HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' , .. ' I ' " I I ' • .. • . • .. .. .. .. ' ·~ .. • ' . . . .--..;; .. ._ ; ~r !:• ·,~ "''! '. -;i •• ·: r .•• . . ; :.. ' "' . . .. \ ' ' . ' . , " •• , • • • . , • • 1 ri : ~ ~;;.,~' J•..,_ f I' .. '.';} 'I : .,• )t:i}P ; ~ ~ ''· r , .,_ • ~ , • . ' .... * . . . ·-,• ·~' ··s-· . . ' ~: , . r: ! \ ~· ' • • . ,. ·' • . . ., • ,l -' "' • . • • ' . . ' , .B11e Slaelled .. .. ,,..... by Dn. .1obD II. S&tyw and ......, ... Kllll. botll ..-berl of the ..... tam, lomemd1b ltreased how 19eart .. ,... ~ ~ are now 1ook1Qf n.r.ard to mattnc 0 dramatlc JotoMa" lnto the b:ldence of bW't dlJeaie In ~ cbUc'tren. . "One c:hUd cut of e~ e,900 ~ ant Into thll 'wwkl With' 111n1e lY)» Tenrorists . . ·Wound , Gene'.CaJ SAIGON (UPI) -Terrorists riding. ~ ICOO&ers wounded a ~Ul Viet· = 1tnera1 lo a bombiJC attack near spree~ palace todaJ. Com· DJ ftunen fired powerNl rocketa in· '° tbt dty of ~ military fPO)rsmeA Aid. . ' • Near the northern coastal city of Da • N ab g, Sclith Vietnam• inlantry1)len alaid by American ain:raft and arU1Jer1 kllftd J• Camnunlst troops ta a lwO-daJ-blt&le,. lpOblmen iaid. And dertb of 8algan, an ~ 500 Red tro6ps burled two ground uaaults aga1$. an American artlllW, bate. · FcUr ~lsfl rldlq two motor ICOOt- en aatacked a car carrying .MaJ. G e n. ~ M"""'( Van Kiem, SOuth Vietnam .. .....,:..-.;.,o.-..-:.--~~""':'""'.".~~-_JINllde9Ual mlUtary adviatr, with ·a • • 7 Plastic bomb and a grenade less than four blocks from the presll1entlal palace. VERY MUCH ALIVE Retired Clerk &.ktr ,,....P.,e l r.,. .... ~ ( • "' )\I • ALIVE~ ••. . ~ room awal._ burial the followfnc day,. "Ina. my fO.year-old alater. tiptoed In to hold a doll mirror over my Ups to teat (he grown-ups• statement that there would be no mist on it because J WU dead. . . ''When the· mirror cloud~er. she · ran screamiflg to my mother and told . her what had happened. I was snatdled • out of the casket and my parenta and ~ neiChbon worked tbrouah the day and D1lbt rubbing my stiff 11mba. ''The next day they= the death eerUficate and father . the casket to bltl and burned it. • ''Jl'or three montbl I lay quietly Until · the Ole of my llmbl WU restored. • 0 0i>ce I bad recovered there were no ill eff ecta and I bad a healthy -dtlldMod/> . . "-She •as presented a plaque by the City Council f<Jr dedicated public ~ce at a lubcbeon held Wedneeday and lSQ emploJea pve her a replica of the 1Q}crQpbone over wblch she call~ on "Station O". . "It II raUr a lamp • ., she explained. She recently married Tbomu Baker of N•bclll._ Tl>eY will make their home at the RoWng Hilb Trailer Park ln · Costa f,Jeaa. OAILY PILOT .....,.,....... .. ......... leM. ~ ........... ,.., ea-..... ~INIA OltANG~ COAST ftVl\.ISMIN~ COMl'AN't RA.tf N. Wtt4 .............. ~ The explosion wounded Klan and slx other persons, and the terrorists dodged police t>dlleta as they sped away. It was the second terrorist attack against a high govemmeot officlal in Salgon in a month. Education Minister Le Minh Tri was killed by a grenade thrown intA> his car Jan. 6. Communist forces marked the flnt an- niversary of the start of last yurts ftlrce battle for the former lmperlal ~ of Hile by flrtnc five six-loot-Jona rockets Into the center of tbe cit)' todaJ. The at· tack. the fll"St on the noi'tbem city atnce he Nov. 1 bombing halt of North V .. t. ·t. nam, wounded seven clvtliaps, spokes• men said. Goiµ.g Do for sco~pion Navy Pliins Vnderwater Pro.be With Bathyscope About 20 miles south of Da Nang, a bat- talllon of South Vietnamese Infantry 'fought for the second day against a eom. mUnllt force in flltlandl near VletnaD')'s Hlgbwaf 1. 'Ibe govermnent troopl ·re.. ported ldlling 59 Communist fCll'CfJI in the first round of fighting Friday. They said they killed another 'UO today. Gov· emment casualties were described as WASHINGTON (AP) -The Navy is and the Navy said the Trieste II would tograpbs gave no indication such an ex· "light." Pinnhll ita hopes for solving the mystery go out into the AU8J)Uc about April for ploslon occurred. An esUmated 500 Communist troopl of the Scorplcn aubmaripe disasteP on on-the-spot observaUon and additional The Scorpion fired tcrpedos on prac-earlJ today attacked a U.S. artlllery its dtep-dJvlq batby1COpe Trieat. II pbo&olf~ of the. .8cclrpiml .h&&1L · -tice mJatooa Were her ~ u- base 45 mlla north of. Sal&ont but tlley , which will ~ a new underwater it The cOurt oC inquiry ruled .out twoi"i;· allnriien( in !tie )r!eCJit«raneM. aiid the !!1L-c!rlnn ~after hpO ........ -.WJD .... ~. .. . , .. •1:.l:'~_.!llt:lt,,_,. .Jfivy 41t4 ... ..., ~·her torplldo-~··=='"!:"=-= .~~izr~.; ··-. -~·•1 •~ -·if.-""'i! ~~~ .. m~ ~-abDtldotnr•U:l.Wtw4•··)' ' .. , "Atl&1Bc'~~. the ~ • . I~ ..,_,,,~·~ • .. · · , · • · • · • avy ii atm uDabl• tO' 111 what .ha~ ~ . , ·" 11 .tJi t ~;l'.. .. 'ffavy ~· "'Tri' n . Go~f Club Tax Spat To Drive ed to 1be 11C1C1e1t mb Jut MeJ. · d 'J.-lL: will work with the floating .dry dock .. The fto mlWon craft dilappwed with The ~" ~· •amount, White Sanda and the tug Apache when a crew of • dftcen and .men while ~n-or underwatil • ~ there is winter lea conditions ease. • Off·Jn Court 'Tbe nut "tcmney". Jn the poaeAOrY tu uaeument cue Involving the Costa Meaa GoJf and Country Qub wll1 be played in the courts. John A. Grlff1D, attorney for Ronnie Relf, operai9I' of the coif club fcir the cily of Qilta ~aid be ~ appeal the rulinl of t!ie Awmnent Appeall Board Unded down Jan. 17. Under that '111lJn&, the board bided Orange County ~ Andrew J. Hlnabaw"• contenUon that Relf ahouJd pay approxtma~ $58,000 in pollellCJr'J' interest tues. Hlnlbaw meued the toll coune property at '57'1,750. . Griffin mahtlafned In hll ll]umenta before the appeal board that ~ had no polRllOl'Y interest, that be WU mere- ly acting U ID .ernploye of the clty In operatJna the goU coune. He cited the fact that It la a public golf course and ii requtred to both hire Falrvie\Y State Hospital paUenta for tub they Call do, u well as &1vfn& them free goH course uae. Deputy County Counlt1 T I m o t by Strader, acting u Hlnabaw's attctney aid In reapome to cbarses that the uaeaeor'• levy ii exorbitant, conft.lcatory and proldb1UYe. that the law pruwpa . otberwlle. -"Hll approach 11 valid. Whether it route home after a Medlterranea tram-JJQ ln ~.-.., aubmlrlne · · · · . . ms oW•tlon. After extensive search. we~ to t.be ~," the IVJ report· .The Trieste JI, • Na\ty-oned. sub-tler wreckage was located Oct. 29 10me ed. · . .: ~, mersible whJch carries a two-man pew 10 000 feet cteep 4ncl 480. mllea southwest The nu~eir reactor and an oblerver. is c~ed far operat· <i' the AJ.Om. ~ la a possible !pg Jt 12,000 feet alth~gh. tt was at:tual· After bearing 90 witneuea and piling Iola. fy des~ for 20,000 fe~. . up 1,au · ~ of testhnony durtng 11 '11\e court alao downgr AF. -a reiult ot rnodlBcatlohJ, sbt will weeks, tbi ieven·mu court of inquiry tf.bftal C;UMI u a co on with a be a~ to retrieve ol>)ecta wei~g Aid· ; ' f~ abip, Abotaat by a crewman around 250 ~ but not major' sec-«fhe· · certain came of the 1ou ot « fault>' ..,_, procedures. tioM 1Uch as bun or sall campcmenta. Scorploll clD80l be ucertained from any · 'l'bert hll hen some speculaUon that ~quipped with powerful spoWghts, evidence now avallable ,. there may uve been an aplOllon in a Ute Trieste la expecte4 to prOvide far Tbe codrt reca1111•ended a further .z. = tube. The Navy Mid U>e court :;:: ~ "1:: reports takand fort _be.~ ~ Jlbqtocrlpb ~ wreckqe th.la poalbWtJ ev• though ~ earll; ,1 towed underwater~: , the submersible Mizar. .,,...... r.,e J ·COAST OIL SLICK ••• be1na aided, . Cout Guard apommen and qUlcti,, we are IDiDa to have a real Aid. by favcrablt wtnda and tlda which problem on our band&.., were keeplnl the oll away from many qov. RonaJd Re..-. ob9toaal,J aqer-~b 0 I e nuilllYinl clrcumitances eel by the deterintbll •tuatioa. cte. m1&M wen be canceJed-out 11 the pre. manded Fridq um die ftdlnl caf;.-: ent rate of dllcbarp from the ruptured ment tltahlllb. a fund to .W wtll la malntabied, Jt wu pointed out. · and other states to opt oil_~: Glum Union on offld•l• acillltted late FUIL RESPONIIllLITY Friday that there teemed little doubt · Union OU Co. conllrm«I 1a&e . Frldar, that the well wu still pumping 11,000 that it acc~pted "f\lll responatblllty' pllou of crude fuel a . d•Y intA> the for the dilCbargtnc well and ibe 200-mlle f>aclffc Ocean. area of pollution and that the compiny 0 1t•s Join& to get worse before It would ensure that 1'tbe mm wu clean- se'-better,U a spokesman of the ~-ed up." forDla ~ of Plsb anct Game But Coast Guard spokesmen fancast aald • ..,,._ tbl1 plua up that well, the lmm!nent ad\'ent of state a fed. ~ era1 apncSel Into the cluD-Qp ...... and a aublequeot atrtucent Inquiry Jato the CIUll of tbe Jut. Nf.De • al the Mizar's pictures were cleared for ))llblfc dfJtribuUon Friday. They showed the Scorpion hull lying in two major pcrtlons. with the sail or con- ning tower separated and mttng on its side, Debris which bad settled on the gray, fiat AUanUc Ooor was estimated to be' a few hundred feet away. The biggest chunk wu :be stern or reat section which was over 100 feet Jong. Sections ol the hull appear tA> be dent- ed. ~but the Navy u1d theee were litUe pUea of. llDd or stlt. The ~ was par- tially sunk in the sand. The Navy said the ship's nuclear re· actor, which provided the power for its propulsion, was not photographed dur· ing last y~ar's search operation. The Navy said so far u it knows the Soviet UniCll has no means ot retrieving the nuclear plant. tbe Ul'1 recant bf about $100,000 • ....... ~lloWt lattln' .. ~ ~ wUb .• plaque~ ta. .,.. of·/~ boll1I far • ...aau.'1· ~ year In l• F'1nt4• .,....ed ID 'ldlclibed pro-=~paq for hbl 4lbare 1n a AillClll ~ ~s backing Beckman tn tbe ~ drive are attomq, ·David ·s. ~ fit Newport ~ = ms ' Jicac~; Mn. ,J'Olll 1 .of 6'n1lft Orov•, Beart:Jkinclay dlaJnallt IDd ~ J. ~· rt;or ·1cif la~, .pq.l ~ cba1bup. . 8-t suada1, reilomtil ~ Jn. clu4tld Mrf, . ·IWUl\am CreJ~ I Of Costa 1'(Ma; Major F;. ·w. ··~. gr Toro; Mrs. 'J. C&mey and Mri. ··~ White. Huntington Beach: Mrs. c. McCalla, Laguna Beach: Miss Margaret Hatch, Newport Beach ; Mrs. L. Ponclna. San Clemente; Mrs. Fred Newhart, San Juan Capistrano and Mrs. James Green of Weatm.inster. S~. ~Staie Staff, Te1,1~ers :Paylel!S Fo_t Str~e Action SAN ~CISOO (UPIJ .,. Tbe first semeaw·ended Friday at San Francisco State College with paychecks be.lng with· held from '277 members of the faculty and staff. ·Richard L. Braden, chief of the divl!· Jon of disbursement in the state control· Jer's office, said y;ork recprds of the 277 had not been verified in time for the nor· mat payroll.· · It ls belived that the bulk of the '¥17 are striking members of the· American Federation of Tucbers. Actinl colleie president S. L Hayakawa said they would not be paid for time spent on the picket lines since the AFT went on strike Jan. s. Dissident student.a struck the college Nov. 6. ~~-·-.DWJtlfi• . .mte tw~ T -~~ of-~ whO ibSPt-lMmae°l! ves from the-clasroom five clla}ta without a legitimate expise. However, he wants each case treated Individually before a determination is made. Selection of an iqrf)artial grievance ~ttee apparently Is Jhe major stumbling bloi:k to settlement 0£ t h e teachers strike. The union proposed the committee be comprised or three members -one ap. pointed by the complaining teacll.r. m- other. f>y ~, cotrep president and the tlilnl?infutualJy ~cboaen by the teacher. · :md lftSldenli trustees of the state eoJ. Jege systmi rejet:ted 1he proposal a n d sutgested the grievance comm!~ be selectea ·tn;m the statewide Academic 5e\ate comprised al faculty memben. Union leader! turned down that pro- pasal because they said such a commit· tee would be 1'1mder dlctaUon" f r om higher state authorities. County Set to Take Flood Damage Claims Staff members of the Small Bualneu AdmlnistrJtlon will be in the <>ranee I County Civil Defense office, MS N. Roes St., Santa Ana, beginning Tuesday at · 10 a.m. to process applications .. for low interest loans to repair property dmnag· ed in the recent storm. The phone number is 834-2323. Those who wish to contact the agenci earlier may write to 849 S. Broadway, Los Angelea, or telephone (213) ••· Jee~ R. C11rfey voe. "•*"' ...., OfNf• ,..,...., ii cooflkatary ii tmlevaftt."! ... lllcl ''Maybe Mr. Belt lbould !mt Md a lawyer loot 'It this caqtrad and ten blm be dJdo'tbave such a eood deal." "'- Ger~·contnining 'Baby Magic' Murder ThiMt ICH'lil ~ .. -. . , '"'•"'" A. M11r,hiu ~flt £•lier '"'' Nl111n AMnlllftl Belt bu 11 years to 10 on a »,.ear qreement with the city to nm ~ tfO..acft. 3S-boJe. goU coune, whole' origlnll operttor, Novel Jamel, went • broke •. tes&hnony disclosed. Lotion Recalled Spteiallata from the Interior Depart. m•t and wcrbrl fnlm a Tau ftre fllhtlni compaai were on the J°' Fri-~Y trytnc to force mud into the Jeatlng offlbcn oU ric In a b I d to slow down or f1naUy halt the ct1lcharae. Obaervers of the dllaster area today Defendant's Niece Confesses Olttct.r °"'"' Cetl• Mtt.11 m Wfll •n SlrOI Htw•wt IMtllr rtlt >#tit Ollbot tllultva,. l.lt\IM ht<llt m ~I A'lltfllll Hllltllnt!Oft .. 1(11 I )l;t set\ l"'MI t 'Catci. Me' Killer Dra~ 99 Years FORT LAUDERDALE, Jl'la (UP1) - Robert John Erler, 14, a policeman, wu convicted Friday of tlllfnc a l).yeer-old girl and then ca1llnc hla fellow Cllflcera tA> bea them to ,.catch me ... C o u r t of Becordl Judie E. Sonunen Shefte, sentenced Erler tA> It and a half yura In prlloa for the slaytna of Mer· llYn Clark of Atluta Aug. 12. 'Jbe litl's bodY WU fOGnd aJonc I lonely road near the Fort Lauderate- HoUywood InttrnaUonal Alrport. Hu mother, gravely 1'0W>ded. wu dllCOvv- ed and wu able to recall eveota lead .. In& up to the ahoodnp. Several bullets art at1JJ lodled ln her bead and part or her face I.I paralysed. MORRISroWN, N.J ... (UPI)· -Tb e were recalllng the wreck of the super tanker To~y Canyon off the English Mennen Company, major prodUcers of coast in March, 1987 and the subsequent baby products. Friday announced it is dumplna of more than 100,000 tons oI recalling thousands of bottles of Baby oll o,n aome of Southern EnJland's love-Maalc' 1ot1en that were found to contain lleat' beacbes. a bacteria that could cause serious In-Jt toolt lbme so,ooo Brttlah troops mm feetJona.. . than two 1'eeka to cllan up the COi.ital -area Involved. A CODlP9l1Y apokesman said two eep- .ate loei of tbt bottl~ all plastic. are .lo•Olvtd. One Jot, mmaf.cturld before Jut Mlrdt, bat a nDIPber plus' a litter atarn~ ed Oil tbt ~ Bott1es tn the other lot. totallal' u,CIOO and JDauf actured 1. ttr Jut JMf, &an the numbers USJt" stamped on the bottom but no letters.. 'ftie ~ said (bi bottla ·• r.e belnl rtCa11ed frotn store ~J,j aroutMt the nation. "and we are any• who has lt at bcl:pe to ,..... Mnd tt back and retet~ a nlund trol!l us... · Tbt Mtmten ()Jmpa.ny address ls Han· ovtt Ave&*. ~ ' 'Candy' Too Sweet; Police Seize Film I JACKSON. Miu. (UPij -About 40 c:uatomm waltlnc In the lobby of t h e Paramount Thuter }'rtday to tee t b e mot!on picture ''Caod.Y'' ~ police offtcm carry tht Olm awa.J lmte-4 Police ~ tbe ebowtni of thl 111GT- le and mated two tbealtr employa In the city'• leCClnd er~ dhln three montbl • aDepd oblcD mm.. MINEOLA, N.Y. (UPI) -An all·male Jury which had deliberated for three days decided Friday that shapely bni· nette Sbellla Pappas wu Innocent of the murder oI her bulband Angelo. The 3l·)'UJ'-Old Loni Ialand house- . wife. who hid maintained a stoic calm throuah a three-week trial, bunt Into tears In the NllllU County courtroom when the Vll'dld WU Unounced . 'Jbe wttnea who c:auaed the grtatat HDS&Uco of ~ trial -Mrs. Pappu' 1f.yeaM)d niece, Maryann Freed - was not in court when tbe jury came In. MV)'ann, who bad been called by the sate u a tey wttnea. electrlfled the court when ahe testWed Jan. IO that It wu she, aloDe and lllaldtd, who lluged and shot her uncle on Nov. IS, 181'7. She aald Pappu bad 1Md1 bet PJ'tl· nant. bad forced her to perform unnatur· al 1e1 acta and had thrtatentd to till her. So, she said, she beat him with a hammer and a wrench and then shot him witA 1riJ own .3kallber revolver. · Pappas died in a hospital a few hours later. At the tllne; Maryann and Mn. Pap- pas tA>ld police at om that be bad bltn tilled by ID Intruder and then tbat 1*Jl of them hid taken part Jn the m,..... M&r)'IDll WU dmpd wttb juV8llle delinquency. but the cblrie Wll drop-' ped when a Jmnlle courf Jad&e ralad that she WU "a pmon ln need of IQll'-vision.,. No further actlon can be taken against her. When Mrs. Pappu hid ncalned !Ml ccrnposure Friday, she made tome ca11' from a courthouM telephoDe booth. Sbe emerged sm1Jb1c nenou.IJ. "Tbll 1s the fJnt thae . I've milled ln 14 months (the~ abt spat an ~n awatttnc trial). abe t9'd MMl(IDta. "l Juat dc¥&'t bow bow tq mUJe 1111 mort. • . . . '· • ~ I • ~ b • • I , d • • ~ ,. • • 1 . .. D '1 ~ • >f ... I ' !. • ,. •t .. • n ; rt " l• .y •· j. 17 .... 17 In "' Id rt s. l• le .. :t .. JI t. • ,. " • .. Po .. .. ,. .~ d .. le .. I· n 8 " t• .. •I w !• .. i 1. • • ,, ., Po " :h '· lo Po ~ r· " • I> .. In jl 'l • • I • • ' ' ·" • l I • • ' . . ., . l I ' • • • ! I ·, -' ~'' -;·-·"-.......... -1:_ ·ea-: __ ,. a·a·· ... , ... :·.,-··· .•, j.. If' . ' . -. • ' . • . , .. C .. t 1 ~ Iraq~; H.ang~TJg · 'Badly Handled' "' '1 • .J ( t ' ,I ' ,,,, ' , .. 1 .. . . ' Santa Ana Police . Na~ Two Suspects · hi ~sta:ti-On Heist ... . . .. . If' • --~ ~ . . ' . !" ,· -· "< •• 1 "'· "• ~. \,, • • ""'! ... ~. ": • '"'It, ... ,. , -· ·~ • .. ' 1.1·1 , ' . ~ ' . .t '• ~..,.1 .. -\ •• rJf•"'*'i I ,1 " ' .. ' ! . .....Li:illfi:.-....il • • , .. ' • • -. . 'o ' •I -• Unruh Calls ' Go~¢rn~~'~ ·~.I •• ~ • , J • I 1 ; • . 1 Pl '! ''F r ·i.],, ·an ·. ranu:·' . .. . . • "" .... . . . ': • • ' ' • 1 .tr 0r.., •. .. (: ... r I ,, . Weedier · Sll'o-anct'°ovmo0i. r. ' main th• p~oc:rlbed IMf for the weetel!4; with clear, c o I d weather pmilllq alona th• -.I lhriu&b" la!lda1. . .. ·•INSIDE · TOD-'Y . . l . .... .. • .. ( I I l ' I I • • DAll.Y. IJl.OT S ~ . (. ~a~te .... . ' . • ' ; .. -----Viet Terr.arists ' QUEEN -._ .• r • , • Wound· Ge·neral s.uiio11 (UPI) -Terrorllll rWlni motO<'~ -a South Viet- -general in a bomhl!Ji attack near 'a"praidentlal palace today. Com- ltrid -""' rocklU'lft." ~ lnle, mllllary . ..,._.., Hid. '" Neu the northern coastal city of Da "{ NaJ .. SoallNM rr1r1 ....,_._ aNod Ill-"""-... .._,. ldllod "''()Ml '!r"-In I~ ~: .,..__ ll1d. AA4 - ol '""'"' ............ Ro4. .._ barled two',,_ ....... qolllll ID ~· ortllllrJ. -· -.,)I """ --ildlnr ""' -"'°"" en ·llloebd 1 or Cll?YlnalltJ,.Goa, N(Q1in vu· Klem, llGatll Violaom'• ....-joJ llllllllr1, -· with I ......,......, ... ...---. · i-~mm u. 111•.i.111111 ,.- 'Ille ~ ~ IOem """ • -~ ilod•tllo ... Ui1111 dodpd VIRY MUCH ALIVI Rotlred Clerk lak<ir Fl'8tll p,,.._·"1 ALIVE ••• room awaiting burW the following day. "Ina, my 10...year-old 1lster _Uptoed ln lo bold a doll mirror over . Mf Ups to t..i the lfO"'l""PI' Ila..... that tbtnJ: would be no m1st on tt becaUBe 1 Wll dead. ... When. the IQ.lrror clouded over. lhe ru 11cream!n( to my mother 1!111 told her what ha4 happened. I WU 1111tched out of the casket and my parentl and nelgbbon worked thnlugb the dlj' and nlgbl """""' my lllll llml>•. "'!'ha nm day Ibey ton up Ibo death cer1illcale llld father chopped the cuket to blta llld burned ll "For three months I lay quleUy until the use of my limbs wu restored. u0nce I had recovered. there were no Ill eflecll and I bad a healtby childbood.'' She wu preaent.ed a plaque by the City Council for dedicated public ....ice at a luncheon held Wednesday and 150 em.ploye1 eave her a replica of the mlcrophone over which ahe called on "Station O". ~J!o!lllll 111 tlloJ.,.. -· n - IJiliiiiild llrii<lol ·-~ I hip .... --. In• -ux:iUoe !Gnle!•'Lo Tit ..... ldllod 1!7 I IJ--illlo Ids ear Jaa.·t. • Coiiiiii!mlil -..... w tbe 11111 .... m_,. ct tllo 11111cl1111,..&r'o - blllle fer tbo -lqlrlll ~ ol Biie "' llilnr o .. ----. hllO" tbe -,,, tbe Ctt, '*"'· ,,,. ot- • ~ UPi~ ' ' USS SCORPION, LOST WITH ALL HANDS LAST MAY, RESTS IN DEPTHS OF ATLANTIC · · hw Sactl!in of Sub at 10,GOC! 1'.a,I _In D."""" Department Photo Rtlauad Today lict, tbo 11111 ... tbe -d\y -be NOY. 1 iJomNn1 holl ol Nartli ~ ~ , I , . . -. ....,..i ..... d"1lm, .,... -·Aid. . Abou1 ilo me. llOUlb iJI Do N..,, 1.blf.. . talllaa "' -~ ,laf...,.,. IOqbt fer tllo -..,.. ...... I C<!!m: --IDllSI ___ ., . ·Goi·ng Dowfi: for Scorpion . . llli!nrtJ l. ,,,.: ... •-.._.. N P'-u de .:. n b w· h B h ~~~~""':*~ 4vy rans n r~r__,,.;ro e it _ at yscope 11114. lbeJ. ldllod 1111 -• Gov· ..J . ' ' ' ' . .,muenl QM1llllM ,,... ~ • · W,\llllllQTON (AP) -The NaV)' II llld tllo NIYf aid tllo Trleote II would lograpbo gavl no hidlclllon ouch an ex-''JIPI." · linolol lll llopM fir llGlvfq llie m)'llery ·ii> wt Iulo the Alllnlk: a-April for plosion occurred. . · An -•ed D ~ "-o1 tbo . l!ccilplan -'"' -on" Oll-lbHpol ·-.-"Iii!!-adcljllooal The Scorpion fired torpedos on prac-eari, todo1 lllaelod a U.11. artillerJ Ill ~•till ~ Trlato_ 11 plloqroplla cl Ille ........, lluU. tice missi""" bel~e her l]lrlqtlme as- -• mllM norill "' ....... 111111111 -,will· becln a , -uodorwator ·Tbe-cllnqu/rJ'ruledwtl)nlpoo-signmont,lo the Medttemneon, and \be ..... -bid: -two amall«alo -In tbe IPrii>I• .. slble .,_cl~ loa cl the SCorplao, Navy. cited" leltm)C!P1" ~ her torpedo. ..-,op:-1-oald.Tbe-polllld-A....nct ·liqmi')"flport-ln ·wam mbmarioe --alnce the men "were well trained" In bl!)dllng ed the -wlllt -· t• -.mmmarr1'1:!dir •Id lhal daplle U,IOO Tlndler w• er.-11\er a J!1P1n1 ordnance In accordance with establlsh-r<lllli!ll lllll lbot -• U.I. ~· ~.Of,AllUllc floor Clebrla, tllo fallan all !low Eqland 1p· 1113. The ed safety irecautloo.s. "'iL · lla'f-111 illlt UDlll!e lo~~!"! boppe!> 'lh!llher carried 121, men ",to t bet r Navy llJ)Ok-en p!d the Trieale II ::i eel to tbt nuclear aab wt ._.,.. deaths. • Yt'ill work trtth ·t1it1 noating dry dock Gol /. Club Tax Th• 1411'mllllon craft diHppeared with Tbe Scorpion ,did not ,1,tll • aelmOW)t. White Sanda and the tui Apaebe when , ~ , a emir of. ti offken ud men while en-_or underwater ~•1 1U1Ce U>,ere ls winter sea co dttlona · · ~. route home aftlf a Mediterranean train· none Jn the art~ l".here ~e submarine D ene. S . t T ··IJ • . In( operaUon. Aller emnave aearch, ftDI to the ·baltOin." the"Navy report-Tbe Tries!< II, a N•VJ-owued 1111>-pa · 0 _ rive her wred<age WU located Qcl. 19 some ed. m""1ble whlch·Gnltl & IWHDID crew · 10,000 feet: deep and 480 miles southwest The nuclear reactor plant alio wu ~ AD' oblerm,.11 certlfl~ for operat- off I C of Uae .Al«el. diam1sJed as a poulble cause of the tng at.12,000 feet aJl.hough 1t was actoal· ·n ourt Aller ~ wltneuea and plJtng ..... . ly d .. 1gned for l0,000 feet. .. up 1,llM pq. ol leltlmony during 11 The court also downgraded ouch po-Id a mull cl modlficati11111, ahe wlll The nell ''tourney" In the poueuory tax asseaament. caae tnvolvtna the Costa M-Gott and Country Club will be played in the couN. John A. Griffin, attorney for Rallnie Rd!, operator ct tllo tlOlf club fer the city"' Colla Joi-aid be would '-' tbe rulinl of tbe A11111ntent Appet.11 Board handed down· Jan. 17. Under that ruling, the ~ backed Orange County .u.e.. Andrew J . Hlnabaw'1 contention .that Relf lbould pay approxlm.Ue)J $&1,900 ln JINMllOl'J lni.reat tu•. -llltloed the pll courae prvpet ty at •n :no. wee kl, the seven-man court of inquiry tentlat causes .. as a collision with a be able to retrieve object.: weighing aald: foreign shlp, aabotqe by a . crewman 8;I'Ound 250 poundl but ~ major aec-- "Tbe certain came of the km cf or faulty ufety. procedum:. tionJ auch u hull or nil compooenta. 5corplon cannot be MCCrlaloed from any There hu been oome apeculation that Equipped with powerlul 1potllghta, evidence now available." ibere may have been an explosion in a the Trieste h: eipected to provide far The court recomm'l)ded a further ef-ltlrp¢do tube. 'l'J>O" Navy 'Aid .the C011rt better on-thHCC11e v~ reports and fort be made to pl!olop"apb the wroct11e probed this poalhlllty .... tboogb pl).. clearer c J!bolograpl>a tbai> were taken · earlier by to~ imderwater Clllleru of the SUbmenlble Mlzar. From Pqe 1 COAST OIL SLICK • • • beln1 aided, Cout Gum! 11pokesmen Aid, by favorable winds aDd tide1 which were keeplna: the oil awiy from many beaches. 8nd quietly, we are gotng to have area.I P'Oblem on oar handl... , Nine of the Mi.r.ar~• pictures were cleared fO< pu~llc dlltrlbutloo Friday. . They allowed the Scorploo hull lying lo tw~ major portiona:. 1'1th the Ail or C1JD-n1nJ tower separated and resUn& on its aide. Debris whlch bad settled on the 'gray,' flat AtlanUc floor was esUmated to . be a few hundred feet away. The biggest chunk wu the rtern or Ttar section which wu over ·100 feet long. "It ls rellly a llmp,0 she uplatned. She recenUy married Thom.u Bater of Nebruka. They wlll make tllotr home at the Rolling Hilla Trailer Park In Costa Mesa. • Grllftn maintained In hla ..--enll before tllo appeal ~ that Rd! llad no ~interest, that he wu mere- ly acting u an employe of the ally hr operating the eolf course. Ha cited the fact that it !1 a public gott C<1Ur1e and II roquh:ed · lo both hire Falrylew Slete Hoopllal patients r-----------., _ /0< taaka tbe1 can do, u well u 1Mnr But th o s e nullifying circumstances might well be canceled out if the pres- ent rate of dilcharge from the ruptured wall II malolllntd, It WU pointed out. Glum. "Unloo Oil olllciab admitted late Friday that · there seemed litUe doubt that the well was still pumping 21,000 gall01111 cl crude -fuel a day Into the Pacific Ocean. Gov .. Ronald Reigan, obviously llll(er- ed by · the . detertOratlDg sltua.Uot)., de- manded Friday that the federal govern- ment ~tab~h a fwtl;! to aid California and other ltates to fight oil PolluUon. FUU. IU!RPONSIBILlTY Union OU Co. confirmed late Friday that it accepted "full reipons.lbility" l~ 'he dllcharglng well and the JOG.mile area of polluUon and that the company woold ensure that "the mea.s wu clean- SecUona ol the bull appear to be dent- ed, but the Navy aal.d these wer., llttle piles of aand or silt. The bow wu par- tially sunk In the sand. The Navy llld the ahlp11 nuclear re- actor, whk:h provided the PoWer for its propulsion, was not photographed dur- ing last year's search operaUon. DAILY PILOT ... .,,_..._. H, ............. ..__. --·---CAUfOINIA OIV.HG• CO.Uf l'\tlll5HIN0 COMflANY l•Mrt ti. 'Wtt4 ,.......... ...... PWIW. them frft·golf ~Ult. Deputy County Ccunllel T l m o I h y Slz"eder; actin& u Hinlbaw'1 ·aUqmty IAld In _,_ lo char... Iba( tbl auesaor'1 Ievy ii exorbitant, confllCltory and prohlblUve, that the law praume11 olherwlae. "It'• going to get worse before it ,.U batter," a .IPokmnln of tlie Cali~ fcrnta Departmtnt of Fish and Game uld.. 11Unleu they ptua up that weU, ed up." ~ . But -COUt Gt.lard apokemien forecast the immlnent advent of state and fed. eral qencle. into the clean-up proaram and ' BUl>lequenl lllrincent Inquiry into the cauae of tbe leak. The Navy said so far as it knows the Soviet_ Unlob has no means of retrieving· the nuclear planl . the 11117 record by about 1100,000. ~·Robert Baltln • ~ Robei¥m with=. ..-dllll tbl gralltudO" .,, ibi boml for the ~'• · ·year In 1111. ·lftntag received an lnlcrt!1ed pro- , l)><Otor'• gold _pan !or ~ alJare In • reoa,d cam1111- • -Among the olllQlrl backlna Beekman tn the county-Ult dri~ are attorney Davtd S. Roberllon ol Newport ~ach, 6equests · ud tpaacl,e.I; Mra. Joan ~ ol 'Gatl!eft Grove, Heart SUnday ·~an · '"1 !nd.;tdallll J. s. Fluor • cl Loo Angelao, ..,.clal &u11 cholrman. Heart Sunday rerloaal· chairmen In- cluded Mn. Wllllmn Creighton of COsta Mesa; Major E. W. Derrlcllon, El Toro; Mrt. J. Camey and Mn. B • Whit<, Huntington · Beach; Mn. C • McCalla, Laguna Beach; Miu Maraaret llAtcli, Newport Beach; Mn. L. Ponclna, San Clemen!<; Mn. Fred Newhart, San Juan Capistrano and Mrs. James Green of Westminster. SF State Staff, • Teachers Payless For Strike Action SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The !Int Ntneater ended P'rlday at San Francllco State. College with paycheclra being with- held fiom m memben ol the f1C111t1 and staff. Hlcbard L. Braden, chief ol the dlvb-toq of disbursement in the state control~ l~ office, said work. rocorljll of the m had Dot been verified in time for &be nor- mal J>V?Oll; It II bellted that the bulk cl the rrt are sFiJting members of the American Federation of Teachers. Ad.Ing college president S, I. Hayakawa aald they would not be paid Ii>< time •P"'t '"1 the ptcbt lines 1loce the AFT went on strtke Jan.. I • Qisaident students struck the colle1e Nov. 6. Hayakawa also tw invoked a 1tlte law providing f0r aulohiat!c nofgnatioi> ct !acuity memben who ablent --v .. lrcm \be clullroom five da71 wllhaol • ~le excuse. However, ht wanta each cue mated indlvtdually before a determlllllllOI II made. Sele;clion of an impartial lrievence commitlee apparentiy ta the mojol' ltulnbllng block to 11ettlemeet of t h 1 taacherl strike. - The union propoled the commlllee be comprised of: tlfte memben· -one ap- pointell by lb• complaining teach.-, ... otber ·bJ ,tllo college president and the third .mutually chollen by the lelcher. and ·"91delll 'l'l'ustaM ct the stale col: lei• mtem rejected the fl"lPO&al a• d --the grievance eommlttee be ..iected lrcm the statewide Actdemlc Senate comprlled of llClllty members. u-i.ten turned down ihat pro. poul bec1111C Ibey IAld such a eommtt- tee would be 0 under dlctaUon'' from higher state authorities. County Set to Take Flood Damage Claims Slaff members of the Small Bulinus Administratloo wlll be In the Onqe County ClvU Defena oHlct, 141 N. Rois St., Sanle Ana, beginning TuCllday at 10 a.m. to process appllcatlons f<J{low interest ..... to repair lll<IJlllllJ damag· ed in the recent storm. The phone number ill llH-2323. '!"-who with to contact the agency • earlier may write to Ml S. aro.ctw1y, Loo Angela. or~ (112) -·, J.cli -. c •• r., Va l"raldt<ll tllef a_,., ""-"' "lllll IJIPl'Olch 11 valid. Whetber It 11 conllacatGry 11 lmlevaet." Strader IAld. "Maybe Mr. Rd! lhould have bed a lawyer look at thla cootract and tall blnl be dldni have lllch a pd deal." Rd! bu II yeara lo p on a I0-711ar qreement with the city lo run the 240-am. 31-bole .,,U coune, w-orlcin&l operatcr, Novel -James, went Germ-containing 'Baby Magic' Lotwn R~called' Specllllsta lrom the Interl0< Depart- ment and worken from a Tens fire fighting eompany were. !Ill the job Fri· day trying to force mud into the leaking allshore oll rig in ~ b I d lo alow clown er flnally bolt the dllcharge. M11rder Twist Tltt111•• 1e ..... 2•1• "''"''' A. M11,lil111 ~-119 ltllll:W" P.t•I Nl1t111 A~ll1"9 """!" -COlll ~I l»W.t ..... $1f'Ttl N•-' ...U• nn .,.., a.1tie1 kulev•rf LI,.... hlcf<i: nt l' .... 11 ·-~ a..dl1 • •• t ..... -·-1-· 'Catch Me' Killer Draws 99 Y--ears .l MO!ll\IS'roWN, N.J. (UPI) -Th e . ' Mennen Cmtpany, major producen of bol>1 p!l>dUcta, Frldlj' annonnced It Js ncallln( tboUlands of boUlel ol B ab y 1llqle lottcm tbal wen found to contain 0 bactarla ~ ci.atd CIUH aerlous ln- feedonl- A mpany rpokeoman 11ald two oep- atale Iota if the bottle11, all pllltlc, are Jnfolved. One Jot, manufactured before Jut Mardi, hu a number plul a letler slamJ>o ed on the bottcm. BotU,. In tbO other lot. totaling 12,000 and --11- ler Jut year h•va the -"Ill" ltlmped on ~ bottom but no 1etten. The ~an 11ld the hotllell a r e befnl -lrom ltort lhtltM around the nlllon, "ml we art •ldnc any<lM who hu It at homt to Dleue -It back and rttelve a refuitd Ctom ua." . The MeMlll C«npany addraa II Han- over Avenu:e. Morriltowo: • Ohlervera of the diluter area today were recalling the wreck ol the super tanker Torrey Canyon ell the EngU.h coast lo March, 11117-and the 11ubsequent dumping ol more than 100,000 Iona of oil on some of Southern England's love- liest beacbeJ. It took 1om1 50,000 British troops more than two weeka to clean up the coastal area involved. 'Candy' Too Sweet; Police Seize Film • JACllSON, Mia. (UPI) -Abou1 411 eustome:n. waiting ln the lobby of t b e Paramount Theater Friday to 1te th e · motion pictufl "Candy" watched police olllcera Cl(ll' the Obn away !nlllead. PolJce bolted the lbowlng "' tllo DtO•· te and IUTealed two theater employea Jn the elty'1 second crackdown within lhroa llllllltba on alleged obacene l1lma. Defendant's Niece ConfeBBes MINEOLA, N.Y. (\JP!) -An aJl.male Jury which bad deliberated for three d11y11 decided Frfday that •hlPl)y bru- nette Shell1a P1p"pu WU innocent of the murder of her hUllband Angolo. The 31·yoar-old Long· Island boolle- wlfe, wbo had maint.alned a stole calm tbroop a tbreo-treek trial, bunt Into tears in the N1111u County courtroom when the verdict wu 8llOOUJ1ced. • The witness who caustd the grulelt aenuUon of the trial -Mn. Pappu' 1g.year-okl niece, Maryann Freed - wu not in court 1fben the jury came in. MUyanll, who bed been called by the stale u a ter wltneaa, eleclrllltd. the court wbe.n aht testified Jan. I) that it waa lhe, alone and unaided, who alUQld and shot he:r uncle on Nov. 21, 1181. SM 111d Pappaa bid made her P,.1-nan~ had lon:ed her to ptrl~ unnatur· al .... ""' and had tbrea~ tO klll her. So, 11he aaid, lhe beat blnl · wlVJ a hammer and a W"1ncb and llMI illot blnl with hlll own Jlocallbor n•ol•. Pappaa died lo a hoopllal a few lloarl Iller. - At the time, Miry11m ad -. PaJ>o pu told pollcO at Ont that be bad - kjlled by BD Intruder and then that bath cl them bad taken part lo tbo marcter. Ml1JIDll WU cbarpd wltb jQ-1te dellnqueoey, but Ibo.-.. -dltpo ped when a ,,_ila .,,..{ Judi' ralld that the Wll "a -la -"' _,.. vialon." No ftrthS' acUon ua bt taken agalnll her, When "Mn. p-bed nplaed ... compooon ~. ol>I mado -calll from ' CCllll1boD. lei p... -Ille ~la":"l:u:'Y.;. I 'DIW .~ tt lllOlltbl <t11o~ "'°.,.. . .,Jan 1waltial trial), ... Mid Mw--. "I Jllll don't --le-.,-· - • ·• .... -,----~~-~~-~----~------------~-- •• • J . ·L . . .. CJo·sed ·f~r»·. Months = Be:aches rf . ~ , • • • • ' ~ ' ' . - Newp!'rt,. Hu,itington May Be ,Off 'Limi~ Through' Emte~ ' ' ' ' B1 ·JOllN VALTEllZA two or lllrtt mooths. °' • -.....,...,,...,, ·~·a bow lone .RivCrsJ.de needs to '!'be quar111Une cau.ed by ra~ 1tWqe rep1tr the damage In Ille cll)''a main pouring min walera of/ West N~ sewer lrunlt line and troalment plaril," ..,nd HunUngloG Beach may eitend . lnln be said. · . EaSter voealloo N'"""-' Beach........ ' The ........ Is conlamlna\lnl WI~ , ~ • •• ,.... ~ Ji<>m_lheJi""1>o<! pier In --• laid ro~IJo. •• ' . llmlta ofHuntmgtoo Beach Sta~·Perk. A!slstanl City Mllilager Jim DeCbahle ' Its -~la a broteo main sewer said the city bas not yet receiv~ official trunk uae in River.stile. The aewage bacleril) counta ol the "water, between is spilling into the Sanla.' ~ River. the Santa Ana River mouth and the at a rate of thouunds· Of ptfons a municipal pier, but indications are the day. · · · '· present quar1Dlin0 will lut for · al lwl The ellluenl,. couplod wilh mOunting · • moundl 6t debrl11\ are t.uJng !,t.;'"'· DeChalne aald Ille clli II ' . Id· dltlorial equlpm111t and mon'lo help earl')' ofl lhe mounto. junk.: ' •. · , · "The amount ,of 'dellril pilln& up on lhe boacl) la rising lo a point .1fbtr• it galhen u qulclll1. u · we. ltaul. It •"'.•)','! ~ aald. ' l \ flood gates at Prado Dam. near the Orange-Rlversldo County line !lave ~ ~. setting loose mc>i< "1\er and b1tb conce-UOlll of material lnm loose and plherO.Lup by ragliia ]1ood watera earlier this week . . \ *· ~ * *· * * . Being a friend of policemen doesn't help much, •Horney Chal'- les A. McDuffie found out in Nor· folk, Va. McDuffie was honored by the Norfo\k . Fraternal Order· .of Police, and giveB 8 special citizen- sbip award at a police banquet.one night and at 3 a.nP.'th• nest morn- ing he was · arrested for· reckless . driving, disorderly.codduct and dis· regarding a police siren and .Jig)tt. • Two unwashed and unshaven blit ••c9111passionate'' ·bandits took $3,· 000 worth of jewelry and 5,000·lndi· an head pennies from two elderly ·persons in Houston. Bqt when Frank N. Hendrick, 75, and a r"90m- er, Mrs. ·Gu11ie And1rson, 69, said they were jittery and needed some- thing lo calm their nerves, lb• bBD- dits gave Hendrick a shot of ,bis · own whiskey and Mrs. Anderson one of her own trallquilizers; ' ' • ' > H > •' (J . ,j ·~ County ·Health Official$ . ' By JAcK CllAPPELL Of --°"'" ........ Col,uity ~ o1ncW., have quaran· lined a mllHaaf llreldl of Dobeny State P.art · Beacb polluted, 1 by raw .wewage from· San Juan capistr&no. The .'clOsin1 came after water roaring down the flood control' c&anneI· iii ·san Juan Creel: ripped out two sewer llhes a:Jlow1ng 100 ,.percent of San , ;Juan Capistrano's tmtre8ted sewage t<¥·waah . ' WlChecked .. to.the...: -. ' The stonn and rereding nooo water did aneoilmaied 11,miwoo iO 11.s.niuuon dim:age to Sall Juan Capistrano's public ' works, T . .J. MeadoWI, dir~r of public "°l~ lheb~11: ·=kthat the rommunity be declared a disaster area has u yet gone unanswered, Ernest Thompson, city ldminlJtralnr, '8id Fri· day, ooting however that state agencies are jammed with assistance requests in Ille llftem>atb of Ille storm, END POLLtJTION 'lbomps0n could not say bow long it would . take to repair the sewer lines and end the beach pollution. Approximately l,3ll feet of one sewer line was laid bare when flood waters ripped out the coixnte siding ~on the flood control channel a hall mile above the sewage treatment plant. '. ), ,· 'fl>!\ lit-inch concrete line culied ·111e . eqtlrt ,cit~'s seWag! to .the plan~ The '. of.her line washed out was 1 syphon Illa! .went'..,,... il>e'. Creek lroin Ille west · side of Ille city lo Ille .. a1 . by Ille golf eoune. . · 'l'homps0n said H appeared ll)•t motr of the lines coll1d not be Widertlkm until~ the water level in the ~ dw:mi1 went· down and when contractors were available. He ; said it could bt ·Weeks until this happened.-; · HEA1>ACBES · Looking· back on Ille :!lorm-rdai.d headache! to ~an J.~ Capls,tt'°°; 'lbompeon said little could . have , been done to prevent them~ Even now, he 18.id; .there , is liUle the _ city can do lo repair' ~ Sewage lines. · "AU we can do is to exploit ~ avenues for gettjng usistanct," he.said. 1 MeanwbJle, cOnstruction worten are working feverishly attempUna .to keep the city'a ·wat.ermain . croaaing the Trabuco Bridge from rupturing •. The bridgo carrying tr;illic of Camino Capiolrano hu been undermined by Ille floor 1watlt. AB it slowly sinks, the 24-incb main ia in danger of ~Ulng. The line carries all water. frOm · the Yorba Lµlda district plant inlO the .city. Should it break, city reservoirs can' sup- ply needs for only about 10 days. Jtleet tile P..,1e . Aw Shucks?· • . ' .: ,, .• '... J His Id .. " . ' . eas . ' . . . ' Baffle Board . By moilLIS rOli'l:UNE .... Odr ""'ti!" . j'Do I make myaelf cleu?" Nf1"POl1o- Mesa ~ Les E •. Shuck. ulced bopelully. School board president Jamu 0 Bill" PeYtoci, obviously 'pUiZled, · loolced lo fellow lrultffs '"" help: ~They were ailent, so ·pey1on quipped. "Who tile II Jolng ta be loolllb enough to ask a question?", , Shuck; 16,la the uDifled cocboordlstrlct'1 resident "ft1atad.~ It'• not lhat he d-\ tpelk plalttly. The problem la he tliall wtlh Ideas not eully undentood by la-•· ~huck !lad· 1NnC· tip Peytbn, petha!J' the mt of the boud and Ille -· talking about "cloltnl a plamil111 loop." In an interview later. Shuc;k· said he k~P' boud members appriaod ol what he's up In and lhlnks Ibey usually 1111· derstand ltllal be'• saying. Bu I ' sometimes, he said, he aeta Iha feeling they Arf. thinking, "A!I . right, Shuck. But make sure it works." NEw IDEAS. Shuck's j ob ·ts to think through new Ideal. Ills tille la uslatlnl 8Uptrlnlendent for research and development and he receives a yarty u1iry of "1.SOO. Not long ago school board members lncftued his salary in a mld,yeor·move .. keep hln In Ille fold. Shuck'• talent for cacltaHna WU in~ Some projecla kttping·Sd!uck'•· ftlental · wlleell l!Jminl·lately,are: · -An lSltllJlleDt of what the public ezpecboflC!iooll. -A plan for appralalna bow well teacben.te•cb.· -Galdaoce tllal zeroes In on 1ludenls who moot need liilp. ., .. __,. . -. • STl\TuE ·s:vMllOLi~s HIS TRADE Rodin'• 'Thlnker,'·~td•• Men Shuck .. . " and one-half years ago, made Shuck lion, ~ used to sign~~bls·1aat ·,~ bis favorite. Sbu~ ~a.dollar"'" for Iha S. · Newcomer used to call him "a kook," Since ctmiing ·to. ~ewport..Meaa~ hi• meaning It as a compliment. rile bu Wen .differeoL ,ffe ,has obt:Alned "He ll8ed me aa an exemple of how .~ ""°.#'!Ii~ ,.for ;Ull,Oll\), from U1e pt9ple should be themse!vea,'1 Shuck federal &O\!ernment, and thJ,t be.,brot• u)d. "He bull! me up as aome kind . of! In a dlapute'wilh,Jcderal. revi.ewei1 of unique individual.''-"after. only 'Ofle Y~•·'"l· w~'t~"1f(,.tbl Shuck avers he 'really isn't. He said 'ibYWeri' eerat.O\V qiroat,:· be*' he trlea to be strong about aaylng .Wha\ ,The'gtantwufor"'lns'truc.trot1:al he thinks and some people think ,Uuit TuU Project,'' the asleslinent of what iJ WJll!ual. II sOunds corny, be say1, Ille pu~lic expeCti ol.lhe ll\'!¥>0ls. Abqut but his philosophy iJ Iha! • sthool ad-l,000 Peraone . were' mte~ 'ai ·lo mlnistrator shouldn't be · too interested what skitlS 'and trlowledlei"tt)ey.' ttiihk in his own skin or he'll make internal YOunisters•ot vlrious aga, :lbOufdllne: compromises that can hurt kids. His concun for the welfare of-students PRIORITID -.--~ he traces to ernoUonat "scars" he picked Desired ablllties have been Ca•~. up early jn his career as an educator. and t coiirereoce • .eiai · ~t'bit He remembers as an elerDentlry w\ll ~.:."\ ·~ ~·oftbOH Khqolteacher ,he compromised wlth" soine the schools sboUld start•working.on. ~nts and "Ille ld<IJ paid the ~-" Hotlesl Sbuck P..o~ at Ille - Later i, as a priD:lpat, he. d!dn t , fire \ Is apprailing t.n. ·wen teachers teaCh. . a teliclter ~ he fl!sl lhi>ughl, he \H• haS teacben · ·ai-a1x pilot ldtools ~d and "too -Y studeota got louled busily asking each other l18ilY queatlont .up. · -1tJie "Do you really tnow what il'aotnl He said no one abotcld play God, llut on In your cla'8? ao;i;·'dci''JQii''lllicnf all Ille same H h~ In know he had Iha yOCJl!illorl .,.., laklllt'~oii:outi" been right and lladn t acted. , From such inquiry he hopet to develop ADVANCED QlJICKLY a . plM . 'ror-evilualhig ··-e-ac·he"r But.Shuck wually fa too buay looking performance wJllch now ,ii often ahead In look back. Wllh his gemd-lo-measured by ralher crude criteria. the-future tbinldng he hu .adlWlCed Shuck also hu prime ~bill!J I -Weighlng 'the worth Of various bot ideu of leaohers. qUickly since recelvinc bis doctorate in for data procesllng. A. (OIJIPJle' waa educ1tional admilllstralloo . fmn USC lnatalled under his dh'.eellon al)!! la "1W \ Not many wlstant superlntendenta of provl<llng student record and 1-' c,fd· Tht combinaiotn of· mow. a Qirl, htr dogs, enthusiasm and clost:d scll.oob is hard io match. This aiTl iTJ South Lakt: Tclhot took tht:Jt! t:sst:t.f, addtd a mow sa.uctr ottd marchtd up to tht Toof of htr home. From tht!rt, is 100J all downhill. • Police said a 17-year-old youth · broke into a Seattle home, then telephoned bis mother for help . when officers surrounded the house. He refused · to obey. his '"mother when ;.he arrived and ~Id him to leave. Police removed him after b,realdng in the back door : • Two aiiftmtn rO'bbld Mrs. WiUiam Linville of $1 ,500 at M1' hwband'1 liq)'{W 1tort in Eva.m- villt', Ind. LinvUlt ioai out walk-· ·1ng 111< watchdbg he had pur- chased .rtctn#JI for protection. . • . ' Trainee mllkrilen at a British ' dairy are !.,.,Ung the . piUalls ·of their profession, ui'duding the d!ID· . gers of amorous housewives. "Part of our course," said an instructor, . "is aimed at teep!ng the· rela\ion- ship on a friendly basis without go- ing too far." The ,dairy givts lbiJ advice to"'ilew milkmen : 1 ee friendly· but not familiar. 2 ·~ but'dpn't 1et involwd, 3 Deliver the milk but don't· go into people's homes. • Denver, -po!iu uld R...., J . Cohen, 39, ol Wallaee, Neb., 111,de a recruiting mistake . when. he asked Don B..-an ml ad ·~·""''" to help hbn in an armed robbery. ureonan ls a detective ·sergeant and Hanseit ls a 'patrnlman. Ccihii\ is now In Deover City Jail. , ConamuniCarnival Cutie ...;. These are 'IOme ol the project.! new • SUpt. William Cwtttlngham had in. mil)<! when be 1aJd,.he fo~ the Newport-Mesa ,lllatriel helter geared !or keeping up · lsrilh clwlging .times than any olber IChool diltrlct be tnowa. . • VNIQUE·INDMDCAt CWlnlnghlm'i ~;·Dr. Leland Newcomer, with wbom Shuck moved fmn Ille Lu Vegas ldtool ll)'Blem two school dlstricta are only 16. IOalyala In each achoo!.' In Las Vegas, Shuck was a money Another third of Sllict'• time, he man. He raised $2 mllllon in two yws · esUmates, ia spent ~ u a "pJ.pnninl through federal . grants. · reeource" to tlie seven top, levtl ad- It botl)ered Shuck that others wouJd mlnistrators who make up t b t equate the amount of good he was doing superintendent's cabinet. wllh lbe amount of money be raised. That gives bim .. plenty of, dilferenl "The D)f:uure should be the difference topics to think about tti it Iii not ~ It lunlklng ln"Ule'eclue1lion of chlldreo," ing Rodln'a . "TltlnW" II bis. fa- be AYJ. piece' of statuary. "I! ~· liJI Al an ln-joke,'ln distaste for his reputa-tr"de," he said. · c • ' • dOMll'l mean what yoa1hink it ......... Itmeam"tohellUQ dler -r..... . r By the w11, what clld. yoa think it mNDI? . Oh, .;.,d that ~ U1 ,-.f ~ the <ADnihal who Mid lo t!ie miuio~ry, '' ••. if God; didn'.I intend for 01 to ·eat Peo}lle. why ·did lie make people oat of Four-year-old Melissa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Meyer, Huntington Beach, huffs and puffs lo blow up balloon at DAILY PI~ LOT-Pacific Telephone Co" CommuniCatnival. Show cloaes at ,6 ~.m, Flotsam .& jetsam for the idle mind meat?'t · · t .~.~.1 ,, 'µ_ . \ I don't care where ycpoa ' today at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa .. Besides balloons, It offers free carousel rides, free long distance telephone calls arid 20 valuable prizes. . • Court Decision May Clear . . . -. ... . . . W ~y for Upper Bay Trade --- A court octiOn Iha! II -by both The . test cue evolves ll'OWld ~ parties Involved In Ille C<introVtnlal Blck refusal of, COllDly l!ldl1llr V., A. IIllm Bay laod nip ta bo a Lest case that to pey a llt.000 lrvlno Compoll)r b1ll. may, w.ell dear Ille "Ill' lo consummltloo The charl• -" lrYIDe'•• dUn of Ille deal bu·been put off Wltil Ajiri1 for,.enat-iJtl a11cr toil testing In' Ille .II. · Upper Bay artL • SUperior Court Judit Claude °""'8 lf u.!m · II on!<!red lo 1Jt1 Ille• bill granted Ille dell!' after lturlnc a reqtltil II will apporerilly · deir Ille' 1ri1y for by allorneya fe< the Irvine ComJ>OD1 enlcimenl of Ille land IWap. Bui a and Ille couaty fur more time lo Pf"Pare final run,. m Ille valldlty of h · dul, arsumenls· : . dependent upon · fur1her' Cl•rl!lcallon of Al llllte is Ille COW1ly'1 tndlng In a recent -law "1tlch -lllCtb the Irvine C0mJ>811Y of 157 ..... of • tt:-10111..ponlble, -Ill' .. -lide1andl for ~ acru ol lrv\nt tancl" U IWo ~ aw~, ~ for bolh· CounlY 1111ptr\'ll!orl l)l-Ille deal i>arlles bllve Aid. after rejecting protataf!Om lbal t11e Ial!ll ,County ...t"' 1or,111t 1ooc1 which -111 . swap waa nolhlng more lhan device be ""1"'1 lo 0-le\ the ~ by Irvine lo &el heavily taxed land include Ille· cnaUOo of pub aod ....,... oil the tas rol!J: lien .... u throoahoot U1e dtolcit ........ • Al Qahaer Nid tht flotMm io ·the truh la the -tlaal fleeta and j-.a ·;, the · truh that llnb. . I doa't !mew who Al Qa~ ,., bat dial deflnltlen will be po<1 . ._p for me antll Jft -...... with.~-· ,,,_ ...... diho ""k have told me that one of 1he hett .... ,t.;~ ht Onnp Gcnmty 14 ritbt la the middle of • 1to.., 1!"3467 Via Udo ui'·Newport 8-)., Ilove'y°" med oa.a8y U.S. and Swl• Shoeo there laielyt .._ tll to 142, ' ' S.-·f-• Wrfier, whoM -y• wealcllme ... hutaJtt, ly u 1·..W .... ,, .. ,....It, - ·iald, "He·iUa ho-~ ..... at 20, ... _, at 30, or rt.i. Ot 40; .. wloe "' 50, will -lie rw.d_..:; ilrollf, rt.i. or WW." 8" old clld 7ft Ny IOI' ,..,...,. c ••• Aclully, I ..i..•t · Jfail!d if f.O!!'N · llilt M 'joiiull u )'oa, uaod 11 ·1Je...l 1-1 nnl -of my people .... tellla1 a · -··· "lllclclle ,. la ... we11110,aitll11111 ' , • .' De\ you. IMnk I find him, or hOapt it; If your 1ait liq ·a. p ..... hlm a ,raiae? . llalle mag in ii oomew~ cir AN ; you· u coulUOua to !lie battom bang kind ofl- peeple 'Who work in r.etail. brinc.ii'tom.Trytoplonap-' ·-· u 'you especl diem to prapflauily oad look on year be.loiOl\fldareNywe're'tlae '-'Uil welll tDODd the rip ~I •Ion In 0nnp (lt'a gi.1 lo be a tiny one, °'"""'1• tlaoqh), tit!hlml the battoiaa, ·There'•• word for you. Try w!llioureomplluienta, and uylq II -1 fut, three tim., ..,... ·you· hoe\<: 4l!1I -·the · Sup 11 uar we 1DtDe haek; world: wiJh a,J.is fat amlle • Act p~t; we "-me 'io Andnow,we!dlibl9re....i 1i~~"11inFJ pleuint• it will al· Ollr -. ·for ·writing. thU. • moot IUOft your ilomacli. 'tl'e~re We'd much ratber aeU yea a· · .._derfUI. nice new anlt of do .... ·than ' ,. ~-. -' ' ...,;, fijqjeraoil on.the Statue• ha•e r.oo rud an ad We worbd of Uberty ......,_ lS iaehet• IO ·"lo11ed bani lo:wrlle ..a,. bJ.;ll_t~ei.,.. ~..,. anybod7 thea.p .1o SU-.....d'a, or At. al!.oWd ·uk Y'!'I unexpectedly.. klnaoa'a, or Rob~'o. or ·When . .,..... -tbo "'-' ~eloeforyow'coaito. ~on a pre1criptio.a 'i' , · '8S·.1o·tl6S, · • ' ' Jack ·Bidwell . " • •• ' . -' • .. , " ''~ ' -. . ... ,• -·~ ' " . . a.od. ' • • . •• -. • l'" •• I -.. - f ·ORANGE COAST · c ·HU .RCH DIREC·TORY , f ~==~~;;;~~~~~~~~==ir=~=::~:=::=::=;:;:::::::;;::;,;====ur;;,~H;,E~~;·;sc;:;;o;P~A~L~C~H~U~R~C;H~::;;~~~N~.:wport:::~H~•~rbo~.=='ir=~Luther~;.~n~Ch;;;urch;;;===1 : FAIRVIEW,.!.,~~ .:!!'!,PH cu u CHRISTIAN · ·SCIENCE Wol-You. Lutheran Church of the Marier . ~ 10 AM. WORSlllP SERVICE · · ST. 'AMU. un Y1o U4o, --ISO! CUit Dr LI Ul93 2900 Padfle View Dr; ~ · 'UL suwDAY c"vaa. SCHOOi. CHURCHES ,_..., ...... :.... 7:JO. t:M, 11 :OI ,.. ... • ..... ,_., CORONA DEL'. MAR' :. . ,,. P.M.1~ ':;!,1rW:, n:': :µ"P_:....._ . T=:r.::~-·= ::z-. n. ..:::::J. 1·1• z"" DR. WILLIAM It. ELLll 'Jii ............. 'l."'91r -....... c:an-.-..n• 'tuMCHD °' 1MI' MOTH~ CHUICM ...... -w.itttn PhoM OR s.5022: • !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II THI PIUT CHUlCH Of CHlllT. IClumsT RMtw;n..1w ...... P. A.w., II: Aa... Ttie lw. O.W C..., · --..,.,.. ...... z:Mi• .,..., • 4 tN lbSTON. MAllACffUDrn PflOnt: 675-0210 --.n ._.. ...... t :u.111• •.a. ! • ' . W_....~ •• ..,.111•U1• " ··"AUOR TRINITY BAP11. ·"5y CHU.RCH y 99 ST. MICHAEL ·& AL ~ ANGELS Nursery care availabl'e 1:45 A.M.-F1111lly W•r1ht, I , 9:45 A.M.-Sund1y Cltwc• Scltlol l • ft, ' ''I 0 E · Pacific Ylew Dr. at Marguerite, Corona de\ Mar at an 1ervlces ! · llJO ':.."C:.. =·= -1 Ill 2 Sundays: 8:00, '9:30-Cbild Care at 9:30 WELCOME • 11 :00 A.M.-F.ttfit• W•nhlp ~ SUDd8y sdiooi 1:45 a.m. . Morning worship 11 :00 a.m. Subjed of Lesson-Febru.ary, Holy Days as ~announoo! A 8aptllt Training Union 6 p'"':fiL" Eveninc service 7 p.m. Costa MIN _ First Church of Christ, Scltnlist lecter, n. In ...... 1....,. hrh ~ ..._. '44.f4•J Wedoefd11 ·Blhlt Study Is Prayer : .......... 7:00p.m. 2110 M.,. y-o. • .,_ -ST. JOHl'j THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. ~ ~~2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:11 ...._, .. , .. ,_,,,. A.II. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Chur.ch School -9:30 . i ct.re• 5.rrtc.-11 A.M. . Th sd 8 30 & 10 H I D ··• -.. 1 .. ., JllO Maa, '•'*Dr. ur ays: : a.m.j o y ays as announ\;CU. Vies, n. ..... .hllll W. D1rsl•11 -,.. .. '41-IJJ6 il. RRST SOUTHERN BAmST CHURCH . Huntington ~ecl>-Flrst Church of Christ, Sclontl!t , EPISCOPAL dO HAMft.TON. COSTA MISA 110 Oltwto . • Rev. lob s,hrniltikopf ~ l S11Mky Sdl11I ttll I 111;11 ~,, S111.Mey khiol ., •... , 9:4S ' -Tr1lnin9 Union .-, •• ,, •• , 6:0,0 ..... 1--'ll Olfw . I M1rt1l11~~ w ,rshlp •••• 11 :00 ~.4'.'t:~ .. ~~t,;;c~·:~:: ;~:: La9un1 Bl~~h~.':,~ C~u.~c~ ~ Chrllf, Sc .•ntitt ..... lf~!'•J .....,....,. ........ ) ~&.....,S1L11t 'tiJlll1:N t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~l ·~~Hi . .,....,. ... w " ~ NoWport Boeth.-Flnt Chorth of Chrl1l, Stlontlll t UNIVERSITY' BAPTIST CHURCH .. ~::U"i. ~ .. ~,;,. • -;,,.. ~ 1212 S. I. PAUSADU ID. led! ....... JJ11 Y'9 Ulle • -SAMTA ANA Hll•HTS Newport Btich-S1cond Church of Christ, $cl1ntl1t ~ =:esc:=H1,;··::::;::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.!'~~ 1100 Poclfk Ylew Dr,. C.... .. ... i .., ....... WOflSHtl" ..................................... r P,.M. Chrc• & s...., Sclloel-11 ...... . " • • MIDftllt lllYIC• WntfllaDAY . . . ,, .. ,,,,., ...... a..--zus, L ·c..r Hwy. •UUf MIMI~· CHUllCH P~I M-lf7J' FlllST FIRST CHRISTIAN llAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH .,_,..., Victoria & Placentia Ave. C~• .. iJUltJ Ccata Mesa 17411 M.,..n.. s. ..... I. "9rcy ........ ,...., Mllbttr lln,D_ ....... ..... :.::..~:~· ··~ Soll41y ~hool •••••• t :lt AM Mon1l119 W•nhlp .~ 11:00 AM '"'-•~r ........... t 1 ·""" Pr•rw S•rvlc• ••• , •1Jt PM ....... w....-........ ,.! .. "" M11h19 Worship , ••• 7:00 PM V9Wl'llOt-.. ................ '"·"'-YHNn . ... .............. 1 "·"'· ......,. .................... Nursery Care Provided 847-4844 • 54~771 141·6341 1 W• ltll..,• In You •• , FIRST CHRISTIAN UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST ·CHURCH I CHURCH I 1259 \lictorit St,. Cod• M111 Su!lfl YI 646-46.52 M•in a Ad•m• Str•th 10:30 A.lit. Hu1ttlngton Beach· BAHA'IS Monl~onhlp ,.,,,. I0'41 tli~lt 54: ool ••••• .t :JO PR.OCLAIM Yo11tfi upt •••• 6:00 IM Saha' u' llah l¥•11i~ otthf11 •• '1:00 PM .... ,..., ..... _...,_,,,"" "Th• Ptomi1•d On•" N__,. t.N ,,...,. It Ill ..,...""9 OHU : $».2SIJ . Dltl Oft'o~ 541.-32.15 or 549.2005 . GO AHEAD! AU are cordially Invited to attend the church services and enjoy the privlleget of ·the Reading Roo1111 a1111 c.. PrnWN AT AU. snvlcu CHURCH OF CHRIST · ·217 W, WILS;)N ST. COSTA MESA lll'Wllll HAllOI _. PAlnllW SUNOA't MORNING tllLE 5TuDY •••••••••••••••• t:41 AM SUNDAY MOflHIH& WOR»ilP I COMMUNION , • 10:45 AM SUNDAY EYENIN-WORSHIP ; •••••••••••••••• ;. 6:00 P.M • WEDNlSDAY EVENING lllLE STUDY •••••• , • ,, •• , 7:30 PM NUISllY CAii PIOYIDID D ... 0 . M..,n.ld Mlllbttr , Phone: 548·5711 D. G. H11nt Au.elm MN!htlr D.:y or Nlgbt i ' ' F1nt An111blv .. of God CWch "146 E. 22no1·1t. Coita M,.a 548-1761 M. C.. c...,1., Pastor _., Hiclt.1011., Mlnilfer ef Yo11tft .~ ICMDUU °' umca ••••' ctauiii ....., ••••••••••••••••••• , •••• tiJI ..., '-" ·--• •••••• ••• 11:11 .... &· 7;tt ,. .. ct.wch a ;.1, -Slrt.ril '•ttlMn, Director ..... Welce• -MWllrY A ........ ,. STATI UCINSID P11-SC1100L-Ni1 - -~ , ,._, Mlollll • ••• • • HARBOR R&OllM nMPlE _,, .. "' • St,' .ia..,.. &~I Church ' ,3209 Via Lido; Newport -h SAllATH ·SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 1lAlll •Ill UIWW' ' . IJOtl INl'OIUMTIOth CAU. 0-IMI GLAD .TIDl ·NGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD '15th & Monrovia, Nowport liffch t~hdlw.ttfHMI~ ' 646-4620 or 546-7166 Tlltllllt I HVffllll, ... ,.... .._-Mii•, ~ DlrftW t4S A.M.-S....,. Sc-.. 10:50 A.M.-ln. ,_. PW:I ..... , R1dlo Mlni1t1r fo l1fh1 Al'l'ttrlc1 7:H P.M.-a.. • ......, ......_......_, h• 1'91r ~..... 7al -P.M.---C."• ....,_ •111rlm1 C .. M6oJ760 I ,.... 7:30 ..... -C.A. ~ . D111 Murray, o;,.cfM , WH. 7:JI P.M.-...... ,,_. ~ . I "--CHRIST LUTHllAN CHURCH Mlaouri Syn(ld 1.-Vktwia It. ·ctlhl MH1 Lother V. Twa.w, Plltw StlMM .• .,,. llrvlcW l:ll • " A.Mo • ........ ...... fill A.M. ""'" ... a..1 '"' AM.. CHllSTIAN IUMINTAIY SCHOOL PRINCE OF PEACE LU'tHERAN CHURCZH M11a Vw4t Drlw1 I l1li:or Str11t, Cetta Me ... C.lif .. ~ · ' A"IDllW C. -.ND•ISOJI, ..... " .-AAiM~lllf' ,00,f;lO•ll:OO .Sllt\dl Ykllool: 1:00,t:JO ,ll:• f.1.<-•~· ......... . • Pr!.~ .. PMct lufft1r•li SUMI -Miu htftw CWKl!t MNlptl .Offict ....... ut.0521 -· . Sek.I ~ ..,,...., -' . . . HUllllH•T.1111 - lllllTED CHURCH Of 'RW6IOUS DICE , . 142o 10th St. Huntl..,... ...ci. · ,...., ......... ~ .. , .... Q ....... ,1:11 .... We1h11141y h.tilllf Sh4y 6 t1•p-71JO p.11'1. .................. ,.._1UWIJI , A Cordill Wolcom.' from THE ·· UNITED METHODtsT-CHllCH a.11.u l1l111d COMMUNITY MITHODm CHURCH 111 Afote 675°0910 1:11 i11f--r Wortlilp t :lO Tr1d ltl•11•l Word.Ip I: SllH1y $cli1ol C.1t1 M•11 FlllST UNITED MlrHODIST CHURCH lttfi St & H1rbor 11...f. W•l'l1ilp & Church Sdtool t :l O 111 AM 141-7727 Catto Mo11 N•rth MISA VIRDI MlrHOOisT CHURCH M111 Vtrd1 I l•k ... St. 14t-271 t W0rthlp I Church School t :OO I 10130 AM Hv11tlllffM h•cll H•lttl'llffot1 ... ch-N .... COMM UNIT\' MmtODIST CHURCH 6662 Hill A.,.,. .1qM•I· WorJiip I Cll11rc:h Sol.Ml t I 10:10 AM lrvlne-E11t llvff UNMUITY MmtODIST CHURCH W•r1hip . ,, .1110 AM IJJ.1211 •M1•tl119 f•mpor1rily In St. M•rlt 'r11.byterio11 Church E11tblllff Dr. I J1mbo,.1 Rel. l •t1111• l~c~ LAliUNA llACH MmtODIST CHUltCH 21,12 w"r.y 0r ta So, Latu•• Wot1hlp t :JO I 11 AM Church Sch••I t :lO AM <fff·lOll St.a' IN SUNDAY MORNING! n.. ........ ,JtJt .................. .!=ALVARY CflAPIJ. ............. . COMMUNITY c•\A• S"CIAL MUSIC Af ALL SllYICIS 1.~~~~~·~·~•Y~"~M~•:•~t;~,·~· ~··~"~"'~•~y~9~,l~O~A~.M~~~~~~11 · HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GO.D . FIRST UNITED MmtODm CHURCH 272 1 t7tfi St ••••• 5J6-l5J7 S.rvic" -f :JO I 11 •.111. Nu~try thri 2'nd t r1d1 • 11 Ch11rch School -9:l0 1.111. N-,.rt l•1cll CHRIST CHUICH IT 1'.111 SIA 1400 ,W. lot•M ...,._ 673·1101 Wer1iiip I Ch.rU ~ t :lO I !1:00 AM • ' NEWP0Jl1' HARBOR LUTKIRAN CHURCH .. all'Dftn. ............. . ... "" ... .,.,....... &.wt. ......... TIMMt9t -.............. fl9k. Qil'l:W'J ClllMI It H 11• ; sa•1 I',, ......... , a.'dl ,,...,. yM e11..................... . • '4U7U 646-9U2 Of lillWPOIT KACH-flttlll ..... 1 ........ t11 ta:lf H._ Bsuat•f ...., · .UI L t• It. C... ..... Church School -9:45 AM. Worship -10:45 A.M.m N__,. C..· l'NwWH Phone: 675-3"5 IWDiater: Dr. D. W. NcE:lroy -··-SJ. "MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH •• • , . fWl•tt11M Syt1.4J WOt1hlpl19 •f fM UNll/tl15 ITY P~RK SCHOQL S1iAI,,. 1f W1m_. In Unl•trtlty P•r• WOISHIP: 11:20 A.M. Rt~. H. Nit rtn111R, P11tor IJJ.1211 I , 740 W. W11-; Costa Mola ', '· 1. HRlWICI, -C~U·lll!ftlT 141"41H . . '.;.,. ~~ .... , 6f1' ljELlq,raoPE • .....,1 ... ..,.. a.. ~.... • ..... ... ........... ,,..,..-.., .................... .c ... 673'4000 S.vellflt.D A6Motf.f· ""11•~ ay "I .~i"!i il . ?r ' 'Tr . ~-~-I SUNDAY SllYICU . • 10:50 ..... _ • ..,.. SHrlt ef • ...,,, --· s.,.. ... J,y ,,,,., • • + • .., - 7100 P.M.-"Tlle Mlcl0l nt Crftk• S•t111on by P11lor COSTA MESA .CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ....... _.,....,.._ • ........,_Cltllill C... 'FIRST Cl:IRISTIAN CHURCH 271 ....... ...... .., ... 1,1\1 I -I , ... f.-..rt .... ''-"""' ........ ,, FOUNTAIN YALLIY John Shtw111•li:, Pitter ..... ·~ ~' · UHIFllD SERVICE • S.fl41y Sch•el t cJO-WOU HIP • 10110 Pho11•1 5'41·4&t • • U71J C.W.;Yef't! f-hrsr - ' •·~ •••• t ·•t .euJ, Ii. t! t.~111• •l t,fot 1 1 W•rslllp I Y•11th $tMpt . 6:JO p.11'1. -.. -' I N•tt•'Y ,,..vi4M 1t •M tMti c.• . ..... W....W, 11 NAM l'he11•r 4t2.Jtl6 A c_:s.., a.._--. an.,....,..,,._. •• 1 ................ , 1 t:)~~A~M~l/r========~;;;;;=~=======]~ ___ .,.._,,,~,..~""""" ., ... " ... . 1'.rlhlty · UNITED SPIRITUALIST CRURCH 141&.._ ... ....,.A ... 1 ., i ..,., ! SHARI! " If ,._•,. 1 •ht tl" tr14#, •M tM DAJlY Pll01"1 ........ Di111 ... AoLINIE &11 .. iflM 141 Sihn11p. M1q • Mttw -.1 , •• '111'11.ffllof' , ••• ,. ~uyl111 ., t1lll11 .. • ·-WORSHIP AND MESSAGES • ,...., ...... -7tlt , ... to..MIJ I M4t44 W1 1.11, .. , i11 Etern1I lif• 11'td Ptev• ltl • •,' l PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Aret;is ...~i:e ... c!',:ch-~:.. .... Art. 0 . S...... ..... ~ S.~ Wontil,: t ilt AM Qaodi-.... 1 ·1'141 A.Jril, OM.. Jl I Jfllll St. ,.._ f"""4t' Church of ·t11e ~ffllGllt ltlO ___ _ l1v. Dot11ld I. Wocl11111~ l1t.rW. ,,..., , , 1 ....., • ...., ' ~ ...... ! ·~: ..... .r., ..... ' St. Andrew s PnsbS,; ·c•aq ,., ................ ....~·" 'u.i CHAaLIS. HRlllT DID... , PAITOI ' .... ·:; w.-aa.dt ...... 11.tiJllllAM • '"""'' St. Men Prnb"'9rbi Cllmrcll . . 1 c..., ................. ~ .... , ... ~ --..... -Wtlhl9 a~ S.•111 11 All ' .. 1 · ----~ '44o1MI ,., 1 CDmllllinlty PresbY,.,... ~iiiilit'. 411 .... A.-C• M It.I, '-"-...... 1 IAU.U 1VIMll. PAITOt .,......., I ea.... kt11I flit AM W---11 AM • -.. 4ff.7111 I Lutheran Cbarclt of Ult -Mat.tr, --2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. will offer communion at· 8:.S and 11 1:m: worshJp services. "A Change of Values," a sermon . base!! on Jeremiah 1:23-14, will be delivered by Or. William R. Eller. A baptismal service will be held at 11 1.m. I , . -" The Orange County Inlertallh Committee on SOcial concern will hold a meeting , Suaday evening, '1:30 o'clock at T~mple Negev, 7777 Ctn.tral Ave ., Stanton. The . meeting will include a brief period for organizational matters and election of officers followed by a film strip enUtled "Chauiine Wo(ld : ~an, Technology and F a I t h . ' • New members will ·be welcomed at 6 p.m, Sunday at Calvary Baptist Cbll.rcb, CAPITOL 8281 Garfield Ave., HUBtington •,, Beach. The Rev . James A. Dolin will addre45 the con- (Coollnaed from Page 4) gregation on "Experiencing Full Joy." Communion will CaU\olics;·lt· Jews and· thret ~be celebrated. - Qreef, ~~~O~ ' ,'T .~ 'i e e' i... -• :iTh.~ .:-~at o( Christian Liv· teprt1e11t:aUvea do not list any fui" ~ the tltle of Putor religious cc:inneetJoOa. Dolln?s· momfng· TiieS!81Je to Eaitem Orthodoxy, which· he delivered at the II •'.clock had no members at all in service. LitUe church is also Congress until two years ago held at this hour. Sunday despite its nearly five million school begins at 9:-tS a.m. adJWe.nu, adided one more wiUi passes for .all ap· thit Um!, to plake it three, groups. Youth Training meets giving It' a altghtly more pro-at 4:45 p.m. and youth choir porUonal place in politics. practices at 5 p.m. But there are no Hindus, A party £or the Crusade·r Moslems er B u d d h i s t s , Adult Class will be held Fri- atihqugb they number around day. a quarte:r ,mill.Ion in .this coun. try, mainly B1'ddhisls on the Flnt Ualted Met bod I 1 t r We.$!~~ in Hawali. Church, 2721 seventeenth St., I . Boroseope Meeting at 11 a.m., the Fountain Valley Prt1byterlu Cburcll, 9420 Talbert Ave .. congregation will hear Pastor StanJey P. Allen preach on Mrs. Robert F. Schnitzer was elected to the vestry of I~ M.1r7'1 ~ Clnnll cf .Laguna Beach. She 'la the first woman so bonortd in the Loa Angeles Dloc .... . .......:. BISHOPS ..• (CGoUned ,..,. Pare 4) erlUcal of hie; conservaUve views. ' He is one of 14 cardinals beyond 75 serving as residen-- tial archlbfshops. Six others have resigned s~ 1966. The o t b e r ~trovenial Am'rtcan is Archbishop Robert E. Lucey o( San Antonio, Tes., who will be 78 on March 16. Twenty-one of hts prleats peUlloned the VaUcan laal October domln- diag bis ~val because of various disputes. The Pope ig· nond them. ID; svapi, nine active bishops are bey<ind '5. The Pqpe baa been alow lo accei>! ,..1p: , lions in that cou~ because of friction tn the government. Tbe Mtsaionary Socitty of Other countries w i l h the Flnt Chrt.UU. Cl111rdl of relaUveJy large numbers of Huntington Beach bas elected bishops beyond 7S are Jr._land new officers. They are ,Mrs. with sll, Mexico, five, Brazil Myitle Wolbert, president;· nd •· 1· I h d Mrs. Ella :May EWott, first a nigen tna, our eac an Saturti)', Ftbrllll')' l , 1969 0' DAit Y PILOT 5 --NEW YORl . IUTIOllLS . _ · , .._._ Sliffi'. 0 L~•ll.•-f9'•J,. .: One Time Oilly I Don't .... bthlnlltllt .. .....,, on JOlll' INCOME -TAX .. .. COSTA MESA, 1175 Herbor Blvd., 6'12"'940 NEWPORT BEACH, °410 W. CoHI Hwy.: 642·7842 CORONA de! MAR,. 2435 E. Co11t H.;y., 675-0362 . ' WHk ~}'It •.m.-9 p·.m.; Serl., s. •. t .,Jlt,•I fl.It. A,...,ka'• LOf9nf Tu s.Mce with O~ 3000 ~ --NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY __ .. Colombia, three. vice preaident; Mrs. JeMie,-,.,.,-,-:----------------------------Critton, second vice president; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •, •,,, ,·,,, , , , , , , •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, , , , ,, , , , e ,, • ~~-t~~~Mr~0 Ru~·i,~~1: l iqow THRU FEB. 2-INANAHEIM ~I tttaaurer, and Mrr. Adah ! Wffftrn TrtYtl Film Kirkpatrick, adviler. • Fe.+i ... 11 WlnMi-1 111 :---c1iti11u~li.1 Shtwlnt •• • • I S11111tlo111I High Dlv1 Into I Mtny F11tvr1 Dltpl1y~ •f Sponf• phn olht!._'Champiori' _ f i1hi119 T11kl11 C1J11,l119, Sfi91 I W1i1r Acti al 4 I ' pm Gu111-;--1li1oii.-;-V1c1tlo111 Aquarius: Partner, Marriage Highlighted 'l ~ t ftetnorial p.dt Tb1 So111b"-f1 Mon Btllillif.Z M""ori.Js 111.A"'°'AIJlll • ~~. ~ ~jTREES ... ~~~ORLD ...... a-.-.-~ I i FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAIN1AINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. l t.1 HoOtl: 9:30 ~.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sii, 10 a.m. to ·6 p.m.· • • I I STEREO SENSATION.I 111• oolorfUI soun .. of _ eL.,,. PIO.• county Music .. ~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM · ·· From Fashion Island, Newport Beach • -____________ _. __ ' ' . ~ . ' • • \ I ' Tile Aatbor Dr; lade. W. Ptllasoft fl chanctUor oJ u.i.,,.itv of /llhloio' Urbaoa-, c"""'poljpl -· F.,...rlu Ill ...,. vSec chtinulor o& VC lrolnt. H• alao ii 'O rupecttc\ political sdmttat, Sl:f"O- fng currtnUv di vice prc~nt of &ht Aintrlcon PoUlicq(,_ Scl<nco Au~ tton. Ht ret"rntd rectntlv to tilt UCI ocsmpu to ·give a talk °" &ht durob~ ltv of our g.....,.,,,.,.tol ll"1<m to UCI ToMm and Gown. Thil fl on t.i- «rpt from thal JJ)<<Ch. F fud the Issue Dig Soul, Haw the Establishment 1°1"o!I'· UCLA's Cllltfomlo Svn By MAUREEN 08711 Some Jl"!Plt hate their.mothers. Mu Rafferty bates commwllsts ad!/ Zsa Zsa Gabor hates wrinkles. But chances are ii you are young you hate the Establishment, whatever that is .. The Establishment currently en- joys the status .of the number one hate object at UCLA. To students lbe Establishment can-be <q1ything from the military·ind"ltrial mmplex to 1 boring pro(....... . To Jim Zan , a senior : '"lbose tautological straight-type ~ple wilh closed minds. They think thiy haft to help civilize the rest of the world." . To Ed Bewley, ' graduate &tudenl: "It's the guys Who give me parking ticket.a all the time. Parting tickets aren't necessary for national security. They encroach upon my freedom as an individual." To Susan Artnl, a junior: "Imagine the cops wearing baby blue helmets while mashing people's heads i n Chicago." STUDENTS obould be careful. They are about to mate an- tieslablishmentarianism a new national ttligioo based upon revolutionary fervor1 and moral outrage. 'lbia ls serloua because everyone kpow1 .. lbe Coostilulioo and lhe D. A. R. have always advocaled a strict separation ol. cbun:h a 11..d sate. Besides, it is im· polite for stadents to oUend the D. A. R. BUt s~ soul ls on lhe s.ide of the students; soul will be used to tum on the fait.hful. who dig it religiously : To lbe ~x: "Soul is feelins black whether ydi.J're black or white." . To Ute skeptic: "ThiB cam.pus doesn't have any soul so nothing 's_ going to happen bore ... To the fallen away: "It's a word I use when I .J.ake my tennis aboes . to be repaired.' Being anti-Establishmentarian is based upon the ethic oi -Becoming a BeauUful Person. Beautiful Persona (Never say Beautiful People) Oo lheir own thing provided they know what that is. Those not yet pure enough to be heavy will have to stay funky for a while. Being funky means the earthiness is not yet rubbed out of them. Ute J mm Joplin is funky ; Jacqueline Onassis is noL But woe to ye of litUe hate. For all the cop-out.s and sell-outs will become pigs, condemned to . manipulating the system forever with Mayor Daley, Superpig. · Air an d Ersatz -. Fill Ice Cream Fnm The National' Observer Most shoppera don't know · it, bul the bulk of the low-priced ice cream they pluck. from fOCKktort freezers contains ~as much air-as-;t-doerlce-tttam. lt's artificially flavored ; it's laced wllh &eaweeds, psyllium teed buaka, cellulose, and laboratory-concocted sal&I made from anutreeze Cb!itiic8Ja. And It comes as close to· 'being completely synlhellc as it legally Caru le«ream fancien· disdain it, and few wbo rteail the! bavor o( ice crums al drug and coofeetiooery, ...., declaro much affectlan foi ~-supermarket arti- cle. sun, factory-pad/eel ice.creams :wld at food stores are ~-the markeL a dozen lce~ream makers ·asked would say how much air he used. However, premJW1l1Ce creams conlain from fO percent to 60 perei!nt oYemm. _ Premiwn-ice-cream also harbors a relatively high percentage of butterfat. The petcenl;lges range from a biP ot 16 percent to 18 percent -In ll>Cllled "P~lladelphia" blends, lbe Cf"°""" ol commercial ice creams' to a low of 10 percent, wh.ich is the ,. Federal minimum. The minimum ls set out in 11Frozen Desserts: DeflniUons and Standards," a part of the code of Fede.ral regulatioOI: estlblisbed · by lhe Food and llrul Administration (FDA). It took fuD effect in 1966 after 24 years of Govemmen~ dustry bickering. Of lbe 7'4,191,iqo .~ of Ice cream aold tn 1967, 5J _. were sold tn supermarkets. Dairy inen now complain -... that the cheap variety ls driving out quality ice cream.. On tbe average, fk· tory·pack.aged half gallons cost llO to 50 cents lesa than "premium" or "quality " brands, wbicll, as 1 rule, aren't 50kl in chain food stores. ' Besides stipulating the amount of but· terfat ice cream must contain, the stan- dard puts a maximum on the amount o( air it can contain. Accordin& to the Federal recipe, a gallon of ice cream must weigh at least 41.~ pounds: it may have 100 percent overrun, meaning 1 manufacturer can lnf1ate 1 gallon of mix into two gallons of lee cream. That ·s half again more f.)r than experts say "premium" ice creams CQOtain. . "IN A FEW MORE yean youngsters on this ersatz won't . know what. real Ice creams taste like" aays Lynn Paulson of the Natlooal Independent Dairies AssociaUon. Many manufacturen ecl1o lhe lament.· Yet ice-cream mUen aren't eoocemed solely abou!. aaUdying America'J sweet. tooth. Their re!llltU DWI; -II comp\ci: compeUtive dtala and ~ pricing practices lhOI teep them daJr1I. Ing oul admitlodb' _ln!tri<lr, low-profit ice creams wbea Ind~ studies h> dicate Americana can and will pay for better, more profit.able ones. Top-grade ice cream contains coob!d- gynips, heavy custard$, salt, fresh eas. frtah cream. sometimes gelatin. Flavor· lnp include such tlrlnp as vanilll beans. l"lrt chooollto, and fresh froita. II Ibo contains a1r -a . neceaary ingredient tlllt enten lbe mix when It'• wtlippod. Of """""· pumt>h>tl lh' Into loo crwn · i-Ua wiume. Two balcbes al mix well!hlnl lbe ..,.. but coolllnln( dlf!erut llllOUllil rl tdr lite up dl!l .... t llllOUllll of gpoce. Tbe ~tch with more llr nalur1Uy appear> greater in q11111U1y. And atnoe lc:a trt1111 la IOld by volume, It II pollfhlo to mUe 1 llWe mix fill 1 lot rt hll!1111loo or plloo Clr1ool. BUI' Alli doer "'°" than aller loo crwn'1 .U.. II affectl ill iuto. Eld! -octurer Jw his awn onnu11 tor lbe mnwnl QI.alt ("peimtqe r1 QVtt- run• ill trade jargCX'l) lblt makll 11th bell" kl8 aum. Not one.of mm:w Um \ --- ' AUO, the standard detalll the kind and amoontl ol Ingredients that may be ll30d tn Ice cream. It includes a generoua n.t ol xoeh arcane naturll ~els-II >CINgll, a1gin, ~ (all ... weed products), llWD ocacla, guar seed pm, gum tar1,y1, locwit-bean (lDD. and Oii gum (all !tom plantl). II pVOI ·its bltsling to llUdl diemlcal addlllves U propylene pycoi (lbe IOW...... c:oft. sUtuenl), glycerin, oodlum carbo".Y methylctllulooe (I cellulolle), and It permits -the UM! o( monoglyttrld<s. dlgl.yceridel, dlaodtum p b 0 s e b a ~ e s ldruodlum-te,polylon>ate IO, and dioCty\-eodlam -aill09.ICdnat.e. Most of t.be:Je lldditlvet are used as '' atabl Ii zera ' 'and "emulsifiers." stabilizers make ice cream amooth ; emulsifierl make it ltiO' IO it can retain •Ir. Jig&ered lnlUlld --ayn-lbetks and 1t1bltltutoll IUdt IS corn l!)'Tllp (instead of sugor ). dried •W (imtead of fresh), Vlnillln (lnltoad ol vanill1), lbeoe stablllnn and emulsifi<n permit manufacUren: to s l m u I 1 t e quaUU.. MCO_obtlhl<d only by blending lbe freshest and richest 1..,..iients. They mote It poaible to crule boy,... beny ice cream ,.1lhilut boyxoberrlu and maple ptCIO wlllooul •Dllpie .,.,.P and wlthoul pecana. Most lmportl.Uy Ibey mlke It poaible-to cut mooofac- turinl cool&. • • • • . . A People • in· Transi~tion , . - ' ' . c:~ncellor Sees Ho pe, T rou bwinAmericanSystem BJ JACK W. PELT~ Polllical ldeotista have come lo deacribe our .,aem.. u a pluralllt democrlcy: . ... ... .tlilo tonn to dlf. ferentlate It from U,. "civica tucben'a" kSe&llzaUoo of delnocracy. This is a view thlt 1utooomou1, illdividual, Public. spirited and fully·lnformed clU-, lltor careful, ~-1nalylls ol all lbe flds come to a tlrdully reuooed decision u to which men and which jlll1lea would best oerve the nalion. In mlllng uptlltlr mhidl-cilheus cut aside all tbooghb: or caocerm about their own porticulll' welflre and tblllk only In torms al lbe PQOl)ll pod. Altor the election,' ljJe dtlmlo ·-llert. Informed ... active • Tboee elected to .olflee 1"1t Uide Ill thoug)lts of victory or difut, turn 1 -dtlf ear to Ill special lnterestl, and f...-1esa1y a.id without' 11-tlllCI and lmplemenl' pn>grlDll that --.t wllh lbe ..-ol lbe people. If such an lde1liltlc -ti thought to be lbe proper ltlndlrd, ii quickly leads to di&lllusiomnent and cyicimt when the obvious facta of our poliUcll life are brou&ht forward. It cauRS some to conclude that democracy ls 1 fraud. ,WHAT WE HAVE--to oversimplify It -ls a systqn in which large numbers or persons art uninformed and'apatbeUc, most voten tend to vote bt habit, and to ... lbe islues tbrougb lbe lwi ol their own aeJecttve perception "-events, in which P"'IJll compete lor power 'in order to promote their own parUcular llOclll, ecooomlc, and pollUcll p>lll, in. which thooe who bold olf1ce havt the nonnal human c1¢1J . o! not wlilllng to loae their job!. What Save1 tht system and makes it work. ls that it does not requlre that men be angels, but 10 long ., there is a genuine competition for power, significanl numbers ol lbe 1"1blic who are attentive, and an understandlnt by the competing elites of the rules of the democratic game, then there ls a very high probabllily lbe vllues in general the public supports · will be reflected In what the government dot!. Appromlnent charlClerlstic ol our governmental system is the deliberate diffusion of power am.one many differing gc.vernmenlal JoatttutJon1. OUr aov.,,,..,W . atruciure tn dtect ~ nobody tn chirp, provide> no lhllJe uena fer ~. and pves .. checl: and bolance upon checl: and ba1lnce. Aa a result no ll'O!lP ever complet•ly wins an election, dci poop .ever completely bel one. UNDER SUCH A ayllem pollti~ de!eat CID be IOCtptod with equaolmHy lor no poop ts llkeb> to !Ind 1 de!ut to be I(> 1llruteDlnc thal it It unwlllitlC to ICCOpt lbe verdlcl rt the ballol bot. Victory j>crttDdl lltlle lipJlflcanl change. PoUlical tlff"YWda a r e not viewed as -to be -ed and deltr<>yed. . . ' given 1 cboice and not an echo It would cleuly ~ opted tor lbelr choice. Now they warn 'that unless declaive ectlon is taken tiOCm, catastrophe 1waib us. But what U lbe dlfllculty ....., from lbe fect that our politicol lnsfilutloos do In fact reflect ,the con!llCting wishes or the people ? What if tbe leaders are not copsplrlng to mute the voice of lbe people but that "°" Is no political Jiii-wilting to be 1lllltubed ! If thi5 be the cue, tbm the ability of lbeoe vlrloos coo!llctlng mlnorillu to putlclpote In lbe policy -· in being I party to lbe bargainlq, Ind comprwnislng thal leads to evolutionary rather than revoluUona:y alteratioDs in • Student Risla ts: Jtlo•tl11 Phong I ssue • •piracy, thlt erplai.nl why the , govern- ment som~ 1ppear1 to be ~ dering. I ltresl thia point in view of what I think l! the conSiderable nonsense that ls now finding some support within the intellectual community. Faced with an urban crisis, the long list of familiar Ills: street crowded and dirty, poverty in the midst of economic plenty, polluUon of air and water resources, rac· iaJ ~tion, a growiQg crime rate. and a governmental system that does not produce c o b e r e n l, revolutionary, dramatic, aolutiona -the most glib explanalion Is to Impute this floundering to IOmt tlnd of coniplncy -a military industrial elite which for sellisb reasons haa made a consclows choice to withhold reliOUf'Ce!. • THE BLACK !i1µ.JTANTS' argwnent Is similar: the white power structure is operating bebing the lei!nes. The John Blrchers have the same klnd or diagnosis -onJy they fiod that the hidden com- munist co~iracy in alignment with the libera1 establishment is really in charge and causing all ol our social ill!. , The McCarthy supporton of 1961, much like the Goldwater supporters of 1964, were convinced that if the country was Defeat does not mean prison or death. It Js this syst.em, and oot some con- policy may be tension reducing and 1'ss likely to create., alienaUOn than if one segment were able to impose its wUl on the others. WE ARE IN A period of rising t.emions, growing alienaUon, a n d polarization, a period in which vis.ions of the future are in sharp conflict. There are some Americans who feel . so lnienaely that the war in Vietnam is of such a grave moral evil that it has become for them the overrid.iflg issue, an issue a~ which they are unwilling to compromise, and by which they judge all political lead"ers and politica.I actions. Yet the divisions on Vietnam policies are not reinforced by religious,--class; regK>naJ, racial, · or poUlical allegiances. nie significance of the Vietnam con- flict. in my judgment, reconfirml what Korea taught : in a democracy, llinited wan are political suicide for the party in power. It is impossible for a demoicracy to sustain the dSe of force for limited objectives without "riaking either demands for esc:alation o r withdrawal. A limited war is likely to become "domesticated," that is to ask young men to die and old m~ to pay taxes for limited poliUcal objectives ia ll'Obably uklng too much. That mmmunlatl ~ 1 • learned this lesson Is likely to . futw'e prqblems· for this nation ia the international sceoe, bul ln a very ~ sense, the domestic side of the war has been resolved. We are &oinc· to get out, all that remains is to work out the face-saving formula. VIETNAM, despite all tbe lenaloo, cm- fllcl, and turmoil, baJ produced within our body poUUc nol lbe tlnd al is.... that i3 likely to ·~ the natute of our party system, er govemmeotaf. la stituUooa. or Individual voling habits. Again, I .am highly skeptical that lbe ao-cal.Jed generation gap, the ilaae of student unrest, will ~vt IDY' IUltained impact on our . political s Y 1 t em , govmunenlal institution&, Of party pat- terns. • The issue al studenl righls II phony In the sense that lhere does not appear to be any poliUcal movement that can be built that wOOJd have any sustained momentum around students vereul non- students. Student hardly describes a class that has grievances so salient arxl overwhelming that it could support a political drive. When we come to divisions of race. however, I find signs that we ma'y tf faced wilh au intractible issue, one in which the nonnal incremental pace of our democracy may not be sufficient, in which polarization is possible, aliena· lion likely, and compromise d1fficuJt. RA.CE IS the time-bomb, the issue that presents as Wilh our most aerioua ' social tensions; Yet having recognized this, 1 remain unpersuaded that a differing set ot 1ovenunental instilutio11S offers any more promise of effective solution to this cJr other conflict. Nor do I aee any immedi!ite signs that we are about to undergo significant aJteraUons in OW' governmental system. Our sy&tem does gi\ie advfntqes to those· who favo~ the status quo, while it is characterized by diffusion of authori- ty, and require! of various groups wilt-·• ingness to accept changes, But, I do not l.hlnk this to be either in the Jong , or short run a fatal flaw. ' f I hoJ>e I am right I ~ • ,-----O..r Ill •• '" Satt Fr...cue. -----. \ Orange County S.ends Out Its Man in Curls Find Your Way· In 20-lnch Foot Bf HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -Who aays kids don't pa.y atteotkm to their parents these days? C'a.Iifofni.a Assemblyman John Burton yesterday shaved off his Fu Manchu moustache in deference to the wishes of his father, Dr. Thomas Burton, who a b solute 1 y HATED the thing .•. Meanwhile, the lalk ol lhe Leg~lature, hlnutewile, is Assemblyman Ken Corey of Anaheim, whose bair is long enough for pl~ls. (Anaheim? lan't that in upUgbt 0rlllg1! Cow)ty!) FOU&O')WMN headline in the Palo Alto Times: ''Officials Will Get Agnew's Ear." Ole! AND JOSH ROBISON of Berkeley ls having this recurring dream where.In Wally Hickel is reincamlted as •. ~ just in ume to be chopped down by Ronald Rea1an. DOG LOVERS, get up mi your bind lep and start yelpinll 'Ille Na-1 Safety Council, asked by the Post Office Dept. for su~ on bow to keep Its mailmen from being bitten, has now submitted its n:port. the first statement being : ''.A doi Is bulcll!, 1 coward and a lilW, and is more apt to bite you when you aren't looki111." Ob, wbert ii Albert Pays<n Terhune now tba( we need him? /4 for Lassie -go home. ROBERT rJNal hal ..ii..-ed bia first ~ In ........... He tried valiantly to talk Pres. Nbon into appointing Sbirlq Temple -l!k<k Ii U.S. Cble! ol ~ ~ lilit '"!"1d. have bee the ~ In the job -but lbe plum • -to Yachmn.11 Bui Moobacber i-d. However, Shlrle1 wtt.L .. t 1 Pait ..... --lbe Oovh bul, "" says, "I jlllt "!11,-talk .-11." 111B llALLft °"' 0..,. II 111- vertbina for ~4h• dl:nca'I. snmt have l 1"' ol ........ pn!er &Jc. major or hmnanities" -ua wbll'a that aD about! "WeD." UJI Boa Konrad Monti, "Jt'1 a comrmmlcltJcn lhln(. 'Ille ctrll -be 1ble to rap with lbe -)'1111 ~1" Dul. Pint to UIWer" the ad WIS I BllTllrd lid wbo quit Iller lbe flrat nl&IK, ez1llllainl "By ~I. I .be po bl'flnJ -liloullits." C..ldn1 -lbe np! BAIWft JWJ-BAM, -toe lbe TY lo1, fMd WI du :slptioa of 111 ,, • old movie called "The Redlaead from. Wyoming'': "A double dealing dance hall queen bas difficult time choosing betwetn....law-and-Otder .!!--.Deciskms. decisions! . . • . SCREENSTAR Kim Novak. has a new baby -a baby sea lion given to her as a present. Her steady gentleman friend, Restaurateur Joel Thomas, fa:abloned 1 "pool" for the ~~ed OO:t °'man u!1d g':'!:n a3 = Carmel Hig)llands house. When the sea non 1ets old enough to know lhe score (Lio!ll 7, Abalone O), lbey"U gtve it its freedom in the . nearby ocean. The Pacific, I believe. DR. JAMES PRlTCIWtD of. Berkeley, the world·renowned archeolog\st, rece.1.ved a rare medal from Jordan's King: Hussein -first American to receive It -in honor ol the ancient treasmes he unfolded on the Jordan-lsrae.I t;order. You have to like a man lib Dr. Pritchard. who describes liir:iuelf as having "a career lbat lies in ruins." ALEX MELTEFI" wants to know u lbe -batch of rrldu•tos 1t S.F'. State wW be known u The Clash of '191 and I sueu that's i j<>ke. "'A GENERAL semanticist." aaya Dr. Richard P. Marsh, "is. someone who, upoo encountering a person wilh I ~ wnuld say H WIS p-oblbly I man, buf Would hold open lbe polSibllil)I 11111 It mi(ht be I bUrded lld)o". • . r ttad that in Ibo curnnt lasue of 'lbe Map, monthly newsletter al lbe S.F. Chapter al the Soclely for ~ Semantics, which. under 0 Chapterltes In the News." reports: "Doo Kayakawa, who became acting piuldeot ol S.F. State Iller aludtnl riotlnl farced two predecessors out In lea 81111 I year, II -11(1 In Wlpl"IOtdentid mpome...,, 1'1ere'1 I <OOClasloo )'1111 CID't U111< with, bemled or olbetwbe. THE AMEl\ICAN CANCER Society --to -lbe tnJpb,y' It pve Dan She!wood for 111<*1111! the ·· c1pretta habit. Al Bimbo'• the o4IJor nl~ be· WIS Net on the. p.iffen.. but RooDie SdJell mlRs I lot al JllClllle ~· 1 DlllaDED to tlte 1 pOI ~ lfop .-., bat ti didn't-wort : ""<17 time I lrlOd \o upt It. I bomed 11\1' -lnrtshl. who Ollcl that). From Pelnlleu.m Today Magaiiae TbjJ paa:e is 914 noses high and 6 noses wide. Who says so? The editor says so. And whQse nose·is be using as a standard _of.JDtasuiemen1.? _H!s__o.wn,_nat.urally. People have been doing it that way since an Egyptian pharaoh deereed that the cubit was the distance from hls elbow to his fingertips. But now, of coutse, the sheet is in your hand.5 -and you're not within an arm's length of a pharaoh or of a DOSY editor. So you can remeasure the page in your own tenns: the length of your nose, the length of your longest eyellsb, or the leI!ith of tile . minislr:lrt that just cauJbl your attention. TlllS MORNING when you shut off the alarm, you were well aware that a standard, measured amOlmt of time had passed. But your morning reveries probably didn't include the thought that the motor in your electric clock operates accurately onJy. because the current com- ing into your bou6e is not 50 cycles, not 70 Cycles, but exactly &O cycles per second. Nodding over your second cup Clf mffee while the radio auberated beside yoo, you probably Wm! oblivioos to lhe !act that the staUon was zer.:Mg in euctly on 570 kilocycles or 1450 tllocyclea or whatever-and thertby avoiding 1 cacophonous din or conflicting programs. ON YOUR WAY to work, you may have been brought up short at lhe familiar sight cl. a yellow IChool bus and 111tom.Ucally put your loot oo lhe brake. That -al yellow wnuld ll<rt Y'OU anywhere because it ii standard throng)lout lbe towltry. Standards hive been a part of your , lite all day. Your world is made to mtasure. • It bl111't always been that way. Over lbe long""""" of history, lbere's been much more confusion than consistency about sla.odarda ol. measurement n.t pbanoh who stretched out his arm and aid "from here to hll!rt is I cubit" WU not the first Of the last to &ive meaauttment a personal touch. By m1ng man IS 1 measure, we have collected such atandards u the foot, lbe hind, lbe polm, lbe digil (the "ldth . ol 1 ,llnger), lbe gr.at span (lbe maJ· lmum gprnd between the thun:b and the little llngir), lhe liltle span (lbe diatlnce bat,._ lbe outstrelched !or•· n..., llld thlunb), and lbe fathom the distance betW<t$f • man"• outslttlebed mns). THE TROOILB, ol cour.e. Is thal lbere. are varlitions rrom man to man, Ind ev"' from pharaoh to pharlOh. 'Ille lllClent E(Yplilnl lried to ov<r<OIDt this l, .. . • by introducing stone cubit ban u stan- dards. Tiiey even went IO far as to 1(9le out dealh sentences ot .ibjectl who failed to. bring in their cubit bm for-comparison-with-the ..Royll.....Muter every full moon.- The Middle Ages had their momtnts, but they didn't do much for straighUnin&: our measurements. It was· an eta when "home rule'' went wild, and every duchy (and sometimes every village) set up its own staiidards. . King Henry I of England WU one of those who lhoug._ the wbo1t situation was terribly mediival and tried to do something about it. Taking a cue from the pharaohs, he established the standard yard as the distance between the tip of his nose and tht end of his lhumb. THE KING had a lasting effect on seamstresses, since a woman who'll buying cloth still often measures lt from .. her nose out along her outstretched. ~ -a la Henry I. But this by fer wldel)" accepted standards was mostly a losing batUe. The medievalist.I went on mNall'· ing an acre a! the amount of land a man could plow in a day -and a rod as the combined length of the left feet of the first 16 men wbo came out of church on Sunday., Some of the tales about the Mkldle Ages' attitude toward standards may be apocryphal, but in unvarnisbed trutb the medieval foot dkl meander all ·the way from 10 inches to 20 inches, the poUnd faried from I to It ounca., and one o the common def'uliUonl of an inch was "the space occupied bJ three round, dry barleycorns lined up tn I row." But the days may be numbered for many of lhese souvenirs ol the put. In the modern world, lhe trend Ml1UI to be irreversibly toward euct standardl that are widely applicable. -~1--W-. Saturday, February 1, 119 The Comment Pap of ~ Daily Pilot seeks to bdmm and slimula1" readers bJ presenting a variety ol - menlary on toplct of mi.. est and significance fnlm' informed obauven a II d spol<eamen. Rollort N. WMll Pulill•r ' '· • ( ( .. .I . , ' DAILY l'ILOf 7 t I _CODA MllA ONLY \ • • , ' , . -. ' . , . By, L M. BOYD football field and casting a , • WHO WOULD ha\'C thought plug over the goal posls at · Lita1 only 6 out of 100 people the opposite end • . . NOW ·' regard themselves m happy? A GlRL in Great Falls, 1t1ont., Not T. But that's what the insists J Jost my wager that poltsters contend ..• IT WAS Somerset P..1augham never · THAT PUI"JSTER Josephine wrote a short story called ·' Hemphlll who referfed to "Rain." Still insiJts he il.idn't. ghost writers as "spooksmen." ''Rain" was the play adapted .•• WRITES an Ohio lady: from Mr. Maugham's story, "I'm not too fat. It's . just "htlss Sadie Thompson." was 'that l"ln short for my weight.., il nbt? ... OUR NA1ttE ' According to the t a b I e s , GAME 1ttAN contends it is . I shou ld be 8 feet 9 inches a rare Eliubeth 'who remains tall." ... IT'S CLAIMED unmarried. Believe that 's BY a Manhattan judge that right. Knew a city hall clerk lhe best lawyers are those once · ·ho daily checked the of Irish extraction l . .. TllE first names of the women -0n _ACCOUNTANTS who pick up the marr:iage l,icense.ij.\Ll .. Jle ' t.neir ·bachelor's degrees this sa id Ellzabeths always predo-~ear, will get an average · m;nated. '.• <! ·i•,i. \_ ~· i 'Cl!llLDREN15' ''T·'-' STRAPS ~art1ng salary of $'737 11 A BRITISP ~SJ • . · m~;~T FOLLOWS is the one ~f:~s t~~~-f~~·,~:~~ . o~~ ·ntifl. :i.'91 2 68 co n coction most oflen decay. Wait, .that's ·not qu ite S11t1d.ay 011ly • prescribed · 100 years ago to right. Wha't he actually blames cu.re the common cold: "I is food that is .piping hot. teaspoon each of s u g a r , But he reasons the table fork mineral oil, sulphur, ginger, allows you to put food in your plu.s the juice of I lemon. !nOuth that would be too hot with 2 ounces of 100 .,l"fl'lf to pick up in your fingers. ;f. whisky, topped off wtlh bOili~ Eliminate the silverware, says water to make an a.ounce lte, and you will cut cavities drink. Go to bed im mediately. in half. Last night at the din- Rubber sheet on bed is good. ner table whe~ l suggested ·-Patient will sweat profu.sely. to the lady friend that we Mora thaii likely ·Will cure ·give. serious consideration to cold. Double the sulphur, pa· .the foregoing, she just looked · tient will quit smoking. Double at me kind of funny and dlsh· · the· mi~feral oil, pqtient wil! ed up the spaghetU. be afraid to cough." -' ' " . 4NY FISHERl\tAN w h o ~hi.Ilks he can cast n line fairly filr ought to consider the achievement of one O. L. Hawk. That gentleman made a name for him self by stan- ding on the goal line of a Your questions and co1n. ments sre wetconied a11d tvill be used wherever pos- sible in "Checkit1g Up." Addre1s mail to I,. f\1. ~Boyd, in care of the PA ILY PILOT, Bo:t 1815, Jfe wport Beach, Calif., 92663 ~ Ill-mannered Lad Tau~ht b1 HiSVdd DEAR.ANN LANDERS: Our 14-year-<>ld son is a little on the smar.t aleck side. He and his father are' ioi-ever arguing.' 1 am b~girutj.ng to wonder Who is at faul t. Last night 1ny husband walked over to the chair . where Buford was sitting and jerked the pillow from under his head. Buford's------'---- head hit lhe back of the chair and, he bit hi s tofl..-ytiur relationship. People who 'gUe._lfe_y..elle.d_so_.loUd......-beba_!e_!hat way_J_hinl i:pore --. . oltlielr dog1 than Ibey think the neighbors 1n the next or their frlendi and they'll apartm·ent began to ~nock let you know It. · • on the wall with a broom. An · ·hour later my husband . Yanked the foolstool. fr~m ~nder Buford's feet. At that point I look my husband aside , and told him he should have a'Sked the boy politely for !he ipillpw and the footstool. His answer was, "The kid Is not polite l<r me and I'll be darned If I'll cater to him. J'm going lo give him the same treat· ment he dishes ovt." : · Then my husband accused . rrle' of being on the boy's side . and reminded me of the col- , amn you wrote about ~ids . wllo play one parent against • th!! other. I need to know 1f t ·am right or wrong, Ann. -CAUGHT IN jlETWEEN DEAR ANN LANDERS: My sister lives on the CoilSt with a man to whom she is not married. To make matters worse, she has two lovely children, both teenagers. J want to see my sister and the children, but I refu se to stay in that house unless the ma n moves out while l am there. Wouldn't you think she could ask her lover to stay somewhere else for a week? I suggested it and stie said no. J Should t cancel my trip? I miss those kids like crazy . -AUNTIE MAME Children's popular T-slJ:aps !or school, dress or play. Choose· yours in brO\Yn with grained vinyl uppers and long \Vearln g solC's ;i.nd heels. Sizes 81h to 3. Just say "Charge It". 13 OZ.* Sill DRY ROASJtD PEANUTS IN VACUUM JAR Our Reg, 78c 58c .'!irmdny Ouly De licious dry roasted peanuts In •. vacuum jar. No oil or sugar used in pr~ssin~. Idral trest for partiC's. <Jlltl WI. Lo,..17" ci...11111~-NII ,. ••lwl MEN'S ORLON®·CREW SOCKS Our• fleg. 68r Sunday Only ·~ 2 11rs. for 96c !\-!en's popular crew socks of·75% Turbo RI-Bulk Or1on~ acrylic and 25% 'Stretch ribbed Spande~ top. Available ih your choice of white, black and colors. Sizes 10 to 13. Just Charge It. ¢ DllP'flll TM !. • BOYS' SPRiNG JACKETS IN SIZES 8-TO 18 .. Our R~9. 3.77 Cha1'9e 111 - 2.47 Permanent Prm jacket ot pol)'ester I cotton with pocket1. Malu. Blue. Green, Oyster or Gold. Charae ii. ROUND -BOLSTER PILLOWS Our Reg. J .47 Sunlila11 OMll/ . 1.17 7\h21" Floral or Early Ainerican print bolster pillows with cord welt, Kapok filling. Colon. -~· TALL GIRL NYLONS Reg. PriCe 84c .Sunda11 Onl11 ' 44c Sheer aeamleu . stretch ny. Ion. On£ alze fita 9 to 12, Approxlm1te lenaht 38..fO". Popular &hadn. SLEEP-RITE ElKTRIC BLANKO DEAR CAUfl:HT: Pattats \\'ho compla1a about ribart· ·mouth kids would do well to listen to themselves talk to t be I e: chlldrd. Youag1ter1 ·~peak-11 they are spoken tt. DEAR P.W-tE: Go. And stay In a nearby motel. I agree witb you that your sister'• living 1rran1e111ent is dl1gnceful, but you have no right to lm~e your standards oa ber. Our Reg. J l.77 S•nda11 Ont" 8.88 Your bl&WDd'1 bebavler 11 , ·juvillllJre. He dtould be '1etdl11: •• example for bi1 ton, 1ot playblg di for bl. And you .cu tell die blg baby I 1atd ... ''T"' llrldt"a Guicle," Allll l t l'dtn' bocki.I, ........... ,. .&M of !ht! ""°'' f1""""111' etUcl QuetlloM •bout wect. 41111l. To nc.elW "°"'' -or "'I' Clllt\P•""1'-tlV't tvltlt, Wfl.. lo .lt1111 LI~ In uni of" fhl1 ,....._, e.Klo'llflt I Io" I , 91~1'11..,:I. 111mPWd MV111oPe •l'ld 15 Cl!'llll In coin. AMI ltfld.n Will bl 1ttd Ill "'"' R ANN I ANDERS VOii Wllll l'OUr lroblotrnl. Send ltMrn DEA • : to "'r 111 cc1n of '"' Oiltl Y tt1tOT. -Our oe:11t-door neighbors are enc1o11.,. • 1t1mPM. "~"''"" en~!looe. lirte people and we love them •?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,I , ~early. The problem is their IC _two dogs. They take them every place. They are well- behaved mlnlature poodles but they are still dogs. Several evenings a week we BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE get toaelher at qur house to1i.---....... ~~..,..._,I di!cilu'die .,.;ent. oi ·fbe day. e MATTRESSES e We II~ IQl!'up ha"11>& col.ir--------,J r.e lhf ...... k In our-lttchen. MATTRESSES I'm • good putry cook and llO.l'ft!. ROMEI . TRAUQ! J always have a delicious cake ~ ._,_ or J.>ie or some CqokJes on a.ta ,._ MattrHI c.. hand. four nights out of nve llM Newport lh•" BA1t· STOOLS last 11' .. I. the,. n<lghbon fed Uberty 8-1303 . my ·pa!irles lo their dog•ii,,.-_,.,,,..,,,.,.,=,.,,;,...._,,•i Our Re9, 9.97 right in front of me. e UPHOUTERY e SuMd08 Ont11 8.88 Thls really bums me UP l.----------.1 but"! don~ tmow If I should Vinyl back and seat. 24" & 30" heights In ... orted .. ,. an,ythlllf!. Wll•• rto you Mesa Upholstery colors. Fulht automatic double bed electric blanket with alnale control. W~EN'S P.ANTY HOSE . . 97c 100% stretdl nylon panty booe In popuLlr 1hede1 • Easy<are Ace;ate with Nylon Overla1! · SAL~ Women's .Waltz Gown_s in 3 Styles Our Reg. 1.78 Su11da11 Ottl11 1.44 Dainty acetate gowns with daisy trim yoke ab1ped lace yoke with bow <rr lace V-neck wllb bow. Ah styles have nylon overlay front.. ·Cboooe from Wed1ewood blue, lemon, hot pink, mint and blue. Si,.. S.M-L. Just "Charge It". KLEENEX PAPER .TOWELS Our Re9. 33c Sunda11 °"'" 3 rorS6c 115' RoU Towel Assorted Patterm PRESTONE OIL MISER Our Rq. 83c su~a11 0..111-44c Stops •If. burnlng. R.Stores lt>St power. Quleta noisy engines, cuts exhaust smoking, .................... , .... UTILITY 5-G.ALLON CAN 4.44 BUil< can Is the nme-1turd1 all purpooe po ..,. built to eovernment apecificaUons. Now jn red color. Arand new for yo:1" 1 iurpose.s. .....,. 1r tw Mtn • 0. ,,. lie yy1 -PASTRY CHEF FOR ~J~ESCHEF' if It burn1 ll Uberty 8-4781 J'~ Qp1 tay IOtnt lhlnj. But JJll NIWPOIT ILQ. 2200 HARBOR BL VD . ~,~:~~· 0'; 1° COST A MESA • .be prepattd ·for 1 dent In ._ ________ _., ~!arbor • ••• I ,. ,, '· ------------ ' • I llAll l I'll.OT NEW .YOIU\ SlOCK EXCUANGE . ' . .. .., . • ·WEEK'S • , • ' I .... ~Nn ­ .n'.J._~~ . . ' • --· ·.~ • • ' • • ,I ' ' ' • New· York Stooks Continued from ' AND Page 3 I ' • S.llriq, ,....., I, IM YEAR'S ' . . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE • • LEGAL NOTICE .. Qo. I i:~·: = • • • "'~'"'· ·-~ .;. -• --•• ---··· - , ---· • DAI~ Y l'!l,OT . , N~• lo'lin JJGCQb .. Rea·tt~r· of Year' Honored 'I. • , '' Land, Money .Lack ln,flating Pr·w· !?s.'9 John Mocoab, pres(dent ol .... Jolio Macnab Real\YCom- • 1 tnc., ln Newp0r1 Beach, WU ll8IMCt !'Realtor of the ' r.'Year11_b7,tbe Newport Harbor-> Oilta Mesa'Board or &al!On al Its -atJl Anlii!>I' Awanls I '8aaquel 111-... Jialbol B,ay , ~ Club Frl4*.i fvenlng:. •. ·'Thia II .~ h!ilbe•~ o=Ja4e • ·'"' board can 'bestow oo a -· inembtr, aeoordlng to J. Peter · ·Barrett., J9et president .ot the 1. tioerd and abo a past reel- -Jileot. , The aro~g number 'of homes ln the r e s a I e York rCit,y, Also ·1ndustrl~t unit sales for the year wu potential homebuyers during market. f u r·t hoer inflating a,cUvity continue' ~ JWt Judy SU$lk with the Real the teeOnd quarter of 196& prices. pressure 1on the hou5ing E3taters, whi.le Harold R. dlacovered that a ac1tc1t1 of Prices have also been in· market ln m a n Y com• Pinchln, Hal Pinchln a money, c OOltruction ~· nuenced .by labor shortages mun it t e 1 Int 1 u d ing Aaoclatts, Corona del Mar. wwer aod lADd creat~ a and bigh·laOO.: and material Louisville, "Ken&MCk)' where WU runner-up in all th.rte acardt)' of h 0 mes., ac·1 COits. In Michigan where a ;the Ford M~ Coinpany is of the other catecorles. ~ 1 cording to Homerica,. IDc., strike of tradesmen hQ ' .building • new PI ant · Clarkson and Raulstoo are the country'& oldest aational halted new constructiOJ?t' Wi'thio this Ce n er all'/ asaociated with co I d .,, e 11 • ; • • .~ • tiomefi'ndlog service. r home buye1't a r e ~-• ;bleak picture. ~e are a Banker 1i; Company; ztm. • . . 1 '; ' • .~ These factors hr turn com· tlcipating a f\D'tller increase number of a:roa; which are merman with co.ta: &: Capo Plans blood to 1.Dflate bon\e prices in prices when the strlke is, nQt plagued 1 by h o m e Walla,ce. Costa Mesa; and as much 11 10 ~ot over e:ettled. shortages. One of' 1bese is Morrison is with F. M. Trabell the same period lut year, 'Ibe lack of new con· the Washington, D.C. area, ' Macnab. 1 naUve of Company, also of Costa Mesa. Big· n1·gg'm• g observed Shirley de Uina. struction and the s I 0 w where the number of buyers uT . . execlKJve vice president or turnover of resales has has dropped ofI slightly in The M tiple Llsllng service Homerlea, in the fll'm 's res u It e d in serious. recent months. however, '52,000_,0QO ln reaJ property ln 0 • ·quarterly survey of the na-shortages in m06t popula· prices still remain . high. Scotl•nd. , wis active in land de\!e.JOpment ·in· N a f 1 a u , Bahamas ' from: I~ 'to" 1964. ' J;fe · ~ the re.al estate buslneli )n • the Harbor aru 1 In 1964.'. and for many years was comected with the Macco Corporation. He was an officer and director of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of RtaJtors and a director of the C&llfornia Real Estate AssoclaUon from 11163 to 1966 at which time he was elected 1968 which wu an increase perallOD uonat borne market. W·t·t h tioo centers of tile country, This is apparently 1n an· over their previous record new home comtructi'on Jag-according:· to N..rs. de Uma. · ticJpation of the forthcoming year of approximately 25 per-A San Juan Capistrano land ging, this price picture is While demand and prices elections, be ca u s e . ac• cent. grading project involving the not llktriy to brighten in the have tncreased, the supply cording to Mrs. de Uma, William H · Farnsworth, inlUal traosfer of three million coming months. of homes in the market bas area brokers report such a Elsie Painter, Rod Calderhead The 1eeood quarter of the decreased or at best re· slowdown every four years. and Roy .J. Ward 1fete yards of earth from the clcy's year is annually a more ac-mained steady -at a low The Pomona Valle y area presented with retlring direc--southern hills ts scheduled to tive season for home sales level. The shortage or land in eastern Los Angeles tor plaques at the banquet begin next month. because families try to buy In most metropolitan areas coun1y of Call!ornia also by 1968 bOard P r·e s Iden t Cost for the. first phase of during<thls time'° that they has limited construction to reports an adequate supply Wiiliam C. Ring. the project bas been pegged will be settled when school high ptiCe homes, with very of homes, partly because Ring also pN!senled a at about tonn,ooQ !or 11:11 acres beglne in the fall. The se-Utµe tract ~ speculative the area has been ~verbuilt special service plaque to Pete ......, -cood quarter of 1968 was no build.Ing taking ~place. The.. since 1964. In Flonda, de- • Jll""ldint, of, the ljewpor\ 1 • l;larbor -Chamber ol COm-f • J, ·~ ... -~ JOHN MACNAB NAMED :fOP REALTOR , ~tt, 1'651 board president. of land above the San Juan exception to this rule, but in average number o! housing mand for homes in tho for valuable as.mtance during Capistrano golf ~. additiQn, this period Was on starts during the first six retirement housing market the year. . Eventually, over 5.5 million the average of 10 percent mon,ths of the year was only in communities of Brevard I ,, merce. Presently M a c n a b ls chairman of the c i t y ' 1 Newport Tomorrow project, chairman of the realty board's civic affairs committee, a member of Hoag Hospital diredon, director of the Get1 Trophy From P reclece11or J ohn S1mpl1 (rl51ht) award was John Semple. Who was named -'1Realtor or the Year" in 19671 . 1968 in dollar volume and \lllit sales respectively. Committee. chairmen recelv-yards will be moved, enough more active than the coon· ·two percent above the County ls offsetting a ·lng awards were Gf8dy1 to make a yard-wide dirt belt parable period last year. previous six mo.nth s . decline in Cape KeKnnedy Russe.Ii , achlevmient; William across the United States. The high i"nterest rates on However, the rate .for June employee requirement;s. ~c· Farnsworth, advisory; Cart·L. The extensive grading was home mortgages apparently was tne lowest _smce last cordin g to the homelinding Thomas, budget and finance; necessl!ated by geologic didnotdeterthedetermlned December. De spite in-service's report. John Semple, building · and form atlOM in the hills. About house hunter. Although in· dlcations of an improved J-lomerica, I n c . , as planning : Virginia Morrbon, $100,000 has already been terest r ates , previou~ly mQJ'tgage market, tbe Com· specialists in findin g homes ~ Newport National Bank and Friend! of UC!. In other p~entations Fri· day, Joseph H. Clarkson and Virginia Morrison s h a r e d ~onor.s ·as. top salesmen tor Kathryn Raulston and Perry Zimmerman were the board's top listers in the sam~ categories tor the year. Cost.a Mesa, civic affairs : spent for geologic research. restricted by law to 6 per· ing six months are not likely ror relocating executives John Macnab, Newport Beach Use of the property is to cent in several key states to show any increase in the sin<:e 1955, is in constant I r • Presenting the c o v e t e d c iv I c a ff a Ir s ; Harry be determined by the market. sucl:t as New York and New supply of single fan1il y touch · with the housinit Frederick, bylaws; Randall R. The .company w 0 u t d like Jersey, were increased to homes. Building permits for market in 'more than 4,000 McCardle, education; William to attract "the best" or in· 71/, and 71h percent respec· this type borne declined dur· communities coast·to-coast, C. Stephenson, equal rights; dustrial C1lncerns to the area. tively, the number of buyers ing June . foreshadowing Hawaii, Canada and Puert'o Bruce B. Howey, ezchange Otherwise, the land could ~till increased over last continued shortages. Rico through. its offices in Ruitner-up-top· salesman for Lumber Shorta ge W urned committee; Gloden F 11 y , be used for resident i 1 I year. A particular scarcity of New York, Qticago, Los Irie va n c e ; George development. One explanation 'for the in-four . and . five bedroom Angeles and New Canaan. Williamson, hospitality; Mabel The property is presenUy creased activity may be that houses was reported to cgon., and its network of "lt'JI be up to lhe new ad-Department o( Com m·e r c e our lumber. there is a com-, fltnqorris, visitation ; John T. zoned U-1 (unclassified). City while mortgage money is Homerica, by member more than 1,250 member mlnlstratlon to take'. action lih 11.gned by Rodney L. Borum, pelling need to reconsider th~ Boyd, industrial; Harold R. PlaMer Robert Johns said that more co,uy to the b om e brokers in Rochester, 'N.Y.; real estate brokers . . the present short.age of lumber 1 administrator. Export Control Act," tl)e B~ Plnchln, legjslaUve ; James B. the land would have to be -bu)'« than lt was I year the Lake Forest area near\-:.C:-'--,--,-,.c--:-::::==--- and rising prices .of. ,. tht. Tbe letter Wa!I in rej>ly lo president said. Wood, membership; Chai'le.s rer.oned for any development. ago, it ls also somewhat Ch 1 ca go; Birmingham,1 ____ LE_G-:AL-:::N:;OTI __ c_E __ material for new hous1D3. a set of resolutions and sug· Last timbe F. Colesworthy, mu It i p I e FoundaUon 'engineer for the · more easily available. In ,M i chi g an ; 0 sh kosh, ~.,,... So detlared David Young ge8ted program to curb fast-exporteJe~fose tor 2.f:~~~~ listing ; Fare! Walker, pro-~roject is Leroy Crandle, who -tho&e states with the six Wisoonsin; Toeldo, Ohio; cl!1tT1F~~~!s0:,!i~11"'Ess president of the Building rising lumber prices due to gram; Lois Vogel, publicity handled Los Angeles' Music percent r e st r I ct i on . and in the \Vestch~ter, Ti.. ul!dtrsl1r>e<1 c1o certl•~ w• R•"' lnd~try ~ation, . after uncontrolled export to Japan. ~~d ;::: 0~~un;~ tomJa~~~ and public relations ; Roy Center de v e ~op men ts. mortg&ge sources h ad Lpng Island and New =::~': c!.,~'~':. ~!ur~rnia,J.l!: receipt o,,r a no action at ll was ,.,, directly lo Presi·· 1'.icCardle, sign; John 1'.farr, Consulting geologist is Dr. become scarce, but since Jersey st1burbs or New 11'11 11ct11iou1 11r ... l'll"'t 01 "TH E cos. this tim I to 3.S-billion board feet. th --•--th 11LE1t's 11ENCH" ,.., thar ••kl 11''" e etter from the. U.S. dent Lyndon Johnson, who taxation and Alvin Eastvedt, James E, Slnsson, a professor e increase tn ra\O;ll e LEGAL NOTICE 11 C'Oml")led DI 111e followinto "r'°"~ d According to YO\lng, the BIA veterans affairs. at Valley State College. now of funds began again. ~"'" 1 .. 1u1l u1cr p11cn "' Or1ng• Coaot's Most Complete PRINTING -SERVICE answere via Administra\.(IL r-ommends a· n lmmediale li;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ U h h ,.J1111noc• ••e I• fol~: ..... Genera y, owever, ome l"·llW w1nc11 M. 11:uu111. Let N. lt u,,111. Borum. program to increase the m~gag,_ are still difficult Cl!ltTll'ltAT! OF •us1N1:ss !03" P•eskl9nt P11cr. co.11 Mr$1. "F ' th ' I ' I Vl • """' l'lc:ltNflllll N1m1 C1llfoml1 -rom o er 1n onnat1on al owable cut of all softwood L 1 Q u 1 D A ~ obtain and as a result Tflfl unae"ltMd ~ c•rtlf1 Ile 1. 0.1• J1riu1ry "· ''°' .. . sources, we unde~--d the ti'mber b 10 pe-nt 1m· T I o N ho ha CO!'ldudlnt , tou11neu '' im w. or111tt LH M. 111111•11 · •01'i1 Y ...... : • home owners w may ve It.II .• s.1;1" A111. c1111o,...1 •. under !I'll w1nc11 1tuu111 last time the control of mediate export control and considered a ·new home 11ct111ous firm 11em• DI OEW 11:1TE STATE oF CAl.1Fo11:N1A. }' · S It ood I l ' e<fi~1~ · · · b MAINTENANCE Incl ltl1! "'td rlrm 11 ORANGE COUNTY; o w og expor :was con-an urun ~ mvestigalion y purchase are reluctant to comPO•ed or lh• tol10W'"' ""'"'°"' whoM on J1nu1ry 1s, ttit. llftort me, • sidered by the government government. housl~ and FINAL 4 HOMES &ell their present properties narn• In full 1nc1 P'-C• DI rn1d1nce Nof1ry Public rn 1nc1 tor ••Id St•"'· d • h 11 II follows; per.on1ll'I' at>pe1rld Wlncll M. 1tu1"\I W8S a )'ear an a alf ago," forest industry gto under and refinance. nus •in turn Clllrta Frldrld!' Prill, 10JI W. 1rw:I Lff N. fl utH!I ~" to m• Young Sat.d 'al I 11 Costa Mesa . f °''"'" ltd~ S."11 ,.,.., C1llf. to bl the ~ wtm.e "'\tl'le1 er• • a speCl congress ona Y a~ has limited the turnover o 01"'6 .Hnu•rv w-. lKt wbe(rlbtd to IN wltttln 1n11nnn.nt '"' Since that time p r l c e s pointed cabinet committee. . · c11ar1e1, Frtdrkt Prm l.cifl'lt:tW~ ttoev utude.i tM "'m•. generally have risen 75 per. The BIA president will urge s740 M -y I ' ~AL NOTI~ ~~'lT,,.~~Fcge~·~:ltMIA, (Ofl'ltl•I ~~!rv IC. H~nrv .cent_ ,with 50 to 60 percent the legislature and board or oves OU n Qn J1 nu1rv u, lfft, blforr ~. • Not1rv Pub!lc -C11llornl1 HOTIC• °'.suuc T•••IFt:• l•l"Y Publl;,; If •!'.'(! tor 11ld Shh!, • l'rincr ... 1 Offi<• In -increase to home builders. directors of NAHB's national OR v·A OR FHA RRMS I~'"''.",.., U.C.C.I ~11l~flli.l"ller1ts fr~r~~ .. , -O·-· County -• "I lh I' hl f th· 1· t ff t T .-~o• '.'tO. 'HIM P111 ......,. to ~· ,to ,tit ~ ~ -~ .,.,, COl'T'lflioft lxPlm n e 1g o 1s new conven ion a ous on, exas Notlct r. MAt!J 11..,.,, to ltt4' cr.i11e,... wttoN """'' 11 lubsct'tbfd to ""' w111im No" 1~ 1rn ~ evidence of heavy export af this week. The Del Cerro development ls sold out-now you DI M•r11111t H. ,..,..,,., •ncl ™1m• 1n11rurntr<t •I'd eeknowledled 11e ue(Ut.i PubllsMd orani• COl'lt Dan1 ~uo•, ------------------..'.--'---------------M•berr1. Tr1"1!erGr1. wtiote buslneH lttt same. Jinu111 11, 15 11111 1'rbru1rv 1, t. can pjck up a reaJ value in one of the final four re-lddrtn •• '"° M••bor •1v1:1 .. cost• cOH1c111 Se111 1,., au' Keep Your Salls Set. tor mg1i.., ~at LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGSt :.,.. --h 2 od Is M.... eou .. ty of °''"''' Slit. of ~rv IC. Herirv. maming omes. m e -one with pool! Flexible c.11tom11 .. ,,,., • tiulk .,.1,,..., 11 1ballt N•l•l"Y Pubnc. • c111ror .. 11 conventional terms ••• or No Down U you are a '° be m.o. to A. Dall Hll'"Mloll '"" Pr1nclpa1 Offln in LEGAL NOTICE 0.. O,, Smlltl, Tran1ftr"s. whole Orl(ltll COUnty Vet Ready to occupy move in n'ght now and save ' tou11rien 1c1c1reu 11 M11111-. Men. i111 Mv clll'ftll'l11•1on £x11rrn . ~ ' • • $. 8rl1fo1, S.n" A,,., County of Or1ngr, Neot. 1.1. ·1'7:1 CEltTIFICATI! OF 9USINESS Beautiful, Mediterranean styled model home. Four bedrooms, wall to wall carpet, full size ·olive tree, sprinklers, landscaping, and block wall. Nice corner lot. Fireplace. Decorator matched cabinets and built in appl?ances. Buy for no down if you are a vet! "Your Model" $26,950 This house has bee'n occupied and ls now back' on the market at a real ~vjngs. Three bedrooms, fire- place, buill ins, landscaping, block wall, sprinklers. Front patio home with big second slory BONUS ROOM -great as extra bedrooms or as giant Play Room. Ready to occupy. Sl1hl er! C1llfoml•. Publ!tlled Ora,,.. (4alf! balll' Plktl, Fldlll1n 1(11111 Thi Pn>Plr!'f fe be tr.r111ftrl'll 11 loc1tf!'d Jinutry 11, 25 encl Fetini•rv l, I, Thr unlltrslaned dOll. t1rtlf1 hi " 11 lt90 H1rbor llvd .. Cotll M111, County Ifft IM-69 conchl(llllll 1 tM.ISlftHS 11 41'lt lllrclt rtl °''"'"' st111_ot C1llfom1,. IC"----------"~ 5,,._.,, NeWPOrt ll•Kl'I· fl:MI C11llornl1, Slld _,,., It dnc:rlbe'll '" ten~••I LEGAL NOTICE Uf!O!r 1~ tlctltleut tlnn · ,,...,. "' Is: All llock In trlldl, flxlu,... _..UIPmMI WESTEJlN BlJILDEflS CO., lfl6 !till Mio& encl tllOd will DI lhtl sllot fPP81• ll•m Is tomPOltll of !I'll fo11owlflD """"° bu1l11111 k"°""" •• Maberrv Shot Rei>alr P·i~ wr.ost n1rne in full end pll(tl of rtsldenet encl fouled at JIM Herbor lllvd .. Cost• ClflTll'ICATI! Of' IUSINEll II ,, follows: M"8, Counl'I' DI Ortntot. Sl•lt 01 l'ldllltus N1m1 Clllfornl•. The undtrsltned 11or1 certify tie ts Oorotld D NMI, Ul Rlvlerl W~\11 TM !Mill!; tr1nsft f-¥i'UI be toMllmm•led ~--tt..m--at ttCIO-H1rllor l..IVIHll Bffdl.-CIMl<lrni. ltU!Jll __ Oii Gr 11'9• Ille \71tt d11 ol FWu•rv BOllltYlfd, Collt ~11, C1lllorn11. m<der Dllf!'d January 11, Ifft. 1'6t, 1t Unlltd Sl1ft1 NelleMI lltnk'. the Hdllloul firm nt""' DI "'MISTER Donald 0. Noel 1145 N_,, BIW Cotti Mui Counl'I' TH .ad ""' ••Id firm It c;l)ITIPOled STATE OF CAUFOll.NIA. of o ....... Sith or"ClllfGrnl• ' "' "" foltawlr19 PtflOft, whos• n.am• 011: ... miE COUNTY: 5o 11r 1s known ta "'' · Tr•!Wftl'M 111 lull incl Pitt• of rnldence 11 11 Oii Jtn~~rv 11, 1ff,, tr,tere m1, • NO) 111 buslnftl 111mt1 1...t •dclrnHt ui.d f'Ollbws: . ltrv l'ubllc In arid .fOr nkl S"t1, "™'~ br Tr1n1t1ror for Ille ltlrM ,,,1,. le•t w1mem T. c-1. sna Dev•• Avtrtue, •ll1 1PP1are<1 OC1111kl 0. Noel knawrl·" put, If 111'11...nl from lh9 ..,...., '"" T..-11 CJIJ', Ctllforn ll m• to be 1111 ""™"' wllow lll"'·f Ml,.ult M.n L1.wtn ~UI~ TUltlll. ()t. Dlltd ~rY 16, 1Mf 11 1ub1trit..d lo the Wflttln ln1!,,,...tnl -• C•lltoni111 Mlnvi. M..,. it4 w . wnu1m T. c-r '"" 1P-no.,..ledv•t1 M ute111td ti!• &1m1. A111h.1m. W!lmlr19to11 LN an.e1..: STATI 011 CALIFOltNIA, (Olllc!ll k•11 c flfoml Ml I< ' C'· OllAHOIJ COUNTY: M"rv IC. Henrv 1 11 nu Min """"""' Brl1fo~' On J•llll•rv 16, lfft, beloni ·ml. I Not1rv Pub!lc • C111forn11 r:ito!1;~'4dtn. S.nlt Anl, 0r"'91' tfnt•rt l"\lbllc If< •1111 fDr Mid. 5'1h!. PrlnclPll Office In 0.ltd· JI " lfft . __ ,,,, IPPllftd WllllllTI T. Conti o''""' County ... o~i.7.,~ ' kl'IMl'I te 1'119 te be lf'W perlll" ~ M, CDlnmlHlo" Explru · ,..,..,. i, WblcrlbN te t"t wlltl!n In· Nov 1' 1tn ~:;n~ir!:lltt ''"""'"' 11111 1dtnowted9ed he nte:uttd Publl111td 0;1n~e Cots! D1llY Pllol Publl1Md °'""'" CN1I 01lly Piiot, :~1ci:'1'$e1n J1n. IB. ~5 el'ICI F•b. '· I, lfft 2UJ.i!I FebrulrY I. INt 111-ff Josfp!\ E. Devit ~rl1>e1oar 01nc1 Jn Or1r191 Count¥ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Mv Commlssklll f xplrt• 9Afl·l1lf 1'41llt June 21, Itta SU,ElllOfl COURT 01' THI! C•llTlf'ICAT• Oft IUllMIU Not1rv fl ubllc • C1llfernl1 STATE OF CALIFOllNLA FOil PICTITIOUI MAMI l"ubtlshlll Or1r19e Cots! 01111 P11ol. THE COUNTY 01' ORANGE The ulldt"l9Mll de nrttfy !My aM! J1nu11"Y 11, 'J tMI F1bru•ry 1. I, No, ""'"" concl\ldlN e llUll-. .r IMI Limb.rt 1Hf ''"'' NOTICE CF Hl!Afl1NO 01" Pl!TIT IOI Or!..,., HUJ111"9'911 9Mdl, C11ffornl1. F~~o'ltFo::T~l~~:CliL n'41, vnc1tr !ht fldllloul firm ...,,,. LEGAL NOTICE "' 0-J TOOL ANO cunEll GRINOING 01' LETTEflS TISTAMENTAltY Incl !Nit Mkl firm 1• awn-..:t ot NOTIC• OP PUBLIC SALi: Es1111 of LILLIE MAY JEFFERS !I'll ktllowlnl "P91"10ftt. WIW:IN n1mn lft 01' COLLATl!ltAL °':'6~'1~E IS l;ll!:REBY GIVEN Tht ~/~..!'." pl1n1 DI .rn1cltlict ere •1 (Ctl~fll';I• 1 C""mtrcl1I Clll1 "LLEN JEFFERS hii tiled herein I DONALO JEJlOME Ll!WIS INl Id'" '50o!Ull 1>1tlllon lor Probll1 ot W\11 and toi L bofrl O t H ti ton 'etld'I NOTIC E IS HE!t.EIY GIVEN !Ml lnu1nte DI Ltlllrs Tts!trntnlir1 ~ C •:no, 1 r n, un Ill • • Pllbllc ""' Ill toUtler•l w!l1 t>o Plllllonfr, reltr.nu to whldt f1 ""3 "ooN~~i> JE ROME LEWIS II <4041 held Ofl It'll 1th· dll' af F1bru1ry, 1'6t, for furl~r o1rUtulers, llftd tf\11 No. Ctnttr, Balclwl" Ptrlr., Ctllto•~I•. ~~.J~~ ~f,e~e of81:::oo ti':Y""~ 'b,,'J:~ 1,1me .!_n<I Pl•1«1 ~ ,'".,,1rlnt "",, '~•• Otlld J1"u'ry 1 lfft ·• 0 es --=" se or ru1ry ' DONALD J LEWIS G•OYI. Ca l fllrn lf, by KATINA FRU AICIS 11 1:30 a.m., In the courlroom o DONALD J. LEW IS II Sl'Cllrtd P1rty ul!Mr 11111 l'\lrtUlftl lo Oeparrrn,n l No. l ot s•ld c011rt, 1 Sltle ot Ctllforrill; Lei A"8•111 County: ~I a rt11n MCUfllv IOfHmtnl mede 700 w. £1gMh SlrHI. In the . Cit¥ d o.. J• utrv• lO. lt6t befort t 1 °" lite 71111 d11 of NOYembtr. 1961. Soni• Ana, c1111ornl1. Not--f.uti.1c :F..""'' lo lt1 mSi I by ABllAH"M LIPSITZ, PE AR L Dtlld Janu1r1 2t, 1 .. t. -' r sa • t, Ll~SlT?, 11111 '"""'<!d b'll Mil. C'S w e ST JOHN, l'l'rnl!lll11V lpptl• OONAl,O JEflOMI!! LIQUOR, 11 lft 1ddlllon1! dtbtor. c0uniV C"'r\ LEWIS trtd DONALD JEltOME LEWIS Tl'll ultitert! to be !IOkl 11 described J-~ s. EPirlllt 11 known to mt to bl rite Mrsat11 11; Pho:ture1, lurn!tu~ •l!d toulo..,en• 1u s.. lvtlltl Aw.., wtwlH 1111111"1 11'1! wbtcrlbtd to !ht ;f 1 ctl'lat,. rHlll"~rl 1r" ~Ar ,, ...... A"1111lm Caltf fl:lln wlltl!~ fl\lll'\lll'Wlll Ind ldlllllWledlld """ •t "'' OlrOtn G,..,. l t....i.. Gtrdltl T1f; rn.iwJ ' 11tC:UltCI !I'll """· 0'9V'lt C1llf'Ornll. At1'Mill' for l"llllll!llT (OFFICIAL S!ALI O•ttd: J1nu1ry :it, lNt. Published Orall!le totsl 01!1'1' 'l!,)I 2"',"' ...... ,,~~,-I KATINA FR UOAIOS J&llUll"Y ll ll'ld F1bru1rv 1. ,, 1Mt ,.,._. no,..., ~-1 """I (Seeurtd P•l'1VI LOI Antllel County 91: Lta Med<. Jr,. 1 W~101!rtn!Mured llllVlnp srcnrwlth-wlnd-speed undarbbriiht,prola:tlvebannerofthe~andoldestlndependent Fedal Snings and I.oonAIWJatlan In Orange Comity. 1'-U t'tOOW<d 1>11 t/ao tenth"""' from tAe fin! of tke monVI. Dan'tmw tho treasare llhlp to secmity. Book passage today! $740 M1 CommlHlo!I Ellfl'tl Artol'lllll' In F1ct Jlnl.lll"Y 1, 1'11 MACIC, MAIT & BOIS. AttY .. Moves You In! LEGAL NOTICE SAVINGS lNl!URED TO $15,000.00 byapennanentagcneyoftheFeder•I Govenunen~ • "- I \ • ~ I •Tom Coata Mesa , take Bristol just past Baker to Paularino (White Front) and go Right (East.I to the Del Cerro sales nffice. PHON E 546-5346 "'15 Allll"llc Blvd, JUt Wetil Sl•I~ str"' NOTICE INVITING 91DS M1'(WOOd. C1lllernl1 tc:l1'0 Lis Ant911•, C1Mlwlll1 The Cooot1 S1n!l1tlon Ol1trlc;I: Nt l'ubl!slltd 0•1(1111• CO.it 011,.,. ~lktl, $ttt-OC 1 ol Oranctr Coun11, (Al~lt, "'ill Ja"Ull"Y n. ,., " Incl Febru•..., 1, l'~t.ll•l'led O•tl'll• CN1I 0111'1' Pllf!~ "'rt! ... l'!tle<I bills unlit "!:• ~-NI !Hf .S.-69 February 1, 1'6' 171.ff TU11C111, flbru•rr 11, INf 11 ,Wl'lid ---,-,,~-,--,---,-,----J·------------' I time lllcv will bl 1ub!lci1 _. Al'I LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ''''"1...cr at '"• 11111c._ DI ti!• 01,1r1c1 1Cll« Elli\ Avt1111t, F011!1l1\n V4llrt ._,,,., -----------·IC1lllornl1. ror 1111 follow!.,. -•k: P·JUlf GRAVEL fl OADWAY·HEAOWORK\ C:lll:Tll'ICAT• 01' •USUll:SI CElltTtl<ICATI. 01' 9UllN•ss "C" IT PLANT NO. J. SPEC. NO fllttt"""' N-,ICTITIOUS NAMI' PW-Cll , TM vndel'tltlllll ....._ cwtlll' fl• 11 TM undt"llned clots ttr111v M 11 The work 11 to bt dCl!lt lt'C:O!'dl"I ctlf'dudlne 1 bu1llltff it.in.I SUPtrlor. cendudln1 1 buslMU 11 I". o. l o• to th-t plans ana 1P1clflc1tlon1 Oro 111 C.,.tl ,It\.,, Celltorrtlr." Vrodtr Jl'le fl(. 16", N-1 !ltecll, Ce!lfornlll, ull(fer In lllfl ollite et Ille SKr*""rv llf TN I\~ fl"" -IJf Mlltl! TICE !tie flctllltUI firm -llf "COAST Olslrld 1ri11 said PllM 1ftd ....c:11'k1!111tft CHEINtOM ttMI 1'1'111 Mkl """' It C'lf!>-INSUltAHCI! SEflVICE" 1!'!11 11111 11kl 1rt ,,., r'1el'lt'IC1 rnM1 • Nfl " 11rt _.., ti ""' frlll..,..... ,.,_,, ..ttosl nm. II _,_... ol tllt toltowlnt peflP", nollat, M"'9 Ill flln .... 11Kt ot rftkttna w110M -Ill f\111 Ind ,11e9 DI tnkltfltt Bldclt" 1rt """* r.oll!lld tt-. It 11 feltow.; 11 11"frllllows! 1111rwant to trvvllklll or "" L.lbao Mldlltl TIU. Hl JotnM. C111t MfM, floblrl I!. TUt,.er, 121'"11:11111"1 Orlvt, Co11t DI lllt $lilt rt1 (llllat'tlll m C11ltornl1 Colll Mne, Cttlfonl!1, 8otrd of Dlrtehl11; of CIMlfy a.11{tat1Q Dltlf JlllUlrY 11, 1Ht 0.tld .Hl!Ulry 10. 1Ht. OlslrlCI No. 1 Ml IKtrtllflf'd "'4 ll'IVld Mlc:Nel Tb Rlbtrl E. T\I,_-1119 r11t of -diem W.Mt ill II> STATE 0, CAUFOltNIA. 111!9 Ill'-""""' .. Or1rtM C-ty: kK.t l!lv Ill wl!ldi ltlb wft 11 tit 111 OlllANOI: COUMTY1 On Ja_,., 10, 1fff, befort ""' 1 Plrtlrm<!d. In c1m111tnee wl/h Sic!. Ort J'"° 17, ,,.., ~ ..... • Hotal"Y Noll..., l"l!Otlc !ft 11'16 for ui.il Stile, 1m 11111 1171 DI *'' Lebof Caclt l"ftlk l~ ...... tor UNI' 1111t, "f'SOl'l&llV ""°"'!"" ·-•rid !l;obtfl I!. Tltme~ "" Sl•t9 "' Citllfo1nlf, ...., 11 b f\' IPHll'ld Mld'IMI Tic. k-to "'' ..._ to mt to W ltll "''°" wtto~e '" !ht Dllk' elf '"* Stcrell•v • 111 to llt nw ..._ whOM nt,.,. It tuMtr!bo-'l'""' 11 ~Ibid ~ 111~ wl!~ln tn. Counfl' sa~ll•!llHI O!strlc:t No. ' • HI to !ht w1t1tr11 IMlr~t 111d '"""""' tnd •nowltfttod ht 1~t'tultd Ort"" County. • t<k-lfdttd hi IK-1td tlt9 sa"", ""' UIM. Eldl bid<lt• 1!11nl llf ll(tflltd 11"1 UM'llclll 11•11 10FFICIAL SEAL) -lllltd lo H•l!inft "" ---<onl•ll'Wf ' N.1ry K. ""'""' Jotrpftt I!. 01.,I• lft !he,,. .ioc:utntntl. No"rv l"vttlk • Cal!forfll• No11ry ~11bll('(11Jtor,,,1 SHc:lllttlien1. bill bllnli.' 1f'd 1ur 1t111 l"rt11c!••I ()fflce 1" ~rlMhMl1 Offl<• 111 fftlorm1t lOt1 m•, be oil'!tlM(I 11 lit Or11111 CIOJflf1 Or1119e C-'l 1tiov• lddr.11. tel9Pl!6ill 'M1·1411 • M1 Com ... 11111111 b•lr• Ml' com,.,1,.1 ... Elntl,..1 ~1t1G .... Nov. 14, ttn . J-fl ltJt ftf'<I A HA~, l«!'f11..., PublllMd °''"'" Ccw1t Dt ll'r' ~llol. llubl!llltt o-: ...... Coed 0•11'1' ~ilo!, Botrd if O!l'Ki.ii / Jin"'" 11. ts 11111 l'lbrvlry 1, I. !Mt J,_,, ti. 11, 1S tnd Flbru1rv 1. Publl11>td Ortnte CNM Dall¥' Piiot, '1..----------------------~ ·----------""-lfff l1.ff F11>ru1.., t, 1'19. · 111.f • !,.... I I -----------~--------- -~--...-----------------------------------------------·--- R~•I Estate Questions .nc1 Commtnl By ~~ltor 'Randal McC•rclle Editor's Note : T.11.il i.s tht eiy/Uh i11 a strits of columv froin Randoll R. McCardJt dtalhtg with tht r eal e1tcte situation it\ oor1ow EurOpean countrie1. LIECHTENSTEIN; Wben I beard there was a miniature country here in Europe' that was a rriod· em , industrialized Utopia with no war.:s, revolts , or taxes; I thought I'd better 1;.investigate the invest- ment possibilities. . Liechtenstein has no space program, no air fo rce, no navy, no army and practically no crime. She has no strikes, no hippies, no protestors and no beggars. There are no citits. just villages; no night clubs, just' cares, no super markets or department stores. For over 250 years Liechtenstein bu gone her own· way ignoring the. problems of the world. She~s just .a lusb; green land of peace and. tranquility · where life goes on without much confusion or frus- tration. Politics? Not in Liechtenstein. The re1gmng prince is Franz Josef, who lives in his Disneyland like c~e overlooking Vaduz, accorditig to tradition receives no compensation of any kind from his peo- ple. Instead, the good Prince contributes annually to the public coffers, thereby eliminating most of the need for taxes. This littie country is highly industrialized; cot- ton cloth, machinery, canned goods and ct_ ramies . · being the main manufactures. LiechtenstelD does receive fees «from frireign corporations based here, which' ts another reason for no taxes. The country, a principality, is only 62 square miles. The capital of Liechtenstein is Vaduz with a population of nearly 5,000; there are almost 20,000 people in the entire country. Not 'the best place to invest ; definetly not the most exciting place to live, but if you ever get fed up and want to change your attitude, your latitude and your graditude-try Liechtenstein for size. . . EDITOlt'S NOTE' lt•nd•H It. McC•rdle It "' llWfllmenl -1v1t, •••Jl- dlfll Of IM ll:NI Ellllitr$, • colie_. leclvritr. • dlreder Of the C1llfel'lll• Auoe.lltlon Of R••I E111t. TNCN'1, •!tllwlr of "RMI E•l•N 111 C•llfornl•''. Sef'ld .,..... -tiol>ll end C'lllTlfTlfnll It R1nd1ll It, Mci:lrdll c/• #II DA IL.,. ~II.OT. lllx 1560, C11t• Meu, '26'2. • New Real Esiate Firm O~n in--N·ewport Beach Red Carpet Realty o f Newp:>rt Beach, which opened an office this month "t 1125 W. Balboa Blvd., is the 30th office of the firm now in OP.efatlon and the first of more thBn 200 offices to be opened in Southern California. New 'Tow~' Opening -I Crown Valley H~gld~:Shows Models ' Crowu Yalley BIJhluds, newest ruidenUal de~ meat ·within. the nwlel'pian- ·~ New ' !°"" ol ~ l!i&Uel wlll be olllclall,y ~· . !hit weekend lollowing oeveral preview lhowinp for aiu reaidentl· ud a apeelal P,.vlelr party for membera of tho Jll'W, and clyic aod bushlei$ Jead<ri ol the South Coast communities. Jack Godwin , vice president In cllarp ol sales and 111artetlng fir Laguna NlllJOI, saids the preview lhowings w~e instituted because of the grat , interest abown in the 1 ' program l wtuctL will Impart a clelD aod uncluttered 1oot to the communJJy, •ll -t1ons from the vlrlous levell will be lully• iandlcap<d and . !loot fences wm be' •• " . tlle RH<!. '1•e-foot' lldewalb and.~plete i rTl&•t t oQ ·•~ will alto be provided. 5rec1AI el&hH.Ot pies In tbe front renca wW provide access to lnaide atora,at q>ace for residenll owlling boats, trallen and campers, and the provWon ol thll oll-stnet ~ r ... 1>oa11 and trail"" wlll also lurlbet "'1lance the ·overall appearance of the community. " •• .J !1u.'ui. r""""' 1, 1969 hillaide project If.nee the first tbeif new homes, Godwin said. anDouncement wu m a d e Early sales to date, he added, regarding construction ol the have set a record pace, with planned 2 ' O O O • b 0 m e com· the result that work 111 alrtady munity of garden homes. In addition lo its own ~Uon facilities and park, crown Valley Highlands is within a few minutes of all the varled recrea tlon al laciliUes of Laguna Niguel, sue~ as the private El Niguel and Monarch Bay clubs, the riding club, planned county .PATIO ON E FEATURE OF CROWN VALLEY HIGHLANOS HOMES During the inllial srading being expidlted on t1ie second atMf 'early work on model increment, and the homes in homes, JOO salts pavilion, the fll'St secuon are being Godwin iatd an ever i~ rus.tied to completion in order er~ ~umber of pqsons to provide occupancy at the made their way to the lilt, many Cl. the visitors mJking earnest '"possible lime. advance reservl UonS ror the Many ·r~asons were cited. by purehaM! of ·a home im-Godwin for the remarkable ; mediately aftel' viewing the public interest shown in the pro'l'heject_lirst • ho . new comm\&Dity, some of the preview s wing -most important being the une- gave vlslton ' an opportunjty I quailed Iocatk>n c a r e f u I to inspect the modell and all · ' saJes pavilion, and also olfered :er planrung and . the early buyen the final choict odern:concept of ~ proJect. as to location and tityling of and t~ excellent price range and financing. New Tract Gets First "Residents • An architect and the Orange County fU'e chief moved their famWe1 into Mission Ridge recently to become the first residents of ·the fifth -and mo s t ex c lu s ive nelghbdrhood in Mission Viejo, the new town in southeastern Orange County. The architect is Thom as A. The new hillside develo~ ment has been engineere<t··in such a fashion as to provide all homeowners with a n unobstructed view of the sur- rounding COWltry through an entirely new concept of com- munity planning designated as tbe "streetcape" program by the Laguna Niguel planners. The homes.ites were laid out In a series of terraces , engineered to preserve the natural beauty or the gentlY.· rolling terrain and also Insure optimum land-. use. A noteworthy factor In tbe pro- gram is that the homes front on level streets and all streets are on different levels, with the transiti.OOll from lhe higher and lower JeVell steep enough to provide unobstructed views lrom all homes. Walker of Chry111er Realty eorp. He is responsible for design and construction of Chrysler--Plymouth and ·Dodge dealership facilities in the Godwin said the develop.. western area. ment, when fully completed, The fire chief ill ~lmer will contain some 2,000 homes ; a part, complete with a varie- Ostennan. whole new home ly of recttiat.iooa1 facilities·, b "jusl"d""" lbe block" from his newest fadli .... , Mission two churches,. two llChools and •r other commurtttY projects. Viejo'J first firt station. The ODHtory homes wW con. "We've been watebln1 lain from two to four Million Viejo's procreu for bedrooms od ill be ·ced two years," nplained Walter. .a w pri •---" d from f22,900 go P ,900. "nc1,.-.:uwy, we came own to They will be offered Jn a see a home 10me friend• bought here. We drove over variety of stylings based on to see the Mission Ridge eight flexible floor . plaD.!. modelJ and became hooked Godwin stresses the fact that on uw. house. We had wanted the averace price in the major to move out of the smog in communities of Laguna Niguel . . The model homes and sales information park, ~ also the Orange ~::s;~;:;; . ....._, .. ~ . ....__,...<':""·--' .... ,__-.__ ....... ~ . ----_ .. .__. _ ..... ,· .. ' .. ~ ... ·.:-. ,..... --..._ --· -;"":I·~•'.• -I.• ··~··•·""''"-~7 ~ .. ~~··:·~:·. ,.;,·, ...... ~ .. , ...... ..,.. . "' • ·, .• ·,: ' · .. · •-·e .... •. ( • ... · • ~ _ • .. .. --• ~· •. ;: .. · ·-· ..... -...... -'~:.:. Ing north oo Crown Vallty Parkway from Pacific Coast Highway to Niguel Road and then west to the development. • •' . . ·. " . ' . • ' . . . ( ..... •r: \. "' , • ., • I • • q.;~ ·· ' > , , , ~· , 7 , • • • • .' ""· .. .. ... •• ' •• ,..., ,• ••••. • ... I. • ,: ~ .-. ~-; ;·~ ·• .. ~ · .. '· ...... ':· .. ,~ .. / · .. ' ,-.. ··· , .... ,. . . ' ..... ,. " .. , . ~ ·. ' .. ' . . .. ..... Termed the fastest growing 1 real estate organization in the state, Red Carpet is an iSSOCiillon Of realtors created to make possibly many and diversified servicts. C•-~ ~-bad ~-if M0,000, and that the homes -~~·-··~·we ~.. . ~ v u u•····-·--liviq. And, we were really m ."''~wn a ey '&''"''iu.:i - iml!essed with the altitude en1~ymg the ma~ ~ew of everyone ln Mtalon Viej~m..__Wi~ J!ltb Jhe _ they'r6 80 cheerful and otber. amenities of .the project friendly ." -represent ~oe of the biggest '-> .: , .-: .: ··::·~ .... SWim~'lng, AahJag,Baatliig~·'~ ·:. t :· Red Carpet Realtors are strong in geographical ex· i change. U a person who lives in Southern CaWomia owll! 11ome property in another part of the state and wishes to :sell or. exchange it, it listl it with bis local Red Carpet offlCe and bas the full power o! the statewide organization working for him. ' The broker at Ne wport's Red Carpet office is Richard C. Irwin, who comes to Orange County from Fremont where be operated four offices. CARPET CHIEF Richard C. I rwln Really at the Balboa. Boulevard office. are Cecil Colvey, Jim Slnasek, Helen R.inderkecht, Aleta Knapp, Eve White and ·oorothy Members of Irwin'• staff, formerly With Bay and Beach Frame. ~ Recording Fees Jump For County in 1968 Documents recorded and fees collected for recording locreased in 1968, Onnge County Record J. W y I I e Carlyle reports. ReconllDg tees t o t .~t I •· d • !e'lll,MC and the new property transfer tu accounted for lt .. ,tll, a Jotal collection ol '2,1111,21!. Tiie ncordin& lees ligutt .......... with. ICl.m col- -1n 1111. Averace dally -I recm1inC1 In 1968 _.. 1,lll per day apinlt 1,111 per day in 1167. Tbe I 11uperty tu tranlfer --by the lqlolalure 1a 1111 -the r--.1 Docu•.,.,.,.,.tu wu not re-taectM ... Tiie . l\inds collected an allocated to the county and cities. The county letl 100 per- ceot ol thew an lnnucllom in the uniJlcorponted ..... and in incorporated areas the fees are split 50-SG between the cities and county. The tax is based on Sl.10 for each 11,000 ol conideratioo. or the lolal collected In 11111. the county received 1111 .m and the cities, 156t,J'l4- Carlyle uld ncardlnp i... -lbal bulldln( In the COUDI]' WU --.. -tial phis """' tho slump of 111A7. Sabdivlalon ncard!np -that in tlD, • lrada tola1in( 1J,m lob w ere rauded. In 1117 then Wtt HI aubdlvlsl-wUh 10,'IM lob. ANDY HAS ANSWERS • I I - • Tbe Walters, who have five hoqie bargains ever offered chJ1dren ranging from 5 to in ti.; Southland: 14 selected the 1paclour four· Another ·planrung feature is bedroom. one-story Plan 14 that .hoqies are oriented on model. the lots, not only to take full Osterman who wu born at advantage of the magnifictnt adjoining El Toro and lived views but also to provide an at nearby San Juan Capistrano un'1:5ual. three-sided garden-- ii well acquainted with the patio area around lhe ho~e area. -thus combining the outdoors "My wife and I like to drive and the indoors into a large around and aee what'• IOina: and attractive new "pattern on in tbe county," the fire of living." warden said •. "When we saw This "garden home " coni;ept tht Miaion Ridge modelf, we of lot use, combln'ed with the fell in love· with thll borne, actual home plans, featurea the golf COW'le tlew, and the only one 11ide yard, much feellnc of opennea. We owned wider than the two normally a very nice larder!. apartment narrow side yards ln con. with a private pool in Santa ventional plannin&. This at- Ana, but we wanted to get tractive aDd spacious 1Mfe out where we'd have more garden-patio becomes a con. room." tinuatim of thf: front and rw The home the Osterma ll! gardena.~And witJI aCCU!I to selected it the thfee.bedroom the entirt Area from three Plan 13. They have one grown sides of the bouR by wa1 daughter and one or the of sliding aim door1, true bedrooma ii rtaerved for indoor-outdoor living ii acbiev- overni&ht ...,.U -their U... ed. , - sranddaughters. _ >.s part or the ".U.Ollca!"' ~ .. I See By Today's Want Ads~ . ,I • IT'S 1 , 1!> DIME -A lUlf TIMEll I • · ParkB,'Ciittµijjl Ant~ft._;anMltgtttH are Your& lrfthe-Sparkllng .new . City of Huntington Bea.ch ALL new mooeLS JUST open . . --. Ra.ncho ha ;Guesta -' Ayres-Since 1905 The newest feat ures for your living pleasure ~ available in Huntington Beach's finest residences at ·Rancho la Cuesta. Pride in workmanship aciquired during three decades are evident · in these solidly constructed 3 and 4 bedroom homes. .S24,996 tO S32,796 FHA-VA and Conventional/ 6% % Loans • Sales Office: On Brookhursl al Atlanta I Phone {714) 968·2929 I Furnished Models AOAMS AVE ! ~ i ~· ~ ~ AT\.AMTA' ,t.yt ' i • r • Rancno La Cuesta homes are desfgned to insur8 years of enJovment.and lo becilme • more val uable i'1ve1tment year afjer~year. """· " . . ' " • • • ' ) -----,-------,--,,------------~ -------- ---IW\.Y l'ILDT -sehifrin Bits Peak , - 'Missi-On' Cqmpose; Swamp~d With Jobs . ;:::: .. 'I>" • li ' .(......._ ..... \ I • I DAILY PILOT fttff '-" Panic Button Time - Robert Engman -(center) tries lo explain why he's sanitizing sh~s /to BOb · f.tceaa (right) as Paul caldwell wails wearily during a hectic mom&tt from _ -''Gtneration."-clollng tonight at the Costa Mesa CtY!c Playhoule Oii the 0r8J)ge County Fairgrounds. - - --- Broadway Success 'Hadrian' -Introduces Powerful Talent By JACK GAVER stays. He b one of those trqic end. It la a subtle piece ly BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) From an office on South Beverly Drive, •mid smart dreu ahope aod taltnt alen- cles, Ar1entfne.:born L 1 I o Scbllrin poun forth a aecm· • IDCIY endless -SllPPI!' ol muaic, · from rock to aympbl)nf. Schlftln, an hitenat, dark· haired pipe smoker, is the hoUtest new composer in films today. Hls album of themes for uMlsaioD.: ImP>&slble" won him two Gf~e& from the recardlng academy and a gold record, having iold more than a quarter million copiea. His score f~ "Cool Hand Luke" netted an Oscar nomlnalion. Among his other recent scores: "The Fox,'' "The Brotherhood;" .. BulllU, 11 "Hell In the Pacific," "Coogan's Blllff." He is now working ail the score for 20th Century-Fo1 's "Che." And that isn't all. Ot!Jer projects:.Origlnal music for an ..MGM TV pilot, ."U.Btf.C."; "EnCOlJA&.ers,'' a jazz-and.aympbony1>iece CDOl- miN!qned by the Loi AzlPles Pbllhannclllc; ·a_CID\lla__Jor the Jlollywood BO-..! bued on his music for the TV speclal "The ~ and Fall of the Third Reich"; a string quartet to be p¢ormed In Mareh at the !J)I Angeles Count)'. Museum; an original musical flJm based on "Captains Courageous." How does he accomplish so much? "Music ls an idiom, like Jan· guage," he explains. "When "My whoJe ure changed ... ,m .... !j,"~ ... ,. .. when Oi2:iy GlfleSpl came to with D•bor•h IC•rr.D•vicl Nlv•n Argentina on, a State Depart· c.-..-. 511t ...... S;I• .. ment tour in 1966, ·~ he fro• 1!41 ' declared. "lk liked my work, tOlflllf• PACll'llC ~ JlllllW'-Y .. S111 ll and 1 loined him aa pia.nlJt-ar--/If • ranger-co'P.po.ser. Ai:tuaUY,. J • bad " l\O'O ~Ing o/ coming ~!Iii 19 the UnltecMltates anyway. dizzy made'll-happen sooner." After four yean on the rQad, ; • Schlfrin, now fl,· decided it was Ume to ®t\}e. down; he hu an Argentine· wke,.a son, 81 and now a '2-year~Jd daughter. His wOrk with Gillespie, Stan Getz and C.OUnt 't · B as i e for MGM records you learn grammar and can br.oua:ht hi.Qt scoring control·oyn'"x, you cao -~te assignments for such (ilms as Kl •ui "Rhino" and "Joy House." fa11t. The same i11 true in music, except that you use Tbel) he ser\led a year at notes lnslead of words. If you Universal, scoring "Alfred Hitchcock Preseots," "The want to say something in Virginian" and .. other TV music and have the skill to ALSO . -. say it, you can compose fast ... series to gain fllperience in a variety ol mediums: His l~sssssss""~I Except for a number ef hap-training paid o!f with nThe penstances, Lalo S c h i fr i n CincionaU Kid, .. his first im· ml&ht now be practicing law portant film sco.r:e. in his native l!Uenos Arjes. Schifrin conUnues to pou~ That_wa~ what his faPJer, con-out 30 astonishing amount_ of cert master of ~ Bueno s mu.sic from his windowless, Aires. Pbllhannonic, • planned , soundproof office ('~I can't for ~· But young La~!> had stand dlstracUons"). _. Fox~ S..Dllf9f~91MIW• ~I OPEN 6:45 HEtD--,-OVER---.. _ _,_ oa1•1111D .,.,.,.. S1IWICILD ISIAllD ONf'Ac:T. . other ideas. Durine hii, law "l want to ·teep doing what studies, .he discovered ja~. I'm doing," he s 8 y s. His musical ablllty won hi'? "SOmetime in a career you a scholarship at ~e Paris reach a moment of serenity Conserve:tory of ~usic, where when you're not reaching out he studied . cl~s11cs by da¥ for nei,y things but you're a~d played m 1azz cellars by trying to develop the tools night. you ha_ve. I'm at this point Returning to Argentina , Lalo now." :"""~···TIE continued combining the two,J;:;o=========.11 -ION forms, composing s e r i o u s music for films and TV and STRAN""'d • Jeaiiing a jau band as well. ti\ r.btf• ,... ' !"' ...... 'Iii ... jt:luo·w-.u ......... A.Ill'! AW. e COi.Oft e "PAl'll·UOM•' ~ ~~ .,_~ ... ·-.J ---M•Ull •• _ ....... ,., r.""" T. W..•4 V ...... 9"" "TWfE CHA.ROW 01' 1111 LIOHT llUGAOl" • Cflot , Sltllf~ ,.THI! TMOMA.$ C:AOWN I ""'"",. •.;"";;;;,' _ _.q --_..,_ I 01-1211 lli.tftlllmellllllllll Fer Mllfb,I Jl111 Ito-e COLOI e "llOT'' "Nl$HT OF THI _ UWIN'i DI.AD" ___ ., W.::·" • 147.J!lfl ·-~lit I .,=!':'rt'f' .::.. ~:,,. I '"THE IOSTON STAANGUR" eco1.01te M!cl!IN!I c.in. • COl.OA • "DEADFALL .. _....,.,,...:; ---., .... -D'Vlft MNEJI lle<omlMllded Fer Muth! NEW YORK (UPI) lllClcl>eJllftclated performers, of-play-making that la leanly> Whatever . etae may be a.id as 1tilled 11 ~y, wbo has written and is always on about this BroadwQ seuon, never made that ooe big targel Peter Dews' directon and a lot of it tsn't lood.. splaah that_ comes to a fef ~o::U~ technically and emo- lt must be adm!Ued that H ~ ~Ulonallylth j··~w!E J~h"'t hu had the !air fortune to w-~ " ~· --•.. There ls a fine -alHround bring us three unusual piayi--play at the rlibt time. cut, lncludli!g S 1 d n e y OCC's Jazz Festival Attracting 19 Bands llE80W lflll ' ,rur "'' Now yo11 an eoloy It In E!1'19Htlll ~D011111A1WACOIT,,_MUA.M:ite5*31tt11 PdC1ence a "A MAN AND A ----·---·---· ... WOMAN .. Positively Ends Tuesd1y ilii AllOMe FiernlM • cOLo• • fl ....... ftlll lll~':""':"""':::"'°""":::·:C...:~:~~l""!~~"~lU~H~FO~l~YO~U~l~W~IPI"~~ IWIJllLl.'IM11. Iii ------SMA of merit in which there are UHadrlan Vil' is "it" for Sturgeas, Marie p a J. t 0 n I • utoundlng performances by 'MCCowen. It made him a Wllliam Needles, G i I J 1 e Jan ls coming to Orange the leading men. really big man in the British Fenwick, Gerard P a r k e s , Coast College -19 bands: First, there was "The Great tpeater, a status he w_lll never RiChard Nicholls, Chfl11topher rth I ~ -White Hope" and James Earll ose, ~d now Amer1~ans at Hewett, Louis Zorich, Truman The fint annual CX::C Jazz Jones' remarkable b i g ge r • last will get to know him. Gaige, and Neil Fitzgerald. Festival will be held Feb. 7 ::-u:.r::zi:.inabig-It1:f~ ~~~ :,nth~b~~ ly1!~~::=i:~obr: in the OCC Auditorium from Nut, waJ ~ Man In the frustration of the life of an Fletcher for Lester Oster 8 a.m. through 8 p.m. Nlne- Glus Booth," with its as· eccentric, aometimes brilliant, Productions, Bill Freedman teen of the best College ,.__and tounding interpretation of a antHocial British writer, and Charles Kaa:her. high 'school bands from split-penonaUty character by Frederick William RoHe, an "Hadrian Vil" is serios Southern California will com- DcnUl Ple .. nce. actual personality at the turn tl):eater al its best, and you pete. ~ Lately arr l v e d from of tht century. He was should go to the Helen Hayes Dr. Ch a r I es Rutherford, 11, Eng1and II "Hailrian VU" by enamoured of catbolicilm, if Theater and see it as soon as OCC band director. said tbal newcomer Pettt Luke, a not happy with the way the poulble. top flight jw musicians will fucinaling, compelllng drama Church was being run at the _;_ __________ :__:_....:.~---- in ltl own ~iqht. but made lll:ne. Much of hia bitterness even more to by t be stemmed from the fact that perfOl'DlQCl-AleX McCowen after years of study, he twice in the Utle role. •· was. rejected for the Here ii a characteriution priesthood. He wrote a novel, . creat.ed most.IJ 1n low key "Hadrian VII," in which aucb ': ·. "1th a subtlety. a polllb, a a persop suddeMy is taken dedication to minute detail into the Church, accidentally that makes.for JJW'e theatrical elevated to Pope and sets delight about making drastic reforms. McCowen la ·a veteran Luke's play is._basically the Btttlah player,· who bas fantasy of this novel, but he seldom lacked for work at ties it in with Rolfe's own home and who has been here mean e'xistence in which he with visiting companies tbrte is hounded by debtorS and limes previously · for short th inevitability of his own Jimmie jl@4gers Back From Brush With Death By VERNON SCOT!" h01pilal five months ago," Jim.mlt said, ••and a month and a half later t opened in a night club in Vancouver. l think that-was in November. All in the Family HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A year ago Jimmie Rodgers was not expecled to live following • bigbway incident with police !n which the singer -was critcally injured. Jimmie suffered massive head damage, brain injury and spent eight months tn the hospital after the Nov. 31. 1967, ordeal. "When J got on stage I didn't realize the mental strain would be so great. I Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, a winning had double vi.lion for the husband and wife team, hold their New York Film whole Ume I perfotmed up Critics awards for "Rachel, Rachel." Newman was there, aJthoueh at t.he end voted best director in his behind-the-camera debut1 He underwent brain surgery three limes. "Doctors were amazed l wasn'l sitting in a chair star· ing at the wall," Jimmie said during lunch on the eve of opening his night club act at· the Cocoanul Grove. of two weeks I felt prelly while Miss .. Woodward was cited as be-st actress. well. liR~~~:;.~::=j;il111~~~~~~~~~ "Then l opened in San Fran-"' ~co u!°' ~t "f .!t":.i 1l !ItilD!ot W ... • thing, and had to finish il the act sitting on a stool. NrwPORT BEACH • Olt.U35b Fortunately the a u d i e n c e didn't know that I was having any trouble." ' At the mooient Jlmmle ls afraid audiences will turn out to see him from a sense of curtoolty or In sympathy. HELD OVER . The Year's SIMptr Rod.gen shed some 4 o f'Ounds during the lost year of his 1ile. But his sense of humor is intact, and his singing voice is unidJpaired. r" Long brown hair qvers the scars from the oper~'on. the last of which impl nted a 'metal plate in his s t He wants to perform as he has for the past 10 years -as a singer of ballads, ·strumming his guital' and entertaining people. • "I was discharged from the • SA Player~ Set Tryo9'ts Tryouts for th• SUia Ana CGmmunlty Players• nert pro- ducUon, "Outward Bound" by Sutton Vane. will be held SUn- dl1 and Monday, director Roes Corbin announced. Si1 men and three womtn art n<eded for the cut, alon( wltb becDtqe worken. 'Ille radinp will be htld a1 2 p.m. --sunday and 7:30 p.m,. 1'11-'J at the Pl1yers -· 1"9 W. Ith St., Santa Ana. During his months In the hospital Rodgers never allow- ed himself to b ecom e despondent or comider the ·possibility lhal he woold be a cripple or mental vegetable the rest of his life. "I wasn•t sure I could ever come back," be admitted. "But I lcnew I woold tey. The ...st part wu aolna home the flrll lhne -..a waltinc for three months untU 1 was sltong tlnOUgh to have the metal plate put In my •!cull- I ALSO AN ALL STAI CASf "MIKE TODD'S 10 DAYS AROUND THE WORLD" .. , had confidence in myself and the doctors. WIUklut that, I'm not sure how I'd have come through It." 1'=='==:====='11 Jinunie fell 1Utnt for 1 mo- ment. Then he commenttd: •:1 cueu I'm just stubborn." "" .......... Write lo Uncle Len --___!; _ _.:-_ ----• ...:......1. DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALBRIGHT AIM 101 NIWHAAT 1.,.. S.,W St.ti 1 , .• : c..t ................ .. ' ' ' ' --·-··----'---- act as judges for the contest. These will include St a Seckler, first saxophonist with many of the big name bands: Corky Corcoran, currenUy the featured soloist with Harry James, and Frank Stozier, formerly with Don Ellis, Roy Haynes, the Tonight Show. Lalo Schifrin, Miles Davis and Nancy Wilson. Banth will be judged on their blend, interpretation, p re c I s Io n , improvisation, rhythm. dynamics and in· tonatlon:-··Trophies will be awarded. Starting at 8 p.m., an outstanding band from each' level of competition w i 11 perform. Corcoran will appeai' on the program ·as guest soloist wilh the OCC Riffs. Schools competing will in• elude OCC, East Los Angeles College, Santa Monica ~ity College, Long Beach City College, Huntington Beach High. Garden Grove High, Savanna High, Crawford High School of San Diego, Los Alamitos High, John F. Ken· .nedy High, Montebello High, Orange High, La Mirada High, R.iversi de Poly High, Eisenhower High, Costa Mesa High, Mt Miguel High, Corona del Mar High, Boba Brande High and Kaiser Intermediate. Jazz enthusiasts are welcome to the morning, afternoon and e v e n i n g sessions. There is no charge for admission. Gomez Back HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Thomas Gomu returns to the television wars to play a police chief in a Mexican resort in a segment oi "The Outsider." v.,.,.,,. RMl9r&Y• -ALSO,PLAYING-- "ATTACKED ON IRON COAST" wltfl Lloyi lrid9•1 a-.. --1 - "COOGal'TS BUJff" PLUS THE " POPULAR •l"U f\lll-••lt.\f\N1 -~ l --... •=· -, ""'*" FiiiSOUTH COAST ClHlAAL P'LAZA TH-TftB CORPOR.lllOH San Oiqo freeway at Bristol • 5'6-2712 2 PERF. ON SATURDAY AT 12:30 • 2:30 SUNDAY ONLY AT 12:30 --.... ,...__ --............. . ONN "'· 7:11 SHORT SUIJICTS 7:10 FU.TUii 1:00 -011• Showin9 Oftly- Held Over 5th & Final Week! ltlR TM ........ S~w· I• T~""! ' wt..-ef ' .. ...., ...... I -------IT IS LIFE .ITSELF • •• RAW BEAUTY IN All.ITS AWAKEN.ING! IXCLUSIYI SHOWIN• ONI NIGKT ONL1 TUESDAY, NL 4tft SHOWING .t 7 & t p.-. • • -------------------------------------· ----- ---• , . .. . • • Costa Meaa; Lynette Yetter, 9, Fountain Valley; Wynn O'Neal, 7th, Costa Mesa; STARS The stars in the ocean are alive with play, As they dance around and play games all day. You might think. that you could catch a star, But no you can't they like to play tricks on every~ ·one. · · . When people say they have a star in a buck~t. Or glass it is a trick, They're fooling you. It Is juSt their image left behil!d as the day enters noon and starts to dark~ as they float up thro- ugh !_he c6ol sky air lllte a ~!airway into heaven. Th'en they gather tog~ther and you can see them showing off to one another trying to be brighter ,than,th,ir pl~ates', •. So!l>f!inles It they are bngbt enough-you can see some or~ sleeproneswho are left behfiid•with ' their fllckmng light, · · • Showing_ themseiv.s in the distant waves of the ocean. But no one worries about them because it is known that they too come home to sleep when the cold misty air turns to nigbt. A ~ fll•N •ner "" N hln'"" lnll'l1n, JUI Tr-NI llrtw. L19UU ... 9Cll t.r tllt •IMll!t'I tlltrY In "'' 1tory 11\d .,._ ...... M9fl '9W HIM W attry t. UMls L.,., lox , ... c.t• .... C.lif. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Ptrl to ships: Allllr. 5 loltl: . COllb. fl• •Satlta-14 Wiid wattt buff1lo U Lmlng place 16 Fulln• 17 lnvltallonl 11 Covering 21 Lyric .llO•S 21 MOc!tm 22 H1wlr: 2J F1111ch I htld coverlna 25 Contradict 27 Flo1t1n1 let lllSS 21-dirt: . ·-•••llslvt 30 C0111t tioaUny 34 lttrlc •1t otwn ,, :•I'll.If•· .• ~lli..':;1 3l Hiii 11•1 ....... St P•llkttPtr's 'II": 4word1 42-- 4& Protecttn1 stltlttt 47 Earlltr! Colllt. fd 49 River cra1sln0& 51 Reliance S4 Loud Uarp ,,., 51 Grtll 1tlt.tt 60 MOUn111n: CoM. ftim 61 Whlttllf': 2 wards 6J Color 64 S111n1 65 Are not: Di1J. 66 Laborer of old 67 Subbutd 68 Tactic 69 Asian native DOWN 1 Rldi powir· ful •an 2 Taki fet ._, ZWOl'dl 3 Fumlshts too lltllt food 40mlllfl'lt ,5Ntatas --: 2 words 'u.1.w. ••bH Y11t1rday's Puule Solved: 211169 t Plett of 37 B"1lnd brtld In pl1ct 10 Lacklnt In J8 llloring flm111es1 force 11 Ottlart 40 Container 12 Frtneh1111n's 41 B•seball name abbrevlathm 13 Legal ••= 46 Casa -Abbr. 48 Flgurts 19 Painful of s1•ech dlstase -49 Con ronttd 24 --5'0 Glrl the .world: fJldlJ Z words 52 Small 2ft Ltvt Pe;s1111 21 .Sprltt rug 30 fltlt 53 Kttpstkt ll laclrJnq 54 Hit iroftss1on1I SS Flnal ·finish 11111s1c1I 3Z Kind of SKtlon 11111 56 wander D Tl11tllblt tbout 1bbrtvl1tlon 57 M1rgln 1 th• 'llnt~ 2. woff• · cs T• that piece 44 Toxin· I 1nUIUla: 7---•nd thtdttJ blut 111: 3 wards 34 I . African 5' Showing lrtt dlltttantt 35 Calif. lntwnts I AM;r. 0 D~tcllon '. I Proven towr11t rockfish: · 62 CrJUcl:zt Var. sharply ,\' ·Sheryl Lyn Peterson, 10, Cosla Mesa; 8bella Purc,,-9, no city given; Mary Gustafson, Hun. tlneton Beach; Carrla Evans, II, HunllngWn Beach, and Paula McNamee, 10, Corona -a.1 Mar. RAIN The rain is falling all' around, It falla on field and tree ; It rains on umbrellas here And on the ships at sea. -Tt"tr11 Kelly, ,, Ctlll Mt•t .-----Caro/~ . . " '. THEMEAooW The grass in the meadow blows aoftl~ In the warm windl from above, The grass is green · And the cows love to araze in it; . I love the meadow, the soft , warm meadow, Where the wind blows soft and warm. ~ Cklltt,_, """"""''SNClt RIDDLES AND JOKES * PRIZE WINNER Dear Carol: Why do they put a fence around a graveyard? ·u1 406 01 Bu1Ap .,. •Jdoed A.uww os esnt:>eg :JeMtuy -Ptt•r SltellMt. t, ~ a. 1ftlt St., Ctttl Mt• Dear Carol: How do YO:U find a rabbit? '•OJJW::» • •>1!1 ••1ou • •>i•W :JeMsuy -Clnclr lltwltncl, lt. H11llH"9tfll •Hell Dear Carol: What do fleas take for splitting headaches? -T1r1tr11 Ktltr. t, C"'• M• .. Dear Carol : How do you get down from a camel? ·•1008 e WOJf ,,UM.op,, •• ., no.< :•,\IOP MA !JeMsuy -Mli;I ,,,.,., ti~ W1llmllletv Dear Carol : Where is the cat when you tum off the light? ">tJ•p •it• UI :JeMSU\f' -T-lleln', "'-Wt1tmlfl1t1r Dear Carol : What kind of dress do you have but never wear? ,.... ,... ......... te Alt ,.,..., •!• Or-.. c... .., ......... ,, ... c.n ...... Celtf. ~1f.,..."':':. '•~cv= t:' 111:,r. poSsible places on his own wermtt, ... u. °' s101111 c11Y. klW•, world. He will do what he '°' htt Cll*llOll:· always does -take along the Row loag tollld people live things he needs and ammge on tbe moon! a lunar way of life to suit The Christmas . astronauts himself. Some space sclentists ' 1 •• suggesl building a huge sealed _reported that the moon OOq dome. People inside could live grim and desolate -a lonely in a lunar home away from and uninviting place to live. home. The lunar landscape is pasty 'Ille lunar dome would seal whlte blotched with shadows in breathable air. It \lrould (tom its ruatc.: rills and seal out the blllterir.g bll!e ridges. There is no lip of of lhe lunar day and lhe frilld life, not even a 'hopeMi tinge frost of the lunar night. Maybe of green aicae. ' our clever scientists will find Man's aurviva1 on the moon a way to pry water from , depends entirely on his brains, some of the moon's minerals. upon the plans be makes and If so, soil could be prepared hoW well he prepares for bis inside the dome and planted lunar landing. Suppo;ie a with greenecy. person arrives there in jusl People who go outside the the everyday clothes he wears dome must carry enough on earth. He would live only breatheable oxygen to last un· a few rninu~ -no longer til they return. They must than he can live without wear space sulfa to wl out bruthing. For the moon has tbe scorching daytime bul, no air. It has no waler and insulate them from the cold no food of llDY sort to offer night and perhops shield their tbe uninvited earthling. ll luls bodies from dlng<IOOI raya nolhlng but a pale rugged from lhe sun. Nobody ""'"'' landlcape of· lifeless det0la· whether this 1unat 8vlng is lion. CerWniy tbe moon ii worth all lhe trouble, lh• et- not wattin, to welcome urthl-peose ind the daring courage. lop wilh frl<odly greellngs. Moll esperu thlnlt tl Is. '!be But this wil not ttop us moon may be rich in mlneablt from going ~ We are a minerals. Btcause of tta li&ht bold, adventurous b rte d., gravity, less fuel is .~d always' ready to face and to launch spacectalt. nus w:111' tackle a tough cha.lle.n.&e .• save money wjien o u r P..fankind hu made himself spaceships voyage forth to comfortable In many im· vi.sit our .sister planes. I . . ' Saw~r. Fib/""' I, 1969 OAJl.11'11.af J:J PEANUTS ~·I .. ...JI:.. - . , It " Ii I! fl ,1 JUDGE PARKER WE 60I' ~PLE IOOM5 WMEIE we MOlP SOME PllVATE PAmES •• ll KE WE"Ve 60f A POKER: 6AME 5CHEPILEP R:>R LATH TOMl6MT: INTH'!STEPl" MOON MUWNS -lk'Hatt HOW l FHL-- Otl, l'MateOFHOW.Z Fftl.-M 10Uft STIU. M tJOUIY'. CiN! )t)UR!fLF -·,61't!. us-TtMe,JiM ..• l/.t>UU> ')IOIJ CARE'~-r YOlJ taJo\N M~ DOODLE, 'THI' ARTIST-· He's GO!N~­ 'TOSllOW ME HoWTO . "TO.JOitJ us? IT ' Sl<><JLI> B< 11'/Tfl'fiSTl)I<;. MOl>OL. TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT AND JEFF )'ES! I PRQMISCD MY wrFE I WOUl.D PAINT BRUNO'S DOGHOUSE TODAY BUT MY BACK IS IQWNG MEJ. MISS PEACH • ~ •• II " I~ ll • I ANP FllR 1149 ! WHY) TMAn SHOCKING, NI> OUTRAGEOUS! IV£ GOT TO BE ABLE TO SAY TH~ I .PAINTEO IT BCT I N&IEO YOUR ~El.P-O.K. NOW PiCK IT UP/ __ _,, ly ChDrfes M. Schla By Gus Arriola ---. By Harold Le Do.ux THAT' PRUNK AT THE' TAM.E •. HE LOOKS LIKE HES 60T A 51JNPl.E: ' . . .... ' By Ferd Jah1110n 1 UND•RSTANtl MISS SWIVEi. 19 MOl>•LING!.-'-,_ By Tom K. Ryan TELL 'IOlJ WHAT. .I't!. INCLUP~ HIS SHOVEL FOR THE SAME PRIGE! By Al Smith NOW MOVE IT BACK,AND FO~I By Mel • ,. , ' l I I ,, ----------------~ ~ ------------------~--- - I l l l I 1 • I I • \' •• I .. ............ " ..... "·-·~ J ~LY PILOT Saturda1, ft~ 1, 1969 • .• 4t Ill · Tonight's:-'.fwin. Bill: ' . ' , • Fullerton, ~teaters • Square, ~ff By EARL GUSTKEY 01 fM Daltr ,lltf St.it UCI's basketball team will be In search of the beginning for another winning streak tonight at 8 when it · takes on Alex Omalev's Cal State (Fullerton/ out- fit in Crawford Hall. -Both teams, in fact., come inlo the game fresh from defeats by the same t~am. Dick Davis' Anteaters were pum- meled at Fresno State Tuesday night, 113--66. and Fullerton lost to the Bulldogs by 92-lKl last Saturday. The improving Titans came closet to beating 'Fresno than UCl did, but most observers give UCI an edge tonight. Olnalev's team was within three points of Fresno State with five minutes to play. UCI was never in It in the second half. Its closest margins in the first half were 19-17 and 33-29. It never led. Wilb eight games left, Irvine, in quesl of 11 second straight trip to the post- season NCAA college division regionals. is 12-6. After Fullerton. the Anteaters embark on five straight road games, beginning Tuesday al UC San Diego. Fullerton was 0-2 for its last weekend trip. Before losing at Fresno, the Titans dropped an 89-88 verdict at Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo). . The No. 1 challenge . for Irvine tonJ,ght: will be in the re~g department whert Fullerton's 6-10 Ron Hughes ex- cels. Dilvis counters with his talented senior center Mike Heckman (6-6). Junior forwa~ Jeff Cunningham is the club's leading scorer with a 20-point pe r game average. The loss to Fresno State snapped a four-game win streak.for the Anteaters. ·Tonight's match will be UCI's last home game until San Diego State e<1mes lo Irvine Tuesday, Feb. 25. * * *~ UCI FULLERTON 1-3 CUnningbam F Harris 6-3 &3 Sanden F Dennis M MHeciman c Hughes 6-10 .. , S&bins G LaFond .fl-11 ,_,.Barnes G Thom.peon i-10 Wooden Wins 700th, I 09-7 4; Trojans Beaten , LOS ANGELES (AP) --UCLA's top ranked Bruins, playing t b e i r run-and shoot game to perfection,-coasted to an easy 109-74 Pacific-8 basketball vjctory over California Friday night. It was coach John WQOden1s 700th vie·· tory against 192 losses since he started CGaching in the mid-1930s at South Bend, lnd., Central-High School. Don Griffin's 26 points and a deliberate style of basketball gave the Stanford In- dians a 66-56 Pacific-I victory Crom Southern California Friday night. . Stanford. leading by as many as 19 th the'. second hall, slowed the ball to a crawl against a USC zone defense. Grif· fin hit mostly on l>foot jump shots.· The Trojans played without center Ron Taylor, bitten by the flu. The Bruins hit 61.S per cent of their shots in the first half, led 52-37 al half- time and earned their 15th victory this season and 31st in a ro'ft'. It was UCLA's lllth straight triumph over California. · Lew Alcindor, UCLA's 7-toot·llh.. cen- ter, scored 22 Point.s in the first half and just after intermission scored his 2,000l.b point. He wound up with 32 poinl.!I and now has 2,009 in hi! college car~. He also had 17 rebounds. Cal's •10 center, Bob Presley, picked up four fouls in the first half, fouled out five minutes after half.-tlme and only the shooting of sophom-Ore Bill Duwe, who had 24.. kept the Bears remotely close. • Ex-Mari'.na A~e. Fa~es · Big· Test DEAbEYE -Former Marina High School star Mark Soderberg, who's now starting for the University of Kentucky freshman, sinks a free throw in recent Wildcat game. Soderberg, who's averaging 14.~ points and 14 rebounds a game. faces a n1ajor test tonight when he's matched against Vanderbilt's 7-foot Steve Turner. Soderberg llas Big Job Facing Vandy 7-footer . ) ' Mark Soderberg 'draws a lall assign- ment tonight. The Marina 1-ligh basketball star of last yea r is playing center this season for the University of Kentucky freshman Chargers' Coach At OCC Campus Orange Coast College moved a step closer to becoming the summer home of the San Diego Chargers Thursday. Head coach. and general manager Sid Gillman visited the campus for the first lime and heartily endorsed the junior college 's athletic facilities. He indicated, however, that the team must locate liviiig -quarters wit hin walk- ing distance of OCC and that he was unable to locate any Thursday. Orange Coast has no dorms. That. and the fact that OCC hasn't yet been given formal approval by the college board to the idea, are lbe lone hurdles yet to be cleared. Should Coast become the Chargers summer training camp, the club would be working out at OCC daily from July until late August. team and the ex-Vike goes up against a seven-footer tonight. The Wildcat frosh are playing the Vanderbilt yearlings this evening in Lex- ington, Ky .• and Soderberg's opponent in the pivot will be Steve Turner, who is only one-and·a-quarter inches shorter than UCLA's Lew Alcindor. Both players were big targets of col- lege recruiters last year. Soderbeg, who stands 6-8¥.!, had offers from 20 colleges be fore surprising e v e r y o n e by matriculating to Kentucky. He's the No. 2 scorer on a talent-laden Wildcat frosh outfit. At last report, he was averaging 14.5 points per game and 14 rebounds per contest. He leads his team in the latter category. Turner was wanted by j1,1st about every major U.S. college basketball power last year. From Memphis, Tenn., Turner · has proved to be something less than a sensa'tion so far . He 's the No. 4 scorer on his team and the No. 2 rebounder. He's scorjng at a 13.2 clip For Soderberg. tonight's matchup with Turner will be the first of many to come. There is a spiri'ed basketball riva lry between the two schools and the two centers figure to meet at least a halr- dozen more limes during their varsity ca reers. A TALL ORDER -Vanderbilt freshman Steve Turner goes up high for a rebound during Vanderbilt's annual frosh-varsity. game. The seven~footer was one of the nation's top prep recruiting targets in Memphis, Tenn., last year. He plays against ,forme r Marina High star Mark Soderberg tonight in Lexington, Ky. Sports In Brief 250 Miles of Suicide ·Captured by Virginian DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -Steve Pieper of Alexandria, Va., won the For- mula Vee world championship wilh a hair-breath victory over ·Harry Ingle or Charlotte, N.C., in a race punctuated by so many accidents some of the for- eign drivers called it ''250 miles of sui- cide." Second place was changed by race of- ficials twice before they decided three hours after the finish that Ingle wa s sec· ond. The two Americans dueled through most of the 66 laps around the 3.81-mile course and often exchanged first place. Pieper roared off the last high bank on the outside and crossed the finish line about one-fourth length or his little car ahead of lngle's. IJCI Falls. 100·69 UC Irvine's freshmen were snowed und- er by the undefeated use yearling bask- etball team, !oo-69. Friday night at the Sports Arena. Gary Fox (J6 l. Steve \\lhite (15) and Bili George (14J _paced the losing Ant- eaters. Gold•lein Leorl• POMONA -Larry Goldstein of S a n Diego led opening day qualifiers in the Top fuel eliminator class of the Winter- nationals Friday. Goldstein had the lowest elasped time of 6.980 seconds as the nation's top ruel dragsters e<1mpeted for Sunday's 32-car finals; Goldstein's top speed was .214.3~ miles an hour. The day's .fa stest time was turned in by Carl OlSon of Torrance and John Mull- iga n of Garden Grove. Both clocked 225 miles per hour on the quarter-mile strip. Loker• Win The Los Angeles Lakefs look to Sun- da y's game at the Forum against the San Francisco Warriors after disposing or the Milwaukee Bucks, 105-104, Friday night despite the absence of .kirry West -who was injured earlier in the week, Nears. Skating Title SEATTI.E -Fifteen-year-<>ld Dawn Glab. skating despite a slight case of the fl u. took a slender lead Friday in t h e senior ladies' event of the National Fig· ure Skating Championships here. The victor, who will be decided after tonight's free-skating final s, will succeed Olympic Gold medalist Peggy Fleming as the U.S. champion, Miss Glab, whose home is Paramount. Calif.. led Tina Noyes of Colorado Springs by only one ordinal and less than t1vo point.<;. Miss Noyes was runner..up four times to J\.1iss Fleming, Eason h Victor SANTA BARBARA -UCl's swimming tea1n entered today's wrapup day of e<1ml)ftition in the Gold Coast Relays in third place behind the UC teams of Sah Diego and host Sonta Barbara. Rich Eason was Irvine's only winner in Friday's competition. He won the 100- yard freestyle event and Steve Farren was third. Mike Martin fini!lhed sixth in the event. ·Ziegler Ta,kes San Diego Open Lead Loller Pla11s h1 LA The world:s leading · professional te~ n!s players will convene at The Forum In March for the first annual Los An· geles lnvltafional tennis tournaMent. SAN DIEGO (AP) -Little-known l.a.r· ry ,Ziegler played the role or Jack the Giant lCiller Friday and tbe gianl - at leut for Ont day -was Jack Nicklaus. the victlm of a treacherous putter. When the shoOting was over in the l!<COnd round ol the $150,000 Andy Wllllams San Diego Open Golf Tourna- mftlt, Ziegler had caught and pas.~ the mighty Nicklaus with a lhree·undcr par 69 and a 26-hole acore of 139. Nicklaus. lhe Jeider going into the fracas, Wound up with a 72 for 140 -thanks to a double bogey sis when ht fGur·putt<d the fourth hole. Nicklaus played the back nine first at ·the Torrey Piner GoJJ Club, par • '\ :~ 3&-36-71, and was one under al the turn fof the round. He was two under after a birdie dcuct on the thirdOOT!-iOOThiii. things began to happen. Rls approach to the green lert him SS feet from the cup. He putted up and Ult ball slopped fiVe feet short. He putted again and left himself onr. foot away. Then he knocked it six inches pasL "I wasn't careless with it. I studied the putt. It just jumped past those few inches," said Nicklaus with a wide grin later. While 111 the excitement centered on 7..ieglt.r, a newcomer lo prominence in his third )'ear on the POA tour, and Nicklaus, scores continued to be high on another bright and warm day. Tho::! greens wete·still heavy. however, from a deluge pf rains, and an overnight light shower didn't help. Gene Llttler, with a 72. was in third place al 142, and Dick Lotz. 71, and Bob Charles. 60, were lied at 14S. N;itional Open champion Lee Trevino lu~d his best round, a 69 for 144, and local favorite Billy Casper's 7$ left hin1 back at 147. Dow Flnstcrwald. who had a sparkling 69 Thursday, went oul in 40 and came back in 35 for 7~ and 14il, even par. George Archer, the Bing Crosby win- rW-, had a 74 for 147. The Los Angelt.~ Open Winner, Charlie Sifford, had to l \ Withdraw beca1•<;e of illness. He had three successive nines of 39 before qail- ting. Ziegler, at 29 the same age as Nicklaus, was an assistant teachJng pro in St Louis for several years before joining the tour. He had five birdies and two bogeys. He credits former U.S. Open .winner Ed Furgol and a club pro in SI . Louis. Fred \\'ampler, for 1nJCh of his schooling. Nicklaus sand,viched his big six with birdies and completed the round in 37-3&- 72. Asked if th i!i is one of tht> fcu' tin1cs he has four putted a green, Nicklaus -~id. "No, l"\IC four putted quite a Jew times and I'll do it again ." . . . A four night meet will Jte presented. ~1arch 3~ and wilr feature Wimble- don• winners Rod Laver of Corona del Mar and Billie Jean King as well aa Pancho Gonzales. the Southern California veteran who was the upset conqueror of Laver in t he last Forum tennis eftnt In addition to Laver, Gonzales and ~frs. King, Ken Rosewall , Andres Gim. eno, Newport 's Roy Emerson,. Rose- mary Casals and Fred Stolle oC the Na· tiQn;i l Tennis League will compete. Eaglu Sohl .Jerry \\'olman has agreed to sell l h e Philadelphia Eagles lo Leonard Tosc, ' Noristo'l''ll. P11 .• trucking executive.. Rustlers Dtlel Tough Hornets In O~CGym By JOµ. SCJIWARZ if .. 0.lly '"' Stitt WALNUT \....... Three weeks and .aix games ago M&t'k Millef star.led gNWiog a. beard .as ~ prolesl against Golden West College losing a basketball game arid the Rust1ef guard has no intention of shaving it olf after t.onight's show· doi;vn game wi.tb the .undefeated Fuller· ton Junior College Hornets. . GOiden West set up tonight's big game by slipping 'AJtt Mt.' San Antonio Col· lege here Friday night by a whisker, 62.·56. . '\ That mea'n'srlbe Rustlers trail Ful· lerton by two fu11 games prior to t<>- nigbt's tipoff at 8:15 in the Orange Coast gym. It will be preceded by a 6:30 L'On· test between Mt. SAC and Orange COast. Miller started growing his beard the day alter the Rustlers dropped a 71-61 decision to Santa Ana and were 1-2 in Eastern Conference play. Since then his whiskers and Golden West's basketball fortunes have flourished . . •. The Rustlers have reeled off six straight victories,~ the loilgest winning streak in the aollege's history, but it wu nearly snapped by the Mounties. For 27 minutes, Golden West couldn't E~STIRN CONFeRINCI w L Fuller!on • ' Goklen West ' • Chefl•1 • ' CY11rn1 ' • S..nta ... • • Oran11e· CO.ts! • ' Rio Hondo • ' Mt. SAC • ' Riverside • • Sin, Ber,,.rdino ' • Citrus • , Frld1y'1 Sewn Goldfn Wes! 41, Ml, $A( .M O•anllt Co.II 121. Cltrw 97 Chaffe' 17, San Bernadlno 7' RIW't!lde n. Rio Hondo • $1nla1Allil 7a, CYP•••s .. ·· G•mft Tonl111t " .. "' "' "' .. '~ "' "' ... .. m "' '~ '~ ,. ... "' "' ·~ ... "' "' c• Mt. SAC •f Oran!ll' C<>Ssl, ''~ Fuherlan vs. Goldtfl wu1 11 oce. •:1s (h1ttev ..,. (ypreu II Lm Al1mlto. HS Sani. An• •I Rip Honoo San Bernardino 11 Cl!"'s do anything right. The Rustlers were down by nine at h81!time, 33-29, bounced back to cut that margin to 42-38 only to see Mt. SAC rush ahead by 10 points, 43-:J!. S,eeing any hopes at the cooference title slowly slipping away, coach Dick Stricklin resorted to b}s three-guard at- tack with 13'k minutes left. With Miller, Ollie M'artin and Mark Campbell along with forwards Brian Amhrozich and Paul Kordik ICl'ambling and husUlng all over the floor, the Rust- ler's reduced a poised Mt. SAC team to shambles. Golden West's pressing defense forc- ed the Mounties into a dozen tumov~ and in little more than 12 minutes held them to just three points while pouring in 19. Ambrozicb tied it up with 1:31 to go • On a free throw and seconds later Miller deflected an -errant Mountie pass to Ambrozich for another layup that gavt the Rustlers the lead, 52-50. After that Golden West went Into 1 modified stall, hoping to free a man un- der the basket, but couldn'L. lock up the contest until Ambrozicb made a fan· tastic over-his-bead rebound shot on a missed free throw. Th'at made it $7-51 and the RusUers were home free. ....... W.I U2l ft".., .. c-bttl 1 s • 11 .V.rtln 1 o I ' MlMer 5 0411 P•vnter O o I o KorCllt I 2 1 • Prt11wr 1 1 0 • Olson J210 RCO!ftlOl'I 0101 Hanllnt 0 0 0 0 Ambro:ilch I 1 1 II Mt. SAC U•l """• 2 e • ~ Shtrm•n Stremel Kl!!ley • R1msey '"' O!~lnson PISlkO 1 0 4 ' S 2 2 It ' s 5 11 1 1 J s ' I 1 It 2 • I 4 Tot11l 11 1• 12 •2 Tol1ls Jl 10 2t Si HallH-w:ore: Mt. SAC 3', Golclll=~ West 2' OCC Erupts . To Slaughter ~I~, 121-97 Orange Coast College open$ i tWin blll tonight when the Pirates go after their second straight East.em Cooferenct basketball win against Mt. SAC. Game time is &:30 in OCC'• confines. The Redcoats of C1>ach Bob Wetzel ripped Citrus on the same hardwoods Friday night, 121-97, for their second 120-point.-plus night of the year. After holding only a four-point lead at the end of the first 20 minutes, the hosts crushed the Owls , early in the second b3U with a full court pr~ that produced a 13-1 tally in the first 2:27 of acUon and Wetzel'• ·crew was home free . Leading the vicious press were Jim Kindelon and S~vt Jacobsen, who capitalized on 54!Veral errant paaea and turnovers to score at will under the Pirates' baSket. Jacobsen tallied II of his U J>Oil>ls and Kindelon 11 of his total .of ll in the second htill to lead the wlniiers to 70 points in the final half. °"'• c.1 cu:1 .. "Ill' .. JKObtofl t ' I ,_. J ... 11 11 44 $1~tlmt'-r • > I H $al'/'ff 12tl """""" . . ' " K!f!ClllO" t S l 71 S<he!'rntrllorl'I I S 7 I Mc<:1r1 i" 4 1 1 IJ Harotrev• i t 1 10 S•••tnr • D l I Turlrio 1 l D t _,., flftllf• Ull l» t 1 s J ""-~ ... ~ ·--......,,. '"' T~1- M•Millllef Jelllst" J • s ' J S t lS J l ' • 1 •• ' • s s" I 1 I I I 1 4 1 TOf1!• 0 » lt 11! Toitls 3' ti '1 '7 ..._"",,...•c=iN": .O.lt!W c-• jl, c11.,,,. "'· • • v ... OAILY PILOT ......... W ,.,._. lilied are Brian Bagley (21) and steve Klosteniuin (behind Hefty). San Clemente won, 00.35. · . TIGHT SITl.!ATION -Mike Hefty (15) of Laguna Be;ich is hemmed in 1IY San .aemente's Dave Peter (24) and Pat Benj8lDin (52) while Triton Sal Lombardi Is seen in the background. Other Legunans Iden: ~_:;;;__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- San Clemente Mauls Laguna Outfit, 50-35 · Erie Christe~ scored 21 points and Sal Lombardi. added 18 to lead San Clemente Hlgh's Tritona: lo a ridiculously easy 50,SS victory over host Laguna Beach Friday p1gbt in a Creslview Lugue buketball game. Nol until Ibo final quarter did the Artistl untract tbemlelves but by then it wa1 far too late. San C1emente owned a 20-7 lead · at the hall and jacked It up to 37-14 at the three-quarter mark. Laguna outscored San Clemente 21-13 in the fourth quarter. • · Steve·wtezbowski topped Laguna sct>r- ing with 13 points, -Christensen, a S-10 guard, Is Orange County's leading high school scorer wi th a rr.7 per game average. San Clemente 'Will try to do more of the same at Mlssion Viejo Tue!day night at 7 while Laguna hosts El Modena at 3:15. Williams Scores .28 -sea Kings Near Title, Run by Eagles, 56-41 By GLENN WIDTE Of "'-0.llY Plfet SltPf Deleµd ing Irvine League champion Corona del Mar took a major stride toward its second straight loop basketball title as the Sea Kings dumped host Estancia, 56-41, Friday night. Victory, coupled with Magnolia's loss to Loara, gives coaclt Bill Bloom's forces a contfy bulge over the rest of the cir- cuit with the league slate half completed. To lose the crown, Corona del Mar would ha ve to fall in two of its re- maining five games. And since the Sea Kings have mashed 19· Irvine foes In succession over a two-year span, that prospect appears highly unlikely. Kings were back In apparently safe post· lion. They carried a 42-29 bulge into the last eight minutes and both sides wound up sweeping their benches. . William! led both sides ln scoring wilb 26, 15 coming in the last half. Leech and Chris. 'lbompson ahared scoring laurels for the winners, each banging in IS. Corona del Mar never trailed, although the score, was tied at 4-4 and 8-6 In the first four minutes with Corona getting a big assist from the friendl y whistles of the officials. · C11n111a •l Mir (W) fllll'ft. Lwt h Thom•san """ McWllllllTll Wllbredu w ... 5 ' ' ll ll1m1!t l I J I' 0!"9111 I 0 l ( WllU•"11 'l l 1 Ou••• 2 2 1 ' $h11111,.,.,iey 10 1 1 Hin Basketball StancJings G•ni.rt GrW. '°'" Or1flde La Ql.llnt• llltt'ldle Ai.mli. S1ntfl9G PK!!I'-' •• Same Old-~ry___,.;;J· I HB. Rallies,: 65-51 Tar Qµickies Pu$h-Newport To 66-57 Win BJ llqN IVANI otllll•llr ........ Loe lllvea and 'Pllll --ed for eliht quiet -paint& II tllt lllail q/,' ~ final qulrlar lo )Md ~ lflr. bor out of Ibo doJdruma .and oe·IO a .. 57 victory over· vli!t1ns ~ All& Vtl- ley •Friday nlchl in lltwet ~ baa-· ttlho)l play. ' Dave Wuman'a Tan dldn°t find U. ltlil lo vJclGl7 lo be euy u llil7· ..... forced to overcome a bortendou third quarter In which Ibey "'" ..-..i, 17-1, turning a ailci>OlJ>t )lllltfmo )Md 1n1o a third quamr dollclt or 111tte polnll. • Haven then optHd Ibo I-quarlar wllh a pair ol bucteta ..,. Will lolloW- ed by another hr• by ~-it.put UIO .'l'ln bock in lront, -· Wttli ,,., ,.. m•tn•q ln the conteee. · ~ ; / Valley's Sieve Sct.afler lboD COllforl- ed • thrte-polnt play to narrow. :1 to two point& but Holmes camt back with .a abort jumpar and Bo . . followed with 1 Up.la for a 11"11 lUd. with 2,15 !tit. From that point 00, Vl!My MVU a1aln made a Hriout threat. Throulh t11t 11rt1 n .. m1nu1ea or Ibo club, t!tere WU nothing lo chDoe be- tween u,e t'lfo ltims u tbt lead chin&· ed. handl, « tbe ICQre wu Utd, on twelye occaaloal belcn the holta moved: out to 1 ·!Ive point 1lld at t1'o ood of Ibo l1rlt perled, 11-17. v.uey ran of! etPt iilrallhl -lor 1 ir.:a ldvlllll&t b,lwt the Tara - -lor ""'" COlllOMJ'6 <OUDtan ltr a 114 lead. Nowport m ....... to bo111 Iha lead lhnllll> Ibo .... 1 .... · of tllt ball. Holn)lt lband hltlt poblt -. wtth Vliley'a Shlrman 'l'boinu u uch hit oo ---!ht· fUld and lour lnlm the lne tllrow lino lor II polnla. lls"'41• .._ t•t WHllllllllll Ct\I ........i..:.... """" .,_.,,..,._ 1 I I 11 SIM"'""°' "Mltfto' 1 I ti• C ..... ,.._N M * I t I lrNtfldt NitMh 6 I I It DllJt WIM 4 t 1 I .._,,,, TNlf 21 11 11 .. ~11 _,,_ ""'ft"...,. ' • Wa"'11!\tllr It 17 fl ....... J ••• .. .. t 111_, ' J • ,. ' l ... ,. ' 11 J 11 1 t t I 11 ·•11•• " ...... 11 11-41 Diablos Suffer Title Blow, LOse,5846 -Vlajo WU tnockod out of a -""1· Ila !Gr -placo In Ibo. Cnelvlow ._.bubCtioD ~ _, Ibo Dilliao ltll to VW1 Pirie H J 1 ~ ~. M, P'rldoy nllht at the wtn. net'aom. 'lbt m.I>looun ..,. H In loop actlan. Coacll Pot Roberla' 111a11oo1 Viejo dub· --w1y In the -ball -it loat Its ........... llroqtb and the Sparlana alowly -llllo a ...,.. m1ndilg lud. 'Ille Dlabloa' Ollly rul . lbnll In ... boltlldlq -Din Kndl, and tllt f.! -~up hb fifth....-Olly ellbt -llllo Ibo -ball. • SIM-. a f.t lawlnl .....S tnto Knb'• pooilloo and ._, -· out mldnJ thftufll Ibo -quarlu. VIiia Paft'1 llll ~ (H) ""* -. mad of llto -and Ibo !all - olllltie .......... to -Ibo -llllo I 17-# leed II Ille ~ mart. -Iewdlnl.,..., two ll·ll!t 11111. ' Tom ~ led Ibo ICO!lnl - l0t -v;~ :II while.Rady Hollnu Wal In with II. 11111 q YI""' (111 .....,... ........ IM) MIMNll \11111 f*t """. "ft"... .. "·"' ... v.111 ,_. (Ml """"' 1 4 I II Ml!ll'IOft 1 S I !I' o 0 1rt1ner I 1 1 U M.tm SO•lO M611M1 7•111 NitW llJ.I DrrlM ,1 ,1. 11 ,' °'""""" A J 4 11 Mlltt'I I I J t IC-Mt'llll t 1 J 1 kr•tr • t J, 1 Ollfl'I ~:~I! ~~tiff : :.:':· =-~"'" ·!: :': ~ '''' •oc• 2••• .....,_.. H 1 N P T ... 11 tt n I M T••t• 11 It 11" T ..... ...... .,......,. ....... ~ J I I ' t · t I t • ( I 11• ' 1 t If $ J • ,, I I I 11 I t I I .. . .,. I The Trltons applied a full-court press on Laguna and that tactic produced a mountain of Artist turnovers in the first half, enabling Sin Clemente to pull away to an unreachable advantage. Estancia put up stiff re!lstance early in the going b u t fell under a deluge of free throws as the sea Kings picked up 15 of their first 35 points from the gratis line. "' Ndlln - O'LH r'I' Wn111m1 1002 Hol't IE1llM!1 HU ftltltl't. 1 l • • l I I S 10 ' l K I 0 ' 0 0 1 l I 0 I 2 I 1 o I ' o 1-1 I 0 I #-1 ~TJ\OmPIOll • 1 1 1 llftlt "'-VII.., 17 14 11 t....v Mlnllfl "'9Jt -14 t 1 , ..... ......-i ....,.... n u • a~--Viii. r1111 -" ~ .!!.JI ~•~--- The win gives San Clemente an 11-6 seasonal record while Laguna stands 3·13. kll c.NrMnt. CHI ltltl'ft. 0 0 l 0 ' 0 • 0 •• 1 ' 1 1 J J 0 1 0 1 ' J l 21 , 2 • ' 1 • 2 II 0 1 5 I ,, n 2:150 LllUM .. ICP! ().!} """ 8 fl'l l•ml11 '~""' P•llll'" ~lnl C~rl11tnH!\ Mlk !lfll L"'""9nll °"'"m To!1\t Wlerbllwakl Hel!y kloillt•"111'1 Jlullolph ,~~ Wiibur Tol1\f k-'1 O.trtlr1 SM Clffnll\!t • 11 ' lqYn. ' l fl! II " t. • $ l 1l 2 0 2 ~ 0 s • J 0 I l I , 1 ~ ' 2 J 3 ' lO!S lt lS Then the Eagles made a rush at the intruders in the third quarter after drop. ping behind, 38-20. With nifty junior Skip Williams heading the assault the Eagles of coach Blll \Vetzel trimmed the deficit to 38-28 with 1: 12 to go in the third frame. Williams had six of the eight straight points scored by the hosts and Bloom reflect.¢ tile pre-game and hal!Ume tension which had built up over the thougltt of meeting his bitter rivals. However, Steve Leech popped in a 13-footer then Kim Wilbrecht connected from the top of the key and the Sea Racing Karts at OCIR; Globetrotters Are Coming Over 300 ...... raclng karts of all shapes 111nd 1lzes will converge upon Orange County Intereatlonal Raceway I h I s weekend for a twlHfay racing program. In addition to the IO mph 'singlHJl,gine \"arts, twtn.englned vehldes will also be oa bind, reaching speeds of up to 130 mph. The compeUtlon will be held on the 1.9 mile vcrzioq of tbe track's twiand·I· half mile road racing layout. The kart ahow .replaces the regular Sunday drag racing everit$, due to the NH.RA WinternalionaJs being held at Pomona. · Gates open 1t 7 a.m. Saturday and Sunday with racing bt&inninr at I and lastillg throughout both day~ Gloktretln Tilt Art Kim, ""' .,....i Ibo Allalodm Allllps darblg th Alnerteoa -11 Anoetadoa'• drat autoil la1t )'ear, ap- pun qola .. t1'o 0r .. ,. Couty lwke11No11-n.rtday otgM. Klm'1 Ntw Yttk Nadoull tum Uktt oe die; Harkm Gltbetn&tttl at lite Aaabelm Coa\letdol Ceatrt. 1Um r<~ Ida lalettSI• ID th Amta-tut ~ -Ille lrJllKldte wu pm:llultl lly Jl11 gJnt nd moved lo I.Gt A1pln. 01ie or IUm'I "'1UI b Jury Klaas, I form.ft' Cbpmu Colk1e lbr. Ttd:dl for tlle pme are oe at Ute Coavndoe Center bos ofdce. . Gt#M11asts on llo•d UCI's gymnastics team left today · for the l)niversity of Nevada at Las Vegas for a rematch of a meet il lost last month. Coach Larry Banner's team is 2·5 • on the season witlt just three-quarters of a team. UCI has no hl1h bar com- peti tor and only one performer on the side ·horse. On the team are John Potter, Paul Boolian, Ron Cra!( and Randy S~y. Mua11 f11 8-s Bob 'l'MmplOll Ii IDCll • nbk1 ta• or 11n1 nctoc 11e .... .._ ... nice car on a tnlle ud &ewe4 It • mDa to a nee -oi.ly to ft.d wt lie wq ot1e week early. 11Mi ~ye1r old Coi t.a Men drtvtr wtlf have no l ftb problem Ull1 wttllead at the ~ 11\DUll Wllttrutlo.lt dtl& races at tile LOI Aarde1 Couty Fairgroud1 ii Ptmota. He'D be o.e of ovtt • driven fnm 3' 11ates nd Calllda wlt<I win llo roctq Friday, Satarday, aad Sanday, c:ompeUar tor tlll,IM J1 prbt money. I I I 1 ToU l1 11 n ,, 5' Tot11s scwe w o..,,.n Coronl dtl Mllr 15 ,. ElltMll II 10 Swordsmen Roll, 62-46 1111 !1(! ' ,._.. ' ll-41 SANTA FE SPRINGS -Mater Del's defensive lapse.s in the second quarter spelled defeat Friday night when St. Paul's Swordsmen raced away to a 62· 46 Angelus League basketball win, Despite the defeat, Mater Del remains locked in a four-way tie for second place with St. Paul in the Angelus League, onl y a game away from leader St. Anthony's. Mater Oei plays at Pius X Tuesday night The Monarchs trailed by only a point, 17-16, going into the second quarttr Fri· day night but wm out.scored 17·7 int h e decisive second period, allowing SL Paul to nck up a 34-23 halftime lead. 11. '""' '"l '"' ........ ,_ .. ...... ... llol!Ultl!\ Tot111 .. " "'"' 6 S I 11 l 1 0 , ' 1 • ' l 0 1 ' I ' S '° O l I l 2'1'1tfl Mllltr ~ , .. , """'" I I ' I Wi lli.tr ""-...... ·-G!bert McMttll,,.,11'1 H1u"rl Frill Tot111 1 S I lt 0 • 1 • 1 """' s J I I 11 I 1 1 l I 2 1 4 1 0 1 ' Il le It .ii FODth111 S.n Cl ......... VU11 P1t11 Mln lllft Viel• El Modl'llt Tuslln l "UM llKfl o,_ l.IAeUI ' l -,,,. J ' 117 ,., J!4,.,. ' I '11 Jn • l ... -1 J .SIS 4113 t•fllJlj ,.,w111 ~-....... Sin c"""'""' " L..-wM IMdl S1 VI"• Ptrtl •• Mi..1911 Vlt .... El ~ ff, Orlll9f JI --El ......,.,. I'! L"""9 IMdl "" c~ .-.... ..,. v111t <n Fooltlfn 1t Orwntl Tustlfl tt Vllll P1rt1 ..... a 1e1r.in1 ·-Las ..,,.,..,.. --El Dor.clo V1lttM;l1 -.. l• AmltM LUH• • ' n• • I J G '* s l .., -I J , .. Ml . . ... "' JSOSdl t''91MI '''"'° ..,..... . ._.. k•iell• IH. Las """"" n El DDrMI "· \ltlttlel1 U lre1 A, lllfdllbldl 11 l .. Altmlllll N, IDMr1 " ' Anaheim Exploits Fouls, Outlasts Marin~ 59-55 ' By llTEW ANDUWS .... ...., .......... Anaheim Hlfh'• Coloolala, ~ looklnf lo overt another ~the one hlDdlcl t1lem Tu-y lly NIW)IOrl· Harber, ttallld to a M-11 win ovtr tbe vllttlnii Martqa Vltlap FridlJ In I -IAqUe bllktlblll encounter. Tbe Cokllllita ......... Ibo llnal qlllt· ter ahud, l'l'C, ......... -. and then pncoeded lo lllD lor "''" of tllt remaining eipt mlnula. Rick Moll• br<rU1!>t the VW!lp lo wtth\n I" o, IWI, IC!ldJll I w a~· buUtl with I'll on tl>i clock, - Brllnt Coww'1 Co1'ey mode Martoa come oat nd lool lho rat <I. the Wltf. . And foul, WU one lhlot tllt )'1* dldll'l,wlDI lo do with tbtlr lop llln Mollarihltlpp Bilnl, Dkt 1'11 and Vince Moll In lool lroallle. N.wier i.m bolll more thaD ID alflll, point lud and !hit tiny bdl of lnlltilal room wu aaJo1ed by Anahllm, a.-. with ..,. minute ltll In tllt tblld quart- er Ti.d\.rwnca were on top J140 at tht hliF,dO.pt1e oal havlnl "'" wvlctl of Me throufboal Ibo entire -_. !er. Tbe -! ....... -oolJ ..... to 1 .. 11ordie:aminutea(lla1ed1a.~. 1ame hec11111 of earlJ latla. Blltd, plaJla1 with lour looll -· ol Ille ucond half, lud Vltqs _, with If polnla and WU tralled cloollf hJ Moller with IJ. ' • -'"' "" .. "' I I 1 I I I 1 f J I I ll 1 1 I t1 t I J ' • 7 • 1' _ .. , flfflllf9 ~:-! f ii' I~ It 1 """' ' . ' ltlr9 .... ·-,... I I J 1 tttl llJI' T..... M 7U1f ............. ' ,. 11 11 11-$J 14 ,, 17 lt.tf San Berdoo I -' Rips Rustlers , 1' • Sm Bernardino Valley Collea• bl- Barons Top Mustangs, 54-43 Gek!en 'll'etlL»,-!o,lo lllDil Ibo llulllett their IUlh ""-' -c.or-. --cleltll ~ lllflll. 1:n;;;;d;y'lho -Ink lo Cltllltr c.Giia· ~-(I) <•> .. -: 1 8lnll (G'll'C} die. v.,... ( h By ROOEll CAlll.80N CN ... °"", ........ Fountain Valley Hlgh Sd>ool'1 sone preu too11 lta loU Ibo second half and the 8arool went on to poet a 5MS Irvine Leliue buketblil victory Friday nJcht over boat Cotta M"' High. Tbe BarooS. wlnnen of two In a row, were hard preaed to sport a four·polnt lead at th! half against the Mullanp. But a eecood half Jk{ensive IW'lt aJoag with I well-balaoc:M scorlng au.ct slowly upped the margin unW the hllh of. 12 (ft.37 ) was reaehed ,arly ln tfie fourth period. Tbe 11111e ltlo that led cooch John I .ttu.r'a n .. lo vlctorJ ... ...,,, - prlmorllj .......... ...... Gary Val-, Gtry Redmood and Duane Dt111e ...,. .an 1a double n,.ra with Valbuonl leldlnf Ibo f*k with ti. Illa jump lhola lnlm Ibo -Ud ~U(ll ol/ aoocl -fnlm Bldmood aloni with Redmond'• _.. la the third quarter tptlled Ibo ead !Gr Mao. M181'a only rul ol&ml,. _.. puncll -G"fl Enkiae·-WU lltlrl to 11 !IOlnll on Ibo dolenem ....- Of DllNe and Keith Arledp. · • M111 mode oot lul chance II Ibo • wlmn, ....... 1111 Dlll'l(D la -wltllf,f!~ S.-Mldlattf .... liom Ibo floor I bal--by tllt --that -la mt ..W,hoWever. ,... """" "41 .. """' 4 I 1 11 t • ' ' I I I 1 t I I II , I , ,, I I II I I I I "6 111M __ .., ' """"' ...... 14 1 1• SM!,,..,., t I I I lnltllflt I I • M Cll'tll I I I t Ktltt' ,., .. OM1 1111 P/!'f 1 I 1 I T•I• 11U II0 . ..... .,~ •Mttlft V111t1' 11 It II 1-.M c•1• ~ 11 11 ii ....... ----~-----~-- '14 117~ (GWC) die. °'"""'" (11)1 -~il-oMnlec <G11Cl -A1M1o <D)l M , ID S<*I (SI) die. V'1fl! '0 ta.ci1 74 110-Dlddlna (SI) doc. r..i (G~ !U . -117-&nlth (SI) .. llf dllmilt i, 177-Bollow.,-(D) ,._ DqilooJt (G'll'C); tlllnl ""6!1. Ill~. (SI), pOmd Ghrf ott (Gl!C); llrltl ,..W .i . . _HV-Corlq. (IB) (llalld -101Nla lint f*'lod. • ! r' ' t . I ' l ' DEATH NOTICES AL WEN JOl>n SYllMf A!Wfl. Ml Ott St~ l• 011n11 a..acri. 5urvl....a b<'I' wit.. G .. - trlllM: two oon1, ,.-5. Jr., of Midi~ Ian. Ind Arthur 0. Alwen, C1l!toml1; 1111U1111ffr, Mti. Allee Ltl'Vll. PllOenl•; 1!1ter, Mn. Annie ,Hed'll, $Nrtlt1 IJ e•anckhllclttn. kn'lc• .. m be 1111t ,,..,.,...,., ,.. s. ~ a9'dl c~ · lnlef!Mnl, F1W.-Mftncwlel P.n.. ' Dlredld a,,. Ullllle &each MorlUffY. COLLINS CIAl"O'lltl E. Coltlns. Mfll,Akntirr St- W11lminl lff, lolrJlll .... lt1' ,,_., DI- M. ColUM! 11111, A:obert1 1Mu911i..., l lnd11 .r1i.r, ltOM E1t•1 .,.,.,,,.., Mr. and Mrs. Ardlle '8111111., Sef'vl<n, S.lurd1y, I •M. Pe.t f.m!IY Coll> 111tl fllMl'll ......... - FAULKNER -Rober! c. ·FnUUlf•• lcml M,ffNllll St,, s11nfon. Sdtvlwd 11'1 N rent1, Mr. • 1NI M"' Lfll W. f lillllllll'l llrolhtl"I, r Tom I/Id , OWkllltl 111ltr"' ·0e.1pr11 Lorl1111 Ind Arr.M Mlllll r. Stl'\llC.•· : Monday, 10 AM, ·p ... F1mlty , 111 Fr.tner11 ~· FOX H1len Mllltr Fo•. 11ff Drive, L .. 11n1 Btldl, 0 of ... Ill, Jlfl. ll. S.,,rvl'fl'd P1"' d1 . Mr1. Ella· beth c1-t 111!1. w11111,w. Fo•. both ot LiollllM kldll bt'othir, Rllpll W1lter, We1ten'I lpr1'18l. Ullnolk i 1r1ndd'lllll,..,,, 81111 IWl:I .,..11 .. rlftd I\. dre!I. Sertlces, MOncllY. I PM. PICltk: vi.w· C"-1• wilt! Dr. Ofilia.I R. T11r- Mf' ·Offk:lltlnl. lnllmitnl, l"ICJ!k Vl.w Met'Mrlll .l"tn;. F~IY ~ . ,._ wllttllls lo """ tntnWtlll -trit.flol'll. plNw dMIN: tD The Wltlllll'I H1lrln Sdlollrll'l!i f vNI, nil Gllll· IWJ'N St,. L..-DIAcl• by l"ld- tk View~.' . GRossllJIT -H'lt~ ...-.1ne -....i. S1• • • A\1Mlc11 'Milor-LlllMll HlllL Dell ol de1rh, J__., :IL Svtvlvtd ..,. ~ ' Hnd, O.vld. S.l'\lkn Pffv•"· DI,..;. . fed .... utuM ..... lllor!Hry, HAMILTON ' Cet!lll R. Hl1Tlllltlll. AM &$, ef 01~111, -Coron. *I M9r. D1te or dull'I, Jlft. • ~•rv 31, Sur'tllv• 111 d-"'-'"· Mr1. Herlllrl JI.. wn1011, COron1 cl91 M1•1 aon. e . Gordon H1mlll'Dn, COrori• del M••. Se,..,lce1, MoN11y, Ftbru1rv S. ll AM, SI. Mlch-.1 EP1K0111I Ch11rch. lft. 1-erml!nl, P•l~11t. ll1ltJ Morlu1rv, 3520 E, Col~ Hl9hw1~. Corona dtl Mir, OirKlor1o LEVO RA , BAL'l"i MORTIJA!lml Coroaa del Mar .OR Ulll C.Oto "°"'· · IU M4U BELL BROADWA'I' MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Cotta Meu IJ a:am 4 . '.,., ~·. DILDAY BtUlTRERS HaaliqtAla Vllley .~·· 17'll~J!lv·. lbul....,...&lcb .au.mt PACIFIC VIEW MEMORlAL~ ~o:... '·"" 351t Podllc View Ori .. Nowpin·-. ~ -PBElt 11.wn;r, COLONIAL FVNERA:. HO!OI: 7111 BolM Ave. w ............ -- SMITll 'l: !IORTIJAILY IZ7 Malo SC u-....-Lli ... WESTCLEFF MORTUAl\Y 4:1 E. 11111 SL, C-. !KM" liMlll , I • • 39' Bax DI 25 Cboose from 5 boxes •.• escit 33c i11Cludes, I Urf tor leachet. 59' Ba " 3& f'Aaose. from 6 i.... ..... ~4SC •••elopes a~ · Cifdftrleathw. 1.111 Iii " &5 :.r.7·"'gc··· ty,., _, - card f« l!acher. \ - • • • Orange· ~.'·:~oa~~ . . Bileutilul embossad heart IOI!· ~2 2l ped with -matchinl'r1bboll ~1. • lloWtt". Ass'! color. 1 li:'f · i . /~~ .¥.·, CORSAGE HEART BOX · Willl "Nastcr,iece" select108 of c~ol~es ... a~s't cob's. 2 85 topped w1t1t artd1c1a/ llqwer . ;(~ rn.' ·, • CORSAGEHEARTJOX '· Lace trimmed wit!i larte con· trasting decorator flower and· , sprarsofsma!lflowers. Ii~ 3.25 BRACH'S VALENTIN£ HEART BOX '11 My Y1le1ti1e" -A~sorted 119 center~ including cremes. Choosetromrellorpinklxix. 11•. • •.,· I ' YWNTINE ''PlUSH'' ·- Pajama case Aoorable doll ~ olber ~tt!e tremm also. 2.98.;, DELUXE Stroller-Sleeper · .. flt•• hl1'" ._ •• W1\tl 3 position seat ind c1110Dy, ad1us\lllle tootresl, p1~,- "Scour Puff" • OISN Clml of lOOi lybl ... retllJ gets dishes, sil'l!fWal?, pots and pans cle1~. 2 1 39c Sateforase on"lellon". o •11. 2k • Uads', safety 1lrap and ONLY ~~~~a :~;~:\r: 16 g· B cluding'b.askel & tootr~sl • DELUXE Car Seat ONLY '- 5. 98 .. • 2'FL'1!11" 1 29 . 11ft.•21" 1n.11r _ .. ,. r I e" If LUME'S -W"rlll ~• . "super stick" f111111ul1. 3kl\"•1.51f'l•ll . Witti lllJtlltr 4 : ·1.00 _ "Bic" PENS . '"""' 3gc J ruipnTOI Batterjes MIUIY -9 'l'Olt size rcr most poi'tablt tra~sislor ...... !k Ca~ 11 2 ' &&c HG.,...,. VllO•O Lawn Food 25 lb. 2.98: .A ~··-· , rea NEWPORT BEACH . I ' 1020 l'YI" 111 Wfttcllff "-' "\ HUNTINGTON B£~CH -··-., .·. HU~TINGTON BEACH \ \ •I ' ., \ ' ' ... ". ·' , .. "· . • ( -,~ . .1U41l 111W ... • CDYILIR . ' ~· ' ' !/ . ' iUlrll NEW '6' ., • "" BELVEDER. .. • r-NIW'ff BELVEDERE . IMMIDIATI DIUVllY l'V(IY 1act.f -"'NII• MN!er, lite· Irie ........ llll'lt ~ fl6'11Mt. . "'"'..,..... ... blltt. .,..,.. fie-' ...... ~-. ._:.., #llontl. LAw 1111111, vu1~t1:nen. ..._ FIVE' ACR Es ~·o F 'NEW ·CARS' TO CHO'OSE FROM • -t •I --, , ,. •, I . . ROAHlllEI " · HEADQUAIUll · ' .. /I '69 RGADRUNNi·a . '8& v.w. i o-: l.tdM. hN!lr. ' ..... Xll-nt. $877 ""' Tox & Uc. $29 _h,, $29 .Dowo & '63 Jaguar MK.X Seel. S.locwl ).I. AT., Jl•H, l'J, P-wln., 1t1rto, wrw. (ONO.at) 51377"'*'" D•. Me. I • PUU PllCI Any Us,d Car With Gold 5111 "" '63 v.w. $16 Down Ir $16 Monthly . 100o/o GUA RANTEE GOOD JOI 100 IAYS OR 4.000 MIUS WHICHIYIR COMES msT ·At"° cost t~ .you -Parts or .labor on motor, transmission ind rear tod. T-his ~eal st1tes In ""."•ttng that l• Wl'i1t1 9oer1ntN1 tl'lt motor, transmission ind rear end 100% against dtfects for 100 dlys or -4,000 miJes, whichever comes first 1fter "P"r;tf>t•e. ' . l I -....,;,_ I .. 1 . FOR ' ORANGE COUNTY -'RWTIAC_· i'1'11--U6 * $26 ml 11 Ste W AT -I.ff -'· Str~ . -. ?,'.= ... F.ct,"l)r, wnt. 1.1t.1 1"11. fUL1 PIKE' DN . MO. '.84 OLDSMOllLE . $~11 $23 * $23 •. · M 10 H.T. AT -It-+! -I', ' ~&%.,"~$1.wsw, '" am ... ,., w11>-FUU. P~ICl DN. . MO. 1 :6~ ~-v•. ,.,: ''·· s977 $30. N3*~~03 Ir~ llucl<d -'·· WIW, (NGF OTJ) FULL ~llCI • IVl • '.,. ;~~,~~~·. ~u~; ~. "H' $.?.?.! s~~.*s:~ • :~~ ~!!--.~~~i~n.1., .. .,, $1177 S39*$39 ... ~ =~· •INr., IKt. a ir. L1ndllw !Cf>, TEZ· FULL PllCI ON. MO':-~- " '65 COl!IT 202 2. 6oor; A.T., R•H., W•l-W. OVH-1)1. AH Ml 11tlu.I .iw 1u • ~-, All llWlllllW """"""" MM4 1111 lf '"°"""Ill .......... ""'* cndit, .... •• . ' -. . • • •• •• • •• .. ... •• • ... • • • • • • • • .... • .. ........ -... .. • # ... •• ·-.. ·-.. .. -.......... , . j• .. ' . "' I HOUIUf'OllSALI HOUSES FClll SALi · HOUSH FOR SALE 533 HOME 5 Bedroom -3 Baths' -3 Car Garage '40,900 l . ,, ' ·Furnllhtd Models-·Adams at Albatross Republic H-• Mota' Vo,. Phone: 546-IOn ' ,. . 16tll ~la iTUotln-,c:.oti -Eicellent IO!;alion, neu sthools, shoeping and beach ,Only a few left. Buy now while in· terest rates are pnly - -- 1•;. with 2091. down -7'12'/• .wit h 10•;. Dn. no 2nd -no points -29 yr1 an ba l1n ce Exclu1ive1 Agent p.a. palmer incorporated 3ln VIA LIDO Trod Ph: $40.$113 From L.A. Coll MA MoM LD Y RHOME? 11...S ---lar 1 e r ! BAYSllORES. IUUTY MIR thla MUST SEE! 4 . .1 Muter lize bedrooms with C.Ome att this lUae .f BR 3 vanity nook. 3 baths. Huge bath 1eparate d1nine room, family room wtth wall to patio &: boe.t_Jf.!tl. Only wlll.llreplace. Formal din-SSS.000 ing room. Electric built ins. I New c a r p et 1 1r drape11 2622 Vl1t1 Drive, NB threughout Auume l ow· Open S1t/Sun ·l·S ntA 5" % loan and Sl.OOJ will handle GI no money down. ~ ---- ~ double g~. tool shed, 24' x 25' workshop ltreued for second atory. Owered and enclosed patio • boat 1torap area from pav· eu alley. THREE ,BED- ROOM, TWO BATl-1 HOME with extra SPAC IOU S htASTER BEDROOM A. N D PRIVATE BATH. WeU kept property In NeYlport Heights 9,ff!a. Full price ON L Y $32,500 • CALL FOR AP· POIN'l'MENT. * . * * * MISS PERSOllAUTY • HOUS!S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi ' 'nf;E RR•t • .IBlSl:A:l'CQS mOHA!190lt -546-U13 17pcl NEWPORT -646-71 71 CAESER'S PALACE i. ready for you ca ... rl 5 l>lg bedrool!ZI a 28 foot long living room and auper 1 family room. But not in Rome. It'• tUht here in Mesa Del Mu. Only four Y•UJI okf- nicer than new. S98,500. • UP, UP AND AWAY In the very fine s.t Mesa Verde home for $9,295 • down -$295.00 per montlf total. Heavy shake roof, adult occupied, 12ll16 family ....(<>Om looking onto 20x26 covered patio. Lailndry In kitchen. Garden patio o!f maaU!r bedroOm., Sprinklers front and rear. . . ~ON'T ·LET COWMIU.S Dl$COYER THIS ONE or anybody but you! A College Pm, 3 bed· room , 2 both, court yard entry. Knock out for '24,500. 10% down -•UMl.00 per month total. Brand new lush deep shag car- peting, covered patio-room to park boat or trailer. AUS OPEN SUN 1-S PM ..... 1720 Candlestick • Bay crest (Take Sandalwood GU SanU. ago to Candle&tick) Gracious 4 Bdrm. 3 Bath Quality Home. Opon beamed -in IJvlnc Rm. Dtqz; •.. Rm. Kit.Ch. • Fam. Rm. Ux36 Heated I: FDtered P o o L $85,000. ..... 232 Eveei119 Canyan- Sharecliffs Enjoy tbe Barbar Vlew from lhe picture wiDdowl of th.ii • dellghttul ~ Bdrm. 2 Bath 646-7171 • or.en Sunday • S46-2313 Horne. 169."" -Sa """n NMdod -...., S07 Avocado ' l"ine Terrace II PERRON ,_l l •• ••••· ,~. i-----1-WE ·SILL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES W lk & L 1197 Oranl!, Costa Mesa • a er ee * 642-lnl Anjtlmo * OPEN AU DAY SAT&' SUN 433 TUSTIN Harbor Highl1nds OPEN SUNDAY 1 SOO Sylvia i.n., NB 3 Bedroomll, 2 baths. Bwn etilirvt • Kitcbtn with built. lM • Double pnp w I th nrPhoP-The RH! Elt&ttn M&-2313, •nn. 4 BR 2'Ai baths. hU1e llvinc room with 11replace: aD built. in kitchen, ~'floors, complelt!y carpeted i. drap. ed. Ohle. prage. Priced to sell tut at 134,500. Rltr. 64&.39'J8 or 6(2.Q].85 *'-AC HEN MYER DAILY PlLOT WANT ADS! CHARGE your want ad now. • Open Houses IHIS WEEKEND ....... ...., ...... , .... ,.. ............ ,.. .............. AH "9 i.c.tt.M JhtM W.W .. JT117I·• ......... _. h *"••cf I I.._, .... II ....,.. •AILT PILOT WANT ADS. ..,,..._ ...... .,.. ..... ,., .. .,,.. ..... .,.. .. .. ... .......... • .... cet.• ... Frlchy. HOUSES FOR SALE (2 8"'room & Family or Dtn) *624 Ramona (Irvine Terr.) CdM 675-5930 (Sa't & Sun) 2518 Via Marina, Newport Beach 642-9 219 (Sat & Sun) (3 Bedroom) 405 Holmwood (Newport Hei&hts) NB 67$-6000 (Sun 1-4) *160 1 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-6472 Eves: 673-3468 (Sun Aft/noon) 234 Palmer, Costa Mesa 642-4980 . (Sat i. Sun 1·51 457 Morning Canyon Rd, CdM 679-5420 (Sun 1·51 1518 Sylvia Lane, Newport Beach 646-0555, 545-8723 (Sat 1·5) 3199 Llmerick , Costa Mesa 646-0555, 642·9192 (Sal & Sun 1·51 436 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa 646-0555, 646-1050 (Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Don) 2043 Cllvert Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 546-3081 . (Dally) 3248 New York Ave. (Mesa Verde'!l(:M 546-1170 (Sat & Sun 1·5) , **105 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 6'5-5930 (Sat & Sun) 1363 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB (714) 642,8295 (Sat & Sun) **103 Llnda Isle Dr. (Linda hit) NB 675-5990 (Sa t & Sun) 1374 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Dail,y) * 1000 NoW.,ham (Westcllfn NB MU200 (Sun 1·5) 1300 Cambridge Lane (WealcllU) NB 675-2000 (Sat 1-5) 9181 Kahulul Huntington Bea,ch 842-6691 (Sat i. Sun 1·5) 8277 lncllsna Ave. (Me11 Verde) CM 640-4722 (Sat le Sun 1-3) 1518 AntigUa !Dover Shore•) NB (714) 642-8285 (Sat & Sun) 4812 Cortland (Cameo Highlands) CdM , 673-2222 (Sun) 24281 Mai nsail Drive, Dana l'olnt NUl23 (Daily 12-3) 20L1 Westcliff Dr. 646-Till Open Eves. Unsurpuled VIEW potential 2 OUtom hit. 3 bdnM. den, 2 baths plus Jge. upsta.ln ., eueat room & ba th (ideal Alw1ys on V1t1llon '" , .. ,,....,.. .. m.1aw.i heated & filtered POOL · is the way yoU•n feel livinc Owner wanbl: action. ASK· )'OUl' re in this lovely 3 Bit 2 bath ING ~7.500. in thi& • income home on homewithpoolA-waterff.IL •Jc•• THOMAS luce 21ot.OriR-lo~ OPEN SAT/S.n It hu • famlJy room pi"' · AP"'.. ochoo1', ·- Ewnlnp Call 64&-llr.o game or hobby room. 70xl50' · REALTOR . Only i16,500! ! 25271 Ch1mpl1ln Rd. lot with·d>lldren'o play.,.., iu·w. Coot Hwy _, ' SHOPPING C1plttr1na Hlghl1nd1 'Ibil la a perlttt famil.y Newport Beach Eve. . 4 BR 2 baths, d~n. dinlJW home for only $40,950. ls 2 V\'.in. from thls immacu· nn, pool, view. $38,r.oo Roy J, W1rd Ca. MONl!Y MAKERS ~ =~ = DAVIDSON Realty (...,..,,..., Olflce) NEwP!>RT "'"' B •• ch, ly added famlJy room. 5 .... 546-5460 Ews~~54"1=:"=1842=Sa=ntia&<>==Dr!!;:. =6<6-=l~550F.I some ocun view. 3 UNITS. heated. pool at only $34,950 _ 2, 2 BR.I I: IUfSl apt. Dbl VA!-HURRY!! ""· 134•500· SPRING 2164 Raleigh, Coala M .. a 540-1720 (Sun 1-51 232 Evening Canyon, (ShorecliJfs) CdM 675-3000, Eves: 673-0554 (Daily) 2607 Oceanfront Blvd., CdM 675-'1000, 675-5764 (Sun 1·5) 107 Via Dijon (Lido Isle) NB ' 675-'1000, Eves: 673-6 182 (Sun 1-4) **2716 Shell (China Cove), CdM 675-'IOOO, 54~8 (Su n 1·51 (4 Bedroom) 1917 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa 646-0555, 673·6.fl6 (Sat & Sun 1·5i 1423 Antigua Way\Newport Beach 642-1502 (Sat & Sun 10-6) *4507 Hampden Rd. (Cameo Shores) CdM 838-5440, 537-6080 (SU n l·Sl 2622 Visla Drive (Bayshores) NB 642· I 771 (642-1771 ) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2138 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach (714) 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) **101 Llnda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) Nit , (714) 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) 441 Windward Lane, Newport Buch 646-1846 (Sat & Sun 11·5) *1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily 10·5) *429 Isabella Ten-. or 407 Mendoza Terr. CdM 646-3255 (Sun 1·51 20232 Adri.sn, HunUngton Beach 968-3184 (Sun 1-1) *2215 lrvlne Ave. (cor o! Heather) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 11-4) 2006 Hoilday Rd. (Baycrest) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 1720 Candlestick, (Baycreat) NB 675-3000, Eves: 548-8868 (Sat & Sun 1·51 **1854 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Penn 645-2000, Eves: 1148-6966 (Daily 1·51 507 Avocado, (Irvine Terr. 11 ) CdM 675-3000, 679--0554 (Sun 1·51 I CONDOMINIUMS l (3 S.droom) 2141 Vista Entrada (Bluf!s) NB 644-2970 (Dally) !DUPLEXES FOR SALE! 1701 W. Balboa Blvd,. Newport Beach &M-0266 (Dally) fTwo-2 Br. ..ch) 2500 Ocean.Blvd .. Corona de! Mu 673-2222 (Sat le Sun) ..... ... w ...... ... ,... .. ._,._ I EASTSIDE CM., 2 hpmes cleaned. 'I'hil two story S on corner lot. 2 BR & 3 BR bdnn and formal dinin& Live in Olll!. rent one. $32,950 room home ls nestled amcq;- hUge trees. Walk to a 11 EASTSIDE C.M, 8 units 1 BR schools. Now priced to sell ea. Excellent rentals. In· at $38.950! come IQ;!) mo. $59,500 FOR 0,, PROFESSIONAL . ~..... and maintmance fr'tt llvlrw. I l A L T T Re tbls custom ! hr, view Near NB Post otc. ~4 tlJme in channhW Ciffbav • ---=--= --· -. en. Now • . . $49,!!60! BEACH INCOME 5 lots to the beach. Older • Spanish archllttture: sur- rounded by modern. 3 units in need of a face 1Htlf11:. Owner uya gell or trade for income. SS2,000 Nowt>ort at Vlctori1 '4US11 A111NTlON executives. 5 br, den, FDR., maids room. H/F pool, + +. Exclusive living. Reduced this week to $78,000! ! 2629 1-larbor Blvd .. C.M. Open This Weekend " MESA VERDE 2970 Jovo Rood Sa.VSUn from 1 PM Newport Helnhts OWNER DESPERATE. '3 FACING TRANSFER! For thil bou1e to pftBe you. TranafUftd to Florida 1oam1. 3 Bedroom1 pita ~st houme, Lovely big Colonial home cozy fireplace. beam ct.D· % block lo a goU coune ings, hardwood floors, de-fain'"flY· May have to be lightfUI breakfast p a t I o, sacrificed In quick sale lo fol'Cf'd air heat, kitchen ha.a meet tn.nater plaru;. 4 BRa. eatq Itta. The!"f'S parking !amity room, formal-dining, fo! Jloat or trailer storage room plUI an all puri;iose aril um.pteen more .•.• $27.900 room. Lilted p1ice $41.~ • Colesworlhy & Co. '"' """' '"'" .n.,, 1606 Bokor St . 6'42·"" Sal/Sun from 1 PM l!KM Harbor Blvd .• C.M. Sharp 3 + CamUy room .--ii()pei;i;;iinOiEves&. __ available ·on VA no down AlllM 5%% lOAll °'FHA term.. . ~--with low monthly_... ---Excellent 3 BR + tam11,y GE lt!ALTV room 1n ~ Pm on •-111--.c-r;c&a choice comer location. 2 · · • batha, 2 ftreplaCH, w/w CU' Duplex W-ldo petl 4 drapes, fenced )'&I'd. 2 bedroorm wll. 1Jkie DeW ..... ..... witb -~ ·~ • Only sa.m -...,..,.. ~:W,. .... I' \I I • \\ 111 1 l Q"~ \lt\\!11' ' ' ' Homo & Bualnon Loe. Eacellent f o r accounta.nt. beauty salan, ~ etc. IOl3 Boloo-, CM. -Homo inclfloet j 8112 balhl. .!!!!!.......................... dooblo ............ 123.!5(11 CENCO REALTY 642"'"22 OIARGE m 621 W. lltb'Btrfft. C.M. > HOUSU FOii SALi ltOUSIS FOlt SALE HOUSES FOil SALi! lOGO _. 1000 THI IEAL UTATOS S46-2313 * * 646-7171 CHEAPll THAN IENT No down to Vets -Im· mediate ~ion. 3 Bedl'oomA. ~ baths ha.a Iaree livinl raom with !!replace; ....... • .. drapes. -$1400 down to all $22 .... gWL ap- pnlsed. NEID WOllSHOP? Newport Heights 3 bed- room w I th hardwood floors and plaster inter. for. Double prage + 10x20 workshop a: cov- ered carport. Best buy in the area. $26,500. ROOM TO PLAY 20x30 Extra room in thi.G big 4 bedroom family home. Top flight area for a;chools, shopping. $32,950. MISA VERDE Adult occupied in finest area. 121d6 Wnlly room. All elec. kitchen & bi&, ... patio. """"1y decor- ated $3295 down a $235 m~nthly includes taxe.. IALIOA PENINSULA Large family will have toom lo room, 5 bed· room1 3 bath!, 1 block from N.H. Yacht Club, 1 block to beach. LoUI or privacy on thia doll· ble R • 2 lot. Reduced $5000 to $69,500. nl£ WHITE HOUSE nttds a nft1' owner. 5 GOOD THINGS ·don't always come in small pack· ages. Take th!> home for ellAJllple: 4 BRs 2 balht, luge eomlll~tlo~ fMn· ily/re~reation rurilput NOSI· 11lth panelled walls, w/w carpeting, etc. Covered patio which could easily be converted to sun porch. DelaCbed double garage, 130' deep lo~ full price S29.500. NO DOWN VA or LOW DOWN FHA. Payment. less than rent. " .01 ACRE or.0435.6 tiQ ft or 18'x24'-it doe.sn't matte!" how you figure it because it all adds up I<> one "BIG FAMl1¥ ROOM" & it has floor to o;e;Hrig used brick fireplace, luxurious pan· elling, dining area , etc. Excellent East CO<la Mesa area,!"alk to West· cliff ihopping an'd R°'!P!'rt high schooL 3 BRs 2 bitha, lilil,lot with alley ac~ess ,tq do~bl~~e. Ex· cellent terD)f availab ~ price $26,950. ' , . "' ... COATS & WALlACE REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. "Beautiful · "ewJIOl'f Hts" 405 HoLMWOOD Ol'EN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 Perfect family home in best area 3 bdrm. 2 bath delight· ful kitchen open up to lanai A: Patio arH. Dining room & plush Jiving room compli- ments thia well maintained home. $·13.500 -first time listed for saJe. SHAG ·CAlll'Ulllli enftt new greenlliig car- pet in this apaciowl 4 bdrm lilcle story Pat"Netter. New, on the mlll'ket A new drape & paint too. M&ldmwn pd vacy. Prioed af$34.150. '')'" \\ • .\ I ' 'It' ' .. ~, I''•' . \," 546-59 90 Channel Roof ~·.Penthouse Apt. For Sale or Leue at $550 per l!1(l. to reliable partiei o n'l )'. Clester Salisbul')', Realtor, 67U900. DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS! lovely bedrooms. 3 1-tha "----rol 1000 Generil ·1000 -and extra large family ".:-===============:::;! room. Decvrated ...,,.,. Ii and drapes are beauUful .............. -· with slide and diving board $51,900. WES TC LI Ff Ati.ndon·ed by tnimter. red owner. Spacious llv· ing room with open beam ceilina • 2 brlck flreplaaos. 'Move tn to- morrow. -$40,~ COLLllH PAii Spic and span with new 1hag carpets. Large liv- ing room with wood· bumlng fireplace. KJtch· en with bullt·lna, di.sh· v.·asher. -$24,500. Just $2450 down. MESA DIL MAR Nestled in quiet, safe cul-de.sac. 3 Bedroom, 2 beth with family and laundry rooms. lllt • tn kitchen all refinished. Big oversize be.ck yard. m.soo. FREE POOL Big \Vcstcllff co rner, nicely landscaped with delightful, bright 3 bed· roan, 2 be.th witb large family or dining room. Priced at $49,500 -and you RCt a heated and filtered pool free. DOYEi SHOIES Custom-built 4 bedroom with 3 baths, formal dinin~ room and family room. Completely 1"fln nova led. Owner has moved and will give Im- mediate possession with 10% down. $73,500. HOSPITALITY HOUSE Exfl8nsh1e 5 bedroom 3 bQ.ths lh Republic Hon\('s area of 1tfeu Verdi'.!. BeauW pool complete- ly fenced and separate ol"'lillY .... $42,500 - lO«i down -or owner --- INCOME . MON~ MAQIS 12 UN?TS -•146.500 Brand new • owner-will ....... J UNTrS-m.- Coldwell, Banker -.... ·1·:~ .\: OFFERS: Private O~ean Cove Spacious 5 BDRM home in one of the :oast's most dramatic coves. ~anti.fully landscaped w /pool overlooking ocean & rugged cliffs . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . $189,500 Mrs. Harvey Comeo Shores-Waterfront PictW"esque v i e w oC ocean, channel, & boats. Large 3 Brs · formal dining rm., in· ner patio. Room for pool Best residential area , .... , ............ : .. , . '. $159,000. Mrs. Raulston Lido Bayfront $89 ,000 Lido duplex w flge 9 BR-2 Ba owner apl up w/sweeping bay view. 3 BR 2 Ba rental down wav under mkt. Owner says sell Joe Clarkso n , Oceanfront Modem 3 IR. Lge. tam or billiNd rm -excellent veiw of Catalina & races from lg picture win· dows and balcony · will lease or sell low down ......................... $68,500 Walter Haase· Lido Isle -Room to Add Besl buy on Lido. 2 BR home on 53' Lot. Corner Strada. Priced near lot value. Owner anxious lo sell .................. $51,500 Mrs. Raulston Westdiff OPEN SATURDAY 1 • 5 1300 CAMBRIDGE LANE Cape Cod · 3 BR, 2 ba with conv den . Frplc, _ covered patio, copper plumbing, gar door opener, newly decorated ........ $42,500 Greg Wohl Price Rtdaced $3250 Exceptional beach duplex wiU. 26 :& 2S LR. All Built-Ins, 3 BR 2 Baths each,}!I best location. May rent upper · '49,ow with Low Down Walter Haase Are Y Otr A Large Falnily7 This is your Home. Spanish ·Cmtom 8 BR, 4i,; baths, Baycresl Formal 'Din rm. Huge !am rm. plw pine rm 3 f!r.eJ>lacea. Step- down Llv rm, unique palios. ~.car g~age. 10% down -garages • all rented. 1 Mary Lou Marion • 2 HOUSES , ON wr-•21.M N.,.,-Hollhu DlsL -Rcn'lOdelelf: 54&·2313 ' .. 64&·7171 OPEN EVES. 'TlL 9 ---- ! itl· -;-J 1·A:, ~ E ."..---:::T ATER:.; ---- I A Magnificellt Home. Speclaculu View wllh plcttirelqve Swim- ming pooL 3 BR le convert den 8 b\ for- 1 ma! dining rm, sunken IMbg tm'. 3 car gu· age. A rare find ........•. $84,&oo Muy Lou Marion COLDWEU, IANKER I-CO • 2lOO E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPO RT BEACH Kl f.3351 ' ' ' ' • HOUSES FOR SALii Gen1r1f 1000 Gtnenl t.IOUSES FOii SALE HOUSES FOii SALE --·~-'-~-·-----...,. ...... -...-----'--"'-;.;;... --1.000 ~enl.: , .• IOOOGtner1I .• , !CICIO FINER HOMES LINOA ISLE -One of the best Bayfront Buye in Newport Beach. 4 Bedrooms (or 3 & den),plu.s large activity room. Concrete pi~r &. slip. A beautiful new 2-slory Bay Fronl OPEN SAT & SUN. 101 Linda 1.sle Dr. VIEW -new Open Hou.se -3 BR & Mai<l's rm, 311.a baths, large living rm dining rm, family room. Breakfast room, 2 Fireplaces. atrium ......................... $95,000 OE~ DAILY -1374 Galaxy Dr. BAYCRliST -One year old 4 Bedroom with 3 baths, family rm, dining r1n1 large living r~ all elec/~1tchen. BeauUlul brick entry, we't .~r. Landscaped by Newton. Perfect condition ............ -.......... $79,00U Ca11 Barbara Auhe DOVER SHORES - A magnificent custom home on prime View lot. 3 Bedrooms 2Y.a bat~ formal di~ing rm, Island kitchen w/2 ovens (sell cleanmg). Huge family rm 3 000 lt p . d • ' sq . rice .................... $87,500 Call Jeanette Peart for appt. LUXURIOUS-Custom home on Mesa Verde goil course. 4 BR, 3 baths, lamily rm plus activity rm, all elec-k.itchen, lavish use of marble and costly wallpaper. Walnut panel· ling, 2 fireplaces. Shown by appt only $96 - 500. Call Eileen Hudson . ' DOVER SHORES. -Just listed.;\. beautiful 2-st<.>!:Y executive home. 3 bednns, 3¥.a baths, f;tm1Jy rmi den, formal dining rm. Upstairs sitting rm with fireplace (1 of 3 fireplaces) 3500 .sq rt ...................... $84,000 OPEN SAT & SUN -1518 Antigua SPANISH - 4 Bedroom home, large 26xl7 family rm, ~amed ceiling, formal living rrra, format d1n1ng rm, breakfast area, bit-in vafuum system. Move.in condition. <\S~ng .... ' . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. $52,500 - OPEN SAT & SUN. 2138 Tustin Ave. -.. ' REAL VALUES Antigua Woy 5 Bdrm 4 bath Bay- crest home with lovely pool. Excellent loca- tion. Fenced-Off Pool Charming 4 bdrm Bay· crest home with family room & separate din· ing room. Pool.-side BBQ & wet bar for out- door parties. , Spilt-Level 4 bdrm home jwl re- painted, nice pool & patio. V~ew. ' ''A'' F\'ame Unique 3 bdrm West- clilf home with pool & extra large lot Unusual 4 bd rm Bayete§! home, large family rooi'n, for- mal dining room & breakfast room·. Huge Home Brand new. 5 bdrm.s, large formal dining room, Jong separate family room with wet bar. Quafity through- ou.t, Ample space for pool. Good Baycrest lo- cation. JERRY FREUD· CHARLES ARNC ~D 388 E. 17th Street, C .M. Realtors · 646-7755 PARENT'S PRIVATE WORLD in a !1paci.ou11 master suite with view of the Bay, yet only a step through imposlng double door lo join lhe fam· Uy The children's wing ha! 3 more bedrooms & 2 baths. Thill brand new IVAN WELi-$' home must be seen to appreciale the ease of en· le!'la.inin&: in the view-side living rom & 14' high enclos- ed atrium "''ilh wet bar. The children have their own fam· ily room. Call · todll)' 10 see this brand new beauty. Beautiful Sunsets and 180" ocean view, .eclud- ed patio and pool. This small estate • located on two fee simple lots· bu 4 bedroom&. 3 baths + gUeat .APt. Two ell~. 2 dbl. £at'8$CS1 and a rose garden. $97,500. Open Sun. 429 Isabella .Ter- ~. C.d.M. Excellent Condition This well planned custom built splii level home, oilers sp&-e and country atmos· phere. 4 bedrooms, panelled recreational r o o m, lower deck and upper balcony ov- Pete Barrell Realtf pre6en4 ' NEEDS YOUR FLAIRll -but what posslbllltles In t1lla spacious S bdrm 2 bath home, .Great family ~oom. oulstandlng kitchen, h u g e Jana! overlooking one of the lovetlest pools In Newport .. F\ne area neap DOver Shores. l'rked at $42,750. , MAKE OFFER. Owner anxious to sell charming 3 bdrm family room &/or dining room. Many glass walls overlooking sparkling pool. Will lease option, 1000 Nottingham Open Sun. 1.S OFFICE OPEN S1turd1ys I Sundays 1605 WESTCLIFF DRIVE • Newp~th 642-5200 -IUILDERS LLEGE CLOSEOUT·· , REALTY SACRIFICE ONE-OF·A-KINO ·two Ievel, brand new cus· tom borne near the Mesa Verde Country Club. 4' bedrooms, huge family room with wet bar, dining area, e\c. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEKEND -any reasonable offer considered. Open Sat/Sun afternoons. 2946 Maul •P,l~ce, off Mt-sa Verde Or. In fabulou1 Mffa Verde 1500 ADAMS •I HARBOR, CM 546-5~80 (near Cinema ThNtr•) john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 881 Dov.,. Dr., Suite 101 Micco R11lty Co. Bktg, 642·8235 Roy J. Ward Co. (Baycrest OUice I odook .,.,,, .... $42,500. nm-wishes It peaoe~mfort &. location 1C __ os_t•_-_____ 1_100_ 1 1842 SMtiago De. .,..l550 Adjacent To "iiiiiiii I Dover Shores. Plans are a.re imJ:M)rlant to you look this over; Convenient to HELP.HELP-Owner • available to build on this Newport He i 1bt1 grade Priced at-$21.rioo tor lmmedl· achoo!, and all &hopping. 2 ate ~ Coey Eutslde blkl: to new park. On1y home, built-In BBQ, ~ sz;,500; and all these "plus" Jiving room & hard to find ~[!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~~~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!'!~!!'!!!!!!'!I Oc-n Front Lot beautiful ree simple lot. Near Perfection EAsr smE cosrA MESA ~ 137,500. t.ov.1¥ larie Harbor mgh· NEWPORT HGT& AREA !Irvine Cove I Janda. with 3 big bedroonis ALL THJS AND R2 180 Front Feet! P.lUB ~·cOOvertable den with $2S,500 overlooks private Its own pl'ivate bath. Bright Charming 3 bedroom or 2 sandy beach all built-In kitchen, fornial bedroom & den. 1~ baths, with gently mlliflJ surf dining area, exciting dero. fireplace, carpets & drapes, last Ocean front lo! rati~ done in !he finest of built·in & forced alr heal. available In this taste. Qua Ii t Y hardwood This well landscaped home exclll.!llve area floors and lath and plaster can be found on a huge R2 S85 000 construction. aose to West· lot with 8 very lal'ge lenc-Call : Jim Cobb cl!ff shoppino and Mariners ed back yard, with room for Res. 673-186t -.... a boa!, camper, or build a zchool. A perfect buy at rental unit!· It has a paved $34,500. alley entrance for easy ac-ColeSWOrlhy & Co. "'"· Location ~ jW<I aboul perlect, 1% blka to Newport grade school, and only 2 blks to new city pa1'k. Eut 17th street and Y{estclitt lhop- 1904 Harbor Blvd. CM. 642-7n7 Corona del Mar features. 3 bedrooms. 2 hardwood µoors. HllITY at baths, fireplace, cpts. and this prl~. CAL L RAY drapes, double garage, con· GAULT 540-~ (open eves) crete drive, large fenced lleritage Real Estate Vacant view'Jot. Your Dream HoUH Ha11 just been listed. This lwo bedroom and den or th!rd bedroom home. is in back yard on 50x130 FT. R•2 NA~lE YOUR TERMS . LOT. There b not to much Owner deitperate. Trade or available in this part of sell. Now v a c a n I . Im- eaatside C.M. HuTTy. OWN. maeulatl! 3 BR pool home. ER, 642-4980. Immediate posllCSlion. Ask· like new condition. Many 4 BR 2 l/2. bath + ~xtras such 11.S a ni;w alum-FRPL _ $l08/mo. mum covered paUo: Even • . the_ price is a dream at Assume ex1Sting l~n, or $500 $2l 950 total to vel!I. Minimum down ' · · FHA. Home haa bunt-ins, JEAN SMITH, Realtor double garage block wall 400 East 17th, Costa Mt!Sa le.nee, central 'heatln&" l.YS'" n4/646-3255 tem + oventized lot: Al ing $29.500. CALL ~1151 1open eveg~ Heritage ~al Estate .. ' Open E-. WANTED- CASH BUYER ping and t\\.i> other schools '2;J.~ ~ qne \.\'Ofl'l lasJ! wilhi" "'1JtiDg ili.tanco. For ' , OPEN SUN AFT/NOO" N OWNER BAILING OUT • Says, ''Bring OHer." Large Mesa Verde pool home. $28,!liO. Money talks. CAIL AL BLACK M6-ll51 (open· ·eves) ~!age. Real Elltate BY OWNER: &t:Kle. 3 BR 1% Ba. Crpts, drps, bltn Ash Kil; incl re1rig " dsh"''hr. Lrg tncd yd on quiet sf. $25,500. 642-3863 or 837--6(17 appointment to see. wrlle: 2 Private Party Auume .5¥4% Interest 1601 lonnit Doone, Box P612 $13,500 Total Price ... Dailv Pilot ~Ith only 10% down. This 7 lrVine Terrace· ORANGE COUNTY'S · year old, one bedroom town. ·LARGEST DAILY rlLOT II 6 1/2°/o INT!WT-NO LOAN FEES BKk Boy ---------1 1240 e SY OWNER e $34,500 to $38,500 , Bdrm. 258> ,. ·~ , '"""· SOME WITH OCEAN VIEW ~ .,..1o1. :,'~ 138.::.:: Lender. ~lons, 30 year loan, 10% Min SS.<XXI cash. Phoae down, no 2nd TOa. in ' scenic San Clemente: ~ S4&-6fJ'l2. 3 & 4 bedroo!DI, 2lf.i baths, 2400 Sq Jt of llv~ I========-! 1ng are1, master suite you've dl'eamed about: E11tbluff 1242 30' long & has Its own fireplace, huge closets & dressing area. New carpets, drapel', coiD~ pletely redecorated &: lanckcaped. OversiZ;ed, dou.ble gange. · (Direction$: from San Diego Freeway take, El ' Camino Real off rami>--left I short block ·& turn left on Avenida San J'uan direct to · SEA-SPRAY MODELS OPEN DAIL y' 10.5 Office: 511 San Juan 492-9211 or 545.J<llS IMMB>IATE ·~(IWAJICY $36,!00. 3 Sr. 21! Ba. On Green &!It Bia A.B. Oevldl'nce-. R. McLeod. 644-052& Irvine T1rr1ce 1245 W. E. LACHENMYER RLTR.1;;;;-====.I ' • Do You Need .., OOPS!! RANCHO U CUESTA at Brookburst & At- lanta in Huntington Beach. We thought.w. had all .out new home.11 sold but one of our buyers has been transferred &: we must sell this home immediately. This San Mi~u.el model is a beautiful 2 story home featUTmg: 4 bedroo~s, 3 bathrooms, formal dining .ro.om, f~~ly room with a, real fireplace, elec· tr1c bu1lt-1n kitchen,· luxurious green shag carpets throughout. The outside includes shake roof & concrete driveway, Gracious living for only $31,800 with 10% down~ Im· mediate occupancy. Call 968-2929 or 968- 1338 any day !rom 10 to 6. --- Newport Beach -1200 Newport Beach 1200 le-.qt j 3 BR, 2 Ba, """''"""'"'· -«'-~--~"--. exc opportunity, $22,500 • f.'~ Owner/ Agt. 642-3615 eves /;/,,,, . ;"='~w=k....,:;:':;:;:;:;:::= .7JatwpTil'-' ~ .; 94'~ cB-ci -WHtcllff VIII• Enjoy 1he. Ocean v~ from ttW!! balcony of thi1 distinplshed Wt!Stclill Home. One. of aeveral Unit11 buill cc approx 2% a.cres in Newport's tlnnt an>a. Property turrounded by luscious land1e1.ptng including pine & plllm llftS as well al Nlmmi.JC pool and recreatl~ area i36.500 (116.CJ - Newport Heights 1210 "SPACIOUS" 601 St. ·J•m•• Place Cliffha.v1n 4 BR, 3 baths, family room, 11hake root 2500 8!(. ft. of living space for the large family. Room for pool-p111! camper-trailer-boat . i<t.100 OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 1.5 or call: Mr. Robinson" Davis Realty 642-7000 RUSTIC STYLE Home with pool 2 BR 4t den 1 % bath, ~tcben blt·ins. ~ill&ive brick .trplc, SEE THIS al $28,500. a 4 BR H-? \Ve. haY'I! t\110 • 4 BR bou9es wlth pooll, Jtvine TftTaCe , with exC,11ent , flnancirc. · Salisbliry Realty · 3·fS Mei[M Ave. B•lboo l1le. 673-6900 ' . Corona •1 M.r 1250 -GENE'S GEMS Or1nge Co11t Property Gen• Norv1ll·RHltor • * * * Ocean Boulevard CHARMI CHARM! Corona del Mar's m o 1 t admi~ ~. White water View, weathered bOanl Ii: batton, stone llrepla~, open beam ceiling,' all combine Jn this 3 Bdnn. home. * * * • On Main Beoc:li 2 Bdrm, ,2 bath homt • can easily add 3rd Bdrm. Owner will finance at 6.6% interest. $15,000 dawn. * • * • South of Hlwoy 2 Bdrm home plUI 1 BR rent. al. Walk lo all ahop1. Easy lerms-$4.S,900 ~~~ 332 Marguerite, CdM 673-ISSO Neat as a ••• Swedish Kitchen Corona Hlgbl.andl home-, J BR. l ~; Ba,' and 'an Ocean View that jUll: ~·t qU!t! Befit o! all UIS' doWn pay· ment will buy this bome.. Full prico 139,!00. Boat lovers attention! This 'prime lot has juat come on the market, so act f a s t! Right on the main channel 'or Huntington Harbor, glv· Jng you the benefit of magnificent view! Will ac- comodate-any size boat. 80 Ft. water frontage. Largest lot in the area! Prief'd for ,quick sa:le at $56,700. Lost . of the ho""· "'""~ '"P "'"'e SPECIAL ! ! 293 E. 17th st. 646..c494 BY OWNER. Newly redec PROP!R.TliS WEST 3 Br. ~ Ba. Pleasa.nt settl~ (714) t'tl-.t131 OPEN SUN 1 5 67 Momin& Canyon Rd. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker& Lee 2043 WeatcliH Dr. MG-ml Open Eves. 2 Story-Shake Roof Rustic COST A MESA. Formal slate entry. Large livirll; room with. brick to& burning fire- place. Gigantic family rooni with used brick fireplace + bar. Cha1mlng kitchen \Vilh built-Ins + dishwash<!r. Din. Ing area. Great master \\'ltb private bath. Forced a i r heating. 3 baths. L a r g e he8.tcd pool \\'Ith diving board. Near school1, shop- ping and beach. Only $36,950. FORESf E. OLSON, INC. 54l·5312 3 Bedroom Home + Vac1nt R-2 Lot Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath honlf', -Eutsklc Costa MeM, + la~ separate parcel zoned for ~ units, sen. er very arocious, name your terma. B o t h propt"rties 135,000. ORANG!' COUNTY'S ' LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. ~M Above the Average 3 BR home In Meaa Verde has nice family room, 2 bath!, fireplace.• w/\v car- pets & dra~. bulll·in kilcD- en. Only $25.950. . ----- I' \I I • \\ 111 I I ~I\':'\' !I\\ l~\+\I•• .rSmall Spenders kitchen with BUILT -INS. -POOL & VIEW-Rent Morta••• T1xe1-~ large bechwm and is N.EAR 3 BR. 2 be., FA, bl.I-In gas FR.EE FO~ L1i=E? Newport Heights are.a and THE BEA~! N I Corona del Mar , , B•y<rolt 1~23 LLOYD BARN~TT · area. Frplc, natl Wood bltn r kl!. lldwd firs . Patio. JOZI B111ldt on ... · ....,. .. o, main efl.' kit. serv porch, dbl gar: per-Eastsklc 3 BR., w/w, frplc, close to everything; East ~ landscaping. It even quet llnl. Low lease-hold, 30 buillins w/ 2 rental units ~:.s~ ~~7:~nd sho~ 'ncludes REFRIGERATOR, day poiis. Small,· BUT !181 on rea; of lot. Walk to hol- new Costa MeSa ... n..i.. J WASHER AND DRYER. cverylhina:~ $43,500. Appcnnt· pital.,_market, bus. $29,950. As11ume FHA 5%70 loan, N~wportBnch,C•lif.92661 $23.100. Prine ooly. 546-9391 I& 4fl BY OWNER ~ E-sidr 3 Br. INOOME 3 BR. 2 BA. 2. Ba. Na~ \\'Ood bltn SI.Indeck. Liv, Din Rm. kitchen: utility p o r c h ; Patio. ~~ B1k to ocean & ~-----~-REALTOR ~ 4 BDRM + 5th or den, faml· ly rm, 3 ba. BeauWully landscaped w/new 3 4 \ Anthony automatlc pool. stereo thruout. SUnktn tub, garage storage. Many ell:· traa 4 you own the I o t. An Ivan \Veils bl'auty at 2333 E .. Coast Hwy, Cd_M ......,.... Best of all!!! TOTAL PAY-mo"i o"iy Call large bedrooms or 2 and • " " · Low down or tradt' So. i . MENTS of $103.00, lncludei CURT DOSH R lkl ~~rta!e =tu!:* a1:t~ Taxes and Everything!!! r ea f ~~~~~:~e. 646-3750 WE SELL A HOME crpts,, drp!I. Close to schls Bay, bltn kit. Cor. lot 15th & shp g. $25,500. 548-02-44 & Balboa. Rear Apt. rented. complete built-in kitchen. EVERY 31 MINUTES 1730 W. O:aa.sl Highway 51 ~0/ LOAN Deep R-2 Jot with alley ac-642-6472 EVES. 673-3468 /4 7U ~~e ~ ~:~or~i;. Walker & Lee i'""'"~SP~AR"'!"KLIN~~G~ ....... IPayments $143 mo. Includes Meu V.rde lllO Must sell by Owner. Prine. onlY. 673-8718 --------1 '·',o'=·500=. -=~-· ~~-S\JN -:-: . OPEN SAT I You small spenders, it's 2790 Harbor Blvd. al Adams 3 bedroom home, large lot all 4 Larre bedrorns. apac- only $25,500. _ ~94.!11 garage plus workshop°, boat lous llv. rm., 1% BA. large Colesworlhy & .co' Opoo til 9 PM '"""' &II •PP"""" lnclOO. ''"""" yanl. Noar -l'iiii!liiiiiiii!ii!ii!iiii I ed. Possession -NOW. &: So. Cout Plaza. lmmedl· • 1• Sl9 500 ate. possess.ion. 1904 Harbor Blvd. ''Estate Sale'' ' MARTIN R.E. 548-6332 CM. O E 642·7777 Corner dupu::.1(-2 bdrm each, pen Yes. upper furn. and view o! YA NO DOWN Channel, lower fenced patio ~bl, i a rage, shoppiJt&", Ocean &: park 11tepa away. $37,500 ia a marketable val- us for this property. Fee simple. MATCHAM ~ SS Rochester C.M. · 646-4837 Huge Rumpus Room RY OWNER: ~tesa Verde Pacesetter. 3 & Family '"' ('k loan. $29,500. 2043 Calvert Ave. 546-3081 3 BR., fam, pan/den, C &: D. Owner. Aeume FHA $26,500 -will take 2nd. ,.,_.m DELIGHTFUL l BR 2 ba l rAm. Assume sr,:.r;:, loan or ? By o,.-ner. ~1170. •3 BR 2 Ba. lam rm. new erpts; bltnll, sprnklr sys. Boal sp. S25,900. 546-2880 50xl.2S IT Deeded View Lot. Contemporary houR. Stone., glass, mahopny. Suilable. for 2 or 3 people. Enclosed patio. $49,500. 2928 Clilf Drive, Newport Beach. 3 BDRM k den, pool It patio. LR 32 x 16, crpla. drps, beaut landlC!lped & txees, secluded. Fee title.. Reaa. 1'76-8558 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 Balboa Coves. $ 6 O, 000 . Prefer trade for acreaa:e or wllJ consider othl'r. 54J.7171 AUTHENTIC. SpanWo Hom<, 2500 °'"" Blvd. CdM approx. J:m 4 Br. lge. den CUatom Duplex ~ ~r r:,,~~ .::: Lovely pe.Uo • cfeci. 1423 A"""" w.,, N.B. "lion V. Franklin 642-1502 REALTOR 325 E. Cout Hwy. . Harbor Highl1nd1 1235 Corona. de! Mar 673-2222 . BY Owner 3 .. BR. 2 BA, family rm. Comer Int. Service porch. encl yard. On Deborah Ln, NB. Call 548-0415 e.vea, Sat. or aft L. a .m. on Sun. SHOlll<UffS Eme.rgt!ncy Sale! 3 Bedroom, Lav.· closing cost to financial· ty qualllled buyer. 2 BR. prime Eastside location. 105 xl43' lot room for expansion &: additional unit with vari· ance. Don't mi.as this one! Newport Beach 1200 White e.Jephanta! Dime-a-line :=::;:=::;;:::::1GARDEN ATRIUM For Dally Pilot Want Ads. Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS 3 Bath, family room. N!W . electric kitchen. Owner. 67>3468 Tenns oUered subject to R E A L T Y bank approval & CRV. . zaZi W. BaJboa Blvd .• N.B. Franie f'LOOR PLAN with over 2400 $21,500 475-6000 Modem Beach Homl', 3 BR. 2 ba.. J(. ate&! '•t ~.500 R.. . AL.stJ Newport ,, Boycrest Area ood 645-0111 3 BR R"lal .... IZl5 mo. Sell or L1a .. /Optlon 143 Br WI~ Caywoocl Reelty· aq It Best back bay area with view. 6464414 ll1lt• 1111\ .Esut1 Beautiful 4 BR . 3 bath home Ev1t. 642-845 646-4579 541-1290 Victoria located on fine presti~ Quiet Cul-d•S1c 6306 West Coast Hw)., N.B. IDEAL FAMILY HOME •-u I nd ~ l h Easbiide. CM. 2138 Aster I ~~~~~~~~~ I Near Mariner' a Park. 3 Br. ,., ·-l l su,,e.t -we a aca.,..,.. wt 1-..,., •·-U -outdoor lighting on timer. Piace. Lovely 4 BR dlnifw LOOK--4 BEDROOM extra lg. 20' x ., l&LU Y Sprinkler ay1tem all new . le rumpus room, fireplace, $21 950 rm, 1~ ba. Ex. cond. Fenc- l ~~~~~~'!"'!~~I large outdoor BBQ • all new l;uilt-iN, 2~ bath&, heated 2 baths. Family room. E!e-ed pat~. Spe.c. kltch., bk 1 • HOME AND crpts & drapes • elec bi t-In pool, 2 pattoa. 11toraae hotiae gant fireplace. Larae rear porch, aep. dble 1ar. -kitchen • dining area • 1 B/l & SO many extras. Asking yard with covered patio. OWNER. S36.SOO. 1 9 1 2 GUESTHOUSE aep&rated from living quar. $37,950. CALL GLEN ao.t acctss. Near all Deborah Ln. 646--6731 Great 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, tera, perfect for ln.J.aw . Aali;. QUEEN 54()..l151 (open eves) 1eboola. Belt 4 bedroom buy I .Oiiiiiiii ______ I home with charming 1 bed-lng $49.500. Call to IM!t'. Heritage Real Estate. J=i area. 540-1720 room ruest hou9e tor moth-CHIL T ROBINETT I I TARBELL 2955 Harbor B1yvl•w Condominium er-in-law. Built . in electric REALTOR 64.s.:ol.28 ~·BR p US pGQ 1--------;; I Owner movina back to L.A. 2955 Maul Pla.l~ 10 "'NITS ?~.ROOO, 21,t. BOwA.~erpd 'rAc._"'23 1'70' The Bluffs kitchen, inc.ludlng dishwash· Who Llk Child " ~ "'' vi er. Wood: burning fireplace. •1 ren? Mesa Verde on 3 Jou. Adjacent to Ocean· Alley entrance for boat or Nearly evtryone. So If your MUST SEU. • priced uoder front. $153,000. tra.11cr. A rare find • only future is lied lo the klda cost B Ibo R I E C $29,500. SUbmit your home ~nJence, It protecUon, S42 950 only 1'1'" lmvn 1 a H state 0• on our guarantee trade plan. here s a 3 bedroom home Dovi:R REAi Tv 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboo WE SELL A HOME on eutllide Colla P.1esa, only ~!!'!'~;.61$."'3;;~~~r-"5'1~~m<s;Hi':O~'F" I "LINDA" EVERY 31 MINUTES 11; blka to N"""°" H•l1l>1• "! -:iY, AC.lfES-M."1 3 BR 2 baU... On moJoe _., . 3000General 3000Gtnor•I S@~lA-l&t-trs· Solve• St.•:o!< S=mbled WOTd Pun!< for• Chuckl• . .__ ........... ,,., WOJdt Wow IO .... 6 -_,,,, -"""' .. Midi "' ...... " tqUClt'M. I 11 I' I I I I I I' I ICEERAT I I I I I IRADIHO I -i.;.;.;,-l~I~' ~1 -.-1 ........ 1,-1 "Tell me,'1!illy, why do , '::· ::·:::-:::-:::· :::-they use knots Instead of .. miles on the ocean?u 3000 1 1 ETH E N I ·~use, darling, they ~-:1::1::1 ::1':1:: :.~~·got to have the~ W lk & L grade .choot. ~ fenced MESA VERD&.$25,950 For sale or trade, C.M. 5 belt. Shown by appointment. a er ee :;::.~~. ~t.1: K .... -.......... 2 balhl. mill to ocoan, low d" ....,.e 1. • ., ___ 6«-~!7~!18-~~ .... ·-Baltor. C.M. 546-Sl40 ......, """"· Esqutsli< ,.._ c:any, "'"'11t ru.P, .\It· 1, 1,-Z:z:z:::;:~~:;;,q 20C3 Wtllclitt Dr. cpta • dni.pr1. t" bath&. For pl.ace. Homemaker:a dream &46-4494 Rn 546-7J59 Beyvlew Condominium MESA VERDE jlli 646-Tnt Open Evn:. •ppolnlmf'nt lo !ft kttchen wl.th finm bUilt-tns: ==.,.·~~·~=..,---., Owner movi.rW back lo L.A. Pu<o<ll<T, 4........., ull 1--------1 HARRY IOGGS Lowly larie """'""' A OWNER -Musi S.U, lmm<d 3 BR, 2\i BA, drpd & ""'"· dlnlna. 2 ttl~ r:· >we.rs 6°/o REALTY 1~ patio. Year round polllffl)on; 3 BR. 1"-btl. &%'ii Tzusrera~ Joan. new c•rpet. clOM FINANCING tn99 8rookhunl tun .l entertain~. Be a I llll carpeted. lmmtl~ cond. $."16,000 Owner £44..f370 10 lhl coWitry area 540-l120 Mesa Verde. $25.500 10~ club 3 BR.Hom•"" 2 vi.w l<>i>-1""""".,...,.,ijiii"""•.....,,.._.. ....... ., TARBELL 2955 H1rbor dow~ °""""-· -2629 BEAUTIFUL top CrlM locatio~ 61' '°'''-Ill 4 BEDROOM-,-$23,750 QUALITY HOME ''" "' uaumed w111>out Waterfront OCEAI NVI'-"0$" DOWN PAYMENT 2 Be. & Fam nn. '~ ea. ctiqe., chatlt: or penalty, NewRftl>lo Shores M • G.J. low down all others. Xli\t area. Pricrd Right! $68.500. ....... • 2 8R. 2 Ba, 1 block 2 bAtlu., t'ormal d.ifltna room. 0 w II er. 642-3219. OPEN OPEN SAT l SUN 1-S lmmac 4 BR, lam nn, to beach. $29.500 5'x>tleSAI¥ lmmaculatt. Car-HOUSE SAT A SUl'l. Ji!t:o~~~ c:::Y~~. ~7~~.. GHr.-Wllllimton pe~. many added teatutt• •' BA y VlEW F-ee ~· ~-------. 1-i hll-'T1 W_. "ri-1-,l"°~_,.,1-r-11 ~ ~~";lt = e ~w:.~0 11 I'. r I' I' I' I' r · r I ~,.,...~ Jiil I I I IA I • I IP I ) , \Ve'rt movln1 In ~·l'b. Priced fO 1tll at $34,750. Brokers prO\. 2907 Europa. Ope~ 540-3380 R .. u.. 87;0473 ~""' ,..,., Blttkarl ~ Rul~~ .,,. .... 1" jour comfort. 5•>t7211 x 1"i' w/ ~· 134•900· SCRAM·LETS ANSWER. IN DIME·A-UNE · TARBELL 2955 H1rbor <lwn<'r 548-124•, !l43-420T 1.!_ __ _;_=..:....:....;;;=.;.....;..;__;_ ____________ 1 ' .. I ' ' . . ... • • , ---~----..... -~-~----~--A------------- 1 • l I ' " . .._. • • , ~ . -• ,. . JOI ''lllE IWl11fl PEOPU" . ' r I t~ .. ' . . l'Oll SALi HOUf!! l'pR IALI . .llNTALS i\INT ALS · QNTALS • 12111r¥1M 1211 H~PIJI Unfultl•••• ..... ,..,,,,,... ..... ~ • UAL ISTATI 1 ..... -.... , ....... 1Vll1,I IOCK HIW ON THI llVINI IANCM Are nOw olferlnl for &!lie, lhelr •\ford win· lllnf. ISintl• & spllt · l,vel 3 & 4 bedroom MODEL HOMES. • 1 ColW "91 Mor mo Now,.t lwh QIO c..t1 Mml SI RM11lt Wonllll mo i~ 1!-fll -~ Yt·~ •--. 2 ON Illy, "'" Lido; ~ ·-S BR ~ ba --------I ~·· -v -v --1 BR. priv 1lo n• •~ •~· w "· ~l.OYED LMIY MOdt 1 SMALL Offl<e: tu!Jobll. W. Bedroom borne. New I y ' ' • pa : 'W/w cup,, drpt, atb\ yd. 13Jt. \ll'dtu'a.-Apt. btacb area. 1n1uNnct. MUllMll~ -"'1 , --nl uW. lod. IJC;. S..t •-..,_ ll«>OIM -.._ Wolk to .,;..7",;b.,~ ... : •vtllable~ ; ; to iua. Quport or..,... Co'nt r.-, ,..._. Water &; karoener p&id. Vl1=W 1 apt. 1&rp roOm: l BR gardtn apt. utllltiel: nee. 642-0086 P!f6. p.m. U, I.I. air ,11 ~. Adut11 .,.,,...,., co 11 llreplace; IJl<ely, -...i, Qulot, Ma!UJ'o odUllL R<fl., e LANDLOttDS i iurnlture ""1-. Sia""' .• I '° I . " • (end their Boats) bdinlve 'Unda hie Prlucl fnlm $98,000 Th... model homes are ma¢ficen11Y ap- Pointed with the very finest of carpetr- ilnpetr -Wlll))lpers; plus evvy mod'1 la pro!ealonllly landacaped, special w.awa,. & pall .. prevail, on, with swllnmlnl pool m.*5 beton ltl o.m. « garage, ll!i>. Ire. ullllfl<s. $130. 2633 °"-"'• C.11. 'nw: l\EN'r.i. -YlCE 191121 -It: 118 1-m1 ..... ;;.0i' .p.m.•·"-"•"'•~-iiui; loeauffi~oltcr~ili' i:ip.m.'T;HS-i;ii:-239<~.. KIDS, PET w E L c 0 ME . ,,...,,, -~,.,,.==-~=~--+·! 1• OC!:ANFRONT 3 BR. ._, U....,, 2 BR. 111 -BUSINESS man traiiifi'iRd: ATl'ORNEYh\ ... - $Mn Cliff H-•pr. A ... hb T-J""° T. to ''°ft'. $125 ..._ 61>4392 Won" M BR by Mar. lit. lobby, S _.Jarlol - with twln'urli!W poo1;lvacant. Reut 6'13-fOtl $!XI. 2 BDRM, new P41Q.t.. CM .,. pttlffted. ~ bltnt. 2 mtrooma. at.: · OPIN HOUSE SATURDAY & $UN01iY 1oa. 105 Linda Isle Drlvi, NoW,or1 lklch Shown by appoln-nt . . BOYD REAL TY 1629 E .. c-t lfori., CdM ; . . 675-.5930 ; These ba111e1 are placed on quill ilrl• a. very prln\o !Ota that may be ellhe, lelled or purclwed wllh 1 gr1nt deed to lull laud ownership. · Follow tho signs to TURTLE ROCK llILI.S, 1 mlle East of the University of Ctlltornia at Irvine, just oU the Intersection ol Campus Drl~ & CUiver Drive. S BR. .... lam'"" i!i ba, 2 DORM, Cli>IJ°""' bl ... , -· ...... ..,,., ,.frlr,. JOOll.1500 SQ ·FT. IndU.\1!'111 . =· (loM ~lion.CM. pool moD!t I lod llJODthly Quport, $1'!5. ...,. mo. . ulll pd. AY.U 2/1~ ~ bld2 tor Fl .. l'&lu BoalL ~ $115. L1o)'d Bamett, ~ * LARGE 2 BR, paUo, C.M. or NB ~IL lWS-0655 . 1 COMMDU:. -D Sil· ft. (Ru!;;~""~· ~rn-5420;;~· ~~·I ~~;;~~~:==;~~ ·~· QultL Adults, .,, (.'""" l IND\JST. ~-... ft. (! c.....,. cltl Mir · 4250 ""· 2452 Elden. ....ma Roomo for Rent 5995 • ..nao • HYfttlnlton leach MOO NICE Prtvata 2 room + NICE 2 Bt stu6io .apt. nrar BACHELOR !fpl ln ~ ~ a~ ~ ~mo: . ti.. teP ent $95. leue ref. OCC. 984 E. Camino, C.M. home, ~ entr, newly dee, ltue ref rr5-(Ql aft 'I 'FREE RENTAL IOOK ' . ' 1145.-. Avoll mw! furnlsh«I. l blk trom 11th ,,:::;::;;;,,· ,,:.;;:;...· ..o;;;.,;;;;'-',-,.-6'75-0621 atter T .pm. omcs .,ce, dnk. chain Drop lft arHI' •rowse SUL!. Studio apt. close to NEAR occ. Large 2 Br. & Irvine, C.M. 6424683 do town Beach Coraeom S 'bedroom Pad. 2 ocean with pool $1.10/tno. 2 . BA. Bltns. cprta, dt°pll:. LRG. Master BRr. IUite-.' 22s ~•L ·.= ' B&tba. Carpets, Dra~ util pd, Leue. $9933 $155 Ptt' ll'IO. S«>--0336 w I .frplc. priv• ba., kit priv. ========~I Dollble Gange, BWlt ms, Cdlege w ..uldrw a tria. Ind tri I .__ 60IO Tole: IJl.1102 Fw Furthor lnfonnatlon " •• ,, • New Custom Spanish with mission We IE!NTALS Nice yard. Lea1e at $119 BACH., furn., uW. paid, $85. N•wpert Be1ch 5200 bfesa. Vel'de. S4&-.150T UI 1 _• •-r ' roof. 4 Bedroom, 2~ balm, fornial dln· L. ..."' 170$ ... month. Wlll -O[> 2 BR. !um., nr. -11'5-OPEN HOl)SE SUN. ,...,"' COLLEGE "' -girl, 10% NNN BARGAIN ing room, famlly room , wet bit'. Custom atlllll Hou"' fumhhod ';E SELL A """"'E 61>-3153 Alt 5 PM LARGE 2 er., ll\ bo., """ on Bal I• 1U• In CO!lfA MESA carpets & 1panisb tile noors. Partially ' EVERY ...,.... Balboa 4300 blt-w, pvt patio, 4230 r«lrm Incl.; l5S Mn. up; ISO.Oii! P' l~PJIO Ml& bid& draped. Large lot, oversized garage, • THE N-rt a..c1t 1200 3! MINUTE5 Hilaria Woy $185, le.... with m•ols 1125. 6T5-36l3 Solid ......ie. Care..., efeotri~!:"~tcs.1 & Sun 11..S BIG OllE NEAru.Y news~ ' Walker & lee ~Ill~:"' ~:;~:.'view; ";;'=. J::.% ~ ~ , .. r':T. ~~ 44 I Wlndw1rcl L1"1 ._ furn. ~ bom9 tar 1112 J!'.dlnpr 315 E. Balboa &vd. fireplace; @Plit 1 e v e I ; tra it deatred. LI g.u:rr 1 elec ftlter l)'Slem (N .. r 22nd .. T .. tln ••• l -... S350. Boat IUp avail. Sft.4«15 ar StNil.fO BALBOA 673-8M5 ga.rqe: washer • drier. IDEAL For mature man on Leued-3 )'rl w/option_ ~ builder lA nnrln& 5J6..3'1'3 o 2 BR. be ehH & 548-2391 att • Should re-leue $1000 mo By Builder 64lh184' comp&eUon on thil-tabulous . pe:n DaD)r di l :30 nr. a ·~· el'. 6·p.m. day shift; Costa Mesa: close Paved atrs front A: rear ~ Lquna Beach home. De-BllbM 2300 3 BR. Small fDCd yd. Jl.40 $1&1 Ptt mo., yrly. u.w. 'UPPER Duplex. 2 Bt. $1Q/; In; $12.50 Wk. MS-'1969 , Neu JDth"op Plao!ntia ~~~ tailed arcliltectutt, ityled yrly. Leut. 3 Chlld. OK paid. 54ttJ911: 8'15-58J.O 1 i'l'· leae. Adults, no pe:ta.. See Lease.Submit offer -------·- CONna dal Mir' 1250 HuntJnaten a.ch 1400 tn NEW ORLEANS . motif, BALBOA Perilnlula; ti.I June Nr. Beach Blv le Slat.!'!'.t Liclo ltle 4351 See ~~lteo~ MEA Guest Homes 5998 LY'LTE REALTY ,, ' ;;;;;;;;;;!"";::;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;.1 features extensiwi Wit ¢ 15; 2 BR. rum. boule. UtU.1·~1'54iiiii~v .. ;f-eu..f,;~"~;ill4>-~7823~11 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; H~.LN PRIVATE ROOM" with'Tv 583 W.19th. 5'S-M93 ' 1---------'Nt'Ol.llht iron abutteri, IRON pd. ,$UIO Mo 673-3Ja2 After 3 BDRM. 2 ha. crptl, drpa, FURNISHED Lido GOLD Medallion 2 Br. 2 for ambulatory lady or ======='=::::( 80111\'S BEST BUYS GRII.L GATES OPEN TO 2 PM SWodo>' .....,, ""'"'"· walk to Apl, 2 Ba. Cpls, ..,,., blbm; •ncl. g,.U.man. Good food, home lnduolrlol Rontll '°90 111 FR 0 NT COURTYARD. boacl>. 12U Mo. ,..__ •loey 3 bdrm 2 bath, -garage. Adults, nn ""· IM 11ka """°'P""'"· ta.,.. yan1 COMPLETELY. ENCl.OSED LlgUM leech · 2705 ' '1l>RM. 2 ba. new crpts, ~~/r:~ le~ $185. 613-2370; 64&-3'7fi6 Ii: path· Licensed home. N'PT Bch M-1. wuehUel 450-1,0IXI sq. tt. for C'.111- tracton. Re.aa. owner (21.S) 941-1368 OPEN HOUSE SAT A SUN 624 RAMONA Irvine Terr•ce, CdM Lanai livin&·troplcal eetfln&, Pim.Pool. ,2· I: den .•. $52,000 I>;' DUPLEXES-DUPLEXES / ~ 435 C1rn1tion, CdM ·~ Country charm. pl11.11 SOUTH of the lllWAY • convenient. KATELLA .R .. lty i• NOW PAYING up lo 80% Commission W/MASONRY WAI..IS AND 1 BR. 3 blocb to btadl. ~ Mo. or will Ieue or $350 yearly. Adults. Ask Avali now. Ms-5225 PROFESSIONAL L.i. N 0. Adults only. n45 mo: •/option to buy. mn78. for Mrs. Grunak;y. ;:E;:"::'..:B;:l.u~ff;.:,.. __ ...c;s;:2.;;42; I =5====:=,== SCA.PING. Mi ic. Rent1l1 5999 Approx. l'lOll SQ. FT. of * "'·1'16 * INch 3705 Pot• Borr•tt R1111y Prestige location =::...::=:::..-=::: llXXl SQ .. ..-" o1t1Ce liv. ~a. featurea ' BDRM. S BR. 2 ha. den; ocean LelUllll, 642-5200 DOUBLE Garage for rent + 6000 aq ft paved & ~ A FAM. RM. n.o()R PLAN, $3» mo. t:1r J.se/opL GORGEOUS View, baa ~~~~~~~~ For leue, deluxe 1888 sq. ft. for Storage. Coll~ Parle yard. 1855 ,Lagwla Cuyoft SERVICED BY 3 BATH· Mystic Wa1 67S-433l. ew:eytblnc. like new. Must Huntln..Mn a ... ch ~ 4 BR., 2~ be.. Apt. Frplc., area. 642-3683 Rd. fTI4) f94..8leG or <nfi) ROOMS. Spacious entry foy· RINT ALI rait Uds :Wk. 3 Br 2 Ba. ...... drapes, Carpets, wet ber, . GARAGE ~-=""'..,,==,....,,.--,.,., er, with floor ol slaad We. H-~~T'l!!!!!htd!!.l:=~=-=7::='?==::::: UTILITIES PAID prlv. balconies; dbl. prage on Elden, Costa Mesa NO\V LEASING-New M-1 OPENS . TO GRACIOUS . [·' .. ~" 1150 "I f t , 2 BdntUI. furn. Htd. pool oU Kitch. Dishwaaher, dbl. $20. 642-6744 nuW1uuu. ~= DLIN!NIV ... RMG ~f!.,A33T· Genel-at 3000 ~ ... n. Nlguel a707 802 Knoxville, AP.t 0 , H.B. <lVen, pool Conwnle!"lt to I========= I $155/mo. Agnt 642·1485 I Bu~ it -now, and watch you.r ~\ 'values ~ •••••• , $39,500 I, 606 MARGUERITE Coll 147"°61 & 111< for HAL MORI FT LO """w." 3·BDRM. f.am rm, 2% ba. •"""°""•;,...::536-;:.:291::::1_•:_~ shop'1•, schools &: recrea-Income ProP-rt, 6000 Um~Gidtchm.tam. rm. YEARLY RENTALS frplc, patio, &an.gt. bit-Ina. 1 Bu:x:K from ocean. 1 I: tion. $3 "Illness Forces Sale" 1 A.;~;;'-";;;;'11";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.6_200_I arrangemtnt, 30 FT. LONG, NOW AVAILABLE ~ &.Lodrpo,"!22'b ~·· 2blt~n~ apta., bealn~ ~ ONLY 25 MONTH 22 unit mote:! (7 units with 11 FEATURES..........,, hdWd Balboa C.V.. l BR .... $450 ·-· "" ~•' ~ ··~ ,.. room. ~-· 135 AMIGOS WAY kilcb•n>l, """" of Cooto INVE'STMENT cabinets, BILT-IN RANGE. o.ta Meta Totmbolmn: i.ali6 m\Wc. Agt. 536--887fi Newport IBe1eh Mesa Grossing $51,000. Nice SELF C!.EAMNG DBL. 2 BR .................. 1225 RENTALS I BEDROOM .beaoh "°""'· ===M='='·=A"'pt=·...,'== a..-ont tor owner. Only POTENTIAL ' 2·Two IR H9llHI OVENS, DillHWSHR.. WINTER RENTALS Aph. fuml1hed Avoll ~•b hi. 1115 Ho. d S250 9 yean old. Complet•Jy Approxtmat•IY-30-""' In .OYD I ~· • •lot GARB. DISP,. BREAKFAST AVAILAILI NOW ..:.,._;;;;2880;;;;;===== ~C~or~o~n·~· iii;;'li;i;;Ml~riiiiiiiiiiill equlpJ"<l $220,000 • only. Nortbem Qrano<; ln the P WI extra .......... 84 ~ ~ BAR. One wan of tam.. nn. From $165 • S300 General 4000 -$40,000 down. TDa consider-county; nearly an mealie REALTY located just a atone'• thrOw hu STONE FIREPLACE RfD (ARPEJL c;:'9,;U;:•;:•c.;l::;•::a;:ch;.:,.. _ _:_4705 ed. HURRY! Wally McC.oJ &: ready for developirr&;. ·' SUPER DUPER • 2 plus 2 !·r •. great out.side, llvfna' areas , • for each Unit. WOULD YOU ( · BELIEVE .... , •.• , $44,500 3629 E. Cout Hiway, O:IM from the new Hospital· D:O-WITH WOOD HEWN ?i.iAN· • • RENT -~; RUy 64U487, 545-fiill eves. Jl.6,500 Per acre; for mOre 675-5930 ed for a total tA 9 Unit&. TLE, 5 STOOL WET e•• REAi.TY 3 R F • 2 BR. spectaculu view, ad-f),.. VI UNITS information please >call G~ •--1~ -lblllt _.. ooms um1ture Ja-nt .... ,_ ""-·-"" uW pd, 1>r•• ~ 1.., ... iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiililiiiii• I ""'-' "'""' ~· -WISINK, LIQUOR CAB!· ,..,.. oUloes ., --~·> "'" ,_... '"""'....,., "l•nn Tho Ith 1• ies FinaJ1cUw Open Total ~-....... #-$25 Month $125 mo til Jtme 15. (2131 SALE OR EXCHANGE " mpson w • lftcomt p,On.rty prke $29 500 • NETThl&. MIRRORED WALL. 2025 w. 8!!,_~.,!hrd., N.B. Ftn..L OPTION TO BUY 349-1040 or see Sat at 259 ON TEN ACRE.S 61iii times groa. Owner needs Eckhoff & Auoc., Inc. r-LLOY'D 1' ARNETT • cwitom quality home .,,~ Lo OIH Dr I • 2 BR. =·-• u-'""~ new larger tax ~. Good 1818 ,v. Chapman Ave. South of Hwv ha:; luxurioul W/W ..._,. lltefrl1eraton AvailableJ wer •· .. "'" '""'" Ora "·"• -' REALTOR '13-5420 -r~ RENTTLS ~ics / Pri / PatiO!I / oonditlon. No children ex-nr;e, .... w. 2 BR home plus 1 BR Rental. ' $.-ing thru-out ln )'Olli' choice LUXURIOUS 3 Br. 2 Ba. No depoeft o.a.c. "' c ,.,. cellent tnoome hlatory. Only 541-2621, Eves-wknds 53U121 Walk to all lhops. $45,900 • 2333 E. Cout Hi!n>'. CdM of color. 25 Fr. WIDE GAR-home, fam rm. btd pool. H.F.R.C. Apb. Un~rnlshed ~. r..:~_:~~l st. $295,003. easy terms. AGF.S WITH A.1TAOIED Chlldm'• play a rea. Fui-nlture lentils ~---1 5000 ........ ..._ "'"\1111 ~ Walker 1: Lee Mr. Levirte Or•-Cout Property OPEN S~T/.SUN LAUNDRY RM. You 1"IUld G"""'°' l pool """"· 517 w. 19tb, CM. 5'3-3<11 -ra 900 S.. 1-, Olll ~ Inc:ome Jnve>fment O.p• R-rt P.roporty· 6205 332 Mµguertt>, OIM m""1 195S2 Conborro LIM expact • """'of thlo .U. 96>-4915. 1568 W.1'1dn, Anbm Tl.,.... tMaoArlbur nr. Qlllt Hwyl 1iiiiiiiiii.i545-ii;i9'5tiii;;iiiiiiiia.IFOR RENT >'Um Mamou1h , •-c•u~o SHORES.• 2sroRY/POOLllOME lquollty to"" '!""Y-·$135; 2 BR. dupkx; Guort. HOLIDAY PLUA .. VEN.DOM£·. I' Mountain Oopdomlnlmp -Huse """"'" family room, .ando -· than the ..... w/w; "'1ldron l .. I OK. DELUXE, Spacious 1-l!drm. • D I .a...... MONEY MAKER ~"Pl L ,.._:mo Lem 113 kre, Key to topquollty-.Beotbuy ...... .-.. Ulll.pUI._,_ ,_ .... JIJ!l '-;uW.. ""'"~";TE'APTS 3 ;,..2•.'!•.!':T•;. j:ASTSIDE C.M. 8 un\lo 11,..=o==:;;;==;::;=:=( "'4cfu 'BR., 211 llA. ""' In town ol 131.5tlO(lnJy $53tlO $37,950 $115 • 3 BDRM., Ill bath H•ted Jino1. -.,.,i.q ~· .. ~~,.;ANCY! "''· ~---~)f,,dlJ\P' •BR , ... -...nt ren-Mount. & -• 6210 ed pool $59,000 firm. _.__ • ·-·-..., • ,__ l'-ndo 81 ~. _._ .. ......._ .._,_ _._ ~ vv..u" es. tt,lc.•blt-1.n ldtcnen. p.rl · . Income $ft110 mo. $59,500 O~ SUN 1• ~-· ---·= -FULL PRICE ~ . .... W/w, encl. " ~ ~w '"tn.T. r··-y· ···--~·.. ~' .. ·~· ·• "" P1ul Jones RMlty patio. --1965 -CM -sECTroN~vAiL.Un.E ;.;;:;,~·~-1mrn-Grallalll. Rlty s A NR H.-t lllnt """· BA:6:"'~" :'5.;. ""™' EveL 536-7124 $3795 DN. PYMT. $105; 1-Bedroom Cl-~ pine, Pork CORBIN-MARTIN Ne.,. Poot Ok., NB &J6.2<I4 :"' .... "ti:n.~ =~": ,. 1NVESTOR'S SPECIAL 2 S IR/2 Yrs New oWNEI! W1I.L CARRY CM!o -uoo I-Ba~~ • -3 • 2 aa REALTORS 615-111!2 '""""'""'""'""'""'"'" ... I .1,•.Nlce Holl!ts'on double -lot. Tabadvantiaear·iows'4% A~·~'i'~~ 2 BR. House &side. Lrc =~PuV 3036E.CaMtHwy.,O:IM R·ENJINQ? R.E,Wantecl '240 :; . So. of ·Hwy. $58,000 Owner. iOtertst whUe !t luta. sub-MISSION REALTY pool Maintenance included. Costi Mesa 4100 e ~· lndloo ,, _ _._~n w•~ 1 8 u·--, · 673-41&9 mlt down, formal dlnin&. Lri fncd yrd. Crpta. ~ "'-V111rw.r fac'la 1LOVELY :z BR, bit~ tns, ~\'.9 on rent~ build equity ,._.~ • .,.. .... o U)'. omec at I,;=======::: I cpt!/drps alate entry lob: 985 So. Cout Hwy., Lq:una atove, ~frl&'. I: fttc!r. $200 e INlRODUCING e 1145·An1heim·Av•. , c;!U'Pets. drapes. $175 mo .. ·in this n.c triplex, Excel-leart 2JlO aq ft. 4 BR. J..a. Lido Isle l3SJ of cablnef epace. S29,5oo Phone CTifi) 494-0731 mo 6fi2...4fi22 , OOSTA MESA 642-2$24 yrly. Newport Beach Rlty. lent rental area. By ~point-l\lll8. lo San Clemente area. I iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I BRASHEAR REAL TY SUPERB Archltected Gem. 3 ~ 1 'aa.: comp. ndecor. u / "" ~ ~1642 ment only. Subst•ntial down. prlnc Of117 • ~ fl ] 847-8531 Evet. 541-2442 on 4 lewla. Dramatic 16' Ga.rap. Thcd. ftV yd. lat a J.} Uere ll40 . 2 ~1115 2 BR. rent or lease. Newly MARTIN R.E. • · ~ =Call='=49&-lm=~·~~~~ ~ , 3 O~taftdlrHJ BIG HOME celling, 2 Br. 2 Ba. Bia A: Jut mo'a. rent. cleanup Bltins. n?frig., w/w redec. $115 Mo. ind. util. ·CLOSE in oorner 'l8x132' c.i.· ·WANTED To Buy. ·s ~ .. , ''COOP LE" 'HOMES-deck. Coutline v I• w . deposit. $150 Mo. 2065 Oranp County'i Beautiful Broker SM-6980 Adults. Ref's. 646-4095 ty of ~. 4 ~ntal units. BR./Den. E-sklt C •. M . ~: ·Via Gmiana. . ,, .•. $55,000 fi BR. l~ bl hospital $42,SOO. ~. 4!H-9821 Marlon Way. 5.18-5304 eves ~:r:.m nv:.w ~-Costa Mau $100 LGE. new Bach., So. o! Hwy. $271.&I p6 mo. inc. $271500. ~wd-;e:I:~ ~· ~ia Waziers ........ $59,000 Medical t; fU'. d ..:..1.: L nso: ATl'R. 2 Br. dllp&ex; ~ • l Bdnn. 2 Bdrma ltefrla:., hotplate onli. $110 caah. Oh yes! It's c ·J..zoned. ~'7624 • :-Piazza Lido • . . •• . • . $61.~ cen r • n vuy ..,,,.. NI gut I 1707 new cpta df1*. immac. Incl. utll. 673-6904 Xlnt buy, Ownen: Agtmt. I :===,--,----:• . LIDO IEAL TY s:n.soo. E-Z Financin<!:. Adults. ,_; pet1 2 tioL e Contemporary Cwitom Excelleat. park • like aur-538--1123 . BUSINl:.S ancl R. D. SLATES, Rltr. DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Bo.; rm> ; pa o.l!ln ' roundlnp tor odulb -OLD I-BR., boy v1.w. FINANCIAL rt HJ) Vla Udo maJ0 Ml.3519 Eves. 962-1369 feu. bxJacpd. • dean.12d; ~ e Laxurioa1 Gazderw 1111: peace A quiet. Prime Location. ;155 . WANTED to Buy: Duplex to --------r in exdus.I Monan:b Bay: NEAT 2 BR &. den, 1V, e Bvtibl1tw iprirv A brook Dilcrimlnattve Tenants e 673-6904 e g plex. Laguna to San Cle-But. Opportunltl81 6300 I, . . MOVED 4 BR-REPO·YACANT lovely ..:. view; auto'. ~ w,: '°,;J' '!'!!'~· •. !'.'....~ ~~}~~'.1' ~ 2 l I BDIUL API'S. ~--bl.:_~ 2 ~u·' ::"i:!x ~'.',;,.Wrlle Dally Pl-FOR ... ~ e·y OWNER water aoftt!ner I: tile. 181• ......... · ..,._,.-,"'"" -.uv•v www~ ~L. 'NO am.DR.EN cpta. .... ....,, um, ""'am .. --.:: • · ~ . FEBRUARY 1st 2. 4 BR" l•fl 11!15 down, d I •=500 ..,,.._ ....... Bath MARTINl9U Yrly. S:tlSMo.'~ Small"""""'_, ru-L oon; yr. new. -· · e Pu-E Bu·• Rent I 6060 ·to: 3355 Via J.Jdo, Suite 205 no seconds. New paint Good with 6M. % loan. Owner (l) 2 BEDROOM wdumlabed llfth asftlll I forces sale. Logan screw :i ·LIDO BtnLDING -abo\-e area. 499-4198 houae. Newlyd e cora te d • Outskk Gu BBQa GARDEN Am. -Huntington a.ch 5400 CORONA del ?i.W Beauty cutting lathe w/heavy 6 ft. : .. <Blue Dolphin Restaurant) . HAFFDAL REAL TY lhroughotJL Eutside Cose. • Encl. ~ " storage 1Mi • Seta Ana, C.M. Shop ln busy l 0 c a t I 0 D. wood bench, s w l t ch. ;: , R. C. GRQ:R. Realty 8740 Warner ~ Dana Point 1730 Mesa $155. RJtr. SC.7939 CENTER of town. between Ca.ti Mn. Hendencm ~ EXCLUSIVE Fonner beauf.1 shop moved counter-shaft A: revenlblot • • 673-9300 , IMMEDIATE SALE 2 BR. pr, patio, O'Pls. drps, ~A Ford/Harlxir A New-to larier quarter•. motor, loaded w/extru !:1 o;::=::=:=:;~::=::==:zz: ~ 9 mo old Deane Gar-OPEN DA ILY 12 to 3 stove, refrr. Tropical 1et· .,!::."n...~ ...... 1 r--lTI'I Santa A:--Apt U3, C.M. ON-THE-BEACH Reasonable rent. Ca 11 incld · preclak>lln chuckl I: 'I• BoyfrOnt Duplexes den Home. CUl~e-sac lot. 3 bdnns, den, 2 baths, pool, tin&:. For adulta, 1 bik. to -.JI" .-cu..uns. ..,.. ~1u NEW GARDIN APTS. 2 & 3 Bedroom Apb. Hutchesn, TI4: BJ8..65ll raw·in oo ets. Dumore 'n'" walls, 4 bdrm, 2 ba. 11 15 x 35. $35.000. 25251 Main-shops. $180 mo. 5"-4780 LARGE room and bath SSS. 1 • 2 -M~om ld'~n w/ "-·-· 11,,_ lo pleue the !re, ',1'51~n. 2"5"", ,·"0'""0 RdPr M11 . 1 $1U>,OOO • 2-three BR's w/aunken tub), atrium, w/w sail Dr. 642-2823 1 BR smaller room at $fiO pO()L o.n.. uu ....,., .....,.. ... ,, T .. ,. SMALL Reasonably priced ... ~ $11S.OOO • 3 BR le Two BR'• l bath. 2D20:I Bayview \ltilltit pakl. MM83T ranp a oven. dlahwuher, ll'IOll:I dlscriminatln&· NW ·Store Buildings in busy. CnJtsman drill p r •••• wtth Fireolacn crptg, frpk, dbl: pra~. Nr BARGAIN R-2 k>t. View. S.A. Hetpts.. 1115 / m 0 • 1 etc. Encic.d pr. OlympJc available at. Corona del , Mar location. reversible ~ii HP motor, foot 3336 v~a::: RH~ beach & new 1ehoala, 968..nN Terms. :St:.=·. ~~ ~ 2-m: Avail. MAmwil .., e, :!; :!: ~~= lhe Hulfingtc-n Call Hutchens, nc: 83S-65ll switch. s· wcrit bench. l""!!!!!!!!"""!!!!l""'"'!!'!!!!!!!!!!'I Founl•ln Valloy 1410 OLDER -1100 2 BR \SS RodJootw C~ $135 mo "I'· Adltl" nn1y, Balboa Island . :.. II'~::;,.";· :.,,,,,"""; .. ~:.L.?J 3ut47i~aa .:..:;=.rn Ap;~'j~ 1910 t:.~ ~ .... :':i!".:;~~~-6'.2:: P1cific rm ~~.,.~~,11'0~l17S. :-...:: • .ru:-...:'l M~. kitchen; frp1c. <>Mler fi BR, 2 JlA, cpts, drps, OWN YOUR OWN l BR 3 BDflM eutBide, quiet looa· Ir: kllcben. new w/W carpet,, l!:J SHOPS Machlnlsts tool cbestl, new. will fina~. 67".>-2643. tpL Xlnt cond. fi'~ -yr old. i~ '2Jock -..m Vi" I" .. Hu....,·s lion, SlfO. JnOnth. Children dtapes, private patio, closed 111 ~ A~ •• H.B Nr. Newport Pitt Scales, .. ~ptheeis. b o l • 5~ ~ J'!lA can be asmd. n al[ elec "nice ~A: -n'. o.k. no pets! 64U7ct $25 Wk. Up sangt. Near major aho~ (nfi) 536-1487 J!ltr. 673-0860 gauges, ....,. 1 au I e •, 81lbo1 lslmd 1355 Appr'a $25.0XI. 962-1452 p.rqe.' Reuonable. Low ......... P11rw adultl OnJ.y. No pets. r::zs BLDG. 50 " 100, tn heart ~ endbl mllllts, ::!.tr: 3BR.l~BAHOME lqunilMch 1705 maint. Owner, 494-7131 Me11V1rde 3110:iinU~~:MY. ~month. Bkr. ~~n::.~~~~ =town~~ new. ~:cam:..·~ PLUS 1 BR Apt Furn, Lquna Beach ~· Water p&id. Nlct e Maid Servb • TV avail. Moving' Feb. 2nd $1?;. mo ($141 Fum) R'l.rlle bear1np. scnws. pdptl, 1 1i : ~i~~.J.,~ DupSex11ferS1le 1975 . lBR. A~~lst. :.:-;~·=· 5fiS..t'155 2 BR. w/pr. Lfre. fncd yd. 202 ·14th. 536-1319 673-1784 Offl~ Rlnt1I 6070 :~~~4~'~!'! on. ~ Patio: water pd. 2 location.II 2 " 3 BR., 2 baths, priv. I, 'ImD' . NEW DUPLEX N-rt -h -CHA TEAU Lo POINTE 221< Piac.n11a, Ap• o lll5 patio: """"" poo1, L41AGUNA IEACH Candv Supply -' H 11 -h 1400 ••vv ms Pl""""'· Apt c Ill --r Condlt"-'I <PU! ,. l'ltll Dml ~ un ngton Dtluxe Gold Medallion Du-Lowl1 tum. 2 BR apta. on. ......_.... ON J'ORES'/ AVENUI: Excellent income ·w tew ~· . $14,250 pZex. 2.-Spacioul 3 BR. Units 3 BR. 2 Ba. UPP!f' Back •tf'!Mt ~~Hid • 636--4120 • 2 BR 2 baths, built-ins, W/W DeB ..... anO&Wt tn hrs. Meld;)' wort (dQI flt 11 $2500 move • In, no ~ w/Vlew of Ocnn I: Bay 7% Bay. Redec; cpta. drpL, pool.. AdW.ta. no peta. $150. WXURIOUS 2 BR., l~ ha., drpg. fifthly pa Int e d llft'8lt omc. ~ at ewa..l rdDlin& and. ooDeet-coats. 3 BR l% be.th.II, !enc> ~!!'If: tinandN, srnt terms bltns. $2SO Mo. May ex;. 19U POMONA AVE., C.M. all elee., cpta, dI11S. G.E. $125/mo. Mgr. 536-0378 prtme locaidon tD downtown IQI mone, from cotn ~ ed 62xllli' lot. Built.in ranee ~--17ar W. Biltx:.. Blvd. NB ·~~fi for San Diqo. 2. BR. New tum. cpta, drps. kil, patio, pine tree&: incl. . L&pna Bncb. Air cad-ated. 4"r-""•ra la a.ta ~oven. disbwuber, prbage '4H•tm * CaU 644..az&G * . Bet.m ceiling, bit.Ina, pool. pr., nr. bus. n40 Adults. S1rft1 An1 5620 doned. ~ beantttul Me.a and~ lf'IL disposal. carpets, pdra~, EMERALD BAY . OCEAN RIHNTALSF 1·•-• 2paBR.tlo lhunoA__;: ~~ ~1:; Adul~; .. ~'11!?,.l!~Sl 2BDRMm~: .. 20thlo ;.:~· ,._ VERY Clean 2 Br. 2 Ba. ~~OU'll~:.,T•• ~~~~-~ Y.'Uher, dryer. at10 SIDE HWY. An ~l"an~ MM urn-. ....._._ .. ..," ~·; '""""""" s ..... ''""'"-"'"s, Garden Apts. Prv paUo. en .. ~: ··--· • .,. ... ,. ......... ...., .... with h u I e fireplace + Shops. $200 month1¥ l.M. NE\V 1 BR. Multi only bit-ins. garqe, ~dlts, refs, FCftlf AU.. r.-r Bdl to Sll50 cub rtqUiNd. f'ar,.,. " patio furniture. Double pt-=-~ ~ oo::i ~. G.neral 2000 ~ll2 End pr. $150 rr»to-mo: m pets. S135. 1911 C Wallace Pool. Nlct! area. S46-15Z Munctp.I parldlal kit&. Q aor-1 intt~ in a.ca ' age wilh boat dOor. Pl.y· a bR. 2 BL, frpl., cpts. n» ).ldt11. 645-1251 Ave.. s-month tor .,._ DI* Mna: Send name, ~ •· 1 ~.. 1 n..a 4 bednns, formal d1nJnr rm, 1185: 2 BR., 1~ b a, ...__ Ill ·~ lo ~ ~ 2 BR ltgunl 8Hch 5105 and ..r..ar..-1-a-r..a... -• and pbone namber to: . .nvn~ e• 11-• nm • -party rm w/wet bar, .edud-townhoule. Pato, carpe11. w•PH; lllu. -au •. BEAUT. lge, 2 Br. 1* ba. unlum, cpta, drpl, ui..-. ,._ --"ROUTE DEPA.R'l'M£NT" , :ptr month lncludJ~ tun. 9s A spadoul rtlU' ptdtn a!Dve , Ywiy. ~15 N6. mM8 studio, pool. prtv."paUo. $~ ~K,tns.5wa11in...,lol~:r.. l ~~ LUXUtOO CLll'F OltlVI =-..,:. -:•!: P.O. a.. M wtth ,loloeJy-..$13<.500. --. <BR. 1 Ba. cpto, ...... ,2330SontaAno M>a3l m ~" •~· RYFIJRN!\J)IFUllll -Amhllm,Qdll.-. • .. .... Nr. -. club, WELL furn 2 bdrm .... oil 962-3055 Ye""' 1.we. l l 2 lldnno. All~ ... -™. 'mVINE OOVE. An udiltoc. -·II .. Shore 2005 -lennts. m.1134 """" ...... $145. w ..... " 21161 MENDOZA: l Br. 2 '""' .. -.· • .... " DAiLT PllDr ...... D_ !·~~~~~~'!""' t11n1 t11wnp1>! °"""'tic N_.. •o....~ ...,. au pd. -,. 50-3319 Bl unfUm. -apt Oceanvlew from....,...._ m P'ORllT A'VD!W JIT AC1"""IOM.,.. I' MEADOWS HOMI OMJmnporu]> -w 11 h WORKING &Ir! ., lhatt -..-, --• ..., * 1 BR. POOL. * I Yl'I. 1eue l1'0 Mo. from llSO mo up. 1ouo l.IGIJlfA llSAQf B4outlllll , .. ,..i ....-. t 8eautif'U1 4 bedroom, 2* •c.11.1* flaYOr • .Eltra blab turn. Unltwmty Park Home 3 BDRM. 2 8&.. dapkt. Multi only. $11£ mo 540-24!0 or at M&T· Apt.A. aue ...... • W1iMn. 11.,..._ •a, •• llO• ·-~•-...,. home on -u..upout. ndloJlt wllh """· Doya, !l46--0923. 81,_ ---· y~.. ru 11th Pla<e, c.M. I Bbl\11, •I• ....._ -REAL ISTATI * d Ofll -· Sll,«111 11'· -...., UUJ....,-heat ewn 1n paUo, marb&e ntnlricl SS$--15n. ...., -•Y· aJI flee Prfvat tio Generll Molrl C" Inc. 11nd out bow-.., a II Jar&e comtr. Bullt·lnt car-floor t!ntry, dinirw rm for 12. S'PRAIGHT Yourc man 24-32 214 ffllbla~·-Open sun. U-5 iii.~ VERY nltt 'kdltior chil~~ or :et: Su': SIJ\':le or Mdtta. Alr ~· to OWi\! =ot~~e=e = leak c1.blntr. In ldtchen, Jootrtnr for amt to share _:~: { ) 4&432) apt. 132 .~ C.M ~ • . Rentals Wanted ; 5990 tUonina. Olrtdfw, l!lfmltNI co1 .. o.Mat1c ' '21t9JWOOOWARO !:n.. ~:3~~ tiome~~~~·· llck &.y 3240 ..__ .. .._ 8~~~apt~ WANTED: 4 bedroo111.ot 3 ~:~i;~.~~;'tar =:rw~~ REAL ESTATE ap. bet.ullflll vltwl ol WILL Share rny 2 BR. 2 3 BR. fencf!d yard. water , ........ .,..n INch -wuu Camino Dr, M6-0Ul !! wl~I-= a.ti':! SN! 1t1w~\W f'\11\clt10fl • 714:,,..1!33 Adami! ~ Bcb '-ch • surf . $16S.Cn>. ~ apt with ~ Jir:I paid. lmmed. occ. Otlldml 1 BRDM. on C&lllJ; $125 2 DORM. pvt patio, apt•. afltr ~ PM or bdiin I .: .(iJOa'ATX ~ for pm- 911243<1 TURNIR ASSOCIATES ,.. .-., N.B. ....,, OK. 11!0. MS-21)1 )'<Ir. !ht l ~· dll>'. 11"1. 725-A Wm 1'th PM. -wl -• OttM:oo wilt"I• f1i ~ dllot ... • IOlel. Now ploltic t~"1!!!"'!"!l~!!!~~'!!"I •~~.!":.Un ~ DAILY P1iJ1i D!iii"Ao paid. Adu!"-Sl 67>-tm or..,.._ ELDERLY '•""-• tf. -~ MMltll, lll!Jfll, """"": -w-. BR. 1 80. Onto. 0~% --" GIRLS wanlld •ban "'•cl> LllQ:ll.' Yoa -- -LOOKING ... a.._, Fn1m 2 BR, ...... apt. tpl, opta, llcltn<>' ~· -~•i."1!11. l'!Ml!!I l!ol -"' ioY. "' • Int. Cpts, --Patio, THE QllICICEll !OU CW. op• I -I ba, kl'&• ... !Ill~ a 411• 11111 110 -kly; ~ drpo, bltns. pat;., pool. renl a.... -or ..... '""" 111! ,;£,;,;;,;lllllu;...,,,..,~~--1 '-.OlrMr.'•21l2 TllE.'QIJICICEll!OO •btautll!.IJ'r.l..""'5 -960-tae Adlts.no.,11.11ts.-Ano.13>-1'111 · !!I~ QI!~ ii6dll'ri4i>'IM1 ' e . . , -• l / .DAILY PILOT ~ CLASSIFIED INDEX fw Paet ,._,,b .. lqwt ANW... DIAL DJRECJ' "2-S87a • • • • ~-1 rlllnWJ..f, lM OAA.'fi IUSINISS •nl IUSINESS •"' SEllVICI DllllCTORY ..... L '°"" a -..o FINANCIAL FINANCIAL •·'-"""' , ••• _,_ .. , -,,... w-. Lldy ,. Ht1:::i:.==-=:..:. I•••~ 6300 luo..Opp•"."'!'""' 6300 EXPERIENCED bobyaltbu YOUNG -· -t • 1 ... --~ --'""·-·-OWN A PROFITAILE IUSINISS or·"""' lhllt. W-A iou-torllle- RUN IT•IN YOUR SPARE TIME ~.C.M.lU -l!MO, 6 bll>YJIW..· Wrile D<llJI OU _._.,.,, Pilot Ball: M SJ.2. • J.C.-~ --Newpcr\Beodl ~ CAN IARN $780.00 A MONTH Olt •LOVING care for -DUTCH ,...,. wa-nlt lla&lullttm. .... . .. ·IN JUST A FEW HOURS EVERY •l(YEE~ .~. G1mos atorle• .,,_ ... ,,_ii~•" a -, for , :r•w. ....... n ··: .. ::. lf your 9 to 5 job puts a ceiling. on ~ earn-.alb 1'm. Matve ''MaCblr · ii~~ -a ,, * 1 HOUSIS FOR SALE ::~~ ... ··:;::::::::::::::::: 11MH1~:fa't"1IJfTAL7.::!!::: ings and Um.ill your abWUef. bt!re ·s. an ·op.. Nuneryv SCb Exp ... dl1 boy. M6Qlt * IUFPlltS ·* MllA 0•L MAR .............. 11• t.DT1 ..... ~ ..................... •1• ~rtunitj. tailor made for you. , .._ m:lt. 5tM1G o·-;::c - -beent;IOOC!Mftll Ol9" llA•s.l V•ao• .... _ ... , •• ., ,.1111 llANCMll , .............. , .... , •• 1. ,,,._......,. &-.:r toLuo• , ................ .111• ~n1tus "ova ............. •tri e tte ooklnf for distributors to 'f.t~nl 'IAB'ISI'ITlNC. Ji1Y bcme; cteudDI. 1 -. • dl:r· SL25 iet....e In •0 obalH :::=:~ :::::n·::::::::::::. ~::a=~s•ii·::::::::::::::-NatiOnal Pina Company, lhe targiat, ,mtld: ~.±, m1v3A!!'. old •• o' • -~·-hr 9rtQ111 3 old '°' f.erred.O>mpe:\attve f.~f>s'W.1s·:::::::::::l:::. ===~~=-•n·::::::= successful ·and fastest, growing compiny of 548:ml......,.; -...~ CM Whechty1 want? ~. Got? 1 ~ yr · "· ~ ""'rill~ OAYCHST .................... sm -•• STAYO ,. ........... -Its kind SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR EXP Pree Good t lncludfJw ,..Ut • uYIHOltll ................... 1ns •uMTa1tt a HAIT ........ e11 • • BABYSl'ITER-Reliable 4'X NATURAL "ftRN SWAPPERS ' • Dllr'll!. rf . J oov11 sKoa•s ............... 1121 1u•ow1110tt LMD .......... G11 Nothing to sell. Service company secured ac--• • . . ov U6S hr. Desiru pennment ~YIN P'f!RSON WlllTC.LIP~ .................. J• tlML 111T•TW :UVICI .,,,,,.... ta, 0 tim mi .. i_ f perienoed. W~ Ap $peclfl ..... lJ t. SQ..2812 ' UK~:::..~!?~~~.::::::.: .. :· ~ -=:.-:~.::::::::::::;:.. mneo to ;:.360 ·w. ;;;;;:·:v:=n-0, :a: 10 4 ~ .,__ s Linet -·s tlmea:-5 bvcka po.. ve_w -Moo . hi 10 azn,fl>) 'l ••YIN• ...................... ,,. BUSINESS and • ·' • ' 1tULl!S -NJ »UfT tH(i..uOE • Oometflc HelD 7035 armlrv I r.J~~l11··:::::::::::::::::::= FINANCIAL mlterchandisinftb·and IUPJ>C!~_materiaL CHllJ) a.re, R1¥ bclme. El• t-Wlllt VOit fWWI .. ,,... 1-Wlllt ,.., ........ .,.tr.... s;. J c raw1E1 1( utv11t• T11uc1 ... : ..... ,.,, .. .,, ...... ..,..TWn••• _ you are at e crossroauo<OfJl'ur·career Derienced Luhehea turnlSbo a-Y~I ~=::r:.:-L•---:!u'--",1"*1111119. Ceorp·AU11nByludltfll'IJ::1 • ' ' co•ottA DIL MAI ........... 1• ..,. .... WAftTID .... and ·-1-wng for. ~noy m -... ·~ .N. ........ l!OlO...-t:::..-..__ l -> I •ALMA PIKIMIULA ......... 1• • ..., • .,...,. ................ "'. _., UU&I ...... • ng oppor-',,... ewport Hfll. fl. ..PHONE .. 2..5671 '""'"'...,,._. Pa)'I .--24 fa1hten •l•rw1 't • •uc.oN MY ...... \ .......... 1• •""lhT•••T wAWTU ~ ••• ::·.-, tunity, inven•..-ate bow you· can fun your own 16dlool-5tl4llM& • To Pl1 .. · Your Tr·•or'• p1-•111 Ad ~ E. lStb, SA 5CT-0395 An -.• '•1 :...--... ;-. · UY ISLAMOI ................. 1. MOMn' TO 1.9.\N ,.-~· ... b••••• . ...... , -..--~-..,......._ .. '#. LIDO ISLI ..................... 1111 PltoliSAL. LOAttl .::::::::::· "'""ess 1D rour spare time. Write Today. ln· • BABYSI'ITING in . )'OUI'• • '. ~ li\fe.inl. CbetTflll ,m}iloytr tti:,.~:.~A::N.°UCN''.'.::::::i: =.::.~~ .......... : elude name. addrell and telephone number. boo. c.M:. bf the 1't'ffk. ~VE 6+ acru nr earou.. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2~·ba. Pennwnt. Dptrienced =c~':~:.t'C::O~~ .. :::::~: =:m'fm:tt=~:::::: Complete. descriptive mat~ wW ·follow. You fumiab the trans. Id Thtr, ecm., at $1.SO fll· 1 Beaut, appt'd. Priv. pattu. hi-l>.st ~ MU1GI JA_ NITOR, '. , \,• Sl!AL •••CM ................. 1 .. -MOttn WMTllD ........ :;::... NA. TIONAL Pl-£ COMPANY 60-140'7 ft., clear zoned tor ltl apta. pool, dole. to bay, Val. 1uNs1T 1ucH ............... t• ANNOUNCEME.NTS · .,_.., BABYSITJ'ING _..... ~-Want income prop, Brokeri S32;ooo. low dn, ot T.D., ~ Min' 7100 GAIOl!N OIOVI .............. "7f 1040, . 7 "bert~ ......, .... II ... Mr 1-.. 646-96Cl. Car or 1 Owner·--'"",;;;;;;;.;;:;:.;;o;;;:;:._~""''I I.ON• •UCM .................. 1• . ihct NOTICES . ..... y days. .Jlnf carer Aaes 1% , ... ..., . ....._... .-" ~=~oUiiri'::::;::::::::~:: POUND CfNI MO ........... ... Box 69 tO 4. lfr wliiU: '.Front CM. BOAT Wanted. Have equity Piirn Desert Owi. turn. ~!0~ J.._ OUT 011 COUNTY ............. 1• LOIT . , , · ...... · ............... .-1 SL i()uis Missouri 63132. 545--0973 in Pua. apt& of $16,000 & ~aut grounds. healed pooC _...,,._ .. , "-m•~ ~~ ouTo~sTaT1 ................ 1• P••SOtt•L• ....................... A .. Cod' 31,.001100 $%1000 Reallsticprice ad 30M de'""'• ~. -._,..., ..-ui-STANTOM ................... ; .. I'll Aft"OUllCIMINT1 .............. ,. l'Me&i, e ........w• OIILQ· cart' in my home, • • .i~ .~ . '' tra .c;Wll. equity :for Prtu Optr TUrret ~th! l'llTMIKSTEll .. : ............. 1"' •••TKS .......................... \! ASK FOR MR: JAY ... ~. New· .... ort area, .p.,....,...,. at land vaL good lot or Jots in Laguna Grind-.:......._ ... __ can' MIOWAY CITY ................ ,l&lf •vw•llAU .................... tnt ~-.... ~ r · Spendable: 615-6901 eves. • ...... i:oAu-....... - IXPIRllNCED' . ' . ~ &celllnt"lmpl.,a "Blntfltt $ANTA ANA .................... 1 .. PAID o•lfUAIY .................. 1Ielghts area. 642,..83(JB area. Details call &2349 Phil. ~1196 IAMTA .,.. MOTS ............. 1 .. l'U•l!IAL DlllCTOll ......... 14 heel APPLY ouKo• ...................... 1m irLO•isn ................. ., .... 11 a·•SINE"• nd A~~'NCEMENTS CHILD care, my home vie Havebearw .iignment Oear R-2 Dana Po i nt ARGUS AGENCIES TUSTIN ........................ 1 ... U.:D 011 TMA"IC' .............. " yv -I nnvw --...i."uratJY kto H 8 machine, Uke new. Co.st View lot. Trade•-•--e 1869 c N ............... Blvd c JI P rsonnel Office tto•TM TUSTIN ............... lMS IN M•MOl:IAM ................ ..,, FINANCIAL ft NOTICES ..... ,........, or wn · ' ~~. Will trade for dn IUI u.a.viu .., .. _., " ' ' • AKA.N•IM ...................... 1 .. c1Mne1tY LOTS ............... 11 , Days/eve 962-8452 ......,... property. Corona del Mar . "-n.aamr Tr•I-Third Floor SILVl!•AOO CANYO" ......... 1us C1M1T1aY c•vPTt .......... ..,, · , nvmt on fueorne .property N ~··-~ lie B dw ' u.outt11 H1Lu ................ 1111 c1Mn••Y caYm _ .•. 7. .. .n-• IUi. Opportunltlet 6300 found (FNt Adt)1 6400 BABY&"TI'ING,· m,y home ~,,-ewport Be~ Mesa. Have clients who Will train J fA.ll If, 1': LAGUNA •••CK ....... r .. ····'* CllMATOal•t .................. . Balboa llland.. l 2 ->.•~-or ? ~2044 ' Corbin-Martin 675-lii62 .... -_,__._ .. -..I& 1n---LA.UNA N•GIJliL ............ 1nr MIMOllAL PAllCI ........... "421 FOUND Y-"-··· :.. ' or <.:UU.U-u ....... ..,.. ~ _._ 6 ur · f I SAN· CLEMENTI! ...... ,J ..... :1111 -'UC'TIOttS .,_ ... .,................ : ~ • white, plet. Mon-Fri. 61'3-S!m Trade 17 rt Performer out· Ocean view, 2 ac~ 11Jn. ance. Im. ~tory. ~ NEWPORT BEACJt ~=::¥::N~·~·:~:~.:::::·:~; ~~~T~r .~.~~~~.~ .. :::::::::·.: WORKING PARTNER I =.. e&!:._~_lc. Babr ..... ~ !WIYsrmNG' lQ,)' bome boaN, (fiberalaa)'for full proved M·l ·ZOtle incl. ap-Call Mr ADdmlon. .. .,.,. 41 Courts of FashfM . oattA po1KT .................. 1.,. A11 TUM1P011'.AT10N .......... • ·,,_w.. Mea. ........ ~ -'A•-.. 3 • or part ~ent on ctfpet. $20. 000 ' ARGUS AGENCIES '~ u.•UIAD ..................... 114' ·~ TltANSl'OlTATION ........ Active with SIS.OOO cub, to after• 6 p.m. '= wRnda. • ....,-.., ve yr old drapes, llridlcapinc, 'feno.. prox. , nursery •tnv. FASHION ISLAND 1 OCIANSIDI ................... 15 LI AL lllOTIC•I ..................... ...w _ .. _:_ 1:•1:: ·~· ctauatrter.c.M..ana.549.2l;58 , ...... -!t .. --A .. 7pm Value $6.5,000: for localtiD-1869 c Newpcrt Blvd., C.M. a.i--...rt lelch~ .I. IAN Oll!GD ,, .................. 1 elltM.llt a TUTO•lllO ... .,..,. ......... pate in large it;1WUL1 ~ .... V'M-...:IV .. • 646-·-"'I"" ' ::u~~~·'?~ ~~u:0~1ii':::::·:~,. ~~;~ DIRECTOllJ... ol*&donCal.beinc ettablJshed ... L 6401 .n~~ dayo! ~· r~ '58 Mereury Wl.gon come.· 1615, 675-I8!18 eve. Hetn: Wlnted,tMln ,_ An FAJUa! ~ c.0NDOMIH1UM ................ 1• AtillWt•Jtt•siilVQ"""" -in So. Prior experience ~ ·-~ . l "~ ctn yn. -Clean, tor yard work, HAVE: 120 Ac. clear in :.C: Employer ~i~;1rso:os:~Lii': ... ::::: =n~o:·.~~·.~~-·-~~::: =~ ~':s~ trainW: , . AU rr$y mate cat ·Llc. Hrtt-t~·Baker. 5tli-I539 ~~U:.:' ~bo!3°!:ar !~· ~~ .. -HELiWAtmD HoulH Furnished ~~.l*:r~:~::~~~:~ .; $3XI Wk.x~lYr: lnconle •. ~'.home l/2T vie. 1Jth lrlck.Mnonry,etc. Call eve~ Sprinas. home ot lncune. * BROlllR (OOI LARGE ro .. EXP ' • OEKl!•AL ...................... llOAT MA•n•••NC• .......... lhou14 e ,eed '3(1,(0). Reward'..__. 6560 2 San Oemente lota zoned Matchem R.eall)r -646-4837 IN ANAHEIM RliKTALS TO IKAll ......... 11M ••KK, MAIOtt•.Y· tic. ........... 827+5.TI't (11).5 PM) ' Qlil'Vlll'I J..... _ "": COSTA Maia .................. 11• 1us1N1ss s1avte11 ........ ..., BLK male (short 'BUILD, ·RemOdel, Repair lor 1 units· Trade for ?:lew· TRADE my ~· home in · EXPERIENCE NOW HIRING :~~: e:~o~l~I ......... : .... it~ ~=' .m ............... .mt •• • •. bair)', no nf.'\,~. 1113~ ~block._ concrete. port/Cos~ Mesa, lncol'?e/ smog free Yucaipa for Pm-PREFERRED I PERMANENT WORK.' NQ C.OLLIGll! PAllC .............. ins CUl"l!TtMKIN• ............... IEAun" SALON w Balboa Blvd NB, 1/29. •crprltry, DO Job tao lmall. Commercial. $24,500eqw.ty. l1ar in beach are,a. Value .FUU. TIME 'EVENINGS ' J:XP, NEC. IN · so.11'.f! =~:i.g:~ :::f." .. ::::::::::::mf ~1.f.'=-.............. = Establlahed, 6 Units, finest m.aroo · Lie Omtr. 9fi2..«M5 Propertie• W'*t 6'J5.4130. $50,<Xlq: eq $2t;OOO. Trade D'EPI'S. AS , WE· m,vt~· KEw,o•T 1H01t11 ........... 2:n1 ~MILD 1. u • ..;.;,r:;::::::,611 Lagw.. location. Beat equi~ a--FOUR UNITS ; Anaheim.. up or dn. (1) 'r.i'r-943Z APPLY IN PEDC."nN TRAlNING PROGRAM> •AYIMOlltES .................. Ult s ... ' _ ... vi ... """ ... _.&. Sil.VER Ulal'ln Bracelet. ,.A _..__. 6590 -I • ..., YOUNG ·-•• ~ OOVER SMOll!S ............... mr., CA!tP 'CLUttiiiie··:::::::::: ... ·m..,. ... -· -·=e· Vic HD or CM G e:l _,,." ...... "' • .3 bedrooim: 2 bath s • DON'T JUST WISH for 'IO MGR. s-ro 5 P.M. m=~ -· ~ WESTCLIF~ ........ "!!"""'.DW CAltl'IT LAYINGI • 1•PAI•..,. 4M-9912 Eves. 494-8£19 . • • · • , re TRADE•--•··ta '"e.a or somo•••·· to •-•-• _,, TOP WAGES 1• UKIVlltSITY PA•K ....... ,. .. Im DttAP•RllS .................. .al -Sentimental val, ·Reward! UK ~ M .,..,,., lllllllllU v~ , ••V•N• ........................ nal DllMOLIT10N .................. Ma 847-15J3 ' CARPINTRY . Be a.c h-Umts or house home .•• ;find ll'ftt buys nalDbl· l 'tt PROFIT SHARING :PL•H UST •LUFll .... ' .•.••.....••. ,. OMPTIMO lllVICIE .......... .m Local • ORANGE JUUUS. U6 ooo-·u .. Ownr &K-0547 in ........ ,.. ~--""eel Ad• llWDUI.. LU; FOR QUALIF¢1>~• !. ••VIHI T111Ac• ........... nu: ~L ...................... ,,, _ __,.,. _,. Al SIAMESE Male • .<o.-.J• MINOR REP"n."" No ,•ob • ...,. ... ...,. u.iu ~ .. • START W " co•OflA• DIL MAI ........... = IMUIPMINT ••NT•U ....... Mii .:BCnllce --• 0 . .ca.. ~ .....-,,, San <le nt Income :t N • . ' ' l 1•1 tAL•o• !! ....................... _. 11nc1No ...................... Ma delicateaen $14,500. 1CALL Point, Vic. Belhnrer Dr, Too Small, Cabinet ln pr-stores. ~lo~ 2 offices 2 · Beautiful "' Furniture, nt:MNlllEElm IMMEDIATEl.\;Y: ~~°V° .~C.ttiii·::.::::::::::::::: .. ~~i:c.r·iii:'i'Aitti:·wk."'"':; AL BLAa< s.o..mt Copen H.B. Rrward. So.3628 .-•· otb1r cabinets. <OOeb, loveseat, co11ee • .JluutftllKl.Ul CAtL roli APPO~· ' IAL•oa ISLAND ............... PVaNITUll! ••ITOllH ..... eves) Hertti.p Real Estate REWARD. 14 vr old .i-545-11'15. it no answef leave Apts-" Will take TO!s or end ta~e.s, lamps, twin aim 1 ; ~ J::A,T MON 1-Ttmsr1" EAST ILUFP .................. no aani11t11Mt"• '°' J• ........ • t 646.2372. a: 0 smaller property. Make off.. beds, Stereo. WW trade tor 1 SI 1.-COllf Hfthw1y , r · " ·· . ' IAC.K •AY ..................... !Ml MIOIMIMGI ................. WANTED: Ott.sale liquor male.cat, north end 1AIUna '~2-'. ....... . ... """" am·" ~"--. ~ .... Newport -PR. _.4-~53 SACK •AY .................. n.11, ...... L .. IVIC•I ... _ ,, __ ._ n...-,._,_..,, Be ch. •11.1 _,,.. ~n1U11 el'. \AIU •~ <UI. l.l•DO:a" ..._..,.. KUNTINOTON SEAClt ......... 141t ......... -~ "" ...,. .. ,., ....uu1>..,-! 8 """"'"""" l'OUKTAIK VALLl'I' .,., .. ,. .. ~1f etV!DlltG, OllCINO ........... ..U ........ .,.,. .. .,.. ·===~,...;,~-~-. , • t~~~ ~~~~ ................ ·= :w: .. 'TNU~i":::::::::;::::::: ....... ~ ~ c•lllln .. ld act Vista Shop. QUALITY Repairs -Altera-* ' * * * . * .. '-* -/!( TO'! EARNINGS * EXPEfttENCED' ~::::~ .. c:~~~:::::::::::::::: :tL~LlilJ '::::::::::::::·:r,: lnv•tn .. t Oppor. 63lO ~~n r, .M. Reward. lions -New conat. by hour SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICI DIRECTORC •·ttt. COOKS •• ' T"INSTI• Ull KAULINO .... , ................. •nt Ol' Contract, 646-3442 'f -• ... ................ HOUPCLJAM•,.. •ru SM blld bik 1~" ) / ' MIDWAY c.1TY ................. :u1' 11fTI11tN>a o•c.oaAT'iN9"'"'.m HAWAII c e "-:J t w REPAIRS ... -R -· · t 'ti · C••,~,','tLKA H110KT1 ........ =: •NCOMI TAX ............. :::::.1• Kallua·Kona. ·at White Sandi tm'r whls. Gold-wht teat. • ~TERATIONS Gardening 6610 fronlnt 6755 ep. --n11 Ye. DISHW ASHEISI t:i~:: ~¥:$:~::::::::::::::= :::Hc~~'..~~.::::::::mf .Bea~ Approx 6 acres _sm reward. 641H>496CM .CABINETS. An'/ size job. AL'S Gardening s e ~ v 1 c. e Optnlnt' for •naive <NIGllts) 1 IAN CLIMINTE .::::::::::::.2nt INIULATIH ..................• 1 .. W/accets to beach, .fully 25 yrs. exper. ~ Lawn· maJn•--_--..... ~.._ lronin&' •. al~tlona min wtth IXC9lleftt fu-Will train .-.I worket .,.,. ,uaM CAP1STuKo ...... mt :=~~r.C...~1g;· Deiiidf"i ''.::!: Improved, all utilities:. Pfin. Perwn1l1 6405 MASI'ER carpenter, $4 per ~ 5............ Free pidoo> &: dell"'ry tura .ia aclv1nC.ment willlnC ~"";,arn. 1 1 CAPISTllt.ANO •• ,,, ..... -.... 21JI )AltfTOllAL : ............ ,.,..,,.. d-1· only for Umned iale .hour. Remodeling. Repairs. ing It: clean ups. 646-3629 60«!69, 540--0075 poulbtlltle1. c oAtta 1"01NT .................. ,.,. JIWIL•Y ••PAI•, •ic. ......... t--• • LICENSED ~or 536-3900 Five rown1 ~ 1t1v1E1s1oa couNTY ........ -LANPSCAPIN• '"' contact Mr: Selenien, 'l1fE Sp "·-• -~· -•I •--·1-·•-· . Rut1ur1nt ' ! I VACATION •l!MTALI ......... JM ................ . iriuu11 _h .. i,._ auvtCI _,. VUW6 suMME• 1t1NTAu ......... n11 uic1t1M1TN ...... : ............... BLACKBURN COMPANY, ._.,..., A·l , -l.aftdsc:1pl"I 6110 Must a. "°"' E •--~ ff ... -MAIDNl,Y, ••ic:K ........... ·"" ,.___ U.CL.l'l')'l'1 alt o; ....... :n ma•-lllO s. El ~·-IJy _._ r __... • ............. ..... . CONOOMIN1u ...................... 11 MOVIN• a ST01tA•I ............ vw...,l'll; ~ or .., ..... '::.1:!: n-;~.;:.M 1"1-A-te. -.....,n , any ,._ job! BEATING • Air CDnd. Se.rv. i-N@at I: willina to wark -# DUPLIXES "UIN. ............ 29'1 PAINTINO, '11M1t•••r1 .......... 833--1358 __........, no;'-Qllll ~· Call -Oordon 841~45 -1.. a1-> ~PRINKLERS For tn•-..1-... a-·----t ' Corona del Mar . : 1 RENTALS PAlffT ... ,Si.t .............. ,.., 492-8136. 10 AM·lO'PM It; .... _..., , Washer &: Sod ..,. ..... .,." • .,,....uauucu ~ ' · Housu Unfurnished =~PHY"'.'.::::::":::::: RMI Estih LNM ~ PACIFJC S~{e11: ~ ~ .Cement,· Cone ..... 66oo' ~~rm ~·1J:si hr .erv. &: !:°":'.~Ii :--t1 Call 'fb.f3l11M -_______ .._,,., ' ENEIAL · ····· ................... .Pf.AST••,..., .,..... ....,. .... · · ... ' ' can meet aiilgl aaWts .... · ~ -FULL TIME .l cosT• "'''" .................. J1• PLUNtN• ....................... HOM'E LOANS ,,.,._ ~· ..... e., .. ""'·~. ••• * roN-~-~·.· ... _ .. _. 11AiJiiNG. Cleanup.garages, COMMERCIAL• ftlidential or 646-7300 ,t, Ml!5A OEL MAI .............. )! .. ~· POOMI"• .......... -. """"' ........... -.i:.y.,--~.-.r.. ww.o _,._ Gardei\ina &: ... ~-.. 1-1------=--COOK I" MISA v111to• .•..•..•......•. JJ1t POOL1••v1c• ............. ··• MONEY AVAILABLE w~· _;.: .. ~_ . ~~Concrete ta ...... 1 ~..!' ~~~~ eit. Jim _,___.., 1' -COLLl!Gll PAIK ............ ,Jiii ""'9RIWISl'llM-........... "1•~ ----·-"'O . ..."'""! =,.... Ol.ITII-,.,_.,_.. ~~~~-~~-~-~~=='-'I Joi CoJ'ral962-416f l N NIWPOIT •IACH ............ me PUMP s•aYICI ......... .,,.,;.,.Call !«' details on todaY'I SINGLES .. couor.li'.<: New .. ....._ ......-uoa ... • 511-63110' I E NllWl'OlltT HGKTI ............. n11 •OOPIH ......................... tel for lJt a: 2Dd TOI. ~ . -~~ PA-M• • ' ttEWl"OIT SKO•l!I .......... me ltADH). ........ •tc. .......... me ra in area' Lonei¥1' 0 u r -...u.,...v,. ,.,.._.. Maull-t730 EXPERIENCED tAYSKo•Es .................. ms IEMOOELIMG • REP••• · ""° Servinr Orange ~ for bu.inees •. leutll'\! ,'concrete •wln& &·removal ··• Pll':irh1n1lnt ECH oovi• sHOll!S ............... no 11MOD•L11to, ic1Tc.N11t1· ....... 18 15 yourl p • p ti' •HQ M ANIC Wl!.5KLIFF .................. Dll ICISIOll llKAIPIN ...... ,.,.ml years. Call 636-0361 D:Mi·.. State lJc •• 842.lOll} TRIM. ~. trees. Gen. • n "' -UNIVl•S•TY 'A•K ........... ltD '•Witt• ..................... , .... Sattler Mortgage co. Inc. ....,.....,.,.. .... -· no ~· too c!<.....p, name It! I b&Ul, -==o..... ___ ..:;:;:;;1 ' •v1Mli .................... '231 1swtt1•MACN1"1•1PAIUMC1 3J6E l?thSt •selective Slnglese ~11::.n.-.., __. VINYL, wall ooverl ni IRVIKI Tllll.ACI ............ 'U41 llPTIC TAftKf. ._.. •tc. .. "'5 • • What ... _ of .......... "'"' .small, reasonabl!o. Free reuanable. 642--4030 • ' # CO•OMA DEL MAI ....... ., .. ml TAILO•llM .................... #11 6G-21n S4S-06l1 VII"' com_....,. U'I apetj.alist • kit. &: bathL GM e--t-nce necea11Y ," "oco's 10 , tAL1oa ........................ T1111A1T• c0ft11lot. ........... .m Eves. Vra.'1865 642-ll51 )'Oii tieekibg? Call estim. H. Stutlick. St&-8615 CLEAN Iot&--garages etc, M :terW 4 labor Est "~.... ' ,s ~~J'o •,sst~N~.~.::::::::::::::::·: ~.ti: f=. a·--·:::::::= . ·6C476~Noon •to·I PM e BEST JN CONCR.iTE tree remov, dump aklp 184;·1658 ·• " ' 'Apply: AL'-"N ... , . \ ~'"' I ULIOA 1sLAND .............. ms TIU 11•Y1CI ... -. .......... "" 6S4S I Am no 1oftcer responsible Walles, pool.decks. noon, backhoe,~ grade. 96~45' e INT -: EXTr ANY SIZE . Wii 1 ,2131 ~'""~ N.S. ==~T,o'f.El~Actr :::::::::= ~:.:rn.':v 1~ .. ~.::::Mortg•1•1.'T.D.'1 for any <ttbtl ~~· thaa Patklll. Phone 6f2.1514 Ll'I'EliaultJw&:deanup •. j olitXInt work, ft'fa, bft . ~ AvtoMtchlnlc 1. " ARflly between l A 4 P.M•·, KUKT1KeTo" Ma11oua _,,.Mii w1LD1tto ......................... my own. Oiarie• Kelly · Reuonable .. Any area. 'est. JIM. 642-4669 6*374& 1l!IO So. Cout HipWay au., Toyota abop in Hunt. I ---l~,u..,!!!'::_"C~·LLIY ....... ,1411 .Ml ' s--· N~ wOrk, all types. .. .... .....,, ' . " • • ~-b * _,, ..... .. __ .. ..... Im ......... ~ ~~' 'k. ····••·•••··•••••· JO• WANTID.,... "'VV •• nn.unr 'CS •~•• . uem Ii CUlfiim: can· ..,___, ~ _._ -.:.it -· .... GAIOIN CIRC>va: .............. 14:rs JO• WAltTIO: ............ ,_ .. -.Ind TD at $20 mo. ind -..........-........ ' --UGHT llAUUNG AP~ 'HANGING:----• Wilt-tNJa....nM -' ·I Lofllo 11!acK ................ ·"" JO• WANTED ·1~··.. ~ · Phone ea.mt or write w S.-I!a4i PAINTING · • -'th .-.1 .. __ __... _ _....... ~ OlltANGE COUNTY ............... MIN .. nMi:• -,..; '" all due in 3 )lal'8 on. __ _.__ ' -54•5490 ... • ........ uuu-...:: ~ SANTA AHA .... , ............... :NI• DOMISTIC H•LP::::::::::::::-Ocean View Jot • Lquna P.O. Box l223 UISUI Me& ciill:i1r.::----:wiiil =====~::::==== 675-3M3 e1ICe for A -"-I. ~ WEITMINITE• .......... , ..... Jl;li Aca•"CIU. Mm h• . 'Ch Id -,,. ~··--MIDWAY CITY ................. :u1• M•LP WAlfT•D •.••• -..... 719 Beach. Call Owner I AM .no lotl&ft' rnpom1ble I -.IN 6610 6735 VET'S Bonded Pa In ting. • CAREER monthly iuuantee. paid SAKT• """ HE•OMTs ......... JUI •••teiis. ~ .. ::::::;;:·.,. «91-1210 tor any ~bts Other than 1---·------Houteelunfnt . Free e1t. lie, ins. Small ~ paid tnluranol, paid COASTAL .................... 1111 N•LP WAMT•D .... ,.. o.-~-. ClllLD horn M OP-RTUNITYI LAGUNA IUCM .............. JN '°'................ ""'.'-my own._ WIQ Ferrington care my e.. e• jobt welcome. &0-0427 rv • ,wacatkm, 5 d1¥ week. C&D LAGUNA NIGUIL ............. snr •••"CIU...... ............ Verde area. weekly. * APT. CLEANING.* p .... ....1..... lAft 84'7-8555 -SAN CLIMINT• .............. ml ICHOOU·A INITIUCTIOll .... ,.. Annourte1tn1nts 6410 reuonable tes 5t6-9956 Fast&: thornugh Gf2..$164 aper .......... 45 years Joi todays futelt arowtna-F. ... ,,,.iO.C..;;;;~'Ulrn~I ~:;:~~:::: iEiCH·::::::::::,7: •• P••••a.&Y"* .•..... ::::,..Money Wanted 6350 ra • • WILLIAMS aeantng Serv. experience. Call Fredi' n STUCCO WIRE MEN . oAHA •otNT .................. 11• nnrATltlCAL · · ··. · .... ·· ...... "" A TIENTloN * 54M903 * profea:fco..Mllbfal ~ Alel Work in Columbul.. OMo ·a ~~~~~~~·~~ .. ·uitN.''.'.'.'.'.':: .. :m MESRACLHEAANN.DDISTERAFODRE . $30,000 EX-NAVYMEN C°""'.ton 6620 Income T. ax 6740 P AINTJNG,. brter.~ ;.o :.'::or~ IniUanapolic, Ind. PottbW suMM1:1 1tlttTAU .......... ms . tat TD on liOM c.ut. 101' int. aean out the old aea-bq REMODELINtj Additions: State Uc. • bonded. Ffte MuhMI Fund ~-wire oD b)' the roll. hrnillli RENTALF• 1-•tc1 . :¥:~r::unviii:":::::::."= 1 Year due date + pre-pay. and help ·out a sood·cawie. Uc. A 1nlured. Les Paa IT WILL PAY t'lltimatea M2--0Zll ' _J I -.--., own toW. wm P1¥ JlS. Jl!I' Apls. urn HI 011111ee ·1GUIPM1in: ......... 1111 54().(1643 or 846-0438 Give yoor old uniforml (Ott· 'eon.t. you TO TRusr . nc. : • • · ftlD. Wire over board. No GENli•AL ..................... =~ :=::::;, .......... =4 ·--._ Enlilted) .. ·~ ·-491.·18!15 « f9M1S1 tvtl· DrVRON Plasterl-'R1p1lr 6180 Npt a~ ll03 W9*Ufl &a.Im line wire or paper, ~. COSTA MISA .................. .i• 9AI IOU PMI: ..... 1... ANNOUNCEMENTS a.~•. I ...., -1'"51 ... , S.A. 1212 N. Bnldway ,Jlllton Lewin. ri• = ::M.o".l!T•~:ac'H'':::::::::::::: MOU11.ta ~··:::::::::~ __ .. NOT1~•5 . SooutJ. Need bluet, wbJ.tea,· Additiona * RemodellDC p S ...,_ • -NIWpOIT KEIOMTI .......... 0:11 u.u•• SAL• ................ -.,... ---bap. etc, &e.5789 Fred. u. Gerwick, Lie. Income Tix S.rv. !_ A1:-_Pc~ -~ .... ._.. lle:rry, Ollumbul. Oldo.: Kl!WPORT IHOllS ........... Gii PU••ITV•• AUCTICM ........ --...... omCES ...,_. "''"""' -_.. ti'"OOO PLUS REG""" WESTCLIFI' ... ' .............. 4211 A"1.4ANCll .. ,~;: ............... l'eund (FrM Adi) 6400 ·Flamenco o.nce Oallllell QfiJ"VJU * 5t9-2170 541)..6825 MA.LI LOCKU IOOM .,..,, u..-. u•1v1£1s1TY ,,,." ............ 4nf liniou11 ................ -..... 11 ·Group or a..+ Mons. 7·30 N~~RwT. s°"'EAce' ". ~ .. ~ -• • AnlNDANT CASH BONUS tor!JDUI' ~ IACK IA y ..................... a. lllWIN• MAClft"I .......... ,.1111 • ... · _.,,.,..,.. • 41) in Btacb QH-,.,..,. 11:AsY •LUF, .................. ..-MUIM:AL tfllTIUMIWT• ...... 11• FOUND .. Small dog, female, 384 Legion, Lquna Beach C Cl 8411 Westminster Bl Plumbl,. 6l90 s-....-i ... ncec1,, .full time, .a -~ -•--auln ..::::.,-~~~::: ~~L.~~.'.::::::::~:= == ~.~~.~~.:::::::::::::: looks U though just tiad Yetta 494--2861; 494-J446 lrpef Nnf"I 6625 WESI'MINSTER. 897-964! .._... _._, auun .. _ ,~a;a. ••Y isu.1o1os ................. r•t.n1110N .................... pUppjes. Reaemblell mnaD ... .-.n~ ._ --.. 1 ....... 1 ..... , PLUMll!NG " hr ll!I'\' houi'I WHlcly, Contact Dave tact customl!l'l1 Air MaO Ii. LIOO ISLE .................... !-!• • 1n110., ............... 9ll1 boxer Vi'c ---_ __. .... 4 ....-.:..• • .&' ...... ........,...., BE A Satllfied Qient with w · ' 'Cotter, GoU Pro Shop. D Crawford prq Panther IALIOA ISL.ltlD .............. T ..... ••c.aaD• ......... ' • . cwwo::.-.... for 1 day ter'Vioe A quality ark: pr. lJc., tnsur.: '56<077 ' • chemi eo' 1nc"' . KUttTlKGTott tEAC.N ........... CA11At1t.A1 • 11C1U1PMIN'f .... -Irvine, N.S. n4: 66-266'7 Funer11t 6412 work. call Harris Tax Servtoe. 9th l'I'· remodel repair rooter aev · cal ·• " Box SJ. FOUMTAIK VALLIY ............. ,. NOt•J Slll'ft.t•s ............... . Sterlinc for locally. AvaJL 1l mos. !ll7 'S31-1586· • .• No cam'Uling. Appt. only. 1'ort Worth, Texas 71101. ~ SEAL alACM ................. .Adi =-HOOS. .............. BOYS b!R, SeU'll Model. brigbtnell! 6Q..8520 R • J t W 0(. ENCY'CLOPEOTI. 0 "-""'AN . ~ott• •EACH .................... tl11C1~toMOPl1 ......... found vie. Yorktown le WESTMINSTER NO G'-'-•. -~.-~t ... :l.ftock•.~!'!-. '¥· ' PLUMBJNI! REPAIR ' ..,,... UAtl -• FINISHED I ORANOI! COUNTT ................. ,............... waa:a ~&.Ar~•.... ,,,.. """~·4';,..., "~ job Y NICA <> ;.~ ~~!r.fli~:.::::::·:·:::~:·~~~Z:~ij·:·:·<:i:'.:~'·-:::: ~~~~~ ::-~~ ~::'~at~~~ ~·.~u;n ~:=.!.·· = ~~=:sis . . ru~~-~~-~.~~~.~~.:::::::::: @'~-···:::i·L··· ... -.r.r;u.K £?male Penian. San D. Compltte funerala CleanlDI Ir expert Nwpt Blvd. H.B. Reut · timocleL, lh;tlr, 6NQ e ':!i~PnmARiiS.. ~Motor 1Jomt1 lnC., COASTAL ...................... 4111 nTS Ina ••-=-.·-Frwy rar FalrJiew oft. fnm$245 ......... ___ .__ .. ._ Call 645:0bJ for appt. ... E. WubirJstoaSt. \ LACIUNA •uCN .............. 4111 nn MttlUL ................. 1162--1.369 C ~-;, ..._. _...._ SKOUSEN TAX S~CE ~~ ,. REMODEL Pfw c 11 ' . t . LAGUNA lt19Ul!L .... j ... -••• 419 CATI ............... -.......... -ramp. emtflry.... CARPET. 1mnlCmw dean-Your bom'e, Reuonablf. ~Free EstlmlW # Santa.Ana ' Pit c.L,OM0 .•:T• ,._.......... lllOlllJ ................ 1 ........... FOUND• B::lxer ..,,P vie. •. ·from •150 1..._ 16..._ .. -~ ...... n , . .'.e;. ..ry.,...-•i; * DETENTION, -.., Bill~-~ u~ t• OANA I ,,,............... -~ ...... , .... ,........ • ..., • • .. _ .....,..,. • .. ~ ..,..... £WI NCWmaa . Mans-~ ~_.,_... ~ Okt1r ~' •--.. ui~ ,R,~E"N.:0..T""'A"L~S,..··:::::::::::: •• ::: C'ALIPOlNiA.'LMNG ~-~-~or'f: ~ ~·::=. Glroalql·c.Jpet. fO.W 'se.d D' Yaa .. .wd flllMkl~ lpute1u!d. •••11 ~ '. , irlL·ands~apiit- u htcl _.., ,,,, ................. 545-7922.' , ~----ie.-1rmlYEAfl* .-ar _..,Call --.--,.._.A 1'llols< y-Apts. nfurnl1 IWIMMI ... PODU ............ ---.__ ' A-1 STENO • • Dick. &a-rm Jnll'ellive compa.q)' • .W..· OINllt.lL ...................... PATIOI ...... : ..... ~ ..... -..... ltlt DACHSHUND Vic No tramc poblema. Ganlenl"' 66IO ,HAJlBOR SHOP'G CNTR. S'fATION Attmknt. daj pitefttlal arnblp. ~ ~~s::vi~s:.·:::::::::::::::::~: ~~~~ ... :::::::::::::::·::::: Goldenwsl HB, Call after ltllOl Beadl.,Westmfllltft' ' ANTHONY.'& ne/wkend b)' appt. 545-a Rooft"I . 6950 ~. uper .. pnt. .. UNon ·2123, Newport Blvd. c~ tt•Wf'O•T 1ucM ............ aw TRANSPORTATION 6 pm.. to IdentiLy 847-4390 531-1125 · l93-2t2l "'--....1An • ·rvlct ,, ... ~ta., 3921 &.1 Cit. Hwy, Mr. Bircb. 8 am to lO 'Ul Ml'#POIT MllGlfTS .......... sai• IOAn • YACtn'I tlll -~ .. PROFESSJONAL . . ROOFING REPAIR,. .......... • ~k days ·I HEWl'OltT SllOlll ........... mt UILaoan ....... :::::::::;:::tt11 FOUND: Girt. bicycle, vie. 6.6.L 1941 EDUCATORS ; • weSTC.LI'" .................. SUI POWS• c•u11111 .......... ,.Nn Mesa Del Mar area. Call Co-~-, ~ . 6411 V'IV" • no leak' too small! FULL • par{ lirne help YOUNG Man • tull ot JQt: UMIVSlllTY PAlllC .... ~._..m1 IPEll'P-SICt •OAT .......... ,tul . '""''"''., ._.... BUDGET LANDSCAPlNG ' TAXSERVICE *868--2.16:1* w-~ Top --~·---b'-~-IACICIAY ................ .,..,..,•OAT TIAIL••s ............. -It identify. 545-4421 • • 988!3403 . c ... w..1. ~--· ....... _ • mature, a,.,. to ·--. l!AST ILU~ll ........ ,IM •o.t.T MAllfT!MAMCI tat FOR Sale: 4 Cemetery Lots ~ • • • Plallt • • · Prepare -. for advancement with adult youth leadtn. lb I co•ONA OIL MA• ............ AM aoaT u.uMCKlttO .... :::::::;,.,.CHUBBY blk puppy with w ._,__ . MotlthJy. Maintenance PERSONAUZED, e~ p er t .. ~. ,,_ ~ -•. ' 6960 METRO CAR'W~ or· out ol -•....:.. wi-.. ' IAL•DA ............ : ...... Ptl w.•INI IOUIP ............... wht ft. Vic Yorkshire St e1u1w ... ter .Memori al "C<-Hortk:Ultnriat . _;.,os •. .. .......... .., w IAY llL.t.MDS .................... &OAT ILi,, MOOl:IN• ......... ,.,. . . ' park. Veta only, Court AJA.,, Tax llllr'V. Year round ofc.. •·Dre~·Alteratm 2950 Harbor Blvd CM. tereat in )'Ojlth ~· ~~~:.LfsU:itD"""" ..... ·: wT •••v•cEs .............. ,.., tn c .M. 613-8286 ol Honor. Near Flag A MOWING. F.dgtnc; ·Odd' Joba reu;,6464'112 1 00· ffm11· PERM. PART--TDIE COOK. c.oata. ct YMCA -...:. \"'" MUMJIMOTOM 1•Ati.f:::::1:: ..... WT llMTALS .................. PARAKEEJ' found vie. Col" .,._,_.._,_ ., • ., ,....,. and fisht moving. f llOUNTAIN VALLIY ~ Mlt MAT CKA•T•• .................. l'YUIJl&ll .. ,,,_,.., RESPONSIBLE ~me ·~ :1':6*4446 * 1IOl'.MmOlctt •• Prev\Ola -c"""~;:· ;;;;;;;;;;;;..,,;;:::±I llAL •UCN ........ :::::: ••. : ... :::~~ .:::::::::::::::: ona del Mar, Wednesday, 2 CEMETERY lots. Padfic ·5U-1955 Sttvlce. ,For app t &O-Gl4 "A111' ti -m; .... , .ltltutlonll CIPtf•l:M!lpt,1l.,)ld CUS'roDIAN 'WORK; .... ~::.~:.;;.;; ............... : wT S'l'OllM• .............. -Cati 1c identity. 548-0433 View Memorial Park. N.B. • ctn' A Edat. maint. etc. lQAM-6pM. StS-1398 Eve .r• w U't""1-not nee. can s.w...rm men~ o1 ..a...ld- u•ot• oaova ............ :.,, '°"'! .. !'}llTIO ................ FOUND J•-·-••th ---n •--t.., ~ -NB,-CMs..=.-•··. 1 1--·· INCOME ---.,.pored Neat. accurate,. 20 yrs. exp. EXP'D .. ~--.,-~-•-~.~ •. .z;:-1-:~ .ST•-• "0 ••·••••••• ..... Alltc.._, ... ··••••••••-•••··"" -1 If. ...uau ,,......,, _.......,.., "'""¥ -• ..._. _._. ~ 1 , ,,___..... ~-'# ,........ .. .................. PL.,._. UltlOfill fl m:a1it T I '~ -~ -11A1DWaYcfTY ................. 1At ---.......... ~. e r r• ~"' c &iavtel OlllCTORY IAPAN1'8£ Gard••••· 3'0'Jrbome,Jonsformcom-TILi ~---~ ,_4 tooll.Rent)'olwork.Clitt'1 ' -SAffTA AM .......... -........ -:····.......... 8'wkhunt .-... .• lblned, , ... It -.. ... -. • , .....,.....,_ ..,, .......... .,._ ... 17 ........ _ ..... ._ A---~ ~ UJITll ANA Hl .. HT1 ........ .-''"-!"-"'. ' _._ -• -~ ...UIU •-1!9¥· •I -""' .,"° __. llil -.............. ,.. FOUND -I .. 1111 6550 ~~~ S I ~ A CM -~-Plot 1 n111 ........................ _ .............. -.:-nbblt. ,,,a •-"I ~.., erv ce. LA~ e HOME SERVICE e * Veme, the Tile MM-• ve., .-.q ' LAJ}:} 1iiACM":::::::::::::::: ai .................. -Ml'I &: OOllf. V1c. IOO bl*: perknced. Reliable. &C-4389 FEPERAL 1: STATE Cutt. wotk. lftlta.ll &: repatn. nn.1. Time porta, 5 dQ'a W PER br. hU fllt ~ LA.UNA Jlll•UIL ............ mt a.n., ............. -"Jo-. C.M. ~ " H0\1R. dlOd CllN. '1 dlYI JAPANESE a ... --Prof "'",.(!jOO No job toD llmlll. P1utn ·a-::i. .. no qe limit. ,,_ tlnM. Xlnt ... -*t4.o.o.. ~ • II.Ji (LIMINT• ,,. ........... mt MllYICll a Y.Affi"?" wt. SOd' hr -chlkL 2 -............. ....., .. _ ...._ _.,_.""!"" ..,. v.N Ju11111 UPITT••NO ...... ma MftTOOLI a"'"'" ... :;:: CALICO J:atten W/Wht bootB. adult litten. {;; tbere at Ma1nt. Land~captn1 Gordon N.)Virren, PA patch. ~ 1h owe r Oesmondl, No. S Fub»J1 opportaolty tor ... °"RE"~L'°'"'ESTAT"E·········.IHI ,..,..., 1'1t.IV•L ............. Red i.e.-ooUar w/bell. -• ....,..~ AD --•· ,._ Ql'&lq). 6.11-$9151 A npair. 847Al951f8t6.(rJOI lllanO, N.8. ~t. Ct.D Mr. . ~ , •t. u-.. ............... __ •...a..,,....... B. ·-_ ..,. uu-. ,.~ 18th year. ppf. · 675-3345 at (n.f.l &Oalft •ft••-•• o.nlraf 111 ...................... .-1e.,..·.--H .......... clllded, fenced baclc)'ard YARD Cleanup . Tl'8 WANTED Olan cut eoUep · .r-,. fl:IPL•io.. t1t. •. : ................. 1•1Pt .. :·:·:"'·"··::::::::::·= MAN'! WONDERnJI. OP. ll'llil'f:rvbed ptiy, ~i lft'Vioe, '.new lawn 1, I I 6755 Up,hofltery 6990 .tudent with own .t:tJ for StltV. STA. SALESllEl'f. • NnoMllOUM .................... CAMPll ••"TAU tD1 PORTUNITIES na.. beftl or wknd chtJ.dren ~!come 1prlnklen, rototill. 646-5848 ron !!JI_ c z y KO s KI . s ..... _..._ part time evenhw: de11WT7 YOW'C men, --" na • llMTAU WANTCD , .............. OUM• IUCHUIS tin d'-eel.. . IRONING 15 -~ ~ ~ w ~.,ff ~ •OOMS'O•••NT ............... WTIDAUTOI ....................... ei-C11•1ftedAd9. 540-1810 . GUT' edae 14wn (ll)mpl c pc. Upbobtery. European --.'olW ........ wy, wk endl. M\llt -.-Lin 1frl\~!~1it ··couan··:= ~,.,~t1~l.ltliCS '::::::::::i: 'hrn bide.~ "-.,.1._ 0,. RESPONSIBLE houaewif• " llt:l'VLcc!. Uc. 5t6-5261 ~ Yeu lrl"I Hanoers. Cr•ft1man1tilp. 100% aum:rr m~ 111 bandwtitbw. Set~. UllT HOMl!t lnl IACI CA•I. ltOOI ........... ,_ POrtuntltn NOW I mother will ID!ep mWl baby • wetbnda 642-lCJSt, 646-5361 Financlnc. Furn. bDl.ll 6 IDWll. 1119 DAILY Pllm Newport Blvd., C.W.: 1 15C. UPtTALI .,, A\ITD S\llftn .................... v ... In ~' IO' -..... -.-tt. 1as1 l'ttO'l'r.Jy, .......... •UTOI WlllfTU .............. ,,. ..... our-f.llUl'dt__. for worktnl mother. My Q.rtl::FAllJL&wn !IRONING done in my ht:>rM. &u •· ~ ... ..,,. Qa""'9d Wlklll. l•Y• T4°0fll. J'.'ltMn .uid IUllMl!llll•OPl• -" .. CA ...................... SoJDIODtwlllbelooldnlb •JtomeAA·-~delMlr Malntenance. Tl--6. --WDr1t. DA ___ ..._ fiewporl'Blvd.,C.M. -·---,_.. .... ·-. ...o.l TIAILlll PAlltl •I lUTO LUllNI ........ ,.,.,.,tlll II. . •--~.. • ~_.. •~t-•• .new~ __, ~ -......,.-._a·-IUllfClfl lllST.U.~ ................ "1MD CAu. ................. ,,,,_ DSaJ-••l ,.......,. ~-eft-4. PllClll8tc.ltlt.,... "'Wbfte.tltphlntlr ~ ,,..,, -............ ""Jtlk .. I • " ( " -' ( • • • I • ) ' • • y ........ • • ' ' • > I ' ,. ,• ' NO MATTER WHAT tliey're in the market for, our re•dt.rs fin 'd the DAILY PILOT is tlie !>est piece to put the bite on bargains. And they 'do it with the same gusto as the go4rmet here showing how much he appreciates the wares of the. fame'd Alkmaar Cheese Market in The Netherlands. You don 't have to travel 10 fer to find good things to eat, nice things to weer, new appliance.• at l>ergein prices, e reel car l>uy-or even e ch4nk ~f cheese: Just shop the ."armchair market," the one our advertisers deliver to your door every. day. · I . . I • • -• •. I • ( DAILY PILOT • • • ' Saturd11, f~,t, l~ DAILY ,t~OT JOIS A IMPLOYMl!NTJOIS & EMPl OVMI Nl JOBS & IMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOVMI Nl JOIS & l!MPl OYMf NI M~~~HIAANNDDll!.~I MI RCHANDil•~ ru1<t''jM~~~~J~~KC-¥l!:t?lrfA1i!I A;:.;:., w:7J&i4'::.w=:"7* Holp Vf•nltd ') -W-',500J11oi -· w-7500 1-"'-===""-.:.'=-=-.::"'=L:::l..;A:;:N::.::D_T:.;ll:;:>:;:ID:;I:... SALi AND TIW>I -·SALi ~~ND~~!!CT EMPLOYER ·PAYS ALL FIES Pe no1111el $500 Public Rel. $450 Two good Sectys Lot! of fun for a with JOme know~ br\fht young ·Sedy ed&• qi persQnntj to Tandie dlc!OUon needed for pl111bes and 1ct as tour om ... around. gulde for new firm. All Alone $450 Gen! OfflCe $350 For the gl! able to More variety than do It •.ll. Type, )'OU c an c o u n t. phones, v15ltor1 etc. Type, file, PBX, Slight t o u c h o f and run errands, bookkeeping. Young and eager .. Probate $~50 Typists $400 .., vf!ry large firm Large firm needs wants Your probate several gals who experience a n d can type ~ and . handle vaned du-skills., Never lone-ties. Good advance. some here. men! for·rigbt girl. AAMES lurtau of Emp\oyment A91nciH 100o/o FREE 904 N. M.ln, S..nta Ana Next to Secyrlty Bank Bulldlnt ~!!!!835-2361 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hein Wanted, Men 7'l00 Help Wanted PART TIME HELP WANTED \VE NEED 35 MEN FOR e DISPLAY WORK e ADVERTISING' WORK e SALES TYPE WORK CALL ON OOMPANY APPOINTMENTS CALL ON OOMPANY CUSTOMERS Women ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 7400 ffiM Alpha &: numerl. cal. Verily and some re- lated clerical duties. w-· 7400 !vm~ IOOO'ur;iiltv"' .IOOO Fumltv"' IOOO '"""""" llOO . NEW SALON 1;:;;;~;;;;;;;:::~~;;;;;;;~ 1 ,;.~ Hiii FREE BBQ . ' LllSURI WORLD _... Spanish Hu oP<oilla b--T11d,. Al!PllcotloM For: + .. · e HAIRDIUSSIRS Midlternnit u * HOSTESS/ • MANICURIST MODEL WWE a-IM rAli (ll S .__.., Monaflelvr•r'• CASHllR 1t e ltlCIPTIONllT ._ fllllnllUB l'fll 'r"" _,.,,. .. to train u UllaW>t ...,. SUND"Y, Pll! 2 11 12 NOON '6' Show,_. Somplat acu"'""°"""Shop.Ro-No Followln& N ...... ry AH_._.....,._.._ cont '""""""' expomnce "' Must Be Elperl~·~ ,OUll SIASONS HOMIS 8' Wood carved ann 41•1!1. lg. llWl'I chlJr all .-. o1 food ...... .,. • 137 • 2i 62 • 'Coo'. lndl1napol11 l MotMll• or love IOtj. 5 Pc Octagon dart oat din set II """"""' Compet&U"' Huntlot11on ... ch w /bl•clt or avocado framed cholrs; 8 Pc B~ waaea, outatandlnl benelllJl'!!!!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!'j~~~~~!!!~!!!!!!j:~~~~~~iiii~!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!.'-t ".1-11 ' ._ u-.a-~ .. ,. I ,_. tnclud'--"t ·•·•-I' se · ~· .. r. a-~ w_..r, tg mu•w, 2 ·• ••~ -·•· Help W1nltd !Mlp W1nhd .• JOBS a EMl'LOYMI NT Fumltvra IOOO commodea, decy':l; headboard In Spanish Apply "' penon w-7400 w-7~ lobo Mon. w ..... 7500 -·-oil< d.,lgn with hilt& fi9x springs, mat.- 10 A.M. lo' P.M. _.._.._ ___ __. -EXQUJS' ITE tr ... ., frame. Monday """ Friday 1t SPECIAL ClcnK ftVllllBllff R .. t' 111..;, Salff • 1'""11 Said lndivldually "" nurum. Mon l w-SPAlll' ·SH· Shep A"'"nd-ltfore you buy -USI J C P•lllRll CO Opportunity 1vallable IJI"" ~ 11""-OUlce # VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICI $52,.95 • • umi; I • Newt>O!< Beach ottt<e '°' • A11£BIJOR • ...,.,.. •vallablo to. or ~ • low .. s-t.'6 par -~ 24 F•ihlon Island penonable, m•ture, .,.u. vntlR ::"" ...::!': = ~ MB>IJERRAllAll U.. Our Store Clw'ge Plln or Bant Financing An "1"al ''"°"""'ty =-="::;..to_:~ Gudoer. Sp r lns Ralty, No Fancy Fro~t .:_BUT Qullity Vl!w lmld• •mp..,... _..,. o1 ,... .,,.,. One year lndustrll! 5«M8U RETURNED FROM - ..,._ _______ , .... KMwl'""-of 1 0. D •TTMllrience. Openln.. • ••• ~~-~ N • MODEL HOMES .... _... -r--~ru..orMC>. • • .. A fine 1electlon ol complete processb:W p~ 1')'pe avlllable swine: and cood 1.P9f!atUlO!. Due to houxfulla. B!Ud. rames. '° wpm. Excellent wortdlW graveyard shifL MW ~ kqs1ze bedroomJ, ~auttful """'tiom """ ...... ......_ Holiday Health Spa 1 pc. dlnllla ..,.,..,,-: <bJriu. ti.ta. Pleue call 141'. Rull (OUJNS needs alespeople. We train. hutdla. custom qualited ~ LJ.tch tor appointment. no exp. nee. APP4' tn I*"' fas I: loYe 1eata, double door Rll's or . . . i I I ! I I I ~1550 -RADIO CO. .. ... -Harbor Blod., C,M. . .. -,...,,, -... .i,,..1-!!!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!i! I LAMINATORS ilmkd for en. color TV's (all ruaran-1.: ~ Glendale production ......, oo ,.. te<d> will oacrltlce. s.n all fumllura 8000 A""'I•-1100 ( ICU lmmacll•to oponl~ for experienced RN 1, full time ind part time. Wiii train lnex· Pl•lonclCI. All 1hllh 1v1llablt. Exctllent employee bonofl h. C1ll Nursing Office Martin Luther Ho1pi tal , Anah eim 722-1200 Ext. 272 ., _ _._ral fr:-..t perlerx:e needed will train. or part. Tenm on Sood cre<f. • -- -!:I: -t ....... .... .. ngs 19700 J1 mbor" Road 11.65 to U-30. Call Tri-D-It DESIGNER'S SOFA ' • SPECIAL PURCllASl': • 2333 E. Cont Hwy. Newport S.ach Villon. 54.7--0'lOO. Aft 6, Mr. AOK WAREHOUSE CUSl'OM bullt 3 pc~ Refrlaeraton.. au tomat lc. ! Newport Buch Riley LOCATED AT with built in plan~ le I~ wuhe~ A: othel' major ap. An Equal Opportunlt)' All applicant• ~on REAL ~ATE. spluldn't' 7?22 Garden Grove mvd., direct Ughlin& in corner RC-1?lla,11Cet from model hon\et ~ Emplcyer merit with no bias toward you be 11elllna the hottest G.G. "' block We1St from the ~ can be Wied together at fs.ntuUc d.lscounta! No · IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR e PACKERS e INSPECT.ORS In Ceramic lntfuatry • Race, Color, Creed or Sex. area Huntntaton Beach! comer of Beach Blvd., near or sepa.rate. In xlnt a:ind. Down, We -,rvlce. See at: Village Real &rtate BG--Hn G.G. Fnry. Original cost $1150, Sell tor FOSTER'S --A~TT=E~NT=IO~N~-· I or !14U103 Open 10 to , '""· 1o.t1 1285. o• m.,., o11 ... ...-17185 -....~ :rtn v,u., ATTRACTIV• MORE CASH HIDE a bed, never ....i $100. (So." Wamo•I 968-1234 .. Agencl ... Men • ~ 8' Med Mila, Jove teal, c:of· WATER heater 20 p1a. $15. W Women 7550 f!e .t:· end tbl.S, tamps. 5 Good for smalltt borne Of OMEN! ... -PAID FOR pc """"" ,.~ king a '"""'-6C-3S26 "'"" 5 or "SERVING FOR 39 YEARS" F 't Spanish Br set, leas than wetki:ndL O>uldyootmeSSO.-tllll.<"'tra WoC1n f ind Tho urn1 ure 2 mo1 old. Mun ..U tbll G~E~S~e"°l~f--c~l -ea-n-...... -$300. PER MONTH 6:30 PM TO 10:30 PM For inteMew call Mr. James 774-72Sl MONDAY Good working conditions and benefits HUNTINGTON SEA CUFF Country Club Apply Induatrlal Clay Products 18165 Fiber Glass Rd. Huntington Beach, Call!. each w!ek1 Can )'OU spare Right Spot For You ,. ... lonM:I TV't, Pl•-•"eek. Pri prty. 53S-OOt6 w / center temp untL 10-20 houn a week wortdnc "It's Not Luck'' .,.... Avocado, 1 old. $250 ~ ·your area 1Over21 T Do yoo "It's Know How'' Appll1ncn, Anti..-Off1 .. .:;C.z.;Fc;u~m=ltv.:;N:..:.._,'°:'O sn..2348 )'f • ' have a car! No collectiona:, FEMALE DNJ..SION 1 PIMe or - •COOK e EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER • Secretary • He.avy typina:, lite reception- ist work, varied office du- ties. Reliabk! penon who's attendance can be deptnded upon. OUlce located near ... • ..tt. N deli H f II EXECUTIVEdelklmoold, LARGE Frlal d alre no ~-·L o .. ,,., oo Sec. Trawl ............ $650 ouse U walnut wood w/42XT8 ............ White, ""' c:anvuaina. For' interview Bookkeeper ••••• , •••••• $675 1111 matctrlna: Wl\lnut lf1,il'led cellent conditlon. $ s 5 , j call Mr. Whllney . ......,. ~ s.c. ....... ..... :: 11 0u 63 r Spacl1ltyl ruzh ,.....,... plastlc top. -* AMBITIOUS actory ••••••••• ••••••• 6-3620 $75. 2 arm cheJn or walnut ·w"=ES=1='1N=c. H~o~u=..,~.,-...,-.-u-' ?.WSI' BE U OR OVER e APPLY IN PERSON e Snack Shop ~ 9 3446 E. Coast Hwy., CdM /SAW MAN experienced production cablnet IShop. Ialander Motor Home1S Inc. 800 E . Washington St. Santa Ana 1415 DALE WAY Co.ta Mer;a.. Calil 92626 545-8251 RN's-LVN's Aides t Sunlile Colonial 3000 Palm Avt. Huntington BNch 53t.8166 Part Time ••. , , • W!ekendl and Holidays GENERAL OFFICE Experienced only. Unique Opportunity for EXEC SECRnARY Onnz• County -Starting salary $390 per mo. Please call <n4) 54M24l be- tween UI am .l 4 pm. COOK 1t WOMEN ~t, ~,·;,;;;.:_•tart~ 24 HOUR SERVICE & black u,bobt.zy, $25. cu. IL Sell ............ !loo< ARE YOU PRESENTLY ..,..,., .... ""•vn v~ ''"' ..,.,.. BUYER ON DUTY 1 DAYS !54S-«IO'f DEMONSTRATING! Med. Recept. ••••••• , to $400 · • ' I~. White, $1 50 . e Toys e PluHcs MALE DIVISION $29.H Olfl E I nt IOl 1 ~ 0 Real Eatate e Ooth!JW Enctneer Civil •••••• to $100.J 3 Piece Braided Cfl qu P'"" GIBSON Rebipratot. Good • Coom•tlc• AocounW>t Coot •••• to 1158 .OVAL 'RUG SE.T• --:-PROFESSIONAL -condition. flil. /\re )'OU interested In more Installer· Telephone ·· S563 Nyton blend, revuaible, DRAFTING TABLE *5'&-8Cl&* money with no collecting, Credit Mar Trnee •••• to $600 brown. coppertone, snen. New 3:l:ic42" &djuata to atand· 17 CU FT. U~t -w~ 0, dell .. ...,1 ,.._ Prf:aman •Offset $3.~ pr hr $17.el: SXIO, 2x3, 2x6. 1-I · 'L ''"""~0" "'---Freue. Wblte r""""'• •J ....., ' ha Al's Unusual Fumlture ..,._ ev'!_ 1UW1>U.1.. • ....,.., .. needed, aome eveninp pre-'We wa~ ~ :;:! jobl 17881 Huntlnaton Beach metal.edit, 10lkl bulwood, Perl oond $U5. stG-350 femd. 5U-85M Mr. Morris. SOME FREE 84Mf64 electronlcally bonded, sand-Kenmore automatic wublr, • 2 ND COOK • ----'-----t ed smooth. Stronc steel tilt-·acellent condtHon. '35. SOME FEE Fum\tuno "turned fn>m di. Illa .,.., tllto to any ...,.. • 847-1115 • • I ' e INSTRUCTORS -Full ar/mi part time. Neat ap ptarance. Mw;t be able to ml!et and deal wtth the public, good figure. Apply 1n per90n, Holiday Health S~. 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Convalescent Hosp. New Ownership & Man· •gemtnt. Top starting P1y. All Shifh. Must havt good appnr· 1nc1, exct11tnt typing & shorthand skills. PIHM apply In pe rson. Experitncecl Pref APPLY Sunlit• N.W,.rt Horbor Convelncent Hospital 646-n64 M"'t havo -experlenc< M\CllftllUTS play ortudlol, model -150-or belt oiler. 536-0ll!. with soup l. uucee. Working UlUIAft I decoraton cancellaUGn. -•-fl 1111 "°""' Moo. thru Fri. a to PE"'-' Spenl,. & Medi,._ etc HOUHhold Goodt 8020 ~ IJllll _!_. . ; '''°· Call Mn P•-llNIWIU. RD FURNITURE · -PRIVATE perly hat old NITE SHIFT • Moldus • Assemble.rs •Foremen Apply In Person ?.facGreior Yacht Corp, 1665 Babcock Costa Mesa FULL time health 11pa at- tendant, 40 hr week. ope<n salary. For appt, ca I I 548-2211 ext 770, ·Mr. Alex· ander EXPERIENCED Fiberglas TOUCH-UP Men. 1 6 8 2 Placentia Ave., Costa Mtsa Agencies, Women 7300 e KEYPUNCH e OPERATORS Experienced Alpha I Num. Lor.g tl!rm assignments, days. Lona Beach area. Free tn-rking. KELLY SERVICES INC. 231:1 E. 3rd Streit I..cq; Beacli, Calif. (213) 432-8791 Eltual opportunity em,loyer See BetlJ' Bruce at miMlxec A&'ency fDr career Glrl1 410 W. Coast Hwy., N. B. By appolnt. 646-3939 839-0440 EXPERIENO:O .. ,..,1~ .. :.-,. e ~OMMERCIAL e TELLER UNION BANK 2743 E. Cont Hlghw1y Coron1 dtl Mar F.quaJ opportunity ernplo:m' RN or LYN SEAMSTRESS Must be experienced working wttb naupbyde boat cmb- Sons. APPb' in penon JohaNen&O>mm~• m<ro> »rt "'36. 2043 W""'11tt Drive 1144 Now rt Blvd CM KIRB'{ V 'cu um . ReaJn. platol, pelnttrcs, &iuo, """ Receptionist/Typist em:;brrtb.o~ Irvine ever -~t tn 9 +# dlUoned. Gimanteed. Like band . p al n t e 4 c:b1na. Mlnhnum of 50 wpm acc. N-Beach Wed., ~t A: SUn. •tn I new w/a~ F .P., ~-=--.,.-.,.-~-,,~ "-~.. 1 -~-·---~· "'N'ffiif<i~;&:'-;;;;l;ah~fl5~-~rr~. "~'°°~· -;;;;;~·==-"v·-~~ ·--• ~-......... nee .,. ....... vol\,..... omcea tn allot CONTEMPORARY, perfect ._. lw.;a """"' • -.u- Startlni: eaL $300. pet mo. en,.. O:Junty condition! CUrved lleCUonal ca.r ... Sile I022 .:tum I: clocb. Larr l Pleue can Mrs. Madduz. NS-mO (cost SSS)) $250 or best or Morpn Antiques. 2' 2 """'63 to. ippt. llESTAURANT te.: bookcue, end tabl" REF'..c!!OSS top< $.1>MI-Newport Bh•d., c. M. e BUCK PRESSER e Manqer ,.._,,c o o k~ double <loon: uphol chain; ""-Whlteoe-coud>. ANTIQm::s•a.ocKS Experienced in ~. Sou• Ole&, lhup WaJtren-decorator lampa; bedroom IJl'l&ll burn hlie $ 2 2 • FOSTER'S ANTIQUES UNITED CALIFORNIA NEEDED FULL TIME 8'8 W. 16th. N-8'\I Corner of Monrovia. & 16th 2ncl INCOM!f.T Eam wbile you learn to be a Vanda Beauty Counselor. ~"'The B!1t Friend a Face Ever Apply n (food .ti cocldall). Top set: 1lngle bed; delk; 9:d2 Wdber, dryer comb. $35. 6f2..3l38 e 193'.I Federal, CM JAY·MAR. INC. JllY, Xlnt Joe. Ca 11 Pbil, ft!&i china; many Item.. 19 Inch . port. 'I'.V. $45. WOMAN'S Diamond tnceSel BANK 4525 McArthur Blvd, Newport Beach 540-4424 2907 So. Oak, Santa Ana 50-"96 M&-0625 Complete bed.II $15. Oest Old I b I (8 to 3 PMl ARGUS AGENCIES NICE s· modem aots, blue. :i=-:nbe:ch~b' ~ ~~ .u a e. Sunlit• * EASI'BLUF'F ColHlll"e1 In 1366 C Newport mvd., C.M. Shepherd cuten. Dots not of dn.wen $10 a $8. 21 ~ Newport Ha'11o• Had" N.B. hu open!,,.. for ex· · . :. need ..COV•""'· $25. See 1 h Co-' T v 114 Rat FREE TO YOU Conv1luc1nt Hotpital 154&.:.::.:.1'195::::.,_.;:o;.:R:,,,,....::.6'!S-,5J::..::;.:95 perienced operators A School .. lnttructlon 7600 to believe. 2 •mall tablu, nc ,....,.e · · • • Apply I·~· Call "' '"70 •--ti -<>1 -~ WI llvlnl room let, ~ _._ · 646.n64 SAWYER HOME need• sty...... .,..........., ----~ --an que w111 e, .,.. ea"'" c:overlnc $22. End • c:one, OR.q~iC Fertlllzer, apd Equal opportwlity employer m at u re w o"' en fo r appt. 1 Jl9 Newport White ColOO hl-cb&lr, like tables $l to $4. ~ ..,,.. m&mll'e mmblned MANAGER TR.AIN'EE 'COUNTER GIRL boulekieping,practlcal SALESGJRL..Exp. only , SchoolofBv1lnnt MW, $10. 6541 Lennox Dr,~· couch. CUlhlons l'Witti·wood ihavt,._. Good Unusual opportunity -to be Must have grill experience or nursing. &16-6716. 2 6 19 ladies w.iar, loocl lalary 5 HAS A GUARANTEED H.B. 847..ml *ec! ooverinc $11 4 ~ mulch. 333&32 or 5tM931 In Ofl the beginning of new cashing experience. Work· ~ Av. C.M. day wk., Fri. or Sat. only, CURRICUWM FOR NEAR new Llv Rm couch, stereo record player, needs betw 3 ii: 5 Mon ttlnl divlalon of old establliihed , tnl how's Mon thlu Fri 3 MATURE, reliable woman Mn. Kumln 10055 Adami • SU~! chr, 3 tables, 2 lamp1 $l.5Ci. nffdle $15. Smith-Corona Frt. 21211 Co. U you enjoy working to 4:30. can Mrs Penning· wanted care 5 yr old pt, Ave. at Blt>okhunt 833 Dover Dr., N.B. Dbl Bit l!l!t compl, 2 nlte port ab I e typewrttet, ex-NEED home with tomeOD8 with large numbers of ton. 833.aiOO Ext m:l6. 114 wkdya. Refa req. Sal ' -· • 6464153 -stands, dbl dreuer $125. cellent $35. 1550 &ipmor. to train a wt')' frt&hlened. women, are "'tit groon\ed open. HB. Write Daily Pilot Jobe Men, Wom. 7500 I.lfetlme Gift, t;pe;rlttng. Reblt G.!:. Re:frll $15. Ave., C.M. 646-9119 ' lldtt1ah, 4 mos. oJd ldttn. & ambitious; ca.11 962-76Zl * WAITRESSES * Box P-8ll ailldren, srancfchildml, or Table .l 4 chn $10. 2 mo DUNCAN Phyfe dining room Be&trtiful, Jone h a Ired before 10 a.m~ Elqlerienced only. Full time. GENERAL. Lltehousie keep * yoonelf! lndlvidually-tu-old bike $30. 536-4681 table set; larp tnble with tortol9e lbtll. s«J..81&1. Call RN • LYN App\y ·in person b<L 9 am """ """ pertlal Jn. DAY BUS BOY ....., Olllcoet 10 ......,. PINK Marble top""" Mlpte 6 chaJn. OUna c<bin<t • ll to 3 2n · &: 6 pm. #lJi Fashion laland, ~Id, 3-4 m:. a day, 5 typU. achool.. 173 Del Mar, hue c~tte l1Jnd m. butch. Pilot Hi-Ft with AM· etrrE Terrier dos. ooe )'eat 3to11 & 11to1Shifts Newport Beach. days a wk. 640-5701 (Six Dl'(I A WMk) (;CM.;;::,;;;543-28511=~=--.~ f1omitine white and Pd FM hmer. eoutiie bed, bm: old, family q , SoOd wtth New . Convalescent hogpita! ?i.tATURE Woman wanted. fAll.URET May not be 3-tier stand $25. Black sprinp, mattress Is bead· dilldren, boUle tr a J ne d . to open 2nd week in Feb-Room. board &: small l&lary GIRL ot18 w/car to care student's fault. Individual wrought Iron I: sla•topped board. Sleep'-baa:. VW ~...,.L!11. · •1 ""~ . ~ ···-li to. 2 -"" -~,,. WA1TR•HH • -~ .• -~ --.,. in exchange w.-000 ...... , te l;,MU attention In hiKh school that .... ttu ~re shaped comer trailer hitch. Maey ·other GREY & White Jona hatred APPLY IN PERSON housekeeping far elderly pm. 615--131l days. 646-3346 Call Ann Geck1e.r table $25. M5-0906 U served hou9eldd 393 Hospital Rd .• N.B. widow: Balboa I a I and. evea. (Experienced) ~ ' APT Fumllun!: c 0 u ch :ma :;.antutic BarPlns! COUCH, Rood lines; ~ (Across trom Hoag Hosp.) 673-5703 srrrER For 3 &h'll, 2::JJ (--~ IJlto ~-ble bedl .......,, 1.ell J>rive, needs. cover. Oak bed endf. -5 •-.. k. M MERCHANDISE FOR ,,_.. --F,. e 3-W W"-Anl1tant SECRETARY/ RECEP• to 5=-"'• ......,. wee en ftCllDGI E, lfE SALE AND TRADE matchlng chair $75. 5 P~ LqUDll Beach 494-$. CM ' ••n · · '2;4 CASHIER TIONIST w/llte bkpg. exp. Vmle School area. C.M. 11\WDUt -·-· Bedroom Mt (lncludfna box BIG SALE! BARGAINS. LIFE or death! Lovable ilk: Prefer some Brokerage New Real EBtate develop-~T 5 E furniture 8000 sprtnp, mt.Urea &: frame, Itonrlte Ironer, Mower, chest experi~. Apply in per-ment firm, Org Co airport GENERAL Offtce; 10 key 1 1 • C..1t Htghway $!0. Much morel 6t6-0Sl9 of c:tn.wer1, antique axle. 2 yr Cocker A Damhund.. son: Mn. Hadland area. 540--0940 or 6C-5lU add. mach., IL typ., floor N9wport leach SPANISH FURNIT U R E C.M. work bench, paints. Oriental Gd with older children. GOODBO.DY & CO. DIETARY tray girl, exp. sale1; in attr. Newport Bcb. * . RETURN E Ii FR 0 M BEDROOM suite: Double rugs, etc. BlG A: SM.ALL 54S-8S27 S.1 290 $, Coast· Hwy 11:30 to 8 PM. Coata Mesa ahOp. Sal open. go..2241 PRINTED CIRCUI T MODEL H~MES. SAVINGS d r• • •• 1', ch•• t, 2 Item1. 1609 Bani' St. C.M. FREE to good ht1 m •. Laguna BHch Memorial Hospital, 30i. Vic-SNACK BAR WAITRESS IOARDS TO *>%. Spanish qullted nightstands. Antique white 56-9187. SUNDAY ONLY. Shepherd pup. 10 months, Shi rp Career Gi:la -~W;A,ITRESS ES tolra Stret!L 64~2734, ext Trotter'• Baltery • SILK SCREENER ::, "=-~t.~V:: 1::: $100 at will sell RpU"aldy. GiANT female, spayed wlth ihotl. Sectys. Gal Friday•, Recpts. P/tlme. Exp, over 21. Cosed 330. 2.'J4 F~al, Laguna Sch 1-2 )'HI'S eXJ)trience. lamps • SpanJah palnttl!c. 642--1155 PARl<JNG Im 'SALE 256 Either, C.M. 214 Bkkpn, OWce Trainee1, S~ & Holidays. SITfER, Care for airl 9, See Mr. RlchardlM 2• PLATER El Prelidente lttn c1lse Quality Kin&.shtl Bc!d, SAT. I SUN.. ~ WhlGoodtie f~ adult Keypunch Open. Med. Is Apply ln Person boy ll. my home, W:30, MESSENGERdoctOr'sotttoe. >"an experience bedroom suite, oak triple beautiful quilt.eel mattr.-. DISCOVERY HOUSE 'fW-VV'" ...---pet. denial usta, RN•&: Nunes KRAMERS own trans. mature, pickup, mJK, office aallt· CU., NL, Ao. Sn/Pb., Rh. cSrmier I: mlrTor, kbW llPl!t toundatkln, blt-ln 1601 Placentia. CM Ml-Gii 214 Aldel. Call Dom, 548-7'196 COLONIAL KITCHEN ~1-Paulartno, 56-0740 anee. Muat haw car. 319 e DR.ILLER-bead.board. 2 canmode:s, frame. Newr ull!d. $91. BEOO. FUrnl b t BLACK ~ ncUnhw ARGUS AG ENCIES 5U W.19tb St. COUNTER Glr~ pert-time, 3rd St., Lq. 8ch. Bom4'te • ""'"'· ldnp\m mattra1 A box Warth$ZIO. MU538 • equip., -~...: .:. ct.tr. Fair a ondlllon. 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. C.osta Neu. ._ da.>'L Kentucky Fr I e d BABYSI'ITER In my NB TIANSICOM sprlrtp, 2 boudotr lamp. ANTIQUE Vlrtccian pump odds 6 end&. s«t t '. Sun. • -.-214 --NEED Mone)'1 Like People! Chicken, 693 So. Cout home, 2 pb 4 1: 5. 'l:»-6 85l W. Uth St., C.M. 6 piece Spanlsb Wl'OUlbt Orpn: French Bed II 438 Calallna Dr., N.B. TO Good ...... : I wt. t11 4 Hllp lfi•nllCI Flexible ..... 00 canv...... lllihway ........... Beach. pm. -Fri 613-3391 "" * DRIVERS * !nm .......... °""' ..... Clock. ....--· Small - Women 7400 • no parties • nO age rt-WANTED: Babysitter, my 6 N c-r1ence ~ ::o.~:., ~ ~10U GARAGE Sale Sunda)','beds, ..... 214 VlKKT'S Costa Mt&a ta look· qulftment. Unllm1ted op-home. HB area. 6 pill-12. H 0 USE KEE p ER, Own 0 ~.... HAMILTON FURNITURE NEW BASSE'IT Mtd ~ I urn. cJoth1nc, ttc. 9611 Fl\EEl To aood baii:M ~ ' -' In& for sharp, de~able portunlUea with BEAUTY 1-Child 8 yn. 847-4281' room, 'IV. 2 school IP Neceswyl 5911 W~ A . table MO: Octagon com-Sprtngfield, off Paularlbot Gulne• pip 9rf6' ceae A ba.rmakl. Full or pet ume. ~SELOR. For appt. BABYSITI'ER • ~· tu r • chlldt'M, full dutiet, •om e Most bJw dean Ca11fom11 w .. tmlnltn'. ll9t--M3t ~ mode '4. or both $90. C.M. 54H970. f?od· 548-"'89 214 ' Apply \n ptrson, wkdays 10-woman, refs. 3 or 4 eves En&Jilh l°)rtferftd. 548-4447 drt~ f'f!'COrd. Apply 10 a.m. fD 9 p.m.. Sat. ~ GARAGE Sale Sat fr; Sun kilt)', 1~ yrs. md; · "a· 1 6.1191% Newport Blvd. RN 'S NEEDED. 3-11:30 p.m. wk, U pm. ~~hlldren). rou. Time housekeeper A YELLOW CAI (0. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sun. 5' DEACONS' bench; 2 CapL Misc H~bold. 613-3597 pectinc" Good ~ p eJ. J LADIES 18 to 60 show Sarah =~f1'tie:.U ~,:1·bei::~ Balboa Penn. 2.15 child care. Ret Salary open 116 E. Utb St. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. chn; tnstle Ible <i-tnt.ed, 642 Ramona Dr., Cd1d 615-0250 J..l ~ Coventry a pr I n a &: all Apply Nursing OUlce, Palm BARMAIDS: -maverick, vie. C.M. 548-3681 Coeta Mesa REPOSSWIOllS ~or antiqWns> $60 (Irvine Terrace} TRENOt poodle. Ma It , ~ seuoon ;jewelry fa1hk>ns, Harbor Ho!pital, 12860 Palm 1728 Newport Blv., C.M. OPERATORS Blind 1titCb ~ I MMEDIATE ope1lful GARAGE Sale: Sat lit, Sun Black. l8lO W. Balbot, Apt. ~ ab9olutely no Investment we St G G Apply bef. 5:30 PM hand finiahtrt • cfarment Jaaltorlal Route ta Hun-NAUGAHYDE hide a bed 2nd. JO am. to g ...... 8252 1. N.B. t/l C train. M7-1S67 ' · • diiLb care • lite housework, factoiy ~r. IC-26t6 N.8. l I n Ito n Beach area, ID excellent cond!Uoq. like ~· .,!... Recllner cha.tr $4(1, Malloy Dr., Hw~ Bcb. BI.K ~ LABRA.DOR, ..-I BABYsrrrER • ._ ..... COMBINATION, Sharp Bar -Newport Shoftt. ruaranteed !ncoma l8llll + new. BeauL quilted 110!a 181. ~ ~ I _, Maids &: Go Go Duoen lfOllSEKEEPEft., 11 v • -111 ._. Mo. ltr haaband 4 -· ct.tr $49, 3 pc. act. $9&. MOVJNU-MUST -"' , 1 GAJtAGE Sale: Dinette ~ • ........,.._ wb ... famlJ i er, acuve )'Ml' old bl.b)' boy. Top waga $3.oo-$3.50 ~ J\efl. 54MaJ art I pm. woman on walktr. s.lary. _. ..._ Is kwt Rat $179. 5 pc. ___ "--'-!-' .. ~-I cbatn. 'I' 4-fv.n, hleyde, do( f93..lf70 2.3 Pennane:nt, Northem H.B. ltaJ't. Ph. for inL 56-998l Maki. lquna Rflet Mold, LellureWortd.U7-Gl'18 mop •ece11arr, in-:,:..-.. ·;::::::=uc.~"::"'~ mllclttnm. MMl>I GfiU'.UN ~ malt , area. 893-7'45 aft 6 PM· .., .... ...v 1 .. ._.'""', 290! "-~, 30806 5, Cout Hwv "'"' .. '"'-ftltn>ent required. Apply dinette tel $J4, 15 pc bfdrm,, _._...., """™''--. -.... ,. _,,. ..._...,,,. nu--.--.. , Ml\UI .experlie:nced for Apt '1343 ""-... .., ,..,._ .et 181. box qq Is mattl 417 =" MOVlNG Sale! Mull Sell! "'" llO'ft. l'CIOCl wJcbdol DOm1I' Shop """'-Earl> C.M. * '9>IOil5 * -.eo.ta Mea, pert time Part<~~ ll ... ~ !all ..... ) 110 •L l<IJW ... TV'I pan. • -· HOG All ff9o*bold l'llr!llthlnp •with --2/4 AM._No lpp""' Ap"1 • N.URSE AIDE• DENTAL .......,,t lor $1.llperbi'.54f.l921 pm-tlnl'rida>. 125..,Sellallor...,pert. ncllrtndctr,rdl'!.."!:';..'"" 1"5-0ISll-. llALE Puppy. "•••• Ml\. DONt{I' 135 E. 17th arthodontllt ln ffuntqtan , .. ...,. ~ "-' .Terma. ltCt'l, tbls. .,..._ ""'ncttt -A I SL CM. FOR.' NURSING 'llOME Beach. Call~ M•~IN ~I~~. IJI lJNUMlTED -...... AOK WAltEHOVSE r EARLY Amerleall Jk-GIGANTIC Nelll>borbood ""' a. --oola ~. MAIDS. Pleuant ,..~-EXpe"'""' pr<tened ~ .. -for nn. • board, tlal pert "'\ fUJI limo.Na-LOCATED AT ..... l!IO. Eatl)I ..,,,.,,..., -.... 2111' santa -C.M. • 314 t..guna llffch Nunlnt o-.. ALsecntor,., _,,_ Cd!!-. can' "3'8313 tlonll-tloo. can Mr Oubc:llalrflll.Ml-1972 ...... lllL/&111.-PllllWOOO :::"~.._'tead1, paxt ,.... H-494-8075 ~:;\'ti°"'" M.,. uea. e IOOKKEIPEll e lOlne at m«!\12 "'""1 pm. ~. ~-::l:t ;:---tb; . - Lacuna Rivie,. Gl-1196 PHONE SOUCITlNG DOOAL ... 1111n1 chair Put -. fUJI chltp. Good HAIR Stytlotl with-· '°""'ct""'° Blvd., ""' ~-= ~ !frnan-' II~ CiJii -·-*> liid • EXPERIENO:tl D .... I No ...,.r!loce ,_..,: ..... Newport 11e.dvc..t. ..w,.. can m4l30 Mr ......... OoUtuNt, .., G.G. ,...,,,. . MCh. l3T-4lU llOl!AllQJ lltdrlc ...... -· -Ill I Aalltan\ for part time HoUaay HH.lth Spa 2lXI J.feaa practiot. 646-4371. cASl'liJ:R: c.ar Wub. .Fu11 Cout Rwr, Cdll ~ Op.fl lD to I p.m. &m. 1M FINE Trtdltianal ,,,.._.,. new: bWlr' UMd, ~tt: f WHT rabbits. want _.r wort. Write De.Uy PiJot Box Harbor. Costa Mesa MANICURIST timt or put time. MANAGER requlnid tor 13. DAYEtiPORT s:ri. Dd tab&e dlnins table and c:baJn. ~own. P75. 9SW914 home ID-m2 S.! P 311. HOUSD<EEPER _ U.. tn. UDO SHOP -call SlMll1 \BR Adult unlta with paol. A <Xlff• ,._ SUO IOdl. Pbone 1fWm Fr\Olalnl I MON'AI old .,_ ., _ J EXP ... 1~owr2l.The Molherlea, home. N.8 . * 67J.Q90 * REsPONSIBLE woman I0-3D) D'll~f\CM rSOFA.Mtd.OliftApale Good.eandtdan• b!imt.MMSD VS ~ Butltr, 1101 Newpirl &ftL I-"~ ages 1( Is bt~t ft\Y hor'oe, 4 day Ntld • Gut 11 ta•t r. Dall1 Mot WUC Ml. ,.Dow prtnt. lelUt coad. e Ml-J1IS e TREE Small ftMI l'wle Jll'fd., JUJ. llTMlm 'Is. PNI 11/ • !111-lell OWlGE""" .... .i -· -l 'IO to 6 pm. l!MU5 ,,.. • -1 -Ill! Dial -l1J5. -• _ Wldta ~ '.l'\IOPY· !!-4111 ' ' Ill - • ,, ( ' ,. • I I . • • I FOUR CONVENIENT _OFFICES- TO SERVE YOU I e l!l"'OIT.uACH ZJl1 --lhll. e COSTA MESA ----·-·-310 Wast laf e· HU1111N6TON HACH ~-'°' flM s..- e LAGUNA RACH ---~ -A- Hent's • How-Yoa Can Use Our Fatno111 Dime • A • Un111 ... ,., tti ..... ,...u """' ...... Ull'Kf .... to •• of ...,, 4 ~vn1Mlt lofftca. e Ho ..uii>mltdal ..... allowed. e laclJJ -must l!t..prlctld wltll oo Item ••"' $ZS. Ce1111t JI htten -.41 If*~ P" II•. 1 . . . ' · ~YBOARDS; cu 1 lo m SERVEL' Cu rdrlgerator: BOY'S Pliftje-beldl lktln· i HP to. f•'R.P e.ngines ss DOUBf;.E bed ,-$25.' ~y 1~·11 ~Am Air FOI'CJ f~an~. COUCH.·~ Chair $1.5.·Cotfee SJ<mcn:: l>ads!ll x 15 11nd TV $14. Hand opea:atfld mad~ to yqut dcscrij>~ old. but 'J'lllll good. ·14.tkf boa.rd $4 G.L J°'' d9ll wjtQ to $15. Powtr products: • .,, $10. Chrome atoller _.' $4~ I 11'.ltef 91 $5. 15" \1Jheel ~ table,$5. 'Dini ate fJ'ld food' . miacellahOOUJI 'jeweley $L reconl p}a.yer (ll('W). sa. $22. 4SW613 a _&ood ''second '' dJving gear. "qhts •Dd HP eD&lne $.15. -~e SlO 531-4781. 9676·M·ari'i-old. 'tke1or'Pb'nJout:hi$5"}-clear. $1.!50. M3-82U 1 'Aquarium 20 , a:allon Small iron $5. :Elee trying G'mL~1cE SKATES, SIZE refn~r for ~e"$15. army clolhe1 13 Sbl& -2Sc •,. $25. , Olsier:\ ~ Risa 1 Ave .• FOunf'ln vaqey, l • plil.sUe ! pane Jl. 6', x t 3•,i R\JGS and• carpetiflg: great , 9.nd itand $25. _each. Oster pan tnew) . $9. Sinllll eltk 6 ~· Mus1c radl $2. Bar·b-cr 580 Hamilton St., C.M. abd 50c. Jackets $1. lJlle HP hedge cl.1pper $20. H 0 T P 01·'N T automatic J~· PressbOard:-> 2 \iteees 1.4 selection 11 x 11 gold nylop vibrator, ~n l'traJ>eS. gold grill $5. New oven. broiler $5. Iron $1. Urge 1Uitcase WASHER And dcyer $25. 1 ne'r 11.ze 8 dreu I~ $3 RollaWt.Y ~ with mattl'es_a • V,.~~r •• de~rgent ~! ~ 7~·· x 12", 1$1 •e"a c b. l , l25 ' 9xJ.2 ·Wool brakied oval pin stripe .fi00t. l~ogtta·UJr' $5. 1 New Ure-J)l'Ql)~lfl $3 Desk lamp n,. Black room size rug $7, Baby' car ((.wt $9) IOd'aT 19 inch $8, Sa~t sail $13. Wet aw\ and lint filter. Needs w01"· .PJel:e..t.i'4>tx~72''•X 24","$2. 'bro~n tones US. 2 m"atchirtf x ·¥" and!'" ~rt beige tray st.Scale $4. • and white · clttk twin eeat $5 Walker and jumper ~e. MotonlhlVJ'Y, needs $5,1 PaCk frame $2D., Pack $5. 3a6A• eaie,1 C.M. (rear ,96$-1226, , . .. .. oVal scntter rugs $5· pair. drapes ~ pair 54" wl~e S15. MA'RLlN Reel $25. 10rieotal be<J.spfead n. Kirby wax $2.50.~or~l597 ~tne ,lubes •• SS ,Ladlts $5.54S-5017 ya.rd) 1 MAPLE Cabinet g(lld "for lxS..rust tweed &bag SS z. e1ch. Sltd, snow sk11,. lii.11 wood carvings p .to ~. attac.bmtnt $3. Books, ' Nate~ blou.sea, suita, QtAJR. Green. good c:ond. 9.6,. SURFBOARD"' 256 ,1potiable bar '28"' x ,3.J'i 3x5\wbrte ba c k .. rou'na 1bar .stool, red vinyl ~ binoculars $25, roller 'ahoe tecorrls vases 10c ·and 25c 2 COUCHES .$10 and $5. dreM, formall, skirt.I, and ~ -I ... R.... ~ }lard¥.'00d $8 eactl $ewll'lg ---.. din Sa ... ....i .. :. and (',.,.,:I~·· •nu. smau. ice, chest $.1 Antique blouaes, ·coata Sl-$5.. Worn $20. 673-0422 Esthef1 St.o C:M. ; s ........... 43·~ high on CUtl.'l'f striped .lavenders and·'blitt$ • h . • • nll skates $]0, Wt:U g gown .... ._. ..-........,,-.....,. oak kitcbe ~ f S15. •Bedroom chair bu SS each. 55 .yards browil mac Ille carry C8.8C'I, s~iu sii.e 10 $25, office-.swivel 1969 Vista Caudal. The . n table $15 .f '!Id orp: pale aqlla chUfon NEW 1 .... Man Life Raft, \\'1th PICNIC tablt umbrella $5, arntJ ;is. Patio ichair haf tweed wool $1..SO yard. oriental ~ e co r a 1 o r .1 n g chair $10, odd -cf1*8 $2, ~utfa.'M4--0254 oak cbaU'll $15. ~1502 or fol'!JUll cost $30, sell SJD. paddle ,& pump, used once .Ke~re washer, n eed a i padaing and weather"covtt S4S-2'J58 screen.gaantbrandysniftf"r, pots/pans utensils $1 to $3, FROSTFREE WeatingboW!Jf: ~ at 2170 Mlner'St., C.M. Sbees. purses, ;tewelrY and Exlnt cond. $ll.95,1 548-0192 pump , $10. Tur quo 111.e $4 •• obuble ·bed boir spring .. 1 18 x 111 oriental ~ter $5. table lamp $3, ironing board ldrigen.tqr, separate me&t 21" TV $2S. gocWJ feoodltkm •• you name it 25c-$1. ~ RCA Stereo, just overhauled naugahyde couch and cfii:U~ $5. 'Aii· kinds <If lQVely table ,BROWN coueb $25. Ceiling each. Tel. 646-5378 $3, -blond wig $25,· met8.I keeper, class top. krisper: 17" portabltl TV $25.: ;ll'.111-Ji.,5"-"-•'-o\Y-'--.------$24. LI S.1994 $25. ·BJonde .Wjgl~t. 'Vlni ~ lamf)il $2. to SS. Medicine fixture $2.50. 543-2950 • st()re,gond<lla S10, sea!turtle -goOd runn1nr c:ond.Jtkm $20 ·S, BristOI. ~ SU.ta Ana. 1WIN N a u g ah' yd e head· h~ ~· Stof3;&'e ~ll'let $lO. 'cabinet $5. Carden hose· $2. S BAR stools, height 25 ~ MAPLE: 2 Bunk beds. like shell $8, vacuu~,' dra:f- lla.by.'a car &eat. brand new 5C9-4J95 • Jr -:-~a $7.50 ,each. Queen GARBAGE Dispo681'. In Sink U11ltn1Bhed ·cabult!t ~ 1 O l , Criss .cm;111 folding gate Sl. j<:he $JO S40-i)659 ~new cuatom .covers $23 ea. ,ting board w/ el ru:Je $4. 717 W. 18th St Apt AIR Cool-ii.c: ir"-·bl SW! pillows, noJHllergic, Erator, New 897-6145 $25: Complete.set,()f glass d~hes ;Klekhaefer Mercucy 3?4 'gal 8 each. ' 2 side tables, 1 ·rou.nd, -SS. _ $20~ radio $5, ley' ,wheel B. C.M. TV '-~.-":"-.. r" .,.... • .,. e ne,w 14. each. Corduroy 60 srEREO albums 75c ea. $1~. Complet.e,set of.. glass gas tank and hose $2.;Ledy l PIECE , sectional $25 •. ea. 2 Hollywood beds com-"'and tire S6t new radial 14" WHITE.apricot tinged poo-....,. '"r""'' thf'O'N pillows $1.50 each. .Atiuque oak rocKer $25, d;&hes "$15. Lamps $ 5. r Seymour ironing board $3. Round dinette table $20~ 6 1Plete $20 •• 1-4'h:x6~ im· •tire' $20~ concrete lio~$25. die, 8 \\"eeks, male. 1875 HEAVY 1¥>" lqigage rack tble bedspread $5. Twin Blue and white antique Firep!ace ·~n a n d 5319 ·Bruce C re & c en t chairs · Sl5. End table $5. rJ>Ortcd 1'118 ·$10. Ne._. basin· miscellaneous 'items to •-•·im, Costa Me 1 a. for 1 vw ~ $2.l,, 2 vw bus 5 \"ead, like new $2.SO is chair $l8. 673-9186 utensils SIO. Dinette set $25:. ~74 , CoHee table SS. Rock~' nette, ear bed $10. &IS..1391 $25, 536-6l85 : !':::""~'" ~. seats,. midc1le ancJ. rear $10 x "108 percale sheets $1.501-=:::::...::=-=-==---Chair $15, Singer•" sewing chair ~.-Child's Woodt: .,..,...,...... ..., 56-:d7E EVERYTHING Goes this machine s1q. Rqtind ~v:al~ut ALL lGood • rondltion ' horse $5. Skyline print $1 . DESIGNER Sult.$ a n d TURN• Table" $18, aQuarium CHICKENS Sl 'Pheasants $5 e~ · .76 ~-·. each. 642--0267 weekend! Baby zscale $4. coflee table $10: BowUn~ Sunbe{U;?'l 'toothbrµsh S4. 540-1684 · sportswear, size 10-U S2· pump$2,a.Jjtiquet:ninka $14,. ~vebidf1! S1 Show pigeons 'f! AS H I N'f;, i'f a c b 1 n e BED Rail $7. 'Crutcties $8 walker $\:-vaporizer $4. ball $5. ~nts '1$2: ·.clockli Vlbf!ltof $4J Ice crusher $3. 'MOBILE T r a n s c e 1 v e r lo $25. White wool·coat Sl5. -COSCO • ba~y chair $5,, -hair $4. 642--3263 Westlnghouae 'SID. s 0 r a Oval rug5, 5 x-12, $5. Car table seat $5. potty chair S2-S6. CtiitcS lOc e aclt Hair·Dryeri $4. ,Monkey pod • ?lilitary Model TSC-9. con-O~~ Lilli An.n suit $25. drter. ss;-' winn· stingray DRESSER $10 Scottie-X pup ope·n:s to' a .·bed • $25. ~ rit.Ck $4 camping stove $12 $5. contemporary wooden Prints $1. ·AU ;gqod ·con· Bowls-1$1. -up, Utensils, • sistlng of COL 4 6 l 5 9 lifany more _all in excell~nt s~. 842:-, '-:; 6 months. good home chair $:!i.'•Fpldtng bed $25. Vacuum .. celaner Sla Dress high chair $15. \\"bite crib dltion.· Sunday onlY 11-8. /games: Knick-knacks lOc .,.. re<:eiver$25. COL-5'2245 cond. Fashivn ,accessori:s MATTRESS For twin ·bed 0 ..-nl·y • .,. 7072 · · Shore<. , 5%·. and•6\\, new fOl'Jl'I, adjustable $15. Dishes with mattress $20. carriage 8421 Munster Dr.) ,Paci.f:ij1 $2. Oothnig 8 • 14 25c • $5. ---·ti • -nd .rv-.• too. Jewelry :lrom 25c • -". ~· •107 uu-15 In-uw-ul er ·.,.... 8 ~...,.. '.Handbags S2 .. &'up. Ladie's .., 0~ 1 ..::::0.:.::.::...:.=~-~-tlng~ $5-$10 .. Dreues '10-l4, $5 Sc Refrigerator SlS Water convert into,.atroller S . Sands, Huntington iIJcach. • cabinet TV·works $5. Trays, 2188lA dynamotor ~· F~ shoes size lG41. to S7• Sat.' •u-"'v"'iN::G::...:;Roo;::__m_c_.,-· .,-. -$25-'. KN I "!'· 0,· M ~knit 5f6-2209 '-i 1 • , ' ski $7 Snow ski and pole fant clothes. 6-18 mo. Toys. A p T . s i ie c °ltd 5 P 0 t · candles, \vall hahgings :SOc condition, 1500 to ·12,000 KC, only S4&-3354 • bold and white living roolh machme $25. BEA,_..._ ...i:I..,.,_ hi-'"'-$6.: Dresses and shorts 25c All in good condition, some refrigerator. thenho-malic -$4. :M:_any others 5219 River 12UDC. KI 5-3349 . . ·lamp 125'. ·'-'•.he••~-~. BIRDS·. zeb-FI n c be a , u "' ""'•-.• ty, <:, '""""'ns Poclret boo'----' .. _ _, .,,,_ new Double bed b"ame and · ~.a A"" 0 "t and Sun only '" ' E ~ 1 ~~ ~u White or ..:v SL75 each. $2-,$5-Also le.hi~ Ja)'lng roe Metal...., d;k' .... ~ n'.: headboard· white· $10. 3 pair de!roster $25. 9 x u; ,Chinese ... , ~ , iir'I SOU T ll W I N D. gasoline lWAT R fleater ., ....... 30 ga . $15" full size beadboaid SS, .... ..., btUe and~ 1·egp $5-:-$10 ..., -blue curtains new s6 . orienta1 rug .$10.:2 cast iron ptn heater for rig, boat ar TV trays on s~s set of 2-twinbedspreads$5;2twin 643-1497-Duek! $101 p · ' ·· . fepellent S2 •!¥"bolts Sl ·rv>rtable blk. stereo $25., railing fenei! 3'·ft ,x 12 ft LIFE .,Jackets, adult $1.50 camper. Instant hot air .4 $3. ·Two ,lap TV trays bedspreads S15 •968-4049 • COLLECI'OR'S Item: Shirley Palomino 'and -~~Jl-~ t ~· e ~.c h 1 6 ~ 01 u·m e [P. albums $1. ea . length wlth 3 ft ' gate at· ,:chili:ls n. 2-12 v o 1 t .heat. New Surplus,. 20,000 'Sl. ea. Boys clolhi_.og site 10 ~EED bike $2s;~ Temple -doll $20. 2 wigs, Cages SlO $-'nflJ~ ' Encyclopedia $8. TV stand 14'.aterruty clothes a.n d t<iclle<l S25. West of: Harbor-Generii.tors new 1800 RPM B'J'U, 24 uoc $25. •Controls 12-16. 50c -SL50 Girls and . · ' ,. . ~ 00\\'ly -styled . brown blonde SO . $5 End ,table _ J?.~ ~ting other.> st. 7-8. R e'a I o~ \Vi.Ison to . Meyer. twn S5, ea. Coleman 2 bui-ner .;~. KI 5-3.349 Ladies clothing 25c -$.5. ~~LL Sofa in good con. $20. Lt red fill JlO. ~1519 LID Maple .dining table table $13. ·'Projector taDle bacgains. 673--0288 . t ight to 655 Dartell. C.M. ~toVe $5,. Coleman lantern FLAT head 4 cylinder Jeep Plumbing pipe,' f a·u c et s d1tion $20, 962-3501 . ARBELETTE spear gun $10 ~ ::le ta~~-: $10. 886~ Towne St. CM Ty p E W RI T E R Rebuilt-8!\U.1 Portable film f!<litor like , new,· 2 mantels• ~· 2 engine $15. Kl 5-3349 $1.-$5. 642-3526 All· 1:00 PM GUITAR-HARMONY g.o o d 21" TV chassis with brand hed ma•--" \!box· 8 u e POWER 'Mower.· rOtary $20 foci 1 950 $10 Mi rar ht nets $2 1 boat ladder $5 Sat. or all day Sun. condition $25 962-3650 .. '". ,,., 1 .. _ tube $15. 40" m ... :u9988<~ """•. prlng Chaise Jo .. n .... $5. Shov-• $1. clean like new $ 2 2 . 5 0 ?I e · ne ig a. . ' · a1' 'BIKE, 3 speed HuUy Deluxe I ===""""""=.,-.~= ... ...~ .,..., ...._. -..,.-,.. 548-TI6S . · 1'100el Ml2, S15. ln6oor llKe new,2 cases pink' met D I II Sf ELECTRIC Skillet. $ 5 • 5 0 , SPEAKERS, Fender,. special slraw target, cost over $30 Rake 75c Lamps $1 and .supcrfiood lights on(bar a~ -t.i_le $5. IOf ~· 1 dou~le $~~rst. Jam~~-~ .mirror S2, 2 lawn chair ·design, 10" $8 and $12, Utah new, asking $15. Two new AtrrOMATIC: Wlllher, very S17. Single bed, like new APT .. Size. reirig.,. good $20; 1n case $10, New ·waterpik, sink. a~ 1draiilboard, pink 646-1514 frames $1 each,. 4 card bass woofer S12, good con- w bite van Heu 1 et n good condition , $25. Cas $25. White painted chest or picture frames, $1-$4.; bric gift, never used · SlO. 375 fornuca.'-w Ith faucets, no racks SlO each. vacuum SlO, dition, must sell.~ permanent pressed shirts, dryer, "'orks godd,S25. Elec-drawers $15 2 large plastic brae. 2001 .Kings Road, Broadway, c.M. 54S-2127 chips $10. 1-36" screen door MAN'S 2_pants suit like new radio $3, wall clock $2, Scott 1-ize ·11, 35'.', nfi:ver removed ~lux vacuum,, de~ $2. trash barrels ~ eac~ Satin 10-12, Sunday· TAPE recorder, porl..8b1e,.us-doolike new_ $5. 136"; f~ louvre ,size ~ $5, 1 pair ladies 40 HP motor S15, platform frOm bais $3 each. 'l\trlrey • Open House Sign $2. sheet set for King size bed CREEN Wooden high chair ed once $25. 2233 , Orange r with •all 4 glass. ·silver slippers wom once rocker $12.50 ~1868 I. No commorcial•r.rms or private business may use these columns. carving board 121ii: x 19%, 847~15 S8 f_or set. G.E. electric $1J. Baby bath seat $1.50 Ave., c .M, 642-0082 ' -673-7337 • $4, l9361 BrookhW'St St., Sp. THOR Gladiron e I e ctr i c neVer used $3. Insulated let LVGCACE men's. 2 suiler blanket. twin size S7.50 Portacrib bumper gUants T\VIN Box Spring and .mat-'50· H.B. 962-2l08 irol\er very good $10, 3 elec- bucket. cost $13 new, asldng .SS What.not &helves: $1 each. Hand t<M'!!ls 30c Single 50c apiece, iron $5. Toaster CAS range, . apt size ·s25• ·tress,. $20. Twin Simmons r tri(f hand irons $1 each fire $2. 536-9903 What-nots, all kinds l.Oc+$1. 1&heetll, fitted and top st $.l. Eastbluff N.B. ·644-1096 ...£\e~. 548-3382 Roll-a-way' Maple" bed and DES. SS: 3..dra;wer I bedside extinghuisher 1 quart size 2. EACH ITEM . for WASHER $25 Mattress $10 Gun rack $2.· 2 h\in each. Cases 50c Air mat· SINGER Se"iing machine in SCRAM~· ('£JS: 'matm-ss $20/ Long CoUee l iable, _S3; &.drawer desk, $2, 4 solid Oak antique sale m~st be priced-i Bed frame; $7 SecreJar)' bedspreads• $S each. 375 tress $2 Hot pads 25c each. stand-up cabinet. Old, but t ab i e · S15. Pr. Ear 1 Y ,$7; divan, S7: 6-drawer chairs very good $4 each, ~ C ._,_" ere-"!a•t ,_,,_ 110 Broadway. OJ :w. S-2127 Dart board SOc Boy· s 11 ,, .• , ... no. "'° ~i. ~·' A . 11 1 r ·chest . of drawers, s 5; 225 c t A 1 c H 8 n~ price over $25 •. IJ.ll.U .,., """' .... ... b b I I ho fl .... .,...,...,,,., .. vu ANsw· ER' s ~ merican v n g room W-tin· gh""°" cl-k radl " res p. • .. , · MOVIE · t $25 M · a s e a s wes •• l 115 Book $10 "" uu= "'-"' 536-0403 Chail'S $2. New popcorn PI"OJec or • OVIe Walkie-talkie S3 Toy rifles Diana, NJ!'. ' amps ·ea. case -with aJann, perfect, $10; I~~=:,.,.,==-.--3. DIME • A • l IN E popper $.5 Baby stroller $3 screen $14. Mahogany and ll Dyne! hair 11 h $3 Di'>tress·ed Maple Telephone s I · 1874 HAUSEN Mantle clock, d I by ( S2 T . pl tt. " ,_ 1 sw c ROOM Cooler, good no. N al c be h I"' M 1 . ht •• d . Y varua radio, perfect, $8; a . s are accepted end Ba car sea . enn1S as c case ....., .... rge pc-(d k b l 5 4 6 0 -6 2 5 968-4190 Avenge -orm ._ reate nc .... 1. ape nig susn box spring frames with-need. s repair ,ns, large racket $10 Hair dryer SlO ture frame $4" Simmons Sa~~ rowf 3011 -Mad . ' -Hairdo -Nether. -Taw· $:.tO. \Vh>te painte<;l 5 drawer roleln, $2: cabi~t doors. wicker rocker ·comfortable published as a unique · Chest drawer $10 EZ chair couch $12. Shoe racks $4 A Wl Non Y Balcer • ell'ad HAND Bowl t'!ink with fit-di-; -OCEAN TIDE ches: $12. 8 .Drawer 'White ~rted sizes, 50c each; m. $25 3-speed Portable hi-f~ service to our patrons·, and .(tom"" 115. o ..... n files Traverse rod• $2 °--p ve. . ear a n lir• S5. ~90 • "T Ii s ·u · hy 'd double dre~~ .. r' 125. Maple rd 1ay $10 · ,.., ,..., ........,., unMbor,. CM e me, 1 y, W • o -side doors, assorted si'"''• reoo P er , wet st.ut, d th DAILY PILOT! $5 Desk $15 Step table $15 stools S3 Hibachi Japanese ...... \VOND'El\ Horse $10. G.E. they use knots insti!ad·of•mil-Dining table $25. 4 matching Sl each: kitchen cab~t good, small size $5, 9' 6" an 8 Storage cabinet $15. stove f12 wt).lte kitchen WASHING . Machine, needs hair dryer $4. Brown and es on the ocean "?" ch:a.ira $25. 642-6186 dav..-ers, assorted sizes, 50c Hobi surfboard good, 420, reserves the right to1 646-4837. 155 ROcbester St. radio·$2. 642-6935 aome repair $25. 2 crutches, Jol;'dan patio ufrnlture and ''Because, darling) .they'Ve Gl.JiSS Top coffee, table 36 each: kitchen tab 1 e s , lift top oak piano bench Gmit their .pubrtcation C.M. -_.BAR stools $2 each. Twin eeicll S:!i. Matching chair chair $5. Chaise $10. got to have the .OCEAN x 18 $8. 16'' RCA portable wooden S2; chrome dinette $10, pair twin size t d h L NE\ '/; Persian rugs 9 x 12, headboard $1"50 Christmas $25. Vacuum cleaner $10 673-0161 • ." TIDE." TV $20. Som& work. 2 chairs, 50c ea.·, 1/. HP bedspreads, western de&lgn, O one ay eac WH.L ·r . · BathroOm enclosures $10 ·~ 10 · x ·8, · 4 x 6 .and 2 x tree. lights, ba:lls $6. TV End table $5 646-8381 GIRL'S Stingray bicycle $20 LAMPS Various sizes and record players, 45 $3-$8. heavy duty motor. SS: 1112 aqua $5, gallon size DIME-A~LINE ade .art 4, $1{) to $25. Lady Kenmore speakers SOc-$5. 2 Jeep gas ' 3 artificial fireplace Jogs shape,·$5-$25. 64214715 . _ Di~h~a.stel' sink fa u c e. t HP heavy _duty motor, S3;, aluminum outdoor cooking combination washer and gas cans $1 eaeh. Lamp shades ST AND A'R D Typewriter. $10 Men·11 Elgin self-wind bl . ·Double $22. G.E. work radio 2 end tables, nice; SJ each: pot with long· .handle ·SS.50, 1trictly cash with .cop;y. dryer~ Bar S', excellerit S1 each End talilea n each overhauled $:M> 21" TV, \Vatch $10 3 electric razors NE\V Sea_rs porta c ha.tr S7. 6 E1ectric alarm clocks portable RCA TV wlth :DI Pac. Cst Hwy:, H.B., Resdera are urged to 11t- cond1tion $25. Blond wig, CoUeetable$4Foldlngpiflg works OK $25. Tape $5 each. Teflon ,vame iron dryer With .'Stot'2ge ,case, $1 .50 10· $4. KenmOre •stand.$2ii: campersink,$2; 5J6..007l • port pro mptl7 to the cost $175, $25. Antique lace pong_ table S5 Badminton corder $12. Garden tools $10. 546-4917 sho~ulderstrap, emtrywheel vac\alm clciher tank to .$6. 17'.'xlS"x7" utility sink, $2; l'UP~H"'O;C,LST~,;,E"R"'E"D-,Chalr""°'~=ss. DAILY PILOT Cl&uUied under glass serving tray $4 .r a r: ~et s 5 O c eac h . $2-$5. &16-1525 S8.50. &12-7890 ' w .. H'. Tank Vacuum cleaner standard double k i tchen rattan headboard $10, twin Department any Yiolatlon1 CHILl)"S Hardwood rocker ESS t th Dim "" Glassware, old 25c: -$1. Bedspreads, king size $4 STANDARD Typewriter 19. $3. Wood toy chest $3. ero. ?t1ATTR , T\vin siz<', very ~tt:. $14. Lawn mower $.1. sink, $5: call after 5 PM headboard SlO, provinical o ese .. A·.-.• l'8IU" z Niibian goats, does ~ Double size $3. Area n111: Blue pearl drum set $23. clean $10. Had ·to ;get nug· and pad 7' 4" x 7' Sat. and Sun. 545-5490 table $10, 962-9740 1 ationa: each. Carpet bag $3. New 4'--6', matching 2'x.1' $10. 2 Ideal for young 10 yr old. quet set $3. Coleman lamp orlhopedic, doctor's .orders. ·2".SU: Miny tape recorder \~~~~~~~:::::o=,,..:.~:;;~:=:;~~===..:_,========::-\ leather Qag S2. Costume gold table lamps $8 each. Gas stove with griddle $25. stove.$1.0. 546-49l7 548-4428. 166 Cecil Pl. CM I SIO. · 2 ·Firi · extin~isher jewelry l Oc-$1. Cake dish 375 Broadway, CM 548-2127 Good condition. 642-2812 SOFA, Tu'O piece sectional Vi'ALNUT Desk 30., x SO", . 3:3.~ .ea-, Floo~ polisher $7. St. Surf b o ~r d S l. 5 RED Schwinn Bantam 20"' TRIUMPH Parts: Block, $20. ~ hidden typeWriter-:iweU· S25. \V. H. 12 reir1gerator, good Housewares 10c-.n . Twin ...bicycle $20 lee chest S2 new bearings including Isky OLD trunks $9 each. Sheets. TV aerial $2.50 · R 0 y a l _$25.i._ 3910~~ Channe) Pl., bed, good condition $15. $unbeam tank vacuum $20 cam $25 Tra(lsmission $25 pill~ cases, bath rugs :rac 1y!>('writer $15. Steel folding N.Q. fi13.i.1603 DIME· A· LINE WANT ADS Desk, 1 drawers .$101 ~ ll<enmore Washer $25. Ken-Oulch ~th flywheel S15 to $1.75. Twin bedspreads card table chairs $4 each. SKI Boots -size 5-excellent dressers $1 each. 842--7890 more dryer (electric) $25. Generator and starter SlS $5 per pair. Avocado twin Paintings t)-$25. Wardrobe · conOition $7.50•673-8963 ANTIQUE Lamp, ·Oriental 549--4321 each Fuel pump, water quilted Hollywood bed cover trunk $3. Girl's bike -S9.75$ l\.iATI'RESS. box sprin"g $lO base 40", _expensive ibade SLOT CAR TRACK. 12' :x pump, o I I pump SS eacb. SlO pair. l'tew Gold quilted 644-2902. Sat and .Sunday~ each 2 yellow chesta $10 $12.50 64z-5334 4'' full straightaway win-540-0895 twin bed covers with throw 900 Sea Lane, Apt 4~ , each:' 2 blue ~uches S2Q Pillov"s S18. All woo I Corona del Mar 10-2 2 F AMIUES Selling: C&N· ding curves, embankments. MALE, g,.· m••• Chocolate -· each. Con"!E!r table Sl5. b I a n.k e t s in various . Ing set $4. Cafe curtains double lanes, full landsca.p. rv>inl, 10 months old. $15. SKIS, Jun10r, P-tex base 2-'Black wicker ·chain $15 .--assortments $5-$8. Sunbeam 18 · and valance. never w;ed, Ing. Needs very minor 968-2979 Electric coffeeinaker $5. pairs: each. Tires 8.45 .. ea~h. Gold duralite service 3°pr, $4. Time-all $3. Small· work. $25. Gla5!1 top g"....t..n BABY It Sh' 1 . ht x 15, $1-$10 Smat: paddle for' 6 $25. Oriental 'voocl ""''""i ems· 1r 1 n1g Ladies size 2011' cashmere L---' $10 · I """ · table, 2 chairs $3. Box <table wrought tron ivy · • uvw-... G1r 's .w lJike carVings SlO • $25. Limoge o! gpodiea. includes Kodak de a '1 g n ' 4 grace Ju I gowns, blankets, o u _t fit a coat, knit :;uits, dresses, $12. For a boat: Stanchions . pjtcher. and tray $25 each. 25c-$5 Blouses s k 1 rt 1 sweaters, blouses, nylon I 2 Brownle, watch, clock, ban-straightback chain with · _ ' . • $2. 3 vo t toaster ·~ and Small French Bisque quet size linends S3. Like black naugahyde scats. $25. dresse~~~=h~j pots, :~~fg=te~l.~de~o li~S~ collee pot $2. Girl's duofold, flgu~s SIS pair., BeUeck new . dresses 14-16 $1.50 Wrought iron .frame Vista ~ ~~ Pal · row~~ tablecloths, napkins, Sl.SO to size 10, SL Poriable .3 speed vase $15. Copenhagen figure each. Bathroom. hamper, modern couch with balck ' cen ia phonograph $2.75 ' Bo ok s $20. Eskin10 stone calving pink $3 Lounge chair S5 naugahyde upholstering and C.M. $5. Alt!)r lO a .m. 5'ID-2330 5c .. $1. 10 • 4 PM. 3ood 'S25. Ptimo beaded basket Standlll'd mail box, black attached white formlca end 400 DAY glass domed clock DRESS form Sl2. Air cooler Beacon St.,· NB, oU Sant.\ 1$25. •Collector's glass SS ,• $3. Mex.lean glass .pitcher, ta!>le. Naugahyde ls tn $15 Tguter $4 4 slice toaster Stl. Irons $2 to $3.50 Hair Ana. Sat-Sun S25.• Apt. J. 2619 Santa Ana, plates Sl Pair 001.sten $7. perlect condition and heavy· $6 Mantle clock $4. 548-9870 dryer $3.50. Tea earl $2.50. PLAYFUL Beagle puppy, 7 . C.M.· after 5 weekdays. S Mpaoo 0 tere 0 .,h ~ and=,.~!_ta15~1.e,~1•. du!y, frame needs painting. DEXORATOR Taliles, 1 pink Desk master Sl. Mounted months old AKC reglsleredJ HO slot. car, like new 33 .... ...u... 1-"Ul $25. 646-3704. 1501 Anita marble top and Maple base tire 6 x 13 $5. Cloths lOc had all shots , $25. Norge' feet $25. 548-4193 ted prints 15c • $3. Lovely 1..a!M'. Newport B e a ch cigarette ·stand $25 1 Floren-to $5 all i;lzes. Dining table g<is clothes dryer $25. BAbY! FALL_ brown ss: 546-6li66 ftamed pictures $1.$0 ta $5. {WestcllU-Harbor Highlands tine white and gold 3-tier and four chairs $ 2 O · dressing table-S9 lligh chair 313 Rochester, C.M. Satur-area). stand $25. t black wrougtit Bassinette $5. Oi.r parts 10c $6. Nursery chair $3. Sun· LARGE petlal car, like ne\v day. 642-5334 SKIN DIVERS 'equipment; irQr:i and glass ,topped 2 -tier to Sl.50. Bed frames S4.50. burst wall clock. wind. up· SS. 540-2847 - edg h ~ I b Window screens Sl. each. · 2 rwtN Size beds ..,n, Sl5. fins, mask, gun, all new w e s at'C" cornt'r a type $5. Small elettric clock. OLD fashioned single bed """ or.,.;. 545-{)906 _Knitting machine $25. Ski 'J 7 A board $2 Modern print 60ta -Older .$20. Koclac .M.B.M. camera _.. ...._ 7 9,, $ 0. h Sl ~70 Lorenzo-v e. $4. Head , fine for -uvuts w 1:in1. l cac . 9 2 Id O grttn sola $10 Dining room _.SlS-%" drill motor $5. 12 OLD Oak rocker $7.50 Twin Dresser $25. Row boat $2.1. 515-8 ~ antiquing. 0 mirror SJ · tablt', with 3 chairs $1S V. tranl!listor car Radio with bed $3 2 pair drapes $2. OD.rS, anchor. life preserver. BLACI\ Caracul fur coat Antique trunk S18. Pole Vaucum cleaner SS Portable built in speaker $20. Seal Electric mixer with juicer and other equipment S2S. sizt' 16 s:.r1. 5 Blut'.' chip lamp S3. Pole plantt'.'r $3. TV $25. Radio $3.50 C.Ottee belts $1 each. Welder's Radio-phonograph $4 Anti· Po"-'E!r mower Sl5. Electric books .S2.50 each. Like ne w Chrome clothing rack, new tables $2. End table $1.50 helmet SS. Tape d e ck que dresser·$5 19" TV $10 edger SU.50. 3246 New York Ian jacket $10 Ladies slacks UO. Radio $5. \Vheelbarrow SPECIAL "PERSON · TO· PERSON" WANT ADS App11r in Wffkend-Editian Only (Otliver.cl Saturdays) DIME·A-~NE ADS NOT ACCEPTED BY PHONE DIME-A-LlNE 2 LINES ................ 2 DIMES 3 LINES .......... , ..... 3 DIMES, Etc. * No Item For Sale Over $25 * -CASH RA TE·~ EncloH your dlmu, dol11rs, chtck or monty·ordtr with your ad. . -For your ·•d to qualify th, DIME·A·LINE rate, yau MUST Include prict in "For Salt" ads,becaust including prices increasn rt111lts. -Sorry, cammtrcl1I firms may not takt 1dvantagt of this specl1I rite. -You m ay run 11 m1ny lines 1s you wish. If the coupon don not give amplt space, print or type your·~ on a pltce of !paper ind mall· ff, to- gether with payment In full (Or bring It In). Count 20 letters and 1p1CM: to e ach line a nd enclost a di"1e for· each line. ,/ U11 a ne 1p1ct #Qr tach letter, punctuation rftark or sp~ct. No Abbreviations * Lamps $2-$5. Dishes 1~25c ~~peak11e0ra • ~ 5 Hangbelng Marble pullman top $5 4 Ave., C.M. 546-l1 70 50c each. Old trunk $4 Rose ~n:::O::.· ::."::6-<l666c::::::c_ ___ _ Men's shoes 5 0 e-S l. U&U•P • 1.A.u,-un am club chair bar stools 2.f quilled double 11pniads $4. BICYCLES $8 • Slt Several Sun.Mon-Tues. Feb 2-4th. hair Dryer $5. 847-3461, uk tnch $8 each. Rustic Spanish TWIN Bed, SlO; Danish type 642-5880 ·styles , and sizes,. includin;: I -+-+-+-+-+-t-t--t-l-+-t-1---+-J-+-J--!--l--1- 2622 Santa. Ana Ave .• C.M. for Mike. style twin head and foot-coUee table, $5. 6444290 Sti --• 3 d DRESSMAKER'S F.orm" 1 ngray o.uu ·Spee , last house in driveway. MATCHED Blue glass swag board $3 New Marine Dares KENMOl\E washer" v e r Y i;izes 12-2~. "lily· Double" 54n-2M7 . ~OUGH 2 x 6, 2k per ft. lamp $15 pair, New. and radar ttfiector St and good condition, but needs {wire mesh) never used $15.: BUNK beds S25. 642--0906 2X 4. 7c per ft. Rough 962-8671 S3. Recore rack '15c 12 bass electrical repair $6. \Vest· &l5-2Z36 2 3 Sc ( 12 aerordian $25 Rack 75c lnghouse dee. p frter and I"'"'"~=~~~--NE\V Minic · boa, large $25. I -+-+-+-l-+-+-1--+-l-+-1-l--+-~-!--l-.l--.l.-l--1 x • • per l 1 :x , CLOTHING exce.llent con· · · · ' OCCASIONAL Tables, con-BeautHuI real· dark brown 1-l0c per ft.~"plywood$1.50 dition: private party; Dlnner~rare service fo~ 8, broiler. tt'.'Oon $7. Cookware sheet. Wood doors $5 el\ch Bit 1 34 5 0 $12.50. Complete aquarium $1 10 $1 .50 164 E. 19th St., temporary st}rle for living , mouton jacket $25. Lush \V"ndo $3 h Ul-~ uses. s ze c • • $8 so Descowatt 5()c.;5 Bed C.M ~ · or family room. ?.latched black fox coll.tr sweater S10. 1 Wll eac • "'-" sweaters. size 38 5 O c , · · 2 . 1 · set or three includes corner Crash helmet $8. Bo\\•ling comn1ocle con1 plete $10 Ca · · 8 50c Cock! ii frame S .50 Boy s c othlng ABSTRACT or Modt'.'rn •?Old · · pru;, size • a 25c-S2 Child' k fl .. lablr. Popular fruit\\'OOd bag and ball $3. Ne\v metal Electric fixtures $2-$5. U8ed dresses, casual and kriit · nd s .roe t'.'r "' wall sculpttu"t' $14. 9£2......i!S7l furniture, like new con. . sli®lg windov•• sm.>en $10. pipe. and fitting& ]Qc..$3 dresae"' flitt 7.g and 9-10 Book a maga:tln(>ll. 5c-50c 1.lOVING &tit·, Condie~ $4 d'tio I '"" 113 . . I N ti ki't 3 M h Anhque curtain rod$ $3 ,.1. 50c 1n" S2 p 50c Glassware lOc-$2. Air com· 1 n, C.'5 u ... n . angina ew n.n qUe s, , .,. eac . . urses $25 All 1 -~2 and $15. Chain; $5 each. cost $19.00 each. '833-2823 64)..3184 -~~ .. c~ai~ha~,!:~;.'~ ~~~!.: ,;: ne~~ !rn ~~: ~ A~ .• s.~~tl;'~. ~~iich~21; ~ it~.1~~~~ REF'RIGERATOR. Clean, TWIN Bed, SlO: ~sh type jlf~OIRi:4NT NilJ~li~"!'I each. 2 drl~ p.lff SlO 20 pain: ot ·polntec'ltoe hlgh ~...,,., 66--1495 .. older., good opentlng con. , coHee table, $5. 644-4290 ' pr. 2 accordlan •I>!< c:lolet heell ,.,. 68 75c pair. dition $25. Ptcnie table, SING~R "°'"ble ,.,wing ·. • doors $lD pr. Sun., Mon.: ~ Sat aM Sun nlY mRDSEYE Maple dres!ler FlSHING poles $5 -$6. Ex-redwood ~18. Four meta/ lmachlne $25. 2 , golf cart· Tbel. Feb 2-oC 2622 Santa 0 • $25. Matching headboards ·haust fan 4.' x 4' $10. Blond patio chairs $5. 6444raJ bags $10 anil SS. Hair dryer BE SURE d d Ana A CM-lat holtle 3027 Madelra~Awnoo. N"ear $25. Double plutlc head-forroica bed aide· table $3. after 6 PM ·Ctr S1mday. $3. Foam rubber O>Uch 125, your· I dress-i n I or 1Phone ·ttumbtr ire included, -fntlclli ln driveve., • • . Baker and.'. S. C.M. board '$10 Mr. and Mrs. '96l--3671 • · -· PORTABLE'i.: -White er,.,. $lO 3 drawer chest 5 GALLON Aquarium. c:omj Su'"""""·llO· Electric tn>n 'GARAGE SALES,,.PATI01 SALES -LAWN tSALES ETC 0,., N<O 'I' 1AC- RE FR I c E RAT O R _.. • plete $4.50 1 Large medicioo S2. -4 badminton · racquets ' • , " . '. ' . , .,., crtb·Md Mil...., $1~ $25 Wlng.,cl< chalr $25 Col· SOFA. makes bed SZI: ChAlr cabinet' •1th shell $4 ,Rug $2. Co!ire table $i Cockioll C&P.TED 1t thl1,1pocl1I r1te.·ALL.ad1 ef·thlo typo will be -chargatlfttvla ~~i1p0~\ $25. · Bf:U and ~~ $3.50 .po o d I e fee ta be $lD Naugahyde and ottoman, make• single ~smpooM'. $2.50· Toys. lOc· dress. , each·. $5., Crey suit, • , , · mm . mime pro. femaie put'P>' S:Z~!W0-3500 sol& $25. BoUdolr c.ha.ir 1$0 bed $22. Two oceamnal to $3. Child's feed and p\11.y , wool sbe 10 $7. 2618 r1tft ind published ·In ·the· proper 1clt llifle1t1on. jectol' $25. -~ dryer $2.~ ENCiUSff 2 spm:I man's Straight beck ohalr $5 30 chair-, S7. Table and 4. chalra table $2.50 Lawnmo\\-ers. lt!I Redlands Dr. C.M. 548--2545 , • ~o u n d m • r ro r ( 3 0 bike -·Ith rack s;m Ctrl yll.f"(b beige carpeting $15. $18. !I x 12 bctge rug $5. 1~. rt't'I e.nd rotof)' Sii. Si. STOVE. . . Reil !1tatt 1ds1hovtn ind lots, etc., for 11lt,_txchlngt , or rentals),; work ~~~~ !!;~: ~ ::: Scoub"·-~~','"",.,:1 "!!·~maU :;:. S~M.~9--2'171. l.l5Ei ~~· 3161 Bermuda Or.. Quilt Sl. Sto\'e .Sl5.'D.rt.'!l!Wr, N(!w "'~:t~si:u~~r,s;.1\ wanted 'a r htlp W1nttc1·1d1 WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED t thl ' I I· t $:L'lS 2 aluminum 'l5e and uw w• o .,.,. -.-. SS. l111lr riryer $6. 1'w1n hctl gallon $25. Double brd , · I I 1plC I n .. _ SLSO Expre5.'IO $1.50 Rabbit OLD Sltlger &e'fing macbl11t'. MAPLE Twin bed frame m Rf.JG 12' x 15' bl?uullfut an-S.25. 64.2-5561. 2214 A Placen.. tran1r with bookca!IC $5. Dtad lint: 3 p.m. Friday Ut'l 1 ,(a.nltnn<t) $1 LadiN May~ antiqued ... IJcoautUul Gray bookcage headboard tlque gold high.low nylon tia, Cl\I Pm11"1ble St":wing mll<'hinr. *Sel. ~it 9, oow ~ (cost condiVOn. ~II attacht\lcntA (double) wJlh lranie S2S carpet. Only 3 months old. BUNN IES • Dutch. Silver need.4 bobbin cue only SlO. H"nfi ng·ton i h ach office before· 1:30 p.m. Friday P > ~ $13. fl62..'6tl ' Alatltta and box sprino Perff'Ct cond!Oon. Bound t.farlcn, Chindtilla -$1..50 • 642---0CISL 2232-A 0 r a n g e 1 • , iilA lied. ma.tt hina draMr TWO MahoOnY •teP tablei $10 Ma.tchlni triple ~ edits· $25. Padding ·for S3. M&-9965 · Ave. c.~f. * N IJ 'fO S I 0 $25' * .............. .u 1or $11. ... °' .,...1or .,..,.10 ..... ~ --d. u.,. ..... ....... good ""'"'" ooy·s 3 .,..,. .. 1,, ......... SK=1s~-"",""""~~.1-.._~. --pol~.,. o em-. r a e · ver-. 114-lTO ~ II•., !68-u9o ... .,....., $3. lll&-4911 tlon 125. 646-8298 dilion, ,,,. 31 lts.;W-J6.50 $20.' S!M222 ' -'---'-""'-----· t • '· • .. 18. "" ic ·" tat !al "· .. "" ,<) $2, $3, "" UI tie af· '1< rel .4" "· to "" ll, air ..,, ""' "· om "" $5, '"" :26 .... od :ia! !ah ~ .. i -ms ••Y for - 4E .nd 1uo lnsi :nf to ' ion el ... P.Y· :. ""' .... .,.. = Etc. •Ith ""· 1 .. "" - * -.c. ... ..... lie. = ' -7 - ' MIRCHANDISI l'OR MIRd!ANDISI l'<IR SALi AND TRADI SALE AND TRADI MERCHANDISI! FoR SALi AND .TRADI SltJHor, Flll(liory I, 1"9 D,18.y PRO!' Pin.,,_. LIVB'rilc~ TRANSl'OlTATIOM 'l'IAiaPolTATION TUNSPOR_TATIO~!!::r-~~!!T:~~l"E~~~~~ . 9:'P .... '!'l.!'L!l.koo t27S ,_,..A-. NOi ·~ ~-H TOYOfA ,..,....... -ll"~""'~-~11u~,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~'°~°'~° F~u~m~i1wo~;;,:;:;;;;;;e~ ~~·•11.. -Miii + D01•UW1S * eoN~ Jllnl.lll!m'. r1<1u biW 1 ' MERCEDES IEN% TOYOTA. 'IT «DRO/f.\ VOLKSWAGEN* f9 MCltll1t"£ Xiii& .-Ob', mwt .. ftlM'. I ~--, Low ml., 11p I"""" 4 dr. --llft 2 DAY . AUCTION .. I will •orillqo oil Of pal1 -....,.,..,,, .... '10Q , • '6S IMW '63 Mlrcedel -with AM·FM...... YW a ol -mor now llodl• iW:E ""liifum ., fllnll>' IC-'1112 ....._ •u_. WIW, healor. Noni -· ' nmu"ML r Sola*'°'" W/oldor ·-foo·d MINI.-I HP 0n-.i lJllll _,.__ -... !TBtmT) . CREDITORS DEMAND CASH! -,-. -~ *" ........... m .549-1<>1 X1At-.,new<Nldl. -anddrivetl>lo"'°"1"'-. , __ ;11111111111 ·es149s . • Pri. S,odilo SAT.'llllTI, FEI. I, 7 PM-SUN, .... 2. 1:1o PM -'" allo twin. Alldor mi--...... Lie:, UCDl1'. ......... _ .,,... -B''L M '"XE" .., Bur •• , ........ . Hkle-a-becl, ..,. chairs. ..,. POOo..,LE ·-~ mai., ' M1N1 .. 1I<1 s:SHr u29• •buy li"Onii!iio ~ J:J:l , •• ~ • '11 -.:. .......... . NOWOPINTOTHEPUBL1C-DAllY'&llUN.'"' 1,,. •• nd,ommod01,,... hu~ "°' -l.bDi4 SIJtS ~-m 'MBup ............. . w~, lnylte Y<JU to come early a. 11aJ la"1 -• Cheap 1n<1· ...._ II VIOi pi:evlewourmdse-W:que11lou:Webav1 • COL~SP~T ....... I""'-AKC R<f. lrllb Settor, 10 Moto>ondol t300 ~···-'-new, near new and antiqUOI to ~ troai a-ar 1 yr old, 1 tr -"'""'·lflio. I lemalol -=..;---· ltl'ORTS , LD17U .. , Ac;H ILVD • -ell 1tyleo, S]>an!lh, MeCI., ~. ~ , auar x....,.. -• WL •t1" HONDA ~ Hu.I IMc:h 147.&SIS em Yaple -Many name brantll. ~.auto-·....., tRANSPOltfATION • . .• -~.?! llTUl'llll 1m11'.o1a. ... 1a..,.o,(lclj l80 '89......,.... '°"'"' -. CJ(_; -'°""~ -. . -so~i~~u~ :=~"';j~~ ~avachli llOOO MINI BIKES tATSUN mllatbor,CJL --o..!,7 .. ~!!_0~11-lr':!"'~~~~·~:-~-----~-1I'*' :Ill mo contr.ct ilar * SPECIAL * ltff .... Ol '41' tloo. ....,,'l!c.ter, .,. a ~~~~!rs'.'~.~rr.:..~~~~ ":;5.&.';~0N * : -~~ . .'.':'.'~ .. ~~ HERr..:~~EA • DOT • drive .,i:t TYX2lT. u:;: =a°':" a· n.ian-~"'" on ... pm W.CH IL'l1>. HW, 1t A~~~. GifOlt L•...:a ,.,__,,..,.,. 75 neW & near new coucbe1 • lovese1ta • Auetionl f\1da.r t:30 p.m. &tnet. 0wner· muat tell! ti llecb s. ... ...,. fwy.I • . ~SO 1•10 HAllOI AYO. oectlonals •hide-a-bed• (new fabrics & de-Windy's •uction Born,..~~.'.~-~-. 'IT HONDA Supn' -HUNTINGTON IMPORTS =-=Cc'OST-i=•-'"....,DA-'--=-signs). • beautiful occasional chilrs • 45 ,.. • --·-__ IO, mo ML fll5: 'W • '&I v w "'* - dinettes • 8 pc. grape design dinette • 21 e.blnd ,...,.,, Bldl-Mat'I ..,_1 a..,. ...... $15.500 Hodab. otlll i.; .,._.,,· 1315. BEACH 11116 '""""1~~0••= yolio,;,, • 3 ..;_ -- diJ>ing room aete • chinas • buffets • sen-!0'15\1 -CM -ff' ~ "· X1n1 """'· m-mt New and Uot<I c.,. MG _'.. · -~ · : .. _ ... • c1u...,,. wblo, ,.bit q bJ • en • desb •1ianos • custom made ma. POOL Dlead e~ .We liDM. etc., '61 YAMAHA um. .. tun Complete S.rttce a P•rf• Imported Autol 9600 prot. wtth I mo· CUil'· sive name bran bedroom ••ts • box & ma11. ·TA.BLES ~~;.; .. ~·=-~:a ~::r.:: ,'!2tl717,•,EACHS'~!;~~2· lCG -·-TllU .... H ia.t"\. ~t ';;. ::=--all sizes • co!lee & end tables lo go with all -~ owner ,..ey1 llW $315. 115-<116'1 • • --~~ _. •16 vw -- trends • bare & stools • desks • tr_pewriten Fantutic 39• Block bland h•t l •11•• s.. s •• Df•t• Sal" Service. Pirta ~----1 • lamps • mirrors-•-many dee. itell1'. New slate $695 val Now $295 Schooner • pat crus boat. ~ s!'::' ·= fwy. ~~~h·~,· J.;:,,.':'••ht Qvnptet~ ... MG IDvlDlm'1 ~x:e~: • · ~ ct;t°'~' ~~ -lr" .... N~ear----.-co•I"°o· r"""rv---.-,.-_b•l•a---"w_blte __ "" 23 Modela to d\OOle from S59 Owner wa.nta ~! Sl8.650 OFFER.. 536-2233 • REPOSSESSION See the new· 4UltiD AIDR'b • t'INlJ& • chero. rill. autD. wry deu ·-· -.., ... '"' 18Ml11, 6112-7101 DAVID L FRASER • . '&I oAmm P!CKtlP Here Nowl _lal0,--;;:.,,.-=,,...,._,,,.,...-,..., 1 S~rel>< -Combos -Ill styles C.U· Cluck Awcy 16 ~ Nb> 100, x1nt V SW .. ,._ __________ ..;... __ _, FIELD Tra!mnltt.. • 2 342< Vi. Oporto N.B CXllld. $225. f Sod, WSW, dlr, llQ< blue OLK AG~N '54 VW O>as.io. Xlnt eond. i-• Receiwrs, AnsapiK>M, ad-.,.~• * ~:.-:::L.: ...,.·_ *~ with matddna int. 3,000 __ ...;__ Ready for Dune Bugy, Spectal -we are really proud of our Victor-··~ ......., ~-· k:tual ..._ """"' factory ....._ """"" on s:<IO ian handmade repri>ductions •·couches• ~c~·:r~!~11~~ -.™SPEC_;IAL_•e 1:~ ~.:CUh.delsortab ~N';'!="ttre9:.'-~t trade. Also Dirt Bike .. chairs • l~& Seat• marble top game set Duplicator, *' ton tNck, • trade, prefer fottlp. WW system. White-maroon. XJnr =-,;;....,==-~=~-,--I Wt Fl.n1~ with·fOOCf cr9d'lt--1lso Master Chi:"' concrete saw. very rtaal 31' Tlt.OJAN $3!0. ~ fine prvt prty. LB 055018. 3100 W t.uut Hwy eond. $1695 f1nn. 646-4780 CAMPER '63 VW, extN AOK COMMISSION GALLERY 84&-0lll, 59>-1&18 Twin ""'w, only llO boon .• ., KAWl&Kl-2!1. X 1 n t --N...P.n e.ach • alt 6· clw!. R • R, all 'elu! __.. ANTIQUF;JS (Butcher Block, RadJo, depth finder, pre.-~ :ias. Dnfted. Mult · '65 DATSUN Ml-9«6 M0-1164 U. vw. WSW, radk>, pop tinted. BJc motnr, smd ~ 11n' Glrd1n Grove Blvd. k'E' box, ~etc.) HOME sure water, dinghy. SLIP · Sedan. f IJ)d, dlr, r A la, ex-Autldized MG Dealer· out wndws. ~t stick, bu. A Beauty! &a-3003 .~ Block W•t '' Be1ch Blvd., off GG Frwy. FURNs {refrt&, atove, love roe• with boaL Owner mUlt 2 HONDA trail 90'a. 600 cellent condtdan tbnt-out. !)Jue. 5000 ml $1975. MMCrie '6C vw Sedan, sunroof, AM· &eat, ~ etc.) a.oTllES aell! ! miles each. Llb new cond. S85 CUh dell. wU1 tlnc pn. VW' BUI /Rebuilt '62 FM. Good coZJd. $995. CaQ j'l:~~~~~~~!""!~~~~~~~-"'" I (suit. lb tun.) Books, di!h. * INSPECT A: OP'FER! * $275 I: $295. ~ vate prty. Pymntl _?....:!! Good tire:, Jdnt cond. ;:,: 646-9631, eves. er wk.ends. Stwl"f Mlchlnoo 1120 Television · , 1205 "· palnting• Moving to DAVID L. FRASER '61 HONDA SO Mo.LB. NOS fl1, _,,, 1!3-f7!0 642-336> I'-'-""-%--'-==-..:. .. _ -Hawaii, call 128-2261 for 3Gf Via Oporto, N.B. $60 * 962.2(85 or 56<l8M. -~,=.,~vw=.K=o~MBI=--• 1968 SINGER. zlg-iag, touch-HAMMOND -Ste~ Ya-appt. ~ * 494-3916 Eves. •ms Datsun. J600 Sport ~ !e~ i:e~ Convt. ONE OWNER. MANY EX· ::;;i ~~~/walnut ~ • new&k I: n~~.!._~ln * ORIGINALS * t. rr. Omom Flamingo Triller, Tra .. I 9425 MOdeL Wbtte, UD new! 545.7427 TRASL l . • ..--~ ce ~ o m es. Dett ......,.. Ladies coats. 1ulta. mues, Racer. Blue and raid. Low miles. 3*-9Z32 • • 531-a58 • ~ leav111g area. Will &acrilice So. Call!. right hue. &: etc. In slyle, top brarxl I'r'aller &:: boat trnhly NORTHWESI' COA.Oi '91. 'Ui VW lqlW"tback $tatlo.n Xfllt for $39.97 cash or~ SCHMIDr MUSIC co.. names. Shft T·lf. S1. $15. patnted. New whl.111 11', like MW! eo.t $1595. DKW Wagot1. New tires. x1nt .. VW llll 7 pul. $4.77 mo. Button mies, blind l907 N. Main, 847-1897. 16311 Arlington n • u 1 ah Yd e . Upholtterv sell $11S5. M'J'ao8 aft f pm. . -• eond. $1395. SG-3079 c:ond. AM·nt Prv prty. l hems, overeasts etc. No at· Santa Ana Lane, H.B. Three lB% hp Champion e '68 MG-BGT * 159 VOLKSWAGEN * 60-1037 or 837-Gll z tach needed. ' Dealer OK'• HAMMOND ORGAN, tplnet, KIUTim FABRICS cg:lnea. Qm\plete w 1 t b Trucks 9500 DKW • '65 MG Mlctcet • make $D> under Blue Book · Fl~ VW ~ guarant~. Call 526-661& 2 manual Walnut Excelltnt le\1eraJ tnel tarikl, rteerina; --2 Dr Hardtop. Rwi IQOd A: · otter 9&2.-8956 Street LeiaI_-EXTRAS. IS67 SINGER w/cabin<~ """"""" 613-3118 and ...,-. s.. al 2*111 *SPORTSMINS VAN* Real llblrp. ,..,,,..,, party ~ •t . vw ,.bit engine. Good cw..- doe• """>thing wlthout a~ "'FDR SAL! Lafayette, lllewpori .. ..._ * TRUCKS * $315. -. ndlo, -ihape. '61 vw. !A --lib tach.· 136.l6 Full """' °' Hl-Fl & Stino 1210 Remnani., oampl" • MID 17 FT . ...,...__ hludft They A,. All Here At IKWllORftB MOTORS PEUGEOT ll"O Cull. 546-rull an 6 CXllld. Emu. '89 tap. ! $1..SO wk. G~teed. Call --ads sat. Onb' a a:m. to 2 Celuxe model fall f1nt11tlc ,DllCWftt1 •nr IUl . '64 vw BUI Xlrit amd. Wk U150 *· 6*-1111! S23-0975 bEAtmFUL 6' AM-FM p.m.929lli.ftr,CostaMesa. flber1la11) autboar 2:035HarborBlvd LEA~G Dlropt~sell C:: d.Q'I s.s PM 545-TtOO Aft '56 VW. Donn't"'"- stereo with mu l t Ip I ex GOJ..F be.lo club& and cart. . cu.tom azw.p down eover. Rad;y for tmmediat. ~ sCa.asn car, 63 Peuatot. nt • 6 I; wk end.I ~7790 MAKE OFFER; ~ ~cal Inst. 1125 Girard changer, w a In u t complete, !ft 2 )'eal'S Old. ea wheel. Ult-traller. -dethoery new tires, new brakes, eng. ;;;;;:.;,;;,;.-:=-~="c:::: I -==~="--~-1-=---'---'--"' cabinet, storage area for Exeellent eoncHthl. 1 A 3 phone m.m after 7 pm. BEACH CITY perfect. Sun roof, X nU VW m q ., ~· New _______ ..,,.., PROFESSIONAL """" "t lo~ of ....,,....., all IOUd -·~ ln>nl 2 thru 9 FERltARI to gal. 675-6595 paln~ llift, mllo. !II T-. VOLVO ! :,:;,.., na= ';""'-,.. •IA!< !no tubeoJ IU.. """ ....... ~ putter. Cart b S.llboell 9'010 DODGE FER•'Rl -$150. """"'3 \ at about 113 orlglnal oosL -u'LJ'll:W'll: •non..,. ___ .. Bl"" (H 31) -PORSCHE .... old. 3)'' bass drum. snatt, \\.'ill 11acrifice $250. Pbone ~· ~·"· ~ . EXCALIBOR. 16, ALMOST,,_~ ~1 wy. Newport Imports Ltd. Or---_ DMLY Pnm WANT ADS '57 VOLVO ..- TI''s. A. Zildjian cymbala ~7764 ANTIQUE whlte ctlfuw to NEW. MANY EXTRAS!! HUii-•-~ ant• Coun"'i -1 .. autbor-'*•PO"~~-. SS Alft)'I 1 Go.Go! * ~ * 18'', 19", 14" IDL $560. floor drapes. Coven wall $6000. _ -=-:u OJ --v oia ~ .......--. 833-1040 STERO 1'69 oilid stale con-9 tt 10" wide. 'cerile =-•°'° -e· 'S9 FORD Plckvp .~-~:!';.VI-. ··-!Ill nblt e'W-Gd oon,i. lll>I U..i Co,. · ftOOUMd Can sole. Never used $85. AlSo inc fl5. ..._,:;!;}', ~ ..,.,.... ._. r~..,., 6G«S37. Eves 6'1J.3JST Pvt i~iiii:·~:C~--~· ~~iii:~·~~· ~· iiiiiiiiiiiiiil =Cwlth':~~n·d· 6'ultlw;atn8ut !M/~~ ~~· . ~.1:nur:ra.. ~ .~,'!1 C:O:~~budlr~: Sl~!;_.~"1'· ;;P,;;b';-'-,;;-;;;-;;;;::-;;;;:;;;: 540-1839 ~t:m.exN~ :U: for MUST Sell! '54 Admiral bWe I: white. Llke '";;: wrap around bumper, $85 IQ.NII ~"'..-· 540-l'lM POR. ·'13 S. Blue wlblk; , 'ANUA' 1'y· CLEA' •. ANCE TROMBONE -CoM, mod. $489.95, sacrifice • $251). Color TV, new picture tube 14:7-6356 Cub dela. will ftDc prvt Authorbed MC Dealer :.·. ~; ~ llt;'i~~ -f . ' 6H $100. Xlnt condition Call Credit DepL 535-1289 $175 or best otter. 'SB Ford prty. Tab fareWn car in l========-1 TL'. prlcos MIOW ohow that w mMn ..,.._ 944"'7SI wagon. """' ...., 1'15 ... :Ill' KEEL Sloop 1n N.e. dip. """· L e. ,. am~ fll-BTl3 FIAT ii54&''i'-''1823===-w.-::= ,,. 2 AR-3 mahol 1tereo bestoftft'.256Eltber,CM $650. or ofter. 60-5759 er or 5e-063f 'II PORSCHE. ltiOO 111per. MIL Must clear thMe Clfl out for PebNt --'.I.;.''& n.;..1n1; 1130 :.:::in~.:-~ WATER heater 20 &all: $15. ~xn * '670!EV~TP/U,leyl, ~~·:~~cond. 1ry'1.Mwct:op.· ··-v• • good tor m>aller home or 5....._Sld loots 9030 Std -CUI cab, ''' '62 Comet Custom ONCE-A-YEAR rental. &G-3526 ~ 5 or r----_ sportsman top. $1150. ff SUPER. orig, exc cond, C1mer11 & Equip. l300 weekends. ~-15 FT °'VOC -~ ~-L 673--2587 ""'"· leather upb?J, $ 2 so o . Station wagon. ' • ALL FLOOR MODELS -= --6 cyi auto, R/H. PUF098 Conn e WurUtzer e Knabe Brownie Kodak Movie Quality. Kina-Size Bed, Mm:uey .lOXI moU.-, man:y '62 OIEV, ~ ton pick-up; m.<l90'1 t"YeL PIANOS and ORGANS ''"'"" ~ project<r $50 beoutilul quilted .,......, extru. MUii Sell! -IWI, 11\>1. -a -'II PORSCHE s, alnt cond, '64 Buick 'C..-lal "One-of-a.Kind" *~2797• split foundation. bit-in in&: at huge 1981 tor $1075. call att. 5 PM t!tf-'151 all new equip. Best oftu, -.-- $488 YOUR CHOICE ---!ram<. Never """'-' $98. See to appreciate! .540-Cl2 '51 DIVOO -1 truck, li IM-3237 attor e 4 dr, VB, auto, PS, RH,St. 42438 --·----WorthS:tS0.842:6536 ' ton.$250or~offer. - ----to 10°/o off "~"-"rtln_g_~.!._a~ 91EDDING rln8'. u ,.,.., BoetMllnt .... n• 9033 eMUfO&e RENAULT '64 Chev. 4 Dr. $788. SHOP EARL Yi ' ~ ~.. · -HILLMAN to RH OML789 GREEK SURFBOARD Ii> uniqu• "'11'"•· ~'"••w Pal"tlng. Engine • Eloolr~ 198' %'T P/U, FORD. lll50 Malibu 8 cyl au , . Fine Chrl!tmu Trade-inl 7• 8 .. "MAUI", excellent. $60. cond. Sacrlfice $ 4 SO . by ~~-· -* 142-6416 * 'Q RENAULT Daupblne, $88l fro $388 iuo Obft'I' ..... .,..~ ... """'"" ~-"""' .... ~ ... H··-· Sta Kint cond.: see to ap. -lo' p_.. m . ,,._ ~,, window>! c.u ,..._ · 1900 FORD i; Ton Pldc Up, ';;;,:, iv~ Good~ _..,,. Low m11e..,. $500.1 '6,2 Mere:. Co ily ""' No down • Easy terms Uttle used 9/0 PLAYHOUSE -OC&, will tell tor PlQ, or best condltlon.. $55(1. n4: ~ ta-2872 Park Station Wagon $888 • D<UV<ry • FIN-NOR Rrel $350. """'a.·~·$50. 11·.n':!""1"' nre. Mlrlno Eq•lp._ 9035 ofl<r_. Call ew -.::;=:::::::-::==== Fae air & pow. er. FJM~92 Gould Music Com.,.ny * 5«-6831 * ~ ..... it.I - 2045 N. Maln,.Sonta Ana HEAD vector Ski. 190, BABY Crib• m•""'"·""" 1 RAY'"'""'" 500 D<plll 't2°11;ro.:., ~·u!,:'~ ((Al\MANn GHIA --SUBARU :~n°i ~~~ ~~ w/bindings I poles, very lyr& 4 ~~ =~·1 N~b,tlll~ extra parts. $1(0), HMm GfllAS l969 SUBARU WT DAYSlll goodoond.$15.~7. MICKEY -Wateb ,,_,-Dl'R-11,111'-P!ckUp,'MFord\;Ton, from $12'7166 MPG 1 Honda E No. lll_. part. Beauty, oriKln&l owner. O:m.plete roreiln car _.rv1ce Ml-II•-l600 ~-~"!:im ....,..,., $125. 1 ·-•-• 2 2 ·,..rr:•, Kosta Kustom Kan -pr1 .... .,. ...... -·--~·--.... eloc ~-,115. All but we .,. 1ti1! dllcounfuW PROFESSIONAL WOMAN'S Diamond m«l.t xlnt cood • .....,. after s C t-• 1 'Cl lllll Harbor Blvd. - all ptMo, a: organai in the DRAFTING TABLE Old, very valuable. pm545-6715 ..!!!!e!.!'-----~Ml AD extra abup. aD wttti n· Jut daya or the great Mov· New 31x42", adjusts to aland· Sacrltice. 6'l3-8S32 £ A\'ON 9' Inflatable Diflehy, CAMPER 8HD..LS diol A ~ttrl. TOYOTA hi& Sale. It will cost you ing ·I eve l "ARROYO", GOOCf'nme ~ to be 11,i HP Seqll11 outboard 1 e1eepert, 24" to 53" bJP, ~ """"" to wall Shop • buy m<tal ...... "'"" -....... ll50. lB x 22 1L moloc. Both xlnt. ......,,.., 'No '""" ........ 0.1.C. o· . ~ '69 TOYOTA! mw at: electronically bonded, sand-' e MU?U e Matched pr Chtyaler M3188, HATI'ON CAMPEA SALES \VARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO ed smooth. StrolW steel lilt---210 hp, v~ marine -..4~ •. m w. WU.:-., CM 541.cM! ~ " !Mil N<Wport, C.M. 6'U4U 1ng """-Wu lo any.,,._,. Mloc. Wonttd 1610 545-9425 '1>-3261 '"';:.,, '63 ECONOUNE, ......... ~ All Models Pr. $1 0 PIANOS & ORGANS 15<1. or best oiler. 53G<l402. --MERCURY 9.6 HP. Ou> .,.,.per, f opd, •tick. air. 14', ... '·... '1n.11tt' "TOllllY~lll~'IOIMiL'I0' 1 Hammond S3 chord organ •• e WANTED e baud Motor w/remote tot>-See at 212 Cyperu, Apt ""' UlllO ..... .......... ......... $399 CARPET WAREHOUSE 1rol, 2 IAlllll !225. 642-381'il No. 2, Balboa. $900 Wutll1= 2 1n 1 ""'"" .. 16'9 Remnanta-200.Roll """' furniture • Appll•-_ ,.. vw • ~-. -llammond M-3, 1""' """1999 Tholllands ol yardJ le choole "·'-TV e Pl1noa ~ Fadla 2 Mn! o,..an , , 1<99 from! Some at a.t le.low. ....,..,. 1 loll Slor... 904I -Awnlnl, extru. fUll. Hrs • -· M F!1. ITC. ---~-----Diido. -• $ll!O. tm,_ an. m llatbor, CM. 146-9.103 WALLICHS ' '~ p.m. on-' C-L I• "2 llollr BOATmlMGE --·'-MUSIC CITY Sil IM p.m. """ I· Sall or,._ !IP to :Ill' F<no-1.,:=:;::===7.:':0: -==,.-==·~====I 3400 So. Brlflol, °''" M•,. l15.'I s. ltl::Jn.-""' S4l-4S31 ed )'Ud. Nawport -L Camper Remoi. . 9522 LOTUS e 540-3165 e . -Monthb' nte. Include .• , -'---- Yimaha t."1-'-· vacuum cleaner with W A N T E D U• of hoist COACH • TR.AD..ER TOYOTA . . 11r. • rn11ARTF.RS . ·-·s Llanchlrc RINTALS Pl1nos &. Org1n1 attachments. Take ove r Call AnthonY• It'• llGN too early to make See them now at small We need qulll;J (ao Junie 13&-zztl C M • pymnts or pay otr balance pleue). hmlhn, ·co Io r ttmrfttiona b Sprtrw Hol· 'tr LOTUS Europe, low mileqe, must tell lm-ELMORE medlatelJI fO.CJ.73 after 15300 Besch BlYd., #ttmnstr 0Gt USIC: at 136.11 Crodlt D<pt. TV'' ote-appl-9200 =~-END o• ~~ v 1139 Newport Blvd, CM KE >-72!9 toob and ol1l<e -u.u19-, ~..:. n-• _., -IG---271 U TOF 'CAllH IN :Ill Mlnullll --~--·~-•· 646-0 e VACU MS e 5.11-1212 * ..._ 1:-"'"ic~"~t~1!M~1~1~a'~1--I======:::::. . :::. ~ ::-.::.. "':..':"' 4:3d p.m. Phone ..._ llO op. Repaln • ...... BUYING Sii,.. Co1n1 IO'll Yur Round 'i:"""====="""-"'======::::: Televhlan l20.S ......_ble, Couty......,. .,.. taoe. DolUn • $1.'111. Mobile ff-Show D1111e ..... 1.. 95251 · . ···~ •":00 9UICI lmperted -· NGO ANNUAL 333 E.17tb,_CM., IG-15!11 Sllv<r """"" II"' roll. lB'-:111'-22'-24' • 3' -llltlll UPHOLSTERING • 1'19.!0. 2 (X)STA OOINI l!T w. Dtl! """' -N-IU&GV , pc. <-. .,., ...... ) St, C.M ... lM!I 12 \l(lllES UU... 'I SALE Free •t, del. pAclrup, ,215 «l'.a'-45'.&:1'"5' .. ~' Main, 118 ''Berey'' -_,_.,, -l700 """' -~ .. 0. Color TV'o & Ste,_ LARGE, Low -tables; Yw cu pay a\on Slfff 23'' Motorola. wal cabinet, pea: boardl, 'theatrical light !ID TON Hydnt,ulic JM*. pod. but JOU can't ~bettfti ~ ft&. SfEQ, tped&1 ••••• $4915 ftxturea. Mltc 1tem1. c:ol1dltkm. Sf.5..5490 after 5100, Parb avallablt in au aNU. ~" f.enitli •• mod'1 148-7322 aft..! p.m. PETS anti LIVESTOCK lly Horboi ft~ ~ Im, _. ...... 1418 3 PC SECT 1'15. Dlnllh ..._ 11'5 Mobile H-Show ~ · 1.elll.th tteno. 1ow tioy 6 Modern chair $21. Girl'• .3 ....,... 1C5 8Uer SL " -..... ._ .. bike po. .. °""· -8A.mui • BOni.. ..... % -s::~Blvd. ' . na. S379, aipedal ••••• fUI ~ $50. sc.a91T aft 5:30 from Db. O do r J e 1 a ' a.ta II.a <n4) MNnO . ....., OCher TY'• 6 Stertol NEWPORT "'*<b ,_., tuWI; "*' balr. AKC =,-,,-:=:-:;='="' to ehoo9e from. Cub Memberlh1p fClr Sale. Champa. Tmm: av a i I ; SEE tM Dal Wide &.1-STEVENS TV · """ b<low -°"" -altL -Pa -Pu'a-~1111 1n.11tt 547-MO!I ~ flf'"-i'B-M36 LABIWX>R Ret -. 1 lllOUDI. llllll ml 0-r>I Ult MAllOI an. 1163 N ....... Blvd. GIWID -·-~ atate, 1 lemale, blk, I -maMa --ot -A lltSA Coota 11 .. ' -6 p;ec. place -pl1a AKC -edlrc -1)9111 Wide Salll BJ!l!f lookillf " 0nooo g FT on:Eti Walnut 1V, cab""""· '575. tn Held A lhl:nrr. 531-Gl.7 O.omM 1llotlOt Romes ·1-. ~. ,._ 6 amtaJm. AM. rn flem comb, Coa-* .&IR'159 * MINIATURE Italian Gre7o. 520 N. ...._, I.A. JD 0: ... '"-Wortm.t, Ina ... I docn. Made J!'I flREWOOD FOR SO<iE Hound puppies. AKC. Sell 511-1511 , OIMllO CUrtls Mathis. Must S&! W•lnutlc£ucalyptul.$47.!0 crtrade.R.eaaonabJe. 8x4r wUb lldO' poreb~t .__.._.Autot 1125.-""1, 125 11 <nl. D<I-'12U158tYllla.Cal) ""'""'-lltl~CoutH..,..J:::"':::,...~-~;.;;;=-::-.;..;;;;; NEAR ne.w Philco portnblc Ir: itack'd ~. Ill S8&--0M6 ilMoYED PUpp~ AKC lmmed OC!aiPUICY, QBdnn e ... Ca-. "'lclr bnpartl TV. W a 1 nu t finilb.. roll 6' ofil> f'reoe:uo. Good con-itq'. Alm AKC Re I OK. $2500. CID ' G.nanct. We P11 mon b &ft1 Import Mwnd stand. paid $'.ISS.. teU dltlon. Ul. Lav.·ftlWftper ~ male, l~ yn Gld. 536-&"9 or 5¥-1* • ~-fl iew. make far $115. -$115. u .._alt. •. -.... llA~YF,LO ,., !O'XW, .. --117. btfort. ' RENT TV 'SIO ELECDryer,Ilomell1e'XL12 WIRE lox tiirrler ..-., ~ wnl•f.L IJdl:I. ,... ..a. SLIH•llS 4'/J"/o IANK. RNANCIN• O.A.C. ' WJ NEID YOUJ TRADI IN ' Wai; -'. llf'ORTS . -·~"' 6"-9303 196' HAUOR, C.M. NI. Deposll • Free bell'Yel7 chain aw, Qilld'1 Xl.11. AKC, ahotl, -U. Ibid. IC.om • MO'lqtl. U. lwll .... S*ttt or m.91lO 548-61U:l 1tter S:ld budk. S'J5,. l»ZllO a:MW liio' ............ !!\ 1:::::::::::::;:::;;::;::;::;::;::====== .. '63 T·llrd H.T. Coupe. Fae air, full power. JYMS7 $988 '64 Chev Impala H.T. Coupe $108l Fae air & poV(er. KIZ __ 74~¥ ____ _ '64 Mere Montclalr H.T. Coupe Fae air & power 10Xl87 $1088 -------'64 Pont Catatlna Convert, auto, PS, PB, RH . OL11:917 '61i Chev Impala ss cour. Fae o1r & power. NPA48 '65 Chev ,Impala . SS Convert fac air & power OYZ125 $1088 $1488 $1488 '66 Comet Capri $1488' ' c1r. Fae o,1r a. .,.W.r. RR.~y_s2_2 ___ ,. '66• Ford FL 500 H.T. Coupe. Fae.air I: power SIJNS96 · . Town Sedan ll'ac 1lr I: full po'?', IOZ887 '65 • M9'C11f ColoO, Park W11on Jae llr & power. HONS48 '65 Olda 91' ' 4drH.T • , hcllrl:fllll,~.NBR792 '" Men: Fmllne 4 Dr. B.T. Fae air " full l!f"IU. !81111 ~ $1688 $1788 $1nt ' •• Clln I~ B.T. OoaP!o _. hi air" pant. WXlf1 ..... JOHNSON & SON • ft41 HAllOl IOULEVAID CortA .-.SA ,. '· ------------------- ... ., ' I I ---·-·~--~--~~~~~~--~--------_,._. .......................................................... . ... , .-: . • • • HARD-TO-BEAT H~rdtop Specials:. FAIRLANE HARDTOP SPECIALS MUSTANG HARDTOP SPECIALS Now! The year'• bell buy on Amel1c.l'I lllVOrl'tl sporty catt ChOOH 2-0oor Hardtop or Spor11R~f with exc;l!lng 1xtru1lk1: . • f 11 WhlT• l ldn1ll Tlr11 • wi...i c-. • Dllll l'Ltdn9 1,u.,o.,. • r .,. 1111~ • H0<1d !3CCCIP . -i.. - ENGLISH FORD CLEARANCE! Now DISCOUNTED TO CLURI 0.11•1 2 Door I • Door S1d1n1, GT 2 Door I 4 Door S1dan1, Station We. 9on1, i11 yo11r choic1 of <4 1p11d or 1utom111tic h1rul'l'lh•ion1. SAVE TODAY! Factory Clearance! SHElBY. GT COBRAS I 11t1 '6t'1 1r1 coming. And 11 Or1n91 Co11nty'1 only 111thori11d Sh1lby Co· bra cl11l1r, w1 1r1 coop1r1tiri9 dirtocf· ly wjth th1 f1ctory to cl11n t h1 l11t of th1 '68'1 at th1 9r1at11t diw:o11nh w•'.•• 1v1r offtr1d on Am'1-lc1'1 num• i..,, 0111 hi9h p1rform1nc1 c11rl GT 350·,.soo's.soo KR 's '4 SPEEDS-AUTO. TRANS.- CONVERTIBLES TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS N•w •••r•9in9 15 c•r1 per w11k tfl •t c•n be r•l•ll1d •t whol11•l1 to th1 p11bllc, ••·t th. d •• 1.ni ,, th••• .Id., c•n. SA YE ·I I THUNDERBIRD SALE 1 to choo11 frOT11 . 2 dcior •nd. It door moll1ls, H•r•Uop1 -•nd l •nd•11•. All .,.ilh •it c•11llitionin9 •nll full pow1r. Som1 with 1t1reo t~p11. 'o.i thru '67 Mod1h. '67 T·BIRD . LANDAU R•di1, h11!1r, lilt wk•~~ •wlom•tic, 'i!owtr d1Min9·br•k•1-window1-111f, l ir cond., f•ctory w•rr•nty. IVCIC lT'2 1: 2a,., dow n or tr1d1. $2995· PULL PllCI $79 .'H J6 MONT~S ;, • "67 DODGE VAN VI, 11110., ful ly 1qwippeci !V IZl 47 1 20 '!. down or lr•cit. $1495 FUU "ICI $45 Pll J6 MONTHS '68 CORVETTE 4 1p11d, llNCi•I whe1l1, 111w wid1 0•111, 2 lop1, 16,000 mil 11, 1rclk whi11 with bl1ck 1 inf•~i459S"''~:··:;l~·::~d~$T2~~:0:: ::~d~:LOJ tr1d1_ '64 CHEVROLET MALIBU V(AGON R1di•, h•1f1r, pow1r 1!•1rin9. 10h4J 79 1 l. 20 '!. down or !•1d1. $795 FULL PllCI $29 PER JO MONTHS '65 SUNBEAM ALPINE R1clnt rid w/bl1ck lop & inltrlor ...,;,, wh1el1. IVZUISIJ. 20'!. clown •r lf1dt. $995 FULL PllCI $36 PEI lD MONTHS '64 MERC. WAGON 10 PASS. Colony P•rk. Full pow1r, •ir. IJZY 711 ). 20 X down or lr1ci1. $1095 PUU PllCI $38 PH 10 MONTHS '64 CHEVROLET SEDAN lo1d1d. Air co11dit!onin9, IOXO 9951 20'f,; down or ll1ci1. $595 FULL PllC I $27 PH ;, MONTHS '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 D••r H1rdf•p. V.I , 1wlom11ic, r1dio, h11!1r, powtr lf11rin9. !ICFP913 l. 20~ dowR If tr1d1. $895 PUU PllCI $30 PH JO MONTHS '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 O•OI' T1rdlo11'. V-1. 1wtom1lic, ttdio, ll11!1r, po-r 1l1•ri119. llCFZ91]1. 20% !own et tr•dt. $895 FULL PllCI $30 PH ·,, MONTHS '65 THUNDERBIRD Full pow1r, f1ctory 1ir. IHll'Cl•ll 20'4 d-n or l•1d1. $1595 FUU PllCI $61 Pll '° MONTHS '64 FORD SALE ( I I To Choose From 1 2 On, 4 Dn., S1d1n•, H1rdl1pt;'"C°o11Vt1rtibl1•, W19on1, lOIM w/1Tr I p. 1tr119. EXAMPLE: '64 GALAXIE 500 4 DOOR V.I, ••folftt fic., fully equipptd, ffWR '41 I ). 2S '4 dowR ., tr1d1. $695 FULL PllCI $23 PH '° MONTHS '67 AMBASSADOR 990 H.T. . L.w t1d•1,., f:l-1power,1ir condttl•ni"t · IUO: 4311. 20'4 down or tr•dt . $189f> PUU NICI $49 PEI '6 MO NTHS Open Sun. 10 1m lo 6 pm fo.r Your Shopping Convenience ,\ ·1 . .. TOYOT~YOLYO 196l II.-, C.M. ·- ' Jtate1 quoted • 24 mo. leue '19 Mustanc V-8, air 189. mo 'tB Camaro VlJ, al.r $89. mo rsa Cad~ de Vi!Se, air, tuU pwr, U,000 m~ .• $149.80 mo '64 Cacl.CdV 43,000,ml $&9 mo '61 T..mrd. alt, 17,000 rnl •• * New Yohos ·* "'~;·ii;;.;;.·w~ mo GITl A • • • So. Goaot-C.r L-1!11 BETTER" DEAL" 30ll W. ""'" Hl&I>..,, . FINEST · SELECTION OF ·PREVIOUSLY ·· . . - OWNED · Herb ~der N.....,.. Bea"' 111, .... = is100iU.Cb"lnVd. (ii;,,. 39> u..et c.;i 1 1 1 1;,oo .. ' 2 blka So. cit:;;:...... ------- 893-r"611 "17-6824 Transportotlon '65122 s l mm acu la to. CA.,, SA•·•s AM"IFM .radio, 8 ·track ,ft. If& .eteo, wblte walls. mint FULL .PRIC E , <:end. 114MI. 54s.:ms CC.an '61 Old& 1''85 .......... , $99. 1he1p fl~> 1' ·" 'SJJPMuaC ., •••••••••• SD9. r 1 I 'M Buick ... , ••• , • , • , • , • $99. Antlqvoo, Clalllco M 1S ''lf T-BW ............ $lll8. · Plus , many, Other fine: c&rs. 1929 MOD£L.1 A Gou re We have financing available. wJnunble seat, primed/ :an We carry OW' own COPtraclL "'w chrome, °"' -'"'· BLUE CHIP runs good. Best offer over • :i, ~-.. ,.., AUTO SALES 2145 H'.arbor Blvd. Autos W1ntedi 9700 WE PAY •••• CASH for used can & trucks just call us for free estimale. GROTH CHEVROlfT Ask lor Sales Ma.naaer 18211 ~ach Blvd. Huntington Beach KI s.'33.n ' WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Coita Mesa 546-1200 IMPORTS WANTED Orange Count:let TOP $ BUYER BU.L MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. H. Beach. Pb. 847-8555 Will Buy Costa Mesa • 540-4392 11...- BARRACUDA '6' BARRACUDA -V8 engine, Sharp. $799 Bluo Chip Auto S1ln 2145 Harbor Blvd.. Costa Mrsa 5l<'439"l BUICK '63 BUICK Wildcat 4 Dr. pwr. steer. &: brks., good cond. STQ.. 675-2492; 61>->m '66 BUICK Wildcat Sedan. Air conditioning. Sacrilice for $1895. 673-9233 '61 INVJCTA 4 Dr. HT. F ull power, lac air. Prv prt,y .. $300:'4>-1821 '62 BUICK Skylark , con- vertible, gOOJI transport&· lion. $495. 64>1394 '63 Skylark. white, 36<0> mi. garage serv, 0pt.\'r str. $995. 493-3349 Dana P!. • '68 .CA-DILLAcs · IN SO. CALIFORNIA 4 DOOR -2 DOOR e El Dorados • Cal1is e Coupe de Villes e Sedan de Villes PRICED FROM $4995 All Carry New Car 5 Year or 50,000 mile Warranty ALLEN OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH 494-1084 • 547-3103 CADILLAC CADILLAC NhlCtrt DID YOU : KNOW : ·:THAT YOU: CAN BE I: I • • DRIVING ' : 1 ~!960~CllEY'Y~'"'"'.,...._,,.,-. -... • A BR AN D· • R/H. ' $395. See to ap-• • preciate. Ph.. 536-1641 wknds • NEW & alter 5:30. • '6' EL Camino. auto trans, • 1969 pwr · '""'' SlO!IO. C a II 673-1398 8 AM to 12 PM • SWxla.y • . CHRYSLER • CHRYSLER 1961, es t a I e • sale. Air conditioning, P/S, • P rw, P /B, xlnt cond. $400. • firm. 673-5743, Mr. Kagley. ""'""':--=:-:cc::::::::--:: • BUSJ.&n ~etplace m town. Tbt DAILY -pnm • au.wed aectl<n. San • money, Ume A e!fort. i.ook • nowl l l POOLE BUICK 2 DOOR SE DA N fllctory Ordet' N111111ber 22121 $199 DOWN • • •• • • • ,. •• ' • • • • • • • .=:::::;=====. U..d Can 9900 • • • --------Plu Ta olllil Lkffle· ... • A,,,....i er.d~. GMAC• • OI' hRli Flunc.1119. • • • • CHEVROLET . : ffifB GROTH Your VoDtnraren ar Porsche A pay top dollara. Paid lot '66 BUICK Riviera, fully equipped. Inunaeulale con- dition. Call ·644-2448 0: DOL Call Ralpll '60 CAD Conv. Very good 673• 1190 FOR Sale 1966 Bu~ Riviera cond. Blu • white top S550. G IGANTIC SALES '57 FIHlwood BONANZA • '67 WILDCAT • Cacfill•c-Whlte •R1cilo, .,,,,,,, 1uto., P.s .•• ======== xlnt cond. lo mileage, pvt . Can be seen at Union Sta- party. 548-0806 lion, NeWpOrt Blvd. al 53,000 mi .. Perfect •f1ctory 1ir. IT~I S6 ) • o,;. oond. RARE. ·~, ~'~~V!~.~T • $2995 • 9110 CADILLAC Fairview, C.M. 1968 CADILLAC Sedan De Ville. 13,IQ) mL \Vh.ite \v/blue int. Fully equip. $5295. Private party. $675 Prv pty. 673-2825 Balance-or new car war-•'-----'----•I CAMARO ""'\Vd:~i'l~sPOCIAL • 'U BUICK Skylark • I AU;"MAKES ,/ COMPETEI'IVE PRICES Cort Fox Auto l e11ln9 224 W. Coast Hjgbway 'Si!I CADILLAC, Sedan de Ville, full pwr & a.Ir. Good condition. $400. 9 6 2-7 3 5 2 after 5:30. 5"9-0165 '68 CAMARO SS396, 4 speed, low mileage, red/black i~ Newport Beach 6C.MtO I DAILY PILOr WANT ADS DAILY P1IDT WANT ADS! BRING RE.WI.TS! '56 Cadillac Sedan. good cond. all power. ........... I terior, btust sac r i f ice. 642-3456 SOCK fr. Ttr 'EM! 9800 Nawcm 9800 New C1r1 9800 H O'L ID A Y R·A MB LE R '~· 1.ivit es You to Compare & Save! -;:::==::~~IZ~E~~~~~·--j---BRA:::aiHDliiN,_EW~'68~JA_VEC..,ll,C....N ~ THE PEOPLE CAR 1175211 PIVS !Ill &. lie. 1279969 Big Engine • Big Space Big Windows • Small Price plUI llX & lie. ~ND NEW '69 AMBASSADOR 4 DOOf' Sedan INCLUDES' AIR CONDmo G. V-8. Ligh.t gTOU]'I, Muci'.t"::'M'uci'.i MORE s3286 . FOR YOUR ·MO.NEY S1tom ""'' l•x & lie. ASK ABOUT OUR . RED, WHITE & BLUE SALE FREE I FREE FREE CAR RADIO CAR RADIO AND CAR RADIO. PWR. POWER BRAKES! IRKS.· VINYL ROOF SPECIAL WEEKEND USED CAR VALUES '•2 YOUS ..... ....., •• 111t1..n •. HMlMf 'U: ,ALCON .......... ~ .. ,..., .............. ,, ·,"4 UMILll AMil lCAN ............ ,.,..,.....,_ ,_,, .. '"osam Complete Service FacOitles For AR Makes oncl Models ! s995 '595 s995 CAMl'ER SPECIAL :.~. ~,:;:!·. . . . .. . ... .'595 ~~=~ ........ .'1''75 S.par1te or P•ck•ge SALES AND SERVICE '47 FOIDPAll U.NI IOI '1895 J '"' ~. "'' 14,000 111ltet. h1 W••"'J· YJWOll .,, CHIY. sun• SPORT hctwy Mr, ,__ •teet1 ''""' . ,._.DA.IT GT ..... --.. ........... OMLI ti s1995 '1175 Open 7 Days and Evenings For Your Convenience 1969 H.ARBOR ILVD., COSTA MESA 642-6823 " OK USED CAR •H.T. Cp1. Automotit, r1d1• $1899 a io, ll11t1r, pow•r 1!1•ri11g.. .f1clory 1ir IFXC9491 • -,-65~D~O~DG~E=-• $1195 . '°"' 4 DOOR • V-8, auto .. power steering, '67 OPR air cond., shows excepUon-• -II al care. •5pt: Co11p1. R1dio, h11t1,,9 PCH 447 4 1p11d, I own1r. fUOf,. GOOD VALUE USED CAR •101 I ' $,899 : $1495 : '66 BEL AIR .-'67 CHEV. s.s. • V •8, powerglide, power •R.dio, h11!1r, 1wto., P.~ .• • ·stterkii. air t:ond.. tur· •P.I, lmm1cul1!1 condition.• .. oi.. with "niatohlng i[I:. •· $2295 ·• te+ior; 1:ood value. RN1\-· ~~ . . GOOD VALUE USED CAR.• '62 MERC. M0nter..,• ---•$ · -· • Awlo1111tic, 1ir cond .. p•-· - ----~~--••r 1fe1rin9. fGEX590l ·• '64 IMPALA . • $695 • 4 DOOR • • V-8. Powerglide, r, owe r • • steering, air, sparkl ng blu<? '65 OLDS Cutl•11 , in color. UJC-489. •H.T. Cp1. RIH, 11110., PS,• GOOD VALUE USED CAR ••ir cor.d. IPGPll6l • $899 : $1595 : '65 FORD • '65 BUICK Skylark .• CUSTOM 500 .H.T. Cp1. R&H, 1uto., PS •• V-8, auto., pow<?r steering .• P-window1, 1ir cond. • NRB·983. Weekend Special. IPOY249l , • $1695 • GOOD VALUE USED CAR • _ • $1099 . • '64 IUICK Skylarlt • '65 FAIRLANE 500 •Aulo1'1'1·1tic, power 1t11rl119,• 4 DOOR •r1ciio, h11!1r. !RIA•7t l • V-8, auto., p.-steering, fa c· • $795 • tory air. Exceptional value • • r 0 r l h. (! transportation minded perso'!-loaded "i~h. • 67 OLD'S Sta. W99. • extras ,and pnced low. IO'i'' •Autom1tic, ,;, cond., p. • for -quick sale, PES-873. 1ti•ring I br1k11. IVCL· GOOD VALUE USED CAR •0121 • $1199 • $3195 • • • '63 CADILLAC :·u DODGEM_.• 4 DOOR 4 Or. H.T, R&H, 1ut•., P·Steerlng, auto., beautiful •PS, 1ir cond, tTPUOl 2} • S.tln Sllve' uterioc with • $1995 • matchlnc interior. Shows loving care by former own· • • "· SBR·299 ........ .. GOOD VALUE USED CAR •• JAGUAR • $1199 • Gcoth Che,,,.olet bell~" ;n • HEADQUARTERS • th.e individual. '"!:ring your •Co mplete S•les -Serv~• tndlvi du a I transportation •ic e •nd P•rts Oep•rt·• problems to us. •m•nt for JAGUARS. • NO DOWN PAYMENT • 511 Til1 bcitint J • PROBLEMS HERE -: 1969 J19u1r l od1.,I • ALL YOU NEED IS !!!' •••••••• YOUR GOOD CREDIT ·GROTH CHEVROLET 18211 Beach Blvd, HUNTI NGTON BEACH 847-68 39 545-8Bb3 OPEN 7 DAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. ' : 234 E. 17111 ST. : • 548·7765• • • Mon-Fri 8:30 am • to9pm • • Seturd1y 1:30 am • • to6pm, • I Sund•y1 10 am • • to 6 pm • f/JM/RsuICK 1IM ( l '..llCJ. C.Jr MI~' COSTA MESA DO I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • I I I I raANSl'OllTATION -Can -.. ' • TRANSl'ORTATION HOO -Cars • • TRANSl'OllTATION ....... Can TRANSl'OllT~TION --Can TllANSl'OWTATION --Clh TllMISl'OltTATION 111111•• ~ . llllrUJ, ,...., 1.1969 Mll.Y PILOT a7 TIWiliiOlftfiOii ft.\NIPOll'tlTi&i ---Can --Can • • ··,cwreLAC :1or 'NINETEEN· SiiTY-NINJt .... ".,.C .. . ~.... . '} ,. . ~· , .. · . ' • . ' PllCI '~, fii" .,, Tt67 C llLi:AC . ·rw.. 1.-.fy t...,. o. Yni. ii.. .11 ,...; ........ 1 .. w1111 ,. • ., ·~ ... , .1~.w.. ...... c .. 1111.c'• ··-· ..... ,., ,,, •••• tlitl•11l"f, 1ter11 AM·FM, tilt •Mil, twllltht .. ,.1,, ,,.,,.111111 DM~le E11l1 tlt11. l1111tlf..l l"1lly tlriv111 fiM 111t-1Wl1. IVAX7101 SALE s3999 PllCI . I 1966 IUICK . Cu1t.111 LeS1M1 4 o..,. h•rdt.!J. s,.rkf1111 t.al M111 witlt .,,,1chi11t a.,+.,. lit. '•cftly 1ir cM4ltle11l• 11to1111flc trMllfliultfl, ,_,, sMerlllf, ,._., ~,11:, .. r1411, li11t.r, 1+c. T111ty 1 ft .. •....wt. ttt1t f!ISlt ~ .... 1111 '""'' •• ,,,..HJ,., fh fi ... "''"' 1srw4ttl s2222 SALE · PlllCI 1966 cHmour A IM.tlful C.11rlc1 1t1ti111 w.,011." \.rl'1ly .-1,m, ..,ij .. ..-1 ... wffh lf-11+.cl w10tl ,.11111111, 111 Ntl vinyl lnt1rlor. htly 94111~ with ,..,., 111•11111, ,.,.,, ltr••••· p1w1r teil ,, .. wl"dew1, cllmtf• c•11tt•I •Ir ••"· dltl•"l"I· •ut•m•tlc trellimiulo11, 'r•Mlum tir•1 '"ti '"uch '"'r•. Thlt. i• • loc•I I ew"''· 24,000 mil• ., .. _ .. il• tJ.,t h ciit•l11t•ly •1~vl1lto. IV&J02ll ' SALE PRICED 1967 CADILLAC D•Vlllo '"""•rtiWo. INl'tihl c.-Miwo with Metchl"t .. , eM ,,,,.._.. l" .. rlw• ni1 l•w 111ilee .. car i1 oxceptl .. alf.t etiul~ Jriffi fechty •Ir a""'"i... ,,_., •hariet. ,._, Welin. ,e---. ,_., wiM .. ,, tilt n4 t.r .. c.,lc wftff~ AM-FM rH!.. lXSNt2l ' ' $ ' SALE· 3999. PRICE II ,,..AfQ.Oll _ .. ,.., ~~· . ... ""· "" •w. "\'/ • I '!' ~asterpiece . ~rQm".: • , ...... Tl1e Master Craftsmen • " ' , ,. On Dlsplciy and Rl!CMfy for Dellvery Toclayl ' : I .- . I . ORDER YOU!t 1969 CADILLAC NOW l LEASE .DIRECT e · FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVIG,E ~ ' ' ' 'I -. ~-LA--,.RG_.......ES-.-'T---,-SEL--.,.-Ea,...--10..,...._N.,.--~" ~ •. , OF ·LATI! MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNEO CADILLACS IN ORANGE ·couNn ' Tito ,,..., ,..,_..,fl Deretl•. Fl"l1h1tl I" Lir•ci11• t•ltl wltfl 111110 ,_441 .. ,..f aMI ,..U I~. Tilt wh~I. ,.w1r 1 .. orl"t• pow•r br••• .. ,ewer wJM-.. ,.w., 111t, ,.wor Y'911t wltttlOWI~ 11ow1r trnli: lid rol••••· Stoffo AM·FM Rodlo, '"ti '"'"Y '"or' lunry 11•-.r feat-• t11cl ... hif c.41Uec fecttry tit uffltiaAMt. l1tt1r t•I hor• flr't "" thb "'••fy. (VTU671 ", .1 6444 1§1 §J~rE±f ~,b_,_, .1961 ..... ..,-.. SedanD~ Ville T\h t...i, Sod• P.VIR• h11 ell 110,11111 ,.,_, aui.+. l11el•"111t ,._r lt.Mf .. , ;.war llr•••a.. ,...., WW-.,.,_.., Mil •"' C1dill11'1 ••-•• f•ct•ry air ca1141t1011l111. Tlll1 Me.,Jfvl 1ri•· Molt!!. Us 111111 •wy ur1f111ly dri••11 aN Mow• '"'Y tho ff.it •f cer• ~ lt'1 ,,..1111 -"•"· ·14441} 53999 ' . .""5AW DEPARTMINT OPIN · :; ...,.,30 /AM. to . 9:00 P.M. MONDAY tlw FRIDAY ,, , ~ ,~M. to 6:00 P.~. SATURDAY 1nd ·SU)'IDAY 1 ~~~Al ElfllC EF~CTIVE .. THROUGH TUESDAY, FEIRUARY 4, 1969 K~ z .. ,r ·c •· • ;, '' • ;, 1!ft t•' l ; . ' ~" .. YO!W F~ Authorized Cadillac Dealer Se " /), ... '·· \. • J,· '' • • • · 1966 'THUNDERBIRD · n. -, ..... t...41., •'fi.)i,.;;,:i~ i.itli ,_ .. -..... M•u. ,.._,..w.w.,. ,._ ... t .;a·~·,..t.....-1 f1Ct.r, air•- ,....,_ A~IH.tfhl 1atf11' 111"r 'uto'riWwttli Wack vltl'f'I 1.tMor. M11f ... !'" •. i ..... ·: fvl~ '"'222f r. ,, ' I.>. . $_ ' ' ~1 .,.· PRICI ' v • , ' • # ., .. .,._ 1965 THuNDIRllRD '· " .. UMla• lrlat4t.it-# ~: ~""'91 .. ,.,i.1,. M" T·l1"4 wffh th ...t.t .. ''""'• ,..f, ell ¥i11yl l11twi0f., hi! ,......, 9itlll,_.t htcl. ,_., •••••• ,.,w,, • 1t•rl111, ,..., wfM--, ,_.,. Met alld factory elr caHIH•nl"t· Art ""'""''"' cer •I "t1taMt119 ~¥;!""· (Mptl21 I SALE 51666 ... PRICE 1967 BROUGHAM AMhrM4 ~111. M~j,,.tlc, r.ttl 1i~ witli W.Ct ,..UH lop •-' ~ ... t•-utiy •1114 l.affier l"t•rior. All pow•r l11el114h11 .. • ... riitt llr••• .. _....., ...... wlMiws, .,... II•,.,.,,.,,, Sfl1" rHlo, fflt ... 1tltMef!k 1+Mri1111 wflMI ,ill 'factory air c-'ltt...1111. 'UICV·Jlt) ,. SA~E $ 4555 Pll~E .. 1965 CADILLAC , . " l1le ,.,._,,, ·~• r>.vi11 ••. Ftftl1W 111 s.r.i.• tMd ,,...n., --~~ l11t "'" IHtltw •'"' cltith l"t.rler. H•• en ffio "'"'"' c,411'-!1''-"1 ..... ,.. '"''"''"' ,..,., 1tffrlfll, ,._... w ..... ,_., willil-. ,_... INh, M111el 11okl"t r'41o •ltd of ... ,.. Clt4111e1 fa1t.ry 1lr co"tlltlonl"t· • 171221 . SALE 52666 PRICE ~~E 5888 PRICE .. 1968 CADILLAC ns The Orange Coast:HarbOr 'Ar.a ' -,, ~·'. ., .. ' ' ' . l . • • ; . l i ! l ' ! 2600 Harbor 'Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9.100 ' • • .. T-liRD '60 T ; Bilu> c.a..... ---with black top. P/I, P/ auto, P/VI, P/Mlta, ·RllL -valft job ' tum: ttn.nl. Nl -.OO~IO!l2 I : DAILY PILOT WA>ft (. , ... • • I • ·- ' • • ... IAll.Ti;ut - • ,,..._. FOR YOUR ; PROncilON W . Look 1.r the oOul i'iA11o the win<1.i.1.14 100" WICONDITIOllAL; GUAl.WTll -THIS. ITAi suns IN WlfTllG THAT IWIOI .DCJilll ~HS THI CAI 100% MAlllT, -~ lllftm,,. 100· DAYI 'GI ·4,000 MIUS MtlCll Ml CG,lllS f.s.T Arra """A.It THIS tNClUDIS "1J., MIOWllW ~Alfi. luc!il<AL 1'4i!PlllllT una'f, sPHDOo- lllTll.·IAllO, lilATll.Oll All CAlk TRIS·GUAIAllTIE''COW.S ~11 ''fl AHO WOI ~u. TO 'you1 . . ' ' . . USED: .'CARS . 161 PLY. FURY 111 ~OP V-1. IKtOrJ •Ir cond., pcrw.r llHrl111, ~•!!!'1 T!•rU~IHIH, L.ll!dMt hp. t1dJ1; hHllf, •k. ll';)ll)72l ' s 1888 :::: 563:::.'.I s63:::.:1 .. +TAX &'UC. ""'· ~ .'!f''· 167 MUSTANG H.T. '1488 ::: $5~ s50:::.:i .. 4-TAX. UC, .. i. nm. '65 CHRY5UR .T·& C W~OON f ,....,...,, Y ... I~ 11t.-POWtr .... ,. ..... t,_, UH.~ :s13aa ':':.'. s4a= s48:.'1 .. + TAX l UC. "MT. mlf. . .. '65 ClllYi&D NIW YOQlll ' Mr. ..... c....·.-.fnlii..,..., ........... ..,,.,.,. ... , ... $1088. ·;:· SJ6= 536:::: .. +w:&uc. ""!-nMT. -• "T" ~ .. 1 •65 CHIV. lMPW s.s. ftct. •II, Y.&, #.M/fM 1Mlt, ~. ,_w. (tQW4'7) '65 DODGl .COROND "40 2-dolir ""-' •• .,; V.f.,..., ... ,,.... .-.otN.... bM. wtir. ~'f4lof 161 CHIYILU MALJBU en. V.f. 1111_.lc t-., ..,.,, t.dwy t lr nM.. ,,., . .,_,,., -. UlpftL M.50SI s9gg.-=' ·s3· ·3= ·s33~;. of. 'tAl • uc. . ,,.,. . ""'· -. ' '66 MIRCURY COMO Y.f,. 1ut.. '""'-• ,.wer at•rlnt. ndilo tM hNtlf, -· IStr. He. 6JOX.112J'171 t;olll' Stw $888 :::~ s29= s29~1:1 .. +TAX. UC. PTMl. ""'· 166 PLYMOUTH RIRY II , Y4, ..................... ......,, ..._...tr-GVOi1) Will &!tr • saaa ',:'~"' 52~" s29::i:,). ·' • 'PYlllJ m t .+VJ:· (lfC. • '~ ... -~' I • • s8·aa· . :;:;; s29= + tAX Cuc. '""· ' . $4',~\\. ~ rr111t. 161 DODOI POWA llAIDTOP ' -y .. •"""" -"· .,.._ 11-.. .,...., '"'" tr-. "" -·•• .._. ._ MllSlMI s7 aa = ·s2&.= $26""\. +TAX •LIC. ~· = . . ' ) ' . GIAllll llilh Ii NO. f'.URGIST fOWMDUUa ' llllOIUIS Of ~ Ol llODll \ ! . . . ·ALE DAY!· .... . . ' . WGIST SllKTlON Of CHARGERS T t Choott From In So. C.111. ' : •• 1 ·I $74 ~,74 '*. I I" ... .. .i ,. > ' '69 CRAIGER Bucket seats ~ Hideaway headlights • tfull .•. , vinyl i~ft!'.,i~· •1Nylen1ca~ing11• Rear deck \ 1r1spolltr •1 Full 1racing jnstrumentati°" • · 81Jmper gyards '• Ash ti-ay liQht • H.D. ~springs • H.D. torsion sway bar •• , U1ed lo,., mil••g•. IYPS2~61 ; ' .-... ' '·. ". ' \ • ,, • . ' : ' . : ! "'' . .. TOTAL DOWN TOTAL MTHLY. $21 '88 PAYMENT .PAYMENT TOTAt Pala t L1cAfMn 1969 DART sw1tti1R . ' .2 .. ooor Hardtop .. .$1 .. 8. " .. 8. S FMll foctory equipped $63 $63 ' . ' IYPS2871 Used, low miloagt. TOTAL -TOTAL MOlllllLY TOTAL PllCE t.rt:, .. PAYMlllf , PAYMlllf IMMIDIA11 DELIVERY ,,,_ .. iftdu411•• I 1~ '"Mlq chi.,.;. --Ill ............ .a 1909 ' :DOIGE : CORONET 2-Door 'Coupt. : ~ ... " ' :-·· ·. · . ·11 ·11 s•·.·ess , full factory iquipptd (YCN790) used, low mileage. TOTAL DOWH TOTAL MOHTlllY & PATMIHT • PAYll!fl" TOTAL · PRIC.E + '" IMMEDIA 11 'DILIYDY ' """' 0 ~ . j ...,._..ftllloll t••, I lkiilll l ~ .. ,... • J6 .,a. M""""' ll@k ...... _ •( 1969 D.ODGE l*Ot'.l•l $2288 i' TOT AL PRICE + '" l llUH'lf :· :''~t.DODGI fttl•llll• YU · irO. YouR P.ctrlmort b1eli°t.. the OOUI ITAi In the WlnUhleld ' lOD" --• llUAIANTll .-.THIS STAI STATIS WllTING THAT HA11!41!1 DODGE GUAWtTUS THI CAI 100" ::s~~~~o'~~!/~~~ff MICllNficAL fMTJ; 8lmlCAL IQUWMlllT, llATTilY, !PllDQo MIT!I; IADIOi •HfllTll ~ All CAIS, T111S'8tfU""", (OVID ~una·aas s1 saa ·= ·s53= s53 r:.i:.\. . + lAX & UC. rnrt. mtt. . . 'M DODot DUI;-OT HltdlOllC...wtftl M-.t-. ............. -:~ inttr .. bucWlflfl.tn.11111 $88.8 +=KC s29~ sz.9=~· 161 PLJMOUTll IAftWTI CoU .... y .. Db. Ur • ..,.., • ...,...., ............. , ... <WIM91t $68.8 """' 523m" s23·"'" . + ~LIC. n:~ 'tl:f~· ,..,, ti~, v~ WI._~,, ... •.w .. P.l. ••• -. lll\ Ulpfft. ~ -(OCl.SI II s4a·a ;::: 516!!!!1 S!f .~':.:t .. +m•uc. RMi ''""'· . '67 YOLKSWAOIN 4 ...... ndlt. hfftwr. (IJJC200) S"88 :r:.• s331:1.l.' s33 ~ir:t --, +'JAX l. lrc. . ".._ Pftlf, . ' . . . •64 vo ... .o.....n..:·. ---,.,,., ~..,..~·~< ......... llucQt -·fll('t..(sh ' ' s5.aa· ::: s1·9w.:..· " +TAX•llt. ma'. s4 88 '= s16 ::w + TAX • UC. '1"1ff. llOI ~~ Y.a tftlint, Mwf My ~-;-l•I 1'6dlstMn '"" ,.,.,.,._..,_.,,.,.... ·"'"''""·'""'~ 'M l'Oll fALCOll ·lnullM """'""'-"'""'· 160 YOWWAMN. PICKU. P to15f ""'*·,,..,Mil........, 11 .. Motw .... 11110'1..SI'-1-41111 . -•11.lk.(VJT3t4j $"•"""•· •. "'" saa i::~ 5UJ.I ""' 540 ~"\ 540 = 51·1·8·1 ::~ ' . "''"" timn.Y. • · · "9:1(1 ""· mitt, +TM. ,,.,., "MT. • + T&t , . s4n.,. TOUJ. • s16 ltTAl $16 mA\ ~ lfl(L T&l & ,...._. dll,,.1 tli 4 ~ . cfMll L fmltt. ~ TU. & fllllllOt drill!" .. »-.. ...... Miiii ~ , , ' ,.Kl M"1I .,.,, ! ' · +lAX &UL "Ill' "Mt ' T,U & llaNSf AND ~~S ON .36 MON!li$~ ~vfi) IAl«·Cll~>IT . """"'"~ .......... II!----.------- J I . Wtol.DliKE ·-WIGI II.YD. ·~AllESA' I ' f· , I r , .. JIM ARNESS' BROTHER Peter Graves-Best Unknown Star in TV Land a DAILY .PltOT. ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFOJllNIA GANGSTERS, GOLD, GLAMOUR? What Foreign Visitors Find Out About the Real America THERAPY THROUGH TALK How the Mentally Ill Are Helping Themselves .A6 ......................... __________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~---- . .i.\.sk. Them YourseU ro• oa. sor ..uw A. avs~ ---Jwil •· 1.-... ./ P""1tia' ll~N.Y.U~ Cea •aee,.• N ar .... ....... P---0. ·~ .. .., r..-,. e It ti. wiry-cti5c.ah to rebllilcl maec&ea that laa" beea ..._ for a loa1 time. Wida a penlytic dileae 1M1Cla • polio. they caMOt be reb.ilt .. all. la ...... ~ a mucle tramplut U.O ia impoeeible. ro• CAl'T. YBaOJVICA II. BU£. II SBEl'SD, lir«:1«. N.,y N.,..,. c.,.,_ a .. -..y ...... ,. ... /Vny /VanU.. c.rp. U.. ..,.....,, &M NM o/ C•p- ~--a....ll B. lie,.,_,., Eplara-..,r-. e At preaent, we batt 14 womea at the ruk of Captain. They are u.iped to ~tioas .. Chief of Noniq at Nani bo.pitala in the U.S. and OYenea. roa~B.D.llOJVl'AICJVB,protlact a--..er, lap_, Ct>apflltT Do "pol7••••r" /•6rlea flNr '*"""' ......, ,i..., or wo0fl1-Mra. G. B_. ., r °""'' r .u...-o, r •. • Polyeater fibers are made from chem· . ic:aJa demed from petroleum. Fabrics made fna tbae fiben 1"erJ oftea are blenda of pol,.ater with wool, cotten. or rayon. Under certain cin:WDetancea. W.. rict may be deUped to incorporate 6ber. glU1 component.I or nen inetallic yum. but we lane not beud of any iDcorporat. ins wood. FO~ COY. 1'111 BABCOC« Jl. ~::...,._, ...... ,._...,.,,...aoaeadaaa fl••••• lr•f /le l•••lld•• ..... ,..,. .,.,.,. Als'- ..,.,_,,,.. B. J. £.UN, IAwidon, ow. • The American Lesion of Montana erect.I ad mainlaina them. They eene u a wU'Din1 to motoriata to uae caution not oely at tbae marked site. of a fatality bat oe all roads. ,...... IOa DIABA!IJV t;41tltOU o/ *'/al#I" Are )'Oii ,... ... rrWt I/ ·.., "-,... "-" -1 elall-' ..., LoUc.rri.-.,o. -..,lf.'Y. e No. l .. cmorced. l batt one child. a ,UI. s--••. 1. ro• J. BDC.d BOOYD 6«:1#, ,., i.••r•••erl-.eNlle .,, ............. ..,, ........... ,,. ... ,, "' ...7 ...... ,_.,,,. •. o...i, ,.,....,,.,..,, r . Y .. e Since 1960. eerioaa crimes ia tlae U.S. ba'fe ri8eD nearly 90 perceat or approld- adely me tm. ~ tt..a oar ,.,... lion powth. While the death peu)ty bu not been aholi.hed ia --•1alea, It ... been ie. frequently indecl FOR BDF ,di) ~vs~ ttirecw •I ~ u,..,_., ~-;~ .. ;.,..,, r__,,.. pay /or .a ..... r .....,..,, .,,.....,__,,,... c..r.· ·~ -~ ..... • Yes. for the mo.t parL We are hopeful. bowner, that the unittraity baaketball program soon will become eelf•uatai.nlq. FOR EDll'll HEAD. 1.-.. ~ • .,,.._ -,.. ,,.,_,.r fl ia a.U..W. ao ....,. • .. sl .ldr11-/07ee llieaaer, Perey, IU. • I belieYe a maxi 1kirt is moet 1uitahle for afternoon and after~ark wear. In "'J cold weather, bowner, a maxi coat, if worn with boob, ii ttrf .. in" th.ia year. FOlt GOltDOJV JI.JUE "' • r-.......a .. ....,...., -,....; ...... 1-7 ..... -.1~. D., l.wea•r, ,, .. e It'• a toe.up between "Soliloquy" ud .. If I I.med Yoa"-both from *'Caroutel" The lyrica to both were written by the late Oecar Hammeratein IL FOil ur WUDEIUJU~, -'"' Do ,... .. ,...,y ..,.... ....... ,.,.... •"°•"' .. , • ., .. )'Oii ....... lit • ,..... .rdelet--D. , ., l•l•nea City, Mo. • AbeoJut.ely not, the oaly people wbo should be fat are thoee wbo"'.e foagbt a )09ing battle apinat obeaity IDCMlt of their H•ea. Some M to 98 percent of tho.e now oa dieta will re1ain eftJf ounce of weiaht they loee with.in fiYe yean. Lo.ins and gaining of weipt is danaerooa to a per- aon 'a health. O.erweicbt mdiridaala woald be better oS if they aimp)y chaqecl their thiaking. not their 6pma. .......... ,_...... • • ••• , y--...................... _ ..... .. --,.... ... .. I ....... ,_ ......... Se.I ......... ...,_.., -• ............ ,.._ y..,-, •-'ly w-.,, Ml .._...... A-.,.._ Y ... N.Y. 111111. Ye -1 ' ' Ima ; 'I , ._. ts .m llie .... •-_. -_.. )~ WHAT~ WORLD! 1hoee "••PJ ............. ,. n.r. are 3.700,000 • au•;hila• ~ who hold dawn a ....d fab) In this c:oumry, ~. to .... c-.,. rwou. At least 10 petunt of all mcw- riecl ..... .oonlight, ond the Colifomio Teoche.1 Aao~ fouM 111 ..,. hit 75 petanto It has ... to do wtth eanlli1110 too hnle than "'°""'" to spend .... GRCI de+t 11• _, It's a lat of fun, lllc.e a hobby. ...... .. GraRclpa NBC con..,.., ... tor CMt Huntley's book, #JM Gener- ous Y~ of a Fron- tier Boyhood/' fonclty racaUs his pennis and grandparents 1n lldl-Uf 1ta11oed Montalte1 .,... 50 years ago. i.cou. of his prow., Grandpa lob Tatham waa coumnlly being ~ to Cltaf Huntley fights by local strongboys. Chet wokhed one ba"'°°"' brawl from un- der Q pool toble-o bloodY I ( struo-gle whldt Cifancfpa won. Aft. ward, WOfried Cifancfpa asked Chet what he would tel Gandma. '111 ..Cl her I had strawberry pop." Grondpa fauvhed- "Stkk to that story, boy, and we11 ha.. mote 11tawbeny pop." ...... u. Alt Milla throughout the ages"°" depktad ........ ...... .... of _ ....... One of ....... .. "'°"' ....., be .. MoflO u.., -...... exhibited at the annual mM4fng of the Alwican Ae11 d1_, of DerMOtolovy 1n Chkogo. Why haa the ....,. lady no eyebrows? Did da Vind forvet to paint theM? Wm she followllio a foci of the time by shaving them off? So.ne der- matology art buffs conjecture .. hod alopeda (a conclltion ~ by- io. of hair). Helpi"I tlte Stutlerw TM young stutterer's goal should be not to stop, according to '"Today's Education, II but to ltUttar dellbetotely until ..... ,._ land enough to control it. You will help if. you tblen without supplying that unfinilhed word « be"afino ,._ paflel.ce, unecllinets. 01 pity, and If you calmly look him 1n the eye as he *"O- gles. h's okay to Ir.dim• that it gets under yow skin wfiu• if he ~ you also admire hn for keep- ing the problem out 1n the open where he can wortl on tt. SMtering ii shaped by both those who do it-and lillan. luta's White Peoca dr Actreu Ruta LM, cur- rently disc jodley for the Armed ForC9S Rocio Netw~ haa a Valencia oranoe ranch which needs a watchdog. TM best she has ft9t had is her albino peacock. General Sarnoff. "He sleeps in a tree and tcremM •e a clietet truck apply- ing bnllr• when he hears a strange noise." k.- tually, the peaeom thinks It ii a watchdog-or a dog, anyhow. He clnea on dog food with her two dogs. a Great Dane and a tiny Ycwide ("You don't ltaYe to feed a .,.acodt-M fonages for grain and bugs") and will come when RvWs paNnts-but not Ruto-coll It with cluck1ng noiaes. He ignores "Here, Gen. Sarnoff." Family~ •••1s"•r••o , • _. RDt•tDM ..,.., .. CMsl MCXlrYMlf ....... .._ lilAmm M. ..... Art,,........_ ...... PWr, ... ...... Am I tr~ ....... •es•ulll. • .... ........ '-Tl' ,.. Pwl.OW an .... C... ......... om-; .... 1 .. ..-. .._Y .... llLY.,_ ©1Mtt~Y~Y,IMC. ....... _.... Y• ........ ti_.,_' 11?1m • rn 1nb lllolt.,., .-• .. artb1 111 llll ...... Ill hmilJ -...,. Y• a.tllW wtll ,..._ 1 ,,_..-·Writ ti S.-. EAr, ~-...,,14ll...._.._, ... M,l.Y.la2. t. ',-. i~.,._~ ~, ~~i!I "''"'.'ili2' ~ ,,/' , ... _. -a:-~) t I , r' 11.. =·~\. ::' r-:-~ ._~I r • • •-_-,-n ! ~-~ .-/~~·.. ~-• ''· :~.:;_y ·~ ;(, ~4 ..:1 .... -~$~ .~~~."<,~. ,13~ .. t'. -' r~ _____ .......... i ~ I • ~ ... f<r;;a;ll; <f JJ1 ; • .,_ 11 I Ill wti r. I e i I 'I a &I(~ ... f ws 1 I ~ 8 :: 1 ;I e·iu~ ;i1 11 .: 1,1 it 1?Hm ~!1~ re ·1 'I , :1' . 1·1 1i l~mi ,~~i i e .. lt i11sJI ~~. = i I ~; I 'lg.I < -~·~ ! a. IJI • ~ ' -1 ~ ~ I l ii if tili ~;, ·! f . ..l~-~ ----~= .... -... ~ .. FREE from CBS The first issue of a remlutionary idea in family rooding r . The magazine that grows into a new kind of~ ww ... e.ema•1n.-,ra11 ~question was the basis for a oompreben- • sive study recently undertaken by a panel of eminent British scholan. Their finding: the infor- mation a family learns from cum:nt newspapers, maprinea and boob does not meas~ up to the knowkdp men, women and cbildml need-and WCllll-to advance themsdva in life, in business and in acbool. They decided a new publication was needed to cope with the c:haJJenae of modem life. A publication that would give the family more t.lic knowledge to help them reach their goals. A pobl.ication that would feed their appetite for MIND AUVE It for,._ ... .,...;·1rm MIND ALIVE is an cx~ting. richly illustrated magazine without advCrtising. A magazine your whole family will look forward to reading week after interesting week. A magazine that orpnbn and mates sense of the modern ''iofOl'lllAtioa ex- plosion" to help you acquire nt.11 knowledge. re- tain it and use iL A magujne as entertaining and easy to nad a your favorite weekly. Each i.Jsw o/ MIND AUYE u a complete mtlf"t)ne in itself. With a sdec:tioo of up-to.date authoritative articles about the seven basic lelds of knowledge: intellectualol Khieve= ~ ~~ futhelfim a greater Mm _.,Mr• lllr / W.. /Cu. ; 1 y 1eD1C penona1 act10D IUJU -Dmmt ne Am, ,., ... Sc11 • ce / llhlau , ...._, A pubticatioo that would be as easy and enjoy- able to read u any other weekly or monthly maAgazi~; __ · th Jd ha I · a1 -~ .... -~i. ........ -puuaa;abOD at wou ve astmg v ue. ~ :.-:-.=.::-....;.:..~1-=-11...,n: lhat would build issue by issue into an auahorita- tive rdcreoce library of encyclopedic knowledge. TbeftAlt WM MIND AUVE.a~tionary :.a-• ·~-£-.:-.: ••• , __ {'~ _.,.._-.... .... -m reading for parents and childrm. An -Jf:.'P. q• ---=-~rri lmtanta.,.._.in~nd,~~f!isnow , , F:"6 f;~ avlilable for the fini time m America. ~ . . Y f!:).WI MIND AUVE -~ .• i.u-_~ . .....,.·_._: •.. 1. ..... pr&eeeafma•Habow..... ··- MIND ALIVE is publ.iabed for those modem Amc:ricans who want something more oooatnkr tive and satisfying out of life thm mini-skirts, pop culture and sensational sex and violence. lt't b people who want to broaden their edu- cadoa. further their can:en. For people who want soBcl reading and reference material in their bamm that will attnc:t the scriou:s intaat of tbe.ir tm.n. For people with a thint for new bowledp:. At the same time, the information in each is- sue builds on that in the previous one to help you get a oootinuing story of man•s knowledge. In articJc:s in "Mao and Medicine" for example, the fint issue td1s yoa in clear, detailed at and pictures bow the procea of human life unfolds, starting with coocepdoa and birth. Socceedi .. --· ------ ~y issues take you through ~ the body, diseue and disabilities, problems of the mindmdoldage. In "Phyaical Scic:nce" the clearly illuslrmd articles guide you through the fundammtaJ ~ concepts of the important specific braocbes ol sci- ence. They reveal the relatiomhipl between them, demonstrating bow things wort ttdmicaDy. The fundamentals and uses of modem mathr:m.iics, atomic energy, astronomy, Jasen, x-ray and liter- ally hundreds of other 8l'eM are made dear to add to your understanding of this fat cbangina modem world. Y•nwv~•nM 1bb new, cxc:iting to tnawledp in MIND ALIVE helps you main what you learn. The emphasis is on undentandiog rather than just informatioo and facts. Beautiful, four-color illustrations. fascinating diagnum and plain lan- guage you lit~ to read make leaming,easy. Right from the reading of the ftnt issue wbida we will lend you freo-you'D find youndf draw- ing OD new knowledge in comautiom with bali- DeSI mociatea and f:rimds. You'D be able to get to the root of the matter in political and IOCial dia-- C1mioas. And with the help of a comenie:nt Gb- saJY of the more difticulttcrms, your childrm will have a bead start in their ldence,-lliltoly IDd an ICl9,0DI. Y• set HClasift Leandlta Propul Games With every fifth issue of MIND ALIVE you receive a separate, op· tional Leaming Program Game. These booklets use the scientific prin- ciple of programmed instruction developed m ' in recent years to fix in your mind the knowl- edge you have just read. They're fun to use. A kind of mental treasure hunt to test your new-found knowledge. And there are tips inside every issue of MlND ALIVE on how to read faster, how to study, how to increase your memory. How MIND ALIVE srows illto • .,, kW of eecydopedia MIND ALM comes to you every week. You read and enjoy it like any magazine. Each issue is complct.e in itself. But you won't throw your copies of MIND ALIVE away, as you would most magazines with advertising. 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Ahniys.,.., ... ~ Because MIND ALIVE is written fint as a weekly magazine, the editors can always keep you up-to-dat.e. Each issue will have the very ::Jl!lllll"ZZZWWW:WS Q W latest information and events available to them up to time ol publicatioo. With ev«y issue of MIND ALIVE you collect, you know you're building the mo1t current encyclopedia of knowl- edge available today. Alld lie eDlt is low Some hundreds of dollars less than the cost of old-fash~ned encyclopedias. Fot only $2 .95 a month, billed bi-monthly MIND ALIVE is sent to you each week. And' you get the eight binders, plus the 140-page index plus 24 Learning Program Game booklets. Of 1 course, you can cancel at any time. The first thing to do is sec for yourself how much MIND ALIVE can mean to your family ... ························································· Free Examination Certificate MIND ALIVE / ' P.O.BOX 297 tERRB HAUTE, INDIANA 47808 Pkale lend me, enti~ly tree and with no obliption, thr l\nt iale of MIND ALIVE plus the biftder do- ICribod above. If I decide not to continue I will notify you, t.eep thr free copy and binder, and that will be the end of it. Ochawile, I am entitled to rec:dve each /011r weekly m..a tor tbe low introductory price of $2.9S, billed bl-monthly. I •ill abo receive: I) 1 free Muter Table of Coo- teott and Subject Guide; 2') 1 free 16-Plte Leamina Prosram 01me with every Sth lale; J) a free sold· emboued binder with every fifteenth llMle and 4) a free 40,000-entty crou-referenced inda volume when my let it complec.ed. .,.,_ car JUl0066 ························································· .. - ~·· ,, ' . a ' j " ~ , j r Family J*ek~/Fetwuo111 !, 1969 -·What Foreign Visitors Really A VISITOR FROM Germany recently insisted that his travel agent register him at a certain Chicago hotel be- cause "that's where the gang- sters stay." A visitor from Japan was deeply insulted when his American host of- fered him a car seat beside the driver. A &>viet viaitor could not under- stand why our liquor storel are clOled on Sunday. An Indian pl, atudyiDI' at New York University, aaid that abe felt sorry 0 f or Ameri- can girls, who not only have to wom about echool but aleo about ftnd.iq a huband. In my C9untry," abe .•id, ''we're so much better off. I"m ping home to mam the man my mother choee. Nevet baving eeen him, I've had no trouble at all!" Al these incidents reveal, it ia not euy tor the foreip visitor to appre-- ciate the meaning of what he aeee or bean in America. Reared on "B" moviee, the German came in quest of pnpten aa though pnptera were the whole of America. Having l'J'OWD up in a tradition totally clif- f ennt trom ours. the Indian atudent could not grasp that her country's courtship and marriage cu.etoma were "!11thema to the very .American lirla ahe pitied. ••1uropean vhlfon.'• reports the European Travel Commiseion, "ar- rive with erroneous impreealona baaed on Hollywood imagee." The Department o.f Commerce's U.S. Travel Service notes: "It ia true that a few viaitora plan their trips around pnpter haunts, but many do loot for the Palatial homes, the swimmiDI' pools, and other evi~ence of luxury which our ft1ma often present u 'the American way of life.'" Theee vilitors. thinkin~ of ue u ''the new world," are more im.preeeed, at leut at ant. with automobile fac- tori• in Detroit, sk)'lcrapera in New York. afiid pdpt-fllled kitchena ev- erywhere than with our more human valua The Britilh, 192 years after we declared our independence, atill are likeJ:T to think of ua somewhat patronlsiqty--&1 one viaiting Brit- ish taxi cln"ftr put it, "'the coloniea." The French apect WI to be a little "kookie'' and criticise our cuatoma, )t. 6. Fowilt1 W..W.. ,.......,.. ~ IH• By FLORA _RHETA SCHREIBER Balkri?UJ Liv4milla Vla0110 •izu l&inO'fY 'Wit~ tn111el °"a wiftt to tl&e AlGMO. ._. yet in the end they manage to ao.e the tl_ljnp they criticiu. Vitltora from Latin America, Ja- pan. Africa, and the Soviet Union also are likely to have "distorted views about us;• aaya Br. Bryant M. Wedge, Director of the Institute for the Study of National Behavior, Princeton, N.J. In "Viaiton to the United States and How They See Us." baaed on joint research by the Department of State and the United States Information Service, Doctor Wedge puta the caae squarely in .f<>- cua. "Even face-to-face conversations with our foreign gueata,'' be states, "often result in miaunderatan.dinp on both aides. The American doesn't know what is in the visitor's mind; the visitor cannot read the Ameri- can's. Both parties bring a bagful of preconceptions to the conversation which makes communication all the more difBcult." To these visitors our way of life seems hopeleuly permiBBive, exploi- tive of other countries, and, in aome instances, actually immoraL They're critical of teen-age dating patterns and of parental indulgence. One Latin American visitor wu amazed when he aaw coin.a piled on a newaatand. "From what I beard about you Amer- icans," he said, "I would have thought . somebody would help 'himaelf." The charge of permiasiveneas even extends to the FederaJ Government. ·"lan't it dangerous to permit local school boards to determine what chil- dren wi:l learn!" asked a group of educatore from a former French col- ony in Africa. "Doesn't this lead to complete anarchy 1 Why doesn't the Federal Government impoee stan- dards on the school.a 1 If it ia so weak. how can people respect it?'' Recently, while spending a week in Texas with memben of the Soviet Union's "Stars of the Bolahoi Ballet,'' I observed many of theee attitudes firsthand. "American younr people seem mqre f rivoloua than Ruaaian younr people." says a ballerina beating the drum against our permiseiveneaa. "There is no kiseing in public in Ruuia aa there is bere. American younptera behave this· way because of your tv, which portrays their el- ders ·aa lacking serious· values. And because of your automobiles. Ttie au- tomobile breeds idlenese among teen- apn. I'm glad we Ruseian.a don't have access to cars. We never just go for a drive, doing nothing. Our t.n-aaers as well u adults are al- ways occupied with something we consider useful." Others showed dismay that our Federal Government does not exert coDl]>lete control over all aspecta of our life. "Each of your 50 statea," one ballerina told me, "has its own laws. Isn't that inconvenient for the nation u a whole?" lftft ~ ~rioua was the rigid m•neomprehenaion by the Russians of the American concept of freedom. "What is frffdom to you ia not free- dom to ua," said Gennadi Lediakh, the oldest member of the company on his last tour before retirement. "You have too mtU"h freedom." Ballerina Liudmilla Vlasova added, .. You have riots and a88&88inationa because you have too much freedom." ' American movies bad prepared these Rwsaian guests for Texas cow- boys and sprawling Texaa ranche8 with cattle. IMtead. on their ftrat night in Tex.as. they found them- selves at a black-tie midnight supper party given by Robert Lynn Batta Tobin, a Texas millionaire and pa- tron of the arts. There were no cow- boys and no cattle at Oakwell, the 580-acre Tobin ranch. Oakwell, on a hillside overlooking a candle-lit river. wu the epitome of sophistication. Tobin. the 30-year- old hoet, ia president of Tobin Sur- Me11ab6T• of the Bolahoi compan'IJ engage Aaeric4u i• o livelw di1CtU8ion of r~k .,.. roll. Think of Us They. expect gangsters, cowboys, and movie stars, but what they find is of ten a revelation to them-and to us veya, Joe., a muter firm of aerial photop-aphy. But inore than that, be ia a national force in the field of the art.a. And for this party be proved an able, ingenlbua boat, aparing no expenae to make hia Ruuian guests welcome. Music wu supplied by a Mexican band and a psychedelic rock ~up. Cbamparne ftOwed. Luacioua foods filled silver trays, which were refilled u aoon a.a they were emptied. Butlers and valeta were everywhere, catering to every guest, epitomizing Texas hospitality. "'fhe iourftallsb were impreaaed by · all that laviahneu:· one male dancer said. "We Ruuiana were not. Who would want all that land? Land ia a nuisance." Whether the Ruaaian dancers acted out of envy or sim- ply mouthed Communist philoaophy, they, like other foreign viaitora, clearly separated themselves from our values. Attempta are being made now to bring about better undentandinl' of our way of life. One U.S. travel- aervice program called .. Americana- At-Rome." for instance, eDCOUJ'&l'eS direct contact between foreip tour- iata and American families. Volunteer hoata in 68 cities entertain these gueeta during evening houra. ''You are the most hospitable people in the whole world,'' remarked one foreign visitor to a Grand Rapida, Mich., home. A South African, who traveled the country by bua, remarked, "If I bad accepted every invitation I rew-- ceived, I could have stayed in Amer- ica for the rest of m,y life." And-cil Japa ..... businessman on hia third visit to America noted: "The first time, America left ..,me cold. Thia tut time I met the people up close, and that chan&'ed every- thlq. Even the buikllnp in New York, which the ftnt time aeemed utterly incredible. have become al- most believ.able." The "foreip leader" propam of the State Department fa desiped·to develop underatandinc between pro- feuional people and viaitint' foreign &'Overnmental leaderi.'-under the wing of eacort-interpreten. theee via.- iton are liven the opportunity not only to visit American families but also to. meet Americana in their own profeeaions and to viait particular institutions in which they are espe- ciaDy interested. An African ecbool principal wu a.atoniahed to discover that an Amer- ican turkey farm she viaiied bad not been a siant capitaliat'a enterpriale from the ftrat. When she realised that, aa the owner put it, it bad aprunc from "determination. bard work, and a aon educated at an Amer- ican acriculturaJ collea-e,'' abe ~ turned to her own country with a new respect for our concepta of lelf- belp and self-reliance. "I could un- dea'ltand that farm only becauae I had seen it,'' she said. ••rm coinl' back home to teach the virtues of aelf-help in my own echool. .. The cultural exchan&'e prouam. in which the Ruuian ballet stars par- .ticipated, also achieved ·l'ood result.I. The Ruuians returned home with a higher reprd for America than they bad when they arrived .• Praiai ... "America's strong family feeliq,'' they also praised American fuhiona ("a democracy of f aahion,'' u one male dancer put it), American muaic (partieularly rock 'n' roll), and, with the euepticm of boxiq and wree. tlinl', wbic:h our Ruufan pest.I con- aider immoral, Amerlean 1porta. Even Maya Pliaetabya. the ~· prima ballerina, lovea to l'O to Ameri- can aoccer camea. The Ruuiana alao had cood word.a Most foreian travelers who come t.o America want to experience ita excitement and see it.a technoloe in action. Tbeee 1ue1.ta alao are familiar with our romantic past ud come in aean:h of both historic ahrinm and cowboys and Indiana. There are thoee, too,· who eeek out our muaeuma, theaters, and librariea, but preference. are, of coune, individual. The British, who con.atitute the larpet l'f'OUP of viaiton and who spent $40 million here tut year, ueually want to aee aucb hi1toric spots u Plym- outh Rock and Valley Forge, places which repreeent a common herltaa'e they abare with Americana. Tbeir favorite city ia San Franci.aco. Aleo the Britieh prefer a traditional hone1moon spot web u Nlap.ra Falla (pictured above) to New York City and Wub.i.qton, D.C. New York City, however. ia the ftnt choice of the French. Bruiliana. ltaliam, and Danes. The i~preeaion New York make• la chiefly that of"' a p-eat ethnic melti.q pot. Any larse city gets hicber marb than rural areu from the Auatra- liant. Spaniards divide their preference equally between New York on the one hand and Western cattle ranches and rodeo. on the other. Typi- cally, no city acorea with Auatriane, who moet enjoy aid re.orta. lloet Italian viaiton prefer to see the big citie., usually viaitin« aucb plaeee u New York, Chicap, Wubinaton, and San Francdcc>. Wherever they ao, our f oreip pest.a look for former countrymen now liviq in America and have a keen eye out for bow Americana in reneral live and work in '"the great Republic of the Weiat." • 'l'to0 Ru.ta. ,..,t, . ~Tu&1 10/t cfnw refral&iag •ftw G dar of toe.n.11. for Teua cities. .-orbe authors of 'Two Story Ameriea,' .. remarked dancer Felix Pareplow, "were wron1 in deecribi ... New York u a typical American city. San Antonio, for ex- ample, with It.I more lelaurely pace, both at work and play, ia much more typical." There wu commendation, too, for the American people. Ameri- cana that these Ruuian dancen _. peclal.ly liked were dmcribed u "Rua- aiaa eoo1a." .. A Ruaian llOCll." one ballerina explained, "la a Ruaalan national aayi ... for a peraon with a pure heart and an open eoul.'' W'-' the lul1la•a arrind In Tena, they bad been contemptuous of cottboya. By the Um• they left, however, they were not only wear- iq cowboy hats but buyiq •a.Im for the folb back home. By Ulla time, t.oo, the dancen bad realised their wiah to aee "an hon•t-t:o-sood- neu ranch with cattle!' "The anm.,Ja were loqer than Ruaalan cattle," uid one male dancer duriq a Yialt to Rel.otu, a 10,000-acre cattle ranch northweat of San Antonio. The ranch foreman quickly explained that the cattle were llCtualb' bred ~ to provide more ateak. >.. the 'fiaiton were leaYinc, the foreman nmarbd: .-orbia la the ant time I ha.e met any Ruufana. TheTre wonderful-not at all lib the picture we have of them." \~i• atatement epitomised what ~tor Wedle meant •hen he wrote: "P~e from different cultural Mek- crounct. mu.at come to undentand .ch other. Our viaiton mut aee ua a.a we really are." And, aa in the cue of the ranch foreman, we muat do tbe aune for them. • c Fo""'w w.-i., F•""•rw 1, 1111 7 ! I j l , 'f ~ t • ' 1 I l I • I I I \ I . I ~ I 1 --..-.. -· ... -- ... tllts HIM t. Ille Drawer Be eaa't find Ida heaatifal aew alUrl, AH here •lalUb •1.pow with empty h•Nlt, Rampled, w~ aad deeplJ hut. So where have I lddclea it? Ile d.!maada. \ l'a plltJ, u he lmbaaatee. Who'd evu thblk I w.,.ad plague •1 dear 81 laldlng that tMrt wllll ... laaaclered ..... '11aere la Ille drawer of Ida eldftonler! --c.o,.,,. s .. rl>..d c.u,,..w. I QUIP$ AND QUOTES I Molt ~ 10lo mtcnn•r, "If "°" dota't mi"4 -r n11- i•11 •o . . ." bOtO tAGt rote do. -A. M. Jralloek MaW...Llahtotlt She di-Ille eeale at oae+tlaree- lt'• thu that the deecrihee IL She di-Ille tealef It eeema to me More-likely that tile bribee It! -J"4y Jfldutel. A doctor met the wife of one of his patienta on the street and aated her, "la your husband taking his medi- cine reliaious):y ?" "You wouldn't think so," she replied, "if you beard the worda he uses when I remind him." -La.u OliagloteH Graoiov.a livi•o ia di#ietAU f&r parnta o/ l'Mall childrn to acline. Tlftn ia "'°"' like goodMa•-oraciow litri1111. , -Hal CltadtOick An amiable l&lawoman wu maldq small talk witli a little airl while the child'• mother was trying on a dreas. "My," abe exclalmed. ''where did you get all that beau- tiful red hair T" The younpt.er looked thoughtful for a moment, then replied, "I rueu I sot it from my daddy becauae hi• is all aone." -V. D. Palat oM 1'0ftee 11ol/1r I boto <U~M• 1ua.t111 'rowgh u ci•r dit1ot 10ri11li•11 """'' tlu.i11 ttoo poteflda. --Joh.a Sh.ot10tU A multimillionaire wanted to give his dau1hter the ultimate in weddiq receptions. So he decided that, after ihe ceremony, be would pile all hie ruesta into three char- tered jeta and fty to Africa for a aafari. After landin• and picking up their native ruidea, the aafari, 800 stroq, moved off into the wilda of the Con&'O. Some four days later, now deep in the jungle, the aafari 1uddenly came to a complete halt. "What's wrolll'?" the rich man' asked the head pide. "There will be a Bli&'ht delay," the guide explained. "There's another weddinr reception stuck in front of ua." -Scott Keller ---------------------~-~~------- JUNIOR REASURE CHEST • a..t'• Draw • ............. 8'11 A1'1' Davidow On February 2nd From his hole he'll peep, .. HI, llatll F-1 See if you can make half a dORn • l's equal a dosen. (Su AUteer Boz) ..... o .. From a four-Jett.er word for what a top will do with your help, take away the ftrat letter and get aometbiq that is a friend indeed when a button pope off. (Su Atu10er Boz) And if he sees his shadow, Crawl back in to sleep. ....... Tiiis What born la never played ln a parade? (See Aueon Boz) Hlde-a-N .... Hidden in thia eentence ia the name of a bowlebold pet: Tbe box was very heavy, but atm they took it ten feet farther up the bill to the old abecl. (Su AUtrlft" Boz) (See AMwer Bor I Y• Na .. It (Su AUten Bo%) PlllSO.. To a 6ve-letter word for tbe ahape of the earth, add a 6nt let- ter and pt the ftnt put of the name of an animal that comee out on Feb. 2 to see whether tbe 1un la lbiniq. (Su A.,.,.,. Boz) ......... : 6t s1wnba '~ull :iead 1(J•I( IH ·woq .oq• v : 1J1U a11 91PP111 -puno.tS-tH1no11 :wo •Id -iedl-r.> : U ... N M ..l '8A1J puw OaJ. :1qny UV -.wtd •AW ........ JO •MJ, 11.u.\ ·a1d·UJdS :Ml() •llfll '11ai\Jll : ... N-1t4PIB t • . . • Special Sample S\Jrvey Winner offer from the Golden Ware people ••. at special sample prices! 24 Kt. Gold-ed ENOCH WEDGWOOD (TUNSTALL) LTD. COFFEE MUGS personalized with your initial in 24 Kt. Gold SA95 ( ··..:r ..... ·-;~ •) SET OF FOUR-ONLY ':tPPD. . --=~-:: . -· 1 1 1 1 ~ l a..ra famed StdoldlbiN clWrict where I they an craftad. Tlwe ad...rv. .,..,.,.,.iiwecl lllUP not available in any •tore in your areal l.hnifed-time-oaly ........ Diede to introduce you to our acitias new Golden w ... producta. prior to national dWl'ibu· lion. Sorry only 2 .. of four to a fmnil.y. Otrer may not be .....,.... qain in th.la palblimlion M Kt. GeW-TrimMd C'Aee ...... Mt f!6" Olla,.... .... . GI*,...._.,,,,_,,.,,_,,,,, .. •ti l!llla'.'ll1•1• II& t ••· ~: o.tr I .......... ,_....,. GOLDBI WAM. P.O. Box 1287, Annex 8tdon. Dept.~ Prowld1nc1. Rhode llland 02801 IPl!CIAI. .... Oi+Ehl ... CCCS& ...,.. S1gam2'Kl Becnp•d Goldeo9ae~ ..... ._.!M .. r-mMWLii--lllMw~1 -WMI, P.O • ._ 1117, A-. ......... Dapt. C.., '"1lllau1, .._. ~ -1 ..................... ..,, ...... .....,.._~ 0_.....ot._,MICL .... T ............ ~ ........... ~c.-...................... ... 0 ...... R ............... fOld111111111 --• o_..... °' .., .. n •••*° P••d OMd eo1ee a...-... ,... ,., ... 0 C•llllMl&lclft Olat9 of Cotlle. ..... Ceat of 4) 8lld Cof. ... ._.... .. °' 4). -'"·,., ... . Oa..ak or_,_., aulu!~,:r r · VaR II...,.. .............. .....-.. ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ M*91s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Qlr·~~~~~~-----~~~Zt,~~ OOllleotr._.fllr FME ""9tltLMlll"G1ld1 ••• 9"I aeiu'"° L--------------------------~ I I • r I ! Guitsleep? • • Relieves simple nervous tension to bring sound, Ratful sleep. • Contains no barbiturates. DO narcotics. 4'Not habit forming. • No "morning after' drugged feeling. • H~ofsleep inducing granules in every Sominex capsule. • No prescription needed. ONE CAPSULE EQUALS A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. HEALTH How the Mentally Ill Are Helping Themselves Through talk-therapy sessions, former mental patients are discovering a faster road to emotional health By TIIEODOllE BERLAND A.veh. ., '"'-...... Uh" "T ET ME tell you what hap- LJ pened to me this morn- ing," says a tall, thin, 50- y~ar-old man named LyJe, a man who looks much older than he really is. "I had trouble settins out of bed; I just didn't want to ro to work. Anyway, I couldn't eat any break- fut, I j ust wun't hunsry. On the way to work, I bad to atand on the train all the way, and I rot terribly nauaeooa. I wanted to ro back home. Then I told myself that anyone can ret nau.eeoua . • n ' He continu~bJ1 atory, inclodinr every detail of hia dq, no matter bow trivial. Lyle l• apeakh11 before a group of men and women seated around a table in a ~o park field house. In tum, they all tell of the daily criHI in their llvee, ex- plaininl' how they cope with them. The ~ is part of a nationwide uaoclation of former mental pa- tient., known as Recovery, Inc., formed 30 years aro to help theee people calm their individual dally emotional atorma. It ii now Amer- ica's largest and oldest emotional self-help organisation. Recovery's appeal to these people is instantly apparent. It helpa them to help themselves. It helpe them to conquer llf e in small piece.e, a trivi- ality at a time. It wu dramatically highlighted to me during one of the group meetings held every afternoon at Recovery's national headquarters in downtown Chicago. The members had &'iven their ex- amplea of dally victories. The rroup leader, a tall, warm woman named Agnes (Recovery members always use ftrst names), introduced Jackie, a newcomer to the rroup. When Ar· • 10 .. nea aaked her if she had any quea- tiona, Jackie broke down and aobbed: Then she stammered, "I just wonder if anyone else f eela the aame aa I do. I could sleep 24 hours a day. I stay home all of the time and drink black coft'ee. I hate to leave the house, and if I do, I bate going back. Does any- one else feel like this?" Agnes said softly, "Ask Faye." Faye, an older woman, who hap!- pened to be sitting next to Jackie, said, "Yea. It's been a few yean, thank goodness. But I felt just the way you do now." Apes interjected, "You see, Jackie, we all have experienced the symptoms you ten us about." Recovery's hope is in ite living suc- cesses, ite memben sitting around the table. Each member is a teeti- monial that "The Method" (aa ite members call it) actually worb. The atren&'lh of Recovery is in the help older members &'ive to new members. Former patient. such aa Agnes and Faye can best appreciate the hour-by-hour torment which pa- tient.a like Jackie go t hrough. They can appreciate moet profoundly bow much an evel'\fclay victory means in overcoming worry, fears, anxieties. or flte of the blues. hcovery 11 medically baaed. Mem- ben are expected to be under the care of a physician or psychiatrist. It does not try to diapoee or to treat emotional disorden. It leaves that strictly to the doctora. Recovery'• founder was the late Dr. Abraham A. Low, a Chicago psy- chiatrist. His initiaJ Recovery rroup, compoeed of his own patient., bepn Nov. 7, 1987. In today's automated medical-care climate, some of Re- covery's precept. seem old-f aahtoned and bomeapun. Even ao, their medl- cal soundness baa been proved over the put three decades. All revolve around the major thesis that it takes individual effort to become and stay emotionally well. Doctor Low •s original goal for Re- covery was to help di.acbareed men- tal patienta cope with the defeatism. reatlesanesa, and preoccupation that they almoet invariably suft'ered after returning home. He taught them not to be aJarmed when they couldn't sleep, since occa-. sional insomnia is not harmful: even if they lay awake, they were resting. He alao taught them that the over- whelming feeling of fatirue shouldn't immobilise them, that it wu merel7 a s)rmptom which could be overcome by action. or, as he expressed it, by movinc the muaclee. Molt Important of all, Dr. Low taurht the Recovery group to spot their symptom.a so they could see them for what they were and deal with them accordingly, Today 9,000 persona (6,000 of them memben) attend nearly 600 Recovery groups. All are open to the public and are aelf-.upporting. They are located in' 86 states and in three provinces of Canada. Addresses of Recovery l'l'OUpa are listed in local phone directories, and are available through private phy- sicians or through Recovery head- quarten, 116 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 60603. Thoee who come to Recovery are from many dift'erent levels of society and from all occupations and profes- sion1, from housewives, ulealadiea, and secretaries to truck driven, den- tist.a, and jadges. Moet importantly, tboee wbo come to Recovery share a common goal-to help one another help themaelvea. • A 0 D b D " I\ r: tl tl 0 Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque 15 Minute Treatment Must Show I,Omediate Improvement or -YOUR MONEY BACK! A leadin1 New York Doctor workiag with a nMllh. maddy complaiooa became dea.ner, COllDd.ic laboratory. hu deftloped a aimple clearer and emootber looking. Tbe.e raulta medicated home-treatment that riDW away c:ertaialy iDdicate Ry leell.qen., both boys blackheads and whiteheads bl a matter of and sirJa, are •• aayiq ~ is one product minu&a. It wu demomtrat.ed receatly OD 6'e that n.lly worb", for pod, c:leu, cleu., teeD·ap girls and three teen..qe boya. The healthy skim ••• and why mothen of t.een- reeulta were bruth-taking. Blackheads really apn haft heartily endonecl ha ue. The rinaed away. In. fact, many could be seen on Muque Cream Treatment U. indeed a remark· the cloth ued to wuh off the Muque. But able diecoYery, not only for healthy skim, but thit wun't all I Acne-pimplee imprcmd after also for the confidence_ poise and eelf-eeteem one application, enlarpd pores reduced. and a 6ne complexion brinp to teea-.apn I -\ _, Anyone Can Uee It If JOU suler the qony of teen-ap black· head., whitehead., acne-pimples and roup. unsiptly complajons &i"' yoanelf thia home treatment t11 oar rid. Apply thia deli&htfully Miiat-Scented Cream and withbl 2 or 3 miJl. utea ao abeorbinc apnt called ArpJla dries and turns thit cream iato a plaHic-like ' masque. YOU will DOW feel U thoqb bu. clreda of •tiny 6npn" were softly beadm1 the akin. Jnoeenia1 pore-caked dirt, Wack· beads and foreip impa.ridee. ~it &n.. and hardens, ita suctioD-ectioa draws out wute matter from the porea. .•• la 15 miDutee you aimply rime the maaque away with lukewarm water which diteol.ee it immediately. When you wipe your face, you can tee that black· heads and other pore •&11er" actoally come off OD yoar toN.. AH your ikja foels clean • . • really clean . . . re&.bed,_ smooth like ftltet! Queen Helene Mint Muque is oely 13.00 for the .a OUDCe jar, enoup for°"' 3 monthe of daily home tieatmeDta. Buy it loday I Start uslq it imneedJatelyl Pro.e to younelf al SIMtNowtolmpl'O't'e v .... eomp1a1 .. Now ia the time for action. Don•t take a back seat or be a wall-Sower became of b.d skin. If you want to pt your full share of fun and parties •.• cleer ap yoar complexioo and let Mutt Julep Maque •Lead the Way"! You O\fe it to yoanelf to b'y a aiqJe fifteen min· Ute home tleatmmt to CODYiace youne)f tJaat this new Queea Helene maacrue<ream cu work wonden for yoa. • our rilk, for OM fall moalh. lf, at aay time dariq the moath, you are DOI ·completely aati16ed, aimply return the anued portion and you will pt back nery penay of your purchae price. At1e1adoa! M0111EJlS of Teen-Agere Queen Helene Mint Jalep Muque is a MUST for you., too! It will help dptea eaaia1 skin OD fece and throat, rein tired face muct. and stimaJate a fresher, cleaner, more youth- fw complaion. Try a Medicated Mint Jwep Muque Treatment YOURSELF. You11 be dellaht.ed with the skin-tiptaia1 experience and more aliYe feelin1 that comes with eTerJ , home-treatment. .. MAIL NO-RISK COUPON TODA~, I SIA aAft IALll COIP. : .,.,.. flW>L 211 .. •• I I .... , .... ,..... I I~ I I ,.... ...... u..cai...HlllMllMl~lillllt I I ,_ ,..._ • llllllcatld ..._ o. .._ .... ., I utllftetlol er _, back 1" ...... ..,u.. I Ok. .., ....... ..,3..-..dslfJllOl'lttntt· I ..ts$3.00 O SPltlAU TW(2') jtra tllJ JS.GO lJlllHM tllllt a~•._., ... ,__ O $1.00 ...... Ille..._ S... COD .... ,..._ ..... .,... .,,,. um .,..lAMl .. tll,lec.,1-l------------------~ -r ' ! ., \ I '• ' I I ' ,• ' ' I ·' ,• t .• f 'i '• 1, '1 ., j ' . • • ' • l t • t ... t } .. ~. Fro.fib i• Wmpa cm •lu1oer• 10itl& tmtult.o to«lgu, JJU;kU fa.M, a.tad ripe olit1U a.tad •erved witk Mifli Bea" Pota are a cldiciou nipper entree. MELANIE DE PROFr Food Editor Copenhagen8Tobacco isn't for smoking. It isn't lit, pUffed or inhaled. It's too good to smoke. Put a pinch between gum and cheek, and enjoy it. Without even chewing. It's too good to smoke. Copenhagen gives you all the satisfaction of prime aged tobaccos. It costs less, too. Sure beats smoking! ~ SKOAi. :-i.A.PPY · •. --DA~ ~-:· pertMn: Heppy o.,.e , Sllmll9W11•11-• ~Totlecico F«lnformlltionon how to use~. pleesewrtte: UniMd SbltesTobeccoCompeny, 630 Fifth Ave., NewYM, N.Y.10020 FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK Add epecial intereat lo yoar menua with eauaage. Probably more than 200 vari· ties of saueage are .vallahle In marketa~ today. ~ thle .eleetlon m•kea i1 eaay to ve uuuge fn the dally men~ even if only for lmMldng belween meal.a. Franks in Wraps with Mini Bean Pots S eua (U to 17 oa.) pork alld beau ia tomato aauee °" beau wlth pork and aoluae11 aaaee 11 alica baeoa 8 fraakfartera 8 alieee raiala bread ~ cap W dos rellah (or a Mad of ~ HP pickle reliall and 2 tablelpoo• prepered autaN) 1. Fill mini bean pots, allowing % can beans per individual pot; set aaide. i Arrange bacon in a shallow baking pan. Set in a S75°F. oven for 6 min. or until bacon is partiaJly cooked. Remove from ven (leave oven on) and drain bacon on bsorbent paper. . Meanwhile, pour boiling water over rankfurters; let stand 6 min.; drain. • Spread bread with the relish. Place a rankfurter lengthwise on each slice, ring sides of bread up around frank, rap with two bacon strips, and fasten ith small metal skewers. Arrange on rack in a shaJlow baking pan. If de- ired, brush lightly with melted butter r margarine. . Set in a 875°F. oven with the filled an pots. Heat thoroughly, about 15 in., turning sandwiches once. Thread onto skewers pickle faas, pil- ed ripe olives. sandwiches. and tomato ed«es. Remove small metal skewers rom the sandwiches. Ta"k.e bean pots rom oven and serve with the filled skew- -' to 6 1en1in111 Braunschweiger- Thuringer Towers otato pancokea prepared from a mfa: are re a qniCk aftd .atia/¥ing accompaftiment. arnid. each pla.te with. dill pickl~ 1tick3. 6 alien braa1U1Chweiger (amokel liver .. usage) 1 tableapooa 'repand maatanl 1 tablnpooa prepared h0f1ie. radiJh ' 6 aliceti thari•l'er cernl.t 6 alicea oaloa 6 alieea tomato 6 . mushroom eape. buttered 6 alieea baeo11, partially eooked l Pkl'. potato pancake mis 1. Forminr towers, assemble on a bakinr sheet: berin with live{ sausare slices, spread with mustard-horseradish blend, cover with sausare slices, spread with mustard-horseradish blend, cover with onion slices, then tomato slices, sprinkle with Accen~ and place a mushroom cap on each tower. Encase base with partially cooked bacon slices. Secure with wooden picks. 2. Place in a S60°F. oven for 25 min. or until thoroughly heated. 3. Meanwhile, prepare the potato pan- cakes and serve ·with the hot sausare towen. Bean Pot Old-Fashioned Style Acc<nnpanv the beam with MO'WMd pork 1a1t1age linb and pattiu piUd onto a plat- ter ciftd with. criap t1egetable 1tick1 ata~ mg' in a bowl of ~Aed iu. 2 eaps keubp 1 c•p U1ht •olueee 1 eup eofree bevera1e 2 teupoou ao7 aa11ee Z teupoou aalt % teupoou onion powder 1 teupooa 1tarlic powder 1 teaapooa dry •••tanl 1 te.aapooa elaili powder S caaa (14 to 17 os.) pork ud beau with to•ato aauee 1 cup appleufte 1 cap dieed coeked ha• 1 eap caaaed b•ttoa ••uroo•• 1. Mix the first four ingredients torether in a saucepan. Stir in a blend of season- ings and beat 10 min. 2. Meanwhile, mix the remaining ingre- dients in a 8-qt. bean pot or casserole. Stir in the hot sauce. If necessary, pour in boiling water to just cover the beans.; cover pot tightly. 3. Bake at 300°F. 2 hrs., stirring occa- sionally. Remove cover and bake 20 min. 4. If desired, garnish center with pa~­ ley before bringing to the table. Ab01et 11 aenn'-11' Note: Put pork sausage links or patties in a cold skillet. Add a small amount of water; cover and cook over low heat 6 min. Remove cover and pour off fat. Con- tinue cooking, turning to brown on all aides. Drain on absorbent paper. ·-----------lntradu1:in1 llUI flll·l·mint Sbfl Dlints. ThiV taste taa liaad ta lie a laaatlu1. New feen-Hnint soft mints taste like after-dinner mints. Minty. Brieht. Tasty. But behind their tasty exterior is everythi"t you need to get you bacll on schedule. Predictably ... gently ... (the way Feen-a-mint chewing g1111 lautive does). If you hive to take 1 - laxatiVe, why not taU one that doesl\'t taste lib one? Such Pile Relief Sha Can1 Descnlla Says Mrs. H. Williams Treatment Bhrlnb Piles, Believes Pain In lloat r,ases Loalarille, 1C7. Mn. Rach Wil- liama of Louini.Ue writ.ea: "A rood penon recommended Prep- aration R to me and such hel_p I can't deacrlbe. I don't know what in the world I'd do without it!' (Note: Doctora haTe proTed In moat ea.aea-Preparation ue ac- tually shrinks inflamed hemor- rhoids. In caae after caae, the su1rerer ftnt notices prompt relief fl'Om painf burninr and ltcbiq. '!'hen awe! ins ia pntly reduced. There's no other formula for the treatment of hemorrhoid• like doctor-teated Pnparation B. It abo lubricates to make bowel movements more comfortable, aoothee irritated tiuues and be.I.,. prevent further infeetlon. In ointment OT auppoeitory form.) PHOTO CllDtn ...... 21NIC. ......10a ''°· ..... 15' CIS. ...... 16c Wide w.w. ITCH OOl71&11ATCN _,..., ..... .....,..,.. ... JWeztA.fMtnbCfrom~r'&W le17 ltcb ~ by ..i •• dr)' .... "'older ase" ekla cbaflas, ecaeaa, rube& aD.m.-ot.ber ltcb troui>a., ••t D.D.D. Preecrlptlon. lootlalas, cooll .. , antlilepUe ~ • . aide heaJbaS.. l>oa't llC~'t l\dler. Aak 70'U' d..,...W for D.D.D., llquSd or a.a. ·~-------·-----------------........... ........ ' 4 I ~ • r f l : t [ ' f I I You Schedule the Orders while Your Servicemen Bring '! ou S 18 ail hour gross pf of it Yes, that is your ltourly gross profit from the work of only three servicemen ... at "national·price-guicle" rates. And this is much easier to do than you think. We show you how ... step by step. Duraclean dealers ftnd it is easy to groa $6 per hour on EACH serviceman plus $9 per hour on any service they themselves render. Your income is limited only by the number of servicemen you employ. The 24 page illustrated booklet we'll mail you (with no obligation) explains how most of your gross profit becomes a clear net profit to you. Start wllile Continuing Present Job We furnish all the equipment ... and help fin a nee you If you've wanted to be your own boa ••• to be finencielJy inde~t ••• have a growing buairw# DOW YOU CAN. Many men have Mid to ua, "I can't aft"ord to give up my j:b till I know I have a eure tbilag,a eound 1•--that will~ vide both aecurily and a bdte-Wll.)' of life." That made llen88. So we bWlt 9UCh a plan. Now hundred.a of men have us:;i their ecale of living with a Duraclean -::UJ: You don't experiment. You W1e ~proommethodL You have our beck- ing _and know-bow. You keep your job while a cuat.omer list growa. When your bn•r :m profit. exceed l:'" = ~~ ~ liniq upj~be c you lib thi8? ncm•t ~-Don't decide now. Mail the coupon ~-~ou'll have fact8 to decide wilely .•• and KNOW if thi8 ill what you want. You operate from a ahop, oftice or home. Thie b•wir-ia eMy to learn ••. euy to et.art ••• eo euy to eervice that women dea1en often do it. We are now enlarging this worldwide ayatem of iDclividually-oWned eervice bulli- T !IU L If you are l-eli.eble, honeet and willinc to work{: invite you to mail the coupon. No ob · tion. - It's Easier than You Think to Stmt Yow Owll Business In our illuatrated booklet, you'll 1ee the way we lhow you •P by "'1qJ bow to qwckly get c~ ••• bow recommen- dationa multiply cuetomera. Your carpet and uphol8tery aervice not o~y cleana, it enlivena fiber. ••• revives dull colon, raiw pile. It eliminate. eoak- ing and fiber breaa.1 from mac:hine ecrub- bing. Mild aerated foam lightly applied lifts dirt, greue and umiightly epota. eu.. tom.en becotM yow-bat «Jlamaa. The booklet explaim, all 6 aervicee which are rendered "on location." You have six waye for profit on every job. National adyertiling ezplaina your au- perior 88l'VicM, builQa cuatomer confidence •.. brinp job 1-de to you. We train and a.m.t you. We eh.ow you 15 waye to get cuatomera. Don't delay! Get the facts TODAY be- fore your location i8 taken. Start 51111111, Grow Big ••• in this Bloming Business A third century ego Duraclean wu an vestment. Men take partDel"ll. idea .•• but it caught.fire and 8J)l'ead rap-If you have good habits and like to idly to a worldwideeervice. Why"'? Superior pleue customera~i:.h111 likely qualify methods plua tat«l proom ..,. to get for a Duraclean · p. cuatomera. Our d~, too, start email It'• been Mid, "Opportunity_knocb but ... and GROW. once at each man'• door." Thia may be Lees than $800 eetabliehee yow-OW1' that rare op~nity in your life. bU8ineaa. We furnish eJectric _eq~pinent You can quickly decide from facts we'll and materials to return your TOTAL in-mail you. SO, find out now. Dealerships Resell at Big Profits IC. became of m......, mov- ing, or for any reuon a dealer want. to eeU. we maintain a .ervioe to locate buyen and to hel_p him~. Dealenhipe reeell at up to 10 time• the dealer'• coat. R.D.K., after 5 months, eold for S2,000 above hia ooet. L.L:i after 30 montba, pt $7 ,llb more than he had paid. The Yalae of your d.ealenhiS,. and franchiee srow• montL . FREE BOOKLET tells how to start Your Own Business With DO obliotion, we11 mail you a letter and 2• page booklet explaining the buaine88 ••. how and why your income growm ••• how we help finance you. Then decic:le if tbia oppor- tunity ful.filla your dream of in- dependence and a much b5'ser inoome. YOW" location could be taken to- morrow ... 80 mail coupon today. Your Services Are Commended by McColl 's Magazine, Parents ; American Research & Testing Laboratories ... and by leading Carpet Mills & Furniture Mak ers What Dealers Say: G. W.1 Pa.: .. lmurance .iob hl"ousht me $205.70 m .mete day. Another, $.100." L. B. ArlL: ''I lltarted epere time uad took in it40 in oae niibt alw 11Uppw. Nowt full time, I can make u much in a week u med to make in a month workinc f.orothm-a." W. T., DL: "Afwtwo y.anoflQOd prof- it• -eold our lMMiow for five ~ tbe camt.'' Arlht R., UL: ''I have work .cbeduled Cor t.brM ~ in lldYllnce. I •..need $122 a day for the 1ut ten days." Blutdie B., 11a ... : ''Duradean broqbt me MICUl'ity and an education for my d&qb-t.ra. We've done u much u $3,000 on a llioaJejob." L. F., DI.: "Did the carpet iq in a fwni- ture .t.ore in 1-than 3 days f« '40(). Now pt all t.heir cwt.om« ~." R. W., Ollio: "'The pml-ional quality of Duracl•n Service bu earned the rwpect of carpet d•lers and wbo1-.Jaw. I've earned $117.50 in llD eicbt hour day.'' W. 8 ., Jr .. H.C.: "BuiJdio111teadily. Lut month sromed $2,012. One job came to $762." .I. 8., l"la.: "Makin1 503 more than on an~ ~b I evs bad. l'ft e9rued a bi«h u $1,300 in a •inlle .... 11:, .. much a $2,700 OD ODe job." B. 8., Colo.: "I never knew a company • •gw u Duraclean to help tbeir f.rancbil8ea IUICIClled ••• R. G., Olllo: "~ tbe d.inct mail ... 10% Oil We U.O pt a W of baf!P! mrtas ... " J .B., Oldo:' I doe't lmowol any other buliDl9 in wbicb • man can make• much per boar.•• W. P .. M ... .: "It would tab a man~ to build"Qp the fame be eeta automaticalll with tbe Dunclm.n DUiie. lt I a hom.-bold word." • Find Out Yfl_ith _N_o_o_b_li_ga_t_io_" __ ~--~:_=---=-=--=-=-=--=--=·~-"'-=-~=z·-P=~=--~------.JU ENTERTAINMENT eter Graves: ·The Star Who Live·s in -Shadows By PEER J. OPPENHEIMER PETER GR.A YES, star of "Mission: Impossible," is a one--0f-a-kind actor. In his 20 years in Hollywood he has made no enemies, offended no one, lived in the shadow of his brother, "Gunsmoke's" James Ar- ness-and became a highly paid star in the process. In thia era of 1ueeese-.t-an7-cost atan, that'& a minor miracle. At least you think so until you talk to Peter, one of the moet likable and unassuming men in Holly- wood, a pereon totally devoid of jealousy of another's succeu. Then you know he juet bad to make it. Yet he baa had to overcome some bitr obetaclee on hia way to stardom, the biggest bein&' his 6-f oot, 4-incb brother, the star of one of tv's lon..- est-running seriee. lefore his own &TNt succeu in ••.Mis- sion: lmpoasible"-he took over the lead after the ehow became a hit-Peter was better known aa ••Jamee Arneu' brother" than aa an individual. True, he bad made some movies, most notably u the heavy in "Stalag 17," a.nd did star in a popular chil- dren's tv aeries, "Fury." Neftrtbeleea, be wu not widely known and seemed destined to remain a talented .. costar." "Honestly, it never really bothered me," Peter says. "Besid• being brotbe.n, Jim and I are the beat of friende. I've atwaya been proud of his auccesa u be ia of mine. We came from a home that gave us love and encouragement. Ob sure. there wu the normal brotherly friction and bick- ering (Jim is three years older), but noth- ing serious. Jim never dominated me as you might expect in an older-younger brother relationship. In fact, Jim tried hard to discourage me from going into acting in the ftrat place. "Some people interpreted that aa jeal- ousy, that Jim didn't want me in the same prof eeeion, but he really wu tryi11g to spare me the bardehip. Be bad bad a tough uphill fiarht to make it. The ftrst thing he said to me when I came to Loe Angeles in 1949 wu, 'Get on the train and go back home!' .. Altbourh both brotbere are stars of tele- viaion series which are more or Jeu in competition, they remain clOH. Hollywood ineidere note a marked di«erence in the two men, thoush. claiminJ' ~-is 1ul- Jen. unfriendly, even unhappy. while Peter ie the exact oppoaite. "That's not true," Peter aaya. "Jim bu a lot of preeaure on him. Be bu to earry that aeries every year. lly·ahow is more like a team effort." Maybe ao, but Peter is billed aa the 1tar -a star characteristically ovenbadowed by Martin Landau and Barbara Bain, both Emmy nominees. How doee Peter feel about this? "I'm happy for them-theTre great people. What's rood for them ia good for the show, and ao, sOod for me. And, too, they were establiabecl in the show· be- Petn-oU Barban. Bai• °"a "AliHioa" aeC. fore I came along. Beeidee, I'm not pub- licity hungry." That's undoubtedly true. >.. a matter of fact, Peter can be claseifted with Greta Garbo as being publicity shy-that prob- ably accounts for his playina-second ftddle to his brother all these yean and now to the other atan of "Mission." ''laslcally, that's fine," says Peter. "I really don't want my family subjected to undue publicity. I want to keep my private life aeparate trom my prof euional life. I think my wife Joan and my daushten <Ke:lly Jean, 18; Claudia, H .; Amanda, 9) are happier for it." Bow about hia family lif ef ,.lt'a juat great," Peter aaye. "I have th\.. daurh- tera, and trirla tend to be cl~ to their father. That's ftne with me. They are retting older now, ao when the talk •eta too girlish, I take my q and •o for • walk in the woods or aomethiD&' like that." The way thinp are breakin• for him now, Peter may have trouble keepins bis publicity-free, idyllic life intact. Be ia now eatablishin&' bimlel1 u tlw •CM of "llia- sion"-and ftnally emergins from behind the shadow of hia b~ brother. • Pocket-Sir.~. Only A Pe1t1CJ A DOH/ You can re of 8CCUl'1llC dosaae without meuurin1-because BRONXAJ..09 MIST comes with a metel'ed tip. At yoo:r local pharmacy. Drew PhumacaJ Co., Inc .• N .Y., N.Y. 10016. HARD OF HEARING ... ---~ .... ,.. -....., '!JJ:.. 9j; ~"Gl'~u.. Qt ··--~, -----~---_.,...... a. .. 111ru..· 5 .......... PSORIASIS STOIY ...... .., ... --Datt• .. ,.....,.,.....,.. .... ..., ....... Dla ... OBP"X '15 8 .. ,.......,.2 ......... ..... ............... , ... .. El C0 11b" .......... ... ..... ,. ,.... n.111 .. ,_. _. ......... nit ..... ...... , .. ~ ... ., . ..,. ... _,......... .... 2,. ... ..... .,... .... ol ... ! I ""' .... t ....... ., ... ., .... ,... ,.,.. c-c... n.,a. 31.ID. ltocbort. M-. OtfN. • c I 4 I --- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR IOllEY BACK! r.------------------~ UM Llllll. ...._, '-· 11n1 llft.11421 .... -r-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.,,..-~~~~~~~~~~~~- -..... n, __ ............ ttll ......... · 9lWte# a... Ila lat Colof 21111 Color . ' Price A-241M ,,. A-2!112T .. 11759 l-150lll C.24IDI C.~1 D-24174 D-259401 ~ ........ Ml IOe~ ... "-111111 ==:ri::.· ..... ... for... .. C.0.0.~ °'"9ft l9CtMld fef Mell It.& .. 0 ~ Dtctoaed fer c.iwt 1-of ALL COl.OI .. Ullfl.L fAtHICll CA~ OflM r...... "'0.. Yw'a lulllc1i,tloll. .. eUMi-..•t• mN. .. ~--------~---------~ __ 1'!_ ________ -~~-- Kids' Letters to the Astronauts By L B~ TAYLOR. Jr. ~ WDK8 AOO, FAllU.Y WBULY pubU.hed autben- ~ tic letters from .American younptera to their No. 1 beroee-our utronauta. Readen apparently enjoyed them u much u the utro- nautB themselves, eo here la a second aampllila' of mail re- ceived at Hpuaton and Cape Kennedy. "I would 11.ke to be a space pilot, but I don't think I can pau the physical becauae I have f'illinp in my teeth." "Pleue accept thi• letter aa my official application for apai:e fllrht. I am 10 years old and bir for my -.e. I do not need penniaaion from my mother if I pt your pennja- aion. I have four referencee : Keziny, my best friend; Nicky, my next beet friend; Miu DeStefano, my tWber; and Bob, the fireman." "I eat a sood diet every day, like chopped lift!'. Would thia gualify me to ro into orbit?" "Why don't you put rtant f ana to one aide of the launeh- iq pad T Then, when you 1hoot your miuilea off, the smoke would be blown awa, eo you could eee what'• sc>iq on." "Why don't you lau.nch your rocketa from the top of Mount Evereat? It would save you five mllel and a lot of fuel, too.'' "I wiah you would atop ahootiq your rocbta off at Cape Kennedy because I believe it'a cauaiq bad weat~ and keepina-ua from goin&' to Little Leape." ''Will you please aend me two little rock eta for my belt IO I don't have to walk to school any more? I encloee two cereal box tops u payment." "U you need a little boy. to IO on·one of y9ur apace fllrbta, my brother should qualify. He bu enoUl'h raa to prepare you for lift-Off." "I would like to wish the aatronauta rood luck on their way around Earth. I'll blink my flaablirht on and off IO u to say hello." "The blut-off of your latest rocket was very l'ood, but my dad says to tell you to aend a woman when you are ready to ro to the moon becauae, he aaya, a woman driver can hit anything."• 16 Famil11 Weekllf, F•lwuo.f"JI t, 1969 l n r 0 I- r, >, d l- :e IO al ir UI 11t .,. dt Day Dream By DAVE HUFFINE © © DollOle ...._, reci.c "-.' C...-... witll ........, wat, ctw... ,_.. Ilea, clHOll, too11, •••-'•••ter. iSoh1ao SprilllllMSter ..-1 for ....., _.... Moro e.umples ol thouAnch of import harp.ins you call pt to male fanwtic prolb up to 200" and more. © © , ........ TAPE ··-===-~i~ ............. =·::·,~tint• s415 © ------- NOW FOR BEGIN'iJNG READERS AGE 3-7 Disn8yland Records announces STORIES I PICTURES I llUSICI . (/:'_ THE CIMJ..Y~I ~NEY STORY.:rELLERTREASU 8 BOOKS * 8 RECORDS * 8 MUSICAL SCORES · containing the most endearing children's stories of all time! ..... the easiest, happiest way to introduce J01W chllcll• te wholesome musical entertainment, story lellinc cleli&hb and rudinC fun. Let DisneJlllnd Records Introduce them to Mary Poppins, Snow White, aambi, Pinocchio, Cinderela., Peter Pan, Alice in Wondera.nd and Junate Book throu&h the Story Teller Treasury. There has never been anything uactly like this beforel Not just records .•. not just books •.• not just the most exciting, enthralling music and Soni ever put on records for children ... But ALL THREE in a series of 8 unique self. contained Walt Disney albums . . . Each a fascinating full color illustrated book ... each a twelve inch 33 ~ rpm record with story and music recorded in high fidelity sou~. (The record slips into its own safe.keeping sl~ in the bee~ of each book.) ONLY WALT DISNEY STUDIOS, with the uncanny ability to blend music, song and story to entrance the very young could have created such a nwolutionary and effective way to introduce and help your·child enjoy reading. ONLY WALT DISNEY STUDIOS, with the huge library of songs and music could have selected just the perfect group of stories to tell in the inimitable Disney- land style. WONDl:•LAND .~venture1 ere I. o life wlttt .ii the rMIMC and coaor "' the oris1-ne1 ftlm cl ... lc:. mMT .............. .. =--='.r:..=c. ... = ....... ,... A MAGNIFICENT COMBINATION OF LONG PLAYING RECORDS AND .ILLUSTRATED BOOKS!· Here In the rollicking Waft Disney Treasury are 8 entrancing tales ... each complete with story on the printed page, clear narration and lilting memory-building music. With this unique audio-visual combination, your child instantly is ab- sorbed in the words ... sees them .•. hears them ..• begins to repeat them aloud, as he listens to the clear easy Disney narration. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY ~ Records, Depl A·20 I I Get An Extra • Album FREE! : ' 119 F'lfth Avenue/New York. N.Y. 10003 ,,.._ Mnd me the Walt Disne1 Story Teller Tl'9-.iry deecribed on thtl pece for TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL. If I decide to kMp the c:ollec> tlon, I will pey you Just $4..99 a month for four month1 pfus smell --.... ........ NII ..... lff~le1 ,., • .............. NNb.,a., ceata. ,, ••• ••••e-.: are ~,:;.~el:. dll 1.ia.. DI...,. ........... 0.. r::.,. ........ I L 0 postep and handling charp. • R e1~ State 11p __ _ D 0 I enc:k>M $19.96 In full peyment plus $1.49 to cover post .. • end E h•ndllnc costs. Send ,.,,. FREE Welt Disney Speclet Edftlon Record • R Cellfornle end H. Y. Cit)< retlcfent. edd 5" ._,_ T ... I _____________ _. ------~Y .. SJllS! tr.!.cf£"!r !.0£~s:•u Ia:;. - - - --- - - -• J .... _·------··---... ·~1....,.;:::;.::;;;;;.;;..:..:::..:::;;_.,::=:...::..-... ........ ~==:::.::::::~-::.:---::::=·==:.:::==~-::..:..-~::..--=_:_~~~-- f'l1'll .. =.-... ... ._ A-. ..... ., ........... ....... FASHIONS Take Cover This Summer in THE · SWIM DRESS .By ROSALYN ABREVAYA W ITB PBX-A-BOO fashions such an evident part of the American landscape, who can blame a lady (sana star- let proportions) for wanting to cover up 1 On the beach scene, the swim dress ia the answer. That's the prediction of deaignen who are turning.out the looee and lovely, but figure-skimming, styles aa a major part of their new lines. The latest swim attire ia aolld or patt.erned; pleated, ruf- fled, or smooth ; belted high, low, or not at all. Does that mean the bikini is dead? "No," declares one prognosticator, "but it's decidedly on the wane or being clev- erly Combined with a cage top that adda feminine allure." .Will girl watchers protest? "No" is again the coJ18enaUB. After all, wasn't it a man who opined that a woman is really sexier when she's wearing more, not lua 1 • Lweiow. •tnl10berrv pri.t °" ca ,,...,. dotted fabric of Dact-°" nd eottota .u.. .,, tlu t100- 'Pi«• cooe ltOi• dreu fnYM DMM D«:t. 111. PiroutUd t111.ttUt tl. 1.,,_,.., t..Aoa• at tM Slihi Hotel i• St. TAoMa'u Cataliu'• ,,.,.....,.Ur pleotM, 'I"~ Daoroa-eottma Mt, Hlted tOitl f*r. 110. TM but of botl tDOf"UU: ca MGUlot nit tOitl ~ Mlf •kirt, dotted witl -.W, i11 • ~ Po.t Atat7'ota terfott dreul hit. 110. Gottn 'of 1.,...i PHOTOOINMID IY JANI AINOtl> IN ST. YMOMAS. V.I. l'...U,W....,,r .... 1,1H1 1t "pro.hlem" • • perspiratlon solved ... ,., ............ ,..,lrt • ..,., An aatipuapiraat lh.t nally work•! Sol••• uaderarm probi.m. for ID&DJ wbo bad a .. paired of effectih belp. llHebam An&l-hnpiran& keepe uDCleranm abmlotely dry for thom.nde ol pate.ful ...., with complete 1entle ..... to DOnDal Min ud ~ Thill ua--1 ,__... from • tn.&- 1ftldb.y 6$-~ labontory i• 1uaranteed to aa&iafy or dealer will refuad 'urcbaM price. So pt &Jae .,.Wn _po- t.ctiola of IOtelama Aad-Per- ..-..&,Liquid or cnun.'8.00, S0..1. eupply .Available at your favonte drus or toiletry couater. TallGim ONLV ....... ,,. ~:im~e:~ ....... .. Fi. --= ::...Hit le Ill .. ,.......,,, . .. ..,. ...... lilt 1-24 ,, .. .......... 1t111111 ...... ............. -. ....... .......... 14.c:n.t ....... ......... _ ..... -----1== .... -. .... ,.. I .. _ ............. ... I .......... flU .. , ........ c...._.I I I 1-,,..__., I 1..... I '•.-..... • I L! ___________ _J -·~--~--~~~--~~~----~---------...---------------...... -.. ............. ____________ ...._. • r t f t l ' , L j r I I ' m:JL..:.. __ ...,. ........... __ Bll!!:~-------....... _.. .. .. ----. -' .. Homer's blincfne-may~ been a bJeaina. For tbe .,ds teem to bave replaced his eyes With immbllle insisbL Yoo cu. rad his OdfS'C!Y and Iliad eftft today and learn why some men become heroes and others remain eertbbound failwu. Why IOllle utions become great. while others fall aput. 1'bele epic ltOries-which Homer 6nt chanted 2,500 ~=·the shores oE tbe ktlean-ere the oldest and pahspl the araeest writings of Wesum man. Because Homer's timeless works so ideaDy represent the kind of books we oler our members, we'd liU to send,)'°'! The ru.d Uld The Odyaey, elong with SirTbomas More's Utopia. You may have all three (regularly $11.67) Eot-oelr $1, as your introduction to the a.ks Club. Tbe Classics Cub is quit.naolike any other book club. Tbe Cub does not o«er best sellers tLat come and IO· Jnscad. it o4£as its membas a c:hancc to stay youD( t,hrouah pat books that never~ old. BoOh Such as Plato's Five Great IJiaJogues; The Oxoplete Works of Sba\espe•re· Benjamin Franklin's AutobiOgra~; Omar Khayram's R1ibaiyat; Walden, by Tbol'eau; and other &esh, spontaneous, even ouupobn warb that ttretch your mind and sweep away tbe memal ~that bold bed ID09l men. You never have to buy any oE tbeae boob. (To force you to buy a daslic would ),e babuic.) lu a member, take only thole books you l'e9lly want to own. And, you may c:mace1 yow membenbip at any time, without pemky oc burtfedinp. . The sdectiom themsdYCS Re remarbbie values. They are~ prineed on expen~ paper stock. They are bard-bound in matched sand~ bUckram, worked and stamped in criru>n, black, and aiesnaine ao1d. Tbtouab direct-co-the-public dittribuboo, we are able to o«er our members these delWC£ editions Eot-only $3.89 each, plus sbippina . (This low price Will 1000 be inc:re.ueil: But iE you mail t1ie coupon now, you will enjoy the present price as IOog as you remain a member.) lntett:sted? Simply mail the ~. without money, and we will tend you the first duee .elections-Tbe Diad. The Odywy, and Utopia -all three focon}y $1, plus sb.ippina. t-SW ---------------------- COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA. BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF FEB. 1 • FEB. 7 0 Ma 1WKHD DICK WILSON FORD SALES 11255 BEACH ILYD., HUNJP.'16TON IEACH .New 1969 MustanCJ . 9'0I~. 12388* '99 . ft• Fresh •Ir hHter •nd defroster, l>eck· ujt, do11te end courtesy llghh, l>ucket 1Hh, •II vinyl trlni, 11ylo• urpeh, p•dded duh •ncl vlwra, wl..Uield wetlters •"' ~ 1pHd wipers. TOTAL DOW ft ..._ ''" Tori• GT 52588* F.11 "1c•+ T•• I Lie. ;:; Thunclerltlnl . · HARDTOP $f9 ' 53988* Tot•I Down Fvll ,rlce+T•• I Lie $124A& on ~c:rovtd t:.r.!c cr.d:t Fer Or.Iv » MonThl On •pptOVld bar~ credit . . ---CID V4 ....... cn .. u IPltle ... _ ... , ... ... ....,.._,._.,-.AM ......... _... .,_na111,w._......,...,.....,......, ................................. ·= c .... 2 Dr. Hdf9. SflOUllCWNi PMllledl 52718* Full ,nce+T .. I Ue •CIOIN ....... _._(dltl...,,_.) .... • ftllM' 0 F ..... ..., .., m• F 41& lllCt. ......,., .._ ............................... .... ..... ,.,. ...... ~ ............. ,.,. ... r.._,. ...... _, ... ...,...., .... ,.. ........... ,.., ............. "'Clllln"" ........ ..... ......... .,_.._.__......... . .New 1969 •·250 s2·311•'=•"".,::w-~ HM ..... .. .,, ...•. . .... c..e . !r:ORD OI NEW TRUCK 011 APPROYID CllDIT A1 ~ F.orcl -5 YEAR FROM FORD JUST 2 MILES $0U1H OF THE SAN DIEGO ~WY. 0~ l~ACH BLVD. 1·a2ss BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BIACH 842-6611 SALIS DIPJ. ' ...... 10 , ... 7 hrs SllYICI OPIN , ........ "' .......... , ... Mc:a.. ....... ', ... , . . I f:30 f , t l I I ' I &:40 • 7:00 I I 7:15 7:30 1:00 1:15 1:25 1:30 9:2! 9:31 10:0 •,1 \ , ;,, ". I '-4 I I bar. Ftldon. Otto Prtmlnpr, all Fltqenld and Rarmond Burr. · 111ew1a: See Daytime Movlts. f:JO 0 ~ bcMltll (C) "fo (j) SwJ TMIJ (C) "live As•ln!' A two-week series on 10:3011 ()) lie* Y• DJ'e a.. the rehabllltatlon of people wtlo Cl) tD llelJtHd S.- were Injured by accident&. ak:ohol, ter Ma""-11 hosts. mental Illness, physical handicaps, Frt• Ille 11.W. o.t (C) and drup. Also dlscuaed Is the IMla HeM Injury Inflicted by unldue1ted per· U:GO 11 ~ lM9 11 Uft Jr sons who shunned those who were 6. -. ...__ Ill .:1-""7 f.dllUtleul Fubnl ham Kerr. I. TMdlet 1..s.mc. ...... ...,_ (C) Gra· Tld1lcll CerMr IB =:::.<%, 6~ ti Clwe Us lllis Dey/ ..... (C) ll:Z5 II tjl Cl) CIS ..._ (C) J:GO I ;(ij' :>ni. ,..., .., (C) 11:3019 Cl) S..rdll fer Temnw Huati Downs hosts. • ( fJ Ex..u. W. lltril (C) Gloria U@ I'm be a-(C) 8111 Roeder and her six d1u1hters show Cullen hosts. the way to beauty throuati exercise. fJ De AM.lwenlry ea.. (C) Al I Mr. WltllMne (C) Hamel hosts. Falla tM Cit (C) II) AIMritll Co•IMditJ l'l*t 11:45 fJ Newt (C) 7:15 ti) Stod Mlfht .t.. 7:30 ti CIS ,.._ (C) Joseph Bentl. 11:55 ~ 9@ g, NIC Nen (C) Ed· fJ TH Menlhll new (C) Ed win Newman. Helson hosts this pro1r1m of per- ceptive talk, informed comment, I fl.f T f f?NOn"< ...,., ~ 12..1>0 II.._.. .. (C) Whitney Blake end l ical features and news. ni. Fl....._ (C) Steve Dunne host Adwa.-.S •f C••br (C) II e 00 m Hidde• FK91 (C) 8:00 'thQIBob~=~~ Ka11.,.,.. (C) c;.:';"'wJ~.~~ = I lie ..,..._ ciatiOll Fil•, Friday. wi.dlal-11..., Sllew (C) fJ Ci7J CJ) ED •lewiiwltdledtdled a.a.t a.Mn Heed (C) 0 r..,. (~ Roy Elwell and Bob 1:15 (jj) Cl) Yidao Dlpst (C) Doman host. •:is a C:O.•••ltJ ... lltta ..... <C> II L ~ ~ ,,..... 1:301 CW..S (C) §Cl) LlMlettaf ...._ (C) (]) W.._ WellfMt (C) , @m Dip of Ow U. Adwelrt•· of , • ...., (C) 12:30 I '-~ As .... Wtrtd , .... (C) t:OO II lite l~ Sbow (C) n1ld Garey stars. 0 QI@ W $Mp ,..,._ (C) SIMlln~Qulr. (C) Monday; Ed McMahon welcomes Betsy Palm· Sh~, ( Tuasday-frlday. er and comedian Georae Kirby this fJ CI) · fiutny YM 5'e.w week. Ask ( T loyd Thaxton hosts. Bar· 0 LMWt It to le.wtr bare Eden, Jack Cassidy, Kl)'I fJ Mowie: See Daytime Movies. Ballard, Marty Allen and stu Gii· Jackie Joseph is hostess. llam are the celebrity pantllsts I lite Rut lld:e,a this week. @ (]) Jact LI Lan" (C) I Mowia: See Daytime Movies. Redy aid His Frilndl (C) DlaHn1 for Dollan (C) Cl) Andf Criffftll (C); Ann Tadlnlul Comer Cubltlw SM, Friday only. 12.-55 o (i1J (])EB Qll*an'a Ded9r ' t:.25 0 QI@ ID NIC ..... (C) Nan· (Cj Tuesday-Thursday. Lendon H. cy Dickerson. Smith, M.D. 9:30 II fa Ci) BevtrtJ Hlflblllel 0 QI 00 ID Concentr1tlon (C) Bob Clayton hosts. 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Johnny Grant hosts. I M11'1U1 Dlllolt Paner1•a (C) , lei. tlla a-. (C) Cl) ...,..., "*"8alnc (C) 10:00 ti bdJ Criffltll D Cit Ci) m , .. ..,,tty <C> Lar· ry Blyden hosts. Shelley Berman, Patricia Hardy and Frank Sinatra Jr. attempt to auesa th• Inner per30n1lities or Bobby Morse, Bar· 1 :00 11 a Cl) 1.owt ,, a M•111 Spln- dofed Tilinl (C) 19 oo m n.. Dlcblra <t> NitiMal Yllwet @ (]) EB Dr•• HoUM <C> Mike Darow hosts.. . ti) Ce•IMCUtf ltpert/St.ct M.,.. lilt 1:3011 ~~='•~<~~ Dobie Cillis (ill CJ) EB let's II• a Deal (9 Monty Hall hosts. m Wedd AMeblra, (C) Monday, Wednesday, Friday; TrMI Wtdl 0. _. ....., ('C) I ueeday end Thurs- day. 2:Cll ! ~Cl) Secret Sterll (C) Cl).,.. ...... s., (C) om MdJ hosts. I~-:..". c... (C) Bob tubankihosts. llJ Mewl« SM Daytime Movies. 2:30 •• tE =.:: ... :-~~ ~~. Raybum wtlco!Mt Qor. don and Meredith Mdat to the show this week. !!.~ = (=rwed= D lftlCDEBo.ti91 ._. cc> Jim Ilnp hosts. 2:55 DU ()) tm NIC Nwa (C) Floyd iCiiberA S:GO 1lle UMMtW a. (C) P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hostJ. ~~T' ..... a1 Helpltal (C) ~~ c.t (C) W MatlMI: Don Rodewald. DLllq .... Dolan ..... • att ... : Don Wilton. S:lS fJ ..... (C) Ted Meyers. 3:30 11 lldJ Pair (C) Geoff Edwards hosts. CORRECTION AND APOLOGY TV SERVICE DA YI -NIOHtS-SUNDAY 646-7500 ·--CALL S..ftel9 1'9CIAUZING IN COLOR TV ~ Yual a&:Ja\.ITY" SRVICI BAY CENTER TV Uw...t, kit I Deea» 2052 NIWPOltT ILVD.. COSTA MISA \ ~uy Now --Save ap to '1• NOw Sylvanla Stereo Costs Less -$695 SAVE $100 JUW-Oistlndive Contemporary con1ole fromi Sy nla'1 MHstro Collection, C..blnet of oiled WaJ. nut v Hts and aelect wood 1ollds with dHply carve.I 9rille fr•m•• •nd rece11ed cnedenz• bue. Push button control cent•r. Du•I I 015 Autom•tic turnt•ble. Power· f111I 200 Wa.tt (EIA) •mplifier •nd FM Stereo/FM/AM Tuner, .u 1olid state. $439 SAVE $56 SC27tP-Rich Medite,.,.,, .. ,. design. Deeply carved pilasters •nd fr•rn• panels. Wood grille lattice. Gar· r•rd Custom P~feuion•I Autom•tic Turntable. 50 Watt ( EIA) amplifier. FM/Stereo/FM/ AM tuner withe d'Arsonval tuning meter. s19.88 SAVE $8 SUIWM/M/ll-S.U4 State AM cleclr ra4ie. Awtolftatlc cl9clr f1111c· tlo11s. l•,••f111t 4'rowH ala'"'· Uthte4' clock 4ltl. Cliolce of wtlft., lalt• or llwe. Dtl••• verli· ••I ''"' ,.,. t.111119. .... ,, .... ,. DAYIS·BROWN 21 YNn or DeJMl'(4ablc Service In tho Harbot A,... OPEN NIGHTS TILL t P.M. -SAT. TILL 6 P.M. 411 East 17th S,,eet, Costa Mesa 646-1684 THE DAILY PtlDT, TV WED<, F'EllRUAIW 1, 19169 SATURDAY f IJ f ·~ I ~, (, I=":: rc: ~J!?. MY to Lind's End." .I.let Smlttl trtvels to Cebo San lucq, ttlt W11J tnd of 81)1 Clllfomlt. (It) I NEI' FtltlM (60) (R) ..... Clla ...... U» 1m=:-.=:J ~ ... 1• '" ..... (C) (60) ... (C) (3or"~" ,.,., 9 00 8' .......,......., (C) Muir brinCS home c:ana " dim ( ) cllowdtt Wlttl Capllln Gf'll'a pie· n lrud Oii °"'1 (C) (30) Dfln1 ture on them, ttndllll the Ca~ln fmk. Bill Ande110n, Jtny Reed Into 1 r~e • •. nd St,,n.bun .re featured. I cm m l-..ct .... (C) IJ lea C1t1 (C) (60) Sim Riddle i1fl S111w (C) (30) hostl. . ~....,... I TM lnndlrs (C) (60) 9:00 "~Hepn'a Hwoes <C) (30) 1:30 DIC ,..._flee (C) (30) • m nc s.t11n111Mowle: . M.W, lttndl ('C) (60) The O>I· (C) • tn AblltM" (west.em) llns ·Kids pest. '67 -Bobby Dann, Emlly Btnb. I su.,... 11INtre (C) (60) Leslie Nielsen. I a... LllCJ (30) I 5'Nlemn ftmifly Slllw (C) (30) ,..,., tllt l•itar (30) (R) : cna.-(C) (30) f*tlift...t ~ NedMs T.,.a. Clr1 f,.. UNCt.£ (C) 9~30 ft Ci) NllcNt Jtllldlel (C) 7:00 ft(]) CIS Ellttllfta Ntws (C) • (30) ·~nnonball Bookmobile." (30) Rocer Mudd. O (i1J (I) aJ Holf)aOld hlace Q DIC s.tYfJ (C) (30) Bob (C) (60) Don Ad1ms hosts. Top· Wright hosts. llnlna the proanim .re Tony Mar· D Deet11 Ylllty DIJI <C> (30) tin, B1rrie Chue, Ruth Bum ind •'nle Understanding." An orphaned A11n Sues. Mexican senoritl, trying to make 1· News (C) (30) htt' Wtl'/ home across hostile lndi· £rntst TIM Show (C) (30) 1n territofy in Texas afttt' the u TOl1Mlltt Comanches murdered her uncle, Is lO:OO I Qt Cl) M1nnil (C) (60) aptured and onltt'ed to nurse a • Mowlt· (C) "All n.. ......,. half·deed bme back to health. (comedy) "64-8ibl Anderston Car1 Emily Binks and Bill Smith star. Blllquist, Jan Kulle ' "·~ ~:~·.. (C) (60) I NIWS (C) (30). m w ...... ef tM. Wttld (C) (30) ears Cerri! (C) (30) •'fhe Beauties of Btt'gen.'.' The Link· : NET ,..,...,. (90) (R) Ifs explore the medieval city of ' Boz de Mnlco Berpn in Norway and film charm· 10:20 Ubts Wt1P-11P (C) Ina n':;{! Norwegian girls d(>lna le;> ALCINDOR & Co. take ~ llact Joum11 (C) (60) (R) * on red-hot STANFORD! fl £JltMelr9 0 UCLA Basttlb1ll (C) (90) The 7:JO IJ 9 Cl) J.nie lleaon (C) (60) Bruins take .on the stanford Indians. Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton be-I hMf Grief (C) (30) oome so elated aver the former's Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) election as treasurer of the Rae· C.Untry-Western S11ew (C) (30) coons lodge that they lose all of Cil s.tunlly Nit. Flldl: "Strang· the organization's cash during a ers When We Meet." joyful celebration. I Hollywaod ind the Sbn a o oo m Adl•t2 <C> (3o> 11:00 a. um m..... <C> "It All Happened So Fast • . . " 11it Empress (C) Rookie Officer Reed is questioned in @ Spotliatit 1'llelm: "The detail after he shoots and kills a Glenn Miiier Story." 16·year-old sniper who had fired 11:15 IJ F1btllotn 52 Mowie: (C) "Qun- on his patrol car. t1Z" (western) '57-fred MacMurray, I Tht Wastemers (25) Dorothy Malone, John Gavin. (ll)(I)aJThtDltin1C11H(C) 0 "FAIL SAFE"-Henry MRlton $ Mn: "'f.otlre tn the * Fonda, Walter Matthau! Nny, flow" (comedy) 51 -Gary 0 Movie: "Fill Slfe" (dram1) '64 Cooper, John Mcintire, Jack Webb, -Henry Fonda Walter Mitthau Jane t;reer ' ' m Wortd . tf Women (C) (30) Dan O'Hertlhy, Frink Overton, "Habiba -Morocco's Golden Girt" l1:301 ft:' Tonlaftt Show (C) n!l . • · • TNtro f1Mllllr QiJ Eslallra Mldfro 11:40 • Movie: "Tiie B1be htll se.ry" 7:551J ukn W1r19-ap (C) (drama) '48-Ctaire Trevor. Chartes .... D 0 (i) m c.t S..rt ('C) (30) Bickford. "I Shot 86 Today." Max and· 99 11:45 0) Movie: "Mri. MW (dram1) play a danaeroos pme of golf when '4J-nick Powell, Evelyn Keyes. they try to determine how aero-12.-001J I J6c!XC I The An1tt11I Art1wtt11 sp~e centlf'S near golf coonies ire ind Rlltumitisnt T.....,.: Johnny being blown up. Grant. Jane Wyman and Gene RttJ· IJ RICHFIELD PRESENTS mond co-host Personalities wtio * LOS ANGELES LAKERS will perform are Bob Hor>e. Glen VS S F WARRIORS Campbell, Jonathan Winters, Carol • • • Burnett, Bob Cummings, Raf~ John· 1J LIMB Babtbltt (C) (2 hr 20 son, Charlton Heston, Carolylt Jones, min) Chiclt Heam calls the action Lawrence Welk, ·Bob Croslly ind between the Los Angeles Lakers The Bobcats, ind Manny H1rmon. and the San Francisco Warriors. 12:30 m 77 SoMlt strip fJ @ CIJ &) The NwlJWid lime m Clnett11 Sit.day: "Shadow of (C) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. a Woman." (C) I) (30) • em) Ilks, (30) (C) lit." •ct rop- iear- and If The ans. (30) 1n1- 'The ... Tay, 11! '64 !tau, ,,,,.. 1rtes ma) rttla 1nny by-.mo ;1en """ >hn· ..... Ind oon. I of p l:.JOI u.. "' .. LIM (C) ......... ,,... Ci) flM tw T.., (C) @rn m n. ....._ (C) Cl) r ...... ......_. (C) ~51.lf......... ..... .......... Westenl) '53-«elth l.al"Mft, 0oaa Wlltp t. Multlllt (C) ka, Peuit Catie. lO:JO -.. .. l.aaill (C) SUNDAY •,i () p '\ I •, [, (f) faU Celpea lftlnl (C)''Crutadt of tilt Amer· I ...,. ......... (C) u Ci) m S.ati•,.. •• ,u .. tie.la DID (C) lcaL" Btn Grauer talb with Dr. All stations reserve the Tiit All... (C) Weyne Dthonty, North Amttic:ln ri~ht to chanie prnaram-t:aO I c.-a Tlw• (C) Re1bl11 Coordlnato< for tht en.-...... .., f...nte s.... (C) Dr. ... of tht Americ:N. m ng without advance no-yd Massey, Macedonia Baptist ,~Cl) 9> I-... -... tlce. Church of Los Ana•lu. aueata. r.itliltr ,...., (C) 6:000 n. Auu ~ _. ..... II ArMJa r.._ (C) (coat'd.) . W = mtilll T ........ (C) Continuln( the :f,, (j) GD U.U tM U.all..t· l0:55 ew 'V10f\~lC==:w ~ 1ll-nl1ht ~rare. emcee Johnny I ~ •• (C) Celtics at Boston. Grant Is 1ssl$ted by Joey Bishop, 00 I ... lit ....... (C) 11:00 II mu• C..llltm.t (C) Pro· Milton Berte, Gene Barry, Alice Ci) r .. aad Jtny (C) gram on th• activltlu of tht LA. Faye, Eddie Albert, Don Adams, l•PKta Makalla Jewish Council. Jane Wyman, Dick Whlttlnghlll, Pat New TlltalHat llld .._ ! Wt la tltl Uf• (C) Buttram, Jim Nabors, Jim Backus, 9:l0 & RDUM C..W•utieu Wiiii 1 lleN: (C) '11le Hine W Morey Amsterdam and Anna Marla .._..1..a.'-6 (C) Dr Edward Stain-ldventurt) '59-John Waynt, eon.. Alber&heltl. '-"7-u-· stance Towers. 6:151 T1ll QrimplNn brook, Chief Psychiatrist of Los,,,._ I Cltardl la ......... (C) 6:30 n. llMI Aawera aetes County-USC Medical c.ntw, ~ PldlsJ (C) 6:50 Qivt Us 1'11 Day/Ntwa (C) =n• b:~~~!Tn1af Pb':!': U:JO , QI Cl) NII. Hocler (C) Chi· 7:00 r .. Md ltnJ (C) cast. "Emotion," examinu tM In· caao Bladt Hawks vs. M0ntrNI S.IMllJ F .. lea (C) herltance of bask emotional p.tt. Canadlena •t Chlcqo. Dan Kelly 7:301 Aqll ... (C) terns and the reneral rllatJon of and em Maztr report. • ~: :::.:,) emotion and ~ ditN•. I =~ z;.: Ill tilt CJ) Millltlrial Alliance 111twm 11q <:l.1 (C) Sealtl w (adventure) '66-John 7:45 ID T1la Q............ 6 r.tw. Hansen. Giselle Arden. 1:00 I CI) lap Uatt .., feet (C) ·-(C) ID s..111 ....... "lit Cllriatopliers (C) Arriba El "-rte len(ii 1'11 la tM Ufe (C) l\FTfRNOOf'. ....,_ .. (C) Yeutlt ud r.tlce (C) l~ B .,..... Ill Art (C) Rtnzo ...., • Coli. (C) 10:00 I a.., alMI tltl ..... (C) ~Cl) Allen Revival Hoar (C) (W CI) El>. 1111 llllhrit"""*le (C) . , Fenci, flrurative artist -of the neo-Cid Is tile ~ (C) • Mowie: ~ (comedy) '38 claask style, is studied . .,. Repert (C) -Jane Withers, Stuart Elwin. IAltllrttis T..._ (C) (cont'd.) latellaMthreat (j) Triple F•t.r. "Abbott & :tik> In A&ub," "Fr1nds Goes Rock Hudson to West PIMnt" and "Abbott ' Gina Lollobrigida i: fAIJl-~~ .. Strange Bedfellows 5:00 PM Sunday In Color ~ _/ @ (j) El) Dlrectieas (C) Sperts SpcbclUr (C) "Europe The U.S. Ski Team In Action." l =flres (C) 1:30 World If w .... (C) ~ CI) &> DiacMry (C) "Dis· covery Goes to SWeden-A VIUap Mid• of Glau." A close-up of the rta11·manufacturin1 vlllaae of Boda, Sweden, and a younr 1ppr1ntlce In tbl Industry. B Williul F. laclleJ SIMw (C) '1T"hl Plllht of the American Novtl· tit." Guests '" Halen Macinnes, author of "Th• Salzburs Conntc· tion," and Louis Audlincloss, who penned "A Wortd of Profit." I Yelce .. c.lnly (C) Flltam Z:GO Qt Cl) CIS Qlld,.•, Fllll tlliwal (C) "Skinny and Fatty.'~ Classic Japanese motion picture about a shy and overwel&flt boy who Is befriended by a areprioua, alln BY lad. 8 JERRY LEWIS at Loyola * Art of Motion Pictures D 0. ea.,.. (C) Jerry Lewi• Eks at ~a. @ Cl) Alldj WWlam Sal iei .....-(C) Anal rounds of the $150,000 tournament. Thi AMI Wiiiia"" tou~ment la (Continued) SUNDAY (Continued) ltl1 llCOnd m1Jor &Off champioftatllp .,,.lid bJ • Hollywood CIMbrity tD be tlltcatt °" A8C In two WMb (the fll'lt ""'' Hit ""' ~). 1'ht matdl II Mid at the Torrey Pines Golf Cour. In San Ditto. I .... °"" (C) U.Mpl .... ,...,. Z..30 IJ ·-$ IMll: CC) .,..,. ltll" (musical) '58 -Pit Boone, Tommy Sanda. Gery CroAy, Frtd Clar\ Bln11 ChlM, Sh ... North. ID U.S. lbwJ Fl• (C) J:t01rece 111e ....._ te> lllewte: ('C) .......... (dni· ma) '61 -Troy Donahue, Connie sttvtns. IMtlrttlll TelttMI (C) (cont'd.) o.tlr, Ulllta ....., .. CE*nllt.1 (C) &iilp O'l'Mlt 3:JOll 1.....,/0Wbidlr (C) "Courta and the Mexican-American." 11J S.U, Mltllw. "lut of the Daper1doea." mtwlew (R) .,.. 4M n-'~'llt A•erl c .. (Cf Curt Gowdy hosta u 1rrl1 11111 phusant huntlnc ind Iowa Stnltor Harold Hulhes ind FOtest EvuhMllJ ao Ice fish· Int. Clint Wilker hunts buffalo In Africa. I Mia ,,.. UNCt.£ (C) Cl) fece tlie NdM ('C) Y..tauStbrt IMHitM 4:.JO ............ (C) ...... (C) ..... I ~~ .. -·~ ........ ". (I) ..... P8*(C) iCIMw ..... ColeMI ..... ,,.... 5:00, ..... CC) Clett Roberta. Stltat Up (C) 8111 Leydtn hosts. .... (C) ............ ....,. (comedy) '65--Rock Huc110n, GI 111 l.oUobrilfdl. I,._,,, Cilr'I-' cc> Th• s llff Rivtr Bop fueal ~ Tiit l.ecJ ..... (]) s-Alb TltMtre: ''Queen Blbyion" I. Ci)~ .. ,,_ (C) ifi.ra ""1 T.,.. bl htrtl (C) Ru for Yot1r Ult (C) S:J01u· ....._, Hew (C) Cl) .., ,,... Mee• (C) , tM lull llnproo (C) " o Time for Clancy." When one of Mitt Hammond's bush ringers Is trlnsferred, his musical teena1e daustrter (and her kin&·slze piano) moves in on the Hammonds. I McHale'a N1¥J Tltt W.rtd Wt lM 11 (C) (30) (R) r v r N 1 ·~ <; 6:00 B 9 Ci) Tiit 2ht C.nblfJ CC) (30) "The Wild Cell." A look at current mearcb attemptln1 to find a cure for ~ncer, the dreaded dis· ease that kills t0meone In the U.S. evq two minutes. D tit 00 m C.E. c.neie ltwl (e) P.<>> "I got a 5 3,500 tip from my Minister!" ··we hed so HOMEOWNERS- meny monthly BORR,,,.., $500 Installments to u" to $10,000 pay on our car, OR MORE-BY PHONE! color TV, eppli· Payments u low •• encu, end $7.50 monthly•! other bills that No peyments for a months! \ -~ l I cot behind in And no balloon payments! At the payments on our home, Union. only $7.50 per month• •nd was •fnlld we'd lose it. on each $500 borrowed ln- ''Then my wife went to the hos· eludes both principal and In· pit.I, •nd more expenses piled terest-repays your loan in full! up. I w11 so worried I couldn't Cuh In 24 hours, on request. sleep, but th•nk 1oodness I with good title. And you are told my troubles to our Church ellgible whether your home is Minister. paid for or not. Your under· "He advised me to celr Union standing Union loan counselor Home Loens--and right on the can approve your loan right on phone they •rran1ed a $3,500 the phone, and arrange for you IOlln th•t paid off •II our bills to make no payments for 6 end uvtd our home -with months. So call Union today- CHh left overt" · and get out of debt! M LM K ,.. _ _..._ G •Loen 1111ture1 In '" )'Urs. Shorter l r~ · .. _,.,..n rove I01119r term loln1 avallabt•. In GARDEN GROVE call Mr. Miles ....... 539-2122 In LOS ANGELES call Mr. Ralston ...... DU 5-4141 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. F'EIHtUARV J, 1969 Ar*tlll Ttllllol (C) (cont'd.) Tiit lat ,..... (C) (30) hf Cir* (C) (30) Tiit lendtn (C) (60) ...... "Ctlrbt llacl 'tf'llJldM (30) (R) llllle ,,.. UNCU (C) 1:30 ._ $tlOfJ (C) (30) Story bolrds the l\lrbor flr•flirtitln1 fleet. a ~ oo m Wiid KJltldt• CC> ~) "Return of the Salmon." Ora· ma of the annual spawning run of salmon es they fllht their way up swift rlYers 1nct rapids In the Alawn wlldemea. 11 S,, (C) (60) Naltl (C) (30) Mlt«I ... 22 TIM frtftdl CINf (30) (I) Sllppr, Utt IM lllnpnio 7:00 I 9 Cl) Llstit (C) (30) Oune- buw racln& turns from an ex· citing sport Into deadly Jeopardy for Lissie and Ledy, a canine friend with newborn puppies. • B 9 @ m Hudl Finn (C) (30) "Prophecy of Peril." The Young· stera save a youna prince but are captured by Monaolian savag~. 0 Pella ,.,.. (C) (60) 0 "LAND OF THE GIANTS" * GIANT DETECTIVE HUNTS STEVE, CREW (30) "Dou!* TroubJI lft the Nur- sery." E'4t and Kaye dlacMf the ~ ol t.-J"I CM of the In· fent twins. I Tiit 5'l ... CC) (30) W.W T...ww t:GORGICIJ....,.......,. (C) {YJ) ~ Mosttl plays staa• man· ager In an updated wtralon of Thornton Wlldtf'a "Our Town. .. D QI (j) m 1H1R1 (C) (60) '°COll'lpiny orFOtJOtttn Mtn." Sil Mike Russell (&utst Jlmei Grtaory) ind his rroup of retired Army vet· erans Involve Cindy In 1 plot to rob the Clr10n City mint 0 (jjj Cl) EB A1C S.llftf ,._.: (C) US.• of th lllMlrr' (id· venture) '65 -Stuart Whitman, Stanley Baker, Susannah Yor11, Hany Andrews, Theodore Bike!, Nl&et D1venport. m Profiles In Cotlrap (C) (60) ''Grover Cleveland." I NIWI (C) (30) Pit• llunn 9:30 News (C) (30} ~arry Burrell. Action '69 (C) (30) Suad11 l.ooll/ Minion Fon• Conversations Wltb Cl1re Boodle Luce <C> (30) In the first show of a series. Dr. G. Homer Durham, president of Arizona State Univer- sity, discusses the relationship be- tween effective leadership and an fJ @ Cl) EB Lind of ttM '!ants understanding of the technolO&ical (C) (60) "Deadly Lodestone." Giant revolution with former congress- poliQI inspector Koblck uses 11 woman Clare Boothe LIJQe. metal detector sensitive to inella. g) La Tor..ntl an Elrth alloy, to locate the strand-10:00 IJ ~ (j) Mlaion: ltmposslblt (C) ed Earthlinas. Kevin Haaen and (60} An electronicallY·1u11ded pfis. Paul Fix 1uest. on confronts the IMF when it tries I Tnitll or COnltqullCIS (C) (30) to free a political prisontr (Rich· haaport tv Tmtl (C) (30) ard Garland) from an escape-proof !peculltion (60) (R) &lass cell. (Rescheduled) Dealnp Herdei 0 @ @ m Mr Friend Tony (C) 7:30 fl 9 Cl) ll1ntlt Ben (C) (30) (60) "Lost Hours." Eduud Franz Mart brashly brags about Ben's guests in a drama In Which the baa of tricks and finds himself in reputatioA of a famed scientist 11 potentlllly embarrassing situation hangs on the success of Woodruff at school. and Novello's lnvestlg1tlon to clear B ID @ m Wilt Dlsntr (C) him of charges of incompetence. (60) "Pancho, fastest Paw In the It m News (C) (30) West." A warm tile of a dog that fJ Movie: (C) "Lt11nd of tll1 outsmarts a horse thief on the Lost" (adventure) '57-John W1yne. West Texu plains of the 1880's. OJ Joe DtSilvl's Labor Report (C) U Mlllloa $ Movie: (C) "Wvnder· @!>) J.i Country" (western) '59-Robert fil) Dtvkl Sumlad (C) (2 hr) SUSS· Mitchum, Julie London. kind talks with three lntemclal QI Mn Criffla (C) (90) Rodney couples. Dan1erfield, Jimmy Piersall. Robin Carrotlsel Melkano Randall 1nd Adelle Racey 11Jest. 10:30 SllCCal Story (C) (30) I TIM Cblltn1i111 SU (C) (30) lui&frt (C) (30) fut.rt: "European Tapestry." Tit• Empreas (C) l.1IO 9 (I) Ed SuHiv1n (C) (60) 10-.45 Tntt AdVtnblrl (C) (30) Ser&io Franchi, Jeny Stiller & Anne 11:00 D ta @ fE News (C) Meara. and The Temptations auest. c.tlledral of TVl!MlffOW (C) IJ ROLLER GAMES-LIVE (C) M111rict . Wotdruff Pndldl (C) * T·BIRDS vs. DETROIT 11:15 ~ ~m =~:) u ..... , C1111ts (C) (2 hr) Dick flMCHIS Sdlools (C) Lane calls the action as the LA. 11:30 Movlt: (C) "Mia SICit ThHlp- T·Blrds meet Detroit. •n" (drama) '54-Rita Hayworth. 0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY 0 Movie: "Dlrllnt' Cdr1ma) '65 * presents THE FBI -laurenc.e Harvey,,. Julie Christle. D (ll) Cl) EB Tiit Fii (C) (60) a Movie. (C) Thi Stud111t "The Patriot." Erskine and Colby Prince" (musical) '54-Ann Blyth. warn Rafeel Cruz a political exile Edmund Purdom. living In Chicaio'. that the Mafia ~ Movie: "Clulhf' (suspense) has a $1 million "contract" to '49-James Mason. deliver him to the president o! his 12:00 I ~J..T~ (C) Latln·Amencan homeland. Gilbert • Feltlrt/Wortd of Youth (C) Roland guests. n S.llltt Strip I WMdel1ult (C) (30) TIM Fi111tr filllily 12:30 II Mlfdl of DI... Feet•• (C) PIL (C) (90) 12:45 11J Cinetw1 Sundar. "Copacabana." CUltro Ena P1t11 un Ad1111 1:15 fJ Movie: "Rope Mwatn" (drt· 1:30 9@ fE Mottltfs.ln.UW (C) ma) 'SO-Peter Graves. I f Ii , f t t 9 9 lG li Mt lur. the fn- (C) lift· of 60) >it. HY) let· to wit: Id· llh, >rt. kel, 60) a.. of 1m, ter· be- an ical tSS· (C) rls- ·1es ch - oot (C) •nz the list 1lff ear .... ne. (C) !SS· ::Sal (C) .,. 1h. '65 .. tit 111, se) [C) t." ,... MONDAY FEBRUARY 3 For morn Ina and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve tbe right to change programmin1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D (C) "sanc.r.ly Yours" (drama) '55--Uberace, Dorothy Malone. 9:30 O ~ris Callit11" (mystery) '41- Rlndolph Scott. Eliabeth Ber&ner. 10:00 0 (C) "T• for Two" (musical) ·~is Day, Gordon MacRae. 1Z:30 OJ"ll& Hoae, USA'" (drama) '55 -Broderick Crawford. "llu. hi Ille Nlttrt" (drama) '41 -Pmcilla lane. Z:OO m "Devil's Hatbof" (drama) '54- Rrchard Men, Greta Gynt. 3:30 a (C) "Speed Crazy'' (musical) '59 -Brett Halsey, Yvonne lime. 4:00 I) "I'll Cry TOl90l'Jow'' (drama) -Susan H1yw1rd, Eddie Albert. rvFNIN(. 6:00 II De II& ,.._ (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. · am,......,_.,...., <C> <30> It stew Allla ... (C) (90) Rita MOreno. Henny Youqmlft, lAny l<elly, Brenton Wood, and Stln ~ .... D Sia O'Cllcl Mewie: (C) -... _, I....,. Part I (drllnl) '5S- Gl't&OfY P~ Dlllotlh KlfT, Eddie Albert. II S,, (C) (60) ..... (C) (30) Cf) llerv ..... (C) WMr1 Nlw1 (30) "Rolmln1 Smlth90nlen, Pert I.'' A look It the ct'Ntlon of tht MW hall of Cold·Blooded Vtrttbretu 1t the Wedllnaton museum. .., DntfM .. llld• &)QUI ..... -(C). 6:30 0 INK N...ma (C) (60) m v.,.,. " t11t ...... ., .. Sta~ (60) H--·lflM!eJ I .... (C) (30) ~moua1n.-. Quercy-Ptri&ord." A tour of three aouthwest retiona of France. Vlllftd ere prehistoric caves, cethedrels end castJu-...and the tour is ec- companled ~ folk music. taCllEmm ..... cC> 7!00 11 CIS &tn1tt1 News (C) (30) Welter Cronkite. a.._, ....... ..., <C> <60> Buster Methls vs. Georie Chwalo, live from Madiaon Square Garden, New York. m ~ (C) (30) Eva Gabor and Hu&h O'Brian iuest. @Ci) Mendly Mtwil (C) "The Bor111 stldt" I Uau Allltt1I (30) c:a.'1 Wttld (C) Trutll or Coltllfllllftctl (C) (Continued) Gregory -Peck Deborah Kerr ' Beloved Infidel In Color on The Six O'Clock Movie. Monday, Part I. Tuesday, Part. II. Ci> r/9'' •. :"I. ........ , .... ....... --:a;~ . .... ••f!ll:.... • .......... , .. ............. ... ,,o·•-... ...,_. .. ..,__,_:I tie-... .................. .................... ........... c:-. ....., .... ~ for the Yecht.,.... .... ...,_., AW tw the ,..,...._ HMth1tlt Marl ........ Dlrectloft· ... ... hr s... sw. Ofhhor• .... ..... . •UM yew• .... "'* fW -"' ........................... tlw ..... ,. I ........ AM• ,..., ... ••lf•tw .. -- ---• c-.~ AM ... ..,_ ........ Mlllll e ..... ,... dNIMrY ... ..... ~ ............ MfllrY .... • ' 0 I 01 I ........ ......,,, ..,_. 9""" • l'-1e te Ill... Hllllll .. ..fldWY_. ............... .... Mir ~ LI ¢11111 ....... Accurate Offshore Nhtteflon .tMtrMlc . ....., .... ,.. ... ...... Of , • ._., IA ....... arc.re. TMt ,.,. ........ t•lf•• .. ...., ... ec....... .. ....,....,...,.. ........................... lr'9lc ...... , ........... ~I dWI ....... ...... u~ .......... 4-. ....... ,.. ) Hear fMwt ll'OMlcutt DINCt FrMt p:.,..a.,. ~trlei •.. le The Flnt To Kw Wttll .-HNdlkl .. a.rt.. w•v• R.dlo . FREE Seftd for Our Huge C ... lot ,, ........ , .. ,., .... ~ ~~~I!r2:.h• tole Ho-~. h ~I 4~ eaat e11 tell • few .... ,. IJleclra •• no .... lelt ... .... , .... AH Fr•ewey •• Hert.er 11¥4 •• H.,W ""'· t. a.II, • few .._,. t.lecli1 e114 yett'r• her• SAUS & PA.ITS HIATHll'l 776-9420 no UST IAU. ANAHllM IDYICI 77M4H ~~~-----------------................ .... MONIMY Continued 7!30. 8 Cl),..... (C) (60) •lfrle Mar\ of Celn,.. Nehemiah hf10lf pl111 I rupecled f1ndMr w9't II rtvt11ed to hne betll the notonouJly ctUti commandant of a CMI War prltoft camp. The dls- OIMt'J ol his trut ldtntltY caUMS • arowlna IJndl fMr In Dodi• City. Kl¥in Couahlln, Robert Totten and Robert DoQul auat. 118' I Dtull fll 1-11 (C) (30) °'fnvitible tioute for Slit.." JMMle misunderstands Ton(s otdtr not to 1llow anyone to looll at the hou*9 that has bean pl1ced on the marbt for ult, and she blinks It ln- vlsible. II C..... v., ... (C) (30) "Puerto Y.ilarta." and belt bull .... D ~ Cll m TM °**It (C) l'l>> "l'iii 61ocy Wa1N:' WhUt acortlna • prilOMf, £.art ecw., 1nd Jemal DIVld c:ontnct to de!Mr I load of n~ to lid tlapped minen.. Ill .... ,_ Liie (C) (60) mm ....... <C> <&0> "Meri· Cln Sa~atMite l.oltl'' A r• port on UM Wutemlz.atioft of I troplc.i 111radilt, whare children now ltlm En&ll.stl lhl'OUlh edUCI· tlonal televlsfon. l (i) llM f,.. UNCU (C) la ......... t'.30 f..U, Alf• (C) (30) When I ldlool chum of the twins shows them how to t1vesdrop on private converutions with 1 srnaU tape a @(]) m 111e Awtaa.. cC> {m) "Lon All." Steed end Tera recorder, French and Cissr art tht become Involved In a curiout cue victlms. , 1t a top-aecret hudquarttr1 where @I) ltewlsta Mulkal all tht executives fall ln love with 10:00 1J fa (I) Carol 8....a (C) (60) the first pmon thty see. Vince Edwards and Chit• Rivm TMll ., C..1111u•caa (C) (30) lest ,...., 11-. (60) Newa (C) (30) Ted Meyera. c..-• .. 1au <30> <m@m'" 111 v...., <C> U• Mol tt1 el F•p ) "Th• 25 Graves of Midis." m ..... l .._. ta•I• Badly hurt In a stniute with 1 man (60) Don Rickles auesll. who tries to steal his horse, Huth LaUn w..,. (C) makes his way to 1 ne1rtiy town Mllliell $ MeN: "Sweet SIMM where the Barkleys ar1 blamed for ~ (drama) '57-Burt Lin· a mine disaster. Anne Baxter casttrl Tony Curtis. Susan Harrison. auests. IJW~30) I" ... (C) (60) ......... " ... Dat .. (C) (30) "Cfotha ( ) lively Ap111lachlan ake the Man." Elliot Gould and Mount1ln musk: Is dlnced to and Robert l. Green 1uest. 1un1 by the residents of Madit0n m Tlle GrNt W• (30) "Material.'' County, western North Carolina. The The time Is Auiust 4. 1914, to mountain folk perf0tm traditional June 30, 1916. The Allles proceed melodies and verses preserved from to recruit, train ind supply tht new the 17th and 18th·untury 11ttlers. K army. They plan an all-out of. II) C.•icN J c.ndeMa tensive aaalnst the Central Powm. 1:15 I Didaa ........ D RICHFIELD PRESENTS 10:20 LaUts W,..up (C) * LOS ANGELES LAKERS l0:30 • =· (~> <~ Virp Qwa" vs. SEATTLE. SONICS drama) ;55-Bttte Davis, Richard II L1Un la~ (C) (2 hr Todd, Joan Collins. Smin) Chick Ht1rn ctlla the 1ction U) News (C) (30) between the Seattle Supersonica fil) lnnovltiolta (30) ''The Hut 1nd th• Los Anaeles team. Pipe," Dr. Richard Brenneman and l;JO • a Cl) Hen'• l.MCJ (C) (30) Ille.sis demonstrate a laboratory de- lucy llkts Uncle Harry to tht air· vice that moves ht1t to ind from port for an Important buslnesa trip, it.a source effectively ind efflclant· but while in the terminal, Lucy la ty. Tht panel discusses poaible suddenly entrusted with 1 aecret uses for the future. formula upon which tht safety of I Gaate Sill H!Dria the world ~ends. 11:00 0 al EE ..... (C) D lm (]) W ,.,._ .,.. (C) I.lira~-(C) Rod Ser11na hosts. (30) law quest.Ions Joanne about llewie: "HiPRJ Dr..,..r' their fathers' conversation; Carolyn (mystery) '54-Ridlard Conte, Joan rtiects Jeff, to lundl with Dr. Ros· Bennett. Ii; Mauie upmm admiration for I~,.._ (C) Tom; Cero!Jn muses to help her "-' flthtr win Marsha back. 11:15 • (j) ~ (C) 10.UW O'C..... (C) (90) 11:30 : .....,.. (dra· a.t tM Odds (C) (30) me) '52-william Holden, Johnny TV 11..., OaNrt Stewart. •• ~ lfD (C) (30) Howerd, IWodd T....,... (C) colltcta colna, la .. ,., to cm CJ) m Joey 8Wiop (C) shirt hobbles with 1 airtfrlend, ILM Ltq but la horrified to lt1m she is a 11:.45 • 9 (j) m TOlipt Sllew (C) ~iver. Llrry Pennell, who was 12:00 iiliwii: "fie SWp Dat Died ef futurad In the Ripcord show, plays _.. (dr11111) '~ichard Al· the a.ute Instructor. tenborouati, Georae Biker. ! m NBC MOtMllJ Mevle: m 77 SUOMt Strip lUt Dnl•" (musical) 12:15 fJ Movie: "II• ot1 tlte Ru" -Elvia Presley, Arthur O'Connell, (mystery) '49-Derek Parr, Liu· Jolnna Moore, Anne Helm. Whlle rence Harvey, Kenneth More. travt1ln1 throuah Florida In their 12:30 0) Ac:tJon n.tr.: "Tales of Ad· 1nclent car, Pop Kwlm~r and hll venture." son Tobf--tlona with Toby's four 1:00 I News (C) ecloftted chlldl'ln-rUn out of au. 1:15 Mn: "II•• 111 lite o..- They Mttlt on 1n unclaimed strip ( rema) '65 -Willlam Sylvester, of beach and decide to hom ...... d Barbera Shllley. ther1 and open up a fi.shpole rent.II D s,.+... fretlJ (C) . ...... THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEE<. PallttJAll't 1, lNt MAN wrm A TALENT-Jack Elam .-.C lltan M BlackDer, a .... wllo bows .omedalal about kuMll~ "altro" la "Jlae GlorJ w,,.00: oa ABC'• Tbe Ourcuu; Monda)' at 9 PM. TIUS 18 TOM IO~Toaa loaa, Wde llactt, II tbe lt09C for dte MW ABC ...Wf7 lloor, 11lJa .. Tom Joaa, wltJda pnmlefts Frio ct.y at 7:30 PM. TU ES DA Y FEBRUARY 4 For mornlnc and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day'1 movies. All sta· tions reserve the rfaht to change proerammlnc wfth. out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO fJ (C) "Siem" (ldvanture) '50- Audie Murphy, Wanda H'f'drlx, 9:30 IJ .... °"' .. ...... (•elven· ture) '56 -leurenc. Harv.,, An- thony Steel. 10:00 fJ ............ Net Wild ....... (drama) '60 -Gina lollobrlalda, Yves Montlnd. 12:30 m "l•llerit ... Wiid" (dram1) 'fi() -Spencer Tr1cy, Fredric March. 2:00 (i) "Sllup Tria.,W' (drama) '45 --Oaude Rains. 3:30 fJ (C) ...... ~ (dr1m1) '59 -Scott Brady, Elaine £.dwarda. 4:301J (C) "JlvaW' (idventure) '54- Femando Limas, Bti1n Keith. Rhon- da Flemina. f VF N IN r, 6:00 IJ Tiie 111 News (C) (60) JerJJ Dunphy. I fI:' H111U.,-8~ (C) (30) s.t Ala. .. (C) (90) Roa• Williams, Joyce Jillson, Josh White Jr. and Julius Sumner Miller auest. fJ Sil O'Clodi Mewte: (Clt .... loved lnflclef" Part II (dramt) '59 -Greaory Peck, Debonlh Kerr, Ed· die Albert. 11 SpJ (C) (60) lat.an (C) (30) MtfV Griffin (C) il.ra Nftt7 (30) "Sporta and the Professor." Al Binford and Dr. Ralph' Mansfield talk about the world of numbers. Ray Meyer dtm· oMtrates the basic elements of basketball with the Unlvenlty of De Paul players. el DeltiDo .. GJoria EBIPUI News (C) &:30 D llllC ...._... <C> (60) U) y.,.._ ID tlte lettNI tf tat Set (C) (60) 9 00 H1urtleJ-lrinkJIJ (C) m RNdlq ~ Your ClllUd (30) "Parent Education for Everyone." City Schools teacher Marlon Mer· shall provides auldellnes for P1r· ents in asslstina their chndren with readina. 9CiJ@llf?:'aJNtw1 (C) 7:00 IJ CBS Evenlna ..... (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ n.t'a My Unt? (C) (30) Soupy Sites Is absent as the reaulars areet auest panelists Nlpsey Rus- sell, Joanna Barnes and Orson Bean. m Pamlord (C) (30) 9 00 blericll (C) m lllt Frend! CIMf (30) Julia Chlld prepares apple desserts. IC mr,.. • 7:JO II ta Cll Lancer Tirit vided when f lther' I tac neu will d Murdoch LI tn the sum Hiii. Burr 0 otll (Uest. e..~.'!l Osmond Br e GOVER~ * REPORl PEOPLE U111t Sb emor Rona! '8~s~ Markh1m 1 1 story of attempted IY misses • aore, and to protect I OMllHoe ('drama) 'I Zohra Lim m1nitt1c O)hnyl mCudet tells Mi&Ue quit schoo ror the bu1 ii) Un Aa 1:00 II 1lle Wt mt1111I m Wertcl ii> f'rt•il 8:301JfB(j Jack Soo 1 DQJCi "Sticks ar Pizza." Ju. fiahtln& po Ear1 J. Wz eye battli racial slu1 IJ lnlilll ~)~A(] Part I of ton, P1ul Horton au to steal mlssjle fu who plan: sition aov m Donalt ma..t t:OOBQJ G (2hr) Pre of the ~ bioloaical with exch have beei was film Canada, 1 at sever. States. es-.. Ormandy Orchestra Elias, pi. and cone are featu m•• 1m111t ._.-.,. <C) ~ ...... II tlle S. (C) !HMll • c:. t1111ea (C) ' a Cl) La-(C) (60) Johnny ancet ffiids hts '°Y•ltJ belnc di· ided wtltn ht meets I clt1 who.ti rther' 1 tlCtk:a In tht cattSt buai- ess will dlmap the lntlmts of lurdoch L1ncer ind othtr r1nchtrs ' tflt aurroundlnr territory. Arthur 1111, Buff De Bennin&. SU1an O'Con· ell ruat. m tD m m JmJ &Mil (C) <60> f0tlti1mson, John Byn., •nd The tsmond Brothn auest. ;()VERNOR'S SPECIAL ~EPORT TO THE >EOPLE g Tiie stet. • ...,.. (C) (30) Gow• -rnor Ron1ld Reapn 11111kl. tm IE h6lll (C) (60) "fhl F'Um Genntlon on Dine.." A look et dntma c:hclreoanphy from Buaby Berkeley's 1933 "Foottlaht P1rade'' to ShlrllY Clartl.t's "Moment ol low." • CllMdlo .,. ..... t-.10 •a m 11erta ..., <e> <30> When DOni has to bt out ol town for • few dQa, the hoUte becom• 1 shambles until Emm1 Aood, 1 recently retired M1rine Corps offl· cer, 1rr1Yts 111d tlUs "com1111nd" of the situation. (Resdleduled) D EXCEUENT POLICE * ACTION MELODRAMA fl.!,~~:~"!:/ <:> ·;:: w1ntld for 1ttadllnc numeroua women who liw 1lone, but they release him wtlen they decide he ls • crank. F.I ~ C'S) m Med Sqllad (C) (60) r,tii Ntn (C} (30) Ted Mevers. ~ • ., Is llie Tuckln1 HorM." Monte .., ' brkh•m ind Ed Beflty auest In 81> Hoy 1 story of rodeo thrills spills nd 10:00 R 9 (I) 10 Mllllltas (C) (60) 1ttempted murder. A sniper n•rrow· Ci"S News's m1112ine of thtilr. y mlssei TV cowboy st•r Billy Kil· D m ..... (C) (60) eore. end the squ.d is ass11ned D (HJ Cf) m n.rs Llf• (C) <60> o protect him, un~ercover. "Our ffnt Rahl" Bobby and Glo· fJ lllUlon $ Movie: .. ,., or Die" rl• are l1unciled on their first :drlma) '60 -Ernest Bor1nine, f1mlly SPll Louis "Satchmo" Arm· ~,. Lampert stroni. Frank ~In 1nd Stiller & DI Tnitll er c:.u.ciueitca (C) (30) M11ra ruest. II) hny ..... (60) IJ ...... ow.. (30) mJ Cudoft de 11 111.1 (30) Dawid m lht Sllow (C) (30) "Is Your tells Mlcuel th1t he h1S decided to Home Safe From Bur1l1rsr· H11&h quit school. Chuey and D1vld lelve Dow":' ind Detective Robert MIC· for the bur&lary. David Is tense. durmitt ruest. ii) Un AqtJ • ti He19 fii) llacl P"""w-rwpedM--(30) A PIMI cirlocal joum1llsts discuss the pop. II Tiie Wllterner (30) ulous m1yor1llty e1mP1i&n with a m Hull (C) (30) candidate for the office. fI1) Wtrlcl ,.... (C) (60) 81) Didal Reblda e> Prtaler Orf ... ~ 10:30 0 lllvit: "lto•ldclll" (honor) II al Ci) Red Sbttoe (C) (60) '61-Glenn Corbett, P1tricil Bra· Jack Soo 1uests. lln. a ~ oo m Julia <c> <3o> m ,. ... <C> <30> "Sticks and Stones Can Brqk My fl!) ..... II lltwl C..fertnc. (30) Pim." Julll must rethink lier no· II) 8tntt Sin Hilt!Kil fi&ht1n1 policy tor son Corey when 11:00 fJ D D GJ m ....,. <C> Eart J. W111edom receives a blldl IJ Alfrld HHdlC9cl eye. b1ttJln& a boy who hurls I m lJan Qub (C} rac11I slur 1t Corey. .. ID Mowil: "C .._" (mystery) ,40 U Bruins In Action (C) (30) -Dean J111er John Carr1dint. l)~A~~:t :.~; 1::t.~~ lm (l)@ 00 m Ntwl (C) Part I of two P1rts. Joey Heather· tB Ci) Ntwl ton, P1ul Luk.as, Edw1rd Everett ll:lO fl Mewit: "Ellperi...t hrilla" Horton 1uest when Mundy sets out (mystery) '44 -Hedy llm1rr, to steal the formul1 for a solid Georp Brent missile fuel fro,n a WHlthy reduse D @ 00 m Tonl&lrt sa.. (C) ~ho pl1ns to sell It to •n oppo· U llowil: .... It" (mystery) '54- 11tion iovemment. Cleo Moo,.., John Apr. m Donllcl crco.11or (C) (90) D (fl)(]) m JMJ ...., (C) m a..t tM Oddi cc> c3o> m , loft l9CJ ·a ID CI> m F1r1t TuudaJ <C> 12·00 m n s....t strip {2hr) Pro1ram documents the state • • of the Western World's chemical· 12:15 0 Movie: .. lat.t To 1111" (drama) biolollcal wufare est1blishment ·~Richud Todd, Betsy Drake. with exclusive film of locations lb.at 12:30 m Adlell nutn: "The Lady Says have been shrouded In secncy. It No " was filmed In Great Britain, in · Canada, on the P1cific Ocean and 1:00 DD,. ... (C) at sever1I sites In the United 1J C..•unltJ llllttin lolnl (C) States. m Fro• U.. laide Owl (C) U Sllowuae 5 (C) (60) Euiene Orm1ndy conducts the Phll1dtlphl1 1:15 fJ ~ "Ride tilt Hi&ll ,,.... Orchestra; and sinaer Rosallnd (dr11na) 57-0on Taylor, Siiiy For· Ellis, piano soloist Byron Janis. rest. end concert master Norm1n Carol 1:30 m All·NIPt S11or. "A Kl.ss in the ue featured. Dart," "Casanov1 Brown," ind 0) Rua for Yeur lfft (C) (60) "The Devil's Disclple." Hallmark Drama: 'Teacher, Teacher' A 13-year~ld youth with no formal dramatic traloina ha a major role, along with stars David MeCaUum. Oaie Davis and Gecqe Grizzard. in the Hallmark Hall of Fame oriainal drama, '1'eacber, Teacher," Wednesday at 7:30 t>M. Billy Schulman o f Woodbury, long JsJand, N .Y., po.rtraya Fredd10< a mentally retarded child, in 1he Allan Sloane script. The youngster was proposed for the role by officials of the National Association for Re- tarded Children who felt be could live dramatic testimony of the use· luJ lives he and others are capable of living. Young Schulman attends special classes at the Harry 8 . TbompiOn Junior High School in Syosset, Long Island. During production be was accom- panied by Dr. Jack Tobias, former executive director of the New York -5'as also the show's rech~i~ con- sultant. An authority on mental re- tardation, he bas published many books on the subject. Dr. Tobias said be believes the ob--..-- jective treatment of mental retarda- tion in ''Teacher, Teacher" will help Da11ld McCallum portr191 tltil bring the viewing public to a much nn1/y ltlr1d m1ntor of 8tll)' Sclaulman. greater understanding of the prob- lems of six million retarded Americans, many of whom are children. McCallum, the Scottish-born actor who rose to international prominence as Jllya Kuryaiin in NBC's Man From UNCLE leriea, portrays Hamilton Cade, a tutor who tries to rehabilitate the men- tally retarded youth. · Da11ld McCallum (/~JI) and Ossi~ Davis com• to tit. aid oJ a fall•n m1111ally nlard~d youn1111r p/qy1d by BUly Scliillmon. Ossie Davis co-sars in the pivotal role of the h andyman, Charles Carter. Davis is best known for bis starring Broadway role in "Purlie Victorious," which he also wrote. The actor also performed in the motion picture version of the 1962 comedy that told of the Negro's new image in the South. George Grizzard, the versatile Broadway actor, appean in the prominent role of the retarded boy's father. Grizzard is now ap- pearing on Broadway in the revue, "Noel Coward's Sweet Potlto." The 90-minute drama, produced by George Lefferts and directed by Fielder Cook, was written especially for the Hallmark series. Henry Jaffe is the executive produc.er of the production filmed in Glen Head, Long Island, and at Pathe sound stages in New York City. WEDNESDAY FDIRUARY 5 . for morninc and afternoon fistinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the richt to chance procr1mmln1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES ntE DAILY PILOT, 'TV WEEJ<, FEllWAlff l . 1969 C. Ril11. Pit P1ulsen end John (60) "Wtlet It Wu, w .. UM." A H•rtfcwd 1uut. muaical Pf'Olmm delllftl with •II B Hallmark Hall of Fame aapecta of low. stantna st.we Lew· l:OO r.: lie "-(C) (60) Jany * David McCallum, Ossie rtnee and Eydie Gorme u a oouplt wflo mMt, fall In kM. •tt m1rried I ...;., lriMilJ (C) (30) Davis & Geo. Grizzard and arow old topther. -. A11m ... (C) (90) JoiJte in TEACHER TEACHER U WN111Jit1 (C) (60) Dick Lene lion. f.dwlrd MulMre, Joe Ta au (I) ID Mal..t Hall tf II rinpldt. and Albert Broob pest. ,_ ('C)(90) "Teedw, T•cher.'' U (J1) CJH!J AIC Wtdatsd1y U Sii era.a MIN: ('C) "'1'1111 An orilinal dra. me by Allan Sloane lltwit: <Cl ~ Part I ~ _.. (mystify) '6S-£d. lbout the ltnlql• to teach • men· (spectacular, '60 -Klr11 Dou&11s. mond O'Brien, Ven Miles. tally r.tarded youth to rNd and Laurence Olivier, Jeen Simmons, 11 S,, (C) (60) .mt.. Dnid McClllum, Ossie Davis Charles Lauchton, Pn Ustinov, ...... (C) (30) end GtcNJt Grizzard star. Billy Tony Curtis. John GIVin. Tht eple (I) lllfw Cllflll (C) Sdlulman portrays Freddie, a men-story of rebellious lladi1tors led by nar1 lleW1 (30) "Rainbow." tally rltlrdtd tetupr. The drama Spartacus. who shook lmperiel Rome The story of 1 lonely farm boy In dttalls the efforts of Freddie's wld· to Its foundation In the lut ctn· SWeden who tNrches for a com· owed father (Grizzard), a sensitive tury before Christ C \/ r '~ I \ (, panion he thinks ht will find at the tutor (Mc<:allum) and a handyman IRun fw Yew Ult (C) (60) end of a rainbow. (Davia) In trylnr to reech tti. boy ,. ... In r.n,edlve (C) (60) 9:00 u (C) ...... AMJ!" (mut1c:9I) '52 I=:-..:..';;-band~ lnhlm a ~c~c(S~ucation. 9:30 r ct! ,::·Au. (C) (30) -Esther Williams, Barry Sullrvan. 6:30 IOllC ...._ .. (C) (60) @(I) ~rt Co•• the Lisa Douilas JUUests her.If as 9:3011 "111t PriloMr" (drama) '55-Y.,.lt 1D the 11611 tf ttlt (C) m)"~'Democracy lnac· secretary for Ollve(1 newly formed • Ar.e Gulnnt11, Jlck HawklnL S.~(60) tion." Bectlon fw« runs high in law firm. 9 · H.....,_lriltldey (C) Seattle's first mayorality race, with 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meym. 10:00 fJ "'TNillrt 1IMI &er, Ntpr' fm Tiiiis Witll hrttdl (60) the women demandinr the ri1ht to 10:001J fi ([) Hlwall f1we.O (C) (60) (mUlical) '45 -Shelley Winters, Anna Bin& A111old be&ins a Stftel of vote. Rebelliously, they parade Miss McGarrett and his special police Rita H,IJWOtth, Janet Blair. Informal lecture-talks with parwnts Essie as their candidate. unit are called when n employees on the subltct of child dewloll· fJ Mllllttl $ tffwlr. "'Tiie Soldier" of a million·dollar famlly·owntd 1Z:30 ID (C) ..,.,..... •• ... J!Mlle" (adventure) '6' -Geof1I Marca!. "1"-..._ tf st. T,.._.. (com· edy) '54-Joyte Grenfell. menl '1.ns of Human Develop-(ad'llnture) '65-frazer Macintosh, 1:0rporation are threatened with menr' is the first lecture topic. Rad Ma~ic. bodily harm. far1ey Granrer and 9 ([) @I) m m ..... (C) I Tmll ... c:...quttlC* (C) (30) Jeanette Nolan ruest 7:00. CIS &.it1 ..... (C) (30) hny ..... (60) a ID (6) m Tiie O•tslder (C) 2:00 m ..,.._ I.tell lad" (mystety) Walter Cronkite. C..-dt II ~ (30) (60) "eetif nd God's Back.'' Thomas '52-Rosamund John, Hush Sinclair. I n.1'1 MJ UM? (C) (30) ([)lest If Htl)aud Gomez ruests in an Acapulco-based raananl (C) (30) U1 Anttl ti ti Fan111 drama in which private investiptor 3:30 8 (C) "'Sartet Claw" (mystery) 00 YM Allllid tar It l.'00 David Ross lrrvades the jet set on •.a...:.8asil Rathbone, Nirel Bruce. ([) IMl1J Hillbll!* (C) D Hallmark Hall of Fame the trail of a millionaire's runaw1y W...,.at (C) * TEACHER TEACHER dauehter. ,:.30& <C> "'T-UIJ" (AIMtrture) Trlltll • Ctatq11tt1Ct1 (C) Emofon pa keel drama' I ID News (C) (60) ·~audette rA>)bert, Banv Sulli· 7:30 e.:n. Cltl CallPbtll 811dti8t 1 • C • • M1rsllal DlllN (30) .. , ID Haiti (C) (30) T1'lt ·Show (C) (30) "Do You van. (C) (60) The Monkees, Jeannie ~ DOUT The~. MaUr1 (C) (30) Have To Bt Young To Be HipT' MOVING DAY-Sister Bertrille (Sally Field) lets viewers lcno"W-'fltot ABC's The Flying Nun is moving to a new time slot Thursday. The program will be seen one-half hour earlier (7:30 PM). Ghetto. Tensions. Dr. ~neth Celeste Holm and psychol0&ist Judith Clartl discusses the urban m1ll0fity Viorst euest. PfOblems with Rhody McCoy, re· fl!) Cmn Ta& (30) cently·rtJ)laced experimental school @!) Dical Robacla ed"!'lnlstrator, and Nathan Glazer, l0:30 ,... Movie· (C) ..... .._ 1-52" socioloclst·author. • ,.., ,· ,_., @l)'Mlerciofel MUiiica! (drame) 57-Kar1 Malden, Natalie 1:25 8 Woncllt1ul World of Sport (C) W.ood. Efrem Zimballst Jr., Robert 1:30 Nichols. • • I!) Ntn (C) (30) fJ The Good Guys Comedy m Art Ind Artists (30) 'The Wal-* HIT OF THE SEASON! lace Collection." Sir Ralph Richard· II TM Coed ~l!Jll (C) (30) Bert's son narrates a rllView of the Wallace Place hires a new nleht cook (guest Collection. Tom Posten) wflo claims he has to ICtnt. Sin Hlstoria hide out because he is Irresistible 11:00 . 0 U @I) EE) News (C) to women. Alfracl Hitncodl a Wiii Wltll tilt Sbrs (C) (30) Liars Clllb (C) Ketty Lester and Richard long Movie: "S.Ord of Y1t1us" (ad· ruest venture) '53-0an O'Hertlhy, Cath· D @ CJ) t:!) PtlDlllERE Tun-On erine Mcleod. (C) (30)A visual, comedic, sensory I(]) ~@ m ..... (C) essault involvinf all media .tech-(I) Ntn niques such as rraphics, film anl· 11:30 Mftie: (C) "Huk" (adventure) matJon, tape, stop action. slow mo-'56 -George Montiomery, Mona tion, electronic distortion, computer freeman. craphics and wen peo. pie. 0@@ m Tonlcllt a.. (C) I DNald O'ColllOI' (C) (90) 11 Movlt: 'ifbt Cllost of F11n..._ ltlt tilt Oddi (C) (30) ltlin" (horror) '42-lon Chaney Jr. o.c.-tlfJ (C) (30) "Animal l @(I) t:!) Joe, IGllop (C) A~" A visit to the lion 1ame pre-I Love Lucy SMVe In East Africa atafftd by Joy 12.1JO n SaMtt Strip Adamson (author of "Born free") 12:15 · Mowit: "Tiie Rlnt' (drama) '52 and her husband Georre. -Rita Moreno, Gerald Mohr. I Solrim 12:30 m Action n.utr.: "Oaufhter of t:OO 1....tJ Hiiibiiiies (C) (30) Drys-the West" dale finally finds a paying tenant 1:001 D Ntws (C) for the fifth floor of his bank build· eo11111unltJ Bulletin loltd (C) Inf-by evlctin1 Jethro and renting flHI the Inside Otft (C) D IKt :rFT· MUSIC HALL 1:15 IJ Mowit: "Dead &er' (drama) '37 -Humphrey Bogart, Joel McCrtt. * Gord.on Jenkins'-1:30mAIJ.Nl&lfl Show: 'The Calendar," What it Was, Was love "Confmion'' and "The Afhtlnr a @ @m Kraft Music "'" <C> 69th." THURSDAY F'EllRUMY a For morninJ and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, fpr your convenience, are the day's movies. All lb· tions reserve the riifrt to chance programmin1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D '1 llwe MJ lift" (romance) '36 -Jo2n Crawford, Brian Aheme. 9:30 D "MJ Sldlr Eleell" (comedy) 'SS-Roullnd Russell, Janet Blair. 10:00 G "lila&k Town" (comedy) '47- James Stewart, Jane Wyman. 12!30 Ga 'Uebolt" (dr1ma) '44--Tallu· lih Bankhead, ,John Hodlak. 2:• llJ "Dtvtl'a Carao" (mystery) '48 -John Calvert, Lyle Talbot. 3:30 B (C) "Dotl't lotller To lllOCl" (Tr.ma) 'SZ-Marllyn Monroe. 4:JD R <C> .,_.. DeoM" (melodrama) '!I-Richard Greene, Baitara Hale. f VF\1\Jr. 6:0011 ni. lie ..._ <C> (60) Jerry Dun~. II le H11111tJ·lrfllU., (C) (30) .... lllll .... (C) (90) Cliff Arquette rHds a letter from "Ma· ma"; Hal Holbrook redtu some Mark Twain; and Stella Stl'ltnS. EIUot Goold and Roland Emett aunt IJ Sii ~ MM: (C) "It Hap- ,... tit J.,..,. (CO~) '59-Jack Lemmon, Doris Dey, Ernie Kovacks. • ..._ (C) (30) CJ) fUrv llrfftln (C) 11 Sp; (C) (60) 6'1 N..t. (30) "Roamlna Smithsonian, Part II." A look at ari exhibit on Man backstaae at ttte famed Washington museum. ., DestllO la Iii.rt. a> lPlM ..... (C) &:30 ( D Is Skid Row Moving to * MacArthur Park? See Pier& Anderton's Closeup on KNBC NEWSERVICE OMIC ....... .a (C) (60) m v.,.,. t1t ... .... ., • S.~(60) · H...,.lriaalef ( I for , .. MoMJ ~) "The Con Man." A dlstrlct attorney's of. • fict film II a basis for a dl1euuion of how to recornit. I confidence man and his Kheme. l (f)llJfDGD,._. <C> 7:00 css t:»lilttl ..... (C) (30) aJtw Cn>nkite. 1 ...... .., Lint? (C) (30) ~ (C) (30) """ alMI Wild (C) ~I U.. lutblr (30) "Elrty History of the Guitar." Instructor fl'lcleric:k Hoed offers a aeneral his- torical IUrYIY of types of pita~ I~-=--~ T,.a or c...t...ae < 7:JO 9 (f) Tiie Q-. allll 9 (C) ( ) Dufl'i has to worlc overtime to hMS. Becker from his wife, who •II• · Oft board the Amtltrd.am Q.UMft In " the hour. Repltl'I Oft the lllow GB,....... ta TIWll CC> ordtr to pt more moaey from the are Gerri Gtenaw, Dldt Oalr & Jenna 10:30 II Mtwll: ........., tf w : reluctant Beck.tr. Mary Wlckea McMahon Md ScoeJ Mltdllll. mt) '62 _ Marta Pr~ nooeo111tl IMH (C) l'<l't:::r~= IF~~C30) . (60) "Thrte Score and Ten." Wtr· procram,.lt.attin& wttfl the Apollo V11 (j) -KlYD+l11•• (C) rinc Indians offer an elderty IUI'-and followina tnrouats the Apollo hen:••• n. (30) ll'l'lith hip respect In retum for the VIII. Hlatsli,tlb of the lllow are ...... fftattna llCtlb of his trade. Butim Mn-actual photOs taken by the astro-TwlllM z... dlttl pests. nauts. n in I &Mt .. E (C) (55) • • tc...a.. ,.... (30) Eqtand'• 11=-l.r.a ..... (C) ~CJ) • ,.,... ... (C) fcnn'IOlt U91tM film anlMatlor, u.. Cl• !! m ( ) "The CUlno Robb«y." Richard Wiiiiama. Is ~ at his MIN: -tf ._.,. ( .. ConctUlion. Si* Bertr!Jle'a undt studio lft ttlt Soho lldiocl of Lon· ma) '58--<d .....,.. dluppeara after the robbery, and don. Wiiiiama' rtdlcal c:rtatMt1 Is I flj ID ~ -. i... -C,pt.ln Fomento follows hot Oft his .. n reflec:ttd In his lbff •m ,._ ~ ., , .. , tnil. Alan Halt Jr. 1ueata. b•tnlk. a aeml·pa,.lytic artist and GMllllN $ Mewie: .. ........,., a OitMY outcast. 11:308...-: ~ Mir ......... _. .. liitime ._.. (mUlical) '38-E El ....... Esta Loci (rnylttfY) '57 -Phr\111 l<1R. bu Tyrone Power, Ethel Merman, Allct .. .JO II t2I (j) Im Dr .. Ht (C) ~0) O'H~. I• Don Amtcht. ''MmriilltiltM V~R·29 " fl'I· n Cl) m T...aot .... (C) Trdt or Ceallflw (C) (30) dlY uncovers a "bad CIOCI" Who Is Mewie: .,JM ......,. (dt'uaa) ~. •-(60) IMOlved In a Iara• bookmaklna • aul Doull•a. Rutb Romaa. • CillCliMt ... lua (30) i:ation. Anthony Elaley auests. I im (]) m ...., ....... CC> Ua All ... • .. f._ ,._. (C) (30) Ted Meym fltM L11c:J 1.1J08 9 Ci) Joutlileft WI... (C) : W_..lftltlta In ..._ (C) (30) ())'Ille lit Sllew ~)Audrey Meadows. Bartlara Mc·lO:OOll9CiltrllDt11t Mtrtl• (C)1Z:OOG»77 s...t atp Nair, Paul Lynde, Louis Nye and ~) Sheciy GretM, Stanley Myron 12:10 G Mowle: (C) "Yin ........... James Darren auest Handelman, Lou Rtwls auest. (actwnture) '56-Ptdro Anntndartr. "Uy Sistef's Keeper." Ann plans . I 1 .. 1111 (C) (60) lZ:AS II) Actielt Tlltltre: "Murder la rt. D @ ()) G) TUt ftt (C) (30) 1 • ..._ ~=) Marla Felix. ~pectacular career for Ros. C.S'Sin1t· • .._... Dillen (30) ver1t." ti, unaware that the YoUnr linllf 1\et .._ (C) (30) "Soap 0p. Is I nun. Mario Thomu' family eras." Dane Clatk Ind Mary Jane 1:00 a D ..... (C) ruest OA the lhow-4iltar Terr9 Is Hii~ 11 C...altf ........... (t) Rost CIS'Sinitti (Mrs. Dl""1 Thomes' Tiie u, .,.. (C) ID ,,.. .. llllide o.t (C) maideft name), Mano's brother Tony ltet (30) "Okl1homal" l :lS II llltwle: "Cede tf ...... ,.,,, pllys Rote's brother, and father Scenes will be ptffonntd by the <--> ,48 _ Gar Hosuh Dt1tny appettS as a priest Lona Beech Civic Lilht Opera. Hal ol:;-'6or.. -ID Nini (C) (30) Maritnthal talks with Harwy Wq- fli) NET Plall'•• (60)."The Bos.1's sow, dlrtctlor, and miewl the l:JOOlAIMllPt a.: ·~· Son." A dramatized documentary by production. ·~1.tck lfllon." altd ~•nu French Journalist Danielle Huna-II) DI* ......_ Girt." belle. Usina documentary film tech· -----------------------niques. Hunabellt tells the simple .------------------------ natt who Is forced by aoc:ial prn· story of the IOrl of a tatilt mar· B E D w E T T I N G* SUf9 to terminate his romance wttfl a factoty wor11ef's dauatster . @I) , .. idaael (C) 1:2S 11 Wffdtrflll Wedd .. Sport (C) c 0 R R E c T E D I 1:3011 a oo m ,,.... <C> <60> • 'ifhe Prophecy."· A newspaper col· umnlst with the &ift of prophecy ,_ ______________________ .. warns ·Ironside an art theft wlll tndan1er his life. Martha Scott and l»aul st.wart auat. IJ a.lq (C) (60) Dick Eftbers and Mlcby Davin .,. rtnpicle. D @())EE lwltcW <C> (30) "Samantha the Sculptress." Sam tries her hand at ICUlptilll to taach T abattla to model day the mortal wr/, and Sam l'9Ctives unlnvtttd assistlnce from Endcn. I DeuW ere-(C) (90) ... .. .,... (C) (30) ..... , E'*t8a (C) 9:00 B Qt Cll CIS "-1daJ Mewie: (C) ...... DWt 'Eat u.. ......... (comedy) '60 -Doria DIJ, David Niven, Janis Palae. Spri1tf Bylniton, Richard Haydn, Patsy Kelly. 8uld on Jean Ken's best·•ller, thla film d•ls wltti tht amusln1 problems that confront a New Yott flmlly of seven when the drama·crltJc hut· band Is romantically pursued by a mlllk:al·comtcly It.Ir, and his wife deddts to move ttlt family ·to tht c:ou~ to save the marriap. B (J)O) PIEMIHE "8l°• It ....... ...., (C) (60) Q)n. tempomry lift provides the subjtct matt.tr for this new satirical atlOW ttlat has as Its host, Dttn Jona. Celebrity auests add to the humor The ENURTONE m.thod has proven In~ 450,000 caeet that It c.n ttoP bed...ttlnc (Enuresis).• ..._ Mt ceuM bf orw•nlc def9cta .,41 ...... In Just two to four WM.Its. Not a dtu1 or diet. just a simpl• ex•· cl?9 technique. Approved by many doctor1 . ... c... • na IOOl1IT ... ao.trn1*: lb -· ...... ................................ TMt IWwlM liMIMt. --., __ ...., ___ _, ....... _ ...... ................... :=::-::::.~ ----··,:;;iL"ii>~-iNuRi-oNi-OOM"P'A'N'v·-·p;;;,;;-,88'.8200··-;.v-2ii-· ENCINO MEDICAL CENTER-SUITE C 16603 VENTURA BLVD., ENCINO, CALIF. 91316 ADDRESS'----------------- CllY----------~1AT~----- Pt(OH.__ _______ ~---' :~ ~ 4 /~ 1 I f I~ [ I · ~ r t t ; ... .., 1 • •• , , ' t I... 1 1 ,...11 STEVE AND EYDIE'S 'Al.Blllf USICAI., Records, in the usual 1enec of the word, are either aet, broken, played. marted up, marted down, panned or praiaed. A record in the unusual aenae is Steve Lawrence and Eydie Oorme's "What It Was. Was Love." It's both a newly-released RCA album and the ftnt disc in history to literally leap off the grooves onto television intact as a special for The Kraft Music Hall airing Wednesday oo NBC at 9 PM. "Wlult It W-, W• Lon" is an original story conceived and written by Gordon Jenkins expressly for Steve and Eydie. Accord- ing to Jenkins, whoee "Manhattan Towers" is still a musical legend, "What It Was, Was Love" is a "romance in musical form, the story of a marriage and a lyrical profile all in ooe." Both the album and the 1V show are done without narration and include 12 aongs. And, both the album AND the 1V show include two other in- gredienta-Steve and Eydie who, despite the frenzied emergence of rock groups, protest songs and socio-musical commentators, are still the unashamedly Establishment-oriented sweethearts of Ameri- can popular music. Al Ste-re Lawrence himself points out, ''We're so out that I think we're in. Eydie and I wash regularly; I don't wear my hair Jong; we drea neatly; we don't use four-letter words onstage and we don't even take our clothes off prof~ionally." ~ a neat parallel to "What It Was, Was Love," the two are currently starring in their own musical, "Golden Rainbow," now in its second year oo Broadway. "Rainbow" is simply a story about a family that likes each other, and the show is an example of Steve's and Eydie's popularity. Aa a ,...... to both "What It Was. Was Love'' and "Golden Rainbow," the personal lives of Steve and Eydie closely resemble the story lines of theae two vehicles. They rilet on the old Steve Allen Show aome 12 yea.rs ago where their romance grew into marriage and into parenthood. They have been husband and wife for 11 years and have carried the musical message of love acroa the bounds of local fads, top 40 radio and past the invisible atop signs of the "generation gap." 1 Eydie bu an exciting, vibrant voice and a personality to match. She baa a uniquely individual style and is ooe of the most distinc- tive IOOI stylists oo the musical scene today. A native New Yorker, born in the Bronx as the youngest of three children. Eydie is today at the pinnacle of a rewarding career. Tbe ldsll point of her successful recording career was perhaps ru.ched early in 1967, when she received the Grammy Award, the coveted trophy of the recording industry, for the "Best Female Vocalist of the Year" for her rendition ot "lf He Walked Into My Life." Eydie became a vocalist with the high achool orchestra when she attended William Howard Taft High School. Upon graduation. Eydie, who speab ftuent Spanish, became an interpreter for a theatrical supply export company, while simultaneously attending night school at City College in New York and continuing her singing with weekend jobs. She pve ap the Job to go on a national tour with the Tommy Tucker Orchestra, then became vocalist with Tex Beneke and bis Orchestra. In 1963 she was first signed to appear as a "regular" on the old Tonight Show, headed by Steve Allen, and she also managed to become a Copa "regular" by filling in (on short notice) for an ailing Billy Daniels. It was on the Tonight Show that she began doing duets with the young lad from Brooklyn named Steve Lawrence. Slue Is lmmeManbly talented, charming and a first-rate singer. He has been singing ever since he was a child and bis first contact with recognition came when he woo first prize on a number of radio and television talent programs, indicating that his talent would withstand the rigors of the world of the professional. His television appearances led to a recording contract with King Records and his first hit record, "Poinciana.," brought him national recognition. Appro.diuttly one yeu later he became a permanent member of the Tonight Show cast. In 1958 he served a two-year hitch in the army. He first made his debut in a ''legitimate" show ("Pal Joey") ·in 1962, and went on to his first Broadway ~arance in 1963-64 as the scrambling. deviously-motivated, graspmg Sammy Glick. in "What Mak.cs Sammy Run7" This characterization aaured him of a place of respect in the "show me" hierarchy of the legiti· mate theatre. He won the cov- eted New York Drama Critics Award · for his performance. In 1965 he starred in his own CBS musical series. The scope of his ability to "en- tertain" surmounts the usual bor- derlines of singing, for his quick way with a humorous line bas also made him a most sought- after guest on many variety and discussion progfams. One of Co- lumbia 's most prolific recording stars for years, be and Eydie now record for RCA Records. The two, whole careen have ta.ken them both separately and together to television, Broadway, personal appearances in night clubs and to recognition in the recording field, have stayed clear of The Gimmick. The Shortcut. Blue Gags and the like. ''This seems to be an era," says Eydie, "where there's tremendous pressure brought to bear on most entertainers to 'do your own thing'. Io most cases, that means simply to do anything for a laugh or for a few lines in the papers. To us, our 'own thing' is to poliah and perfect what we do best, and in the course of doing that, we've tried to do our part to keep pace with the kind of new sound the public demands of performers." "What we"ve atayecl clear of," says Steve, breaking in with huit- band-like politeness, "is that old bugaboo of desperately trying to change our identification at the fint sign of a new trend. Most of them don't last. We prefer to do things and to grow oar way." And out of doing thin~ their way springs an innovational special such as "What It Was. Wu Love," which is reaJly a misnomer. For Steve and Eydie, "what-it-is, IS Jovel" Pap 13 FRIDAY t:GO D ....... -.. llrt" (m1*Y> '51 Alixls Smitll, Scott Brady. ..... "J .. • Tl'W' (drlma) '57- Cfi'itltJ Collum, 91mr1 Batas. 10. IJ .,__ i. Ill CttJ" (documen- f.lrJ) '53--Clndld films.. U:JO m ~ .,_. I Die" (drama) 'B-JllMI CllMJ . .,,... w (ICMfttln"I) '37~1t Sancln. 2::9 ....... Tt ~ (dr11n1) '47 -Jolln Sindt, Terry Austin. 1:11. (C) ............ (weslMn) '53 Oiit Robertlon, ROfY Calhoun, Rob· ert Wiper. ~ ..................... (ldvtn· lure) ·~ Cllhoun, Barbara Rulfl. r '., f .. ~ i .. .., (, THE DAILY PILOT, 1V MEI<, F'EllRUAR't' 1, 1969 -~ -. Bt•~~.<*>-= l'n.a • Cl 11 e•m• (C) mores and IT\lnilP '14•tioftltilps. il""oc..---~. 1-_. t11Cl)1111 WM, WM Welt (C) The panel conlilts of Jlmes Kfv. C.mp and Vietor sa.le IUlll. ( 'A djlni m11111 f1Cluesl to p• a Mull!. tx·Romtn C.ttloflc 1111-t 8 • O'Cllci -..: -W 1 llfW a lepcJ for his youn1 ward and author ti "A Modem Prtest er-.... ..,,. (COIMdy) '62--M· -* Jlmes Wlllt to Cllliope, Kan· Looks at Jtlt Ovtdlted Qiurdl"; Dr. lrt ...... Dolofw 'Hut £i-. ... ....,.. ht dilccMts a wholesale HllTY Jona, a ~ "' """ Koftcia. ~ amonc tht townspeople tate pracUce; and Dr. ~ Htln- 11 -., (C) (&O) 1D a.1 tht lnhtfttance. (Resdled· ridl, • member of the Oblf.eb1cs .._ (C) (30) uled} and Gynecoloa Deplrtment of Kai· CJ)•• .... (C) 8 tl&ll a..,.nl {C) (60) "Fath.· ter·Perrrianent. Hospitals. ..... ""'1 (30) ...._. Do • of 111 &lie." Biiiy Blue is CIP. !:JO fJ (ii} (I) E!) TM ·-ef Wll &It lt1'' Bill Slnitll Joumep tD blllld by --when ht trees Selin.a (t) (30) "A Town In T1t· tti. timbeftanda of ar.,. tD -tti. wM• m.a of 1n Indian leader. ror." Part I of two part&. The Son· bow U.. IDwlftns Douclll Fir tr... ~n Deen pests. netts -ride Into the middle of 1 .,. hltvdtd and Pfa d IMI IR~ (C) (55) cattlemen's and lfleeJ)herdetS' war. 1.....,. Sia Ams lfi) Cl) NOllDtf Tltil Is Jason Evers Is featurtd. IPUI "-' (C) .,. iaMii (60) A new variety r. (C}_(30) Ted M.,..-a. l:JO DIC N•arwfet (C) (60) ahow mrrln1 the W9'1h sincer. 10:00 Q @m NBC Eipert•a•t 11 V.,. t. ....... ti Guests Include Joey Htathef1Dn, (C) (60) "This Is~ S..~ (60) Mary Hopkins, The Moody Blues, Aleichem." Jack GllfOf'd, N1ncy I ..,.._ .... .., ..... ,..111111wi.lf (C) RldNlrd Pryor and Peter Sellars. Walker and David Bums star In Mia.11 Al1I (30) ''Jhe Ab-a ...... ' llewll: (C) "CMrlt at the story of the life of die writer aunt Modes of M•nlllll In die Pop. ,.._. .._.. (westem) '53-Guy wtloae stories are the balls for the ular Arts." Protaw CllltflCt Sin· Mldflon, Frank l.ovejov, Vera Miies. hit "Fiddler on the Roof." Sholom delin .. mines the •l'dNCYPll pat· I Tnllll er c:.....-(C) (30) Aleichem was born In Runia In a t.ma In our mall medll Ullnc PWl'J .._ (60) small town In 1859 and died In comic lttip Illustrations. Cuc* de la ltm (30) New Yort City in 1916. He tml· 8 Cl)., 83 IB -(C) Ut Ail&ll • el fup arated to this counby In 1906 Ind 7:80 8 CIS &.1111 ,._ (C) (30) l.'GO Haul (C) (30) his writinp achieved International Waltlr Clonldte. l1l1hw QHat (60) Pete JJ01>Ul1rity. He allO cave public I Wllll's llJ u.r {C) (30) Slep(s aueats are The New lost readinp of his own stones.. ,. .... (C) (30) Qty RambleB. I m ..... (C) (60) ma... ••caw <C> ""° ., .._. • EstrMe @rn m , ... t.J t1it ......_ an Ts an Island." 1:2511......,.11 WorM ff s,..t (C) (60} "Between the Dart ind the fB Wu 111 fll WorM ti QM,. l:lO 8 a Cl) C.. Pyte (C) (30) Oayllahl" Judd defends a hllfl (30) "Explorina 1t Home." Mrs. Gomer ind Lou Ann try to get ~I boy, !tamed on an assault Emma Jiminez opens up 1 new SIMce in a diner but the owners ch1r1e by his classmates becluse woc1d •t home for pnnts of Pf't-are more intlRated In bur&11rizin1 he Is lnfonnln1 on their me of tdtool childrtn. She points out op-the b1nk next doot. marijuaM. Ronnie How1rd iuests. portunitits for parents to dMlo() D 9 Cil m ..._ ., 111 c... G Mart1111 ~o> '*H· Iii ..... (C) (60) JeflJ their cflildret1'1 stills in lanpa11-(C) (Jo) "The SUntln Mob." Dan GJ Tltat Alw {C) (30) "Ant Aid fa Cl)...,._., R (C) Farrell usu a mobster's airffriend II( the Home." Ron Corey ind Bern· 8 ~lflMlaf (C) (30) ID._... Wilt (C) to help him prowe that 1 small i._ erd Slks cuest. ----:.....------------------! land Is under the conb'ol of a ctfme ft;) UD ..... (60) ''t.lndln1 on ! NE\!J.!Snlc.USIYE e t.. Suunne Pleshette iuem.. ifie Planets." Two space PRICflm tx· Ao-. ... S-Sees (C) (30) pert$ join Or. Albert Hibbs 1D report of tht Duke." on the U.S. proareu towards land· D ~(I) GB l'IDtlm c.n,. Inc spacecraft on pl1neta. -. -c.; CC> <30) 0enn1s Wholey m Dfdaa Robfda hosts a 1ame show that features 10:30 fJ Mn: (C) "'Dodar Ill t11e • • • • • • : • • • • • : Fits all ball return tables-Automatically racks balls foster-5aves wear & tear on bed cloth. Only $22.50. 1mw.u• 1u1my ._. You won't believe It flt you ... ltl • • A9 ...... , .... • Sitt.•• ..... • 1 $1ff.OO ·::::r . .___ • • i .... 14 .,.. 7 Oep-11 sOO .. 7:00 s..,. 12:00 .. 6:08 CALL NOW 532-1992 two panels of c:ontNtlnt~ne com· Houla" (comedy) '5>--0irtl Botar· prised of teens and one of adults de, kenneth More, Kay Ktndlll . O¥er 30. The teams by to iuess the I flews (C) (30) opposln1 side's knowledgeability • hnta 5'n HistDftl •bout fads, falfllons. names and his-11:00 a fJ @II m .... (C) lto~n:-c...., (C) (90) 11 ALCINDOR & CO. take on 11..t ... CWda (C) (30) * Wa~hington! Action-plus! ,. a ta Cl) cas Ftw., Movie: <C> 11 ucu .......,, (C) tz .., 'fiul1pi" (dr1ma) '66-Natalie UCLA Bruins vs. Washlniton H~ Wood Ian Bannan Dick Shawn kits. from Walflinaton. Dick Enbef1 P*' F1lk. Jonatha~ Winters, Lil~ catls tht action . i<.drova. Tht younJ wife of a bank ID Lilts Club (C) president, Under the care of I Q) Mawir. (C) "Salddl Hoe! ~ psychiatrist. dbcuites herself as 1n HIJ!" (musical) '48-June Haver, old lldy and robs her husband's ~alter Brennan . bank. ~ffi@@mNew (C) B l ·h~. of high·powered fun ll:JO ii Morie~..,. " t11e f1-" * up m Hef's pad with DON (drama) '43 -Katharine H8')bum, ADAMS, VIC DAMONE & i ncer Tra~ DELLA REESE! You'll . gjfEI) TonlPt Alw (C) love every minute of it! 1 Lowe L»CJ IOflJ ....., (C) 11 ,..,._, Mir on <C> (60) i2:00 n Sunset sartp Doh Adams, Bill Dane, Jackie Gayle, 12:15 · Movlr. "HlcWen f_.. (mp. Vic D1mone, 1>1411 Rte1e, The Col· tety) '57 -John Payne, Conrad lectors, Rom1n Polanski a~ Sharon Naael. T1te ~ 12:301 Action Tllelh! "Dual Allbf." fJ (17) Cl) 9) DEIUT Lits MIU 1:00 D ..... (C) • 1111 (C) {30) The popular day. Movie: "Cower Clrt" (muska~ time ahow 1oet nlahttime with holt '44-Rlta Heyworth, Gene Kelty . Monty Hell. G) from ttt. Inside o.t (C) ! hn fer Y .. U1' (C) (60) 1:15 f) Movie: "Man Afraid" (dr1ma) ,.... ... (60) "The Pill Plus '5'7~eorae N1der, Phyllis Thater. en. Dr. l(eitfl Betwlck discusses 1:30 m All·NlaM 5'ow: "Romance ot the future of birth control pills. with the Hllh Seas," "Peraonal Afftlr," a view ton~1 Uberalized llXUfl ind "Invasion ot the V1mpl,." I I r II t 7: 7: 7: 1: ~ 9: 10; Ill 1 7 a 11 12 2 J 4 !I ... ,,§-... (C) ICru T..n richelt ($122,000) Ind molt pop. .._ Spllll (C) ~ ....._ (C) ultr pro-1m1teur &Dlf tDumlmenta aJ Flltllllc V.,.,. (C) 12:30 tjt (I) MIJ Qllllt (C) _.,. p,...tld todlY I nd IDmof· "Gllht of the &II lltwlt: .. ...._ Pitt et 119 row from lnctlln Well• Country Club llf1nd" ind "Flf9 Maidens of Out. tr'lll" (drama) '48-frtdric M1rdl, In Palm o..rt. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 8 All stations reserve the rt~ to change proeram- m1ng without advance no- tice. ... The first ftlm Is In color. Ann Blyth. I Qlllf .....,.,_ I (ft) (J)G) H•H rnh11 (Q 111•11111 (C) Sin Joie Stltl 10:00 ~Cl) Tiie Ardlle a. (C) EA• •uect 111Jert (C) meets the UnlWrsitr of the Pldftc. CJ) 0)....., tt 119 C.. "-..._ n.trt: "Tht Ptte hlttta and Mont. Moen call tw lie r.a (C) ked City." . the 1ct1on. tJ Mwlt: "T• .,.,. .. T...... l:OOU Cl) .. .., Didi (C) I DlltiM II .... (1dventu,.) 'ss-st.11111 Haydea, Mtw1t: "Tiie nw.t" (mysllfy) UO Ill Hmt Gree. Rtyn0r. ' obert Knipp. Linda Llnon. ~ CJ) GJ P,. ....... T• dint tw &Mq D 11tw1t: .. ._ 11e hdtlc" <» !:551..._ CC> 7:00 Mr. Wllllbiw (C) la &lnllla 1 U... Wtrturt) '42 -HumphrwJ Boprt 4:00 tMle: "Tiie ....,.. tf -.. 7:20 &luit Us This DIJ/ ..... (C) 10:30 Ql(i)lbttw/Sllplnw (C) mfllewll: "Tiie HllMllblct tf... ....... (westem) '49 -Rlndolph 7:30 Jutla Su•ner Miiier (C) 9@m Undlrdti"~ tr. ba_.. (dr1m1) '39-autr1es Scott John lreltlld. ca.,. Proftlea , Mwlt: ""' "'Pt MJ N..._ L1upton, Maureen O'jttl"I. I HIP Md Wild (C) • M*"I U.. Moat tf M1t.ttJ Up" (mystery) '5&-Mlchttl II> DicU ...... • W .... TrW (C) 7:45 s.a..I fte11t (C) Redcm-. SMll1 Sim. aJ Merv ltltlla (C) lrNc:e l.1IO l ~a.Ct ~ (C) l (i7J(J)O)F_... r .. (C) l:lOlfa(l)Tllt LtM ...... (C) 4:30111.taAaicaa.(C) 1--6 (C) n. ..... ~ .... ..... ...... e..trr" Tiie ~ (C) . c.,.. (C) a..... (western) '58-Georp Montzomety. .,..., Udl bl. ntt. u.. cc> 11:00 • o ~m •JMot 54 .. ,., m Qtlllt ,., Mwntatr. <C> s:ao 119 Ci) m ne11•1 woadlrfltl T• " Wtlll flflD I Peter •llhall hosts. 2.-00. Tiie New Secil9 (C) ...... rT lirf (C) s.t.u, ......_ "The Bumlnt ~ CI>.m a.a. tf u.. _.,.. (: MtN: (C) "'1111 Intl tar.II" a a...,..... ltwllllc (C) John 1:30 ~~;:ice .::;RMd ... Viii~ TlltltN: "The Encblnted ~S4 n..:.'" .. = for ~u:::ie:nd'1i~ Kn=-vs. Rllpll • HMr •1• Danear." D @(J)&)AIC't Wt W.W • Top Cit (C) 11:30 n. Hlftlllaldl (C) m 11o11c1aJ (C) ~ Spet1I (C) NltloMI F1111re-Sbt· cm · GJ '"""' <C> §cm (ij m __.. ....,.., Jec:k Wh 11er ind eary M1dd1 z.r-a (C) • Adlttt n.tre ' 11 commentate as Bob autr1a incl . • l1111U1tlta (R'1 lnlMlld Bruce Devlln meet Miiier Btrbtr F....,.S.C. Elatttl IOllEX (C) • .... "Tiie I ., .. .. o.t-Ind Biii Casper. 5:30 ..... ..., (C) (R) 9:00 (ii @~ Fllntltwl (C) ..... (westem) s-Robtrt Ryin. 8 hdftc I ......... (C) UCLA c.1*1tJ .. .._ (C) Allen I MIN: ) "lrwe W.nt.-Bur1 Ives, Tina Loube, David Nellon. Bruins vs. Washlnilon Stlte Couprs auoat. (western) I -Jon Hall, Christine It Pullman, Washlnllon. m AU.-.nc. c.I'-.... (C) Llrson. I Shnp T• Marty Allen, B1rt>tr1 £dtn tnd Ml· I @ mm flMcler Mia (C) • s. t11t USA <C> c:ti1e1 Ans1r1 1... auest Judfes. **-ca INOe CC> 12.111 I a~· <C> i:ao a oo m .... ".,. ot1trt I ..... r..-uNCU CC> ' ........ n.tre HIP ,.....,. a.. tf C1111ic (C) fhe fin1l rounds of tht Mc1We'1 NftJ flbldlt Ralei&tt W..t (C) 10th .annual classic-one of the : ..... In htll*tilt (R) · SUMMY, FDllUARY Z 10:55AMU(J)W ..Uata.ell(C)N.Y. Knickavs.Boston c.ttics. 11:30 ! l1Rl M tC) ~· ,,.. Chicllao. 1:00 Speclllt l •t:urope '68-The U.S. Ski T•m In Of'." Sto~. of. the 968 U.S. Ski T•m campe'8n In Europ, ~r to th• ()fympics. 2:00 1J (i1J Cl) Andy W$Ulam• San Dleft Open (C) Final round of Ule -Sl&l,000 golf toumament from the 6.'92-yard, P1r·72 Torrey Pinn Golf Course In San Dielo. . MC>NIMY. RBRUARY I 7:00 • Hlteet.11twN-, .................... (C) Live from Madison Squ. ... G9rden comes the 12-round hew;w ... ht el~MtiOn fllht '-tw .. n battling Quster Mathis and 0.011• Chwllo. the Canadl1n Heavyweilht Champion. 8:15 8 Lall8t"I IMi.tllell (C) Seattle Supenonk:s vs. LA L.aken. FRIDAY, FDRUM'Y 7 11:00 8 UClA Bulwtbtll (C) BrulM vs. Husk* at Wesh. SATURDAt ~· 12:00 I Hllh 8chool ~ ...... ·of tM w.etc (C) . 2:30 41 ()) C8S Golf a...11 (C) Bob Charta and Bruce Oevfln vs. Mili. Barber Ind Bii C... I ~ I Bnaebe1 CC> UCLA WI. W•lneton StMe. 3:00 ID CI> lob Hope o.ift Cl-* (C) UW c:ower.ae ot Mmf. final round• of the 10th ennuel _. _,,...ment at the lndien Wells Country Club in Pllm DeNtt. c.ttf. The $122.000 pul'M pro-1mateur classic la the .....,•a lonlM tournament. cover· 190 holn in five daY9 of play. ........... CC) San JOM state w. UOP. 3:30 (ft (I) Pro 80.._.• T_, (C) The $50,000 Denver Open. 4:30 linta Anita .... (C) !1:00 D Cl) Shell'• Woodetful Wattd el Golf (C) Frank Beard, n:lnerblckinson and Julius ~ at the Ceymanas Oolf ind Country Club in Klnaton. • 8 (If} (I) ABC's Wide w.td of ..... (C) N1tlonal f°l8Ur9-~ng-Champlonshlp frarn Wtttl. 'We1Nt'8ton. ijljMories oltbe Week I SUNDAY, FOltUARY 2 9:00 a (!! (]) "Sindt of the Kalahart." Stuart Whlcrnan, Stanley liker end Sus.nnah YC>f't( sur In a tale of ffW men and • woman who survive an air cruh onty to fece the torrid._._ of Africa's Kalahari o..t. Theodot9 Blket, Hany Andrewt fnd Nia•I Davenport co-9tar In the film that wn co-produced by Cy Enfield and Stllnley lltcer ind directed and wrltten for the scree~. MC>NIMY, I 9:00 D U Cl) • .,.._ 11wt ONMI."" Elvis Presley sters In a ll&ht romantic camtdy wltft IOftlll. Artttur O'Connell. JOlnna Moorw Ind Anne Helm co-9t8r In the 1912 United Artl9ta ,....... ''Follow TMt ~" wea Dr'Oduced by Devtd Wet.a.t and directed by Gonion Doullu. The 9CreenDfey by Chtrlel L.eclerw was based on the novel, 0 Ploneer, ao-Romel" bY Rlcher4 Powell. EMs ..,._ "fin Not the Manylns Kind." "Anltl." 1nd ''Follow TMt Or-.n." W!DNEWY, flWIMY I 9:00 a ti! Cl) "'-11•• " The "**°"lar multl·iWdemy "-ref. Wi"nmns inovtt about P1Pn Rome ... ,. Kirk Dou1119. LaUNnee Ottwter, J•n Simme>M. Charlel taisMon. ,.. lMtlnov, John Glvtn and Tony Curtis. The fllm ................. lft two---. tDnflM aad neict ..,_, n.~won tout a... •~ueo ~ Ueetnov • tM ._ ,. Actor, camme 0.1111; ..... Art •nd .. • •nd Cl In the OOIDi. tel IClll1· .. ....._. .. Wll produced ., .. 1rwe-= _, ,.._-., u...,_. .......__, Oo ... tM ...aw praduaer end -..... ona.Mi:n.e~-----~TM~--SATUW~ ...U1 t:OO 1 • ~ ....._ .. Yul Brynner, Tony Curtll aflif Clwtl-~~.., tn Herald Hecht'• fttm ....... °" ...... 111 Gc1101 d ... c1rt1ne of l~ry C~•n1• TN U ... Altllll film wat NIWld In 1118 and -._.. llr J, t.ee ......,. from ....... 11¥ Waldo ........ Kait~ ,,... Complete 5-Piece Stereo Component SyStem .... Save $72.07! FISHER e FISHER 160-T ~':M~s::.:·: 09Mr. ,....,... Ma.r.drcwltry __, llleW lffKt traw ........ -.. ..._ wte...._.ly ,..,.._to PM.._ er ..... Tw..O.Matlc tnlwt _,_,. yoar faworlto FM ....... fll ttia ,... ef a ......_ lllChMlal ~ .......... ,....._ Seit _,aa1ely fw $Ht.ti '249~f . ~ Afll!f sHURE 11144-J 11• ..._ ...... tic wlr1':-~ ~r: .~~·: ....... .,,.... . GARRARD Hew 1Hf· .... ef tills,__ -••dk ........................... ...., .... LANCER SONY of the WEEK! ~., ... _.,. ~ ( ) ~ y ~" 1 : : : -.&.Jll ..... .. SPECIAL SALE ON THIS SONY TAPE RECORDER THE 355 THI NIW VDSION OF THI TOP-IATID SONY 350 atlantic s 50 Easy Tenns THI SONY SOLID STATI 355 FOUi TIACI 51100 TAPE DECK IECOIDll Connect this superb solid stat e instrument to your dereo sys- tem and in en instant virtually all recording techniques will be at your command.•The l56's three hHd design permits t•p•/source monitoring, sound-on-so,.,ncl and other profes- sional techniques. Also fHtures new noise suppreuor circuit and improved rewind. You could pay fer more for • tape deck, but you could hardly get • finer performer or • finer velue. ComH complete with walnut IMse. • lllUSIC OPEN HITES & SUNDAYS 445 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa sundays 12-5 saf urdays 9-6 daily 12-9 p.m . :lo sed wed nesday s factory direct prices!