HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-05 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• •
·. • • ' on. Se . 001 . :,SJiip:
Held on .Dr~g B:~P
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UC Irvine
'. )
DAILY PILOT Allocated ~.ain. Soaks Coa~t Agaip ·;
' .
O.il Gnms Harb.or
At Santa Barbara
* * * Coast ,Beaches
To Oil SJi~k
. . .
m..ilan ~'lll'lir'e bdri('.~"
'lbe thick dart oil washed up on
-----'.ui. "'11>iml!tll ii awful."
"' the loU wOlll lbtl'lli -wee!<, the . sn.:t utended lieor!J· '~. inUet -ard. l9Chlnl the' .... al Anlcapi
llld SUta CruS -It alended alol!I beac:hes.ln>in'Goleta, ·just -·o1. liere •. ne.rtrto; Ventura, to -the west, -
a distance ol. about 25· milei.
In many areil.s· the oil" bad 'Wuhetl
onto the beach, In others It · was just
A wind shift during the night drove
the oil into Santa•Barbarl Harbor.
Waves broke a ·log·boom -a series
ol logs !llfw)g together to check the
1licf and oil spread into · the small
pleasure harbor, i where 790 boat. valued af. mi1Uen are tept. ' .
TWo--woriboata sptayed chemicals over
the oil lo try to_ break it up and mlnimiu
damage to boats and harbor faclllties.
. $26 Million
Of tllt De ..... ""'
UC Irvine's share al !Ii.I million · Is
the biggest Onnge ~ allocalion
In Gov. Reagan'• 11.2 billion llate budjet
for 1919-70.
Fairview State Hospllal 1n Costa
Mesa is t:o get '14.1 ·million Ind
Cal State Fullerton Is to recolve Ill.I mlllloo. .
Tile governor's bw!Btt also llsls
!1<7,,500 !<r the llate'• lhare ·ol.J>eoch
emslon control wwt' and a llU,!00
subildy !or lurthor' ~ llO ..,..
al.~.~PmlnF.~~~· ·uu·"'-~='""'' and ..o...:.~-1~"""" -"fl (I I ... •-· 1. IC:· ~ w -•.
allcated the~ 'lesl -.... =ix:.....:." ..r .. ~": cul blct. Iliffe,
LA TE 11C111!DUU11!G
"II me..,. 1tr""1lfill aie rubber band
"' Utu. •lflhter with lar..... clua llses
and 80nle late-hour clua ICbedullng;"
he said. '
•CO. said the campus bad' reqo..ud
l2U million in operaling !un<ls bul was
allocated 121 mlUloo.
"You know, yoa never get enough,''
he remarked . "But y... also can loolt
at it that this ii a 20 percent inaeue
from last year."
He said UC! will be able lo hold
its projection of ltudenil far next .year
at 4,360 without any reductions. Current
enrollmeni ii 3,500. / 11te campu1 was granted 38 new
faculty poslUODI out of 7J requested.
UCI now hu Ill faculty members.
: : ~ '
. . ' Reagan Begins Selli'.ng : :'Orange County's open'beaches -!rom
SW Beach to San Clemente -will
bi wlnerable to oil !loatlng down the c;ur.. c0ut from ID o!!sb-Ore drilling
Ille nesr Santa Barbar.; but a string
al ·1op eould keep the · putrid erode
oil .out of Anaheim Bay and Newport
Harbor, county officials said today.
"It's a real mess," said Bruce Jacbon,
ranger at the-Arroyo Burro Beach west
·of the Harboi'.
"It came in pretty heavy last night
and as far u I can see there'• slick
right f p on the sand, right up to the
rocks .
The rtsu1t, Coz: said, will be to move
the present 22 to 1 student-faculty ratio
closer to the ultimate 21 to 1 for a
lully.<feveloped UC eaiiipus.
"The governor is moving us faster
than we wanted to," he saJd.
Record Budget. ~cl Solo;~s
Newport Harbormsster Al Oberg said
the county Harbor Department bas plans
'"wt think would wort .effectively if we
ever have an oil slick threatening the
Presumably, the same means - a
ltrina: of logs or telephone poles across
the harbor entrance -could be med
at AllUelm Bay, the -harbor leldlng to tho · waterways of Sunset Bay and
Huntlqtoo Harbour.
CradO oU !rom the bug• oil lest 1""11
a Union OU Co, ·-drUllll( rlc already has eoiered Santa Barbara
harbor, causing evacuation of boakn.
OtMirg ;nld thit the log string -
WU IUl to me in Newport Harbor once
in recmt years. · "But the oil ne9el'
madt It to the barb<r eotnnce. I believe
it WU a tanker spill off HUDtlalta
Beacll several yean ago."
The harbor would fare much lM!fiolo
than the city beaches H oil alien
threatened the Orange Coast.
Rdlert lleed, besd ol the clty·WOKUard departmen~ said at. presen~ with other
pn>blems ulsling on the beaCbe1 -
debrls and pollution by 1ewage -'"llln
wouldn't be' too much we could do."
He cited the tradiUooal tecbniq1lel of
:!Cllplns up the black crude with earth movln& O<J.Ufpmenl and carting It 1w11.
He u1d tllat H currenla aod winds
were to brtng '10me of the Santa Barbara
Channel· oil slick to Newport waters,
.. we bOpe that the governmental entltlea
up the coast would do something about
Lt alona. with us." U. aiio posed the ll'aditlooal Jog Jam
tbe017 of 1temmin1 the drUt ol oU
allck1, "but '° much depends on the
1"11gMess o! -Ole .... •
· "We would have an awfu11y hard Ume
keeping the logs together, let alone keep-lna the oil from l]oshi.ng over," he
Reed said that thin crude on, "perhaps
(See BEACHES, Pa1e t)
• ' ,.
"There are people on the beach picking
up the dead birds, and some live ·ones
are stuck in the goo. One lad has
a tiig garbage can and is: trying to
(See on. SUCK, Pqe I)
Official Blasts
As a still relatively new campus, UCI
cannot fill up all courses j t would like
to offer. It also is desired not tO load
profes.90nl new to the UC system with
large numben of students, COJ: said.
Also in the governor's budget for UCI
is $3.5 million for an adminlrtratlon
building, II mlUlon for. ulillties and 1lte
work and fl0,000 for medical 1ebool
Not Included are fund.I for med.lcal
RenewedD11illinlf, =:1 ~cam..\::'~~
, . November state education bond iuue.
A·sks for He' lp' Fa1rv1e .. ·1 nut year budpt is lfU mllllon, up .!rom llt mllllon In the cur·
, ·rent year. The amount of '55,tm ll
WASlllNGTON (UPI) - A Sanla Included foe min<r -at the
Barbar• County o!flclal told the' Seriate state boepltal.
today the oU industry and lnterlti-.
SACRAMENTO ('AP) -Gov.· Reagan
·began the Job todly 'of' selling b~, 11.I!
billlan budget and. 1100 mllllon, one-time
tu cut to•legillative criUcs after. tellinl
people his fiscal pllnl ·in an ,unpre-
cedented television brleflng.
Propoling ,the !Int ~ Income las
cut since World War 11,'tbe Republican
governor told a statewide lfleyllion a"9 dlen~e • ~ay ni~t •. '1 ~ we
have started whit we hope will • be· •a
new ·trend ln·1ovemmut flnancel." H.e
alao called ·. !or cont!nufni . !liir '1!ifllloo
in prevlOUily approved tas,-. '
"We have ~ the state !rOm 'the
brink o! inlolfOpcy," said lluP., wllo
wu llJown on film in lils CspllDl o!!kt,
!laJ>ked by !lscil cbarls dellped lo . ' Secretary Walter J. !Dckel ~· ·
"hypocrjaY Jlod cyiilclsm" In munif"' 4 A d D R. . ·~.~~0:::-:::.:=:.~e rrest,e on .· rug .. ap
Clyde, a member of the Santa Barbara · · . , . 1 ·
-ol Supervlson. told the Senate • . ' ' • . ' ~-::="t:~~~ Airer School 'Ship :C·ruise:
Clyde wd the county worked for two
years in un.succeuful effort to wevent •
oil drllllng oil the . coast. He said the Tine "'1lqla lnllD -OrlnP
Interior lle~eat lided -tly CGUail"-ltal &ml hHt ~ wJth the oil induotry.. n6f.., a -vll'lely of illr<otfcs J
Clyde delcrilled Hkklr1•Yisll' to 'Santa • i1ter re1Un$f 1n11D tbe.blgb --I
Barbara this week~ IOCn!tag · Chapmln"ColJile'1 !loltblc lbfp ,
assured the county · t tljaHllJ <1mpus. · • I
companies had voluotarfll,>tr-fto ltop -..,,. -II ....._, Juaqe .<(
drilling. · · atqdtmll Ille"' the S.S. Jlyodam docl<ef!' "He said ft would give I brtathinc In Wllm!nc""i a week qo llll<:OvOreil
spell but H IQrMd out to be hanll1 a vlridy of drua 1'Jll and martJ-.
a gasp," Cl1d• tml!led. Ha said the a11o implfcltln( 111 -girl. ' dri!U~•dy bad been -ed. SIJl(l«tl, three ol whom won't floe
Cl)'!fi said· he Wu deeply dluppolnted preliminary bearfiW ...W (une to avoid
br the oudden awll<h by !ntW<r -dlsruptl!!i their -coUep ..._,
' "aupposedJr -~" ,.._t and the -... ..-them fll. qency. elude:
"In my opinion, I~ was lolenlsm In -J-We Dooley; D, ii. olfl
(See PROTE8'1'8, Pqt I) -.Bay,'-Bueb, poli Ill•
' ' ..
. . ,
I , ' ' , .• • •, Or ... ~ • , c,., I .
' I .
. ,, .
DAILY I'll.OT MtH Plltle
€1fanfli• Styles
-~et worn. by ~costa M~a Police Officer Richard Frederlben la ~ Chief Roger Neth approved llW!tch back to. tradlt!Onal h~·
•-worn by Patrolman Chuck Hamilton following requl\ll by Uni·
formed olflcen who favored soft cap by 7.1 railo in ~ent poll. Soft
cep1, uy o.f.ft.cers, are more comfortable and. convenient and don't ·
~Jecl "storm trooper" image.
-1 '
. ~ N~oJUrges Condominiurll Fraud?
Senate OK
Atom Tr.eaty
WASHINGTON (AP) -Prealdont Nix·
on asked the Senate today to ratlfy the
nuclear nonprolileratlo·n treaty )>romplty.
Ht sald aucb action would further
bla goal "al>negoUaUcm ralher than·...,.
!rmtatloc 1!1111 lhe USSR.• •
Nlxoo, In a meaage to the sf:nate.
ncallad wiinc a delay In '<•tlfl.c•tl'l"
al tho lrulJ Jul fall because of tho
llovlol !Dvaoloe o! ClecbollonklL • "MJ Hqlllll at ·lbll llmt In .no ...,.
allert IJl1 condemJ!Allon ·Of that Sovl«
action," be said.
In another policy decision, Nixon
ordered the Agriculture Department lo
continue this year to make available
a 50 percent advance payment to
participant.I in the feed grains procram
-an actiol! in keeplna with past pracUce
but one which outlOlu Preii:ident Lyndon
B. Johnson suggelied.be dropped.
"We feel farmers are enliUed lo proper
and sufficient noUce about any change
In the ground rules oo. such payments,"
Nixon said in 'a statement.. "Many of
them are already beginning to sign up
for the program."
These moves were discussed at a
lengthy conference Nix.on held with
Republican congressional leaders.
AfterWards, Senate GOP L e a d e r
Everett M. Dirksen and House Republi-
can Leader Gerald R. Ford m1de these
iaguf!a Villa Owners Charge De t:e-Zopers .
More than 1111 ownm of yillas In tho
Blue Lagoon condomloiwu complu: tn
Laguna Beach have filed a f30[l,OOO legal
action against the developers of the
choice oceanfront 1rlct.
Four residenll who state that they
repruent the 119 villa owners in the
§aAld... community named Blue
Jol!ll Venlure and !he bullden,
Valley C:O..tructlon Co. Inc., as
pal delendanll in !he cornplalnl.
, II la allqed that the developers fraud.
ulently a.uured parchaaen ot ·the vlllu
•t the time of sale that the "Green
Belt"-a sector cl lhe corµmunity which
lncludea a~ts, tennis courts. beaches
and Jandacaped atta -wu the aole
property ot the community. The 119 villa
dwellen pald prlces ranging from J.15,000
to $69,500 le< the hom.._
Tbe vWa onen Ra&e tb1J have nevu been lblo, to exerclle coalrol cl tho .,...
and ha .. been unable fo\eep !he beacli-
.. PftYale. 'l'lley ask for a court JuliDI
on the true legal status of the '"Green
Bell" Named u plainUHs in the action are
Frank K. and Claire J. Wisdom: Jame.s
p aud Virginia H. Morgan; Robert E.
a.id Kathryn E. McDonald and La\1"'11
R. and Dorothy, L. Clody.
They list as defendants other th4in the
principals: Walter R. Gaynor, Cramer
J Francis. Home Federal Sarinp and i.;... .woclatlon ol San Diego, Paul H.
and Marte M. Eaallnger and llyen-
Logu!>a Co.
CapturedRedDocuments Allies Studying
. • Proposals for Point to ·Tet Offensive p F eace orce
From Wire Services
SAlG;ON -Communist documents cap-
tured in all four regions of Vietnam
have ordered guerrillas to prepare for
full-1Cale fighting during this month's
Tet lunar new year holiday, U.S.
Intelligence sources said today.
The Saigon government today c81\celed
all military leaves beginning Feb. 10
so that any cffensive won't catch the
South Vietnamese army unaware as it
4ld last yrar.
The South Vietnamese command said
all government forces would be placed
on 100 percent restrlcUon and all leaves
were canceled eUectlve one week before
~et. the lunar new year which this
yl!ar fall! on Feb, 17. That means that
all troops must remain at their duty
s\ations or at their quarters around
tfie clock.
PARIS (AP) -U.S. and South Vie~
namese negotiators ara studytnf pro-
posals for a three·nation peace force
of Asian neutrals to guarantee any Viet..
nam peace setUement, d i p I c m a t Jc
sources reported today.
The nations most frequently menUoned
are Japan, Indonesia and Burma. These
and other Asian countries have been
discreetly sounded out by the United
States, the sources said.
FCC to Propose Banning
TV, Radio Cigarette Ads -further annoUncemeot.: . Oil Regulations
Reviewed After
Polluting Slick
Acting to nip In the bud any new
Communist offensive against the cities
of South Vietnam, government troops
seized a Viet Coria ArmJ cache in a
Saigon cemetery and lsaued Ughter
security rules. The regulatiom ban the
iradJUonal use of firecrackers t o
celebrate' the holiday, which starts Feb.
American and South V 1 e t n a m e s e
delegates· in Paria have spent much
time in private Consultations on bow
to enforce a settlement. As far u is
known the North Vietnamese and Viet
Cong have not parUclpated ln such WAlllllNGTON (UPI) -The Peclml
Ccnmnnlc•Uou Comm)uioa. V 0 t .e d
W-J to propooo • ban ogalnlt
c1pn11e adftrtlllDi O!I television and
radio. ,
FCC flvm placinl reatrlcllooa on clgare~ .
le advertlalng.
The FCC 111e11 pWmed to mm the
· f<rmll announcement later in the day.
CcmgreaalonaJ sourca uld the vote for
!he pr_,t ban WU I to I.
The FCC'• propooal to ban cigarette
advlrilllng on radio and television would
bava to be publllbed In !he Fedml
ReglJler and could not takt effect unUI
a later date. Tobacco companies depend primarily
on televlalon and radio for their ·ad-
verUalng. sea. Frank E. Mou (D-Ulah), aald
!he FCC declaloo wu In line with mtea be bad propooed 1n the Seziate
Al that time, Moll uld the praenl
Jaw requlrhw a •arninl on cil:arette
PICAI-. tba1 omokllll m&J be a huard
to !he bealth, ~ be -to die. Maa or111naDJ lllpported lhe labeling "'!uJnmeal when legillaUon WU pul<d
in !Iii but aald It bad invented tho
In 1M'1. the moat recent year for
wblch figures were available, '311.9
m!Won wu spent on cJ1arette ad:
vt<llaln(, lnclodJnc $Zll.I million for
televialoa commerclall and 117.1 million
for· radio comm«elala.
The warnlnJ Jabelin( DOW r<qulred
an cla.,.lta pacb readl: •:cauUon:
Clprette amoklq may be huatdoua
to your· btalth. ..
Sirhan Jury Sworn In;
:, Alt.ernates N~ .Qui"ed
, ,/ \ J
: . L()S ~m (UPI)'-A Jury al-t !1:a ~~t llk"e ~ apectatDl'I
four -Ond el&lll -waa """'° sbe '°"" from !he wllneu chair 11 in today to llJ IAI caa of tho people the coaclualoo ol· ber lesllmooy TueadlY
.. .. .. ,
vs. Sirhan for lhe -al Sen. llDbert and aome hidden oource o1 energy gave F.KennedJ,.....lllOllllloogo. voice -~ 'd The panel -In !he jurJ boJ: with atrenglb lo ber u ~ 181 '
upral!led bandl wblle !he oath wu m. "I thank God be gave m< !he atrength. toned. I thank you nice people (ol the United
The prosecuUon and defense. counsel States) that I never got hungry and
then began eu.min1l'll p r 0 1 p e c t I v e that I alwaya bad a roof over my
alternate Juron.. Sh: matt be c:holen. · be~c;;. Sirhan'& ~llsh is not aliRays
The defendant, Sirhan B. Sirhan, smll· good, but she speaks from the heart.
ed and chaUed with his counsel wtien A Palestinian Arab by birth, she has
the ewnlnlng began At one point he an obvious love for the UnJted States.
bent over aome.Iegal documenl&. She said later:
The first lllternate furor to be ques-"They were making me U"ke a poor
lioned was Warren H. Willia, an aircraft woman and I did not like it. t have
maintenance foreman for United A1.r God's blessing. They 15aid I make little
Unes. money. ••. That'• not what it is to be The question1ng was along the same hlcb poor." Jines as Ulat of Ute regular jurors, w Mn. Sirhan and her aon both tesUfled
often foCused ·an the penon's atUtude to prove th.a\ he came from a low
towTharde .~ drm~alimatic. bl.d.11ght income group. Thb was the basis for
" -.. -a defenaa noUon that the grand jury Tuesday when Mary Sirhan, the defen-which indlcted him wu not selected
dant'a mother tesWled about the ud from a broad cross·sectlon of the people,
:state of the finances of her tmmlgrant did not Include poor persona and
family. Her voice was low, at times therefore deprived him of constitutional
a whllptr, but sbe emphuized she wu righta to due process aa guaranteed
not uklng for pity. b !he us eo-~t u
I Slrh •ty i·n y . • ogu U on. '"1e mother o an saw Pl Trial Judge Herbert V. Walker, after
.....,.., 9"cll "•,........ ..... ................. ,....., c..,.,._
'-•li•rt N. '\Vte4
P'rttl ..... f"lllM'thn'
J1c.1t a. c..-1 • .,
VI« l"rnkf!Mll -~-""-9"
Th'"''' Ktt•il ....
tM1•111 A. M.,,Jliin1
Mlft-.i._ llfllor
P111I Nl111•
........ ., .. lftt
OlrK""' -( ... Mftt: "' Wetl l•Y '''"' M.-t tffCll: nu ~· ....... ••""''' 1....-...,.: ,,., ,_., ... ....,,..,..
Miii~ .. IC.Ill .. till , ....
bearlns arguments pro and con for
almost. a week, qulekly dJrmiued the
motioo, calllng It irrelevant and ol no
Front P .. e J
save some of the live ones. I tell you,
it's a rul mesa."
' Stanley C. Lowry, manager of the
chamber of commettt, 1a1d "I have
been out to the beaches and they'rt
rolling in black filth. We're a tourist
community. This Ls very, very detrimen-
tal to us."
Lowry •ald thouund• and thousands
of peraons use beaches In the ma
each year. "We don't know how It will
afted the tourilt trade thla 111mnter.
U we 1et It cleaned up, however, we
cat1 overcome the iroblem."
He utd ht bu receJved one letter
alrudy cancelllnc plans to como to Sant>
Barbara becaua ol lhe polluUoo. .
l'rot11 P .. e l
tut WMk also found two poundl of
marijuana and mare than 1,000 drug
pll1', plenty for a fel0fl1 pn>.oec11Uoo,
but col1kl llnk the contr1b4nd to no
opoclflc lndlvlduala.
The S.S. Rynclam vlllted 17 poril ol
call dorllll Jll voy11e. In manJ DI w~lch
narcotics outlawed ht the Unit.eel States
can be bou&hl on drugstore shelves.
accordlng to cuatoms agenll. ' .
-NiJ:on will submit to Congress In
mid-February special messages on tax
reform anci changes in the presidential
election process. ~ ·
-If negotlaUons .rlil to end ~ con-
llnuing dock • otr~ Nbcon tQld the
leader1, he ~Y baVt to JtopoH kglala·
lion dealing ,with naUon•l emergency
strikes. . •
-Before making 1 contemplated trip
to Europe sooo., Nixon will meet In
advance with bo1b Democratic and
Republican leaden llan eon.,.. and
be will bold a almllar iuiloo following
hll rttom. .
-The Pre8ldent plana a aerie• of
rt0rpnbcatlon ellorta within govmunent,
'Pf'OVlded ~ e1tend1 explring
leg11laUan· gtvlni him authority In that
field. Said Dlrkleu. without getUag Into
sPeclfle1: ''There probably wlll be more
reorganization plana in t h 1 1 ad-
mlniatration than in any other."
Wrecked Plane
Found in Ocean
-·::;...~ ~ • tf' .. L ·1 I • ..;
By. TV Cameras
LOS · ANGELES (AP) -Wreckage
of a untied Air Unes plane which crai;h-
td 1Dt6 tbe sea Jan. ·18 bas been found
11 miles offshore in ''extr eme ly
fragmented' condition.
All 31 aboard were tilled when the
Boeing 7f1 went down in 294 f~et of
water after takeoff from International
Airport for Denver.
The National TransporlaUon and Safely
Board said today the wreck.age was
located by sooar and confirmed by
television cameras lowered to the sea
f I o o r. A seven.foot fragment was
recoverect and postively identified as
part ol the craft.
Thomas R. Saunders, head of the
board's investigating team, said, "It is
a correct assumption that the plane
5plintered upon impact with water."
Tbe wreckage, he aald, waa scattered
over hundreds of thousands of square
feet of the bottom. . The scene, he said, was where surface
debrll was found the night of the crash.
The plane went down in a rainstorm
aft.er reporting that a warning U~ht had
flashed signifying fire in an engine.
Attempts to rtcover the wreckage will
begin thLs weekend.
From Page J
1\1 worst form," Clyde said. 11lt smacks
or hypocrisy and cynicism ...
Clyde 5lid geological faulls off the
coast were well known but were ap-
pareaUy ignored by the Interior Depart-
ment whel\ it granted Jeues for offshore
oil drilling.
"Everyooe in .the minerals section of
the Interiqr Oep_artment was hell bent
to aet.·thll drllling under way," desplle
strong opi>o61Uon from local resident., .
Clyde said.
Sen. Ala.n Cranslon (0-Calif:), said
"there should be a cessation of drlUlng
until we rtedve assurances that there
will not be a·recurre.nce" of the leak.
Front Pagt: J
u thlclt al -!Utl, would lake moch longer t• dry out on a bae<h than the
thick, tar-like oil than w,ahel ashore
In the big clumps. That'• the typt that
would be enter to remove ...
The Santa Barbara on alkk haa both
German Chief Named
BONN, Gmnany (AP) -Kal.Uwe
von Haisd waa elected president or
Ute West Germ111 Bundestag or parll11·
mcnt today.
FAIRFIELD (UPI) -State regulaUons
on of[shore oil drilling are being reviewed
as a result of the oil slick now threaten·
lng the Santa Barbara Channel, 1 ac--
cordlng to Executive Land Commissioner
F. J. Hortlg.
·"However, state controls normally pre-
vent this type ol thing from happening,'"
he said TUesday ln the opening session
ol a two-day bearing on possible leasing
of oil rigln::S in San Pablo Bay.
The hearing moved to Martinez today.
Ernestine Smith, chairman of the
·Madrone chapter of the N a t i on a 1
Audubon Society cf Sonoma, Calif., said
her croup would . oppose ¥Y kind of
drilling because "any escape of oil •.•
could upset the balance of nature 1n the
"The oil would injure or kill clams
and shrimp that live in bay waters,
and these lri tum are used by !lsh
and birds for food," she said.
Abool Ml peroons attended Tuesday's
one-hour hearing.
Viejo Teen Held
On Fire Bombing
A 15-ycar-old f,1illsion Viejo boy wa!I
arrest~. by sheriff 's deputies Tu~sday
in connection with the fire bombing ol.
two homes In the Aegean H.ills area.
Deputies said they expect to arr~t
two or three more youths suspected
of being Involved in the incident.
Minor damage was done to a home
at ~32 Pacific.a Ave. Monday night
when a fire bomb was exploded against
the·wall of the residence.
Earlier Monday, another fire bomb
was exploded In front cf a house at
25312 Justin Ave.
Deputies said they could discover no
motive for the bombings.
Part of the Communist arma were
found under a lake tombstone, mllltary
1pokeamen . uld. Tbey Included an an-
ilalrcralt pin.
Lui )'tar dorinc the Tel ob...-vance,
Communllt forces burled their biggest
offensive ol the war against South. Viet-
nam'• ciUes, There was fierce fighting
in SalgOn, the former imperial capital
of Hue and other urban centers.
The American intelligence sources said
documents captured set no firm date
foe new attacks. The most serious threat
wu said to be in the Saigon area
where an estimated 40,000 Communist
troops were reported massed in an ll-
province region.
A top U.S. commander said the Reds
are most likely to strike cultying areas,
sparing Saigon Itself because of the
political repercuuions they may suffer
by attacking the capital.
The Communists have announced plans
for a week-long truce starting Feb. 13.
They also announced a truce during
Tet last year, Allied of!lciab: still were
&nakferiilg a proposal to? a ceasefire
during the three-day holiday period.
Spqkumen said a apy within U\e Vlet
Cong movement Jed government soldiers
to the anna . cache Tuesday in the
Cemetery at the western edge of Saigon.
Buried under a clump of bushes were
~n antiaircraft gun, a dozen automatic
rifles, a rocket launcher, 50 grenades,
.three mortar rounds, ammuniUon and
medicine. Mine detectors also uncovered
two mortar firing trlpods buried under
a fake tombstone, but the weapons ac-
cessories were believed hidden lor Com-
munist troops during their Saigon attack
last May.
The Saigon government banned the
use o! fireworks to celebrate the
holidays. The tradJUonal practice added
to confusion during .fighting last year.
The government also ilnnounced backseat
mololblke riders w o u I d have to sit
sidesaddle. Officials said the new rule
would make it difficult for backseat
terrorist& to keep their balance during
attempts to escape.
y, I t. • D ..,,. ,,,,, ..... ,..._ .. a en 1ne s oy ..... o •• ,. •• """.,. , , h IOve lhtl It expre11u. Soy 1t Wit .... , em,. •• .,,,
' · urKle~a nwlUplt an n quality-control
checkl to uaur1
OMEGA '""""'"" dependablllty.
You can bt tu,.
1ht Omega you give
or NOIMI 11111
V11tnt1ne'1 !;111
prol.ld Ulalltnt _... ....
~in her
The airtot•
Omega watch •RI bt
rttn1mbtr1d IVlr)'
mlnut1, ewry hour,
r;e.ry day. Combining
,..,.. buvty and
ICCUF"IOY, l lCh Omega.
watch rtntcU tht
aupen design and
llehnlcll tkUlt d
oraftlmtn. s.. out
compltt1 coneotloli
of Orntg• wttchle.,
tel to owr $1 CIOQ.
discussions. · .
The diploma" aald the propooal pro.
bably will nol be voiced al tho peace
conference unUl there ia some IJl'OCftS!
toward a settlemenl The third -1<1.n
of four·way talks ls .scheduled Tbur~ay.
The conference is dtadlocked because
Hanoi and the Viel Cong's National
Liberation Front refuse to discuss
military d e-escala tion without
simultaneously discussing a polilical set4
tlement for South Vietnam, and Saigon
inslsta the conference has no right to
discuss South Vietnam's internal aHain.
Despite the deadlock both lides seem
to agree on the need to revive and
revise key provisions of the 1954. Genev~
agreements that ended the French
Indochina war. These partitioned Viet ..
nam "provisionally" at the 17th parallel
and set up an International Control Com~
mission made up of Canada, Poland
a11d lndia.
All-male Jury
Picked ~ Shaw
Conspiracy Trial
NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -An all-male
panel of 12 jurol'3 and two alternates wu
seated today to try Clay L. Shaw on
charges of conspiring to murder Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy. Opening state-
ments were set for Thursday morning.
The second alternate was sworn in, and
Dist. Judge Edward A. Haggerty Jr. sent
them off to get a group picture taken by
news photographers. He dismiased cow1
for the rest of the day.
The final alternate was Robert J.
Burlet, preslderit ol a crane service, who
said he had heard the defendant lecture
at an export-import school where Burlet .
was a student 15 years ago. But he aaid
this would not color his judgment·of the
J. C. fiumpMu c'}flwtJl,. PHONE
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Dun,ing~n. •a~h
Golden ·West Wins Three .. year Accreditation
Gai.i.n West College In Huntington
Buch bu recelffd in "A" &lade on
iii Ont repelt tard. .
Tbe -hu been fully accredJled
for u..e 1'ltl. the Jllllfmum i.rm
f0< • ..Uep cerU!led lor the flnl time.· ·
Weilero Allloclatlon ol Sc:hooll and
Coll-thus gave its lop ralins to
tbe ..U.ge wblch opeoed In· Seplom,ber,
'"i .
Acc:reditaUon means counes taken at
Golden West will be lnllller&blt to any
other ""1ege In the Untied States.
To da~ oludenls tranoferrina from...
Golden West bave bad ...,.... routinely
accepted by other Calllomla . IChools
,.while the campus wu in proceu of
otifainin& accreditatioa.
• But atudm1s ao1n1 to mna11er out-or.
-.C.te ICbools Jl!ten bave bad to petlllon
for transfer. Now it will be automaUc,
says John Buller, associate dean ol' ld-
mlsslons and records.
A 21-page accredltaUon evaluaUon
recenUy receJved by the college atates:
"Throoghoot !be staff Uiere ls evidence
of. enthusiasm for the innovaUve ap-
proach to teacblng wblch ls an bnportant
part ol tbe plJilOll<>phy of tbe college."
It also notes:
••Some of the 1Wtbusiiam is tempered
by • ~ ol lundl and -...
structor lime with wblcb to imro-1
lnncwaUon." ·
Tbe report WU jftpued by a ......
member ICC?edlllni team, beoded by
Foothill Collqe Pwldont Dr. Hubert
H. Semans, wblch •pen! 1luoe day• at
Golden West Jul October.
Tbe oae ploce the team fell the c.llege
fell down a bit wu in tta evenlnc ..........
_....u. Ill OoldlrJ ......
,,,. -'·"""" .............. for
Ila. "vtp md .... I • ll Ntlot
Wiiii ........ • ..... -......
........ 1111 lor II!* -~ -deCliloiil . 0 •
n ..W 111a1 -·.m... ... .. _ ... _.., __ ..
'ftMI, ~ WU <•••_...,' far......,a•hte'tt
O"il Gums HarhOr I ..
Slick Spreads Into· Santa Barbara ·
From Wirt Servlcn
SANTA BAllllAllA -Oil from a leak·
ing undersea well covered an estimated
800 square miles of the Pacific today
and apread Into tbe llI!all boat harbor
of this acenlc coastal city.
Sixty persons living on bo4ts were
ordered ashore as a precauUooary
measure due to fire hazard.
The thick dart oil washed up on
beaches where one man said, "The smell
is awful"
AA the leak went Into lta aecond week,
the slick extended nearly 40 miles
seaward, reaching the shores of Anacapa
and Santa Cruz Islands. It extended
along beaches from Goleta, just eut
of here, nearly to Ventura. to the west,
a diatance of about 25 miles.
In many areas the oil had washed
* * *
onto the beach, In othera It WU ju.st
A wind sbllt c1urinC tbe '"4JI! drove
the oU Into Santa Barbara Harbor.
Wavu broke a IOI boom -a tel.et
of logs llnm& together to <heck tbe
slick and oU apread Into the amaU
pleasure· harbor, where 790 boats valued at Cl nlillion. are kept. ·
Two workboata sprayel chemlcaJJ over
the oU to try to break It up and mlnhiilae
damage to boats and harbor lacllltlea.
"It'1 a~ meu," ~ Bruce Jacbon,
rllJlger at the Arroyo Burro Beach west
ol Ute Harbor.
"'It came in pretty heavy Jut night
and as far u I can aee there'• allck
right Up on tbe aand, rl&ht up to the rocu.
"There are people on the beach picking
up the dead birds, and IOUll live <11e1
are atuct In the 100. One lod hoa
• blc prba&e can and la ~--lo
ai.ve some of the live ·ODU· J tell, 10U• '
it'•. real IQlll."
Stanley C. Lowry, ·-el llie chamber ol. commerce, uld ••1 b&ft
been oul to tho -and lbey'N
rolling In . black ftlth. We're • tom:lil
community. 'l'bls 1a very, vey· dm._ ta1 to ua." ·-
Lotrty aaht tbucltJiidl mt UwJpndl
ol penona uae bOaChea In the .,..
each yur: 04We llm't-bOw bow it wm.1
allocl the toaiilr -tlila' ··-· If · we pt It deaned: .,.-buire.ttr 1 we can overcome the problem." .
· He aald be hu received ..... leli...
alreaily cancellln& p .... to:came lo 8anta
Barbara b,ecauae ol lbe polluUaa.
• ,-' ' . DAILY'·PILOT .... 1'h' ~ KMlllir
Shifting Tides, Coast -Beackes F aci~g
c1~ti,i Air Mo~ . .:. W•~.from South, ~old~.',!' ~ .7'". Bring ~ix": ~7'·v~i ~.~" " . . ; . B~~&~~~~'.~ ,. "'lhP8it"Flinnr·Oil·51iek _ ... ,. -.,.
' Rainy Days Back 2 Beach ·Armed Robberies Shltting tides and tocff,7'• rain are
making II ~ to . clau )IP: atlon!l
de6ria tnm llit ben -iw, H~
Beach .. Barbor and 1ladl olflclalt aid
th!• ..,.,;m.. .To Plague Soggy
Orange Coast Believed by Same Suspect "II will take.about 1luoe more weeta
to sweep the beaobea ~ of the debris
left by the recent beavy otonm," aald
Melvto M. Bowmu, ualstanl dlrecto!'
of Harbor1,' Beacba .and Development.
The waniing shot in a ~ volley
of rain ror the1 Orange -Coast was flttd
early today, with the flnt assault wave
carded for !Ooigbt and Tbunday.
A sudden downpour which ended as
quick1y as it began drenched the coastal
uea for about IS minutes between I
and 9 a.m., followed by scattered clouds
in blue skies •.
But more rain was predicted for
toolgh~ buff.eted by gusty winds and
bringing cooler temperatures. T h e
Weather Bureau said the ralufall ~
bility for Thursday was 80 percent. ·
Tbe e1tended picture sbowa occasional
rain through Sunday, with the mercury
dipping into the SO's on the Orange
Police today are investigating the
possibility that the-aame man comniitted
two armed robberies Tuesday night in
Huntington Beach.
The first ·robbery occurred at 9:15
p.m .• when a man in a red turtleneck
sweater toot $100 from the office of
a motel at 7f1 Yorktown Ave., police
A witness said the man held the
sweater over his face and displayed
a two-inch nickel.plated revolver. He
left the office with the money in a
brown paper bag.
The 1eeond anned robbery was at
Jl:S5 p.m. in the Tic Toe Market at
IKll Edwards St.
Huntington Council Raps
Okay of Hospital Plans
! Approval of plans for a $4 million the zoning requirements for the area.
holpHa.l comple:r was brought UDder All, however, agreed that they should
flre Monday night by the HunUnglon at least have knowledge of such a
Beach City Council because the acUoo matter.
wu taken by tbe board· of aoning adjust· Cou.ncllQllD Jerry Malney said, "We're
enr without councll knowledge. aware of ~very service station that goes m 1 ocllm complained that into this city.and '!"e ought to tnow about Severa cou en the . something like this."
8CIDedllng as important to city uba Councilman Jack 'Green moved that
halPital s~d not be a~le to Piii ! the council reqlle!ll all minutes from w~t their even having knQw~ future board fl. zoning adjustment meet·
of..,;, -of zoning adjustment In inp. The motion paaaed unanimously.
A store clerk said a man In a red
T·shlrt entered the store, pointed a two-
incb chrome revolver at him and asked
far the bills out 'of the register. About
$129 in cash. was taken. .
Both witnesses" described the man as
about s feet a intjles, with llDdy «
blond hair and wearing some type of
red shirt, police said.
Official Tree,
Flower Slated
For Westminster
SelecUon or an official flower and
tree for Westminster will be considered
by the Civic beautification conur.:!tee
at 8:30 p.m. today in the City Hall,
8200 Westminster Avenue.
Members of the Westminster R.ecrea-
tion and Parks Commission will be
present to htar recommendatklna on a
representative flower and tree for the
The beautification committee meets
once each month · to plan projects to
help make Westminster more beautiful.
Anyooe interested in the committee'•
activities may aftend tonight'• meeting.
Other ittma: on the agenda include
f'ledlon of a vice chairman, approval
ol a street tree list and consideration
ol the nell project.
"The Ude1 are chaoiina about every
Si.J. houri, 11 Bowman explained, 11 and
tbe aand teepg burying the wood, mooUy
bamboo, that is collected on the
Shortly alter a quiet ralnburst this
morntna:. Bowman Aid that an all-day
rain would prevent workers from clean-
ing the area and might deposit more
A heavy rainstorm, Bowman· pointed
out, would certainly 1dd to the alrudy
large problem.
"However," he aald, "a J.iiht rain
would not bring mucb mott debris down
the Santa Ana River, because the river
is still running at nearly the capacity
cf the recent 1torms."
Stolen Pills
Could Be Fatal
A poteiiUally fatal drug was stolen
from a Stanton home Tueaday.
PoUce warned that tbe drq, Cytemal,
stolen from· the borne of Mr, and Mrt.
Joseph Pushckor, 1Gm Ramblewood St.,
could "cause aerloul slde effects ln-
cludlng halluclnaUona and 1hoct and
could prove fatal."
Officers fear the plllt were taken by
chlldnn In the neighborhood.
~ approved plans to coovert the
Huntlilgton Beach Convalescent Hos-
pital ·Into a speciafued hoeptW.
Ultimate plam call for a ~ ~
pital on Delaware Street near Main
Su.el. Some councilmen feared that approval
of NCh a hospital wou1d create too ID\ICb
cqrn;etitJon •between it and Hundn~ ~ Hoepttal. ~ting m _.,..service to the Community.
Cigarette Ad Ban Proposed
either councilmen didn 't feel it WU tbe
..,...;i•a plsce to detennine the yalue of COID(ikitklo-... long ... tbe hospital m<t
·. · StKlc Market.
• •
NEW YORX (AP) -The stock markel
cfoeed in fairly active tradmg . after
another mi1ed and uncertain se511on to-
day. (See quot.Uons, Pages 12, 13). .
With final statlstlcl alill to be compiled, n was uncertain w~ther . the market
bad reptered a alig)lt 1am or -U
1 ....
FCC ·Votes to Prohibit Advertisin!g on TV,;Radw
WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Filderil
Communications Comm1alol;l V'O t e'd
Wedneaday to propose • ban against
cigarette advirtlsing on television and
The FCC' ltsell plarlned to make the
ronnaI announcement later ln the day.
CoogreaalOl]ll 'aourcea aald the vote for
the propoaed ban wls,I to 1.
Sen. Jrran~ E. Mo,u (~Utah), said
the FCC decision wu In Une with
lllratOgy be bad pl'opooed In the Seoate
Friday. ,
At' lhat time, Mou said the · prtself 1 later date .
law roqulrin( a warning on clgareUe Tobacco companlea d•P,Oftd primarily
packages, that amokiug may be 1 huard on televillon and radio for tbelr ad-
to·tbe beallh, lhoold be allowed to die. v~~. tbe lllOll -m ,...,. for
Moes originally supported the labeling which figures were avallsble, .$111.t
requirement when le&Ialatlon was passed million wi1 1pent Oft cigarette ad-
in 1965 but said It had prevented tbe vertlslng, inclucliq $DU mlWon for
FCC from placlng'-OllJ on clgaret· tetevtstoo rommerclala and $11.$ mlDloo
te advertJsing. . t I tor, r•1 ~mercl~ • · ·
Tbe FCC'1 propoaal .to 'Din clpret . T)lo ~ ~~'l"'f ~; ~;;ni::.,~~~~=-.. ·: ~~~~~--Rlitster·.aiodf"-·llot talle-.eflecti uhll' I03* ,bealtbi' ' . • . • . • . -·
'o I ~ ... ' •-•
• •f4~ ,.· ~:
or~ Omn1l'• ~ beacba -~ 5eal Biadt;:to 'iD ~l•i .:. ~-
be wlninlile i.. oil ao.11nr mw. tbl
Calllcrnlli eooat lmn an offabon drt1lllt
site -·-JIFbara; bat •• llrllll of ·lop could keep tbe putpd mi*
oil oul of Anabehn Bay and NIW]>Ort
Harbcr,1epunty of'Ocl1Ja Aid today •.
Newport ~ Al Qberr aid
tbe county Harbor De,,.,-Nt )11.-
"we think wowa wort ettectmtr . if ,,.
ever have Ill oil· slick thl"Nterdbl "t!Ml
harbor." '
Pruwnab]J, the ame. mwil · -.a
slrini .oi lop."" telephOae poi., ~
the ---~could lie -at Anaheim Bay, the outer llirbor·ludlnC
to tbe watenray1 ol Smiaet Bay and.
Huntington Harbour.
Crude ·oil from tbe bu&e oO 1•.lroQ>· o Unloo Oil Co. offlllJori, drlllinl .I'll
already hu entered Santa Barbara
harbor, causlna evacuation' ol. boa.ten. '
Oberg aald that tbe IOI strfnl metllOd
waa put to uae In Newport Harbor °"""
in recent years. "But .tbe oil nev.er
Suspect in Rape
May Come Back
On Own Volition . . .
A 1uspect In the Chrla1mu day DWI
rape of a I~ glrl In Huntington
Beach may return from ~ .....
Mut., on b1a on oceonl, Huntington
l!eaCh poUce aid today.
Robert Souza, a Fairbaven. raldent,
WU arrected tbere Jan. • for violation ol' probaUon. .
lluntiniJ!on Beacb pollee aid thli
morning SOUia hu ~led be will
waive erlradtttoo wbea b1a onibattoa
bearing comet up In Jl'-..0 fn llan:h,
and will return to COlllGmta to face
np0 charges.
Souza WU lmpll<ated U poealbty OOI
of ten men who raped • JOUlll Aiiabetm
l!h"I Chrlttmaa day In a Huntington, s.ch
teeo baqoul, pollol aald.
Another ouspecl, Peter JlaeO, II; ol
El Monte,.wu ~lei!'lor~ today in W-Munlclp&l",Courl
In -... ol coalrl!>ullol to the -quincy ol • minor .. ' •
A 17-year-old Aaal1elm ~ ...-
In connection with .the crime waa.-
ed to the Cllltod.Y ol Illa .,;r;ato and
la awalPac • Juvenlll llall bairtac.. '"* thne ..... inlpllca/ed u ""' of a ~· of ,about tt IPfft wbonr
the prl aald ~' aasawted be{ W""'1
'""; ......... ,the clilb' INM"" for~• 'ilrl ·~~ .. ~'I ' _....,,. .. •
~,to'fd ·'*:.,.J .1.;.. ,·•aa-~.up, "'• ~lllilo.. .. ... ~. .
' . ~
. -
er .. ,.
I 1
• ,,. • ..,, ,..., s. l• •
' ' ' . I I 1aycei11 f,Ookitig A.head DAil Y I'll OT tt1ff 1'11111
' ' Jackie Benington, California Junior Miss~ ~elps
HUD!lnJllon Besch Junior Chamber of Cq,mmerce members issue reminder about junior c.bamber)s
Distinguished Service Awards Banquet F~b. 20.
Mayor Alvin Coen, Jaycee banquet Chairman Jerry
Coley ·and City Councilman Jerry Matney (from
left) already have their tickets for event. Tickets
are available through junior chamber members.
' '
Nixon Urges Treaty Okay
WASHINGTON (AP) -Pr<sld"'t Nix·
cm asked the Senate today to raWy the
nuclear nonproliferation treaty promplty.
He said such action would further
hil a:oal "of negotiaUon rather than con-
frontaUon with the US.SR."
Nixon, Jn a message to. the Senate,
recalled wging a delay In raWicaUon
ol the truly Jul fall because of the
Soviet lnvuion ol CJochoalovakla.
"My request at this time In no sense
llten Dl1 CGOdemnatlon of that Soviet
actloa, .. be llld.
In iDotber pollcy decl!!on, Nixon
onkred the Agriculture Department to
cooUnue thia year to make available
a 50 percent advance payment to
partldpanll In the feed graiiia ~am
-an action Jn ketpin1 with put praCUce
but one wblch ouigolngPr..!dent LyndDD
B. Johmcm 111ggested be dropped.
"We feel fanq.er1 are enUlled to proper
and auflJcient noUce about any change
Jn the ground rules on such payments,''
Ni.Jon said In a statement. "Many of
tbem are already beglnnlng to algn up
for the program."
These movea were discussed at a
lengthy !!Qnference Nli:on held with
Republlcan congresslooal leaders.
Afterward!, Senate GOP L e ad e r
Everett M. Dirksen and House Republi-
can Leader Gerald R. Ford made these
further announcements:
-Nixoo. w)ll submit to Congress In
mid-February special messages on tax
reform aoti chqe1 in the presidenUal
elect\on Process.
-U negotiations fall lo end the con·
Captured Red Documents
'Point to Tet Offensive . . ', '
" ....... Win Bervlcel
SAIGON -Ccmlnunlll dociiinenll cap-
tuNd bi all four rqlnDi of Vietnam
: bave crdered perrillal to prepare for
fuJHcale ll,itlln1 during this month's
Tet lunar ne'lt' year holiday, U.S.
Intelligence BOUrca: aatd today.
Tbe SaJeon government today canceled
· all military leaves beginning Feb. 10
., thlt any offenaive woo't catch the
South Vietnamese army unaware u it
did Jul year.
Tbe South Vietnamese command said
: all government forces would be placed
• CJD 100 percent .restricUon IDd all leave!
· were canceled effective one wetk before
Tet. tbe lunar new year which lb.ii
. year falls on Feb. 17. That meana that
· all bwpa must remain •I their duty
a1.1Uoos or al •their q\W'len llrOlllld
: the clock. ' ' . Acting Ill nip lo the ~ud any new
Communiat .u'"'i.. qalnll the cities
· of South Vleloem, 1ovemmenl bwpa
eeized 1 Viet Cong Arma cache in a
Salgoo cemetery and 11SUed Ugbler
eecurl!y ro1 ... The regu!aUona ban the
tradlUonal uae of firecrackers · t o
il~\:v PILOT
l•\otrf N, W•••
celebrate the holiday, which atart.! Feb.
17. '
Part of lhe Communist arms were
round ·under ri fake tombstone, 'military
spokesmen aaid. They included an an-
Ualn:rall gun.
Last year during the Tet observance,
Communist forces hurled their biggest
offensive ol the war against South Viet-
nam's cltiu. There was fierce fighUng'
in Saigon, the former imperial capital
of Hue and other urban centers.
Tbe American-intelliamce IOWUS said,
documenta captured set no firm date
for new attacks. The moSt &eilous threat
was said to W t'1. the Saigon · area
where an utimated 40,000 Communlst
troops were rePorf.e4 ma.ued ,Jn an 11·
prbVince region.
A top U.S. commander sald the Reds
are most Dltely to Jtl'fke ouUytng ·areas,
sparing Saigon Itself bacau.se of. the
poliUcal repercussions they may suffer
by attacking the capital
The Communists have announced plans
for a week-lollg truce startlng Feb. 15.
They alJo announced a truce dW'lng
Tet last year. Allied olficlala still were
consldering a proposal for a ctaselire
during the three-day Pollciay period.
Spokesmen said • rpy within the Viet
Cong movement led govtmment soldiers
lo the anna cache TuudaJ: iD the
cmetery at the western edge Of Saigon.·
tinulng dock strike, Nlxon told the
leaders, he may have to propose leglsla4
tlon dealing with national emergency
-Before making a contemplated trip
to Europe soon, Nixon will . meet in
advance wllh both Democratic and
Republican leaders from Congress and
he will hold a similar session following
his return.
-The President plans a series of
reorganization efforts within .JOvernment,
provided Congress e i: t e n1:1. s expiring
legislation giving him authority in that
field. Said Dirksen, without getting into
specifics: "There probably will be more
reorganiz.ation plans in t h 1 s ad-
ministraUon than In any Other."
County Officers
Taking Harbor
Fight to Cities
County officers opposed to the dl.ssolu-
Uon of the Orange CQunty Harbor District
are taking their fight direct to the ciUes. Chitnnan of the Board of Supervisors
William H. Hirstein and Kenneth
Sampson, county di.rector of harbors and
parks, spoke to Orange city councilmen
Tuesday night following adjournment of
a council meeting.
Sampson gave a detailed history of
the harbor district to the councilmen.
He said many cities are supporting the
dissolution of the district because they
don't feel they are getting their falr
share of the district'! funds. He disputed
this contention.
Sampson urged the people of Orange
County to oppose the dissolution because
the move would among other things,
"preclude the development of Upper
Newport Bay."
The Orange council plans to acl on
the Orange County League of CiUes
resolution . urging dissoluUon of the
district on Feb. %5. Nine other city
councils have already approved the
Supervisors Tuesday indicated their
continued opposition to abolishment of
the tax.ing district when they voted 4.9
against giving any financial support to
Newport Beach to operate Newport
Harbor if the district ls dissolved.
Supervisor A1ton. E. Allen said he
thougbt the district .should remain as
it is if the county is going to pay
for operation of the harbor.
Pf11illtflf anll ,.,.u,,..,.
J1ck L c,,1,.,
'liu P'r~ Mf ~ti MttwltU
n."''' r ..... 11 ....
T~'"''' A. Mltf,111111 IMNMllt'I...,'
Al~trf W. l1f1\ Witlit191 lt:11GI
.. -~ . ._, ..... ~"-11
ldllor (lly, ~--H•• ............
Suspect in Lewd Movie
Showii1g Wins New Delay
lOt Ith Shttf ,
M1ill~t ..,,,,,,n1 r.o. ••• 7to, t1'"' 0--J.lt ....... 1ttc111 nn '°'"' ...... ...,..,.,,,
C.1t1 MINI »0 Wttl lty ''"""
A Huntington Beach pro)ectlonlrt ac-
cused of txhlbltlng , lewd mavlt1 may
fight his cue all the way lo the U.S ..
Suprtme Court, according to bi.I al·
Santa Ana Municipal Court proceedings
qainlt Bn><e C. Schmkft, 16, of 6392
'l')onJne arcle, were delayed pending 1 ruJJnc by the Superior Court's appellate
dlvlllon on Municipal Court Judj;e Plul
Mast's decision th1l ''Tate Me Naked"
-a fllm shown at Santa Ana's Guild
Theater on Jan. 3, 1981 -wu oblctne.
The three-judge pone! backed M1Sl'1
Verdie! tbtl wetk. But 1tlllrnty Slonley
Flellchman ol Beverlf llllil now #anll -.u.. by the Dlotrict Court " bll lrgument and, u 11 ii rejected there,
"Constder•ll«I by the U.S. SUpttme
Court, U nec&ary."
Amsted with Schmidt 1t the Ill.,,,...
Mowing (Jf c'Tate Me Naked" and "The
Prince and th1 Nature Girl" were theater
manager Gary N. Johnson, 2e, of Sanla
An1 ·and ticket seller Lenore J. Linden,
23 .. of Anaheim. They· face identical
charges and are abo represented by
Mast. an interested member of the
capacity audience at the matinee scrten-
ing of the spicy movies, also contends
that. "Prince and the Nature Girl" la
jusi as obscene. as tts companion film.
But appellate court conslderaUon is only
being given to "Take Me Naked."
Schmidt and hi!! companions were
taten lo Orange County Jail Immediately
afttr the performance.
Fleilchrnan is challeJ)Btng Mast's rul-
ln( on the bull ol hlo U.S. Supreme
Court verdlct3. 'nle rullnga would seem
to tmPly, be states, that Obtcenlty cannot
be meuured In the arta In which the
alle&edly obscene material ls being ex·
hlblted and that It must be c•rerully
~!~ed on the merits of 1 ~tatewlde
The Guild Is currently 11howing
"forbidden Fle!ih ...
City Congress Ca:rded
Huntington Chamber Plans March 22 Event
C111 I good llhow be lopped?
The. leCOlld J;luotlngton Beach Com-
munity Congress, scheduled March n,
could be a more 11pee:tacu1ar succesa:
than a highly praised intital congress
a year agq. its backers say.
Dile· Dunn, manager of the sponsoring
Chamber of Commerce, said Tuesday
commJttees have been formed and a
schedule set up for erents.
Dr. R. Dudley Boyce, president o(
Goldenwest College, was introduced as
cbalrman of thiJ year's clinic. Theme
for the congress I! "Dlmens.lons '69 -
Your Opportw\lty lo participate."
Dr. Boyce explained the purpose of
t)le congress as not only one of ezplorlng
and expanding the community's op-
portunities, but a chance to diagnose
illJ and hear possible corrections.
About 300 civic leaders representing
au varieties of organizatiorui In Hun-
Ungton Beach . will participate in the
Saturda"y congress at Goldenwest College.
A sllgbtly dllierent syrtem will be
used to present panel dl!cussiona this
year, Dunn explained.
The congreu will begin with a general
st-sslon and an _as yeLunnamed keynote
speaker. Then the 300 parUclpanta will
divide among three panels dealing with
civic, economic, cultural and educational
After an lnJUal presentaUon, these
paneil will further llJ)lil Into groups of
25 people each for in-depth discussions.
A luncheon, at h per person, is al!o
scheduled in the college community
The congreu will end with report&
given by a representative ol each of
the panell.
A committee of 21 enthu.siastic . aup-
portua of the C<llJil<S8 mel recenUy
and set up (our sub-committee& to
finalize plans for the March 22 event.
Sub-eommltteea and their members
named Tuesday include:
Steering -Dr. Boyce, chairman, Dale
Dunn, Howard.Matheny, Bill Woods, Jaclr:
Higley, Ralph Kiser and Bruce Williams.
Program -Higley, chainnan, Jaclr:
Froggatt, Pete Hort.on, Paul Frluell,
Thomu Overtoo, Mu Forney, Ken
Reynolds and Matheny.
Arrangementa and Services -Mrs.
Rhoda Martyn, chalnnan, Clarence Hall,
Ben Londeree, Mn. C1sale Casey and
Publlcfty and PubllcaUDDJ -Kloer,
chairman, Mn. Joan Warnet, Howard
Whittaker and Dunn.
Mattress Fiie
Quelled in Jail
Firemen doused a mattress fire at
7:34 p.m. Tuesday in the Huntington
Beach Cfty Jail.
One prisoner, William Carlson, 421
Lake Street, Huntington Beach, wu
overcome by smoke and taken to Orange
County Medical Center.
Cause of the fire Is not yet determined,
firemen said today.
New Communications
Satellite Launch Set
international communicaUons satellite
was prepared for launch tonight toward
an orbit above the Pacific Ocean to
replace two existing radio relay stations
and cut transpacific televisian costs.
The 322-pound commercial satellite was
scheduled to leave earth on a space
agency Delta rocket for which the
Comsal Corp. ls paying the government
'5 million.
DAILY Pll.OT Stiff ....
PEP TALK -Huntington Beach Chamber Manager Dale Dunn giveo
instructions to four committee members working on arrangements
for March 22 Community Congress at Golden West College. From
left are Dr. R. Dudley Boyce, Ralph Kiser, Jack Higley, Mrs. Rhoda
Valley Council Adopts
Small Lot Zone Changes
Two zone. changes Involving smaD lot
development! were approved while an
appeal on another wu turned down
Tu"lfay nlgbt by the Fountain Valley
City Council.
A 9.77 acre plot of land on the north-
west corner of Magnolia Street and
Slater A venue wu chan&ed from ordi-
nary sin.<le lamlly zoning Ill RI Pl).7200
-a speclaJ aingle famlly reaidence and
'j>laMed development zone.
The applicant, Robert Adam!, plans to build 48 alogle-family lots and .one
common lot coctainlng a recreation area
and swimming' pool. ·
1 The second zone change involved 103
acres on the northwest comer of Brook·
burst Street and Edinger Avenue .
The applicant, S. Munemitsu, plans 467
single family Iota and will Include a 3lh-
acre park .site to be built by the devel-
oper and donated to the city.
An appeal on a planning commission
denial for a :zone variance to the J. Ray
Construction Co., was turned down be-
cause counCil members felt the proposed
development did not merit special con-
side raUon,
The developer wanted to construct
homes on lots smaller than the city's
standard of 7,200 square feet on a tract
on the northwest corner of Newbope and
Warner Avenue.
Because, in lhe council's opinion, the
developer offered no unique approach to
the development on small lots, the var-
iance was denied.
In other action, the council set Feb.
18 as date for public hearings on two
more zone change requests.
The requests have been made by the
Schmid Development Co. for property
on the northwest corner of Talbert
• Avenne and Ward Strtet, and by C. Mat-
sushita for property on the south side of
Warner Avenue, 660 feet west of Broot-
hurst Street
Wrecked Plane
Found in Ocean
By TV Cameras
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Wreckage
cf a United Air Lines plane which crash·
ed into the sea Jan. 18 has been found
11 miles offshore in ''extremely
fragmented" condition.
All 38 aboard were kllled when lhe
Boeing 727 went down jn 294 feet of
water after takeoff from International
Airport for Denver.
The National Transportation and Safety
Board said today the wreckage was loca~ by sonar and conflrDled by
television cameras lowered to Uie sea
f Io or. A seven-foot fragment was
recovered and postively iden1Uied as part of the craft.
Thomas R. Saunders, head of the
board's investigating team, said, "It Is
a correct assumption that the plane
splintered upon impact with water."
The wreckage, he said, was scattered
over hundreds of thousands of square
feet of the bottom. •
The sctne, he said, was where &urface
debris was found the night of the crash •
\ I I t" • D Tlle lro• preclousnn• or YO en 1ne s ay ... 1n Om11gawatchl1the
S , , h IOV9 that It txpr.un. ay It Wit ... ,,omog•w~''
an O
ulldergoet mulllpl•
d!ecb to uture
You can bt 1ure
the Omega you gtve
or rectlYI lhil
Yalent lM'I ~·Y
proud llltll!M
~in .,.her
Tht gwtcl •
OmlfOI wa1eh wlll be
remambtrtd avery
minute, evtry hour,
1very d1y. Combining ,.,. bNutY and
IOCUrtC)', ..Ch Omega
WllCh rtrle':tl lhlt
1uperb de1Jgn -6
1tehnlc1l 1kllla of
oraftlmtn. See our
complett COllectJon
115 to ows •1000.
J. C. J./ump/u.iu '<}11wefer
1&Kyellew •-...-~
OOl4 IW-19\ Watd\o --...... ""
Tlpe Winner. Cata1ina
3· Boats Bunc1wd . t
In Winter Series
Only lhnl-<ju~ of •
point -·"" the top -boall In Ille Pacl(lc Handloap
clua In cabrlllo Beach Ylcht
Club'• 1'1•ter !lerlt1 wblcb .... 1oded Sw>d11,.·
The ../"inner wu B 111
Pttenen'i '1'16e with a~., •
cond WU Bob Logan'I Tom·
bola, II, and thlnl WU John
Wins Bid
For Series
.. .
All Set
''It's a deal .
Mov~,s Up
In Bacardi
You .make yo~ long distance ca11s after 7 P.M. . -.
and I'll give up the Stutz Bearcat."
r7 PM (and all day Saturday & Sunday) you can call anyplace in the cont inental
U.S.A. for just $1 or less.' So if your wife talks a lot, you 've got yourself a great deal. (If she
never stops talking .on the phone, make her put it in writing.)
• , .. ; .,., fM flrtl J 111lnut9. trtttntrtt. ltllltl'I It 11114rl. fll*I ,A.It ek.I.
'GeDeral TulephQne
I ~ I
-) D.VLv mer
• .. -_ .. --
-. Wedneiday's· -qosing _,_,..._""'' ... ~ ··~~JMA
: Prices -,Complete
American Stock
. . ...... . . ... . . . '
__ •. .,
i flA :
2 DOOi
' '
W,, NEW 'it . ~
f'VllJ fKWI .................. Mc.
......... lltl'll• -.-CV flli ....... ,,....,.., _, ....._ lhoukltr h4r,..
.,._ •~ dltl'I. W'l •W ~I.
llL211•f1MIU. •
'ACTOlll' LllT $W1
rW.10• ... ·
Fvll fllderY -1~ •
.I '
·+T•••L~· _.
• Dlt • MO •
'•riiltn!1 rne. l~ifom\-J!t~,~---cnc1f ·1':
jllLUI TAX & llClNh.
. . .
.--' ·'69 VALIANT·
•;:ai1 $1!! $5~~.22
'~°"'111 lllc. u l~··~~i4"::-'~~_.._. crtd!V.-
USED CARS A.T SUPERMARKET ~PRICES . . . ' .~ . .. '. . .
~ :~~'~,0~!i~~. AT _ R.H _ $977 a~ luck1t S1tt1 l Con1ole, REJ.Jli. Full Price
:~'~ISAl~~~!~~I. AT -R·H$f/7
•••• ~ P. s~. Jt ·91JOO. . Fun ·Price
' ' '
$53 ·* $53
' Mo,
$46 *·$46
$43 * $43
On. Mo.
$43 * $43
Dn, Mo.
$33 * $33
$33 * $33
$29 * $29
Dn. Mo.
$29 * $29
Dn. Mo.
$19' * $29
Dn. Mo .
~ . ' . .. ' . . . . . .
' .
,Urt' t dr. lf.T 11,die, h .. ltr, ;.,,: ... ,..: ~"'-
f ul9..,....... ''-· (E't'C.-1 r;o:1T':rGml ft· $477 Plu1 T~x ' $]71 Plus Tax '~ '~
$16 Down & Sit D••• ,. $1! DeWft &
$16 Monthly $19 .M .. tllly $13 Ma>nthiy _ --1----------
'84 CHEVROLET • 64 CHEV. '63 MERC. .
Monter•'t' S55. Auto .. rMio •nd 'Ot. HT . .1iutom1t1o; tr1ris, rtc1i1 h11~, ~r 11Mrlng, pOWer
end he11er, 9'1:. (0LIC·U1l. M11lbo.I $.S. 2 Dr. H.T. V-1 R.. windows Ind IHll. llCtory alr, H, lllJCkat M•!1 .. con.solt. FWN~1 s577 Pl:·l~:JC WXIC,IJ.$ ·' '477 ~
$19 o .... , 7'17 · I ,,, -. • ..
$19 Monthly . I .DN. a,eo. . -,64-oWS~ ~64 PLYIDQTH I ,_,'.~ .. c.~~.:...,'°
Dyivmlc • 2 di>. hip, AT.. V11i..n1. AT -ll-H.-Otoe 1M I JMlt. iw.w ...,;.,. '*"""· ~~\·ic4~.~~z~n~ . ~377 "t J:X '$'677' ~ Tax GI I ;,fee ---. •-uc. $13 Down & $21 Down &
S2t Dow• l
SJf Melt\ty
'32 FORD
V ... Orlgl111I Wire WhMl1.
Mwt -IO 1ppndtlt. 0iP. ~!
'&& v.w.
l~1~;,.~Mlo. i-tw, I .-.,
$877 Plu1 Tu
-'lk. $29 Mo11thlr
$29 Down &
$13 Monthly $23 Molllhly
F•IM-2 Dt .. v~ 111..H, DM'I, 4 .T., 111..H. ,._,. lllll!r.
Jll~. 15tac. . s477 ~.·~~ s377 :;:_
'66 vw
SJJ Dow1 l
''83 v.w.
UOI 20, M -I ... ltWjll '11 . $417 Plu1 Tax
-& Lie.
$16 Down· &
$16 Monthly
Any Used Cu Wlih GOid Sttl ' H.U •
100o/o GUA·llANT.EE
· · '66 Foril: Co .• .Sedan $)277
" 10' p111e11911, V-1, tufo., ttdi4\
· h"itftr,_ pow11 1tMrint whitewt U1, f II ' .
ISYF-296) ' • u Price
$43 * $43 ·~
en. Mo. ~W
~ ;66 ~piJni,:spi. hrr · $1277 $43 * S43 llllr.;~·
R1d io•h11tt1, 11ow1r 1tetirmg, •Ufa. '':.iii
1111tic," poW1t ... r1k11.· I SV.U-~10 1. Full ~rice Dn. Mo.
. :~~ f~~!r~~~111,;, .,,;,.$F1U2!
7 $
43 * $M43 ~
'XTK-0001 u ".'"•r Ge n, o. l W
"66 Plym. Valiant · $1177 * $39 ~ s19n1t 2 door h1rdto11-.·v._1, A.T., $39 ~W
RlH .. pwr. 1te1r .. f•ct, tir. L111-F II p I D Mo ,
d1u top. jTELl19 I . U ~ r ce n, • , •
;~. ~'.!;:~i~!'!~~~;~,.!!~p?i! .~~.~ * s:, ~~
:~~:r.1~;}!~!~~: .. $1077 $36 * $36 ~
tic r1dio ~d httt.r. IRVJ-410) Full Price Dn. Mo. :~ .. ~!~;.~Iv!~~~ .~$P)n0P~7 $036 * SMo.36 ~
. th• w .. k. IVZZ.7091 u rice .n. ·
:6!.. ~~~C~"'· Y·I,. RIH, ''· $977 $33~ * $33 lW
j,uck1t , ..... w1w: (N~F-0711 Full Price On. Mo. '
'65 Plym. fury UI. · $fJ77 533 * 533 ., ~
2 ·door hardt.p, A.T..-RIH,• pwt. ,
1t11r. tTN F-1421 P.u~ .Price · Dn. Mo.. , : ,
'66 BelYedere · $877 ·. -·lllFJ
v.1, ,_,~::~· .. ~~:."1uMM· F .II P • SD29 * SMo.29 ~ ~
011 1 u rice n. ·
~~.,~,h~!,~!1~!N. v.1, AT _ $171 $26 * $26 ~
R·H -I'. str., (NQl'-3211 Full Price Dn. Mo. ~,.
'64 Pontiac $777 m· Cat11i111 Sta. Wt"· AT -R·H -$26 * $26
P'. Str., P. l rake1, Ftct. Air, WSW. •
ISJM-7211 Full Price On. Mo.
. ·~~"~OA~~.!~~•• IOVH·$777 $26 * $26 lllr.I
1111 Full Price Dn. Mo. ' ...
At no cosl to you -Parts or .labor on motor, fr1nsriiission ind rea r end. This seel .
sta tes in writing that LH White goa r1nttH tM<:'miotOr, tr1nsnlission and rur 'end .
100% aoainst :c;lefects for 100 days or' -4,9()0 miles, w{iiehrltr. conies first after~ ·
':U Oldsmobile · . $677 . Ml.
Dy,.ml< n 20 H.T: AT -R.H -$23 * $23
'· Sfl::.,1F.act. Air, WSW,, P. l rak11, II , . P'. W'!':'o..,,. 19zw.7111 Fu . Pr1c• On. Ma. ,
Fooniaio VaUey·
VQL:. 62, NO. J J, 4 SECTIONS, 62 'A&ES •
' ~-.. I .. '• • • .• • '
{;olden. West Wills Three-yeitr ·AcC.r¢dita,tiOri
.Golden Weai .CGUe1e.rbi HW\Uqton
8eicb bu received: . ill "A" grade 0n
its finl report caq!. ·
Tbe C&mp\11 • -fully accttdited.
for three )'ftll'I, fbe maximum t8nrt
ior"a college cet1lfied fCI' the flnt time.·
.Western Alaocialloa ol Schools and
Colleg" llwl gaft ill top ratlilg to
the. coll,._ wblcb opened in .Stptember,
.AcereditaUoo means counea tum at
Golden West will be trllllf«able to any
other college in the Unlle<j Slata. .
To dale, lltudentl tromlerrins from
~ West have bad couraes routtnel!-'
accepled' hr -Caltfornla ocbools
whilt l;be campm wu lo process of
obtaining accredllattoft. ·
_ But 1tudenll 1Qi11C to onialler out.I,,·
state.·~ oft& bavt bad &o peUtlon
for transfer. Now It will be autornaUc,
~ys John Buller, associate dean of ad-
missions aoct records.
A %1-page ad:reditation "evaluaUon
recently received by the colltge states:
"Throughout the staff Utere la evidence
of enthusiasm for the innOvative a~
proach to teaching which is an important
part of .the phll0>0pby of Ute <ollege."
It also notes:
"Some of the enthusiasm Is tempe~
' . .
by a licl ol fundl 11111 hwl""l'tml In,
·~ time w!Ut wblcb to Implement innovaUoo."
The report wu prepared by a aeven-
member accrediting team, headed by
Footbill College ~ Dr: Hobert
H. _ S.11l8111, which lpao\ t!lree daya at
Go1den ·Weat last October. •
The one place the team fell the college
fell down a bit was in lta evenina:
" • ~ ~ ;. t1... • • • 11--....-... -.. · ..... ~·~·--· . ' to IDU'l.tblt ewnm,'courm burbtl fte...-&,••11•....,t9Cllllfl lar
Ute tome 'Ullei II ct_, --Ill ~ md 3 f 11~ lo WUIC
In fact equiv-ln -i+ ~ ... " 1 jl• 18 llllp -... ...
... q&ated ln<nued ...-... ... Nlll:R::•b far -...... A made available to tvm1nc 'CDDlft. ,W' k : • • ~ • •••
l1udeDll. · ··-II -·lltot ----~ 1ro
--.Otlon by Iba ._, • ·--flllltb _ ....... wasthattbec:ollepmab....,~ ftr'rt>'&#rn,... y+1yaJed
to aducale Iba COIDIDllllity to' oducetmal l<ir ..,....,. er-.,..,. . ,. '
Oil eums
. .
Slick Spreads Into Sdrttil .Barb(lra.
SANTA BAlll!AllA -OU from a leak-
ing undersea well coveied an ~ted
800 square miles of the Pacific today
and spread into the small boat harbor
of UU. scenic couW city.
Sixty persons living on boats were
ordered ashore as a precautionary
measure due to flre hazard. ,
The th1ct dark oil washed up OQ
peacbea where one man said, "The am.ell
iJ awful."
~ the leak· went into· it.I aecond week,
Ute allck exteoded nearly 40 mllel
seaward, reachJpg the ahonl of Anacapa
and Santa erUz · Wands. It extended
along beaches from Goleta, just east
of here, nearly to Ventura, to the west,
a distance of about U milea.
In many arw the oil had washed
* * *
Shifting Tides,
' , • • QAll.Y "ti.OT"""~'°' •kfllfi bllll• MOTORISTS TODAY GOT. THIS THROUGft.THl·WINDSHIELD VIEW OF COAST WEATHER · Rain, Delaying.
.. C~';"'"l.Mf ~~ ~ W:-' from-~, ~Id f,"°"' No~.'7 Bring,~~.t a..~_,of .~'~~era ·' Beaeh · ~eanlip '.
Ramy..Days Back
To Plague Soggy
Orange Coast
The warning shot · 1n a new volley
of rain for the Orange Coast was fired
early today, with the first aasault wave
carded for tonight and Tburaday.
A sudden downpour which ended aS
qulcllly as it began drenched the coastal
area ror about 15 minutes between 8
and I a.m., followed by scattered clouds
in blue sties. . ·
.But more rain was predic_ted for
tonJgb!. buffeted by gusty windB aod
bringing cooler temperatures. Tb e
Weather Bureau said the rainfall possi-
bility for Thursday wfl! 60 percent.
'Mle extended picture shows occasional
rain through SUnday, with the mercury
dippinf into the SO's on the Orange
2 Beach Armed Robberies
Believed by Same Suspect
Polic~ 0today are Investigating lhe
possibility that the same man committed
two armed robtiel'ies Tuesday night in
Hunting1on Beach.
The first ·rob~ occurred at 9:15
p.m..:>: when ·a ·man in. a red -turtleneck
sweater look flOO from the oUloe of
a• niotel at Tri Yorktown Ave., police
A witness· said the man held the
sweater over his face and dlaplayed
a two-inch nickel-plated revolver. He
left the Office with the money in a
brown paper bag,
The second anned robbery was at
II :55 p.m. in the Tic Toe Market at
15431 Edwards St.
A store clerk said a man in a red
T ·shirt eniered the store, pointed a tw~
inch chrome revolver at him and asked
for the bills out of the register. About
$129 in cash was taken.
Both witnesses described the man as
about S feet 8 inches, with sandy or
blond hair and wearing some type al
red" ahirt, police said.
Official Tree,
Flower Slated
For Westminster
Shifting .~des aJICf today'• rain are
maklnJ' II ,_,_,,. 18 ~lean !JP .. &torm
debrlll Iron\;'"'.:;"~; JluiillnrtoO
Beach llarl>or aod Jlncli ·omclal& said
·Utls inolriln,. '
"It Wfil' tu:"e about three -more weeka
to aweep the beaches clean' of Ille debris
left by the recent heavy aton;u," said
Melvin M. Bowman, assistant director
of Harbors, Beaches and Development.
"The tides are changing about every
sii: hours," Bowman eiplalned, "and
Ute sand keeps burying the wood, moo1ly
bamboo, that is collected on Ult
Shortly after a quick rainburst Utla
morning,.Bowman llid·tbat ,an a!Hlay
rain would prevent worktrl from clean-
ing the arta and m.lght depoeit more
A heavy rainstorm, Bowman· pointed ·
out, would certainly add to· the already
large problem.
Huntington Council Raps
Okay of Hospital Plans
Selection of an official flower and
tree for Westminster will be considered
by the Civic beautification committee
at 3:30 p.m. today in the City Hall,
8200 Westminster Avenue.
Members of the Welbninster Recrea-
tion and Parks · Commission will be
present to heaT recommendatiooa on a
representative flower and tree for the
"However," he Said1 "a light rain.
would not bring much more de:f>rls down
the Santa Ana River, becauae the river
is still running at.nearly· the capacity
of the recent storms."
Stolen 'Pills
C.ould Be Fatal
Approval of plans for a M million hmPltal complex was brought: under
in Mooday night by Ute Huntington
Beach Ctty Coonci1 because Ute action
wU taken by the board of zon1na: adjust·
mart without councll knowledge,
Several councilmen complained that sOmethlng as import.ant to the city as a
hospital should not be able to pass by
wit&ut their even having knOWledge
of it. . dj"~ t In The board of zorung a ... 1nuaen
October approved plans to convert the
Huntington Beach Convale~ Hoe-
ital into a specialized hospital.
p iJltimate plans ca11 for a 224-bed hos-
p!W 00 Delaware street near Main
Stnel Some councilmen feared that IJ>S:l'OVal
ol aich a bosPI~ would create too much
ccmpetiUoo .betireen .it and Humlngton
InleicoonmunltY flalPIW, ~ In _._ Mn1ce totthe community. IXiW ~didn't fed It ... Ute
couiicU 'a place to determine the value of ~ u 1o11g as Ute hospiW met
Steck llfarkets
NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe lllOck market
cloatd In falrly active tradin( alter
another mixed and u11eertaln seasloo ~
day. (Ste quotaU0111, Pages 22. 23).,
With Unal 1tatlsUcs still to be compiled,
It w11 uncertain whether lhe market
bid reatstered a alight gain or amall
the zoning requirements for lhe area.
Al~ bowe..,., agreed Utat Otey should
at least have knowledge of such a
Councilman Jerry Matney said, ''We're
aware of every service station that goes
into lhis city and we ough( to know about
somelhing like this."
Councilman Jack Green moved that
the council request all m.imrtes from
future board of zoning adjastment meet·
ings. 1be motion pas.9ed unanimously,
The beautification committee meet!
onre each month to plan projects to
help Dijike Westminster more beauUful.
Anyhne interested In the committee'•
activities may attend tonighl11 meeting; ·
Other itema on the agenda include
election of .a vice chaipnap, apprO\!al
of a street tree list and conaideiaHon
of the next project
A potentially fatal drug wu stolen
from a Stanton home Tuaday.
Police warned that the q, Cylemal,
stolen from the home of Mr. ·and Mn..
Joseph Puabckor, I0131 Ramblewcod Sl,
could "cause serlOUJ aide effect& in-
cluding hallucinaUOO. and ahoct and
could prove fatal."
Offlcera fear the pills were -taken by'
children In the neighborhood.
Cigarette~~ Ban 'Proposed
' ' ' ..... . .
FCC Voiei w Prohibit Advertising on .TV, J_lOflw .
WASHINGTON (UPI) -'111o· F<!!eral
Communications Coramillion ~ o t e d
Wedoeaday to propose • ban igalnst
cigarttte advertlaing on ttlevialon and
The FCC ltllil planned :to make Ute
formal an~t later in the day.
Congreaa:ional aourtea Aid the •Cite for
Ute propoMd ban WU I to I. s.n. Frank E. Moa (l>-Ulah), said
the FCC decilion. wu in line wllb.
111rategy he bad propooed In· Ute Senale
' '
' At Utat·Ume, Mo0s· ~i<l ·tht ...-.1 a Jater"dale. -
r---,.· Tobacco -nfea d'--' ptlmerily 'law r<quiriiig a wllQ!lng 41h cltlerette 00 ·-·~~---• __ ,,~..-..::, .~ .:.
packaga, fhat imOtlng 1118)' be a bazlrd K~•~ ~ """" •w -~ -
to the'bealtb, sbouJd be allowed to die. v~. the -· ~ ,.or .f;,.
Moaa originally supported the labelini wblch f\CUrU W... •oflltabfo.• 1311'.I
r~uirement when legislation wu puled ntUHon w'u IPtDf an ·' clpritti ad-
in 1965 but Aid it bod preveoted Ute vortltlil(, Jnclodlntr ·lnl.1 ~·' for
FCC from placin( restrlctl""' 01rclgatet-· telemfoo commerclall and l17.l 1111Won
te advertlJlng.,-"-'-, , -~ for radio' conunerclllo.
Tbe f.!:C'r P\"!!P>lfll ·to ban cJcirette The warnlnc latie~ rrf/11 reqolrod
advert11ln1 on Mo and television would on ctpreut peclll' rNldl: ' .. cmtkln:
ha.. to be publllhed ln Ute red .... I Cigarette ~ ... , • ... ball(WNI
Register and could DOI take effecl ubUI to JOlll' 1IOilli." -·
onto the beach, In otben It WU jUlt offshcn. . .
A wiod lblff durin( the lllPt ~
. the oil Into Sula Barbara-. -
Wavel l:iroke a ICC boom -a .eriel
of lop atrung together to. cheek the
allck and oil sprud tote the amall
pleasure harbor, where iuo boatl 9aluod
at l20 ml1lloo .,. kept. . •
Two,wc:rtboata..-ayed chemlcal1 over
the oU to try to breu It up and ·m1n1m1io
damage to 00.tl and harbor facWUea. ·
"It',a a feat meaiJ," said Bruce Jacklon,
ranpr at the Arroyo Burro lleacb w..i of the Harbor, ·
"It come 1n pretty heavy 1u1 nlgbt
and aa far' u l can aee there's llict
rlgbi up on the land,. rlPI ·up to . the
"There are -" on the belicb. plcklni
up the dad blrdl, and une llve ODel
are -. In Ute goo. One lad bu
a blli Pfbole can and la trylllC to
WI, aome ol the lift ·..: I ·ta11.,you,
It'•·• Ra! mua;.. ~
Simley c. Lowry,. DU11111er· ol tho
chamber of commerce, aafd .. 1 have
·hem" oUt to the b6idlea eod lbay'N
'iolllng' ln, black fllUt., , ..... •. -
'CIJmliiulillY .. 'Illla II VffY. Vf!ry delrluwir tal to .UI." • . •I ., .
Lowry lald· u ......... and -
ol -use 'bile'-hi· the n
each fear· ")Ve .ICll'£¥w' ltolr II. Will alf~ the toiirlal trade .thll' -· If we . get It cle:anedfup.,.liowen:r, .. can ovei'c:ome the pn)blem..'' . ' . . . ' .
Ho. uld he baa received -1 Wtlr
already cancelling pl11111 to -to SaDla
-· beCal!I" ol the pollulJGL * t{ *·
Coast Beaches Facing
·Threat .:Pr , "1 Oif S:fiik \
.!":3-T.~·:..~: ti
be vulnerable to oil floednc -llli
Calllornia --1 from ID offllhon driBlnc
.itel neor sUta 'Barbara, bill' a itllnf
of lop could keep the putrid crude
oil out of Anaheim Bay and •~
Harbor, county officlaJa ... ~t<idq~ !
Newporl -Al Ollorf aid
the county Harbor~ baa'plano
"we think would wort_~ If we
ever hove an ell 1Uck .tlnl!tePIC 11¥
Prelumably, tbe ume· ,zneau -· a
string of · loga or telepliOoe polea ·acrOos
the harbor entrance ..!• -Id-be -·-r-· ' at Anahobn Bay, the outer !>Ir~~
to the walerwlj'I of -8IY eod
Huntington Harbour.
Crudo .oil from the hup .oil leak from
a Union OU Co. offlbore-clrWln&4
alnady baa -Santa > Barbara
.harbor, cauaing evacuaUoa ol'.boaller1. ·
Oberg l8id Utat'Ute,liw atring ·inatho!I
·wu put to ... in Newport llarblr OllOO
in recent year1. "But· the· oil~ never
Suspect in . R'a~
May Come Back .
On Own Volition
' .
. ~. . .
• L
I llAll.Y I'll.OT ff '
' •• .Jaycee• l.ooklrtfi ·Ahead
. DAILY f'ILOT lhff l'lltN
Jackie Benington California Junior Miss, helps
Hunliugton Beath Junior Chamber of Commerce
members IHUe reminder about junior chamber's
Distinguished Service Awanls Banquet Feb. 20.
r.-tayor AJvin Coen, Jaycee banquet Chairman Jerry
Coley and ·City Councilman Jerry Matney (from
lefl) already have their tickets for event. Tickets
are available through junior chamber members.
Njxon Urges Treaty Okay
• WASHINGTON (AP ) -Pn!sld"'t Nix·
oa ubd the Senale today to raU!y the
nuclear noap<ollleratlon treaty promplty.
He said auch action ...Wd turther
hll 1oal "of neeoUation .rather than con-
lrontatton with the USSR."
Nii.on, in a meuqe to the ~nate,
l'ICl1.led urging 1 delay ln r1tl.flc1Uon
al the treaty 1ut fall becauH o! the
llovlel lnvulol o! Caechoelovuta.
"1'11 req1!ell al tlWi Um• In no ..,,..
alien ·1111 condmulalllll o! that Sovlet
action," be Aid.
In uotber polJcy declllon, N-
ordered the Apiculture Department to
continue tbia year to, make available
1 50 percent advance payment to
partlclponts In the feed grains program
-an actlon la teep&nc with put pract.ice
bul ooe wl!ldl ouliolni President Lyndoo
B. Johnlon suggeated be dropped.
"We feel farmera art entlUed to proper
arid l!Ufflclent notice about any change
Jn the ground rulu on auch paymenta,"
Nixon said in a statement. "Many of
them are already beglnniJ11 to sign up
for the program.''
These movea were di8cuaaed at a
lengthy conference Nixon held wlth
Republican COQIJ'euioDal leadera.
Afterwards, Senate GOP L e a d e r
EvereU M. Dlrben and House Republi-
can Le.ader Gerald R. Ford made the&e
further announcements:
-Nixon will submit lo Congress in
mid-February special messages on tall:
refonn an<i changes in the presidential
~ectlon process. ,
-U negoUatton.1 fail to end the con·
Captured Red Documents
linuing dock strike, Nixon told the
leaders, be may have to propoge legiala.-
tion dealing with naUonal emercency
-Before making a contemplated trip
to Europe soon, Nixon wW meet in
advance , with both Democratic and
Republican leaders from Congress and
he will hold a aimllar session following
his return.
-The President plan11 a 1erie1 of
reorganization efforts within government.
provided Congress e i t e n d s erpiring
legislation giving him authority in that
field. Said Dirksen, without getting into
specifics: "There probably will be more
reorganization plans in this ad-
ministration than in any other."
t. Poin;t . ti) ,Tet Offensive
County Officers
Taking Ha1·hor
Fight to Cities
I . • I ,..min,.-. .
SAIGON -Cnmm1mlst document. cap-
tured In all four re&lom of Vietnam
have Cl'dered perrlllu to proare for
lull..We Dghllnf dlll'lnl lhls ' 111onth's
Tel hmar oew year holiday, U.S.
lntelllpnoe -Hid today.
The 8a!aee eovermnenl today ctnceled
a!l mllllary leavu beg!nnln( Feb. IO
ao that 1J1f. ottemlve wtrl:t catch Ute
South VletnamNO army unawm as U
dld !all year.
· The South Vletnamue command said
all ..,.,....,,.m forceo would be placed
m lOI percent restrlctlcm and all leaves
wwe canceled el.fedive ooe week belore Te~ Ill• luolr new year which ~
year fa!!J on Feb. 17. Thal mean1 that
all troopa mUJt remain al thelr duty
ata~m: !I lb!lr quarters around Ille . · te ' nip · In -the bod any new
Com"""1ll .olfenalve · qalnll the cl~es
al SOilth Vlolnanj, IO•emmenl troops
Hbed a Viet Colla Atma cache in a
Salgoo cometery and l01Ued Ughter
./Hcurtt,. ndea. The regulations ban the
tradttlotlal UH of flrecracker1 t o
1,b,rt N • .._,,,,
••tildefll and ~lltllilf"
J•c.• a. c.,1.v Vlc:e P~ .,_. Oll'lllrf'.! ~l\atcr
TM••• K•••il .... n•-• A-~I•• -~\
J.lll•rt W. l•f1• Wil\l•M ltt ..
... _ .. " tllllllllle~--'""' ll!fl• Cl"r ~IW
M111t1 ........... 0fi-JOt ltll 1h'••t ·
M1ill•t ....... ,,,11 P.O. I•• 1'0. tt•-41
0 .... -.. ....,, IMdls nu Witt• ~ ... "'*"''' c.le ,,.,..., JM Wtlll ....... ....
celebrate the boUday, which :starts Feb.
Part of the Communist arm1 were
foond. uoder a lab lombstone, mllUary
spokwnen aaid. They included an an ·
Ualrcra!t gun. .
L&llt year dW'lng the Tel ob.!ervance,
Communlat forces hurled their biggest
offen11lve of the war against South Viet.
nam's cities. There was fierce llghUng
in SalcOll, the fonner imperial capital
of Hue and other urban centers.
The American intelligence sources said
documenta captured set no firm date
for new, attacks. The most serious threat
·was .utd to be In the Saigon area
where an e.stlmated 40,000 Communlat
troop1 were reported maued In an ll·
provinct region.
A top U.S. commander Hid the !led•
are moat UOly to strike oullylng areu,
11parlng Sa.lion Jtaelf becauae of the
poliUcaI repercussions they may IUffer
by attacking the capital.
The Communist.! have announced plans
for a week-Jong truce starting Feb. 15.
Thex also annoµnced a truce durlog ,.
Tet Jut year. A.Died officials 1tlll wtre
considering a proposa1 for a ceasefire
durin& th1 three-day holiday period.
Spokesmen aald a apy withln the Viet
Cong movement led government soldiers
to the arms c1che Tuesday in Uie
cemetery al the western edfe o! Saigon.
Coun~y officers oppOsed to the dissolu-
tion of the Orange County Harbor District
are tajdng their light direct to the cities.
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Wllllatn H. lllrsteln and · KeMeth
Sampson, county director of harbora and
parks, spoke to Orange city councilmen
Tuesday night following adjourruneot of
a council meeting.
Sampson gave a detailed history of
the harbor district to the councilmen.
He said many cities are supporting the
dl&solution of the district because they
don't fee l they are getting their fair
share of the district's funds. He disputed
thf11 contention.
Sampson urg~ the people of Orange
County to oppose the dlssoluUon beca.uae
the move would among other things.
"preclude the development of Upper
Newport Bay."
The Orange COiJOC.ll plans to act on
the orange· County League of Cities
resolution urging dissolution of the
dlltrict on . Feb. 25. Nine other city
counclla have already approved the
Supervisors Tuesday Indicated their
continued opposltloo to abolishment of
the taxing district when they voted 4-9
against giving any financial support to
Newport Beach to operate Newport
llarbor if the dlltrict Is dissolved.
Supervisor Alton E. Allen said he
thoua:ht the district should remain as
it is jf the county 111 going to pay
for operation of the harbor.
Suspect in Lewd Movie
Showing Wins .·New Delay
A Hunllnlton Beach pr<>jecllonltt IC·
· culed of ohlblUng lewd movl11 may
flghl his case all the way to the U.S .
Supreme Cour~ accordlni to hla at·
Santa Ana MllDlclpa! Cowi pn>coodill(s
qa!nll Bruce C. Sclunld~ JI, al 1192
Tyroot Circle I .,,.,.. delayed PtOd.lnl a
ruling by Ill• Superior c...rt'i 1ppcll11e
cUvlalon on Municipal Court Juda• Paul
Malt'• decision that "Take ·M• Naked"
-a ftlm abown at Santa Anl'I Guild
Thutff cm J an. 3, 1181-wu oblctne.
Tiii -judp panel backed l!ut'a
Vttdlcl lllla week. llul 1111oraq. llanlay
Fla!aclnnaa al Beveri, Hllla now wants
conakl<nUon bt Ille Dlrtrlct Court of
hla arrum-1 aod, JI II ta reje<Ud Ihm,
"cooa!dnU.., by Ille U,9. &ipiome
Count if ntcnlU'J."
Amlled wllh 8cluoldl .. t the al~ lhftlnt al ''Tab Mo Naked" and "Tha
Prlnca aad Iha llature Girl" wtn1 theater
manager Gary N. Johnson, 2', of Santa
~n1 and ticket seller Lenore J. Linden,
JS, of Anaheim. They face identical
chlrae1 and are allO represented by
Mast, an interested mtmber of the·
capacity audience at the matinee screen-
ing of Ute spicy movies, also contends
th.al "Prince and .tbt Nature Girl" Is
Jult as oblcmt u its companion film.
But appellate court consideration 11 only
be:tng given to "Take Me Naked."
Schmidt and hll companions were
lakeo to Orang• County JaU lmmedlately
aher the performanet.
Flellchmaa II challenrlnf Mut'1 rut.
lnl on the b&sll of two U.S. Supreme
Court vercllcts. The rullnl• woold """'
to Imply, be ataw. lhet obacenlty canoo1
be mel.SW"td in the arM in which lhe
allegedly obscene material ls belnl es·
hibited and that It muat be carefully
judged on the merits ol a 1t1tewide
'nle Gulld Is currtoll>' lhowing
'1Forblddtn Flesh.·•
City CongresS Carded
• •
·.J.lun,tington Chatnb~~Plans March 2'2 ·Event
• > ' C8n I good show be topped!
, The -" Huol!nltoe Beach eom.
muolly Con&rw, acbeduled lllarcb :a,
could be a .more apec:tacular. IUCCeu
than I hlgbly plal!ed lnUtal -'a year ago, it& backers say.
Dale l>un.'1, managtr of the sponaorlng
Chamber GI Comm....., Hid Tuuday
oommltteea have be'6D formed and a
schedule set up for events.
Dr. R. Dudley Boyce, president ol
Goldenwest College, was introduced as
chairman of this year's clinic. Theme
for tbe congresa ii "DimeMlonl 'U -
Your Opportunity to participate."
Dr. Boyce explained the purpose of
the congreaa u not only one of exploring
and expandin1 the community's op.
portunltiu, but a chance to diagnose
ills and bear posalble corrections.
About 300 clvic leaders representing
all varleUe1 ol or1antzationa in Hun-
tington Beach will partlclpate in the
Saturday congreas 1t GoldenwMl College.
A allghtly dHfuent system will be
used to present panel dilctwions UW.
ytar, Dunn explained.
Tiie COQ11'U1 will belin wtth a g-al
set.!lon and an a1 yet unnamed tej'note
spea!cer. '1't!en the IOO participants wlll
divide 1mon1 three panels dealln&: wilh
civic, economic, cultural and educaUonal
Alter an tnl\W pra«>laUon, then 9
Pll)tll will lurtber splll Into groups of
25 people each for IJMlepth dlsc.,slon1.
DAILY PILOT ltlfll ,.._ A luncheon, al ff per person, ls atao
scheduled in the college community
The congress will end with reports
given by a repraentaUve of each of
the paneta. .
PEP TALK -HWltfnclon Beach Cbamber Manager Dale Dunn glv ..
!nslruct!ons to fOlll' con'u!!lttee members working on arrangemanti
!or March 22 CommunJ l('ConcreH at Golden West· College. From l~fl are Dr. R. Dudl,Y J!OYce, ·RaJph Kiser, Jack Higley, Mrs. Rhoda
MWn. " .. : . . ':._, . •
. ,\.. .
' j
A committee of 22 enthualasllc sup-..
porters ol the congress met recently
and aet up four sub-«lmmHteea to
finalize pl1n1 for the March 22 event.
Sulx!ommitlees and their members
named Tuesday include:
Steering -Dr. Boyce, chairman, Dale
~.Howard Matheny, Bill Woods, Jack
!Ufley, Ralph-IQaer and Broce Williams.
. Valley Council Adopts
Program -H11!ey. chairman, J act
Froq1tt1 Pate Kerton, P.aul Frizzell,
Tbomu Qverton, Mu Forney, Ken
Small Lot Zone Changes
Reynold.I and Matheny. ·
Arrana:e.inentl Ind Services -Mrs.
Rhoda Martyn, ®a!rmaii, Clarence Hall,
Ben .Lolidor•, li!ni .. Cllale C11ey and
Wood!. -·.~
Publlclij lllld ~cauon1 • -Klier,
cbairman, Mn. Jdln Warner, Howard
Whllla!cer and DuM. -•
Mattress Fire
Quelled in Jail
Firemen doused a mattress fire at
7:34 p.m. Tuead1y In the Huntington
Beach City Jail.
One prisoner, Wllllam Carlson, 421 ·
Lake Street, Huntington Beach, was
overcome by smoke ind taken to Orange.
County Medlc1! Center.
Cause of the fire is not yet determined,
firemen said today. •
New to1ruuunications
Satellite Launch Set
internaUonal communicaUOIU1 satellite
was prepared for launch tonight toward
an orbit abOve the Pacific Ocean to
replace two existing radio relay stations
and cut transpacific televlslon costs.
The 322-pound commercial aateWte was
scheduled to leave earth on a :space
agency Delta rocket for whlch the
Comsat Corp. is paytn& the government
$5 million.
Tioo zone changea lnvolvlq amall lol
develcpne.ntl were 1pproved wblle an
appeal on ·another was turned doWn
.T\Jesdiy night by the Foonlaln Valley
City Council.•
A t.77 1cre plot ol l~d on the north-
west. comer of Mqnolla Street and
Sliter AvenUe wu changed from ordi-
nary olnile family zoning to RI PO. 7200
-a-apeclal e:tna:le famlly ruldence and
pl1Med development zone.
'nle applicant, Robert Adanu, plana:
to build 48 slngle-famlly lots and ctne
common lot: containing a re.creation area
and swimming pool. The second ·zone change Involved J03
acres on the northwest comer of Brook-
hurst Street and Edinger Avenue.
The applicant, S. Munemltsu, plans 467
single famUy lots and will include a .3in..
1ctt1 park site to be built by the devel-
oper and donated to the city.
An appeal on a planning comml!sion
denial for a zone variance to the J. Ray
Conslructlon Co., was turned down be-
cause council membert Celt the proposed
development did nOt mertt speclaJ con-
The developer want.ed to construct
homes on lots smaller than Jhe. city's
standard of 7,200 square feet on a tract
on the northwest comer of Newhope and
Warner Avenue.
Because, in the councU'1 opinion, the
developer offered no unique approach to
the development on 1mall Iota, the var·
lance was denied.
In other action, the council set Feb.
18 as date for public hearings on two
more tone change requests.
The request& have been made by the
Schmid Development Co. for property
on the northwut comer of Talbert
\ / I t• • D The !rue preciousness of YQ en lne S' ay .. • 1nOmeg1walch!sth1
Avenue and Ward Street. and by C. l!at-
slUhlta !or property on the IOUth Iida o!
Warner Avenue, 660 fett we.st of Brook·
hursl Street.
Wrecked Plane
Found in Ocean
By TV Cameras
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Wreckage
of a United Air Lines plane which crash-
ed into the sea Jan. 18 bas been found ·
11 mile! offshore In ••extremely
fragmented" condition.
All 38 aboard were killed when the
Boeing 727 went down in 294 feet of
water after takeoff from International
Airport for Denver.
The National Tran1portation and Salety
Boar<! sai d today the wreckage was
located by aonar Ind confirmed by
television cameru lowered to the sea
f Io or. A aeven-foot fragment was
reeovered and posUvely identlfied as
part of lhe craft.
Thomas R. Saunders, head of the
board's lnvesUgaUng learn, aaid, "It 11
a comet assumpUon that the plane
splintered upan impact wllh water."
The wreckage, he said, was scattered
over hundreds of thou.sands of square
feet of the bottom.
The acene, he 1ald, was where surface
debris was foond the night of the crash.
• S , , h love Iha! R Pprl•lff. ay It Wit ... ..,omogawotcn
und1rgo111 muUlpt1 an 0 QUllit)"-<Onll'OI ~in
hher A.~eart
checkt to uau11
OMEGA tlmekteplng
. d•1>1ndllllllt)'.
You can bt 1u19
the Omta• you gfVI
or tlCllvt thll
V1lenUn11'1 lj)ty
proud Htetll'nl
""'o•flf• OITllQI Wllloh wll bl
twnlm'*-d • ..,
minute, IYIFY hOUr,
every d1)'. Comblnklg
r1re bl1uty and
eocuraoy, NCfl Olntg1
watch Nfttcll tht ..,,. .. dllltn llflCf
techriloal 11d11a °"
trieftl'lllt Swlll
traftlmln. SH our __ ,.. "' __ ..... ••ovs•1oao.
J. C. .J/umpfuiu 'J11UN1fer
1411: ,..._ ...... H1W . "'4 ......... . ----...
d ·
" •Y • ,,
" ,.
11 ,,
• ..
L-g~na Beaeh
. ' yoc. ,2, NO. JI', 4 SliCTIONS, 42 PA$ES
. . -. . . ' 0
.. ,. . .,. . ..
· .11 Gulns Harbor
> .... •
' .
Slick Spreads ·Into Santa Barbara
I • •'. ...... Wire 8enlees
· oSAftTA BARBARA -OU from a leak· fill llildenea•weD covered Oll,Olllmated
lllO -J!lll" GI the Picilici ·.toc1a7 aDd ..... Into the small boat barber
olJhla IC<lllc ~city. 'l
· imty penons living on bOits were
ai!lend --.. . • procautiooary ........ due to !Ire hazard.
. ._ Ullck.' dart oil wa.sbed up oil
&achN: irbere one .man said, "The smell ii aWful. ..
llJl8l!I' at !he Arroyo Burro Beach wl!t
.GI the Barber.
•11 -,In pretty heavy lat! nlght
and u far u i~ can see there's slict
r1J1!1f 'up on the and, right up to the roW.. .
"'lbere are people cm the beach picking
up the dead birds, and IOllle .live ooes
are stuck In the goo. One lad bu a big garbage can Oct -ii-'trVing to
save some of the · uve ~ teu you,
it's a reaJ mess."
Stan1ey C. Lo\vry, manager of the
* *
chamber of commerce,· said u1 hive
been out to the beaches and they're
rolling. in black filth. We're a tourist
community. Thia is very, very detrlmeo-•tal to UI." .
Lowry said thousands and thousands
of persons use beai::bes in the area
each year .... We don'~ ·know how it wHl
affect the tour1st trade !!:.!s' smnmer •
If we get it -cleaned up, ·tto.wever, we
can overcome the problem."
He said he bas received cine letter
already cancelling plans to come to Santa
Barbara because of the polluUon.
AJ the leak went Into its second wee~ .
the sllct utended nearly 40 miles
aeaward, reaching the _abores of Anacapa
and Santa eru. Islands •. It uta\ded
along -beaches from Goleta. j\Jst east
GI hero, nearly to Ventura, to the west,
a diltance of about 25 miles.
In many areas the oil had washed
onto the beach, in othe'rs it was just
Dlfllh<ft, .
A wind lhifl durin( the night drove
the fe.1ato Santa Barbara Harboi.
W brote a Jog boom -a series
el. lop stnmg tocether to cbecl: the
~ and oil spread into the small
barboi, where "" boats valued .... ~ ,.. . .
Coast Beaches Facing
Threat From Oil Slic,k
~--....... the Gil r'ii:;ti briaii lt up lliCl19.nt:il!
UmlP to boltl and hlrbar flc!Jttjiis, ."'ll's~ rul mw," said ~l~
:Reagan Begins Selling
Record Budget tq Solons
. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan
~gan the job today of .. u1n1 his 1us l>lllion budiet. and 1100 mllllon, one-Um!
Ill cul to legislative critics af1'er f<llin&
people his fiscal plans in an unpre-
c<deoted television briefing.
" Proposing the finJt state Jncome tax ~ sfoce World War II, the 'Republican PUnor told a statewide televi&ion ' au.
dience Tuesday night_ "I believe we
have-started what we hope will be a
,.. Other bud9et stores Pa'9e 6
fleW trend in government finances." ile
also called for continuing $280 million
in previously approved tu cuts.
"We have brought the state from the
brink of insolvency," said Reagan. who
was shown on film in rus C&pitol office,
Danted by llscal charts designed to
lfmpllfJ ·the complexities of ltate finance
~ the average viewer. No governor
Us ever before unveiled hiJ budget on
11M man who may oppose Reagan
1<>r ?Hledlon in 1970, A "# m b I y
Democratic Leader Jesse M. Unruh,
replied "be has filled -~Uy and
completsly -to cut state spendlq." E°" the fint time in yur1, there's
a major l!lll'Plua in the budget -!21T.3
million caued by Inflation and past
tax increases -and providin( eJ1<M1ib
for the ~cul And r« the lh!1d ttralght
year, the ~y~mioded 1ovemor sub-
mitted ·a budget th:at provides for no
new major programa llid alubea the
appropriation requesta of the University
of Calliomla and the state colleges.
Tbat'o llllely to. draw proteats from
educators "ho say the governor's past
economies have damaged the quality
of higher education.
Banker, Wife Held
JACKSONVllLE, Fla. (AP) - A bank
president and his wile ,.... held captive
until be tonwd over l'I0,000 GI the baok'a
money to a paJr of robben today, police
reported. The bank presldenl Henry E.
Lewis, and bis wife, Marguerite, were
released unbanned. '
ly 1'1111 lnterlondl ·
-J ~-"QI<'..·-...... '~-"
"Quick, GNrfO, Who Should Wo Notify -Tho CHat Ouor4 or Tho
Art Oollery? A So11capl1t Just Foll In ••• "
Presumably, the lllllf --•
string of lap or'~ poles across
the harbor entrance' -could be uaed
at Anaheim Bay,~ OQter harboi leadin(
to the waterwo.v• GI Sunset Bay and
Huntington llarbo<r, ·
Crude oil from the huge oil leak from
a Union OU Co. olf!bore drilJin( rig
-dy bu entered Santa Barbara
harbor, causlng evacuaUon of boaters.
Oberg said that the log atrillll method
wu put to use in NeQ011 Harbor once
in nicent years. "But the oil never
made.it to the harbor ~ance. l beijeve
it -waa a tanker spill off Huntington
Beach several years ago." ·
The harbor would fare much. better
than the city beaches il oil slicks
threatened the Orange Coast,
lloberi Reed, head ol.Ule city Weguard
depm:lmenl said at pr.,..l with other
problems en.ting on the beaches -
debril ud pollution by sewage -"There
wouldn't be too much we could do."
He cited the traditional techniques of
scrapbl& up the black crude with e8rtb
moving equipment and carting it away.
He said that U currents and wlnds
were to bring aome of the Santa Barbara
Channel oil lllct to Newport waters,
''we bope &hat the governmental enttUes
up the cout would do IOIDfthing oboul
it alonl with UJ." .
He alao posed the trad!Uonal log jam
theory of. IU!llllDin( the drllt of oil
sllCks, "but ao mocb depends on the
rougbneil oM!je sea.
"We would bave an awfully bard time
keeping the lop tocelher, lei alcme keep.
in~ the oil from lloshing over," he
said •.
Reed aid that thin crude oil, "perhaps
u thick u dlesel fue~ woUld take much
longer' to dty out on a baecb than the
thick, tar-Ute oil than wuhel ashore
In · the btg clumps. That's the type that
woUld be· -to ...-e,'' 'l1le Santa Barbara on sllck bu both
Viejo Teen"iield
On Fll-e Boinhing
A lJ.yw'-ald Mission Viejo bo7 was
mllled '1Jy llherif!'• depullea Tnetday
lh -.. -Ille lire bombln& of two liomeo In the Aeaun llllls .re.,
two~.:..~~ ::.r:=
of belilC Involved In the Incident. . l
Minor damap wu. d<me to a hdme
at 25331 Padllca· Ave. Monday nlaht
when a flrt. bci'rill'-esploded qalmt
the wall GI the-..
EarlHr lf'\1!¥f ~ fire bdmb
wu ·aploded. ·lo'~ of a -at 25812J-'Ait° ;"' , .
Deputies · oaW· lllfr· could ~ "'
motlvo tor tl~Jllll!tli!ll"-. ~ • • :
• < ,.
More than 100 owners of villu in the
s1ue · Lagoori condominium complu in
Laguna Beai::h have filed a $300,000 legal
action agafust the developers . of the
cl19lce.~n!ront tract, ·
Four residents who state that they
represent the 119 vllla owners in the
four-year-old community named· Blu'e
t.,goon Joint Venture and the builders,
<>raiiJe Valley Construction Co. Inc., as
principal defendants in the complaint.
tt is alleged that the developers·fraud-
u1ently assured purchasers of the villas
at the time of sale that the "Green Belt"~ sector of the: cOmmwilty wruch
includes streets, tenni! courts, beaches
and landscaped areas -was the sole
property of the commuoity. ~;119 vtµa
dwellers paid prices rangin(Jrom 135,000 to $69,500 for the hori:ies, ' ·
The vUJa owners state they have never
been able.. to exercise control of the area
and have been<unalile 1'o bep•the ibeacb· es private. They ask ·for· a cOUrt ruHng
on the true leg,µ status fl. tr "Gree.n
Bell!t -~ k '\ ' ••
Named •u plaintl!IO ln•thit action ate
Frarik K. and Claire J. Wisdom; James
P. and ViJ1inla H, M9"P11; 'Robert E.
and ~.E,iMC!loiWd and Lahren!
H. and Dorothy L. Clody.
'llley•lilt as. defen~ other lhan the
·r.'F;lpats.: Walter .. R; G:r&' r, Craroer ' Fr ' " · H . 'F-""• ·•·-'••• and • ancis,. ome, .CUQ ,,,,.,.,....,
·Loan Asloclat!On. of :San Dlego,,Popl,'U.
and · Marie' M. Eosllnger'. an~ Myei'&-
Laguoa Co.. · ·
FCC to PrQpo.se Qfuµiing . ' ' . ' ; ' -•
TV, R'adio · Cig3rette Ads
WASHINGTON (l!PI) -The Federal Tobecco "!'l'paolea depllld prlmaflfy
Communications COmmiuion v o t e'd . ·on \elevlalbn-'~nd radio ·fer tbelr ~•d~
Wednesday to propose " ban against vehtsinr:· ·· . · -·
cigarette adverti:ling on television and Jn 1967, ·the · mdst. ·recerit year' rOr
radlo. which figures were available, '311.9
The FCC ltielf planned to· ,make the million was spent on cipre~ 1d-
fcrmal annouoceriie•t 'later ·in thl! day,·. v~• ~ ·p .9 ""1lllod ·19r
CohgresslonaJ ~sourca aald 1he ·vote for ... ,, (eJeVi!tdn· commerc-fils Lari:t •f1·71i mm.ton.
the proposed ban wail to 1. . for radio. commercial!.
Sen. Frank E. M081 (D-Utah), said The l"lrnin( labellng DOW required
the FCC decision was in· line J v.;,ltb on cigarette· pacU reads: ''~Uon: ottatqy. be; bad proposed in 1bo senate . Cltlarette 'smok!ni m&7f be \~s
FridaJ. * ' ' to your health." I
At that time, Moss said the present
law requiring a warning on cigarette
packages, that smoking may1be a hazard J lry 'I' k'
tolhebealth,ahouldbeall\>wedtodie.' ew:e . +a ~n
l ..
, .
The w~ng S;llot fn a new volle)!
Of niln tor'll\e"OrangecCoast "8S•lired
early today: with the first' assaill& wive
carded f1r tonight-and Thursday. ,
' den' • ""-• ' ndi A 1Ud · downpcur wruch e ied as
qu1ckly as it began drenched the coastal
'!IJ'.l!a tor ;.bOu\ 'ts , mft11Ms : l'°• I
·arid· 9 a.m., Jollowed by scattered clauds
~ blue• s.iue~~
Blit m<re rain was predicledr fOl'i
tonight, buffeted by gusty winds ml ' ' . bringing 1 Cooler temperatures. ·T ~ ~
'wea\ber liureJiu said, the ralnfall poss!•
:bilit:y,.for ThurSdiy wa9 160:percent.-·. '
· 'The extended ·picture sMws ·occaaioDal
:rain tbroUgti sdodat, wlth•tbe Jriireuty
\' ' ,_ ~ ' I 'dippjng .. Into. ~. 50'•'.0!I'. !be :Orange ~t. " .
· ' · ' Stoek · Market.-. ' . ' .. , ' . , . , , NEWYORI< (AP)-The'stock·market
clO&ed In fair ly active trading · after
·another-mixed·ancHmcertain-...:.loo to-
•daf. (~nJ~~J:.~c~' 23), _, With ,,....,... "'".lo uc compil ... ,
It was uncerialn' Wbet!ilr ·the market
had registered a slight' pin or small
·Joss. " • · ' I ...
Oruge <:out I
' , . . 't' ·~fl!: ~ . I
'l1le morning ~ cm nib for
Thursday Is M, ,""1 lt'1,far from I ov.r, Cook'lor tem~tura in tho
,high 50'1'.aloiil'lbo Cpial and low . "IO'J Jn)and, ' . ~ 1 " ., .
INSWE' TOBAlY ' ' Moss originally supported .tbe· labellJ!g
requirerflent1when· legialatlon wu,pused At .Lagnn' . a ',1'to"me' I in Ille& .but said II had ·prevlol'l'f· the ft
Fq: from pllcln& restrlcUcm oo,cl&aret. ; · I i.' i:.#') r 'T ~ J
UCl's ' ln1iti< ReperlOrJI Com· I
pan11 ·opem: Ifs third season to. 1 night with a ·production. o/ 1
"Waiting /Of' Godo~" o .. o/ a I
numbel' of loeof !IW·lheal<T of·,
fetjllps ' along · "'" coaat, ' See I
te advertlslng. . • A jade necklace, bl"llcele\ lixl earrlq
'r1ie FCC'I -proplllal. Jo ban' c!Cmtte · set valu«! al $11111 wore -,,_ay
advertlalng oa rldio and televlslon would from the. L,acllna Beacb -ot Bortluo have to be 'Jllblllbect,ln·the Fedel'JI Y-a•· :MllGI-·~. · Re"'~-'and -·••.•~ •·•e ~~ uoUI -• ,. --··· -...,..... ~ """ ..... ·cu.-, Poilce 1ullll the 1Jur1iar"' 1milhld ,a
a later ·di\'-g~ AloGt pine· lo nadl lnli.fe" ud
"• . ' ... , I ' . • Uriioc the"-·. A ·-111111. -I
Pant'y,Raid• ~-Fa~ • ·~~...,: ;..;.;{.'..;.•
• . : , ' • . -~· cottlJ., llrlt lmpr-• ' MIAMf. l'la. '(AP)' -·Mole· than !60· ![h"I blr-15 ~ suJlar· ,, .. llolln . ma!• !bJdlals,. mott GI thint'~ Bit-from his' ' kad car, . • 1 ,
: EntuUdnmtnt, Pd~e Ii~, ! t)
...... • ti 'Me!\lif ..,,.. ,~1
t ~. '' """""" t1 Cl""''Cll'MI' ll ""* \ )fl ,__,.... ...,. ............ .
Ctftlkl • ....... ..... +& I s.r~·~ ~--~ ~ .,, .... _ ... '.....,., ..... ...,. . ,...,,
, .......... n Df. 1111m... •
.......... IMJ ... """'911 .. ,. • ""' t... 11 ,,........ • • • _.._. 1t .,,....,.. .., JI
,=-~I. , ~ ....... ·,:
I MMM91 ........ lf-,' ..... Mft 1 +I'
. CPll " triOd 'I'! ~ -' 'ctalt' < Biillet IJ 111 Glddon· told I ~on~ a11¢ti0riiiai·~•tiarry poUce 'li!'\ldl ~I ~ b\ .~i, CoUlilt todil:t-~ ;c ,illf..,."""' ·cal· lioC;i;lfl 'bi Wlncil ,.i !Ocated
' ceWid ill eettfnl ~.~ '"' ', I ' ' ti 1reddali6e. 'Jr f-.-J ~ I '---"------' .;.'--+ ~ '1{1__!'' '': • •>· •
' .
. -
J --··· -~--... .·
•• • ' f • . Vote ,on :: .. Ease.d
·Sul'f Rules '-Set . i-·i ~to.f:Jcbroke,rs Kept B·usy Awng South Coast
. ' . '
:: Sirhan Jury
' .
Of 4 Women,
8 Men Sworn.
. .. oidlnaneo am~
Cowicllmen win u.. al .!lilt fO\lr
written propooill on uie pl'OI and cooa
of euJnr ·the auril111 notrlclloll&. And
if Laguoa 111111 -to form, thefll . . ' have ample verbal recommendatlona u
Q'Sulllvao'a ~ woold ·
ta!<•· tJie time prohibition oU aummer
aurlin& ICllll<What broaden.,.... where
aurfJni ii -and man other minor revlalooa.
Speaklnf 'for the You1h Councll
"-illlon of lloUllt Orange Comity, Tom
.Gorman, vice prestden~ sligpsts that
surfing II one fonn of recreaUon not
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A jury of fully uWlied in recrealion-tb,y Laguna.
lour _,,,,, and eitllt men wu "'°'" He noted lbat military and~mmerclal
in todo1 ta. tty Ille "* of Ille piople lntoruta. ciinliOI olhtr ,l\Wby aurllnf
vs. Slilla far lbi'-o1 Sii1: llnberl areu ucl ~ never ·beloi:e baa
F. KlllDICly ....o.monlbs qo. Ille lpOrl otlracled 111eb bfP Clllber
Tiie paotl -In the jar)' .... with t..nagen.
upnloed ~ wblle tile oath 111!" In,. , DMKATIC FINALE toiild. ' - . .
Tiie ..-Uoo ad def-couneel In a dramaUc finale to bla letter,
. tbiia\ .... ei'1#4Dl111pt0 I pt C tJ l' I ," the 17-year.oJd blgb scbool senJor ltatea:
". -<Jar<iiL·&x-be clmen. , "111 ,,eacb pouod!llf ~ker of!
" . . .ro VISIT LAGUNA
Jullllard'• Hill
Famed NY Dance
Director · Due -
' ..
In f,aguna Beacli
: .Tfli ~ Slrban 'II. slrbaJI, 111111· Laguni'a beacbes con be beard tile ple1&
; eel .... f<MilW· with h1I couilli1 when of lbla town's aurlers: The •urf· will An oulllandlng ,figuro In the world
· tbO ifi' · -~ Al -jlOl\1l he ' never end. But the pleq' can' H they nf daiice .will .,.. 111 .' ·-·· u ••• , next
•· ..__. • 10me J.i··•1 docilments. +.,. are heard and aniwered.l'• · •.·, " ,. "" --a ... -~· • -· ....,., · , , , w e e k to adjudlcale the Laguna Beach , ;,..; alternlle MW to be gues-· Dr. Herbert L. "Bumiws, • ~ · ol 'Civic. BOl!et,' Cempao· "y. • · ' u""4 Wm II. ·Wlllll, an afualt ptoperty at 1115 'and u.a. 91v1a11; st., · 1"111!!"\ir' foreman for UJllleil Air _ ~ favon 'the ut.u.; feotdl:ll..,, "' ~ HUI, dlnc)or. of the '.Jlance ; LIDIL .o:·· ,.. . ... He 'ltatel: ~ "· ~ .• ·~ ~· .department .atJulllardlnNewYork,
I· N ;,.iMiln& .wu lloo&b-aame ".Surllni ii Dof aoJi Ille •~!Ion ii.~._ 'aance.· <om •.• pin! .. to perform
liDll u •:al lhe .titflllir Jaliri, w)llcb to tananil bat ldually, ~.a· llabwty, · oo -the pia pn>gram of the Fourth
· :::,.. f<>aiiod on~-·~ "!!ltucle ad -bit. tlar leollllll't1111111J not Anllual Pacific Western Regional Ballet
• Tllo Jt1 !!.s • ~ ~P.t ~;r.i?: ::;: ~ ~':'1:. . Festtval. 11 will be beld in San Diego
TiloocliJ wtii!i ~Mll1 Slrban, 'llle·lleftn-Mn. Be"y HOckel, • ·ilofpliln Way.. toward the end of April.
danl'a motfiir. ;_~ a-;lbe.,Nd aupporta O'Sullivan llatlq, "Any Mlq IDD, a member of the State -. ., U..· ~ Of bet lldmllfaot ywnpter1 who exerclH in tbla healthy Department'• dance paotl, -baa !let<! ad·
famtb'. Hr;'*' 'iii low,fot.:11mea 9port Instead o1 Uling .ir.,. lhould be judtcatlq ballet companhs in
• a Uilper.-IDJbe emph•stw4,:ibii' wu tnCOUtaged." Anchorage, Aluka; Seattle. and Tacoma,
· · not _,"fer. pit;. , : ;pi;,·; ' sr-c m•• • ·· · w::. "'·· ~-'1'a -'of strllin II" 'in · -· ~ · -: ..,..ene, v•«: S&cramento, the
the '. "' die &uitioom lpectil!OI> -Edith. Ward, -Vlclarfa Dr!~. bad Ba{Area ind FrahO. Sbe wtn adiudtcate and abi _,lib it. _ • IJIOdfk ....,.,,._, " in Pasadena and~ alao. .
S!le·l"M !raiD the -cbalr al -K-.p tile Jamlne Streel Buch (the Tbe Laguna company, w~ last year the. eil~~,.., of. her tallmoQJ Tuoalay Rock ~) open for IW'finl all day _, uct ._ Scldm. IOUl"C9 of eneru pve every dl,r.. r ,wu nuno;\4 a naUonal hohor company,
lllnmlth to bet 9'b u 1111 uld: · -o..tcnale ten ·c1eary defined IW'flog will be the boot group in San Diego. ·
"I -God be -me the -,ui. corrtdcin ·al the llreel end& (city pro.
I tblnlt you ---(ol the Untied perty). Tbue ten corrtdcin lhould be
Stales) tloal I nmr Fl llqry and locatad throu&bout all ol Laguna ltarting
tloal · I abraya bad a ...,. over my at Crucail Bay -to Vltt«ta Buch,
head.• IP'ead!ni the burden ao that tt doea
M117 Sirbu.'1 Enclilh' la not always not fall heavily on any one area.
good, but 1111 apeab from tbe heart. --Open one of -corridors for surf.
A Paleslinlan Arab b)' birth, abe baa In& from I a.m. to I p.m. and another
an obvious love for the Untted States. from 1·.,p.m. .to: 5 PJ!l. Net one.corridor ·
Capo Trustees .
OK Showing of
Fi1ms on VD Sl)e sajd later: shall be uaed more thlJI two periods
• '"Ibey· were making me Uke a poor one week. . ~· ~ _ anq I did not like lt. I have -One lifeguard shall be responsible Capistrano Unified School District -·-
~·a blellin&· They' Aid I make lltue for HlecUng the corridors to be used trustees Monday nigh:L vo~ , f to 3
· ~· •• Tlial'• not wbil' It .la 'IO be dally 'ind ll<ep • almple record of those to aomove ahowlng_ ol two rum. on i~ ~~~;~11:.:t 1,;~~~~ .. ,~ttii·7a.&im~.·\:cs~&'~hri: ~:·\· .• ~rYase·~1olJi'Vadm. ,~·
;: bearin( ~..t.ll!O ~""'°" for WIW•'11 Jr. bopu tbe council will The lru.ltees who voted "no" -Tom ~ aJ.mo1t a M ~ dtimliied «&i remetnbtJ' it was young once · and ho• Wing~t. ·=Mra. Jo Ann ·Doudna and Fted
• motlon, calllnl '1t,~t and\_t( ~· im~ it ii for )'Ollth' lo kelp fit Newhar( ,,.. djd not outright oppose ~ merlL ,. •• , • .. "· ... a6d tiiialtby. ' teaCbing about venereal disease. 4· i ,;.f't' • • ''We, lOYe Laguna but 'find it qUlte They liJ~ they questioned whether the
; -hard to raise our children due to the films should be shown to mixed boy ~· La p tri" f.s Jaok of •ctivtUes available to )'OWJg and girl audlences and whether one film ~ guna 8 0 people," 1be· wrote~· Isn't so dated bf clothes styles that
gtudenta wouldn't ridicule it rather tban
i.· Parade Lined Up Woman Conf:ned se~~::'~ 1;~: .~dlence •poke on •n .,. " &ides of the issue. .
·:· There'll be more than 71 trombones The films will be used in sex educaUon
, In t _ • ..,, ... n ...... 1.• 1..t ...... _., 'F" · n · F T ' classea: approved lut week by the board. i· In i.d,ih. ;;irl.:i: P:a\i;';~ Whit.,: Or reatment The three trustees who voled asalnst
• Festival ngurea: to have far more of the fllml had voted for the sex educaUon
1 everytblng than Musk Man M~tb J A C course. Trustee Harcourt Bull, who had I Wlllaoo'a BIS Parade. n rSOn llSe voted asalnst m eclucaUon, voted for
: Estimates of the partlclpanls In lhi• . . . the lllms. ·
!' year's parade are from 4,6(11) to 5,000,-'. ·A woi,nan ~ aaertedly '.. made
~ A!d Roy Fitterer, parade cbalrman. ,., ,ltatement:e: about.-aoa outside a~
• Already II banda from llUtr'Ollndinl · Lasuna· Beaeb home · ta bein& held in
: commun!Ues have regtllered for the the Orange Comity Medlcal Center for
• parade.· Witb.~ 1f(1l be at lip.st U men~ ob8ervation. ·
• drW taaml, ei;lli. to 10 -1rilll units, Pohce said the 22-year-old W61nan wao
: 15 Doail and I mim~ ~ norilly''ilntta, · pickecl up Salurdlj' in ·Laguna Btac)i.
Mrs. Emily Roll, paiilde ajloloetmari She was ~'Cecl to have toJd .. passirsb)'
uld. at a Jan. 28 fire, ''We're burning it
The parade honora "014 Glory," and down."
aa1ul<o Cept. WUllam Driver, Ille. man Tbe '11,000 blm gutted a small frame
wbo gave the American Flag that ntck residonce at 369 Cl'els St The occupants name. -· were away at the time.
aeMrt N. We•4
J•c.• •• c ..... .,
Viet' ~ Wld C4Mr.i M1n1tt<
Fire !hrabal J1111e1 ~ said he
will tal<e llatemenil be ii collecting
and other evidence to the dlmtct at-
torney lo see if an arson prMetullon
is warranted under the circum1lance1 .. ~" Presson 1akl the flre apparent11 Wis
set ln a rolled rug in the living room.
The living room was fully Involved in
name when tlremen arrived.
Viejo Population
Estimated 85,000
A future Mission. Vlejo populaUon of
15,000 was forecut for 12 to 15 years
by Company ExecuUve Vice-President
Anthony R. Moiso today at the breakfast
meeting of the Laguna Beach Chamber
of Commerce.
Moiso said the development, now 10
percent complete-with · approximately
8,500 residents, is: a 15 to 20 year project.
PresenUy onJy 11,000 acres of the
'" l5,~ O'Nell' • Ranch is under
. deveJopm~, he said.
· ~·we•re not trying to build a utopia, Just a bettu place to live," he said.
Tli•••• X11vil '-•r•
n ... " '>.. =lft• --,4 Arrested on Drug Rap
• •
' .
aic.lri1r4 P. Nill tt.I Nii"• L•-lfftll • -"'i:~ cu,,.... 0 • . --·Of .... 121 hr11t Avt.
M1inft, M••••ii t.o. 1 .. '''· 'Jtsz --C.le Mewl "' Wnl .. , MrW N....,..n ""'II; 1111 'Nftl ..... t.\1 .... 1•• ...,_..,_ a..dlt at S.11 Slt•I
After School Ship Cruise
-Dana C. Smit~ 21, of 1410 Sunay
Crest Drive. FuJlerton, possession or
-EJllabeth S. Lyon, IO, ol Carmel,
Ind., pcseesslon of dan1erous drugs and
thrte,1"00Untl of po.ue.uion »f an opiate
drug.. . smttt ,...., ptt1lminary bearing in Los
A.,.iu County Municipal .Court Feb. 10. while the · otbet three mi!demeanor
...apecta havt· unW June ,5 before they
must enter pleas on the chaijes.
Agents rummaging through the ship
last ,,-eek also fou.nd \'f~ p()Und!l or
mlllJuana and -e UWt. 2,000 drug
pl!b, plenty for a felony. pmecutlon,
but could link the contraband to no
1peclltc individual~ .
Tha Mo l\YndllD viallecl 17 ports of
cill during Ill voyage, in many of wh!Ch
narco11c1 ... uawed lo tba Ualled st.lea cin · be lioUgbt cio c1ruiJ1ore shelve!,
according to customs agents.
Of "" O.llY "ll•t s1an
0 A. hea"Y Purse mut. a light beart/'
obwvu a 161l><eotury EngliJh ptoverb.
"Not so," comes a contemporary
rebuttal from Lagunans whose weighty
problems are heavy purses. The men
are stockbrokers and t.here are SO: 11\111)'
of them ln Laguna ~ach, for one reaaoq
or another, the town has become a
South County citadel of high finance.
The city not only has high assets
per capita, brokers say, but Js also
a lodestar in the county south of Newport
Beach for investors in Leisure World,
Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, San Juan
Capistrano and San Clemente.
As a 1't!8ult; there are five New York
ExchanJe member brokerages iD the
Laguna area compared to thre·e in
Newport Beach. In addition there are
numerous nonmember financial firms
Jocaied in Laguna.
The investor frequentiq: L a g u n a
rinan<;e bous9 was ~ibed by J~,
R. Spangenberg, resident vice-president '
of Roberta:, Scott & co:, as 'tne of
two general types. "
"There is a cross section of retired
well-to-do people that buy for investment
purposes and 'then there's another group
of younger people who may live bere
but work outside,'' he sakl. ,
Spangenberg said about 70 perce.nt or
his finn's business comes in from outside
Laguna Beach, a percentage that ap.
peared to be consistanl among the
establishments queried.
Trends in recent ' years have been
toward younger, more speculative in-
vestors m061 lirms noted, but, they said,
retired investors sUJJ form the bulk of
their customers.
Estimates of the average patron's in-
vestment could not be made accurately,
the brokers saJd.
"An average would be very mlsltadiq;.
There are the wealthy that may be
trading in 1,000-Share loll and then there
are the younger investorr with 1111 '-'ll-"
l 00-sbare lots," said Louil Zll t-:k.
manager ~ Laguna's Mitchum J<>i..l<'!I
& Templeton Inc. office. Zitaik, a fotmll'
city counclhnan, Is a Saddleback Colle1e
An Ear to tht Phone and A Finger on the Computer
The question of why so many brokers
in the art co!Ony turned out to be
a little like 11whJcb came first, the
chicken or the egg." · ·
Zitnik said that first the brokers came
to Laguna because of the living con-
ditions hete ·and then : the business
"I think we_ have a lot of. really
superior people here that said. 'I want
to live in Laguna Beach,' and they
were able to pull the business in," he
said.;. J '· Other broke?s sai , however; 'that the
In Newport Beach.
Ted Paul.son wit.h Laguna Hills Leisure
WorJd..bued ~ell, Weedon and Co.
offices,'•·saJd growth in the stock field
hAs been fantastic the last several years
In this area. Until a year ago, the
offices had been based in Laguna Beach
lince 1933.
The firm's growth from three to 17
men in three years Was far above the
industry average he said.
There were no problems connected
with working in Laguna Beach as op.
posed to location In a more metropolitan
area,' the brokers said. In fact, all noted
advantages or working and living in
lhe area.
"There are fewer problems working
here than in Los Angeles because of
the character or the people here,"
McCready said.
"The people of this community take
a responsible attitude toward money,"
he said.
With high-speed e I e c t r on l c com-
munication devices, brokers always have
up ~the minute information, they said.
"We are as nluch in touch as anyone
actually in Manhattan," said Zitnik
In the Juture, Laguna's prospects are gen~rallyOright financially, brokers said.
However, some mentioned proble1ru1
such as parking, and other congestion
as pos!lible hindrances to downtown
JocaUon of finance houses. But growth
was certain, they said.
business was here first !or them to
. "Most have marketing' studies made
be!o:e, settling. Many or. the residents
here have come from the East with
a pile of nloney and have the time
to invest in .the market as a hobby,"
Spangenberg .said ..
Twins Set fo1· Tour
Clementeans to Join Choral Group
"Laguna is sort of a key town to
a lot of sunounding towns, and it lends
itself to the dignity of the stock
business," he said.
William McCready ~f Laguna's Dean
Witter & Co. said that the volume of
his office was on a par with that of
Newport Beach's branch and Long
Beach. A lot of his business comes
from Leisure World.
He noted that competition in Laguna
Beach is "satisfactory" but said that
there is more competition for investors
Two San Clemente High School seniors
have been selected to join a 70-voice
choral group that will make a concert
tour of Europe this summer.
Twins Ray and Roy Dunbar, of
Capistrano Beach, survived a series or
auditions and were chosen In competition
with hundreds of the best high school
and eollege singer!! in Southern California
for positions in the Southern California
Youth Chorale.
The twins are attempting to earn the
funds necessary to make the :six-week
y, I t• • D The true,pr•clousntss of Q en Jne $' ay., • anOmegawatch lslh•
S . . h IOVt lh•I h txpr9111es. ay It Wit Emy a,,... wo1c•
undergon multiple an n quetlty-control eheeka lo essutt
OMEGA llmekoeplog
You cen be sure
the Omeg• YoU give
or rectivt Ulla
Velentlne'1 P9Y
prOl.ld llfellme po••••Jon.
~in her
Thi gift of en
Omege watch will bt
remembertd Mry
tnlnutt,'..,.,Y l'IOut,
fNfl'f day. CorilblnfnO
,.ht bMuty Ind
accuracy • ..:ih Omega
watc;fi flflletl tM
....... de<lonaod
technftll 1kl111 ot
the llnaet SwlM
CllftanMin. Ste our
complN coltectloll
of Omega Wltehee.
165 '° owr t1000.
trip through Europe. They are available
for after·ichool and Saturday work and
may be contacted at 49&-9124. The Dun-
bars are also joining other choral mem·
hers in selling chocolate candy bars to
raise funds.
Richard Dastrup, choral director at
San Clemente H(6h School. s a y s
members of the school's a cappella choir
and madrigal singers are studying the
possibility of staging a benefit concert
to help the fund-raising effort. The Dun·
bars have been members of both groups for two· years.
\.41( ,.... et Wlllll Nlllf
told br-1111 lfllldi, ......_ ,.°"" tl')'llll ....
J. C. fiun1p/l.l'u6 'Jeweler PHONE
541.3401 1121 NEWPORT AVE .. COSTA MESA
.. ::
~. •,
.. .. ;.
.. :· . :· .• :i
~: .. -:
;: .. ·:
'.• .
. : .. . ;
Mest'• Rev. Finkenbinde,. -Known as 'Hermano Pablo'
Preacher Uses Radio
As Latin -Missionary
01 1t11 O.Hr l"llol Iliff
Jr Costa Mesa missionary who long
ago realized that God's rexelation o~
the principle of radio could be used
Allies Studying
' 3-Nation Peace
Plan Proposal
PARIS (AP) -U.S. aJ)d South Viel-
n~ese negotiatorl are studying: pr~
posals for a three.-nation peace force
of Asian neutrals to gulrantee any Viet·
nam peace settlement, d I p I o ·m at i e
sources reported today. .
The nations most freque.nJ'IY mentioned
are Japan, Indonesia ana Bunna. These
and other Asian countries have been
discreetly sounc1e4 out by the United
States, the sources said.
American and South V i ' t n a m e s e
delegates in Paris have spent m~ch
time in private consuJtaUons on how
to enforce a setUement. As far as is
known the North Vietnamese and Viet
Cong have not participated in such
The diplomats said the proposal pro-
bably will not be voiced at the peace
conference until th ere is some progress
toward a settlement. The third session
of four-wa y talks is schedu1ed Thursday.
The conference is deadlocked because
Hanoi and the Viet Cong's National
Liberation Front refuse to discuss
military de-e's cal at ion without
simultaneously discussing a political set·
tlement for South Vietnam, and Saigon
Jnsisls the conference has no right to
discuss South Vietr:am's Internal affairs.
Despite the deadlock both sides seem
to agree on the need to revive and
revise key provisions of the 1954 Geneva
agreements that ended lhe French
Jndochina war. These partitioned Viet,.
nam "provisionally" at the 17th parallel
and set up an International Control Com-
mission made up of Canada, Poland
and India.
Floating Hotel
Era w Begin
For OceQ.n Liner
SAN .FRANCISCO (AP) -The ocea n
liner Lurline will enter ~ new . pha~
of it5 California-to-Hawan ~rv1ce t~
April wheri il becomes a "floating hotel
for inter-island travelin the SOth stJte.1 1\-tatson Navigation 'Co. announced or
Lurline's schedule will be changed so
the ship can spend u much as ".°
days a trip cruising among Oahu,u~uala!•
Maul ind the. big island ef naW' L
Sinee 1941, ~ Lurline has m~e lo.day
round-trips between Hawau a n d
California. 1be IChtdule wil1 change on1y during
June, July and August -'.he ,peak travel
8MllX= _ when lhe Lurline rtlurns t.o
Ill traditional San Franc~Honolulu
service. . . The change rerlect.s lhe 1ncreas111g use
of air travel for Hawaii visitors .. A
p..1atson spokesman said the Lurhne
normally ts booked heavily on trtps to
Huwail but often has empty 6pace on
return voyages.
to more qiuck ly spread His word to
remote cullures of the world leaves
tOday for a new Latin American crusade.
·Puerto Rican-born Rev. Paul E.
Finkenbinder; 47, who understandably
dOes not ·use hls Teutonic surn?me pro-
feSsionaiJy in broadcasts to the Latin
masses, .is director of LARE, Latin
American Radio Evangelism.
&rn t.o mi ss ionar y parents,
Finkenbinder, of 284 Hanover Drive, ls
known to listeners in 21 Latiii countries
as Bermano Pablo, the man who is: beard
to g i v e guidelines for I i f e via
the airwaves 200 times each day.
Hermano Pablo is Spanish for Brother
PaqI, bUt the Assemblies or God minister
j.fl quick to explain it has none of the
folksy, down home church fellowship con·
'notation the English translation often
cairies. ·
"lt~is· more a title o/ respect than
the 'Brother This Brother That' stuff
you hear out of one o( those Te:r:as
gospel stations," Finkenbinder said.
Rev. Finkenbinder's LAltE format is
much more sedate and stresses practical
guide& ift living this daily life, while
preparirig: for what lies beyond ils
Hel'IflWlo Pablo. 'known throughout
Latin Am.ei'ica for his work which began
in 1943, is scheduled to speak Feb.
9 to 16 in Managua, Nicaragua, and
Feb. 16 to 23 in Leon, Nicaragua.
He is scheduled to preach in Somosa
Sta"dium, which holds 35,000 persons.
A similar Colombian c r u s a d e in
December drew •t p to 25,000, of whlch
1,500 declared they would adopt the
teachings of Christ.
But the 47-year-old minister's fiv~
minut'e daily radio broadcasts prepared
in studios at 2080 Placentia Ave., have
_perhaps more impact, because they
·reach 'so many more people.
Tit\00: "A Message of the Conscience,"
the brlef programs are heard daily
everywhere in Latin America, except
Premitr Fidel Castro's CUba and, Iron-
ically, Finkenbinder's own n at i If e
Puerto Rico. . -
Gearing his theme to tht universality
of .basic human problems and spiritual 1
truths, his non-denominational program
lakes a figure ' out of history or contem·
pdrary news events as a base.
Finkenbinder then illustrates how,
for instance, a crisis faced or a thing
done or not done has the same parallel
in the life of a Peruvian peasant as for
a U.S. president or international bea1,1ty
"The moral vtewpoinC is what counts,''
he explained.
Destined to ( o 11 ow in his par-
ents' footsteps as a missionary, Fin-
kenbinder said he broke into the field or
radio evangelism after read.log an article
on the state of Christian ·evangelical
The account charged that heathenism
and other forms of non-belief were grow-
ing in the modem world at a rate one-
third raster than: the faith founded upoo
Christ's leacblnp. · 1 • •
"Finkenbinder," he said to himself,
"there must be something ydu can do."
There wu, and he worked out a groW·
Ing raw..televloion rampotp which
has branched Into impJraUonal movie-
film ing in rece.n( years., all aimed at
using the media to promote God's mes-
Thousand.I of Chrlstiam accept the
Gospel without question, but there are
many more among filthrul and non·
believers alike who might !Ind a Puerto
Rican named Finkenbinder a bit hard
. to swallow.
"Even with my Spanlstl brogue,'' said
Hermano Pablo, whose great-gran6-
fatber came from Germany, Closing the
interview wllh a pronounced accent 1nd
11 hearty laugh.
Nixon . Urges
Senate OK
WASHINGTON (AP)--: Pr<sldonl Nix-
on asked tbe Senate today to ratify the
nuclear nonproliferation treaty'promplty.
He sald such action would further
his goal "(If negotiation rather than con·
frontatlon with the USSR." . ' Nixon, in a meu;;ie to the Sen.ale,
recalled urging 1 delay In ra~:.ncaUon
of the treaty last fall because of the
Soviet invasion of Cucboslovakia.
"My request at thiJ time in iJO sense
alters my condemnation o( that Soviet
action," he said. ~ ·
In another policy decision, Ni.son
ordered the Asricul-lle~nl> lo
continue this year · to make~ available
' 50 percent -advance payment to
participanta in tbe leed ll'aim procram
..,.. an actiM in keeping wllh pUl practice
but one which outgoing President Lyndon
B. Jolmaoo suggested be dropped.
"We feel farmers are entitled to proper
and sufficient notice about any change
in the ground rules on such payments,"
Nixon said in a statement. "Many of
them are already beginning lo sign up
(or the procr.am."
· ~ moves were' discussed at a
lengthy conference Nixon held with
Republican congressional leaderi.
Afterwards, Senate COP Le a d e r
Everett ·M. Dirtsen and House Republi-
can Leader Gerald R. Ford made these
further announcements:
-Ni:r:on w_ill submit to Congress in
mid-February special messages on tai
reform aJKi changes in the presidential
election process.
-If negotiations fail to end the con·
tinuing dock strike, Nl:a:on told the
leaders, he may have to propc6e legisla·
tion dealing with national emergency
-Before making a contemplated trip
to Europe soon, Ni:r:on will meet in
adVance with both DemocraUc and
Republican leaders from Congress and
he will bold a similar sessloo· following
his return. '
-The President plans a series of
reorganization efforts within govermnent,
provided Congress e :a: t e n d 1 expiring
legislation giving him· authority in that
field . Said Dirksen, without getting into
specifics: "'There probably will be more
reorganization plans in t h i s ad-
ministration than in any other."
County Officers
Taking Harbor
Fight to Cities
County officers opposed to the dissolu~
tion of the Orange County Harbor Dl11trlct
are taking their fight direct to the cities.
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
William H. · Hirstein and KeMeth
Sampson, county director of harbors and
parks, spoke to Or~ge city councilmen
Tuesday night followmg 1djoununent o(
a council meeting.
Sampson gave a detailed history oC
the harbor district to the councilmen.
He said many cities are 1t1pportlog the
dissolution of the district because they
don't feel they an getting their fair
share of the district's funds. He disputed
thls contentiop.
Sampson urged· the people o! Onnge
County to oppote the dillolutlon because
the move would among other thinp,
"preclude the development or Upper
Newport Bay."
Tbe Orange councD plans to act on
the Orone• . County Loque ol CIU..
resolution , urging dlSlolutkm of the
dislrlct on Feb. 25. Nine other dly
counclls have already 1pproved the
resolution. ·
Supervisors Tuesday . indicated their
continued opposition to abolishment ol
the laxlng dlstrlcl when they \'Oled 4-1
against giving 1JJY financial IUpporl to
Newport -Beach to operate •Newport
Harbor if the district ls dWolved ..
Supervl!or Alton E. Allen uid he
though! the district should ·r.main as
it is if the count; is aoinl to pay
for operation ol the,. harbor.
W 1·ecked Plane
Found in Ocean
By TV Cameras
LOS ANGELES (APl -Wreckage
o( a United Air Lines plane which crash·
ed into the sea Jan. 11 has been found
11 miles offshore In ',.'e1:tremely
fragmented" condition.
All 38 aboard were killed when I.he
Boeing rn went down _tn 2H leet of
water after takeoff from International
Airport for Denver.
11\0 Nall<loal Transport:ilon and Safely
Board laid today the wrecU,e wu
located by aonar and coollrmed by
televWoo cameras lowered to the 1ea
f I o o.r. A seven-foot fragment was recovm and J)O.'tively identified as
part ol the craft. Thomas R. Saunders, head of the
board's investigating team. &aid, "It ll
a correct usumptl-00 that the plane
splintered upon impact with water."
The wreckage, he said, wu tcalttrtd
over hundred! ol thousands of squaic: r .. t or the bottom.
1be scene, he aakt, wu where surfact
debris "" found the night ol the trash.
· Bedch Colwge A·ccredited for ~Three . Y ear1 ,,
' ' Golden Wut College In Hunlln&too
Beach · has received an "A'' #*de on ' lU nrst ,rtporl card.
Tbe ~pus bu be'" full)' ~led
for three yeirs.-' 'the l1\8JJmUqi , tetm
for a colleae cortllled for the'llnl Utne. Weateril AloociaUon of _, and
Colleges thua gave Its top 'rating 1 to
the college which opened· in ~.
1161. '
AceredilaUon means courits taken at
Golden West will be tiansferalile to any
other college In the Unlted States. · ,
To date, students transferring' from
Golden West have had counes routinely
-pled by other Calllornia ochoob
while the campus wu in procegs of
obtaining accrediUUoo.
·sut atudenta going to smaller out-of-
sl.ate schools often have bad to petition
for tran.der, Now Jt will be automatic,
NYI John BuUer, -l•le dean ol acf.
mlaalons and r<conla. • : • • ..
A 21-paa:e accredltaUon evaluation recently recolved by the college atalet:
'"l'bll)Ulhoul the st.ff there 11 ·evf!lence
of enthn•asm for the lnnovltive IP"
proacb Jo ~ which 11 an _ilnpqrlanl
paz:t of the phllo!!opey of the college."
ll also notes:
"Some of the enthmlasm 11 tempered
by a lack of luncls and lnlUfllc1eat ln-
ltnlctor Ume wlth which to implement
The feport was prepared by a .even--
member ac<redlUng t<am, headed by
Foothlll ,College Pnsldent Dr. Hubert
H. Semana, which spent three di)'' at
Golden Weal lut Ociober.
the ooe place the team felt the college
fell down a bit was in its evening
County Impounds
Oil Companies'
Soaper Oouper
Protested Taxes Columnist Shows What's Cooking
MOre ti:r:~ paid by oU companies
under: protest were lmpounded Tuesday
by County Auditor Victor A. l{elm.
Heim said $502,M$ was imPounded or
firat liaU 1111M9 taxes. Oil companies
lrivoJved intJude UnJou Oil, Oreo, Stan-
dald Oii, slilnal, Tert11" Oil, Arm.strong,
Atlantic-llichfield and Wtlshlre.
Halm ............ ihe grand lOlal lm-
poUnded ~..;;;;I laxes paid in 1987.Q
and the rece~ payment totals ,1.6
mllllon. 'I'tle county is still messing
the oil companies !or royalties ext oil
production. deaplte a 1067 state law e:a:-
emp!ln& IUCh royalttes from county pro-p¢j t.a:s:es. .
1be county counsel's office views the
sta.t.e legillatlon .as "consUtutionally
douhUul." •
011 companies have . until March 1
to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The original impound in the case ex-
tending from 1964 to the present 11
$2.1 mllllon.
Stolen Pills
Could Be Fatal
Johna Blhm covers the "90Uper" stan.
Also the steak 1tars, the casaerole stars
and salad stars.
She brings her Celebrity Cookbook coJ.
wnn to the DAILY PILOT today ,..
a regular weekly feat\D'e of the food
section with a kickoff columh about
a comic ,.... who is as funny about food
as he ls fuftDY onstage.
Jack Carter ooolldes be Is a finicky
eater who oft.en aendl restaurant food '
back to tbe cbeL But the recipe he
contributea to Mril. Bllnn'1 column ia for
something he calla "garbage omelot."
It'1 good, abe ln.slsts.
Celebrtly Cookbook Is not, and qever
was; a book. But It might be ,sorDed~y,
accordlne to lt.s author. Fint., she says,
she ia giving newspaper reader 11
throlJihout the naUon a ~ to find
out about the culinary quirkl of tbelr
favorite 11t111.
... "l aer them talking about food," says
the columnist, 0 and this gives me the
flavor of the person."
Though some !tan come up with some
pretty exotic dilhes as thelr favorite
food, Mrs. Blinn 11y1 many of them
A potentially fatal drug was stolen prefer almple fare, e:r:cellentiy Jftpartd.
from a Stanton home Tuelday. And many of them feel that "acellently
Pollce warned that the dn>g, Cytemal, __ _. .. me•-that •'-gel lnlo "-
Columnl•t Johna Blinn·
stolen fNm~the bxne of Mr. •Ind Mrs. r-wtt--. --..... , ~ siys.' ... r
Joseph Pushckor, tom Ramblewood st., kitche.n and do It tbemaelvea. You can star\ JOUf · owri ~
could "cause serious side effects in-,, Every celebrity reclpe,11u&:ed ln the ~ toa, by Wrnbc to ,.,. S2
eluding hall~cinations and · sboct and column 1' tested by Mrs.' BMao ;\'tven ~~~ ~ -cinet~ ~ fer
could prove fatal." , 1f It • loob foolproof on paper,.· she ~ ~w iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii!i--.... 1 iiii' .,,..,.....,._ ijiijii'ii' iiiliiii
FIELDrS '' SHO·Es,.·";
FEBRUARY 6 • 7 • 8 -
Sele~ecl HEELS
S.lectetl FLATS
~·5~~ .....
~l o.tr
SOl(TH COAST PLAZA ,._ 545-2l77
• 1 •I ' •
< •l I """'
'Enemy was .Pon .· ihg Blill¢tS . ~t ·:lf.S'
• • • f ' o • )' ,· l " ' , .,. \ . . II \. f
Frantic Efforts to. Destroy Secret Documents Told at Pueblo Hearing .
When it ~ame "too pa1nhll1y &Sow" Lt. ,Edw1rd Murpby Jr., lhe a!U.p's ex· loll earlier U!ill welk la a eeukn cloeed 11They--were not sufficlent," 111d Bar-CORONADO . (,\!') -Men with fire
aJ:ea mlabed electron!c ttal' Into tangl-
ed metal. Olben -......i ~Into blulDI ~Smoke became
a1Dibll unbearable.
to bum the papen and hil men couldn't ...U.. ~!-up vlr1uillJ 'l""1 Iii lbe -GI-·-· utld ril. ~. H~~ ...... • ,,!. lbe .... ~ d~ m•de by the Pileblo'1 1klppir, botrllllllJlllplUD-luvorthe llde. ·, '"flien two laun'"l,,blP and IO~·
""' •-. Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, ~.~ •• the cap-"Al •··~ .... 111 · ~.J " were not deolro]!ld · "We tried to tear up lbe publlcat.ionl,'' ..... ,.. -one -. we OYer-.. , 111 •-'-•t ~-,, the number. 1 w11 ture a ~esr ago. Morphy al8o denied u--•· •• ., aw ••~ Outaide, Lt 1,l!lej>hen Harris told 1
Navy coUrt «.' Uaqajry Tuesday .. the
en<my wat .,oi;t-.. bu11'11 at us.~ Five
North Korean pobooil were clrcUng
and steamlug~ the lfflS Pueblo.
Harris said_. "w' reduced them to c<Ml:· • • had B · 1' u ''"·t ·~A nmi-1111 ...... aware oftane ...... $bit went over." felU. There,. was -"-r all 'oVer the -•• uc. er far ~r -UICl wo , .. """""'" ol U!.. , • u.~. -~·"""°I""" --n't enou•• b"I -r 'lhtp ever • Intruded' into •l"fOrtb Koteen vuv nut_• -.. -.. ... -place. w, were feverl.Jh." • ~ territorial· waters. • "Yes, lir." • to contain'fall ot tbe pipers· and public• ' ' iii. ' ,.._I -~~,.tf' y ..... ..., .... ...., l"O;',.r· .o. I ( "We tried th keep II Y· onlerly u Harris dldn~ volunteer In open .court "WllY wore 700 !lllnc'lauaoll)' lllp!" Uoos In 8n Jllotment pve11 lhe Pueblo ::.1tb~i,ib~.!:~7 i'esu1ted Jn• Tuesday how much cluaifitd.•material Grimm uhd, when ~·Pueblo had lmmedlltelybeforeaheleftJapan. II was only a small el11<trical
~:ta t the Denver apartment.
" :Si· "'"' only •ts .. Bui when ·m..i of rue Engine Co. 3 re-•
• 1'1-en . Hod(t1, II, of
cre.\veli, Ore., bbid a weighted big Wiien 11 wu uvrr· lad the ·N,;, 1 b fell into Nortll Korean banda. But Rear 1]11Clal weitbled ·11op mado 11 a coot "ID lll1 penot111 bplnl<01 lbe allowanct
Koreans bo4rded the Pueblo, ~ wen Adip. Edward Qrimm, • member of Ol "° llll'1CI for ~'"I ehlrtl' and. ~-~ve," ~.!;~_ ....... ·board w11 ex·
· .i to tho station bouae; they
· v.jhid som.,ne had swiped 11,t ~ C\Jl~r television set.
GI. claJslflecj paner and ""bed onto a ~Y on'~ deck· to throw tt
,.... secr4I paptn In hil lnt•llllOllCe 1_1he.__coort;_· _. _who_h_l!lrd __ H_arr_.is_dttatl ___ lh_e_::.;publlca:=::llaat.=::....-----..:....-_;_.~·-=.::...:•-~•;:..;:-~~-----
comparl!nenja Jeff for'tbem, be added. A .Jf-inillimeter North Korean 'cinnon
shell ~ ~ bil leg, Into hil •b-
domep .il!6. bieW up.
The Navy ,llUIDDlOllOd 'Lbe Pueblo'• sup-
. -. ' •· . ~-GiorP• UI••· wandered into the wrong parking lot al Orly Air-port. Wjlen he realiZed bis mis-
take, be beaded for an ult with
an automatic gate and tried to
duck under without paying. The
arm of tile gal~ swung down s~
!y and ·ciJpped ,LeJean on the bead;
He left In an ambulance. Airport
officia1s said his car was still
parked in a different lot.
"Parta 'GI bil bodJ ,exploded Into the
arta where tbe · 4"trUcUoo of claallied
materlal wp tu.Inc pltce. There wu
. flesh and blood all over the place,''
Harria said.
ply olfloer, LL (j.g.) Timothy RarrjJ;
the quartermuter, OWO .Gene Boward
Lacy, and oparsllonJ ·-· Lt. (f .•. ) frederlck Schumacker, to testify tod111.
A Navy apokesman alio uid an t:J·
plosives ~ plight altend the 1e11lon.
lief ore Harru took the stand Tuesday,
Actress Thelma Ritter
Dws Following _Str6'k.e
' .
NEW YORK '(UPn -Thelma Rliter,
the gravel-volce<I houMwUe f-for her astrlncent role aa the dislllusloned
mother who argued wtlh Santa Claps
in "Miracle on 3'th Street," di~ eµly
today 10 do,y1 lfilr sulferb\i a· bWt
attack. ' ' · · •
She would have been M on Feb. 14.
The veteran character actreu was
admitted to Queens Hospital Jan. 27
alter being stricken aU~r. home.
The. onetime Broadway performer had
kept her bond Jn the trade after retiring
to a 1-Wand home wltb her hulblnd,
• an advert1shiJ qency executive, and
• · ··~-twochlldren. Tbe 'So\1et Uhlon ·cranted .Oe of "Whenever Mr. Dlllricl Attorney need·
ill moit' euiimatlc and wildly un-Id a psycho, they put In a call for
successful clt.izeD& today an, ex: .. me," . .Jbe Aid of ber radio career that
tended. leave of absence. ~."\' follOlfed marriage.
notl1lecf the ,London Zoo that An-· wilen dinctor Geir1e Seaton went to ~. tlle .Rualllan.glant pan~, SC?ul4 New York In 111411 to: fllm "Miracle"
stay bere untU tbe end of February JHi.Jcalled Thelma, a· famlly friend for
juat in cue be can learn tl1' do man.Y yf:an, and uked her to take
what comes naturally -m'ating the role. ·
..,;th ft-~.~· • .f=_·""" '''. n0nda,'<'ChJ; "lt'lsn'i much,ol a part," he explained, "' "°"""'• ........ r-, •bui 'it'll bO fuit and maybe -yoo'll Chi to pfoduce lhe~'51•m world's bring me tuck."
only babies of 'the nearly extinct Thelma acctpted her fir&t try at
breed. cameras playlug a tired mother whole
• •• • youngater, dragged . her to Macy's to GHARACTER ACTRESS
Thelma Ritter 0 111 see Santa Claua. Once there she pro-
ceadi!d lo pl hill> · • beef with the
old 1ent1eman In lbe white beard whim
be promloed lbe '.buy a pair of skates
for~ . Tbdmi•1 ltoct' ~.and she played
lop roles. in "All 'A~ .Eve," and "A
Letter to Thtet Wlvt1." She was a perm-
nial Academy Award nominee, a holder
of Broadway's coveted "Tony" and the
lint woman to win the ArDencan
Academy of Dramatic Arta1 Achle:vilnecit
Award . . ,
~~({;.$.~;Accepts Fre:dt!h' Pian
./OnfBig Four Mid~ast Meet
Smiles wtrt '!:t on tht agcrida a.s :u:~ Q!°:' it:f;.tr:fi",~ WASJUNGTON (UPI) -The United
Mnd! at Buckingham palact. Bor· Slates today acCepted a Fre.ncb proposal
man, who U touring Europe: 111 Pnsi-for four-power talks at the United Na-
dt:nt NUon's personal goodwill am-tions to seek some effective means to
talives of Britain, France, Russia and
the United Stal.es meet lo seek some
way to lower ten11ion in ·the ·Middle
East and crack the Arab-Israeli deadlock.
kssador, was accompanitd at the solve the ei:plosive Middle East situation.
palace by his wife and two sons. -Secretary o1 State William P. Roaera
• handed the U.S. roply to FTsnce'1
A small, 'vell-dressed but ntr· ambusador to Washington, Charle.s
vous man wa s led into the lineup Luctt, at a meeting shortly after mid·
room at police headquarters in day. Houston. He fidgeted. undet the The St.ate Department press officer.
bright lights when ari officer asked · · ::-"that· i,e~~"::, ~:~pow~
* * *
Jordan, Israel
Oash at Border
United Press International him what he had been arrested proposal wis glvtn Lucet at the meeting
for. "I hit my mother-in-law," he but declined to say what was in lt
replied. "Release that man," unUI the ambassador had an opportunl(y
cried sqmeone from the ·dark~ \lo Cimimunicate the meuqe to Paria.
audience. ''Give him 1a medtl, '' However, it baa been known for .eyeral
Jordanian and Israeli troops battled
with machineguns today across the
ceasefire line 50Ulh of the Sea of Galilee
for an hour, a Jordanian, spokesman ·
' in ~Amman reported. Growing Arab
unrest wu reported in Israeli-occupied
lerr!Uriei from the JordaD. ruver to'"
the Mediterranean Sea.
another shouted. The ofll<erstalld <1>11. that President Nixon planned to
victims in the 'room gave· thei::su .. · accept in principle the French idea of
pect a standing ovation. having the permanent U.N,. represen-
Mostlv Fair U.S. Weather
Neiv York i8lizzard Spoils Nation's Perfect System . . -
Temper•t•res· ·-At>cho•••
MlwJI L .. PrK.
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Lepot ~,.... -.... -. .,.,. ................... 11.J ... -s .... -/If..,., TWea
' ftlMtllOAY ~ -•.•... f ....... •:• ''"" '·' ltcW llN>lil . • • • • 11; It "'""· .... TMYUMY
l'lrwt ._ ......... : ...... S;n ''"" 1.•
"'"' liltlll .............. tt:N •·"'· •.t '"°""' .................. 1:1• '·"'· •.•
.......... ; ....... i •• ·""' '""' ...
'""""" ..... ·-f"Jllt9 ..
t:twtl1111d .,,,,_
l"ln Melne1
""""' l!"u"""-• 1<w1 Werth
·~~ "'~'"'~ M""6lul<1
k1m~1 City
Lu v"'' \.OI A""•lt•
Mt.ml ht(!\
Mllwt!Atet-~ttnot fer I ..... llMYJ -MUllll Mlrww-oll1 In t11t G,_t llk• Int. tM ,..,,..., ""'° Orlet!!t
faWV .,.loPfjl -fl h l1t,.1t N-Yft
-tll« ICIMI It Mt tlH llMt wlilttr o.kitNI
beffll. °""'"' TM,_, t 'ltlttl Alll 1111 h ffwflt-,_ Jl .. l@t
-· 1/111 I flw -1ftklll Ill ,..... ..,., ..........
-.!IN I ......... ., .._"" ...... ""°'""' .,,... _,.., ... ..,.... ......,, _,.,,..,,.
~. CllW hi•-"-'• """ ""'11•11111 ..-ttll n h r .rlll .. fllt °"" JINW Clfof Cee1I, Wlltf9 rr.1 wtmlMI ..,.,. llP JI .. llwft" ,....... "-T"-..-.... lftl ......... ,.., S.Crtl'l'lflltt
WIN"f _,.,.,... ~ M.V., Mltfe I 11, l.911119
1Ml111rf l......, ~ _f9W.Jnchn ,_.a.II-•
-1 '"" ....... i IN liwn tlflllt S.tt Leli. City 1lrtl'lt. ti-It »-iflllt-tJWlwr •IJMh a.11 D)He
.,,.,. ._ loCCVll'lllttloll 11119 Mt• drtth. S." P'nl!Clte:o
Mlle .... Nt'Odlltl Kt!Mlt. col""' $.111!1 8ti'Wrt
9"' vlllvt"'""' ""' tllMf 11'1 tt. "-'"' ....,.. ~ UllMnl1' tflf l• ...... "*"" c.. ..... ...w........ ~
ff .. --~. Wttllll'lltoll
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" • ..
" • • " " • •
" ..
"' ...
·" •• ••
All Penney St~res ·OP.n Ever~ N!tht ·Monday Thro~,1h Saturday
Germain's roses,
packaged with
Choos• from ell populer verieti•1 in this group
of non·p•t•nt•d Gred• No. I ro1•1. Ov•r I%:
lb1. of moist wrepping meterial, hend pruned
can•s. Ctlifornie grown.
Patented multicolor roses ...
from Germain's #5 assoitment
Be•utiful Ameriten H • r it 1 g e, 3 so
Grentde, Lot Angeles leeutiful · e
roses in this group.
Patented Germain's Roses are a
fardener's dream! Plant now!
. ' t .. 1
' .
Chrysler lmp•riel , R•d Sk•lton, 3 oo Queen Eli1Jb•th, King 's RansOm
m•ny more IP•auti•sl e
Petented climbing ro••s ...................................... 3.00
Gromulch ' Bedding plants Nltrohumus
Just right to give your roses
• fresh s+•rt en~ r•t•'n mois--
lural ·
Zto.11.i.., 1.98
Colorlul trays of p•n•i•s in
ma~y colon to brighten your
· gardanl
Tha idul booster for all your
boclding plants . . • also di-
chondr1 end grass!
, I
' I
. . . •.•.
.. -,j
W.......,, ftbru•y~; 1969 • , DAILY PILOT l ~
Men in Serv·ice· Ai·ound -World
I A I r m a n • Baney D. ahlpe ol Ille U. S. Sevllllb
Sml-, 1011 ol Mr. and Mn. · Alllj)hl~IOOI For<e II oea ·and
H. Gall SIUllhson of 7822 llblpe Marines ol tbe U.S. Sete.&h
Drive, Hunlingtoo Beach, bu Fleet.
b<;en assigned to Sheppard . .__:_
ii Company A., lrd _ ... ,
tt Ille Jnd lol....,. Dltllbl'a·
~ lolanlrJ 11 C a m p Lawtoo,X-.
AFB, Tex. for tralnlng iD the QiW W.O S.C. Bkt.anl E. .· lisn• A"'"1L '''t • 1.
wire nuUntenance field. lklltltcer, USN 1 eon ot Ervin B11vMt, USN,. 1C1t ol Mr.
'll1e alnnan ii. a lllGll R. Bellln(er ol COSta Mesa. llld Mn. Robert S. a-111
graauate of ,Marina High is abOard the submarine U~-of \ .1107somerset L a o e ,
School and al)eoded Golden "°"'rd W. GilDjore, San ·Newport ~ ii aboard tbe West Colle go be!ote eqterln& J®.n, Pl.lerto IUco. , . attack .. aircraft carrier. USS
the service. . ; . , , ~ olf .lbe cout of
· • -' Pvt. cbrleo R. ~ , Vleloam.
Pvt. 1.C. Aalhooy. Cnice, zo, USMC, "'" of .Col Ill<! Mr1. A 1<aduate ol Newport
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jl<ibert , Charles Klm4I: ol, 1,A13 sunaet Harlior l!lih School, 11115, Ille
M Cruce of 2873 Terry ROad, Ridge Drive, Laguha Beach, aeaman, II!, attended Onnae ~guna Beach ts serving with anwtuated from eight Weeks eoUt Cotiege before entering
Company A, 1st Battalion, 7th ot recruit training. at the · tl)e service.
Cavalry. The com pany Marine Cori* Recruit Depot,
assisted in a sweep near the San Dieao-
battalion's new home, Viet· •
~ ~ M~~L~ w.fl · • 22, U.S. Army, "'" ol Mr.
' Ith ·' Seaman Mlcllael L. Meune, and. Mrs. Richard E. Marti _ · , son of kMrs. Peter Varney of 10 via aca, new· USN, of 1475 Pacillc Ave., of %863 Hickory P:lace, Costa
'.s .senior medio with tlle Mlflcal Advisory Headquar-t.aauna Beaeb, is participating Mesa, 1radualed from tbe ~ ,
· ·9th .Infantry Dlv!son iJl .llie Mekong Delta: He IS a in Operation Bold Mariner Infantry DivlSIOQ's Advanced
• Pvt. !.C. J,,_ G. Ball "°"
ol William F. Hull ol 311 Santa
Isabel, Costa Mesa bas been
assigned to the IZnd Artillery
Americal Division, Vietnam as . ......_.
His· mother, Mi:s. Eleanor
Hull live& in Tortance.
• lochllle, Md. Ile WU con>-
-ta 1117 ilpoa com-pletion of the Air 'Jl'oroo
Reserve Offioen T r • I n I n i Piogriln.• I
and Mrs. Wll ~lam C,
-olllll lll!ubore
Drtvo, Newpoc:I Beach ts
partlclpatlng In Operation
-Mariner aboard the USS·
Eldorado, an ampldbloua '°""'' flaphlp. The . opera t l·o.n Two Orange ·Cout men
emjJhutsa ~terated Viet· . departed'l'.earlHarbor aboard
n a m e • e paciticaUon pro. the attack aircraft carrier
grama. USS Killy Hawk loi'lts lourth
consecuUve1 combat tour in Pvt. Garry M. luem, ·son or Mr. and Mrs. M! Riem'
of Costa Mesa, bu been as·'
slaned to Company 8., 'l93rd
Mllitary P o 11 c e Battalloo,
Grafenwohr, Germany.
A graduate c:I. Costa Mesa
High School, 19111, he attended
Orange Coast College belOre
entering the service.
As a military policeman, be
is a part of the largest MP
Battalion in Europe spread
throughout Bavaria, Fran-
conia, with headquarten SO
miles [rom Czecboslovakia.
1,;. I ' "elnam. .,l'liey-a/li Deatal TecUl<lao
s.c. 11rne-T:! JMn, aon of
Mr. ind Mrs.' '1f'homu A.
Joaea • ol 11' Walnut St.,
Newport Beac!I, and Alnnao
Mldaael ~ wnu.,taam, aon of
Mr. and Mrs'. Boward Wttl·
inghapi of 1113 E. 11th St.,
Coata1 ?tfesa.
~r Hlg&1Scb\)OI, !1165. Durll1g a two !l&Y mission in aboard lhe amphibioua lon:e Combat Training Academy,
. , " se:nior me4ic,. ~ two assistants treated 248 Viet· flagship USS Eldorado.· · KQrea., .. , Se • ma 1 R • be r t W , Atrmu J~Uery s. Cl•k, son
common c:o!d, abrajiomaJidlnfections. . . .PtherunitspartlrjpaUngare. -·~· 'M.arlz.ts .a.ril!enwL SclRunlOn,"USN, '°°of Mr. ol Mr.>lllil Mrs. Warren
Spec. C. WD,liam 11. SIGH,
11, whose parentl, Mt. and
Mrt. Max Sloan aod wife,
Eva, live at 1751 Pitcairn
Drive, Costa Mesa, has been
assigned !\) 52nd Slpal Bat·
talion. ~:!!:::~:..::!:::!!..=:!.:!:==-::=.=:::.:=:.:....'-----'---='--''-'-'"--~'--"'-~-'--=---'----"'"---~-~---i .Bolton of 2885 Zell Drive,
.,-· ' Laguna !!each. baa been ;:.J.~. -'.t ,· M'O·: ~ .. Clay· Through sat u rd ay ' ajslped to Keesler AFB,
;I ¥,ft 11-IW.1 for tralnlng tn ,conr r --~ Cpl _.,_ 8 .. ~.. 1
munlcatlons ele·ctro nics ...........:: ' • ·nuu.m •
.Spec. 4. Sloari ls a driver In the Battallon's Company
C near Vlnh Long.
:.;~-·• ,. I systems. · Blytet Jr., IOR'of the William
The airman is a ·gradbate _Bayt.es Sr., ot l703 . S!viellt
of Newport Harbof · High Ave., Hunllnp<>n .• Be a ch,
• School · , USMC, " .lllrvlng wllh the • !9111. First Marine Atrcrall Wing
' ..... • ,.7
" . $ :
. ' . .
~~r .
,-: "' , • r , . , .
• ,! .. l 1
~qi· . ' ·, •' • ·'
• 1 Da<t0n1 ·po!·/totlon ~oll ....
:f!io-.;'!'·-a•·to ,~ .witli alf'ydoir iport
'~hts 'ytar 'round in White aftd l111Ci0u1 pastels,
.. ·D'ftl prlceCI' during our·Dollar Days as a f!t""'.ndou1 .
. Vaiue for our favorite cu1tomenl Ccmy born• thts• ·
1 • neat arNI pretty values bf the annload in mi11e1'
. ·broken sizes, 32--38.
t.•· ': ~ ....
' •'· .. • ..
. 1 ~ . ... .. .. . . ... . . . ' ,.. .... ~
•'· ....... .,_
(Harbor Shopping Center)
, , b , mens n ·Oy.s
shirts 'n· ·briefs
Boy's r .. h1rt1
., briafa J/$1 Me~'• 21122 T-1h1rt1 .
Stodc upon 100% combed cotton T·1hiit1 and brielo loroll tho man
and· boys In your famlly whilo thoy'l'I bargain priced! In 'w~lte,
.,..,,1T4hirt11lns36-46,Miofs,.m. :J0.42:1oy'1'1i.., .C.16.
Toddler's .100o/o ...
cotton shirts . '
value . priced!
, What a G(WGI price 1~00% coHon
knit polo shirts for I' ~" In
· asaorted colon! Buy an am;tul ckw·
',Ing Dollar Days and~ t!i-Wll. ! .
drouod in oias 1..,jl .• • "· t·
(Hunling!Oft C..ltr)
lfishfOft ,1.i.,d)1
----1 in Vietnam. ·S&L Bertlael L Beidler Jr.,
sor. of Mn. Eileen .Belcbei
of 111322 Hooolillu Lane, Hun-
tin~ Beach, hu been
recog,,;,...i for belpmg his unit
win the U.S. Air Force Outstan-
ding Unit Award.
A security poU~man in the
'l2nd Security Police Squadron,
Ramey AFB, A1uadllla,
· luerto RlcO. hll· unit was cited
for meiitOrloua achievement
from Jul)' 1917..JUlle 11111. ni.
aergeant, ts a 1<aduate of
Marina mg11 School
Pvt. 1.C. Jerry J. Crandall,
21, whose home is at 2167
' V~to Entr.ada, Nowport Beach
hs beiei1. ·~i~' to the 837th
En.iineer Group, Vietnam.
P.fc. Crandall Js a combat
Pvt. Leslie A. Edwards,. 22,
son of Mr. and Mn. Frank
' Alrmu 8-Jd· E. Flder.
aon ol. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon
L. Fishel' ol 1713 Tustin Ave.,
Costa Mesa, bu gr&duated
at Sheppard AFB, Tei:., from
the u. S. Air Force Instructors
Tratolng COurse.
The 1innaJ1 i• I gt-!• of Newport Harbor High
SCbool, 1117. . • ~ .
Sgl. J.,. Y.~ Crli, "°"
of Mr. and Mrs. Juan Cruz
of 712 llamll""1· :SL, Coola
Mesa • ii llUYbw . la' squad Jea~er in Company D, 3rd Bat-
talion of tbe 15th lnlantry
"Divlaioo'o IZnd Infantry, .,....
Tay Ninh, .Vietnam.
'll1e sergeant· baa recelved
the C om h a I !nlantryman
Badge-. He" la . a graduate of
Tumoo High School, Tamun·
lng, Guam, ti.MS.
Eclwarda of 22'11 Pt.cenlia, -•-N..,...R. ' COiia M..., baa been assigned ....--, Rlld1dll, USN, IOl1 of Mrs • to tbe 19th Battalibn near. Tam Mary Rlldlclll ol ilm Place.,.
Quan, Vietnam aa a combat Ua,. . co.u. MIU, b a 1
eoeJneer. araduated · alteo nine -....U H1i wile, Olivia, lives at o1 · traiidng; ',at ·· the' , Navol
2611-Elden Ave., Costa 149'8-. Training center, Gnat Lakes, -· m.i.... -~· Capl. G"'1 11. B.U.1'all, ol .
1217. ClUl Drive, · ~ · M, LC. ; 1teef11t w. ~· WD one of 18. ~es ' MeGlv.ey; of 17%61 Gothard
receiving the · Dist~bed st., HuotlqtonBeach,.iJ.sery·.
Flying er... lor Vietnam a<-irig with the Third j\larme
tiqn during ceremonl~ · hel~ Division~ South Vietnam.
a.t the Marine Corps Air Sta-The private'is , ba"ttaUon ~as
tion El Toro. been · conducting s~eep and
Capt. Hutteball, ~ pilot on clear rn!ssions throUP.but 'the
a TA-4F Skyhawk directed at-five moSt nOrthefn ~rbvlnces
tacks tor six hours on vehicles ir. SOuth vtetn·am.
and surface-to-air m i s s i I e ·
launch sites and other vital
targtts, according to the cita-
U. Col. WIUlam R. Smith,
USMC, ol 25231 Eorhart Rd.,
Lquna Hilll, baa h e e D
IC!\e1luled lo take command
ol the Marlae Attaclc Squadron
·214, at the Marine Corp! Air
Slellon, El Toro.
Former commander of the
Headquarters a nd Main-
tenance Squadrori, El Toro,
the colonel was operations of-
ficer In Vietnam before taking
over his last assignment.
He has earned th e
Disttagutshed Flying Cross, 22
Air Medals and the Viet-_,.. er ... of Gallantry.
Lt. Blake Lancuter, son of
Mrs. Barbara D. Locke of
3500% Cam 1 no Capistrano,
Capistrano Beach, hu been
migned ·to Perrin AFB. Tex.,
with the Aerospace De.tense
The lieutenant, a n in-
t~ptor pilot, ls • eraduate
ol Johnson High Sc boo I ,
Two Costa Mesa men are
In Germany .~ part, In
the military eserclse Relcqer
I. ' ' : .
They art PYt. 1.C. -F. Ayah, ZI, ocn ol Mrs.
Marcella M •. T ... ol %15.Knox
Pface, and M LC. Joo V.
H11tem, zo, 10D of, Mr. and
Alrs. Jam.e.s .Hinkena of "1i
Alva Lane.
'lbe ei:erclse involves U~~
Army uni~ based ta the U.S.
and Europe:1lb _w111 .. Include
about ~.ooo u,,,;., ... ~ to
the 24th lnfa,ntry DlviJ!op., ~d
combat service support units,
all nown to Europe to the
Grafenwohr·Hohenfels vlcQUty.
Stafl Sgt. . Rodpr C •
WUll1m1, soo oC Mr. and Mrs.
Morriss K. Laurie of 732
Hamiltoo St., Costa M014 baa
graduated at .Sheppard AFB,
Ta., from the training.course
for U.S. Air Force Pro-l'animtaa Speclallsts. A graduate i>f Costa Mesa
High School, he attend~
Orange ·Coast College before
enteJ1n1 the llel'Vice.
'.Jfferitori..u Serviee
I ' ' ' stiu Sgt. James F. Coc"1'8n Jr., (right) ..., of Mr.
and Mrs. James Cochran Sr., ol llOl 20tll St., West-
1 n\lnitor recelvOd the U.S. Alr •Force Commend•· a ... MOcsal at Ncirti>n AFB from Col. James P.
Watndoif, vice c0mmapd0r'of the Aeroopoce Audln-
Vlsua!· Service. He.ls· a Westminster •flllb· School, • • t •• 11165, craduato. . .
Addi ng .to the . Ma gic •
• I
AJ California celebrates !ls 200lb .~irtbday !bl• year,
Laguna's famed Pageant of tbe Masters wW have same
extra special Icing for !be cake. .
Don Williamson, Pageant producer, is•ln search ol
,1ullable art work depicting !be early day pioneering of
ullJettled "Alla Calilornia."
It will become a "living picture" durinc !be six·
week nm of the Pageant this summer.
The birth began in 1769 when two groups of sC>ldiers
and Franciscan missionaries left Baja California to
colonize the un settled region in acc;;ord with the wishes
of King Charles Ill of Spain.
In July of 1769, Fray Junipero Serra raised lhe
cross at San Diego de AJcala, first in the chain of mis·
sions along California. The mission of the swallows at
San Juan Capistrano, oldest Ca1ifornia structure still
standing. was founded in 1776.
The work selected for the Pageant will probably be
staged on the hill side of frvine Bowl's natural amphi·
theater. It should add to the magic of the Pageant and
be a fittini' salute to a great state.
No ·Fair Warning
There are litUe yellow arrow-signs painted on La-
guna Beach street and parking lot curbs. Succinctly,
Ibey say, "Your Meler." Perlµips Ibey should add "but
only for a little while." For after that littJe while not
even money in the slot will save yo~.
Office workers in the downtown areas found that a
holiday prohibition against "meter-feeding" is sUU be-
ing enforced by the city meter men.
Meter reading means once the maxi,mum time al-
lowed by the ~teel-beaded, glassy-eyed timekeeper is
up, you must move your car no matter if the meter is
kept paid or not. You must move or be given a $1
meter-feeding ticket.
Itself l s
A 'Medium '
Trott.er 's business muat have faJ.
len off. The Laguna pitting meter
ticket writera seem to have vaca-
ted their favorite stools to see who
can hang the most paper ~ ~m
town windshields. -biiturlie@
Although Marshall McLuhan's famou!I
phrase, "'The medium is tht message"
ha& .been abnsed and perverted (by him
as much as by Others), thert is a
central ind important truth in it -
as Ione u we remember that 1angullge
itself 111 "medium."
,~,. • •• ,..,, nflec:lt ~··~ -'"' .... .. Hit ' • .... ,. .. _ .. ..._, ...
Testamenl saw in the same Greek Word
a man who was merry, mild and
Indeed, llnguage is ao much a medium
that we do not even think of it as
&UCh. Each language makes Its own
particular "environment" and reshapes
' reality to fit the grammar of the
i..,u., ..
TAU THE AtOST familiar work in
the F.nglish language -the King James
Bible. We forget that the Old Testammt
was written in Hebrew. and the New
Testlment In Greek, and that both were
translated for us by 17th Century
Englishmtn wbo chaqed tlte meuaie
u tltey cllaa1ed Ute medium.
When we read the Beatitudes, for
Instinct, we imagine that Jesus actually
uid, "'.Mle meek sball lnbe.rit the earth.·•
And we doa't care much for the idea,
because "meekness" is a kind of timid,
namby-pamby word to our ears.
If we read the French Douay Bihl~.
however, ·we are infonned that Jtsus
said the debonair shall Inherit the earth.
Whal a difference -for "dtbonair"
is good-natured, tasy-going, affable!
tranalated the New Testament saw in
the Greek word a man who humbly
bowed his head and 5Uffertd submission.
the Frtndunen who translated tht Ntw
In the same way , the King Jurip
translators speak of Jehovah becomirl&
"exceedingly wroth," whicQ II 1
fearsome phrase; the same Hebrew,
however, translated into French, gives
us "tre1 lrritff -very annoyed! God
on one side of tht En&lllh. Channel
docs not mi.tch resemble GOd Ql'I tti•
other side.
thropologists, In fact, have suggested
that the Germans became so hung up
on order and authority ~ obedte~ because their language ii s~ il
way -. heavy and didl~J ,JI_~
abstractions and system~
it is true that the German -~
wtlike the English and the ~; ~11-' .. tried to tuck the univene Aeally . .
their syslems. rather thlfl 1dju.U01
systems to fit the untkly naHUee of
There is a conlinual reedbaCk from
language : It arises out ol. the culture,
but then it influences and reshllpel the
culture lo conform to ils linguisUc
anlage. This is why Americanese is not
just a branch of English. but a way
of Lile.
Nixon Has Begun W ell .
The soft-spoken and eloquent inaugural
address ol Richard M. Nizon Monday
was a splendid way for the 37th President
to begin his administration. With peace
at home arxl abroad its central theme,
tht speech reflected the idealism and
spirit o1 ainciliation Mr. Nixo.'l has said
he hopes to impart to the pres.idtncy.
Absent were the slogans and catch
phrases so common to his past speeches.
la hia "swnmoos to greatness," Ptlr.
Nixon offered some pledges a n d
challences to the American people::
A PLEDGE TO give the highest ~rloli
ty to I.ht cause of international peace.
A pledge to press ur1e:nUy forward
in puraujt of "full employment, better
housing, excellence in edUCIUon, in
rebuilding our cities arid tm.provtng our
rural areas, in protect.inc: our environ·
menl and <nhandng the quslity ol tile."
A pledge that 1overnment will listen
"to tbe injurtd voices, the anxious \'Olea.
f.t Dac11t, Iowa. M e a 1 ea I Ir :
"Am«f<MI have alW*'8 tum prjd<I In
thelr Individual and nallanal cnidlblllly.
We hi'" reco,,.ned t)>ot meo and -can be no better than lhcir word .•.• The
erilil ol credlblUly In our ,..,,,,_
hu erown steadily worse . . , . one of the
first t.uU of the new administration will
be to 1<11«< the pubU<'• confidence In ill
govermnenl. Thll c1n only bt ac-
complbhod by leveling wllh !he American
people, wbelber the n<w• of !he moment
I& pd or bod. 'l11e people muil have !he
VVlh UICI not burea ucr1 tlc P>-
the voices that have despaired of bfhif
A challenge to Americans ... if!ttn
more and shout le~.
A challenae to Americam:, lnclividuaijy,
to reach out to their neighbors, 0he)p~,
caring, doing."
A CRAJJJtNQE to Amtr~ "to 1ive
life lo whit is in the liW, to eD1Ure
at lul that u au are b\><" equal tn
dignity before God, all 'ft born equal
in d.ipUty before man."
But the Ideals and "the better angels
ct our nahft'' to which Mr. NI.Ion
ttlerred mUll al• be translated, on
many occasions tn the nm four years,
Into epecific propooal! to Coocreu and
Into 1pec1flc esecuUve decilionl. II Is
OM th1nl to talk of a wlll!QIM'I "to
redoce tlw burden ol ltml": tt will
boqultelDllbertoovtrride~· .... _....olthe =.
el!lm In ~ and the .
-eolabllshmoal of w .
E-warned In 1 llrlftll
......... " Is .... thing 11111 el "bl><k and white togelhor, one 1!1-
Uon"; tc win be lQOther matter to f\md
enforcement of anU-dlacrtm1naUon laws
or to do llWl.Y with the cauw or ghetto.s.
TO QUESTIONS like these, another
four years remain for ritr. Nixon to
(ivt hit 1nswtrt. Right now it i& enouah
to gay that our new Prealdent tw beiun
While !be law II.self is certainly !ncouveolenl lor
!hose who wort in LaJuna Beach,' !he quarrel is ·not
wllb it, only that uplllll!llon of Ibo traflic parking law ·
Is not given.
No lien. symbol or c1men ls given to the uwary
motorist to tell him of !be meler-leeding prohlblllon.
This al least Is necessary because ~n many com-
munltJes, all that jJ necessary to avpid a parking'lickel
Is money in the meter.
II would seem reasopablo lhat Ibo clt,y, while trying
to solve !ls ~g pn>blems, sbould glve clear warn-!J!g ol the pn>bib!Uoas. ·
A Flattering Search
Laguna Beach, with Us Festival of Arts. 17,000-year-
old skull, beautiful coast. artists and artisUc licenses,
would like to add another credit lo its intriguing port·
folio: President Nixon.
Of course the art colony Isn't alone in hoping to
become the location of Mr. Nixon's sUmmer White
House West.
Newport Beach and San Diego's MisJiion Bay area
have been mtnUoned as possible sites for the CaJifomia-
bom President's summer retreat.
Nixon aides have reportedly looked at Laguna's
historic Pyne Castle, ne!tled like a hillside fortress on
five acres of land.
And the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce isn't
leaving anything to chance.
Chamber officials have formed an informal White
HOUie hwt!lllg expodillon. So far Ibey haven'! filled !be
bill since the place reportedly would have to have
eight or 10 bedrooms, be near the ocean and have good
It's a flattering search, no matter what. How many
cities are being considered as a retreat for the Presi·
~ell 91 ll!E YP.ilEll §!Miil§?
IL) \'WHO'~ 8 ~DCKiNG, MY
Totalit arian Dict at ors lJse ThoUfJlat Control
Veteran Condemns 'Hiroshima' Ban
To the Editor :
M \II"' of lht crewmen of !he landina . !lllP USS ~ HO, ordered inlo !he
invuion fleet that Was to assault the
Japanese main islands in IMS, I'd like m;. -disapproval or ! .i!IQ!' Hersey's book, 1 rOOi 00! of our county
Our landing ship, carrying t'anks and
Marine infantry, sailed from San Pedro
in tbe summer or lfK5 for what was
~~~-~' IP.II eer\aiPly bloodiest tgY ~8( . e. -
&DOw lbat the two atomic
bombll thlt dettjoyed Hiroshima and
Nagasaki brought about the immediate
uncondlUooal ltlfrt:ndtr of J a p a n .
Overnight tfte war eoded. The ftared
invasion MfF! came off. Our ship put
back into ptlit al San Francisco and
unJoaded .
WITHOUT A question, thost two
cata&lrophic demQDktretions of our power
saved many lives 6n both aides, probably
mine lncl~~ (we'll just forget, for
· the momiiil, about the people under
the bombs}. But at the war's end, the
only thOugbt in our minds was that
nothing like the' onieal of that war
ffp earth again.
it wondered how
And why lhey
Germans get
• Hitler? Why didn't they throw out
the Hitler government? How did the Russians come by a monster like Stalin?
' l.MiflN6 fiACK:, no one can dispute
that one of the reasons t h o s e
govtrm;!'!nt, -got as far as they did
wu uutt t~-, deluded populations
were victims almost complete systems
of thought trol.. 'lbe people were not
only kept from lprning, but encouraged
not to think outsi~ their small, specializ·
ed jobll.
What Js ~ to worry me here
Is that 1 man WOO Ol.llht to know better
can lake j Pulitzer Prize winning autho~'!I boot out of a achoo! library aud defend his action by saying he's
l>dplng )ln>tect th> Interests or those
whole lives were saved by the atomic
f #~hat started ih• W -• oH In the first
, " down all the
. I if I just sat mum and kept quiet.
Sliapt,.;,t,; Ji'lrh19
''Pi 11"! t;dllor :
In Ibo ll~Jl-Y PIWr ol Jan. JI I
wu quoted ii ~I that Steve
Shapiro wu fired fl~ause he was an
oddbaU and !hey (the llfllUsh Depart-
ment faculty) didn't 1ikt him." This
is a serious misrepreS@jttalion of my
I said that the qutsUon of v•helher
or not the Shapiro dismissal was
le:giUm1te O!" not binged on whether
hrs .a>olinhip had deteriorated , as alkg·
.----•• Georse --.
ahll. I iol I liii set In lht Bt6\I. e newspapers
moltly. Most of you IUYI ts stupid.
But I'D try anything. Answer '
Deir J.M.:
wen, with your qualification!,
perhaps you could get a good part
tn Tarun movies. Do you like
baaanas? They caD always ui;t
• 1ood Cheellh.
(Send your problems to George.
the nations No. J Worr~'art.)
Letters fto1n readers art welcome.
Nornullty writers should convey thei1'
message in 300 words or less. The
right to condense let ters to fit spQce
01' eliminate: libel is reserved. AU
letters must include signature ond
mailing address, but names ma11 be
withheld on reque1t if suffidri.t retl,.
son is apparent.
ed by the English Department, or
whether this was merely an excuse.
the rtal reason being "lhat Pie was
an oddball, e:tc .. " as Shapiro has claimed .
SINCE I AM NOT a member of the
English Department, I am not in a
position to make a judgment on the
~tter, and did not do so on \Vednesday .
I did make tbe point that the one:
acUon that couJd have rtsolved the ques·
tion, submitting Shapiro's work lo a
group of outside experts, was not taken.
This was particularly cruciaJ in
Shapiro's case, since ht claims that
the members of his department are
hostile to the type of work he ii doing
and are incapable, therefore, of ap-
praising it objectively.
THE FAILURE to take the only sttp
that could have cleared the air points
up the injustice of a system that provides
no rtvlew procedure for a man fired
before being comidered for tenure.
Reader Reiter refers to the contro-
versy at University of California,
lrvlnt over the tenninatio7' of Dr.
Stephen A. Shapiro's contract as an
assistant professor of EngUsli.
Agaift•I Abortio"
·ro the Editor:
Re: Your news story of the recent
Business and Professional Women's
speaker on abort.ion :
If the doctor who spoke to the BPW
is to be taken seriously, then I fores«:
a return to the Nazi era of sterilization
of "undesirables" (dclermined by a state
approved board, of coune), and outright
murder ol the "unfit" .•. mentally,
physically, or politically.
Dr. Hansen, Santa Ana gynecologist,
urjed women to unite to push passage
of a law pennitling abortion of an
unwanted child.
~nus l ASK.: unwanted by whom!
Has the father been consulted? The olhcr
children in the family ? Has the unwanted
baby been asted if he minds being ·
dont 1way with ln the namt of prigress!
Then, too. I wonder it Dr. Han1en
would ntxl qe tht passagt of a l1w
tin the name of progress) ptrmiltlng
doing away with children who were
u n w a n l e d arter birth. I notice
ht suggests that murder of the unborn
shoold be done fairly by placing "lbe
decision with tbt woman and her phyli-
cian where it belonga" (his words).
Perhaps the doctor has come up with
the answer to all our unwanted problems:
the teen·ager on dope, the chlld who
doesn't like school, the pre g n a n I
daughter. tic .. etc.
~ledlocre Report
To lhe Editor:
The planning 1 firm 's (DMJtl-1 ) study
concerning the site of a ntw Ubrary
ls a mediocre report.
J. The report ignores the effect of
location upon r;trvice in the experience
of libraries nation-wide. In my own study,
I found decisive evidenceithat the present
location will provide service to con·
siderably more people than will the other
2. With respect to cost, the DMJt-.1
Report is simply wrong. The County
Site Study shows that the cost of ac-
quisition and building is $86,000 less
at the present site than at the pipe
yard or on Third St. Under a lease-back
agreement between city and county any
of the three sites is economically feasi~
WHAT IS GOING to happen to our
downtown? I( we abandon the library
at Park and Glenneyre, we have lost
the best place for library service, and
wt have also lost one: battle: in tht
campaign for survival against traffic
and highways.
My recommenl:lations art:
t. That the City Cotmci1 resolve their
willingness to close tpe: half block of
Park Aveaue ror a new library (or
agree: to abandon the present site).
2. That the city immediately work
out a lease-back agreement with the
county, including purchase of the triangle
and construction of the additional
3. THAT lF THEY fail to ac:cdmplish
I and 2. the city work out a lease-back
agreemtnt with the county for land ac-
quisition of lhe pipe yard or the Third
St. site, and for construction thereon.
These three steps will cover the best
possibilities for a new library and avoid
delay. We have everylhlng to gain and
nothing to lose by taking these steps.
Laguna Beach Librarian
J,a~I Frontier
To the Editor:
Early and late, in cold or in storm,
the surfers can be seen testing their
mettle against the: w1vts, developing
skill as they go back apin and again .
This Is the last frontier for the Daniel
Boones and the Lewis Ind Clarka of
tile present day. It is 'lhrilllng to watch
them. Their stamina is tremendous.
Nlcilol01/ Carter, Bell,--"To
refuse 'M&tltlance because of race to
a student who meeta a school's re-
quirements would be a contemptible
racist act. To suspend 1 school's re-
quirements to the advantage of certain
racial croups is al.!o a conltmptible
racist act."
Apes M. Crawrord, Frencb Camp -
"We have a ri1ht to expect college
students to have the maturity of a desire
and will to learn and a capacity for
menlal crowth which includes sell·
discipline and behavior controls."
Dr. Doqll1 C. Eaglehlrt, Staofd
Returdl luUtate -t<Wltb computers
we hopa to btlp man do better what
he: dots -ptrhaps by a!! "luch at
20 percent."
Jerry Abnms. S. r . film mUtr -
"This time last year I hoped to be
at this time this · year where t now
hope to bt at this time next year."
Cynthia Zucchl, Los Gato& -"Why
shouW the size or shape of a confcrenct
table lo be used in the Paris peact
talks be Important In carrying out the
bu&nus of ending the violent dtaths
ol my fellow American.s?"
AND YOU WHO ail in YOl.I' deck
chain walching from your balconies
would rule them out of Laguna ~1Would
rule out these boys whose courilge and
fine physiques will be our line of deftns.
in the next few years! You vote. They
don't. Did you take a stand against
the moves that have deprived them of
their surfing areas? Those areas were
as definitely theirs as is lhc beach be·
low you. yours.
Abuse of Codes
To the Editor :
This is to express my opinion a>d
criticism of the Building and P1an~i
Department of the city governmett.
Laguna Beach.
The unusual powers, procedure!! ard
Influences constitute a v t r I t a b I•
autocracy! A case in mind is tbe specia\
privileges allowed in the motel develop.
ment of Mr. Loren Haneline, in a con-
gested area of downtown -Sleepy
Hollow .
These concessions have created abust
of codes and privileges, and even now,
the preferential treatment is being ex·
tended to soft-pedal a "directive" to
Mr. Haneline to removt, within seven
days, "unauthorized appurtenances."
IT IS NOW OVER two weeks since
this directive was issued and as yet
it has not been enforced. Some violations
have been allowed on this property for
as long as five years, and even now
arc being taken ligbtly. It was only
possible in the past to develop this
area through the lax varianCe pr~
cedures, .special considerations and so-
calJed "adminislii'tive rulings." The
comment& from the Building and Plan·
ning DeP.artment i.p reference to these:
violations : controversial ( ? ) , ad·
ministrative rulings ('!), rhetorical ques-
tions(?), mere technicalities (?), with in
the intent {?). hoodwinking. so "'hal!
(?),and on and on !
I NOW ASK -why should the cilitens
be required to defend our codes, when
the duty of our city government is
to protect our ordinance? There are
lawful channel;; to seek relief, if justified
and violations · are· ·never the solution.
In. fact. vlo}ations Mt! !· . e~ of. f-1 A ilM!d iitust · ·
acalilitl illr l!!rtbilr a "' iiO,=. and a great measure of this rtsJ!Olllfbility
·~!..11.~ed by the pruen! p~g ~1 ilili,'N.\'l1 ~~ilege and duly to make my voice. lielrd con.
ctrnin& rru,iplta I belie~ in for good gov 'at lhl ltllll~ i11ife Ind naUonal lcve .
·Newpert Harbor
He~ted Exchanges Warm Pp Marina Meet
By JOHN V~nmu °' .. ~ ..........
West Newport's St.epben Alild ltlOailY
defended bil "community interest" in
his proposal for a breakwater-marina
project in the atta TUeoday night before
a cai!aclty audienco of bis nefghbon.
Auld, an advertJlini e>ecutlte, ouU!ned
hi1 plana: for the marina project before
the 'Rest Newport Improvement ~·· lion bi a tumultuous meeting in city
coundl cllamben.
1be eveDiq's commentary ataned
calmly but gmr inlo a crt1eendo of
dispute by some members of the group
over the plan itHlf and even greater
dissent amona: members themselves over
the purpose and ~ure.s for the
The strong cool!icts began when
~ Veteran association member Morgan
Lowry rose to question Auld's rm>tl:ves
for the plan.
"Mr. Auld says he has no backers
la< the plao, but I have difllculty in
uoderstandlng that when be ii practicllly
a stranger here be ~ IO much
time and money. • .he's one of those
rare penoos in the city with only com·
mwlity interest in mind, 1 guess," Lowry
Auld angrily replied, "I'm not a
stra:ncer here. I've been in West Newport
for the past seven years. •
"This is a civic project and l will
not be accused of having ulterior
.. Oil Oozes Ashore
Santa Barbara Harbor, Beaches Mired
Special io Ute DAD.. Y PILOT
SANTA BARBARA -City, state and
federal agencies today-fought a desperale
and ~ batt1e against a nias.!ive oil
lllck that oozed into Santa Barbara's
750-boat harbor overnl&ht and lapped
along Jts beeches.
The oil, gushing up from an· undersea
wtll in ~eral waters five miles out,
WU blown by offshore winds onto a
* * * Appeal to Nixon
five-mile stretch of beach!ronl west of
lhe harbor.
"It's a real mess," said Bruce Jackson,
ranger at the Arroto Burro Beach just
west of the harbor.
"It came in pretty heavy Jut night
and th.is morning and as far as I can
see there's slick right up on the sand,
right up ta the rocks."
Scares of beachfront residents were
Newport Will Demand
Extension of Sanctuary
• !Ir JEMME; f. COµJNS ...................
-Newport Beach will seek Ute aid of
-... ledenl leiW&tor>-aod Presi· dint lUchmi M. Nixon -to prevent
~tiolt <i tho Sarita Barbara oil pollu-
U. ~ here, Maya< Doreen -. Manhail laid today.
A Citt Council resolution now being
* * * Local Beaches
V ulnerahle to Oil,
·But Bays 'Safe'
Orange County's open beaches -from
SW Beach to San Clemente -will
be vulnerable to oil flGatlng down Ute
COlilomJa coast from an offshore drilling
lite near Santa Barbara, but a string
of · logs could keep the putrid crude
oil out of Anaheim Bay and Newport
Harbor, county officials said today.
Newport Harbormaster Al Oberg said
the county Harbor Department has plans
''.we think would work effectively if we
e"ver have an oil slick threatening lhe
Presumably, the same mt:ans - a
rt.ring of logs or telephone poles across ~ harbol' entrance -could be used
at._Anahelm Bay, the outer harbor leading
to the waterways of Sunset Bay and
· H~tington Harbour. Crude oil from the huge oil leak from j, Union OU Co. oUahore drilling rig
a1rady hu entered Santa Barbara
bmtiOr causing evacuation of boaters. Ober& aaid that the log string metbGd
wu put to uae In Newport ~ once
tn • recent years. "But the ol1 never
made it to the harbor entrance. I believe
H WU a tanker spill off Huntington
Blach 1tveral years ago." .
·The harbor would rare mucli better
than the city beeches If oil lllcb
tlliNatened the Orange Coast
prepared caJil for uttooiOo-of tbe Shell-
Cwminlblm Act's oil, 1111:etua.ry
saf•glW'ls into federal waten, sbe said.
u~ council approval of the
resolution is upected Monday.
Vice Mayor Lindalty ParS<F.LS• who
lnitioll1 propoeed the council actloll, Ilic!
be is certain of White Hou&e support
of the clty'o requesl
"I imagine President Nixon would be
very much in favor of signing such
a bill, inasmuch as he Is a former
resident of Orange County," said
Mayor Marshall agreed,, "The Presi-
dent certainly has persoiial knowledge
of our area and the result of the tragedy
off Santa Barbara," she said.
The city's concern about drilling
beyond the Shell-Omningham Act's three-
mlle limit arises, according to the mayor,
from two SOurctS:
.-The fact that Santa Barbara's waters
are also included in Uie state drilling
prohibition, but the oil slick j1 bubbllnr
up from federal waters five miles from
-Information that oil companies in
recent months have been conducting
offshore explorations in federal waters
off the Orange County coastline.
••tt's now beyond quesUon that the
sanctuary should be tartller than the
three-ntile limit," said Mrs. Marshall.
"If the federal government permits oil
leases four Or five miles out, we have
no sanctuary.
"We are very much worried about
In addition to the council resolution
now in preparation, the mayor this week
will send letters to the county's Con--
gressional delegation, to Senators George
Murphy and Alan Cranston and to In--
terior Department Secretary Wal.ter
Hicke~ ei:pressing the city's opposition
to any federally sanctioned GffsbGte drill·
The letters will request lnfonnatlon
on the procedues followed by the Interior
Department in awarding oil leases. "We
want to koow whether we can be
represented at bearings," said Mrs.
Marshall. "And we want to' emphasize
our strenuous resistance to all efforts
to weaken tfle protection given us by
the Shell.Cunningham Act."
on the beach picking up dead Ulltdying
birds. "One lad," said Jack.son, "bas
a big garbage can and is tlying to
save the Uve ones. I tell you, it's a
real mess."
The slick has completely contaminated
the harbor, the Coast Guard aald.
A log boom, it was explained, had
been stretched across the entrance, but
the oil washed past it during the night.
There were reports that the boom had
"Every boat has got oil O!l it," said
an editor with the Santa· Barbara Newa-
Press. "There's very little that's being
done, that can be done. Yesterday,
machines blew straw on the beaches
here in the hope that it would IOU
up the black muc:t. But the straw didn't
wort. It was just carried in with the
Coast Guard ~ ~-1W · -end ol Ille~ . 'lllck at ooon today WU II mtlea . <i Santa '8*l>ilra, opildllll _.,_,...,
'That i.s about 90 miles oortll ol Newport
B<lllh..... . " Two workboail plow_.t through the
Santa Barbara lll!'f)ar tl\is J!IOnllng
sprayin( chemicall lo -1IP tho on.
But u SO<ll as pp1 were formed, the
oil quJckly closed in on them.
Dozens Gf people living aboard vesseJs
were evacuated last night because of
the fire hazard, which has sine< diminish·
ed, ae<:ording to the Coaat Guard.
Meanwhile, Santa Barbara residents
were taking oil-Boaked birds to three
treatment centers in the ciiy. As of
this morning, 163 birds had been brought
in. Ninety-one of them later died.
Santa Barbara County of l i c i a l 1
everywhere were enraged by the
dbaster. Said ooe:
"It's too early to esUmate the damqe,
but it will be substantial. This is, after
all, a tourist area. Our main indu.ttry
is tourism.
"For that reason, we've never been
friendly to the oil interests. But Ventura
County, on the other hand, has been.
Their big industry is oil, IO they won't
be as damaged by this.
"If there's anything we've learned it'.s
this : oil pollution doesn 't respect any
poll ti cal boundaries."
Viejo Teen Held
In Fire Bombing
A 15-year-old Missian. Viejo boy wa,11
arrested by sheriffs deputies Tuesday
in connectioo with the fire bombing of
two homes in the Aegean Hill.s area.
Deputies said Ibey expect to arttst
twa or three more youths suspected
of being involved m the lncldent.
Minor damage was done tG a home
at 2533% Pacifica Ave. Mooday night
when a fire bomb was exploded against
the "all of the residence.
Earlier Manday, another fire bomb
wu exploded in front of a house at
25!1Z JusUn Ave.
Deputltl Wd they could discover no
mGUve for the bombings.
motlv-. I have ~ otar!J '1,0llD of
my own .-y and I will DO& bawl my ._,. impuped. .
"Pleale lit clewn," ht told Lowry.
Belen the mllanp the plans to seek
feulblllly, 1lludiM" "' the , idea to
tramloim puts <i Ille West Newport
ocean front into a marina dmr only
lukewarm c!titlaim:-Alild~'liiDI oiore ·
than Ill hour dt~"lbt •e1ts• <i•
his alternate plam lid ctmtllbil lllOm.
Auld's plan.s, with. ~ .-. . . .
. ·-t.-........
Beaeh Cleanup Volunteers.
Not Periled by Pollution
Pollution of watera off riewporl Beach
will pose absolutely no health problem
tO a volunteer brigade of teenagers who
will help rid beaches of dehril Saturday,
city and county officiala emphasized to-
Assistant City Manager J an\ e s
DeChalne said the city .bas · obtained
pemUssion from the County ' Health
Department to allow volUnteer. high
school students and other· dtiiens to
participate In • desperation cleanup to
help clear the shGre of mounds of debrj.s
which have been taxing city , Crews siDCe
recent .floods. , . . · .
Concerned mothers· have beep calll11g
city offlcla!J t1prrping . ~!arm that
chlldren'migbt be'handllng C(in~ated
debris. ' • . I • County Health Officer Dr· J._ R. Philp
said that there would be . "absolu~
na problem wilh the pollution, since
that debria ii pr<lty_ well dri<Ci ou~
It would' be no different than any other
He added that normal pncautloos -
gloves aad long-sleeved garments "art
recommended anytime anyone ls bandl·
Ing jlll1k or debris, llioc< cutl can -infected under any coll'iitiOlll. TbiJ ii
a routine, normal pncau!ton: 1 "WoUld
recommend." .
Dr. Philp laid thal oaly prolonged
contact wtth the sea water ln the 'polluted
ar<a of Newport ll<ach ...'. the Newport
pier north to the Santa Ana River mouth
-coold pose' health problenis because
of sewaa:e polluUon.
He said that handling of clebris on
the bucb would not pose a threat to
Another 1l<aith offlclal aid lhiJ morn-
salt water are very good dillnfectants."
The volJm\ffP. are espected to tum out by lh$ hwidredl ·to belp carry the
debris le roadaldes ao that city crews
can pict up the t.ana:les o( branches,
rooti and trash washed downriver by
the storm ruJioff.
Tbe cleanup effort ls fighting •
deadline, because if tHe debril aettles
into tlie sand, beech:c1earitn1 equlpmeot
could be ruined by hidden material.
11te .volunteer beach •brigade will start
work at 10 a.m. OQ. sand& south · of
the «Ith Street groin, · •
The city will aponsc;>r a welner bake
-later ·1n.0ie '1iay ,for, the volunt~s.
Nixon Removes
Patronage From
'Po$tal POsitions . . . ' . . . '. . . '
. Nixon Wedne~a1 announced immediate
noitotal of all ~· and rural mau ·carrier' ipPOinbneata1ram P>Utieal ~
patronq•,' abollshing :a· .,.i.m that baa ezlsted since' 1the daJI · ol . Benjamin
Franklin, the ftnttpOltmUter 1ener~ llobert R<ed, head of NewJ!C)ri'I !ife-atilrd department, said at prelel1l. with
other problems existing on the beadles --<lebrla and pollution by ..wage-
0'ftlere wouldn't be too much we could
dO." IJ• cited the traditional ~ques of
l<l'IPinl up the black crude With earth aiovlni flCllliPm<nl and corting.tt away.
H• aid Iha! If currents and winds . were to bring eome of the Santa Barbara CIWmd on llllck to Newport 'waters,
..,,. hope tblt the gOvernmental enhUes
up the -woold do oom<thint about
ii l1on( with ... "
Cigarette Ad Ban Pr9po·se.d
Nll:oh, mating the annoonctnM!nt
jointly at the Wblte HOUlt wilb
Poitmaster . General· Wint<>O' M. Blount,
sa1d under "a hh\orlc new poltll poUcy,''
such appolntm<n!J would be madtlllldtr
ot><D compeliUv• exaJlllnatlcia· with th<
top qoallfim 1et11nc·111t jobs. ' ' 'Ille Preald<nl"cancedod tbll;tlim mat
· be a ; certain · -of \politloal .~\Ill« to· liil .. plao,. but ' 1't laid, 1'thil 1la1 tlll 1hn&,1WJ blUeYe, ito • bltt
•8• also posed the utditional log jam
lllior1 of stemming the drill of olt
slit:ts, "but IG much de.pends GD the
. ~ofthe .... 1'°1\e would have an awfulJy hard time
ti<plnl the logs together, _let alone ~.eei>
Ing the oll from sloshing over. be
said. d ·1 " h Reed sa.id that. UUn cru e 01 • per aps
0 thick u dluel fuel, would f:ake much
· tonaer to dry out on a baech than the ttllcl t«r-Uke oil than washes ashore
lri ~ big clumps. That's the type that
would be easier to remove·"
FCC Votes to Prohibit Advertising on TV, ~adio·
WAS!ilNGTON (UPI) -The Federal
Communicatlans Commlaion v o t e d
Wednesday tG propaae " ban against
cigarette advertlaing on television and
The FCC llseU planned to make the
fonnaJ anaow\cement lat.tr in the day.
Congrealonal sources nSd the vote for
the proposed ban was I to 1.
Sen. Frank E. MGSI (0.Utab), 1ald
the FCC decision was lo line 'With
strategy he had proposed in the Senate
At that lime, Mou .. id the pr.,.nl
law requiring a warning oo clgmtte
packages, that smoking may ba a buard
to the'beaitb, should be allowed to die.
Mou originally mpported the labeling
requirement when legislation was passed
In 1965 but aid it had prevented the
FCC from placlng restrlcUoos on cigaret-
te ad~.
Thi FOC'f proposal , to• bao clgorette
advertialng on radiG and ·1'1evillon 'llfould
have to be published fn the "*"!
Register and could not take effect unlil I
• '
a later date.
Tobacco comganies dtptlld primarily
an televia:lon ind rldlo for their ld-
vtr111ing •
In 00, "the moot recent' year fa<
which figures · ""' aval~ $111.I
million wu •1penl oo ~ ·od·
vertlilog, ln<iludtoC ' $11U . ioitlloo for
te1'v!1lon commarclall •llld ·nu lniDl<lll
for ·radlo commerciall. · . '
The wamJot1 labelinJ -· raq.,lrod on ciprette packl rtad•: •1&au'.\19n:
c11ar.U. 111!\0kinl · 1111)' ba hAwdoul
lQ your: btaltb." I ' •
the 1 bQUet.!' ' I I
u A!IPDinlmenl <i tho· ... i lllllt ,..
ttclt Job · dlmin&feL Ille . po II I le a I oo1roo1ae-,,_, .. the ... lo!Cntlnn '
Of PMfdOnt. ----to inltitute the ntw prece4'tltll~ ltn-
medlllll,y Ju Blount llid ln a s&AtemenL
Rainy Days Back
. ' ' '
To Plague Soggy
Orange Coast
The wamtng shot in-a ·new ..Uey
ol rain ·tor the ():range Coils! ,,.. llnd
earJv.'today, wilh the ~.assault 'wave
caided for tonight and Thw obiy,
A sudilen downpour W!uch eDded u
quickly as ll began drenched the COMlal
area flft" about )S mlmrtes ~•em I
""'U a.m.; followed . by scattered• clou!is
in blue sties.
But more rain was· predicted for
tonigb~ buffeted by. gusty winds and
bringing · coeler . · teqiperaturu. T: b •
Weother Blireau. said,, ... ralofaD pooo~
bility .foi 'lllilrsl\IY ,..,r.,: l'!rc<ilF; .,
The extended "plcture· 1~-qccUloaal
rain through Sunday, with the mercury
dipping intG tbe 50's on the Orange 'Coast. . . . . '
NEW'YORK·(AP)..:. Tile~-market
c!Oled in fairly active trodlnl ·-another mixed l!lld uncertain l<Slion ·loo day. (See qoota\ioos, p.g,. II, IS) ••
With final lllatiilica lllUl;to"bt complied,
It was uncertain ,wbetber-tbe m.rbt
had reglster<d~ a•li!Cbl .plio or amall
lou. I .
· Weatlier . . .
The morning lloe on rain r.r ,
Thuriday ts M, ~ it's lat from
over. Look for temj>OralUreo in the I
higl"IO'l ,alOfli•lho1ooaA and ....
·IO'•:~-. ' . I ..
uc1·• 1rv1M: Ri~. c.,.... pan~· op<;.. its' tSitd' •-loo
llloht, 1Dlth ; a 1>!'odliCdcm ·of
'<W~ for .Godol,"'olic•of a
nU!llbcr of local. 0.. tMa#r of·
ffrinfll aiOllg lM CCCIII. SH
!tlforfalm!IC!ll, ~·II .-
' ....... " ............. J c......... • ----,, ee,. C*'MI' 11 . ......... n, °"""" *: =:..'-':. a g • .!~al 11 -o.tf H
--'I "• . '• ~. ,, .......... ..., . ...,.,., ..... . '""'' . , .. ,,
• ..,, ••• , )j I=:.!= •, ..... .... .. ,.,. c... '1 · • ...,_.. a,,..._. •al •• .__ 'I~ ~ . ~ -·--·11 ""'*-~-., .... -.1
. .
9-iAilvrr'Lor " wo1Mo111J, ,..., s. ~"' . . . . ... ..
Reagan Budget lil'.ciride~ :.$26 Milli<)il .~()r 001
bAU.Y PILOT ...... W akNN ~ ••t1•lde Work N~ar Completion .. : . · . " . ~ •· Reconslruction of Bayside Drive from Balboa er. City officials say a day and a half of work re-
: :vai:htBasin north to Harbor ~land Drive is almost rqainJ. Job.09uld be wound .up Friday. But, if rain
flnlshed, but reopening of artery depends on weath-interferes, It may be Monday.
~Laguna Owners
:of C.Ondominitlttl . '
Sue Developers
M,... than 100 cnmen <i vlllu In the
Blue Lagoon coodomlnlmn compla In
Laguna Btacb ba" llled.a $300,000 legal_
acli<m aplnft the devtlopm ol · the
cbolce --tracll' ..
Four residents who state that they
represent the 119 villa owners in the
four.year-old c0mmuntty named Blue
Lagoon Joint Venture and the bulldera,
Orange Valley Constructlon Co. Inc., as
principal defendants Jn the complaint.
. lt is allege4 ~~ ~ de~eloptN ··traud-
ulenily assured pordluen ol ltie viDu
at the time of sale that the "Green
Bett"-a .ect.ir ol Ibo conpiunilt wlilch
jncludea streets, tennla Oourts, -~
and landscaped areas i:.. was the sole
property ol the ~unttY,, The 119 villa
;Jwellen paid prices i'angJng from 135,000
to 169,500 for the homes.
The villa owners state they have never
been able to uerciae control of the area
and bave been unable to keep the besch-
es private. 'Ibey ask for a court ruling
9ll the true legal atatus of the "Green
Named as jlaintilfs In the action are
P'rank K. an Claire J. Wisdom; James
P. and Virginia H. Morgan; Robert E.
and Kathryn E. McDonald and Laurent
H. and Dorothy L. Clody.
They list as defendants other t'han the
principals: Walter R. Gaynor, Cramer
J. Francis, Home Federal Savings and
Loan Association of San Diego, Paul H.
and Marie M. E.ullnger and Myers-
Laguna Co.
I ,
German Chief Named
BONN, Gmnany (AP) -Kal·Uwe
von Huael waa elected president of
the Weat Gmnan Bundestag or parlia·
:ment today.
" •
OllA"IGf. CO.Ut l'U,L.t$MING COMPA"I"'
llobtrt N. W••4
l'tt•\ffftl •nd ~ll!Wltr
·• 1111 w,.-ltll••• levl•"'"'
·· ~.in~, Atltlr•u; ,,0. 1 .. 1175, •266) ·. o ... Offlcet
(Mii Mtu i m Wt•I ..... Strl!f!
Lt""" h«ti: f H F-d A-
HvMlft.iOll a.'°': JOt an~!"'"'
4 Arrested ori , ~~ug :Rap
" .,
After School Sh_~p 'Cruise
Three collegians from excluJlve Orange -Dana C. Smltt, It, of 1440 Sunny
County ruidenlial areu hav" been ar· Crest Driye, · Fullerton, poaeaaion of marlJuaiiL • rested on ... variety of narcotics ~argea -"'Elizabeth s. Lyon, *'• ol Carmel,
after returning from the hlgh "'' aboard !net, pouas1on ol clanprwl dnip and
Chapman College'• floaUng ~pboard three counts of poualloa of. an opiate
campus. drug.· -
Customs agents searching luggage ol Smit! faces prellmilwy burlna In Los
sludeots.•after the S.S. Ryndam docked Angeles County MUJ!ldpal c...t Feb.
in Wilmington a week 1 ago uncovered 10, whlle the other tine' .a.demea.nor
a variety of drug pills and marijuana, suspects hive until June I belcn they
also implicating an out-of-state girl. must enter pleas on the chartel.
Suspects, three of whom won 't face Agenll runuriqing tbrollgb 1he abip
ptellmlnllrt'bWin( until Jane to avoid • · lut -• alJo lCIWld two oouncls of disrupting their aecond college semester, marijuana and m~ than i,000 ,drug
and the charges against them in·. pills, plenty for a felony prosecution,
elude: but could link the contraband to no
-James W. Dooley, 22, of 527 specific lndlv:iduals.
Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach, possession The ,SS. l\Vndam Yisii.d 17 ports ol
of marijtiana and dangerOul drugs. call dming ita voya1e, in many of which
-Steven J. Ganahl, 21, of 1327 E. narcotics outlaWed in the UnJted States
Skyline Drive, Lemon He.igbts, possession can be bought on drugstore shelves,
of dangerous drugs. according to customs agents.
From Page l
bay and Newport Island," Auld said.
Auld dwelled on the breakwater plan
''being the only conclusive remedy to
·the recuttent beacb eromon p!'.Qblem in
West Newport." .
Sotrie members ,in the audi~ com·
Jurors Sworn In
For Sirhan Trial;
_Others Quizzed
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A l"'1 of
four women and eight men was sworn
in today to try the cue of the people
vs. Sirhan for ~e murder of Sen. Robert
F. Kennedy Mven months ago.
The panel stood in the jury box with
upraised hand!: wblle the oath waa in-
The proeecuUcn and defmse counsel
then began examtntna p roa p ec ti v e
alternate jul'lln. SiI lllllSI be chosen.
The delendllll, Sirhan B. Sirhan, mill·
eel and chatted with his coonse1 when
· the examlnlng began At one point he
bent over some legal documents.
The flrtt alternate juror 19 be ques·
tioned was Wunn H. Willis, an alrcraft
maintenance foreman for United Air
The queetlonin& wu alona: the same
tines u that ol the relUiar jurors, which
olUl'I focused oa the penon's attitude
toward the death penalty.
Thi lrlal nached • drll!Dlltlc hlghllgl>t
Tlltaday when Mary Sirhan, the dtlen·
dlllt'• mother t.eattfied about the aad
llale ol the llnan<es ol her lmmtgrant
fillllly. Hor voioe w .. low, at U-
a 'Wblspir, but abe emphashed abe ,..,
not Illini for pity.
Thi mother of Sirhan oaw pity In
the eyts of tht courtroom spectators
and she dldn't. llke It.
She ,_ from the witness chair al
the CQOCtualon of her leltlmony TUUclay
aod some hidden source o{ enero cave atrelUllh to ber voi<e u the said :
"I lhant God he gove me the llreqth.
I lhanl Y<>O like people (of the Untt.d
SIA!n) Iba! I never ,.i hunll)' ind
that 1 alw111 had a roof over my
plained that some of the plans would
take away badly needed beaches, while
other• complained or Bwanns of boaters
descending on the marina, louting the
water ind depriving residents of en-
joyment of the asgets for which they
moved to West Newport -sandy beaches
with surf. .
As dlscusaion neared the point where
a vote waa sought amcng the group,
internal problems scrept up again.
Perhapo ball the participants, Jndlcated
by a show of hands, were not pald~up
members of the aMOciaUon, and after
a suggestion lbat they should not be
allowed to vote, mere dispute erupted.
The nonmembers said thty should be
allowed to voice their opinion "because
we took the trouble to come out tonight
as interested c!Uzer}S. ''
"This Clty Hall Js a public place and
any meeting in here ls public. We have
a right to be here," one man aald.
The vote, close, and relatively In·
concluaitt. was taken on three issues :
Tua£ no feuibWty studies ohould be
undertake.a and the plans be scrapped
-24; that only a marina be built
on exisUna alouah& on Banning oil pro-
: pertiea wilhout l1IY breatwater -21:
. that the AuJd plans should undergo
foaslb!Uty'!ludles -19.
According to Margo Skilling, president
of the West Newport Improv!ment
4asoclaUon, a breakdown or the voting
showed that 45 were opposed lo the
offshore breskwater concept and only
IP were willing to consider it further.
She Mid she herself has no objecllons
to the lnland residential-marina ''Genoa
Bay" project, If it can be worked out
without the breakwater ..
The City CouncD will rtsume tha con·
t.roversy at a Feb. 24 •bld.1 se:sslon.
U.S. Rescue flane
Crashes Into Sea
MANILA (UPI) -A U.S. Air Force
HCllG Hercules reocue ~-with 14 crewmen •board crUhed today in heavy
!lt8S about 100 mU11 flOUth of Taiwan.
'lbe plane waa ~ for survivors
trom a Japaneta sftlp which unk earlier
In the di)'.
A J1pa11tS• frelgl>ter picked up one
of the American c:rewmeo b.ll rtported
no sign of the 13 others.
·* * * . . ., \ . Gove&or 'Tells . UC lrviM _G:ets Biggest
. ' . • • • • j •
Of Tax Slice -County--Sluire · of Budget
In TV Briefing
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan
began the job today of selling his lll.23
billion budget and $100 million, one-time
tax cut to Jegialatlve crltlCs after telling ·
peopJe his fiscal plans in an unpre-
cedenttd televlSlon, briefing.
Proposing the firet State income tax
cut since World War II, the Republican
governor told a statewide trJevision au~
dlence Tuesday nlgbt, "I believe we
have started what we hope will be a J
Other budget ston11 Page 6.
new trend in government finances." He
alJO called for continuing $280 million
in previously approved tax cuts.
"We have brought the state from the
brink of i0$01vency," said Reagan, who
was .shown on film In his Capitol ofrtce,
flanked by fiscal charts designed to
simplify the complexiUes of stai.e, finance
for the average viewer. No governor
has ever before unveiled his budget on
The man who may oppose Reagan
for re-election in 1970, A s a·e m b J y
Democratic Leader Jesse M. Unruh,
replied "he has failed -totally and
completely -to cut state spending."
For the first time in years, there's
a major surplus fn the budget -'247 .3
million caused by inflation and past
tax increases -and providing enough
for the tax cut. And for the third atraight
year, tbe economy~minded governor 1ulr
mitted a budget that provides for no
new major programs and Slashes the
appropriation requerta of the University
of California andithe state colleges.
That'• likely to draw protests from
educators who uy the gov~mor'a past
economies have damaged the quality
of higher educationi
But h1a tax cut is expected to draw
cheers from income taxpayers who would
be pennitted to deduct 10 percent from
their tax bill& in the 1970 election year.
County Backs
New Newport
Freeway Route
Orange County , aupervlsors
voted Tuesday to~ 1Upport realignment
of the Newport Freeway through
dOWDtown Costa Mesa to one ·of the
propo,<Jed routes par'allellng Superior
.B1r 'l'llOMM 1'91\Tl!NE· °' .. .,., ...........
UC .!!V~•· ~ild;C!f ~ :mimon. Is
the biggest 9"anse , County apocaUon
in Gov. Reagan•a '8.S bllUon ltate budget
for 1~70, , 1 . • • ,
Fairview ~~, ll"!'ltal In;' piola .
M"" Is ic> . .set f!~.I in,i1Jlcin and
Cal Stale Fullerton ·is to ~ve . $11.1
Documents · Tell
Big Offensive
From Wlre .s-erviet1 ·
SAIGON -COQunuTiist dtll;umetitl cap-
tured .in all foui::rtlions .of 'Vietnam ·'
have ordered guerrillas to prepare for
full-si::~ie fighting during lhis month's
Tet ·'lunar new year holiday, U.S.
lntellig~e sources said today.
The Salgon government today canceled
all military leaves beginnin& Feb. 10
so that any offenslve won't catch the
South Vi~tnamese army unaware as it
did last year.
The South Vietnameae conllnaM aaid
all government forcu would be placed
on 100 percent restriction and all leaves
were canceled effecUve one week before
Tet, the lunar new year which thli
year falls on Feb. 17. That ~ that
all troops must remain -it their dirty
stations or at their quarters around
the clock.
Acting to nJp in the bud any new
Communist offensive against the cities
of South Vietnam, government troops
seized a Viet Cong Arms cache in a
Saigon cemetery and issued Ugbter
security rules. The regul.i.Uons ban the
traditional use of firecrackers t o
celebrate the holiday, which starts Feb,
Part of the Communist arms were
found under a fake tomb!tone, milltary
spokesmen aaid. They included an an-
tiaircraft gun.
Last year during the Tet observance,
Commlinlst fore.,· burled their bineot
offensive of the war against South Viet-
, nam'a clUe1. ~ was fi~ce fighting
in _Saigon, Uie fornle! imperial capital
Of Hue and other urban center1.
~ aovernor'• budget also IJJll
,!217,!00. for the ...... •bare o1 beach
el'Olion control wort: ~ a 1112,llD
sUbsidy for further deveoping 35o acre•
,ol Mile Square Park'in Fountain Valley.
UCI Vice Chancellor-for Business and
Finance · L. E. Cos i8ld Reagan has
&!located the univenity Jess than re-
qUested bl.It the' ctit is not ao great that
plar:iiied enrollment will have to be
cut back.
· ''It means !t.rt~l'lfng me rubber band
a little tighter with largtr class 1izes
and BOIJle late-hour clasa acheduling, ''
be Aid. Cox said the campUs bad requested
$23.% million in operating funds but was
allocated '21 million.
"You know, you never get enough,''
,.he rfmarked. "But you a1ao clin look at it that this is a 20 percent increase
from last year."
He 'said UC! Will be able to hold
ftl projecUon o( .Btudents for next year
at 4,360 without any reductions. Current
enrollment ii 3,500.
. The campus was granted 38 new
faculty positions out of 72 requested.
UC! now has 280 faculty members.
The result, Cox said, will be to move
the present 22 to I student-faculty ratio
closer to the ultimate 28 to 1 for a
fully-developed UC campus.
"The govern.or is moving us faster
than we wanted to," he said.
M a still relatively new campus, UCI
cannot fill up all courses jt would like
to offer. It also is desired not .to load
professors new to the UC system with
large numbers of students, Cox said.
Also in the governor's budget for UCI
Is $3.5 million for an administration
building, $1 million for utilities and site
work and $70,000 for medical 1ehool
equipment. ·
Not included are fund s for medical
school buildings campus officials already
knew were loat with failure of the
November state education bond iMUe.
Fairview's next .year budget is $14.S
million, up from $14 million in the cur·
rent year. The amount of $55,000 is
included for minor corun'ruction at lhe
state hospital.
Boy Scouts C.Sme
Set Up at C.Ourt
Top units from the Orange Empire
Boy &out Council will set; .UP camp
thl!: week in the Carousel eo,n of South
Coast Plaza in recognition of NationaJ
Boy Scout Week.
County Road Commissioner Al Koch,
who suggested t,ht resolution, pointed
out that the highway commission had
agreeti to reopen the questlor. of the
route between Bay Street in Costa Mesa
to the Pacific Coast Highway.
Supervisor Alton E. Allen 88.id both
Costa Mesa and Newport Beach had
agreed on the new alignment.
The American intelligence aouri:eJ Aid
documents captured set no ftrm date
for new attacks. The moat serlooa threat
was said to be in the Saigon area
where an estimated 40,000 Communist
troops were reported massed in an 11 ·
province region.
Thief Cleans Out
CdM Man's Camper
Scout Executive Morrie Hoag said that
at least 10 units have alre ady indicated
that their patrol Oags would fly al
~· South Coast Plaza when Scout Week
starts Friday February 7. He said thal
all area Scotits are invited to participate.
Scouts will demonstrate scouting and
camping . skill.a, including knot tying,
lashing, signaling, compass, first aid and
cooking. Scouts participating in the cook·
ing demonstration will roast a side ol
lamb on a spit and offer cooked portions
to those who visit tbe location at the
entrance to the Carousel Court.
A Highway Commission hearing on
the route change wU1 be held Feb. 18
at the Orange County· Fairgrounds.
HJghway officials have indicated that
any route supported strongly by both
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa would
have an excellent chance of being
While Newport baa officially supported
the alternate route, Costa Mesa's action
to date has been one of not opposing
a reopening of the route question.
, Someone cleaned out the rear of a
Corona del Mar man's campu van park·
ed at a Harbor Area repair shop, police
aald today, drawing the drapes to hide
his busywork.
Russell D. Craver, of 211 Dahli1 Ave.,
_said Tuesday that cabinets, panels and
the carpeting, totalling $100 in value,
were burlgarized from the bus at 121
E. 23rd St., Costa Mesa.
y, I • • 0 The true PfKloutneu Of
Q enhne $ ay ... "Omo .. watohl<Che
S , , h love that Jt upr ...... ay It Wit .,..,0meg,wo1o• ' •ndll'Voll MUitipie
on O .. ~°"'"" checb to..,,.
OMEGA -~\':.
You can be IVf9
'ltle OrNot. )'O«.I g!Ye
or rectt¥9 thll
Valentlne'1 pay
Wiii become a
proud llletlmt
C>mega Witch wftl bt
remembered evlry
minute, evtt)' ~.
.Wt)' day. Combining
,..,. btl\lty and
tlCC\lf'ICY, HCh OfMva __ .. ......... ..,, ...
teohnieal eldlll ef
trie flMlt swi.
crett.rMft. a. cu
COMPlllll oofleC'bl .,.,,,__....,
....... 11000.
Realistic first afd demomtrations .an
also to be conducted on the mall, Hoaa
said . He said that other exhibits would
include a working model used to practict
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
.................. ,.. __ -----
J. C. .JJumpMt16 <}t1w1lr l'HONI
l4t.J401 1121 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA Mi:.SA
has ....
lied ...
:1.tio . a
°"' th•
an ,.,
, W1dneodlr. fob!li0'7 ~. lM DMLV ;n.or. t .'
,~-Men .in .. S.ervice .. Around World
~ . . . ~
Airman U..ney D.
Sal-. l<ln ol Mr. and Mn.
H. Gill Smllldoa ol 7m Rhine
DriVe, Hua~ Beacli• has
been assigned lo Sheppard
AFB. Tei. for training in the
wire mahitenance f1ekt.
Tbe airman la a 1916
graduate of , Marina •1 High
School and attended Golden
Wtst College before• entering
the service.
PvL l.C. Aa!May Cnl«. Ill,
son or Mr. and Mrs. Robert
M. Cruce of 2173 Ter:ry Road,.
Laguna jleach Is serving with
C-Ompa.ny A, lsl Batlallon, 7th
Cavalry. The cO mpany
assisted in a sweep near the
battalion's new home, Viet·
ahip1 of the u. s, sevea111 Iii ~ A., ar.r Batta!Jon ~--~· olw ... i l
11 !.'!'....= Roc.kvJ!le. Md. He was _.
·Amphiblo<ll f~ at ioq lll!t._'cil Ille loci '10111111:7 l)lvlllon'a ~~~ ........,.. -~ In 1117 upon -
Marines· ol the U.S. Sev1n1h . \Jlrd •,Inf_..,,: al ~amp · Drive, Nowporl Bead> la plelloo ol the Air ,._
Fleet. • La-. Korea. partldpallng I n Operation ~ Ottlcm T r a hi In s
. . ~·.. . ,· • / _, . Bold Mariner aboard the USS J>roerun. ~I W-0 l,G, •J!lcUrd & --· A-. Rk111n1 g, Eldorldo, an ampblbloul lore. ' .
Befliqer, USN, ·IQl'I, c( Ervin · .R111nwt. USN,·. IOl'I at Mr. flaphjp. The o Per at I on Two Or~ Cout men
R. Belllnger ol Ollla Mes. · and· Mn. Raber!· s. Rolenast emphasizes ~leroted Viel· depart.,i Purl Harbor-oho.rd
is abi>ard the 1U6marine USS of . ·1207.,merset . La.:ne, nameae paclncalion Jlf0-'1 ·lhe attack aftcraft earner
Howard W. Gilm....,, • San Newport Beach, Is aboard !be gra!ll!. • USS Kltty•Hawk for ils fourth J~. Puerto J\ICO.. . . ' attack aircraft carrier USS ~ Coni«:ufne. ... combat tour-in . . ---=-:-'I • .. • . 1Ticondeioga ~f lhe coaJt of Pvt. Garry M. IUem, . SOil,.. . Vietnam. . . •
PvL Clilrteo R. , Klm•i'o V-. · o1 Mr. and Mrs. M: Rlem TheJ'. are l>oOllll T-la• USMC, son ol Col, and Mrs. . A 1taduate ol Newport . of Coota Mesa, has been 11-1.C. Jonie 'f, f-r aon of
Charles Klhiak ol 1173 Sunset llarbor High School, 1965, the signed lo C-Ompany B., 193rd • Mr. aQd Mn. Tboinu A.
Ridge Drive, Laguna BeKb, '&Uman, Ill, attended O<anie Military P o I 1 c e Battalion, JM · ot Jlt W'1nul SI.,
graduated from ejihl weeks Coaal College before entering Gralenwohr, Germany. Newport Beocb and AJrmn
oC recruit . tralniril at the the. aervice. A graduate of Costa Mesa Mlel!MI. 11 · pe•, 110n of
MJl'lne Cor(ll , ll«ruil Depot, . , High School, lllM, he att.nded ·Mr. and Join. Howard Wlll·
San pjego. , . , · PvL 1.C. J.,... G. Rill aon Orange Coast Colle&e b<lore inpam· ol· IN E., !Ith St.,
, ol wllllam F. Hull of 113 Santa entering !be service., . Colla ~ r • ·
Pvt 1.C. Rktey 'K.· Martz, . .J:sabel, Costa Mesa ~ been As a military pollctman,, he ,. ~
-~edlefll. ·~11· . .'' '.
~. 5~ Patrick,Mc!Meqamll!,; son· of Mrs. ·P~ Vaniey of JO via llh&C;i, New· J>~rl~chril aervinA:~enlor media with lhe'Mtdjc_al Advisory Headquar-iS's, ·9th _14_edjcal 1Ja . , ·9th Jrua!llry Divlsoa bi lht! M,et~ng Dell\I. He IS: a
Soadt!fte o~ l!ewpnrt .Jlarbor High ,Sclloql, 19115. Jlw'l'!I a two ·d~y ml.sslon. 10
.tl'emote ar0l'lit-\11etnam,.as·senior medic, •and lwo lssistants treated ~Viel· '!IJ!inese Vlllagm for COIJllllllll cold, abra.slons and lnlectiolti. ... · _ . _ ..
• . 2Z, U.S. Army, aon of .Mr. as3lgned tO the l2nd Arlillery Bis t"ta1118<i ol theE largest MPad . llpe<. I. Wllllul R. Slou, Seaman ftticbael L. Menne, and Mn. • Rkhard E. Martz Ametlcal Division, Vietnam as a ion in urope apre 1 •-11 Mr nd ••~ ...... t B · Fr · 1,w1._pattn, .a USN, of 1475 Pacific Ave., of 2883 Hickoey Place, Coata · .. a cannooetr.. -· ' : uuvuao.<>U avaria, an-· Mrs. Mu: Sloan and wife,
Laguila Beach, is part.I.cl pa ting Mesa, graduated from. the Ind • Hit ·mother •. Mrs. Eleanor eonia, with headquarters 30 'Eva, 11Ve, a& 1751 Pitcairn
in Operation · BOid Mariner Infantry Divisloii.'1 Advanced _.: Hull lives in.Torrance. -miles from, Czecbollovatii,. Drive, ~-'·-lieu, bu been
a hoard !be ampbibioos fori:e :Comtiil° 'l'Wning Academy, ·. · ~-Signal Bal·
flagship U~ Eldor~o. ·K~. . . . . • S • •ma • R • ·11 er & W • Airman Jeffery s..Clart, son talion. • .• .
~ .
gt) .. M,on.da.y Through .. .,. .
:·.~-. . .. .. ,
.::m·1,sse~ .. ~,_;: ,~--· ·~ .-.
\tailored ·-:· .. . . .
:blouses . •> -. •. " . .
. . ,
$ :
,..,~,,~ .. ~ ····, ,1<.: ., . ' J
' -y ' ·~_'lout l:facron• polytttir/tofton roU ·~
~i'o.,-, -so ~rsatile to Weaf..witb olffour.~.por,
· lothe1 'year 'round in white and luscious pciitel1,
_ ... :~.priced during ~ur Dollar oa'y• 01 a ~!-~dOus
, · alUe for our favorit. cu•~•I Carry Mine the~
'. ~: :n.at and pretty value1 BY the armload in miut1' ,
· ;.}roken·· sizes,.3~·38.
Other units partidpaUn.g are . _ Pvt ... .Ma& Js. .a .rifleman 'S(!nm1••, USN,. 1101L oL,Mr. of Mr; and Mn. •-Warren Spe£: 4. ~ .b 1 driver
Bolton of Z8l5 Zell Drive, 1n the .Ba~'• Company
Laguna llel<jl, . ha 'been C near Vlnh Llin&· '.
, , U!lgned lo Keesler Ai'B, -'--
Mias., for !raining In com-Luce , Cpl.· Wllllul B.
·: · m1jllicatlom. e 1ect·ron1e1 Bly&a Jr., aon of~ WlWam
, systems. Bam•• Sr' ol -Sevi 11. ·.The ainnan is •·graduate ,_ ·• •1-e:':f"
S a t:u r-:d-a y
; . . ; · ' _ , .,..... · " "' ··USMc, II ..rvlnc ·with !he • School, 11161. . First' Marine Aircraft Wing
. nn• ·e~J 'of Ne·'""~' 11ar1ior Hi·' Ave., ~ Beat-,
-· · tn viitn&m: ? . ALWAVS FIR°l!II'GUALITV ·· .sct-. l!«tllol L. Belcller Jr., • .-..•
son of Mn. Eileen Belcher Alrmu llaiaald g, "*r,
,/ /
' ' b , men .s· :n. oy s
shirts-'n · briets
3/$1 r£~ 2/1 22
Stoel: up on 100% ooml>od cotton T-thkti and b,;afs fora II tha men
cn..i.1>ay1 in your i.m;1y while tt..y''*-bo'l!ciin prictcll In while;
rnerr'l1':.shirts tiM 36-46~ bti4fs; 1izn :J0..42. Boy's 1IU14-16~'
Toddler's 100%
cotton sh~rts
. ' .
value priced!
What a groal prico f0< lOO% mHon
knit polo shim. for 11111o people: Iii:
auemd celonl Bl<y·Cl!I Gm!ful·.tyr;.
Ing Dollor Daya and ~ '''"""'°" . l dreued in 1ius 1...CI . . ; • 1 •
l .
.l ···-
ol laZl .i!onOJotu Lane, Hun-son of.Mr. and' Mrs. ·Monon lington,_~•fachhe, !has ·.b. • • nt L. Fisher ol 1751 Tustin· Av• .. recognucv or . ping ,.is uni Costa. J4eU,, ,has P.:ad~t~
win !be u,S.-Alr·F«'ce OUtslan-al Sheppard.AFB, ~.·fio, m
ding Unit Award. F ••~.~-
A aecurlty]IO!keman In !be ~~ ~.-orce ™"'r'" .
'l3iid ~ POuce-llquadroo, The ...:;;;r.;.·· • ~1e . ~·APB, A6'1'•d.H h, ol NeWJlOl'.I. . . Harbor -"'•h !'lierto _!Ucq, 11!1 unll wu died ,_
for merltoriou.I ·.IChlevepient School, 1-:':..___: · :" .. 1 from Ju!J< llfl.Jane · 1111. The
sergeant · Is a · gridUale of
Muina lll&J! School.
SCI-JMeplt • Y. -c.r,' "'"
of Mr. and Mra. Juan 'Cru
of 712 llamlll<>n l!l,1 -pol&
· Meaa Is aervlng u oquad PvL l.C. Jerry J. Cnodlll, leader In Company D, lrd B•I·
21, whose home Is at !167 talion of the 25th Infantry
Vista Enlrl\dA. tiewwrl Beach ~vis! • l2nd '"'"""'" ha ,been assigned .lo lh•·t3'11h 00 ' M_,, near
E . G y· •---ay Ninh, Vlelnam. -nimeer roup, ie1.1wu.11, The aera:eant bu r9ceived
Pre: Crandall is a combat . the c 0 m b a t lnfantnman
engineer· Badge~ He ls a graddate ol
--Tumon High School, Tamun·
Pvt.. Leslie A. Edwardl,.22, ing, Guam, 1913. J
son of Mr. Gd Mrs , Frank , --.
. i;;ciw.,.i. ,.of !Zll, PlacenUa, · · Seamu Appra. Ntnna11 R.
Colla Mesa, has been assigned RadJdl!, JJSN, ooh ~ Mis •
lo the lllh Baltailon near Tam·· Mary lWdidn of Z1'12fla-
. Quan, Vlelnain aa a combat · !la, ·~ : II~ h a a '
engil)eer. ' gradualed --. Bia -..i1e,. Ollvta, lives at ··of · ttaln!ni ~ ,Naftl' i
»tfEiden Ave.; ec.ta ·Mesa. Tr~ c:ater, G~ I;at~, "
. Ill. .
Capl. G_, R. Raljeball, ol -" ·
IJI'/.· CUii , DrlV.: Laguoao•, P.i. . t.C. .J~ ·w,
B<Kh, ....... ·of ·JC Marines °McGIYHr .ol l72&l 1-
rec•Mftg th~ D~llngubhed 'st., Hun~ Beach, 11.Nf)'··
Flying Cr/JU· for Vietnam ac-'1iig with the Thim. Marilie
tJon during ceremonies held · DJvislqn (i1 South vtetnarD I
at the Marine Corps Air: Sta-The private'stJZ't llop; b'.h
Uon El Toro. . . . been, conduc.ting s V. Ina
Capt. Hutteball, ~ pdot on clear. misSJou , , '.~.
a 'l'A-tF iSkyhawt directed at-five most northern 'province.I
tacks !or six hours on vehicles ir. South VietDam. ·
and surface-to-air m i s 11 i I e · '
launch "Ii.ta· and1 other vital Two c0sta Me& men are
targets; accoi'ding lo the cila· ln Germany ~ part , In·
lion. the mllltary eurciae.~
Lt. Col. W!ruam R. Sodlll,
'USMC, Dfmsi Earllart lid,,
Laguna ]:ltµs, ~ b ff e n
scheduled lo Ide command·
of·Uie Marine AltaCI( sQu~dron
·214, al the Marino Corps Air
SlaUon, El Toro.
Former commander or the
Headquarters a n d Maln-
tenince Squadron, El Toro,
the col~ne}1was ope1'tionti of-.,
ficer in Vietnam before taking
over his last assignment.
He has earned t h e
, Disllngubhed Flyllli-Cross, 2Z
Ai.CT. Medals and• the Viel·
' ' 1. ' .J" They ara· PYI. L"' OoriJil
F. ~yab, 11, '!"'I ol Mn.
Marcella M. !1'11111 o& llS,Knos
.Place,' and l"rt. L~ J• v;
JDekem, 20, ,IOQ °'Mr .. atxf
Mra. James HinR"8 ol 1117
Alva Lane.
1be exercise involves u.s.1
Army unils hued in the U.S.
alid JluroRe •. I\ .wjp inc!d~
abool IJ,000 lroopll ¥.'igned lo.
the 14th Infantry Di\ilslon, and
combat service sUpport units,
all nown to Europe to the
Orafenwohr-Hohenfels vicinity,
naMl!H Croa,ol Glllantry. Stall· Bet-~ .' c .•
. -WUUam1, son of Mr~ and Mrs.
LL Blake Lucuter, son ol Morriss K. L,ium: ol 733
Mra. Barbara D. Locke of · HamUIDn SI., Colla Mesa has
35002 Cam l n o Capistrano, graduated at Sbepplrd APB, capliir8"' Beach, has heen Tei., 1rom· lhe lrailllilC COOtli
assigned to Perrin AFB, Tex., for .U.S. Air Fon:tf ~J!'n.. •
with the Aerospace Defense ~Spei:lailsls> ·
Command. A eraduate of Collta Mesa
'Ille lieutenant, a n in· High School, he •atte~
terceplor pll<>I, Is a graduate Orange Cout Cpll"'e IJ<!'ort
at Johnaon.: Hljh. Sc boo.I . entering the aervtce.
Jfferttoriot11 s~· .
Stafl Sgt. James f . Cochran Jr., (rlgbl) Mi of Mt. ~ l
~~-----------------------------------~~==~~~=~--, ... -~.~ .. c~~.~~nm~.~·1 :: mlllltt!t received Ibo U.S. Ail'Force Commanda-
Uoa MOdai at NortOn AF!I frbm C<!I· 'Jamea J', I ' warn11o,i;.~e coJ1)11lall!)er of II!• Atn>IJ*o'>.lld\(). 1
Vl1u1! Service .. He is.•a Wealli!iDJ!ar lllgJl Sc;bpOI, 1 ~-
1"5, araduale, .. I • .,., ·•,.
• ~sl,i~ lilMd} •)
(Hunlin9I011 Centar) •• (Harbor Shopping-Center) "' ,.
• ' .. . . •.'
... -.·ll ' • ... • •L
~·· '
Le ague 's Unfairnes s
For almost two years, the Orange County League
of "C!Ues almost feverishly bas been pursul111 a plan to
break up the Orange County Harbor DistricL
It bas proved to be a popular cause -ev erywhere
but in Newport 11tacb.
And why lm't Newport happy about tt?
The answer is stmple: If the district &~ under. a
lot (J( mpcwlb!llt!es -costly responsib!llties -could
be dumped Into the city 's lap.
Patrolling and maintaining Newport Harbor, ii bas
baen estimated, could cost the city up to '400,000 an·
nu.ally. That's 20 cents on the municipal tax rate.
So Newport should fret.
Especially in view of the fact that those wishing to
put an end to the 33-year-old district thus tar have giv-
en very little -il any -conside(3tion to what will
happen after dissolution.
Tbe Orange County League of Cities makes a con-
venient overs.lght.
All that is proposed In the league plan, and in no
meaningfUl de~, is that presen~ -district responsibil-
ities in c<1Unty~wned or administered tidelands would
be assumed by an upanded Orange County Parks De-
Waters administered by municipalities would bf<-
come the concern of those municipaJities, such as New-
port. ·-
This is patently unworkable. More than half the
wate11 of Newport Bay, 'for example, are county-ad·
ministered tidelands. How, then, can Newport assume
all responsibility in the bay?
Another point, raised time and again by Newport
officials~ and time and again ignored , is this: 85 per·
cent of. the boats registered in the harbor are owned by
non-residents of Newport. The harbor. in other words.
is clearly a regional aquatic playground.
Yet Ne"l"'rt ls. presumably expected by league
proponents of dl11oluUon to tal<e it all over.
It's hardly likely that the tbOU11and.1 of non-boot
owning tupayen In Newport would permit their City
COUjlcil to go aloni •ltb any such proposal.
Nevertheless, rpne cltjes In tbe c<>unty already have
endorsed the league plan for dlSlolulion. Another lour
endor!emeni., and the leagile wilt have official sup-
port from a majority of lls 25 meinber cities. When that
happens, tbe plllll will be turned over to c<>tinty author-
ities fO~ steps JeadiJ\I to a coun\y-wlde special elecllQn.
Assumine wter appn>val, what then wut have been
achieved ?
Two things: ~ Total confusion, with Newport sc'rambling and
scratching !or money to 1upport its newly-inherited
harbor duties.
-The striking of the Harbor Dlstricl tax rate from
property tax butstbrougbOut tile county. . ·
The latter,.of course, is the principal league aim.
Proponents Oi dl!aolutioit argue Ibey seek greater
equity in the diltributlon of harbor district1 tax reve.-
•nuest which this year ·are derived from an eight-cent
tax rate. · · ·
That is '"bat it is all about -eight cents. Probably
never before in the history of this county has there
been.so much ado about 10 little an amount.
We are not suggesting here that there are no good
reasons for getting rid of the district. There may be.
But we most earnestly do suggest that the league's
O\'lll studies to date leave too many problem s unsettl ed.
The city, of Newport Beach, or any other agency,
shoold not be saddled with re gional responsibilities, un-
less it receives regionaJ support.
The Lea~ue of Cities plan, as it now stands, is but
half a plan. It must be made whole before tt goes any
Itself ls
(iArdtaer Sees Tragic Results of Inferior Educatiot•
A 'Medium'
Allhougb. Marshall McLuhan's [arnol.IS
phrase, "The medium ls the message''
has been abused and perverted (by him
as much a1 by others ), there is a
central and Important truth in it -
as king as we rtmember that language
itself is a '1medium."
Indeed, language is so much a medium
that we do not even think of it Ill
such. Each language makes its own
particular 11mvironment" and reshapes
realily lo fit the grammar of the
TAD THE MOST familiar work In
the English language -the King James
B:ible. We forget that the Old Telltamenl
was written in Hebrew, and the New
Testament in Greek , and 'that both were
translated for us by 17th Century
Englishmen wlto chanced &be mus1ge
11 they changed the medium.
When we read the Beatitudes, for
lnstanct,' we imagine that Jesus actually
said, "The meek shall inherit the earth."
And we don't care much for the idea,
becall8e "meekness" is a kind or timid,
namby-pamby word lo our ears.
If we read the French Douay Bible,
however, we are informed that Jesus
said the debonair shall inherit the earth.
What a diffttence -for "debonair"
is good-natured, easy-going, affable?
lramlated the New Testament saw in
the Greek word a man who humbly
bowed his head ind suffered submission,
the Frenchmen who translated the New
Gus t
That West Newport breakw1ter
everyone seems to be qalnst
would have come in h8ndy in hold-
ing back all that sewage 11~
that has washed up on oLif -..
Testament saw ln the Sflme Greek WOrd
a man who was merry, mild and
In the same way, the King James
translators speak of Jehovah becmnln1
"exceedingly wroth," which I!! a
fearsome phrase; lhe same Hebrew,
however, translated into French, give.s
us "tre1 lnikt -very annoyed! God
on one side or the E~1Ush Channel
does not much resemble God on lb•
other sKle.
thropologists, in fact , have suggested
tha t the Germans became so hung up
on order and authority aod obedi~
became their language ii s~ tflif
way -heavy and di<!ldi!'. l!#!l:Jt
abstractions and systein-bu!ldliiCi 'AM
it ia true that the German~· 1
unlike the English and the "'" tried lo tuck the universe fl@a lnMJ
their systems, rather than adjusting ·the
· systems to fit the unlidJ nallties of
There ls a conlinual feedback from
language : It ariies out of the culture,
but then it influences and re.shapes the
culture to conform lo its linguistic
anl1ge. This is why Americanese is not
just a branch of English. but 1 way
of Uf e.
Nixon Has Begun Well
The aoft·spoken and eloquent inaugural
address of Richard .M. Nixon Monday
was a splendid way for the 37tb President
to begin hi1 administraUon. Wllh peace
at home and abroad ils central theme,
the speech reflected the idealism and
:ipirit of conciliation Mr. Nixon has said
he hopes to Impart to .tbe presidency.
Absent were the slogans and catch
phrases so common to his past speec~s.
In his "swnmons io greatness," ftir .
Nixon offered eome pledges • n d
challenges lo the American people:
A PLEDGE TO give the highest priori·
ty to the cause of intemltiooal ptaee.
A pledge to prtU urgently fotWard
In pursuit of "tull employment, better
housing, excellenct in education, In
rebuildinc our ciliea Utt bnprovin& our
rural art.11, 1n protecUnc our environ·
mtnt and ...i-in, the quality o11ae."
A pled41e that government will llat.en
•·lo the i11jured voices, the a.nlious voices,
Jl'wt Dodp.. tw.1i al• 1 t • • 4' ~ r :
.. _ -alw9'1 ~pride In
their Individual ml eatlanal cndlbWt7.
We have rtcoplad lhllt men 1114 nations can be no better than their "1!1'd •••• The
cr1lil ol credlbillly In our Coftl1UJl'Jll
bu pvwn steadUy wone ...• one of lhe
fin! ~ ol the new adminiotraUOn will
be to ......,.e the publlc'• conOdence In Ill .,.._.. Thia can otJl.y he ac-""""'°' I by lt"Olina with !ht American
people, .. lher the -· ol the -It .... • bid. The -1< mllll bave the tniOI ... not bureaucratic rob-
• ,,
the voices that have despaired of bein4
he.ard .''
A challenge to Americans bi l}attn
more and shout less.
A challenge to Americ>rii, hidlviduatiy,
lo reacll out to their neighbors, "helplnf,
carina: •. doing."
A CllALLBNGE to Amer~ "to glve
life to what ls In lbe I~, to ensure. at Jut that as all are equal In
diplty before God , all If. born equa l
In dl&nity before man."
But the ideab and "the better angeb
of our nature" to whlcb Mr. Nb:on
referred must. alto ·be tranallted, on
maey occUiON in the nut four yura,
into -1fle propoul& to eon,...as and
IOlo spedfic executive decl&lon&. It I&
one thlDa to talk of • will..,_ "to
reduce ~ burden of arm;.i;·u will
be quilt another to ovorr~· ~ S
ud --ol the afllea In ~ llld the
dultrW atabllsbmeat ol w .
-warned In 1 !~w _.. u 1s -thlna YJI o1
"black a.nd white together, one ft!t
Uoo"; U will be another matter to fund
enforctment of ant1-discriminatlon laws
or to do :iw1y wll.h Lht caultll of ghettos.
TO QUESTIONS like these, another
four years remain roi Mr. Nixon lo
aive h1s answers. Right now II Is enouah
to -., that our new President hu bea:un
Judge Endorses School Bond Issue
To the Edllor:
~ impo~ of the February 11 bGD8 ellcUofi cannot be overemphasized. ram 1dviaed that at the present time
we have l-'>O ltudenta: on a part-time
!Ml ifl "" J~ar future this ~. SY!f~iVllO· GU . _ .&~lY of the product iiiile Qliillfy of the system
detuioralel, but the social problems
presented by this number o( part-time
1tudenta are very real lo me and very
Ai A Lt*O~ resident of the
Newport Harbor .!fU and one in a
position to see P.1t tragic results of
inferior educ;,t~ opportunities, I join
our city couftclla, our chambers of com·
merce. our @'t~a, our parent-teacher ~ps, our ~ce clubs, and all other
interested people lq endorsing this most
vital bond Issue.
J461e of Superior Court
§hpiro'• Firi119
To the Editor:
In the DAILY PILOT ol Jan . 30 I
itl~~~ MH~1~"di:~~ ~~ 111\,MldJl•l Ub him." This
ls a serious misrepreRntation of my
J said that the quesUon of whether
or . JIOt the Shf Plro dialnissal was
legiUiDili Or Do ~·liinge(f~ on whether
his scholarship had deteriorated, as alleg-
ed by th~ English Department, or whe~ Uil§ was merely an excuse,
the real reaaon being "~hat he was
an oddball, etE.," as Shapiro has claimed.
SINCE I AM NgT a membe r of the
Engliah De:partmeltlt I am not in 1
position to make -judgment on the
matter, and d!d riot do so on Wednesday.
1 did ~~ the point that the one
action Utii could have resolved lhe,ques·
tilffl, submitting Shapiro's work to a
group of outside es.perts, was not taken.
This was particularly crucial in
Shapiro'• case, since he claims that
the members of ~i1 tfepartment are
lltjil!I! 111 ti)' 1*1 Qf wort he ~ doing ~-~ lli@@ l!t l)lerefoce. of ap-pr-II ~~!I Y•IJ ·
lf!uB F ADJJRE to take the onl y step Ut;i could have cleared the air. points
up the lnjustice of a 1y1tem that provide.s
ne 1'fiMr Jf'lll'llllm I• a man fired
befort bein& considered for tenure.
Rtadtr R1iter refers to the co11tf'O-ver.t~ at Ufiiv1rsitv of California,
Irvine aver the lltf71lination of Dr.
Stephen A. Shapiro'• ~pntract a.t an
as.ri!tant professor of ljnglish.
To lh!! i!dltot , .
~:' t/cur news •
story of the recent
~--B11 Geo1'9e ---,
R·c~· l&ot• i set in the
new spapers
rnoltly. Most of you guya ls stupid.
But l'U try anythln&. Answer!
Dear J, M.:
Well, W'lth your qualificati on!i,
perhRps you could get a good paN
1n Tarzan movies, Do you like
bananas! They can alway.s usr
• aood Cheet>h.
\Send your problems tn Gtorge:.
I.ht nat1om No. l Worrywart.)
Letters fr om readers are welcome.
Normally writers sliould convey their
niessage in 300 words or less. The
right to condense letters to fit space
or eliminate libel is Teserved. All
letters mu st include signature and
mailhlg addrtss, but name! may be
withheld on Tequeat if sufjicie1lt rea-
son is apparent.
Business and Profess ional Women's
.speaker on abortion :
If the doctor who spoke to tbe BPW
is to be taken serioWlly, then I foresee
a return to the Naz.i era of sterilization
of "und esirables" (deterrriined by a state
approved board, of course), and outright
murder of the "unfit'' •.. mentally,
physically, or politically.
Dr. Hansen, Santa Ana gynecologisl.
urged wom$.(I to unite to push passage
or a Jaw -permitting abortion of an
unwanted child.
THIS I ASK : unwanted by whom?
Has the father been consulted? The other
ch ildren in the family? Has the unwanted
baby been asked if he minds being
done away with in the name of progress?
Then, too, I wonder if Dr. Hansen
would nei:t urge the passage of a law
(in the name of progress) perrniWng
doing away with children who were
u n w--a n l e d after birth. I notice
he suggeat.s that murder of I.be unborn
should be done fairly by placing "the
decision with the v.·oman and her physi·
cian where it belongs" (his words).
Perhaps the doctor has come up with
the answer to all our unwanted problems:
the teen-ager on dope, the child who
doesn't like school, the p re g nan t
daughter. etc., etc.
Disapproves Book Ba11
To lhe Editor ;
As one of the cre1vmen of U1e landing
ship USS L.SM 140, ordered into the
invasion fleet that was to assault the
Japanese main islands in 1945, I'd like
to express my strong disapproval o(
lhe banning of John Hersey 's book.
"Hiroshima," from one or our county
Our landing ship. carrying tanks and
Marine infantry, sailed from San Pedro
in the summer of lHS for what was
lo be the last and certainly bloodiest
invasion of all time.
We know now that the two atomic
bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and
Nagasaki brought about the immediate
unconditional sumncler of J a p a n .
Overnight lhe war ended. The feared
lnvasion never came oft Our ship put
b1ck Into port at San Francisco and
WITHOUT A quest.ion, thor!e two
catastrophic demQnStr atlons of our pe:rftl'
saved many lives on both aides, problbly
mine included (we'll Just t6rget, for
the moment, about I.he people under
the bomb.I). But al the war·s end, the
only lhoUJht In our minds was that
nothing like the oroeal of that 1var
should ever take place on earth again.
Since then , I've always 1,1,·ondered how
lhe Japanese got a Tojo. And \li'hy lhty
kept him. How did the Germans get
a Hitler~ Why didn't they throw out
tilt Hitler governmentt How did the
Russlam come by a monster like Stalin?
LOOKING BACK, no one can dispute
lhal one of the . tellS(ln.<; l ho at' 1 governments got as far u they did
wu Ullt the poor. deluded popul1Uons
were victims of almost complete systems
of thought conlrol. The people were not
only kept from learning, but encouraged
not to think out.Bide their small, specializ-
ed jobs.
What Is beginning to worry me here
is that a man who ought to know better
can take a Pulitzer Prize winning
author's book out of a school library
and defend his action by saying he's
helping protect the interests of those
whose lives were saved by the atomic
Acts like that are what started the
\vhoJe shooting match off in the first
place! And J'd be lettin& down all the
boys we left overseu if I just sat
around and kept quiet.
T11ran11ical ltfaater
To lhe Editor:
1 have li ved almost 2S years within
a fJl>.mile radius of Newport Beach. Dur·
ing tha~ period 1 hfve noticed one
oul.5tanding feature concerning the quali-
ty ot life if) the ~a : It bu deteriorated.
Not too many years ago, orange trees
flanked the length of whit ii now the
Newport Freeway. It may have taken
longer to get to Orange, but your eyes
didn't smart from the smog. The orange
trees are now few and far between.
In 1959-«>, I kept a little horse in
a field off Irvine Avenue by the Back
Bay. Red-wing blackbird s and
meadowlarb abounded in the marshes
and fields . Now houses and cars abound ,
and the birds are no more. My boys
will never know the joy of cantering
along the edge of the water.
THERE USED TO be an old railroad
track that ran through West Newport.
There was a k>t o( open space around.
Now there are etreets, houses, and cars.
Life was a little less C(lostrictin& then.
During the last two or three yean.
I have read with intertst the pros and
cons of subjects such as the location
of the Coastal Freeway, the deve:lopment
or the Back Bay, and the control of
airport noise. All of these have been
and continue lo be probleIDJ which affect
the quality of life.
NOW ONE OF OUR last open spaces
Is under attack in the name of con-
venience. While there might be -some
logic for a marina off Wesl Newport,
I can see no reason for a four-lane
beach highway. TbLI Idea attacks the
symptoml instead of the causes of the
problem. I wonder who Is IO foolish
aa to believe that it would end the
traffic congesUoo forpver.
I want to mike, a different proposal.
Why don't we ouUaw the use of privat e
automobiles on the pen!naula ? I lhink
we should build our city for people,
not for cm~
YOU MIGJrr SAY il is Impossible.
I don't think'°' Thia·wealthy community
could ctrt.a1nly afford a system of mul11~
story parklnc lots "" the mainland ends of Balboa and Newport Boulevlrds.
. Publlc trwportatlon could lben connect
the lots lrfib the ends ol the peninsula.
Stop a minute and think what this
could mean to the lnhabftanb and
vlsUon to thll am. Sure, there would
be some inconvenlcnt'es. You would pro·
bably have to leave boml a fe'' minutes
l>r. Doualu C. Eagleb1rt, St.anford
Rtltal'd hldtlte -"With computerl'I
1•e hope to help man do better what
be. dot! -perhaps by as much as
20 perttnl ·•
earlier to reach a desti nation. but your
children and grandchildren would be able
to play in safety ; you would actually
be able to hear the sounds of the seashore
again; some of ou r congested. st reels
could be converled to greeri grass,
flowers and trees; every home could
have a garage-sized playroom.
PERHAPS THEN WC \'/OU\d develop
more of a sense of community as people
got to know each other better.
Think about it, won't you? I sincerely
hope it is not a law or our civilization
that a situation must become unbearable
befoI'f! a change is instituted.. I feel
that a great deal loo much valuable
space is presently being wasted on a
noisy. stinking, and tyrannical master,
the car !
Forget the F ree wu11
To the Fditor:
Tonight your headline says "Freeway
Talks LeJd Nowhere." The mail bri ngs
word or a new school bond vote Feb.
11. Why not forget the freeway of which
v•e have too many and use the gas
tax money for cement schools? If not,
\Vhy not? San Francisco refU!led the
Embarcadero freewa y -why can't we?
•Put llp u Reef'
To the Editor:
I wish you would print this leUer
in your editorial section so lhat the
Newport Beach City Council will read
it. I am concerned about what will
happen lo our beaches if there is a
marina put up. The beaches will be
ruJned for su rfers and body su rfers and
will be good on1y for three-year-old kid~
and grandmothers who like lo sit in
two feet of water.
THE REASON they mighl be abl t
to put up the marina is because it
would stop sand erosion and no on~
cares about surfers. The marina is not
needed but to stop sand erosion is a
need, so I say put up an artificial
Done properly, this would better surf.
Ing, fishing and skin diving and stop
the tand erosion.
TIRS IS .\.PLAN g( Ric~ .. ~L~rrer ~T.~l~~llr. =:.~ ::i ii:'Call::..ru. Department o! Paro
@nd ll<Crea»!lll advisory board.
11i'1.9.tl' lC'~m~
1t ~ ~k lnto the matter. Jn my
oplnioo, !!!~ would ~lier, ~ West
rlewport •Hi [ir J!iofJ l)liiftA'!i"/!lb
A&e 12
Wl!!lnesdllj', ,February 5, I~
tM 'fflrjiJ,,. •I "" ll!!!r ft~ib ~ 5'1 ~.; " ·1111rr ... end lil1fdficcoct. br prootiii,,o c
farum for. U.. ui>rr•lion t1f
011r rtaders' opinions, and by
prtst"nting thr dfverse tiiew-
polnU of . lnfonntd observeri
ond ipokUflW'n on topica of th1 dcr.
Robert N. Weed , Pu blisher
I ,
Traffic Injuries Cut Dramatically • Ill
• Sirens ..,..._ almoot four timeo
daily In Co.u Mesa durinl 11161, as
poi!<e. foged 1,54$ traffic acddenl> -
falaJI to fenderbendera -but the
resUJUna lnjuriea dropped dramatically.
Not slnce 1961, when the town was
1maller. by 30,000 persons, have there
betn fewer injury accidents involving
a smaller number ()( victims.
1'be total accident picture was also
cut bact 10.7 percent. lowest ln five
Statislics ~ be dry reading, but
bebind each number of the 12-m.Onth
chart lies a personality, that or a
neighbor or perhaps a member of one's
own immediate family -or one's sell.
Costa Mesa Pollce U . Harold Fisher.
chief of the Tri.fllc Bureau, has compiled
a mass of data coocernlng 1951 action
on local streets and highways, plus the
reasons behind It.
Judicious enforcement of city traffic
laws, based upon changlng monthly
. trends and ~problems holds the key to
the eight-year record dip in injury acci-
dent.s, studies show.
A total ot 310 injury accidents, H.7
percent lower than any year since 1961.
were logged, hurting 409 persons. a 32.3
percent drop in numbers since the same
Fatalities were down by only one vie>
lim oyer the prior year, a 12.S percent
reduction, not impressive except when
Oil Oozes Ashore
Santa Barbara Harbor, Be(lches Mired
'SANTA BARBARA -City,. state and
fed~al agencies today Jought •desperate
and bing battle against a· tDass.ive vii
11ick that oozed intO Santa Barbara's
750-boat harbor vvernight and lapped
'Tbt oil. gushing up from an uOOersea
wtll 1n federal waters five miles out,
wu. blown by offshore winds onto a
* * * Aepeal to Nixon
five-mile stretch of beach!ront west of
the harbor.
"It's a real mess,'' said Bruce Jackson,
ranger at the Arroto Burro Beach just
west of the harbor.
"It came in pretty heavy last night
and this morning· and as far as I can
see there's slick right up on the sand,
right up to the rocks."
Scores of beachfront resident.. were
Newport Will Demand
Extension of Sanctuary
01 lie IHlll• f'M Sltft
.·-pod·lltldl wm -the old II
-and federal ~J'Mi.... Blcbard M. Nilcm -to prevent
ropdltioll al tbe Santa Barbara oil pollu-
,-~ ~ here, Mayor Doreen
'JllHgD oilil today.
A CJty Council molulion -beinl
*·* *
Local Beaches . '
Vulnerable to Oil,
But Bays 'Safe'
Orange Coonty's open beaches -from
SUI Beach to San Clemente -will
k .wlnerabte to oil floating down the
ctillomla coet from an ollsbore drilling
stt.e ·near Santa Barbara, but a string
II of ·•lop could keep the ·putrid crude
oil out ol Anaheim Bay and Newport llir!>«, county officials said today.
N'ewport Harbormaster Al Oberg said
I the <OUJ1ty Harbor Department has plans
1 '~ think would work effectively if we iver. have an oil slick threatening the
bar6or." .
Preaumably, the same means -a
stririg of 'ogs or telephone poles across
the barbOr entrance -could be used
at Anaheim Bay, the outer harbor leading
iO the waterways of Sunset Bay and
l!Dnllngloo Harbour. Crude oil from the huge oil leak from
• Union Oil Co. offshore drilling rig ~ bas entered Santa Barbara bi.rbcir caming evacuation of boaters. . Ol>eri said that the log lltring method
•11 put to use in Newport Harber once
ill recent years. "But the oil never
nllde it to the harbor entrance. 1 believe
tt' WU •. tanker spill off Huntiqt.on
Beadl oeveral year> "I'·" TIM lw'bor would fare milch better
tllaa the city -H oil lficb
-ed tbe Orange Coast.
prepared calls for extension of the Sbell-
CUnnfn&bam Act's oil s a n c t u a r y
safe-di Into fedora! waten, sbe said.
U•"""-11 eamk:il aJllll"9Yl.I of the
resu.-11eq 3 a~.
Vlce MaJO< Lindaiey Panona, who
!nltlolly iropoled the councll action, said
he 11 '*1aln of Wbite Bouse support
of the city'• requesL -
... Imagine President NiJ:on wou1d be
very much in favor of signing such
a bill, inasmuch as he is a fonner
resident of Orange County," said
Mayor Marshall agreed. "The Presi-
dent certainly bas personal knowledge
of our area and the resu]t of the tragedy
off Santa Barbara,'' she said.
The city's concern about drilling
beyond the Sbell-Cmmlngbam Act's three--
mile limit arbes, according to the mayor,
from two aources:
-The fact that Santa Barbara's waters
are also included in the state drilling
prohibition, but the oil slick is bubbling
up from federal waters five miles from
-Information that oil companies in
recent months have been conducting
offshore explorations in federal wat.ers
off the Orange County coastline.
"It's now beyond question that the
sanctuary should be farG1er than the
three-mile limit," said Mrs. Marshall.
"If the federal government permits oil
leases four or five miles out, we have
DO sanctuary.
"We are verv much worried about
this." ."""' •
In addition to the council resolution
now in preparation, the mayor this week
will send letters to the county's Con-
gressional delegation, to Senators George
Murphy and Alan CraDJton and to In-
terior Department Secretary Walter
Hickel, expressing the city's opposition
to any federally sanctioned offshore drill·
The letters will request information
on the procedues followed b/' the Interior
Department in awarding oi leaseJ. "We
want to know whether we can ~
represented at hearings," said Mrs.
Marshall. "And we want to emphasize
our strenuous resistance to all efforts
to weaken the protection given us oy
the Sbell-Omningham Act." ,
on lilt beach picking up dead and dying
birds. "One lad," said Jackson, '.'has
a big garbage can and is trying to
save the live ones. I tell you, it's a
real mess."
The slick has completely contaminated
the harbor, the Coast Guard said.
A log boom, it was explained, had
been stretched acl'US! the entrance, but
the oil washed past it during the night.._
There were reports that the boom had
"Every boat has got oil on il,"' said
an editor with the Santa Barbara News-
Press. "There's very lltUe that's being
done, that can be c!:::nc. Yesterday,
machines blew straw on the beaches
here in the hope that it would soak
up the black muck. But the straw didn't
work. It was just carried in with the
Coast Guard spokesmen said the
southern end of the 60()..square mile slick
at noon today was 20 miles south of
Santa Barbara, opposite Pita'• Point.
That is about 90 miles north of Newport
Two workboats plowed through the
Santa Barban harbor this · m·omtng
spraying chemicals to brtak up the oil.
But u IDOi\ u gape were formed, the
oil quietly closed in on them.
Dozens of people living"aboard vessel.II
were evacuated last nJght because of
the !ire hazard, which has since diminish-
ed , according to the Coast Guard.
Meanwhile, Santa Barbara residents •
were taking oil..soaked birds to three
treatment centers in the ciiy. AA of
this morning, 163 birds had been brought
in. Ninety-one of them later died.
Santa Barbara County o f f i c i a I s .
everywhert were enraged by the
disaster. Said one:
"It's too early to estimate the damage,
but it will be substantial. This is, after
all, a tourist area. Our main indwitry
is ,tourism.
"For that reason, we've never been
friendly to the oil interests. But Ventura
County, on the other hand, ha& been.
Their big industry is oil, so they won't
be as damaged by this.
"If thert's anything we 've learned it's
this: oil pollution doesn't respect any
political boundaries.''
Viejo Tee n Held
In Fire Bombing
A IS.year~ld Mission Viejo boy wa:r
arrested by sheriff's deputies Tuesday
in connecUon with lhe fire bombing of
two homes in the Aegean Hills area.
Deputies said they expect to arrest
two or three mort youths suspected
of being Involved in the Incident.
Minor damage was done to a home
at 25332 Pacifica Ave. Monday night
when a fire bomb was exploded against
the wall of the residence.
Earlier Monday. another fire bomb
was exploded ip front of a house al
25312 Justin Ave.
Dei)uties said they could discover no
motive for the bombings.
one conaid!rs whetber he m1cbt have
· been the equalizer.
Baffled Investigators on the other hand,
cannot undert1tand an o u &land ish I y
skyrocketing number ol hit-and-run
mishaps, up 19. 7 percent over 1967 and
consUlutlng 31.1 percent al tbe 1,515
accident total. ·
"Why,) don't know," said Lt. Fisher,
"'but thla is way, w•r out al proportion
to what it should be.'
"We like to let the people know about
Armed· Bandits Get $600
In Mesa's Latest Hold~p
A pair of con men using a television
bargain sale ruse robbed two garage
employes sent to make a '600 'deal
Tuesday in the third Collta .Mesa. armed'
holdup in a 25-hour period.
Bandits struck a motel fo.r: a $1,000
take Monday and robbed two men at
a private home o( $300 several boun
later. But the three jobs totaling nearly
$2,000 in cash loss all seem unrelated
police said.
Garage owner Richard E. Kelly, %8;
of 821 Shalimar Drive, told Officer.
George Webster ·that he was given a
telephone o£fer to buy several used
television sets Tuesday at f~·below
value. · '
The alleged department store exW;Jtive
arranged to meet two of Kelly's employes
behind 'a store in the South Coast Plaza
shopping. ceater to exchange the cash
and color television sets. ·
Raymond N. Grimes, 16S E. 23rd St .,
Costa Mesa, and William 0. Whitlock,
$ Dogwood Ave., Seal Beach, arrived
at the rendezvous and were flagged
down by a man named Marty ... police
Whitlock was told by the man to
wait in the truCk, while Grimes ·ac-
companied him around a corner, "he"'
a dispute followed over which to band
over first, the money or the sets.
The man idenWied only as Marty
then called a companion named Tqny
to arbitrate the exchange confilct, which
Tooy·did by allowing.an autnmaUc pistol
In • -hol.ster.
'"Oonlt ·.make· me .use· ft," .he wis
quoted ' as sayinf, at which time the
l600 exchal)ged hands . and Kelly's
employea left without the Uled TV at.I.
Detective Jim Stricklahd said today
that be had no new informatiQD to repo~
on the ~ ol. rebber:lea. eommltled Mon-
day, one" apparently a· random Jo.b and
the other a studied projecl
Twoi bandits . who apparenUy Mew the
Monday routine ol ttebanllnl dirty linen
and ban~ng wee,end r~~ stole ti.~
after' clubmg Mrs. Mary N, 'Edwards,
52, f1\aila8,ei' ·of the E~ecuUvi. ·swte·
A trio of robber1 •1ed byia.fout-mout.btd
ringleader wllb • stockin1. mast took
$3(IO Imm a ·market OWfle:r and 'cl~t
after knocking at the door of a home
late Monday Dlahl
Billy R. Kilgore, · U, and Gaey F.
Milne,· 20, were bound with corda and
tape In the living room arc 341. llllh
Place, after whleb the blacl:·lfoved l(UD'
man ~ his comparitons left.
Ni:Xon Reinove8
' ' ' • Pat:i;onage From
.Postal Positions
Robert Reed, bead of Newport's iilo-auanl depltll11elll. said at pr-. with
oWr problems existing on the beadles ...:.debrll and pollution by .ewaae-
''Tler• wouldn't be too much we could ..:. . ..,.He cited the tndiUonal 1'dlnlquea al
oeraplni up tbe black crude with· earth movin& tq\dpment and cart.lng it away.
He said ibet H ....,..,11 and wlndl
w ... to brinl 90llle al the Santa Barbara a.-! olI &lick to Newport Wiim,
..... !lope thll tbe gov<mm<nlal eotlU..
up dhe -~ do oometiWlc aboUI
H -with us."
Cigar~tte ,Ad Ban Proposed Nixon Wednesday announced lmmedlate
removal of all postmuter and, nirat m,u carrlm 1ppolntmeJlll fl!"D llOlillcll
patronage, abofisbhlg a .,-. lllot .ho&
extsted since the days· al llenJllinfn
Franklin, the first pootmutel' -Ill.
' He also posed the lradltional log jam
ljluY of 11emJDing the driR al oil
dlcb, "but oo much depencil on tbe
.. e would bave_an awfullf hard time
a;,,pMs the lop ..,.u.er. lei ·-~~ :f.i the oil from alGolllng ...,, he
· ~ u'\d that thin crude oil, "perhapo
11 thiclt 11 dioael fuel, would talc< much
'Joopr to drJ oat .... -than the Ulick. tar-iii« ell Ihle wuba ubcn
In the bl( clumpo. 'lllal'• the type that
. would be easier to remove."
FCC Votes to Prohibit Adve i:tising on TV, Radio
Communications CommJuion v o t e d
Wednesday to propose " ban llainst
cigarette advertlalnc on televillon and
The FCC Jt.selt planned to make the
formal announcement later in the day.
Coogru&ioual IOU1'Ctl Wd tbe vote for
lbe propo.ed ban wast to 1.
Sm. Pront· E. Mou (D-Utah l, II.Id
the FCC declalon w11 in. Une with
!lralaa be nad .propoaed In the Senala
At that time, Moss said the present
liw requiring a warning on cia:arette
packages, that' smoking may be a hawd
to tbe health, should be allowed to die.
Mou originally supported the labeling
requlrement when legislation was passed
in 1915 but said it bad prevented the
FCC from placlnJ re:trictions on clgaret·
te advertising.
The Fre'1 proposal to ban cigarette
advertlllng oo radio and telev!Slon would
have to be publlahed in the Federal
Re11.ster and could not take effect untU
a later date.
Tobacco companies depend primarily
on television and radio for Uletr a~
ln 1087, the moat recent year for
which filUl'es were a,v.U.ble, '311.1
million wu spent Oft -cl&arette a~
vertising, includ.Jna: me.t million for
television commerclal!l 11nd Sl7.S million
for radlb comm<'1"''~~~
The warning labeling oow reqwred
on cigarette packs . rods: :·Caution:
Clgaretla 11110kln& mil' be hawdOllJ to your health.•• •
Nb<oa, , making the ~men(
jduiUy · 1t • -Uie Wblte -' with
P-er <l<Retol ·-<"M; 11-.
aild,-"• -·-poolaf·PolieY~ '
IUCh I~ ~ be "'"" ll!"ilr open campetlUvt, uam!noilqa with llie
top qualUl,en.getll.:,::~· , ;
The Prealdent c thil -may
be .. --al· .pellllcol mlstance to . bl1 plan, but. be • aid;
"thil Js ·t.bl thne, we ~beBne, to •blte
the bulleL"
"Appolntm<nt .i the belt man for
each job ellmlnita tile p o 11 H r " I
patn>nage lyltem and the lldmlnlllratioo
al l'rol!de111. l\fchard llllotl ·-to lnltitute 'the new pr t c 1 d .o,r.••' im-
modl1ialy;!' 8-NkMn•• ~.
Hajhy Days ~Back
To :Piag~~ Soggy
Orange Coast
' ' ' 1'be, wambig :lliot rtn a! new ~~-
ol·rain for the Orange Cout was1 fired
early.tod~, with the first assault .wave1 canr.i far·qbt and;'Mtunod11. : 1
A IUdden downpour which ended as
qufcldy-ar 11-bepn· drenched tbe eoaota1
area ·tor"rabout '151 mJnute!1 between· 1·
and 9 a.m .. followed by scattered clouds
lb blue 1ties:.:
But, more rain was · predicted • for .
tonlgbl, balfeted by g\llly winds and
l¢nging cooler · temperatures. T_ h ~
Weather Bureiu' Slid the rainfall' '
bJUly for 'Mtilri!fay.'wis I/)·~
The exieiided. picture lhoWs occaalooal ·
rain lbrough',Sµnday, with the',~·
dipping Into · the 50'•· on the .Orange. Coast. .
NEW YORK (Ai')1-Th< s1G9'market
clOled 111 · falrly ·ac!Jve 'tradlilg •afteli '
another mJ1ed-and-uncertaJn..lllli<m to.
day. (See quotaflol\l...Plll'-D. :t:IJ. -'
With final 1111""'"'" slfll'to bo'cotnp!ledj
tt was ~!'.""-tbe matlrol had registered a · aBgbl gainl or aiJialJ
Joss.·' ·' ,,
' ' '
Oruge, '(;oalJt
' '
r •
• • llolll Y PILOT c WllWtdl1, F ..... 5, t96t
Reagan Budget Ibcludes $26 Million for tJCI
MOltl CUI -eou.m .... r uatttc backs up on
'Jlrlltol Bh'W (foreiround) and P""-111 Road at
,Newport Boalevud In COila Mesa, wbere, only
1'11edlY· a WOlll8ll and her Infant IOl1 were Injured
DAILY PM.OT llMf .......
In rear .. nd collision. Despite growing traffic
volume, police enforcement tactics have sharply
reduced city's annual accident rate.
f.aptured Red .. -
.Documents Tell
·Big Offensive
..... 'tlln_
IW(lql -: C"«nnmfot documlnll cap-
tznd ID Ill four ......... or. Vlttiwn
havo ordered pn1llU to prepare .!or
~ flChllnc durlnl thll month'•
Tel lunar new yeu holiday, U.S.
In~ -.:u llljl today. .
The Saleoo pvermnenl today canceled
all mllllll'J Jum becbmlni Feb. 10
so that any offtnalve won't catch tht
.SOUth Vlatnamue army unaware u it
did last year.
The South Vletnameae rommand said
all 1overnment forcea would be placed
, ~ 100 percent restrfctloo and all,leavea:
)Ive canceled eflectlvo ... !NII! before
:"l'et, the lunar new 1ear whk:J\ ttus
'.)'ear falls on Feb. 17. That ,means that
. •ll troopm must remain at . their .duty
:·atatlom or at tbelr qimter'I around
· :cii. clock. ..
:)Joy Scout8 Camp
:;set Up at Court
., Top unit& from the OrlnC• Empire
-Boy Scout Cowidl wtll aet up camp
. lhla week In the Cmiuoef Court d South
·Cout Plaza in recognlUon ol National
,Boy Scout Week.
·-Scout Executlve Morrie Haq uld thet
·.i Jeut to unit& have alrudi-lndlcated
: that their patrol llqa would fly at
·~th Cout Plua wO.. Scout W1tk
. tt&rtl Friday February 7. Ila uld thet
: 1111 area Scoull are lnvflA!d lo participate.
Scout1 wW d'l"ono!rate ~ and
camping 11k.llls, including knot · tyln1,
JashJng, signalln1. compass, nm aid and
cooking. Scoull parllclpallnf In 1lle cook··
jng demonatraUon . wU1 rout a aide of
lomb on a lpll and oiler cookod portlorul
to UKIH who vlalt the locaUon at the
entrance lo the CtrouMJ Court.
DAiii Plllll
lelt.,. N. 'W••'
l"•ulff"' •"" l'<*I~
J1c• I . Curley
YU P1nlctenl ..W O-el ""-"'
Th111111 IC11vtl ....
l~,..,., A. M1,111il111
Ptwl Nl1\f• 1 • ,,...,,,.... Olrlc'-
c .............
JJO W11f l1y ltf..t ' ' •
Mtlli11t Atltl_rt1u P.O. IN 116', tH26
~-NcwNrt fhtl>, nn w• .... ..,.,.,, I.•-IMM~! 2ft "'"'' ... ....... tl~ .... kWI leKll! -llfrl ,._
From Page I
program 1wing1 wfth the calendar or harm, or too little to bother Jeopardizing
the clock to fit foreseeable needs. hJs pocketbook. •
-.One addHJonal officer'• time 11 shUted Costa Mesa police pitrolllng under
"to traffic patrol duty durln1 the peak a revised holiday schedule gave :he
noon &o ·I p.m. accident lhift, ua1ng city a Cbrlltm.u present tn December
either selective or •at u rat 1 on en-of a 38.5 percent drop over th"'e 19&1
forcement, u ordered. period ln injury accidents, wlth 40.6
SaturaUon cona1sta of hltUna a problem fewer peraon1 hurt.
area IO bard that it actually correct.a Dectmber and January, known as dark
itaelf. . months, have their own particular ac·
summer weather brings s e..v_u.e_ cident·factors, including drufik drlver.s.
Newport Boulevard traffic congestion · to point out a problem area, while lat~ HAS.DISCRETION
fall 1hrouda the Oran1e Coast In cottony Under the more frequently observed
fog which many drlvm 1lmply Ignore. se\ecUve enforcement program, a
DRIVING HABITS patrolman has the discretion to Issue
.. , , a citation or merely warn an offender There a a failure to adjust drlv1n1 on his vehicle code vlolation.
habits to fog and rain and peo~\e must Certain situations may somewhat
realize that under ~ prim~ fa~Je speed soften an officer's attitude. such as Ume !w, they can ~.11ven a c1ta~on ~ase<I of day, rate of traffic and Ute like,
aafety conchtions at the time, Lt. such as in a case of boulevard stop
Fisher Mid. sign running.
h.ne 9'CO¢ problem •tea concern1 One~partlcuJ.ar class can expe<:t little
it-and-run accldenl;!. with 482 reported, sy mpathy _ the patenlly careless or
200 of ~m on private property, such th e criminally ignorant dri ver.
as shopping center parking Jots.. . "I didn't see the-red-light -ll \Vas
No _matter what type of premises, unintentional," Lt. Fisher quoted the
motorists are required by law to leave often·heard plea. n~e and a_ddress on ti:" unatte.nded "It was too foggy to see the 35 mile
veh•c!e followmg any collision, Lt. Fisher per hour speed limit sign," said another ~~tly, the shamed fender·bender motorist, cited last Novemtx;r for doing
offender may limply raUonallze the ~:~e.:s per hour along a mist-shrouded
mllhap 1"11 by auum.lng he did no "This man is the most dan1erou1 of-
' fender of all," the traffic bureau chief
noted. Mesa Store Owner
Loyd Johnson
Buried at Yreka
A Costa Meu 1porUng goods it.ore
owner who died M~ay ln a aanltarium
In Orange after a lon1 illnes1 was buried
today following Yreka, Calif. fUneral services. -
Loyd E. Johnlon, Ill, o1 1888 Royal
Palm Drive, had Uved In Costa Aiesa
for 12 years prior to hill death, both
owning •lor" and working In l]JOrllJ1i goods shopa:, friends aaid,
Sunivtn Include hll wUe Dorothy,
a teacher at Ptuldlo School ln Co5t.a
Mesa, and a brotber Paul, of Yreka,
whe:rt the burial was echeduled in
Evergreen Cmietery.
~ir. Johnson was a membe.r of Lions
International for 22 years and had served
as president, zone chalrman and depuO-
district fQVernor for the aemce club.
lie wu also a member of the Com-
mlncleey:, lhe Shrine, Order of the
Eamm Siar and Order nl Amaraoth.
-tr -tr
Mesa Woman,
Infant Injured
In Auto Crash
A Costa Mesa woman and her Infant
boy were injured Tuesday when their
car wu struck from behind as both
vehlcle1 Involved slid to a stop for a
traffic light.
Patricia A. Breithaupt, 19, of 365 La
Perle Place, and her 111-week~ld son
Ben, were treated at Costa f\fesa Hos·
pita! for minor injuries and released.
Mrs. Breithaupt was slowing for a
Jef tum pocket tn northbound !ants of
Newport Boulevard at Bristol Street,
when the afternoon crash occurred.
Dean C. James, 11, of the Southern
California College men 's donnitory, 2525
Newport Blvd., said he tried to st.op,
but his car skidded into the rear cf the
Breithaupt auto, jarring the driver and
flinging the baby to lhe floor.
Sirhan Jury Sworn In;
Alternates Now Quizzed
four women and tlaht men WU SW'OR
In todO)I to try the cuo ol the people
v1. Simao lot the rmm1er ol Son. Roborl
F. Kennedy .even montN qo.
Tba paMI otoOd In the jury Im wltli
llpralled handa while the oath wu fn. -· Tba ~oo and def-.......,,
then bt1an tsamJntni p t o l p e c t I Y I
allemate jlll'otl. Sa ll1llll be .-0.
The delonclant, Simao B. Strbail, lmll·
ed and chatted with hla ......t wben
the aumll1lnl btpn At ..,. point he
bent""' -legal document" Tiii llnl al-Jurw lo .be que,.
Uoned wu Warren H. W11lls, an aircraft . '
maintenance foremen for United Air
1'tie questioning was along the same
linea; as that of the regular jurors, which
often foett5ed on the person's atUtude
toward !lie d .. th penalty.
Tile trial reached a dnmaUc hilhllght
Tueaday when Mary Sirhan, tho defen-
dant'• mother tutlfied 1boot the ud
state of the flnancu ol her lmmSgrent
fam.11,y, Her voice wu lo"lf, at Umn
a whilper, but she emphulzed ahe was
not uking for pity.
The mother of Sirhan 11w pity In
the eyes of the courtroom spectators
and she didn't like it.
• * '* * Governor Tells VC Irvine ~IA Biggest
.. ' .
Of Tax Slice County -Sharti of Bzidget
In TV Briefing
SACRAMENTO {A.P) -Gov. Reagan
began the job today of selling his $6.23
billion budget and $100 million, cne-time
tax cut to legialaUve criUcs af(er telling
people his fiacal plant In an unpr~
cedented television briefing.
ProJ'.lOSing the first state income la1
cut alnce W~rld War II, the Republican
grivernor told a statewide trlevision au·
dlence Tueaday night, "l believe we
have started what we hope will be a
Other budget 1tor11 Pag• 6
new trend in government finances ." He ·
also called for continuing $280 million
in previously approved tax cuts.
"We have brought the state from the
brink of insolvency," said Reagan, who
was ahown on film in his Capitol office,
flanked by fiscal charts designed to
simplify the complexities of atate finance
for the average viewer. No governor
has ever before unveiled his budget on
UC lrvlne'1 share of 118.J mOlloe II
the biUfilit Orange O:IUnty aBOcaUOn
in Gov. Rea1an'1 $1.1 billion state budget.
for IJD.70. - .
Fairview Stale HOspltal ' 1n Colla
Mesa II IO ~let Ill.I lnllliCllt ·and
Cal Stele Fullerton 11 lolretalve llU
The. 1ovemor'1 bUdlet allo .u.ta
1247,500 I<>< the o!ale'a ·ahatt ol beach
erosion cootrol Work IDd ., a $111,509
subsidy le>< lurthtr da..,pllll llO acres
of Mjlo Square Pi,k.ln FCIUll~ '{alley.
UC! Vice Chancellor for BilalnOal end
Finance L. El. &< uld lie.,.. bu
allocated the tiniVenltf IW 'than re:
quested but lhe cut ls not so great Uiat
planned enrolllqtnt will have to be
cut back.
"II means stretcnJng me rubber band
a little Ughter with larger clasa atses ·
and some late-hour clan 1ebedullnc."
he~d. ,' ~. Col said the campus had requested
$23.2 million in operating fund& but was
.Uocated '!St aitDlon. · ,.
.. 1You. knoW, y<M! neVv get enouih,
he remarked. "But you alto can Took
at h tho! this I! a IO percent lricr<ut
from last year."
He said UCI will be" •ble to hold
its projection of students for next yw
at 4,l80 without iil1 fec!uctlqm. Oimnt
enrollment ii J,500. ' ·
The campus "a' lf&nted 31 new
faculty polit!OQI out nl ft requested.
UC! now baa 280 faculty memberl.
The result,. Cos nid, wW be to mov•
the present :II lo I !luden~laculty ratio
closer to the ulUmate 21 to 1 for a
fully.-develOJ)ed UC campus.
"Tbt govefnor Is moving us faster
than we wanted to,>' he said.
As a still relatively new campus, UCl
cannot fill up all courses it would like
to crfer. It also is desired not t.o lo.ad
profes!Ors new to the UC system with
large numbers of studentl, CoI said. Also in the governor's budget for UCI
la $3.S million for an administration
bullding $1 milllcn for utilities and site
work ~d $71),IXXI !ot medics! school
The man who may oppo6e Reagan
Jor re-elecUon In 1970, Ass em b I y
DemocraUc Leader .Jesse M. Unruh,
replled "he has failed - totally and
completely -to cut state spending."
For the first time in years, there's
a major surplus in the budget -$247 .3
million caused by Inflation and past
tax increases -and providing enough
for the tax cut. And for the third straight
year, lhe economy-minded governor sub-
mltted a budget that provides for no
new major programs and slashes the
approprlaUon requests of the University
of Callfornla and the state colleges.
Shantytown Apartments
Called 'Public Nuisance'
That's likely to draw p1·otests from
edi.lcators who say the governor's past
economies have damag ed the quality
of higher educaUon.
But hJa ta1: cut is expected t.o draw
cheers from income taJpayers who would
be permitted to deduct 10 percent from
their tu bills in the 1970 elecUon year.
County Backs
New Newport
Freeway Route
Orange County superviso r s
voted Tue!day to :support realignment
of the Newport P'teeway Utrou1h
downt.owl'I. Costa Mesa to one of the
propcsed routes paranenng Superior
County Road Commilsloner Al Koch,
who suggested the resolution, pointed
out that the highway commisslon had
agreeu to reopen the questlor. of the
route between Bay Street in Costa Mesa
to the Pacific Coast Highway.
Supervisor Alton E. Allen said both
Costa Mesa and Newport Beach had
agreed on the new 81ignment.
A Highway Comm16sion hearing on
the route change will be held Feb. 18
al the Orange County Fairgrounds.
Highway olficials have indicated that
any route supported strongly by both
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa would
have an excellent chance of beillg
Whlle Newport has officially supported
the alternate route, Costa Mesa's action
to date has been ooe of not opposina:
a reopening of the route question.
ArgulJ1i the relevance ol crlmlnal
versus civil law hat !ailed !or a Victoria
Street property -owner wbo now hu 30
days to rebuild, destroy, er _fight the
clly or Ccsta Mesa ever the 11SUe in
The rental units at 286 and 288 Victoria
St., were officially declared a public
nuisance by the Ccsta Mesa City Ccuncil
~1onday In a Jong, quasl ·judiclal hearing
en the case.
Newport Beach attorney Galvin R.
Keene represented owner Paul Gardner,
3025 Donnybrook Lane, while City At·
torney Roy June guided the city's case.
Alleged building and safety code viola-
tions and a 12-year history of pOlice
activity ranging from a murder arrest
to traffic violations drew objections lroin
"The policing of this property Is ir-
relevant and not germane to thia hearing
and I would object If it is permissible,"
Keene declared u Police Chief Roger
Neth prepared to apeak.
June offered the opiftlon, however, that
a connection does el:ist between crJme
and low rental areas.
"That means 10 ahead, Chief," said
Mayor AJvln L. Pinkley .
Followin1 Neth'a data complied from
pol.Ice records since 1957, much of it
involving narcotics and juveniles in re-
cent years, Councilman George A.
Tucker suggested it might indeed be
irrelevant to the hearing.
Earlier, Deputy BuUdlng Inspector
Dean Dorris told of several alleged viola·
lions, from aubata.ndard wlrlng to un-
vented stoves, below-minimum lighting
requirements, a crumbling foundation
and other defects.
Under quesUontng by Councilman
Willard T. Jordan, an architect, Gardne1
said he hu accompliabed much of the
work ordered by the city Nov, 21 in
a 12-polnt letter detalling offemes.
Some of the other major violaUona
such as stove venUng were corr«ted
On .
y, le t. • D Th•'""'"''°"'_ .. Q n lne $' Oy., • "Omog•w•tch~IJ\o
in 1957 in the SS,IXXI JOb of brin&lna:
the nine units up to :st.ate standards,
he explained, but others atill remain.
His attorney argued, however, that
no one front the city has l!llipected
the property since the Nov. 21 order
to comply, but Dorris .said no building
permits have been requested and much
of the work requires permlta.
"All the heck they are, are ahac'ks,"
declared Councilman William L. St. Clair,
"I don't see how anyone can live there.
I think it's a public nuisance and I'll
so vote."
"I think everyone agrees this is no
ht es a Verde," Gardner's a t t or n e y
declared before lhe unanimous vote was
taken, "but you sl50 have narcotics pro-
blems and juvenile problems in htesa
"Surely you would not order a property
owner there to tear down lib house,"
Keene added, "I believe Mr. Gardner
will bring his units up to standard,
and be certainly uy1 he will."
"Is that economically !eaaible?" St.
Clair asked, nollJ1i that Donia, who
has conducted extensive tnveatl11lions
at 286 and 288 Victoria St., aald it
seems virtually irnposaible to dtt.
"You cannot tell Mr. Gardner how
to spend his money," Keene replied,
"you can tell him he must, but not
whether he should or should not."
June sald in responae to Mayor
Pinkley's question about G a r d n e r ' s
alternatives that he now has 30 days'
noUce to accomplish the work, but any
reasonable start In that period ls still
grounds for leniency.
"If nothing is done at all , then t
meet Mr. Keene in court and we to
from there," June said.
'This could le:ad to the city condemning
and levelling the unit!.
DiSCUMlon cf the cm Jan. 20, when
Gardner was absent with flu, resulted
in angry responae from wellare roll
residents of the '70-per·month rentals,
who declared they are poor but honest
and certainly not hlpple1 .
S . . h love thtt II upr ...... ay It Wit •"'"am ... ••"h undtr;oet mul1ipae an 0 quattty..conlrol chtc:Q to UIUN
'Day OMEGA """'"''"' dtpendlO/llty.
You C11n bt sure
11\9 Omtg1 )'OU ;tw
or rKtNt !flit
V•ltnllnt'a l;lay
will btcom•• proud uratlmt
""' .... of .. 0-wotollwfttbe
Nmember•d "'9fY
mlnlltl, """"hour,
""""day. Combining
"'"'.,..~Ind .OCUr.cy, MCh Onita• __ .. ...... '"',.. ... technai u111s or
1he nnese swm
Cl"lftemtn. s-ow
oow¥4•111 •l«:"tioft of°""O•"** .... .,.... 11ooa.
J. c. .Jlum,,~ 'J.-1.,
141C,.. .......... ...._ ................. ---...
' •
' I.
• • •
~ .. . •
y ..
" II
• I,
' ,.
cr . ..
D~\ 'I.LOT :z ...
' Men in S"ervice. Around World
Airman Harvey D.
Sml-, son cll llr."and Mlt.
H. Gall Srolthson o[ 7122 Rhine
Drive, Hunlington Beach, has
been .,.;gn,.i lo Sheppard
AFB, Tex. f0r training in the
wire maintenance, r.cld.
The airman is a l!IM
graduate of Marina HiRh
ScJlool and attended Golden
West College before entering
th9 service.
ahlpo ol the U. S. Seventh
Amjlhlbiella F-~I ,.. 11111
Marinea al tbe U.S. Seventh
Fleet. -. . .
Ciiio! 11-0 I.I:-Rlclllrd . E.
~. USN, 100 al Ervin '
ll !leltl!>&et Of Ooota M~.
is 1!.oanl the aubmirlne USS
Howard W. GUmore, Saii
Juan .. Puerto Rico. -...
. Pvl Clllrlet ,Ji.. Klm1k,
VSMC, SOil of Col . and ~.
Char)es Kimak of 1113 s.-t
ru·dge Drive, Laguna Beach,
graduated fronl eight Weeks
of recr\pt training at . tho
Marine Corps Re<;rult Depot,
San Diego.
tn Compaoy A., Inf BaUallnn
" lbe lod IJllulry_ l)j~·· %.1rd lnlantry at c-. mp
, ..... Allfr'n. ~ s.
R•m=t, USN, 100 .at Mr.
and Mra. Roberts. Roaenaat
cl 1~ La·ne ,
Newport Beach, II 1b0on! the
attaet'. aircrafi carrier . USS
T\'*!derpga off tho COii! of
Vietnam. . Ir
1 A graduate ol Newport
Barbor High Sc:11nol, 11185, the
seaman,1 20", attended Orange
po.at Collqe before enteriiig
tho setvice.
and Mra. w I IJ la m Cl
Scbwnano al 6901 Seoabore
Drive, Newport Beach b
parilclpoling i n Operation
Bold ldariner llioard tbe USS
Eldondo1 an ampblbioui forCe
Rockvjlle, Md. Ho wu oom-
mlalooed In 1117 -...,.. pletlon al tho • Alt ,._
Re8ene 001cen Tr a' Inf DI ..-.,
Clqahip. Tbe o per a t I on· · Two Oraace Cout 'nMlft
emphuim 'ICCOl«ated Vlei-iftpar)ed Pearl !iartlor lboord
n a m e 1 e pacification pro:. ~ attack alftraft carrier
grams. ' IJS!I Kitty Han tor. Ill IOUflh
cooaecuUve ·combat tour ln
Pvt. Garry M. Rlem; 1!>11. Vlaiiain • .,
ol Mr. and Mrs. M. Rierll;. They ire Dalal T..-iu
of Costa Mesa, has.,. as· J.C. Barrlt,!J'. J-.., aon ,of
signed lo Company B., 7l3rd Mt. Ind Mrs. . Thomu . A •
Miiltory P o ii c e Batlalinn, JoOp of Sii W11nut SI.,
Grafenwohr, Gernwiy. NeWpotl .Belch and AJnoa
A graduate ol Costa Mesa ~ WDllP.m. ni ol
Hiih School, llM, ho attended ;-Mn· and Mn. lloword WllJ..
Pvt. 1.C. Junes G. ""''· IQQ Oran1e Coul College 'before mown . al IO E. !Ith SL, · al WUllam F. Hull of 313 Santa entering the IOfY!ce. • • Colla Meia. • ._,JI• -_:'j,. --.· "4 fl , .· :./" : • • .,• hL 1.C. Rickey k. Mull,.> lsalkl, Coma Mesa haa· been A> a miiltory ~he. ~~ _., IZ, U.S. Anny, 11011 al Mr. assigned lo the IZnd Arli)lery Is a part al the largell MP ..:...... , --~ R. --
RI · · v~ Battallon In "'·--.____~ ..,.... •· ,,_,,, -·1..tf. "' . -h..::... , · N Seaman Mlclaatl L .l\len.ne, lllJ,d,Mra •. chard,E. Mad! AmericalDivision, n::lnam u """-")'<' ...,..~ 11 .,~--'••Mr -~ ~; 5: Pa c:k' ~enaniln, sbn..of ·Mts. Peter Varney of 10 via Ithaca, ew~ · USN, of 1475 Paclflc Ave., of 2163 llickory Place, Costa a cannoneer throughout Bavaria, Fran-u:.... '::' .. r:...":::-' _-..1 ·.,':!"'., • ·Ii<>lt l!j!ach, jJ ·...inii·u aeninr inediD JrilJi· Ille Mecllcal AdviM>ry Headquar· . Laguna Beach, ls participaling Mesa, graduated !Nm the zoo m. ~-Mrs. Eleanor conia, with ~--rs· lO ~. --· -PJtcoim :f_~a, 1th M~ .B&ti.alion; 9lh lnfantQ' DiVilon la the MeliOng Delta .. He is a in Operation · Bold Mariner-Infantry Division'• Advanced Hull lives in Torranet. miles from ~akia. . ,.,.....~~. ~U ~~~ bu been
'!Jraduale-ol 'J:i""1>9rt Harbqr High Scl\nol, · ~·· DUnng a twn day f!lission. in aboard the .amphlbioua force Combat ' Trainln1 Academy, • ~ uolped lo llDd Slpal Bat· .~ ~ote a~-pf Vie~ JtS senior medic:, aQd .two1tssi,stants treated 248 Viet· flagship USS Eldorado". Korea.. . . Se.1 ma a Rober i w. Alrmu_Jeffeey.~ a.rt, son ~,.,· !U&mA~~es:::e:_vi:!ll~.,.~~n,!;;·::;(•::_r..t:: i:0mmon::::;:::::;:,;:.CO:::::ld:,,_:a::b::.raat=:"nn:=!!s.!·a~n4::.::inl::ec:::::li::on:::s::_. _______ _:Other:::::· :..:uru='l!°'parti==·ci°"'pa=lin=· ,,&.:::ar:..:•_:·.:.-.:.P.Yl=·-.::M=•.::tlz:....:ls:....:a:..:·:.:rill:..:e:::ma=•-'..&:=.::"":::":..:'ann=,-'U:..:S.;.;N.:.. -'°"-of--'M-'-r_.1 • of Mr. and Mn. W~ ._ sPee .•. Slolin ii, a driver
Mi. , z Bolton of 2m Zell .'Drive, · In the Battailon's Company
• .. ' :=·:m1sse.s · ... '.
:~ tai·lored .. · . .. . ' -. .
~ i.• '\ >ili'JJ' •
. '
; ...
:~ .. ' . ' . ' . ' ,..._, ... Dacron• ,poly,ator/,.tt>n ron 11 ....
bfouns, ao versatile . to -wear with aH i)'Ouf sport
. clothes ~year 'round in .white· an~ lu1ciou_1: P!astel1,
'., ~w prjctd d11rint our DDllQ? Qoys as a ~u1 .
!. "''"'for our favorlt• ai"°'"orSI C...,. hOm• t-
·· :::J ~.t and~ vai"" by th9 ,armload in .m.U..1
1=-: brobn"iii:os: 32-38.
. '··
(Horbor ' Skopplng C.ntor)
. .,
S:at ·u r d a Y'
' , , b ' , men .s ,n oy,:s. _
shirts 'n· briefs
T~~s J/$1 ~~~~.2 ;122 or briefs Briefs ·
Stock up on 100% combad cotton T·1hirts and briefs for all the men
an.i boy1 in your. family whi18 •th•)"rf-bargoiri ~icedl In Whit•,
mert1·T-shirt1 itz.36-46, briefs; sim 3Q..42. Boy'•siiltl +16.
Toddl•' s .1ooYo . . . ,. '
cotton· shirts
Jf • '
value -,pri ced!
' . . . .
Whal. groat p(tc:o 16r 100% '""""
knit polo shirt• !or ,li)ile. Pocij.i.; In
auortod colon! lluy !"' ariofvl fw·
Ing Dollar Days and boj>hrn ...0
dreued m sins 1...fl ·1 J · ·~
!Huntington Center}
Laiuna Beach,. haa been c ...; Vfuh Lona· ·
assigned lo Keesler AFB, , · ~ ' •1· I ._1 .. ; .... ,. t .. •· . ""'" or .-.. Ill cam-,~...., Cpl 1l'l1llnl B.
· munlcatiom e 1 e c t r o n i c s .::z:-1 1 • ol the WUlia ' systems. .-,,~ r., IOO m
' The airman I! a graduate ~yu. Sr., ol: 1791 S.vt.lla ·en· ··ae~J of N•-rt .. ~,..;.,,. lllih A•• .. B""~ .a ... _.h. l OJ ., .. ,'!' ··--~ · ~ USMC t ls '~ wftb -the
: ~ . • _ School, 11161. · 'Flilt ~ .Aircflfl. Wini
AlWAVS 'FiRST·GUALITY -· 1 sp. B'..-1 L.~-~;.; inV .. ,,· :, '. ".
\>. JF111tioo._lsllnd)
son · ol. Mrs. Eileia . Belcher · . Alnllu . Mu.w ·i iii..:,
of !All.. HonolulU ~., l\IUI-ann ·ot Mr.'and' Mrs: -
Hngton Beach, haa b' e en L Fiabet o1 1753 Tultin A recognized for ~1ping 'hi5 unit • · ve.,
win the U.S. Air Force OuUtail· Coma }{,.., has arac!W!ted
ding Unit Award. " at Sheppard AFB, Tex., from
A security policeman 1n the the U.S. Air Force Instructors
!2nd Securtiy Police Squadrnn, Trainin& C<lllt1<. ' '
Ramey AFB, A I u a d i 1 l a , The alrtnln ls 1 ll'ad\llte Puerto R.ko, bi9 unit was cited of NewPOrt Harbor High
tor me~ achievement School, 1961 · , · ' from ""'JUiy 1987-June 1968. The
serge an( ls ··a~ graduate cir
Marina Hi&ft_ SChool.
PvL 1.C. Jerry J. Crandall,
21, whose borne is al ·21&7
Visla Entrada, NewpOrt Beach #
bs been assigned to the 9.1'1lh ·-
Engineer Group, Vietnam.
Pre. Crandall is a combat
Pvt.,Lellle A. Edwards, 22,
son of Mr. and Mn. Frank
FAWarcU of zm Placenlia,
Coota Mesa, has been assigned
to the 19th Battalion near Tam
"Quan, Vietnam as a combat
His wile, Olivia, lives at
%&41 Elden Ave., Costa Mesai ·
. Capt. Gory R. Hut,tehall, of
IZB7 Cliff Drlvc, Laguna
~acb, wu one ol. 18 Marines ·
feCelving the Distinguished
Flying Cross ·for Vietnam· ~·
tion during ceremonies held
at the Marine COrpS Air Sta.
tion El Toro.
Capt. HUtteball, &' pi!o"t oil
a TA-411' stybawk· dfrected at-
tacks for ai:J: hoµn on vehicles
and 1urfaoe-tcHir m I I I i I e
Jaimch aite.<J ind other · vital
tar'aetr, ·according to the. cita•
Sgt. -~ · Y. 1 Cna:0 11011 · of Mr. and Mrs. JuaD Cru
of 712 Hamilton· St., .,Cottf. 1 Mosa ' la ,.mna u aquad
leader in Company D, 3rd Bat·
lalion of the 251h • Infantry
Divlsloit'I llnd !illanlrj/near
Tay Nbih, Vietnom. -
The •geut hu received
the ..C om b at Inr.,atllJnln
Bad1e. He II I gradual& ol
Tumon lligh School, Tamun·
liig, Gualn, 1113. . ·
lladlelll.· USN; lOl1 ol Mrs.
Mary Rudlcill al z:m PJaeen.
tia, Costa Mesi, 'Ji a I
graduated ~ N.~ weeb
al . ~lilng 11 tho ;')lrnl
Trainllig Center, q-~ .
' Pvt. · !.C. Joseplo W •
Mc!ilV1ey, ol · 1721l ·<Jol!>ard
St.," Huntington Beach, is terJi.·
ing .wllh the Thi;d.-Mariiil
Division in SOuth' Vl~tftam. ,'
The prjv~l.e'>. baltilljlO ~~·· been . conducling aweep ind
clear ml,osiot11 ib,roqboot )he
five . m·ost oOrthern · provinCes
Ir. Soulh Vielliain.
Two cOrta Mesa ,mCn" are
In Gennany taking poi!; In
lhe miiltary .... ,11e Bpforpr
Lt. Col. William R. Smith, I. They are Pvt. LC.. Do.i.I
USM\:. pl 25231 --Rd., F. Aylb. II, oon ol .airs.
Laguna Hills, hu be e n Marcella 1,1. T-.no or Z15 Kqox
BOheduJed lo lake command Place, and,.PYI. I,C-,JOI y.
of the Mafine ~ttact Sq~n Jllakeu, 20 ... IOO of Mr. and
-214. at the Marine Corps Air Mn. James Hinttns of m
StaUon, El Tciro. Alva Lane. -
Farmer commander of the 1be exerci!e involves U.S.
Headquarten and Main-Army units based in the U.S.
knance Squadro!i, El ,Toro, and, Europe. 11. wi!I. lnclojdo
the Co~t was oP.erat!ons qf-' about U,000 trooAs &1111" to
ficer in Vietnam belore taking the 24th Inlantri bi vii loo. and
over his last assignment. combat service :: units,
He has earned lh e all Down .to E to tlie
Distinguished Fly1"''Croos,l2 Gralenw<ihr-Hohenfe vicinity,
Air -Medala and the Vie~ · -
niqnese cross. of Gallantry.. ·Staff sp. ~pr1 .c.
Lt. Blake Lancaster, son of ·
Mrs. Barbara D. Locke of
35002 c a m l n o Capistrano,
Caplllrano Beach. has . been.
wlpd to Perrin AFB, Tix.,
wflh the . Aerospace Defense
1be lieutenant, a n in·
terceptor pUdt. is a grad11ate
of John.son }{jgh s c boo I ,
WUUanu, SOI\ of Mr. and Mrs.
Monis1 K. Laurie ol 732
Hamilton SL,'Co..ia M ... bu
graduated at. Sbeppard 'APB,
Te:r., frOm tbl tnlnldi --lot . U.S. Air . Fcrce . Pro-
gramminC SpeclaHat.1. ; .
A-grlduate al Co!ta Meaa Hip School, ho · altondecl
Orange· Cout ColleCe' boi«•
eptering the aenice.' • , ..
Merttoriou · s~ , .' , " ...... ' . . . . ' ~
StiiU Sgt: James F. Cochran Jr., (right) IOll nt:Mr;
and Mrs. James Cochran Sr . ., of 8181 lfllll st., Wlll-
mlnller received the U.S. Air PorceeOommflltla.
'!Ion · M.!dal at Norton AFB . fro!" Col. James P.
Warndorf, vke commander or Ille AefosHce Andi.,.
Visual Service. He .i.! a ,we~lfflin41er llfi~ SchD!ll
l~, graduate.
( -
E ven -hande d
• --
John Q. Motorist wants traffic laws enforced and
may non lllld a blinkln& red ll&bt Civeo a 1111H "ol ••
curlty --11 lone as It blinks in another driver's rear-
'ril'W mirror.
Behind John Q.'s ow n car, lt's an uncalled tor
The publi c generally agrees with strict law s, but
the individual rarely considers bimaelt am9ng that col-
JecUve, facele ss gi ant a~ld Costa Mesans are no ei:cep.
lion .
A rookie cop learns the !act of personal opinion•
over law enforcement his' first nia:ht on the beat and
faces lt ever after, unW the boys on the force throw
his retirement i!jm>er.
Right and wrong, however, are reasons why socjety
has horse races and trafflc courts, where, incidentally,
58.2 percent of mot9riJts in Costa Mesa's 1968 traffic
acc:!dent tally wound up.
· Ri&btness and wroncness at that level is only rela·
tlve, but the broad fact is that we all benefltled by a
drasUc drop ln the z<uinber of trafiic accident injuries
last year.
Despite 1 e~c o r d county growth. and 30,000 more
Costa Mesans since 1961, tbe injury accident rate and
number of vlcllms dropped 26.7 percent and 32.8 per-
cent, relJ>eCtively, lowest in eight years.
Careful and specialized traffic enforcement pro-
grams on local streets and highways are the indispu-
table reason and here is the key: a policeman's sworn
job i.s protectton·ot-iife and property.
By far, more such losses occur in the nation's an·
nw traffic toll than in theft and violence, yet people
horrified at criminal acts may -under seemingly
harmlet1 circumstances -feel potentially murderous
traffic Infractions are e1cusabJe. ·
Burglary and· assault are sins, perhaps, while run-
Itself ls
A 'Medium '
AU.bough Manhall McLuhan'• famous
phrase, "The medium la the message"
baa been abused and perverted (by hbn
as mucb u by othen), there ia a
central and important truth in it -
u Jone u we remember that la.niuage
it.self ii."~."
Indeed, lanluqe is ao mt.Eh a medium·
~t we do not even think ol il u
such. Each language makes its own
particu1aJ' "environment'' and reshapes
reality to fil the grammar of the
TAD '.l'llE MOST familiar work in
the Eqllol> Iancu•r• -tbe King James ~e. We tar1et that the Old Testament
wu written Jn Hebrew •. and the New
Tutament Jn Greek, and that both were
tranallted for u11 by J7lh Century
F;ncll&hmen w~o cU.,ed &be mttdll!
as tlaey changed tM medhun.
When we read the Beatitude.'!, for
ins_tancf:, we lma1ine that Jesus actually
uld, "The meet shall inherit the earth."
And we don't care much for the idea,
becauee "meeknesa" is a kind of timid,
namby-pamby word to our ears.
U we read the French Douay Bible,
however, we are infonned that Jesus
said the debonair ahaD inherit the earth.
Whit a difference -tor "debona ir"
Is 1ood-natured, easy-g61nc, affable!
tranaJated the New Testament ~w In
tbe Greek word a man who humbly
bowed bit head and suffettd submisgion,
the Frenchmen who translated lhe New
Glqom y
What ever happened to the city
engineer'• proinlse ol. more than
a yW ago that somethine would
be done •bout the gulleya at the
various Intersection• of Baker,
Fair and Samar in ~Ol!~j~ To date, no action. 'l1ltY ' ~
lng our leeth out and brei fi ·
springs. ·
-All ~Mil~ Up
__.,,., ....... tllt'' • , ....... ,.,.. ,...,. ~-· :I ,_...,_ ...... ., ,
Test.amenl saw in Utt ume Greek word
a man who waa mt:n')', mild and
In the aame way , the King Jarrili
tramlaton •peak of Jehovah becoming
"exceedihgly wroth,'' 'which ls a
fearsome phrue; the ume Hebrew ,
however, translated into French, gives
us "tres fnitee -very ~ed I God
on one side of the EJllllin Channel
does not much rcsemb~e God Qfl lfll
other side.
lhropplogisl!, in fact, have auuested
that the Germans became to huna: up
on order and authority and obedlenct:
because their language~ll ~I way -heavy and .... ¥
abstractions and system &a it u true that tbe Gennin · ,,,
unlike the EngliJh land tbe 1 "'" tried to tuck the unlverte ftNOi' 1fttt
their systems, rather lhlJl adjuattn; Uii
systems to fit the un~J rJtll*in tf
There is a continu al feedback from
language: It arises out of the culture,
but then it influences and reshapes the
cu lture to ronlorm to its llngul!Uc
anlace .. This is why Americanese ls not
just a branch of English, but a way
of life.
Nixon Has Begun Well
The tolt·apoken and eloquent Inaugural
•ddren of Richard M. Nixon Monday
wu a splendid way for the 31th President
to begin hla adminlstraUon. W1th peace
at home and abroad lta central theme,
the apeetb refieded the idealism and
spirit ol conciliation Mr. Nixon has said
he hopes to Impart la tbe presidency.
Absent were the slogans and catch
phruea so common to his past speeches.
1n bil "IUDllDODI to areatness." Mr.
Nixon offered aome pledps a n d
c--lo tbe American people :
A PLEDGE TO pve tbe IUll1elt priori· ty lo the cauoe ot lnlenlallooil _..
A pfedce lo prea ..-patlJ ·fortrord
in punult of "fu11 emp)oJmlat. better :::ll:ft• ace11""'" hi edllCldon, hi
re DI our clUel and Jmpotlal our
nnl -· In ...-ii..-·-mm! Md Ollhancln( the .-.., of Ille." A pledp that 10•••-wm 1111en "to the 1n,Jured \l'Olett, the um. vo6cee,
, ... Dlfp. ............ , .. , f
-~ ..... --~In -........... oild" rlw" cndlblllt1.
.. -...... -----nlllaol -be no better lliUI tlielr wm-cl. ••• Tbe
-of cr"1llll1lV ln -... -boa ........ lteldli1 _..., ....... of the
be ...... the pub110'1 coalldeoce in Ill
p•aWll. ThiJ can on1J be ac--~~velina Willi the American
S I.be newa of the ,noment
• ...._ The people mUl1 bave the
111111nolb 11r e•ucr•ile1ob-'lllab,_M,....,.."
the voict:s that hive deapajred of beUIJ
A challenge to Americans tp l~terl
more and shout less.
A challenge to Americans, lndivlaU..Uy,
to reach out to tbeir neighbor1, "helplnt,
Carin(, dolnt."
A QIALLENGE to Amt:rlpins "to give
IUe to what Is in the l•'w, to enaure
at tut lhat u all are ~ equal In
d1"'tty before God, all pe born equal
lo dlplty before man."
But tbe ldetll Ind "the bel~ 1111013
of our nature" to which Mr. tils:on
refemd mllll also be irlllllated, op
mlJl1 occul«i1 in the nut four yw1,
Into lpedflc propoab to Conareu and
Into opeclllc uecuth·e declotons. It Is
one U:ana to talk of 1 wllUnsness "lo
redUCt the bu.tden of arms"; It will
be q\llte another to override tbe d~ .... ......... of the p~-lo
alllll la CoocrWA and the d-lllahllohment ol w • &f•r"0 wa warned In ~. (Htwt
m111-. It ii one thine ·11 ~
"bllct Ind while IOff•tber, "one,1111;
Uon11; it w1ll be another matter to nma
enlcrcement of anU-<lbK:rlmintUon lliwa
or to do awQ with the e1uses of 1hettos.
TO QUES110NS Uk~ these:, anolhtr
four yw1 remain for Mr. Nixon lo
1ive bil anrwen . Rl(ht now 11 is enough
to aay that our new l>residenl has beeun
Tiit Mlutopolb Tribwtt
ninii a ,top •iJJ\ at 3 .-.m. 11 merely an expedient lltUe
Policemen cannot chanae human nature, but they
can try tq dell with it in polite undor1tandln11, askinc
the same in rtlU1'11 IOt doini the job tbey are peld IQ do.
Beyond that blinking red Hgb\ In the rearvlew mi r-
ror, Johri'Q. can only tell tt tq the jud!Ze all}'\! , if he
is slven a tlckefhebellevea unju1Uf10d .
'.I'll• indisputablo evidence 11'ther matter what
John Q. thinks. When police bear down on traffic law
enforcement, the -am• Jbhn Q. and hi• ,famUy ha". a
better chance of escapinc death llld Injury on the city's
Victory Over Price Fixers
Taxpayers in the . Colla Mua County Water Dis-
trict have received a refund of S29,500 after a success-
lul light over price-fWng by a major su pply company.
Not only.Colla Mesa , but Huntington Beach waler
customers benefit, since that city shared in the original
pipeline donstruction job, on a percentage "basi s.
Quite often, people regard taxing agencies as
powerlul bodies pulling dollars out ol the little man's
pocket like teeth out of bis nioutb -and sometimes as
painfully. But even the tai·taking agencies must look
over their shoulders for those that would continue the
transfer of funds to deeper pockets.
American Pipe and Construction Co. was pressed
into an '8 million aettlement on prices, a·refund pay·
able over •Ix yeara to prevent Its bankrupting the
wealthy supply company. ·
Directors of tbe CMCWD believe thelr l•Jal victory
has substantial moral as well aa ,tlnancial 1tinifican'-
and no ooe can dispute the fact.
# ;3·'~..t.1~\~
• . •
(fardner Sees Tragic Results of Inferior Education
Judge Endorses School Bond Issue
To thi Editor'
Tb lmporWI& of tbe February II ~cannot be overemphuized.
am advl.Md that at the present Pme
we have 1,300 ·atudentt on a part-time
.Ill i' · or future thia · '. ~ ":' t; of the product ~ or the system
deteriorates. but the IOcial problem.s
preaented by lhil number of part-time
iludenta are very ru.! to me and very dllllurbln(.
Al A LONG.TJM.E resident of the
Newport Harbor area and one in a
position to !!ff lhe tra&ic results of
inferior edu~Jlof\IJ opportunities, l join
our city coqpcilt,_ our chambers of com·
merce, our ~I, our parent-teacher
groupa:, our iervice clubl, and all other
interested eeoplf! ~ ~ndoning this most
vital bond issue.
Jjjdge of Superior Court
liJUapiro's Firing
To the Editor :
In the DAILY PILOT of Jan. 30 1
(;91:1~ ~ ~.~. ~:'w:;e~ :Wl\Jil,\'14'·~~~~~;
ls a serious mis.representation of my
I said that the question of whether
or not the Sha~ dismissal was l!iiiliiiite or not _runaea on whether
hi11Cholsr'lhip had deteriorated, as alleg·
«I by tlje Englilh Department, or
whether tilJ• wu merely an excuse.
the real re4son being "that he v.•as
an oddball, etf::.,'' as Shapiro has claimed.
" SINCE I AM '(OT I member of the
EngliJh Departmept.. I am not in 1
poalUon to rnP~ a judgmenl on the
matter, and 4W 6ot do ao on Wednesday.
I did rg3kf -the point that the one
acUqP, lijit could have resolved the ques-ttArt, aubmitt.ln& Shapiro's work to a
group of outside eJ:pertl, was not ta ken.
Thil · waa particularly crucial i11
Shaplro's cue, since he claims that
the memben of his department are
~! If 'i pf joork he is doing ~ ~ · ~\ U.ertfore. or ap-
l!fll!ill! II Vflf .,
-i'RE FAD..URE to takt the only step thJt could have cleared the air point.a
up the lnjwUce of a l)'!tem that provides
"4' ,.,,._, ~ f..-• man fired
before· titlnc cONidtred tor tenun::.
Reader R1iter rf!frr1 to the contro-
uersy a.t Univer.Ht11 pf California,
Irvine over tht ttrnUnatioil of Dr.
Strpl1en A. Shapiro'• FOtltract a.s an
a11i.stcint profe1sor of f:?!glish .
-Edi tar
story of I hr rttent
~--8 11 Geor9e ---,
~in~ .. ' ... ilahll. I IOI a _,r ,et in the
Ii -·· 'I' -le newspapers
mOIUy. Most of )'OU euya is stupid.
But I'll try lll)'lbin&. Answer !
Dear J.M.:
Well, with your qualifk:atiom,
ptrhapr; you could g<'l a good part
In Tamn moviet. Do you like
banana11 They can always use
I Jood Cheetalo.
ISl!nd your problems to Georat.
the nallons No. I Worrywart.)
Letters from readers are welcome.
Normally writers should convey their
niessage in 300 words or less. The
right to cond~e letters to fit space
or eliminaie libel is reserved. All
letters must include signature and
mailing address, but names may be
withheld on request if .sufficien t rea-
son i.t apparent.
Business and Professional Women ·s
.speaker on abortion :
If the doctor who 1poke to the BPW
Is to be taken seriously, then I foresee
a retum to the NW era of sterilization
or "undesirables" (determined by a state
approved board, of course), and outright
murder of the "unfit" _ .. mentally,
physically, or politica lly.
Dr. Hansen, Santa Ana gyneco!Ogilit,
urged women to unite lo push passage
of • law permitting abortion or an
unwanted child.
THJS I ASK : unv.·anted by whom~
Has the father been consulted? "nle other
children in the family? Has the unwanted
baby been asked if he minds being
done away with in the name of progre11?
Then, too, I wonder if Dr. Hansen
would nut ura:e the pauaA;e of a law
(in the name of progreas) permitUng
doing away with children who were
u n w a n t e d after birth. I notice
he suggut.s that murder of the unborn
should be done fairly by placing "the
decision with the woman and her physi-
cian where it belonp" (hiS words ).
Perhaps the' doctor hu come up wllh
the anawer to all our unwanted problems:
the teen-ager on dope, the child who
doesn't like 1chool, the pregnant
dalfihU!r, etc., etc.
Disapproves Bool< Ban
To the Editor :
AJ one of the crewmen of the landing
ship USS LSM 140, ordered into the
invasion fleet that wu to assault the
Japanese main islands ln 1945, I'd like
to express my strong disapproval of
the banning of John Hersey's book,
"Hiroshima ," from one of our county
Our landing ship, carryina: tanks and
Marine infantry, sailed from San Pedro
in the summer of 1H5 for what was
to be the last and certainly bloodiest
invasion of all time.
We know now that the two atomic
bombs that ~stror.i Hiroahlma and
Nagasaki bfOUlht a i the immediate
unconditional surre r of J a p a n _
Overnight the war ended. The feared
inva.sioo never came off. Our ship put
back Into port at Salli Francisco and
WITHOUT A question, those two
call.strophic demonstr1Uons of our power
saved many lives on both :sides, probably
mine included (we'll just forget, for
the moment, about the: people under
the bombs ). But at the war·s end, the
only thought in our minds was that
nothin1 like the oraeal of that \var
should ever take place on earth again.
Since then, I've always wondered how
the Japanese Cot a Tojo. And why they
kept him . How did the Germans get
a Hitler? Why didn 't they throw out
the Hitler government? liow di~ the
Russians come by a monster like Stalin?
LOOKING BACK, no one can dispute
that one of the reasons t ho s e
governments got as fa r as they did
was that the poor, deluded populations
were victims of almost complete systems
of thought control. The people were not
only kept from learning. but encouraged
not to think ou1'kle their small, specializ.
ed jollo.
What is beginning lo ~·orry me here
is ttiai 1 man who ought to know betler
can ·take~ a Pulitzer Prize winnini
author's book out o[ a school library
and defend his action by saying he't
helping protect the: intcresta of those
whose lives were &aved by the atomic
Acta like that are what started the
whole shooting match off in the first
place! And I'd be lellifll down all thtt
boys l'.'e left overseu if I just sat
around and kept quiet.
Forget llae Freeway
To the li'dilor :
Tonight your headline uy1 "Freeway
Talks Lead Nowhere." The man brings
word of a new school bond vote Feb.
11. \Vhy not forget the freeway of which
\Ve have too many and use the gas
tax money~or cement schools? If not, \vhy not? San Francisco refu&ed the
Embarcade o freeway -1vhy can't we?
On Reaching the Age of 58
My 58th birthday Is on the horizon.
and already solicitous friends are in-
quirlng If I plan to make a down p;cyment
on a \\.'heel chair.
No, sir. not yet. No wheel chair -
but I mighl consider investing in a
.'Jporly cane. A stout cane gives an
appropriate air of dignity to a man
\\'ho has reached the age where he
acquires an au~oritative touch of gray
at his temples.
Al 58 a fellow can use all lhe prestige
symbols that will 1ain him respect, for
at this time of life the best he can
hope for is respectability. He no longer
hu the. strength to win widespread ad-
mlr.11tion for the 1pect1cuJar energy with
which he pursues his vices and bad
HOWEVER, I hive rejected oul of
hand a suggesUon by an acquaintance
that I grow a beard. I have a pretty
1ood idea what color it would come
In · -a depruaing, mottled white and
gray -and who wants to go around
looking like 1 strolling. soot~ained
·•\Yh11'1 so wonderful about beinc 541"
a rellow in the office asked when the
aubject of my coming antiquity was
dl.CU1.,ct •
\Vell,\ow, tbat111 reasonable q~on
and deserves 1 reuonable anav.-er.
Perhaps there isn't anylh.ing truly
~~arkable in being 58. To a man of
~ thal is mere child 's play.
OFFHAND, I can'l retail a president•
ll.'ho was inaugurated on his 58th birth-
day. or anyone who wrote an immortal
sonnet , knocked a home run, scored
a touchdown, or built a better mousetrap
on this occasion in hl1 career.
Yet , in a way, tt Is hardly fair lo
der<>gate one'.'J $8th birthday. If ii is
not a m11jor feat, it can still be accounted
8 minor achievement. There were a
lot of people who were 57 last year
\\'ho won"t make it around the nert
lap of the track this year.
Frankly, I think that anyone who,
at any age, by any means, manages
lo aurvive another )65 days in tbi.I
perilow, accident-prone universe bu
done somelhin& meritork>us, deservm,
of al least pua1na: ·not.ice if n« .
permanent accolade. •
that one -IS lon1 111 you can make
it. LUe was made to be lived, and
at 58 most people find , someti mes tG
their mild aurpriae, that there are many,
many more things worth li ving for than
are: worth d)'1nc for . It 11 only the
brooC!in1 youn1 tblt have 1 vefy tons
Ust of th1nu rortii dyina: for . ~ Custom
dem.andl ittil on notable occdfons one
makes hiatork: remarb. Unfortunately
al the approieh of my 5lth birthday' ~~?l?A~
u you qe. auf yo1.Prt p-ettt dumb
AFTER II, for aome reason or olhet,
the perils ol. We'1 obltacle course seern
lo grow more numerout. Therefore, tbl
accompllah1nc ol. .notber year of U •
Jltence, which a YOW'll person takt1
for aranted, 11 to an older man truly
wonderful and well worth praising. TO
him each new blrlhd;cy is a marvelou
~ .. '!!fl1...1'1 'll'!!t ll"tl@flll.:-and , l'"=' 11 that ~ th11 l<j~ed · tootaie· !'(' Ume I'll app-eci~, 1lfe a
lltU. ..... llll!!1 l1!W 911 !lftll Jl!i!1plaln about If~. • ,
So It i11 th.at; wllh no mock humility,
I feel enUUed to reach around , Ptl
my own back, and HY to mystlf witb
a feellni of warm congratu1aUon ~
1 touch of 11ntimeDtallty, "Well, you've-
done It aaatn. old·tJmer. \Vant lo try
for one mort'!'"
WHY NOT? One more, and one more
alter that, and at.Ill one mort after
Quo tes
Dr. Doup1 C. En1t.barl, Stanlonl
Reaea.rd l...Utvte -"With computr:rii
l'.·e hope {o help man do better what
he doeii -perhaps hy a~ much al
20 percent. "
So ptll~!Im tbe tomato julct. lellowi, l'J·llave a tout. Happy ~lo ! .
Robert N. Weed, Publisher
I •
In the Wi'n .. ,. ' .
(Editor's N~ts: D4JLY PILOT A•
sociate EditOr •Alb,ert W. Bates is the
author of tod4y's column.)
· If non-members of service clubs
wonder whether these are just
community m.u tu al admiration
soeietles lunching togetller weeklf
and otherwise spinning t h e i r
w·heels in a soCial quagmire, let
them be disabused of the idea.
Operating witllout tile ~ecret rit·
uals of tile 'tndl!fonal 16dges, tile
service clubs equal and sometimes
exceed 11he chm"ty-orlented lodges
in their zeal to contribute useful
services to their communities.
A reasonably typical example
is the Huntington Beach Rotary
Club. Rotary is known as the
"daddy'' of the service clubs, but
its work is representative of m06t
of the men's service clubs -Ki·
wa.nis, Lion s , Exchange and • others.
In one respect, the ·JldJ1linlton
).leach group is uniRUe not _olJ!y
among .service clubs but wit.bin
Rotary International. It baa a
youth counseling p~ which,
in its two-and-a-hali yeers, has
drawn the interest of not only other
clubs but the whole international
Worlting with the Huntful{IQn
Beach Police Department,. volun:
teer counselors•meet with ·cblldren
in trouble and ·their parents, who
sometimes need mature·colinseiing
more than their children:
Jn another direction, money is
" co-buted lo the American Field
Service Program lhrough the
c 1 u b ' s committee oo student
schol8rsbips, awards and ~.
This committee also conducts an
annual essay coo.test among ele-
mentarY school students. Current
topic: "What other students Jlo to
help solve problems of students
on campuses." U.S. Savings.Bonds
will go to boy and girl winners in
mid-March, when tile )'llUngsters
read their essays· at a club meet-
A fir• safety program seeks to
reach homeowners . through the
city's schools. And the club spon-
BOrs an annual rabies Clinic.
Another approach to youth at
the elementary 'school level is
made through tile club's annual
Pony Tail Girls Basketball Tour·
nament, conducted during spring
Music at Ute community-wide
level receives the club's attention
in late spring or early summer
when church choirs from all over
the city assemble for a Sunday
afternoon festival of sacred song
under Rotary sponsorship.
Through other programs, the
club brings foreign exchange stu-
dents into members' homes for
greater insight into American life.
These are the more visible parts
of I.his service club's activWes.
They're like the top of an iceberg,
with more out of sight than visi·
ble. ·
'11lis, then, is an abbreviated run·
down on the workings of one ser·
vice club.
It typifies the work of mariy
The members who carey on the
selfless work are the antithesis of
the Babbitt stereotype of Sinclair
Lewis' •jMain Street" As a group,
they're a 11society of those who
. ' DAILY P'llllf
Mesan Preaches-Over Radio . ., . . . .. . . .
Missionq"-' on Way ·to South America to Spread Word
' . By Al!TllVR R. VINJEL pldes In liv\111 tlila dally lil•, while °' "' -''"' -. . PHJ>Uini for wbaj .lies be)'<)Od lit A Colla Mesa mlnlGaafy wllo long cllmei\siona.
qo rallad lhll God'• reveladon of Hennano Pablo, bOWn throusl>out
the prlnd»le ol' radio could be UlfCI Latin America for hit wort wblcb beian
to _.. qllleldy spread . lllf WC(d ·to in 1913, 'ii ..-i.t to -t . hb.
remote cuiturea .of the world ltavea I to 11 ... in Manaiu, N~&rqua, Ind
tod1,y for a -Litln American crusode. Feb. 11 to ·J3 ln Leoo, Ni<arqua.
Puerto lUcaJ>born Rev. Paul E. He ii oCbeduled,to ._ch in Somooa
FlnkenjWlder, ,i, who underatandably Stadium, whlcb holda' 11,0ll penons.,
doea not use hi.a 1Wtonlc aumame pro-A l1mlllr Cokwnbiaa· c r u 1 a.·d e tn
fMtiooally In broldcutl to the Latin °"""'btr -. llP to IJ.000, of which
IDllSel, ii director ol LARE, Latin 1,fGO• ~ they would adopt the
Amer!CAD Radio Ev111&etilm. lelclilnis ol <llrilt. •
Born to m 1s1 ton a r y part.nts aut ,the 47~ye:ar.old minllter'c 1 five-
Finkenbindtr; .of 2M Hanover Drive, k ?llml'.e dally radio broldcastl prepared ·
known to llstenf:ra In 11 Lalin countries m studios at 20CM:t Plaoentla Axe., have
as Hmnano Pablo the man who is beard ~ps more impact, became they
:I.. I _,. ... ;In f rUch so .many more people. I \r e a--.. es or I i f e via ;ntled ·~.\ Message of the Conscience,''
airwaves 200 timeJ each day. . the brief PJ'Oll'llM are heanl dally
Hermano Pablo ii Spaolsb for Bn>lber everywhere In Latin ~ u_cept
Paul,_but the Assemblies ol God m1niater Premier Fidel Castro's CUba Gd, JrQn.
is qwck to e:rplaln it has none elf the ically, Fini:enblnder's own ·D at t·v.e
tolk.ay, down home church fellowship.con-Puerto Rico. . .JI 1
• •
notation the English trlllllatlon often ~ bis lhenie .; ,,.. -~~-•.i..
carries "-tiulc · ~ ~1
"II b more ·, tiUe of respect Uwi m.lhl bls~-='.oplrUual
the 'Brother This Brother Thal' stuff takes 'a fliure out' of blstOry or~
you hear ~t ,of. one of those :reias porary Dews events is ,. base. ' -
goopel stations,• F~enblnder S1Ud. ~inder then Ulustrai.. how,
Rev. Finkenbinder1 LARE format k for instance, a•crtsls faced or a thing much more sedate and stresaes pracUcal done Or not done bas the aame. parallel
Stahlllzed Taxeti?
• • •
Valley .Ma~g~t~Sees
10-year Fiscal Program
•Of tH Dellr Pll•t 119f1'
A plan to stablllie property tues and
eliminate part bonds for the next 10
years in Fountain Valley will come before
Ule city council for action Feb. 18.
A 10.yep-budgetary plan for the entire
community alreslly has been unfolded be·
fore councllmen by City Manager James
The fiscal plan completely ouUines
the expected financial needs a n d
resources of the city for the next decade.
Neal said the plan could allow the
city to teep property tues at their
F'loating Hotel
Era to Begin
For ·Ocean Liner
liner Lurline will enter a new phase
of its California-to-Hawaii service in
April when it becomes a "floating hotel"
for lnter..Jlland travel in the SOth state.
Mail<lll -.Navlgation Co. aJIJIOll1lCed for
Lurline'• lcbedule will be chaDged so
the ship can spend as much as 20
days a trip cntlaing among Oahu, Kauai,
Maul and. the big island of Hawaii.
Since 1941, the Lurline bas made lo.day
round-trips between Hawail a n d
The llchedule will ch111&e only durinc
June, July and August -the peak travel
seasoc -when the Lurline returns to
its traditkmal San FrancJ.sco-Honolulu
The change reflects the increasing use
of air travel for Hawaii visitors. A
M.atson · spokesman said-the Lurline
normally ii booked heavily on trips to
Hawaii but often has empty space on
return YOyages.
"We feel we have in the Lurline one
of the plushest hotels In the Pacific,''
said Matson Vice -President Chester G.
Gifford. 0 We are going to utilize her
aa such."
Armed Man Takes
$95 From Station
An armed robber walked Jnto a
Westminster service station Tuaday
morning, a s k e d for change and toot
Police .said the Denham Texaco service
statiOll, 13502 Beach Blvd., was held
up at 1:25 a.m. today by a man with
a small caliber chrome revolver who
only asked for change, but took mace.
The man left on foot, police Aid,
after cleaning out the station'• cub
present level and also pay for park!
as lt builds them. No bond electJons
would be needed, be said.
"This is the first such long range
fiscal , plan ever developed by a city
to my knowledge," Neal said.
The hinge that makes the whole plan
workable, Neal explained, .u that it is
based on percentages of population
F<r example, the plan 11)'1 the police
department will need 16 employes by
19'1e-79 -ij the city N!acbes its projected
population of 561500 at that time.
But, if fewer people, and less funds ,
come into the city, less se~ is re-
qWred, Neal explained.
In addition to the tu structure and
the park schedule, other phases of the
city will &Jso be planned on a ten-year
'lbe:Pu.~Uc Works Department is work-
Mg OD itl ten year gas tax b~et
aDd bil mapped out a ten year guide
for road improvements in Fountain
For instance, in 1970-71 hnprovemenls
on Edinger Avenue are projected and,
for 1971-72 Euclid Avenue and Brookburst
Street are scheduled for work.
Neal pointed out that the fiscal plan
is a guide and is Oaible to meet the
needs· ol the,dty.~
Streets, for ezample, are planned for
tmi)rovements ten years ahead cf time,
but cl\an8ea can qulckly be made il
tbe need art.ea.
. The plan.ii cumntly lcheduled through
11'19, but Neat llated that il adopted,
it would then be up-dated every year.
Ocean View Tax
Request Head~d
For May V~~?
Ocean View School Diatrlct residents
may be faced with an override tax
request this May.
The district's b c a r cl. of lrulteel
hu lurned the diltrlcl unay hsve a
$@,000 deficit unless .... fundJ become
available within the nUt year.
~ agreed Monday the override
~ ii critlcally needed. .It wu qgested that the request on
the tu-overrlde wver a tw~year period.
Diltrid vot.ra currenUy paf 11.IO per
$100 useaed valuation. The request
CO\lld add "" much as 75 centl to the
curTtDt rate. , ·
A -la! meeting of the boerd will
he.held al 7:111 p.m. Feb. 10 In district
headquarters .to stUdy the matter in
. li'esier detail.
in tbe Jtfe of a Ptruvlan "peasant u for
a U.S. preoldeal or International beauty
1'1be moral vle\1fp0lnt is what counts,••
he explained.
Destined to f o II o w In his J>ll'
eota' footstept• u a mlsllorwy. tin.
kenbinder said.he brote Into the field ol
radio evangelll:m after rt.ading an article
on the state of Cbriltlan ev1111ellcal procrw. .
The llCCOUl1I charged that heathentsm
and other forms ol rion-bellef were grow-
ing in the .modern world at a nte ooe-lhlrd futer than th.-faith founded upon
Cllrlst'• teachings. -
"Finkenbinder," be said to blmself,
"there must be IClllething you ci.n do."
There wu, and he worked out a grow·
Ing radl .. televialoo campaign which
has branched into lmplratk>nal movie-
lilming In N!CenC years, all aimed at
using the media to promote God's mes-3age.
Thousands ol Christian& accept the
Goepel without question, but there are
many more among faithful and non-
believers alike who might find a Puerto
Rican named Finkenbinder a bit bard to swallow;
"Even with my Spanish brogue," said
Hennano Pablo, whose great-grand-
father came from Gennany, closint the
interview with a pronounced accenf and a hearty laugh.
Viet PostmortelDS
Reveal 'Future'
. ~ "
0£ Heart Trouble .
WASHING'IXlN (AP) -Poolrnorlem
studies ol U.S. Cllllallies In· Vlelnsm
N!l'eal a large Dumber of the )'Ollllg
nieo tiDed In the conflict would have
f1~ poesfble heart attacks in later
lile hsd the)' survived' war. ·
LI. ·Col. Keqneth IL Cooper, an Air
Foree rupt """°"' said a forthcoming report from 8le Army Will show that
the percentage cf ~uualties 'With signs
of hardening ol· the arteria Is up ever
what.U WU during the Korean confllcl,
Cooper said studies durinc the Korean
fighttni repcrted thit u many u 30
percent of the cuutltles between ages
11 and 23 • had aignl of potenUally
dangerous harderilnc ,of ~ arteries, a
condition which cin 1 lead to coronary
heart attacks. ·
He said the ·evideo<e of, hardening
of the arteries among the ·"-woukl
not have affected their combat tf.
fectiveneu bec1u.se cf their y~th. but
the condition indicated potential trouble
in later life.
Cooper, director cf the Aerospace
Medical · Laboratory of the Air Force
hospital ln San Antonio, Tex., u.ld the
early batdenlng of the arteries comes
from a "lack of IUfficient exercise, plus
high fat diet. and cigarettNDtokln&"
IJD()ng American Youth&.
Meaa11 Rev, Finkenbinder Known 11 'Hennano P1blo' '"" Ii IQ
Male at All Girl College
Spends 1st Day Worrying~;
,.,, ,,,
'" >OI
CHICAGO ·(AP) -Ken Rogers, the
first boy to officially br .. k through St.
Xa~ter CoQele's 122-year, all-girl barriet,
spent his first day in class worrylpg
about where be will sit.
"The cne thing I've ,got figured out,"
RogerS said, "ls that I've cot to sit
in · the fr.ant· row in every class so
1 can't see the girls. If 1 keep looking
It 'them, they'll ~tract me."
Rogers, 19, Of ·suburban Oak Lawn,
was the first male to register at St.
Xavier Monday i.s tbe school's coed4ca-
Uonal policy . ,.-ent into effect. Three
others boys also te~red Monday.
There are · 200 · graduate students, in-
clud!Dg , 30 .men. 'Two. either boys unof·
ficlally attended . undergraduate classes
the first semester, ~ in Sep-
. 19j
temher, before the IChool decided ~
pi:rmit ·coeducatJonal cl:assel!I. lA
The college ls operoted by the -
Cll.tholic ci'der of the Ststen of Mercy. 1(
·"I was shocked," Ken said, "to le.anti
I ·was the only guy who was eomtnc''
here." Ken transferred to St. Xavier
aft.er completing .two years at Chicago
City College.
An official 1ald the schoola bad ap-
plications from 10 boy1 for the aecond
semester ~ and "perhapa six er le'Ven
oihen wDl joln.ua tlila -·" "The girls have been ·nice to me .,
far.'' Ken said.' 1'0Dly·•·few tine lfaled
at me, a few .are kind ol adlld." ·
Rogers, a lean,. ~-1ou111 wtth neal)y.cropjlOcl -..11a1r, .....,,
have a · ghlfrlml.
~~ELD'S SHb4ES : -. . . . •'
~ FEBRUARY 6 • 7 • 8
Selected HE.ELS
Seledecl FLATS
Soaper Dooper 80 s5~~ ... ~; --Columnist Shows What's Co9king
Johna Blinn covers the "souper" stars.
Ailo the mat stars, the caseerole stars
and salad stars.
She brinp her celebrity Coothoolt co~
umn 'to the DAILY PILOT today .,
a l'fgu.lar weekly feat.we of the food
section with a tiekoff column about
1 comic who is as funny about food
as he is funny onstage.
J act Carter conlldes he ii a finicky
eater who often sends restaurant food
lloct to the cbef. But the recipe he c:OOtributel to Mn. BliM'I column is for
something be c1U. "garbage omelot."
It'• good, she 1n1Lsts. ceiebHIY Cookbook ii not. and never
was, a book. But It might be someday, occordlni to itl author. F1r11. ohe 11ya,
she Ls giving newsp1per re ad el' •
througboul the nation a cblnce ti .find
out about the culinary qulrlo! of their
favorite stara.
"I get them talking about food,'''says
the columnlst, "and this gives me the
flavor of the person."
Though some at.an come up with some
pretty exoUc dlsbes u their favorite
food, Mrs. Blinn SIYI many of them
prefer simple fare, exce.lleoUy prepared.
And many of them feel that "excellently
prepared" means that t1'IY 1et into the
kitchen and do ti lhe-lva.-
Evtry celebrity recipe used in the
oolumn ls tested by Mn. Blinn "even
ij II looks foolproof on paper,'' she
You can start your own celebrity
Cookhool< today by turning to Page !a
and cllppin( comic Carter'• ...,ipe for
garbage .... tot.
Columnlat Johne lllnn
• f
'Enemy ·Wats ·P , .-:"·. :,~.BtllmtS ·l ~t, :;r-·~.!
,. Frantic ~if orts to D~str~y ~t~[., \i ··. V:Q~rrWfltl T. ?r<I ' ~i·, P~~lo Hearing' , •
~ (AP)' -MID with fire When it became "too ·p.1nru11y ilow" Lt.UEdwOJ'd Murphy JI., thetrti\a!h,lblp'a;~-, io..,..,lier ,µ.11,w, eellln,a session,,~ "Tiley were not sulfi"1ent." sold Har·,
-....... •tioole par Into tancl· to bum the papera and hla man coi:l:ln't ecu e olflcer b&eked '1 • oil mtlaL Olhon --.I papers jeftison them beuuse ol the raklnl C)LD: · v '' ·up• • •.~ In, tlJe lntereot ol· ne¥de!e;11e, J!>l\o:I ~ ::.. ~=-· ete._Smoke became fire, Barria said, the men got "lev"'1ih." dtclllon mad• by the •Pueblo'• Ml-, bow mlDI' Illa> full _,i over tbe ·olde. "Then t,,:o lal!JldrY bai• and to others "We tried to tear up the pubUcaUon1," Crndr. Lloyd M. Bucbtr, d&&rJ.ni Ule tap. '••At 1eaat one bag-went overboal'd/•f, were not dei&Oyed ?"
Ollatdt,. ti. tlepben 11arr11· told a 1!4rrll said, "we reduced them to. <00· ture 1 '°"' Ill• .. ilurflliy' alio: denied Halria said. • ' 'll; don'l» llnow the nWllbe<-1 wa Na..,.-~· Tuesday, "the fetU. There wa1 paper all over ·the -as bid Bucher .earlier ._ ·that .ti. ·.""-olll!" " , : •\· aw[lpOlooi!iol·thatweatover." .
entftl1 1'1i .... rw. at ua." Five place. We were feverl&h." ship, •'I.If 1 tntruded ' into North: Korean . uy:.r-.. 1.. .. ~ • Mattia aald there ·weren't enough bags "liolli:w N--" .. •--:..-~ · .. u..... ·~ltor}JI~.: '"' ,· 1 ,i·,.;i ' ' 11• .u. ... to con':ln all ol the. pa-" and publica· , lfJ , ... ...,..,.~ .,.-.u AU1W11 _..were cu......,. "We tried to k;eep lt'as order1y a1 1u · ... -i., ... u .. u..,, •. :1.'.o..~...!..1n ·....,.~ "Jln.u · • .r • ~ • ·'ti-• l~n·an· a"'~~t gl~ven" the Pueblo Olli small el trical and$Ymlii tbeUSSPueblO. posslble,"bul II actually reaulted In a ~" h:''·.--'"" •-• · ""'Win! you llliAl ·loiuidr.7!boP?" ~~ uwu•n ,Jral 1 a ec ~ ,_.en · DuUe Hodces1 I~ of greatdealofconfuaion." -.ii 'I" ,muc~ ... ~au'fied,'iaaterlal Grimm: uka:I, wbm1tbe 1P\J;b}o -.t. iplmedlatelybtloresb~leftJapan. Iii . the Denver-apartl!>ent. ' ......._,, ~ .;r.bbed a we'"'ted bog When it was over an' ••· No r th . ••• Into Norlli KW ... hancll. ·lllil Rear' -"' ,weJcbted •bop mide ··at .a _, . "In. my "'~•.1, op!n(on the allow~ -• 'l.S But when ~,-·~ VJL"'"' •-.... ., .. ~ Adm.''·EaW"ard Grimm, a member of of 111111 lece ,_ ~•-'"• l:arli £:c:::::c: •--~ twas vwY • • '·<I OJ#o:l ·poplir IJld i'Ulbed onto a Koreans boanl!d the Pueblo, Ibero were the cOUl'I ..• woo_ , heiid Bania...,. • .,,, the. -ap -;._...;.. c ·ond. .of secret materisl on -" w" ,.. of Fire Engme Co. l re-~ay on ·~dect to throw Jt some secret papera .in his int'!llla:eace ~ P,UblicaUonl. · · '" "' 1.· • cessiv~•," Harris ilid.
to the ltati.on bo~. they ov«l-botinL ! C<llllpartments left for them, he added. . . . .
ed -hid' swiped A .11-oillllmeler'Nortb Korean cannon 11>e Navy S\UDD'Olled the Pueblo'• ::Uf>' " ...,,. color televislon set. sbell tore throu&li lilt leg, lnto hla ab-ply olficer,. LL (j.g.) Timothy· !larrll: . , . .. , ,
I "
.-.......... -il:d·blrw ,.;, he ···~---~--
L I • ; --· red . to r '7.p;q,~!hJJ b:;dy uploded Into the \..,,~-;.;;u0.4:w~~Lr"o~ Ali .Penney Stores Open :Every .Night Monday .Through Saturday
· • -w.,..e 111 iru ~ tlil•dOlln:cllon ol clwlfled Frederick Schu:naci<er, to teatlfy toi!iy. · -· ' k parking lot at Orly Air-niate{iil ··waa ·~ place. There was A Navy spokesman also Slid an. ei:-
en he re8Iized his mi.. flelb and b!ooci a11 ·over the place," ploo!ves esptr1 mi1J:1 attend the-.
headed for an exit with Harrtl Slld. Before !larrlJ took the stand Tu_elC(ay,.
atic gate aiid tried. lo
er without paying. The
. the gate swung,downsbar)>-
ellppecfLejean·on Uie heed;'
In an ambulance. Airport '
Ii.id his car was still
in a diHerent lot. • .
/IJl 'J J . -kirlcd girli • "'14 toall<owt at tM 11: . >""'1 Pr.., m Eng-
11auuiJJO',/rom lunch
o t1tU *1ttt.-They said
the o .,.. &oo cdld. Atter.'a .
hurried negotiating session, the
girts agrtftl to ·rrlum tO tobrlc
-MLh e n the management in·
creased the heat. A spokesman
for the firm $Ummed up the com~nt1 view: ~'We couldn't
help Jeeling that some of them were inadequately dreised."
• 1tJe Soviet Union granted one of
its, most enigmatic and wildly un-
suCcessful citizens today an ex-
tended leave of absence. Moscow
nllified the London Zoo tliat Att-
An, the Russian giant panda, .couJd .
•lay here until the end of Eebruary
just in case he can learn to do
what comes naturally -. m~ting
with Britain'• female panda, Chi· ·
Chi lo produce the Western world's
only babies of the nearly extinct
breed. • • ..
Actress Thelma Ritter
Dies Following Stro1k~ :.'..:~~ · ·
. NEW YORK (IJPI) -Thelma Riller.
the gravel-voloed 'boU:lewlfe funed for
her utrhtgint role u the dlsllJualOned
mother who. argued with Slota Cl.aus
in "Miracle on S4tb -Street,:''·dled ·Wly
today 10 days alter suffering l heart
attack. ·
She would have been 64 en Feb. 14.
The veteran character actress was
admitted to Queens Hospital Jan. 27
. 8fter beiD& stricken at her home.
The onetime Broadway performer. had
kept her band In the trade alter retiring
lo a Long Island home with her husband,
an advertising agency executive, and
lwo children.
"Whenever Mr. Diatrict Attorney need·
ed a psycho, they put in a call for
me," she said <lf her rad.i<l career that
fOll<lwe<I marriage.
·When director George Seaton went to
New York in 1"6· to Olm ,'IMlracle"• be,CBIJed Tbelma, it family friend for
rDany: years, and 4Sked her to take
the' role.
:•Jtjsn't m~~ of a 'part," he explained,
•·but it'll 'be ·fuh 'and maybe you'll
bring me fuck." · ·
Thelma ~~ · .lier · first try at
cameras ptaying a ·tired ·lJl<>tber whose
youngster dra'ged her · to Macy's to .
see Santa Claus. Once 'there she pro-
ceeded to pt· into a ·beef with the
'rhelm• "Ritter Dt1i" ·
old genUeman in . the white beard ·when · · he promised the bQy a-.p,ur of skltes nial Academy Aw~,nomiat'.e.··a·holder
for Cbz1atmU. : · · of Broadway'a CQveted '"?oo,y" and the
'11ielma'1 ltoct ~·~ abe played fir!t w9man to wln the Aqler.i,::an
tap roles in ''AD · Abed .Eve," al)d '}A · Aeldt.ID-1 of Dramatic Artal Achlivement
~~'l};lr!tJ, · Wivt1."',Sbewu~·~· ; Award.. ~ 1: 1 ;. ' .. o -~·
~· '· tr~S.'Aceepts Frenili Plan
... ·,':' •• t ,£.4•'r • • •:
Ori>Big Four Mideast Meet
SmiLeB" wen top on the agenda ai
Apollo B astronaut Col. Fryin~ Bof'
man and Queen Elizabeth ii shake
hands at Buckingham palace. Bor·
man, wh<l is touring Europe as Presi·
dent Nixon's personal goodwiU am.
bassador, was accompanied <lt tl't
palace by his wife and two s<lns.
States today accepted a French proposal
for foor-power t.alkl at the Un1ted Na-
tions to seek S<lme effecUve means to
aolve the uploeivti Middle Eut aituaUoo.
tatives ()f Britain, France." 'Ru's'sia and
the United States meet to seek some
way to lcwer tensi<ln In the Middle
East and crack the Arab-Israeli deadtock.
• A s1nall, well-dressed but ner·
Secretary of stat& William P. Rogers
handed the U.S. nply to France's
ambassador ta Washington , Charles
Lucet, at a meet!n1 ilhortly after mid-
* * * Jordan, Israel
vous man was led into the Jineup
room at police headquarters in
Houston. He fidgeted under the
bright lights when-an officer asked
him what he had been arrested
for. "I hit my mother-in-law," he
replied. "Release that man,"
cried someone froin the darkened
audience. ''Give him a me4al,''
another shouted. The officerl and
victims in the room gave tbe·sus-
pect a standlng ovation.
Tbe SLate:DIPartment, prtss officer,
Rqberl J, . McQoskey, :lilclosed the
fact that ti. nply oo. the lour-power
proposal wu·gtven.Lucet at the meeting
but declined to say what was in it
until the ambassador had an,opporbmity
tO coiDmunicate the message to Par1.s:.
~HOwever, it bas been known for ~eral
dty11 that President Nixon ~ to
accept in principle the French idea of
having the permanent U.N. repreaen-
Oash at Border
UnitH: Press lntematlonal
Jordanian and Israeli troops battled
with machineguns today across the ·
ceasefire Une aouth of U. Sea of Galilee
for an hour, a Jordahlan 1pokesman1 ·
in A'mpwi .~d. G~g Arati
unrest wlji repoi'.ted in Iar..U-occuplf!d:
territories from the Jord'an. River to
tbe Mediterranean Sea.
Mostlv Fair u·.s. Weather
' . '
. ' . New York Blizzard Spoils Natwn's Perfect System
IMlt~ ~1Mr wlfll .. ..-111..-el nlr\ W!l>llllll #Ill .tWl!lf'll,' W!MI IOU~
.....,..,, 11 N 20 mJl.11, TMt,-•.111911. .. ....
Y .. ,...,,.. t.r1Wtr•T1.1'" r • 11 1 e d
fi'oift • Miii'!' " 61 "' ' ... ., ... , ...
lml'lf """""''""'' "''* -61 to 4'. Tiie w111t llllVtrtNrt Wfll Sl.l d• .,... . -s-, M-, 'l'Wes
MCoilW low .............. •:• 11.m. 0.1 MCOMftllfl .... ,, ... 11:1t11.m.'·' TMUllDAY
,ilrff lloff ................ S:ot 1,m, 1.S
~t llltll .............. lliN e.m. •.J ~ .._ ·•••·••°'""' Sl:U '""' 1.4 ltellllll lllttt ............. 11:4' ,,m. '"
-..... 11• 1.111. "" l ;JI ....... ... •• •:n e.m. .,._ 1:17 11.m. ,&Ml .. .... • •Inf .. ,,. ,... " ,_ lf .._, 11 Mllr. -'
V.S. Summar11
E•ctfll for I few IMIYY .... MU1!1s In ~ Grett Ltk .. ,,..., !ht ,,.,,.,,
IOl!tv MIO'o'td -d ... ftlNll
-!Mr -=-• It Mi ttl4 tlMt •lflltr bevtn. ~
Tiie S"!IW, I Jlt!Jt r1ln In tlll Nlfffl.
wul 1rod I ftw 9'rlrllrla Ill T1q1
uolled 1 •n'-fll • ftlf' wtttlllr
ICIWI MlrlY ltwl MllN (9111\trt,
H-ver, celcl •-•Tl.Ire• were
rNDrl!od •• ttr *"' •• lllt G\111' Cont, .....,. 11"0tl wt"""--. vt
fw tllf nlflllt, •
Tiii -.,., rllN bl9w l,.. eerty
IWIY llVUf!C IYI'-fll,'.'f., 'lil'lllN I
bn111rd TllHCllY du""" four llldlts
111 •-wi111tn a 1" t1our1 """111 1tn:one. U. to 1"-m1._."""'0llr w111111
blew lllt a<C-ltllofl l"te ftff drlflt.
-ubllc •1'1111 .. ~. tcMtl .. """"' MM! llf!IYlrtllltt -· cl.... "' .. tllttltrlll. IY!'ICllM Ul'IV1rtl1y 11'1111 L•
morne Col_!nt ""''• undK!dM wMlllo
•r II -"*'1•
Mi.t(t. .... ,l'ft,
Alllll'llllllr.ve '' )4 ·--,,., ..
... """1d .. ,.,_,...
Roi .. ·-"'-Clncll!Mtt ,,,_
~·~ l'll!o 'Mot11111
"""'' 1':11l"ll•
r:ert Wor!ll
·~~ HtlMI Monotutu
~flltl (lly
l" v"'"
lo. "-'-· Mltfl'll 8e1dl
Ml""""°ll1 l'ttw Orie.111
""""" YOl'll , Otli: ltNI• ...... ,, .. 111~f'!l!llldt!llfllfl -·· '1mwm ""'''"' ll:111d City
11"1 Stuff ·-hcrtlM .... !I, Loult
5t!I Ltke CllY Stfl Di.te
S.n P'rl"<ltte ..... ,..,..
IMttls • -·~ , ..... , w.,,,_
. .,,
51 ?I
~t ,,
~ . .. ,,
» " 14 11 . " ,, 1•
~3 1l . " 31 " ··~'7'.11
~' •J ·~ •A .G• . H._ '
~ ~ 4tl ": ,'IO
' ,, ~1
st " " 6' ' !~ .Dl .. " JI l 11 :a 1 " ~ .... .. -. ·" • n 57 ,~ .n
~ ~ ... •t :M ,1t M tt
4 M l.M : ~ ...
" tt " 4' .OJ
tt " .. " '" • Jl '' JO ,)4 •S 13 .47
1t " .01 ,, .. ...
. '
Germain's roses,
pcrckagecl with
Chooi• from •II popul•r veri•ti•s in this group
of non-pet•nf•d Gr•d• No. I rose1. Ov•r I*
lbs. of moist wr1ppin9 m1teri•I, hand pruned
c1ne1. CaUfofnia 9rown.
... .. -•·,~ J
Pllenltd multlColor roses::,J . •
from Gelllllln't #.s u .riient ..
&r1n1cl1, L•s Angeles "l•ii~u~ ·
l11utlful Am,rlc1n H."1 r l f'a·, tj 3 50 re•.•s ih this ~roup. • ·~ 1 e .
' ' '
' ..
,. '
. '
' ..
' '
Patented Germain's Roses are a
, " ~~~n'I! meam! Plant now!
' ~Clor;•l•r" .. r)fi,.r;11, .R·~ S~ollon, 3 00 ·Queen El1ubeth, K1n9 s Ransom
many n1or\. be1uties! e
P1t~nt"" c ~mbing rose1 ___ : ............ -................... ·i.OO
Gromulch ·.Bedding 'pian+~ Nltrohumus
Juot right to give your roses ·
e fresh dart ~1141 reloin mois-
lure! '"
zu.1t .. ~ • 1 98 e .
Colorful trays of panoies in
many colon to bright.n your.
The ideal booster for all your
bedding plants ... also di-
chondra and 9r1s1!
' ' I ' l . !
' ! .
_Flight Recorder .
Of Jet Recovered
LOii ANGa.1111 (AP) -
Allor -ilij.loa, --" llit ... llcier, • tlD1 lllbmarfnehulGuadaf!IPI
-...pt by ln-
ftlllplon .. tho erub ..
a lc•ndlna'flM A 1 r I J n t I
The P.'1-eolond lapo
-IJ GnlJ -lncbM
laq. -· -l'1lh ud ---· ,,,. 11'-Tr._tltlaa
_, -elpocll Ibo mpi .-1o 1111p up1a1n
w"1 1111 ·DCI crubecl on IP,
Airport, ldJllllC II ti Ibo 41 ---lncJncll. the p l a a t ' 1
.,. ·-Ille 'plllt" ._I -·--·-IWI -.... -...ud ... 11o
-muof..-0 tor .. --In 1111 ---·found
.. 1111 -floor Ill feet
bolo!r !lit -. 11
pnomnalllJ---tho,._ .. ·-·..,.... and p-avtty ,,... · • II cruhed
i1llo 1111 Ill la I bll'IJ rala.
)llacked Git· '••-•b•p•d ---·bril et llit .... ' plalit. On land
later t • 'Pl"M1N9 fGr frederal
lnYt1tt1•t•r1 llkl tbe _.., .__ ......
aoM c1.1111tltloa
Mm. I'• iummoro Dllfllrto 11-nlor
~ Pe111J • SJli OF•• hwJ ..._., M11•111 Tln•lh Ww•IJ
""ti1 nna•J ltONTATION " • 'IPPNW._..;:;,.,-.
''.·,,· I .';! ~:.i\ . '1111111 IATURDA y ONLY! .. ... E .I
BllRXELEY ( A P ) -
University of California
Chancellor Roger W. Heyna
promised art'elt and
llllpelLSion today for •trik:inc
students whole baW.. with
police Tuesday latmched JO
in jail and nine othen: la
-llit ....... ,. and ..
Into fllhta with non-olrll<lng
Pallce arrealod a I e w
atrlkora llitR, but Wert forced
to canvey lhlm lo a lllllvenity
balldlng which Ibo olrll<en
promptly began mar c bin*
Wh'y buy it ~ext week when
you cqn save this week?
Sovwrol l'orions Injured In Sather Gato Claah ' •.
House 'Gets Dtfcision ..
On Congression~l Pay
Five hours of lnlennlllenl
fighllng began when olrll<ero
blocked campus entranca.
Fistfights broke out behreen
llOIH!riklng studtnlJ ID d
thole oupportlng dtmandl et
the Thlrd w ... ld Liberation
Front for an autonomous
-The crowd awellecf to an
.,.hnlted l,000 and wlien
mm arruta were made -=.,:a•u!tlnl ln-dlvldual In rttalla· -
school of minority -F . h Campus police 1w1,,11n1 Cuba lig l
cluba: broke up the crowds
blocldng the entrlDCOI. They
were .. 1n1 ... ced at l!mia bJ 'Joke' uads Alameda Coan\1' 'her II I • 1 .
deputies and atite bi&bWAJ
patrolmen. Alloietber an To Arr·""'t estimated 90 witf«med men '-'°
were involved durlna the~
Two BerkeleY ' c!ty e HONOLULU ( U PI )
plainclothes olllcm were S-Judy Dil>ley d
ama>g -bospllalded. An Ban 11-bad -ln-unknown number of credlble nen for her captiln
p I a inclotheJmen clrculated u Vnite"' Alr J ,1..,... P'llcbt
amoog crowds thal ...,..... :IOI oppn>OChed IDJo, Hawall,
from the battlel at .,.. Tueldly, ,
tranceways and t r 1 mp e d "'11Mn'1 a run back hert
noi1Jly through e I a 1 •room with 1 IUD who wanta to M
buildings, brealdnf oome win-!alien to Cllba," Ibo oald.
dows and diacharllnl fire u-The -DCI eirrylnl a
' Our ·,_iil,.... con. 11lor TYi · chotl•• 'yeur •'YI•,
... ~···''' NOW
lingui!llers. --a IOOd l,oto milu •
WASlllNGTON1 AP) -The gressional pa,y and. lnc;l'ease Chancel!,.. Heym aald nine -~·and blldad In the -,,i ...
l1nll dtclsion on whether to other lop federal lllaries studenll ,...... -the » appoolle dlncllon. ...... ·, • ~p ., ijd . ·
L'--"' ....... _..ional -y acales become ' e ff e et l v e arrested Tuesdq GD dmtet Capt. M. B. Blrlln, the pUot, .ui,;Mf llil!N·J1J1:. 1 · ~ ~-~ ranging from blocking a publle ~ 1111 lncldlnl~radlo • 'Qtl M'il'W' · · _ .... 'Ji ... · ,
by $12,500 a Y!U' has been automatlcaDy Feb. 14. ' passageway to uaauJUn& an to Hl1o Airport and met .... II •• --"'!,
!ell to lbe H....,, wher< op-The Senaio, wlth MaJO!'ily officer. I Ibo hll jot -landllll. : 11u;•1 l'I i I ;;;~-...... . . ., ,. • .,, .. OCIAIANllB l'lll l'ICIUlll TUii
ponentsarellvmlllUechance Lea'.\"'_Mik~Me9af~d He1aid1totaletUlludenll TbeyoelJedArchleE.Evus, fttoWi ">'., 1 ,."', , • • . l'OlllTIAMONAU. ..... CllHICOl,OIW. ~ vetoing the increase. w~-enng " we are g have been (ivm interim 33, a Portland, Ore., !Mw>t ,_........... = =· e = \ · · . · ' Several l'tlOluUons to scuttle to ~ mice or men," decided suspension for unlawful ac-11lesm1n. He wu unanntd. •• _! ..... 1 .,+. U.' 1 I . I . I.· . . ·1 -,,_,..F fit I• s .._ ....... _, r wf 1Y ~ ... the raises are before the by • 47 to 34 vote Tultday tivities on Mcinday and 'l'uelo "It'• Ill a ~ nmtate," ... • '' -1 • ••-•ll"llll'lr' .. pan '' 1'), _, • _. • --fw ......
House Rules Committee. thatilwouldn'lmlndbavlng day,andlballurtllerviolaton aald-.. wllo·--· Ulliloi -.. di ......,...,,..,.etpal11Wo ....... __ ... ~ch icheclu1ed a closed a raise. will be treated the aarne way. Ing any rdnarll: aM!ut Cuba. J •tld:• .... ,.,... ............. _, .... l'Y. W.
bearing today, but have only The Senate actually Toted ''The imlverlity will use "All I cild w11 ut the .... t.. _, ,.,,, ..,, .... .,,..., 1,.... L..11Gf·11
oulliclebopeolsurvlval •. against a resolullon by polle<f..,,..-rtopro-atnml ... fo1"two drlnb, _ ........ C-,_.lw 1J1bod--lho.
eoogress tues. ukl•Y Lm· 0e1aware Republican Jo1tn J. 1ec1 th• Clllbplll ~ wblcb 1p1."111 -· ·---~~~~==-·~:'~i;i~r~~....:.~~::::~~---_J :co1n·s birthday b"'lk starling Williams opposing the bil con-from these tactlcl et tm'or," £...-liter wu ftOWll It
Friday and the House, U it gresslona! pay boost. said Heyn.a. ''We will uae the Jlllil!tluJP wliern lbe F B I
ls to act, must do so by "We're setting the pattern full force of. campus recuJa-·-~ wttb vlol1tln1 a 4,
then. for expenditures that callld tiortS to protect incUVldual and ~I Jaw .. Jn thtit fte Im--~· · • • Without a House or Senate cost f4.5 billion," be .·told property rights." 1'~.flllelnformatJon . . .
veto, proposals of a spedal tho Senai. during thrff bourr Tuesd1y'1 dlirupll°"" began riipl'dlng piracy of an a!rorafl
commiuion to h i k e con-_dl_ba_te_. ______ _;;•,;.,t ;;;S•;;;ther;;;;;,,.,;;cG•;;;te;;;.,;.,wli;;;en;;;..oolrll<=•"-"'"-;..;.;." _______ 1 ~·· . ,..
·STEREO SENSATION! • The colorful sound or
Oran1e C•nty Music
RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM-.:his ... MOIC ...... , ...... Rn 1IMll PAYWHI' Pl.AN
:Pills on Sale
PARIS (UP!) -Birth con·
trol 1'1llt ....,. on ule Iq1Uy
In France toda1, but women
needed medlcal apprmtl from
I doctor to b\11 tho Ofli
From Fashion Island. Newport Beach NEWPORT BEACH
F•hlM hiontl
Hunth"'°" C......
' ' ..
. .
1 .,
• . ,
• ..
.. .
I .
' I
r Vlldl)t!dq, Flllfua'I S. '1969
' '
.,,.,., ... ...
• -----All Penne,y S.tores-Op·en Every ·~i! ,.
BreakdoWJI ~f ~l!~~e! 1 ' tli ' •1 ~. Gov. Reagan's new budget gives · tlils bteak-
down ,Ill state o~nj!lpg (i>r each ~ :J:iJllec~l l Educillon 40.5 cents, ,hejillb Gil .welfare 22.6,.C:'"!l#lJ-
Prol>eiV; tax relle! alicl' llWed revenue 14'1 ce!)ll;1 .
~tion 1112 1 c~ts, ~es1 and7 comme~c;,:t1~
LB ceiifB, adminlatrallon 1.4 cents, other 3.1' cen!W
Where does it come from?
sales tax 30.4 cents,' personal income tax 21.5
ceilts,~gbwair' !lier tax 16.2 cfnts, bank a~d 'tor-:::
·pohllion tax 9.& cents, cigarette lltx 4.3 cents ,,motor-.. .
vehicle licenses fees 4 cents, inheritance and gift
taxes 3 cents, insurance tax 2.4 cents, liQu.Pr taxes
and fees 2.2. cents, horse racing fees l.1 cents, otbe.r 5 4 ts ' . ' ' ' ' .cen : r~ ~'·~ ~· " • tt&tn•awit*M* '* 8tsamnm:a.:::qw M+jji
Fiseal Fiitnre I ·
State Sees It New Way l _
. '/-SACRAMENTO (UPI) -the figu<es for 19'10-71 are very
Gov. Ronald Reagatl's ad-tentative and take into 1C-,
minlltratlon cave ~ count a normal wortload ,J,&
a loot into tbe tlate~• fiscal crease, a· . reasonable ' u:7
fu-In _ _.... •• the fiscal penditure level and the elfect .,._.,.._re of growth.
1570 bpdget to newsmen. It does not consider wbat
Flnaoce JlireclOi' Caspar W. might h In tho 1119 Welnborget ·-.foe what •!> appen · ... ~ tint lef(lslature. . . ,
pareptq ls ~ '~" e -With that In mind, 11',eJn.
figurod oo1 what woold be berger'• Ogures il»wed on In·
apent for maj~ ~ of state crease of '88.1 mllll~ Jn ~Je
g-.ot In ' fiscal 1970,71 expenditures lrO!)I tjlO ~
-tho 1'ar Iller the budc!'I fund and a boost of $1115 ~ · ~-~ · million in state money ~ ·
Al .. apected,. it: will cost along to local g9vwunent lllil
m~· -,.. spent there.
'J'be b!ld(et' doCID!lenf ltseU The biggest local c., t
-'• lllale geiieral fund boolls, paid .bY the state, will ' eXpendltuie ant!Clpaled of $4. 7 !JO '51 mll!loo f"f aoclal
billion -in Jncreue of '30S " welfare; $45 mllllon J. or
million jmtlt' the state cash medical care; $26.9.mllllon for
box cost in filcal 1969-70, the school ap_portlonment, an d
budget year. · · $21.5 million for men ta I
It also lndlcated the state health.
will spend mO!'e than it earns On the state level, the two-
during fiscal t•70 by $108.8 year budget indicates boosts
million and in fiscal 1970-71 of $.10.3 million !or · the
by $23.3 mil.l,loo. .Univeraity of Callfomia; $29.7
l}ut a black ink surplus of million for state Cillleges; $9.2
$262.9 milllon built up this million for coorectlon's an~ the
year will leave room. youth authority; and $2 tnlll.ion
Weinberger emphasized that for 11alary increase!.
Reagan Urges Boost .
In Welfare Spending
SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Indigent" -too poor to pay .
Gov. Ronald Reagan's b~ medical bi!ls:i,. or are 65 or
for fi.5cal lllU-70 tOOay pro-over in 190-70., (' "(i..t ~."'
~ r.-health and The AFDC program, largu
Well··-._· ••• u .... •a II.• bUUon single wellare •ppropri41Uon, -~ ·~ w " was estimated to COit •·• • -·nearly half for the massive million for the 198f.70-tbcal
aid to famlllea wiYi dependent year compared to s t t t . 7
children and II t a t e medical million th1! year.
care programs. oth 1 1r The oeW budget increases er arge weuare pro.
health. and welfare spending gram$ include old age aecuri·
$l5.1.I mllUon•above the l!IM-69 ty, estimated at f173.8 milllon
fiscal year costs estimated at for 1969-70; ald to the needy ~..... disabled, $103.I mllllon, 'Ind fl.I -menW hygiene, 11t1$)nniloii. ,
In llddlUon; the llate ex-The rital h~'l-~
pendllllres trlaera'lederal ex-made ::Uc ~~ Jn.
pendltures to brine the 1 ... 1 • cludJn& a' r.conu..adaucxdo
federaliolate -•lo fU clooe 'the 'MoclestO s•ate
billloli. 'l'bey aim IOcpre aome ~tal , ·· "\ ' · '
loCl!I........, flmdl ba\-1nie btiilgel· abowi redUced e>perUCClllinr>tealcalate~tho it&te funcUnf, bUI· iiot actual
exlGf. d01li ID'MJUDL , -budget c u t s , for the
"Our we1llr0 ai1cl 'Medi.Cal departments of public bealth,
pro«rama ·•Unue to ~ rebablUt.aUon1 .. !he:~on
muaive infilions of ad«fitioaal ._, on-,. 1lxlj,an affair, a n1d
tu moneya," Reagan laid' ~t4lhl Jot»lralblilg a1¥1
his budget message. I. _ ' ~ent c&rildll r !
"We .,.111 f!a•e new pi'o~_!, , • ..._. !.4,-. ,,_
• • • wbiJle only 1oa1 wtu-· 1< ~ '"'
be to emure that our :t;:t•· • ~' . , I be directed toward 1r .. r , ·
of t11e ablH>odied nom • "Nlit .a Re.;ora r weH&rt rolls to ueeful and .:;::;........ ..,. ~ ~ ~ ·
profitable pf I • a t e employ· SACRAMENTO _(VfH -
meal," IJe ,saJd. ' • '' ~.'lltinild¢llia,a,;!1'1'iafei I
The budget dtlmai.. '381 -al-gh a record for
JD1111oa wlJI be needed 10 flnan-Callfomla u ....al -loll
ee Medi-Cal duriltf ate ne1t &eiow me New Y()J'k budget
) "'
" r..
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will make you look even prettier ••• blue, pin~ mint or maiDI f.1 L
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a.:al JUI'. The esU.mate for s u b m It t e d by fellow , •
tbl current filcal ye.ar W'll Repnhlicaa Gov. Ne I 1 o n ~ ... -=----------------"7'----;r::;::;:-:-r7-::--'7~-.-..,.-,-----:--:-,_~,-------:._:._ ___ ....._., 1111~~i.ca1 1""11'.am ls ~:;·budg,11o1a1s 1&.22 CCDSJA "MESA'.. , HGmi . GfoN· BEACH NEWPORT BEACH _,ied lo f\lrnlsh OH~ · buuoo -$11111 mllllon below : := !!ii~= _:r:.~~I;~ ~g: :m;:c·1L ___ ..:,(H_·_·bor __ is_ho.:.p;_pl_n9:__C._· ·_n•""··~I """''----===-=.:.:·:::==='ti!!:::-:JL::fui::n :.:.jo.:::n::_ c.:::-:""::. .. ::.•I:_ ____ _::__ __ -::.· =·'::.F:··::hi:•n.:...::lsi.:nclJ::_ ____ J
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-\lothes \-ear 'round in whit~. dnd l~iQut:;-t.fs,
· 'ftqw·pri?<f duripg' our ~Ugr Days al a frttlliliMdous '
\ , ~alu• fOr our-fovorih. a11tbmersl c;:any ·Mm •. ~ • •·••:~iid·pretty valunby tho _ai'mload in m~ "~broken sii~,,32-38. · · ,
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Pvi. l.C. Jerry J, Crandall,
21, whose home is at 2167
Vista Enlrada, Newport Beach
hs been assigned to the 937th
Engineer Group, Vietnam.
Pfc. cfandall is a combat
Pvt. Leslie A. Edwards, 22,
son of Mr. and . Mrs . Frank
Edwards of 2278 Placentia.
Costa Mesa, has been assigned
to the 19th Battalion near Tam
Quan, Vietnam as a combat
. erigineer.
Hi& wife, Olivia, lives at
2641 Elden Ave., CoSita Mesa.
1Capl Gary R. Hutteball, o(
-1287 Clift Drive; Laguna
B@ch, was one of 16 Marines
teceiving the Distinguished
·Flying Cross for Vietnam ac-.
I.fun' during ceremonies held
at the Marine Corps Air Sta-
tion El Toro.
.Capt. Hutteball, a pilot on. a' TA-4F Skyhawk directed at-
tacks for spr: ~ours on vehicles
and suiface-to-air mis s,i I e
launch sites and other . vital
targets, according to the cita·
'L&. Col. William R •. Smith,
USMC, of 25231 Earhart,. Rd.,
Laguna Hills, . has b e e n
scheduled to take command
of fbe Marine Attack Squadron.
-214, at the Marine Corps Air
StaUon, El Toro.
Former comm ander of the
Headquarters a J.1 d Main-
tenance Squadron, El Toro1 the colonel was operations of-
ficer in Vietnam before taking
over his last assignment.
He has earned t h e
Distinguished Flying Cr~, 22
Air Medals and the Viet-
namese Cross of Gallantry.
Lt. Blake Lancaster, son of
Mrs. Barbara D. Locke of
35002 c am i n o Capistrano,
Capistrano Beaeh, has beeo
assigned to ~rrin AFB, Tex.,
with the Aerospace Defense
The lieutenant, a n in-
terceptor pilot, is a graduate
of Johnson High Schoo I ,
Sgt. Joseph Y. Cruz, son ·
of Mr. and Mrs. Juan Cruz
• of 712 Hainilton St., CoSta
Mesa is serving as squad
leader in Company D, 3rd Bal·
talion of the 25th . Infantry
Division's 22nd Infantry, ·near
Tay Ninh, Vietnam.
The sergeant has rece.lved
the C om b a t Infantryman
Badge. He is a· graduate of
Tumon High School, Tamun-
ing, Guam, 1963.
Seaman Appren. Norman R.
Rndlcl11, USN, son of Mrs •
Mary Rudiclll of mi Placen-
tia, Costa Mesa, b Ii a
graduated after ·niQe weeks
of training at the 1 Naval
Training Center, Great La~el,
Pvt. 1.C. JOlepb W •
MeGlvney, of 17261 Gothard
St., Huntington Beach, is serv!
ing with the Third Marine
Division in South Vietnam.
The private's battalion has
been ' conducting sweep and
clear missions throughout the
five most northern provinces
Jr. South Vietnam.
Two Costa Mesa men are
in Germany ta)tjng part Jn
the military exercise Reforger I. .
They are Pvt. l.C. David
F. Ayaka, 21, son of Mrs.
Marcellii ·M. Tann of 215 Knox
Place, and Pvt. 1.c. Jon V. -
IIlnkem, 20, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Hinkens of 307
Alva Lane.
The exercise involves U.S.
Army units based in the U.S.
and Europe. It·. wi~ inc!Ude
about 12,oOO troops ..signed to
the 24th Infantry Division, and
combat service support units,
a}l Down . to Europe to. the
Grafenwohr-Hohenfels vicinity.
Staff Sgt. Rodger ·e.
Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Morriss K. Laurie of, '13%
Hamilton St., Costa Mesa has
graduated at.Sheppard ~B.
Tex., from the training c~
for U.S. All' ~orce Pro-'
grammlng Specialist!.
A graduate of Costa Mesa
High School, he attended
Orang1 Coast College before
entering the terVict.
· Heritorloau Servw
Staff Sgt. James F. Cocbl'an Jr., (righ() son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Cochran Sr., of 81612001 St., West·
minster, received the U.S. Air Force Commend.a ..
tion Medal al Norton AFB from Col. James · P.
W arndorf, vice commander of the At.rbspace Audi~
Visual Service. Be is a Westmin!ter High Spiool ,'
:r ,
t J
" ,.
t' t! I
' •
·l r
'. ~ r
I .
1; ,,
Unique Opportu~ity
• Recreational opportunity knocks !or the second
ume In HunUnglon Beach oo June 3 when voters wlll
be asked to approve a '6 million bond issue for a com-
prehensive park system. The proposition is essentially tbe same as the one
which voters gave a 62 percent yes vote on Nov. 5, bul
which failed to receive the needed two-thirds major·
Thia opportunity is unique because few cities today
have a large central city area und eveloped some 60
years after the city began, as does Huntington Beach.
The city also hai; space for smaller neighborhood parks
near schools already built and in the planning stage.
The $6 million in bonds, when conlbined with the
income from subdivision fees and taxes, will give the
city a system of about 50 small parks, eight to 10 com-
munity parks and a large central park.
Almost no one objects to having such a system and
there has been no outcry at the cost, likely to be about
$10 per family per year. There are enthusiastic part
backers and persons who will vote against any and alJ
There is a big job to be done. Every voter must be
Informed of why the city needs the park system now
and what the alternatives are. The project is too im-
port.ant to be lost because voters are not fully informed.
Because this project is of direct benefit to nearly
everyone in the city the bond package is an exceUent
buy. With the exception of a few areas already built up
the bonds will provide a 'J)ark in nearly every quarter
1>ection in the city and large community parks for
activities of groups.
Director of Recreation and Parks Norman Worthy
has said that in spite of the fine voter showing in
November, the job today is bigger than ever. There ls
great resistance among voters for any kind of spending.
Worthy and his park crews will need much volun-
teer help to assure the taxpayers that this is an essen-
tial program.
Tile altemaUve to p_a.,age of these bonds Is con-
tinuation of the lneUeelual pay·as-you·go In which lu·
payers fool the full bill -leaving those who come to
the cily ln the future to enjoy the )larks at no cost to
The choice will be up to the voters on June 3 and
that clloice should be for a strong park system bene-
fiting all and paid for by those who benefit from parks
not only. today bUt in the future as well.
Doing the Job Locally
The traditional Orange County philosopby of solve
li>cal problems by local meahs is finally being put Into
practice. • ·
A group of Huntington Beach-Westminster civic
minded citizens has gathered under the banner of the
Council for Community Progress to begin tackling a
few local situations without cryiqg for help from above.
Prime movers behind the organization are Dr. J,ack
Kent and Mrs. ·Hannah Alekoumbides, both of West-
They have enlisted the aid of several prominent
citizens from Westminster, Huntington Beach and near-
by areas t<rcombat local poverty and help resolve in-
dividual community problems.
A recent case in point came up when the council
helped find medical aid for F~~ Gutierrez, a blind
Huntington Beach youth. ~'
Another ex;::gte: ~.,
Mrs. Aleko ides is cu
English ciassea being admini
can youths troubled by the la
The council's goals are
members see in community
examples of what cou1d -and
.. f.B~_!o~jf fUtUJ",,.C·
, .> Totalitarian llse Th°'t"'.~tg,1 ' ·-
~ . ..,
' •
Itself ls
Veteran Condemns 'Hi . shima' Ban
A 'Medium'
Although Marshan McLuhan's famous
phrase "The medium is the message·•
tw ~ abused and perverted (by him
as much as by others), there is a
central and important truth in it -
as long as we remember that language
itseU is a "medium."
Indeed, lanauage is so much a medium
that we do not even think of it as
such. Each language make.~ its own
particular "environment" and reshapes
reality to fit the grammar or the
TAKE THE MOST familiar work in
the English language -the King James
aible. We forget that the Old Testament
was written in Hebrew, and the New
Testament in Greek, and that both were
translated for us by 17th Century
£nclishmen who changed lhe me11age
u they changed the mecllum.
When we read the Beatitudes, for
Instance, we imagine that Jesus actually
said, ''The meek shall inherit the earth."
And we don't care much for the idea .
because "meekness" is a kind of timid,
namby.pamby word to our ears.
U we read the French Douay Bible,
however, we are informed that Jesus
said the debonair shall inherit the earth.
Whal a difference -for "debonair"
i!f good-natured, easy-going, affable!
triinslated the New Testament saw in
the Greek word a man who humbly
bowed bis head and suffered submission.
the Frenchmen who translated the New
Land for a civic CeJ!~ near the
Huntington Beach ~ School
is a lot less costly and ,. Jot cloHr:
to the city's populaliOO Center than
old downtown. Land hear the oCean
should have its highest. use, and yield taxes a "
not be removed frorri Ow .. . · I -
for city use.
, -;-F..t.T.
n1, ... tu,.. rtflKtl "•)J.r1;f/,!'Ji . --"'""" .. ""' . ........ ,....,. . .._, ...
Testament saw tn lhe same Greek word
a man who was merry, mild and
In the same way, ~ King J"1\"
lranslators Speak of Jebevah becori'Ung
"exceedingly wroth ," ·l'hlcb is ·a
fearsome ~phrase; the ume Hebrew.
however, translated into French, gives
us "tres lrrltee -verx ~ed ! God
on one side of the ~-Channel
does not much resemble Qoa pn t~
other side.
thropologists, in fact, have suggested
that the Germans became 10 bWlg up
on order and authority and obedlence
because their language ii ~ a; .
way -heavy and dida~;. ilV;Ji
abstractions and system-t>w.udH.. .
it is true that the German phil•PJteN.
unlike the English and the ~' i tried to tuck the univene pttU)' ·
their systems, rather thJD ld.Jurt.lnt
systems to fit the untidy realities of
There is a continual feedback from
language : It arise.s out of the cuJttn,
but then it influences and reshapes the
culture to confonn to its linguistic
anlage. This i1 why Americanese is not
just a branch <lf English, but 1 way
of life.
To the Editor: ... ~ one. of_Jll@ 'tftiirmen of the landing litlil lllli. l!IM'. l.,_ Mlered into th< filY"NiOo Beet. dW wu to assault the
Ja-maloailn-· 1945, I'd like ~my: . disapproval «if J!': ' · · Hersey's book. 1 • 1 • ~ of our county . . ~, "( . '
Our 1IDdblc ablp, carrying tanks and
, Marloe infantry, .aw from San Pedro
in the •namer 'of 1M5 for what wa:s
to be the Jul "and oorlalnly bloodiest ....... 'I! fll tlp.•r "f_,
Wt know MW tlmt tlil two at.omic bo~be ~t deaiofed"lti:roshima and
Nagaaaki brougb\ about .the immediate
uncondlUo~ ~ oI Japan .
~~ght fe ill' Wed. The feared
tnVUJOn ~ ~:-oft. Our ship put
back into port at'~ Su Francisco and
unloaded. ·
-WITHOUT A lueatioo, those lwo ~tastrophic demogitraUoiu of our power
saved many live4 6R both aides, probably
mlllf='incl~ ~~e1ll jttlt forget, for
the . , iDOUl the people under
the bo ). But at "tbe war's end, the
only thought in pur minds was that
nolhlng lite the orOea1 of that war .,,..Id _fiVel lake It!&(< Jiil earth again.
. 8111!!1! llltll1 l~A ttf: wondered how tllo.~8~ pl l . And why they 11!111. lilmi ll@W dlil Germans get a .11ltler! Why didn't they throw out
tbe HlUer eovemmtnt? How did the
Ruaiarw Cl'l'De by a.~ like Stalin? . -:• ' -MtOIPfQ ~--• can dispute that one of the reasons t h o s e
eovernmenta · got aa 11-p.r as they did
WU that ~ poc:r, deludb:I populations were victlm.J pf llmolt Cotnpiete systems
Letters from readtrs are toelcomt.
Normall1J writers should convey tMir
message in 300 words or less. The
right to candense letters to fit space
or eliminate libel is reserved. All
lttters must include signature and
mailing address, but names may be
withheld on request if su~t f'tC·
son i.! apparent.
ed by lh~ English Department, or
whether this was merely an excuse
the real reason being "that he wa;
an oddball, etc.," as Shapiro has claimed.
SINCE I AM NOT a member of the
English Department, I am not in a
position to make a judgment on the
matter, B!ld did not do so on Wednesday.
I did make the point that the one
act.Ion that cool.d have resolved the ques-
tion, submitting Shapiro's work to a
group of outside ei:perts, was not taken .
This was particularly crucial in
Shapiro's case, since he claims that
Uie members of his department are
hostile to the type or work he is doing
and are incapable. therefore, of ap-
praising· it objectively.
THE F .W.URE t.o take lhe only. step
that could have cleared the air points
up the injustice <lf a system that provides
no review procedure for a man fired
before being considered for tenure.
of thought ~trol. Tbe people were not .
only kept frofu learnina:. but encouraged Reader Rett~r rt!trs to tht ~ontro-
What is be~ to worry me h'e~J 'ltep~en A,, Shapiro's cont t·
NixonHas Begun Well
not to think outside their small, speci~~ versy at University of Caliit·a,
ed Jobs. · ~' ~r.vl~ie ov~'the termina«I .
ls that a rqan Whit' "'8ht to know heller ,ssistGnt,-if!fessor of Eng . •
can take I Pulitzer Prize winning ''" '-Editor
author'• Mot out Of 1 .Choo! library ann dttend bis -l?7 saying he·· llelping prollct the lntetests of those
whose lives .were aaved by the atomic The soft-spoken and eloquent inaugu ral
11ddresl of Richard M. Ni:zon Monday
was • splendid way for the 37th President
to belin hi& administration . With peace
at home aod abroad Its central theme,
the speech reflected the idealism and
spirit ot conciliation Mr. Nixon has said
he hopes to impart to the presideDC)'.
Absent were the slogans and catch
phrases so commoo to his past speeches.
In his "summons to greatness,·· Mr.
Ni1on offered aome pledges a D d chaJlenCel to the American people:
A PLEDGE TO give lhe highest priori·
ty to the eau11 of lntern1tion1.l peace.
A pledse to presa urge.Uy forward
in pnult of "full employment. better
~ aceUence In <ducatton, ln re 0, our cities and tmprovina our
rural -In protectlnJ oilr onvlroo-n>eol and eohaacing the quality of life."
A Pltdee that gove~nt will listen
"to the tQ)ured voices, ttit anllou.s: volctll,
.rtr& DMce, Iowa, M•••••rer :
"Aodlm>o hove ahrQI tam> pride In
tl1* ~ and naUonal crodibiUty.
We blft recocNlf!d that men and naUom
Cd 1111 no ~than their word .... The
crisil of cred.lblllty Jn our government
... grown at.eadlly wor1e . . . . one of the:
' first tNb ol. the new administration will
be to rtlt«e the public'• confidenct in II.I pemmmt. This can only be ac--
campUlbed by leveling with tht American
1*)11111 whethtt the news of the moment la~ or bad. The people must have the
truth llMf not bureavcr1tic"gob-
the voices that have despaired of ~belt11
A challenge to AmerlcaJIJ lo )!Jj<n
more and shout less.
A challenge to Americap11 1"4fvifl~~y1
to reach out to lheir neighbors, "belpin&:,
caring, doing ."
A CHALLENGE to American• "to give
life to what is in the lfw, to en.sure
at last that as all are born equal in
dignity be£ore God, all 1Jlt born equal
in dignity before man."
But the ideals and "the bMWr anaels
of our nature" to whJch Mt. Nllon
referred must aiao be tn"'1atea, •o
ma.ti)' oecaaiona in the nut four yean,
into specific proposals to eon,reu and
into specilic e.s:tcutive ~Wons. It bi
Acts uP that are wllat started the "~ m '"""' off In the first ""1 tM f{l4llil down all th<
, , ""'"' if I just sat IT , 'P!qulet.
11....,.NI• .'1frlng
To 1111 Editor:
In tbt DAlLY PIJ.m of Jan. 30 J
waa quoted as wwwthc that Steve
Sbapiro wu fired "becauie he was an
oddball and they (1111 E!>llish Depart-
ment faculty) didn't IJlli. him." Thll
is a serious misreprueg\llion of my
I aaid that ~\lllltlon of wbethet' or not tho S · · dismissal w~
leglUmate or hlnpl on whelli* hlo1l>011!11!1~ bad deteriorated, as aU.Jll •
""" lhlna to talk of • ~ ''to -------reduce ihe OOrden of arms": It wlD , a, Geerwe
bl quite another to overr~ the dmwMls Dear °"'11e: .. :mi..~~~~· Ila •. , l!fl~--·.1Dlfl ll *'~t f J'lu! duotrial ..iablWnnent o1 . ,. lWll r Ei8e:nbower warned in . :lUJ : :Mt1 W11Je• newspapers m_,.. 'It ls °"" lhinl 141 IJll< of . ii rl jou:J1111 ii !tupid.
"black and whl" togelllu, I& ille ~ But l'D b7 ahytiifq:·ANw.,.!
· tion"; it will be another matilt '° ftri1 -· .. , · ' J, M.
cnforoement of anU-<titcrfmlllatlon laWI Dear J. M.:
or to do away with lhe caUlel of ghettos. Well, with your qua.IUications, perh•ps you could get a good part
TO QUESTIONS like these, another in Tarian movies. Do you like
four years remein for Mr. Ni.xon to bananas? They can 1.lways use
give hit answer1. Right no,.; It is enouth • good Cheetah.
to aay that our new President h11.s begun (Send your prloblems to Georac,
well. the nalioni No. J Worrywart.) 1'bt MlaHapolJs Trlbun•
Against Abortion
To the Editor :
Re : Your news story of the recent
Business and Professional Women's
speaker on abortion :
If the doctor who spoke to the BP\V
Is to be taken seriously. then I foresee
a return to the Nazi era of sterilization
of "undesirables" (determined by a state
approved board; of course), and outright
mu.rd.er of the "unfit•• •.. mentally,
physically, or politically.
Dr. Hansen, Santa Ana gynecologist ,
urged women to unite to push passage
al • law permitting abortion of an
unwanted child.
nus I ASX: unwanted by whom?
Has the father been consulted? The other
children In I.be family! Has the unwanted
'!'!J1Y· been A!!fi!i1 If he minds being
®iie lway ~~-the name or progress?
'M'led, too;r;wonder it Dr. Hansen woukl nt , the passage al a law
(in the bflM ' progress) permitung
doing away with children who were
u n w a n t e d after birth, J notke
he suggests that murder or the unborn
should be done fairly by placing ''the
decision with the woman and her physf..
clan •here it belonp" (his words).
Perhape the doctor ba1 .come up wit.b
the answer to all our unwanted problems:
the teen-ager on dope, the child who
doesn 't like school, the pre g nan t
daughter, etc., etc.
flefenlls l'ollre
To the Editor :
I feel overwhelmed al the pT'Ollpcet
<lf~ having to reply to 11\)'0ne With IO
impressive 1 name as W. Ross Win-
Dr. Douglas C. Eqkbart, Stanford
Resurcb Inslftute -"With romputers
we hope to help man do betttr what
he does -perhaps by as much as
20 perconl."
women on lhe Huntington Beach Police
Department will match their interest
in chikirtn in peril and out •aaiwit
Mr. Winterowd 's anytime. /
5. Tbere has been no shooting <lf an
unarmed suspect by the Huntincton
Beach Police Department In the recent
or distant past and Mr. Winterowd should
be aware of the fact that an out-and-out
fabrication of this t)'pe will tend to
discredit his entire "essay." The experts
in tbie:-vea. fOUow the rule of thumb
that goes, "Insert just enough fact into
eaCh big lie to gi ve it that resemblance
or truth."
Mr. 'Winterowd closes his essay by
referririg to "this syndrome of incident.''
Cil!lPl'eisive ), that should cause the re--
mainder of the citizens of this community
to scllrT)' about announcing "the 1ky
is falling."
I \VOULD SUBMIT that Mr. Win-
terowd's series of mi.sinformatklo might
cause someone to question his motives.
I would prefer to believe that Mr.
Winterowd has fallen into that au IO
common trap that be professes to bava
side-stepped -namely, prejudging and
arriving at a personal conclusion whicb
is based not on the facts of the case,
but on hearsay reports from other writ-
ten or spoken sources .
It has been very apUy stated that
"a little bit of knowledge Is a dangeroua
thing." I would submit that the same
little bit of knowledge in the hand&
of the person who thinks it repruents
the entire spectrum of fact, ii an in-
vitation to seriou,, problems.
. ~
' t •
· Bavaria n· Girls Are·
' .,
• ' j The Mo st Romantic
By 'L. M. BOYD
Germaa, girls, a soldier ·of
wide experience -C o n t e n d's
thoae: young ladies from
·Bavaria tend to be the most
romaniic of an: . WHEN
• characteriz.ed the gone comics
Olsen ·"lnd' Johnson 11-1 ~
fathers ot the current "Laugh
In'' sbow, Jt's said he h'd
In mlod that pair's fameus
hit ofJ yesteryear, "Laffin
'Room -Only." . . • A
Hammond, Ind., has developed
a stock remark to men who
buy bis shotguns. Namely~
"When's the wedding?" He
reports the gentleman who
made the last such purchase
replied coolly, ' 'This af.
11tates: "Seattle residents are
prone to boast on the beauty
of '~ount Rainier .
Unfortunately, they don't see
It often, because of the
overcaSt." Nonsense! Mount
Rainier was clearly visible ·to
the Seattleites oo exacUy 201
days last year. Incidentally,
our Mount Rainier visibility
specia1ist is a fellow named
Kim Turner. and he says his
records show Saturday is that
day or the week when skies
hereabouts art clearest, Tues·
day when they 're .cloudiest.
Now wait, I'm not ignoring my
reader in T.raverse City,
Mich ., or my reader ,,;in
Naples, Fla., to report tne
foregoing just because I ~vt
in Seattle. But this Puget
Sound country, wherein Seat-
tle sits. is the most beauUiul
place in the world. TbB.t's
something that ought to be
take·home pay of the average
factory hand now as $122 a
week • , • SO FAR AS our
Go Ahead and Nag If
It's a Heart Attack
B,y Peter Steincrohn, MD . . . the new habit of eating less
is now. Especially, in view
of his family history or cor-
onary disease.
MED~ES (Repli"
U.S. Army
·short of
, ' '
Officers .
l : '
Wtf11014ir, ''"'""' ,, 1'69
El -Toro Favored as Airport-Site
' ' Bresriaha11; to Discuss-Issue With Viejo Res~lJ.ts
botbet me. I only wilb I eould
atfonMo llve there."
~n Jives in a •1001 ._Jn rountaJn Valley. Ono
d the sites CGrllldered for
nlocllloo ot Ille olrporl wu
Bolla Chica, only five mlWo
However, Hlllltlqloo Beoch
homeowners amlHed 1!,000
signatures and a 200-page pro-
fessionally documented report
discouraginc relocaUon t o
Bolsa Chica. it is no longer.
under consideration;
Dear Dr'. Steincrohn: How
can I p'revent my husband
from getting a heart attack?
\Ve've been married jesa than
a year and he's only' 22. The
reason I'm concerned is th<Jt
there is a family hisiory of
heart disease in his
lo ~den): ·
Both his father and an unc1e
have had coronaey at(acks.
My husband is a former foot· '
ball star who has put on at
least 25 pounds since gradu•~
ting. He has a voracious aJ>-
petite and is getting to be tre-
mendous. When I advise him
t. e.at less he laughs it off.
Calls me a nag. Am I? -ft1rs.
COMMENT: A nag ? They
come in all sorts of classifica·
~ons. Much dep~nds on how
one tells the other "what's
good for him (or her)." But
I'm on your side , Mrs. O.
Experience tells us that
When men or women get into
the actual coronary a g e
bracket it is often too late
to hope to help by special
Q,ieting. The damage has been
done by slow accumulation of
fat in the arteries over the
years. So you are perfectly
right in tryit'lg .!Q ~eep your
husband's appetite with i n
bounds while -he is still in
his 20s. It isn't too soon : and
tell him I said you're not
a na g -just a semtble wile
who wants her husband
around for a good long while.
1 I suggest that he W!d my
booklet: 22 Ways to Prevent
Address Dr. SteincroJµ\1 care
of this newspaper; enclosih&
25 cents and a slamped, self·
3ddressed envelope. After he
reads it, it may be on OUR
He does•'L have to tak e off
those utra pounds in a ftw
'veeks. Just go about it
gradually, undramatically. Cut
down on desserts around the
house. No second portions.
Less of fa ts and starches.
Before you realize it, ht
will have lost 25 pounds (and
more) over a period of a
year or two. No burr7 at
his age. But lhe time to slar1
Dear Dr.. Steincrohn: I've
just been 'lret.ired" (another
name for fired) at the qe
of 62. f•m still in excellent
health. What I am afraid of
ls that the shock of retirement
will UDdennine my health. Is
this iruit -Mr. U.
· COMMENT: As the song
goes, "It all depends on you."
.... Have you pnpattd for this
momentous occasion in your
life?· Or, like many others
w\10 haven't noticed the time
slip quickly by, have yoO been
content to do noghing about
It's true that some people
die early Of boredom. They
wither on the vine prelnatiJte.
ly. But those who prepare
years before to do some.thin
else whlch interests them in·
tensely, are not bothered by
retirement at all, I hope you
fit into this latter category,
Mr. U. if you do, believe me
there will be no retirement
shock. For many it is a period
of relief and fuUillmen t.
* * * Dear Dr. Stelacrobn: I'm
in ihy 40s. I'm a fatalist.
J don't care ff Idle tomoM'Ow.
Why all tbe fuss about good
health? -Mr. H.
COMMENT: The time to
fuss is in the 40s (or earlier)
so you will have a better
chance of reaching the 60s,
70s and fKb . VOu .Inl!Y not
believe it now -wliile in
full flower of health -but
U is true, as stated by Hamon
.y Cajll: "lt.,il nolorioul tb&t
the ..:adlfi to lfve tncfeases
II lifttU.;elf lbc:rtens, ••
I rfcaiI visiting a cute, lively
spirited 92-year-old. When f
had fl.nished wJtb. m_y u~
aminaUon a n d prescribed
something for. her ...W I 11ld
jokingly, "You'll be well
tnoogh to go dancing tomor·
row night."
She looked at mt, smiling,
and said, "J know you're
joshing with me, doctor. But
do you want lo k n o w
something ? I'm more anxious
lo stay ali ve now than I ever
was. I'd love to live to be
See what 1 mean, Mr. H.!
Durin1 our Value Sho'l!fdown, look What you can
get. .•
A '69 Nova that's priced leas than a '68 Nova
with attDott identical equipment.
This Nova hM Power1lide, which is priced leea
than Jut year.
It bU new advanced-design power dilc brakC!l'I,
,vhich are a third loee than our power d.Uc brake11
1 1 year. #
-' .... -'.;j
The htad restrain ta are atandard. &.iJ th.9•200-bp ys. And the whitewalls and wheel coven &{8 piiced•
Juat about the aame.
So that '69 Nova actually ia priCed $78.00·• leu
than a '68 Nova with the tame eqWpmmlt. ,
You get a better Nova, too.
Better beca.uu of it.I nelv lock for the 1teering
wheel, ignition and tranami#ion lever. lta llDproVed
insulation to keep out road noise. lt1 quieter
·~r • ,Ulppe
•• esame-
. .
I j ' 911,inea •. It. loo~. ,
A lot, of i>e!ople buy b eConomical Nova in.tt.ead
of an' econooilcal foreip car. -.
Drive one durinr your Cftevy dealer'• Value
ShowdoWn and lind dut why.
1 ••
'· '
. (
• I
TV Show
On Budge t
most show business standards,
Tuesday Nght's R 0 D a Id
Ile qan-Cupv Weinberger
television show was a polished
Both men art at ease in
front of televiaioo cameras:
Gov. Reagan a veteran of the
"'Deetb Valley Days" show
and movlis before t h a t ;
Finance ~ Weinberger
from -a public affairs show
be 'Uled to moderate in San ,...._
'11ley...,.. backed by a long-
time producer who o n c e
helped beam the serials "I
Love a Mystery" and "°'!e
Man's Family" aver the radio
waves to mlllloos of am.ious
liltenen daily.
There was a full production
crew ' on scene -t h e
p ern«'I Capitol study -
on Jan. S3 f« the fllming.
A majOr adverti&ing agency
-tile P1Jrchase of half an hour of prime evening
televt&ion time· tn 11 major
(Jelifomil markets with a
patentlal 15 mllllon viewers.
Tbe idea, costing $21,000.
,was fer the Re p ub l ican
governor and his finance chief to espllln dlrecUy· to UM! peo-
ple whit Reagan's new $6.23
billian budget and tax cut pro-
posal mean to them.
* * *
WtdntsdaJ, ftbn11r1 5. lM
'.Jut Lu eky' ~au_EEM_E --~av Ph_n_1n1•_,1an-di Strike Halt Ordered
.Police Cap ture working condiliooS and to SAN FRANCISCO (AP) &-. government." back a student waltout that
A Superior Court jud&e has AFT members struck to de-
Murder Suspect issued a new i n j u n c t t o n ~m~a~IKl~m~ore~~m~ooe~y~an~d ~be~t::t•:r_::•_::tarted~:::N~av::·..:':..· ----
against picketing by t h e
American Federation of
Teachen at San Franclsco
)'Oung ex-convict wanted for
the fatal shoaling of two
women in Oregon was cap-
tured in the small coastal
community of Capitola Tues-
day by officers who said they
were just lucky. They thoug)lt
they were making a routine
The suspect was identified
as RlWel.l L. Obremski, 23,
of KJamatb Falls. Oft. '!•
was arraigned before U.S.
Commissioner Gerald Hansen,
who set bail at $50,000 pending
extradition proceedings today.
Obremski was arrested Just
a day after ?.lrs. La Verna
Lowe, 36, and Mrs. Betty
Richie, 34, both of Medford.
Ore., were shot to death in
separate sla)'ings.
The body ot Mrs. Lowe,
mother of five children, was
found in her home Monday
afternoon. She bad been shot
four timee: in the bead. ·
Mrs. Richie, a widow, was
abducted from a drug store
parking lot later Monday while
waiting for her two sons to
make a purehase. 'Her body
was found early Tuesdaf near
a creek 35 miles southwest
of Medford. She was shot once
in lbe bead.
Authorities said Obremski
was released last October
from Oregon State Prison,
where be served a term for
taking an automqbile without
permission. He previously
served time at the Washingtpn
State Penitentiary on a
statutory rape charge in
Boycott Called
-About 1,000 students at the
University of California at
Santa Cruz called a one-day
class boycott Tuesday to sup-
port demands !hat the new
college at the campus be nam·
ed "Ma1colm X."
volvlng a 14-year-old girl.
His capture came about
when Obremski struck up a
conversation in Sanla Cruz
wit.h two surfers from San
Jose State College, Gilbert J,
'oe Liso, 22, and Keith E.
Reinegger, 21. .
They noticed a gun m
ObremskJ's red sports car,
identified as tbe one Mrs.
Richie was driving at the lime
ol her abduction. The ,u.r{ers
notified Capitola police.
P rosecution
State College.
A previous order, issued two
days after the walkout started
Jan. 6, was ignored by AFT
members and there has been
no attempt to arrest them.
Judge Henry R. Rolph on
Tuesday granted the second
order on the reqµest of the
attorney general'a offia! which
was acting in behalf of the
State College Board o f
The judge ruled lhat ''a
strike against a public utility
is unlawful in the absence
of legislative authority" and
added that "the defendants
are attempting to close San
Francisco State and deny to
the people of the State Of
California and specifically to
the 18,000 studenb the benefits
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The c lt M t s l t d for which this 'higher ln-proseculion in tile mate-u ures ee a e sUtulion of learning was
slaying trial of Pa~ S. established."
Perveler and Kr Is t 1 n a TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) _ 1 d. · lh 1 11 College officials estimated Cromwell says the two are pee s •scussion on e 0 ow-that 200 of the school's t,000
"either guilty of ·first-degree Proposals ranging from free ing proposals: teachers belong to the union.
murder or not guilty of importaUon ol Mexican liquor (I) Free importation of at Victor Van Bourg, a union
anything at all." by CaJifornians to an ex-least one-fourth gallon of attorney. told reporters that
In h. 1· I t Tu Mexican liquor a month by lS ma argumen es-change of culture are expect-since state law does not d Depu"ty Dist All y· returning California tourists. ay, B 1. . told. th y. m-ed to be discussed by the Ccm-(2) A pedestrian bridge over specifically prohibit public
001t "~1~1 e seven-mlSSI· ·00 of the Californ1·as s · strikes, they are legal. · Su -Interstate s in an Ysidro,
let llLOCIC help you <ltop if FEADNllDAl
down 10 siiel W.'H JWt our·
selvet in your U...S-oncl do STATE
yow tox return OI f ii wer•
our own. Our Jen'ic• i. qui(•, ml
convenient ond in<nepen1ive.
Try ut fw Ji1el UP
ff."""'""'""'""'""'"" GUAl ANTU f We 9uoron1te oc;curoi. p••porolion of ri•ry tai ""''"· I
.,.,. MO~e ony etro,. thcrt <Olt )'OU el'Y penally 91 1111 ......
.,.. will poy 'th• p•na or interMt.
H•R [3C!:..(!)5~o.
COSTA MESA, 187S Harbor Blvd., 642-6940
NEWPORT BEACH, 410 W. Coast Hwy., 642·78-42
CORONA dal MAR, 2435 E. Coast Hwy., 675.0362 m 8 n. ve-woman penor meeting Friday and Saturday Calif. Judge Rolph had declared
Court jury that the shooting in Tijuana. (3) An increase in the num-that the lack of a law permit-Weck Do p t •111.-t p.t111.: Sat., 51111• '•·111••5 '·"'· deaths of Perveler's wife 8~ l..-~ f s d · t1"og publ1"c strikes me'"" that l oo Ofll .,_ Cr II' h s b 8 n d Ianacio Garcia Batisla, head ~ .. o U .. bor er inspectors. ...~ A-rk•'s Ltirgett Tm Senk. wltti Off' O cft ''".,· omwe s u a.. ( ) s d It I d public employes "have no "had all the earmarks of of the Baja California dele-4 tu ent, cu ura an ~!lll!lll!lll~~~~~~~~~C~E~S~S~A~R~Y~!lll!lll!!'! · " gation, said Tuesday he ex-teacher exchanges. right to strike against theJ NO APPOINTMENT NE
Perveler, 31, an insuranct!:
planned executions. 1_!::::::::....:=....:..::=::::...=~~~~======================~========~ adjuster, and Mrs. Cromwell,
rt, are accused of trying to
collect double indemnity on
insurance policies after the
death of their mates, Cheryl
Perveler, 22, and Marlin
Cromwell, rl. .
The trial, which began last
November, ls expected to go
to the jury by week's end.
Flood Plan
Repaid Cost
Dumke Raps New Budget
cost of the Los Angeles County
flood control project was more
than repaid by d amage
averted in last month's floods,
the Senate was told Tuesday.
en a e e era
a s e na ion's LOS ANGELES lAP ) -Dumke said be is "deeply
State college Cbancellor Glenn coocerned with the prospects
Dumke says be fears 1'a of salary cutbacks" becawte
-Impact on tile qua!ilJ_ of tile ie..I of '!"Jll!!"'I In tile .,,. _ .. In U. >late col· r-d 11.2 billloli budlel
Sen. Jennings Randolph (0. w. Va.), ' chairman or the
Senate Public Works Com-
mittee., said the project saved
$1.% billion during the heavy
Bf«ms, lqe l1ll<m -of Gov. which gives tile coll•tl" '271 -...·.~70 budget. --.
-· ..... _. --
Sears Powerful . .
Hearing Aids
• .\D·in-t.he·Et.r
Trlmlite Ill 241so
NO HONEY DOWN -hn 1MJ hyn:M!llt P1aJI r---:-------...,
lurs, -....u .... Cle. , ..... °',. ... ., ..... L..&. .... , ...... : ot•.• ........
I _,. tt .. n•s 1•'-•lh4o .. "-"-"""-1 Ahle. f ••••rn.a• I •• -••r •• ••llr•tl•L
I s •• ,~------------
1 ••• ,~~-------~--' ··--~~~~~~~~~-
L c~ _J
It's true! The more I think about it
the more I like it.
When you 're looking lor maximum earnings on your
savings, th ink of Glendale Federal, where you get the
nation's .highest rate on insured savings. Our regular
passbook account pays a big 5%. For an even higher
return we have a Big Bonus Plan that pays more than
a regular savings account any-
whe're in town. It's issued in even
One 1vay
" bif/ 5.25% •
$1,000 amounts for a period of 36 mo nths.At the end of
the period you have earned the regular 5% plus an extra
1/4% bonus for each of the three years. It adds up to a
guaranteed bonus of .75%. There are Umpteen more
ways to save at Glendale Federal. Every way pays the
highest rate available, and accounts earn from the 1st ii
received by the 10th, after the 10th from date of receipt. --Newport Beach 2333 E••' coast Highway
For The Record '
Corot1• del Mar. OR WUI
Costa Mesa Ml .6-MU
110 ~way, Costl Mna
Bmdlqtlo Vllley
t'ltll Beodl Blvd.
UuUagloll Beach
Cemew, • MorturY Chapel
lllf Pldllc View Or1ft
Newport a-l, caBlorola -PEEK FAMILY
7111Balu.Avc.. w.--
frl-IL e-...-' LE._
Cl E. t7Ut St., Costa l\tesa
S•rnd on • F.r.nch roll wi9'1
fre11c.h frie1. .
l/J lb. chopped 1lrlo ln,
fr111dl frle1,
St•• 11 ebove with 111elt.d
Am1ric1n chee1e toppin9.
Sliced thin ftr t11te.
Fr1ncft fri11.
Foot lo1t9 hot dog, Co11ey I.lend ·1•11c1,
poleto chlp1.
l••t• h1mbur91r 011 rye, fill etl witll
Swi11 chttll 111cl m1nhreern1, Froncl1 fries.
The foUowing .sandwiches art
se rved with pickles 011d choice of potato
chips or cole slaw.
BACON, LITTUCE, TOMATO -.-.. ·-·----.95
SLICED COLD CHICKEN ·--·-·----........... 86
GRILLED CHEESE ....... ··-----·.. .. .............. 50
HAM & AMERICAN CHEESE -----.... --.95
COLO ROAST BEEF ··---·-----·--· ...................... 95
TUNA SALAD ··-··---.. -... ----··-···------.75
SOUP OF THE DAY (cup) .20 CHILI .60
Sow, or cftlli lo""11d with cracker li11\ot,
\Ve are also serving our famous line of
and many other dinner ipeclals 1l •ny
time of day. 0.1Mrf menu, too.
.... ~ .......... . ·~ .. ··--
. . . '
" • W""""111, ,..._ 5, 1'69 . OAILY PlLO'( !}
. . '
F U L L !. R. T 0 ,,
~I B
' n
Coiutractima Starta on New l'reewa11 Llnfc ·.
Weather pennltung, state and county officials Thursday will
mark start of cOllJtrucUon on tllll 2.,.·mlle segment of Orange
Freeway between Nutwood Avenue In Fullerton and Imperial
Highway In Brea. Elght·lane aument will be built under $4.5 mil·
Hon coatract awarded to Polich-Benedict Coostructors of 11os .. •
mead. CompleU.,. la 1cheduled for summer, 1870, Entire Orange
Frtt\vay ls DCM either under construction .,.. financed. BY early
1870'•, it win proVlde major north-south artery hetw:oen Riverside
Freeway In Anaheim and San Bemanlino Freeway m Sall Dimas. -· Supervisors OK Schedule f9r Budget Do•'t Netlect Sllppi.9 '\ FALSE TEETH
Don't monkey with
your child's future ...
' ' I
I r
• ·I
' !
. -·· .. ........... . ... ...... . ....... . .... ... . . ~. . . .. . . . ........... -. ·-·· ' ·-· .. .. " •
' . • JI "'"""': t t .. 'f!l ,~ !!-!'11 ~.JM .•
Business ,.Degree Holder ·GelS Results Through· OtJiers
\.. r' , , , 1 , \• t ..-'!'...... . .-.. nudylnf .... _ CAREER'CORNER ' . . , ~-· ... lrlJllllllriatlan -··-i-1n..,,,;.· FOR. -MOllE INFOll-~ -... ya '--•..,_; klg~IChoollll>lllev<r .,F • .i.1-; ..::-.,:~ .,,,'!!'Flltallveanol7111~ pnillt...., u well Soclal, MAnQfl; .write to the )ijnrlufer~al'bllllnelo
-""" --"'. vi • • , . ••-• ..wie. ... andln-· <llllunl ~ bolltb ~ AlnerteM -'-don of inapsfnel. c...-. \.WI" . ..,._., ~ 1 • ...: -... , • , ~ • • .t •-" ,. ..... ...._, bullfndl I : and ~f\oU' Are IOOtfng • Collidlte"SCboOl.l'tll Biidn:eu, sw"""' •a c;: .,.,.,. • •:;;;::::;.~":.ti.";"~· sr~c ·c.u1z.s11 Reflect Demand of Tipies zx·PANDING OP· ferqoialllledadmlnlltrato/ato "1or11. Skii>ktr, frlnce Hall, ;.~";'.i· ..... ~.C:Z:
: " ' OWi L·•f. ~ DIRICft.:,.\a ~. ' ' ~ ' ' manage lbeir affaln, in llicb 1 st. Laub, llO. aiao, Enclqse r MO. .. 1 ... ·'°'1)'• llf 1'11911 .....--::: ..,.. .. J • wbat · • bU:ilneM P'~• .conom1c . a-n 1l~y1 l 1 .and 1"' .. penoooet and organtza.. PORroNJTJES. While the ad-llKmlt!ac 1reu u aympbo.oy · two tlz.cml •pa. TbeJ'll . 111e '"":' :;t~" J"t :::f--.
A. -To '"'...._ ..... e to do depeoO i1J100 noearcb • , " , • Uonal 1bthaylor. , • • ·-mlnlltrator has lradilionally management, art gallery ad-aend YO!! a Jiil o1 acerodltell , !;:~ , -• ..., _,. -
otblr ....... !fbl"'•' _...,. , 'tiapbe• 1--some-. of' the •• muketlnc ." • • ~ b\WJleea • · • retaWnc • ~ IOUgbt after by hiisideU. minlltrafjon and bolpltal plan-schools," to which you ~ "* m..wr:!'intMM w · ~-........ w,..' ,..,,,. -· '*" -= .. ._produclloa m.._i • ·real. --·. aad urJ!u ~ and •• -.. ~ lie'• ning. • write fer bulletina and in-. • --· ........ ..., •Idlllll-ol'-• ) ,•
portua!Uel, indudlQC ICIDt
llvel,y -....,: bit (er btr)
orbll.depondo ._ bit chooen
empbllil: SWI. u • COll'.lDlOO
denmdriator, bualnesl grads
are trained to manqe other
.... and alfaln.
We'r<! talking about dqree
progr'IUOI iD college and
univerai\)'leYel lld>ools •I
bn•lnrll ackninistration (foar-
tHil: Cr more years), not the
shorter term courset: in pro.
prieta.ry bus.i.ness I C b 0 0 J S
which ofter auch 1Ubjecta as
-...i. typing and -keeping. and which award
cllplom&I or c<flllicates.
Certain akllJs seem to be par·
licularly valued at certain tim·
es tn history, and the nation's
leading esocutfveo-Md lbere-
!Oft the schooll ol ballneil-
tend tBrellecl tbe demanda of
their times. For example, in
the first part of thll century,
capital was relatively scarce
and the financl11 man wu
king. Tben, around W<rlcl Wir
J, this country aaw the rite .
ol the proluctioo mu who
could meet the needs of mm
prQductioo. Both are atilJ. very
important, but now a new ~i:bn.~!'~S.:~: "Fl ibist'' aY .. companied by an ~ Kl llllBDll· precedented tncresse in the ..__, llst .
accumulation of new ~ '
knowledge, much of H Iden-.,-::::., 11r·1at 11111 11
llllcally baaed. ·--... Today'• executtve needs to Clllls. 211e llll
-· e 3.291L
lllliag Alcohol
~~+~~. -~-. .. 1.49.
in. hlgb!J•<Omples -~::;;;::~::;:;!!! r::=====:: struc:tuN""""""' --. ,• ,. , .. r ::i;.-r.::~:~. ·ny:.g:.y~c . RAY--0-YAO
11trator -i, ab I• to 1n-....,,liibiJn
tegrato ud . -lbe """"' ---~imo ·. ·';·'·A'-' a S'P"'dbl) .· wide t ,.JJ ., , ..... -1bal la, ·elllclent wpom. ' .,
1 'h ¥tit lblhrils
lioo. 111t1U llrllf 4
Schools al --...
SllADNG TBINGS IJP. • 79c 5UC. ::Jtt~~:,, .. : ·.
and . .,;p.m.., .-. !I ::::;~::::::-::~======::
-"' lJlt ---;ti jar ~11 llfPlr-.
fot ,'lliibW Hw Jt]S's!d.: · ,,,. ~· ........ ..,,.. tlderabJe ~ •• ., .,, coo-
llernAtloa a IDUl 1e i1ddnc.
---·crlllcll' al academli-..._., •eanli:ul&
wblcll lndud<d' 'I'll ~ .... · ••ill! -, =~:;;;;;:failure of ~ ichoOll lO _,, .• ""* the ,\udy of bulllaeaa . to oa.s-...... diec:lpllDes. ~ "TRENIJI: More '
ll""*arll illlijecW an .... , IUhlfbt'ed : for specl1liJed
vocational counea (lllCh u . ~ "' .. .., ... c<IUlltlor requ!rtmmll I o r
everybody) ••• the application
of ~tlcal quanlltaUve
melhadl of analysis and d~ to bulineu .
pnlbleiiis (addln( -to tbe art ol -l) ..
. addltional studies i n
crganiJ.ational theory a ad
beha~or (psychology ,
sociology. anthropology) • .
. an increued accent on
origlnal research at th e
iraduate level ••• and more
Mesan Sizes
Up the Bull,
Gets Weight
irll•e· L 11&1 fir
.. llot """' --Ill' """ Ill" "" ••111111111 8'1' ..... 37c · . '£39
·--llpl•••l,Plll _ .......
Ml...,Llonl• ... -..
""'·-·*·• -· Niii . : •... ..mr .. -... ... -!lflllffl....., Pall .. ·-·2'98' . , ......
MiiiD1 He11s
"Satil'' Heart Bax
mars ~ -""""'2 -~ al<lill 1'11-.... ... __
~·~ ' ~ . 1a. •
-....... olbor
·-.... Gay, ·--
IUCl'S -cOlb lag • .
of iodMdlllllr Wlflll'd
. will • 37c =ftftor~
Clloeal~ Hearts
llol of 12-"" ...
M3ppld ii IXlirf1ll fDiL J ftc , 4.g,,.lf\I-
IWll'S Cllocalate Cherries
Milk dlocMte cowered
marasc~JN dllrrilS, sgc
iodivMlllffl lmlflll • .. foil. 1 ll.
F• Fill• Alilnals _ ....
.... -""·'""' 11111 Ta11t.
al.98 I
. DZ.
... -
~ loliOR l 3 00 DIOHmt Spray •
Colopal 3 50 :Dlltldo!uts,llJ . ,
'1.it11" S~m
lftloii ' . lllodonnt Spray 3. 00
llry Iii• ·-.. • lit lull.
u1 ggc . lu.
·Sin ·
"Kep" .
In Plastif' ~ttlt.
:" ..... &gc
lopllrllll _,-k .. .. 5gc 11 IL
SiZI :
Siii CUiiie Piii
"5 Day" .sru'
'l.ilH' Clllpe l
Dltlllar11t 3 50· Sp!iJ ' .
OR· Rul ;t-~<-:--.rn--l1,J
' Household Needs ·
mun Dish Pan '
1.1t 99c1.1• 3 98 49'-_ ... . .,. w. blilt-in bodes kw
12~11-·... ,
.um TaarTS •
Cal'! SI_,? TUE
"Somi nex"
' II l'll(U PllYIL Ill. Ml nn ID. Ill' -~""""'-'
· IZ•lllrl .• ~
0,.tAAttlOPJl.-7._,.A.wi.a!-!lra· ••w...._..
" 1P:I 9"fM a. Willf .... .._,
HUNTINGTON llACH ' s,ft., .........
HUNTINqTON .IEACH ' . ' ,, ....... »1 ... .. ......... ~·· ... ~--·--
easy IMO¥al m sillt.
Assortel colors ond 1 47 white. lee. TM •
11(.1.lt 77c
Wastebaskets -Pia' """" ........ colon: 1D lllllcll J01f Jtf#, iR·
cludinl whi!L .
It(. t.• 1.57
.. 1
---------~ -----:---------------• • • ...... -1 • •• ·-. • • •·•·• .~ > -· ............. \.,.. ...... -.-. ...... ·--· •• --..-. ...... -.-...... _ ........ ~--· ............ .,, -· ..... -.--........................... , •••• ·-· •••••• ·-· ~
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:. ·_,'
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,·. ;.. ~ "
" '
' .
. /
; '·
. ,
,'SA'tJ)RDA'( 11)" TO 9-.
SUNDAY 11 T0 '6111·...--.
.. ) •••
.. ;
' I
, I
' I
. '
Riverside· •• Lombardi · Sweats . Verd.id
• ' • , I .. , ·.. . . ....
Manlnmdles ·
On Leaving GB for Ski ~
By JOF.L SIWAJIZ Of .. .,...,-... -.....
In a span of just four ..,.., Fullerton
Junior College, Riverside Qty Collegf;,
an eligibility problem ahd a suspension
have rtduced Golden West's once-potenl
basketball team to shambles.
NEW YORK (AP) -Venerable Vince
I..omhlNI, caught between N1Uon1l root. bill League clUu. after an · ·un-
cllplcUrlllle fllml>le, bopes to ,nm to
' daJD1hl -and' Wul!h>p -' loofPI
with Ibo. Gre. Bay Pacbll' rtluctet . . II' I ,... . •.
I.ombordl, wbo uld Monday ht wu
laavfna the Pacioort allU 11'' ouPor
. '
......,. to becdme IOJIUal manager,
-and ~ of the Red•~ -·ooJy ta dllc:nvee· Greto Bay had
nol 111lC!lonod ihe defe!:llol), arrived ta n.utra1-crounc1 New York Tuelday nls)it
to await die MOlulloo ol hr. dU.,....
lbe Jeneral. mu.acer end former eot<h five' NFL dwnpionlhlp teams
at. Green Bay wW aUend . an. awards
banquet here toalpt -\be f'.~k•n' board of directors meets ,Co decide
whether to Jet him out fl.. a contract
due to nm through Jan. 31, t'rt~
The Green. Bay directors are expected
to tum him loose, with tbe . provision
\hat be not lake any Packer assistant
coaches with him thil fear.
The Rustlers, considered to be Iii
Eutero Conference title lbrealu:
recenUy as last weekend • ..l!Uf
trouble holding on to a Ont
berth by seaJ011's end il ,....,.nllhl'!
dism8J performance ~; IUveralde
is any indication -of tbhtp M tome. '
The Rustlers were f:uilhled. bJ the
Tigers, 99-79, at the Olli(• Cout gym
in a game wbicb ~ play without
their .....i.r lcrW ' Brian Aml>r"'1<b
and Allan~
BOwle.(Wlao?) K~n
Ex-scor eboard Ke eper
Lombardi, meammlle, appean anxious
to begin the job of rebulldlng the Skins
-but willing to ~ out the stonn,
whichner way it turna.
"I wduld ,laope . they will reJeue me,
of course,".he iaid.
"U they don't, then I'll be back in.
Green Bay ne:zt year."
The 'Skins have not had a wiMlng
tea.son since 1955, when Lombardi was
an assistant coach with the New York
Giants. "Well, we'll try to change that,·~
: be said Tuetday night.
Robtnsoa' .. • ndtd for the re. ,. '.~Now Baseball's Czar •
The Milwaukie Sentinel reported today
that the Pacten1 executive committee,
which · d1lcuaed Lombardi's situation
. Tuud11, will ~end to the board
of· directors at tonight's meeting that
malnder ·Gf pi, by coacb,Dlcl< stricilln · for d 1 1 c I p lfa,a J•
IMf•N COHl'•lltffta ¥_~ w &. '" 1'1111"'1M' '.I •f ' II • tn
CMff_,, • .-.. 7 J M 9'*" Wiit ,.,. 1 4 Ml
u,.tt AM · s • "t c~ ~ •S71' Mi. st1t' ~ 6 s Ill 1u-.i.. ~ s • .. Rle~ 46111
Ol'•nff • 7 .,, 5'11 • .,.. 1 • 7'1 c1m. t . 11 eo1 ,.......,....,.
""'" -n
.... t
1n ... "' ... ,.
m • ... ... ..... ...
re-~· Qalclen ,Wdl'a" leading · , Y<d ID lmc(!inJllN grad~ )y 'dacWod .etioillllhlly
lnelllf uillll be Ida and· -a · final , lloo. ·
Tbuo · " to Ollly nlile ·\>laym, the ...... ~ nhll>IUoo ""' 911. AD ....,.. aglli>s\ • la.a -111111 WU
only' , becaule bOllt ~
mWed "' .... -. . •
.) ... . ~
OA.11.Y 1'1LOT !"MM~ Mt' . .._ , .
• MIAMI (AP)--lo Kuhn, a G-year·
•./ Gtd Wall Streit-lawyer ltbO rose from
~ · -~ t l per game '. ecoreboard boy in 'Wublri&ton to a 1100,QO\) a year job,
lo the new eommillfoner ol all baseball.
., ,An"°""' K~ a·f.lool-61> inch,~
. .. pounder, ii Uded u th& pro tern com-inlutoner for one year only, be m,ay
~ ·very weu ·wlnd.up wlµt a longer tenn.
' . KDhn wu 1 lirprile unanimous choice bf 'U..~,~ wbo ~ hlnl into ~ '·1~ wHh a . mandate to
reitnicture the .~ "1 one year. He . .
uci.~i · · ro .. 1s.12: win . ' ~
Ai San Diego
incrodllllJ,::"8 lwo chlbc abol, -
and Up~ boll 11;the .~ m u..... ... • .,.~.
GoJdlt °'!f~~lve1•ldt repea~ •"'1'!1* """;."';\.: hoop In Ibo' firs~· , ~ rVJthlnC •fn the way
MISSES SHOT -Golden Weat College'1 Dave Hardiug; !>,..S.
beck towanl the lloor attar milalng <junk shot and a ~J>rt )nlllifl 911l
the basket run against 'Riverside. For his 'efforts, Hal-41ni ·1>ent 11M
rim and was a5Sessl!d a technical foul hi.the Rustlers' 99-19 d~ .. !~
It'• ane down and .'f<lur to go for
Dick Davia' UC1 baskelbill road show
today after the Ant.eaten' tfth victory
of the 1tUOD at UC San 'Diego TUeaday
night. .
The second ol the ·club'• ltrel<h of nVe '.1traiabt ~ ·,ame. corpu nest
Tuesday When UCI .travela to Loyola.
of l(id llfytnlde reopooded ~. .. by In .. ~ " !ta • 'trla
for "" .. lead; tllat decldld' the
1anit. ~ • For 'Aant1al Tourney
In Ull:-llrlt' haff the Tl(era ocored
It buot• on Upc and llyupo. Riyeroldt
wound • tllo\ Df1bt laking 117 IOOll . and rnaldq 0 ii diein for a JU perc<n-
UC Ri versid e Boasts •
Golde West ~t the ball up with
regular lr91ueney too,, but only hit on ~el;f 1 or a'' 3i,t mar~ ftom the
·~··' Another Colorful Field/
.. It "' " Slro!Mr I D I lt
Koe'llr. 1 l l 11
Ovrilllr t t 2 O t
Ar•!Mlne 4 1 l t Norrll I t l II
/o\Of'9911 .. ' • l 11 Cl1tk 11 2 4 ti
VI,.,.... 5 ! 2 1t t•lt 4 ll II ft
........... ,",
.. ft .. " l • • ' I ••• •• t lt
Ii > e 2$
4 t I It ' . . . t I 4 1
2 • • 2
2 1 1 $
Giali\ Crowd
At Astrooome
Chern 8' E ... ig .
Another highly attractive, colorful col-
lege baseball tournament bas been put
together by the University of California,
Th11 year's production (March 30 to
April 5) features entries from Ole
Unlveratty el Delaware, Urilve.rslty of
Mlulla:lppl, · UCLA, USC, University of
Indiana, Brigham Young, University of
Ullnols and the host school.
SC la dtfendklg naUonal champion.
Luring the far away teams to River1ide
ts a stimulant for a sport that needl
/. HOUSTOM (AP) -There was ...,.
queatlon • lo just ~ the fans were
coonted bbt L::n-d 41,1.U llW El'fill
Hayes mid Roberlloll lead the
San Dlqo -and ClnclnnaU Royall to victol1M 'f91day n1ght In the Natkeal 11L111" wH1Ta
Hukelball .Allectaaon'• !win bW in the all lhe sllmulsUon It can .. L Allr... • •· · ' Tl1lJ II the third year of-Ille Rim-aide
llayll, .. it::'stoo Rookie ,,m ' II c1osa1c. Io the paat 8""" i,ams 11 Ohio ~ l'w a:.=."::,,:; Sllte. Yale, wyOmlng, w~.
iecon<IW , ...-, '" delllt Iba Ji> ~~c~ .. =P•r:-·· Jund -Ollllct i,.-111. NUt year it 1ppean that Cornell, II wM IM-h'lln\e 8ui Dftlo ,!)ad A(jaooa Slate, Texas ud St. John's ~~ ·-~~ movlal lnlo•l!io ~..;~ alotJI. with the 11169
--bod -rr 1IOinll 'UC!\ tw:dlY a ,,(. ttme operator when u a .. • a" 111e liotroll Plll<m. .,.. ldok 11 111 iiX!et1c budget, IWWlf!
IJ5..1H. • ' i • ' the tournament by houslng athletes ln
'Ibe olcoatl F-._. bll1ad u -of Rlv..-,lde cl\llenl aod bJ -• __ ._ '~ = , ..... ~· ICboola to par tbelr m"""'~-~. . ... - -to r.011 .... 1. ~ · · .. •• r rf · : 'li:.. '~..;;i;:;i dooafll4 thilr' lo'~ ~· ~ • tlmi, Illa Rivenlde oewopape: paid lot .llow lbe ctoird wu com!Wd, in.r-· and the di)> 1sve Evw Par~
11 a _.. 'far In -of the ,_ t111 pma. v.s. pr. I 1 I IW mark ti 11,IGO lel' , "'""""'""Ill al\OndlnC< wu reportedly
11 lllf JM '6ladlion Square Ganlflt . ...,_, • ,
to N.,,,fd ~· Yet UCI\ could on1J .... k oven Dnan-
llUJ ........ ~ Ibo crowlll dallr, ICCO<dq .to former IChool
at trom -1:1,000 to a,ooo and lhoqht publJcLst Charles Loos.
the oftldlt CCll.lni of 41,llS "" high. Look1 like a first rate tournament
has had &ome fourth claS&, bdilness
managemenl • . I
Around the Be•
La Habra city offtclah have bHi' llanl
hit by tbe 1''U' ID Vietnam.
The 1on1 of fire cbJel. Jack ._,,er
and city manager Howard SCbro)tel: were
bodt aerlou1ly wotUICkd. W : Steve
Joyner, aoa of tcllool board. member
June Joyner, was killed iD actl111..
Quite • toll ror a 1mall clty11 w811.
c.utornla flsh and 1ame t.w •lOlators
coughed up "'3,562 in fines and lpoot
a total of 1,672 days In jail for abusJnl
wUdU!e laws In ta
F~hlng without a pcenoe am having
a loaded gun in an automobile were
the major offenses, followed by angllq
with ntore than one line.
Gret FtU ol USC aod form'erly -.1
Corooa del Mor ~ II 1aadlq Paelllc
I Colllert.ce swimmers II tM t1t01-yan
freestyle WI~ a ll:OLI.
Tiie T>:ojut illlve -lM -.u .. dual meeta wlU.O.t a Jou.
Read Christensen (e1-Newport Harbor
High) is now · a starter for Whittier
Colle&e's snappy basketball team. Tom
Read (formerly ol Costa Mea lllCh
and Oran .. Coast College) b a 1Ub
for Whittier. The Potts are tM for
the year and have won 13in1 row.
Too,.Hd UC! -~ '""idlllo .... ramoo~·wlth the Poall. II could tum
into I clooe, fideitoUnc·pvailY.
hlliiloi wtD. .._ ....... -·
JC llatteiball -jeJI -•• die weakest Basm c.ten..
cUmpltll I• yems -~ eftll u
U. wuk•t evtr, ~ wl~ tta -'Uoo. .
lt'1 ce11aial7 ... like uie pool o14
do7t wllea IM lft'I H-1 -(BUI Mann aod Alc1 Omalev) dlrttted
Fullcr1o1 forWne1.
Davi.I relied buvlly cm his thret of.
fenslve inainltay1 T\leiC!ay eveniriJ: -
Jeff CUnnlnghani, Mike Heckman and
Nick Sanden. Tllal thretlOl1lt contributed·
We'u over half ol lnlnl'1 total -Sf
P.'(nls. I
In contrut to the · qutlUonAb1e of·
flciattng the Anttatera r~ved ift
Frelno tut week, lhll lime the rtl-'a
whistles were somewhat more friendly.
UCSD wu wbiatled down 21 Umu while
qnly 11 fOllll were called on ucr,
Irvine, now 144, wu never able to
mount a fat lead on San Dle10. It
alcw;ly built ap a to.point wlvantqe
despite the conslatellt seorln&. ol u-OCC
star Ed Babluch, who wound up wltb
IO poln1'.
San Dle10 cut the margin to four
in the lalt six mlnutu but two key
· ~ by sub forward Da.ve FonUul
P,1 UC! back In control. ·
"We went 1 wHb a zone in the second
hall and J think that won the game
for 111," Davia commented .
Tte Inint b'ahman team beat UCSD,
7._7~ with Bill Gtorr• ICOl'lni 20 polnll
and Gary Fo1 11. Steve White ICOrld
UCl'1 tut lour pojnll on free u,ro,...
UC .. ,. Df"9 1n, " ft" " ' . , '
I ' 4 • 0 S I J
' I J II J 1 J 11
1 • ' 2 I l I ! 2 I I J
t 1 • I •1•• n
take1 office hnmediately, succeedlnC
William D. Eckert, who was forced to
retire in December.
Kuhn. whole grea\ srandfather was
a former aovernor of Maryland, hu
been 1 member of the law Orm of.
Wilkie, Farr and Galli" that hu
represented the National ~ lhtce ·
1963. He comes from the Simi'· family
for which Bowle Race Track in Maryland
The new commiaalooer 10.t ,1UB first .
job 30 ·years ago ,r:unning \he : SC()r~·
. foe It per ,dll' Jn old Grll!\111 "Stailluin 1n Wuhlnlton. ~.c. ·~ .,,,_ · ,~ ..... "'
"I signed the !ltst wort pennit far
that boy back in 1942," Calvin Griffith,
president ot the MlnnelOtl. Twins, recalls.
Griffith was one of rtbc owners Who
voted Bowle Kuhn commissioner at an
unual lalary of 1100,000.
''That'• one helluva advancement, I
told him," Griffith said.
-"I kept the cooceuions at the stadium
and be (Kuhn) convinced me he could
handle the scoreboard. He wasn't much
of an athlete hlmSeU, but ht was one
of thole guys who just loved to be near the game."
Griftfth, who waa the lone owner to
oppoae the 1election of William Eckert
as commiuloner three years ago, said
of Kuhn:
"I wu impressed by the way he
handled questions. He showed me he 's
one of the most knowledgeable men In
"If he conducts himlelf in the future ~ way ' he did todaJ, he could be
the commluioner for the_ ne1t SO years,
u far u I'm -concemad."
•' . '· .
·LOS ANGELES (AP) -The 1150,000
Tournament of CJWnptona · 1oll tourna·
ment won•t· by p}Jyed in Lu Vegas
th1I year, u It bu for the past II
yw1. .
Sponaon of the cl111lc, tor winners
of major PGA eveata only, llld Tuesday Iha~ t&e La Cotta Coollllzy Clllb 90 miles
IOUth of here would hOlt the tournament
April 17·20.
· 'hi tie allowfld to ltep out of hi! contract.
The contract forblda: Lombardi from cioachln& another club during its tenure,
and the Green Bay dlrettors, including
club President Dominic Olejnlczak, were
mUfed because they were not approached
by the Redskins before the Master made
NI announcement MoMiay.
11Accordlng to pro football Com-
mi&sioner Pete Rozelle's policy," Ole-
jnJciak said, "any team wanting to talk
to him would have to ask for permission
· from our team." No one did, lhe Packer
prilldent iald.
Kings Rally
To Ove rcome
St. Lquis Lead
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Angeles
overcame .a 2-0 lead with four straight
goals Tuesday night to hand: St. Louis
a 4·2 National Hockey Leagu9 tetback
-the Blues' first defeat tn ·IO 11ames
1galrut a West Dlviaion foe.
The triumph, the first for lbe Kings
~th!• aeuon against the div18lon-Jeadlng
Blues, enabled the Kings to pull within
one point of second-place 10akland. St.
Louis hadn't lost since Ndv. 2· to a
West Division team and wu 154-4.
Jim Roberts and Tlm Ecclt1tone shot
the Blues into a 2.(1 lead tn the first
period before Gordon La~ of. the
KJngs cut the deficit ·
Ted Irvine and Real ~ gave
Los Angeles a 3-2 le ad In the second
period. The final goal WU ICOred by
Lowell MacDonald early iq the final
Garry Unger scored in the fir.it period
and Alex Delvecchio tailed Into an ·empty
net at 19;411 or the third period a!
the Detroit Red Wings beat the
Philadelphia Flyers 2.-0 In· the other Tues.-
day night game and moved into fourth
place in the east. Roy EdWarda turned
aside 3! shots to score hil MCOnd ,shutout
for the Red Wings.
544-ma n Golf Brigade
Opens Hope 11ourney
PALM SPRINGS (AP) -The -ld'a The lour desert counoa play 11 par
lon(ell goU -~ the .i.o1e Bob ~72. The yardage r"""8 tr... 7,087
Hope Dewt Clualc.for a llD,000 pune, al tho Tamarlsk Countzy Club to the
'found a amall army ti 144.pllj'en awing-Ught and dangerOUJ l,•t at llld1u Weill
Ing away" Ill the flnl """"' today aver Countzy Club.
four pluab counea. It would appear that ak to bo1e3
Of the bit' fllld, ally 13' were iro-one golfer would have .IOle command
feuipnall. ''tbe rtmaindtr for the most of the lead. Not so. n.e have been
part mllht chartllbty ·be called hacker1, four ties and playofll in nine previous
nr amateurs. Hope tournaent.r.
The prod lncluded the de.fendbt& dl&m--A year aeo Palmer and Deane Beman
plan, Arnold Palmer, anc! Jack Nlcklaua, finlahed .,en at 350 idn>lols ,ond Palmer
Btll7 Cup«, NaUonal Open champion -on the -nd bole ol the plan<f.
Lot Trevino and vlrtuaU, all the other Io 1111 Doug Sandth anil Palmer
name pll)'•tt· tJed at 3'9 and Sanden wda on the jlllJ7 ano mm In 1ha .nine ·provloUI :!Int utra hole.
llt>po clllllcl llal .... k -. lltao 1 · In 1115 TommJ' Jacobi and Jimmy
-.. Plllw• did II -.-. Ill ~ llnlahed at M IDd Jl<Obl
the lnaUFai year 1.-i Jta a lllt won on the """1d !:oft. •
)'tar. " • In ltlS Nlekl1u1 and G1r7 Player
otber wlMtrl bock J or -ahol Uad at MS IDd Nicklaus won in an lne!Ude Nlckl.U.,tlA, lllcl ~.111&. 'Ilobofe playoff,
'Ibo amatoun, tint· for •a• b pro, 'lllttt "will be a IUdden dlalh playoff
number IOI. EacJ1 amataur lllln JlllYr • In th• event of the Ue thll tlmt. 11nt
with a dlllerent ·pro for U.. llnt lour plact IJ worth Q0,000.
rounds. The pros take It from there The last two rounds wUI be nattonatly
for \he fifth and final round Sunday. televised by NBC.
DAILY l'ILOT "9tl h l'tt O'~
PRUNING GARDNER -San Clemente . High Schilol's Bill Allen leaps high to
grab rebound away from Mission Viejo'1 Tom Gardner (15). San Clemente
posted 70-51 victory In Crestview League game.
SC Scores
71-50 Win
Hornets Now 11·0
Over MV
CM tht ID1l1Y l'l"' Sl1fl
Fullerton Rally
.Kills OCC, 83-68
In Mission Viejo Hi g,h Fullerton Jun lo r College
Scbbol'I ft&fit for survival in _blib:ed visiting Orqe Coast oUt ·of the gym Tuesday nJght
the Crestview League, the and r 8 c k e d up its· I Ith
Djablos came out second best straight Eastern Conference
to ·vbtllns San Clemente 71-50 basketball victory, 83-68.
in a basketball encounter Coach Moe Radovich's jug-
..... -.1 gernaut now bas the EC by illCllUay. the throat. Fullerton is 11--0,
Mission Viejo found it.self 1a.3 ror th! year, and only
witb a 4-3 record going into a complete collapse will keep
t.be 1klrmish and in third it from a trip to the state
place, one game •back of San playoffs at Fresno next month.
Clemente and Villa Park. Despite the final count, OCC
Now the Diablos are two had its moments Tuesday
full games out of the runner-evening. The Pirates, now 4-7,
. up spot and have only a nar-were down by as much as
row chance of getting to the 10 midway through the second
CIF playoffs }lalf but scrambled back to
• Tom Gar~er was was the ~tie .. the score twice ~ore
only Dtablo with any luck traihng 36-33 at intermission.
throughout the night hilUng From the QPelllng Up afu!r
32 points. Jn the first. half halftime, coaCh Bob Wetzel's
Miulon Viejo scored 22 points team had Radovich in a ·state
in wbtch Gardner totaled 18. cf frenzy. The Hornets Rudf Holmes had the other couldn't pull away. In fact,
four. OCC led for a goodly portion
Gardner was carried from of the &ee0nd half's early
the court with one minute re-gaing.
malnlng with a knee injury. Jim JGndelon made lt 56-53,
The victory for the Tritons Coast, and then the Hornets
wenl lo ll>elr bamnim. Sud-
denly, Jt WU 1'1·56, FlllJerton.
and the Pirllet were lhrowlos
the ball all over the gym. ·
When Ille Hornets mode It
7f.61, they had outscored
Orange Coast by 23-J.
Mike Flaherty ol occ. stood
head and lhoo1den above his
teammalet with 21 points. He
kept the Bucs in the game
until the final moments wltli
a soft jump shot from outside.
Next for OCC ii a Friday
night home game w i t b
l'ULLlllTO~ ..... ~. " ,.,.n
H•IMf I Iyo 6 1fU rllCQ ' 2 ,,
sm1111 ,' I • " c111..-r1 2 l:!I W1lttn 1 2 o ' ~.... 1 • l 2 Wll-f~f l w~:11 " 11 11 J OU.NOi COAJT UIJ ,. l'T I'~ Tl'
j==.i, ~::z
!lldc1lm1ltr I I l • tl¥er s ' 10 ltl'lertr, 11 6 21 # if,i,! ...loft l : 01111 2' 16 19 '8 HtHlllNI 1cot1: l"unfflon 3', Ortrlff Coe1t » . put them deeper Into the run-
-rung for a CIF spot; a first
for San Clemente if jt can
pull through.
Dave Peters controlled the
boordl and netted ilO points
for~-oui-tq tbe
Orange Cowrty leader In
points per game, E r i c
Christenoen by two points.
Lion Playoff Chances
Dashed in 59-56 Loss
However Chriltenlen and
Sal Lombardi ran the Diabb
off t.'ie court in the second
ha!£ stealing errant passes and
bucketing easy layups.
Lombardi finished the game
with 15 markers.
Mission Viejo shot a dismal
%4 percent in the first half
Cl for 25) and 3> pereenl lor the entire encounter (15
lor 13).
'I1le Diablos found success
at the charity llne· though,
sinking %0 of 11 free losses
while the Tritons were only
receiving 10 chances and
C4Shlng in on seven of them.
Bill Allen, playing
throughout the second half
wtth four fouls, added 10
Paints to the Trttons shth
victory in nine Crestview bat·
.. -. .....
"'" H•-.w .. ....
Mllsltlt Vlllt lttl ,.. P'T l'I' Tl'
• t I 2
1 t t • t 6 I 11 I 0 ~ I 1J29 ,.
s.w~1n1 1'0 l'T l'I' Tl'
Alll!!t J O(lt
•leftltn11f. :;!~ =:....... I J ' ,,
LCWl'lbll"lll 1 1 ) IJi
Tfl41t 11 t If, TI _.,........,
s... c~ 11 1• 21 ~n
Mll1lall Viti• II II IS 1$--JO
Westminster High School's 1traiJht points. . ' . -·faint chance d. serurltig • 1 Anaheim, quickly reco,vered
CIF playoff berth w a s and took the Jead again on
demolished Tuesday afternoon ~ three-point play by Dan
at Anaheim High School aa Simpson. Simpson broke a 50-
the 'Colonists rallfed in the 50 tie on a layup and then
last three minutes for a 59-56 added a free-throw when Mar-
deci!.lon. ty Olson commltted the first
T h e I o s 1 d r o p p e d of three costly Westmlnlter
Westminster's Sunset le.ape 1 II ~ to 4.1 and obliterated ~nds later the Uono lort
any ch • n c e of • Uon the ball oo an offenUve foul
stretcll nm that might have by Ollon and An ab e 1 m
carried them brto RCODd coverted that turnover into a
place. . five-point lead.
Anaheim, by virtue of ita Weltmlnlter WQ only' dOwn
seventh victory In nlof: league by , three, 17-M, with SI
starts, sW1 tralla unbeaten tecondl lo Co wben Dave Delfs
HunUnglon Beach by two .1ntercepled an Anaheim _u gamu and coWd c:Ut that ~
margin la only one game Fri-lo •tart • '11'-.ister fut
day iiilfll when the Colony brtU.
takes on the Oilers.
In the victory o v e r
Westminster, Anabelm almo!t
saw lm'D.e fCJUl'lb.quarttr 1lolt-
down tacticl hackllr<. The
Colonllts carried I ~ J .. d
lnla the final period.
~ ·-.... ---o .... ,. ..
W>Mwd ..... (JO ""'""' 1 t t s ' s t ,.
' • f 1• 4 I t 11
1 I S 1 t ! J •
I t I '
" lt '' Ji A"""'111 ,,,, ,. "., '" 0 t 1 0
7 t I 16
' ' 3 11 1 0 2 2
7 I I 17 I 4 I I D1S1Jlt _,,_ However, In trying la pn>
tect lta lead, which at ooe
point WU upanded to ala
points, AaaheJm loot I t I
momentmn 1nd Weslminlter
rollied tale !be, lead, -.
with I : '1 la fO «1 eight W=ttf IJ 11 12 10 -5' ""' ,. lf tJ ,, -•
111 EARL ®S'IUY ·-~...,,...,,..
Vut!J lmproTed Newport
Harb<r clMed 17 of II !tee
·throwl'la the Ont half and
Uled 1that CUlhklo to stave
oll roUylog Marina Tuaday
afternoon la post I :;a.11 vic-toft. . . ' tt'• 'the-third win' In a row
for lit<! 5al1ora iltd the fourth
atratpt C!ereil !or-tlle'VlkJnl•. • -L.!_
WtdllfSClly, febrQor ,, lM .
Marina, 5,8-5 7,
Marina clotod 1'ith a l'lllh
anc1 with anollier bucet
aomewhera a1on( the line
might have pilled It out. But
u lt ·turned 1 o_ut, the Vlkes'
last abo& waJ an uncoritested
field goal under Ille bucket
at tpe buzzer.
~Dive W·a1man's
athletes, now U , looUd like
runaw•y wlllllel'• for three
quarters. There Wu.2:oa· 1ett
I ; •
lb lhtt fltlt quarltr belore .Muinl lllllde a (leld aoaL and
that ooe, by Vince Moll, wu
the only lhot Marina made
In the llrst quarter.
And l:U remained before
balltimt before the Vikes
made , m:ill>er. Newport led
at the half by a comfortable
Marina's plight wu further
darkened wlien Kipp Baird,
coach Lute Olaon't ~
C<lllet, !"'led out l:IO lnla
the third period.
Marlnaj ahoollng picked np
conaklera51y. Alter 1oln& ....
lor-18 In the lirll quarter, the
Vikings wOW1d up with Jt per-
cenl. Newpcri abol 13 pereent.
lndJcative ol Newport' 1
dominance al the foul line
ls the fact that Marina out-
field goaled the Tara by 30-15 ••
HB Survives Omens
For the game; Nhoort--wu ..
28-for-40 from the li\li.
wuman'• team llil..i into Biuc Netters· the llnlll quarter hi«zill« by
·~ but the lltoaUon chOngtd • .
Cl .. o.tr .... ltoll' u. Ebner Corobs were the
kind of man who heeds to
bad omenS be p·robably
wooldn't have Jet his Hun-
tington Beach High baskeLI!all
team rel¥'" lo Ille l1oqr for
the seC<Nld hall <ll 'fl\;'daY'.•
Sunset Laague doe: .wil8 Sanfa
Ana. •
For lhe kind of guy who
believes in such things would
have surely figured hit uant's
35-gmne loop victory string
was about to come lo an end
In view of the way the cards
were falllna:.
After all, Huntington was
entenalning a lowly ranked
team, bul one that had just
upset heavily favored Western
a few days earlier.
Second, the game got under'
way 15 minutes late becauie
Santa Ana,coµlclll't get a bus
and·bad to come by car.
Third, the Oilers 'Were doing
a good job of playing poor
1144t llACH 'ILYD-
At M:P1lfrn
' .
' I
buketblilll w h en hostWties
finally did get under w~.
They held I 32~1 lead al
halftime with eight tumovm
' ' the first sit minutes and a
d~ fOr ijle first ~wo periods.
'!'lien the gym lights went
And if combs were ttie
. ~ 1 UDder auch
fdlt.he',fiould surely
have, seen tbe ·handwriting on
the ~ .,Yl)t: Huntington was
going to Jose.
But It didn't quite turn out thBt Way.
They •llnally got the lights
on and1HUMington finally got
roWng,Jfte<1alllng behind, ...
U, With 7:10,left· In the third
·~ !hat ttbe. ·Oil City ex-
pr;eu went on a tear, easing toi ,,: 75-H, lf!Umph and COO"
seculive circuit win No. 36 ..
Bond Nichols, Mike Con-t&:ai aod Roy Miller sparked thi list half , explosion that
decimated Saint upset hopes.
Huntington-'W85 nursing a
38-3'1 lead wilb ll:OI remaining
in the third slanza when the
Big 1'hree erupted and paced
the Orange and Black to a
53-38 bulge going into the final
frame . ,
Santa Ana turned lo ice with
Its sl!Ooting; going 7:!3 ~itbout
a field goal in one stretch
and hilling only· 16.7 percent
the last ball while Qimbs'
r.hap.s Were b.lttinf 85.S percent
(54.3. for the game).
NIMl\ftthlll .. ftll (fJI
I'• ,T "" Tll' Con!r111• i1 O J 24
, Whl"l~kf ' 0 2 4
lklrlwt!I 2 0 0 ' Hkhlllt 6 S 2 11
Mllltf' • ' 2 1' Wei"" 0 l 0 J Wti.., 0010
Tottlt ll 1l 11 15
, Alu•lo
G.ibert L1r1
M" llNmff"I' 0•• Tctlelt
S1,.I• '"'' 1441 • 0 ' !~ 5 1 J H
J 0 ' 10 1 0 l !
l 1 1 1
' • 0 t 0 • J • t l 2 1S44 5eore llr Out ......
S.1'111 """ ' tt 1 11-44 Hvnll"lfilon '"eh 11 21 ti 12-75
abruptly. Four ltralght foul CLA
··•rrou by Riek MOiier and Bud· At U . dy Moen made lhe 1COte 55-41 .
and a Jumper by Moen with
t :23 to gO made it 55-51 •
!>¥. l,lndstedt, ·who scored
18 points, pott~ a free throw
and 10 did Je[f.lofalinoll.
B~ Dave Neumann swished
·a jumper, making it 11-53 ..
Buddy Moen dld the 1Bme
with five seconds left for 58-55.
Marina stole the in-bounds
pass and called Ume with two'
seconds remaining.
Newport allowed Mosier to
score and that wls it.
H-rt HatW ISO
""""' HIV'" Llft011«!1 'M' Ecclrl Tot•l1
1•11 Mosler 8&1rd M"' -N....,,,,,.~
~ l'T l'I' Tl'
' 4 I 12 ,. s ' 11
1 ' , 11 • • 2 11 f I l •, O I 1 1 15 20 15 51
MtrlM U7)
• I 2 10
' 10 • n 2 0 5 ;
, 0 J ' I J • II -t t 1 2
1 t I I 10 1J ,, 57
kw. ,, °''""' Newport 12 11 15 13 -·51
M&rll'MI I 10 15 2-4 -SP
Orange Caist~C,oi I'! c•, ~
freshman-dominated tea n J 1
team opem Its 1919 IChedule
Tb!lrSCfay aftern oon i,
Westwood against al.w1a f't
powerful UCLA. .
Pirate coach Morrie Gerard
only .has one lettermazr, Mark . ~ . ' Heaty.~back froni lut .:rur'a
teain whlclt flnlihed third In
the Eastern Conference, but
he has a number of outstu-, .
ding new~m~ on hand.
Heading the fttShinaii con-
tingent are ~e Caro,. Jim
Ogle and David Bemdiamp
lrom Newport Harbor lllgli
School's strong 1118 -tnlll
which finished RCOnd in the CIF. . •
Two other ex-Tara are on
the Pirate roster -Mart
Greer ~d Nonn Ravies.
1111 LJNCOUl lAft. ""1..., _
5301 llACH ILYD.
1 ............ ..... .__..,.... .... ,_
..... 4 ..... .,.._
l. hnll9t _, :-• ... .,, .4... '
4 ............... . . .,.. " .,.._ .... ,4ps:Lfllll W $
·L Js4st"-1 ..... q'IWar -........ ~~.. . ' ·-" ..... ,... .......... ...................
1. "" ........ , ••• -41 It 111..C.
Z201 HA.-ILYD. ,,_
·=~~a ,,,
Moot Ccn
14at-ll• ,,_
' . '
. '
,, .... , ... -·· -. .. . --·· ~ . . .
If. DAl.Y-
_________ ....... --~,.u., ...
Darnell,, Graham Win Costa ~esa 'res~
1 Once A.round Orange COOBt ..(rea Greens ,
111 .,., .,.,.,. tolow •pattern of boltrrior G:::.,.°= =..,t!!:
..._.., alt ,. to • lllot. You too should fol~ the wwbD:I at COiia -
:.. ~ ~·::" ~~~ ;:, ~n':ta'~~lora • ::' 1a""' Ille eo:!'1: =
41 Put th• dublact squ1,. petlt!oe or the low -low
I)' behind the ball so that H net event.
-took• at tha tarset---1--1111-.honora _,.1111 _to
'31 Put your IHI In position three players, Dick Hitzeman
1J that the bill is opposila Ilia
1 '11..;rtd sPot 1n your stan~e.
.. -.............
21 Chock lo SM that )Our
stance is $:qu1re-to1s equl·
distant from the lli'l•l line.
11 Chtck to SM th your
shoulder line is 1lso u1r ....
parallel lo ·1111 tar11t l!n .
Fin1l!y, blast off I st like
th• rockets do-slow and
smoothly, &J'ICIUlllY inc in1
In veJocity.
Free Throws Do It
Monarchs Drop
6848 Decision
llJ' llOGl:a CAIWION .............
DOWNEY· -Wllb ao time
ldl,jm tllf docl< llld the crowd mD!Dlg liiaul the pla,tng ..,,.
,_ ,...,. Tellen al boll Pius
x 111"1 --...,. png tllnluP the rltuol al Sinking
11111 free -lo add lo the w-· w1nn1n1 telal .. nat ~ typified the
ftfan,u'Chs' frustration a•
-Doi went down lo a Clll.tnelnl -defeat lo the Wml<n ln ID ,.,..ius Lea·
... bu)r«hall -Tuesday nlgbt. •
Tbe -put the -out of oight at the free throw
In the final peried, alone
Plu& rippled tbe -... 17 ...i a1n1r1<o 1ron1 u. dlar!IJ
atr!po. A1toptber the War·
rlGn palled • of ti attempts.
MaiC' DrJ, munwblle, WU
cublll( ID on II o! 33 lrlea
hi · the louktddeO -·· !ar lllorlol-wulllldedlo
upend the 1&11, phyllical War·
Tbe Jou dropped coach Jer·
I')' Tardie'• Monarchs to a
U mart al the hallway point
In leque bolUllU11 wbll• win-
nlnl 1'1111 x remaJns a .....
• behind the pa~ of leader St.
M.IW Cit! 1411 ,_ ...... -· "-..... ·-W••· -'"'' Tlll1la
80'l'l'lr!N1ter .... _ ...
·~" "'""' T"lers
f'•ff!Gtt• Mlllft'
'"'" Taltl'
,. ll'T .. , TP
J s s 1l
I • 1 2 I 6 S 6
l 1 J 1
' J • 11 ' . . . I 1 I I . . ' . t I I 0
1616tt •
Pllll X f611
,. "1' '" Tl' 1 2 5 ' 1 11 ' 12 • J :a 21 t 5 I t
I 4 ' '
• ' 0 ' I I 1 II
1 I I 1
11Jttl61 ,_..,._..
Melw Del 16 II I 1..._.
l"IUI X 11 11· 11 2J-'I
Laguna Beach Drops
7th fu Row, 69-55
El Modala i!llh 8chool Uled oulael o! the final ldanJa end-
an tll9d!H -prea ed Artist bopea !Or a 11CG11d ~ """' o! the v.....,u. aDd • bat strul: al the u-Laguna had burned El
throw atripe Tuell;day af. Modena In finl round action,
-, lo challr: up a '"5 ~. with a 61 )Ml!Ctlll ellorl vtctOry over bolt t.guna from the field. Beath 1 High School t n • El Modena respontled with
Creltview League beatitban 52 perce~t Tuesday on • 25 action. for 48 peiformanct.
, And a 1-3-1 zone defenM
'!be Jou was the Artists kepi Laguna .peoetraUoo to wrert:}1 In I row in Qutvie:W a mtnimum..
boltfl_la · Brian Jones led 1 balanced v~from ~'."'25 ~ Artist attack "'lb If polnll
25 but the frll thron ·were while S~ve KI01tenn1:n chip-..:.ci..,. Uer ped In wttb 10. EIMOd1n~bli'.llforl7 Mark Johnson led the
at ·Illa !Moot lllrlpe while V anguardl wiill 11 counters. ' ·-.... -..... tt.... to \..llVlll --· (Ul ..-.--_....,...... N PT l"fl Tl" IDlle.&lne of Q attempt& W~I l 1 l 1
the rre. uro.. and ~ : ~ ! 1~ I ID ttve IUD court preu • .._ ' 1 t ' Wl!M 1172
1 that pvt. tbe Vlnguardl ,,_ , • , I•
.everal ~USf JIJupl. La&una t.": • • 2 , • • •
1 beJd tbit ~ in-Tofll~ II ,,.._ 'HCff) 1 17 SS
Vadc'I to I ... lie wltb 111• l'T PP TP
i f :Dt left ln the tbird period. ~ ! : : :
1 However, a mddeD ipUrt by ,,.,_ 11 • 1 • 21
El )(odenl P" the wtnnen: ~~ ~ ; ~ 1~
an ~ hid loinC into J~~ ,_; 1: ,; l:
Ibo !oarlh period aDd four ..,. " -
mon --"'"' .......... at the L.,.... e..o 11 ,. ,. 14.-M ,,_ ....... -1:1 M9dtN " ,, 11 ......,
Swim Meet
A -deadllno ol Friday
baa -Gtmded lo apocllM .. 1nm.. In the
Prep Cage
ttu11t1Mfell 1...:t1 • • m ..., ANllllrt! '1 t at Mt
Wt''-"' • J Mt "' N~ Htrtlor ' • ~ ftl
W..tmln11" ' ' -"" .v..r111e ' r n1 IJ17 Strrt1AN ' !14''°'
S.lltll .... Vtl• 7 1 .. •11 --... ...,.'"' "· Wllllftll\Jtw 5' N_,-t H.,... a, MeriNo 11
Hllnllfltl'O" ~ "' S."'11 ..... " W..le"' n. SMtt AN V•n., 0 .. ,...,.. ....
A"tllltlnl tt Ml#lltllWtell lfKl'I s.n!t ..,,,. Vt11n .t M9rlM
S.n,. """' 1t .....,., ,..rt.er wn...-n t t W•""lnlter
c••ITVl.W L"IA•u•
s.11 CltfMntt
Vlltt l"trtl .. .._
Ml"lell vi.to Tllltlll
Lt-1-.d! .......
W L PP l'l
7 1J114ft
' J'CGI '2.lllAM s ·im.,.:
~ '.m:"" ' • ot .. 1 7 ,.., ,,,
I 1 Mir al . _.... ....
1!1 ~ ff, LM\IJ\9 a9'dl SI S.11 ('""'"'9 111. Mflslell Viele II ""°""'"' '1, Onnt9 " V111t l'al'tl .,,, 1\lttln J5 _,.. .. _
Poaftll• 1t Mlltklrl Viele
VIiie P1rtl .t l-Sftldl
Stn ClliMnt. <If l!I ModeNo
Ort"" tt Tllltlll
To Bulldogs
John !nil•barl, Golden Well
Colle11'1 qaarterblct far the
put two seuons. bu enrolled
at Fmno Slit. Coll,.._
A We1tmin1ter H1Sh
graduate, ln&1ehart WU I M-
cond team choice on Jut
1 ea Jon ' 1 all-Eutem Con-
!e.....,. aquad.
In two year1 wlth tb•
Rullllen, IJ11)eiwt -pleted
211 paA11 In ao attempts
!or l ,161 yanla and 17
He enrolled 1t Fruno State
'MU '!C" lllYllallollal awhn mae1 Ill Newport Beach T ...
nil Club. AfMr"""' po1tpontd
bee: 11 ti nll, Ibo mttl bu
-r•lwduJed fGr Feb. II ud IT.
Ear1J -for the meet wm...,.... lo be valld.
n1a1 ..,.r11 • per tam
... tbt-11-toa!I aw• wa ja &bt SPAAAAU
·-119 AAU <ardl aad w11o -not -.. Ille "C"
11 I ' lot -tYt•I -c"' -will atart at t .. lletunlay and will .... au -~
Ur.AU _,....,,_
One Time Onl7I
Than., Feb. 6, 8 P.11. ..... o........ Dir.
fllat&RY•D NATI -................. ............ $1.lt
J•'-'t II I .... t1.M ..._. . ..,.-"' .....
w11b aa 11-11-n, 11"1 Moon to -Alntne For-with an .._ <•l ai.., Danlailoo, Evtfyu • Garman women'• clubl at Colla M-
wltb 1 '"1-n aad li1lt lle1U reller'1 101·1H3 (II) and with Merrilee Ducgan'a I0-21· and lllta EnsJ>nd. , " and must hive • tomporll')'
with u 11·10-71. Martha Clampa'1 1111-IMI (11). Ill (II). . A Jld: and JID toomey fa or pe-SCGA •r·
1'raWlc I IU'<lb behind Sblr)ey CUmm&ro · won the 'lbe aecond flight waa cap-scheduled Feb. 11 with thre'ie PublUW .hancuc._
,.,.. laolt'J'wll (ll+'nl and leCOlld fllgbt wltb·• 11~ turtd by Bev Balllatonl'o II-jackll and two jWs comprising llfeq Vfll'4e .Ray--(D-10.'n). (II) w~ Carnelle Kennedy '• Z+lll (31) with Mary Borden the fivllOme team!. Dave Rooentbal and Tom
Pal· Jta]aml and Cbar)Q IJWMI (I) and Elite SUpes' (71), P11 lien ('II) and Tbe best two balle of the Foth look bonon In bell hall SiiiijiEiieoa~tb-=-111;aus-(1r!ollowed. -ytrgtnla-;Jam«(71J-tffilllil. -n,.,..,.. ror is bcller wm-or partnen acUoo-1 ... -lbo-
Priacllla Bourteoil captured A tin whistle tourney Moo-Thlrd fllgbt play w a s prevail Entry fee Js $4 wbich men's club 1t Mesa Vtrda
the fil'll • Utle ID Frlday;s day waa woo bJ Nadine Maze ~ bJ Marlon Voll' ti-includes P'""' fee a n d Saturday.
moat pan e...i la _,. • In Drat fllgbt compeUtlon wilh 33.tl (ti). Bea Cave wu ... awardl. The pair abol • &I, wbll.o
club actkm. • 71-lMe·(f.1). cond wlth a 10143-el (fO). Participants must be a Paul Buckles aod Don G1cr1e
Sbe posted a 90-17·73 (13) Adrianna Coote followed Tnllinc that duo were Nina member of the men's or finished second with M.
All Penney Stores -Open ~ery Night Monday Thr~.':'9h. Sa urda1~
.~our choice, any size, 1 price!
pl111 federal tu ancl old tlro .
ll1ck tuW..
650-13 1.79
775-14 2.20
825-14 2.36 .
775-15 2.21
. FEATURES " . •Tough nylon cord ·protects
as•lnlt l>lowouts
• Over 7000 r011d gripping
• l.ang w.ring formula
polypreme rubber
PUI tfro Ntatlon nory
Fiii pn~re repui1· ·:
lit.of froild
Should ...., Foi•1wt
ft-· beltlry fll1 (not
......, dlll:lwtll wi1hln
IG deyl fr"'!' Ille -of ~' mum ft 10
,. ......... Jt wil bl ..
..... 1'ol of-...
AfWIOdeylbot-11> . ........... ., ....
c.. "'n ...,.... 111e ""'
. ...; ~ ..,1y ""Ille
padodol_"" _
.. Ille-pricolltM
_., ....... pro mad -"" '"""" ...--
(Foshlon hl•nd)
h!'lneys auaroanten every F~ost• ti,.
•Pin11 Ill t•il11rt1· In UH -ttils IUltlfto
·1e1 i,.sts· f« t he in tire IUllntnlff peHod •
stated for u th ti••· If th9 Uni f1ll1 clur-
lnr the .&Ult•nlce periotr, retun:i II wlttl
your" guarantee certif.c.t• ilnd Penneys
Will, II Its Ol)tiCW\I fl) ~Ir ttll lire, (2)
nploxe it wjlll 1 new Ure, Ill' (J) Rift )'ltS
•l'I imm~iotle relund. II -f'!PIKfi th9
U111 durina; the free re1>ll'Ce'lnent pi!ffod.
there is no charge; if w. ~aai tlw ti,..
afl•r the rre. repl~c(IQent Jtttiod, you·.,.,.
50'lfo or 2S% le)S than thio currerlt Miiin&
price of the tire includln1 th• fl!denl Ell:·
t is• T•x (see s~rantte •Pl~t f1 ilure
ch1rt for detllilsJ.. '
Penntys guaranlt•s ~ FOttll'IOSt• tir.
(e•cept the 72 serie't •s:•iMl tni•• •••r.
out fer the entir• 11u1t'llnlet1 ~riod. You
benelit •s follcw11 II your ti.-. weirs out
<itll'ine 1111 tor.;t l!•lf· .of tlMI g1.111t'llnt.
, period, return ii will! your 1u1r1nlee ~
liriQI~ 1nd Penneys '!ill i-eplace your Ur•
w ith 1 new tire !!he clll1P for this wi11 be
so•.-ol the c:urrter1t se11Jn1 price lol::lud!n1
Fff:er;al Excise T••l: If your ti,. WNrs out.
d11roq the ~d ..,tf, tM chi,.. wl\11»
'7S'JI. of the current ll'Ulnt prJcs lntlodin&
fedtt•l·btis. T1:i!.
Jl'lese 11u11'1nleet do not apptf to qi~
men:i.11 U5e ot til1!J..
. Jl.w.'f · h•w ya...-1u•,..t1I" •toin•t
feilun war\t:
f11tinl 9u•.,.111te ,.,;,.1 , ... ,.~1o,.-"' ,..i..1
50% .. parioct'
25% •" .-;..i
.21 lllOnth•
12-11 .....
Reliant 12
,roll battery!
' .
12 e 9 5 INSTAUED
Type 24 with trade
(Huntln9ton Center)
• . •
New Dey Dawns After Golf . .
Calls Off,, PGA-APG .War
• • • T ..... ,... 11111 lhe .N1Uonal PGA ohowld On . mattert rtlallnl to the 'pre toir ...
.... ..... -lhe ether day ltlan · U., elhlbllloN. lncludllll cGllll-rmtloill
M¥0 6'playld In I Jooi, Ion( lime -with --· WeriJlon ud
wllh -uceptlon. llllllelf ' their dlclolon rnotloo pidaie prvducen, ldlodul" ind
to '""'7 -........ In Iba ...... -diiclplloo. " • •
-In --·· beads u jlwy. tailed . : . -~ ...:1. Iba. tourDim.n11 will Olrllii -~llii iiid. llii""~ ... -ti -· ndt;lilllrlieadcd
(A1M" •-If p,_...., -.). . , II)' Jact'Nllill u r-Dlrtdor.
11le . .-al J.,.p11 C. lllf, Jr., u DI)' u .. In Locitll Vallo)', J.I,, ud bao
--allhenewToumamUtPlayors -l!mlvld lo oporll Ill bl!. oduJI, Ille.
DMllcll' al the PGA, WU the ft?'/ 1lell He l(lint lJ 7eln "Wrlil!IC' ojloiU 119(9"1
t;l!ll could paalbly'bave bmi niade. .. 1P.1mlq bil USGA pool. · ' · . ~ ' ' ,, ' Joe DI)' ll· the top encuUve flpre In In 1111' .Dey',. .. , awarded the Wl!Ham
Iba ~ today Ind perhaps the -. D . .'llldllnllon ~ !0< contribution• to
B•1ehall Begins
. Rustler~ Trip ,
' ' \ . . Gaitclws, 11-2
Golden W"l C o 11 e I e ' • Ron Rlcbardlon WU !lie 1>lt
ba!eball team was 1hooting illll for Golden Weol 'Ille
for u. ...... wjn o! lhe _,, third ~-weal t1ttee-1 .....
.._ .t1111 ·1f!on>ooo.,.£ Ca1 •• 12t1t. at the plate . dl'.hlol · in ~tale-· (iunortm)t ' art er !oor rum with a •in&le, double
b~ Saddlehoi;k, 11-2 , anc1 a triple.
Five ·Bucs 'l'utoday .., the llultler ~
moncL • .. :
0.111.V "LOT• IZ
I See by Today's .
Want Ads
e.wu; SALE:
Udo 1i ID eceeUent con-
dition, wttll 2 lt'lta "°'• '1J.6. P'\U'I times ahead.
• Rolewood • Velvet: Eiepi.t i.qd cuwct ....
wood, mafdwl wttti sreen
velvet in • beautttul m
and chair IDr R&ttnl( your
royalty , , , allo. an aYal
0.--table and chain Iii' mi&bOsany ~ Bt&ll-
tiftj. ~.for beau.
!llul ""'1e.
•Marllot ~:
' A '&3 Jqulf Marie ll, with ---la.pow· tt lleerlrls, and only 53.·
000 mila. Jt. oriKfnal owner will .ell tor $1m,
From ~ to Zithen:
you'll ltl(t1t fut In the
DAILY Pll.OT ... qualllled 111111 In the world to handle -,..,, u vatod 11)' the Golf Writers of America.
-.it u ...,. 11P lrom limo to lime ~ •'W. llardln al Sl Ll!tilo, pnoidenl
IDIO!ll tl/0-ed, lemperamental pll,yen al the USGA, baa lhb to AY about the
"' the -· .... 1ppolntmetrt: ' The ~ Ind the PGA will Und oul "Joe Dey hu been a vital part of the
Tops Oxy,
Plays SD
~·Grlffi!h, Dave Paynter ,
and Mike Woods hurled !or
Golden West, With Paynter ·tJ:·
ceeding ·the other two by
chucking three lnninp of ~
hit ball.
&ffllltMdl Ul •,• ~. De'111'11'11n. If " .. , • •
Goalie Doug Schaumberg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ and hlgh-s:orinl'Steve Wagner
of Orange Coast ·~oTiege have
In • barrJ Iba! Joe Dey I! • firm bul wort al ' the United Stites Golf. Aasoci•Uen
.................. lot ...,,. 31 years. He II nipected by
Colfer• all over the world u the m06t
competent administrator in the came."
In Sports * * *
Fall, 22-21
<>ranee COHt Colle 1e • 1
wrllWD& te~ resumes
Eutern Conference action
'nlm1day at home against San -Jno Volley Collete
-belnl edpd by Suto Au, 11-21, Tuad•J nlthl.
Mark O>rllllln. Allen J-
and Don Hllll•rd Ill ocor«I
plnl for the Plr•lel, but •
1-by the Injury-piqued ~ Coalll team in the 17'1·
pound dus coll them the matdl. .
In Tourney
l!Jlllada Hlf/l SC h 0oJ 1. I
......... -lakaa lo die road for·-.......
melll II Jfoltvllle HIP lclloo1
In the ollth 1-1 ~~r•
Torino GT
makes other cars
that talk
eat their words.
Slubbl, u J l s....nn, e ' • 111~ .... , •. ' • LGlllMd<•r. a t 1
1!1tlt. :. ' • ll~d ' • Viet. rf t I .... ...,, ,. . .
Pl-,it t I lltv1,. 111-rf I I
Te!1ll •1' 1
Otklt~ Wttl 1111
, .... rl
•twotn. lb
l'IUIMI\, 2'o .... " Mlrkl, d
lllk:tllrcbM, 311
lt"'"U, • c-11.11
9kltr. If
' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' ' ' • • • • • ' . ' . ' . ' . • • " "
• • ' . ' . ' ' • • ' . • • • • • • • • _, _, ..
' ' . ' . • • ' ' ' . • • ' ' • • ' . . ' • • • • • • • • II 11
been named · to• the All·
American water polo first
team by a panel of coaches.
Teammate .Mi)e Wilson was
named to the second &q~d
while two rriore members of
the .Dues' state championahlp
le.am, Dan Christy and· Mike
Allbright, won honorable men-
tion . 1 .
Wagner, an aggressive of·
fenslve player led OranJe
Coaat .in assists with 34 and
scored 43 goals.
Schaumberg . was an iron
man lh the BOii.' and blocked
a remarkable It of SS penalty
shots during the season.
Calling a car' a hot performer la one thing. Proving It Is another.
Torino GT performance speaks fpr Itself. Just flow loud ls ·up to
you-with six V-8 choices, from a standard 302 V·8 up to the big 428
Cobra Jet Ram-Air. (When this one talki, others listen .)
Torino GT shows it's heir apparent to the 1968 NASCAR racing
champ. Special handling au1pen1ion. Wide-oval tires, Competltlon-
stylo whHls. Stripes. The works. In SportsRoof, 2·door hardtop, and
convertible model1. And ~hen there's Cobra. All muscle at a very
low price.
In all, you have 16 different ways to go In Ford's intermediate line,
from the hi11lng-hot Cobra to the handsome new Fairlanes. Eve.ry
one a winner. Visit your Ford Dee l·
er'a Performance Corner aoon.
Very liltlo-talk-lota of actlonl
. •
-. I
' ..
' ., • ,.
,;ONCE A :fEAR'' ,,
' ' SM.ASH
Patio Covers
Screen•lns ,
''Weather Proof
Patio Rooms'' . ' •CMW U..... T9' 1.......,,. 0. NW
SALE! . . .
Room.·c Size ·Patio
WITH . ' '* * INSALUM * *
~~;r .~~~~ ... s550 COMPLm
'TiL" Alf GUST, 1969
We SpecfaliZe In I , ~nc;loslng
Exiiffng Patio
54 6"~9.9 7 3 ' .
' .
·7691 Westmi111ttr An. i w ..........
1 •
t ,
~ I
•• ~LY ,PILOT redMsd«t. Ftbolary 5, 1969.
• ... 1M •.;c.111 .... P I :J I c:i..e., C... ..._
·,~3995• Value ·
Tape:. Rec~d~r
-· 86
. , i. SpecW · .. '
., .
· Reg~; ~1.t Syfvc,nia
I!.~ ·,t·.3 'Flashcubes·
Brli!t 'All Yi»ur • . ,... ''>. ' ·!rescfJptlon1-to ~rifty ·
':t: ' ···~··~ .. ......... ,... ...... , .
....... cy ........ ,
i ~"P·'
Wate.Jle11; ~
.A. 11.,.,_ -d
Jd -t.Uiaim ·········t $: ltJW.' ••. ,, d)a&udo _ ... __
. .., "' l ll&tltal ....
' ......... ,colon. . __ .. _.
' . ,.u..~
~e -
i1e Risa Lee .. ·:aearlBox , ••..•.
~~•I'' --d----lnLoo-! '
v ........
$·1.29Y .... I ............
Hoar ts ... 29c
AJl.tllDI ,._ ...
HMlt: Qate Heut
ud De&• 39"" H-.rt 10~-._
Gii. Bric I '
t'l 2H Valuo G.L ·
Hair Dryor
~· '
4-PILOT.ADVER'l'ISER w-..,, Ft!>-5, 196~ .-.J
• • • •
• • !
,_,., 1,_.,, I a S-He .
49.• v·1ck's c..... -.. 1 ....... ,:
~ st:!,
Dis ,
I • f
. .
~;:-~~~--:---------,------------,----,-.-----------------------.,.-~-~~--·. --
' • • • .
' ta.. ~·
~ .. -··-" ~
~. , .... ., 5,·1969
. >Lanolin · ·Plus :
-Molihlra · ·
"~ 36C, """'' ...
79c Box of 100
. flllsflc POker Chips ·-··-· 2 51 1Ud. aft, fUc . ... -.-.. -=la .. -:-* . . .
'" . ~.ts.v-.13 . .011 c.p
Co,y:GJa11 .
• ·percolatOr
' '·"i.
.llli1 .. ''1'' Price . _, I 1 , ,>I"
' ..
' "'· . ~-... -"~· -lllo ...... --•· = .............. " -....... nmmll ta.: I te I Olllh -·: '
· $1,9& v11ie1 hnp0rfed '
· Decorator Glauware .. ..... -,, ·.' ::;: .. -:-•P• ,..·s1·"" ar~ ..... ar.t UY
<l& .··;:
' ' .
&dJ Amfall ·
DIClll ator lotlles
AatlloaUo ~a·~
---.:-r --. . , .. , ·-.' . I
Wodnltday, r-,. ?; IM -
•;O I
' .... DAILY PILOT Jf1 ' ' 1
' • I > •
• 11ff1 ¥6yW..~Cl ... ,, ................. ... . '
.. -1
. , Deteclo.
·; Ham ... r .. ... •••. t 1· . • '
' , f I'• (
':lf11i11 ' ~-Price J.
r t l . -• I . ,
----I .
· .. $1'.oO Value! Po1J ·
· Woien lie Place Miis ·
• Velftt !Jko ._....a.~7" 'C --~· ........ Ub1e ID Oolorfut Wlilll-· abl• decoator color·
, ... , .. -... .•4 ......
..c· •"k u ... • ·: .. _ . Rulallfr Glovel ·-, .
.. j Rn+ 3'1!. ' . ' '· -~ . ' ;) . . -.~' ... , . -.:.:=." . ... ,
~~~-·-:li!Puit ....... ~ 11-&L: t I~..,_ .,-. .i,; ' ~ .. i ... --
. • "
. .
. .
' \ I
• I
' I
' I
• •
l>All.Y "-0!'
· Forlorn Ship in Lovely Setting
' '
~ayy Tries Once. Mili:e
" , . ' -.
st Contract Let for New Carrier Je t Fig hter
' WASHINGTON (AP) -annooaced ,._, .t h 1 t Novy par-be c 1 u,., rllJ!l angleo lo the fusell&e
\'1111 ·~ and mlllJont al Grumman Aircraft, builder al -other tlllnp, It weighed 10< slow, "'Y landinp as
doUara_ poore~\ the lUvy bu a few tllt models of the too, much -more tbin •iooo short carrier decka .
.._ -to devllop I Cit· Jl'UIB, WU Plllnl I lour ~ "': wbldt ~I !JM the FlllB. !lie FH.wl!I
rler·lluool jet-II~ caplllle )'Olr, • llllllbl 1wonl for cumbenome 1<1';' t be eqnlpped with i vereton
of intercepting ene?D-y ~ plannln1 001 1 around cll'rltn and ~alul·' of the Phoenix mlaalle;---q_
bqmheb •Jtoc•Jnc tbe lle<I, -job called the P'H: ' 41'11 I« Ill ialereopl« ~ -WUJIOll which will
'!)It N1,.Y 1111.lallld In ID. Lite the ~ fUIB, t11it . To •-the -wdlbt be the key. to the do!OlllO ••Pemlv• previoul ellort to FH « VJl'J: °' B -..uN ~ tllfo -. 1 ~; al Naiy cmlen !ll'the !l'IO'S: build" .a neet d'!:eDl!er Jr!"" Iii lni~ll pa~t; wl!l)llye lllllt repr,...toUve !Old 1 • ··)Vlth a hllhlr llOJlhlsUcatod
1be old TFX wll'jilloe ~. a n11>1 'llnr.,::i, 1 fe:y . ...,..,... the _, p11mo ' trltklng gur, the ·Fli wW
<Jlj>octed by fonrur ~ ""'I mlulle I« Ill 'to lllep the . FH Yollbi be ' able IO fire Plloenlx
ol Del..., l!o6err S . • lnterceJI! mllslon. . . . " below I0,000 -· moliily missiles slmultaneoo•IJ 1! 1& Mcllamora ,lo . provide ·one· , Once the FH ,_l\'Ch and throuib • .., '.£ tbe Ifcl>llvellitl' illlcldng bolilber• before they baa!c plane that eouJCI be deveJo~ent 11.completed,µte ' but powerfuf'tltaniuril, the ef. are within striking reach. of ad~ byalllll'flcel.. NavMlana to .ptcJ: up .an peoalve new metal tb11t lbe carriers.
That wu the FlllB atreraft, option to build 413 models at McNll'Dlta ref \l I e d to To mate sure the Fl4 faru
~ Ip 1182 ~ canceled a cost estimated officiallr at authorise.for tbe,J'Ill aeries. better lban the F 111 B , ·Jut yedr ·when ll proved $7.3 mUlion each -or over ln spite of ita: failure, the Congress took a very clOM
unable to meet N •. v Y $3.3 billlon in all. Navy pllna to build 'on · the look th Ls time to !lte that
apetjficatipna· for car r 1 er Hundreds more Flt'1 may FlllB In per£ecUng 1 sue-the Navy ls OD the right tract.
· operations. be ordered after that initial cessor. Grumman was announced bl
Pentagop figures sha.w the run, expanding the over.U The Flf ·will have lbe same January aa producer of ~ N~vy spent $216.5 milhon on program to perhapa $5 blllion swing·wlng which can be new Navy clrrJer~ plalie,
.-0.evelopmg the FlllB. or more. swept back for supersonic and ,tbe contract wu auppoHd
' With 'little fanfare, the Navy The FlllB failed to serve flight or extended almost at to have been signed Jut week.
Break ll'iih Tradition
_ A tree which grows in Brooklyn and a ship which,,.
·for the present, goes nowhere are backdropped ,by
·;. pie fikyline of Jower Manhattan. The ship is one of
many idled by the 46-day-old lOllgshoremen's strike
which has paralyzed Atlantic and Gull ports.
It's 100
Much for Wom·e·n to Join Mass
"" .•. ,.. " :~~Six Cannon Jettison ed by English Grocer
SE~TI'LE (AP) -Fed up
with being robbed, terrorized
by vaiidats and losing money
to shoplifters, Nick Dallas is
closing Ult srna.1'1 neighborhood
~ .he's opeiated for 20
a major break with tradition,
the Roman · Catholic church
is gqing to allow Women In
the United States to take an
active part In the celebration
of the mass'.
Jectors are not available. bible translations -the con--
Women bad been prevented fraternity of ChriaUan doc-
from such a role in the mau trine, the Jerusalem Bible and
-more by custom than by the Catholic edition of the
official oction -.since t h e revised standard version -
early days of the church. The for use in a Jectionary of
latest action officially conced· mass readings. The lectlonary
es them a role in the Roman is now belng prepared.
yExplQrer ·Found Off Barrier Reef The new Vatican ruling 1ays
that w o m e n , parllc14E'IY
mem~rs .of. religious ordera,
"may proclaim the leuons
and. the epistle at .mau . , ,
and may direct the singing."
Catholl~ Church's major act -Acknowledgement t hat
of wonhip. • -musical settings for the Lord'a '
"Six cannon jettisoned by
· .. "F..nglish explorer capt. James
: "'Cook in 1770 in order to free .. ~lbe H.M.S. Endeavour from ..
the Great Ranier Reef o f r
Australia have been recovered
by an e1pedit.ionary group
from Philadelphia's lic•demy
of Natural Sciences.
ll'if e Sheds Actor
The six four-pounders. the
entire armament of Cook 's
ship, were coral-encrusted but
otherwise in-good condition. .
Dr. H. Radclyffe Rober\s,
;:; Former actor Victor Miiture has been stied fo r divorce iii San Diego by hi s
-·-fourth wife, a fonner London socialite, both shown in, 1962 '.,photo. Mrs . Adri·
enne Joy Mature, 35, charged the fonner muscleman, now 53, with "extreme
eroe1ty." 'They were married in 1959. .. --
yean. }. ,
academy direetor, said be w8s "I Can't t •·t e it any
surprised by the speed of the longer," he said Tuesday after finding because the expedition
I ha-· g a "closed" sign on eft Phlaldelphia less than one mooth ago for a study of the front door. "I'm fed up:
life under the reef and to They jam guns at my head,
collect specimens. bash in my windows and steal
from my store."
He credited the use of a His was one of the few magnetometer, an electronic -. device that detects metal remaininc groceries i°' the
under water. for the find quiet, middle class residehtial
which had eluded at least 10 neighborhood.
other efforts to recover the But in the past two weeks
guns. he has been he1d up three
The .coral crust apparenUy times by armed robbers -
had concealed their shape the latest in a long string
from other searchers. 1 Olle of troubles at the store.
academy said an agreement 1be 61)..year-old Dallu, who
had been made with the immigrated from Greece 40
• Their participation,
howeVer, will be-· limited to
convent&, schoola, retreata and
other gatberin&a wbefe male
PAA Taking
For Moon
Similar ~ions have Prayer no longer needed ap-
been &rant.ea recently to the proval 0£ the bishop'! COD•
hierarchies of other countries. ference since the prayer is
'The request was one of no longer used exclusively in
several niade·of the Holy Sec the mass.
at the November pieeiln& of -COnfirmalion of t he
the National ConfereDCt! of Ameri cans bishops' approval
Catholic Bishops here. of English translaliom of She
The ruling was made by 1imple gradual - a book of
by the collseUm f or .the refrains used in the masa -
lmplem.entatlon ol the con· and the lectionary.
stitution on the liturgy (or -COn!irmation or th 1
the second Vatk:ap Council), American bishops' approval of
and announced here b y a number of psalms and the
Archbishop John F. Deardon , lectionary.
of Detroit, prestdeDt 0 f-, ' --Omfirmation or t h •
American bishops. Ameri can.bishops' approval of
Other request!' grJnted by a number of psalms and an.
the Vatican Included! tipbons JS substitutes for the
-Approval o! three recent preae~,cblnts in lbe mass. Australian gov~e".nt t Q years ago, was robbed last NEW YORK (AP) -Pan
share the find ~ttHe exact Ftiday and agaln Saturday. American World Airways is
terms were not avaUable. That did it. compiling a waiting list to L "
Mackilrpes ~. v j c e "I'm here working fof the take passengers out or this BJ P.. hot"(). D. it..·w· '-n ·d , of ••· ~--'d shop!Hters and the robbers,'' world _ 11~1r1calfy, to the. , V pres.i E!ll~-· """ac~uy, 581 he said imide the well·stocked "'~ the cannons were found on moon. , -~
the reel about 20, .r;lles o!f store. He blamed shoplifting A Pan Am spokesman said A N • · ' 1 G u
the coast m Queens1am1 dear •00 1o.ues to robbert"the past the atrUne· bas been bandllng S lXO fl S oes p
Cooktown, a tropical com· two years for "not inakl.ng such a list for the past two . . ~ 111
• ~ • , • • '
munily named for the ez: 8 nickel in the operation." ye&PS• and has about 200 , 1 •
plorer. He said the water The Dallas grocery is a reservations, adding: "We like WASHINGTON (UPI) -his vice-f)mldential days -
depth at the point ranged from neighborhood landmark. Some to think of ourselves as The most wanted head -<of .a ifl fn-,at least until he picb an
10 to 70 feet, depending on adult cu.stomers came there plo'neefs." governmentageneythesadays ·dDCial photograph from Mr.
the tide and the 'Contour of. as children. For many it's Among those aiming to be may be the one who escorts ', Atltias' album. · ·,
the reef. • the closest grocery f6f blocks. among the first commercial Presiden~.NJion in one of his -'.O~rs say the vintage
Coolt sailed frpm Plymouth "These people are going to travelers in outer space are whirlwind departmental visits N1xDn portrait does not flatter
England, on Aug. 211, 1768 for miss it, they depend on the :P..1r. and ~1rs. Richard E. only to find a beaming picture H$ subject. In the picture store" Dallas 'd "B t of Lyndon Johnson dangling taken in the 1950'11 Nixon w11 geographic erplor1Uon and • sai · u Abrascato of Seaford, N.Y., from the wall · d k It naturalist research. He ex· that's too bad. When youn g and thei r two-year-old son and ·. wearing a ar su , vest, an
h P..... · d I l Just to avoid such a pro-out-moded Ue. And it shows plored t e Society 1 .. 1anc1_ s and '"I.&,.) ·come in an po n a 5-month-old daughter. " · 1 h , blem, workers ICl'amble to less hair than he does _...... charted the New Zealand gun in my ace. t at s lQ9 "We are definitely serious," ....
h too I " h 'd every CCl'Der of government' 1n -·soo. coast before going to muc ong, e sai · said Mrs. Abruscato, whose 'buildings to make Blri no pie-~ ne1' President's pjcture
Australia, then New Holl~d. Six years ago Dallas'a wife husband is a systema analyst. t.ure of the lonntr ~sident ill in gre8.t deinand. Hundred.s
A journal kept by Sidney died. Until then they had both "Maybe we won't see it but is left hanaing. of schooJ·chltdren have written
Parkinson, a crew member worked in the store. we hope our children will get Plctur f he ' " T h e1 o t former to the White House aaking who died on the return, trip ere are many toseelt." n..-__1~-...... ~t are out. So is the for the President's to England. told of a jarring memories," he said, "but now "I look on it as somethlne fOl'Iml' Presi~ent's favorite photogr~.
shockastheEndeavouiatruck l'mafraidformy1ife." fun to do, and I think lhit photog r apher , Yolchf And 130,ooo post officts all
a jagged peak of the reef "I don't know what I'm we'll eventually do it," said . Okamoto. He is now working over the country are also
on June 10, 1770 and ripped going tb do," Dallas said. "My Bob Wisb:nlck of Scarsdale., for 1 magazine. New presi-awaiting shipment or the
a hole In the hull . -The 30 worrit;S now are to get out N.Y., who ts ·a f(esbman at ~al·pllotographer Ollie At· photograph to put up after
· man crew worked fever!llhly ·of .here, .and' get out in one Syracuse University sfudyilia kin!! is tn. And President Nix4 they had removed Jobnsoa 's
on pumps and jett\sonlng piece." e••1'neer•~. • Id h t h-l k · · ... ~·e on s o p o ograp a en in picture. everythin g expendable t o ----,,-,-~--,.--~~-:---=--"'----~"--+--"::.::...=:...::=:!!::::::....;::::::_:::._..;::::::.:::. ______ _
lighten the ship and free il ~
from the reef.
The ship finally was saved
by the use of a patch of
cloth, pair and oakum which
was floated into the hole, but
the crew was unable to
recover the guns. Cook started
back home on Oct. 9, · 1710,
but a number of the crew
died en route. Cook 18.te't com·
plcted a survey of Australia'•
cast coast and finally was
killed by natives in lhe
Sandwich Islands, now Jlawali
on Feb. 14, 1779 .
-. .~-·~· ••• '· ·Polish Hotel Call House~
•• ' . ' •"' Vivid Picture. Pain.ted of Baltic Spa's Vices .......
".:.: WARSAW. (AP) -The mOll
~ ... faslllonable hotel in Poland's
;r..~ most fashDiable S e I S l d t
• · -resort bu been called a ~
:· ping bub al JK')lllilu1<s. cur·
: rency tralftcken: and card
.o!;-aharps who practice their arts
;-on foreignll'L ~. 1be "'*-' with dollan.
:""sc andln1vlla crowna or
.... fJOIIlldll ii -The Polllll cw-~ t-~ -airrency.
-·I Ille 11.-.. be• Ill<''· 11 1t !lie _.., al emplO)'tS'
wblms. '
'lbil '-" the eJepnt Grand llolll fi Sopot -I
Blltlc SM .,. 'opul1r
portlallarW --~ ...... ha .. lltlcJo. !JI
• -...t·U't, JI!!-"" .. ;;.~ i'olllh 11wyeri' Asiodi·
l )
The description hardly cor·
responds to the nonns of a
state-nm enterprise in a Com-
munist nation.
Alekaander Jl,owinski, author
of the article. pictured the
pnwor eavtrooo ol the hotel
bultllnl witll "an abundance
of v.nety'' of prostitutta:
"mostly' fleshy, blondes, red-
halred a n d raven-haired.
1enerallJ In very ealbetic
foreign wrapplnp."
·••Hotel roonw reSound wtth
tlMlr 1111 glglo and • cut·
ftltCJ' bllct marketeer, a
lftlllQ}er, 1 cord •harp, a
--' ldoratlon ... ; .. Ir 'opuatts · nw at hand;"
be-· •..
••Thf 1 wotk 8S I
· harmonious · team and even but how can you fight .it If
prostitution in . ®tclass hptel cle~ks by their
itrM;>Wledge of f o r e i g n
languages ..
''You may look long in the
wor1d· for another place of
this *irt ·tr. which so young ,·
so ioe1f>eMive ladies are
swred in such luxury."
.The gitls, Ro\vinski said, are
found on·f¥ hbtel beach dur-
ing the warm days, the hotel
verandas and cafea in the
afterll(>OnS ind in l h e
ballrooma ·at nljht.
. In fact, he ~. "no
other ladles•txcep~ :\'roelitulel
are seen •tvtn\Jla• .111 ·~ .,dan·
cing rooms."
The director o! tho . hotel
said! "f'vt tried · to fight It.
th~re is no
That is the official line.
The truth of the matfer,
Rowlnski suggested, Is why
should she be discouraged
when she helps run up the
bills and extracts Western
currency -an extra welcome
item In Poland -from a
Describlng the activities ot
the illegal money traUickers,
who offer forelgnera normally
more than triple the official
exchange rate, be said they
"don:t allow the respectable
visitor to pass along avenues
leading to the Grand, nor to
•top· Iii Its lob!ly-ht peoc<."
Brightening llp Skin
Six American Airlines stewardesses' show off their
new "Americana' Collection" attire du.ring a press
conference at a Mq,nl)attan restaurant. American,
drawing on such tdstoric American touches as
~anicl ~nc's raccoon bat and a New England
innkeeper s wesklt, has designed a new American
Look for its 4,000 1tewardesses .
Tlpe Winner Catalina
Cruise './.
3· Boats Bunched
In Winter Series All Set
. . . Onll. thrM<!uulm of •
point ieparatad thi top -boall In the Paclllc e.-ap
clut In cabrlllo Bucb Yacht
Club'• Winter Serle1 which
Cooduded &m4ay.
Thi , winner wu B 111 p-·· Tllre with 1Sl4. ae-ccnd Wll Bob Locan'I Tom
bola, IS, and third WU John
Wins Bid
For Series
Buu Boettcher ana a crew
ol Finn dln&hY ullors ·from ·
Calllomla Yach! Club Sidwlay
won the rlPt to npraent
the Senta -Bay .... lnthe-~CUp
-aponaored by Loni Beach Yach\ Club.
1Uncald'1 Bal<lu!M, •1>. All
... -the .... !lob.
Patenon, CBYO. c.u,.a--<ll Oietokee, Ed
~U. CBYC; (I) Camelot,
Jack Cavanaop, CBYC; (I)
Colleen, Eel FOii, CBYC.
MORF -(I) Pulfer, Rod
Pallfter , CBYC : (S)
ShlranamJ.. Mart H al n e a ,
CBYC; (S) Lupe Tai, Dale
Kind, CBYC.
1 5-M -(I) Fe< 0 Better,
Jeff Brauch, LAYC; (2)
Super)og, James HO b Ion,
• CBYC; (I) Caca Fuero. Dave
Beck, LAYC.
-(I) Barnacle, Bob Taylor.
CBYC; (I) Es Que SI, Syd.
Corp, CBYC; (3) Seapll, Bob
BrandBburg, CBYC.
Final .....,_1a for this
weekend'• !Int Long -IO Catalina llland Q,ille WU
eomplelOd Tuelday nJcbt -the Pacific Olfahori Po,...
Boat RacJor "-!at!Gn met ·
at the Long Bea,cb Yldlt Club.
Ill -to-dllcuulnl details for 8alunla1 and s..,.
da¥'• !Int event ol the 1181
natloaal olbbon! ndni CIJen..
dlr, members alao preriewed ,
a new color and aotmd film
on t b e 1port enUUed "Run
The film u narrated by the
1181 POPBRA points cham-
pion ·Bill Cooper of Marina
del Rey, one ti. the favorites
on this weekend'• race .
The run to and from
Cltallna wm offer the year'•
first test ol boala and engines
beJni prepared fe< the Long
Beach-Ensertada race March
22 and the ftftb annual Long
Beach Hennessy Cup classic
Haskell Wins LIYC Sabot Series
''It's a deal.
Two Famed
Boats · Enier -
Cup Series
You make your long distance caJJs aft.er ·7 P.M.
> . . '
I-~' ·~ ... .. •
" . ''
,, and I'll give up the Stutz Bearcat.''
Aft~r7 PM (and illl day Saturday & Sunday). you can call anyplace in tile continental
U.S.A;for just $1 ot less: So if your wife talks a lot, you've got yourself agreat deal . (If she
never ~tQps talking .on the phone, make her put it in writing.)
..... 1 •flflr flit ""' J mlrlvla, h'l!'trtfRI. •ltt1911 .. ••llen. """' AIUM •
. . . ' ..
l .
• I
' • I
. .. . -,.
-~y-(Sl tt.' I • • .... 1,., •·· u.~1
York ' . '
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·~ ~· •• ·~
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1. id ..
:b •• '· 11. a:
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••rl!lri. I~~ J:,;:iin~ flrA1fllf. .. ..._• cnilif . • . • ,, !II' lclun:'W.,. """Mflf,f
__ ... ' ..
.... fi(lllry ......... !......,• ...
wr-s. lltlt!W .,,.,.,""'"' ~ ,.....,..,. ... be!"" tlwkllll'' ~.,....
-,..,.. ftlA. ..... .tlo!wL.
IU.l11tl!lll1K. . •
l'ACTOlt't'l.llT .Wt
• ..
I fU!i!lP '6' 't
'81LYIDIU . . .
MO •
.. FIVE :-c 1$'. OF· 'N.W ·CARS TO CH.0051' IROM I • t . . · • • I • • • ~ • • • ,...
. ' .:
. "
. '69 ROADRUNNER . . .. ·-. ' ... : :_
LOW LO~ MILU <TIY1'04.1 s·2 2 7 ·7
· · IMMEDIATE DRIVERY . . . . . · ' _
$77 .. ~. . $77 mo. · -· · · ...
• ''""· Ind. , ..... lie. for " mOll. Ol'I ~VICI cr«IU l'L.US TAX i._ LICfHle . ' . .
•... ·<USED C~RS .-:AT .SUPERMA"~EJ ,·IRl~ES .. ·.
1 1 • ., ~ r:
' ' ' .
. '.67 C~!.; !~P~~ $]577 $53 * '$53
Coupt, l'ower 1ft1rin, .. ~t•m.atie, · ·r1cli~, h11t•r, WSW: . T$N.4111 · PuJI Price Dn. Mo.
"·1·; ... 66Ponliic . $J~Z7 . -
s ...... p,;,:HJ.,Cr•; V-t,. RlH •. ~; ,! . ! $46 * $46
f•c . .air cond., ,,.S., ~.I., ,;a 1'. F If p'r1' ft-
.. · .·. Wind. lti'tt.,:·167J· . . · ~. , . , ,ce ..,... __ !'r"~ ~ :,!, ~~~~!!.:.,.~ ....... _ ... :•ra11 $46 * $46 a. pow•r •.t•eritlf, ~·di• •nd-h•1kr • .;, .11 p . · D
. ~ ... _ 1~LY-t16J.. ru ·· ~ice n. Mo.
-~·· · '67 ~.Bel Air $,1'>:77 · 546 * 546 J..•utiri•:,~t•dO!' r•d•equipptc! w/ · ..
f•ctory •ir,.PS, Auto., 11..IH. ITVK· f' ·1·1 p . D Mo , . 1011 . · .u rice n. .
~1· i '6i Plym. flirJ .: : $J'il~7· 54· 6 *. 54-'4· . . -~ SI.AL CAI .. , ~I·,. F,tc~'1'-•i( 'collllll,~: ,, •• , tl•"~·· ,!:'~ • .;J;.1>.~; · : ,~
. •uto., ~H,• 011t~·~itt· ••lot. i:-ulJ • r.ilC. DrJ, ' ~·
."I .. ···· IUUS-M4l,. · ':. -~-· •
.... '67'Ply111. ~iry :UI.: ':·:~1ll7 $43 * $43 ·
. ,M'.t.is••Afe -· f • -• '
.;.,;r, ~H.;1ts.~ ~o/. :1T)iS-_i11> .F.\lll.,Prlce Dn. Mo.
· ·· "'• '•1 Ole'Y. -cinilio --$1217 ·
• ,. .... :.21 Y·O:, UH, a.iht SHh I ' . $43 * $43
• C~niol•. Soritl No. 1•4160, full Price Dn. Mo.
·-;~-~ti~~ .. b~=:~~ ;.·;;·,~=~~ $971 $33 * $33 ·~ F•ct. Air. t0L6-24ll F\111' Price Dn. Mo.
. .. ... · '65 Plymouth . $n77 11 h~ 111 Ho,;1.,. Y·I, ,.,,.,i;., 'J. , $33 * $33
•pow•r ;ti•rinlJ I br1k11, •ft con-, p.
· diti•nlnt. <SIT-IOOl. Full rice Dn. Mo. , ,,. . . ..:.: :~~.!,0~~~~-AT _ RH -~ $977 -~ l11ckitt S••t1 a Co"1•lt. REJ-J~•· Full P~ce m·: '«-Chewrolei $877 ,.~ IMP~ SI. CPI. '
$33 * $33
$29 * $29
Dn. Mo. -A.T., RlH, P.5 .. WSW. IOU-6'461 full Price
.• ~~.'~!'il£ ..... tJ,, ...... ,$877 $29 * $29 ·~ Hck•t •••~ c•"••l•, whit• w•ll1. F II 'pr1 , ,: 1• ,tHH>l'.·~411 · v c• Dn. Mo.
R. '65 MuStana · $8)7 $29 * $29 r..i ,2D H.T. V-1, A•I•., .. H -W>W. • II p I : , ~ slJ-011 , rv r ce Dn. Mo.
mo''.~;,iij ·.~~ .. ~~~1,d..1 AT-.. H $8
--P. Str. ~ •1200. Fu Price
• •
$29 * $29
Dn. · Mo.
•• •
.13 -:~ ,1. '
ll'ul"I' 2 dr. H.T ~..no,··-,.,:, 3311 Stwdltfr "°":v1,'w!Oi f~ ~'A·•: 1JHi' ~· ', ~.jti-;°;. ,,. · •fr oond~ I'S~ Pa. &H.-1',IF-l"l1ikwl,_l'!lfD1. u-~ •llf9.. _. 11_.. l•V .. ...,, "31. l ·· . i tr1111l4GJ1!4J · . \ . · -$477 ~IUo T~ . . $s7·7 ..... Ta '$"'"'7~ ~'T.. ·; • & .Uc.. · • a '.U.. · · ."~I~· ,;..,.,i Uc.. ..
$16 Down,&· isit .Do~ ~'. '.' '. :$)3'."0,ow,;~,l .
,S16 MonthJw i· · r · lit Mefl~ , .' ·~ $11. ~ _ ----· '114 CHEVROLET -· '6. •"~uri,.:,··. ': ~:'6l R -·_
. , .. ·• . ~ • L{JJ.f ·~ :· : '~\oiwt"-SIS. ~,ip"·r..IO ,,,;, :
'Dr. HT. A1rt°"'"'l>f ,,..,,. rW(' L ~I , . I 'tif!tfl', power, 11~"9; ~ . N 11t1tll' 11e. IOl."WI M9Ub11 S.S. ! ~ .H.T.,!f-1 ti. w~ ""' ..... \me'"'~ •1r -, , . • H, " !Nd:" leaft .a. COMOll. WH-OQ • ,.., ' • $§77 . ,lus!a•:· V'IXIC~l~ ... :. '.. '. ~ "."'·~· .... II ~ $1~ DE>Wn
&lic. . :$1'77:-~ ·:; r : !-~61\.f .: ;
$19 .M1>n.thly , •. , • ,. , ~~, , ~ ·•. r• , 'DN. · '¥0• ::i~ '64 ,..~~ ·94· ·* ·"110;-r : :;,..;j',;.~ · 1; VLlf'.I : : , . ,~... u •·fl: ~ ........ ~ ... ~' . . '
I ' • ' • • • I 4 • 1 I• ltnjltll J d H:T'i' ~Jc.
[)yr>amk: 11 2' elf.,~. ~,1.,,, Y~lli"t.,At'.._ .,_H ,-OHX. * rlCllo, ,Mlll:; ~ .-ifll..
R&.H, ""sir .• F.•d. ~tr. wswi. $tJ· .,. f'tus Tax . , 11e1ory •I,. 1VH1'"'
P. ·~·· ~-QZW/.Si. • • $671 u .. T . ,877 ... . -. & ~.. . • .,,_ •••
""' · $11 o.:0;. i $23 .ri.;.-:&.IJ<.
'" •••• • '$1S MorithlJ ·. .' $23 Mortllilf, . , $29 Mo11tlilf
'32 FORD
Y ... Orilflnll Wire Yl!Mell.
Mull 1ee to •PPl'Klli.. $677 .~
'&& v.w.
I o-. 1ttc1;., hltitttt, • --. x1z-rn. $877 Plus tax
. _ & lie.
$29 Monthly
$29 Down &
'64 FORD '
F1lrllr.e 2 Or. Y-1, Rl.tt,
Jll 21'-
$ 477 ~:·~"."
'66 YW
' 1Pff(I, rldla lo l\u!er,
l ltlk.Oi't) .$977 :::.
SJJ D•w11 I.
$JJ MNtllly
'63 DOOGf ·
Qwt. 'i."J'., 'Ra.H. Pawer 1teer. 161 l2C. • • . $377 :::.
'63 v.w.
' UICI 21>. M -4 tlld. ltW .. •71 $477 Plus r .. & Uc. I $16 Down &
$\6 111..,thlr
Any Used Car With Gold Seal
"" . .
100°/o . GUARANTEE
GOOD F111 100 OATS OR 4,000 Milli
Al no cost lo you -Parts or. labor on mOtor, transmission and rear end. This seal
slates in writing that lee White guarantee; the motor, transmission and rear end
100% againsl defects for 100 d1ys or .(,()()() miles, whichever comt11firS t 1fier
purchase. '
.12ls, LOS ANGEUS COUllT'f
,591.;. ·541·
t ' I
~~ll~Of.!i~,, AT -R-H _; $777
P. Str., P. lr•b1, F•ct, Air, WSW, tSJ~-7 21 1 ' Full Pri~
·~5 Comet 202 · $177
·2 •oor. A.T., 11.lH., w·1•w. IOVH·' '
111 1 · Full Prlc.e
. .
• ••
"' •
' .
' "
I ~ -: "· II
I .... , . .-......... .,, .. .,,..,, ..... ~ .. ·--41>;·~--··-···----··· ........ ·····., ...... _, ............... -..... , .......... -.. --....
· All Penney St~ o,_n Every Nf1ht M.n•y Thre111• satun1ci;;· .. 1 ....
SAVI $19 on our 92" Spanish style tofa
wfth $panish oak woOd trim, klln dried hard·
wood frames, no-sag spring construction, but· ·
ton tufted loose seat cushions. o.acM D. •·· .. s:~ '360
P•y H little u $14 per month
SAV1 '$79 on our 87" ... S,•lllt Mk
flnlth 09k wood trim.sofa. Kiin drtecl hard-
wood frame, skirt finished with ICCllloped
edge over contraping border. Grade I.
··•;.5~= '320
P•y H Httle H $11 per month
SAVI $69 on our 91" traartional IOOM ps1-
low beck tofa with kiln drJed hardwood
frame, nCHag spring construction, lfrMI points
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···.:: '280
hy H little 11 11.SO per month
SA VE $69 on our J 03" biscuit tuft.cl fMCI..
em style tuxedo sofa with button tuft.cl back
and seat of polyurethane foam, all fobtlcs
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•• ,. 5349 '280 NOW .
Pay H little H 11 .50 per month
Save $69 on our f Jnt11tic 90" modern sofa
wfth sleek, clean lines and smart button tufted
back, upholstered to your order. Grade I .
RegJ~t.: '216
Pay H littlt 11 9.50 per month
Save $95 on our 101 " E1rly American cu•
tom sofa with maple finished exposed wooel,
kJln dried hardwood frame and button tvftecl
back. Grade A.
Reg. $479 '384 NOW
P•y et lfttle H $1 S per menth
Fashion Island
Huntington Center
-----------· -
·Save now on swivel rockers, ottomans .and ..
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Reduced through Saturday only! ·
Save up to 19.95 on
occasional tables, end tables
and cocl<tail tables!
'Silhou.tte morble'
'llrch Manor'
Early Americon
'El Offeo'
56" birch Early American cocktaJI table
Save 9.91.,. grt>ovecl, beveled topsl
Reg. 59.98 .................. NOW •so
Early American birch commode end table
S•ve 11. 91 ••. turned legs, S.lem ftnW.
Reg. 69.98 .................. NOW •sa
Od•gonal Early .. American ,,irch table
Save 14. 98 on 27" x 27" x 15" size
Reg. 94.98 ....... · ........... NOW '80
E.rly American birch cocktail t•ble
Save 17. 95 on 22" x 60" x 16" with doors
Reg. 119.95 .............. NOW '102
'Silhouette Marble' modern end table
Save 7. 98 on w•lnut ftnishecl style
ReCJ. 49.98 .................. NOW '42
'Silhouette Marble' cocktail table
Save 7.98 on moder,, walnut style
ReCJ. 49.98 .................. NOW '42
'Silhouette Marble' commode style t•ble
Save 19. 95 Imported Portuguese marble
ReCJ. 129.95 .............. NOW '110
'Silhouette Marble' octagon commode t•ble
Save 13.91 on modern style w•lnut
ReCJ. 89.98 .................. NOW 17 6
'El Grec6' Spanish style commode table
Save 14. 98 with doors·
·Reg. 94.98 .................. NOW '80
'El Greco' Sp•nish style octagon table
Save 14.91 on commode style with doors
R•CJ· 94.98 .................. NOW '80
'El Greco' Spanish style cocktail t•ble
Save 19. 91 on 51" x 20" x 15" door stya.
Reg. 129.95 .............. NOW '110
Rockers and ottoma11s
. la 2 styles I Early
American swivel rocker I
Save $20.95
P•y as little H $6 per month
• alack vinyl or beige print
upholstery, Polyurethane
foam filled, maple flnish
over kiln ~ried hardwood
Matchin9 ewlvel ottoM•n
.... $60Now$54
/Pay as little H $5 per month M'ile ft
TaaAv1 Moder11 swivel
rocker •••
Save $20.95
P•ys H little H $6-pet m.nth
• Uphol•tered In black or
charcoal green vinyl
• Crushed Polyurethane
foam seat a nd bock
Matching 1wlvel otto~n
ll-e. $60 NOW $54
Pay as little as $5 per month
Modern swivel
rocker ....
Save $14.98
Reg. 99.98
NOW •as
Pay as little •• $5 pet month
• Upholatered in blade wfth
walnut grained vinyl
• Walnut finished baM on
hardwood frames
Matchlntl •wlvel ettoman
P•y H llttle u $5 per month
(Fashion Island) (Huntington Center)
-.. '
• • • Q t ·, " J .. , • ~ Jltr P.enney ·Stores 'Open Evert Nrott~ Monclay Throuih~ ScituftiaY
FaShiOn . Manor ~i~ing set reduced
.for a limited tim~·f.only!· · ._, ...
Now is the time to buy Old World charm in our beautiful · R $7ft9
dark pecan veneers 9yer hardwood with distinctive.;' eg. ~ ..
wrought iron hardware •. ·• 60'' china breakfront, 42 x 66" ·
trestle table with an 18" leaf, 4 high back side chairs ~nd NOW '699
2 arm chai rs with black vinyl seats.
Pay at ffttle u 34.25 per month
Imagine antiqued datk: walnut fin ished hardwood ... a
62" china breakfront, • 42 x 72" trestle table with a 24"
leaf, 4' high back and 2 arm chairs tufted In rich olive
cotton blend velvet) · ,.,
Pay H little 11 24.25 p•r month
Our 8 piece Sp•ni1h dining group
has everything but a high pricel
Reg. $551 NOW, '500
Pay H little 11 17.75 per month
Dark antique fln11h walnut china breakfront, treatle table
with 3 leaves, .4 high back atde chetra and 2 arm chairs
that will make dining the occasion It should be!
F.shion Island Huntington Center
3 .J .; • I
... '
.. •• .-..... , .......... '-.! ...... , •• ---~· ........ ' ............. . ' . ~~··· 't'-" ....... . .. . . . . ~ . . .
l •J •;. :., ... ~· .. .. . ; : . ·~: ·.. . : . i t •..••. ..-. z '·. ·: -~ -
-• i;. •• =-• -.
4 AH PenMy -.a Open ~.,,Night Monclay Thro"9h s .... .,
____ fif1itm fill ........... ........
.. '
4 pc. Spanish bedroom group
reduced for a limited time!
Spanish ttyl• poup of carefully d istressed dark Old World
finished pecan veneers with unusual wrought iron hard-
ware, includes a 7 drawer triple dresser base, a 28 x 49"
mirror, a 5 drawer chest and a twin or full headboard with
a frame ••. O ld World charm that gives bedtime stories
a happy ending!
4 pc. Spanish bedroom group
reduced for a limited time only!
Reg. $693 NOW s593
Pay H littl• as 20.75 per month
This c.harming group includes a triple dresser, landscape
mirror, 3 drawer-3 door chest with 2 trays and 1 shelf, a
full size headboard . All finished in dark pecan veneers
over selected hardwoods.
NOW '436
Pay aa little H 17.50 per month
4 pc. Mediterranean bedroom group
reduced for a .limited time onlyl
Reg. $339 NOW 29750
P1y as little as $12 per month
Oak veneers over selected hardwoods delicately d is-
tres~ed, th.i s charming group includes: a trjple dresser, a
vertical mirror, a 5 drawer chest a nd a full size head-
board. All drawers are dove-tailed dust-proofed a nd
center-guided. ·-----'
(Fashion Island) (Hunting ton Center)
• •
• .. • /
' t I '
I j ., . '
I ~ .. '
l' '
, . I
' Wn1te W a s~.
( 1n~yr:n y s
,. • . lJ' Byr.PAMiu ~ ~~' i { ·1 'f.fc imough a digestive~ tMf ~
-: ,.; ~ ot ... ..,.,..., ..... ~ -. , allow• the detergent to remove the~.
·' •!'Jialo"""' a -'iml&I( o. · · l !!r\eynies ''ln .O.·~ belp 'a ".
I ;
, .
. -~·~.'and·-~-1 iligestfooll~od.'~lllm.tl
, 1 lookln( stripper who's wild about rel( .tenderiler3 iol1Jen the bonds nf tissues
, have in common? , .. 1 I ~ in·m~tf tp make it less toulh.
They're all plugging I au n d1r y . 1 '"lbus, enz)'Vle detergents are an im·
det.,,&enla. provement over ex11tiJMi de~
• Joining them qo.~ televisloo sc::reen because they make_ a iDa,e powerful 1u1y; ,tieen ''"""· ond WOlllal 1quinniilg product," sai~. ¥iJ.1 Van N~. ~way·~ i ti a .~ ·of wafer, a i'Thet will not ~"pibre,lrict.-~'ihll
·rlShermin who ·'~, to sp 11 I harm the Clothing in~~ Way.ti · 1 rf'
everything· on bis clot.bes, and large In f&ct, enzyme deterjents may'~
round "8.nlmated creatures who Co viae an avenue of savings for the con-
cnmchint their way across the screen sumer. Although they are not designed
after ••delicious" stains. to replace bleach, if women are satisfied
Tbeee oew ~ to lbe c1"8i"I • that they are doing ·the same job· as
. army are the ·-enzyme detui":;,~. bleach, lhen they mlgb.t. ·:~ ~t tbe:t!e·,ney~-c:~ ~· ,, "BI~ II, ;a JrOQderfu1 laundr1,aid
~-'lfll, ~1 flr Ibo "°'1'9filli"''l'l· wbe~ 'r.o<I ....,.,.Jr," "1d Mla'Van • Mill~ ;Vfrllnll! !Ian 'II~ 1(Dff,o, '. N06tra"1.l< '.'l!Ut 11 ii DOI auppollil to
aervice dll-Oclor for Nipool cl.r: be ~with emyme delepmti. Bleach
. ~-· • • • , will deactivate the ._-.i ~ ·'* .. Enzymes promiae to remow:' stains them useless. U you Dul idd bleach,
of a ~ namr., "-aald MIA Van• add it alter lhe deW',e.t has !lad tlin•
N~ 'tlfbele are VU'• ~t julCes, to do its job." r.:i ~ ,,. '' < . ': f
blond and-. "~ -,~ly . •. Th• ~ty filr the deveiopn\ent or
~ to remo~ • • •: , / enzrz;ne4tetergents has come ·.tth the
~ lf<llr ii thil ~~Tbe "°'!" wldeSl>read lllll of permanent pres.
IUltant eip!!lned tblt · JOoseb ., fablic3, according to the expert.
. ~ bond that lto1dl ~the stain 1 to the 1'1n the area o~ stain ren'iov~) there
' . '
I , '
..... ~~,.:n...;.1 . ...-''
Now 111/U been pretty much oolvod." ·
Mia Van Nostrand_.-. the,Tlelf
· that ' elf~ staln•+.irioval tntl· help : '
pemianent preao tabilcs deliver their
...., ... Jo111)'1.'·.....in.r. Many ~ llava b<tO 'ctlaappomtod by
the appearmce ol. • wrl.ntles. she said,
but much ol Uill comes with !laving
laundry equl_.t • which has n o
penrument PteSl!I cycle. ' The expert provided several hints to
ho,JDem&iers for getiln& beUer resullll
1f{IUl•'Uif' perlq&Dlllt pt¥I ·~·or,. , ·~
'~PFabin. mdd be hOt or warm.'.
• Clollfel ........ !!!>. Wubed four to 10 •
mimnel, IDd, rlnaed eold," lhe said •
"W""' anaJl'loadl, WpJnc clnlhes j>r.,:' • -
· tilil] lllJllid (wtilloa ..tlb wbllai oolors
· '!Jli •911<n). ·~~ ii!!ftem in I ~·r1nae·,to )'.oducl•llatlc. electricity
ad llnl•dJnl. '. •
_,. '~ ' ... 11Clothes ' llboUid be 'cooled before
l'elllO\'al -.......... ~-~:Jl>eY
"!" ,!¥>\ 111; YI""' and .. ~. t!>e · '·wllnklei ate more apt to m1,
"Dry·tM clothes in a dr,er~1temove
them Immediately. ofter' 'citymg so tiiat,,,~, , .
wrfnkle1 won't 1tL_Clothes abould be • "1\"'1." ~l'linl• Van NO.trand
, ,i>letobt,ptftoorigb.tfromlhedryer." j.• ~; , •. •
·" II: ..... -..
. -~
.. .
' ,. ,
• .,. l
., ,.
• , ... u·
' .
,,, ,-,....t
•• ' t' "'-~ "[ 1:'. '
) ... "' ->-· • . -~·· ''i •
' .~
•• 1
• • • . p
h •
' .
•• ~ it
'· d
~ • • :I
I ~ r
I • '
" • .. 'ftJ DAll.V "LOT
.n the Roll$Jh Jew~l~r' s Repl~ JlJdged· a Cut .Above Advice -.
Di:AR ANN LANDERS : You'rt put
w""1 tt comes to l>unWI probl<ma, but
your advice on diJmOnds -well, you're
la tbe ""'lh-Watdl for bwldredl ol
1etten from .. tall jewelers. Tben ...
the facts llral&hl O> )'OU CID qain
be a girl'• belt friend. And oun.
DEAR W, P.1 I -lo 1tU to
Ave myldf, bid •1 CGUtlhuU were
l11d!Yldull n. •-fer llne n.. Cllcqo jewelen. (I -t..r tbey ,,...
<:lu1ttmu ... .... .... .. .... ,..,.
to opeat !tr Illa ~ aoc1 .1 pl. bamlaformallaa_tbe __ )
CllllC Ina Illa El<ecatlYI ~ ol
... -· Ola Soddy.) "' acldla. &t SJ .... ti emlulol, I Wll Wrtll
, -'Ille prlco, Se, I npeal, I ,_
.. 't bow ,... pm, btw ,..
,..... AM m, timUle ' ape1911e1 .. --111.
He II jull DOW recO'(erllla fl'om a -
lllnea and tbe doctoi' bu told .. be
will nevtt be able to father a ~.
The doct« IUCIOlled that I become
pncnaal by artlllclal lnNmJn1!1C111
I un. a Catholic and I da not 'bow
u arWlclal miemlnauoo lo -by lbe Qlurch. I da!~ wllll to alt
a !1<fo1t becauae H 'lf1iuld -
me. Allo, tbe Cllur<h hal -diaoPc
IOIDI of Ill rules and I am not ~
our parilh priOll 'll1IUld be up "' tbe
... ~. .
Pliut c11eck 'lrilll )'OUr """1i1taDtl ,
and tell Ill what la tbe pOlltJGo "'
tho Catholic Cllurdl on thil -· -ANXIOUS.
DE.U ANXIOOI: Mq. 1• I. r.I ., La c.rwe. Wis. ... , ,.,,,,,, -
w1111 111a ..,__ na. -Clllrdl , ...... lltllclll .... , h ... ..... ·-_...,, ... -... ,.. ....... llU ,..11 ..... a,.... .... w,...c.a1a7•••...,. .... ,,...c1l1,W.. nn .--. .. a ...... • .,.. ,...we •. wwm 11 .:&*'*
... Qordi --" ,.
I dldn't Ilk you to beJllve It, but lt ....,,. od41 that you -tbe nllillty
ol 11111 otory wblo )'OUr own Ille II
Jn11Y lor oul Remember, to ''tbe other
fellow" YOU~ "the other fellow ."
-'..ti ,.. - -... rtal -.... allq? Mk Aaa i-.
-1tr llilr -I "lavc or llu _. ..... Tiii .. Dllf ....... " ........
..... 1o ...... a._-.-.
llalojlad uvtl.,. "'*.,.., ,..11111.
You didn't menti"' lbe cut of tbe
dlllll<llld u belna .. Important factor
In determfnlnl tbe COii, alaofl with' tbe
clarity, wtlgbt and color. And ~.
.Ann, &ti lbe price rtib~ Our pllcrie
hun1 lllopped rintln& since )'OUr column
appeand m tbe Burfln&ton Fnt Prcu.
l'vebll ,Wtala--lo
.Callfoni., bot die -,. -f,_ Bllllap, M09&. (1'1 IWMllt Jeaao DEAR ANN LANDERS: My lwlband
and I have been married II -·
Tbll .... • ttuallhlC bliiJr to Ill, Ann,
and n both feel that U I ...W have
a cblld, even with a -· H would · be more like our very own than H ---OO!iFIDENTIAL TO NOT GULLIBLE:
Aaa I a 'I I illll .. alall .le .....
1" dlli yov prollltml. .... ._ to 11or la ..,. ol tbe DAILY PIL01'
.. ....... •Ito& oe11-. ........ ........
-. ·1N LINCOLN'S TIMI -Rememberlnc what women did
in Lincoln'• lime ara three presldenla cf area Republican
Wome\I'• Clubs who are glad they no longer have to chop '
~ or carry water in bucket. or reed by firelight. Attend·
inl a Lincoln Day luncheon Feb. 11 will be (left to right)
the Mmes. Edwin F. Steen Jr., Newport Harbor club; caJ ..
boun W. Sumrall, Mesa Verde club, and Charles W. Ben·
too, Coota. Mesa.
·GOP Women Pay Tribute to Lincoln
industrial rdations, rebabllitation, mental hygiene, social
welfare, and service center· activttle1. · • ·'.: · East Meets West
Two distinguished guests will be introduced when mem-
bers of area Republican Women's clubs pther for their an-
nual Lincoln Day Luncheon, Tueaday, Feb. 11. Mn. Barbara Bunker, president ol the Orange County
Federation ol Republican Women will preoide at the event
11> begin with a 10Cial hour at 11 a.m, followed by a noon
luncheon In the Jamboree Hall ol the Newporter Inn.
·" Orierrtal Cooking, ·acclaimed as one of the best balanced. diets in the world,
will be the subject ot a demonstration by Miss Liz Lynch, (above), home
economist for Southern California Edi son Co. The programs, designed to ap-
peal to the sensm of taste and smell as well as being pleasing to the eye, will
be given in the company's Electric Living Center, Huntington Beach. Open to
the public at no charge, the sessions will be presented at 10 a.m. Feb. 18, 20
and 21 and at 7 p.m. Feb. 17, 19 and 24.
Fashion -Show Trimmed With Hearts and Flowers
Walter Knott, visual chrooicler ol Western Americana
will be oo hand to introduce Spencer Willlamo, a member
cf Gov. Reaian's cabinet. Williams' Human RelaUons
Agency !ncludes the administration and supervision o!
health, welfare, employment, youth and adult correcUons,
Area clubl parUcipatlng include those on the Orange
Singing Duo Due
Romantic Mood S.et
For Lido Luncheon
A varted program of romantic ballad1, up-tempo tunes, mu1lcal
comedy, novelty numbers, 1olk songs and a generoua portion of
sparkling comedy Is the entertainment to be provided by Ken Delo
and Eugene Dorian for the Lido ill• Woman's Club,
Th• entertainers will per!onn after a luncheon Tuesday Feb.
11, in the community clubhouse. '
Delo, a virtual one-man show by himself, made aeveral round
trips to Honolulu last season entertaining passengera aboard the SS
Lurline. Recmtly, be retutned from i 111-w .. k engagement at a popu·
lar Reno club, and hi• TV credits include the Lucille Ball and Art Llnkl~ter shows, Hollywood Talent Scoula and the Don MCNtll Break· fut Club. -
On stage he appeared with !lay Milland in "My Fair Lady "
with Janet Blair in "Tb• King and I" and with Tammy Grlmer in
"Flnian'a Rainbow."·
. Dorian, a baritone, has appeared throu&hout the country In
leadlnc rolts on the legitimate, 09ncert and operatic atacH. Ina volco
bu been beard in the St. Louis Municlpol Llglit Opera the Liii. AJ>.
geles Civic Light Opera and the Sen Bernardino Light oPera. For two
consecutive years h~ starred u j'Tb.e Music Man" -flnt 1n Fontana
and more rec en Uy !or the South Coast Light Opera. A1socllUon.
For· this · Valentine luncheon and the 20th alUllvenary of tho
club, past pretldenla will be honored beginninl With a IOclal hout
around tht punch bowl, hosted by Mn. Jack Manhall and Mn. Matt Ober. · ·
A.11 .. rts and Fl9wen benefit, which wraps a luncheon , fashion
lbow an4 card party Into one afternoon, is planned by Women's
Service Galld, Laguna Beech Cburcb cf Rellgloos Science Friday,
Feb. 14. Preparing !or th• noon event to take place In the church
· are (left to right) the Mmes. T. W. McCullough and L. Dee Fowler,
e<>ehainnen , and Cady Hall, tabla and door priJe· cbalnnan.
Tlclteu may be obtained by calllnl the church, 41H-0190.
Mrs. Jobn Davis, decoration1 chairman, llong wltli her ..,,,,.
m!ltee, the Mme1 .. Rogar Garrity, Philip Willa, Guy Miner, Jon
Shepardson. Richard Fuller, Milton Lorenz and Robert Wahler will
create hearts and tlowera centerpieces. '
Mrs. Terrance Moran wUl preside · at the business meetinc and
Mn. Loyd McCulley has arranged the program. Relervatloni an
being talten by Mrs. Ted Hinshaw and Mrs. Harold Phllllps . •
) l ' \ I
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•• ;
SUING in the Aspen .....
WU Ray Winterhalter o! South
La~. Participating )n the
~port !or three ~ears, Win-
terhalter vacaWloed for three
days at Smuggler LOdge.
TWENTY ONE ·orange
Colll: ballet atudents were tz·
'amlned oa tecbnique by Ml"
Margaret Saul, he1d ol the
ballet department ol Butler
The eum is given by the
ImperiaJ Society of Dance
Teachers, and preparing the
students was Miss Mona Fran-
Dancers are Lisa Etkins,
· Maµr;een Moore,-Susan Smith, : 11i4il Hewitt, Karen ~.
' Ellen Ebfrt, Kareq Faqett,
/ " ' ,.; C..-.. ... l'MM ' ' . ' ·~ . . . . ' '
~ Pubilaii, ·Jlecl\Y Jorui,.on,
HeaUler Kl~, Kathy Kollj Jennifer 'Carey,, Wendy
. ,FMsett,. Sarah· Loo rn i s ,
Hilloab MltKfer, Sa~ $a.sser, J!obin Kuhn, LOO E\t)lll,
Patsy Williams, Linda Smith
and, Llrid' !JurSton.
• r MR<,• R~BJ!RT .~H,lL iP WEINT~U'I'
·• ' ~ 1. "T }• DOuble R1119 C11emony
ENJOYING the winter view
and skiing Conditions in. SU1'
Valley, Idaho are Jerry
Browning, Carol Durnke and , • I t
' Char Wachtel of , Newgort
Beach. ~~h~r·ch Nuptia·I
.. · · · · · · fl.uxiliary ··Vo~s~: ;Pledged . .
Brld""'aid•. ~·oed -li)e --' ha I rmQn l sr.·James ~p scofial Church
Of Newport Beach was the
ifettirig for nuptials uniting in
marriage Cy n thia Ann
Newman and Robert Philip
• The Rev. John Ashey of-
ficiated at the double ring
ceremony for the daughter of
the maid of honor, were Mrs. I
W.H. Phend and Mrs. William Has Ro e Stahl. Junior bridesmaid. in
an organdy frock , was Miss
Kelly Sullivan. f\.1rs. Thomas J. Fletcher,
Serving as best man wa! public relations chairman of
Harry G. Weintraut while the Auxilfu1"il' Soullfi ~t
ushers were Gary Ashby and Commtlnity R.mP.Jtal, wil l
Phillip Spangenberger. moderate a dllc(j!siofto m ~-
. .
i •
·' \ 'H ,[ ' ' ..
ts. R.C. Smith of Corona
el Mar and the son of Mr.
nd Mrs. Harry G. Weintraul
i f WesJ,minster.
Flower girl was Erin ternal CommimlcaUoril claHllii
Sullivan and ringbearer was the California Ho•p.l·l1l r I
John Stahl. Association ~eddcjJ l!; . \
1J · g_i.ven in marriage by her
itepiather, the bride selected
·a candlelight gov.•n of lace
tnd satin. Her bouquet was
f white roses and stephanotis.
Maid of honor wa.s ·Miss
Sande _Sttphens who -'wore' a
i:own Jll ?n~elight crepe and
ed la~and cartled a bouquet
red ,carnatlops and white
hrysantliemum:i. •·
,CM Auxiliary .
A reception tOok place arte r Volunteer Le~ betltl :\
the ceremony in the church . today through\a»J~
Tbe bride is a graduate of Holiday Inn·Ri •fa!vl ~ ·
the Unive rsity of Arizona Springs. t-• • ..
where she obtained a degree A t ten d i n 1 • •
in business administration and Fletcher will • Jack
was a memb,er of. A1pba.Chi · M ... Loyons, Mn. .a,ndy
Omega'. Her Jwsband attended Coleman and Mrs. ,Leland
Orange· Cout College.· After Peart.
a honeymoon trip to Lu A unique ' almulale;d orange
Vegas the ,newlyweds will tree "fashiolled of 191•versiie
reside in New~ Beaah. oranges of crepe paper and
felt wUI be displayed in the
Emibltorama at the con-
vention by the Orange County
Council of Hospital Am:-
New Leaders Selected •
.fllaries, each orange repreR:ft..
Ung Uie 19 alllillarie!!I and
guilds in the Orange County
• Taklng the reins of the new-L. St. Clai~, recording ~nd
ly organized ~ ),tfesa... co~ re$ponding Becrelatiesi, ('!: h .
Memorial Hos pitaf AoilJi"'Y'.i•Willianl C. Lambe.~t., .· .;J.Weet enrt ts Mrs . Alt!z\.n der .... \reasurer, ._ A1vil). L. .,.=,.i_~
fr1acGlllivray. 1 ·~ey · aDd.1 Jlobert ,Raci~; H · . d. ·
Serving on her board are .. d_irecton.I' . . on ore .
the Mmes. Warren.., ~.t ,ThelJl'.OUP,meetslhe Secopd , .1;,. ~·
Atherton, Robert M.· Wll~, ,M~y.,ol. ~ month ip. the Mrs. l'!D ~.~dent
Ronald O. Stenge and Qfde flosptt;al ~en~ room, and . .,d v~ iitetlieart of
McCall, vice pres i dlil\ ts : the niat ·dton tS _ecbeduled otlta Beta ~ . chapter,
George V. Fox and ~: fori9:311 l.D} .F~~· 10. V(o~en Beta SiJml will be_ ho -
. int~ )ii 1ouung may ca¥. ciJd. duriDI a uncbeon at 1 1~ ' • Mrs. ·,Wilson at 54M7S2 fbr Jtln. Saturility, Feb. I, ih the
Medical Group applicali<llls. . Westminster bome o! Mn. A Junlqr Auxiliary also Is Jerry Cfal:ner.
Every second Tuesday of
lhe month member.: of Orange
Shores Medical Assisl&nts'
Association assemble at 8 p.m.
Location may be obtilried by
calling Mrs. Marjorie
Humber, 644-2273.
being 'organized under the Planning the 1 u D c he o n,
direcUon of Mrs. stenge. The which will have ~ Valentine
group ts open to girb:l age theme and decorations. will be
151h to 18. Interested tee~ the social committee com-
are Invited to a meeting at ,Prised of. Mrs. Kenneth Sutton.
9:30 .a.m. Saturday, Feb .. 15, =:al 1:n~· M~s~ ~J:Z.:
also 1n the conference room. . Sherrod.
Recognit ion Awards
Recipient of the Girl Scout Statuette as a token of
1pecial appreciation for his effort,! Is F. Tom Stamp
of San Clemente. •Ie received this aw~~d durmg
the 01ange County Girl Scout Councils annu~I
·Recognition Dinner. Awarded a Thanks Badge 1s
Mrs. Marland' Sander of Santa '.An:r -
The chapter sweetheart also
will be honored at the Hunt-
ington Beach City Council's
VaJentine Ball in the Los Ala-
mitos Officers' Club on Satur-
day, Feb. 15. Additional infor-
mation miy be obtained by
calling Mn. Sutton, 147-IW.
Come Back
A par1de of anUque cos-
tumes will be shown Wed-nesday, Feb. 12, w b t n
members of Alpha Ph1 Alum:.
nae stage thelr luncheon far
Cardiac Aid in Costa Meu
GoU and Country Club.
Coordinating plan11 for the
10:30 a.m. event ls Mrs.
Richard La.rulere of' Lido
Isle, and assisting her are
the Mmes. David 0 l 1 e n ,
Laguna Beach, b rid I e ;
Douglas Corrie, Tustin Hilla,
anUque fashions; Edward
Bowen, Laguna Beach, gilts;
Burges RysdaJe, N e w po r t
Beach, publicity and an-
nomacementl; and D. M. Zink,
Santa Alla, advance reserv•
ti om.
Reservations may be made
by wriUng Mrs. Zink at 11111
Cyprus, Saota Ana.
Harbor TOPS
llarper School in Costa
Mesa Is the location where
member!!I of TOPS Harbor
Lighters gather each Monday ·
evening at 1 ~X .
r '
! I
\ ,J
444 N. EUCLID 535·1i2 i
10 A.M: ,TO 9:39,_f.t,(.
-•· r......, 5, 1969 DAILV ,D.llT IT -
9:30 P.M.
SAT. 10 >..M. TO 6 P.M.
. •
• •
• •
• ••
' . e ·The buy1 of tht yter in luxtlry
e Love the flatteri of fur7 Choo1e
our 1umptuou1 1uecltd·wool
plu1h coll~red lavishly in
nature! mink' on bleclc, btige,
-camel o.r 11lmond • • e Prefer the limtltu beauty of
c111hmere7 You'll find a venatilo
styling· in 1.00°/0 ca1hmere in
your choice_ of black, beige or
e Do come early for be1t choice of
colon . : . quentitie1 ere
limited and the value1 ere ~
remarkable. Mii1e1' Coats, 25
' Fur products labeled to 1how I
country. of origin of imp_orttd furs . I
• .. • '
• 1171 EDINGER AVE 192-lll I
10 "·M· TO 9:30 P.M.
II •
d • ~
'e • rt
~ • '· ft •
..... --• ..
• •
•• New D[mensions Dra'!'atized
Women 'Disrobe Ernot,ionally'
By JUDY HURST 0 1 can't aau.ty thue wanta a4)Ult to the. thlnct we have °' • Dlltr '"*' '"" without beJp trpm. people who to live wUh.
''I want to IOve and be want tbe same thlnp lot 0 Accept1na our roJt in Ufe
loved!' •, tbemselve,." and adJu.stinc can not occur
"I want to be mOfe awa~ Amwerh)& ~ "wants" ls H we <true our mind and body.
of myseU and of my en-, th6 · J<ll> ol DI;. Robert. S. DruuJnl, with a1cobol or
vironment." l Dav~ eo<rd!naior of drugs, cutl' down stlmulaUon
"[ want to have richer com-DlineniloM of Human Po~ from oatalde conlacta but not
municaUoo with olbu1." · · · tial," ( a · Jkiet co u r 1 e from tbe lnalde. Jt ahuta down
1pc1111Cftd 1'1 Univenlty ol our dltecllon and denies Ille
California Ezt.tOlioa. Rea1iu-mind'• ca,.clty." '
tJbo I cl obe'1, .own poten-He concluded with a repeat
tialiUes •. ln tbe·broadfft sense of laK week'• prteentatlon on
of .the tmn~ Ia::an Imperfect Erik u. Erlkaon'• stage· of
lind hll!Ung proceaa fdr most development.
-Cooking people' . Following his 41acuasion the
The fourth session liit Fri-WOIDl!ll In the ddience broke
day morning touched upon Ille into -ol io. Groop
A freezer demonstration amf subje¢, P1y~lpsical P~ leaden cootlndl!ld to leUCb
a light lunoheQo will be Ille tlal. Speci.i -., WU Dr. fw new ~ for selling
first fund·raialng projl-ct Forr~ K. Strayer,, 1 c1in1cal their CJ'OUP.11 in mott·on r
sponaored by Ille Choctaw l!'Ychblogill: ID prlv11< prac-deepenl"I lnvolvan<nt and
-Tribe of the Huntington Beach tice In Corolla del Mar, wbo hlgbllghllng particular events
YJtfCA Indian Maidens tomor· received hill MS and PbD at and feelings • cl the i r
row, in the Southern California the University of Southern particlpant.I. •
Edison Company's Eledric Calllornli. 1llrough coolrootatioo by
Living Center_ -"Our Jl6YcholOlical potential olhera In Ille groqp, the in-
. The publi\:' is invited to at-is the capacity to eatablish divldual ii.. a unlqu' op-,
tend•the even~ and ti\'kets will nlatiom and Ille copaclty lo portunlty. lo confront bineH.
be •1. Homemaking Upa will change. We aae our minds When one ii . hooesl with
):le offered an4 prizes donated to anticipate the f u tu re , others, ab& is ultimately
11acton'' gall* from the
llnU>llclly ol l!>e ........
I·~ object WU lo -ap
new way• to Mlins. thlnking,
feeling and behavinl In Ille
spirit of a play, In Illa JlrOCOI'•
many of the ~~.• bt&a• to "disrobe e~.» ·
'Ihen are, u a coD.ervauve
estlmalo, bundredl of ap.
proaches for fostertn1
penonal srowth. 'lbeJe ap.
proaches have ariae:n from
medicine, lndu1try,
J>6Ycholheraphy, re I l 1 I•·•.
education, the behavarial
l!clencea and Ille theater.
Though-women have a~1y1
livtd in a 1 world aboundlna
wJtb points of view, ahe_afJ
loo often ii content lo.C<lllllder
oo1y the one wblcb she can
easily embrace. Conceiving,
liJtenln( lo and Wlderstandlni
other polzits ol view can brinl
smter .-in, of
oUiet'I and enrich th e
knowledp we llready .......,.
It also can be quite a trip.
'by H_u n t' i n gt on Beach preserve the past and realize bool!st witb'berself.
merchants, will be given Ille present. In Ille fC>'lilat . of l'OOP In-H B Auxir.o ry
awpy. ''To do aomethlnj; ll not terael1on, partlclpanta ez.. ~ •. ' ,__,, ' k FOl additional information atwiyi to realize il In other plored thelr.aelf~pta. American Legion Auxillary ·:Mannequin Meets Her Mas er or licets, aru reaidenia are words, ii .you wanted lo In his wortsbop. Dr. of Jlulltlqlo1i -1alhers ·~ invited to call Mrs. James memorize 'Paradile Lost' you ThJvkison introduced a aeries in ttie Amukan Lqlon Ball
:Working. fretieticai.Iy 'to' coinplete her entry entiU~, Revuers, sponsored by Damas de Caridad next Sat· Campbell, cbalrman, 96S-1011, probably could. But what of exefclses ~ upon at 1:30 p.m. the f1rlt '11lurlday
*Madam Butterfly, is ·Mrs. teonard D. Tubach (left) urday in Anaheim Convention Center •. She previews or Mrs. Dale Conrad. co-would be~ purpose?" techniquea fer lmprovillaUon of eacb monUi. on the third
• '' of Patty -PJe'a:·z..ers, Costa Mesa, who is one of nine the floral masque with her mannequin, hfrs. Walter chairman, 91UM.1. Tickets Dr. Strayer continued. "We In the theater. Clevemt11 was Thursday rDemben may call ~Sou __ lhl_an_d_fl_o_ri_s_ts_co_m...;pe:_tin_' .::g:_in_BaJ __ M_a_s_:q_u_e_P_o_u_r __ J_._P_r•..:Y:_•_nc:d....::.•..:Pc:•c:t..cro'-n'-, Judge Calvin P. Schnµdt. also may be purclwed at the mu.st accept the fad that what not the object for the Mrs. Amt Jensen, 135-2777, c ,-----1~-----door=::c.· _______ __:•~·~·=ar~•-a=· _....P:=::!::~·~·~·~and::::,_:w:or~k:shop::!:.'....!:P:lrll~cl~pan:::u:.._:o~r_.:fu:r~Joca:::tl~on.::__,_ __ ·_~
, Virgo: Changes Occur
"The wise man controls hls
• destiny .•. Astrology points the
· ,~. way." I', .. ·· ARIES (March 21-April 19 ):
I :· ·Publicity could accompany ef·
forts. Accent on how your
views ate received, acted
upon. Mate or partner l! m
spotlight. You make decision
regarding legal, close tie. Be
' . TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
~. ·.:Avoid extre~ -especially
where diet is concerned. You
. . are responsible for wtlfart of
,. · others. Applies to family,
-associates, c o·w or k er s.
~Change due at place of
:-. GEMINI (May 21-J1111< 20)'
. .;.. &me unusual events occur.
.~~· Involves opposite sex.. children
.' .... ·and your creative talents. Key
\ ~,; ~ · lo complete Wk a\ band.
,._;.. · Spread inOuena!. Broaden
.: .... bori1.oos. Say YES to op-
;'... ,. .J>Ortunlty for basic change.
. : CANCER (June 21-July 22)'
, ~ ;~Shake up due at home base.
_ ·Obtain hint from GEMINI
.~meMage. What appears set-
•tled is subject to revision.
• Older individual or parent an-
,.._ . -1100nces plan which startles.
.. Don't jump to conclusions.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
Travel today would not be
wise unless essential. You
could be .something of value
in transiL Key is to orgl!lize
tboulhts, elforts. !du out ol
"left field" might pf o v e
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221'
Financial picture fluctuates.
Sudden changes occur. Don 't
try to e.rpand too quickly.
Forces appears cat te red.
EmphasiJ ls oo income poten·
tiaL You gain, but in most
unusual manner.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22),
Avoid appearing overanxious.
Cycle i.1 high. One who ap-
preciates your worth i !I
testing. Show that you also
bow your own value. -Then
a fair and profitable ar·
raagement results.
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 211 '
Communicate feelings. No day
to go it alone. Cooperate: with g_roup, club, special orcaniza·
~100. You may be visiting one
~n court or hospital. Acti vity
involving property value is in·
Dec. 11}: Friend may act in
eccentric manner. Some are
overly optimistic , ex-
travagant. Key is to keep feet
on ground. Stick to principles.
Have frank talk with loved
one. Maintain balance.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19): Don't be misled by at·
··Dental Care Examined
·-~Y FV Kindergarteners
Fountain Va 11 e y kin· paste, in additioo to a copy
~ergarteners will be viewing of "Toothy" will be presented
• program entitled "Toothy" Uiis week u 11 d e r the to e~ch child. The "Toothy"
iiponsorship of the South Coast picture may be cut out and
Junior Woman's Club. is suitable for hanging in the
In conjunction with Dental bathroom as a reminder for
. •Health Month, the club will youngsters to brush their •J "'°w-~1o1 the program a t leeth_ . ; .. u w, Tamura, Nieblas ,;Ntwland, McDowell, Lamb; Serving as chairman for the ~~ Harper, Fulton, Fountain program is Mrs. George .. , ·Valley, Bushard aod Arevelo!! O'Hara, and P.,8111cipating will
, .,; elementary schools twice dail" be the Mmes. Lloyd Satterth-
titude of superior, one tn
authority. Promises should be
backed up by signed
documents. Key ill to protect
interests, reputation. B e
cheerfuJ, but firm.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Be practical where
travel, long-range plans are
•med. You tend today
to overlook details. Key is
to be aware of costa, in-
vestments, returns. D on • t
commit yourself!
PISC~ (Feb. 19-March 20):
Possessions of others come
to your attention. Be helpful
without becoming involved.
Throw off burden whicb is
not rightfully your own. Dig
deep for needed information.
BIRTHDAY you are artistic.,
appreciate music, would make
good interior decorator.
Dramatic abWty is evident but
sell-discipline may be lacking.
You are due to change
residence this year. If single,
marriage may be in offering.
Merger of major industries
makes news.
To order SydneY Om1rr'1 JD.91.1•
bookllt, The Trvlh Abo\11 AStnolot,,
-~ cents te Om1rr lootllt, tti.
OAILY PILOT, Boll 3240, Grind c-
fT1I SllllDrl. N-Yark, N.Y, 10011 .
• ..._.~ Mood J wtite, Frank Flack, Robert • .•• _. ay, Feb. 10. Menon, Richard llollom, Rob-.. -
Tootbbrushe1 and t o o t b ert Somma and Milton Rohrer ., ....., ..
1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjijijiijjiijjiiiij~--li~iii~jiiiiji~~· Yoo and she INY mak. i! ~ bi1t llur fo,.now you f4m
w41nr • sped1t slh ...
nothln1 mew. Wouldrfr a
JtrtUiM dilmOftd Jf1b lwl CUSTOM MADE
Compl•te Lint of Fir•pltce AcceuoriM
'f ,,. .......... ,....,,
Call '°" f,.. .eatlmlte
• Complete Une
.of .. Flw Logs
Sam Ana
fte-l'OSAL llftU/ne
DIAMONDS _,,. the
swft1Jin1 MW W•Y ol
uyin1 "'ub rM .Joni."
Sln1\e diamond
$29.9! --
0r ... ,. •• 1r C.11ttt
Ht,..,. •t Or11111thw,1
H1111th19te11 C111!1r
Ecllfl91t •f 511 Di•t• Fw,.
F11hl111 hl1114
U1 t A•th1r 11 Pit. Cit. H...,..
(.LOW= FA~)
Only 152~~·~,... I oz. ArfQn. n..t's WS Alories than I ou-of
Enjoy. 1d the. cieli9""111 ft.vw of flUIT-AT-ntE-llOnOM YOGURT In this •rnuiftg -•hn...,
f..-YONSON. '
With Y°"°" artificially sw.......,d yogurt, 1"9 same 9N1t fnllt f11vors incl nulrllkM •re youn wllh
ONE THlfib lESI CAlOIU&th9' yogurt sWMleMci with sug1r. ,
In your gl'OC'M's cl.tiiry..,. _From ywr milk1111n.
F.-Fr.wite. f.'odr, Inc., IT.Mrton, c:.llfomla • YONSON .,..uty food procluctr.
Meetings Monopolizin~ P-T;s~ lim~~
I: '~·~.Ill:'~ .~~~\ ~~I:.~ ~'1'·<1 B11r PliO
, Ra~.b.b•d ........ 11 dent
COMING ' : Science ml Art
l"llr ~~ill p.m. Tbunclly, •
. '"" ~<tllo ~ '·-14-will -b. • Jll'H '611d' to all IJ'adta pir\ldiiafi"I.
·C1Uf ft,;, PTA · -..... ...,.._ Plaldeal
COlllKG, UP: Memben will
. '"'1["1ttlnc ,_ dl:J, 11, !cw Valen from
,_~ p.m. in the home . ol Wlillaml. 11111
Iowa ' ml In Ca!Uonila
Scboal~ l :IO to l :IO p.m. Mn. Don l!e!mel~
Mn. . -,ml J lllllal dlil Seoul ?Nop 131.
! TrtlllpirlaUon mv b e
' \~by calling Mr1. Alu ~·· Bla , M<) M,M74S or Mn.
WhitJier PT A Hears Original Story
WIU .' SltpheODI ·at ...
3131 •• "'iJ!oant' melll"I at ~ ,7~. lloadlJ, Pell. 10,.
. In, l :(acult1 •'• ~ • ' a • 'N . tMnmlllot wlll
p Ibo llalt ol Olllem.
llEPOJI • Mn. Doalld Lowfy'• ftl'll ....... .....
was awuded Ill, !Gr -
Ilona! 'lidl, !Gr -.. tbt
membership drive.
"Defenders ol Our Freedom, 0 an original story
written by fifth and sixth graders which tells bow
. the armed services protect our country, will be
presented to Whittier PTA at 7 p.m. Tuesaay, Feb.
11. Making flags, which represeri.t the various
Units · 'Uf"li-ted~
fl:dllor'I Nott: A ~"' dtvOll<I h Founl1ln '11!111, Hunllnttorl e .. eh. Oce1n "Yl.W, tll IPCll 1 " d Westmlni!tr Sctiool d!slrlcl tiarent_ IHCl!tr orw1nl11rlom win tPPHr In tr.. Dl\tl Y PILOT ttc.h Wfflc. Inform• tlo!I m11tt b9 recelvld b'I' Mri. Wltlltm
~uttord, 112611 S.ntt Luci•, F11t1n!tin V1llty bY ' p.m. Frid•~ for PUllllCI·
lion Wed~ldl~.J
FV Council
Mrs. Ronald Murphy
COMING UP: Hearts and
Flowers Luncheon at noon
Friday, Feb. 7, in Peek's
Famlly 1'errace Room. Mrs.
William Kowaleski is
chairman, assisted by the
f\-1mes. James Ellena, J im-
mie Brown, Gerald Hix,
Rlcl:iard Wllhelm, _ Chester
Vehfiln~, William Wilson and
tO'well• lirint. Ti~ls for *1. may be :..obtained from
· fmil presidents or school 0£-
0ce. ~: .
c$9~·PTA ; ··
Mr1. C.M. Kn~x. Jr.
. President .
Tamura PTO
Mn. Lowell Brink
C0~1ING UP: Paper Drive
\Ved nesday, Feb. 12.
Proceeds will be used for
Arrowbear Music
Scholarship. Papers may be
delivered to the home of
Mrs. Maurice Corson, 17122
Santa Isabel or Mrs. Lowell
branches of the service, are (left to right) Jennifer
Shannon, David Armstrong and Julie Meyer. Dur-
ing the meeting two honorary life memberships
will be awarded.
Brink, 17102 Santa Isabel.
Wardlow PTG
Mn. George Meehan
REPORTS: New chairmen ap-
pointed . are the " MmQ.
Donald 'Ewold ml Robert
Ry~. curriculum materials
center and Edward Spang,
resource chairman .•
.Cookbo ok s are still
avaUable. , .PTO donated'
Canyon PTA
l'nlldal Load COMING UP : "'-11Um -Uni II 7:11 p.m. 'l\Jeo.
day, Feb. II. Hooorary IJJo
M1mber1htp will bl
pmented under tbt dJrec.
Uoo of Gtrald Olten. Ellan-
cl1 Hip cbarul ml fourth
grade ..,,_ will b e
featured. !llfrtllunealr will
bt *'*'-. .Paper drive ltoa>"I to ·l :IO a.m. Balur· ''""' .. I ·l'"CQ.
1110 to Mn. Gene Clower
for the Muslc 8001ter
Program. • .Fubton 1bow
plans are underway with
Mrs. James Curry as
chah:man. Anlltlnc are the
Mfnie1. Spang, t tick t t I ~
lflillam lle~dai d.oor prii.es; Ro!>erl GaQaadl,
relioaluileDll, ml Walkr I
Pl gap, clecoraUooa. F.-" C
· coordinators are Wardlow ,. I 'Hl'h PTA
teachers. • AlwaderBlack
G UP1 Locollm ol
1 t:ao a.m. }tlj~ .. -.. bu -ad to. llOl l&th st.,
-· In tht ~eh o o 1. ad m ln1ltraUon , bJDcllni. • tnnrbeoll at
I, 11:111 o.m. Tbunday, Feb.
, IO, In Ill< Newport« Ina.
• Hoaortd ...... t will bt Mn.
.... ~-(Olander, foUnder
• ~ llnl---of _the
DAll.Y l'UT
Successful Drive
A Paper Drive, spon.sored by El Morro PTA last weekend, yielded •tackl ind
stacks of contrtbullom; Happily mtosurlng tho amount collocted ii Mrs. IL w. Philllp1, ways and means chairman, while Andrea and Hartey Pbllllps
II, In the mu!llpurpolO Pri~ce of Peace PTF
room. Proaram will C0111lst Hairy ~
oC dilcuaton OD' Involvement Pretldent wtth ComlllllD!ly You t b COMING UP: Paper drive
Eadeavon, clllplay of area will end ol I Lm. Friday,
youth lfOUPI acllvtUea and ~JTs: Teocher• and
holl:nry Wt membenhlp staff performed the
awarded · by Merlin S • "Avikado," b a 1 e d on
McKff. NomlnaUoa ol of-"Mikado" ot the meeting
l1con will bt held. held Jut ni&bL Donald Vet·
Newport Ele. PTA ter, COOIUltant for Lutheran ochools spoke.
Mn. Jolla llcopplo
President Presidio PT A
COMING UP: FClUlldorl Day Mn. Jameo l\lmey
and answer
Sonora PTA
Mn. Dmald lolol1lca
COMIN<(! UP :-
meetlnc at 7:30. p.m. Tueo-
day, Feb: II, In tho
multlpurpo11 room.
Honorary life meqlbenblp
will be presented. . a.at
1J011P from Coale Meaa m!lh
w1u provide n .e en-
St. John 'Aux.'. meetlni al 1,111 p.m. Mon• Prealdent
day, Feb. 10, In I h • REPORTS: Unit presented Mn. 1lobeti l!fl4
cafeteria. Put prealdenu $400 for the purchase of Pr"ldenl "
ml this yeor'a honorary Ille library boob for the llChool. COMING UP: G tn er at
recipient will be booored ; .Mrs. Charle1 Kamlnlkaa meeting 11 I p:m. ~y
pesta. Orcheatra • D d ml Mrs. Garo Krtl:ortan Feb. 13. Mn. Jooepl>Devlln •
chonul will provide the pro-have completed Ibo greal program cbllrmai wt t I
I r a m • H 0·1 t l n I t b e book tralnlnc course and are moderate a panel dllcuasion
COMil'ill up, .. ffon<irary .. !ire
membenhlp ·cllairinaft .will
give a repOrt at" board .
meettlig Monday, Fell: 11:
, J En1ign PTA
;l Mn. J.B. FOlfor
relralunenta are molherl of 1eMlng mth grode atudents with repreaentau.-ol !hi:
1tudenla·ln l1nt and second In group dlacualon. • Colla M.,. Plaa'nlnf,,
pdel. Baby-altten will bt .Molhen' worbbop com· EnRl-tnc. , Trolllc ml
REl>Ol\TS: ~Im McGloth\in,
pitcher for · t~ Callfq:rnla
Angels, told' ~ his ·rx-
periences a,nd 'the Ille of
a baseball pfayer to fathers
and sons at u!lft meeting.
Tips were given b o y s
playing Little · L e a g u e ,
repcrts Mn. Gene ·Sl<illman;
program chalmwu
Mn. WOiiam , lljom
REPORTS: PTO donations -to
the school are • bori:ootal
hafid bar and an overalu
outdoor steel reading ~table
anst_seating faclliµes for the
primary play are• which
will also auis~~\he teachers .
Jn their oUti;loor developmi;~t.·::
program. A plionograph is
being donat¢ to the· music
Newland PTA
l\fn . Vern Dart
COMING UP: Board meeting
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the teachers' lounge. .
.F ounders Doy and
Honorary Life Membership
unit meeting at 7:3o p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 11, in the
kindergarten room. Charlie
Brown and the PT A will
be presented by l h e
RID . R ... VELVtT 4·50 y11 ....
llankAth:•d FAiRIC CENTERhorgo
411 E. 17th St. at lrvln.-Cott1 Moo
In th1 CrutYl1w Center .. -; . 646-4544 . . . . . .
Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it
COMPETITIVI PllCIS we'll meet an ....
No time limit! No R!CONDITIONID
obllgatlon to buy. • . USED
credit if you do. • PIANOS ,
7o1 $. HARBOR -FULLERTON e 171 126
... Praldent
~MING UP: Executive
board meetlna: at 10 1.m.
Mooday, Feb. 10, In the -e ol Mrs. Richard Keith • • • GeneraJ meeUnc a n d
Foundtn Day program at
provtdad. mtttee, under the dlrecUon Police deJ>ll'1nlenll': Qu,..
REPORTS: Clpaclly crowd of of Mn. David Eppenon, tlon ml IDl)Jlt t1tni will
fltben and IORI were 1erv-chairman meet every '111un-follow. Motliel'I Ill f1rtb:
ad o cotarad ll'lad chicken day In the curriculum la!>-trade lludeats, the• Mmea.
dinner at the umua1 bon-PT . Other Cobb, EmerJ' Turay,
queL Ed Burb, Olympic Ree A Willtam Gray ml S.M.
·~ 7 p.m. Thursday, FeD. ZO,
I r I In the amnulum. Great
1 • boob demonstration will be
Illar provldad the JllOll'llD. Mn. Keltfl KelJDU Rlvm, will boat. .: ·.P•Pll' lllnl+lcml Wll dlrocted by Pmldent drive from 7 to m 8atur<-
Dove Fmol ml Bob Ru-REPORTS : Mn. Xe I t h day, Feb. 15, llimoles are
blen ; Ralph F r le la I Kellou ml Grant llelnap to be dellvc'ed • al Ziii ·~ llEPOJITI: llfemben booted pruented IO door prlJel and attended tbt Fourth Dlalrtct Harbor Blvd. Mni~Jlobut
Ha111dr ComiclJ meettns Jul aerved u muter o f meetlni Wt week. •. Carelr McConnllll, cbolrmft may
cenmmlea. Mn. Bo b day wu given !Gr etpth bt called 11 · IMN77I for ' / Mooday In the library. Stewart WU chairman. • grade studentl last week. fwiber l D f 0 rm E~l 0 D ••
. Ltcenaa ml e<rllllcatea Fifteen occupations mre .Tradlnf otamp and'<oupon .. l<illybroolce PTA
. Mn. Reoald Heyward
were luuod today Io repruented ml studenll colleeltGn In oil .-...,.
1tudenll CG111plettng t b o mel In ama11 groups for Frid!IY, Feb. 7. "'
bicycle aalety rodeo. .------'------------
COMING UP: Board meeting
at t :ao a.m. tomorrow in
the 111'de• room, French
REPORTS: Paper Drl v t
acbedulad for Feb. 7· bu
bffn cancelled.
Mariners PFO
Newport Hh. PTA
Mn. E1J1e Armoar
COMING UP: IJnc:oln Day
Pfilll:•m a\ t:15 1.m. Tue•·
day, :Fob. II, In tbt p1Uo
at llChool Ha-Hltl>
Stllor bond wlll pr"'nt the
program to ltudents ml
penall ••. General meeting
ot 7:IO p.m. Tuetdaj>, Feb.
11. 'Pl'OllfllD will include
acbolulhlp awirdl, iueet
1peaker and school cboru.
REPOJITI: Boord -1>orl
holted • prdoalq porly
lall 8atunlty 11 llchOol. Mn.
Wl!1lam ' Qedejolm dlrocted
pannta .Ill the -~ Jl'Ojeel. • .Blc)'c1e rnc1eo toot NH High PT A
ploce ,.....,.,. AlllJttng Mn. Robert &!RI
the police department were Preotdeol •
the Mmes. Robert cOllllNG UP: Foundera Doy ~. cbllrmon; '?'nl<M 'llllllln( II 7,30 p , m •
P11i4 11.C. B"""" ~-. w--'-'•-· Feb II In ••• W~ =Eu-O'Rourke. ~~" . ' ---...-·soclal balf. Mn. Dol'la Cm· •
M111 Verde PTA On, -t vie. prealdenl of Newport Balboa Savlnp
Mn. J-~ ml Loan will opellt. Mn,
" ' Pna1olm · • llan'Y K. Mellar Jr., Will
•CO!iftNG UPi UJlll -I ' ~nl the honorary 1Ho
11 l !llJ p.ibJ ~. Fib. ' lllllllbtnhlp.
-------. VfR&JNt.t•s----'• •
lll4 E. CNtt HWy. • Coron• dtl Mor
Phtno 673-1050
h11't It ttt•t t. u .. th C.llfnl1 11i11uhl11• at-111 ..
1ftff 111 "ti•" ,.,..h "111 YH llUl.U.. ,,. .. •'"" '
• ••• " ,,., ... •l""litt It .1 ... .,,,~'Wt •• Snit •,
Stitch ht,.. ti-. '"-IY• ffl,...ti NlllY Hy" 111111c 1111 11•• ,,,1111 111ttcl1Ni••·
Vhlt n .... 1114 1.t lt1t~rttl t. ;'rt Y"t t.,-lllf
"'"''"· lttlMMMr wh tt yew ll'lt l t y•rt•lf h IMt-
ftr Mtl6, 111tr1 .,lflMI 1114 1111 ft,.fldff th.11 ,..., "' .....
•• , .. a..tA~., ....... c ....
...... -----VIRGINIA----'
SLAVICK'S \ ,,,..,...,.Sklct 1917 •
' ti: Fa1hion ltl•nd
Newport a .. ,h -6+4·1ll0
' ' I
CURtA~~· 'ijf.Rt~f' -Tile. !~Ill' loye\ies,
abov from left, a ·Bo>rini• Boland, T~l1!58·Graves,
Maur McGlveney' ~ ¥~ 07prt~; ~ regulars on~' n" w~idl-.pmiil~'!" ,imilghl .at 8:30 .qn c e1 l· "!be svol" inx<Jlve• aitlm~n, stop.action
film eanmtc di&lortioil .and pej>jllt\. Tim COJ!WIQ'•
1 • ' . • • .. •• ii gu &¥.r tonight~ ... ~ _ :. , 1 1
Vl~ION V ws
I. M pugs ore
HOLLYWoOD (UPI) -It was inevitable that
the i;:ucCes5 of television's "Laugh-In" and Smoth-
ers Brothers series would encourage offshoots
amonj new video shows. · . :
1'is week, a couple of linear d~cend~ts. of
these yery ho1-seriesr-, which, happily, hav~ ~~p. ·
ed brijlg brigl!t young persons back .. tojh,e viewµ,tg ·
audience_.:. ,wlll ·atriv~:-on A.BC-TV. ·, :":""·~'
ne commercial idea behind tl;le two new series,
"Tunt-On" and "What's It AU Abo~t. Worl~?''., is
that they. ijigltf do · for A'.ll.C'TV -wbal "Laugh,' In"
did ·1ot !j'Bc, TV . aiid 'the:Smothers Brothers .did fer· cs.s-'IV. . . ..
"'TURN.ON" HOSTED by a corriput.er, ·arrives
·tonighl ii$ a ~!llf-hour entry under ·.ttie , aegis of
George S!jl)j~\tef, ;'llho produce.• "Laug~._1n,."
"Wba'{"s If Ml' AlJ?ot, World?", ·a satirical. con-
tempof'ary re we ~hich is . hosted by · actor-~1nger
Dean pones, arrives Thursday as an hour entry
under J.be aegis of Saul Ilson and Ernest Chambers,
the original producers of the Smotbers Brothers
show.. .. ., .
"11think we're' closer to the Smothers ~ers
than anything else," says Ilson. "We tell it-like it
is like it was-and like it ought to ·be." .
' The show, ·done before a live ,audience, will be
·geared for topicality. Thursday's debut, fQr irr.
stanc~e ··was taped Sunday and has a reference to
Presi nt Nixon's recent. position on the draft.,
T E ~~TWORK opposition for~•'Wbat's It· All.
' ..
About\ World?!' is1CBS.TV's.movies and:NBC-TV's· 0JronSld~1a1'4 .,.'Dragnet:''· The mov!es .wi,11 b~ _a : l J.•"'ii.....;~~ .......
film s, but are ·still reasonably formidable ratings TUM,11,Ll'l!!f.~-~;;:: :; , · : ) comb~ation -of . reruns :and ·the· weaker· 1ate-season· -· .
com itidq~ ''.'ilonsifte" and_ "·Draim!l;t" are tough. "I'~p·~.aoout'ihe 0pp0~\fon ·-o! course I HllSllMlif-·· , ~iv.Ii·
do," 0$ ;a<ll)l~;, •;WiUJ tl!e. Smethers Brothers ~:1'At$;f\E · . ".Slli'EI
we baf ii~tn !>US' amount o! audience nsearch ~ MftliEi'~ ' IHIOE!R
on o~ .'·sh ws . '('Bonan.i•;' . and: the Sunday · · CMN StLC/,NtAlRS•'IO.MAKE lflM
mov1er. ~ ~}' . · , lITTfRESTEP·fN"lllt.\SIClf/HJM'lal "1'>n,rsf few sho'l's <We ·got:-gue5ts who \\'Ollld· ; , TAKE AN INTEREST'IN Be:ING-· .
draw y~·t)ial >migbi w.atch 'Bon11Dza' -Jack I~ IN HIS IITTERES t$Jf
Benny! ~Jiabor:s;. -George Bo"'10. Eddie Alber\,;
Eva Gl'bOt,·Jl;•lle-SJflitlt, (l'omJny-.and ·Dick (Smoth-
ers' weti Y-!il~bjtl 'copob!t and ~sellout.~ .but we ex ..
. plain~ we·~~ to attract ·an a\id1'ence samp-
ling."' ; r;~,·~~ : •,, ·: · · · " : :
FQR' '""':R&BJ:!·i:.o1 ''Whal's ·n All Al>o!it. ,.r·,.._"._' _...._. Wo~Jd?':, .:PS.fi!l'~ ·~f';~·~~~~~s · .. ani_ ~_p16y~g: ~. :•" . . . '" · r,'
similar iiiiiif~ -·li>'ing, ii$ gneils', ¥anm Landau MUTT AND JEFF. .
and B$tp8ra B~ln Of 4'Mission : 1inpos$ibl~." · , ~ · · R~eMch· fQr the new ' series, ~says JU;on, (ndi-.' '
cates ihat it.S lead-in ABC-TV show., ''Bewitched/'
delive(s· a" basically female audience -"Younger ·
and older, not in the middle."
"We're -going," be adds, ''for the same aUct.;-
ienee ~s·.•lro{lside,' not 'Dragnet.' Th~ kids (teen-
agers .and college level) watch 'Ironside.' We've
got to: get that audience to stay alive. 'Dragnet'
loo .. the kids. lt gets an older ;iudi"l)ce. OUr op-
pOsitiop is 'l(wlside'." · ~ · ' . . r. '
VI ~ SCULLY, baseball 's best broadcaster and
the voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers, will be host
of a ntw. daytime NBC~TV game show, "It Takes
Two," F1"rling March 31 .
' Dellnis the Menaee
GORDO· J .. '
~ +'
.. ' r
@' -·.
" ·, . ~ i \.
.·. .
..... . . . .
, ' -' , . ' . , ,. r.
' '. ' . ~-: :
I 1o· • i. , 1
, .... , -.. ~
ARE 'l't'.XJ
· --~.:.,_By Al Smith'
. oJ<t.~'u.. WEi>R
. t,\Y'ijAT,GLDVES
' 'l\Npc:Al'IEI
I ' • 4
.~ ...
"/\' f D ·j ~ ) t · ' -·
' , :"k· ~Yid , McCallum, Onie
. -Davis & Geo. Grizzard
' . .:.
• F.....,.... -'Ca•.., -t '! ; \ '11'.)JR)l.GNI:' , t ,
Tonlchl'• . .-~
' . Tiii C9flf!IAY •.
•li<ii!:.8'~ = .:;:.,, -.. -..... __ ,._""' .... ......... ..... ~ -""" .. ..... -·--_ ... __ .
....... ·nl-fC)<'C&~
....... -IQ (30)
.... lj(C)('°' ..... N\."Awbitt. ............ -....... ""'" "'"" ., .. -~ ..... ol: ...... ,,,.., ................
. . ""'"'
._ " -~
. '.·(°~
Z:OO. "Dlwl'1 Clfll" (~ '-'S
. -~1 Ct!ftrt. 'tfr1 Tt!Ml
. '
" I ~ ~'1,: .. },, ... ,. .. ,,,
: ' ' 'f " I ' .. .... , . '
1211 Wdr IALIOA ILft.
" i
' • J
' I
1 •
Alan Alda
Lauren Hutton
, .AtM:tl'hfRealOIC!olt~
. ~ " .
lt~'.Jtt Jl
• OPEN 6:45 _,.1,
,,. ITOfl." ' .,.. .....
COi IP· ..,.,.. .,..,._.
illfilPAUl.N~IWllldcnlf I -· e-!"'.~ ...
--'--1 I -·tro8~dttl :·.P~e , ' t ·, ; • ,. \ • . • ·•"'IRiil.,...• I .,....,. .... ~ .. . . . . ........ . 111<""'• ·--AC!OSS 51 lost .
• , • • • 1 " ,. • ••ilrsin't 1 AU.onts 5t"Py .. • . ·
-I liliiilii 4 J'#I ''THE IL:ISS dF 5 1'l:rt1f Uon~ttltlor :;. ...... -...... -MRe:. at:ossoM'' ·F.fMte '2-·t•: :. ~ . . · , ;. • Sotjal orou, Perf1tl: · ,ulie 'Cli.riStie-George Scott "PE1'ULA" hi c.• lj 01scolor t· wonls , · """""""'""""'""""'""""'""'""'""""'""""'""'"""o!!J.""'""'""'""""'""""""""'il · 1 L t1n111: •4 Caust af tm•. , "':: . , Comb. fora . •mN rut BE AMONG THE 'FIRST! II~~~ "i::fiC . '
ATTEND 'TtlE OPEN~NG . ::~:~: 11 ~~;,~'!"
TUE.SDAY EVENING FEB 11th ZOG,l(man n~·Qn•'-'' ',..,. \ •• ;· ~"
. . . I . • . · nf ~i::,, · . ~ i,~~r,, il !f.1:~' 41 iiir~,
of. the_ Gr.andest Cinema of them .. alt: ,, . 24 ~::~1r.:' ,, t.r.~l" ui"':1.. l1 ~'~:'!' ri 27 lllpptd 74 Ivy L•tut r!of to Ult ,
. LO~TED · ~N AN ESPECJALLY CRE~, D, •. "t:r~~··' 75;:~ 22i;i;'gunder '':O'l::~Ut•
. PLATEAU .IN FASHION ISLAND, OVER;• 31.KI•• o1 c..11: 1ora .... ,,,, s1 •,.1muce1 lnerustttien . 1 t' Wtltr 5J Ai'cflalc: •·ooKING NEWPORT HARBOR WITH A ,,ft....... 1011 .. ' ·~···;,., ,.,. .. 1. tr1ntactlt1t 11 c11t 1cldrtS1
VIEW OF THE PACIFIC EDWARDS 31 lllst 1 Pileid • 22 Clvle 55 Tall · " , Jt Aldlno YIP o iolll ••ployee: 57 Witted cllY
'NEWPORT CINEMA, MEDITERRANUN ·iN·, lf~:t1:1 i~":t'. ·~~::i, . 51~~1!~
' · 44 DtlttliVt'I E1to11t · iMllWlet Comb. fonl STYLE AND IN . THE MUSIC CENTER: . "'"' sA""''''"' 2 • ..,,,,,,. st•'""' 4' 1,;at11111s 4' Hit the bill JO"'"" tf .. , rutttt~• TRADITION, IS THE MOST MAGNIFICENT . "mm01or· llldlYm.,11 .• ,,, ,,,.;,
Mon· ON PICTURE THEATRE .. IN THE wC>itLD1 "~!"'~·'" !~::::••11 ~~~i'"' :i~::=:-.. • , , SO Gal • w1tk l:Pttc:h " C'Olltl'KI fM
1 st lo tr 7 Ch HJ lo... S4 E1vpt. sol1r 11rformMct
1·300· CHA"IR.S'. Ev..... ~•divan.·.~ .. '":~·,·.,. 54 !t~:::. ::v.1.~~ ,; ~:~7' v... t: r=:·••· -· r -l -'9t lt•v•: I IJI; 111'ktr't ~• llss ll1lnes 1lon1 lht ,. · , • · l·"· • . Allllr, '· .vlCt• ,. D~n&ll:O part Loltt
' 300 are S'lper•Lounger 'J.og~s:
' • J ~ .
Th• Ultimate In Cinema Comfort and l.ux•ry far yo•!
'11 look• like "Rom«> A "DAZZUN&I On .... see it, ye11l llel'ft' l&1iiJ ~ Juliet" a.s one o( the • • 1-.i~l ... " vear'• 5 nemlil•es for 'llolleOlJulilt'41itelllelflYY01G11hlfoni1·' -LR "Bet:t Plctur:c' and Franco • .,
Zefflr'elli as 'Seit Di""· c;-
tor' • -J.Jmes Bacon. L. A. · 7D'nUW. "It Is ~::::~::... ~ · contemnnHrv romance on rum uJlfea"r !" Mdl kJt,.18-'Q ··-
' -Renata Adl.r, 11..n Opeo 7 ,..., ~ Al'M'.Mlll!JllT~~
N. Y. Timel · FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENtE ~. . . . . '
•The mos t n.tltfacto_ry, e • • mm l \'e attn this :year! • ' -Ule Mapzine
; ...
"A 3lngular and over· ~"he.lminfi cinematic ex· •••
perte1* ! ' ~ · f
-A>ln 1\futer1, • , • • i:c>AIT:~-AT lllACAllTHUR .lllND:
DU<:•KO :.<mttltan • NEWPOllT IEACll "''l544·07IO ~ . . . '
" . \
. ... ' . . .
' ~,F....,5.lM
.• andfn>m Ibis llllD ·-~It -
O< boar, the prl bean!,...., thlnP:
Then See This for Comedy " _. .• ~ _}
;,.Mef lrookt'
' "the producen,.
.0J,~ ' .. _ ...... _ ... c.r-
______ ...,... '
s,..w '·'··· s.n:.., ........ ''THI 'PAnr"-IJ1Jt-AI leetl 10¢
C. ...... ktlem ........ w.....
..... .._1 ... A11,thw .... .._...I
'-MM Id_. -N_,.lt C:....
I . c..t-Hltlllwsy .. M......., lt.4.
o,..lllt Plchlte -Ptnce z.tlrellr1 " ..................
Con9r1tui1tion1 and Best Wish•s. to
the Febulou1 all new beautiful
F<nllloo lilood -Newport Center
f , C:-H!pwar at MacArlllw .. d.
RllUAIY I 1 -7:00 P.M.
Op•nin?, Picture -Franeo Zeffirelli's
•, , ...
_,. '
-. " '
. '
' 'l .,. .
·~~. ~-'. -~
, __
...... -.-. .... --......... ...---------------~-·-· -..
. :G~rbage Omelet
, .
Taste Tempting
"I'm in the send -back
l'!staurant business. At my
own tesUrnonial dinner last
year at the Waldorf. Buddy
HaclteU aot up and said, 'Let's
aU be 11ad be dldn 't send
back his own dinner,' " com·
edlan Jack Carter said,
scratching his thatch of dark
Mir. -•
..U he pa~ lhe floor in
his hotel suite at t h e
" Americana where he's been
performing nlghily, be defend-
ed bis cohmal reputation as
ODe of show biz' m o s t
persnickety eaters. ,
"Restaurants fear me .
They're always afraid I'll do
the send-back bit, but they
know that somethlng is really
bad when I send back the
order. I've always been a food
nut. I guess it goes back to
having been a kid railed in
a · CiDdy store." Carter's
. father owned and operated a
. candy store in Coney Island.
i · "I always tnew there was
another way to go. I guess
it's kind of a compensatory
thing, for just as I knew I
had another voice, a senatorial
voice," be said in gravelly
tones, "l knew there had to
'· bt a better way to eaL I
gr;ew up in the vaudeville era
when aU the plnbuda, dog.
,... bo71 llld all the light
actors summered at Coney."
.. Jr.ct. in spite of his food
' fttilbes., e x h i b i t s the
cbll'lama of a grown boy and
lilea to ';!:'.:!' to Its fullest. ·T11 blm, able eating is
one ul llfe'1 create1t rewards.
"I flnd the most fantastic
food in llllOqlOCt<d placea. The
, other n1cbt I went to a real
aoclety.type party. They had
r 'the greatest food:. pbeuant
fiDd with grapes am an
...-bneut ol dewrt.11, baked
"· Alaska, English trifle and Zup.
pa Inglese (an Italian sweet
made with vanilla custard,
layers of spoogecake or lady
Hqers, topped with mounds
of whipped cream and
garnished with c a n d i e d
"There .are some 'goodies'
around." A "goodie" is a
Carterism for a p r i z e
restaurant, but ht implied
. they're hard to come by.
' "People always think I'm kid-
ding restaurants when I send
"back the food. I do hate it
... when people think l atnd food
i back because I'm trying to
be difficutt or a bore. I only
l send back an order because
~1 the food ll no 1ood. •ir say to the restaurant
.a owner, 'Loot. in thow bl2, i:m expected to be this way
~and yuu're in the' food
~ Wby abould you
., ..Ve me 1ess than what I
ordered?' I don,._ even mind
, bad service if 1 know tber1'1
, eooc1 food comtnc." ,, "I try to avoid cerlain
1 re.ltliwants. lkat I get tbe
.. , ga ,.._ lood where you'd
~iii» laut posolble, say In
1 Wllnlpq, Toronto, even ih
~ Ohio. 'l'We are eiiht cr-t . nstauranll >.·be re
~ befause the people wort at
.,IL ;i:bat'a.aD llJey hav. colng
r... -aliol yuu•u find ..,..Lremendous food. It'• bard to
OM pod mtauraoll in New
.1 Ycwt."
,., ••oo 10U ever cwk . Jack ?"
hi• vi>ll« ulted.
"Yea, I~ really a nut for
oontl<ts. EU. are rplly my
forte. 'l1lf otller d•Y I ap-
pllri:I on JillUl>ouila•' 1how
and made my favorite ~U
omelet. People talked about
my cooklng, not tile gap,"
Jack said, JaugJti-ng .
''Everything was precut, and
they got me 1 huge Teflon
pan. Between the musical
numbera, ~'d craok eggs and
I kept folding over the onions,
tomatoea etc. It camt out look·
ing like, i collie. I couldn't
have made it better if I'd
tried making a kf& '""'leL
I caJJ tbe dish Garbage Ome--
let because all kinds of junk
go into it. It wu invented at
the Desert Inn in Vegas."
"I've done eggs made with
hamburger and spinach. Some
people Call them New Joe
eggs, or San Francisco eggs.
And I've tried a thing they
call braised or barbecued
eggs, as prepared in the
Virginia, in Miami . Just open
the egg, top with bacon and
cheese and broil until the
cheese is brown. But you have
to have a big restaurant oven
with a high flame ."
"'We rarely eat at home
even though my wife, Paula,
can cook like cruy, moatly
fast, fantastic thlncs. The
restaurants are terrible in
Hollywood," said Jack, libo
recently moved to Calit:onlia.
"Of course, there's Sneaky
Pete's. They have the' little
touches, such as little loaves
of Dutch sour dOIJlh, ..-..ri
goddes.s salad dressing and
the steaks are fabulous."
"At most restaurants in
. New York yOlr get the snob
brush at the front door. The
other night J.had a rial send-
back : chopped steak, with old
orange-colored fried onions. I
did a fury aod choked up.
But all the restaurateurs are
used to me. Let me tell you
the claaslc : At D 1 nil y 's
Hideaway ; there's a "waiter
called Peter. He always comes
to the table and says : 'What
would you like to send back
tonight!' Do )'OU knoW I
haven't sent back anything in
the last five ye1r1." ·
Jack's venlon of ·Garbage
Omelet in his own vernacular
follows. The results a r e
guaranteed to send the cook
back to the kitchen for
4 slictl bacOO cut
in l·lncb pieces
medlulh.·slu yellow onion
1,a green pepeer diced
small tomato
6 eggs
1h: tel!:poon waler
freollly' 1i'OOJld pepper
tablespoon 'SWeet butter
Brown bacon. ooloo, green
pe-in Hillet. Drain off
most of the baCon fat, add
skinned, pee.led tomato cut in-
to small bits. Cook to softtn
tomato over low beat, sci
Whip ew U1I streaky. ad-
dlnr: water. Ad lib the seaaon-
ingl (aalt llld pepper to
tute). Heat butter in a
separate 11 or 1J lneh skillet
unUI the butter beiins lo pop,
bul not burned.
.Add beaten e11a to akillet,
reduce heat. cook .uoUI egs
juJI begin to .... start tbnlw·
lng in the bacon mixture,
shakJ.ns the pan, keep tucking
in UlC; ~ ... with a spatula
to flallea omelet. Almost turn
ll over by fUppAq the pan.
Cook imlil crilp ouLslde and
tot\ lnsJde. • lf dealred , run
w1'kr a bnJll<r to .set the
top. Serve 1191lledialely,
1erve11 two to three.
(C) Newsc!ay, Inc.
BIG· ~th lf .. 111(!
For tho10 loyGI cv1tomer1 who .,...,. unable '
to n1•~• o purcho1t, flue ~tt.. ~go doMOI\~
and 1horta'ile Of fll ~t~nWi1 ' ·, l
' l
Decorator inspired o~i9tn"llill. ·.pil
pointing reproductions f,t iliiront '
colors. Choose from t..ita. d,e i51.ns -
"Regul , Splendor" or "G'ri~cl;u "
Trays are of duroble ~~:t.,1 with'
bross finished frornes, and pfo•tic,
non•mor tie1: The Serving cdft i s on
casters, ond holdk··up to .,,., rro)'s, ..... _ ... Ji
when used os o stqroge roe . .. ,,,, ........
AND $2 l'UICH f ,
tf.o:h1di"• c;..,."-•"
Akol>coBc It,,.••••
, ... c1 ...... )
VA.llO THUIS. "''" Wftt,, ffl .6t1 .... 12, ,,.,
' I
. . ,
. . ~------.;,,;. I ~f MONTE # '. ·'°00 G,.,., ,.· ·-: •p' ricot Nectar · ENGLISH ~ -
,~ •MUFFINS aem CROCKER -IN$TANT WITH 0~10N '{> ... .... 29, · ~=~~!.~.0~!!.~loes
' . MIY.iiijii ·· . . '
f.INICXK·"tCAsi Of t4 $J.7t) , ••c•·•••• 6 •'·· ...
CHaCKS CAl~aD &.
Alllericcm Express
Mane.y Onlef.s .......
Sms n.tl
Sm .Sltfls! t . _,.,All Yow ,li¥Q!i~ 11 . .,,.. .... ••••Y'"
FISH CAT FoOo Pl!HTEO-~T~IOOM ~ -i ~ ,
OELSE'( • • 2: ""' 17 c TISSUE! I •••·
SOl•l>d! 51 di! '.
PARKAY '"38c MARGARINE ril,9 ••
·2 :..~1 33 e: cons
,, , tlolden Corn -'
, n .,. .. 3· 'f c
jar "-. . .
I ·lb. con ... 69t
2·1b. con . $1.37
3clb. con . $I. 99
iChili .. con Car.ne : • •
All FlAYOIS .... p~SSERT -1 ,~oyal Gelat~~
·l· ' Det•rgent
• c
l·lb. • pkg.
"'59' ;~. \" .
"'llCONSIN . o/~·•b·69' IWllS CHIUI ,i.,. ·
• 'MeXita1 • CambinatKil\I~
• Beef· Enc.hilodC1 ·
-• Cheo1t EnchiladC1
5 .o ..... ,. P~I'· f ..
MIXED' . .'.oo .. 2~C
VIGnABLIS ''' if
SALMON '" Al PA RAGUS "" 6 7c iLUZIAN ' .. ' . SPEARS -, •. ·~ MAf'i ICITCHEN-1.S.OL con = ~;~ Y..;, CORNED BEEF 49c FRENCH CUT ·;:,27c HASH GREEN BEANS · '"
' . . . ...
· 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Ison St., Barbor Shopping Center,"Costa Mesa
' ~ '
~ . -'
• •
U,l,D.A. CHOICI 'llP
lb. ~:·
..-~ •.
I lfSH flllflS
69~. ..... C!:tft.fllfSH -PET1Tf $1 ••
• ..
fROZIN N-R811T 12 to I 4·1111.
8•0 z.l
129c pkg., r
. '
BREADED SHRIMP ·~;'$1 79 . . -····m--~ ....... .::.':!.!!.mi'"""'".;~;:;~;:;;::;::;~~=;:;:;i•m!~·~·~·~·;·~·~·~·;·~·~· . • •:Ov~·,ll1111111uauuuuuuuum .,,, \ '';' ,, '11·111 0 ·i •111111111111111·
t I ~~tiJl p ' I I --... ~ , 1 , I
1 ..... _59c
'"''· Jc •If
Vcrlicl Thurs. thru Sun., Feb. 6 , 7, I , 9, 1969
I ... -...................................................... .
3 VARllTllS
• 12 , ... 51 ..
DIET RITE COLA .6· , ...... 49c ""•·
• •
AtNrt9d flaYOri
~ ....... 45c p "-· ... ,.i
• RulTS
• CHHtllS
"""· 45· c pkg.
t Iii
\4 AW A\\ AM
. Y191tabl11 CHEESE :II. ...... 7~ ... LARG~~c
SISl-.. fy ...
l. • Cl tt.MED SP'IN.t.CH
• P'LU •/ft'USHIOOM $AUCl "; .... 3·7c ::: t .... .
family Sit• ~ -
SAUSAll & 1'·0L asc
16 01. 59c iar PIRST "RIZI
·' .IZ. CRll", PIRM. Rl•l·PRllH
9001 7 Kc _ pkij. 'f
~ L~ 2::;31 c 2 ~::43 c
~ -
lAVA 2 reg. 29 c STEAK '~1' 73 c SOAP bors SAUCE
2300 Barbor Blv d. at Wiis on St., Harbor
' '
. I
2 S-ot.
Shop,plng ·I . Center, Cos ta Mesa
Sunshine Vegetables
Soup Satisfies
That Craving
When gardens lie dormant
under winter skies, and the
.weather holds gray and wet
for a spell, a craving for
Serve with the soup course.
sunshine vegelables builds up 2 slices bacon
in most of us. 2 frankfurters, cul in I-inch
It's the same psychological piecei
reaction t h a t compels the 1.'1 cup sliced celery
flower lover to start a bowl 2 tablespoon& chopped onion
of narcissus on the window 1 can (10% ounces). con-
sill -or that sends the densed cream of vegetable
traveler to southern spas. soup
You'll find it easy to make t soup can water
winter-weary appeUtes bloom 1;, cup chopped canned
like May flowers with the pro-tomatoes
per menu. Give them 1 Cook bacon until crisp:
springtime vegetable soup and remove and crumble. Pour off
salad supper. Serve a creamy all but 1 tablespoon drippings.
vegetable soup, a big bowl Brown frankfurters and cook
of crisp green salad and a onion and celery until tender.
loaf of hot buttered crusty Blend in soup, water, and
bread. It's a menu sure to tomatoes. Heat; stir now and
make sunshine glow like then. Garnish with bacon.
ca ndlelight at the supper Makes 2 to 3 servings.
table. Combine condensed cream LAMB AND VEGETABLE
ol vegetable soup with sliced SOUP SUPPER
frankfurters and c a n n ·e d '!e cup cubed cooked lamb
tomatoes; heat and serve pip-I cup chopped cabbage
Ing hot jn generous bowls I tablespoon butter o r
garnished with c r u m b I e d margarine
bacon. This is 'i beautiful soup I can (10% ounces )
with springtime flavor and a Camp bell'• condensed
rich body that will satiafy the vegetable bean soup
hu nger pains of all -even I can (1~ o u n c e s )
that teenage boy of YC!Uf~· Campbell's condensed old
Break crisp, washed lettuce fashioned vegetable soup
and other greens on hand into 11/2 soup,cans water
1 bowl rubbed with a cut Dash pE:pper
clove of garlic. Then to your Brown Jamb and cook cab.
liking, shred in carrot. onion, bage in butter until tender.
or cheese. Add s Ii c e d . Stir in vegetaple bean soup;
cucumber, radishes, or celery. blend in remaining soup,
Sprlnklt in some chopped water, and pepper. Heat; stir
panley or favorite herb. Toss now and then. Makes 4 to
with oil and vinegar dressing. 5 servings.
Beefed Up
By CECILY BROWNSl'ONE ••MdltM .. ,... P..il •fffw
Baking brisket of beef with
1 ~be.cue sauce may be as
new to you as it was to us.
But now that we've tried
Utis dish, the recipe has won
1 place among our favorite
beef brisket recipes. If you
try it, we hope It is as suc-
cessful at your house as it
was at ours.
We chooe straJghl-<ut beef
brisket for this recipe, and
it's a good cut lo get lo know •
11tl.s is the cut of brisket
that bas 1 layer of fat on
top with plenty of lean meal
underneath. It takes to aeveral
simple modes: of preparation
and it's easy lo slice and
To offer with the brisket
you can choose noodles, .rice
or potatoes. Tab your choice.
t cup catchup
J cup water
I tablespoon Instant minced
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 tablespoon boll.led white
t tablespoon prep1 red
I teaspoon salt
11t teaspoon pepper
4 pounds boneless beef
bri:Jket, straieht cut
ln a small bowl stir together
the catchup, water, onion,
vine1ar, horseradish, mustard.
salt and pepper.
Place the beef, fat side up,
In a casserole: pour the
catchup mixture over the beer.
Cover and refrigerate several boon ..
Bake in a preheated :KJO..
degree oven until tender -r
3'h to 4 hoors. To test ten-
derness, insert a ~ine for"k
Into the 001ter of the beef ;
the lock should turn easily.
Remove beef to serving
platter. Tilt casserole. and
stitn fat from sauce. Serve
sauce with beef, slk:ed agatnst
the &rain. Mates I to I serv-
To PftlMll'e alteM: The day
before you wtsh to serve this
diah, marinate and bake tho
beef -u dtr.cted obove. then .. rrtprate Ille
meat l1td sauce .,.rately.
Befott1 serving, remove the
hardened fat from the sauce:
slice the beef fairly thin. 1n
1 large skillet. iently heal
lhe sauce until wann : add
It°" 1lkled beef and continue
heating until very hot.
. .. -· :--·-__ ;,,..___ ' ~ . --
. ·-. ..... ...... l '. ... . . ' . 34 OAJLV PILOT Wo!ntlday, r .... .., 5, 1969
Hlllltin1Jton Beach - 8 11 Ada ms c-del Mar-3049 Coast H'!'f· Fountain Van.y -16042 Ma1Jnolla
HuntlnlJl'On Beac:h -15511 So. Edwards
Laguna Beach-700 So. Coast Hwy.
VE GETA BLES i~ t Christion Bros.
LA SALL E :: :. ::: ~~::.~IU ( t~Co=c.m;_, " "· "'"" '" 2 9 NibletB·
11 " t'"""' s~'"'(~
•• JOHN 'S PIZZA ;:::::;;~· ............. \' L 79c
~ GIBSON'S J loganberry
BREADED SHR IMP M ... ,,;,.,.. ., 1.29 lib.,, .......... , ..
rlFTH 79c
B .. Klng•b"y 3 29 8.:rr Cas• 24 / 12-01, •
Wine s~uth Pacific 99c P1""'ppl• , , .. Sth
Rum *"" .. ,., 3.3·9 Frfth ........•..
AIC, Patty A11t.
Coo kies ...... 11~. 59c
Fou hl•11
lanl•n'1 Danish
... 57c
Margarine .... 1b. 34c
Royal Asst.
3 oz.
ORE·IDA POTATOES "'" '"' ,,;.," 42c Cri"kl• Cut 2 LllS. · _ :
FISH STICKS Spdoofl•ld . . . . . .......... •••· 29c
ORANGE PLUS 1;"' ,,. ............... •··· 44c
ICE CREAM Alb""'".' ............ ,,,, """'" ""\'I ~9c
Bonu1 Pock H•t•fonl, 12 .. z. tin ~
Modess "•· ,, " .. 39c Corned Beef .·. •i49c
H d• W 29 T Cqmatio" \,J...7 an •· rap "'' c una c'""' ...... v,',;ll c
Howaiia11 ••d Lab•! 's'"o'uarui11C1mr;1eaa1io"m
_,,.·\· 29C Punch . . ...... 32c _
Vet's DOG
Be ....... ..
Diet-Rite 12 o~
\ y '111.k • I IT'S LIKE A · ou 1 e 1t. RAISE IN PAY
Fryers <•• u, .... 1b. 35c
Na Neck• •r latk1
Best of Fryer 1b. 45c
4 letted •r Doubl• lr.a1t•d
Fryers .. . 1b. 39c
Drums and Thl9h1 J•i"•d
Legs ....... 1b. 53c
Breasts w ;ih a;b. " 59c
1li19h1 ... '"·
FEB. 5 thru FEB. 11
·4-f .
} ,, •..
45!· PICNICS Sll<od ood T;od .. . . .. . .. . ... .(~ C
CHUCK ROAST ''"''"" thok• •••' ............. lb. 69c ' . -
ENGLISH ROAST chok• ••• ''"''"' ............ lb. 79c·
BEEF STEW CUBES t ho ;u , '"" . . . . . . . . . lb. 79c.1
CANADIAN BACON ........................ lb. 9~:·
SLICED BACON WU•'" Com K; .. , '"""" Jo ho, 5 8 ' letter Maid, Htirmel leel Lab-1 ..... lb. C \ • •
BUTTERFLY SHRIMP :~,:;~~ ....... ,,,,, 1b. 2.09
BREADED SCALLOPS"" o ;amood .•.... IV. lb. 2.49
BREADED OYSTERS "" Dlom9"d Ph ';b, 1.49
FISH STICKS 11,. o;omood ,,..,.., ............ IV. lb. 89Q>,
FISH STICKS ""' o;omood ,,;..... . .. "" lb. 1.1cf. '
FRANKS . :. :
and JUICY ••• LB.
I OKOr MtJ•r, l •z. Tu b.
BOLOGNA • • • • 45c Braunschweiger • 35c
Am•rlca" lra"d Cotto, 10-oz. 01car Ma)'.•r, 1 .. 1. Tub• KLEENEX TOWELS
Sandwich Spread 39c JUMBO DESIGNER -LIM~ 44 $1. PEil FAMll Y WITH THIS COUPCH J
I XPlllES 2/11 -PRICE 0
WITHOUT COUPON . . . 29t U.. I
SALAMI. •••• 45c
Alb1rtaon'1 &.."v!Mm
CHEESE w:~;:,•mlb. 79t
01ear May1r, 1 .. 1. Tu"•
Liver Cheese . • • 53c
~~~1PON ~~l~·E· ~I~~~~~ .. S<4t .
5 P~~=D
Asparag us39"
.J<ol'..Jacofor Prepaid Proce66 in<J
fJ•v•fopin.g Color Prinl6
8 to 12 EXPOSUll 'l 197
DEVlLOP & PRINT, Ri g. 2.49
H GUIM 3.99 .. 319
IULIS-60 • 75 · 100
H G. 2/60<.
2/11 -PlfCI Wlltf()UT
COUPON ......... : .... l lc
l • . '----------------------------------------·--·.-:
HartMr .t
'Miittitir l l'f'd. I IREA , . ANAHEIM I BU£NA PARK JYCG•N •f ....
606 ,,.. 11¥4. ON:nto .. 7511
1r.okh•rtt o .. ~,,..
-------·· -~~~~---~------------------------
• '
I •
' •
' ·-
' ,• l '
• •
•'h·OL C Siar Goe QuM LiolitMooct 31 . Tuna • • • • • c.o.N •
12\lt..OZ. c .._,....... 38 frosting.. .. ""
Take U.S.D.A. Choice -Jenderay Brand. Beef .... :
Don't 'be suckered by gobbledegook. "'8ondedH Beef isn't U.S.O.A. Choice. "T rim.'Rire" Beef isn't '
U.S.O:A. Choice. Only U.S.D.A. Choice Is U.S.D.A. Choice! And a .federal Government •xpert
JO'fl so with a purpl• llOmp right on thto '"°'·Mark• Bcnbt1M11'5 Only u.s:o.A.. Choice Bet:f. And , I
. only Market Ba!;lcet s.Us it cliscount-prittcl!
U.S.O.A. Clioiw Temleroy Br....!
IW blele• $189 Spencer Steak ," • .
V;U!.ACl>olaiT~ ....... $119 Cube Steak ..... , ·
·~~·~,..,,_ 93'c .RiD (.~o~s, •... "'~ ..
Ar-Sldf All -55 Bologna ••• ·~~ c
J '
Ol.\NGfMMMV.Df. He
, DAILY PILOT :3iS · \
"1ket B~ket Discounts Prices On Quality Products-
Nb names, No Stamps, N~ Costly "Extras" ••.
Most stores claim to have low prices. But on what -on o handful of items or inferior
products? Not Market Basket. We discount prices all through the store•. And Guor·
antee sotisfocli9" or your money back on every purchase. True you'give up games
.and stomps to Shop ot Market Bosket. But you get bargains and quality always,
every day. Soo for your.self. ·
·~,fo!Mrod.d OI' .,......., ~ prlcM.
...... GW!llt •
J•lly •••• •'~Sf
l &W · ~ • '
Pme Juice. ~t 4f
tard~·aa..• . it.ot 25c Juice ••••• CAN
Nutoo \Ind. ::c.~ Lobol) l-11.25c Marganne •• ""
~Wllfi ....... l~-01:Con 3 $1' ChiR Ccin came '°"
_ .. __ .... _.;~.......-. .. -
r I
H DAllY PllOT W-""'"1, foliu•t 5~ l'lf.t ·
........... -........ -;; .. "
.... --.---.. ·---· ···-.. . .. ._. -.. -·-I ...
', ..
··1 ,
Super-Shopper Grocery Values · .
Carnation Tuna • ~ '.lCI Wlllll •. MEA'. :i~ ~1
Finn•nd flavorful .,. because it'a all albacore ••• \ho fin .. t qualit,y In \he·tuna famU,1 'fl ,
Crisco Shortening .... ~ .. ~ .. ~ ... :" ... ,.
Pure and anoWJ'. whiil .•• tho diceatiblt one, for lich ter fried food1 and flaky fluffy baked sooda I
-Green Giant Green Beans .... 5 ... '1
Kitchen 1liced or French ... save 7c. No. 30S·cau.
Aspir1g11s spears ............ ~.t ... W .
Green Giant .•. tender atema, tuty tl .. 115-ef ...
· Bliek ·Pepper ..................... ~ ..... W
Schillins'• ••• Munce can .•. you sivt le l
:)). . ' . Klva lnshnt Coffee ................ W-
Bonle•·· n"' p,._ si .. lllort flavor! Ma; jar.
Nlblets Com ............ ~ ........... 5 ... '1
Tender, aweet-from the jolly Green Giant! 12-oL
Cream Style Com ................ 5 ... '1
Golam Jleinels in aweet cream uact ! .•• SOS can1.
Peas· With Oniolis ............... 4 ... 89' lnstlllt Brelkfast ....... ' ...... " .. ~ . . ' ~ . Carnation ••• in 7our faomla flo-1 Greet1. Giant weds two garden favorites. No. 303.
. SIW Apple Sauce ......... : .......... 43.. C&W .~tt~................ · . '1
llo,. flavor •cauae tM opp!'" a~ra•.eqateln, ~ De!idoall:r'Rf-f,~~ti.,, '""h ,...._
Smucker's &oober ..................... 59• lfllan.Slyle Jelet~ .. : ..
Paoaat batter and iell7 • , • la1one Jarl .•• 111-0L '' Delittitful llOdl<f fraiii a · • Fi-n, 1
' ,... r.r.huit Jice ...... '. ....... 39' ~-Sp11,d1.~'1 ·,.., ...... ,.
Twwoat •. , aan 8c on "tbe big >!km-anl 'Xon'ill'lftDl\eei•t ifl 'khnnll . . •. j -'•' . . .·,
1Wywt1d ~ .'.., .... ~:3 ... ~1 · -· M1eni~n .-· .
Sofflower oil maks the·difference ••• aave 17c \ '.llortoi!'l:,S:.....:piip;tpr-~..,.;-.ii!
UJ.L.-n...a. · l r • D..J.~ l'LJll • • D.... I . .......u Ul~ ........................... 9 uwS ~ R· RmD ....... , .. ; ...... \
America' a favorite sandwich cookie! ..• 16'oo. pkf. H......,.....UOJ' I Bir 'ie;.onea ~I J'il ....
A..do Dip ............... ~.; .......... .
rn. tilt Calan ,.,P.I• .an4, ~ a.w I ' ' r ,
f.olger's Coffee ........................ 67~.
1-11.canJ •• 1.33 . I-lb. can.,. I.ta
• • ..
I' "\''•" ,·.· .... . ' .. .
.... -'
• . .
. ..
' '
Super-Fresh Produce . Spe~ial8 ·~
f • • 4
. ,.
'" ' rs .......................... ·
.... ••
--. ... "" ... ... _
.. .J ••
' . "' ..,
' ,
' • . , . ..
' .lnj09 nrillJ: •• , ripe, :i:et firm ••• l'lrffl and ruivorfu) :~ •• ll?Ut .eo~
.. .
• c
Ci:rapefruit : ·10 1~
R .. ·Mcl -Tuu •.. pink meaf, ao ri-eot and Juicy! ••• and ao very heal\hful, t.oO! "· ' 1
· Red Y'8$" ..... ~ ............ ,'..: 15~ · AvocadQs ... ; .. ;, .......... : .. ; .... :~ill J
Gc!W• x ...i •. • • .-C •.• doliclwa 1rllh bam I Laqo Fuerte •• ; for aalada, lli.Ddwf~ I l
. -Super-Shopper Househo1tt ·Aids_ .•. j
Ch D t ,, 't • ~ . · e e!-e erg en .............. : .... : ......................... :: ...... -.'.'.'. I,,: i
GiallWilo -It ... IO a lCla,e'-inr pow• in thia valu6 , •• you save 20c! · I ~
• • I ~ • ~ ~ / .I . .. ' , ,, 1,e r y L 1gu1 ·d ....................................................... :................. ·:
So ~Id,~ linlle • • • lllfJ ~ IPRkliDI dou • • • rid JOU ••• 20c at El ~0'1 Pr!" I 22 ~ • I I
. Detse7 Tlssue .: .. :~ ................ 3 .. w ·Mhde White Bleach .............. 1;.1
. ' ' . ..J.. ~ .... __..,.. .. ~ White w eoletl •••two.roll JIC)lil. • Safe for all -thetic f-~.J.1 · •• ~ "»[ .,
~1:Towels .................. 3 .. W Dll(·Soip ...... ~ ........... : .......... : .. : . 1
Jallibontll,,,;tk~tord~I ., t '. ~l' ...... Ofthroe~~I 1 "-'"H•"· .· . . ., .. • vvw )llYM.1P ......................... .W LJSOI Bowl Cleaner ................ •1
U.. it ao .... 1npl Bir IW-ft. mil )Cilla...-"il~l l.,. .16""'. alu. -~· ' ' . c.eat _Food ... '. .... ::; ......... : .. ,a .. ., ·
r ... 1)IUl <.t Yaritlf ••• au fl-. ... •it· ...
'J. • . . : I . -liquid Plui' ........... r.:............. ' I
'Ibo aaft 'ftllx> open dralml ... ~wt ala~~; ,
.. .... ...
·~ • •
' ,,
' l '
--.---. ----·--.... ... . . ... . . . . . . . . ~-.... . .......... -.. --
w.....,,,F~ 5, 196, l'ILOT-AllVIRTISER-n ·,
I i( • ••. .... L ··-..... t r;:::; •• ,-._
~~~""'."~:-::::~-:::-'~------~-=·~-==':'"'-::::::::::::::-:=:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::--;:::::::::::=::::::::::::::=-:;::-"'.'::-:-::::::=::,:-::'.'::::~:=:==-~~~~~~~~--:-...:.:-=-=-===::::::::::::::::::::::::. ·-... ·--~ -··-------·-·--"'-·...... .., ... ... ,. ----4'..... . ..... ·-.. _ .. _ .. _,..,. __ ._ , VAIL Y PILOT :J7
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I ~l -
Calif~ia's·finest .•• and super-fresh! Plump and tender
• , •. arid kinJ~ize, too ! 3 to.3VJ-Ib. average weight! Compare
• • , and see the difference at El Rancho ! Whqle ltMJ • • • ~ ·
Cut Up c.iHnl -byers . • .. . .. • ..... iSc. lb, •"
·. 1er Legs and ·Thi9hS'.,~; · '"'\9:
. lesii with renerously propcrtioned thighl": ,• ._:-t 'lol& 1>f' iui'l' dark ~eit I ·Califo!'llfi\ ~I
Br. e . sts ::· · ·: · ~~ -·. · :h·;c;..:I.:· ;9~
• • .. ,.. • ·J. • • .. . . .. · .. '' : .. ' .... '"; ....... ; ..... :;1:.4:; _ _!, I 1Je_r
:wed tender white m~at ••• you ret mor• valUe from ijD1-aized fryep! CalifornJ&'a finest!.
• • ~ w • • k'•il .: · 1·'.' ' • . ,-. '. . . ~ '. . . ,a:.9", c 1c . a: 1vers . .;;: ... ~ i ~· .. :~ ............ ;f ~·If,: .. ~.. ·~
Fnlb. •• , from El Rancho'• finer California Golden Fryerr , •• more flavor! Cofupare the qualit,y ! . ' "'' ··.~.J!.· -:· .,. ::. ..... <1 '
_:Meat Loaf .......................... 6f~
•' 'I '" ~· ) ·<>ta!-.....,. Malle with wli6t1 ..... flnilif .-ts I " . . ~
$UJNV:~hop,per Liquor, Wine
•• _"t ' _, •
m* :._I mnlls ......................... 4r Mt.JYtitt,~~Ds ... ,.~ ..... ,.~1.27 Ji'11 ·~,;..,.;t-•.. and AU American! 1 lb. p&cjqe. Alilu\<l••i' •• di7 and.Ullcious ·".~pr, .... f2.6'
i lnft r'"'L-'" . --'J'' Mt' D~'M·Lat ' •ffTH . -" -"~ iiL ·:~':!.=~~~:~~~~-::' ~~ .. ~~-~~:·::·~-~· .6'
,.... -• -\in..:.: fJ1)I ·I Leo's Sliced· Meats ... ~ .. ,.:.::: .. 3 •. t · Ehenin'81anc tr-tne .':.' .. : .. : ... :;:.r.t.79 5f« 1i'aterthin ... ~oe t nJ:pk~Ind)lr~f."'..... ' from.the·v~~f~Jrari.,"~i~'1flnel
U. XlHT Beel T.-lules : .. : .. :.·.:: ... 5 ~-'1 . _Straight Whlsbf.: .... ~.::.: .. ,,19
IT '1ddaltlexi'!-n .... ntto'J?urmea~1.i .8 Pf-,, I {. &11d G ••. ai~le :/.;fnd mixljbJe,~fl>o'f •
f ~ Bri .... ~ · ---,. ,,., !MW Clun'(,s '"'"'ch -.. · ..-"'" -"J9 . Ul \illlll ',' ......... ;.;.: ..•. tl1" I ~VI ...................... ~.I
'f • • r \ 1 . • ' .. t and Hrve ••• cil~ a ''Ol!i~i..,. ,! .,,8 OL IJ!o\Ued In Scotland , , ij,ft{th' H',;Jrie.d•at .. .29 1 ~., .,..: • ..a..:..-1 ,: .. ~~, 5e-. r-z ff y.:...r ~····Qlllr K9f . $ l\ralWlll') :......... '1 .. -HM~ -. •...................... ·ti. fl . . ' ... . . ' . Geiwaoq!o ... ~_ •. ~."tlol,,pkf.' n..u1 .. bnalli1m11 ...... ,,..., ,flJli.fO• -. . .. ..
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" .
Cund eopecially for El )lancho I , •• eueJJr to our
1pedfieationa I Tonder ••• molal ••• with that llDoky
l'OOCln ... that tells you-at first bite that the ham ii
El Rancho'1J •• , IHANK HAii , ••
Butt : Portioq ......................................... 55~.
'If,.. t .. ..-: i . \ •
J'la'°r tllllC olfera real aatiJfietion .... and bani that'd priced to afford' •a!ue l'There is a differenC. · . . . -. . .
Whole · Ham .......................................... 59~
'l:noii.fi twn' liere to aerve the whole :crowd:. ~. and othl be a'b!e lo eri.Joy left-overs I Compare! -. . ' ' . . H'.. S'1• ' 98 am _!11(8$.,.:.i.,.-......................... : .. ; .......... __ · . ~
· 1.-n '41r1<tt~r ·~--~eut thick for' main courses ••• ~r thin for breakfast slices I Center cut!
····~ Round ' 69• . ~ . ·. \ .
j ·-1._..,.. ~~: ·······~········· ~ fmh and lean at El Rancho I ...
larg~ Shrimp ............ S1.89 •. ,
Uncboked , ••• to·let you use your favorite ~ippl
TTuH ;n.:;;.;~ e/ieet:''flitWid4" lltnl Su•'•" • , ' '"r"'V'
· Febrwv I , r, 1,·1. No iak.I to 1~r1. '
. ..i;. • /"·.: ; \, •'r •I~ . ' ~ ' .
i -
Carnation--6 pack
· Diet 6 pack
I Nabisco Oreo
ONI LL LOAJI IROfulor 25cl
. . . With T1111 1 OC Coupon '•llll u.oo .Minimum
Pvrchl ... ,
Limit on• lo•f p•r coupon -on• cou~n per customer. Alcoholic ltv•~•9••· Fre1h
fu ild deiry products and c;ig1r1tt11 Deluded from purch111 by law -Void •ft•r Sun ..
d1y, February 9, 1969.
Instant Cle.oner-SQ oz.
% Gal.
fl1I Carlon
. Springfield
Large :2~ can
' -T·--. MEAJlllQ Of;. .............. ....... . ........ -• • .... "°"'
• •lll*P:il
U.S.D.A. Grade ''AA'' ·Whole Bodied
' .
:~ 19~ CHICKEN ,
• Cut Green Beans Meaty Breasts 59~ 3 Legged' Fryers.=:, 37~ Legs & Thighs 59~
. .
SWISS MIS5-8 Inch 4 F $1
WHlPPEDuU 9 uart c Sl:RLOIN
', cUJgf4cE STEAK
49 ' SALE
USDA Choice
Bar _,M Western Style USDA Choice
Bulk Sliced BACON IERS49~ . 8Hl~R-$1 2~
Fresh SRced
All ..;.ot 8ol19no, Cotto S.l•ml, Hud Chotte, Pldd•,
.......,.,., Dutch, S.r.fl.Q Looi, Pepper Looi, C~
Ulf . · 9'ilk ... Mix or ·59~ Style Match
. I
· U AGE ,. · TIP ,.
lar M W~1~er.n Styte..-Sldnless RDA Choice ·
.11u ,AGE~?~ sf l11s 89~
' .~
'' . "
.. (
Springfield-1 qt. jar
ONISONS 3 I~. 19¢
Prices Effectives
Thursday thru Sunday
..... 6, 7, 8, 9
Prices subject to stock on hind.
' I . . '
·For Holiday Celebrations, February Offers Varied ChoiGe
When II ...,,,. to hoUdly In 1 mixing \ml> cream
ctlebnltlool, February ii • butter; gradually add sugar
blf moo!l!t • • • one tbal can and beat until llghl 1nd lbdly.
be eapeljoll1 fup when l""' Boat in ... and vaoill•. $µ1 SH"Ve ~· to · match t..he ~ 1__ J __ specUic ,fiolldayo./ ? togelher llour, bak,,,. pow..,
First oames f'eb. tt'...:. Un-and,. salt; gradually add to
t.'Oln's ·~· ~ow be creamed wildure. Blend in
hooes~llil ~Id be •: 1 mlllc. Chi~ for ease in hand I· deUcl .approp<Jate d 'Ing.. ,; • lhan:a Log Alaska! !l's On llghlly floured. ~lace,
a w ul treat lhat can roll~ih to %·inch thickness.
be ' '·;..1th~~ ' o~den cake Wor~,, quickly, cut wllh base. your fa ice cream now;ect cookie cutters; place
flavor comblfta l'dn . and a on baking sheets. ( If
sweet 01iertngue frosting. neee&suy, refrigerate re-
lt JOoks like a lime-coo-matnlng dough before retoll·
surni.ng desseit but most of Ing arid cutting.)
the work can be done ah~•d
of time. Freeze the ice cream
first, in a ooe pound cylin-
drical coffee tin. Remove wlth
spatuJa alter dJpping the tin
in tepid (not hot) water. Place
sliced cake on ao old wooden
bread board (on~ you can
bake on) then place the ice
cream on top and freeze
again. Just before serving,
whip . up. the meringue and
bake ·ffi· just.3 to 5 minutes.
Taiti( Special care to com-
plete1':'\eover the cake and
ice ~ w.lth the meringue
..• Jlljhe way to the board.
Thisi;~ering ":ill act as in·
sula so the ice cream re-mainf~ m.
Insert 1 wooden skewer and
resti..pc slight ly.Decorate
with colored sugar if de&lred
or lrosl after bUed. Bake
in a preheated S50 degree oven
1~11 minutea:. Allow to stand
a few minutes before rcmov~
Ing to wlre rack to cool. Yield :
2 dozen.
-Variation: Use s ma I I e r
heart shaped cookie decorated
wlth colored sugar and press
It on to larger frosted heart.
2 cups sifted · regular all-
Jllll'POO" flour
1 '4 cups sugar
2 ~ t.caspoom baking powder
1 teaspoon l.aJt n cup (1 stic.t) bijtter,
t cup milk
t teaspoon vanilla
I egg
FllU.g, Topping and Fro1lln(
1 can (1 pound) red. so'ur
pitted cherrJes { w a t e r
1 can (81h ot.) cru1hed
~ cup cherry juice
¥' cup pineapple syrup
% cup sugar
~4 cup cornstarch
~J teaspoon. red food col·
ortng iti
t cup whipping cream
\\ cup conlecUone.rs sugar
2-3 drops red food calorirlg
Chocolate ~ecorettet
To ma.ke Cake : Generously
butter bottoms or 2 round &-
fnch cake pans rn~' st wilh flour. Into a large · g bowl
slft together flQl.H', · ar, bak·
ing )>owder and silt2".Add b6t.
ter, Z/3 cup milk ani vanilla.
Beat two minutes on· medium
lipecd of electric mlZer. Add
egg and 1/1 cup milk. Beat
't mlnutes more oo medium
rpeed. Divide batter evenly
into pans. Bake In a prthtated
375 dtgree o~ 30 minutes.
Cool in pans on wire ricks
S minutes. Tum onlo racks
and cool completely.
To prepare FHUng : Drain
cherries rtstrvlng ~ cup
juice; draln pllleapple mer-
Ying 1(4 cup syrup. In a 2-quarl
saucepan combine sugar and
cornstarch; gradually add
cherry juice and pineapple
syrup. Add cherries, pineapple
and food coloring. Cook over
medium heat, stirring con-
5tantly untJI lb1ctentd. C.OOk
two add.itlonol. mfnuta.
Sel aside 1\1 CUl'I ol chmy
mixture for top of cake. Mo.sh
cberrlu sUghUy lo rolllainil>'
aauce. <;ool slightly.
To form ttee and trunk
shapes:. Cut al.I I-Inch piece
from each layer of the cake.
These two p1eces will form
the tnink. Measure one inch
from either pointed end and
cut both pteces again . Place
these trunk pieces together
with rounded edges touching.
Matching the flat side of the
tree and the flat side of the
trunk pl..... 1-n """ "
.the .m Jett-over c ak_1_
ttlanal<s into the bolloai al
the two trunk pieca.
Flll the llnl laytr ol tho
Int 'trllll Chopped c.1imiel;
then add Ille' IOCOlld 1a,., lild •
fill wllh lhe wliote c"""7 mtl• :
tw-e. JIJlt before ~ .M •
a chlll~ bowl with. eb1Dtd !
beaters, heal crelli\ · U1j11 •
almost sWf. Add IUP,I' Mid !
food coloring H d e1 (r't d,
healing uaW 11111. U1e to fnlol -;.
sides and tnink of the tree. ;:·11
Sprinkle decoreltl:I OD trunk '"• "" of tree. ' ·io
" , .. ,. ,,
" time ... -.. ..,
" ,,.
'" •Ill .,,
•• '" ... -~~ ~
. ~ ., •• •• •J • •• ;~
~i •• Li~ Log Alaska sounds grf.al,,~n'l it?. Well, it is
and.:119 Pi what's 11) st.ore for
Feb. ·t~-St. Valenline's Day.
It's•~ and colorfu1 Kooty-
Ptipe, ·.r.~
yo~~:aJ'':~f lo~r: th:
heatkllaped cookies rich with
the creamy goodness of but·
ter. They're made on wooden
skewers for easy-eating and
decorated with colored sugar
-0r frosting • . . just for fun
and flav-0r. You can even
decorate 'With names if you
like. What a sweet treat for
all your "sweethearts."
And Abe was certainly right! It's surprising how the lure of stamps and games ...
the use of one-or-two loss leaders will entice the unwary. Don 't be fooled by claims
... investigate ... you'll then be convinced that for greater savings Lucky's the place
to shop.'
:E -· -c
" . •• :E :1
We cannot tell a lie, thi s
Washington Cherry Tree Cake
is a.!f~ delleious as it looks.
And ir1 ·a 'delicious way to
celebhite Feb. 22.
lt'sl .. buttery cake with a che~.:pineapple filling and a
rich!' 'delectable whip rfe d
creani · .. frosting. ~ t h i s
sweetness is assembled'to look
like ~'.~ely and cheery cher-
ry lite. . .
I Pfpt pistachio. ~ cream,
1 pint coffee ~ cream,
1 pint cherry varulla ice
cream, softened
I pupa.red pound cake {12
-0z.} OR l/z sponge cake,
split in half crosswise
...,z._ .. MEP ,
JUNIOR BABY FOOD::.":."'J.. .. 14'
t llUH w/tAllUl.U BABY CERf AL ~~;~:o':~ .. ~:.'.~~·~•M• ... M ..... 35 c
M.J.B. COFFEE::-:: ... 69'
M.J.B. COFFEE tt.:c ... 11"
M.J.B. COFFEEtt:~ ...... 11"
M.J.B.INSTANT::;r ..ll"
iiProli'fu BAGS 46'
... Kiy&f!--..
111M11Cp -.. ~,. · """'~ _{tN'n;_ . -J l
BREAST 0 CHKKEN:::::.::.~..29'
BEEF STEW::i'°J:.~:~~~~-~--M 69C
SP AM \~:l:. ~:. .... _.-M .......... M ....... --53c
PICKLE SLICES :m ~.'.':"' ................. 35'
... HOT CAULIFLOWER i:~"'.:l'.'.".'32'
SILICT OLIVES=·'~~.~.:.·.'.~.~~ ...... 43c
o" SNOWDRln !::,'\:'. .. __ . . ... 69'
LUCKY COOKING OIL,..,~ ........ 57'
~ •... Kit;&f!--.
29-0lJNCE CAN aac
""" ld dilt'.-.~,
SWISS MISS PIES "''·"-·····-·· .. ·· 29' .
' ~.~~~~.~~~~!.·i~~·3 8~
~~~~~~ .. ~~'~'~"'""" 4 3 ~ ..
~2~~h~o~!!~~<~~t" 7 8~ SLICED BACON -55c
Sll ... 1-P .............. -................. -••• -57
tllulll IMM l.f-4 ,~ .. OH••••••OMMO••• ...... M .. _
~!1~.,!~IUM ·~~~-68c
CROSS RIB ROAST.. _____ ".0"11~15 .... 79.t. T-BONE STEAK .~•1 .. ':'.1'".'0~1~--··-$1~
· fUUY COOKED . · FARMER JOHN HAM ... .!~!!~~~~ .. ~~!.'. .. 491i. RUMP ROAST ----·---·-·-.. ---·--78i
•• • -~ •• 'i •• :1 • ~t > • • • •• ~l
i ..
• •
' ~
' .
fi egg whites
3.4 l.'Up' sugar
In i. 1-pound coffee can
scoop ice cream in alternating
flavors, packtrur ~lid. On a
wooden board 0 P'l11ce the cake
layers together. Jengthwise,
end to end. To urunold ice
cream, dip in warm water
aod titrn out. Cut 'molded ice
cream in hall lengthwise and
piace on cake layers. Trim
cake to 1-inch longer than ice
cream mold. Return to~reezer
to harden.
V.B. APPUS.AUCE ................. 19'
CRANBERRY SAUCE f.\'.'.I~'.'. .... 25'
FRUIT COCKTAIL~~-...... 25'
~ .............. ,.-"' cnERRY PIE :::.:::-............................... 36'
SARA LEE CAKES '''''"··· .... 79' 1cu..1o1,.1-~1--. .. .....,.1et1
PIE SHELLS ~,..-.:. .. -................ 35'
FAll:Mll JOHN • ·• SKINLESS LINKS .5.•.•.s.~.'.!.::'.:O.!:.'..l.~c ... ~29< CUT-UP FRESH FRYERS-... ~·~c·~",'. ___ 33~
PORTERHQUSE STEAK ...... ~.~-~-~~~~·~---~1~~~ BONELESS HAM:::i.= ..... -..... _ ........ __ .. $11~
:~ ,_,
Bea:t egg whiles until frot hy.
Add sugar gradually and con-
tinue beating until stiff peaks
form. Remove cake and ice
cream from freezer, spread
meringue ove r all, sealing
carefully to the board. Bake
in a preheated ·500 degree oven
3-5 minutes. Using tv.·o large
~patulas transfer to serving
platter and s e r v e im·
Note: For a variation try
other Ice cream combinations
such as chocolate, vanilla and
st~awbcrry or lemon custard,
butter pecan and burgundy
\1. cup milk
2 tablel!lpoons butter
6 egg yolks
l cup sugar
I teaspoon vanilla
1 v, cups sifted cake flour
1 'h teaspoons baking powder
1.i teaspoon salt
Generotisly butter bottom of
3-incb square .cake pan and
dust with 11our. ln a I-quart
saucepan heat milk, add but·
ter. Cool. In a small mixing
bowl beat egg yolks until thick
and lemon colomt. Gradually
add suaar and continue
beating until smooth. Add
vanilla. •
Sift together flour, baking
powder and salt ; gradually
add to egg mixture ::nd mix-
only-witil blended. At low
speed of mixer add milk
beating only until smooth
(baUer wUl be thin). Pour
Into pan. Bake in a preheated
350 degree ovtn "'35 minutes.
Cool in pan ·on wire rack ~
minutes. Turn onto rack and
cool complett.ly.
"cup (l\l 1Uckl) bullet
~4 cup •Ulat
I egg
1.J te1spoon vanilla
2 cups lifted ri1ular an.
purpose flour
t \2 teaspoons baking powder
~'• te1spoon salt
:i tablespoons milk
Colored qar
PEAR HALVES ~ro~l: ........................ 33c
DOU PINEAPPU lre:l'w ................ 25'
APPLE JU1a =r~,~1.~ ........................... 34c
GRAPEFRUIT JUICE!!'.T':.:: ..... 46'
PINEAPPLE JUICE ::'.:."'J: .......... . 29 '
GRAPE JUIQ ::O"T-1~~~ .. -................ _. 33'
~ • • .. "Kitt 73.ur!
26-0UNCE JAR 4:Bc
GREEN GIANT PEAS ..... ,u .......... 23'
CUT GREEN BIANS ~:~~::'.c1: .......... 16c
LIBBY'S CUT BEETS.......... 18'
PORK & BEANS:::,".'::.'..... .25'
REFRIED BEANS~·.~·~ ...................... 29'
STEWED TOMATOES :::r•1.:'.'. . 19'
DEL MONTE SPINACH ..... "' 20'
VEG-All VEGETABUS ~.\':w . 21 '
TOMATO JUICE :::~·w ................... 32 '
OUr LOW Evcl)da)' Price!
24-0Z. LOAF aac
...,..; .... ~{~·~' ~ "'lit llYS" .. n;;._,11p ........... -
~ I ... ,......,.,, ... ,,! ....
-... n. 'UY aur ._ ._. .. tlll • ....... ..,., ............. ,._
.. ...-,. _.,... • """'ll'f IUY" _,.._, .. "'
FRENCH TOAST ::i~~..'~-··········-· 36c
MYERS BRIAD~:~~~".-....... -....... 4ac
SIRLOIN TIPS :::m .................. 43'.
"'"""............... "· OUrLOW""-·'-·Price! SLIC!D LUNCH MIATS 31 . 88 ' ~ ... ,..... .... '
ROUNDSTWl ..... 11 ..... • " ALL MEAT AMEmw'mwi-··'•"'
HEN TURKEYS LUCKY FRANKS .... ,,.,._._ ........... 3 ~ $2n
FRIED RICE ?.:.i::.~~~.-... M ......... ,_ 56c
FISHSTICKS =.'Ill!'_ .................. 65'
::::::t:~ 39 1~ 1-POUND 49c ~~~~,.!!!S! __ , ... ,,.591
"---------~·,...... .::~·;~. !~~-~~-1!~~-"','.,. 51 ~ ; RIB STEAK ............ -............... 89 it. ""I I __ ,
\ ;. • • •• BREADm SHRIMPll'll.~ .. ---·!1"
FRIED HALIBUT ::.~ ......... 77•
STANDING Ill ROAST~ ... 891t. Hm-vnt Day BISCUITS 8c !'.!,,~!,Sl~~-~-OG.~,,. 691
~ •..... Kly&f/. -·-•••••ooo••moo•oo•OoOOmo••o••"'''" ~· •···Klr&ft.--
PO'FATOES :":~~~~.~~ ......... M .. ••·--·· 20(
VEGOABLES :~~~~~ ......................... 33 ( PAPER ~!l~r.!~~-~~---'"''~57< STOKELY GOLDEN WHOLE
OR(HIDS NAPKINS PASTRY l!IRNOVERS c KERNEL CORN • """*""' 1..-'-~-In•• llllt C.... _,.......,. f Miii llHo. lill._ 1llut "lff "• o;lolW lM&.
LIMEADE :'.~w~.... . .............. .! 2'
ORANGE JUICE !'.'~:'!: ........ -....... -25'
HAWAIIAN PUNCH ~w .......... ..19'
~ ...... Kit;l?"(f.
-----m:~. RODS IM0~~-----37'
ICE CREAM••=::. "-.'.". ..... _ ..... _.79'
MCltAfll.lll · -
LUCKY SALT ... ,~ .. -.................. --9'
CAKE MIX :r.:1.~.-.... -.. -........ 35'
PANCAKE MIX::l.~--·-··-47'
CORN MUFFIN MIX:::.":'.:' ......... 27'
AURORA TISSUE ~;::· ... ~.. .25'
SCOTIIES FACIAL :::>~: .............. 27•
ti" DIXIE REFILL r::.".'::i~.~~:.~k.69c
M-D TOILET TISSUE :.::'.'..'.'.'.' ....... 37'
SALVO PEllETS ::1'1':l;......... .. .75'
CHEER DETERGENT .. '"' ......... 79'
DREn DITTRGENT-. ••. _._ •. 79'
IVORY SNOW SOAPntt:.. _.79•
!VO!(( LIQUIDm:.':::'._. __ 5a•
CO. CLEANSER •M••u .. _17'
ZEST SOAP :::r-..... -.................... 20'
... CMN CUANER :::..'l'.. .. _99'
IEHOID POLISH=~.-.............. 79'
IRILlO SOAP PADS ''""'.. . 45'
lniDY' MOr11i1'11·fretll lvc\y l111lls a11tf, wtg•tobl .. eocfl ond ..,,,,, day. l"icktd
at t~tir llovor pH• c:irKI •111lotd to ''-' d11ily .• , th• "'Y fi11tlf produ(• rnotlotr
nahr,. prodiuet .. , IJllld tr! lew t wtryday dlko.,11! pric•'I
BANANAS ·::::" 1 oc Clilquill lnlll c.rtnl Amrica's
Fi•st Q11h1r•••n • ........ ·....... tb.
RUSSET ~TATOES 10 'c':"u": 49c
U.S. NO. I llAD! IAf
~-...... ~·~·-·: ... 11-k..,. 54
.~Van de Kamp'.sw lv ·
1flW11lnllllllllJlllW111IWlllllll ~. ··~~~!~-~--\
17-0UNCE CAN aoc
. :.IBEIJ.1111 :'"· J
SPAGHITTl::':..".::.~-.. -23'
l,lnON DINNER~"r.:."."'-15'
'SUGAR WAFERS:=:'.::'~-.45•
SPR£CKlLS SUGAR::..U:::~.--57•
NIITDAMAIT, ... -..... -... --13' 1111l':,.l !l.~Jll'l'.J.UA:-...,,n ui.n
... SUGAR TWIN==34•
NESTI.ES' MORSllS .... --25' '
NESTLES' QUll 45',
'VETS' DOG FOOD .. -... ~·-.. 1' •
"Just Wonderful"
... H!!.~~y 6·3' ,,, •• , •• 1111., •••lltlff.
•••·1tld1,, ... 1 •• , .. , ·-·· ... ,. ... , .................. ..... .... ,.,. ,,, ............. , ....... ...... ,.
LISRRlll 'MOUTlfW'5H -.--··•-.. -92c ::..=.r:~==--·-
GLASS ClllAl IOWLS c: ... ..__=.tt..,._ .. 23 c. . ...:::.::...--...... -. ...... -....
. _ ........ ~ .... •..•... ,.
t •• !. ~ • (
~ "~ ..
~ . \
'" j ~ t .. "' f . l
• • • ;; , . , .
·! • •• •• • • •• ·~ ' .
!-............ ~ .... ~"""".-~--~-----------------~·
Peasant Bread's Made the Easy Way For Su cculence
Sugar Roast Poultry 4 l~~pooois sugar er, scrapioi bowl several In a warm drafl!rfe: plal'C ,
. Poullry ls thin skinned. 'ltoast it knowingly. Suaar c0<1t
lhe outside, not for sweetne~s
l:iut for tender succulence and
\\/hen you need a great btg
(powdered) sugar and n1elted loaf of French-type bread fur a buffet supper for guesls,
butl.C!r. Brush thinly over oven-Peasant Bread \fill fill the
ready poultry before roasting bill.
end agaln \f hen about two-This recipe makes an ex-
J iz t aJpoonl salt lltnes, beat i minutes. Add until doubled -about 40
l .package acUve dry yeast l cup nour or enough to make ..., minute1.
2 tablesooons butter or a thick batter. Wilh a sharp knife , make m~ r gar i ne, rooni·tem-Beat a\ high speed, ~r11ping 5 diagonal cuts on top of loaf.
perature soft bowl several limes, for 2 Bake In a preheated 400.
on greastd cookie sheets that
have been 1prinkled wilh corn-
Cover: let rise in warm
draftfree place until doubled
-aboUt 40 minutes. Slit tops
wllh a sharp knife In criss·
er~ fashlon .
• tvenly t:rowned resulls. For
two reasons. lhlrds dooe. cellent loaf, its texture more
Th e use of aluminum foil compact lhan real French
for lining an open. shallow bread, but mighty good eating
roasting pan, as well u for when slathered with butter.
loose tenting over the bird And it's prepared the easy
for twG-thirds of the roasting way : you don't have to
ti1ne, is recon1n1endcd. So is dissolve the _yeast in water
slow roasting temperature. before addlng some of lhe
Use 325 degrees for about 45 · floor .
I \I• cups very hot tap wider minutes. Stir in enough ad· degree oven for 25 minutes.
~meal ditional flour to make a soft Brush loaf with egg white Sugar ret.alns s u r f a c e
moisture, reduces drying. And
by a cararqeli1.11tlon process
.. when pot to oven heat, sugar
«owns the surf a~ it covers.
I egg white, slightly beaten dough. Cover bowl tightly Y(ilh mixture. Return to oven: bake
with 1 tablespoon cold transparent plastic wrap ; let 15 minutes longer or until loaf
Bake in a pre.heated 400-
dcgree oven for IS rniiwtes.
Brush rolls with a comblnation
of I egg white, slightly beaten
and I tablespoon cold water.
wller rest for 45 minutes. feels hollow when tapped with
In large boYd of electric Stir down dough ; turn out knuckles. Remove to wire
. ·~ Sligar coat roasting is far
• easier thau t.lraptng the bird
... with a cloth previously dipped
. in melted fat, basting, or turn·
mixer, t h o r o u g h I y stir onto a heavily floured board. rack fo cool. Makes 1 huge
together 1 cup flour, the Wltb floured haJlds mold Into loaf. If desired, sprinkle with
poppy, caraway or toasted
sesame seeds. Return to oven ;
bake 10 minutes longer or
until done.
minuk11 per pound for ex·
ample, when sug8r co a t PEASANT BREAD
11ugar, .,:'8.lt and undissolved 1 IS-inch Jong •obloog; taper Roll Variation : Divide dough
)'east. Add butter. ends. Carefully place on a into 16 equal pieces. Form
Gra*1ly add waler a:nd at , greased cookie sheet sprinkled each piece into a smooth ball.
mediUJI speed of electric mil:· with cornmeal. Gover: Jet rise Place about 3 inches apart lng. As easy as blending equal
··parts"'of confectioners
roasting a 5ma\J {under 4 (One-bowl methocl}
pound) chicken-for-two. 3 to 3~i cups unsifted flour
w 11t1 ,~, HILLS BROS. ~·. '°"~ FFEE c Q .CANLIMIT 1
·RIB USDA 'IA~··"""'" Tender, 1uicy
STEAKS ..... lb.
Cubt, Boneless Round
e e •I I I I If I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I 19 lb. U.S.D.A.
CHOICE FULL-CUT SI RLO I NS ... ::::~·'.~:!h~'.,! .. ~ .. 109
ma_ytair Dtf.wo.tc.ssen.
CHEDDAR ::.-:._ ...
MAYFRESH FRANKS ,.._.,,.,,., ····"·49'
,MAYFRESH SALADS ~::.-... ":;;-::..,., ___ 29'
'""' 3 T~NOE-
MAYFRESH BOLOGNA :::.~ ....... K ,.. _ 59'
CINNAMON ROLLS ..... , •• ,.. . ... w.35' I
FLAKY BISCUITS .....,, •.. ,..-····--19' I
GI·• DQilly Speciots ~ I
BACON .... , ..
PARTS ..,.
.. ,__,.59c
........ 59c
ARDEN GRADE AA BUTIER '""""-·---···-i 'i'
WILSON 'S $119
HAMS ·---··-•.
LARGE ..... DOZ.
S U '
Chic. Noodle, Chic. Rice .
1 OV1 01. cans , ...... -... ··-
ma_yfair fruits&. Vc.gc.taM.t.s
COACHELLA 5s1 GRAPEFRUIT ... ___ :::w.: for
Van deKamp's
1'wt.·U... r1•. a.1
Bur Claw
Ctffll Cll!es ..... ,, • 39'
).!~.~~N S~UAS~--" 19' CABBAGE
!tOUOttl:AD!.A.UGl:U..i -·-····
~~-'l~~rs ... ______ 59<
ma.J)fair Liquors
, PARK A YINUI GIN '-"""··· ,,,,.
BREAKFAST STEAKS _ ..•........•. 'I"
[cll.!~~_!)A~!~.$1 Ot
• PIJRK LINKS ..... -,. --·· 29
RIB ROASTS 98< ~ ........... ----. _ .. ....... ""'."'""" 89' CHUCK ROASTS u ...... ~1 ..... ___ ,, __ .:,_·--··· "· BEEF LINKS .... ,. " __ 29
BEEF BACON .... ,,."· -·-· 69
CANAOIAH BACON -....... ' I"
PERCH FIUETS ------, 69
!!~PR~ASTS ··-. 98' w....... 59' BEST of the FRYER ...... -~·.bod.•,'"" ll'bWf. ... --··-··-----·-· ... .
AUIOU l·T tk s b $1 TOILE TISSUE ...... . .......... •
Brown Of Powdered 2 2 9 C&H SUGAR __ }:; ,., <
Giant Size Detergent S9
COLD POWER "'"'"' .............. c
Ocean SPJIJ, Wttole tr Str1Mtl 19
CRANBERRY SAUCE m... ...... <
... 59'
CARNATION MILK 6;$ I •'Ta~""-···-··-·••••u.•••·•·-·••••••·••-··-· t
S.~~~-~~O~-~.~E-·· ... 35'
Joi O. l .. ---~···-···
~~-~ ~~N._!:~1!?2P .• , 6i5 I
REFRIED BEANS '"'""""·,,!ii -·---·········
,.~ "'°""'~~2 ..... ·-·····
. _29·
mruifair f roztft. Food. Sputo.£s f
"!!f~~·~~-CALFRESH ALLVARIETIES , ~.,-· '\. WHtu TMEf LAST
~rL ...:.~ > ' .~pJ \· . .,., . . \~. c.•• /, ... 4 .,,, .... ~··
BEEF. CHICKEN & CHCCSf -··-·-.. ···--·--·-· '
JOHNS PIZZA.......... ·-1soL CheseinlSm"' _ 7~
, 010COLATE1l!i-Ol.SQE ~ ..
ORANGE PLUS DRINK ;,ore•" 45 c
Allfllt l'ff .......... r 69C
•• •11111flflll1 35'
• •
' JANUARY THURS., FEB. 6 thru WEDv FEB. 12
20SO W. lit Strut, Santi Ant Nf2 Wntmin1ter, G.lrden Grav~
The ~arch is always on to
tantalize your taste btm.
your nibbling itch, )'OW.'
gweet tooth call fur the ck--
Jectable. Dale Dutton, Man-
aa:er whipper-upper of flUl'
Bakery "-en! v.i.ld one ni&:ht
and n1adly threw toeether
chocolatt bits, c o o k I<'
crumbs, coconut and an as-
sortment of n u I s, bak!tl
them to perfection and called
them HeUo Dolly bars. Helin
Dolly bars are running a fagl
race with his famOUA nutty,
blte·i n to-heaven Brownie!.~
and their fair navored 1ister '
Blondie Bars. Ever luted 11.
mondie Bar! ti's like a.n un-
chocolate Brownie with a
cream cheese FOUJJd up kl·
mond Jcing on top. And whil•'
we're on this sweet bar jl11-
gle, Apricot Squares .•. a Jus·
cious truity fJavor, mellov.·.
rich and haunful:". All o:
l h e s e v•ondrous bus o:
911uares are mighty handy to
order by a full sheet, or haH
or quarter sheet for a party.
·You can cut them a littk-
larger. top them with whip-
ped cream, ice ~am o. ·
sour cream and really ha\'
youraell a dessert deJW!e.
. . . ln the Bakery • . . L
Uie mood of the day. Rigt::
now the mood is Valentine's.
E~n if you don't haw a Val-
entine, you'll feel like you
do nibbling on Dale's big
crispy sweet old fashioned
surar cookies shaped like a
heart and sprinkled with red
sugar, Humbug. You don'!'
like sweets, you don'I likP
hearts. OK OK •• , Honey
Combs will make you puck·
rr, especially created tor thP
person v.·ho doesn't WiUll
nuts, sweets, fruit. almond
paste or even glazed topping
..• Perfectly plain and lovr"
Jy pull pastry v.'h.ich is th"
· dough apple turnovers arr
made oI ..• HOlM!y Comb.~
are cut likf' a. big cookW
about 6 inches a.crou in a
Jattice like the top of A
cherry pie, When baked thl'.v
putt up to nibbly perlcctio•·
BJg glittering brandy snif
en are becoming btautifull~
ttd with candy jar filler·
... T i a y solid chocolat•·
hearts wrapped in red foil
..• Luscious red Jordan al·
monds brightly cinnamon flll·
vored • • • Or try on some
Jordan marzipan for an exot·
ic tute. You'll think tt 1' a.n
almond, but what a surprist>
to find it soft inside , . .
News are Demaret Cheni<' ·
from Belgium. Red o1 COU~"
and each one is wrapped r ..
look like a little bq of can.
dy ... , Cherry Berry dl'!i·
cious •. , hard on the ouf .
side, chewy on the iMide •..
The famous bud mints arr
seeing l'('d too, with the choc·
olate wafer underneath anti
the cinnamon navored rosr
on top. Valentines a n d
Ouistrna.s are the only time
Edy's lets you tute them iu
red •• , Pink, yellow, ~n.
and white the rest of the year
. . • a. must for w@ddifl&"s,
showers and parties • , ,
If you v.·ant lo 10 thr
rose, lace, doily and ribbon
heart box route, the fabulous
sweet tooth show is on, all
ve\vcl And satin. and gild~
lily fare. Another answer •..
lhe un.sweet sweetheart fift
... a gou1met food gift pack.
cupid kissed . • • Delirlou~
ways to say I Jove YoU via
little canii and boxes ot ex·
olic foods all wrapped to--
gcther in bright red celln
sprinkled w i I h the ria:ht
amounts of fMJ·fru and lace.
We ca.U the little lover boy
on lop of our candy topiary
trees Jojo, and he'• ruaran.
teed let sing his way tO· llllY·
body's heart • . . ·
L~ fitting for the 3 wttk.<i
of Remembrance Month , ..
\Ye always find ounelVH a
li~tle nostalgic in February.
F~~ of an it's such a pa·
rr1otic month with Lincolb'i
and \Vashlngton'i birthday.
and "'"~ are so filltd with Jow
for thi11 v.-onderfu( America
or ours. Secondly we always
~av" another birthda,y Joc:Jm.
mg on lhfo hori1.0n in March a~ lh_l.111 makes ua -.nt to
11~ With the k>ve talk to all
you V.'Onderfu1 people wfio
keep corning day alter dl,7
to l!nable ll~ to have anotbw
birthd11.y, 21 years la a io,.
llml!. \Ve really feel IJIM
"·e·re ~re to si.y. Thank
f?" for making our 2181.
b1rlhday 1. reaJlty. Rkhan:l'11.
The P!!opfe Store, Newport
---------,-------~--~----------------. ..-··----· ------~ ...--------...~·---. ----
.. . . • ..
, .6 us.·~: • •
. ' . . .
_ ......
• • ........ , ....... .. . •• ........ ,• • I' :. .., • : '" J :1--..... :\1
: " t ., ~ .... ' .. / ~,. ...... .. . \ ....... ,,,,-···-... \'.\
• .... )!. ' ... .. ~ f • •• •• I : .. •• ' . . . .. ..... ; . . · ..... •'
Quick Thaw CHERRIES 1• .. 3 .;, '1
For Your
" . . )
PIH'su,. 1 ~JD.0 .MARKET·CE TER . .. CHICJ<~N .C.HOW M~I~ , -.~.59,,t .. ' • ..--• • 'N.-•.-.. t.,..._ .. ~ SHANGHAI • I ••• . . • • ...... ;. l~· -t"'";
lFOR 19'
S.ut• 1/2 lb. mushrooms in 4T. butter.
Add 11/2 1Ps. coolr:ed 9re1n beans,
drained. Toss with ,T, chopped fresh
persley. Silt end ,pepper-.:lt .... t ••
Add IT. finely chopped'thive:..7Sprin-
~le with lemo11 juice a~ serve.,
\ ~v ~
. .
' . '
Bernice Fay
I ... 47c
Butternut COFfEE 1-LB. ·6s• ..
I ' ; ' . ' Butternilt .. COfFEE · 2-L•. 1.29
.. • ' ...... ';t. • .
Pi ne((I pp1~-Grgpefru it
Golden Cream Corn
ZUCCHINI SQUASH. ..: . 4 ... •1 ·
All you do to win is s!gn tho 'book in tho Lobby! . , '
4 CANDLELIGHT MEATS-Your choice of leef
Roul.1ide1, Chateaubriand or Stu(fed .~ork olri.
Eriouth meat for four peopl•. :· 'i'
•"FRENCH BOUQUETS lrom"cfur :Flower lh~p.
4 SWEETHEART BOXES of Edy's Cbocole ,.. .to
people in tfie'ltore durln9 the drawing. "
. . ·'·· . 2 &IFT SHOP PRIZES -Your chOlco
thi"ng;in Our ~lft Shop W,rth ,25.00.
I 00 1. WHOLE •
DANISH · . '
FRIED RIC~ with PORK ,..., ,ftf'l.t,.
• ~ ., I ,; SHANGHAI ,. · •. ~ ·
:SWEET Anel·SOUR' BEEF .. ....:::.c,; ·'t -ti-. ~ ... ~ SHA~AJ .. . . ~ ~-. .-"" > -'"· "'° : w0Nioti.sl>uP -.. ., ·.·-,~ .. e ; •.
,t "•' , ....... ,.. •••. '1
' • '' ' • • r "\'.•"•:~.,'-l'.1
' ....... ~." IOl~S .. , ' ; 1~· ,\ CHILE ·.&·~NS -· .. :.,,_-,,...,.," ~
J ... ~ -• ·1 .tr ),·>~,..'f.:;"~l
llROSEiYE • .,.\1 ·-~.:: '.(.··: 1·.::~··~~+1.:J :tA!4 t1.f.1
BROCCOLI SPEARS. '". ',i.::0 4" ~:tf,~.
BIRDSEYE · ·; . • .... .,..:.. ,~
BABY. LIMA BEANS 11 :_ 4 ,;;·'l· . :'..;
"' BIRDSEYE ' • · 1
ITALIAN GREf;N .~EANS, ... ~,.,. '1 ~ ~
·1·~~~~·· ~>·\ .. ': :~
~ • • I -~-.\ ~.,·-. . -w'~. !~
K~AFT .. OZ. . SLICED . ; . "
American Cheese ·fr ~
AL~X'S BEEF TAMALE , ... 4. ,;•1
• "' • ,I •LEX'S .t
CHILI CON CARNE r,.. 431 r.
BEEFr TURKEY, liAt/1 -. or .. 3 1., $1 PASTRAMI SANDWICll SPECIAL . . I
I ,1 , ' ' f• "~ ~ l.
.~rj,A~· ; . ' :. :··, ,,
~-· • . . . •
' ~
ROUND STEAK Porftitforroultd~o•i~ttf,: 8"~
S·w1ss . STE &''K Htt~ ttlln.9,: ~r~d with-7at A Savory 1H1enlnt1I . .., .. . 1 LI.
RUMP ROAST , ·~E.I; . .. • . lfL~
1 RUMR. ROAST 'ION~· .. ~ . -·· .. · .. .,,...7 . -'; :: 9J~l71if6"9J~:?:·· ·" •""" ~~ ... . ' .,. ~ ...... ,, ·1"·,~ y .·' ·'.', .... ~ ,·~ ·;-·:e...-,. ~~"" ~-cut•l tbs. rump ro11t into V1 '' 11ic11. lrownr'fft lT. oJI. >~Set ift.ef-•ti.ff ~
brown I 'h,:_'lb1. 1liced oni.on1. Remove fro"' ·h9at, a4~ft:::P.ptfer ~ 4~
m11hM 91rlic. Arr1n91 half the b11f i1T',c1a11rol1;..ialt,p "ti:r:r· ~
hllf the onions on top. Rtp11t,· Add IC. ·~~llon Ml ft9hf!. ?to~·
12 to JC.I. Stir in 2T. brown 1u91r, Ac:Jd her& ~u9f'of .p1nl1y 1prif1, I INy
leaf, end Yi tsp. thyme. Cover and simmer in J21" fffn I '!J hrs .. Drain coo•lrHJ llqui~ }nfo sauce pan, h•at and add I ~ .T~ corntt:,':'J_rW.nd~~h 2T~~ ~·
v11'1•9ar: Pour sauce over meet ind s•n•• With butt iu.cllia.. · ;\ . --·11 . -. Ir"• ·.•• ~'1' .,.,_ •,-\ f -.. _ ~ ... ~
RICHARD 'S OWN SPECIAL ';"it . • f• • .rl . \ tl• "T LEAN GROUND BEEF~;: ... ; ... ·~ 4ti~ .. ,
. . .. .
;; " . ··~1 er: "" slf'V.: with .. ~ . P~n!ty lulftf'. · LE.
&ENUINE · · •
IOX..OF 12 •• :7M I<!•
ENTREE SPECIALITIES WITH THE WORK DQNE FOR ,vcltn' . " ' . . . "' .. . "
~~~t•t '".. . . .....
Succul•nt duc•llng1 marlnattcl 11'1 • .a.
d•IJcieut or1n9 .. wfn• MUCe ., Vft \I.. . . . , ~ . i
~afAt.11U•-· . -. ~~~ ..
lonel•ts chic~•n' .bre.t1h stuffed 'ft' Ith, 1 Jt
·chives and bvtter sauce '• ~ ~
J f •
) . .. .. "'.. . . ~
bona :fl*tl hL!*S55LW!JJWTJS(654FijiRE '"' ll!lsili 335 'ci Ji '•2JPirF' ( 22 5
• •
I EE ., 73 l!!IJ-0 J5 p £ ..... I
-.. . . ~}' . .. • •• ,.. ?. -.JJUCT U
OPEN DAILY 9.J':' SUN. 9-6 OPEN. DAILY 9.6 : : • OPEN .DAl~Y f.6 PP£N DA~Y 9·6 DAILY •·S:lO, SAT. •·I· , ' • D/.llLY t 1M>6,· SA1'. 1.i0.1
I I '
• \
' Wod"""'1, Ftbtuory 5, 1969
ChooM DuPont ContiouolJI
j Fiiament Nylon Pile for subtle
~l·lo ,bliputy ond full selec.tlon
of colors. It's betttr-grode
i;;orpetlng tho! won't fui.z or
1ked . , . cleans easily ...
tu 11 y mo1h-proof, mildew-
prool, non-o!lcrgen1C .. ~le
J\llt bocking ond lir)t quollty,
of coun1t:
. '
Chooi.e lhis Jeyel-pile, c.om-
m11n::iol-stylt ·He-rculon olefin
pl!e for lls 'guoro/'ltte' ogolm.t
virtuOlly any household 5toln.
OeUghtful tweeds ... stotic-
lr~ ... moth-proof, mildtw-
proof, non-olle1geo(c.. So ~tur-
0..., 11'1 ideal for heavy trol-
l1c. Double jute bocking ...
ond li~t quol!ty. of cOlJ~e.
15154 Beacll ll•d.
( K·Mort Center Cit McFoddtt1 I
, ' I
I • ',
Take time f°' a spt¢al
}\ienin'g .ooccwonally. Sefve
-ybUr favorite «tinner aild top
it olf Y(itb Colfee Puch
Alaska ' Pie. '
Your guests and ramuy·wlJl
love the flavor comblnaUon
or peace. slices aDd creamy•
smooth 1 Kona Coffee I c; e, .
Cream. Kona CoUee is• QOe
of lhe new ice crearn-oavor1
available in vigoette' cartons
at your store.
•, Serve'thiJ spec lac u I a r
'~'!'"" dessert soon. You 'll find lhat
it will bring shouts for
11more". . ' -:.. .
9-lncb unbaked pie shell
1 quart ( ~ package) Kona
Coffee Ice Cream
i cilpo (1 pound can) drained
,, eliced., peaches
3 egi: whites -v. twpiloa sa11
14' tea.spoon vanilla
• tablespoons sugar
, 1 tablespoou chocQlate sauce
Bake pie sheU •. Cool. Pack
lee cream intO pie Shell.
Smooth top with 'Spatula.
· Place in freezer.
Shoa:_tly before serving time
top ice cream with · peach
slicf:ll and prepare the mer-
, ingue.• Beat egg whitu, salt
and vanilla until partially stiff.
' Gridually add sugar,· be'ating w~ll liter each additidn. Con-
. tinue beating until stiff peaks
Spoon over peaches. Swirl
merlngu~ •. spreading tp e(fge
of pie-and sealing to crust.
'Dri!J:le chocolate s&uce over
me ringue. Cut through with
knlle to glve marbled effect.
Bitke' in· ho~ oven (425 degree
F.) 4 to 5 minutes or unfil
top i1 lighUy browned. Slice
and serve immediately. Make!
6 to ·8 servings.
o~i . • Cal1llf T.oww Attu,,.. You:
• FINt quality c;>nlY ••. no
'seconds' °' distressed job
lot£. ·
• Alwtrys better $election &
foster service fl'Of"l'."I our
hugi worehouse.
• Gucirontees on both our
tint11 carpeting and expert
MO ~Ylll6 CltAl&6 Oii 30· 90 DAY Ate~
l ... HkAMlltcAli e M ... STll CHA.RGI
C---~-------.-• -~"" . ... --· . ~ ... . .. --•
• I -
!\_ I . I
··~ Dry Gin S379
Stanton's-80 Proof Quli
Light Beer ~: 61!;:1·7f
St Elmo light Rum or Oark-3l Prool
' $3'' Fifth
$s•• Fifth
1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach
24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna
-.. •
' .,, y
! • • "•
{< ·'l
jt,i.! ...
' I
I •
~I '.:·;
·' " ' ' d
" • .. r:
• ;ti.
' I
I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' .
i .. .
. .....
.. Made
fw ;.,.a.• SllMI.
i ,, n l jr, 49' ' ~ ..... ,._.,..,. -1s2a•
......... :
ontafo ~ SOup
!!!!'\~~~ ·10' ...... ~· 00 b~ ... .. Ml lllUH. '
T • " ' •
Pclnty . ·1
.... Hose ., . . ' .
,.._,.,,_ • . l -~~,...,. .• ~1--...... .._..... -.. ... ' • lil!S llltl. .... SliWd. ...... 7c .. , ' ' ...
": .. -.~:
...... __ ...... ~. -~· ,.
•. II·.• • -Aftt \ '* ...,...,-
• 1 ·' ': I·
'It pay. 00 use the' brands which wear the U.moui'Siharkon thli? 1abe1t.
They are a family Of t.Op qUality produc'ts which we manufa:ctu're
oursehies or, which are made for ·us by mme bf the mqgt.~nsibl•
oom~es ·ii\ this ·country. All are made under rigid quality epecifica.
'tion~ lid! c8ny Slfewiy>i Moriey Bil:li Guonni.. We ..n ti""' for lioo
beca'""' they coot "" l-)V• ... 1iinple a1 ~(Bay it w:iai ale · ,pric:a#tiswee~. · ,;-, . . -· · ~ ' -.... iA :-'
' F1lnlew AYe & Wllsoa SI.
• . •
. •
. ,
' 44 QAll. Y PILOT
lf.4.NMEATY 5nc
PORK STEAKS ............... 11. 7
MKfJ -33c . DRUMSTIClrS ................ ~ ••
COOKED HAM ................ ~-7
GREENlANO flllETS 4"' HORMEL l lACIC lA!El 6ftt: l lUADED ,. SUCED 4"'
HALIBUT. ....... -...... 11. 7.-SLICED BACO~. 11. ... VEAL CUTLETS ... -...... 1. -.-BEEF LIVER ................... •· -.-
NOu.as,HEcKScGmlfTS 3• HORMEL2-LI. s 12• IDW.PClllO..P 2• WElUNICM.U. 4' $1 BEST OF THE:FRYER ..... II ... RANGE BACON ... ,,,,,,,,,,, OXTAILS .......... ,, ,,,,,,.,II. ... SAUSAGE._............... j
F~YIMGCHICICfN ftir: HO~fl!UTTIJOIT'°"' • 5• SMOKfD ]ftr: Cfm.FJlfSttl )!o·lJ. 8ftc
BAClrS ANO NECKS ............ 11 -.-COOKED HAM ................ ~--.-HAM HOClrS ....... _ ....... ~. -.-ASHSTICKS ............... -.-
1.39 LI.
~ -_______ ..;. ______ --~
: I
. '"'*" . . -. CAL FRE$H ~~
/oiiiGE \
c CHI FULL qt.l!RT
NAISE .................. .
; c ·. CLING
. .. .... ••"' SLWEET w~•
._... Kl.NIL ,fi CORN .... :~~~~----.. /'RO/Jo:,'\ 1·00/J."
FOOD •••
SAUCE .........
111~·1.1< 1Tf,'"iSI~'.\
~-.... ~ ... ' rnt1
llll£JltlTIAGEmEESE _ -_.2~ iiiCiD:~ 39c
:~~~~~R~REA~-· ... .~::~ CHEESE ........ '· ..
ARDEN RAVOR FRESH ~l&~ ................. 69( DEL MONTE GREEN BEANS . . ........ lll 51 11
OEl MONTE SWEET PEAS ........ . ..... ,. 51$1
GOLD N' SOFT MARGARINE .... . .. 11• 25'
ALO 1MJZ. flutf 3 $1 ' ARDEN MA~RINE -.. • ... -111.51$1 SALA' OS ~r::~ b cou:sV.w-........ _ .. M 1
MORTON FRUIT PIES !!: ... ,........... . . .. 25'
MORTON 3 COURSE DINNERS ~Ihm".... . .... 59' OVEN 601.0 BUNS=::::...... . . · '" 25'
MORTON MACARONI & CHEESE ..... . _ 111. Si 11
OVEN GOl.D SLICED BREAD.......... . . ..... ,,.,_5111
BOUNlY PUDDINGS . . ,,_,.,.4111
M.J.8. COFFEE •..........• 1~65'.. . ..... l lL 1" 'HORMEL WIENERS 49'
M.J.B. INSTANT COfFEL......... . ..... 1111.11"
I II 11 /'f'f,' f 'H.()'\f1 '"S 1''-ll<J1 f 'J~ESll f 'Jil 'f '/'S I \I> I /•,'(;i',''/'.1/J/.J.,'S
• ~ FRAM FRBH 1 "' ~ CRISPSPINACH _ .... :.auMcH V
' lb . YOUNGTMER 19' FRESH BROCCOLI ·-....... LB.
CIDAIFAIMSJ.U. $198 PICNIC HAM .................... .
JUNIA!, 11111 4.W. TO 6:JD P.M ..
MOH. nttuJmAY, 11:l0A.M.tot:JOPM U.TUIDAY,t:JOA.M.to~JO,.J11t . '
IUMDAT, 11111 A.M. TO 6:JD P.M.
----~----............. ,_,. :..:. --..:;......:__ _____ ,._ ----~·-· ..... ~ .... · ·-------------· ._ ........ _ .. _ ... _____ ...;;;:,_.~,;__----
. . ..
~. F-5, 1969 DAILY Pilaf 4$
USOAOIOICIOl$lAJll-. • 'I'' T ·BONI ST!EAK _ .... _ ...• -.11.
USOAOIOICIOl$lATllll05. •1 • f ~PORTERHOUR .... "
• us0.&QQCIOISTATRllOI. ' '9• 8
CUBE STEAK --···-··--... . ....... -.11.
.. 98' USDA CHOtCI 01 ST A Ta llOS.
' .
ftlSH GIOUNO .llOS. CllTil'llD .. .'. c c 81 . , ..
. LB. 1 LB .
us§.!l6!ra !!~9!1 ..
·~=~9.TIRID~ . ·l·•Ol&c
'~ . LB. ~~LB .
~UlllD STEAK USDA ot01C1 Olt
ST.tn• llOS. El
uso•CH01aoonATH110S.•" 99c PO ROASI SIRLOIN TIP •OAIT ............... ~ RK
FIBH GltOl»ID HOWL Y 4 3 • ~·· 89fb GROUND BEEF .......................... u . . . ~ F•RM:~~T~~~Jt::r·FED " -· .' ..
-~ 1~ ~ -BEEF STEW·~·-..... . ....... ~ 7 -
FAIMUJOHNWTllN-llAN,ANDTINDll 59c 'PORK STEAK ........ . . ......... ~
HOIMR'S1 °U.PACXAGI ' 49c Jt11ENER5 AUMIAT.'.... . . ......... u. . .. SM~U,-FANCY .
2 ·33c
-· tiitANGES
MOltllUPlllDI /IJJ.;JJ/f;.T Oil ALL IRF . 4 SC BOLO"NA ........ :..·--·-.. ·-···· u.or. -~-YllCIM 3""' CllCdMAYllCIUI . 3• llAUUCIWllGll -•.or. 7· SAllWICll~-1o.oi. 7·
t ~ • I
2 25c
LOW PUllCHASI Pl1Cl ...... , ...... -»-,' · Good Onlv•r STITEI HOS.
Good rt .. kofFH.1-11
' .
WllOI.£ WllEAT
WITH COUPOll n .. qr.,,.G.
GoodOnlyot STATEI ROI.
Good w .. k offEl.1-11
., I • ... ' . . .. ' ~ ...
~~11.T 21' JV. DOZ.
' • . . . . . . ' . ...... ,
. . .
CAN~ .
" •
. . . . .. ..• ... • •
. .,
•.!! ....
•'• .· ·"' ...
on YOUI NIW THllmMOT IONU• IWI CHIP STAMP IOOK FIOM CASHIO ' ' ' ' ;;.:.~::..J;;c c· . H.us.u.2'c._J}·,"Clioice 'o~-$teeAr~.~A ., .. ~~·.'.
_ ____,.l:t'..:l'.::::~~"· . K .R . . .
SIHID SIFlll . ::~~~,~~~ ................... 79~
::':l'..~'~ .. ~ .............. '.·7p~
' =~•o.ci:,: ~~~~~-~~ .. ~ .. 69,
FOR RESE RVATION S 800/648-6881
=~~. ~~~~~~. ~~'.'.':. ~ -~~:'~ ·~~.,
FROZEN l'OOB SPl!CLUA-. ~~~N~~I.~~. ~~~ -~~ •. \.' • ·~!r ff'··.
CAR.NATION .12-···
FISH CAKIS ............ , • .. Pkt. !llil'
CARNATION .. · , 2:.r.,.'.ft<
FISH STICU ••••••••. •• ·, , •• ~ 1"$'
ICELANDIC HAUI UT .. ': J:ilo. 98' FILLETS •• ,,, ••••• , , , , ., , ••* ...... '.
MRS. FRI DAY'S I READED. ...f~.f •. 1',. .~
SHllMP ,, •••• , ••• , •••.•••• _,,~Pkt.
STREAM FRESH ·, f.-. 6ioa'
TIOUT , ••••••••• , , . , • • • • • • P•t• ..
SR AIS ••••• , •• , •.• ••• ....... P•1.
IPrlco plu1 toil , 2-tt....49• PmUIGl l • , , ••. , ••••.•. , . , • Plt.
RNDU .IUIC'f as· . CHUCK ROAST ....... , lb
IOLUD & n ED -SHCULDElt 9 5 f CLOD ROAST ....... ... a
Dl.~ICIOU1 n NDll 79• SRWING BEEF ........... 1 . a
" fl p (J (J ('J (J {) C"7J . /), !" u .s.o .A. "CHOICE" STEER BEEF
.J' ..it ~ .Jn .Jeadon ... ..it~ .Jn Jhritlimarl. s· 1. E A K S
0 RA .-a 15-RIB STEAK ......... : ........... 89~
MARGARINE ................ 35•
c SPENCER . "".. . . " $169 LB •.
NEW YORK ... . . .. $198 LB.
ft1,ACARONI . .. .... ~r.':: 19' FAMILY ........................ 95~
. HEINZ -14-0Z. BOTTLE CORNED BEEF ............ 75 ~
TOMATO KETCHUP ., . . . . ... " . . -.... "'·'
· . . · . ADRIATIC FIGS ...... '" GROUND 43c
TIGH_T GROEEN c ' L s 15 c BEEF """""""" ". " " lb '. BR CO .1 HEAD . . . 1& C:'ilucK .............. 69~1 iiouND ............ 79~
CREAM PIES 4 F.,$1 l DINNERS .... ~~s?le 59•
Quail ;/)oflar Strelcherd
FRUIT 5 303
COCKT A-L • •.. • • • • TINS
tr~~I ............. 8 _ ~1
TOAtATOES • • • • • TINS . .
_,TOMATO · 12 714 -0Z.
..--=--FL=~A J u I c E
DRIVE '~;~FF ......... 65.
BOURBON .... $399 QTS.
VODKA ........................ 2"
HAM LOAF • cone
12.oz. 5 ·9,c
S~OTCH ........ $399 '"'"
G tVI 4T d • o ume o ay
79~ ,.
Of the English langu~ge-Un1b~idged
YOU. l THIU lt . .,H
1-UCE ••••• , • • • • . TINS
J ' ~-
. . . . . . ... ;, . ....._..-.., ..='='...:!. --:r.:: --'"' ;; ... .l.J i..-_ •• ' .. ': ':: ~c;;;:-c:.• -.:::.-.:::.~...;',;..;' -~·..::-'-"--;;,...· .:...---· ::...-;;,_• ·c...· __ _.;:,. _ _..;:•;.;.;,,,.:;-.;,,,.,,.:;•;..'....;' _____ ...;_..;, ______ ....;..· -·-··_..;;_.. __ ·:....;·..:.·.....::...· :......· . -
i /
Qulck·knlt tu1 'ls cozy, col·
orful briide 1 bed, •nywhere.·.
ll'• ll')Jt! Knit pretty ·~al
rug with r~ Jul . ctnter
for less than $3. Ute heaVJ,
rug yarn, big needles. Machll'Je
washable! Pat. 7413: rug 2t
x '3 inches or any length.
FIFl'Y CENTS (Cilins) for
each pattern -add 15 cents
for tach pattern for llr1t-cl111
mailing and special handling;
otherwlse third-class delivery
will take thrff wttkl or more.
Send to Allee Brook•, the DAI·
LY PILOT, 105, Needlecraft
Dept., Box ia, Old Chelsea
Slat.ion, New York, N. Y.
10011. Print Name, Address,
Zip, PaHen Number. Giant,
new· lllt Needlttraft Catalog
-over 200 ~esigns to choose,
three free pattern1 printed in·
side~ Send 50 cenll now.
GIFTS" -fabulous fashlorui ,
toy~ decorator accessories.
Make i! today, give it tomor·
row! Ideal for all occaalons.
50 cents.
"11 Jiffy R111" to knit, cro.
cheL, weave, sew, book. 50
Book of 1J Prtse Af&bans.
50 ctnl!:.
Bargain! QaUt Boot 1 has
16 beautiful pattunl. 50 cents.
l\.t1seum Qullt Book I -
pat.terns ror 12 superb qulltl.
SO cents.
Book 3. Qullta lor Today '•
Uvla1." IS patterns. 50 cents.
The following rt:com·
mendatlons for storage of
fresh frulla and vegeLables are
not new , but with ~ach new
year we have thout!ands of
bridea who are challenged
with the buying and storing
of perishable fresh foods.
The more expe r ienced
homemaker may have,.heard
these suggestions but have
The expiration of ethylene
gas by some frulla &Hecla
the rtorage llfe of vegetabJe1.
When crlspers are fill_. '!:th
apples and pears durfna . the
winter montha, thll gas cOuld
turn the salad greens hr9Wn·
t) Keep apples, peat• ..
'melons separated from : Cir· roa, ~~ey. cabba11 ,
potatoes, onions and salad
2) Keep celery and onions
3). Keep potatoes and frulll
separated u lhe potatoes can
give an earthy navor to the
fruit 4) Keep oranges away from
egg• and buUer.
5) Keep dairy producll away
from fruits and vegetables.
8)' Keep. ripe pineapple
wrapped in a plaaUc ba& to
hold. In the aroma. .
Keep 1tp1rattd means hold
in aeparated cr11pcr1 or areas
of tbe retrt&erator.
Normally, potatoes and
on!OPI art stortd In a cool,
dry place outalde t b e
Fru it Fare
Dairy sour cream and fresh
pun have a well Down Ill·
finity for each other. For a d<Ul)>U~I,r.IJ, -rt ""1ch
1a1ca ao1J IDiDUlel to prepare
limply ........ dlcl -
pun; ._ wtlh -
Tojl wtlll a -ol ilalrJ mr c:rum sweetened to
taste, a UtUe grated coeonut
and a dub ol putt vanilla
oxtrld. SfrVt In -11-1 and wall blll ·brleDy
for ra ves.
On ion Soup
Va ri ation
Vary tho ltadltlonil Jireocb
bt .. d and ~-_.. topping r.r· ooloo '°"P by
subslitudng a melba tout round covered with rCn&mbled
Float tout on bot aoup 1A
OV<n·prool bol!il. Broll sbout
3 to 4 inches from heat source
5 minutes or until cheese
Recipe ,.
No kneaillnc necesaary for
tllb: yeut-rlRo coffee cate.
¥• cup warm water
1 ptckage actlve dry yeast
I< pound (I alld<J butler
or margarlne
V.. Cup sugar
1,t teaspoon salt
3 farge eggs
I/, cup milk
'Kneads '
2 113 cups unsifted Oour
I can (I pound, 13 ooncea)
sliced cllog p eaches,
dra!ned for several hours.
Topping (•ee below)
In a amall bowl t dluolve
yeast in wattt. Jn large elec-
,lftc miler bowl cream butter,
sugar and !alt: add yea.st,
eggs and milk : beat at
medium speed until blended.
No /-Fussing
At medium speed gradU4lly
beat in llour, blending well.
Turn Into well buttered cake
pan (9 by g by 2 Inches).
Arrange peaches over batter.
Sprinkle with Toppins. Let
rise, covered, in w a r m
drartfree place about I hour.
Bake In preheated 37!'r
degree oven unUI a cake tester
inserted in center comes out
clean -:15 to 40 minutes.
Place on wire rack until Top-
ping is firm -10 lo 15
mlnults. Looeen sides and
tum out: turn rlgbt &Ide up.
Serve warm.
TOfPll&: Into a medium
bowl turn S tablespoons butter,
'k cup flour ; ~ cup sugar
and l tablespoon cinnamon ;
with a pastry blender blend
unUl crumbly.
Vegetable Venture
Bake Corn , Cheese
For a vt&etablt venlLl't, try
this com .-bake llllnl
a No. I can ol. cream atyle
corn. Milk and c ar cheese·
make it a nWnl'
1 No.I
% cup milk
1 cup cracker crumbs
2 tableipoons grated onion
(Vlo/N /S4jll·fittll1I.J1l:!lltM
T""" Vaal Pal'\ft09itl11 ..................... 91'
Ctnllfi0tt Ptrch fill1tr ...................... 63'
Fritcl fillet Of Halibut tuH,, ••.••.••••. 11.o.i. 79'
lwptrh Flshstlcks 11.gt, ................ un.43'
SARA LEE CAKES 79' . " .. ' ' . ... ' .. , ., "'. . ,, '
Chui king Chiw Mein ~::'~N~ ...... 1•01. 7t•
Chun King Egg RoUs .............. 11, .. ..oz. 49'
Cl.II King Fritd Rict ............. 11.oz. .. o_,.Sff
PictswHI MixliVltlflblt•···· 3::::69'
Johns Pints C"h" (II. $A\f1.t.C.l ........... 1JOI 15' Jitt hit Ora11ge Juict 11.01 . •i. ..01. 3 i 79'
!~ .. ~.~!~~!~ [• ~.;) 37 c
Bread Dough "-• vom "o'~" Sher.erd
"""., .... 49, Roi s ,r:::.:
"'-' . [ 12:. J 37-
Banqu•t Sliced Turkey .............. ··~ ...... t .39
Bc;inquel &eef Stew .................... 1 ...... 1.09
Bonqu.t Spogh9tti & M.ot .......... 1 a.. .... ~.~
STAMPS with thi• cou·
pon on the total am ount
of any purchase eiclud-
ing liquor, tobacco and
fluid milk products. I
coupon per customer.
Coupon good Thu,.doy
thru Sunday, February 6
t o Februory 9.
Lean, Tender, Flavor/~/
7-8 LB.
J.ll, 59~ AVG. WT,
l '-1' ll. 59~ AVG. WT.
CENTER HAM SLICES ,:,.";;'.. 1 I l:
BON•.ws HAMS ,:==.11 1!
"' ....... $1.tt u. -
You ng Hen ~.u rkeys3 9 ~.
•· ·~aonYGRANULATED ';~ SUGA~R=----
\sll<tl' ,,....,, """' S . • HDllM 10. COUfON ...
; ..,_.1_.. IN tACUOI. TOWAW llG ~-~ MOT rutOWI
..U..mble ii
oriJ Sa'tel
11 lllTIOll PlUI llUlll
111111 ((If
, ...... .., ..ilh ........ _ ...
""-"-···~ "'MC. .. , ........... ·-....
""'""""""" SectfN OH of WU.-
PllCI Save26~
Smokie links
12 ~65°
H•br•w Nofio111:d -Slrictfy Kosh•r
~~~~~RST ;.:: 93°
.(If.,. '?"'-I
:~r::v s3ss ""'"'" •·•211111 "'"'
-i-·------' ROY AL VELVET
:;;"ft,.,,s 4 ~!·
. ' CuStom Trimmed
ROWD ROAST "'g::' 91'
CHUCK STUllS ~ '::i' 49~
BONEUSS STWS ":::!:"fl'
Fillets of Sale 89'
' IL
Swo1df,1h Steul., ~ l 1'
Westwood Ice Cream J~59' . ' Jerseymaid Butter -::.""~~""· 79'
Fiddle Faclclle ~~~ 35'
Pink Grapefruit ·Juice '46w~ ~9'
Morton Salt rw~c\':r&.~~~~ 11' " Libby Cling Pea~hes ··lVi~~F 29'
... ,. a ·m· -•-=--------~
MVI CASH wmt nm PIOllUCI IPKWll P/ut • • . ·
•• . . • 17 1:'. b
Apples =""-~"""' 2l.~~
Artichokes =.-=.19!
Ju" e Orangel 21ftc
...... 4 ... Dlctl11sy Scoffit1 focit:>I Ti... •a. -...................... 29c.
~ Toiltt n-w ... ...-.. ..:o ..• , .................. .391:
Sc:ott r-i. .a. -............... -............... 15'
Jetw.cwt 06itd. .. _, --W... J«.. •• :_ ........•
V..,M ~ \'.,...W..-. • c.\lll .. ,. ......... 2t~
Sandwich Baga .............. 33• 1JO.ct,.. ... '
Raynold'a Wrap
":::-' 83' . .
j,Tffil{Tfr.:1· I'll ~ 1~11'
. I ' I .
. 17950 M.p.o., ,. ........ , '-
1011 Alla1111 A''" at lrooldimt, Huntfnttoa '-l. 5922 Edinger A••·· at Sprinple, Huntfnttoa ha
. . . ., ... ..;• ... . .
I , I
I ,
-.--------.1111111-.... ----------------"":""---------.-..,...-'\" ........... ~-..~..,..,.__,_._~·--·-~ . -.
... -
: .
~· '""""' '· 1969 ' ' ' . , . •
.,.. • :r, ,1
:' 1 1 ''6 r I
Jll' ha ·eetai
in Blue
,,,,,~ (itlWs ·ai':,
PRICIS!. ' .
l!DRl1!A'S F1ll£ST • TillN SKIN • SWEET
EACH .... .
&~•100 ORAlllES . 01 BRAPEFRUiT ' ~ • ROftlDA . SUNMAIO IJIES . ·:a Ui 11· · 5:. 1 ·8~49° RAISllS
r1Wo.. 21-
,i&-xr f'l!CIS lll!CTIVE 11\URSOAY llnulh WlllMSMY FIBllU!RY 6 tllrwah ll
. .
-IOmz • t 1111. COUGH FORllU!A $1 IJ llOllUR J•.
iiU'Rli:Y.7.uthw1sh sac 781
cilltD'iiEnASPlr.39c 281
;:.z.1;1~. 1• 761
-.--.;;.a 00.ais"PB.ii
::.,., $121
l'llCl $1.41 · IUNCI .... , ........... .
EVE RT OAT !!!..Al:'~
&iii "'" VAN DE L\MP • fllCGH • ~ Uf EllCHWAS AU Varietl.. • ..
Vt GAi. • FAVlLT Pil Rlllll BETA . Rtw
MORTON'S • nOZEH • 17.0Z. a6' J.COU!S£ 011111US .. IN'
HOU.YWOOO • l·UI. 'J8ll
WN18~~~u1'l's01JLAll .. ~ 21'
~9 >~C.-• SOUD WK,,. 31' Slll~IST I.UNA hi Wtllf 41c
1!"1tftiili 'Fo~fRN · 11c 66'
1:111G61I£ • 4 VAJlrtTIES 4A111 CADIUIT CANOT IARS 41c ff"
l·I!!· PACXAOE "Jc 41' OK!)l ·COOKIES ,
' -· . -.....
•' .
"Fil( er up and save a iiaulun ·
Alpha Beta olfe·rs 12,876 items at
,. '
".; .. fantastic
tQ~l'diSCount saVi
Ii• the-.s 7. 81 *on this page:'
' " ' ' . ~ ( ' . ' ' . . .. ..... ~ l'ltdlull; ~ ,..... ........ !Cilll"" ..... ~ ...... ,,.. .......
49' 431 XLllT DlllllERS
Xtm TACOeTTEI • 1-<JZ. & a.
@).ii'f'i1Pilii$!;.55c 441
·~ .· ·. FRESH
BEST OF FRYER 49t. . ..., uca. •ca a. n.m
MON. tin IRl,...ID JA'll S P.M.
SAT. 11'1d SUN-JO A.M. to 1 r.M. .
·YOU( ALPHA IETA Nlichbo<hood Bu!clltr
(!ho Mei 'm tht Red Apron) """'dly Offtrs
ALPHA BETA IV!Cllrl rilll
"l-ud BEEF . .
[CDND·. c I.IAN &
OJI OVER •• Sil£
~!!!!!2!.~0~9;,'. . Sl!llLESS " "' "" 291 . SAUSAGE
llEG.\llAll :rs
!,II.PKG. 49' £ASTt:llN
2-lB. (COf<l)lllt fJ1' THICK SI.ICED
rUMrt JOHN • 1-ll ••
AAMOURPARTY HAMS St 1~ All'NA WA mmn 1111 lllf' u.t-lllSlltllD ... .. ~....... 49· ROUND T.SONE . BoAtllU CHUCK Bt11l1ss nr"" ....
HALIBUT AUETS .. STEAK I STEAi! I RUMP t ROAST I FAMILY '."' ~·-F\$1't"Akis""'·01.m. 4;s100 ~·M~'°" 11.1\'0K.IBID• .aoAS1 -al.Al)(cur, S1PK · · IJ/.\~:i:
Pl . ... o• . • f 129 : Aft!. , 4*' ftl!l . IAR8£CIJ[O ~Aii$AJIONKs' •0tm. "63' : " ~" Tr "I" 77 ' ·~~"
.;. · · ~--:··=· ~1D=i~P.:m:uta::::1fft~-=~·:•;-::m:~'~·;:11:s:MY~~~"'ii""';"'-~1~t;'~·;·,;;;·;;.J
COSTA MESA-241 E. 17th St.
LAGUNA~ S. Coatt Hlway
. . . .
. ' ' '
l I . . . .
' . .
' ' ' l • • '
• f
t '
' •
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. I
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t .j
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C.nw1rtibl1, lttoutif..I Auiu.mn ltu1t
M•toJlic _ fi11l.it .;ff) oll •inyl p•rc"•
ftltlllf i....,..; -...,.l,,H wit" out ..
lfi'1tic tro~1i.il11I•, rodio, "•of•r, pow•
tr 1tMrir1f, ,.., .... 1'r1k111 power win•
!fews, f•<t.rv alt c0Mit1011i11t,' 'deloe
_.\re Wh11\ .f0.,....,. oxtr• '\t.111; 1how1
w1Morful Cf"'· Uc. XSStt_q. •
, " '66 .~JIEYR!)lET IMPALA .. ~. ~
" ffordtop c .. ,.. '''"'·"· er-fl'll• HUk .M1li ~ttl fP11fch.i119 i11_!trior,
f11tly1~ f.•d#fY 0~11ipp1d, 1ufom1tic
tr1nwi11IO.f, ri~o, h.1otlf, ,ow•r
1.tHri111, i'lr col'ldlt!Olll'"J, i1 ~011tif11I
concfifion, Lie. SAA.131. ·
4-door h1rcltop, 11ttr1cfi¥1 Cordh11I
rid with .block 111d ailw1r i11t.rior1 equipP<td with 1r.rtolfl•lic +r1n1lfli11i1n,
.tidi.o, h11t!"r, pow1r 1t111in9,. pow1r
:br1k11, pGWlr 'wln.d1w1, 1i11 w1y pow.
1r 111h, f1ctory •Ir c111clitio11!119, 1tc.
Thi1 b1011tiful e1r h11 to b1 11111 f•
b11i1no; J,1;111 011ly ll,000 J11il11 by
•riti111I _,.,. Lie. TRJ.614,
H1rdtop coup~, b•1utiful •qu• with
bl1ck co1nfort ltuc••t 111h, eo111ol••
out1mtfic tr1n1lflhlion, red io, h1ot1r,
l!•w•r 1t11rln9, pow1r br1k11, 1tc,
Ori9i111lly eq11lp,.lll with fib1r9l111 olr
"""'"ii11d, cftr.1111 wh11l1, wllf1 ow1I
tlr•a. lrio111clli11t ptc•191, Thi1 1piod1hr
h h1 ••c1lllnt effditiof!. Uc. UVVtl7.
l60D "D1l11•1, 2·door 11J111 -1ttr1e•
tiv1 1r11roo11 1 ... rior with block •lnyl
intoti1r, 1qulppelll with 4·1p11cl tr1111•
ml11i111, r1llllo, h•1of•r. Tr1cltd l>y 1rl9i-o
1111 ••n•r 111d li1pt i11 bt•11tiful c•11•
clltio11. Only J 1,000 1ch1al .Win. Uc.
'64 MERCUR-Y ·
. .~~JJRY,· COUG!l{ •..• WAITINJ; FOR . YOU AT . JO~~~¥~. ~
. GREAT c.us; GIU:AT TERMS, GJr-MT ~ S.ELECTIO~ )\/\,N),) .
PEOPLE T.Q DEAL . WITH. .. .. --
•1.: · ... t. I ., .
& SON, IY YllTUI OF TH,111 · IN~= ·1 J
S.UU AND. 6UAll.Y~lllNOVlll • , CILITllS c:AM. M!>W: THI' u I •
ICI IN THll'n' TQ SIJT · DA Y5 AS Of• FOU~ li(Ol;ITMS .~ .-SlY. O~.
·i· •. -.~
•\. ..
I r "'· -.
Great · new Clll'.S
att,rac,t : ~t
trades. Below are . .
· .: ,but a few of the many
. '!irtstanding. car!I' "lha.t . ~~re . ,
been traded · recently
'67 CADILLAC :·.:
ff11twot4 "-tli•l'll, •·d•or li0Nt1,.
h19tif11I Ebon,. llock flnl1h witi. ••I·
yff wo••ll f1brlC l11ttrlor 1ntf block
L111d111 roof, Thi1 fi110 1ut1m11iil1 i1
.ci11lp,.d ·with •••ry lu•ury it,,,., full
pow1r .f co11ri1, 011tolft1tlc 1it condi-
tlonlllt1 At.4/Fi;;t 1hir10 r1dlo, odiuri•
• 1bl1 1 ... rlnt wh11I, 1vfom1tic cn1h1
control, phu 111111y mor•. p,,,.,,r,~
o..4 c1r1fully 111oi11t1l111·"· Li•• 111w,
Jr/•111 011/y lt,000 1111111 -NO it t•·
cfrrt Lie. urvu1. -
S1cl111 D1Vill1. l11utiful l;o/1:1 Mitt
fl~lth with blo11lll btlt• l11th•r i11t1r-
ior. Equlpp1cl wit" 111 th1 h111ury f••·
tur11: oufo. tr1111., RIH, PS, Pl, ~.
6-woy 111t, 1uto. f1ct. 1ir concl. 1t.;.
M1tlculH1 c1r1 11 •1"iou1, 011ly
Jl,000 1ri9i111I mi\11. Lie. SIS145. ·
S1do11 D1VIU•. ·Ermi11e whito witli 90ICI
IMlt• i11twlor. A11t.1111tlc tr1ft1,,.l11i,n.
roil., hfr., PS, Pl, ,..,, I ••11t1, 6-wiy-
pwr. 111t, '11uto. 'fie, 1ir c.oi.J., 1•t~,
chii1e· e111"t,, .tc. Thi• f1111 cir r•fll!ch •• ,.u •• t C1r1 .. Uc, OSDJ70 .•
$1d111 D1Vill1, El'flll111 Whito with 1111.
J lum blii1 h1t1rlor. Fully 1quip~lll
with 111 fh1 lu•11ry.f11tur11; 011tolft1•
fie enii11 contr1I ind f1ctlry 1ir cir..
llliti-i119. Lie, SU121
'•wcl•r 11111 ·••ltrlor wrffi m1dig111
tilu1 winyl int1rior, Equipp1d with •U·
t1m1tic tr1111mi11lon, roclio, h11t1r,
P•"'(•r rf11tl•,f, pow1r bro•••, p!•1
f1cf•rt 1it conllliftonl11' ond "''"Y
....,,, Pric1d f-r. flulc• 1111. Uc. "HOJ· 117. . •
U9ht tile• fl11kl! •lffl W1c.k vf.iyl• Jri.
hrior. iq11lpp..I wltlt 4·1p11lll tr111r.
miulon, r1cli•, h11ter; •tc. Thl1 /itt •
bt1ufy i1 1n1 of th1 IJIC1ptio111f 01111t.
Uc. OHZlll
• .!68 MERCURY. CYCLONE . ' -.... _
GT Fatlb•c .. , lnni" 't'~lte •xt•riot ... ~ I&,
with b11r9a11dy illt.flor -. altffm•ti• ' '
tra111rnit1io", radio, ha1tar, power
1t.arin9, power br1ka1, factory air
conditionin9, comfort w•••• buc:kat
1aat1, far11ou1 ]fO cu. In. anthJ• with
parformanCa h111dll119 ~cka9a .. lr.1114
naw wide oval tira1, Thit car hat only
I l,000 mU11 -• Jo"n1on i Son cir.
"'"'r pr1wiou1ly 1old. Uc, WXF124.
' . . .
' . '&7 . CONTINENTAL 4 Df~ SE~A~-:, · ·
l1outiful Co,,;~, Gr11n fi11 i1h with 11ti11
bl~cli lnf1rior, l111clou rool, ''uip wlth
oil th1 lu.ury cir 1ppolntm1nh, PS, Pl,
6 w1y 111t, PIW, AM·F~. 111fo , t1mp •. "
1ir eond., pwr. door loc••, 1fc , One,.·
own. m1l11t, lik1 n•w. l1l111c1 ol 11•w •
cor worr111ty~ WATI04
'67 CONTINENTAL .... 4 cir. Si1fo1m 9r11 .. fi11., cir•, r!J .,.rd
int., It, Ivy 90IJ l1nd1u roof. Fully-lulf,
•q"ipt. inc , tltf 1fr119 whl., 1t1r10 t1p1
1y1f., full pwr., I ownr., h1uf. m1int,
TRK424 $3895
Attr1etiv1 11flc 9olcl fl11i1h with m1fch, •
l11flt1r lnt1rlor, 111t1. ff1n1., 'RIH, 1ir' ~
conO., PS, Pl, PW, 6 w1y p_wr. "'111t.
l11utlf•lly m1i1t, l1l1nc• of· n•w ,cir
w1"1nty. TXTll]
S11ony y11low •rl1rl1r with 9010 i11°
f1rior, 1ulolft1fic tr1111mi11ion, r1cl io
•ncl h11t1r, 1ir conclitionin9, full ,..,..
1r, 1t11ri119, lw1kts, 6 w•y ••1t, tat
1hi1rl11f wit.ii. SVZ040
Ct1lony ,irk •t plU,. •t•. Wffl, '
Strknt orctic wht, 9014 l11t,, 1,
tr1n1., 11.IH, l it COii.,, 1$, ••:ctr.~·
f1 e. lrcl ••1+,, 11199. rick, d111I 1ct.
t1il91t1, I o~n. cir, 111int ••• t1
.. '~
'. '
l <
' '
# r ' • •
·-. • "
·~ •,
... ••
. -' ...
• ,--.-•• • •
1:. ; 'I • .. C
.. ' .. . ' . ~. l • ... ' .
" "j ~-; ~ . • •
• •
' I
• •
• .. .... ·-~--~ . -....... ' . . . . . .. . ' .. . . . . . . . ' . .. " .. . . ' . . . ... . . '· .. . . " . , ......
RANCHO LA CUISTA at Brookhurst & Al·
lanta in Huntington Beach. We thought we
bid all our new homes sold but one ot our
buyers has bffn transferred & we must sell
ttm home immediately. This San Mi~el
model is a beautiful 2 story home featunng:
4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, formal dining
toom, family room with a real fireplace, elec-
'\I;fc built-in kitchen, luxurious green shag
carpets througboµt. The outsjde includes
shake roof & concrete driveway. Gr;acious
Jiving for only $31,800 with 10% down. 'Im-
mediate occupancy. Call 968..2929 or 988-
1338 any day from 10 to 6. _
1000Goner1I 1000
I'm an Oceanfront
Triplex with a
reany great loca-
tion. Near neigh-borhood •hopping,
Catholic Cburch
and Bay twim·
, minf. I have an·
exceUen! Rental
record -no va·
Gn'Jfu~ Uf fa'Je
I .
16th I. Tuttln -c0ot1 Moo• •
Excellent location, near schoo.l!I, sl)opping
and beach Only 1 rew Jell Buy now 'wblle in-
terest rates are only -- -
1•;. with 20'1. down -7Yi91. with 10'1. On.
no 2nd -no points -29 yrs on b1lance
lixclu1iv. Agent
10000eneral 1000 Gener1I 1000 ~----~~~~---;iWiWiw l Near Perfection '
(and. their Boah l.
Elrcluiv' Ul!Cla Isle
Pric-4 from $98,000
·103 ·.105 '-lnd1 Isle Drive, Newf>o rt Beach
Shown· by 1ppolntment
3629 E. Coan Hwy., C~M 675·5930
Lovely larp ·Harbor Higb· t
111.ndJ with 3 hi&'. bed""'m'.I
plus a convutable de.n With
it3 own prival:t bllth. Bright
all bullt·ln tltchen., tan:qd
dining area. exciting .:lei»
raUng done ln the finest o1
lasle. Q u a 11 t y hardwood'
fioors and lath and plaster
construction. Cose to West·
cl.ill shopping and 1iiariners
school. A perfect buy at t
C~~sworthy & Co. !
1904 Harbor Blvd. I
-~= -JHAlll YOU .I Story·SJ!ak•
cancles. I think rm -wortli tllo,ooo. But Ju.st hetween-
you anti me -tubmit all offers: rm
•awful ciile Olen tho' I am rather young in years .,. . · · 1
Tr1cl Ph: S<I0-5183 ;· From L.A. Call MA S-8034 1~~~~~ CM. 61.2-7n7
Ope n Evff. v
Four Bedrooms,-I
Walk to Lido shops from this squeaky
clean completely turnished. 2 bedroom Pele Binet( Rully $19,50.0 I
T' , lltof RllStlc
Mr. ~~ CClrA lllE&\.·J'.ennal 11a1e "'"'°"' =itU(IO !lit» ::"Tbrtci.t.lllt ~;
VA NO DOWN john macnab
°' ''""' :Jitlo,i!o~ ·A~~-~-wt.>ever ftlli;·1 ~:.A 'Wt&~;.:.; +
C2lta "' to Ito·-~ toor Qbl""1ltll lit-wltb
home is reallY in tw, & 9Ut-. buu't·liia·+ dilhwuhtf. Dino
prile. We know )'OUW eh-q UM. OrNtAUtl? with
joyed the spacious 1 IRI. 6 'Plb'&fl IMl:I\, hrclld a Jr
,.. 2 baU.. """ ....,. ecin-hoattiw. I btlhtl. L a~t venienl. As you said, m&1'Y heated-pool With
plruant hours were spent in' · board. Near 1ehooll. fl
front of )'.OW' fireplace witl: PirW ud bNoJt, OniJ' ....
ycu.r family. "'e also know FOREft ~ Ol.AIOH IMO.
moving from there will not N14Sll·· 1
be happy for you but duty
call1. Are you sure o n I y Duplex W•flfh
$22,750 is not too low a price 2 bedrooms each. Litt NW.
for your home! And besides, One block to ~· , , , ,
almost anyone can qualify $23,500
ho me on J\.Z lot. Room . to bul1d on. _ . · · ..
Priced at '22,500. The,. are few & far . p,,_~,. •
:.>\WMD. -;:.. ·
. . 9ALIOA ·INCOMJ ., WATl{;•1111,...-WltK
Complei.l,f tuml.111'41~~ unlit '!11111 tir. . '11• a ILlP '' .
pl•-W~1o .Po11Ulllf lOlli •• beach. NOT 1.lW,11 Ha.I),
v1can1;1 factor nil. 1ummer rtHl'¥allON Tllil.'· -::"I!
tlllla1 ~J. tapldlf. ·.e1,100. Buy now for ~ ol "'ttr
your 1t,1181Jicoma: · troni.p, Tho -· " I · . patio o11on t dtlilhtllll OCIAHPlONT COlNll . vn ot clllMti.lo ilott•
&•clu1lv1 l>tlplu Ul\lllalchtd fw qµanty tna .. u.u1 .. 4 tilt ••117 and IOOaUon. Compl1~ In •vii')' dalall. lotdl 11 • w.. l1INll' Jreilhlllllltl M\llnf and Vlft fit Cleilln 11vv.r _. wi!ll walli and ·11eaehu -and ntvll' a ·vacancy. ~'Iii• llMlor ·bttl· ua,ooo. l'.Ollt .wr1111. . ,.... 111111 11 .. t11t
lor the monthly payments.
. co:Ts
(~ Evenings)
. M1PI lint floor .with Wllllllll , Home & Business Loe. . RI I • · -lirHllnl ,_. a. i.th.
Excellent f o r accountant, ~ wvtk~ JC1. ,
beauty salon, antiques, etc. .j6inl tht .... I W
l lome includes 4BR2baths, R',/ I ~~ 1'11 ,'9••' "''"•1• ..,..., ...... S23,soo A L • T Y lhil -..~" llltlltJ.
GENCO REALTY 642-4422 • • .. • "'w. l9ll! s .... t. c.M. 2025 w. lallltl llwd., Newport ... Ill PANTAST_IC v11w1
H R Rent•I• -673.i6'3 ' • . • , Salet -67UOGO . ,;~th.dlnlntl, lallUl>. uge umpus .. 1111 twcrIAGO .DRIVE
Room HA""OR Hl6H''""DS l!IABl'.Sll>& rosrA illli . Ol'EN DAILY r.s f BR home, 1%. baths, ha.rd-KU LAft NEWPORT HGT8. ARIA
(.'tloolo: trum OW' de:•tan•·
l'llnll ... "' varlacl to •tilt """-•111. moiit o.W. 0..o!J P\I otlWr """°"'.1'I -.
l11ll4tn , .. ~ ..
Lo9· closing cost to .financial·
ly qualified buyer. 2 BR.
.11rime Easlllde location. 1C6
1~t room for expansion ~ -1 ~t wtth vari· • !)oa't nilli ail one!
Tt--...-to lllllk ~ I CJIV. .
:s21;100 ·
. ....,...,_.
OMtl 'Dt111· " ·~:ts.o .. llMI W-= A~, · · o""' 17Sti Down required lo ~Power Homes move int(t this large ~Dy I ......................... home. aote to aboppmg,
Build•r'• Closeout scl\OOla .and cburchea. Jut put oo the market, this ont SACRIFICE one-of ... klnil two won't tut. $163 per month leVel, brand new custom
home near the Meaa V~rde includes 1!Jie1 and -filsur-
?.fove .into, Uiis large ~
home today, Close to shop-
2· ping, schools and churches.
Just pUt on the market, th1'
one won't last. $153 pet
month includes taxes·and rn:.
surance. ONLY $700 OOWN
total cash required~!!
Pacesetter, 4 bedroom, full
-dining, 2 We 1howcrs
new carpet, cloee
to the country
546-UIO M """"' (' ~
I Nur Irvine -$26,400-
0.ta Aiesa.'s fine location.
3 bedroomg, 2 baths. Huge
muter bedroom with pri-
vat.e bath, New kitchen with
built-in range, <>Ven, &: re-
frigerator. Huge Jr, Estale
alzed grounds. Near schools
& shopping. 540-1121
TARBELL 29SS Hori.or
wood floors, double garage. ALL nDS AND R2 ~ 1005 Westclilt Dr.
Country Club. 4 BR&. huge ";~ SELL A HOME famlly room with .Mt bl!', dln!ng .,... etc. MUST BE EVERY 31 MINUTES
moving in
Feb. Priced to sell
at $34,750. Brokers prot.
2807 Europa, 546'3380
l 5 bedroom 4 bath Baycrest • ' $25,00'.I. First time ollered, UPPER $25,500
Wells·McC1rdle Rltrs. BAY three bedroom, 1%. Charming 3 bedroom or 2 NEWPORT BEACH
1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. bath home with HARi> bedroom & den. 1'4 b&ths, • . !':!.M~~riJ'I;:.: Walker &. lee home with delightful pool.
ExceUent Antigua Way Io-
cetion. Hun-y for fhis one,
548-1129 Eve&. 644-0084 WOOD FLOORS, Fireplace fireplace, carpets • drape1, ~--642•5200
and forced alt heat. Cry1tal built-in & 1orOed air beat ~~ cleat 16'X32' POOL. Rock This well landlcaped bomel'll:z=::= ·~~ waterfall outside lighting • can be found on a bup RJ141
BlJSJEST marketpiace bl
ton. 'I1le DAILY Pil.01'
0 a•et0ed RCtion. Save
mtmeJ time " effart. l..Olll DOW!ll
hes 1 ' • landscaping -sprinklers lot with a very Jatge fenc-B(A(H lll(ftUI:
Near churc ' 3 BR, llA. ba. front and rear. An excellent ed back yard, with room for Ul'I~
·sn,750 CRV ..... ,. ex--"e•t •--•ti••. •--~ .... Ge W·111 '"¥ " <--.ou " """ '"" a 1JUAt, camper, or ~ a 5 lots to tlle beach. Older • orge I •mson ONLY $33,950 • TERMS. ·-· . ' I ·---~ Realtor ren ..... unit. t 11<1.D a pe.v-. Spanish architecture sur-
~ Eves. 673-15641 alley entn.nce for easy ao-rounded by modem. 3 unit3
ce11. l.<lcation ill just about in need of a lace lifting.
perfect, 1 IA: bllui to Newport owner says sell or trade for
grade sc~ool , and only 2 blluJ income.
Llcen1td By
St1te of Callfornl1 and
Stile of Ohio
• •
Harry A. Boggs Realty ,
Evenlnp•Call ~723
Charm Galore
4+Family Room
C'OSTA MESA, Plush formal
entry, Large Jiving room
with brick fireplace. Sliding
glass doon leads to free
form gardens. Lar&e family
room ·with beams. M<>then
dream kitchen with built-ins
plus dishwasher, c a t I n g
counter. 4. !a.mily bedrooms.
Fantastic master with pri-
va~ bath.
Newport Hei51 hts
J BR 1%. bath, guest room,
workshop, double garace on
alley, A beautiful home f()r
only $31,500.
143 Bro1dw1y 61.5-G18t
EvH. 61.2-8453 61.6.4579
to new city park. East 17th 552 OOO
street and Westclill shop-1
ping and N.'O other schools
within walking distance. Far
appointment to see, write:
Private Party
Dallv Pilot
L<>ts of Ca(>(! Cod charm In
this 2 BR completely remo-
Newpo rt
delled & pointed ,,..,., & AT SUNSET
<>Ut. Lots of ~ t<> add <>n. This Ne1vport Oeach 5 BR. 3
4J:e lli:unny patro • • • · S.15,000 bath 7 year old family home
Joe Oarkson . ls one or a kind. Garden pa-
tio oU m11.Stl'r BR. Large pri-
vate play yard for children.
2 ear gartlie. Just pl.aced <>n
C Id II Bank & Co '"" marl<et ,., $38,950.00 The o we , er • Real Estatcn • 646-nn. N::a~ eC::. 7!:17::~1e ,_546-0'._23013 _____ ,.. __
"1 •-mi 0• ,_,... 1 Look -4 Bedroom
Who Likes Chlldranf $21 ,950
Nearly everyone. So if your 2·baths,-Family room . Ele-
future is tl!d to the kids gant fireplace. Large rear
convenience, & protection, yard ' wllh covered patio.
here's a 3 bedroom home Boat accesa.. Near all
on eastside Q:i,sta Mesa, only ~chools. Be11l 4 bedroom buy
l~J blkl: to Newport HelghfJI m area. 54().1120
grade school. Large tenced TARBELL 2955 Harbor
back yard with aller en-Channel RHf trance. Fireplace, bu1Jt.\ns,
le take advantage o1 this, ex-
ceptional buy.
fneif cinemi thutrtl
LLEGE REA~TY '1500 AdlmS at HarbOr,CM.
Looking for Areal
Attractive' 3 BR hon1e in
Newport Beach. K/W floors,
fireplace, b r i &: ht kitchen.
Choice location. Only $28,500.
EZ lerrns. .,
l'\11 ·\\lll ll
-i \ll \\111' I~ 1\1 ,\I I\' U
1093 Baker, C.M.
in scenic Sa n Clemente,
2487 sq ft., 3 & 4. BR.a
2'11 baths. 10% d<>wn, 6%%
interest, 30 yean, oo points
l<> pay. Ne1v carpets and
dra~s. coi;npletely redccor·
ated. Some with view. Oc·
fice: 518 San Juan. San Cle-
mente. {h1ode:l.s <>pen dally).
Phone 492·9288, Eve. 642-0185
W. E. L1chenmyer, Rltr ----·--
Exclusive China Cove home ·
year around living • best
Harbor area, 2 BR. 2 Ba,
_priced to sell fast at. $69.500
By appt <>nly
3036 E. Co11t Hwy, CdM
FrH Rental Service
17199 Brookhurst-Fountaln Valley
Next to Gemco -· So. of Warn•r
<:pts &: drapes, 1~ baths. For PenthouH Apt. ~
10 UNITS appoi,lmeot '0 "' F" Sol• °' "'"' at $550 DAVIDSON Realty
HARRY BOGGS "" mo. lo ,.n,blo parll" on l lots. Adjacent to Ocean-on I y. O\ester Saliabury, NEWPORT HEIGHTS
tront. $155,000. REALTY Realtor, 67U900. J largt' BRs, dining room,
81lboi Real Estate Ce, 1n99 Brookhum blt-ins. Alley acceSl!i for boat
vd boo 96U6.3t 96S-35«i SALTON Sea Lot Reduced I or trailer. $27.500.
700 E. Bal~~ ., Bal --------$1,000 for quick sale. Need Rltr. 2750 1-Iarbor lB, Cr.f
~~~~~~~~~I CHARGE )'OUI' want ad now. c:ash. 545-7591 alter·4 pm 546-5460 Eves. 543-8&84
Phone 962·6637 or 968·3505
2Ml Westclill Drive,
646-T7ll Open Eves.
Transfer to Florida looms.
L<>vely big Colonial home ~~
block to a goU course fair-
way. May haYe to be sac-
rlflced in quick sale to meet
transfer plans. 4 bdrmJl,
family room, formal dining
room plus 11.n all purpose
room. Listt!d price S,.U,500 -
but,make )'<>W'ofter!
fnUrdllernl the3trtl
LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams at Harbor,CM.
4 BR -$25,500
e EASTSIDE romer lot
• Room for boat & trailer
• FHA-VA or Conventional
Rltr. 642-9730 Eves. 548.£1720
B1lbo1 Pt. Oce1nfront
Absolutely fabuk>us Viev1 •
3 Bdrm H<>mt? with large
Rumpus Rm & extra parking
3400 Via Lido 673-8830
------SOCK 1T TU 'EM!
Arnold & Freud -.lit•1g I 'R"e"ol"!'",.,"E". "17"1h""Sl!!.,"c";:.,"1.,,.,.,,.!!!! ~olf Course, Costa Meu 1100
Ju.st completed, 4 Bet!
rooms, over 3000 sq. ft .,
stand-uP ~ in callie-
dral ceiling fam. rm.,
brand new & still time
to select cruiiet colors.
Owner desperate. Trade <>t
sell. Now vacan t. In~
mediate posYession. Ask
maculate 3 BR pool ho1ne. I
ing $29,500. CALL ~1151
(open eves) lff!ritage Real
Estate ~ ............................ I '
aJZY 2 BR ho1ne near New-
port 1-lelghfJI, Cul de Sac
street, large R-3 lot ,v\th
room for rental Unit, $19,900.
Graham Realty
Near N.B. P<>fit Ole. &16-24.14 1
MH1 Verde 1110
& lam. Assume 51!4 % loan
or ? By owner. 54&ll70, ,
College .Park 1115
3 BDRM, 11Ai &, CoUege
Parle Home, for sale by
owner, $24,500. 642-9854
• I
lOOOGeneral 1000 Gener1I 10000.neril 1000Gener1I 1000General 1000Generil ~.~N~O~W~IS~TH~E~T~IM~E~T~O~B~U~Y~~~~~~
7611 -·· Sl'AllLINCO CORNER
Ranch style 3 bedroom. 2 bath home with warm flreplact', heavy shakf' roof and
• 'a;or1eow back yard In great atta near schools and shopping. Includes carpets
and drapes and all the trtmmtnp. Tnullterttd av.mer s&l'I buy m,y vacant h<>ml'
for ONLY $250 DOWN to VETS and mOYt 1n no"'·
$147 PAYMENT I '
Includes ill ou eldating lo&n an~one can assume without quallJylnE. No Down GT. I.Ow Down FHA. Featuring ·3 Klnr SUe Bedrooms, 2 Luxurious llaths, M<>dern
bullt-lru:. Huge Livln~ room with romantic fll't"plncc. Deep pile carpeting. Double
Garage. Full Prk'e $22,250. •
lllDl'S DELllOHT
Go-geoua 3 bedroom ho~ with ankle deep carpeting throughout. Cozy brick
fireplace, Double Ge.rage. I-luge lot for tbe kids. Full Price $19,000. GI no cash
down. S160 _per mopth Includes all. Why Rent?
O'ed.lt a Problem! Anyone can a..uume this lCIW intf'rest VA loan, WldoM. Dl·
vorc8 also. \Vhcre can you get a 4 bedroom, 2 be.lh home for this klnd <>t mont')'.
Fenced cul-de-sac lot. WHAT A BUY!
·Bclow market value "''ith l<>W, l<>W $2,900 down payment. 'J'hls corgeou!I '4 bro-
room borne "ith 3 bAths. deep pile carpets •nd l<>vtly dr8\1CS. I.fuge sepe.rat•
tam.Uy room with flrtplace, Thlt home is lmm•culAte and ocat.cd in prestige
fttl. OUtred at Jess than oriaina.1 pr\ct', ·. ::;~;c:
2043 Westcliff Or. at Irvine Open Evening•
Cliff 1-laven 1S <>fferlna; you one of the feW pool hornet in thill drsirable atta.
This pool was built by an execuUYe <>f AntbOIU' Pools r<>r his o"'n use. Heated
and filtered wlth extra decking set <>n a home aize Jot. Bn.nd nt\v carpets and
drapes. Two queen 5il'ed baths, with muter dresslr\g 1'00tn having tremendous
cl<>seta. Fireplace set ln mamm<>th Uv:lni_ room with aliding glala door& leading
to pool area. One <>f a kind. $34,950. OWNER ANXIOUS. . '
$pad()US Dream home built {Or young professional ramiJy. l)(>Jjghlfu) rlC'COr.ita,rgf
living room. hugl' {amJJy room and fireplace locatl'd <>n slrfft <>f cXpen11ive. llomn. U you can afford S«,000 you'd better Btt this today. You OWN the lsnd. S'ul)mlt
y<>ur smaller h<>me ()n our ~tee trade p_lan.
5 Bedrooms 3 bathll, ~am home. built (<>r a discrlminatim: executive and hla
deserving family, Delightful dec<1r. Lari:te living room, huge family room. Land-
scaped with an eye towards beauty and" easy n1alntenan~. Localed on quiet cul-
de-sac s treet. If you can afford a $36,000 Drt'em llom<'. you'd bC'ttt'r see this
today. GI NO 00\VN?!! Submit your smaller home on our guarantee sale plan.
can be assumed by all. Great rentals. f-:1 bedroom1 hnmes plus duplt'x. Nie<!
treelined street Jn ~ood MlldenUal area. Put your doUan: t<> work and reap
the tax benefits. J'ulJy rented. No vaeandft here!!! Ollll f()f' appointment. ONLY
$61,900. Submit )'OUr ft()nlf! on our EUart.ntef trade plan., • , ·
• ~-
2790 HAllOl 1ILVD. Opeo Iv .. ~ 'Ill 9 P.M.
Thls immaculate 4 bedroom h<>me, located on ch<>ice atnet boasts OVERSlZE
LOT, lush ltndscapln.r and QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD. ~ LOVELY CAllPETS and draped. a cozy F'IREPLACE •donu; Its Wteful lJ room <>U I.he large
ldtthen And loads <>f cupboards and FAMU.Y DINING R M. lt v.·on't last long with low 5~" intcreat loan. '
5 Bedroom I. FAMll.Y ROOr.1 is beautifully situated near the GOLF COURSE.
Fabulously landscaped and b complete with massive COVERED PATIO in Its
gorgeoUA .tw:k yard, With all automaue sprinkling system by block waU and fs
POOL SIZED. lnslde admire Its large . FAMILY ROO?tt J,. FIREPLACE with a
Reond nreplace ln the homey BEA].fED CEllJNG living roorri.. IIB 3 Baths a~
located off lU 4 large upstaln; bedr-oom!li &: d<>wnst.alrs extra bedroom or SEPA·
'RA'l'!: DEN. Thrill lo lhe luxurioui; ™PORTED SWEDISH DRAPES and Jovrly
carpets. OH )'esl FORMAL DINING ROOltf! And how about a a CAJr GARAGE!
It has tll of thtse.
wilh plush NEW CARPETS & DRAPES throughout. All built-in kitchen "'ilh
lot1ds of cupbord.q. C<>zy ll\•lng room with real WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE.
All this on BIG. BIO lot with loads of room for the kids In excellent net.R'.hbor-ho<>d NEAR SO:lOOLS. Would you believe a tota.1 of 121.500? lt'1 1Nell-
-& loo "" --
' ! I
• ..
ilil-liiiiii--ii"('·~-:.:·i\l·::_U:_Ii~S:.Fi_O=~:j.Jl'.::.T:__ .. 'Houi1s POil SALi ltlNT~LS RINTAL' 'qENTALS ·5° RINTALS . RE IS T
SIYE -fvrnlollod H-Unfurnished Apto. Fvrn1"'"41 .Aptt. Unfvrnl•hW ... _Go-•I ____ _
R L lSTAb \ a.,,.,., . -port IMch 1200 Lide Ille 13511--------1 1_;;;;;;;,;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -•II 19 Shore 20bs c .. 11 -. 3100 Coct1 -4100 Codi -5100 lt1nt1ll W1nl9d 5990 ., .. •a'• Breatfl.Tald.g It ~ -WORKING ca!>i ta ....,. DESlllAILE e !NTRODUC!NC e r. ,._ -Ilk WANTED !"t'"tly """11 " II ~ View & MMcl1tti tun. Unlvmlty Parle Home HOME ._ct.-.•t. • • aur· tum apt ai.f1iie woman Nr
cu.tom 3 br, ima!Ytl Texas now localed at with aame. n.ys. 546-0928. 3 Bl . 2 ha, cpttl, drpt, ICJl'Ctd IJ / I CJ\.-~ roundinp for adults rt4u.lt-ahop1 CdM m-«>St
Office ltontll-.~-4070 *.....,..
811114 !or ilia corx1-
"' Automobiles
lhell atone ffttplact, liure ~ Via Udo. sutt:e ~ evenlnp 133-lS31. ah beat. Garb-dbp, blt·lna. Va JJ t~ers ~=:!u~ ousmrss man ll"ansferml,
muttt bed.rm, and one of LIDO BUILDING GIRL to abue duplex in Pl&tio. 1~. water turn. va en&nla Wantt M BR by Mar. h:t. ttlanllW. -, ---Mr'Vke, central locl.Uon.
the be1t vtewa on the mar-• m.8300 Newport 8e&ch S67. mo. Adults only no pets Orange County'• Beaulttw lP&,t ~g~APTS. CM area preferred. ~
ket today. -pl1«d &n-7«4 alttr 5 RATE REAsoNAB!.E NEW Adult """" complex u aRnNl"'U.RENE COu.ECE boy wanto110i<nt
C. Robert N~ttn!u Realtor
230 £. 17th Sp:t ....,.
Coata Mesa L_!G-ICi at $49,~ H..,.,.._, .... 140I OJJU.S wanted Sllaft beach Acroa from Countr)' Qub. CU.tom tum or unlurn. """ "P pl'Qf to: wit Cf.I' lcaJI
MEADOW HOME apt. 3 bdnM. 2 ba, WK< 275 Me .. 0 '· ' Ph. 548-6100 :~:,;,,= c.!,,:-GAIDEN Am.. ........ . r~-. i . MED\CAV -·;.r•..lc..l f::•~s~"IUN.RicNn .. G IN Fo111cLosu1tE _"_""_•_L_IGS_._673-4695 ___ SP•aous 3 BR I" bath Design 18th"~ ..... c.w. 3 iiEiiABLE """'" ... ~ .. Condo. double gar ace, e Luxurious Ge.tdenlJ Call Mn. Henderson 646-5542 lov.tt, Unturn. 2 Br. duplex
f BR l b&dl, Wlt·ln ~-• . "'200 carpets A drapes throllghou1 e BubbUDg: ~A brook im Sl.nta Ana. Apt U3. C.M. prd., to Sll5; 642-3447
• ..ANYTDIB"' oven, tile counter tops, wal. ~rt Buch --'-built-in ove.n. riu:we & e 42• PooJ A thrrapy bath
nut cahlneta. 3 ::' ,:• 1lQl SEASHORE; lze, 4 B:r. dli;bwa.s:r. Pool. Clean. No e Activity roomlbillia.rds 2 BEDROOM, bu i 1 t . in Roomt for R•nt 5995
SUit• Jor It Oaatom
-lh>tr' ... -l8 712
Main St., Hunt. Beach
(1-213) 435-IZJ&
lndu1trlll Reotlfl 6090
3000 SQ ft ~ • oUlco + ljOOO oi'ft p....i " .........
yacd. 18$ lAIW'I ea..,..,
Rd. CT14) fM..8066 or cn4>
2629 Harbor mvd., C.t.t. double ~'..i '..... •ft A 1ot'. 2 Ba. Nr. beach: avail. ti! pets. fer. $ 1 9 O I m o • • SaW\a Batll kitchen, w/w e a r P e t s ,
b1ock wall, c~ July I. #ii) Month (213) 5Mi-5580 • Putting crttn drape1, private p a I I o , ROOM for rtnt lo em~
lady. Home &: pool
privllt(e1, SfiO m~ 642-0076
WESTCL1F1'"' Cond'm • 2
atory houR. 2 bdr, 21iS ba.
patio. elc blt·lm, encl dbl
cara,ae. Clubhouae, Sauna.
pool. :eeaut lnd1CJ>1. ~.
mainl. Own land. Beat buy
beach area -S29,SO O.
~™8 Owner Brkr
Exclusive Litflng
in btst Ba,y area •ul4e-&ac.
Garden atrir·,, our best
1loor plan 646-441.4
&1\t• !; !stat~
The Bluffs
3 BR. 2 Bath!. On major
green belt. Crpt'd, drp'd -
Many extru, Shown by ap.
Owne1 * &lf-119B
2 Br. I: Fam rm, 2~ Ba.
Xlnt arft.. Priced Right!
0 w n er. 642-3219. OPEN
Mwt have $3(Q) • ll')' k>w '196-1912; 6U-956'1 FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 baths, • Ou~ Gu BBQ• garaae, walk to shopping,
price at $29,750-immediate pas.session. Quiet •Encl. p.r&&ell A storaze Adultl only, no pets. $14Q. • .I' I.Ibo. 1•1.nd 2355 1treet, cloae to schools. ~-~~....._:_between Bkr. Gt2-955S
·-$230/mo. CALI.. AL BLACK ~ I: "'"' OiUuw-& New· Movlftn Feb. 2nd-T?" I---'--'-...;.____ MO-ll51 Heritage R e a I port •
3 BR houso newly decor. Eitate 200' Parsons, CM 642-8670 2 BR. w/gar. 4e. fncd yd.
IVE Avail. to June 15; no pelll. Patio; water pd. 2 locations 5 $ISO M"'th. 6'13-4554 2 BR. "°""' "'"'" ,,.. $2S Wk. Up 22'14 Pl•'-"'•1"' Apt, D SllS
BIG BEDROOMS pool. Ma>nte"""" """"""" • Studlo k Bach apts. 2176 Pla.,.,,lia, Apl. C Sll5 Lrx med ?'f'd· Opts, drps, •Incl Utils &: Pllone serv. e 636-4120 e Formal dlnLnc room, fa.nilly L19un1 leach 2705 1ilove, retr1g & freezer. $195 e MaJd Service 'IV avail 1-------rooni BrWdaif and laundry mo. &U-fC22 • · DUPLEX 1-Br., S 10 0,
ROOM for rent. nice quiet ~:'i'MO
home, for~ penon.1:=.:====r===-:.'.'r:,'.vl. ~;::±-:."'.;....~-~ I 6100 ...~~YEJl "''"' "f· '"' ) rflller J ii: try; qQiet; 1S50 ··~ ¥~ -.. (or weekly) ~ nt
PVT room,. kitchen priv. Nr Beach mvd ... t
21st & Santa Ana, SlS. wk. Ganlen Grove Freeway
84>1294 befcft 2 pm. 2 1JS acres., R • 4 areas. 'I1lis 3 y,ear old model 1 BR, 3 blocks to beach. • New Cafe&: Bar Gardener,.laundry; close to
honie haa expensive plush Adults only_ SI45 mo. I Newport S.1ch 3200 2376 Newport mvd. 54S-91S5 storell. AduJt.s only, no pets. Room & I01rd 5996 ..,,,.""" throu&bout " -• 491·1686 • 3 BR 2 bath• .. auooeck. CHA TEAU La POINTE 1""'"..._cc;211::;•:...,.. ____ _
tral afr..condltlonifla. M;m ·3 llR. 2 Ba. den; ~ 2 bl()Ck., from b e a c h . Lovely tum. 2 BR apts. Off· 3 BR. 1 ~ ba. Children ROOM & Board, -'IV i:
ready fM
bnmediate development
10% down. The Rea1 Es-view $300 mo. or leue/opt. $250/per mo. Agt 546--4141 sl.reel parltlng, carports. Htd ""'Clcon1e. Sl5(1. t.1gr. 862 W. telephone; prefer male. Ui60
taters 546-2313, 646-nn 563 Mystic Way 67M331 4 BR 3 Ba ts. d pool. AduJts, no pets. Sl50. Center Apt 1 (IO am to Santa Ana, CM. 646-2708 fl' CHECK THIS bltns: Nr. ·~ch, Jusb: I941 POMONA AVE., <;M. 4 pm) , , ROOM, kit privl. Roon1 &
Lovely 4 BR 2% bath home, RENTALS pools, tennis. 673--8134 2 BR. New furn, cpts, drps. N~Y 2 BR., Ntns, likJ. board. Real reas. Older
hardwood floon, carpets I: Houtes Unfurni1hed Bellm cell. bit-ins. pool d1Shwuher: sep. fncd. patio desired. 548-3152
drape11 throu&hout, large Generil 3000 University Park 3237 Adults. $155. 2712 Maple St. &: rarage. $15.5. 2312 SaJ'lta G" H 5991 comer lot Room for boat or 546-5566 Ana Ave., CM. 642--6251' ' uest omn
Call: Jim Cobb
trailu. Really a nice home. 3 BDRM, 2~ _ba. Fam. "!'· NEW l Br., lovely IUrn. All 2 BR, grdn ~l. ~pl, ·cpts,-:l'RIVATE ROOM with TV
Only SJl,500 • auume old *WHY PAY RENJ! lyrold, teruus, pools, avail elec. Quiet. Cosed gar. drps, bltnl, patio,· pool, for ambulatory lady or "'!!!!!!!!!l!""""I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
mA loan. $300. ~5.Sll Adults $150. 22:!> Elden Mlts, M pet.. $14.5. 546-5163 gentleman. Good food, home "'!
P1ul Jo ... RHlty Not ONE PENN~ Down Coron• d1I Mar 3250 615-1'51 . I 3 BR 1'4 bathi. 11'0/mo, Ilk• atm .. ,he .... large yanl FEE SIMPLE
847·1266 Eves. 536-1124 Qualifying Vets can move *I-BDRM. BACH. APT.* \V~b-?.tcCanU<. Realtoar & patio. Licen.sed home. Hampshire Court, R.-1.$37,500
1n irnmedlat~y. OLDER. :f BR hou9e Widen, Util·paid except lighL'l -Adult. 548-\720 A)I~ now. 54.\-52'25 130 x 126 x 55 x 125
2 BA. $195 mo. Children S82 Mo. 548-2828 ' NEW I BR apt, bit-in stove, REST HOME for elderly Santa Ana Sltfft &: Palmer $795 DOWN REPO
B~Y"""'Ow,-..,-,-,-... =.,,.o-. -.,-,,u""""',,,.-· I One 4 BR left. 2 story. Va·
4 BR 3 n. 1 lamil canl Good area.. Quick ~
Great location in liw11ing·
ton Beach on Hamilton Ave.
bl'hreen Brookhurst and
Bushard -close lo the
welcome. Call 675--0304 aft I992 HARBOR BLVD, CM $U5 mo. 15I5 Santa Ana ladies, R&B. light care, Street Eastaide C.M.
5. I-BDRM. comp.' fw"n. Ave .. Costa ?a.lesa.. 6424014 close' in. 494-2425. 65 x I05 •··········• 12,SOO . °""" re. y rm. May uaume Mt% loan. session. Good paint.
Space 101 pooi or boat. HAFFDAL REAL TY
548-7943 8140 Wame1 842-4405
3 BR Wate,...,,t No. 62 5 BEDROOMS
Balboa Coves. $ 6 0 , 0 0 O • Formal dinlni room, cpts/ Prete. trade for acreage or drps, slate entry, lots of will consider other. 54a-Tm cabinets. 2 years old. 6%. %
3 BR, 2 Ba, beam/ceiling, interest can be yours with
exc opportunity, $22,500 -cash down -submit ltrmll,
01vner/Agt. 642--3615 eves BRASHEAR REAL TY
or wk-ends 847-8531 Eves. 541-2442
3 BR, huge Fam Rm, I~
Ba. nr Marineni Park,
\Veslcli!f Plaza, ex cond.
fenced patio, owner 646-6131 * BAY VIEW Fee lot 15'
x 195' w/ plans. $34,900.
Owner 548-7249, 548-@JT
2 BR, carpets '1: drape!, 2
blkll to beacb. Honeymoon.
ers Special. $22,900
R. D. SLATES, Rltr.
847-3519 Eves. 536-7840
Nowport Height• 1210 $17,250--<>WNER
;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;::;;;·;;;;;;;.;-;·· 1 3 BR JIJ4 ba, blt-inll, lrplc,
RUSTIC STYLE dble rar. 8322 Munster Dr.
Pacific Sands. 646-2309
Quality 3 &: 4 bedrooms,
2 & ~ baths, all one 1>tory
homes. Fram $32,400. Month-
ly payments from $288.21
including PU, taxes &: in-
li you are a qualified Vet
you can move in without
one penny down • . . not
even closing l.'USts.
Walker I: Let, sales Agents
Open IO 'til duk daily
131 Flower. $85 REDEC 2 Br. & di!n, trplc, 55 x 140 ••••• ......... 12,500 Huntington Beach 3400 646-7883 large patio. Adull! uso. 2931 Income Propttrty 6000 55x140 .~ ••.•..•••.•• 12,500
0 ~··St. CM ~ .. 21"" 55 x 105 x 75 x 85 •••• 15,000 FREE RENTAL BOOK 2 BR., clean, nicely fum, ...... ~ ' """ ~ INCOME !Has 1 &Inn. Houae>
Drop in incl Browse Sl40. 1613 Santa Ana Ave. N lffch 5200 MONEY MAKERS East 18th St., R-2 63 x 275
Gorgeous 3 bedroom Pad. 2 542-12'19 or S43--85T2.~ves ··~ . (Duplex on back) .... 34,995
Baths. Carpets, Drapes, UPPER Duplex, 2 Br. $160; u UNITS -$166,SOO. JEAN SMITH
Double Garage, Built ins, Newport BNch 4200 I yr. leue. Adultl, PO pets. Braild new • Owner will 1
Nke yard. ~ase ~t $179 ON Bay, nr. Lido; newly See~ app't' only. trade. Rta.ltor
per month. Will eons1der ~ decor. 1 BR., priv. patio; ?.bss White '1'12-9150 1141646-3255
tion. util. incl $115. Boal apace ~G~ apt. v i e !-¥ l S UNrrs -$33,500
WE SELL A HOME available6'13-M50 firePl&ce·: q)llt 11e.Je1: 10%-down -a:a.111,1es ·all Resort Property 6205
EVERY 31 MINUTES VIEW apt. large room; a:ara&"c;,.,waaher ·.drier. relit~. FOR RENT Furn Mamouth Walker & lee llrepla"'; """ly lttrnfll1<d. '""i3¥Hle3 6.P·/ll!.•i • 2 HOUSES Moun la 1 n Condominium
garage, Sl55. inc. util1Ue11. lluff 5242 ON LDT -$29,500 sleeps &. 541).2730 7682 Edinger
842-4455 or S4Q.5140
Open Daily til 8:30
Call after 6 Jl·m. se.~ Eu\ . . . NewPOrt Heigbta Dis!.
LOOKING '°' a pto"'? From p I' l I' Remodel<d. Mount. & 0...rt 6210 150 w"'kly; oce"""'"L • res IQe QCI IOR , 642--~ 1 S A NR Hemet. Xlnt ,new_ NEWLY decorated 2%i bdrm e 12659 ' For l~ase. deluxe 1888, sq. ft. OPEN EVES. 'TlL I 2800' et. Wtr, pme. $$00 ~. Large living rm, l-BDRM. furn.; .1 blk. ~ 4 .B;R-"1 1~ .ba. Apt. ~lc.i ~2313 646--n7l S55dn.633-nl08-10a.m.qt.
fully crpt, nice yard, nr ocean; pool, $125, l8t • draPes; carpets, 'wet tm,
shopping &: H.B. Pier, mat· last. 548-2035; 644--0637 priv. balconies; dbl 11:arage Subdlvl1lon Land 6212 ried couple only. Call aft OCEANFRONT Bac:h., •l ioft kitCh. ~r, dbl. THE ~J EAL
E .::__,Ti\TER ~· Home with pool 2 BR &: den
1¥.i bath, kitchen blt-iM.
J\Iassive brick lrplc. SEE
THIS al S28,500.
by the SEA 4:30 pm. (213) ED 7-MSS adult, $85 Month, yearly. oven, pool. Convenient to
3 BR. house, walk to elem. 675-3127. ahop'c·, schools 41: rec:rta· _;:::;:::'7~""----·~cL;:;•f,,_u;;;n"•;..;: ... =';;;h'--1;;;7~05 I:::=::=::=::==::==:= school; newly p a I n t e d ; Hon. · ! ' ,
-cpts., range; avail. r~eb. 2 ONLY $325 MONTH 30", RETURN 9th. $185 .lo.' '~ -l·a-. Corona del Mir 4 50 1• Income Units YEARLY RENTALS ~ """ 135 ~lj;OS WAY , $800 Down
H1ndym1n Speci1ls NOW AVAILABLE dep. 962--5092 BACHLOR apl. clean & Newport Beich • . 16 units e Pool
Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy, Balboa Coves 3 BR . ,, , $450 3 BR. Small fncd yd. $140 cheerful, Imme o. OC··l=="~~9~'·;,;A;;R~I"-' ~?:::;=: ):'clµ'ly gross $24,600 •. Near 150 yds from Beach. 4 lge Costa Mesa Townhouses yrly. Ltue. 3 Child. OK cupancy, 6 4 2-1 2 3 4 or . , EuClid Ii: Ball, Anaheim.
Apt. unita, nHds paint A 2 BR .................. S225 Nr. Beach Blv &: Slater ........, 54(}..2266 Coron• del Mir 5250 Jl.15,GOO,
. 0, ~
Near NB Post ore, 646--2414 good general cleanup. PO-WINTER RENTALS l76S4 Van Buren 842··~ 1 BR completely ·~ except . Call Mr. Feryuson or 1~~~~~~~~~1 TENTIAL INCOME EX-AVAILABLE NOW 3 BDRM, 2 ba, crpts, dJl!s, linens, $145 mo. Orange • , ,_tr. Krauter
CEEDING $10,000 ANNUAL-From $165. $300 garden service, walk to Coast Property, 67:J.8550 ~ ... ; Jnvesbnent.Dept, 546-2313
26 Acres in Northern Ofan&e.
High on a knoll; thia prop-
erty zoned % acre aite1 and
eac:.i. lot could be cut with a
~view. Priced at
''11,otll por ..... ,. .. --inlonnation, pl ta 1 e cal
Glenn Thompeon with
Eckhoff & Auoc., lnc.-
1818 W. Chapman Ave.
lick B1y 1240
5 Bdrm, 2585 aq ft, 2 1tcry.
WK< lot. Coot $38,000. WW
tell Ar $35,000 thitl week.
Min $5,IXXJ cub. Phone 54G-stlzl.
LY. Price $69,950. beach. $715 Mo. 962-8046 .o,.. l..._r,. . . OPEN EVF.S. 'TIL 9
MISSION REALTY 494--0T31 nm CARPfT -s.6-231l 646--nn 91!15 So. Coat. T .. --a • llLll • 4 BDRM, 2 ba, new crpt., l1lbo1 4300 _.... $185. Mo. or will lease 1::::0:::::::.. ____ ..:;:;;;
Th d•---'-•--..i .. ~ REALTY , "'~· •• .., , · ON TEN~ , FOR e .-.. ............. ,. w/optlon to .....,.. 1)13..7171 CLEAN Bachelor Apts. 1 • 2 BR. Fum , u-•·-buyer, we have a Laitma (30 offices to aerve you) All ut.i! incl S75 up . • ww:n
Orange, Calit
541-2621, Eves-wknds SJUm
Royale Penthouse ln So. 2025 w. Balboa Blvd., N.B, Santi An1 Heights 3630 315 E. Balboa Blvd. . Frplcs I Fri ' I Pa~ I
Laruna. Decorated by J, 61l-3663 -----BALBOA . , 673-9!M5 PoolL Termlll •. Qmtnt I me,. 3 BR Home in thUI arft lL Blgren, 2 bdrm, 2 b&, '!!!!!!~~!!!!!!""!'~~!!!!!!!! 2 BDRM. unfum, w/corral; · fsL 9 hole Putt/CN:en.
ESTATERS R. E. W1ntad 6240
priced at $75,000. Property FrH Rent•I S.rvlce water paid. Qilldren OK 2 BR. nr. beaches, &: fiho~s. 900 . sr9, ~: CdM' Gtf.'.2hl ,!'lllfte1s Fora1 Sele" for exchanp fOl' 2 on lot
clur. Owner will consider to home owners and tenants. $165 Month 546-0347 SI69 Per mo., )1'17. Util. (MacArtblD" nr. 'Coa!t Hwyl 22i unit mo~l C7 units with nr downtown~-VaJ ·
carrying lat trust deed. Call WE SELL A HOME ===c:.=====I ~pakl~._:53&J911~'!::;~675-~58~1011__~. -ltiiiiii!iii!~!!il~-JYtclleflll), center or Costa SJ0,000. Now employed here, On Main leach '"" :m1 w .Balboa Blvd., 'EVERY 31 MINUTES LLll~"!!!""!!N!.'!lt~•~•!_l _..:3~7~07~1:::-~:----::;::;llDVELY 2 BR. bl! _ w,· Meaa G""''"• 151,000. Nloe Ow..er. 213, ..,_.!.'1
2 Bdrm, 2 bath home ·can l:ON:;.B='=673-QIO====== -Lid 1 1 4351 carpet!, dra!)es, Sl1S mo. ·apartment for owner. Only WIU. Buy Apt. Houses; 4 ·
easily add ltd Bdnn. Owner Wa Iker & lee 3 BDRM, lam nn, 2~ ba, I ;;;;0;;;;•;•;;;;;;;;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I yrJ,l. Newport BeaCh ft.Uy, " years old. Completely lo 6 units In Laiuna Beach. ' willfinanceat6.6%interest, Ligune Niguel 1707 frplc, patio, garage, blt-!ns.11 675-I642 ,equipped, $220,000 _.only Call 545--1431
S15,(0) down. _..,.. Harbo• Blvd at Ad·-· Ctpbl & drps, S225 mGoA. FURNI3SHED LidobathApt;,_2 OLD I BR bay .. ,;"w $4-0,000 down. TDs consider-==========I .,...., • ...ua Phone Lona Beach story bdrm 2 , •.•.n::-• ·1 .... ' ed. HURRY! Wally McCoy . Oran99 Cot1t Property DELUXE 11 Br. 2 Ba.; pn>-5f5-9t91 Prime Lociatkin." $155 Mortfllet, T.D.'1 6345 332 ua-•erite 61J..8550 tea. lnUcpd. A decorated: 2-.soo& place, South patio, 2 cat e 613-6~ • Rlty 642-007, S4S4412 eves. _ ~~ .. ~-·~·~~~~~! in exclusive Monarch 81¥; 1---=°"'="...:tll::...:.9...:"".:=,--====:::;:,====!parking, $Z7Slmo short term I==========-HAVE $60,000 ~ lovely ocean view: •uto. $135; 2 BR. duplex. Garage, Condominium 3950 or S350 yearly. Adullll. Ask H t · a • .:.Cfl 54oo I 6060 Private m 0 n e y investor
------•--w/w: children &: pet OK. for Mrs. GnlJlllky. ' untlng on ~ :;:;lll::.l::.n::..,::..;R::.•:;n::t:;•I:_...:;::;; wants to buy 1easoned bl water ..... ~ I: ~. pr. Util pa.id Broktr 534-6980 2 BDRM, 1% ba. blt-ins. P t B tt R It Lido l•lo 1351
doors: 1 yr, new. $59,500. • • Xlx2l. _, ....... ,. 'rm. we of • • Irr~.,;.,.-.. e• Y EX'CLUSIVE ~EYS-S .ep rooms, & 2nd TDs, Reu:m.able dil-l D I ·~th s••«,, loa!t. ~·-· Ul ..,..., -3 BDRM., I% batb ~__.--6'12._..,.,, . !Obby, 3 .,,_,_-:al rooms, eow>L 81y ront up ex• w• ,.., vw1
""' •~ pool, tennia crt, sauna, etc.1"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I ---~·
$100,000. 2-three BR's 499-4198 Condo, Blint, w/w, encl. Comple~ly crptd & drpd.I!! ON-THE~ACH bltns, 2 restrooms, at-Sattler Mort&.age Co. Inc.
1115,000 ~ 3 BR A Two-BR's BR. 3 n. .. patio, Broker 534-6980 Must we to ap---"'nte. . -• Ap tractive. Cood location C.M. 336 E. 17th St.
with Fireplaces 5 o.:; ty., new. 1..eue $3UO. 544-2514"' or Huntil)gton" 8e1ch 4400 2 & 3 a.cir ts. 543-mGl 642-2ln 545-00l
Bltna. disbwahr, cpted. 54Mi838 ·Luxury living to please the -""-='-==--"""'--:;--Eves. 673-1865 642-US7
Wilkor R11lty "'·"°· l3000 on. °"""' Coot1 -3100 ~"""==----UTILITIES PAID ,.. .. t dilqimlnalmg· N"" Balboa Island
3336 Via Lldo ti75SXIO ;ll1:,-tl39=F====;=2 --BED-'-ROO--M--wtfumished---RENTAL!_. b • ...1 2 Bclrms. rum. Htd, pool 'available at . Choice of Two, $150. & $175. 8USINES5' ind
Dino rolnt 1730 """"'· Nowl.Y d "0 .. "d AfllL ~m h-
812 ~·~~:' ~· ~.B. The HunlinglllD Rltr. 642-9555. FINANCIAL
throughout Eutside Colt& (Go~~M~f~l~l~__. _ __:~~1:===::::::~;:;:;:::=;:=.;: I SMAU. Reasonably priced But. Opportvnlt~ 6300 OPEN DAil Y 12 to 3 Mesa $155. Rltr. &e-7939 -_Store Buildings in bully
3 bdmto, d"' 2 botho, pool, llo RENT L•guna B11ch ' 470~ Pacific ~ Conma de! Mar '"""''°"· Cindy Svpply Rout• 15 35. 135 000 -. ..... _,_ 2 BR, gar, pa • crpbl, drpt. ,..._,. H t •· 71 •~ '"11 (P-~ Full Tim ) ~ .. ,•Dr. ,,.~ _:.,. ..,_,._ .......,.. stove, re'-..,._ .. lcal .et-....., U cu.,m, 4: .....,....... .. -, or e AU ~ .... ........ 3 Rooms Ftarnitur• 1 BR, NEAR OCEAN. Ex~llent income ftit feW
ting. For adults, 1 blk. to $25 M nth Single person p~erred. '1 ,(X>MME:k.C. -300 Sq. tt hn. weekly 'IYOrlc (days ot 1AL:t ahops. $IGO mo. 544--4780 0 4!»-7090 alt 4 &: wkends 7U Ocean AW!., H.B '1 IJllDUST. -800 sq. It.
H F. •-•-• FUIL-·OPTION 'TO BUY (n4) 536-1481 e &W-2130 e eves.) i:efilllnl and collttt· OUMt um .. ,_ · 3 BR, sma.11 tenoed yard, inc money trom co~ oP81'-
. -• -H-~ Shoppi"" {Rdrtgeraton Available) RENTALS W , )p I _. N 1
1 1Di$G. SO x IOO, in heart at .... ..o•~.,.-.n .. c• .m· ~-Generel 2000 ~· "~...,_ ... -"':".., """"' ~.. No depos_lt o.Lc. Apts. Unfurnished int r vec:, • ew of ddwntown Costa 1.-fesa cu ....,_____ .....-..
..... tr. $.u.;i mo.~ HF R.C ONE BR's NE.AR OCEAN i::Ao "A"! m3270 E. Mesa. and ~.uu. '185: 2 BDRMS., l %. ba.. 2 bdrm I& dm, crpta; &::: Fumlt~~ bintali G.neriJ 5000 $13:i. mo ($147 Furn) garage .rlOvt\I .no-vei. No 1ewng. (Handlel name ~.,Patio; carpet!!, disposal. DI Monte Vista. ,Gt., ,.,... .,,0 .,,,.. 202 _ 14th. 536-1319 673-17841-----·----brand candy alld .,.cksJ ~-~~ ... -CM fl~ Mo Call11C-4611 517W. -~ -· --Off' R I 6070 J16!ilCMh-FMpo, .
......... DnHl.C.l-_....._ • • ......... • 154il W. Incln, Anhm '174--2800 VEN DOME ice •nt1 sone.l interview it\ "1r""Costa
1000Gener1I 1000 0.Mril 1000 HOUDAl!'PLAZA S1nt1 Ana 5620 Me1a: Send naine, ~
...,.,. ·'-·· 1 Bdrm LAGUNA BEACH and P"°"" m1mber ta'
Solve o Sitnplo S.,.,,,bl<d Word Pu:ri. for a Chuck!.
or::-.. 1::"' ~ :::
low to forM fovr. el111Ple wordJ,.
.' I I I I I f ..
ISEY4S I . I' r I I
ICINll ' I r I I I' . Girl '° op ..... .,1.,, "!¥w ;:::::-::::·=~· =-=~· ...., 11nc:. I lost my glosses, I ~ 1-,K_R,_Y.;..T.;,.l;.;C:,.....,,..-r-~1~ who -mo.• ~-s
1111., .~ .... --.,_ ....... ,_-' ' . ~.....,,_..,No.31ooiow,
& "\'l.istt;i~.1.EtTIU IN r r I' I' I' r I
6 "'l~''*8'iN~~~f t!TIUS I I I I I I 1 . .. ,.,....._ ............
' '
DEL""IU:o, Splll.'IVUll • ' IMMACULATE API'S! VERY Oean 2 Br. 2 Ba. Air Conditioned "R0tn'E DEPARl'Mltln''' Furn. apt $135 Plus util. lMMED. OCCUPANCY Garden Apt& Prv patio. . 0 8oX 38f6
2 Br. A den ~Plus util. ADULT I FAMILY Pool. Nice area. 546-1525 ON FOR.ES'/ AVENUE P. • ro..1,., Heated pool, Ample partdna: SECTIONS AVAILABLE Desk spaces available 1n Anaheim, --. mD
No chlldnn-No pets Cl Sh · P k newetit office bui\dlnc at FRIGID allE 1ll65 --. CM 6""858 -to opp1n9, " ,L .:.:""=n:.:•..:ll=••;;;h __ ......;.57;..;0:.:5 prime location In down'°"" ... e Spaclouo 3 B•'•, 2 Ba •-Lai>Jtta Bead>. Alt ""'11> , JET ACTION .
$105; 1..&droom e 2 Bedroom! 100 CLIFF DRIVE tiooed, carpeted, beautlful Beauttrul ttnewed Laund:ey.
1-Bath; UtJIJtit1 paid e SWlm Pool, Put/ll'een LUXURY FURN/UNFURN paneled partitioning. T w 0 28 wUbera, 11 dtyen. 20 lb,
Broker S34-6980 • Frpl, lndlv/lndry fac'll Yearly Lease. I &: 2 Bdrm& entrancel: Frontaae Oil waaber. $.18,000 yr. p>a C~• .._.__ 4100 IUS An1he lm Ave. attps to Shore It S'.bopl Forest Aft., rear leadl to b& F\nd out bow eaq St la I---'-~------COSTA MESA 642-2824 Oce:anview trom every ApL Mund:pal JMlrldn& '°"" $50 to awn!
LOVELY ' Br. 1% ""-E-from $ISO mo up. ..... ... DIOllth tor ...... Desk Coin·O·Matic
Ide pool Uo \et $185 49'-2449 and chain ••aflable for $5. mo ;Santa':. ; qu 645.29l3 Co1t1 Mesa 5100 REAL ESTATE Bume11 boura answfrine ~;taie~
WFSI"SIOE 1 BR., bltn~. $140 • 2 Bedrooms GeMrtl ~All till~~Li.b~~d ~ .. ~ Merton , 7J4: SZ.
-.ta, drpl, adult. only. $1.2S Bltlns, relrig. w/w 1--'---~---u ...,. Pai ........ ~.
Stc-7285 ..:-.-.. 1-Broker 534-«18) Rent•lt W1nted 5990 telepboneDAIL. Y P" ,_ MUsr laCC'Uice! Est bl .... ~ ... .,. ......... J. Cbok.ie • Ca D d 1 vtDdlrc
BAOIELOR Apt,• .utlla ~ BACHELOR 1-2--3 bdnn aptll, WHO Want. a roommate:?
d\ldftl, $&5. (mature perwm tum. & unfurn. 998 El Female, age 22, looklng tor
prtft'l'Ted). 548-«Mi& canuno Dr, 546-0451 place on Balboa Island.
$75: BACHELOR: refria:., NEAR OC'C. Latgt 2 Br. &ff..-1700 ext 533, LU fer
hotpif.te: utll. pd. Womall 2 BA. Bltns, crpt11.; drpg. JoaM alt~r 6, 67'3-6471
onb'. ta-5'MS Evtnlna1. 115.'i ~r mo. S4()...0.336 EP.tPLOYED Lady need.a 1
BAOIELOR $§; sep. unit. 2 BR. Dupltx apt w/ a•r. BR unfum Apt, beach art!a,
CrudlMt, "-clry, dolle-in Newly dee. Adutta only $ll5 to SUO. Carport or ~
· Ml-2ll8 mo. 169 Walnut. 548-6954 nee. 642-0088 ett/5 p.m.
nJRH: 1 BR Duplex $S7.50 LOVELY 1 BR. cpt&, ....... e LANDLORDS e
vtU )lid. 1 cV prage. 21> paUo, pool; S10S l'f62-H FREE RENTAL Sf;RVICE ifrrb St, CM. 51H31T Kenwood Pl. &4MCl98 Brok-er 534-«m
$102. 1 BDRM, encl yard, 1-BR.. w/w cptr, dl'JMI. all FURN. one bedroom apt
' 1 1"1ult;1 pa • ptid. Quiel eleo. Prlv, lJAUo:' ,oo pets "With be;th tiear Newport
31J Dd Mar, C.M. &42-Ul2 or children. SUO. 548--1322 Hgta. 1'tlnl1ter. 646-n47
m FOREST AVENUE machine route. Req 2 hn
LAGUNA BEAal wkly. $900, 10 ttn1ttJ C.11.· ....,.. ..... 6lS-1300
Offi~I IUllable for Q)m.
JTICT'Cial, M'!dlcal, Dental.
Atr-cond .• crpta, tievator
From f10
S41-0032 OR. m.'464
OFFTCE • 5 Rms, lilXI lt.
$115 510 31Jit St. N.8. * 496-I513 *
S?.tALL office on bu&y cor-
.aer O.ta Mna. $55/month
aUlities tncllJded. MU5fiO
AS.OOCIATE needed tor pro-
duction I: Illes. New plutlo:
product. Acttw or lnectlw.
6M leCUftd irlY. N q ,
BEAUTY Salo<1, CM. 11)'
owner. Xlnt buaincM, lll!:D· "" due to tll baalth. 64U316
-----~----------------------------------·---=-=.:.:-::.:=::·::-::-:::·::::!:•:::·~-::::-:::-:::-~~~~m ... .,..;
I' '
, .
. -
I '
... ------..-------. -...--0--------·----
---. •'
··Journalism ...
Hollywood hes its Oscar, but in Ori1111
• County Saturday night .the spotligbfw1s
on ORCOP. ·That's the. Orange Coullfy
Press Cub's equivalent to the movie .
industry's highest honor.
Only the best news stories, headlines,
page layouts, photographs end editor·
ials published in the county can sur·
vive the competition to win ORCOPs.
The DAILY PILOT won six of them. And
then two DAILY PILOT staffers went on
to win two more first place 1w1rds in
special categories -a total of eight
first place awards out of 23 for which
they were eligible in 1968 competi-
tion, more then one;third of the tot1l
and far more firsts than any other
Orange County newspaper.
Our team also won 1( "honorable
achievement" awards, plaques given
for journalistic efforts which came in
second or, in some categories, third.
In a field of 373 entries, even second
and third place was 1 creditable show-
ing in this 14th annual Orange County
Press Club Awards contest.
The ~AILY PILOT is proud of its record
(over the years, the DAILY PILOT his
won more ORCOPs then any other
newspaper published in Orange Coun·
ty) and especially proud of these six
stiff members who copped the ORCOPs
this year, two of whom each won first
pieces In two categories.
Beat Headline and
Ente<talnment "Special"
• • ·-l
Beat Feature Photo and
Best Spot News Photo Best Series on !Aw
Enforcemenl "Special"
. .
' -·~
' I
I ' ~ ' .
: ' '
I 11 •, .·
' , . .._ ........ _ ._, ......
• • =
Mlnlmwn two yeal'B ex-
-In the..,..., and ~ ot art work · tor print9d..drcuit biaiuda.
c 2 ; .
-.. ·-·;,.--· • ... _ .~... . -~
J.C.-Co. ,.__ --
TOOL a Dll
Pl:lllOtlNa. DD'T.
•ENERAL-. -.. """""" ..... trbl. tatpimbf, e te.
Balboa aq a ... an --·111rt:r ... -·
1)>e 9f apu • mr I*"" • "(qdll*I lla'T.
AiO'I 0 -----Cell ........... p.,t.. 014) _,., . ' ' TBOllC
' ' lagl111rla1 c:...
L-lwh • • I
An equol -""1'>i I.
~ 1-----·----
IMillC ------S404tM
""' •••
I 1
' •
I Anabt•im 1784 w. Lincoln
, Santa Ana . Pb. ~
r co.ca~eu · 2700 Harbor
' AD Equal ,Op..,ninlty .,,,..,,....
! MA!'OR
I CALIFO~A ~-I meek! trRm/ '.Id for trust
1 dept. Must 're dictation,
I asallt O f,flc~r . enjoy L cu1tome r . contact
: Permanent c a r e e r op-
1 portunlty ·ror q. u a I i f i e d
I person. S a I a r y com-
~ mensu:tate wtth :abUity' and
experience. Co!fl\ct w. G.
t Pttssnall I · • -
• N•wport Cenler Branch • • Bank •. Secur!ty Pacific ·Na t'I. ~ &SO Newpoit Cem:\?r Dv.
: Newpca't Beac\'l ' ~
:· ,,
• •
~·II Nursjng.Qfflce . ' . ~ M•i:tin ,l,,!fther
7:12-1200 Ext. 272
• • ·~ . ~ .. -.~. • --····--~~------~ -.. ··.:=?""'•• •"' .--.. • ' ~ T•-t
• •
~ r
' I I
• j •
• ..
f'. ,.' • ·'
. ...
. .
1\ l.· L' .11 I
f\' ' .
' ;rhis is the one,you've waited for!
' . ) .
:·A'!'erica's most excitin9 0 UNCOMMON
' ' .. > hi9h. perforinence;:sport1 'ce1!
' i • .
' . . . '
. FINAL CLEARANCE ,OF 1961 GT -350'.5, GT-500'5. N~ -IXEC. .• CARS.· LESS THAN A DOZIN
-,. .. ' . . ·~% . -
Must1tiaS:·· .f.llRLANES · _:
. & . IALAilE •;s . . '
Those unique '69's WO(O •lpocially built Jo .sen. yO.U '·
money on ·llMI m..st .;.niod 1969 extras!" Com•· in;
see the 1muln9·uivings we're offtting on such o~. • tionol equipment 11,1ir .conditionin9; ~:28 whiteweDs,
vinyl roofs, deluxe whHI covers, tape stripes, · bocl1
mouldings, ate., etc: . ,
IMTBrOUMllrEst ., WlllE TllY uro-. '. : ,·' ... r:~TH::U:ND~E=Rl=.=D:::SA:LE:::.~·-==~=.64~FOR::D::;S~Al..E~.~~~
6 f• choo1• from. 2 4•« •n4 4 iloor 2 OW.. 4· D•on, s.40111, HoNt., .. Con·
,...odol1; H1rcltop1 0114 • L..114a1u. All with ••r:tibloi, w,1,111, 10..,. wltli air 1114 pow•
1lr c'onditioftint 011~ f11!i'" r,•-'· So1111 or •horlnf.
with , .. ,,., t.-,.1 •. 'IJ tftr11 67 Models. EXAMPLE:
IXAMPLI ''4 POai •ALAxf1 Ht 4 IOOI '67 T-1·1n1 I --.1-g V·I ......... f•lly · ,.,,,,.., l)W•·
lotlillRMI 4J I J ,' 21 °' i1-11 or trolllo,
kodlo,_ ho1hr, tllt wllool, l11tom1lltlc, pow· $695 flull Price. $22 per 30 lnOI.
er 1f1trlnt . bralo:11 •window1 •111t, oir
cOnd., f1ctory warra11ty. IVCKJ 12 1. 20'1. 115 OLDS DELTA 11'2 Dr~,'tf.T.
' .
. ..
INftNfOh' NOW AT , ••
11\.Ull J I 4 toOI·
S_ID.~N-5 :
. • ·~ IUICK .1 :
SEDAN ,, . ' • • --· "'..-nu• •
. ' -• ,$199 • • • • • '
. D.OWN " • ' !!..,_, ............
,.,, a '' c:.Mlt.' we• ~-... ~.··~. .. . . . -' • • h>"L F'~ FIN E
"'i:D CARS • .. ,___. . .
• "'17, WILDCAT •
Ila.it.. M1bf, 1oto., P.S.,.,
.r.ct.rt·1lr. llAXllf, 'fl
• $2995 ~
: ·u ·1u1c:11 S1iflort< :
•H.T. C,,. M+.,..•tic. , ••. ~
.I .. t...hr, ,.._,, 1tMrh11o•
.fMhr[.·,i..,IFX~t4'/. •
•. $11·95. •
••. ~'170l'IL :
11¥-C..~. lll'11,-SM!1for.1
~ ""'1.1 -.W"''· IUOf.:' • HI)' • . · ~
: . ·.$1495· •
. •i.1 ClilY. ·s:s. . ·-. It•&. lie1ter, 11+.,, r.s.,
l!I " r ,,2295 • • I 7
•. 'OT14 ·~ • • • ~. ·~·'"'· .... ........ CJ./14171 • • ..... ,.391 . . '. '
• '65. OLDS Cvtlw ~H.J. c,., _l_IJi. ·~ .. PS, ............ INr•••• -
: $1595,
..... IUICK s.icylark
•H~r. e,.. UH. ...... rs.
•P·wl"401po air 1.-I.'
:· . $1695
• 'M IUM:11 Sk;1lilC ............ ,,...... . ..., .. ,, • ,.~11 .. t.H+w. (llA61t)
: .ti95 ;,'
Jow11,11t hiJi. • Vt, a•t<t.. rs, llH, r.111h:, lrfY0601. 20'4 ·
$2995 ~~ . $1' :.::.. 5·14;5 ·~ $52 :.::... STATION
~· !.n :OLD't -~~ ..
·-... ..-!-!· •· ..... ,.., \1 11.:r.ht. '•IYCL·
hny 1 .. 1lppff. IDFQ.1471 201 J-11 or fr•d•, $795 ~~. $33 :~.
·WHY WArr7
IJ to choo11 .fro-. "6'' & "1'',cylllMl1rs,
4 .,..... •lrfe1111tlc. 511119 wffti powor
1to.ri11 •11J •Ir c0Mlff•11f.,, lf61 thro
lt67 111oclol11 c111•ortililM, c1111po1 •1141
·4 S,D. er•AUTO. TRAl'f• .
• 2+2 f•ttli•cli1. IXMIPLI
1tll MUITAfrl• -l r: •1'1~ H•rdt•• c .. , ... folly ,..1a....1 'wxs. •·•M " 1N · ..-MIJll , ,_ IALLqll lllC Jfll 20Y." tl•w•'•tr.ft. 1 IU,.,. pUU. f .PAll.·llD 5895 =.s31 ·::J;. .---~· ::.':..-:~~=-
.. --------~-..... ..1AM1 on •.1 1 'l, ,, '"' ' ' ' J. I••\
# • .!usa' 'eAI IALI Plied a' :cr1n n HOUIS llMLDS PllVIOUILY '°"':
• AU PAYMINTI Pl.UID Oii Al'PIOftl CUllf • ~ ~ .. . ' ...
" •
-CAI., ... , CM,_, J ...........
_195 •on~ •
l ' l
' I.
,, .. . .-. . -......
$488 $21 * $21 !!!•t TOTAL A TOTAL ,1111 Mot+ T&l '67 ltl Air
l.:i·~ ;!11-tw. ,il ..
" .... --------
Mon. to Sat. 8 A.M. to 10 P .M. •
Sunday 9 A.M. 10 ~.M.
• •
. .
J~i'l\1(1 111 l
j l111p1'l I.
So We Try. H1r~er , ... ~ForYoa
On Approwal of Crfflt
,. · .. WE NEED YOUR
.V..Llmil .'°'~ 6.46-9303 1966 HARIOlt, C.M •
Wtdnt5day, February 5, 1969 DAJLV PrtOT $1
-----= -_ -_ -=-·~==· .. ;::-.:;.u;;N:..;.--:~T~R'"'A:..:""N;;_'s;;.;P:O~R':::1~A~T~IO~N~:~·r:..:RA~~N~S::..P~O;.:RT;.:A..:.T;.:l.::.O;.:N"""'.:..:T-:'R?'A'""N""SP"O':'R"T.;.A;.;.T..:.IO;..;ll.;;...-=TR=A=N--S;.;.P-:;0.;.R:..;.T;.:A..:.T;;:IO..:.N;_=T=•-:Ac.:N;.:S..:.P.;;.O;.:R..:.TA:..;.T;.:l.;;.O;.:N=;.:T.:;RA=N:::S:...PO::;R::.T:.:A::T.:;IO::;N::._ __ .:_l,::RA=N::SP:.:0:,:R:.,:T.::A:.,:T.:,:10:.:N!.;.._'I r;:1NSPORTAT~ '
~N:•:w:C:•:':':::::::':IOO::N:•:w=C=•=rs~~==~9;800::N:•:w~C•=~~.::::~9:800::N~ow~C~1:•:•:::::::':IOONl:::::w~C.~,.~==·:·:::':800::NO:~::C:•:rs:·::::::':IOO:::N.:ow::C.:z:rs:::::::'~IOO::::No::w:C:•:rs~:::::9=8=00~N=•=w~C•~r~s::::::~9=IO~ ... I
• • •
' ' '
1964 CADWC
4 Door h1rtllop fini1h 1d in Roy1l1 l lu1 111ffrlor with tr11lc.hln'9 t,l u, ~loth
intorior. H11 111 t+io popul1r C1dill1c power 1niJh intludlng ,ow1r
1toorin9, power br••••, pow1r windows, AM.FM r1dio, cruiao control i nd
much, mu<:h more. ('t'H\J.1981 _ -
51444 PRICE
Thi popul1r Sod111 D.i't'illo fini1h1 d in ormino while 1•l1rior with con·
1!11tin9 blu1 cloth i nd 111th1r interior. H11 11! lho popul1r C1dill1c pow.
I r 111i1h icludin9 ll1orin 9, br1k11, widows, •e1i, AM·FM r1dio and
Codill"'o lomm lo~::E•i' $1'1'i'1 "::::1E
Thit !o•tly Coupe 01 Villi his ill pow1r 111ish incl11dln9 power
il11rin9, br1li.11, window1, 111t i nd C1ditl 1c'1 f1mou1 f1 clory 1!r ton·
dilionin9, 1!1reo AM.FM, tilt wheel, lwi li9ht 11nl., Pr•mium Ooubl1
E19l1 tiret. leauliful loc1lly dri.,en fin9 1ufomobi!1. !VAX710)
1966 BUICK
Cullom loS1br1 4 Door h1rdtop. Sp1rltlln9 t"I blu1 with m1ichi119 Inter·
ior, F1ctory 1ir conditioning, 111lom1lie fr1n1mi11ion, powtr 1!11ril'9,
power ~1r1k11, r1dio, h11!1r, 1tc. Truly 1 fint 1utomobiJ1 th•I mu1! b1
-1e1n i nd driven to oppr1ci1t1 ih lint ¥1lu1! ISIW49'11
52222 PRICE
A !e1utiful C1prk1 1t1!ion w1 9on. l ov1ly 1Tpino whil1 olflt rior wllh
1imul1!1d wood p1n1lin9, 111 rid vinyl inl1rior, Fully •quipped with power
1l11rln9, pow1r br1~e1, power tail 91!0 windows, clim1t1 control tlr t o1i.
di!lonln9, •utomelic tl1n1m'11ion, premium ti111 and much mor1. Th ts·h·
1 Ioct l I own1r, 24,000 mif1 1ulomobil1 th1t i1 1b1olut1ly -,,qul1111. •
01't'if11 convertible. Bi.aulilul Cameo b1 i9e with m1tchin9 top i nd l11th1r
inl1rior, Th is low mile191 ci r i1 e~ceptionttly •quipped with ftclory 1ir
conditio ning, power 1le1rin9, power br1lte1, ppwet 111h; pow1r windows,
tilt i nd t1 l1,copic. whe1I, AM·FM r1dio. !XSPb921
SALE s3999 ~RICE ---~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gri n Turi1imo coupe. Thi 1 lov1ly litt!1 f11tbock h11 4 1poed tr1nsmiuion,
wir1 wheels end i1 1b1olut1ly lik1 brand now with only 9,000 mlt11. Stun-
ning 1unbur1t yellow 1xl1rior with bl eck 111 \Oinyl i11t1rior. Locll I ow ner
1ulomobil1 1how1 ouhl1ndin9 C.Jtl by pr1"jou1 owner, Tiki it fo'r I 1horl "'" '"' ,,,.,, ""~:::· $2999 PRICE
Newport Beoch
fl Masterpiece from .-..
' . : . The Master Craftsmen
On Display and Ready for Delivery Today!
iho<P.'' popular E.! Oor1do. Fini1hod in b1 roqu1 901d with ~oi91 p1dd1d roof i nd 9old inl1rior.
Tilt who1I, powl r 1l11 ri119, pow1r br1k1s, power window~' power 1011, pow1r \Oant window•,
pow1r trunk lid rel11i1, Stor10 AM-FM Radio, ind monY 111or1 lu1ury power f11 tur11 including
C1dill1c f1clory 1ir conditioning. B1tt1r 911 h1r1 fin! iii this l11uly. tVTLlb7l
5 6444
Sedan De Ville
Thi1 lovely Sed•n D1't'iHe h11 111 popu l11 pow1r 1ui1h including power 1t11rin9, pow1r b11•11,
pow•r windows. p~w1r 11ot i nd C1dit11c'1 l1mou1 fa ctory 1ir conditionin9. This b11ut!lul 1ulo·
mobile hi s been "ery c1refull y driv1n ind 1how1 only tho fin11I of c1r1 by 11'1 pr1viou1 own1r1,
!44451 .
8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY
9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY ond SUNDAY
' ' '
S1d111 D1't'ille th1t 11 1b1olul1fy 9or910111. Finisll1 d 1n Sp111i1h Sit"'' wifh
m1tc.hin9 cloth I l11th1r Interior, f11lly pow1r occe1Tt1d with po..,•r 11•••·
ing.Or1lr11·wl11dow1·111t-d-loch, AM.FM r1dlo, 1ul• cnii11 control, .~.,,.,.,~-·''·s:~~ ·_~SJll)''r·:::::·'•· IR6N•", ~
Tho •porfy J tlo,_or h1rdtop 11 full y •q11ipp1d with pow1r 1to1ri119, pow1r b~1k11, pow1r wlndowt, power 1111 ind Ford'r f1mOUJ f1 ctory 1lr con•
d1Ho11ln9. A lo1utiful 11ti11 111"'' nt•ri•r with block viflyl inltrlor. Mu1f
la 1••n • clrl\01n to fully 1pi1c:l1f•I
1RTU.J.l9J, •
• .. SALE 22 . ·2 PRICE
l1nd1" h1rclt1p. A bo1utlful ,/pphire bl111 f .l frd wilh tho wkite l1nf'111
roof, 111 vinyl Interior. F1ill powtr 1qi.ilpm1nt Incl, power br1 k11, pow1r
1f11rlng, po-r wlndow1, pow'r 1111 111d f1<:lory 1ir c:onditlonlng. An
ouht1nd!n9 tit 1t out1!1ndin9 11\0ln91. IMPPl2 1)
'SAL! $1666 PRICE
Fl11twood lrough1m. M1Jo1tlc r191I sil.,.r with bl1ck p1dd1d lop i nd
bl1ck t1po1try i nd lt1tft1t lnt1rior, All pow•r lncrudin9 1t.trift<J b11k11,
wfnd ow1, v1nt wlnd-1, trunk lid r1l1111. St1r11t r1dio, tilt i nd t1l11copic
1t11rl119 wh11I plu1,f1ctory 1ir c:onditionln9. IUKV.219 1
lli1 popul1• 11dtii D1Villo, Flni1hed In B1roq111 gold 1rlorior wHh milch.
ln9 gold l1tth1r 111d cloth Interior, H11 111 tho popul1r C1dill1c lu1ury
~ f11tur11 lncludln9 pow1r 1t11ri119, pow~r br1k11, pow1r window1, pow1t
111h, 1tgn1I 111kln9 r1dlo ind of cour11 C1dill1c f1 ctory 1lr conditlonin9.
171221 • <
52666 PRl~E ·
Coup1 D1Vit11. Thl1 m1i11tie l u11do bloc.Ir C1dill 1c with while l11ih1r
i11t1rior h11 1lmo11 111 of th1 d1lu11 fooluros th1t C1dill1c i1 f1mou1 for
including pow1r 1t1orl119, pow•r br1lto1, power 111t1 i nd pow er windows,
Al10 h11 C.dlll1t F1ctory •it co11dltionln9, You rnu1t driv1 thl1 on1.
. 5888 SALe PRICE
S1d1n D1Vlll o with l1roqv1 9old •V•rior. 1n .. ~bl1c\ ptddecl top-wilh
flltlchtn·g bl1ck cloth ind l11thor l11t1rfor. ,._1olut1ly lo1d1d with po-r
1f11rln91 pow1r br1lr11, pow1r windows, power $11t, powlt frun .. lid r••
, !11111 AM.FM r1dio, pr1ml11m Vogue Tyr11 ind of cour11 f1clory 1ir ton.
ditlonlng; Tli1r1 1r1 15 168'1 to 11l1cl from ri9ht now 11 N1b1r1 Codill1c
bolh ""P' DoVISA('E:'p'RICED
Your Factory Authorized Cadilla~ Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Are.a
2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
--------------------------------==="=----·-· --------
Ustd C1r1 9900 Used C•rs I=:...;:.:.::..---::::--9900 UHd C•rs 9900 Used C•rs 9900 Used Cars 9900 UMd C1r1 9900 ·-~-1 Car• 9900 Used C•rs 9900 Used Cars 1--------1·--------1 ·9900
'61 OOR\TET'TE. Burgundy
427, low mileage, xlnt cond.
Sacrlfice. 54s-8522
1961 COUGAR. pvty pty, llke
new, air t"Ond, P I S ,
AM / FM, \V I 0 Tires. \Vk·
aays ~l6ll, rxt 1983, eve
•; wk~nds sn-2288. or
'61 CNTRY Scd. \Vag, 10
pass, 300 cng. AT. R/lt.
P1/pb, fac air. 23,0CKI on
eng. Lua racks, ~ood lire•.
52475. or will trade. 837-0458
Parklane, 4 • doo1 hardtop,
power stcc~. power brak-
es, factory alr conditioning.
black landau roof, TahiUan
red with matching interior.
Lie. XSS516.
1st car lot on I !arbor Blvd.
'Qi 1t1USTANG Convt V-8,
ml. Hll lhl' Ml:traS, good
condition, best offer,
1967 r.t USTANG 289, 2 dr,
hrtl top II.IT. air, P/B,
PIS. $33:). under book
MUSTANG 2+2 Fas1back, a
beauty! Auto, J)I!:, radio,
19.000 1nl. I.ikc t>e\.\'. $16§
Joe Nickertt 67~
'li1 Mustang, pwr strg, nlr
oond. Many extras. Fact
\\'arr. Like new. 540-7877
lmoorted Auto• 9600 Imported Autos 9600
'66 OLDS Cutl111 '63 PLYMOUT-H . '64 RAMBLER ·
Cpc. V-8, ,.utomatlc, qi.dio, Convertable, 6 cylinder stick. Oasslc Sedan. 6 cyl., auto-
heater, power 1teerin& and perfect transportation car. matlc, real clean. (SJU10)
brakes, landa11 top. CSLU See and drive thia one. $595. $595
8891 Doan I.owl• Imports. 1966 ATLAS
$1695 """"°'· C.M. 646-9303 ATLAS
29'19 llarbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa 546-1934
Open 'tll 10 p.m.
29'19 t?arbor Blvd.
c.o&ta r.1esa M&-lB:M
Open 'Iii 10 p.m.
' ·j
• ' • • • .
· '68 COUGAR
1960 Ford Galaxie, V-8, w/o
intake manifold & \VB.tcr
pump. Good trans. & engine.
Not running. Sell as is $50.
or best offer. See at 2119 S.
P..oss, Santa Aoa. 540-9391
'63 FAJRLANE 6 HT. New
cng. Bucket seals. Xlnt 2nd
(."ar. Prv pl)' $500. 54>2822
4-door, full power . Factory
air conditioning. A beautiful
metallic green with malch-
irlg dark green leather lntcr-
ll:Jr. PKB954.
Costa r.1csa Branch
l!Wl l-la1·bor Blvd. 6'l2·7050 a~a~ara llllVERSITY
Radio, heat er, automatic,
power atee(ing A brakes,
low miles. fWXG937) 1---------·I
¥995 '65 T ·BIRD Lime with b~ck padded top.
Loaded and alr conditioning.
$2800.. 1 f. Stotts 842-5581,
Eves. 962-7056
' '67 DODGE DART 2'o Wr. ll.T. V.a, automallc,
Ndlo. heater,, power steer-
"-· air condltlonlnc. Com. ;or.i (TGX600l
$1611 ATLAS
:1!129H,,_ Blvd.
Costa. Mesa .• 5f&.Ul34
Open 'tll 10 p.m.
** 1965 FORD Country
Squire Wagon. Lo a d t d !
Xtnt. $1900. 675-3210 or
'63 FORD CalaxJe, 1tlck.
R/H. $495. Xlnt t'Ond, new
tires etc. $42-3'i31
'6:1 FORD Wagon, 6 l!Y).
stick. -rebuilt etwlne, $o$OO. 673-6579 . ' ' .
'68~ Fonl E 2»-SUper Van.
Auto.30'1 v..a. 8000 ml $2900.
1st car lot on Hnrl.lor Blvd.
C.O.ta. P.teia. Branch
100. Harbor Blvd. 642·7!li0
Comet. 2 txXJR; n:r. Radio,
healer, automatic, power
stcerlng,• ,\78. Sharp. (NJU
2929 """°' Bfvd.
. Costa Me.. 546-Wf
~ 'Ul 10 p.m.. '63 COLONY PARK
StaUdrt y.rq.,n; blue with
56 FORD G itidl: $8$ matchitc v!Jiy1 lnttt. in :xJ.nt. 1--,..-------
Sf M ac.nv m """'·' ..,,. · """'·· ••'!'-MUSTANG e~. · a...; ~ brakea, 1ttft\. I---------_______ , 1ng •,....window: """'-'67 MUSTANG
1956 FORD t DR. heattt: rood •/w tires; C\l9o" V-8 • +speed • Yt'Kk! Ovals • Town sedan. Good oond. tom bun • filled naughbyde ,
D» Cliff Dr. N.B. pad tor iear deck: (kte&l for AM·FM Slerto • Dark blue FALCON _ thlldttn whln travellrw ) with mate~ interior. TNH· J . 'G3 FOhD Country Sedan ,69 L'-·-• I ~11· «16. -... Wngt>n. RITT. Needs Ures. ,.,...,,IM:\I, dee.I fa ru y $229S '64 RED FaJ.s:on. Good con-$M0 G46--3&39 car, fairly priced at $995.
ditlon. 6 ey1. ~-21'.:.. ' -64~ Alt.-'1 PM. -lit car lot on Harbor-Blvd.
Vi:lt -all 6. IT'S t. ·.u:YELA110N fllo •o; CALIE1fl'E Conv. low' JOttNSON & SON
11YourAd·lnuv.rc:lualfledlt many~ JOI.I ftnd in mlle1.1t, tt:llf''•hlpe, KOOd, t.Jncoln.t.f.etCl.IJ')'
So'nltGne will !;le: 'klokil!I for ClulUled Ada-QMICk them lli'ff. -. 64&-1098 aft@r Com MMa Branch
It,. D\111 64Ui8?8 now! 5. 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-?ttiO
• n
Lis Yltlls Yll:lflon
fOR T'j/O
No '11("-'••. N1c••••rr
15300 htch Bl'td.
SALES & SERVICE A LAS Full powef • loctory ... ,.
Turquoise blue with white
interior. Low mileage and
very clean, NBCJ95, ,
2929 Harbor Blvd.
2850 llarbor mvd. Costa Men 546-1934 $2195
Colla Meaa Open 'tll 10 p.m. lit car lot on llarbor B1vd1
.,._ Uoed Can -l9t!ll '50 H.O, Flreblrd ma••· JOHNSON & SON 162 OLDS .F-85t new tram. wtd6 oYals, 3 spd H~
$650 ur best offer. Will con--etc. Qieap, UIXJ, below bl11e ~~
lidtt trade. 646-Dls book. Call between 6. 7:3;). 19Cl ~
'58 OLDS 18 Rd nr.p. Gd --7445, ext l&. I Blvd. SC.1U50
"""" IZIO. -... LA MANZ, auto, v~ .. T-BIRD. ..... """'"""· ltlll -------·I R l H. pd cond. -,._, .... ~ .. R11s,
----· .... 1'151). ~ -moch. -. lmmlc PLYMOUTH ~~IZI before
'111 BARRActiD• • .-. • ' ltAMllLEI '64 Tll\llXf<ribnt
VI,~ and. ht11.ter, vecy - -~ 0004 l!Ond. All mi;ttUI
shatp, balance oC factory '61 RAMBl,.ER Oa.slic, 4. dr, "'4ast Saccillcel $18.06tS
warranf1, $1!1$. WW ta1re •ul.omatic R/H, Ide 1.J l9G T-BlRD Full fOW1'" A
trade tbr old ""°'P-PhH1e IUl'fer cu. Cab 'ltd: ~ air lmmac ~t tim cub. 871~6 llftef) p,m, I e _gwhzldc, _$21; ~ t\~, ..._
'&I PLYMOtml 91Jori J'urr 'M !IAM8LER W .... ; new 'W FULL -_., Xllil 383-Hot. ~ paint. ~ .... --.lWI.. eyl,. ..... __ _
!lpe --1401 st. lllld\ lllllft. $ MB-'1387 m.i 'Andrews, SA. IQ MIG DAIL'f PILOT "ANT ADS '
---------·-·--··~·---~·-·~-~--~W~'·~·~·-·--•-••--~-------·~------~·~+H=•~>~·CF<='~'~ ... ~-~,.~·--·~·2~·~···~Ml"'K'°'"'~-"S0""'"'U--l"---····1-•o<'°''-'·'"'' .. '-""'"'"'"'""'~~ •.:..,'"''"""""~--.-" -.:_• w-~~:.;-..,, ....... _ .. ____ .,..i
.-........ _. ·-.... _., .-~--·--.-,-.-~.· =·=-~, • ,.~.~.~e~-~-~~~ . .--. ...... • C!C=.-r....:;...,_,,_,.._,;r_,;..,. _______ • .,,,_._...
• . .. ,
$8 IW~Y PltOT Wtdntsda,y, Ftb1111r7 S, 1%9 PILOT-ADVERTIUR-28.
' l
f .
~ ' . . .. -'
'°ST .How· toNG: ·oo \.JOU ":THINK:~· .. · ~ • • .. .
·WE'RE : GOIN~ :TQ . :~ET .lOU?:-~~~';-.. : ·'"""~.-
AWAY:: WiTH· SPICIAl· SAVIN&s·~·oM·: -~.
' ". ,, .t· ' • ' ·-• ,• •• ~· .. • '· • ~ ~t3 :SPECIALLY , EQUIPPED w·1DE· 1RACKs?·: -~; :·
~ BeaUtilul , Midnight Grten with matching inttr\or is fully equ~pped with
air conditioning, turbo-hydramatic transmissi~n. power stter1{lg, power
disc brake~'· pushbutton ra~io and heat.er, 40Q cubic inch engine 1350
1h.p. that ii I, shoulder harntss, head rests; hidden winshield intenn.a, rt·
.mote control outside mi rror, front floor mats, white side waif tires and
all the standard delu xe Grand Prix accessories. Strial number 27659P·
' .. ,,
. ·~.
' .
' • :. ' ' ;.l;r' ROY CUlfR'S SERYICE'm,PAR1MEllT ,S OPBt MONDAY
THROUGH FRIDAY .fRof\f 7;30 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M •
' .. •
JHE SAW DEPARTMBfr ·IS OPEii 8:00 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M.
I , .. ·. · ·. SE~EN, DAYS A WEEK ' . ' . ''· ' , -
l'1n•I pickup. 1dio, 4 1p1•d. ITAV41JJ
. . '
~ -I . , (
Thfs ts the Hot 1on• that people cen't t•ke their eyes off of. lovely EJ1pres10
brown with gold interior is fully equipped with V8 engine, turbo-Gydran'..atic
fran_1."'i1sion,· PUJhbutton radio end heater, power;:st.ef~Jri9, conSoli, clelU:X:e
seat belts, .clellr., whe•I cli1c1, tinted ·windshield, frtint floor.m1t plus muC:h
more. Serial '!umber 242379R 132895
,. .
The American spOrtscarihat .has
taken the country by storm.
This car, Stria! number
22ll79L601492, ;,
ready for you todayl
'89aUtiful automobile
'equipped with sp ...
cial p.tint, a.·1oxt4
red _line tires, cit·
luxe wh.etl Covers,
dtli,.1~e sttering
whttl, whetl opening
mouldings, custom metal
trim pl1te1 an;cl,muc~ more.
• •
'67 OLDSMOlilLE · ' . l
Vi•t• Cr11i••r. VI •11to111eth:, 11ow•r •f••'·
in9 I br•k•1, r1dio, h••f•r, WSW, f•c·
tory 1ir. I UDC97 I)
$3277 '68 CHEVROLET · -. . 1·
El Camino 396 S.S. Va, 4 1pa1cl, pow•r
1teerin9, t1dio, h11t•r. Red Lin• tire•,
c:1mp1r 1h•lto 15,875 mil1•. l1nd111 top,
b11ck1t t•1h. l55810AI 1--------
. .. I 1. ,6~.~~~~. 1'~,.~.~~~" '6~.~~v~~~!:~:.~.:!:. $1377 ·
I ; ; h ..... ·; ll pow•r d••rin9, r1dio, heotor, ITEP150l n9, r• io on ••f!lf.,,.:f'/ 1t1 11 1 •• ~__:t~ir•:•·~·~·:•U~tl~I~~.,~~·~·.;....~~~-=============:;::::
'65 FORD I
F1 irlan1 500 wa9011, VI 1ulom1tie, pow1r
,,.,.;,,, nd;o. '"''" wh;" ,;J, wotl
fir••· 32,615 mil•1. IP145A I
'6~.m~~.~~~:~~lomoH<, n· I
dio, h•1t1r, c1mp1r equipp14. ITllOOOI
' ' .. \ '6~ .• ~~.~~!~~ ... ''"""· l radio, h•1t•r, WSW,'vinyl top, 26,475 '"ii••· INOY51ii
'69 PONTIAC G.T.O. l
Conv•rtibl1. VI, 4 •P••ifi p;w:~ _1t1erln9,
...... , ........ ; i;,. ,;,.,, ........ ; ...
IYNG217l R1lly II wh11l1,
'6~ D~!~~!!~.~~! ....... ~ I
in9, pow•r br1k11, ltlH, WSW, vi11yl top,
pow•r window1 J Hlh f1ctory 1ir.
IWAE611) 1--------'
Co11fM D1Vill1, VI, ~ydr1rn1fic, pow•t ''"'"''"''"""''; ......... '"''" ,;, c:ondifion i119, I ULF}OJ J
'6~ •. ~~~.~~~.!~.~?..1"· I $26·1 .1 ,6~ .. ~=~~;; .. ~~~~~;,~~:;;, I $1611 I '6~ .. ~~.~~~:~!~~.,~ I $1011
r1dio, )le1~f,· WSW, .fHtofy •it vlnyl top, vinyl top, factory 1ir, 15745 1flil11. IV6X. . i i on IOSTllSJ
.. 1"1'·y·.·.·· ... · .. · .. · .......... ~;;;;;;;;;;;11· •. ~.~ ... i;::~·=··=·::::i~"""!~~ ··4 i-·,..,c:::-~·~·":::1111111:11111111111111..:iiiiiiiiiiiii;;'iiimiil