!hed In 11111, was clamped iln alJ Spanlsh newapapen aod maga- ilnes slartlng today. There was no immediale p.ibllc reac- tioo In the first few hours of the emer- gency period, and there were no report.a of mm arrests. But a naUonwide crack- down b upeded m poUUcai opponcots, dlaldent students and labor leaders and Basque 'aeparaUste. , The .acUon by Franco's govemmj!n~ fol· 1owed a wave of student demonstraUans. The anlm'lltles ol Madrid and Barcelo- na have been closed and 61,000 students have been barred from classes. Sinatra's Dad Dies HOUSTON, TeL (AP) -Anlhony Si· natR. 74, father cl timed linger-actor Fral: Sinatra, died Friday nig!>t In Hou. _., Melhodisl Hospital after a cardiac arrest, a hospital spokesman said. DAILY PILOT MewpNt.... " .......... Inc• Lo....-.... ,......., ... ". c--CAUJOINIA cut.t.Aoe COAST f'Ult.ISHl"'G COM,.AN'I" ktlt•rl N, W114 """*"' .... !'Wllll'ltt Tio'""'' ICtt•il E•*' n,,,,..,, A.. M1r,hi~• ~flolti!M !titor '•ul. Ni11111 " ........ i.i ... ........ -"'" Ma.I~ m wnt .. , '"'"' ·M.-; 9ffdrt• nn "'"' 0. .... lwltwtre L._ ....._I nl f-1 A-t HVl!lilowlofl ....,,~.., Jffl '""' Elementary far reiu!ar hall day af. lernoon ~'l'- 1.o the ·Scout HOUie clmroom. the at- lll08phere ls inlonn>l. Mn. Duyndam, ;,i, ri 40S Fernieal A .. ., Corona del Mar, says &be allows cross comme:nUs by~youngsters &he eouldn't--penM-wilh a larger clasa. She doesn't lry to teach spelling or math. Instead she puts emphasis on creativity -creative writing, art. social studies enrichment, nature walks and field trips. "The clw ls a 'teacher's dream," '11e said. "They ask a lot of 'l'l"tiOl\l!." St. Thomas, ooce the church of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ls on lhe fringe ri Dupont Circl<, ~ crowds gather on balmy evenings .to dance to bongo drums and guitar>, got a line on the city's drug tralfic, or just talk. llte-chutcli'S rector, Uie-itiv. Hfuy Broui, aod lhe Dupoot Circle Clergy A1aocistion began trying to minister to lhe "LOve Generation" two years ago. Bllt ooe day, says the rector, a woman said' "Okay. You're helping lhe ldda. But you're ?!llislng lhe boal. 11'1 Ibo parmta lhaf Peed help." The Rev .. Mr. Breul, a 44-year-old, .. "Basically Ibey. mlstruat ' ... .;.n, l think. "Tbey're bright, mlddl&<!us ldda who perceive rulil)' dilferenUy. Tbey ... themselves dllfere'ntly than their parents do." --And the dltference-iS ma-in.ifi°"id by the presaures of American society, he adds. "We go through a secondary identity crisis tn our 408,'' says the Rev. Mt: BreuL "Ibo lather wooc!era why be'• not. president of the finn and the mother is getting crow's feet around her eyes and her bru.sbl are sqging. away their sons and daughters are a few }"tks;' then the interest In helping beyond their control. dies dOwn again;" he said. "f don't know what the -answer is," Epstein said police are having a harder says one mother. "I don't know how time tonvineing YOl.'1( people about the 1nuch good this grOup dou for'the kids. d~::S ~~m.' to '"ccr:iv'--lhem "But it helps lhe pamts. You 11oni ~ Feel so alone. And it helps the younger ~y tn6re. 'f,heY ~st don't seem to chlldrrn still at home, too. Even if give a datnn. he sa.id. it doesn't belptne-otdtl'011es.--~A-&pofflman for tbe-HuntingtorrB&ach Police Department detectlve divlaion Czech March in Italy ROME (AP) -Students demonatrated in four Ilalian cities today to protest lhe Soviet occupation of CUJchoslovatta. No violence was rtp:>rted. said that actual heroin use among young drug users in that community has not as yet surfaced, "but we wouldn't be surpriatd ii it did in the nert few years." "Patterns amoog drug users," he said, "have alwaf! shown that a pm::entqe of them can wind up strung out on heroin alter using other drugs." A Pff-·g~~?-·AII ' lo )·II to Yourself Dr. Arnold J. Mandell UC! psychobloJo. gist, agrees with thi!. He said use of am~ phetamlnes (speed) is on the incruse. "Lately we are dealing with dosage levels we never conceived of anybody pu\Ung in themselves. We've g(lt kldl shooting spoonIW.s and intravaneoWlly." That's One bl Many .Prizes . . . --. . . I In Pilot's CommuniCarnival Family Weekly and TV WEEK, lhe two. maguines which make Saturday "double feature day" in lbe DAILY PILOT, will sponsor priz.ea for Com· muniCamlval. The show, a carnival on com- municaliw, will be presented jointly by lhe DAILY PILOT aod Pacliic Telephone Co. next Thursday, Friday and Saturday (Jan. 30 through Feb. I) in the Carousel Court oil the enclosed mall at South Coast Plaza. Pacific Telephone representatives will give away long distance phone calls lo anywhere in the continental United States -one cell every 30 minutes -throuahout the lhfee-day show. At lhe DAILY PILOT . Com· muniCamiv1l display, exhibits win show step-by-step -how the ~tock pt1ges aN: prepared for reproduclion in l h e newspaper. Other displays will center on Family Weekly, the newspaper magazine which is the neWftt member of the DAILY PILOT famil y of features. and on TV WEEK, the Saturday supplement which reports on populer te.levision shows and star1 and also offm readen a complete weekJy log of programs. PRIZES WAITING . Twenty prizes -none worth less than $24.30 -will be 1lv'en awiy at the DAILY PILOT exhibit. WiMers will be seJed.ed at the c!Me 0 r Com- muniCamiva1, approximatt::ly a· p.m. on Saturday, Feb. I. Family Weekly's contribuUons to the prJze lilt Include . • JS.volume sel ()f Universal World Re"fer~ce Encyclopedl1 valutd at $150, a 2-vOlume new Webster Dictionary 'of the English Lanp.age v a I u e d at AS, 2-volume History of Mankind valued at $20 and 1 Universal Standard AUu of the World va1ued at 115. . TV WEEK haa arranged for the winner and his (or her) Immediate family to have a private tour of the 20th Centbry Fu Studio, including lunch tn the studio commissary, lhe Cafe de Paris, gatherln& Place fQf stars whose shows ha~ to be in production the day the COm- municamival prltewinnen vis.it the lot. The ltudio, home ol such currtntly popular te.leviskm sertes u Lancer, Peyton Place, Daniel Boone. 'nMI Ghost and ti.1n:. Muir, Julia, Land of the Gianta and Judd for lhe Del..,., originally was a 150-ltCTe locaUon "tancti" for the okt Tom Mtx: movies. Its Cale de Paris (commissary) wu built In ·~ u . ~ or a set f(JJ' • movie \he .nam1r of which no one at 20th Century Fox can now recall. In additloo to lhe film famous, lhe "cale" has oervecl up meala for Franklin Delano -.ell, ll'1T)' Truman, lhe ldng and queen of Groece, lhe shah ol Iran. Sukarno of Indonesia and N I t I l a -· WIN A PAGE Beverly <lohMOD. managing editor of TV WEEK, will .accompany winners ol .. the trip to the sets of 20th Century Fox and "lunch with the stars" at the Cafe de Paris. Other CommuniCarnival prizes will in- clude: Two shares of 11lock in Ford Motor Co. (worlh about 1103) lurni'1led by the Aeronutron1c Division of Philco-Ford Corp., Newport Beach's 11 r g est employer; 10 shares of :stoct in Bridgford Food1 Corp. of Anaheim (worth about $100) selected and fumillhed by Ctut· tenden &. Co., Inc.. Newport Beach stockbrokers; 20 free classified "want ads" of up to JO lines each to run a11 Jong as six days in the DAILY PILOT (each ad·valued at $24.30). One cla.s:silled ad will be given to the winner or each of tbe show'• first eight prizes as a bonus. Twelve other \Yinner1 each will rtetive a free classified ad to round out the pr!J.e list to a total of 20. One of the most unusual prize! ever offered by the DAILY PILOT will be among the top eight awards at Com- muniCamlval. It is a page in the newspaper to be filled any way the winner wants to fill It -u lcng as the requested material 11 in good lute, non-commercial and not libelou!. Some ideas: the wiMer could simply "get his name in the paper" In the largest type the DAILY PILOT hss, coukf wish his 11pouse 1 happy blrthclay or anniversary, could send a giant "valentine" to someone, or could use the space to tell about his civic club. favorite charity or church. 'LANCER' LAND -Principals in "Lancer" television series pose in front of eeneral store on western street, one of many outdoor sets for the series. Though CommuniCarnival prizewinner may not meet the stars, he will be given tour of the western town in "Lancer" Land. Standing (left to right) are James Stacy. Wayne Maunder and Eliza- beth Baur. Series star Andre\v Duggan is seated. DOLL Y'S STREET -Here's aerial view of multi· million-dollar "Hello Dol.lyl" set at 20th Century Fox Studio, one of several lights familiar to movie and television fans which whiner of TV WEEK'S CommuniCanilval prize will see during tour of the major studio. Uke the use ()f marijuana, he . JI.id, !peed abootin1 ii: an entrance Jnto heroin addldion. •r Dr. Norman Nllon, a promineM Orange Coast P'l'chologist cormdera heroin addiction locally already a aerious threal "The number of heroin addicta among Orange County youths would pro. bably stagger the imagination, 11 he Aid. Aithougti be did not offer any figures, Dr. Ni.ton indicateq he knew of some ca.sea involving youne people from upptr economic level bom6. Airborne Troops Move to Check Red Infiltration SAIGON (AP) -A crack battalion of U. S. paratroopers has been moved from the immediate defense perimeter of Saigon to choke off a major enemy in-- filtration route 60 mJle.i north of t b a capital, American officers said !oday. They said 800 men of the 3rd Brigade. 82nd Airborne Division, have been de- ployed aloni the Sona: Be corridor, which leads from CambodJa Into War Zone D .. Intelligence reports indicate trocipa from the Viet Cong 5th Division have been moving south ln the area and t w o Viet Cong sapper ba~ -lOO men trained in the e1pert use pl expk>llves - already are Jn the zone, -.kesmen S.id. They thN:aten two of the bluest U.S. basu in South Vietnam~ the U. S. Army headquarters at L<lng Bbl.b, a sprawll~C comple:r that CODtains huge ~ton• of ufu.. nitions and fuel, and the mljor American alr bue at Bien Hoa. · U.S. military spo);esmer) -~· alUed pre11sure has restricted the movement of Viet Cong 5lh DI vision troops to llDal! groups, and there has been a relaUVelJ low level of enemy actMty in the ~ border provinces of Tay Ninh, B~ Long and Phuoc Long. But analysta r .. t this may be an enemy ploy to l\Jll Amer'- ican forces into a MOit of security. • "1be enemy has two opUons," an ~­ leer said. "He can hit Saigon or he hit other ouUying installaUona. we see thre1t lo other installations in Tay Ninh, Long Blnh &;nd Phuoc Long." U.S. military analym said !hey et· pect enemy attacks between new and mid-February on the tlne province&. These WO\lld be aimed at giving C.... munist nqll.lators greater leverage at lhe t'ar.i.s peace talk! and putting pres. IUrt on the new administration of Pre. ldenl Nl1on while It is still :setillng in, the analyat.s aid. About 50 to 60 enemy troops were cauibt on the move Friday six miles north ol 8ltol Hoa. - U.S. helicopt.ert raked the enemy l• matloo with rocktta ind machine aim fire. and allted artillery bluted lhlit postOona for Ill hours. The enemy ooicl· ler1 fired bid: at the helicoptf!l'1 •Ith small arm• and machine ll'llnl· Head- quarters Aid the bodies ot 21 enemy wtR found. No American casualllD were reported. - • ( • I ( ' .. .. Earr1 sifu.t !' Newport, Mesa . . Plan Joint Push For CdM Freeway 1'he cities of Newport Beach and Cot;ta Mesa may launch a joint effort to push early constructlon of the Corooa de! Mar Freeway, Newport Mayor Doreen Marshall said today. The proposal was made by Costa Mesa Vief: Mayor Robert Wiboo at a .meeting earlier thia week of the Inter-city Rela· lions Committee, a liaison group com· poted of representatives c4. both cities. The state lw yet lo allocate funds for freeway construction. Mrs. Marshall said Newport committee members indicated a desire lo have the southeNy portion of the Corona del Mar Freeway completed before any work is done on the northerly section. The freeway route roughly parallels the existing alignment of MacArthiµ- Boulevard, which will be partially relocated. The Newport mayor explained t b a t Gov. Nelson A. Rocktftller's 196~ 70 budget released this week is complete -to say the least. The budget has provisions for four anti· cipated jailbreaks in the co~g year. The governor did not esti· mate the projected cost of the breaks. • Club pro E rn11t Midgeley went out for an early round of golf at the Brookdale Goll Course in Wood· house, Engl8'1<t ·and found a 30- fOOt .sycamoN! tree tn 'the middle of the fourth fairway sawed three fourths of the way through. A tree doctor managed to save the famous ha:taM. by pouring a tar solution into the cut. "I think it was the \YOTk Of a disgruntled golfer," Midgeley said. • • Road comtruction cuntr&etora have come up with a winning way of catching the attention of motori.ttl to give tMm direct· tions in building areas. Mini· skirted college coeds are the .1 answer. The gfrl!, wearing r.e· flective hats and jackets, work as "Jlagwomen" in the Dakola$ fj and \Vyoming. ~,.,,..-.-~·~--""""' • What could be more appropriate? Jacques Offenb•ch's operetta, "Orpheus in the Underworld" will be the opening offering at the new Subterranean Theater in the Giant stone Caves near Aggtelex, Hun- gary. • Il's jwt not fair. Southern Cali/or· nians are strug- gling with more and more wet, wea· rv weather while rhape:ly Floridian Lucy Favre en;oy1 a Yefreshing show- er and dip at Capt Coral Gardem in Florida. L u c y ' r from Mount Ver· non, N.Y., so if S owthlanders think they've got it bad, ju.rt imag- ine what 'ht goes back to whtn her vocotiu11 is over. • In Peoria, lU., more than 100 Christmas lights stolen from out- side the Robert M•rtln home in December were returned this week with $2 and a note that said: "I want to tell you that you made a bunch of kids happy. May you ·have a happy New Year." • "In .fiermany, as in many other countries, it is quite acceptable to spend an entire night sipping one or maybe two drinks. Courage to approach a German girl, with the language. barrier, should come from proper dress, actions and self confidence ; lL doesn't come from Rn over consumption of beer or alcohol." So goes ot'te item in 11 booklet issued to Gls in West Germany for military exercises. I. her clly wants the aoothtrly end of lhe freeway built tint "in order to relieve incrta&inJ:ly aggravated traffic problems cm Coa.n Highway." When completed, the freeway will link U)e San Dltgo Freeway with Coast Highway Jn Orona del Mar. The freeway·t&-freeway interchange will be constructed about a half-mile west of Sooth Cout Plaza in Costa Mesa. otber matters diseu&Sed and marked ror continuing study by the Inter-city Committee included: -Orange County airport noise abate- ment proposal3. -A "tent.live" county ordinance for th~ creaUon of an expartded Airport Commission, which would i n c I u d e represeolativts of cities near airports. -Possible uses of the former Newport Beach city dump site near the Santa Ana River. Costa Mesa officials are especially io· terested in the latter subject because their city .had boundaries on three sides of the -p property. Newport for several mooths has been studying con· version of the site into a goH coorse c;rr residential area, with possible oil pumping uses. Medical Center Patient Holds -Nm·~ Hostage-- A man jailed on marijuana possession charges took an Orange County Medical Center nurse hostage in an escape at- tempt. Thursday, sherllf's de put i e 1 reported today. Gerald Granados, 22, of San Jose, was recaptured near the hospital as he attempted to scale a si1-foot high chain link fence topptd by barbed wire. Granado!, a recenUy dfscharged men· tal patient from a northern California institution, grabbed cl\ief nune Jewell E. Griffin, 42, or Orango: and threa~ her with a dOuble edged ruor bladt. - He farced her to unlock the mental health ward door on the first floor of the ho&.Pitol nte' suspect wu originally aMSted Wednesday at a Santa Ana motel on East Jst Street when the menager called police and reported he WN breaking window1. When police arrived, Granados alripped off his belt, wrapped it around his fist and offered to take on the officers. Police subdued him and booked him on suspicion of marijuana possession. He ·was taken to the medical center for treatment ol wounds suffered while resisting arrest. Ao off-duty Garden Grove policeman lried to ~ab Granados at tht hospital .. be, rushed through the lobby with the nurse. But Granados picked up a board and thrutened the offictr. The nune was releued . whtn the fugitive beard .police 11irens. When he was cornered climbing tht fence he had to be subdued again, · sheriff's deputies reported. He was isolated ·upon beiJll returned to the mental health ward. Glue Sniffing Sentence Given Six young men arrested last Jan. 14 after an alleged ntarijuana and glue sniffmg party in Newport Beach ncelved thrte year's probation .apiece and fines ranging from $'100 to $150 Thursday. Probation and fines we~ dealt in Harbor Judici1l District Court to lri Dun Miller, Jr., 11, Jerry Dale Kello, 19, William N. Halne.s, zo, Roger W. Olson Jr., 21, George Don Clark, JI, and Donald P. S"'l'baugb, 20. Tbe arrests took place in a residence at 1510 Ocean Front., police said. Stambaugh wa.s charged with being under the influence ol poisonoua fumes. The other five were booked on marijuana posseulon cborg.,, Ot:araes against Kelso, MiUer and Haines were reduced to being Jn a place where marijuana was being used. Olson's charge wu reduced to peace disturbance. He =elved the highest fine, lllO. County Rejects ~A Heights Stahle County planners ha•e r e f u 1 e d permiulOll for dtaf)lllhm<n( of a boanliDg atab1e fat eilbt bcne1 ID lhe Santa Ana llefChl ...... App!lcant Shiwn McCarty WU told ttal h1I ~ for equl111 facllltlel on aCrtage at Birth Streti MU' Palisade1 Rood ml&hl be granted wider a "~ formlq use" variance ~ It cool! be proved lhat olfldal pmnlialoo had evtr been st•m for operaUm ol the e.dJtlitl alal>lea. McCarty uld boraea were btlnt: board- ed at the (lrOl'erly when he purch.11ed lt I )'Ut qo. The amt la IOOed f(l( mulUple dwelling development. HOBBY OCCUPIES MOST OF WELTONS' LIVING R®M Self~taught Org•n Pl•y•r Took 11 Months to M.k• ft DAILY rlLOT ....... 1!r l~ l(lilrt.W VALLE'(''JNGINE&.R WELTON BUILT HIS OWN 1,000 PIPE ORGAN Mu1lc1 Enthusle1t T11t1 Tone in Hopu of Attaining 'Big Church Souncf' ltleet the People Organist Likes Music ·--- in Big Way By TOM" BA RLEV .• . -·· _O!J!' l?!_lly ~11!1 llt'L__ Amateur organist De~ter Welton goes for the sound of music in a big way. that he's made his la.st territorial violin studies to lmhlbe some of "that ~. parlor-type organ that was, lie demanda--at-1"2$-A ppl&-&. ~After-~a».--roek-* roU-t1l1tJf-that-geb-lo-them--=-ttcall11,.uheld-fer-a-month~t.h-e-~- i;he silently reflects, he -:-00\lld ·have all eventually," b.iJ reful father said. dePoslt WlUl J could raise the rest of cooperated, space-wiSt, by sharing her Time was that Welton could stand the $5 purchase price." · To-be exact, the Fountain . Valley engineer brings his beloved Bach to his delighted family via a t ,000-pipc organ that is in the final stages of constructidn. love for the cello. on deck and study the stars lhat mean After that and during his 21-yeafi But the wildly enthusiastic Welton 's so much for a man witlt .a cottrse • Navy stint came five electric ora:am. achievement is gleefulJ.y. shared by the to Sf:t. His evenings right now <tre spent three of which were assembled ~ llhe musical famUy. It may ··weu be .that on the "deck" of an imtrument that eager etigineer fr:om kit!. And his Preent a new quartet is in the -..:~-or_ganist faJth!ully duplicates much of the equip-mammoth coWuction, he says, finil Dexter, Barbara on the'·.ttl~ llfl4 Chris, rqent Jtnd inner construct.ion of the baro-took form when he doodled his ideJS Barbata Welton, a musician in her own right, thinks it's just as well that hubby's hobby -18 months in the mak- ing -i! almost complete. It occupies a sizeable_portion of her living room, fiank.5 her·staircase from top to boUom and has literally made a pipe · dream of a big bedroom closet. • 13, and Peggy, 12, bot.It of-. wbpm Rlay qu~ organs of the 18th century. on scraps ol paper.· ·. the violin. Looking up, he can clearly see the He's done most of the work hhnsel! And the former naval commander's welter of pipes that are so vital if with, he quickly insists, "very generou5 undoubted prowess on his lriple-keyboard ' ht is to faithfully reproduce that help rrom some local eq>erta." Son BP1 triumph of engineering§· enuity -"l'IP. =·ve, earthy "church sound" so has chipped in eagerly with, his fallter a frustrated musician · ·~ 1 by every oraanist who evtr put grinningly notes, one eye 00 the project organ trlini.ng," he y 'gl'Jli' ~,. on a pedal Anil' his course and the other on the possibility of Qe may bring Bill, 18, back into the familJ's is clearly set -to per(ect as much organ playing a role in an orpn-gultai'· No less enthusiastic than Dexter, sbe hinbi, charmingly, tbat it's just as well musical forum. The Golden We.st College as poulble a technique that will draw dnun combo. student has temporarily fonaken his -as will his crgan -some expert Distance was no object in the dexterous ~ • I ! J ~~ pfll llojiiay evl!Jllll&,l l Dmer'a desire to build an orion bl '-'· ... -+' '" Deiter.;; and Berbara will tfien host 'tbe"to"e and 'dlnflnlknfl Uud the~ C f M J • N · w • meeUng of the Orange County chapter ding keytM>ard artist hid .set his If~ Ost 0 a rmg ext ar of the American )Guild of Organbb -on. He found that many of the -pipes . • . . . . and it coul~ me¥• as many as 50 organ he needed had to come from llalf, lovers descendlng·on the trim, suburban Holland and Germany -ap from those ' C9·uld Run to $4 Trillion ll'ASHlNGtoN (UPI) -The nations o{ Qie wprld may spend as much as $4 trillion during tbe next decade to prepare to make war on each other. 1bat.figure comes from the U.S. Arms Cootrol-1nd·Disannament Agency, which reports lhat the global arms ract: is costing mare Jhan at any Ume aince the peak fighting years ror World War II. The agf.ncy estimated Thunday that the world is presenty ~pending more than $182 million each year far military equipment, and the figure continues to rise. It said the nations of the globe are spending 40 percent more for arm11 lhan tht whole world is sj>ending for educa· lion, and more than three times what Is being spent on public health. The report, prepared in December, 11aid arms expenditure11 "now take more than 7 percent of the world's groas product. In money terms they arf! :.-qulvalent to the total annual income produced by the one billion people Uvlog in Latin America, South America and the Near Ea_,t." The average expenditire amounta to aboc.~ $M per persort, per year, compared to about $41 in 1964, the report said. Does a Welton home. lhree European nations they came. . It's guaranteed to make the Wellons' Organ supply houses ln Maryl&~, welkin ring but the predicted invasion Virg.inla, Pennsylvania, Vermont, ~ dbesn't deter Dexter, 43, and his at· nectlcut nd Illinois were also suc- tracUve wife one iota. cessfully canvassed ·by the eager "The more the · merrier," he grins, engineer in his bid to build the org8n "il will be good to have their collective of his dream1. They're a11 l.hert toda)', opinion on the monster I've created." part of a procession of 977 plrJea: thit And Barbara . adds calmly : "If they wind their way throu&h much of tbe run. out of chair11 in the living room, Welton home. they can always find more in lhe kit-A master o[ underatat.ement, the quiet, cben." e1-Navy man waa a!ked bow he felt What the Guild members will .see ls at seeing a dream -a long, exbaustl.ric a huge instrument that bas been en-dream -take shaP,e,. visioned by its creator for many years. He thought a moment. "Well," tie Welton, now an engineer in Orange Coun-said, "J wouldn't mind betting that th(s ty's building servicea dtparbJlent, started is the only pipe orgtn of its kind lb his enthusJastic pedal-pushing with a Fountain Valley." - Fisherman Held For Tapping Till At Baby Shops badly fitteo blazer build character? they're not in Oran@'! County. Mine, who eometimee fOl'@le'IA and apeaks to a cuetomer in Portuguese, is one o_f lhe 05t of the greal old timel"8. He knowe how a coat ahould fit, and why. It'• a pleuure 10 watdt a 1IWl who nally know1 what he'• doiq. So now, tat 111. tome in and try on our new 1969 Stanley Blaeker Tn. falgar Blaser. lt'o doable bft.Uted, in nary blue, with the Britiaher look, olightly pinehed at the ..m.t; for '6(). It lita bOaalifally. A commercial fisherman wu Jailed Maybe a man doesn't wear one in Costa Mesa Thursday, charged with b tapping the tills of baby sOOp cash ' at way on purpoae. reglaterl!I at two department stores and Or maybe M>me men just taking $105, police said. never notice how slightly mit- Theodore Yunis, 23, o( %m N. Towner lihapea they look. St.. Santa Ana, was capt.ured by . employes of Sears, Roebuck & Co., 3331 It'• a puzzle and • ponder S. Bristol St. after a 50-yard foot chase. why eo map.y otherwi1e H"J' He wu booked on suspicion of b\lt'glary guy• march around bli111fully after being turned over to PJtrolman I U • { b · L-James Michael by store lf:CUJ'i{y officer 0 » vioutt O I e amwnog •-..pe Clarence O. Bradley. o( that potalo·11ack·wi th· Clerk Jane Dock sald she uw 1 man 1leeve1ain-itthat10mejerk clean 177 out ol her baby department <lerlt oold them for· an ""P"D· cash regisler and notified the HCUrlty • rt at. officer, iJDmediately alter detmnlnl.ng ••ve •po co ' he wu not ·an employe on collect.Ion I doabt ii it could happen to rounds. you. Bot laave you looked in Po&. uld store pe1IOllnel l!J)Olled the mirror lately? Yunla outalde Ind caught htin alter be ..,._ • .L __ fled fn>m a parted pickup truck, strew· "0 .,.. .,.. "'""' ...,.!JOm wiry tng min cashtU'ht.rll'I. men'• jaeket.s don't fil .. Wf.lll He iltill hid 131. whlcll he claimed ao ihey aaid to. ' • be bat btuootd. In• ... 11e1. Only a few yean -the flw'lng the proc<11 ol booking Yunls, pollco teamed lhat a Ul!tap )Ob In , 1ult ma~rial OOtlt more thon .......,., lo buy from people wlio know elotbing, and who offer a decenl "ariety of models to eelecl £rom. Next re a 1 o n, experienced clothing men are hard to come by. You adverli1e for help. Driften come and go in just about every alore. l mean the men who work three or four monlha, lo Fl a nice wardrobe. A.ad !hen blow. I think we've learned how lo o.,6t thooe lel· lows and we don't-wute their ru-or oan. Appareatly I Uoe ripL Ou men are aoUd citlaoena md old honda at tltio butineH. They etick with UI. Then finally, where did all the aehnoldora p? (That'a Ytaauh r.,.. 6illon), Certainly We have die eonvenlional bluen too. Three button1. sso. The dif(erence be1ween • eport coat and a bluer, in e&te you've forgotten aiDce lhe Jut lime we mentioned it, i1 &hat a blazer hu metal or white lmt· tona. All rifllu. bow do yon baild eh.....aer, lnatead of being o-? Well I wo11't elalm thai elotheo· _.., the nun, h\lt I do think a well lilted ja<bt N)'I oomel~lag oboat tloe wearer'• jadgme.nt.. ~u,. if 1111 --11 """ tlieliiilde poekel. Sun, Roebuck & co. store In Orange the labor. Today, 11ilJW hand -1n the . day. wllh •• loll. work i. cot..•d•nhly n.o..e .,,.. Jack Bi' dwell had been (el)Orled . penoiVfl than the lahrle. Wldeh TID lapP!ng we•'"' lilmlallY c!a-1 ;, eurtly q ;i oho-U be. How· u petty thefl, dependln1 on the lo¥, "'" but can alJo bt coosldettd, alon~ wlth ever. that mean• lhal ••en a 3467 Vlo Udo at Newport Blvd., Newport &aeh Ahopllfllng, 11 the more .. r1ous fetoey coolly, high pde en;t o~ 1por1 _. to Rldulrd'o G,_, Ston> ll The Udo Tlooaler. off..,.. of bw1iory. coat hu mo"' machine, work Free parkiAll for _ .. al do.en can."'-67s.4510. This can be done If polke fee.I they d l h d -L A ~ r--.i...&.t 1969 J..t. Bidwell have adequate Indication of pmnedlta· J..:::=an==e= .. ==""==w=o=r=•· =="~=·=====..,....='=' .,...==='===· ===·=========:::!!. !Ion or conspiracy to commit thett. J I/ • \ , I . .. I e .. - Pu-pit andr"Pew Evidence Of Unity Gro~ Religion Forgotten Tllo l\t't. Oeors• J . .,..,... will speak on ..,,_ aot,I" II the l :IO and II a.In. ,..nhlp Ml'Yloes s ... 4117 al 0.. Newpll1 -kl t• Qlrda. The cbUrch, ~ meetJ. M. ~ ;&ii"r llr!w. ~ llNeb .... w -caalmWiloo -°" 11 o'cloct....ic.. -ol lhe,.... ,.,..., '171'1 Central Ave., --will hold rquJar Jlll&m'J mertmg Mond11 •..ma. I o'clock at t be Templl. l\ln. Dorothy Wood ol, Ille Orloi• COUnty library will be psi speaker. Sabbath molng aervices will be held l"riQy, l :ll p.m. 'l1le Oneg -I wtll be hosted by Mr. and l\ln. Barnett Kaplan. Dr. Plllllp G. Murray, pulor or (lommlJl!ty Coqrta:adoeaJ CllluU, 811 Htllolrope Ave .. Corou dtl Mar, will preach at the 10 a.m. worahJp service. 1111 topic II "When the Sun Stood SWL" auJd care and clmrdl acbool are alao beld at to a.m. ---New membtra will be ncdved into the r .... 1a1o ValleJ' Pntllyteriu Clllrcll, tc20 Talbert Ave., at Sunday's 11 a.m. service. The sermon at the mmibersbip-recdving ' service will be • • W ha t QuaUUea Should Cllaracterl!e a Churchmember!" ~ The eveeing oenolce, 7 o'clock, will include hymn slnglns, audience partlclpaUon and a short mwage by Putor Stanley P. Alltn eo- tltled "Practical Polnten tor Cbri&t1an Cooduct. .. Charier Day ia 11cbecMed al l'J1moolk Caosnpdoul Clm'Cll of N....,.n B-, 32G Broad St., Newport Beaoh, thl! Sunday. 'Ille Rev. Norman L. Brown will speak on "Slay Sally" at· the 10 o'clock morning worab.lp hour. Bahyallting service ii pro- vldad. Sunday achooi will be ~ d 10 o'clock also ''TM Pow. o' Lovt'' la thl ltl1JlOl1 Sunday II Coltery .8apClsl ~ 1211 Garfield Ave., Hlllllfnllon -. The aermon. to lie dellverecl bf lbe ReY. Jamee A. llolln, wt!! be delivered 1t 11 a.tn. _.lJW. -· for cbi1dr.n aged 3 lhrocl&b • , .... wlll alao _, at II o'clock. Evening -ship bealns at t p.m. with Put.or Dolln.speum,on "WelleUeve ln God." Suud.aJ achooJ meets at 9:'5 a.m., Youth Tralntog Union meeil al 1:45 p.m. Sunday athool pmonnel wUl hold a meeUnc Tue.tday, 7:30 p.m. u ••• Ir I a. UllyeriallQ emu, IJ58 Victoria St, CO.. ta Mesa .will discuu "The Crime of Punilhment" a book by Clrl Menlnger dealing with crlme in the streets. The book ii abo the loolc of tbe Bev. Rater T. Walke'• sermon at the 10:30 , a.m. servlct. Tbt Social Coocenul CommlU.. will meet Monday, a p.m. at ·the home of Cbalrman Jay Allen, 192 YoritoWllLant,Costa Meae. Holclln& HrVlces at St. James Ep1'copal Church, 31J9 Via Lido, Newport Beach, the -11o1 .. ,... ... will -111 l :IO Fr!Oy eveoi.,. Dr. Rod IW1llAJ, llOl!u..1 -prof,_ ·al Ille 11.nl~ ol Southern _<;alllomla ao4 11> Oldainad · NEW YOllK (API rabbi, w1n lead 11111 apec1a1 ~ ..,,. wtth' nlued toclll ldloo ....ice u weU f...ntorlty, Clu1ltlalll of U Ille followtnc 0nq -111&111 ldDds a D d charac-dlacuMloo. 1111 theme will be "Matlna Judalam llaaningful ~-Ulll -Cai.bra~ la Today'• World.• their bur"""1q u n It y , ' • 5"Ylul "" JDOl't al It. Plans are underway fer the ' Tiiey alao marted j\1111 how 4lth annual ...... uan ol the far theY've come .,. that con- JnternatlonaJ a..dl ff 1be Yerpnt _,. anil notAld r.-,._ o..,.i_ Wblch will cent slope tai..n alooa 11. be llold .ljll1l IO to May 7 'lbellt. wblle lndlvlWally DOI In Decatur, m. l\ln. Elmer apeclacuJar o1 Ille add up Card ol Sonia Ana prealdenl to conalderlble .,;,..ulallv of United Founquare Women headway e will --thal «Pnfza. . Uon on tbe pl•nntna com-It wu. the an n·u at mlU... · obtervuce of the "Week of Momin& worlhlp service at Finl lla\l4lll Cllare• IJld day school, 301 Magnolia, Coata. Mesa, will belin al 11 a.m. with Dr. P. G. NeW!WID ipeaklng on "One Wltb God." Al the evening aervice, 7 o'clock, be will speak on "The Rebeanal For Armaeedon." Nunery care ii provided for bolhsuvices. Prayer foe Cbrlstlan Unlly," Jan. 1&-15, dating back more than a quarter century, bul only since 11181 p la DD t d tofether by the three major llJ'OUPL . Allboqh 110me churchmen have voiced worries about a ::=e~J~d~ movement, now that the romance of lniUal contacts bu passed. many new, stronger Youth Sunday is slated at Ues quietly have occurred (Bee PULPIT, Pqe I) rocenily. U.S. Schools Shy Aiv(ly From Subject lly LOU!S C.\SSELS ., u ..... ,,_ ....... , ..... A large tn.i«Jty o f America'• schooil are lllJI If.: norlng the 5-, Court I tnvltation to teach ob}ecUvely about reUglon. The invltauon wu extended ftve years ago, tn th• ume rWln& lblll held II wu un· constitutional to conduct devrr Uonal e1erelses in public achoo! cllSU'OOma. Wblle govenunent-a~ acts of worship vJolate the coastitutional guarantee ol reUctous liberty, the court u1d, there is DO legal barrie:r to "ltudy of. tbe Bible or ol religlon , when presented ob- jecUvely aa part of a lltCU1ar program of educe:Uon." TID8 MEANS thal any publlc school ia free to offer academic courses in which students get acquainted with the Bible u one o1 the world 's greatest masterpieces o f literature, w make a com- parative study of the various reUctous traditions that have helped to :shape American blltory. Schools also can -and, the Supreme Court strongly suggested, should -include conaiduation of r e 1 l g l o u s viewpoints in aocia.I 1elence. elhlcl, philolloplly couroe~ Som< ll<hoolam r11pm\dlng to thl! wldHpoo oPPOttunltY to help overcome the religious Ullteracy of American youlh. A SURVEY by Ille ralJilou> llllllruclton wociJUon turned up IS communlties, ranging geographically .,from Newton, Mass., to Seattle, Wash., in which public hi&h schools are offering couraea on Ille Bible. At Jeut alx other com- munltiel, scattered acroea the naUon from Claremont. Calll., to New Haven., Conn., are giv~ ina: their atudents a chance to study comparative religion, the h.!Jtory of rellgians, or the role or religion as a formaUve influence in culture. There may be a ·rew other communlUea that the religious 1nstructlon a.uoci1Uon doesn't know about. But at best, only a tiny fraction of lhe nation's children are now getting the opportunlty to gain a few solJd facl.s to m1tch against all of the freewheeling op i n I o n s about relicion which swirl about their heads. WHY ARE ao few schools offering the kind of religious instruction that the Supreme Court approved a a con· sUtuUonal? Dr. Theodore Powell, com· missioner of CMneclicul State Department o I Edu'catJon, say1 there are several ~uons wby school administrators hold back from relt a lon COUf&el. • Jn the first place, he aays, there has been no great pu)lUc demand for \hem. Parents besiege acboola to provide in· sllucUon on sex, drinking and auto driving, but evldenUy "do not consider religious knowledge important." EVEN IF there were a public demand for coW'Ses about religion, school ad- ministrators "might be ap- prehen!ive about the few bigots and crakcpots In every community wbo can make a lot of noise and trouble." SWI another barrier to religion courses, Powell says, ia that teachers feel ill- prepared to cope with them, and do not know where to find instructional materials. This problem, at least, Is now surmountable. Two of- ficialB of lhe Religiou 5 (See SCHOOLS, Page's) ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH ,........, IJltoMI , ... f•lr om., C.M. 10 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE tA.M. SUMOAY CMUltCM KNOCK. •1• l'.M. Jr. Ml A Sr. Ml ...... Ywtll l'eftwllfli. llblt SludY Wed. 1:00 A l :U l'.M. Mlllbllw, MtlYtlll V. T•l'W-M~ C--t45-4611 ' (A.l.t.> • HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1 1nt .... St ........... c ........ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llANCMD Of TMI MOTMR CHUICff Tiii PttsT CHURCH OF CHllST, ICllNTIST IN IOSTON, MAISACHUSITTS "'TRUTH"' - THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH W•lcomes You. ST. JAMU. l2ot W. ~ """°" .... h9"y hrrtHI-71SO, t:OO, 11 :00 T.....,lO:Jl-T1111ndey 1:00 p.111.. Hely lttc.IMwht & Heoll119 Sorvkes ~­\lJ hct9r, n. hr • .i.1111 P • ....,_, n: AIM., n.. •.e:t>· o..u ere.., __ -----:::'::--::-,:~P:.:;ho::"":::'::;-6::7:.S-02~1 :.0 ,::._,,,..,_:c-=:.....;--_ ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2!01 Cllff Dr. u 8-4293 .... ,,. ......... , ....... ,.. .... _ ... _ --......... ..,,,.. ...... •:JNi• ...... """"' SdliNt ••••• : .... , ...... ..... '1ce •••• h;tl>ttrtt-~ Lutheran Church of tho Master 2900 Paclflc Vlow Dr. CORONA DEL MAR DR. WILLIAM IL ELLER -ORUOU __hll A.M~ WerMt, _ 9141 A.M-Sund•y Oiurch Sch .. I 11 :00 A.M.-Ftrll•t Wenhi, a,. C..k. htterhn ,..., Smlday SeboCI 8:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. 8aptlat Traflllug Union 8 p.m. Evenfne .. rvtce 7 p.m. j Subject of Lesson:·~ January 26 Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Days as· announced Nunery care available at all services WELCOME ·---Wedlle1day Bible Study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. Colla Me,. -First Church of Christ, Sclenll1t 2110 .... ,.,. Dr., c.mi ..... ... ..,, De lft". Jelill 1..-rs Oftb -..... '44o04U ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. CHRIST LUTHIRAN CHURCH Missouri Synod ......,. k111el tllS:A.M. CUJc• s.mc..-11 A.M. RMdl11 ..... 2110 M ... Ylnl1 Dr. RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH '1' 410 HAMILTON, COSTA Mls.t. Rt¥. loD Seh111•ll1kopf I - Huntington le1c~Flr•t Church of Christ, Scltntl1t Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced Vic.-, 1'119 a..-. J1H W. Dott.tftl• -Ph•llS 14MJJ6 EPISCOPAL · 760 Victoria It .. Cott• IMN Lothar V. Twnow, Putor 541 5404 W'"lllll ..... 1Cn1 t 111 • 1t A.M. ,...., tdlNl1 t;• A.M. A._,lt alf!Hi a-, t:M A.M. CHRlmAN ll.IMINTAlY SCHOOL 54 .. "'6 Stndty School •••••• , 9:45 Tr1inin9 Union .••••••••• 6:00 i Mor111nt Worship • , •• 11 :00 E"tnln9 Worship ..••.••• 7:00 I Wtd. E,,1111119 S1,....!ct ••• , 7:00 11 ~·~ 1· .... ,. ......... 110lhe Clnlrd I Stl"'-f x.._t:!O & 11:00 , L1gun1:S0ch -Plrst Ch ch of Christ, Scltntlot 1! ST. ~'~~~i~~ ~!~SE~~~ .. ~URCH ,I PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH .... 642°9111 H""'Y Af"YI At0li.ltle I UNIVERSrff' BAPTIST CHURCH 1212 S. I. PAUSADIS RD. SANTA ANA HllG>HTS IUlfOAT SCHOOL .•.•••••..•••.•••••••.... ·•··•••••• ti• A.f1L MOIJlllflM• WOlllHll' .,, ••••• ,, .•..••••••••••• .,, ..... , 11 AJA. 9\llfflMO WOIJllMll' , . , ..•..•.•..•..••••••••.•• , ••••••• , 1 t".M. MIOwtlK ntv•c• WSDMUOAY .. ······' .. '. ''" l'.M. OUllT MIMll"Rlt CMUll:CM t"HOMI! HWm' l'IRST FIRST CHRISTIAN ~~~-Dr. Sc-'IC-I • I H11rrtlnttM '"di. c .. 1,-1, I Mt,• V1rd• Dri"e I l•ker Strtet, Coste M1i•, C•lif. -& Stl....,se t :JO & 11 :00 Tiie fin-. ,_ C. Citty, l'Mltr 11 ANDllW C. ANDIUON. ,...., lleMIRf a..-. 214 ,_..Aw. 11 Sundty Services Metnlnt Wonhlp: l:<:o, t:» • n :oo Sllfld•r 5dlodl: t :oo. t:JO, 11 :DO N~.-..fluch-ft-t Churth of Christ, Scitl'tflt ,I •:• A.M.. HtlY c-ll'IMl1-t:• A.M. P .... llY ._.,..a Cllwai I Prince ef '•ec, L..ther11 Sdiotl -Mis• Either OftCAI, Princ.lpil i!.' ·-· II!'• ''" P.M. ·-· lei.I I Offl Ph ••••• , • IJIJ: 'fie I.Ne ' 1•• l'.M. 1•11-1 lhM A.M. Mtnllllf ...... c• ""' • I Scheol Ph11111 149·0162 CWcll ... S.11ffy Sdtsel--t111 ... 11:tt 1~==='~-~~"~-~~=~~~·~~~-~""'~~--~;==~r-~:,,= ... ..,-:::::::~==..,,.,.,.,, ....... .;..1 .... u., ..... 131 s vi. u.. I HUNTINeTON II.A.CH Nawport ~~:o'~!:°~c~~.·~~.:!. c!'.;1~;.5'11ntlot I First Assembly of God Church I UNITED OIURCH Of REUGIOUS SOENCE Chrc• & Suay Sc.hool-10 A.M. I 146 E. 22nd St., Co1t1 Mui 541-3761 410 10th S RM4ll11t loe-2161 L Coat Hwy. M C C t., Huntington Be•ch • • ron1c, P1stor , S••lfor Menil11t S....lc.es •Ml YHtti c..,.1i-11 :oo .... All are cordially invited to attend the church aenicea I 11.., Nlck•111"· Mlniit•• .t' Ye11th I W•d~tad•y hening St11dy Group-7:10 p./'l'I. and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms SCHIDULI OP SllVICU 1:1 llnrW ....... ,.... Pk•: 116-2120 CWI' c.,. Prettdd AT ALL Slll.YICIS llAPTIST CHURCH ., ......... , .... , CAIMfklll 9"flrll 17411 ...... u •• CHURCH , Victoria & Placentia Ave. 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.111 Costa Mesa II "~ .. ~.:-I CHURCH OF CHRIST s.11 .. y-Chltf'lt• Schoel •••••••••••••••••••••••• 9:11'1 ··"'" I= hlftily Wonblp •••••••••• 10:50 •·•· I 7:00 p.111-~ .=•we;::.; •:n ~= ~::,. j lHE UNA ;:ii•~OD1comlST0 frOfomURCH STATI UCINSID PU.SCHOOL-ml Wiiis-. Dll'Mtw llW r1m;1n -· .... hT.O..M.-. ...., 641oJJ21 Hu111in9to" lttch-North s,M.., Schotl ••.•.. t ilt AM MMAlnt Wor•hip •• 11:00 AM Pr.Y.,. Strvlct • , • , 6:10 PM h9nint We~lp •••• 7:00 PM "'"'" "",.. I 217 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA Y..rttl M!flldlr •• ...., • W'""'-. . .. . . . . . .. .,. •.111. I llTWllH HA.DOI .. PAllYllW 111111 lchtltl ........•.. ti•.•·"'· Ma-nlll!I W9"111• ........ 1t14' '·"'· SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY •••• , •. , •.••••• , t 1'4I AM Y•"lt Gi'Ou" .•...•........•• ''·"'· I SUNDAY MORNING WORSHrr I COMMUNION •• 10:45 AM v~~~e·ry··cafe""J>i.0\.id:d· [ SUNDAY lVlNIN& WORSHI, •••••.••••••••••••• 6:00 •.M. I D HARBOR RfFORM nMPLE meeting 1t l•lk. l•l•ntl COMMUNITY MITHODIST CHURCH 111 At••• 111.otso 1:11 l11f_.111•I Wwshi, 9:30 Tr•clltl•n•I Wershi, COMMUNITY MITHODIST CHURCH 66'2 Htif A"'·• .142.4461 Worship I Church Schffl ' lltnw7 ........... •t •• lwvk9 147-48« Ce1t• M111 WEDNESDAY lVENIN& lllLE STUDY •••••• ,,., •• , 71JO PM 541o4771 141-6141 I NUUllY CARI PIOVIDID ..... O. M.,tleW D. •· Hllflt ii w, ltli"'' In Yeu • . • I MbihMt Auotim M .. llMr I Sullcl.., Scheel 111 SI. J•mts Epl1cop.1I Church I ,,, 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach I I SABaATH SIRVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 1U.aa1 a•N LllMOW ~Oa IMJIOllMATIONi CAU '1W"1 ------ 9 l IO:lO AM hvi11-E•lf lfwff FI MT CHRISTIAN •t UNITARIAN 111~~~~Pho~n~1~: ~54~8·~57~11~D·~y~o~r~N~lg~ht~~~~lr~~~&n~rll~~~~~~ llJI UNIVERSALIST I CHURCH •J "" v;,,~~~~.c~"'' ""' j G L A D T I D I N G S 1 Main & Ad1m• Struh :: ,.'.-."":.';.. 646-4652 [ BIB~C~~CH CORONA DELMAR ! ASSEMBLY OF GOD FIRST UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH ltth St & H1~or llYlll. Wonlllp I Church Schffl 9:30 I II AM 541·7727 UNIYl!lSITY MITHODIST CHURCH Wonhi, •• , .1:30 AM 133·1 2]3 M11tl119 t•mpor•rll.., in St. M•rk Prt1bytt1l•n Church M""'Tllf Wordllp •• 1:30 10:45 llble Sdlool •••••• 9:30 Yeuth 9'eups .••• 6100 PM EY•ttlllf WONhlp ·,, 7:00 PM .... ....,.,..._,...._,,.Ill. Huntington Beech I I BAHA'JS · . ,"+_U\illS:tCH .. O~ I 15th & Monrovia , Newport Beach 1 V _.. l\>11 allU; Wtlt ti ...... ""'"'" PROCLAIM ,9 "" ; 646-6620 or ~7866 Ba ha' u' llah ;: S I -..... _,_ '""" --M•w ...... - H__,. Clf'I ~ ti •II .me.. OffMtt ...... Diel a.we!~ "Th• Pro"'i11d On•" Emphuizb1g: i ! t:41 A.M.-S11Hfey SO..I S41-l215 or 5~9·2005 The PW! of God .. ~ 10:10 A.M_ • .,,_ llllNcle ef W.ttr llQ WIH" The Pason of OvUt ..I .., 5<1:,.,_ 11"1' l'•!lor tlenwnllll I GO AHEAD! SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! TMI ...... "8 21JO A...,...11 Sent• .. CALVARY CHAPEL ................. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH tM1 Cit" om., M...-rt lkKJI .... ... flllMI O!rfttt.I I.aft. 5""" .... T'-0\lftt. ... 111"'"'1"1 °""' Mwic-(et'4rY CMHI h M '" .... "._. •wMlllflltlll CfrlWdl """"' "" ...... ,.,._....... .. _........,, 642-67'3 646-9512 Of NIWPOlJ 11.lCK-tDftlr,te.I ........ 111114"'1 H.,.. 11••&1 IWf ...... 'II L 1 M St., C.... ..._ Church School -9:45 A.M. Wonihlp -10:45 A.M.m N.....,c..~ Phone: 675-3915 Minl&ter: Dr. D. W. McElroy f The,_ of the Holy Spirit ~ ,-i... of. 7;00 '-'•~•"· .... 0.-Miool,_., .. "-K ... Sundl)' Sthool !I AM -\.\ ' -I M ... 7:SI P.M~ ~ M"f"11t c.rt 64Wl6t Mort1lftl Wo11~lp , Mnd 10;1) AM 1.~1 ' I ! T .... ttn "'· 7110 P.M.-MlaJHcrry C.11Yfttle• wltti l_,ln1Sttv1ce7 PM ·',A~ ~ .. It, I lft. Pnl fl••ll\W.._ 1 ... Diiie lctrlMt-lft". HHry M .. • Wtdnetd.iy l ible Study '!lo"' SPICIAL MUSIC AT AU SllVICU ilnd~r 7PM ~l)i ~~ ' N1.1Miy duri~r; :ierv•ctt M& I fraytr M11fin9, S1turd1y 9:3 0 A.M A fun Youth Program COMMUNITY Cm. of <lnngHod llnf. SI. J •n"" H~~~CAM><. I CONGRf~ATIONAL I 611 HILIOTROPE I w......,_tltlt A.M. c ..... S..111 11100 ...... Or • ..,.., .. ""'"'' MflllM" • 1· ...... ,..,,., ...... o.c.a. 673-4000 Seventh-Day Adventist Cllarches """' --...... 271Anc.RlttMt' ......... .. J1h~ Sh•w1111k1, P1,1e, ..... S.... ...... a... "'GN•l l41·U'6 JaJJ2 0.... Y.U.,......., ~ Sci.et , ••• t :ll AM A. E. A•wtDft, P11ter Meralllf W......,, •• tllOO AW 'he11e1 492.JtJ6 .............. •••·fill AM PNptr MMfl11t.· We4 • 7tlt PM ........ W ...... , , lt:ll AM SHARP If,.. .... e ,,.,,, ~.,,,,, ••• ftit DAILY PILOTS ftll'll .. or ..... AollNi 1l111!f1N •cl• S1111,..., .. M•kt • b.ttet llHI ••• wh1thw ,.,.,. kyillt "' ••lllftl· HARBOR ASSEMIL Y OF GOD 740 W. Wiison, Cost• Mesa V. L HlnwlCl. ,..,... CAIL •IJiflaY 141-4714 .. , ............. SUNDAY SlaVICIS 1 O:SO A.M.-"H..,. A ..... Tiie Wey" S1rrnp11 lty '••fer J:OI P.M-MUSICAL """ .,_.,.., ,._,.a --cw. COSTA MISA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ..... -. ... -" ........ ,,. -• .....,., -, ..... CtWt ARST CHRISTIAN CHURCH tMO T.rMtt A... fT_..,, & M ..... I. POUHTAIN YAWY UHIFllD SERVICE • S•Ml•y Scheol 9:JO-WOll.SHIP • fO:JO W1nhlp & Ye1lh &r.t1p1 -'ilO p.111. N11"''Y pr.,,lded et 111 1tn'lc11 • c.ntll91ttr QllrQ ~ "" "'"" ·-- Trinity UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1,,, s..'111 .......... WORSHIP AND MESSAGES ......, ........ _,111, .... t'2-t412 IJ4.lt44 Wt l11ie"e IR lterflel life 111d ,,_ Ill Ce .. e Mui North MISA YhDE MITHODIST CHURCH MtN y,,,1, & l•k•• St. a..t.2719 Werthlp a Church School t :OO I 10130 AM Hullfln1to" l11eh FIRST UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th S+ ••••• 536.J5J7 S•rvict1 -9:30 l I I '·"'· N•rstry th•u 2nd 9''"' • 11 Etitblvff Dr. I J•mbor•• Rd. l•Jl.u"e ltach LAGUNA HACH METHODIST CHURCH 216J2 w •• 1,, Dr 111 Se. Le9uR1 Win.hip t:JO I 11 AM Chureh Scheel 9:)0 AM 4H.JOll N.wpert l•ech CHAl$T CHURCH IT THI SIA 1400 W. ltlltot 11,,d. 67).)105 Wonhip I Ch11rdl Scheol 9:10 I-11 100 AM 1)! Ch•"h ••hHI -'"' •.•. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Cllrlat Church Presbyterian 21111 M .... lhi C .... .._, H•I ......... .... An. o. s........ 1-.t• ,__ ......, W«llllp1 tao AM a.ell kllHlt 10;41 A.M. 0.... 111 w St ...... t"'4940 Church C!f th• Covenant nn......,....,c......._ Af'f". Oettt5' I. M•cl11n11, l11ftrl111 PP1ter s..llly ..... & a.a ldleef1 ttJO "''" 141 ... 104 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 6001t . ....._.I .... ....,..,,._. CHAil.ii HEllll'r DllllNFllLD, PAITOI W....., I ClllrU w..tt t. t:ll I t 1 AM '44-7147 St. Marti Presbyterian Church C..-Ja a ..... ......,.~c-... .. ..._ ..,.... .......... ...... W......, I a-. k•••I lt AM M4-1141 Community Presbyterian Church 411 ,... A--,. w St.1 ............ DAI.LAI-TUIND. PAITCMt W ....... l~W••I f il•AM.....,_11 AM ...... 7111 ' ' ----------- .. ---~turCQ, Januiry 25. lM --DAILY PILOT f Lutherans Elect SCHOOLS .• Housing Meet Slated Church .Olficers ;~ (C..tlued i... P11e II lnalruct1on A.uoclaUon, James V. IDOCb ancLD'v~ L. BtrT ._ ·-........ ~ hanabOok for leichen tatlUed CommunitJ Mel bod I 1 t persons ,"' Johnson said. Cl!qitlJ, 1111 U.il Ave., .llur> The P1bllc II lnvttld ID al· 1fn11e lllad>, Wiii hall a lend the m<etlng. Additional meeting of tho Orao&• Cclmly lnlormadoo II available fMD New f>eacon.s and officers for the Lutheran Church of the Master church council in ltlt will be IMtalled 11 !he 11 a.m. Sunday aervlct btld at ZIOO Pacific View Drive, Corona de) Mar. Elected officers were Dr. William R. Eller, president ; Arthur Womer, vice presi· dent; Mrs. Joseph Carlos. secretary; Mrs. Borg h 11 d Slephens, treasurer ; Walter Buchterkirchen, f i n a n c I a I secrti!.ary and Miss Leona Sttlnhauer, assist.ant financial secretary . Others elected to lhe council wtre Tom Aabbrook, Peter Arola, Dr. Charles Crone, Joseph Carlos, F r t d e r i c k Drtw1, Ralpb Norwn and Robert Underwood. Cha.lrman appointed by the council included Mrs. Vlema Kraumlck, Chri1Uan educa· Uon: Carlo1, chW'cb property; Allan Sawyer, evangelism; Crone, finance; Mrs. Paul Bentiien1 1oeIa1 ministry; Norum, lltew1rdship; Dr . Ric.hard Kredel, worship and mUAic; Mrs. Richard K.r~el, memorials and special and Ashbrook, youth. Pastor Eller will deliver a sermon enllUed "A Youth Who Remembertd" at the in- stallation service. Sunday will be observed at Youth Sunday. Moslems Tell Of Converts JAKARTA (UPI) -A record Z.S million lndonesian Ptfoslem.s have been converted to Christianity in the past three years, according to the Moslem newspaper New Gen- eration. New Generation said m01t of the conversions came in Central and East Java, areas of former Communist strength. The paper said some of the conversions might have been caused by revulalon agairut the alaughter of Com· munlst swpects by Moalem fanatics following the at· tempted 1965 Communist Coup. ~ ... \ Sisters and Brothers Getting a helping hand from Br'er Bear and Br'er Fox, Sister Patricia Marie and Sister Donna of St. Catherine's Military Academy, make plans for "Family Fun Night" slated for Feb. 7 sponsored by the Dominican Sisters Guild. Tickets include admission to Disneyland and unlimited use of all attractions except shooting galleries. "Relialon Goes to School" (Harper & Rowe). It de3cr1bes lucidly what IJ pennl811ble un- der court rulings, h o w teaCber1 lhould approocb auch courses, where cunltulum materials and audlG-vbual aids may be obtained, and liltl commwtlUea w b e r e schooll are succe!Sfully ex· perlmentlng with such courses. THE BAlllllERS of public Indifference and •do mlnl.atratlve Umldity may be harder to crack. But they too can be overcome. u some pioneering commtmities have already demonstrated, 1 f churchgoing Wnllies make their influence felt throutJl PTA'1 aod In school board electlona.. Biola College Group in Mesa "Revolt at the Port.ala" will be presented at Harbor Trinlly Baptist Church by a lZ. member drama team, the 1·a1r Houa11tC Council Wed· ...::C--------------- netday, I p.m. Bob J~ praldent ol tha l!OW1lng Cowicll, aald that the meeilftl' will bt for organlzatlocal purpooes. "The objective• ot the Fair Housing eommJttee are to be good nelghbOnl to members of iru-lly llO"l>S who wbh to move tnto 4IUr community, ID re...roh Illa avallabllily of housing for mlnorlly groups in the community and to educate the community to the need for f.a1r housing for all ... '(' ~ { 'mt fttmoriol park The So11tb1"'ul's Most &.l#liftd ' MnnorWs lWJIOl.tlJm • COl."W I....... . C9111'TllT ' ~jTREFS°" ?!kl~:!ORJ.D ................ _a..,.~ \ ( PULPIT AND PEW, COAST CHURCHES • • • King's Players from Biola College. The public is invited to the (Continued from Pa1e 4) St. Aadrtw'• Prtabytertu Cbureb, 800 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach will be the young people's Westminster Choir singing at the a a.m. service. Dr. Charles H. Dierenfleld will apeat on "The Secret Jn. gredlent.' at the I, 9,30 and 11 a.m..&erviceL Yollnl people.. will take part in all services. St. Wllfred's Episcopal Cburth, Chapel Lane and Eliis, Huntington Beach, will hold ill annual parish meeting Sunday beginning wlth a poUuck supper al 6 p.m. in the parish hall. The annual meeUng will follow with Dean Bellis presiding over the elec- tions and committee reports. After the meeting a short evensong service will be held in the sanctuary. A verae from the Christian Science LeNOD-Sermon "Truth" will be read at all Cb.rbtlan Science church • servicea this Sunday. The verse aska, "Lord, who shall abide In thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell ln thy holy hill? He that walketh upri1htly, and workelh rlghteousneas, and speaketb the truth in his heart." Stewardship education is the focal point of a 20 day pro- aram now underway at Prtnct ol Peace Lutheran Cborek1 • 2M7 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa. Orien Vkk, consultant in ateward!hlp educaUon in the American Lutheran Church. wlll conduct tbt ac- tivity. He will preach at .all worship urvices Sunday, a, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Rev. A. C. Anderson, pastor of Princt of Peace is con- ducting a series of meetings in South Gate on the theme "ChrW for Crises." Meeting at the SenloT Cltl.iens Center, 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach, the coniregaUon of Newport. Unity Cllurcb will hear the Rev . Loren Dale Flickincer speak on "Ut Yourself Go" at servica beginning 10 :~ a.m. Sunday. performance of the comedy· s a 8 t1a1 0 u n t tar I•• 11 a.m. Dr. Vincent Gottuso, the Sunday school contest with Iantuy Stmday, 7 p.m., at Ualvertall9t Fellonhlp, 2025 pastor, will deliver the talk Bethany Baptist of Riverside. 1230 Baku st., Costa Meu.. N. Broadway, Santa An.a. Mrs. when the church meets at Sunday school begins al 9:45 ==========I Lorena Cole, widow of the The Chapel, 3500 Pacific View a.m. and morning worship, 11 Fellowship's former minister, Drive, Corona del Mar. o'clock, follows. Youth hour the late Dr. Walton E. Cole, begins at 5 p.m. with evening will preach at 10:30 a.m. "Love's Power to Com· worship at S o' c Io ck. Church school is held at the pre.bend" Is the title of the Children's church is held dur- same hour sermon slated for Sunday at ing the 11 o'clock service. · Harbor Cbrildan Cburda aL Nursery ·care is provided for · Fanner Olym_P.:ic ltack s!'ar, 10.:4S a.m. Dr. D. W. McElroy all services. LOuis Zimperiru-will highlighr-will-deliver the talk at-Harper ----~--- the observance' of Baptist Elementary School, 425 E. Both 3 and 9:30 a.m. Men's Day at Trinity Bapdst 18th St., Costa ~1esa. Church services at St. Mlchael'1 and Church, 10101 CUMingham school meets at 9:45 a.m. All Angels' Epl1c0pal Church, NOW Ave., \Vestminster, Sunday. 3233 Pilcillc View Or., Corona He will speak at the Men's c 0 mm union will be del Mar, will offer com· a.m. SUnday with Putor Lawrence T. Young •peaking on "Ready to Die." Church school and nursery care are alsc; held at both boun.-A - class fOT adulll, ' ' T he Archltecls, ·~·continues ·lo -meet at 10:30 a.m. in the churctl chapel. • · < Breakfast at Cook's Pancake celebrated at 7:30 a . m • munion. The Rev. John Rogers ''The Impossible House, 15081 Beach Blvd., services at St. John Lbe Dll'lne Davis w1ll preach on "The Y--·• Westminster, as well as at EplJCOpal Cban:b, 2lK3 Orange Wedding at Cana" at bolh -• • the 10 :55 a.m. worship service. Ave., Colla Mesa. A vi.siting hours. The Funnle1t Harry Leafe and John preacher will deliver the "Racism and Us" semiriar Comedy Yet Singleton, laymen of the message al the 9:30 a.m. contiriues its third program MESA THEATRE STEREO SENSATION! the co1omii sound oi-. -~ Orange County Music --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach -·- church. will deliver the family service. Sunday school Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. in the d h \I A message foe the evening 7 tor all ages throogb high parish hall of the church. \OSTA MESA Rea e,rs ip: You Spe it -n-n o'clock service. school begins at 9:30 a.m. Edward Ramsford, sociology,~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!.._ ____ ..:._ _______________________ _ Nursery care is provided. professor at California State1: L-a-n-d-e-r-s Transfiguration Sunday ls slated at Christ Luthuan Qll!'Cb thb Suaday: Meeting at 760 VletoTia, Costa Mesa, the congregation will hear Pastor Lothar V. Tornow opeak on .. The Mountain-Top Erpe.rienct." He will speak at both the 8:15 and 11 a.m. services. Walther League o! Christ Lutheran will host the Orange Coast Zdne 1 :30 p.m. Sunday .at the Career Day. Meia Verde Untied ftfethodW Cburch, 1701 Baker Slreet, Costa Mesi will hold Sunday servlcu'at 9 and 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Joseph W. McShane will address the con- gregation on "Who Are the Blessed ?" The Rev. Henry Gerhard will speak on "How tv Uae Religious Science" SuOOay, 9 and 11 a.m. The Laguna Beach Cburcb of Religious Science, 20052 Laguna canyon Road holds junior church and high school youth group meetings at 9 a.m. Classes in religious science are taught TUe!d'ays, 7:30 p.m. for beginners, Wed·~ nesdays, 7:30 p.m. for more advanced students. Daytime classes a~ offered at Leisure World. "From Doubt to Certainty" is the me.saage selected by the Rev, Wlllll J . Loar for Sunday's 9:30 and ll a.m. services. He wtU speak to the Finl Bapd1t Churcil of Hwt-Eumi.ning the methods and tlnpon Beacb congregation techniques of the prayer life, which meets at Peek'• Chapel, the Rev. David Dtprofio will 7801 Bolsa Ave., Wetitmtnster present a sennon entitled al 9:30 a.m. and Huntington "When you Pray" at duplicate Beach Chapel, eth and Orange, service.s of Cbrilt Church by at 11 a.m. The family evening the Sea. United Methodist, 1400 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport service begins at 7 p.m. at Beach. Church School meets the Huntington Beach Chapel. at 9:30 a.m. and Nursery The women of the church care is provided at both help with recreation programs worhip services. at Huntington Beach Con· The musical comedy, "Little valescent Hospital on Tuesday Ella Amongst the Cinders," afternoons. Peek's C h u r c h will be presented tonight and school meets Tuesday, 3:20 Sunday evening to benefit the p.m. and Bible study meetings church library. arc he.Id Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. College at Fullerton, will speak an "The Nature of Civil Di.!orden . ., '· Sunday school classes and adult·senior youth • t u d y groups meet at 9 a.m. at Re1arrectlon Lutheran Church, 9812 Hamilton, Hun· tington Beach. M o r n I n 1 worship, with child care pro- vided, begins at 10:30 o'clock. Arthur R. Tingley, pastor of the church, will speak on "The Imperative of Worship" thla Sunday. "Church, Race and Social JusUce," a pilot study group will meet at 7 p.m. Seventh grade confirmation class will meet Wednesday, 4 p.m. Identical worship services will be held at 9:30 and II a.m. Sunday at the Ftrtt Uni~ Melbodist Church, 2721 Seventeenth St., Huntln&f.on Beach. The Rev. G. Russell Shaw will preach on the topic "Open Windows." C h u re h school meets at the same hours. Nursery car~ is pro- vided. Other church eventl slated Sunday are the Inquirers Class, 10:45 a.m. and the youth groups meetlnp, 6:30 p.m. Bible study and prayer groups meet Monday; · 9:30 a.m. FINAL DAYS! ' The Southland's Most Desired Stock of Spanish, Mediterranean and Mexican Import Furniture .•. Now All JANUARY SALE PRICED "The Greatest Thing In the The Rev. James Xirk will World" is the title of the B unilqton·VaDey Baptist deliver the bird 11.L a series sermon slated at Clludr. ol Cburclr, 9T11 Slater Ave., of smnons from ?..etten to Croisroadl Sunday services, Fountain Valley, is leading in Comma nlty U•lted MetbodlJt Clilll'cb, Ma Hell Ave ., Huntington Beach, will hold services at I and !0:30 the Hebrews at the 10 o'clock:.-=.:=:..c:.::::....:.=....:.. __ _; _____ _;_ ___ '---'--------- morninc Sunday " o r s h I p aervice ol St. M 1 r • Pntb)'Wrlan C Ir a r c Ir , • Eutbluff Drive and Jamboree Road, Newport Buch. He will aptak on "Real and Stay Active." Child care a n d church school are held at the same hour. "Handlin& Fear" Is the sermon topic this Sunday at BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE e MATIRESSIS MATTRUSIS 80.lft • llOKD • ft.AD«D --a.a. .... Mattn. 0.. .,. Pf..,.,. .... Ubtrty 1-1303 Mesi Upholstery Ubtrty 1-4711 llM MIWPOIT llff. FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hour1: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. mRnSPISLD'S fUIURTOH, 22S Ho. llllflor 8IVd., """"'°*" • "'-(714) 111·5720 HUNTINGTON BEACH, 11!582 Inch Bf'fd • • "'-(714) 962<1477 • TDllll ClllTUILYI lllYEllSID!',043 Marhl (-14tllon llarbl) • l'lllllo (714) 682·7950 • f ! \ l • , - '· • ' • • • . PEANUTS Snoopy as the Messiah ByKTM 1'o many observers tt may aeem tbat . '· moder11 theology ls llt<raUy going lo lhe dogs. Receqtly Amtrfca was startled by Uieologlans wbo announced the de.alb of God. Now Robert Short, author of lhe bestselling "Gospel According to Peanuts," proclaims a new kind of "dog lh'°logy,'' contending 'that Jesus was virtuaUy "a dog among men" aod that Snoopy, Charlie Brown's pooch in the popular Peanuts eomJc strip, is a f1lUng and appropriate symbol for Cbrisl ln his new book, ''The Parables of Peanut!," published by Harper & Row, Short eiamines cartoons f e a t u r I n g Snoopy to illustrale this understanding of Jesus. After quoting Isaiah as a scriptural basis for seeing Christ as ''the almost less than human Mesdah, as an utter nothiDg," be says: "When Love came int,, the world in bodily form, It did' not come in lhe form of the ea&Jy recognized and overwhelm· lng lover, who would only reflect our own desires and ·hence leave us no choice to make. But the Messiah came uneJpectedly aa a dog among men" t ' L~~:::::=:~::::::::..~~J ~ nus, says Short, is the ''bestial" decision laid before men: the dogma of lhe Dog God -thal this Wl'elclled, humill~ ouka!t~.'..!fas.eiUJe!: ~ .. .Rl'_ he was not. Thus the choice is made brutally clear, and thus Christ could 1ay: 'He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.' (Mt. 12:30)" It may be humiliating for us to have to follow a lowly dog. But, the author points out, "Jesus is the only Seeln& Eye dog of the spirit that blind humanity has;" and he quotes Charlie Sclmh. Peanuta creator, who says: "What Jesus means to me ·ls this: In him we are able to see God and to Undmtand bis feelings toward us" .••• IF liOlJ HAVE A WEDOIN6, !'LL ®CE AT IT ! !lllleed. says Short, "Jesus Is lhe ki!s planted on the l\Olie c{ the world to brtat up the vicious circle of the world's self-contained •crab-in.'" When Jesus is seen from the "Mint of "·iew ol the ChrisUan faith, \~ys the author, he is seen to be oo less than God }limself. But when Jesus is aeen apart from faith, he says it's a quHe different experience -It's like looking at the word "God" backward.I. "Jesus -the Dog God"!? The ldta may seem shoe.king lO some. But for others, it ls a highly imaginative way of communicating the most basic "dogma" cf Chriltian.ity -that God was born net in a palace but 1n a Jowly manger. • I I J I • Page Boo.ming .... Busjne·ss of Music It PeMtrates Every Reeess (and Eardruni) iii Ainel'ica By BELEN 8. SHAFFER Music in America I! Big Business, Big Art, Big Noise.. However one describes it, the salient adjecUve ls big, for music cf some sort has come to permeate n e a r I y every aspect cf American life. From the days of lhe psalm-singing: Purit.ans on, Americans hav·e been a music-malting people. But never before has mu.sic been so insi.!itently present in their lives. The technclogical marvels cf sound reproducUon, joined -,vitb com· mercial erploltation or man's propensity ror song, have made possible a 24-hour-a- day, ~ay..a-year continuous flow ol music. IT BLASTS FORTH from the nation's hwidreds cf millions cf radios, TV sets, record playeni, tapes and sound tra.cks -plus the live sound from the growing number of concert halls and from the many millions of students and amateurs practicing or playing for their cwn delight. At times the sound of music seems tc have penetrated virtually every recess cf livable space. Often It is more difficult tc escape than to find. This inundation of music, apparent tc all, bas statistical backing. Music iJ cften ~erred to as a '2 billion-a-year industry. Tbe $2 billion is divided aboot equally be.tween retail sales of records and the combined sales of musical in- struments, instrument accessories, in· st.n,ictiooal..W,_~ sheet mw;;i~. But expenditul'i!S for music obviously go well beyond amounts invclved jn such sales. The total would include spen- ding for Admissions to mUiical events. Americans spent $600 million in 1967 for theater, opera and concert admissions combined. ' IN ADDmON it would include fees paid for private mu.sjc lessens, con- l.-IbuUons or tans paid for support ol musical acUvltiea, and money spent for purl:hase of second-hand instnµnenLs from private indivigµals. That these expeoditures have risen markedly ii indicated by the following : (l) The number cf sympbcny programs leading to a Bachelor of Music « higher degree. THE BIG f\IONEY In music in the past was in sheet music -the sale of plano-and·vcice renderings cf Tin Pan Alley hits. Today the disc is king. together. Americans today own some 263 million radios, more than one per capita. WITll \'LRTUAU.. Y everyone a music addict, it is not surprising that so many different forms of musical expression are cultivated. The prevailing pass.ion 'for music ranges from a vogue for anliqlle salon pieces lo ear·ta:rlng ex- That's How Rocle Was Boria perimenl.ations with electronically pro- duced sound. Electronics seem to fascinate some of the most imaginative composers in both the pop and what is called the "classical" fields. Perhaps the worst blow tc jazz was that a new generation cf young people turned to another form of pcpular music -that mixture of rhythm-and-blues, country-western, hillbilly ballad and e I e c t r i c guitar-that became rock 'n' roll. Some call rock the manifesto of the ycuth revolulion. A writer on pcpular culture dates the origin cf the rock 'n' roll craze to a Cleveland disc jockey's decision in 1954 to feature certain rhythm·and- blues records from the output of small Negrc recording companies which had been virtually unkoowa orchestras In the nation has tripled in 30 years and now stands at 1,500. (2) There are at least 1,000 opera- ~otming groups 3.z'ld the number 'is r151ng. ' t3J Some 44 million Americans -- about one·fifth the population -arc amateur musicians. (4) Formal music instruction for credit is becoming a staple in American educa· lion. , As a result there are more than 70,000 bands and orchestras in the nation's public and parochial schools while at least 500 colleges and universities have to whites. It was "the first broad- cast of Negro race records tc an audience of while teen-agers," and it "struck a nerve that was ready to vibrate.'' The groups used elec- tric rhythm and bass guitars, piano and drums "lo hamn1er out the beat, while the solo performers ... worked way out in front, using a primitive style ccn1pounded of honks and cries and words bawled out like· curses." This was •·an old and radically racial sound ... that told of dirt and fear and pain and lust. But the white kids loved il." It is, ln fact, one of the main e\emenls linking these two once widely separated corridors of musica l development in the United Slates. There are still two sepa rate audiences for music -one which goes for the standard offerings of the concert hall and the opera house, and the other which is deaf lo oil music ei.cept in one cf its popular forms, such as jazz or rock 'n' roll. Now some authorities say the lines of separation are dissolving and the two forms of mu sic are merging to become the. art music of tbe future. \VHETHER OR NOT this prediction proves correct, it is safe to say that the musie an average American hears Virtually the entire youth population (willingly er unwillingly) over a given listens to pop music either on records pE:riod constitutes a true mirror of the broadcast over radio or on reccrds from times. their cwn or their friends' personal eel-The mixtures of musical ronns, the lections. straining for new sounds and new tonal R_gcorl,fings aod radio. jorm..__an iri· r~~tionships, the ,per_sistence of l!l~ical comparable team in the marketing or"". idioms of the past. th e blatantly sexua l music. It is hard lo believe now that love songs, the protest songs of Negroes when radio first appeared on the scene and of youths generally, the slick show a half century ago, many thought it tunes, and even the singing commercial would result in the demise or the record -all these taken together could give business. Record sales did drop to a the archelogist of the future all the bottom of SS million in 1933. But even-clues he would need to reconstruct tually radio proved to be the greatest American civilization in the decade of song·plugger of all time and sales of the 1960s. radios and sales of record s climbed F..ditorial Research Report Jtlore Leis1ire, Jtlore Wealtli 2000 AD Is Just Around the· Corner By ELMER WELL! Don't look now, but 2000 A.D. is just around the comer, Rather, if you are an educator or a parent really interested in the educa- tlon of your chlldhn, especially if they are in the Jwer grad es today, you bad better look. I( may be bard to realize, but 2000 A.D. is a short 31 years away. The boys and girls who will be running this world of tomorrow are in cur schools today. It will be a vastly different world, aCCQnting to all experts. They ask : "Will we leave our children and grandchildren a be:rltage of nuclear holocaust? Or will theirs be a world of the good life, education, arts, human understanding? WHAT THE WORLD will be like and what education must do to make it a "beautiful tomorrow" is being pr<>- rooted NOW by a committee of 500 California secondary schoo l educators. It's the Curriculum Committee of the California Associalion of Secondary School Administrators Subcommittee on Curriculum Objectives. 1 9 7 O -2 O O O • Throughout the state, the group is show- ing a fUm, "The World of the Future, 1970-2000, As Predicted by Long-Range Forecasters." It also has published an 81).page booklet, "Education Now for Tomorrow 's World.'' The educators point out the reason they are concerned that we should plan seriously now for the future is that scientific, medical, business and in· dustrial changes are accelerating faster than ever before. So if we don't move fast in cur schools, we may find tomor· row leaving them in the dust. THE NEEDS for tomorrow otJtlined in the fJln1 and book let, the educators point out, are not just something cooked up by a bunch cf school people in Ivory lowers. LRalher, they are needed changes based on forecasts by the world's leading experts in science, business, industry, the socia l sciences, arts, humanities and so forth. Here are some of the forecasls in the booklet: •Although it isn't new ioformation. il should be stressed again. many cf today 's 1obs ~·ill be taken over by automalion. 11any, many more scientists, engineers, educated and trained technicians will be needed than tod ay. •Service occupations like soc i a I workers, recreational s p e c i a 1 i s t s. teachers, doctors, medical aides will be vastly increased, for it will be more of a people-to-people oriented world than we have today. •The arts and recreation will be on the increase because. or more leisure time for most people, and because life will be prolonged due to achievements or medical science. •While individual weal th will be greater aod more evenly distributed. our society will not have wealth as its goal. Rathe r. it \YilJ be a ··meritocratic society." •Huge educational complexes serving the v.hole community \\'ilh round·the- clock education \\ill be common. Educa· tion. however, will not be on today 's mass basis. Rather. it will be in- dividualized. .-------------Our llla11 ;,. Sura Fra11circo -------------, SO~IE OF THIS is coming sooner than Y.'e think. according to tht prog- nosticators. For, the report notes: "The n1ost distlnclive character in cur society is, and will become even more so, educa- tion. \Vithin 15 ye ars, hvo-thirds of the metropolitan population \Vil\ have at~ tended college. The experienced pr o- fessional v.·ill go back to school for advanced training every two to three years. The survival of a firm will depend upon proper exploitaLion of brain power." Police Call-'Autl1or, Autl101·!' By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -R a n d o m House, never adverse to a fast buck, is publishing ''Eldridge Cleaver" on Feb. 27 -a collection of speeches and other leftcvers -and if you see him autcgraphing copies at your book store, kindly notify the FBI. THE CITY, trying oul various new street signs, bas installed a huge ''MASON'' right in front of the. Curran Theater, which happens to be in lhe middle cf a block. This may account for all the cars that went careening across the stage while the d'Oyly Cartes were there. NOW THEN: Business at the new hungry I being a littl e on the slow side, Enrico Banducci has canceled. out Phyllis Diller, wbo was scbe<julOO to open there Feb. 14 at $29,000 for nine nights. , • If you still care, Frank Sinatra dotsn't REA.LL Y have an apartment in S.F., despite all lhe wild publicity, hononry S.F. citizenship and olher hoopla. What the mO\D'ltain boila dcwn to lll lhb molehill: his friefld Danny Schwarts has a wild pa d bl his new 1pt. house at Jackson •nd Franklin, wblcb Frank may use if and wbea be v\llts; heh: -and 10 mucb for blJI« deala • • . Perl ls of educ:aUonal TV : BUI German, wbc runs "Profile; Bay Atta" on KQED, says "Audio Trouble" hat hem nasbed below his face !O many Umes, people think tbal'1 hit name. SIGHTEA-tS: Ove.r th4 c i g g I e machine al the lllppo, a sign reading "Profil! From 1'hl3 Nacltlne llonalod to lhe American Cancer Society" , •. P11t and OWtn Martin, who i<C around Huntington Square each mom- Ing at 6:30. the key to a happy marriage: alter that. Yi ho can fight? . . , Adjoining mailboxes in an apt. hotJse on 43rd Ave.: Kitchen-Sink {that would be Nurses Jean Kitchen and Jean Ann Sink, and thanks to Postal Inspector Pctls lor the info) .•• Tourist gazing at a row cf dice boxes behind a bar on Union St. and asking Artist Sam Provenzano: "Say, what kinda drinks do lbey serve in lbose?" SAUCY GRAFFITO at S. F. Slate: ''Hayakav.·a is an Uncle Tam" ... And George Kosmak sums up The Good Doctor's stance as •·coun- terdisestabli.shmentarianism" • • • Assemblyman John Burton, searching. ever searching for the silver lining in Gbv. Reagan's iee<old altitude ,toward State : "Well, at least he stop- ped st.ort of tactical nuclear weapons" ••. There'll .-ways be a side effect -and Dr. Arthur Anderson Jr. nctes that t!<IW!JJ practice continues to ex· panel, lbanks lO sports. To tenni!I elhcnr. baseball finger and swimmer's ear bas now been addrd joggers' heel •THAT GAPING BOLE where onct stood tbe old Hall cf Just.ice ls malting Ufe miserable for Cookie Nldlolas, bost<sJ al lhe Blu< Fa<. righL across the alley. She has been asked "Wh..1rs going In there?" so often that ~he now prese11l., • ('ard that reads simp- ly, ''We're. expandlna! ARTIST JERRY STINSKI, whose jewdollke pclntlngs are ahown, ap. proprl•&c!y, al $breve's, has two loyal fans : Ht.llf'1 Fonda and Red Sktlt.on. Fonda buys everything of Sllmk1'1 that hu a lime ln U, while Skelloo buya eviu tomato. Red: i·r dlg tom1toes ID any Corm. It's a weird hang-up, isn't it?" \VJLBUR STUl\IP, the l'mincnt saloon pianist, just got married for the se \1Cn\h lime, the lucky number being Ruth Ferguson, oflice mgr. of the Richmond plumbers unicn. "I feel terrible about it," says Wilbur. "She's sc classy and I'm such a bum'', TIS IS THE year, vows Kirk Doug· las, that he'll finally get arWnd to filming ''One Flew Over the cuckoo's Nest", which he bought (rom Ken Kesey pre·publication years ago. ROD ~lcKUEN. a Jct of people's farorite poet, returns to Basin Street West Jan. 31 jl1ll Feb. 8) and I'll be there because I st ill can't figu re out how he does it. 1 mean. getting all that rapt attention in a Ncrth Beach Saloon without even Laking his sweater off • • • Shoe.king grnlfito noted at Boalt Hall by Bill Scmmer: "Lassie ions OUckens." TDI BOYLE is ready to give up: "Here my wife has been watching football with me all season long and she still thlnks a 'Red Dos' la an Irish setter" • , . Which bclngs us, and high lime. to the mcomporable Georte Lemont: "WeU, u one little moon man said to the otbfr: 'Stupldt If YoU hadn't lnlhited on hid ing In 1 cr1ter every Ume they pused over we cou¥ have bten on national television ." ADO INf'!NITEM : Ha•ing been newly llOUlldproofod (hi, oelghlx!ni ), the conb"owrsill Avalon Ballroom rropens Jan. 24 with the Gr3te(ul Dead, In1Ua1 Shock and Sons of Champlin -lhr<e groups lhal'll plll any IOUIJ<lproofi!I& job lO , lbe ocld l<>rl ( The key word In the nert few decades leadin g to 2000 A.O. is "change," the report stresses. And a key point in education v.1ill be to help cur children cope v.·ith change. THE EDUCATORS outlined a number of responsibilities of the secondary school to prepare youth for the world of the future. Among Ule.se we.re, development cf an altitude of inquiry and problem· solving rather than stor ing facts ; how to use leisure time productively; understanding of all pecples or the world, including getting rid of racial prejudices: how to understand and deal with psychological tensions, and many more. But, the report emphasizes. the time is NOW to start mov ing the needed programs into the schools. Administra· tors v.·ere told they should becon1e leaders, for ··. . . without your leader· ship, change at best' will tit:! loo slow for this imperative need. It is an awesome res~ibih~y. but a tremendous oppcr~ ~ty." EducaUoa Ntws Service Saturday. January 2S. 1969 The Commen t Page of the Daily Pilot seeks to inforlJl and stimuJBte readers by presenting a variety of com- mentary on topics of inter· est and signiCicance from informed observers a n d spokesmen. Robert N. Weed Pubnahtr ' ~~-~-~~LC"-----~----~~~-~-~-~~---~~~--==--~~~~-~~------'::!::~~·~-=----""""";:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;::!"'-----.::_--~~~....J 1 s ' '· s ' ,. I· s ,. r .. , e y I· ,, (. )- " 1e ,d " " IC '" '" '' ol .. ot ,. s; " d, ;; lh " >d •· " r· " 10 ,,. :e ------------------------------~-~-~-----~---~ Viejo · Firm • Wins Award t, I • A rare award for "ex· cellence in community plan- ning~· was accorded Mluion Viejo Company recenUy by Soulhern Callfomla Edlaoa Co. at a dinner honoring all Mission Viejo employes. Prmntlng the award to 1.flssion Viejo Company PresJ. dent Phlip J. ReUly, William City Opens More Land To Industry MOfie land was opened up for industrial use by an amendment to the general plan adopted by the Westminster City Council this week. About 150.-....acres roughly boundefJ by Magnolia Street, Huard Avenue, Ward Street and McFadden Avenue, was inCOTfXJrated into the city's general plan for future in· dustrial use. Planning Director Jack R. Rogoway explained that no zone changes were being made in the area, but it was merely an extension on the general plan of an already proposed industrial section. . . Drewry. vice P™ildent of the uUllty. Drewry cited examples of t h e •1e1celle:nt community planning and eegineerlo&" by Milsioo Viejo Co. "Good planning ts dollgning each neighborhood so cblldren can go to school without cross- ing major streets. G o o d engineering is arranging to have all underground ulllities go into a single trench and coordinaUng the operation to eliminate the usual headaches and tbe inevitable wasted time." In accepting the trophy, Reilly said it gave him great pleasure "because all th~ pe<r pie who made it poMible are right hett to receive it with me." "ln four yean," he ex· plained, "we hive grown from a company that was only an idea to an outstandingly ef- ficient team of over 200 peo- ple, a team that is now the nation's largest o n e • s it e homebuilding firm. It's a firm that believes in what it's doing: every department head and the majority of our employes live here in Misson Viejo. "I can imagine how proud all of our employes are, but l am sure that they feel as I do -that wt have just begun." LIQUIDATION FINAL 4 HOMES Cotta Mei• 5740-Moves· Yo11-ln OR VA OR FHA TERMS The Del Cerro development is sold out-now you can pick up a real value in one of the final four re- maining homes. 2 models -one with pool! Flexible conventional terms .•. or No Down U you are a Vet. Ready to occupy, move in right now and save! COSTA MESA MODEL Beautiful, Mediterranean styled model home. Four bedrooms, wall to wall carpet, full size olive tree, sprinklers, landscaping, and block wall Nice corner Jot Fireplace. Decorator matched cabinets and built in appliances. Buy for no down if you are a vet! "Your Model" $26,950 How About INDOOR POOL Famed Del Cerro "Florida Room" model home. Fea· tures, big, covered "indoor pool" and landscaping. Large lot. Nicely landscaped. Service bar from kitchen to pool area. Carpet, custom draps, wall to wall carpet. Save a bundle if you buy now before "swimming season .. , GIANT BONUS ROOM · 'his ouse has been occup ed an lS now ac on the market at a reG.l savings. Three bedrooms, fire-- place, built ins, landscaping, block wall, sprinklers. Front patio home with big second story BONUS ROOM -great as e"tra bedroom! or as giant PJay Room . Ready to occupy. $740 Moves You In! •From Cos ta Mesa, take BriBlol just past Baker to Paularino (While Front) and go Rlght (Easl) to the Del Cerro sales office. PHONE 546-5346 TOP REALTOR TEO WAY AND TROPHY Best Realtor Way Cited; Officers Named ·Theodore V. "Ted" Way, president of the Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Board of realtors for the past two years was awarded t h e board's Realtor of the Year trophy Saturday at the annuaJ awards banquet. Other winners were Lois P. Butters, associate of the year; Bob Govin, top lister; Vergie Kraft, top salesman; and Eug,ene Kadow, president's special award. Taking over the board for 1969 are Roger D. Slates, president; Philip H. McNamee, vice president; Bert w. Harding J r • , secretary; Robert D. McBain, treasurer; Lois P. Butters, Charles Colitadt, Jack Koebig and Way as directors. CREA state directors, brokers. are George Galkin, Slates and Way, and CREA state director, salesman, is Albert N. Dureau. Kadow is director at large and Joe K. Evinger will serve as 32nd CREA district vice president. UCI Teacher Records New 200-lwme Community Being Built in Cerritos Rollert H. Gnnt 1nd Com· pre1\dent0markeUnc for the "Oimen:ilon 10·1 concept ai. f'll>l', ltnt -bulloo tn butldl!l'<levetopor. so provides for the addition the dty ol'Cemlof, 1' 6ullding Tipton explalned: "Wt I011nd of more bedroom1, a formal a 200-home "popular demand" a definite demand for dining room or a laraer family community Ill llOUthetn C... mode ta •~ty bem Thl fl -'blllt nnl ritos to be ca11-.a "Dlmeealon ra cos., es room. s eai Y pe ti -\hal incorpora ~ta the youna couple wtth a :'O." futurea Ull.llltY found in more minimum space requlrtment Located at 19!ith a n d upen&lve hornts. Tbat'I a tall to expand their b om e Pioneer Boulevard, Dimension order but that'• exactly what economically u the need 70 will bB the thlrd CeJTUos Dimension 79 offers." cbang WLV PR.OT '1 community to be developed Key to the land plaMing 00:' Ceatures are pass-- by the Grant C 0 m P an Y • concept developed by Merrill through windows b e t w e e n to the public In November bullden ot 1 • O O O. h om e Moltz, Grant's ·'·" dealgner, kitch --• U built . Slardlllt Park and Grantpark ;:iww en ~ pa o, ·In T·•e the •··ta •--or •-• is the mn.irnum utllizaUon of dressing vaniUe.1, and com-eu1 ...,..., -- a ~,_~~~1·· f each land parcel through pletely feoced back and aide Diego Freeway to P'renq ... "7'<MU.... ~ ice or "easement swaps" that pennlt yards. ti05 then proceed to Del Amo the moderately priced '2(1,995 spacious garden court side en· Blvd. Travel eaat oo Del Amo to $24,996 homes is IJOW open tri th limia' A mode) home complex that to Pioneer Boule then on the site at the corner of ea ua e Ung space will display the unusual "eue-north to Dim at 195th 19Sth Street and Pioneer lr;""';m;;;um;;;;ln;::g;;ce;;n;;tr;;al;;;;h•;;ll;;w;:•:;Y';;· ;;;;;:m;;en:;;;;t ~"':;•:P;;"~!e;:•~turo;;;~w~tn~open~~~S~tr~ee~t=. ;;;;±;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Boulevard. 1 I Original concept, plannina: and design of the new com- munity ts a direct result of the in.<fepth e J: p e r i e n c e Grant's sa.lea team has ac- quired in the Cerritos area, said Mu Tlpton, v i c e CREA Gives $750 Grant To Student Wfire getting up in the world Come on along. Sandpolnte homes are now under oonstruotlon. Got fll'll choice-before the grand opening. From Loi Angea. tak9 S.nta Anl Freew8Y to N-.port 8NCh F,...•y. South on,... Port Beech "-waylO M8CArttu BM:l.ntt, and lol\ow 8klnL Or t.ke San Diego ,,..., to BrktOI StrMt exit. and go north fotlowtng tJgna. From )IOf'UMNlt Orange County: I.Ike Newport BNch F,..WIY to M8CArthur Blvd.. and folknl signs. ®SANDPOIN I Eleadership~ Walter F. Ford, graduate student in Urban L an d Economics at the University or California at Berkeley, was awarded a $750 scholarship by the Ca1ifornia Real Estate Association Scholarship Foun·11~~~""°"~~""~'·~~-~~~~"°"~"~"~"·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ daUon Jan. 11 during a meeting oi the CREA board of directars at the Sheraton- Palace Hotel in San Francisco. F; .. 81 Turtle Rock B The cash award and • pla-... UV que wer. presented by Arthur Were off to a good start. Are you? •· H. Breed Jr., a Foundation When his deed recorded in without the disadvantages. trustee, in memory of his early August,-Dr. Kenneth -P. -The -Baileys -selected -the-falhtt. a wellJmn\\'.ll Oakland Bailey, director of teacher Gold Nugget AwlJ'd..winning Realtor. _Bell the crQJNda to.The.MinJons new homes- education at UC I r v i n e , Plan 3 model which has an Ford graduated f r o m became the first Turtle .Rock entry atrium, four bedrooms, Sacramento State C q 11 e g e Hills home buyer to ~fficially and a wide sweep of glass after attending Sacramento purchase -rather than lease across the back to provide elementary and secondary -the land on whlch his home an expansive view. Mrs. schools and Sacramento c;ity stands. Bailey noted that the home College. He wu an honor .stu.- nie option Was r~ntly "justfit"the family'sneeds. dent at both colleges .. ~ng before ths grand opening. Take Santa Ana freeway tO Lii Paz Rd. turnoff In Southern Or1na• County. Then follow aigns to the Southland's most spectacular new home buy. made available by "the Irvine Why diil the Baileys buy the four years slnct, be Mt Ranch, developer of th'e com· rather than lease? been a right of way agent munity of Turtle Rock. "Because tl's tbe only way for the California Division ol Dr. Bailey said he chOBe to go," said Dr. Balley. "I Highways in Stockton. Turtle Rock Hills for two ·"-·A11A. that •-•· can .. ..,l,MUUIC wuat u•J>-The recipient, acc.ording lo reasons: pened to UCLA and Westwood Breed. bas taken several real will happen here at UCI and estate courses b et w e e n Turtle Rock. We are bound graduation and enlrf-ln~ to benefit from ~ tremendous ~duate school He ta 90dlrl1 inaeaae in land value Here. iOWard a career th rU.l.eltua It's inevitable." "Fint, it is lbe closest piece of land to the university. Se-- cond, it is close enough to the ocean to have both lbe climatic and recreational ad- vantages of the beach - Bay, Beach Move Office In Newport Dr. Bailey, who has been with the university 14 months, has commuted from San Bernardino to enable hJs daughter. Darlene, to finish high school there. She'll now become a frealunan at UCI. The Baileys' IOJl, Kenneth J., a junior at the university, will live in married student hous- ing quarters wilb his wife, After 20 years on the Marsha, a sophomore. Newport. Balboa Peoinsula, Constructed by Middlebrook· Bay & Beach Realty Inc. is Anderson, the creator of moving its sales department President Homes, Turtle Rock [rom 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Hills offers eight exciting to a new location at 901 Dover models f!?Bluring one-etory Drive, Newport Beach. and two-story plans with three The new locaUon will have and [our bedrooms, dining five salesmen, a secretary and rooms, and family rooms. bookkeeper with Gloden M. Prices range from $.15,000 to Fay remaining as president $55,000. and business manager. Bay Near the lntersecUon of & Beach Realty is owned by Campus and Culver Drives, Gloden M. Fay and J. Leonard the sales office is at m1 Smith. Amalfi Drive, Irvine. Prime Smith is aaJes manager of access routes are the Santa the organization and is Ana freeway (Culver Road manager of the Corona del turnoff south). San Diego Mar office at 2407West Coast freeway (MacArthur Highway. The office has 10 Boulevard south), and Pacific salesmen aocl a secretary. Coast Highway (MacArthur Bay &: Beach Realty has Boulevard north). sold the two loll and building ;=;========:=..! at 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. to Richard C. Ir.vin who will operate as the Red Carpet R<ally of Newport Beach. Th< sale included the r e n t a I department and Red Carpet will continue to give the wne personalized rental service u in the put. The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks ii lo You' The Orange Coast's Most Complete PRINTING SERVICE '"''''"' Phone 642-Q21 I See By Today's Want Ads: lfS DIME A UN£ TIMEI II «col"YFllGHT UAOEASHll" HOME&. 19". Shopping new home developments? Our computer saves you from traffic jams, endless driving · and lostweekends. This computer card can lead you to newly-•· • constructed Medallion Electric Homes In I' new housing developments all over Central and Southern California. All the computer needs to know Is what kind of home you want, and It will match you up. Thousands of homes are listed by size, price and area. , At Edison we call it our SHE• program. SHE stands for Setect-Homes-1 Electronically. And SHE can go to work for you right now. .1 Just fill in the House-hunters Computer Input Form. In a few days you'll receive a computer printout of available new Medallion Homes that suit your requirements. Also, ask your local Realtor to show you his selection of Medallion Homes. . Sure beats driving all over Southern California with a car full of kids and maps. doesn't It? And this service Is free. Compliments of Edison. "T.M.Reg. (absolutely free) ,---------------------~ ' I ( HOUll hunters Computer Input Form OFFICE USE ONLY 0 0 0 0 I ,iW eut Ind 111all' kl: ~l"'-m CllUomll Edilen Comptny I Home s.iectiOtl s.Mc:e I l'.0. lot 351. lOI Anglin. Cllllomlli IOOM I .I I fltlt Nal!le MM:ldl• ll'lllltl ..... NllM Cit\' Of ~"" Cofnlnynlty OMlflld I Nl,f«lber cf biJdlOO!M; a I I LrHIMd,.. ~ N11mblrolblttwoOM1: O I p~ °'..,.you 11'9 loOkl"I .. • I I I Clly --ZipCode I Sllt;oll1111ily-A119dl..clol~ I I Arn COOi T•ltpllont Number ~-----------------------· E • • /• ..... " 8 11111.'r~OT NEW -. lYO.RK I l I STOCK · EXCHA.NGE'-· -WEEK'S · J\NIJ~-'VEAR'Sr IDGB, WW, CLOSE I ' ' • \ " , . . , I l \ • , .. 1'1'••" "''' ~ ~ il'<ll Otllt Mlldt.r AU!llt l'W; Miii fO'I US ~ I fl._ U&P...S a ..... • • • "' "" .., .. ·-" "" • '" ;; .. " ' ,~ " " ff• " ,. ., .. "' 'M ·~ " • "' u •• '" Wablt ~t..a ... ··~' .. • , " ... .. , ''ff Jl '" ,.,~ '" "~ ·~· .... m. "" " u 21\, ~-ll. ,,.~ »• "'' ••• "" " "" ... ..~ ... ""' ... -... .,. • -,,. .... I IDGH, ........ __ ... WW, CLOSE ~-- • • • 0 - I I I• OAILV Pll.OT Aan Lander• \ I 1 j • I . ~;µ.-ming Interest . . . . ' Awakened by Bells DEAR ANN LANDERS: T am a 14-yoor-old alrl ·with average looks and a molher who is way above average when it com.es to no.siness. Whenever a ~y calls me on the phone, she bas to know his name1 J11s age; bis reli$ion, what his father does. where he ).ives, . dOM be smoke, does he drink, does he sw~r,. bow long is his hair, how tight are his pants? Honestly, Ann, J could flip ·my gourd. Guys call jusl lo talk, not ...,.. lo ask me to gel married. Do I owe my mother all these facta! I'll go by your answer. -PLAINVIEW PANlC we tried turning on the radio, but the raJio keeps us UP. so this is oo .solution. We own our homt and used to love it. Now we are miserable. Is this fair? What can we do about it? -OHIO SUFFERERS DEAR omo, Anybody who would kllerate aU-tdgbl bark· -' ·--· ... ' DEAR PANJC: Bt happy your molher is iaterened. Some teenage girls eol;lld be 1o1nc wttll Jack the Ripper and dlelr motben wool<bl't even aoUct. tag for six mondu: la not L~::.:;:::::.::::;;;:;;:.;;;;;.;;;;;.;:;::;;;;;;;.;;;;;..;;.;...:, ___ _.,. pl.lying wltb a full deck. For beave.a's We, 10 to the pel&bbon and tell them U>elr hoWld is keeplog yoa A 14--year-old I la 0 u Id D ' t mind klliog her mot.bet the aame of Ute boy who called, 1111 ace and where be Uve1. The otbtr illformation. such u what ~1 fatbu does, biJ rdfilon, ett., i1 not, u they aay in kcal circles, germane. up nights. Tiley should take-------------------- the dog to a veterlurlu ud . • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please print this for the girl who cried her eyes out in print, feeling sorry for herself and all the other "plain" girls v.·ho stand around at dancts. It seems nobody asks them to dance, so they just stand there talking to each other while the cute. well-stacked chlcb get rushed off their fed. Tell the babes that il they continue to travel in packs and stand together like a herd of sheep nobody will ever ask them for a dance. or for anytblng eltt. A.-guy hates to ask a girl to dance in fron t of an au· dience. 11 he geL~ refused, he's sure to die on the spot. Tell the chicks to break it up and see what happens. - SHY GUY DEAR GUY : Your letter makes 1en1t .ud I hope the wallOowen take tht bial DEAR ANN LANDERS : We are beginning to hate our neighbors because of their dog. The animal starts bark· learn why be barb for boon on end. U the barkiq: cunot be stopped the anlm.aJ abould be sold or given a••Y· '1'11ie. ne.l1bbors must know that aU- elght harkiq might be judged "df1 turbln1 lbe peace.'' in which case the law is OD yout ilde. Ann l lndtrl Wiii ~ g1ld to h~IP "°"' wl!n "°"' prot>ll!ms. S.Snd them to Mr In uire ol ~ PAIL 'I' ~ILOT', ,,._ c1~Jne 1 ull ... dOrttHCI. rl1mi>ecl 1n- ~-. Orchestra Seeks Help String players wishing to bec.ome part of the Orange Coast G o 11 e g-e Community Symphony Orchestra are in· vi~ to join in time for an upcoffiing concert series. Conductor Joseph Pearlman said the first rehearsal of the spring semester i.s Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. in OCC Music Building No. 2. Any interested musician, not just string players, is invited to come to the first meeting, and audition, Pearlman said. • • • · ing about I : 30 at night and keepa it up until dawn. This horrible racket began six ~. rnontbl ago and it is driving Pearlman said the group. which has played to sellout houses in the 1,200-seat OCC Auditorium for the past few years, will begin work im· mediately for a March 23 con· cert. us right out of our minds. • , We have tritd earplugs but • the:y don't block out the :sound Persons wishing more jn . formation sh o u 1 d call • complet~ly. A few weeks ago Pearlman at SM-6819. •' ,. j • • ' .. • I • !. : ! ! • t 1: •• . ' . ' f; " l • l • I • • . .. and kids like · Mr Steak, too 011e• th1y'v1 b11n th1r•, you won't f.11d tft1 Ufllll fry dro9gi119 thoir h11l1 whe11 you "''"lion h•"ilit .dinnor !or luneh) 1t Mr. St11k. Th•y'tl h•~• th•i• owfl '1p1eiet "''"u th1t th1y e111 puneh out to "'"k' 1 Mr . St•ok 11111k. lt'1 fu11 lo• th,m ind th1ir littl1 h1nd1 will b1 bu1y whil• #lty'r• w•ili,.9. A curious thittq, mo•I p1r1nh l11v1 Mr. Ste1~ l11li119 th1t lh1ir w11 one' brouqht ti.-oul to 1111 lneid1tt+1lly, wt don't 11rv1 liquor . LITTLE JACK HORNER STEAK Child't 1ii1 1!11k •••~•ii with fil.1neh Hou11 T 01d, fr1~ch frlM pot.-1101. CHICKEN LITTLE Th,01 pi•e•1 of ehick•n (1 thi9h •nil two win9 dru"'•tl11 ), pt•Ch 91rnhh, R•11eh Hou11 To•tt, fr111eh fri1d pol,!0•1. SNOW WHITE AND THE 3 SHRIMP Thro1 11..,• Sh1imp, R•neh Ho~•• Toil!, Fro11eh fr iod pof•lo11. HUMPTY DUMPTY BURGER M,. si •• ~ h.111bu·~·· , •••• ct with t•n•roUI porlio11 of fr•11eh fri11 ind h1"'bur91r 91rni1h. SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALL 011t 111••• b•ll. 'p19h1tti, '•11 I b~fl•r. 1.29 99¢ 99~ 79¢ 75¢ We Serve Porlions for Grownups, Tool OPEN 11 AMto9 PM EVERYDAY 226 7 Fairview Costa Mesa Pilot Aides Slated At OCC Night Class Two DAILY PILOT ex- ecutives will be among ezperts making "guest appearances" during a new course in begin· ning journalism to be offered In the spring semester or Orange Coast College's even· ing sessions. There are still six chances for students to register for the new course "Newswriling 50" -which will be pr.eaented 1rom 7 to I Date Left To Sign Up For College 9 p.m. each Tuesday in Room 209 at Estancia High School. Fee is $5. The course is designed for those who have little or no newswriting ei: p e r i e n c e . Beginning journalism students, persons who wish to learn to write well enough to become paid correspondents and publicity chairmen of service and sociaJ clubs would all get something from the class. Instructor Nonn Lumian of the OCC staff, a former newspaper columnist a n d sportswriter, said be will draw , : experts from the area as guest ·-lecturers. He said Thoma! Keevil , editor of the DAlL Y PILOT. will speak April 22 on "An ·Editor's View of News· writing ... One open date remains for On April 29. Eddie West, registration In t_he Ora~ge·' eports editor of the Santa Ana Coa~t College spring evenmg 'fieirister. will speak on "A session. 0e•-~ t Editor' v · t Regi5lration will be .held •a( · P~j~~ ,, s 1ew o Orange Co'unty Fairgrounds '!'f_ff: g. for everyone from 5:30 to 8 ~ May 6, Don Jacobs. OCC p.m. oa Jan. 30. community relations officer, Persons who m I s s e d will speak on pqbli_city and registration according to the pboto-journalism. ' al{\habetic achedule earlier On May 20. Tom McCann, may come this night and sign promotion manager of the up for classes. DAILY PILOT. will talk on After this date, registration the many different job! in will return to the OCC campus journalism. on Feb. 3 to 6, IO, 11 and Lumian said alter each 13 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Signups person speaks, students will on those dates will be on have the chance to interview a vacancy permitting baSls, him. and college officials warn that Lumian said the course is students waiting until these designed to help the beginner dates may find the classes learn to write news stories, they want filled . sports, society, editorials, cap- School officials said that tions and features. The guest most classes still have oPen· appearances by newsmen will ings. Persons wishing ad· be, in effect, press con- ditional information should ferences and students will call 834"-5880. write stories on them. Heavy . . ' --Uq~seope \ • • J • , Aries: Action Centers Around· Money SUNDAY ~ANUA~Y 26 Malnlllo polte. llan'l fight. harmonize family relations. GENERAL TENDENCIES' Of!MiNI (Ma,y 21.June !O): Burden btlottsing to another Monetary volues glib .spot· Realbe some are needy; be becomes properly p I aced. Ught of attention. By SYDNSY OMARlt cb:arlllble. ~p ~utions Message becomes c I ear 10 11n11 °~ -::%' ~k ":vdi:: conceminC health1 recreation tonight. ~J~:~~::l've~ H~i~, .. ''The wise man contro~· hi1 desliny • • • Altro!Oi)' potnll the way;" ldT Co "" 50 (:11111 to . ~•< ?!;r~ and diet. Avo exce1a. n-PISCi:S (Feb. 19-March 20): ·~refs. IM DAI y ra!toT, ~ ... "' fidenUll t.att' wltb wociate Short i·oomey, visits hinhJightli;;i07.ii;;i,"~'~"';.";;;1 ~';;";;' ~~-·-·· .. ., ... N. Y, 1000'. AlllU (M•rdl ll·April 11): works wooden. day. Yoo get new oullook Acllon centers around your money. Artlve at decl!lon whlcb refleotl rerponslbll1ly, 1n1tu.rtt1~,Don't be quick oo tr!gaer, a.t, advice lrOID ooe who. has. c;xpenence. CANCER (June 2l.Jtlly 22): through exchange of ideas. Be NOW Dynamic social coni.ct in· active. Status quo will not dlcated. Ex ct t em en t of sulfite. Know this -respond ''The Impossible dt&c;overy highlight& day . accordingly. Friend interests yoU ln pro-IF TODAY 1s You a Years'' TAUllUS ((April :IJ>.May 20): M l1 ch 1n your favor ii you don't ......, puah or ca- jole. One who craves atteotiora may try to instigate di!pule. Realize you hold upper hand. jed, hobby. Be receptive. Give BmTHDAY you have execu· The Funniest full play to intellectual curiosi~ tive talents ; there is drive, Comedy Yet ty. power and passion in you r LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ob-malu:up. Some relationshipo M£SA 111£AJRE tain hint (rom CANCE R are due to end. But you can COSTA .MESA message, Day to be social, replace (hem -and result is giving. Broaden sphere of in· ._!l~ik'.:el~y~lo'_l"pro~ve~con~s~tru~ct~iv~e::_. ~~~~~~~~~~~ OCC Plans Classes at CdM High terest. Don't be bogged down with one concept. Take steps to fuUUI basic ambition. You can do it. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Perspective undergoes change. You see people, situations in different light. .G r e a t e r spiritual i n s I g ht indicated. Heed words of counselor. Be aware of both strength and Persons who llvi: in the weakness. Corona del MIP' area can take LIBRA (Sejit. 23-0ct. 22): some Orange Coast College You discover things which af· evening courses clMe to home f~t financial status. Com- at Corona del Mar High municate and let m a t e , School. partner know your feelings. Spring semester courses at One c!oae to you is suited the high school in which there to take charge of money mat· are still vacancies : ter. Beginning Painting. Mon-SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): days 7·10 p.m., Room 305. Hold back on writing letters Elementary techniques in in anger. You tend today to various media. rush headlong into trouble, Portrait P~nting, Wednes-y o u r gr e a t a 11 y i s days 7-lO p.m., Room 305, For Rt1tralnL Permit logic beginners. equal -time with impulse. Play waiting game. Count "10!" AviaUon Ground Sc boo 1, SAGI'ITARIUS (Nov. 22· Mondays 7-10 p.m., Room 261. Dec. 21): Accept opportunity Preparation for private pilot to perform special service, If certificate. you aid one in distress, you Family Estate Planning, will be more than repaid, Act Wednesdays 7·9 p.m., Room aceordingly. Emphasis on layman. ro1,1tine, pacing, relations with Public R e I a t i o n s , Wed· co-workers. nesdays 7-10 p.m., Room 217. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·Jan. How to write and work with 19): Romantic interests the press. dominate, Be analytical Not Advertising Writing, Mon· wise to wear heart on sleeve. days 7·10 p.m .• Room 217. Express emotions. But don't Writing for the various media. waste feeling on individual Home Planning and Decora· who Is selfish, lazy, in- tion, Mondays 7·10 p.m .. Room different. Discriminate. 211. current techniques. AQUARIUS (Jan. ZO.Feb . Easy to do ... just call or come in. w!eAt ~OIC. !JO»( ... JDf.6 -mw 4 "'!~tJl...u MUTUAL SAVINGS AND '-OAN .A&&OCIATIO ... 2867 [t!.I Coast Highway• Corona Del Mar, C.lif. 92625 Telephone 675-5010 MEAD omcc • PAMDP• 3!~ r. tt)UlllAOO lll'ID •• PASAOUIA. tAllr. 91 U!.l... ' ~ ' .. ConversationaJ, French, 18): Concentrate on making Mondays 7-10 p.m., Room 200. home . more comfortable. Pronunciation. diction. oral Means also i m p r o v e , practice. grammar, con-1--------'C---'----------------------- versatlon. Fundamentals of 0 r a I Conversattoo, Wtdileldays 7..\0 p.m .• Room 209. Improvement of voice and diction. Two open dates for registra· lion remain, Jan. 22 and 30. Regislration ls al Orange \ County Fairgrounds from 5::.- 8 p.m. Fee is $5 per class. emphasis In the course will be on writing. Students can register Jan. 30 from 5:30-8 p.m. at Orange County Fairgrounds. Rtgistra· lion will then move to the OCC campus during the same hours on Feb. 3-6, 10, 11 and 13 . Lile-like FULL COLOR portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! :Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR ALL AGES! Babies, children, adults. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per subject, two per family. ·.----------· .. ,~ ..... , ...... ~ ........ ..., .. _ ..... ..,~-:<1:,.... ........ 1'" II HllD OVER BY POPULAR D£MAND ! I I Come in Today thru Next Sunday JANUARY 26, 27. 28, 29, 30, 31, FEB. 1 & 2 PHOIOGRAPHIR'S HOURS1 MONDAY THRU SAT.-NOON TO 8 P.M. SUNDAY-NOON TO 6 P.M. 1410.5 -- ..... ·-·-·~ COMING SOON WHITE 1 FRONT COSTA MESA 3088 Bristol Ave . I I I, i • • Qiina Turning Tibet Into Powerful Fort OPEN DAILY 10.10, SUNDAY 10.7 KATMANDU, Nepal (UPI) -Commlllllat Chloa b step- ping up its program to turn Tibet into a formidable mllltary forness, acconling 1<> travtltn from the land once rulod by Ille Dalai Lama. , Tibtt;n. • being ·~ ., conscripted laborera lo dlg lretld>ea "'l'i lo build military barracb fu many areas of the thi!lly ~led eouotry . of lllgh pbt.aus and mas!lve mountains lop~ by Ml Everest on Rid China's underbelly. The travelers said what ap- peared to be military in- stallations are being coo. structed parlicularly in the area Wibch borders Bhutan , Sikkim and NepaJ. One monk said "something very big was gobll on" along the northwest shore o f Kokonar lake. He said a J.0- square mile area had been fenced in and "))jg machines" were installed there. Re said he had heard from persons wor.\ing inside the area that it was a munitions factory cap11ble of producing bombs. The monk. said that the feud between Mao and anti-Mao factions erupts into fight! regularly in many cities. ln 1968, about 500 persons lelt Tibet to visit in Nepal. Literature Lectures Set at UCI A series . .Q( public lectures on . books w!fl be sponsored by the English department at UC, Irvine starting Monday in the Wriling Cen t er , H u manlties-SOCial Sciences Building. All lectures will start al noon. Admission is free . Speakers are members or lhe UCI faculty. The books, their authors, a.nd the lecturers: Jan. 27 -"At Play in The Fields of The Lord," by Pelee Mathies s en; Robert Montgomery. Feb. 3 -"The Inheritors," by Willi<l:ffi Golding; Howard Babb. Feb. IO -''The Lie" b" -'· " Alberto Moravia ; D .o n a I d Jleiney. Feb. 17 "The Day of The Locust,•• by Nathanael West; Jay Martin. • Feb. 24 -"The Crying ol Lot 49," by Thomas Pynchon; Steve Shapiro. March 3 -"The Ginger 1t!an," by J. P. Donleavy; Hazard Adams. LEGAL NOTICE ~-lll16 (E8TIFICATE OF 9 USI Nll!S$ f!CTITIOUS NAME Thi uflllerslgnMI ~ i;ertlf"f' ht 11 con!lucllnu • bu1i111ss al P. 0. Bo~ 16!~, N~wport Be1ch, C•!llcrnl~. tlf>der ttlP fltTl!lous tlrm nsme o! "COAST INSURANCE SERVICE" •nil ltl1l wl~ t irm 11 cornP09tO ol the lcl-lnt """"• whosP ne""' In fllll Miii 11l•ce ol rnl!lenc1 t. 11 follows: R-rl E. Tun(e,.-, 2271 lllll9el'I Drlvlr, Co.11 MeU>. 6.1itornl1. Datm J1nu1.., 10, lfff. Robert E. Turner St1te of C1llfonil•• Ortnlt' CO<!nlY: On J1nu1rv 10, 1M9, be!O!'• me, I Not1rv P11blle 111 '"" !or uld Steir, P"1'00MllY 11>1>11red Robert E. Turner k"own le rnl lo bt the llftr50" wh<I•• Mme 11 1ub9Crllled llo the wftl\ln 1,.. llNrMnl Ind rdenoi.-Jed9ed ~ 1...nrled t~e "'"''· (OFFICIAL SE.Al l Jin.eph E. Ortis Nol•"' P11bllc.Calltornl1 Principal Ofrlc1 tn Orange °"""" MY CommllikNI E-.:pirn June ,,, lt1D Publli/IMI °''"" Co15' Da!l'I' PUcl. January 11, !I. lJ anO Febru•"' 1, 1969 51-.it LEGAL NOTICE NOTICS TO C•EOITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA FOil THE COUNTY OF OltANOE No. A-il6SI Estate cl MYRON S. WAY, Oei:;e1sed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo tlie (r..,llori ol 11\r 1bo¥1 named Ofc..:lent "'"' all ""'°"' 11r11nt tlflms 1v1ln1! The said 119c-.1 tnt teciul..cl lo fl~ ~' .. 11t1 "" MeeSUry wudlen. In the offic. rr1 thl ci.rt ot nw 111ov1 ... 111~ COii!'!. or lo ..,_, thefl\, wlltl !tie n«9H1.., ~.... lo Ille '"" d•,.SlllMCI •I thl L1w OHloe fff Gll'llln R. Keen11. AllOl'TM'f ti L•W, 414 NorTh N-rl Boollv1rd, Newioort &1!1ct1, C1!1lcml1 V?Mll, wl'llcll lJ IM P!l tl pf bUSlneu of lM 11nderil91'1fd In 1\T "'''"'" 1Mt11Jnln9 to !he atel1 el .. io dtced<!nt. w11111n foll• monll\1 1tte1 ll>t flnl p11blltl!ioft cf ll'l!li notice. D11N J..,.,.,.., t , 1f6t. E. Mllcofm """"It EJWCUIOf o1 ll'lt Wiil ol ""' '°°"' l'lllTl'f<I decrc!enl OALVIN R. IU!•NS .An1t"t" I I l..p 111 NoHll Nt"Porl 111¥111. N..._, 9._11, C•ll""'ll nwt T1I: (114) H6·1221 AlltrM'r ._ •bKUI• P~b"1,,.., Or ...... Cioni 01\1¥ l'llCll, J1nu1ry II, 11. n ind F.tlnlt.., l. 1™ """ LEGAL NOTICE Before Ibey were pennltled to leave, however, eadi famll)r was required to IUITtDder one member to Ole Chi o e1e authottUes u hostage. One visJtor llald the _, .. all$W't! "our good conduct" during the trip. !IA! aald the Communists have threatened to "wipe out the entire family as punlshrnent" if anr of t.be pilgrims cllsouuod miUlaey activities in Tibet . Special prices for S1R1d12y, Jan. 26 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Some said they saw an- tlaircraft unltl around the Worang air base aud that Ibey;!•-----------• believed new alrfieldl areoh~=================:i::=::n bting bullt at Shigatse and Tsangpo. One pilgrim uid Tibetans believe that the Chinese will eventually be driven out and that the Da1ai Lama will relu,rn. ."During the last several years of Chinese invasion of our country we have not.given a day of peace to the Chinese and we are determined to car· ry oot our struggle for freedom with whatever resources we have," he said. Christmas Island in Phone Book St1ntlag Oldg MBl'S NO-IRON ZIPPER ftOllT CASUAL JA<m Our Reg. 6.97 4.88 Charge It No.Iron, cottonfpolyeslt•r jackets. Colorfast, Rein· forcC'd. for I on g wear. Choice of colors. 3Ci to 46. The telephone company hasll~====================::J done it again. I" Here It Is days after yuletide, and they have just announced t h a t Christmas Island -with 186 seParate installation1 -has joined the international t e I e p b o D'e network. Actually, there is also a second--Christmas I s I a n d besides the Uny Australian dot in the Indian Ocean south of Java, but it is ineligible for service, being a mid-Pacific Ocean atoll nuclear weapons test site. The Christmas Island whicb Orange Counlians may now phone was sighted and named in 1643 and is one of some 200 countries and terriUries listed in the AT & T directory: '"l'he World's Telephones." Phone users in Orange County are able to connect to some 213 million telephone!; about t6 ~ent-41 lhe ~Id's total. ' I ·~ lnteresU. facts a b q u t tel~bone use as ~mpiled by Pacific Telephpne Co. ioclDde these tidbits: · -More tban half the world's 222 million phones are in North America. -Durtng 1967, the U.S. ratio hit one phone for every two , SPECIAU Y PRICED! SAVE ON BOTTLE Of 500 ASPIRINS Our Reg. 88e 68c Sunday 011ly Winter special. Be pt'E'part'd for cold.I and sniffles! J<. mart priCt>S this jumbo bot· tie of aspirin for great sav4 inas. Charge It. people. . ALL-OYER QUILTED SPREAD -Orange County res1dents placed more than· 105 000 Our R• 7 96 5 96 overseas calls last year ~ '!';>fl• • the international call r ate in Sundau Only • lh~ U.S. rose 23 percent the 92xl06" double and 78:r106" t1\·in size acetate rayon spread prior year. · wit,y a11~er. top-to.floor quilting, rounded corners, double -While America has the stitched. ~vocado, gold, teal blue and shocking pink. Charge It. most phones, Japan ranks . next in number but with only a filth of the U.S. total ' of 103.7 million phones. Cana<Hans, however, use the phone most often, averaging 667 conversations per penon in 1967, though Americans are in ~ond place. 1 Besides adding Christmas Island to the international phone network, Equatoria1 Guinea, the Falkland Islands, Laos and the Seychelles joined it last year, Music Helps In Math SAYE $1 ON BATH SCALES* Oar Reg. 2.97 1.97 QUINCY, Mass. (UPI) -St1n4ag Otdg An enterprising Q u i n c y teacher has developed a way A compact. streamlined design in bath scales. Features to make mathematiCJ more euy·to-read,_ magnified diai. Ghoole white, pink or palatable lo Ills junior hill> black. Specially priced for this sare . ' • limited quan· school students. He uaea music tity, none sold to dealers. ' -Brahms. Rameau, Haodel, even tbe Beatles. Kenneth Boatner, b o t h teacher and concert pianist, uses the fractional vaJues ol musical note!! to mate arithmetic more meaningful to bis youngsters. "Today's teenagers all dig music, even if it's only rock and ron,., Boatner sakl. "In relating to the values of musical notes, they rmd a new interest in fractions." Ca l ling his syste m musimatics, Boatner finds his students are fuclnated lo learn that musical notea can be added, subtracte d , multiplied and divided just as numbers. For other teachers anxious to apply the new sygtem lo thtir oyn lludentl, Boatner bu wrlUen 1 bclok, "Introduc- Uon I<> Music Theory." LOCAL YARDAGE SALE DAN RIVER 2 Toh. ,.,97c 36'' wide fabrics in polyester and cotton blends. ~ •orted plaids and .stripes .. 5/10 yard pieces. "SPORTIME" COTIONS 2 ....... 97c 36"4" ;vide fabrics in cotton poplins, sailcloths, twills, ... orted prints and oolld!. BONDED FABRIC 5.1.57 "· 54"-60 quality woven and knit blended fabrics. In solids and prints. Ideal for skirts and dresses. 1 Solid Color or M111tf.Stripe THERMAL WEAVE BlANKETS 2 For 4.97 <Blankets are thennal·weave 80% ray· on and 40% poly .. tot, each with 4" n)'lon binding. Choice ol aolld color or mulU·•tripel. 72'~". Jul! Charge It s.w..iar, .l""fY 2s, 1%9 In 100% Ngan Fabrie THE LITTLE "SHE" SHELL Our R eg. I .sf S11nrJau Onlg 2for3.00 Her little shell is sleeveless and has Stripes. Super colors. S.M·L. Charge a mock or turtleneck. Solids. it! MOVE APPLIAllW WITH {HIS EASY ROU--OUT UNIT • -. 011r Reg. J.,97 -1.47 Sunday Only Roll-out unit with 32 mar· proof pluUc wheels moves your heavy appliances • . • refrig@nltor, freezer, range • Without effort. Charge Men's, Boys' Basketball Shoes Our Reg. 3.48 Sunday Only 2.96 Black or white sturdy canvas shoes with thick, "court.gripping" rubber soles. Hig:h·top or low-cut styJe&. Machine· washable, Size! 11 to 2, 2% ,to 6 and 7 to 12. Just 5.1!:Y, "Charge It" at K mart.. · ... · Our Reg. l.87.,.3.97 S•lldatl Onlg 1.88 Fiam......,.r . ..., to 1nswi cleen a1r rui.r .,. ..,, tncreo... mllea per gallon. Traps dust and dirt, Jets ~only cleen ·air into your carblll'etor. Available in any 1ize. ADULT SLEEPING BAG Our Rq. 13.94 Suntlag Onlg 9.46 Full allc, 36"xirl" cut, 3 lb. Dtcron~ polye1t8 ''Bir alt'l!Plnc bar with heavy duty 8 oz. cucade cotton duck co"'. )'eallb'l!d cottoa ~ llninr and padded \11ee.~ .,,.....,,~. ' No ethw 111•wt,.,tt kll1 '" t11er1, l'l'•'l' ,.,., •Mttf whit'• t•ltit " ltt the f"•..W Or•flr C.1.t ...... th DA.ILY PllO. 2200 HARBOR BLVD . ~;~::~· ,~1•1 COST A MESA Ho rbo~ • I ,· I I r I • j ,. - II D.111.V PllOT • S.turd.11, JaM1V1 25, 1969 -. ~nlie Fight~ Baek BurtODS, Stand Up :Princess ~ She'll Sue Fan Mags Over Stories TONITE AT 6:00 & 9:40 Sy Vlll\NON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Julie -ha> ruabed in --Oilier lllW1llWdnl IJll"b u Jacquollne Jtennedy Onaaals and Elbabetll T~lor bavt dared not to tread - in ~! battle with fan ..... OD Jan. 7 the remarkable • BtlUlh beauty wbo stamd in 0 Mary Poppins" and "'lbe Sound of Mualc" filed suit for ts milllon against two pJblicaUons for p r i n 11 n g stories she believes injurlow to her. MrJ. Onassis and 'P.1rs. Burton shrug off the scream· Ing headlines and wlldly im- probable stories a b o u t themselves. But Julie has taken a stand. "This has been building up for me since 'Mary Pop- pins.' " she said. "'I've nearly spoken out many times before, but wu dissuaded by friends who said it lt'ould only en- courage more of the same. "In this case there are two stories o{ clear-eut fabrica- tion: In other Instances magazines claimed to have had interviews with me when they have not. "I'm not holier than thou. I'm no angel. If they want lo print the truth. let them. But not lies. This time I want the facts cleared because these two stories implied I was 1 racial bigot and an unfit DJ.other. "Someone, somewhere has to step up and stop this kind o{ intrusion of privacy with stories that are ~·holly un- true." One story suggested Julie was having a romance with Negro actor Sidney Poitier, but desisted when studio pressure was brought to btar, the actress said. 1be second said she was trapslng around the world with director Blake Edwards at the upense of daughter Emmaltate. True enough, Edwanb is Julie's steady companion. "I've met Sidney twice in my life," Julie said. "Both times at the Academy Awards. He is a nice man, but I scarcely lcnow him. "I'm afraid people will think I'm bringing suit for t~ wrong rtason. It has nothing to do with Sidney's color. The stories make me look like e lmmoraJ.. lrrespoosible woman. ''A motion picture performer doesn't &lvt up his privacy by bw>mirli I public llgun!. One'• ponooal Die It one'• own. I don't Uve in a &!au bGule. I have an obli1,. Uon to myself as well u the public." Julie '""" wtlh Frank Sln- tr1 wbo bu· uld, '1 All I owe tile public Is what I put up thert on tbe screen ... "tr an untrue story is allow- ed to be printed without ob- jection, then it becomes doc- trine and one false story builds on top of the other until lbey all are assumed to be true," Julie said. "I acetpl the fact there will be more such stories because I have ta.ken a stand, rather than the Pf.lb of least resistan- ce. But from now on I'll ta.ke whatever steps necessary to protect myself and my family. I think other performers should follow suit. "'Ibere's no point in taking this kind of abuse meekly. I hlftll't given out a per3<Nl81 interview for three or four years because of the way some writers warp your point of view. "I'm on the warpath now:• Julie concluded. "And I'm giv~ \ng f&ir wamins I won't be blackmailed into silence." DAILY PU.OT Statt PM!a Tlte Old Team Spirit Cheerleaders Michelle Reday, Francesca L'hoir and Monika Borisll (from left) add spice to the satirical musical "The Incredible Reign of Good King Ubu,,, now on the stage of South Coast Repertory's Third Step Theater in Costa Mesa. SCR Announces Cast For Miller Clmsic . LONDON (AP) -Elhabelh T~lor lJld Richard Burton kept royalty waltin1 at a film prt"m.lere Wed.nuday night. They pleaded eu !rouble. AND· Al' 7:45 ONLY c.tt. .... w . as.... .... 1:00 The Bu.rtons were io have been in tho llneup ol atan greeting Princess Aleundra, cousin of Queen EllJabelh Il, when she anived with her!';~~~~~~~~~~ husband, AnlUS Ogilvy, lo seel; "Burton's film "Where Eagles Dare." But the Burtons were miss· ing. "Are we going to wait for them or what, darling?" asked Ogilvy. ''I don't know," said the princess. Red-faced MGM oUicials apologized and Jed the royal couple 1o their seats. By tbe time the Burtons arrived, 20 minutes late, the red carpet had been rolled up and the film had started. IM"•••nh Margaret Cowie• "JUST BETWEEN US" Ev•ry Fri.. Sat. I S11n. Till March 2 Tlcktll AvtHnblto •I l u Ofllca .,. "--' Si.tiMln 211S Villa Wny N•wport la1ch •75·11 20 ''Our Rol!J..Royce b r o k e down," said Burton. "We were stuck for an hour -and there wasn't a pub for miles." Finally they got a lift. I~~~~~~~~~~~ The World War 11 movie!; got mixed revleW3 from the critics. Richard Roud of the Gpar- dian called it a "ridiculous spy story." But CecU Wilson of the Daily Mail said it was 'Barefoot' Cast-List-ed-- ln Clemente Coast Talent Sought F or-S11mmer Theater Repertory's 'Nightingale' Due Sunday South Co 1st Repertory's third children's ~ter pro- duction, ''The Emperor and the.Ni&hlin1ale," will be stag· ed in the style of the Kabuke and Noh theater of the Orient. "exciting lo watch even when Held Over "Death o( a Salesman," Completing the SCR cast m it grows too bard to follow." Arthur Miller's c I a s I i e Sandy Marino. MJehelle Re-ir;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;N;;;;;O;;;·;;;w;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,ll fl .......... ftlll American tragedy, come.! to day, Mo.rrlka Borisch, SUBan lJ.ll.llLliMI~ the stage of Soutll Coast _Burns, Paul Gersowltz ind Repertory next month for a Gary Cotler. ''The Impossible'' "Barefoot in the Park," Neil Simon's comedy of post-honey- moon newlyweds, will be the nut production or the San Clemente Community Theater. Riehard Andersen is direc- ting the proclllction, taking over for 'Ibelma Ruckman. who l& recovering from a heart attack. Andersen last sUIJUDer stqed the musical "Stop the World - I Want lo 1et Off' at the San Clemente theater. Mike Sutton, who has ap- -pe.rtd in a number of Laguna Playhouse produclloru, and Faye Suon, also of Laguna Beach, are playing the young couple, with Dorolhy Good rut as the bride's mother. Ralph Tomliruon will appear as the eccentric neighbor, with Jim Moss and Don Flaherty rounding out the cast. "Barefoot in the Park" opens Thursday, Feb. 20, for a three -weekend run, Thursdays through Saturdays, at the Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenlda C.abrillo, San Clemente. IDformallon and rtat.n;allons may bt obtained by calllng '9U46S. The Coeur d' Alene Swnmer Theater, localed in Northern Idaho, is now accepting resumes from applicants in order to fill vacancies in the company for the 1969 sea.son, Robert E. Moe, manager- director o( the troupe, an· -· Interested actors, s.ingtrs. dancers, musician!, a n d technician!! should send ap- plications to the manager- dlrector at 320 W. Palizada. San Clemei:te. He will send specifics coocerning t h e muslcal repertory theater that operates in the resort city from mid-June to Sept. I. "Four musical comedies - probably "Show Boat," ''The King and I," "The Unsinkable Molly Brown." and "llD in the Shade" -will be produced this season," Moe said. The 16 full-time company members receive a small liv- ing ei:pense aod rooDJ. and board for their services. Ap- prentices. both with and without room and board, but no salary, also are signed. "This is the fifth year for repertory summer theater in Coeur d' Alene," Moe said. "Each year Uie operation is more and more sucteasful. Last year the group played to over 5,000 people in the 190-seat theater. Who A•ked l' ou? Bob Engman tal<e1 strong excep(Jon lo Ed UlUe's 1ugiesUons fllr Improving hil IOll-ln-law's poetry in this scene from tlie Costa Mesa Civic Playbouu com edy "Genera!Jon," which opened Friday for two weekends al tho Community Center auditorium on the Orange County Falrcroond•· I I "Company m~mbers, who must be buicalJy aingtrs but nevertheleu vetAtile, not on· ly have an opportunity to participate ill a first-rate repertory theater for three months ~t also they have the -""'1ty lo work under l<IJli.profealooal -.... he added. • Elvis Back In Memphis For Album MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) Elvis Presley bu completed his first reccrdlng session here In lt years -and indicates he may do most of his future ~rding here. • ... ~ed by Martha Mtl'arland, the symbollslic play incorporates technique.! of , advanced, modern pan- tomime, allowlng children the opportunity to more fully use their imaginations. '"The Emperor and tbe Nightingale" opens Sunday, Jan. 26, and will run ap- prozhnately &ix week1 at the Third Slep Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mesa. Pe.rformancu will be given on Sunday• at 1 and 3 p.m. Reservat ions and in- formation may be obtained by calling the theater at 646- 1383. Pro Musica Concert Set limited four-weekend engage-"Death of a Sale1man" will Years'1 ment. open Feb. 28 . for f o u r The Funnleit Directing the Miller drama weekends, Thursday through Comedy Yet will be MartiiiBenson. whose Sunday, at . the Third Step MESA JHEAJRf previous directorial eredi,. for Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., SCR include Tennessee Costa Mesa. The company conA MESA W i 11 i a m s • "The Glass also will stage l l daytime lr=!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!:= Menagerie" and "A Streetcar , perform an e es for the Named. Des.ire,'" Haro 1 d Newport-Mesa Unified School Pinter's "The Birthday Party" District. and "The Caretaker" and 1.:~~~~~~~~~~ill John Arden's ''Serjeant Musgrave's Dance." ...... ,..., ......... 141-27'11 Jack Davis, who numben "Othello" a n d "Macbeth" among his many SCR roles, • ' l ... ".' "' • Lu:JLi1z ·-:r.-:==11 ,. ~-::~;·.] . will enact the tragic hero, 111 :a U1ft Dlllrr SMw Willy Loman. N e w c om e r "HORSE ht The GUY Marnie Oberbeck has been FlANNEL SUIT'' pl•• cast as his wife, Linda. "WINNIE THE POO" OPEN 6:45 I ~ ..... ~ I s:. ·-......... I ---· -THE Playing lhe Loman sons, C.ltlaMa s.t. a s... 1 :JOfHI Bill and Happy, will be Stevel~=;;;==:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;~ll de France and James Bues. I 1 WION S1RANGUR _.._.,._.._ Heath Park will appear a.s I: ~ Winner of 3 Academy Awards!.~ .t~ •. !lofllllf IUIJ llDS,lllll Im. I The Uncommon Movio 1 l~.!1j I ' • r•----•• l • • •UCM . T •W• • • MUNTIN8TON •U.CH • 114? ...... "A3 fir as I'm concerned. this is the place," 1ald Presley, who recorded hi! first h i t in thLs Mlss!Uippi River city. Charlie, with Bob Harten-ltl"'I Bll:lltlfw.f• ..... -----· The N•w York Pro Musica, berger cast as Uncle Ben and THEATEI IQGIAll K£ll IJAYJU RIYfll [ presenting pre-Bach music, Ron Boussom as Bernard. ~·'"' ...,. com_.. • ., pitfence will appear on the concert~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j11L·~::~~1-~'"~'~' ~' -~~-~~~·i:·~il al 11."lr. Award Winner C8rson McCullers• searching and sensitive , story of innocence lost thii.t has become an ''enduri ng/ masterpiece." "I can do a iession sometimes while at home without having to travel to other parts of the country. "And the musicians here are fanta.st.lc." Presley wrapped up a 16- song album 1t dawn Wednes- day after going into the atudlo at dusk the previous night. The movie and singing star has been recording principally in Los Angeles. Presley said he leaves for Hollywood Saturday to work on a forthcoming motion pie· lure. stage of Crawford Hall at UC ADULT INTllTAINMINT ~-I Jrvine on Friday, Feb. 7, at HATICNAl.OENERM..~ATION A ~Pllm'.:TDl ·l'.llb'bfDelm 8:30 p.m. Tickets are now Fo-x··-so ............ UJH._.....NI•.... SMA available al the UCI Fine Arts lllUAiJI box office. Under the direction or John ...,.,....,... .. ..,. ..... ,.,az Reeves White, the IG-member OPEN 12:45 ensemble pruents 1 a c r e d workl first perfonned in the DON KNOTIS cathedrals of 13th century France; songs, dances and ballads from medieval France; dramatic piect.!1 of Renai.uance Spli.n; music in the Flemish tradition and the sounds of the Tudor reign in England. IH INCREDIBLE MR. LIMPIT IN COLOI 114 FIATUll BRIGHTY .. .... c.-.......... Acunayll Blll7f _JohnC•1au1a. ...,._..,........_.~ s...-itor•••'.d• -. ALSO PLAYING ~ ~'Heart is a 'Londy'Hunter ~.' l91tt1MMnlcelhth ...... 1.,.;lblil ....... OF THE GRAND CANYON ALL SEATS 50e J1n1 Fe11dn i11 "BAR.BARELLA" ;;..;:;,=:.:,;;;;,.!I 'Hom~,Blol.·~r_W •ti .:::.. PLUS Good King Ubu" b'f Ilion Th~TI l;)t '·"'· -TMl•D STll" Tll'tATRI -COSTA M•IA c...r ... Offhe-'46-1J'J CMILORIN'I Tl41AT&ll-"Tlll ••-IN W11 -~II" o-.i_,., u-1 .,.., '·"'· UIJIO.A 673-4048 -,.. '-..... 't41 ...... ,.. ...... NOW SHOWING Ol'IN AT 7:11 IHOIT suucn 7:Jt PIA.TUii ltOO -On1 Shewi119 011ly- HELD OVER 4TH WEEK! IT IS UFE mELF , •• IAW lfAUTY IN AU. ITT AWAKENING! NfWPOlt IUOll -... -................... OLl-U!MI ACADEMY WINNER- BEST DIRECTION ALSO "PRUD&NCE AND THE PILL" -·--·-.... "" s...... ,,.. Cetrt.S...,,._J,.a. HELD OVER The Year's Sl•per "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" DAVID NIVEN AIM tOS NIWHAIT ... ...... s....1, ... c:.. s.s-. flt.• j '·"'· 14f.Ull ......... -· M7-JHI ·-·"" t t ,... ....... .llnt ,lltldl e COLOlt e ''IAllAllLU. .. SM! C-.-V e cOLOlt e "SHAu.lO" ._..,,,, f ............ . MnrlDn l rar>W e COl..Olt e '"THI Nl.+fl OP tHI FOU.OWIN• DAY" JKlt 1..-1 e C'OLOlll e "COUNTllHST llWI" ..................... -----·-Ends Tuesday 3~ Awards! -Tllllllll•',..... FIGl 11111111111.·11111111$ .. SECOND HIT c-:- ,, !"""_....., .............................................................. ----~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-----~~---- S1lll~I)', J.11wry 25, 19'' ' OAILV I'll.OT Jf • Vataha, Grady, Jenkins Make . All-State Team KEVIN GRADY, OCC Flrtt Teem RANDY VATAHA, owe First Team BILL JINK.INS, OCC Socond THm Be'lnted All-Star Selection I l1nl ol!ellllve team. '!'be opeody .-lvu hauled In 63 pwu 11171 )'mis ml nlDe -Wnl the llM wnpallJ>. ' • wbo -the Or'""• Coast lllCOndary u a defem!ff back f(!t two run ml .... rated by Plrll6 Cooclt Dick Tll<ktr u the !Inell ptaror hi'• COIChld, WU named \o Ute llCOnd delwtve Wilt. • Two o t b er oSuth cout' COOi.....,.. playen from °'""" Couoty were -.. the lop ll -Fullertoll 1Ull'll Jeff Roop and &am. Ana llMbacker Leoo v.-Gortum, tbe sec defwive playor ol the r•ar' -Selected on the ftnt tum were the Sari Diego City Collep duo ol halfback Slan MIU'Pl>J llld IUll'll Qoalc Ctmobell alo111 with P'ullertoo nwer Jerry McCoy. Seoolid team -· lnol\l\fed Sll11a Ana halfback Eddie St<Wanf, Sin Dlqo Hneblcktr Orts Slou1h. Santa Alla linebacker Jeff Raamusaen and Fullerton delenalve back Carl Sweet. The top 13 llQWld WU hetded by running back1 Clarence Davll or Eut Loi AnJelea llld Don Harr ol the COU.1• of the SeQuolu, both ol whom brol!o O. J. Slmpoon'a Junior colle8' ruablng record for a alnale tellOn. It .. Al.L.4TAa •OOtlAl.L TUM Ii fi! 15 ru, .. • ,. -"' ... , ··- Penn State's Bowl Bounty: $330~000 By Tile A1tocl1ttd Pre11 Penn State came out ot the year end football bowls the big wlnntr, both on the scoreboard and at the bank. M an independent unlveralty it keeps all of its share of 11.bout $330,000 from the Orange Bowl where the Nlttany Llons defeat.ed Kansas, 1).14. Kansas must whack up its $330,000 with the: Big Eight Conference, a rule that •pplles in one form or another for all the other CQrt- (erences. No e2*5ct figures are ever announced on the RO!le Bowl, the biggest and richest of them all, but with a sellout Alcindor (35) Bails Out Bruins, 81-67 CHICAGO !AP) -Top-ranked UCLA needed a 35-polnt performance by Lew Alcindor to bounce back from a 10-JXllnt halftime deficit and whip Northestern 81- 67 Friday night for the Bruins' 13th straight basketball victory. Playing a ragged first half. UCLA didn't take command at the finale of Chlcaso Stadium doubleheader until the ucond half reached the midway point. In the opener, MuqueUe rang up ~ t Ith straight victory wllh a 61-S6 dedl- ion over Cllicago Loyola. UCLA e~tended it& two-season victory streak to 29 sames by finally getUng or· ganlt.ed against lhe rugged Wildcata or the Big Ten, who held a t5-35 halltlme lead. Northwestern out-muscled the Bruins Jn the flrat half and, with the UCLA line-up co let except for A1clndor, the \Vlldcats maintained a 10-point l e a d throughout much of the first half. In the first half, UCLA lo.st the ball 11 times compared to only four mis- cues by Northwestern, which had i par- tisan crowd of 13,831 whooping while jumping to leads of 18-3, 25-15 and the inlermiulon bulge. Alclndor popped in eight bukets in the flrst half and his 18-point intermis- 1lon total repruented more than half of UCLA's output. Hanassed by defensive screening by t b e rugged Wlldcab under the basket, Alclndor did not aS&ume his usual con. trol or the boards untU the second half. The Bruins came out for the second hall a battling club and scored eight straight points al the otuset as Norlhwut- ern had lit lead shaved to three points. However, it wasn't until Alclndor made a pair of free throws with 8:20 gone that UCLA went ahead for keeps, 55-M. Beaty Shoots Down Wilt, LA, 110-106 ATLANTA (AP ) -Ze\mo Beaty shot over. around and under \Vilt Chamberlain for 38 )Xllnl! Friday night and led the Atlanta Hawks to tl~\06 National Basketball Association victory over Los Angeles. The victory moved Atlanta to within nne game of Lhe Western Oivlalon-leading Laker1. The triumph also waa the Hawks' 20th in their last 23 games. Beaty hit his top point total of the seuon and teamed with euards Walt Hazzard and Don Ohl to give the Hawks enough cushion to withstand a late Los Angelel rally. Han.ard and Ohl combined for 22 ~traight polnt1 to wipe out a ni~point 1.aker margin In the ltCOlld period and give the Hawks" lead they never km. Los Angeles used 11 final period polnl! by Elgin Baylor t.o pull to within two points with two mlnutes rtmainlng. But Beaty hlt ab stralcht points to clinch the triumph. LOS AMtlLlt AfUMTA • • ' • • ' .. .,. " •II • !:'..';.. II •II • ("*>flf'I • .. II • H II C111111l1 • •• " C•lcJMll • •• • c ....... ' •• ' .... • .. • '"' • •• • H•U•r• II .. ~ ·~-• .. • ,,.~ • ., " .... ,, • t' II "" • ... II ••• • 1 11 • "'•' • ,_, ' t•l•1• • ,,wt IOI lfl!tll # INfllO LOI AMtltt u ,. " »-ltf AU•lll• u jot ti »-111 l'11u1tc:1 WI • Atl1"'9 OM. l01t1 """1s. Loi .,. .. t7. An•"'-.. crowd of 102,063 and a rlch televllJon contract, the Big Ten and the Paclllc-3 are each reputed to get around $1 mllllon. The Blg Ten divides ll! share JI way!, two parlll golng to the team that played and one to each other c:<>nference member. Thls amounts to about SUXl,000 per share. The Pacific-I div ides Its por- tion equality among the eight conferenCe schools. In I.be Rose Bowl, Ohio State dumped Southern California and 0. J. Simpson 27·16. In the Gator Bowl, each team received about Stl0,000 but Missouri, the winner over A1abama 35-10, mUJt ahtrt lb prize with otbers !n the Bl& Ellhl and Alabama muat spUt with membert of the Southe:utem COOference, with Alabama keeping fl15,000. 1• In the Biu.bonnet, ·where Sollthern Metbodllt took a aquetker f r o m Oklahoma .za..n. the team aharea were the bluest ever, about •192,000 with SMIJ kff!llnc 1100.000 llld abarlnc the reat with Southwut Conferenct tetm1. Oklahoma's Big Eight COllDterparil were alto cut in. "nle previoua record WU nto.000 uch to T•n• and Mlasl»lp- pi In ltt'I. Tbe Sugar Bowl wu 1 rich one. Hera Arlctnu1 but Gtorli• 18-Z and each rtporledly 1ot Sll0,000. Georgia kept $115,000, with the balance split am.ona: Soutbu•tem canfereac. teams, while ArklnlU kept 1100,000 ud spUt lbe , rut with the Southwell ConfereDCt. The Cotton Bowl also wa• lucraUve. Ten• and Ttnneuee each received about !300,000. THU kept •100,000 and divided the balanco lnlO e(gbt sham, with RVID &o!nl to Southwest Confereoce members and the eJ.abtb to Te1a1 itself. TeMeuee kept IUS,000 and •Pill the net with the So\lthwttrn C<mfenoce. Teiu won 36-13. Closest-ever Vote Gurney Tries It's Fleming Over Meyer 500 Again - F~r Gal Athlete of '68 At Riverside NEW YORK CAP) -Pretty Pe,~y Fleming, the Dresden Doll of U.S. 1g- ure sbUng, waa named Female Ath- lete of the Year Friday, edging swimmer Debbie Meyer in the closest balloting in the 3&-year h!Jtory of the annual A&soclated Pres.s poll. Miss Fleming, the only U,S. gold medal winner at the Winter Olympics, ed1ed Miss Me:ye:r, the: flnl twlmmer -ever lO wln three iDdlvtdual 1old med-als at the Summer Olymplca, by just sl1 Points in the nationwide voUng by sports writers and broadcuters. Miss Meyer, actually received one more flrst'-place vote than Miss Flem· ing, 158-157, and the two each had 90 second-place votes. But Ml!I Fleming gained the award with 47 tbird·place votes to 38 ror Miss Meyer winning on points, 61M92. Points were awarded on the bull of three for a firrt-plaee vote, tW'o for a second and one for a third. Be:sides the two U.S. Olympians, no one else in the voting was a serious contender., GoUer Kathy Whitworth was a dis- tant third with 2& poinU, followed by tennlJ star Billie Jean King, 272 ; golfer Carol Mann, 130; Canadian sider Nancy 2 Unkowns Share Lead PEBBLE BEACH {AP) -Two lesser light.a in pro golf, Terry Wilcox and Jim COibert, tied ror the first-round lead Friday with four-under-par scores of 119 to share the lead in the Bing Crosby 'IM,000 open golf tourney. Wiicox., 30, from Bronxville, N.Y., fired four birdies on the final nine holes at Cypre:sa Point. Colbert, 27, of K.anaas City, Kan., blazed five under par through 111 holes but bogeyed the 17th. He finished in the final group as darkneM arrived on the Pebble Beach course. Wilcox boasted a 37-31 while Colbert had 32-36 on a day when showers fell during the morning but gave way to a docile afternoon. . Wilcox, who won Sl4,000 in 1168, and Colbert, who collected $12,000, finished a stroke ahead of the challengin( trio in this tournament which already has been !et back one day becauae of Thursday's stonn. Deadlocked in second place at 61 were Steve Spray, who blew a chance for the lead when he three-putted from I Yi feet on the fourth hole, Dan Sikes and AUBtralian Bruce Devlin. Green, 107; track star Wyomla Tyu!, 30; leMis player Nancy Richey, 20; Czechoslovakla's Olympic gymnast, Vera Caslavska, 16, and Pegi)' Ann Early- trying to become the ftnt female jockey to ride against men-15. Miss Flem.inc. a fragile 5-foot-31k, 108- pounder, captured the spotlight for the United Statea in the Wfnter Game. at Qrenoble, France, with her artllt"ry on Ice. The gree~yed brunette, who latu turned profwlon.al for 1 re-ported '500.- 000 to make moviea, television iplcllls and appear in lee 1how1, became the first U.S. gold medal winner in flaure skattna: aince 1960. CLARKE ERA.SES 3-MILE RECORD OAKLAND (AP) -Amaz!na 3l·Y•tr· old Ron C1arke of Australia, nmnltll vil'a tually alone, ~l a world Indoor three:. mile record of 13: 12 .11 Friday night at the Athens Invitational tract and field meet Clarke:, who announced before: the race that he would &hoot for the rec· ord, bettered Tracy Smith's 11:11.2 mark set here two years aco In the Athens meet. Cl•rke. who collapsed at the Me1iC() City Olympics, breezed past Smith ear. ly in the race and lapped him with six lapo to I"· Another Australian, Kerry Pearce, set out Jfter Clarke and also passed Smith. RIVERSIDE -Dan Gurney of Corona dcl Mar guna for hll aixtb win in seven years when he duels a nifty field Sunday in the Motor Trend MIO Grand national stock car race at International Raceway) here. Delayed a wttk becauae of rain, Gurney again will be walUng out the elemenl!, hoping to compete in this after. noon 's schedu1ed practice nms. Action ii due to set under way Sunday at 11 a.m. with St00,000 In prize money up for grab!. Race offlclaJs told the DAILY PILOT that Inclement weather again Sunday would force them to run lhe: event on Monday. Biggest threats to Gumey include A.J. Foyt, Pameltl Jones, Cale Yarboroua:h and Lee Roy Yarbrough, Al Unser and M1rlo Andrettl. ltOW OMI 14. J. ,,..,.,, ~len ,,, Ford 116.)U L" lloy Ylrbrcll/lf'I, Cll11"10le, S.C. '" Mtrc 10t.t1t 110'# TWO 01" Gl/fMY, CCW'Of\11 dtl Mlt '6f ,,..re IDf.:11.! ll!c.ht rd Pt11y, Jllndltn'l•n, N.C. 'ff Ford lllf.'2~ llOW THllll t> .... ld ,,__, SP•rTtnblolrt, S.(. '•t !'=oft llt.f:2t 141 Vnatr, Al"'°'IJ9rQ..,. '" OOCIM 1Dl.7rl0 llOW ,OUll Merlo Al'dr'fttl, Ntrtrt'ltl Pt. 'it F.,d 1Dl.llM lo4ilby !Wi t. Ctl•wtll, ,.C. •tt 00d11 lOl.31) llOW ,IVI lt11g., Mc(l!JP;ty, lllCaOl'I 'tt '"""" !DI.to' l"tr .. 111 J-S, TttrlMI ''t l"ililil 104!.IM llOW SIX Ct l1Ytrtioreu ... ,Tl""'!'!'llYH!t,l .C. '" ""1tc !Ot.JtJ Mllb)I AIHton, +t""10irrn, Ale. .., PlmT !Cl.ta llOW llVIN 0-. Wftltt, Kd'llll. 1 .... 1 'M C>ed" lM.OOt J•ll'ltt Hytl'Dft, lnl"!'lfn, 1.C. ''1 Dac111 117.U-I II.OW e10HT Scottv Ctln, Fr",.. '/II Ftnl !CO.I" 11.•y Ellllr, C1r11!Mrt, C1llf. 't' OOdll IO:I ..... II.CW MIM• Cliff G•r111r, lot 411,.1" 't7 Pll'n'I lO:l.113 M"1Y Kl,..1'11, SOUll'I Gitt ''1 CIWI 101-"'J •ow TIN Ntl! C11tllt. Clllri.tt1, "'·'· ,., P!l'O'l't ff.no Pt11I Ollrrlty, Modilllo 't7 CftVI fJ,)1)4 llOW •L•V•M Joh" I ••"• l!"llt,_, N.C. '17 F.,d lD-1.j" 0.Ykl )llnlt, \.9 N'lllltt '67 PIY"t Ul:I. M IOW TWll.VI 11.ldltrd lll'MI, '"JW111M1 '" Ch~I lllt.UI limo L1 .. i..,. Clllrllttt, N.C. '16 f"~ fJ,1fl •OW THtllTlal'I · J• P't•-· o.lllM Vllllrt, MIM, 'ff '""'" tt.m JtrrY o~ .. r. Wtlllllt C...._ ''7 Ollt '7 .... ll;OW '°UITIAN 0111' ,_, """' oatt ... ,..,.. tJ.'61 ltlY hfll'lll-. l.fll ...._.i,_ 'fl PIM '7.JOll MW P'l"1111'1 Htrtld werdtftY, At.Iii.NJ, Ori. '" Fen! M.11f Or. OM Ttrr, N. MIMTll IMdl, "'-· 't7 CllYI ff.IJO lOW IUCTSaN "'''* lvfftt!t, ~ "' Plyn'I ts,$71 WMMll P1rM11, Hl ..... 1111, C.llf, '61 Cft"1 tl.U. aow ISVll'ITlaN ~lly O••Y• ~'"'' OL 'ill f"tl'd t•.H41 • ..,"" a.., 1'!l.wt1t11 •u °""' n .ttt llOW llOHfWI# J. 0 . McOvllll, S.llf.,d. N.C, 't1 l111Q 11.fOI l ob t:"111rw1, Dtl¥ Cl1y 'ff Cl'llw tl.1'2 atw #ll'llTllM H1rt!WH McGrlff, irhlll V11!, o. '17 FOO"d n .1u ltOOlrf H1l1, TllCMll 'M Peril fl . .ut aow TWINTY Jllft Clal!. ~•It ·u Cllwl •• ,u 11.tlllh Arnold, Mee!tlto '61 f"tnl 11.)11 II.OW twaMTY4MI Jlllll'lftV Sl~t. C1m1kll .. !, C•llf. 'It Fttlf ll0.112 MtrYlll SIOlln, HlfllltNI, C.llf. '17 ...... ,, no 1111, ltOW TWSMfV-TWO ltnl II-Jr., HltMeNI, C•ll!, '17 Fetd M Nd JKk MeCty, Modt1!1 'Ill Oodt9 M Jilll Tribe Dumps Pirates, 70-69 8y RON EVANS Of .. 0.tts-...... ...., SAN BERNARDINO -Ortnge Coaat Collqe returns home tonlaht IO l•ce Cy· P"" lfttt ""1111 Ill t"°"yur nip u the Eutern Conf,renc:e butetball kln1 appar"1tlY ended •I San 8'rlw1llno Fri· day nl&ht, 70-49. Tipoff tonl1ht will be et I o'clock. ~ loss evened the Plratff' r«lOl"d at W aod knoclced them Into the confer· ence'1 middle dJvWon. San Bem•rdlno went bllo Ill 11me aa:ainat Orange Coast with a dl1mll J-4 rfellN llld Pirala coecb Bob W•lltl uld • ,. his club had to otop Hawanf Loe to wtn. But the Piratu: didn't stop Let, the conle:re:oce ICOl'ln& 1-der, who weund up 'With 21 potnl1. Hil stth point turned out to De I h e wlnnln1 one. Oran&• Cout wa1 down eM7 with Ove teCOnd• to 10 whtn Phil Jardan mlued a 15 looter. Loe rebounded and WU foulad with two ticks left on the ck>et. Ho ml»d the lint ol the rr.. lhmn • but made the ltCOt'ld to tncruM S a n Bemardlno'a lt1d IO ?Ml. In the lint half. Ortnl' Colli lad by as muy u 10 polnta behlnd the abootlna \ ------------·--- ol Jardu and enjoyed a l<hll halftlm< bulge. Jordan wound up u the Pirates' lead· Ina -with II polnta wllill Mike 1'le- herty and Steve Jacol>oen cflfPl>ed In with II and 10. ..... C-tlffl .. ft". K ...... llin I 1 I I , ....... 41511 ttldi.iintlltr J I ' 1 1 ... tn 1 I Ill ,...,.,, ,,,, ~ill'lt'•l'I" S 1 1 II WC.rtln I • I I Hl~rewt ,,,, f\!""' I I I I , .. ..,_.,,. mi """· 1 ••• ""'"""" ,. "" .... .. , .. """ •-m ··- 11 I 4 W I I • 11 ' ' 1111 ' • 3 • ' I '" I > ' • • 1 • l•rwn' 1 • 1 • llhlt •\Jtl"' l ... ll t!'MMJ'I H1lflllflt ..cott: OCC 4. Sen .. ....,.IM 31. RUGGED RUSTLER -Brian Amb1ozlch (53) picks oU • rebound during a recent game and will be one of Golden West College's key !lgur .. tonight when the Rustlers trek lo ChaUey for a survival bat· tie among Eastern Conference title contenders. GWCat Chaffey TotJlght Harding Paces jRustlers Past Chargers~ 68-56 By JOEL SCHWARZ OI' .. 0.1" rn.t ft.ti One month aso Dave Hardina: probably would have been voted the: Eastern Conference'• center le:ut likely t.o tue· ceed. B u t now the M topbomore mty have earned him.self a job In the starting lineup tonllflt at Chaffey Colleae afttr leadln& the Rustlers to a 68-56 vktory over vi.IUng Cypress Friday night. Hardin& came off the bench to relieve an ineffective Dave Pk'ather after ellht minutes ol play llld kept lce<:old Golden West In cootentlon with two tlp-lns and five free throws. He came oil the sldelinea, aa:Ain In the aecond hall and lCCIOd I! more points, dominated the b a ck b oar d s • partlcularly the Ru!Uen' offensl•e one ference record to ~ and toni&ht'1 pme top scorer with Z2 paints. T•n of the points came on Up-ins. Victory upped Golden Wtll'• coo· ference record to ~ land tonl«ht'1 pme at Charley, lttrt.lng at I, wlll be tor second place. Goldeo Well coach Dick SIJ1ctlfn, wlio auffered tbroogh another n«Ye radd•g aame that wu tn doubt until hll elub esploded In the final minutes, Wik !fberal ln hfa prlile ol lflrdlna- ''Thtre'I no wty to compare hll pJay now and a month •It!· 11He wu ruJly turned on for our 1arne tonl&ht and dld a great job on the offemive board&." The Rusllera, fomd to play Cy)rea' alaw.Jown style ol buktlball moot ol ll>e nlglll, auff.-.cf tlnulh a mlatrablo firat half. hllllnl on Juli ,..,. "" II •hot& (,,.,.... IU> "'"'419 ' • J ' ' J ' 1J t •. , • • • t • t I 1 J •• 1 • ' ' 1 n 1 d • " '' I I , I ' . I It L I If DAllY PILOT (AIM Bag~ 56-35Rout ·Over Mesa ' Chris Thompson went on a third quar· ter acorlna bJ.n&e wbJle Colla Meu turn. od Ice cold Friday nigh\ to glve the l!ost Sea King•• 56:35 b11ketblll victory. la a game dt1ayed 45 minutes because or a wet Door caused by high gym hu- midity, Thoptpson turned the contest around with an II-point outburst fol- lowing intermission. He wound up as the game's high 8C'Ortl' with 20 points. H e r b Uvesey's Mustangs jumped off to a 15-9 lead in the nrst quarter but w~e pummeled badly by CdM in the oecood. 16-4. ''We beat them with our press," Sea Kin& coach Bill Bloom said afterward. "All of our kids did a real good job defensively. Thompson was really some- thlng in the third quart.er." TbompiOO's nurry included several jump shots from the side and two f6llow ahota on rebounds. Gregg Erskine was Mesa's top threat with 14 polnt5. Corona de1 Mar needed Thompson's shooting because high scorer S t e v e Leech had an oa night and scored on1y four points. Mike 'McWllliams had eight. C-... Maf IMI (UNI ,,,,_. 0$1 ""''"' ttn.ti. LMdl 0'0' "111111'1 1527 YlcWllu.trll t ' 2 • S.Hmeyu I I ' ' W'llllnd'll ' 2 , ' l!nl<lrlt $ ' t ., T~IOll t 2 l 20 O.vl1 I · I I 2 W1\M lllllC-41Y IJ4J Ort 11 1$ :orttt 1113 Matna 111! ~rer etl2 :rLffl"I 12 24 \delMn D21! T•ll 11 22 IS' YI Tcilab 10 IS 11 lS keno.,.~ ·~ c-. ~el Mar t 11 1r 1._5' c.taMHa u~•~ -I Estancia Comes Close, Bows, 4844 In a night of upsets and thrillen, the Estancia-Magnolia clash in the Irvine Le.ague was no exception to the prep basketball front. Coach Bill Wetzel's Eagles came with- in four-polotJ or upending the ta1ent- laden Magnolia five before lina11y falling, 4&-44, Friday. The defeat leaves Estancia with a 1·2 league mark while Magnolia b breezing v.1th a 3-0 mark. Breezing. however, mlght net be the: right descr\pt1on. Coach Ernie Wheeler's host Magnolia club was fcr«d to come from seven points behind to get the ver- dict and then only after Skip Williams fouled out to leave the Eagles wlthcut rebound strength. Wetul was net upset with the llJS.'l, in- stead heaping praise en his gutty band for an outstanding job against the fourth- ranked team in Orange County. "Our kids t\merved to win the game. tt v.·as a real injustice. We were a beUer ball club tonight. I said before that v:e wert going ot knock off one of the big ooe:s, and they showed themselve.! cap- able tonight. "I'm rea11y proud of them," he added. Williams ended up high-point man for Estancia ln a l06ing cause with 12. l1ttadol uo ...... wini.rm "'"" '"' """ Sllell'lhl'lllltr ...... •• " Ill "" l 5 t 'll 1 • J n J J ' 1 ' 3 • ' I l 1 5 l 0 • ' t D 1 t Ma"*'-1411 ''"""" ' ' ' 11 J , 1 ll ""urr1r -'-dtmn"" ""' L..,t ntder Nabrl • 2 ' lt , e 4 o I 1 3 l f I I f , ... 15 14 14 4J 1olt\I 1112154 ·~·· tt Chlllrf'ff'I lC n . " II 11-U 11 l~I Kratz, West Pace Diablo Win, 44-39 Dan Kratz handled the inside and Steve West the outside Friday night as Mis.\ion Viej9 !"eCOrded a 44-39 <nstview LeailJt butetball victory over visiting Laguna -· 'J1MI Artists were ori the short end ol the 1COre ror I.be most part Friday nJll}t. They had 1 brief lead in the ~ ·. quar1er and baUJed back from a ~14 haJ{time deficit to lead again in lhe third quarter. · Wut, a 5-10 junior guard, iCOl"ed 14 pplnta on loac jump sboll aM Kratz, • U junlor, held hb awn on the IJDarlj, ..,..klilS qlllmt Lquna's burly Sieve JOool<mWI d<Jp!t< foul trouble. eut the difference wu at the fou1 lint, -. Lquna CDllld convert on ~ · ....., d ti trieL Mluioo Viejo dli:bd ... " "' t7. IJmt«man WU Laguna 'I Jeadiol lbrul with II polnta. ~ Vl<jo ~ Lquna In f1forJ quartH but the third, wber< t.apno pnvllllod by 1}9. 'the: Dlablol .,.t J.2 in leatue p I a y, Lquno ii 14-' '--tNO 11') ,. ",.... 3 • • • •• 11• 1 I f I 1 ••• J 1 4 I I''"" t lJ-. .. u 11-Jt REB9_1,!HD FOR MONARCHS -Don Hellon (~3) leaps high to graba ·re6ounadifring-Yriday nigJil's -4?-47 Angelus League win over Servite. Loo!Ung t?D in the comer for the Monarchs is Ralph Chandos ·-(21Tllie gliine's hlgli scorer with 2t --. · .-·-. ( ~ . Namath Rates 2nd . .. .Writer Pjcks. Ca8per ' :'As 68' s .. f. op ~~ ,S:uir Who was the No. I pforessional athlete for 11168? Sports 'w'titers throughout the country are now-trying to answer this question as ·they turn i n their one-two-three c.hoiCes in the annual S. Rae Hickock Prof~iof\al Athlete of the Year" award. The -winning athlete receJves a diamond•studded, gold-buckled b e I t do~ted by Ray and Alan Hickock in memory of their father. My first-place vote went to Billy Casper, who became the rirst goUer in history to earn more than 200,000 competilt.Ve dollars in one year. Sec:Ond glace vote went to Broadway Joe Namath as the outstanding pro loot- MAXWILL STILES Styles In Sports ············-·· baU Player of the year. The Super Bowl game, played in January, counted toward 1963. My third vote. went to Denny McLain (31-6), the first American League pitcher in 37 years to hit 30 or more wins. other names high on lhe litt of deserv· tng ·candidates were Nino Benvenuti , Don Drysdale, Bob Gibson, Mickey Lollch (thue Series wins), Earl Morrall, Tom Pboebus, Lee Trtvino and Jerry Quarry. · Mc.Lain won monthly awards twice, for July and September. How would you have voted? Pro Draft Baltimore· wUI be the Z5th of 26 clubs to tee off in the NFL draft Jan. t8 in lhe Belmont Plaza in New York. But the Colts with 22 ha\'e more choice." than any other club. Houston h a 9 20 : Miami. Philadelphia and Sl. Louis 19 each. The Rams have 17. .,. 'c;O Footlitall, t;-of tf, .7IO; Sportinr News, 14 of :0, -.7•; Parade, II ol Zt, .6$0: DDD Spor.W, u of ze, .IOll; Street & SmUh!a e1Ue1e Football Yearbook, ~ of 15, .600;' Footb.U Row:idup, .ft , of zo, .600. , COlle1e · t: Pro Football, 1Z of ZO, .660; Sports Wustrated, 1! of to, .IOt; Footbal N•J•, 11 of ZO, .55f; As1oclat.ed Press, 11 or·zo, .550; Look, 11 of Iii, . 550; Complete Sports, 5 of lQ, .500. 1 Be11t picker of the year, inc.ludil'll tle1: Playbby, f years; Look, S years; Parade, 3 'yian; Sports Illustrated, I year. Seven-yur averagea: Look, .571; Playbey, .W.: Parade, .568; Sports mustrated, .516. Ootll Stile• Fared Let's look at the Stiles log Oil selections: 1968 Baseball -American League, Delroil (correct); National League, St. Louis tcorrecl). World Series, SL Louis (wrong). Pro Football -AFL, Kansas City or Oakland• (wrong). NFL division win· ners, Baltimore, Dallas, Cleveland ( cor- rect), Chic.ago Be;ars (wrong ). NFL champion, Baltimore (correct). World champion, Baltimore (wrong). Olympic Games Athletics -United Stales men's team to win {correct). Male gold medalists correctly named, 13. (Had 18 at Tokyo). United States women'sl.E'.am to defeat the Soviet Union (correct). Women gold medalists, 4. Be.st selection against the consensus, Madeline Manning to win the women 's SXl meters. Biggest goof: not picking Al Oerter to v.•in his fourth Olympic discus tiUe after being the only writer to tab Oerter in 19S6 at Melbourne. Chose him again al Rome and Tokyo, then went to Jay Silvester at Mexico. A.Ily numbskull knows that Silvester never c a n beat Oerter whr.n the c.h.ips are down. Champion Olympic · picker of them all In '68 ":as Robert Pariente of L'Equipc. Paris. He had 16 winners in 22 men 's events. Mater Dei Outlasts ·,. I Friars, 49-4 7 By STEVE ANDREWS OI fM CNillJ Pa.t lltff Four desperation shots in the final z second!'! by the Servite Friars fell short as the l.1ater Dei Monarchs .slapped the Friars with a 49-47 loss in an Angelu!'l Leaa:ue basketball encounter before a capacity throns at Mater Dei Friday .Ught. Bill Gibert. captain of l h e Monarchs, missed a clutch one-and-one situation wltb 30 seconds remaining as Jerry . Whlte 1of Servile rebounded anJ set up the last minute frantics. Servile committed three crucial lurn- overi under a devestating full court man- t<>-man Monarch press in the late stag- es of the game. Mater Dei trailed -45-41 with 3:14 left and then went on to out· score the visitors 5-0 and take the lead and the triumph. Turnovers ahnost cost the Monarchs their second loss in four games. Mat.er Dei threw the ball away 20 limes in the face of a c.lamplng 2-3 zone defense. "Servile is a good team," .said an elated Jerry Tardie and after the sltirUsh. "They're a good shooting club, plus they made us take bad shots because of their tough defense." Tardie was pleased with the play of his junior forward Ralph Chandos. "He was .a dominaling factor on the boards throughout the game," stated Tardie. "He also made some key buckets for us in the tail end of the game.'' Chandos was the high scorer of the contest with 24 points, half coming at the free throw lint. Tardie added that he has three goa ls for thia year in mind. 1) a trophy, 2) a winning season. and 3) to go to the ClF playoffs. The Monarchs got their trophy in the Santa Ana City Championships during the pre-season and with a 13-6 record are heading in the right direction for a win- ning campaign. Mt._ Oil U91 Str'l'lft 1•11 ltfl,.ti. i a 1 • ' I I ) 1411.,., ""tNen•"'·~ c~."°"' •1es Wtlli;M" ""llf .. I 5 I I o O I O ' 0 I I 1 n l 1f l ' ~ ' I l l J 11. lltrklw ~lllol Fa!e '" Grvtel Seymour ;ranbra Jrln~lt Wt!l!t u lt U •t Tolah lt'" ., o .. , .. ., 10 12 ' " s 1 3 ll I 1 l I l ' 5 ' ' • • s • ' 1 1• 0 I I D ! ' • l 11 11 2:2 •1 • HB Figh-t~ Back For 67-5'6 Win Over Pioneers BY GUINN lllDTE ................ HWl!lnpllt -Hlgb'J ml#>IY Olien .faopi their ..., oft Jht ... _ lo u.; f'"" of • -· c:hamploo to blllter upoot.mlnMd W-IHI, le • blttio foe the -l'"aaue i..d Prlda,r llfabi al Ille OU Qty 1Cboo1'1 111111- lt WU bukelball at Ha l>esl U Western pul on a tpltndld litolo for I\; quamrs, holding a 42:.Ja lead over eoach Elmer Combs' charges and looking for all the world like the team that was going to put an end to Huntington's SI -game league victory string. But it wasn't in the cards £or the talented, spunky invaders as the preS!Ure ape! Huntington'• gt.al shooting took ita toll. The Oilers went on an incredible binge, hitting 1$ percent of their field goal tries the last half (l~ for 20) and a fantastic 88.8 percent in the fourth quarter when they tanked .eight for · nine {the only miss was an easy layup). Hot Marina Puts Saints To Rest, 79-49 By EARL GUSTKEY -· .. Dlllr ......... . Dick. Jvle .aad.-BJc.t MQ&iet threw in 46 points 6etweeri Lhem 'Yrid8y night -and . s~neadi!il an ilTOftless -7g:19 - Sunset League basketball, victory for Marina over visiting' Santa Ana. So ill-equipped to handle Marina was Santa Ana that the Yikes didn't even miss starting center Kipp Baird when he ~ouled out without having scored a point. The win gives coach Lute Olson's team 1 ~ record going into its appointment at Westminster tonight at I . Senior guard Scott Davidson made up for Baird's early exit by scoring II polpts. The mediocre Saints never led. Mosier flipped in the game's first bucket but Santa A.Ila tied it at 2-%. After that, lhe Saints played poorly and their game continually deteriorated. Soon it was 8-1 and Mosier made it 20-10 early in the second period. The first 20-poinl lead arrived late in that quarter at 34-14 on an Ivie three-pointer. Wilh 5:09 left in the game Marina had a 31-point lead, 69-38. The win was Marina's second straight in Sunset competition and certainly the easiest. T h e Vikings beat Santa Ana Valley earlier In Lhe week, 61-50 . \Vhen Baird fouled out with four minutes_ left in the third periOO, the Vlkes didn't slacken their pace, Mosier swished two long jumpers and Moen's shot made it Sl-33. ""'""' '"' Jani• All• 1411 • •• ·~ ... 11•11'11 ~" .... N ... mann D1vldS«1 TOI l b """"• • ' 1 24 • ' 1 22 •• 0 0 1 0 I 1 l I 4 1 1 ' 0 ' • 1 2 11 :ur1i. .lilutlo :>.1blrl ~··· "'' NDOCl!n!tll "~ l romwr 51~1e ... " " Ill "" 2 l 0 1 5 I 2 11 2 1 J l JD n I• 1t Tor11, ' 0 ' ' ' ' ? 1l 1 0 I 1 2 0 ' 4 1 I I ' I I 2 1 t 1 ? I 191120'' ICIA .,. Owrtw1. 16 11 23 22-1' 10 112 u 1)......11 . ' .. , Huntlll~·p>lled • neat SI.I per<enl for the aame while lhe 1osera were, Ill.lo warm, makln& 47.t pen:ent - mool1y r...n IJ.IS feet oulllde. 1Whtea the OIJera unloaded lt wa!'l ~ to behold. Bruce Wiie came oU the 1in<h to .replace Tony Bon'Well, -...JJo ..neroc1 • lash DI lbl lorebead, and bit thrte crudals from outside while Mike Contrera finally found himself and rip~ through the PiOl'le9f' defense for 14 big last half.points. HunUngton zipped to a 47-43 lead after three quart.en with Contreras, Mark Whitfield and Wise doing the damage, plus an assist by Western with some costly turnovers. Then IUddenly it was all over. The Orange and Black's fast brtak got 'Uncor)i.ed for two buckets Jn 49 seeoQC!.s ls Whitfield popped in one basket and Contreras whistled through for the other to "'maRe it Sl-43 with 7:11 to go in" the game. Western 'whittled the deficit to seven, S7·50,· with '4:41 to go. But the winners ran 'it back to 11 points (61-50) with 3:32 showing on the clock. At that point the Oilers went into a control game w!UJ victory safely in the archives. Tonight they travel . to Newport for the next to last-match of the first round of loop hostilities. Action starts at 8. Hu•tl .. '-' (41) Conlrera1 Miiier N~llllekl llotl-11 ··-... ,, fl Ill "" • 1 2 2l 2 1 ' 5 J l I ll l • l ' ' 2 2 u * • 2 ' w ....... !16) "'""~ Rf/'ltrtr ....... Prifl'I Nt'Hrd = c.ra · . Tola\1 !1 ll 11 ,, Tot.II .. n Ill It • ! 0 u J 0 3 ' ' • 2 • 0 1 3 I • ! 2 " 3 l I 1 • • l 0 J • • 1 601236 _,,_ --H 21-..10 u 15 u Suh Winter ' Helps Gauchos To 58-57 Win SAN DIEGO -l\fike Winter came off the bench in the second half and pulled down 10 rebounds to help push Saddleback College to a S&-57 victory over the UC San Diego frosh here Friday night. The Gauchos play at Southweslfrn JC tonight. Gaucho coach Roy Stevens summoned the 6-5 Winter when starting center Marc Hardy turned an ankle three minutes into the second half. Friday's hair-raiser was the third game in three nights for Saddlebac.~ but Stevens' outfit had just enoUgh endurance at the end to pu11 it off. UCSD made the l a s t bucket of th e game and the Gauchos killed the ball for the final six seconds. Bill Noon, who scored 22 points, made four of them in the final minute. Sad· dlebac.k is now 6-10 for the season. Sad•~ UI) '"' ~··~l'I(· >lttdY ""'trill ,_ Ninrer Ncl-.c.n ,, ""'"" I 0 I I l J Ju l • ' • I I 0 l • • 1 22 l l l J I o D 2 ucso .. ,._ 1511 ,, " !If "" IC~llJOll 2 I 0 5 CG!lf\fllr 1 o 1 2 -r'lff JJl15 Kr-lll1 Grt90N ' o 0 17 Turner 1271 F-l•f'IO I I I 2 l(end111 l l I ' T~!tl• lS I 11 JI Talal1 2J II P 57 H•ltllmt 1rcor•= ucsD J.I, Saddtebadc 11. Basl<:etball Standings SUNSIT LIEAQUE w ' .. Huntlntlot1 llttcll ' • "' W•119rn • ' "' Allal!tlm • ' "' M•rlna ' ' m W•lmln1t•r ' ' "' N.......,r1 t+erlw ' • uo San I• •M • • 2M $.anll AM Vt!lfr • • '" ........ --Mlltlnt ,., Sant• ...,,. " Hunllf!tlll!\ llMdl ,,, W•'9rfl l6 Wt1lmlM!tr ... H-rl •1 .liMl!llm 74. 1A Valltr 5' TllftNr'I ·-Hvntl"'kwl IH<h at Santi .lint Vatlfll W••"'"' al Mtrln• Antlltl"' at Newpor! AN•ILUS Lt:•OUI w ' .. "· Anll'IOll1 ' • '" ~--"" • ' •• Servl!t ' ' "' ... ' • • '" "· ... ' ' "' Ill~ 4rnal • ' '" P'rlday'1 Sew• Mai,or ~I M", S.IV!lf •I Plu1 I( J:I, lll'lhel> .lil'Nt U St • .linltlonV M, St. Ptul 311 " '" "' "' ,., "' ~· "' "' .. u •• '" '" •• '" lltV!Nl Ll4GUI: COt'O!'I dtl Mlf MttNllll Lotra Est1nc!1 F()U~!lln Vtlll Y Costa Mt1a • ' ' ' ' • • ' .. 0 ,., 0 16' ' •u ' ,. l I)] ' m PrlHr'• lctr111 Coron• !It\ Iii•• 56, C.Osta Me~ " MallnoUa ., EslilllCll 41 Lo.ra 71, Founl1ln Valley 51 WedM9Nr'1 Oa!MI M•enollt •I Coron• HI Mu CO$la MtH at L~r• £5'.rKla al Founl1lll ValtY P'IUIWAY 1.IAOUI! "' Sunrtr H!111 ,M_ LI H""a 111«1• P1t11; 5aYtn ... Litwell Fullttton W L Pf" I o •II J I 1121 ' ' "' ' s 1'1 1 t lSS 1 • 410 2 • "' • 5 Jl' ~rlllll"t"t SUrt• ICe~~M~ IS, Lt Hobrt 51 Lowell 11. Savannt 11 Troy II, Sunnr Hiii• 4' ... llDIN GltOVI Lt•ou• G•tcl"" Grov1 S..O.nl!tfO Vf L ,.,. I I 14.4 1 o UI 1 1 !It .. '" '" '" ·~ '" '" .. "' "' "' '" •• "' "' "' " " "' •D The Rams pick No. 21 for their own choice, but have Detroit's pick, No. I. and Washington's. No. 10. Buffalo, with first choice, \\'ill tab 0. J. Simpson. Last choice coe.s to the New York JeL , the champions ol lhe world. Lions Saved by Bell, 68-67 llol1• Grandt lttm:hll Alam1101 Lt Oulnlt Pacir1<1 1 I lot 0 1 112 0 1 "' f'rlihJ'I SciH'n Gttdtn Gni"" n. Aan<ho •i.notll91 » llo!,. Gr•nOt U, P1Clllu 4' S1nll110 n, L1 Oulnl• '' '" "' , . ,. __ By ROGER CARLSON OI t111 o.itr PMllll Stll! It all dependi oo just whit side you happen to .be sitting on u lo how you feel when discussing the nerve-tingling ea.47 Westminster High victory O\ter Newport Harbor Friday night In 1 Sooset League basketball test at the fonne.r'!'l gym. ff you happen to be wearing lht Red and Black of Westminster II was a hard-won loop victory oU the heroics of Jeff Powers (29 polntsl and the clutch errorts o1 Darryl llel'J (Ill. . Bllt if you were on lbe Blue 11nd Gray side, it wu prolpibly ont of l h e most heart·brukin& defeata Jn tt:CC1nt limell. . ' . Newport, whk:h bad batUed back lrnm an ti-point deficit In the third periOO, apptared to win it at the buzzer with a spectacular ball"°'1rt swisher by Paul Holmes. But oHiciala rule;( no basket ori lhc play a n d Newport Harbor dropped Jt.,, fourth straight circuit \'entict. Westminster (2-3) had appeared to ha\·e had the game salted away with 37 seconds to go and a 68-63 lead. But the lnvlders came back with four qui ck polnts via Lee Haven \o get clo!e and then 1ot ooie lut shot al the buzzer off a mWed Westmlnat.er frte. \brow, Haven Md olarled the nl9bt oll like he owned the pla<!>!, W>klng n~·pdlnts In the firlll quRrtet. · • · However, the Wllstminstcr 1aggin1 ( defense, teyt'd by Dan Broderick, check· ed Haven effectively through the second and third p1riods and the Sailor act finished with 23. Coach Ben Taylor's Uons broke inio the lead In th< lltCOOd period spm<lf by Btrg's orrtmJve efforts and Powers took O\"er from there to teep the Lions In the ~.,for the rest of the way. Oroderict added 16 fOr the. wlnnt~. W..IMIMlill'IMI """~ ·-· ........ ""' =,.....,. , ... < .. """. J ' •• t I 1 II ' ' ' " 1 I I I ' ' I ' I 7 If 2'ltU'f ,........, """" (µ\ .. "Ill .. 1 I l I ' ' J 10 llJl)J ' 4 • 1l ' ' s ' ' . , ' 111117tl IMU""" ....~. ,,_ tccitt Lln1hlld'I ..., '"''~ CllllTVllW Ll.AOUI FtolhlH illl Cill'!leflle Vll!a Pat11; Mlulon Vleio .. ....... TUlllft W L PP J I ., I 1 .M1 ' "' J ' )91 ' ' "' ' . ... ' s ,J.I LnllN ltKll ...... ' , s • .. ,.,,.,.. k- Ml11lon Vltlo .. , L-111 El ll«ttNI M. FOOIPllll Jt VUlll P-~. °''"'" 41 $aft Cle~ n, fllf7ln 7t ORANOI. LIAGUI W L "' 1Ca"11• • Sll .... • l :;,~ $ldllletlle~ • 1 l" Fl Dorl~ l 3 lH LOii AIMlllOI l J 1'1 ~ 1 • P• Vl!fnda l 4 IJl Loe Al'tlilot 0 • 171 l'rlh,'I ~ El dortdll .,, L°"'f.n\19M "1 Sadf'ltlltctl IS, ~ Altmtl111 oG !fMtl\9' '9, ~· JI l rM SJ. Vtllt!!ellr Iii .. '" m .. "' "' "' "' "' .. .. •• Jll • "' "' ,.. ~· "' • • • ' • ' ' • ' • • d h y y d c s e It e • II • !- • ' ' " ' " • ' • " • An Old-time Gwbetrotter Bob '!S6owboat"' Hall , ooe o! the featured perfonners for the Harlem Globe- trotters, will be on hand when the Trotters play at Anaheim Convention Cen- ter Thursday night, Feb. 6. Hall has been a Globetrotter for 20 years and has ;played in over 4,000 games. Tickets for the game are on sale at the Conven- tion Center box office. Baron Five Fades, ,_ Suffers 71-56 Setback Fountain Valley High School dropped ltl third straight Ir- vine Leaiue basketball test Friday night with a 11·56 de· cision to vi.siting Loara. Loara, after an opening loss to Corona del Mar in loop act· Ion, now stands t.l . And the chief reason is a U, 230-pound center by the Sunset Tilts On Tonight's Cage Slate Sunset League basketball 1amea are ln order for Oran1e Coast area team tonight with Huntington Beacl\ at Newport Harbor and Marina a t Wes .. ster. After wading t h r o u g h Western Friday night, Hun· tinfton wUI be going after its sixth stral1ht loop triumph of the year and will also be trying to keep a 32·game league win streak a I i v e 1gainst ~and-down Newport. Other teats in loop action are Anaheim al West.em 111d Santa Ana at Santa Ana Valley. All 1ames are set for a p.m .. The Western-Anaheim clash Is-a batllt of survtval for the Sunset League crown held by Huntington Beoch. The Oller•, with a 5-0 mark. leod both Anaheim clubt ~Y a full 1ame and a loes by elth· er Anaheim or Western will seriously damqe the loser's title hopes. name of Ralph Redington who completely dominated the Barons from start to flni!h. Coach John Kasser !amen· ted lhat his club's' inability to contain the Saxon cent et. Key to the game came at lhe conclusion o£, the third period when the hosts broke a 4MI Ue with four easy points just before the buuer. From there Loara took com· mand and coasted home. free . Leading the Fountain Yltley attack wu Gary Valbuena with 18 points. Valbuena was outstanding for the losing Barons on the offensive boerd!. Area Sports -. Calendar Monday Basketball -Mlasion Viejo vs Tustin at Foothill (1). Tuesday Basketball Huntington Beach at Santa Ana Valley, Weatern at Marina. Westmln11ter at Santa Ana {all at 3:15), Anaheim at Newport Harbor (7), UCJ at Fresno State. CX:C at Chalfey,·Cltrus at Golden West (aU at I ). Sw!mmlng -UCSD 11 UC! (3 ,30). WrtStling Huntington Beach at Santa Ana Valley, Western ·•l Marina , Westmfnlter at Sanll Ana (all at 3~15), Riverside at OC::C, Santa Ana at Golden \Vest (both II 7,30)_ Wedneoday Wrestling -4'naheim at Newport 1{11bor (8). Prep Mat Results Vlf'lllV S.~ ClllN~lt IMI tt -A1~brook (VPl; .. , 1Q6....M1tc111 !SCI •lnr.ell (VP); 2'01 IU -Smit~ (VP'! W0<1 bY ,.,.,ell 111 -Hvtl'>ta (VPJ cite. C1iv:lff ($(l1 ll·t 1.111 -V1n Z1ndt (SC) d«. ~ (VPI; :HI 1)6 -"-n~•t.r (SC) Pl!\ned Ollt (VP)J l :ll , UI -Htrntl'Mltt f5C) pinroed llldl {VPli l :OO U1-S"41tll/Clt !VP) Cl«. AndtrlOll !SCJ1 12·1 U1 -llllU (VP) dfc, H!um1n11 {5(1; w ,., -lll11r (SC) He. Sc~rnlltou (VI'!/ 1.0 171-1••"" (IC) Jlnlltd MelC•ru.lt IVP)I l :U IN -CMmotll (IC) 11111\111 T~r­ (V"l1 ;oil HY -Til<Wnl•Oll fVP') 1ll'llMCI lt.0> ~•o ISC J1 1:'4 Vtri.1'1' ti -Dol111 (M) 1ln"'4 Ptdlllem ISAI; l:,1 lN -lttzltr CM) d!c. Frledma11 fSA l; 7·2 llJ -Wl lClvk {M) dee. McMulltll ISAJo H 1n-oui.,..., (M) drJW l •nol 1s.-.1: 1.1 t»-G1"'11rt [M) Plnntd Womm1ck (s.-.11 1 :lO U& -Htv" CM) pinned H~mi111 (SA)I S:4.I l'I -Mcllttl'IOldt !Ml p I" II e d llrownln1 !IAll 1:11 1•1 -O.rrJOn (Ml dee. AlllOI !SA)J M 117-lrodl11t (~A) dtc. 5m.er1 {M)I ,_, !H -Or•-· {M) dK. &icon (SA)J .., 111 -Abbco!t (M) -~ fomlt 1H ..... M\H?h'I' (M) •l1111td IWd!tr> .... 1111 {$Ali :!ii HY -Vonwt0 (M) Wllll bY' !«hit Jlllfllll' V•""Y UJ Sftlll A11t ft -trwlfl ff,\) 1IM1d lll'I' (SAii ,n 18' -Cart., (Ml 1lnlled 'rlftll. 11111"1 !SAll l~«t !U -Weta-rt< (Ml cite. S1olll1ll (IAll M Iii -tlCl iMI cf«:, '91a (5Al1 » Ill -... ,.._ (Ill) dK. ~nrlll (51.)J ... Tlt -Vitti HO!il (M) Mt. Gtrfm cs•11 u 141 -O.rHN11 fM) OK, l.,ltr (5A)I ... 14 -DIWlne (SA) 4*. HtnOtr- 10" IMJ/ .. , UI -H<:lwt !Ml -lly '9mlll 161 -l ul!ver (Ml won n tort11t 11' -Jtr111l11t1 !Ml -W !Otttlt , ... -... rl'leld'I HV -l1lrf1' (Ml -n '-ftll ••• •I I I 1• ······I •t •• •• e. I I I I It. e6 ••••••• 6. I I ••••••••• _,,., ••• I •II~ •• • ~ OPENS FRIDAY-JAN. 24-IN ANAHEIM !~ : FRI[ 'Jihl"t l1c~l1 I S11111lio"tl Hig~ Di•t it1!1 I M1ny Ft1t.r1 Ql1,l1.,1 ef 1! • 0, Fl1hlt1t Tripi t1 All Sp•11t• 1JlU1 other 'Ch1m,l1n' Fhhlnf T1cH1, C.1T1,lt1t, • : Ki~1 16·16 1111 J111. 24 Stitt I W1t1r Acti 11 4 I I flJM 6 u111, A,11rtt. V1c1tlen1 • • • • • • • • • ..._.. ,,,.SPORTS 11 VACATION SHOW #Ifs .. --' RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHDW SEE THE ..... ---iii a!. .__ --- • ••••••••• ' . ----~-------~----- trti..• Win . . -\ , Lombardi's Shots IUJUL Writers' Feed ., .. Dtmenktll11l -fenl•"'l!I Tickets on Sale .. ~= Orfl~Mn • LtmlMi,,_t Tickets for the Southern ''"" California Baseball Writers lOl•I• bl.nquet are now 1valla"ble 'at the Anaheim Conv en ti on Center box olflce. Tickets for the Feb. I event at the Center art priced at l3l each. Entertainer& lined up so far by the writers are Bill Cosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Pot Bllll'wn and Barbara McNair . Ni!lko.,..I Sllul!i , .. Mint go> OtWteM '" Grl!U~ Guthrie NIChOI\ To!tlt e PHONE 646-1933 • .,_ '"'"' ,_,., . \. l COSTA MESA GUN ROOM 1666 NEWPORT llVD. -COSTA MISA B•nkAmeric1rd • fn1t1nt Credit OPEN 7 DAYS A WUK firtttont SUNDAY S·ALE! J1nu1ry 26th 1 Special Rack TIRES (Limited Sizes) 1/1. OFF 23" Major Brand-1 only COLOR TV s199oo Huge Discount All on APPLIANCES •Dryers •Washers •Freezers . e TV • Refrigs • • Stereos • Phonos • Radios -FIRST COME ••• ARST SERVED - No Money Down No Payment tll June 1969 Sunday Only, Jan. 26th · Coria Mesa Newport leach 475 E. 17th St. '46-2444 Monday· Friday I 1.m •• t p.m • FAVORITES Httltlltl tM '"'' N'11ff· •'-'' ,.lit ~ tlie DAILY PH.Of .. rtt.t MM ef .. , Me•f ,..,.ftr '•.tWtllfl• 1fl4 .......... ,. .. ,. .. '"" ..... ,.,., .. .... u.w ........ ------------------------------------------------·•••·---MM--·-M--••-••-•••••MM-MM,MO,MO'•-M---·------·-·---....._ --.. _. ......-.-.--~ -._..__. .. I I •• • ---·-----~------------·------------- I DAILY. I'll.OT Poland Suffers . From Flu Wave . WARSAW, Poland (AP) - The nu. epftlemic is growing tn Warsaw and newspapers --iiport-tbafLmOf! than"""M Per- cerit of the pupils in s o m e schools are in bed. • l Z'ycie Wamawy (Warsaw Life) said doctors have treat· ed 11.,000 cases since the week· end. l'o Head Paper WASlllNG'ION (AP)--Paul R. Ignatim, teemary of the N"'l' In the Jolmaoo adminis- tration, bu bem IUIDl<l:I "''"" dtnl' If the Wl!bingtm Post, ·oolJ morning new1p0per in ·_!be Dillon's ·capital. DEATll !VO'l'ICES GILMORE Su&.111 Siii...,. GI'""". A" ff, lit 6U Otdllll St., Co'°"' dd MM. Dile lit 4Mlfl. J1-ry IJ. 5ul""¥fwod lw 11)11, Joi. S. Gllm1w•, SKr1"*'tlff1 llflCle, JoM s. Pnlrotl«. o1 catlllled, Calif. S.Vlcam·wlU bl hlld SurlN,-, J111Ufiry 16, J· PM., ll11tz Ch..t. JSIO E. '°""' Hl9hw.,., Col'ONI dtl Mir. Wvlc:u wm CO"Cluclli Ill <M1111L Farn!IY ,... ,.....,. ~ wlll'll,. '9 1n1U rntmOI'· 111 -.trilloutkwl.. ''".. contrlbutlff • fht HMM1 Pllflll.. llalfK MeftlMry, DI-_..... JENNINGS °""" JtMlftsL ~ u. 9f 1115 FllWW st., C.t. #MM.. D1t1 .. deaffl, .11111111'1' i'-s.nia. """'1,,.. Wiit· clltf Cll...i Mllffllery, .....-.. PRICE Vitll Prieto, G2 1Jlh st,. H""llntlwl aNdl. Su"'lved _,. hl,llbllld, HDr.ce; -.. Elrl, o1 Fl\ll'ltlin V1U.,., 11111 How1flll , H\lflflflPWI lletdl. l"'!Mr, E1rl MCCor*leJ •Lltlr, Glld'r1 MY· .,.., tDlll' •rlnfdllldlWI 11111 nwe ll'Ml ... rt1nddlllllr111. JI.Mery, SuncllY _.,,._ 1:a PM. 1t. .. 11i.m MeSl, MlllldtJ", t AM, SS S\.._ t. Judt ClltlDllc CPlllrdl. 1n1.....-, GMd ,,,....... C~ry. lmlffl1 Mortll· wy, Dlrec;fllrs. SMITH ,_ .. A. 1m1111, Sr. Aet 71, ol 117~1 Olwtl\lllllo Drlwt, WH!m!n•~•. 0.lt •I •"'-J_,,.,., 21 Sunlwlld toy -· I.NII A. Jr.1 d11.19hter, Mn. Stttv Leu Wl'lllfltld, Mn. Sue Cit•· 1111 ind t.\rl. N1ncv J un McC1!1: two ~ -all19r; llwttl ,,,,,. chi,..,,_ ChloPll urvkft Ind lnl!!r· rnlllf, ~'I', 10:)0 AM, WH!m1Mler Mlirftwtll P1rtt Mortu1ry Ind Cttne- ........ Wll""INtlli' ~I P1 ... MDrtulry, Olrttlon. BALTZ MORTUARIJ!S C... Ml Mar.OR S.NSI C.UM"" MI~ BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 llrMdway, Cotta Mesa uwm • DILDAY BROTHERS B~olley J 1711.1 lleac:lt Blvd. DaUqlmlleadl 111-7171 p ACIJl'IC VIEW . llEMOlilAL PARJI 'Ctll l'*t • llortlar)' Qopd .·--Vlow-ftlil .. I -· CallfGnla - • llMlTll't MORTUARY 117 Mm SI. e..tlopolludo Lii: MAt WlllJOJn' MOR1VAllY ., & l'lll 111., o.to -- Sa,lllf'dl1, J.ainull')' 25, 1%t \ Rnill''CF ...... _, ..... ,. Sift. ....... ... -"'co:t~:.i: !It ' ,,. "PRO'' TOOl'llllUSIB ) .... 0,. I All 1110 Pl-7 IJln.a Week dAL-~ LOOSEWF ' CIUS "flllilir'' . -• ••• firf,.it nc 111 ........ -1! ·-1a1& • . • . + I I "R•ilar'' · _, -lllCS ••• Ur to l ... ' Im relie ii every .. . _:Glacl Wrqp, S••wldt&FHIWii;· I-Cfl•·Plntic 2so-...49c · . ''~ill'' TAIUJS , , ,fir fast 1'111 11111 I.JS a· sc Filler Paper , "Modern Math" ~~·.~~ 2il .OD ~~·Le~~ Blue Canvas Binder - lrilll WP -3 11111. looseleaf •I .. ..w ..... .I ii" ... trill --· 4klllolU ll"Contac" CIU CAPS..U ••• All d.1 -.. •jll .., r"" ..., 99c tt11est101 ~•e lt colds. .. lell . "Brillo'' SOAP PADS Su,111! ....... •Jt!ln.tll 100'• 77c fJllcit-.er. ,;,. !~~~.!.~ •3i~l: ·'""' naui•1 coajls of l 29 !!=:'!!:::::::~!!!!~::: mids ftst!- --· .-1.11 .... ~-•• 3-RiQg Bi~r •11n.a.t11• ••• ~ a,- acily. --. OUratofl sgc ,1astic covers ia assorted • ,.,........ . Steno Books' ·· ........... SlllllllU. . • • • 61!11 r1le on 1reea or 33" wkire ~ -stitt •d 1111- ~0¥i!f!, ••. Yow !o'ioi pdol "' just M<i<ed horn Hotlald. Plant J10W '°' ' color!~l &ardeft. 2 ..... 1.00 (~ "YIYA" Rug lDla wuriltg 100% r&yOll, «ela1t pile it ....i --· "'"" ""'"' 15 88 llOHMI ~· Wonderful val11e 1or · tamitJ "'°"'• di111ng rtiom, etc. • "CAMERO" Rug Strong, tbJrdy rtf of 100% to11lim.1011s 24 88 l1llmt!nl:nybl pile it two4ooe rolorcom· tunatioJts and 111111ti<okr combinaUons. • "VIVA" Rug Runner 2417r M'lf W/Mlll·skid blcl_llelps ID Jfe3erYI! llli'f CMPel lroia WUI' & dirt on ltle'nst til'l!ltd areas. 111. 2.31 1. 98 BGCk-to-School-College pa~y1es u01Es,. '·'Satittette" - 111111.•-'100% ., ...... jJldte rladt te& lrief i~ ~It! ldll1 ~tll CllkwL llH-ISlm -•t1·lk 2:1.00 GllLS' Panties "" "°" 1m mlll libl witli e!Ati: lep llld llld.i• ....te4 °*" ittloio1 ·M1I -Slhllh ll J:t~oo ~n11e D' ·11e fl'' SIWI llLL ti x IYI rs 1'1 ~ ~·.~.; 'Pillli5.:.J.hole,Blhxl l" , "I tdorpl111, sire tor 1oost1e.i1 aotebooU. 23c 2 29c ,libs • "'°""' colGn. Ptt· • , o1' forilell labels included. Thrive 12·6·4 LIQUID F~ITILIZEI ... FOl'llllllalM far Wtdern 1oil wi~ ~ .. B·I -m ggc .lltimDl&t! n:d l'UW&i• Ill fyjles ol pl>lls. Clllll , WOllMAN'S Lunch Kit •1..,.1r1r11WlflS ... lii' si_ze 1~1 me_t1I 2 29 l!HIC~ baX Witt! pint Sllfl ~acuum llottte i1eluded. • KAZ "Si11Sizer" Adult Vaporizer s~ concentr1ted steam -e:t· tnl hHI plas inl!mll vapor. Brings ~uiek R:lief by llelpiq to Ol!t!n tlogged 1es11ir1tory p1ss11111s. 6 95 FIEE l1Ulnt iKllf. 111111,,ltt If , •••• ,. 1 Dog Coats 11111 Clllst ,,,_ ••• -. .... -. ...... . .... """' ~ .... ' "Rawllide" Bone Gionl sin, 1111i lee! lido ~·~~ • 11"" .... 1.29 Love Beads Dag Lead ... ,..c.i .... -Colofof ~S.0,-dO. ~·/~saletycin,. _,)Nil lille.. '-'10~1T.gec . 3gc PlATIIX Self-AdjlSli1g "Tampons" ~ Kegul• ~super IJlhnf!I 1.15 "Ban" IDLL·DN Deadorall Wltl lltit1 S•1lHHS ••• ggds l~t softAess of yol!I' i;ki~. 1.31 21> ... Si11 ____ ,. Graatlllll Pel!IJ's "Glycerine & Rosewater'' Fm-t me beautiflll ml ,..., sott u ~ llO oil Clf lf'IS!. 1.51 16 IL Silt 11 Kep" Td SW. Rucuer ----· ss1 ...... saltly. -, ... ftih:r, llritflter ••• I Mdse'""" ,.. ..... lit llln 1111 I ' ' ' "Formula 44" g:i~1111 1us1 1n 1l11H/112"1res11p-,111 .• 1 .. C:we--1n1_~nn.1eo811111•1 ·CIUCI llSCS ••• Oissotl'ing 79c tablets in Mndy fGil wra~d ::hstabs"::c on COTY Originals :1:i:sro::~ 1 59 Skin Care Products ,, ..... 11r 8ioJri "'' • lllS13ll tlakt-1(1 Re1ner'Pals . -1-• DilCIOll"" 11 Coils """·-Vaporizer fer Total Ski• Care -.. ~::;-: 125 •• ltt.151 .... • ~-· ~ [J! Make-• .... ~I~ P1d$ NOW 75c ~- Fluid Moisturizer Freshener Pits ~1~25" 3.51 % IL Siu I.II 4 u. Sitl 1.75 2.50 C.DTY Vitamin A-D . •tel Cream or Vitamin Moisture Balancer- 3.511tL 5.114 IL a #1221 - 1 p lkm ~ity .•. g hour I opntiol tritll a11mmatic shut-oH. Helps to rtlievt !illus dis- 1.75... 2.5Da ""1ort -,...... 3 29 I p13sa1es -soat~e ., ""It. lfC. J.19 • ·"Luxuria" CLEANSER-BEAUTIFIER g· · · l.11 S tf. S.1111 If. IJl<ical1s ..r belutihlS 1 50 ·2 ·50 I "COOl.-SPIAY" Humidifier-Vaporizer " '.'Hidden Magic" ~I K it cleaflses. i.JJS• c1ously rid!, fr1grant • • "Luxuria" HAND CREAM . Makes tbe basi~t of Urids soft. srm~ 1 50 tm!y to h:ild. 3.11 11 tr. • COTY Falcon Mist . Jut "' t>iq "'flu! -..,_ teeli~ .at pire femiainity -L'Ai•tt q 50 -L-.ipt .. EMft• L. u. II PllCU rft'llft, Wt llli fin Wt. llli -y I-llJlllSIAY ·NAii SPUY ••• lfew-imprvved! TM·t~ ... , ;,,.._" 119· lloiU Em c..troL l~tl 11 IL Sin • DRU: S~ORES I "Clairal" SUllPPf .... --~ ... .... for !"""" ..... ... .,. ""' "' liot .. llllliq gac --. I.II I IL 1111 "Sty Ix'' -9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. 1 DAn..A - NEWPORT lEACH 1121 J"'-.. Wfff'dlff ,._. HUNTINGTON BEACH ..... _ . .._. HUNTINGTON BEACH 1111 UCllll •.. Will -"'Will -.... "" .. ::' ... ~ 6&c IUsqcl ,._...,. ... 1111.'Sla • .... & ..... .... • • I • • ' L • • • r---------------------------4 _____________ .. ____ -·~-------··-·---·-·---------,-.......,,,...-~- • ' '· ' ' .)·~ , 2-IWDTOf . l!IMIDIA Tl DW'lllY Cl"mtc:ICl71' Fiii 'PllCE ROAHUNNER HEADQUARTERS /( { WW..L.l. WHY PAY MORE '-------.. ------·------ .•ELVEDERE . '_: : ' . ' .. ~ ...... _.......~··· .....,.. ll9fttw •W•Zf ,.,... .. ......__...._ ........... ,.... ............. ._.....,. llUll,ElltlM. i:.t.cfOAT LIST tM1t , IMMEDIATE DEUVnT + Ttr. •net Lic- .. s59 DN: MO •• ".iio"*lls ~ tu & tic. lo lln,_ciw.. lw • flllll . .,.. _.... """"' • · • . C.liblllt F.un1hn1 or Sclllt!lwt«.1'\111111111 BELVEDElt E WAGON IMMEDIATE DIUVllT DN. MO. +' Tu'W Ullll'M ,..,l'fll!"l,,lflc.'~1~1F. J::in.~.,.~~ nflt HAND NEW '69 VALIANT I ' IMMEDIATE 'IUYllT f'llll'I' _..,., -.-. "'--· ... ~ WIMn, """''~ 1"""*"-l!'Oftf~ -....... ,...,,..., ~ ........ Miii.,~ .... Yw "'llt1, \ILJ\Aflllllltt.. + Tt•..., Li-.. , DN. MO. ..... "*""""' ~t. ~i..::.-iu;.:.i~~ awdll F E A~ES OF NEW ~5 TO CHOOSE FROM ROADRllNER HEADQUARTERS " I '69 RQAORUNNER . USID LOW LDW MIUS. TQC-117 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $80 cln. $80 mo. $·2377 • P'mh . lr'ld. l1x I. lit. filrf' M ,.,._ .., _ .. atot!f $877 l'tv1 Tax & Uc. $29 Monthly $29 Down l '83 TRIUMPH '83 v.w. ll-H -l llld, ICIW •11 s577 P1u1 !•• & Uc. $19 Down l $19 Monthlr '8& SllCA •c11tr., •-'t -4 "'4. GMX flt ~ ~· .... -'-'· a.111. s377 ,.~· lr:· $4 77 '~· l~:· $13 Dow• & $13 Monthly $16 Down l $16 Monthlr 11'1.IJI ·TU I. LJCEHSI $16 Doj..·' $16 Monthlr '82 SUllBEAI IUU PRICE Any Used C11 With Gold Sul "' 100°/o GUARANTEE GOOD FO• lDD DATI O• 4,DOO MILIS WHICHEYH CDMIS NS1 At no cost to you -Parts or llbor on motor, transmialOfl ind rear tnd. This 11111 states in writing tkat lee Whitt guarantees the motor, tr1n1mission tnd ree r end 100% aoain1t defects for 100 days or -4,CXIO miles, whichever comn first 1ft er purchase. FOR ORANGE COUNTY WHY PAY MORE ---------'---------------~~-' ' I I I I I , JI DAILY PltDT Hello once aaaln, boys and &irll, and welcome to another Sablrday morning in Uncle Lta'a Corner. How aboul all I.hit rain last -t. huh! II didn't five yoo kids llltldl to do outside, did it! But one thing you can ~ even on a rainy day, is write in to Uncle Len. WE HAD JOme real nice drawings thil week. but not too many followed the wtti.'s theme or historical charactel'1. Remember to read t h e previous Saturday's column, boys and girls, before you Mnd 1n your art contest en- tries. (j And speakJng of themes. nut week's will be Ground Ho1 Day, which is coming up on Feb. z. This ls a truly American holiday that began back in Punxsutawney, Pa., and tells us that if"the ground,------------------------------,! hog sees his shadow on that day, there'll be six more weeks of winter. He'd have a hard lime seeing it these da)'I, wouldn't he? THE LOUSE I wu cleanlna: the house When in came a IOll.R ; I told him to get out And be hit me in the snout ; J tcrUmed for my ma And be laughed, "Ha, ha." * PRIZE lflNNER This week's contest winner is John Torian, 9. 1701 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach * Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's An Contest. Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, .white paper 51h inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace , picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail ii to Uncle Len's Ari Contest, Box 1560, DAILY Pll.OT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. But when my ma said "Get,"L---------------'--------------'I You lhould have seen him split. Costa Mesa; Matthew Lewis, 10, Newport Buch: Lisa Gates, 11, -South--Laguna·;- Dntlle Morrison. ll, Costa Mesa, and Clndl Rowland, 12, Huntington Beach. -c11111, • ...,.1111, tt. H""'tllll,_.._. HONORAJ3J.;E-mention win· ner1 in Ulla week's art contest art: Shannon Dtvil:dson, 8 1,J , THE VAMPIRE I'm a vampire that sleeps at day; When mortals are out, in my coffin I lay : A crucillx will burn me; my fangs I use to bite You on the neck, but may I advise, Don't give me a fight; I'm dead bUt, alas, I'm alive And on your blood I'll thrive: A stake through my heart will kUI me. But I advise you don't try it and see. it. ._... Mlt ....... -.. llVIMH LMI .. 1 .. Uhl ll~!I MtN. ,....,... .,,,..., .... tlM ........... ," Ill '" ...,., •114 ...,.. _,.., M911 ,..,, -•r '"" Ill Unct. LM. ... 1ut <•• ..... C.lf. .-~~~-~rof ~ ~orn~~~~~- RIDDLES AND JOKES * PRIZE WINNER Dear Carol: How do you get a squir- rel to come down out of a tree? ·,nu• .->!!I '~V :.1eM.suv -CiMy l•wl1"" lt. 1312 ln1111 Ori,,.., Mll!lllM!llon .. -c_ Dear Carol : What's the easiest way to double your money? .,, PIO~ : J•MSU\f --Mll'll tMr1111. t, N-rl ltac~ Dear Carol : How can you avoid falling hair? ·A•M •l,f4 fO '"° dUlnr :JeH.IU'f -HIM MIM, lWI. Msntlnttt~ lttcll Dte.r Carol: \Vhen does a farmer bury his seeds? ·•1p A•l.f' Utl.fM :.1tMIUV -(M Mllll i.ullmltt..t) Crossword Puzzle 46 follo• .~ .. 41 Sl1t1 YtSl«d•'• Pttzzle Solved: • .50 fleuon for baby powder 52 Air: C..b.-,, ••ltlply " ... .. ,, ... cl.ti .51 Tool •• l•b1ts or 1'1• clan •z One of ttlt Plftlr•lng •rt•· M Scdn.n .. '' ri: .... l 6' AMttlc111 writtt •11M1cl111 bot tit llttNctS• MT-ls: Sp. '' .,,., oon lOS011p ln9rtdient 11 Optta so pr ... lZ. lntttt1t ~ltd bf I l) ii"J:!~. lllntklfr's """'"' l' Fln•dal 1lllt9Ml 1 U.S«nt Itel . •atlft1I 21 Fwct Z Dl1 .. 1od to Zl 1 .. 101 IMfall• dnlct ) Lltlt ZS Insects llllli UH 2l Exact 4 A•tr. ot llt•n• C1n. Lttron 27 Tit• lltllbtr rttsldent 5 R111th1c•re 21 M1vts slnlct1111 br11•1r 6 ~Ind or 29 ~Ill of ,.. lt•l•d 7 L1W 11111 )1 1111,•1 1t 111,., f11111 I lllft'a uu )Z L1ctlot ................... ., or rtflilf•s. 3) Ft. emu al ltldttri lnco•• •-•---=·-·-------,;, ), n n 112516• 3' Under flt lnfh1tnc1: Slang 40 Bit of ct11rtrvo11 busln1ss 41 ''· l"l,.lll'ft: Z-41 41 Dl1trl••ttd 45 Sert., btftl'ld .. lit at 47 Sorfildcalld 49 Sic• fttlh1g 51 IUYtt of fUNpt SJ •al&.t on 54 l'•fo• a;tln 55 Ancl111I Gttft city 56 IUgtlt: Co• ... ,. S7 Obslatlt "4,140 ... '''· S, Dttllfotol• '1 Ult 61 l{Jgor 63 Eul•1tloa S.... ,.., .,...._ t. All AMfy, c/e Or9fe C... DeJty P•et, IP 11•0. c •• ,. w... c.nt. How do lhey measatt elec- tricity? We can measure a treasure chest by its height and its width, its length and its weight. But a treasure chest is made of solid matter. Li· quids and gases are measured by the space or volume they occupy. They too are made (If matter. Electricity is not made of matter. It ls a form of energy and energy calls f or a different system of measurements. The energy of eleclriclty is itself invisible, but we can see and feel what it does. It can be triggered to light a lamp or wann a toaster. So we can measure it in tenns of the work it does. We know how to create it. So we can measure it in terms of the forces required to generate so much electrical energy. We know that wires and other substances resist electrical current. This resistance is also a unit of electrical measure- ment. And we also can measure the strength of the current in an electric circuit. Units for measuring elec. tricity, are very dUferent from those used to measure the size and weight dimensions of matter. The basic unit is voltage -the electromotive force that generates the cur- rent through a ~·ire circuit. A force ol 230,000 volts may be used to generate electricity through circuit from Niagara Falls to New York City. Your home may be wired for voltage of 110 or 220. The resistance lo the cur· rent pushed through the wires Is measured in ohm unit.-!. T h e ampere is the unit for measuring the moving elec- trons In the wire. The volt, the ohm and I~ ampett are related. One volt drives one ampere of current through one ohm of resistance. 'The volt is the pushing power, the ohm is the drag and the ampere is ihe strength available in the current. A small generator can geoerate one ampere - enough energy to light a bright lamp. The bright lightbulb re- quires the energy from about six billion-billion moving elec- trons per second. These units take care or the electromotive force that generates the current, the electrical resistance in the wire cirtuit and the strength of the current. But tbere com· es a Ume when the electrical company needs to know how · much use you have made of the power available to you. This means how much elec- trical energy you have uae:d. The basic unit for this job is the watt. An electrigl gadget uses one watt when one volt is used to drive one ampere through its wiring. When a IO ampere motor operates at 100 volts, it con- sumes 1,000 watts. And 1,000 watts make a unit of electrical power called a kilowatt, equal to 1.34 horsepower. Other elec- trica1 units are the coulomb apd the farad. The coulomb is t b e electrical charge unit transmitted by one ampere on one second. The farad is a complex ratio involvlni the coulomb and the volt. The units were named to honor persons who contributed bit by bit to the taming of the giant for« of electricity. A11esandro Volta of Italy made the first chemical battery. ~rge Ohm of Germany solv· ed electrical resistance and Andre Ampere of France pro- bed the relationship of elec- tricity and magnetism . ?.fichael Faraday of England and Augustin de Coulomb of France defined important laws of electrical behavior. _J ~ PERKINS GORDO MUTI AND JEFF O.I<..· o;ow LET'S '1'1'Y fT AGAIN! ' 1y Charita M. Schull , ,.... ...... ____ '"" CALI. "lllllRE llflMTllKfl CALL 1M RESCUE 5QllAJ)! • -NfOeTAVS Ttt!Rf ""11L IT ~NSTOl~ OVIR fVJR.Y TIIOU<IHT ..... #.AA.I( ll ·Wm4 lf.S 0"""1 MAHD._ LllC!._DO YOU lOV!. STELLA CARW:Ll, DOCTOA! .... !' >w !'\'.lit FO.J"'Tl!I!" WA~ wo1v.Fiitif,r Mt. MOtcE-?' THIS IS THANl~6EORGE'. 6EOR6E! I TMOllGH1' Yot'P I\l &E DOWN UKE 'rO k»ClW 621F 6CIPON~ IN A. MINUTE! HERE HAVING PINNE-R WITM 6lVE-n4EM A. A 'Y061NG WOMAN t PKJNIC <* ME! SPEAK UPI 'rl:ll.J SCURVY WRETCH HOW PIP VOtJ ESCAPE FROM .JAIL?! ly Ken 8alcl .... AND IF-'IOJ 00 LCM:Sfflt.A CAIM'Ll, WtfAT THfNf By John Miies By Gus Arriola PONT TIIR;N ~'ltOllN~ ~ltlF! 'SAIA :ru5T WALICEP IN •• AMP HE 1.l101CS PRllNIC! Mowever, I MAl'PEN TO KHOW nu.r HE POE5NI PRIMIC! ~o's r>i~cou,..r FlllttllTURE Co. A~""'l<e IT Yo<l .. Sl~ """'-~AVt! .' By Tom K. Ryan By Mell IN CTMIR WORDS, ml l!ITHBR PATES, PA~!5AND DANCl!5 NOW ... ·OR l!lelNG< 'THE 81!!.LI! OF 'Tr-<e I SCNIOR CmZEN'S • CLU!I. : i ' i I : l I · .f I .· l·JJ" I I I ' ' ' ' ' 1. I " ' '. I I • ---------------"-------------------------~~-··-·--··-··-----·-· --~----··-·------------------.. -ea ==A-••••,. --.... HOUSES FOii. SALE HOUSES FOii. SALi! HOUSES FOii. SALE HOUSES fOll. SALi HOUSES FOR SALi! ji°"';;.,.;';•;'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilOOOii;;iO.i;i;"";;'•;'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.;1000;;; ,Gener•I 1000Gtneral 1000 c;.,,.,., ,1000 FINER HOMES ' . W• per•n1lly chOM Iha foll ... lng 2 ioh for conitructlon ol the .. m•gnlfjcent ham.a. OCEANFRONT -Definitely the finest ocean J 'root l'ocation in Newport Beach, with a com- mandint View of the Harbor Entrance, and a panoramic View from Point F'"ermin to Av· alon. ,3 Bedrooms, dining rm, maid's rm, ffJJlily rm . White water breaking on the be.ch below -560il sq ft. Priced $250,000 Shown by appt. only. PANORAMIC BAY VIEW - A magnificent 5 Bed1·oom, 6 bath home over 5,000 sq ft. Lavishly decorated. Priced -$225,000. By appt only. * * * • • LINDA ISLE -One of the best Bayfront Buys in Newport Beach. 4 Bedrooms (or 3 & den) plus large activity room. Concrete pier k slip. A beautiful new 2-story Bay Front. OPEN SAT & SUN. 101 Linda Isle. HARBOR ISLAND-The only available home on beautlfUl Harbor Island. 3 Bedrooms, Study, large Llvlng rm, pier & .'"f· Priced under cost for immediate ..r 175,000. Appl only. BAYCREST-4 Bedrooms, a•;, baU.., formal Dlnin~ rm, Family rm, all blt·in kitchen, beautiful healed & filtered swimming pool. Corner lot with circular drive. Owner trans- ferred -will consider an offers. Asking - $68,750. OPEN SAT & SUN. 1539 Santiago Drive, BEACON BAY-A private community beach, pier, float & tennt.. court: I Dupielf, 4-2 Bed· room., $87,500: ALSO single family 2 & den or 3 Bedrooms. One of the finest built homes in Beacon Bay -$59,500 or vte will collldder .JeWllg~fme.property------- iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY Ill Dover Dr., Sult• 101 Micco Re1lty Co. Bldg. 642-8235 •, 5 BEDROOMS· $20,950 Only f150 Down -to move into thil Wat family bame. Coee to shopping, 9dlbo1I and cburchrs. Just put on the market, this one won't lul $163 ~ month t8iCMles tuts and-lmUl"-aace! CLOSE-HI DUPlEX 3 BR home &. 1 BR rental Huae master bedroom in 3 BR unil Enclosed yards. Ideal town location. $22,950 Newport If Vldorl1 646-8111 533 HOME . 5 Bedroom -3 Baths -3 Car Garage '40,900 Furnished Models -Adams at Albatross Republic Homea Ma. Verde Phone: 546-1Q77 HOME ON THE RANGE Is that what you're looking for? You can come close with this home. BeautifUI rolling hills, smog ire., thousands of acres for the kids to romp over & all only 12 miles from Costa l\fesa. 4 BR, sunken family room with wet bar, FORMAL DIN· ING ROOM & a VIEW. $33,950 for all thi.s! Saddle up & come see us for details. THE "JUST RIGHT" home for any family, especially if you like a mature, well kept neigh- borhood with TREES, and BIG COUNTRY STYLE · LOTS, friendly neighbors & lots of charm. Massive 24xl6' family room with exposed beamed VAULTED-CEILINGS, mea· --sive raised -hearth fireplace, -rich wood w'a1ls & ceiling, large country style kitchen with buiJt-ins, break- fast table, detached double garage. EI access for boat or trailer stor- age. We could go on & on. Walk to Westclif! Plaza Shopping & ALL SC HO 0 L S. Excellent financlne; available. TOTAL PRICE ONLY $26,995. Can be seen anytime. COATS & WALLACE REALTORS~ 1491 BAKER STREET W 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. ' ---------- . 'PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP 'This well planned c\lllom bullt gplit level home, offn'S space & country atmospbe~. 4 bedroom, panel!d r@Cl'e8- $16,500 ' . OllLY $1,650 DOWN B/B Under Market A Sl~ price reduction on l't~l Queen.wreath r.ow enables 1lll to otte:r YoU a choice of 2 exceptionally sharp townhouses in !Nine Vlllaa:e for onl)' $27,150 Each has 3 bedrms. Family Room wltlt complete kltch. Blt·if"IB. One is 2 stories -the other sin- &lc stoey. They will be Open for Inspection 1 to I P.M. or call our oUioe Corona Hlghl1nds Vl~ ot HUI.t 6. Canyon Laf'le Fee Simple Lot - You CM'n It. .Amp]e 1"00l'n for boat or. camper. 4 Bdrml --one ideally To· cated for Maid or In-Law. Bll ·in Humldlller. Cathe- dral Ctolllna Llvin( Room. Pllce $46,'50 Corona del Mar 2607 E. Oc-11¥4. OPIN SAT. l·S P.M. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath home located on the Bluff. Pan- oramic harbor view! ~ ••• $110,00'.I Bay & Beach l....,., loc. 2407 E. Coul H!?' .. Q1M '7W!!Ooo!!!!! 21MS WES'I'C..IFF DRIVE 546-7711 Open Eves. Gentr•I tlonal room, lower deck and ~~~I Upper balcony overlook can-:;;: yon. Excellent condition and area. $42,500. 1000 THREE BEDROOM, 1* BA111S, Built • in eltttrlc range and oven, diahwuher, forced air heat, attractive wall to wall carpet.I. Two car garage, large lot, locat- ed on a quiet cul • de -sac street. Owner mavin&" to San Dle&o and wants quick sale. The flnancin& is all set. All we netd ta your down PQ"· ment -ACT NOW! Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Le Reva "The dream" -an exqui!lte French Regency, Greek classic home custom de- signed and decorated. Fine detailing thru· out. 5 Bedrooms, panoramic view of Bay & ocean .................... $350,000. Mrs. Raulston Beautiful Bayfront Private dock for large boat -•andy beach, aood swimming. Love1y 7 yr. old 4 BR each with own bath. Huge fam. rm. Has BBQ & wet bu-will trade for smaller .. '119,000 Walter Haase Exc:eptlonol Balboa 4°Plex Each modern studio apt 2 BR, bath and powder room -always rented with good spendable income -close 'to Bay & ocean ·absent owner will consider vacant. $52,500 Walter Hasse Charmer w /Beam CelllnCJ Light & airy, 3 BRS, Lg. panelled den. library or office, which ewr you need, 2 baths, family room, 2 fire places, covered patio. Westclllf ................ $45,000. Mary Lou Marlon Exclusive -Just Offered Charming Cope Cod. 3 BR. conv. den, 2 baths, firepla ce, covered p a t i o , copper ·plumbing. Freshly decorated. Excellent Weatcliff value .. .. .. .. .. .. . $42,500 ... Mary Lou Marton Udo Isle -Just U1ted Perfect lorge f a m 11 y home on 55' lol Large patio, beautifully 11ndicaped. 4 BR & sltUng rm or 5 BR's. Near great swim- ming beach ................... $74,500 Mr•. Harvey. OFFICE OPEN SATURDAYS BAYCREST POOL HOUSE Over 2000 1q. ft. 4 bedroom &: family room 37 ft. pool A steal at $46,500. Please call for apop\ntment to see. Ex· clwilve with JEAN SMITH 400 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, Calif. 714-64f>.325S Last of the Small Spenders • * * • Attention Veterans UNCLE S.Ut wW help )'OU buy this spacl.Ous home. Three bedrool'lll, 1'4 bl.Uul. Built • In kitchen Including diahwuher. Ftrepla.ce and FI A heat Fully carpeted & draped. Located on • quiet tree lined strett is th1a mat· velo\11 buy at only $25,500. at the ca.re.free elepnt Blufia Eaile neat View of terraced tile roof top Bay 4 Oct:an beyond Pre•UCe -quality -charm In tbeae 3 BR. 2 bath homes PopUl&r lin&l• lewl beluWully decorated with lwnu1oua carpe:ta A: drapes Refrlprator I: wuher & dcyer aV&ll&ble ror $43.500 or Ba,y View at $46. 7$0 644-1133 hH 644-0233 644-0505 Newport Hei&hll area and close to everythln&;; Ea.at 17th St. and Westcllil sh~ pin&". all school& and the new Costa Me.. park. 3 Ia.rwe bedrooms or 2 and • convertable den, 1 %. bathll, forced air heatlnz and a compl'ele bulll·in kitchen. Deep R-2 lot with alley ac- cess \\.'ith room for an in- come unit or extra parklnc. You small spenders. it's NO DOWN · THAT'S RIGHT - ;;;~~'i. ~f,;"'" Im· Elegance & Privacy only $25,500. Coleswortby & Co. 1904 H1rbor Blvd. CM. 642-7777 IF ••• Optn Evn, • Yoa want a new home -iiiiiiil!iii!iiiiiii!iiiiii e You own a lot• • DUPLEX • You """ financlnr e You desire style •You care about sa.v1.np Daisy Fresh • Yo~ domand quality for SprlnCJ CALL 537.0380 ChannUw 3 Bedroom, 2 bl.th home. Love I y carpetlnc, "-'ood paneling. shutters, used brick lireplace. Pllli Income Apartmenl AalMa: SSl.500 • Exchaive area. RIDDfll: REALTY al25 W. Balboa mvd., N.B. 675-4000 E•st Cott• Me111 Nice 2 I-3 BR homes from $IS~ to $21.SOO 143 Bro1dw1y 645-0111 lvH. 642."453 646-4579 Choose from our de•lcns. Plans can be varied to ault your nff'd!i. •In most Orange County and other approvt:d arau. STANCO Builders Inc:. Opon 7 Doy, 10666 Wettm!nster A~. GIJ'den Grove Ba1anc@d Powe-r Homet LOTS OF LOT Bulk\ )'OUr own Dowr Shore• dree.m home In fee simple land. H~ lot nuUed amons ht'1u:uu.1 tltates on quiet priyate ltlWt. Homrl could Mw beauWUI ~ ol Clta- llna and ~an on the West, and mowitai.nl on the Eut. L&rsest lot in the lmmedl.ate area. $25,90(l. From the tal! Spanish wrought iron pted en t r y ON! fint set:& the 28:x23' in- ner atrium with it's unique electrically controlled 14' retractable root I iJea.mlng Spani!h tll@ floor I buDt-in wet bar. Then a step beyond lo the dramatically draped window• framing a panor-- amio v:!ew or the Bay &. Hllb:. 4 bdrml 31,W ba.tla, family room with ti.replace PLUS 21x27' rumpU5 room for pool table ryr '?. This bomt: built by JV AN WELLS j111t one year qo could not bfl duplicated at the aaklnl prloe of $llli.IXXI. O w n er tranderred. Call today to 111!e this MOO sq tt luxurious vn home tn Dowr ShorH. by J, Word Co. <e.,cmt Oflk<) 1842 SU'ltiqo Dr. 646--1550 MONEY MAKERS NEWPORT near 8 e •ch. tome ocun view. 3 UNITS. 2, 2 BRs A: luetf apt. Dbl ,., .. $31,500. EASTSIDE CM., 2 homw on cornet lot. 2 BR A a BR Uve 1n one, Nnt one. $82,960 EASTSID& c.M.. I unlta 1 BR u. Excdlent rent.all. ID- ooma $l60 rDr'. $59,.500 ,,~ ... ;fALTY Near NB P<wt Ofc. M&-2414 HOUSES 1'011. SALE t!OUSES FOR SALE Gener1I 10004enerol 1000 Two New Exclusives WATERFRONT -FEE SIMPLE. Home with pier & •lip a delightful airy, 2 story 4 bdrm; master bedrm suite is on the first floor with slid- ing glw door opening onto bayside patio -beautifully landscaped by Beeson. The 120' of water frontage promh:es an unobstructed view of channel This home is loacted in private communJty with ample parking. CUSTOMIZEO BAYCREST-* Front courtyard entrance with lovely large trees. * Chlld .. afe pool, encl08ed with wrought iron fence. * 4 bedrooms, 2\', gleaming baths. * Formal dining room . * Large living room with wall-of glass viewing sparkling pool. * Panelled family room with fire· place&: built-in bar. * Buil~in BBQ adjacent to well or· ganized kitchen. • • • • • A CIRCULAR DRIVE will lead you to lhJs well designed 3 bdrm home. Huge dininJ room. Dad will •mile when be •P•ea !be dukroom/work· !hop.daigned for him. ~t-buy tn Baycrest's best area. • 1901 Glenwood Open ~und•y 1·5 !NTWAIMMIN'I' ~QNSCIOUS? SpacloiU,• Bdrm 3 baib home in Bayefeit. targe family room & lan- ai. 3 fireplaces. Stor1ge galore! Owner will finance -ezrellent terms. ' FORMAL POOL enhances this bright & sunny 4 bdrm 3 bath home. Choicest Baycrest mOdeJ large living room overlook, ~ charming ftll . manicured court yll'\I. Immaculate! Shown by ap. pointlllent only. OFFICE OPEN S1turd1y1 I Sundayt Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ........ ...,, ...,.,., 1ll'ttll .,.. tW1 ....... . .,.. •• .._ ... ti .. Al .................. lei'•• .......................... " ........... .... w111N t. ....,., DAILY PILOT WANT ADJ. Pen. ......... .,.. ..... ,_ .... ., ........ ,,.. t• net ••• I.._,.•• S. ttill ••l•MI .... MMf. HOUSES FOR SALE (3 Bedroom) 403 Feliz (The Bluffs) Newport Beach 644-0525 (Sat & Sun Aft. 2) 2141 Vista Entrada (Bluffs) NB 644·2370 (Dally\ * 1601 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terr.) Cd~! 642·6472, Eves: 673·3468 (Sun aft/noon) 1129 Pembroke Line (WestclifO NB 548-8281 (SUn 1-4) 234 Palmer, Costa Mes• 642-4980 234 Palmer, Cost. Mesa 642·4980 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (Sat 1·5) (3 Br. & F1m~y or Oen) 1604 White Oaks (Me11 Verde) CM 1540-0322 (Sat & Sun\ 2043 Calvert Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 546-30M (Dally) 2124 E. Ocean Blvd. (Balboa Penn.) 675-4031 (Sun 1-4) 1901 Glenwood (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1·5) *2510 23/d St., Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sot & Sun 1·5) 25251 M1huall Dr, Dana Point 642·2823 (Dally 12·2) 232 Evenine Canyon (S horecllll) CdM 675-3000, Evee: 642-4788 (Deify) 107 Via Dijon (Lido !ale) NB 67e.3000, Ev .. : 673-6182 (Sun 1·5) 17661 Queenawrea~1 Irvine Vllllee 675-3000, Eveo: .. 11-5227 (Sun 1·5) **2716 Sholl, (China Cove) CdM COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Kl 9-3'5 I Unequ1lod--4 lledrm 675-3000, Eveo: 546-8868 (Sun l·S) $21,75G-"0$" Dew!ll 3257 Dakoll Ave., C<Jota Mesa IWl Y I'll.OT HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE Gen1r1t 1000 0.norll 1000 THE RJtAT ESTA:rlCRS 1100·11ewporl 646-7171 ~· 2790 tllrbof 546-2313 DOVER SHORES BACK BAY PR!STIGE 3, 100 sq. ft. luxury home. Custom bul!t 4 bedroom 3 bath. EXTRA • LARGE living room, tOrmai dining room. Completely re- deeorated interior. Owner has moved and will gi\le immediate possession. $73,500, sul> mit, flexible terms: I WANT A BIG FAMILY I'm Mesa de! Mi.r's nicest 5 Bedroom, 3 bath home. -My owners say I've gotten too big for them. But for $38,500 I knOW I'm Jual right for you. I'm warm and friendly and ut love kids. -Please ut for me. ASSUME 51/4•/o LOAN $139 PER MONTH INCL. TAXIS Beat fioancing in town makes this 3 Bedroom 2 bath jewel stand out above the rest. It's clean (jwt paioted) bas a covered patio and big double garage. -$23,7W. -Quick I""" session. THE PRESIDENTS HOME In Mesa Verde. 3 Bedroom and family room . Custom improved kitchen -large covered pa'tio & garden pat~o off master bedroom. - Sprinklered F/R. $32 ,950 -10% down . WALK TO SHOPPING EASTSIDE, 2 blocks from shopping center. charming 3 Bedroom, dining room home in picture like setting. Open beam nving room, hardwood flool'I, cozy brick firepllce. '26,500 -Terms are easy. · 646-7171 • Open Su.nday • 546-2313 THE~EAI .. ESTATERS ---· ----- VETERANS NO DOWll ~ BR.I 1% baths In Harbor ta.tea. Large ttar yan:I, close to shoppin&:. Frtihl3 painted. $21,500 Newport If Victorl1 646-1111 ------------ Commercial Sleeper Strategically located In La· layette Square with 2 In- come "junlttn'', both rent- ed. $30,000. Zoned C-2. EX· CELLENT TERMS. llllf'-llli REALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. '~uooo ----~ --· --· OCEANYIEW 2 BR, 2 Ba, l block to ...... $29,500 Goorge Wllll1maon Relltor Evea. 673-156t 2607 Oceanfront Blvd., CdM 675·3000, Eves: 67!).5764 (Son 1·5) 2391 Notre Dame (College Park) CM 646-7171, 546-2313 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 1528 Cornwall (Westcliff) NB 546-2313, 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom) 101 Unda Isle (Linda Isle) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1423 Antigua Way, Newport Beach 642·1502 (Sat & Sun 10.6) 8641 Viscount Dr. (Nr. Adamg: & Mag- nolia) HB 847.3519, Eves: 962-7369 (Sun 12-5) 1375 Galaxy (Dover Shorea) NB 646-7171, 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) . . (4 Br. & Femily or Oen) 441 Windward Line, Newport Beach 646-1646 • (Sat & Sun 11·5) 428 62nd St. (Newport Shorea) NB 67!).2503, 642·3615 (Sat & Sun 1-5\ 2919 Paper Lane, Newport Beach 642·2637 (Sat & Sun 10.5) 1539 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) * 1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1530 (!lfll!y 10.5) 11140 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 646-7171, 546-2313 (Sun 1·5) +2921 SeUlngsun Dr., Coron• del Mar 67!).1642 (Sun 1·6) 1608 Ruth Lane (Baycrest) NB 675-3000, Eves: 673·0554 (Sun 1·5) *2215 lrvlne Ave. 1cor. of Heather) HB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 11-4) 1301 Bonnit Doone, (Irvine T..,..) Cd!>! 675-3000, Evea: 1546-8888 (Sun 1-5) 2006 Holiday Rd. (BayCJW!) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 1720 Candlestick (Baycreat) NB 675-3000, Evea: 1546-8868 (Son 1·5) 2861 Bayshore Dr. (llaylhcires) NII 675-3000, Eva: 646-6590 (Sat 1·5) (5 Bedroom & F•mily Or Oen) U97 Kornat (Meea Verde) CM 540.1720 (Sat 1:30.5) I CONDOMINIUM I (3 Bedroom) 2141 Villl Entrada (BluUs) NB 644-2370 Money Maker! 10tlo down • lncomt $920 mo. •• 2 Btdroom boUln Euiaide Costa MtA. $19.5111> -to a a.1. "' 1ow 15411-3567 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * ""' low clown to aD. ' baU.. 3277 lndllna Ave. (Meoa Verde) CM *" W•w•w Ast-612-7M!I '°'3 msTa.llT DRlVJ: .... m1 Open .i:- DAD..Y MtDl' WANT ADS! F:::on1>11::.::::.:0::1n:.""':.::"""'"::..:.:::.:....,:::..L== 54-0-4722 (Sa\ & su;;1;·5)~;;:;;i*i;**;;;;'"";;_.;;•;-;;•;;•"i;;;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;~~ ex!J'U. ~11Z TARllLL 2955 Horbor -----~------------• I I • l l I ,. • • ~ -------·----------- • • t :ti IWl.Y "LOT S."""'t, J......, 25, 19<>9 ~\ iiOUllS '10lULI A'busu FOR SALi !10USES FOR SALi . ••• • ' . ... ~ .. ". ". • :· 1,.· .. .. . . • .-• . . I . ...... 1000-.1 1000-... 1 1000 REs . uLTs 24 ~4l1i YEARS CJtlf li. "'1111'1'1; OF ·~~4:_411 THRu REAL ~OLIJ ESTATE SER EXPERIENCE V1cE It's the SOLD SIGN that counts Introducing Our Company's 1969 Professional. full time sales personnel to servl' the Costa Mesa, New- port Beach Corona de! Mar and all Orange County arell!'I. -SPECIALIZING in HO?.fE SALES· INCOME· COMM.ERClAL • INDUST- RlAL. . (Ask about our Trade-in Planl ART GORDON Mlnager/Vic• President BOUGHT • MUST SELL Channing 3 BDR + Family Room home in ?i.lesa Del 1'1ar. Ideal location near all schools and St. John's Parish. Has w/w cpl. 1 yr. old • Built-in oven and range -0/W too. 2 bath! - service porch ·sprinklers. PRlCE ONLY $26,950 10'/l. dO\\"ll. Cora Bruce 2 STORY • 5 BDR. Reduced 11000 for quick sale. Immaculate thru- ouL 2 baths • slate entry -custom wall paper. Laree living room, -fireplace, convenient to ac:bools and ahoppini::-. Lovely rear yard patio -2 tirepits.. NOW ONLY • $33,950 FHA· GI Terms. DOUBLE DELIGHT! Fin~ 3 BDR. in College Park, with custom pool • Spacious living room with used brick fireplaCf'. \V/W cpts, and drapes. Step saver kitchen with blt in oven and range + dishwasher. 1 % bftthll • stall shower. Outstanding tropical landscaped yard and covered patio. PRICE -$32..sM EZ TERMS. BELOW MARKET Don't delay to see this ?\-tesa Verde 3 BDR. t!.nd YR home at a low price of $26,500. Ideal loca- tion -walk to 1hopping cenkr. Well appolnted thruout. 2 baths -all ele(:tric bit. in kitchen • fireplace· w/w cpt.s. and drapes. Owner anxious for quick sale. cau for particulars and down. LOOKING FOR AREA? Then si>e this attractive 3 BDR. home in NP\\" port Beach. Quality H/W floors • large Uvini::- room -has fireplace. Cpts. and drapes. Bri~ht kitchen -larize size bedrooms. Choice location near Westcliff shoping center and Newport School'-ONLY $28.500. EZ TERMS -CALL NOW. YA OWNED But anyone can buy this for only Sl275 do\\·n. Your payments ot $157.00 a month includes taxes, insurance, principle and interest. Com- pletely conditioned 3 BDR. home • Vacant. Largr fenced yard • good location. Call and stt this barp,ln at only $18,450. BREATHTAKING VIEW ot Catalina ChannPJ, Ooeftn and Bay . Thia uec- utive functional designed mansion by tiler• brook, bas 5 BDR's • 3Yi baths and over 4600 IQ. feel of living SPflCI'. 2 l1trge patios, nutiant heak'd . ..Ideal home for ~ntertainins;:. 3 cer j.!84 rq;e -llcautifully Jandscapd -PRICE $139,500 -Ca.JI .for showini. • • • ;,.,. , .. Kerl autcMr R01lyn Tombo'V ,• 1093 BAKER, COSTA MESA 546-54AO HOUSES FOR SALi HOUS l!S FOR SALi! 1000 Most Fab1lo1s Location on California Coast 16th & TUl!ln -Coif• Moll Umpteen Ways In Newport Heights For this house lo please you. S Bedrooma plus gu.eot howe, cozy flteplace, beam ceil- ings, hardwood floors, delightful breakfast patio fon:ed air beat ldtcben has eating area.'Tbere's parking f~r boat or trailer stor· age and umpteen more . . . . . . . . . . '27,900 OPEN HOUS! SAT & SUN 103 end 105 Lindi 1110 Drive, NI I Ezcellent location near schools, shopping and beach Only a /ew left. Buy now wblle in· lores! rates are only - --LulUrious new Homes on Llnda Isle Piers Slips, l""'tect..1 patios Homes of rare beauty -fl'Om $98,dbo tip Shown by appt. 7% with 20% dewa -7~% with 1°" Dn. no 2nd -na points -29 )'rt on INl•nc• Eastside $19,500 6% financing available. Large R-2 lot, 2 bed· room plus den and ~ baths. Walle lo all shop- ping, detached double_gan~eil chain linkod fence. Act now or lose this' lit e ii<llh BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Co11t Hwy CdM 67S-S930 bclusiv• Agent p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO EAST SIDE COSTA MESA NEWPORT HGTS, AREA AU. nns AND R2 $25,5(1) Olarml.ng 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den. 1 %. baths • rireplaO!, carpeta & drapes, built-in &: farted air heat. This well landscaped home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a very large fenc- ed back yard, with room tor a boat, camper, or build a rental Wlit! It bas a paved alley entrance for ell!y ac- cess.. Location is just about perfect, 1 % blk:s to Newport grade school, alld only 2 blks to ne" city park. East 17th street and Westcliff shop. ping and two other schools within walking distance. For appointment to see, write: Private Party Box 1'612 Daily Pilot CHOICE 4 BEDROOM NO DOWN to GI. or low down to others. Beautiful family home on quiet cul- de-&ac. Walking di!lta.ru:e to schools, shopping. Huge liv- ing room, large dining room, built in kitchen and lovely professionaUy landscaped yard. Full Price $25,950. Ltirge 900 sq ft units with en- closed garages & in excel- lent condition, Comer loca- tion ~ar scboob & shop- ping. Owner asking $24.000 "Clean & Sharp" DPLEX in R-3 ZONE 1149 W. Balbo1 Blvd. (comer 12th St. J 2 Bedroom Rear 1 Bedroom Front 3 car garage stressed for another Unit Will sell Furnished. Few stePs to Beach • 1 block lo Bay By appl Mr. Robinson Davis Realty 642-7000 & Bedrooms Potential rest horn~. Single story on I~ lot. Huge fam- ily T'QOm with fireplace + dinin1 area. Bit • ins, FA beat, sood Costa ~lesa area, 1 block to shopping. Only $26,SCI. Good terms. Rltr, 64&J928 or 642All85 *UCHENMYER ON THE BEACff Exclusive Otina C.Ove home • year aroWld living • best Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba, priced to sell fast at · $69,500 By appt only CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Co11t Hwy, CdM 675-1662 4BR2both+ FRPL. -$101/mo. Aaume extstirig loAn, or $500 total to vet.. Minimum down FHA. Home baa: bullt-inl. double garagt, block waD fence, centraJ heating sys. tem + oversized Joi: A I $23.!l'iO this one "'00'1 las!! Call Farrow Rlty &tG-4494 Unbelievable But True 5~% lntomt-$132/mo. An exceptional 3 BR 2 bath home with maey ertru. Take over eJ(:iatirw S'4 ~ I loan or go no down to Veta. $23,500 1904 Horbor Blvd., CM. 642-m7 Tr1ct Ph:' 54C).5113 FrGtll L.A. Coll MA 5-1034 =-=--~--- Colesworthy & Co. 1904 H1rbor Blvd., C.M. 642-7777 Lovely f!lodel Home by IYAN WEW with • "'"'""" "F...... Oile• lhis Wenead View" of t~ Upper Bay. 4 5%% LOAN Open Evos. P'aymeDIJI na mo. Includes ,.M_:;; ... ;;:::_V:.;or:.:..::do;:_ __ ;._11;.1c:o. , Newport hKh 1200 BR 3 ba, formal & inlormAI "' MESA VERDE all. 4 J...arae l:>ed.rom.I, 11pac-1-dining areas p l u s family room with parquet Ooor. 2970 Jav1 RHCI Every decorator touch in Sunday 1-5 Only ioul llv. nn .. 1-% BA. large 3 BR., farn, pan/den. C & fenced yard. Near 8Chools D. Owner. Assume FHA a: So. n..st Pla7.a. lmmedi· $33,500 -will take 2nd. 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 Balboa C.Oves.. .s 6 0 ' 0 0 0 . Prefer trade for acreage 548-TITI draperies, carpeting, wall· Big Colonial home • go I f papers & fixtures. Unusual co1m1e area • very impres- "L'' shaped pool & full land-sive. scaping. Thia: home has been 2496 Mlul Place ate possession. ;540-4:;:..~"':-;,.=-~-== MARTIN R.E . 548-6332 BY 0\\'NER: Mesa Verde Rent Beaters Pacsettcr. 3 & Family. DISTRF.SS SALE/LEASE NIO.'PI. Bch. • 3 Br. 2 Ba. F'rlll. Bllns; lf.1 blk. beach Make oiler. Owner. 548--8315 one ol the most admired FabuJool 2-level brand new Ivan Well'1 model&. NOW custom • read)i for the d.iJ. available for sale. $85,400 crlminating family. complete including icemak-219 Jasmine, CdM Reposa: 3 BR $18,450, $7".iO 6~ % loan. $29.~. dn. $157/ml). pa.ya an. 2043 Calvert Ave, ~1 3 BR. 2 Ba. Fam nn. New 4 BR 2 bath, $25,450, $950 crpts, bltns, 1 pr i n k I e r dn., $198/mo. pay1 all. system. Boat space. $25,900. * BAY VIEW Fee lot 85' X 195' W/ plans. $34,900. Owner 548-7249, 54S-007 er relrigeni.tor. Sharp 3 + .family room. Roy J. Ward Co. Available On VA no down 54&-2880 (Baycrest Office) or FHA terms. 1842 Santiago Dr. 646--1550 2905 EllesrMre Ave. Probate: Submlt bids. 3 BRs, ========= 1 ¥.: baths, $16,500-terms. Newport Beech 1200 GREAT BUY Beaut. 4 Bdrm, 2% Ba, )jje pool. 153,500. S46-S676 I ';i:i:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: I Outstanding "Cambridge Ser-l I ies" home with 3 large BR, Bob Olson Realtor 546-5580 4 Bod•m + Family Rm. I& fllJ Newport Hoighh 1210 $22,SOO ,pe.,.uuJt-=:.::.:.;._..:,.... __ , -OPEN SUN AFT /NOON 1601 Bonnie Coone, Irvine Terrace SPECIAL!! -POOL & VIEW- 3 BR, 2 ba. FA, bit-in gU kit, sel'Y porch, dbl gar: par- quet firs. I.ow lease-hold, 30 day poss. Small, BUT has everything? $43,500, Appo1nl- ment only. CURT DOSH, Realtor 5 BEDROOMS Well done throughout! Quality carpets I: drap. es, tasteflll deeor & large lot. "Like new" condition. Owners mov- ing to Portola. Only $36,900 • )1~. SJ\~ r~\-']\\ :; 1 ~' 54 6·5990 Fantastic. View or Bay & Ocean both Day &. Night from Spanish styled practically new 4 Bedrm, 3 bath home $93,500 ~ FUml.shed at 1019 Dolphin Tlrrace in Irvine Terrace Call Wall Hallberg Rel, 642-4290 LIKE HUNTINGTON HARBOUR??? Thls eJe&:anl home oUcn winding stair case to two ma.'iter bedrooms. 2 Baths. BeauWUl white brick fire. place. Lush carpets and drapes. Wet bar in Den. Try $3,000 Down. Take over FHA 5% % of $190 mo. Fantastic Value at $26,500. Walker& Lee 7682 f.(linger 8424155 or 540-5140 Open Dally ti! 8: lO Duplex Westside 2 bedrooms Nch. Like new. 00l' block to shoppina' •.•• 123.500 WATERFRONT NEWPORT SHORES {amily room, formal dining room. ./ DEL CERRO HOMES Sunday Only 1-5 590 Pierpont Drive Just listed -Fabulous deror in this attractive 2-level with big 1amily room, "Wet bar etc. 546·5110 '""'"""" _, OUEGE REALTY l!mAdMls II: IMrtlor,tM. 2215 Irvine Ave. (Cor. of Heather) Open Sit/Sun 11-4 Split level, 4 bdrm home with large patio & pool. Va· cant. 2006 ~oliday Rd. Bay crest Open Sit/Sun 1-5 Out.standing 4 bdnn hOme with family room A: iormal dining room. Owner leaving area. Priced to sell. JERRY FREUD CHARLES ARNOLD ~ E. 17th St.. C.M. Retlltors 646-7755 CLAS 1000 .... No Down To Vets 4 BEDROOMS • 2 BATHS with plush NEW CARPETS & DRAPES throughout. All built in kitchen with loads of cupboards. Cozy living room with rut W 0 0 D BURNING FIREPLACE. All this on BIG, BIG Jot with loads of room for the kids In excellent neighborhood NEAR SCHOOLS. Wou1d you believe a total price of Ul.500? It's True! 27911 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545--9491 Open till 9 PM 2 bathl:I .. Enchanting fire-7 -. J' EAST SlDE COSTA MESA place, Brick patio with gas ,,,/ NEWPORT HG~ AREA BBQ , . Dream kitchen, builr fA6 AU. THIS AND R2 in range, oven & dishwasher ~~ $25,500 • . 540-1720 ,J.J4 • Channing 3 bed.room or 2 TARBELL 2955 H~rbor _q / _. bedroom & den. 1'%. baths, ~ fireplace, carpets & drapes, Coste Mes• 1100 built-in & forced air beat. MANY yean ago a young mao carried his charming bride into tbls beautiful 3 BR home. That era has gone &: with 3 children later is now seeking a new villa. _/ This well landscaped home 7' can be found on a huge R2 lot with a very larze fenc-(f;Jl/f~~ ed back yard, with room for a boat, camper, or buUd a ~.J. rent.al uni!! It has a paved alley entrance for easy 11.e- cess. Location is ju.~t about -perrecr, 1g· 6UCs to .. NewPOrf grade school, and only 2 blkri to new city park. East 17th street and Westclill shop· ping and two other schools within walking distance. For appointment to see, write; A true masterpiece, marble ~ entry. niitrble · fi.ref)lace. · --MODERN DA Y walnut ~lled .office, tcr-CASTLE razzo pat10, fishpond & , . • waterfall. Be a u t i f u 11 y Spaciom cuslom built landscaped. $26,2.10. S Bedrooms, Newport Estate 1169 Augusta St. featuring 3'11i captivating ~9116 baths, friendly family rm plm gracious formal Home + 112 Acre dining room. Nestled on almost % acre in New lavish carpeting inside, prime location. lmpcm:ible with plumbiag insll_illed fur to find this size parcel at Yoot pool outside. amazing low pr i c e with Refreshingfy clean. holDe' on it. All for $19,950. $59,IXXl "ring"' Cll.3-Cl JI!\ SPRING .......... REALTY PROPERTIES WEST ~· "anvtim<" ('11') '"""' .....,.. Hartidr ffivd CM 1021Ba~Dri" iii-iiii ... 0..0..i;;;;;i.'io' ;0-·.,...-·-.J Newport Beach, Calif. 92661 COZY 2 BR home near New-:\\! .. ~iiiiiii~~iii,Q~) port Heights, CUI de Sac street. large R·2 lot with room for rental Unit, .$19,900. Graham Realty Near N.B. Post Ofc. 646-24.14 IMMEDIATE POSS Owner balling out. Gorgeous 3 BR pool home. Name your teml3, Fantastic residential area. CAU. MR. MYHRE 54CJ..ll51 (open eves), 1-lcrl· tage Real Estate ~tt~ realty 241.f Vista Del Oro Newport Beach Most Sought AHer popular single level "Angelita" Home Beautiful & spacious 2 BR 2 Bath. Best park location in our entire area. Near putting green & pool Priced to sell $39,950 1.ARGE 2 BR. l ~S BA con-Owner moving out or State dominium. Full Pr i c e 644-1133 eves. 646-3113 $19,900. Will cany a second for %· o( the down payment. 646-5418 aft 2 Pfif BY OWNER. Newly redtt 3 Br. 2 Ba. Pleasant settled area. Frplc, natl wood bltn kit. Hdwd fJrs. Pa t I o . Assume F11A 5% S'" loan. $23,400. Prine only. 546--9391 Private Party Box 1'612 Daily Pilot "House PINCHING YOU?" 601 St. Jemes Place Cllffheven Offers 2500 sq ft llvil'll: sp&.'C. 4 BR • .3 baths • famU}; nn · iarge comer lot. RoOm for pool -plus camper -trailer . boad..'E~950HOUSE SAT & SUN 1 ·5 ""' SEE THIS 3 BR, 2 baths, dining rm, knotty pine Rumpua rm plus 3 car gar, and many added features. $31,500. Shown any- time, Graham Realty Near N.B. Post Ofc. 646-2414 Newport Shores 1220 ~--·I A·F'RAJ\fE, WALK BCH. 2 STY, 3 Br. 2 Ba. on comer. $29,!KXI. Owner. 6 4 2-3 5 4 7 eves. View-View-Vl1w BY OWNER • &-side 3 Br. 2 Ba. Natural wood bltn SACRIRCE! NE\VPORT SHORES 3 Bd. 2 Ba. $27.900 Paul Stuart RE. 675-4070 -494-3949 Newer 3 bedroom home on kitchen; utility p 0 r ch ; Owner's Custom 3 BR. L.R., tree lined street with a crpts, drps. Cla1e to schls D.R. w/ f:rplc. Crpts & drps. Baycrest 1223 view of ocean. Master bed· & shp·g. $25,500. 548--0244 Xlnt cond. Nr Westclill shp'g I --'---------1 room with private beth & a BR. Ea.sllllde R-2 101 qulet I: schls. Shake roof, spri.nk-AtrrHENTIC Spanish Home, dressina; room. Palos Verde • " lers, access to alley. approx 3200' 4 Br. lit' den fireplace. Fantastic built in st .. near schools, by owner, 548-8281 & f11m nn. Unusual patio, kitchen. cozy famlly room _l'-21-'·-""-· _ .. _,...,.,._____ rm for pool. Fee simple. with '""°"" '°"" ,..,, 1 BR. ' BA. horn• ,...,.1-G"""A~R"'D"""E.~N=A'""'TR"'-'"'iu"'M= "" Ant;gua w.,, N.B. Under $35.00'.l. S. Coast Plaza. Beau crpld, 642-1502 .. ring" drpd. Owner. 646-7994 FLOCIR PLAN with over 2400 I===========-I ••• SPRING "' fl S..t bad< bay area WHlclilf 1230 • "' • MH1 Del Mor 1105 Wl"1·th:.:vie:w:·~S46-:;441~4:__.,I ;;~~=::.~~~~1 .. -. REALTY ,. I ,., ..... ,,.. ..... ,. 2 SI'ORY. 3 BA. Form. din .D £ Gracious Splendor • •""-\.~rm~. ~13>~,0Xl~-~Fl~oc~-~·~vail:';\,.:;;:~'~\t~1=Jl~t~1\=~Sll=t=t~I ts key note of this ·4 Bdrm 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.f.t OWncr. 542-1131/546-7504 3 bath home, w/h&ndsomc pan/ den, insulated thruout, Mesa Verde 1110 lovely garden, sprlnklen;. Rltr. 646-3928 or 642-0185 *LACHENMYER GOOD LOCATION OPEN SUN 1 ·4 2124 E. Oco1n Blvd. Balboi PenlMula 3 Bedrooms, 3 hl.tt. plua family room RICHARDSON REALTY 675-4031 4 ._, Golf C B1yview Condominium rn.500 oeurm -oune Owner moving back to L.A. R. C. GREER. Realty Just a "9" iron from the 3 BR. 2ini BA, drpd & crptd. 3416 Via Lklo 673-9300 go1f course. Sprawling ranch 6~% Transferable Joan. l ~~~~~~~~~~I style home on h~ grounds. $56,IXXJ Owner 644-2370 i ~ Bedrms • Den • 3 baths -1237 University Park Amazing low price for area.1~'!"'~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ EZ terms. J; 3 BR. Fam rm., 21,i ba. 2180 SQ. F'I. 4 Bdrm, 2 Ba, on end \\'/ prk in front extra lge living rm w/f:rplc. & rear. Partial upgraded Din nn, panelled beamed crpt/ drps. Vacant. new tam rm. w/b-plc. Closets paint & poJiM. S:!l,950. plore! Lge master suite 646-5511 ' "!UNG" tl:;,,\SPRING ····~ w/pu11man & walk in 1..:c.:.=B::RA~~N~D-N-~~u-- closct. Beaut landscaped, ~" $37,IMXI f1:lA App r a is a I. VILLAGE II &G-2637 ~lANOVER ~fOUSE :li29 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 3 BR, 2 Ba home for 18.le, IDEAL FAMILY HOME 1600 aq. rt. w/spM:ioua liv-Nmr Mariner's Park. 3 Br, ing rm l family nn. Hu ntra lg. 21· x ~· Wnily side storqe yard' b' boat, nn. 1" be.. Ex. cond. Fenc- 1.arge back yard w/Rpa.rate ed patio. Spac. kitch.., bk play artt for chikll'l!n. Only por ch, sep. dble gar. l blks lrom Elementary l OWNER. $36,500. 1 9 1 2 Jr. lU Scbools. S27.51X). Dr:borah Lil. 6rl6-6731 • 5'9-3567 • 3 BR 2 bn. Xlnt finaocmg. mmoo BY Ov.ner: 4 BR. 3 BA .. family rm, Ch a n ce llor }fome. Like new. $34,900. Auume rnortnge. 833-ZE!J BY OWNER 3 BR., 21i 8 A • fAm nn. H!l.S JNCOME 3 BR. 2 B.I.. Everyihina! Priced to Sell~ 30 UNRS BY OWNER: 3 BR. Ir: Fami-Sundcck. Liv, Din Rm. I ,;833--0=~'°'=· ===== SALE OR EXOiANGE ly, l Ba. Dpl!o, drf>ll Patio. \• EWt to ocean & 6% timefi gross. Owner ne('ds lhruoot. bllnl S 2 6, 5 O 0 . Bey. bltn kfl. Cor. lot 151 h new !Arger tu hue. Good 540--0322 aft 6 v.·kdys or A Balboa. Rear Apl. rented. condition. No children ex-wlmds. Mullt M"ll by Owner. Prine. Eestbluff 1242 Old Interest Rate oMlent income history. Only 4 BR. fam I din nn, frplc, only. 613-8718 OPEN SAT & SUN ~ 000 CID b:JW 2 Ba. w/w cpb, d:rpl. 1950 FOR Se.le; $10.000, o n wftlb.r ~ Lee Mr. ,,.,.., ., IL Panl. °'""'· .....,. e.,.tronl attn>ctivo I BR SJG.500. 3 Br. 2'~ BA. On G!'N'n lklt *lmmod. Occup11n<r* Bkr A.B, Clevlde~ 2264 FNeral Ave. Jncomt fnwttment Dept FHA GI.I'. aw.. mrkt. tr1r • a1.hl.na vt/rw:w crptg 3 BR. 2 BA, crpb, dl'pt. 54S-9t51 ~ t.hruoul Refrl& .._ ~ thM!. V•cant. Only $19,900 BEST BUY Balboa. low low JOIN U. ••UJ&411• m tbt Prtv beach A: club tacilitk!I.. ~ McLeod. 6M-<&5 / Call Farrow lUt;v 646--"'94 I.~~.;,.~;._ ... ._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' D~I 6<U61!1 !~ RESULTS DAVIDSON Realty ,,,.,.. ~. E. """"'""' DAILY P!IDI' WAHf ADS! c._,.c....:::;;,..:;"'_;548-6210,::..::::::... __ M&-MGO Ew1. M8-&SS4 rutr 6Tf..488o &CMB'7I WNffl lhphantat -------··--~----- THE QUICICER YOU CAL4 Tl<E Qtna<ER YOO SEil. ' .. • I r HOUSES FOR S.t,LI . ...... ----,--~----·· ---. . ... $1Uil'llq, J._ 25, 1'69 ' DAllV "lOT RI NT>LS • • U NTAU ~ U NTAU --IUINTAU llENTALS ~-,11 1000 ~.. Houff Unf0m1·•-~ l-!1~·~··!!'!.!~~·'!'!!' ..... ~~-1-J.•!f!! ... ~''.!!!~·'!"!..._/_~·!!!~~·~~?!!-!!!!!~~-•-•• fv ·~ f~;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;::;;;;;;;;~;;;;';";l;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;l~OO;O~[L~q~una:~·:•~•~<h'.'._-:__~170$ Oupln• ForStil• 1975 .,.. • ~ • a-tr~~ :;r::o """ .-.,p, .. .,.."""'",....,.... ~ .. vn · m..,.. u-:&'1-:c ~:> tff>~ ~ ~~1~~~~ ;c;;oat;~;;;;;;;;A;;YEIDE;;;;=';;';;ao ':~~~ ;.t~d-""""--r;-,.'-~ i~~~!~~; ;;'i~~2 ::Y ,:; HOUSES FOR SAL E -HOUSIS Felt SALi HOUl l S llOll $ALE r r r Thll wtlquo, -qWJty w/V._ ot ocun. a.,:Tr. 3 -. 1 ..... -1111 CllS llreploat, fP1n1 -1'lol. Nl<e .,... stl-WS home ltl about 30 ...,.. awl)I Flnanclntl. .... , "'lmL l'IOT Sltarp, cle&n 3 BR 2 balb, c.,.... LowlY .,...... • and - New Cwtom Spanish with mluion tile roof. 4 Bedroom, 2'h bath.<, formal din· 1ng room, fa.mlly room, wet bar. Custom carpets & spanlsh tile floors. P•rUally draped. Large lot, oversized gart1• electric opener, etc. ' trom -·-1r1 """' w. Blll>oa mw., N.B. can built·lnt, tloubl• -· 2 m,P\'"o Hiii' -.., -!!!•!!,"'! IMch 4200 Mall Et1t Apt. Latv•• INdl 5705 on ootricllt STEAL that. -cblldl'ln OK • no ptll. 12JO/ Nie< cloon -Jiit pu vu;w •'-·"· •-•·•-• 1'5 E. )ltlf' _..,, 100 CLIPF DRIV& ..,..,. solnl to J-the RINT.,S ~ mo. A&I. 546-IHJ mo. Pou1b1e option. • -·-·~ ·~·~. __ ., GUN. MD u .......... ~ w lk & L ftr9p&ace, prqe, two bed&, PLUSH 2 ar. 114 a.. Prlv, LUXURY •uJY'/UNl'URN lltllllod EARJ.Y'Ci.uroR-HOVMI Fuml-FINE 3 BR. »BA home a er ee 1 bath: Wulwr/drier, Spilt patJo. Atta c b c d Kar. Yell\)' Lule. I A 2 - NIA ARQUTECTURE tN2 R I Sh 2005 In btltat'ff; ntarWettcllff lewl. $275. ~23M after Wuher/dr)'er hook-up~ 51~ to Sborw • SllOPI' Sl'ORY DE.SIGN, featurts ont1 • to . a re Plua A lthll. Lrt tam 7682 Edi~ 6 p.m. Bltlll I-refl't(. Crpt., dt"sp. Ootanvitw ffOm eve" Apt. exterior ol ..,,__.., 1tu=, rm w/trpl.c. l'ncd )Td, 2 142-4455 or 5t0-5140 YEARLY ft.ENTAL; 2 BR Sl.55. S48-&1M from $150 1DO up, lea• ,.,..... YOUNG, Woddng lady will .,... _ _.'""E ME"•• \ $Ut9 heavy &hake rool1inta. Wrt 2 BR l)i-lev. apt c:"&r p.r, Ltue $2).) mo, ..,..,n.l'.:uu .Twnhle: 4 BR. apt on Beach., loci. dllbea ~ Vl:ST ARCHED PORTICO EN· "--1 ._ dlx water pd. 83S-0221S 3 B.l. Pool., b'plc, bltnll, etc. lnquln lD9-tOth St. Apt • 1 SR Furn Sl3C RIAL ESTATt w/~ .. "" • many . I~""'"=""==,,;,.,=----••· ,._ e 2 BR "ntu ••~ TRYWAY, IN Ft NE.ST t CdM LEASEJo~roN • BRs ' ........ o"""r CIAStom ~traa. A or B, N.B. 613-1831 \I m. ........... ft----1 eatures, , with 'a m e. "i f.:i'; OK. -· -· Hamil••• SI Pia · -• OLDE: MISSION TRAOI· 644-4049 aft 1 pm. bl.tbs. S400 month. Nice .,...., m o ; SM.ALL 1 BR prap apt •ov ..... at cenn. ~------..--------------TION. rtsktential area. Immedlt.te /opt. $36-1433 wlw carpet l drps. Neal MS-19211 646-<8382 llt9ntl .. W1ftted 5990 EAsr s10E cosTAMEsA· ~ti~~~~~ =HT·· y~~ -:~: ~) ~ .. :-i:: ~~-= ~ Adult. ~ ...: ~ •. !.Br;.i":."."':~. ,~~l·W_ANTED ___ u ..... ---o-n..;Eu.c..:..;t Open House Sit & Sun 11.5 441 Windw1rd Li ne !Ntor 22ncl & Tuotln An.) By Bulldtr '46-1146 NEWPORT HGTS. AREA ~~.~ "~":v~c£:,EN ,[.,AM; ~~:·a11 ~ per Mo. ,,.El=ll"te,-,,.....,~-~ 2 B1-. 2 Bo. Frt>lc. c:ov OCEANFRONT 3 BR F\'plc 22#-A Stalt. Adlta. oo "" ;~c~':" ..:_;.• !:\1:;; l BR. ...__.._ 1• •-bltn.. brick patio, $175. 646-255l -... Avail Feb T· J 0 "-1°, -'642-;i';-;7,-<n-',:;:--;:--.-,,---,, bl' '-kl"', no --••-BATHROOMS. One t n MALE roommatt'll for ...,.....,., ,., .,..., ...... •-..,.., io .,....., ""' .,_ .. .._ .. A·LL THIS AND R2 feat"-MASS!VEwUV1 N .. ~-1 ..... ~ 4 BR ho 'oar..,. Pool• ..... taou. COMFORTABLE Old ....,. R<ul 613-IOO AVAIL. rob. I: 2 Br .. nr. tor ' sr . ..Uta 6 blkJ>r. ........ e .. i"". -~~ • me $175 Mo., 191. l lut, $25 plua 2 mt eottap. Lee 2 BR, 1 block to beach $17S So. Csl. Plaza; cpUI, dll*. No pets. Up ta f275. )'rl)- $25 500 RM., WITH tuGH VAULT· ~I~ a~~~::u! cleantn, dep. Avail. Feb. IP'O\l!'ld!. 193ll Beach mvd. )'rl.y ltue. Newport Beach bltns. $16 Mr. Sm Ith be with depotlt ok. &fG..1400 I ED OPEN BEAM CEIL-.,.,... 25 SCS..2:m 496-39t9 Realty. 67~100 54S;-3866 EMPa>YEO Lady needs 1 Charming 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den INGS, HEAVY SUPPDRT WNANTB. ~. •'·I to ,, •• _ -·--.R"E"N"'T,..---J BR. Small !001 )'d. $140 2':.;;8.;R,::.:..,......,..-.-.~ .. -,-.-,.-,-.-ts. BR unftan Apt, beach area. ~ ¥.i. &ba 1 ths, fire~lace, carp~ts &-drapes, built: ~~~si.i<i~:S ~~ 2 Br. ;\pf 'Ii blk to ~h~ &. LEASE/OPTION yrty. lJst & last. 2 child Corona del Mir 4250 drps, bltns, patio. pool . ta suo. carport or saraae ms orced air beat. ThlS well landscaped open to lara:e covered patio. $62 93.11/i w Balboa Blvd 3 BR also 4 BR home. S110 OK Nr. Beach mv A Slater Adlts, no pets. $145. 54&.5163 nee. ti4l-Ol86 a.!t/S p.m. home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a Unique kitchen &: tam. rm., Baiboa · " & $250/mo. Bkr. 540-6631 17654 Van Burtn 842-'JW 1 BR. completely furn apt., 2 BR. unturn. Cpts, drapes, CdM RESIDENTS wlllh 2 Br. very large fenced back yard, with rl)()rn (or APPROX. 29 FT. LONG, -3 BR fam rm di nn el t w/gar. Lease. si45 ma. bltns, wall panelin(. 1 Child 1 ~·2 Ba. untrn Ne or apt. EMPLOYED woinan to EASTS.IDE Ia-. 2 Br., W ' ' 11 ' ec Adults No pehi fi13-9123 OK .,~ ~• """ a boat, camper, or build a rental unit! It has featureA BILT·IN RANGE, share pleuant h 0 me sq. ft; tncd. O'size a:arage: kl!. Nf'wport. ~Veat. $225 ma · · _..,. ~ C.'pl + 1 teen a:irl. Reh-up a paved alley entrance for easy access. Loca-DBI.. OVEN, DISHWSHR., w/AaJne, S5J Mor.th. freshly Pa Int ed. 26'1' lse. Eves 963-6365 81lbo1 4300 DUPLEX 2 Br.; 3 o 4 to S225 on Ise. 673-0723 lion is just about perfect l lh hlks t9 New• DISP., ~ BAR. ETC. ~ davc. , Magnolia. $160. 64&-2105 4 BDRM, 2 ba, J>.!w crpts. Broadway $1.15. Call after e LANDLORDS e ' Center Slall'Well lf'adB to 2nd ~ -$1°< M wtll I ~ ro ~ Ba •-J 5 • '·--.:i-...... .,_., port grade school, and only 2 blks to n ew city story with 4 BDRMS &: 2 * YNG male zt wollld like 2 BR house. completf'ly ""'' 0· or eue ~· cu..: or Apt£. " wt:elll!, .... , -~.._.... FREE RENTAL SERVICE park. Ea.st 17th street a nd Westcll(f shopping BATHS; one at~ to nn. w I bath or share. can redecorated thruout w/oplion to bu,y. 67J..n 78. All uW incl $75 up 1 BR prden apt. utilities. Brom 534-6812 and two other schools within w alkin g dis· mstr. bdnn. 1u.ite. By to-645--1191 aJt 3:30 pm or bef Eutalde Coita Mesa. SlM WHtmin1ter 3612 315 E, Baltic. Blvd. Quiet, Mature adults. Reta. RESPECTABLE co uple month. 642-7939 ~--BALBCM ' 673-9945 $130. 26.13 ~. C.M. ts 2 Sr-uni •-• IY lance. For appointment to see, write: 1 day'• averaa:e coat• we feel 10 am -wan rtniai year P • t p rty that th1a: home ta 5-6000 un· \VUJ.. 1~ home w/mature 2 BR. Crpts. drp1. •PRIVACY• Lido lile 4351 2 BR. E-cide. Opts, drp3. in Newport!Lquna 544-4001 rlYG e G dernriool, Due to unusual 100 V'·'·'ty Wslll'/dryer. Refs req. 169 New, Juit 2 bdrm. with 178J'o Small yard. $120. or 632-4673. B P612 •r lady. $ • mo. lU.<U IP1 'tn 't' ===-----ox circumstances, we oller this Newport Beach. 642-~. Mesa Dr. $130. 548-1881 ace_. ,,....,, Fenc~ yard With Ch1r mlng 2 Story ~31 WANTED urgently email D 'ly Pfl property for !rl 23 2 BR l'' ba · ALSO 3 patio. Water pa.id. Spaclowi l BR 2 ba, •-to. LGE. ,,_..,_ ba·•. bll·>D· bachelor apt Int 1 woman GI Ot $39,950 FULL PRICE ~~h~:1~Es;::t~~~ with BR. 2'2 ~ .. ~·ndo.; pool; 14325 SO. OLIVE patio, 2 car parldr!&. A~il. range,"';;:·~. 54s..mt fw'nished. ~ $3"5 DN. PYMT. same. 494--5840 $170 ?.Ionth & Up. M0-6289 • 636-4120 • $215/mo short tenn or $350/ 988 Miaslon Dr., Apt. A-1 ~,-O~R~3~B~R~. -.-n!Urn.'-~.,,-. Corona del Mar 1250 Huntington 8e1ch 1400 Owner ~~ro>'0~1balance GIRL {20-2Sl to Share 4 Br. CLEAN 4 BR house, good Laguni Niguel 3707 mo yrly lease. Adults only. NICE 2 Br 1tudio apt, near 2 car pr. $150 mo. C.M. GONE TO?.iORROW! h....e on Biiboa Island. $62 locatlon. $225/month. Avail I :::c==.;:;=::...-..:;.:.: As~ f;r ~ra. G~Rky I OCC. 984 El Camino, C.M. _.,...=::·::61>-0=::!4=/l==="°I OCEAN BLVD. Corona del ~!ar's m o s t charming view home. Weath- ered. board & battan, 11tone fi'plc:, open belimll & rustic panelling combine to make this 3 BR home a show pie~. By appt. only • ex· elusively thru this office. _(;.!'.'!.t!- --:o:rM&il:uefltl', CdM-- 67308550 67,5111 Feb. 1. 546-5113 '•BR •---2" Ba Ji'.or.1.. • • arr• 11 ty $145, 962..scM. Avail Ft!b. 1. -MISSION REAL TY mo. ~ " '_,. .... ~ ' • •~· 000200 Rooms for R'"t 5995 985 So ~--t H La ...... COLLEGE or worki"" man, 1 BR single hse., stove, bit-ins, patio. $250. 213-GA --------2 BDR1'if. apt. KATELLA 1 --·-~~ ....... -wy_._· -·-~--pr! bd :~ I ._. ~~ 9 2-8056 CHOICE 2 & 3 BR Fum buill·m· '· 00 • E. o ... St. Phont (714) 494-0731 Y. rm.: 1w1n1 poo. l'tu\g., gar. <fJ,4N, 1 0 __ .. u-·-~ ·~ mo c .WV '-¥ LRG Muter BR. Klllt ""'' .. '. $75 'lo. 64,_1082 ev" Virginia Pl. ~s-nn t<.c:N IALS ...... •u'"" •~v•u...,... · .M. $120 per mo. 54&-3209 " Lee Schonek sn-3585 frplc, prv ba., kit privl, 1 NICE girl desires same Apt1. furnished 1..:;:==::="",;:;;,==l 2 BR. Crpts, drp1, stove, 2 coUeac women or workina to share Costa ?.lesa Apt.1Mt __ ,._V_•_rd_• ___ a_1_1_0 11---'-------IS Ibo I lend ~55 patio. 1 Child OK. Na pets. girls. S6S mo. per pmon. 11 NOW PAYING up to 80% . Commission ·-------- Call 147-6061 & 11k for HAL MORR ] • $60. 642--3694 aft 4. LOVELY hm 3 BR. 2 BA. General 4000 I I • $125. 54fr10'16 I ~Meso~=v="""=·.;.54&-3501"--C=-- 2 trplc, c.arpt11, drps, bltns. RENT 3 BR. prq:e apt. Avail. COLLEGE or e m ploye d ORNER N-rt B&ach 2200 $225 lat. 5!6-0625 Feb. thnJ June 14th. $110 1 N:;.:;tw~'JIOi:.::.rt:..:B;:tae:::;h:.......:5;:2~00 man. Qui.~ private home . . ••-••T•• 3 Rooma furniture mo. plus utll. No 1tudenta:, NB. S12 wk. 5'$-3684 until TINY •-···. $75 Month. '200 $25 Month hild " 61• -·· UPl'ER Dup1'x, 2 Br. $110; . noon "' e·-.... --•UL 88'1aT• uv...... Newport ... ch ., c ren or pe • 11"'-1 yr. lea.It • .Adultt, no peta. '"'" o;n-... -::::.,.-:_-Short walk to bath. See at ';;;;:;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;; Attu 4 PM. See by app't.._ only. l =tfl=6=="',....-~·.--~ "494•1177 201'19thSL 6™793 • .l"IJL[;Ol71tJN TOBUY Mlal Whilf Tml50 COLLEGE 0.. -Kirl. 21oc _ _ ~· tJ <~. . .!~::-~!!_)_ Huntington l t._1_ch 4400 GO"° M-.a ... ,,..... 2 Br. 2 live ..on Bal la-..Klt......ln MONARCH BAY -In this pr!: l.111Una BNCft ~ TOWNHOUSE ' ·; ...., n.11.UJV<• ttc/nn lllcl · S55 M vate area, a ma.sterpiece of 2 Bdnn, 2 Bath , .l l:. F UR N I SH E D or UN· Ba. CJ>U. drpe:. bltm:. Adlts, with meab $Us. ~ \ll>i Early Cali.I' ia d ign ere-1 BR. Incl yrd. Ocean view. 2 Car CarporU Furnltu,.. lent1l1 FURNISHED no pell!. IM $165. 673--2370; Uni orn &es . l* blk bch, dwntw n . $200/M 517 w. l9th, C.fi.I. 548-348I 2 ~. 2 bath stud1ci, ~-======== ROOM & board, lndry, rar. Reduced $3500 l-;=;:::zz=:z:=I ~an ~ie:'f:me, d=::C S125 + util. Wlnter. 494-5813, Pools . Aduf~thOnly ! 1568 w.·httln. Anhm 77~2800 bf:lt location 1 block to s .... H.B. are~ New home, cqmpl $41,000 I• 2 story entry, tiled eallerta, 494-IDS? I & B h B~AJ 'PLAZA !1(1intA & town I: country E11t Bluff 5242 home living. Walk to bch S30 Fixer Upper Income Unit MEADOWS HOME spacious beamed Jlvlng rm, Condominium ay 9CIC DELtJXE. Spacloua l-Bdnn. stores. theater, ~staurants., ;::;:;..;:;;o;;_ __ _;= wk. SJ6.&ST Plus 8 yr old 3 BR, 2 ba Beautiful 4 bedroom. 21h large dining rm, 4 bednns ;;.::.=;.;;. _ _;;. __ 2_9_5_0 Rt1lty, Inc. Furn. apt. $135 Plus util. from $130. '1101 Ellis, Apt Prestige location MAN only S50 ma. Ki l privl. home. PlanJ included for bath, family room home on (huge master suite), den w/ AVAIL for 2, ntale or 901 Dover DriVl' SUite 221 Heated pool. Ample parldn& D. 842-8303 or call owner 803 Governor C.M. the "fixin". To see call Mrs large comer. Built.ins, car-FP. 4 baths, heated pool. cond &45-2000 Eves. 543-6966 Na children-No pell! 84.2-2835 For lease, deluxe 1888 sq. ft. 646-5289 Hopper, Delancy Real Es-peting, PaloA Verdes Atone Golf course, beachclubhoUJe ~=-abare f\lrn$15 k, 1965 Pomona, CM ...._ll,-B,;,R~.-M~o"'b~il-e"'home--.-A~"°'-s 4 BR., 2% ba. Apt Frplc., EMPLOYED Men; sep. , .. ~ 'TT &-•••• "-la H bak --• w/p...,..,, rec. rm, w • 3 BR, 11iii bath rondomlnium ' tale. ,,,,,..., 0 or ,,,...,._. ....... ,., oe •. eavy a e •VU1· & tennis court available -54&-26&8 $155; 2 BR. 1 bath. Gt.rap. from beach. 1 or 2 Adultl. drapes, carpets, wet bar, try; quilt; $50 I: $56 Month $S29H.950AR. p AND CLEAN $1'1tl,OOO. ,;:;:::::=======-:~ ~~J.'2:!r:°G4~ Util. ~d. Children O.K. Golf, pool, sauna. Sp 2M prlv. bl.lcon1es; dbl. l ana&e i-'"'~"""-klY~l--_~-- 4 B d Duplu:M Furn. 2975 B Broker 534-698o Drithvood, 21462 Pacific Cat oft kitch. Dlt:hwasher, dbl. IDEAL quarten for employ· e rooms 4 bedroom, 2 bath, family OCEAN FRONT APART· ;:..;==;;._.-.;;.;;____ kr. $85; DELUXii bach&r apt HW)' JIB. 536-3400 oven, pool. Convenlent to ed man; priv. entrana. £ut dining rm _ family rm _ room • kitchen with all elec-MENT • The •urf at your FURN 2 Br. 11iii Ba. Apt. 2 BR. crpts, drps, patio. w/w·, =1.:;_ ,;..·Id. UTILITIES PAID shop'&:·· scboola &: rectea· Costa Mesa area. 646-5689 Pool • View home. Irie built-ins. Carpeting and front door/ Tennis court Ir: many extru. $160. 54>37()( Acro8.!i irom Lldo Shop. "'""' ..-tion. , 2921 Settlngsun Or. drapes. S17,99a. L<l\v down. 11wimm.ina pool available. 2 or 613-7350 Watf'r &: gardener pd. -ker 5U69IKt 2 Bdnns. tum. Htd. pool ONLY $325 MONTH PRIVATE Entrance, be&r OPEN SUN 1 , 5 woodward bed.mis, convertible den, 3 541-0ll2 802 Knoxville, Apt O, H.B. 35 AMIGOS W bath, men only. $40. Jlel' RENTALS . Costa MHI •100 • 5.Ji.2911 e I AY month. m -atl<r t PM. N t B h R It r••l ·Mtat• baths. wet bar· $69,500 tum-. ., BR 1Siu--1 · " • N rt II h --ewpor eac •• y lshed HoUllS Unfurnished • · · E;Hao, Molf ·• cp • 1 BLOCK from ocean. 1 1.: •wpo 11c h:C::z=:i'='=~='642==z~ll """'j~~,.,.~~33~43)'r.fN'""'I TURNER ASSOCIATES drapes: 1* blks: trt beach. e INTRODUCING • 2 BR apts heated pooJ 1 ===Me='·::A:=:P'~·=9== ~~· ~~ 0~Ji $lD Week. Income Property South of Hwy 2 BR home plus 1 BR Rental Walk to all shops. $45,900 • easy terms. Or1n9• Co1st Property 332 Marguerite, CdM 673-8550 2 NICE Houses lot. So. of Hwy. $58,000. Owner. Lido Isle on double 673416'9 1351 FIXER UPPER Street to corner strada 53' lot. Neal 2 Bedroom room to expand, $45,tXXI CAN'T LAsr ! ! R. C. GREER. Realty 3416 Via Lido 613-9300 B1yfront Duplexes $105,IOO • 2-three BR'11 $ll5,000 . 3 BR & Two BR's with Fireolec:e11 Wi lker Realty 3336 Via Lido 67.r5200 Udo Boyfront Real sha11> 3 Bdrm & den Pier & Slip, sondy beach LIDO REAL TY, INC. 3400 Via Lido 67J..88.'W 7"!. fNT. 16"!. DOWN Charming • Compact. 3 BR. 1 %. BA. Frplr., larg~ sunny p.atiOA. Modern kitchen. 45' lot. $47,500. 0\-l'ner will t.inance. 675-2643 Huntington Be1ch 1~ 4 BR,: 2,800 Aq. ft. Mf'redith Home; formal dining, \\1alnut paneled tam. rm.; rouble lrpl. In gallerllM'.l l\v. m1. Assume unbelievable 51)1' loan. 01vner \\•Ill lake 2nd. $43, 750. 962-2631 Huntington Hiiis Take OV1tl' 5% % Joan. Hard· '"ood floor.. l.argt 3 BR. 13xl8 !.am. rm, new p&int in & out. Sell ~I OJ' FHA. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847~1 Eves. 968-U78 DRIVE BY 16632 RbOne Lane, Sol ViAta. FHA ,loan 5~ % 'BR 2 ha, blt·inl, cpts/clrpa, trplcc. IllA\llated, a h a k e roor. u·alltd yard. Ptrfed cond. Vacanl. Price $25,900. (fi.·f'W"r 11.'Jl-• .,178 or 847-3880 $17,250 -OWNER S BR l" bl. blt-1.ns, lrplc, dblf' a:ar. 8322 Munstf't' Dr. PfcJne Sandi. 648-2309 BY Qv.·ntr: cmy l Br. home bl'!ar beach. Carpell. eu1t. drapes. 962--1995 General 3000 Yew:ly. $alO Mo. 673-8088 2) bl •-· .. l .__ 1 • mJ.ptlva e , $1060 MOVE-IN 682 No. Cout Blvd. :::=:.::;;::. ___ ....:;. IJ J I ' t· ..... , rec room. nw1"""u 5250 1'189 CJ'estmont. 548U9 2 BR, electric built-in range Laguna Beach <n.f.J 494-1177 ffiVINE TERRACE -2 BR BEACH Houae 6 doors to Vt • music. Agt.. S36-887.f. I ·C~o~ron;iiiio~d~o~f ~M~·~·-;i;ii~ &. oven, dlshwuher, thermcr · Ir: den. Fantastic View, ~~i602 rr!~s:a~:-· . a t 6ei•e 1 BEDROOM beach house. I I ;.;R.;.oo;.;m"-&"-B'-o-•_r_d_..;;5;;.996-..;.I statically controlled FA heat, L19un1 Nlgu1I 1707 beautiful condition -$150 Orange County'• Beautiful Avail Feb !Ill S175 Mo. swnrner tan. Completely per mo. Wertcliff 3230 NE\\' Adu1t llvin& complex ~6'18-;:::..;28!0=~---~~ ~~; NICE home, Fo u nt&tn Valley, for working lady. Homr prlvU. Reaaooable 531-1006 fenced & landscaped. Dou-DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba.; pro. "'-'-"--------'=-' CUstom turn or unfurn. l le 2 BR tum apt, nr beh !l,. •rt• ble &ara&'e with boat door. fess. lndsepd. I: decorated; BEACON BAY · 2 BR & 3 BR .• dinin& nn., family 81.ngles • 1 Bdnn . 2 Bdmul $125 up. Free utilltie1, Quiet street near shopping 1n excluslw Monarch Bay; den, or 3 BR. Community rm.; 2 Ba .. new cpts.; close e Contemporary CU.tom 536-3m, 536-7282, 536-1366 ON TEN ACRES Ir: schools. $161/mo. includ· lovely ocean vlew; auto. beach, pier, tennis court -to schoolJ &: abClpping. Fncd. Dni&:n 1 I: 2 BR. Furn &: u ntum Gu-_. Honw es ta.'<cs. water softener & elec. gar. $450 per mo. yd. Water I: gardener paid. e Luxurious Gardens L1gune B••ch 4705 FrPlci / Pri / Patioe: / ;;;.;..::-:.;..;'==:....-,;5o.;99.;..;ll doon; 1 yr. new. $59,500. John Macnab Realty Co. J.M. $350 Month. 642-8839 • Bubblinc aprini Ir: brook Poo2s. 'l'emlla _ Contnf1 BJci; WANTED: E 1der1 J am- 1 f i191!JRfill l=..,=·th=6=%=%=1oen=.=Own.r==:o(1) 642-8235 • 42' Pool A therapy ht.th ~~~ !~::~is. tat 9 hole ?utVGl'ffft. bulatory lady dellft:t room '\d!ft TT!!'1'112ftr <00-4198 RENT w/optlon. N. Tustin Corona del Mir 3250 •Activity room/bllliude .,.. 49+~ * 900 SN Lane, CdM 644-W tn rest borne or priv. home; area/ 3 BR. 2 BA. !am. • Sauna Bath IMac:Artbur nr. Cout Hwy) Mb:1ion Viejo or El Toro FOR LEASE C1plrtr1no Beech 1725 rm. Part lum. $190. Adults. $275 MO Yearly leue. 2 •Putting green <t:N l'AL)c .na. To $175. 137.2856 After Ref. 541-8944 Eve Bedroom home. N e w I Y • OuUide Gu BBQ11 Allft. Unfumflhed 5 PM Ooean Front Home ftdl'!corated. Large yard. e Encl. pn.a:es &: •toraa:e 2 BR, 2 balhl, 1 .. e llv rm, -::=======; 4 BR l'.4 bR.th, immediate 4 BR 3 BA $75,000 $105: 2 BR. 4·Plt:x. wtw. Walk to beach I: ahopplng. CENTER of town -between fiG~t~n~t~romliiiiiijiiiSOOOjiiiii 1 d 1 .. 1 .... area, w.ik tn cloaett -J>O!\St:sislon Sl'l'O/mo. Jack Inplls Realty bltns, drape1. Children O.K. Wattt & a:ardener paid. Bay I: Ford/Harbor A New• ~'f:monall,v decorated. "M;;l";:.o.;.· ..;lt.;.;ltl;;;.;;l•;;.;ft;c..._..;5;;ff!.;.;P 3 & separate family room. Geo. Nerbell, Auocletc Broker 534-6980 Adults prefm'fd. Ca I I port VEN DOME ~alk to the beach, $300 mo. GARAGE excellent cone:!. $225/ma. 34182 Doheny Par"'-Road $725: 2 BR., fncd. yd., w/w, 673-7055 before 10 am or 20CW' Panoni CM 642-8670 1---- 3 &: family, downtown, cus-Opp. Thrifty Drug Store 1tove, refrir. Child & pet after 5 pm. A&ent 673-3012. ' ~. l2X34 • $20 Month tom, best location. $215/mo. Of1. Tel. 496-2455 O.K. Broker 534-6980 NEAR new 3 Ddrm, 2 bl.th, y SEA LARK IMMACULATE APTSI lay & leach Available Feb. 4th 3 BR 21h baths, Surfside $180; 4 BR .. 2 ha., garag:e; Refrla'en.tor &: stove Jn-MOTEL IMMED· OCCUPANCY Rulty, Inc. 217& Placentia Ave. (rear} Olnd. Walk to shopping. D1n1 Point 1730 bltn.s; children & pet OK. duded $300 mo. y r ly. ADULT & FAMILY 240'1 E. Cont Hwy, CdM • 636-4120 • $190/mo OPEN DAILY 12 2 Broker 534-6980 Salisbury .Rlty. 673-QlOO WEEKLY RATES SECTIONS AVAILABLE 845-2000 Eves. 6'f3.ai64 WANT To rent ---In BRASHEAR REAL TY to 2101 N1wpot'l lfvd., CM Cf-t o Shopping, Perk --- 847&11 Eves. 968-1178 315~· ~~OC: =·J:!: Cotti M... 3100 Belboa 3300 e 646-7445 e • Spacioul 3llr's, ~Ba 1-BR + den/Br. New redec. :-'s~• 1;;;. ~ Ialand WOW! sail Dr. 642-2823 2 BR. Garage. Carpo1 , 4 BDRMS. wtth boat dip: $25 Wk. Up =~:.Puv...,n /:::\:.'iin"'~.~l ===;::::===='i 2 Atory pool home, huge 11ep-rnE QUICKER YOU CAU... dn.pes, 11tove. Fenced yard. 2 bR.ths, fncd. yd. w/bbq. • Stud.la le Bach apts. e FrpJ. lndlv/lnclry tac'~ mo incl util. Adulta. rd!. Income Property 6000 arate family room, top qual· TI:IE QUICKER YOU SELL Older couple. $125. 646-57ZI $425 Month. 529-8100 e Incl Utlls Ir: Phone serv. 1845 An1hllm Ave. 646-40M 1 O"'c. RETURN lty carpets. Best buy in town a Mald Servioe • TV avail. 1;COii!<r~A~MEjSA~![!!!!~642-!i28U~ 13 Modem 1 BR AptA $140 to t• at $31,SCKl-Only $5300 down Rlv1r1ide County 1800 Rlverald1 County 1100 Rlv1nlde County 1800 e New Cate 4 ear 1, S150 mo. Available .im08t NET. Nl!T N!T & assume FHA loan. - -2376 Newport Blvd. 54M75.'i FOR SALE OR LEASE immed. Don V. Franklin, For Gift! free incomE' -I 847.~ul Jone:\'!~~712.f. CHATl!AU Li POINTE Chinntl Reef =RI°'"=·~"";,;.;,·""==,-~-.torea, all leued filth 2 to S@\\~ }A.-f) £ ~s . Lovely furn. 2 BR apU. OU-Pent hoUM Apt1. STUDIO Apt. $\00, utll. incl., ~ro~onto c=~sn.~ <.:;, (/• atrMt parldni, carports. Htd ~ per mo. to r11llable par-M cooklllc. Approx. 2 blkB net retum per year, For in-BRAND NEW 2 BR. carpets & dtapn, 2 blka to beach. Honeymoon- ef'!I Special $22.900 R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 847-3519 Eves. 536·7840 LEASE.OPTION [mma.C. 3 BR 21,1, ba S200/mo ALSO REPOS $795 l'lawn no 2M1. H11fd1I R11lty 8740 \Varner. F.V. 842Ml'IS . Fountoln V•lloy 1410 $29,950 $3000 down. 3 BR 3 b<tlh, clean modem tlle kitchen with bullt·iN:, walnut cabi- net. • al.90 in tamJly room. wall papera. red brick ,.., ttrlor & fireplace. Curved driveway. double canae, ahakt roof, CU)..dMac lot, room for tarp pool ~ lot Ii.le 4Sxl.f.7ri1~7x93 • mUAt tee to appreciate. Payable $190 per month P & J, Vacant. Submit yoor home In tradt:. Santa Anl 1620 Solve a Simple SCf'cmbled Word Pw:zl.e for a Chuck!£ 0 it.a~ th• 6 1erombl.d words 'b.low to rnak• 6 limp!. WQl'ds. Print 1tne111 of ~h In ft• Une of JQVOr ... IVINEAL I I' I I r r IDUGRl.T I IBIDIEA . I ~. I .;;..c;;I..:.;.. 1;_11----1 . IWAYSET I h7,.;..,l,.;..;..;l""'°'"i ~,-T,-1 Ladies ho-ve o poJSion for L...J.L... ... -L . ....!.-.I. . .....! mathematics. They · dlvld• their oge1 by two, double the I H IT p IS I price of lholr dr..,.1, 1robl1 ~,;.:..;1~ .. ,~ .. 1 ~,r1~,~ their hutband1' 10JOrlet, o nd • . . . • add five years to the oV•• of L-"'--•-'--'-.....!-..L....J th.Jr--. ~------IVIDDIE I 1-~4 O Comple!• th• ~ qucQd " I I 111 I I ~ ~l!"t!i ::p ~1 i:ro!~ . -,.,. _....,. ..,........ .... •=--r r r r r r r r I' r r 1 •;;.I I I Ir I I I IE I I I pool Adults, no pets. Sl.50 tte• on I y. Diet Salillbury to bch. ~2581 formatjon on thls m other l9f1 POMONA AVE., C.M. Realtor, 673-6900 inveatmenfl: lncludinl tmihl G I Ad ft LI I $135: 2 BR .. 11\ ba. •ludio.1.H;;••;;;t;;l•;-;;;;;;·;;";;';ch;;;;5400;;;;; call -r1c ous u v nt w/w, blt-inA; child~n &: pet 11 '.!'.":l-;.:;'~~"· drapo 1-zo;;.K.=:Bro::=ke:;•::;S34-<98/l;;::=:::== EXCLUSIVE Walku A Lte Mr . ..,_ MHA EAST APTS. Cott• -. 5100 ON-THE·IEACH Income rnvtotment Dtpt. 145 E. Utb, C.M. 642-3.f.74 54S-N51 2 D.R. New -· cpll, ...,.., 2 & 3 llad,..m Aptl. !loam ceillJtr, blt-lllll. pool. >:xoo11 .. t, par1< ·Ilka 11111'-Luxury llvfni< to pleue the 12 UNIT APT MOTEL Adults. $150. 2172 Maple St. rmmdinP for adultl nqutr. UlOlt diltrlm!natlrc· NOW' !Unt by 1)8,y, Week or Montb 642-4807; ~ lrla: peace A quirt. available at Trade $50,000 equlty for Dlecrlrnlllattv T ts cash, unlfA:, houM: or T BACHELORS only! I BR, [, 2 • 3 en:...~~ the Huntinat11n Box 505 .._ ... .,,, llv nn. kit, dlnelt~. ba, POOL. NO OULOREN phooe (213) 6'1M121. separate 1~. $1 3 O. wk~ndJ {n4) 67U335 ~m MARTINl9UE Patilfc Im I """"""""~~""""I NEWLY d"' 1•,1 BR. .... GARDEN APTS. W 161/2°/o Uke new furn w/ desk. Uth I: Santi ~ C.M. NET RETURN Drps, W/W crpts. $125. 523 Cl1J Mrs. ffertdenm &fS.55'2 7U Ocean Av~ .. H.li Fully occupied • pl~ hi 8el'Mrd st. C.M. MS-anl tm Santa Ana. Apt W.. c.111. 1n•1 536-1437 center of Hunun;ton BcUb- BEAUT. Jae. 2 Br. l~ ha. VACANT lmmed possession S~'7ti financlnl', lor turthef' lludlo. pool, prlv. patio. 1185 NEW GARDEN APTS. 2 BR 2 bathe. w I w dcllU.. call Bill Goodoll. 2310 Santa Ana 66>2933 1 &: 2 BR. Modem kitchen w/ carpet.tna. dn.perillla. built· 962-7016, apnt. a.BR.: adult.a. no pei.. Oean, range &: oven. dlahwuher, lna l ~frta:. nAOlmo. I 1 p = nicety turntsbed. etc. Enclosed pr. Olympic TRADEWJNDS RLTY. UI MU ~rty ~ 548-0959 aize pool. B.B-0ut 6 laundry MUOll S4U012 53&85 y: .. Zone Miuion Vif'jo 'nr, A'ITR.. 3 BR apt •• 2 blt.. ~:cu: ':t1:. ~~ Wint Prlv•cy? N*Wf Aukmetres. ~100 Acre .. v-i/w carp .. drpll .. alll'. yd. 241 W"--CM ..,..., ••M ONE BR'a NE:AR. OCEAN 1eue or build to suit. AJ. 548-3481• 54().0lM• ~ uwn. . . ,,.."'""""' $10 • WRY n~ 1-bdrm. NiW CiARDIN· APTS~ :' .m,",:1~'i:\~.~ ().'°"' _...... !3UITI tn.lltt, Adulb: only, 1 A 2 BR. Modem kflchtn w/ l BEDROOM APT, Private lutlMll R•nt1I 6060 133 E. lBtb SI., C.M. 642-U6fi raJlie A GWn. di.lhwuber. dO. 1rp1 blt--• e NASSAU PALMS e etc. E~ pr. Olympic pt ta I: ~ M.pnge, 1 It 2 BR. • Pool al.it pool. B--B-Que 4: laundry ::.1613 ~nda or aft :'°" rn E 22nd St ••"-v..1. lac. Elec Ir water pd. From · · . ,,,_....._ $U5 ma up. Adulla ontv. 2 6 3 SR., 2 baths. prtv. NEW 1 BR. Adulta onr,. 2U WUIOCI, C.M. ""'540'1 patio: beal«I pool. Encl pr. 1150 m~to-mo. EU.XiANT 2 Br., l~ii be.. 96U9M CORONA dtl Mar J3eaut:r Sbop in buq location. Fonner bea.uty lhop mov.d to Jargtr quart•r•. "Rf:uonablf' nont. C I 11 Hutcheln, n4: 83M5ll $11 ,000 -2 BR. 4 BR. l Ba. Condo. 5-% ~ CALL: 8ob 5619C1 Evu. tnt. ep11. drpt>. blow. Pttt1o, SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN DIME·A·UNE l2>J Elden. e<!rUM All tloct, """" c!r>t. GE DAILY PD.O'I' WANT ADS kitch. tncl. pr, nt bus. BLDG. 50 'I 100, ln helrt ol do'N'ntown Oilta Meta.• !pri:::.:cv•=cy~·~O~wntrc;:::~·~~.:.:...~"--~-o_•_n._Y_P_ILOT __ w._ANT __ AD_Sl 1---~-~----------------~~~--I Al"11! a Qo.Qol ll.f.O adults. lll E. m SI. --- t } f ... . . . . . • llAn.Y fllOT Situniay, January 25, l9'b'J • • •u•>NW 'i1'I llUSINl:5$ ... . OIUSINESS ... ' • auslNESS .... SEltVICE DlllfCTOllY ···!11111-· ... -... *•t.-~*!lll-•· .. -·*•ISEllVICE DlllEC'tOllY l!lllANCfA~'.1 FINANCIAL FINANCIAL PINANC_IA\;'' ' , ~Hint , 6"° , Upholstory , 6990 JOBS ·lo EM,LOYMIN1 t1•1o W1nl•d. Mtl'I ~ ..,.; !II!~'~ 6JOOIU., Oeeomm1!* ts04! l uo, Opporl\lnltl• 63001ui. Olop1rlunlltooW300" !ti llOUR dllld .:.... l 1111' •:t . a _ , J ; J ... 11(4 I .i'J.4-{ ~ eoe~J;a' lltf' ddlct. 2 CZYJ<OSKJ•s M~m U ptiobter)', V 1' r o j)'"'eh Ctaft1ma11ahip. lOO~'ci F\f\anclna. rum. boata & au\o's. 642-1~. 18 3 l Newport Qlvd .. C,.~t. ' Draftsmen I SECURITY • PRESTIGE • PROFIT OWN A PROPITABLE BU$1Nl'SS :;:~ ... ~1"' .... *:1:" .. ' One of the larg .. t Toy Mfg. Co. Iii the lleld RUN IT IN YOUll $'A.Ill tire : ':. -.. ~ badq.::: 1 has openJn}.s !Or-Dblrlbutors. 1YOUi GAii EARN $780.00'A t.IOl'ITH OR l """"'""" plq. O.mil(cbt . $175 p•r wk part time MORE IN JUST A FEW HOUS~ EVE~Y-WEEK = cb!l~ "."""""' 1 $400 pe .. ~. L.fl time II your 9 10 5 job puts a ceiling on your earn-MESA v .... ·-· d ••• r "" "' Jn-and limits your ab!lllies, h ere 111>•• o~ 1 --~~;;.I ., * No Selling .., II d I Y ,..., little -oU ~ '° ;;( . J0a5 lo EMPLOYMENT Job W1~tod, Min 7000 ' . ... * Service company-eStablisbed accou.nls. port.unity ta or ma e or you. lbclppllll. 50c hour, weekl)o -,,. ~ -- Chain super mrkts. chain Drug stores, \Ve are looking for distributors lo represent !;~~~fun. are J! ~ -~-- , E.XPER1ENC£D in Stt.lt!ll, Mailagement & J\1C'rchan· dis~. New In area: will travel. Eves. f714 I &12-2752 STA(O, INC. major Dept. stores National Pina Company, the largest, rn06t 1 hom<. Call-· SV#hPE~~AdyL1CWLASant5?1FWIChA1dTdlOy1NGFoOt1R ' * Nationally advertised prestige n1erchandise success.ful and Castest growrng CQl?lpany o • 96i-J.38f_ • , ~ 2 YOUNG 1ne_n wuit work on Yacl1t. e-xp.; Skl11J>C'r, Engr. Deck Hand. 6'Ts..o-14.i 1139 Bokor St. * No e1pcrience necessary jts kind. BABYSmING in my home. NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS * Complete Co. training & Co. support Nothing to sell. Service company secured ac-l..ule t~ back yard. l"-ti•I Rite Cott• Me11 549.3041 · * Full chain store merchandising plan count... One time nUnimum investment of One dilld. $1 hr o: $Z S Lin11 _.; flmu -5 buckt • All c be I h 1· ,. ~ ••. A ...... "th "U!..£S -AO MUST INC~UOE Job W•ntod, udy 1020 An equal oPportunhy emplQ)'flr * 0 . nef1ls, group ns . osp1ta iza 100 $2,390 to $4,360. We furn ish all advertising, • 'W..... mvu ... r WI ex· 1-w1111 l'OU 1'11¥1 to, 1noe. ,_~, )'Ov .... ,,. (n tr••· & retirement n1erchandising and support m .. tcrial. prrienoe. ~· 1-YOUlt ~T·~~: m~i.E -T~e1~~Nrl'~··•:rll!~. COMPETENT boOkkee~r. THE MAN OR W01'1AN appointed to fill this BABY'srrTlNG My home. ,PHONE 642-5671 lypisl, cumocner servltt ex· Siles ft II you are at the crossroads of your career ~need. Oea.D home. crience, saies· oriented, nra· position, must have a desire for L.:irge pro t! and are looking for a money.making oppor· Hot lunchu &: naps. Vicinity To Pl•c.e Your Trader'• P•r•diM Ad tun', ''ants work in Laguna. Representative ' & be able to invest ia·minimuol tunity inveitigate how you can run 'your own of Harbor fr Baker 540-2301 '66 Scad . J.. 8Qut.cam:pin&: ~ 17 tt Perfonner out· 499-3633 Opening for 199res1ive $3995 business in you r spare time. Write Today. ltl· BABYSITTINC my borne, l trailer, ileeplj 2 + cabana, bol\rd, (fibergl.ass) for 1u111 A,.cP~AccR"r~M~E=N~T~,,-.-,"•"e ma n with ex cellent fu. l''or a 1>ersona1 intervie\V call collect. person elude name. address and telephone number. child. 1 1.~ yn. or over. $20. sleeps 4. Stove, sink, ice-or pa.rt payment on carpet, 111anagcr, E x p c r i enc e ture & idv~ncement . to person: Jam~ Alex (714) 644-1700. Fri., Con1plete descriptive material \\1ill fol1ow. wk. \VlllllOtl Sehl. 2 blkB. box. Tra~ tor 8' cabover drapei;, landscaping, feoo. capable woman, 14 yra last pouibiliti•s. Sat S o 1 NA. TIONAL PIZZA COMPANY 64>l1J2 can1per. 545-.2100 att 4. ing or ? "! 642-49&1 aft 7 pm position desires good living ·• un. n \'. CHILD Care, my home, vie. What do YoU have 10 trade ? 3 BR t;,i ba, Monticello conditions & ad e q u ll t c T OP EARNINGS .REAL ESTATE : Gener1I ~EAL ESTATE Gener1I 10407 Liberty Brookbw-st le Yorktown, H. List it here _ in Orange C.Ondo, cpts/drps. blt·ins, 2 S11lary. 1213! 396--82:)5 Box 69 B. ~ +s: days/eve County's Largest read trad· pools. $3900 equily. Trade ORIENTAL Gil'\ wants Must Be ·SI, Louis,.Missouri 63132 962-8452 ingpost-andmakep.deal. for l or 4 BR homr, TDs. Housekeeping & cooking for Neat & willing to v.·ork ~usiness R•nt1I 6060 R1nches 6150 .A..rea Code 314·423·1100 BABYSITII.NG my home car or ? O\vr./Agt 546.5580 single man or y;on1al}. Live For. interview & appointment ASK FOR MR. J AY days. Xlnt care! Ages'l%: Cof'ona del Mar. Steps to Have levelboildlnglotJtear in or out .. , No children. Call "f;lr. ~UC' S~tALL Reasonably' priced Store Buildings in busy Corona del Mar locntion. Call Hutchehs. TI4 : &38-6511 Rltr. SHOPS Nr. Newport Pier 613-0$ll Qffice Rent_1f 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON FURFS'i AVENUE ~k ·spares available in qewes1 office bu11din~ a: prime location in dO\vnlown Laguna Bra<'h. t.i1 condt tioned, carpe!ed. txautiJul paneled partinonini;:. T w o 'entrances: !>'root.age on Forest Ave .. rellf ltads ro Mu.odpal parking k)(s. $50 per mooth for space. Desk and chaln availabl@ tor $5. Business boors answeri~ service aVailt..bl@ for ·$10. AU utilities paid excepl teleiV.one. - -- DAILY .. PlLCTr ~ FORFSI' A VENUE LAGUNA BEACll 494.9466 to 4. Nr White Front CM. beach. 3 BR 2 be.. Vac lSM BIG BEAR CITY, CALIF .. References. 64.5-1155 539-1106 Horses or Dogs? I~~~~~!"!''""'""'""~~~~~~~~~~ 5t5-0973 equicy. Want clear lot or $1500 tree & clear. FOR LADY Wishes day work. or 646-7300 2Acre1,close-Lnt0Fwy.,setl 8us1N~~S ind am..o Care my home•smalltBRhomeCMarea. good used car. Good and re l iable.1 ....... iio.;.i;i;;iioiioiiiiiiiiil up to ra~ horses & dogs. 4 FINANCIAL Mortg19u, f.D.'a 6345 ·weekdays only; close ~ ~ Eve. 642-0185 Bkr. 548-0479 Reference. S41-80'2'J BR. older trame house, barn I _..;..;;;.;.;~"-'-----$35,000 1st TD Harbor & Adam~ C.M. Hi-desert lot or lots. "'Iler· Palm Desert Cond. furn, HOUSECLEANING & 1'.4 acre ~rm.anent pas-Bus. Opportuniti" 6300 on new Commercial mdg. 545--0131 rific potential, 125' front. beaut grounds, he8.ted pool, $16.40 per day. Dependable. ture. F ull price $45,0CKl. For ·--Laguna Beach. payable $350 P.fATURE \\'oman w i 11 $2000 val ·ea. all uti!. Trd/ 3C M, trade 20 M equity for Own car. 642-7871 further information, please SECURITY-mo. incl l % due 5 yrs. JiaRI babysit Fri. Sat, sun from well plaoe(l ·hs! trlr In C.M. good lot or lots in area. De-I~========~ call: <';Jenn Thon1pson \\li!h '--•-~ 6 pm. Call 1•••• d•-. area. 548-83n tails ca!J 499--ZW!I. Domesto"c Help 7035 Eckh-off & Assoc., Inc. PRESTIGE.PROFIT n1oney note from su........... ,......., <v~ Ml ' ,., p-l•"'"bl• Eloc' 1-n;.,.. 673-UlM own trans. 11.SO hr. Have 6 units·, want sniall \Vant Laguna Bea<.il pmp. is•• \\'. Chap111an Avt'. 011C' of the largest Toy . g. kU •v "' "' ..... a H c rg All•• Byl··• Ago~ M I firm & assi......._.. with re-WOULD Ll<e child ID ,...,_house.Costa t<tesa or Hunt-AVE 6 acres w I 2 BR eo c " '11... • ..... o--,, Calif. Co. in the fie d has oprn1ngs i;•~ ......... , E ploye< Pays J<~ec ·-~ ·b course of owner, 10% dis-lo• 0• w-"'" .. ,,., '" my ington Beach ai>e. a. We.Iker house, Fallhrook. $49,500. ~m _ ••1.·.~1. E,·,~-\\'l(ndS 5J8-67'.!7 for Di~tr1 u\ors. • .. ~ .,, · ""'BE 16'" SA "11 0395 .,... ,..,. ~ 1·ount. 833-2935 honie Balboa. 67>7290 &: Lee, ?ttr. Levine Exclusive are a, near ~ · "" " · -------.... -•.• $175 per wk part time ' '-fC 0"t schools, chut'Che•. 4°'7°00 • CHINESE Couple avail --· ~-· -· 11tAOO per wk full time " ..... .,..., .,.... """ - A 6100 ~ 20'/o DISCOUNT BABYSITTING my honie, • \VANTED • 216 acres Rosamond. N•ar in1med ! \700. Top cook Sr ~ge.' -.. • No Selling "\·eek days have 3 }T old ~~· ___. $1385 2nd TD at $20 n10. inl·l ' Vie\v prop Dover Shores, A.V. Frwy $3750. value. \Viii refs. 64:2--B703 SAC l oo A f'>rn• I'. 1 ...... • Se1vitt' com.pany-eslabl Ill.. . 3 dooghter. C.M. area. 549-2158 3 M 1 p 1 rful uv u uv 890 all due 1n . years on approx sq. t. ro er trade for Jeep, Truck, Boat, ~nese live-ins. Chee A scl'l.lless grapes. Tula1't' i.:ounts. Chainsupermr~, <k-ean View Jot Laguna DEPENDABLE day care. trade home Dover Dr +?? T.D. or '!'!, • Permanent. Experienced Cnty. Owner. 64&-7994 chain Drug stores, m8.JOI' Beach. Call Q\vner Pref. "'kly C3n' of 24 yrs. • 642·5&U * Broker, 546-4607 Far East Agency 642-8703 * ~~~n=~~~vcrtised pres-497·1210 Lie. Hrbr/ Baker. 546-ls.19 VIE\V lot, Mesa Verde GoU San Clemente Income 2 --CORONA: 5 Acres. close-in. Beautiful view. $/:JOO A{'}'('. lige merchandise BABYSITTING !'1Y home. Course Fairway. all clear. storoa . 2 Jots 2 oJJices :! Agencies, Men 7100 MAINmtANCE General f.Iaintenance man. ~1ust have e»:perier>ee in Ground f.Jaintenance. KM 2n1 Campus Driv• Irvine, C·alif. 833-2500, Mr. Cooley S1lesmtn S LOCATORS OY.·ner 11\ 737-2976 ._ No experience necessary NTS Reasonable, COiie~ Prk Trade fer indU11trial, com-. Apls \Vill take TD" r *Complete Co. training & ANNOUNCEME area. (OCq 546-7090 menial, units, or??! small;r property Makes o~· FACTORY HELP Eastern Comp;tny &eeking 5 Resort Property 6205 Co. support And' .NOTIC.~S YOYNG' mother wanta to * 642-4.n5 * er. Call • ~ Trainees & inexperienced -men to place record racks in · ban --,,.~,,....-,,;.~--· I skilled: Assemblers, Punch FOR RENT }'um f\·Jamouth * ~n cham ~tore me~ · FouNI Cf.f' .. Ads) 6400 be~sll "'.11:':..~me. Have land up to'316 acres. 6 Units plllll cash for larii -PNM -<>"~r. Tun-et t..athe. \"ar\00$ locations. The men M · Colld · · dlsmg plan t\ ----.,-..,-,.,..----M....,..~, $200. per acre. Want: Haus-Motel • ·or more units. Gri·"~"-Ex_trucJers._._ Call selectftf will rtteiw. after - 0 ~ '!.! 8 l_!! -O!!!l~w:n .-Au fu·benrli~p-Jns:-, FOUND: "Sffiatr-J-og, appears· B:A~B~Y~s=1=·1=·1=·IN~G""", _m_y_,homo--.1 o·~""aprs:-cnmmeraat ~ ?-Hizef --Fortin, ·rur. 1703 •. -,:~. «•1196 a ShOi-t traUilng penoa;-$800 sll!<'pS 8. 540-27'30 h••p·,tat;,.mtion • -tJre. n " ....,.,.. n n l + ·" 6210 ;;nt. ,_ ·~ to ·be ·part~nese : vie. t:osta l'lfesa area-. Tender·, Myers Westclif! Dr. ARGUS AGENCIES mo.-..ary c:<pense .... o" .. Mount. & -~sert THE MAN OR ~~.,_ Bristol & .. Alton, Cos I a loving catt. 646-41.85 * 673-6756 '* 642-5000 518.0::00 lS69 C Ne\'1nnrt Blvd .. C.M.. al'lct'. slles experiel'K'e canoUI -•· lt1esa. Call &:11 den t i I y H C _,,,.1 .. , _. 2 ,, .,.., neceasary but helpful. · 1•• 1 1·11,. · ~ n ----~ ave ommen.:. ...... -<> t:UIC<11 Beuroom house \vilh fire· Manager Tra'inees . lm 1 9 • SAC Delu.-.:e Arro"·hd Coun-poin = o 1 "' 962-l9;jl -· B · k M -1 ...a lot• appo1n n am"'>) pm. t1·y Club estate H m . must have a desire.for large r1c • llOf'• J• .. c.6S60 Bldg, tree & clear, $100.000 place, 2 Bedroom. Apt plus Have clients \.\'ho \vill train OR J.8120 eXt 129. Ocean & Bay Views O'••clook• Gol( c 0 u ts e. prorits & be able to in~lfl'. a: BLACI{. ~19-i • ma I e, Trade all or pa11 equity. guest room. Submit season· inded d in Fin-'""""""""'"""""'"""""~I ~ . . ml.'dium SJ1,e' .l"itlnity 17th -----·----'.'" Want: H~nses, apts, land ixl Trust Deed!. Fortin Co. career1m F !.~..,.' Sal••· i Owner 64&-7994 nunimum , ' , • betwttn TuSUn & Santa BUILD, Remodel, RepalI' or ? ? ? Myers, 673-6756 642 5000 548--0390 ance, ns, a .. l.U ' I :.i ACR~ at Yucca va:Ui-y $3~5 Ana. c_r,.1_ 'oavs 642-5070, Brick, bloc:k. c o nc r ete, · Call Mr Anderson, 548-7796 SALES1\1AN \VANTED FOR SPORTING GOODS above Art Millers Wl'stern For11• P"1 rsoo~I 1111f"1°',~ G.8n~ Eves 642-'3067 T' crpntry, no job too small. * * * * * * ARGUS AGENCIES · H"ll ''·II · .. .,"""' co ec · pc'r.son \~ ""1"86 · Llc Contr. 962-694a 186!' C Newport Blvd., C.M. 1 s. r u pnct ......,.,.,, J Al (TI41 ~14-l j:ill. FOUND: York&hire Terrier OFt'lCES FOR RE!'."\' \Vill divide to suit 1enant. • RED CARPET • REALTY CIO offices to Sf't'\'!' you l ~'02a \V. Balboa Blvd .. N.B. 673-3663 SMALL Office: suitable. Life Insurance. ~urual fund, Contractor, J Distributor, Util, air • conditioned, furniture. included, $10 mo. 19028 Brookhurst St. HB. \'i'0-"'9 1i Madern Offices Single or sui!C's. Air cond· ltioning. parking, secretarial service, central location. ~ Robert Nattress Realtor 230 E. 11th Stree-t Co.st.a l.tesa 642-14&5 OFFICE SPACE Private alcove, desk & an· ~·ering: serv incl. From $25 mo. Parking. JOO N. t<ie"'J)Ort Blvd., f\'B. Farel ~Valker 646-7414 ME\\'POR r O VIC CENTER OUices suitable for Com· rnerciaJ. M~ical, Dental. Air-cond .. CJllls. ele\!a\or f'rom $70 I -641-5032 OR 67:>2™ l COMMEH.C. -300 Sq. ft 1 INDUST. -800 sq. fl. • ~6-21,;) • 6FFJCES: 2: 300+ SQ. f1. each; strPet level; Coasl Hwy. Cdl'!rt. Call: 673-4830 tnch11tri1I Rent1l 6090 *COSTA MBA* • l'iO\\' leasing llC1v induslrial bldg. 1350 sq fl. oflice & rest roon1. Slj5/1no. A.. Nattrus Rltr. 64~·1485 --= XO) SQ n warehouse & oUice + 6000 sq ft paved &: fenced )oard. 1855 Laguna Canyon Rd. (not) 494--8006 or (TI4) ~-NEW M·l. 600 sq. ft. $70 fno. 2!M4 Randolph. CM. Call «illect 213: 789-86l3 Lots 6100 IAYCREST Unusually IArge lot, beauli· fully located 011 quiC'C Bii)'• ant street. You oy,11 lhr. land. Asking $28.500, Roy J. Word Co. (Be,ycrcst 0ff\('e) 1.842 Sa.nUaao Or. 646-l riiO SA.CRITIC!: 100' -,c 16.\' R.J lot North Shore Beaeh Eltale:1 .. Salf.Oll !:it•. $3500 NII price • 10% do"'"· ~-1813 J. DISTRESS SALE ~ Beach lot. ~~5 ~y P!l.Dt D!:\IE·A· ~ Yoo <::fltl U!t' them :a.:: peoniu a da.y, D!.J • • 64&-~lS anl(.'S C'X ~ .. t'ri, Sat, Sun only. , -type doi:, v~: 'Va.shington 5 A NR H!'n1et. Xl.J1t vie\1', & OrC'gon, Costa Mesa. Call & identify, S4&-~ C1rpenter1ng 6S90 SERVIC~ OIRtoCIURt SERVICE DIRECTOR~ Help Wanted, Men 7200 Immediate opening in our Cm;ta Mesa store for an. .ex· pericnced sporting goods salesman. Penn~nt posi- tion, good 118.lary, company beocfits. Excellent opportun· ity for advancement. 2800' C'l. \\ltr. gan>c. $f.l500 1 ·,~-o-R~.-S-A_L_E_._IJJ_N_G~---.·EA-· -c~,~.: l.15 dn. 633-TilO 8·10 a.m. ag!. 1440 Santa Fe. Potential nia1n cross street or town. Have Cale 133 seating ---------capacity) now leased + l Bus.. Opportunitie-s 6300 bedrUom apt. + 2 bedroom hon1e + asphalt parking 8USINES~ and FINANCIAL ASSOCLATE WANTED an>a. $55,000. complete -Do \Vcstcrn States V.'holcsale not disturh tenants. l<'or in- Confection Supply Company, formation call Jean Van seeking reliable pef90n to Der Borden, Jean Smith berorne a part ol our NEW Realtor. 114: 646-325.i LARGE B4acll: & \Vhile male cat. Vic. ·Lido' lsh~. Ill not claimed \Vil' _io. to Pouncil 673--0297 . FULL grown grey lltriped cat wilh white ~hesl & feet. Found P.larioers Library, rall 646-47~'4 Diamond R~ NC\Vport Beach ~5--3908 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small Cabinet in gar- ages & o t h e r cabinets. 545-8175, if no answer leave m..sg a_t. ~2312. II. 0. Anderson G1rdenin9 6610 L1ndsc1pin9 6810 · PARTICUL~R ANTHONY'S SPRINKLERS TYPE MAN G1rden Service & Sod ·Lawns. LiC & Booded I \Vant a m<:.n \\'ho w~ tak<' 646-1948 * 642·2T.l3 * a per.ional interest tn ~Y BUDGET LANDSCAPING ~ -business. A man who . , ... 111 Prune ... Plant ... Prepare P1perh1ngin9 \\'ork .for me as he ''":~~ ?donthly Maintenance P1intin9 · .. . 6850 fbort. himself. Must be Exp. Horticulturist l IOUS. •----,,..,.----· IA:r:ifC;i;d.;iin,iS:<;;,-;o, EUROPEAN Painter. JO yrs AL"S Gardening Service exp. Neat, use Dutch Ekiy r ,.,.ill place this man on a A·l Lawn maintenance, garden-paint. Average home, in!. $700. monthly guaran~ec. Carpentry, any ,;ize job! ing & clean ups. 64&-3629 (lr e.xt l 250. Fref' est F"inan... u you 01eel our requ. '·"" Call Gordon .347""745 •r t MOWING, Edging, odd jobs cing avail. l BR apt. com-ment& and in a pos1 ion Apply in person to store mar. '\'HITE FRONT STORE JO.SS Bristol St., C.M. * ll\1~1EDIATE OPENINGS & AJ\i>0ING riistribul~r FREE Standing bldg. 2 years program .~ our automatic old, plus equip, revolving merchandllilllg ?epartmenl sign, big parking loL Cost Lost ~01 -vending machine. Routes over $50M sell for S19M. I---------- Established! EARN $900.00 20 year grourxl lease on OR MORE A h10NTH 23M !Kl· ft. High traf.!ic. TI1'1E! You n1us1 have the Costa Mesa location. Fine nf'Cessary capita I of for chain (lperation or any. $1.-4511.00 to $2,995.00. good Call Real Estatcrs 646-7171 MASTER carpenter, $4 per and li(ht moving. plete S70. 540--0895 aft 5 ""here he can earn n1on: hour. Remodeling· Repairs. 548--6955 \vkdyg than $1000. a month in com· 642-6409 or 53&-3900 Ctn' &: edge lawn compl VINYL wall covering specialist • kit. & baths. Material & labor. Est. 847-1659 mission. • Bu1boys e Room Serv. W1iter1 car. and excel l ent askforVan refen>oces. You must bl'!I~=="'""====-;"'° able lo de\IOte at least five GETTlN~ MARRIED: \\'ill ho~ weekly. \V r ite : sell busi~ss 1n C.f\I: for SPEED VENDOR. P.O. $1000 complete pr 1 c e. Box 566, Sall Lake City. 54~~06 aft 5 pm "'krlays, Ulah. Plea.<\t' l n c I u d e any11n1c \Vkn<ls. PHONE NU?tlBER and BEAlITY Shop in Cosla ~nH' personal particulars. Mesa 4 stations. Must sell! Candy Supply R~ f.take oHer. ~5632 (Part ·or f:Ull Timel WAf\'TED: Oil-Sale liquor Excellent Income for f('\\' license for Orange County hrs weeklv work (days or Call: 642-81:19 ev~s. l ~tilling and colll'CI· ing money from ooin oper· I ·M----L 6320 atl'CI dispensers in Costa oney to Ol_n ___ _ JAN 16. Small mixed female Shellie. Blk & brwn \V/ blk rings around eyes. Choke/Dea coUar. Ans "Sam" Vic Ba: Isl. Reward. ST:i-1144 LOST 1/14/69 Silver grey FemalC' Poodle vie Jacaran- da & Toucan F.V. Reward. 962-122,l eves/wkends. GERl.lAN Sbephei'J, black & bnJ\\'11, fcmai(', one raised toe, Dana Point 493-4179 }lLK & gold German Shep. Male w/choke ch a in. Reward. 64>2198. 491-1512 LADY'S Gold ring with center diamond. Vic. Costa l\lesa. REWARD! r.48-)859 titcsa and surrounding area. RETIRED COUPLE Person1ls 6405 QUALlTY Repairs -Altera· servltt. -Lie. 546-5261 eves tions -New canst. by hour & weekends : or Contract G46-344.2 YARD CI e a n u p . Tree REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS service new 1 "a w'n s CABINF:I'S. Any size job. sprinkl~rs. rototill. 646-5848' 25 yrs. exper. S48-6713 i='========: Ctment, Concrete 6600 Gentr•I Servicu 6682 *CONCRETE \>.iork. Bonded HEATIN~ I-Air Cond. Serv & Licensed. Concrete sawing & ttpair, ~~ Washer & Phill. Ce I "'" '"""" dryer ttpatr. 24 hr setv. 1P6 men · "",,.....,,.,.. 842-7237 or 847-5681 e cusroM PATIOS• concrete sawing & removal HA~ING. C~anup g~ State Llc. • 842-1010 ~:..=. :u~e est. Jun CEMENT work, no job tool ===="===== small, reuonable. Free H1uling G730 estim. H. Stuflick. 548-8615 1 ---~-----­ • BEST IN CONCRETE C1XAN LoU. garages et~. \Valk! pool deck.o: tloon Tr!~ removal. dump, skip Pali~. Phone 64usl4' ba~. till, I r • d e . ~--~------1 962-a74::i e INT -Dr.I, ANY SIZE JOB. A1nt \Vork, refs, free est. J IM. 642-4669, 646-3749 NEWPORT B. &12-5110 WESTtifIN."!ER 892-5611 CAREER OPPORTUNITY! INTER or Ext PAINTING Join todays fastest growing IMMED. SERVICE. Locai profession-Mutual Fund sales ref. FREE est. 548-1627 No experience necessary· \\'e train . full or part time Paper hanging, 45 yenrs Mutual Fund Advisors, experience. Call Fred! * 548-4903 * Inc. -;;o:=='.'."7'."7',..--c-c--INPI B. 1603 \VestcliU 642..6.tZ! VET'S Bond~ Pa.inti n g. S.A. 1212 N. Broad\\·ay Free est, he, ins. Small S47 s3~1 jqbs voelcome. &t2-0427 ·· '·' PAPER HANGING --Auto M9cheni_c _ PAINTING-Busy Toyot;i ~hop in Hunt. 675-3043 Beach needs In1p1.n1 line Experience necessary. Apply in person only to \Vani?n O.n~ NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach li\Ii\tEDIATE OPENlNGS 70R PRODUCTION WORKERS in Ceramic. industry Apply Industrial Clay Products 18765 F iber Glass Rd. Huntington Beach, Calif. No selling. <Handles name Has money to lend on lst & ----·------ bra.nd candy and ~nacksl 2nd mortgages. Call WED. SINGLES nG.'JO cash required: :for per-Broker 547·133.1 DATE NlGIIT. Thoryk Concrete. no job =;,--:c=:-=:::-<'C::::-to small. Free estimates. TRIM, hedge, trees. e 646-1234 e clean-up. name it! I PAINTING, lnter.-exterior mechanic. Will train man State lie. -bonded. Free \Vith good domestic ('Xperi· esti1nates 642--0238 enrc for a perm. job with Gen. -::========::! "'.' monthly guarante('. pt1.id ho!· haul. Plasterina, R~ .. •··· , .• , idays, paid insuranre. paid JANITOR sonaJ inter\'iew 1n Costa _ J<"ood 1;. Price 7 to 9 r.1esa : Send name, address R I E t t L 6340 . FRI. SINGLES CONCRETE work, all types. Pool decks & custom. Call 548-1324 reasonabJe. 642-4030 LITE Hauling & de&nup. Reasonable. Any area. d ho be •• 10. ea s a e oans an p ncnum . __ "ROUTE DEPARTtlIBNT" HOME LOANS P.O. Box 3M6 Have OO~ii financing at 7~',;. Anaheim, Calif. 92803 interest O>eck our 6.9<;~ -lrivestment Capit1I-progran1 & 2nd TD tern1s. WANTED SatUer Mortga&:e Co. Inc. Natiorial SiL!f's/Marketing or-336 E. 17th St. ganization has excepti~ 6~~-21TI 54>0611 earning opportunity avail· Et-efi. 673·7865 &IZ.1157 ablt' for individual with VentlU'e Capital. Thorough Mortg•ges, T.D.'s 6345 test marketing In the slate (lf calif. we have acquired a product with sound invest· ment potential. MIKl. 5 fig· u1-es possiblf', $2500 invei;t- m~nt. 6Th-59S3 FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION B<!autif11I renev.'t'd Laundr~· 28 Y>ashcrs. 11 dryers, 20 lb. 1\·ash1•r. SlS.tXIO yr. G'l'OS.S inc. f'ind ou! how easy It is lo o\Vn! Coin·O·Matic Equipment, Inc. 2334\4 W. VaJenci11. Fullerton TI4: 525-783.l SMALL Grocery s t or c CSl.25,000 Ytarlyl. Owner mgr ahoukl ck1Lr $\0.00J · Sl2,<0J. Co!it $5,cnl for fix! -inv (~p $12,000 · $1!i,OOOJ. M, ~tnre. 494-3069 or P 0 . Box 696. Laguna Bch. BEAUTY SALON Establilhcd, 6 Unit&, finest l...qum location. Best eql.iip- menl. •l'J ·11972 NEED ~!'ID) ~ ~art pro- d~: lil' Sallboel11 . Pufl~ on r:ll:que11 . Writ!!' O..Uy PllOt Bo.'< M-310 I 0% DISCOUNT $5500 1st TO at $55 mo incl 8% 3 yr due day. Ocean Vie\v Lot, Laguna Beach Cull 01\.'ner 497-1210 NOW'S THE TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD The Gold Tones .~ Blaine SATURDAY Scnsation:il Ne\v Orchestl'a DANCERS CORNER 14.'~lll.)j N. lilain at Edinger SANTA ANA 542-9306 LICENSED Spiritual readings, advice or. all matters. 180 S. El Camino Real, San Ocmente. 49'2-9136. 10 AM • 10 PJ<.f MASSAGE, Special, i6. Executive Salon • Female help wanted • 847..filll e Selcclive Singles e \Vhat type of mmpanion arc you scekil'lg! Call 6~2-9676 Noon to 8 Pl.I ALCOHOLll::, Anon,y:rious Phone 542-1:2:17 or wri~e to P .0. Box 1223 Cost& J\lesa. Funer1ls 6412 6620 LATHROP Construction Co. Builders of custom fl.1edaI· lion Homes in Huntingtof'I Harbour exclusi•Jeb'· 16&35 Algonquin Call '642-26.S7 LlGIIT HAULING 54S-~90 Houncleanl~g~_6_7_35 * APT. CLEANING * J<'asl & 1horough 642-&l&I \Vlll.IAMS. Cleaning Serv. Htg Beach * 846-9013 locome Tax 6740 REMODELING, Additions· lie. & insured. Los Padre; BE A 5atis!ied Client \\ilh Const. Harr\8 Tax Strv\ce. 9th yr. 497-1665 or -494-4151 ~ve5 locally. Avail 12 mos. 3117 ~~~-~~-~~-1 Roosevelt \Va.y, CM. Additlons * Remodeling "Mack" :;.tQ..~11 FN'd H. Ger""<ick. Lie. 613-fi(Hl * 549-2170 * ml YF.AR * A·l STENO C•-t Clo n' 662~ HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR. · r-• tng ~ evetv.icend by appt. 545"M20 CARPl.I & Furn. cleaning; INOOJ\IE 'l'a..'(es prepared for l day !K'rvlce &. quality your home, long form com· \\'Ork. call Sterling for bined, $15. 494-342'.l brightne~~! 00-8520 e HOf\tE SERVICE e NO Gimics! Best e:x:perl cpl FEDERAL & STATE WESTMINSTER • lorn dng. 11 -·· 531--0500 MEMORIAL PARK '""• ,.._,.,., 640-7llT Gordon N. Worren, PA Mortu.ry & Cemet1ry \VALL TO WALL Carpet 18th yeQr. Appl. 6T:>J345 Clea n in& i: expert _ Complete funer1l1 upholstery cleaning, 646-3780 Ironing 6755 from $245 CARPET & f\lmiture clean. Cemetery Iota ing, licying & n:pair. Call Ironing done: in my home. from $150 Glrttu&td c.arpr.1, 64i.9656 Ne"110rt Beach area. $1.00 tncludf'tl l:;ndowm~iil <.:are hOUr. 6'i:Hitli~ ~l')1hl.na m one btautilul Ga rdening 6680 IRONING dol"ll' 'by buktt. pl•ce means less COit. Please bring your o 1v n No traffic problems. JAPANESE Gardcnintr. Pro1 hangen. Reas. &t2-~ 14801 Beach. We~tmlnster Maint. L • n d s c • p I n C !'iil-1725 893-2-m Cleanup. 631~1 ---------I "":::'':'"':'"~"'!~~! I JAPANE.5E G ardener. Lindtcap(~ 6~~ -----· Complete Se rv i c <'. ~· COMMERClAL l rt'&iclential ~C-•_m_•_to_ro..y_c_r;.;yp'-t-•_64-.,.1_9 1 .!'.perienc<d::'.::~'.:;·..;R;•:::ll:::•'*;:::.·::.6<2-<389:::.::: Ge.rdenin& • Landscaping, MUST Sc-U Crypt 3rd tif!l' CIJt & F.c.tp W'f"tt JOI! Corral 96J..476t PAim CouM Pnelflc: View. P.laintenance:. ~naed Atl g P.~t. 645-1389 ~1645.2110 •h 4 vacation, 5 day "'ttk. Call e PAT'S PlaStP.ring • all Art 847-85!"J5 - Typt's. F'r<'e estimate'. Call EXPER. f'ibregla~ m e n , 540-6825 Chopper operator. Bond('J's, 66 f.foldcr.;; 3121'.l So. Kilson _P_lu_m_bi_n._1 _____ 90 Or., Santa All8. 540-4439_. _ ALLEN Oldsn1obile-Cadillac PLUMBING 24 hr. seTV. \VOOL .PRESSER • P/timc, \Vork: guar. Lie., insur.: in OU.I. 1150 So. ·Coast Hi&hway Laguna Beach • <JM.t(B4 ·Ask for Mike Sauntry remodel. repair, ni0ter sev., 675-0310 or 548·7197 531-7566 SERVICE STATION ATI. PLUMBING REPAIR Night man-Da_y man. Ov. SERVICE mM SG-~ yr.i tti sen:icc equip! in field. Steady sal, gd pe~nality No job too small 21. 4.'lO E. 17th .. C.til. • 6'2.Jl.28 e HARDWARE Stock f.tan P. 0 . Box l~. Santa Ana. ff. w. Wtigllt Co. Remodel., Reptir, 6940 12f Rochester. Costa Mesa SOCK IT TO 'EM! IF You need remodeling, painting or repairs. Call Dick .. 642-1797 6950 Roofing --~----· ROOFING All types, tree est, do o\vn \\'Ork oo hi o'head, lie. bonded. 847-1136 Rooflng. ____ 6_9_50 ROOFING REPAIR, no l<'ak too small; •968-2362• S.wlnt 6960 e Dressmaking-Alterations • Spe<clal on Hems ·~46 • Altor1tioM-642-S84S Neat, ao=untfr. 20 )TJ... e'<p. TILE, Ceromlc_ 697_41 • Ve:rne. lhl' TilC' ~fAn • CUst. \\'Ork. InstaU & ref)flirs, No job tno small. Plutt'f patelL 1.e!'klng sho wer ~air. 847,1957/8$-0206 SPANISH TILE FLOORS Entries • pe.ttos. cuslom \VOrk. Rf'll.SOM ble. 496-S201 Hel1J W•nted Men 7200 FOREMAN PLASTICS & FIBERGLAS FOREMAN 1'o 5upentise our plastics and fibe rglas manufacturing areit. Requires ten years experience supervising plasUcs and fi· berglas fabricators and mechanics and a lhorough knowledge of manufactur· ing melhods, facilities and equJpmenL Please call Lee Kelley 17141 546-1030 3333 Harbor 8 1vd., Cotti Mna, C11if. Minllt Sy1tem1 Divl1lon Allanllc Rese.rch CORPORATION A ~y. el The SulMl(whann.t t.f''- An eQual oooortunlty cmplO)'l!'r . , --· _.;:;.·-:----,,-_-___ .. -.-.--.--.---.-....... ·--'". -.. --.--.-. -.-------·--,,--. -.-.. -.-.-4. --=--:-:---:-·---;-: -•. ".. ' . .. . .. ., . , ' . . --· --·;;-;;:";=:;;;-. ' ...... ·~, ... ~.. ... ~~ Sl~. janurt' 2', lM' • · • OAJJ,:Y ,JLOT '>' JOIS'& EM,rLOYMI NT JOllS &' l!MPLOYMENT, .io1S •EMPt.OYMilltilOU_., -..eYMlftHO.S.,. IMl'loOYMlllT MllCllW IDll&•l'Olt "1ERCHANOISll "°" . MIR · ....,,. . ~ Htlp W•,ntod1 "lei> 7200 H•lp W1ntoc1, Mon 7200 Htlp Won~ -7200 !lolp 'If••""' IALI AND TIAl>ll SALi AND t ltAlla . SAL~ ANO TllADI SALi 1AHD T~I ' '. f ASIUOH .ISLAJ<D NEWPoRT BEACH H1.1 Position ~for rQU. TlldE NURSERY HELP in OW' l&fden 1bop OUtstand.in&: bcotfits. Pn!v· ious expl!:rience required. APPLY IN PERSON Mon. -Fri. 10 am to 5 pin J. C. Penney Co. 24 Fashion l1land Nowport llooch, C1 1if. An EqUAI Opportunity __ EmplQyer FULL TIME HELP WANTED LARGE CO. EXPANDING IN ANAHEThf NOW HIRING PERMANENT WORK. NO EXP. NEC. JN SOME DEPI'S. AS \VE liAVE A TRAINING PROGRAl\1 }'OR YOUNG MEN 18-45. TOP WAGES PROFIT SHARING PL A N FOR QUALIFIED MEN. S.TART WORK IMMEDIATELY CALL FOR APPOINTJ.iENT SAT .. MON., & TUES. PR. 4-72S3 e COOK e MUsr sr:: 18 OR OVER e APPL\' IN PERSON e Snack Shop # 9 Ut& E. Coast lilvy .. Cd~t PART TIME-- 40 MEN We have an hnmedlate open. trig for 11.~stock cleric with up lo 2 ycrani eXPL"rltnoe tn the e~tron\ct lndUltr)'. YOW" responslbllltltt will be. lo Slol't, maintain and 1s:sue 011t stock room 1upplle11. A high school degree ls pre- fe~, We offer good startin@; ratn, excellent benefits including 12 day11 vac11.tlon dw·Jng lSt year of employn1enL varian dala machines I VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Miche lson Drlvt (Adj. Orange Co. Airport) Irvine, C11if. 92664 An equal opportunity employer, !11 & F CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE OFFIC ER $684-$831 per mo. \Vritten test Jan. 29, 1969, 6:30 P.M. Excfllent oppor· tunily for men seeking ca· reet'S in law enforcement "'ilh progressive, pro ress.ion- al department. Requires U.S. Citizenship; hi school grad: mln. 21 yrs.: max. 30 111/0 expetience, up to 36 with experience: min. 5'9", lJO lbs., 20/30 vision uncor· reeled. Contact Personnel OUlct', City Hall, 3300 Ne1v· pott Blvd .. Newport Beach. ea1u. 92660 n-t 673-6633 .. . ' Elec' tron--IC ASSIM"~"" Ill's S,,alsh l>IMAND CASH NOW "' var1an llola ~..... Mtdlittr0n.ean .. :±-.!!.... Public· Auction '\ ed!nl"'111ojod..trf'11JOn>. "' • ........ • . En ......... ~. n. ~-~-,.fur.~ .. ~ .......... ~."-.·.~'.~·~ ICU . '°".ghl :=.~: ~61.w s:=o::!" S.mplu OPEN DAIL.Y l~sJH~:g:~; 9 A.M.·9 l'.M. :l'llla ._ .. _....... 8 Wood ~rveCI arm van, lg. mans cbalr Yov m1i11t ... to Mlltw ttae ••ry fJn. .,altt'I . ..w and lmmecll1t1 Oi-ntngl' or love seat. 5 Pe Octagon dark oak dln set M at new MuMMI• "''"'"''"'• -c.aw TV• nlf ~-·1 .t-1.. • ' for ex-t.nc.d RN's, w /bla1·k or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR ~,,ra.,nc. '"-' win -MN •• Pvltlk Avcttt& • ... 1.11.:~ t ""..,.1>tn wbo <!an l(nowl~ of color codf!. -· " u ~ltiate cwn de~ cupel'Jo oomp>nent.-parts &nd llOlder-futl time •nd ~rt set. Mr· 4Tlr. & Mrs. dresser, Jg flllrror 2 Thi• ts your s~J&l lnvltation to preview ol,11' mertblnill'l vise aklllM tectmicta:rn 'i!llr-Ing ls mandatory You ~ tlmt. WUI tr•in lni1t· coromodes, decorative headboard lo Spanlsh bet'~ sale ume -Colf)e -Laok -· Alk ·qunUona as in& construc.ttoo and ma.kt it wwk on th« lit ~ilt, tram per"nced. All 1hlft1 oak deStgp with matching bd:x springs, mat. we •ll Qulekly. · · "urk during test. Perman-7 a.OJ.. t9. p.m. •v1U1blt . &ctlltnt tress & frame. ' ' wE ARE l"ROUO TO HAVE BEEN SE:LEC1'ED TO ~nt career optnlng1 with a •mptoY9t1 benefits. Item• Sold lndJvldu1Uy SELL AT PUBlJC AUCTION nus S£l,.f,CTION FOR !apic:U,y growtJv new divft. Good atartinz rate 1>11111 excel· Shop Around -8tfor1 you 1 bul IM USI [1if ~~0ti1J~0~~:~il'~t>~/tA=L JOn. lont company b<nelli.. In-Coil Nur1Jn9 Offlco VALU E-$1095,95 -FULL PRIC $529.95 FURNISIUNGS e COUCHES e LOVE SEATS e BIS \Vork la in statMJ-the-&rt hi&h powtr electronic !}'S- tems. Full ttocognition and top oompensaUon. LEAR JET 2001 S. Ritchey St. SANTA ANA, CALIF. 9211:6 1714) 547-3906 c)udlng 12 days vacation M•rt in Luth er or t1l"m1 a1 low11 $4.66 ,,.,..week & HERS CH.AIRS •· SOME TABUS. CHAIRS, LAMPS dulin& lJit ~ar of 1!:mp1oy. ""' ~ No Down-Use Our Store Charge ·Plan • f.fARBLE GAME SETS. ' ment. · Hospitol, No Fancy Front ·-BUT Quality Values Inside NI AR NEW RI POlll Sl lD COLOA TV'S, l lW TV'• -St;l•l.QI -COMl0$ varian d•la machines Anaheim 722-1200 Ext. 272 J, C. PENNEY aJ. APl'ROVED FURNITURE 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA 12 Years same location-same owners Applianck: Near-New Spilt Front Refrigeretors, Also Double Door •· Wa.sbers • Drytrs e Free2en: • Dnh• A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY $und1y 10-5 Springs A: Mattress IAll Slzeal e SectiQASI e Hide-A· J<'ASHJON ISLAND Beds' (All Styles & Fabrics I: Deslgns -Ne~_&:..i U~; Dilly 9.9 ~ washen • Built-ins • Couches • Love Sea.ta • Box NEWPORT BEACl-1 548-9660 Large MaMlve CU:St. ~room Sets, N&me Bnmt1 ...:. A'.lf 2722 Mlchel¥1n Drive Styles • Large SPl!.nlsh Dining fbn. Sit. -Table A: SiX (Adj. Oram-e Co. A!rpOrt) Hit -ltloo Chain, Buffet • Dining Room Sets •Dinettes·• Otlaa lrvint, C1Uf. 92664 ,..-. =;;:;.::;::;:::;;;==;;:;:; ==::.• -=====~ • Buffet • Servers • Delks e Bar .\ Stooll • Chats An equal opportunity optn fo r JOBS A EMPLOYMENT 'Lu;, 6 t:•· , e Rec:linera e Occaaional Chair• .. End A: ~flee~ Equal opportunity employer l!:mpl"""'r M-F e Presser/Spotter • Plctura •. l.ampi1 • Dtoeorator Jtttrmt. ' • 1 --....:c~·.:...c•--"-.c....--• Talloress Help W1nted Hein W1nted, Wt Ftn1nce wltll good c r1dlt-.lao Master Chlrt' AlTfRATIONS ~::,:."'.ri:~~~"J'.':!: 1 _w_ • .,._" ___ 1_400_ women 1400 AOK COMMISSION GA~LERY es, outstanding benefits jn-PART-TIME E_VES 7721: G1~n Grove Blvd., ITT JABSCO fOR cludlni' profit sharin&. EXPERlE~CED Phone front our oUlce on Bal· 112 Block Wett of Bt1ch Blvd., off, GG Frwy. APPLY IN PERSON boa Ide, S-9 P.M. COST ACCOUNTANT WOMEN'S DEPT. Mon. Fri 10 am to 5 pm e COMMERCIAL e Call' 6~70 !'or Info. 'TELLER WANTED: sitter, part-timt, NIGHT & SATURDAY \VORK Opportunities for advance-MUSf BE EXPERIENCED ment In :>mall division of major corporation. Prefer degree and l!:xperienCI!: in standard cost systems. Good lx!nelits and working condi- tions. Please send resume or letter including salary require- nients, in confidence to Personnel Department Apply pl!:r!IOMCI ollice, 3rrl floor · THE BROADWAY NrNPORT No. 4-'I' Courts of Fashion Newport Center J. C. Penney .Co. 24 F11hion ls l1nd An equal oppo11unlty l!:mployer ADVERTl51NG Secretary/ Bookkeeper Mon., \Ved. & Thurs.; 2 UNITED CALIFORNIA st'hool-age boys, 1 infant. BANK f\ly home, Back Bay area. 548-8175 '1.l25 !'llcArlbur Blvd. Ne11•port Beach 540-4424 SE\YJNG M(lch}ne Qperator for samples & pr.'Oduction. l.':-:per. f.1nrgie \Vebb, 2004 So. Cost •Twy, Laguna Bch Equal opportunity en1ployer Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 * INSURANCE GIRL DAY BUS BOY JSix Dayt A Wffk) • JOBS & EMP~OTMENT ~ Furnlfure Agenci11, Mtn & Womon · 7550 F\ltnilW't' rt..tumed from dJ:s... vla.J .. studios. model homes, decoratort canoellalion. Spanish .ft M~ll•lTl.J'll!an ·etc --RESTAURANT f\1anager Tl'nees, Coo ks, Sous Chefs,. sharp .\\'~Ire* E:S ·ctood & cocktattl. Top pay, Xlnt loc. Call Bernie-, 548-1196 ARGUS AGENCIES J86!I c Newrort Blvd .. C.M. Schools-Instruction 7600 -The°Newpoit- School of Busints1 HAS A GUARANTEED Ci.JRFtJCULtiM 'roR RD FU~NITURE · 1844 Nowptrl Blvd , CM ever1 night tll 9 Wed .. Sat. & sUn. 'til I ' NEAR new Liv Rm couch, chr, 3 tables, 2 lamps $150~ Dbl BR set Comp!, 2 nit!\ s~s. dbl dresser $125( Reblt G.E. Re!rig ff5t Table & 4 chi's S10. 2 JJIG. okl bike 13o, ~681 • Must be willing to start work imml!:dlately. Work 6:30 to 10, 5 nights a week. Top pay and aome overtime during next 6 months. CALL MR. REED ----~1-~U4-l2st.. __ LINE .M~CH~~~ An· equal opportunity employer An equal opportunity employer Pa11 timl!: to handle Fire & !·tome Owoer. for a weU R11pon1lb1t, top level kno\vn Savings and Loan. poSltlon ~r tharp, t1k• Excellent woridng Condi· ..l:J&.~,J:oo\Ul<B., ________ rJ <ho..-..gULJ.luU..h, ... ..µtJ!!;o"!l!''· Call &l~-_ _ WAITRESSES SUCCESS! Furniture 8000: i 833 Dovor Dr:~··c:N:!;!.Be.· -J--.---.-.,..,-Jc---1' •Plumbers e I .nlshed carpenters • &fechanlcs. prefer v.ith \.veldlng experience. Islandfr Jl.lotor I-lomes Inc, 806 E. Washington St. Santa Ana e INSTRUCTORS 4 Full or/and part time. Neat ap- pearance. Must be ahll!: to meet and deal with Ull!: public, good figure. Apply in person, l-Ioliday Health Spa, 2300 11arbor Blvd., C.f.f. PROFESSlONAL Sales Ca· reer • Searcl'ling for man to learn our business and hand· le sales executive position. Trainirig income providl!:d. College, sales or business exp. Married. S.U-5623. Ext. 321. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER ISLANDER MOTOR HOMES ' INft' 806 E, Washington St. Santa Ana, Calif. f'..ARPENTER w/e'l(J). in all phases ot residential ~ntodeling work. Send brief resume & refs lo: Mason Corp.?. C. Box 368, BalbOa Island FULL & part timl!: help "'anted. Top wages, eMncl!: for advancement. ?>.fETRO CAR WASH 2950 Harbor Blvd CM. NEED Mattn'e man as coin· panion/aide to e I d e r I y gentleman, 5 days, 8 to 6. H.B. Nr. Adams I Bu~hard. Call: 962--0516 Aft. 6 PM LTCENSE Collector, part time, mature man, tern· porar). Apply In person at Animal St.eUer, 2 0 6 1 2 Laguna Canyon Rd, Las: B. fULL Tlf.1E Service Station man "ith me<:hani~al abili· ty. Apply 1697 Placentia, C.M. \Vhite elephants! Dime-a-line . I ===="~""'~:.c1:___ excellent 1 k i 11 s incl. GJ\l e:..p<1'riencc necessary. TECHNICIAN' RN.'S -LV·N'S shorthand; handle Utt App ly: bkkpg; billing. Undor CASHIE'R.iA'(OSTESS Neat appearing, 18-40. No experience necessary, Ap. ply in IK't~n ALLEN SR !AB A·ide·s 35. Coll Barboro. 1714) Oids1nObile-Cadillac ' 642-3910 MAJOR • BOB'S BIG BOY mo s., eoa.i •h•""" TECHNICIAH Laguna Beach * 494·1~1 Ask for Mike SaunU')' Sunlight Colonial CALIFORNIA •ANK 1~.;;~ 1~z~· seeks steno/typist for trust PERSONABLE. Ambitl~ PRODUCTION Repair calibration test or Convalescent Hosp. dept. J\1ust take dictation; person Zl-40 for ttc-offke metrology experience. assist off l c er. enjoy position in' bi apt qompll'x. PLANNER New bwntrihlp &. Ml'1• custom~· r cont act Exe ad.min ,& RC skills Experienced in planning or COLLI NS lfilttTMnt. Top .lfl rtlng Permanent ca re e r op-req'd. Vari~. duties &; hra. printed circuit boards. P•y. All Shifts. portunity for qua l 1 t led Son1e \Vknds req'd, Call Thorough llno1vledge or all RA o• 10 co. 839-0440 per 1 on. Sa I a r y CC1m· Mon-Sat ONLY ~ PCB processes including '"""""""""""""""""'~I ntensuratt> with ability and COMBINA'l'IQN,. Sharp Bar multilayer boards, Xlnt I: exJ)erienCI!:. Contact \V. G. Maids & 'Go NGo Dancen. gro\.\.'lh opportunities. Phone. RN or LVN Pttssnall. Top wages $3.()().SJ,5() to MULTA CIRCUITS person-19700 J 1mborH Road start. Ph. for int. M>-9983 ncl dept. fOr appt. 879-4300 'N1wport Be1ch Newport Center Bl"ilflch SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, E . .,.t. 265. NEEDED FULL TIME Security Pacifi~ Nat'J. Bank C.M. STUCCO WIRE ME N All applicant.s revie\\'ed on 550 Ne11it>0rt O!nter Dv. * SOLDERERS * \Vork in Columbus, Ohio &: merit with 00 bias toward Apply Newport Beach Minimum' 6 mo's exper. Jn lndianapolic, Ind. putting Race, Color. Creed or Sex. FEMALE, Age 25 lo 60, ship. cable & hai-neu aMembly. 11•ire on by the roll. Furnish,_________ Sunlltt ping packers for small ml,g.· SWISS INDUSTRIES 011:n tools. \\lill pay $15. Jll!:r CHAUFFEUR·HELPER-·Newport ,Htrbor co. No· experience nttded. mo College Ave., C.M. roll. \Vire over board. No To drive Corp president & Conv1lt1ctnt Hospital Steady 6 or 8 hr day. $1.65 546-4950 line wire or paper. Write, \vork in plant. Calif. Drivers 646-7764 hr. J\fust have driven: J\lilton Lewin, 612!1 China· Lie & mwit have been Ucens-license. Apply morntna;s, • WAITRESSES • Gold • ... · w -" T .. i,i .. ~ applications now, '" be1-ry, Coluntbus, Ohio. 43Zl3 ed at least 14 years. Must * en s .,._..gic auu GQ..U'6 * New 946 w 17th St c M futervlews at Fountain Val-rtCURITY OFFICERS live in N.B. area. $7,000 min . ., . . ley's newest, lit cla!a reat· ,g "1acy Call Mr Lange; • .,, Convalescent HOUSEKEEPER. Llw in aurant. 17171 Broohulst. 213 · 537-1600. n i t es n+ motherless home In J..a&una. Local positions, lull or part 62+.3710 Hospital 2 children, 11,1 & 3'~· Mu6t HOUSEKEEPER-Live in. time. $1.75 Jl('r hour. Apply SERV, Sta. Ann. Comm + * NEEDS LVNs * drive. Pref. age 2i to 45. (2 mos) Tall:e full charge; in person. 230 E. 17th St., sal. Tom Sharp Unkln Serv. (ll TO 1 SHIFT) Sal open, 549-1101 ex!. 275 2 chldrn, age11 4 Yl' &: 2 Cosla J\>lesa, Call 6-12-7069 for 2201 E Cst. Hwy. C.D~t. \Vill open last of Jan. Apply days/494-6797 wkend1t. mo. Refs. ·Irvine area, appointment. OR 3-3320 in person, 393 Hospital Rd., BABYSMTER Needed full _1133-__ '5~'8~~-~~­ f.fAN to 1vork p/time in U· EL E c TR o NI c p e. rt corner Newport & Hosp. Rd., time g..{j, 5 days \\·k. * EXP'O. TELl.:ER Haul Rentals yard. f\fusl salesnian. H. \V ,\\/right Co. N.B. University Pl'k or Turtle For Saving!! and Loan, In be neat in appearance & I770 NC!wport Blvd., C.tlf. • COOK • Rock area rTrvi11C!I l'lty Cd~f. Phone 675-5010 for have neat he.ndwri!ing. Ap. honte Ol' yours $30 wk. appt. ply 1930 Newport Blvd.. JANITOR for Nursing Hom. 833-1149 Equal opportunity emplo~r C ~T Vitamin Mfg. Plant. "'pen·o·-• --~==~~--LIVE . h I -··• · · F t ··" &103931 '"-"""' e WAITRESSES. \Viii train, in e P ·~ed for or e.pp · =i.J .,... Apply at I CUSTODIAN WORK. Steady full or part timl!:. Must bl!: mother e~ family, young men c:apable C'! cleaning of· BUS boy & kitchen helper l 1gun1 B11ch Nur1lng 18, attractive "'ith bubbling Doctor & 4 children, 6 to fice building & bank in their part lime. The Blue Beet. Home. 494-8075 personality. THE zoo, 2344 13 yn. Mu1t speak Engli.sh leisure hours. Write name. 673-9004 Ex·p. GIRL FRIDAY East Coat Hwy at & drive. SallU'Y open. and phone number to Box A . W 7300 for Head office: Cleaning Bus-?>.1cArlhur. Cd?>.l 494--8078 day or night. M-608 Daily .P_;:::''"'~--genc••r. omen irle!S. Must know bkkp'g & s E w ING MA c HINE PHONE SOLICITING PART TIME Diet Secty gen'! office procedures. OPERATORS. Expel. top No experlen~ necessary. ~R.E. SALESMAN • . • Hours flaible. New office by stitcher of sport.oiwear. Ap. Holiday Health Spa 2300 \Veek-ends. Salary + comm. Once in. a lifetune oppty for O.C. airport. Apply 547-68SJ ply; JAY-MAR CORP, 2907 ~Hare;~"°:,;';,.• ,::°":.c:,::ta:,.;.M:,:•:.c":....- 968-1997 12 to 6 p.m. gal with . t"ngr. b~grnd & Mrs. Re;yling. S. Oak, Santa Ana 8 to PORTRAIT CoJorl.st wanted. ~.:::::~~=-~,;;;";-;,,-! strong typing. Co. gives free , 3 PM T -·-" .. ~. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS airline travel as frln~e bene· EXPERIENCED count e rl~==~==---,. op "......,ty wu1-... only; in RRINGRESULTS! Iii & salaf'.V to $450. Too lady,Mlsslon~~ean~r.s, SAWYER HOP.1E need1 your home. Begin im· good to be true ive Rgl"('f'! l'.lurlands Btva., M1ss10n mature '"' o rr e n for m~lately. 645--0242 CORONET 'AGENCY Viejo, Safeway Shopping housekeeping. pr act I(' a J CARE for Pollo lady. No l202 E. \Vashington Pl. Center. 830-1245 after 6, nursing. 646-6716. 2 619 iiinoking, l\ve in or out. Htlp W•nttd. Men 7200 Help W•nted, Men 7200 PERSONNEL Professional Recruiter We need a matwe, energetic, self-starter who can gain the confidence of, and work effecli\'ely with a demanding and highly sophisticated management team. A coOe~e degree and a progressive . backgroun~. in aerospace/electronic P!c»ess1on~l .recru1t1ng is ·m'andatory along with the willingness to work the hours needed to do a quality job. Safely Engineer Will handle general safety program1 prepare local SOPs and procsiures, hand e heafth safety, first aid and control of all safety equ.ipmenl Co11ege degree and 60me .exper· ienee a'3 a saftey representative required. Send r11umt includlnt 11l1ry history to Lt1 Ke tlt y fGrand & Santa Ana Frwy) 830--0313. Orange Av. C.M. l\fon-F'rl. $200 mo. HB. Santa Ana 54.l-4171 ATTRACTIVE girls , J..8.24, 2ND INCOME! Earn while 962-6427 e KEYPUNCH e ~:'aca~~~~u:;rbe Pt'!ti~ ~~u:;arn a!~n11~~ v~ B:!'f:!;:'Ei;,ly~ 307 hom~: OPERATORS lravel. Comfortable in the Best Friend a Fa~ Ever Edpwiter, &)boa. 61$-5447 Experienced Alpha I Num. water. Contact Norma or Had" alt 4. ~ Long term assignments, Bob Maxwell, Mon-Wed. 546-1765 OJt B?a-5195 OPERATORS 81tilt stltcll • days, Loni Beach area. Free 714: 635-9530 LADIES 18 to 00 show Sarah hand flnilhel"I • Garment itEtLY SERVICES INC. AUTO.MOTJ.VE s I!: r v t c e c.oventry . spring " a 11 t.actory +exper.•64Mti66 N.B. ZlO E. 3rd Street _fashier with experience In seuon Jewelry. falhlons, RELIABLE babysitter, my Long Beach, Callf. factory claims. Good typist, absolutely no investment. home, call ~ .f. {2t3) 432-879! good at c:u.stomer contact. we train. M.7-1567 * 549-l16& * Equal opportunity em,Joyer !ohO!W.ln AA Sok "1 L~ lNJF.cTTON M 0 .L 0 t N G EXP'O, 0--10-Io r .,fercury, 1 or .. u-... operators or trainee~. for ..--'" FC BookkffP:'r . Brant at 540-5630 mklni&:ht to 7:30 a.m. ihllt. c;resses. Top pay. 863 wl';h o:.'Onlrolle~ asp1rallons. 2nd INCOME? Earn whill!: Apply 8:30 f(I 4 p.m .. 850 Production Pl .. NB 646-0308 \V1ll meel pubhc, so .niust be you learn to bl-a Vunda \V. 18th, C.otl.a ?>.feia WAITRESSES needed, food Pf"l'SOnable, al1ract1vc aod Beauty CounSt"lor "The . k rocktaU.. Theo Blue &et. well groomed. S700 . $800. . .. · • LADY "1th peflllPn wanted 673-9904 O.O.E. ::: .. F'lil!:nd " t ace 4'..Vet u companion lo 8enior ~,:.,;_,.:,,=--~--Newport _ OR 75-51.95 citizen lady. Private room QUALIFIED Int. Dec. tor p I A ~176.'l 6 ,\ board furn. 64&-2516 or bLWy new locatlqn, N.B. ~rsoi::vr: Dr.~~~~ MATURE WOMAN IC:."3-5210:;.;:;;.~---~ 540-9fl.9 or 64Hl637 . 642-3870 For telepho1.e survey, our SARAH Coventry netd 1-RN'• .and LVN'• __ S_h_o-rp~C.-r .. -r-'Gl ll :~~ ~·~ =~ :die~~~:,,~~ no~~: Hontinrt~7~ch u.a. 3333 Harbor Blvd. Cost~ Mesa, Calif. Seciys. Gal Frida.ya, A,ecpta. 646-19CM, 9 to 3 Daily. can: ~: 9824m and "RESPO ___ NS~!BL--E-A-~-t...,-n-1"' :-~h O::::r.. '1;'~ VIKKJ'S Costa Men l& look4 ~7122 for tntft'\tlew 8c cltanlng ,,.'Oman. R!!ettn- dental as.sis., RN1 & Nunes tnc f<>!' sharp, dePl!:ndab1e HOU&.EKEEPER. e x p e r . • ·"""''·;.,eau::.;,,,,m""':;;l895.:.:.. __ _ A+d~ ean Dort!! S.S..7796 ba.nnaid. Full or lJ8l"t Ume. nJer... req. Ll~ln. Muat GIRL FRIDAY. pn office ARGus AGENCIES Apply ;n Pf'l'IOll, wk:dayi 1n. llkt children. ~ Aft. .. m_ Local TV .wn. 1869 C Newport Blv'd .. C.M. 6.1191 .~ Newport Blvd. 6 675-\455 Mfnilt Systems Division ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A DIV. OF SUSQUEHANNA COii,. An cq01li opportunity Mlployer Ove1" Counter Srevitt. 8: 30 W'.,,..A'"N"°"T"E"°O::-...,-L7J "v-,-_-,-ou I fU1L '!'I Oen'"' AM to 1;38 PM. Yard's Col· ""-·oek-•. me-.... AA'1., """' no exp •· Send retume fee COOh PRIME J.'ACTOR. tO Dally Pilot Box M 6$2 m Gx Bar. 61'3-41fi6 c.orona del Mar 615-1100 • DOG GROOMERS ~ ec BABYSl'JTER • HOU1e1ctt)>. DAILY PllDt OrM£..\. delllll!: pet, Cftltft'. ~ Aa . for Can!f!r Cb1s u, acUvt year old baby boy. .. .. oti ;c>'Omt Hwy N 8 Pmnanent, Northem H.B. LINES. YOtil eaa Wit them EXP. wattrNt. over :n. nwi B ...;m,. .. 646.lii9 ..... IJSl.1'45 an 6 PM-.... ju1! pmolu • dq. 0!'1 f111111 lluu.i, SIDI. Nrwport y a ntE QUtCRER YOU CALL. 81td., N.B. 8T:Ml9T1 WfJte e1eJllllt1! bjmH.ltnr THE QtlJO{ER YOU SEll 6C2-S61I --Wbl::-"'11-=EI'"•"_,_-,.~,- Ste Betty Brvce al , JExperlonced) --~TS• . MORE C'ASH J.ifellme Glfl, typewrltlfli. REUBEN E I fE ChHd,.n, graodohildttn, o0 , a.&; yourself! Individually tu-PAID FOR Furniture 151 &. Coast Hl ghw1y Ntwport Be1ch * * ~1!.IVERS * No Experience Necessary! Must have clean CalUornia drivfng record. APJ>ly YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. O:>sta Mesa I f..1MEDiATE opening Janitorial Route In ,Hun- ting ton Beach area, guaranteed income $600 + per Mo. for husband le wife, no l!:XP nl!:ce111ary, In· vestment requb'ed. Apply 7343 Canoga Ave, Canoga Parle bet*en 11 am & 1 pm MOnday thru Friday. e Full or Pert Time e Salary + comm. + bonut. vacation & holiday pa)', hosp. ins. Pleuant work. No agf limit. Apply at THE BROAOWAY Stwlng Mtchln• Dept. Fashion Island, Newport Beach Rt1I Estatt S1l11 Mtn & Women Expanding a.galri. ow~ # 4 openings ave.ilabll!: for licensed men & "vomen. In- stant income & training. Mr GardMr. Sp r in i Realty, 54"4824 e SALESPEOPLE. N e at, good appearance. Due to new expansion Holldoy HHllh Sp• needs aalespeople. We train. no exp. nee. Apply In per- son. 2300 Harbor Blvd., CM. REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't you be sell~ the hotttst area Huntniaton Beach? Village Real Estate 961-MTI or 546-810.1 irAm stylists wanted 110ml!: fo!lowlng preferred. busy shop, x1nt locale. 675-3385 Agencies, Mtn & W-n 7550 "SERVING FOR 39 YEARS" Wo Con Fl.nd Tho Rl9ht Spot fot" You "lt'.1 Nof Lutk" "lt'.1 KnoW How" FEMALE DIVISION Sec. Travel •••••••••••. $650 Bookkttper •••.••••• ' • • $5Cll TeDer .............. to $400 Ji.1edica1 Ofc. • ........ , $400 Gen. OHice ............ $350 Credit Clerk', ••.•• start ~ Dtnta.1 Fronl Office , .. -. $500 , MALE oivtsfON Time KCC!pt'r , ••••• , • • • $I0'1 Salesrna.n • • • • • • • • • • lO $800 Malht Trnce • • • • • • • • to $554 Shtp A Rec. Trn .• • •• •• $346 Gear l!uttera ti: rrandtrt .......... s.too hr Janitor ............ 12.z hr Plant Encinror -••• J •••• l2K ''We have many sood jobs waltma: for Yoll" SOME FREE SOME FEE MERCHANTS PERSONNEL ""'J,1,td~Y!! Co"1el' 1.7\h • IrvlOa N•"P''"-Ollk:oo Jn all .. on.-Couot1 &e-mo tored Chiteoat 10 lessons typing school. IT.! Del Mar, Cf.f, 548-2859 MERCHANOISE FOR 5ALE ANO TRADE ----_. Furniture . 8000 RETURNED FROM MODEL HOMES ,/ Fine selection lrom larie estate 4 sornl!: old. ,/ Repmiseuions for finance co. A few compl. house- fuJg of bettu furi:t. & ap. ptiances 4 color 1V's. Bank!I can't deposit furn. They demand ca.sh Regard1ess of IQ61i Spanish • Mediterranean Maple 4 Mahogany • Modern Brand name bedrooms, king or any size bo.'t zprings & l'l.)altresses. custom made sofa & lovl!:. seats, a fine 11election of beautiful dini111 roonu, table, 6 chain, chln- a.s. hutcf!1!:11, guaranteed frollt-free l't'frlgerators, color TV, late model wuhers and dryers on 58.ie at Acrilict price11. Will separate, buy any pil!:Ce or a hot11eful Out ol state credit O.K AOK Warehouse 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. 1i2 Block West of Beach Blvd. ~ Near G.G. Fwy. Open 9 a .m.·9 p.m, SW!. l<Mi SPANISH FURN I TURE RETURNED FROM MODEL H::>MF.S. SA VIN GS TO ~ 80%. Spanish qui.lted sola It love seat, l oak livin& room tablet, 2 living room lamps & Spanish painting. El Prl!Bldente k 1 n & 1 t z e bedroom sllite; oak triple dresser & mirror. kin& headboard, 2 commodes. klnpizl!: mattresfl' & box sprtnes. 2 lloudolr lampa, 6 piece Spanish wrought iron dinlne aet. Only $467. f.l). down It $4.50 weekly, sell separately. Eaay credit HAMILTON FURNITURE 5948 , Wcstr¢!1ster A v.e., Wesbninsttr. 894-4434 d&Uy 10 a.m. to 9 p.n;i., Sal 10 · a.ni. to 6 p.m., SUn. Colored TV'•·· Pl1nos Appll1nc;n, Antlqun 1 Pltce or Housefull It Our Spocloltyl 636-3620 24 HOUR SERVICE . BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS DECORATOR ,, FURNITURE Unusually tine piece• betnl. sold by owner. Shown by appointment only. Q u I!: en Ann sofa, white btocade, marbll!: top coffee tablt, end tables, lamps. Rare Audu-: bon PI e t u re 1. Whirlpool Washer &:: dryer. Co1dspo fl'ostfree relrlgeratar, 14' \ · Ml.sci items, all in xtnt cond. . 549-4263. . DESIGNER'S SOFA- CUSTOM built 3 pc &eetiona ; with built in plaater & in< direct lJa:hting in corner lee"' tlon. Can bl!: u5l!:d toge~ l or separate. In xlnt cond. Original ~t $1150. Sell for $285. or makl!: offer, 64S-8469. MAPLE end tabll!:fl $25 ea. ; Cofitt table $50. 2 lamps $10 ea. 8' Gold wing back ' couch $125. X1nt cond. Mesa Verde area. ~1570 LOVELY 31 Mediterranean or contemporary so!a, olive ' pa]e yellow print, 1 yr old. 962--8671. BLUE IOla & matching upbolll chair, $25 both. Dining table &:: 6 chrs (upholl) $50. 673-31!6 ' TRESTLE Dining room table, peean. otiental ruga. Tape recorder. Elect Adl~ typewriter. 968-2844 * COMPLF:l'E liv rm se~ xlnt cond: in Olive gm le , aokl.~ : FINE M&b:ipny Sl!:tretarY : Dining table. and five chairs : 6"-1679 ! 1 I .=.c:.:,::,,.~~,.-~..,....,...1 : HOLLYWOOD T w i n beds. corner·tabll' Rt '50. 1 1 Call SM-1822 .~";;,P;;;·;:;m.:,. to~S~p;:;.m;;.·=,,_-, tNEW Black Nausahyde Iola HIDE A btd, never used Bed $65. u o__,_...., , ',' $100. I' Medl aota, love -===i~=.:·~====:<f , seat, coUee, end tabl"5, -• : lam pa, 5 pc dinette aet, Offlte ElrUlpment 801 t • w I t h maltrt1M:1 & box --.J --' ·~-· - I ' sprlng8. lAA· !ban 2 moo · PRQFE$SJONAL old. M111t seJJ this .,.wk! 'DRAFTING TABLE 539-0046 Ntw 31x"2", adju:stt·lo atand- HID£.A.8ED never Ufled. ing 1 eve l· "AR1t9YO". metal edre. 1'1llkl basSwood. $100. 3 bdrm selll. kine, electronically bonded, wxi-. , full & twin slze1. 8' 110/a ed smooth. Strons ateel ill~ &; love aea.t. Den !u"1iture, : co1Il'lfl I. end tables. O!:cu ing arcs. tilts to any anc)e. .. chain. Mar\y other Items. $50. or bnt oUer. ~; , ft.UBI lll!:U everything! Only Im<t Exmitiw 1'1 o d e 1-C 2 rnonthi old. All Med.It· ~writer, stand It chair 1 : ~V:;•:;,1'7,_;:";:•:::•·c.T!:.;;:'' .. 810';:.:,'1m;z. =-~I included. Price ' 3 }> 0 ~to ; I' Couch. quhttd, Ivory 4 54(h3543 : 1 Gold, 1 me.tchlna love .w. Ansa-pbone tor &alt, • i 2 areen quilted dub chairl Uke new. $2i(),. t with matchifW Ottarnan. 1 • 8'7·11M • 1 "Hen" club chair 4 otta.. ! man, 1...,. "lloltL 53&«IOO ~r"'9 S•le I02% or 5.16-298!> "" . ~ GAMCE Sale, Sat. .t sun. MATOIYovrCur_!ainSbades ll-4i 2811 'Clrcle Dr . I to , Your . Dnpq. Qll)l)9e (Sayshortl), N'pt. Btacb" , rrom 1000 Mmples O'l' '* f\lrn .• sldl & mlscell. )'Ollr meleria.I. J."'act<1.y II) 2 ·t:JJiCi& i'OCb air con-I You SflADE SHOP, 2609 d.lt'--..:.... · t@d bl ' Newport Blvd. gn..~ Wloa-. moan r PJM Q:lallb' Ktna-Sl.a Bid heads. much m:ft. 9ll)..8l7I. ; beau HM quilted mattft~ GARAGE alt, SAt • SUit; J: ~tt touadadon, bit-In ~=Ci~ ~ ~ i ll'Une.' Ji<tftT 1JSO!I. 191. ' I ~ $250, 842-U White tJtPh&nttl otm ... Unt I ~Portable -··-.... WO.: aD TV lh:J1t' I Drl\W' --- -· -· --' . l600MIMOll1n-. So. C.111'1 Lll'lllt -Modern Furnit ure & .Appll1nc• - Public Auction ---------=~==--~""""'.".''."".'":'~-------~".""""'.' ....... -----:::--::::~·-. ~ ........ -· ----· . ··-,, ' I JAN. •• I AT, NfTI 6tJI P.M. ' • OPEN DAILY TO THE PUBLIC 9 A.H.-9 ~.M. ~ automatic "'asher Qtt.Jlent CIOrdlUon $4.S. ALSO SUNDAY l/4 Mnllon SS S~S. bo:I irftip and BEAutUVL raadlnl waD SURFBOAltD 6'1'', ucelleQf R.t'Vtlatlon llnbp allot 22, $E:T o.t ovmo.d •prU:lp. fit \V AL.Ntrr Chell wt~ ml1TOr mattft-. -"CUit $25 b' ICV!p\ure $20. ~ ~ condition $25. UJKlttwattt petfeet for beaifmr!r. $l5 any cu $7. Stl of trailer & 2: nit<' stands $25, white • 847-Sll~ • leU>def Coldspot. T\trquOlR, $40. 135 Cecil Pl. c. t.f. KENMORE Gas Oryrr. Lalt modtL Excellent condition llJP. 147-1115 lS CU fl Uprtght Deep F'rceR, (wht) Perlect cond. $116.~ Furnllu,.. & Apfllanet; Liquidation Repossesslona from 50 Major Finance Co'1 & Banks, Liquidations, Mart Sampr ... Fac- tory Cl030-ouls, Banltruptcl ... Antiques • Color TV's • A.ppllance1 oJ every sort. • Name Brands -Spanish • Mediterranean • Modern Provincial • Maple • Contempor-ary .• ~~~ = 1 :~ "'~·~ !.f.J',.,c~~ ~sun 16,~ 8-6COl aiter asm ~.,:w mirron su.r.o i11;;" ,i:e·~~-<t S2S. all -~ Im-d .... 11-•-,... __ ..... _ _j, r"'.'::-:"'. BROWN fteff.te Cokmlal .,~ .m --'\MU~l Ylce $T. T 50e APT ""'· r.:....... ._.._ .,.. h J I'ORTABL~ T.V. •~. 2 !~Id $25. Sink SS. Old and Ford • $2. y.'omtn't do~ atze <>ae OU!CU'iC '"''"' • .., coue • cood OOnd loln ;?!. CERAMIC Corinlhtan floWflt r; _.. car tadio $10. Chrome book '7-12, S:O .-·u•. Be.by cloth!t Refrigerator $20 AltcDoli'.'!' 1139 Charleston, °'1 holder ;3.50 Aquarium with phones no .ta.ch, S watt I .,..., $10 Large pre111ure cooker solid slate guitar an1plilier rack $8. Tw n. maUnu $10. :iOc: • SS. Toyll 25o . _ $1 $5. gn.mo Qr 6'5-U7ti DARK areen couch, back pump1 $15. 3.5mm camera wlUI Tremolo S2S. Euttka Sewtnr machnlf, worb but Aalotttd tabJe1 50c • $5. droPll to make bed $25. $10. Wrouht Iron candle M "' not new $10. ln-1701 2' x 2' nhault fan s~. :U OIUOIN.µ.. oll po!nUnp P.1atchlng chair $20. 548-5617 boklcn $15 pU.ir. V-l\1 u~right vacuum ..,, ;, x ""' •--eo•--• -' I ~ 36 · h 10· tent $20, 893-74711 DOUBLE bed ;25. Stn;lc bed Willie aUk dinner Jacttct, .., w ....... -• ;J x 7 to KENMORE a u t o m a t i c recoav p t.>'ft' -· u1c $1. Corntt u.nlt 2 Uh new, alze .tJ S10. 24 x 48. La n d • ca pc a . washer $15. g.u..2962 round mtrror $4. 4 x s~, EXEClJTIVE Desk $1.0. bed bookcue.a. <XlfTK'r de 1 k N.a"°rnlty clotln p . S1D. seucapea and ti:tilt·Wea. Inch plyv.'Ood and other and headboard SlO. h!ih MUST SEE TO BELIEVE I •tra!iht deli. and cheat ri Abalone abell chip-dip plat· .;5.1;;;1,,-m=1c--,,.-,.-.=-,~ OLD buffet pllll mlrror back, scrap! $5 Small bookcase chair S3, n1iscellaMOUs X Antiques lltO A LL TOP QUALITY -FINE MERCHANDISE ~ ~~~r.·~ ~_tr0~ :~:.i =~a~ ~~JO~~-~: L~~8needsreiinbhing ~~~ ,;!~ ~ C:.,11';;~ ~lour~~r ~79' '652 S!:E cur ad und l'l' m75 We Finance with good credlt_.,.l•o Ma1ter Ch1rge wine y,1XJd barttl no. Hanging rattan bake! chair Sl-$25. 'Drop leaf tables ANTIQUE cottage vues pHlr Onyxo chf.ss set and board PO\VER Molm" SZi.. dlnettc ~~~~~~ -: ~1~ L~; AOK COMMISSION GALLERY fJ:::: $~84;_:, ss. Other !~ =bo,;. ;1!~:ro;: ~;0=-:.1 19,. TV con. : :=: ~ = ~~~: :· ~~~an~ ~w:~ s5:o'. ~~1ty~1~~t=~~a= de¥. Jan. 161h at J::m p.rl. 7722 G1rden Grove Blvd. TBY radio 8l'ts. The • ..,_ can $2. Large mt!tal tray llOle S20 Utility table $2. SlO. Pair china larn1n S2:i ~.·1'-l31l2CoAptt"'a; ... e~.:enln3o. 10 panels 50,.:. 6l $25, Anti· In ·~ alt moo• •-au"' .. ·' ..,..., $4. ?t1atched blue swag Towel tra.y with i;tand $7. 11 " """ .......... ·, r 0 , 1 25 u"" t! ... D<: •uw Vi Block West of Beach Blvd., off GO Prwy. Uled in bt!acbht!ad opera-lamP1 nT pair. ~metal Cani&ter vacuum $10 2 llrca 5'19-3915 121 ritorriltOY.'O Lane l&.Jon. q u e m 1 • ' fumlsbinp . hadndmadt ~ Vic-tions during: WW ll. Real traya $4 962-8i'Tl 8.25 x 14, good condition H tl~llo com PI t x) C?if mi~lle.neous Hk to $5, torian rep r o u c 1 on s ~!'!~~~!'!!!'!~!'!'!""'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!'!~!!'I o:ill@dor ltem1. Haw 2 · SS each. 2472 Faln\'a)" Dr. !CH-Intensity desk lamp S.10--6!)76 M7-2907 muches. love seata, Hil & ~----.... -. complete units, S25 each. HARLEY' wheel bike frame CM. Sat 1-5 $3. Bra.81!1 Uli Uasket S2. s PAIR new lined drape• Her chain, tables, lamps Pianos & Or91ns 1130 _M_t_·,_,_•l_l_•n_oo_u_• ___ ~ __ 1 Navy ARB ttceiver, cown and rear end $25. Rear •TW=o,.-,Twin"""'-be<b~~.-0-,1y~~,,,.= EJectrlc knlle $3. Stainle:i;s GOLD And White Antique <'ach pair 63 inches long etc. Color TV's, Stereoa, ---BC arlne •--• ,_ 11.., wheels S25. 4S engine parts T"'-Canister 1et S2.50. Silver twin bed $25, boxspring, lOO Tnches wide $6 a pair, Appliances. Name brand• • ONCE-A-YEAR SEE our ad under 8025 ' m .,....,, tw:. ....,. .,.,se outta·sight beds alao Gray Fox Fur Stole $20. matlreas, S25. 2 spreads $6. all at:yles, AOK Commission ALL FLOOR MOOE LS cl&S1lfication • p UB L l C Ohlon X-Air book a h e Ir $25. 646-4114 make bunk beds. Call for Be.by :«:ale $2. Set of (41 2 spn:ad1 $15, full site head· paid over twice as much GallE"ry, 7722 Garden Grwe Conn • \Vurlltzer • Knabe AUCTION to be htld Sun-speaktts. as llt!w, S10 each. COUOf and chair $15 Bird information. ~ new Spiruw.!r llub Caps Sl board $5, living room lamp, 847-3917 Blvd., 1,1 Block \V. of Stach, PIANOS and ORGANS day, Jan. 26th at 1:30 p.m. Trarulstor stem> amplifier care $1.50 548-82ll ROTOR Tiller S2S. lless each. Double berl ~prcnd, Oeautllul $25, 968-4049 LARGE Table \vith 2 leafs ott G.G. Frwy. "One-of-a.Kind" Beautiful fumish!ng1 for above, $15. Heath motor) 52 Kaiser S25. Parts orange $3. Iruiulatcd ice si;,, 6 matching chairs SJ PVT Pty has old ,Je.ss, YOUR CHOICE handmade Victorian monaural ampblllfitr i?. GE 8!f~a pt-lonl~.sO h,•,":"h. ror Metropolitan l-S2S \Ve~ bucket $2. G.F:. Portable ~~~KT:S.4~ka~eis s;~~$l~ c 84 • 7 c_,h. 917 worlh much more 100" ff -• tJo -· h In AM-FM porta e, u new •-,.. .. ,.,.,, !ape --~er, •·-125. ,. 15 C c h in a, pa In I Ing 1 . to /0 O repivuUc lll!I, '""uC es, ve Sl9 G brle1 Adj hoek 613-1133 ... u ~"'""'" ...... ,. ra 10 · Electric oil Dall Small pa9,dle board SlO Re bl 968-2488 9859 H EA LY seats, J-11.s Ir. ller chain, b. bea ,56• 1 •63 New 6 R Ooure~nt light. rC't urner $2. Cut glass 'fl Girl 's 20" bike S12 For a 5 GAL. aquarium w/ac- El1r': v e. S OP R I tablc1, lamps etc. Color A sor n for '-'to BROWN couch and chair $10. 2 tubes $12.50 Barber chair piece punch bowl set S."i. boat: Table $5 Stanchions c<'ssories $5. Women'll bowl· s, · · Fine Chrislmas Trade-ins TV's, Stenm, Appllancea. Porsche, new llt!t $...,. ~ SlidUW p.. b.Jb/ahower $Zi. Matye.g washer S25. Canring boa.rd 121~ x 19',2 S2 32 volt toaster S2 and ing shoes, 7',1, llke new, VP.Sr stock A.,mer L& Eur f'Tom $388 Name brands • all atylea. Hchalna vw'°' ~u"""'hlbet h 110· doors with lixtures. ex-Girl's bicycle Sl2. 2116 $2 ;.36-9003 cofiee pot $2. 2 pain Junior S5. 4~--3859 furn & doc · arr Y AOK Commission Gallery, eavy .... er c · cellcnt condition S 1 O, Republic CM 64Z-4017 Morpn Antlque1. 2 f 2 8 No down • Easy terms 7722 Garden Grove Blvd., '60 V\V tune-up kit $3. ~2929 10 SPEED bike S25, 536-6126 skis, P-tex base S8 each. OOUBLE bed, rilaple flnish N-Blvd., c. ?.t. • Delivery • c ra t t 1 man I n a Ide SfANDARD 'l)'peY.nlcr $25. CRIB & ma"-" $'<. high Girl's duofbld, size 10, Sl-"'1th box :i;pr1n~s and mat • .. ~. Go Id M I C ~-Block W. OF Beach, off El trl bl-·'· 16 mssoo '"' ~ p t b 1 3 d 1-==""=======I U u1c ompany micrometer act. 12", $19. SKI boob, Ladle11 Nordica, ec c ..,,,.et · .,...,.... chair Sl electric reeding or a e spee tress,~ condition $25. Sewing Machlnn 1120 20-15 N. r.tain, Santa Ana G.G. Frwy. Spot~n dial indicator set, aize ~7. almoet new $21 GIRL'S 24" Classic Sch\l.•inn dish $2. 968--476l phonograph $2.75 Book s S111all bookcasc $5. Foldlni So. ol Freeway, 547-0681 El..F.c Adding mac b In e • $19. Preatolite tank and Childs starter &kil and pole• bike, Iully restored $25. Sc--Sl January 25, 10-4 P.M. Samsonite, like oew, suit· 1!l67 SINGER complete v.iLh 1 "°'M'°on=:&:-Fri~'='=til=9=S=un=U.,\=~I beautllul condition $32.SO. regulator $12. Tv."O 18 $2. Bar stools 13 each. Ex-eoy·, Stingray S25. TV CANISTER Vacuum in good 3000 Beacon St .. oH Santa case $5. JZ' x 12' l?ttn v.'&lnut conaole. $37.88 or1· Royal standard typewriter, draftr """• eabineta ss. eeutive ss. Kitchen cart $2. works SlO. 546-lm she.pc flD, room air con-Ana, NB used carpeting $5. S48-400f •-I T I I I 8205 nd .,. El--_..,,_ II""".... ditioner ---', "lter •l•aned Aaume, 12 paymen~ 0 • tV • on re • co • -.,, ...... w.u...... tripod, $9. 35 mm slide pro-_646-<99_-"l--------I APT. SW.r e 1 r i a: er at 0 r •i=u " "''" GOODIE.5 For Sale! Golf STUDIO couch SJO. Nesco $185 mo. Due lo divorce typewrittr, lllme as new )eetDr v.ith a ir q u JP t Thermo • matlc defroster, SS, tv.'O boys bicydeii as Car SlD. foot locker $7. rotisserie S15. Portable TV action_ repo! Button holes, RENT TV $10 $1.35. Portable typewriter map.riDt!s and acreen, $25. DANISH fo!dl.ni' chairs $10 croaa top !reezer $25. Cast is $5 each, hand lawn Hairdryers SlD. ea, Sun-"v.ilh stand S2S. Child'• blind hems, overcasts etc. Ne. Deposit -Free Delivery $22.50. Vernit!r ca 11 per• 15 gallon show aquarium each. Hwnan hair wig, iron fences, tw'O, 12 H mower in good shape S:>, beam elect. shaver S7. telescope in caiie $5. Nt!w No a 11 a ch needed . 5J4...<Mn or 772·9ll0 wfdial $23. Office coat &: with ~movable mirror back brown $10. Twin bedspttads lengths w Ith gate 3 ft 962-3044 Clothes $1...$3. twin spreads Thayer 3 position walker GuU'llJltee OK. Call 526-6i16 USED TV1 $25 &: np. Repaini hat ratk SS!.1775.50. 3 boMl1 ~~ $15. Complete kit of ac. ~u!:lr &~ ... e tam; S~~ height. $ 2 5 • Overstuffed SCRAM LETS & dust ~e _S7. _ Suitcase $6. Pole lamp $2. Sina:le Ir: shop or home. 2027 punchl!s ea. ar .... '6 ceuoriea !or above $15. modern cha.fr SS. Chaise • $2. electric nail dryer $5. box: spi;inga: $2. 2 fOl'ltlAls, Musical Inst. 1125 llarbor Bl., CM. 645-1672 & dra.win& P e fl• 'tl!ic ea. f15.J..271 548-'288 lounge, ex:cclle.nt condition • 41S Via Soud, N.B. 675-3947 size ll·ll $'7.50 'e.a c b, ~ Flamenco ~ltar Hi-l'i-& St 642-51CJ 3 HP to <t HP engine11 $8 U' x 18' BEIGE rug &nd $2.5. (Custom inade),lroning 4--\VESTmciHousE Washing 1~54~0-~37;,,:.,87=----~ from Miand.llQ"A ·nlOOel~ ---.,.. PROFES'SIONA to$15:'"PoWer ~-.-<IW-~-~Cnoie_..64 .. ,._-1989""'&11.j--ooam-st. :nt1qttei'll"i'.5jfTeif" -inachrne--goooCiii'Kl'.--S20:-IRONRITB ironer, excellent must sell! Best offer, SI'EREO . 1968 Solid stale, DRAFTING TABLE HP ~ngint! $15. Mac. SlO Siil~ table '2· lea cart, glass top $25. 655 Leaven -Turgid -Babied 842-7320 condition S..'>5. 18 .. rtt!l Mf>.-2629 4 1tpd, 4 ipeaker audio New 3lx42", adjutls to stand-_ $25. Otsen and Riss 1 HIG H cha.Ir, sturdy wooden Darrell St. ,C.M. 612-4WO -Sweaty -F'etl5h -Divide ,c,M~Y~~Oo-u~b~l,-0~,-,-,.-. ~F~o-rm~" po\ve.r mower SJO. 548-T82.3 SfEREO tape recorder, Sony llY&tem in walnut con.sole. Ing l e v c J. ,''ARROYO'', HP hedge •. clipper S20. ~·ll mettal anmndllland trlaylO. MAHOGANY ?i!aga.zine rack -LaBdEIST rRIENDS . SS. -20" Electric Fan $10. T\VO cof!('e! tables, 1 Lett I P met.al edge, rolVI basswood, Rollaway bed wiUI mattress xce. en co on · $20 Old milk ·•··-d•'•h $5. cs haw a pass.ton for 3 S••gle steel n.• Ira'''"' 500 with mica l apeakers. on a.y away, 8.Y all bond ,. --~-' """' ...,74 _, , th 1. Th d ' .d " .i:xu ,_ na11gahyde chair, 1 bookcal!C balan f 119 h low electronic y e.., ....... -$8. Sabot &ail $13. Wet sull ......,...,.~ Silv·r plate ,,·ga-tte holder ma ema ics. ey 1v1 e .... h G E Rou· . 125 Fint Sl85 take1. 548-6473 ce o cu or 1 -11 " ''" ... · b d bl 1 .... eac . . ssene . headboard, all beige color I~==~':'====:;;;;;! !PY~mn~t>~.W~are~~ho~u~ .. ~·~53>-~~'1289~ ed smooth. Strong alee 11 • $5. Pack frame $20. Pack GREEN studio couch, good $3. 21 serving pieces Tica u1ell' aae1 Y two, ou c 11e 8' x 6'' Hobie Surfboard and in good condiUon, plus I: 1130 ing &.rC.!i, Wta to any ang!e. SS. 545-5019 condition SlS. 64~1481 ware flO Antique pink com-price Of their dre1se1, treble $25. Sll-3388 Pf1nos & Or91n1 MUsr Go! Like new! $50. or best otlft'. 536-0402. PARAKEET "and largt' cqe GAS ranp $25. Refrlaerator pote Sl5. 8 Dorothy Thorpe their husbands' salarie.!l, and 'o~E~SK=~s~20~.~Lo-,~. ,--,Se,.-,~1 ~$25=". ~1~1~~rbu;J~l99typePo":; f speaker stereo S85. lf'UIJTED FABRICS 6f6-8l69 $25. Pilmer g!.useJ; $16• ~1679 add live years to the ages at A THEY'RE HERE 11·1 I l'===546-51>7=====-M with dand $8. ~~ISwrlH~• S20cba'~:1 SHOT their BESf FRIENDS. sturuo Coucb with cover S2S. ve. Apt C, Cl\!. TWO twin bed1 nT eaeh. ...... ~.... '6'' u -. Gun SS Pistol SS Devera! ?llaple tables $25. DANISH \.\'8lnut end •-bl• NN Gulbran!!t!n Pacemaker C1meru & Equlp. 8300 o~111!1 with rhythm section 4X5 VIEW Camtt.; 2.8 & PWIO • ............ • $1395 Rollie; 61;1i" lens; 200 ArM Ueed Hammonds, Thomaa, Telephoto for 35 SLR; 00 Wurlitzer, ?iotagnaYQX, Kina-hanpn; tanlm; d r yer: man •tartlna" at • • • •• • $ 395 cht!ck-wrltcr &. mott. Will • Aleo lalie Speakeni • .ell or tn.de for drW Pre!ll! New American made pial'lOI jig saw. grinder, radial 1sU: frmn • • " • • " • " • " " • • $ !i50 or • Call Fr! &: Sun onl ELECTRIC ,...:..,., . . y. ORGAN ASSOCIATES Hobby Supplloe 1400 A PROFITABLE New Hobby 333 E. 17th, Costa Maa for '69 Anglt!rs a: Rt!fufts, ~033 dial (n4> 543-2742. :ri.trs. (la back of Pantake Holllll?) Mae'a Mini Worm Famn. Tht! Feed Bam. 2 2 4 9 Newport Blvd, CM "FOR SAL! Remna.nU. aampl.t!a &: ?.WI enda Sat. Only 8 a.m. ta 2 p.m. 929 Baker, Olsta Mesa. T•-•--'-· ":: .,., _ _._._ ROTARY ~\.\'1t mower S25, "" 26" la'ltr'll ~ $6. EneJ.ne oa.u-.... ,.er .., ~uu.; Percu.saion rifle and pistol Ski Boots (\.\'Orn once) size and coHee table SS each, mower "'"· Infant crib $13. broom SlO Boy'.!l bike $10. $25 each. Gun rack SS Civil couch $15. cbair S 8 • 6~?~~ S2S. Ski pants, size both $6. Corner tab!•, I•-• ... it.Ai: ~DAO bookcase headboard S 8 1 -& Baby --~-.. $10. Size 11-........_ War belt buckle S5 Iron 10 -SlD. ritisc. SU Orchid S.5. Tee skate•. al,. s, ., """'°... formJca fable $5, dresscii .,...., '" r--• ..:.. "" e.lectronkl BIRDS-Zebra f!DChes, White cannon Sl5 New holsters $1 Av~. Cdr.!, 675-1338 12 lb bO\v I'. p --•--t .u Ul-maa ...., w sizea 8 and 10, $1. blooi;es w ""41\C'<: magutne., an· $2. Tripod or ll'Y 11.75 each. 548-1497 Rine and plstol. ammo lOc 2Sc, tirell s2 each 962-8552 EVERY Thing goes this aviary and two parakeets * AUCTION * jack $3. Baby jumpeT $L CHICKENS S1 Pht!uant SS. rd. Cavalier n.'OJ'd fl.5 Old werkend! Baby scale $.I. S12. Dishes lOc • Sl. U'l4 U you will lell or buy lnfantseat $1 F!uh, filten Fancy pigeom $4. Lovebirds scythe S8 l.ay.·n mO'\\'er and NE\V Sliliing door medicine walker S4. vaporizer $4. Belfast, CM. Sat only. gJ" Win!$y a try for Argwi C-3 $2. 3" x 5" $7. 642-3263 sprayer S4 each. Spreader cabinel S 1 e . 1'~ounUneue table &el\t $5. potty chair LIONEL lrRin set. engine, Aurtloru!I Frlday 7:30 p.m. oak library ftie, 6 drawer S7. New nails lOc lb. An-{soda fountain) S2S. 2 $5. coptemporary wooden coo1 car plus 3 cars $10. W• d , A 1. B $18. Call after 6 Sat. All .$25. COMPUTER Scale 24 niversary clock SlO Travel washln!!; m11chlns SIO. ea . hi[!h chair si;,. while crib Freight engi"' $l5. 3 ad- 1n Y S UC ion ern d•v ?tfoo, ne. l622 lb Standanl. LI g ht e d clock Sl-Old violin S25. 4 kitchen chail'!i Sl.50 ea. with mattre•s $20. -~·-~~"=~-'-~'-'-~--=--..,= c 1•-• to · 2 di •• 115 ~ .......... ~... ditionaJ cars, lrelg:ht tJrpe Behind Toey'a Bldg. Mat'l _-_ 8mm 25 ye ., .... er compu 1 pnce per Case $5. 30 lb. Ori-Chemical room Voucrs .. area co\.'crt Into stroller SL~. In-$l2.JO. Transformer Sl2.50. 20751,li Newport. CM 6'&8686 ~i:_"!_E1 projocandtorhold-~11• Jb. in 1c-2c graduationa to extlnquisher S20 Sno'v sled rug $5. T.V. SlO. bookcase fant clothes 6-18 mo. Toys, Set of ,i--ic automatic N C ftsma -stand"_:,"'1 and -hold•...,, Sl. You can make table S710-S Sat only. i ;.12 Indus, $5. 642-5521 all In ........... condition, some .... u-IW ra ft "4'-' ens er for above $1. 613-5644 of! Santa Ana Ave. behind """" switches S7.$0. Set of T 1_ So $12. Portable acrttn. ne:w C 0 BEIGE \Vool carpet & pad new, Double bed frame and manuaJ €'lectric switches $4. ab.. W SlO. Deluxe Mahogany and GAS ranee, apt. eize ~. ~°'~"~""~"°'"~b=~~-~ • 2n x 22 S15. Beige drapes, headboard white S20. 3 pair Tracks lOc each. Plate glass * U.INQ:t * plastic case $8. Ll~t fix-. Oean. 548-3382 1955 PLYMOtm-1, clean In about 30 ft .1 sW>rt Pa.tr blue curtains new S 6. mirror 24" x J6", $1. e $175.00 e tures, celllllf, glau and LARGE Babyllnt! crib plua and out, needs ...._-ark $25. -r.z ft. m. 48" round portable blk. setereo $25. 545-3622 Private Party -S31-S387 bnw:, 3 bulb modern. new near new mattru1 $25. Kenmore gas dryer, good formiea pedestal ta.hie SlO, L.P. album11 Sl. ea . T\VO 3 speed bike11: Ladiea -·--_ SPOOKY Went to Heaven. $8 each. Large picture Walnut atained bookcase $25. Gall refrigerator, runs Twin Hollywood IM!d SlO. Maternity clothes and with basket, man's with Hlzher pricei are corn1n& _ !J>:c!rtlng Goodt 8500 Would Jlke Pun black male frilrM, ~wood$&. Whitt Madboard, plUI frame Jor good $20. 2114 Continental Herman Miller molded fiber other.., Real bargains. rack $25 each. Girl Scout WT DAYSlll but we are still dllcounting GREEK SURFBOAR_D_ kitty (about 4 moa.) to kitchen radio $2. Simmons one twin bed $10. 54S-Oj7{i CM ' ~~~~ ftxct~inrS25~ms,:'~~que 673-0288 . uniform $1.00. SmaU fry all planoa &:. orrans in the 1, 8,. "MAUl" ll 1 "1111 replace him. Tendt!r loving couch $18. m ack modem PINK rutned set for double 2 IDENTICAL naugahyde INDOOR Rattan, f'urnilire bike S5. 646-3680 •-~ d•-of the -at •1ov· • txce en·....,. can al""'"""· Call after 6 dining table $24 (Hardwood canopy bed ;•<. Call 5 .. .v1.... swivel chairs, tangerine <.'01-80 STEREO albums S.'f5 ea., to $25. Clothing, sizes S.14, NE\ .....,, ""3· -~ " "'"" ~c75 ~~-.w ... ......,. 'pod •o:: V linol€'um leflovf'r'll, all '"" •-••. JI will ~ -u ~ pm. 673-M34 custom made). Large 642-3420 or SS each. 2 ldentieal step tn ror camera .... an· lOc to $10. Misc. utensils, .. ,. ..,.... ._ ...... , JV 1 2 k · size..; and colors from 6' money to ~l Shop & bu.y · Quality King-Size Bed, plultc enclosed ahoe bag 2 PIECE aecUonal brown tables, like new SJ.50 each. Uque oak rockrr 5 , n 1 c k-knacks IOc-$5. x 6. to 6. x· 2n', S3 to now al: Miscell1n.aus l600 lM! .,..__, qu1I -~ 1_ $4. Trav~rse rods $2 each. da 1 11quare 2 tier table $5. 673-9186 Sal-Sun U-4, S219 River s~ WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO auw.w 1~ ma .. ..,q, 642-6935 venport S2S. 9xl2 rose col-l Platform rocker S::i. Large SINGER PortRblc sewing TRUNDLE Bed & Mattres:i; ""· 14 yard carpet pad $8. spilt foundation, bit-in l='°"~""--.:c--';;;"=-;:: ored carpet, S20. call after table lamp SJ.SO 2702 Drake, 9742 Clearbrook Or. HS. 1.801 Nev.-port, C.?tf. 642-3484 CARPET WAREHOUSE frame. Never Uled. S98. TRIU~fPH partJ: Block in-6 pm, 546--0283 machine $25. 21" ri1ainavo;ic $25 13VDL c.oiumbia U. 963-5283 before 1 PM Sat. Yamah1 Pianos & Organ1 Sec them now el Coast Music 1839 Newport Blvd, CM 646-0271 HAMMOND · Sttlnway Ya- maha • new & uled pianos of all makes. Best buya: in So. Callt. rlj:ht here. SCH!lflDT MUSIC OJ., Remnantl-2nda-Roll Ends Worth S250. 8'2-6536 cludin& l&ky cam S 2 5. _c_>_1_. _545-JO __ !l __ =--co~le T.V. $25, T.V. Speed reading course S20. or after 6 PM t'OCKER (mosUy) puppies, · 110 nd t bl 15 4 • ThounndJ: ot yard1 to choo111 WHIRLPOOL gas reh-1-, Transmission S2S. Clutch d I' 6 no DRAPES. 2 pr. 72.. long, monitor • r a es , x ., Beaded Projection MAHOGAN from! Some al Cost & Below, frost fret, $lOO. I.lapel d~ with flywheel $15. Generator ar ing, wks, · eaeh. 108" and 156" wide \\'ilh recliJKor $4, log lights SJ Screen $10. 644-1395 and dre~ :25~!~~ = Hn: 8:30-4 p.m. Mon-Fri., Ing rm llCI, wf6 chI'I l and 1tartt!l' SIS each. Fuel ~7533• !rave~ rods S25. comlpete pr.. older Kenmore gas }'OUR 670 x 15 tir.:>s & rims spring and mallres.s $lS. 2 Sat 10.2 p.m. buffet, $75_ 642-3219 pump, water pump! oll MARBLE coffee table $7.50, ~"=8-~7~'"=-----~ clothes rlryer SS, 60 pipe rrit Chevy pickup) SlO each. pair drapes, like new S5 tra.i S. Ritchey, Santa Ana I ~=====,,.---:.=,..-pump SS each. 540--089:.i Holly bed Jrame $2.50, 4 HOTPOINT Au t 0 ma 1 i c n\pple1 $1 and S2, slattonPry one set chains 670 x 15 ir Q ii 541-50!1 UPHpc. OC~~l!G ~~~n') 555 B Victoria, AKC Basset •kl polea 'It ikla $5. l..argl! washer, nttds work $5. 326 items ;.i. 10 .Sl, many $10. Call 675-14:i5 Sat. pa • u· t piece!! 2c each. .... w•1..----'-""4""''"" motor bike .ttat $2.50, Truck Og ·--Sa 9 magatincs, paperbacks and ON1LY Call 6703011 Antique rocker S2.5. SmaU Free set, d•I, pickup, 215 Hound, S25:. Office IUJ)pllea, A le, r ear J"°""'' t . ..-or tablr, antique SID. Table POOL TABLES bo ,. Co alb Uah trailer-hitches $4. 21 0 'Ai AM nl children's books lOc to SI. 675-1355 Sun. and durin.. 1 ~lain HB "Berny" 538-6405 x, ,,.,; m um, po ' Cecil Pl, Cos!A Mt!sa. -noon ° Y """"' ,.t "· ....,!thing and ·-& c o!h for round !able to the ' hooks, box "~.so·, Girl'• ""' '"" week. fl 15 Book hel V ER ~ pl !IS .., MOVING • bargains. frosted bn· b !Cle to I I 23l6 .oor . calle s ve:i;, \ AT heater ...., t · blcycl•, SIS·, Tool• 5tJc oach·, BABY •tulf· N•t pl•~n 12 c a rac · 1 k 125 • I ho · ......-r~ ' wiglet $10. Linen 11 . "'-I HB RE?iUNGTON Calculator l e new • cost S4oi. Sat-..........t ror 11maler mt! or '·-• b arboqu e , $4. « B"•~ $10 cJo••-, lOc '-"'aware s d . 0, .~I ••• ••26 -•t 5 .._.. ..,., _.,,. ' ur1: Jewelry 25c. Small ap.. S25. Hnnd mower & catcher un an evenings ...,~251 ttnta . ~ 11.1 er or 645-7177, each. 673-7533 1,__ 12 .. cb d NAVY Cot, fold:i; up, SJ. r-.1r, $8. Hand edgcc IS. "·-t"P 1907 N. la-lain, New 11\ate $695 val Now S29S I ====San=.:ta:,,Ana=:;'=="' 123 Modell to choose from $59 up. 213: 692-tl67, 692-2101 FREE TO YOU I BRAND i*w A tlu, : ~ , ORGANIC Ft:rtillur I.led Plyeron, Wf!!ldewall tires. ho ' blned 8. 15 x 15. Pd $48 U/ Sell wi~ ~rnarn: . .1 .. ~rnCood for S30 or f for $10?· Philco "ttkends. ~;;i;,,';:,,,,c=;.,;;o-;;;;;;--P 1•1.11Ct!S ·Kit en ga geta nd M I' I I k \,,W " KENMORE 11. u tom at i e TABLE Saw $25. 548-5619 PERUVIAN Alblno Guinea 15c. Books 20c. Melmac $3. a l'l!I. drcs.scr, ig 1 00 • carrier & cover $S. chair washer, very good condition Npt Bch Tennis Club ROTARY Type power mower Pig, 7 week old, S3. Glauware $10. Woman's $15. Men'! g 0 If bat $5. $5. foam cushions $1. each $2."i. Electrolux vacu um Ch11.rler family membt'nhlp $25 Car seat Sl.50 Spice 673-1133. clothing size 14 and 16 Sl. twin $3. ritahoii:any highboy 1n1a!l dr11k work ~nch SlO. cl€'11.ner, y.·ork.s $j. Pair of 11 •u .. o. cht!1t frffier, working, rood mulch. !IJ3-S332 or 546-4931 eond. $40. 21752 Coa1t Hwy, betw 8 l S Mon thru No. 22.A, HB. Cabrillo Trlr Fri. 1/31 Pk. 3 PUPPIES, l males, 11--,G'"R"A"N"D=-o=p"E '"N"IN"G~ female,. 6 mo. old. Good 1.lon 1127169 Mardan Foun- wfth children. Mix~ breed, datlon Thrift Shop 9.30-I·OO can be , seen al .2311 Santa f\fon, \Ved, Fri. Be~nUna: Ana A\e. after 3.30 1-25 children with leamin& di. FREE To good home 2 11.bilitle11. l!ln Park Ave., Female Siamese Cho c . C.?>.f. Near Harbor l 19th. Polnta. Indoor CAil!. 1.tusl 642-7850 iO toptber. ~2-3450 1128:1H51iio;;£.;;;A;:=·"B"'E"o,--,.,.=v"",-""""=· 2 FEM. dogs -l, 3 yr. SlOO. 3 bdrm sets;, king, part toekrr -Her, 9 mo. full Ir IY.•in 11iz.e111. 8' eofa · wht. h alf San1oan 1: lovt seat. Den furnltutt, M&-054.1 1/28 coffee Ii end table•. Occu S480. 548-0196 aft/S p.m. rack. atea.k knlvei 50c each. MOVING sale -Btds $20. J forn1als $2.50 each. 8!~ $IS. r.tcn"ll gol t bag $5, Good toll Box, felt hned new fender :i;klrts lor lfl6l S ff R_, I •-"'X ...._ •~ $10 • B 1ilo(>r; 50c. Ne1v blankets 1 ='=94-=7~66=9~~~--~-SlO. Sewin .. machine .!ltand F __, 15 2 tau tr -uc ng Tracie lhota $2. Bowllna' • .-. v1..,ssers ..,, . .. ..., OflJ . new Open House M•chlne _ $85. shoes $1. Bird wattr\n& $20. Chain SS." S20. Lainpa $2.50. Laguna oil painting DOUBLE Bl'd in excellent SS. metal str~ cab $5. signs, both $3. 847~11S * ... •-• * -•·-5tlc ---• ·-Cam-$5. La1vnmowtn ss. &: $25. $25. Brunett~ SY.itch $10. condition $25. Also Early 2 new steel 18'' round lav1 .,..,.....,..., .............. ~ ...,., 21" COLOR TY S25. (need• brld C,_, ... ~•• Speu•" $25, Tool1 I: other blen:s clothing, tuxedo and American couch. 8 fl. long $5. ea. misc, 646-5Z78, 4&31 . 1 ?.IOUNTED bl1 game head• ge u-u~ . .....,...._, pie u~ lube ! E I e c 1 r i c mlac: $5. le under. Sof6-1889 dinner jacket, 38R S3. S15. 548--78-l!l Bruce Crescent, NB some VA>rld records. MERCHANDISE FOR healer $5. 17'' portRble TV ."• -• SAL• AND TRADE 20402 Bayview, Santa Ana BVNK Beds & maltrc!!..WS SOFA And ctwr SIS Dining TWI N }lol!Y\\'Ood Bed S2CL S25. 5 gallon "IL, can ..... -·~ -5 He!ghtJ. $15, headboard large flO, able and 6 chair1 $25. Cl1ina J\laple finish. Student Desk l!i()\4 E. 18th, rnf. ~ POO_ EqulL pT_atbnclle. TnttllruMwl . .,~ .. -'~I Misc. Wantff 1610 1 PAJR Air Force Brogana. headboard small $10, train cabinet $25. UJtra-violet n y S2S. Portable Se \Vin g 21 .. TV _._..,., and •J .. •" aill!I 9, s;.. 100% caahmere eel on board St wall record hair treatment set S15 Small Machine $15. po r I ab I e ' &""""' sound pic-bl,...,,.le ..," 54~3877 ture S25. Vacuum cleaner ~J" ~..,, top.<.'O&t, 1ize 44, il'YY y.•orn rack Sl. upholstem:I chair coflce table S2 CUrve-d part typewriter Sl2.50 Binoculars SlO. Dres!l'r lltool S 2. TRAIN Butts: h'O oomplt!te • WANTED • twice, pa.Id $80., 1ell $25. $25. 2 provincial tables $25, of :1cctlonal SlO 3-"'ay table $7.50 Bookcase SIS. Lofll' Portable TV tube chckct pas:sengen, many txtru, Furniture e Appltancea 1 be\a:t! trench coat. water walnut coUee table $25, lamp $2. Cock radio $5 coffee table $1S. maple knit-$20. 64&-I52j $150. 135 Cecil Pl. Color TVs e Pianos proof size 42 ,$5. l tull 962--9740 Urethan1c malll"t!~s f11pprox t1ng Bov.·I S11.50 maple STEREO tape n.cordei, Sony ETC. l~nglh421~~ o5v~tM, bl.i'i"'d, 1.IETAL oUice. desk.~. needs ~ x n,1 0110 0~!~1 2Kit. 3140 m0.~:r!~ rack1 "t•,nd1 hosu. ~LE~!~~,~~n,11<150S40._~,"'rnn" 500 with mies I: speaktn. s1:r;c ,..,. • o>J.1'1 e drawer, ~ for shop SU. ,,,~~·rm=•,...•~·-·~"-.,---,.,-tsu"°""'"' mAp e ep ne · · '"" First S185 take•. M&-64'73 Cash In 1/2 hour tn.ys carousel type fl. each. s drawer vnnlty ..,,.11h mirror GREAT Books of th" bench $25. Three modern Sl.50. Diiihes and cooklre PLAYHOUSE -f x 6 Wln-J:'.'!'!'~~5~4!!!!1-4~5~3~1!!!!~.... 15" wiled & lire for $10. 78 record player and \Vci1tern \\'orld >'tar bookll Bar Stools 24." high S('at utensils 5c -$2. Luoch pail& Pl)imoulh. 1 clear plastic radio $3 . .'.iO. 21 Inch TV "ilh (The Grtnl ldeu Today) S.'i. each lorge hard r o" k 75c. Clo!hc.o;, 11·om<'n's atlf ::r• ha~~ J,~t~root, \\!'ANTED: Wicker llvina panel, 6' x 3', S 8 , !!land, needs 1 tube> $5. 1513 Sl.90 a plt'ct'. Encyclo~la Salem n1aplc nightstand $20. little girl~ :z;~ -$3. To}'I < DOG Mal Bl k • hit chain. Many othtr llema. •, • -t!, AC W e, ; • _ abt 5 mo'a, happy. friendly, Must llt!ll e~rythlng! Only Jooka like Snoopy, love• 2 montha old. All Med.It· . .,. turnltu C h Prt!ssboard 2 pieces ~ x Orange Ave. C?it, 642-5666 Ill'! $2::1. Junior Cl11.st!ics S20 642-61116 and gam('s :!51' . $2. 76.'iA SURFBOARD 9' 611 x 2'1~" room re. 0 u c ' 7f" x 12". 11. e11ch. l piece H;;imilton. C:'ll ' ' cha.tr ete Call 66-2929 ' LARGE -bbl'-50c ••ch. B o o k c a s e S9 BritRnnlca BEU.. r.lolorcyclc helmet 35 lb1 w/ c::an-ylrc rack. ' .. '-'." x n" x 24" $2. 968-1226. 5'$6-8693 "'' lb Atlas SJ2. 2 vol. Dictionary $15, 26" boys bike: u;, LARGE "'OOd desk $25. Ken- . • . chlldn!n. 646-2819 Very ttu. 114: 8TG-1582 Jte:frlawator 57'7 Tustin. Nl"WpOrt Bch 19<-1J63 FIELD Traru:mllter Ir. 2 ff.aieivers. ANl&phone, ad· dlna' machine, d r a f 11 n 1 1~ mach i ne A t1ble , •=~=--~~-= °'Ulllcator, % ton truck, SPAYED female Boxer; all ~te saw. Very rtt1! • w.ec. Good famfly doJt. 29'8 a.t8-6013. S92~t83S ',: f' .. &. O..t Hlth-.y O:lrofaa DJCUSH Dark 04l din rm • deli Mer. 9 to 5 eulte 9 pea ~-FrlaidAltt: I YEAR oict ~male dot. t.'Own 10 eu tt. nice oond SJS. " with aome white • black. s woadf.n bar 1tooll $&. 1 I Cood with chlJdren. 5-of5-l!'fl • qullted qUttn 1 I 1 t I ., -""' '·" """'""" "' ..._,," i • ADULT e11t1. 1-male, 2 KIRBY Vat.'Uwn cJuner A I• J'em. Matter of nre It dtath. •ttacbmtnt.I. Or1ainaU1 aol.d Al» llelo' n .ta. 54&-3l21 l-27 for owr p:x).. Tab owr ' t MOS. .. Da.lly" dos. male «mall pymntl tit $49.8J cuh. I -Owdlt depL 505-1781 : ' Vicuna Rut 41~ fl • 6 ft I I"" <.MARGE )QB' .,ant ad now $.100. 8J0.-02!6 • &!11 offer. 843-3243 ONE•~~~~~~ TV Ph.Uco 21" table model $14 , \''orld Uook $25. Tires 893-7479 more 11ey.•ing machine $2S. FOR Sale Newport Beach OWR. 8'f9.6(llg (Fullerton) with aland, ex~llent co~ ~~ :. ~~ 1:?_~~ sho2.1.~,pl<0<$6 .. ChA'i'i",",:..B11i0b~e1 CARPET. 11 x ll. Beige, Cabinet .StD. Short wave Tennl1 Club Fam 11 y dlllon S2S. 6t6--04l4 110 W 11 ,_ 110 ;:::::~1 ..,... ..,... .. wool, Hi Low S25. walnut cabinet radin $25. Double Mt!mber1htp, $450. 642-6532. PETS and LIVISTOCK · 11. mu1vr · vn:xe b11.11zains. Plcatt ca I I he.adboArd SIO. ;i lpeed 2 FISHING polu, I teet walnut rame table $~. 4 544-!IJOO d~nii;h mCM:k'rn pole lamp re<."Ord playf'r SIO. llalr BALBOA Bay Club mcm-~ 1125 each, 1 new, I old SS and m1tchina thaln sz. Single Sl5, 34l-3772 drytr SJO. 2 pole lampa $15. bert.b.lp. REASONABLE! $4. S fiah.lng lftll: 1 Ht!ddon bed J25, Dttoratlve moldlna: BINOCULARS 7 X !50 cot1tE'd Po1A1'i!iFIELO 8 mm movit! :: woodcrl riuvt-d table bun (1) 177-7170 •UIASA APSO • Puppiu con\.'ni.lble IPlnninr rwl strips $5, 8 ynrdz iOld lens. center focu.. cue In-caITK"ni k lights $ 2 5 , $JO. 543-26S7 I"OR Sale 8' 6" Jacobs 8 wkl. AKC. Slow • pet Nn. 250, paid $32.:.0, wtll brocade uphosltery fabric duded $25. 64&-4384 t.111rn1hPld !I mm rrlO\'le pro- Surfbom:I, rcod condilloo qUa.llty. Hamil too l Llcos 11eU fer Sl!. Bn.nd Mw. $15. 2 large pla~llc lra~h V 1 BR ATOR , \\I' ah I, jeclQr & l!Cref!n $25, 962-7998 \VEST Bcncl "n,1til'lf' Sli 3 S701 C.U 675-0573 Ownplon llnt!a. ~7138 2 uaed rtela, l monospool, ha.mis S2. Child'• tennis poY.'l'rsage hand uni! $6. s TING R AY Bil<e Sil, HhoP "sr:!.:_w eng11K" $25. 1 evu.. l P11nn monofU No. 211, S.f t ·~ .._~,. ~ r•r •~8~ 1w "" l .. "lv.'1t n101\'f'r S:ll. racqUe ..,, ~Q O'tV""'WO'f r.~ .. '"1~ Sa bl d Misc. W1nted 1610 ADORABLE whltt!. Samo)'ed --p.ipple1. AKC, show 1:: ptl W A N T E D quollty, malt • '"'"'1• 7 ween. '" to appnodate. \lte ~ quality <no junk ~ plaM). TUmlture. c 11 lo r AKC 'R;'.eg:::-. -;1"n."'•.--,s.=tt:::er"."• TV"a. atereo1, appJlancn, wb. W•blyn lhw. toota &lid oUlct ~nt. * '46-1738 * TIJP CASH IN Ill MJnuttsl LABRAOOR Retrlnw pu(ll, 5JJ.12U * l!D-(ll65 bluk. AKC. 3 mo«., shots. SOCK IT TO 'tit! '94-3136 --'"""'----- each, t ulled NOl"f'lco double ....,.,...., .., " a ~ Sl . 1:1. Rc:ilati,.: headed e.lectr1.: llha\·,r, good LADIES clothing like new, CLOTilES d~r. Jil'lt! con. ri!ALJ-: SilvPr poodle, II weeks \·enlllalor for roof $10. Lum-~nditlon sa. 1 brand new entire ...._'Udrobe good qu1dl· dltion $25. TV for part.t: ~ SZ>, 968-l'll.l ber rack lor pick-up ~- Mtilsaw ritOOcl 574 type t;y 7.S and 9-t/I, Cocktail Dreu.ina !Able v.·Uh al•q 2027 OranP" A\lf'. c~1. ·-·--, .... hi••-, u s votta, drr'SleS, knil dreMts. COi· top •nd 11tnol. nt'trl8 p;kirt BLUE Oi!p stamp book.Iii $..1. Ulll'<:JI .,. ""' 646-4384 SCUBA Ge11r !.link, \\'ith !200 RPM . n-nd new, at!ll tons, b I k In 11 . coata. S15. f"i"1Jl!'CC" llC1'n"n $2.50. I===""'~-,,...,=~-•-k -· ••1 1 -• K c '"'" pack 125. ni-ru\.ator In box. well for SlO. t u.$f:'d evel')'ua ng ps or Dru)' $2 Brau lircplac.i toob ..,. TV RI YCJ..ES; Small 20'' boys ~. Mll3k S5 :C:prnr gun BlaeM al'ld ~kn '~" utlll· each. 25 pall'll pointed toe !lland on whetls $8. Lido SS. 24" itlrls 111nd ~ SlO. StO DtopUi RaURC' \\'lllch S3.?,0 .... drill. perfect t'.'Ondll'A-heel! llkt l'll"w, slie ~B i;x: ~166 26" girl, arid boy11 $14 • 0 . 1 ~ ~• h II I $1 u• ~ 116 S 1 .. _,_ IV ng buoy S2.5() DlV'lfll '10. ll 752 Coast fU&hv.·Q eac or 111 or f. ~ \VlllTE Gltn:e11 po I t fl r '1 · t .. ,.,..,.. $20. 3 speed knife S5 Couch s!IJl('O\'f'r SS. 2'A. HB. Cehr111o Trailer SOlWINN JO speed vars!"" g.rd'" pot and uu~ II mcn'a S16 • $20. 5-I0-284T 4"" 1140 31 ' 1 ..,,-"~ • , .1! I~! llt'f'., So. Park, $20. MG-7882 lnr-h. $6. ~ OlARGE IT• l.it,J:'Un11 '°' lite aU .w ·att lier ... x ""' lah "' 52 !tie ""' "' OU· ·s, 15, "'" ""' J.ir, a<h \l.fs SJ ore &o· •WI· ew, "" 1al· 125. lng uit- "' 07 ""' TV !d'& •w kf'r gl• "• b. '"' "' • 1 ... •lot "" "· "'" "" 10. •d· "' 50. "' of 14. "' $4. ~. !h ~· \oy '" ,. to 18. B. ... "' " 2 $5 h. ill ••• h• !5, ••• ' '" m of 51 " I• ' v 3. " . ~ • • " d • • • ;. • • d ' ;, • 3 1 '· i ' ---------------------------------~----·----------------------·-=-=,...,...,, • ' ... ' . So-.""1""1 25, ~'169 DAILY PILOT J& . f~SPORTATION TlllliSJOi'tATIOH ! .. c-. ~ ... ~ ...... ,,_ ~ . """'°....., c ... • • CREDIT Pony & eqUipment. $175. can alter 6 PM 5t6-4538 TRANSPORTATION Bolts & Yachts 9000 ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. l TRANSPORTATION CENTER . ,' . . . e TRANSP'ORT·AT,O"N SPECIALS e . • EVEN IF YOU HAVE BEEN BANKRUPT • EVEN IF YOU HAD A REPOSSESSION • EVEN IF YOU ARE NEW IN AREA • E·Z BUDGET TERMS •EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO CREDIT- •DIVORCED •PAY DAY PAYMENTS •NO RED TAPE ! • • 9048 Motorcycles 9300 Trucks 9500 Imported Aulol 9600 lmDOr1ed Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 lmPOrted Auto. .=...;....;.;;..;.;.;;.;""--- BOAT STORAGE Sail or power up to 20' Fenc- l!d yard. Newport BaytronL }.1onthly rates include ••• Use or hoist Launching Cail Anthony's 83>-228l • HONDA • MINI BIKES '66 YAMAHA, Twin 100, xlnt rond. $225. * 540-6400 * '66 KAWASAKI 175 cc, good in dirt & street, 5200. • 645-1435 • *SP 0 RT SM ENS VAN* AUSTIN KARMANN GHIA MG * TRUCKS * 1 --===---1:~;;:;;;;;:;;--;:;;;;--::;::; ------They Are All Here At 1-'60 KARMEN GHIA, xlnt MG F1nt1stic Discounts ~ AUSTIN America. 4500 condition. $950 mi, under warranty, $1600. 5fU567 After 5 PM I ·o::;•~trn~d'~· ~54~8--01~18~==1 ;=;;;:=;:;;;;;;:_:;;;'I $1111, Service, P1rt1 I ' MERCEDES BENZ Comol•I• n.w MG """""' Ready for Immediate delivery BEACH CITY '63 Mercedes 220 S. Exce~ DODGE T : :~;;RS tional cond. Low m I • l&.»S Beach Blvd., (Hwy. 39) Garden Grove Bld at ~ach AM/FM. 540-2ll60 534-2284 or (1) 89'J..5S5l Private party. 6f..0397 Huntington Beach 1965 MERCEDES Diesel, BMW 1961 METRO International CORTINA new paint, blut w/taD int Van delivery truck. 6 cyl., Must see to apprec, Orig fair cone!. Priced to aell .• 68 CORTINA. dlx, R & Ii,. owner saioo. 642-1644 Call 11,000 mi under warr, $~ 9 to 5 p.m. 673-6360 below book Xlnt, one MG OiEVY * T P/U. Lng bed, ownu. 544.-0141 -------- '65. 1st sold '66. Stick 6. 1967 MGB. '69 Plat". $850. 1l27""""' DATSUN W"' w....,,'ndio. lo Jnlle- Ln, NB. &U-0239 1--=--=-=:--:::--1 age. Mwst .. 111 $2200. '52 CHEV 'o Too P>:lrup, • DOT • * 673-7642 * See the new Austin Amerlca Here Now! J1rtuport 311111.1orts good rondlt;,,, E"" afl.c DATSUN LATE '67 MG Mldg<t; load· 64 HONDA 250 6 PM $250. 842-6219 ed; 15,oo:J Mi. Called to Equlpt for dirt. Make otter! l956 FORD P/U. & cyl-OD. 'AUTHOllJZED •DEAlllt telVice. $250 and take over 613-81>1, ..,__ """'""'·"""' .-$715. HU.NTINGTON ..,.,,,.._ ""''· """""' 1967 YAMAHA 100 ex dirt 96i-467tl 1954 MG, model TF. •"'•· Fully ... ;,,..., $300. l=======I BEACH good """'· IBIS. er best cHer. m...ssr.t C•tnJMn 9520 N d , " d C • n4 • 83T-6M9* ew •n vi• •ti 1966 YAMAHA YA-6. 125cc. 1960 FORD 112 TON Compl•t• S•rvice & Pe rts DON'T afve tt away, pl LEV. Europe. sell my car, $250 or Best Oller! lll8 long a.cl 18815 BEACH BLVD. quidc ea.sh for it wttb 1 '6.1, xlnt. cond. $700. New Enatand Ave. HB. 536-1742 6 cty, !lick, R &: H, custcm 842-7781 -540·0442 £'!11!-PUoc want Adi timl, brakell, very good ""'"""'o t>ngi!X!. 494-6976 or 675..fi595 cab. Hu 6 mo old camper Jwll J mil•1 So. Stn Di190 !-:'========-=====~~~ en it, and shows the JoWW fwy. end l•ul 1 few minut1t lmr>0rt.d' Autos 9600 C8ft-of a proud owner. Full Nettlt of Ad1m1 Imported Autos PEUGEOT 9425 9600 Pri"' FERRARI arn~&:E ELMORE MOTORS UlOO llACH Ill.VD. WISTMIHstn 194-lJU PORSCH! '59 PORSHE 1600 S. New paint & engine. Call aft 5 pm. Don 642-5400 '63 PORSCHE S, xlnt cond, all new equip. Best o~r. 4M-3237 alter 6 SIMCA '58 SIMCA $125 includes '69 ta&' • 962-1966 • SUNBEAM 1962 SUNBEAM &.dster. Xlnt mechanical cond. New lop & tires $500. 982-.aiDS TOYOTA TOYOTA • '67 CX>RONA Low mi .. sage IJ'ff:" 4 dr . aedan with AM-FM ndlo, wsw, heater. None cleaner. (TBUJ17)· •$1495 BILL MAXEY !TIOIYIOJT!AI 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. 8Hch 147.-555 3 mi H. ot Coast l{\fy. on Bdl '69 TOYOTA! • J; with :Approvtd Senk Credit . Is All You Need AT :Jim Slemons ' . TO DELIVER ANY Brand New or Used Toyota TODAY ! • ALSO IF YO U WISH . :~No Pmt. -"•• -.---- until : March 1969 ; • AND :While They Las!! A Few Remainln9 . :DEMONSTRATORS . • All Low Mil••~• •• FANTASTIC Savings LIM ITED OFFER! • + PLUS + BONUS ON ANY IMPORT OR DOMESTIC TRADE-IN • • . . exclusively el ..• ------ $225°: .•. ,I•._ & Uc. DELIVERS n •l'f""ff cr.dlt BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA COROLLA (l "'· 5"o11J . , . ., .... • 4 "41 • .,. .... • Tlllf'M ,, ... e WW.. w.11 ttm • Felty rtcll~IHJ IMlcbt-" . """ ..,,...., • z s,... w1,.,. e W1Mblll.r4 nsllm • ,.... ... Motet ·-. ......,.;,. e SW. llMrter . '"' """ Inch.Id .. Tix & Lie. & lntar .. t -36 Mos. 900 S. Coast Hwy. la9ur>o1 ec .. 1ch • * N•w Volvos 19111 CADILLAC Sedan 0e \-W.. U.11111 ml Whlle GET A • wlbl"' int. Fullr equip. BETTER DEAL • DID YOU • -Pri-...... se.ot• tferb Friedlander • l37SCI Odeh Blvd. (HWy 39) • •W 2 bllu So. G.G. Fwy. • KNOW 11-----$~ ~-. • Ant•-· c11111cs 9'1s•THAT YOU • l: ~~:so:..:~• CAN BE ~ eheYy '"'· holl> ' • GROTH ~HEVROLET GIGANTIC SALES BONANZA '68 CHEVROLET NI Factoey e;qw-Balanct of new car war-. rarity. WYA·900 . $1899 -... ~.:. i;rs '::"';: DRIVING ~nd~te~.:. A BRAND V-S.auto~~~lteerlnl, with link.qt, new main 8 • air oond., &hows ex~ption· '65 DODGE rod bearlre•. tow bar, new • NEW al c::Jtt, rlna:1 , bucket sea ta. Hnted GOOD VALUE USED CAR plexiglul, chrome window • '61 CHEVY II frame, big rubber in ttar. • 1969 • Novs llerl• Air, automatic $1099 total prior $375, Call BW • • trana., power &t.eertrw:, Ra. I----=-=- 5)6.8Cll H.B. POOLE BUf(J( • dlo.HH.,.;., +olhocutn.. '66 BEL AIR ,__ --·•••· w;lh .. 1.RR • Low miles. # 243161. --. ........... "" • ..-• $2090 V • 8. powera;llde, power $10 ea. One front end, com-• stterlng, air cond., tur- plete with A.frame • 16" • ,., • Uttll • • GUARANTY quolse wlth matc~in· ~ .:;-' ~ ~ ~· ',,.! • s2444.: CHEVROLET ~1.0'· rooc1 va1... A· Rfll about g• Ions. $25 for • 1U E. 17th Sl GOOD VALUE USED CAR 3 of tl>om. C.U """11 H.B. • At Santa Ana Frooway $1399 1939 CAD Limo. Good n.tn. • • Santa Ana 543-9311 "'"" rond. v.a. Ask!"" $800. • YOU CAN I • '64 EL CAMINO 1--,~64-,:..,,1 M-=P A~LA-64&-6498 • • e VS, fac air, R & H, automa-'61 Red Mercedes C.Onv. 220 tic, power &leerlni:. buckets SE Cass.le. BEST OFE'ER. ·~· V94468 494-'1565 • $1000 MODEL T FORD ""..... • GUARANTY true•. '""''"'""· l>lS. 381 • • CHEVROLET 4 DOOR V-8, Powergllde-, power slttrlne, air, 11parkllng blue- In color. UJC-489. GOOD VALUE USED CAR E. 16th St. C.M. 5of3..Ml6 _ • a m E. 17th St . Raco Cars, Rocio 9620 • BUICK • At Santa AM fuewoy '65 FORD • • Santa. Ana 543-9311 1923 MODEL T Road&ter CUSTOM 500 $999 make oUer 8 SPECIAL . •·~~~~··~ct'~~ V-8. auto .. power steering . --'51S-6152"'-=.cor;..~~-'-• • new paint & inter. 4 Track NRB-983.. Weekend Special. Autos Wintecf 97CO • 2 DOOR • stereo: iood tires. Best of· GOOD VALUE USED CAR ;.;...-'--'-'......;.;.. ___ 1• SEDAN • for! 549-008 Ev.,. $1099 WE PAY . ·, • ,_..., 0.... • '63 BELAIR. Xlnt cond. 41~-=-"~~---CASH • •-uau • ;':;;~:~ ~· ~"c~:l '65 FAIRLANE 500 • $199 • 645-11-09 4 DOOR • ' • ·~ IMPALA SS Co l V-8, auto., p..sWrl.ng, fac-for ustd can I: trucks just J.;11;),) nvt. tory air. Exceptional value call w for free eat:imale. e • owner Bucket seat&. Xlnt f 0 r t he transportation GROJH CHEYR01£T • DOWN • cond. mindM por>on loadM with 644--0404 extru and priced low, low 1. • ~·' • •62 NOVA II Statlo WJ for «1Ulck sale. PEs.873. __ U...-'""'~·:e~ Blvd. tit,.~ ·:.~Ac & -.-fiS". 6rl~o='. 'GOOIJVAtUE'iJSEO"Cll Hunttnrton Jlcactt ..... ,. """"'"· • $550. 4944444 $1199 '1?-: !~CJ ORANGE CO UN TY I TOYOTA-KI 9-3331 a • •'ifi CAPRICE 2 dr HT. AJC -~__.:,~=-~~ WILL nav cub for ""Ut • • Loaded w/xtra~! Xlnt cond. '63 CADILLAC HBAOOL'ARTF.T;tS ELMORE 15300 Beadli Bm!., Wll:Jnmtr """"' - r-J .~ $2450 495-4278 wknds only Rambler, AMX • Jaw lln, • • '61 CHEVY Impala 6 cyl, American, Rebel. and Am· buaador. Top doll&r any • • &tandard trans. 4 Door. $345. mako. • '66 TORONADO • !J6l.8487 • Full power, f•riory •ir, low• '56 CHEV WAGON • .111111191, ISINISJI • 2 dr. V...S $175 r:...~ • $32jl~ • 6;:94.,;~~ 4 DOOR P-Ste-e-rinr. auto., beautiful Satin Silver exterior with tnatchlni interior. Shows loving care by former own-er. SBR-299 GOOD VALUE USED CAR $1199 ..,.~ ' .,,....... • • Good r...,,.. 642-6023 • '63 IUICI Sllflmk • 646-1568, aft 5 PM. Groth Chevrolet believes in SPITFIRE '6.1. L1b new, l---:===--1.H.T. Cpe. Awt-9tlc, ,,.4 .• 1964 IMPALA 2 DR. P'ac the individual. Brina your TRIUMPH JS,OXI mUes, $985 er trade wr: PAY WH la, lt•atff, ...-r ri•1M119, air pc,' pb $1150 er bat indlv! du a 1 transportation far VW Bus.. f1S..621J "' •f•cfory •ir IFXC.-4•1 • ott;r . 549--iO aft 5 pm. problems to us. VAUXHALL FOR YOUR CAR • $1195 • '64 EL CAMINO , lpd, SIT NO DOWN PAYMENT • • cu tn. posl. chrm. rhm. PROBLEMS HERE '611 Vaun.11 4 Dr. l\lust Sell! PlO 874 Danell st., CM 54>-2535 CONNEU • '64 RIVIERA • ll411. now tlrOL ......U ALL YOU NEED IS •••~I., hut•" .,.,., "·· 'Sii CHEV. Built 213; ill YOUR GOOD CREDIT CHEVROLET •P•. .,._, w11ul•w•, '''• rear end: 3 1pc1 .. $250. 2828 Harbor Blvd. co114., I ewner, Ioctl cir.. Call: Tom stl-2625 Costa Mesa 546-1200 • IHCTt 7ol • '64 EL CAMINO. Orlainal Wlu B • $1995 ownor. Loc:al oar. SUck UJ W • shift. Sacrifice! 548--0894 VOLKSWAGEN & aa• '62 IMPALA 4 door, low y"" v.--or Poncht H OLDS Dy-'c • mllo.,., original owner. A 1117 top dollara,_ Paid for •4 Dr. ·H.T. RIH, tv'f .. PS,. * 642-4715 * Cll' not. Call Ralplili '''11 ••Ir ••rt4.'1MOY,,!!t'J '1 '67 MALIBU Hard Top. Coats 673-1190 • $1595 • $4050.,nowl2400.X!ntrond . '6 VW Sunroof Owned by little 'ole lady from San Clemente. Hu had laY1ng care. Oftrn white bod,y -never ~n touched! Itallan beta:e Jnt; dlr, $85 • • Loaded. 54()..7828 dels. pymntll $39.00 mo. IMPORTS WANTED UOH645. Coll Jim "'" ll Oranr• """""" • '62 MHC. M .. -· COMET "1 TOP I BUYER • ••• ., • "'4' • 494-9773 or 545-0634 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA A11to1111~lc, alr c•"'·· pow· 1----'c---- '63 V.W. Bua, compeHUon 18881 Beach Blvd. 8•r •1••rin9. ll9£Xl •OI • '65 comet Caliente 2 dr hdtp. GROTH CHEVROLET 18211 Beach Blvd. 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH 847-6839 545-8863 yellow, 3 mo. new tires, H. Beach. . Pb. 841~ • $695 • bucket seats, A MF M chrome wbl&, ttblt eng by v.·ANt To t..n. Pontlac Star • • wMb. Air, pM II tr, ======== prof. with 6 mo guar. DOW """J burrundy/while, $1400 or OPEN 1 DAYS 'Tll. 9 P.M. 7 wkl old. N!w transaxel. CIUef Safari ataUon WQOn • '65 OLDS Cutlip • best. 842-8611 Xlnt buy at $800. 494-0471 ~~ ~ cuhJ pl;~ne •H.T. Cpe. RIH, 01110., PS, 811"-"======= 1960 LINCOLN Contl.,ntal. CONTINENTAL '6..1 VW Van, Corvair ngpre r. ••lrconcl. IPS Pllli) • CONTINENTAL ,. ....... 140 hp,'""'""~ Auto Lo11lng 9110 • $1595 •. 1 _.;;..::.:..:.:.:~::.:..:--Full power, rood oond. $000 . ""'"'· DO d•nll, rd oond. 1965 LINCOLN J=;540-;;201;;:6 ===== m.ms *AUTO LEASING* CONTINENTAL SEDAN R IR MIJ!IT SELL '62 vw !Buel • '65 BUICK Skylark • """'""' fo..,•t '"'"molal· CO VA and '59 VW Pick Up lm-I ALL MAKES 1H.T. Cpo, RI H, auto., PS •• ic with dark green leather __ _::_::.:_:.:_:.::::;__ mediately, bolt': nc cond I COMPETETNE PRICES P·wlnd•w•, •Ir con!(. • Interior. One of the rlche11t '62 f\10NZA Convertible, R · m11ke oiler. 646-4790 Cort Fox Auto Leising 1 tPDY24fl comblnatlons. Factory a1r &: H, 4 spttd. Original '64 V\V Sus. Xlnt cond. Wk :m w. C.oast Hiahway I $1695 • wlth full power. Im_1nacu· owner. $500. ~ days 9-5 P?l-1 545-7400 Aft Newport Beach 642-8440 8 • latl' lhru out. Full Pl'L~ '61 CORVAIR, R/H, Stick 6 A wk enda 673-T790 • • $2395 ahift, $J'.l0. Xlnt traJu:, . 64 VW Squaniback Su.moot. UMd C1n 9900 1 ,._;f!.~i~.·~~.~=~ .. I JOHNSON & SON 675-2450. after 6 P.M. Good cond. $800. JRAHSPORJATJQH I redio, Meter. l RIA679) a lJncoln-Mercury _,, For Daily Pilot Want ULAd•1· 49C.7213 $795 • 1941 Hubor Bl"". 642··~ Dial 64u.618 for RES S .,. vw. All/FM. rooc1 CAR SALE • 99CO .,._!loo, recoot comj1i • UMd Ctro 9900 Used Ct rs tune up. $215. 646-U68 ~tPJ:::~:: ::i:::. • 67 OLD'S Ste. Wog. I '62 VW SWUoof; l~r. l'&S}' temt.. We decide on 8Autolftt fic, olr c:eM .. p. I radio; ncent en,. o'haul. )'Our credit. Call or come •'te11lnt & Drek••· IVCL· 1 Good""'· 16(JO. ,..__ tn todayi40-41n • '"' $3195 • '65 V\Y Bu. To P abape. ILUI CHIP I • Ql'an! Good ~s. Prv par--AUTO SAW 1 ty. $14l5. 543-7473 2145 Harbor Costa 1-fea : '66 OODGI MOMCO • '611 yi.v camper with Covatr WE PAY CASH FOR • Dr. H.T. U H, •uto., enpn.. $1000 or best oUer. YOUR C AR PAID •PS, air cend. (lPUOJ 2) • .:-:::: p.,,.1 Buo. aoan! FOR OR NOTI • $199 5 • JOHNSON & SON BARGAIN BASKET 1'57 CADILLAC c .. p• dt VID1 Factory air, full power. GMD413 JIM • • · ~:;"• !000 °' "''' °""· IUICK ........ .. 195t IMPERIAL L-.o 4-Dr. Factory air, full power. OSJ169 SL EMONS IMPORTS AUTHORIZED TOYOTA DEALER 417 West Warner SANTA ANA 540-2512 OPEN 7 DAYS • 63 VW. Jlctao, ""'""" whlo. 64 RIVIERA • JAGUAR • Mallen, 4 & 8 track stereo. ONE OWNER a • Coco m&t & "'""· 87>-"61 lmmaouloie! :16,000 MUeo • HEADQUARTERS • ~~ ':;.':': =-~= f1~~:ir.~ •Compl1t1 Sele'· Serv·• $395. Call 549-<SCS Ftnn. 6f6..3700 No Dl'alers. •It• end Pert5 O.k•rt·• 'fi6 VW. Blue, blk tnt. ,63 BUICK Wildcat 4 Dr. 1 m•nt for JAGUA S. a Oll'Olne rtma. $1300. pwr. steer. & brka., load • See Tiit bcfflnt • ~ cond. $773. 6 7 5-2 4 9 2 ; '''' Jt t••r T.Jiy '6S V\Y, r.d>o. chrome wtlttll, new Un, lo mlln, clean. $975. 6'D-6585 '64 VW Xftlt cond $795 llfil.ml "' - VOLVO VOlVOI All MoHlo Pr. $2695 l.llDiA ·~ )•••••••= FOR SUe 1966 Buick RMen ~'."~ m11...., •": 23' E. 17th ST. : CADILLAC : 548•7765: Mon-Prl l o30 1m 1969 CADILLAC • to 9 pm • SEDAN DEVIi.Li'.. t.o.dod. • S1turd'l l o30 tm • Low, Jow nillet:. FuU tactory • to pm • :;:""Qr. lmmedtate dtll Y. • Sundays lO Im I IOI LONGl'RE 1• ,...., to 6 pm • ll'ON11AC -TOYOTA.--¥0 1963 Cl)l!PE Do ViiJO. J'omJ. 1!166 ttarbor, C.M. M&.a'll3 ly cs. NJ poftl'. Alr. SOQI rr TO 'Elli !1250. 613-4391 I ' n st LINCOLN 2·Dr. Cop<I H.T. $395 Factory alr, full po\\·er. JPC500 1'61 FORD Cklarlo 4-Dr. H.T. P.S .. P.B .. auto., R•H. GCZ164 1'61 PEUCHOT 404 Soden 4 cyl. 4 apd. Mlleaae-ietter. PLN658 1'51 RAMIUR Ctnlolll StdM Auto., 6-cyl, 35,000 acl ml. JBM505 $395 '395 '395 nn COMn Cnt. 4-Dr. w"'°" '595 Auto., 6.cyl, RA:H. Sharp. PUF098 1'62 PLYMOUTH Fury Si.t. Wot. '695 P.S., P.8., V-8. auto, R.\H. FWY594 1'62 MERCURT Coloity Porlt Wot• $895 F'lctory air, full power. TJM592 n u CHEYR L JOO Dtluro Sodao $995 6-cyl. auto, air, RAH. REHnl JOHNSON & SON 1941 HARIOR BOULEVARD COSTA MESA 64Z·7050 . HARD-TO-BEAT 1 Hardtop Specials. GALAXIE 150D IWID'ft)p SPECIALS MUSTANG HAFIOTOP SPECIALS Now! Th• year'• belt buy Ol"I Am..-lca'a fl'l'Olile •por1y earl Chooee 2·Doof H•rdtop or Sj)Ort~oof wltl) flllClting extraa Ukll: • 11:11 w~n. 1!d•••11 Tl''' • wr..-C-1 • Dual RaolniJ "41,,0fl • T1,. IU!pt • HDCld ..... . - ENGLISH FORD Factory Clmarance! CLEARANCE! Ot•nt• County'• l.,t•d inv111tory Now DISCOUNTED TO 1-1-----=-·=c;;;:LEIRI --- Del ullo 2 Door I 4 Deor S1d•n1, GT 2 Door I -4 Door S1cl1nt, Stolion W1. 9on11 in yo11r choice of 4 1p1•cl or 111lo1111tic lron1rniuion1. SAVE TODAY! SHElBY GT COBRAS I Th• '6•'• tr• cefl'lln 9, A"cf •• Or1n9• Cou~fy't only a1.1thori11cl Shelby c,,.. bra ••.•ler, w• •r• coopor1tin9 direct. lY ·.;.ith th1 ftctoiy te c!1•11 tf\1 l11t ,r-tt. .... 61'1-.t-Of'F"Jf•itiltfdtffi11"'f wo'v• 1v1t offtrecl o" Am1ric1'' num• bt r one high p•rfor1111nc1 c;•tl GT 350's-500's-500 KR's 4 SPEEDS-AUTO. TRANS .• CONVERTIBLES TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS New 1v•r•9l119 15 cers per wo•k th9t t •fl be r1t1i11d et whol•••'• te th e pultltc. •••t th o 4oa lors en tho11 older c•rs. SAVE ! I THUNDERBIRD SALE 7 to choo1• from. 2 4oor en4 -4 deet' med1!,, H•rdtop• •nd l1nd •u1. All with •Ir cenclltie11i"t encl full power. 501111 with 1ter10 t•p•I. '6-4 thr11 '67 Mocl1l1. '65 THUNDERBIRD Full pow•t+ foctOry elr. IHPCl 9JI 20 % down or tr•cl1. $1595 FULL PllCI $61 PH 30 MONTHS '66 FORD 7 LITRE 5 '••••ngtr Ht rcltop. l lt •nt in•, auto1111lic, oir conclitlonint, po-r atoering. fSV)( • 662). 20% 4ewn or lrtcl•, 11Ye l ook price $22 3!. $1595 PULL PllCI $48 Pll U MONTHS '61 FORO F350 Ct b I Ch1a1ia. 1&15171), 20% clown or t r1d1. $695 PULL PllCI $29 PH H MONTHS '64 CHEVROLET MALIBU WAGON Recllo, ht•l•r, power 1te1ring. IOMJ 791 ), 20% down or treclo. $795 PULL PllCI $29 PH JO MONTHS '65 SUNBEAM ALPINE R1cin9 r•cl w/bl•c• top I Interior wiro wh o1l1. IVZUlll L 20% clown •r lrt d1. . $1095 FULL PllCI $38 PH JO MONTHS '64 MERC. WAGON 10 PASS. Colony Perk, Full pow•r, 1ir. fJlY 7)11. 20% down er tr1cle. $1095 PULL PllCI $38 PllJO MONTHS '64 CHEVROLET SEDAN lo1d1cl. l\ir contl ltionin9. COXD ••SI 20'· down or f/ocl1 . $695 PULL PllCI $29 Pll 2C MONTHS '61 CORVETTE HARDTOP Wlli11 with blu• Interior. (SON 063), 20% down er tr1d., $1095 PULL PllCI $47 Pll 2C MONTHS '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 De., Ter4tep. V.t , auto1111tlc, redl•, h1oler, powor 1t11ring. CICFZt131. 20% low11 er trede. $895 FULL PllCI $30 PH l O MONTHS '65 THUNDERBIRD Full pow1r, f•clery elr. fHfJCll/11 20Y. clown or tr1cl1. $1595 PULL PllCI $61 PU JO MONTHS '64 FORD SALE ( 11 To Choose From) 2 On, 4 Dr1., Std•n•, H1rcll•p1, Convortlbl11, W19on1, t0"'' w/eir & p, 1lr11t• EXAMPLE: '64 GALAXIE 500 4 DOOR v.1. owlo1111tic, f..,lly •qw ipp1d. ITWR 4111. 25% down or treclo. $695 PULL PllCI $23 PU JO MONTHS '67 AMBASSADOR 990 H.T. l11w mil••t•• full pew•r, •ir conJitionln9. IUEX -4JJ). 20% 4oWll ., fr141. $1895 PULL Pl>CI $49 ftl H MONTHS Open Sun. 10 1m lo 6 pm for Your Shopping Convenience • r•u1~PORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOllTATIO!I NtwCarw -9100NtwC.ro 9IOONtw Cars CADILLAC for NINETEE.N SIXTY-NINE ' . JANUARY ', ··SALE 1964 CADILLAC ,4 D•ot'fterclfop fh1i1h1d in Roy1l1 11~1 1xl1rlor wltk m1tcliing blue cloth •ntwrl~r. He1 •II tho popul•r C11illl 1c pow•r oni~h including power 1IO.,IP9, power b11k1t, powtr window1, AM.FM r1dio, cruh1 control i nd 11\Ucli, much more, IVHUl91l \ SALE $1444 PllC:E 1963 CADILLAC The popul1r S1d1n 01Vl1lo fii1l1h1d 111 onnl111 white trltrior witll con• trilling blu1 clolh i nd l11tli1r inforior. H11 ell tho pop11l1r C1dill1c pow• or 1111111 lol11dln9 1l11dn9, br1k1 .. wldoW•, 1111, AM.fM rtdlo i nd C1dlll1c'1 f1mo111 ftclory t ir condttlonl119, (RRG49tl SALE $1111 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC Thi1 lo~•ly Coupe 01 Villo h11 111 power 111ish inclt1Ging powor •!•.•ri~9, br1k11, wi ndow1, 1••t •nd c.d111.,·. f•mevs factory •ir <.on. d+t1on1n'.', ll•r•o AM-FM , tilt whe1!, fw iJl9hf s111t., Premiu m Oovble E•gl• f1r e1. 8e•11lif11I loc•lly driv1ri fin• •lltlmobile. (VAX71 0) SALE $ 4 333 PRIC:E 1966 BUICK Cullo"" l•S1br• 4 Coor h•rdtop. Sp1r~Ji119 +1•1 11111• with ""1td1i119 int•r• lor. F•<.fory 1ir conditioning, 1utom1lic tr•n1111l11ion, pow•r dooring, pow•r br•ke1, t•dio, "••fer, t i<.. Trvly • fl11t •Ufo111obil• th1t must b• 1een end driven lo 1ppreci•I• lh fint veluel (SIW499) . SALE 5 2222 PRIC~ 1964 RIVIERA A 1tunni119 powder blue •11lo111obi!t with blvt vinyl infe rior le rn1fch . H•1 •II power incl uding power tleering, pow1r br•~11, pow1r windows, r•dio •nd he •l•r, 111tom1fic tr1n1miu io11, whit1 1id1 wi ll tir11 l11d cu1fo111 in· t1 rior. Thi1 cir h•1 only 48.000 rnil•1. Mud 11• thl1 one. CNBY896 ) SALE PRICED 1967 CADILLAC .DeVi ll• conv1rtibl1. ll••utiful C•m•o bolg• with m•lchint top ,11d l1•thor inferior. Thi t low mil•19e c•r is •~c1plion11ly equipped with f1clory 1ir conditio11in9, pqwer 1t•1rin9, power br•k11, power 1e1h, p•w•r wlri41w1, tilt •nd +•l•1copic whe•I, AM·FM r1dio. IXSP6921 SALE 5 4222PRICE 1967 CONTINENTAL A b•1utitul lur quoi1• 4 door wltlt turquoi1e full l•1ih1 r i11ltrio r. All th1 pop11l11r pow•r •11ill1 indudln9 pow1r 1t•trinj, brelr•t, wlr111'ow1,, •••h, factory •ir <.ondilionin9. Tlli1 cir i1 •b1ohrt•ly 1nt1.+ic ln1id1 I ovf i nd Ju1t w1,ifin9 for that p1 rticirl•r buyer. ITGM771 J. - SALE 53333 PRICE • ' ! FltllWAY aosr ii fltOM ANYWHU.f ~ IN OltANGI COUNtl • 1 MJLI SOUTH Of SAN DIEGO 'EWY. ON HAUOI ILYD. Usad Cori 9900 Usad Cars 9900 Usad Cerw , _______ _ CORVAIR DODGE '62 MONZA. R & H. 4 :!!pd. Good tires. $375. Atler 6 PM.540--6468 CORVmE ------ I '62 CORVETTE Black beauly, black buckl!t seat!, plush int; dlr. Car 1 has had exceptionally good c-are. $100 Cub dels, will fine prvt prty. Pymnts $44.00 mo. QOB 223. cau 64-97i3 or 545-0634. '68 CORVETTE 1..'0nv, lnl'I blue, as new, orig: owner, AM-FM. autom. p\\T slJ'( & brakes, elcc \'o-indows, new tires, l mm ac u l "te. •!14-5489 COUGAR , __ _ I '65 DART Cpc. Runs good, local car. See to apprecie.te, GUARANTY CHEVROLET m E. 11th St At Sant.a Ana Frteway Sanlll Ana 543-9311 '68 OODGE Cust. Sportaman van: camper equip'd., xlnt buslnt!&S/pleasure car; no down, lake over paymll. if apprv'd. credit. 644--<MT7 FALCON FALCON w/Cobra e n 1., m..,. indy tin. .,..,. x ...... ssoo. 642-1970 FORD - A Masterpiece . from ... ... The Master. Craftsmen On Dlsplay and Ready for Delivery Toclayl ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW I LEASE DIRECT e FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE LARGEST SELECTION ' OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY Sedan De Ville Thi1 lo••ly S•cl1n O•Vill• lt11 ell popul•' power 111i1h lncludlnt power 1t1eri119, ,_9t' Mk••· P•w•r window•, pow•r •••t •nd C1clifr1c'1 f1..,ou1 f•cfory 1ir conclltlonin9, Thlt b•1utif11I •vt•· lf!obil• h•1 be.•n very" e1r•f11lly drl"''" 111cl 1how1 only th1 fin•1t of ctr• by it'1 pt•vl1u1 •w111t1. 144411 5 3999 SALES DEPARTMENT OPl!N 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY ·9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY ind SUNDAY SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGf1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1969 JANUARY • SALE . - 1965 BUICK WHlll1•f. A l~frr '''"''" tll••r ••t..-l•r with relll '<'inyl 111t1rl•r anti power • ... rlllt, powtt \.r1•••· ,own 111ft, ,_,, wlndw1, AM-FM ra;lo, tilt 1te•rf11t wh••I, •ufell'ltllc tr•n11nin io11, •utom•tlc tr1111lr lld 1•I••••• wl1• whe•I co .. rt '"'of cou11• f•ctory •lr cond!tlonfn9. IRll.Yl761 SALi ~ 888 PRIC:E 1966 THUNDERBIRD Tht tporfy t Joer h1rdtcr, It fully 1q11Jpped with po-r ll1•rl119, P•w•~ br•k11, power wi11dow1, power 1eef 111d Ford'1 femot.11 f1clory •it <.On• 41tlontng. A l•.,11tlf11I ••tin 1il~r ••t•ri1r with bl1ck •inyl Interior. Mu1t be •een I lllrt .. ,. t• flllly ,,precl1tel 111.TUJJt I, SALE 5 2222 PRl~E 1965 THUNDERBIRD l1ndtu lt1~tep. A b1111tlf11l t.1pphito bl11• T·llrlll wltlt th, whit. l•ndeu ro•f,, 111 wfnyl !11t1ti•r. Full pow•r 1q11lpm•nf Inc l. power b11k11, ,ow•t 1+•or1119, pewer wl"dow1, pow•r 1eet •11d fectory •Ir <.ondltl•nh11. A11 euht•ndln9 cir el ouf1t111di119 11vl119t. IMPPlll ) SALE 5 1666 PRICE 1967 BROUGHAM I --l96i--CADILlAG------ The populer 1edtn 01Vllle, Fl11!1htd In kreque 9olcl •rl•rior ... ;1h m•tch· lnt geld l•1th•r end cloth l11t1rlor. H11 tll tit• popul1r C•clill•c luxury fe•t11111 lnclucllnt pow•r 1t••rln9, pow•r br1k••· P-.W'' wlnilews, pow•r 1e1h, 1i9n•I •••krllf t1cllo 111d of co11r•• Cedillec fttJorr elr <.onllllflo11/119, ·111i21 . SALE 5 2666 PRICE 1962 CADILLAC Ceup• DoVlll•. Thl1 m•J•1flc tuxoclo bl1ck C1dlll•c wlth white l1•th•r l11terier h11 1lm••• ell of th• clelu•e feefur•t tllet C•dlll1c 11 f1-u1 for l111luil119 p-er 1fe•rln9, po-r br•k1t, pow•r •••h ind pow1r wlndowt. Al10 h•t Ctdlll•<. F•cfory 1lr <.011clltfenl119. You 111u1t clrl•• thi t ono. IJAHSJll SALE 5888 PRICE 1967 OLDSMOBILE t p11s•n91r <.111ltm Vht1 Cr11i11r 1t1tl~n w19on fully oquipp•d with pow1r 1f••rin9, power br••••· power windows, eutom1tl<. tr1111mi11ion, redlo •11d h1efltf', f•cfory elr cendltJ011l119, 1imul•tod woelll p1n1llln1. lt'1 1b1olutely t•rt•o111, 1lorre 9elcl •xferler""wltlt ""•tchin9 •lnyl l11t•rift, SALE PRICED I Your Factory Authoriz:ed Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 9900 U19d Clr1 9900 FORD MERCURY MERCURY MERCURY 9900 Ullfd Carw 9900 MUSTANG '65 M ...... GT '8MV. OrliJnaJ owner 4 opd. Dlx lnt, rally PK, D!K. Brkl. more-imma.culat. ~ake offer. m.-0472 RAMBLER '&::I Rambler Claule Wa10n, new trans, clutcb. Xlnt con<1. ms. 644-1"2 • ' l f I • ----- ' i : ' ' -. • • ,.,. CCl!lll"'• .o.·1 LAIOllT \IOLW .DQLD -~ ........... . ' l ... \ FOR . TOUR ' PROTECTION look 10< tM GOLD ST.U In 111• Wlncblllel~ 100% lllCOllDll10NAL GUAAAHTIE -THIS STAI !TATIS IN WllTllG THAT HAHOI DODGE GUAlANTllS THI CAI 100% WllST lllOIAlllCAI, DfRC'(S fOl· 100 DATS Ol 4,DOO Mil.IS llllltlCll Ml COMES FllST ma l'UICHASL THIS INCLUDES ALL MIOWllCAL PUT$, BJCTlllCAL !QUIPM!HT, urrar. SPHllO· .Mm.. IADIO, HfAta.Oll All C.W.. THIS GPAIANTH COYIRS ALL PAITS Mii WOl FllE TO TOUI USED :CARS 'II ClllY. IMPAi.I HDTP. CH. V"' ..._,.,air,...., 1twril!t. avt..1""" (Vw.:.t Gel~ Siar .5 2~88 t E'f'.K. $75il:i .. s75w;'.. 'II UMUO llAllD ·TOP COUN ' . '67 PONrlAC IONNIVIW CPL . 5168' a· = s5"7=· s57r~\.. \.I. ti.I & UC. l"nlf. ntllT. ' .~-.-'J " • 'U CHaYIUR T&C WAGON ............ 'Y.f;illlefll'ftlf, ~ htl'int, •bit. INnt., Ull {11HIQO) 5138. 8 ...... 's4' a· = 548"'" ' + ::'uc. rm. =~· . . -' - '61 ClllYSUR N1W YOllKllt ... lll'*w c.._ Allla. tr-.,,._. ... ~,......._ ,111y1 llltllflor, (llllll4') i'51088· = s36= 536::.irt .. u..w1.U(. n•r. n111t. ~-... ..2 1· • ,.. '66 CHIV. IMPJlLA ~ltDTOP. l~19f.l"E" SJ6ii:r. 536;s'.. -161 DODll!I COROlllT 440 ,...,,..,.._....., lfr. V• 111W .....,_,Me. 1-.,. u.11,,-. llCVOI s988 ...... s33m" s33"'" .:.. +=~UC. =-"':f~· • , .• ,,.; ;<' 1 *' 'U CHIYIW MAUIU CH. Y-1. .._.lat-.,'-'"• flldll'Y 1rr ceH., llWI'· """"'--· u,,m. !lfXoo.51 s993. = s33= s331.Vf;. +wauc. nMT. mn. --c' ~ '66 MIRCUIY COMIT v ......... •-......., ............ w llNttr, -· {hr. NL 6.I02C.512397) GoW Sitt V.f, 111W ............... Mltv, Mlfonllt;.; I-(IVY267) k id !tw sass TOTAL s29mAL $29'°'°' ··-- .. +=~LIC. , =· w:r~· '64 THUllDDllRD 2·DI. 11.T. •act.n Nt (ONDtl!OftlllG, .,._tit~~ & Mlht, fvll ,_.r. ($w. ... 4Ttl211- $ 888 ...... $4'i9'·"" $29""' -·. . ~+ :::iuc. ~. :=t ~':~~· '65 DODOI DAIT 2-41'., ..... IKU221 s5 8 8 :::: 5 19:::.'~ +TAX & LIC. PYMJ. $19 "'" Mflllf. ""'· -'65 DOdel DAIT tt.atw . .wt• "*"""" tJrM.. IN""21) 5488 ~: 11·6=-' + WI: • UC. rrMT. 1 ....... ..,,...,c....i..Gw ... a.M I .......... , $1.. ....... ........ ~....,._ ,q ..... Alc..a.n..AI .. ';p•l•,_-..• All...._._,....,,,_ . .......,.,...,. llAND NIW llAND NIW IUND"NIW 1969 1969 1969 ' POLARAS WAGONS :DODGE 2·DOOtt JjARoTPP CDUPIS HEW CORONET 4-,DJ. "WISTERH SPOUS SPEPAL" Full factory equipped including 311· Nft'#12·DOOR HARDTOP COUPE. -V-8 engine, heater, defroster, etc. STATION WA69N fully equipped inc luding vinyl roof, -W tim, full wt.I discs, rtmof• control Motor #Ol.23f90175810, Dl.23F90. Chol!» of cotors. Full fkfory equlpp.id mirror, spom strg. 'flthHl_1,_,C•fPf:fl. dlx. , 181591. i11c:Jucllng htettr, dtfromr; ttc. Motor whffl cqvers, etc,""''· *Ll23A9El29· s73 s7_a · ·;7'4·$7n4 '$68 s68 TOTAL DOWN TOt&L MO!jTI!l.T ' PlTM!NT , r}TMINT . TOTAL DOWN TOTAL MOHTillT PATMlllT l'ATMINT TOTAL DOWN PATM!Nl TOTAL MONTHLY' PATMlllT . WGOT Siuc110N Of CHAIG!IS r. °'°"' '"°"' In S.. C~lf • Fully equ ipped With power ·stee'ring, power brakes, a1J1om1tic transmission, vinyl roof, . radio, heater, tinted glass, deluxe wheel covers, wsw tires, bucket suts, full vinyl interior, electric clock, bumper guards (front & rear). hidMWly he1dlights, nylon carpet- ing, full racing instru'nentation, ett. OCIH· 376). USED, LOW MILEAGE. ~f! T:!!. 524·88 PAYMENT PAYMENT IMMIDIAR DO:IYRY TOTAL PRICE t,lt/,. " .f.,.-" ~·-a~,._ .. ,...• .. _ 111 .,..._. Mn!r cNltit 2-Door Hardtop full l•ctory oquif'9'd CYCNJ'?I) used, low miletge. •64 •64 TOT AL DOWN TOTAL MOllTHl T 'AfM!NT P~TM!HT IMMEDIAn DELIVERY . TOTAL PRICE t,]t:,.,. 1969 DODGE . CORONET 2-Door Coupe . . -, •71 •71 full fectory oqulpptd CYCH790l · TOTAt -TOTAL lllOHTHLT $2088 used, low milug1. PATM!HT PATM!HT TOTAL PRICI t ,k'f.n IMMEDIA n DILIVERT ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST TRUCK , CAMPER & VAN llEADQUARTERS ' -NIW '69l>ODGI· ... '"'"'l• l'ICllP =',.'::'~~ s26 =· $26 = 5718 rr.r. PTMT. PTMJ. + T&l '1mn. IMl.'T&l & fll\~ dil19t1"' 3' !llOI. ~•ed blnk t!Mit -· NIW '69 DODGl DOHI ''6 A·10I PICllP ~~1~:'.!:tr.~I) s43 llJ.\\. 543 = s 120 r:'.t~ PTMJ. ""'· + T&L l'ymh. llKL T&l 8 filllla cMlll$ M » ,,.._ afP,.,..,.i tNdtt t> OUMtl COUNTT't No. 1 LAltOllT , . YOLUMI DIAUR USAllLISS Of~ Ol MODB. • FOR TOUR PROTECJIO" • L..,r.: fO< tlM GOLD ST.U Ill tlM Wlnoltklel~ 100% llNCONDITioHAL GUAIAllTR -THIS STAI STATIS IN WRITING THAT HAHol DODGE GUAIAHTUS THI CAI TDDll. AGAINST lllOIANICAL Dl1KTS FOl 100 DATS Ol 4,DOO MIW WHICH Ml COMES flt,IT ma PUICHASL THIS INCLUDIS ALL MECHANICAL .PAITS, B.IClllCAL IQUlPM!Ht, lt'TT!IT, Sf'RllO.. •mt. UDIO, HIATll OH ALL CAIL THIS GUAIAllTIE covm . 'ALL PAI'($'-utol FIH TO TOUI · ·' • ' . USED CARS 'II MUPANG HAltDTOP 51688 :::~ s57::::~ s57w.: .. . +TAX & UC. rYMT. ""'· '66 POmD COUllTllY IQUIU Dl.r. 10-ltrtl• .... wit~ .ir tlllollitionl"I. Y.f, 152 lfljlln1, ~r Nteri "I, IMWll ~"~"' ,._ wirldlws, lllllflllllc 1111umlal1111, Mc. (STW537) Golcl S!r r $1588 ~.: s53= s53:m.:\. :+ m • uc. "111• · ""'· ... DODGI DART GJ """'-C....•illrl ............ ,.., Nlttr, -. ~ ............... (1211 .. sass "'"" s29m... $29.""' +~uc. ~·~ . :· .• ~· 165 PLYMOUTH IATIWTI CouM V.,1 OIL 2 ... Ill,.. wlllrl 'llfltJI Mbt."'tt, tfM. htattr. R. !WIA991) 5688 = s23= s23:m.:t +TAX• UC. ""'· l'TMf. '63 PONrlAC OIAND PRIX ftd. elf, v ....... ~-1.t.. , .... P.S.. P .... IMI.°""' --..-.(O(UllJ ' , s49g ,.,.. s11..:" +:!~LIC. • ~· 161 IAMllllll CWllC IDN. s43g ,.,,... s16= +:~uc. mrr. 5161.Vf;· """ 164 DODGI DAIT 270 ...... "41-. .,.,., IVl-'lc ~ioll, ...... rtetrlnl. (T'ttm.\I s493 ::.:~ 516= s16~r.:i. +TAX l LIC. nMT. ""'· """' Vltlyl 1111.n.r. MM!w. l$1E11:2) s688 ::: s2·3= 523'.mt .. +TAX & Lit. "MT. PTllT. '64 VOLKSWAGIN 5588 ..... $19""' + =~·llC. , =:::. s19~~t PTMT. '64 VOLICIWAOIN ssaa = s19=-· +TAX & Lit. "MT. s19~. · ""'· ' '62 VOLKIWAGIN ,..,, ....... lonm. f'llMQ s499 ·::: 516:::.': + TAX & LIC. PTMT. s16=· PTMT. '60 VOLICIWAGIN PICKUP $488 = +TAX &UC. ~DllOGl ··2911 IUUOll 11.¥1. COSTAmA 516 '"" = $16""' lllTllL'· ""'· •• ' " ... , ·~·· • • t • ' I -------·- !.~!!!!li · we _ekly DAILY PILOT • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 25, 1969 . HOLLY WOOD HATER ,. Why Senta Berger Turns Her Back On Instant Stardom INSPIRATION ., ·\ --What Every-Family --- Needs-a Hideaway From Life's Pressures By A. B. GUTHIUE, Jr. Pull . . . tzer pnze-winn1ng author of ''The Big Country" E XCLUSIVE It's Ole for the Spanish Look In '69 Furniture -.~ t ........ • • POLICE HELICOPTERS .. How Chopper-Coppers Are Cutting The Crime Rate FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK A Rousing Roundup Of Raisin Recipes '. . .. I I l l I ~ I ··Ask Them Yourself WHAT iitE WORLD! FOR OTTO .4. BECKER, 11ice prui- tle1&t, APMricu Airlinu I fW-eoa1-1o-eocu1 in alae e•rl1 1930•. Now I pi.,. lo do II •••"'· H°"" muc:la anore will llae /are COfll 1J1e1-M. B., Roeldond, Mau. • Air tramportalion is one of the few services or producta that baa bdd the price line. A New York-to-Loe Angeles trip in 1934 took about 37 houn and cost 1160. Today tbe same trip takes a.bout fi•e hoW11, and the coach fare ie 1145, plus tax. The 6rst-cl&88 fare today is exactly the same now as then-1160. Ffl!l DOB.IS D.4t' PH M•rtl l.ltG1 you .lo "°' _P.e"-"" hinli"'8 in -yDll1' laonur, m you luul • -. '°",..,.;,. ;,..i.lk,, ia )'Diii' li'1"'6 roo•. TruJ ---Carolya B .. 1a_,, MllNillolt, O,._ • No, that's not true. I have a soda fountajn simply because we like sodas. FOR ORYILLE PREEM.4N, Jormer Surdory o/ Apicultu.re I• U lrue our far~r• are •eUU.. only 20¢ a tlo.- en for e••• b'1ca~ Ila. U.S. u imporliaK peal • ...,..,.,. of /orei«Ja -..a?-Mn. Da11u Firs, Dola~ S. D. • No. In 1967 domestic production of eggs totaled 5.8 billion dozens. Imports totaled only aboul I.I million dozens over the same period, while exports came to some 9-million dozens. And, too. the U.S. im~ a duty of 3.5 cents a dozen on ims'(>rta of all shell eggs. This duty djs. courages importers. FOR JON.4TH.4N FINTERS, rorrudian F lao ere.led llae elaaree-- ler "Muulie Frielurt"P- Lyf.e Baaer, Nucla, Colo. • J did. Maudie is a compo!Site of several elderly ladies I mel years ago. 'OR JACIC FEBB o/ *'Drapet 19fH' Do yoa pla11 lo /ilrn • Mo. ,,._,,;,. • ..,w. roc:e riolll1--G. .,, •hi, s,,,. •• ..., c..lif. e No. It is impossible to present bolh sidtoS of the controversy fairly in a half. hour abow. and "Dragnet" by ita very na· tu.re would be aiding with polke. f10R .4BIC.41L J' .41¥ BVREN o/ "Dnr Abby" Jl'hn a"" aolay .ud yoa .,.,, yOflr "111l11k.e" eol- .... n?-.4 .. n HOOflfJr, Ha- ron, S. D. e I started my column in January, 1956, in 1be San Francisco Claronicle. I bad had no previoua professional experience. I presented myself to the local edjtor be- cause I felt I could write a better advice column than be had been running. FOR JAMES F. MeQVEEN, prui· tltru, NlllU>IUll Auociaiion oJ En6in~ """ Boal ,'tfonu/actMrers .41 ..,.., le~ or fll wul prb doe. a "boat" be- ~ • ".,..elat"P.-Ed- "U1nnl #';O'Neil. Po-.laleee,..N?,-N..-Y...---1-- e In hie book .. A Glossary of Sea Terms." Gersbom Bradford defines a yacht as .. a sail, steam. or motor vessel utted for · pleasure, and usually a fut, fine-lined crah." Bradford seta no specific aiz.e. FOR B.4RB.4R.4 B.41N oJ ".Vwion: Impossible" Flao •lyle• your laair /or yoar .l•o•?--Claorlene Dillarfl, T•Uulol&, L4'~ e Adele Taylor, the regular hair stylist aasigned to the show. FOR FALTER FINCBELL, fl syndica1eJ colamni1t .4re yoa botlwntd aolaen ao.wion.e •U•clu ya• in prbd or oft IM air?- D.N ., Lanca~r, Pa e The U.S. Constitution gives me (and you) the right of a free prese. Many pub- licaliom have printed facta about me which may have hurl my reputation-but ( survived. When you're in the brick· throwing businesa, you mWlt npect to get hit once in a while. FOR .4RT UNKLETTER If' fao Hleeb aJae peopk •lao leU ila.eir life esper- Nrllee• OA 1la.e "'ffollN l'•r- ly" •"°"1?-.4"" Roaoer, H•rwa, S.D. • Cards are passed out lo members of the audience. They write a brief state· ment regarding the special category of !heir experiences. These cards are then read backstage by IMmbera of the "House Party" production staff, and some are chosen to be internewed by me. A Miner's Lot Tom Jones, the Welsh pop singer, in discuuing the recent West VirginkJ mining disoster, told of his own early fears: "My father was a coal miner. He didn't Mem to mind, but I wouldn't do It. Ju aoon as I made some money, I tried to gtt him out. He wouldn't listen. He was the father and didn't believe I could support him and my mother-ond my own wife and son-by singing. So I got my mother to work on him; he quit. He just learned 1o drive a c:or. lrs a good time they're ha~ but he still talks about the old mining days as though he missed them." Tom.Jones Who Will Help? Why do so many bys1anden seem apathetic to help someone in distress? According to a recent study, the more• people who ob- serve, the fewer who hefp-or nen in- terpre-t-'the event-as on emergency-- needing their help. This probably ex- plains why the OYerOg8 driver will whiz right by an auto occident on a tupef'- highway but become o good Soman· ton on a deserted country rood. The presence of other witnesses dllutel the individual's sense of obligo1ion. We hope reading this may restore it. Whales and Women New York's American Museum of Natural History is celebrating its centennkJI. For 100 years, children hove marveled at the dinosaurs and the giant whale (the photo is o model of the new one). Great blue whole These days, they are fascinated by the Transparent Woman in the Hall of the Biology of Man. Her internal organs light up as a recotded voice deliven o lecture on human physiology. One eight-year-old listened intently, then worried aloud, "Do all women have lights inside them?" Electronic Hustler To hasten the day when mon will tallc ta compu1ers (ond1 presumably, to while awoy the houn), scientists at RCA labolatories hcwe tabn up pocket billiarcb-<omputw- Electronic eigfrt ball ized, of course. Rigging a special elec- tronic console into o computer, they hove token the gueuworic out of •the game (the computer makes the neces- sary calculations). If you don't have enough room In your basement for a full-sized pool table, this may be the answer. All you need is an unused comer and $250,000. Boys' Sports A recent national sur- vey of intenchool athletic competition for boys, 6 to 13, notet: 1) The epithysis (end of a long bone, involwd in growth) Is vulnerable in a growmg boy -repeated stress could caute injury; 2) Exploitation is a real threat-when satisfying parents, coaches, and com- munity boosten, ambition becomes a prominent motive, and the primary purpose of athletics is lost; 3) Vanity- type programs at this early age may give a boy a ctestorted sense of values. Family~, .. ,,_.,..,.......... 1aa"°,..,,i1,1111 LIONAID S. DAYIDOW r-r--., IOIBf RTZGlllON IUi~'-1 WAlYR C. DlllYfUS Sn"or C-..lt..•t W. PAGI ntOMPSON Abm~ l>tf'ftUlr J05B'M R. INZ'BBUO lr•.cc-nt A"~ ••-fltt INISBL L SPAlllCS wae .... Aoi~ llt•-.n Acl".nui"' Olli-• Ml L.5' ._, .._ Y ... loez2i 411 .......... Awe.. ..... , s.m 0.. ..... ..._ ...... Dm91t .-J; mt DAI,_, ........... ssea. 1121 ~ ....... a.. ....... '94t.: nt s...r St .• s-,_.._ "''" 'ACK IYAN •• _,,.,.. B#i,_ MAllUS N. ntlNQUI Arl Dir'NWf' MBANH DI NOR r-4 IUUM A-'.U BatM-9: .....,. Ux Wfa, no-,.,, .... a--. ,9f"Y ......... ,_ '· °'' 0 t .... c..t. ,.;.,,_.., 01/iu: Ml a .. · $ I ""'-• New YM, N. Y. 11111 @ 1M9, FAMAY WIBl.Y, IMC. All ..... ~ You n fnwited to 111111 ,.,... questions or comments lbolrt Mf lrtide or ldweftlsement tblt arppe1n in Fmnlly Wettlly. Your letter will receive 1 prompt answer. Write to Service Editor, F1mil)l.Wtelly, 641 lerintton Avenue, New Yort, N. Y. 10022. --------~-------------~-------------~-~------ , ....... 111a~· It•• a1 ,,·i1111••r i11 ••••r s100,000.00~CASH SWEEPSTAKES! ~:rf£~ 510,000.00 CASH!.~:~ PRIZES: ss;000.00 each· 12,4os =l Act now-and WE WILL PAY ONE-HALF of your first order for Hudson vitamins and household drugs- to .prove the famous Hudson catalog saves you more I How to delm your prize and order at half pttce products. Compare the formulas and the prices. We11 gladJy tell you either one. Sec how Hudson's regular low prices (shown below) save you up to 60%. middleman. 1be aavinp arc passed oo to you. And re- member, by law, ingredients of all vitamin formulas must be shown on the label. Hudson quality control assures you there are no finer products made at any price. All Hudson products arc delivered laboratory fresh to your door with a 30-day money-back guarantee. (U not satis- fied, return unused portiQD.) So why pay more? Use Certificate below to order at HALF PRICE and enter your LUCKY SWEEPSTAKBS NUMBER. On the Official Claim Certificate below, telcct u many Hudson products as you want-at HALF the price shown. (Limit of one of each ite.m at half price.) 'Then clip and mail Cel1ifiaat.c today. We will rush your HALF PRICE order to you at ooc:e . . . and enter your lucky number I in our $100,000.00 Sweepstakes. But tint, loot at the odaer oatiooally advertded vita- mim and drup listed side by aide with Hudpl's famous Now save even more during our$ lQ0,000.00 Anniver- sary Sweepstakes celebration. Order any of the Hudson quality products on this paae at HALF the PRICE shown. Prove to yourself the famous Hudson Catalog does indud give you the biuest values in America today! &ERl-TOL ,., ...... $5.15• Hudson •&ERIBllr 1• Talllltl ••• $2AS UlllAll lAIUfS , ..... , s ... .... n.,. .... , .. . u .. . hq. .... rs.,. is ... .... .... GERfTOl LIQUID ti-. .......... $2.98• Hudson GERIBAH• LIQUID u-. .. $1.39 THEU&RU• 1 • Tlllllts .. $1.11 Hudson • lDlVITE 7.J ... cn.•1.v .1.;i.1 ..... f4"1.S.t.hlti) ..... ..... , .... .... .... It ... ...... IS I.I. A .. ~ ......... tllera~ Wft9lla ..,....., ..... let Cllltrll ... ., ......,....,. Thi• offer not trQllable to reskhnts of the Oet- ... ,.. Valley arwa. 9fllldllDll 111t1o111t lt8t How? By selling direct to you by mail. ThCR is DO IUFFElll • L •• , ........ 51..41• Hudson •BUFFERED lSPlllll 1• Tllllltl ...... 55• EICEDlll • 1• TMllb .. $1.51• Hudlan •VllTlll• · .. , ............ OIE-l-DAY•- PlUllROM 1•1111111et1 ••• $U7 Hudson •VIODAY 5,000U.S.,.IWU 4CIOU .S.P. Ulltl 2 ... u ... 50 ... 1 ... 1-.. JO-. 1 ... u ... Multla* vtt.min and Iron fomlu&a PfOVldes atmp(e ~ ... Inst kon ~ ~-CHOCIS• PlUllROM 1•T1Mtts ... $Ult Hudson •PERI nu .... ... (11 ... ) 1.-1.U .Wh ···'-'·""" . .. . 1 .. . .., .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . It .. . SOMINEX n '*'ti H sg. HOW TO OlllDtlll AT HALfl·PRIC• ............. -· J . lettct as 11'11111 dm.r.t HUOSOft l'ttOOUCTS 11 Hud9on BETAREST n TIMltl • • • • • .$2.ZS ,_ wt at 1W1 t11t erlce "'""' U.lt ... of F• a 1~ ~llltlllt't ...... Ubaes 4~. lldl I• et HALF.f'ttlCE. ANACIN t• TIMetl .....•........ $1.33• 2. :::.=7.=s:..-L~ :-'.J&.,~~r-~ Hud9on BITRIN•'t• ,....._ ..•..... $ • ~ s. " ..,, to t11C1o1t IW.F.f'ttlCE C«tlflc:lt9 wtt11 P1l11 Relief Formula. ..__....w..-.;.;...-COlllPlll;.;.;.;.;.;..;.;Mlew....._. _______ __. r - - - --C·>~CIJM11111f4ME4;Hlil®'Ui _____ -, YOU .. , IE A..... TKIS IUY -I I •AIL AT OllC£ _,-Tl CUii TM P11JE A WllNllHIG I 271451 TO NIZE No obllpUoft to IMIJ. Jlllt COMPMte t11t 1tudled Offldal MU•BDI · · HEADQUARTERI Clalfll Certl~.1.Jllll It 111 en e11ve1opt 11111 NII It lllllM· dlltelJ t1o ._,_ VITAMIN PtlOOUCTS, Pria ltelldquar· i.t1, et Sewfttll A"'"'9, New von, N. Y. 10011. Do11't wait • • • J011 ca11't lrin one of tllt prtns If r"' dotl't .. nc1 Ill )'Ollf ...,, WT tur1 Ill PllZI .._ Meet Merrill f'flce, tllt proud wl11ner of • • ......... ~ Ill laat ,.., •• " .............. .. All c.rttfltatlll --lie ,......_ .,, =--~~=-r:-= .tl..:1~ •lectld tM -.ntsloll of 0. L llllr Corp., 811 lndt..-.it llldlllll or· pnlUtloll wtlost dldllofll .,. flMI. WlnMn wlll lie llOtl· fled 117 •II. SWMpstnes OPff to rulclentl of tllt U.S. owr 11 Jl«S of .,. ucept employeea Incl llltlr flMlllH of P9fftct Rl111 81111 CMIDical eor.. lllld !Mtr lfftllallta, ldwertbJlll Miii SWMPltllitl 1P1telH. Void wlMf't IMOllllllllCI bY ""· SiiiMp. stew llltlject to all federal, state Md locaf replltloM . This -pstlUI It btlftc offered ln CIOlljlllletlOll wltll leftCIOM Ulllfl:lnM, lltC. BOD80N VITAMIN PBODOOTl!I PBIZm BJl!ADQOABTJCllS, Dtpt. f-356. l!I Seventll Aven111, New Yon, ... Y. 10011 0 ~ ....... send ... Ille followinc pnMfllCb. I •ftcioM dlecl OI' ..,,.., order fol' HALF PRICE " full ~l IW. Also ttll me If I llave won eny one of the 12,401 nluble prlzH In J"Our $100.000.00 SwffpstUts. , ... _ ... ,,.... GRAND PRIZE: $10,000.00 CASH! • 2 SECOND PRIZES: SS,000.00 each • FIVE 3rd PRIZES: $1.000.00 each • 100 4th PRIZES: $100.00 each • 300 5th PRIZES: $25.00 each • 12,000 6th PRIZES: HUDSON ~1 ~~~1~~--------------------------VJTAM1N@>9•aonucTS I ......... ______________________ _ ::'~""::-J~=r-·.= I 0 NI 11111 not lfttlftl'*I In onltrll\1 bllt enter "" In Ute Swff=Ms 1nyw11. Tall 1111 If I llawn:_ lflJ OftAf 1 M ., o..t.F-356. .... Ytfl, "· • 10011. '----------------'--~ _ ~tllt_!.2~ !!!_~~ !!'_!°!'.J~~ ~~~ ________ _J 1..-_...;_...;... _________________ ___. ..... __ ~----~--------~----------...;..--------------------------..----------------~~~~~~-~ I I ' . ~ , •I What After Happens Death? lo a few score yc:aa, all who read these lines will have nnishcd from the eanb. Every day about ooe buodred sixty thousand human beiop fin- ish their can:hly span aod P'W itko the bcyood. Our ruro will come ~ all know. but when, Wbae and bow WC canoot be SUtt.. No mettly human bciog ever tw been able to 1oolc inw eta· airy and tell us what ir is like. No scientific knowledge or insuu- mcors can pictcc the curtain that divides this world from dw into which all oi us mU5t journey. .All we know abouc God's em- ~ pbns fc. US ••• aJJ WC mow about wbar lies bcyood the grave J.• • comes &om the God Who made us aod to chc cncnt He the judgment" (Heb. '):27). Christ gave us (Matt. 25:31- 46) a dcscr.ipcioo of God's judg- ment which leaves oo room foe doubt that our won:bines'S of cvcrla.sting rewud will be judged solely according to the way we have lived oo.r lives oo this canh. Death does DOC bring merely a loog. uocoosc.ious slumber, but rachcr a quick awa.keo..iog w the irrevocable judgment of our Crc- acoc. Noc docs it bring us a sec- ond c.haoa ro prove ourselves or w amend our erring ways. lo our own bands rcsu the opporruniry . . . and upoo oor own heads the respoosibility ••• to ~ if death shall be the threshold co CTcrlastiog life amoog the bles.s- cd., or amoog the lOst. bas seen fit to reveal it co us.. Men blessed by youth and But we c:ao face etcrruty with-good bcalth oftc:o kcl that de:ach OUt fcu. Foe wc have a ddin.itr for them is far away~ answer m the mystery of death. to be worried about only io the With thc facts God has put at twilight years. Some scoff ar che OtU disposal through the inspired suggescioo chat an evcrlastiog boob of the Old and the New Hell could be permitted by a T csraments. the Catholic Church merciful God. Others seem to always has given, and gives co think that God will treat them day, a ddini~ answer to the que. kiodly if they live rca..W>nahly tioos raixd by the fact of dcub. moral lives, even though they Man's life in this wodd, the pay Him 00 special hooot which Church tdb us, i.s a prepuatioo i.s His due. foe the world to oomc ... a test-U you would like mott info.r. iogtimc which cods with our macioo oo Heaven, Hell, Purga- dcath. Wbac happeos after that tory, cbe cod of the world aod dcpcods OD wbtt.bcr death finds the murtteriao aod judgment us loyal to God, or opposed to of all men ... we shall be happy H_im and the way He apeca us co seod you an interesting pam- t~e " ... it is appointr:d umo phlet. Nobody will call oo you. men ooa: to die and afttr this Writt foe Pampblec No. FM-14. ------FREE-Moil Coupon Tocloyl-----, ,,_ atwl -.--,,_ r..,,.M.I _,llfeJ1 "What ....,._.. Affw o.ot#tP'' fM.1 .. Nan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ Addr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City State Zi..._ ____ _ KRIGHTS OF COLUIDBUS RELIGIOUS INFOR MATIO N BUREAU ~ ·'W. 7 3 I 0 u TH •• A .. D, s T •. l 0 u Is' • 0 • • 3 l 1 • T -----------------------------~ OH,MY ACHING BACK YOll OWi WAJtlflOllT flOlllA •DllU IO•EllTI fw •tf 11•1 HO MONEY DOWN •.• $25 PER MONntl F'Of less tlllle,.. ~ .. ,la tnillr "'* ,..t. ,.. CM ... ,.. OW ~·Acn flof9 W..· rn..t Mollie~ roMI, power,plloM -ill ttle ,. .. St. Jollln hi fb:lila ""°"· JYSt s ~ fnM9 Pllatlla, ~ ... St. Jolm .,.,. • o..'s er.... ,..._. lar Mn. hrcuse r.11, ~ ., MOMf.Y·IACK GOARAMTtIS I ... " ...................... -. _, .... , .,,,. __ .......... ........ St.Johns Riverside Estates 209 S. ltlliCaa A". 0.,... INca. Fla. SZOll ........ bUllt .... , .. -·-·· ••• O.,t.Q.11 HOME IMPROVEMENT Furniture Design SOUNDS of Qli and visions of Spanish haciendas . permeated the recent furniture market in High Point, N.C., as authentic Mexican and Spanish de- signs stole the show. One expert explained the surge to- ward Spanish-styled furniture, which started several years ago, as reflecting the need for "secure design." "People cling to solidarity in times like ours," he said, "and that includes big, chunky furniture." lut the vista was not all "south~f­ the-border" or Mediterranean. There were generous otJerings of Early American (which continues to be a favorite among the just-marrieds), more :f ormal-Frencll. English,-Oriental, and an increase in modern furniture and accessories, with metal, glass, and plastie&-notably see-through Plexi- glas tables, cube seats, and an occa- sional armchair-making inroads. Upholstery fabrics, the fas hi on mak- ers in home furnishings, continue in low-key colors of putty, oatmeal, blues, browns, an<t, on a brighter 1eveJ, gold, green, or burnt orange surfacing in tweeds or plaids. Velvets, crushed or smooth, thought to be a "flash-in-the- pan" last year, were strikingly in evi- dence-and Belgian linen emerged in fresh patterns and .color combinations, often mixed with cotton and rayon for durability. Newsworthy was the intro- duction of crisp, snappy menswear fabrics and the debut of "Frontera," .. Dui{1Md I or a deUof' rot.. u La•e'• glaa1-top tal>U IOitlt mttal aftd rouwood bau. Chair upl&olatery: 1tndelike FroRtero. a brand-new man-made fabric in rich breath-taking colors, which looks and feels exactly like suede. Easy-to-clean tabletop surf ace ve- neers continue to grow, while the new- est-looking woods are either decidedly light and airy-with elegant hand- painted or gilded scrollwork gracing traditional bombe chests, china cabi- nets, and hall tables--or smoky and dark. The most popular woods: oak, pecan, and dark pine, with wood grain and highlighting in unparaHeled evi- dence . lhe current style offerings are a study in contrasts. Apartment-si2.e fur- niture or pieces for small places, for ex- ample, will be available as readily as larger furniture pieces such as the "banquet'' -size table, that neither tel- escopes nor enlarges, but is designed for a separate dining room, which is once again becoming fashionable. Clearly, new furniture designs for 1969 have never shown such exquisite diversity and well-proportioned styl- ing. The question facing the average family is not 1'lhat shaU we buy, but which! • 1,ocn Ways to Beautify Your Home Reader• dmrifllg to odd fr"/& •t11t. a'lld t:<1Urr to tllftr lunnu a>«l a.elline mtnNti11g loolu /or tl&.W bedroom., litm&g F'OOfM, kitclum.1. J>la11 csrecu, ek., 'HUI!/ •tn«l for tlu haaatifvll11 iU.utroted book, "D~tiO!l U.S.A." (origi11til pwbli.Jcrr's price llE.95). Mail $9.D5 to F. W . Boolu, Dept. Al96, Bor 707, Grand Ce?ttral S tatitm, NnD York, N .Y. 10011. Want' a ook M ~iternuuian auite, decomted with rieh caf'V- ittga t1.fld ltuag°" moldm11•. apori. a wlr.ite-wu glo.u /or antique look. for '69 Cont~porina oriental 1en1er of peck11 p ecan 11eneer1, from A mericap of Martimville, fear turea lotua-bud bra11 hardware, e%ten.tion top. Sta.r k modern, in beau-- tiful balance, u rqre- 1nted br T'lul11er Coggin' a club chair, fence-fro.med in clt.rome- finialt.ed IQ1'4f"e 1teel tubing. 5 By ROSALYN ABREV A YA M em wear fabric debuta in Selig'1 pair of aofu in ca.meL-gray-wlt.ite plaid of knit mohair a.nd toool.. Cockta.U. ta.bu bGBe of Plniglal. ..... --~----~--------------------_..--------------------------~----------------------~~~~~ I Family ~k(y / Jo.nvary t6, 1969 What Every Family Needs- By A. B. GUTHRIE, Jr. ON THE EASTERN apron of the Rocky Mountains in Montana, I own 800 acres of untillable and unproductive rock-and-jackpine land. To be aure, my neighbor's hol'MS ~ the place, to some little be.Def it, tu OQJ' abort OJMm-weather eeMOD, but no money ii involved. He tenda my --foeee-and-in my alJeence.belps protect - my modest ho1dinp. Then, after hia stock, roaming wide, baa munched the autumn's spare and withered ~ua. winter cloaea in, and moatly what remain.a of outdoor Uf e are sometime deer and birds that stay the year round. My acrea, taken in a lump along with my log cabin, would seJJ for some- thing-but even at a pittance provide the buyer no fair return in money. And so I own too much of nothing, any investment-conacioue bueinesa- man would aay. Not eo. Here, ........,. time and even win- ter time, ia my renewal. I ait now, looking out the window near the kitchen table on which I type these words, and see half a dozen chlpmunb made merry by the bird seed I have scattered for them. A mother grouse patrols the knoll beyond my little lawn, and her unruly younpters, huntin&' insects, trot acl"Ol8 the flat roclm adjacent to my open door. The Columbian ground squirrels are big this year, fattened partly by the acrapa that I fling out. From a clump of upens comea the tireless "see eee- seeeeeaee" of a white-crowned spar- row and, from farther off, the low tonee of a turtle dove . ._Save for winters, which can be kind, seasons are abort here and dearer for that reason. Spring tests the earth and teet8 again and, finally sure, brinp leaf to bough and animal from burrow; and the slopes that lift to mountains tum blue and purple a1- moat overnight, decked thick with lupine and wild larkspur. In meadow moisture, tia'er liliea blow. They come and fade, these early tourist.a, to be succeeded as summer cornea full awing by wUd geraniums, paintbrush. bare- s:M;J.a- bel18, roeee, and gaillardia, to mention but a few I know. A friend of mine, more versed, once counted 19 differ- ent flowers while on a brief and lazy stroll about my land. Most such plants dry up aa summer wanes and, waning, exerts its final heat. Other changes forecast fall and 800D thereafter winter. By mid-Au- gust the mountain gophers, thoee long and.. . .he.avy aleepem, will have-goDL. down to bed. Not Jong afterwanl the grouse will have departed for ever- greena at higher elevations. The chip- munb will bang around but vanish one by one. I counted 14 one week and only six the next. Most of my residents, come winter, a Hideaway from will be deer and chickadees and mag- piee, as wen 88 those hard hammerers, the downy and the hairy woodpeckers, ao much alike that only size tells which is which. But in summer, aa I watch, a shadow falls on leaf and blade, and for an instant silence comee. The chip- munb, fast as fancy, scurry for the woodpile. The grouse squat motioil- leaa. fearing hawk or eagle... Tb•.bolder-- ground squirrels sit erect, hard by the safety of their burrows. Shadow and shadow maker come together, totaling one raven, harmleea to birds and groundlinga, ravenous for the cold pancakes deposited from breakfast. I sit and look and am renewed. And I think of fellow humans, canyoned in the citiea, cloae-paatured in the aub- urbe; and I dispute cold-eyed uaee- sora who call my land ''worthleu . ., One need not be rich, a.a I am not, to find an ancestral home. A forsaken bit of beach will do, a patch of desert, a apot of atony ground, so-<:alled worlh- leea land when a man can plant hia feet, un~-and-bave-~and - reason for his eyes and see the sky without the veil of waste. Here and there, more often than imagined within range and means, he can find his fundamental, solid div idends. Elsewhere I could marvel at the little monster markings of a homed toad ---------- Where can we find fulfillment in this crowded, jangling world? In a remote, "worthless" piece of land, soys this novelist who has discovererl his own..place of renewal Life's Pressures or the pattern of a shell or waken, stirred and haunted, by the dawn cry of a loon. The finder of a refuge should take care leat he destroy it through the tidineM of his intentions. He should support and cherish it for what it is and bu, remembering for one thing that most birds and beast.a like cover. _ Remol'e the rover in. the.name.of~ acaping, and they'll remove them- selves. Largely I Jet the buckbruah and the cinquefoiJ grow and let stand an old, wind-angled barn, which pleases my old-fashioned eye but not so much as it appeals to cottontails. It Is lust a seeming contradiction to say here that some creatures wel- come human habitation. For four years and more after I moved in, I aaw no grouse. By last spring the first and weJoome brood bad grown to two hens and 16 chicks. In the beginning, rabbits and chip- munks were few. Now I'd hesitate to guess bow many. The aheence of rav- ens wall not to be wondered about, for ravens were a rare bird in my coun- try. But the count at present comes to six, including one that's loet a leg, no doubt in a trap. The bird flies a little crookedly and has to make correctioll8 in ita course, but for three years now baa flown the miles to summer home. I tcatter feed when I am here. I sow clover for the rabbita. I move a lowly when other creatures are about, knowing it is not sound but rapid action that frightens them away. I do not shoot. even at thoee enemies, the weasel and the bobcat and the great horned owl. In the scheme of nature, they have their purposes, I must sup- pose. And I like to know that they're around. The oocaeional black bear that whiffs toward my garbage is some- thing to aee-and maybe to scare off --but never something to aim at. Like a proper suburbanite I have planted f1owen and shrubs around the cabin-to their misfortune, the creatures• delight, and my rueful amusement. Hereafter, accepting the evidence, I'll set out only geraniums and chives, if I set out anything. Thia year the grouse have been quite greedy for the petals of petunias. The rabbits thrive on almoet any growth, including the red-currant bush, which for six seasons baa striven for sun and fulfillment and gone into stomachs. After 10 aeasona the golden wiJJow, exotic to my place, still lives, but each year, once maned out. gebs a crew cut from the deer. Come-to. think of it,. however; PD keep-- on planting so's to keep my customers. For me and potentially perhaps for nearly everybody, retreat ia .restora.- tion. It can hardly be a steady way of life except for hermits, of whom I know but one, yet on occasion strengthens us for the fretful and alien world we have created. It aatis- fies heired hungers, the hunger for return to origins, for slow and unim- peded views of earth and sky and their inhabitants, for once-easy privacy- all simple hungers grounded deep. Life, I say, and my life with it. If my fur and feathers need not my com- pany, still I need theirs. Frlencls come to see me, of courae, and sometimes cuual vi.lit.on, and I enjoy them and their enjoyment of my place. And I enjoy good loneliness, which ia not lonelineu at all for. be- yond the ecreen, a chipmunk begs for peanut butter. Soon the sun will set, and du.ek like smoke will ease into my acres, and cot- tontails will venture out to nibble at the clover, and from somewhere will sound the ''wh~who" of the great her aed 1'Wt. I muet he careful, ~inc the door, lest I upset Oecar, my moun- tain toad, 'fl7bo will be bunting inaeeta beneath the light that I'll leave on just for him. Memories live here, reeollectiona of yest.enlay and joat before. The whistle of a win&' in the night, which I listen for apin. The BCOld of a pine equirrel A rare bird like a lazuli or indigo bunting. A seldom-Hen plant like a strawberry goosefoot or a 10-petaled biasing star. Wind howlinl' and the stout cabin moaning and me safe and warm in my bed. Sky clear as forever and stare bright beyond reach of eci- eoce. And word.a, the re-beard word.a, the word.a of delight and contentment. My children, boy and girl, are grown and gone now, but their roota, or some of them, are grounded here, aolid in the soil of enjoyment. remem- bered from many and many a time. They return each year or oftener, one from almost acroee the continent. TM first creatures we dubbed are dead . JIOW, of OGUl'le, but theil' IUOOeUOl'I live along with the names given their anCMtors. Arriving, my childre~ my auccee- aora, l'•Ze around, refreshment in their faces. They say: See Tommy Chipmunk bu acada of company. Have you seen Olcar yet 1 When' a Manie Magpie and )(oily Cottontail 1 Bow about that old bear, Ursa Minor? And ia G. H . Owl still hunting of a moonlit night? Yea, my son and daughter are grown, but the place and its memo~ have helped cement relationships. My daughter, who llvee afar, baa never mf8Mld a summer aojoum here, noT will ahe this year. Juat recently my aon'a daul'hter, age of eight, said, 11Grandpa, this ia the best place in all the world." Yes and yes. Old timee made new, old memories alive. And out of me come thanks, thanks for my worth leas place, thanb for nmewal. • ----- Running Ahead By DAVE HUFFINE FAMILY WlllCLY COOKBOOK MELANIE DE Pilon Food Editor Ttmd.ttr, rich, ft4ky pcutf'y eteetUu a Lwciou f"Gi.t1~A.ocol4U filli"'ll ~d tOitla. 10hif'1Ud cream and thwro.ted tOitll ~U-ift do.Uiu m C lt.ocolo.te RaUitt Pie. • EWaer dark eeed.leee or golden--raiaim are a •enatile {ruh bapartiag del~ lo all d-..ee off~ &om eoap to deeeert. Here are recipes Choco-Raisin Candy which blend rejUna. and.. other ingredienb in a.~ temptiD« t'OOeOdiona. -· ._ Y 0tm9lteri mad tuu alib-V1iU ~11e Chocolate Raisin Pie 1 Yi cape dark eeecllea raiaina, coanely chopped 1 cap hea•y cream 2 os. aweet choeola~ ~ cap butter or margarine t teupoGB •anilla e:rtrad % cup aagu 3 tableapoou cormtarch Y. teaapoon i.utanl cotree ~ ~upooaaalt ~ ~·pooa rroaad ciaJaaJllon 2 esp, beaten llDtil foamy 1 unbaked 9-ia.. pastry a.bell 1. Put raisins, cream. chocolate, and butter or margarine in a heavy saucepan. Place over low heat and stir until chocolate and butter are melted. Remove from heat. 2. Mix in extract. Blend dry ingre- dients and stir in. Mix in beaten errs. Tum into unbaked pastry shell and spread evenly to edges. S. Bake at S76°F. 25 min. or until set. Cool the pie completely on wire cake rack. 4.. Spread sweetened whipped cream over top of pie. Garnish with dark seedless raisins forming daisies. One 9-in.. pie Ham 'n' Yams in Raisin..Caramel Sauce t t.a• alicee (about Yi lb.), cat ha haln• i caned yaaa or aweet potatoes, cat &e.itlawi.e I tableepoom batter or aarrariae J cap UptJy pecked light broWD ••rar Yi cap goldea raiaias Y.t C11p aeata 1. Heat butter or margarine in a large skillet. Add brown sugar and ra1s1ns; stir constantly until smooth, about 10 min. 2. Remove from heat; add cream very slowly. stirring until blended. Cook 1 mrn . J. Add ham and yams; apoon sauce over all. Heat thoroughly. If nec- essary to thin sauce,· bJend in an additional amount of cream. 6 1mino• Curried Turkey Salad 3 to ' cape eaoked turkey strips 1 cap pineapple tidbit.a Piaeapple eyrup 1 cup rolden raiaiu. plumped 2 apples, pared aad diced 2 ripe toaat.oea, peeled and ~ Y.t etip laked COC'OftOt 1 to 2 teaapoou Accent 1 ~ CUJ19 mayOD.D.aiae 1 Yi to 2 teupoou carry powder 2 tableQocma c:ho,ped dlatney 1. Toss turlcey with tidbits, raisins, apples, tomatoes, and coconut. Sprinkle and toss with Accent. 2. Thoroughly blend mayonnaise with 2 tablespoons pineapple syrup, curry powder, and chutney. Add dressing to chicken mixture and toss until coated. Chill thoroughly. 3. Before serving salad, sprinkle with crumbled crisp bacon. Or use prepared bacon-like pieces (a soy protein product). 8 to 10 H"1i1t.gl Curried Turkey Salad in Mold Follow recipe for Curried Turkey Salad. Dissolve 1 pkg. (8 oz.) lemon- ftavored celatln in 1 cup boning chicken broth. Stir in 1 cup cold liquid (pineapple syrup and water). Chill until slightly thickened, atir- rihg occuionally. Mix with chilled salad. Tum into two 1~-qt. molds. Chill until firm. Unmold and ring with watercreas. I"" ma.king th~ condr. · Mix % cup dull eeedleaa raisins (plumped) with 1h cup prepared re- frigerated or can.Md chocolate froet- ln&'. Chill tborourhly. Working quickly, form mixture into 1-in. balls and roll in finely chopped nuta, ftaked coconut. cocoa, or a mixture of equal parts confection· era' sugar and cocoa. Relrigerate before serving. ca·mival Snow 1 cap dark or Colden raiaina, plumped 1 caa (11 OL) audaria or:an1e.. clrained (reeene % cwp ayrup) 1 can (8% oz..) piMapple tidbit.a, drained (reeene ~ ap ayrup) I pkc. (8 oa.) cream c.t.ee.e, eoltelled Yi teupooa wt ~ cap •aruchi.o clleny •YTUP Yi teupooa gTated lemoe peel I table9pooa le•• Joice z teupoom •aailla extract Yi teupooa ahaond extnct % cap •arudli:ao cherriee, cat in t.aln• ' os. abdatore manhallowa l cap dliOed heuy CTeam, whipped (aweetelled. lf cte.ired) 1. Mix the cream cheese and the next six ingredients together. Blend in the raisins and the reserved orange and pineapple syrups. 2. Stir in the remaining fruit and the manbmallowa until well mixed. Fold in the whipped cream. 3. Tum into a 1%-qt. fancy mold which bas been rinsed with cold water. Cover; freeze the mixture at least 24 bra. .f. Unmold. Allow to stand at room temperature to soften slightly be- fore serving. 8 to 1 o '"""'""' Familr w.-z.,, Jc1uuJ'fll H, lid ' I CITY I 1 •TATll ZIP I I HAMS of'" vou1t ,.Avo"•T• MU••c aTo"• I I iTo"c ADD,.••a ANO ctTY I I I \ nn•I ~---------How Yott.May Never Take a Laxative Again! Hoepital. Tested Resulator Helpa Relief Come Naturally New Yorll. N.Y. (Spedal)- Rcsearch has discovered a won- dcr·working substance that helps comxt constipation without lua· tivcs! Doctors say most constipation occura when waste loees moisture in the colon. To give relief, lau- 1 i vcs often force action-cause griping, cramping: can become habit-forming. This hospital·tes1ed substance works in a completely different way. It helps natural moisture in the colon work more etrcctiv.,,. Thus by working on the problem, not on you. it hclpe correct con- stipation as no luetivc can. This discovery is now available under the name REOUTOL •. It is not habit-forming. No warning on the label-no preteriptioo needed. Try REGUT01--you may never take a laxative apio! lail ~-f,. F•ilJ Italy Plott ..... ., to ,_ --. for *''-'· Tllr lids -,...... r., ~r ~lfl. Tllr IUm Md C111PY -dltdH feJ NII• Militr ., F•lly Wwtlr, ta. If ,_.,. 1111J .-stlM u.t .. u .-. ,lnl wrltr: ~ o.r-t-. F1111ll1 Wtftly, 641 lolllllOft I A-. llllw Yort, 11.Y. 10022. I J I I :·. If your hemorrhoids aeed somethiDJ IDOft eftective than Pazo• ••• m~ybe it's surgery. Paw not only shrinb be~ onboida in most cues. but actually starts relieving throbbing pain on contact- and for houn. ID &c:t, tbO-IOO'hiDI relief ~1iu within seconds after you 8niab applyina Pazo. ID momenta. Pu.o's anes- thetic formula starts to ease the pain, quiets the itching and irritation. And, Pazo lubricates the IODlitive area thorouahly-in JDQPt cuea, provides continu-ina relief for boun. Try Pazo, in suppository or ointment form. If yowr he"10rrhoid3 need M>1Mtltl111 more e/ltttlve than Pl#.0 •.. ,,..,k 11'1 surgery. ·--- I THE CHOPPER ·COPPERS- They Fight Crime from I Eyes in the sky are hunting criminals so successfully in California the By GEORGE ). JAFFE A Sky Knight chopper'a p-0wer/ul liqhta dm11 criminala a aanctuary u/ darkneu. THE YOUNG woman crouched low and breathed a sigh of relief. They'll never find me here, she thought, as po- lice sirens gradually faded in · the distance. She felt safe under a cloak of darlc- neaa : the dry, concrete bed of the Loe Angel~ Rivel'-& dark, lonely place at night-made a perfect hide- out for a fleeing armed-robbery sue- pect like herself. Sudd1 aly. a-Jow whirrinr aound overhead shocked her back to reality. and she started running. But there wu no escape; the piercing, 100,000 beam candlepower lights of the pur- suing Sky Knirht helicopter bad turned the river bed's darkness into instant daylight. The police bad found her! Five minutes later she was taken into custody by the ground-unit po- lice car that bad been workilll' with the crime-fighting Hughes 800 heli- copter, part of the area's Sky Knight Project. Project Sky KnJrht-ftghting crime with the help of specially equipped wbir]ybir~is the latest answer to dealinr with the national breakdown of law and order. Thia ' 10 Familt1 WHklt1, Jt1r&11U1fll 16, llfl wu proved in an 18-month experi- ment that began in 1966 in Lake- wood--a nine-square mile auburb of Los Ana-eles-that waa later expanded to cover ftve other nearby citiee : ArteAia, Bellftower, Cerritos, Ha- waiian Gardens, and Paramount, an area embracing 84 square milea. The results of the Lakewood ex- periment were amazing. In a pe- riod from November, 1966,"througb April, 1967, ·Project Sky Knight was credited with reducing that city's crime rate a startling 17.6 percent below the year before. In the same time period, two adjoining towns-- Rosemead and Temple City-6aw their crime ratee increase almost 19 percent. Though helicopters had been used by the Loe Angeles County Sheriff's Department since 1965 for reacue work, fire--fig.hting, and traffic control, the use of whirlybirds for crime- ftgbtinr was the idea of the Depart- ment's sheriff, Peter J. Pitcheas. He conceived Project Sky Knight after noting bow eft"ectively copters were during the 1966 Watta riot, when they were used, even after dark, to flush out roof-top anipen and dis- burse unruly mobs. Pitchess brought his idea to the Hughes Tool Company Aircraft Oi- vision in Culver City. The firm agreed to supply th~ helicopters, fully equipped a.a airborne police vehicles, at a reduced cost. The President's Office of Law Enforcement Assis- tance granted $160,000 (largest grant of its kind at the time) for the chop- per~opper experiment. Many of Sky Knight's exploits were colorfully dramatic, even when couched in auccinct police parlance: Two armed-robbery, kidnap, .and grand-theft suspect.8 Bed on foot into the darlc. after-. colliSion -witli a police unit ended a high-speed chase. A responding Sky Knight crew quick- ly observed the fleeing suspects and flooded the area with light, giving them no place to hide. Ground units easily located and arrested both of the suepect.8. At 2:40 a.m., March 17, 1967, air- borne deputies observed a man at- tempting to force a woman into a car in a dark area. Due to the ap- parent emergency nature of the sit- uation, Sky Knight landed at the nearest intersection while radioing for 888istance. The suspect abandoned hJa uaault attempt and fled. He wu subsequently taken into custody by a responding ground unit, as a result of a vehicle description obtained from Sky Knight. A 16-year-old reckless driver had Jed four ground-unit police cars in a wild chase that had reached speeds in excess of 120 mph and endangered more 80ber-minded freeway travel- ers. But when he ·realized that a Sky Knight whirlybird bad also joined the chase and was hovering overhead. he gave hipl.!lelf up. "I waa sure I could outrun the radio cars," he con- H elicopttra can travel wAert polict can can't, au.ch aa on harbor J)atrol. ] i ., E E f ] I t s \l r () Helicopters that other police forces are planning to become airborne fessed, as handcutf s were clamped onto his wrists, "but when I saw that helicopter, I knew it was all over!" To residents of the 16 southern California communities who now are under the comforting umbrella of Sky Knight coptera-each able to patrol 60 square miles in one hour, a feat that would require 15 patrol cars-the benefita of the project are man if old. To parenta of a lost child, it can mean the lo- cating-and return of the cryirii youngster by a Sky Knight copter. To local firemen, it can mean des- perately needed night illumination to fight a house aftre. And to the woman who is home alone and is frightened by prowlers, it can mean that help is never more than minutes amy. W hirlybird.8 patrol reBi- dentiq.i ttreas elf iciently- and eco- nomically. Equally understandable is the attention Project Sky Knight has attracted from police departments el8ewhere. Cities currently consid- ering the purchase ·of helicopters for crime fighting range from San Francieco to Montrea1 ; Seattle to Philadelphia, Dallas to St. Louis. B-1 the first major metropolis to aet beyond the "consideration" staae bu been Kansas City, Mo., whi'b sprawls out for 816 square miles. La8t April, that city's Board of Police Commiesioners bought three equipped Hughes SOO cop- ters, at a coat of about $89,000 eaeb, for a project they can ALERT (Automated Law En- forcement Response Team). Already ALERT has nabbed criminals in Ka1188.9 City. Imme- diately following a bank robbery, for example, the sky crew was no- tified that the bandit had sped off in a car of a particular deecrip- tion. In less than ftv.e minutes, the get-~way a~to _w~ 1oea~behind an apartment house in an outlying part of the city, by the whirlybird. Dropping down, the air police identified the vehicle, then relayed the information to the FBI, since it had been a bank robbery. Short- ly thereafter, the FBI investiga- tion led to the car's owner-the bank ~obber, himself. "The way the car was bidden," says Police Chief C. M. Kelly, "it would have taken patrol cars many days to find it." The "Journal of California Law En! orcement" aptly summed up the importance of copters : "Ability of the police helicopter to see more, travel f-.rther, and re- spond with speed and directneM heretofore impouible, make it po- tentially the moat important crime deterrent available to law eJl.f orce- rnent today t" • It's easy to make up to l/(JfJ.(J(J a week in your spdre time ••• and get • • • when you accept os few as 5 orclen a month as a Mason Shoe CounHlor in your neighborhood. H ow would you like to collect a hand· some "second salary" week after week and gee FREE SHOES FOR LIFE, too? It's easy! Just introduce nationally· advenised Muon shoes to fdends, neigh- bon and other people you meet. Regard.less of yoW' ase, education or experieoc:e -even if you've never sold a thing befo.re in your life -you can make $5.00 to $10.00 an hour in youi 1pare • time u a highly respected Muon Shoe Coumelor. You don't Invest a cent! 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Yes, this giant Photo Album that holds up to 200 pictures works automatically! You simply prees the crystal clear protective page down on your photo, and presto ... it stays in place until you want to move it! Your pictures always look like new, never dog-eared or tom. Giant pages open out to a full 19" x 12" ... big enough for your largest gloesies. A real beauty ... hand.some lettering on outside ... richly padded cover in vinyl that wipes clean with damp cloth. Big, spiral binding for easy opening ... lies flat for easy viewing. A real find for the entire family! OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED THIS SEASON We urge you to order your own personal Phot.o Album now, while the supply lasts. You always need a good place for precious photography and the eeason for photos is now! So hurry, order today, this ofter will not be repeated this 808800 in Family Weekly. r--------------------------------, COLONIAL STUDIOS, DEPT. PA-93 20 Bank Street. White Plains., New Yen 10606 Pleaee eend me the Giant Family Sir.e "Self-Stic.k:ing" Photo Album for only $3.98 on full money back guarantee if I am not delighted. Encloeed ia $ tPriDt a...ty) Name Citv State Zip 0 SAVE! SPECIAL OFFER: 0 2 Albums for juat $6.95 (SaYe $1.00). Edra album makes a beautiful gift. ________________________________ J . E -, _.J JUNIOR RE.A.SURE CHEST Let's Draw • Frea B11 A"" Davidow a A lily pad Becomes a frog a ~ Happy in hie foggy bog! You N•m• It (See Amwe1' Box) Riddle M• This How can you tell a quack doctor? (See AMWe1' B ox ) Minus One From a four-letter word for what our national anthem is, take away the laet letter and get what your father is to hie parents . (See Amwer Box) Anawer Box: ·mq S!q 10 az!s aql ..<g : &f'IJ. aw a1ppm ·uos-.8uos : auo 8nlJ!w ·.iawn-aw!.L :auo m1d "Sh\OqUJ1Jl{ : n am•N no A Let's Draw Animals look '"' Dat>ido1o lwu pwblt.Md At'1tdr-. of fa.- . if&g drotoing lu•<nu /or cAildrm m a eligAt/MH11 .titfttdamg book. Tem of tMM.- a1UU .old ot lt.60 m Aard 0-011ft'. For 710tW P1I m •oft eo11er, •md cnUfl 11 plu 15. /&r Aippiftg to "Let'• Drato AftimaZ.," D•pt. 1.U, Bo~ 707, GrGftd Cmtral Statiotl., Nf>tD twk, N.Y. 10017. Famil71 W••kl11, Janua'lf !B, 1969 13 Put the Qrocertes Into th• ... Hold thia picture at eye level and bri°" it toward you slowly. The groceries should go into the bag. ---------- Plus One To a four-letter word for some- thinl' that l'oe8 OD forever and that DO one can stop, add a la.at letter and &'et an important penon in judgiq a race. (S.-AU10w Ben) I I I J I I :b t Ootg HALF 1he children wetting the bed row at age 5 wm still be wetting at age 11 •.. or older! Walter C. Alvarez, M.D .. Professor B d Ui g Emeritus of the Mayo Clinic, e we n e e e says: Bedwet- ting " ... is hard Wh ~ on the unhappy child, and on the ~ mother ... even if his parents do not en • scold him, he cannot help feeling that he is a terrible nuisance and a disgrace to the family." The late Joseph G. Molner. M.D., Master of Public Health, who was a widely syndicated newspaper columnist, fully re- searched our program and stated: "Pacific International Ltd. does a better job of ending bedwetting problems than any- one else." For over 18 years Pacific International -the largest organiza- tion of ils kind in the world -has helped solve the ~ problem of chronic bedwetting for tens of thousands q " ~ from ages 4 to 57. We can help your child, too, pro-~ vided bedwetting is not caused by organic defect ~=­ or disease. Full lnlonnallon •Ill be 1111>pl ie<f to you wilh no I charge tK obllgallon. I I Mall lo: PARENTS' NAME ----I I PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LTO. I P.0 .9cl11.a, ADDRESS ----1 I I Oepert-nt S·5 I 81111 Rafael, Cellfomla Mt02 -C,-T-Y _________ C_O_U_N_TY ___ I I ~sT=-=A=r=e----=z=1p-----,P=-H=o.,..,N=-e --I I I c Paclllo lnlornatlonel Ltd. 1868 "-------------CHILD'S AGE (Enuretic; mual be owr 4 yra. of age) I -----------------~ PHOTO (ra1 ai~t1- PHOTO CREDITS C-1 Manin Miii& for Globe. ,.,.,. 2: CIS; NIC; WW. World. Page 6: H. ~Roberta. Pave 71f.P.G.;0..... Mannhei• for O.P.I . ..... 10 &11 : Huvl-Tc* Corp. Cll AUTOMATIC TWISMISSION REPAIRS lRANS·MEDIC STOPS SLIPl'AG( OOWN·SHln!NG, ROUGH StllnfNG, SLUGGISH ACTION G\J"R°'NTEED AT SERVICE STATIONS AND "UTO STORE~ IWMATOlt lf'fCW.n CO.. CMltelle. N. C. 2t201 Artificial Teeth Never Felt So Natural Before ..... Plastic Crem lilc H•Y tn.lllli11izes Dewlwe Wurillc For the first time science now of· fen a unique plastic cream that holds your /~ teeth almoet like Nature herself holds natural teeth. It forms an elastk membrane that holds both "uppers" and "lowers" 88 never before. It's FIXODENT-a revolutionary diecovery for daily home use. So different it's protected by U.S. Patent #3,003,988. FIXoonrr not only holds den. twee firmu, but it holds them rMl'e cont/ortably, too. Became FrxODENTttayssoela-..ac. it hel...-.,rb painful ahock. Thus with FIXODll:NT you may now eat futer, bite harder ... without pain. You may even enjoy apples, steak, corn-on-the-cob again. FtxooENT•s special pencil-point dispenser leta you put it exactly where it'a needed. Avoids oozins over and gagging. What's more, Fl~ODENT resists liquids that can dissolve other ad hesivea. Just one application may last 'round.the-clock Remember, dentures that fit are eatential to health. So aee your dentist regularly. Get FIXODENT .today at all drug counters . VJewfromtbePew '11sere are t101De groape dull go &o duudi~ And why-heaven know&. One groap goee to doee their eyea, The oth~ eye the dot.ha. -l.. 8. Harn. QUIPS AND QUOTES Thermo-Static At last the heat &om the faraaee i9 felL e.w balmy lk.air ..I ••ee~ So w•rm that-i t it atarting to melt The ieiclee from my feet. I .hould be the happie.t of dame•, A. •nag a• a bog in a rug. Except that my husband now proclaims He's roasting alive--the lug! ---GeorKie Starbuck G6lbraiJh The. m4i n difference between youth and middle age i8 tMt mth.iuiaam. ha& changed to endttrance. -Dan Bennett A sixth-grade teacher asked ber class to write a abort essay on "What Is a Moth- er!" One of the youngsters, not wishing to be too sentimental, wrote: "A mother is someone who get.s sick eating cauliflower just to show you how good it is." -Henn Albright UThat Bob Smith it! 1'0 f~ful," t~ sales manager complained to his secretary, About Face By LARRY HARRIS Fami/JI Weekl11, Ja11uart116, 1969 "it's a wonder be can sell anything. I asked him to pick up some cigarettes for me on his way back from lunch, and I'm not sure he'll even remember to come back." Just then the door flew open and in bounced Bob Smith. "Guess what 1" he chortled. "While I -was at Junch, I met old man Gotrox, who h.aan't bought anything from us for five years. Well, we got to talk- ing, and by the time we reached dessert, he gave me this half-million-dollar order." The sales manager turned to his sec- retary: "See," he sighed, "he forgot the cigarettes." -F.G. Kent(m Y tUkting i• no loftger excluaitJely a rich man'• sport; th.ere are many poor 11ailors. -Al Roberts Two sbipWTeeked sailors, maroonM on a desert island. were in despair after sev- eral months. One day a bottle came float- ing in on the tide. The sailors became hysterical with joy. With trembling bands they opened i~ly to groan : "I t's from us." -A. T. Quigg ced on ire in he old ing ~lk­ ~rt. ~r." iec- the um :ch rs. rts on ev- !lt- rne 1d8 :gg make-up styles change, too Now you can try all the latest cosmetics from f amow companies and get a lavish*$10.00 Beauty Kit for only $1 Styles in make-up cha.nge just like styles in clothes -<>nly faster! The mad scientists keep inventing new thing& to make you prettier. You keep thinking up new ways lo use them. It's groovy, but •.. How Do You Stay Mod without Going Mad? How do you keep up with all the new products and new ways to uae them-without spending half your time haunting cosmetics counters (and half your budget trying all the exciting new things)? Here's a daulingly simple suggestion. Just mail the coupon below, and join the World of Beauty. You 'II never give in to a .smarur impulse. Because this coupon entitles you to: • A lavish new Beauty Kit of /amow-name cos- metics guaranteed worth al lea.st $10.00 but your.s for only Sl.00! • The opportunity to go on getting similar kits of prestige cosmetics and beauty products, automatically, about once every ten weeks, for as long as you want-for about half what you'd expect to pay. What Kind of Coemetice? these fabulous Beauty Kits will be ·rammed with the latest cosmetics from the finest ompanies--some so new you can't even find them with coupon below in retail stores yet. You 'II r~ive goodies for your face, your hair, your eyes, your skin .. You1l revel in new lipsticks, eye make-ups, moisture lotions, bath oils, hair colorings, complexion soaps, blush- ers, night creams, bubble bath-dozens of mad, mod things to try. . Each kit will be guaranteed worth al lea.st Sl0.00, and often values will run 88 high as 113.00. Yet you pay only $4.98 per kit plus post· age and handling for those you choose to keep. And you 're always welcome to send back for full credit any kit that doesn't please you. So you won't be spending a fortune. And you're never risking a penny. What U You Chaqe Your Mind? A woman's privilege! Your World of Beauty membership is good fo r aa long 88 you want iL But you're free to cancel any time you want with no questions, no quandary. There's no obligation on your part, ever. And your 110.00 value kit for $1.00 is yours to keep, regardleee. So? So mail the coupon. Join the beauty happening of the year-for less than the price of a new lipstick. Get a whole SI 0.00 bundle of Jamow-natM cos- metics for Sl.00. Do it today! 0 1969 ~ ~1--Cf.Ma, 8 C!lllC:~ 11.L. .. I I I I I I FREE BEAUTY GUIDE !Jeautifulty illu1Cra1ed Beauty Culde-wal with each Beauty Kit. S1rp-by-atep 1uidance Ira b-!auty buica. All the lateM trenda anJ how lo adapl them for the beauty 11!.t ia indiwidually youn. THE WORLD OF BEAUTY a.uB 623 Soath Wabub Annae, am..o. Illinois 60605 Piute enroll me aa a trial member and lelld me the current Beau1y Kil for which I might n.f.ect to pay $10 or e¥en more-plua your ~auly Guide-and bill me aler for only 11 plu pottage and handling. , I underatand that J will be eotitled to recei•e a new Be.uty Kit on approl/4U approaimately e.-ery ten weeU-and to It~ it for the ..,ecjal membn'1 prke of only 14.98, plu po.i&&e ud bandlin1 (and ea.lee tu, where applicable), bot I.bat I may ~11c:el at any lime with nn uhliaation. Note: oiler good in continental USA only. 0 Bill me later for 11.00 ph1a 0 11.00 encl<Med. I ta•t' 9llc pollqe and bandlin1. J>"l&lll and handlin1. To help you aene my needa ~nallJ, I &ID cbeckins: ~Y A1e Croup ~h Hair Croup My Skin Tone My Sit.in Type 0 16-19 0 Blonde 0 Fair (li1h1) 0 Ory 0 20-25 0 Bn1nette 0 Mrclium 0 Olly 0 26-39 0 Redbud 0 Deep (dark) 0 Norma) 0 40 or o•er 0 Silver 0 Combination \11~s 2099 \fas ___________________ _ A1JCME5.._ __________ ~------- C1n __________ ..,y.n _____ z .... .,, __ _ l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---i~ I Shopping Guide Grow Giant· Size Fruit on Stark Dwarf Trees Free Stark Bra's 1969 Catalog. ............ ~ c. ....... w.iW-•-..... Prt.tt eM I._. Treff,_·-· lltr9M, ............. Y1_ .. OW~Yw....._,I Dlaco••r amazln1 difference between Static Exclual•e Loader Varletlel and ordlftuy nursery dock. Bia new Cataloa pictwoa and deacrTbea oeuly 4-00 Varietiu of DWARF, SEMI-DWARF and STANDARD Fruit Trees, Nut Treot, Vina, etc. CataJos 1ent FREE and postpe6d, fill ln end maO coupon below -TODA YI •AKI UTaA MOIHT ::-::.-::.....-="..: ..,..., I t JO.l,Alll STAltK INtO'I. la7419 l..ouillMe, Mo. ms:. 100 STYLES FOR WIDt ~ttT HOME-IMPORT lU\1fltlH Mo'• 819 P1ol•" Grtw BUSHELS tf GIANT ... Pudlls, Pun, Clltnta II mt I "Palap·S•" Yan! STARK DWARF FRUIT TREES .•• titer',. .. 111...., "''". lllac hall. A f..VM«cM~ ar•nl111 ,._ ............ , lmaainel If you have just a tiny "Posta1e.Stamp" of a yard, you can 1row luacioua Gtant.Sfze A.pplel, Peecha, Pean, Cherrie• on amadJac Startt Dwuf Fruk Troa. Pick top-molt fruit wtcbout a ladder. Riot of bloaaoma In Sprlna.Tren often boar at 2 years. ·with God ENTERTAINMENT Senta Berger: The Star Who Hates Hollywood By PEER J. OPPENHEIMER "J COULD have done a lot better professionally if I'd moved to Hollywood nine years ago," says beautiful Austrian actress Senta Berger. "But in a way I'm happy I didn't. I don't think I could have stood that kind of life." "It was no great sacrifice really," she adds. "I truly dislike the hollowness, the phoniness of the life of a 'Hollywood ce- lebrity.' I'd rather stay home in Europe." That's certainly not typical of today's acting set, self~entered people overly con- cerned with their public image and driven by an intense ambition to become wealthy and well known. The truth of the matter is that Senta couldn't care Jess about her "public image," and she's not at all wor- ried about what people think of her or her caree~cept in certain instances. Three years ago I did a story on her, one which ahe felt was very uncomplimen- tary in that it mentioned that she had a "slight weight problem." When I called her for an interview rt!Cently on the set of "If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Bel- gium"--ehe waa there for a one-day cameo appearance--all she said was, "You're the man who did that terrible story a while ago." Fortunately, Senta doesn't hold a grudge and agreed· to another interview. If anything, this meeting served to dis- pel any doubt about a weight problem; Senta is a strikingly beautiful 27-year-old brunette-with a figure to match. Since I last saw her, another thing has changed, too-her marital status. She's now married to Michael Verhoeven, a handsome young doctQr who, after getting his M.D., gave up medical practice to become a movie producer-director. "Senta is of enormous help to me,'' be says. "She is my ftlm edi- tor, casting specialist, and promoter." A good indication of their relationship is the fact that Senta was willing to invest every penny she had in his first ftlm, an avant-garde effort titled "Death Dance." "l didn't act in it," she says, "l)ut I did sink $160,000 into the production. It W'bn critical a.cclaim, even waa entered at Cannes -but It flopped at the box office. We still hope to get even some day." They are well on their way to that goal -Mi chael already is highly regarded as 16 Fa.mil11 Waeklu, Jcuuuu·11 !6, asg a movie-maker and has been given finan- cial backing for another film. Although a veteran of such major Holly- wood epics aa "Major Dundee," "The-Am- bushers," and "Caat a Giant Shadow," and still under contract to Columbia, Senta is much better known in Europe than the U.S. In fact, any time a film needs an "in- ternational cast," Senta is at the head of the list. She could work year-round if she would accept all the offers she gets from Germany, France, and Italy. "Unless the film is really worthwhil~ and I don't mean just financially-I won't consider it. I'd rather stay with Michael. A two-hour tv special in Vienna is just as good as a Hollywood movie to me," Senta confesses. Senta spends most of her time at her mother's home in Munich, hers and Mi- chael's apartment in Vienna, and, being a ski enthusiast, at their small mountain chalet in Engelberg, Switzerland, "just on the other side of the mountain from Lu- cerne--unfortunately .'' She still does all of her own shopping, cooking, and cleaning. "It's not just to save money," Senta says. "l prefer it that way. I can't stand people around me all the time. I dislike always getting dressed and made-up and making small talk and all that. J like to be left alone." With an attitude like that, Senta will never be as rich or as famous as a Liz Taylor or a Sophia Loren-but then she's not that ambitious-. Mention that to Senta and you get a cold stare which breaka into a grin, and she says, "Yes, you're right. but I'll be a lot happier--and to me that's all that counts." • l ,_ l- td is ae l- 1f 1e D "t I. :t ,, r g n D D t l t I "problem" • • perspiration solved .... '" tbasa1ds ••• JtrSJirt lltHilJ An antipenpinmt that really work·•! Solve• underarm problem.a for many who had despaired of effective help. MUobur,n Anti-Perapirant keeps underarma abeolutely dry for tbou.nda of grateful uaen. with complete gentlene• to normal akin and clothing. Thia unmual formula from a trust.- worthy 56-year-old la~ratory ia guaranteed to aataaly or dealer will refund {>Urchaae price. So get the pomtive ~ t.ection of Ml&c:hum Anti-hr-..,U..Ot. Liquid or cream. $3.00, 90-daY. 9111pply .Available at your favonte drug or toiletry counter. THOSE HCW•• AGE SPOTS* fADI THIM OUT I •weathered brown • V spots Oil the surface -!!!/ of 10UJ' handa and face tell the world you're lettina old-perhaps befon 'you r-.o,, art. Fede them away with ES01'ZRICA. that med- icated cram that breaks up ma.es of Pi&ment on the akin, bel119 make hands look whiW and younc qain. F.qually effect.l~ on the face. neck and arms. Not a cover-up. Ada in the akin-oot on it. J'rurant, ~ blue for IOften1na. fubri- catine llUn • it deus up ~ bleniliba. U J'U'I have tbme ~ rewellnc brown IPOtl. blotches. or if you want clanr, ~ skin, use ESOTERICA.. At ,our faYUri~ druc and toiletry count.ft'. SZ.00. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slippl•CJ or lrritatl•g? Don't be emban'Uled by I~ ta18e t.ee\b lllJpplDI, dloDPU. or wobbling w~ou eat. taili or tausb. Jun a a UUle PASIDIH OD JOW' p t.-. Tbta pl..nt poydar stTeS a ~ -of added comtAln and eeeurl\7 bf bWdl:llC p1aa. men ftnnlJ. Ito SUJlllQJ, IOOIJ, PMt:J tal&e. DmtU19 \bat at are -Ual '° bealth. See JO\lr dalt.iat nisulartJ. «;Jet PAHi &a I B at aU drus COUii~. GElllNG UP NIGHTS ::~ANY Common KJdMy or Bladder Jrrlt•- llons mnke mnny men and women rttl tense 11nd nervous from frequent. hurnlnJC or llC'hlng urlnntlon nlRht nnfl day. 54."condarlly. vou may IOH ~ll'<'JI nnd have lleadorhe. BackaC'lw ond fttl older. tired. depreued In sut·h cost's. ~YSTEX uaunll~ brings reloxlnic comfort by rurblng lrrltat· lnio: i.:erms In acid urine and qulC'kly t•a,I n,.: pnln.C ~I C'YSTl-:X ol dru1o1icl1t.s Magician's Best Friend By VAHAN SHIRVANIAN 17 Mati111HJ f .,.s • 111, 3a.. • l1tt111hJ "'•rtisd SPACE KING TELESCOPE GIVES YOU BIG, SHARP VIEWS AS FAR AWAY AS 10 MILES (AND MORE!) Now you can••• what's going an from a distanm Sss distant psapls, animals, and other a/Jjscts I Readera can now un over 60* off the recular price of nati011- all1 adftrtilllld SPACS K.IKG. Thia powerful t.eleeeope hu been eold all Oftr Atneriea for 17..95. 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An outstanding pictorial pageant of United 1'1..States hiat.ory ... and truly an impressive addition to any home I This unique "Parade of the Presidents" poster features portraits of every one of our thirty-six chief executives including Richard M. Nixon. Please note: these are not mere photographs-but actually thirty- si.x magnificent full-color reproductions of original oil paintings created by the noted American artist, Alt.On S. Tobey. In addition. tbia beautiful poster depicts our nation'• ftaa'. and the Presidential .eat, oath and ftag-plua aaopapha of aU thirty..aix preaidenta with capaole biographies of each. The poster ia two feet acroa-24• x is• -in cforioaa full color on fine vellum-ftniab stock. Off'ER WILL NOT BE REPEATED Here ia a rare and remarkable keepsake to be dia- p1-yed proocfiy in Mery American home. A~ for families with .chool-qoe children! And what a won- derfol value at only $1. Abeolutely no risk! You most be thrilled and deli&'ht.ed--0r your money back prompt- ly l Bot pleue hurry ... mail your order toda.,, I Thia la a limit.ed-edition offer which will not be repeated thia 11euon in Family Weekly. • llTV SALH . lllC., IHI Yea please ruah my biB, full~lor "Parade of the Pr.weau" wall poster. I encloae-.1 (plua 26¢ shipping charge) for each poster ordered on foll money-back guarantee. (P1-Print) Encloaed la .. S----Nam . .._ _______________ ~ Addreaa ---------------~ City tate ip __ D. SA VE EVEN MORE! Order S posters for only $2.60 poatpatd on same money-back guarantee. (You aave $1.25.) The extra po11tera make marvelous gifts. 0377 L------------------------- --, 0371 -4550 &ta" acb 2.50 25.) f'IQVES· NBFSr.4rBR "ti& wp to date tNtOI abola iqt&ea -~utitag no- '• beavtif11l pictvru, ii· d witA i-laform.atioft to t ft&baeribns i1a 60 tea. -' ilnu veanr. I 1., 16; 1 vr .• I!; ~ S<H. A~ Qurtn- , 8 Cnatrol Higl&lmtdl, "8c:al008Cl, AIA. IHOl. \, r A'rCB TBB FONDBR of birtll tla"*gla Jllu«.e doae of th&. I-egg ~·. Ktepa pJ'0'1>n ANt, At'1"i4- ity to Aatd cllielu, dvelu, etc. lftcltl4u bvlb, laol4era, tlenJWMeter, iutncctiou. 1 ~:el". C°""trta to twoodn. l".JI pptl. Cruurtt Bcnue, Dept. FW, 16 So. ltA A1'e., Jlt. Vn"ftOll. N . Y. 10661. eekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE l'AYOlllD FAlllLY PHOTOS make '!ice gifts! Order two 8xl0" black and white enlargements, or ?.5 wallet pbotoe and a ti%'1" enlargement, or 12 wallet sise and three 6x7• enlargement.II. Send photo, snapshot or negative. $1..26. Color en- largements add 60¢. State color hair, yea, etc. For rush, add 361. Robin Art. Studio FW-12, ew Rochelle, N. Y. 10804. COllPIEl'E '64 SILVER SET. rilliant uncirculated Denver or hiladelphia mint with acarce . F.K. silver lh dollars. '2.96; th sets, $5.50. 10 sets, $49.50 ; seta, $96. Add ~ poet. each @ ~:. <~~, t _• (!Y c;;_e {I~ q.;_1 ~~ 1!;1 "TT<'" et. 60 sets $226 ppd. Write for free catalog. Novel Numi&- tics, Dept. FW-12, 31 -2nd Ave., New York, N.Y. 10608. ENTERTAIN FRI£NDS or enjoy leisure houn by playing the guitar -and you • can learn in jll.8t one week I It'a euy - you'll play a aong the fint day, any aong by ear or note in 7 daya. O«er includes Mr. Sale's 66-pqe 1yatem with botoe and charta plus chord finder, 110 popular and West· rn sonp, and Guitarists Book of Knowledge. AD. $2. 9.8 pd. Ed Sale,StudioFW-12,Avon by the Sea,N . .J. 07717. VE PET SEAHORSES of your own! ise these little ch.armen in a jar or wl. Educational for the children and un for the whole family. Live delivery guaranteed, Delightful! ~ each ppd; or $1 .90 for papa, mama, and two babies. Florida Sea- h?rsea, Dept. B-11. P .O. Box 300, Miami Beach, Fla. 83139. LONGER NAILS IN lll1'fl1l'ES - Sta Long ii a nail builder that's qsed like a polish to repair and build up your own nails in min- .._.._._.__, ___ .. 111 l.ltes ! Carry on duties with no fear of peeling or splitting. Look.a as real aa it feels. Stays on until your own nails grow out. $1.98 ; 2 kits, $3.50; 3 kits, $5 ppd. Conover Hou.ae, Dept. FW-3. Box 773 Church St., New York. N . Y. 10008. F eelretMI Slto,..r ,,.,... .,. NOT -~· II ,wo4..d. alto.ore •r• nae ... ilable •• atona. ortier /rowa .ot&rca l~. Famil11 WHklr, JaMllll'l/ II, 1111 1t O.aick ... What's Thedata7 Buy. Henctr ~ ~ ;..c: blOlr ..... enwtlrne. au, tor your ,,..... Md 8lMa. too._g .... fOI" gffla. Fits ... .,...., wlldilb6Jldl. E.-r to .n.ct& Md ......,.,._ NO MESSY STICK_. OHS. CNmpegil• cdOr ........... watchband cofon. J•welry type flniltl. Set Cl( 12 Mllt8I Catendln In Gift a. can be ltar1M e/"f lftOf'lttl. PleaH 1peclly. Order shipped prompHy vta flm cl... mall • Full Mt d 1241.50 pcllfpekl. Doan Sete-111.00, HANDY CALENDAR CO. ............ ~l'W-4 ..... Gip, ._ ..,._ -- ......... , <tP ........... .... _ ..................... .-. 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It ............. ....., .. _It.lb,... ..... n. ., ....., .., ..,,_., _ _. .-llllr _. tlllt ..-.rflll mm _, ltl 8'Crtt .. JOI Ibo I W ........ "1Ill1111 el I .... frtm-.. ....., 'r ..... fl I ..... 0-. ,.,,~ .... ---~ ................... .,u.c.._....,.. .... , .. .... bir9I .... laft.,.. ................. ..... .. • ... ... _ .. _ ., ................ ~drmlall."" mt" .. ....,... ____ _., ....... , ................. _ ..... -~~A-0811111 CJ"1Jll.eta•1111~ .... frl&llJ ..... II ... •._ fl,_.~: ...... 111 I lawa ............ l*tc:alb.. II ..... • ... 1111 ...... _....." ............ 11.ta .. --. ...... ..,.... I ... I Midi Ill m9 fw ~ ......... 1111 dllmlill'I llirlladelli. n. 11J frtlMI _, ,...... ........ lt./IMle.-ycw ... ,....-~ Ila. s...,.... .............. cnm....., ...... ..__._.....•al-. ............. .,................... , Se 9' Ulm W11 ,.C • 11111 mr1let I ,.. ....... Ula fllmcW .. " fl • me-. It II ulW ~,..... Tiit -........ ,.... ......... .,, -. ., .,.... .. ,..... .,. ,....... ... .. ........ " -.. -.. ciamlly ....... -........... ., ............... .... ..... "tlla ,..-.... , .................. ~ fnllt. J ..-t .. -• "~ Jt1JIA.,..., ................. ---.. ,. ..... ..... ,.. .............. .. ......... ..-..-w ....... -.-..... ~ aiil --.,.. ........ -,. .... I ........ ~ rtll1 CAI .. ,.,,_ ""'9fwt. I f/lfer ,_WI......,.... CIUIUWft1I_ Yrylt. ..... ,.... .. ,... _ ........ """I..... . . .. ~""'""',........ -. --~fl'llt .... _..., ..... ...,......,_ .. _ ., re.lb"""...,""' ..... ,_ ............ , .., ...... ,_ If ... .,,_, ,. ... ~ fl'llt-,.... ............. ta• fw I allllf1ltl,....... Ill ~--fw -..... ""'"""' .................... ....., --· ........ c:.a.kt '""' CM lie ~ _.,'::lat It dirlctt¥ "-•· ~ llN yow ._, ...,_ _, SS.OD !cm. *'* • _, .., HA 8Hll Ill. • HPT.Hll • 11 WllT Ut• ITlllT, llW Tiii, l .f. 1HH Free catalog from BOND'S America's largest clothier. Every proportion. detail and comfort feature to please you-from BOND'S Free monogram on any dress shirt. I m ... Wltlt !fl-. "-*'• '-"IOIWlb,. "HALF FRAME" Reading Gln~s ~ ...... ,, ... lia" Mtlt .... '" ... I ,_.ftel 114 I• ,_, ..... llt•tlt Ill ....... -·· --•· fl< ......... _.. ~ ........ -.......... ... lltt --l ladr •''-' '''"" l ............. .-.... lllr ..... .,_ Ttort9iw., Jot l tac•. $595 S..ilr ,......, .. -·• w.1h ,.., .. ,, .., (Ho ~/twH.Y. Hl'1) . WI IJIYtCAL, dlpt. 714, 14 fifth Avt., #Y 11, NY. ~( EYEClASS COMFORT PADS ............. fil .. -........ c.-... ....... .,., .... llt,... ........ ... ... =.-....,,... ........ ,... .._ ....... _ ...... .... [Ilda ,.., --a.. --........ -. a «2 .-SIJJIJ + 2!5c poll ..... ._, ... llf.l lt ........ ._ .... 13.a f t NOW! LISTEN FREE FOR 10 DAYS l .. to the ..-andest collectlon ever of Country and Western bits .bY 12 of your favorite stars! Capitol Music Treasures Thousand Oaks, 'C•lifomla 913'0 YES, pl .. se send me for 10 days' fnie examination "Country Festive! of St.rs," your exclusive 6-record boxed set of 60 favorite sonp. If I am not deliihted with these rlCOf'ds. I may mum them In 10 ~ and P9Y nothlne. Otherwise I wfll keep the records and pay only $14.95 (plus a smaU Mlppint chal'l'8) In 3 MSy monthly lnst.llments. Heme ······················································································ Add res• ······················································································· City State ....................................................................................... Zip Telephone ............................................................................... !Iii.iii D f'OR EXTRA SAYINGS cileck here end retum this coupon with Pll)'ment of $14.95. (We wlll PllY elf post .. • end hendlina costs.) Seme retum privllecn. S8UA 80 great'°""' lncludlng Bucko .... I've Got a Tiger by the Tail Glen Campbell'• Gentle on My Mind Wysin Sfewar.l'a lt'a Such a Pretty World Today Merle Haggard'• The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde Sonny James' Young Love Jean Shepard's Many Happy Hangovers to You and many more / Almost four hours of the kind of deep-feelin', foot-tappin' music you like best-in an exclusive 6-record set for only$14.95 Just Imagine being able, whenever you wish, to "let the good times roll" with your pick of Country music from the grandest collection ever of all·time hits by America's favorite Country and Western artists. Buck Owens wallin' out "Cryin' Tlme" ... Fef11n Husky nkfn' "What Am I Gonna Do Now?" ... Sonny James beggin' for "Room In Your Heart" ... and Bobby Austin havln' "Hard Bad Times." Well, now you can enjoy all these hits and many more -in all, 60 great songs by a dozen areat sing· ers-in a single deluxe 6-record collection, "Country Festival of Stars." before deciding to buy them. You'll hear Ned Miller's "Invisible Tears" ... Wanda Jackson's "I'd like to Help You Out" ... Tex Ritter's "I Dream of a Hillbilly Heaven" ... Char11e Lou· vln's "No Other Way to Tum"-nearty four full hours of top hits in all. You could buy dozens of Country albums and still be missing some of these great tunes • and favorite performers. But this big boxed collection br1ngs all of them together for the i very low price of only $14.95. And tf you wish, you can pay in 3 easy monthly installments. I I I I I ~-~---~-~-~~~----~------------~ What's more, you can enjoy these if8at songs FREE FOR 10 DAYS In your own home To audition a "Country Festival of Stars" free for 10 days, just min the coupon. What. could be easier or more enjoyablel Do It today. COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH . FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF JAN. 25 • JAN. 31 ;;; Thuftclerlllnl HARDTOf $ft $3988* Total Down Full Prlee+T1x & Lie $124.45 On ~nwn ~1r..1t cred:t For Or.Iv » Months On~ bsr..lt·credit M..._ •CID V4 ....... Ci lllaa-t.tc 11-111._, ,..., ..... --.C ......_ AM ..... dick. -.tart ............................................... ............ "*""• .............. $2388* WITH 1HI PVICHAll Olt • ANY IL IOIUO CAMPI&. '"·.,...... .............................. . ~a.......,...,....-...,"'"'''-.._ .... _, ,.., ...................... ftlt .. ,_. .............. ~ ~ .......... Ullll1• SI, ................ ,........,, ...... _... ................... ,..,.. ................ """' ... .....,1.,......,.a .. n•1t11•......_ IRAND NEW • AL1 NEW CORTINA .. $1788• PULL PltlC& Pl• TH & Lie. DILUXI! SEDAN ·~Dl!R NOW e !lrkej lleMd H Ml fld9N 111...-Mlle ,,_.., e wttltew1ll tltw llMI wMct c.evtra IPtioMI e CMtDI R NOW• ---~---- I , FOV~C'' '-------_, TOTA&; ~UlllD • DOWN PAYMINT O" ANY Wilson Ford S.YDR 50000· • • .. MILE WARRANTY FROM FORD JUST 2 MILES SOU1H OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH . SALIS DIPJ. ' ...... 1. , ... 7 .,.,. SllYICI OPIN , .................. &, .... Me:a., I•·•· te t P·•· 1 1 a !PORT! H/OHllOHT! SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 10:55 AM 0 @ CJ) NBA Basketball (C) Los Angeles Lakers vs. Cin- cinatti Royifs at Clev~land. 11 ~O D flt Ci) NHL Hockey (C) Montreal Canadiens vs. New York Rangers at New York. 1:00 fJ Sports Spec:tacul1r (C) "Always Another Wave." Conclusion of two-parts. Eddie Albert narrates films of. surfing competition and footage of the world's best surfing shores. 2:001J NFL Pro Bowl (C) A videotape of the 19th Annual National Football league All-Star Pro Bowl game played last week. The Easter~ and '.'Vestern divisions compete at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Seven Los Angeles Rams played in the January Classic. 0 @ CI> BIOi Crosby Pro-Am Golf (C) The fourth and final round of the $150,000 championship tournament from Pebble Beach, Calif. Johnny Pott is defending champ. Chris Schenkel, Jim McKay, Bill Flemming and Byron Nelson commentate. 4:00 0 @ (ID RETURN The Americln Sportsm1n (C) The fifth s-:ason_ of this award-winning hunting and fishing series opens with Rick Jason hunting griuly bear in British Columbia and professional fisherman Lee Wulff and sportswoman Joan Sal- vato angling for a world-record tuna on 50-pound test tackle off the coast of Newfoundland. Curt Gowdy returns as host. 5~0 0 Kings Hockey (C) L.A. Kings vs. Chicago Black Hawks. Jiggs McDonald reports. TUE~QA~, JANUARY 28 11:00 m ABA Basketb1ll (C) The ABA's second annual All-Star Game is played between the best of the East and West squads at Louisville, Ky. Sportscasters and sportswriters of the 11 cities that make up the 11-team, two-division league select the play-£ers. Alex Hannum of the Oakland Oaks coaches the Western Division All-Stars, while Vern Mikkelsen of the Minnesota Pipers leads the Eastern team. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 8:05 O Lakers Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. San Diego Rockets. Chick Heam reports. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 8:30 O Bo~ing (C) Dick Enberg and Mickey Davies are ringside. FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 7:30 IJ ~ (j) .. I ""lr""i(..,1"""XL""'l The Har1em Globetrotters (C) While the famed Harlem Globetrotters display their basketball skills and court antics, Soupy Sales guests as their coach, for a game with the Washington Generals in the Felt Forum at Madison Square Garden Center, New York City. Globbies performing include Meadowlark Lemon, the clown prince of basketball; Freddie "Curly" Neal, a showman dribbler; and Hubert Ausbie, heralded as another "Goose Tatum." Jack Whitaker commen- tates. 11:00 O UCLA Basketball (C) UCLA Bruins vs. Cal's Golden Bears. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 12:00 O High School Basketball Game of the Week (C) 2:00 O Pro Bowlers• Tour (C) The $60,000 San Jose PBA Open from San Jose, Calif. Keith Jackson and Billy Welu commentate. 2:30 tJ QfJ (j) CBS Golf Classic (C) Gardner Dickinson and Sam Snead vs. Tom Weiskopf and Tony Jacklin. O @ 00 Pacific 8 B11ketball (C) Cal at use. 3:00 m Basketball (C) University of Pacific vs. Seattle. 3:30 D @ CV Andy Williams San Diego Open (C) Live coverage of the third round of play in golf tournament telecast from San Diego, Calif. Final rounds are presented tomorrow. 4:30 O Sant.a Anita Race (C) The $100,000 Chartes H. Strub Stakes. 5:00 B fD 00 Shell's Wonderful Worid of Golf (C) Dan Sikes, Al Geiberger and Peter Allis meet at the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel Golf Course In Kamuela, Hawaii. 0 @ (3) ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) International Men's Alpine Skiing Championship at Kitzbuhel, Austria; and Inter- national Cliff Diving Championship at Acapulco, Mexico. 5:30 O Celebrity Billiards (C) Barry Sullivan challenges Minnesota Fats. 8.:00 0 takers Basketball (C) LA. Lakers vs. S.F. Warriors. m Saturd1y Night Aghts (C) 10:30 O UCLA Basketball (C) Bruins vs. Stanford Indians. Police Work and Ranching Prove Worthwhile Background Mrs. Sandy Summerhays, mother of two, has proven that a background in law enforcement and ranching can be good train- ing for a writer. Mrs. Summerhays· second attempt at television writing, a love story for Bonanza series star Dan Blocker airs on NBC, Sunday at 9 PM. Mrs. Summerhays was graduated from the University pf Cali- fornia at Berkeley in 1958 with a degree in criminology. She went to work. immediately as the only policewoman in the Berkeley Police Department "I was a Jill-0f-all-trades and handled everything from murders to juvenile cases," she says. Four years later she married a professor at a central California college and settled down as a mother, and part-time deputy sheriff, living on a small 1 ()..acre ranch overrun with dogs, cats, ! 0 cows, chickens and assorted bugs and snakes. ''I became restless and decided to try writing," she said. "I wrote about police work for a police series but the script was rejected. "l had read that Bonanza executive producer David Dorton encourages new writers. And, since I'm a descendant of Daniel Boone and live on a ranch, Bonanza appeared. a natural." It took three months before her script was completed and ac- cepted. It met with such enthusiasm she's busy again on her second -when she's not feeding -chickens and cows ornmning soakcs- out of the front yard. Abovt, upptr lt/t, Mrs. Summtrhays worlc.r on htr play by night, ttndr to htr housework and molhtrly chorts during tht day· (upptr rlrht) mttls Productr David Dorton who bourht htr script; (fowu It/I) gots ovtr a script changt with dirtclor Don Richardson; and (lowtr right) mttts tht star of htr play, Dan Bloclur. Roy Bulla's Stevena TY 1953 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa AU MAOS.COLOI Ol l&.ACI & WHITI • Phone 548-3494 Pase 3 THE WOES OF BLACK GOLD Gur:it llar Cltu1d/11r Lo111rt hrad:J a uniqut t:ip/onagt tf!ort drslfntd to ducrtdlt and blaclc- mai a carttr diplomat. A lavish California estate, land- scaped in a Hawaiian motif, became the site of the State's newest oil dur- ing location filming of Sunday's FBI drama, "Caesar's Wife," (8 PM on ABC). Production on the segment was brought to a standstill when the cast and crew arrived to discover that an Olympic-sized, azure blue swimming pool had mysteriously turned into a jet black oil sump overnight. Geolo- gists summoned to investigate the un- scheduled appearance of the black gold determined that land movement had cracked the pool foundation and forced underground oil to the sur- face. While the FBI revised its teleplay to shoot around the black pool with guest star~ £hlttdine bongct and M;..- chacl Rennie, the estate's owner was in a frenzy trying to figure a way to get rid of the oil ••. which he did not want • • • and restore the swim- ming pool lo its original condition. At last reports the only solution lay in sinking a well until the oil level could be sufficiently lowered, which geologists estimated would take him about ten years! CHANNEL LISTINGS lnfom1at1on for thHe lop Is furnished by the television statiOf'ls. TV WEEK Is not re1pon1lble for lest-minute changes In program listinp. IJ B 0 D fJ m m fE fill m m m C1) @ Cl) @ @ 9 KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KHJ KlTV KCOP KWHY KCET KMEX KMIR KPLM KLYO KERO KBAK KLYD KERO KBAK (CBS) (NBC) (Ind.) (ABC) (Ind.) (Ind.) (Ind.) (Ind.) (NET) (Ind.) (NBC) (ABC) (ABC) (NBC) (CBS) (ABC) (NBC) (CBS) Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Palm Springs Palm Springs Cable Bakersfield Cable Bakersfield Cable Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing Indicates it is a paid adver· tlsement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles. with 28 being the educational (ElV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF In Bakersfield. SIGN ONS CTEST PATTERNS) CNnntl 2~:•8 AM Sunday, 6:oS AM MOf'lday thr·ough Friday, 7:18 AM Saturday. Channel 4-7:00 AM Sundey, 6:00 AM MOf'lday through Friday, 7:00 AM Saturdey. Channel 7-f>rocremmln' starts et 8:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Mondey ttlrouah frld•y end :30 AM on Saturday. Thi• magulne Is publl1hed WM~_ly for thla n-spaper by lV WEEK, e dlvltlon of Qrtffln l"rlntlns _and LJtttocraph Co., Inc., editorial and produc· tlon officu, P.O. Box 11901 Glendale, Calif. AddrHS advertls.lna lnqulrlM to the dl1pley advertlslnc aepertment of thla newspeper. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JANUARY 25, 1969 SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 9:00 O @ Cl) (C) "B•na. B•n&·" Tony Randall, Britain's master-of· comedy Terry-Thomas, and glamorous Senta Berger star in the spy-thriller that mixes chills with chuckles. Co-starring in the tale filmed on location in Marrakesh, French Morocco, are Herbert Lorn, Wilfrid Hyde·White, Gregoire Asian and John Le· Mesurler. The story centers on a plot to control a key United Nations vote. and the stakes are worfd power and two million American dollars in cash. Mystery surrounds the identity of a spy courier who carries the money, the transfer of top secret documents In payment of same and the efforts of counter· agents to steal the money and upset the plot. The characters involved are a bumbling American oil salesman, an Eton·edu· cated Arab sheik, a femme fatale who is the object of murder and frame-up attempts, and a wily middleman who doesn't hesitate to use hired assassins to eliminate any and all comers who threaten his plans. Harry Alan Towers is the producer and Don Sharp is the director. Peter Yeldham wrote the screen· play. MONDAY, JANUARY Tl 9:00 B ~ @ (C) "Drll1net." Jack Webb starred in, produced and cttrected this-"Wortd Premiere" movie. Richard l. Breen wrote the screenplay. The full-length feature is an expanded version of the NBC weekly series and co-stars Harry Morgan, Bobby Troup, Virginia Gregg, Vic Perrin, Hugh Brown. and John Rose· boro. Tonight's mystery Involves a hunt for a murderer who preys on photographic models. TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 9:00 B @ (i) "The Miracle Wortler'' stars Anne Bancroft, Patty Duke, Victory Jory and Andrew Prine in the true story of Annie Sullivan's dedicated efforts to help the young Helen Keller emerge from a sightless and soundless world. The 1962 film was based on the hit Broadway play and won Academy Awards for Anne Bancroft as Best Actress and for Patty Duke as Best Supporting Actress. William Gibson did the screenplay for the Unlte:i Artists release. (Rescheduled) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 9:00 0 @ CI) (C) "The Happening." The 1965 movie stars George Maharis, Anthony Quinn and Faye Dunaway. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 9:00 ft ® (j) (C) "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Burl Ives, Jack Carson and Judith Anderson star in the 1958 drama about a family divided by their views on the pending death of their father. Tennessee Williams' Pulitzer Prize and New York Drama Critic's Circle Awartl·wlnnlng play was the basis of the film story. FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 9:00 tJ (it (j) (C) "M•de In P•ris." The 1966 musical stars Ann· Margret, Louis Jourdan, Richard Crenna, Chad Everett and John McGiver. A fashion buyer is sent to Paris and is infatuated with a dashing designer who spins her into a romantic whirl. Complications arise and all is nearly lost until her own true love, the boss's son, arrives to save the day. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9:00 0 @ (6) (C) "Gunfight at Abilene." The action western stars Bobby '!farin, Emily Banks and Leslie Nielsen. Nielsen is the mean old cattle baron, Miss Banks is the sweetheart who has switched horses in the middle of the stream, and Darin is Our Hero--a gun-shy, ex·Confederate soldier who attempts to tame a wild Western town through non-violence-well, at least he doesn't use any guns. Darin wrote the music and the main song, "Amy," for the film. The 1967 Universal release was prOduced by Howard Christie and directed by William Hale from a screenplay by Berne Giler and John D. F. Black, based on a novel by Clarence Young. 11:15 fJ "F•ll ·Safe." Henry Fonda, Walter Mattha1,1, Dan O'Herllhy, and Frank Overton star in the drama about the SAC plane that accidentally crosses the "fail-safe" line and passes the point of no return with a load of bombs intended to wipe out Mos· cow. To prove his sincerity in apologizing for the mistake, the President of the United States promises Moscow that U.S. planes will bomb an unwarned New York rf the SAC bombs are dropped. I I 6:1 I: 7: " I been enlisted In e top.leCl'lt Air Force project to plant phony elr· Lo L I TA craft deslp plans with en tnemy :.! aJ'@m The Slloat Md Mrs. SATURDAY JANUARY 2tS l:ir (C) (30) "Strictty Relative." Carolyn's rlfetives urp her to mar· f.fNiNC. eCa_e_teln Greu. ll1l (]) m u.m.c. •• <C> ( ) 6:00 II Tiit lie ..... (C} (60) m IW W..n .. (C} (30) I u (1) m Hlllllef-lrin.S., (C) fJ) AJecrlu Adlllll < > t:oo u a m Hopw• ....... <C> <30> II Sraod Ole Opty (C) (30) A betutl1iil Baroness 11 persuaded tJ ._ City (C} (60) by Klink to vamp Hopn In 1n m Tiie lmtadtti (C) (60) effort to di31COY1r eny secrets the 6:30 D UIC ....,_ wlcie (C} (30) American mllht have. -~ • o 9 oo m NIC S11un11J ..,. ~ __ , •Kil (C) (60) Jonie it: (C) "A ...._ lo Ille Held" (com· end Johnny Momy ruest. edy) '59--frnk Sinatra, Edward G. U s.,. .. T1leltre (C} (60) RoblnlOCl, Eleanor Parlier. m 1 """ LllCJ <3o> 1 ..... " F..u, sa.w <C> <30> fD PllJln1 t"9 Guitar (30) (R) Critique (C} (60) g;, Edwbil!Mftt Spedels Nodlll Tepatla &) Slrt fro• UNCLE (C} t-.30 1J at (j) htllcoet Jltlldlon (C} 7:00 R 9 (I) CIS £Mhl1 Newl (C) (30) When Steve la offered e bett.w (lO) lfoaer Mudd. Job In New Yortt, he and ~ Jo D ~IC s.w, (C} (30) Bob must c1ecic» whtth« « not to ltm1 -Wri&ht hosfi: • their hometown Ind frienda. • D DNlll v.n., DaJs (C) (30) U @ 00 G> HoltJwMd hllCll (C} ''Shtnlh1l Kelly's Birthday Party." (60) Don Knotts hosts. Robert T1ylof stars ea sumy, res-tJ N ... (C} (30) celly, off-color, scelaw11 aeloon· 0) Ernest Tubb S1M1W (C} (30) keeper ShenJhel Ktlly. m lanMlfJ W'ltll TH IClft& F111lly m la Tol'Jlleata 11 ·. 1 5 p M (C) (60) (R) 10:00 8 QJ (j) M111nll (C) (60) 0) Wenden of tlao Woftd (C} (30) 1J T"9 Dlf9ndef1 (60) sat u rd a· y ''Queen of Sheba Adventure." 0 Movie: "Jed t11t Ripper" (mys· fD ED Qroalde (60) "The Rnt· tery) '60-lff Petterson, Edd Byrn•, ~ Im Teu:her." Betty McDowell. \U ti) EJJtiotMtro m Nen (C) (30) 7:301J ~ (j) Jldie Sleaotl (C) (60) fD NET P11J19oua (60) (R) Otis Young won his co-star- Milton 8er1e, Geor1e Car1in, The &> loi de M.uc. ring role with Don Murray in flfUI Dimension end Diet Shewn Srier C (30) ABC's The Ourcasts by audition- auest. lO:JO U I.-, < ) ing along with scores of or he r D QJ@ 61:) I *£f<ifi I Down on m Joa flJM (C} (2 hr) ac tors, after fourteen years of tllo Firm (C} (~)In Blocker 0) CoalltrJ·W..-" Sltow (C} (30) training and hard work in his takes on an off-beet role IS itxKy· (B Hollywood end tllo Stirs profession. But thal's not the teller for this warm end nostallic . lode It 1 byione America. 11:00 8 0 &) Non (C) way the put-on artist te lls II. g Movie: "Se ProlldlJ we Hell" Q,1"' World Tomorrow (C) "l got the role in rhe usual (drama) ·43 _ Claudette Colbert. m Mewi« "o.t w ....... (mystefy) way," he says blandly. "Subter· Veronica Lake, Geor1e Reovu. '44-Mef1o Oberon, Frtnchot Tone. fuge and polit ics." • • • O(ff)~&JTM Detln& '8•11:158F1buloY1 52 Mowie: (C} "Tl9I STAR IN SPY-THRILLER -Tony (l) {30) Jam Lanie hosts. left& Cray Line" (drama) '$5-Jy. Randall and buudful Senbl Berau O llllllotl $ Mowit: (C} '11lt T,... rone Power, Maureen O'H1r1. star In "Ba.. Baas." a unique '1>1 .. ot t11o Soldeft Condor" (adven· U Sh "LOLITA"! thrt11tr reatwt .. c:h111t lntenpersed ture) '53 -Comtl Wilde, Leo G. ame on you, whh 1aq1u, on Tbt ABC Sunday Carroll. * James Mason, Sue Lyon Nlalat MOYie at ' PM. m BILL BURRUD SPECIAL U Mowto: "lollta" (drama) '62-. . . W Id J1mu Muon. Sue Lyon, Shelley 1 * San Cities of the or Wintm. story of mlddlHled Lo-m I 1Plci6 Sin Cities of Ille thario colleie professor end his ,. W9rW (C) () Bill Burrud pre-lationship with the d1u&httr of •nb 1 close Ioctl et those popu· the women who is heed of hla lous sections of the most wicked boerdln1 house. places In the world -Sin1apof'9, 11:30 D m ..... (C) Macao, Laa Vepa, Tijuana, Hoo1 g Mewle: "No £.lape" (dreme Kon& Hambur1 end lstlnbul. 'S3-Dean .IAluer. John Carradine. @m Estll.,.. Madero 0) TMtro Fe•llllr 1:00 0 (fl) Cl) ED The fttwlywod 51•• 11:45 0 Movie: "Payrolr (mystery) '62 (C) (30) ·Bob Eubanks hosts. ~lcheel Cr1i1. Franc:oi• Prevost m SltwdlJ Ni&ttt Flpta (C) (2 hr) tteavr..iitita ion r., ot flboe.. 12:00 o m t•ll't -.. <C> nix, Artzoa, and Tommy rte1cts of 12:30 m n Saftllt Slrfp Los Anples meet et the Sliver Sllp-0) Cinema SltufdlJ: "Twenty Brm per 81llroom. M n " f.m NET festiYal (60) (R) e . 1:00 fJ Movie: (C) ''TlMy Rode w..r• 1:30 8 Cit Ci) My Tbrw Soni (C} (30) (western) '54 -Phil Carey, Donne The Dou&luaes. c:onurned that Reed. StaY9 is becomln& IOdentuy, dtvbe !dlerMI tD briq ucltement Into 1 :JO QJ AIJ·NIPt Sllow: ''The Com I,! his llfe-un1nrt that StM hi Green" and "Tomorrow ls Forever. Maurice Woodruff Predicts. • • England's Maurice Woodruff, world famous clairvoyant-astrol- oger, has joined Metromedia Television KTTV's Sunday pro- gram lineup. The seventh. son of a seventh son-whose mother was the best- known London clairvoyant of her rime-his hour-l ong weekly series is Maurice Woodruff Pre- dicts (at I I PM, Sunday on Channel I I ) , with Robert Q. Lewis as host. Certain to be acclaimed as "one of the most talked about shows on Southern California television,·• each Maurice Wood- ruff Predicts not only includes predictions sure to cause head- lines and widespread comments, but also predictions for members of the studio audience, the fu- ture of an in-person celebrity guest and a weekly "accuracy scorecard." During a "Face of Success Segment," Woodruff singles out a member of the audience who he feels will attain success in his field within a short time. P11e 5 SUNDAY JANUARY 26 MORNING All stations reserve the ri1ht to change program· ming without advance no- tice. 6.-00 9 Ci} Mardi of DllMI Tellraa (C) UYe and continuous telethon for the March of Dimes. Continues until 7 :30 this eveni n11. 6:15 The ChristDl)lltB 6:30 n. llble AMnra 6:50 Give Ua T1'is D17/lfwl (C) 7:00 Ttl!I Ind Jeny (C) Sund11 Funnies (C) 7:30 Aquatn1n ~C) .. .,.... Tlbemtdt Qtlr (C) ._,. Wltlt a C.uu (C) Dly If DilcllMly f!} Minilbriaf Mana -- 1=-'5 ""' ChristoplltB 1:00 II ta Cf) Latnp Unto 14r Fttt (C) The Baptist Youth WOf1d Confer- ence held in Switzerland is exam· Word Is Ctltbratlon." Pert Ill. A lituru of spontaneity conducted In • coffee house Just off cempus et the University of Mlchl1an Is pre· sent ed. I PNftle t17l (I) m n.. ButJn <C> Nowt.: liff«tllwtlt stampecW' (wfftem) '4S-Jemes Craig, .loin Leslie. I k1tltryn ldlun (C) CJ) full 5otpel a.Ivel £1cuef1 KMEX (C) Tiie Answer <C> t:OO C.llWI lllrM (C) My fnorfta Sennon (C) Dr. n Zimmer, Flrit United Method ilt Ct:urch of Fullerton, auesU. • ~ tf DilcovtrJ (C) =' <tr Cil m Linus tht Uonfat1rt· Country Miiiie (C) (j) TOftl Ind Jeny (C) Yliiedldes (C) • Ntw TablDttlt ind Min 9:30 face U.. N1tlon (C) • Aarkult»re USA (C) Mowte: .. Dbtlonor.cl" (dr1m1) '31-M.a.i. Dietiieh. 'fictoc......Mc· l1glen. I C)) fl) Kine Ilona (C) AqUllllln (C) • la Ute lift (C) lned. 10:00 S.llef (C) m n.t Cllrtstophen (C) C.tltadtal of TOMOrrOW (C) Clall1tn111 0..., end Goll1dl (C) Wenderl111 (C) Youth and Pola (C) @ (]) fl) B11llwtnkle (C) Movie: "Wllclcaf' (adventure) • -Buster Crabbe. (j) f1C11 U.. Nation (C) Detras dtl Muro Allen Revlnl Hour (C) (I) A. A. Alltft Finn Report (C) 1:30 fl look Up ind Uwt (C) I Robin Hood Ft1ture (C) "Wings to Hawaii," ''The 10:30 fl f3 Ci) RETURN CBS Cltlldren'a Fiim Festl¥11 (C) "Clown and Other -------------i Stories." Three French-produced mo- Walter Matthau Tony Ranilall Rolle rt Preston Island of Love In Color 5:00 PM Sunday~ ....... tion pictures about animals ind adventure are shown: "Clown," "The little Wooden Horse" and ''The Boy ind the Airplane." Kukla end Ollie, Burr Tlllstrom's popular puppets. and Fran Allison host. 0 m &uldelint (C) The Most Reverend John J. Wri1ht, Bishop of Pittsburgh, Is interviewed. (Re· scheduled} D @ (]) fl> lu.a end AnlWll'S (C) Three new Democratic senators -Harold Hughes of Iowa. Alan Cranston of C81ifornia, and Thomas f. Eagleton of Missouli-gu~. ID Feith for Tod., (C) 10:55 0 @ (]) fl) NBA Baliltball (C) Los Angeles Lakers vs. Cincinnati 11:001 T11is Is Ult Uft (C) Homtbuyera' Gulde (C) Movie: (C) ''Trapeze'' {drama) • 6-8urt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina lollobrigida. I Cllurdl In Ult Home (C) F•tart 11:30 ~ Ci) NHL Hocley (C) Dan Kelly 1ndBill Mazer call the action between the Montreal Canadlens and the New Yor1t Rangers, at New Yort. 8 lnttm1tion1I Zone (C) Movlt: "Sll Treop Att.Kk" (ad· venture) '60-Michael forest m SundlJ Mltin• AfTERNOON 12:00 I Dlalop• In Alt (C) IOptlnpr R9'*t (C) lnt.illpnt hmrt Cini tn Su C.11 l2:30 • Ntn Conftrtnc:. (C) Gtnt Autry THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 25, 1969 1:00 m ..... • ,.,... cc> I 1V ~· tf tilt .... (C) Movie: "'lodr and Seal" (dra· m1) '47-John Garfield, Ulll P1lmer. I @ (1) m DindiMs (C) Sptrta Sp1ct.1allar (C) "AIWeys nother Wave." Part II. Eddie Al· bert namta films of surfl111 com- petition end footage of the world's best s11rfln1 shores. m eollbat &)Rii'pft\t 1:300 m lotll Our Hoau -The Ntw crna (C) John Chancellor is anchorman as the news program examines the issues facing the first session of the 9lst Congreu and the Representatiws and Senators shaping them. Paul Duke, Don Oliver and Charles Quinn are reporters. 8 @ rn m Dltcovery <C> Willll• f. ludltf Sllow (C) Albert Shanker, head of the United Federation of Teachers in New Yott • discusses ''The C8J,1ses of the Great School Strike." ' Vote. of C.lv1ry (C) 2:00 NR. PN 8ow1 (C) A videotape --o t~e t9tli AnnuarlfalTdnal foot· ball league All-Star game played last week. o @mm 11n1 tnsbf Pro-Am Golf (C) Final rounds of the touma· ment from Pebble Beach. Calif. I Roller De~ (C) Ci) Wmtllnc (C) Un An&tl tn el f1n10 2:30 On Campus (C) Otto Preminger guests. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "Htll ind Hrp W1ttt'" (adventure) '54-Rich· ard Widmarll, C8meron Mitchell. !future 3:00 MoYlt: (C) "Mery, Mary" (com· e y) '63-Debbie Reynolds, Barry Nelson. Michael Rennie. T1lu of t11t Golden Wast Dutmr Limits HontJ West [j) Ftlturt . ill. N1vy Fiim 3~30 SundlJ MltinN : U.D Rtview (R) • Tiit Dlkotaa 4:00 @ (]) fl) RETURN Tiit Amtr· lun Sportsman (C) The award-win· ning hunting and fishing ser1es, hosted by Curt Gowdy, returns with Rick Jason stalking a grizzly bear, and Lee Wulff and Joan Salvato angling for a world-record tuna. I Man from UftCU (C) Ventan1 Sobft los Hljoa 4:30 Ntwamakers (C) ~ (j) Pollll Parlde (C) "Va- riety" is the theme of this show that begms with a moving rendition of "God Bless America" dedicated to President Richard M Nixon. • Ntn (C) Bronco : Mist.rogera' Ntipbort.ood • Mckll'I• ind Ult Colontl · Esta Es la Vld1 5:00 Nl'ft (C) Clete Roberts. • Sptal Up (C) Bill Leyden hosts. Movie: (C) "Island of Lowt" (comedy) '63-Robert Preston, Tony Randall, Georiia Moll • Country C.rouMI (C) TIM Lucy Hour (3) Seven Arts Theltrt : Mat'a New? Tor.a • Rlt Pwbol • Run for Your lift (C) 5:30 QI (1) Amateur Hour (C) • m frin• McCat (C) 1969 11 RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS VS. CHI. BLACK HAWKS U Klnp Hoel., (C) Jlus McDon· aid calls the action between the LA. Klnp and the Chlc1ao Blade Hawks. D SliPPJ, dlt Buslt Kanproo (C) ~ae of Koalas." Dr. Anna steiner, a stronghuded zooloaist. visits Waratah National Park end 1nta10· nizes the Hammonds by her meth· ods of capturing the animals. Elke Neidhardt auem. m Mcffale's NIVJ m Tiit World Wt Live In {C) (30) (R) EVENING 6:00 f) Qt (I) RETURN n.t 21at C.· tury (C) (30) "Tomorrow ..• To· day" looks at scientific ways of simulatin1 the future in order to solve technological problems. Wal· ter Cronkite Is reporter. 1 m C.L Coflttt Bowl (C) (30) --iftRat Pltrol (C)-(30)-PaJ Clrds (C) (30) Pwtrlit of I Star (C) (60) ee Marvin." I Cospel of Cllrilt Blacl Penpecdvt (30) (R) Man From UNa.£ (C) 6:301J Ralph stocy (C) (30) Story zeroes in on the regular momina "buy-sell" services that take place at the stock brokerage. D m Wild Kinldom (C) (30) "~and of the Condor." Mar1in Perkins Joins explorer-naturalist Jim Fowler in the Peruvian Andes to search for the wor1d's most majes. tic bird. the Andean condor. 11 Spy (C) (60) Hazef (C) (30) Marquee 22 TH Frtnch Cbtf (30) 00 S•lppy tilt Busll Kanproo (C) 7:00 IJ 9 (j) Lassit (C) (30) A chance to liV'e is provided a mother mal· lard and her ducklinas when Lassie disCOYers their lives are In danaer, deep within Oreaon's mysterious Rain Forest. 0 6D Hudl Finn (C) (30) "Huck of La Mancha." The youngsters encounter Don Quixote, Sancho Panz3 and a band of thieves. 0 "LAND OF "fHE GIANTS" * MAD GIANT SCIENTIST TRAPS THE EARTHLINGS 0 @ (I) Q) l111d of Utt Ciants (C) (60) "On 1 Clear Ni&ht You Can See Earth." Steve and fit2huah are captured by 1 mad scientist who is tryina to perfect binoculars that will enable him to pick out objects in the dark. Michael Ansara auests. m Trvtll Of Consequences (C) (30) m Passport to Travel (C) (30) "Sawyer's Africa." Part I of Hal Sawyer's films of his recent trip throuah Africa. til Sptall.UOa (60) (R) m Domlnros Herdez 7:30 IJ 9 (i) Ctfttlt Ben (C) (30) Ooualas V: Fowley auests as • llO't· man who Ions the mail. D fl) Ci) m Watt DisntJ (C) (60) "Those Cilloways." Conclusion. A woodsmen's drum of eltebllshina a sanctuary for miaratlna wild aetS8 HllN doomed by a ptOll'IOt· e(s trickery. D MllllM $ MMe: (C) .. , Died 1 1lOuund r .... (drama) '55-Jadl Palanoe, LH M1rvln, Shelle, Win- ters. m Mn Crtffl1 (C) (90) m n. a..111natq s. <C> <30> "Daredevils In Outboards." A visit to the Outboard Wor1d's Champion- ship tt La•e Havuu, Artron1. fE n.. llf Pkturt THE SENATOR AND HIS WIFE --Joe Dal.1 portrays State Sauitor Robert Dooala Jdee, a rtms ud mapeCk poltdcal leadtt, ud RJta Gam ii Ml dnoted wife, MDJ, ID NJK:•1 new actffu~uy Mri- al, HJcldaa F~ colort:M Moo- daya dtrooili ~ at 12 DOOL 8:00 IJ QfJ (I) Ed Sullivan (C) (60) George Hamilton, The Vanilla fudge and Richard Pryor guest. O Jolin Cary (C) (90) The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Joanlt Sommers, Cesar Romero, Joe Flynn, Tim Con· way, Molly Bee and Bobby VH 1uest. 0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI D 9 Cil m Beunu (C) (60) m Joe DeSifwa's Labtr 1epe1t (C) "rrin." When Hoss announces mar· ®> ria1e plans with a white &lr1 raised til DMd Slmklnd (C) (2 hr) by Indians, a nelahbor threatens "ThrH Press Secretaries Spe1k her life. Ma!I._ Rdcett 1uuts. Their Mind." Guests are Wllll1m D cm (]) CiD ABC SHdlJ McMt: Moyen, Pierre Sallnaer end Jim• (t} .... n&, Bia(' (cootedy·SUS· Ha1erty. pense) '66-Tony Randall, Senta g) Clm1UMI M1xlceno Berger, Teny-Thomas, Herbert Lom, 10:30 I SMc:caa $*1 (C) (30) , Wilfrid Hyde·White. The story cen-lnsllltt (C) (?0) ters on 1 plot to control a key Pubffc S.IYlcit (C) (45) United Nations vote. and the st;akes 11:0010@ (6) m News (C) are wortd power end two million CathdrarofTHIOmlW (C) American dollars In cash. @ (I) a> ..... (C) I Abbe Lue HOClf (C) (60) (R) Ntw1 (C) (30) m MAURICE WOODRUFF Prttr aunn * PREDICTS THE FUTURE 9-.30 0 OM Sttp B.,ood (30) m Mlurict Woodruff Prldlcb (C) fJ Ntn (C) (30) lany Burrell. QI (I) Public s.Mct/Nen a @ mm n.. n1 <60> "Cae· m wo11d of Yout11 CC> u:15 a Mov1t: <C> unt '"' hit sa(s Wire." Erskine investl1ates fB $1ndaJ l.Dol/Manleo Fonua Doo"' (roml ""'") '5" "·n Dall-, the espiona1e activity of French • • ._ ~ -, dancer Danielle Chabrol, who Is ro-til Tiie er.tM ,_,.. (30) An ex· June Haver. mantically Involved with American ploration of th~ worts and tech· IE True Advtnbn (C) diplomat Eric ReeverS>n. Michael nlques of Henn Cartler·Bresson, a U:JO IJ Mewlt: (C) "I De.I Ill D•..,.. Rennie, Claudine Lonaet and Rus· genius of modem photo1raphy. (drama) '66-Robert Goulet, Cfirta. sell Johnson auest. g) la Tol1lltlta tine Came. m Wandtrtust (C) (30) "Today's 10:00 e a Cl) MIWotl: lllpollible (C) D Mowil: "Attd ud ....... Germany." Bill Burrud hosb. (60) The IMF sets out to persuade (adventure) '65 -Arthur Kanntdy, . the trusted henchmen of a crime Peter Falk. fB Tiit FilMr Faintly syndic.le leader to testify aaalnst O CI) lnsi&M (C) fE PBL (C) (90) his boss. James Patterson plays 11:451 F11ture/WOf1d of Youtll (C) g) Qiatro Eva Para un Ada• Coste and Val Avery Is Victor. Movie: '\.uclJ Stiff" (mystery) D ID 00 m MJ flltnd fOftJ (60) • -Dorothy Lamour, Brian Don· 8:30 D 0 @ 6D MoUltB-ln·Llw (C) "let Georp Do It." While lnvestl· levy. • (lO) ''Nanny, Go Home." A nanny aatina a reputed eecldtntal de1th 12:00 I Wortd TOtlOnw (C) 1$ hired to take care of Suzie and report, Woodruff and Novello find • n SllOMt Strip Jeny's twins but the result Is un· their own lives lmpertled. expected. Jeanette Nolen auests. 1J m NIWI (C) (30) 12:30 8 feature: "Schizophrenia ,--;-tht IE Tiit Ski Show (C) (30) fJ MoM: "M~ (drama) 'SS-Plaaue of Ille 20th Cantury. ~ Wor1d T morrow Ernest Borplnt 1:00 B Mowtr. "C"1 Of F•r" (drama) r1;1 ° in LIKE CONTROVERSY' 'S-Vlnc. fdWards, Patricia Blair. 9:00 1J 9 (I) s-tlltfl BftltlMn (C) u:1 • ID ~u S.ndlJ; "Green An· (60) Nancy Wilson 1uests.. * WATCH LABOR REPORT! -111'$. hi• 1 ~-------------------------....... TH£ DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JANUARY 211, 1969 REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY and h111th. 8 Ltaw It to Beavtr Ftlll U.. Cit (C) Jackie Joseph Is llO$tess. ·.~ ( l f? ·~ I ~ r; I Mr. Wbltboff (C) Movie: See Daytime M~es. 1:30 a Educattoft Eldtan11 (C) "New ComMdltJ Repert I Tiie Rul Mc:Coys Wor1d on Campus... Monday's pro-7:15 Stoel Marbt Jack LI Lunt (C) vam Is a discussion of Black Power 7:30 CBS News (C) Joseph Bentl. Rocty and His Frltttdt (C) as It Is exemplified at Georaetown DEBUT Tiit Momkt1 .,._ (C) (]) Jact la lannt (C) University. Tuesday's discussion c:en· Nelson hosts this proiram of (J) Andy Criffltll (C); Ann ters around the so-tailed "sexual perceptive talk. informed comment, 8utc:her Sii~ Friday only .• revolution" that Includes alto a topical features and news. Alona 9:251,~ w NBC Ntn (C) revolution in peace, reli&ion and with Hollywood celebrity &Uests. 9:30 lewrty Hillblllles civil riahts. On Wednesday, a close semi·reiulars on the show will In· • 6 €m Conc.ntrltitlt (C) look is taken at the crisis in au-elude: Rona Barrett, Mr. Bladlwell, Bob layton hosts. thority and how It must be met by Philip Norman, Dr. Julius Sumner O Movie: See Daytime Movies. honest cooperation among students Miller, Dr. Lorieoe Chase, and Dr. Johnny Grant hosts. parents and administrators. Thurs: Robert Atkinson. • M1nbaf Dillon do(s dls<u-brinp oort lhe 1:ln1 --....,. .. (CJ point that the areatest factx>r in the Tiie Fllnbtoftes (C) Educational futures ugeneratlon pp" is money. Friday's Adw•blru of Clll'llby (C) (3) Haydea's Hapctenlna (C) program exploru the felatlons !>.-_J:OO Cll CaJtblt! ltanimo (C} ~0:00 AftdJ Criffittl tween campus towns and campus With BobKeeshan. 9 (iJ €!':) rersonality (C} - personnel. • Bl& Babpitttf MOYie: See Daytime Movies. I Ttacbtr In-Service ' WlndMH·Mthonty Show (C) ~Sunny Today (C) Educational Feablres Rodl.t Robin Hood (C) 10:30 Cl) Diel Yan o,te Show Ttdlnlcal Corner 1:15 1 (3) Yldto Difllt (C) 00 €m Hollywood Sqnm 6:40 Clve Us Tllis Day/News (C) 8:25 COiamunlty Balletin Board (C) IC Peter Marshall hosts. 7:00 Oct,..., JC) 8:30 Car1Dou (C) From the Inside Out (C) 9 (}) m Today Sllow (C) Advtnblra of Cu•bJ (C) Robin Hood Huati Downs hosts. (]) Wtbstlr Wlllfoot (C) 11:00 u l.ovt of Ufa (C) 0 Eltrdst With 51ifla (C) Gloria 9:00 t.I Tiit her__ now (C) • 6 m Jeopardy (C) Roeder returns with her six dauah· 0 @ (}) m Snap Judptnt (C) ERE Tht 8alloplng lour· ters to lead women viewers In ex-Godfrey Cambridge and Joanna met (C) Graham Kerr brinis his ercises as a ny to new beauty Bernes &\Jest. wor1dwide experience In gourmet THE VAMPIRE GENERATION GAP-Jonathan Frid plays a 175-year-old vampire, Barnabas Collins, on ABC's daily Gothic serial, Dark Shadows, in color at 4 PM. cooking to the housewife, mixin& humor with his recipes for a de· itfully different cooking show. Slltriff John (C) Rotaptr Room (C) 11:25 I~ CBS News (C) 11:30 S•rdl fOf Tomorrow (C) 6 €!':)Eye Cuen (C) Bill Cullen hosts. fJ PREMIERE Th Annlwersar1 &amt (C) Al Hamel hosts 11 three married couples compete In stunts that involve the ability to foretell their spouses' answers for prizes. I Alntrical (C) 11:•5 Ntws (C) 11:55 @ 00 m NBC News (C) t\I ff H~OO:-J 12:00 t.l lloutiqut (C) Whitney Blake ind Steve Dunne host. I ~ €m Hidden Faces (C) ns (C); Cookinr W-111t Cor- ~ Wednesday. (1) Btwitchtd 8 mpo re Roy Elwell and Bob Doman host. mNews (C) Otta of tltt Pl'nldtnt I Linkletttf 5'1ow (C) 12:30 ~ As ttlt World Tums (C) . 6 m o.,.. of Dur Uves c nald Carey stars. F atlltt' Knows Best (J7) (3) a> Funny You Should Ask {C) Uoyd Thaxton hosts. I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Dialing tor Doll1n (C) Ttdlnical Comer 12:55 0 ()7) (I) m Clllldrtn'1 Doctor (Cj Tuesday~ursday. Lendon H. Smith, M.O. 1:00 6 9 Cil l.ovt 11 a Many Splett- .. iiel:!· Dodn (C) IS CH} (I) m °'9•• ...... (C) Mike Darow liOtts. IC---Report/sttd llarbt 1:30 I fE ~ =\w~(C)(C) Debit cl . (H} (]) m l.tt's ... • Deel (g Monty Hall hosts. 6) hid Advubtte. (C) Monday, Wednesday, Friday; Tmtl Wltll Doll i dnd. Bettina, (C) Tuesday and Thurs. 2:00 ~ Cl) Seu.t St9rll (C) oo m '" ....., SaJ <C> om ennetrY'hosts. 8 loft Tllat ..., ~mm ... .., ..... <C> Bob £oblnu rKists:- 1 Movie: See Daytime MOYfes. 2:30 9 Cl) Tiie Ed&t et N18'1t (C) @ 00 m Matdl 5a• (C) Host Gene Rayburn welcomes Jad Cassidy and Shirley Jones, stars of Broadway's "Maule Flynn." 0 fatlltr Kiton lat; eoo.1n1 Around tllt Wot1cl, (C) Wednesday. ~ rn m Datin1 ,... <C> 2:55 • 00 m NBC Ntn (C) 3:00 llnkltlttr Show (C) P .D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. I ..., Patrol rn m 5tttera1 Hospital <C> Ila tH Cit (C) ~ Matintt: Don Rodew1ld. Dialin1 fw Dollan Mowtt • ltintt: Don Wilson. 3:15 • News (C) Ted Meyers. 3:30 Luciy P•ir (C) Geoff Edwards hocts. 0 MiU DcMaOas (C) Ethel Merman co-hosts. I;'&) ~n~cin, To LM (C) Movie: See D1ytlme Movies. My Fnorltt Martian (C) Hobo ·KlllJ (C) 4:00 Mr. Ed; Movie: See Daytime Movies, Tuesday only. I Ol2'Jt and Harritt (ii) (3) a> Dirk S..... (C) Pay "lints (C) Art James hosts. 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Pltne Don't Ut u.. Dlilsits (C) News (C) Biii Bonds. 5tor&• Pvtn•ni ...... (C) Bozo's Bi& Top Sflaw (C) ~ m Mike Doulla (C) Shatey's Pim Plrty • own Tait 5:00 • KNllC NtwMIYice (C) Im.A ..... (C) Abbott ' Cost.flt Ca1ltoM T1lt Add11111 F ••llJ ~ Jhnmy Tllonwon Shw The Lucy Show • ltn11n 5:30 0 (i1J (})ABC NMn (C) Frank !nolds. Tiit GRIOVJ Show (C) Robert W. r1an hosts. I MlfY CriffMI (C) ~ 61Uipn'1 Island (C) Tiiis Day 1969 (C) News (C) - pe "} Tl th pl A m th v a ti SI ti 0 e ti 1: a 0 e v t v v t I e r \ ( ~ I I t • ) } l k " ' '· ~ I. $ n • '· nk N. 'Arctic Odyssey: The David Humphreys Polar Expedition' NBC News presents a story of adventure, discovery and human perseverance rare in the modern world in the special documentary, ''Arctic Odyssey: The David Humphreys Polar Expedition," in color, Tuesday at 7:30 PM. The NBC News special is a close-up study of an Arctic expedition that changed the map of the world. It shows the project from the planning stage, through its I09 days on the polar ice during the Arctic winter and spring, to its conclusion at the world's northern- most coast, in Greenland, where the party took celestial observations that led to significant revisions in the map of this Danish possession. LEADING THE WA Y-Phursumba Sherpa (center) and Lei/ Lund-gaard (right) look to expedition leader David Humphreys for iristructions a.s Arctic team prepared to crou Polar ice during the area's Winter in attempt to reach North Pole. The one-hour story, told in the very personal terms of the indi- viduals who made the journey, was produced by Stuart Schulberg and written by Schulberg and Richard Victory. The five-man expedition-headed by David Humphreys, an Aus- tralian navigator and former English instructor at Skidmore College -included Phursumba Sherpa, a professional mountain-climber and survival expert from India; Leif Lundgaard, a Norwegian veteran of three polar expeditions; Dick Mickelson, a young photographer and outdoorsman from Minneapolis; and Ken Poste, a Canadian cam- eraman and Arctic film specialist. Besides documenting the expedition's continual hardships, frus- trations, failures and ultimate triumph in Greenl and, the documen- tary focuses on the daily face of an Arctic expedition, paying special attention to the discipline of camp life, and also showing the attempts of the men to break out of the depression caused by enforced weath- er delays. Ken Poste filmed the expedition's early preparations and stayed wit h the Humphreys party throughout its initial effort to walk across the Arctic pack ice to the pole. But the sub-zero temperatures- which plunged at times to minus-60 degrees-forced him to leave the expedition in late February, since he had been frostbitten before, inc reasing the likelihood of permanent disability. Dick Hi~elson, with virtually no filming experience, took over the camerawork for the remainder of the expedition, and quickly mastered the speciaJ techniques of Arctic photography. The strength of the party dwindled to three in late April, when Lundgaard had to leave the expedition to rejoin a Canadian project elsewhere in the Arctic. By then, with the party still far from the pole, the decision was made tO' head for Greenland to resurvey- wit h modern navigational equipment-a portion of the northern coast, which was discovered by Robert Peary in J 900. The figures provided by the Humphreys expedition in Greenland helped set in motion a subsequent expedition, led by Humphreys and Robert Lillestrand of Control Data and sponsored by the Arctic Institute of North America. ln addition, the new data demonstrated that Peary's navigational fix at northernmost Greenland (Pearyland) was extremely accurate, a point of considerable historical interest, ~ince Peary's ability as a navigator has long been subject to debate. 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS s 1.00 .. ... •••• Moy be used on envelopes os return address labels. Also very hondy as identification lobels . for marking personol items such as books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on glass and may be used for ma rking home canned food items. Atl labels are printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality wh ite gummed paper amlpaded in reusable magic seal top container. Mrs. Cfris+ine Brown 969 Post Roed Costa Mesa, c.rif. 92626 r -~-- - - - - - - - I Rll 1" this cowpo11, clip e11cl mall wltfi $ 1.00 to: '11ot ''l"hl9, Label Div., lox 1171, I N.._,.,t leacJI, Cellf. t266J -, I I I I I I I I ---·-····------------·····················-·--·······-· ·-·--··-·····-················-······-····------···-~·· ·····································--············-···· le 1ur• to use your Zip Code I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L -----------------FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE RD SET OF PACKA6E MAILIN6 LABELS. ,. ............ ·····-· -' ,... 9 FASTEST NEWS INTHE WEST Bill Bonds takes command of a team that hustles ... with Stu Nahan and Carl George out in front of fast-breaking news and features ... Jim Healy is one jump ahead in sports ... Rona Barrett, first to put Hollywood's private secrets on public rec- ord. Our field reporters and cameramen give you an eyewitness view of what's happening now. thev check in with Voll dilly KABC-TV 4:311 & 11:00 p.m. MONDAY JANUARY Z1 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D "aaalntd" (romance) '3~Joan Crawford, Clartc Gable. 9:30 II "C4H:o11uts" (comedy) '2~The Marx Brothers. 10:00tf1.'9 a.ddabroeb" (drama) • ans)ora Felmy, Nadia Tiiier. u:10 m "f1uJ lbrtitt" <ITIYlltrY> ·4~ Vlrsinla Mayo. "&cl tf ~ Rlvtf"' (c!rama) '47-S.bu. 2:00_11) .,,.._ of Utt Doo..r (In· . trlcue) 158 -"Bllr Wllllams, Dawn Richards. 3:30 e "AtDlllc So1Muri11t" (drama) ·~rett Hal.sey, Joi lansina. 4:30 B (C) "Tall Stran,... (western) '57-.Joel McCrea, Mlchael Ansara, Ylrilnla Mayo. fVFNING 6:00 IJ Tiit Bil News (C) (60) Jeny Dun~. 0 m Huntlty·Brin•ley (C) (30) II Stlvt Al1t11 Siios (C) (90) Cllff Arquette, Alejandro Rey, Helen Red· d Peter Pit auest. O'Clodl Mori« (C) "Clptaln 11, 11.D." Part I (comtdy- drama) '64 -Grqory Peck. Tony Curtis, Anale Dlddruon. 11 Spy (C) (60) Batllan (C) (30) llm Qriffln (C) ~at'• N""7 (30) "Potomac Ad· wnture." Arst In a series of tours of landmarb in the nation's capi- tal. Two 11-year-olds are the 1uldes for the trip down the Potomac. ti) Destino la QJcwla &)KPLM NIWI (C) 6:30 0 KNBC N....mc. (C) (60) ID Yopp to tilt Bottom et tlle Sta !_C) (60) 9 @ HU11Uey·Brt1klty (C) m Le11nds of Ult Sioux (30) American Indian music and tX· ceptiona I photofra phy vivify and document the le1ends of the Sioux Indians. a (j) m m m ..... <c> 7:001J CIS &lnlq NNI (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. Q Whlf.1 My Unt? (C) (30) Jack Cassidy, Dr. Joyce Brothers and Gene Rayburn 1uest. m hSIW'd (C) (30) Dorothy Lou· den and Jim Backus (U&t. @ (j) Monday Movie: 'The Secret Ways." m Linea Abltrta (60) ~ (j) fa111lty Affair (C) m Cesal's Wotid (C) &) Tnrtll or ~ (C) 7:30 fJ 9 (j) QunllftOU (C) (60) El· bert Moses involves his family In Gregory Peck Tony Curtis Captain Newman, M.D. In Color on .. The Six O'Clock Movie" Monday, Part I. Tuesday, Part II. ~ I: -a another swindle scheme, this one Bob Hope Is honored by Phylll.s t1usln1 a (Old Mh from Dodp Diller, Bob Crane, Diek Patterson, Ctty to a worthless ROid mine. When Morey Amsterdem, Gene Baylos, Mar~hal Dillon runs Elbert out of Mickey Rooney, Gary Crosby, Shani Dodae for operatina a shell 1ame, Wall~ Jan Daley and Georae Jessel. he takes over an old mine, "salts" 0 U1J (!) al TM Olltcata (C) it with (Old dust and opens his (60) •'fiie Candidates." Bounty own town-complete with school hunters ur1 Corey and Jemel Devid, and saloon. Anthony James, Lou on the trail of a bank embezzler, Antonia, Lane Bradbury and Kath· find that both candidates In a may- ij Minner (Uest. oralty race fit the descript.lon of m f Orea• of Junnle (C) (30) the wanted man. Madeleine Sher- ide 'em, Astronaut." Tony, dis· wood 1uests. aulsed IS a cowboy, enters tou&h Ii) Run fw Your lift (C) (60) rodeo competition to prevent Jean· Em BIKll Journal (C) (60) The fu- nle from datlna a rouah and loud ture of the movement for self· bully. Mart Miiier auests.. determination for black citizens is I lest in Space (C) (60) di$Cussed. ()1) Cil m Tiit Avenp11 (C) I Cl) Min from UNCt.E (C) ( ) "The Morning After." Steed, la Bruja M1ldlta Tara and their prisoner awaken from 9:30 fa111lly Aff1lr (C) (30) French the effects of a new drua to find and the chlldren are CMrjoyed at themselvu In a deserted London the prospect of spendina a year in commanded by armed soldiers who England with Uncle Bill, unaware have orders to shoot anyone on the that he won't be able to ao with streets as looters. them. e MUlion $ Movie: (C) "klu I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. ft! .. for Mt" (comedy) '57-Cary • Rtvlsb Musicll Grant. Suzy Parker, Jayne Mansfield, 10:00 9 Cl) Carol Burnett (C) (60) Leif Erickson. Martha Raye, Mel Tonne auest. I Trd or Coftteqelfteel (C) (30) I m ... (C) (60) Perry Muen (60) @ (I) 5) Tiit Bit YalltJ (C) Un Anftl en ti faneo ( ) "The Secret." A jealous hus- 8:00 m Rowen & Martin Lauah·ln band, suspectina Jarrod, takes his (C) (60) A zany "Salute to Labor" revenae by exertina economic pres- Includes picketing by ballerinas on sure aaainst the Barkleys. Simon tiptoes and by movie extras in ani· Oakland and Nancy Malone guest. mal suits. The proaram shows what 0 Marshal Diiion (30) mlfht have happened had such peo-ID Tllat Show (C) (30) "Wigs and pie as Napoleon, Atlas, Caesar and Hairpieces." Shirley Jones and Mr. the Dutch boy at the dike exercised Kenneth guest. the rl(ht to strike. Em 1111 lireat W1r (30) "Attrition." m lftfctfli30) The time is February, 1916, to No· EJl) Cbopilt-t\ Question vember, 1916. Sir Michael Red· of Stature ( ) A look at the ro-arave narrates film footare of the mantic leaends surroundin1 the life Battle of Verdun. Germany launches and music of Frederic Francois a great attack on the Western wall. Chopin. Kenneth van Barthold, head g) Didla Robida of the music department at the 10:30 0 Movie: "Tltt Ludl of Glnier City Literary Institute, London, Ceffey" (comedy) '64-Robert Shaw. SWHPS away the fiction with draw· Mary Ure. lnp, photorraphs and music manu· ID News (C) (30) xripts documentlnf an objective Em h1novation1 (30) "No0n-Ac1demlc picture of the compoaer's life. Edut1tlon." Dr. Richard Brenneman m Co•ic:os J CandOft• and auests point out r~asons why 8:30 fJ tal Cl) Hwt'a Lacy (C) (30) some Industrial corporations are Lucy tries to enlist Carol Burnett's urainf non-at1demic education for aid in ralsina money to build a their executives. employees and ell· omnasium for Kim and Cral(s entele. school. Carol Burnett plays herself. I Ottns dtl Muro 8 lioldtn YoJa&t (C) (30) "Alona 11:00 0 0 @m al Ntwa (C) the Spanish Main." 'A tour of Alfftd Hitdlcocl Panama. LIB Qub (C) Rod Ser1in1 0 @ Cf) al PtJton PtlClt (C) hosts. (30) Rodiiey tells Betty he will ID MOYie: "Don Juan Qullllpn" fl&ht his doubts without her; Dr. (comedy) '45-Wllllam Bendix, Joan Miles asks Sat. Walker the name Blondell. of a detective in New York; Ell I ~ @ (i) NIWI (C) makes a skatina date with M•aaie; m Rm Rodney comes out of hysteric par· 11:30 ovlt: "Btllaw Yourself" (mys· Isis. tery) '51 -Shelley Winters, Farley Oona.Id O'Connor (C) (90) Granaer. But tilt Odds (C) (30) 8 Ml'Vit: "Hour Befort DIWft" TY Muslcal Osurt (drama) '44 -Franchot Tone. Ver· 9:00 MIJbmy RFD (C) (30) Goober onica Lake. Is overcome with pride when he is I (HJ CI) m .lotJ Bishop (C) asked to (Ive drivin1 lessons at iloVe Liiey the hifh school, but then he 12:00 n Sunset Strip smashes into the princlpal's car. 12:20 • Movie: "Tit• Bride ind tllt 0 9 (6) a3 World Prt•ltrt Beall" (horror) '58--tharlotte Aus· Movie: (C) "6raptt" (drama) '67 tin, Lance fuller. -Jadl Webb, Harry Morain, Bobby 12:30 Ii) Actio11 Tlttttrr. "Appointment Troup, Vir&inla Greaa. Sat. Joe Fri· With Crime." day and Officer Bill Gannon hunt 1:00 I Spuld111 f,..IJ (C) for a murderer who preys on pho· Com•unlty Bllllttln Board (C) toaraphic models. The film follows News (C) the format of the NBC series. but 1: 15 Morie: .. Act of Violence" ( dra· Is a full·ltneth feature. (R) ma) '49-Van Heflin, Robert Ryan, U Hert Come tilt Stars (C) (60) Janet Lelah. •'cm....,,......•,._• ..... .._ ... _.., ........ ......................... ........ ........ ....... .. .............. ~ ..... ·-· ... 11 °fln•·w ,._......,.,....,. ............. , ....... .................... _..,..._,. _...,.....,I ldla ........ ................... I Safety -Coiwenleftce for the YedttllMn .... "F.unH Aid tor the~ Hear News Bro.dents DINCt flrom ,..,..,. Countrlee ... a. The Flnt To K,_, With .-Hedllctte Short· wave Radio I FREE S.nd for Our H-.. c.talot lt'1 ..... 99 Yff fir"-Aillitt• 1 HEATHKIT® r. rHch H .. tt.lift llec~•11lc Ce11ter tch HcrltM II~ ... ••II A•t. .... 011 lell • few .... ,. t.IH•• •• no Ecsi .... ., •••• s •••• A11a FHewcy te Hert.or 11•.t., Heritor 11•.t. to ""· • f.w th.rt ltlocli1 c11.t you're hero SAW & PARiS HIATHllT 776-9420 HO IAST IAU.. ANAHllM SdWICI 776-942.J ..... 11 TUESDAY JANUARY 28 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 1:00 fJ '"Yeu1t1 Man WiUt ldeat" (dr1· ma) '52-Glenn Ford, Ruth Roman. 9:30 B "Collett H111110r" (musical) '33 -Bina Croaby, Jack Oakle. 10:00 D "Teptlter AplR" (romance) '44 ..::Ct1111es Boyer, Irene Dunne. 12:30 ID "Th Eltrl D.,.. (mystery) '57 -Richard Baaeh1rt. "'flitM WllllHt Stirs" (mystery) ·~Id Farrar. 2:00 m '"Y .... Y•cence" (adventure} ·~rby Grant, Monte Hale. 3:30 0 ... .., Wiie CMJltt • er.... (drama) '61-Roaer Mobley, Wanda Hendrix. 4:00 f) '1'M C:O.rt-llartial ef Billy llitcMn" (drama) '55 -G•IJ Cooper, Rod Sttlaer. f V f ~ I N r~ &:00II111t· Ila """ (C) (60) Jeny Ounl!!!Y. 0 m HunUIJ·lrlnU., (C) (30) 1J StlVI Alltft new (C) (90) Louil Nye, Steve Roul, ProftllOI' Irwin Corey, Vicki Lano and Bob Aetcher l!!._est. U Six O'a.dl Mevlt: (C} "Clp- tai. ..... an, M.D." Part II (com· edy·drama) '64 -Greaory Peel Tony Curtis, Anlit Dickinson. 11 S,, (C) (60) lataaJI (C) (30) m MllY Crifftl (C) Wiars New? (30) "Potomac Ad· ~nture." A tour of Washlnaton, D.C., cowrina sllhb not usually seen by visitors. I Dtttlno i. Clorla lPUI ..... (C) 6:30 DIC Mtwl«VICll (C) (60) v.,... to the Iott.. of ttie S.~) (60) ~ 6 Hunttey-lrintlty (C} fli) udlnt W'lttl Yow Qlld (30) "Tutorlna Helps." Marion Manhall and auests tell ebout proarams whereby older students can serve as Junior tutors fOf younaer stU· dents. 7:00 .. ~tll&!,.Gf::: ~ (30) :.'tt.er Cronkite. I Wllat's My Untl (C) (30) hawrd (C) (30) Ci) A.Mrica' (C) 1M rradi Qef (30) Jull1 Child prepares Allet of Beef Wei· linston. I Cl) Tiit '°°4 &llYI (C) iiindl ill tM San Trvtll er C.a.alNftCa (C) 7:30 ~Cl) Llncw (C) (60) Teresa Wriafrt makes a rare television •P· pearance as the wife of a sheriff whose lawless past has provoked a 25-year·lona feud with Murdoch Eric Hoffer, longshorunan-philosopher and author of boo/cs that have beco~ sociological classics Jn their time, such 03 "The True Believer" and "The Ordeal of Change," appears on "The Savage Heart-A Conversation With Eric Hoffer," CBS News Special, Tuesday at JO PM, in color on C BS. CBS News Corrupondent Eric Sevareid talks to Hoffer on the broa.dca.1t. filmed in San Francisco. Pap 12 THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, JANUARY 25, 1969 Lanctr. When Murdoch dlaappears cl81nliness and neatness are mall· from the ranch, he leaves a note Inf the males wry uncomfortable, that diadose.s his lona·smoulderini 1nd since she has no family, Bud! hate for Sheriff Judd Haney (played la stumped for a way to encourap by auest Un McCarthy), who years her to leave without hurtlnr her •ao I.cl damafina r11da on the Lan· feellnp. cer ranch In the name of Justice. O EXC n. m \1"..t:t~.~ ELLENT POLICE 1h T.v .• , • .--.....,.... * ACTION MELODRAMA clltM (C) (60) An NBC News li'il ~ documentary on list year's five· D \W aJ NYPO (C) (30) man Polar expedition -headed ''Three-Fi :Two." _Jeff losea his by Australian navlptor David Hum-aun and shteld dunna a holdup. phreys.-which dlanred the map of I""' (C) (30) Ted Meyers. the wor1d. The proaram traces the tee, expedition's herdships frustrations 10:00 R 9 Ci) CBS News Special (C) and ultimate triumph in Greenland, (60) "The Savaae Heart." Eric Hof· where the party took celestial 00• fer, 67 -year-old retired lonphore- servatlona that haw led to sianifi· man, phl~her an~ writer, joins cant revisions In the map of this reporter Enc Sevaread for another Danish possession discussion. During this "oontl'O'lef· B Lost In ~ °cC> (60) sial hour," Hoffer pre11nts his (Ji} (]) m Mod Squad (C) (60) views on such t~plca es civil r11hts "Shellcame." lnvestlaatina a police· and the ~rban cnsls, law and order, man's death, Pete and Linc lnfil· t~e Amencan character, Nearo Iden· trate a a•na of thieves, only to tlty ~nd ~rrent black ludershlp, find they have kidnaped Julie. ~encan intellectuals, politics, writ· 0 Mftlltn $ Mme: .. Kip of tile ina •• archlted_ure, .President John· iiii,.._" (dr1m1} '44 -GreaorY son s ~rd 1n office, ttle 10un1er Peck Roddy McDowall aeneration, student activists and I Trudi or Cenaequ~ (C) (30) the New "Left, rellaion and death. hny M&IOft (60) 8 ID Ntws (C) (60) Ci) January W'~ The Kina F••· @ CV m Tlllt's Lift (C) (60) i (C) "Our First Vacation." Bobby's VICI· : Cancioll de i. Rau {30) tion is upset by hia ln·laws. Kay • U11 Anpl en el raneo Medford, Shelley Berman. Henny l:OO I Haze.I (C) (30) Youn1_man and Anthony and The lmpenals auest. : W9f'ld Prm (C) (60) D .......... , Dilloft (30) Prt•ltr Orfeon c..co m T1lat ShN (C) (30) "Buyina I 1:30 fJ 9 Cl) Red Skttton (C) (60) House-What To Look For." Jactl Phyllls DITler and Grace Martlay Cassidy and J1nice Winter1ina auest. ~est. f1l) Bladl Penpectiw (30) A panel u @ @ m Julia (C) (30) "How of local Joumallsta question I rt· To Keep Your Wic Warm." Julia oently-announced candidate for helps Marie Wauedom acquire a Mayor of Los Anaeles concemina new loo• in a move to reawaken the upcomlna campalan. her husband's wanina affections. @!) Didla Robida The episode marts a rare TV ap· 10:30 D Movie: .. Pr ...... Boy FJo-· (d • pearance for radio's "Henry Aid· ) ·= •. ., ,.. ra rich," Ezra Stone, one of the reau-ma N;;~" g~)n, Joan Harvey. lar directors of Julia. Ezra plays ~ Ruian News Conference 'c3o) Roddy, a aushy wla shop operator. lj Canta Sin Hlstorta B lrvlns In Adioft (C) (30) @ (]) aJ It THes a Titltf (C) 11:0010 0 @!) aJ News (C) (60) "The Naked Billionaire." Mun· Alfred Hltdtaidl dy is assianed to find ou1 if Daniel W Bmatball (C) The second K. Ryder, a billionaire industrialist annua~ All-Star Game, played 1t the with a passion for privacy, is still Louisville Convention Center, Is an alive. Sally Kellerman. Richard Cart· East-West care battle. The sports· ton, Mark Richman auest. ca~ers . and sportswriters of the 11 m O...W O'Connor (C) (90) citteS ~h.a~ make up the 11-team, 0) 1Nt ttie Odds (C) (30) two · drv1sion leaaue select the t:00 0@@ m NIC Tu..U, ~: ~~e: "TIJ and Get Mt" (mys· "'Ile Mlnlde WOft_.. (drama) 62 tery) '51 _ Frank Lovejoy Lloyd -Patty Duke, Anne Bancroft. (Re· Brid es ' ;=.. 5 (C) (60) Polly Ber· I~-,. ... (C) aen and The fifth Dimension are 11 _.:;,. ~ Ntw1 featured. :.w ~ MOWM: +tJ11e Tattered Dr_.. Ci) Run tor Your Ufa (C) (60) (m~ery) '57-Jeff Chandler, Jeanne Ell) NET Festival (C) (60) "The Crain. Way To See It." A study of teen· 0@@ m Tonlafrt Sllow (C) aae community wortshops. films e Movie: HMan In Haff Meoe are shown from poverty aroups all StrMt" (horror) '44-Helen Walker. across the United States, indudlna Paul Cavanaufh. works by the Twelfth Street and fJ @ (]) &) JOIJ Billlop (t) Oxford Corporation, Upward Bound, 12:15 Q Movie: "Rope Around Ult Nect" The Alm Club and The North Rich· (drama) '66 -Jean Richard, Oany mond Community Center Group. Robin, FeliK Marten. e> Las Senorttu Vivanco 9:301J ta Ci) Doris Day (C) (30) 12:30 ~ ~ Theatre: "Hollow Tr1· When Dons has to be out of town P · for a few days, the house becomes 1:00 0 0 N ... (C) a shambles until Emma Aood, a 0 Co1111unlty Bulletin Board (C) recently retired Marine Corps offi· m from the lnlHlt Out (C) cer, arrives and takes "command" 1:15 IJ Movie: "Tllullder hu" (adven· of the situation. An old friend of ture) '54 -Dene Clark Raymond Buck, Emma's hilh standards for Burr. ' The Glen Campbell Goocltime Hour Goodtimes are comin' as the great Glen Campbell sound sets a solid mood for the week's most easy hour of fun and music. 7:30 PM CBS Si WEDNESDAY JANUARY 29 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DnTIME MOVIES 9:00 U (C) "'See How T1MJ Rua" (dra· ma) '65 -John Forsythe, Senta Berger. 9:30 U "Choat lrtaktrs'' (comedy) '4-0 -Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard. 10:00 e "Beyond All Ulaltl" (drama) '~ck Palance, Maria Felix. 12~ m "Sllbwly la tM StlJ" (mystery) ~Van Johnson. -rr..,. HM" (western) '57-Joel McCru. Z:OO 6l "Room In tlM Houle" (drama) ·~atrldl Barr, Marjorie Rhodes. 3:30 D (C) ''Tiie Tri1111P' of Roltl11 Hoocr' (adventure) '60 -Don Bur· nett. Gia Scala. 4:30 fJ "TI!., Got Mt Covered" (com· edy) '43 -Bob Hope, Dorothy la· mour. EVENING 6:00 6 The Bl& Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntl.,·lrlnkltf <C) (30) U St.wt Alltn Show (C) (90) Louis Nye, Professor Irwin Corey, Tony Arden, and Tony Bruno auest. Q Six O'Clock Movie: (C) ''TM R• marbbll Mr. PtnnypKklt" (C) (comedy) '59-tlifton Webb, Doro- thy Ma>uire, Charles Coburn. 11 SpJ (C) (60) 1atn11n (C) (30) (I) Merv Griffin (C) What's New? (30) "Pablito." A non-dialoaue story of a youna Spanish boy's secret cdventures in Barcelona, Spain. Ui) Dntino la Gloria alKPLM Ntw1 (C) 6:30 0 KNBC NIWM!'Viu (C) (60) IE Yo111• to the BottDm of tile Sea ~) (60) @ CI) Huntl.,·lrinklty <C) Ell) More for Your Money (30) "Money Matters." Marion Marshall talks about money manaaement and points out how to stretch the fam - l!l_ dollar. QfCIJg:)m&)Ntw1 (C) 7:00 6 CBS Evenln& News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Whafa My line? (C) (30) Pasword (C) (30) @You Ailed for It Makin1 the Molt of Maturity (30) "Be 1 Friendly Visitor." Marlon M1rshall and two ruests use films and skits to show how senior citizens can entertain. I Cl) a.w.tJ Hillblllia (C) W anclerf ast Trlltll °' ConMqutneea (C) 7:30 11 HEAR GLEN CAMPBELL * & BOBBIE GENTRY Sing many of their big CAPITOL RECORD Hits! 8 PltOllER£ 1lle Gltlt C..,W Gtedtl• ...... (C) (60) The weekly comedy and music series premlef'ea Aatboaf QUua II abcluctH foir ranlOm by Faye l>aaawaf ud a P'OGP of Ml.am.I 8eadt totliU la "'Tiie lhPIWDhla." In rokw oa '11lle ABC Wed.Mtday Nflhl Mone at 9 PM. with auest perlonners Bobbie Gen· try, The Smothera Brottlet"I. Pat Paulsen and John Hartfonl. Paulsen will return for frequent guest ap· pearances durina future weeb with Came!!.ell. D ~ Cil m n.. VkJfnlan <C> (90) "Crime Wave In Buffalo Sprinas." Yvonne De C.rio and The Irish ROYera head a list of auests In the first comedy fNfl( presented in the sewn·rnr histofy of the series. Other auests ere Tom Bcsle~ 11 banker Trumbull, Gary Vin10n as the bumblina sheriff, James Brolln 11 Trumbull's son Ned, Ann Preatiss 11 Geraldine, and Carrie Snodgress 11 Josephine, dau1htef1 of Madame lmotene (Miss De Carlo). Madame Imogene rules one half of the town with her saloon ind com w:h1nge loanin& office for the farmers. Trumbull owns the other half with his bank ind rancher followina. Ned and Jolephlne 1te In love but can't show It because of their feuding p1rents. All Is rdOlved when Tram· pas and David arrive in time to be jailed fOf a robbery they didn't commit 11 Win Wint the stn (C) (30) Rotemary Clooney and Bill Bixby auest. Q@ (I) G> Here Co•• tllt lridta (C) (60) "A Kiss Just fOf So." Jaaon Bolt fills deeply In love with an Amish teacher, Dena Newklrt. and trlea to llve by her ways of non-violenc~. Kathryn Hays iuem. (Continued) 'THE COUNTRY GIRL' ON COLGATE THEATRE Three top motion picture stan, Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly and William Hol- den, star in the film that won two Academy Awards-"The Country Girl." A Special presentation of KHJ's Col- gate Theatre, this taut (ll.m, based on the play by Clifford Odets, airs Thurs- day at 7 : 30 PM. George Seaton adapt- ed the play for the screen and won an Academy Award for his screenplay. Miss Kelly won a second Academy Award for her performance as Georgie Elgin, the determined, suspicious and embittered wife of Frank Elgin (Bing Crosby), a once-great Broadway musi- cal come<f y star who has turned to liquor. William Holden is Bernie Dodd, the arrogant young stage director who de- cides to take a chance on Frank as the GRACB KBLLY u "THE star of bis new drama with music-a '·COUNTRY GlltL"-:--Plaln, play that can re-make Elgin as the-determ/Md aNI em1matlc. te' . f B d tgnmg star o roa way. When Frank accepts the role, he is faced with the challenge of bis career. Bernie and Georgie clash head-on when the play tries out in Boston. Frank is panned and goes to pieces, as Dodd blames Georgie and orders her back to New York. Three people locked in a web of ambition, need and desperation. A husband and wife who tell contradictory stories; only one is the truth. Who is The Country Girl?-An ambitious shrew or a mis- understood woman. Bernie Dodd learns the truth and is faced with the decision of his life when he comes to love her and to realize that his love can destroy the man he is trying to save-and the play of a lifetime. ''W• h•41 ao mMy monthly lnatallments to pey Of'I our car. color TV. appll. Psj11•ll•-• it an cu. and $1.IO ,.._,., otMI bllla that No peJl'*'b •I _....., • t tot bthlnd In And no belloon .,_~ At ,_ "'pW-rm"'"teft"'ta on our home, Union. only $7.!50 per mottth• Md WM efrakt we'd loM )t. on eadl $900 borroWed ln-•-n.tn ftly wtfe went to the ~ clUCS.S bOth principel and In-*'· Ind mo ... UpenMI pit.ct t.resl-f9Ply& your toell In fullf up. t waa to worried t couldn't Cetlt ff\ M houri. on ~ afMp, but thank aoodne• I with food title. And you •re toed my trof.lbtet to our Church ellalt* wMtMr your home le ....,..._. paid tor ~ not. Your "nd..-· "Ht ICMMd me to catr Union at.ndlns Union loan countetor Home loe.,._.nd '11ht on the cen appnwe your to.n rtpt on l)fM)M they arnn1ecf a $3,SOO Utt phone, •nd •rr•nse for~ ioan· tttat pekt off 111 our blU1 to make no peymena for g Mid Mved our home -with n,c>n~ $o calt Union todey-c:ath t.ft o'ltf1" •net 1tt out of dtbtf . ·i.. ...... '" 13' _,..,.. _.., a Mt.LM.K.,Qa ..... ~ 1.._-. .... _..... In GAROEN GROVE call Mr. Mites .•....• 539-2122 ln LOS ANGELES call Mr. Ralston ...... DU 5-4141 . , COMl"TOf!..1....1.. ••••• c:.alt Mr. atafford ..... '7"7a2 ~OSN o..uva ... c•ll Mr. Mii• •..• Sa94t~ &.ONG ll&ACH • _ .•. call Mr. Donohue • .a• .... Loe.,...._.. -.... c•jl Mr. ,. ... ton • OU ..,.,,., ~· ••• -.•. ~I Mr. Whalen •• sa-a..-. YAN NUYS ••••••• call Mr. Peblo ••• 787-1...:M WMrrt111~", , , • , , •• call Mr. 8helty ••• ..._11M UNION HOME LOAN8 -0" ""9 -·.._..-Ce~ ,.. CAL-• THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 25, 1969 WEDNESDAY (Continued) II) Run fw Your life (C) (60) fill Yos Dofllf'1 WOfUt (60) "Stocks and Bonds." A study of the dyn1m· ics of buyf na and sellin1 In the stock martiet, from the stlndpoint of the small Investor and the stock broker himself. 1:00 fJ MUlioft $ Morie: ''Tlte Helen Morpn Stllry" (drama) '57 -Ann Blyth, Paul Newman, Gene Evans.. m T,. or ConMqueftca (C) (30) ll)Pwry ..... (60) m c.adoo " 1a Rau (30) 9 Cl) .. of Hof.,._ flJ Un Aftpl .. • Fanao @I) SyMa , EJlrill• U RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES LAKERS 9:30119 Cl) C... Aa9I '(C) (30) A yoona law araduata, Brian Wllllams (Rick Lenz), arrives at the Doualu farm to discuss with Oliver the possibility of openlna a law office in HooteMlle. After one of Lisa's famous breekf1sts, Olivet' and Brian VS. S. D. ROCKETS U Lalllfs W119-up (C) to to town to look for a likely loca· m Hazel (C) (30) tlon. fll) The Woc1d We live In (C) (30) fJ Ntin (C) (30) Ted Meyers. ''The Sun Watchers." A look at @I) l•pect.os Mutkal• man's use of the enormous power 10:00119 Cl) Hnnff fiw.-0 (C) (60) in the aun, with an explanation of McGarrett is a key hostap in an how the sun may possibly be de-attempted prison break. stroyed within 50 mlllion years. 8 ~ @8' Tile Outsider (C) 81) Mfercol• Mlllkal (60) "A Bowl of Chemes." David Ross offers to help the aon of an 1:05 a LaMrs llalblball (C) (2 hr old friend only to become enmeshed f5" min) Ollclt Hnm calls the ac· In a homicide. Scott Marlowe iuem.. tion between the La~ and the fJ ....... , om ... (30) S.n Dieao Rockets. m Ntin (C) (60) • 8:30 m Thlt Show (C) (30) "Anythin1 IJ "The Good Guys" Comedy To Declarer· Geor1e Jessel and * HIT OF Tt~E SEASON!! ~~:.~:,au<~> Suma's car 11 T1tt Cieod GUJS (C) (30) Rufus breaks down and Barbara's purse and Bert play Cupid to their buddy, is lost on the way to ski les300s. trucker Bia Tom (Alan Hale), but Aki aoes on a shoppina spree. at the lut minute Tom decides he @I) Dic:M ltebada does not want to be married. 10-.ZO a ~ .,. ... ., (C) D tm (1) G) Ptrton Place (C) l0:30 g ,.._ (C) (60) (JO) Rodney 1oes home alone; Alma has a frank talk with Vickie; steven D Mewl« "TM ~lrt He Uft .. tells Susan his plans to tiaht the lilir. (comedy) 56-Tab Huntlf', Peyton will; Lew learns his fathlf Natahe Wood, Jim Backus, James Is eoina to New Yor1t. Gerner, David .lenutn. ti) News (C)/hbUc Setvic8 m Donald O'Connor (C) (90) fE Art and Artlata (30) "John ID ... t tM Odds (C) (30) Piper." S9otflafltin1 the woru J1nd fll) Book But (30) Robert Cromie life of British artist John Piper, this dlicusses "Seven Days to Sunday," BBC production visits the home of a detailed account of a crucial week the artist and details the Influence In the life of a pro-football team, such surroundinp had on hla pro- with authof Eliot Asinof, a devoted duction. New Yortl Giants fan. @It 8en Sin Hlsbta m Sonrilu 11:001J au m m ..... cc> t:OO IJ BeverlJ HlllbllliH (C) (30) m liars' Qllb (C) Rolfe Petemn, Jetflro turns down Cousin Roy Jane Dulo, Beth Brickell and Rich· (country-music star Roy Clark) as a an! Deacon auest. client for his Hollywood aaency in ID Mowtt: "Prlvat. Heir (drama) the conclusion of this episode. '54-fda Lupino, Howard Duff. Jethro dismisses his country cousin (jj) Cl) 9 (I) Ntin (C) IS "flddle-s:rapin' hay-shaker''-9 Cl) @m ..... until Roy makes a hit r~rd on his 11:301J Mtirie: (C) "Jublte Trar' (w.st· own. em) '53-forrest Tucbr, Joan Lafle. D KRAFT MUSIC HALL D 9 00 m Tonlpt .,.. (C) * Eddy Arnold, Johnny !> M.!z*-M~,!'*J1~ (dra· Puleo, The Cows ills 0 @ CI> a> Joer aw.o, <C> 0 9 (j) 8' Kraft Mak Hall (C) m I Lon Lacy <60> Eddy Arnold hosts. 12:00 m n SaftMt St-'9 O@(f)SUIC WednesdaJ lilftt« (f) "he H.,.illt' (dra· 12:15 ~ Mowle: "Sulptue". (mystery) ma) '67 -Anthony Quinn, Georee '4~1ny Sullivan, Behta. Maharis, Michael Parks, Robert 12:30 II) Action n.trr. ''Murder Will Walker, Martha Hyer, Faye Dun•· OUl" way. A tale of revenae taken by 1•00 D U Nen (C) racketeer·hotel-owner Roe Delmoni· • co. Btlievina that a 1roup of U Conlmun~ Bulletin Board (C) touatts Is bent on abductina his m fro111 the Inside Out (C) son, Roe offers him•lf as hostaae. 1'15 mi Movlt· ''Tiie RlllSaa Y..t" The pna demands a $3,000,000 • ~ ; ransom for his return, but his wife {drama) 5~Teresa Wriaht, John and his business partner refuse to Saxon, pay. Enra1ed. Roe oraanizes the 1:30 m All-Nlfbt Sltow: "Woman in Ult captors Into a new clime-wise team. Window." "Rouaflly Speakinl'' and Tht Supremes sin11 the title sonr, "The TW'Ollky." 69 :b m· th• .int >Ck A ms ••• lht ice a'1 Ian Cl· )()) an (C) Yid an ted dJ.. ina tnd car rse ns. thn ind his of ~c:e ro- on, :h· ia) lit· lit. I ra· C} th• tnd I A 1967 release~ Explosive action and deadly intrigue! IN SAIGON: SOME MAYUVE with Joseph Cotten, Martha Hyer and Peter Cushing. In Color. 4:30 PM cesa THURSDAY JANUARY 30 for morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 fJ (C) "Tiie Youa1 l.alMI" (west· em) ·s~at Wayne, Yvonne Cr1la. 9:30 D "Co Wat, Youn1 Man" (com· ecij) '36-Mae West 10:00 fJ "Tomorrow, the WoM' (dra· ma) '45-fredric March, Skip Ho- meler. 12:JO m "'TH T•. Mr&. Carnlla" (dra· ma) -'-47-Humphrty Bo1art, Barbara Stanwyck. 2:00 ti) .. Many Mt A(aln" (comedy) '53-Marie Wilson, Bob Cummlnp. 3:30 fJ "A Uft la tM lalaac:t" (drama) 'SS-Ricardo Montalban, Anne Ban· croft. 4:30 R (C) us... Mq LM" (drama) '67-Jo•ph Cotten, Martha Hyer. EVfNING 6:00 1J Tiie Bia News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlef-Brlnkl., (C) (30) IJ StM Allen Sllow (C) (90) Vin· cent Price, The Turtles, Everett Greenbaum, Pat Harrinrton and Jayne Meadows auut. fJ Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "S•Pil Khan" Part I (adventure) '65--0mar Sharif, Stephen Boyd, James Mason, Eli Wallach. fJ I Spy (C) (60) tD Batman (C) (30) @ (]) MMY lirtffin (C) Ell) Wh1f1 Nw? (30) "Where Do We Get It?" William Smith is the guide for a tour of an Oreron dairy farm. €1) Datitto la liloria a) KPlM Ntwa (C) 6:30 0 KNBC Newservlce (C) (60) tD Vey.,. ID Utt Bottom of a.it Sea (C) (60) I (6) HunUef·BrlnkllJ (C) iiiOrt lot Your MOMJ (30) (I) e> ma>""" <C> 1:001J CBS Ennln1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I What's My LIM? (C) (30) Paawont (C) (30) 6 Hip and Wiid (C) ~Inc tM liultlr (30) "Buylna a Guitar." Instructor Frederick Noad compares various types of auitars -includin1 the classiCll aultar, which is used to lllusttat. tht course. This is the first procram in the first series of the "Playina the Guitar'' shows. I Cl) Mctc.le'1 Nt¥J Trvt AdWinbn Tndtt or C.naequencea (C) 7:30 1J tB (I) Tiie Quttn and I (C) (30) ·Duffi and hia pals lnau1urate a wild plan to alt rid of First Of· fleer NellOfl, who st.Inda In thtl r ..., to blstimt profits. Duffy d• cldes to romance Gertrude Hartz· feld« (Alice Ghostley), who Is In charae ot the commodore's ~ tion list. In Ofdtr to haw Nebon promoted to another ship, D 0 00 m Da11t1 1oot1e <C> (60) "Coppef'tlead Izzy." A swindler tries to lndude Intl Boone In his adopted family of thieves. Vincent Price auests. QI) (]) ('.!) Ulf lllt ~ht ht T ... I Lost hi SplCe (C) (60) ( (30) Mlltao. $ Mewie: "T1llt CotnltlJ lilrf' (dr1ma) '54--Grace Kelly, Bini Crosby, William Holdtn. A Broadway and recordi111 .Ur, lost In morass of self-pity near1y mluas chance et a comeback. I Tnitlt • C.nttCI.,.._ (C) (30) hnJ MlllOft (60) Candon de la bza (30) U11 Aqtt ta el faq9 1:00 QI .... ...... (C) ( ) Sh!t Winters, Paul Lynde, 0. C. Smith. Jimmy B«pn, ana The Est.abllsflment •UtSt. IJ (iil (]) m n.. f1Jlnc Ila (C) {30) "The Great Casino Robbery." Part I of two parts. Sister Bertrill•'• Und1 Reul• comes to San Tanco to work as the . pit boss In Casino Carlos. He has a itass window In· atalled In the countln1 room, and it draws a couple of crooks. One of them, Faye, poses as a nun to help pull off the caper. Alan Hele Jr., Ruta lee 1uest m ttaie1 <C> <30) fl!) NET ,..,._.. (90) ''The Blood Knot." Athol Fuprd'a two-character (Continued) Genghis Khan Omar Sharif Stephen Boyd In Ctl1r on The Six O'Clock Movie. Thursday, Part I. Friday, Part II.~ DOG WITH A PRICE ON HER HEAD "She's no Rin-Tin-Tin but the underworld has a $10,000 con- tract out for her death," says Jack Webb speaking about Ginger. a 4-year-old German shepherd who stars in "Narcotics-DR-21" on NBC's Dragnet, Thursday at 9:30 PM. Webb's reference to Rin-Tin-Tin was prompted because Ginger is trained to ferret out bidden marijuana, not to act on television. And because she didn't take too kindly to fooling around in front of cameras. Webb and company spent an extra day filming this particular episode. While Ginger's owner, dog trainer Robert Buesing, admits the canine is not for movies. he points out she's something else when it comes to "pot" sniffing. And the Los Angeles Police Depart- ment will back up his claims. Approximately 90 per cent of the marijuana in the U.S. passes through the Los Angeles International Airport on its way from Mexico. For yearo; it was passing virtually undetected. It was a near impossibility for the narcotics detectives to find it in its various disguised packages. That was before Capt. Alfred W. Trembly, commander of the LAPD's narcotics division, hit upon the idea of using dogs. Finding the right dog didn't come easily. Buesing. owner of the Continental Canines, Inc., had some 400 dogs in his company -most of them trained to guard businesses, warehouses and car lots. DRUG SNIFF£R-Gingn is a Gtrman Shtphtrd ustd by tht Los Angtlrs Police Dtpartmtnt in finding marijuana. In sctnt abovt, actnr Don Dubbins. portraying Bob Butsin1. tht dog's actual trainer, is putting Gingtr through a test btfort a judicial body which will dt· cidt whtthtr or not tht dog's accomplishments art acetplablr in court. It was a painstaking process to train the dogs to overlook other tempting smells and go only for marijuana. In fact out of all the dogs, the field narrowed down to three, including Ginger. After three months, Ginger was put to a crucial test. She was taken to a warehouse where 25,000 boxes, five of them containing marijuana, were stored. The pot was sealed in cellophane, wrapped in tin foil and heavy brown paper, and finally sealed in separate cartons. Within seven minutes. Ginger had found all five packages. The LAPD narco squad had a new secret weapon and narcotics traf- fiickers have been uneasy ever since. Webb, in his insistence on realism, declined using dogs trained to act and react before cameras and hired Ginger for the job. "I've been accused of being a growler and a barker and always doing things my way. We did it Ginger's way this time." THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 25, 1969 THURSDAY (Continued) drama by the BBC explores the relationship between two brothers-- one who is black and one who could pass for white. @I) Ftlldano! (C) NIGIITSCHOOL INSTRUCTOR -Marla W1kem.aa (aunt star Jud MacLacblan) ttfusa to be-- l'ome lnYolnd In a ruJ.llfe law l'ue, despite the ul'lfna of ooe of bn stucknts, Mark Sanaer (series star Don MlkheU), In "Rundown on a Bum Rap" l'Olorcast of lro• side, Thursday al 11:30 PM. 9:30 D 9 (1) €?:') Dninet (C) (30) "Narcotics -DR-21." The llleaal flow of marijuana from Medco throuati the Los Anreles AirJIC)rt has the narcotics squad baffled until Friday and Gannon enlist the help of the police dogs. Ginger, 1 German Shepherd employed by the LAPD in uncovertnr narcotics. fUests. 0 @ (3) EE Joun"' tD a.. Un· known (C) (60) "The Madison Equation." Adam frost, an insur- ance man investiratina the death of brilliant youna scientist Ralph Madison at an elaborate computer research center, uncovers evidence that someone is proaramming the most advanced computer to design perfect murders. Barbara Bel Geddes, Alan Cuthbertson. Sue Lloyd and Jack Hedley star. 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Ell) Wasflinftl>n in Review (C) (30) 10:00 Q ID (i) m Dnn Martin (C) (60) Victor Borae. Sid Caesar, Lena Horne, and The Times Square Two guest. 0 m News (C) (60) O Marshal Dillon (30) ID POftrllt of 1 Star (C) (60) "Wal· ter Brennan." Richard Arlen, Janel Blair, Andy Devine, Buddy Ebsen, James Garner, Howard Hawks, Don· aid O'Connor and Chill Wills help host Ralph Nelson honor the star. Ell) TM1tre Beat (30) The Perlorm· ing Arts Society of Los Angeles Community Players present scenes from "An Anthology of Black Writ· ing.'' Hiil Marienthal talks about the play with guests Van Whit- field, Jitahara, and Tata Nisha. el Dicha Robada 10:30 0 T.H.L Cat (C) (30) O Movie: (C) ''Your Shadow la Mine" (drama) '63-Jill Haworth, Michael Ruhl. 1:30 D @ 00 m Ironside (C) (60) @ 00 Feature "Rundown on a Bum Rap." Law @1) Sacramento File (30) student Mark Sanger is embittered m Gente Sin Historia when his att.ractive niaht school (p) Twillfht Zone teacher refuses t? deal with the 11•00 .:111 ... O .:71' '.!:\ N (C) law on a practical level. even • -~ ~ \i,tj ews though a miscarriage of justice 11 Alfred Hitchcock threatens. James GregOfY and Janet m Lim' Club (C) Macla<:hlan auest. ID Public Service (C) 0 Boxina (C) (60) Dick Enberg @ 00 fD (jJ News (C) and Mickey Davies .are rinpde. ~ (!) m News o tm oo m Bewitched cc> <30> 11 ·15 m M · • "State ft&.. rtm t File "Samantha the Bard." Sam appre· • , ovie. • ..... .,a .. en 1 ciates poetry, but when everything ~9' (~ys~e~) 49 -Wilham Lun· comes out in rhyme she seeks help d1gan, Virginia Bruce. from Dr. Bombay. • 11:30 IJ Movie: "Blackboard Jung1e" I Donald O'Connor (C) (90) (d~a.ma) '55 -Gle~n ford. Sidney But the Odds (C) (30) Poitier. Anne Francis. Muaica J Estrellu (C) 0 @@ m Toniafit Show (C) 9:00 R ~ (j) CBS Thunday Movie: ~ Movie: (C) "Ebb Tide" (drama) ~ "Cat on a Hot Tln Roof' (dra· 37~scar Homolka, fr~nces Farmer ma) '58 -Elizabeth Taylor, Paul 0 @ CiHE Joey Bishop (C) Newman, Burl Ives, Jack Carson. m I Love Lucy Judith Anderson. A ferocious and 12:00 m 77 Sunset strip fascinating look at a family divided by its views of the pendina death 12:15 0 Movie: "Two Guns and a Badie" of the father. The movie is based (wes1em) '54-Wayne Morris. on Tennessee Williams' Pulitzer 12:45 ID Action fll.eatre: "Chicago Con· Prize and New York Drama Critic's fldential" Circle Award-winning play. · 0 @00G) That Girl (C) (30) 1:00 0 fJ News (C) "Many Happy Returns." Haphazard 11 Community Butlttln Board (C) at keeping files. Ann learns that she m from the Inside Out (C) owes $2600 in back taxes---unless she can dispute it by presenting her records. ID Run for Your life (C) (60) @I) El Mundo Esta Loco 1:15 IJ Morie: "First Men Into Spice'' (sci·fi) '59-Marshall Thompson. l :30 ID All·Nifht Show: "Outlaw's Son," "Vice Squad," and "The Great War " • -I c b ( a \ t f t ( ( ) I ' .t :I I • y I, .. n ·. h h 1r • • n !I e I) )) .a 0 I· !l 1, 1· p r. 1· ts !$ ,. Jt t· Is h, le n· 1" ey a) "· t" n· I, .. r" Harlem Globetrotters: Basketball Wizardry "Look, boss, there's nothing in my contract that says I have to catch fire.'' "That's right, Toots. And since you arc the hottest player we have, here's a $50 bonus." That conversation took place in 1927, the year the Harlem Globetrotters began. They were playing any place they could dribble a ball, and one night during a game in a dance hall Walter (Toots) Wright landed on one of the two pot-bellied stoves that heated the building. His pants caught fire. The Harlem Globetrotters of today, colorful as ever, have the fanciest fellows in basketbaJI and a routine that captures the atten- cion of both young and old. They will be seen in a full hour spons and entercainment special in color on CBS, Friday at 7: 30 PM, originating at the Felt Forum at Madison Square Garden, New York City. CAGE STARS-Fr1ddi1 Nral {ltt/t) and Mftldowlllrlc I.Amon dtmon· strait the b-.sbtball skills they display on "Thtt Harltm GlolHtrotltrs," sports and 1n11r1alnn1111t spteial Comedian Soupy Sales, in a change of pace role, acts as their coach in their game against the Washington Generals. Back in '27, with the late Abe Saperstein as founder, coach , team physician and you-name-it, the Globetrotters played one-night stands in many unusual settings. For instance, in Harlem, Mont., a game was played in a drained swimming pool. The bottom of the pool was smooth enough, but it was downhill into the deep end or uphill when the play went the other way. Jn Hartford, Wis., they played in the opera house, which had a low, galvanized ceiling. Prom then on the Globetrotters played rebounds off the ceiling. Even in their first year of barnstorming the Globetrotters won I 01 while losing only six, playing all comers. This was the year that the Globetrotters introduced the razzle-<laz.zle ball-handling and trick shots which, constantly augmented by new surprises, arc their trademark today. And who were the originators of this living legend in basketball? Of course. Abe Saperstein and the original five players: Walter (Toots) Wright, Byron (Fats) Long, Al (Runt) Pullins, Willie (Kid) Oliver and Andy Washington. Numbered among the players of today carrying on the tradition of the world famed Globetrotters are such greats as Meadowlark Lemon, "The Clown Prince of Basketball"; Bob (Showboat) Hall; Freddie (Curley) Neal, master of the dribble: Leon Hillard, one of the best showmen the sport h~ developed; and Hallie Bryant. former All-America nominee, to name a few. The Globetrotters make a basketball sing. roll over, play dead or clown. And their playing is of championship caliber. Kathryn Hays Joins 'The Brides' This Wednesday (7: 30 PM), ABC airs an unusual episode of Herc Come tbc Brides, entitled "A Kiss Just For So," guesc-starring Kathryn Hays (The Road West). In it, Kathryn plays Dena, an Amish girl, the first young lady in whom Juon (Robert Brown) has shown the slightest interest. The role presented Kathy with a difficult challenge. To beain.with, the storyline is 1 mite unbelievable. For here is Jason Bolt, surrounded by 100 nubile maidens who are very much interested in romance and marriage, and he alone of. all the men in town hasn't shown an interest in any of them. But along comes an Amish girl (travelling with a group of her people who arc going to resettle in a large valley miles beyond Scattle)-a girl whose re- ligion precludes any make-up, who dresses in long skirts and heavy black stockings, wean a severe hair style and must marry within her own group. Yet, despite her restrictions, Dena allows a strong love to arow between them. Just why Jason "turns on" to this kind of girl is not the number one question f acina the nation, but it was a real acting challenae to Kathy, in terms of making the romance believable. "There wasn't much physical attractiveness going for Dena," .,.~ • claims Mis,, Hays. "And we adhered quite closely to the Amish cus- toms, mannerisms and style of dress. But I had to do something that would make her an attractive person, especially to Jason, who is characteriz.ed as a ruued. dashing virile sort of man. -.. First of-atl1 I gave beNl .ense of...lwrnor, ..which reallv wasn't hJ the script. And the prim, prissiness of her character I played in terms of naivete, rather than stiffness. I made her very warm, very concerned, very loving. There was also the idea of atvaction between opposite types, and for Jason-whom all the girls run afteJ<-the challenge of a girl who is not forward and is very difficult to get to know." Kathy also took a few liberties with the Amish speech pattern. She explains that their actual pattern is very rhythmic with a mo- notonous sound which would have been deadly for a dramatic story. The relationship between Dena and Jason becomes so intense that Jason agrees to become Amish, so he can marry her. Part of the Amish belief is total non-violeocc, even to the P.Oint of making no defense or protest if someone threatens your hfe, or your family. Jason maintains this stance with great difficulty, until a .rowdy Irish- man puts Jason's new beliefs to the supreme test. The episode will be of great interest to viewers, not only because it marks Brown's first romance, but because of the unusual love story. Pap 17 'LAW and ORDER BLUES~ ... CAltl 8ETZ AND HOWARD DUFF The Felony Squad and Judd for the Defense combine to provide a unique television event on ABC, Friday, Jan. 31. A two-part teleplay, titled "Law and Order Blues," begins on Felony (9: 30 PM ) and concludes on Judd (I 0 PM) that same night. The stars of the two 20th Century-Fox Television shows are brought together in the story of an African tribal chief (Marcel Nburu), portrayed by guest star Brock Peters. The chief is a government official of an emerging nation who is bilked out of $50,000 and decides to take the Jaw into his own bands. Carl Betz stars as Atty. Clinton Judd, who is hired to defend the chief following his arrest on assault charges by Sgt. Sam Stone, portrayed by Howard Duff, star of Felony. Judd effects Marcel's release but bis primitive ideas of jus- tice lead to his re-arrest and dramatic confrontations between Judd and Sgt. Stone. Harold Gast, producer of Judd, wrote the teleplay which is the last episode of The Felony Squad on ABC. By coinci- dence, Gast wrote the first episode of the police show when it debuted some three years ago. The idea for the tandem drama occured to Philip Saltzman, producer of Felony, during a social gathering with Gast early last year. Gast immediately endorsed the idea and, because he was the only one to have written for both TV shows, be inherited the job of writing the teleplay. The teleplay, itself, is based in part on an actual story Gast ran across, while researching background for another story, several years ago in New York. "Law and Order Blues" also marks the second appearance of Brock Peters in an episode of Judd. He appeared in an award winning episode, "Commitment," which aired last year. All of the stars of both shows, Dennis Cole, Stephen Young, Ben Alexander, Betz and Duff. are seen in their familiar roles in the teleplay that has all the elements of a detective mys- tery story. 0 I. IS 1t s f e s s !l 1 ) I Although I have interviewed more than 2000 television per- sooaWdes down through die yea.rs. no one has ever interviewed me. So today I will interview myself. Q.-Considering what a lousy television season this bas been so far as regutar programming is concerning what can you suggest as improvements? A.-1 would say that is a very simple question. The No. l element In any series has to be characters about whom you can care. If you do not care what the characters do, or do not, you wm not watch the silow. Q.-How do you know this tD be true? Have you ever produced a TV series? A.-No. But you dtln't have to be a pijot tn become president of an air- line. Nor a successful playright to ~ come a good critic. Q.-What do you d i s 1 i k e about actors? A.-Most seem interested only in RICH themselves and the1r careers. Q.-Wbat do you like most about actresses? A.-Their shapes. Q.-Do you think in Lieu ot what happened at tne Democratic Convention in Chicago, the way the TV coverage was handled, that d:le government should step in with censorstiip? A.-Abeolutely not. It would be the begiruring of tbe end of a tree press, as we know it today. * * * Q.-Are most networks and stations really interested in im- proving thefr programming? A.-Why, of COU1"9e ••• if it'U help them sell more commer- cials. • Q.-What do you tike most about your job? A.-Funny you should ask. In this order (a) five o'clock (b) pay day (c) being paid partially for something you'd do anyway- wat.ch TV. Q.-How do actors react to the reviews you write? A.-If you give them good reviews they regard you as a critic of "depth and perception." ff you give them bad reviews they think you are a no good bwn. Q.-Can you count on any friends in HoJlywood, which has often been described as a jungle? A.-Yes. Those I gave good J'e'V'iews. Q.-Your TV column is the longest established of any now being published by a daily newspaper in the West. Started as a radio column. Dates back to 1943. How d!d it all begin? A.-My employers couldn't find anyone else to give it to! * * * Q.-Wbat is your pet gripe in relation to your work? A.-One « them is people who are late for interviews and keep you sitting around waiting. (Real stars ~Y do. It's the other kind.) Another gripe is press agents who send out releases lilce this, quote, "Three producers are paging (name of actor) for 1leading roles in upcoming shows." (They never say who the producers are and the actor is usuaJly someone not even his mother would watch on the telly.) Q.-How king does it usuaJly take you to write your column? A.-That all depends. Sometimes you can maybe knock it out in hQ!f an hoor. (And it usually sounds like it.) It you "bieed" and struggle with it, it could take tour times that long. (And sounds like it.) Q.-Why are you continually knocking commerdaJs? A.-Because 75 per cent of them insult YOUR intelligence and mine. Q.-Wih.at is needed most on television? A.-Good drama on a regular basis that adults can oojoy. Q.-What advice can you offer young men who wish to be- come TV columnists? A.-Go into another business! BUY NOW--SAVE UP TO $100 NOW SYLVA.NIA STEREO COSTS LE1SS '399 SAVE $50 SC2HP M " i e I t i c Mecfiterr•n••n design of phy1icelly di1tru- ud Pec•n veneers •nd 1elect wood 101· ids. Antiqued hud- w•r•. G•rrard Cus- tom Profeuion•I •mp• lifier, FM /S t e r e o/ FM/AM tuner with d'Ar1onve l tun in g meter. ·'' ' . . 11! ~~ .:~ t : •I ! . c ''j ' ,, . I ~ . i 1' ·. ~ ~ .. . -_. I. . . . I : ---- ----' SC279P Ric h Medi· terr•ne•n d e 1 i g n. Duply carved pilu- ters end freme p•n· eh. Wood grille let- tice. Gerrard Cu1tom Profeuional Autom•· tic T u r n t • b I e. 50 Wett IE IA ) empli- fiu. FM/Stereo/FM/ AM turt•r with d'Ar· tonvel tuning m•ter ' .-- 1 '439 SAVE $56 5595 SAVE $100 SC2'6C Inspired Tr•- d:tion•I design from the mid· I 8th century of phy1ically distres- sed Cheery veneers end select wood 101- idt. Auth•ntic h•rd· w.,e end rich leitice 9rilles. Du•I IOI S Autometic Turnt•ble. 100 Witt IEIAI 1olid 1t1te emplifier. Ft( Stereo/FM/ AM tuner with d'Arsonvel 1i9nel stren9th tunin9 meter. DAVIS·BROWN 21 YNrt o\ De~•blo Service In tho HubM ArN OPEN NIGHTS TILL t P.M. -SAT. TILL 6 P.M. 411 East 17th S~eet. Co1ta Mesa 646-1684 hpll lliE DAILY PILOT, TV W£EK. JANUARY 25, 1969 GLEN CAMPBEL~ A MODERN MINSTREL I( 1968 belongs 10 any artist in the enter- tainment field, it's Glen Campbell, the young man from Delight (Arkansas), who not only swepl more honors than anyone else in show business during the year, but also emerged as the brightest new motion pic- ture, television and recording star in more than a decade. Bobbie Gentry In less than 12 months Glen was signed for two separate television series on CBS (The Summer Brothers Smothers Show and his new series, The Glen Campbell Good- time Hour, that debuts this Wednesday at .-..7:30 PM); signed for six motion pictures and-in addition-piled up three Gold Rec- ords. four Grammy Awards, three awards from the Academy of Country/Western Music and then was named "Entertainer of the Year"' by the Country Music Asso- ciation. He is now the best-selling recording artist in the country with an unprecedented six albums simultaneously at the top of the national music charts. Speaking of his new television show, Campbell describes it as a comedy series with music and a srrong emphasis on the bright and fresh talents in the entertain- ment busjness. Comedian Pat Paulsen is already set for appearances on most of the broadcasts, and special guests for the first show are The Smothers Brothers. Bobbie Gentry and John Hartford. "'We have o ne of 1he best production staffs in television." Campbell says proudly. "I'm really excited about working with Marty Pasetta again." Pasetta directed the Summer Brothers Smothers Show, which 61en hosted, and moves over to the new Campbell show from the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. "Roeer Gim~I, who's one of the bcs1 in the business, is our producer. and we're for- tunate enough to have two of the funnies! auys around, Bernie Kukoff and Jeff Harris, headina up our writing staff," he says. Campbell admits that the fame and ac- claim he has reaped in recent months has him reeling a bit. "Remember, I'm from Delight, Arkansas. a town with a population of around 500 people," he points out. "I used to think it was a big deal that I knew everybody in town and they all knew me. Now, all of a sudden, I find that people all over the country know who I am and, believe me, for a down-home country boy, that can be sort of overwhelminJ!" Co«ania& with obD Wayne in .. True Grit," the first of his six-picture pact with Hal Wallis Productions, Campbell portrays a Texas Ranger who helps a young girl (Kim Darby) in pursuit of her father's murderer in Arkansas in the I 880s. "It was a real thrill to work with the best -John Wayne-in my first movie. It llas always been my lifelong ambition to act in a western," says Glen. "I used to pick cotton all day long on Saturdays to get enough money to sec Roy Rogers or Rex Allen. And you've rt>ally got to want to sec them bad to pick cotton for the admission money." Born the seventh son of a seventh son, Glen's musical career began at age four when his father bought rum his first guitar. By the time he was six years of age, GJen had become a child prodigy, singing and strumming his guitar on radio shows throughout the tri-state area. At 14 years of age he joined his first band, a western group, led by his uncle, Dick Bills. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. During the next few years, Glen toured with his uncle, and, eventually, his own band. Albuquerque and a club called The Hitching Post were home base. One evening, while performing at the club, Glen met Billie Nunley, the girl who soon became Mrs. Glen Campbell. Shortly after they were married, the two of them, along with a '57 Chevrolet, a small trailer Qf belong- ings and about $300 departed for California and what was supposed to be a new job and opportunity. Jt was early in 1960, and as it turned out, there wasn't any job. Glen, however, managed to find work and he played in a variety of different rock groups around the city. Although the money wasn't greal, it was enough--5upplemented by Bil- lie's job in a bank-to pay the rent on a small apartment in Hollywood. (roday the Campbells live in a contemporary home in Laurel Canyon with their two children, KelJi and Travis.) Eventually Glen's voke and musicianship (although he didn't read music) earned him regular work in the recording studios. By 1961 , his singing ability had become as well known as his guitar playing. G len's first national hit was "Turn Around-Look at Me,,. which he recorded for a small label. This success attracted the attention of Capi- tol Records. and Glen was soon signed to an ex.elusive contract. His first release, "Too Late To Worry-Too Blue To Cry," justi- fied Capitol's interest, and the disk jumped on the national best-seller list. Still, most of his time was taken up with recording-sessions for other artists. During the next few years Capitol released a num- ber of Campbell recordings, however, none became the big hit the label was looking for to launch Glen's career. Then in 1967, Glen found a song in Nashville, "Gentle on My Mind," which became an overni$hl smash. That was followed almost immediately with "By the Time I Get to Phoenix." "Hey, Little One," and a string of others includ- ing "Wichita Lineman." Along with the singlca came the bit LPs and by early 1968, Olen had established himself as one of the finest y9ung singers in the country. Glen with Pat Paulun What kind of son~ does he sing? "I call it 'People Music'," says G len. "They're not shuckin' it right off the cob anymore. Roger Miller ("King of 1he Road") opened a lot of people's ears to lhe possibilities of coun- try music with modern ingredients. And it's making more impact now because it's earthy material-stories and things that hap- pen to everyday people. The corn you hear with one fiddle, a banjo and a rhythm guitar isn't 'country,' it's just bad bluegrass. The new country sound is much smoother. "J don't think my songs really fall into any particular category. If there's anything about them I think it's the lyrics ... they're meaningful and I hope they say something to the people.·· Judging by Glen's sucess. they do. 59 I i- d h g I• t: If n y l. h '· 1. e I, e FRIDAY JANUARY 31 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 fJ (C) "frtndlle" (adventure) '51 -Shelley Winters, Joel McCrea. 9:30 0 "laiwt l'J Ntl~ (comedy) 'l-0-Jeck Benny, Fred Allen. 10:00 0 "Be Trvttl About WoMn" (comedy) '58 -Leurtnce Harvey, Julie Harris. 12:30 m "llllobJ ()kt" (cflSSlc) '56 - Gret0ry Peck, Orson Welles. 2:00 GJ "Stied No TNrs" (mystery) '.48 -June Vincent, Frank Albertson. 3:30 B ~IDI'• hcQ" (comedy) ''1-Micby Rooney, Buddy Hackett. 4:30 B "Tltt HIYa of HofH" (drama) ·a -Janet Leigh, Edmund Gwenn, Lassie. rvENING 6:00 fJ The 81& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlty-Brfnkley (C) · (30) IJ stM Allen Show (C) (90) Mort Sahl, Pat Harrineton, John Byner, Talya Ferro and Christine Jorgen- sen guest. D Sil O'Cleck Morit: (C) "Ctn&hil Khan" Part II (adventure) '65- 0mar Sharif, Jami!$ Mason. 11 Spy (C) (60) 81tm1n (C) (30) (]) Mtrt Clrttfln <C) W11ar1 Nlllfl (30) "Ballel" How a ballet dancer is trained is dem· onstrated by the Southern Ballet C4mpany of Atlanta, Georgia. I Datlno la Qloria KPLM Nws ( 6:30 KNBC N....!lc. (C) (60) Voyap to the Bottom of tlle Sta (C) (60) @ (i) HunU.,-lrfnklef (C) fE) The Absurd A111 (3Q) "Absurd Modes of Meaning." Dr. Clarence Sandelin explores avant-prde ex· periments with special attention to the deYelopment of op arl ~mtl)ma>N ... cc> 7:00 8 CJs Evenln& News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I wti1r1 My Line? (C) (30) Pmwanl (C) (30) @) Cint1111 Sllowcue (C) /"The Grover Allen Story." @) M1kln& tN MOit of MaturitJ (30) "Your Philosophy for Maturity." A panel of retired people discuss th~ need to build a philosophy for senior citizens. I (j) MarbwrJ Rf'D (C) AIMrican Welt Trvtlt ot Con utncea (C) 7:SO ~QI(])~ Th Harlt,. Q~ ~) The worfd- famed Harlem Globetrotters display their basketball skills and court an· ties in a sports and entertainment special. In a change-of-pace role, Soupy S.les Is *" as the coech fl))~ (60) "Advtrtlslnt- of tht Globetrotters, ror a pmt Who Needs ur· A dlxustion of with I.ht Washlnaton Genttals. Sports 1dVertllln1 In Amef'lean culture and broadc&stef Jack Whltaktr provides consumtf attitud• towards ''tttt ad the commentary. pmt." Cuesta ,,. Ted Factor " 0 m Hl&h Chapaml (C) (60) Oovlt. Dane, Bernbach; Donald "The Gloty Soldltr1." Manollto SetU Kant.. oo-autl\()( of • book on Id· excitement end becomu benef1ct0< vtrttslna; and Stanley Roberts, a to three uniformed reUalous musi· film and television wr1ttr. clt11$. Blzabelh Allen, frank Silvera 9:30 fJ (HJ CJ) a> TIM 8uu of Wiii and Anthony Caruso auest. S.nttt (C) {30) "Trall's End." Two 11 l.olt lnl:ce (C) (60) people clalm an lntemt In Jamu fJ (fl) CI) ' DptnUcMI: Entlrtlln-Sonnett-ont seeks rwenat, the '"'"' (C) ( ) Ed Ames hom from other sttks his love. Pensacola Naval Air Station, Ra. ,. News (Cl_ (30) Ted Meytf'L His iruests include Joan Rivers, 10:00 • 9 Ci) m Stir TIK (C) (60) Dana Valery, John Daniel, Louis ' ellgtit of Zetlr." Hostile allen i and The Three Dearees. brains become a threat to the En· • MllHon $ MGM: "Convicts Four" terprisa when they take O¥er ttte ( 1raphy) '63 -Ben Gazzara, mind and body of one of the of. Stuart Whitman, Rod Ste11tr, Sim· flcen;. Jan Shut.In 1uests. I Davis Jr., Vincent Price. 0 m N_, (C) (60) Trvttl or Con11quetK:et <C> (30) 0 JUDD TANGLES WITH ~~':'~60~ (30) * FELONY SQUAD SGT. Un Anp en ti hnp IN UNIQUE TV EVENT 1:00 Hazel (C) (30) D ()1) (I) a> Judd for Ult 0.- Ralnbow QllMt (60) Johnny r.e .. (C) (60) "The Law and Order Cash and June Carter auest (Re-Blues." Conclusion. Judd defends scheduled) Marcel Nburu on charges of mur-&E> Noct. dt tstr..o der. Uncovering information reaant· 1:30 IJ Qt (f) Qomer Pyle <C> (30) IOI Nburv's arrest, Judd offers ltlt SeraeentCartef aaves Gomel's life u111.11u1I theory that Sat Sam Stone on the irenade ranae and a aratefui actually committed the mu1der. Gomer becomes-to Carter's chagrin Howard Duff. Dennis C41t and -his decreed slave. Brock Peters 1ueat. 0 9 00 m N11111 of the Gamt fJ Mll'Sllel Dillon (30) (C) (90) "LOYe-ln at Ground Zero." G) T111t Slllo. (C) (30) "lnterpreta- Publlsher Glenn Howard is kidnaped tion of Dreems." Rita M!)feno and by a group of radicals who demand Or. Harry Gershman lfUesl that he witness their "protest" sul· fil) IW> Rwltw (30) "Hlgh·Speed cide. Keenan Wynn, Tisha Ster1ina. Ground Transport." An upert from Jackie de Shannon, Henry Jones and the U.S. Department of TransPorta· Jordan Christopher auest. tion and a systems mana1ement U ~ tN Seven Stet (C) (30) contractor join Dr. Albert Hibbs to fJ JUNGLE LAW BRINGS analrz.e the answers to the meg. * FELONY SQUAD & JUDD :~ansportatJon problems of TOGETHER IN TV EVENT 61) Dlcfta Robida 0 @ (]) &) Ftlony Squad (C) 10:30 0 Morit: (C) "An Affair To R• (30) "The Law and Order Blue.s.n 1111mb«'' (drama) '57-Cary Grant. Part I. Marcel Nburu, an official of Deborah Kerr. a new African nation, is swindled I N_, (C) (30) by a crooked American business-• Clenll 5aft Hlatoria man. Brocll Peters and Cart Be 11:00 0 D &Ii) CB News (C) guest in this special drama that 0 LCINDOR & Co. take concludes on toni&ht's episode of * on dangerous CALI Judd for the Defense. 1J tJClA llSMtball (C) (2 hr) I Donald O'Connor (C) (90) UCl.A Bruins vs. Cal's Golden Bears. Beat tN Odds <C) (30) m Liars' Club (C) 9:00 fa (j) C8S Friday Movlt: (C) G) Movie: "Toniahf1 tM Nl&hf' "Medt in ParflH (musical) '6&-•5 Ann-Margret. Louis Jourdan. Richard b':"c.ec:ri 5-David Niven, Yvonne Crenna, Chad Everett, Jonn McGlver. I(]) 9 (6) Ntws (C) Fashion buyet is sent to Paris and (j) m ;tin ~ Infatuated !fith a dashing d~ U ·30 Movie: "Wllllt tM ctty Slttpl" sianer, who spins her Into a whtri ' • , c~ n of Paris heaven. Complications arise (mystery) ~ana Andrews, Ida and all is neartr lost when. her tnie IL~pla3 Ci) m Tonlpt Show (C) love, the bO$$ s son, arnves and @ CV m JotJ Bllhop (C) saves the day. t Low9 t.uq U Bill COSBY & KA YE (}) Tllt 111 Show: "Silver Riv-* STEVENS star in the er." PLAYBOY AFTER DARK 12:oom n Suntlt Strip penthouse bash tonight! 12:15 D Morit: "MHlcan Manhunt" • • (mystery) '53-Georae Brent. Swmgm' fun for everyone! 12:301 Action Thein: "Cat and Mouse." U Playboy Atw Dari (C) (60) 1:00 • fJ N.a (C) Biii (;()sby, Kaye Stevens. Bill Mtdley Mcwt« "Dr. Broeclwar" (mys· guest. Shel Silverstein, The Blos· tery) '42 -Macdontld Carey, J. soms. The Iron Butterfly, and Rev· Carroll Naish. erend Malcolm Boyd also guest. m fnHn th• lntldt Out (C) fJ @CI)&) Don Rlckles (C) (30) 1:15 fJ Movie: "Buell "1Y1t.e Comt Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Jack HolM" (comedy) '47 -Abbott & Carter, Joey Forman, and Jan Mur· Costello. ray help Ricllles sign off his short· 1:30 m All-Nl&ftt Show: "The Stranger," lived show "China Doll," and "IOss Mt Dead· ID Run fw Your lift (C) (60) ly." \ JO"' THE WORLD'S WST EXCLUSIVE CLUB -NOW OVER 2,000 STRONG I ". . . amat.td . . toolc no will powd' " ... a/ttr smoking J pads a day /or I 8 ytars, I woke up one morning and dlscovtred, to my surprist, that I had quit smoking -didn't tven want a cigarette" ", .. no guM chewing, no hypnosis" "Withifl a wetlc I quit'' "I'm a htro to my lcids .. ," ' ... hard to rtmtmbtr I was onct a smoker." "The smoking Control • Ctnter's mtthod is flOI hocus-pocus" " ... so simplt ... rw withdrawal paifls ••• no ntniousntss." "You don't ovtrtot." " ••. womtfl don't lnow what 1hty'rt missing not to get thdr mtn to 1top smoking," n 111 ra111111 lllitllllkm llemwn. 11111111 835-4202 No tc0ldinp, no recrimina· ticns. Just mfonnation on a new, surprisinaly Simple way to quit smoking in three weeks! It's not free, of course -but the cost la leas than you spend for ciaarettes. ... 1'•11 ----for free infonn1tion -first-person stories by Hal "I'm Not Dyinf, for 1 Cigar- elte Anymore • March and other Smoking Control c.en- ter gradual.el. ~ --·~ I @8~~ ... ,a. c. .. 11" I I ~~~i:• 11tami I 6545 Sunut ~ltvtnt I • Los An1tltt, CA 9Glnl eotntlemtn: 11 want to quit tl!IMln1. llllHM '91f I 1111 how, alld lncllld•· tddrtut1 of your Smeltna Control C.ntert. TllJnk 1:: I I Addreu CltJ I Stitt Zip __ _ L----J P111e 21 The NBC News special, "Tomorrow's World: Feeding the Billions," has been selec· ted as the first American television network documen· tary to be telecast in India. The special was chosen by TV-India following its pre· sentation by NBC Interna- tional at the 1968 Asian Broadcasting Union's con· vention in New Delhi. Mr. S. Mullick, Director of TV-India. said in making the selection that the station per· sonnet of TV-India were "most favorably impressed" by "this enlightening docu- mentary" and that plans had been finalized to televise it to the public shortly. "In addition," he said, "permission has been re - ceived for private screening of this program for high gov- ernment officials. I compli· ment NBC News on its pains- taking analysis of this ever- increasing problem arid for · pointing the way to the vari· ous constructive methods of helping to overcome the world's food shortage." "Tomorrow's World: Feed - ing the Billions" offered a special report on what the experts foresee as one of the answers to the imminent shortage of food in the world. The program, which was col· orcast on the NBC Televi· sion Network Feb. 23, 1968, focused on the experimenta- tion, invention and progress in the production of food and how much of an absolute ne- cessity they are if mankind is to survive. Opening of the thirteenth annual competition for the eight CBS Foundation News Fellowships offered at Co- lumbia University-presently for the academic year of 1969-1970-has been an - nounced by Ralph F. Colin, president of the foundation . The closing date for applica · tions is February 21, with the winners to be announced in May. The fellowships have been held by 96 representatives of the broadcast journalism field working in 30 states, Washington, D.C., and five foreign countries. A program of lectures and dinner dis· cussions is offered, as well as a year of study at Colum· bia University, designed to broaden and strengthen the fellows' backgrounds for meeting the growing respon· sibilities of broadcast news and public affairs program- ming. Applications are invited from news and public affairs staff employees of CBS News, CBS-owned radio and television stations, independ- ent U.S. stations affiliated with the CBS Radio and CBS Television Networks but not owned by them, non com- mercial educational radio and television news and pub- lic affairs at colleges and universities. e T.Y. . ..... • SfwM .. ..._ e Of-yen e RetrlMnten I Ottll W•IMn o~ .. oi." .... HON•ST-P'ROMP'T-O•P'•NDAIL• snvic• MONDAY tin NIDAY, f·t SATUIDAT, '°" CAU: Ul·IJJ4 146-2606 FOSTER TV & APPLIANCES 11111 ........... ,._ ..... Yelley CNest te •IMCOl ~X!XWiGOOD UNTIL FEB. 28, 1969~~ ..... 22 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 25, 1969 What It's Like To Land on the Moon The crucial role simulation is playing in America's manned space program is explored on "Tomorrow ... Today," a look at the "future science" of simulation, on The 21st Century, Sunday at 6 PM, in color on CBS. "Soon man will land on the moon," comments CBS News Cor- respondent Walter Cronkite, reporter for the broadcast. "The com- plexity of that feat is beyond that of any other ever undertaken, but, thanks to moon-landing simulators, the crew will have practiced that historic moment thousands of times before the actual moon landing. CBS Ntw.f Corrtspondtnt Walttr Cronlcitt and scitntist John Mott-Smith sit ot th~ controls o/ a compultr that simulatts spact war/art, at t~ Air Force Cambridgt Restarch LaboraJory in Evtrly, Mau. "Newly-developed computers can be attached to mechanical 'trainers' and used to simulate the conditions present during a moon landing and what it feels like within a spacecraft at that time. Also included in the practice sessions are the thousands of possible mal- functions. With the simulator, emergencies become-with practice -routine crises. "The pilots in the simulator learn how to deal with emergencies without risking their lives. When the real landing comes, they'll be able to cope with. any real malfunctions," Cronkite explains. "Tomorrow ... Today" will also show Cronkite simulating the landing of a giant SST transport at a fog-shrouded airport. The simulation, conducted at the Boeing aircraft plant in Seattle, covers the techniques of approach and landing in inclement weather. "Tomorrow ... Today·• also visits the Lunar Landing Facility at NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia, where astronauts practice landing a rocket-propelled craft in simulated lunar gravity . At the Langley Center Cronkite is seen strapped onto a moon gravity simulator, learning to walk at one-sixth his earth weight. He even performs a perfect, unscheduled backwards somersault. Everyone at Langley Field expected Cronkite to just go through bis paces as easily as possible, but Cronkite had seen the NASA lunar acrobats do somersaults, and when the cameras began rolling, he suddenly executed a backward flip. It's a difficult trick to maneuver at one- sixth your weight, but Cronkite did it perfectly the first time. Cronkite, whose interest in and knowledge of America's space program is widely recognized, was just doing what comes naturally to him: finding out about his story by first-hand experience . 1969 •ace the tl 6 :or- )m- :en, <:ed :>on cal -On lso al- ice ies be he be ity lts ty. ity en at as Its 1ly 1e- ce ly t :30 Iii~ ~-in:::-S:J. (C) I· =.:"":..,. '"°if'..: -~'Ci') m Fantatic Yopie (C) 12:30 9 (I) ... .., Q..t (C) @ CD m Andy WWlam Sin AM Tlleltre: "The Com 11 Green" Mewi« "Mwdtf, He Sap" lolf T .. f'llllltftt (C) and "The Decision of Christopher (comtdY·mysttfY) '45-Fred Mtc· i! Ila Pkbs'9 SATURDAY Blake." Murr_!h Ma~·e Main. , 3:55 O News (C) I Quitamt I Cll) CJ) ="' (C) • ·OO &'II.............. -..... ff-al..--" (a .. 10:00 9 (() 1111 Afdllt Sllow (C) O,W..: (C) •· ~ _,,,.: ,..",. .--.,. (J1J CI) El) Jollt'MJ tD Ult Ctn· llue Rlbbolt TMl1J'e: "The Man venture) 56-Rlchard Boone. FEBRUARY 1 MORNING tw of tlilt &r111 (C) I Manied.'' I lllplilll* Repott 7:00 m Mr. Wbllbone (C) fJ Movie: "fury at Showdown" 1:001J 9 Cl) Mobr Dicll (C) Waaon Tnln (C) 7:20 IJ ;Ive Us This Oay/Ntw1 (C) (western) '57-ftlck Adams. John D Mivii: "0,lalloma Woiaan" • lninco 7:301 Julius Sumner Miller (C) Derek, John Smith. (western) '56 -Richard Denning, 4:30 Ctmpus Profiles I Pattern for llvin1 e Mowlt: ''Tiie River Ctlan,.... • SPORTS SPECIAL! • Makin& the Most of Maturity • Lu EstNllu J Ustld (drama) '57-Rossana Rory. * SANTA ANITA RACE OF . SpearllNCI in Education (C) 10:30 I (j) Batman/S&lpaflllln (C) m A8A All-SUI Bmttball Qamt THE WEEK-$100 000 7•45 m Sacred Hurt (C) • (j) m Underdoc (C) (fj Tape of the second annual Ch I H Str b s· t k • ow11: "City Str•tl" (mystery) game. ar es . u a es a:oo 11 m '°"'0 Qoplltn (C) '31-Ga~Cooper, Sylvia Sydney. I Diehl ~ n Satrt.a Anita Race (C) Tiie $100,· ' 6 m Saper 6 (C) I @ m faatutic four (C) •. MlfV 6rifftn (C) 600 Charles H. strub Stakes. • K mba, ttle Mita lion (C) • Cinelandla • Sltuniiy Double feature: "I'm feabtre (C) "Winter Day." " 1 m Cltl* (C) . Tht IW. AnswtR 1:30 ~CJ) 1\t lone Ranier (C) In. Otltdoontaan (C) Ta:es of Wells fergo 11:00 B 9 00 m Storybook Squares Al Rilflt, Jack" and "Pillow to Post." Outer Limits Saturday MatinH: "The Cardi· (Cj" Peter Marsha ll hosts 2:00 rJ Tht New Society (C) Anntd Forces Hlahll&Ma (C) nal" and "Hyde Park Corner." 0 @@ &)George of ttie Jun-@ (]) (f) Pro Bowlers' Tour 5:00 8 (jJ CiH?;, Slltll'1 Wonderful &:30 1J 9' Ci) Bugs Bunny/ Road Run· i19 (C) (C) Cbris Schenkel and Billy Welu World or GOif (C) iter Hour (C) m Award Theatre: "Riot in Juvenile commentate the round fro m San 'Clla111~lp llowtin& (C) UC!) m Top Cat (C) Prison." Jose, California. @(]) Ef) ABC's Wide World nipus Profit. 11-30 I ~w The HtrculeMls (C) m Coronet Theatre: "The Wild Sports (C) International Men's @ m Qlilllvtt (C) · , . 6 n;-Untulltd World (C) Dakotas." Alpine Skiing Championship from cMe: "Tiie Magk Voya1e of Phil ~ ti:) Holiday Kitzbuhel, Au.stria; and the Inter· (adventure) '62 -Edward D @cl) El) Allltrlcl" Bandltlnd 2:30 1J Qt (J:> CIS Solt Clmic {C) national CliTf Divin& Championship Stoler, Anna Larion. (C) Jack Whitaker and Cary Middleco from -kapulco, Mexico. -m Branded 0 Movie· "Tiit lone Qun" (west· commentate H Gardner Dickinson I Zoonma (C) @I) Escuela lMEl (C) em) ·~eorae Montgomery, Dor· and Sam Snead tak~ on Tom Weis· : lnnovatioftl (R) 9:00 D (jJ 00 m Flintstones (C) . othy Malone, Neville Brand. kopf and Tony .Jacklin. • Futbol-Soccer O Movie: "Blonde Venus" (com· I @@ Pacdic 8 Basketball (C) 5:30 IJ Ralpll st8ry (C) (R) edy) '32 -Marlene Dietrich, Cary • Strangt Tales (C) 0 Celebrity Billiards (C) Barry Sul· Grant. • Set the USA livan guests. lad La Linne (C) 12:00 1J Qt (j) 5awz111l (C) m Babtball (C) University of Pa· Man From Unde (C) I @ @ m Spicier Man (C) 3:00 m Chiller I All·AmtriCln Coll•&• Show (C) Sl(tbrulll n.e.tre D High Schoof Basbtball Qame of cific vs. Seattle. McHaie'1 Navy Estudio Raleip the Wetll (C) @:E De&tino 11 Glori. : Your Dollar's WOt'UI (R) ANN .PRENTISS TURNS ON THE CHARM AGAIN Sergeant Candy Kane ii back-as Geral· dine. TV buffs will remember Candy, the sultry policewoman, who wu in constant ro- mantic pursuit of Captain Nice, the title role star of the short-lived NBC comedy series that premiered in the spring ud ended in the summer of 1967. Ann Prentiss. who portrayed Candy, again is romantically involved with men, this time as Geraldine, the dauahter of Madame Imo- gene (Yvonne DeCarlo), in .. Crime Wave in Buffalo Springs," the first comedy ever pre- sented in the .even-year history of The Vir· ainian, on NBC, Wednesday at 7:30 PM. Asked what'• beat bappeptng in the inter- im, Ann said: "I've ti.nally finished the desk. I'm soin' to aive it to my sister (actress Paula PreotlSS) for her birthday." Ann didn't build the desk-she painted it. Several years aao, Aon bouaht an old walnut desk-<lOmmode..bureau at a junk shop. She be- aan decorating it with various accnes and hundreds of human ftiures. "I paint in oils." the said. "Occuionally I peint on CAD'IU. but I don't lite the texture. I prefer wood. It's inore real. I wish f were Andrew Wyeth.'' Ann ooce studied art. .. I = love that best," she said. ..If I were enough I'd be a painter. But it's a very lonely way of life. When I'm lonely. I cu•t paint." Her arti:sdc _. i:t evMknt in her surround. inp. • "I live across from the Hollywood Bowl," she said. ''I love furniture. I like a Provincial feelina. It's very warm. I recently treated my· self to two Italian chain for $800, despite the cost. I Jove plants and earth colors." She alto loves stamps. "Yes," lbe admitted, "rm a stamp collec- tor. I ~Uy have a JOOd collection." Ann bas her Jibs and dislikes, but she isn't difficult to please. "I like to read books by peopJe like Thomas Mann, who can give me aom,ething philosophi- cal," she said. "Stranaely enough, I like text- books best. I like facts. I would love sports, like tennis. if I had someone to enjoy them with. I rully just like beina with people I love. Then at doeso't matter what we do, whether rt'1 aoina out to dinner or to a bot do& stand. I'm euy to please when I'm with someone I like." Sister Paula (He and She) encouraaed Aon to come to California where abe aot a part in ibc UCLA Theater Group'• '1be Chinese Wall" Leonard Stem, executive producer of Get Smart, pve Ann her fiM lile\lision iob in bis teties, rm ~~U-&'a Pemtsr. Thia led tq other' aoat shots ia various TV aeries, includioa a prior role in The Virslnian and the starrlna role m Captain Nice. Her motion pictures include "Any Wednaday" and •"J'M Assianment." Wb1tever the role, as Geraldine or others, .,. aod future, no ooe can mistake Ann'a 1nidetiWt: • mellow, canmir.is .oac. that ...... oppoeid<NI. ; e 1969 GARRARD AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE PLUS STEREO CAR· TRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS e 12" CO-AXIAL LANCE!{ SPEAKER SYSTEM OILED WALNUT ENCLOSURES e 25 WATT SOLID STATE STEREO AMPLIFIER I PRE-AMP e 1969 GARRARD AUTO- MATIC TURNTABLE PL'JS STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS. e PANSONIC SOLID STATE AM.FM STEREO RE· CEIVER WITH WALNUT CASE. e PANASONIC DYNAMIC SPEAKERS WITH WALNUT ENCLOSURES. ' ' 1 - i e Fi°SHER XPSSB FREE PISTON SPEAKER SYSTEM. WALNUT ENCLOSURES. REG. $109.00 PAIR. e 1969 GARRARD AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE PLUS STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS. e 40 WATT AM-FM SOLID STATf STEREO RECEIVER SALE PRICE 99.99 SAU PRICE 134.63 SALE PRICE 249.6J SONY 250A STEREO ONLY e STEREO PRE-AMP • 20 WATT AMP FOR A COMPLETE STEREO TAPE SYSTEM. SELEC- TOR SWITCH FOR REC- ORD OR PLAYBACK ON ITS OWN SPEAK~ SYS. TEM . e 4 TRACK STEREO I ~~()NO RECORD & PLAUACK. VU METERS. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF. DIGITAL TAPE COUNTER 119.50 ONLY 229.50 t3 : 1 ~ • 111. x ·' · ; ; t1 : c3 ~ , I' . 1•1J ! SPECIAL SALE SAVE 289•1 e NEW SHERWOOD S8800A. 200 WATT SOLID STATE FM STEREO RECEIVER. EX- CLUSIVE l YEAR WARRANTY! • LANCER SC-6 12 INCH 4 WAY OILED WALNUT SPEAKER SYSTEM. e DUAL 1019 AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE WITH S+iURE ELLIPTICAL CARTRIDGE, BASE AND DUST COVER.