HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. (
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e WUI This Massiwe
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.Ash•re? . .. . -. -. _ ... . ' .. . .
. E~perts Giv~ Big .Pudd~ ~51)~$6 (;}W,(lce~ . . . . '~ . . \... ~ .... . . ..... -~ . _.,,_
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Of B.lnckening Co~t, Seal 8each ~ -Uiguna-_:. ·
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·NiXon to Europe
Storm Junk .
~resident Plans for 'Working.Trip' , . • • . I r ': i 1 : I •
N__. n--cb ...... ~~ ~-; ..qo~Y. AFra, . ,I ~N;. ~Ru>.ti,y; 3,·· ··969.' 1:~· : For Crews
WAsHINGTON (UPI)· ~ Praidoot
)';b:oo a <nUinf< teallUve plau 'far a
1'•Ulc trip" to'Watern ~. ~
i "" , .• --·-·~ .... u. -j I § o_~..,.,. -,~-i ....-..
;we11em -European capllats ol Its North -~ Treatj' ~ (NATO) alliei·ll·•!bltl!o ...... lfit•llialri
lfip taken by the President would be ""l"'l• Dell .... , ~ 'W&l& I ' (•" I..,. I "" ~~ ...,, ' ' •. f ' '( aworkmcvlait.t'. ~t .ln ~ erneremey· ~-~ , .. : ~ ~'f1.r.r ~·1'8Cft.•11~·~···: ~. ·.; ·,.,-.1 .,,,1 ...... , '
--;i~ . ~' 0.... a trip bas
circulated for several days. This was
the first tlme the WIUte HOUIO bad
discusieCI 'the forthcotnll>& jouroey in
~-lotbOW~--' ' 111111 the "Pt t»IW }' llofOluI .tbaf trip ... be liTa.,...i, .
WbOe stressing lhal no final a.ct.Ions
had been made, be aald lhe Wbfle House
was hopeful lbeoe -could be arrived at in order that~ the 'chief el'~
ecutive's first fotelgn :trip could be com-
pleted by ljle llart of !he -NATO council
of foreign ministers meeting j n
Washington on .April 10.
iftlan~_brie .. '811· ~J to ~~---~··~,_.:.,, "',i,,,· 1 I~'· 1,,.\f'iJ .., 1! ~? 't. '"~ • ·~; • 1 ~I
:::-... at..:.·~-==;..., ......... Uie·~:i:::n:-;~r.~ =9··.: i·I SB~c--.; ;:f~i:-;· ·-Ji~ d_, ... ,
f.,..,..n .. ,•>"•••~PST. . provfnl 'too,Dldltprdly-.. • · . • · . -.. ilJ.S ,o i _ .'nae. trip illo ·mv ,be a matter of olt'I tieronc1 our capabBltles .to~ 1 r 1 · •I :_u. . ~ .. ~4er8tion •t a~Tuelday morning ttup~~e,"lljf.CltyMlnqel'Blrr:,'k! f • . • 1 1 1 ~ ·\ :-·•· # !tn 1 , 1 •. ' •
any de1'1J,. • ,
Nixon's press secretary, R c n a 1 d
Ziegler, said ezpJw:alory and P"Pl""lory
discusaions with some E u r o p e a n
govemments began i during tbe past
weekend on such ma ters u scheduling,
itinerary and possible dates.
meelinll r( t!)e N.UOllll ·Securlty Coundl. L. Hur'"''""
The ·'Wblte ~ -,.v. "° -1ffd . eocm$ibii~ Jie.sa!d. w,il('bl: ... ted 1\. . .. . .. F .. , · . · .. Si; ti;.,: 1'.: .. : , r~:~~~':·p:S ·~fo~;: :~:v::~o~.:~~ l •> cw·' .-ay··,-l:• j.l·~ol •mi r~ .. 1.~ .. •:;t \;i'i...•e~ .
in Parll, Rome, Loodpn,and Borm.. the neighborhood of about '5,000." . . ~. . ':,.:&;, . ' U"9:
There apparently II ·no lntenUon for It would be awarded on an emergency · , r: , · : : · 1. 1 ! · · , , . Asked whether this first venture in
personal dip~ by Nb:oo u chief
executive w~ be a ':'wortlng" or "good
will" trip, iiegler told reporters, "any
Nixon ,to vis.it . the Soviet Union dur~g basis. Ttiere la no Ume for advertl.sinl ,
lhe trip, or to meet elsewhere with f bid ffurlhltri --1.;...H • ' It ~fu, wu known that Nixon was
contetpp an early trip to the Russian lead or s,· ...,,-'.,.,...._ 1 -. sAinA, ·llAIUJAM., (UPI) stiff ers. "If we . doo'I Pl,\1'81 • sluH ·Olll ~-. otfobore•lildi•" _._. 'l~= clfl
Tnick Overturns,
Burns; Police
Close Freeway
LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A section
of the Sanla Ana Freeway was closed
during the rush hour today after a
meat storage truck • overturned and
caught fir~ near the Mission Road off.
A police molorcycle oUlcer was Injured
when he stopped to investigate .the ac--
cident and was struck by anolher truck,
which went out of control and also
Sgt. George Serenbetz, 48, was thrown
about 30 feet against a concrete abut-
ment He was taken to Central Receiving
Hospital for' treatment of a possible
Six units of city fire.men contained
the flames. Police s a I d the driven,
wbooe names were not disclosed. wefe
Mei, Tenor Succumbs
NEW YORK (UPI) -Giovanni
Martinelli, a reUred Metropqlitan Opera ·star ··whose tenor was said to. J>e the
lbie!I aince EnrlcO caruso•s, died Sunday
of a rupture(l aorta.· He was 13.
Boris Karloff, Screen's
Frankenstein, Dies at 81
MIDHURST, England (UPI) -Boris generations d moviegoers.
Karloff, Frankeristeln's monster · on His death ended a cireer that spann'!d
screen and a gentle soul in real life, more lhan a half century of movie,
l:ued of a respiratory aliment Sunday stage, and television acting.
at the age of 81'. Although he was best known for lhe
UnW Illness forced him to enter King Frankenstein role, he also appeared In
Edwa'rd VII hospital In this quiet village 1,400 Broadway performances of
last November, he wu doing what he "Arsenic and Old Lace," "The Lint.i~n
knew best -performing. Tree," "The 'Shop at Sly Comer" and
"He died in harness and this was "Peter Pan."
the great thing he wanted," said his A slender six-footer with a Ii light stoop,
widow Evelyn. "He _ ·hmays said he Karloff awav from the screen wu a
wanted to work unW ih: end and this quiel. ~ man w6o loved
is What be did." reading, prdenlng, and poetry, . .
. Although ailing bef<n he w a s· After mU1ng "Frankenstein -1970"
hospitalized, ll)e slender, quiet-spoken in the la\e 1950'1,~!Wtofhaid :
Karloff had tumed to readings, poelrJ "J'Jl .. never play jl)e monster again
and television appearances. He had became I have tmtimental affection .for
"reUred" Frankenstein'• mooster. the character. I owe 'him so much that
Mn. Karloff said her husband caugtit 1 I .owe him , a little respect, a little
a chill 1n New York on h1I way 'home • rett."
• !root miking ·• film ·kl Calflomfa and ~1gray-ltalred actor devoted him~
then entered tbe bospilal. • I to -ad the atage: He clelcribed I
Born William Henry Pratt of Dulwich himself u a "truly happy ex-IDOlllter.''
In 1187, !Wloll opled .for a more !Wloff did. DOI lib "hat modern
lhea,lrical 'l'\!Jle ·wben; be .becal!>e · an · -mm~·._.., .OOinll · wtlh their
actor and -•e lhal . btclme .a lnOiiilierj. He )ell Ibey were dehumanised
personification · or horror for three . . (Set !µ.~FF, P11e J) .
! ( \ ' I -' '' ' I
~ • I , . ' -' . Caadld Canaerameti Aboard . " ., . ' •• . .
.Smile, ·you're -
• .. .;.:;.. 'Iii.. lonlc:a , Uie riil\lh. bi~ of ID Amerleaa lo Miami. II wai bljadrrd al 10:15
MIAMI -Tl>i lalest lkyjacker 'may alrllnei'lhfl.,..r: .: · • .. a.m. FSr, •-· • mlla east of
)live somelhing else to smile about today. ~ Ibo p1D wttll 7t111,....., Im· Chariealon, S. C., .00 landed "1elr
When be diverted an Eut<m Afrlinel wile; Jllr:ilyn, hro cbil4ml, WIWlm. · In Havana al IJ:3'7 p.m. FSr, lhe FM
Boetnt nr airliner bound f" Miami ,.111w1a11e11e,.s11, ...,_ ~ . A¥-.
lo Cuba, be ownbered among his unwfll· ol' •.-cmr, ..-.tfo( to Bet The FAA aald '. fl 'bad no dOlalll ol
b>i -edgers Alien Funl and three Klfta ol ADm Funt ~· Ia New Uie hijacking oilier lllOD the -member• of a ca1nera crew. Funt wu York. • ... from the pilot. 1be plane ,1'81 in corqct
the master of cmmonies and director 1111& aald Flllll wu on~ to Miami wflh lb< FAA eootrol -al J-
oi TV'• popular "Candid Camera" show. to fllni a ~ a -le called ville. Fla., al the lime-II wu ~kad.
"Look.I like we are &~In& toUth of , "What Do You Si.j-to a Naked Lad7?" It wu the 11th IUCCelllul hljackir,C
Miami today.'' the Federal Aviation Ad· whk:h w-be dillrlbuled to lbaalara. lo Cuba W. year, lhe other three .,..
"'""'*'alioo quoted lhe pilot in reporllng The plane wu flishl 7 ,,,,.. Newark • vo~ I~ aJrcrafl..
here soon it will lllll under the wMI 1· ~ _::~11 __ and wreck' our beach cleanlng equlpmenl slick .OW,•Y from 40 mllii "' .,,......,.
as well as be dangerOOJ to bathers," ~. by lhollsanda of gallons ol
he said. ; the r8ddJih.btown ~·· . . ~ " .. "There are wbqle logs in lbtl<, aloiig • Tlle'CoU\1Glmd ~ lhe ·l•by-11
wilh all the bamboo lhoots: and a lot mlJe lllct wu 1miler 0 reuonable 'con-
or other junk. I even saw a metal trol," but oil wu still bubbling to the
table sticking up out d the sand." lllrfa~ from urxSenea fluures at Jl,000
The barricade of flotaam stretches, .gallooa a day.
In various Wed piles, along Ill m1lff lnte;ior Secretary Wal~ J. Hickel
of tieach, from Uie· moolh ol lhe Santa flew here from Wuhington Sunday night
Ana River almost to Newport Pier. to mate_ an oq-thie"apot inspection of
It was coughed up by ~ waters his. ~irS; maj~ .~.blem sliice "takhfr
raging down the rivet and into lhe bffldeo • ' • I ' ,
sea. Almost all of it floated aouth; HJckel w11 to·mal!.e' &Jl ad,I mrvey;
very little wound, up on the. HuntingtOti « · lt.e 1U~k·r today, ~ the~ ~ld . a
Beach aide of the river Jetfy. · -noon nf!WS conference. .
"ll city crews had to cJean It all uti.'' Roughneck oil workers itruQled on
said Hurlburt, "it would take UI abOut '
two months wllh lhe equipment we!ve * · * * goL I expect a contractor could ·do
. th~i~b.:~r~!Yi:.:1::;;·haullng away It's :E.ven :M'tiney ·:
aboul.10 tructloada ol debris dally since
wt week. Bl'! ·!he ~ ba'""~ made Blob . Will -Come-. -oh of 'd~,.._,,-"U IOOD U ,mu'I".. a 1 o;:a,. ~ • we clear It any, more of Jt wubls ,
up," slid ll\lrlburl. noting lllat lhe open. • O .
. 1n& o1 .Prollo c1am flood pies upo1ream .To_ .· ranne Coast hasn't helped lhe a1tuaUoo: e
' * * * '
Cleanup Expect~ -.
To Take 3 Weeks . .... -· . .. . I , J ; ' .. I · ' ~ • ~
Jn · IJ;untin~on
·Removal ><JI d~bris al!d rubbish_ fl'Ol1'
the HuoUnpon Beach. ell)' .beacl)el 'Ill
take another two. to· three weekl,· Vince Moor-. -ol beachei aod hlrbon, aald tl'il morning.
For the , pall weelt ·llunllnilon Beach
...,_,.i hive -clearial olf dellN depolitlld,by the Bania Ana !Jvs duiin( .,...,._ ..
"l'bal prpblan ta nearlf ~ UI>.~
Moorboule said, "bul each tlile >llrlnp
i.. .,... .ucu,. -u· ir... ...i oD<et
rubbulh froni -Uie Bolla . Cbfca -narth." .
. .lloo{houle .. ~ lhal !*iure "'
lhe --ol t lhe ~ Ana RI"" problmn 'bu ' -dmpped onto
U. ~e•c• of N~ Beach: .He addld lhal u JiN u Uie w-ly
....111 --ilUlllin&too -abould have .0 woler l"'Jlullon probleiba. .
Several beachea -to 0,. -· b&ve ( ... CLIANUP; hp I)
' 1~ .... ~ -i· •.• ..,.--•..• • ,., . ... •
I '
!._·.{. ·.·c...a "' . ' . ' '
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• ,
MILY I'll.OT s ' .. • • I
Murder Suspects Pue .in Comtt ,
. ' .
ONllfle .,Shtc ·Bopeftd..
Lu A•• Ben•llt oi TUalfn will nPreHlll hei communfiy In CaJlfomia
Cltrul -Queen compot!Uon next month at NaUonal Orange Show in
~ool.~ Brunette beaQty, 17, ·ls a~seJilOI' ·at Tustin High
An oil llcld wort« ud a l>ICb school
dropout charged with tbe throal-<luh
mun!~ ol a Huntiqton 11 each
~.lace pre~ hearlna
'llbrj f.. Slanei. 2$, ol Ill Clay St.,
and Eclw•rd R. Harp-a,., I!, of nm
Marlttn Lane, are expectA!d lo be Mid
to answer for the crime before Superior
COUrt durillg the I a.m. proceedlog. •
'!'be'< Bimtlnglo1f Biacb pair will £0 boiore ·,lildit Waller ,Qiaramza In thO
1&111e Woat ·0ranp eowit, Judlclal
Dlstiict courtroom .where two lnnoctnt
people were formally charged In the
same Jan. s crlme.
SIUet and Harerave were arreated
the 11"1 alter a couple brltllJ dtolaoated fate'a 1t&ocJ.ils1i fer lbl apec:tiid' llayen
Cup Winller
Challenged .
By AUION LOC&ABEY DA;IL'f,PIL.oT ._ ..., • . '
The wk!;,,wlll .iooo' lmow whether
a fut Getan:go.ing caiarnaran ullb>at
ii faster 'than a 12-meter yacht -the
kind thafdelendl the America's CUp.
Televtsion personality Budd)' Ebsen of
the Balboa Yacht Club AW lo 11111
Salurday when ~ chineoret Pal
. Dougan, commodore ol the Ba61a
• Corlnlhlan Yacht Club and owner ol
Columbia, to a three-r'1et match serlel
In Newport walen March ·1.:.a:11 aga!Jt.
II Polynesian Concept. :
The formal chaµenae wu iuued •t
Ebsen'• Balboa 1ilind bome complelo
with TV production and coverage by
the landlubber and boating preu.
Ky Ple,~ges S._ Viff.11!1~ , =i.s§.!$:'.F~~ . -. • , , , 'nle· thflee.r&ce .ma wtll ·be aatled ' . . ·~---···--'·"-' 'Ii-over a i.iia.'11'"°".,.,""""ard-letward Will Mnke£ancessw11s .-~1 ~s: ~.:~ .~ ~·~ ~:~,
·~ l ~ ... :~.! ,. .,. -Ebsen. and. Doug~ i(reed. thlt the , \ r: ,,. _ l :_-.. 1 !Tl.. !&-foot c a·t mar an Pol.nelian Con-
. rn. --·. _,...,..· ...,.._ dOllpo4 ~· cept might beat the 70.fnol Columbia
PAIUll -· -.via-..·V1ot-·coor6iafo ·o!Boll poollklal<lild"c!W in winds above :Ml lmotl. and thal Uie ,,_ 11..,. cm Iii ll1d ~ up crcapl!MiU... .. ' Columbia would bt favored iii extremdy
be wu ready to make "more con-Meantime, 'the Viet Cong's chief light air1 .. ~" to assure ~ of the Paril delega~ to the Paris peace talks saJd Ebsen plns his hopes on the.contention ~.war talb. :~ urpij 1'or1ll tj)d'1 Ille' ·~· would not stop thal the "cal" can oul·rucb and OU~!111\
Vleloam to join blm In.-~ ~ l!I.~ Vlebiam uDlll the Sallon the c1-winded JJ.meter In a 11laqulir
In a ~ -. ·with ~and the Unlled Slates_. race. ·,
• pewaneu Ky aJid tbl private tllkl" ,be \0 their -nv&polnt program for a set• Dou&an 1 beltevet bt4~ can &He the
-lllllltSllnl would deal on)y with Uemenl. Columbia ti-;,eather' ao lar 'ibOiii <I~
military mallen. lfo ruled oul au; ae=t Tbe five points emphaslu U.S. troop Polynealan Concept lhal the .cal wlll
poJJUcaJ talil. t _ witbdnlwaJ, UquJdaUon of American never catch up.
"We llready b1v1ftlnlde many con-bues· ln South Vietnam and aetUemeot In any event, it will be the flrsl
cesafon1 to get the ltJb started," he t1 ponticll ~em1, "accordina to tbe Q}atch race in ~ with tWo ~aucb
aaid. "I am ready if· mate more con-program o the Nationa1 ·-1Iberatlon dlaa1rnllar·j~t.I. '· :;.""::'~ :._ ,..
..,,.;.., In any Ueld, U they are sure Fronl" . Ebsen aJJJ10unced lhal. a.·~
lo help UJ reacb .....__i1s." NLF .. "Foreign Minister" Tran Buu lrvphy !or~ lhe race la. belnl dlmated
Jgnnrinf North Vleliwn's relusal to Klem Jliidi tho 11alanenl in an interview by lnternallaaal opOrllmln Jim KJm.
en1qe witb him ln.,bacl< .. 1ace talica, witb 1M --Le No u v e 1 btrly, yachllJilaJJ, auto racf;ilrlvet ud
tbe Dlmboyant South Vlebwn• leader Ohlervalellr. sporl lllhennan.
age.in called on his dvenarles to meet
In secrecy. .
"I llU walllnl !or lhe olhu side to
declde to meet me," he Aid, "~ my1elf
am here In Parll rudy to meet any .
people who.want to ... me."
Ky ·11po1o> lo newamen· a!ttt ID hour·
11111 mi.a meelln( with AJDertcan
cblll aeaollllor Henry Cabot l.odp in _.t1oa !or Tburad11'1 I b I rd
nqotlallnl -1arl with N6rlh Vleinam
and the Viet Cong. 1.<Jdie aald tbe mttllng WU parl Of
Yellow Hooded Pair
Rob Dixie Restaurant
Hayakawa Tells Congress
Of Violence at SF State
Hayalcawa, a<ttng president of San Fran-
cisco State College, told Conl'eJI todl1
atudents involved In rlotin& on the
school's campus, used violence u an
.... nual part of thelr tscUcs.
told the subcommltlee, 71 ...,.. ncelvlng
aid lrom federally lnlured loon pn>p-ama
over which the college baa no control.
From Page I
ol Mn. H.,ler S. Mart,., $1, of llillll
Olive Ave., were •tTalgntd on murder -.... ' ./lo far, detectlvt1 have nJtueJ very
little lnlormalJon illolk ...,. la.y are
bulW6it ·tho ........... -and hla teenage buddy.
A Up by a cab drlyer resulted in
the a1TeJt of the two ~ch
laborer• and the auble(l.ient e:iopera,Uon
of a Newport Beach_~ce eoglneet
and hll waltrell strlfrl""'. A car be!oollna lo Marcattta Dinger,
39, of 2602: Deliware st., wb found
abandoned near the murder 'scene its
Interior thickly smeared with I.ha:
Markee'• bJood.
A pa1al trllllfer 1-tbe lhroat..iash victim'• car ..:.. ln wboll heMJlgbta abe
Elmer JorgtMOn
•. roni. P .. e I
t"'.'Y' I ""' I KARLOFF 1 ••
'1'@atures presented wltbout:1ympethy.
::-"The original mOn!ter ijid my later
roles a1 hi1 creator are talu of mystery
*1ul adventure," the actor 1ald. 0 0ur
llorle1 were nearer to Grbnm's Fairy
: Tales or Ed1ar Allen Poe."·
· For one whole name wat to 'become
l}'Donymous with horror, Karloff's start
was 1enlle erioup. Hls first lry at
acUns. wu In a parbh Chriatmu pan·
tomlne at age 10.
Karloff's rise to stardom began when
Columbia Pictures signed him in 1930
fdt" .. Criminal Code" to play a part
he had created on the stage:
~is famOUI mpn1ter role began with
Univ~sal. He was eating in the stud.Jo
comrrussary one clay in 19.11 when a
director picked him for "Frankenstein."
Then came "House of Frankenstein"
"The Body Snatcher," "Ille of tbe
Dead," "The Ghoul," "The Man They
Couldn't Hang" and "The Invisible Ray."
WU fouDd 1prawled e!PI bloeb IWfl
-WU alJo takln -the Dlnier auto, and Vic&..vera.. • • ,
Delecllvu plcDd up M!lll Dine-ud
Nonnaa B. Coalnly, II, al U111 ,otter
Road, L6o Alam1loa ud -lllem . delplla their ,,_ lhal nelth<r tool:
the ear lrom tl>e wallreu' apartment
that laW l1lllit. :. Aclullly dou1ll1n( plll of the • couple .
In the aovage allying ol tbe klndly, churd>aolna aploJJ>elrf olflco . ...,.,.
tJoalal, pollC:e ~ !or belp lrom
&n)'Qlle wllll ootenlla.l leadl In lhe·caae.
A cab. driver lold of plctlag up a
bloodied fan Ill the vlclnlty al tho
murdtr oa 17th Street near Olive Av~
early Jan. S. a Up wblcb led to Slaliti
and Barsrave'1 Jan. t irrat. <
Sta~ have 1-llvu b' ~l meo. _.., 1o Detectl•• capt. Ear~ Robltallle 'ud. PllYJl<al evldenco _,
believed to be a ~· ...; baa beea Impounded fer lutun proeecutloa uae. I
-oa·a patln al ......i homlcldf l ..... -aJld ~ave wm prol>ablj
bt bouJld over to · Suporlor Court bt
JOO,• Cbar!'!!'I!! ~ Tuaadl,y. . I
Tbef yU!Jli(ii .. va 11nllmla.ir7 beli-l Ing teael at the hlibei colirl· Jeftt and
could subleQueotl1 bt lndJded by tba1
new Or1111e County Grand J11f1 u are;
many murder upecta. ,
Slina II allo. charled witb auto lhetl
ud poeaoaslon ol a awed41 abollUn.:
a felony crime llemmlq from HlauNf of aucb I WelpoD bl the 1putmerd
bt abmd with hla wUe ud cblld. >
Stock Winners ·Revealed
' ~'" ,!A-7l·year .. ld re!lr<d . Montana wheal rarmer who said be bought hla ~111'11
'Old ln 11111 lodair . °'"" two lham al sloct In the Fon! Motor Company.
as one Qf the big winners in the DAILY
Pll.oT-Pacific Telephone Co. Com-
Elmer Jcwge:ruion, 71, was the only
major winner In lhe lhree-dall-event
on band -w!nDerl· weri aalecled at 6 p.m. Salarlto:J Ill lhe C.,_l
Coor! al South Caul Piasa. .
He aald hla win <wirth about 1103)
was "great" and that "drivtna Fords
all lheai yeUI flnally .1 P1ld off."
JorgenaoD .!"ancf hll wife Ile· 1pencllng
the winttt. In Newport Beach at !WI
Buttonsbell Lalie. ·
The shares of stock In Ford were
contributed to CommunlCamival by the
· Aeronutronic Divlalon of t:'hilro-Ford
Corp., headquartered 1n Newport Beach.
10 STOCK SHAR!;S CruUenden & Co., Inc., Newport Beach
litockbrokers, selecteri and .furnished 10
•haroa o1 stock in the . Brldi!ord Foodl C.Orp. (worth about flOO) as another
top prize of the "cunlval of com-
munlcaUons. '' :
Winner of th& Bridgford stock was
Mrs. J.A. Gange, 2048 Swan Drive, Costa
Assisting Jn aelectien of winDm ,was
Paul Cornelius, 1eneral manqtr of TV
WEEK magazine. His rµagazlne, which
is dlstributed each Saturday · as pirt
of the DAILY PILOT, arranged a private
tour of· 20tb Century Fox. Studio u
... of the . major prlses ol C<nn·
muniCarnival. •
Winner of the tour wa1· Amelia Drum·
mond, 2197 Pacific Ave., ~ta·, ?tfeia.
A full · page in ttre ·· DAILY PitOT
to be ·filled any way the \vlhner want!
to fill _it ,wa1 wOn by Bill Hirllin, a
atudtDt 1t Sou.them Callfomla College:
He had not yet decided today just how
he would. Ule h1I pqe in the paper.
Four major prizea: for the big sho\v
were lurnllbed by Family Weekly, lhc
natlonal cotoraravure ma1u.tne re<:ently
added lo the D,W.Y PILOT ·package
ar Saturday feature.s.
Winners af the four Family Week ly
prizee were:
. -llS·volume Universal World Reference Encyclopedia (worth 1150), Herber! A.
Galdi I~ San Bruno, Newport Beach.
-Z.volwne New Webster Dictianary
of the English Language ($25 value ),
Janice Holmer, 506 Sl&nal Road, Newport
-Z.volume History of Manki11d ($21)
vaJue), Robert G: Griffith, 13952 Laurel
St., Santa Ana.
Twelve other wlnnm al4o were
selected, each to , re.celve a claulfltd
ad. Thoae wlnnerl Included: .'
Ann Schoenberg, 404 N. Caraon Ave.,
Loi An&ele1 ; Mrs. R. B. Canley, IOZ6
Battra ~ace, Co.Sta Me1a; Vera Greert.
3957 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach;:
Harold W. Newbern, 2959 Mendoza Drive,
Costa Mesa; L. Barrad, 2044A Via
Mariposa, Laguna Hills ; .
Mrs. W.W. Lane Jr., 2871 Stromboli
Road, Costa Mesa; Matilyn. VlllOI, '1It..
Seton Road, Irvloe; Maxllle Pfeil,., IM-
Seville Lane, Costa Mes.a; Mn. Jenni•
Monno, 217 S. Dalq SI., Santa Anal•
Florence Bablky, 11S01 Euclid Avt.,
Garden Grove ; Paul Gage, 2 71
Brentwood, (9sta Mesa., and PhylliS
Baker, 9391 Cellini Ave., Garden Q-l"C>"n.
More than 9,000 perions vlsJted' Cmn1
muniCamlvBI during the 21 boon it'
was in operation Thursday, Friday an~
Saturday at South Coasl Plaza. Thef
were greeted at the DAILY rILOT ex~
hibil by Orange Coast College stewarded
student!, acting as official bolltesses fot
the newspaper.
Pacific Telephone Co. repmentattves
gave awa)'. a free long distance cat\
every 30 nHnute1 during the show. Th~
calls ranged from "short" Jpng dlatancti:
calls to California cities to calls placed
by winners all the way lo New Englandt
the Eastern Seaboard and many cities
in the Midwul.
Fl'9m Page I
been closed because of pollutloq from
apen sewage poured into the area,
during heavy flooding the past two
wee kl.
ttunUngton Beach ha1 not had to close
illl beaches yet, Moorhouse sald.
Presently a four-man team 11 worll:lna
to clear the beach of rubbllh.
Hand labbr Is the only method uaeablt
for the operation because the heavj
debris would tear up the regular beach
cleaning machines.
Once collected most of the tralh mUJt
be transported to the Coyote Can)'Oll
dump near UC Irvine.
The one bright note in the delua:e,
11-loorhouse nolaf , wa1 the millions ol
feet of sand deposited along wllh the
debris which will help build up tbe
Dfrector Husto.n's
Wife Dies in France Wh } ' H • } -Universal Standard Atlas of the ee er 1D 08plla World (II& value), Lauern Ann DIJON, France (UPI) -Mn. Enrlea
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentagon ~~~ppa, 2202 E. Wllaon Ave., Sonia Huston, wife of American film Two bandlll, their lacea covmd with
yellow boods, robbed the Dfxle Fried
Cbk:ll:en rMtaur1nt, 1m Katell• Ave.,
Buena Park SUnday nllhl
Tbe . ,._ti, both armed with .sa.
ealiber 1utorD1UC1, held up 1ttendant
Elbndlr Mell:houv1t, 29, of Rosemead.
The robbers cot away with $380.
••The-college-use of poltce wa1 a
response to violence -not to the cause,"
he told a House special subcommittee
on education. He testllied about student
1ald today Gen. Earle G. Wbteler All eight of the top winners each director John Huston, died last Wed·
wlldllfe death toll taken by the oil. chairman . of the Joint Chlef1 of staff: TI!Ceived as bonus alfts 1 JG-line classified nesday after an automobile accident In
ConaervaUon lfOUPI claltned as many has entered Walter Reed ..__... .. Hospital " t ad" f G a1 1,000 bird• were killed, but the state for a rouUne medJcal check."..., wan rom the DAILY PILOT ray, a village 25 mllea northeast of
DAILY PILOT ....,.. .................... . ---·-·--CAlllOlNIA
Ollt.t.HO• CO.Uf PUM.llHINO C0M'AH't"
••••rt N. W11• .
'"~· -hbliMlf J., ••. c.,,.,
Vke Prt1'*"' 1M OtN•lf ~-'
Tll•M•I K••wil .....
Til•••1 A. M•rrhi111 ---119 ......
P1~I Hl11111 -Dlrte• -C•f1 MIMI Jn W..1 lfll lfl'fft ,._.. tMcfl! 1711 .......... ..., ..... ...
LHll'll SNcfl: "' '""'' ... ......... ti1111t-.. .... 1-·tllt ......
demonstrations on the San Francisco
campus in recent monlh.s. Police were
called out at tltnes to quell the
Department ot Fiah and Game said 1n liijiiiiiiiiiiiiililai:iiilliMi*iii*iiliiv~al~ued~a~1~si~1~.so~.~----WMiMiiD~J~io~n~, Po~lice said today. actualcount1howedonlyZ3dead. ? IU 1111 11111••, ------·· ---Hickel, under llre lrom con· · ··-'"' &llllllMMSUllllll•?Wlll!flllt!:llllW'l!lllf'_..111 ... ,
1ervatlonlall who claim he ls partlaan
"The people who deplore the u1e of to oU Interest.I, said in a ltltement
police on campus seemed to forget that Juued Sunday n.lgbt that experta from
the first days of (a student strike) the U.S. Geological Survey nre review-
nw violence introduced by the studenls 1111 the four olflhore drlllln1 operaUona
them.selves as essential to their plan," aUll continuln& on federal lea1e1 1n the Santa Barbara Channel. lb)'lkawa said. "My instructions are that all possible
He 1ald anly about :KlO of the 1Cbool'1 steps be undertaken Immediately to pro-
11,000 students wert lnvolv~d In cart1pu1 vlde the ~atest possible margin of
rtoUng and lhal they were helped by llaleey agalul any further well biowupa,"
a bandfaJ ol (acuity ~ he ca11«1 Hlctel said.
"dedlcaled revolllllonarl"." Plullc booml wera placed around plal· from A when the Dow ol oil wu lhlcbll. Ont obltacle ln comballng dilorderl, Tbe 0 sea curtain" drops three feet below
be Aid. wu that "the president cannot the surface from pillowa fllled with
even !Ire a faculty member. Thi faculty plastic foam.
hu auloDom1 In ...aenllal matlen, llUCh Small boata swept the oil agalllll the
as h1rfn&, retention, tenure and ..,,_ barrier wltb amaller curtalnl ind then · motion." tanhr n...i. sucked the oil from the
surface ul!ng a vacwm proceu.
He 11ld an1y about 100 of the s.n Lot boom• were lubed 1cro11 en-Francllco Stata'a llO lo IOO black trancea lo barbon and marlnu up and ltucienta had been involved In tba down tba coul lo prevent oil from
dlaordtrl. .coallnl lbe hulll ol anal! crofl. ThUJ
"GtneraUy speall:lna:, the b I a ck far~ the all hid nat Invaded the harbon.
students an llgbllntl for a place In The oll i.q.. llll1ini 1o lbe 1U1face
IOdety," H111akawa II.Id. "WbJte ~ 1ut Tuesday1 u crew1 were rtplac1nc
Qvlata, such IS tbe Sludentl lor a a dr!O bl~ Ill wbet would bt caDed
Domocrallc Soclet,, are flgbtlnl to a l\>lbtr nl land. demur the aoclety. The crew drool>ed a valve lnlo the .. ,,,., believe our IOclety la .. comipt well hHd to hall "the now.
lhal there la no hope ucept to destroy They aucceeded in beillnl tbe !low
lhe entlrt slructun and rebulld ln>m from the ~ about llOO 1111 aw., ~ .."::'. ~ !~-~le lhatheren •I ln>m lhe pla.11.,.,, bul the oil alarled
w ~-bubbllog ln>m Daum In the ocean lloor.
a Nut rally in the days ol Adoll H!Uer." Elperts believed thit Wilen the yalve
Hayata•a WU accoinplanled by Dr. WU drot>t>ed Into the cu!Jll, tbe oil
Helen R. Bedoaen, dlreclor ol flnanctal . oozed up~ the wlng a.a the hole,
llcl. at the college. She said that ol wu, dlvatled llllo another otl btarinf
149 students arrtsted 1lnct last fall, 1tratum at abou.f 500· feet. ancl made
only W were recdvlng any kind of • ILi way through cracks In the earth
federaJ finan cial aid. Of those 122, she to emerge through the ocean Ooor.
AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ~ --~~~----__.:..,,;,,:,,:.:,___:~.
•.rings sized end repaired ·
• diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung
. O,..Moo..~M.Tllt,....
_.,.rm•wwz111n1•..,,•ua:BLA a1n _'\ (;. ,,.,,. ... ' .. , ..
' I
' I
\ ' I
, I
• • -'
. . --~,., ~-
. -. ---·-·· ·-... Him-ingt~n -~~eh : ,-Tew'•='-'-. .. . -
VO[ 62, NO. 29, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES , '
In . !f untiagton
' . .
·•' .. -' -
IY_i~onPlans -Debris R_em_oval
. .a~ European
To Take 3 Weeks Trip ·Sqon
. ,
Removal of debris and rubbJsh from
tbe HW>llngton Beach city beaches will
take another two to three weeks, vmce
"oorhowe, director of beachea and
* * --
Newport Seeks
Solution to
' Beach Debris
. Newport Beach city cnuncilmeo will
meet in an emergency RISJon tonil:ht
to condder new remedies for a massive
beach cleanup headache.
Tuna ol storm-spawned debria llnlng
the beachfront in West Newport. are
proving too much for city crews.
"It's beyond our capabilities to clean
tt up.in time," said City Manager Harvey
L. Hurlburt.
· Councilmen, he aaid, will be asked
to approve contracting the job to heavy
equipment operators. "We're talking 1n
the neighborhood of about $5,000."
It ·would be awarded on an emergency
basis. There is no time for advertlai.ng
for bids, Hurlburt .. plained.
"U we don't get that stuff out of
here soon. It will sink under tbe l8l1d
and wreck our beach cleaning equipment
as well as be dangerous to bf.then,''
he said.
har)>on. aald this morning.
F..-the past "eek Huntlngloq Beach
penomiel have been clear!n( o/f de!>ris
depqsited bf tlit Santa Ana Rim during
bc.avy storms.
"'lliat problem 19 ®arly cleared up~'
Moo'1touse 11),d, ubut each Ude brings
in more slicks, small trees .,00 other
rubbush from the Bolu Chica area
north." .
Moorhouse explained that because of
the darents moat of the Santa Ana
Riveri problem )@> ~· dumped onto
the bn<be• ol Newport Beacll.
He added thitas long u .tlle westerly
swella,CllllllJwe.ihlnllnlton Beach thould
have lo.water PQl!ulioo problems.
Seven! beochos to the IOU1h have
be<n Qlooed' liecall!e of 1>0llutlcm from
open iewage . poored Into tbe ~
during; heavy Ooodlni the pasl two
iiunljngtoo Beach baa ooi bad to cl~
ita bea~ ye~ Moorbouse aaid.
Presently a four-man team is working
to cleat tbe beach of rubbtah.
llancl labor la tbe only m<thod ll!elble
for the operation beca!W: the heavy
debria would tear up tbe regular beach
cleaolng inachines.
~ collected most of the trash must
be trOlllpOl'ted to tbe Coyote Canyon
dump 'ear UC Irvine. '!'be one brltht note in· tbe deluge,
Moorhouse noted, WU the millions of
feet ol l8l1d deposited aloog with . tbe
dibria· which will help build Up tbe
. . -•' ; -~
Wi:rids PUSh Stiel
' >
• --. .,
Away F~Om Shore
~ I . .
.Oil. Under --·-~--
*; -tr * * Nee00i1iilll•~ • Month
Newport Slu;Jre Pollu~n
The shoreline along West Newport ind
Huntington Beach Slate Park .may not
be polluted through Ea!ter Week, aOer
Rtverslde City Manager John Wentz • said today ' emer1eocy c'ontracts to
replacli that citj>'s wrecked sewer lines
have"been awarded. "I can speak with
some euuranc.e that the work will now
take iea1han a month," be said. ....
Frldo1, tt bad 'be<n estimaled tbe
job """1d take dp In lhlee'montht.
Unlit the work · la completed, raw
sewage from Rlvertld& wlD Centlnue to
be' ~ lnlo the Santa A1l8 River
at the rate of mlU1oos of gallons~·
-It ii now emptyiQg into the ocean
at the mouth of tbe rtver on the Newport.-
Huntington Beach boundary, forcing a
quatanUne of the beachfront ftom the
Newport Pier ·norlh to the northerly
end of Huntington's state beach.
Newport City Manager Harvey L.
Hurlburt said lowering the Prado Dam
will prohibit lifting of the swimming
and surfing ban for at Jeast two weeks.
"We upect a heavy runoff down the
river for that period," he aald.
The Orange County Health Depart·
Teacher's Union
Head Sentenced
' NEW YORK (UPI) -Alb>rt Stianker.
the teacher s' union president wh{I led
last fall 's three citywide teachers'
strikel, was convicted today of wpliully
violating a court order against the
walkouts. He was sentenced to 15 days
in Jail and fined $250. ·
The United Federation of Teachers.
which Shanker beads, was fined $220,000•
for its wUIIul dbobediefloe of. 1 court
order to return its membm to the 6CboOIS. The sent.ence and fines were
impoatd by St.ate Supreme court Justi ce
Frank .Blousteln.
Oregon Legi.sla,tors .
· Want S. I. Hayakawa
· SALEM, Ore. (\IPl) -Two leglslatonl'
today urged tbe Sta~ Board of IUgher
Eduottion to CODS.Ider naminl S.t,
Hayakawa of embatUfti San f'ranclsco
State College prWd<nl of.ellber tbe
Un.iver1ity of Oregon or Ortgoo State
University. -
Rop. JalM Boe (P.Roedsporl), Houle
minority leader, and Sen. Ablbony Yturrt
(R-Ontarlo), Senate minority leader, of-
ferectHay1tawa'1 name ror eonslder1lloit
to J. W. F..,...W Jr., 1loanf cbalnnan.
I (
meot, meanwJ!lle, wm be tating ~
samples to·det<rmlne thiodegyeo or 1><>11u-
tl<Jn. W~end tells lndlcaled a heffY
preoence ., ...,.,. biCIOrfa.
Hurlburt a.Id ohce tbe water from
the dam -·at ·the ~ County·
Riveralde County boldl!r -itopa poorlng
Into tbe river, It IDIJ' be· pooslble to
end tbe beacllfrml qOum1ne. "The
river's normal waterJlow," he explained,
"might not l be. 11.dfiCtent : to carry the
~aae to tbe ... ~ ... : •
In U1 ..... lie enijlbas12ed, "Ibis
city w111 be . eurtlng Ii much pn!ISllre
as po1alble to reopen the beach aa soon
as poalble." -.
B·andits Twice
Hit W estmirister
. ,
Service Station
Police Seek Two
1n· Burglaries
Westmlnster· police. today were seeking
two bllrglan who took a shot at one
officer while fleeing from a burglary
Saturday night.
A van loaded with television sets and
stereos, waa .recovered by police after
the tWo men ran from the 1eene when
spotted by two offtcen.
Officer Mike Ballan! said he and
another officer were sent to check. out
two suspicioWI subjects in the area or
Natal Avenue at &.bout 7:10 p.m. Satur-
day. Later, it was learned that several
homes in the neglhborhood had been
Nearly-hliDd Beach Youth
Faces New Series of Tests
Of ... Otlfr ,I .. lt.tf
Several more tests will be reqijlred
be[ote a decision can be reached on
how best to help tS.yeu~ld F'elix Gutler-
rez, a Huf'itlngton Beach bo)' who 1!
nearly blind.
neuro opiltbalmoligtst conducting tbe ei-
Another group, the .Llont Club of HiJn.
tlngton Beach, revealed that It offered
help to the Gutierrez family two )'elll
ago. ·
At that time, a Llona Club tp0kesman
said, It wu thought that further medical
action would ·not help, to pfeparaUons:
Bearded Robber
Hits Beach Store Lightning struck twice tarly this mom·
Jng when two aeparate groups of bandits
robbed • Weitmlnlter omlc:e otatlOo
within four hours.
Two ·men in a van were observed
cruising the area, Ballard reported. ·
When h a i I e d by the officers they
Jumped out of the van and ran, police
Al tbe olllcera chued tbe men through
yards and over fences, one of .the
suspects fired a lhot Cowan! Ballan!.
Tho bu1lel Cl'llCAI a -at 13Jlil Iowa St.
Friends of the family today said the
outlook on saving his. vlalon ls vague,
"but there is stlU hope."
A Los Alamitos oeurHPi>thalmolOllJI
has been checking Fell" eyes tbe poet
thr.. w .. u. bat baa not , ..... 1llo
wer• not made !or an operation. .A bearded robber toot 1181 rr-a
The L1oos Club did buy ·FellI a tape ·. llunlingtoa Beach liquor ot«e at 10 p.m.,
recoriter. and .made all elforla to aid Sanday, pol1oo Aid today. At 1:41 a.m. today, two men wearing
stock1np tJVer their faces beld up 1tbe
AdVllllCO Servlce Statloo on Jld ~tieet lhd Baell Booltvard. -, ·' ·
him In tbe Gulferrez.lamllJ IP<oD fluent An empio1o el -Don' Liquor
him In bis school work and with !!><·En&· stor., 19311 -.-.; . .ad the mm
However, ~Ike today Aid the weapon
may llave llCCldelllall1 dllclmaecl u
Thert are .lndleatlona that It will• toe
another· month ol nam1natlonl' before
a definite otai-nt can be made.
llah lao&U'ie. No . one In the Gill1erru walked Into tbe ..... 8ondq n1Pt rill
family apeab -Enilbh. his rlpt band In his coat pocket, u If • Police Aid the men ooped with·$UO.
At 5:'3 o.m. today, three men ll!ed !i'. peDel 'jiln to · relieve tbe lla'tion of
$$1 and an unknown amount of cilarettes.
tbe lloelnr .apect.Jeaped a ,...... '
A call for Uliatance In tbe aar<ll
was ~ by polite from Hunllngtan
Beach, Garden Grove, Slantoii, Oranp
Coi!oty s~. Departmenl and tWo Police bellooritera from . the Loo Antle las
County SbeHll's Department. •
Two organisltionl have volunteered ·to
pay all n:penaea: lf tab reveal that
Felix' Yi.lion can be ·uved.
Recently a group of ci.lli.ens In tbe be bad a gun.
COuncll for Community Proems •ar-The only worda Ute man ,P.e w'"'
ranged an aPP.01l'tmeol for Felbc with ''Tbia ll • hokkp,': ·u he cieaned oai
The latter · group ,was respor{sible for
tts'ee other iten'~ slaUon robberies,
Repruentatives : of the K.n.lgbt1
Templar Eye Foundation and the Orange
eounfy Ctlppled Qtlldren'• Service both
offered help oo behalf of their organiz.a-
Uoos· after rUdlni of Fen.' pllgbl In
tbe Jan. 17 edition ol the DAILY PILOT.
the Los AIDnltoo apocla!u;t • ancLa new tbe cuh reglater, pollce Aid.
hope gleamicf In tbe eyes of tbe GuUerrez ,;'~----------
tbU morning, police said. ·
Tbe trio reportedly held up two stations
in Garden Grove and one In Santa Ana,
ln.addllloacto the WOllmlnster robbery.
Police aaµt two ot the men were wear::-
in1 trench coats, but nd further Iden-
tification wu hnmediate~ available ..
. An all-night search failed to turn up
tbe IUSpeda.
The van, and its load of loot, wu
tm~. Owner: of the van baa not
yet been ldenlllied, pollce sald today.
Neither or~tion can • s a y
spectfically what will be dcne unW a
complete dlqnooia la r<eelved frvm the
family. • • .. . .
Recently a group of cltiaeos in the
Cooncll Irr Cooupunity i'rogrell &r•
ranged an appointment for Felix with
tbe Leia AlaJnitoo , ll(Jeciallll all( a new
hope gleamed In the eyes of tbe GuUerrez
family. •
Tbe reouila artD't final ye~ and '
perbapo u:iL wU1 -lie nqallv., liul
Catidid · ~atiteranaen . Ahftrd ~.:..r.be.:;;.atton.,.. ,_
. medloll, attention; ·he ' alre'!lf baa ' 11, '
:~~ile, You're Skyjacke~ ~'¥0:~'
,,._,""" -u1I ninth hll...,. cf:• AmericU !to'· ldlanil.1'1t•..,,•· llljoclo•kaL lt:e Gulllftrafon\lly .. "1""~wllo·bave
l.. ··-~ IDIJ '~•~L-.... ~ ' . I ....... ~ --·~ .~ llfti!l'~r.1"1'!P · iad ..... ba .,. ...... 11oa1.... .---. . ,. ... . ' 1.111 ...... , .. •":"'·. ": ',?-~-·-' oo1J:w,· f!J.tlie .w*'l ' '....,._. ~ led ~-"'-...-1 ~ tile p ..i .. 1'lmt wero 1111 ~ ~. c~. IUcf loode4 , Ufo1J . wllhlb: 1 iitbiitll: .• . , . , .-'5'..;:::"j" ~ ~·w11~ Mal'1irn .... clllldrtn,. WiWl!I!,' 'in Hay ... 't ·U:37 p.m. EST, ihe.,M ' . ' .. • •.• I· . '
• .,...,.. ~ • ....,..,. :II> and Jull"!\!~tl!ia-.threo'· em~ ~aalcl. .'.J . 1 . r r: ,.... , , s•-'-" .u • · '-• ·~ "=' ... un\illl-, ol a ca_._, ,'fti Bart Tlie. FJ.t<~ II !liil, 'lo'•-detdt-:ol • , ...,~ "''l"!'r•u , ~--llld llWet Kalli or AD.n hit In 'New ~, llllaclilM(· other ·-Ibo mn"'I". ....;_J;.,_.•:.:..,.:..:...;__;:..J, __
• • -...... ~ .... WU Yort. = ... . •.frool the pQo<. Tile fl!aM-•• caolacl, m 'Yotiil (AP) ")etoctm...,.U. lheolTV'~~:::~ Ull -Ka1U Aid . ' "'""'ii· 111am\. ~· t,Q-......i.-.liW-lol --·-'blllo ....... _ .... •......--.c.tnlll'l"ahow. to fllnrc '-"t · ~ ~'lie. ··'tbebt~ • ..... «--
"IAolll llke _w• are1olnf" llOUth or "What Do Y•tfo!ilfi, Pl ' "e' ;i!h'~~llp> ·.-...r~ :;.r~:;:-..:=,.-=...~:::...~~t~t'; w~=lil . ,·lij~'l'",lll<!i; ! ' ·~ ..... ~..,. ~ .Wj·'•• --.($1& .;u.;..: _..,. ..... • ·...--. •-~· ' IR. '• ., I •'' ......_"'-'I" .. " ,..... .. ... ' ,. ~ ~ ' !• "'(, .... '"~ ~ I-!. ,.. . c -• .'"' "t::: .r-"---.1< ,.. . ....
' ' i ("" .
Z : DAllY Pit.OJ H
, .. ,
Mur.d~r -SU;spe~ts Due in -Court l
• • • .. "' . . I ,.. -· ..... l
' All all lllN'...A:r .... ....... af-iln. -S. ajlruo, II, ol llGI · ,... '"'"" 1irawl14 li&J>I blocb away Slat-• have ..,_ti••• b~ ~ --£Pet.II';' wllll ~--.·~·~-~~ oa.. Avt., _.. amipOll • .._. auto~%:= !nm Ult !>fnpr =~ loph'=tp!~t"~le: · "°' .. ~-:,. 4lt1c~·-bave rtl~ VftJ OetecUvea ~·up Mlu Dinger .00, belleved to be • knife -baa been , •lfttki W.metiin about m.,-they are Norman R. eoltriey, 41, of 1258\ 'FO!te.r impounded for future prosecution UJe. ~ JI...., L. Sianez, IS, of 3JJ Clay St.. bu1Jdllll U,. ca.. a1alna\ smiu and Road. Los Alamltoo and booked" them Baaed on a pattern of rcc~~f. h""!1~bdly•1
and Edward R. Hargrave, 18, or 17392 h1a: teenq:e buddy. despite U>elr Insistence that neither took cues Sianez and Hargrwe wUi prou-l
Marken Lane, are ~ to Ile l!O)d A U» bf a cab driver .• ,...ulted in the car from the waltrw' aparbneot be bOund over to Superior Court by 1
to answer for the crlmt before Superior the arrest of the two HuntlntWn Beach that fatal n!gbt. · Judge Chanmza on Tuesday. t
Court during tbe 9 a.m. pl'Oeeedlbl. laborera and the eubttquent esoneratl~. ActuallJ doubting guilt of the co1.1.ple TbeJ' ,wm then have preliminary hear--t
Tb6 Huntington B~ ~~ ~wm !o of a Newport .,.ch aerotpace enatneer tn the savage slaying of the klndly, ing reset al lbe higher court level and '
before ·Judge W@ltef Qtaramza In tbe and bis waitreil atrlfriend. , church-going optometry office recep.. could subsequently be indicted by the p
same · West 8ranie Q9unt1 Judklal A car bf:lona1nl to Margareta Dinger, tlooist, police appealed for help from new Orange County Grand Jury as are
Dlatrlct courtroom where two ~t 39, of 2802 Delaware St., wu found anyone with potentlal)eads in the case. many murder suspects. . ·
people wen formally charged in the abandoned near the murder .scene: its A cab drlvet· told ~ picking up a $iane:ro is also-charged with 1Uto theft
same Jan. $ crlme. interior thickly ·smeared with Mrao blood.led fare Jo the ,vlclnily of the and possession of a sawed-off shotgun.
Sianez and Hargrave wue arrested Markee'• blood. ·~ murder on 17th Street near Olive Avenut; a felony crime stemmlng from seizure
the day after a couple briefly designated A paint tranSfer from the tbroat4lash early Jan. 6, a Up which led to Si'""' of such a weapon in the apartment
fate's stand·lns for Ult suspected 111,ytrs victim's car -in whole hea~ cbe and Hargrave's·Jan. 9 arrest. he shared with his wife and child.
Beach, Mesa
Firms to Get
Suit R~funds
Boris Karloff,+Scr~en's
Frankenstein; D·ies at 81
r MIDHURST, En&land (UPI) -Jloris ~ernent cf a bis ,"'.antitr:ust &Uit Karloff, Fr~ln's monster on
agafnlt • pipeline 111pply firm nailed fOJ' screen and a 1entle soul in real life,
prJce..tbtng more than a year ago wlU dled of a respiratory ailment Sunday
bring a total of l@,000 in refuodi to at the age of 81.
Colla M.,. and Huntington Beach UnW 111nesa forced bJm to enter King
encl Edward VII bololtal In this quletvlllo1e alf es. lut November, he wu doing what'.l>e Dlrocton of the Costa M,.. County knew beil -i><rformln1. ·
Water District have annoonced algnlng "lie died in hamea and this was
of an agreement for 121.JOO in ,_.. the great thing he w111!4d," llald bla
ln the late 1950's, Karloff said:
"l'll never pl~ lhe monster again·
beCause I have sentimental af!ectlon for
the character. I owe him so much that
I owe him a ..... lUtle respect , a little ·
The gray-haired actor devoted himself
to television and the stage. He described
himself ai a "truly happy ex-monster."
Frot11 Page 1
servaUonists who claim he Is .partisan
to oil interests, said in a statement
issued Sunday night that experts from
the U.S. Geological Survey were review-
ing the four offshore drilling operations
still conlinuing on federal leases in the
Santa Barbara Channel.
"My instructions are that all possible
steps be undertaya immediately to pr<r
vide the greateit possible margin ot
safety against any further well blowups,"
Hickel said. '
IJ<lla< from American Pi»e and Col> widow Evdyn. "He alwaya lald ·be
struc:Uon co., also heavily penalilfd by wanted· to wor~ untD the end and tbl5
other settlementa. is what be dld."
The Clty of lhmlinilOn Beach wUI re-Although aillq before he. w a·•
Orange Show Hopeful
Karloff did not like .what modem
moviemakers were doiDg. with their
monsters. He felt tbty were dehwpaiµzed
creatures pre&eilted without sympathy.
"The original mons~ and tny' later
roles as h1a creator are tales of mystery
and adventure," the actor said. "Our
storiea were nearer to Grimm's Fairy
Tales or Edgar Allen Poe."
Plastic booms were placed around plal·
from A where the flow of oil was thickest.
The "sea curtain" drops three feet below
the surface from pillowi filled with
plastic foam . Lu AmtBennett of Tultljl will represent her community In C811fornla
Citrus Queen cnmpetlllon next month at Nationll Orange Show In
San Bernardino. Brunette beauty, 17, is a ••nior at Tustin High
ceive $21,JOO for the pacbp ..Wement hosj>ftalhl!d, the-·a1aider;· qul~en
• ....., of a percent of a IJ.mlle.)<lnr . Karloff had turned 1o readlnp, poeley
major waterline, built JoinUy with the and televtalon awearances. He had
Costa "Mesa agency. , "reut.ed" ~emteln'a monster. For one whose name was to become
synonymous with horror, Karloff!s· start
was gentle enough. His;'" first tty at
acting was bi a parish Christmas pan·
tomine at age 10.
Small boats swept the oil against the
barrier with smaller curtains and then
tanker vessels sucked lhe oil from tht
surface using a vacuum process. They were sold 4S-inch waler main J\ln. Karloff said Jier huaband caaaht
a e Im eats by the nat1omrlde firm a Pill in New York on hi.I way home
Pilot's CommuniCarliival before federal, state and otber q:eDclea f,..._ ma)dng film in Californl d j<ilned lo llUC<:<!Ssfull• pr·_..._.,,.__.. 111" ·-8 l an ,,. ..-;u.,. wic "" ttieo entered the hospital.
trust suit. .Born WJlllam Henry Prl.tt of Dulwich
A total of five companies were penaJ. Jn ' 1887, KarlofC opled for a more
lzed and the Costa Mesa County Water theatrical ilame when he became an
DI.strict was given a $27,614 settlement actor and chose one that became a
14 months ago stemming from that ac· personification or horror · for three
Karloff's rise to stardom began when
Columbia Pictures signed him in 1930
for "Criminal Code" to play a·. part
he had created on the stage.
Log booms were lashed across en-
trances to harbors and marinas up and
down the coast to pre vent oil from
coating the hulls of small craft. Thus
far, the oil had not invaded the harbors.
Stock Winners Revealed tion. generations of nioviegoers. ·
"Then l we decided tq go ahead and Hts death ended ~ career that spanned
His famous monster role began with
Universal. He was ealing in the studio
commissary one day In 1931 when a
director picked him for "Frankenstein."
The oil began surging to the surface
last Tuesday, as crews were replacing
a drill bit, in what would be called
a gusher of land.
A 7l·year~ld relired, Montana wheat
farmer who lald he bouiht Iii!' llral
Ford in 1923 today owns two abarH
ol alOck in the Ford ·.Motor Company
11 one of the big· wlnnera in the J;!A11, )'
PILOT.Padftc T~ Co. -~
munlCamlval. ~
Elmer Jorgenson, 7l, was th 'Only
major winner Jn the lhf"ee.day event
on hand when winne[ll were llJql
at I p.m. Saturday in the Carousel
Court at South Coast Pllza.
He said bla win (Wbrth ahoot 1103)
WU "ireat" and that "driving Fords
all U-years fhi&lly paid off."
J"llRllOll 111d bla. wife are IJ)en<ling
the wintor in Newport Beacb at 1807
Buttonahell Lane. ·
The !!hares of otocl: in Ford were
contributed lo CommuniCamival h1 the
Aerooutroclc Di•lalon' of Philco-Ford
Corp., headquarlered In Newport llOach.
Cruttenden 6: O>., Ino., Newport Beach ·
ltockbrokers, selected Ind furntsDed 10
!!hares of stock in the Bridgford f.nnds
Corp. (worth about 1100) u another
top prize of the "carntval of com-
Winner of the Bridgford stock WU
Mrs. J .A. Gange, 2048 Swan Drive, Costa
Assisting ln selectJon of winners was
Paul ComeUus, general m&naier ol TV
WEEK magarJne. His magazine, which
ls di!tributed each Saturday as part
of the DAILY PILOT, arranged a private
tour o( 20th Century Fox Stud.lo as
()Re of the major prizes of Com-
Winner of the tour was Amelia Drum·
mond. 2167 Pacific Ave., COl!ita Mesa.
A full page in the DAILY PILOT
l'l be filled any way the winner wants
to fill it wu won by Bill Harlan, a
student ·at Southern Calilornla Colleg~
He had not yet decided today just how
he wvuld UR bis page Jn the paper.
D.~l lV PllOI
C•ANCl COA1T 'UI LISHIMG COM,Alrf1' ••••rt N. W114 , .. ,.~, ..... ~11 ....
J1tlr l . C1rl1y
ViOt rrnlornt '"° G<!Mral Mo1Nttr
Tk1rn11 k11•il
E.itor 1 ~'""'' A. M,,,,,h;~.
hWMtlrl1 E•llw
Alii1•t W. Iii•• -Wilti1111 R11d "°'-'"' Hlll'lllll91Cf1 IN<h E•llor Cll• lfl!or
H1 ........ 1Mcil0ffke
JOt llh Str11I
M1ili11t A4lflr1•1: P.O. 111 790, tl641 --........... loMCll: ttn ""'"t a.111:111 hllltv1,.
Cetlt Mtt40: Ut Wt1t ltr 1"1111
eepatately me the larte complny," s&ld more than a half century of movie,
Costa Mesa Mayor AJYi!i L. Pinkley, a stage, and television acting.
Twelve other ~ also were water district. director. ~ Althouah he wm best known for the sel~ each to r e a classified ~ ag~es involved. in the bl1nket Frankenstein role, he also appeared In
ad. '1¥9e winners filed: suit settled f~r a whopping $8 million 1,400 Broadway perfomiances 0 f
Ann Schoenberg, CM N. Carson Ave., total sum, with $1~5,900 payable im~ ••Arsenic and Oki Lace," '-rhe Linden
Loa Angeles; Mrs. R. B. Canley, 2026 med1atel7 and !,be rest quarterly Jar ail Tree" "The 59 at Sly Corner" and ~tia _P~. Co~ .Mesa.; Vera Greer, years at five _wc~nt interest. • · -.. ' ''Pefff ~·" -
3ii7 'If~ :f!:vt;I!Huntimlca.lleach;"' T~ ~ m-1be; two '!'(*•ta---~ralx·fiiilor w;th a:oUgbt stoop, ~-lV:'Ke&mrl959 Mii!Oiirort;;., SUJis amoant· to f57,t!H, commented K>rlOff away fnirD the screen was •
C..ta Mesa; }--Barrld, 20l4A V11 CMCjVD Jloaol, Chainun Carl St<pul. quiet; IOf~aa man who flived MF.•-· l,.a&u!!B ·~~; . " who~ tliO feplOljprt w-1'JPo ·~ .... and poetry.
ll!rr.'W.19'.-"l:ane Jr'., mt'!!timn"liOU ed brtak"!he ~lce-flXll!i. ·-After making "1'ranke111taln -111711" Road, Costa Mesa; Marilyn Vl!.90.S, 4114 Altomey Alex Bowle, of the Santa Ana ·'
Seton Road, J"1ne; Maxine PfeHer, 364 law firm of Rutan ctr ·'l\lcker was C'Ol!Mel
Seville ~. Olsta Mesa; Mra. Jennie fo< the CMCWD In reirievtntlhe unfair·
Moredo, 217 S. Dal&y St., Santa Ana; ly charged IJlalerlalsccolt
Florellce · llaheky, 113()1 Euctid Ave, ·
Garden Gro~; Paul Ga .. ; 2 '17
BrentllOOCI, Coilta Mesa, and Phyllis · J h W ·Reed·. · Baker, 93Jt Celllnl Ave., Garden Grove. 08ep • ' More than. 9,000 persons visited Com-
muniCarn!val during the 21 hours it
was in operatioo Thunday, Friday and
s&turday at South Coast P!au. They
were greeted at the DAR. Y l'ILOT ez.
blbit by Orange Coast College stewardw
students, acting as of£icial hostesses for
the newspaper. .
Pacific, Telephone Co. representatives
gave away a fr. long distance call
every 30 minutes during the show. The
calls ranged from "short" long dislance
calls to Caillornia cities to calls placed
by winners all the way to New England,
the Eastern Seaboard and many cities
in the Midwest. ·
Four major. prizes for the big show
were furnished by Family Weekly, the
national colorgravure maguine recently
added to the DAILY PILOT packa&e
of Saturday features.
Pilot W :riter's
Father, Succumbs
Joseph W. Reed , 60, lather of DAILY
PILOT City Editor William Ried, dieCI
at 7:10 a.m. today at Kaiser Hospital
in Bellflower following a lingering illness.
A resident of Southgate since 1H6,
Mr. Reed was a retired electrical con-
lractor. •
Survivors include his wife. Helen ; a
daughter, Mrs. Betty H. Wilson of La
Mirada ; two sons, William G. Reed of
Huntington Beach and Gilbert L. Reed
of Southgate ; and two brothers, Siias
H. Reed of Omaha and James R. Reed
of Dade City, Fla.
.. .
Beach Women's
League Ma~ing
Vote 'Easier'
To make voter reglslraUon easier the
Huntington Belch League ~ of Women
Voten is staffing a regislralion desk
dailJ' at the , Huntington Center on
Edinger ~venue.
From '1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Mondays
and Fridays, and from 1 p.m. to !
p.m. on Saturdays, prospective voters
may register at the table in the center
of the shopping mall.
Voters are reminded that the deadlirie
for regl!tratlon for April's city elections
is Feb. 20. 1
During February, League members
will also open registration tables in local
banks and stores.
Then carde '!HOWll of Frahkenstein.''
"The Body Snatcher," "Isle of the
Dead," "The Ghoul," "The Man They
Couldn't Hang"·~ '"l')le Invisible J?y."
Wheelei: in HospiH1l .
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentagon
said today Gen. Earle G. Wheeler,
cha_irman of th~ Job}l· Chlels . of Staff,
bu1.entered Wall•!f.Reed Army Hospital
for a routine medical check.
The crew dropped a valve into the
well head to halt the flow .
They succeeded in halting the flow
from the casing about 800 feet away
from the plaUorm, but the oil started
bubbling from fissures in the ocean floor.
Experts believed that when lhe valve
was dropped into the casing, the oil
oozed up between lbe casing and the hole,
was diverted into another oil bearing
sVatllRl al about 500 feet, and made
Its way · through cracks in the e.artb
to emerge through the ocean floor,
Winners of lhe four Family Weekly
prizes were:
-16-volume Universal World Reference
Encyclopedia (worth $150 ), Herbert A.
Gold, 1963 San Bruno, Newport Beach.
Funeral serviceJ are pending at Bilby
and Belyea Mortuary in Southgate. Facilities at city hall and the County OAIL v PILOT S*•" .,,_,. Registrar'• office ln Santa Ans, are
--2-volume New Webster Dlclionary
of the English Language {$15 value},
Janice Holmer , 500 Signal Road, Newport
Beach. , .
-2-volume History or Mankind ($20
value), Robert G. Griffith, 13952 Laurel
SL, Santa Ana.
-Universal Standard Alla!: of the
World ($15 value), Lauem Ann
Mezzacoppa, 2202 E. Wilson Ave.,
Orange. I
All eight of the top winners ucll
received as bonus gifts a IG-Une classliled
"want ad" from the DAILY PILOI'
valued at #4.30.
Blaze Damages
Beach Apartment
F;n caused 1$,200 in damage Sunday
noon in A»l A at 17141 Oak SL, Hun-
tington Beach. •
The blue wu contained within the
ooe apartment and extlng!ushed In 15
Flremen lald the lire appannUy
started in a fUrnaco closel where com-
bustible items Wtrfl stored.
Two engines, a snorkd Ind, a heavy
reacue unit ·and a baltallon chief
answered the call.
Dies After Transplant
BALTIMORE CUP!) -· S.I d n e y
Se.ldenber1, 56, the world '• 12nd heart
transpl>nt patlen~ collapood and di.cl
uneapectedly 1t Good Samaritan Hoopltal
~arly today, 10 weeka after he ncdvtd
a ne.w heart, j • ,
Nixon Approves
Big Four Talks
WASffiNGTON !UPI) -l'rfsldent
Nixon , after weekend diSCU!IJons with
his top advisen, has decided to accept
fo prlnelple a French proposal foe "Big
Four" talks on the Middle Eut crJ.sla.
The State Department bu been if>.
structed to send a note on the decision
to Paris within the llelCl few days.
. The Prtsldeot allo la understood to
·"be preparing a very cordial letter to
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser
v.•hlch will leave the way open for
resumpUon of dlplomaUc relations if the
E~ian leader -requests it. 1be letter
to Nauer, In repJy to a friendly letter
of congratulations to Nixon upon his
inauguration, is expected to go out this
Seal Beach Gets
Sunset Request
A Jletition requesti111 arui:aaUon for
a portion of Sunset Beach will he con-
sidered by the Seal Beach City Council
There an 23 signatures on the peUUon
requestlnt Seal Beach to initiate an-
nl!:xaUon proceeding! in Sunset Beach,
now county territory.
The counall wlll also consider Ill policy
conctrnlng Iha Orange County Harbor
Dlltrlct and hear a resoluUoo. ftom the
City al N••port Beacb on the same subject.
The council meet start.a: •t I p.m.
available for registration throughout the SIGNING UP HUNTINGTON BEACH VOTERS
year. Mra. Jullan Jungbluth (left), Mrs, Raymond Hastey
e ring• 1i1ed and repaired
• diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls re1trvn11
~ -•;, ---.-· HAUOllM~·· CMIM-~~
me IWIOlaYD. ...
COSTA MllA --' . .. .. • _ ... .,
( ' "
) -
. .
·EOuniain • • "
-. *
. . .
• • • vot /,f. NO. 29, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES • I •· •-ORAfllGE.CQUt!IT)', CALIFOrtNIA · •. Mo~DAY, :auAR.Y l, ;1969 -, " ---· ·--... Bt1ntrffl,toti
To Take 3 W e~_ke T-rip Soon
. I .,. ~ ,
Removal of debris and rubbish 4rdm
the Hunlington Beach clty beaches will •
1take luot.ber two"to· three week&, Vince
Moorhouse, director of beaches and
~ewport Seeks
Solution to
Beach Debris
Newport Beach city councihnen will
tneet in an emergency session tonight
t.o consider new remedies for a musive
beach cleanup headuCbe.
Tons of storm-spawned debris lining
the beachfront in West Newport are
proving too much for city crews ..
"It's beyond our capabilities to clean
It up in time," said City Manager Harvey
L. Hurlburt.
Councilmen, he said, will be asked
to J!.pprove contracting the job to heavy
equipment operators. "We're talking in
the neighborhood. of about $5,000." ,
It would be awarded on an emergency
basis. There is no time for advertiaing
for bids, ·Hurlburt explained.
"ll we don't get that stuH out of
here soon, it will sink under the sand
aod wreck our beach cleaning equipment
as well as be dangerous to bathers,"
he said. · .
harbors, aald this morning.
Fqr the past week Huritington Beach
persomlel·bave been clearing off dobrl.s
depoolted ~Y the Santa Ana River during
-heavy storms.
"That problem ls nearly cleared up,"
Mootl!liise Sill!, "bat ·uch·tt.i. . brings
in more sticks, small trees a~ other
rubbush from Ute Bolsa Chica area
Moofhouse explained that because of
tile-camnta most Of the Santa Ana
River problem has' been dw:ilped onto
the beaches of Newport Beach.
He added that as long as the westerly
swells continue ilunttngton Beach ab<>Utd
have nO water polluUon problems.
-Several beachel to. the sooth have
been closed because of pollution from
open aeWage poured into the area
during heavi flooding the past two
duntlngton Beach baa not bad to close
ii! beaches yet, Moorhouse said.
Presently a foW'--man team ii working
to clear lhe beach of rubbish.
Hand labor ii lhe only method useable
for the operation because the heavy
debris would _ tear up the regular beach
cleaning machines.
; Once collected most of the trash must
lie tr8lllport.d to lhe Coyote Canyon
dump near UC Irvine.
: Tbe one bright note in the deluge,
¥oorhouse noted, was the millions of
feet_ of sand deposited along with the
•ebris which will help build up the
: • • ...,,. '&.... -.A. -~. -Ji'"\.'l,W . 'w
Month Needed 'iii_ ·n.~:1i;~
Newport Shone. Pollarion . .
The shoreline along West Newport and meJ\t. meanwhile·; will be taking dally
Huntington Beach State Park may not samples to determine~the degree of pollu-. i.
f tionJ Weekend teltl 1nd1cated a heavy be polluted through Easter Week, a ter pre~ of iewage JH.ic~ W estm1nster
all. Hui-Jburt aakl once tbe water from Police Seek Two Riverside City Manager John Wentz the ~am -a' the orange COunty-
aaid today :tmereeocy contracts. to Rivertiide ~border -stOp.t pouring
replace that cl~'s wrecked sewer lines into tlie rJvtr, it, may be possible to end the beachfroot quaronttne. "The have been awarded. "!l .can speak with river'~ normal water flow,•• he explained,
some assurance that the work will now "mJ~ not be , llJ.fficlent 'to carry the
In Burglaries
take Jemr than-a month," he said. sewagl to tbe·.sea." Westmimter p0Hce today were seeking
...... , ·t had bee .,,~ led the In ipy cue, he empbaalaecl, "thiJ two burglarll who took a shot at ·one ... ~ -v, 1 n e .. ..,. .. a wBl officer while Oeeing from a burglary job wotild take up to three montlil. city be eicrtmg 11 much pr~e Saturday night.
UnW the work is complered, raw :: ::::::.'~ reopen the beach u SOOI!: A van loaded with television sets and
sewage from Riverside will continue to stereos, wu tte0verea by police afJer
be dumped into the Santa Ana River the two men ran from the scent when
ar the rate of millions of gallons daily. Bandi·ls Twi·ce spotted by two officers. It is now lflemptying into the ocean Officer Mike Ballard said ·11e and
at the mouth of the river on the Newport. another officer were sent to check out
Huntington Beath bOundary, forcing a • · two suspiciOUJ subjects in the area of
quarantine of .the beachtront from the Hit.' w estminste1· Natal Avenue at &bout 7:10 p.m. Satur-
Newport Pier north to the northerly day. Later, tt was learned that several
end of Huntlri"gton's state beach. S • S 'II: homes in the negihborhood had been·,
Newport .City M.anager Harvey L. 5' erVJCe tatiOn I~~ In a van were observed
Hurlburt said lowering1 the Pr~o Oalnm _ cruising the arta, Ballard reported.
will prohibit lilting 0 the sw mm g Llgbtnina struck twice early this morn-When h a i 1 e d by the offlcen they and surfing ban for at least two weeks. j ped t f the and lice "We eipect a heavy runoff down the ing when two separate groups of bandits :d. ou 0 van ran, po
river for th.it period," he said. nibbed a Weatin.instei-·service · staUon As the offtcera cha.Rd the men throlilh
The Orange County Health Depart· within four hours. • yards and over fences, one of the
At 1:41 a.m. today, two men wearing suspects fittd a shot ioward Ballard.
Teacher's Union
Head Sentenced
NEW YORK (UPI) -Afbert Shanker.
the teache.rs' union president whQ led
last fall's three citywide teacher~'
gtrikes. was convicted today of willfuUy
violating a court order against the
Walkouts. He was ·sentenced to 15 days
In jail and fined !250. ·
The United Fecleralioo of Teacbers,
which Shanker heads. was fined $220,000
for Ila wlllM dllobecllence of a court
order to retw-n ILi member• to the
schools. The sentence aod fines were
impased by State Supreme Court Justice
Frank Blou,stein.
stockbigs over their faces held up the ~bullet cracked a windoW at 13261
Advance Servlce Station on 21st Street Iowa S1.
and Btacb Boulevard. . ~.police toci.Y'wd the weapon
Police said the men e1eaped wilh •110. mq have .accidental§' dUcbarged u
At 1;43 1.m. today, three men used the°"""' IU!J>'CI leaped a fence.
a •peHel gun to ttUeve tbe stat!Gn of· A: 'ca0 ·for Ullstance In the aear<h ~and.Ill unknown amount of cigarettes. w•.1111wered by polke from Huntlngt4ll
.TIM latter group wu. t.aponilble for Beach, Gatden Grove, ·stantoo, Orange
three other aervlce 1taUon robberiea, r-""" Slierifl't De·-nt and two
tbll mornlng;pollce'llld. p;;u;;'beJICoiiWs .u;,;;u; Loe Anltlet
Tile trio rtportecllylleld up two station& Counly.Sherilf'1 Departnient. ~ = c;:v~ ": one li1 Saiita Ani, · An lll-olgbt ~h failed to turn UJ> ~"-· ··'d tw ot ~1" rilb.l>U>'.· lhe ~· · • ~~ .., ~ "'"' mm_ were WW· Tlie van, -and its loid of loot, wai
Ing triocl(. aoali, but llo further Iden-im~. Owner of 'the van baa not
ti£ication wu'lminedlatelflVi.lllble. ~ _ y~t beefl _iae'ntllied, pollce said today.
Candid Cameramen A..ard -'
.. ------
,.. -~ ... --~ -
Wirid·s ~ ·~Pllsh
-. .. -. -------
Nearly-blind Beaeh ,J:o~~ . .
Faces New Series of Tests
Of .. Oliltt '"" lhff
Severaf mOrt tests will ·be required
before a decision can be reached on ,
how best to-help 15-year-old Felix Guliel'-
rez, a Huntington Beach boy who Is
nearly blind.
Friends of the family today said the
outlook on saving h1a vision ii vague;·
"but there is still heme."
A Loi Afamltos neuro-ophthalmologllt
has been checking Fellx' eye1 .tile pat!
three weeks, but bat JM:it released :the
results. .
There are lndicat~ thal. It wlll·-
aootber month of uamlnatlona: befOre
a delinlte Mtemeat caD be made. ·..,, :;.
Two orpnltali9ol hive volunteered to1 pay all ._ H ,i..11 reveal. Iba~.
Felix' vllton can be llVed.
itepmenlalivu Ill• the K n I g b t s
Templar EJe Fvundaijm and the Orange
c-ty Crill!>leo! O>ildren'• Sentce both
offered bllp 111 belllU of lhelr"organlu·
UOlll after rudiag ol Felix'. iillibl In
the Jan.·17 eclitloo of.the DAJLY.PiLG'r.
Nlik • "'gantutlon cail 1 a y
spectfk:ally what will be doai unW a
compkto«ll-"' ii received from t11e·
. ---~~Sliei ___ .. ------. ... -.... ~ -... : ·-::. ...-.. -
-. ' -'\"•
Oil Under~.-
Bearded Robber .
Hits. Beach ' StQre
•· ·-I A beanlecl robber tool: .I.IOI. frQm a
HIDltlngtoo Beach liqU« store al 10.p.m.,
SIDlday, pollco llld today.
An employe . ol -Don Liquor Sfore, 11131il Bf6cb' Biid., llld the man
willked Into Ille itGre llancla:f nip( with
hi& itght hand In hll c:Oat pock'el, u K
"'~·gun. . .'ll>i: only wonll ,tbe .,._ ipOn were,
'lfhis Is a hold..~." u be ~cleaned out.
the cull reglltes', .police lllld.
• )
' '
Murder Sq$pectS 'Due::in Court
' ! J •
"" oll llolil wnir .... = -
dropf.ut cblrll' ...... ~·· ...... . " •. -l}llt;y'··~~ .,._. ,... ¢" blaHiil.
Henry L. Slsnez, 15, of SJ2 Clay St.,
and ·~ward R. Hargrave, II, of !7391
Marken Lino, are upacled to be bold.
to anawerlor-the ~.before ~perlor
Court ~urlng the 9 a.m. ~
The Huntington Beldl palt irlll £0
, before Judge Wolter ~ In Ille
aalne ·west OraDI• C6mity JUJllcill
Dlstr!ct eourtrnom • wbln twQ. lmioctttt
people were formally cbarged'ln the same Jan.· 5 crime. ,.
Sianez and Hargrave were arrested
the day alter a couple briefly de.led
fate's stand-ins for the 11111pected allyer1
ti 1111. -8. Marne, Ii, ol lllll wu fowxt ,sprawled •i&hl blocU away =n.0 wao l.taipod Ii!!' - -WU allo la"-lronr the Qlqw -... -auto arut ~versa. . r ..... . . .
lo ~-=II' have rtleaaed Vttrf 1 • Delee~V'll 1-up Mis~ Dinger and ·lltllil •-IJolr. lhey are "N•rman "Bi.Coatoey, ti, of )258LFoster
bulldlq the ease a1atn.t Sianez and Road, Los A!mltos and booked them
hJJ _.,. buddy. -desplt. their insistence tbal neither took
A tip... by a cab driver ruulted in the car from the w.altress ' ·apartment
the arrql of the two HUlltington lle&Cli that fatal nigbt. · '
laboren ind ,°"'auhequtot exooe'iatJOn Actu~ doubting guill of the couple of a Newpqrl Beach •woapaee .,,.i-r In the sa~age staying of the ~. aa4 hJJ waltnsa ctrlfrlend-churcb-golng · optometrJ'. olfice receP-
A w belongingio Margareta Dinger, Uooist, police appealed for help from
39, of 2t02 Delaware st.. was found anyone wiUI poteoUal leads in the case.
abandoned near the murder scene, it.I A cab driver: told of picking up· a
interior thickly smearod with Mra. bloodied fare tn the vlciziity of the
Markee!c blood. • murder on 17th Street near Olive Avenue
A pa~t tr~er front the thrqat-slash early Jan .. 6, ~ tiP w&ieh_ l~d tQ_ Sia~ez
victim's car -in wboae beadlijh\I c:be and Hargrave's Jan. 9 arrest. .
Sii-have bee!!, Jiven by both • i«ordtn8 to Jllledlve Clpt. Earle
RolliWile and ""1alc<I-evidence -
believed to ~ a knife -has been
impounded for future prosecuUon use ..
Based on a pattern of recert:t homicide
cases, Sianez and flaigfave Will probably
be bound over to Superior Court by
Judge CharamZa on Tue.§daY: They · will tiien have preliminary bell"
Ing reset at the higher court level and
could subsequently be lndlcled by the
new Orange County Grand Jury as are
s;nany murifer sus'pecls. Sianez Is· also charged with auto theft
and possession of a sawed-off shotgun,
a felony crime stemming from sel1ure
of such a weapon in the apartment
he shared with his wile and child.
Orange Show Hopeful
Lu Anii llemielt of ·rusUn will ,..Present her community in Cali!ornia
Citrus Queen competition next month at National Orange Show in
San Bernardino. Brunette beauty, 17, is a senior at Tustin ljigb
~~. .
Pilot's CommuniCarnival
·stock Winners Rt:Vealed .,
A, 111•yw-old retired Montana wheat
farmer who said he · bought his flrst
Ford in 1923 today owns two shares
0£' stock in lhe Ford Motor -Company
u one of the big wirifers in the ,nu. Y
PILOT,Pacille Telefbone Co.•.~
munlCarnival. • ,,,. ••
Elmer Jorgenson, '11, was tie oDly
mojor winner In llie ~ event
on band when wbmus were ile1ected
al I p.m. Saturda1' In the Carousel
COUrl at South Coast Plaza.
Ho aald hJJ win (worth about 1103)
was "great" and that. "driving Fords
all the.. years finally paid of!."
Jorgenaon and bis wile are spending
the winter In Newport Beach at 11m
ButtonlbeULane. -
The shares of stock 1n Ford wete
contributed to CommuniCarnival by the
Aeronutronlc Divialort of Pbileo:-Ford
Corp., headquartered In Newport Beach.
Cnrttenden & D>., Inc., Newport Beach
i;tockbrokerz, selected and furnished 10
shares of stock in the Bridgford Foods
Corp. (worth about $100) as another
top prize of the "camlval of com·
Winner of lhe Bridgford stock was
Mrs. J.A. Gange, 2048 Swan Drive, Costa
Mesa. ·
Assisting In selection or winners was
Paul Cornelius, general manager of 'FY
WEEK magazine. His magazine, which
ls distributed each Saturday as part
or the DAILY PILOT, arranged a private
tour of 20th Century Fox Studio as
one of the major prizes of Com-
Winner of the tour was Amelia Drum-
mond, 2161 PacifiC Ave., Costa Mesa..
A Ml page In the DAILY PILOT
· t'> be filled any way lhe winner wants
to fill it was won by Bill Harlan, a
sludent at Southern California College.
He had not yet decided today just bow
be would uae his page in the paper.
ltli•rl N. w.,J
Pruldtrtl 11\d 'ubll~r
J1ck II. C1rl1y
Vi<.• Prn!Otr>I tflO ~lll'rll Mft\lttr
lhtm•' 1<11¥il
l~o,.,•t A, Muq1hi111
Ml"lllllt t:.11w
Alli1rf W. I•••• William flttd ,.._ •• 1, itvf\11"'!(:11 •••(/\
flfllW Cl!y ff!lw
H••li.PM hKti Offke f"cit 5th 5tr11!
M1ill111 .u.ir,111 r.o. ••• 1to, t1641
0 ...........
H..,.., lfft•11 nu wnt ••lblta 8011..,.1r1 Cf'1' MIN: ;»0 W•al l1y Simi
l_.... ....... : m ,.,.,, •.-
, f>Atl..V flllOT. wn~ """!(Ito k c~ 9-e .. _,,..... .. alllllt"td d1<1, t•c.tlll ,,..,.,. 41ff lot _.,.. flllOtltt fW l-1 8"<11.
N~ Seadl. (0111 /kw, Hu1111.,.1oot
ktcft #Ill ,,_11111 Vl ll•I'• 1:-•llfl • rr1~ tcm;on. Ot•"" CN•I 'ulHii~lll•
Ce-.-lrlltlnl .itnh tt! 11 n 1 ! W.d
··-........ ....._. •<'It~. f"li lJt
....... .., '"""'· '-'• ~Ml.
, .. ref • '""' MZ..eJZI ,._ W•• ' rw c• 14 .. 1121
Cl-'RM M1allll•1 M1·1671 c..¥r""'· '""' Cl''"" CN•• ~,._ c-.... -1111111. tlW"'ttoltl ..
""'"' tfll11tf ,,, .....,,""_"" ..... "' !Ni' "' '""*'" wl:""'4 111Ki.1 ... , ...... ... .. CWWJtl'I IWftll',
~ dlW -'ltl' .. 1411 ft M........i lld
.... (Ult Mt .. , QJ ...... 11. ~•19!iell !Ip ,.,'°"' ti,)$ -"11'1 .., -H A.M -1111,, 11111..,, Mttw..ef ......... _.,,,
Twelve ()\her winners also were
selected, each to receive a classified
ad. These winners included:
-Ann Schoenberg, 404. N. Carson Ave:,
Loa Angel .. ; Mrs. R. B. Canley, 2026
Baltra Place, Costa Mesa; Vera Gr,er..
3957 .• Wan:ier Ave., Uuntinetocl ,Belchl-llllro!d W1N-. 21159 Menddla ?Jrlvo.
~ M ... ;. L. llal'tad, 2044A Via
MariJlO'a', Lquna Hills: -
Mrs. W.W. Lane Jr., 2872 Stromboli
Road, Co.ta Mesa; Marilyn Vassos, fllf
Seton Road, irvtne; Ma.Xine Pfeiler, 3IU Sevill~ ~e, Costa Mesaj Mr!. JemUe
Mortno, 217 S. Daisy St.; Santa Ana;
Florence Babsky, 11301 Euclid Ave.,
Garden Grove; Paul Gage, 2 7 7
Brentwood, Collta Mesa, and Phyllll
Baker, 9391 Cellini Ave., Garden Grove.
More than 9,000 persons visited Com·
munlCarnival during the 21 hours it
was ht ope~aUon Thursday, Friday and
Satuntay at South Coast Plaza. They
were greeted 'at.the DAILY f'lLOT ex·
hibit by Orange Coast College stewardess
students, acUng as official hostesses for
the newspaper.
Pa¢1Dc Telephone Co. representatives g~ve away, '*a 'frtie long distance call -
every 30 minutes during the show. The
calls rang~ from "short" long distance
calls to Galifornia cities to calls placed
by winners all the way to New England,
· the Eastern Seaboard and many cities
in the Midwest.
Four major prizes for the big show
were furnished. by Family Weekly, the
national colorgravure magazine recenUy
added to the DAILY PILOT package
of Saturday features.
Winners qf the four Family Weekly
prizes were:
-16-volume Universal World Reference
Encyclopedia (worth $150), Herbert A.
Gold, 1963 San Bruno, Newport Beach.
-Z-volume New Webster Dictionary
of )lhe English Language ($25 value),
Janice Holmer, 506 Signal Road, Newport. ·
-2-volume History of Mankind ($20
value), Robert G. Griffith, 13952 Laurel
SL, Santa Ana.
-Universal Standard Atlas of the
World ($1~ value ), Lauem A n D
Meuacoppa, Z202 E. Wilson Ave.,
All eight of the top winners each
received as bonua gUts a 10-line classified
"want. ad" from the DAILY PILOT
valued at IZUO.
Blaze Damages
Beach Apartment
Fire cauaed 15.SOO In damage Sunday
noon In Apt. A at 17111 Oak St., Hun-
tington Beach.
The blue was contained within the
one apartment and utlngiushed in 15
Firemen said the fire apparently
started in a fumaee clOlet where com-
bu.Uble llelm we"' stored.
Two '!lllln'-1, a -kel truck. • heavy
rescue unit and a battalion chief
answered the call.
Dies After Transplant
B-'LTIMORE (UPI) -SI d n e y
Seklenberc, S6 the world'• 9:lnd hurt
transplant paUen~ collapled and died un~ at Good Slmartlll> HOlllltll
early todaf, to weekl after he rtcelved
a new heart.
· Be~ch, l\f esa . Boris Karloff, Screen's
Firms to Get
.Suit Refunds Frankemtein, Dies at 81
MJDHURST, EnglMd (UPI) -Boris
SeWemeut of a bill antHnul suit Kvlofl, Frankenstein's -er on
aplnsl a plpeUne supply Orm nallecl for screen and a gentle IOul In reaf Ille, ~ mcre than a year ago will died of a respiratory ailment~ Sunday
bri\>I a total of ll0.000 In refunda to at the at• of 81.
Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach · UnUI W.... forced him to enter Kine
Edwml VU hospital In tbla quiet Vll!ia~
agenclel. lut November, lie ,;,.· doina: . what he D~ ol the Colla Mooa County knew !>qt -performjns. .
Water District have announced i!cniJll "He d!ed In barnea and lbj,s '"' of an agreement for '28,500 Jn recom· the great thing be wan~,'' Qid~ bis
penae from Am.¢can Pipe and Con-widow Evelyn. "Ho .iwaya aald he
ltructlon co., also }\eavlly pen•11wd by wanUd to work unur the tDd ai:uf _ tb1I
other settlements. 11 whit be did.". . ~ City of Huntington ~-will r.. Although ailing before he w I I
celve 121,500 for the paclap settlement hospitaJlzed, the slender, quiet-epoken
as owner of 42 peTCent of a lkliI .. long Karloff )lad turned to readings. poetry
major waterline, built Jolnily with the and television ·~· Ho had
_Costa Mesa agency. 4'retired" Franke.Mte1o's monster.
They were Mid a..incb water main Mn. Karloff aald her husband caught
a ea: men ts by the natlOnwlde firm a chill in New Yort on hiJ way home
before federal, state and Qtller q:encies from making a film 1n California aud
joined to successfull7 prosecute the anti· then entered the hospital.
trust suit. ·Born Wllliam Henry Pratt of Dulwicb
A tota,I of five companies were penaJ.. In 1887, Karloff opted -for a more
lzed and the Costa Mesa County Water theatrical name when bl became an
District was given a $17,&{f settlement actor AAd cboH one thit became a
14 months ago stemmlng from that ae-peraocij!lCaUonZ;of horror for three
tion. · , gene:r1U9ns of mo~legoers.
"Then we dtclded to go ahead and His dtath ended a career.that spanned
separately sue the large coriipany," Aid m<n _tban a ba)f century of movie,
Co6ta Mesa 'Miyor tJvtn L. Pinkley, a stage,.and televi.slon acting.
water district director. Although he was best known for the
Other agencies invOlved in the blanket Frankeiistein role, he al50-'. appeared in
suit setUed for a whopping $8 million 1,400 Broadway perfortnances of
total sum, l!flth $1~,000 payable 1m-"Arsenic and Old Lace," ••The Linden
medlat.Jy and.the r,;::quartuly fnr lix Tr,~, }.•• ~ at Sly .Corner" and yean a;:·nVtl'-Percent ·interest !i. . sufuotal~~,:18 to in .;t54~~=~ A tt-a~aa11x;: :tb J:~bt19~p~
CMCWD Board Chalnnan Carl Slnens, quiet, IO!HpOken man who loved
who priiled,_the I'll) work wh!!*-belp-.._ readln1.-gmleqiiir, and PD!!trr.
ed break the price-fixing. -·-After matfn& -'"Franktniei'n -1970''
Attorney Alex Bowle, of the Santa Ana .,
law firm of Rutan & Tucker was counsel ;i
for the CMCWD In r<trievlng the. untair-
ly charged malerlsla coot.
·Joseph W. Reed,
Pilot Writer's
Father, Succumbs
Joseph W. Reed, !O, father of DAILY
PILOT City Editor William Reed, dled
at 7:10 a.m. today at Kaiaer HoSpllal
in Bellllower following a lingering illness.
A resident of Southgate since 1946,
Mr. Reed was a retired electrical con-
Survivors include his wife, Helen; a
daughter, Mrs. Betty H. Wilson of La
Mirada ; two sons, William G. Reed or
Huntington Beach and G;ilbert L. Reed<
of Southgate; ·and two brothers, Silas
H. Reed of Omaha and James R. Reed
of Dade City, Fla.
Beach Women's ·
League Making
Vote 'Easier' ..
To make voter reglslraUon euier the
Huntington Beach Lea~ of Women
Voters ls staffing a registration desk
daily at the . HunUngton . Center on
Edinger A venue.
FrOm 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Mondays
and Fridays, and from 1 p.m. to 3
p.m. on Saturdays, prospecUve voters
may register at the· table m the center
of the shopping mall.
Voters are reminded that the deadline
for regtstratJon for April's city elecUons
ls Feb. 20. ,
During February, League members
will also open reglstraUon tables in local
banks and stores.
in the late 1950's, Kuloff said :
"I'll never play -~ monster again
because I have sentimental affection for
the character. I owe him so much that '
I owe him a little respect, a l.~tle
rest." '
The gray-haired actor. devoted himself
to television and the stage. He described
blmseil as a "trulY happy ex-monster!'
Karloff did not like · what modern
movjemakers were doing with-' their
monsters. He felt th~y were dehumanized
creature. Pfelellted wunout sympathy!
"The original monster and my later
roles as ltis creator are tales Of mystery
and adventure,'' ·the actor said. "Our
stories were nearer to Grimm's Fairy
Tales or Edgar Allen Poe."
For one whose nB.me w~ to become
synonymous with horror, Karloff's mart
was gentle enoUgh. His · first tty at
a:cling was in a parish Christmas pan·
tomlne at age 10.
Karloff's rise to stardom began when
Columbia Pictures signed him in lg;MI
for "Criminal Code" to 'play a part
he had created oh the stag1e. _,.
His famous monster ro1e· began with
Universal. He was eaUng in the studio
commissary one day in 1931 when a
director picked him for "Franke1_1stei;t."
Then came "Home -of Frankenstein;"
"The Body Snatcher," "Isle of the
Dead,'' "The Ghoul," "The Man They
Couldn't Hang" and "The Invisible Ray."
Wheeler in !Hospital
WASHI_NGTON (AP) -The Pentagon
$a:Jd • today Gen: Kaile ' G. Wheeler,
chairinan of the Jolnt Chiefs of Staffij
ha!: enlered Walter Reed Anny Hosplta
for a toatine medicil tjteck. '
Fratta Page 1
servationists who claim he is ·parW:an
to oil interests, said in a statement
issued Sunday night that experts from
the U.S. Geological Survey were revi1:.w·
ing the four offshore drilling operations
stJll continuing on federal leases in the
Santa Barbara Channel.
"My instructions are that all possible
steps be undertaken immediately to p~
vide the greatest possible margin of
safety agains t.any further well blowups,"
Hickel said.
Plastic booms were placed around plat..
from A where the !!ow of oil was lhickesL
The 1'sea curtain" drops three.feet below
the surface from pillows filled with
plastic foam .
Small boats swept the oil against the
barrier with smaller curtains and then
tanker ve;sets sucked the oil from the
su rface using a vacuum process.
Log booms were lashed across en·
trances to harbors and marinas up and
down the coast to prevent oil from
coating the hulls of small craft. Thu.s
far, the oil had not invaded the harbors.
The oil began surging to the surface
last Tuesday, as crews were replacing
a drill bit, in what would be called
a gusher of land.
The crew dropped a valve into the
well head to halt the flow.
'11ley succeeded in halting the flow
from the casing about 800 feet away
from the plattorm, but the oil started
bu.bbling from fissures in the ocean floor.
Experts believed that when the valve
was dropped into the casing, the oil
oozed up between the casing and the hole,
was diverted into another oil bearing
atrltum at about 500 feet , and made
tts , way through cracks in. the earth
to emerge through the ocean floor.
Funeral services are pending at Bilby
and Belyea Mortuary in Southgate. Facilities at city hall and the County DAIL y PILOT lltlf ,.
Registrar'1 office in Santa Ana Me
Nixon Approves
Big Four Talks
WASIUNGTON (UPl) -President
Ni.on, after weekend dlSCUSBlons with
his top advt~, has decided to accept
in principle a French proposal for "Big
Four" talks on the Middle East crisis.
The State Department has been in-
structed to send a note on the declalon
to Paris within the nett few days. •
The President a1'o I• understood to
be preparing a very cordial letter to
EgjopUan President Gama! Abdel Nauer
whJch will leave the way open for
resumption of diplomatic relaUons if the
EgypUan leader requests It. The letter
to Naster, in reply to a friendly letter
of CGngratulations to Nixon upon his
inauguration, is expected. to go out this
Seal Beach Gets
Sunset Request
A peUUon requesting annuaUon for
a porUon of SUnset Beach will be con-
sidered by the Sell Beach City COwtcU
Thtre are 23 signatures on the petition
requesting Seal Beach to tnlUate an-
nexaUon p~ngg in Sumet Beach. now c:ounly tmitory.
Tllt·council will also consider Ila policy
concerning the Orange County Hirbor
Dlatlict and bear a resoluUon troin the
City of Newport Beach .. the aame
Tht counclt meet atartJ at a p.m. •
available for registration throughout the SIGNING UP HUNTINGTON JIEACH VOTERS
year. Mrs. Julian Junfbluth_ (left), Mrs. Raymond Hastey
•• .,:, '•." ·,. , I , ,,.•' ' --,.,.,\,,
e rings sized and repaired e diamondi and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung
.~ r·
C~A llllA !14W4ll
• •
' !1
• • • gaua ·.-~t!li
--. ~ . VOL:t,62, NO. 29, 3 .SECTl0NS, 30 PAGES . •' -~· >-1 -' --. . ·' ..•
O~E-COUNJY, CAUFOOO ·; -... -.... \
~ .... . . . ~ .. .. -..i ••
Lagrin~1: ,Opp~s ·
... ... . .
• . ' n;· JAciJt cfwoPELL
oi •·Dtli ...... ,..,, "' .. ---~ .. .... • In Ille wake ,ol <Ille .Slll\ta .Barbara .U disaster, Laguna Beach COUDcllmen
Niednesday will propose a resolution to
.the 14:islature. eKJ)l'essing opposition fu
41ny Offabore oil exploration in state
Udellndl IOUlb of .Ille Santa Ana Rlyer.
S(>Oll!Ored -by CoUncllmen Roy Hohn
Ind Vice-mayor Joseph .O'Sullivan, the
lelolutlon: would state the city's op-
Pos!Uon to even the search for oll in
offshore waters.
"In ti, firs\ place, I d'\l't think we
Wan\ ol1:drllllng ptaUOl1/" orl l""° cout
I'm gmerally oppooed·· to·.-Ibo ...
PioraUon bec11110 U Ibey find oil; Ulen
they're going to want 1o Rt it out1"
O'Sullivan &aid.
O'SUmvan slid' be · and il9Jm liid
dlscusied lbe propooed mtasar< about
a month ago. :
1 "As a coastal community, this is
certainJy aomethlng we'N! interested in.
The ~ta B~bari pdnJ prtelpitaled -----t
Nixon to Visit-
Western E4rO.p~
Nixon ts making tentative p1am for a
':working trip" 14 Western Europe, pro-
bably within 80 day11, the White House
uld 14day.
, Specalatton about 1uch a trip hu
·fiirculated for several days. Thill was
lbe first time Ille White H°""' had illlcuaaed Ille forthcoming journey in
any detail ·
NID>0'11 press secretary, R' n a 1 d
l:legler, aald exploratory and preparatory
4bcu.ssions with some E u r o p e a n
pvemments began. during Ille ·past
wetktnd on such matters as stbedulinJ,
; .
itinerary and. poaatble dilea. '
It a1reedy wU tnori that Nixon wu
conteuiplatlng an early trip , 14 Ille
Weitem E\lropeM,capltab or Its Norlb
Amorlcan l'rtaty. OrgBDizatioo (NATO)
alliea lo ibow lhlt be regarda Ille aJllan<c
uz:~ ~nt Is boptlul
lbat Ille lrlP. can be arr1111ed.:'
Lag1~na Voters
Told .School Bond
Wbllt alruabig lbat no final declsiom
bad tiOen made, be uld lbe White House
was hopeful lbeae declsiona could be
arrived at to enter that the chief ei;.
ecutive'1 first fottign trip could be com-
pleted b1 Ille start or Ille NATO COllllcil
of f<ftf&n. mini..,. ineed:nc I D . Wiiblngton on April JO.
· Asked wbetber" Ibis Drat venture In
Deadline Feb. 20
• Tiie deadline is Feb. JO kr reaidenis
of Ille !-aguna Beach Unified School
District 14 register to vote in Ille April
15 School Election. ·
Registration . becomes necessary if a
re!ident did not vote in the November
general e1eclion or if a change of residen-
ce has occurred.
To be eligible, the prospective
registrant must have lived in the state
f_or at least a year, in the county for
to days, and in the precinct for 54
days prior to the election date.
Registration inay be made at the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce
and Laguna Federal Savlnp and Loan
Monday through Friday during working
-Speclal registrations have been &r·
ranged on the following dates : February
g and IS (Tburadaya), Slfeway Mariel,
Boat Canyon, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; February
T and 14 (Fridays), Acord's Market,
llaguna Beach. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and
Jl'<bruMy & and 15 (Saturdays), at City
Library, Laguna Beach, 11 a.m. to 2
p.m., and at Von's Market, Capistrano
Beach, from 11 a.m. to 4 ]>.m.
' ••
Coast Highway
5-car Accident ..
lnjures CdM Girl
1A fi ve-car tangle on Laguna's Coast ,
Highway injured a Corona del Mar girl
1n one of two Sunday injury accldent.s. ~ane E. Bradley, 17, " 1&2?' Way
Lane was taken to ~ujh Coast Com
nlmlty Hospital for emtr(ency treat•
n*nt poike said. She was not admltt~. P~ Sgt. Dave Brown nld Ille ac-
cident occurred near Cleo Street when
Mianuel Chagollan, 33, WhltUer, was
'6rable 14 al4p bis car.
penooal dip by Nlzon u cbtef' 'xecuttn. ' .. Working" or "lood
wlll"·"'t«P. '.re~ "any
trl taien . lhi . -be ~ ' I , a worldnc_Falt.• ~ ... :-... •;
Nb:on will have an opportunity to
lerence Tl>uradaY al UL PST.
Tiie trIP· 111o m.r be a .matter or
COQ.SideratlOll at· 1 ~ .mornin&
·meetllJi of Ille NaUonal Seclirlty ec.mcll.
The White Houle pve DO specifics
of Ille NlxoO trli> ti1Jt qlller """"'
indicated tentative pllu;can for stops
In Paris, Rome, ~ and Bonn. There apparently' 'ii 00 intention for
N-14 visit Ille Soviet Unloo . during
the · trip, or to "meet ellewbere with
Russian leaders. ·
Thief Gets $280
In 'Cool Cash'
From J{~taurant
About $2aJ in cool cub was taken
from a refrigerator ~ Laguna's Outrig-
ger restanrant, IM5 S. Cout !llihway,
early Saturday morning.
Police Sgl Dave Brown said the
burglar pried open -a locked refrigerator
where bar receipts bad betn placed.
There was no sign of forced entry into
the building, be said. .
In another burglary report, Peggy
Taylor, real estate .lieut. apparently
frightened I Wrilar a•ay ffom a 1'Ut
bedroolll. as she rebimed home Friday
Brown said she heard ool.se and then
Ille IOUnd ol running feel across. a patio
as she went to Investigate. The thief
had taken $40 from a clre!str drawer. --1"" men reported lbe.tbefl of several
peraooal ltema from Ille apartment Ibey
share at J llj Glenneyre St. ·
'l1le victima, JOiin Burton and CUntoo
Trow uld . atolen It.ma Included a
portable typewriter, a . tape recorder,
an-~-. a jewel .bu, a record
player, cruclflxea and ,.lllioua meclila.
R. D.Mau, -or-i
Inn, 116 ..S, . Cout llllbwOJ, • rejlOr1ed
the UJeft Saturd17 of 1' fJS decorative
lbe ort 1e.t. . •
"l bate 14 be In Ille pos!Uon ol aaylq
'I told you to,' bUt 1.5 yun 1&0 I
-In Ille Santa .Barbara c..l1lhouae iocf• lnld my -In Uie oll '1"1~
that there •WU DO auch UdnJ U I
fool-eroof way of baadltng
bydrocaibons,"·lll<I Harry Cr!in11eJo. I
loog-lim<i Lquna · 1oe "'--.oil production: •
G~y. I !!l'YUr Veteran of, oU
compan7 .... Doled be WU I KiPle
mover In llie -~ Act of
. . '
Saddleb~k Rejicteil ·
In .FeJ·L>r . Ul Re . i1o&i :: r.
'" ' ~~~ . '\" .-,. I•. J. ~M .. i' ..•. "J ' . " .. ·-.. --, .• ""'·-1 \ ,_,_ ......... 1-"-'~ .. __
j..,.:....W..1°;"J .. fo.._;;.,.•t'-.M.r.fi_ I ,, I• ;:---.-.,.. • ~ i;t,•
Saddlehaci Collta•la~oPPll<Jlloit w ~ • ~; •· c ''-•· "
lllO,dl ~'-rat 1k1 baa -turned /. ~ IO !"". llli ~ .. , Ip. ill · • i!lleatlOD · _, made ·1111111 . l~I a ... -·. · . NavemI>er .-. -tri"mOn!ha m
Tru.tees,are to be 141d at Ille board the interhn -pa;. -opened and
meeUni tooifbl Ibey acted too tate to Ille b¢ld1nP fiil to -· ·
be.elJilbla r.. Ille fedor~ funds. They • Thp vote tbee"'aa IQ'!'" hl_9 with
also .,. 14 be ·iJven throe other "''°"'. trlllteeS MlcllMI c.Dim and Bails Vopl
for the d~~~ which ~lcate the ju~l~ · a~~~=~ ~y bi
college district wouldn t have been elig1-displ,ued to leirn of the lateneu. of
bJ;.;"''tf<d H. Bremer 11 to r<port lbe1 a,p.plloaU.O, LoWo Zll!1ll<, INI ·f>!I
to Uie· board on a' letter he received aaked . U district ~lnlalrilotl ...,.. t
lrom Kellh SeJon of C a II f or n I a ' s ~~::! \': : :::::=;'~
Coonllnating Council for Higher Educa-board at Ille laat minute
lion which allocates federal aid to educa· TWo earU. fQr'1 aid ~adu~ lllp-
tioo In Ille state. • peel b when trust.ea w.:O lnld dJatrtcl
. The le4er cl~ foor r~aaons why lhe omCJ.J.: wtte· not ' ldequatedlf ptepared district is ineligible for the federal aid, 10 flte 1~ the mooq • sought to. defray lease cost of interim · ·
campi1 l>ullding$:
-Tbe dlatrlct entered into the contract
on the buildings belore mak.lhg the
federal aid application.
-The buildings are located on a foreign
lite 14 "wlilcb the dlstrlct -not hold uue (the interim campus li:icatlon is
teased from Ille Mission Vlwo Company).
-.It II doubted Ille buildings will be
UJeful for ZO years, the mlriimum perlO<I
of federal interest
-It ls doubted the buildings are
"ur.pnUy needed" ror "sUbstantial ex-
Part of Laguna
Blacked Out
PortlClinl ol Laguna Beach were blacked
out · J1111 ,befpre noon 14day when an
Edllon Company Clble failed at Park
Avmul net.r Glenneyre cutting currt.nt
14 trallle algnall, ~ ball and Ille pollce -· . ' ' ~near the scene by the central
pool olllce nporlec! two · l!llphurous
llaabet and loud repoitl at about 11 :31.
Edllon Company omctals aald lbat
moat or Ille power was """"eel ..,
alla'lllte clrcuitl juat liter the blackout.
11o4\'tver, police department and trlflic
111Qriill 'were itlll lacking power at noen 14day •.
Laguna Poli~
Arrest Anti-bus
M~n on Prugs .
A spokesman ln the Negro effort to
keep . large buses · off Laguna'.I. Ocun
Avenue was 'arrest.eCI by police Sihirda:y
night on iw:plclon r1 n1 a r _I ,J _u a n a
posaession. _
R.k:bard Nub Jr., 51, who_~ h1J
address ·U 1!37 Cmit.ol Drift, lapna
Beach, WIS freed On -bla 0 w n
recognizance pending arraignment in
municipal court Feb. I. ·
Police Sgt. Dave Brown said Naab
was arrealed by Office< Neil Purcell
in Ille IOO bloei' or Tbalta SL
Ponce uld Ille dJatrlcl attorney'• ol!lce
today tuued comptalotl qainat llub
alleginc both mirtjuna poooealon and
driving while Under Ille lnl1uence ol
a liquor or drup. •
NuL WU ~ 4be' more milit.Mt
Negro IPPketmen who warned coun-.
cilmen !let: II •&alnot furtber drtvlq
ol Gre)'b<uid -aa OCtaD ·-;·
His auto struck the rear ol another
r.Dflhbound autO c1r1 ... by William P.
Cllnolly, I&, llooterey Park. Chagollan
veered Into the ~(hbound lane striking
~· Bradley'• ar·and cars driven by Evelyn G. Scbonak, 62, or 1212 Rutland :ROad, Newport Beach, and Jean E.
Kroeger, f4, Brea.
Ca~ ·cameramen ArHHwd
Jn the other. accident, also on South oaut lll&hWay, Michael D. Frnley, JI,
•• ,Camp Peridleton Marine, IUU'eftd
f.mal taceratlool IDd Wu taken to the
holpltal !or e-olcl._> ~Police saJd Ff:a~'1• IOUthbouod car
cORkltd near · Mou. Street -.rith a south·
be u n d car drtftD b~ ltlthleen Jean
!'rater, 21, cifSiS41 Bened.a Ave., Lagilna
NEW YOR!t (AP) -SlltdlYl llrength
ht ateela and olber .blue chips reocued
t1Jie' llock market ateil.ge from a decline
and Ille mariet closed mixed today. ~ was lcllve. (See quotatlona, ,
P ... 11-D). ,-
.. Smile
-' --· -... , -·
'~ ;, • -I ' r .
' . ·---
;:'. . ·.,,.,If ... ~ ' ' . . •
. -
, '. ' . . . -· . . . . .
Off -F-rom ShC>re
•• .. ·"
~· ... '
-" \.
IMchos Not Flt for Min, Busl
Newport Seeking Help
In Cle1,1ning Up Beach . "
Newport Beach city cound.lmen will of 6lher junk. I even saw a · melal
meet in an emergency sessJon ton!aht table sticking up out of the sand."
to conalder new remedies for a musfve The barricade of Oolwn. ~.
beach cleanup headache. in various sized pile!, along 2~ ·miles
TDlll ol ll<lnn•wned debris ·lining of beach, from the mouth of the. Slnta
the beacblronl In :west Neirporl are Ana River almoat In Newport Pier.
pmlng too much I'!' dly crew.a. • JI wu Coughed up by flood •aters
"II'• beyond our. capahlllU" to clean r~ ·down the river alld lnta lhe
It up In time," l&ld City Mlnqer llJrvey aea. Almost all ol It floated l!OOth:
L. Huribw'l : very litUe wound up on the Huntington
Coimd-, be ,aid. will be ulled Beach side of the rjver Jelly.
ta_.,, cootrlCllng the job \o.l/<JYY "ll dly.crews liad.lo cl..._ It all uP,"
._I operai. "Wa're . lllllli>I In lllld Hurlburt, "ll ll!JU]d ~ "'"'bout
the nelgliborbood of about 15,Gl)li.'~i!'-" two mttJllll Wllh tho ~'"'"° JI would be aw119ed OD an~:.: gll. I ·especi~a ·captractat; l1lllld Jlo
basis. There ii oo time for ,adverllalng thejoblnltdaYlof lea."
for bldl, Hurlburt~· · ,• •City """en:Uva beOn liauJin& away
"U we don't get that stull out of about 1o"tructload1 or debris dally sfnce
flt.re soon. it will .tint under the aand Jut week. But the efforts haven't made
and wrect eur beach; ·deaning equipment much o( a dent because "u 10011 u
u well u be dangerous to bathers,'' we '""cJU:rit·'a.,,.Y,-mon of It Ulhes
be Ilic!. :· UP,~ ll8ld liuru.a1.ooUng llill tl>e 9P'11-
"'1bere ""' w!ior+ lop In there, a10lll Inc ol .J'l'ado dam nooc1 Plei upatieam with all the -boo lbooll; and • lot balll'I helped the siluallon. · · ~ r •' ' "
* * * * * * Month Needed to Clear
P Newport Slwre Pollution ..
The shoreline along West Newport and
Huntington Beach Stale Park moy not
be polluted through Easter Week, after
Riverside City Manager John Wenll
&aid today emeraency contracta to
replace that city's wrecked .ewer Dn"8.
have been awarded. "I can speak with
aome usurance that the work will now
take 1us than a month," he a:ald.
Friday, ·1t had been estimated the
job would take up to three montba.
Until the work la completed, raw.
1eW11e from Riverside wJJI conUnue to
be -ped iota the Santa Alla River
at the nte of mllllone ol. gallona daily.
e•ANGl CQ,liST PUall~ING COMl'Attl'
aobert H. w,,,
Prt11ftnl •"41 ~l""r
Ji~• It C•rl•y
V.c.t f'rt1iee1\I -G~, .. Ml~ft"I'
Th'"''' x .... a '"''°' The11111 A. M11r,.~int
Mtftffint ••nor
l lc:ti•r4 '· HtH P1wl Ni11111 ~ 9ffdl• ........ t .. llttl
(lty •""' O!rtttw
i.,... '-llOfRc.
J2Z ft•••f Av•.
M1m.t Mir'"' P.O. 101 ''4. •2&12
' °"'"' °'""' ~ Mirlo6l Uf WHI llY Slrfl'Jf
.. ....., liMdl: m1 "'"' ,,.._. &eultMrc ,._INIM hftl,: :JDt >t1'I Sltnt
1l is now emptying into the ocean
at tbe mouth of the river on the Newport-
HunlingloD Beach boundary, forcing a
quaranUne of the-beachfront from the
Newport Pier north to the northerly
end of Hmrtlngtoll'• ltate belch.
Newport . City ,Manager Harvey L.
lfui'lbui1 aald lowerlng the Prado D•m
will prohibit l!fllni ol the swimming
and surfing baii for at least two weeks.
11We expect a heavy runoff down the
river for, that period," he said.
The Chnge C~ty Health Depart..
ment, meanwhile, "111 be 1'klnl daily
samplu to detenhtri'e the degree of po11u4
tion. Weekend tests iDdicated a heavy
presence of sewage bacteria.
Hurlburt said once the water from
the dam -at the Orange County.
Riverside County border -stops pouring
into the river, it may be possible to
end the beach!ront quarantine. "The
river's normal •ater now, ""he uplllned,
'inlgbt not be sufficient to Carr)' the
sewage to the sea."
In any case, he empbuized, "tb.1.1
city will be exerting as m1,1ch preuure
U poealbJe to reopen the beach U IOOD
u posalble."
Generatwn Gap
Fight Caused
By Errant Dog
It wa one of those Laguna Beach
evenlngs Supday. Police said 1 87-year·
old man wttb ·a atick wq chasing a ..,........, ........
The lncldenl ,on SOuth Coaat Highway
al OctoO AnlllO apporenlty ltammed
from a doe light on the beach about
\we meotbl '''" aald police. omc.n lllol U. mao'• doe had a1>
·pmnll)> bested the woman'• dog In
a !lgbl and m feellq had dev<ioped
between the owners. They wue warned
bul not lleld.
Earlier SundaJ police had reoponded
to a report of nude ''hlpi:let ''
pilotDCnPhinl each other on the beoch liolow Rookladge lloocl Police aald they
,.... sooe wh•n olfk<n an1vlfl. The
SU of.tht nature lovert WU ftOI: dllc1oled
by the r.porL
. . ys ... ,,
(Jnly._.Frurt~·ot N~_t25-0,ooo Rhiseil-.for~Laguoo: Projeet
I, • ". llr.,· roM ~ " ' niid;:;;. )ill ean1 acc:ommodata M;. ta.use the beacll f1<lllty unlll lh• new Bui financlnl·llle project bu ,.....1nec1 ,., °'"' '"' "• mort t;oy~. We ~·1 hlff ·-dU· · th •-·-.......,,, ol -involved Memberl o1 Laguna Beach's Boya' flcully~:fw!CO'.ti,..,. · · one 18 completed. ~,f'j;r~""i;;;HviduaL. have p1eciied ; Club_~v• • &ood track roc:ord, boll wlthlhl,.....facllllJ,''~-fflil,,~ With onlj> 141,000 lo' work with"coo-the'tradJtlollal !3110, ta be pll'ed ovtt
now they're lac~ their blgest hurdle Amons u-who ~-tl!i! c ub muclion<will be done In three pllilea, three y<an" Ectlea l&ld. "Bui we are
-~ 1210,000 barT1er belweeo them ii\(! are ~ ~lluth, LlllUllt Beol!ll~gb the linl belns the games room and In need of 'people O> come forward aa ·
1. new .club"llouse. • ,. , School'"Vlledictorlan ol 19; Mike Tot&eu. library. workers for the fund drive." ~ i J: :i"illf' ~ 1511,00!'~ ':, netded a former Lguna -~~ "We'll JM In the concrete slab for Besides acqJ!iring the $2!0,000 for lhe -o.;· ... ~~~~~o1 ,,:'! -~ Boyo' a fn11Hil111 •I illrlllrd'U JdiD · all three pbaaea u well .. ..Wk .on~ bulldlni. IUM, the lloY•' Club mus111so r-,_.,..-~\""' ~.·-ctftta' PUii,'-deffN!Vt~ lltll• phueooe,~t-." Eccles said. .. llnanoe'a !30,tloo •J>"l'llni budg,. for
al lhe corair Of Bioadway liid Wa¢1pl 1a1o. BJ1ll ol u, · · . Aller •.,._ lJ!!rary and games · room . the m Iii the ~ flcllity. '.'"":! · ~~ ~ll ~-~· -~· . Lef.11,te, and C1artnce and Dhib OUM', ls completed bd mdre money ls ac-It wJi beeveo.more·in lhe new building, ' e Di.o.i-~ co,.., .. wchon anyway and top..nOtch high acbool athletei: • . ~ work will begin on the adjoining Eccles observed. ·
continue unlit present funds run out," '!be city has' purchuM~·tSe jireimt rooms and hallways (phase ·two) and Each year the local club spends NO
aald Al~ri Eccles, new president of clu~. on ,the ~tdi.·...-1'!' the gymnuium (phue. tjlree). per boy. nie club Is open ta all boys thn!'yslu~lub booro. $50,00ll. Of lhal !30,000. ll«ld • oll lhe Bernard Syfan, C011irlctor for ll>e job, between the ages of eight and 11. Du"
f the •'·--":"°'he8'.".':'! 40 percent rnarliale. An addllkml,.Ol.000 bu-been lw l'fJC<lvllj donnalionl In matoriil and are l!.50 a year, bul they aren'l ,equired 1 0 "aur"'::."::., l!:.. :;::" gathered lbroolh fund_difta. . , labor wblch will help doiray 'coots;Ectles from U-.boys wbo cu't aUord 11, 1
.. -_,.• ,....b ls ao cram· '11111 city will al!O'llj 'Ille Boya' Club said. Eccles l&ld
Six Arrested
In Vice Raid
Ask Dismissal
Six ol HVtn per10111 .......t of
operatlnj a counlywlde vice rlnl irtll
appear In Superior Court Feb. 11 and
roqiiest dilmlssal ol cllaria flied apinll
Judge ·Robert Ginmer will bear the
motions for dflmlauJ of allqatiom that
ware flrlt lramed by the Orange County
G'and Jory. Thal lndictn~t..followed
a lhrOHnonlh lnvoallplloa by poUce
and aheril!'I depatfelf In seven camly
. commmdllea, ftt!ncllngNewp>rt lleacb.
Returning ta court Feb. U will be:
Renee Yvoone Kelly, ti, ol 1'Uilert<rl:
Marlene Sue Goodin, II, ol Los Angela:
J..... De Alba Pla"'1111, 12, of
Anaheim: !Jourllaa C. Komwolf, 18, and
Donel F. Groman, II; ol Gardoii Grove
and Felix B. 'Digman, 31, ·o1 <>ranee.
• It ii expected lhll I llimllat motion
will be filed by Larry Brldge1, II, of
Garden Grove. '
The fln:t 1lx defendants were anested
last Jan. 10 at an Anahelm home that
was described by investigators u the
headquarters of a couo.tywtde ring that.
furnished, at ll price, i*Ollilulel, gaming
facWUes and " obseeiie 'ID0'9'it.1i' and
llterature. 7"
Bridges was arrested at a-Jf(er date.
All seven de!endantis are (ree on $1,000
bail each.
Invest.igat.ari ~the operation was
known bf .. lta , ortes and patron1 u ••.tntertaJmne -Unlimitea" and
"Oranie Coltntj Bus essmen's Club";-
It Is regiltered ljl)de' ilJ latttr liti•
with the Oraii(e County Cliambe' oi
Commerce. ,
Truck Ove11ilrns,
Burns; Police
Close Freeway
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A section
of the Santa Ana Freeway was closed
during the rush hour today after a
meat 11torage truck overturned· and
caught fire near the Mission Road off·
A police motorcycle officer ~as injured
when he stopped to invel!llgate the ac-.
cldent and wa.a struck by another truck,
which went out of C1lntrol and also
Sgt. Georae Serenbetz, 48, was \brown
about 30 feet agal.nSt a concrete abut·
ment. He was taken to Central Receiving
Hospital for treatment of a possible
Six units of city firemen contained
the flames. Police s a l d the drivers,
whose names were nol disclosed, were
From Wire Services
PARIS -South Vietnamese Vice '
President Nguyen Cao Ky said today
he was r e a d y to make "more con-
cessions" to assure success of the Paris
Vietnam ·war talks. He urged North
.Vietnam to join him in secret meeUnl):s. -
in a wide-ranging diacussion with
new.smen Ky said the private talks he
was suggesting would deal only with·
military matters. He ruled out any secret
political talks.
"We . already have made many con-
cessions to get the talks started," ha
, said. "I am ready to make more con-
cessions in any field if they are sure
to help us reach some results."
Ignoring North Vietnam's refmal to
engage with him in back-stage talks,
the Damboyant sOulh Vietnamese leader
again called on his adversaries to meet
In secrecy.
"I am waiting for the other side to
decide to meet me," he said, "I myself
am here, in Paris ready to meet any
people who want to see me."
Ky spoke to newsmen after an hour·
long strategy meeting with American
chief negotiator Henry Cabot LOOge in
preparation for Thursday'! th i r d
negotiating session with North Vietnam
and the Viet Cong.
I..OOge said the meeting was part o[
regular consultations designed t o
coordinate allied positions and "clear
up complications."
America's Cup Challenger.
Lag~na Blli:1di.J.1g
PermitS Tol<l'
Building permitl in Laguna Beech· last
month reac~ ...... vaJuaUOn of · ov't'r
$1,115,000 tor •41 permi~. according lo
city building dfpartn)ent figures releast~
Meantime, th~ Viet Cong's chle!
dele1ate to lhe P"aris peace talks said
today the guerrillas would not stop
fighting in South Vietnam until the Salaon
government and the United States agree
lo their five-poiat program for a aet--
Ready t9 Fight Catamaran today. '
The valuation is treble a year ago
when building lh J"anUary accounted ror
$305,000 on 26 j>ennits.
Clemente Teacher
DAILY PILOT ....... ....,
The world will soon know whether
a fast ocean-going catamaran aallboat
is faster than a 12-meter yacht -the
klnd that defends the America's Cup.
Tetevt~oo "'™"lilly Buddy Eboen of
the Balboa Yacht Club saw to that
Saturday when he challenged Pat
Dougan, commodore of the Bahia
Corinthian Yacht Club and owner of
Columbia, to a three-race match series
In Newport waters March 14-15-lG'again-
al Polynesian Coocepl
Tht formal challenge was issued at
Ebsen'• Balboa llland home complete
with TV producUon and coverage by
the landlubber and boatJnc ptess.
Dougan graciously accepted th e
challenge and the two skippers dutifully
growled at each other for the cameras.
1be three-race series ·will be sailed
o v er -a triangular-windward-leeward
course In winds of 10 to 20 knots -
if the weatherman ls in a yachting
Ebsen and Dougan Agl'eed lhal the
35-foot c a t m a r a n Polnesian Con·
Tustin Urges
U.S. Action on
Narco Traffic
The city of Tustin today Joined several
other Southern California cities, includ-
ing Newport Beach, in urging Congres-
sional heaMngs on the narcotics traffic
fnlm Mexico. ;
l41¥0< 4. J. Coco said Ille Tustin
coimcU adred lllllnlmously on the """"
• 'l\Jatln councllmen did not l(l0Clfical!1
requtst that closing of the border to
ml.non be considered at the btarlngs.
as has been suggested by other dlles.
The 'I\llUn ruoluUon dld note, bowe:wr 1 that "tbert Ls evklence to indicate that
the bonl<t ahould be closed ta unchap-
eroned minors ...
The ruolutlon, Mayor Coco Hid, iioo
asked Conlrr..ss "to comlder the eatab-lllhment tl such border controls to co-
operaUon with Mexican authorlUea as
W<llid 1S11st In the eliminalion d. lblo
IOUrte o( the problem."
Two week.I ago, Sen. George Murt>llY
(R-CalU.) fold Newport autborltla that
he has asked the Jllltlce Department to
look Into the matter.
cepl mi&hl beal tho 711-foot Columbia
in winds above 20 knots and that the
Columbia would be favored in extremely
Dghl airs.
Ebaen pins his hopes on the contention
that the "cat" can out-reach and out-run
the close-winded ll-meter in a .triangular
Dougan believes he can lake the
Columbia to wealher so far ahead of
Polynesian Concept that the cat will
never catch up.
In any event, it will be lhe first
match race in history with two such
disalmllar yachts.
· Ebsen announced that a perpetual
trophy for the race is being donated
by international sporllm.an Jim KJ.m.
berly, yachtsman , auto race drive.r and
sport fishennan.
'This year 11 new single family dwellina
units have a perm.it valuation of $386,92.i.
Permltl o~r than dwelllpg wiits,
C1lmmercia1, fences and swimming pools
ran $693, t~. Alterations and additions
were us,m.
Three permits were issued by -the
city for the demolition of buildings.
Peaceniks Mobilize
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Clergy and
laymen from all parts of the country
and all major faiths gathered here today
for a three day "mobillUIUon" in protest
e.11ainst the Vlelnam war. The meeUng
was sponsored by a three-year old
organizaUOll called "Clergy ind Laymen
COncerned About .Vietnam." ·
Philip Grignon, science chairman for
the Capistrano Unified School DJJtrict
and teacher-department chairman at San
Clemente Hlgh School hall been chosen
as one of five nominees for the atat.e
Biology Teache.r of the Year Award. -
A selection pane l from the Biology
Teachers Association of California will
be visiting one of Grignon 'a classes
some.tlme in February prior to choosing
the llnalisl.
Grignon joined the San Clemente Jllgh
School staff last year and l'nstituted
the school 's extensive oceanology pro-
gram. He has also been a prime mover
in the proposed Marine Science Center
a rriulti·mlllion dollar ed~cational facUHf
sought fOl' Dana Point. ·
I •• . ' • • '.. ~ • • ' • • • • • • '' ' ' ' ' ' • • \ • ~ • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. I ' • • ' .
e rings sized and repaired e diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls ~estrung -
HAUOl SllOl'PINe . ellltll
C:OS'IA 'lllllA Mll-'411 °'"" -. ""'""· 111. '111 ' ,... ' .
llACH & IDlffll
• , . . . . . ' ~ , . .. I ..... f ·,",io•·',• , ••• ,,
} I
PS.lot's Caritital . • -•
• • •
Winners Listed·-
A 71.,.,....iof nl\J'od Montana wbeat
farmer who llld be tioqhl hll lint
Ford in 11;1 today 0"1'1 two ~·
of stock. In th!· Ford, M-Compallll
u one ol the bf& wtnnen In tbe DAILY
PILC1l' ·Pldllc 'Telepi>OllO CO. Oom-
mantCanUvaL -•
Elmtl' Jara ....... 71, WU the only
major winner in the three-day event
on band when winners were Wecled
at I p.m. Saturday in the Carousel
Co<irt 11, Soljth Coast plfu.
Brothers Set
For County
Court Return
OI tN i>.ilr 1"1111 Staff
George and Larry stlner, held by Los
Angeles police for the slaying of two
members of the militant Black Panther
organlza.Uon. must retwTI to Orange
County Feb. 10 to face charges stemming
from a shooting incident at a Santa
Ana ~r.
District attorney's investigators in
Orange and Loi Angeles counties Ocided
on the action last week in what at
first appeared to be a surpriae develop-
ment in the lffirShalling of evidence
against the 'two nttmbera o( "US"; a
naUonali5ti.c Negro organization.
Murder complaints have been filed
against the Stiners in Los Angeles. They
are accused of tbe slaying of two men
on the UCLA campus Jan. 111 during
a bitter dispute abool who should be
named director of an Afro-American
studies center on the Westwood campus.
Both men were free on $31,250 baJI,
set in Superior Court here last Nov.
21. They are accused of attempted
murder, anned robbery and assault with
a deadly weapon, all stemming from
the holdup of the Halladay IM last
lotarch l.
The Stiiiers ~face tidnaping charges
In connection with a car theft in Santa
Ana during the same month.
Deputy District Attorney Ed Freeman
described the decision to bring the
Stiners to Santa Ana as "not as
surprising as it looks. There is· a method
in our. apparent madness," he said.
''We are going to try them with no
holds barred," the determined Freeman
added. "J have told my• man (Deputy
District Attorney Ted Millard) pro-
:secutlni our case against the Stiners to
get the trial under way as planned."
Freeman would not comment on the
obvious inference that conviction of the
SUners in Orange County would establish
a solid case against them when the
UCLA murder trial gets under way.
But Deputy District Attorney Carl
Rerninger of Los Angel~ wasn't as rtti-
cenl ''Why else do you think we'd let
them make the trip down your way?,"
he asked. "We think there will be a
guilty verdict down there and, if there
is, we certainly intend to play that
fact in the trial at our end."
Wib1esses ldenUfied the SUner brothers
as two of the three masked gunmtn
Who burst into the barroom of the Halla-
day Inn almost a year ago and took
nearly $4,000 from the cash register.
Shot in the skirmish was Charles
lJasjgano, 24, Santa Ana, wbo was Aid
by fellow patrons to have called out
"Hey, Ge<>rge, what the heck are you
4oing ••. " shortly before one of the
trio wheeled and pul a bullet i.D his
Be ulcl his win (worth . •ooiit 1103)
wu "areat" ml Uwl "drl•ini For<ls
all th... yean finally paid off."
Jorgtnaon and hla wife ere speodlnC
the· winter in..-Newport Beach at 1807
The &harts of stock l\l Ford wer.
CODtrlbu~' lo O>mmun!Carnlvat bJ the
A lroitI " Dli1sf .. ,, P""--F•..1 eJ'l>Jl•. -c 'l" ... . ...... "'"
Corp., budquarlmd In Nl!WPO<l Btacb.
CTuttenden I< to., Inc., Newport Beach
st.ockbro)ers, selectea and ·fumlsbed 10
shares of stock bl' the Bridgford Foods
t'.orp. (worlh ·about $100) as another
top prize of the "carnival of com-
Winner of the Bridgford stock was
litrs. J.A. Gange, 2048 Swan Drive, Costa
lifeaa. '
Asa1sUng in selection of winners was
Paul Cornelius, general manager of TV
WEEK magazine. l;lis magazine, which
is distributed each Saturday '8 part
of the DAU.Y PILOT., arrangN·wprivate
tour of 20th Century Fox Studio as
one of the major prizes of Com·
Willner of the I.Our was Amelia Drum·
mond, Z167 Pacil'ic Ave., CoSta. Mesa.
A lu1l page in the DAILY PILC1l'
t'l be filled any way the winner wants
to fill it was won by Bill Harlan, a
student at Southern California College.
He bad not yet declded today just bow
he would UM hl1 page in the paper.
Twelve other wi'lflers also \vere
selected, each to receive a classified
ad. These winnen: included:
Ann Schoenbtig, 4M N. Carson Ave .•
Los Angeles; Mrs. R. B. Carsley, 2026
Baltra Place, Costa Mesa; Vera Greer,
3957 Warner Ave., HunUngton Beach;
Harold W. Newbern, 2959 Mendoza Drh•e,
Costa Mesa; L. Barrad, 2044A Via
Mariposa, Laguna Hills; ·
Mrs. W.W. Lane Jr., 2872 Stromboli RoAd, Costa Mesa ; Marilyn Vassos, 4114
Seton Road, Irvine; Maxine Pfeifer, 364
Seville Lane, Costa ,Mesa; Mrs. Jennie
Moreno, 217 S. Daisy St., Santa Ana;
Florence Babsky, 11301 Euclid Ave ..
Garden Grovt'; Paul Gage, 2 7 7
Brentwood, Costa Mesa, and Phyllis
Baker, 9391 Cellini Ave., Garden Grove.
More than 9,000 persons visited Com-
muniCarnival during the 21 hours it
was in operaUon Thursday, Friday and
Saturday at South Coast Plaza. They
were greeted al the DAILY l'ILOT ex-
hibit by Orange Coast College stewardess
students, acting as official hostesses for
Lhe newspaper.
Pacific Telephone Co. representatives
gave away a free long distance call
every 30 minutes during the show. The
calls ranged from "short" Jong distan~
call& to cantomia cities to' bUs placed
by winners all the way to New England,
the Eastern Seaboard and many cities
in the Midwest. ·
Four major prizes for the big show
were furnished by Family Weekly, the
national colorgravure magazine recently
added to the DAILY PILOT package
of Saturday features.
Winnen of the four Family Weekly
prius were:
-15-volume Universal Wor]d Reference
Encyclopedia (worth I~), Herbert A.
Gold, 1963 San Bruno, Newport Beach.
-%-volume New Webster Dictionary
of the English Languoge (125 value),
Janice Holmer, sol Signal Road, Newport
-2-voliune History of Mankind ($20
value), Roberl G. Grllfith, 13952 Laurel
St., Santa Ana.
-Universal Standard Atlas of the
WorJd ($15 value), Lauem Ann
-ppa, ZllOJ E. Wilson Ave.,
AD eight of the top winners each
received u bonUJ gifts a JG-line classified
"want ad" from the DAILY PILOT
valued at $24.30.
Hayakawa Tells Congress
-. ---· . . .
Of Violence at SF State
Hayakawa, acUng pn:licient of San Fran-
cisco state College, told Congreu today
studtnls involved in rioting on the
school 's campus, used violence as an
essential part of their tactics.
"The colleget use of poll~ was a
response to violence·-not to the caue,"
be told I H-special subcommitte.
on educaUoo. He testUled about student
demonstraUoos · on the San Francisco
campus in recent months. Police wtre
called out-at-.-ttme:s to quell Ule
disturbances. ~
"'lbe people who · deplore the use of
police on cwnpus seemed to fqrget that
the first days of (1 itude~ strike)
saw violence in1roduced by thi students
themselves as essentlal to their plan,"
l:fayakawa said.
He said only about 300 <t thl achool'a
18,00CI students 'ftl"rhtfliwd In campua
rlo<lng and that they..,,.... helped by
a handful of f8CflltJ membtn he called
"dedicated rnolutklDarleL"
Ont obstacle In Cilmbotln( dlaorderw,
he said, wu that :·the pratdent cannot
even fire a fl'Clllty member. 'l'hll ~
has autonomt itl eseentlal mat-,
as hlrlng, r<lenlill'!> tenure and ..,,.
He said only aboot IOI ol the Son
Franc:l.!CO Slit.e's IOO &o IOO ~
allrdtotl hid been llWOIVed In the
"Generally speatina, the b I 1 c k
otudelltl .... ·~le< !i ~la. 50rJety," HiyakiWa lafd. Wbb ae1·
Uvtltl, IUch 11 the Studentl for a ) . l
Democratic Society, are fighting to
destzoy the society.
"They believe our society is so corrupt
that there is no hope except to destroy
the enUre structure and rebuild' from
the ground up. In their system there
is no more room for debate than at
• Naz.i rally in the days of Adolf Hitler." Hayakawa wu accomplanled by Dr.
Helen R. Bedtaen, director of financial
aid at the college. She said that of
549 atudenll arnsted since last fall,
only 1%2 were receiving any kind of
fed~al financial aid. Of those .122, she
told the IUbcommitue, 71 were receiving
aid from federally insured loan jJrogram1
over which the college has no control.
. or.ep ·l.e~sl~n
"' Want S. I. H11ya_kawa :
SALEN, Ort. (UPl)-Two lqlllatorr
~ ""'"" tho llllta -of llf&ber -,,..... lo -'lllfllinl S.I.
Hayabn Gf ombollled Saa FrU>cllco
stata Colllfo· ...-" -tbe Unl'forllly ol 0....., br 0...,.. Sia,.
Unlvenlly. •
Rep. Juon Boe (P.Rledsport), Hooso
mlnorlly leader, and Sen. Anthony Yl>DTI
(IL-Ootarlo), Senate .ru-IlJ luder, ol·
fered Ray1katra'1 name for consideration
lo J. W. Forrester Jr., board chalmwt.
DAflY PILOT Stiff Pllltw
Murder Hellring.Slated
Pair Face .. Court in Beach Woman's'Murtkr
An oil field worktt and a b.IJb school
dropout charged with the lbroat-sluh
m,Urder of a Hunun8t<>n ll ea c h
gr.andmolher fltt prellinl:nary bearing
Tiiesdo11y • I '
Henry L. Sianez, 25, of 312 Clay St.,
a.pd Edwacd R. Hargrave, 11, of. 17392
Matken Lane, are e1pected to be held
to wwer for the crime before Superior
Court during the 9 a.m. proceeding.
'nie Huntington Beach pair will llO
before Judgt' Walter Choramza in tbe
same West . Orange County Judicial
Di.strict courtroom where two innocent
people were formally charged in the
same Jan. 5 crime.
Sianez and Hargrave were arrested
the day after a couple brl,ny designated
fate's stand-Ins for the 1uspec:ted slayers
of Mrs. Hester S. Markee, 55, of 1503
Olivt Ave., were arraigned on murder
So far, detectives have rtleased very
litUe information about how they are
building the case against Sianez and
his teenage buddy.
A tip by a cab driver resulted in
the arrest or the two Huntington Beach
laborers and the subsequent exoneration
of a Newport Beach aerospace engineer
and his waitress girllrit'nd.
Road, Los Alamitos and booked them
despite thalr inJIJtenct that nelth<r took
the car from the waltrt.111 apartment
that fatal night.
Actually doubling guilt ol the coaple
In the 11vage slaying of the kindly,
church-going optometry olfice recep-
Boris K-at'l4ff, Screen's-:~l
' t '"'"' Frankenstein, Dies at 81
MIDHURST, Englaod (UPI) -Boris
Karlolf, Frantensttln's monster on
screen and a gentle soul in rtal We,
died of a respiratory ailment Sunday
at the age of 81.
UnW Ulriess force! him to enter ·King
Edward VII hospital in this quiet village
last' November, be waa doing what he knew~>! -performlni,_
''He died in hariless and this was.
the great thing he wanted,"' said h1I
'M'idow Evelyn. "He always aid be ~aoltd lo work uni!!. the elid and this
u what he dJd." •
in 1187, Karloff opted for 1 mn
theatrleal name when he becllDe Ill
actor and chose one tbat became a
penonlflcallon of bom>r for -~ations of movJegoen.:
Bil dealh toded I <aroer thal .-
more than a half ctnbD'J of. movie.
stage, and televl!lon ac1ing. .
Although he was bat known for. tbl
F;l:~tein role, he 11'9 1PP.tart4 la
l,400· Broadway perlomW>cet ·01
"Arsenic and Old ~"1 0'l'fie~~
Tree/' ''The ·Sh"!'' at .•iJ <¥1*':' ind
'1Peter Pan." · T · 1
Elmer Jortenson
A car belonging to Margareta Dinger,
39, of Z602 Delawart St., was found
abandoned near the murder scene, its
inttrior lhickly sme~ with Mn.
Markee 's blood.
.. •· Although ailing befpre be w a 1
hospllalh:ed, the slender, qule~1pdkon
Karloff had lurned to readings, poetry
and .. :t.eJevlsiOQ, apPearanoei'. He, had
"retired" Franketuiteip's monster.
'A' sli!oi!er lix•fQOler-with 1, w,i;i..,.;,.
Karloff away from the acretn ... a
quiet, soft-spotel\ ;iwJ wbo loved
readinf, gardeoinlJ, lid J10ell:Y•
Met Tenor Succumbs A paint transfer from the throat-slash
victim's car -in whose beadlighta: nhe
was found sprawled eight blockJ away
-was also taken from the Dinger
Alter ?!~~'!f"Fran-•·-ln tbe late 1950 1, Karloll llid: ·
NEW YORK (UPI) -Giovanni
MarUnelli, a retired Metropolitan Opera
star whose tenor was said to be the
finest since Enrico Caruso'•, 'died Sunday
of a ruptured aorta. He was 83.
auto, and vice.versa. ·
Detectives picked up Miss Dinger and
Norman R Coatney, 41, of 12511 Foster
Mrs. Karloff said ber husband caught
a chill in New York on hls way home
· from making a film . in California and
then entered the hospital.
Born William Henry Pratt of Dulwich
0 J'll never play the· monattr again
because I have ll!lltimental affecUon for
the character. I owe him IO much that
I owe him a Utile respect, a UW.
en· a: e e era
ia s e na ion's
. _,
.. •
• I as ra a· •••
eenwa s7
It's true! The more I think about it
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One war1
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w.here in town.It's Issued In~
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1 • • "
Japan Students
Storm Embassy
TOKYO (UPI) -Teo be Im et It d bannen·irom the n1lln bokoey.
Japanne ah.ldenL ndlcall climbed a wall A few houri liter, 10,000 demonstrators
and stonned Into the U.S. • Enlbuay mattbed 00 the embuly flan a park
today. 1bey lllWhed windows with wooden 1tsve1anddraped11111-Amerlcan nearby. Two thouNncl Ja-pollce
gwuded the nwtb nlUle and there w ...
I ~ ............. lt ... I
· PortlOna of Hawaii were bit by a
{ brlel hall storm, 1W1ling and con·
1 fusiDg Island residents. One per-1..,.., Robert Yagi of Kiliolu Valley
1 on tlie Island' of Oahu, said he had I never uperiencOd anything like it
. in hll IO yean in Hawall. His re-
1 actioo to the Ice? Yagi said he and
bis neighbor ate it
I •
1 student John Keys of Blackpool, ' :;;:f and• guzzled 311 pints of beer
• time to 11p11e and confidently
; bouted he bad the new world's · ! record. But, a quick check with
' the .-II boot showed he had
; failed by-_ 79 of a pmt. Keys thought
· tbe cid record was 24 ptDts in an
'.blJur 'and lloff'ed drinking in bis
1 alUilrijt with about a minute to go
1 a;ttet dawlllng 311 pints. However,
· " I he fpund that German Horst Pre-
l(ir!ws lleld Ibo record with 30. 79
pint.I In uactly one hour. •
3 Cu$.toms •
Agents Shot
By Mistake
CONCORD (UPI) -Three U. S.
cu.stoma agents were shot during a
stakeout Sunday by a veteran police
officer who said be thought they were
narcotics 111Bpecls trying to ldD lllm.
Police Chief J""FS Chamben said
Officer Alu D. McLennan, 36, opened
fire because be "believed his life was
in danger, II
Agent George Gudbtanson., 30, of
Walnut Creek was !hot in the he a d
and was in "very crittcal condition"
at Concord Community Hoepital. Agents
David wnson ••. of San Francisco and
Leon Jauaard, 29, of Pleasant Hill were
in fair condiUon.
The cuatoms men, like McLennan in
plalnclothel, appareoUy lhouih1 the of·
fleer waa a narcotics suepect. · Cb:ambera
said they had Mclennan. a 10-ytar ·
.-an ol the force In lhll eut San
Franclaco Bay area town. ueovered"
with their weapons.
Cbambe.n said both Jaw enforcement
agenclel knew the other waa taking
part In the st.keout in front of the
Concord Inn but the men involved did
not know each other by !ight.
The officers bad been watching for
Le~ FuUr d. Tucson, Ariz., who
WU later arrested In front of the inn
with 1,500 pounds of marijuana he bad
-In • nearby truck.
A ahort cut homf turMd out to be ' Chambers aid Fauler tried to leave the Inn parking lot In a lale model a chiUu om for Ronald Robers, 21, 01 green car and the customs agents, also
Wichita,, Kam. Ttao firemtn moved in a late model green car, blocked bis
across the frouh ArJCansas River to utt and save chue.
rest"Ue him a.fter he fell in. Ht htld McI.ennan, who was later treated for
O?llo 0 chUnk ·Of iu for mor• lholl 20 shock, apparenlly lboupt the &(inls'
minute• before he was puUed out. Ht car wu FISller'a vebicle, Chambers
tl'4I treated and ,.e~osed tram a aald.
Wichita holpitcl Faaler was held m a federal warrant e issued in San Diego as well as severa1
A Denver, Colo. elementary , local charget.
school teacher was robbed at gun-Police arreat.ed b1m for possession of
point in her classroom by a youth• marijulna, ........ion ol a tear g.,
she had earlier ordered out of the IUD and aaault with a deailly weapon.
bulldin ·A th ·t· aid M Cblmben·uld the lut charge'llemmed g. u on ies s r1. from an allepd attempt by FUiler M•,..ret L. Lent1eh, 43, lost a to ram the agents• ar
diamond ring vaiued at '$1,0QO, •
rio Incidents.
Both the 1111.ient ln•aden and the
marehen demanded the ranoval ol U.S.
llS2 bomben from· okinawa and an end
to the U.S . .Japao Security Treaty, which
e1Pins In lt'IO.
Marine embassy guardJ with help from
40 Japanete r!ol poUe< ripped down
the banners and drove the atudenll from
the c0mpound. Police arrested six of
the radlcal 1.engakuren atudtntl.
0 They came over the wall," said
Robert Kaya, the-embassy press a~cht.
"-Then they ran up to the third floor
of the building our olflce II in." He
said the students anashed •too worth
of windows.
No embassy personnel were injurid
but Kaya said one or the ltudents suf-
fered a bloody nose in the acuflling
with police.
One streamer the students put up
urged a general atrike GO Okinawa to
protell preseDC< of U.S. Bil bombers.
Anolher demanded an end to the U.S.·
Japane,. Military Security Tr<aty which
comes up for renewal next year.
It wu the 1irst action by Japan's
militant student. apinll an Anierican
ll111allaU011 since Pnoldent Nixon toot
office Jan. IO. Violence' In the otnets
by the '8llle orgW..tion e4bl year•
ago blocked a· ocheduled J-v11n
by former President llwfii!lt D •
Eisenhower when Nixon wu vice presi-
Education Chief
Gets U.S. Post
ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) -The State
Education Department confirmed today
that Education Conuni!Sioner James E.
Allen Jr. will become assistant federal
secretary of educaUoa and U.S. co~
miSJloner of education.
·The announcement was made to
department employea in the State Educa-
tion Department Building by Alan
Bradley, executive assistant to Allen.
He has been state education com-
missioner since September 1955 and had
been offered the U.S. commluioner'a
job at the out.set of the late John F.
Kennedy'• adlninistration In 1961, but
declined at that time.
when. the youth walked into the
cl11Ssroom, demanded money and
left. Mrs. Lentxh told police she
had found the youth wandering Iha
hallway• and told him to leave .
Arab Schoolgirls Run Riot
You won't btlievt it--Out the
Salvation Armr u a big thing
among Korean 11outh-or U ap-
Ptar1 to be bt1 recent 1tatfstk:I
from Salvation Army o/ficial.I.
Plagtud with f'ecrulting troubr.~
&a the U.S., the Salvation Amv
""' only 400 ca4<u trnl1U!lg i•
the U.S. whi~ 1,100 eodct con-
didate1 art on waiting lilti: for
the ·organization in Korea.
• Any takers for a wolf, mountain
lion, badger, two deer, two bears,
two bobcats and foor monkeys?
The city of Delta, Colo. has to get
rid of its zoo. "I had hoped to get
rid of them last week because we
have no money budgeted for their
feed," said City M•n•o•r Wayne
Sim-Simpson said he tried to
give the animall to oijier r.oos, one
a.a far away at Goodland, Kan.,
but there were no taker•.
In Israel-controlled Gaza
About Ill Arab blCb ochool girls ram-
pqed u= tbt atreets ol Gua, .........., .....,, •• smuhlng
-lllonlngbuaetand-b. A battalion d. Israeli 10ldien chased
the girls flan Saladin High School
through the lltreets and back into their
schoolyard. •
It WU the fifth day of I mlniature
Amazon uprtaiug in the city n e 1 t to
Israeli'• Mediterranean coast
Sunday morning more than 100 girls
m.....i at four high achoob to protest
the trial of Ulree local women accused
of working for the terrorist Arab
Palestine Liberaticm Organiution.
They quickly dlsmanUed a wall, filled
their arms with stoaes and ran shrieking
through the streets, 1boutlnc 1ntJ.lmel
1logans and pellln& passing vehicles.
Egyptian llagJ and picture1 ol l'wi·
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser were hoisted
on school walla. 1be city'• main .street
wu blocked with boulders and plant.
ol wood.
In Middle East developments today
Iraq and Jordan reported attacks by
Israeli warplanes against Arab forcu
in Jordan. Each claimed their an-
tiaircraft gunners shot down two of the
Israeli raiders.
In Jerusalem, Israeli mi Ii ta r y
spokesmen reported one aerial raid
across the cease fire line but made
no mention of any loases.
Radio Baghdad said 14 Israeli planes
attacked Iraqi forces stationed in
northern Jordan and claimed Iraqi
gunners knocked down two of them.
A Jordanian spokesman in Amman
said Jordanian gunners shot down two
Israeli planes whlch attacked troop posi-
tiona also in the north of Jordan in
two waves. Earlier, Jordan uld two
Israeli planes bombed its terTltory with
napalm but were driven back by an-
tiaircraft fire.
Sunny .Skies Warm Nati~n
Rain, Snow and Freezing Sleet Bombard Nortltea.st
a.."'9m QllfVmU, ..... fllt WNll'l•r
....., wtlfl IOClllLnd •UtfY •fndl -· h ft..,.... Thfrt Mre ll'ltl'NllM
ebldf, w!lll ~h,otH '*'°"''"' llllMtr .,.,_,.. In ffMi l!lland •re.•.
lw "-'" hN IOIN tloudln111 but ....,.u, felr 1111:'-ind loullred
9U1tJ wllldt btlaw "'9 U""°"'' TM
hltfl """"' It f"9 Chflc CM"°" wt• 12, ~ ,._ e1etrw1 from SUll!Dv'•
hltll Iii 11. Tanlt~t'a tow wm be _ ...
TM Air POllulloft Conlrot OlslrkJ
_...., 118 -Jn the bnln,
'Ttle bftc:MI """"" •UllllY W!lfl lhf
ttlft -r "· TM •flT" ~1l1,or1 .... J1.
ff -IUllftV "' ,.,. """"""" Wltfl _,..., "°"""'' Wffllfs n llltfls -r !llt-1in.ll.
""-~ _.. ..,..., •'"" "''"' -_, .. "' "" ""'"' "9llrn ,,,. -·
12 '" .... t(!Wfr """'"· Tiii U.S. W..,..., lllf'lllll .... """" -•dleOQflf._... ....... ~
"9111-" 1.... ._... C8UM'r -. .... ""° .... T..,,..,.....,_ win -.,._ _, ...-1 to fin ,..,,..
•beYtl "°""'"
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.,.,., Slorrtl ~ ...... •llttll'* ....... Ml, Wl\Mirl fMI. t'll!Mlll .. ... ._..._ .,.. , ..... s.f'fnltl ""
71. ia.ktnfltld .. 111. s.... °"" ....,., ..,... • .... ,. u.a.
waATHllt CAL IUMMAltY .•• ,1 1.4' AHGELll ANO Vl(INITY-
'"' tMllM. llW folllthl #. n-.., ..... 111911 dlowclt ..,,, ltltlflti.
" ...... •1111 llltfl ... ~AL. AND IHTl'llMID\ATI
YAL4.ln -'•Ir hwlltflt, l..w ...
"""' ..... Tlllldly fllr -"" ~llllllc....,..
MOUWTAIN AllAS -,,Ir •llM· lllcJoMlllll ~ , ....
S-, M-, TWes
Stand ,,,.. ............. ':5' '""· '·' ~ 111111 • ,. ....... lt:!I ,....,., '·'
'"" .................... J:# ··"'· 1.J ,IMot 111111 .............. t:J.1 •·"'· M ~ ro. .............. 4:H "·"'· t.I
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, •. M "'°' I* PA n Mir. 4
V.S. Summ•rw
Molt -' ,.,. Ml/oll ..... IUllllr tllllt
todlY wll!I .,._ ........ ~
flOrttllrlt '"'*' 11119 ""' """1-. ""111 111111 11 drlult lllt9 11'11 mktdll
AtlliflllC '''""-
F"'"' Nft Y«t n """"""1_,lt trlto Ntw .......... ffllf'I _.. -lklrrlft rnlxM w!tll 1'1111 tftlll ,,....,,..
1-... lnow ,_n INfrl ""' Mld!lll"
to "" "'"' 0 ... 1 Uk... .mi .....
.,.. Ill !ht -!hi"' ""'-f/I ,,. ...... IKll .. ...
fl11ft ... .__. !ft tel .......
""' ., lhl l'tdl'IC """""""' .,. ..... M 111111 « thl Nr1hlt1I flodtltt.
II ftt .. """ Ill ,,_., -lflt wet"' lf1I wt fl 1'lt Ntt.I, with toliw
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elttlt>ltt Vtlttr "' lfll AHrrtltdlltnt
Ind "" $Mh .......
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"""" (lnt.lf!IWlll
On Mal"" ......
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~ltft&u'""" _ ..
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"" llwff ...
SI, LOUii s.unn .. n L.t11;1 <tty
Sllt 'Otlto s.n 'r•ntlKo '"'" ....... . ... ,.
SllGl<lflt" T11tr .... !
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Viet Cong Chain Gang
Marine ties rope around necks of Viet Cong prison·
ers before they are Jed away for questioning. They
were found in undergroond. tunnel by Leathernecks
during recent "Operation Bold tvtaneuver" about 65
miles sooth of Da Nani. About 100 prisonen were
U.S. Giving 300 Choppers
To South Vietnam forces
Youth Murdered
As Six Persons
Watch Shooting
SAIGON (UPI) -The United States
will tum over 300 helicopteia to South
Vietnamese forces to assume a greater
burden of the war,· government-controll-
ed broadcasll: said tonight.
Reports on Saigon radio and television
said the South Vietnamese government
has launched a massive re<:rulting pro-
gram for helicopter pilots and ground
maintenance crews.
A number of govenunent officers al·
ready are being trained at bases in the
United States, the semiofficial reports
said. •
.'Jbe broadcaats said the move was in
"preparaUon for the replacement of
some U.S. troops by the South Viet-
namese in 1969."
In ground fighting around Saigon,
military spokesmen today reported U.S.
forces killed II& Viet Cong but about 400
guerrlllu ambushed and mauled a 35().
man South Vietnamese force in the Me-
kong Delta.
The weekend fighting roared as allied
unita tried to amub a Communist build-
up around the capital.
U.S. troops killed 163 Communists in
four battles within 30 mile! of Saigon.
The Americans au.ffered 10 men killed
and 43 wounded. Bil bombers killed the
rest of the Communista fn a atrike 35
miles below the capital.
Jet Catches Fire
Landing at London
LONDON (UPl)~ixty-nine passen·
gers were forced to scramble through
an emergency chute today when a Pan
American World Airways OC8 jet from
Washington caught fire while landing at
Londo~lrport. None the ssengen or 10 crew
members the jet, Flight 108, was
at least six ·persons watched and did
nothing, an 18-year-old college student
was shot to death Sunday night at a
busy intersection.
Two of the onlookers were motorists
who Jocked their cars and would not
let him in when he sought refuge from
bis pursuers.
The vlctim was identified as Michael
Theodore Allschul, who was shot in the
chest after what witnesses could only
describe as solll.e kind of tight outside
a tavern.
Officers said that when Alt.schul was
unable to enter the second car, he turned
to face two men who had been chasin&.
him and walked toward them, handi'
outstretched. One of them fired a single
shot and the two men returried to a
parked car, where two other men were'
There were unconfirmed reports that
· before he died Altschul named one of
the killers. But police declined comment.
V yY "' )1
now the
San Diego Freeway
is completed •••
Just take MacArthur Boulevard south
from the San Diego Freeway to beautiful
Fashion Island, Newport Center, in
Newport Beach, 58 wonderful stores -
Convenient free parking. ,-£
PKffltca..tNlllhmJ' ...... I 9 ....... 11:a ... ...,mfnutn ...,.,
' 'j
l " ·l
' ' i
t •
, . ------. ---.. .
• • .!
I .. ·. • .. • '· . Q :-.... t I• I ' '• '
. '·
'i· • '
,,.......,., '"' I. IMf L ''" 11 -· ilfi\Nl:ox; 4M-"'6 •If."· ., •.. ., ... :-~. 1ifi· '.I' ~-FU·~'} ..... '~·')},. ~ .•. : '"R~iitJ~~~~-:Comma nd .
' •· . . ·' •tt: ·:} ' ~B ; · · · ht ·~ ~a:g': · Views (
.I )"" ' < ~
;-. ~ .,. • ... •f '. ~ • ,;;.~1/t1··,' ·bf~ will open doors of Ii~~
"teresW!g-' homei i tbe San Clementefa~an<I
Beach area to 'clDBnts in a ho~e toui'; aponsor·
ed by 1 ..... D <dei Mar Auxillary,.Chllclreu's
.Home Society, S~ Fe6. 16. Sitting ii) ,the Jiving
'room of \ha Fretl~berg home (above) la lllrs.
.Greenberg. She li,Jbhied by Mrs. Kenneth Teel,
refreshment tjjlliijnlin. The Greenberg ho111e is a
three-level stnicture Jocated on the oceanfront of
Capistrano Beach. Outdoors behind the Lloyd Riut·
eel home are (a) rill.hi, le!! to right) the Mmes.
Riutcel. William Stevenson and Harvey Riggs. This
hO'me, designed. by Chris Abel, offers a command·
ing view of its sltrroundingS.
Nle ta61e · ~s mes ' . .
I !'. ,' ') 1 ' 11 \ 1 I , >
fl .. . '• • , I ' ' . Las Damas de! ~t A\ixwacy~ 'chu.tr.n•s ,Home Society"• born•
• tour Sunday, FeH. 18 •. will leetur• live Mlable born., In the San
, .Clemente and Capistrano Beach areas. which . ~lpanll may. JO
!Jiroueh lrom, !lo 4 p.m. , .. ,
·The first home ~n th~ tour. owned by ~ F,red Greenbe11•. is
located on oceanfront .propert)"'ln Cajllstrano ~ 111114 I• built on , ,
massive 'concrete pilings which allow hlgli Ul(e •IQ come up ~oeatb 1
the structure. · . · · ' ' • •
, DeslgnOd .b~ Don-.CHurchill with 'Artliut Dtielsma as the art:li!J ,
\eel, tbe thr..,.level, Mediterranean-st)!le b!jllding .is reaclily vlalble
lroin Pacllic Coast Highway; · • .
"Due to ill size and unique architecture', It baJ ral•ed manj.
suppositions that u is a prjvale.club,'"'.!>1iserved J.frs. Robert G. Cas1I;
publicity chai"!'an for the !':1qlliarf· . '; ·. ;
Tbe 4400 square leet,.ol interjbr llvmg. space was .decorated by
DOil Churchill,· Cricket Jiltiorlors, wltb . materials emphasizing the
strength and boldness· of :a '1pan-rriade.11trilcture· which dares to taunt
the s~'f f~ry. Furnishingf are Mediterr&pean in size ·arid made
especially fQr the Greenberg borne. .
'Two homes, designed by architect CDrts· Abel, and situated on
a cliff ov.er1ooking the Greenberg borne, also are included In the tour.
The slngle-sfQry dwelling ol Mr. and Mrs . Lloyd Riutcel, San .
Cl~ente,, has a sfteping view of the sea, homes and surrounding
hills. . '
I Behind the Riutcel home is the Wallace .Walion residei1ce which
Is a tw<rstory dwelling featuring a living room, with • breathtaking
view, from th'e second floor.
Two unusual tract homes in the ShorecliHs area below the cliff
16cated alof!gside the country club fairways, also· will be shown. Both
are memor~ble foz; the valuable ~d _int~re'tm' antiques they coµtain. _
The A. Jennings,Browns' home-is a ·gdod .example of bow a~lract ·
·home may1be changed with the addJtion of tile, room dividers, wall-
paper; carved doors and other"_)luilt-in 'Items so, it appears to be· cus·
tom made. The· home is a blena of contempo,raly Mediterranean fur-
nishings with artifacts' collected by Mr. and Mrs. Brown during their
trayels around .. the world. ' · · ; :,. .: · • ·
•11Wilh enough art obje·cts and antiqµes ,tq,sta,rt a small-museum:
the Brown)· have managed to display. thenrin a-manner that enhance~
the deco't ' lmd adds warmth to a delightful horn~,'' commented
Mrs, Cass\, • . .
These. objects include carved ivocy figµr:es which are more than
2000 ye~rs ;,td, porcelain Napoleonic figures , ancient Persian lamps,
paintings br well known contemporary llrtists, the secpnd electric
piano const~cted in this country and 8n antique reconditioned
, snooker· t8'Jie. . . ,
. ,, ~" '.~ : EARLY AMERICAN
Many a"1bentic Early -American pieces, inCluding Sheraton and
Victorlall ·tuli)!Shings. will be on clisplay·bl t11e·holhe ol Mr. and Mrs.
ThomaJl'hdl!ll': The Peden hon\e ls ·the linl!l stop .for tourlJJla, where
refrei!Unents'.Joill be offered.
Tickela !or the tour are $.2. They may be obtained by calling
Leisure World Laguna Hills Travel Service, 837-3720; ·El Camino
,Trave~,Service, San· Clemente, 492-1191; Mrs. Peden, tour chairman.
4.92;4824, 0~ Mi's. ,Thomas O'Kee.fe , presjdent,, 492-1338. ~ey also will
be ·avallable t!l ~be doo! ·of each home.on the tour.
Pro.:.el'Cls will go to the Children"s 11.ome Society of 'Calilornia,
the J,argest licepsed adoption agency in th~-country which is supported
by private.funds:·
" . ••
Bel o§:,·.Wel.I Reared Gives Foun datio n for
twice a week and sends ~ In UYt doM u mm. f« '1.m 11 11J..e DEAR ANN LA\mERs:. ~ 1
ve gained only bro .,...xii '.!oce ; my'
by was born, my Ogure bu ·changed
Ietely. Everytblng 1 bad before is
there, it's.juslJ<ioca!O\L WIUt the _ .•
r fouildall!>o 1ar~ 1 ~ Iii!< I ><\ • • · •
the mail almost every day, He 11 comiiig --""'"'If' -iJldt( ,_. on
to see me nut week. Ille. AlllLlill 'J!OI' ... , _ ,lllni.
Yesterday I told Kirk therefts·1omeone • .. · • 1 , ' ' •
else. He became hysterical •ai)d cried, DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm 18, a
"If you leave me·1•u klll.m.yaeU.~ girl, •nd want to have my nose bobbed.
fl'Om lhe walst up. !t•i" the rest of (by 1\ veri .retpedeble ~l 1 Imo.
me rm concemed abcidt. • • ~ wlili 1podiil' ""'°"'· It w111 -. for·
1 used to have a nlct cun:ejl look . *< --1.-.. t.r *< ineL · 1n the back tiu~qow rm llat u •'bolr1 AJod ,.._, Pl•, ... , wrtto _.
1 doo't know bow to deoc:r!be lt ....,pt ut -. -pdlet cu be ,.,.....
to say I've lost IDJ'' fanny. Ii UM!re ' ... 1'• MC ,....., uderwew-Ullt
BOme exerciJe I can do ,to rebuild tt? teUOI. Call ,..,.local depitttmut '""
1)1anb for your f>e!P. ·-1(0' LONG!ll' w 111prie ...,.
_ .... ewdle,Jlll.11oo1 ....,., -...... ,, .... ...,. _, , -ld"'""9d
' •
DEAR ANN LANDERS : I went witll
Kirk for atever~I yeari. I tried to break
up with him 1t lea.st s1x times. Each
... ,..., 1 l'o' ~ •,.. I ~ 1 __ j
time he cried and pleaded with me l am frightened BOO miUd. up . U I've seen IOl'De •wf\11 J'tlUIU u ~well
to ~hi 1 · contin .a· to Kirk commits suicide I'D neYer tcqtve as aome btautifu1 -ones. I'm reluctant
not • m, '° 1 u mysell. I need advice at°""' -STAI\ ''to 'Mk'•.,..... tlje·name OI hll dodor .,. blm. Klr I lnqueotly Aid and ·!S\d SISTER I. , ....,._ -plOlli6 Would 1lke you
thJnp 11111 fudleated be WU unstable. DEAR STAR: Doo1 .U.w Klat'• a. to b<lltive they.~ bonl with the nose
I pleaded with him to get proftl8ional taea It nda )'OISr life. E..,...... lbeJ_.., Mve... -· .. ...._
help but I got nowhere. bltckmaH CM be I ..... _ ,...: Jin( --IO ·IW lilldllli I '
Last --while HcaUonln(. out ftote •-become y[Cllmfzed )IT 1 lnlly lldl10d ~ sur-! -D,.S.
east I met a wonderluJ man-a widower dear price. DIAK D. a.: 0..'I '* a ,....
with a child. We1 lliw 'a' irest ,deal · Tell' Klrt w more &t1M *"' llt'1 W .a.,,: 11J._....., .~ ...... ~A/It
of each other and now I tlllnk ,.I'm , moil gel prole11lon1Lbtlp. Tb<o bid ..,.,,., .... 1lu Ud sntl -·
In love wttll him. He lelepbotl<s ' me llim 1ood·by1 -ucl m-"lL v.. .. A ~ ,-1 -bt ....,, lll
\ . --..1111...--.1-.
la die •• tl•J") lie ..... tUt lie:
..... tf 11 .. rilaS,'•IJ depeadi it&
• ·e.ty, • tilt H11etm, 'IMtt • wUt ~
Ud lo .wt wlll11
. ..
•• ...
1 ..... •
, .. . .;
.-. .. '. ......
-: . -. :: ..
~ ·-·-· ••
. ' ... ~· .. . . . . :·· . .. .r, .. -; .. :, .... -:•
1 :; > •.:i .... .-. . .......
•" . . '·-~ .. ~ .
.. •• ~-:
l ... .. -·. •.::,, ..
( -; . . ---
In the bustling fashion cen·
ters of Athens and Sparta,
loog bait-a la ponytail-was worn by elegant women, but
wives might agree to cut their
hair as a show or humility,
and an unfaithful wife might
have her head shaved com·
' • • • • • .., ' ~ \ < ,
' Age Segregated GrouP'
Kinderballet -4 to 5 yrs. Preballet 6·1o 7 Fw!:na1 Training 8 yrs. Up .
363 N. Newj>ort Blvd., Newport Beach
Brochure on reqttesl
Milady was figure-conscious
even then, and Hippocrates advistd that singlJlg •I the top FACE MASKS
of one's lungs each day would Sheep's fat and bread-
develop the bust. Pumice mix· crumbs were combined for
ed with a baby's urine was face masks, and crocodlle ex·
said to whiten teeth remark· crement was reportedly ti·
ably. , cellent to preserve. a
'The Roman toga firs! was fresh, youthful complemon.
wom by women, and during France didn't make her lm·
the heJght of Roman rule a pact on the fuhion world until
lady of culture had learned to 'the 14th Century w b e n ,
read apd wr,lte. She also be· through the 1lurgundy In-
save on famous maker jersey dresses
for misses' or half sins
. .
7,99 15.0D-20.00vcdue1
Now, choosa your favorite styles of acetate or
nylon jersey dresses designed by famous makers .
At this one low price you can own each of these
flattering styles ln a bright array of fashlon-
right colors. Come in early for the best.selection
of misses' sizes 12-20 and half sizes 12Y.z-24Y.z.
may co daytime dresses 61
order by mail or phone
/ '
.., co south c-t plaza, sa11 dl-.o fwy at bristol, costa mesa: 546·9321
shop ilionctay through satunlay 10 am to 9:30 pm
Bathing wu out of style
because of many epidemics
which 'were responsible for
closing the public balhs, and
perfume agaln·was "in."
Starch was introduced, and
ruHs_.began to grow to ex-
aggerated proporUons as sym·
bola of aristocracy. Long·
handled spoons had to. be in· vented.
Lace on everything -even
men's boots and hats -and
wigs for men were cause
for controversy In the 17th
Newport Beach's o I d e r
drivers have the opportunity
to attend special programs on
defensive driving· beginning
next Wednesday at 10 a.m .
in the Senior Citizens Recrea~
lion Center.
This program which is aim-
ed at improving traffic safety
through the educaUon and
training of older drivers ii
being presented by t he ·
Newport Beach chapter m
of the American Association
of ReUred Persons.
Tp help achieve this goal,
the National Saiely Council's
Defensive Driving Course has
been adapted for the elderly
drivers .
The four-session course will
be instructed by Mr. and Mrs .
W. E. Searle of Laguna.Hills,
Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Forbes
of Newport Beach and Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Morrison of
Corona del Mar.
Those interested in the driv·
ing program may contact
Morrison at 673-0534 or Searle
at 837-4724 .
Fashion s Shown
A fa st-paced, mod fashion
show is the piece de resi!tance
for Balboa Yacht CI u b' a
monthly LldJcs Luncheon and
Bridge. '
Styles froM Back Street,
Fashion Island, wlll be model-
ed by professionals, according
to Mrs. Almon Lockabfy,
The event ia calendared for
Thursday, Feb. 13.
• •
17 , 5 0 re1. 35.00 value
Wf're very proud of our petlAllltlll waVt solu1iOIJ bY . . . . . '
Restor. ll atlually helps IJl~ow lhe quatity o! yoor
l~lr is)t "'"'· To ln~uduct yQj lo !llffums' .Own
""'8nent Wal'!,,. are ·1~tudin1 firme·Geri~
' Hair Cmditioner by Restor tl\ot ~elps.~in1 shinin1 '
beauty to your hair and helps ~,.P your 5et t01ie1·
lastirfa. We are inclQdina a personalized hair<ut And,
a, an added special, yoo will receive Buffums' lt«n
· Hair ~pray by Restor. Beauty Studio,
all stores except Marina
Moke an appointment at ~· !IJffums' Beauty Studio
llQltsl yOJ: Downtown Loni Beach, HE 6·9841;
.t.akewoud, ME 4-5040; Santa Ana, Kl 2.;11;2; Pomon"
NA 3-4321; Palos Vl!des, FR H737; Newp•t,
644-2200;'La Hab!1, 694'191!.
Mlniclires.. Pedicures • facials • Elec_b'olysis
ftlwpart c.tic •1 fallkm.... • 644-2200 •
IO>n.;ll•o.111. -UI i:!o -Don 10:G11 U 5:30
Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it
Just for starters/ we'll cu't, set and styl e you,.. hai,.. for a
beautiful view of a brand ne\A/ you. Crlsp and curly or
rippling In waves, It will stay that way throughout your
busy day ••• thanks to the tal ented technlque of our super--
s tylis ts . Taking-over for your great make-over w(th
makeup:_... our Adrien Arpel makeup artt'st will design
your face to match your do, With a private lesson on
how to do it yourself! Because we know your calendar;s
crowded, career girls may want a 5aturday.clatel The
whole beautll\Jl works, cut, shampoo & set, plus Adrien
Arpel makeup, Is pittance-priced at 10.!IO. Register -
now, call today . In our Beauty Sal on.
Robinson's Newport Center • Fashion !s tand • 644 -2800
'l '
~=· .., -(<) (IO) e e la le IA n r fQ <"') !:::' Mio ... (<) (IO) 11111 HllllJ Youn1111111, Llny
"""· ..... Wotd, 11M1 51111 --• TIIE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE
l'lrt I -Color. GREQORY
.......... -(<) ... ..... .....,.-hrt I ( ...... ) 'D-
Gfll'OIJ ~ Deblnll Ktrf, £.M1 ......
·-lllol . (30) ........ dli SllMr._ ~It L• A 1ioc*.
It ....... " lhl -!Mii °' <Wf. ............. " ... We« .. -.
·-~-m lllt.I -(CJ
8 RICHAELD PRESENTS 12,., • -· .,., -""' "" 11
'*LOS ANGELES I.AKERS _.. 11• .. I -•••~ 11..
n. SEATTLE SONICS -· G•'1t ""'· • .., _.., ",, m11_,..
rm111) Clllct Kiani celi the adlol U:lS a 111111: .. • .. ...
bll'Mtll tlll s.ttl1 Sl.1'*1Qllic:I · (lftrlblJ) '4J......Omk l'lrf LI•
•• Ult Lal Anpl• -"" ·-KllW)', ...... Mon.
l:Jl.QlllJ)_, 1.1<r (ti (30) WO·--"Toloo II M· Lucy tll• Ufttlt M1trJ kl tM 1lr· ..mu ....
port for II .... Ill~~.
1Krt wNlt lfl tltl Urmlnll, Ulc:y 'II l:tO 8 ,._ (C) ......, llltrahd With • .,.. tonn• lpGlll wfllclrl .. llfll:r If 1:11 • ....... ii .. .._. ... --1m-1 ... -.,,,.,, -· &v:ii..::.""J.:":°..: :""-"'"':......,
TUESDAY ... -......... -(-)'IO--~ ,..._
l OAmllE MOVIES -·-·-1-·• •11111 r..,, 1ndlk Mlftfl.
!:GI·~ -(-) ... ~ .• W81<1 .._ (-1 .,.,_ ........... .... ·-w... ....... 1:1181'1--(-) .,. ------1:118 .... °"' ...... (-1:1181'1-(--
... ) '51 -U1nra HtMJ, M-,.... a..._ Mii lleD. ... --·-• JOB PRINTING
O•allty Prf11fl11t •*' Dt,.Naliol• Sftc.•
""' ....... ••11 • Q.•rf• ••• C.11f1,y.
JJ11 Wllf UUOA aft. Aron 1uc•
F<JJ./."" 6ALONl!V,
1'1E PHOA/'f
J..4.V ON lJ5f
·i -3
'~ , , ,: ... : ',
't. • -
·-· 'ebriwJ " 1969 ly Cliarles. M. Schull
• !i I I I
Ke• lald
ly John Miles
By Harold Le Doux
YOI WYi-~ tll &NPUl6
J\L 5T~ U#:'f:
UKE 1llAT, AW ru. a EAR nus couRT'ROOMU
By Al Smith
WJIArs'lllE WORU> '
By Gn Arrlala
UIGHTLY DISH~ELED -Gale Gordon, who cc>-
stars wJth Lucille Ball in °H~re's Lucy," ~ ~
lleved to have survived tonight'• egisode on Chan-
nel 2 at 8:30 p.m. in color. Lucy takes enemy agenla
on a wlld ride around the ailport in an attempt to elude them. ·
ABC Again
Tries, Fails
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Televjsion's !!)OSI pul>-
licized sports rhubarb ot the season caroe when
NBC-TV cut away from the end of a New Yorlc Jell
football game to start a special program, "Heidi."
-But Sunday ABC-TV, whose notable sports de-
partment has many achievements to Ila credit,
made an on·the-alr decision tha.t may be more
significant in tenns of coverage -and was regret.
table to fans who have come to admire the net·
work's genuine interest in athletics.
· Tho doClslon came at the end of ABC-TV'sweeldy
professional basketball game, this one between the
Booton Celtics and New York Knickerbockers. Rlght
before action ended, Boston's great player-coach,
Bill Russell, took a Jong pass, rammed It through
the basket -and then fell to the floor, hard.
As the game ended, he remained there, his knee
severely. wl),acked:, and as the camera properly
moved in on him, one could see the pitiful sight of
Russell in obvious agony, a heart.rending picture.
For basketball fans, and for just ordinary telev!ew·
ers, it was a matter of simple human concern.
One of the announcers made the correct state-
ment that although New York had won the game,
the real story was there on the floor: Russell. What-
the ·announcer was talking about was the impllca·
tion in regard to the league race -and also the
human story concerning Russell, the most domin-
ant llgure in the history of profeS1lonal basketball.
But the teJeviewer never bad a chance to find
out more about Russell's injury, how badly be was
hurt or what was to be done with him ltiunedlately.
For on came the final credits of the broadcast as
Russell remained on the floor -and the network
arbitrarily ended Ila coverage .
It would be easy to criticize ABC-1'V and the
necessity of sticking to network schedules no mat.
ter what. i;iut, as Indicated before, ABC-TV sport&
has earned a reputation of· having a sportsman's
Interest In athletics -on the human beings who
participate In them, and what happens to them as
So ono h-th°" will never again be the lap1e
In taste that allows a cutaway to credits as a bumu
being la in agony before a national television aud-
ience. And one 1hopes, in terms of simple coverage,
that viewers are not again left hanging'ln supenae
regarding the rop0rtlng of a sudden, newsworthy
event that has happened before their eyes.
The viewer who wanted to find out what hap.
pened to Russell had to learn elsewhere. It was on1y
by calling the local UPI office that I found oul Rus-
sell eventually had to be carried from the floor.
And had suffered a bad knee injury, and was taken
to a hospital. For sportsmanship and sports report-
ing, one expects ABC-TV to be at its best at
moments like this .
THE CHANNEL SWIM: NBC-TV will not broad-
cast htis year's prizegivi ng ceremonies of the Hol-
lywood Foreign Press Associati on, the Golden
Globe awards, some or which caused raised eye-
brows In the p&st ... James Earl Jones, star of the
Broadway hit "The Great White Hope," will por-
tray the director of a narcotics rehabilitation cen-
t~r In a two-part episode of ABC-TV's 11N.Y.P.D.n
aeries beeinnlng Feb. 11 .
.. .
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Apll. U ....... lihlll a..wal , • " flMAHCIAL ' ' .allll ~OT\CIS 1 •>< = -loll W-, L..i, 1020 ".'.!!' Wln!M, -7200 HllD W.,-, -nlD
Ne'°"1 ~ '5200 JI~ 1",.p•l-r , MOO..... nlliol 6IOO ..._. __ lo 6410 Dl:TCH 111111) wa•h ,
UPPElt-0..,.... I Br. 11!0: MU ...... "-'Salo" • Candy s...iv ·-· A'l'.l'llNTION ·~. a .... J, c. """""Co. 1,.._-, Adallo."" -11 wii1 moc.1 ·n 111111>1 -1 <Pad crtiafThM~~ . ~VYMEN '2.25 hr. 8'llili .-.,. o>t • 'l'Ul!loa ..a.i Saal>Y'l'l''l ooly. ld\<l>',.l, c:ator CIC 0111a Ellc<llmt ....... ,,.. -~·"'I' .,.: ... _... boy._, • N ........ 8"ch
, • llhl White TTUISO -·o ... 1n1fllll,llil0. NI<» 111'1. --" <~ "' ·an!! i..w «it.a ;;;;a ..-. D1il'Oi Lady waate .....,
llvff 5242 ' "l>ii'm•nl ~ ....... Qoilf • .W..) -and -.. GMI.,.... oil -(Oii-..,,.,.. 8 .......... 12.Z Hu ..., tn .,.mi. 1=:::.;::::;.:_ __ ;..· .:;:;.;;; I t ,..,., ota. ~lolr tnc .....,. tr.m -_. Som.• EAlllttd} to t11e s-be. Brtqp s. ,. D1d boy. tor
nM.11.. L·"'.Jt if' -!220,000·. o•lr at.d -In• °""' -~ N~ )!!ues,-'!blte~ _, ; rt..,11118 -IO $10,l)()O <!oW11. '!'Do ........... ·'I-!Ind~!'""., .... :i..,.etc.'IG-57'9 : EXP p,.., Good r.t. ' + IUPPIRS *
• • ed. 11\IRRYI Wally'lkO!jl No ....... ·(-.... MoS11r.O.::'.....;.·~· -~~--..
l'or kue, de!""' 1111 oq,;a. ·fity 114U117, ~ --··.uar 'and --) F-alt 6412 ~ u.e out ...,:.,;;;rr-1 1ol"l' ln all -· .,.
4 BR., •it baf AfA. .,,...., ----ror,.... -.. ~ lernd. oc.ooeta11w....,.
-· -""' bar, llwi-Proparty .adnlJ. -"' 'Ollta w-.u-. · 1 , •• ~ le i.... 70U .., oubtandfne beneftta P<iv.baloooleo;·cibl. -· • -: --· _.... ~•.-111;>1... Whaddve W~l\11 Whaddye Gott t A7~ ; lncludq pn>ll•-· ::.~D~ "':.; ~ IMcJ,.ffl -~=~·\MEMORIAL PARK ~i'lic1At l:L.AS$1PICAT10N l'Olt NEIQ OOoo HILl'11 APPLY IN PEMoN
shot>'i .; ochooii •. ......., .m .... 11. l!1 _,_, Qooil 'P.O. B<ii-· ' . Mot:tyai-y li•c-t,ry NATUllAL 90RN sWAl"Pl}tS c.n , Mhl A ... , 1148-1191,.,.,.,;. r r1 · 10 ... to I pm
Uon ....=.i , 1 , ..... J ... ton Dr .... tawnn~.savu. . , ~·~· U03~ 11 Cotrlltftt• fu,MrlJ, Sp1:el1f 1t1t1 • " • , flll,~ 'b!Ma for Hoaill-~ O~~Y· $325 MON'TH • ~~ ~ ,..,. • .i.· LlP'ET!ME lNCOME fr0m $245' <, 'fLJ-.:.. 5 11--5 .;.,.ki ", ' , , ... ..,., Com-°"*"-· " '
135 AMIGO.$ Yl~Y . , R. D. SUTU;111..:. . r 'start lmmedlai.ty~ Ce"'!flry foll ~ ......,:.'!,~··~ ',:~•:,.,..a;..;..,:• \'!!t" Exper. peop1e avail J, (, PEfllY CO. ~·Boad! 1474511' Eve& 962-~ -,,..,..... .f.-5150 carJ ;,: ~;,;:'~;"..,.""-~~"Tl"*'"" -AAGU$·AOENCIES', 24 Fuhlon l•leod
; f_ ,!9!: Af!,• ,9
nl,O. . ausl-11 __ ,,.. ~ :·1'1MJ:. ~NO~·-~~~-~-• .\' PHONE 642-$471 · , '( , , I 1869 C N""""' ,Blvd., C.M. . An oq!!al-.....,....1Y
• • ""'"' -11895 cub -·-•-T ,,_ Y-Tradtr's Parodi .. Ail C..... NJ<n J!>la"'1 A&ency employer Coron ckll""~'-., •·1 • ~Gt ~• b placemeenslwCOIL HAVF._.6+~c~1 nrC1.rou-TOWNHOU~J,Br;-'1~ba. Ernploytt'Pays. Fee ' .,
• ; 1 A'!TORNEY~~ ~t -Y ~· tralllc ...,bl..,., 1;..,< ~-~ 111 ~ ~ ·-B~ ........ __ • ..·~ , , '~l·.s-·aecre ·-~ -a iullelmllief' ~-ltll01Beach.Westmlnl{er ae .. -:!!',__... .... ,. -vllsCI· Beaut. app 'd. Priv. patio. _.·,,.·'"'";'>.-.on'~ COAS'fAL
' .. -bl bli,. 2 --·•-a• !)>< ~ -at...,. 5!1'1T25 •xiii tt., ~ ~ for 111! ..... J>O!!I,, tjooe lo :..... v,.i. ::hlnH. tt;;&L .,_. ' . .
--. truftW. Goo!f-CK. alvlle"llldl'eU Mil phone W&llt ~ ...,,..Bn!ker, 132.0I!', low, d!'-·°' T.D., Po-Expaienood INDU$TRIES . -... 5'N1il. . ..; :_.J • nUmber to ... ·u NIT ED P.fl'. Irwin, 64&-91n. Car or ,! Owner &t!).fi654 ~ Eut AJFIC1 &IU1QS 1 ~ • ., '* ' WBOt.J!IU.t.£-«"J'OOo t'O C--' •~ 6411 BO TWi '~ ----" laL-.l ....__.. -·--• -.·~·lrf ~ A an.W. Have equity Pa1Jn °''"' Cond. tum, NOW HIRING "o-<Jl!,'l'.'QI ACRl!:8 . --· -P. O. B<lx -~ lloloa City, 1 • In Pui.-~ta.· of 116,000 & beaut""""""'' heated pool, Atoncllll -7100 e FULL TIME
1 • 2' ·BB.·""" " ~ Ctlo1a. .i Two !Iii'. U'.15-CallL '~ . : ,: • FOR llole: f .Dem.:..,, loll $21,000. ~~tic prlee. gd. 30M'., ... a. ---•ty for FACTOR·Y. HE''P ·, • SWING SIDFT, .._ I m.., _,_-..:: • 1 -· Weatmlnsta' Me mo r I a I l!f'fcel;I t '-nd al ~-~ ~I PrS /"Pa"""I"' . ~·~~--u. ' Paf k. Vets only. Court area, Lbie.~ 'V . goodJotor 'lota·tnt.aguna TMUneff.l 'tnex.perienced-e PARTTIME ~-• Oonlnt'Mlll• ·I • S!IOPS · WOll!CING, P"RTNER . o1 Honor. t<ear Fla& 6 Spenda · '""'· """· Delalla call 49!1-2349 oldlled: A.uemblen, Pw!cb !6'30 10 11 p.m.)
fsti't Ide Putt/Gl"ft'ft, ' ' Nr. Newpott: Piei' , ' Fountain. 646-0740 Have ~ wheel allpme:nt Oear R-2 Dana p 0 1 n t Preu ()per, Turret ta.the, ··-· -
90ll ~-OIM. IK-2611 Rltr.. . • m.oll8J AC~, wit!' $15,000 cash. !" 2 CEME:I'ERY lots Pacific rnachine. like new. Co s't View lot. !l'r\de,for Income Grinders, ·Extrudel"\. call Nnt compariy needs 40 men.
(MacAribur nr. (ba"lt Hwy) l OOMMEkC. -DJ Sq. tt.. ~~~ tn ~ chain. View Memorial M_ N.B. $4200.. Will trade for dn. property . Qnona. del Mar . Phil, 548-7196 all lhllt&: No experience
l INOUST:"-llOO Ill· tt-operation bebw .~ 11r uJe ~ -pymt-"Ol'I income properl:Y -Newpott.Bta~Mtsa. AltGUS AGENCIES mceuuy .. Complete com-----------
.1 • . !
MlolmUm tflrM )Wft 0o I
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lnp, ........ -cbeckina:-' !
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Cott•~ 5A9'!3o41 '
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' PART' iiME ' l:
WE NEµ> 35 MEN J'OJ\ ~::, • DISPLAY wollk
6:30PMTO10:30 PM
Far intuview call Mr. James · · n4-ns1
MONDAY LOVELT! 1 BR.' bll '.. Im:• • • ~%130 .-in So. 'Ott. ~ ~ • ,, or .! 5W-204f ' Corbin-Martin 675-166% • 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. pany tralnine. We will pay ~~e!:.n1:'0.:l~ ~m~spape.deak.'~ =~~~trajn.U:, sE~YIS~ Dl~E,CTQRY TradelTft-Perioi'rMrout,, 0ceri. vlew,'2 'ac~1. Im-~·..:..Trainees ~ ~~::mtoie':: </'SAW-MAI fl 26~::nt ~« Ieue. Newly ~~ .= ~. ~ ~x~·eYJ; = ·Btllzi1tt!'1' ~ 655' ~ $£~-~~~ zon~.":, ~';.:1tn ~-our tmdeCALL experlenctd produclion . i; ~ec. $175 Mo. lnd. utlL Office' lentil' 6070: ·m.srnt ClP4 PM). ~ ,EXPERIE?i€ED be.b)'l:l:tter Ing or ! ! &C'f-4880 &ft .7 pm Value $65,000; fot' local tn-anc;e, 15-o Factory, SaleL Ialarw:le~t!. ~ Inc. : , ••
LGAdEul .... ~~ ~H-. L-AGUNA -·-• .,.un· s'ALON ' !' ~btlt,~ ~ 'S8 ~.:'! .... '.' ·, roHAmVEe. &t6-!20!8'1SA, 615-l898cl ....... C.:R'&inGEil~°f MO~~~ ."!LSTOO~ PM ""E...,'.'."~,SI. : ,: --~•--"'' . -~~ .. , • .,_ ~C.M.642-1940 -..,_.,,,,1~"9'1<,. ' 0-.'"' 1869CNewportBlvd.,C.M.TUESDAY9AMT06PM -w-· R<flig ... _ .. only. ;llll Air Condltlonocl !lltabllsbed, 6 llnlt., -I --' hlilH-be'd, hond&.'lf ! Ca!H. l300 per Ao. WANT' 35 0 "'•'"'IN=STR=ucro="'ns"""-.-...,Full~ tncl.1rtil~ CB-69IM ON ~l AVENUZ taiuna·!00atlon.·Be1t ~P" GoQ]d,~atlOn. Har:bor area or . P a~m Htlp W•nted, Mtn 7200 6 •,,480. •land tirM N OLD~l-BR. baYvieW· Desk .paces ·.•~ Jn ment..Xlnt C!ien~le. 'll!\B_YSITI'ER-Reliahle, ex-Call eveH9t-OJ86 · Sprlflil. ~.or income. JANITOR ~Mt11t b.. :.-: :
' T ...!.'-ot"to:: • neweat . afHct bundbl& at 4IM-9912 EYeti • .f9M61.9 perteDOed ... Wee~. Ap Matcbem JteiltY 64&4837 Prime """"""' . .,,,_, prime· Jocation In downtown 6 mootM to 4 ye_an. 2 San Oetnente lots Zoned 1o~t and deal with the
• 6'13-6991 a . . • Laaaoa . Beach. Air . ...,u. . . , . 642-4294 · !OJ '7 an1i.·.:'l'rade tor Now-TRADE my exec. home I'\ *· BROllfR' COOK ptiblie, good llguft, -· ~ ~-~ bl'._ 2 , ba.-; timed. carpeted. beauufb1 , e, .BABYSll'l'ING Ja )'DQl' port/Colla Mesa., ll'lco"'.'e/ . ,1mog free Yucaipa for ~ .. In per!I01l. HoUda,y· Hahb
cpts,_drpo, bltm, beam cell. -~~----~•-Two llMI ·E1tlll L...,. 6340 . home. .••.•. by .••-·-• c..,me~. $24,000 eqwty, l1ar In bead> .,.._ Value - , , " , . E~ERl~NCEP Spa. 2300 -Blod., .,.
_.. 411'1.1 -_ .. ..........,. ~ UIOI:" .. """ ... n.w...-Ha. W lm.4130 $50,000; ... -,(IOO, "Trade • ~ ~n:'Ut"'I;> ' • • • • c.M. Yrly.$335Mo,.,~ ,.......,., Froatap "' HOME LOANS You ; lun!l$h the trana. "~·-··" · '~' ~-~·~ ' ' ,,..., ______ ......,_.
' ~ l'crelt A.a.. rev 1-dl to MONEY. AVAILABLE 60-1407 FOUR UNITS·. Analielm -Up or dn. (l) m.sm ; ' p~m ' ' • Exi t11 •. nt EmP.IOyM TAILORS, ntttts ancl )'ar-
HunH ............ ~ .·MIDdpl! ~ loCa: can· tor ·detilll .on today's ·CHWD ·cm, my home vie 3 bedrooms 2, baths • DON'T JUSf WISH for · riru. ~~GS -~~fits ' man!. Apply SDvenroocll, :
per ~tb for-~ Delk rate. for i.t &: 2nd TOI. Brookhtttst/Yorktown H.B. TRADE tor Colta Mna. or aomethln& Jcii~~lh JOQr' '':t:~ No. 45 Fuhion late, N.B. : l ·uci.USlVE : and<\h'tr&a~tcr15. Servmg °"""County for Dayo/m ~ Be•.<b _Unit..,...... home. ... ~ ..... I buy• APPLYllf~5P.N APPLY
oN-T)tE.;BEACH ~~;:;.:£ ~=M~ Co. Inc. ~!.ru::i_~.~ ~:==~~~:--.!:a~~· ~~llifi:!mAd~. TO;~J"Jr. 8 5 P.M. '9Th1':7~.:,ic• A11nclea, WOIMll noa
2 "t.ll!ld..-AplL ~·.:..-,,-_-' ' . .336 !:, 17th st. . prd: M""'nt"6!Rl!O ---•to ... , -2 lot. 2 olfiees • Coucl>, loveoea~ iott.. • liBlifl.. E. UE Tiie Broadway llftU _PLAllNB> l!
T ..... -.-tMtc to p1~ the -i--· . ~n . 545-0611 • •' . Apl!". wm take TD'• Ol' end tables, Jampa. twin 1ize "'"
.......... # ~09 DAILY ~· _ m.1165 : ~U51 DEPENDABG: day c: are. am&llh' Pr')-·. Make off. . beds. SterPn. Will trade tor ··S· b'\Wn.111,.r1 ra --dJl!:rlDllDattn&· Ill FOR>m AVl2llllr<1 ~ . . ~ p,.t -cu.<>( .. 2-f -!i.n'"'~ small mill' . ...-KllWftWCIC NEWPORT.BEACH avallable'-l 1· ~~A tBJ:'f"';·~·<~w'1ntec1 . 6350 .uc.Hr)lrf.~~"Mfl..1539 er"<j -.·.-· · ,e;~!... ·~.J.S·"· • 47 .CourttofF11hlon DIVISIQll ;
lhe-_Huntln-'on _ .. ' .,,,. . • . . . *·"' * * * -"*··--·* 151 .E.CtilstHlghway FASIUONISLJAN1' .EXPANSION 1.N ii, 111 * Modem~Offlch . I $30,000 · : Brick.·-.Y,..ic. '' " '·~pert Beach 1 Newport IN.n . .. Pad Re rm SIJlll• or ....... Aire.~ ~1! ~.!°:.:'~ ~.!,.':;: " l 6540 S!llVlCE D'RECTORY $E!IVJCE .OlllE~~ "' . An Equ,,:!:"""ty OllANP~~NTY I w ·--.-lu,!al ' i -.. -BUILD, . llomodel.----o.-•·nl!-66IO lronlnt ' '6755 + ... 'f,OP .. ,EARNINGS * FULL TIME MENDIDt. Ooonlngo ,·I .emce. central Jocat!on. ' Brick, ·bk:iet,·e oner e rr: l...Q!l ~·• · • ~ ~· -• ' , i ARE Now BEING 111;~.~~,,_~. ' c. Rober.! Na.-.~~ ~l>IQIJNC~ENTS. . ,.,,..1., ..... job too ...an: AL'~.~-. Serv,ic• ~-ll :lii~ . s.~ ,, . ' HELP WANTED llmRVIEWED, HIRED :w.~·. ~-..:2: L 17th_s-_t,I,... elid 'Nc>?ICES C· . Lio Contr. -' La~'matn.................. ~<>icllUpt-"'°"'ry R•-ntatlv• LAAGE co. EXPANDING ANO TRAINED TO rn • ~ .. = _ ......., esa . ~ -. ing & clean ups.~ ~-m-o:ns . r•-•.. · IN ANAHEIM GOOD .POSITIONS wriu l
Want.Privacy? Now!' RT CIVIC ' Fwii•i'lfl'M . .Ad1) 6400 Carpentering 6590 CUT '4 edpl lawn ...... IRONING Uc pc. Openlnglthfor ·119":'~" NOW HIRING TOP STARTlNG PAY. :
ONE BR'• NEAR OCEAN Offices , suitable. for , . . -· · Rrt1oe. Llc 5t6--5E. eves y I I Htiler man w . exce~n Uo PERMANENT"t WORK. NO $Sil &
113' mo <U47,Fuml _... """"'1. .Med!<o,1, ~la!. FOUND: 'Yellow •. whi1', , ............ ~~·~·~';' turo ;,_,., advancement Ei<P. NEC. 1N SOME , lnO, Up :_l
2ll2 • 14th. 536-1119 613-178' Air-<ond., apts, .-... · YoW1l :cat; v 1 o. Baker & CAltl'ENTilY · • ' • · · · poulbllltln. DEPl'S. Ill! WE HAVE A S
l &-3 BR:, J balbs,.·priv. ~po . ---~·.a.ta Mesa. can )iINOR ~~-No Job _CutAEdpLa.wn . ... ''". TJµINING~-!'OR Aaperwritten~ { I
patio: ·Jieat..i pool. 5'1'6032 OR m:2'61 . a!tft' 6 p.m. k wkendl. '°" Sii>all. Cabinet In pr" , .... _,,.,,,_ Ucensed ~acap!llg · 6110 ·MUlt Be YOONG, MEN IMS. . ll -and aooopt;,,i ao : l
962-8,994 ' • ·~ .... a. otb•r ,cabineta. --=.rt 4 , • 'SPRINKL'ERS . · ·Neat a.-tu work TOP V(to<;es ~ ... -~and~ £ I
. 2 BR 2 ha'~ bullt-.... _w/ i.,duoflf'll Ronial to9Q FOUND ··l!mall-.... , female, .56&75, 11-no·~r leave Go I .SO ·1 Wl2 ·11 SOd Law\>L IJC II llondo,t r .. -•• qppo-RIOFIT SHARIN[', P.L AN ohould -·,:; __;;,.,,_ •. ! .._ . .. ~ -. liJob u tholCh lust bad 'mac ' at 646-237J. H. o. ner1 rv cea -. * &e:m! * . C.U Mr. Payne . FOR QUALIFIED MEN. ~ti"'.....,.,
drps, ·. -~te·d ml SQ1t,..,.....-a. ol!lce '.P...,.ll!o. ·'!We!ftblea ...-ill Andenon " ·HEATlNG • J,;, ci>nd. ·se;.v: : 1' ' 'iftl<iee.W ' $39..1106 START WORK t.r•t .... ....,., and"".,. '
Sl25/"'°' t.far. + wp oq fl pawil • tenood boxer. Vfo. Flow..-and . . a. ...,ir, a!» .. Wuber • ~:.......... or 646-7300 IMMEDIATELY :-..... equal. ~ ..,. !
So """ $620 yanL 1855 •Laguoa C&n>nn lMne, N.a 114: 645->l67 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS _, repair. 24 hr """' Joe on.t -. ' CALL FOR APPOINTMENT MINIMUM !
. n" Rd. <nil. -'" <n4> BOYS bU.., Seon Mode~ CABINETS, Any me Job. 842-'1237 or 347-l;tm ·L' l'N' E SA~ .. MON., •TUES. QUALIFICATIONS · !" VERY Oean l Br. 2 ~ 54Q..7680 found Vic: Yorktown a: 25 yn:. qper. · 548-QU HAULING. Oeanup ---Pa.-rllanglng ~ PR. 4-7253 • • A 20 Garden Apts. Ptv patio. NOW LEASING-, ~.ew M~l .Bushard, HB 9 & 2 -o 9 3 s MASTER carpenter,· $4 per odd Jot. etc. Free ;;t.1im. Pllrdi 6i50 · \ 19 or over I
Pool. NIC'e area. 546-1525 Indliltrlal USO .q ,f t". P1e&Jie iaentit,y! hour.·Rem~.,Repalra: ~ ~ ng ·MECHANIC .EXPERIENCED • HI l;C('J1 gr8d or •
$155/mo. Apnt 60-1485 CHUBBY blk puppy with 61UC09or536-3900 · , .· VINYL wall 1coverln& COOKS equ YI ent · •
Laguna leach .. 570~ · wht. ft. Vic. Yorbhlre SL , . Jt--l . speclaliat • kit 1: baths. ~ · ~ .... , '& • Or•:., County C:
100 CLIFF DRIVE Acr11g1 6200 ln C.M. ~ . c.r,..ntry, 'any '"° Jobi H~ullng a730 Mat.rial • labor. Eat GM "'P'fle;,.. """"'""'' e M:'hanl~lly . t
LUXURY FtJRNllJNFlllUf P,<RAKEET loond vk. Cor-Call Gmlon 817-<7'5 TRIM, !xideo, ....._ Gen. 147-1&59 ' Apply: DISHWASHERS Inclined I
Yeorlf Leale-.1 • 2 BdmL INVESTMENT ona del Mar. Wedne-. Cement, ConcrOte 6600 ~bl· e"""". ,,. ~ 1 haul, ~0~ ,.j,,~~. s:; ALLEN <NIGIITS) • Able to atart work '1 steps to. Shore .tr Slops Call • Identify, 543-0m ~~--_...,,,., 01d1mObUe.Cadillic Will tn.tn. pod worker Ocean...,. fiom ev"" Apl. POTENTIAL FOUND January 24tb email * CONCRETE '"""-·-.! CLEAN lo-• el<:, "I. JIM. 6424669• &16-3749 1l!10 So. Cnut l!J&hway wU11ng tu learn. n~NTERVIEWS !I
from $lSO mo u;p. leue A~proxlmatety 30 ~ ln male Terr t e r, v .I c .tt-lJOeJUed. Concrete uWina tree rtrnov, dwnp lklp PAPER HANGING 1 Lqun& Beach * 494-1084 five Crowns MON. & TUE&
' «M-2449 Northern Onuwalle; JD ~ Bi'cokbant &: Ellll. 968-3674 )'hlllips Cement. 548-6380 badmoe, fill~·· 962-8745 P=G AU: tor Mike Sauntry Rfftlur•nt Kl 3-9219, ext. 21
UAL ESTATI! county; nearly met.-= FOUND -Sm. J04b1t. Pi' e CUSI'OM PATlOSe . LITE Haulbl&: .l cleanup. 3iOl E. C:OUt Hwy. Aak for Mr. Hill..
Ge I &: · re~ 1or d~_velopiJW. ftl'I .. Ir noee. Vic. llOO bUc a:mcrete 1&win&: a: removd Reuonable. Aey ~ · VET 'S Bonded Pa Int t n I . Corona del Mar PeDom:1 Depvtment !
Mrl , • i1s,500 Ptt acre: for more &:· J«t Ann ·C.M. 6'2-55t6 State Lie. • 842-1010 -. Call 60-:J65'1 nee tit, He, bw.: ~ CARftR • ' w information please ca 11 ' · ' ,Obi welcome. 6tt.o4%1 · •1 Rental& Wonted 5,~ Glenn Thompaon wltb ' CALICO Kitten w/Wht ""'"· CEMENT worl<, "' Job loo ' .UGl!'l' HAULING• . o'ppe' RTUNITY' ' -------31 Eckhtlff•Auoc. Int. Red leather <Ollar w/bell. ............. bl •. Fr.. 545-5490 . PAINT!NG, tnttt.-ex1erlor • F.ULL ,TIME M1rs EXK AGEllCY :
wANTEJ;>: ' ~m ~~A ~ .... ow· ~·pman Aw . Vlc Sol Vista. Jt.B. 847-6892 •eatim. H. Stiiflldc. scs.3615 State Uc .• bonded. Free Jo.ID ~·futelt ll""'Jni COOK II . . .... BR with den . .ncnt or ....., . .LDW • ......... • -• • 6-5 e1tlmai;e• &tJ...0233 . • _,_ · • ;;
, ever payment&. 646-0'19'1 Orange, Calif, 23 _MO~~ Shepherd e BEST .IN ~NCRETE Hou~l"'.nln9 ,,. prof~Mut\111 Fund --p: .. Paid ~
alter 5 PM or before 9 "41-262!, Eves-w-·113U127 -l<n\al•. Brown w/blk -· Wa!J<l,""°':decb, 11oon, ··Afl'.'CLEANlNG •-·Pl~lng;Jlerf ~ ,r.•~::.'dt ·, EXPERIENCED """' SeclY <""'°'> .... 18QO
PM. Degperate! 10fld Balboa Island 615-1144 Pa~. Phone 642-8514 FaSt '-"illOiOOi:h ~ • PA'T·S Piu•-t~._s '.4.i1 Mut;rFuM Advllon:,. Exec.Secntary •••••• tol513 • ,'
ELDERLY Lady ,,._ .,_ R-rt p......-..ty . '6205 L--""1 CONCRETE _., all .,..... wnLL\MS ·oianlili: s.rv. -··• 4 f .M. SeclY/Perlonnel .... tu !"&l1 • ' n·~-a··-ent. Modest • -r--• -.Pool dedcl a:.c:111tom. Call types. 'Frte f'ltlmate. Call • Inc. APv,1¥ betwee~.2 .l . Pa,xroll (split).•••••• tb "50 , b . ~-~ M;°sa or Santa FOR RENT Furn Mamoptfl All enY male cat ~1324 .. 5fO.QZ . ~ . . Npt B. 1603 Westclltt '°"22 i. • •• • ~ •• • ~ I Secretary • •••· •••• •• •• • $500 ~ ~
Ana. 833-1898 1'40 u n ta' D Conl;1Qin1nli.u Ltft· home . rm..we 18th Income .Tu 6740 S.A. 1212 s:~~·. . Coco's . #10 Acct&: Clerk (1p1il) •• to $5IXI '~~
EMPLOYED Lady ...W. 1 ol"l'I 8. 5*-2730 N.8. . . Contractoro-6620 JT WuJ.. rAY Plumbing 6890 " .' . Girl Friday (split) .. lq !500 • ~
JtewardI 6'75-fiO'lt • i ·ro TR.uST rut· :e1tclltt, N.e.. ~ · · •· ••· •· ·· ••• $tlM • ~·
::' ;:m~be.!""O: .Mount. a Doaort . 6210 SILVER a..m Bncelat. ~"°,';'. ~~ Yj.IY'RON PLUMBING 24 "'· oerv. ':~~,!-,-°i;~:N~: w~~C~~ :,N
::':'.. <>;"~,;·::::.=::; . ~
nee: 60-0086 .&tt/5 p.m. 5 A NR. Hemet-~ = !~~B.ltalorval.C.M;,_~t m.m * 5$.'2110 lncom9 f~ S.rv. !!~e~~~tertns.:.: ExpeJ:ienced, fWl time, 48 ..... ,_. __ poll Ind ..,,t+I_ Dictaphone~ •••• to $fZ$ -. ..,
e LANDLORDS e 2800' eL Wlr •• ~. -~•w=n ~·ardl oma:s 531-7566 . houri weekly. Contact Dave ·-~ o, · ·-·-• Seo!Purcb <•P1lll ...... $Ci0 • '
Fl\EE ltENTAL SERVICE i55 dn. 633-mo 8-10 a.m. agt. --M7:-1513 Carpet CIHnlng 6625 e ~-W. r.:..:.t ut..'"w•.; PLUMBING .......... .,., Coffer, Golf Pro S ti op. lri.re.toolon "'w""m mll. $15Fumllb Applicant Pay• FM . ~~ roo. _, ... '"""" .......,... • ._.... -n.wi;~ ..... ......-own a. pay • per ~h m <' . b · Broker ~ , . L08T mesa Venl.e area Jan CARPET &: FUm. dellntn(f' NEWOOii.·1· BEA.CH, 6f6.5005 No job too am&ll '"~" roll. Wire ovir board. No . '""" us reiµi ) ••.to S800, ~ti
sUSil'IF.SS man ~ IUSINE'S ind , "8th~ Setttr. Rew.Jnf. for 1 day lm'ice &: qill.llty 84Il ~eatmlnitet' Bl e 6'2-3128 e YOUNG Man • lull. or part line wire or paper, Write, Exec Secretary •••••••• m •'"
Wanll S-l BR by Mar. lit. FINANCIAL 549-«m. ' work, call Sterllna for .WE..."TMINS1'£R. 897-9649 time~ mature, able to "'°*.Millon i..wtn, 6l29 ow.,. Exec Scere~ ••.••• to $500 ' t
CM area.pnferred. 836-4821 8U1 Opportuniti .. 6300 $100 REWARD for retum of brlghtnful 642-8521 BE A Se.tilfied qlient with ltemoclel., leptfr,· 6940 with adu,lt youth le1ders. In be:trf, Ollmbul, Ohio. '3213 Glrl Friday·•••·••••• to .isa:I ~
, 5995 • to1 apricot pqadle cl8ldren NO Gimkl' Best .... .....-cpt Rania Tu: Servlpl. 9tb yr. or out of con. w:lth fn.. • IS General Office••••••···· Sf7I ,; Rooma lot' Rlftt FRIGIDAIRE beartbn>l<en ~ • tum dng. ;~i.:w..t locally. Av"1. u -. 3ll7 REPAlR • REMODEL wrelt In ,... .. '-.. FIN HED J""';,'-~ .............. HiO i:
H w CM """ Eatlmate Cont.ct YMCA 49<1431 for CARPENTERS r. ~tary ........ to ICJI) : !.l cou.EGE ar work1n;: aU:l• ' JET ACTION SM, cblld blk.e (boy'1l w/ price1. 546-1486, Wrl717 ~oo•.~!e ~. ~· · * ~ * appt • Secrttary •••••••••• to $G5 .,.
live on Bal '" !Gt m l!<!&utlful ..,,._,.Laundry. tz:na whta. Gol<kht -t WALL TO WALL Carpel Maok 5'<>49'11 IF You naed rem1•ld11W. N '. I ·A I onl • PLUMBERS Elcrow~ "'~' 1ol3f,o ~ l:
ree/rm. Incl.: -.S Mo. up; 28 wuhenl, n dryen, I) lb. Smrewsrd.~CM Cle an Lns 1c expei't •"TJ!E :r~ '!Li5VISORS ·paintinl or repain, Call ~~A "LR.rrk--. &JJ,ndef Motor Homo Inc. H01teu ··········:···to SJ.la> ; ~
with meals $125. 615-3613 wuhef. $18,000 yr-, IJ'OSI" , . ,,_ • . uphollte:ry dtaning. 6'6-J'l80 Year roUrid pfc. 3.:3 No. Dick. sn-tm • MCA . 800 E. Wuhlrwton St Accil PQl.ble Ok •••••• $125 • ._
. ....... . 5991 :c-: out bJw easy It ii ,.none.. 6405 CARPEi'-a:· fumiture clean-~~~:; :~I Newport B. MJ.mO -Santa Ana P.T. Secre~ •.•· ••••• ,$3.br ~
GvMt • C"'I 0 Matl , LICENS!D Ing, laytn( • npatr. Call SKO'~ TAX SERVICE ltooflng 6950 w .. tmlnster 89U6l1 SALESMEN Needed Io r 410 W. °'"9t u•-~-· ;.. PRIVATE. ROOM wltb TV v llw • C -u;.: .•• -·•~ -~•-Glnmrd Carpet. ......,.. " •-· ·-··~ .... .._ ._ ....... ...,.. I========' I y b 0 m· Reuonab1e ROOTING REPAIR. DllLL PRESS· ' ~ in Land I cap In a: Newport 8e&ch. M&-39311 ;~
for ambulatory lady or Ecsulpment, Inc. or: all mattni 1IO S. El 66IO :!.. . ~ M an ~ no leak too small! • OPIRA TORS e· 'Fencel le Poo1s. Youna:, "·
g<ntleman. Good lood,-hom< >1341& w. Vakncla OomJno 1tea1, San °"'1lente. Gardening ~· '.·. *--* PflOno 6il6-t61l ·.....,..aive company. Hl&h e KIY1"UNCH'e i:
100. ·--·,.,..Jard Fullel'lon · 114: ,520-7133 • 4!12-9116. 10 AM -10 PM ANTHONY'S· '* mt YEAR* DMTN'MON' S!...,, Hall ""'""tlal umlngl. Apply OPl~TORS ~
6 patio. = home. Whol .. alo Blltlnou . PACIFIC,Slnalea: Where ,..U Gardon SiriR>o . 'A-t ~O . · hwi"I 6960 ~· qa.r 2123 Newporl Blvd. C.M. -Alllha l Num. ~·
Availmw. NaUonal ·C0111DeUC.f!Om~ ranmeetJlrWeacM&,~· 646t1941' HAJUJOJtSHOP'G~ , ·-~·s afallprl= Mi' •. Blrcl1,8amrol0am L<q: tenn aulamnents. ~·
Ml ... ltentilo 5999 l!u """"'"' 1"" 1oCll dlitrl-2lj!>. ,:;45-l!134, 5-1 Ew. ~ BUDGET LANOSi:APtNG eve/M<eiod by appt sea:ll -• Orel-·AI-="::'. 61WS10 ' week dayo d.,., '--.,.._ n.. .. •: butor. U J?1 have a~ wtalda. , ~ .,, • ~ ••• fNPare 8pec\a1 on Hems · ~ · · ·NrI'E smrr J)l,rldng. -:~
GARAGE -~-SlNGLES -llOUrnNew .'. -~~-PROFESSIONAL ": '*'*'446* ST~ON "At_tendanl. .... _ KELLYSlllVICHINC. ,;
on Ejatl>.. Cocta """ llY, """ tl1lnk "'· ~ of r; . .,.., Lonel)'T Our l · ·l!llJ1'.dbllcbmb!t ~ ; T~~"':i ':_ Altorat1~2._5145 ~ "'::i .r"c:d. ':i"'°" a Aa:""hl... 230 & 3ld sir.et . ~
fJ). fU.6744 blah ynrty ~-~ iD: buJtDm ii :rour pleuuni. KO\ViNG Ediinc.' odd Jobi • BM83 • • .Nut. .:~te. ~ yn. ~I?· ,QUI.,' '. ~re '. ~· !~n .... -~n Lq (llhc2L!)";..,~ ::, Vest $3000,' and •,"'!'" 1lkt . Cail 1135-om "°" 'and upi--~>n ~ -•N • IMllM~,,.pwty 6000 ·.~rtunl~, oetund~'tldira;' 1 ,._Stiedtve. Shwles e . ~. · , , PERSONAL!~, expert i TILE~ C.rlmlc •6974 J'UlL .t part time belp MaCC Y~t <mp. F.qual~em::lloyer l ~ ,._ ..,,........ Tu --.YU> rouod OU., wani.d. Top...,.., cbanc:e ' ... ·Baboock Sha C • Gal •
KE it sume td "r¥ Dail)>~ Bot '::t~t ~panioa art • CUT 4 ~Eda!'· ·tnJfnl. etc. reu.-~ ~ • ; * Verne the TUe Man * for advanciemenL • Colt• Ilea 'P 1rwr · I ' MOl!l:l~. unit& 1 # M-$13. -Nooo to a PM ' NB, CM~. Lk. ....... lNCOME ~ ......... _ai.t --~· r.paln. . !llETRI) _CAR WASH FULL -...; ..... at-~ ""'~ ! EASTSID r.ntall. ASSOCIA'IE ......, lne P"" .f46-4203, !1531 your tlmM, 'IO!i'flirin mm. No J!?b too ~ Plum 2950 Hartior BIYJI CM. t.ndan4 40 M ~ optn K0)1>UDCh Opers, Med. A •
BR ea.~500 •' ductbtltu.les..NewplutleASTOU>GY a.... 8Princ J"APAND!E , G'ar·dw·n"t!r . btned,$15.49t-3Cl ti&~~~ •bower PERM" •. PAR'J''l'.IME,COOK, eaiary, for 1ppt. call df11talU1b:,RNi6N..._ ,. tndomeG--'-Ill Rlty' • pnJduct. >\<I've or lnact!vt. :::~r~ t. '!I· PlrQleto 'l}.1 ~•· ...,.. • HOMil SERVICE e < repalr. 147-U57/M&$ .......n.loer.1 PnvtOta In-548-Zlll exl 710, Mr. Alu· Aid.,. Call Dorio. 1148-'l'lll
. ,_ 6"! -lliV. io'q · ' perlenc<i!. lteuao<e. -· FEDERAL '• 81'.>,!E . •. • · ..... •""'tk\001-belolul. but andor • · • AllOUS AOINClll N"' ..... Ok., NB 616-2414 1144-2902 ' I ... "': 1oncer ..._lblr lAPANESE Gard<ft -I ~· . ·Uphofltvy . . •"'f'" nol ne<:. C>fJ 5+121! I'' SEltV. STA. SALESMEN. l/1111 C Nowport Blvd., CJI. t 3& Local O~GE ·~.!or 81fl =.other tbaa Matnt.,_La'njftcapln _ Gor.donN.'Werren,PA CJ'Yl<'OSK'l 'S QutOm EXP'D ,~ w/ crwn Yoww·men. "'°"' tvet It !l 11.r11TING'I-~ -. -~l~~ =.,.,, .~-Clw>ul'-cr•1 . .• l!tb , .... Appt .• ~ up.,,...,,. E•t••••: toot..~of7~._~St 't.="" '"'II;,~~~ . .!'~ Help w.-. 7_ •
1 ~ru. ... ~-SlQ(IO. ~ • --YARD ~l•JPJ•P.· ...... Cral .. ma .. hlp. 1.i" AUi!·.,,. .... 147--..... --~· w--1 ' Savo..,'ttilt6Wld..Wtr ,Al;>BLA0<5*-)151 (o0tn PllOoe-mt ... "'!fle., emild, new hwno, I I .67Sc ,,..,,,,.... "'""boaJ1 • Ayo.,CI! , : ' ...,...Blvd.,c.M. I' · ,, l'
In thll TLC~ E!tctl-evK)H .... t ... lto!Eata .. P.O. Box 1221 a.ta II-. .......im:.-it.111_.l ""'"'": c • "!"'L ~'1!51-l .111 1'IJlL T1rne .,...,, $·.-WANTED Clean cut -, ~ Jt •11:,
ttntttlllll'aftL BJ~ppolot-)!AliTSD: •Oll-satl -I AM ·ID '°'II" ret(>O!wlbla IS. :rOllR AD JM Q.\ISI· IRONtNG done m 111y,homO: • N~ SMl.,<lM. a _II, ..... Umlt. Al!P1Y .-nt wltb ..-. cat ff"' . ·.~.' ' J' · '"""OOIJ----. ' --1.....,tbr·On.ng,,·""""'7 ifor'.·""1 dtbli e<lilr lhM ·~t a.-" WU! ha EXJ>eit 'W<lrl<. R<uooabla. 'i5A1L'YP1jbtw.wr·~ -NO.' i ,r......., .,...._ ~ ~l~==~·o,;,;•-;;;;.=_.,.,, MARTIN R:E. . 543.ml Calld< ... 1.19 -))\¥ ..... Dennia r.lri,...n lockln•tf•r II. .Dial.-:..Ehone M2.1818 _.. ----._ Al..,.. ... _,' lalolld;-l«a • • " ......... w. Caut-H..,. DAILY .pnm WANT -
' 1 l
' .
• • -· ,.....,,_ nff I
7llO w-7400 Help Won!M I ~Je~-;;;;·~-~·~·~w¥-~?.7?500~· ~J~··~·~M~-.~w~-~~7~500~ 1;~s:lii::.:Miil::~~~ 5ALI AND Ta.ADI SALi AND t aADI SALi .AND :ru,DI I~~~~~~~~ NEED--1.lko~ w.,_ 7400 1, -75!0 p.,.,11v,. • IOOIP-.... IOqO Fvmllv'9 ~ >iulhlebn·ID-NEW SALON I ' ,, tlP.AlllSllFURNITURE
Our -lo) .... Is to
holp Heh lndMdu1I
l<hle•o hor 1pocl1I
..... Pl•-t•lk to us
1bovt tho following
opportunltlo&. Mllny
... fol pold by tho
empJootw1. _some ire
loo p1ld 9y tho lppll·
c1n t, you m•y dtooM.
P.C. ...... 19$IOO
Fae reimbur1ed.
,,........ ........ al all -....-will t. your raponalbillty.
MUii: be penonable A
-(pnferboi.l, r-e1taur ant or club -).
Fee reimburted. This is
a marveloua opportunity
to work for a rapidly ---
F.C. llldipr $'50
Employer P'J'I: f e e •
Construction bookbeping.
PQ!'Oll. lnsur&nce & data prooeamw. A 'Vf!rY in.
tereltin; youthful c:cm--· boc Socty $$00
£mpiaya' Pl.YI fee. For
the a d mtnl1tra tive diviaton. Sboold have ah
' dlct..phone ability plus
.tatiatlcal \yplng.
boc Socty $500
Emp&oy.r NW t.o. MUJt
have front otOot ap-
r>earance wltb penonallty
plug! Work ln beautlful
offices with btaudfol pro.
~ -""·An acelLtnt oppottual.t;y fDr
• sharp )'OWll cir! tD
Learn • crow wtth a leadirW oonstrucfjon com-
pany. Good lkW.I re-
.... --Should be ... oriented to" do
leefttuial wwti: plUI ll&bt -. .....
~.':f'ti.,::i.:r:: ';:;.:"~ a..1111 H1Ds T ... J. ~ri'.~~~:~
-wltll BEAUTY Ne_.. -..t: · _;., TO' IO!I. -. ..,w.I COUNSELOR. Frr 11>1't. LEISUlll WOllLD "'1 .. 61oYo -~ s --c.....:.t.
m<llll HU openJrc kl< IMw To!d111 ..... lleotl-Pqr: -s """' -2 Uvlel """' ""1"6°-·
RN'S NEEDED. ,m,., JI."!-e HAlllORI SSlllS '!i:,.'tS:....,li;;;,-.._ IJ -........ Meditel'l'lUIHll
Medlcol • llllilcoL'""!U7 * HOSTISS/ e MAHICUllllT ';"-~ El l'mldoato kl•1•ln
open,UboralfNet-lw. CASHIEll * e lllCI PTIONllT • --Oil< ...... loutht M11nuf1ctv,.r'1 AvP1t N ...... Ot!lco, l'llll> to tra1ll q , ........ .,.,.. -6 -· Id.,. '6' Shew roorn Somplo& Hortorlbplta!,Ul!Ol'lllm qerloourc.ttetShop.Jte. No Following Necesaary 'boldboud. 2 -Alt __ .,... __
St. G.G. . cea1.-ui .... r11nce lo MJUI Be ~perlenced Asslslinl Sedy -...-" ... 8' Wood corved arm divan, If. llllll'• cbllr
CXlMB!NATIOH. 'Sbol'P 'Bai a11 p11ue1 a1 food ~~ • U 7 :,2162 • ~ ,.... ~ ., ~ '=":, or love ae•l 5 Pc o cta1on dark olk din Jtt
M&klo .. Go Go~ .. --°"""""''""' 1"aut11ul? With -.... -. .... Oob'"$t8T. w/blact or •vowlo trained chi'~; 8 Pc BR
Top -$!.Gll'l3.I() ti> ..... ~ Ol\tsblndlN,""""" ,lkllll,-<>1¥-bl• al--Ill. -• '4-50 -lcl1. H I. D>dr Mr. a. Mn. dreller, lg mlrtor, 2
swt. Ph. tor lot 5'5-tll3 llldudllw prol1t sb.Ulni. · Help W•ni.d * wlU, S""1"'81ul d)>rluno ..n ...... 1o1r. Eu> cn41L commodea, decorollve headboud In Spani&h
ig:Y LASSY, 2901H.,.bor. Apt>IY 111 pmon , __ W_•ni_mo __ • ___ 7_400_ 1 DAY BUS BOY within exdllng building HAMILTON JIVRNlTURE olk design ivllh m1tchlng bol springs, mat·
10 A.. •• 5 PM 1 • project. He Pull h\11 heart 5811 Westmlmt.er Ave • , tress &: frame •
• NURSE AHIE • ......:;-~ ~ • (51x Doys A w .. k) Into It • -,.,,... he Wutmlal1u. --"""" Sold lndlvldu•llY
FOR NtlllSING HOME * SPECIAL CLE~K =,,J"~L =~1n1""11on' lJl s.m. to 9 p.m., Sal Shop Around -loforo ynu liuy Ml US!
Exporleneepm....., J MWKV Opportunltyavallableln 'aur WAITRESSES :>tundeutand ln J A ~.~"\,~ .. :..•=• --VA~UI $1095.95-FULL PRICE $529.95
Loguno Bolch Nurlllng • C, rYll'" I CO, Newport Beach °""" tor a -· !&II Fee Plld al or -.. low 01 $4.66 pl!' -k
Homo 494-8075 24 Foihlon l&lond persoMble, ma-• ...n. (bporloncod) coune. MORE CASH Use Our store Cba?ge Plan or Bank ibwlcl~
COUNTEll. GIRL ,An equal_..,.., ~ i:.:~ to~ PAID POlt No· hncy Front! .... BUT Quality Valuea •
MUil have &rill experlrnct er employu procesalng ot real mate REUllBI E lfE ~ ~~ ~~ __ _,_ ___ 1o1no. Know'"'"'"' lo•• • Comtractlon is Furniture -..,,......,. p..t.....i. '!)po 151 E. eo .. 1 Hl9hwoy ·
to '''°· Call 111n -• 11111•5 '° wpm. Ex"'11ent -.. Newport IMch Booming A11.1lnl ton. 833.aiOO Ext 2036. llft conditiona and friJWe bene. * .. * WAITRESSES * or ti!a. Pleue <all Mr.' Rull PRINTID CIRCUIT .,f:l.:"!;?:w~kprall
Experlenc<d oo1Y ·Full time. IJlcb for appole.,,.nt. • BOAllDS ~·-·-Appb' in penon bet. 9 am f CU 673-1550 e S1UC satEENER s:;wia. Self •tarter.
&:6pm. #l&Fuhionlaland, 1-2 )'Mn expenenot, .:'.::;:! s;;:;.. wanted. ,lmfllodl•!• oponln~• Glendale •PLATER ""°"' boanl & em1llla!Ory for oxporloncod RN s, Federal Savings 2 ,...... expcr1e..,. -in exc°bange fDr cooking, lite full time and pt rt Cue -0 •. !!•. !,': &\/Pb., Rh. •I Wiii t I 1 • 2333 E. Cool!. Hwy. ~ boU&ekeeping for • ' me. r1 n n•A· • ' Bom-1lte le styl .
widow; Balboa a a n , pe eneMI; All shifts Newport le•ch TRA C
"""703 OYllloblo. Excollont An Equal Opportwllty
plo L-fl E ,__ 851 w. th St., C.M. 2nd INOOMI.!' Earn while em )'ff u.n1 tt. mp...,,,..,r
""' leam to be • Vandl Coll Nurllln•' Office * DRIVERS * Beauty Counlelor. "The •
::-.: .. Friend • Face Ever Martin Luther KEYPUNCH N~!'::;'t•
54&-}765 OR 615-&95 Hos~itel, MElllJOR Mu.I hive clean Oolif=ll
SAWYER HOME needs Ana ei m ~ drtvhvrecord.ApPb'
mature women fo r YELLOW CAB Cb.
boulldn!eplna,practical 722°1200 Ext. 272 188 E. l&th SL
nunl.Dg. 646-6Tl6. 2 61 9,1---------One year industrial eo.ta Mesa
Orange Av. C.M: 1esco experience. Openings
SECRETARY/ RECEP· m Ju available swing and RNI Estoto Solos
TIONJST w/llte -· ""· graveyard shift r-~.'.'-~-~-. ~-# New Real Eat.ate develop-£.A_........ _..,, vlU\lllJ
ment f;\"m, 0rg Co airport KEYPUNCH (Oll tur ' o-avatlablAi kl<
area. 540-<IMO « 64i.53.13 OPERATOR LllU licensed men A women. Jn.
LADIES 18 to 60 abow Sarah it&bt income &: tra!nlrw, Mr
Coventry •p·r lne &: all IBM Alpha " numeri-RADIO (0, Gardner. Sprln e Realty,
aeaoon. ;Sewelly fuhions, eel. Verify •and ane re· ~
abdttte}yM investment we lated clerical dillies. I :MME DI ATE openin&
train. M7-1567 19700 Jim.borM Road Janitorial Route In -Hun-
DIETARY tray IPrl. exp. Good wOrklnt Newport Beich t In a: to n Beach area.
11:30 to a PM. Costa Mesa conditions and ~I.fl ~~~r = ~ ~
Memorial Holpital. 301 Vic-" , • Al! ,,_H ....... t.s l'l!viewed on •-tolra Street 60-2734, ext EQUAL oPPQlt'tthbnr mmt;;th'no biu toward no exp n e c e ••a r Y • .. ~
330• :EMPI..OYER1 ,, veatment ftqUlred. Apply Race, Color, Creed or SG. 7343 Canoga Aw, Camp
Sl'ITER; Care ro. &iri 9,
boy 11. my home, ,,.., ...
own tram, m atu re ,
Btiltlll-Paularino. 5t9-07~
COila Mesa, Calif. 926%6
545-8251 "
COUNTER Girl, part.time. --------
EXPERIENCED dayL Kmtu.ck;y F r I e d
Chicken, 693 So. O:ut
Rlm.-v Lagana Beach Could )'OU uae SS0.-$100. extra ·-c-· . e COMMERCIAL e eb k' Can DONUT Shop work. Early ~~20 ~·a weer'~ .AM. No exp nee. Apply TELLER· -~ .. MR. DONUT 135 E. 17th yoor area! Over 21. T Do·)'OU
St, CM. UNITED CALIFORNIA .,,. • car! No col1ecliono. BANK no partieL No delivery, no
lllAIDS. PlaAnt ,_.........,. eanvauJrc. For lotuvfew
Park between 11 am A: 1
pm -""" Friday. e SALESPEOPLE. N e a t,
eood appearance. Due to
new expansinn
Holldoy HNllh Sp•
needs aalerpeople. We train.
bO exp. nee. Apply In per-
son, 2300 Harbor Wvd., C.M.
LAMINATORS needed for
production pan., no ex-
perience -will ...... $1.65 to $2.30. cau Tri-D-
Vlakin. 547~. Aft 8. Mr.
AdmJnlatratlve Std'y
Are )'OU willlng~ to do •
man'a work for female
wages <$600). Are )'OU 11\-
telllcent, glOO'V)', with Zi
)'f'I exp ml wllWr 3!1T
Your bou la quick A:
abl'Upt le expecla: you to
be able to think for ,..,,..11.
Rul Eit•tt
Girl Frldoy
All lkllla from tteePo
tlonlat to aed'y. This is
not n e ce a a a r 11 y COD-
atruction b a c k ground.
You'll wort far ooe of
the niceat Youn& men in
0nnoe Co. I placed Muy
Lou wlt1> hlnt.4 yn .....
You will be a "Jane"
of all trade&. All 'bmetita
for once a life time poat.
s·ect'y Public
Rellllons E:xcellent fyplng,~ lots ot
copy to read. Stnqr on
dlctaphone. W o 11 d e rlul
company to work with •
they know what tb@y want
and define wbe~ they are
Sect'y·to financi1l
Man/Same ~~~om,tt~ ._
Colo..d TV'•, Pl•'IOI
Appll•nc•, AntlqUM
1 Piece er
11 Our Spocloltyl ' 636-U20. Antl'f':'.'! 1110 Pio ... & 0'111"' 1130
BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS _-. ""'"""· g1us, and Ramniond $-3 chord_,, •• , "•1'1-.AM-LETS -...... -•••nto• -·· ....................... . ~ _,.. Wurlitzer 2 in 1 OJ'IM •• $699
VA:rr stock Amer & Eur Hammond M-3. like new $999 _ANSWERS ~ ~-L~~~i Fartisa~~LllHs'' we,
'""°"'-Adapt -Y..,. -Newport Blw .• C. M. MUSIC CITY
Potta1 -OPENS the DOOR ANTIQUES A: CLOCKS 3400 So. Bristol. Costa MeN
Evtr notice almott always. FOSTER'S ANTIQUES e 540-3165 •
the lut ..., ""' try OPENS l40-f133 •'!"' Federal CM PIANOS & ORGANS
the DOOR 1 WOMAN'S Diamond ~t Famous Name 8nJJda
$29.4' Old, very · v a l u a b 1 e, from $529.
3 Piece Braided Sacrlftce 6134632 Also USED Instruments
e<lVAL RUG Sl!ll'e Gould Music Compeny
Nylon b l • n d, .._iblt, Sowlllf! Michl-1120 2045 N. Main. Santa Ana
brown, COppetbie, Cf'ffJ1.. . So. of Freeway 547.QiSl
SbH' llXIO. 213. 2ld. 19611 SINGER, ........ touch-Mon A Fri 'tll 9 SUndly 1"" Al'a Unusual Fumlture oinalle, eompl w/walnut
17881 Huntirlgton Beach comole. Rep!MlttVice man T•levJslon l20S 80-446( leavinz area. Will sacrifice ::._ __ _;....;..;.1
Furnltuni returatd from d1a.-for $39.97 cuh or assume
play stud"-. PIOdel bamu, $i. ?T mo. Button bales, blind
decorators c:anctilatlon. hem., oven:ub: etc. ~o at·
Spanish A: Medit:vramu etc tach _!lffded. Dealer OK's
RD FU~NITURE ,:"";:~: -:::""'~
1W Newport llvcl., CM does e'ltl')'thinl wttlwt at-
ew.r:1 nl&ht tU 9 tach. $36.66 Full price or wea .. s.L 1; &m. ·t11 c n.51>:wt. Guranteed. eau
NEAR new l.Jv Rm c:oueh. 52lta975
chr. 3 tablet.,..., .. "'"·'"'"""====== Dbl BR .. , comp!, 2 nlte Muslcol Ind. 1125
stands. dbl dftaer $125. ·
Reblt G.E. .Rtfric f15. PROFESmONAL drum set
Table A: 4 J:bn $ID. 2 mo • CAMOO. natural wood.
old bike $311. 5.18-81. band rubbed flnilh. 1 yr.
Color TV's I. Stereos
2.l" Motorola, wal cabine t,
reg. $650, special ..... $495
23" Zenith '69 model
·rez. $579, apecial •••••• $469
Zenith stereo, low boy i
apeakers, pecan finish.
l"t'lf. $379, special , , •• , $249
Maey other TV'• 6: Stereoa to~ .......
STEVENS TV old. I)" bus drum, BllllJ'e,
PINK Marble top and ?thiit TI".. A. Zildjian cymt.h
hue cigarette atand $25. lJ" 19" 14" HH. "i:ai """'" Ne",........ Bl·~. F'kJrentine white and -I.I -· ...... l -· ~ .. !"'•• YU • .,... .._..~ Costa Mesa 5'8-3493 ~~"" 'i::' A ~--Blade: TROMBONE Conn, mod 6 Fr OILED Wa.lnut TV, ··~· --= ~M ~-.---•>tioq Call• ~ wedge shaped cuner V::~ =:; ......, c;ulN.t AM • FM stereo comb. ~ , .. ~ble~sz.~~......,.~~=-·I..;~:.:;;;:.·-====== I ,.. ln>nt ""°"· Made by .,; Curtis Mathia. Must See~ • APT Furniture: Co och Pl1not & °'11•M 8130 SlZ 541)...4622
(ma1<H Into double bedl ="·~=-=,,,_-,.-,-,-I
re80d. steady, pU:I vaca· 4525 McArthur mvd. call Mr. Whitney. 5#8550
P-ol SIC to $4IO tlon. etc. 10 Fee .,...&ble. Sh '°· I I ,:Lqun&==,;iR!vleft,;. f' ~"'4-;;_;"'6::;:.. Newport Beach * .AMBIT US
REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't
you be selllnlf the hottelt
ana Huntnigton Beach?
Village Real Estate fl6.2...Mtt
ata.tiatl.cal t y p I n c . A
ttaeareh. Both $500. Fee
pa1d al coune.
matc.hll!a: chair $15. 5 piece Y•m•ha NEAR new Philco pol'table
Bedroom set (lncludinl bex Pl•not & Ofl•fts 'IV. W a In u t tlnfsh, roU •'
sprtnp. mattnu A fnme, See them now at around stand, paid $165, ~
$50. Much morel MS-«l19 C M I for $85. 540-4622
C.M. -t USC RENT TV $10
*WOMEN l7Jle a>, muat haft 11.blllt)' EXPERIENCED De n ta I 540-4424' .. .,.,. YOU PRESENTLY to ''tbtnk on~ ... &tL'' .. _1 ... _... f -~ " ~
#.,.. ~.. or -· ume DEMONSTRATING?
work. Write Dally Pilot Box F.quaI opportunity employer e Toys e PJutlca Secretary
Ou1llty Control 5-o!2$5ZO Fee nesotla . Muat be
mature wl.th poiee a abili-
ty to work well . w Uh
others. Excellent aldlla
,...ult-ed. 1n lhll job ,..,·u
neftl' be bored, A: tht
opportunities for ad·
vancement ~ excellent
""" Clorti $4QO AppUcant ' P1Y1 fee. Tbls
llamon>UI company
want& a 1harp )'OWll IPrl
wlth aOCOUDting acboolina
or work opulence.
Glrl l'rWoy $500
Employer P9Y1 fee. A
-""""· Know! ..... al libnly .,.....,,., -..
construction a n d / o r
hcoptloolll $350
Employer P9Y'I fee. An
excdlent opportunity for
an attractive )'OUDI atrl
wlth ability to meet
public. Good .,..,,. "
te)ephonetacbnlqua1 .......
Tee relm.buned. For receNtrw lnapec t lon
depti'tmeDt. ~ ot
prlnled dmdla .....-
We hi ve many
more fin e Beach
• r • 1 opporiunl4
t ies too num•rous
to llst, Telephone
1nqulrles •r• wel.
newport .
i.r t11o apol>lo woman
.. -In lop .. yi .. ._-""job&.
.P=311~·=-=--~ll -.:...-'.:...-~-'~-I" Real Ealate • Clothlns
PHONE OOIJCITING HUN"'NGTON • Cosmetics No e><perlenee """...,.,,. 11 Aro >OU inlere•led in moro
llollday Heiltll Spa 2300 SEACUFF money with no colloctinl,
Harbor, Cost.a Mesa C b part.lea or delivery 't car Country 111 ~~ . HOUSEKEEPER • Live in. •i=u,..., some evtrunp pre..
Motherlea: home. N . B . ferttd. 5"-8550 Mr. Morril..
are•. J chklrn •• 14 & 3000 P•lm Ave.
or 546-8103 ·
UNLIMITED Earnin& pote~
tial · part or full time.N•
tlonal Orpnlz.atlon. Call Mr
Kline at 833-0.162 after 6 pm.
HXIR Stylllts with following.
Mr. Robttti Col.Uuna, 3800
Cout Hwy, CdM &'B-3821.
16. Pref u/40. 531-1450 Huntington Buch
GENERAL, IJ!ehoule keep-536-8166 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR A,encln , Min &
Women 7SSO Ing and aaalat partial in-' ·----'=
You'll wort fOI' b·o y
genlua who demands 6
commands brainL You
abould have tamily at
home A: other lntereltl
becauae altho the lkllll
are demanding. the po1l-
tlon ii .nnewbat routine.
""'· Fee paid al ooune.
NEW Cuatom made walnut 1139 Newport JIYd, CM Ne. Depo1it • Free Delivery
back swivel & tJlt chair 646·0271 534-0fn or 172-9119 + ottoman $330, lil!U for WE'RE In' . $160. J.00 Di.!ltreaed Oak .our new store. Television 8205 garde aet $1100, •II for $550. Our fantaatic uJe ot Pianos '""-==:.:;..--.....;= cau 6+l-07lO evea wkdys A: 0rpns now con~• at HAMMOND • Steinway . Ya-
n! ' Oranie Cowrty'a only piano mah& • new & used pW,..
0 y. " .. --~···· oraan super uuu"" • ot all maJres. Beat blzya in
Quality Kln&.slie Bed, Pianos from $195. Orpru So. Calif. right here.
beautiful quilted mattrea., from $195. SOiMID'I' MUSIC ~
split foundation, blt·in WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO ......... ,
frame. Never 'ue!. S9L 1119 Newport. C.M. &U-M84 19:!n~ ~·
W-$250. -.:=======I • PACKERS "SERVING FOR39YEARS" ANTIQUE e INSPECTORS We Con Find Tho Secretary °"'"' ~~ aJ""'l FREE ·TO YOU HI.fl & Stereo 12!!' ·
valld. 3-4 hrs. a dly, 5 Part Time • •• . • • Weekends
days a wk. 6'6-6701 .and Holidays
GJlU., nflB w/CM to cire
for 2 boya aft aclil, 3-5:;»
Experienced only. I C I I Right Spot For You one Eitl office, it takes Clock. O hEAUTIFUL 6' AM· FM n tram c ndustry "It's Not Luck" _, 1--u.. '-'"-&?rrlOll RGANIC Fertillier, aatd atereo with mu It i p I ex ' a type w. -;-..,, •~. bone manure combined "It's Know How" A: common aenae to work NEW BASSE'IT ·Med c:ottee with "'OOd ahavinp. Good Girard changer, w a In u t eve!!. Unique Opportunity Apply ~fALE DIVISION ln a small buaineA that table $60; Octqon com-mulcb. 833-5332 or 5'1M9ll cabinet, storage area ·
BABYSITl'ER. Jn m,y NB for ~;6S~be~~~cts Sec.-D:avel ,,, ......... $650 doean't tralt!nd to be small mode $f.. or both $90. betw a • ~ Mon thnl lofJ of records, all sol~ ,'
pm. 615--1381 days, 646-8346•1--------
home, 2 &iri• < A 5. 7,30-5 EXEC SECRET ARY Huntington Beaoh, Calif, Boo-per ••··•·••••·· 1615 kr tong. Exclling medical ......,, J'ri. ""' •fate (no tube>) l~e I
pm. Mon--Fri 673-3397 aft M h ood Legal See. , •••• , , •• , •• $575 tnatrwnent field. Mature TV' port. le I Red at about 1/3 original cost ·;·
6 Ult ave SI eppta,.. Factory , .. , , •••••• , ... , $346 in attitude, move fut &: 1 c;omo e, COUOI, eood lines, CUAbion Will &acri!lce S250. Phone :
HOU SE KEEPER Own anct, excellent typing & COOK , Credit Clerk •••••• •tart sm grow with company, S50(l. ~ c:·t~ ~pc needs cover. Oak bed endl. 5'6---7764 . room. TV. 2 8Chool, age shorth1nd skills. Pl11M Dental P"ront omce .... $50J Fee paid ot coune. sec e L F i'e e. 377% W. Wilaon,STERO •=;;,-"196'l""'-=·'""",1a,..t,..e---.-.1;
I I -n •Anft 8' SOFA. Med. Olive • pale CM 2/4 ........ r chtldren, full dutiu. a o m·e app Y n pt •• o • E I -• p I Med. Recept, • •••• • •• to....,.... sole, Never used $85. Al&o ,
Enellah pnott?Ted. MS-U47 UNION BANK xper enc-re MALE DMSION yellow print. Beaut cond. FREE to good home • 6 , w a In u t AM I F 1.1
BABYSITI'ER • Mature APPLY l::ngtneer Ctvil · ••••• to StOIXI Girl fridiJ Sl25. 96:J..867l Stiepherd pup. 10 months, multiplex, s speaker audio
woman, refs. 3 or 4 eVH Sunlltt Accountant Cost •••• to $758 One girl office, work for DAV~RT $20. End table female, apayed with abotl. system. Nonnally sells tor ~
wk. U pm. (S children). 2743 E. Coast Hlghw•y Newport HHbor Installer • Telephone •• $563 artlsHc well established & coffee tables $7.50 each. 256 Either, C.M. 2/4 $489.95, sacrifice • S.2M. ;
Balboa Ptnn. 67W2.15 Carone d1I Mar Convalescent Hospital Oedlt Mzr Trnee •••• to $600 interlOr decorator 1 n 1978 Meyer Pl, CM NEED sood home, fend )'d. Credit Dept. ~7289 ~ =~~------1 Eq\1Bl opportunity 'mployer 646-7764 Pressman· Offset $3.50 pr hr NeWJl()l't Beach. He hired Lovable male Bauett Hound ~ = ~= ~ MANAGER TRAINEE e 2 ND COOK • "We !d"!; .. ~ ~ jobl Linda 4 yn ago, 1ht!'1 Hounhold Goods 8020 2 )'f'I, iow. children Sportfnl Goods 1500 ·: ••• c.•• ., •• ...,.ot Unusual opportunity to be "'• #-juat been married I: leav. 633-9&5 aft 4 215 "'' '
v,.;. in..._..._.... tn on the beginninr of new Mu11t have eood experience SOME FREE ing the atta. She loved KIRBY Vacuo m • Renon-' GREEK SURFBOARD ·f
OPERATORS Blind stitch • division of old established with eoup A 11.UCH. \Vorkinr SOME FEE Der position, bad a good ditloned.. Guaranteed. LiJm BEAtrr. PUre Brtd G. Shep-T 8" "MAUI", excellent $60. ~
hand tinilhera • Garment Co. u yoo enjoy workin( hours Moo. thn1 Fr1. 8 to MCIM'UIUTS bead on her sboulden, new w/attachmenta. F.P: herd 1T mot, Hket cats. Ad· 536-0402 :
factoty exJlft°· 6C-26f5& N.B. with lqe numbera of 4:30. Call Mn Ptonrun,ton un.nan1 pereonable with clients a: $35.87. S5 mo. ~%UT olta pleue 633-9535 aft t. 2/5 •
HOIISEKf:EPER, llve·ln women, are well aroomed ___ '-=-'--Ext,.,-20!6.~=--p(Bfl\UUEI capableofnotonlytypl~ FiiE: White female-adult raLWe ~ 910 ~ !
woman oo wallrl!r. eo.1.-.. A: ambltloull; call 962-1622 -I I T IUVnftU. but keepln& hia booka. G1r ... Sale I022 rabbit. Good ...... • pet ·.~~. ~l*l350. ••• l. _, Rocopt nn II/ yplll OOl3 w .. tcllll on,. -•
Leisun Wedd. 837...(Jl.'16 befon!: 10 a.m. Minimum of :iO wpm acc. Lobby Office $450 to start GARAGE Sale: Dinette • 6*-f29I 2/4 ========;I e BOOKkEEPElt e RN •.LVN Morrled. nice phone voice. Comer 17tll A 1"""' 6 cba1n, 7' divan. blcyclo, BLACK -ncllnlna Ml1COll1-U. l60ci
l'lrttJme,Ml.,..,.._Good Stoll&UtoTShlfle Startin< NL l300. per mo. Nowportl!each SalesSecty's m1sct1.....__ cbalr. rm condttlon.l ~~~~~~~~I
llBlary, Call 67J.2930 Ne-"·n·-•--nt •·-pital PleUf! call MrL Maddua, Ottlcn ln an ot -:;::~::::;:;::;::;:;:=:::=::l;-~~!..:::_:.:_:___:r'.!21~4 I " ~ ·~·-· ~ 838-3593 ro. •PPI 11 tor the,..,.. u..Uent : CARPET WAllEHOUSI CASHIER. Car Wub. Full to open Znd week in Feb-· Orazwe Count)' aecretary, •lnelt. but can Aepll•net1 1100 TO Good home; 9 wk. o Id Remna.nt&-lndl-RoD Endi
Ume ~part time. ruary. e IUCK PRESSl;:R .. 645-2770 wort lots ot ovtrtlmt .t: MONARCH Eleetric -puppy. Small mlx4retd Thousands ol yards to chooae ~
Call &'J6.6U1 APPLY JN PERSON Experienced in sportswear. RESTAURANT will be well paid tor it. nnp, 89).-«ili8 2/4 from! Someateo.t&Below.
RESPONSIBL.E woman (AS93 Ho:tal HRd., :·a.)' JAY~ INC. Mlfll#.F Trneea. Cooka, $:.oo :::ove~Urn~~tt: FREE To sood home cute Hn: S:lo-t p.m, Mon-Fri.,
bl.byslt 1n1 home, <fi da,y eroa m oag ogp. 2907 So. Ou, Santa Ana Sous Oleta, aharp Waltftu. Fl1Pfah'e Guinea pjp with cqe &. Sat 1(),.2 p.m.
week, 8:!11 to & pm. 968-5185 A11 l1t1nt CB to 3 PM) es (food It cocktail), Top Good condltkm $35 food, 5'l--M69 2/4 1753 S. RJtchey, Santa Ana
MEDICAL --· cAsH1ER .. , .. s,.BLuFF c.1111 .... in ~~·· loc. c • • • Phu, Perso.,el • ~m• • i!IK LABRADOR mix.. 541-50!1
............ ofe ·-.... ""'1" ..... lln>keRa• N.B. hU open•·-for .,.. ·RGUS •C)ENCIES Assodiles puppies, I WU .. family !!!!~~~~~~-1 N.....n Bcb ll4U464 experience. Apply In po~ -" " q '8~19!0 0-3 e VACUUMS e
... -....... -.. ... -i pi: Mra. Hadland perltnced operaton l 186" C Newport Blvd., C.M. Hi,tHnerv level for sue-~lilncet 1100 GERMAN en.-""-",.., male no up, hpa}ra It puta. Wftl-.r.lJ:oU: _._.,;.,Htr, Ill)' GOOOBODY & CO. stylists. Call 6'4-1570 for I ~-blllty Wlll --~· n. bl ~--home. HB area. g pm-lJ. appL Schoof .. lnlfrVctlon 7600 ceu ~ni"'n a ' • SPECIAL PURCHASE e full crown. aood watcbdos n.o::Uc>na e. ~ Vacuwn
l..Qiild t )TL 3tT-U8T 290 S. Cotat Hwy SAUlGfiiirEXp. oft I 7 ' ton;)oy • :s: c e 11 e n t ~ Refrtettatora. a atom a t I c A: with cblldftn. UWllM 211 311 E. 17th, CM'., &o-1560
om.o care· lite~ LefUn• leach i.cnes wmr, cood sa1&ry 5 The Newport =~~ ~·· waahen le other 'D\IJOI' IP' MALE Puppy. Love• UPHOLSl'ERlNG • '79.50. 2
.......... Nowport Shim. WAITRESSES M-~ a., wk., Fri. or S.L only, School of lu1lnoa ptiuce, fl<om .-i .._. -.,. llllJl -SL. ~ <"'-d-' """"""">
Rtfa.. 541-MlS an&-P/ttme. Exp, ow:r 21. YUK\! Mta. Kw'alin 10055 .A.dams JWJ A GUARANTEED Both fff by 1ppllu nt at fantuUc dlll:mntat No C.M. J/4 ... ~ aet, -pickup, 2U r•-n.~ ••• A llolld&>s. M-• Main. HB "Bemy' -Maid 1.qun1 Red Motel, ~-Ave,. at Bn>okbunt •v~lCULUM FOR & f .. P1ld -.,, We""'""'· Set 11, flltlWOOD
· """" "' ,.._ SUCCESS! b FOSTER'S . GRAND v·--s-•-• :om S. O:IUt Hwt KR.AMERS GENERAL Office; 10 key 133 y comp.any 6l)..9tJ2 ~ ..... ...., ....... '6 ., * &1»5 * CXlWNIAL KlTOiEN add. mach., lt. typ., floor ~~Dr., N.I. ~~ or~uir-Ftn ~-!1..2 etrrE tmier JIUPP>' to eood ~ece place eeltlnp plU1
DmTAL Asalltant for 512W.19thst. u.1H:inattr.N~wport8ch. =--=~:,;;:;=15::3:___ PS... Cell... . amer ..._ ~ ~ lel'Yl!T,$S75.. lribodond.n In Hunthvton Costa M@M I.hop. Sal. open. 60-2243 JJfl'Ume Gut: tnifWrlUnr. hr • tppol1tm9"" WATER heater XI p.ll. $25. ' J/4 * 646-0759 *
Beach c..u 9C-3l29 SN.A.CK BAR WAITRESS Ollldttn. srandchUdttn. or Good fur amalltr home or 4 WHT nhblta. ftnt aooa FIREWOOD FOR SALE · * PART TIME * yoone111 lndlvldually tu-,..ta!. -&ft,. 5 or """° ""21!2 · l-1 Walnut A Euealyptu,, $17.s! DEl'tt'AL Secrttary, front of. Need tomtone to auiat ill Trotter '& Bakery fvred 'Ch!Jcoa.1 10 ~ T w weekenda. I MON111 old poppy to eooct ad, S25 ~ c:rd. o.llvmd
notonly.O.l&Mttaan&. ftl¥bulinm.2hnper.,, z:ws!o;;;.t.R1;:'*rdaon8cb tntn,echo<l.17'De!Mar, 'Irr J GE Self -clean ranee hOme.541-95&3 2/3 Ast.aek'dtree,(1)681-0141
OR S.ll66 S d111 wk. $'15 per wk. For ====="'"""'=='=== CM. ~ 'L ~ w I center t • mp unlL P'REll SmaD White FtnWe El..fX Dritf, tlomeJtie XL12 DENTAL ..-.tant .. dlalt pel'90l'l&l tntervlew call Mra. Jobi Men, Wom. 7500 J'AILVRET May not bt ..I: Avocado, 1 yr old. .. Pupw. M&4623 213 chain AW, Chlld'• XL15. afdt. Nf'WPOl'( Be&dl/Ollta Miller, 54f.Q$2 bel'WMD 2 """' ..... ~.. ~ ••• --_.,... 6464!1 A 4. •tud<nl'o """· lndMdual 'iJ.'1:.:-"'I..' ."/i.,J '--bliLY Pliiii' DOIE-4-~·~ Iller 5,.,, · MANAGER required tor U. alltonUon ll) blP IMool tha.I "-~ C..._c..io,t,::;. KenmOrt eutomatle wasbm', LIND. You can Vie o.m PLACE,._ wt.Ill ad deft ~
0£1LY PilDT WANT ADI DENTAL .AIN!lltt 1 8A Adult unltJ 'ffltb p)01. cut•. can Ano Gtckltr. I ,,.,. Hf.Jiii I UCt'llent eond.IUon. $!l. fer jQaf pemj•. d17. DlaJ the' lft looldrw -DAILY I 11--------· · Blll?IG RESUL1SI Part time. --7'W'31 • • e 9'7.&!.ll e 1Wum P1LCYf """1flet! &1:"'611 .. ,
·-" ~ ~ . ,. ·-·-4•:-:::::~o:::-----~----~-~-------------~----~---~-~-~-------~--~-~------=-
I •
.... , •"
• . ·--~-e•Jlort ~Qarller
• '
-. -'~ ,Voi;.;u; NO. 29, 3 ~ECTIONS, 30 P..46ES
:L----~ ' . -. '-ORANGE COUNTI.-~LIFOINIA"
~ . -.. '
---" ! • .. '
acli "-filJlris • --:.-:'17"'~-.,.._ __ --.
' -·Too
.. '
MOlll04 V: MUAiY 1, :lift. . -
-~ -< ..... ,._ .... ~ .. ,.
• . .
M. .__ 1. -n~·
• l • UC .
' , . fOr
'.. . - .-t --.... -~ ·-.... ·-~ .,
-.. , ..
• . .
Council . Calls . E·mergencj:Me~ting lot :Tonight
Beaches Not Fit for Man, ~~at
... ' _,._ ' -: • .'11.!!:: ~ .. ,""I,..., ..... ..
Month Ne~ded·io· eiear
. ,.,, ' , ...
Newport Beacll cily councilmen will
meet . in : an emergency aesslon tonlgM
to c0fl4ider ~ remedies for a massive
beacli cleanup beadaC:he.
Tool cl llorm-cpawood clebril Uni\!&
~ .. ::.:... ~ .. '::: ~ .,.
u11•1 beyond our c.pabDitlel to clean
it iip In time," illd Oly'Manapr Harvey
L. Hurlburt. -, • ·
-Councllm<n, Ji< ~iaid, will be asked
to I-C!>DlractJnc tbe job to )leaV)'
·' '
~ \' _._
--;W8"1lliig Trip
equlpment oW'lton. ·:we'n · talklnc la
lbe neigh-Of abcNI !f,llOO."
It would be awarded Cll lll'emerpney
basla. 11>ele ·Is no' time for adnrlblDc
f<r bids, Rurlburtexpltloed. . .. .
"If we ·dOn~ lief tho! -our cl bere -. a will 11nt under lbe ....,
and wrecli our beaCh cleuln&' equipment
as well as be ·dangerous tO· bathers,'"
he said.
"There are whole logs in then, ~along
with all the bamboo 1hoots; and a kit
Nixon to Visit
Western Europe
, WASHINGTON . (lll>l) -President
Nixon i. making tentaUve plans for a
":workina trip" to Western. Europe, ~
bably wlthln IO days, the White House
said today.
Speculation • al>oul such a trip has
circulated fcr aeveral d_J,ys. This was
Student Unrest
the first time the White H~ 'bad
discUssed the forthcoming journey in
any detail .
Nixon's press secretary, · R 1 n a I d
Ziegler, said exploratory and preparatory
dlacusslons with 10Jne E u r o p e • n
governments began durlna: the put
wffkend on such matters as scbedullng,
Itinerary and possible dates .
• 1 It already was known that Nilr.an was
0 Ucl F ds contemplallng · an early trip to the Ver U;U · Weatem EuropeDll capitals Of its North·
American Truly 0rganizau.n <NATO> 'Reas~ile .Cftlit"8l'. Ma Get,. 'iri~a "!'.W'iiJ~i;;;~ 1~ "..: • ' . , ~ 1,.· 1 1
.• , P-116 ,, eeze .. -· -
t~· "" .<!ll'-1'1 ' r;:;~ ~ r . ..n..,.,..:·m '*. ~ ' .
A clull. belw~:•,ludenf •Jimr 11'·*1 t1-l lli0 tr!p'cliile'irraopil": • . . ", •· . f'g ~· ..• · J uc 1rv1ne -acllVlll ll'd.bladt lludeat1 ~· • 1,11111 , ·~· • --,... _ a ~' olH~lritllde, ~ llOOml .'IJill · ~'>f:'ii!i!ii,'.'hf.lw""lht~':f: · 'T•
Newport Shore Pollution Oil Slick. Fr~in ·Shore
athlel!s on lbe other -may come bopefuI these deciafonl could be
to a head ~ at a meeting of the =ved at in order that the chief u •
student aenate. . ecuUve'1 lint fortlp trip coWd be ccm-
Student Body Vice President BUI Coon; pleted by lbe slart of lbe NATO council
The shoreline along West Newport and
Huntiniton Beach State Park may not
be polluted through Easter Week, after
ruverside City Manager John Went.i
aaid today emergency contracts to ·
replace that city'• wrecked sewer line•
bave been awarded. "I can speak with
1ome assurance that the work will now
. Visitors Enjoy
Sun on Beaches
Despite Pollution
: Polluted and debris-strewn be.aches
~otwithstanding, thousands of Newport
Beach vis.Uors and residents alike this
Weekend enjoyed the ocean froot.
City lifeguards . said crowds near
NewJ)ort Pl er were "remarkably large,"
but there was little trouble keeping beach
visitors away from the water polluted
by iewage effluent pouring ftom the
Banta Ana.Riv~. into local waten. The ·polluted ·l!eaeh area Is posted and· heavily
patrqlled. .
Walkers ·on . t~ pier were numerous,
ts were OshUmen, lifeguards said.
At leasi 75 of them.became so engross-
ed In Uie beatitlful weather they lost
track of time. A Newport Beach policewoman
reported t75 overUme parking citations
1n the pier area Sunday.
Traffic. both afloat and on the pave-
ment, resembled a summer weekend. .
Harbor Department spokesmen said
the waterway• were abundant with boats,
especiallJ' llilboOll tacking In a steady
Teacher's Union
llead SenJenced •
NEW YORK (UPI) -Albert Shanker,
ihe tuchers' uJilori 'preoid<nl-Who led
last · fall's -d\1Wldc teachers'
1trikes, wa1 convicted· today of wlllMIY •
vloWhlt a·~ 'paw1 . order , against tbe waaouta. Be .,,.. «ntiellctdr to~ ts d8f'I·
In jail and Oned !Z!O. The United Federatloo of Tucben,
whlch SbaUer bead&, WU Oned fl20,000
lo< lb wlllM dbcbedience of a c:oort
'ordlr to return lb members to the
ICboo]s. The aenttnce and lims were
lmpoocd by state supreme Court Justice
• • -I
take less than a month," be said.
Friday, ii had been estimated lhe
job would lake up to tblft months.
Until the work ls completed, raw
sewage trom Riverside will continue to
be dumped Into the Santa Ana Rlvtr
at the rate of millions of gallons dally.
It is now. emptying Into the ocean
at the.mouth of~ river on)the Newport.
Huntington Buch boundary, forcing a
quarantine of the beachfront from the
Newport Pier north to the northerly
end of.Huntington's state beach.
Newport City Manager Harvey L.
Hurlburt said lowering the Prado Dam
will prohibit lifting of the swimming
and surfing ban for at least two weeks.
"We e'lpf!Ct a heavy runoU down the
river for that period," he said.
The Or.,ige · County Health Depart-
ment, meanwhile, Will be taking dally
samples to determine the degree of pollu·
lion. Weekend tests indicated a heavy
presence of sewage bacteria.
Hurlburt &a.id once the water from
leader of the while, middle clasa of forelp mlnl.tlera meeting, i n
dormitory '1'oup, has accused St~dent Wuhlngtm on: April JO. ' .
Body Presldl!llt Ron Ridgle of DU511P' . Asked whelbef J1lla flr1t v .. ture •in
propriaUng fund': . penooal dipj<macy by Nlson .. chtef
Specific allegations o( how it was done executive would 'be a ••worklnl" or "good
and how much student money was in· will" trip, Zleiler. told rtportera. "any
volved .,. .. peeled' to be aired at the trip .taken by fli•. President nil<! be
se nate meeting. . a workina visit."
Charges, first brouaht up a week "'°' Nixon ""1 "have an opportllnlty' to
wert t8bled for a week on a technicality, ~ the metter publl~ when~~
according to. campus ,sources. holds his B«OOC! Wb)te HOUie ~·con-
Coon lll!Wered an lnqlllry with lhe ,.....,.,. 'l'bur1l¥Y !'1 1 a,.,,_. PST, ·
comment, "'I'm nol going to say imytblng 'Ibo trip aiso may be • matter cl
until after the senate meeUng." conakleratioa at .a 'J'UadlY momtn1
Ridgle says tliere Ill nolhlng to be meeting of the ·Nahonal Security c.unclL
disclosed The White llou9e gave no , opedflcl
· of the Nlllon ·trip but olhel'. -.a
Truck Overturns,
Burns; Police
Oose Freeway
indJcated tentative plans call for stops
In Parts, Rome, London and Bonn.
There appu<ntly IJ no lntenlloD for
Nixon to vbil lbe Soviet Union during
the trip, or to meet elsewhere with
Russian leaden.
lhe dam -at the Orange Coonty-LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A secllon
Riveraide Coonty border -alopl.{MJO?lng J ·~ Santa •-· -closed
Smoker Causes
$12,000 Blaze into the ' river, it inay be J!Plllble to ""·w,. AUG ~ • ..,., .. ay wu ,
end lht heachlront quarantine. "'The during lbe ruJh hour loday after a
river',e: normal water' now," he ezplained, meat · storage truck overturned and
. "'mlglll,nol l>e 1111'"10.t'lo carry lbe caught !Ire near tbe Miuton Road off·
sew'age to the ~.!' -ramp.
In any case, he · emplla51ud, "thJJ. · -A ~pioloreycle officer wu Injured
city will be exerting u much premire --.llO sicippod lo lnvelllpti tbe "°"
as possible to reopen lhe beach .. IOOD ddenl 'IDd ,...<f!:uck by anolhtr truck. as pcssible." · · wbicll wd·~gQ( of control and 1iao
Stock llfal'keu
NEW YORK (AP!,-Seleqive strength
In steels and other b1ue chips rescued·
the stock market average, from a decline
and the market closed mixed today. Tradlna: was acUve. (Set quotaUons,
Pages ta.19).
Sgb George Serenbetz, 48, was thrown
about 30 feet-q:ainit a cmcrete abut-
meat. He was taken to Central Receiving
Hospital for treatment of a poutble
Six units of city firemen contained
the Dames. Police s a I d the drivers,
whose names were not dlsclo.sed, were
Fire CIUled by a omoka-Jfho fell .
uleep ~ In $11,000 In dallll(• to ·a 'Ballilft.liland dQples' _,_ bUI
all lhree occupontl eacaped wtllxxlt m.
·Philip Sanden, 000 cl .U... lhree, WU,
awakened by the amen of smoke •In
a bedroom oi'lbe apmtmenl
He, Gordon.Manball and Rlldy ·Baron
ran from lbe bWlnc dwellillf, localed
at to3 N. Bay Fnml
Three fire trucb and a relCUt unlt
responded to the 12:tl a.m. call. Fire
damqe to the structure WU •t0,000.
Damage contents were valued at $2,000.
Firemen listed smoking ln bed at the
..... cl the blue.
Candid Camera~ AIHNlrd
' .,
You.·'re ~kyjac·ke·~
.. • • -
tho ninth hljacklq of ·an Amer1can
airliner thJJ year.
: Aboard the plane with Funt were bil ~Jff, Marilyn, two clJilclren. WilllanJ,
Hi and Juliette, Iii:, a_~_memliOia clli~a camera cmr' ....,..... to 1111'1
·1taJ1s cl An.' nmf Productlom ln;Jlew
Ymt. • . ~ .
Kalli aald Fun! .... "" route to ~ml
to lllm & poilloo~' movie oellled
"'Whal Do You Say lo I Naked ~"
,...hlch would be dJNi-.to lbeltero,-
-Tbl plaoa wu ·~ ltGm N"'or• • to-.,., J.;. ... ~ • ,_
' .. \ , .
•'i'.. •1 . ·'·" (
. . . , . .
', '. ' ... '
SANT A BAllBARA , ( IJ!'l) .,-"Stiff
offshore ""'4s today pmhed .a. v-.t oil
allct away 'from 40 1 mllel of~ ahonllae
U1rulel)ed by thouainds · ol , pboi1I of the red<!blf.bi'own crude. ' -'
'nlt'Cilasl Goard reported theJifl>Y·2'
mlJe slick wu un<Jer "rUloDlble. ·con-
trol," lJut oil WU allll bubbling to the
1urfa<t lrom 'llndene& fillUl'e( at Sl,000 1allonl • dali ' •. . . '
Meamrblle Secrelaey .of: the 1-
Walt<r ,tlRW..l lfl<ll<;a~ l<ldiy'Jie_MaJ
order ~oil drfllfhi halteol In the
Santa Barbara j:bamJel unUI a 'l'iY Is
found . lo , prevent' IUt)lri oplllage · from
seafloor-wellll. . '
He appWed al a. bearing cl lbe coo.ty' ~ o( ~upervbon,called to lnveslliate
a huge oU allck opreadlng. ofl the
Seatbem Calllomta coast from • ""'" lured well wblcb has spewed -1n
estimated lll!,000. g'alloal to ti)!!. •urface
alnce lul TuN<f4y.
· The board adopted a ~solution ~skl~g
Hickel to order a moratorium on drilling
* * * It's Even Money
I I • ' '
Blob :wm . Came .
' .
• ~· .. . •
pW.8 iny · more hole1 1111111 "' liavi
atrider 1 rtgulatlOM." · ,
. ·~I .think that 's a reuonable ~"
Hickel aid.
IUckel planned to'return·to WuhiJiltoa
qn f•ral land leased to oJI companlel.
sUperv1sor George Clyde said, '1-W
1 ""! -utlng II . lfmply that "" :i
' " . . . . later today alter Oyfng owr the
opreading offshore oil slick. He new
hen ~y·nlgltt.
Roughneck nil w<rkera llruQltd on
tbe · Union OU Co. of Calilom1I -plaUorm wbere the crude oil and natural
gu erupted from lbe ocean -1u1 Tueoday. •
"' Crews were attempUng . to remove a
valve ln the top of lbe well cutnc
so they could force ce:ment·llke drllllnl
mud down the shaft to seal oU the
Anacapa !Jbnl, one fii the lllrln& fll
lilanda aboat 10 mllea -. which
form lM 8anla llorbara channel, WU
"'1JOfled com)!le.tely enctrcled by• major
c:oocentraUon cl oil. A colooy Of .oeala
WU believed 11""8 Gii' Amapa bUI
aiitborfu... 11111 1o -mowl..ice Iha.
animilt were Dal •1 clef bJ tM~ i
''111e ........ wlndo ,!pdaf, ~the' .i..w ~ cl lht ·allct "down th8 clii'iiie1 and i>at" 't& : iel' -.p -I~
~ end. "The fa90l'ablio 1lilidl were
(See flLICK, Pap I) . . ' .
' ....;.>~. ·~. • lriPinf. lo,kp ol --11 n1Co d.iji :r-»J."!:: fair ,;m;~ I c:na1ng ~, an11 lht
I ~~···-Ille II-~ nwltla!' lbe Or!f111 Caaol.
I OVI of Pf oPOI lf>m lO u\.ir ·-· ,._., . ....,,. \,.
1 flMlllu· b.lin.d moll of!M """ • liii'ct llMll.',/oupa, ll1i .·~·
I Pao•'· . 1 -. . I
i--• _.,. ~·· -·--: = ·..:-=:-• !~ " .................. 0••••., It --h .• ......... '..,,. . = ··--; l •ll!p,. a:·.--~·I
1 ·'-" ..... ,:;;:..;;: . . -,-.. '~-~· .. ~ • .,, 1 ........ ,..., ·~· Ji ~-.. , ' . .~' l I ~~. • '~
. .
• ' OA"" V l'IL01 lhfll ,...,.
C1t Owner_Ebnn (loft), 12 Motor's Dougon
· (£~tJ_ai<Jppnses: Oil: Drilling ·
• .. , ....t I ·,
.. Re.olutio~ pra.fti?il . A-f f ' •1 f .. '(\ ~ /. J-.,,__~ .
By JA~ CIL\PPl:U.. ~ • dl~th• ~·niU....e a t' ot.,.. o.nr r• Miff a montb ..._ .-.. ·~-1..,. ·~· . ,.
In the ~ake ot _the ~ta Barbara "As I: c0astit ·~~tMa_; '1s
oil dlsasltt, J,aguna BeaCh counclbutn certainly llOlllethq Wi'it'~·ln.
Wednesday wlll pro-a resoJuUon to nie Sailla Barbara tbiiig preeltllllled
tbe Leglslaturt ._......,,ppOOIUon to the acttoo and ·i.ndod to -rein! •
any offshore oil· ~p~on in state feettnp."·ht 1ild, -q , tlUt
Udelandi iOUtb ·of the Slilta Alla River. • . cn.u oil and natural· gas bivt. bteJ(
Sponsored Jiy Cowldlmtn. Roy Holnl IJolbbllllg .1 r nm an ....., noor: --
"'!d _ Vice-mayor J~pb 0'.Sulllva,n, th! beileolh,tbe Union OU Company~tl"')i). re~l~Uon would slate the city 1 op-off s.nta Barbara for aix day& spewing
position to even the sear~ for oil in an eaUmated 21,000 galloos ~ di)"to
offshore waters. the surface --
"In tbe first place, I don't think we '!)~ a· 200-sguare-mile f)ick has
~t oll c!rl\Unl pllU""'l' oil O\Jl' ...,t. s)irtad acroo !be sea polh\ting;beaches,
I m gOneially o_..i to even the ... Jdlllili marine Ole and ibreatenlng ex· plor~Uon ~a\l5e lf they ffnd oil, then pensive oceanfront homes:
they re 1omg to wan\ to get it out," AU efforta ao far have falled to stop
O'S?1llvan .aid. . !be oil"leal:.' '
O SUlllvaa wd be and Holm bad "I bate to be in !be pootlion of so)'illl
Police Catch
. ,
Cyclist After
11 told you so,' but ts years aco t
atood in thi 84llta Batbara CoUrtbouSe
and told my lrlenda in ihe oil businW
that there was no such thlng as a
fool~proof way of handling
hydrocarbcms," 'aald H&l'1'Y Grbru:ley, a
lonf-Ume ·Laguna foe « offshore oil
Grlmlsey_.:.a.. 40-)'iar, yet«Jn .. ol oil
company work', noled. he was a prime
mover In the SheJJ-Cunningham Act of
195& which prohiblts offlhort production
between ·!be Sinta Ana River and ~
Melican border ill atate tldelan<ll. • , •
Grlmaley Poli>lod ~ bowe'"t~ thal •
the well <ill Slntf Barbai'a ii ~no1 · Iii
the atate ljilelands,' bul :n·1ed0ral leased
land outside the tbreHnlle Iimlt. • . "
"Of courae tbe state .has no 'aathoritj
outalde the thret·mile limU,'' he said.
'rile -Santa Barbara occumnce abowtd
that two tJµngs must be done, he said.
"Wt .muSt urge lhe federal government
not to lease the federal tidelands oppoaite ·
the protective area down here, and also
they_ must permit the :state to have
som~ jurisdiction over the satet1 features ..
on •.the .leases made by the federal
Int.ereSted persons could write to the
Secretary of the Interior Walter J. Hickel
and to ..congressmen e1pressing their opi-
nJoos_. Grimsley said. .
"Pedple .are more important than a :
source of olL .. There iS ·no shortage of .
oil. lt'1 more worthwhile having a human
sanctuary, than an oil well," he said.
' America's Cup Challenger ~~:clli~~~N~~rt
1 Beach motorcycle patrolman on a muddy
. ""· dies near the clty dump Sunday.· R d F • h c . chase along'dirt i:oads and through pud-ea y to ig t atiiinaran j.Jt· .. ~~~t1=•tolte1:e.;oobei:.:
DAI~! !u.oT ~ .......
The W<lrld will aocm !mow wbelher
a fut OCUJl1lolng catamaran sollboU
;, futer tbsn o JJ.meter yacht "-tbe
khld lbal defend! !be Amerloa'• Cup.
~ast Highway
5-car Accident
Injures CdM Girl
Television personallty Buddy Ebsen ol
Jhe. ~ Yacht Club sow to that
SlturdaJ when ~he challenged Pat
Dougan;. commoddre of ' the · Bahia
Corinthian Yacht Qub and owner ()f
Odumbla, to a tJJ:ree.race ma1ch teries
iri·Newport waten March 14-15-16 ·again-
11: Polyneolan Concept,
.The. formal challenge was issued at
·Ebsen's Balboa Island home complete
Wlth''TV producUon and coverage by tlie laridlubber and boaUng press.
Dougan graciously accepted th e
challenge and the two skippers dutifully
growled at each other for the cameres.
The tbree.-race series Will be sailed () v e r a triangular·wlndward-leeward
, A five-car tangle,. on Lagt.118'» ~ ~ in winds of 10 to 10 knots -
Highway injured a Corona del Mar girl if "the' <weatherman is in a yachting
in one or two Sunday injury accidents. mood. Jane E. Bradley, 17, of 1627 Way Ebsen and Dougan agreed. that the
Lane was taken to South Coast Ccqn,. 35-foot c at m .. • r '.. D Polnestan Co~
munity Hospital for emergenojl-lrilt---· ~ : ll'!Pl be!I· tliil ?~, Columlua m'!'~ police said. Slie was not a~: ;:;111".!b!ii ij!ove-.20'.knots -8¥-lbal the
.Police Sgt. Dave'Brown ll&ld'i&.ac-••i:olaiol@!a -Icflie ~vor'!l!!i ex~f
cident .occurred near Cleo Slreel,Jlhen Upt alJ:s. _ '
Manuel Chagollan~ :la, -'"'"s J;;j ~ plns.,!'lf ho~ ~~ conlfrl~ unable to stop his ~r. ~ . _ hit.~-~ otil-re~ .ild; _!9t-~
His auto struck :~e rear of another the close·Wmded 12-meter tn a triangu1ar
r.orthbound auto dflven by William P. race. Conolly, 18, Mo~y Park. Chagollan Dougan .believes he can take the
veered Into th< soUihbound Jane slrildng Columbia to · weather so far ahead of
Miss Bradley's car~:and cars driven by Pol)'nealin 'Concept that tire cat will
Evelyn G. Scbonak, 62, of 1242 Rutland never catch up.
Road, Newport Beach, and Jean E. In.. any ~ven,, it . will be the first
Kroeger 1 4{, Brea. · match ·race in history with two sueb
In the other acctdent, also on "South disslinllar yachb.
Cout_lllgbway, Michael D. Fenley, 21, Ebsen announced that a perpetual
a camp Pend.lei.on Marine, IUffered trophy for the race is being donated
flclal laceraUona and wu taken to the by international sportsman Jim Kim-
hospital for emergeoey aid. berly,· yachtsman, auto race driver and
Police aai4 FenleY's southbound car sport fisherman.
collided near Moss street with a sooth·
b o u n d car driven by Kathleen Jean
Frater, 21, of !1341 Benecia Ave., Laguna
Flood Racked Can)'.on
Home Swept by Blaze
Fire early this morning brought further
grief to Good-ravaged Modjeska Canyon.
A b1n:e ignlt.ed by an electric heater
in the bathroom caused $11,00J damage
to a home occupied by the Don Sum-
mers family at 2925.1 Modjeska Canyon
Road. The beater ignited a bamboo cur-
Three engine companies and a salvage umt from !be Modjeska and Silv..-ado
CaDyon atatioDI of the Orange County
Fire Deparlmtol fought the blaze.
loM•t N. W114
Pmldttll and f"u~li"'°
J11t It. Cvrl1y
Vice Pm'*"t 111t1 °""1'1t Mt"h~r
'lllom•• K••~a
l~o ... 11 A. h4u•pllin1
Mtnnlttt Elil~
Jere"'' F, Collin• P1ul Nit1•n H.._,.. StKll Ad•e<l!~lttt
(lfy l!lllO!' DltKl\.r ,...,.,t '"'"ti om,.
2111 Wed 111"1101 lovl1v1,,.
J,11\li•t /\idrtn: P.O. 11.: 1111, 92,,J
O,._ Offlcn
C"'' Mou: :uo Wnl ••v sr.._t l•~ kKI>: t?1 F_,I jl,-"unllfttlM htdl: JM $111 llrNI
·From Page 1
DE6RIS ...
hasn't helped the ~tuatlon.
Removal of debris and rubbish from
the Huntington Beach city beaches will
take another two to three weeks, Vince
Moorhouse, dJrector of beaches and
harbors, said this morning.
For the past week Huntingt.On Beach
personnel have been clearing off debris
deposi~ by the Santa Ana River during
hc.avy storms.
"That problem is nearly cleared up,"
Moorhouse said, "but each tide bringii
in more sticks, small trees and other
rubbush from the Bolsa Chica areJ
Moorbpµae explained that because of
the currents most of the Santa Ana
River problem has been dumped onto
the beaches of Newport Beach.
He added that as long as the westerly
swells et1ntinue Au11Ungton Beach should
t14ve no water pollution problems.
Several beaches to the south have
been closed because of pollution from
open sewage poured into the area
during heavy flooding the past two
rluntington Beach has not had to close
ita beaches yet, Moorhouse said.
Presently a four-man team Is working
to clear tbe beach of rubbish .
Hand labor ill the only melhod useable
for tbe operation because the heavy
debrlJ would tear up the regular beach
cleaning machines.
Once collected most of \he truh must
be transported to the Coyote Canyon ·
damp neor UC Irvine.
The one bright note in the deluge,
Mocrhoue noted, was the mllliou of
feeL of land deposited along with the
debris wblcb will help build up the
From Page 1
ezpedAld to oonUnue through Tue!day.
Fingers of oil reached the aurr on
seven miles ol beacbe. between Rincon
and Pitas Point and ollJ driftwood wu
floaUng uhore at other locatloos.
The natural gu escaping from the
woll could be Jmelled In billcoplen 1,000
lt!el 1bove. 'l1>e oil ltaeU loamed reddilh-
brown on the wbltocapo, giving off a
powerful Stench.
being arrested for resisting arrest, police
The incident beg:an when Ne1'POrt
Police patrolman Joha D. ScbOrle .iried
to llaJI .Robert Geor1e .Summtr1, J8,
of ~ Valley :Road, Costa Mesa, to
tell him he was riding his cycle on
restricted property.
The youth fled, Scborle reported.· The
offictr then) gave chase and a abort
time after sounding h!S siren the )'Oulh
.topped bis slill·runnlng cycle In a llrtJe
mud puddle. ·
Schorle said that as he approached
the youth, the cyclist spun his rear
wheel and sprayed mud on the officer
and his niotorcycle.
• The youth fled again an~ eluded bis
Alter calling in tbne Newport Buch
police uni\$ and another frcm Costa
Mesa, the officer drove to a nearby
housing tract where he noUctd the
suspect's cycle, parked in a driveway
its flftline still wanii,
. ,!;•~ found th< :ii!uth inlldt bII hcitiil' ana amalid lfu. I':· • , · · •.
c-: ii .... I Bl:'i· ·~..i ' uif · or · urnoo'
As Stove Aboard
Boat ExplOdes
A Van Nuys sailor ·llUflered painful
alcohol bums aboard hit 32-foot sloop
at its mooring Sabirday morning when
a leaking stovti exploded.
Ralph 'II. Kody, 58, ••• cocking on
the boat "Friendship" aild did J\ot notice
leaking alcohol fuel, harbor patrolmen
The liquid Ignited, singing Kody'• hair
and.-eyebrows. After he threw a pot
of coffee oo the blaze, the flame subsided
for a moment, then the fuel Oared
up atain. burning \he fleeing man's
arm, knees and stomach. ·
Kody emerged from the cabin and
hail~ another boater nearby.
The boater, Harrison Stephens of La
Verne, rowed to shore and' called the
Harbor Department.
Kody was transported to the 15th Street
cily p~er to a waiting ambulance,. which
took him to Hoag Memorial Hospital.
He was lreated for shock and second·
degree bums, then released.
Youth Guilty
In Drug Case
A Balboa Island yooth accused of
possession of marijuana today pleaded
guilty in Superior court and was 1en-
~~ced to six montlu in Orange County
Judge Robert Gardener a1so ordered
David Richard Cullen, 18, of m Ruby
Ave., to serve three years probaUon.
Cullen withdrew his earlier plea of i.Jl.
nocent aDd asked for immediate sen-
Cullen was arrested at bis home last
Oct. 17 after officers found what they
said was a "1111.bltantiaJ haul" of mari·
juana a\ the residence. Also confiscated
by police were codeine tablets and
packets of an unldtnllfied white powder.
Funeral Tuesday
For flelen Howell
Funeral services for Mrs. Helen c
Howell of N1wport Beach who died l~
a lhattering auto craah on rain-sll'ck
Coast Highway at El Morro cUrve a
week ago wlll be conducted · at a p.m.
Tueaday at Sl James Episcopal Church.
Follow1ng last rites, burial will take
place at Pacific View MemoriaJ Park,
Corona del Mar.
Mn. Howell, 57. of 4$ Balboa Covff,
leaves her husband, Virgil, and-two....,
Russell and Charles. All three were
Injured In the same accident. Mr. Howell
and Ruuell, 27, rtmained In Hoag
Memorial Hospital todoy whett they
were reported In fair condlllon.
•. OAll Y I'll.OT Stiff P~
Hitting tJae Books
SWne of Argentine :Students on a three-week visit
to· the Hcbor Area_J under the auspiCES of Councif
·. fot-Argdllne Student Exchange went to school
wftll l\mencan stud_ents today. This group al Es· la/!£1• HiJ!I School In Costa Mesa to?~ time out to
compare notes on libraiy books. From Jeft are Es·
tancla stnden"t Ann Montano. Argentine students
Eloisa Carbonall and .Marcela Benzi, ch.aperone Miss
Inez Walker, Estancia ~tudept Cheryl Smallwood
and Argentine .Etudent J\,na Maria. . . .
· I \ -= ' I I .• :• ' ' . \ . .. . . . .. . •
Tustin Backs Hearings
On Mexico Drug Traffic
The ci\y of Tustin today Jolned !leveral
other Southern Calt!omla cities, includ-
ing Newport Beach, in urging Congres·
slonal bearings on the narcotics traffic
ttom Mexico.
Mayor A. J. Coco said the Tustin
council acted unanimously on the issue.
(R-Calif.) (old Newport authoriU~ that
he has asked the Justice Department to
look into thl! matter.
Christmas · Photo
Winners Listed · Tustin.Councilmen did not specifically
request that closing of the border to
minors be considered at the hearings,
as has been suggested by othe r cities. ·winners oJ' the Fl9ating ~hristmas Trte
The Tustin resolution did note, however, Boat Parade photography competition
tha( "there is evidence to indicate tha:t were announced today by the Newport
the border should be closed to unchap-Harbor Chamber of Commerce. eroned minors.!' The resolution, Mayor COC<l ·said, also The amateur winner" is David Schultz,
asked Congress "to consider the estab-706;% Marigold Ave., Corona de! Mar •.
lishmtnl of such border controls in cO-The professional winner is Larry Dun·
()peration with Mexican authorities as mire, 1801 Sabrina Terrace, Corona de!
would assist in the elimination of this Mar. _
source of the problem." They will each receive two round·trip
Two weeks ago, Sen. Goorge Murphy air tickets to San Francisco. ~~~~-=-~~--''----':....:..~~~-
I • ' • ~ • • • • • .... ,, ' ' ,. ¥ •
Coullty Flights
. Up 36 Percent
Flights in and out of Orange County
Airport" in 1968 increased by 36 percent
over 1961, FAA Tower Chief Quentin
Stockdale reported today.
He said there were 512,973 "traffic
movements"· last year, and 374,773 the
ye_ar before.
Stockdale noted that the biggest
statistical increase was in Instrument
Flight Rules (IFR), the foul weather
guidance given to aircraft by the tower.
IFRs in 1963 were up 87 Percent over
the year previous -from 50,898
movements to 27,193.
Blaze Hits Dana Lab
Fire Sunday night caused $4,000
damage to a copper plating vat at Dana
Laboratories, 2401 Campus Drive, near
the Orange County Airport. An overhead
sprinkling system extinguished the blaze,
according to the Orange Count)' Fire
e rings si1ed and repaired
• diamonds and precious· stones remounted
• peerl1 restrung · : ·
2JOO HAllOl ILVb. . -(~ANDA M~~I
I . ' ' . ~.' •. I
~ • "
' ..
~-· -··i-1'
'CENTER ENRICREIL . ...:·ttnite.t Cerebral 'J:;J~:
. Child Development ~Iii' il'&n• !CR'thopedic ~~ -
· richer, thanks lo-the gift of Newport Harbor~-\&,
nae, K•PPa D~tas··MJ:s.:J. P,.:And,erson, a !11~r 1
shows Shawn· Britt how to=use the new eqwp~ l . -'""-.,
Helping Othe rs' I ,
.. . \
Alumnae Reap
Rich Re.ward:$.~
Reaping the rich reward of helping others are
Newport Harbor Alumnae of Kappa Delta.
··-Projects thr~1,1iJio~t-:-tlie · year nave· raised
enough fun~~ ,~·tD!'~'le:.~ei_b{tQ:'pl!I'chase an ortho-
pedic walker for-~'Clijl4c:Dev~opment Center ol
United !;erebral Palsey, Santa An'!; . . .. "' . Jn addition the al~j,p~t birthday par-
ties monthly ,for the childteiJ~a~ing the ce.nter,
which is the ma ior 'philahli->.&.~.Jof the association. '\"!'~~ ~1 ~'
'Members Msaliiake ;t~g aids for the cen-
ter durlng.·r~'!l..i.)Worf,)>Brues during the year,
aod they also supp0rt·ilria,collegiate chapters -of
the sordrity. . .. ., ~ ..
'..;: . ' . During the next meetu!g,. \!I,· take place at 7:,30
p.m. Thursday, Feb. 1S,¥i9·Matilde Mai-Ivar1;an .
Americ'an Field Service f6rel&n exchange studabt
attending c;ornna de! Mar. Hlgh School will speak.
abtlu~her nativ~ cduntryrSPain.
Hosting the session in her home will' be Mrs.
Frank McKibben with Mrs . Robert Harrington serv-
ing as co-hostess.
Further information about the organization is
available by Mrs. James E. Palmer,at 644-1157.
' . ' . PROBLEMS ELJ MINATED -Hoping .that health problems will be 'eliminated ·b}": pre~~ntion through education are membirs of
the heoltb committee of Newport Beach J unior• Ebells. Empha-
. .
• •
sizing that an ounce· of iprevention . is worth. more !h'an a pound of
cure are (left to right) Mrs. Roger Shernl.an, hearth chairman
and Mrs. Allen Goody.
An ounce of prevention, when in the form of education, can committee, the Mmes. James Ca~ey, Lionel da Silva, Paul Had-
be worth mu~~.more than a po\Jn4 of cur.e, say Newport Beacti 1ey, "Michael Helin, Frank llughes, Gordon Kesslen, Larry Mit·
Junior Ebells who Have tagged February as health education chell, Henry Stotsenberg and Vincent Wood.
month. Reservations are being· ~en by ·M~s. Eugene Kovach at
On the agenda will be a fund'-raising bridge and bingo lunch-644-0335. _ • . · ,,_ . . _ ,
eon to help underwrite their project of providing educational ma-With lfiou8:hts still. on p_r.e.vent~od, .fllniorS wilf staff TB 'Mo-·
terials on the !object of venereal di!eases which bas become one bile Units at Westc.liff Plaza Feb. 11 and Fashion Island, Feb. 21 -
of the greatest public health• problems facing people of the ·U.S. Crom 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. · · , · ·
today and has constituted'an increasing threat to the health of our Volunteers, Who are working two-bour.:sbifts, are encourag-
young people, according to · Mrs. Roger Sherman, health Chait-ing everyone to· take advantage of rthls oppOrtufuty to assure good
man.-, health . · . , •
• . 'J'he benefit .will 4ie place·Friday, .. Feb. 14, from 10 a.m. Culminating the month of activities ·f~the-bealth comtnittee
to 2 pb.. in the borne of LE!nnon>~.~D~tley11 4545 .Fai,rfield Drive, .;wi1'-.. be\ thl\t.pr_esentation of ~n· inJorma!j.ve program and fil m op_ i,;o~el Mar. · '.. · . ' ·· ~ prob1ems we face today .with.-Yenerf@ .C!i;_~~s.,All interested t#-·~·'.'~1 elcoming bridge players and those who .prefer a little P@rents .are urged \o alt.end q_i~.sessioq, 'SC~.eduled for 7:30 p.m. -~ · .SQ<l _ . 'g around the bingo table . will be .M~s . Sherman and her ~ feb. 2.6 at l!arbor View<Elementary SchOOi.. · •. • •
-• ~ -·-' .-.1 • • • ... , if .11-,~,.~; ..... \..' ";_11,..,l ". ,,,,.,.,. .. t., ; ·~1 ·' . .
'LETTUCE ' TOSSED -Tossing a spe¢lill •al~d Iuncheoll to rai•e
funds !or fellowships will beinembers of the Newport-Co1ta . .Mes•
Branch, American ·Association of University Women. "f1avotingv
' thei r. donation are (l~ft to }'ight) the Mll)es, Jack Benton, L. W'.
Pickens arid Robert A. Smith . .ReservatiOns for the Feb. 8 event
are being taken by Mrs. Benton at•646-6184. '
,, '·
Au.th or
' B06ked ·
TOday'1 book markel'l lhd ' ' ' · the· problellls pose.1 11cr ......
· · ioU,, aulbQi's writinl 1 rdpect·
abftt.r literature· w11r be ' the
toplt of discills!on by. Leland
· F. 'Cooley; noted iuthor...pro-' ' ' ducer:. · ~f·· '.coQley ~ill address the .t;few-
,;~pOd-O:>ita Mesa B r a n c h.
n on of ni-
versity Women following a . " noon salad luncheon Saturday,
Fib. l,·ln the E!tancia High
School caleteria.
H~ talk '·riuaht be enUtled
"Sex and the Serious Novel-
ist" or "The Dirty Book Di·
The author, who now re.sides
In Laguna Beach with bis~wlle
and two children, is best
known for his novel, "COncli-
~ tion Pink/' a satire on ex~
tremlsm. Previous to devoting most of his time ta writing,_
• Cooley worked extensively 111
. television where he was·.pro-
ducer-writer and director of
the Periy Como series which
won seven Emmies for the
Cooley now Is wori.i~ on
his next novel, a social aailre
entitled ' "The Trouble With
Heaven." He ls listed in
"Who's Who in the West. rt
Bei -n·g Well Reared Gives
~···· .. -"' ': ' -. .
Fouodation for Gi r:-dti:b\g~:£·~oolem'.
have gal~ only iii! .. .ilnce 'my -
baby .... born, my figure hu changed
complel<ly. Everything I bod before la ANN LANDERS
still (here. _U's ),1111_ !•located. Wi_th the . -· ....
Jll'OPer fuidaUon. (.~\a.. I l"'lk °Ile •
from the 'wMsf 11Jl. "11'1 the rUt of (I,, 1 v"J iapedaWe atare) 1 sinlle
me I'm c:oncemed aboul wllll ..... , pi!!ldlag. II will de fer
I used to have a nice curved look · t11e· Net will& fllolei de ftr Ille !root
In the back but now I'm Oat u a board. AM ,-.; prtl, cloa't wrUe _.
I don' know how ta de!!crlbe II except Ilk nen -p.a.. cu .. ,........
to say I've klst my flDJl1. 11 there ff. I'm Mt ,..W.1 aderwtar , tlal1
some exercise I can do to rebuild It? IUIOL Call fOU' local departmnt nore
Tbanl<I for your belp. ~ NO LONGER w.llogtrle ...,_
sucll exercllt, bat doa't 6t1pa!r -Hip
Is .,. tile W.y. RtetatlJ I an iavtrdaed
. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I wenl wltb
Kirk for several years. I lried to break
up with him at least six Umcs. Each
tintt he 'cried 'aJ1\f pluded wilh me
not lo ~ him, IOJ.,J contimled lo
see him ~ lrequenlly uld •and did
things that Indicated he wu' ~le.
I pleaded with ·him to IOI prp1-.11
help but I got nt!Wllere.
Last aunner while vacallomail qut
east l met a wonderful man-a Widower
with a cbiJdJ .,we uw a great deal
of each other and now I think I'm
in Jo,•e with him. He telephone,, me
twice a week and sen4s ~eOting In U:ve dl!H • antell for Wm u uyoee recommnd lllt Rll'ICGI.· I diU.
the mall almost every day. He is coming .etllilt ~1tlift" .r ~~I JWr twa la· die ~. be nm tat a., 1-..1 ' •. ..,_, '
lo see me ne.1t week. .lift.~ II:-*,.. ~'t ._...*-'l!ll*?!J~ ti r.· ~ ~ •
YeaterdayltoklKirkthefelssomeone •,,-r '1 :••·' ~ " ~ .ye,l1 ••·* ......-, lllt .. wW ~
else. He became bysterlcaJ tand cried, DE'* ANN LANDERS: I'm 18, a w-to wtn. wUll.
"if Yoo leave me i·n till m~." girl, and want to hive my note bobbed. • . o.f •
• om frightened and mlxed.,up. u I',. -some awful rtSU1ts as ,.011 Wbll la French klasin1! Ia It-!
Kirk commits suicide I'll n~ foqiy, as4-~ ~Uful ope1. l'm reluct.,.t -Who ,llhou.ld set the necttn& Umltl -.
myseU. I need advice at once. -llTAR ta Mt a.pellmi-the ,P'ot li1a lo<tor tliO )iiy ot tbe llr,!l CU 1 ....,.
SISl'ER · """'°' iDoot 'peopte .....id like flu W<\Wlltl succoed! llad Aa. ~
11&\ll STAR• Dool -._.,, II-to -bilow lhoy m lionl~~ibo-1 lMlllr!lil. ·~ liia -tla<1'•
lneu . IO nla J1llll We. -II , tblJ'1-4'1\!e. .(~1 1 , to ~ k." ..... IO _, ta .. 1D4 .
blaelrmaU cia be• Uasen.a pllft~ ,JW _ .... one ·eo ~ ftnl;tinl "~ ·a~ltlf-ldlba1i1d,ttampede..,..
Tllooe rP -Y!Cllmlzool ~-· • INll-tMW~•t1:1!•1!-·0.& 'W.· """'10l:i ~Cf.1!1-i. •• dear pm. • ' • Ill'.UI,. II ,_, 'Dai!( Ill i ..... '~;:with y•: 9lod ....,._
Tell Kirk ,., more. Uoqe t~ lie • Jiii ::.:::..::i_ U..~ .Jt'. All 'jo.L~ IA .-. tllo DAILY PILOT,
must 1et profe11loaal WJJ; 11te1 bid { tollteftfi~ ht W (re.1 1DCCt11.... eriaoSing a !lamped, self·lddressed
ltlm gGOd-bye -lltd meu It. Yta wOI A pltaaed paUtat 1hovld be happy lt en\'elopc .
' ., ' " '• '
... . '
l4 .DAll.YP~l~~T~~~~~~M~Old'1c:::.'.'~f....,;:::.;:::.:,.::'~·1~%9~
:_Today's S.tyle Trends 9n .ly Ref~·e~t t·h~ ·p~.st bfl!«y, 4bouldm were wider -even though fabr!CI were
lhll1 ~ but It was the New acme -has betn llllerjireled
Look of Dlor 1n 1947 that as a desire on the · part of
swept milady's closets clean. women to return to a mor.e
'nle significance of the aC<-secure way of file wblcb la
·teptance of the tong skirts ·gone fo~ve~.
' ~ By JODEAN llABTINGS lo ani:leol Umea, It wu Finl bodleo wtre decorated
•"' °"'t -1""' aJlo6!ng ~.I .-~'. lo. re-With paJa!, '"-adorned w!lh s.,. bosoms. an<l p0e1t..,. veal her f1CO·la • or her feaUien.;~. '.IMU. ·or
•boo blowes? feet 1n <:ll1na. Mlol, orJ!IOI. •-ind.~ which bJd ' Notblng new, calnllr de-belle<I at ~ are the adiled ldilDlllle cil CIMlc·
claree Mlss Marjorie Leland nolbln.I more tbin 1 ref1eo. nat!iic· • lpoc1flc tribe or ~ who delljhted • Jam-ttoo al .... nve. and thole fr~.a ~le ..,.my.
med audience of Hlllltlniton ,..-m; °""""~ vfv1-'!he atyle .. capllal -ol the Beach Moncla7 Momin& Club I clciul s11111on1' lrmnrslty world Jn -tlmu WU members and SUU1I 'Ollll her .....,.. · ' • . EcYPt. and lo be lalll•onable
reflectiom on fa1!ilon1 '"':l:we·weir·clotbel?" one WU't lbeerwblte plMte4 Through lbe Looking Glaa of the lloeo Cl'llllmls, Bodleli ....W
History. batbod, ollld llid -Actua)ly-llle "new" trend A~ON dall)'. Eye -~P and .,.
b .. old II'• oul-ol-clate. It all Polnllng oul lbal' the llrst liner made mm lo>bl .....
began before 3000 BC in ao-ciVUllaUcm were f~ in· very much ."bl." alone with
cient Egypt, Ball and G......,. wum cllmales, the enterlaln-wblte llpotlck.
"Never be wprbed or • 1nl •peaker IUigtsltd Iba~ There ·were exptl'I wigmak·
shocked at style trends," ad" e\'.en in those anclerit times, en:, but then-wlo were worn
vised 1he chic blonde. "And pec>ple, ....,. trylnl lo be , DOI only for vanfty's nu bul ·
never condemn beauty or .. different" to atfract the op-allo to'"' ahlf:ld the ·wearer
ugliness.'' P<i!otte sca. against the aun. ;=::=:;:;=====;;z:::iiii'i:iii';:=.=====!;I Two lmi>ol'lanl conlrlbuUona
' .
lo the world of fuhloo-wtro
made b!' anc:leiil G..-
llnt ulety PIQ ud a llrdlo. or cord, w&lch eoclzded a
ndw.iiil draped girmml.
SIDce elyle .lh<n dictated -bait-· lbe draped.ma-. ,_,., WU fastened b• Ille • · -ii~ ocbro:a,".,~~
pln. Tiie cord ll1dl1nl the
Ml11 MOrlorit ~tllnd Lyto ·
' ,.; I
' .
·.' . . ' . ·"
. OF
waisl came Into belqg 1iJ19t1
there were no pockN. anCI
...... 11a1 objecb. could be ·~
!ached lo ii.
·came lntere1ttd ln utrology arid mathematics in addiUon
lo singing and ~.
scHooL oF , /Jal/et
In the butillng fashion cen·
ters of Albens and Sparta,
long hair-. ·Ja ponytail-was
worn by eleganl -but wlves might agree to cut their
hair as a show or' h~~?;· and an unfaithful wife · t
have her bead shaved com·
The number of her slaves
and quality of her ~ary
were status symbols, and
when she traveled she would
carry gQld or silver table-
One lady of fashion· includ·
ed 500 donkeys in her ent'our-
age so that ahe would bave
enough milk for her daily
Age.SeO'llgJted Groups
Kinderballet -4: 'to 5 yrs. Prebollet 6 to•7 •
Milady was figure-conscious
even then, and Hippocrates
advised that singing at the top
of one'• lungs each day would
develop the blial Puinice mix-
ed wilh a baby's urine· was
said to whiten teeth remark·
Sheep's fat a n d bread·
crumbs were combined for
face masks, and crocodile d·
crernent was reportedly ex·
cellent to preserve a
fresh, youthful cornpJexjon.
Fwmal Trailling 8 yrs. Up ·
363 N. Newport B.lvd., Newport Beach
The Roman tog~ firs( wa s
worn by women, and during
the .height of Roman rule a
lady of culture bad learned to
France didn't make her im-
pact on the fashion world untll
lhe 14th Century w·h en,
through the Burgundy in-
may co
Brochl;ll'e on request.
read and write. She also be-
save on famous maker jersey dresses
for misses' or half sizes
7.99 . 15.00-20.00 values
Now, choose your favorite styles of acetale or
nylon jersey dresse~ designed byt!lmoi;s makers .•
At thls one low pnce you can own.each of these
flattering slyles in a bright array of fashion-
right colors. <;ome in early for the. best selection
of misses'.sizes.l2·20and haU!aizes 12~-24~'; ' .. . . ---may codaYfime dr<i.Ses 61 . '
order.by mall or pboi ..
MUth cNSt plaza, :scan !11990 fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321
shop monday tlirough satunlay 10 am to 9:30 pm
nuence , the day of the
decolette Ugbl wabl and
enprmously hiab headdresses
dawned. He1ddressee were so
high, castle doors had to be
befghtened. Brows were shav-
ed Ind blue pencils were used to accent veins in the face,
throat and bo15om..
Raw veal cutlets were the
Ideal face pacJc;s, and bathing
in sea water was reputed to
make one slim.
The exposed bQsom con·
tinued tnto: th~ t6th Century,
where during the Tudor reign
in England Jt w~. eoMldered
a sign of vlrlinJty_ queen
Elizabeth, though ·n~t pretty,
was elegant, vain and fond
of finery.
The ruff an4 farthing.ale, or
hoop, and full skirt! were in-
troduced. Since there Was a
great similarity of costume
in a11 the courts of ..Europe
it was w~pered (behind fans,
of course) that the"boop came
into being to hide the em-
barrassingly delicate condition
of a Spanlsh princess.
Queen Ell1abeth .was
reputed to have 80 wigs and
'3b», dressu· cov~d with
jewels so loosely fastened that
they scattered as she walked.
But even though ladies of the
CO!u:t were e)eillnllY atljred
In velvets, sl.Its and brocades
and wore many rings on' each
of their fingers, there was
1 slight problem : tbey llilelJ.
ed. '
, B•ll!lnl waa .<!irt of ityle
bec1use of many epidemics
which Were 'responsible for
cloilng Ille pObllc balbs, and
perf~e again waJ um. >I
Starch wu introduced, and
.ruffs\ began lo grow lo ex-
,lggf!f&ted proportlOM as sym-
,boll of aristocracy. Long·
haildled spoons had to be in·
Lace on everything -even
men's boots and hits -and
wigs for men were cause
for controversy in the 17th
Newport Beach's o Ider
drivers have the opportunity
to attend special programs on
defe!lllve driving beginning
nen Wednesday at 10 a.m.
1n lbe Senior Cllllw Recrea-
llon Center.
"Thia procram wblch ii aim·
ed al Improving traffic aalety
lllrougb lbe eduoaUon and
tralnlng of older drivers la
being preeented by I b e
Newport Beach chapter 121
of the American AuoclaUon
of ReUred Persons.
To. help achieve this goal,
the National Safety Council's
Defensive Driving Course bu
been adapted for the elderly
drive.rs. f -
'l'he four•session course will
be instructed by Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Searle of Laguna Hills,
Dr •. and Mrs. C. R. Forbes
of Newport Beach and Mr.
and ~s. L. E. Morrison of
Corona del Mar.
Those interested in the driv-
ing program may contact
Morrison al 673.as34 or Sear le
at 8S'7-4124. .,
A fast-paced. mod fa shion
show is the piece de resistanee
for Balboa Yacht CI u b ' s
monthly Ladies Luncheon and
Styles froin Back Street,
Fashion bland, will be model-
ed by professionals, actording
lo Mn. Almon Lockabey,
coonllnator. : ne event is .ealenctered for 'l'hur3day, Feb. n . . .
~· Beauty spots were1ll!P'iiiiiiiliiiioiiiiiiiiiiii~!!!~~jij,ii;iiiiiiiiiiii"1
JDti'edueed, 1nd the well-dtels-
ed cGui1tains adorned tbelr
~lumee wllb lots of but\ons llid bow~ •
~ Elaborate hair stylCI w~·
lteellltd during lbe lath ~
,!Un', llid once again cl<jors
bid to be raised to ac--
commodate lbe fashionable. Hlib llid ornate, often ..,,,.
tainlna arrangement! of fruit
ot even fleets of ship replicas,
the styles took four or five
hours to create and might
not be done more often than
every five weeks.
Since they were put together
with flour, grease anti bran, 1
they attracted an assortment
of -~11wJy things -in one
instanc~, even a mouse.
Skirts a n d farlhingales
reached such. enonnous pro-
portion& -some as wide a.ii
11 feet -that sermons were
preached ln churches coi>-
demning them as immoral:
whit better place to bide an
llllclt lover?
During the fir-al '
performance of H a n d e 11 s
Mesai,h, a benefit, social
Jeaders of the time were re-
qitested to leave their hoops
home so more people could
be· accommodated in ihe au·
The fall or the aristocracy
-along with their heads -
dUTing the French Revolution
started a new trend: back
to the simplicity and semi-
nudity of early Greece and
Rome. Short hair became
fashionable since the long
tresses of the aristocralie
women interfered with the
guillotine's blade. and hi thole
terrible Umes, what Woman
wanted to be identified as an
Following the eropire look
. popular in the next .decadt,
tiny waists once again became
fasbion~ble, It was corisidered
almcist vulga"r to be heatth)l,
and with the tight lacing of
waists, fainting was con-
sidered preferable to eating.
Bustles and trains were
fashionable in the 1800s, when
the first male designer of
women's fashions, Charles
Fred~ick Worth, made his
debut. Even tennis dresses ·
bad trains, and the recognition
of bicycling as an acctpted
recreation brought about the
creation of the bloomer.
_,. rlcfftODUCIHG IUFFUMs' oWH
.17 , 5 0 "I· 35.00 value
.~e'.11 ;y~oud of our permanent wave solution by ·
Reslllfi It actually helpS improve~! qua li ly ol yoor
hl~1ves. To intradvc1 you to BuHums' OWn
l Wave, we are includin1 Firme·Genie '· Hair Coldiliooor by Rtslot lhal helps brin1 shininr
llllu1J lo your hair and helps keep your iet looie1·
lntinr. '.f! are includinr 1 pef$0flllized halr~ul. And,
IJ 11\,.fddld special, you will receive Buffums' Own
'H~• Spny by Rtslor. Beouly Sludio,
1IJ $lores except Marina
Make an appGinlrnent at the Buffums' Beauty Studi~
nearest you: Downtown Lona Beach, HE 6·9841;
Lakeiloorl, ME 4-50«!; Santa A'3 , Kl H262; Pomooa,
NA J.4321; Palos Verdes, FR 7~737; Newpotl,
644·2200:'La Habra, 69H9 11.
Manicures.• Pedicures • Ficials • Elec_trolysis
llf'llrpcrt C..tir •l falhlm l•lMI • .144-2200 •
Mon.,Thlis.,F1J, 10:00till1:300th«Days10:00 tin 5:30
The modem fashion revolu-
tion took place in 19'J5 when
women exposed their legs and
cut and marce.led their hair.
In 1930 for the first time in Gloomy Gus T~lls it as You See it
WE'LL 00 A NEW YQU, FROM MAKEUP TO HAI~ • Just for starters, we'll cut, set and style your hair for a
beautiful vie~ o~ a brand new you. Crisp and curly or
rippling1 in waves. it will stay that way throughout your
busy day.-.. thariks to ·the talented ~echnique of our supei-
s tylists. Taktng-.over for your great rl'i8.ke-ove,.. with
makeup: .our Adrien Arpel makeup a r tist wltl design
your face t? match yout"' do, wlth a prlvate lesson on
how to do .it yourselff , Because we know your calendar's
crowded, career gtrls may want a Saturday date! The
whole beautlt\Jl works, cu~, s hampoo & set, plus Adrien
A rpel makeup, ls pittance-prided at 10.50. Register .
now, call today. In our Beauty Salon .
Robins?n'S Newpo rt Cefiter • Fashion lst"and • 644-2800
---------------·-·--·------------------·---·-·. ----· ----
' •
-, ' .. ... -yot:;= 62, N~ 2.9,-3 S~ONS, 30 !A~;ES .
,-BJ: A11111U11, R. VINSEL
• Of ... Diii• ..........
·-A'bandlt lwn Using an unUBUal, front
doof..bict door~ maneuver tD1jay took
fl,000 in· boot-bowxl weekend rectipts
(rem & C0st& Mesa motel, after clubbing
the womin manager with a heavy
Mrs. Mary.N. F.dwards, "· was aboot to tuve the ExecUUve Sutte Motel, '2080
Newport l!lv'd., to deposit the cash In
the b&P when the pair.of robbers arrived
.at 1·1 •·II·· police-said:!--·
l She · wal!I nOt serloll!ly ' itijured from
Nixon Plans -
WASlllliGTON (UPI) -Pmidirrt
NJJion II mUinc tsntailve plmll for a
"wor~ trip•• to Western Europe, pro-
bably within 60 days, the White Hous_e
tllld today.
SpeculaUon about such a trip has
drcu!ated: for several days. Th.ls was
the -" first time the While House bad
dbawed the forthcoming journey in .
aiiy detail.
;. Nix"on'• ~ seerttary, R, n al d
~;Oaid' ezpJOratory and para~ 'cfiali:tiftiOns With some E C": o p e 'a n ·~verjimepts t,egan .during _the past w~~ on SUCh maitera as schedullrig, IUIH!r.~ and possible dates.
It already was knoWn that Nixon was
COIJ1'mplJlling. an eo;lf trip '° the ""*-"' .~peon CJIP,~-111 lti 'Norlh ~,i;..,~·ji'Rm •. ll!ll l&eudif.-tlJ r ;tit, -<i.J -
' ~ "'"' Ille • 1s ...... .. ·~ lrf.,... . .... . . " ...... ~ .... !P ... ~-arranced· Whtie ~ Iba\ .. final decisions
had been made, he said the Wblte House
,... liopelUl these decl!tons could he
"1'Jved at iu Order that the chief e1·
tcuUVe'1 tint foi'elin tt'ip could be com~
pleted by !he start of !he NATO council
of. IOfti.gn ministers meeting J n
Washington on April 10.
. .
t!ie bio,:on· her head ·but wai sufficiently
•lllllllFd lq mlu:getUns 4 good descrlp-uo. ol the ,aecQod bandi4 who set up
the biUd(eOuing by b11 ac.;ompllct.
"Shi. Wae ·bit •With some "object, but
it .ts unkn~ just what kind of }feapon,"
~ Mesa Police Detective Jim
S!rl<:tland, aialgne4 to-llandle the case. ~
The,BlGd~lndris no! a ~
robbeiy, lecbiil<iue._ Other ipvestlpton
M;rs. Edwards told investigators ooe
clean cu~ young _man cam~·· into the
mot<'-. olllte'.a~n •r .m: •by the scree~'!l
-.... ----· . ---. -~ .,
l'Na)"• Fblal
' ~ --~ . ·N.Y. 8Ce r ..
• ---1· ' ~---. ---
·Mesa MOteI ''Of . $J ,Ool
front Newport Boulevard entrance .and
asked about "regis~ring for a room.
-~· later, s~ ':Aid, there1 was
a knock al the solid woOden offlce·door
direclly liebind 'bel; cashier's'--· . ·
"Just a moment please," me saJd,
opening the t!d ·door a crack.
Tuml\lg .back lo continue ·with . the
bandit posing as a . customer, Mn.
Edw~ wu struck a staggering ·bJow,
but not hard enough to knock her un-
1 Wqrl<ing ow~tly~ the back-door bandil
'fUS~ed _pa&\ the dlsodented motet
.. .
msnager and ,...pt the cult ng!aler.
and \Oo~ the deposit envelope.
: The robti.ri lheq fled . out the door
and Mrs. Edwards teleplJooed police at
u:os· a.m., hrlnliinl .a noct 111· In-
vestigators who fanned out in the
neighborhood aM broadcast a countywide
'alert. . .
No clr,•was aeen or ,beard by Mn.
Edwards after !he bandits fled, but ol·
f\cers working the aun-oundlng area on
fool found !_,POIS1ble getaway car ren-
dei vOUI. -:-t-..,__
DetecUve Dick Berach said fresh tennis
Winds Move · Oil s ·Iick
•• '
Ooze · Pushed From Threatened Slwreline
offshore wtnda today pushed a. vast oil
slick away from 40 miles of shoreline
threatened by thoUsands of gailoDs Ill
the reddlah-brown crude.
The Coaat Guard .reported the 10.by-lO
mile ,slick was . under "reasonable con·
trol," but oil was still bubbling to the
surface from undersea fissures at 21,000
gallons a day.
Meanwhile Sectetary Ill the Interior
Waller J.>Hicliel indicated todsrhe tnay
order offsl:o<e oil dtllllng baited In· the
Santa Barblira t'bannel until a WaJ is
rciund to prevent fu.., l'Jlilll(e fllJm .
seaflnor · W.Ua. •
He appeu'ed al a bearing Ill the Cciunty
Board of Supervblon'clRed tO lnve,tigate
,--------:-":!:~~·· ..... ' . L"'QUNA'BEA~ ~ · .. JI!~
•• t ' ........ ,,-, .• .! ~~· Ji. ~I ·'!'~ ' • ·,..._
a .... OU alli:t• :.....i... eff-the _.\ ..... '""a·'~!!'*"'··~ . turect well· ·-· _.., .... estimated .....,.1. tho -since lut~ .•
. > . The _... ~ .:.-1ullqn ~
Hickel to order a· moratortmn on drrulni
punch any more hnles until we have Co*1.i ·Be . A.tieeted
' ' .
. ' . • I
.. • ' .
stricter, regul1Uou.11
"I 'bunk lhit's 1 reasonabll! request;"
Hii;kel said. Coast G~ts 50~50 Chance Asked whether this first venture · In
personal diplomacy by Nixon as cll!eC
a:ecutive woo1d be a "working" OI' "good
Will'" trip, 'Ziegler told reporten:, "any
trip taken by the President woold he
• • ' I I l t.•"1_"1 ' J (l,\ I '1 f ·~ " ~1'.Y,ll.CIT tteffl'flttt
"•Hickel planned lo r<tum lo Waahtncton
on lederl! land lellld to oll companlea.
-.B-hn Not Flt tor Man,, 8'<ilt · . ; . } . . . · Supervlsor George Clyde Nid,· "All
I am askinC Is simply tbat we don't
later today after flying over the
ipreadiJJ& offsboie oil 111ct. He flew
a wwking visit.~• ·
· NliOn ·will have 111 opPQrtunity to
diSCUA the matter publicly when he
•bot~· bia second: White HoUse nen con·
~-:rbtinday al-8 a.m .. P.ST. . .
Insurance Men
Break Up Trio
Of Car Burglars
Nll}~rf:·S~~kin;g ·He~p ·· .
.I n;. ~leaning Vp. Beach
here Sllri<lay night. .
ROU!lhneck oil wortera stiuggl!if · on
the Union Oil ,Co. of Callfoinla: effibore
platform where the crude nil and'na!Urll
gas eiup~ from the oceaD bottom tut
Crews were altempting to rtmove a
vo.lve in the top of the. well cuing
so they could force cement--llke drilling
mud down tbe abaft to seal off the
A Santa Ana insurance man and his
Fountain -Valley partner, work,lng late
on accounts, thwarted a trio of car
burglan working the South Coast Plaza
shopping C<l\I.,. lot in <;osta Mess Suoday
Wayne 1t Hoppie, 31. of 3001 Borchard
'SL, and Harvey K. Lynn, of 9225 La
Barca Clrcle, Fountain. Valley, nre busy
aboot t p.m. when they heard glass
>haltet!nli. , · Ruihlng out of the ofnce, they found
two Jong-haired youtm rumma~ng in Hopple,..s ~pa'ikei'.I ca'r Ind give · chiSe
when the pair spooke(I and fled to. a
moving 1etaway car driven by a third
offender.· . Durinl th~ short chase, • "° tape
recorder .ta.ten from the rear seat of
Hopp1e's car was dropped, Costa Mesa
·po11ce said, and the tar burglar& escaped.
· They had smashed a wlndOw of Hop-
ple'• lock"ed car to get Into Lhe vehicle.
al~~ of the many burglaries
in the 1pf'1W1i0ilot are done with wires
and pry tool.:-•
Newport Beach city councilmen wilt
nieet in ,an epiergincy sesSion tonight
19..:cwisider Jlt!W remedies for a massive
beach cleanup head&che.
'·.To.is of storm-spawned debris lining
the beach!ront in West Newport are
proving too much for city crews.
"It's beyOnd our capa61lllies to clean
II up hi time," said Ctty !lmqer Harvey
L. Hurlbw-t. .
Cooncllmen, he said, wilt be asked
to app,rove contracting·,the job to heavy
~t operators. ':We're talkina in
-the ntlghboltilClclol•bOlll ,15,000.'"
. It would be aWarded on an emergency
baSis. 1bere i8 no time for advertising ror blili;'H!ltfbult explained.
"If we don't 1et that stuff out of
h;ete_ 'SOOf!, ,it, wil~ ii.qi: under_ the sand
and wreck: our be.adl cleanlng equipment
aJ ~ ii be !dlOCerptia to bathers,"
he said .
•"ftlere al't! Whble1op tn tbett, along
with all the bamboo shoots; and a lot
of other junk. t even saw a metal
tablc!Slic\Jng up out of the sand."
TM barrlCade of 1 flotsam stretches,
in variouJ sized piles,~ along 2"1. nilles
oi. bel!cl!..from Uie 1119!'lh of lbe Santa
Ana ruver almost to Newport Pier.
It wa s coughed up by flood waters
raging down the ' river and liito the
sea . Almost all of it floated south:
very little wound up 'on the Huntington
Beach side of the rtver jetty.
"If city crews had to clean it all up,"
said Hurlburt, "it wou1d take us about
two mooths with tbe equipment we've
got. I expect a con tractor could do
the job In 14 days 01 Jess."
City workers have been hauling away
about.10 trucldoad> of detirls dally since
. last week. But Uie··d(orta haven't mide
much ot a dent b:fcaiiae "at 100n as
we clear tt away, mort of ti wut\e!
up," aald Hurlburt. noting that the ~
ing of Prado .dam fiood 11teJ upstrqm
hasn't he1ped the s!roaUon.
NEW YORK (AP ) -Selective strength
In ateels and other blue chips re.scued
the stock 01arket average from a decline
and the market closed mixed today.
-Trading wu 1etlve. {See quotations,
Pages 18-11).
Anacapa IslanJ, one of the string of
isl!fl48 about 10 17Jlles offshort Wl)lch
form the Santa Barbara channel, was
reported completely enclrcJed by a major
concentration of oil. A colony of aealll
was believed living on Anacapa but
authorities saJd to tbelr knowledge the
animals were not affected by the slick.
The oHsllore winds today P'llhed the
major portion of the slick down the
cbanl\el a\]d out to ... t!>rou&b 11\f
eilsterQ end. The favorable 1'lnds were
espected to c.ootinue throuib Tuesday •.
Fingers of Oil 'aached the ' aurf on
seven miles ol beache~ between Rincon
and Pita• Point and oily driftwood wai
floating ashore at other l0<>ilons.
The natural ca• acapJ.na from the
well could he omelled in hellco~ l,000
'feet above. The oil Itself foamed rtddilh-
(See SIJCK, Pqe 1)
Truck Overturns,
Burn8; Police
q.ose Freew~y-.
' ' ..
·sm.ile, Y ., . ou··re
.. ·.q,. . ,. "ii •
Skyj :~cked
LO!> ANGELE!!, (UPI) ..., A MClloo
Ill Ifie --'Ana ,....,.,, ... clooed
durin( tile rulh hour todl)' afta' a
meat ltorqe Inlet over!umed . and.
cail&hl fire near the MlsslOn Ro.a off •
• ~} --·~ ' ·!
F...;· Wtro flonlcq .1J. ninli ·~k!tif. ol .. American
MlAloll -The ialest' skyjacker may -~Ilia,_
have ioiftttl1hig elae lo anl!! .Jbout today. ·-.._,. Ille....,.._ f:lmt were bll ~n be diverted .. ~ Airlinea ..... lbdrll. tn tilltldfto, W1Wamo
, Boeill&. IF alrllnet bound lot Miami i~M ~Ill. Ud -men1b1n
to eulil;lte"--amona bll unwilJ.-ol .• -....... -~ to Batt int passengers Allen Funt and three KaMa ol AUfli !'Int ..,_, hi Ntw
membtn O{ I camera crtW. Funt WU Y.«k. Uit 'rDUlel' ol certmonlea and dlrector 'Kaili said Funt wat en route to Miami
olTV'I popular "candid C&m•ta" show. to tibn a poi'\IOn of a ,mo•le ·~
"LoCilll like we ,,. going IOllth ol , "Mlat.))o1'.l'"'I '5" to' Naked Lady!"
MlAml today;'' ihe rederal Aviation Att-.. which woakl be distributed lo theattrs.
mloiltratJon quoted the pilot ln ttpOrtlr:; The plane wa1 night 1 from Ntwark -.I ; I l
,.A ~9't1 .... r WU lnJU!'ld
to Miami . 11 war liljacked at lt:IS Wlll,i' ht',...... ~ate the J!> a.m. EST, about 90 miles east of cldMt ,.._._by anolJler fruct,
Charleston, S. c., and landed saltly whlcb ··-oat' /JI controy and sllo in Havana al 12:37 p.m. F.ST, the ~AA ovrim..i.
Uid. , SCI-Gecir&<' Set"1hetz, II, WU -
The FAA said II bad no <Itta!~ ol ·-II !tot aDlnot a -abut. the bljacting olher than tho me-meilt. lie !l" taill lo Oentral Rocel'fjiia
from tho p!Jot. The ptaae,wu la conlad lllilpHal lfr tralbneol Ill ·a poujbie
with the , AA control ~ at-'JIC~· a1Kno I '~ , r I
viii•, Fla., al the Ume It wu hijacked. . !Ill i)iii !l(-.cf!J' firemen ""'1lllii!d
I! was the 12th -ul hij~ a..-""'*"Po!lcl-. i'I cl ult dtfvm,
to. OUba !l>Ja year,. !lie aUlar -Ip· ..W _, wm 1iol' "1lcloHil. ...,..
volvlng foreign aircraft.. unhurt: 1 1• •
. .
On Dang~r o,f Oil Slit;k
Chances. that ·the • Qratv1e Coast lrom
Seal' Belich' to Lqlltia Beach' '°"Id he
alfected by the nil 1llck off Santa
Barbara are about IG-50. . ,
Thia Is the . opinion . of matlne and
oceanography experts In Oranp C<lunty.
Pro!. Gilbert Bone, heod Ill tho Popila.
tloo and Envlromt...W B!ot.cY Depart.
m1t1t at UCI, aald the Orange Coaat
could he saved by meteorol.,.Y condlt!ooa
such u strong ~re !ftndl that may
._ !lie slick out into the CalUomla cUrrent. .. _ ...
In thi!: cue, 11ld Prof. Daqe, the
normal westerly win<I• and 'currents
would carry the slick offshore from San>
Smoker Causes
$12,000 Blaze
Fire . cauted • by a smoker who fell
i.1Ieep resillted In ' SlJ;OOO In . dima1e
to a Balboa IiWMI d0plex• Swiday, but
all three 0ccupants eacaped without In.
Phlllp Sanders, one of the: thttt, wu
awakened by the smell of smoke in
a bedroom ol lhe apartment.
Hr. 1loidon Mmlball and Rudy Baron
ran from Ole bluing dwellina, loca~
al IOI N. Bay Fronl
Three fire trucks arid a ...... unlf
raJl')llllocl to tt>e 12:41 .'·1"· call .. Fire,
di:rn.ap to the structure WU •11,000. ·
Damap contenll Wert mued at $1,00I.• FlmneD listed smiitin( hi bod 'u the ~. fll tbe blQe. J
. ' ,
ti~ and·!lan Clemente Islmli. ·~~1 wtnda may.pU1111the\lllm
c~ 1tdl the 'm8lnllJ.>tl More: U ,'theJ
do, thie 1Devidaon current,· which lwirll
iq eddi .. _ alb\11. the coul .fn1m: lltwporl
to Loll Anleles ·Harbor, cOu1d push par.
Ilona Ill the slick lnlo the -cout, act-ot-dtni to Prof. Bane.
Several msrlne ezperts in the ....
believe tbat Ne;;port would 'he ssv.d
from contamination by Point Mugu, Point
Ilumo and partk:ulary Point Fennln
which jut out from shore norlb af
Los Aqeles Harbor.
· N....,.rt Harbor mutet' Al Oberg aald
he heileved tt unllkelJ tbat tho ~k
would set around the -at "1!lnt Fermin in quanUiles tbat would allecl
this ......
Blaze 'Bili Dana Lab
Fire ~ nJabt caused ft.000 damige to a Copper p!a!lng vat" 1rDli'na
Laboratories, Wt' CUIJIW' ·Drive. DNt
the Orange Co<infl" Airport: Ah overhead
aprlntl!og s)'llem ~"1gulsbed the blaze,
accon!!og to the Otqe Count}\ Fin
' '
---.. -• • -~
.. L~gUna ~ Oppo·ses Oil-Drill·ing • I
.. •
' · .R ~l:U.iron:.Drofted 71.fter Santft',Barliart;i · n· •fir
~ ' . By JACK CllAPftU. . -· . .. ' ~s tbe ,,_..i meuure about ootaide the~ limit," be aald.
--~ --r--...._y PM.OT ftllf PMlt
Cot Owntr Eliten (llfl), 12 Motor's DOUt11n
Of ... ..., ... ..,
Io the wake of the 5anla Barbara
oil dloutor, La-Bllch --Wednesday wut pro-a reaolutlon lo
lbu Legl&lature ,uprwtng oppooltlon lo
ll1J offshore oil esplorjtton In state
tidtlandl JOU th of Ibo· S..li Anl Rlyor.
Sponaored br CouDoilmen Roy Hohn
and ,vtce-dloyor J.,.pb O'Sulltvaa, tho
raotuUon would 1tat.e the city's op.
position to even ·the search for oiJ in
offshore waters.
"In the first place, J don't think we
want oil drtllinf platform• off our -.I.
I'm generally oppoled to tvtn the a •
ploraUon becaUll .If Ibey !Ind oU, tbeo
tlley're golng to want to iet It out."
O'Suninn aald.
O'Suutvan lll<I· be lllld · Holm hid
Police Catch
Cyclist After
Am. . . , C ·chall Muddy Cluue . enca s up enger A Coet1 ~"' cyclist led a Newport
Beach molorcycle patrolman oo • muddy
Ready io Fi!!llt Catamaran ::::·~~,~:p·~~p'ld-~ The cyclist made 1t home ud had
, , -Just enoagb time to clean up before
DAILY PILOT ...... Ullw
The world will IOOll know wbelber
a fl.II ..._o1ng catamaran lllllboal
Is later -• IS-meter yacbl -tho
kind tbol defends the America'• cup.
Televllloa penonallty Buddy Eboen of
Ille Balboa YIC!Jt Clubi AW lo lbat
S1tunlay when be challenged Pat
Doupn, COllllllllCi«e ' of Ille Blhi3
COr1n1b1on Yocbt Club lllld ·OWJier of
Columhll.. to a Un&nce match series
In Newpsl ntm lllrcb II-IHI qlll>
Robber~ Getaway
1t Polynesian Concept.
The formal challenge was issued at
Ebseo's BalbOa Island home complete
with TV producUon and coverage by
Ille landlubber 11nd boating press.
Dougan gracioualy accepted th e
· ~ lllld !be two skippers dutifully
..,,..led at each oilier for Ille CllnflrU.
The thre&-r1Ce aeries will be &ailed
o v er a trlangular~wlndward.leeward
course In winds of 10 lo 20 i1n01a -
if the weatherman is in a ylCbting
Eb<en and Dougan agreed ~._µie
15-foot c-a t m a ran Polnealan · n·
cept mlll)lt beat lbe 'JO.foot ·Cs>lµmi>ia
in winds above 20 ·.kootl and M .,;tbe
Ccilumbla woWd be favored In eatnimely
Girl Souaht ~~Ina his hopes on the contention
· ·~ that the "cat" can out..reach and out-run , In . Mesa Holdun . lbo.clooe-winded -·In• YI~~!' ~ 'fact. . '"'} .
A bu1kini ho~ llUljlOCI "" took.{ i!l<IPD beU.... be q~ ~ Ille
-· from a Cotta Meaa cl~ at Co!umbl• ~ weather so far 8he:'d of
clo1inf 'Ume Salulll•Y lllld flodY!n 1 R~. C-(ll lbet 11111 Cl!; will
1ttaway .eer with li<Jllrl. dri,.r ii llCllllhl never catch up.
by Orange County liwmen today. . Jn any event, it will be the first
Freda D. SL Clair, clerk at the Or~tt match race in history with two such
Cl.....,, 2300 Harbor Blvd., told police dl!olmllar yachlo
the huge, ruddy man entered at 6:25 Eli& ......,;,... lblt :,. ·perpetual
p.m. Saturday and Wd • white paper trophy f<r , lbe race 11 ~ "-led
aa.~k on the counter. ., by international sportsman Jim Kim-
Put all the mcmey 1n the blC, he berly vlCbtairum auto race driver and ·~ ., ' ''Y~ aot te be kidding," the clerk •port liabernwl.
"You don't want me to shoot you,"
lbe bandit answered, slmulatin& a pistol
Jn hil pocket, lnstrucUna her alao to
gather up J30 bW. hidden under ·111e
cleaners' cash drawer.
She did as ordered.
1'TUna around and 10 to Utt .. .back of lbe lier•, I don't want to __ t
you,•.• the robber aa.id, •~ which time
he and Mrs. St. Clair went in opposite
A witn011 lold Officer John Slollebacl:
he wu in the lhoppinc center at the·
time af t:'le robbery and uw a ligbt_.col-
cnd car IC!l'eam away from the cleaners.
He IUI lbe lh'I driver whipped around
the corner of the Jolly Roger reataur1nt
and -Jbe car, carrying two male
pe1-cer1, roared ~way, northbound on
Hlrbor Boulevard.
Detec:Uvea: a.aid t.be fort}'ilb bandit was
llhout liJ< fee~ lbr<e inches tall, weighed
llhout J30 pound• and had a reddish qomplexion according lo the vlcUm'1
' OAll 1 PILOT
leMrt N. Wee4
~llMlll .... P'\11111 ......
J1~l It. Ctrley
Vice Prt1ltfl''ll '"' a.-.11 M1t11ttt
Tll'"''' K•t•il [flfll'
Student Unrest
' Over UCI Funds
May Get Airing
A club between student elements at
UC Irvine -activist and black 1tudenlo
on the one side, dormitory students and
athletes on the other -may come
to a head tonl&hl at 1 meeuna: of the
student senate.
Student Body Viet President Bill Coon,
leadei-of the white, middle clasa
dormitory group, hu acCU!ied Student
Body Preslde.nC Ron Ridgle of misap-
propriating runds.
SpecUic allegations of how it was done
and how much . student money wu fn.
volved an expected to be aired at the
senate meeUng.
Chars ... lint brought up a week 110,
were tabled for a week on a technicality,
accordln1 to campu1 IOUl'Ces.
C.oon answered. an inquiry with the
comment. "I'm not 1olng lo RY llJIY1hinl
unUI after the .enate meeting."
RJdgle says there Is nothing to be
being arrested for reaisting arrest, police
The incident began when Newport
Police patrolmU John D. Schorle tried
to hall Robert George Summera, 11,
ol 2078 Valley Road, Colla Meu., to
tell him he wu rldi!ll hll cycle on
restricted property.
The youth ned, SChorlt reported. The
oCflcer then) ;ave chase ·and a abort.
Ume after &0uncllng hif siren the youth
stopped his 1Ull-runnin1 cycle Jn a lar1e
mud puddle.
Schorle said lhat as he approached
the youth, the cycllU spuo his rear
whttl and sprayed mud cm the offtcer
and his motmloycle. ·
TIJo yoillb o6ci again Ind eluded his purauer. · ·
After callintl in lbiee Newport Beach
police unlil ind anotber. from COiia
Mesa, the officer drove to a nearby
housing tract wherl he noticed the
suspect;a CYcW pailtrJ_ in a.. drive.way
Ito englrie 'llllM•arnil'
Police ltllnd Ille 1'Uth inside hiJ -e Ind ari'es:Mci bin, . I ' ~
i\t~a ~ ~jioo~t •·
Copilots · Winner
• Of Winter Race
Costa Mesa balloonist Don Piccard co.
. pUoted a hot air hi& lent lo a Swedilh
woman wbola own was del.Qed bJ ~
toma agents to a victory Sunday bl the
St. Paul, M.lnn. Winter Carnival air race.
Margaretha Afors, of Emmabacha,
Sweden, waa the first foreigner ever to
win the nine-mile, one.hour race from
While Bear Lake to Lake Elmo, balloon
biltoriaJlll aald.
The big bag copilolA!d by Piccard
aoartd down to within • 7 miles of the
target arta within lhe allotted race tiaie,
ofHcials said.
The woman and Piccard, a balloon
bullder, won $250 for victory In the Win-
ter Carnival race, originated nine years
ago by the late Jean Piccard, the co-
pilot's father.
The late Mr. Piccard waa a renowned
aeronautical engineer and chemist and
wu a profeaaor emeritus at the Univers-
ity of Mlnneeola when be founded the
Winlet Carnival balloon race.
Director Huston's
Wife Dies in France
DIJON, Fr11J1Ce (UPJ l -Mra. Enrico
Sonia Huit.on, wife of American film
director 3ohn Huston, died lut Wed-
nesday after an automohJlt accident In
Cray, a villa1e 25 milts northeast of
DIJoo, police llid loday.
Tli1M11 A. Mwr,lii111
Mlln..., [fir.I
From · Page l
r1yf MiiM11
AdWrlltlf'lt 0'"tlll< ._ __
, llO Wet! l1y SI"{!!_
Min;., ;.111111,.u1 r.o. 1 .. '1.fiO. tZ&l& --· ._. .,.,,; 1111 Witt .... ....,..¥ ....
L_,.. IM.c:ll: m ,,_II A~ Hllllfll'l•lvfl .... ; all ,_ lllWt
brown on the wblt.ecap1, &ivin1 off a
powerlul llalcb.
There were vUJinc uUmates on the
wildlife death (oU taken by the oil.
Conserva.Uon groups claimed 11 many
BJ 1,000 blfda were killed, but the state Dei>oltmonl -of Fish 11\11 Game aald ID
actual COUlll Dwed ClllT » dNd. HJcbl, under fire from ~
serva~ who clliJn be la partilan
lo oU ~· Nld In • 1tetement . tsou<d 5Uildi1 nlaht that uperto from ~ U.S. Geolollcil Survey were review·
Ing lbe four o!Wlor1 drilling operaUon1 .UU COlltlrlWnl on federal teases In lbe
Santa B&fhlra ChanneL
1'My tnttruc:tklna are that all poulble
mpl be'underlaken immediately lo pro-
vide'· the v••l•st possible mlrgin of
Nfely •1alnlt IOI' further well blowupo,"
PlutiC booln1 '"" placed ar":.~~ fnm A wll<rl lbe Oow of oll wu L ' ,,,_"Ma curtalo" dropa dltee feel'below
1111 111111co from pWowa filled With
plu:Uc foam.
Small bella .... p1 lbe oil 1gliNt 1be
barrier with smaller curtains and tben
tanker vusels mc'Ked Ule oil from the
surface ua1q: a vacuum procua.
Log booms were lashed 1cros1 •
lranct:s to harbor• and martnu up and
down tho -lo -t oll ·lrml COIUOI tho bullJ of amaD craft. ,,..
far, 1111 oil had not tavlded the blrbon.
Tho oil began ""Bini lo Ibo ourfaco
last TUelda,y, u crewa wert replaclnl
1 drill bit, In what would be callol
a IUlber of ]and.
The cmr dropped a valve Into the
well bead to halt lhe now .
They aucceeded In halUng Ille flow
from the · c11lng about 800 feet aw11
Crom the plaUorm, but · the oll started
bu~bllng from llasuru in lbe ocun floor.
E%pUta believed lbat when Ibo vllve
.,., dropped Into 1/11 ~. lbe oil
-.I up bet .... n the cuinl and lbe bolt.
wu dl11erlod Into another oU bearing llrltum 1t ahoui' IOO lttl, odd modi
111 war lbrou&h craw In lbe &lrlb
lo .., ..... lbroogb the ..... lloot.
1-uiqo. .., --.u • coutal oamJ'llUllllr,t •tbia IJ certatnJr-.. ..... -·In.
The Sanla Blrbara lbtq pnct(lltated
th• octloo lllld leaded to nlnlilriio. our fttllnp." ht Kid. ~
, CJ1idt oil an<! ulllt~I Pl tia-beeJI ~,fr"m an ocean floOr.:~ ~lb'lbe un1 ... Oil tom~ !'la!!.-"!'"'
off Sarita BorhlnNw dz doy1 ·opeiriOI
•n athrulted 11 ,000 gallom per day lo
tht •surface.
There, • ll»<quue-mlle lllck hao
1_.i acrou•lbe -~ baacbol, kllllnc marine Wt end ~IOI u-
ptlillve OCllnlront homes.
All offor11 .. fir hi•• falled lo stop
tho oil-leak. •
"I hata to be In !be pooltloo of ..,...
11 toki you ao,' 'but ts years ago I
ltood in the Santa llarbara Cour1bcuse
and lold my rrlends In the oU b<Wnw
that there wu no such · thbli . u a
tool··proof way of haadlin&
hydrocarbons," aaid Harry Grimsley, a
long.<lme Laguna foe of olfaliore -9il
Grimlsey, a 40-ytar veteran· oC :'oft
company work, noted he was a ~e
mover in lbe Sbell-Omningham Act ol
1965 which prohibits offshore productioo
between the Santa Ana Rlver and the
l\laicaJI border In state· tldelanda.
Griplltey pointed ou~ however, ~t
the well off Sanla Blrhlrl 11 not in
the state tldelllJld1, but ta federal leuecf
land outalde lbe lbr<HDlle llmlt.
••Of courae the state bu 0.:. authority ·
Sirike Two
Another Cwck Runs Backward
The second myaterious cue of a.dock
that couldn1 ,. Oii -.and ... -
hick -bu been reported by • Coota
M-....,.,, who deocrlbed coodlllool
similar to another .......i.to time.
''11le Wile thine ~ed to oars."
11ld Mn. MarybeD E~erl, of 1311 CoUece Drive, after rUd1n& a recent
DAll.Y PILOT account of what WU
uperleoced by E111ea .. lllld Juanlla Le
Mn. La Beau, had glanced 1t ber
electric clock on the apartment ·counter
at 271~ Santa Isabel St., at I p.m.,
saying she wlahed lt wu urller, at
which time the clock suddenly turned
in reverse.
"We just came into the house, and
I knew it was about 5:30, ~ when
I looked at the clock, it $aid S, and
before Ione it wu .4:*>t''· Mrs. Egert
"I warted with it awhile, U'• a W.lndeor
clock .'biped ljl;e I llllp, . end aot it
nmnlna CQtTtdJ,J apln." ahl CGDtbmed.
'!'Imo ~ Oii et Ibo Le Beou
realdence however -Oii Into ,tho put.
ever 1111<11 tho bizarre, Ju. as
pb.......... •
"I IUppoM we could-cet GW'I fixed
loo," Mn. Le Beau Nfd -laamlng of the Egert c2le, 1·'~ I dGD~ ~eve
I really care to." .
No one bu offtr.,i • 4eflnlte ei·
planaUoo for lbe clock nvfllAll-which
could be CIUled by anylblng lrml eiec·
lromalD'tlam lo cellricleal hlunil -
but Mn. Le Beau wiabeo .......,. would.
So, loday, do Ille Euerto.
Ky Pledge$ S. Vietn(lm . . '
Wilt: Make ConcessiOns
From Wire S.rvlon
-Aooth V.ietnameae Vice
Prt N~ Cao Ky said loday
he.itw ea •. Y to make "more con-
ceisllh . tO dlure """"" of tho P.,t&
VIW> wai.'~ H, urpd Norlb
Vlelnlin lo Jolii him In ~ meellnp:
In o wldenncinl -wilb newmnen Ky aald the J*ivate taib be
WU IUll<ltlnc would dW onlJ wilb
mIUtory matten. He ruled oul IDI' -poUUcal la!D.
"We olrudr have mode m<ny con-
ceaalufa lo 1e1 the lallal startad," be
said. "I am rud;y to make mon c:m-
ce11lon& in any field U they· are sure
to help' us reach some results."
Ignoring North Vietnam '• ref11Sal to
en1age wilh hlm b~ back-1t11e talks,
the flamboyant South Vletrwnese leader
again called on his adversaries to meet
iJ\ secrecy. .
''I am waiUng for the other side to
decide to meet me," he said, "I myself
am here in Paria ready tO meet any
people who want to see me."
Ky spoke to newsmen after an hour·
long strategy meeting with American
chief negotiator Henry Cabot Lodge in
• preparation for ~ursday11 t. h I r d
negoUaUng session with North Vietnam
and the Viet Cong. Lodge said the mttlinl wa1 part of
re.autar con1UltaUons d~1lgntcl , to
coordinate allied positions and ' clear
up complications." .
MeanUme, lhe Viet Cona:'s chief
delegate to the Paris peace talU said
today the guerrlllu would not stop
fighting in South Vietnam unUI the Saigon
aovemment· and the Um,ted Stat.ti qree
1o lbelr ~ve-polnt _.., for a aet·
Uement. ' · · ·~ -~1• •
The five polnla emJ>h1411e u:s. troi>p
withdrawal, liquidation or' American
hues in Soult> Ylelnll\I· a~ IOl!l'l!lent
of poll~ problems '"llCl!otdlng· to· lbe
pros:run-Of 'Uie NaUonaJ UberaUon Front." . • '(
• h NLl' "hnlp Minister" Tran B~u
ltlem made ~e ·lt1tement in an lnterviev1
with · the .,.. mq:uine Le N o u' v e I
O ... tour.
.Nixon Approv es
Big Four Tallcs
WASliJNGTON (UPI) -Presl~ert
Nixon, after weekend discussions with
h11 top advllen, bu decided to accept
in .Principle a French proposal for "Big
Four" talks on the Middle East crisis.
The State .c>e,artmem hu been in·
1tructed to aend a note ,on the decision
to~Paris Wlthtn the nut few daya.
The President also is understood to
be preparing a very cordial letter to
E1Yptian President Gama! Abdel Nuser
which will leave the way open for
mumpUon of diplomatic relaUona if the
EgypUan leader requeatl ll The lttter
to Na&ser, la reply to a fritndly letter
of congratulations to Nixon upon his
lnauguraUCD, Is upected to 10 out this
'Ibo Sanla Borillr1 occumliel ahow<At
lbet two lbliip must be clone, M uid.
"We must urge the federal 1overmnent •
not to leue the federal tidelands oppoaile ·
the protective arMI down here, and a1't
tbly mU!t , permit the state to have
1Gme juNdiction over the safety feal.W'cs
on tbe leatel made by the t«leral
Interested persons could write to the
Secretary of the Interior Walter J. Hickel
and to coqressmen eipreuing their opi·
nJonJ, Grlmsley aald.
1:Peop)e are more import4nt than ~
IOW'Ce ol oil 'There iJ oo ahorla&e oit
oil lt'• more worthwhile bavlna a human
sanctuary, than an oil well," be said.
Beach, Mesa
Firms to Get
Suit Refunds
• •
Settlement of a big antitrust suit
against a pipeline supply firm nailed for
price-fixing more than a year ago will.
bring a total of $50,000 in refunds to
Costa M.,.. and Huntington Beach
Direct.ors of the Costa Mesa County ·
Water District hive announced glgnin,c: ·
of .n agreeiner'it for At,500 in recom-;
pense ·from American Pipe and eo..-·
struction Co., also heavily penalized by·
other settlement!.
The City of Htmtingtoa Beach will re-.
cetve $21,SOO for the package 1ettleme.nt,
as owner of 42 percent of a l?-ml\e-long·
major waterline, built jointly with the.
Costa Mesa agency.
They were sold 42-inch water main
segments by the nationwide firm
before federal, state and other aiencies.
joined to successfully prosecute the anti·
trust suit
A total of five companies were penaJ..
tzed and the Costa Mesa County Wat.er
Diatrlct was glven a $:7,614 settlement
14 month& ago stemming from that ac·
Uon. ~
"Then we decided to go ahead and
separately sue the large company," laid
Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, a
water, ilistrict dlretjor.
OlhU agenciea involvea in the blanket
suit settled tor 1 whopping $1 million
total aum, wllb 11~15,000 payable Im·
med!ately. 1and the rest quartercy for six
year1 •at; nve. percent intertat.
Total refund.! in the two separate
suits amount to $57,154, commented
CMCWD Boord Chairman Carl Stevens,
who praised the Jegal work which help-
ed break the price-fixing.
AUorney Alu Bowie, of the Sanla Ana
law firm of Rutan & Tucker wu counsel
for the CMCWD In retrieving the unfair·
ly cha rged materials cost.
Burglar Takes
Gellis,· Spaghetti
A burglar who passed up 1avlng1 bonds
for jewelry and a canned rpa1heUI dinner
looted a telephone company executive'•
CO&ta Mesa home of $115 in valuables,
police 1aid tb\lay.
Streeter G. King, of 2740 San J1lan
Lane. arrived hlme Sunday to find some-
one had entered throqgh an apparently
locked slldirig glm d'oor to obt1in the
Officer David Stern said several
artlcle1 of jewelry and $S in quartt.rs
":ere taken, while $500 in traceable.
hard-to-pa.s.s U.S. savings bonds 14·ere
The burglar ·heated up soine dlnner
before leavine, invesUgators :;aid.
0 oMEGA -AccurRoN -au Lav A "' I
• rin91 aiztd anci' rtpeirtd e diamond1 end precious rionu remounted e pearl1 r11trung
JJll ""--kVD.
0,. -'lllon., ..... 111 ' -
llACff I. IDIN•H
' . . . ' . . . . ' ' ' ' ' .. . . .
\' I I
-._ Ill t>Afl.Y -
Surcharge Fails
" •
Reeds ••• To Slow ·Buying
In the Wind
Turn back the calendar some
five years to the time when a large
group of Hqntlngton B e a c h
newcomers were f i g b t i n g
desperately against pulliog a
private general hospital on Beach
The old arguments are being
dusted off today) but, since t.j.rnes
do cbang~ they are to be applied
in favor of the cotn:pany which
\von the battle years ago and built
the hospital in the face of con-
siderable opposition.
This time they will be applied
against a proposal by a group of
doctors to expand the convalescent
hospital of Robert Zinngrabe at
Main Street and Delaware Street
into a general hospital.
* The factions which will square
OU soon in the second big hospital
battle will actually argue the same
things as they did Defore -public
vs. private interests in hospitals.
Zinngrabe and his group will
argue that they own the property
Where they want to build, have
the proper zoning and permits,
have money to build and are
9ualified to run this kind . of
· They will argue that private
enterprise is really a stake along
with the concept of private pro-
perty · rights. They will add that
there is a_need for their services
and that they , would not invest in
\he p•oposed hospital unless they
believed they could ma}f:e a profit.
* . The opposition has no objections
to private enterprise making a pro-
fit. Those opposed to the Zinngrabe
proposal will argue that, if this
srriall hospital is built, it will pre.
vent expan'si~n of the larger Hun·
tington lntercommunity Hospital
for some time to come.
The larger hosp.ital has more
complete facilitie s and the op.
ponents of the· Zinngrabe plans for
Pacifica Hospital believe that the
larger hospital' better serves um
community. Until it has expanded
to It!" full ·capacity. there should
be no competing facilities, they
Op?.Jnents of the P a c i r i c a
Hospital plan will say the Jntercom-
inunity Hospjtal rea11y is acting
Jn the capacity of the community
hospital they argued for five years
ago and that the smaller; locally
owned facility should not be allow·
ed. •
Valley ()ff ering
Tennis Lessons
Lessons ln beginning and intennediale
tennis will begin Feb. 8 on the Fountain
Valley High School tennis courts.
Classes will .be held Saturday morniQp
for eight weeks.
The program is sponsored by the Foun-
tain Valley Parks and Recreation Depart.
ment under the direction of Fountain
Valley High School tennis coach Keith
RegjstraUon for the tennis clasaes will
be conducted at the city hall, umo
Slater Ave.
Fees for ctasse:i: ani $5 for beginning
children, 17 for beginning adulll and
teens and $10 for intermediate students.
Realtors Relocating
Meetings at Seacliff
The Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley
Boaro of Roaltors bu witched tbe loca-
lioo of Ill weekly brukfast m<etings
from the Sheraton-Beach Jnn to the Hun-
liJigton Seacliff Country Club. The
meetings will still be held at I a.m.
each Wedne!day.
SACRAMENTO (API -'ftle 10 percent
federal income tu aureharae which went
into effect tut July 1 cut the. worker's
lake-home Pof, but It apparenUy dldn~
affect his lncllnaUon to spend IL
ln fact, consumen in Clllfornla spent
Womqn Sues . . . .. . ..
t • • • '
Phone Firm
A Westminster woman hu sued
Gener~l Telephone Co. for $250,000 In
Santa Monica Superior Court in a com.-
plaint which alleges that she lost her
job with Pacific Telephone Co. when
the defendant told her employers that
she had criticir.ed General Telephone
n a CQmplaint flied with the Cali!ornii
Public Utilities Commission.
Mrs. Constance Blanchard, 11641 Jen·
nrich Ave., Worked for Pacific Telephone
from Ociobe<, 1!1511 lo Mardi 1915. Sbe
bu also filed a workmen's compensation
Insurance claim against her former
employen alleging emotional upset caus-
ed by her dismissal
Mrs. Blanchard recenUy appeared be-
fore the Westminster City Council to de-
mand the reason for her failure to
obtain a job as police clerk after passing
writing and typing· tests.. She noted that
she !ailed t b e oral test and lhat o n e
of the· Ulree' board members rulin g on
that phase was an employe o( General
Several school districts and the City
of Westminster have rejected l\frs.
Blanchard's applications for employment
for, she states, "unknown reasorus, ''
Beach Fit;emen
Fighting Blazes
With Prevention
Firemen are poking around possible
fire hazards In apartments, offices and
industrial buildings today in the hope
that they will never have to poke around
in ashes looking for the cause or 1 major
The department has every man assign-
ed to the fire prevention program, ac-
cording to Jim Vlncent, deputy fire
marshal, They are looking for fire
hazards such as trash, blocked exits,
location and adequacy of fire ex·
Firemen will make suggestions u to
bow buildings ·may be kept fire safe,
suggestions ' which are usually well
received, said Vincent.
In addition to the inspectiom, Vincent
said table top demonstrations are being
held in grade schools lo lhow yoong>l<rl
what can happen when common ltemt
and fire hazards combine such u frayed
wlring, opray cans and papen.
Beach Cof C Sets
Service Awards
Tbe Huntington Beach Junior Chamber
d Commerce will make Its annual
Distinguished Service Award pmenllUon Feb. 20 at the Fishennan Restaurant
The award .. goes to an out.standing
man or woman between ages 21 and
35 who bas contributed the most to
the comnmntty. Nominees must have
been a resident of the city for at leut
one year, according to Jerry Coley, 15081
Capetown Lane, chairman of this year's
awards commiUet.
Entry blanb are available from Coley
or any Jaycee.
rM: winner and two runnersup will
be selected by a panel of judges
representing government, ind11!l11• and
Nominations should be submitted prior
to Feb. IO. • • • Co111plex!l Baffling
Nixon Labeled Most Sopliisticated
NEW YORK (UPI) -President NWlll
la a "human beina: more complex and
baffling than most, but &:till a basically
good and d ec ent American," say 1
author Allen Drury.
Nixon is lhe fllOlt.IQPbilUcaled political
person in the United States, aoc:ord.iDI
lo Drury, w'hc:let ootel ' .. Advtle and
Consent" about -polltia I n
Washington -tbe Pullbtt Priie for
literature in 1980.
The new President ·-1 ~ to be loved but doea hope lo 1'o .....,...
ted," Drury said in an lrtlcle for a na-
tional magazine.
The late Sir Winston Cbur<llW II the
world leader Nixon admires most, the
article said. Nino once said ol. tbe
British prime minister, 1'he wu never
defeated; he wu knocked down, and
be caDll boclc, and It bappeaed ropeated-
ly. All# l1li .,.. ... sudl a -)ll<M man
-such an lndomilable ·spirit."
Drury'a mtlcle quotes liberally from
aides and intimates of Nbi:on Jn drawing
a word portrait of a man "posseued
of 'extra dbnenl:I0111' which have nnally
brougbl him lo tbe 'Wllllo -.. Dn!!1 -NiiOn llis made clear his belie/: •
-In tbe poulbilllJ ol. world peace thnllcb a pollcf ol. fhw
-In 1111 _,., Ha blrltap ol
fr!ldon> al .. ,_w lo .... -!ti-.-1111 -Id. .
-1'lol • -!:On -lllb . veat dul u 1\11 11 wtm., 1o p1qe
inlo the-.. ::"'-... -Thal the mdlA-tc. .... achlOve lot_, a..,._ lllllalylnl
Ille II given tbe proper -1Unll)'.
-Thal luting Pl'OtlJ'UI In America
JI lmpoaible uotil. the racial crtlil II
• record 19.97 billion In the lint lhr ..
m0ntbs alter ~ tax was lmpo..ed. ·
1'Jt ap~ tlte. people went ln.to their
savings, or borrowed money to buy
th~s." remarked John B. Manball, senlOr . stallsUcian in tbe 'mearcb and
stallaUcs unit ol. the s I a t e Board of
1\The aatu was suppoted to eool down the,.......,, .. be soid, by reducing
the wqe earner's take-home pay.
But the effects of tbe higher tu were
offset ·in California by higher levels of
employment, higher per"'"'1 income and
t Tho. Board of Equalization'• ,.port
!bl' the third quarter of 1!168, the July-
Seplember period, shows \azable sales
reached a record $9,961,545,000 in .the
state -even greater than the final
quarter of the year before, which in-
cluded the Christmas seasoo.
Sa·ilboats Snowed In
Figures aren't in yet for the final .
quarter of 1968, but Marshall said there
are indications that the effect. of the
surtax on consumer spending began to
appear during the last three 'months
of the year.
However, Roy Bell, assistant state
finance director, saya partial figur~s in-
dicate that in automobile sales, resicl~
Ual -and department store
purchases, "The lrends have been pretty
Snc vt blankets sailboats at Columbia Corinlblan
Marina in Portland, Ore. Northwest portion of state
continues to be plagued by weather · pi'oblems
brought about by unusually heavy snows reaching
record depths in some areas. Snow was folJawed by
rains and warm winds which could· brinJ nP!d
m.elUng ol snow and subsequent floods. · ·
Bell soid the Finanoe Department pro-
bably will have lo adjusl·Ha esllmateo
of sales tu revenue to reflect the lack
of impact from the &urtu.-
• I
The Great Orange Coast's
No. 1 Paper!
8 •••
It's true! The more I think about it
the more I like it.
When you're looking for maximum earnings on your
savings, think of Glen~ale Federal, where you get the
nation's highest rate dn lnsur11d savings. Our regular
pasaliOOk account paYs a big 5%. For an even higher
return we hiive a Big Bonus Plan that pays more than
a regular savings account any•
where In town. Ira Issued In even
even paus
a big 5.25%.
' '
$1,000 amounts for a period of 36 months. At the end of
the period you have earned the regular 5% plus an extra
1/4% bonus for each of the three years. It adds up to a
guaranteed bonus of .75%. There are Ump~n moie
ways to save at Glendale Federal Every way pays the
highest rate avallable, and accounll! earn from the11l lf
received by the 10th, after the 10th from date of r~
NIWPOl'I 888Ch ~ eaat c:oaat Highway
I _......., • ...,,. .........
Port!Olll ol ljawail were hit by a
I brief hall storm, startling and con-i fu.lllll Island resldenll. One pe,..
son, Robert' Yagi of Klllolu Valley
Jcn the Island Of Oahu, said be bad
1 never experienced anything like it
1m his 50 years in Hawaii. His ra.
action to the Ice? Yagi said be and
bis neighbor ate IL • Student John Keys of Blackpool,
England, guzzled 30. pint& of beer
with lime to spare and con!ldenUy
boasted he hBd the new world's "
record. But, a quick check with
the record book showed be ~ad
failed by .79 Of a pinl Keys thought
the old record was 24 pint& in an
hour and stopped drinking in his
attempt with about a minute to go
after downing 30 pints. However.
be found Iha! German Horst Pre-
torius held the record with 30. 79
pints in exacily one hour. •
A ahort cut homt ttlmtd out to be
a chiUt1 one for Ronald Robtrl, 21, of
Wichita, Kans. Two firemen moved
acrou the froun · Arkansas Rioer to
rescue him aftn M fell in. Ht held
onto a chunk of ice for more than 20
minuttr before he was pulled out. He
was treated and relt'ased from a
W i<:hita hospitaL • A Denver, Colo. elementary
school teacher was robbed at gun-
point in her classroom by a youth
she had earlier ordered out of the
building. Authorities said Mrs.
M•,...rel L. Lontsch, 43, loot a
diamonil ring valued at Sl,000,
whee tli" fCllllll "•alkedl into the
classroom, demmled money and
left. Mn. Lentsch told police she
bad found the youth wandering the
hallways and told him to leave.
• •
You toon•t betitve it-but the
Salvation Anny U a bia thing
among Korean VoUth-or ff ap-
pear.1 to be by f'.'ctnt atatktkt
tram Salvation A·rmy offklall.
Plagued 1Dith recruiting trouble
in tM U .s .• the Salvation Anny
hCJI' <mlr 400 cadets training' fn
the U.S. whil< 1,100 ca<kl -
didatet are on toaiting lia1I for
the organization in Korea.
• Any takers for a wolf, mountain
lion. badger, two deer, two bears,
two bobcats and four monkeys?
The dty of Delta, Colo. bas to get
rid of its zoo. "I had hoped to get
rid of them last week because we
have no money budgeted for their
feed ," said City Manager Wayne
Simpson. Simpson said he tried to
give the animals to other mos, one
as far away at Goodland, Kan.,
but there were no takers.
Japan ~tude~ts
Storm Embassy
TOKYO <UPI) -Tea ht l m II h d Iiinnen lnllD lbe main bolcoey. Jt--ndlcall dlmt.l I will A few houn lator, Jt,GIO-.ton
and stonned Into the U.$. Embtuy marched on the embtay l1'llD a park 14c1.t1. 'Ibey IDllllhecl w-with -llaves and draped lllll·Amerlcan nearby. Two thouanil Japo-JIOl!ct cuanied the march ~ and there .. .,.
3 Customs
Agents Shot
By Mistake .
CONCORD (UPI) -Three U. S.
customs agents were ahot during a
stakeout Sunday by 1 veteran police
ollicer wbo llid be thought they were
narcotics IUSpeda lr)'ing lo kill blnt.
Police Chief J amea Clwnben said
Officer Ales D. McLennan, 38, opened
fire beclult ·be "believed his life was
in danger.'"
Agent George Gudbranson, 30, of
Walnut Creek WU shot-in the head
and was In "very critical condition"
at Concord Community Hospital. Agents
David WUJon, 2t, of San Francisco and
Leon Jausaard, 29, of Pleasant Hill wel'i!
In fair condition.
The customa men, like McLennan in
plainclothes, apparenUy thought Ille of.
f~ was a narcotics 1A11pecl Chambers
laid they had McLenoan, a 10.year
veteran of the force in this eut San
Francisco Bay area town, ••covered "
wllll their wesjxioa.
Chambers said both law enforcement
agencies knew the other was taking
part in the stakeout in front of the
Concord IM 'but the men involved did
not know esch other by sight
Tbe officers bad been watching for
Lawrence FUiier cl Tucson, Ariz., who
WU later amsted In front of the inn
with J,IGO pounda ol marijuana be bad
•lalbed In • nearlJy lruck.
Chambers said Jl'auler tried to leave
the Inn parking lot In a late model
green car and the castoms agents, also
in a late model green car, blocked bis
ultandpve.-. McLennan. who wa1 tater treated for
·lhoct, apparently tbonghr UiO agents'
car wa1 Fualer's vebJcle, Chambers
Fualer was held on a federal warrant
Issued in San Diego u well as several
local cbargea.
Police arrested him for possession of
marlju--ioo of a tear gss
pn a1l4 assault with a deadly .Wel(l!lll.
Chamben aald the lalt cblrs• ot.mmed
from an allepl attempl br Fualet to ram the qenta' c:or.
no lncldenta.
Both the ltudent laYtden and the
marchus demanded the removal al U.S.
BU bombers !nm Okinawa and tn end
lo the U.S . .Japon Sec:ur111.;rrea1y, which
upi... In lt'IO.
Marine embuly IUardl with help from
40 Japanese riot police ripped down
the bannen and drove the lludeots from
the compaund. Pollce arrested 11% of
the radical Zenglkur<n studtntl.
"They came over, the wall," said
Robert Kays, the em.busy prea attache.
"Then they ran op to the third floor
of the bulldlng our office fa In." He
said the students amuhed •too worth
of windows.
No embuly personnel were Injured
but Kayo Aid one al the aludentl auf.
fered a l>Joody nose in the scuffling
with JIOl!ct.
One streamer the students put up
urged a general tbike on otJnawa to
protest presence ol U.S. 1152 bombm.
Another demanded ID end lo the U.S.·
Japanese Military Securlty Treaty which
cornea up for renewal next: year.
It was the first action by Japan's
militant students against an American
installaUon since President Nlxori toot
office Jan. 20. Violence in the streets
by the ·same organizaUon eight years
ago blocked a scheduled Japan~ visit
by (onner President .Dwight D •
Eisenhower when Nlzon was vice presi-
Education Chief
Gets U.S. Post
ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) -The Slate
Education Department conlirmed today
that EclucatJnn Commiuloner Jama E.
Allen Jr. wW become assistant federal
secretary of educaUon and U.S. com·
missioner of education.
The announcement wu made.. to
department emplOyes Jn the State Educa·
tion Department Building by Alan
Bradley, executive auistant to Allen.
He bas been state educaUon com·
missioner since September 195$ and had
been · offered the U.S. commiuioner'1 _
Job al the out.et of the fate John F.
Kermedy11 administraUon in 19''1: but
d~llned al that lime.
Arab Schoolgirls Run Riot
In Israel-controlled Gaza
About IO Arab hip ICbool girts ram·
paged lodq through the otreetl al Gaza.
li:reamfng guerrilla llopm, smublng
windowl and lllonlng buses and trucks.
A battallon of lllaell aoldier1 chased
the girfa from Saladin High School
through Ille streets 81ld back Into llleir
It wu the fifth day of a mlniature
Amuon uprising In the city n II t to
Israeli's MedlternDean couL
Sun<fay morning more. than 100 (irla
massed at. four hip schools to protest
the trial ci three local women accused
of worting for the terrorist Arab
Palestine IJberation Organiz.ation.
They quickly dlsmanUed a wall, filled
their arm.a with atooea and ran shrieking
throogh the streeta, ebouting anti-larael
alogans and pelUng passing vehicles.
Egyptian flap and plcture1 of Pres!·
dent Gamal Abdel Nauer were hoisted
on school walls. The city's main street
wss blocted wllll bouidm and plinks
ol wood.
In MJddle East developments today
Iraq and Jordm nporll!d -by Israeli warplanes against Arab forces
in Jordan. Each claimed their an-
tiaircraft gunners shot down two of the
Israeli raiders.
In Jerusalem, Israeli m i 11 t a r y
spokesmen reported one aerial raid
across the ceue fire line bu\ made
no menlion of any losses.
Radio Baghdad said lt Israeli planes
attacked Iraqi forces stationed in
nortbem Jordan and claimed Iraqi
gunners knocked down two of them.
A Jordanian spokesman in Amman
said Jordanian gunners ahot down two
Israeli planes which attacked troop posi·
tions alao in the north of Jordan in
two waves. Earlier, Jordan said two
Israeli planes bombed its territory with
napalm but were driven back by an·
tiairaaft fJre.
Sunny Skies Warm Nation
S-, M-, TWa -· .._... '" .. .. . . ....... ii J4 '""· •• , S«cn11 1'11111 ............ 10:)111.rn. 4.1
Flrtt 1ow ................ a:n 1.m. 1.1
'lrJI 1'1"11 .............. t ;)I 1,m, S.O
SIOll!ICI low .............. •:26 1.m. t.1
SlcOftd llltll ............. ll:SI p,rn, •.I
Miii> llllMI •:•111.m. 1111 7:4 •·'"·
"" 1111191 •:n •·'"· 1tt1 J:l2 '""'
v.s. s ..... _.,,
"'-' f/lf lfll MllM W tlOMY tllin
tod9'r Wllll __,... ... 194 tl'om
-""""' ,lor'tfl """ .... Ctrel'-
wllll ,.. ot dtlldt ""' fM ll'lllHMi
Alltlltle •"""-
,,..... """" Y...-..W ~nit
Joi .. N.. I!_...,. """ -.. -
fl11n1" ll'li-ed wHl'I rtln tflf '""''"' site!. S-te" '"°"' ........ MICl'llt111 to ""' ..,...,. Cirett lak•s. •1111 .,.....
.r1 In "" twllllrn l'Ofllon• d tfll "-1"1ltdllt"'-
111ln -· 1111>1Cltid Ill """""" ptrn di tl'lt l'ttlflc Nottllweu, wlllt
-"' ... , .. "' "" llotlMrll lllOdtlft, II -'lli'ltl'llW In """ (II 11'11 wtt.t> ~ Nl't of tllt 11ttlon, wr.11 tolWt
ttm""'IU'" """' ltMtl ll'ld fllt M!t> •h.,_ V1111T tt IM NNllCllllM ..,. 111t lo\llflWUI,
Hllll l"" ,.,..,
A~u~ " " AW.nit " n ·" ••ktnlltkl ~ ~ 1i.m1rtk ., .,, .... ~ " ..... " • ,,,_
" H ...
Cll'IClmtlt " • ... c1.,..1.nd " " " ....... " -0.1 Mol""' " ' ...... " " ·" Eurell;1 " " Forl Wor11'1 .. " Fres"" " • ...... ~ ,, ...... ,, • KIMI• cnv " " LnVttn u " L• """"' " n
Ml-I lte(fl " ..
MllWlullM .. • M-· " ...
,.... Or1Mn1 .. " •• --.. " .. ....... .. " ..,_ .. • ..... ltlllltl • • l"llllMtflWlll • • ... -· .. " .. ,ftttlu._ • .. •• -., " ..
lt#ld Ct1'f " " .... llUft .. " ·-" • Secni""'"lo u " ''· ltult .. " .. _ • • s." ""' (lty .. " S." D'"' .. " kl! ,rtll(IKI <!' " " ,.,,,, ""'"' .. " Seltllt ., .. .. -·~ " " t1rwr,,_1 n p
W•illlfltfOl'I .. " ..
Viet Cong (21tain Gang
during recent "Operation Bold Maneuver" about 65
miles south of Oa Nang. About 100 prisoners were
Marine ties rope around necks of Viet Cong prison-
ers before they are led away for questioning. They
were found in underground tunnel by Leathernecks
U.S. Giving 300 Choppers
To South Vietnam Forces
Youth Murdered
As Six Persons
Watch Shooting
SAIGON (UPI) -The United Stales
will tum ov~ 300 helicopters to South
Vietnamese forces to assume a greater
burden of the war, government-controll-
ed broadcasts said tonight.
Reports on Salgon radio and teleVision
said the South VJetnamese government
bas launched a massive recruiting pro-
gram for helicopter pilots and ground
maintenance crews.
A number of government officers al-
ready are belq traJned at bases in the
United States, the semiofficial reports
The broadcaata said the move was in
"preparaUon· for the replacement of
some U.S. troops-by the South Viet--
namese in 1969."
In ground fighting afound Saigon,
military spokesmen today reported U.S.
forces 6lled 211 Viet Cong but about 400
guerrillas ambulbed and mauled a 351).
man South Vietnamese force in the Me-konc Delta.
The weekend fighting roared as allied
units tried to smash a Communist build-
up around'the capital.
U.S. troops kllled 163 Communists in
four battles WithJn 30 milea . of Saigon.
The Americans suffered 10 men killed
and 43 wounded. B52 bombers killed the
rest of the CommunJsb: in a strike 8S
miles below the capital.
Jet Catches Fire
Landing at London
LONDON (UPl)-Sixty-nine passen·
gers were forced to scramble through
an· emergency chute today when a Pan
American World Airways OC8 jet from
Washington caught fire'while landing at
London Airport.
None of-the passengers or 10 crew
members aboard the jet, Flight 106, was
at least six persons watched and did
nothing, an 18-year-old college student
was shot to death Sunday night at a
busy intersection.
Two of the onlookers were tnotorists
who locked their cars and would not
let him in when be sought refuge from
hls pursuers.
The victim was idenlified as Michael
Theodore Altschul, who was ahot in the
chest after what witnesses could only
describe as some kind of fight outside
a tavern.
Officers said that when Altschul was
unable to enter the second car, he turned
to face two men who had been chasing
him and walked 'toward them, hands
outstretched. One of them fired a single
shot and the two men returned to a
parked car, where two other men were
waiting. •
There were unconfirmed reports that
before he died Altachul named one of
the killera. But police declined comment.
V yY .,
now the
San Diego. Freeway
is completed •••
Just take MacArthur Boulevard south
from the San Diego Freeway to beautiful
Fashion Island, Newport Center, in
Newport Beach, 58 wonderful stores -
.Convenient free parking •
HllWPOB'l' GBX'l'llB
'-dflcCoelt....,_, .... Pl II ••Mlmt ... Fw,mfnutn ..-,.
• .. •
Hlt.Y "11.0T IS
Help Clean
Oily· Birds
Fn>m Wlre Servlcta
thousands ol g.U... of crude
I oil oontinued to babble from
a fissure in the sea ~ and I as Ucloo ·OU o/~ worked
r to atop the leak 40 miles di
-.. thoulands ol ........ ' vohmleered to help ~ 111!151
ll!ll!lodlately lfeoted by It -
the Bia birds. ·
Union and the State F I s h
aDd. Game ·Departmeot'set up
a center to remove the oil , r
from birds while conservatJon
groups and private citizens
joined in.
Aside from the loss or
vahlabJe oil and the damage
to sea birds and marine life,
there were others affected by
the leak from the wt1ls,
which became controversial
developments after the federa ·
government approved the sell-"" ~
ing of leases for offshore drill OIL .COVERED BIRD UNABLE TO FLY.
ing in tbe Santa Barbara Sta Birds AN Chief Victims of 011 Slick·
Channel last year. ------------------
Everyone rrom s po r t s
Stwhf!.tA Finch, R~mney See
Still Rold ..
Bui-Wing Fadeout f Qr . OEO
' ' CffiCAGO (UPI) -Silty·
ooe of the aoo llddooits cen-
trolllng the Unlnralty ol
Chicago'• ad~1Uon
bulldlnt were uOOer
suspension today but , the oc-
cupation cofttinued hi' defiance
o/ the disciplinary ·~on. Thoae occupyhl( the six·
l1ary bulldlnJ tlnce I 1 s I
'nlunday were backed by
1,000 ''uncommltteCI" .sfµdenlt
and faculty membera ol the
l,llJO.studeol od)ool 1'llo voted
to urge tllal amnelty b\o gjveo
thedemonstrators. •·
The protators .er. visited
Sunday by memberi of the
Students for a Democratic
Society and the l'rcilf"Sive
Labor party, urging they drop
their "student pow e r 1 •
demands in favor of economic
-concessioha to the poor.
TWo key members of l'Nll·
dall Nlxm's new urban allaln
c:ouno!I have Indicated that tha
governroent's ch le t an·
tlpoverty agency wlll be allow-
ed to fade out of extsteoce
lhis year.
Altbou&fl Secretary Robert
ff. Finch of Health, Education
and Welfare declined to say
SUndly that the Offlce of
Economic Opportunily (Ol'lO)
will not be extended before
It expires June 30, he aald
some successful anUpoverty
progra111S "wlll be tnmfer-
red" to other agencies and
othen will be ab,,orbed by
a "succelSOr apparatus."
Secretary George Romney
!)f H091ing and U r b an
Development alao hinted Sun·
day· at OEO's dismembennent
by aaying "we are goiq to
have a greater anUpoverty
program In th1a 1dmlnlstr1Uon
~ one just ~presented by
effort la going to be more
effective and more
Finch and Romney. along
with Trwportatlon Secretary
John A. Volpe, were In-
terviewed on television (Meet
the Press -NBC).
Volpe, warning ol an Im·
pending "crilb in a Ir
!<llllportatlon.'' llid the Nix·
on admlnlstration probably
would ... ~ creation ol a trust
fund to balld more airports.
He aald the construction pro-
gram, simllar to t h e
mulUblllion dollar Interstate
bfgl!way !)'Siem establilbed
by the Eisenhower ad-
ministration, was urgently
needed to alleviate air traffic
Flnch said he foresees no
"mualve cuts" in-welfare
spendJDg under President Nli·
on because current federaJ
assistance programs for the
poof'.. have been °mgda_ted by _ eon,ress." The form e r
lieutenant g o v e r n o r of
California said "it is not very
10 ·
San Francisco?
tcQ!lahtl ..... OOfNCt .............
em CalHoml&. Mor9 lwl flff .., .......
Ad ,.... l..ow9lt * ...... Cal. yaw trawl
agent or PSA ~ wn put·yoa down--.y.
fishermen to residents of
nearby beach communities to
surfers complained. Family's Size Jumps
To 23 With 'I Do'
Today, the dmtomirators
were to hold a news COD·
ference ooly for w om e n
reporters -to dramatize tbe
issue involved in the firing
of-a woman sociology pro-
f essor whose politics were
radicaJ. A spokmnan alio
said SO percent ol all "'Porten
at future news conferences
would have to be women.
The former Michigan
governor ea.Id, however, that
~Jiere would be no elimination
of the federal antipgverty pro-
gram.. Instead, be said, "the
reallstlc to look t 0 ward IN? Al g:.-.. -· a liift. muslve cuts in the near r~ ·~ , __ future." ._ __ ......;;;;_ __________ ....... __ _
"From all indications it
(the slick) is going to knock
the hell out of our business,"
said F.ci Gilbert, proprietor of
Ed's Tackle Shop at the
Gilbert said the slick was
covering the area where
1p:>rt.s fishing o p er at o r s
gathered their live bait. J11
fact, he said a n~mber or
boats went out Sunday with
JitUe or no live bait.
To Leave?
Austrian Cardinal F r a n z
Koenig arrived from Vienna
today and promptly met with
Cardinal Joszel Mindszenty in
the U.S. Embassy, reportedly
to urge the Hungarian pre.late
to end bis 12 years of aell-ex·
ile and leave for. Vatican City.
The 62-year--0ld Koenig told
newsmen at the railway Ila·
tion on hil arrival that be
had come to Budapest frw a
t'prlvate Wit" wtth Mfnds..
zenty who sought refuge in the
embmy dUrlng t ·h e 1956
1 Hungarian freedom revolt to
avoid arrest.
BOSTON (UPI) -W he n
Frederick J, O'Donnell said,
"[do," the siz.e of his family
jumpa! fom 13 to 23. Bi.it the
49-year~ld widower took it
all in stride.
"When you have s u ch a
large family, a few more don't
present such a problem," said
O'Donnell who Sunday mar-
ried Mrs. Frances Brady, a
dark-haired widow and moth-
er of 10 children.
The children, seven b o y s
and six girls on the O'Donnell
side and five boys and five
girls of the Bra>fy clan, all
marched in the wedding pro-
cession in Blessed Sacrament
Church in the city's Jamaica
Plain section.
"For the first time in my
life, I'm speechless," said lhe
Rev. Wllliam Benet who offi-
ciated at the ceiemody.
The bridegrooin is assistant
city clerk. The bride is also
an employe at city ball ~ the
Department ol Vital Statlllics
Nearly Everyone
'Listens' lo Landers
-births, deaths and mania&· es.
They met al a city hall
Chmtmas party last year.
In London
• LONDON (UPI) -Col. . '
Frank Borman, commander ol
the Apollo 8 moonsbip, today
spent his first day in London
visiting with F ore I g n
Secretary Michael Stewari
and some of Britain '1 leadlnt
Bannan anived at London's
Heathrow Airport. S u n d a y
night with his wife Susan and
sons Frederick, 17, and Edwin,
IS. to begin a European Jood
will tour as special emlsSlry
of Fresident NIJ:on. · · ·
He talked for an hom .. today
with a group ol Brltlah ilclen·
tlsts, then attended a recep-
llon given by Stewart, Educa-
tion and Science ~
Edward Short, and Mlnl•ler
of Technology Ant bony
Wedgewood Beor.
fabulous selections of new fabrics
e1sy cara e littla iron
34"/45" wide
guerenteed w•sh1ble
Spring Suitings
orion 1crylic1, 1c1t1te1, r1yons
bonded to 1c1t1t1 tricot
beautiful 11fecfions.
52''· 54"/40''
choo1e decor1tor colors·from
, •, hu9•. i~l~ctlon of:
v.1 ... lo $1.91 yd. Sftftc
45" WIDE 77 TD.
17tlt et IAISTOL EOJN&EA et llACH llUSTOL et SAN OllQ.O fWY.
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• I
A Blow at Hypocri·sy
' ' ' . . should have any bearln& on lbe overall nee4 for such
leglalaUon. ,
Geor11• Washlng\411, In h1a ~rewell A<ldress (l~l.
elaborated a bit on "Honesty's the best policy," as de-
clared much earlier by Cervt111te1 in bis Don Quixote. ·
The Falber of Hb Country said, "I bold the maxim
no less applicable to \>ubUC than to private allairs, lbat
honesty la always the best pollcy."
Thank• to recent pay nlaes, ,caulornla legillalora ·
and Jud1es no longer need depend on ouUide illcome for
a living; The public hu· every 'ri&bl lo !<pow llOw Ibey
may or may not me lbelr officto for penOlial gain. · .-
Even granting that mqot persons, public or private,
are honest over-all, disbonesty.has been exposed often
enough at an levels of ~ovemmenl lo produce a pervad· In& cyliicism In lbe electorate lowpd their, public ser•
'vantJ. ... -
Recently the nation has once more. observed Con-
gress seeking to impose 1tandards ol l!Jlancial dlsclo-
a:ure and probity upon executive branch ~intees at
· the policy·maklng level-standards. which the same
congressmen refuse to impose upon thems'-lves.
At the state level here in California, ,;Hugb Bum!
(D-Fremo). president pro lem of the Senate, was r ..
cenUy found to have profited· handsomely from two
insurance companies that ben~fited from l~gislation be
helped enact.
· Last 'Thursday, Assembly Democratic Leader J~ss
Unruh moved to end the hypocrisy and conflict of in·
terest in California's state government. He introduced
a bill which would require all state and local officials,
tocluding judges, to disclose their financial Interests.
would impose new and strict limitations on the amount
of interest an. official could. acquire in business firms
over which be exercises legislative or regulatory con ..
trol, and would tighten rules for disclosure of campajgn
contributions and their sources.
• •
Leary's Cruel Falsehoc>tl
Dr. Timothy Leary made $1,000' the o\ber, DIP!. tor
a speech in which he advised Orange Collllly . youu..
lo take drugs. " · · " T
There were 1,000 oI lbem listening lo bu' tallt on
the UCI campus. Few of ,tbem were UOI· students.
Undoubtedly sonie U.tened and b e It e v e d •Leary's
message. They beard the bigb priest of druf• 'doclare:
"There is no evidence·that any psychedelic~ ii
psychologically or biologically dangerous •• '. ·tl\e only'
danger is it imperils that part of•your mlod 'cpndllioned
to the rewarti·failure rat race. u
Thal statement ii false. Palenliy, cruelly faJ.se.
Even if the biol9gical effects of some drugs have
been aaggerated, the devaataUng psychological ellects
have been well .documented by doctors;by youU.,., by
tormented and helpless parents ·whose chlidren ·have
wandered oU '.n mind-expanding b!hges from which they
never returued. Evidence ts as close as Orange County
Medical Center and 'the state hospital ·at ·Norwalk.
Leary 'suggested, lime and-again, that taking drugs
w~ a religious experience. ~'Ciet .close 'to your God,"
he urged his young listeners. .
Dr. Benjamin -spock and others were prosecuted
for exhorllllg young people to perform illegal acts. We
are moved I<> wond<U°' if Leary. should not fall info the
same bracket.
' ..
' '
·unruh swnmed up his reasoning thq.s: "Th·e issue
here i1 not what we would prefer to keep private or sjm·
ply what the public has a right to know. There Is also
the Issue of what we can do to restore public confidence
in the Integrity of lbo!e who write and administer the
laws." The Issue Is not a poU!ical one. Tiie pol!Ucs of neith·
er Ulmlh nor Burns (botb"11appen to be DemocrafsJ
For bis advice -twisted as it is -can do far more
ultimate harm to a young mind than can a jail sen-
tenCe for a young man W1io followed Dr. 'Spock's advice
oo the draft.
Birch Soeietg Aberrations .. Smog Still
Welch's :Rib-tickling· _Lines .State's Top
Follies of 'Then,'·
11 . .;, -• 1onC '1tmo _:,.. " •· • ~ ·~:.:t"""my~iiod~ Health R:i}k . 'Now' Persons
hod o.lllJlll.up comic Ille wm Raters. -· c-Tben lm't Giii now. But until a replace-er ~ Bible.. "¥ ,..,, maitllfOand,Mr.RoberlWok:b,fouilder It la Vtlr'/ trite 1" ay ·ao, bul·ll!•
and pi-of the Jolm Birch Society, la not O boodle ol yesterdayt -!*11·
wW IUbldbde modenltely well u 1 of tomonows. Presumably, man Coll
maker .i -remarks. '"1th Ung H lal forward to approach God or, whatever • Mr. Welch'• Jaiat cootrlbulion to an aper! 00 Y counse · e speo Nirvana er freedom from empirical sell .... -la u. -~ ~•·•atlcm that with a stralg)ll, earnest face. But be it Is lbal he seeks. You've BOt to.hand
-~ -· .....-must !mow be II In danger of being ·~ It •--·• ' · sex -tn the nation'• public put down 11 a llq1lan!. ('ibe ywlh ..u It to ~ !Jke• MP. we~ ~ ·-BJ JAMl!S, E. WllEl'MORE
-II • ()wnnamlll plot to _, have 1 ..., -.r lbal 'bail replaced funny "' picture God slWDg ·w•·r bock -•
the -U of y'"11bi;l!lol'1.,i:eal luMy. "~"bot Ills not Vf!r'/-p61llo.) 1• , yooder ·cm the road 'ol.We' walUllg for 15ai lllalrld
11'1 o pity Mr. Wildl. -i <hew • "Sei'educotfoft ts part of o·Commimlsl J""l"l'te come bocL , · California bu daoe a great job in
11!"' ml lirlrl 0 lariat wben be deli"'1J plot," Mr. Welch told a news coo1 ... nce. IT'S THE SAME"way wllb decency. the field of smog cootro~ but it still
Illich ril>Uctlfal U-. lie WU amusillC •'Tbef (the Communists) hive pledged Deceocy isn't In mr old par~ lot · remafM the llate's greatest' health
......, -be lllld lbal Dwillll , ~ c!eilroY · ~ whole gt!JUllloo ~ ~ the, revival , «' •~< buanl, pai'tlcular1y when you consider
E!Mnh••• -o ~"'--'~ ~ .;;...,_i, Tbia ~ -~ tlle ~··at; by.gone Y""; Dfflwv thll 10,DOll perDll IJere adyised by
lie loaliOd al Jlr, Rlclilrd ~~' "4diiiilii-"o1·*.emi.....;.;a ~.Ii;•· la .,CJt ....,.. • ' • , their doaton lUI year 1" leave '.the
his ~ and faaDd ~ Bii<b movement will have u ill ob-A< ftir leS educalioo, we dally "t'> Los Ancelei -buirl because smog ..,., "'ilt'I....., · i-., In jeetivo the mtridioa or eliminlUoo cl evldenCes cl the destrudioa .,::it( i,llOI:, aoly rufiilng their health, -lalt
al • ,,,. educatlcm. nie Cl)!)paljpt will' .. ., i_..,,ce GI eex~and • ~ ~teninl lbelr Uva. • ·
U Mr. -!!"!'11•.-~J"l'!U"' ,'iiilliil''•.ln0Wmen1 lo realori.-.,Yt':t for loft,. beauty, ' lid~\ ·'"'-'·not ..... -Ibis menace affect lloal rib the liiilllll llDll; cl o4 t!llJtt, ! ' . . . _. ........... crime and •. • • .,... ,..,
meeta with P<ldnl'• ,,.......mative, ' lT 15• »; ~"~G how m' any' ... .., _...,. • -~ -~ ,...; .~' In tf><l llllOI bella, it threatens Jelcb fuld him -·~~~· In my boyhood ye~ J~ Wll ..-. ll!'flll agrleultural interests and then Indeed will Mr. W . ~ns and organizations are trying 1•to some:tblng wriUen on alley w.tlla cw on. baalfteM generally ·• '
adaqu tothenatlon. go back" to i'.aomethlng. There are, for publlc toilets. It wu •1-,P8ttJ -ol 'Uiiet '1 ... , •
IT WAI ALL JUGBT-tor Mr. Weich. euniple:, dof.enitof moveroents'to ·"go dirty jokea:;told 1by adUlt1lto1.iida. 5-i · ~ :P,i';THE LeglslatU:re enacted the to engage lo such 1mmoroul nameme. iMlck to the Blbil,'' or to "turn back wu equated:wHh "41.q.'f • . ~ ' ,,; "' .. Pigf: Mr-'Act of. 1918, after nearly a·
One UIAlmed thlt hi eomeHaw knew to God." Tbls usumes that way back Sure1It 1~ ·of thele .~ ·Mrt Welch .• YW.'ol de;veloplng bactgtound for it.s
belier aod wu just entorlalnlng ,the down the road oomewbere God b waiting will lx)W.:. doion snd· ~ snd 'till , -~ and today we have the toughest
nation behind 1 fllCllde cl ifutly 1ot peof!!e to come haClt • to Him. Or us hoW nillCI> he bu "ldddioC · aalj1111og 'legfslaUon In the nati on for
-. . • , lbal lbeiBlije'and,ol!Jer sacred wrltfnp the world. J " • ... • .ailomoblW sold ·tn the state beginning
Bui -Mr. Welch b, ll he Ian' .,. far bock In lime, dusty 'and deoerted, · He'1 IJO' WU! Rogeil. J!a1 hl'wtb 1do In 1970.I
pa1llDa our leg, aeUlDg hhDle1f up as awaiUng a tum-around of the human unW al'ell one comes a!oril-·• BecaUlle these standards are tougher · ~ r than Qational re,W.Uons, the federal
·1 ~ • law requires that the Secretary of Health,
B k C e A e \, • E,ducltloo and WeUano 'must grant a
00 ensorS Ill ·.,. CtIO .. D .. -:, ::~.-;.to perniit Calilornia to
.. t . " 'Because of this, J resolution in the
To the Ediior: " '" . ;\} .... '"'""""-"···:n;,:, .J. '~ '
Uglalature urging the secretary to in~aiJ::!ij· tSt," t b e •·of pmnit the state to con~ue its fight
boob only made tbl people .mofe to ellmlnate smog bas been introduced.
••Don't you want to be one of the
Now people?" asks an ad for a new
soft drink,. going on to urge, "Beco!Dfl
one of tl'ie Now generation!"'
The on1y thing I can Utlnk of that
ls worse than being one of the Now
people is belag one of the 1ber;i people.
As a mem,ber of civillzaUci>n in good
standing, I reject both the llOWDal and
the tbennell of the generations. I opt
for the alwayuea.
To be · a Now person means to be
wholly concerned with the present and
the immediate future; to be involved
in fad!, se.nsations1 and · the. wflole
pulsating ephemera of wbat'•going-OO;
tO be . perpetually on the ... me fer'
-the · newe.a~ the latest, the coolest,' the
in. ~
IT AUG MEANS to be lnsemiUve
to the past, to cut onelie:lf ...-di?'•from
the roots o£ tradiUon, to favor the
sensory and the subjective over the ra-
tional and the' real, to become a new
kind of techno1Qgica1 barbirlan, which
· ii: more frightening than the old kind
ol puliterate .barbarian. -
To be a Then person means to cling
to the past for its own sake, ·to apply
lessons that are not relevant today, to
engage in a mixture of nostalgia, envy.
rage and fear toward "modern yooth."
and to imagine that 20th Century pr ..
blems can be solved by 16th Century
moralillm or llltb· Century pol1Ucs.
THESE ARE FALSE altemaUves, for
they are not exclusive altemaUves. The.re
is a better way than eilher: and that
is to be an always person, transcending
both the franUc cult or the . new and
the feeble cult of the old.
· This means selecting from both what
ls v.aluable, and discarding what is
useless '*" bannful _,.:; which, ol. course,
implies . the ability • to make aucb
juctgmenll. II means, further, learning
to diacrlmiBlte between -values that are.
-pi?imaDent and univerul .and mere' ft'W.. ters of cooventioo or _tam or the times.:
nlE ALWAYS PERSON does . not
thrciw out the baby with Ute bath water
as the Now person does -who thinU
that because we have had a false and
hypocritical morality in the past thal.
therefore ill morality is merely a matter
of ~ ot preretence. Nor· does he,
lilfe the -'I1lefi peroon, . operate on the
basis that . everyUtlng that was true · for
previous generations is equally true aod
relevant today.
Life is primarily the art of selecting
and combining, not accepting or rtjecting
any philosoMf lJ. toto: The Now genera·
tion rejects the past too categorically.
just as lhe Then generation embraces
it too hy~terically. To be an authentic
person, in any age, means in some
way to surmount the age and stand
for the kind or order that permits and
encourages graceful change.
For thole who did not aee or mid
"Fabrenbelt 411" allow me to esp!aha
lhil -Uie Ulle .;.,,,,.. !roai lhe to...
perature al whleb boob bum. It is
the stary of a lrfihtenlng lulure era
of human exJstern in which books -
and the reading of. .same -are lllegal_
-crimta: against the state; a Ume
In which .the fire department docs not
exUnguiab fires, but aeu them -of
. .
Letters from readers art 10elcome.
Normal111 writers 1howld conve11 their
·message in 300 wordl or less: Th.
right .to conderue letter• to fit IJXlCf!
or eUminati Zibel u· Teserved. AU ·
l<tten must illclud< lianatllr< and
mailing address, but names l'l'iafl be
toithh.eld on request if iuffictent rea-
son is apparent.
---~-o"" them _ Tllll: AlJTHOR ·said be bas been ad-and delend their npt 1" do SO with vliiiflhaTlhe-fii!ml (OV<l1lmeot will
their lJves. A future 11forbldden frult, 11 hold bearinp In Los Angeles in February
more or less. to consider the waiver request At the
Noisy Minority ls Sick
It would seem, then, that Dr. Dale
E. Ralllsoo, a literary dentist and guar-
dian (?) of the school libraries, knows
this story. and believes that such book·
bumlng iractices and governmental
cenlOl'Bhip are the belt. way to ~etp
the reading publle from ever becoming
free tblnten, with opinions of their own
that are not dictated by dogma, prejudice
oc oplnlooatod persons. At least, It would
appear this way, for book banning is
the fOl't!l'llDDOI' of book burning!
spmelhinl he probably wu, rather than
the waj be hu 1Jeen painted b)' the -
Or the' Kinsey reports, which have
the audacity to show the human being
as the lusUul creature he re.ally Is,
conlraJ1 .q "popular" belief?
Or Life magazine, or LoOk, or the
IF JOHN BEMEY'S "Hiroshima" ls Reader 's Digest! Why not then, too,
\o be binned for being too "one-sided," the newspaper editorial, for certainly
then it mllll follow u the nl~ tht it is usually •:one-aided."
day. that other "l.nfamous and in-..
flammotory" work 10 along with It. , , DR. RALLISON hss stated thal
Why not Kenneth Roberts' "Oliver peaCenlb have demonstraUons "because
Wiswell," for It d1re1 to paint \he we have allowed so much material of
American Revolutionary War hero u this kind ('Hiroshima') in our libraries."
· Surely, there la no one I~ his right
mind who advocates dropping tho . hydrogen bomb anywhere. Th«elore, ft
Monday, Febniary 3, 11168
Is possible that most of us a.re "ban
the bombers''. at bear!, ll not actiVely. -
Dr. Rallison u.sel the label "peacenik"·.
for. tl>olO wbo ad•O<:Jte peace, putUni
t.bem tnlo a derogatory . catagory akin to . tit.lei web u 11beatnik" 1 "hippie"
and ''Jlppie" -a,, if peace wtre a
dirl)' ~ But -ahouldn 'I boob which encourop and promo4A! peoce be sought
after ht our ·librorles. ralber than those
wblcll P>rfl) war!
wm1 HIS DEl\IAND for the removal
of tbls ·"OOMJded" book, dou Dr.
RalJiaon IJl'1JPO't to 111.,. ooly such bOolal
u preoent bodl sides ol any question
In &heir entirety from all angttl'! If
ao, perhaps the: New Teslamt:nt should
m.ee\ "Hiroshima's" fate, for It certainly
does not pment the opliiioos or Ide••
of the Phlrisets, King Herod, Solome,
PUote, the Roman Centurions, "" other
PERHAPS NOW, "Fahrenheit 15t" will
be Dr. Rallison's next ' target, for it
. certafnly preSehts the opPoslt.e llde of
bis apparent views, and ill, therefore
H Dr. Rallison is not famlllar with
the works of Voltaire, perhaps he should
become so, if only for one statement,
which, WJth apqlogies to the gr'ei.t French
phllOsOpbet, I will parapbraae here' "I
disapprove of" what yoa f'el!d, but I
will defend to the death your right
to read 'tt." ·
Rtodn' Millar refm to th.t! dtcision
bt1 the Orange County Boord of Edu-
catian to ban "Hir0.!11.ima" and al!o
Frederick' Ltwis Alltn'I t'Bia CMnge"
from th.e lfbrcTJI of 11 ntto sptcial higli
1chool for boy.t on probation. Con·
demnina the action editorially, the
DAILY PILOT said, " .•. like oil book
burnen, county board members ap-
parmUy consider the only viewnoi1~t
acceptable for other.t ii their own."
Did you know thlt the 5tanford
ResWcb Institute hu found that
If 20 pem<rt GI the natiod'a drf•·
.... lost their -· the ·occi· denl rate would gq down II per-
cent! 1n • odJer· ..am. -orth of
the drivens catae four-fifthJ of the
highway smashups!
-N. F. II.
conclu~lon of the hearings, the secretary
Is 'expecte4 to make hb decision.
The Pure Air Act calls for keeping
off our hiahways auto.! and trucks not
meeting rfgid, clean air standards. It
would Ughten pollutant emission stan-
dards for new cars sold or newly
registered in California after Jan. I,
The: aulo industry, on the other hand,
generally contends that the proposed
standards are so strict conforn:Uty could
not be possible by the target date.
Btrr. THE AUTHOR nrgued that such
JeglalaUon was the only way to force
,.al elforts by Detroit to reduce fUrtber
the emission of pollutants by cars, which
he said produced 70 percent o f
California's smog statewide and 90 per-
cent in Los Angeles, San Diego and
Many of lhe country's guilt·ridden are
saying that the United States is very,
very sick. Some even wring their hands
and cry out that the sickness may be
But any nation that can survive two
such political Donn)l.brookl and their ac-
companying street warfare u we have
had in Miami .and Chicago must be
basically pretty healthy.
It isn't the country that's sick, but
1 noisy minority ol Ill misguided and
misguiding cllizens.
The.re has come lo be so much
permissiveness that nearly sny kind of
misconduct can find apok>gists who
blame the miscreant's genes or his too
strict parents or his lack of fun facllilies
or -alwaya -the war in Vietnam.
Sacramento. FOR SOME TIME patriotism has been
The Legislature also voted for an ac. in disfavor among a certain element
companying bill designed to promQte . of "advanced .thinkers,." and now "law
the development of steam, electric or and order" is ~ a dirty phrase.
turbine-powered cirs. If such autos are Anger and ~-~ indlgnaUon,
produced, CaWornla would be pledged with hollering ·Ind JlllM ca!)inc, come lo~buy a subitamlal number as its Official at the beglmilig of argumenb: instead
state cars. of at the more · advmdd tllageB of
hassles, And "conCrontaU~" using LAST VEAR when the bill was 'being brOken bottles and hom~mide bombs,
debated the author said automobile is becoming standard procedure for some
ma0ufacturen «nd the federal govern-of our legall,y pam~. boocflwns who menl were criticized by sponson of 1 Im l \>1· .. .,. n ...... -•.thlcal the measure for their insufficient inletel!.t' c 8 to be .. tac ....... _, u...,.... eo-Uty, The Establilbmen~ ' . in developing new types or car engines A very small, unhealthy perceniage
to combat smog. . of tlie popoW!on can be labeled hlpt>les
ApparenUy the develOJ>llient of atoam and ·y1pp1es; J>ol there II a ...-h8l
eylnes Is being 80llgbt u the best larger group -well -· cleon ariswer to the ptoblem. The Califoml1 shaven, and. dedloted to the !NI buck
Hlsb1<11 P•trol la to t'5t steam-powered -who mlcht be calfed llpples. All
can oa .. e>perimental bosls. Ooe of three typos ·-..o oblivion; lalt It w1q
tbe big three •uto manufacturen-hu take ~ lhM plelrud, the· mojorl11's
agreod to cooperole. lsk.ult 1" bring thli aboul..
Certainly, it m11iy be several yean
. before lhe full effect cl these controls WHAT Tllll: MAJOlllTr lemll 1"
In Uie ne~ act may be felt; bot it 11 lhll polo! la,JUU. .
Is a step In the right direction 1to'Qrd No' matter what. one mly think Ot
solving a problem which Is causfill ftl5 1 Frince'i Gririd ~lit,• ,till pUeanal
mllHon In health cosls and an estl.rnal.ed gnts and lYdenhlp ~t an ·enc1· to 1
IHI million In plant dam•1e to . lOt ·cl· foolish-INI .Umina-. Tlie •i-
agrlculwrc. imple could be ellectjvtly, fOUotted
Plato observed that liberty carried
to excess leads to t,yranny and despotlsm.
The trend we have seen oC late in
many cities and on many camp.JJeS
can be halted only by the reinstatement
or discipline as a worthwhile social trait.-
and not something to be abhorred in,
the name of a phony kind of democracy. 1
I THE CITIZEN CAN do no greater\
disservice to his country than beina
guilty of political nond.iscipline by falllns
his responsibility on Election Day. H~
should ponder how much a Czech woulct
give: for his privilege. •
No political wiMm in the.last buDdrtdl
years hive bad, pie-oplJOl'\'\Dilfel • thlt
await thole 1who ·were ncceaidUl at the+'
polls.· Th"1 will'. hpe an· u~nted •
chapee to'<looe1be-pt< gap; · "
U ,the -,.,...... bla' .duty, end'
hia chosen leadtrs exerdae thelrs, wt~
can repeat the statement of an eichtee:nth'
century ,f:ngllsh Statesman, William Pit~
who said, ''You cannot ·ic \I n qu eT'
An>efica.... • • . -, ' . , , t ~P.~
11 Bsolioi Mlpl(M
r---B1 Geo,..e ---.
Dear Gears<:
How do lldvfce collllnniats 10!ve
tbeir .... prol>lema!
Dear Curlout.'
Some take d..,.... In J>ll'<ho!Gtl)' •
Olben are trained In domt~
onalyill& Still · othen Ilk• loot
trainirJ In bumu r e l a ' i 0-n 1 •
Peiloriilly, ,l , .... the "felghlng ,
qtachlne doW\I et tlie druplare
-the borOICOPll are ,rut!
-~...: r,-~=--~i..: • 1 . . . -, ' .. ' ' . • """"'11, WfWJ J.. '69 ••--._ • ..,, • IDAltY""1.0T •7
• • •
..... . ~ •
ly Phll 111'-'-11 Youths ·B~hind Mosi'.·u.s:~violenee
. •·
Cqtin.t!ntal Dt"lft
N~ Effo~ts Cement . .
Long Held Theory
Evidence supporting the con-
tlnealal drift. theory pthered
during· an· ll·iliorlth crui,,e of
the research ·"'fessel Azio was
revealed · recently. at th e
Scripps 1n·s·titut lon of
Oceiiiigrapby. •
The, tlieory bolds trui\ 100
to l~ million years ago, the
continents of India, Africa,
Australia, Anarctica a n d
South ~erica wer~ au part
of on6 land mass, called
The continent was located
near the present tip of Africa
bul broka up Into Its Pl'<Sl'nt
parts wllh lhe ... fJlllng lhe
area In l>etween.
The • ldent1sts .Involved
In !he upedltlon nplored u-..... In !he Pacific,
AUantic and Indian oceans
which were believed formed
during t h e greakup of Gon-
A sp6kesman for Scripps
said basalt rocks, which a r. e
relatively young on th e
geologic tinle scale, were
~ged from the ridges. ·
They were thought to have
risen from the upper mantle
of the earth's crust, thus
pu.shing the continents away
·from each other a few cen-
Umeters 'each yur.
"It bas been suggested that
becall$e of this process, ihe
sea noor is . relatively young
in all areas· and that large
islands or ·continental l1lUlell
can shift or drift through
geological time," a spokesman
""""'9!30 o.m. lo 9:30 p.m.; $11. 10 a:m. lo 6 p.m. . . ' .
. C'oslA MESA
(Horbor Shoppi11CJ C.ntor)
·old :worra ·Mediterranean
Spanish .Fumihire ·•
Rocolvod ...,..n.tlon of $22,000.00
Spenlah and -lterr-ti Fumltvro
........ , ......... .._
111111 ............ HwO..~ .. ·~ . ' ~ ~ Items 11 (ollows: Georgeous 8 . fl . custom ·
quilted sofa ~ith1 sep~1te loose .,illows with _·:!
huVY, •alt trim decor. and ,m~ng chair, 3 .~
matclilng Galt occasional tab!ea; (2) 58'' tall ~
decorator lamps, hanging chaill ·.Waa lamps • ,
in wrought iron, an s· p~e kini lizlf muter ·• ·
bedroom aulte·in pecan p:inelled Medlttrran-.: ::.
•II! atyle With , tl>p quality 1s . yr, Warrinty.
king size mattress & bo'X' Sjlnnp. Splllli!h ~
decor dininJ? set, etc. ' 1 ~ ~
--.. ... ~· 11in.o.:;.. -MUST SACllFICE . ., .. ' -~ ' -
. FOi ONLY ~--.... -.. ·-·-·. 69.t..OCE.
e S.cr1ttrl1l e Medlc1l
h111ri11c1 e a..kk••pint
e 0.nftl
Aulttl~· ~ ..
(Huntington Cent..)
Any Pl-Con Bo Purehl!iod lndi.tdually ::
Torm. Av1lloblo --n·te C.llf. -
Cro.llt AP,.rovod '. '""'.'°'"°!"'1' . .:
l""':r""'I -
A,t Harbor Blvd.
lf1ihi011 lslond)
' •
• • ..,
~ • DAILY JlllOT
i ~.Reagan .
Ready for
: Cfl,me exp e r t s , newspaper
"'pabll&bers, .Japanese and the -' . •nation's top Eagle appear on • .. Gov. Reaa:an's schedule for
: the nut few days. .! The aovernor. ls to sign a
.: pnclamation honoring t h e
-. Japanese centennlal year to-.. J:;;,day, then attend 1 national
1,:;;crtme conference in San Fran-
!~clsco. -~ Tuesday, Reagan has a 1:30
~ p.m. news ~erence scheduJ-
.;: ed in Sacramento,. and will
.., appear on statewidfA television ~ that night to esplain the state
-budget for the coming year.
::: A visJt by the president of
-the Fratern'1 Order of Eagles
-; is on tap far Wednesday.
« ThU?6day's agenda includes a ! reception for the Commission
.a. of the Californias in San
-; Diego, with an overnight stop
-:w-in Los Angeles. ~ Reagan iS to attend an in.
..... dustrial safety conference in
: Los Angeles Friday noon,
~· followed by a trip to San
:.:_Francisco that rtight for lhe
.;{;allfornla Newspaper
,ubllshers Association
"'1neeting, followed by a r<Wrn
~;to Los Angeles the same night
l.;;lrw a weekend at his Paclflc
~'Palisades home.
. -••
-~-·--~---~---• . . ~ ' . . . -
Hippies Saved ~my Must Prove ' .
Was S.it-in Really Mutin.y? 20 Escap~ Commune Fire . \
NOVATO, Calif. (UPI) -
Twenty -members of a hipPte
commune, including 10 chil·
d.ren. escaped injury early
Sunday when a roaring f i r e
destroyed the rambling thrff..
story mansion of businessman-
turned-guru Donald McCoy,
However, Fire Chief George
Cavallero, 50, was tilled when
be·}Qs_t contfol of his car while
speeding lo lhe blue.
Forty otl)er members of
McCoy's commune. whj.ch he
calls ''the chosen fainlly,"
were asleep in other buildings
al the 450-acre Rancho Olom-
pall when the fire broke out
Jn the :it-room house -scene
of two recent mlrljuana raids
by narcotics agents.
One resident, Massie Tice,
said be was awakened by
crackling flames and ran
throughout the mansion
awakening his friends. 'fhe
fire spread so quickly that
two dogs , two cats and a
parakeet were burned . to .
The California Hi g h w a y
Patrol saJd Chief Cavallero's
car left Highway 101 and
plunged into a ditch as he
rushed to the blaze.
· SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -muUny for nfuaing to report attorney, lo move tile court
The U.S. Anny was under to their wort details at the martial away from the San
orders today to prove Its con-stockade on Oct. 14. The ll'rancllco base. Sulllvan d:ln-
tentioo that a sit-down strike charges were filed despite a tebded thal "because of·
by 27 .priaonets ~ ihe Presidio hearin( o f r-1 c er ' 1 recom-various ·antiwar groups, there
Stockade warrants charges of mendaUon that the sit-down ls a real dancer of a 'military
, muUny. strike was not mutiny but backlash'."
Tbe court martial of two "willful disobedience." Robin.son ruled the seven
,of tru: defenclallts wu scbedul-The defendants said . they officers on the board had
ed tQ, get under way before · were protesting the ~ath already said they were not
a panel of seven officers, after three days earlier of it fellow influenced by demonstrations lllVR MAIM ........... ,
a week of legal aparring. The i,nmate, wbom the. Army said by lnUwar groups outside the ..._,.........., .....,.,, .
Murder Trial ~':-:i •. wm be tried et a ~i:~":. ~ ~:.!,':_of the Presidio an last TOILAFLIX..
Firlt to go on trial were "inbumane" ~treatmint and 1-uit ~Pi.. 91~
W. cJin U Pvls. Louis Osczep!Mki of condiU'"'8 at tile siockade. 11alib ..._ _., ......_ ·m g p Florida, N.Y., and · 1.arry A •k o1 pre11m1nar1es Missile Fired --...,... ...,..... • •
. v .. :del of Crescent ct~.·eaut ended Friday· when Lt. Cot _,..atam..,...btck•..,., ~--•3 With 'lbi1da the fuD pr-. ... LOS ANGELES (AP) --AL-The rare charge ol. muntiny George R. Robinson. law of-VAN o·E NB E R G AIR tllrou1h tlao cloe1i111 .._,, ...
torneys prepared f i nal ii1punlshab1e by death, but fleer (ju,dge) at . the court FORCE BASE (AP) -The IPhaitdon.
Trustees Put Off
Poll on Bargaining
the Army has indicated it will martial, on:lered the Army to Air Force fired a Minuteman • IUC'nClfMnM "'°" ~
arguments today in th e no~ seek the extreme penalty. start presenting evidence to-II interco~ntal baUi!tic : ===~-= .. ':.:..,~
murd<>..r trial of Paul S. The rJ soldiers, all white day. mi&sile into its Pacific Mis· ............ ..,.......
Perveler and K r i s t i n a and some of them Vietnam He denied a moUon by Capt. slle Range, but no details ·t2u . ._, f1A10Waa 1f01111
Cromwell, accused of ~illing ~v~e~te~rans~,:_;:w~ere'.:.:c~h~arg~ed~w~ith~~B~r:en~d~an~S~u~ll~iv~a~n,~•_:d~e~fem~e:_w~e~re~m~ad~e~pub~li'.:c.:_. __ ~===========~
their spouses to collect $60,000
in insurance.
the Board of Trustees."
Academic Senate members
hav e said the plan is not
designed to bring about col-
lective bargaining, but some
trustees say it comes close.
At a 4lh·hour session at an
airport hotel Sunday, the
trustees committee on faculty
and staff afiairs h e a r d
spokesmen for s e v e r a 1
teachers groups -including
the controversial AFL-CIO
teachers union -present their
Delense attorneys f o r
Perveler, 31, and Mrs .
Cromwell, 27, rested their
case last week, after Mr. and
Mrs. -'"Andrew Pokk testified
Perveler's wife, Cheryl, had
a gun in her hand when she
answered her door last April
19, the night before she was
slain. .
The couple said M rs .
Perveler, 23, said she was
afraid a man she once dated
in NeW York had come to
kill her.
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' For The Record Aldrich: Don't Overreact to DemandS Brown Act
Violated ·
Or Not?
'1 TROMASFORTUNB Aldrfdl uld hll llnl rea<>/:~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiii~~ • .. ... ..... .... Uon upon llllnc u. htPDlea
UC !nine OWice11ot Doniel WU 11111 m munt the !Arm
G. Aldrich 1r. AJ'I he bu u mi ~f01: lludentl
Mri. Helli" c . Howt-11, fn ll•lb<M c-. N~ 8•tcll. D11t-ol d'l'tlt'I,
J111\11rv 26. Survived by h111bAnd, vr~lll ,_ -· RUIM11 ....... Clltrln l lndWi' H-.llJ ft'ICl!fier, MB. Cllt~I
Hukln1, L"1111111 8Mdi1 1l11er, Vlr-
t lnl1 Hnkln$1 two ltrvltHlrs. Ch.lrlell
G. IJnd wn111m H1!oklns. Ser\llcn. TueMey, 3 ,.,,,., St. Junes E~~I
Chul"dl, w!tl! 11:...,, Devkl A. Cnimo
o11ki.1111111. F1m!IY w1eet1 llloloe wl1h-
ln1 to fMke _.i11 -(Ollfrlbutlo<\$,
plNW CDnlrlbute to St. Luke'I of the
Mount1l"' l!ol~I Ctlurdl, 2563 Fool-
hlll IMI., L1 CreKen!f. lllJlonnefll P ..
clflc VltW Memorlll P1rk. Dir.elf'! bv
P1cllk vi.w Monu1ry.
-fl'om b1ac1t -lo lluclJ -. DOI f« and 1 hippie cult on .._. tblm lo prfmltlv•
Cypress School D la Ir I c I DOI lo oven-I but lo --.... trustees viollled the Brown lo andenllnd. But i. 11w that ,...e GI
Act wl)en they dJJculSed lie Id forth the manner ll:: .;:"' l«ld ~ J'i.i C
ochool buainess behind clooed In which i. wao educated In own boulel llld 11111 they were
doors last Jan. IJ. •s.pnpand text for a apeecll ..___ ... .._,,... bodr•••led
And then agoln, they dldn~. turdly ol the Ca!!lomia ~ ~~ -•
That's the summation of a Sllte Poycbological --He roqueoted thll ibey clean
;ulin1 Friday by Deputy lion convention, It t b e the place up, Ind they did,
District Attorney E v • r e II "-ast Man N~-Jnn_lo "~-· he dolnc -............ 1., job Dickey in an opinion filed \.AJ . no."-uu• ,,._""'" to ~ him be Aid. tblt
after Investigation of claims '"""'°" from blact atudenll ho UUd GI uM.,,, "Whal can ·
that four members of the five-Files Acti"on ~,~!!.' ... ~!m,W:,~ ~~ 1 do now to help you?" trustee board defied the Ralph .. ~·~ ~N -lold bbn ''-•• ~~
hen ··-... ~-tum" ·-1n·--~ lo ,_, _, ~-M. Brown act w -Y w--· -·~ ~.._ lo till ••--n
·-lltention Ind tci "" -.,.,..__, -~ ~=:!~proposed F $200 i dlcate oeriOWI lnlen~ but DOI IJld ba1ld lllell<r for ' Of ' -··Uy •-•~"'ty. tbemoevlel. In general, they "We do not agree that this ._...._.. ~lliic.uuw wanted to focus not oo the
was a personnel matter (as A San Clemente m He said by sitting down and nature of an object produced
argued by the school board) sued Orange County, the talking he has come to a but on lhe experience and ef-
wilhin the meaning of tbe ex-of California and t w o mutual understandiJll with lhe fort of ••· man who prodaced Black Stud-I Un1·on. -ception in the Brown Acl motorists for a total of .... jt
which authorizes c 1 o s e d $200,000 for injuries he suf-Another lesson in his educa-·From this, Aldrich said he
sessions," Dickey tlates. "The fered last Oct. 10 in a collision lion, he said, wu proVidtd concluded thit ~e needs to
meeting should have been held at the intersection of Crown by students who had taken be more oppOrtunJty at Irvine
openl,y and publicly." Valley · Parkway and Sea over the campus social science for students to Jeam about
The Ralph M. Brown Act Island Drive, Laguna Niguel farm last summtr and teem· man· and the world in which
(California's a o l i . secr et Willard Arnold Lee, 4013 ingly turned it into a hlpple he lives.
meeting" law) requires that Calle Juno, alleges that the community. He said he now believes
all meeUngs of local_public negligence of Patricia L. Jett 01 d l r v ID e R a_.n_c h the university curriculum is
rommissions, boafds a n d and George E. Linthlcµm in farmhouses and machinery not fOCUl!ltd enough on man.
councils be held openly and operating their auto led to shed! are used ~urlng the ··-----------1
in public. its collision with the pickup school year as a place for K'd L'k
There are some exceptions truck and trailer being anthropology 11twtent.s to study 1 S I e to
for personnel mailers. operated by him. Mayans or Samoans forming, Ask Andy
"Although there are 18 sec-A ~Dntributlng factor, Lee , =°'=w=or=klng==='=l=n=au=·v=e=cr=''="=·============.I tlons in the Brown Act," st.ates, was the "dangerou11r1
Dickey explained, "there is and defecUve condiU~" at COMPUTERIZED
only one defining a criminal the in1'1'section .... "im· INCOME TAX SERVICE offense -lhat section makes proper design and tr~fic con-
AUUfocJo ...
-1 jlA.61: call or etmte ttc. "' .,
MUTUAL SAVINGS " A ·N D '-o A ·N A a a o C I AT t 0 N
2867 E1st Colst Highwly • Cofon• Del Mlf', Clflf, ~
John C. Moore 11. 15731 PIVmouttl Ave., Hun!lnylon BNth. Sllrvlved bv
wife. 1-rlr 1 M111S. M!dl1et and
JOlln C. 1111 deullltltt, Ptrry Ann;
moflllr, Mrs, Florenee Mmr91 brotl>-
er, s11nlev. Rowrv. Tuetd9'1', I PM,
Peele F1mll>f Coloni.I F-11 Home.
ReQUlm Mti-. Wldnesd1y, 11 AM. 51.
e_,,.,.tur. C»lllollc cr.uf"dl. Hunll1111-
lon 1..ai. OI~ b'f '""" F1mllY
(.ololli91 Funer11 Home.
ii a misdemeanor for • Jrols" malnlain<d there. He ATLAS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS
member of a public body to places responsibility for these JJll ys. lhle/S..,. J04 -N-,.,t leeclt ,. WM..-tc1.,._
end a meeting 'where action\__;•ll~e~g~ed~co~ndi~ll~on=•~o=n~tbe=-•=ta:l:e1=:::;;:~~~:;,,::~;::;::::;,;~~:;,~:;:;:,:=,J'.~~~~~~'~"~'~·~"'~0..,.~~"'~"~· ·~· ........,!~~"'~"~· '~'~'"~~~~~
Teltphone 675-5010
k · I I ti f th H••n: I D-5 S...1 D.ys A W•k-lwl. ly Ap,.. 671·5tt4 F:re. Call• 1s ta en m • o • on o • and the county.
\/.,.In .. Mcarrrrv. l.Ml Gel1XY. NeWPOrl
11.m. DIM J1t11111T JD. Sllrvlwd by l>llW!tl. Mr. 1nd MrL ~lrd ,.,,,,,..,;
bnlthel'. lltthi.e Mamy, S«YIQs 'fWel'T
Mid S.tu...S.v, Fell. 1. t :lt AN.. P ..
t;fllc View CIMH!, wlltl llev. CflolrlK
Stnlltl ofl'ldallnv. Olrecild by P•clllc
View Mortu.erv. BO RUF
T'llollll M. llonltf. IM•nt Gluollter ol-
Mr. •nd Mn. o..rv aorvtt. d 1111 FOJC
Hell Orlw, Huntington lllldl. Died F«lnl•rv 1. Gr1.,.1o» terVla• will bit
h.td T"""41v. 10 AM. P•dllc VII"#
MMT!oNI P1rk.. DlrK!td try ~1clllc
View Mortuerv. -LOGAN
Marv Lotan. I07 s. Post Olk Li..,.,
Ae>t. 1.U. Houston, Tex11. Survived br
hus!Mnd, Ar1tlwr1 "°"' Mkllffl, 1.1>1
Anloeln. set"Vkel WIN bit lleld w..s-
nK<hY, 11 AM, PKlflc View Ch1HI.
1nterm&nt; P.c:lllc vn ~111
Park. F.-rnltv lllV!lfft• ""-vrlihlnv lo melle rnemorlll C'Olltrfbulloftl, PINN
conlrfblli. lg tti. Am«lah Hnrt or
Cal>Clf' Fund. Olrldod II'/' PKlflC: ·
View Morlwery. LEVO RA
• a Brown Act ll{ilh knowledge of
N""'1 ••cti the fact that the meeting is 11;n t.'1':·~~'!-'· e1.c1riu.1 Probllrn, in violation'." 11.: N~·:.=r:ru.:1=;~ t1r1, Dickey argued: "Nothi~g
7 =&,..~·m· .,, me11ic.1 1rd, 211 rev ea I e d by our 1~
10:33 •.m. =111~ .. ,.. 111""' vestigalion indicates that the
Hertlar lllld FOOi Rad trustees who attended the 2:~i:;:.. t•is. 111rm. .._,... "1 closed meeting dkl so with
l:'rtt~·"'" l•lu •a.mt. P11ct111i. -i knowledge that the meeUnl:
•=o.J •·'"·· · 11rvctu,. fire, '' 1 would violate the Brown Act:. 5W'"'11'1'10r9 ,,22 p.m .. wrflre, 1226 londgudetrv Jn fact, it appears that they 11:11 •.m. Sundlir, Kl'IOOI !Ir., 213(1 ed · 1· th s11111 ""' A..... act m re 1ance upon e 12:~ p.mi fire "'-tliMllon. 22(14 erroneous' advice from the 12~~"'-:'r:. .• "f'..-i. flr• :su E. lttrl school di 5 tr J c t <ftmPfin. St. ~~r~
2:)1 p .1n.. 1Tn11 11r.. lm Bl'kto1 tendent's office.
2JJ P.m.. f1I• •l•rm, Intl ,Jld "Simply •tat.eel,'' Dickey TWllln Av•nue • ..
4:-ee p.m .. tresh fir.. :saw. a..,. said, "they are not guilty of
•:•1 co.m .. ''' 1••k. 2129 Harbor a crime under the Brown Act 6::0Jv:.m .. rncue, 7llt N-POf"I 111...i. 7:N p.m., l•••h 11re. im hlil'I' because they didn!l intend to • 51• w.s1m11111..-violate µie law."
1:09 •.m. Sltwrd1v, 11ructur1 flr1. ----'---------' 6M1 Tr11k 11 ::11 1.m.. structure fir1. 1'1311
6:A111~~~ surw:i.v, medlu l •Id. IOU 7:l:lh1.~: Merld1y, rntdlul •Id. 11911
Now in Our Family:
, I Family Weekly Ullnols Hu.tllltlM ancll
10•50 • m Setwclly, medlul 11d, MelVlh Albltrt ~1. AM '4 d 20W. 1.662 G1lt0nl Clrffl•
E. ll.lbDI 9Ml:.;BllbDli;S-~ .bV _ n :1s !'"'·• oubl c '"'''· 111 Mh•I-----~-~---~
co....,,b, Mr. "•nd Mrs. All:ilrt F. , ~1· edkil i ld 10!1 C11Jf01"1111 "
t.•v«1• -"·Eric w 1rt1on. G,....e-5?Ji' P·~·· ~' "'' 'aroo1tllu••' 1nc1 GmlNG UP side ""'lea, Mondll'" l'Od•v, l PM, · Ade':r.• ·• '
PKl!ie V~ Mnnorl1I Parle. Dir~ 1,11 co.m .. medit;al 1Jd, ltl31 S.1111
bv Baltz Mortlllrv. 35111 E. Co.•1 Anlt• NIGHTS llAlDna OlllllAllY Hith-v. Coron. del Mir. l':JS p,m., SW11d1v. ~lrwdure flre,
BYEPOCK 11141 Oak St~ Apt. A .• SJ,000 di"""
1:«1 '·"'· Mondi,, 1trvct\lr1 llr1, 16171 Common K1dM7 or Bladder Irrit&-
Dtt ~ ~ 1" ,.,, • .tOS 10 Hun"' lllnllt Unt uo~ make mt.r11 mea lllld-w-n lrogtM Dr!w, Huntriii!arf 9MCh. De1• . • e fttl ttl!H and nenoua trwn fh1:11111t.
ol de11h.·J11111irv S'l •. lurllv..:I by wife, p:1ot V•••'*--• b11rnlns OC' Jtcbh11'. lll"ln&llon 111stit Bettle D. HY~I ehlld ... n, Ja~. • • .., • ...., ..... •Dd d&Y. Stcondarll;r, )'OU 1l1aT !OM
J.T.,· Glefl, HH'l!'lln, RtvmancO broth-Twrs •re concl~cted Mond•'f'9 111111 lllHp and haft He&dacM, Baok&dt9
en, It.iv, J.B., Fatrest, Odell, 1111,ri. Frlclln ror school dlues <If flflll a nd tltl'l older. 1.lrld, UprouH.. l•
Mihff .k1fW.On. Edn. llnlwclll, V!olel ,....,_ level . ilnd .,,.,.... w oltltr ·""' .uclt ca-. CYSTEX UU&llJ" l:lrttll'll
Hil;kl, P1rily Aldtfld;e, lrnollf'll O .... •·o My. :nlulq eomfort b;f Clll'bJJI& lnitat.-OwCfllb\'J ' il'lildi:tilldr1111 13 .,. .. ,_ ••nl11tt-tit • .... "' IA& ,__ I.a Kid 11rtri. ud ci;*"t.lr orirdefllldren. Sfrvklt wlH • Mid II. lnllrest.11 1rou111 l'lllV un Mr • .utJt.rpe.Jn.GelcrlTEXatdt\ll'lltU-
Tundlv it 2 p.tn. In SmltM ClllHI. -~""'=='"':....:'=""'=-~M~·"'='~· ~·-rl_. ~'"~·-------------1nterrmtn1 11 W"tmrn11il' MM>orl1l I·
Park. Smllt\1 ,lf,or!lllrv. OlrKlort.
Dgra Frlnell. fm BlkH, CC11!1 t.\tU. o.ie of de11h, Fftlrwry 1. Survl"""
bv ~wltMnd, J1dc Frlut!ll, Cml• Mew;
ion, P1ul H. Frllnll, $1nl• .1.ne;
11randd1119hlrr. ll:•ll'IYI 1r1nd1«1S,
Cr1l9 1old 01ie1 11111r, Cllherlna G•H-orv, Vklorvllle: brother, Herbert Janel,
t.o:1 .1.l!QtlH. service• will Ill hlld 11
1 p.m. 11 tt>e ctia1111 11 P1clllc View.
P111Dr w111;. Motter afflcl1Unv. 1n· le~nl al P1d ll( Vi•W Mfm(lrl1I
Piot:. P1clflc View Mor1u1ry, Dire<·
lavd IE'. JohnlCWI. All 6J. 0.11 of
death. Ft0ru1rv J. Stnltn pendlnl
11 EVMtlrttn C-lffY In Yrelc1,
C1!1fornL1. WH!Cllff MgrtUlry (lllHI
lor'W•rd1"9 ctl~an.
ltld'llrd H1rc1GM11t. D1lt af Haiti.
Fell!vlrv 2. ~kH pendlnf .• W•t-
Cllfl Mortu1ry, Diredl>no.
Jar1e I(, Tl>amlllOll. 0111 af dNlh, Ft~rU•rv 1. Servtcts Pllldlnt. W11t-
cllff MOflulr'I'• DI~. LUDLOW
jl,lberf .l.U111i1SI lublaw. Alt 77. o.111
of ~!h Febr111N 2. Slrvlctl •1
Gl..-.lllWn Cetr>l!ltrJ', Sen Ftmuw:lo.
Wtsldlll Marlu1rv .-1rdl111 dlrte-
C-;Jlle11 MI~
111 Bfoadway, Costa Mesa
Ll 1-JGS
Blllltlqltia Valley
11111-BIYd. n .. 11ng1ooBelcll
Cemetery • l\.1ortuary
l5IO Pacific View Dri\Pt
Newport Beach, C.Wond1
'Itel Bolsl Aft.
Wettminsttt -
01 Atala St.
Uunlllgton Beacll
47 B. 11111 SL. c.to Met1 -
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(Huntington C'enter)
Jf, D.111.V PILOT M-. f-l. l96t
Canailians Fee l HHH Urged Stopping ABM
'Brain Invasion' WAslliNOTON (UPI) . -
Tbe United Slates inlahl be
able lo make _... in
.,..o11,11om lo bait the O)>ttad
ol llllClear weapona If ii agrees IO llop working on lbe planned
anti-balliltlc m1salle Qatem,
former Vice Pres!denl Huiieri
persona around lbe globe."
The debale lo whlc:b he
referred includer the Im-. medlale Issue ol whether lbe
NIIon admlnlJtraUoo should
Continue with the SenUnel
ABM, designed lo prolecl
against Ught nuclear attack
in !be 1970'1, and !be longer
r1nge Issue of whether this
cowitry can or abould try lo
upand that system tnto •
larger one again.st masdV•
Soviet nuclear attack.
OTTAWA (AP) -One ol
Canada~ current problema la
a bnlD drain 1n reverse : a
hr* invasion. Many Canadians w e r e
aha\en a bit by recent
dl'l:losure lhal hall ol the
country's university professors
come from outside Canada,
maiUy from lbe United Stales.
and noJ ln Canadian
The e>planaUon IJ lbe rapid
ezpanalon of Canada'1 blgber
educaUon facilities. In 11181
threeJounhs of the country's
t,000 prokssor1 were Cana-
dian, but between then. JUHi
1967 the undergraduate enroll-
ment more than doubled, the
graduate enrollment almost
quadrupled and faculties were
expanded by 7,?00 ""' pro-f ....... hips. TWC>lhlnla ol lbe
new posts were filled by Im-
ported l!Cholars.
H. HumJW<7 bu llUQ<lled.
Humphrey made tht pro-
posal in lb essay written
shortlyJ beloro be Jell olllce. TbO · ail!cle .i.o reveals lb.al
former President J ob n s o n
pushed the ABM system
because be lbcugbt ii mlgbl
"quicken" Soviet interest in
ending the nuclear arms race,
and that former Defense
Secretary Robert s.
McNamara disllgreed with
Jobnaon but "compromised."
The last admlnlstraUop al"
proved the limited Sentinel
1ysteQI. Humphrey provides
some Jnslgbl into bow· lhal de-
clslon WU made. He IAld be
was •1steptical" of J.BM's and
shared McNa·m•r•1
I\ .i.o became known !bat
U.S. textbooks were being u,.
ed lo leach Canadian sludenl5
polllical science, b lat or y,
lit<i'al'"' and social sciences.
One result has been a mW1
furor In academic circles, in-
cluding suggestions that Cana-
dian students Art! being in-
doctrinated to look at pro-
blem11 from the U.S. point
of view and that somelhing
must be done about it.
of political stud\tl at Queen's
University, said it was "fan·
The Army Is currenUy pick-
ing sites around the country
for the missile system.
THAN 1/2
At Carleton University in
Ottawa, two faculty members
presented a resolution calling
for maintenance of a 1'two-
thirds majority of Canadian
rj_~" on the-teaching staff.
Their p r o p osal wa1
overwhelmingly rejected.
P.fost educators acknowledge
that tbe problem is serious.
buf most agree with an
editorial in the Toronto Globe
and Mail holding that the
situation "ls not the fault or
the invaders."
t.astic" for a country to import ~ •
foreigners to teach poliUcs. Everyone's €old
A similar view was expressed
Ul"IT ......
by Prof. R. A. Crichton, head It's .cold inside too, at lea~t for tropical creatures unused to the chill of a st:
of the applied arts divi.sion Louis winter. Beneath an inframed heating lamp a t the St. Louis zoo. this col·
at Durham College. He said lection of alligators, crocodiles, caimans, plus one turtle ahoulder one an-
pel'SOll! who "bavl come otiler aside in efforts to soak up tbe heat. •
· uodf!' U.S. !nlhience by birth -----------"'----------------°' !raining "" going lo bend 1heir subject-material .ac-
cordingly." Senators to ·Look at State
W ASlilNGTON (UPI) -temat.ional s e cur i t y sub-First, they said, be will give
Senate security watchdogs are committee 1 n v e 1 t i g a t e d Nixon and Secretary of State
ready to move in with an alleged security weaknesses William P. Rogers a chance
invesU""lion or the Slate at the State . Department to do the job. U Nixon fails
Humphrey's article is an in-
troductory chapter in a 48
page report on the proa and
COIL! of the ABM issue releas-
ed. by the non-goverdmental
Center for the Study of
DemocraUc lnstiluUons, Santa:
Barbara, Calif.
In it, Hum_pbr~y says: "we
are, in short, on the verge
of a great debate on nuclear
arms control, a debate whose
outcome could v.ell determine
the SW'VJval or this country,
not to mention the life and
death ot millions of other
Johiinsen'1 • Vally OHi GI OUP
O.Ll10 e Flonheim FLATS ... _ .. •1r0
$21.0D ........ '5'' $1 2.DO
e Paradice Kittens DANIEL GlllN
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Y•I•• .. s9 to Yalllll to •4•0 $ID.OD $9.00
Students also have entered
the controversy. Robert
Brown of the University of
Toronto and James MacKin-
nons of Glendon College wrote
to the Globe and Mail that
"Canadian students are being
trained to regard political pro-
blems from an American paint
of view." .
-several yean a go • Sub-to move, Eastland might call 0epartmeDt if President Nil-committee-members said the subcommittee bearings t o 8ankAmericard/Mester Ch•rge
HAL Alll$CHll
'Ule Globe and Mall loucbed
off the controversy by di.sclos-
in& tbat approximately 35 per·
cent of. the unJvenlty teaching
fotGe ls from the United
Stales. The figure is much
~er in some of the new
universities. For example, at
Simon Fraaer University, near
VaDcouver, 61 percent of the
faculty are Americans. At
Waterloo University six of the
seven departments In the
hwnanitles and social sciences
are helded by Americans. The
same university offers four
courses in American literature
onfallitolulfiDblacampalgn Mlsslsslppl8'!1ator-favors quest!no diplomatic olllclals llll NEWPORT AYE. e COSTA MESA pledge to "clean house" there. a new check to see whether and e:rpll!le alle'ged State •REPUGNANT'
Two Canadian students at
Cornell University disagreed.
They wrote : "We, as Canadian
students studying in t h e
United Slates, are extremely
disturbed by the recent fW'Or
over the nationaJ origins or
university professors and ftnd
the attitudes of some of. our
fellow countrymen t o t a 11 y
repugnant ••• Such misguWed
nationalism could d o o m
Canada's universities to a se-
concl class status for years
to come."
Sen.James.O.EasUand(O. ~rlI~lleg~ed~ed::::soll===s~po=t&==h=av=e=-rbee:--n~~~~~:i,....~.a~.:~·~1:'~.=·=·=1:':::"•~~=c=·=ur~tt~y~~!!!!!!!illi!ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~4~a~-~9~7~4~4~~ Miss.), also plans to push for 1 •
administration support of a
measure designed to plug
alleged security loopholes.
•• .
The bW would revive the
Subversive Activitie1 Control
Board, sU!len passport regula-
tions an d reinstate
"prohibitions against teaching
or advocating the forcelul ,
violent' overthrow of govern-
ment," Eastland said.
Eastland's S e n a le in-
dc.s mor•than;.flyyou to the ailport on time. . .
" Ctsliliil ..,,,,, 11 ·-Xllglib«.ily Gott ...... -. ....... ..,...-.
INI; EE °"""' C-, ,..,.. md 1"' l"*' l5gf'lf ·-I 4H .... )'IC*' CCMft..
}q ··~••1 ••• Mpc.t ......... -plole trip tidoot. M ,_ do ;, i.. "" ot °"'""" <:.-, .......... r.w-._.,.
lo gel-"-logged ..........
--1 ............. -... -i .. ,.. .................... -.
.... ., 2 •• ,.;.,-tWgtntl-i*-fTVi
_ .... Girpool . 20 ........
W.•s ':MOie.
Sow time, o¥Ofcl fr"""'°T Qfllf parking '9ft·
Mns. On• coll to yow lro..-el ogent or
Golden w.,t c1o., a oa.
IL ... l'lcr<O ... q_,,E .... -11 "-'V....,..C:.Uqfiol '
N•••& •11 N.WOM_,..... oz 1saewrw--.u1J..
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·To Speedier Sub
WASHINGTON (UPI) -turbulence, North '-icon
'I'bl Navy is deeply involed experts working under Navy
ln treeearch toward bullding contract believe submarines of
a :lllJPOrlllffd nuclear !llb-the flm.,. · will euti, out.
m¢ne. and IO!lle experts <!i!!ance their. nucj..,.pOwend
'alreldy are thinking further surface 'eowrterpli1!, " ...
ahead -to a sub capable Official mention of an ad4
ol trav_eliog at f an ta st l c vaneed and presumably faster
,'underwater speeds of 100 desigrt' was included by Clilrk ~ an hour or more. M. Clifford in his farewell
t The Defense Department messs.ge to ,Qmgress Qetore
"first announced last July 11 handing Ovtf'. tbe ~job of ,
,the project to build' a defense secntary to Melvin
"1!per1peed !Uh. Since theq, R, Laird. ;.
cfflclal mention , has been After • •
<mode of a still more advanced ~~pl~=
•· 'cleslp that may be available sj>OOd aubs' durlni the ecmlns
r.wttbin three years. . year and · "several mare'' in :S0uo LEAD fbW 11'11, Clltiord aaid:
l Experiments with solid lesd ' "llYtllc:al!ll'l2 '(~11arts test bodies by North American oli July 1, Im), the new ·
ftockwell 's ocean system a de~ 1 g n ("confonn:;J aub-,
'cllvlllons on the West Coa!t marine 1119qld be ready for
!meanwhile hsve Indicated that cooiliudlon." . . • , , .
'.subltanlially more than 100 · 'CODfonn Is short for "the T · '*-t•_.,.,.;,;; · p ._ .. _
m.p.11. should be poosible !or -Io rm u la ti on ." rans.per~ Wn rO.,lle'I'••
\ltol!>propelled submer&lbles. Inveittption di,9closed !hat1 • • <• · ' hi'' ' ' Exact figures are a closely the Navy does not , have a Reece Fabbto (rl1J11I) ol 0 o Cano~: Adventurers 'parded secre~ but the most single "project conform" but · and Bill. Conrad toyed wlth .. lhe IOea .of using two
.advanced submarines In the -rather-a'-wbo!e-aeriea o1-S1ll&IUorelgn-<ar1Lto Ir~ thelr_2}foot canoe
· ~.S. fleet at present_ are separate test programs work· b~re . .pscardlng the idea in f&\:'O? Qf·• trailer. The
believed to have top speeds ing toward the new design. . ;in the neighborhood or 30 knots Achievement of fantastic ·
-(S4.5 m.p.h.). speed depends on the develop-• peCt.ed to\ call for a blunt
1 This alone would approach ment over the entire length n'Oat!, tapering like a cone
;tht maximum of the fastest of the submarine of a largely toward the till. .
'Surface wanblps. For reasons frictionless condition known u In the West Coat ex·
;having to do with friction -and t•Jaminar flow.'' This ii ex· perimenbl, ltrwnlln(!d lead .
test bodies ' dropi*f Into Iha
ocean were clQCk!d at apeedi tipto ·l~ m.p.h. Electrl'!"Ji driven test vehicles are
to have exceeded liO m.p:h.
. ' ' '
How you can get a · FREE
trip to the moon -kit:
You can receive a spectacular 38"
x 25" four color panorama wall
chart picturing a Project Apollo
trip to the moon. In .addition, you
' will get il long play .recording with
actual sounds heard during the
round trip in space.
And th~ complete nioon kit is
yours free of charge and with~mt
obligation! It is presented to you
with the compliments of Downey
Savings as a tribute to the men
and women of this area who built
the Apollo 8 spacee~ft. It circled
the moon with three astronauts
aboard last December.
IMPORTANT: This kit is not
a toy and cannot be purchased in
local stores. It contains, in addi-
tjoi;i, an amazing map of the
moon's surface with facts which
will surprise every member of
your family, young or·old.
But only l<XX> "Trip to the Moon
Kits" will be. given away free of
l)harge, and this offer is good only
while the supply lasts. Reserve
yours now by mailing the coupon
below_ but do it at once. Limit one
free gift per family, please.
• Manapr • • Downey Savinp and Loan A880ciation •
• W.3 Wootdifl Dr, N-rt Beech, CA. 92660 • . . ' .
• Please reserve my FREE "Trip to the Moon Kit" includinr the apeclacular 38H x 25" •
• four color panorama wall chart, an amazing new map of the moon's ~ur!ace, and also a •
• long play recording with actual rounds heard on a trip to the moon. •
• I understand only 1000 of th~ cot'nPleU! kits will' be given iwaY by D~ney Savings •
• and you will notify me by mall when mine has arrived from the manufacturer. nere is •
• no coet to me uid no obligation of any ·kind. •
• Mr. • M~ • • MiU ptMM IH'i"t ., •• • . ....,,_ ' ....... -.,..... . . '"" ·--. teqvl•'"' ~ po1t off;c•
• ii unc:kir 16, piftnt ~lit" h.,.. • . ' . ••••••••••••.•••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••• ..
---------------·-----· --·-
idea is to get the canoe from Sheffield Village, Ohio
to the Convention Center for uhlb!Uon in tile Mhl·
American Boat Show in Cleveland •
-Moodlr, ,...,,. 3, 1'169 DAILY PU.OT jJ
The oniy medication that -' Gets to a Major Cause -·
of Hemorrhoids ;, ...
Now! M~st complete 3-wily relief! ;-'·:
This Important d1vilopm1nl In l1tlo11 wit~· oss,, pe111tt1tn llF 1tt
htmorrhoMI tr11tm1nt com11 to. mlnvlll to tht top ef thl·rectal.
JOU 1ftlr live yura 1f1dentiflc area to aofltfl the "8ol 11111 ~
ind cllnlcal tnthlf. JW only dp,tt • thl -1 mMllllGt. ... ·" co"tornold' WO<k 1J lm•.•J•r It lo tlllo llli4uo 1Ctioft lhatiloo01>.~ '*'Ill~ l!!ll by cootmi. "'llir4.. so mllcll to moll -• lloollo(~ ..
Ind ill'ollctinl iftJllocf -"" ~. ..I" • butunlike mry other bemonhOld ' So,· If you live wltll tht plln ..,..,,,
product COunJtmold llso WOIQ I fw of I-ill&-hootonloid·
tllirdwey, ~-ptt~wltt,',. lhanu to an -fonmrli ,..qiully.tostod • . , with DSSso ni onl' Counternold Attulfly used u directed, CM: .....
gets to 1 major eaust of hlmor· ternold ofin the most comptetl'~~
rhakts: hlnful hard constijation; 3"#11 ttlilf you an pt~··
Without irfitatin1 lwtM 111tct. a prescription w without Ullff/' Her1's how: In hospital X.,11 tests lnst1Jnllucrum«suppositorltsC:.'
doctorsllave d1morislt1ttd th1t . Atalltn1caunltr3. .. ....
flit rtmarbbll CounftmOkl formu. ~"""'"t1l lltllM~·U~t<"< loo, "
'Stocks it to You'
. ' ,,,
'" .. ...
.., '" ...
H••' .. "'
" • • ••••••••••••••••••••• • 9:"
• • • • • • • • •
EL RANCHO: the supermarket
where the price is always right!
. ..
.~ .. -... .... -I w .... .1«,
_ . .,.
~, ..
··~ itf' -•
•[~ __ ..
•:." ....... ·-" , ..... • ·"<.·I' •. :
• · FRESH SQUEEZED DAIL v-· .. _. __ __;
' •· '"''' ~--• • • • • •
' ..
·" . . . \
• • •
• • • • . ' . . ' ,
, r " • ~ii •
\.· •, .
~.:J, ;i. '_, ,, ~'
"f ' '
More fint of the Uieek i)ecials!
' '
' Tomato Sauce ......... : ...... ~ .. : to ..,. '1
Del Monte ... 8 oz. cans ••• ii,ch, red llid' uuey I
Ubbf. s ~·py..Joe .... :.,,: ........... 59" ·
lleartt beef with a delicion1 sauce I :; , , 15 oz.
M • ,.. AM ayonna1se .................. · .... : ......... , ~, ..
Kraft ... quart .. , made from fin•t inlredlenti i·
Tomato .Juice ...................... 3',,, W
Libby' a , , . 46 oz. cans , • , a-reat atart ~V·Q! day!
' . ' PwT. cat food ..... , ........... '. ... .,,,8'1or $1
All,l!!~ I0 1dell~t kittr! .. ._6ij ._oz, cans.
·~ ' ' ' T ' ,,....... • I l ' • ; ' . . .......................... 3 b 1
Four roll JltCU , • , keep 1par .. on hand !
MM __ i ~.s o·u r i ff or se rad Is h ................. :4.:~~-~1-~ .......... .-........ -..19-:
1x w1u.1 sour er~ ... 9r with mustard ••• add 11eaty accozµpan iment to corned beet t ·-
Pric¥ ii' ef!e<t ' ·
Mon.; TtlU., Wed., Feb. 3, 4, S "
_____ ----·-------------------------------·-----_c_c ___ ~
• I
.Je DAil V PILOT MondoJ, ,........, '· 1969
' <
~ • ..
< •
.• .•
~ •
Don't Like
Dried Food
llOSCOW (UPI) -Dr le d
collqe -and -
-• dll1I diet. ----,,_wd lo.._ ' "*""" ..illctall. C8mlod miltWaobelter.
Tbe loOd -rlences of the
four So!m.4 and Soyµ,z 5 coo-
-...,.. r-1«1 ln "'-•da by Deput1 Helilth Mio-.
iste't Avetik Burvazyan." •
He said the cosmonauts did "°' feel th.int In. tbeir foui! day tripl but drank more •Ii·
quids than ·normal 9nctf they
got bac1: to earth, appamiUy
to '* lost body Ouida.
The cosmonauts carried
dr~. water as well U
fruif juices tn plastic tubes
on their Oights. They have
not yet used hot-meal techni-
ques or regenerative fluid
systems in actuaJ flight.
i UCI Lists F ehruary
Bumazyan indicated the de-
hydrated steak and C<>ttage
cheese munched by the cos-
monauts was satisfactory nu-
tl'ltlonally but no spur to jad-
ed appetites. Tinned meat was
more popular.
~Calendar of Events > One American Gemini as-
• ..
_ _,.
• • r ....
' J•
tronaut. it wu recalled here, ~,..,.,. Miii Sc1W11111 tN l"tl1• kl. had sneaked a corned b e e f ':r,:,,.m.~ ;.. CcM'll ~111w sandwidl aloft to vary the
5v.1e'.:!!'T L.v~ s.,.,.:: monotony of space l!'eals and °""'''°"'· •!Id w. J. o..C.1111, ui. spent much of his flight chas-1uppor1 S~lilemt. Mlti:ilwlla; 1r1li.r • ight '°'· ·J:» •. m. • -1ng crumbs drifting we • • JQZ, COllCfrt -Tiit 0 1(1( PG'MH d h' ab' Trlop 111 FIT!it Artt. 1::11 •.m. lessly aroun 1 c tn. ·
Mmbsiorl se e«1t1. --'-~· -·-----:-1
ll ThofnUr Noon conc:.rt -"Mu1k for sm1.11 Cllon,11," Wllll•m Pfllrl.ln conctucUng IM Mltdl'INI Slnvert Of Golclln W•51 Cotteoe1 na Fine Arts. 12 1-1. ~ t.U. Fll.lld DYl\lmla S.ml111r -"Thoe lntlueM.-. or Hvpenonk Flow on Surf1Q1 S.trl1tlcn P111trnt 9' tle-
•ntry Vtl!Jcln,." c. 0 , Whitt» StJKe
•nd !tMntry SI~.. l"llUco-F«d;
r ... 11er "'' 7.:• """· lntlnt RfPlrtorV Thutr1 -SN F*1,.llry J Hir 0111lls. ,.,_
Enel-1111 Collooulut11 -"0--lllcln OI Stoc:Msflc AllfiorNN 111\d
the ~robltm OI Compti111ll'r'," T. T. Nlel'I. Hll!lhel Aircraft Co; C11m11U1
AIMlllOI! Conf Rrn. 4 '·"'· •lollillul Scltrtee F1"'1 -"sti.rk1." Science L«hw• H&ll, I p.m.
Cllembtr Conurl -UCI Cht>onbtl'
Slnpra. 111 Flnt Arts, I :)) 1t.m.
SNnltll Ltdu .. -.,_, E•PR ... 11(111
Spanish LK ure -"l.8 EXl!'f'lenc:I• y le For"'-dtl 8trro<:1t "" l'I Quflor.," Dr. JMqurn C.Mlduero. UC S.n.Olego; Uli Fine Art .. l.:XI p.m. Irvine R-1WY ThMftr -S.. F9llrvary s lot' detelli.
IJ le"'*Y JrvlM fil-l10r'Y Thntr1 F~ 5 fot" fttllll. llT...,.
FebrUlrt 19 !Of Otlilll•.
21 frldll' Enciln•rll'ICI colloQulum -"Liboratarr Slmul1tlo" ol SPICf Plismu.N It. W1nlelt, Adv111cld
klnella: ca~ Aclv1nu Co,.-Rm, ' r~n. ltei>erlorY Thill•.. -F.wv.tY It for 6"11111.
8lolagica/ Science Gr1w.t1 Colio-~uium -"Prot.111 l klsl'ITlhtll1," Dr.
W«ldl11 M. 5Wllft', Jr., Dept ot MOlei:vl•r 1fllf~Cell fllololY. UC:lt UI
'" '"· • o.m. MoreComfortW.llrlnCJ ''~ . ·-""'"' 'K'"" -., ... r•LSE TEETH 'Mircwr lal'lll.$loll: flllck Abolltlolllil ·rft of thll Wnf." Pr'1 WHl11m Cht*, S.11 01• Slife Colltgl. kl..c1 L-fllr• Hiii, A p.m. To ov•rcome dlscomtorl w ht n
11·11111e It..,...., T11Mlr• -"TM dlrrt\lre1 11Jp, slldt or loosen, httt
llcklllh AcnllMr_'J llvd.lo "l"''I''' •:• »rinkM I nn11 FASTEETH on yO~r ~.m. TlcMtt a.JO.i UC 1 aft 12, ... fll. FASTEETH llOlclt dtntlKet
I ·~ ti. l"ll'fwll'llnu lllltn tlmllr. You •I blltltc.. 1'11 morw lb. lt-21. ~ 1, CClll'lfl:lrtflbl1. FASTll!l'R" II elkallM :If~ ,. ......en•t l(lllr, He111t dMldl ~II lldor. ... ~ -"L~ ltetlt.ll, D911N... llllt flt ... tulflllll .. ~ ..-... ,~~-= llMl!tl. SN )'(lllr o.iti.t rtwllrtv, t=· $dlim. ,._1 \1I Flrw Arll: G9t FASTl!ElH •I 11 drVll cwnttr~ ~= lt-'«'r Thtltr'T -,..
Xeet Your l''iLc Set.
far J!'ilher Eaminp at
. ' Wab:ltyourtr.aamedaavlapsrowwitlrwinckpeed
Federal Savinp mdLolllA.ISociatian Ill Oranie Comit;y,
F...,,ftldeieed llr tlte lmltA """''"""'~/Ira! of tlte montlt.
Don'tl!Das the fnuure eblp to l!OC1llity, Book passage today J
by a permanent agency of the Federal Governmenl
5~""'" IJIVllOD lATl
"'°QUAllWI 5 1 /. <»' Wlu YOO ADO OIJI Jill 7470 BONUS DIVIDf.ND TO
WHW YOU llAVll 1!5111 IWCI! A lll'PERDIC:a!
--_...._ -.----
' I •. L
Royal Mercury ..... ~ter -~ . !\portable cypewriter for home, sch'?"! or traveL with
. • i r• ""·"'" · , 1 . a 'standard ofiice ~ 42okey, 84 chciracter keyboard.
39 ·9" Two color riblx,m, touch set margins and touch con·
regularly A9.9.5 · • ~ trols. Lightweight, comes compl~te with carrying case.
• ' ,1 '
4-drawer file
39.99 regularly 50.00 ..
Steel letter size file with 4
fully suspended ·drawers·
on nylon rollers;With ball
.beclrliigs 'and automatic
stops, <:;am jock secures
two top drawers. 18441,
tClJl. 40.00 1843 I in tan,
3-di. file 32.99: 30.00 18441
in tan, 2-dr. file 24.99
. ,
steel safe· insulated
with ·thennc>-Cel
119.99 regularly 128.SC.
Electronically welcled
double steel walls are
insulated for fire protec.
lion. Drill resistive plat~
lo resist burglary al·
tempts. Pin tumbler,
changeable lock. 24"xl6i1
18\<I''. Model 2X.
may co stationery 66, office equipment 110
fashion print
regularly 4.89-6.99 1.00-8.00
luggage that's going
everywhere, with' a first
class look al tourist class
prices. Ll;ihtweight printed.
Chief Value vinyl has the
look of linen. All have
zipper <.iosures, outside
zipper pocke!S and nest
for easy, compact st.,,mg.,
a. 6.00 16" or 17" size 4.99
b. 7.00 18" or 19" size 5.99
c. 8.00 20" or 21" size 6.99
home file
7.99 regularly 9.95
In olive-green and blue
grey. The two-drawer
chest of 200 lb. corrugaled
cardboard on·a sturdy
steel frame has metal
card holders and drawer
pull~. Model No. 207.
may co south coast plaza, san dle«JO frffway at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321,
shop lllOtlday thni sahlrday, 10:00 a.111. to 9:30 p.m.
•' l
• • < '
,_.,..,, ,...,..,., lo lHt I ,_ ti
• • •
' .
' '
. --
Wiishi g Mi9ht Make · It 5o
Two ..outstanding candidates for the Americans Abfoad program
frOm ,1rfarina High School are anticipatiifg a year in a foreign . .
PAIL Y l"ILOT f'llol9 Irr •1ct11rd Kfflller
· ~untcy: under the sponsorship of the American Field Service pro-
ington Beach. Mrs. Roland Shutt, chairman of the selection com-
mittee for Americans Abroad, has said that, in addition to being
fine ·scholars, both young people have been active in many civi'C
and community projects. The AFS program in Marina High School
is supported by the student club and the adult chapter. •. 't ••
CENTER ENRICHED ..'.. 1Jtiited 'Cerebral Pal~·
Child Deyejo,P111e~t Center Is one orthopedic w"""!"'
richer ihaiilis I<\ th~:J!llt QI. Ne"'JIOrl Harbor AIWii« :
nae, Kapj)a 'Dfltas. Mi'!t~ ... j ?P?"'A:nii&son, a ;meu¥8ff ..1
shows Shawn Britt how to use the new eqwpmeRt,~ ··
''.gr"!"-~-from 15 applicants are Joan Lamphier (left), ~·''' , ; ·',d~y~ of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W, Lamphier and Kirk Gres-·
•' .11o · '~~'.(light), soo of Mr. aild Mrs.-Bichl!ro G'rJ>ob31!l;.both of H!!Pt·
•' r -· '· i -'
~· ......... -
.Help ing Other~
• ' ·1 -f
Alumnae Reap '
Rich Rewards ~-,
Reaping the, rich reward of helping others are
Newpo rt Harbo"'fAlurrinae of Kappa De~ta;--
Projects .~"":~ ye~ir-have · raised
enough fl!llJ;, ~~ifubi(i/iem~'P~hase an ortho-
pedic waJker for the Child;~e1"1'1ent Center of
United Cerehra!Palsey, Sa.ill.a.Ana, .. ' .
.. •ff' • •• y
ln adhiti6n ,.tb;e alumnae 1pres~ birthday par-
ti es monthly for the childreij...,~tf~g the center,
which is the majorfphiianilitbi>/of the association.
Members ·a1 si, ,'fj.~e . t..;,;bg· aids. for the eel>' ,
ter during scheduled work'-p,arti!;!s~durmg the year,
and they also support area c~ate chapters ~
the sorority.
During the next meetinl;-to: t.#e place-at 7: SO
p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13, ~~s ~atilde Mas-Ivars an
American Field Service foft!f·gn exchange student
attending Corona del Mar High Scho0l will speak
about her nati ve country, Spain.
Hosting the session in her home will be Mrs.
' • ' Booked
Today's book market : and
the problems posed for au-
ious authors writing res~t
able •literature will be~ 1tbe
topic of discussion by Leland
~ ~ F. Cooley,· noted author-pro-
Cobk!y will address the New-
port-COSta Mesa B r a n c h,
American AssoCiation of U,ni-
ver.sity \fomen foll~ing a
noon salad luncheop Saturday,
Feb. 8, In the Estancia High
School cafeteria.
His talk might be entitled
"Sex and Ule Serious Novel·
isl" or "The Dirty Book Di-
lemina." .
· The author, who now resides
in Laguna Beach with bis wife
and two children, is besl'
known for bis novel, "~ < tlon Pink," a satire on ex-
tremism. Previous to devoting
most of his time to writing,
Cooley worked extensively in
television where he was pro-
ducer-writer and direclor of
the Perry Como series which
won seven Emmies for the star. Frank McKibben with Mrs. Robert Harrington serv-
ing as co-h ostess.
Further information about the organization is
available by Mrs. Jam .. "E. Palmer at 644-1157.
. '
'LETTUCE' TOSSED -Tossing a special salad 1 e<111•to'rll!S•,
funds for fellowships will be members of the Ne~ta M8-a
Branch, American AssoCiation of Uni\re-rSity Women 4'~avorlni:•r
' I 'I ! '•
their donation ,.are (left to right) ti\• Mmes. Jack.Bento.n,•L. 'VI·
Pickens BJ\d\Robert A. Smith. Res~rvations for the Feb. 8 e'vent
are being talCen'by Mrs. ]lenton at ~184. ,. . , . " . • : ·
Cooley now ls working on
his next novel. a social satlre
ent!Ued I "The Trouble With
Heaven.'\ He ls listed tn
"Wh0'11 Wl>otln the West."
•• •
rBeing ,we .II Reared 1Gives ·Foundation for Girdling. P:ro.blem .
have gained only two pounds since my
baby was born, my figure has changed
completely. Everything I had before is
still there:, Jt's just relocated. With the
proper foundation gannent.s, I look line
from the waist up. It's the rest of
me I'm concerned about.
I used to · have a ni~ curved. look
Jn the back but now t'm Oat as a board.
J dOJ1'l know how to describe it except
to say I've lost my fanny. ls. ll~re
rome exercise t can do lo rebuild it?
Thanks for your hclp. -NO LONGF.R
DEAR NO WNGER: I know el no
sue• eserdse, .. , don't despair -help
Ir OI the "'Y· Recently I 11w ac'lverUsed
(by I very rapeclable 1-) I llrdJe
wlllt 1ptdal ,....... It will .. r .. Ute back what fal*t de far Ute hat.
And pleite, «frts, don't write end
ask when tbue stnOts cu be parcliu·
ed. I'm not pv;1bin• undenr&1r tkl1
aeasoa. Cell your local department store
or Uaprie Pop. ·
DEAR ANN LANDERS ' I went with
Kirk for ~everal years. I tried to break
up with him at least six times. Each
time he cried and pleaded with me
not to leave,)llim, so I continued to
see rum...J\Jrt'-·l!fljuenlly said and did
things that indicated he was unstable.
I pleaded wilh him to get professional
help but I got nowhere.
. Last ~:..•bile vacaUonina 1C1Ul
· ea.rt I met a wonderful man-a widower
with a child. ""We saw a great deal
of each other and now I think I'm
in love wilh him. He telephones me
twice · a week and sends soipeOUng in
the mall almost every day, He is coming
to see me next week.
bave done 11 rin1cti for hJm as anyone
collld -1bort of uertficfn1 ywr own
life. And dllt )'II ._,.~owe l!Un.
' Yesterday I tokl Kirk there ls someone
else: He ~me hysterical aod cried, DEAR ANN LANbERS: I'm 18, a
recommend Ida 1qeon. I &MU.
In tbt mea.nttin-:, lie aware t.bt eM
,._,,,"' rliaoplasty ...,...... ...
..., -iii tle7 A!'l"I' bit OI wut -
bid to -wtllt. • "U you leave me ru kill myself.~ girl, and want to have my nose bobbed.
t ' am frightened and miJ:ed !JP. If I've aetn aolne awful result's as well What is French· klssing! Is it wroect
bellltllul I tt1 Wbo sbould sel -tho ....,,,__ llmilll -Kirk commit.. suicide I'll never forgive toas ~~a.~......:.,. t•· onesname.
:;~ ~~~ ,._.'6 1
myoell. I ne<d advice at once. -STAR -~ ~~· •• ,. ~-the boy or the.Pl! Can a "'-'!"
SISTER ' ·tJecauat moo!~people w,.ld like you weelm.1 succeed! Read AM 1-1"
DEAR STAR: Don'l allow Kirl1/1 II· to believe they were bo with the n0&e ~:\: 1'Teel1Jll Q.a,.. "":"' ea_ •..,1 I-lo nala Yt"' Ule •. E ....... 11 lli\fy llOii hive. . • ' ' --• (9 .'" s..t .... '111 -"'..;;.i.
bhtckmall can be 1 dangerous 1•~· How does me. go abou DO<ling a a ~&. 9tll-addresled; stamped m;eelope.
Tbos6 wllo become vlctJmiztd PIJ' a truly 11kWed plastic surgeon'!' -D. S. Ano t.:anden: wUl be 111d to blip
dear price. ·~, • •• oµR., v. ,,,. •.. 0p:1 .~ .. ~ r 'Y<LI 'idtl>''10\ll: ~ """' -TeD Kirk ,.. more U.me tblt ·1e ' 'wh OWWl!r~al a'~'!* All ' to httln caie 'o1· the DA!tY'M ,
must get proft11lonal help. ~.• Md 1omeooe wllo llu bad put ..cce11. encJoeing a stamped, sell~
blm &ood-bye -and mtan Jt. You wtll A pltued patient 1boald be b1ppy to envelope.. ,,
Today's Style Trends Only Ref.lect ·t~e Past hlatory, shoulders wm 'lllder
than h!po, but It waa the New
Look of Dior In 1947 that
swept milady'• clORts clean.
The significance of Iha ..,.
ceptance of Iha long skJrls
-oven though fabrics wve
scarce -bu beeD lnterpnted
as a desire on the part ol
womtn to return to a man
HCUre way of 1lfe which 11
fone fO"'!.~·
• ••
Bf JOOEAN HASTINGS Jn ancient times, it was
•,,.. o.11r ,... s11• sbocking for a wcman to re-
Bare bosoms and peek·•· veal her face ln Arabia, ar her
boo blouses? led In China. Mlnl or moil, N<>illln( new, calmly de-belted or bagy-laohloos are
dares Miss Marjorie Leland nothing more than a reflec-
Lyte, who dellahtod a jam-UM ol our lives and thole
med audieoce of Huntington before us, continued the viva-
Beach Monday Morning Club ci.W. Slanlord !Jnlversity
members and gueia with her 8fl'duate.
reflections on la ah ion 1 "Why do we wear clothes?"
Through the Looking Glass of she aaked.
Actually-the "new" trend A'lTRAcrION
·:' ls so old it's out-of.date. It all Pointing out that the first ~' began before 3000 BC in an-civll1zations were founded in
cient Egypt, Ball and Greece. warm cllmates, ~ entertai.n-
"Never be surprised or ing ~ suggeated that, shocked at !ty1e trenda," ad· even in thoae ancieint times,
..,_ vised the chic blonde. "And people were trying to be
never condemn beauty or "different'' to attract the op-
; .. , ugliness." poalte sex. .. ..============ii
" . . . •
.• :>. ...
~ : ..
··1 ••
",./' ..
~ ... :
.·1; . -·-
.;i '
•.I, • . -. l " .. . .
•,J)_1 ...
. . •-''" .. , ... ' :.::; •• a.
..... .
• io ' .. {' . : " ~-; )~ . . ' .-:.•
. . ~ ·"· .• l
.· ;• ......
'" ; ,:;. .
u· ~.,.·.:. .. ~ ... -
' -:i': ..
c OF
Age Segregated Groups
Kinderballet -4 to 5 yrs. Preballet 6 to 7
Formal Training 8 yrs. Up
save on famous maker jersey dresses
for misses' or hall sizes
7 .99 15.00·20.00 values
Now, choose your favorite styles of acetate or
nylon jersey dresses designed by famous makers.
At this one low price you can own eaC:h of these
flattering styles in a bright arrqy of fashion·
right colors. Come in early for lhe best selection
of misses' sizes 12-20 and'ha1f sizes 12~·24~ .
may co daytime dresses 61
order by mall or phoile •
I 1f1ar. co lotllli coast fl'-• san dlego fwy at bristol, costa maa; 546·9321
shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm
. -.
Newport Beach's older
drivers have the opportunity
to attend apec1a1 prosrama on
delenalve driving beglnnln&
nezt Wednesday at 10 a.m.
In the Senior Citizens llecrt• u.n Center.
Thlt program which la aJm.
ed at Improving tralfic aalety
thrOIJlh the educaUoo and
training of older drlvori la
being presented by t h e
Newport Beach chapter Ul
of the American AaaoclaUon
ol Retlnd Penooa.
To help achieve thla pal,
the NaUonal satety· Coullctl'a
Defensive Drtvlng Courae baa
beeo. odapted lcr the tlclerlY
drivers .
The IOUMelsion CGUr1t will
be lnslrucled by Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Searle of Laguna Hilla,
Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Forbes
of Newport Beach and Mt.
and Mrs. L. E. MorriJOn of
Corona del Mar.
Those interested in the driv-
ing program may COnlact
Morrison at 673J»34 or Searle
at 837-4724 •
Fashions Shown
A fast-paced, mod rashlon
show Is the piece de resistance
for Balboa Yacht CI u b 1 s
monthly Lldies Luncheoit and
Styles from. Back Street,
Fashion Island, wW be model-
ed by prolw!onala, according
to Mrs. Almon Lockabey, coerdlnator.·
~, IRUIOQ®IJIJI l!UFFUllS' 111111
1 7 , 5 0 r11. 35.00 valut
Wo'ro very """' of"" -1 wavo solutl01 by . . .
Rulor. It aclullly helps Improve"' q111llty of your
hair as ii waves. To lnlroduca you lo artfums' OWn
Ptn!onont wave, ., 111 inclo!ln1 Flnna-Glnlt
Hair C<llditionar by Reslor that Halps llrin1 llllnln1
beauly lo your hair and helps keep your !Ill IOll'r·
l1stin1. We are ineludln11 persnlized hait~f. And,
·~an added sPtCial, you wil l receive Buffums' l)«n
Heir Spfay by Rntor. lllluly Studio,
all stores except Marina
Mab an appoin1"'ent at lllt arffurns' Beauty Studio
-you: Oownlown L011 Boacll, HE 6-9141;
LalclWOod, ME 4-!040; Slnll Anl, Kl 2121it, Ponona,
NA :Han; Pat .. Vtrdos, FR 7'6737;·NfWPO't,
644-2200;'la Habra , 694-1911.
Mlnictir1s.. r,dltlll'IS • Facials • •Eltc.trolysis
""""'.,.. .1 ................ .
• -'111110.,Pll.-ltlt:»_..,,_ .. ,..
Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it
Just for star ters·, we'll cut, set and style your hatr for a
beautiful view of a b!'flnd new you, Crisp and curly or
rippling In waves, It wilt stay that way throughout your
busy day, •• thariks to the talented technique or our super-
styllsts. Taklng-<>Ver for your great make-over with
makeup: our Adrien Arpe\ makeup artist will design
your face to mlltch your do, with a private lesson on
how to do It yourself I Because we know your calendar'S'
crowded, career girls may want a Saturday date I Tha
whole beautlf\J\ works, cut, shampoo & set, plus Adrien
Arpel makeup, Is plttance-prl'ced !lt 10.!50. Register
now, call today. In our Beauty Salon.
The event la calendared for
Thursday, F•h. 13. Robinson's Newport Center • Fashion Island • 644-2800
• d
' I •
J ,
:J -~
.; t
~-" •I
~ , .,
~ ,,
·• !l
i ·~
~ ,. ·~ , ,
' « ~ ! ~ ' ; , , , . ' ! ~
f ~
r• ·I ~ ~
------------------------------· ----------------------·----------....... •
Songs luncheon .Treat ..
For South Coast · Club ' . . ... ~ "
Be o Volentine ona pomper yourself
with fro sted streaks of femininity.
Speciolly priced just for you, reg .
25.00, now 15.00. Complete with
elegont styling. If you prefer, we do
tipping, too! While you're in look
at our lustrous human hair pieces:
Coscodo•, 20.00volue, 9.99
'. ·1
foil s, 45.00 volue, 22.99
Wiglets. 25.00 volue, 13.95
Appointments not always nece ssary.
Phone your nearest Broadway: from
Anoheim, 535-8121; from Hunting·
ton Beoch, 847-8079; from · Newport,
The Beauty Selon1 60 I
Jam Session
To Marry
Leraine De. Lacye Oliver
will become the bride of
Donald Pfirrmann on June 28.
Parents of the couple are Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Oliver of
Oceanside and Mr. and Mrs.
August PfJrrmann of
Oceanside and r o r m e r
residents of Costa Mesa.
The bride is a graduate of
Oceanside-High School and is
attending Mira Costa Junior
College, Oceanside. Her fiance
is a graduate of Corona del
Mar High School and is stu-
dying at the same college.
He will continue his education
at UCI.
By Program
Who Can Read Just
One 'PeanuJs'l
Delightfully diff1rent, cookie crust, filled with
creemed cheese, jem filled , with sour cream
"fopping. 1.79
Hawaiian Cheese Cake
Delicious fru it filled cake with cr11m cheese
b~om. 1M
Macroon Torte
Cheese Danish .
Our own spec:i•I flaky clanish with
If your birthday ts in March, April, or May, stop
in •nd fill out en entry •• , a decorated 2-~y•r
cake to S luclr:y people ••ch month!
To Be Created
Wiihapo,.ar lightened hair into 1"""1curb.
w e ....... lhecurlowith"NiceCh ....... -1'0~.
ln.j111t 10 miilates your new blonde curia take on
whiapeNOft color-tooe that laata through several .
-111ecolor~JOQ wilhl
COiii -. Colif. 11'1' I . 111t1' ltl'MI Mtf'ftlr (Antw ........... COiii Mo&1, Coll!. Hee Wtf111ir ,..,., ll'~tr+ ll'lfr• ·--
AND SIT !Moo. .... Tllon.I _
Aflw I ,..... $2.IO
Frlckry. Sutw•r. S•d•• ---PAO
Coote -. C.llf, ~ Velloy, <;oMf. * w. ""' .,,... 1,.,.,. ~ ,.,_ JO.nM \IM ... ( ...... ,,_,..., ..
The Jowigtt kiildles mlght
well have to be 1briefed on tha&
terrilic ftlm .v.m Tiie World
... Days .. """""'1t it does
i:late baclr: a rew caiiii;lan from
lb take-off, but nonetheless it
should hold 'Iau&i)s. 1hrills, lli·
gles llld uc:itemenl for tbo
clw clan.
Loni T-wro1e a pod!c ~te to IOOle l:l) BdUsh cav-
lh')' involved In Ibo Crimean
WV obout 1151-16. .Jt D 0 'f D
throoghout Ibo clviilzod -id .. "The Qiarp ot tbo Lllhl
Brigade" tblJ mapiQ,eent epi-
sode In the annab ot humln
courage hu been made Into, a
motion picture belrlni Ille
-mapllictnt ltlie. Tiii -l>ooea t'o open tblJ w«i-llOldaf• ..,._ wtlb tblJ rum. ' .
1llEE PASSES to Ibo -rr Ibo Lido will be' malled fo.
d&j' to Douclaa A. Shaw, •A
Serra Dr., Corona del Mar,
o. I. -· 117 "· Balloe Bl..L_ Bllboa, J, W. om, -
NandJrtn Dr .. Colla -... °"""' c. Lane, 11111, E. Coll! .HWJ, Newport Btach.
II JOO' name isn~ ll>ttd In
thlt quarltl' ot IUtoll ot "Pic-
ture P .. u " !0< a fine fil!ri 11
Artosl1, C.111. Oro~, Colil. S1nt1 Ano, Colif. S1nt1 Ano, C11if. Feunt1ln V1lloy, Collf, Ibo Lido or Meu, doni. ~ =""'='*' c..... =--~=-E. ="""' ~lrVI~ ~-r.f"'"t;; tt llitlM up the ahip. Ptrbaps!We'Jl Nd ............. •.• .......................... ~ .......................... ~.~-' ........ """' ................... ~~rr::f>'~ rlcbt bere _ ..
' " '
.. ' • . . .
' Jt DAll.V PK"" . Moodl>, F.,_, J, 1!69
To Marry Lldolte
-------. . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . .
FairviewPrograms Outlined
• Dr. Allllloey Toto o I In Newporl Beech. ond talenta lo Falnlew Slato
Hospital. Fairview lllalo Hospital wW The a-t wW tell &boot
speak at tlle Wedneaday, Feb. tbe hospital and a b o u t
~ -u.r of St. Andrew'• develapmenta In the mental Women'• Fellowablp. retardaUon field, CM Overeaten
St. Valentine's .Package
·Includes Cards, Styles
Beach atore wblch bu aet La Beach COdy The event wW lake plane The communlly ls Invited' le A Fubions, cards and lun·
cbeon will be blended Into
one St. ValenUne'1 Day
package a;, noon, Friday, Feb.
14, bf Women's Service Guild,
Laguna Buch Church ol
JWJgloua Science.
.~ ty•-In,._ llillgunaol '·· ...... ~ ~ •-b•· duMmr·ant1 :30a.m.luncbeon to the event. Qtlld care will Overu rs nonymous ..., • ~ pace -annual -.-_...., ~ ~ aerved by Mary Circle In the be provided. Aa part of the gather every Wednesday at
event for the put several and door prlres, and Allee Fellonhlp Hall of S t • DARE Outreach, many chureh a p.m. In Bear Street School, Van Horn and Cllrlstel Sharp Andrew' Pfts,,,._. ••
years. 01 Laguna Be~ch. carda andli-;:=='==·='-:::::;-;::;Cb:::ureh==members===v=olun=teer=thetr==tlme=~C.S~ta~M=esa=.====;-Mn. T .. Wilbur M<;(;l!llough tally; _ I
The guild's anoual He¢'
and Flowen benefit will take
place In the church, and ls
open to the public, announced
Mn. Walt.. K. Ball, guild
Faablona wW be provided
by Com&ia Bigeli>W Cowns
and SpoOSwear, a Laguna
of South ' Lall\IM ·'!!Id "!rl; An original lleBICAP' by
Dee Fowler· of Laguna Beach Colla M.,. ar11.st Clyde 2lulch;
are c:o-<halrmen of lbe Oven!. framed and dooated ~-1'fn. WIWam ROwley o I Laguna Beach ,..._ ..
Laguna Beach will lend her -...-!ti ~
faablnn eiperlence lo the :;;: :,.,' Ji1W nttlJiilor
cause by 8'rvlni u com-lucky ~ Include a band'
mentator during the llyle knit '1''1'W and bat donated '"°"· by Cornella Bigelow. ·others, working bth!nd the Tick:eta· f<r the event are
snenes, are the Mmes. Eather 15 pe,· penon and may be
Con Ce rt Nystrom or South Laguna, obtalned by calling the church
licket coordinator; David w. at ·-· Procf<dl. will be Wblttoo and Joy Moore ol Uled by the -pl14 lo
Laguna Hllll and Jaclt Grotb help the chureh meet Ila u-A n no u nced ~.,::-,;:,~ Be:!i~-:i =·:i:u '"·.crowing
Works of Soµtbern
Calllomla composen w 111
comprise lbe _!lext program
of the Orange County
Chamber Concert.
COMPETITIVE PRICES we'll meet all rices!)
On display for your Inspection ••• these flve
diamond brtdal sets brllllant wJth Jeweled perfection.
Clnckwloe: $375, $525,$850, $1025, and $1250.
18 Feshion Is land
April Rites
To Link Pair
The curtain will open at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11,
In Redial Hall, Calllornta
State College at Fullerton. ,1 SelecUons are Phy 1111
Lockwood's Son at a for
Clarinet and Piano, lngolt
·. Dahl'!! Allegro and Arioso for
Five Wind Instruments and
Igor Stravinsky's J>iano..Rag
No time limit! No
obllgatlon to buy, .•
credit If you do.
2064. S. MAIN -SANTA ANA e 546 4800
701 S. HARBOR -FULLEll'rON e 171-4326
Jtwalan: Slnot 1917
Newport Beach -644·1 380
Your Chorg• Acco11111t W1lco111-to11kAm1r!c1rd,
Mo1f1r ctierf1, too
~ 1The LosWAngperfetea Chamber • P ayers w orm.
Op111 Mori., Fri. 1111fll 9:)0 p.m.
During a'famlly dinner party last Satur-
day in the Kirkeby Center restaurant, West-
wood, Mrs. John Paul Kirsch of Los Angeles
announced the engagement of her daughter,
Bridgette Marie Kirsch to Elisha Avery
Crary V, son of Judge and Mrs. E. Avery
Crary of Lido Isle.
The wedding will take place April 19 In
the Church · of the Good Shepherd, Beverly
Miss Kirsch, also the daughter of the ·
late Mr. John Paul Kirsch, is a graduate of
Marymount High School and attended Mary·
moupt College. She is a Las Damas debu-
Her fiance Is a graduate of Webb School ,
Claremont, Georgetown University School of
Foreign Service and Southwestern Law
Music Echoes
In Bay Club
A mnslcal luncheon program
Including Brahms gypsy songs
will be presented by Dr.
Maurice Allard and his 64
member University Chorus
and 18 Chamber Singers on
Feb. 20 In the Balboa Bay
HosUng the event will' be
memben of the Irvine Ter-·
race Philharmonlc Associates.
Dr. Allanl, aaalltant pro-
fessor of IIUWc at UCI, has
perfonned eztenaively lo the
United Stale> and Europe, and
serve.!! on lhe llllllIDer faculty
of Meadowbrook School of
Music, Rochester, MJch.
The chorus, organized In
198$ by Rnger Wqiier and
dlreded by Dr. AJlanl since
1966, received judicial acclaim
thl1 past year at both O>ap-
man c.ollege and the Universi-
ty of Southern CalllomiA
Intercollegiate Oloral Festi-
Board members serving as
'i hostesses will be the Mmes.
Based on our actual records which show that our average Patron loses
10 inches .zoitldn the first 10 visits from hips, waist, thighs, tummy and
·arms. Call us now to solve your figure problems.
why .is
no. I
Lloyd Aubert, Mary Graham, GLOBIA MAl!SHALL says:
Frederick Prelcott, Doooe .a ••••. size
Gloria :Mamball's didn't "just happen"
to become the world's leading Figure
Control System ••• quick, safe results
made it that way. At Gloria Marshall's
you'll lose more inches and poands for
less money than through any other
Program, anywhere.
Dr. Maurie• Allard
LaW10n, Ge<rge F a rm er , 'Tell US the ,......... you
Robert Miller, Lyman Betz, want to wear, and we will
John Coadoo, Jack Groth, h -'•its it Allen Grubb, Wllllam Ouimet-tell YOU OW many v"'
1e. c.L. Patteraon, Robert will take and guarantee in
~~egi:"'i'!u.~'.~Y writing, that you will
weu ... Clyde Yarnell and reach your goal. In fact.
w=rec1<..!';..11om may so absolutely positlv~tainare
be obtalned by telephoning We that you will Ou
Mn. Stephens at MHlll7 « your objective, that, as
Mn. Aubert at l'IUWI. stated in our guarantee.
'jj!:::::::~ We will even let you have . HEMPHILL'S FREE OF CHARGE ANY
h Id VISITS, until you do reach ( i f8R 1S your goal. It's positive
assurance that we back up · SHOf our Guarantee 100%.
SALE Stride ·Rite
to $14.00
Special machines are designed to
banish every correctable figure fault.
I Results come quickly, without pills,
drugs, strenuous exercise or starvation
diets ••• effortlessly, pounds and inches
"fall away.''
/No disrobing. Wearenotagym.
I Free child care.
Call now for a free sample visit, where
you actually use the special machines
for reducing and electi-onic Facial Con·
louring. No charge.a.no obligation.
As a special this week, at
no additional charge, with
each and every program ot
weight reduction, you re-
ceive 12 visits for Facial
Contouring, using Gloria
Marshall's exclusive elec-
tronic equipment,. designed
to eliminate wrinkles and
age lines ••• giving you that
youthful ••• smooth ••• ' pampered look. Don't miss
this offer! Come in this
week, while it's SWl 1n
DlllJ M, Sit. N • -.i llal1r CbllP Yfolcomt !'I0-'1'1 Irr""' l'6ft ......,...,,. --------=~;:..;;;;;;..:..;_===.;..;;;;..:=::~::::..:::::::
~s8so Ono of tho
Many Sryloo
81nl4mericard/Ma1ter O.•rg• .
NEWPORT BEACH 430 Pacific Coast Highway--642·3630
2 Blocks Eut of Balboa Bay Club
SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street-543·9457
) .... .. .
_;::_,_... __ ....,. ____ ,......, .... -..-~ ~w-i.-"''"'"-' --...:.""•"-''~~-**'*' --=--~:u=~~~~-~-------~·~s~·~•~·-__,._,._,._,,,--~..,....=2~-~~::;:,=.....;.0="-=:.:;;:~~=======::.aa·-olF--•
. . . .. • •
' ' MOND A Y
f'ElllUARY J
fV[r~\N G
L'GO IJ Do Iii -(C) ($)) J"" D\inphy.
llllJHl•ltJ • ...., {C) {30)
.. _ - -(C) (90) '"' rTotn. MMar Younamttt, .Urry
KlllJ, ....... Wood. 1nd st1n """' .-
Part I -Color. GREq_oRv
!Md lllfldlr' Ptrt I (dtlml} 'St-e,.,, r-. o.tiorU .,,., Eddi•
fJ I '!!. (C) (!O)
Ill-(C) (30)
D WW'1 .._. (30) .. Ro1mln llii Smllhlllrllut, Part t.• A look
tt tM cratlon "' the ff# hill of Cold·Bloodld Vlftlbrdn tt the
Wuhln&tolt tmlUtlm. __ ......
111111\M -(C)
l:JOBW l1111rN1 (C) (60) e 'trc.,," ... -" ..
·-(Cl (30) .,,_.,,, ~.•AIDlrrlllvM
IOllth'll'llt nsioN al Franca. Yltwed
ire pr11hlstoric caves. e1thedr1ls
111d c.stte.-and tht tour Is •c· oomp1nled by folk music.
-----------------. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
ttltlr fat!Mrl' w lltlon; CatotJw
ttjlt1:1 .Iliff to luf'ICh with Dt. Ros-
al; M1ul1 UPf"*'' tdmltttlon for Tom; Clrol)'n ttfliffl to help h•
''""' ... ...,.,.. kcl. m -.. ._ IC> <W> m..,,.._ <CJ <JOI
Im TY MllllCll o.aJt
fl!l NET Journal: American '* Samoa: Paradise LOii!
Westernization of I
Tropical Paradise
fl!l m -IC> (OJ) ""'"'" can Sarrm--Paradill to.tr A r-.
·-. . . . . . .
'f'tJl:t Ill
• • • ~ • • • • r.;. t
i; • I• I
--. ...-...... ~.
I ~/----J~,J
I Ken lald
port DI t111 Wnterniutioll al t
tropical petldbl, wf'lere chPdre1t
no• lltf1I £n1llsll throurh tduCil·
lional teterislon. i.:~=.~="'\..."-"#"-=!2"-._-~-------------------------------'
., .
SLIGHTLY DISHEVELED -Gale Gordon, who co-
stars with Lucille Ball in 11H~re's Lucy,1• \s ,re--
·ueved to have survlvecf.'tonlght's epjsode on Chan·
nel 2 at 8:30 p,m, in color, Lucy takes enemy agents
on a qd ride around tile airport in an attempt lo elude thJm. ·.
ABC Again
TrieS, Fails
!!JI.a""' ·-1"----------------JUDGE PARKER By Harold Le Doux
a oo m !!!I m .... <~
7:111 IJ... ...... ..... (C) (JO) 9'JO 1J Fmily Affair (C) (30) Mien I sOioof dturo Gf tftt twins lhowl
them how to enadrGP Oii pril/1!1
conwrsltio111 1\'llh 1 sman tape
ncotdtr, French 11'1d Cis.sy 111 thl
Walltr Cronkite.
0 ........ 1 ........ (C) (60)
Busler Mathis vs. George Chuvalo,
liv1 from Madi»lt Square 61rden,
Naw Yort. m ,_ (C) (30) "' 111 and Hua\ O'Brla1 rul:'L
fllU..-(30) !1!1_.• .... (C) mrnit11 "eo.q .... <C>
ID VI Antal • II .....
·-·-1t:11• llll m c..1 -<C> <"'I Viii<* ldianls and ctrit1 Riwetl ·-·-(II (30) ltd ......
n 1121 mm"' 111 ""' (C) (60) ''nit 15 GrMS rl Midas'.•
81dlJ hurt Jn I ltrugll '#Ith t !NII
who tries to steal his bone, Huth
mikes his .., to • nearby towll
whtr1 th• B•rillYI 1r1 blamed ffJf
1 min• dlSISter. Aline BIXI• .......
·-(C) (OJ)
fl!l how11"'"' (30) "Tho Hut ill"""pe. • Ot. Rlchlrd &r.!MIUll 11111
1uecb dirlloillb1ll • llbom:ry dt-
YI<* Hiit llllMI bllt ID and ll'!llW
itl ~ "'IM:tiftlJ encl lfflellnt· ~00 0 er;, hall I iilatit IA,.ln ly. Tht IMl•I di.,_ possible
(C) (60) Don Riclltt fl1nb. um fof tM future.
u..-w.,...(C) m-•-
D"""" s """' ""'"'"""u:muomm-IC> •I SRasl" (dnllll) '57-Burt Lan· cul.er, Tony CUrtls, Susan Harrison. m U.. Cllll ~ Rod Serl Inc holtL
m HB.(C) (30) = 'M-R--C eo:':.': m•ew.«J .... ""' t1 "' e-. lllfl ikfP (60) Uvely Appellchi1n
MountJln mllllc k d1nced to tMt ll:UDCllCIJm,._ (C)
suni bf th• residents al llltdllCICI County, wtlllm North CtroLin•. The 11;30 8 ~ ..,... ,......., (dtt·
mountain folk perf01111 tr1dlllon1I mt) 52-WilfWn"-11oldtn, JohnllJ
melodies and ver.es preser1ed from S18W1rt.
th• 17th and 18th·century xttten. O World y....,,. (C)
f!t Comicos J C.ncion~s 0 @(])a) )My Bishop {C)
0 RICHFIELD PRESENTS u:mo-: .,., SWp Tho! Dlod ti '*° LOS ANGELES LAKERS S111111e• (dttmal '5&-Rich1rd At·
va. SEAffiE SONICS tenbon>u1h, Geotie Biker.
0 Llbn la*ttblll (C) (2 hr m n Srlllll ...
S min) Chiek Heim calls th• action 11:15 G Mawlt: "Iii• " th• Rull"
between the Seattle SuPtmnlcs (mystery) '49--&rek Parr, LIU•
ind the Los An1eles team. 11nct Himy, Kenneth Mor•.
1:30 fJ ~ CIJ Htrt's LllCJ (C) (30) 1?:30 m Aethin Tlltltrt: '1alts ol Ad·
Lucy tlku Ullcle H•rrr to the ail· venture.''
port for en important busineu trip,
but while in tlle t1nnlntl, Lucy is l:OOQ JIM (C)
suddenly tntrusted with 1 secret
formula upon which the safety of
tll• world depertdl,
n t!'IHDE!l-""' IC> {Z)lei questloM Jolw about
~ao D (C) .._.,. <"""""'> ,,._
Audit Murphy, W1nd1 H~ndtir.
t:lO 8 ...._ 0-tllt Nllt" (ldvtn.
1u11) '56 -L1urentt Harvey, An· .. ., ......
1:15 IJ Meiril: ...... ill lllt ltmt"
(drame) '$5 -Wllll1m. Sylvtst1r,
Btrhlni Shlllty.
lll:tDfJ-.. '"' Wl>i -<*""•> '&O -Cilna lollobrlclda.
~ Montand.
12:30 m ~-....... (<hmo) • .,
-SpMolf frlCJ, Frtdric Mardi.
1:00 II) ..... TrfH(W' (dnmt) '45
-cl111dt Rtlns.
J:JO CJ (C) "ltdlt fllM" (dttml) 'st
-seott 8rtdy1 Oline £dw1nlL
4'1011(C) ...... (•"'"""') '54-
Fwr11nclo llmt1. Bri111 Ktllh, RtM>.
.. Almfna.
Q1,11lity Prl11tln9 1rid'O.p1l'Ml_,!lil1 S.r-Ac1
(Of fl'llN th111 t Q1,11rttr •f I Cl11tary.
LURY ~ (Ofl.1M6 aJU!
,THE 5TEa. .Wu.!
TJ./15 SIU.'!
Ft)i,J. a-
CA/..J. 11
OF 1'A"1'1i f
TllE P>IDM'f
UV ONUS/ ,,,
= W(lll'll!E ' ',qt,p_,, :IM"'°"c
6CIF? :~ ~:ZTM~
I'U. 5T~. Uim!
By Al Smith
By Gn Arriola
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Television's most pub-
licized sports rhubarb of the season came when
NBC-TV cut away from the end of a New York Jets
football game to start a special program, "Heidi,"
But Sunday ABC-TV, whose notable sports de-
partment has · II)any acl}ievaments to its credit,
made an on·the-.air decision thtt.t may be more
significant in terms of coverage -and was regret·
table to fans who have come to admire the net·
work's genuine interest in athletics.
Th• ct.clslon came at the end of ABC.TV's weekly
professional basketball game, this one between the
Boston Celtics and New York Knickerbockers. Right
before action ended, Boston's great player-coach,
B,ill Russell, took a Jong pass, rammed it through
tile basket -and tllen fell lo tile floor, bard,
AJ the gillie ended, he remained there1 his knee
severely w)lackecl, and as tile camera properly
moved in on him, -0ne could see tile pitiful sight of
Russell in obvious agony, a heart-rending picture.··
For basketball filns , and for just ordinary teleview-
ers, it was a matter of simple human concern.
One of the announcers made the correct state-
ment th!t although NeW York had won the game.
the real story was there on the floor : Russell. What
the announcer was talking about was the implica-
tion in regard to the league race -and also the
human story concerning Russell, the most domin·
ant figure in the history of professional basketball,
But the televlewer never bad a cbanc'e to find
out more about Rusa:ell's injury, how badly he was
hurt or what was to be done w!tll him Immediately.
For on came ·the final credits of the broadcast as
Russell remained on the floor -and the network
arbitrarily ended its coverage,
II would be easy to criticize ABC-TV and the
necessity of sticking to network schedules no mat·
ter what. But, as indicated before, ABC-TV sports
has earned a reputation of having a sportsman's
interest in athletics -on the human beings who
participate in lham, and what happens to them as
So one hopes there will never again be the lapse
In taste that allows a cutaway to credits as a human
being !J in agony before a national television and·
ience. And one hopes, in terms of.simple Coverage,
that viewers are not again le6 hanging in suspense
regarding the reporting of a sudden, newsworthy
event that has happened before their eyes.
The viewer who wanted to find out what hap-
pened to Russell had to learn elsewhere. It was only
by calling the local UPI office that I found out Rus-
Sell eventually had to be carried from the floor.
And had suffered a bad knee injury, and was taken
to a hospital. For sportsmanship and sports report-
ing, one expects ABC-TV to be at its best at
momen ts like this.
' THE CHANNEL SWIM : NB C·TV will not broad·t
cast htis year s prize~ivin r~ cere1nonies of the Hol-·
lywood Foreign Press Association, the Golden
Globe awards, some or which caused raised eye·
brows in the past ... James Earl Jones, star of the
Broadway hit "The Great White Hope." will por·
tray the direetor of a narcotics· rehabilitation cen-
ter In a two.part episode o! ABC-TV's "N.Y.P.D,"
series beginning Feb, 11 ,
Dei•.iwi.lff the Menace ' ' ,
I t • I •
' l
l ,
Ji • l
l • !
' I
' I
' '
In IDgh Gear
Chrysler 300 Of fe rs
Power, Convenience
By CAIU. CARSTENSEN C!vyller line, t x c 1 u d I a g
D911r ...... _... ..... Jrtiperi1J, is called the 111tan-
Chrysler, the corporaUon's dard-ll:.e" car and allhou.gb
namesake car has always big ltJ start with, has been
been somewhat synooomous slretcbed out blgger• than ever
wilh prestige, quality, class, this year.
tumry, money, and sometimes From front to rear, Jnsi.de
coriaidered a statQS symbo1. aod out, Chrysler iJ visibly
RJgtitfuJly so. as Chrysler's a new car. Tbe t1beeltfase
Tmperi.al is one of our truly is still 114 inches but the
fme cars wllh !he top cl !he = I~5~been ·!U; 1 BIG CHRYSLER 300-Nearlyeverytlim~ionin~~i~:i=o~~~~harp more than an ·ample i:cr:'a.se si~e 'and o~tof new ~rysler 300 has been increa~ed siu" car buyers. 00 the inside. over last year to provide new comfort, better 'road.-
9blllty." Chl)lsler .300 Hardtop Coupe comes with
.either 350·or"375 honepow'er engine. . .
But at the other end of Chrysler's 15 models in five
the line, and st.ill aD Chrysler, series have entirely new sheet
is the Newport wblcb can be metnl and ·it's noUceable ia
purchased for about $3,000 each model in the line: and shape has now moved
without all the mu and iJ Newport, »J, aDd New Yorker : from the new car ~wroom
considered by some to be one have the distinctively different 1 to the re--sale Jots m most
or today's best buys in the grilles with the MO mod~ ~l the corporation'' bigger car
auto marketplace. being the onJy one having hid· lines.
ln the middle of the line den bead.lights this year. Irlterior...exlerior color com·
is the Chrysler 300 which plies Jn driving the 300 and grl· ' binations are plentiful on the
its trade oo. the performance ·ting s o m e w ll a t acquaintt:U lM> with bright c o l o r s
image a!I it has for years with tt for a few> days yoo decoraUng the inside against
but certainly is not to be begin to notice tha! tt has contrasting darker exteriors.
compared with Plymouth's a slightly reminiscent look The dark green finish with
GTX or Road Runner when about Jt. The roiinded ap-combined were: Gold, 18 per·
it comes to performance. pearance seems the way a example of good .color co-
By some strange slide-rule hardtop coupe is supposed to ordination which some car
formula which is next to im-loot but hasn't for a number lines still seem to think of
-=po=ss=i=bl=e=t=o ::::::d:;ecl~pher=~· =lh=e==•f,::Y,:::e•;;rs,;:.~Tb~e,;:box;;-~Y,;;•~ppe~ar~an;;c;;_el as an after-thought. Bright in-r teriors always give 'you the
impression of being roomier,
but then again they show off
tbe dirt and spilled soft drinks
quicker too.
Conduct.cl by EDWARD McNAAY
Allied .Member New York Stock Exchange
!Condensed from. Mr, McN•1'1 current
12 week cour1e at U.C .. A. I
Mooday Ewealogs -7:30'9:30 p.m.
~ 10·17-24, Mar<:h 3-10
Island House, Fashion Island
Newport Be•ch
(Ccmplimeotary Admisslonl
EDWAIO McNARY, General Partner
D. H. Blair & Company
Member New York Stock Exchang
New York and Loe Angeles
Standard engine for the 300
is the 440 cubic inch, 350
horsepower V-8 and the top
engine is a 375 hp version
of the 440. The 375 hp seems
ample for the luxury car load-
ed with power accessories.
Fuel capacity is 24 gallons
and that generally means thit
you need it fast but we were
pleuaiiUy surprised .io ex-
J>eriencing extra good ga!I
In the area of comfort. con-
venience and "roadability" the
300 meets all the needs and
is worthy of a second loot
b y pr~tive "st&ndln:.d-
blue ls most-popWar but frost
~ is a close second.
Thi& ls a -dlslind change
from !he 1968 model year
When gold wu the head-and-
shoulden favorite for all
Chevrolets. Top e,hoices for
1968 for all Chevrolet lines
combined were: Gold, 18 per-
ceat; white, 10.7; medium
. blue, 10.6; medium green, 7 .6;
and medium trquoise, 7.4.
For· the opening months of
1969 production, gold hal: drop-
ped to second or ttµrd place
in the various car lines. Early
preference rating1 are:
Regular Chevrolet -Frost
green, 19 percent; gold, 10.5;
and white, 9.5.
Cbevelle -Frost green 15.7
percent; bright blue, 10; and
gold, 8.8.
Nova -Frost green, 19 per-
cent; light blue, 11.5; and
gold, 8.9.
Camaro -Bright blue, 12.3
percent; frOll green, 11.&;
dark green. 9.4.
Before gold took over as
the general color favorite for
the 1911 model year, white
had been !he moot popular
for nine straight years.
Your Money'• Worth
i 9, 700,000 New Cars
Forecast for 1969
By SYLVIA PORTER Frlcke's figure. (This was a
Automobile s a 1 e s ·are formula McCracken used a
heading beyond th e pro-year ago to hit 1968's sales
jections of even the con· right on the nose.)
genitally o p t I m i s t 1 c But the extra point is that
automakers and toward a our demands for ears rise
record-breaking 9,700,000 new as our incomes climb. Ac.
cars In 1969. cording to the latest survey
This will be the carefully of the NaUooaJ Industrial
documented forecast to be Conference Board, your plans
released next month b y to. buy cars are very strong,
Ward 's Auto World. It will with 8.8 percent of America's
be made by University or consumers expecUng to buy
Michigan professor, o r . a car in the next six months
Cedric V. Fricke, who is suc· against 8.2 percent a year
ceeding President N i .x 0 n • s ago. Consumer plans to buy
chief economic adviser, Dr. only new cars are up from
Paul McCracken, as economi!lt 4.5 percent to 5.1 percenL
for the bi-monthly statistical Just to coo.tinue the auto
bible of the auto indmtry. transportation service to which we are accustomed
rr WOULD bring into plain sayt Fricke~ '"it ls imperativ~
sight. !he historic 10,ooe,oeo !hat ••lo salts rlxe 1n !he
sales mark. It would decliive-coming .-year." -Cerlainly our
ly aurpilss 1968's and 19S5's · love affair with the.automobile
B nk 0 sales p;!aks and fmlsb, with ~shows no sigm of cooling. u a pens ~ppropriate crescendo tlh' e .i8f1Ything, we see,n more
Soaring Sixties in the auto enamored with new cars than
industry. ever, despite the negative I See by Today's
Want Ads
Otrr: A.proressional drum
set,.CAMOO, with natural
wood. band rubbed finish.
Only one year old.' lncludft
20'' bus dnnn. snare
TT.'1, ~ Zildjian cymbat.:
18'.' .. 19'', 14" HH. All for
' size" car biiyerS.
* *
CdM. 0£ f ice. And it would pro vi~ a ma-signals which appeared at the * · jor· sustaining stlmulus to the tpd of 1968: softening ln used
• • • • l • ., lf.S. econQlllY throUgJi mosi ~ prices. and accumulation
·•·Door 'jo K·1:1,o-w led1 e:
Books!· Encydepedj& Bri-
,ta.onp.. ·world· .. ~ned pobUabef's. of .!acts ' and
fa.Dcies, needs· salesmen ' . , ___ good
•• ~no canv<>= .. '6,
· working conditions. • .in-
vestigate today,
• Classy Classis: Original
'57 F1cel\vood Cadillac,
white, with only 5.1,Wl
miles. Jo perfect condi-
tion, a rare chariot.
CHEVY BUYERS ' 00 .....Uruon B~ opened its South of, the year; for more Ulan o!-ne.w. cars in dealer in-
COLOR TURNABOUT Orange County office I ·n 13,500,000 are · e m p Io 1 e d vent · r· Carona 'del"·Mar 1ast ·week at diiectJy in the Q14nufacture opes.
There has beJm 'a· q\6ct" a dedication18tte0ded by·bank distribution, maintenance and ·. ~ .IMP~Cl' or our grow-
turnaboUt ln 'car col er and civic officials. . eornrqercial use of ·motor · mg pOpulatiQn of teen-agers
favorites-and for tlie-flrst•tlme A ·highlight of the dedication \!_ehi~es .and oiie out :of si.J: and young m8;frleds ~ scarcly
in years 'a · Sb8de <:i.. .green was the bank's presentatiorr firms in the U·.S. ts tn the-a ne~ · story but it cannot
is top cbqlct at:-Cbevrolet. . of a donation to lt o a g ·aulo .. bwlne$S. · · ~e do~atted. In our area
·Frost ~ •. a new lime Meinorial Hospital for its ,.-Fricke sees.the totJ1 coming ~ ·~ New York JUburbs, for +greea ··~·.tor this year,· fund-raising drive. a coup1e_ hundred ,.tbousabd . ms~e, even ~ ~ar bas.~ "the overwhe1m.lngly Union Bank now ha!! 17 of· 'ne.arii' to the m.a g i ca I familf . ls ~g 'Un-
most pltpular colOr 'W1 t;h fices throughout •S o u t h e r n , lQ,000;000 le~l ·it tjJe Vietnam derp,r1vile~ed w~ ~ tflree.. ~e~et buyers.for the opm. · . California, with three offices situation changes to permit ·.and:!our-ca:r family 11· now
Ing monlbs of the 1969 ht~~ in 91"ange County: The Orange our troops to return 'home ~mmonpla~ Among new car
year, actording to. ·E. M. /'~ Regional Head Office in , 1969. He a1so sees the total l>uyers, <IP~ ~t of_ ~en-now Estes~general man•Ktf· · Ji~Orange :the North Orange cut by as much as a half-owns-three, four, five or more About~oae out,of"~\fJvt C'.tudy ~ ln Fullerton, million cars if the Federal· car5 •.
regular .chevroleta anCI Nov1'-i •, and tbe-'"SoUtb orange County Reserve System clamps down And the high level of auto
cornea off die line' wJtb...itbi.I .~iii cotooa de! Mar. on credit substantially enough ~rappage cannot 'he]p but go
shade and ll'I ,almoit as This new office will be the to limit severely the funds higher. W'"rth the number or
popular with ChMUe buyers. temporary home o( the bank available to finance auto sales. cars on U.S •. roads now into o I ..,;,_. -u in the --•n . . the 100,000,000 range, the most n Y eice~ ' l,Ul'U construction is completed HOWEVER, the Michigan recent estimate of scrappage ~==================~~C~am~ar~o~· llne~~,w~-tiere~·~~·a~br~libl~· on a bighrise building in the professor co~ude~ that both of 6,500,000 cars a year almost ;--Newport Financial Plaza in !~e~ ~ontingenc1es a r e surely is already out of date.
1970. wilikely ' and thus he comes A brutal credit squeeze When it comes to
5% Heads are better than 4 ·
5lfa%?? Pennie•add up to
dollars, and dollars add up to
the difference between a Wilshi
Federal sai•iligs account and
a regular bank savings accou n
Our current annual paisbqok
rate of 5% u tM highut in
tM nationforinsured savings
( accountl are imur1frl to
$15,000 byaFederalagencyJ,
bul wMn your saving1 remain for
a year, daily compounding
increases the earning rate to
1111BP11taft ... _
cena a c.u.11111
,_: MZ .. 111
J.r.,,,.Qllol: IMA~ .........
• . -
5l/s% ... 011<r 1% more than
your money would earn in a
comparabl.e bOllk sauings account.
And, you can earn a~% bonus
above tM current annual
paSBbook rate on 36 month
Certifi,cate Account1 in multiples
of $1,000.
Open your insured savings
accowit today.
Fundl receiued by February 10th
earn from the lat; after the
10th from date received.
SAVINGS •r• .............. .
:,...,..•"" p
idiiilil-i-. ......................... 1
\' •
• ..
"If . • ·-.
As trod ata Gets
DQuglas Order
Astrodata, Inc ., Anaheim,
manufacturer of computer-
controlled electronic d a t a
systems and analog-hybrid
comptiters, has received an
$800,000 order from Douglas
Aircraft Co., Long Beach, for
a large-scale hybrid com-
puting sy!ltem.
The system wW be installed
at the Douglas-Long Beach
Computer Center, and will be
used for general simulation
purposes on tlie McDoMell
Douglas IX:>lO program.
o.ut wit~ his projection of all-could inc!eed dim this picture,
time hi gh sales at a time just as it could violently alter
~hen the standa~d ~orecast the housing outlook. But if
is for. some d~hne in auto this occurs, it will simply pent
sales 1n the com mg year. up our demands for an auto
ls this as dazzling as it buying e1plosio!l later.
seems, or is It just becoming
a norm? Ward's leans toward
the "normality" of it and this
is a prime reason its predic-
tions have been so im-
pressively accurate in recent
The reasons a r e fun·
Lear Siegler
Earning!> Told
Lear Siegler, Inc. has reported
record sales, earnings and
EVEN IF we only maintain earning! per share for the
our net investment in autos six months ended Dec. 31.
at the proportion it reached Earnings per share in·
way back in 1958, 11 .6 percent creased 15 percent to 83 cents
of our Gross National Product, a-share after provision for
total sales would appro.ximate w.,kferred dividend!!.
The colorful sound of
Orange County Music ....
From Fashion Island . Newport 89ach
• •
-• •
And the ma." who
knows ju&t how to tum
u.. phrlll• lo Q<I u..
tllOlt o•t of Ult barb is
DAILY PILOT coltm1 ..
isl S~nov Harm. H.
h<u bom cajled tho
modem· day Hl!«V
Menck •t&. If ~ou're
nadv for hli w• •I tho
acid ad:jectivc and
I h o • Q h t • P'O"!'Jcmg pros• lo g1,,. you tho
needle ••• if VoU tom1t
to find 1omethlng to
think about in what tJOU
read .•• if tJOU 1aat1t .a
srn.se of hum.or, you
b e lo n g with Teaders
who dtlight in telling
o&hns what "Sud sakl"
in one of the nation's
most • quottci columns.
Some Sample Barbs
Retently Thrown
By SydneyHarris:
"Ont al Iha highest paid lobs In Amarlca
consists of standing up In front of • mic--
rophon•, Hp1ratlhg the good· reco"rds
from the bad onts -and playlng •the
bMI ones."
"It's sad but true that while alcoholiC!
are the best argument for abstinence, so
many abstainers are equally effective ar-
gument for a little drink now and then."
"Most of the ao-c.tlled 'Incompatibility' In
rn11rria91 springs from tM f1ct that to
most men, MX is 1n act; while to 111
women, it 11 an emotion. And. this differ-
ence in 1ttitude can be brl~gecl only by
'1The SQle difference between a •dedlca.
ted crwader' ·and a 'nosy reformer' con-
sists in our agreement or disagreement
with ·his objectives.''
"The most explosive combination In the
world consists of sincerity addtd to
"Whenever I am the recipient of an ex·
cessively hearty handShake, I suspect
l\1r. l\Iilscles is trying to sell something
hide something, or prove something." '
Check The Editorial Page
For This Signature
It'll Help You Find The
latest Quotables Created By
'The Needler' For His Col-
umn, A Regular Feature of
Yaur Homelown Dally Newopaper
. . ·
. -·
. .. •.
. .
. •
. .
. . . •
I /~ '
I ,
. ' ,
If mountain climbing is your thing, we can 't help you much. But if your real
"hangup" is looking for a broad view of the news that includes a good, hard
look al what's happening al home. the DAILY PILOT has the line you .should grab.
We give you a broader view of the world than you can gel even 12,000 feel above
Chamonix in the Alps. Mont Blanc, over there in the background, is the highest
peak in Europe, which reminds us • , •
Our local coverage Is hard lo fop. When if comes lo piling up information about
local schools, sports, social events, entertainment or crime and calamity, we're
king of the mountain. We' re your hometown newspaper.
. We make keeping up with the world, the nation, the slate, the county, your town
and your school a lot easier than climbing a mountain. Just grab our line. No more
hangup. The DAILY PILOT will lake you where you can see the view from the lop •
• •
' ..
. . ..
: t
' ' •
-· ? . I
' . I • !
., r
'.._ I
ft l>All.Y Pll.OT Monday, February 3, 1%9
• Sunklst Weather ' Revolutionar y New Ketch
-Unbreakable Captures Big SORC Race t
Third boat to finish in the
1 SORC race was the famed
12-meter American Ea g I e ,
sailed by Ted Turner of AUan·
ta, Ga. She was four and
a hall hotlrs behind Windward
The wide spread in time
easily gave the new boat first
to finish, first in Class A
and first in overall handicap.
1 The rest of the fleet ap-
~ peared to be no match for
Windward Passage in the
' ~ Oraqge CQ)!nty . . ; ~cndlir-"< :
"AN orrol nilllrt. • FOR IYDY.\.0'17)' ',
The Boys' Clul>" of. the
Harbor' Are• s•rvet 'boy1
8-18 years in··e, l.uil,in9 ·
Ce ntered progrim; '.d4di-
c.ated to the 1•tnofl••I, ·
' educ ational, , vocdioftel ·
·and' behevio,. Oty•i:opmlnt ,
of boyt. ;,,._,
A "wide f!P.t.• of · 1cti ..
vities are •Ylilablt ~·such
as: . ;
Athletics -81sketb1ll ,
Baseball, B o x i n g, Body
Bu ilding Track, Judo, and
Soccer .
Games Room -Billiards,
Table Ten nis , ·Chess, •nd
Arts and Crafts -Wood-
~orkin9, La pidary, Plas.
tics, Art Lessons, Photo.
9 raphy.
Special Ewenh Camp·
in9, Community Dinners,
Family Night s, Carnivals
Trips end Tou rs, Tourna:
ments, R e co 9 n i ti o n
Awards, Sleep-Ins.
Volunteers are needed
to help expand our Bas·
ketball Program. Qualifi.
cations ere a sincere in-
t erest to help boys a nd a
knowledge of the funda-
Senior Citizens a re most
welcome to share their
ho bbies, knowledge a n d
wisdom in the •·Promotion
o.f Juvenile Decency."
CaR 548-9387
or 642-8372
Write or Call
for Information
.tbout this Column
110Broadway S!J<et
Costa Meo, California
• COMMUNITY EVENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • •
FEB. 12
7 P.M. • FRI.,
FEB •. 14
NOON • 7 P.M.
Dr. Ctr! Bo1w•ll •ppr•ei•tion
din11•r, Cod• Me11 Golf & C.C.
Cl11b. For tio;keh c•tl Meyor
Pinkliry, 548-1505 • GoY, Ron1ld R••91n •ddre1i, ..N~wport1r l"n -J11T1bor••
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Nickla.us Fights Off Cittler for $30,000 Win
Big Bear Over Par ( 73) but Bogeys Kill Litt'-er
SAN DIEGO (AP) -Tom Welakopf,
a anldter Ila!'-at FL Polk, La.,
may be .....terln& bow Jacl: -..... the lliilll fll0,000 A""'1 Wll11amHlan
~o Open Gall -and ~
quired 114 -lo dn It. Wellkopf, you see, WOil the touruameflt.
• yeot .... beforo the u. s. Amr/
liomlwed bim, and did It In m-.
And Nlcklaul wain.I •Wlf, headed
'· today foe the Bob Hope a..ic at Palm
SP,rlnp, with the fl!,aat -·· loot in-ralber....Wlllllallon.
StJdnai Jn U-days -a ... ,.Uer overcome a deficit ol ho> otrotes, win
by nne -and dn 11 with a Dnal nlWld
nnMYfl' par '13. Jack did il
Generally IOmelhlng lib fOUMlllder
In lbe 1aat roond ii r.quir<d.
A1 It turned oot Nlcilalus, the Big
Bear from COtwnbos, Ohio, defeated San
Diego'• hometown hero, Gene tJtller,
ln a two man duel Sunday •.
UWer'• arUstlc 67 over tbe ' par 72
Torrey Pines Goli Club ·Saturday aent
him Into Sunday's Dnal nlWld two stroilel
in front ol Nicklaus.
B u t Torrey Pines' tough pa"4 bolts
led to lJttler's, losa. Its five bo~
were all on them.
He llniabed with 78 and the only birdie
be 1ot came on the final green. Nicklaus
had finished -with a bogey m on
the iut bole -and Gene oeeded an
e11le to Ue. Illa birdie broke the poulbill-
ty ol 1 three-way tie for lll!:COnd.
YOUllf Dave Stockton and veteran
Tomm.Y Aaron bad alipped In with roe
. and 72·bole scores of 211. r
IJIUer pocketed 117,tOO and Stocktol1
and Aaron each won $8\850.
uc-..i-" Nk:klawi conceded 0 wu ........... . ' pretty bad thl1 week. I ..,,, belitve
I coa1d win I tournament wUb my tcOre
after the acott1 we hid hire lut year.
A IM is not a grtat ICOrt IDd 73
is not a areat score ...
II wu (and enough.
And Welakopf, a popular winner here
in 19118, may be advised tbat heavy
Porsches Conk Out at Daytona
Lola-Chevys Top Field
Ul"IT ...... fil
ONE HE MISSED -San 'Francisco center Clyde -Lee talces a re-
bound away from Lakers' Wilt Chamberlam dUilllg' game at The
Forum Sunday nlgbt. Fred Crawford looks .on." The Lakers lost a
triple overtime thriller, 122-117.
At Seatt"le TOlliglt,¢
Sonics, Lakers _ on TV;
• ' ' • l . ' •
LA Falls in 3 ·overtimes
INGLEWOOD (UPI) -The San'Fran-
cisco W arrJon and Los Angeles Laktrs
traded overtime victories in a weekend,
home-and-home series but in a sense
need another utra session.
The Warrion, behind guard Jim King's
string of five in the final two minutes
of a third overtime period, earned a
122-1 17 victory Sunday night. The Lake.rs
Ex-Vike Star
Cuts Off Giant
LEXINGTON, Ky. -Former Marina
High basketball standout Mark Soderberg
achieved a high water mark in his
young college basketball career here
Saturday night.
Assigned to guard 7.:J 1A Steve Turner
of the Vanderbilt freshman team,
Soderberg held lbe Vandy giant to just
eight polnla In a IU-71 Kentucky frosh
win over Vanderbilt.
Soderber1 hlmleU ocored IJ points,
all nn field gnals, wblle llm1llng Turner to just two field goals and four foul
Turner was listed u America's best
high school big man last. year tn
Memphis, Tenn., and Kentucky varaity
coach Adolph Rupp WBJ a gratified
witness to Soderberg's play on Turner
SatW'day before 11 ,500 in lhe W'lldcats'
"I just tr¥d to s=en him (Turner)
away from ~ buket," the M SOderberg
"He'• really a big gu7 but he'~ nn
:Alclndor, that's ror sure.'
The KU freshman team " t-3, hiving
lost to an AAU team and frosh cluba
from Dayton U. and West , Virginia
University. Soderber1 ts averaging 15
points per game. ..
prevailed in a single . overtime contest
Saturday night at dakland, 106-101.
For the series eich team made 223
The Lakers, pla)'ing their sixth game
in seven days, travel · to Seattle today
to meet the ·Sonics. Tb& Warrjors rest
until Tuesday 'when they host the Seattle
le . ' am, . ' ,
Tonight's Laker-SoniC game will be •
televised al I by Channel 5.
Both teams started Sunday 's lame
giving Ollie lndlcalloo-,tllo ·battle woold
streldl Into extr~ ........... ·The Lakers-
missed t ·h et r first 10 fteld boal · t?t'es,
lbe Warrio!I made nnJy ts cl' 51 shola,
and lbe lint hall ended · at a 38-3.!
advantage for Los Angeles. ·
But the Warriors, with the aid of
King's string and clukh shooting by
Nate Thurmond, outlasted Los Angeles
for the victory.
Thurrncind's free throw made it 86-86,
Hudy LaHuuo~I hook tied ii at SHU
and Williams. fowld ~b Lew~ alone
under the basket for an easy basket
that made It 110-110.
The Laken committed 28 b a I I
tumoven, incladJng two in the first
and second .ovei1imes whl1e Je.ading.
Keith Ericbon tra~ with Lo! Angeles
in front and gunning for another bucket
and veteran guard Johnny Egan failed
to get the baJI o v·e r midcourt In 10
I.AN l"ttANCllCO . LOI ANO•LIS ... .... _
'" ...... """""" """ ..... ,..,..
O•T Ol"T
4 ..... II h11or 12 ... » • •JO :U Cl'lember1-ln J .. IJ n
• J.l 11 Ceuntl 12 1·11 JI 11 N ft.. Cr.-tord I 1·1 1
lt •11 2A ll!rlct-4 ).J ll
I M • C..rt't I M I • 0-0 • ........ $ J.• 13 1 0-1 I Hlwtlfta 1 M 7
' M II .Htwltt 1 M ""l
Andenon 2 0-2 • To!1l1 Ill :U.Jf 122 Tot1ll .U ,... IU Sin F't'•nc'-1• TS tt 7• 12 11 n -n1
L• A"11911s 20 It 20 11 ll 11 1-117 Fouled out -S.n Fr1ncl5e0, Wutl1f'l'l'I, Mu111,,.1 Los Allvtln, ~rld:lll!'I. Eoen.
Toti! fouls -.Sift flr1nc11Co ». Lii A!lffln 31. Atle.W.nc. -12.S11.
can't laugh any_ mare when .il>la sporll
cars enter an endur.ance ractj 'not after
the way they finlahed 1-l in .the M
Hours of Daytona over the weeiend.
But tbe. German Poncbel, wbJch were
favored, and lbe Ford GTIO team from
England that wOll lbe sporta car
manufaclunor's world dwnplOlllbip 1aat
year probably don't have to WOl'TJ' about
lbe Lola-Chevrniet challenging lhern for
!be 19119 world Ulle.
Mark Donohue, »-year~kJ chief driver
and one of the mechanicaJ brains on
lbe winning car, said lbe team will
4 Coast Area
Baseball Stars
Go in Draft
Four area junior college bueball
players, two each from Golden West
and Orange Cout collegu, were 1e:lected.
Saturday In lbe annual major league
The New York Yankeel and the new
Kamas City Royala drifted Golden West
pitcben Gary Markt and Steve Grtlllth.
San Diego's upanaion Padres ll!:lected
Orange COast pitcber Gary Dunkelberger
while the Cleveland Indians took lnfielder
Bill Jenkins.
All four draft players are expected
to continue their education this spring,
however, and play junior·coUQ:e ball.
Petnt8 'A••· Lesa
AGUA CALIENTE, Mezlco -Alvaro
Plneda,oulrode pnltty J5.yeaM11d PeMy
. Ann E:arJy ln ·a ·~ race Sanday
ai ea1iente Race Track as Pined1'1
mount, Pocomoke, woo by ~ lel\gths.
Murata · San, ridden by Mi.SI Early,
trailecl' from the start by abort margins
until the. final seconds afttr making
a strong bid al lbe lunL
,Gr.eher w1 ...
RICHMOND: Va. -Cart Graebner
llood off two match polnta in the tb1rd
aet and flnally ......... ourprlaln(
Thomas Koch of Brull 6-3, 10-IJ, H
Suoday for lbe alngles championship in
the Fidelity Banke.rs Invitational Indoor
tennis tournament. ,
NSIJ Top• 49er1
A pair of overtime goals by Donnie
Lyons humbled eighth-ranked Long
Be:acb State in Nevada Southern'• basket-
ball victory at Las Vq:u.
Tiie vlctorioua Rebels, playing al borne,
were rated No. 15 among the nation's
small • college team 1 before the 91-86
upset Saturday night.
300 Game on TV
SAN JOSE -The second 300 game
ever bowled on nationwide live television
meant $24,000 for John Guenther of Seat·
Guenther earned $10,000 and a $5,000
In addition, he pocketed $9,000 ror
capturing the Pro Bowlers A.uocl1Uon
Open Tournament Saturday at Saratoa;a
Lan ...
Guenther staggered to 1 203-19$ victory
over Buu Fazio in the openln1 m1tch
of the finals' and then rolled the 300
game in beating Don Johnson by 111
pins. _
go . to Sebring Fla., for the next event
on )ho lt>-raee world Utle wtes MM<b 22. •
"We don't plan to go beyond there
and Walklna Glen, N. Y., later in the
year/' Dooohue said. "lf we also won
Sebring, I don' thJnk we could mist
the temptaUnn to go lo Lemans." •
He ctldn 't llOWld u thoolh the' Roger
Penske organlzalton, whlch owna the wil> ninl Lola, planned a serioos challenge
in the work!. ·.ports car ~ evl!:ll
with a bead start of nine point.a.
Penske, wbo wun't talking much after
SundQ'I ~ vtctapr, said two days
earller ·hla organlzalton planned to can-
centrate on a four-wheel-drive Lola with.
an Offenhallll!:l',engine In the Jnd!anapol.ia
500 race and lbe Tr-American aeries
Where be will race four Caman>a.
"We've IPflDt S,000 houri preparinJ:
this car," Pe:nlke Aid ol. bl& Lola.
Donobue conlesoed after the race they
almoot did too mUch -t on IL
"I engineered the fuel oylllern nn the
car," Donohue aaid. "We were bavin(
trouble with 11 when we arrlV<d hero
and made .a couple ~· Tllon, lbe
night ·before the race started, we tl1lde
a third change. It made thlnp wone."
The Lola made 21 pit llaj1e --
twict u many u other can -because
l'oa'U Never Gue•• Wlaol
oo1y 11 g1llonl In lbe fuel eeua would
tranafer to the f"'1 lnjedloa oyllem
Oil the engine. . Tba~ plus a brtal'1ll -cnmbulllon chamber that 'had to he wtlded ID a
--pit llGp, lelt the Lola .. miles
oo1 c1 11n1 p1-. ..r11 8undllJ upt11
dnable-llruck thefavorttel. .
Four Poraches bad already lallelr 1114
lbe fifth went Into the dllCanl afW
11 boun, jUll after Jaclfe ldll ol
llelgium spm the I u t .... t.q, 1'ord
GT<t 11a1n1t the COllCl<le "'1alninl( waft
of Daytona lnlemlliooal Spoechrar. •
Tiie Penske Lola IDherited flnl pi-.
and held It lbe rest ol the way,
• 11'• Rolllan Gabriel, the well·known motion picture
actor who doubles as quarterback of the Los An-
geles Rams. Here, Gabriel Is decked out in hippy
toga at 20tb Century-Fox etudlos fDr a role In •on.. :
Undefeated," a film about hippies playing fooUloll. !
Gloomy Outlook
For Russell
After Leg Injury
BOSTON (AP) -Player.coach B 111
Ruaaell ol lbe e..ton Celtics suffered an
injury to bis right knee and waa canied
from the court on a stretcher Sunday in
the closing SecO[lds of a 95-M National
Buketball AssodaUon 10!! to the N e w
York Knicterbochrs.
Russell, a 3$-yUMlld veteran who rev·
oiutlnnized pro basketball with hJs de-
fensive tactics, was injured when be
aiammed to lbe court after making a
1a)'Up for the final points of the game
with 12 leCOOds remaining,
He grimaced In pain u lbe . Celtics
tried desperately to get the ball lo< one
more •hot.
"H!'s In 1 lot of pain," Boston General
Manager Red Auerbach• said. "We don't
. know what's wrong. We just hive to wait ""' ....
l •
College Roundup
Who Will Bruins Meet •
For NCAA Hoop Ti~ i
By Ullhed Presa htenational
The talk around college buketball
derssing rooms Lhese days Is not bow
far UCLA will 10 in the NCAA tourney
finals, but wbo will face the Bruins
In the cbamplonahlp n>Wld.
UCLA won Its S2n:I ODDRCUUve game
Salunliy nllbl by routine Stanford, IMI,
with the help of Lew Aldndnr'1 l7 pqlnla
AJclndor, pnnlna ror a third aeuon
of AD·Amerlca recognJUon, leadl the
Uclans against Wuhington an d
Washington State this weekend as , the
team attempts to stre~ Ila COMf!CIJUve
Pacific l!l!lbt Coolereoce otreak to lll .
margin over Ea.st Carolina to orily
ball-game. ,
Kentu«Y, No. 5, bolds a tw<>1amt
lead in lbe Soulbeutern Coofereuce and
i& one of the naUt11.'1 pmmboull!:I w1ul
the ability In slve UCLA a IOOd .....
obould they meet in the title ~
Tiie Wlldcala -Vanderbfl~ 1:l· Salilrday nllht.
Amoo1 the Dlependmla wbo
wind up high In the NCAA competilkli
a re teVl!:btb--ranked SL Jeba'• of NeW
York, a IM9 winner o-Temple and
10th rated La Salle, which nampod
Lo\'Ola·of L«!Jllana, 10M6. I
Hall of Fame Admits Two More
1'bele two rival! are 4-1 in-league
play, behind UCLA's M reeonL
Purdue appeand a (and prospect to
become lbe Big ID repr-UTe -In
the NCAA tournament u I b e
llollormabn ~ Oblo Slale, IM5,
to take loll pcAzrr'on of fint place
• •
NEW YORK (AP) -Tiie 1ates ol
haseball'1 Hall ol F1111< ha'" swung
ClllCll lo< lbe lleCOllCI time In two WeeU
. . . welcomlnc two old-Ume American
League pltcherl alonpld< two latter-day
NaUOllai League sluggen.
Waite Rayl and stanlq C...lesld,.,...
temporary right-banderl In lbe lilltio,
were elected to the Cooperalown, N.Y.,
llhrlne Sunday by unanimous -. o1
a 11-man veterans committee beaded
by former CommilalGoer Font Cl. Frict.
Two ....U .,., Stan Mullal and Roy
Campanella IOAJOd lbe bltlol In the
Baseball Wr1ten AsloclaUon o f
America'• r<gular yearly poll.
"II'• ·the pinDaclt of an I've dreamed
and hoped for," said the Q..year-old
Hoyt, a pitddq ace for lbe New York
Yankees in the RuuUan era, when told
of bis election ln Cleanrat.er, Fla., where
he's vacationing.
"We're tolnl in with some good com·
pay In Mlllial Mii CamP&l)<ila. I'm
very happy about thaL"
CoVele$kl, 71, a Cl<Yeland World Series
hem In 1!111! and die ol lbe .game'•
premler sptlbafi art15ts, appeared to take
t h e news ln striae when contacted at
hls South Bend, Ind., home.
"I obould hive been In that quJte
a Jona: Ume qo," he uld. 1'1 Oaured
I'd get In IOOOer or later, and just
kept hoping each year would be the nne."
Hoyt aimpiled a S3'MD -reconf in 20 major league .. ._ 10 ol than
wilb lbe Yanks beginllinC In Im.
COveleakl, a four-time zo.c--with the lndlana;wu 211-IG In a U.,...
major league career lbal ended Jn 11111
wilb they..-,
The atocky p._1 .. n1.t nallve bad
hla fin<st momenta In the 111111 SerlOI
11a1nst Brooklyn, burlln( -complale gam< ·vletorla and yteldlnl only two
runs. Tiie lpitblll wu outlawed that
year, but Coyelelkl and II nther.pi!chen
were permitted to continue throwing lbe
wet bill.
Hoyt, Brooklyn-born, Fltdted In .....
SeriOI -lb< ol than with tlle Yanb
-and bad a M record In the daallcl.
Ht topped AL hurlen wllb a 111-7 mark
and .... hll nnty -llart In 1117. Ht ntllod In 1111, , 11Jen llli10d nn
u a ClndnnaU -.. Ill· !Ml and
did lbe Redo' t>la1~11lay for 14 yean. ··n. wa advlDtlet .. over," be aaSd
when be 1elt the Bodi' • b<oadcUlln(
tt1m ln 19&5.
s-id-raoked North Cmllna ralaed
Ila record lo" I~! and ennllnued 1-.i,
the Atlaollc Cout.Cnnlereooe by J1J>llinl
Maryland 1111~ ... Bill Buntlni'• 20
pointa. --11 ~-Tar Hoell 1!io' the
ACC rqlllar, ..-Ullt, lbey'D ltjll'
bave to go lhrougl1 a league toumament.
for the riP1 lo aoler NCAA cham-'
pl~pla1. Datliloin, ~In lbe Sootbeni eon. ,......, and ·ran\ed !ourib Jn the nallGn,
dropped a IMI ilacfllnn to an Iowa
team leed bJ Glenn Vtdnovfc'I D polnll.
..,,. Wilfcab' bl 1onred thoft .......
• DAILY."1UT -. ......, " 1'19
GWC Bombed·, 87 ~5·8~
NoW Trails by 3 Games
OI .. ~ '"*' Slll!ft
Jllll about tv.rybody who hu followtd
-Caofer<noe backelball t b I 1
·--ii corwwling the clrcult title to Nlertaa Junior College, but Hornet
~Moe Radovich won't hive anything
to do with Iba! kind ol lalk.
.Jladovidt AW bis team gamer I com-
J11Udlq tbr<e-game lead at Iba end
ol Iba firll round Satunl111 nlghl afltr
demollablq a good Golden We!! team °"t pllyed its worst game ol tbe seaaon,
BT.a, In Iba Orange Coa5I College gym.
"We're not In yet," Radovich said.
"We've got a k>t of tolJ&b games on
the road ahead of us and don't forget
last year. We had a tw~ame lud
with three to go and lost it."
. Tbe Hornets have rOf,11 games at San
Beinardino, Chaffey, Mt. San Antonio,
• Bania Ana and Rio lloodo durlag the
._.i half ol the·.....,.. But It's prtUy
· ot -. DllHr Plttt 119ft' :nIVERSIDE -Has the auto racing
W<>rl~\llht up with Dan Gurney?
It t be assumed that stock car
driver Richard Petty of Raodleman,
N.C., >llu, olf his brilliant victory Satur-
day Ill the MOO>r Trend 500 at Rlvstlde
Inte:matJmW Raceway.
P~. wbo has, never finilhed lU&her
than lotb in 1lx previous tries, only
saw the beck end of Gurney'• car during
the early laps en route to the $21,750
vlctocy.,Pelty'1 llrst NASCAll grand DI· --.i In. Ford.
"Gun\ov -In turn nine early In Ibo-...... ~ l'tltr .WI, "and an.r Iba!
I dldn1 ~ If. he was still fWllllDI
or not."
Tbe spin that 111cant the beginnlns
of the end-for Costa 'Meun Gurney
came on lap 25 of ~the 181-lap nee.
Here'::i bow be told It:
"Gollll "°1rn tbe back straigbl I 11111· ~eniy n out OI ·braRI. So I triad
to dowmhift to help gel the Cir slowed
dolin, and· I mllaed the shift. Next
tblnf I-· I wu In the bay."
l!tralnllll Ille trMWDIHloa to ill limlta
with dowmlllftl la order to 11ve what
IJlllo -.. ·load loll. 0....,, -!om! Ibo _.,.. lo.t!Q. lie -..
tum tlglll .. the 41111 lap and .. -all 00 the 'lllt 'Ille md WU Dfll'.
It ..,,. en !bf 11th lap as Guml7 '
r ell the ilnCIDi lllilrl to ·-· He "'1lod behind the wall and dlmbed out of
the 'II Meroury l)Rllllr<d hr the Wood ""'°"" ol &~ VL It WM only the
........ -In -,... lhil Otneyl
hid r.uec! to f!nllll the -atock car road race ml ~ !Int time he
hard to Imagine Goldee wm ar c:lwrey,
who W.. eecood place, makhw up three
games on Fullerton.
To do that the Ru1Uera or Pllllhors
would have to go llllde!Uled , Iba not
of the w111 and Fullora would blve
to lote -• time1, • prtlly llllllkely ~In· ccmlderlag the -lqlom In
the ---from Iba -Radoftcb anlr"the--cJOlden Wt 1 t
coa~g stall agreed lbal the llultlers'
Friday · night struule with Ml SAC
played a big part In FullOrton'I euy
"They bad to play all out the night
before and that toot a lot out of them,
particularly lh<ir guards and (Brian)
Ambrozicb," Rldovkh uld.
Assistant cooch Gary Youngblood lllll!I'
med up the dejected Golden West feellnll'
be!!. "It wu simply a fro>h team a1alnit-
. a tired CNlt. Tblt !'Uib 1ame the night
• before kllled ua."
Bui that Wllll\'t Ibo ooJy thlag that
beat the 11u1Uen. MlllC\llar Fullerton
beat Golden Wm &t Ila own fut-bruit
game In the ~ bill, oullcorlng
the Rustlen -In the flnll IO mlnutel to amuh Open a oao-palnt balltlmt ad-
vantage,' ·
Goldm Wm •ullered Uv®lh a ~ lhootlns ~ ball, alntlag but live· of 4.1 ileict gcill at~ -
II.I pereenl. For the night, the RutUers
ooly made II abota from the !loo< and
aholl0.5peroent. ,....,_ < .. 1 o. ... Wttt un .... ,,. ""'' ,, Walle<1 3 1 2 1 C•"'Pbrll I l I 1 Malll I I I 2 .JohNoll I I I 0
Cllllcll'ftl ' 2 I 10 fMr11n J ' t 11
lll'tlltl • • • 14 Miller 2 • 2 •
NoYtt, I I J I Pwrht S 2 I 12
Mllll.9 l l lll<Gr'dltl 1121 ""'°'" 121•Pt11Mr 10 2 2 llre t•510ltor1 JJJ11 Wrltht l Ot•lllobln-. C2 2 2
WllSO!I ' 0 I I H1rdln.1 1 5 4 1 H11Wr 9 2 t 20 Amllrodch I I ,. I 2 llrudl1 JSJt ..J Tot•tl :t.J fl u 11 Totals 1• 1' n • H1tn1mt l(Or't: l'Ul'-'11111 37, ~ W•t Jll,
DAILY PILOT ....... lly 1M PIYM
chalk up convlneing 87-58 victory and tak~ a com-
IJlanding three-game lead In the Eastern Confer-
ence at the end of the fust round of play.
had failed to lead the ract.
Momenta after Gurney retired, his
teammate, CaJe Yarborough of Tim·
monsvllle, S.C., alJo dropped oul As
the 1 up er speedway tin& walked de-
jectedly back to the pita, from ·-he bu parked his race car, Ibo Ioctl
radio station broldcutlng the rice
played a commercl11 that applauded the
make ol car he and Gurney had selected
to drive.
Finllh1na on the 1ame lap with Petty
was three-time Indlanapolll winner A.J.
P'oyt ID a·~ Ford.
UCI Swimmers
Anteaters'· Goal:
• J .
ot .. o.11r l"tllt ll•ff
' 1'bf ~ plan for UC!'• baibt-
baU • tHm Is to P"" 1ta 14th 'flctory at
UC Sall Dlqo Tu-.laY nigbl The lool•
rania · pl11i II to ·win IO 1ama tbla ....... '
Thol~ ~' whit with ir.lne'a •11 eC ""''Slate (Fuller1Gn)
Saiurdlll. ln"'Craw!ord Hiil
Coacb .Diet Dml' marbmen m 1M
and a w!Qnlnc -thfOUlh the re-malndtr · ol tbltr oc!lledl!lt , would "live'
them a :IM lqar, a record that lhould
all bUt ...,... a trip to \be NCAA'~ con.,. dlvlllon rtllonal•.
' Btlt !be r..i tllol II* ,,.11 n.. pm ..
art•therood111a11Dab»4•1all .mer. Two ol tbooe contms -tuel!d111'1
-encounter and the followlna Tuesday's
al Loyola -"·ill be games played in
gnns Uie Anteaters have never visited.
But ralher than discuss a .ZO.win
seuon, Davtl took the cautioua · view
altar Saturday'• win.
"Well,''we've won IS ao we can't· baft
•Jolina: IUIOll now,n be ufd. .
"They'rt all ...... to bo ....... Iba
l'8lt ol. tht ...., . " ' \
Al oppooed to 1111 TUesd111'•. 111"1>ar
ahowjng In l'mno, lllvl1 Col-a llrq abowlni from hll juqemaut lloturUy.
Wltll Anteater C<11ter Mike Heckl!tan
acrMnlnl 1-10 Fullerton ctlll.-Ron
H ...... "'111 fnlm the bucl<ll, OOI out· reboanded the Titans, ~
Irvine also out-shot its guea:U:, 51 per-
STICK IS STUCK ~Orange Coast's Rich Stlckel-
mater can't help· but draw a foul as he comes down
over the back of Mt. SAC's Bob Dickinson who bas
just cleared the boards-. Mt. SAC slipped past the
DAO.Y PILOT ,..... .... I.Al ,,,,_
Pirates, 80-73, Saturday in strategy filled game
which saW Oran·ge Coast deliberately draw three
technical fouls late in the c011test.
Mesan Wins, -Too
Garden Grove Driver
Takes Winternationals
Of ... DlllY Pfflt Stiff
POMOJ'IA -Orqe County driver
John Mulligan wu the toast of the
drag racing wortd today.
He won top ·fuel eliminator honors
Sunday at the ninth annual NaUonal
Hot Rod As.wciatioo WintemaUonals at
the Pomona Fairgrounds.
Co.ta Meu driver Tom Neja took
home a national claaa championship
trophy from Pomona. In the final round
oC Class R stock ellminatlona, Neja,
in his '57 Chevy, defeated BW Wllt<r
of Bw-naby, B.C., Canada, also in a
'57 Chevy.
Neja'• time was lS.62 aecondl and top
speed was 66.II. WaJter hit 15.78 seconds
and 12.114 mph.
MullJ&an, 25, broke the 6eVOll<l<COlld
barrier on all but one of his five match
race nil\S and hlt a top speed of m .7&
mph as he defeated Tom L a r k I n of
North Hollywood, James Warren cf
Baker1fleld, Bmny O.born of. Sand
Sprlnp, Okla., LeRoy Goldlleln of Chula
Vlita· aq,d Don PrudbOmme or Granada
Hills. .
Mulligan'• Irish green d r a I 1 t er,
reparied at a Garden Grove ahop known
by dra1 racing fans "The Cave," broke
a lona-1tanding jlnl by edgin1 veteran
Prudbdinme Jn the !Ina! round despite
a amoldng flii.ilh that betrayed 1 blown
Mulligan clocked 1.13 seconds and hit
a top speed of 117.91 mph. Prudhomme
had a 6.93 and 217.39 mph.
Top prlze of S7 ,000 was shared by
Mulligan and his eq..:.slly Irllh partner,
Tim Beebe. Both are from Garden Grove.
Another Garden Grove driver, veteran
Dave Beebe, reacbed the aecond round
of top fuel , defeating all-Um• groat Chrll
Karamesinea of Chicago. And then loslna
to Clllf Zink ol PalaUne, Ill.
Beebe, older brother of Tim, !siled
to survive the first round of funny car
competition, losing to Don Schumacher
Park Ridge, 111. '
Cius A fuel dragster driver Don Enri·
quez or Laguna Buch reached the final
round of national clau competition for
super eUmlnator can. Posting 1 7.13
second and 201.24 mph, he was never
the less beaten by Fred Kramer of
Covina, who clocked 8.09 aecondl and
17fi.09 mpb.
cent to 40 percent and from there you
can just aboot [jgure bow It went.
Patient UCl pulled away lale Jn the
fl.flt hall and went .from 24-23 to 30-JS.
It ke\it applylni the ......,. until the
Antealen bad a 1().19 halltlme ad-
vllllde. FildOrtoo dldn, eudl1 rally afltr Jn.
~ Tl!t.:ntw.J!ldn, po:! • fteld flOll until IJ:~ wu left to play and b7 llloo it .... 11~. . Tiit. a!aqtn reached 11 polnta, 71~.
on 1 Jeff Cunnlngbam free throw wlth
a:lf left.
• Wltb Sieve Sablea m•ldnl II airtight
foul lhota. Irvine encountered no dll· flcu!IJ In the 1trelch. •
-001'1 froth tam WIJll the prtllmlnary,
""'4, to polt a N tecord. It travell
aouth with the vanity Tuesday and me'ls
UCSD 's freshmen at 6 p.m.
"""""'~ ---· .,_ ..-ftWlllw "'"'
,, ft •• tt
t 1 t :U I 1 1 11
I 2 I 11
' l • lt i n a 11 I I I I I I I I
C•l 11 ... F'"9rtn OJI ,,. rt,. "
OMnlt lOl • Htf'rls 1 I 1 f ....... l 1) •
i..v1at a • t , -~ •t•1t l I I 4 l•ftlflf 11111
Hew. Ill. ltflll Ill I lPMt! 111• "~"''''' Tot1ll 21 Jf 10 " Tt"ll '7 lf ti n H•tftl-acwt1 U(I 6 (•I lttlt "· IJCI Frtlfll '111 (II I .... fl,.. CM)
""""' """" Meo•t !J 1 J II YOlml I I I I
Whitt l 0 • t •Pttl~ I f • 11 0-... •1lt 0!-1111 11
"'"" t 1 s . • flllh« • • a 1 ... 172HM11 ,,,.
" ....... 1 12 •ltn'I' 1;111 Wt-INll l J I J •1-11 11 \'le!Tt 1 • • •
to1111 31 n 211 71 Tot111 " ,. 17 "
Can't Save
Orange Coast
Basketball coaches are a pretty volatlla
lot by nature and technical fou11 are
a common reault of their sl.dellne
But can you imagine a coach
d'Uberately drawing three technJcala
with hl1 t'am trailing 72-65 and lea
than two minutes to play?
Falling back on a lltUe known buiet·
ball rule, Orange Cout Collea• buke~
bsll coach Bob Wetzel tried that strale1Y
at home Saturday nllht and It llmolt
worked u the Pirate. droJ)J:ed an 80-'11
decision at home to Mt. San Antonio
The obscure rule, which was broulht
lo Wetzel's attention by Pepperdlne
Colleif! coach Gary Carlson, employa
the same strategy as a deliberate
personal foul you etve up a tree
throw to set the ball and, bopelulJy'
two points.
In one long 24-tecond IPID on the
1coreboard clock Or•nce Coast wu foul~
ed three thnes by Mt. SAC. After each
Jnfractlon Wetzel called Ume out and
then drew a technical by hoJdinl. bl>
club on the bench after the timeout
Alttr the OCC pl111er ahol the free
throws from the personal foul, ML SAC
wa>: awarded one free throw. Then
because the bill was d ea d when t h e
technical wu aiaeaed, .a cent.er Jump
WU bald at mtd<ourl Instead of
awWlag the bill to M~ SAC, .. II
nonntDy the cuo.
Wetal's pll!I llllrt1 wornd-'u !hi
Plrata cut M~ SAC'a lud to 71-71 wllll
70aecondato ...
Ml, SAC' (II) """' . :11·r. ' l • ' " ' l ' " • • •
Te!•t. )I ft 11 •
on ... c..,: ,f'J "
<wr 1141 Ttll'lt, 11tJ IC~ •1111
'-·· ' a J '' J..-... J •llt Mttlffl~ , • I . Kll'lftYIJ J. • tNtitll'ltti.. , t • ~,. llJ'
TMlll " 11 If 7J
f~11Atain Yalley
Cops· Mat Crown
I f sTEVE ANDREWS Ol .. DlbP .. ,_
-EOW>lain Vllley proved it
will be a wrestling power for
a few more ,...... to come
saturday by ._p1ng to a
!int place finish In the llancbo
Novice Toomey at Rancho
Alamitos High.
pojala -ol -place Savanna.
1• -WOfN4 llAI -.co C•lt l'fl)t ..
t~v (HI) timed Htn't\1111 tP.11 H•
\•1--M. ,.,_ (HI) pkw!M .,_.,,.
IM CIA)! 1:»
t-...V1r1llt (HI) dtc;. Mrt (SAii IH
1J7-J. Jafl-tHIJ 111Nlf4 l!lrockllt iUt.1 1 S:oll
l~I (Hll llll'!flM a.ton {SAii
ll'l-&loln IHBI -.......... It
IM-C"-(Hll 111nntiS ~
wnffh !SAii t:.9
HV-ltm ftll) -~ fwtt• ......
,._VIMlrdl CAI GK. C-. IWl1 H l~lt,,_ iWI Ole. Mont-IAU ,,.
go~1~g Wil' .
·Arn Id ·Palmer
To _stice tO the right, )9J ·nist
pull back Y~f reft root I d 1 Of'!'I
doing in the .tlkislration. This
gives~°"'•°'*'• MCl't<:ewhich
ccMes lhe clubFoteto O:.t °'"°"
th e boll and app'y , • cloi:lcwtse·'
(Jlic11) spin. ,
To ciccentuote °" r.v ... Horio l
slice, fftefely tum Y°'!r nonm ·~o
New· U.S.
SEA'M'LE !AP) -The
newe!t champion of all these
United States when It comes
to fancy footwork on Ice is
a tiny blonde high school
30phomore with tousled hair,
Her name is Janet LyM.
The 1S-year--0ld f r o m
In· Tuesday ,Tiffs
S~kes Run High
For Prep Cagers
By ROGEi\ CARLSON !or 1 night game (I) that Cha::ce .. ,:.., a~dr AAAA will break up a four·way tie
basketball playoff berth, a 35-In the Ancelus League. Mater
game league win streak and Del along with Pius X. St.
a tie-breaker for Be(OOd .place Paul and servite are deadloct-
are three of the items at ed with 2-2 marts In ltague stake Tuesday In prep action
involving Orange Coast area action while St Anthony leads
teams. with a S-1 record.
Noon Hot,
Still Falls ,·
lltsplle I school r«Onf 39
points by Bill Noon, S.d-
dleback College dropped 1 9$.
85 declslon to visiUng Gavilan
Junior College Saturday night
al Mission Viejo Hill> School. :
Noon only~ had nine points'
at tbe, end of the first haU, '
but Siddlebaek bad I 10.polnt'
lead, 4$45, •
Olamplotw for coach Vern
Wapi"• oovice group were
Howoid Larlcln, 106 lbs., Kelly 5oo\0S, 115 Ibo., Dan 4WJs,
157 Ibo., and Bill Carrol~ 163
ll~lnMY IWI dK. FllmrMr {All , ..
Rockford, UI., put a llUle
something special into each
maneuver Saturday night in
a brilliant free s k a l I n g performance to capture the
senior ladies• figure skating
championship vacated by
Olympic gold medalist Peggy
Admitting to a bit of
wistfulness at being a watcher
instead or a competitor, ~ms
Fleming -now a professiona
skater-made·the award at
clOBe of the 1969 nar al
Westminster, with • M Crestview League teams
mark, Is at Anaheim for a sw!Dg bact In action witb El
3:15 tussle that could move Modena at Laguna Beach in
the Lions inta contention tor a 3: 1$ battle and S a n
second place Jn the Sunset Clemente and Miaaion Viejo
League. pla.y in a 7 p.m. encounter
The Lions could conceivably at Mission Viejo.
In the second half, Noon
blistered the nets for 30 points~
but he was the only Gaucho··
who would ICOrt With any fre-i •
quency as Gavllan rolled upJ
60 points to win the aame. r
Saddleback, now 1-12 on the
seaaon, returns to action ~
day nlght on tbe road againsf'
the Occidental College Frosh. :l Steve Ambuter led Hun-
tington Beach to a third place
standing. The Oilers iotaled
51 points. -
other first place medal win-
ners from the Orange Coast
area were Ken Ostubo, 130-
pounder from Marina, and
Dale Williams, 148-pounder
from~ta Mesa.
The Seventh annual meet
is held for DOD-seniors who
have· nol placed in a varsity
t~t. won no more
UiaD lhne varsity matches,
and have not earned a varsity
Corona del Mar took fourth
place in the :!ixtb annual
Edgewood Tournament Satur-
day at Edgewood High.
No Sea King won a cham-
pionship. but Grtg Castrey, 130
lbs., Jeff Graham, 17~ lbs.,
and Arnold Clark, 141 lbs. cop-
ped seconds, while Bob McGee
finished third in the l.23-pound
class .
El Monte won the team title
with 124 points.
H -P.rrill'll ($1¥911119) pll'll'led Jw....s O+BJ lM -ler'ltht (l"VI diet. Vel'lltl'cle fA111helmJ
llS -S-CFVI dee, 11-um (H9l t:n -k11h1r1 Cl"ul11rton.) OK. Hu,,,.
-· CWIKll'l'l \JI) -Olfut:io fMl elk. Golt.ell11 {s-!l1190)
1'6 -ltke ($111111.oJ dee. Trllhl<v {JI Nhllm) 1'1 -Alnbuter {HI) dee. Wt kll IANhelm) 14' -WIHltlM (CMJ dee. ltll!t {FV)
157 -LMll IFVI OK. Ev-fLCJeO) 1'9 -C.rrv!I (FYI p!nllld l utw.r '"' 17l -Plt!fll' IP«ltlul 1!1111M Au1!111 (llolll Gr1ncll) 19~ -Yc.i11t1 !:laMl1aol o:lec. DetnPll<I (FV} l~li C..OIM!r (S111116QOJ dee. M4rf
r V1nlty
H .. ttMMll IMdt (UI (11) S11t1a An•
Jl-.-l.lllllP IHll) plnr>ed Peckt..rn
(SA)! t :»
10i-Frledrn111 CSA) cl«. s-~
fH8 l: ..S
11$-McMulleil CSA) OK. O..vld•°"
IHlll U-4
123-MDll (Hiil d"W l1"of (SAJ: ..
1D-WommMll. lWI •IMed t1!recll
WI •i.U
l ......... IMfa (W) clK. LlufN1t1 {All ,,.
l~tulldll IAI dee. SoMN CWl1 '-t
141-l!rb (WJ pll'll'lld.Wtkh (All t :Q
14-McNlllOhlon !WI oec. ,.oernctiff
(All IM
lS,.,_.tl• (W) plil!IM COllke (Wll ,,.
161--0er'1Q.a (Al ,lllllld .IMl'nbrlll, II;.
IWh 3:311
1,.__,.0ll'Nldlff (A) Ole. Coleltll'
IWll f.f
1M Si.t11fd (WI ... 11111111 CllYIVll
IA)1 l :lS
HV-!illtw, C. IWI 'IMld M1rllll
tA/1 :'5
JM!w .,,,.,..,
al M....,_ lltl 0 61 Seit CIMMll ..
'11-llH« IEM) dee. Rl.IM !SCI/ H
116-Hoffl (EM) wan by torttlt
11S-Stltlnl'll_. IEMI -by forlelf
IU-llobtl!M !Kl He. lclMI IEMJ1 f.I
l»-M<kfflli. (IC) dlK. W1llon (EMii ...
1~-z (SCI dee:. Dec:k1t IEMl; 6-t
1"-lllk« (EM) dee. ,.IPltl' CSC!1 M 14-J.O.ttt (EMJ wor1 Ir/' forf111
1$7-klrr !EM) dK.. Gaultier !SCI: 7·D
1~ IEMI dee. Gl1H !SCh , ..
17'-PIVllOll ($C) d,_ Cllrll (EM)J ,.
IJ'--mild! HV--+41111011 (EM) wron by dtta11U
J111ler V1r1ltr
W.tftllflrtw ()SI flSI AlllMiM
M-H1mltton (Al fAMed V111d1rmo-
lell (Wll 2:35
11)6....Membrlle, F. (WJ det. Arb,.
min (A)I 17·1
llS-NOCll'I !WI ttlnnM Jnch (A!! l :lS
lU-Fllrr• CW) won bv torlelt
l»-l.1Alk, A. (WI cl._ V1r1 (All
>I ,,._TrolsltT (A) Ole. Fllhff (Vl')1 41
1'1-l:on.n (W) ,.,....., Kllllr IAll ,,,.
14--0vwslmt {WI OK. ,._re. fAll ,,
1$7-Wllbur !Wl dee. Sl•lldrldlle {All •• 1U--L1ut11:. J. fW) '91:. Lluftut !All ..
11'1--Smllt'I IWI cle<. Ollr't'-r !All 2-1
1•"-Noble IA) dK. SUter, J. IWll '-I
HV-N11t11Moft (W) dee. Gudl (A)i .. ,
H1111!111.,_ SMdl f41:1 Ce) SIMI! .....
H-Joennn CWBJ -by lllrfell 1~r11 (Hll llK. l"rwdenburs tSAll ,.
11S-lonllC\lll't (Hll) dee. SOfo ($All .. IU-F~ {Hll) dee:. lhi,."I (SA)i ,.J -
l:ll'.l-Slrwr {Hiii ~-Clllwlri ISAJ; 1-l
l~Hoewl (Hiii olmled ORmlt (SAl: 2,,,
1417-C.I IHI) -. Wiies CSA)/ j.1
u~111 IHI) dec. Antos (SAi: ?-1
157-TomallOll (Hiii p(mi&d M_.!'I
!SAii 1;20
161-LOOff (HI) plfllltd L•-ISA)I
2:31 • 171-T...i.. (Hiil _.by forlalt
1~11 fHBJ -ft' temlt HV-INfdl
Basketball Standings
W L "" ,. ... Hu11nMton lltldl r 11 JU 411
An1llelm ' 1 4n M:I
'Nt1ter11 s l .u m
we,lrnlMler l ' .$31 s.Jf
Newoorl H1rbor l S "' "'' Mlr!ne 1 ' ~ .i.st
SJmte A"' 1 ' 412 53ol
San!• Afll V1llN 2 6 02 ~1
T111Mrt'1 Olintt
Westmln5tor 1! An1llelm
NtwPOrt H1rtior 1t M1rll\1
$a11t1 Ane ., Hun!111tl1!11 BHCh
Wt~h!rn ti St11l1 Ant VII~
COflll\1 llel Mar S t ID ~
toerw 4 I ll' 265
M111nol!1 l 2 160 212
Fwn!1in Vtlle~ 1 ' 257 249
F.11&1\Cla 1 ' 2l9' ,._.
Cosl• Mna 11 S i.U :JOS WIOl ..... <ltf"s GllMS
l"rld1v'l Otintt
lo.111 11 Cor-dt! Mar CMta ~ ., E1i.roc11
F"Oltlllllll\ .... ,.., 11 Mllno:rlit
SI. M""'"1 l I 1'7 1>1
Mei... 0.1 2 2 17' 1'2
Servlh! 2 1 120 m
SI. Paul t 1 1" Hl
Pi111 X 2 l 171 16-l
BlslloP A""°! 1 l '" :1111 TllllKIY"t 01ma
Mii« Oel •' ,.1111 x St. P1ut 11 Bi"'" Amtl
Slrvlte 11 St. A111t10nY
WL"""A ~ t :1(16 171 C..rdo!'n Grove
Bot11 Gr1n6t
L• Qulnll
lll1nc:rio Altml!os
2 2 ,,, 255
7 2231"'
1 21Utn
• ' "' llDG
< >
"" "
T ....... 1"10.!Ml
llolse Grlnft II l:1ndlo Altm!l«I
Lt Gulnl1 11 G.lrdtn Grave
:lanlilto et llK lfic1
Sin Clem..l!!t
VIiii ••Ml MIHIOll Vlelo
F.I Madtfll T111tl11
lat'llnt Be.<h
W L Ill' llA
j 2 '17 317
J 2 "' ~(If 4 , ,,, 39l
4 , ...
2 .s 17$ -'GS ,,2U:W
I 6 1i6 lit
T ...... 1"1 SC.ti
El Modena t i L•-llletdl Sll'I Clemenlll 11 Mlu lon Vlelo 17)
1<00111111 11 Ora1111• Tutlin ti VIiii P1rk
W L ,. .. ,.A
Klltllt I O 71' 3111
lrtl J l "311 ~
Lot Al1ml!0t. 5 J W 40J
SaddlebKk 5 l !CM +12
El Dor-l 4 ~" 41J V1!encl1 l S 4,S 4$1'
S-rt 7 6 .tH ~I
Los Amltcrs • I 11J "'2 T_,,..,., .. _
L• Ami-H llrte
k1!e!l1 11 Loo Allmlloo
Vl ienelt el SlcldllbKlt
Sonor1 el El Dorl-do
'"' S1111nv Hiiis
LI H1br1
1Ctnl'ledv ·-,..,~ l-11 :lav1nfll
W L,.,.,.A
I 0 .!'' 45'
1 15624'
J 3S.J"'4
~ 4 ~1 ~
J J ~J m
1 ' 41l S6l
' ' "' 511 I , 44$ m
T-.. Y'• 0•-1<1!'111\!dv 11 11111!'1'11 Plrk
Sul\ll'f Hllll If :laVIMI
Trvy 11 U H1br1
Low.II 11 F!illert.n
ly Marvin Myen
_J~ ....
'S;J.ft1 fZI! aN#fY 7llJ 10 AVO!b fiAC/116
11 S ()')';ff ff<i /If t1 la!YP /fat E, SO IE
.PEV/Jf p A" Sl/1fl f ff ST--II
·-. . --.. -. . .
Lake second in the circuit if Irvine League teams at the
coach Ben Taylor's chaps midway poinl in the schedule,
sw the games left on their take a break, resuming actian
sch bich Includes tests Friday night. . ' UVILAfll ltsl yoor le~on theclublhaft (I" rin-
set illUSlra~ion), Th is "weci~•
grippil"IQ pos it i aft ..; II mo k• it
difficvlt ror you to. retum your
cl..C.foce tao "squor•• politiOn.
tt willbe fookingtot~right
,,,Ji .. jt r!l'Ocfles the bo ll .
championships. with olonists of Anaheim Newport Harbor's atlernpt
and w n. at a third straight win in llldllrdlon l"Atclrn111 sru•« Tur11!1 .....
•• 'T '' ,,. t 2 J ....
Old Men,
ln11-1 Tie
Of .. "'" ..... ....,
. rDigbt ·Simply say that Jt was
not the Coast Rangers' day
Sunday afternoon whtn they
ventured to Bell Gardens Park
to face Southeaat UDited in
a Pacific Soccer Lea~e
When the tilt had come to
an end, coach B r J a n
McCaushey's chaps f o u a d
themselves sharjng first place
in the loop with Temple City
and they had Jost one of their
leading players with a leg
The former was due to the
Rangers' 1·1 tie with Southeast
UnllA!d and Temple City'1 U
conquest of Riverside. The
later came when a defensive
player hacked down CQlin
West with a deliberate swipe
from behind, knocking West
out for the rest of the game.
Ranger luck simply was not
to be found as the team they
had earlier vanquished, ft.I ,
came up with lhe·tie.
Probably the turning paint
came five minutes into the
second bal! with the invaders
holdin g a 1-0 lead. Harry
Ogilvie of the Rangers was
loose and toot a shot at goaJ.
His effort was out of the
goalie's reach but hit the
crossbar and b o u n c e d
harmlessly away.
Twenty -five minutes later th~ h o s t s had the equalizer
when the Ranger defense went
to sleep, something n o t un-
Mctaughey called it "our
worst game of the year •••
we were tied by a bunch of
old men." And he blamed the
team's lack of hustle on the
three-week layofr caused IJy
the recent storms.
Re did , howe ver, laud the
play of fullback Albert Burns,
who was just moved in to
that position.
Andre Cousin scored three
goals to lead the undefeated
Ranger reserves jn t h e
preliminary Ull John Atkinson
picked up the other tally in
the 4-4 victory.
Pro Cage
Another come • fr · d
effort brougbt their four
consecutive p a i r s cham-
pionship to the Kauffman kids,
Ron and Qndy, .who live in
Seattle but skate out of Lake
Placid, N.Y.
Jimmy, Oemogines, 14, Los
Angeles, wtln the novice men's
title, and the novice ladies'
championship was taken by
11-yell'-Old Dorothy Hamill of
Riverside, Conn •
After western fell to Santa • the Sunset circuit Is a rematch'
Ana Friday night, t h e ol an earlier victory over
Pioneers an: at >3 while Marina. Anaheim ii 6-2. The Tars upset Marina, 71·
Host HunUngton Beach win 57• but then proceeded to Jose
be tryinl to make lt 36 io _l_iv_e_in_•_ro_w_. -----
a row against Santa Ana and
Newport Harbor has bopeS ol
extending Its win string to
three with a date at Marina
in other afternoon action.
Miter Dei is at Pius X
Jtlore Sports
Page 24
"""'"' kunlmur•
NIVI Tot111
' ' s ',," . ' . -4 I S ,,.
' ' ,4 '' I ' e 4
' • • 10
I I e 1
:io 3li 2S t$ U.OOLllACIC l•t ... " .. ,,.
N-14 II ' ~ Bolld ,,,, l•-7 4,11 H1ntv J l J II
"""'"..._ t lJ J
SWIMO!'I 1 1 12
WlfttTr • • s •
Ntllorl 1e:t2
Tofllt 2' ·!I '° U Helf'llrMI Stlllllmldt .&Sr G9¥Hlll U
ALIGNMENT <Value 59.951
. Ch•c•: r"''. l1tftry. Mwfflt, • l11lt• .. S11,,_111t.11, ltc.
'·00.1J 6.10/7.0hlJ
Open 8 am to "9 pm
OPEN SATURDAY 8 a.m. to 5 p.rn.
PHONE 540 4343, 646 4421
• I
• '
' •
• ' '.
' •
•• •
• "
' " i ·"
... _ ... , .............. -• 4 ........ ··~···· •••••••••••••••• ~ ••
.. •• -" • ,, , .. -• " • ~. ,~ .. -~ •• j + ................ ' ..... ' ·····1~·····-8 •••··· . . . . . . . . ..... ' .. -
700 Vie In Meet Stars Sink
Underwood Hot Lower
Tires Cost Less!
With 4:17.6 Mile In Losses
WID• DVAU -IUflla PaaMIUM -"'-1'UTI:• lto\INAI. Sl'OllTI -SAND SU..Y -CAMP•I .... CIAU -A All. .Ill• taUCK tlla.
JWlllAlllllCAID MAml CHAffl
Classy Decker Underwood ot
South Torrance zipped to a
4:17.6 clocking ror the mile
lo highlight Friday's all-<0m·
ers track m e e t at Orange
Coast CoJ,lege. ·
Underwood came b -. c k
moments later for hls second conquest of the day, bagging
his heat of the 880 In 2,ou.
Underwood won the DAILY
PILOT Trophy at the 1968
Southern Counties InvitatlonaJ
in HunUngton Beach as a high
school junior when he cap-
tured.his specialty in 4:19.9.
The meet at Orange Coast
drew over 700 entrants from
the high school, jaycet and
open division levels of com·
Meet director Brian Spring.
er was es pecially im-
pressed with the high finishes
by Fountain Valley and
Newport Harbor High athletes
in the prep section.
In the jaycee division, Ed
Shipley of Orange Coast cruis·
ed to a 10.2 for the 100.
Shipley prepped at Corona de!
Los Angeles Stars llCOftd ';.i!.~ ,\:,~°"t°.icc!, '::~. L~;. mOre points io a came than 141 E. 17th St.• Costa Mesa ,• 645-2010
wood , ... Tlll't) ,, J-"'" IMO) " &t.... • l!~~~~~~~~~-~·~·r~·~·~-~-~~·r~~~~~~~~~ <>went INHJ. Tlrnt: t :M.t. flfllrd ,,..11 uiey have all teuon. Then Uf , """'
1. Tt.1t1i. tao) 2. Ho¥t 1u111111 J. A.e.-• .._. scor--' "·-'---.a low· Vff (!9). Time: 2;tt.J. "'~I IC\I WJlll"U--.vuu
Ml1-(fl'.,.t f\ffl) 1. UllOl'rwood IS.. est total of the seuoo.
Torrl 2. Wfl!t. (EM) J. $1i:lrdl !OCCJ. -=-
'· All!.,..IN 1wm1. Tlmll r •14J,a. llfltf'd im:; would appear to ntult
MIU 1. Urnllo llOI t. lctwllnt • II cl the st fl(W(I ,, 11 .. , (51. Torri. TIIMI JD a sp t an' Amer·
•:,..,. lean Basketball Association
2·M119 -1. Frt'flth (lo, Torri 1.
Loller ISo. Ton) ). Pitt"°"" (FH). Wetkend £amel, fight?
Tl""": f:2~.•. . W-• Th •--the bo Hllll'I Ju-1. Htr1Ml1 (CdM) 2. • .... ,g. ey ,..... m th
SITllth (5A V1llrt) 3. Hoffmtn IFVl, and, With thaf the S'·-' r-Hel•M: S-10. "> Ull·11 _..
Pole Vtull-1. Web1ter (WllllOA) :t. ord dropped to 21·2'1. They
Slllons (E•tl 3. MCMetlll {Wm),
HetoM-11.0. are fourth in the ABA's West·
CllKu....Slmt>kln (CdMI 2. ,t.ldrldt
INHI J. Lovtf!k <E•o .01111~: 151.1. em Division, three games })e..
01:;~~: Ji;i;.::-1• Whit~~ ILQ). hind thirdoplact Ne.f. Orleans.
Lon• Ju1111>-1. Miiier fl'IH) t . Hew. On Salurda 'ght th In 1ted (FV) 1. ROllrk !FV). 011t1nce: y, 01 e •
21·3. · diana Pacers bombarded the
SllOI Put-I. Gordon IEMJ, 2. At-Stars 1~1" drlcll (NH), 3. L11n.. D1sr1nct: 52·10. IV ......
qot11 The game set two ABA rec-
10 HH -' .Porn1r..,. cocei 1. Hin. ords, one by the Pacers in the
sen (OOC). Time: t.2. highest
100 -I. Sl'lli>IW COCCl 2. Ktll'I score by a single team
1occ) a. H1rrll 1~wc1. Tlmt: 10.1. and one by both clubs in ........ . no -1. K•ll'f 1occ1 1. ktimln · ..... ....
(OCC) '· Cllerrv {BllTC). Time: 22.7. ing a total o( 313 points • ~1 . Slood (NH) 2. L°"9 IC$LI ) Qn Sund •'•ht the Stars l . e11ekl1110 (Wml. Tlm1: v . .t. ay ·-2 m11o -l. comroe cSlridtral 2. went from the almost sub-
Prnton (UCLA) J. 'Miiie IEM). Tlmto: -lime to the nearly rfdfculOQS,
9.2A.4. I In M •• the N y D!Kut-1. J1mes 2. E1dl1 '· Lo,... OS g .,.._ to ew ork
0 1111nce: 1Q.I. Nets
J1ve!ln-l. AplHlll (0C.C) 2. Kl11s-•
en1 IOCC!. Ol1t1nce; lD".O. Lo6 Angeles, trailing by on·
TrlPle Jump -1. Cherry (OCCJ 2. ly two points after three per-2202 e ••• I st Str11t, S~nt1 An•
WlllOll. D!sl1nc•: J2.7. I 1\1 ,...._ I Lei -1.-Jump -1. Cherry fOCCJ. 0 11-iods, was held scoreless for • .... , Kl 7•3011 0L4-.SOOO
HJ9" Sd!oll ,.-·~·~~~::: ~·~~i~':.~·~·:·:M:..:·~· ':·:-:.~·~·~·=··:·~;t~he~fi~1r~s~t~S~1>:..:mm=·=u=tes=-=of:..:th=e:..:fi~··1~===ST=J.='"='==================~ 70 HH--fFl .. t HllO I. Colrttr (Wlh Olltt 11C:91 .Ut. nal frame.
5Dn) 2. RllCh1 (FV) J. Dllnllt (C:dMI.
TlrM: t .O. 1S.C:ond Hfttl 1. Mh:lll'l-
ton (FVI 2. HllKMn IPKlllC.) J.
Morris (FY). Timi: t.5. (Thlf'll H~•tl
I, Brenner !So. Torr.) J, Amn !Wm)
l. Moore !NM). Tl""; 1.6.
All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday
. .. ·-' -
JV, Lightweight Basketball
IOO-(llt1I t.e.I) 1. Vountier (Pa~!l
ICI ) 2. Godbe /F\'I 3. Fl$11 !NH!.
Ttme: l~.t. (second hell) 1. Moart
CFV) 2. Blood INHI l. NMS (W!llOn).
Time: 10.3. (lfl!rd "41111) 1, Tr1h1n
JSt!l l 2. ll1r,...~•r (Wll1onJ !. H'rrer1
CReoando). Tlmt: 10.2. (!Ourth 111111
I. ,.._.,,, {FVl 2. OVnn IMDJ '· k l'lults
CNHJ, Tlmt: 11..4. Jflflh he1!) I.
R:-er INHJ 2. Gllltl'rl (l -11) I. sc ... m1fl (R:MIO!'lllCI). Tlmt: 10.2. {llxth
11e111 1. Odell !Pteltlctl 2. SW•velev
u:M1 '· Smltll lk . Tott). Tlmo: 10.t .
m-{tlnit hlllf) !. SdM.1111 (NH) 1 .
Tr-ttllfl tSI J l. N-(W1l11111). Tlmt: n.t. lwc:oncl 11111) 1. 11,,,,..,..r (Wlt-IO!ll 2. GCKlbt (l'Vl 3. eobi.11'1! ((.M),
T"'°": ~.S. (ll'llrd llolt) 1. Odin (P"
clflc1l 2. Htrrtrl {RtdonOD) a. S... mon IR:HOlldo). Time : U.6.
IJO-trtnt *'I l, Andlnion {R"
' J1' Basketb(,l
' I ' ,.,_ ... Mal' (.U) 1•1 lhl•llCll
' Golllt (1\J F no) lluller
' GrlnbY 110} F (7) Tllom11 ~ • ,, 1Cmi.11 (16) C Oil H"'"'
: Holl1ndet' (l) G (~I l•l!dorl
f "-• AoHms (6} G fl) V1tere
, ~ll'lt sub" E•l1nci1 -Jolln•ori l.
• , H1lf!;me: E1!1nc i1 2S, Coron. dtl
I : /Mr II.
j , " Hu11t111""' ""--(Ml W11lmllllti•
I C1rll0tl (161 F (U) Th0m1>
H1rrtll (11) F {l?) McLe<1don
Priddy I~) C Ctl Minn
w1 .. {15J G (l) Mii.,.
C1!1 U) G Ul Pte.-.cn
Scorffl9 1ubs-Hu11tlncr!on' DelrlllOn
17, McCord 2. Wnlmlnsle!': N-.
H1llrltns: Hunl!1111tai 32, we.rm1 ...
11•• ~1
Aiwo1"1m tnJ
P1rt0ftt (2\) F
Anckrton 01 F
I l tfl1t11on rn c
l't' Go.ml! 12) G
) ' llfMl'"lnd {Ill G Anaheim 1<orlnt
Sh1"'1et 2. M1rl111
140 Marin.a
(1'1 9ul
(01 Mu1i.lfY <•I TllorNs
(5) Mc:Gulr.
07) klunernter
.... -Thlt (, "'"";"' ...........
Halftlmt: ~rlN 2:1. An11'1elm 21.
SA Vllllf (H) un "'""" ...,..... Olson tll F l'I Sed!fll L-co F nu 11e1n
• :. Kurl.ldWk rn c (lll Youn•
I MeCulle'I' (HJ G (12) 1Ctt1I
· 011,_ t'1 G (221 SlleCld
" kol1"' .ui..: SA v.nev-Mc~ld 1. Newffrt H1rbor~lll 2.
I H•!ltlme: $A V•llep ff, NeWJIOrl
" H1rtlor 21.
C•ll M.n O•l l•l F..,,,11111 V1llrf
•I DN!Ofl ISJ F ( 10) Sti.w
Nwllle (5) F UI P~r
SWMtt.lnd 1') C UI ICrl,tll
c 1,llll1• l•l G (I) Gerbor
Onomet Oil G (fl Lvncll H1lfTlme: Mew l (, FDUnll!n V1!-
lev IS
M'-'• Viel• {171 "'l VIiii P1rk Mort UI F !15) MCIClnlev
Cllr• (J6l F (12) McRoberO (.&,._,o C1'1 C !6} Hurl
WMe (I) G IT! Udlc~
Slmft'll U I G POI P1noris
Seer!"' 1ui..: Mlulo11 Vle!o---ICt•·
Hvn1ln•t1111 1n1 !UJ Wntrnllllttr
R1!tUlf Cll) F l'I IMMI
Wfbon (11) IC !IJ L•nlfts
H1rmon f21 C (11 Metldcuo
FVl'lk• (II) G 121 Portltlo
llowm1n (2') G 11!) Sl-s
Scorl"9 subs: Huf\tl119IO<l -H1rrl1
4, Clllt rs I, Putm•n 3, Gr11!1m 3,
C1n!rell 3. Westminsler-llr-tmt~ 1,
Hoult 1.
Httlllmt: Huntlt10ton '6, Wntmln.
sttr 16.
l'""nt1!R \11lllr 1411 CU) C111t1 MtWI
EU11 (16) F (lJ llr!vu
Pl1t1 114)
Sdl1tllt1 ('l
Cln'Nlck t•I Scorl,.. 1ubl: Foote l.
F l:icll McCi.ln C (12) Ali.n
G (0 Mlnchk:lllfl
G Cl! Scolf'
F"""'lllll Vi lify-
Htlh lmt: Founl1ln Vt ll..,. 11, Mt .. "·
Cee Baketf>all
'"-t1111 \19111Y IUI Ufl .C.01t1' MeP
Mc&rkll (4J F 121 NtvUi.
He'fll" (11) F 141 Arlhur
Hirt ( 111 c ( (1 J l'vrmll
Eblen Ul G {10) M_.
Leeds !4l G (7) Arct>er
S.C:Drlne ~ubs: Founltln V11111r-<1r-
rier1 7, Ferr1ro 4, MDrr!1 2. Me$.1-
I011n'r 2, Rol1nd 4.
H1lttlrM: Fovnttlll Vtlle~ 22, M1iU ,,_
'""""' .. ,Mir Ctmeron /Cl
cote nn
Dell: Ul L_,,,, ()I
Sum11tr Ill
S<vrl"' *ubs:
LtWI$ ~.
(n) (H) E1l111t:l1
F U) T. Olion
F (Ot J. 011""
C (10) Ford
G (4J M.,,.en
G ~ 1) Conl'r Coroo1 de! Mir-
Pro Hockey
/rl1!11n1I L111111 E1st Ohtllllll W LT f'h.GFOA
H1Ht!mt: Eslll'Kt.I 1S. CorO!'ll Otl ,,,., 11.
L••~• l&lctl (ll'l 124) $111 Cllmlril•
SWHM't (41 F 16) SeHen
Otlrntf" (41 F f7) MltcM11
Morrem1n {A) c (2) A.111:1
c-ln ttl G 1n1 Terrv
Ol1mbert !'l G (G) Mll!•r
$corln1 1ut1s: $tn Cltmente-Jol\ln1
$, Doultllll I.
H111t!""': LQ\1111 1,, St" Clemenle
'" Mlt•lttl Viii• (2') U21 vui. P•rll
Preuwoocl (4) F (It) Mlw1kl
Hot"'" (11 F (l) MCCormldl
T111>ert U ) c 101 'TkitOll
Mldlttl (10) G (0) LI.,,._
HI.,._ (1) G f0) 0.VMolt
Seorlnt 111bs: Ml•1on Vl1lo-O'·
Oontld I, Vllt1 hl'll-ttlll' ). Whll"
Ir 10, L1nc1rvm '· H1tnlmtt Mlllllll'I Vl1l• I, \11111
Pert; n.
Area Sports
d<;ndo) C2) Slli.IW IOCCJ 3. Youflll
!SA), Time: n.t. (lf(;ond hffl) I.
Timi cwml t . Howtrd fWll•onl s..,1111
(So. Torr), Time: 51.S. fffllrd hell)
I. Trahin (St!ll 2. M11' (I'll) l. Mc·
Srillo (SA). Time: 53.l.
UG-Cllr1t llffl) l. Roberti !Jordtn)
Cage Standings
A Dlvllllfl
H ... le. A11tomollv1
E•K 91YYllw £1eefronkl
Goldtfl Andl!lr
Btbcock Ellclronl<1
Ftlrvlew H-1111
I DholllOll
,.._.,119r SPOCll!IY
w"' i..1 • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • •
' ' ' ' '
BuketbaD -Santa Ana at AUTO Huntington Beach, N•wporl
Harbor at Marina,
Westminster at Anaheim, El INSURANCE Modena ·at Laguna Beach (all
at 3:15). San Clemente at PROBLEM'S'>
Mission Viejo (7), Mater Del , •
at Pius X, UCI at UCSD,ll•---------,
Riverside vs Golden West at L CALL 673-8650
OCC, Orange Coast at
Fullerton. Saddleback at Oc-H & H INSURANCE
cidental Frosh (all at 8). °' HILIOTllOP• -C"'81 •1 MU Tennis -UCI at UCSD 111111111'1d l'ort TllMl•l
'! ''' I. Mnrs 5. VHl1 P1rll--M•IM" l, Klimko 7.
-H•lfTlme: Vllll P1rll: 32, Mlnlan
loston Montreal /rlew Yori< f~~
lO •
11 71
127 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 19 1' 1 4l 175 131 l8 lt I tn 1'4 127 ~520 5" 192 n~ 11 16 10 SI 1.u HJ tt 20 t 5" lSI 1'7 Vielo 27.
I Sall CIMM!li. (4fl (Ml L..111,.. Sta.ti!
>';. Lamblrdl Il l F (2tJ Ct.1mbers
. AncNrtOl'I CUI ic fll) J1rtW1 I• Btllol (3) C (Ol H1rbokl
MllDll (Ul G U ) ~urrtv
McC.11111 CIJ G (n kt.mitt , Scwllltl 1uti1: Sen Clffntnl.....,.ltlvle
I' '· LHUM lffetl-f'kfl•V '· , ., H•!ttl"": Ltoun. 1!1111;11 27. S•n
' ..
" ' ..
Clemente n.
Bee BnskelbaU
Cw-•tr Mir (Ml UIJ W111"cl1
Kllltoffr (11) F (OJ H1vs
Ret'CI CD) IC (0) Ford
Sevier (161 C (I ) Brown
Conrov (IJ G l~l Neumtn
Wiese (121 G ISJ Roto!n1on
S<'Orl"' 111bs: Coron1 oe1 M1r-Lont· .... 7, H-I, Fr1u1!0 :t. Grl9s1>y J,
McF1'11110 •• co-2. E:1t1ncla-R1be l. Ry111 S, ,,,_., 4, WllMlll ~ Smith 2.
Otlroll Wtll O!Yltlot!
SI. LOUii 26 1 ~ 11 "l ISi lQ..I Otkl1ncl 11 27 7 "3 lll 172 Los Afl9tle~ 11 24 6 IO ll' 1.U P~il1del!'f1!1 11 2' lJ :rt lot 153
MlnnftOll 11 ll I n I" .·~ PlttsD\Jrgt. 10 3J 21 U ,.
SllU1'111Y'S lbl\ln.
MO!llrH1 6. N-Ya.rti: I 51. LDU11 2, Ot!roll 0 Chlelto S, MIMesoll S. 111 Phll1cl9IP11l1 2, Pllt,bwrtfl t, lit Los Anotclff f, Otkl•r>d J Onlr "mes sd'llOule4.
Svnlllr's llHYll•
Mont.,,11 '· Chlc.uo I
St. Louil S, Tlr<lf'IO 3 N"' Yorlt 7, Pl!!sb\jrg~)
Boston ' 01ltol1 2 MlflntSOfl J, Pt.lladtlPhll • Only uom'' Jdied111ed. TMl!Y's GI-
Na g1mt\ sd'ltd111td• ""°"'' ..... , Ottrol! 1t PlllllllelPllll ~1. Loult 11 LC11 Ane•les Only llfl'llS tchedllled.
I •
' " '
Men's Shoe
Honheim ... ~ ---.....
":r.. .. '12"
, .. _
,,.... st.. ...... ,. .. 11
,._I,. I
I l'ORTO·PED , .. _ .. '16"
l•J11~•ric1rd/M11t1r Cherq•
S41 ·f744
24 Hour Snow Report CAU
Kl 7-2545
YUi lhey•re on aole-ond goiftf fCMt. Don't fl'lisl
your chonc........tieod tldl or• Yery MldOM ot borgain
lewore of sole Head• thot ore not told by o
Head authori:red dtol•r. Th• QllOtantff "'oy
not be valid.
I • HEAD "Masters" ....... R1t . 135.00 74.SO
•HUD "360's" .......... R .... 165.00 124.00
• HUD "Competitions" .... R11. 175.00 132.SO
• HfAD "320's" .......... R11. 145.00 109.00
• HfAD ''Stondanls" ...... R11. 115.00 16.00
~ ...... , ..... -----ltt L• .,.... .... tttlfldN
11 ,..,. ....-it1 • '" ....
foremost Premium Cushionmoster shocks
glw extra service, extra safaty Oii tho
road! Up lo "3% more cushioning piston
area than ordinary shacb. For a ..-lier
ride ••. slop in today at Pennoy'a Auto
ONLY 27.88
!Huntington C.nt .. 1
I. R•gged upper
2. Smooth, s•per·
hanle•d t!z"
diameter shaft
3. M1ltl0 llp seal
4. Fotlr-coll
S. Tough, heayY
duty walls
6. Larger piston
7. All-weatller
8. 1·3/16" micro.
smooth cylinder
f. 12°/o more
shock fluid
10. Special
res•rY11lr valYl19
11. Cooler
Jlllll'$ WHAT WI DOt
• Con9d CClltw,
camber, '-In
• Reduce exc111ive
,...,,, encl -
• Eliminai. c1a....,:.w
wh•I pull
• P,.,long the life
of yourllns
!Fashion Island)
Champ Pebuts 'The Fan~tleks' •
World mlddlewei,nt boxing
cbamp NlllO ll<ovenuU of ltilly
will make blJ movie dfb.it
wllh Giuliano GomJiia In a
' apacbetU weatem, "A!tve ot
, Prtfefably Dead."
Forum XI Musical Sliy of Powntial
Bv TOM TrnJ9 Ol'ltleO.lff' ,........,
"The Pantastlcb," Porum
Xl's latest producUon at JI.I
iitnthouse-ty_pe the111er In Lone
Beach, is a curious mixture
of the bright and the bland,
wllh precious few moments
of the former varlety lo com-
pensate for an overdose of
the latter.
Trn•r H-•rcl
Y1R•••• Ifft!'"' -ALSO PLAYING-
with Lloycl lrtd911
Show TUfl., Fob. 4
o.,. Nigh! Only
....... .._. .. DOJRJN~ .. _ ... "''Mf
# "::16:i:-..
'".::'iYl!lllb! ·-----~ CXll.Oft~ .!"'ID~ ==--· .
Overall, th i.s Ollflaain&ly
tender litUe musical -a
perennial favorite :w l t b
.. --==z= F..,..x.•••cusr UI .......... w
..... -,...., ......... 14641'1
'1'".r ,~
I ·=.i-snl'W•~ ·-........ -----11tE 80SrGI SllW'Q'•
...._.c.,. .. ----.. _.._
llQllUI a • m '11rEID•1
l ltlill-HWEI P1X1E1D1 • Ci*I' 11J DI l• -----su
The YHr's SIMpor
0 t ..... ~., -~
an1ller lh<ller groups -la
a ne1t, cleverly pack11ed, but
uninlplred ellort which !all11
aeveral ' deiret• short of its
polenUoL Only In 11 few aelect
scenes does Its magical,
nostalgic quaUty apd wry,
genllt_ humor bubble to the
In fact, lt i1 not wiW the
wlldly cotilic rape ~llet near
the first act curtain that "The
Fantutict1" departs from a
rut-like path ol ahnost 1taUc
delachment ind pr-bet.
ter th1np to come. They do
come, in the second act. but
not in the measure one might
lllr<clor Eddy Cetto let!
his theme wly, oue of rela1-
ed, lolonnal showman&hip. u
·~ givu his actors a
"warmup" on atqe with one
so uninvolved he forgets his -
'" T ,1 l ' •
pant!. But ttllUtloo to the
point ol no..lnvolvemmt ii not
the roqulnd mood, and Ille
'""' of deli<lle fantasy la
Jost In the ensutnc 1dloo.
Tbe theater itsell may be
partly to blome. ''Tbe ,, ..
tasticb" ls a show belt suited
to mpre lnttrn.te •urround..in«I
thln Long Beach's cavernous
Morgan Hall where actors
must ltraln for projecUon to
t h e detr1ment of character,
a decided liability in a mua.lcal
Mon hampered on thla score
la Ray Ra)'lDOlld, who plays
the bandit-nanator El Gallo.
Ra)'lDOlld ~ developed 1 fine
characterhation, but r u n 1
8bort of brealh in the more active scenes and IUffera a(f.
dlUOOl!ly !nlm an apporenUy
weal!OJ!lnW 1arym: •rh 1 c h
neaat& bis vocal abilities.
Carol Greenber1 ii sweet
and ena:aging u tbt incurably
romantic younc pl, llthough,
Lido Slates
Auditions .
For f.omedy
The Lido Isle Players will
bold open audlllons Wed·
-.y and Thunt!1y lot their
.pt,fnt: r om e d y • Loula
Verneuil's "Allain of State."
Ruth· MceUuey ii dlrectinc
the' production, ·which con·
eems the '"marria1e ol con-
venience" between a U.S.
Seoolot 11111 hil oemtary.
'fr1o!lll will be held at 7,io
p.m. hi the Lido I s l e
Cb.-, '1111 Via Udo Saud, Newport llelch. Tbe eut clll.9
for fqor men and two womm.
llto the lhow itoelf, a b~
lhy In -1onll lnvofvemenL
the oecood ICI, IClln like the "'°" ltatt. ·
Al the yoonc boy. Din Ter-
ry Is dellcMd tO the point
of "''r !ndlf!l~. Clear~ the •ll'OOleot ol .the •ut
voeally, he motl' ac<!tr!lely
''1'111 •AN1'ASTtCIU ..
A IJlllllclol llRluy bV T"" J"""
Ind H•,.,., (dlm)41, dlrte~ ~ ft. •It• ~ ....., ~ ll'Wlcil ~ OIR T9ffY· fldwlkll di~ TWIY Jthlllll\, llelltlilt ., ..... ~ .......
_._. W PtNr11 XI TllMtw i'""°'lt .,.. ....... .,. tftfOUlli , .... " Mtir-..,, Htlt.' I» LOCinl Awe., 1,..,. -· THI UST
Ill o.1i. ................... ,, II:~ L1irlM •.•.•...•••••••••. C1nil Crffnbtft
Mitt ......................... °"' fllT'J ~ .............. DM'll• O'ErllrlO
a.lle1'1'f'., ...................... '"""'
Htlll"Y ........... ".' ... l"flll• I.Idle,..
Mlrtil'Mt ................ ,,.Vlft(.e T"nl
Tiit ~ ............. , ... ,1.-lwmt
approslmates 1 concert aolollt
than a musical c::omedY actor,
per1orm1n1 mor. to the ,.,.
dience than to the Other IC--tori · ae la alao the abow's
musical director -a cue
of the bland leading the bland.
01 the two fathers, Dante
D'Eramo.. u the boy's, elves
a far superior performance,
made even sharper by the
lea Impressive contrast of
!ton Brody u his counlerpart
on the strl's side of lhe wan.
In their mw;ical numbt:rs
Brody appears to be a few
beabt behind D'Eramo and
UllUIUltly uncomlorlllble.
Philip Rtchlrdo clveo 1 fine
account of the old,
weatherbeaten actor whole
exit line, ''There an no sman
actors, only small parts," is
one of the evening's best. His
cohort, the Coctney Indian
with a special taltnt for death
scenes, ls equally well d o n e
b)' Vince Trani, while young
Lynn B o u r De effectively
portraya the mute wllh a dash
of Utile alrl chll'ln.
Al previotJaly noled, the
rope ballet with Ill Im·
1g)naUvely llage dueling 11111
death ocenes II the bflhllght
of the ahow. Terry'• 111 Can
See It" shows hlm at his
stron&est, while Bill Coffey'•
dtuyin& llghUn1 effecll, come
acrou well in the "Bound
and Round" number. SUch
momenta, however, are to be
uvored for they are in-
'"The FantuticU" will be
ataaed fw three more
weetendl at the Forum XI
Theater, on the fifth floor of
Looi Beacb'a Morpo Hall.
Triple J'hreat
Emem Lehman wtll wr11e, pr•
duce and dJrect the film
I.he IOI NIWHAIT verthm of Pbillp Rotti's new
Hatio111I tH 111111 ,. .. ,,.
.t.1, l"•ll• ,,. .. tht ~DAILY
PK.OT c.•""' ••111• . .., ef th•
"'"' ,.plllltr c•hllllllJ 1114
fltfvNI 1•1Jl1ill1 f9 triy
n1w.ip•,.r IR th1 U11ft1cl
·St1t.1. novel, 0 Portnoy'I Complaint" 1.,., si..w ,..,.. 7 ,... for 20th Centlry-For. ~u~~;:~;~~·~~~·;.;llF.C~·~ ... ~ ...... ~·~· -~·~··§··~~NO~W~S~HO~W;;ll;;G=~l==;C~.Ar=o~s~s=w=o=r~d:-~P~t=J:Z~Z~l~e=---1
.c;oocais aurr I
I ..
~·· .._ ·~ . ' .....
. .,,..
7191. .... ............ " ....
OPIN AT 7111
RATUll ltlO
-on. stt-iR1 ORiy-
Held Over 5th & Final Week!
TUdDAT, NI. 4fti
SKOWIN• • 1 I t p.a.
l ICIM of
Ctntlln ..... _
'""' 110 l111fctl
Ill ri:o.:. •• ••le. H llllllcal ....
l• Glrl'I ... 17"•t•ll ·-I : 2nrds UC-.......
It Trick aat
d1h•1 2t U•lftllm ''""'" nus,...
22 C•tlttl:· · c .....
23 Pll'l of 1
•oltc1I• 2510ftl~ -UC.et s1 c .... 1at1 .. . , ... .
» '""'" ....
JJ Cafe...,..
J5 City ol
Ml"lll ltT•I• -411 ......... 4J Lim ....
•114 llft ....... , ..... ,
........ _.
U"'": Z•.U 4f l/l000
•f 11 llclt 51 Strtof.
nr.~ ... .. ,..,., ...
S7 lllMll ., -· SI ICW 1f H-· n--
.1·1.·111 fl ·11111 l·.t•!.!l..U
~.I :J .1 1.o ll~t W f.l lHd •ill
JU '·l (J n1urUJl'Jl:.:ttt.•1 :J l t tl f l 411 f-:'11.1.1111·.
J t I t tl J't lll';U
.,. !~4 l t!.111 l !l.'l~t..
'1 1 f IJ 1~1 IL1 U f.l lll l•I·
.It tl.J l J\'''U LJL~!lW L\l "L
t ·1·.~~·:1 , 11 1: ,11.H j l!fl''
t '.1 JU 111111 l_jL lJU
1,,;1.11.;11 •n .:l't ·l •
ll lJ.J .t lll. lt•H.I I I. l•l ·-
,h ·lhl "l rl l.1111;11 L l 'l.I:
'1'·1'' 1 nu L 'J 1•11.1·
,,., 1 11: 1..l~Ll.i I Lt.'l '1-r-·-. 2IJM .,_ . ., ''-. ,. __
llJM: lrlt. 1--J1 , ... 66 Atnillllltft I ttitn1 • JI 9" 11 •r "'tr "'"" us 40 ........ 67 URJllHMt , cltf_ lwllt tr,rtnlM t lrtlllt 4Z Klftd of •• $11111 ....... l sl*tl ,,...., '""'"' l' Ir. r1x-u 45 -"'' lt 9-rf• 1 u,,., 47 Social 70 lltctrMt ,..,., .,,.,,
,._1...e.t •f 111110 50-ReUc:•
n ""'' 12 -·• n ,,.., of 72 fl"-'• ... .,--... ,, -'"*"i'Z' .... _. nsti.,_ u1• n-11.i.,~ 11• rWtt •IMlw Qff, 21-54-DOll 24 Artie.. ......_
H P1rt tt1, 5S Al Altlbt
lCWtf•t e:: '6C .... k Z ,,..,_. 17 Ir. 1 6IAll ... •• Jl"8iot .... r.... ror .. ...
•• 21 Dl1ntr11111 6Z lsol1t• 4 S. Mtr. Mfe9'. '3 Strite
pllll 2tLlftltl!Ulll M f'tndl
5 JO S•lil•to .,.....,L'·t • • .. 61 ''" h ,.. N sc la .. .,, ::1 • T::n. •·•·
DAft.YPILOl' p
·-W -· ADS
0.noro! 1000 0...rol IOOOGonorol 1000
lllANCHO LA CUISTA al Brookhurst & At·
!ant• in HunUngtoo Be,c~. We Tuought we·
bad all our new homes sold but one Q( oilr'
buyers has been transferred & we must sell
this home immediately. Thia Sa11 111i4"el
model la a beoutlfUI 2 story home fealunng:
4 bedtoomo, 3 btthroomt, formal dining
ro.om, family room with a real fireplace, elec·
tnc buil~ln ldtdlen, luzurioua green shat
carpets throu&houl Tbe oullide lnclud., ~~ke roof & concrete driveway. Gricious
hvtnJ for Onll '31,800 with 10% down. Im-
mediate occupancy. Cl1l 968-2929 or 96S.
1336 any day from 10 to 6.
=---=-- ---~ --=---=--=---~---=--=--= ---
!6th A Tustin-Cos!• -·
E:rcellent Jocation near schools1 sbop~ng
and be1ch Only a few !ell. Buy now wlille In·
terest rates are only -- -
7•;. with 20% down-7112% with 10¥. Dn.
no 2nd -no points -29 yrs on balance
Exclusl .. Agent
p. a. palmer incorporated
Troct Ph: 546-5113 From L.A. Call MA 5-8034
N~ a cfwWe ot pace'! R·l ,
best kK:ation, }ew] loL Near
(Olf ~ and lndWltry -
$7,500. with you name ii
$25 ....
Ocean Front Lot
llrvl~ Cove I
180 front '"" overlooks pdvate _ ... "'
w.ilh sent&-J"dU1,.-IW1
Ju t Ocel.n front lot
availabla In lhlll
escluolve ....
Call: Jim C.Obb
Res. 673-lllt
· PAHirS .
Jn a. spacioua: muter suite
\vith view of the Bay, ~t
only a. ltep UlfOUlh im~
doublt door to join the fam.
lly The chfldftn'• wtnr hu
3 mCll'll bedroamt A 2 bl.tbs.
This brand new IVAN
WEUS' borne 1DQlf: be lll!t!D
to a~iate the eue ol. ~
living mm 1:-14' hla;h endl»-
ed atrl.wn with wet bar. The
cbildttn have their own tam,
ily room. Call tod-.y lo Re
this brand new b!auty.
Roy J, Ward Co.
l8aycreat C>ffice)
1142 Santiago Dr. 646--1550
Charml..-3 bedroom or 2
bedroom I: den. l"-bathl.
lireplace, carpets I: drapes,
built-in . &: forced air heat. IWlllm' nu. wen iandoclped home .lrast of the llD Llll1R!, :' ..';'lh'°:"" ..;' ~"'!~ Small Spenders
R E A L T y ed back: yard, with room tor Newport Heights aru and
........., a b>a.t, camper, or build a cloee to ~ Eut -W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. rental unll! It bu a paved 17th St. and Westcllff llhop-67~ alley 'entrance for euy ao-phla:, all achoolJI and tbe
CWS-l'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!W I ceaa. Location b just about new Costa Mesa part. 3 Four lffroo-pert<ct, I% blluo to Nowport large bodroonu or % a'l!I 1
$19 500 ""'d' school, and only 2 lili '°"""""bl• d<o, II< .......
• to new city park. East 17th forced air heafuV and a
Move into Urll 1~ family street and WestcliU shop.. complete built-In kitchen.
home today. C.Olil? to shop-pine and two otht:r schoob Deep R-2 lot with alley ac-
Pin&:. &Chool• and churcN!s. within walking distance, FM cess with room tor an in-
Jw t put on tbe market, this appointment to see. writt:: come unit or extra ~.
one won't l.ut. $153 per Private Party You small apemtts, tt'a
month includes taxes and i"-Box P6l2 only $25,500,
:..~C.:~1::,, :'°WN iiiiiiii!i•Datl···--iii• 1 Colesworlhy & Co.
WE SELL A HOME "E-"'-'-" EVERY 31 MINUTES ••v•• -1904 Harbor Ir..!. Walker & Lee :d,:.."'~~"~i cM. Open E.:.2·7777
2043 WettcUU Dr. CJwtnel, lower fenced patio I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiOf
-dbl 1 a rare, ahoppina.
Ooftn &: park step. away.
$37,500 ii a marketable vaJ.
ua lot thl!I property. Ftt
&46-ml Open Eves.
2 Story-Shake
Roof Rustic tlmpJe.
COST A MESA. Fonnal slate ..
entry. Larae Uvlng room llD f'ldlmr:
with brick log buml.na fire· _ .......-g'
place. G!ianUc lomlly room R E A L T y
with 11.ed brick fireplace + 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B,
bar. Charmttw kitchen with 67• •-buUt-inl + dishwasher. Din-'"'"9UVY
ing area. Great master with Yfho Llbl Children?
private be.th. Forced a Ir Nearly everyone, So if Your
h!attnc. 3 baths. L • r I' e future Is tied to the kids
h•ted pool with divirw conwntenoe, A: protection.
board. Near school.I, shop. ... _. 3 ·~---ho ping am beach. Only $36,950. ......... • a Ul:UroUIJI me
FORESI' E. OLSON, INC. on east.Ide Costa ·M~. only 541~ 1 ~ blka: to Newport Heights -;--.--...--:-.c.--· i arade »Choo!. l....arge fenced
Lo.,.· closing cost td flnanclal.
Jy quallfied buyer. 2 BR.
prime EuWde location. 1m
x143 ' lot room for expamkui
" additional unit with ..n. ance. Don't mils thil one!
Terna ottered subject Jo
bank appmval 4 CRV.
Newport .,
Oupltx W"t1lde back yard with alley en.
2 bedroomt each. Like new. ~. Fireplace, built-ins, J ~~~~~~~~~/
One Nock to shopplfw ••· • cpta I: drape1, 1% baths. For ThrH Wishes
$23,500 appointment lo see u peace, comfort & location
Homo A Buslne11 Loe. HARRY BOGGS ""' Important to """ -this CNf!r. Convenient to Excellent for accountant, REALTY Newport ff e 11 ht 1 pacte
beauty Won, antiques, etc. 17199 Brookbunt
Home includes 4 BR 2 batti., ••ii98U631illlliiio ... -iiiiiiio~ IChooJ, and all ahopplQr. 2 blkt to new park. ()nb' double p.rqe • .. •• · $23,500 SZ.500; and all these "plu."
GENCO JIEAL1Y 642-4422 BUCH INCOME 1 .. 1w·... 3 ........_ 2
628 w: 19th Strfft, C.M. bath!. fireplaor, cpta. and
Parent's s J.ots to the beach. Okter • drape1, double caraae, coo-
Spanilh architecture 1ur-crete drive, Iarsc fenced Private World "'undod by mod•m. 3 unit. back yanl on 50Xl.ltfIT. M
ln a apacloua muter lui~ in rftd of a lace lilttne. LOT. 1b!tt is not to much
with Bay vitw + children'• Owner says sell or trade for avaJlable in this put al
wing, 14' atrium, wet bar. income. eutskle C.M. HUfTY. QWN.
Roy J. Ward Co. $52 000 ER. .........
lM2 -I»'.' .... 1500 ' i uot roduced·$120G.
5%% LOAll Newport ';:~ BR.n,i! = Q..
alley, Now only 1%1,1'0. at
Huge Rumpvs
• Room t'. • sHAG
f llR -11' bailli, w.1-CARPETING Exc/uolve Ollna Oove-,ry,1 · ' s-· · YfG' around tMzw • wt1o4 flotn. «bible lllnl.P• MW lften ahag ~ 1 Harbor &ft J BR. 1
'25,000. pet lni ttl1a Jpaclous -4 bdrm priced to .ii fut at· '9
Wollll-McCordlo, Rltro. ,.., .. """'·""'""""·New •by...,.°""
1810 Newport Blvd,, C.M. on tho "''"'" • ..., draP" I COl•N M &R ~7129 ~-644.al8-C A paint too. MIJfUUum prl-• A
vaey. Priced a1134;l!;O, llEAL TORS
3036 E, c-t Hwy, C "A" Fra-675-1662 • '1 •• ' ... ""' ·\ J .••
MOidun Beach Homt, 3 BR.
2 bl. A steal at $2&.500
3 BR Rtntal •.•. 1235 mo.
C.yw11d • ...,
541290 '
ll!fll W ... O>Ut ;;'.J., H.B.
i·l6 5990
10 UNITS» ~ to movtf You'U J'I"~ A
on S lota. Adjt;cnt to OC!ean-flnd an UDltlng numher ol ~ barpJm J'OI ._.
tt"&llt. $155,IDJ. boaMt ID t9tkY'a Clualt!ert Q1#W Mt. ~
lalboa R.01 E1t1t1 Co. Adi. a-them now. ,._-~·~~~~~~~! 100 !. BeJbol Blvd Balboli Pl.M:Z )'N:' .,,..,. td •Mtl '! YM Ad kl
6'/3.f!IO " ...,. ....... -,DAILY --di h lloltlils PD.D'l' ~! IM2-58'?1. IL Dla1 IG4l'1I
" '
• • •
'DAILY Ml.OT ·~-~-~-~S~fO~·blj~·~.i."t:n.!.~!!J~Jj~~~!!!_!;POa~:t·-s.~A~i.~~~,;: HOUSIS·ll01tUlt HOUSIS-POR'SALt ousrs tioR-SAL ( HOUSES FOi SA~! . RENTALS RENTALS l'°"'~:-~·;;..i~1 -;:;:;;-;;1;°":'!~·0~1•~!'1~111~:;:::;;;';;;'~c~•~•;:•as;;;e1~-;;;;·;;'§'~•~oo~ o....ral 1000-.. 1 1000 1 .. 1,,. im 1,.1n. _ . _ 1231 Hoo.111 un1urn1ohocl AplL '""'lihol .,. v----·----·-----Cotta"'MHA-" 3100 NeW,o;t ... eh 4100 WILL LOCATED ™:WWWWm:iiifWW . ':ruR«" aol:K· H1w· ,
4 --3 balhl,..... SHIPWATCHERS' ' ~:· ".1· -· -• ~. , . • . '""' l BR. I Ba.;-.. -· CHATEAU Lo POINTE ; .-i _,, --_ ·' _ ~ • ON THE IRVINE RANCH. llaN<· "">!. ...., )'d. 111 ' room. ...._ nan. Lars-1, .. " .. • • Are now oUerlng for sale, their award win· It tut roo'1. .. rent. cleanup 1':wel.Y n.u-n. z BR ap\L Off •
• iltlo ,...i ·..i.. ...,.. n 6Y2•;. INTlllST-NO LOAN FIES .-'!,'111C. 1r11mnn .11EM1rrr d•""'L $1'0 'Mo. l!>65 '""°'pa"""'·earporll.Htd ..,.. boat and .....,., Will ,. 1 ~'!'I!> KAUllrU.. llWl'U niQR •lnG• & ,splil ·level 3 & 4 .bedroom Mfr1oo Wt.r. 538-™.,.. pool. Adult" no pols. $1511.
=·N-SMI--....... ~34.500 ,to ~Jl,5o0 I t:';an'cl lhei:;aoal~) • MODEL_.. 9ns; . . ~A:.!.:,·~~ :w PO:'Ai:;:' .. ~;
'.., SOMI WITH OCEAN VIEW IEX'""""S...., Lfsda lile Th~ model homes are magni!lcenlly ap-!!!w.'!:.·.. poll; 2 -· !Jreplace; nicely lunlllhed. "° Eut 11th, a..ta ,._ Lerulerw ~Iona, 30 year lo&o, 'lO% . '!"~~-!!"' r,!l,tttl!d wllh the very Jinest o! carpets-.,~ • .,.... Sll6. ""-uUJIUe" 1141~ down 00 2nd Tllo in ....,., San Clemo~·--Plfced froltt' $98,000 rapes -wallpapers; plUJ. eve3' model la 2 BEDROOM """""""" Call an.r • ~m. 543-2391
3 & ;j' bedrl!9ma, 2~. batlil, ~sq It of llv· OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY lo SUNDAY rir~o_naby landscaped. specla walkways boui<.Nowi,. do c ora t•d BEAt.rr. Igo. 2 Br. Ill ba.
log area, muter sulle you'Ye dreatried about; 103 • 105 Lindo hie Drlvi, -port Beech patios prtvill; one with· swimming pooL througj>ouL ~llkle ow otudlo. pi>ol, !Ki•· patio. m>
30' long a. bu Ill own flrtplace, huge cliieets 1".°""' lly ·~~~,,,.~•; ' · · "n1eei! homes are l'l•ctd on quite large & M,.. $155. J!ltr. OU-'1939 :mo Sanla ;,,,. • ~2933
& dres&lw! area. New c.vp<ls, drapes, coJt>. B o Y D R Ii A L T y very prinle lols lhat may be ell her leased ' BR. aar, patio, ..,,,., """· 161 • ., •VERY nice bacl>e1or
pletely rei1ecoraled le landscaped. Oversized 3629 E. r,.. .. If-. (Au ·. J .675-5930 or purchased wllh a grant. deed to Jl!U land ''°""· """· Tropical .. t. •el 1l:I w. wti.cm. C.?d doub!B ~ltt·' -.--,. _, -,u ... ownership.· · :C~_r:so·~~tasJ..:-to OCEAN!o~;:a. Fl'Plc.
(Dlrar:tions: trom'Son Diego Freeway 11¥ E\ : · ' .N:_. ' ....... •---L Follow the stgns to TURTLE ROCK HILU>, .. Mou ·Verde 3110' gar, A'2!-,!~ti ?.-Jw>ef.
·eam1no Real·oCf ramt;;le!t 1 short block & ·Pele Ba-it R .11. _. ,,,. ,,_,.,, 1 mile F4st of tho .University of Call!ornla 1;;.;.;=-==----=::.;:. Reul"~ · •
ltll'tl left on A.venida •;3•1,11 dln!d to , ''"I'. 9.,,, 4+Famlly $19,000 at Irvine, just o!l lhe lnler>ection of Campw $18S/mo. Walp paid. ~ice lhw....; iuch "*
SEA.SPRAY MODELS , OPEN DAILY 1~ ·Proianta Wow-4 bedroom + 1om11y Drive & Culver Dr!~· 3 BR. A~~".': . 1··~.-". "'""·-"-----.
THE WL ESTATt:lS Office: 51 1 S.n'i uon 492-tUJ or S45i34e5 WATERFRONT with ~~~t ha:, \::"'~::.! l!:::!:!!T!!o!i:lo!: !8!3!:J.!1!102!!!Fo!r~F~urt~ho~r!!ln~fo~r~mat~i~on~~1 N.:-rt Beech J200 ~~ty~r""' '
546-2313 * W E i"'a~HENMYE R · PIElt & SLIP kltoben. Now ""tom...... ·-·· eou.126Se
* 64 ,7171 • • ""'"' R L,TR. NOT LEASE HOLD. "· waB to wall """'"'i ;;t-~;;;;•;;1;;;Mo;;;r;;;;;l;;i2;;;50 L-na BOich 1705 3 llR. 2 ea."""" eacl<l .c=.=_=;._.;:;,"'_ .. ;:,,-?i';;:;=.=250=
.. •
• • •
v-Thls custom -...1-....1 forced air"'heating. Room tor 11 Bay. Redec; qits. drpa., ·---"'
••-TH• •N -·~-boat or trailer. F•n""' yard. OCEAN BOULEV'RDI Inc•'!'• Units bltns. poo Mo. May . .,.1-"-""-"-..CC-""----'"K ~ POOl ·1m·n contemporary home i! -Only $19,000. Better hurry r.-·i Handymen 'Specl1ls ~ lor .San D~go. 1 SOR, compl fllr.n· •IX w/
, -lllNT GOOD JHlllLJ , , .J.NJ ~ located on 120' of water won't ,tut,. FOREST E. OL-Co~~~! ;;:~,c.~A~I .. Loe. on Oc:eandde-ot HW)', -~4 , gar. lM $145 mo •. Adlts, no
No down to Vets -Im-lllV • frontage. The baysjde SON, INC. 541-6314 ,..,._ ""' "'°"'. ,...,.. • ....-150 -.:1 .. •-'-.,. ___ ,. .1 I · petL m912l.
ediate 1 3 Theta · let' w sbow you this patio offeri a deUghHul mired !Jome, White w&ter ;,...,. uvu• .-:-....... ., · " 2 BR. ·bnmac. Cl'pfB. drps. ~ ~~:1" has don't alw&)'I come in home with 16'¥ali' uh pb-view or dlaJl¥1 & boat-View, weathered 1 bou'd • .l APt. units, needs paiDt· • pa,tio, Acrou from Lido Balboa 4300
lar&e: livin& room with small packaga. Take eiJed FAMil...'Y. RUMPUS ing activi9"· A tile 'entzy Costa ~· l lOO batton. atone tin!~, Opeit good reneral cleanup. PO-:sfioPa. $:<Xl monthly lse. --------firepla~. carpets and this home for example: ROOM with 13• raised taearth Je~ to a large 11unn,y , beam ceilli:ic, all combine-• TEN'T1AL [ N C 0 M E EX· ~ CLEAN Bachelor Apts. ~~·$22.~4:v'~o:; 4 BRs 2 hi.tbs. larre Uled brick fireplace. beam. living room with walls l---H------'" in this 3 Bdrm bonte". CEID~G $10,000 ANNU~ 4 BR. 3-Ba. cpts, drps., All util incl S'fi-up
praised. combination fami ly / ed c:elfuws and built-in pad-of g1a.ss.. Ma.Iller becl· . ome + Or.1nge Coast Property LY. Pnce $69,!lill. ~!ns· Wr . ...J!eJlch, • ch:11'. 3.15 E. Balboa m vd.
recreation rumpus l'OQ.m ded·bar·with stools -D@l·Piso room ·suite is on UK! ... Investment ~ Marguertfe, CdM ~ MISS10N REALTY 494-0731 pools, tennis. 673-813-t BALBOA 613-9945
NEID·WOIKSHOP7 with panelled walls, entr)',·. neat THREE BED-Jirst noor with unusual 1 1 + · ..:....__ 9&1 So. qiast. La.gUna 3 BR 2 Ba lrl 2 BR. nr. beaches & shops. Newport Heights 3 bed-w / w carpetiJ1& etc. ROOr.t. T W 0 PUU.MAN d . I: bath ncome location wiUl this -,, pc., cpts,
room with hardwood Covered patJo which BATJt' HOME:with· dlrlinv &":smg:r:oom ad: 2 br ho~ on R·2 lol WW ln'com!I Prope' rty L.,un1 Niguel l707 drapes; 1~~ bib. to beach. $160 Per mo .. yrly. Util. noon and plaster inter-Id -be -10 sell last at only $16,500! Yearly. $185. 67l-8088 paicl. 54&-391.l; 675-581D . Double + cou e convert-room, brea,kfast &ar. Jaw:dr>' jOlns the ·Wit 2 car S th f H
\00x20'' ·-·kshgo8:;1e00... · ed to sunp:rch. Detach-room and built-in•" klfcl>. ....... -. Call us to see ,., "rltlg" 2 OU 0 wy 'DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba.; pro-N Sho 3220 L'd Isle •351
cred c;,.'Port. Bes't bey ed double garage, 130' en incfudID& disposal and th"is-:.~usive listing. uo· SPRI. NG BR home plus 1 BR Rental. 1e8!. lndscpd. & decorated; ewport NI
1 0
· "'
in the area. $26,500. deep lot. Full pr t c e di.aJl.wq,aber. Qouble ~. ..-'D.1' A. y""' ::: ~n: ·abOps. $45,000 • in exclusive Mo~h Bay; 3 BDRM. 2 Ba. duplex. I ;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
$23,500. NO OOWN VA 1arze patio lllab and enclos-~ ,_. .l\i.DlUol.I. A 0 C t p lovely ocean Vlew; auto. Bltns, q)ts, drps.. $21.S Yrly. FURNISHED Lido Apl 2
IOOM TO PLA y or I.OW DOWN FHA. M yard An EASTSIDE 1605 • "anytime.. r1.n99 OU roperty water aonener &: elec. aar. tU Highland. Ope'n Sun. 11-5 lilory 3 bdnn 2 bath, fire-
20x30 Extra room in this Paymenll I es 1 than ' · -......., u-~ 332 Marguerite, CdM 67J.i550 doors· 1 -new •m 500 plare, South patio, 2 car big 4 bedroom tamn..• COSfA ME 8oA. SPECIAL _ Wes.tcliff Or. ~ ncu.·uu.-Blvd., C.M. • J•• • .,.,.-., · or call: (213) 449-4320 ' I UJ rent. •• NEAR _ with 6~ % loan. Owner (1) _ parking. $275 mo short term home. Top flight area UPPER JµY for 'lWO STORY -assume 6% 499-4198 3 DOR, D.R. + F .M., 2 ba. or $350 yearly. Adu1l!, Ask
f or school!, &hopping. • COATS only $27,500. A. &.l'P.lP iD " .. ' 642·5200 loan -small equity. Only LIN Isle 1351 New carpets, newly dee. Jor Mrs. Grunsky.
$32,950. • _...,.,;. .... AC'r .No\ff!!! ~ 2 old / •-• ..._..., ~--years -w w carpe..,., 0.ne Point 1730 SprinldS"!I, c~pl renct!d Pete Barrett Re1lty
MESA VEIDE WALLACE all built-ins -,...., living 3 ,Outstanclln9 . . )Vat/a"" pd. l350 '"· 642~200
:::t1~Pj~l~:~~~ . REALTORS JOIJCH Of SPAlll :°:celle~~~i:a..~ "COUPLE" HOMES ,OPEN DAILY 12 to 3 1-.....,,:i,;=· =====
All el ki'·h , bi 546-4141-to belie CALL ·-llSl v· G . ~ooo 3 bdnns, den, 2 baths, poo1,1-~ ~ ec. "' en • f, fOpM'I IWl'I ve. .-r aa l"8.ZWla ..... • ....,, 15 x 35. $35.(0). 25251 Main-Bide Bly 3240 Huntington ~•ch 4409 -l ~~~ ~~ ~ ll~""'""'""'""'""'lnpl'""""'" 3 BR & family Rm !,.~tai:e ~ve1> Heritage Real ~~n':aziLidorso .·.·.·.·•·.·.·.• ~·~ sail Dr. 642-2823 -·~--'-~--~-monthJ.v includes taxes. .c.:i; ...,..,.,..,.l======'"'====-13 BR. tenoed·-yard, water UTILITIES PAID
Large family will have.
room to roorn 5 bed··
rQOmS 3 baths.' 1 blocli
from N.H. Yacht Club, 1 block to beach. !Alts ot privacy on this dOU-
ble R. 2 lot. Reduced
$5000 to $69,500.
needs a .new owner. 5
lovely bedrooms, 3 baths and extra large (amlly
room. Decorated carpets
and draPl!;S are beautiful
plut swirilbtin£ pool with slide and divlng board.
Abandoned by transfer·
rtd owner. Spacious liv· ing too m with open
beam celling • 2 brick
fireplaces. Move in to-morrow. -$40,950..
Spic and spa.n with new sbq' carpets. Large liv·
lng room with wood·
"""""' fittplaco. Kfl<h· en with built-in&. dish--washer. -$24,500. Just
'246Q down.
Horta. Ranchos Zllf.lltli -Many Dne l"!h!"' In tbio OWNER BAlLING ot.rr • LIDC! REAL TY Apartments paMI. )mmed. <>«· Childre< 2 B<lnn•. fom. Hid. pool bu~~~=== :• 3$~!5~ Eveninp can ~~ ~~ hoRta!d ~t.ne~ Says, ··'Brina; ooer:~· .Laige 3r Via .Udo . For S.ale.. 1980 Of{. $160. 54~2124 802 iv:xv:~:t ~ H.B.
J -rt Pariah·.'2 bath's -spacidu. Mesa Verde pool home. -=LE~ ~~.N' of c_._._ c&...'....:. "'""" room wlth SpOnhh· 128,950. Money tallm. CALL MOVED OWN YOUR OWN l BR Hunlfngton BOlch ·3400 1 BLOCK !rom . ..,. ... l • -•vm IRKlll fireplace o 7"' all electric AL 81..ACK 546-llSl (opeft % bklck from Victor Hugo's, ' 2 BR apts., heated pool rood earth. AWay from the From tt. shlnde Mrir~ ibe kitchen with. built-in oven, e\oes) HerliQe Real Eltate FEBRUARY 1st .. all elec, mc:e deck & K&tden; .FIEI RENTAL BOOK bit-Im, rec room. Inter-com
hustle and bustle amon&" .brlck entry patio this Eut-rana:e and dishWasher. Tiled BY OWNER: &.Ide 3 BR to: 3355 Via Udo, SWte ~ Prage. Reasonable. ·Low Drop in ·ancf BrowM muSic. Agt. 536-8874 .
gentle ROUJNG H I LL S side beauty willpleue. I>oa-entry-quality Carpets-and l%. Ba. Crpt&. d{PI. blln IJOO BUILDING _ -aliovi nta1ll1. Own ti r, 49'J.nl1 Gorgeous 3 bedroom Pad. 2
with gorgecM,IS view. It's .car. b1e del&dled g:arqe-wltti al· drapew' _ .;riillders fl"Ont:. ·A.sh . Kit; . ind .relrjs .A (ffiue Doli>hln Resta~O Laguna Beach Ba~. Ol.rpets, Drapes.
peted with 4 bedrooms .llbd ley·acoess, country Jdt~ and i ftil'. Top ·conditioo.1 ·~wbr.J..rstocd}'donquiet R. C. GREER. Realty o6t.1ble Garage, Built ins,
2 baths .and larze RANCH wtth-~ldut.~ Wrn•t ··......,_..-in'*"·:i;z·re-... · sr .. $25,500. 642-31163 ot" . ~61J..9300 RENTALS , Nice yard.'·Lease at S119
SIZED KITCHEN with bullto-dipblg 'l'Ooli). ·Wae ~ .re• .. ..-.,....,,~. ....... 831:-3417 HouMt furnithed pei month. Will consider op.
ins & dishwuber and apaC:. panelled u...1.:... ....._ 2 •·-• tion. · ious n .. .i~ r6oill with.'OYZY uia ....... ., _.., BY OWNER. NeWly f'e(1ec D-f t D lo ~-l 2000
uy-~ with stor:aae Pio 3 er: 2 Ba. Pleasant Rttled uey ron . up XII vwnera WE 'SELL A HOME
F1REPLACE. Beat ol. all!!! ore.~ for.the apecWa.. area. Frplc, natl wood b\tn $1<ti,OOO ~ 2-three BR's , EVERY 31 MINUTES
NOOOWNVEI'SorF.H.A. tor ,ata~$22,'00. ki.t. RdWd fira. P a~l9 . $W;®0-3BJt&:TwoBR's ms; ,2 BR.;·1% ha, W'lk &L "wnnE~SELL A 'HOME . [ I 1003 Iliko•, C.M. -""""'' FHA 5%% loan. •,with Fireolace• '" .~· Palo,·"""'. "· a er ee
I .a. ( .Walker .Realty -
EVERY 31 MINUTES · 0 ISW01111Y & o,. Two Hcillsas On 123,«IO. Prine only. 546-8391 3336 via Lido 61>S200 Broker,,._ 1682 "'"'-w lk lJ. , i .:.. · BY 9l'Ul>;R -E-sld• l Br, , . . 842-14\0°' 5400140 a er ee· 1904 Haii>or Blvd ·A·'..... 2 Ba. Natural wood bltn H l .. •-h' ;.:;.. Rol)lala to.Shore 2005 "OpenDallylil8'30
·2790 Harbor ,~.~· . . , C¥. .; i""ri77 ChaMji~-~m.~me wit~ . :r.n~Wi~~~r~:i; unt nsto.n v.,c ._1~ WORKING girt to share 3 ~o~; 2 ~· crpts, dtps._ ~*¥.ams 1 ... Open EYet.o ~ ;"!. built • 1na.. Pewtful Qark &'shl1'"' •. $25.5DO:-~· RIPEr· . ftJm__JJniye.~I'§ru.i9~ ~e.n ~~· wa)l!: to -p -= ~ 9"ood . cab!Mts.". c8rpftect, •· for . (Juidc:·-&ale. $138 Jlft" '·wJth same. ·pays. 546-0928, beach. ~.10> Mo. 962-1>46 apep 1il 9', .M'. · • ~ i ' .. "'" ·,; r ~l ~. Nici! month incllllks all on ' lhia 'emiings ~153L · .
OWNER DESPEllAT•. -lohn m,.Jin· ·a·b·-pa"'-H.,.. double ..,._, Newport Boo.ch -l:iOO "°"'"""' 3 bedrom jeWel. S1'RAIGHT f 24-32 S•nl• An•·Hoights 3630
FACING TRANSFIR I ..... . wll~ """'°" """"· Second · • . F .. ~ 1 a1 "'·'-oung man
Apts., UnfurnishH
General 5000
Close to Shopping, P1rk
• Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba e 2 Bedrooms e Swim ·Pool, PuVgreen
e Frpl, Indiv/lrxlry fac'ls
1845 Anaheim Ave.
COSTA MESA 642-2824
Tranden-ed to florida loOms. .borne is a· 1 bedroom. 'EXcel· A Dlffe'rent ·Housel ~~-~c~"':.!n .... w= looking Jor same to s~ 2 BDRM. uidurn., w/com.l; LovelY h!c O>loniaJ. home J6 LINDA ISLE lent rental.· Lot 101 X 165 Set apart &. distinct 'from · · · · .. -.-.. .,. home in Newport ~5• water paid, Children OK .1140. 2 Bedrooms
bloclc to · a Colt CO\lnle .fair. One ot the beljt" Bayfront wittrroom for 2 JnOl'e uni II. other boWle5 in beBJ: BacJc ;! =~· d= * 642-31fr * $165 Morith 546-0347 mtins, relrig., · w/w
way. May haft to be•~ Buys in Newpcft ™•ch. 4 ~.,,.;~cbvalmllle. ONL.Y Ing~ area. Exclusi~l4. A.king $19,000. ~1!L Shat "'thmy..lin~R;J n-h 3705 ===='B°'ro=kier='S34i;;i:6980="===1 rillced in quick aale to-meet ~ (or 3 Ir: deu).plwi. -JIN. SU t your home wr: SELL A HOME ....... ap . W1 \\uan.u'6 •••• kagun1 U'SaC
transfer nl•l'I.~ ~4;i1)dnna. ~ &Ctlvity rOOm. 'Cobo'.· on oar guaarnttot trade plan. t: :';~ '1 EVERY. 31 MINUTES or student. N.B. area. GOR Costa Mau 5100
-room.room plListed~prlT .. ~ ""~""· • ::;·,~:; ~·:..~~utilul E~~Rs.r.3~,~1~S1:s . t;lltll• !n.! £sta. t!] Walke' r· '& Le· e G= wanted :_ beach • ..:;=~mt!".::;.. ~~: ;'-;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;;:;1 ~· F A ·1 w Jk & L , apt. 3 bd-,, 2 ba, i .. .,._ rent this \\'k, 3 Br .2 Ba-1 Excellen_t, ""'"'"'like sw ..
but malce your Q(lor! (714) :42.l:l'is a er ee IDEAL FAMlLY llOM'.E 1682 '.Ed;,g.,. & beaut siS'.'613-069' ~·· 646-5626 ro-.;-;dults roqulr-
. 881 ~r Drive, SUlle 101 ' Near Mariner's Park. 3 Br, 842-4tS5 or 540-5140 • 1ng Peace. Ir: qujet,.
i i
541-SM .._. Jdacco Realty Co. BJd&. ~ Westclltt Dr. · · extra lg. 20'. x ZI' · fami!y Open Daily til 8:30 Bil boa 2300 Latun1 Niguel 3707 Diacrimlnative Tena.ii ts
-GE REALTY Newport Bea$ 646-TIU . Open Eves. ·rm,.1% ba. Ex. cond. Fene-.1 ·-3 BDRM, tam rm, 2~ ha, 1, 2 & 3 BDR.¥-~
-·-... paoo. Spa~ klkb., bk ..... CHECK THIS BALBOA P•n•osuta; lil June lrplc, paHo. garoge, bJt.;.... roo;.. NO <;>llLDREN
1 . 5 BR·l"OOL•VA BAYSHORfS BfAUJY Porc h, "''· dble gar. Lo"ly 4 BR 2\1 bath home. 15; 2 BR. furn. "°""· Ulil. C>i>ts & """· 1225 mo. MARTINIQUE
MESA DEL MAI Udo Bayfront Wb.v wait.for smnmer to _go Com«t see .this Jam 4-BR ~W:-1.n.$~ 1912 ~~t~~~~ ';1p:~~ 673-3182 Mtex = !Alng Beach GA GARDEN Am.
NesUed in gul~t. safe swimming. Irruiiaculate with 3 bath separate d1nlng room, comer lot. Robin for boat or 18th & Sant• Ana, C.M.
t .. . '
cul~e-sac. 3 Bedroom. 2 $89,000 new· family room • Excel· patio&: boat yard. Only trailer. Really a nice home. Laguna BHCh · 2705 RENTALS Call Mrs. Henderson 646-.i542
balh with famll,y and Lido duplex w/Jge 3 BM Ba lent terms. Don't delay at $5S·,OOO Bayview Condomlnlu'm Only $31,500 • assume old Apts. Furnished 1m Sant.a Ana, Apt 113, c .M. +I
laundry rooms. Bit -in $34.950 ~VA! Owner movtne back to L.A. }'HA Joan. 1 BR, 3 blocks to beach.1::::::-='7'_;;_=='-:;:::l""'l~~~"""',;,,;""1
kl•-•· all en_,_ ... .a owner apt Up w/SWttP!na Adu!•-only $1 """en r •WM_.. "-·· · 3 BR 2 Bi tal 3 BR. 214 BA. drpd & crptd. Paul Jones Realty ..,. · 45 mo. General 4000 Moving· fob-. 2nd B!e overliz.e back yard. ~ VH!W. · rm ~~ "!UNG" $56,CMXI Owner 644-2370 847-12Ei6 Eves. 53&7l24 * 497-1686 * $27.500. ~ .. wllo,y under-Owner ( ,. SPRING 2 BR. w/g.,.. La•. lnod yd. ' ~--5 BR/2 Yrs N 3 BR. 2 ha. don; ""''" v~w. RENT PaUo; )'ater pd. 2 locations
FlllE POOL J .. Clarl<son •w= REALTY T . ew ~ mo, or ho/opt._ S63 3 Rooma Fumlluro 22"4 Plaoentla, Apl. 0 1115 Bic Westclitt corner, ....... .,_,,_ •-vvl-Condominium ake ad.vantage ot low 6~~ Mystic \Vay lilS-4331 2176 Placen•i-A t c ~·· n= landsca~ with -·· ·-2 71.1 An · -, ~ ... interest -"":ie !t luts. oub-' $25 Month ..... P • ~.....,
d llul •-t 3 bed * ~ -1 ' . ytlmo * Owner ~-•-~to L.A. ·-RENTAL• e 636-4120 e • UI •I • 2629 Jfatbo m c. ......... ......... mil down, formal dining, ~ ruu. OPnON' TO BUY room. 2 bath with large r Yd., M. 3 BR, 2% Bk, drpd 6 c:rptd, cpW-. •lato en•-·, lots H LUXURIOUS 2 BR i u •· famil1 or dining room. · · -"6%% TranaferaNe loan. .. ¥ ouau Unfurnished (Refrigerators Av&ilable) ·• ,. ua., Pri""' at $49,500 -and c.Mwll.. 11• &.Co, UNCOMPARABLE -Fenced~Off Pool $56,000 Owner 644-2370 ol cahlnot , .. .,.. "'"'" No d.,..11 o a c al t etoc., cp"· drp~ G.E.
yru'"te_!!t a 11>e1atec1 and .r;:,,;_,C:: ~ 4 BEDR0oM Channlng 4 bdrm Baycre~t 84B1~SHEARE RE~~ TY I ·Gon;;;;;;•;;r•;;l;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;3000;;;;:i H.t=.R.C~ . . gk~· .. :~..:.~tne1140treeAdul'' ls.incl.
•n.a poo ree. 10 1 a.: Wiii $22,500 home with Jamily room_ & BEAUTJFUL -o.w' vc:s ..... l-2442 1• Furfdtu·re Re ntals uwt
DOVEi sH011s ~""~~"'!"'!"!'!!!!!!"'".... Spacious 3 -2 bath. .. ..,.t. dWng ;"""". """-QUALITY . HOME ASSUME 5" % L" 111 YEARLY ReNTALS sn w. 19th. c.M. 548-J481 f "'="'"""'·,:;:Ee;. -;:::·:,:c,,.><:::·c.,._ CU.tom-built 4 bedroom DAVIDSON Realty lamily room homo. loolated •Ide BBQ.& ""t bar !or oot, 2 Br. & Fam rm. 2\1 Ba. 14 11'1111 NOW AVAILABLE 1568 W. !Acln, Anhm 77~2800 2 BDRM.studio, Crpi., drpo.
with 3 baths, formal rear livlnc room with en-door ·parties. Xlnt area. Priced Righi! Balboa Co 3 BR 1A<:n bit-in,,, garage, Adlts, refs,
dJnina room and family Upside down 1D&lde out any. hancirw fittplace. Brick pa. Owner. 642-3719. OPEN Large 4 bedroomit. Oo6e lo YCS •••. .,_ ROUDAY PLAZA no pets. $135.1971CWallace
room. c.ompletely re-way JOU loDk Jt needs aome tio witb ps BBQ. Dream Arnold Ir Freud HOUSE SAT le SU~. sc:hool:s & Shoppini ' 'i'6B~ Mesa T~s DELUXE, ~'!ious 1-Bdrm. Ave.
"°"'edUd.ando w n er has \\-'Ork, but what do )'Ol.I ex· kitchen with built-in range, . 388 E. 17th St., ·c.M. u... ..... FT --·ed v•-.. Lo• Also Repoueulons WIN"T'E"R ... R .. E .. N"T"A"LS22SS HFurnted. aptl$135 Plus util BACHELOR l "3 bd •· mov will give tm-peel for $10.'rrjO. oven• dllhwuher. 540-1'120 Realtors 646-7755 ~ ~ ..... .. HAFFDAL REALTY ea poo Ample parldbg ·.-rm ap .. ,, mediate possession with Rltr. mo Harbor lB, CM TARBELL 295.5 HorL-..: Contemporary bou:se. Stone, 8140 Warner 842440:l AVAILABLE NOW No children.No pets turn & unfurn. 998 El
l0% down. $?3,500. ll'.,....;o~~=='.Eves.~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~!1D~AIL~'l~P~llD'r~~W~4!ff~~ADS~.~t~ 1 ·•• mahogany. Suitable From $165 · $300 196.5 Pomona, CM 642-5858 ;-Camo;;-'"°-=°':2-· ~~,:..=,:.,_-..,. HOSPtTAUTY tor 2 or 3 people. Enclosed Fountain Valley 1410 e · RED (ARPEJ e $].(fj; l·Bedroom 2 BR, grdD apt. fpl, cpts,
. HOUSE Chner1I 2000General 2000General 2000 patio. $49,500. 2928 diu 1-Bath; Utilities paid ~ bltns, patio, . pool.
Extensive 5 bedroom 311-=-==--:==================--::::::.._ Drive, Newport Beach. $29,950 REAL'IY Broker 534-.6980 Adlts, no pets. $145. a46-5163 bettll tn Republic Homes 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 S3ffiO 'down. 3' BR 3 hath, CD offices to serve yoo)' 3 BR l!K baths. $150/mo.
area of Mesa Vttde. • Q./'it'O~}A-n,· ·fr· . s-e · Balioe. CoVH. S &O , O o o , clean· modern tlle kitchen 2025 w. &lboa. Blvd., N.B. Coste Mna 4100 Weels-1.fcCardle Realtosr
BeeuWuJ pooJ complet~ \:)\,!;, J.' Prefer trade for acreaae Or \\'ilh built-ins, walnut cabi· 673-3663 548-7720 z ~~ an~~te will consider other. 540-Tm nets • alJJo in family room, ~""!!'!""""'""'""'""'"I e INTRODUCING e ATI'R 3 BR
10" tktwnarea-or own; So1H cSimpltS~m.bltdWord.Ptuz~foraChuck1c 3 BR, 2. Ba, beam/celling, wall pape~ red brick ex· $135; 2 BR. duple:t. G~. u f J.)' w/w ~ .• d:.1.~~.baYd.
ma,y ~pt tnde. exc opportunity, $22,500 • terlor I: fireplace. Curved W/w; children &: pet OK. • 548-348l ; 54()-015'1; ~
• ..,., • .,. """' o1 ... 1-,----..._.......,, 0 /Agt. ... ~· dri"-· doubt• garage. um . ...,, Broker~ a t~el'e four *"°....., "wds be-wner ,,_.....,,.., eves shake rooL Qal-de-Ac Jal =o-'-=-=°"''-";,:,.::.:.C.,· . l BR garden apt, utilities.
• INCOlll
12 VmTS-'1".500
Stand new • Owner wllJ -3 UNITS-tu.500 ~ ................
all rented.
2 HOUSES ON UYr-... .500
Newport Hetatrts Dl1L -Jt«noudt'ed. .:
°"" llYES. 'TIL 9
ICJ# to.._*"".-~ f. or wk.ends P SS • 3 BDRM., ii,, bath Orange County's Beautiful Qu\et. MatUtt adults. Refs.
l'l.HOY,llT·-I *BAY VIEW Fee lot 85' :;:n l:i,~,& ~ ~ Bltns, w/w, end. NE\\' Adult llW. complex $130. 2633 Orn-:e. C.M.
• • x 195' W/• plans, $34,800. must see to a___,,'"tc. patio. Broker 5M-69lll ' o.istom tum or unfum. KIDS. PET WELCOME .
I ·I' I' j* I Owner SU-7249, 548-G17 Pa.Yable $190 per l'~~u; p -"Singles· 1 Bdmt . 2 B<irms Uri.turn 2 mt 1~ hlockl
_ • • .• • & r: Vacant. Submit ~ Cotta Mete i -100 e Contemporary CUstom to stOl'eS, $12.5 mo. 675-4.m
Baek lay 1240 bom • -·-ne.tgn I I e m u.....,. S BR 1 bath. m Bayview e Luxurious Gardens Sl3J. 2 BDRM, new paint,
, ~ DAT .• BY OW?jER 9 S.A. Hei&hts. S 1 7 5 / mo • e Bubbling sprin; A brook C'rtps, drps, stove, refrir,
Ii I I G Bdrm, 2585 sq fl, 2 story, .,.,_1mmm1r1 Rnlll:tr Ml 114222 Avail .• 42' Pool & thuapy bath ulll Plf •• Avall 2/16. 60-3315
. • . . larie lot. O>st $38.(IXI. WUJ ~T'!!'1'1IJll""" February 5 • Acifvlty room/billiards • LARGE 2 BR. paUo,
~II for m_(IXI U\il week, OLDER "°ttare $lil0. 1 BR e Sauna Bath aaraac. Quiet. AdulU. no
I GU N y 0 I ~~n J •tm cash. Phone BY OWNER -Ir den. Comm. aru. nr. • Putting green peta. 2452 Elden. ~2T6S ....---TRANSFERRED 15th. Gc.-5913 e Outaldf: Gas nnn..
I• •I I' j ' 4 BR. 2 BA Is. -~ NICE 2 Br stud~ apt, "'"r . Ever notice almost Clfwayt, ', ' C'P .... _ 3 BORS, new at>ts. drapes. • El1d. pn.ges A: itorage OC'C. 9M E. Camino. C.M.
the I t k M lrrine Tel'Tlce 1245 ::;.. Xln~ ~·~yr..:: tmma<:. Ref.I, no pets. $150. =~between Sl45. 962-S050. Avail now!
TOtPAS 1-?01 •Y)'OU"Y,.-•· l ;.;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;~.1 ApP"'•$lSIAI0.96>-1CS'l , ,..._,._ »ort' •N""'
..,~1,:.:.l.;':.;1;-..,1,_,1_. e r-... ""' -~-z... D. 0 Yeu N--"' l BDRM ............... -2'IO' -CM 642."10 , -, , -,;,. ~"t:, Z "il:.'1 i::!'. a 4 IR HO:::? NOW'S THI :U,. Older ..i. 1"'tl. ~ $25 Wk. Up
8 !mt•tN1 .. N\Mflfo.1• r r~-.1.·. f' I.' I' I' r ·1 "'"'"""'·•IiR-. TIME FOR !BORM-.quJatloca.•Studlo•Bachapll. ~ ~ . -- . • . . • -• with DOOb. Irvine ~ '-'UICK CASH Hon. SMB. month. ~n • Incl UUls li: PbGne IM!rv.
with •>«ell••" n.,..1._. .,. . ·o.k. l10 palll 64U'lil • Maid &>"'1« • TV ovaD. ---1W.11~;ii;l:'!l-t•__.l--1.l-1...I ...1IL-J.l__J~ I · j I I Sallsbwy Realty THROUGH A 9 -'-us-'-iEST~-'-..... -"'-'..,....=--~i ~';.~ & m"!r. ,....,.,
•• ,.,.._._.._ 3)S Morino A••· DAILY PILOT -. 1"' DAIL~ Pnm ON Bay. or. Lido: n<•iy
lalbe. Isle. 673-6900 O._.fled teCtlta Sitt deear. 1 Btt.. priv. PAlio: ·• a WANl AD _.,., Umt A •!bt. '-uUI. Incl. 1185.. Boat '""'
now!!! available 673-MSo $CRAM-LITS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 1000
Newport Booch $200
LARGE · 2 !Ir.. Ill ba..
bit-Ins.. pvt. pa~ G:1J
Hiiaria Way SlSS. ~.
Appt . 213: 981-7039
ELEGANT apt. v I e w ;
ftr.eplace : split I e ,, e I ;
ianat: w a sh f! I' .. drier.
&48-m4 ar1~r 6 p.m.
• '
... l"'""-t .... ._.. ·~---······· ......... , .. . ~ .
....,, ,._ S, 1'6t DAii. Y KOT <
lllNTALS RIAL llTATI IUSINISS 11111 ANNOUNCIMllNTS Afb. u•rnWMll _.. ..~ .... NOTICI$ * * * .
"-" hHlt 5200 1.._ l'._ty, 6000 II& o,,11tunl .. ._., An--nb 6410
""""" -2 Br. ~ti: "11'--Salo" CoMy.$upply,-ATTENTION ~ yr, -. Mui.._ .., pota. :n unit . .,,..., (T unlla with • <Pu! tr NI ,,_, ' EX-NA vYME'N
:; ; __ ..,•.IOU a.llMPl.ov , ....... -~•U'Mfl"' ......... ~, ':.I
" !!"'! "°' .w ...... , I.My 1020 Holp Wantedi -72119 Kil" W--72Gil '!
I D-CTCH. 1llb' -•••t• .. · · • ' ' ,
-..... 18 I daJ. J, C. -C.. Junior I SU5 hr~ .... 1 r.,r G1d .... ~ titlJXt't
boy. S..5219 ' N~ -• DhlftlnMn ' I See lo' aw't. on11; ldtdltl'll), ct"nttt ~ a.ta Exct1Wnt tncocm tor Jew Clean out· U. okl IMl•·btl Mill WbHe m-t1SO Mell Gl"Ollllns $51,CXIJ. Nice bn. riiJibr Wmtr: (dl)rl or and help out' a aooct cauee .
• luff 5242 a-tnt ,... owlle•-. 0nV -.) telll1q ud coDect. GI,.,,_ old iWbmJ (Otf·
9 ,..,. old. eompi.toij Inc· mon;,. from -°"""' k<rs A Enlbtecll to lllt ..._ ~. $220,0llO • o ri l y ated' d.,_... In o.ta Scouta. Nedd bl\Jf&, wh.lte ..
DUTCH Lad, ~-• •& ~· _8 tr'· . SI.SS JIU ~ U,:: ~re 1 Mbltmum $rt't' )'llln a.-
hr. -• yr boy. ......,.. "''""" ta I 648-m9 ' . .. ' ' ,.. arnall electro • ~ Cle-Presfl. a• loullon $40,j)ll! down. TDt -.. _ ............... ~ ......... lie. ~169
• od. 'l!UiUtYI W'11y ""°"' No ..,.. .. -name 1========•1 For,_, cl!>'-18111111. It. IUfy 6'Uia'r, !<Mill--. .....i. ~-~ enacb> Funonla 6412 c BR .. 21'"·hL Aot. Frplc. -cub...,.....,.. For..,.. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-..,,,..., we\ bu •• ....,_, Prop1rty 6050 ....i. mi.mew In °""" _.,N· S~R
=;-;;==:±'-,;:=dc:::t . * IUFFlllS * vllles. "'"''be capabl< al 1 ~ ~·~ Recem,. IUCCtlatlJl e:xper. proc1ucq. det&U dn.• I>~ ~ ~ouL&G-281J , , -Ill all....., -lop, -'-· ,...., 1 • ===;;::::·;==;;::•I ........_ dxnJ>&tativo --..........
I " ' ' • DomltJfc Halp . • ~ ' ~'.,,.'?'~. ~t ~~ . I
prtv •• balconiel; dbl. pnae U... Sad name, aMreu ....-~'"''
ou klk!;,,,?~wui:;/~ Office· llclg.•HI ~~ D';;~T~' MEMORIAL ARK =:i ~ "':, ...,.._ JOO<) ... II. Ill oltlceL Good P.O. Box !846 Mortuary & C-tery -.. ~i!;·:~;.:.'1: Anaheim, Cali!. m ~e!::i-5r1l1
ONLY· $325 M0NTK Euy '°""'"""" A LlFLTIME INCOME •-835 ,AMIGOS Yf/!oY , R. D. SLATES. llltr. ' Start lmmedla"'lr C1-1ry IOlt Niwpott llH<h 1<1~. EveL .,_1369 Servlclnr company secured ,f,_ $150
Whod<!Y• W•11t? ~· Golt . ·~-.. ~--· ... S'ECIA• CLASSIPICATiON POR NIED GOOD HILP?1 • NATURAL IOIN SWAPPDS Coll Id ... A,.,Y, i*-1'196 .. .u>PLY·IN PERSON
. Spoclol R'le liB )Ola' ioeeds for -Moo •• l'ti 10 flll lo i· pm
5 LI.,. -5 ti--5 llucb ...._, °""-°"""'' . '
, '-"""" ~· -AD MUil .a:,yo• . ~ Exper. people· avtJI J, (1 WJ (O; •. , .. ,'t.;, ... · .,.... J "" ~ ii ....... ....... .. • •
1139 lokor St.
SAt:3o41 •
I l
I • ' ' I .... ,Apt f ....,... ... EASY, START tncb .... &dowmcol ~ 1-.....,-'-=,._·'"' __ • ..~ II I ~ SPARE ~ NO SEU,, ~In -'belutllwl
Coron• thl 'Mar 5250 --""' ...... ING! -11995 ..... .,..,. ........... -
-' '"'" -... """ -,.,....,..., ARGUS AGINCIES ' •• ...... -Ion' 1"1i'a;.. '-HOTltlHG FOii: ~· -TlllAOlU OHL YI • ._... r" •.·'¥ PHONE 642-5671 , 18!!1 C Newport Blw., !''I· Ao ~-~uniey
To PfacolY...,r Trodor'I Poradl11 Ad. Geo.PA,11en .lll't<nd 'A&!:n<¥ ,....,.,,. , PART·TIME
' . ' '
· A::rn)RN&YS-S.. 11p roomt. im'ttb:nent 'iecured b Y No trattle problems. ~ 3 .Kaet.arial roomt. a otcmaUc merclwldJaln. 1'801 Beach, Westminster
-. .,,,. bltria.' 2 l'Htrooma, at-For interviilw, write at ~1 5!1-1725 &2421 ~ tncti;., 'Q>od li>catlon CM. giving llddress and pbono: I~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: -; -. ' nwnbor to UN{TED\-
. WHOLESALE FOOD CO., C....,.,., Loll 6411
ON TEN Aciu:s laJboa Island P, O. Box 501. Unloo· City, ====;:...,....;;..;.;.;;
1 A 2 Jilt. Furn A~ ~of Two, $150 A $11'.l_c_.1_11_91587 ______ ~!=te! <=:r"::Zr~~
Frplcs I Pri I Paoai-A1_Rl._ll'..;._6'2_"'115=""=---Park. Vets onJ,y, Court
HAVE 6+ a~s nr Carnu.. TOWNHOUSES Br. 2~ bl.. Employel\ l'RY• Fee ...
"' Thlr, Covina, al SJ.50 sq. B<aul. appt'd; Prtv. paU~ 11J6.B E. 16th,.SA 54'1"'395 . --:,,,..-O""'A"S"TA="'-L--1 ft ., clear zoned for 1111 apb. pool, c1oae to ba,y'I Val. :::blw uv;fllL Cl*tfUi ' .~ ~
•·ant Income p.,,,,, Bto'1or, ~.Im,·· low dn. 0. T.D.; ''"m••••L -~ INDUSTRIES
Mt. Irwiri, '646-96cl. Car or '! ~ 646-e65t rr;:ar~Eu~~t ~-~g,~~~ · · 1 ~
BOAT Wanted. Hive equity Palm Desert Cond. turn,• .: NOW HIRING
lo Pua. apts. of 116.lm & beau! -·~ h<atod -•, AA!"'~ie~l ... !!.;1~"-t!!!'!,• __ 7!,!1~00!\ · $21 -n •• .,_, ,,v__ ~ _ , • r.tJLL '1:00::,, ,,_,._ ncauauc price, gd, 30M, trade 20M equity for ' e ~G SHlfT
arta, prlcod at land val good lot or IOU In ~ FAC'l'OR'f HELP e PAirr TIMI: • '
Sptndable. ~ eves. .._.. n....lallt _,. 499-2St9 Trainees &: ~rlenc.-ed -(G •• ,_ fl )
poo1>,·T-'• Oomlll't Bio SHOPS WORKINI< PARTNER of Honor. "'"' Flar &
ht. 9 hQ&e Putt/Gnen. Nr. Newport Pier -Fountain. 646-0740 Ha~ bear wheel allanment Clear R-2 Dana p 0 I ri t
..... __ ...,... "'""' skilled: Aaentblen. Punch : ...., "' p.m.
900 Sfa""Lane, OD4 644-Xll mtr. 6'BU!60 Active, with $15,000 ca.sh. to 2 CEMETERY lots, Pacific: machif\e, like new. Cost View lot Trade f« ll1C.'OrM Press ~ Tu!Tet IA.the; Grinders, Extruden. C:all New company needl -40 men,
PbD. 5tli.'1796 '.4-. .t ~ shif~ No ~ence 1MacArtbui nr. Coast Hwyl 1 COMMEKC. _ 300 Sq. tt. . participate f:D laiv chain View Memotial Park, N.B. $4200. Will trade for dn property. Corol)a.del..Mar ~
1 INDUST. -8lJ Ill· ft. operation beu:w n~ for sale. 4!K-Qi71 pymt on income property NeWJIOrt Be"d»-O>ita Mesa.
LOVELY 2 BR, bl.t--~ins, -..646-2130-9 in So. Cal Prior expeninee or ? 549-2044 Corbin-Martin 67Sl662
carpets.-'.rapi;s. $l7S mo. ..AA" • not necellSlll')', will train ain. Sl!RVlrE OIA:Ec-oRY Trade 17 tt Performer out· · ' · yrly. Ne\\-port Beach JUty, OFFICE space, ~ chairs cere party, startinc uJary , -_ .. · · 1• • fuan view, i acres, im-
ARGUS AGENCIES .......,,,., O>mplel• oxn·
1869 c N•wPOrt Blvd.' c.M. pany ~-ainin&:-We will pay -======'=-top starttnr waau to men Mauoer.Trall'IMI wlllln&: to work and learn
' CUSTOMER9 $300. PER MONTH • •' .
"6:3&PM 'I&Ul:30PM
For >interview call Mr. James ·
11o1-ns1 1 MONDAY •
.JSAW .MAH 675--1642 • do\vntown Laguna Beach, • $XU Wk. ht Yr. lncome ... 5 blard, Cflber¥lass> for full proved. M·l ZOO!, Ind. ap-
2 BR. rent or lease. New~y 228 Forest 494-0737 should e x c e e d $30,0XI. llbyflttlnt 6 SO = ~:a.~n!: prox. $20,(Q) nunefy inv.
redec. $115 Mo. incl. util. Office Rental 6070 827-5370 no.s PM) EXPERJENCED be.bya!ttl!f Ing or '! '! ~ aft _7 nm Value $65,000; lot local ln-
Have clJeD&. ~ will 4'aln our trade.
...,,.. mll>ded """' m'FU> "AL'· expu1e""" production anc:e. 1.., Factor)'. ~ea. ""· lo cabinet lhop.
Adulls 'Ref's 646-4095 for working mothers, daj' ! come. 646-16'15, ~1898 eve.
LGE . .,;w....;..,So.ofHwy. LAGUNA BEACH "BEAUTY SALON tr night ohll~ WU.Oo ~ ;.,~..,'"~'.':.~.!'~. HAVE' 120 Ac. cl•ar lo
Ai Condltl-=--....1 Pomona, C.M. 6-4 2-19-4 0 I ,,,_ ..... ,_ ... w .. -.. Re[rig., botplatl"I only. $l1D r --Establ.WM!d, 6 Units, tmt 646-l097 hide-a-bed, hotxla or '! Call!. $300 per Ac, WANT:
Incl. atlL 613-.fi904 ON FORES'/ AV»WE Laguna location. Belt equip.. GOOfl tn.nlpol'tatlon. HarOOr area or pa Im
OLD l·BR., blU" view. , Desk !llMCet available tn rmmt. Xlnt Olentele. BABYSlTI'ER-Reliahle, ex-c.n ~ Sprinp _ home °" income.
Prime Location. $1f6 · newtlt office buildlnc at 494-1'J7'2 Eves. 49f.8619 rr~~ W~s~e~ :2-;San=-"'c.=m"'en°'te"."":'.lo7to-.....,=~ Matcbl"im Re8Jty • 646-4837
e fi73.69M • prime location In downtown I;,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ for 7 W\itl • Trade for New-TRADE my exec. home in .....,.,.. Beach. Air ...... .....,..
eau M< Aodmon, 548'1796 MR. ·NELSON '""""" Motor llOmH Inc. 1 ARGUS AGENCllS MONDAY 9 AM TO 9 PM Biii E. Wubln(ton SI.
186!' C Newport mvd.,, C.M. TUESDAY I AM ' TO 6 PM ~==San=ta=Ana,,..-__
Halp W1ntad, -7200 ·63S-9480. 9.,~':;r"U:. Neat'::
* BROIUR COOK J'ANITOR poarance. Must be able ID meet and deal with tbe ..
puhllc. good !lgutt. Apply ~
In pet10n. Holiday· Healtb .. BRAND ~ 3 br. 1 ha;·; tiooed. carpeted. beautifuJl·R--1-E---L---,-••• "e-BAB~-Y-S-f'f'l'-· -IN-G-_,.,-· -,.-ur port/Cmta Mesa, Income/ 11mog free Yucaipa for a.Im·
cpts, drpg, bltns. beam cell. paneled partitionl.nc. T w 0 •• state Nnl --home C.M. by .tbe week. Commercial. $24,500 equit)i. tlar in beach area. Value • ~· • •.· . N' CE' l.~Y;;•lrf·:;fl15::EiMn:;;:. =~"'::=:;=;::;I entrances: Fronta&e on HOME LO 'NS You fumiah the· trans. Properties West (15-4130 $50,~ eq· $20,000. Trade ~ up or dn. (1) 797-9432 .e•Nto Forest A•e .. rear le.di to MONEY AVAILABLE 642-1407 FOUR UNITS· Anahelm • l'H;u;n;t;l"1;ot;on;;B~111~c~h~..-..;;;; :tdunclpa.I pukin& lgta. $56 Call for details on today's CHll.D ~.my home vk: 3 bl"idrooms 2 baths • DONT rusr WISH tor FULL TIME J;VEN~GS
' I •, ExcOllonl Employoo
lanoflli ·
Spa, 2.100 Harbor Blvd.,
TAILORS, Fitters and • Fer-~
mam. Apply Sllve~, ,
No. -45 Fuhion ble, N.B. 11 per mqnth for space. Deli; rates for 1st &: 2nd TDs. Brookhunt/Yorktown H.B. TRADE for Costa Mesa ot eomethini to Jurnisb YoUr APPLY m:.:..t...;.....,.N
EXCLUSIVE and chairs ••ailable for $5. Serving Orange Couney for Days/eve ~ Be a e: h Units or house home .••. find creat buys "f;'~n<JV -··APPLY B~ boun uswerlng 18,years. Sl6,000equUy •. Ownr644-0S47 in todays Clauified Ads. TO M~U. .. 8 TO ) P.M. PertCJftftal Office Agencl .. , Women 7JOO •
ON·Tl:IE•(IEACH """" ovollable !or $10. $attlu Mortpg• Co. Inc. BABYSrM"ING, my home San Clemonl< Jnoom• 2 S.auli!ul New 'FUml....,, 'ThlrifF.loor t
2 .. 3 .... ....., Ap11. :J~tlM pald ...,.. 336 E. nth St. ~".'"M=: :;;.;..-"0"' • 2 1oi. 2 0-. 2 O>uch, -..a~ "'" .. • R_EUBBt_ l lll lbe •roa~1y .. EW p• an~ ! LuxurY uvtrC to please tlll"i ~Air,y PILOl' 642-2ln M5-0611 \ :'c====-,.---Apll -Wlll take TD'• or · end tables, lamps, twin size n '°"""
uiost dlscrlminatlne· NO'i' 222 FOR&S'T AmruE E~ 673-1865 60-1157 D~~~ d: ~· :r:: ~~ ~r:~ 1;1~ od-::u. =:;. =· for mRIWHEEl.H NEWPORT BE.\CH I
avallahli at LAGUNA BEAQI . Uc. Hrbr/ .Balcer ..... 1539 • • 47 c ... r1. of Faahlon· • DIVISION The Hunlingt~n 491-9186 Monoy _W1nt..t . 6350 * . * * * * . * . u1 I. c-1·H11hw1y FNASl!loN ' ... SLANho •x . ~ ·* Modem •Offil:es $30,QOl) . Brlck.Ma1011ry,otc. Nowport ·laach owport c ~ PANSION IN · Pacific rm Slnrle or suit•& Air cnod-~·y~0~!'!:':'1: ~!~· 6560 SE~VICE DIRECTORY . _sE_R_v_1_c_E_D_1R_E_C_TORY ' ,An ."":.=:.""'" qRANP<;:.,~UNTY : I
(!J ~. ~n-• '.~otarlaln. 540-0643 or 8'&-0438 • BUIW, Remodd, Repolr G1rd1nln9 6680 lronl"I 6755 * TOP E.f.JtNINGS * FULL TlME · Dept. O..nlng1 ' ...................... -.:.u Brick, bloct,·c.onerete '----=----~-1 • ' MEN ARE Now BEING
C. Robert Na""" Reallo< ANNOUNCEMENTS crpniJ'Y, no job too ;;.;.!£ AL'S G-!;-or v 1., ~ A ~i.\-ations S.111 HELP WANTED INTERVIEWED,• HIRED ~ :
---· 230MesaE. l1th su.e.:z:,.ss and NOTICES Uc Contr. 962-<945 Lawn maintenanco, ,_,. :r..,; p1...;,:4.doli~.,,. Rep·resentatlYI LARGE '-0>. EXPANi!ING AND TRAINED TO FILL
711' Ckean. AW., H.B·.
(11.t). 536-1481'' ' '
"°""'IA ing & clean upa. 64&--3629 642-8069,· Mo:-CIO'l5 • · • IN ANAHEIM ·"' GOOD! "POsrrloNS wrm .,
Want Privacy? N"'I NEWPORT OVJC Found (Frw· Adil 64oo Carpontorl"I 6590 CUT & ec1p lawn cornpl IRONING 15c pc. Oponl"I for 19gronlve NOW HIRING TOP STARTING PA!I. ONE BR•s·NEAR OCEAN Ofllces suitabll"i for Com-·I'-=;;;;..;;..;.;;;:;.=;;;:....;;..;.:.· ~1 ·"-"---:.0---min with excellent f~ PEllU.t.~ WORK.• 'NO $51 .· "--'-' se?Vlce. Lle. ~ evu You 8rl-:16."£a ro.. & _, I ·-·~·-·· 2 mo & Up • $1Z mo ($1-47 Fum} garage merciel, Medica:I-~~FOUND: Yellow &: white, &weekends 642•205·1~. . 61 ture nvanc.men EXP/' ·NEC. IN SOME , . • • ,
202 .. 14th. 5.36-1319 m17B4 Air-cond., crpts, ele'Vator ~ cat:: v i c, Ba'ker .& : CARPINTRY ·' poulblllttn. · \.\ D~ J.S .\VE HAVE1 A
2 •• nn, 2 ... ~ pr!v. From $70 Hirbor, C6sta Mesa. Ca1l 1'fiNOR' .. ~AIRS. /lG Job ' CUtA:F.dgeLa.wn .1! 1:., ~C:PllOGRill·l'OR, ·~,'Pel ,m.tten aereement
111: ., ~ ....,. 5ttSl32 OR 6'15-2464 a.tier 6 p.m. &. wkends. Too sm.n:, C:t.fi1net in Cl.l" Maintenance. Licensed Ltndsclpf"I .. 10 . Must Be YOUNG MEN 18-45. . If qUalifled and acct!P.ted 10
patlo;b<atodpooL 545-<516 ares a. oth•••i:ah'"'ts. --alt 4 'SPRINKLER• .. · .• NtsfA_to_., "" 'TOI' w•oes · nn ctho ..,.,.u trua ....... ,.,._ -----~-=-:t===_,,_.,,..,,_..,._~ """',,..on:.\ u •--ft.ii --~.L ..-1 .. -... r"" LAN Both akilled and u .. !d!W
2 BR 2 t>a•'--built-ins, w/w lndustrfal Rent II 6090 FOUND -Small do&, female, ~ ......... m a.ll&Wer -ve General Servlcn 6612 "·Sod I.awna. LI!: I: Bonded For,,_,._,._.,_. FIT SHARiljG P ahould apply ' u -..ience -____ _... ---·-\ looks u tholigh ';tu.st "had 1111& at 646-2372. H. 0. *· 642-:733 * . ; Call Mr. Payne FOJt QUALIFIED MEN. -re-•
drps, .freshly, Pa i nted 3000 SQ ft ~se &office •puppies. Resembles sm8Jt Anderson HEAhNG ,. Air cOnd. Se:rv OOMMERCIAL A ruidenUaI ' $39.1106 START WORK ::te::~;e:::.
$12>/mo •. Mgr. 536--037B + ~~:',.tt,~~ & ~~ ~ NVB.IC.71<~--a.nd &: repah', a.tao Washer A: Gardl!lpnr 4 ~pJ.rw, or '46-7300 CALLIMMIFOR ~~!~~ player. .
S A s62Cf yon!. ---~~ u••~. . '~~· REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS dryer ttpalr. 24 hr """· Joe CcrTal 96Ml64 ~~·"-" MINIMUM
inti nl Rd. <n4> 4,CM...8066 or .<n4) BOYS bike, Sean MGdeI, CABINETS,. Any size ;lob. 842-'72.rt or 847-5681 LINE , . SAT., MON., A: TUEs. QUALIFICATIONS
VERY Clean 2 Br. 2 Ba. SfG.7680 found vie. Yorktown &: 2S yrg. exper. 548-6113 HAULING. Cleanup p.rqes, P1perhefttlnt . __ .;.f'.;.R.;;....'4-"7"2'°'5"'2_'_' -I • Age 20 or over
Garden Apts. Prv patio. NOW . LEASING-N~w Tt Bushard, HB l 6 2 -0 9 3 8 MASTER C8.l'P':~er, $4 per odd ;lc>bl etc. Frft at. Jim '•lntlnl ~ ~CHAN IC" '~Tli'N:CEO • Hi IChool grlCI ...
Pool. Nice.,.._ 546-1525 Indtis!rial ruo "' . P"'""l ldentily! --Remodol.,.. Repa;n. 548-6325, ....--C--0 ..-0K's· -ulvalont. $15S/mo. Agent ~1485 CHUBBY bile ..,~ with. ~'or5.16-3900 ...1. VINYL wall coverln1 · . 0-, C
Lagun• a6ach 5705 wht ft Vic.,vocbfure St. ~1 . ( \ . lp!eclaliJt • kit I: bathi. ,, ' .! .. ·,; J' ,J ' .. . ' • ~~::.,,OU~
1oo·cuFF DRIVE Aerolgl 6200 In C.M. 673-8286 ' . Cmi>eniJ'Y, """'"' ,.,r ltauHne 1730 Material-... labor. Eot. GM experlenoe ,..{.....,,. • "!' ., • Mocho I II LUXURY'FURN/UN~ J.;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;,;.\P,pARAKEUiA@E:rir·:-jlound~[;v1c~. c:o..COO: Call Gmloo 1<7...,'5 TRIM, """9· bW. Gen. .ur: EXT, ~ SIZE Apply< ' • DIS!iWASHER$-'lncll~ca y
YnrlY L<ue. l A 2 Bdrm& INVESTMENT ona dcl Mor. W"""'"'""· --HI 1 boul. ALLEN <N19.HT&> • • :Ablo to 1l1rt work steps tq , Shore ' Sxlpl Call I: identify. ~ Cement, Otft_c,.,. 6600 reuonatile. te• JOB. xlnt 'fo"l)rk, ftfs. tree 01dnnobile-cad1naC wm.trtm·;pod worktt .. now ~-A L POTENTIAL --" ' ~Nu -o•-HI. JIM. 6'2-4669, 646-3719 .,~ So. _,_ u•-'-'~• •"'~ to •--OceanVleW u:vrn ever P FOUND Jahuary 24th 5llUW * CQNCRETE work.. Bonded \.oLl£oftl~ ''" """' UXUl!i • .,.u .. ..., .. .....,,. ~,._ INTERVIEWS
from $150 mo up. lease Approximately 30 Acres in male Terrier, v I c & Licensed. Concrete 11.wlr:w tree remov, dump lklp PAPER HANGD'm' ' Laguna BellCh' * 494-1084 ~ Flw Clntwl'll MON. I: TUES.
«K-2449 Northern Ora.nae: in the Brookhunt & Ellis. ·968-367-4 Phllllps Cement 5481380 backhoe, rut Sl'llde. ta-l'U5 PAiNTING Ask fDr MIU Sauntry Rntaurant Kl 3-9289, ext. 23
REAL ESTAT! county; nearly all use~ble FOUND -Sm. rabbit, JtY ecusroM PATIOSe LITE~• cleanup. ~ 3801 E. Cout Hwy. Aak for Mr. Hill, .
General & ready for developing. ears A: nose. Vic. fiOO blk concrete sa.Vfl.ng &. removal Reuoqable. Ant area. VET'S Bohdcd Pa I n t i n I . Co.rojJa ~el Mar Pereonnel Dq;arfment'
$16,500 Per acre: for more &: Jt1 Ann, C.M. 642--5546 State Lie. • 842•1010 , Call 60-Z>I Free est.• Uc, 1ins, Small ,.AREER 990 information please ca I I ULING jobl wdcoml"i. 642-007 '-' Rent1l1 Wanted S Glenn Thomp!Dn with CALIOO Kitten w/wht boots. CEMENT work,• net job too UGHT HA p AIN'i'ING, . blter.-txterior C)pPdRTUNITY!
E khoff & Anoe Inc. Red leather collar w/belL amall, reuonable. Free 545-5490 State lie. • bonded. Free
WANTED: 4 bedrOom ~.~ 1818< w. Chapman 'Ave. Vic SG1 Vista, H.B. Mll-5892 estlm. H. Stunick. 548-8615 esUma•-u•~ . . . . Jotn ~.fMtesl:Flindpowlooal• BR with den. Rent or ...,.., H I I 6n5 -• ~ 1-~-M-~-, Calif, 23 MO Gld German Shepherd • e BEST IN CONCRETE OUffC e1n n9 pro ~ H over paymenbl. ~ ...,........ N ..i •
after 5 PM or before 9 Ml-2621. Eve•wkftdl·538-67'11 i=;w'=7:615-~ ~~ix;t~ecks~ *"APT.'o..EANtNG * Pl.tt.rlng, ltep!hi'.fllO we0~;..~.. EXPERIENCED.
PM. Desperate! Fas\ &: thor<>U&ti 6U81H • PAT'S -:Pluterfn&". All MvtVll ~~ Acfvltin, .
ELDERLY Lady desires ef· Resort Proplrty 6!05 Lett 6401 ~ ~:Um.~ WILLIAMS Oeanin& Serv., types. Frte n~ate. Call , , I Inc. Apply between._2 ·&:. t P~-~:~=~ M=: roR RENT Furn Mamouth All~malecat 548-1324 54().Q25 N~~1~.:.c.=· Co; co.·. ;8·-:U..'10 · Ana. 833-1898 Moun t a In Condominium Left borne l/'ll Vic. lBth Income Tix 6740 .,.., 1t EMP:==LO.::=Y:.;ED:;::;:_La_d~y-..... -,.-,1 .sleeps 8· 541>-2'130 N.B. ~ontrecferti~ 6'20 I'J' .WIJ..L PAY Plumblnt 6190 · :!";:"'~ .. ;~:;: Mount. & Dotort 6210 SIL;:~,,:..,,,,L A~11o: ~~~~-' YPEYaONST PLUMBING 24 hr. oerv. ~Li,!-,-f:J:N;OQ: ST~~0e':.'~e"~~N
nee. 642-0086 aft/5 p.m. 5 A NR Hemet Xlnt view. Vic H.B. or C.M. Great 673-«Kl * 54!l.211g 1 T •-Workmod 1~1.!-'lc., ,_ lnlur.; ~':.!~ fun time 48 Worlr: In Colum~ua, Ohio A ncame IX -rv. ~53! "'66e, .,..,_.., roo..,r lt!'V., """houn~"" .................... ,Con'-_.;..... .. ,~,:-·poUc, · Ind. nuttl .... • L 'NDLORDS e 2800' et. Wtr, game, $5500 Sentimental val Reward! ....:;, ..,. ........... .._ .... ,.
" 155 dn. -mo s-10 s.m .... 1<1 1513 · c t c•-· 1 6625 omCES • ~ .. ~ Goll Pro s • · -6n by ""' roll. """"'" FREE RENTAL SERVICE --. LOST. M -v-~ J lrpe -n "' • 1J:k) w. Cout H!ahway PLUMBING REPAIR . ~11'' . 0 p. own toola. WW pay $15., per
Broker 53.f...69112 '" esa l!l"e area an CARPET &: Furn. cleaning; NEWPORT BEACH, 646-5l'.fi5 No job too small .,.,;row roll Wire over boanJ. No BUSINESS man tranlferftd, IUSINE~S ind 28th Engllgb' Setter. Rl!Ward. tor 1 day service A: quality MU Westmlnste~ 81 e so.aus e yotiijc Man -Juli or part line wtre or paper. Write,
Wanis M BR by Mar. lst FINANCIAL -· _., caU S"rllnr '"' wESTMlj'ISTER. 811'/-9619 lime, ,..1..,, ahl• to wCJ!k i1Cllfoo Lawin, 6l29 China·
FM P1ld
Exec. ~b' (negot) .•••• $600
Exec Secretary • • • • • • to $S6l ,
~~nonnd .... lo 1563 . Pa,yrclt (sp!il) ..... , to $550 '.1
Secretar,o .............. $500 •
Accig Oerk (spilt) •• to $500 .{
Girt Frk\!IY (spUO .. to $5tll , KerPuncti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $491
Geheral Office • • • • • • lo $494
SecNtary (split) •••• to '471
Dictaphone St'cty , ... to $415
Sec/Purch (split) • •· ... $450 '
Appllca!"t Pays. F... ~
Tech Illus (relmb) •• to $600 ·!
Exec Seeretary •• ...-••••• $500 •'
Exec Sct:retary ..... -to S500
Girl Friday , .... ; ••• : to $500 CM .... pttterred. 83&4821 But. Opportunltin 6:IOO $100 REWARD, tor tttum of hrlrh"""' 64>.,!SO) BE A Sa-CIJO!it with 11-1 ....... Ir, -wltb.odull yooth laden. ln ...,.,, °"""'""" Ohk) .. '3213
FRIG" IDAIRE ~ ~'."""''" N2 'l:""~~ ~.,,,,.~ =:;. T~':'.;..''.'',IT; ru;;.AIR • l\EMODEL . . :..~· ~ =·.::.:: • FINISHED .~~ ~:::::::::: = Roomt for Rlftt 5995
' I ' !
' !
'cot.LEGE or worldni Kit!, JET ACTION SM child bike <boy's) w/ prices. ~'86. 6-46--7117 ~~°c:·!~Way, ad. ~~~te ~ct YM~ '4M-H.U tor C~IPENTERS ~~~.:::::::·:;: .f
live on Bal ls. Kil In S.auli!ul ,.,,,,_ Laundry. _.trn'• whl& Golcl-wht Mal WALL TO WALL CUpot, lF You Dffd ttmodeJl»r, No ..-111,...J'...,._ only •• l'LUM~ERS . t:......Tralnoo """to $350 ' I
rec/nn incl.: $55 MG. up; 28 waalwrs. 11 <iryen. 2) lb. Sm reward. 6f6-0498 CM CI ea n in&' &: ~ x pert •y;m:., _:~ :~:s painting GI' ~pain, ~ ENCYCLOPEDIA BR.ITAN-b1a':ntkr MGtor Homes Inc. JioSte¥ •·• ........ ··• to $350 •1 l(
wilb.mei.la $125. li75-36l3 -washer. $18,000 yr. lfOA upho1'tet7 cleanlnc. 646-3780. ~.,........ ~ Olck. SU.Im NJ.CA t1111: E w .. .,.1-.. .. St. Acct. Payable.Ok·,,,,,, $S2S 1
tnc. Find out bow easy it I.a Penonal1 6405 CARPET 6 furniture clean-Nwpt 'mvd, N.B. Reu.I . , \' 1 • ... ~ ·1· "'fl' :i ·~-F•'"'' P.T.1Sctcretal'Y ........ $3..lw '1 ' -I ,...,;.. 5991 lo I Call 645-0400 tor appt. NOwport B. . .W..Jio . oanta.Ana
own I O M • LICENSED !nr. laying • repolr. Call SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE Roo111111 6950 w.....,.... !9'J.li'l! llALESM1'N \'fetded for 410 w. OUt lliahwa,o PRIVATE ROOM with TV Con• • Citic Splrtlualttadlnp;advtce GlrouardCupet.S<>.-· •--·"'· ROOFING REPAIR, DlllLL PRESS .. • .aa1 .. tnLan•d'•cap1nr N-Beach ~-I __ .... , .. ._ i .. .tu or E ma I all ttera UO S. El Your hGme. ·~....._. "-r''' ......_
tor ~·~·-, -qu • nc. or. ma · n-~-I 66IO Eves. Norman Manz no lak too ...,µ1 p,;..;• OPERATO:a.•, '"9"'""' 6 'P<mll. Y.,..., e Kl-UNCH•·e
gentleman. Good foad, home 2334 w. v~ Camino Real, San Qementt. -.--n"' ;.-.;.i... ' t611 ... --..;:..1" l'nlr\ ... nv HJsh , ..
II .. •--·•·-..... __ ,,___ . n<: SZ."1833 · mm., 10 AM ·lO·PM .. ,...,. · *116&.2362* ,...,_ ···-~.. · OPlllA:TORS-' -~ -•· ·-ANTHONY'S YEAR* . ---··APP!r !,J":!... = ·ham<. Whol111lo llUll-PACIFJC Single" Whet"< you Gardon Sonlco * ~STENO 'Sowf"I . 6MO "..~' = Rall 21%! tjewPOn B!w. C.M. Exptrto.....t Alpha I Num.
I ;=:;;;,;;,,;::;:;'===I National cosmetic'i comPM)' can meet flnrle adu1a. ages 646--lMI HARBOR SHOP'G arm. -~j , 11 ~ M( • .Jl&tti. 8 am &o lD am Lone term aulgnmentt.
I: 5999 bu openina: fO!' local distri-21-«I. 545-1?3-4. » Eve. 10-8 BUDGEI' LANDSCAPING eve/wkq.hd by •wt·~ • Dreumaklnr·Al~doN .thoot ~a i , te wiek.dl,y• i, dlQ'S. l.on& Buch an:&. hft rMl:.::oc.=-ltolil:.::;;;:.:;alt;;... _ _...._, I bu tor. If )'OU have a bullneA: wtmds. !'rune Plan Pttp&l'C Speclal on Hemt Nll'E SHIFT parking. .•
GARAGE hacl<groUrd, leadenhlp &hD· SINGLES • COUPLES. N,.. • ..;W,. .,!;rt,;.,,.. ' PROFESSJQNAL * ""'446 * STATION .. -~ iclay e lldldon ' ' KELLY SERVICES INC.
on Elden. Cmta Mesa ity, cu thlni in terms ol In area? Lonely! Out Eitp: Hat'tlculturi&t · i:1liU~ \ Alttrations-642..SMS ~tx;. ~Ot. 'ftn: • hatroblen 230 E. 3rd StrMt
$21). 6(Uf+t hlgh yearly income. can In-bmineu is 100!' plet,l\ft, MOWING, Edging, odd Jobi • --.• Neat. accurate, ~ yrs, exp. Olli • I ,t. ' ' •• l"oRmen ~ 8e&cb, Calif.
vest $3000, and woWd like Call 63&--0361 mw and Uabt moving. . 9 APCill tn PtrM>n (213) au79J
1-l'r-'Y 60CIO an lnt<IVlew to """"° u,;, e Sclectlve Sinr1<1 e ,..._ PERSONALIZED,..::J er t TILi, Cooamlc 6974 ~ A-r::" time...!:': M~ao% Corp, Equal -rtunlty, -=~~ ~~ r:! w,:' ~~ ~pankm are • CUT .t: FAJ&Y, nWnt. etc. ~ ~ur • .1ofc., 'It Vern!, the TOI Man * tor #J~;:::,--. ~ Mn. s4'!'~ c.,.... 0.le ~:.l:•\K:,. l # ld..U. 64>&11 Noon to g PM ~~Uc, ...,, INCOME T..,. _...., Out. ..rt. lnltall.6 -MJ;TRO CAil WASH FULi. time blalth · '1'" &I· BldipnJ. ~..,..~
BR ea. Exc:tllent rental&. ASOOClATE, needf'd for pro. )'0'.11' !imW, )c.ii'c toftn• corn-~ job toG ~· Pluter 2!riO Harbor Blvd CM. ~' .tp "hr 'Melt, open Keypwd Opei'I. Med. A
lncomt S&&O mo. $59.SOO .ductloo A: ulk New pJuUo ~y be= ~ JAPANESE Gardener. blned, '15. ~ pa~ Leaking~· r PER.M..PART TIME,OOOK. ..-,.~ t:or· •'1>J>t, call dental ..w; ltNt 6 Nin.
Gr-'-'lll 1Uty product. Active ot "*""'" =ed. ~M alt 6 °""""'* S.u v lot ' Ex· e HOME' SEJtvtCE e • -· l<T·ll6T -·' l!rmiio In-IMOfZ2ll ext T7W Mr. Alex· Alda. Calf.Dorit, .... 1711 -6M """""" lllv. rt q • ~ porlenoed. Reli.ble. l<Ul09 FEDERAL MT.-r& st-·-.bel'6i but ..... 1 AllGUS\AOINClll
Neu ""' tlfc., NB 640.W< 144-2902 I All> "" ....... _ ... JAPANESE Gtnlenlnrt Prof !131.(J!(ll U~ 6990 not ..._Coll !>l&-U:D , SBRV.l ,Sf ... , l!ALESMEN. 18111 C N ....... 8h4, C.M.. l'"'!!!R~E~N![IT!l!':l![IN~G!"!?:""'li:L;..,.;a;lijoRANiWOcGiiEr-JJIUUiii_:iusiiS. lor !: g::e,~ tblD Malnt 1 Land a caplna: GonlonN. Warren, PA . CZYKOSKl'S eustom iEXI_J''D MeChlJliC, wt. oWn YOUfll _IDen. ""'1k tva, =:=::::;;;:=:;;.:=:=:;1
Sacrifice ~ -A 1 1 o tn7 ' CJeanuP, filT-6951 l8th )Ur AiiPt. ·67)..3)45 Upholteery, E -Ur ope a n . tools. Pitney ot...ort.: cup:. ~ end& M~ be nrat In Help Wented
dellcateuen S14.SOO. CAU..-ALCOHOLu.~ AnclftyroOus YAAD CI ea n U..P. 'IM ' Cr at t 1 man I h Ip. 100" All'° Rep&lr. 1T4T J.mh9im handwrltlQJ. ~ Qydr, t590 W01911\ 4to 7400
Save Gn mrt A: buUd equ\I:)'
in thl1 irLC triplex. Eltctl·
lent rental area. ll)I" appoint-
ment onb'.
AL BLACK ~11$1 (open Pbone 5G-12l1 er wr1tt to ~ new-I a w n 1 , I I \ 675'$ '~. 1\im. bot.ti A Ave., CM • ~ Newport lllvi:L, C.M. . I '
nu) Htrttap Bet.I Eltale P.O. 9o.x 1223 Coda Mela. s~.m10tW. ---J "" nt · auto'•· I0-1454. 18S1 FULL Time ~ 15 l1ilf'll WANTED Clean cut coUese 11 ~
WANTED: Otf.(lalo -1 AM N> ~ ..,ponifble 13 YOUR AD IN a.ulSI· IRONING dm'ie tn ""'homi. NO\YlM)rt Blvd., C.M. ~-II, no op uMtt. ~ ttudeni "<Ill\ OW11 ~.Ii>" ft 'liMlll •' 1 ;
llaow l>r 0....,. ~ ... ""1 -°'""' thsn ('IEDI • -· , will ba Expert wi>rlr. -hie. DAILY Pllbl' WANT Alli ™-Ni>. 3 r-pe/1. ti-....... -Call: &IUU9 my own. Dennis Feninatcm IGoldnr fer lt. Oial MUi6'l& Phone M2·l616 Al...,. • Go-Gol . Jllahd~ N.B. work. 500 W. o:..t HW)'. D.ULY PUDrWAN:? AN!
' ) '
.......................... ---------------------~~.-..~~~~~~-~---
' · 1
I .
' ,,
• • • • . '
-·-··-------;.· .. -===============:-=:::;;:::;::;:.-..~ .. ' -o."'-.Jl <I,~.._• •,:""':.,,},,•:": f "'I'••••• ,!.~ ....... _.., ,. ................. -----~·-·,---.. ,.,,._... ••• ~·-·--_....,. .. ,,.-..-,_,,.., •"'#T•
Our-"'' goal Is to
help Nch lncllvld""I
ochlo.. her lf>OCl•I
p~ P-taUc to us
·-,... following -rtunltlos. Many
... foo "'Id by tho
empSorw ' tome are
foo "'lei {,y, lhe •PPll· cant, you may choose.
P.C. lllllp<to$100
Fee relmbur•ed .
Complete chaf'lll ot an --will be your resporw'bility. -be-& dependahle (pref.or bold,
r..e1taurant ot dub
P.C. lldlpr to $550
Fee ftimbunred. Tb.is is
a marwloua opportunity
to work for a rapidly ---
F.C. lldlpr $650
Employer P1Y1 f e e •
Owtructlon -plna. ..,...iJ. I,_..,.. A data
proceufn&. A very 1n-tueatlll& )'OUtbful com-
IJK Seely $500
EmpkJyer pays fee. For
the admlniatrativ.
dtvllk>n. Should haw lh
• ._ abWty plUI
IJK Seely $500
Em~ PQS fee. Must
have front oWce ap-
--....,..Uty plus! Work ln beautiful
oUk:ea with, beautttul peo-
ple. '
........ S.Cte$450
Fee negotiabl~. Sh 90,
type 60, muat have abWty
to "think on )'OUf feeL,.
Secretory $520
Fee nqottahle. Mmt be
mature with pcria • ahlll-
ty to work well " ith
others. ExceDent lldlla """""°· 1n thll Job ,..,·u
never bt bored. • thl
opportunities 1 o r ad-
vancement are excellent.
A .... Clerlr $400
Appllcant -fee. Thia glamorous com pany
wants a lharp youns airl
with aocountlog schooline
tr wm1t e:xpertenae.
Girl . ......., $500
l!:mplayl!r C*)'& fee. A
on&-strt.omot. Knowl~
or """"' -..ie., construction a n d I o r
lKOplleokt $350
Employer P1Y1 fte. Ar1
n.OO!ent opportunity tor
an attracttve )'OWIC atrt
wlth ability to meet
public. Good typ1.nc "a:
ttlephonl! t e c b n 1que1
Fte n:iml:mwed. For
recetvtiw: in1pect t on _......,, Knowl<da< or
prlnt..i cln:uila required.
W1 h••• m•ny
mo,. fine le1c~
• r • • op'°rtuni-
tl•• too numerous
to ll1t. T~1phone
Inquiries •r• wel·
ColorM TV't, Plane.
Appll•-Anttq-1 Ploc9.,.
. ...
: ...
WE PAY •• ,
Misc, W1nttcl 1610
j "
You To
FuU Size
Seats 6
128 H.P.
Plu1 T I L-ordor todoy
,$2386 ..
Plu1 T I L-127ft•t
'69 RfBEL
Plu1 T & L-1171212
etc., etc., ete.
Plu1 T I L-SllOllt
Ask About Our
Red· White &
FREE-Car Radio
FREE-Car Radio
Power Brakes
I FREE-Car Radio
Power Brakes
Rotllo, hoottr, \O'hlte walt1.
'62 fALCON
4 4oot, 1ulo. fr11t11., r1cllo,
ht1t1r, IJ&91 2
Atr1orie1n. Auto. tr1nt., rl ·
dlo, hooter, V•ry 11110.
'67 fORD
Folrl1110 100. 2 lloor htrd•
top, only 14,000 fl'llt t a. 111
w1rr111ty, VFWOJ I
$up1r Sport. F1et1ry olr1 powor tfo1r. Sl,146
'64 DART
....... Sci;ke .,,.., ..... _
.., , .. Cca:1al11p1
1969 lfafk,.llY•
I r
. ' I
' . I
I '
l)ute ol Gloucester, '°" of a klna, brolhet ol two king> ~ . ...,....of a queen, has WIUIDl"iwn from the royal -Al 111, · he Is troubled by
ldgh blood pn!S&Ure.
Informed sources said he
;returned no Detter from a
nstfuJ sunshJne vacation ·m
the Caribbean last winter and
ls repot1ed now to have kidney
This winter he s p e n t
Christmas at his beauliful
manor house of aamwell ·at
Peterborough in c ·e n t r a 1
England inst.ad of going to
Windsor as usual for the an-
nual rOyal -famil)r gathering. ·
Among family events which
"Uncle Harry" 1nlssed last
year were his usual summer
visit to his niece Queen
Elizabeth II, on vacation at
I'lalmoral Casile in ScoUand,
and the funeral of Princess
Marina, widow of his brother,
the first Duke of Kenl ·
His nephew 1 the second
Duke of Kent, attend5 many
of the military para.Jes,
ceremonies and inspections at
which be ~ to officiate.
1be big, burly Duke of
Gloucester, third son of King
George V and Queen Mary,
was engrossed in an army
career when the 8bdication
of bis eldest brother King
Edward vm -now the Duke
of W'mdsor -forced him to
give up his great ambitior!
to command his regiment, the
loth Royal Hussars.
Instead he had to take on
a load of royal duties to ease
the burden of his far from
robuSt brother who took the
throne as King George VI.
Gloucester became known
as ''The Duke of Work"
because be undertook so many
unglamoroua and mainly un-
publicized engagem e nt s
through the years: visits to
troops abroad; traveling many
thousands of miles u head
of the War Graves Com-
mission-to inspect cemeteries
ovenieas; attending charity
dinners, hospitals, churches,
scbool! and youth organlza~
He never captured the
public llmeligbl I n t h I s
thankless round of royal
obligations for whlch he had
DO partiouJar liking.
'De slow-spoken duke feels
shy in public and would have
exchanged speech-making any
time for a tranquil day among
h I s prize.winning chrysan-
themums at 'Barnwell, where
showpiece gardens and a fine
agricultural estate surround
the gabled manor house and
ruins of a r1Stle.
He is known to be grieved
that the Duke nl Windsor has
never returned to an English
home. The ex-king has always
refused on the ground bis
Amerlcm>bom duch.,. has
not been given the royal status
he feels Is ber right.
At the time of the ab-
dication, the Duke o f
Gloucester helped arrange the
nnancial and other details of
the Duke of Windsor's
departure. After his brother's
marriage to Wallis Warfield
Simpson, the Duke an d
Duchess of Gloucester were
the first of his royal relatives
to visit the bridal home ln
Paris. 'Ibey lunched there in
great secrecy and reported
baclt to Queen Mary.
The Duke of Gloucoster was
Queen Mary's favorite son.
He takeai after her as a
~atlve traditionalist who
never steps out of line. But
this typically "old English
genUeman" was m o d er n
enoogb to allow bis eldest son,
Prince William, to be the first
British prince to study In the
United Stales -al Stanford
University. He also lei bis
-.... Prince Richard,
24, -professional worker
u an architect, another royal
"It's a difierent world
nowadayB,,, be bas 58.idl
His 6'1·year~ld wife , the r..m.r Lady Alice Montagu·
Doqlol.scott, daughter of the
'l1h Duke of Buccleuch, shares
bll quiet life In retiremeot
11 Bomwell.
Defense to Go
Ahead on F-14
The Doi.-Department may eo ahead"lrilh production of
the F-11 fllbl4r plane, the
Navj'o .,_ to lbe
...C.W F·lllB. Delmie Secr*7 ll•lvln R. Laird told a ...., ....ierence
Tbundq lliie }l'..Jf will be ...
cludad fa • -ol th< __ ...._,ljei..
-It would be jndtlced.
Moodly, FtlmtJ 3, 1969
Always at Sears • Sari.sf action Guaranteed • • • or Your Money Back!
. -"
~ -Sftei,t
'G•ard II
B!il l-Tino ~= Sa••
Silent Guard II
111 Loaded with Safety Featuru:
lt'1 f43 1tronrer, lt% Wldfm', 14%
heavkr and hu 15% deepM' tread
than most aew car tires! Two tllick
Mllltt bu's d.rdtl the whitewall for
curb-proot prot.ecUon.
Over 195 feet ol traction llotl for
aafN pip ta ...,-kiid of w-'her.
AU-Raad, All Weather Drivln1 Salety •
Hen Are Four Reuom Wliy1
Do•ba. L••t-aa&ell Cill•reh•-tyl buler U.r,r ... tu_,•-teeth• I••• r ll•er lA tJie •-•um.
"' BlackwaD.
Gard U
Buy. 3 ·Tires
4-Ply Nylon Mea111 Additional Pfotectlon:
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Regular $4.99
Flt: Mot& C&n:
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Brawny, Tough, Road~Grippirig Tread
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Silent Guard II
Guaranteed 36 Months
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Buy 3 Tires
and Save $21!
Buy 4 Tires
and Save $32!
Buy 4 Tires
1 O!f Regular Low
Trade-in Price
Ovet 950
Makea and Modela
24 Months
or 24,000 Miles
Re!llanufactured Engine
ft CJ" put talb dut to ddectll la matt.rlal or worll-
-b\p , •• dwi.11&" ~ tlm 90 4aya w t.000 mllu. wbielariw OoXW"t 11..t. -.Ui rtM!r or !'IP!-Pl'fU fr'M al. eblrrll pro.ldlllC nquil'td ote~ hu beea P!elfqnn .. ~• to ruuaatee certltlcaui. ~ 90 ..,_ ,., ~ •11• U4 up ~ " month• er ~COi eUW. rrv occun tlrit, parta uid
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Tubeless Blackwall•
6.50x13 I $23.95 19.95 I 18.95 I 16.95 I 15.95 • 1.81
6.95x14 I $24.95 20.95 I 19.95 I 17.95 I 16.95 1.95
7.35u4 1 $26.95 1 ,2.95 1 21.95 I 19.95 I 18.95 I 2.06
7.75x14 I $28.95 I 24.95 I 23.95 I 21.95 I 20.95 2.19
8.25xt4 I $31.95 27.95 I 26.95 I 24.95 23.95 2.35
7.75x15 ' $28.95 24.95 23.95 I 21.95 I 20.95 I 2.21 I
TnbeleM Whitewalls
6.5oxt3 I $26.95 I 22.95 I 21.95 I 19.95 I 18.95 I 1.81
1.oox13 I $28.95 I 24.95 I 23.95 I 21.95 I 20.95 I 1.U2
6.95x!4 I $27.95 23.95 22.95 I 20.95 I 19.95 1.95
7.J5x14 I $29.95 25.95 24.95 22.95 21.95 2.06
7.75x14 I $31.95 27.95 26.95 24.95 23.95 2.n
8.25x14 I $34.95 30.95 29.95 27.95 26.95 2.35
A:55x14 I $37.95 33.95 32.95 30.95 29.95 •58
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8.45xl5 $37.95 33.95 32.95 30.95 29.95 2-54
AU.STATE Passenger Tire Guarantee
TrHd Llfe Guarantee Tread Wear-Out Guarantee
Quannteed Apimt: cr'l'Md
Goannteed A,.a.t: All ,fail-
urea of the tire resullinr from
normal road hazard! or de!ecl:JI
In material or workmanahip.
For How Long: For the life of
the original tread.
What SM.r1 WW Doi Repair
nail punctun!1 at no charge.
In cue ot failure, in ochange
for the tire, replace It, cha.rg· lnC only the proportion ol cur-
rent regular 1elltng pric. plu1
Federal lCsciae Tas that
represenll tread ued.
For How Long: The numbw
of montiul epeol!led.
What Sean Will Do: In ex-
change for the Ure, replace Jt.
charging the current recuJu
selling price plw: Fed. mxe.
Tax 18111 th• followlnc al· _,
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i.LLBT.A.'1'11 C6I' tlld Truck l'.ngl11u
-J:nhan&'N a•tltabl1 for O'f6f' lll5(I
mall:ll and tDOdeb. RemanufactUff!l4
to more uacllllr 9t&Ddatda th.a ar•
Ul.t Is. llnr 911&'1.nN,
.......... CLIP TRIS OOUPON•'''""I • •
: This Coupon Worth : l ~-5 25 1
• • • • : Oa Putdtase of A01 6 or 8· :
: Cylinder Complete Remanu-:
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............. CLIP Tlll8 COUPO!f· .. ,, .. • • : This Coupon Worth : • • • • l 525 l • • • • : On Purchase of A1t7 b r
: manufactured Automatic;
: Transmission · Installed. : r Ont_ Co!JPl)I 'Pw 0W C '? I , Otter u Jtl,.. 2/4/68 lC'Jlt.oW : .................................... ~~ ........... .
,---------~----~--------------------------------~-, t MINA MS:lA ~, 121""530 aMQfm • 3-3911 WJt4G ·IMCJI HI ~121 1tCO WE M262 SIMA fEfttolG.S .9-'U011 wiN., 1,.,,_1927 I --~· ......... at s.10Q4, a 4-4611 a."""'•..., AN Mat -111 2-11"5, 111. 9-6161, "" 6·67" _. IOICA EC ~711 ..... l'O u 461, fM.2220 I
I -~ ""81, HE 2-17'1 --HO N941 -'Q1°~100 . . ........... kl 7-3311 :IOllllt COAST 11.W ~3 _..Pl 9-1911 I
-_, -Cl ll=t -lill' 1-3211, ll .!J.4211 -542-1511 ' ~-----------------------•
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