HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-06 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa·1
• • .·
., . 11~·1~iwf,eftt 'M~'Spe:,U,. Night,~·:.;;.,,
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S~r~U· .~~for~ ·,i~d ii ~e i~~g ~e·sk .~~ ~ehind ··~~s ·a~ .suspect bi Burglary
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' I ' . ' ' · · Laguna Hit
' '
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VOL-62. MO. 'a. ·,.siCTIONS, t1'P/.1ia1 1
' ''
'-1' ·o· : , C: . '
. . . . '
.. .,,. , lfere are the highlights of Preside~t Nixon's press conlerenc.e ·this ,
morning ~ . . . ,. •. ·.7' , • ,
. · 4 He Will ~veJ'.'•D~·~ p11 a ~~,t~~~on:~i.~ to ~~~~,E?~~~·'
f ',7 "'"'llv~~;1i,~ 'l!l·Trn#Jllii~:.di ~g ih~; -p ~ .. ..,~-i ..... ·~ .... v -• ~-~ -• 'YJi<iti. .J
· '•' The U.S. ·Will 801Uhe the inltjative ln seeking a,Mi4elit:peace·
1eltlen\O!!t' supp0riin1 efforts· ot·th'e U.N:on five lrool!. ' ~· '.-There are·no plans yet for bringing troops h~e from Vietnam,
but that return-is ~'high on tb,e iagenda." ,
• The U.S. intends during lb• Paris peace talks lo insist that the
military and diplomatic isSueS irlvolv~ be separated.
• The administration's tax reform plans will be discussed Friday
by_ Treasury Secretary Kennedy.
l • Federal funds will be denied to school di~tricls that perpetuate
segregatioP. ·
• There will be a full scale review of the Pueblo case after all
investigations are concluded.
I ' '
Arid Twister
Of Ille 0.llY P'lllt It.ti . Another angry .storm, this one wrapped
around a small tcrnadfi, .unJea4he!d ab-
breviated ftlry oo the <>range COast wfJ.
Laguna · Beach bore the· heavy ' brunt
of the Jatest wind-whlpped storm, wtilch
deposited up to an inCh of rainfall oh
the water~ed coastal areas.
A pocket·'ized tornado churneC lh@Ujh
the' exclusive Emerata Bay, sect10(1 . of
Laguna tbla mornin1. te·artng the roof
from· the home. of Rqbert Cleary . at----
!il6 Emetald Bay; City Manager Joieph.
Wheato~· 1}a_d a .fir~~· r'J>Ol'I or the .-m-T-·:1' ~ ~ ilree, 1ab<f &t ,llake' r-.IQ.J,IJ&~l* .
T1ie minor' twt.ier ~ .. ...ii<CW'fl<c:
fi'I® :sorvice·• ld• Eaierafd Bay, where
power JIJ'U Out, from 3:46 to· 5!-10 a.m.
FfoOding:wits reportei! along Li&llJI& Caflr'
yon Road and· In •SOIDe· portlom of
;,;~ .. ~~TwJSTISR ,L IFl'.5 ~~ O~f FtoM1E,'~~~CLUjl~l(Mr~ ~~,,.'1'ii.'ir.. '.< r' •' , : . ~I ~~,;-~~.~·! H,·.ve to·~~l::.,i~~. fll f•~Y ul lf.i ·' . I i:i~ ·~~;,i :~· "'r.rj'.;:.'
••t '" ':(!, ,-' -'"'-f~· 7'·! ~ ''('~~-) ·~-:.~·.~!:. YI:~ !:Y..;il' 'lf {I ' ·-, "-, : <.. , -~ T 'I
\. _.. ... ' • • "•:__ I '') '· •-...,..•j ~~I • ·,7 -•,'." -~ ~. ·. t'"' :"1""~. -"-1 •• ' .... ....__._ ' •. f
B ... ~• L-u ..... :..-•ot•, . • ... _,d,. ltlb&. , ~·1 ~-'·lff ·· ... ·: .. -.. -~ . Jl!.J ~U, , .. . . . I . ' ; : . i.d . l . I J,JUL ~
" 1 J ' J '·' • { "• • • ' " ! , ! . I ' ') : ' ~ I'~' I ,' -,' !-, ' • 1 • ·"1~ ·. F·reak:_ Tornad:O:.Sirr~les · .: ii~~-Arr~ .. e.i · '.·.
ROOF coµ.APsES ei .... 1 11, •·· ~.l . •
San Cl!mente: ·
A commercial buildJng in Sanla Ana F B · ::-~~~~thethe w.f:~f ~ Ou' t o· ' ·n' e" ' L' a· 'g' "u"h.,. 0 o' 'me·' I . or'. : ;iJralJIM,i ' ';. rain. The damage was reported at U.S. ' •. ,......,, fl\ . . , :" ! I ' e ~ J, I ; I
Div.en, 3323 Warner Ave., about ·5:45 Wrongly klenUfied by an upset!walrien"
a.m. :!! .. %:a:n _ who 'tried · kt ;bur&JC I
In Newport Beach, m · boats .broke The freakish tornado-that swept,Jnto ' Ul! CJeary home. Inside; ,china ~Pl. ·~. ·ly.' n8m Mesa . horpe, .a. man w
loose from their· moorlngii "8.nd were Laguna Beach's exclusi!e Emeraldt ~Y and p¢tefy were Jeft'rUn~en. ~ fp.mily,'p ·e j~-~·1 ~ ftie ,
to ed to sar b th Or section early today hit without warhing ' remained on· the she!ve1. · SOuthJand 11 ~: toda)". .after · a nlPt
,.. ... n.wwE<·:r:111r01'•' "''"'Z"'"'""•"""'mlillwmr=,..••"'""=lli·=r•·••--'*"'""''..,,B••• eoon. w __ ... HubQre n!~~.!\ .. JL R!~~=: or fear or favor. "I guess this means we'll have to J/i jaj1. 'POUce sat he' is i PfOVed vtcUm 1
w~.r pwhed 'sa:~· portklrul of "JL sqig1ed :1n .on hillside Jiome of R. 'ccincel Ole cioclttail patty tltia weekend," oft1me Ind'~. •1 '. .' .'" .
NIX. on to Leave Feb. 23. Seashoremp_ lngto .. ~e_bstrr~ .. t:a0t~ ~e~~; .. ~.--~; :~~ C1~ry~s ~ ~e~~ ~r;;~; ~i:: :i: ~:;f :?;r~ .. ~ · tfJ:~~~n:;.~.,,~-·
wi:: .,.., ... UACIOC\;U Schumacher, 21, was asleep in · the Cleery and hlJ wife, Joyce, w:ere. at . bars ..;.. . and; undO;Ubtedly, ~.... Of"",
' ""' downstairs bedroom when the roor "wiis their home in Los ~des ,wQen the a naniSJi ' J • • • •iw-'\' ,( I ,,_ · ··· · . • ;, ~' ~ ~~.uuntiugton Valley area apparently 111 ed 1 the 'ho and · t d w spout hit •-e-· · ' ' · · -· ; · -, ""'!' i · " .. ' · · · -· ' · e:SC&P.eii ': almost unscathed, with II tile t rom · use se 0 n . .. . . · · . . The else be.i~n to unfold · M~ .. d~ ;;~· t-:. ~ ·, , • . . . . '. bl rted i H nlingto 50 feet aWay. . . 1,'he cl~k111~ 1;t ~.53 :~.i;n~ ~. ni1ht. mom.enU.after somefHle,attejnpted" For, ~ii~eetmgs~·jn:iEnr..op. . e_~ ~~:\~:;;~~ei;: v.~~~:~ ~Sr~.r~~~~:~~~~i~~ t~~~~:.~=~·~1!i:!~F1J>e1~af1. = -~~::~~inm'P~~=:~ · •,,•,i ... , . r .• ·,, ':~ . . 1 • , wb-e_..11..:...red and some storm drains . . . . residence were Wldarn!lged,•liq'f~)~i: .. in terrOr: · ·. , . '. -•. ·
, 1 ;.11UN nelghbOrhood' int.a.cf. Jls ' fqrce was ex. Power Un~· ripped by the .w~ ~t "It was 's:coi.n'=;,11_,.ca· .~~t... • l ' · ' . J : •• ~ were: :stopped up, but otherwise damage pended almost eJ1Urely on the Cleary parts of the area · and -no~ Lqu~ .__,_ , .. wa,11 •• ..,_ • ~~ .. ;v.,-. _WASffiNGTd~ <YPIY ...:;1_Pmldent, ~~:and 'West _~y .-to~Clt~ w!Sn'li~al. ho wlthdut ·electriclty ·for: two hourt 1this Cikl!li of d .,.~d' ~Uye .
Nixon annoo$ncetl :~y he : ·~I~ ,Jea1vthe · 1nNl;'l~ ar~ltt ·. , . ·' · . -i'. ,1 .• «ie· , · D OUBLE , ~:le . wlildQ\!S werp bi-oke.n . ancf. momlng. ,. : ; • . ; , , . j , " ~~~4, w~, h~I~ to cJtat:lJ?e~~
Feb. 23 for f tu:.iacz:meetinlsr w l . ' wm'\ r"41~ rq;Joc;el1i~Ver-' ... I . ph i...1___ Cleary's furillture was sucked from the A tree picked up frOJ'l1 the ocean. 0r~~··1 • ·•' . .. .• . k • ', ' ' five allied · (j..-~ ioa-·uiA tJ>e~nM· QftfM~MlcWle •-...-.' lltuatl.:.. ~. gener iager of the , , ~ ---'-"' -"-·• 'l'4.a 11111-an tKld nnli,... sbe •••
he ••·-will e o;, ,_~T·-· ~i ,. tiigg.~g a .;l;jor ·war. 7e~ .r:...:1 -~ 'Soo.tlie'm_ 'Califdtnla I!..-··,· eo: 10· Hiii\-living.rqom :arid kitchen. • , · ' frt>nt ·Srb.ith• estalerWP" \:m'--,.-· · "'~ \ .1'!'9"---r1 -N :-:.ii r,:-_L.""":'i:·· • , • . • ~ · -t11111 ~icu ttie roof wi.s rei3tlvely intact when a quarter mile and dropPeci~Jn the back SUSl>ici~'Of wboe\>ert~'ner ~ J
future summit meeting wi Soviet his new policy would emphasize the tlngton Beach, reparted little or no trou· it was plopped . onto the· ll\fld behind yard on another Emerald Bay residence. al 10:,40 p.m. ~ kept qlflet, 4fter .wbfdi
leaders. United States "assuming the initiative" hie along most o{ the Orange Coast, : ,,, . U].e caJler j111iftled.'thie.1..m.,nbox,loudJ;Y ....
He told a news Conference he hoped in tryini to establish a stable peace. except for the power outage in Emerald tq_ aWa.ken m.;, ~.PiN.foCclip4q~! , . ~· .
his 000:.w~k European mission. would • N~ alto.~ hep~ ••ubmit to Bay. · " p· 1· 'd r • ™ ·'n{ls ~·1 ~c .bi&t}is·,~apdl ·P,a ~ "•trenglhe,i~'-'·i~~"~fgg ,,A~·· ·io:.: .. -_~·~,·"All iervlce>wererestored quickfy G_a·.·r· .. r1"so'_·n :_ e' -,g_ e'Q.t·~·.· .. _·· .. o.v~"a '_ burilarl"." ,, .. ' . ",,
Nt1•d~~-:Zldhim~to .f_u.r~f~ _,;,r, ·" .{~· ?L.. , ,-,1': · • f!tY fortunate that no major problems bbrg!ar-then fried~a .n&.11 .... r11Uo ·doOr l partnersb)p. : / ..• ·::m·"''' ~,,. "·.•i••. . .· , , ~·~that area," Kiser. said. "We feel 0 'l:J .GoUing-no --."tlie-·w..w.i..,
WOU "°::f ~ fttloWih& C!JU I ~ " • U " •' ._ Ve developed " . . . . ~ . Whieb ~ -r, __...,. f -~l~~~~; '~a~ll,~~ · ... or-~¥• . ~L~. ·,While u 1as1~, lhf• morning'• stonn · C , · ~ "~. ~1>11.;:i,: !u;
House said Mrs. f.lixOit;woufd'bot '~ •:•II~~.". ·: l ,'-'j)"mllsed by all but the early nsers JF,, ·~ s. l~m· .by, ' . on:sp-9 .. ,-ff • !I~-_v,, ', remcrved .tbe -· ' p"ilix::'a\~,~il~~iOl 'Wliii ~ " "'m~' • :~,' li~:·.:.::i::~beol ~t v:~en~,. fi ~ J•' J~~~;J"~~~~ negoUatin'g·~~Jfie;~J Pi.~ '_ ... ;r·' .'. ~· .-•f* .. i.iji ' ... ..,~to1 -.~est hit_ were tiae Glendora and · ,. 1 , , •·• .._ . • '/I~; f. ... ·,; ..... ,,.,"(_=~--tlle --"1-be,-~bitrlJ*', __ ,_.,· f
talf<s '""""'Uf !ni!O~-''ll'i!li:ll!'Wl!, I ·~ " · -. ' "4 ~~ty lllallbu. are1;1 not 7tl n!COvered from · NElv ORLEANS (UPI)' -Dist: !tty.' nlent In' Ila .•"""'1et. IQ !l""V <;l.9't· '$S. ' I ~~-" • -.~ ~-
during What tie deSc'rlbed 811 "i-w¥".; ·sta t ntdaj1b1· •. OD the . ttie January ~voe.· i ,. Jim' Garr.•-'. to!" an all·rnale.,.jury In' year~ ..:..•;..M Jbu_lliltealnlan', of · con-· ,...-,--...,,,,,,..,,~,..,,,..,....,,.---~· ing trip!' IUbjeet. • · , More .tban'15 famill~ from the Glen. -· a , ... ~_.
Asked if he hoped to meet wilh the Wflltern Europtu. o(6cla1I ~ dora..area, devastated Jby mudslides last the Clay L."'Shl)f trial today ~, state · spir~g :*itb ~ Harv~. °"!~Id .and .
Soviet leadership later, Nlron i:.epfled : . If-'• -to mUe 1111 ft--. JIOCkod tbelr bdonglngs and Oed woold prove President Jobn F, Kertn<dy ~r! to ~er K~,iqlrrt.oii U1il
"I believe that a meetlng with the llz-clty Ylsll·-lllnj~lfy, Tiley Aki " tbelr bomel qain "I' more than an WBI murdtled. by a COlllp!racy and,lhat ho w,9111d· prov< ltfi<: 'llli!>la 'In ' DeaJey '
Soviet leaders should take place." W·apurred 'hopei ti lncre•e d American inch ti rain bittered Ute area. He fell ·backward from a fatat· shot Plaza in d~ Dallas camel ftOtn
NO INSTANT SUMMIT -In -·and lll'prGbleim u "1'bia pfoce .Jo at the mercy of God," fired from tbe front. -. "di{lerentgwwlrOm-~.C.tloiil.">
The President added however, that he IOOll u the Vle6mD war end!. (See sroRM, Paie I) Presenting the slate's oPening BJ.ate-· Ganison:fsakl the ate would{pnii!uc'e
was opposed to "instanl summitry" and . ' testinlojty tli!'t •Ila< !lle<.i..ilnau.n ·
would go to such a meeting only alter • , ~ · . , • •· Nov. a ,. 1113, Oswald :rai· dOfn...:the J
careful preparation.~ 0•1 p· . . .i 0 t B h grass In front-ot tht :.SdloDflr'Book.1
"But it Is my Intention to conCluct '1· ' Au· r· S" ' ' n · o· ean "h.s' ,. '' De!>citftoiy 111W~ and cl)nibe1tanto'lt upforafP.ry talks at' ~' Jmll," , V ~ . ICi ' ' statlOlt "'""'° irltli -lhlm :ol the 1 Nixon told his ~ ile1n ~. ' t .. wheel "•mlltbjtithil 1tattoa--.a pulled, Nixon said he iG.t..ht ,1t •'vftanf1 lb>-,... • / • .. ' · ' away, ud ,dlsappear:ed lllto\•·-~{ ...
I Oranie ... '"" • C..-· 1
I • , ' ' I '-: ..
-·' . ' . . . -· Weaaelo , .. ·
We'll set a',~.io dry off Ftf~ay, QPeclally-with the lllllY ;
winds coming ar>, 1 btlt keeWo'!"
ovucolta, oo:lt'D '"1lJ, "'~lt1 ' ... -"'<lb'.'lf:'lltli ~·"II ~ti'..-.,. "'" . I • port.ant" to meet' ...... wfd.)tbe ·= . . , ., '.' ,1 '/.~ .'. .. 1 .. 1 •• ,,,, : •• 1 O!!Tf.~~"\ .... -v·•~n··);,,~:·.,·:~" ~lif:l~i.:&~ ,to alty ~ • Efforu Made .. to, __ ,_P., JJ., m,, n _JJud,-Jiito, !l'i.nth,' .'.We.ll!'f1ipek1' ·='.·:····.'I_ S:.~';.:~..'.~, I
"'nl.ls iis·only the first step in achiev· \ ..., .... ·1 ...... .. ~ Uj acUnc aJ<-.,·IJred t0t,r.,..1 1bcp,~~t Ai m1Wh °'&II~ wo:ni to ao'
Ing tbe-I ba.'IJ!-~'.j!:irJlol"' ...---"· Friilt lltn ..nb. and cltluttl ol thit ~ communJ~· tk wind did ntil'l>IO!M nore oil '-~ a:"'~"-"-. ......_ of,. ... !llPolfla-y 1 tl~rt •. P.~ ~don't Q<I I INSIDE' TOBAY
to_ the futltre ol _.for tlle United SANTA BARBARA_ ou COlllJll!'Y were up In arms. "1 ciurtnfiibenfght. . " ·, · -~ an<1-:u;.'.1"''~<".:ri'P't··!J1 .... ~~ .. ~. ';.~~;'ot;-:"'1 C~~.~
Siates ~ peace for_ the ___ worbn bepn ·ttftliiir 'di)illl pllcim ' ,'Ille JIOllelnillnl ·llliell of · <Nie oil · · bul· "·· • • t ·" ' .; """ ,,..,, "'""' g°"' I
slrengtbenlngEu andl'C)ll~,'~Nl,!be -'mudL'-.~.L~ D"'-•~· Beellll to be everywhm. lleoutlful "\V•J.ia•e,reaJ.tl't,,Ol\,~~·o/"i .~~t:iixJ ,dri1"f"-.119" ..... -.W~', •~t,~f'7. ''. ,
" I
~I$~ ~~~~:~~~i~,~~!-~ ~~=~: l;!J;\ff~: ·
and adhering to the 11Ucfear • loal M two mn -to stop up bird Ille. 1n 'Oil 1aeRr wont qn>lllld off Baja Oswald 'amid' bla ' r111o 'lnlcl Uie ;:: 1 • 1 •:JI · J ·
erailon treaty thll ·" )taa uked the the leak 111 on ollihon driDlna atte. Wind and rain, lntmer..r wWt the Cll~otnla INl!cated all marine !Ue wllhto depoollory aitd 'that lie wu oitt of tl.:;;o ' Z'JCI" · .. ~fl'oi. !':<-" •
Senate to rollly. · Tnhe mlla.of,_L White beacbel rell<if operatlo!t al>ll ltept awlj lbe five mllet,,.. ldUed.' ' ' dolng -lbe ol>oodu..JIIJI ~-' ',..,~ r •,.
But he made 1rp1~.llo would try to alreody'wm cooled lrlth t-of acrid tourlalt wlto l1ocbd lo the -by Tbe oil on the oboref!UZl·Ml>~ •• ~itlit"llll!1tllt'l¥fll'iliiii tt,e1I ..,...., . "· "r~ado rather !1\an btaclanall" cnxJe the cooslllency of cllowbt( IU"! lbebundredl~thia .w .. ~ :t/lll'Hf ,l8'Wlll!ll;'"ifll'"' ( ... d~,' .... IJ ';--.--r--:---i"'4!~ t 4-4;.k .. ' .~ • 1 '• • • I
"i '.'lo ,~ •• . ..:!_j~:·. -.i 1.;i••.f/i-~'t ''f • • ~·>-•, .,f.! _. • ' ,.''' • ) • " t ._.... I \,-a )'".· .. ; .... i:•t t .;-~
s •
'Tou~' ·Off ere
Civic L~ader .Asks Officials See Other Side
Loogllme Orange CQasl oil loo Victor c. Aildrtwl of. Lquoa Beach toclay of;
fer«I fl> Dy Newport Btacli''coUftcl!men
to the Santa Balbara oll slick so they
could, in his words, "see lhe other.
aide of the coin."
He.referred to ro..,. ·Si•en ~...,,.n
Beacb and Colla Mesa councllmen by
lwo oil compoald fut year to see
~ oil well operaUorui in the · Loe.AnJ~ ares.
.Andriwa, 118 Emerald Bay, waa .•
key -!or the Shell-Omnioaham act prohlbltlnc drtl!Jng Ill slate Udeiands
1rooo the Sonla•Ana River to the M~ ~--.·
caDing Newport Beach "Otlr first line
ol defense," Andrews · said, "I'U pay
for their ride if they go and look at
Whether or not they grab the offer,
the Newport Beach council apParently
needed fitlle prodding aboot the oU
menace. "
' Ille IO's thla would bappen to their !lily
oil rlga but I WU l""i""*1 aa being
• allnn.JI[• . ~ •
He aald he uodentandl the 20,000
gallon1 of oil loll dally that have caUltd
the IOO square mile oil slick could ln-
. crease in volume if greater fissures
open Ill the ocean floor.
''This la a geopbyalcal cala!lroobe.
lt'a u bH or l'Wlt than an eartbqutie;" ·
said Alldrewt. 0 Any kind vt a 1torm
front would ba..-the oil right here
OD the Oranp Coul."
Andrew• aald,. "All of a sudden con·
aervatioolatl .,e aU up in ~· Where
were they Whf?i they allowed the wells
to go In JO years ago Ill Saota Barbalit,
Ventura and HunlingtorrBetdl."
-aald 1111 .-......... despqately to interest northern Orqe
COunty In oU prohibitions bul ssld J!un.
tlngioo lle>ch Interests oeeined more In-
terested in having the oU wells .
"If a well (off-shore) ever went obt
In Huntlngton Beach It would be 1the
end of the oU lnleresls there," he Aid. '"
Andrews warned that state Udelaolh
could be opened up to drilling under
the Sbell-Olnnlngham Act If there
becomes reuon to believe tb1t drilllo,g
beyond the thr«-mile llmll ls draining
stale resoureea (oil). · < '
From Page l
can we do about thl.!1 111.is comes fnln\
outside." ·
EYES ON BERKELEY -Governor Ronald Rea-
gan announces at hastily called news conference
Wednesday be is declaring state ol "extreme emer-
gency" at UC Berkeley. With Reagan are (Imm
!ell) Ed Meese, governor's legal affairs secretary;
• -VPIT .........
Alameda County SheriH Frank Madigan, and High-
way Patrol Commissioner H. W. Sullivan. Gover-
nor's move will allow use of Highway Patri>l of-
ficers, If necessary, to help local authorities keep
campus peace.
City" aides read.led for Monda)' action
a reaolution for· the President and state
and federal leglalators asking-extension
of the Sbell-Oumlngham protections into
federal waten. ~
Andrews called for a ahutdown in all
drilling and exploratlorui: off-shore until
there is a complete invesUgaUon. He
questioned succtSS of effort! . to stop
the Santa Barbara oil break adding,
"I'm not sure they can ever stop that
of an 900-square .nille slick In the PacUlc
which crew more vast by the hour
as thousands of 1a1Ions of oil bolled
to the 1urface from fissures on the
ocean floor.
While ollworken struggled arotl:Jld the
clock to seal the ·well beneath Union
Oil Co. of California's Platform A six
miles offshore, more than 100 inmates
from state conservation camps toiled
on the beaches to sop up the slimy
Union Oil and th.tee other oil companies
lease the tideland drilling site ·from ll}e
federal government. It Wits one of many
parCels auctioned last year for record
* * * Nixon Seeks .,,.... r .. e l
because Oswald wu bOhlod Kennedy.
llMdio( verballm from a written llate-
ment -which be told the jury, wu
required by Louisiana law -Garrlscm
said the stale woaJd prove Kl!llOedy
"was murdered not by a lone individual
behind him but from a C0111piracy."
Reoding In a calm, barltooe voke
and llaodlng In frool ol the -· ing, whi~ Shaw, Garrlscm said
the evidence would show that In June,
1913, Shaw attended a pony given In
the Pnnch Quarter apsrlmeot In New
Orleans ol Di.vld w. Ferrie. "an ac>
compllsbed airplaoe pilot" and dl11CUsaed
the murder ol the Presldenl. The ln-
dlclment againll Shaw names Oswald
and Ferrie, both l)a,J dead, ·u co-con-
sptraton. "
Garrlaon said Shaw was overheard
talldng with Ferrie and othera to the
dlect that KeMedy shoold be .kllled
and the murder could best be done
with a rifle.
"At this point, the defendant, Clay
Shaw, suggested that the man doing
the ahoolln& would probably be killed
before he could mate JUs escape/' Gil·
rison said. "The defendant • • • turned
to Fmie and asked l£ it might not
be poosible to fly the gunmao from
the scene ()f the shooting to safety.
Ferrie replied that it would."
Later in June that year, Garri&on
said, Shaw waa aeeo talklnl to Onald
on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain in
New Orleans.
"The defendant arrived at the lake
!root In a larg<, black four-<loor sedan
and was met by OSWald, who had walked
there. They bad a converaaUon which
lasted approxl.mateJy 15 mJnutes.
"At the conclwilon, the defendant gave
Oswald what appeared to be a roll
of money • • . In shoving the money
into his pocket, Oswald dropped several
'7bese yellow leaflebi were ldenUcal
with "Fair Play for Cuba CommJtteee"
literature taken from Oswald by harbor
police earlier that month, Ganison said.
He said the atale would show thal
Jn late August or early September, 1963,
Oswald wanted to get a job at a state
hospital in Jacbon, La., and bad learned
that be bad to r<gi.ster to vote to be
Shortly thereafter. Garrison said,
Shaw, Oswald and Ferrie drove into
Clinton, La., in a black cadl.llac and
parked near the vote registrar's ofDce.
ltell1rl H. W114
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Extreme Emergency Cited
At UC Berkeley by Reagan
~with l\raw. ; · .,. .... .., • · , ~ .. • ;·1 ., • · . "I believe more in esthetics than
desperate need of oil," Andrews said.
"I w amed the oil Interests back in
N JOJ.r •'of llllldP.. '~ -to ,.,, ' 'R l J _.~ .. ,11x~tblek;.wPliif·IJJf~' · Si'fit!t ~ ·· U~·~i
..._ .A. ..._ 1o''lbo. high tide n,,.;;;leU!ng ) 15-yiid , , ~ .fl',·¥
14 H w 1lliiP of black-* 'beach reaembllni'• < • ' · "
R P at;. 'rJU:: r:r~,::r·.e'!'. ~ &.;· ,On Drillinir;· ·, eagan roposes o1 iu wllli.llll·ID!ld.:.. .:cJ>iai1eai-·~ · ,. · .... : · ,"""~r""
SACRAMENTO (AP).,.-Gov. Reagan,
qybig "we have come · to the end of
the road," bas declared an unprecedented ' . .ememe llala of emeraeocy at the
Uolvonll7 DI caillornla at Berlteley and
uked for speclaJ lawa to atop campus
The proclamailoo permits Ca!Homla
fflihway Patrol offlcer1 to uswne law
enforcement power on \be Berkeley cam-
pus to relieve overburdened local police,
and remain there lndellnllely.
The governor, flanked by law en-
forcement olllclala anno<mCed I h e
moves WedneSday, a day after It people
were injured anc1·20 arruted in violence
on the lSth day of a Berkeley strike
called by the Third World JJberallon
The campus was relalively quiet
Tbe front is demanding an autonomous
college for black students and other
minorlUea, plus more financial aid and
admission for minority students.
"It ls about time that aomebody
discovered that the people who are aolng
to achool are entitled to some academic
freedom, too," Reagan told a new1 con·
Reagan said he wu stirred by "new
concentraUona at Berkeley of physical
beaUngs of students" and l&ld "it isn't
good enougb any more to wait wtUl
the roekl are flying and the beatings
•tarted and then aend for someone to
restore order."
The emergency proclamation permits
Reagan to usume full law enforcement
at the troubled 27,500-student campus,
previously uoder the authority of local
police and campus offlclals. Tbt bJgbway
patrolmen -50 ol whom were on the
scene Wednesday -will remain as long
as Reagan believes they are needed,
the governor said.
Never .before has a. governor invoked
the emergency state at a state university
or college campus in California.
Edwin Meese Ill, Reagan's eiecuUve
secretary, said the patrolmen will be
under the 1eneral-dlrecUon of Alameda
County Sheriff Frank Madigan, who re-
quested the help.
l!CIODd.,.•wlll!IF~ llka'.Oooc!Co -, "-'•' to llle'..DAJL~ rllMT .• ~ State Inspection llilt!I •adiiold•i'ai a •--..i· :wMHiNGTON -~llld anOtfitt atten:ipt would be made tod1y. · · ' · ta B bafa If the mud fa ils to seal the well, the ~ay as ~ re~lt of the San '::
Of Ocean D ill• only alternaUve Is a relief shaft now oil pollution disaster new and very r JD g 'beJng aunk. The drilling or 11 will lake sirlngenl" r<gulations will be developed
SACRAMENTO (AP) _ Gov. Reagan at least two weeks. on all offshore drilling operations in
said today he would like to aee the lke Rob~son, St. George, Utah, said federal waters.
state Jns:pect offshore oil wells under ~e was going back home from ~s va~a-"I have found tha t there has been
federal jurladictlon -such as the one lion. a day early because of the mvasion no updating in 15 years in our policy
that haa poured oil into ~ Pacific of ·?i~;s flowing like blacltstrap molasses," on offshore drilling," he .told a press
off Santa Barbara. he said. TUesday evening he stood on confere™'.e· .
Reagan told his news conference that the Santa Barbara Harbor jetty. "Flrst .He said Interior Sec_reta,';Y Walter
federal inspection slandards for the rigs 1 saw only a few small splotches of Hickel .has orde~ed .stud1e~ .w update
are "about a third" as tough a.s the oil on the beach. An hour later, the regulations so. t~s kind of mc1dent does
state standards. entire beach was covered ." not occur again. .
But Reagan expressed confidence that SUff onshore winds were expected to .~e President, 1~ respon;;e to .. quea-
U.S. Interior secretary Walter Hickel continue through Friday. lntermittent tJorung, s~ld he believed Hickel ;, a~ed
will move swifUy to toughen federal ram' Wednesday and today hampered .Promptly 1n temporarily stopplng ~· standards. (Related Story, Page 4) u the Ca!Uoml Uioe Hickel Reagin also said that the federal crews on the beaches who dumped straw mg 0 a coas • .
and th haJ been crlticlled for not compelhnc government should 11ef aside il fund from on the sand to absorb the oil en a longer ban against the activity.
offshore oil re.venues "to help us" Jn raked it Into bags. "Looking to the future," Nilon said,
the event anything like this takes place." Sea ~lls, ~elr feathers 11meared jet "we've got to get aome means of ap-
Reagan commented 1bout oil pouring black with ~· flopped on the gummy plying very stringent regulations to
out of a Union on Co. well into the sand .unable fly. At least 108 . of offshore drilling."
Pacific and then onto the beaches of the birds were known to have died He said there Is 00 question that
Santa Barbara by saying that be bas of the more than 200 brought to three adequate safeguards can be developed,
taken up the matter with Washington. treatment centers, and hundreds . of "if the companies involved make the. Since the well is beyond the three-mJle others went uncounted by State Fish ,.
VCI Students 'Live In' limit, he aaJd, "Jt is in the province and Game oUiclals. necessary expenditures.
of the federal government" A double log boom was placed across
But he aald he had been assured the entrance to Sanla Barbara Harbor
that federal and the oll company officials but the oil washed over the barrier Beach Dog Sought
After Girl Bitten
will "help ua to the point of cleaning and lapped against the hulls of 700
To Protest Dismissals and salvaging the beaches." small crafl valued at more than f5
Asked if federal 11tandards should be mllion. The harbor was evacuated
tightened in the rield of well inspectio.n, because of the fire hazard.
he said, "Yes I think this would be Bill Irvine, who has been in the yacht
Several dozen students continued •
"live-in" protest at UC Irvine today
alter spending the night In an Engll.!h
Department lounge.
The Jive-in began Wednesday afternoon
when 40 students moved in with books
and some food to protest recent
dismlasals of two young asslltant pro-
fessors of English.
No effort has been made to re.move
the students. Campus officials are con-
tent to wait the students out. so long
as they renf6in peaceful and university
property Is not destroyed,
The UCI campus does not have a
From Page ~
left, possibly hearing the whispered call
for help. ·
Simultaneously, an innocent man who
Is an inveterate evening stroller left
his nearby home, not knowing his
destinaUon was the Costa Mesa City
"My evening walks are a nelghborbood
lnstltuUon," he said today in an in-
"I walked down to the comer on '
our aide of the street," he said,
reconstructing the chain of even.Ls, "lhen
came back up the other side."
"When J went by her home, the liming
was such, rJve ·to aeven minutes after
lhe burglary attempt, that her relaUv.,
were thert," he oonUnued .
Unfortunately, the would·be burglary
vlollm and tlle nlgbl m.ller were unac-
quainted and be wu -by the woman
and her alm.-ln-law the eecond Ume
he puoed the bouse.
Patn>bnan Georp wu.on bad been
1enl to check the area and picked up
the man m a nearby llreet for In.
v..U,allon, ntumlng him to the arlllnal
crfme ICfM.
"1b.at ls defmltely the man," the
dlstrauihl woman said, when he wu
onler<d' to atand Ill Ille poolli«I In which
the burilar WU oeeft,
lnstud, pollct 11.Jd today, be Wll
merely a vkUm of clrcum1tance and
hla ltary checked out, wllile p!iJalcal
evidence II the -Implicated ..,_
"He baa been campletel7 cleared and
the rocu01 will show tbal feet,• said
Clpl Ed GI._, ~the delecllYC
bureau. ,
a good idea." State ins:pectors, he sa1d, maJntenance business here for 25 years, A Huntington Beach family, worried
have already rechecked offshore wells that their three-year-old girl mav be building curfew so the live-In can con-estimated it would cost up to $100 to ' in11lde the three-mile limit. forced Ul undergo the Pasteur anti-rabies tinue around the clock. The building He said he believes Hickel, in launching clean the scum from the average private treatment, is seeking help in flnd1n&
was not locked Wedne~ay night. 1 '·-lor Department study of safety boat. Union Oil sent insurance adjusters a dog whlch bit her on the mouth. The demonstraUlrs said they plan to an n~ into the area for the expected avalanche regulaUons will move swiftly. Mrs. Anita Oelgart, of 10061 El Capitan
live in for up to a week, but some "I have to believe this will not be of claims. Drive, said her daughter Erin was bitten
observers doubt it will last that long. one of those tw~year studies," he said. Local conservationists and officials Monday by a black-and-white chihuahua,
One of tbe live-in leaders, David Asked what he thought of the general were furious. while playing on Aquatic Lane.
Heskett, 24-year-old transfer student idea of putting offshore wellJ off Santa "People are mad," Wd Santa Barbara The victim's sister U:irrl and neighbors
from San Francisco State, conceded Barbara, from the aesthetic point of Mayor Gerald. Flrestone as he surveyed said the dog, wearing a collar, waa
"We're going to be damn tired of this view, Reagan said, "I think the scenlc a blackened beach. "You bet they're nicked up by a woman and litUe boy after awhile." " coaatUne in Santa Barbara has not been mad . This city is known throughout the in a dark colored car and hustled away.
English Department Chairman Haurd heavily damaged." world as an at.tractive community. Look Erin could be required to face the
Adams 11ald no classes are scheduled But he said th ere would be damage at it now. ordeal of the painful vaccination series,
in Ute lounge, known as the Writing if the wells were "in big clusters" and "We have Jaws which prohibit oil drill· if the little dog Is not located and
Center• the rest of the week. Two classes were allowed to increase without limits. lng within the city llmJta. But what cleared of any 11uspiclon of rabies.
that were to have been held there '"'=============='==================='=="=======; Wednesday night were r e a s s I g n e d If
elsewhere, he said.
The Writing Center is equipped with
a amall kitchen, divans and a 1tereo
record player. Adams removed the dla·
mond needle from the record'player.
Earller, the dissidents had staged a
walk through and then mill -ins in the
Humanities Building where the English
Department is located.
Each Ume about 200 students were
Involved, but most turned out to be
just curious with only a few dozen stu-
denb staying for any length of time.
Campus enrollment I.! 3,IOO.
The fired professors are Dr. Stephen
Shapiro and Donald Brannin. A>slllaot
ProltlllOI' ol Hl.!lory Dr. George Kent
baa been -=>ended by bis depm.
mtnt for clismlual but his case ls 1tW
under study .
From Page 1
said a spokesman for the Los Angeles
County Fire Department, ln describing
the Glendora altuaUon..
The wont, however, ls over, according
to lhe U.S. Weather Bureau, which
forecast u end to the rainfall Friday,
followed by clearing skies, IUllY wlnda
and conUnued cool temperatures. Along
the Orance Coast, a high or M and
an ovunlght lo" of '5 were predicted
far Friday.
~ .. ,.-·" ... ·" '·" 1.N 10.lt
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For lasting elegance, enhance your home
with famous HERITAGE upholstery ...
TMM -0·111 td ,_.. 1....,. ft~ .... ft
prwd ....., ...... "* ,_. m9dl ....... • IM"f tNdtttmt ..
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• . ,• t \
W est_'County Escape~Brunt:of Rainfall
By TOM 1TnJS ;
Of .. Dllfr "* ..... Another Bnll'Y storm, thli one wrapped
around a small tornado, unleashed ab-
breviated fury on the Orange Coast early
I,.aguna Beach bore the heavy brunt
of the latest wind-whipped storm, which
depos.lted up to an inch of rainfall on
the waterlogged coastal areas.
A pocket-sized tornado chume<: through
the exclusive Emerald Bay section of
Laguna this morn1ng, tearing the roof
i4111'. --·'° ,,61 .•I 9.H l.116 10.1'
.ti 12.07 1.00 11.os
·" 12.07
·" lt .07 1.N 10.lf 1.a. 10.n
1.N JO.If . 70 1l.t1
1.01 lJ.21 1.60 11U2
l.OI ll.OS
.. " ,,, .M
J.tl '·" •.01 5.11
6.01 ,.01
'" 6.0J •.ti 6.07
5.2• "' ...,
fro~ 1 the home of Robert Cleary at
546 Emerald Bay. City Manager Joseph
Wheaton had a first-hand report of the
storm -he lost a tree and a stake
fence to the high winds.
~ . ''
missed by all bul • lhe ~' rfoin. Mid • spoil ........ Ibo Lo. _...
was a iwwll. ii' Ille vloliol ~ OoimiJ; .!'In Dopaibnout,.Jn --which .,..ulled the c:oul ... nloath: -· · ·
Hardest bit weie lhe G-fnd Ille a-. -Ion.
Malibu areas not yet reco,'""1 fnm . Tbe wont, ~. ii over.~
the January havoc. to the U.S. Weather B~SU. which
More than 15 famJlles ·from the Glen-· forecait ·in end to the rairifall ftlda1,
dora area, devastated by mUdalldel tut followed by clearlna skies, gusty, wind.I
month, packed lhelr beloniinP and fled and continued cool lemperatures. Along
their homes again as more tbao an the -iQtang~ Coast, a bl&h of , 14 and
Inch of rain battered the area. in' (>Vemight low of 45 wert predicted
"This place is at ,lhe ·mercy of God," for"'Frlday.
• (,<(:
Nixon Hig~Iigl.tts.
Here are !be highlighl& of President Nixon'• press conference this
morning: . . • .
• He will leave Feb. 23 QD a five-nation visit to W'estern Ellrope.
• He does not expect•to meet with Communist leaders during·the
trJp·and does not favor "instant awnmitry'' with.lb• Soviet Union.
• The U.S. will assume th& initiative jn seekin~ a Mideast peace
settlement supporting efforts of the U.N. oh .five tronts. · ·
" • There are no plans yet for bringing-troops bOme from Vietnam,
but that return is "high on the agenda." I
-. , DAILY Pit.OT ....... W Hcl C"'"41t
The minor twister also affected elec-
trical service in Em erald Bay, where
poweJ" was out from 3:"5 to 5:10 a.m.
Flooding was reported along Laguna Can-
yon Road and in some portions of
San Clemente.
. . • The ':1 .S. intends during the Pari~.peace talks i:,, insist that the
m1htary and diplomatic issue!! involv~ Qe ~arated.
: . •1 Guess We'll Have to Cancel the Cockt•il P•rty Thls WHkend' • The administration's tax reform plans will be dis.cussed. Friday
.... f o' .kecoii'~er-
Hospital Okay
Of flle OallY Piiot Slaff
Rehearing of a use pemtit already
granted to Robert ZiMgrabe for con-
struction of a 224-bed major hospital
at Main and Delaware Streets has been
ordered by the Huntington Beach Plan-
ning Commission.
Commissioner Roger Slates won com-
mission approval for a rehearing on
tJie propO~ied conversion of the Hun-
tihgton Convalescent Hospital to a major
City legal officers, however, said the
new hearing, not yet SC.beduled . for a
sj)ecinc 'date, might not be legal.
Planners called for the rehearing
Councilmen earlier this week ei:pressed
surprise and anger that the permits
for what could be the city 's second
major hospital had been granted without
specific notification to the city council.
ZIMgrabe said today that "as far
as the legalities are concerned that's
a matt.er for the lawyers to work out. ·
We (the corporaUon which is to own
and operate the hospital complex) have
nothing to hide.
"We are not afraid to show our plans.
We feel this is a first class Idea and
WOUid welcome anyone who wants to see the plans we have developed."
He &aid the rehearing is "a legal
n}.atter ·and I'm not sure what the at-
torneys might decide. I want to encl
W,hat appears to be a personal feud
between some of the councilmen and
A corporation known as the HBH Corp.
has been fonned to begin conversion ot the existing facility into an ~bed
hosoital. Under construction now is a
large office building on the site and
fulure plans ca ll for a three-atory
hospital tower and a new c<inv alescent
Tornado Hits
. ~ ' ·~¢:4i~':'t,... ...... .,•-t:i·.f ..
Laguna Hom e
The freakish lornado lhat swept into
Laguna Beach's excluaive Emerald Bay
sect.ion early today hit withoUt warning
or fear or favor.
It singled in on hllllide home of R.
Warran Cleary, a Los Angeles insurance
broker. Clearji's stepson, Max
Schumacher, 21 , wu asleep Jn the
downstairs bedroom when the roof was
lifted from the house and set down
50 feet away.
Schumacher was uninjured.
The twister ripped some shiflg1es from
homes below, but left the nst of the
neighborhood intact. Its force was ex-
pended almost entirely on the Cleary
Plate windows were broken and
Cle&!)''s furrU~ was sucked from the liViDg -room rahd ltitchen.
The root .wa.s relaUvely intact when
it )Vas plopped onto the land behind
the Cleary horhe. IM:ide, china cups
and pottery were left unbroken. Books
remained on the shelves.
"I guess this means we'll have to
cancel the cocktail party th.la weekend,"
Cleary said wrily as he surveyed the
glass strewn on the floor of his home.
'Cleary and his wife, Joyce, were at
their home in Los Angeles when the
spout hi t.
"The clocks stopped at 3:53 a.m. so
that's when we figure it hit," he. said.
Homes on either side of the Cleary
resJdence were undamaged, ·however.
Power lines ripped · by the wind left
parts of the area and north Laguna
without elec~icity for two hours this
A tree picked up from the ocean
front Smith estate was carried about
a quarter mile and dropped. in the back
yard on another Emerald Bay residence.
Mud Forced Into Well
In Try to Halt Oil Flow
Frtm Wire Services
SANTA BARB.\flA -Oil company
worken began fQrclng 830,000 gallons
of mud into a th..--ee-lnch well pipe today
in ·a j'.lesperate etfOrt ·to ·siem the flow
of oil which made tar patches of glisten-
ing beaches here.
Officials .admitted · it .t'OUld lake. as
long as ttro Qiore w~ ,to stop up
lhe leak at ff1 Olbhor< drllllng lit~.
Twelve 'mJh of pearl white beaches
already were 'COlted with tons ol. acrid ·
cruet. lhe coollllMcy of. chewing gum
and Citizens~ of tbil resort community
were Up In .,m•-
The penetraUnc smell of crude oil
seems to be , ~v~here. , BeautUul
beaches are blackened for miles. The
once spariJing,blue harbor of this scenic
resort clty is covered with thick, gwnmy
slime. A wildlire . expert calls It the
wdrilt disaster · ever· to hit California
bird ure·.
Wind and rain interfered with the
relief operaUon and kept away the
tourisls who flbcked to the scene by
the hundreds earlier this week. However,
the wind did not blow more oil ashore
during the night.
"We have 1 real killer on our hands,"
said Dr. Robert F. Dill, chainnan of
the state Advisory Board for Underwater
Parkl and Reaerves/ who planned to
(llee OIL SLICK, Page II
A commercial bui~dini in 1Santa Ana
also lost its roof to the stonn, this
one collapsing under the weigtit of the
ral(I. T!>!t A~• ".!f 'l'l*1id at \J .S.
Divrrs, 3323 Warner 1 Ave., about 5:'5 --• • ~ ........ J • a.m.
In NnPort Belch, six bolts broke
loose from their moorings and were
towed to safe areas by the Orang•
County Harbor Department. Rain-driven
winds pushed sand across portions of
Seashore Drive in West Newport, dum-
ping debris from the previous storms
into the street at some intersections.
The Hun tington Valley area apparently
escaped almost unscathed, with little
or no problems reported in H,untington
Beacr, Fount.a.in Vallley or Westminster.
Jn the latter city, a few int!rsecUons
were Oooded and some stonn drains
were stopped up, but otherwise damage
was minimal.
Ralph Kiser, general manager of the
Southern California Edison Co. in Hun-
tington Beach, reported little or no trou.
ble along· most of the Orange Coast,
except for the power outage in Emerald
"All services were restored quickly
in that area," Kiser said. "We feel
very fortunate that no major problems
have developed."
While it lasted, this morning's storm,
Murder Suspect
In Court Frida y
A pair of suspects in the throat-slash
murder of a Huntington B e a c h
grandmother are due In West Orange
County Judicial District Court again Fri·
day for preliminary hearings.
Henry L. Sianez, 25, of 312 Clay St.,
and Edward R. Hargrave 18, of 17392
Marken Lane, are charged with murder.
auto theft and possession of a sawed-off
They are charged with the Jan. 12
murder of Mrs. Hester S. Markee, SS,
of 1508 OUve Ave., following a minor
trafjic collision between her car and
a vehicle stolen moments earlier.
by Treasury Secretary Kennedy, · · . . '
. • . _Federal funds wjll be denied to achoo! districts that perpetuate seg regation. · · ·
' ' 1 I • •
• · There will be· a .lull · scale review of the Pueblo case· after all
investigations are concluCled.. 1 ' : • · • 1 • • . " ' .. ,.
. ' .. ,... -..... -... ··----. . • t. \
Nixoh to .Leav~ "F~b. 23
For Meetings in EurQpe,
WASIUN\;TON (UPI) -J'relitlenl
Nixon announced today be ' w111 leave
Feb. 23 for face-t~face meetlnp with
five allied . Etiropeah reiders &nil si.ld
he also 'will expJOrt the prosptd :of a
future sununit meeting1 wl&h, Spviet
He told a news conference he ho~
his oo&-week Eurol)t8Jl thissjon w9·u1d •
"strengthen and revUIIize" the NATO
portnetshlp. " ~ . -·_ .
Nixon said bia European IUnerary
would take him to the foll Owing, cllles in
this order : Brussels, Londm, Bonn, West
Berlin, Rome and Paris. The Whlte ·
House said Mrs. Nixon would not accom-
pany him on the trip.
Nixon alao will confer whh the U.S.
negotiating team at the Parll peace
talks and will meet with Pope Paul VI
during wha't he descril>ed as 0 a work·
ing trip."
Asked lf he hoped to meet with the
Soviet leadersh.lp later, Nb:on replied :
"I believe that a meeting with the
Soviet leaden should take place."
The President added however that he
was opposed to "instant summitry'' and
would go lo such a meeting onlJ Iller
careful preparation.
"But it Is my lntent1on to conduct
exploratory talks at varklus. levell,"
Nixon tOid his sec::ond news confertftet.
Nlxon said he thought It "Vitally Im·
portant'' to meet with the Eliropean
allies before engaging in aoy summitry •
with Soviet leaders. · .. · ·• "'This ii only the first step in achlev:
Ing lhe purpose l have Jong felt la vltol
to lhe fµtur< ol, peace for the. tUnl.led .
St'alel and peace !or rthe 1fOI' d-tbe
strenltheni'ng and revit&IWng of ' the
AmeMc&n-Euroj>ean communJty," Nlxon
said of the trip.
Nixon 19ld a ques,ncr l~ter ln ~
news conlerence he would discu!s with
llJJod -. ol IOVenunel!t lhe lmpc>r'
tance lie pl-oo 'ill 'natlons ,alg;;Jng
and adheriol to lhe nuclear oonprollf·
eratl\jl ~ly lhal he . bas uted lhe
Senate to. rat!fy.
Uut be• mode il "'lin he wou(d•try to t' I' • I .~ r,' l ' ! "~de ratner t ha n bf1C1ktn1ll''
Frlnce arid 'Y~ ~ to ~af,e in' this-area ............. ·~ 1-
Nlion again ·~~t&Sed Concern ov;er
lhe donger of ,ll!e Middle Ea!I altuatlon
lrlggerjJ!I I mojor 'Wit, He declared
his new policy would empbasbe lhe
Uitited states "usumtng the initiative"
in trying to establbh a stable peace.
Nixon also Aid he plans to submit to
Congress legislation to revamp the
emergency strike provision.. of the Taft·· Hartley law In order to deal wtth-saah
Jong· tie ups IS the current dock strike.
He hopes hll actions u President will
wtn ·bim.' "the rtspeCt ancf eveotuallJ tbe
friendlhlp" ol Amerlcln Negroes.
~ 1dmlnlltrotlon does plan , to ...,. ormnend some .. tax re.form. meuwu,
Nlxon_noted, but he was unwilful& to
~ Ille detolll pending I preilminary
statement Frlcill' by Ille \nMlrJ on lhe
Western ~ tllldaJa greeled
Nllon's .decision to mate hls five-nation
slx~lty visit enthusiastically. 1bey said
II 1puirod hope! ol lnc:n!a.!ed American
Interest In EurOpe Ind• Ila problema u
soon u the Vietnam 'war encts.~
Orange Cou &
The facility would be known as Pacifica
'Hospital and present plans call for open-
ihg of the first unit by January, 1970
according to c<irporate officers. ~~:m"°r%:a .:i~~i::i::~~~ . B~ach .Dog ~g~t .
ol Menpial Hospl~ and Chil<tftn! 5ra~.=1:' : c~~mitie_e .°Pic'f's Na ni e for Re licop Patrol Af't~r Gn-1'::8irie:'i1 ·
No op111 opposition to the new !~<¥Ji? A Huntlrict<Jn Beach 11111111, -• INSIDE TODA. Y
ha.s been annotrneed as yet ' by1 ownen SbHUM ll\rou&h a ll!t of names from the wlnniilg selection, although comnrltee More than 700 names were submitted that their thre&:iear-cici, 'pt m'1 6e · A "' -• .... a-t t
I t I•• r-,...,__ inne 1-ced •to -~-... ""P--111" -1ble1 ' 1 m.uc" -w-'11 -" ,!'· 00 of 144-bed. Huntingt9n n ercommu~ "'-! "B u 11· Fuu" lo "~ .... ..,...,...r," a members suggested w rs might be by 67 lndlvldual1, ... U1-. "'"" "":'r.i" .,..-the ... 1_. AiM. .. q don t t
Hospital lesa than two miles from !lilt seveD·man commlUee Wednelday night given 1 ride In the "H.B. Eye." 1A tew ... other colorful · naJTlta llated -in· treatment· ii teektftJ tielp 11! ftndlna . re, ,,...... ,_ '' Qt .
of PacincaHospital.However,oppogtUon picked "H.B. Eye" u appropriate for Thret names Ued for tacdnd place.~ cludeit·"~.:·.tbe G~i ,~·m .. ~: -~~bJE"""inaatti : .. J' I much of. toarm Wtlcome. iW ~
could come when the plan goea before the new Huntington· Buch police • They were "Sky Eye,'t •t1~y t force" tQe ~;. •1pflPfU!l,'.'-the lt'l~ed hcir9': ·: • )lH'.,~Nta 'Of·:foMf,El.Clpda ~. Cuba from , 'Ftdtl Cottro'• ~ov-, '
tho Orange CoUnty H~pltal .Planning helicopter~. . • and ''Beachcomber._" ''l'be W'mdjommera"; "Tile Ciim1 Chop., Dtlvt Aid 111" 'Erbl w'll filllml ··I '"'!"f'! "-'!' • ''" "• ·
A.wl. Feb. 17 • JudteS t IH ume11.-. rliymin( The rumter-up nlmtl Were MJbfnlttfld • P!r ' ~·~ol/' and. ·~ Peliwk " •• i ' MotMti,. by I black..and-wblte dillial'llaa, ·: I ~ • I· ~~ ~ 'I_, .,. ~ •
------------· qualltles wl "F JI.I.' u well u lhe • ~1 tbe following lndlvlduall < . , A few """" had to be CU.Caided While pWlng on Aquotlc Lant. · • , ._ "'» = ,... St~•· ... ,.•·-•· Huntlngtonllead:fld«'lntlie;Utk .• • "Sky Eye" -Mn.i>qnold llOoovlta, •for qbvl• • ......,..,,such ii :•a1;· Tb0vldlm'11lmrt.oll:l'llldiiel.1111oh ' =., · l: -": ,: ~,. "" ...,.. lt 11so II famlllor -pl 1 lllmEtnaCln:le. Bl'OtJ¥r"opd "Spoce9...i,"notiO·me.;,. Ilk! die cloi, nirfni 'a·odW';-i--'' !!l!!'_, '
NEW YORK (AP) -'n1I lllock market
closed toda1 with aelective Improvement
In blue chips helping market averages.
Trading wl1 acUve., (See quotations,
Pages 20-11 ).
lelevlllon l<!les, ''H.,.all.an Eye." "Sky Fore<" -Albert Bites ol lhe tlOo 1 boll of .......'.U!lnl HliiltlUl<!a " plo ed up !>f ·1 womin '"!l 'llllie -' = -': w;;:;::: ..,':
Two l.ndlvfduall subinltted the wiMin&: DAILY PILOT. 8tachPo1lceChlefJotti'!reJt.zer•1~ 1 lia«5art~c*indtQi.d.-1. ; '*''' ,•• 1 .._ ....
name, Harry M. "Cap" Sheue, tol "Beachcomber".-, ~~~Conklin,' 1 .Tbe ~ittM: ·1Jlec*1ng ~'ff.B. 'BB~' Erin <diuld"be 1\ti*«l· t0 /llCI. the •. ;:,_ ~ ~ t:.......,..., EncladSt.,andMn.IJllian~.Foplano, Huntington Buch; Ro~S..V~~ ·~·~..._.~.l<i\r ..,.,,J'!lbe~· ......... ~,_• :::,•:•,, :; = ,..,
&191 Gumm Dr. Scenario Dr.: and Lecfllll'd r.• "ill' ' lf; Ille lltllt1 !#it r.' fflll' ~ .,. · · -· • - -_.
No o<tual prlu hu been offered for 20011 Marino Lane. 1' fl . ·:~· '. .,.,. . '"• •, • I:~ ii ollJ'~,o(flb!ll; •' 1 -...'-----------' T ~• • I "I .,.__. o&;.,.Q t ' '• 1 , 1 , ! ~ ··-, '
•/ ---
--"= == ,, ......
EYES ON BERKELEY -Governor Ronald Rea-
gan a'nnounces at hasWy called news conference
Wednesday he is declaring state of "extreme emer·
gency" at UC Berkeley. With Reagan· are (from
left) Ed Meese, governor's legal allajrs secretary;
Ul'IT1 ......
Alameda County SherU! Frank Madigan. and High-
way Patrol Commissioner H. W. Sullivan. Gover·
nor's move will allow use of Highway Patrol of·
ficers, if necessary, to help local authorities keep
campus peace.
Nixon Seeks
Strict Rules
On Drilling
Extreme Emergency Cited
At UC Berkeley by Reagan
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan. to school are enUUed to some academic
Spec1a1 to die DAILY PILOT saying "we have come to the end or freedom, too," Reagan told a news con·
WASHINGTON -Prell.dent Nlxon said the road," has declared an unprecedented ference.
today as a result of the Santa Barbara extrtme state of emergency al the Reagan &aid he was stirred by "new
•iJ polluUon diuster new and 0 very' University ol California at Berkeley and concentraUons at Berkeley of physical
stringent" regulations will be developed asked for special laws to stop campus beatings or students'' and said "It isn't
for all offshore drilling operations in violence. good enough any more to wait until federal waters.
"l have found tbat there has been 'Ibe proclamation permits California the rocks are flying and the beatings
no updating In 15 years in our poUcy Highway Patrol officers to assume law slarted and then send for someone to
on 9Ushore drilling," he told 1 press enforcement power on the Berkeley cam-restore order."
toofereoce. pus to relieve overburdened local police, The emergency proclamation permits
He said Interior Secretary Walter and remain there indeflnltely. · Reagan lo assume full law enforcement
Rickel bas ordered studies 0 lo update The 1overnor, Danked by law en· at the troubled 27,500-student campus,
regulaUons so thia kind of incident does forcement olficlals announced. t h e previously under the authority of local
not occur again." moves Wednesday, a day after 16 people police and campus officials. The hi&hway
The President, in response to ques· were injured and 20 arrested in violence patrolmen -50 of whom were on the
tionlng, said he believed Hickel "acted on the l&th day of a Berkeley strike scene Wednesday -will remain as long
prompUy in temporarily stopping" drill· called by the Third World UberaUon as Reagan be~eves they are needed,
Ing off the California -cou~·Hlekel·--FI.oP.L___ _ ·-_ _ _ _ ... . ... ~~ gove_mor satd.
has been criticized for not compelling The campus was re1't1vety quirt" Never before·itu-a·governor ~nvok.ed
a Jooger baa against the activity Wednesday. the emergency state at a state university
"Looking to the future;' Nm'..a said, The front is demanding an autonomowi or college campus in Califom~a. .
"we've got to get some. meana .Qf ap. ~~e_ge f~ black .&tuc:!en_ll m:x1 other Edwin &reese m , Reagans ei:ecutive
plying very stringent reiuiaUons to ~.plus m~ ~Jal aid and secretary,: said th~ patrolmen will be
offshore drilling." adm1as!on for mino:1ty students. under the ·genera! i:llrecU~ ol Alameda
He said there ls no question that ."It 1s about Ume that some~y County Sheriff Frank Madigan , who re-
adequate !afeguards can be developed, discovered that the people who are g0111g que.&ted the help.
"if the companies Involved make the
11ecessary e1pendJtures. ''
* * * Reagan Proposes
State Inspection
Of Ocean Drilling
said today he would like to see the
state inspect offshore oil wells under
federal jurisdiction -such as the one
that has poured oU Into the PacUlc
off Santa Barbara.
Reagan told his news conference that
federaJ inspecUon standards for the rigs
are "about a lhird" as tough aa the
r;tate standards.
But Reagan expressed confidence 'that
U.S. Interior .Secretary WaJter Hickel
will move awUtly to toughen federal
slandardl. (Related Story, Pqe IJ
Reagan also said that the federal
government ahould set Hide a fuDd from
offshore oU revenues "to help us" in
the evtnt 1n)1hln&: like this tuee: place."
OllAHGI C041T Jl>UIL liHIHG (Oo'olfl>Alt'I'
ltft•rt N. W•••
Jl>rnldtnl 11'111 11>111111""'
J•tk a. c •• 1.1
Vl<t Jl>rn iot"1 1n(I Gt"t••I M1"1"'
lh•""'' 11:.,.a E11!klr
Tko,.,I \ A. M~rphi11 1
IM.._11111 lltltr
AJL11f W, 1111, Wllti1111 111.t
..... oto&~ "4111'1"'9!0fl IHCll
£4ilW (o!y f l llW
H•11"-tt ....... Offte.
JO' 5th Str11t
t.41ill11t M.trtlu P.O. 111 7'0. 91"'41 .............. "''"""' •tldl1 ,,11 "'"' .... waw-(•I• MIM: J,Jt Wtol It' Sll'Wf
From Page 1
ny over the sea of oll today. He said
studies made several yura ago when
an oil tanker went aground off Baja
California indicated all marine li!e within
five mlle. wu tilled.
The oil on the ahort,Une was the edge
of an 800-Bquare mile slick In the Pacific
which irew more vast by the hour
as thousands of gal1o11!1 of all bolled
to the surface from fi&sure:s on the
ocean floor, · .
While ollworkers struggled around the
clock to seal the well beneath Union
Oil Co. o! California's Platform A six
miles offshore, more than 100 lnmate1
from Slate conservatlon camps tolled
on the beaches to sap up the slimy
me&S with straw.
The layer of sludge, from twa to
six incbtl thick, wubed acrou the sands
40 UCI Students
Continue 'Live-in'
Over Dismissals
Several dozen students continued a
"live-in" protest at UC Irvine today
after spending the night ln an English
Department lounge.
The Uve-ln began Wedntaday afternoon
when 40 studenls moved In with books
and aome food to protest recent
dl.smiuall of two young ualstant pro-
fesS«s of English.
No effort has betn made to rtmove
the students. Campus officials are con·
tent to wait the students oul, so Jong
as they remain peaceful and university
proper\J 11 not dutroyed. -The \JCI campua does not have a
buUding curfew llO the live.in can con-
Un.. uound the clock. The bulldlnc wu not locked Wednesday night.
TM dem<>n1\ralor1 said they plan lo
lil'I 1n for up to 1 wiek, but aome .-vn doubt II wlll lut that loq. one of the Uve-ln le1der1, Devld
Hesktl~ H·y.,Nld trenarer lludent
from Sin FrllDcllco Stata, cooceded
"Wt'N I~ to be damn tired of this
alter awhile. ' £1l8111h llepartmont Cbllrman Huard
AWM lald no .--are 11<heduled
tn !he '°'""e, t:nown. u Ille Wrillna
c.ntor, llle -ol llle -•· Two c1 .... , that _.. lo bave been held there
Wedileld&y nlaht were re a• 1l1 n • d
etaewhtre, lie aal<I. T1¥ WrlUna Center II equipped with
a 1mal1 kltcitn, dlvw and a ltettO
.......i playor. Adorm ,.moV«I the di•·
mond needle Crom the r~ player.
to the high Ude Une, leaving a 15-yard
strlp of blackened beach resembling a
giant strip of roofing tar.
The initial effort to stem the flow
of oil with oil mud _, a chemical com-
pound which hardens like concrete -
failed Wednesday and a spokesman said
another attempt would be made today.
If the mud falls to seal the well, the
only alternative is a relief ahaft now
being sunk. The drilling of it will take
at least two week£.
Ike Robinson, St. George, Utah, said
he was going back home from his vaca-
tion a day early because of the invasion
of oil.
"It's flowing like blackstrap molasses,"
he said. Tueaday evening he stood on
the Santa Barbara Harbor jetty. "First
·I saw only a few small splotches of
oil on the beach. An hou:r later, the
entire beach was covered."
Stiff onshore winds were e1pected to
continue through Friday. Intermittent
rain Wednesday and today hampered
crews on the beaches who dumped straw
on the And to absorb the oil and then
raked It Into btgs.
Sea gulls, their feathers smeared jet
black with oil, flopped on the gummy
sand unable to fly. Al least 108 of
the birds were known to have died
of the more than 200 brought to thrte
treatment centers, and hundreds of
others went uncounted by State Fish
and Game officials.
A double Jae' boom was placed across
the entrance to 8anla Barbara Harbor
bUt the oil washed over the barrier
and lapped against the hulls or 700
small craft \lalued at more than $5
rnillon. The harbor \\'as evacuated
because of tbe ftre hU.ard.
Bill IrviDI, who hu been ln the yacht
maintenance business here for 25 years,
esUmated Jt wouJd c<m up to $100 to
clean the ICWl1 from the average private
boal Union Oil tent inlw'ance adjusters
into the area for the ezpec:ted avalancbe
of claims.
Local con1ervaUonlst1 and ofllciala
were rurioos.
"People are mad," uld Santi Barbara
Mayor , Gerald rtrestone 11 he IUJ'Vtyed
a bt1ckened buch. "You bet they're
mid. ThlJ city 11 known throuihaul the
world 11 an atl.ractlve community. Lock
at It now.
"We have Jaws whlch prohibit oil drill·
1111 wlthJn the city Jlmlll. But •h•t
can we do about thll? 1bla comes from
Union OJI ind thnt other otl compenlu
le111 the tldtltnd <\fllUn1 lite from 1lle
federal government. lt w11 cme of many
parttll auctianed last year ror record
bids. ,
Sliek ·Offereu
Civic .Leader Aaks .Officials See Other ·SiiJi
t.on,llme on.; Coast oll lot Victor
c. <\pdre"9 of Lquna Beech todoy of-
fered to fly Newport Beach councilmen
lo the Santa Barbara oil alick so they
could, ln his words, "see the other
aide of the coln. "
He referred to tours given Newport
Beach and Costa Mo&a cou.ncllmen by two oil companies lut year to see
camouflaged oil well. oper1Uons in the
Los Angeles area. t
Andrews, 189 Emerald Bay, waa a
key worker for the Shell-Oumingham
act prohibiting drilling in state tidelands
from the Santa Ana River to the Mexican
Calling Newport Beech "our first line
of defense," Andrews aakl, "I'll pay
for their rlde if they go and look at
Whether or not they grab the offer,
the Newport Beach council apparently
needed little prodding about the oil
City aides readled for Monday acUon
a resolution for the Prealdent and state
and federal legislators asking extension
of the Shell-Cunnltllham protectiorui lnto
federal waters.
Andrew• cal1ed for a shutdown In all
drilling and ezploraUons off-shore until
there ia a colbplete Investigation. He
questioned 1ucceu of efforts to stop
the Slnta Barbera oil br<U · adding.
11I'm not sure they can ever stop tbat
"I believe more In esthetics than
deaperate need of oil," Andrewt akl-
"I warned the oil tnterall. btck tn
Unruh Demands
Immediate Halt
On Oil Dri1ling
DemocraUc Leader Jesse M. Unruh to-
day urged the federal ,1?Cvernment to
order an Immediate halt to offshore
oil drilling In the Santa Barbara Channel,
where a leak has dumped thousands
of gallons of oil into the water.
Unruh said the drilling should be stop-
. ped until there are "firm guaranlecs"
against such future incidents.
In remarks prepared for delivery at
Mt. San Antoruo College, the Inglewood
legislator also criticized what he called
Secretary or the Interior Waller Hickel's
"hat in hand" atUtude toward oil com-
panies drilling in the channel.
"By his own statement£ Secretary
Hickel has made it clear. that he cares
more about the senslbiliUes of tbe oil
companies than he does about the
dangers to CaWomla's beaches and
ocean wlldlile," Unruh said.
Valley Reminded
.Qf Dimes' Ball
l\lember11 of lhe Fountain Valley
Woman'1 Club today !!sued a reminder
to members of the community that the
P,{arch of Dimes Charity Ball Is Saturday
night at the Mesa Verde Country Club
in Costa Mesa.
The doors open at 8:30 p.m. for the
charity affair. Tlcketa are $4 per pe.rson
and may be obtained from Woman's
Club members or at the door.
Los Angeles Rams' star Bruce Gossett,
a Fountain Valley resident. ~'ill be
master of ceremonies.
Music will be provided by the lfi
I~ites with a special show featuring the
Sound Plus, a collegiate vocal group
sponsored by the Chamber or Commerce.
Special guests inclu4e Fountain Valley
Mayor and Mra. Robert Schwerdtfeger.
the 50's this wouW happen lo their silly
oil rigs but I WU poo-pooed u bet;ni
an alarmlat." '
He said he understands the 20,000
gallons of oil lost daily that have caused
the 800 square mile oU &llct could in·
crease in volume if greater fissures
open in the ocean floor.
1'Thil it 1 .. geophysical catastrophe.
lt'1 u bad or ~than an eirlbquake,"
aald Andrt'9. '1.Aiiy kind of a storm
front would have the oil right here
·on the Orange Coast."
Andrews said, "All or a sudden con-
servationists are all up In arms. Where
were they when they allowed the wells
• ..c
Vallf:!fl'•. Top Cop
10 go in 10 yeal'I ago In Santa Barbara,
Venturt·.and Huntington Beach /'
And..ews said his groiip had tried
desperately to interest northern Orange
County ln oil prohibitions but said Hun-
tington Beach interests seemed more in·
terested In having the oil wells.
"If a well (off-shore) ever went out
in Huntington· Beach it would be the
end of the oil interests there," he Mid.
Andrews warned that state Udela~
could be opened up to drilling under
the Shell-Cunningham Act if there
becomes reasor. to believe that drilling
beyond the three-mile limit is draining
state resources (oil).
DAILY Jl>ILOT l'llole '' lltld1tnl k ...... r
Detective Sergeant Fred Nourse admires plaque he was awarded ,
Wednesday by Fountain Valley Exchange Club for outstanding serv-
ice to community during 1968. Nourse has been with Fountain VaUey
Police Department since its fonnation July 1, 1967. A Fountain Val-
ley resident, Nourse is married and has two daughters.
Garrison Pledges to Prove
JFI( Slain by Conspiracy
Jim Garrison told an all ·1nale j·1ry in
the Clay L. Shaw trial today Lhc stale
would prove ·President John F. Kennedy
was murdered by a conspiracy Pnd th;1t
he fell backward Crom a fatal shot
!ired from the £ront.
Presenting the state's opening stelc-
ment in its attempt to convict the flii·
year~ld retired businessman of con·
spiring with Lee Harvey Oswald and
others lo murder Kennedy, Garrison said
he would prove the s11ots in Dealey
Plaza in downtown Dallas came from
"different guns from different locallons. ''
Garrison said the state would produce
teslimony that after the assasslnalion
Nov. 22, 1963, Oswald ran down the
grass· In front of the School Book
Depository building and climbed into a
station wagon with another man at the
wheel "and that this station wagon pulled
away and disappeared into the traffic an Elm Street."
The \Varren Commission report of
September, 1964, concluded that Oswald,
acting alone, fired the fatal shots from
a slxlh-noor window of the depository
<1nd that he, escaped by taxicab and
The taxi driver -now dead -who
testified that he carried Oswald told
the \Varren Commission he remembered
Oswald because he gave him a nickel
Garrison indicated the state will show
Osv.·ald carried his rifle into the
dcpo!'itory and that he was one or those
doing the shooting. But GarrisoO'said
Oswald did not fire the fatal shot itself
because Oswald was behind KeMedy.
Reading verbaiim from a written state-
ment -which he told the jury was
required by Louisiana law -Garrison
said the state would prove Ktnnedy
"was murdered not by a lone lndlvidual
behlnd him but from a conc;plracy."
For lasting elegance, enhance your home
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COSTA MESA, CALIF. •••.11211 •46-oza
DAILV PILOT Jfl . Golden
Globes' Doe!!.· ·~unt TV Bows Out I 6RA11D RfOPlllll6 • • : Dlll6 ROOM
• Ji, VERNON 8COTI' ·waler with the Federal Com-
HO!LYWOOD (UPl)-iiJdst mwtlcallooa Commbsloo-and
a lack of pomp and ceremOl\f lnlurlalillfl one another.
--oo1 lo m<llllon antlciJ!llloo--'Ille FCC proclaimed the
the HollYWood }'orolgii P.roa n • t" or k "aerioualy dellJ>.
Aaaociatlon ~ i(s quent" In pmeatlng the Gold-
nomlnltions lot the best tilml en Globe award 1 )w:t!1se
and perfoniiancea al 1111. rumor bad II ibe ~ -0
The wimieli : will /be : re-known well In adVance al the
Wardod· with golilen; gloJ>eS -~.sse::.I':.~ ~t-~.·-·-later ·tills -a\ lhe woe!--~ -........ allon'• "-1of, . cbapPi~ woold give a Globe
-Last ye8r this or anizit.ion to any''™' willlDg to ~ up.
-Of astute correspon1ents 'rang ·This, of coorse, was denied
chimes or out·rage aJJ ov~ the-by the guys with monocles,
place-getting NBC-TV iq hot waxed ll>)ISlaclle!, chicken-
Hollywood Again
Tackles Faulkner
By BOB THOMAS . Faulkoer country near Car--
HOLLYWOOD (AP) -'The rollton, Misa., where 1le grew
new 'Steve McQueen movie is a beard out.of boredom. "The
dedicated to the propos,ltion ptiople there were waiting . for
that· a work of. • ·wijliam us to be Northern ogres, and
Faulkner can be succeS!fully we were expecting· them to
converted to film . be Southern bigots," ·he said.
History is a·gainst this "Both · sides ~nt over
thesls, since a Falllkner vehi~ backward to be nice. As a
cle has rarely been succeisfu1 result, it .was pretty dull!'
on the screen. The efforts Rydell was asked why the
hav& been: "The Story of Faulkner magic, which drew
Temple Drake," 1933 (from him a Nobel Prize and other
"Sanctui:-7,"), "Todai We honors, has' largely escaped ~ 1 v e, "I 9 ~.3 ( r o ~ capture oo the screen.
'Turnabout ); Intruder m •tMaybe because his writing
the Dust," 19ff; '"The Long is t<i textu:il" the director
Hot Summer,'' ~957i "The · mused. "Hi; words are
Tarnlahed·Angels,' 1957 (froJI!. brilliant and rich· they loot
"Pylon"), 11The Sound and the marvelous on the · Page" r:r·'.' 1958• and "Sanctuarf," "But films are not priznarily
'I'tie new effort js "The a verbal medium. There have
Jte,ivei-11," ·the late M~issip-.~~ a fe':' ,tha~ h;ave ~e
plan's' last novel, _which won ~:1' /:Al[ ="-;uni!
him a Pulitzer Prize in 1963. T, . in Winter•• "Becket." It ls • picaresque tale in-_1.1J.on . • .,1__ •
volving an 11-year~ Id · B~t ~.os,t footl 1wu6 are
&:tlthem boy who ·runs. away vlSUal.
with a young adventurer and Rydell remarked that '"nle
a Negro and Jeams about life. Reivers" seemed ·to ~ a good
Directing the $5 million film Faulkner work for film adap-
tor CBS' Cinema Center Films t:ation because· of its wealth
is young (39) Mark Rydell, of h~or and action. But the
onetime jazz pianist and actor rambling novel had to. be
and now cne of. the hotttest made more visual and SJJDP-
new directcrs in films. The le.
p • 4 1' ~ • +
fat pompadours Ind broken-year. The doc~lon will COii • a a y I h In 1 elll. 'l!llol Dial'
English ·accents. , the ~lailon a major IOOfce l pl-the Latvia,..., 1111-
'lbe )Wilden! of the woc10.' ol .rev...., Ind delrld ...... Ian, or, ..,,, ' TQIOllod erldc Uoo, ...,..ver, denied that wbal from tho alil"" It held 1-·t ..,..e.ai1C1 l,ilect tbe
any ot h1a: membership were for movie ltars w&" llYoY re-GpinloM of motlOD ' 1*turt
rnooll1lg!ulnJr as waiters at the ' COMng anids fw 11\eir grel\ apademy -'l'·b.e Y B-. -Deilty, Clwens and taleot .on telev!aioru may, .In i.ct, ~ tllOln
other restaurants a r o u n d The ,~ state of· at-eaUreJy.
town. f&in· Wm no< stop.the '_a~.. .Nooetbelesi hen,!are :part
Although service b ·notably ' ce.........,, aclleduled .for .ollbe Globen' _,...
slower in such places wben1 F.'eb:'.2~~. , , , l*t p&cture: "CbarJ,y,''
the foreign prtsS bolds a ! It w111 ju.st make'lhem more "'I1le Heart lo a Lonely Hun~
~ the tact ahould not private. And service might et,'' '''lbe Lion ill Wlnttr,0
be misconstrued. · improv& .at, Holl}'WOOd's bet-"Shoel of thl!! Fiibenull''
·Despite the lnnoceoce ·o1 the ter culinary establishments. and (ol><>h) "Tbt Flm'.''.
Golden Globers, Nl!C won't TbeGoldenGlob«i,renota Beoi -actor: Alan Arkin
lel!C'!SI the grqt event tbb . bell.wetber '.for the Olean or (1-ly Hunter),. Alan jlalel.
Political Mud Thickens
Don Rhoades (right) introduces Ron Langseth (left) as a man who may coun-
ter a political smeer in a scene from "The Be~t Man.'' closing Friday and
Saturday nights al the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Looking on wilb Interest
are Terrence Doyle (seated) and David Maiville. reuon for his success: "The . Director Rydell slarUed the Fox," his first feature after film 1world with his ~ve scene----------------------------
escaping from the grjnd cf between Sandy Denrus and An·
directing ''Ben C a s e y , • • ne HeyWood in "The Fox."
"Gummoke" and ether TV Will '"lbe Reivers" also treat
series. sex so openly.
"We made 'The Fox• for "I think the picture sbcu1d
a litUe over a milli,cn, and be acceptable for general au-
tht latest gross is 15 million,'' die.ocea:,'' be r e m a r k e d •
· ·~l'~ ••No, J didn'tbave "There ls some tough
1!t,~~tage:-"'·the ~fill; language· and ~~boy does
c. l-ttork~·f(!I' a ttraigbt aalary. get an educatioo when Steve · ~ But I'm oot upsel; by ;baL takes him to a whorehouse.
~Foz:tgavemeacai'eer." But-there is no nudJty lind
· Ryi:lellhadrecenUyreturned no outright seL It's all ,done
from Iocatian filming in the in good taste." ..
Coming February 8
Family ~ekly
Opera Star
Gets Arts
Mimi' Beni.eu fohner star of
the Metrop>Utan ~a and
Broadway musicals; is en-
thusiastic about her new post
as ~tor of the Office of
Performing ·and Fine Arts in
a New York City wburban
'Boys in Band' Coming
To Hartford Theater
tington HarUord Theater is
Coast Band
Wins Prize
Top honors and a cash prize
of $150 in Ute Knotts Berry
1Farm Festival of Sounds Sun-
day went to Newport Beach's
Dixieland band, the Happy
Jazz Banc!.
now. taking orders for a new
aublcript1on .teriN of four
plays Starlhii With the West
Coast premiere of "'Ille Boys
in the Band," cpenlng March
'Ille aecond attractioo of the
series will be the new mllsical
"Jacques Brei ls Alive and
Well and Living Jn Paris."
These two productions will
complete the present subscrip-
tion series which was the first
oUered by the Huntington
Hartford Theater.
. " ~ ,
. (11le Flier}, Toay QJJ1ls ('Ille
Booton Strualer). P•ler O'-
Toole (Lion fn Winter) and CUI! Rober11oo (Chlrly),
Bat actreis: Mia flmlff
(llooemary'• Baby), Kath-
-llepllurn (Lion In Win-ter), v._ ftedcrave (laa-
c!<q)1 ~I Reid (Tllo .Klll-
lng1ot SISier George) Ind J.,.
l!ldO Woodwird (llaCbel, llo-
Some•ol,these,,.....,. ....
pldurea may also be ....,.
lnated' for Oscars. Any aim-Uartiy amonc noinlnees wW
.. piraly coincidental.
· 'Barefoot'
Cast Listed
Clltlrig baa been linilounced
for the HunUngton Beach
Playhouse production of NeU
Slmcn's "Barefoot In the
Park," which , opens next
mootb for five weekend!.
Mlke Skinner, wiMer cf the
Westminster Community
Theater's best actor award
for lut .season, will take the
leading role of Paul. Playing
his young bride, COl'ie, will
be newcomer Rita Kilner.
c ..... Mesa Goff a c~c.
FEBRUARY 14-15-16
TUDDAY .. su-...v-111• ~11 ,,,.,
CMAMPA ... I IUMf 11111 • J&JI P.M.'
1701 Golf CourlO Dr. ca.ta Mola
Behind falrvlew ~11-540-7100
of Rachel, Rachel
Anabelle Quliley, dlttctor of
the playhouse'& current shaw,
0 Tbe Best Man,',. will be seen
as Mrs. Banks, the bride's
mother, while Paul Sullivan
portrays the eCcentrlc
neighbor, Victor Vela!co. JobJil~=~==:;:;::=;:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;;=:=:=~ Moran and Cclln Guiver will I:'
complete the cast. ,
Directing )he Hunlillfllon
Beach comedy w1ll be David
ldaivllle, a drama teacber In
Pasadena who was aeen in
''The Best Mao" at the
playhouse. Product.ion dates
are Fridaya and Saturdays
from March 21 through April
19, with reservations now beliig taken at 536-8861.
Forum Sets
For 'Winter'
· •THE.
IMPOSSIBLE YEARS~ ..... ..._·--·---·· S,.CWP.1·.A.'llt• ........... .
"THI, p4m•.-... tWI-~ ..... SOf
c...m-.............. Whlln ........... u ......... .........
hUIH ...... ~1"""" C....
I. CHSt M....., •·MedrtW IM.
The Forum XI Theater or GIAND OPININ•, tUUDAY~ FDIUAIT; 11 -7:00 11·"'· Long Beach will conduct audi.. ~ 0,..1 .. Pld9'9-~ ~ ~~ _,,,.an ..
lions Monday aad Tuesday forl';;::=:=:::===::::j:===~======: Its next production, Jameslr
Goldman's "'Ille Lion I Ii
Winter." ' .
Kerry JohD!On Is dlrectlnC
the historical dramatic .com-!!'11 which deals with the pow·
Ntruggle among the three
sons of King Henry Il for sue--
cession to the throne. A cast
of four men and two women
Is required.
ro.c..n..r ......
.·.-.. ...... ~,..-
~LJIJ ~!!_.&'
... tile ~ition is not one
where you can go in and say,
'I'm going to do this and
this and this,' " Miss Benzell
said,. in a telephone intenriew
'l1tursday night, just after her
appointment to the $18,000-a·
year Nassau County posl
"This job 111 what I make
cf it," Miss Benzell added,
"and what I Will be doing
will be somethlng that wUJ
pay off fer the people in five
or 10 years."
The band members ar e
students from Harbor High
and Orange Coast College,
four ol whom are music ma·
jors. Laurence Wright ar·
ranges all the mu.sic and
writes all the special material
for the group.
The first two offering! of
that series, "Your Own 'lbing"
and "Plaza Suite" (0 Plaza"
is. now playing through March
1> were the moat IUOCttSful·1• iiiliimiPirii~~••R shows ever presented at tbel
How to Fi~d Happiness
After Divorce
This noted lawyer examines !he probl•ms and
pitfalls divorcees lace and suggests ways to
cope with them.
e TREASURE PLEASURE -Mak1"9 work Into
fun, SCUBA diftrt go doop for the gold. This
story tolls It like It could be for you.
e DIET TIP -A nutritional export claims 11'1
not what you Mt, but wt.,n you fft It. This
may be your w1y to Weigh 1 ....
e ASK THEM YOURSELF -Tho wwlcly INturo
tt.11 time explains. whT, the lato Pros. John F.
Kennedy didn't call h 1 -rotary by her flrtt
All Coming SalurdlJ in the
T h e attractive brunette -
who is Mrs. Walter Gould in
private life -said, "I will
be working closely wiUt th e
county to try and create a
better atmosphere in the arts
and culture. I will primarily
be functioning lo help develop
programs, to coordinate ex4
isUng programs, to counsel."
The Dixieland group was
called upon to give an unex·
pected additional performan...--e
at an earlier show, as· well
as their regular 4 p.m. act,
when a scheduled group was
unable to arrive on time.
Winning of the semi-finals
qualifies the Happy Jan Band
for the festival finals thLs
Hartford, enjoying an at.
tendance of well ever Joo;ooo
people during the 31 weeks
'they played the theater.
Top Role
Opera star Anna Moffo will
be seen in a top role in Para-
mount's "The Adventurers,"
the screen adptation of Harold
Robbins' novel
The colorfUI sound of
Orange County Music
RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM • From Fashldn Island. Newport Beach
........... ,., """"'' l"IVI NtwWIM .~COLOA ·e .. -c... ...........
Allllrt f'lnotY e cOlOit-e "f•~ ·r,• . ,-.-
~O LJ~j 1.,fl\ ...
~ '' Lt r
II , Ml!lfl1 ,.,,.,. •IMn ........ W.ldl
"i.itr .. c...t"' ecouit• '.' r--.v W.W· • CCM..o• t ---·.
llln NI' ROIA!m MARlll LAWE PAT 11111 n~ m GABa KAIAll m-..... lll:IEJI iiii_U.,...oiiiuar .. w:um:c.,,. ·-' --·-•---SMAGa
Congretul•tion1 •nd· Be1t Wishes to
the .. f•bulou1 •II new be•utiful
Fasltlon hlmod -Newport e .. ,., r:· ~ Hftltw!r 91 MtoeA.-llvd.
FIRUAl'f'· 11 _, 7:00'P.M •
.. 1 -.•
Openin?, Picture -· Frtnco Zeffirelli's 'ROMEO· AND JULIO"
Write to Uncle Len
' '
'I I I
.. ~Y"l.OT H
Cities Scrambk for Taxes
,,. ..... _, .. ,.l~•rftD1 .... otl &1 cz:M
~ ....... p""tlltWn.t1 . Ct~-.. , •• .,.
-;.; lllO •• .. 11•1 IM:il Ciaiilllilil·ilDot-•"* · . .....
$ 41+~lv~
., s-y
An 11ccount It Newport Balboa Savtngs Is 11n
addtnon to your lnVe1tment portfolio-end•
very atttactlYo odd/11on. Conllderwhat $1 ,000
kept II Newport Bolboo s.Mngo would .. m tn
dividends. A regulll' poubook -~ mai.:
lllnod ono year, MUld ..... IO you $S1 :JI) It
our c:urront IMllll me. A Bonuo Aocoll1I ol
th• ume amount. m•lntalned thr9• yeera.
--$54AS. -.. $1119.35 for the --porlod.
1n oontrut, • lib •mouot a1 oovtngo -..i
return only $40.60 o yoar 1f,kopt In 1 bank. A
•good" etock would return even Iese. A ltodc
Mlllng et $50 • ehart and peytng • dMdlnd
of$2.40 Is considered an e:ttrldfve buy. Yee In
dMdonda $1 ,000 Invested ~ tt.t etock WOtJld
f*Y you only $48 onnuelly.
lrrveStment counaekn know 1he wtecbn of
~. bn>Od portfollo. for-'• lrullt
.. the homaly-G 1hat Rllnl ,._ _
IDJllt"al'fO'_llt __ .Or_
• nll!IMfy f.w t I I tr
llMI polllolk>. Opon --It No...,..i
8elboo SMogo toci.,1
I °"'--"'~ .... u, annuol y!old af 6.1!!1 -'O, _.-doll)' ond ... in.
OUr14ll-corUficomo ~1 ........ "'$1000. CUI'• 'a ndt1 -l!.2Sll por .,,.
-lolgl.-llt tho .......
NGUWI~ -·-Mein Ofl'lolt
:l!!lllV'lll Udo.~ 8"ch, c.&lfomMI 82GS3
fltWIM 71417W18D
CoRN del Mir Offlc.:
2UIS £.Mt COMt HlghwwJ' DZ --"I tow"r...fllO. ........... ~ '·A PAI.MD\ 0.-0 .... ...... "'""•OllQI•-
NASD Llttloott f9r Wadnllday, F .... 'l' S, 1Nf
Nuclear p,,-• Plant
For S pacernen Tested
'lbe forerunner Of a l'JIJcltar
pmr plont dealgned t 0
furnish electricity !or Mure
8.$lr0nautl on tht mocn and
me.nned orblUng space ata-
11..., Is operating al fuD po-
f ol' the first time.
The compact auxiliary reac-
·------·--·· ·-·· ·----·-----------------. -·---
~.,~l,I'IM H DAJLY I'll.Of fl
Thursday's Closing Prices-Complete New. York Stock Exchange LiBt
" IJ , I
~ •
= I
~ • •
I • I • b
' !
' I
l '
I ; · I
p DAILY PllOT -Now Veg~s Fighting Smog, i
G(zmbling Sw $4s 'in V.~y S~ni~r .to .ff_..
LAS ,VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -
Gamblers from Los AJ1lelel
IOClll moY find ._ too In
Lu Vegas, a place where
)\il'd lolst eqiei:l It.'
. Tiree tlmes llul .yW" the.
linog 1aount reached·~ level
that makes eyes water. Air
polluUoo aperls say it m11
get W<ne.
Lu Vegas Is ln a desert
valley ~ ,by ,JllOUJ>-tain ·r"'*-ei .. SclenUlts aay it
It.ti l!iiq-spariil serious air
pollution ,l>ee.ause • cl I I • ' '
Wt Cwt Y-Order·r.iili -NATURAL WHEELS! '
The ooJ111'iii&,lhat'1 ordinary about
MR. STEAK is tbO:ptjpes. They're low! But
the si.ab? ·GrOartSt. ,.du.'11 ~~]\ave. . .
Perfectly aged USDA CHOicE ix;m.fed beei.
,-....,.., Fanu1y dininj at its bes\, , . ,
· ·226i"Fairv.iew
Costa Mesa
' 642-0131
There has been no biM influx.
of Industry into Las Vegas.
(;ail &hrlefu,. 24885 v1;.
Viento, Mission Viejo, ha
been elected president of the
associated women student.s at
Santa Ana College.
e 2~Sp~ed · Jet-A,Ctii>n ~~~WA•Jl•R e S~ell loed Se(tbig' S-ave,s $. . e Deep Action Agitator for Thorou9h.
Washings. · ' ; . e 2.Jet Away Rinsis -Gets Rid of lint
and Scum.
9 Cold· Water.Setfin~S..;ves Hot Water
· .. ; • F~b·;ic Selecto.r
e 2 Position F•bric Sel.-ctor fo; Safe Oryin~ . e Ourabl1 Pr1 ss Care for Wash & Wear , l--;:...-----r Items. (: _______ _, •Genta! Flowing Hett Pampers Fabrics.
nRMS B.uJ ~·the Pai~ ... ;..:: Just . :534888
,.... J •••• ' ... ••
e "Rapid ary IOOp" Spin ~ets Out More
W1t1rl · e Diep Action Agitator for Thorough ·
Wash. -
• 2 J1t Away Rins1s
• Ourt'ble Press Car.-Gentle W11hin9
Action for No-Iron Fabrics.
• Automatic. TI med
DRYER ·i ·' e Automatic Ory Cycle! No·Suessw.Grltl e Durable Pr1s1 Ctl"e Plus En·d-of-Cycle
I __ .....:-----r e Cycl1-End Signal '
.-• No Sfoop Fine Mesh l'int Scr1en 'on Door!
Buy the Pair • •
e b Fabric Setting • "Goof-Procif"
)~~;~~~~~~·~ ~i~•~•~l~<b nth! wot" tom• I P•r111tur••, 1119it111tion I spin tp••d•I e D••ll' Action Atit111tor ph1n9•1 cloth•• d••pl e Cold W111+•r ,w.Jt S•tti"9 1111.,•1 hot w111t•t l e 2 Jtl-Awty rin11111 11111d Aiitornatic So111k C~~I•
• Cycle ' End Si91lal
e Avlorn•lic Dry Cycl•-Dry1r Stop•
wh•n cloth•• •r• dryl · e D11r111bl111 Pr•s1 Ctr• pl111 .,;cl.a(.
eycl111 cool clown! e Cyd1 .. nd 1i'!ln•I -11111 you wh111
to f•k• .clolh1111 011!1 e lint Scr••rt •II clo•• for cOR'flllft·
Buy the Pair ••• Just . 5408 88
• I ' '...-
~ ' ,, . e Serving 1'1e·Harb!ll'-,.,.. 51ni:e. 1 M7 'e .. .. , . . . ' WUllEI
' l.. •• ' • • •
·411 East Seventeenth St. -
' ' !' .
DAILY 9 to 9 -SAT.'9 to 6
'· . '
. "
-. . ,,
. .. .,
' '· "
' I
) ~
' I
) I
. I
i I
I .
I l
' --=---• ·ronnlai . . ~ --
' . ·~ "~
VOL. 62, NO. 32, ,.
I I '
. ~.
J i: r • ! ..
3: Secrtl')NS, 34' PA&ES
' .
' ''
• l
. ' . '
. Va-Jey·:·
' ' 1
ORA~GE ~~ONTY; CALIFORNIA ) ..... ,........,,,, •J -,
.-' . ' j • !
. • • ; I orm . '
• •
.. ac
:W, e$t County .. ,
Of tM O.llY Pltlt tllfl
Another angry storm, this one wrapped
around a small torhado, unleashed ·ab-
br~vialed fury on the Oiange Coast early
Laguna Beach bore the heavy brunt
of lhe latest wind-whipped storm, which
deposited up to an inch of rainfa ll , on
lhe waterlogged coastal areas.
A pocket..sized tornado churne<: through
the exclu!!lve Emerald Bay section or
Laguna this morning, tearing the roof
iilhr .... -·'° .. ..
·'' t.25 1.06 10.lt
.ti 12.07
I.Oii H.OS
.JI 12.07 . t1 . 12.07 1.06 10.lt 1.21 10.n
1.06 10.lt
.70 1~.'1
1.01 n.:11
1.60 10.52 1.0!I 11.05
learyr. ... 5.91 ,,ti
6.01 5.17
6.01 ,,,
'·" '·" ,,,1
5.2• ,.27
~ . '
• • • . . :,
' . ~ '. -,.' t l.,1 I ;
~ ~ ' . . . •./.
· ~~,l)ru~t·of Rainfali
< , •
!"tssed by iii bilt .Ule '.'""1 1'18" . Aid 1 apoleoailn 'ror ~· ~ ~
was . a renewll ol · lhe violin! -CoUnty nr. ~ In ~ which a!saulled .the-i coast tut ,mobth. · , ' •
Hardest hit were the Gltadcirt; ml lhe Glendora llltaaUon. ,
Malibu areas not yet recoterec1 from. The worst, however, ii OY«1 accordin&
Lhe January havoc. to the U.S. Weather Bureau, which
Mori! than 15 families from 'the Olin~ fOreCast· an ":eiid' to the raiiirall Fitdat.
dora area, devastated by mudslii:les1 last followed by clearing skies, gusty wUicb:
monlh , packed their beloogings aDd fled and continued cool temperatures. llbng
their homes again as more than an. the Orange Coast, a : high .or· M ,anlf
in_ch of rain bat~ the· area.. . an-overiilghl 1ow ,Of~45 were 1pteaiCteCI
"This place Is at the inercy of God," for Friday.
lrl\tf@r·TW+•m'~"' 7-.. IL .. <'1: ......... -... OIMl!Bml-•& ............ . ·--llig~~ig1'is
I l • . ' .
' Nixon
.H.ere ;re' tlie ·blghlights of President Nixon's press .conference this
morning: . , • . ~
• He will· leave F~.b. 23 on a five--nation· visit to Western Europe. . . ' ,e He does JIOI expecl to meet with Commuriiafleaders during the
t1ip ap,d does not favor "instant summitry" with the Soviet Union.
' . \ '' : :
or .. ge •• Coast
.. "·
_ .. _ .. _
. .
Ul"I Tt~ .. EYES ON BERKELEY -Governor Ronald Rea·
gan announces at hastily cillled news conference
Wednesday he is declaring state of "extreme emer-
gency" at UC Berkeley. Witll Reagan are (from
left} Ed Meese, governor's legal affairs secretary;
Alameda County Sheriff Frank Madigan, and High·
way Patrol Commissioner H. W. Sullivan. Gover-
nor's move will allow use of Highway Patrol of·
ficers, if necessary, to help local authorities keep
campus peace.
Nixon Seeks
Strict Rules
On Drilling
Extreme Emergency Cited
At UC Berkeley by Reagan
SACRAMENTO (AP)·-Gov. Reagan,
Speclal to Ute DAILY PILOT saying "we have come to the end of
WASHINGTON -President Nixon said 1 the road," has declared an unprecedented
today as a result of the Santa Barbara 8fb'tme state of emergency at the
•II polhdlon disaster new and "veey University of CaJUornla at Berkeley and
stringent" regulations will be developed asked for special laws to stop campu~. tor all offshore drilllnl: operations in violence. federal waters.
"J have found that ~ere has been The proclamation permits California
DO updating in 15 yean: in oui~ policy Highway Patrof olfictrs to usufne.Jaw
on ~!shore drllllllll," be told i pieu en!Or<elll<llt power on the Berl<ejg cam·
r,;on[erence. pua to relieve overburdtned local police,
He said Interior. ~ry : Walter and remain there lndef1nitely.
Bickel has ordered studies "to' update The goVtrnor, f1anke4 by ta.w ; en-
tegulationl IO thla kind of inddent does forcement officials announced l h e
not occur again." .. f .,, moves Wednesday, a day after 1' people
' The President, !n. resj>Onse to que&-were injured and 20 arrested in' violence
tlonln(, said be bellend 111cte1 "acted on the lllb day of a Berkeley strike
pr<1mptly 41 tempcnrlly lll<>!Jl>inl" drilJ. called by Ibo 'llllrd World Liberation
In& oil the Calllorii!O>OQU!ne~ llld<e1 Front. · · ---···· ·-has been 'crltlclzed for not compelling The campus was rtlatively qulet
a longer ban agalnst the activity. Wednesday ..
"LOOking to the future•• Niion l&id The front ts demanding an autonomoua
"we've g'* to ·IOI ,...; llJ!lll• o1 ,0,: , coUec~_,fq( ~1"!..\~ 'all!Jdald•';: plymg very tfrlngent regWatJons to mlDodtiul l>h*':1 i finknc1
offshore drilling." a~~~oo for rrun<>!'lty students.
He said there Is no question that . It 1s about time that some~y
adequate safeguards can be developed, discovered that the people who are gomg
to school are entitled to some academlc
frted~m, too," Reagan told a news COD•
Reagan said h~ was stirred by "new
concentrations al Berkeley of physical
beatings of students" and said "it isn 't
good enough any more to wait until
the rocks are flying and the beatings
started and then send for someone lo
restore order."
The emergency proclamation pennils
Reagan to assµme full law enforcement
at the troubled. 27 ,50()..student campus,
previously wider ttie ~uthorlty of local
police and campus officials. The highway
patrolrrien ·..,. 50 o( whom were on the
scene Wednesday -wlll remain u long
as Reagan believes they are needed,
the governor said.
Never befOii has-a governor Invoked
the emergency state at a state university
or college campus in California.
Edwin Metse Ill, Rea&Jin's executive ·! ~tlif, salil the paHlmen will be
under the general direcOon of Alameda
County Sheriff Frank Madigan, who re-
quested the help.
••u the cornpan1a involved make the
necessary apeoc!Jturea." From Page 1
* * * lleagan Proposes
State Inspection
Of Ocean Drilling
SACllAMENTO (APJ -Gov. Roqan
uid today he wouJd Uke to see the
state inspect orfahore oil wells under
federal juri!d.icUon -auch as the one
that has poored oil into Ille Paclflc
off Santa Barbara.
Reagan told hil newa conference thlt
federal inspection standards for the rigs
a~ .. about a third" u tough as the
state standards.
But Reagan expre.ued confidence that
U.S. Interior 8ecttlary Waller Hickel
wW move awiftJy to toughen federal
stanillnD. (IWatedStory,Pqel)
Rea(on alao said that the federal
go....,....t llhouJd let ulde a flmd from
oCfltue oil re\fenUel 0 to help us" in
the event anytblq; like Ulll tuts place. 11
DAil~ PllOI
••l.o••I N. ""••4 '•u!Of:nl •1111 ,,,.llui.tr
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fly over the sea of oil tod.ly. He said
11tudie1 made several years ago when
an oil tanker went aground off Baja
California indicated all marine llfe within
five miles wu tllled.
The oil on the shoreline wu ~ td&e
of an 800-square mile slick in the PacUlc
which grew more vast by the hour
as thousands of gallons of oil boiled
to tbe surface from fissures on the
ocean fioor.
While oUworkera struggled around the
clock to seal the well beneath Union
Oil Co. of California's PlaUonn A slJ:
mlle.s offshore, more than 100 inmates
from slate conservat1on camps tolled
on the: beaches to sop up the slimy
mess wlth straw.
The layer of sludge, from two to
siJ: incbea thick, w uhed across the sands
40 UCI Students
Continue 'Live-in'
Over Dismissals
Several dozen students continued a
"llve-ln" protest at UC Irvine today
after spending the night in an EngllBh
Depar1ment '""""'· The Uv~ln began Wednesday afternoon
whee 40 students movod In with books
and tome food to protest recent
d!smiual4 of two young uaistant pro·
fesaa of English .
No effort has been made to remove
the students. Campus officials are con·
tent to wait the students out, so long
u they remain peaceful and unlver~ty
-11 II not -OJed. The UCJ campus does not have a bul1dina: curfew 10 the live-in can con-
Unut .,..... lb• clock. The bu1ldinS
WU not locked Wednesday night.
The demooatraton said Ibey plan to
live ln for up to a week, buL aome .-••a doubl 11 will lut lhal loog.
One iii u,, uv .. 1n l<adm. David
H•kell. 21-yell'Old tranafer lludellt
from Sin Franclaco State, concoded
"We're i"ln& to be dlllll1 llred of 11111 art.er aW'hlle. •• ·
En&lllh Depattmenl Chairman Huud
Adami said oo cluM are scheduled
In the )OWllf, knoWn U the Willln&
Cenl«, the 'rut of the -· two c1u. !bat ..,. to have batn field tbllo w-., nlibl Wn re a 111 ID Id
~,be told.
'l'be Willlnl Center 11 equipped with
a amall ldtchm, dlVIDI and a atereo
record pll)'tt. Ad1m1 removed the di•
mood needle Crom lhe record player.
L, ,
to lbe high tide line, leaving a t~yard
strip of blackened beach resembling a
giant strip of roofing tar.
The initial efforl to stem the flow
of oil with oil mud -a chemical com-
pound which ha'rdens like concrete :--
failed Wednesday and a spokesman Slld
another attempt would be made today.
If the mud falls to seal the well, the
only alternative is a relief shaft now
being sunk. The drilling of It will take
at least two weeks.
Ike Robinson, St. George, Utah, said
he was going back home from his vaca-
tion a day early because of the invasion
of oil. "Jfs flowing like blackslrep molasses."
he said. Tuesday evening he stood on
the Santa Barbara Harbor jetty. "First
l saw only a few small splotches of
oil on the beach. An hour later, the
entire beach wu: covered."
SUff onshore winds were expected to
continue through Friday. Intermittent
rain Wednesday and today hampered
crews on the beaches who dumped straw
on the sand to absorb the oil and then
raked it into bags.
Sea gulls, their feathen smeared jet
black with oil, flopped on the gummy
sand unable to fly. At least !Ill o(
the birds were known to have died
of the more than 200 brought to three
treatment centers, and hundreds of
others went uncounted by State Fish
and Game oUlciall.
A double log boom was placed across
the entrance to Santa Barbara Harbor
but the oil washed over the barrier
and tapped against the hulls or 700 . ,
small craft valued at more than $5
milion. The harbor was evacuated
because o( tbe ftre hazard.
BUI lrvlDe, who bu been In the yacht
maintenance business here for 2S ytars,
estimated It would cost up to $100 to
clean the acum from the average private
boat Union Oil tent tn.surance adjusters
into the area for the uptded avalanche
of claims.
Local conservationists aud officials
were furious.
''People are mid," sald Slnll Barbara
Mayor Gerakl Firestone N he s~
a blackened btach. "Yoo bet they're
mad. Thl1 city Is known tl\roughout the
world as an 1itr1ctlte community. Look
at Jt now.
''We have lawa w!Uch prohibit oil drill·
ln1 within the ck)' Jlmlts. But what
can we do about thb? This comes from
Union Oil and u.r.. other oil companies
lease the Udeland drilling slta from lb•
federal government. It was one of m1n1
parce.ll aucl.loned list year for rtcOfd
li ek ,.
1....-oru,.. coast oil foe Victor .
C. AndreWI ol l.alUDa Beach today O(•
fered to fly Newport Beach councllmen
to the Santa Barbara oil slick so they
could, in h1t wordJ, "see the other
side of the coin."
He referred to tours given Newport
Beach and Costa Mesa councilmen 'by
two' oil companies ·tut year to see
camouflaged oil wen operations in the
Loi Angeles area.
Andrews, 169 Emerald Bay, was a
key worker for the Shell-Cunnlnaham
ad. prohibiting drilling in state tidelands
from the Santa Ana River to the Mexican
Calllni Newport Beach "our flnl line
of defe~." Andrew• said, "I'll pay
for their ride if Uiey 10 and look at
Whether or not they grab the offer,
the Newport Beach council apparently
needed litUe prodding about the oU
" City aides readied for Monday action
a reaoluUon for the President and state
and federal legislators a1klng es:ten.sion
of the Shell-Omniniham protecUons into
federal waters.
Andrewi called for a shutdown-In &II
·drllllng and aploraUona1 olf-abore until
there ia a COll)plete invUucaUon. He
quesUoned success . of efforts to stop
the ·Santa .. Bar~a oil break lidding,
"I'm not eure they can ever stop that
"l believe more in esthetics than
desperate need of oil/' Andrews aakl.
"I warned the olJ lntemla back In
Unruh Demands
' .
lmniediate Halt
On Oil Drilling
Democratic Leader Jesse M. Unruh to.
day urged the federal ,11:cvernment to
order an immediate hall to offshore
oil dr.illlng In the Santa Barbara Channel,
where a leak ·has dum~ thousands
of gallons of oil into the water.
Unruh said the drilling should be stop-
ped until there are "firm guarantees"
against such futUre incidents.
In remarks prepared for delivery at
Mt. SlJl Antonio College, the Inglewood le~a\>r alsQ,.~ticlzed ~hat he called Sectitiht of tbe. lnterior Walter Hicke\'s
"hal ·iii hand" attitude toward oil com·
panies drllllna: In the channel.
"By his own statementt Secretary
Hickel has made it clear J,hat hi cares
more about the sensibUIUes or ihe od
companles than he does about the
dangers to California's beaches and
ocea n wildlile," Unruh said.
Valley Reminded
Of Dimes' Ball
Members of the Fountain Valle y
Woman's Club today issued a reminder
to members of the community that the
March of Dimes Charily Ball is Saturday
night at lhe Mesa Verde Country Club
in Costa Mesa. ·
The doors open at 8:30 p.m. for the
charity affair. Tickets are $4 per person
and may be obtained from Woman's
Club members or at the door.
Los Angele s Rams' star Bruce Gossett,
a Fountain Valley resident, will be
master of cerenionies.
~1usic will be provided by the Hi
Lites with a special show featuring the
Sound Plus, a collegiate vocal group
sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
Special guests include Fountain Valley
Mayor and Mrs. Robert Schwerdtfeger.
. . ; ,
• Off ere ·
the IO's this wOQlll happen to their «lily to go In 10 ye&l'I ago In Salrta Barb;r.1.
oil rigs but I WU poo.pooed~ u belnl . Ventura ud' Huntln&ton ~cll. t• '
an alannJit." •. ' Andre1'1 Bald hG gfoJp ~
He said he understands lb•· 211,000 desporateQ' to lntemt oorthern ~
gallons of oil lost daily that have caused · COUnty in .oll prohibition! but said ffWI·
the 800 square mile oil &lick cou'ld In· Ungton Beach interests seemed nior,~ ·
crease in volwne if greater fissures terested in having t.he oll wells.
open in the ocean noor. "If a well (olf-sbore) ever "Jlt4 •t
''This is a pophyaical catastrophe. in HunUngtom Beach Jt woukl be •. fk
It'• as bad or worae tQan an earthquake," , end of tbe oil intere'lts there,1' be aaidt
said Andrews. "Anyt.-kl.nd of a storm Andrew1 warned that mte tidela s
front would have the oil riJ;:ht here could be opened up to drlDlng u•r
on the Oi'ange Coast." J 1 the Shell-Cunninjham ' Aqt: if ~lMie
Andrews said, "All of a sudden con-becomes reasor. to believe that dr1Ulrig
servationists are all up in arms. Where beyond the three-mile limit is drain1J!g
were they when they allowed the wells state resources (oil). •
1>AIL Y 'lLOT r11t1t II)' IUcMd k'911*' •
1' alley's Top Cop
Detective Sergeant Fred NourSe admires plaque he was awarded
\Vednesday by Fountain Valley:. Exchange Club for outstanding serv ..
ice to community during 1~. Nours!! has been with Fountain Valley
Police Department since:its fonnation July 1, 1967. A Fountain Val·
ley resident, Nourse is m~rried and has two daughters.
Garris~on ·Pledges to Prove.,;
JFK Slain by Conspiracy :t
NEW ORLEANS (UPl l -Dist. Atty.
Jim Garrison told an all·1nalc. riry in
the Clay L. Shaw trial tod~y the state
would prove President Johr, F. Kennerly
was muraered by a conspiracy and that
he fell ;iackw~ from a fatnl shot
fired froffin1e1ront.
Presenting the state's ope ning strtc·
ment in its attempt to convict the 5:;.
year-old retired businessman of con·
spiring with Lee Harvey Oswald and
others to murder Kennedy, Garrison said
he would prove the si1ots in Dealey
Plaza in downtown Dallas came from
"different guns from different locctions. ·•
Garrison said the state would prod uce
testimony that after the assassination
Nov. 22, 1963, Oswald ran down the
grass in front of Ule School Book
Depository building and climbed into a
station wagon \\·ith another man at the
wheel "and that this station wagon pulled
away and disappeared into the traffic
on Elm Street."
The \Varren Commission r eport nP
September, 1964, concluded that Oswald,
acting alone, fired the fatal shots froni
a six th.floor window of the depository
ahd that he escaped by taxicab anti
bus. ·
The taxi driver -now dead -whO
testified that he carried Oswald told
the Warren Commission he remembere4 ·
Oswald because he gave him a nicktl·
Garrison indicated the state will show-'
Oswald carried his rifle Into th·~ -
depos itory and that he was one of thOl$.O.,
doing the shooting. But Garrison .said,
Oswald did not rlre the fatal shot itself'.
because Oswald was behind Kennedy. ·'
Reading verbatim from a wrilten stat~·
ment -which he told the jury ""as .
required by Louisiana law -Garrison.
said the state would prove Kennedy
"was murdered not by a lone individual
behind him but from a conspiracy.''
For lasting elegance, enhance your home
with fa1DOUS HERITAGE upholstery. -
n. ... I ............................... ..,
pnr.ldc:wrlt•1•Mlfo ... t...l'Mdlt .................... .
h!MI.,,._ TlWI .,. -"*' 175 d9ligrs -..,;+i -• --
... ......-. www' '\ .d • ._··111 ·•11· a....,.,• •illy,,_,_ ~dlOOI--............ "'
• .,. 1CX1 w•• J ; w.ta 9lld ...., optlOnll ..... .._
~Oar---____ ....,.~.,.
"°"' lllMction.
20% OPP
INTEalOtl DESl6NI~$ 0,.. ....... n.n. ' "'· -
646-1>275 646-oza
• ..
• ' '
• ... ! l "•
Couiicil ·: ·,sel·ect:s. ··Third ' Street . . ' ~
Lihrary:·-·-s -ite:'"
Ill .. •
' .. . ,• .
Qoun~il Sel~ts
'J;'hird ·St: Site
For 'New Library
Of ,ftie IHllr ... la.t Stiff
The site of a new Lagupa Beach library ' . ! • materialized Wednesday, nlglll after near·
Jj ~ decade of "urgency."
Cmndtmen unanimously zeroed-in on
!nlm six to nine Jots beginning ju.rt
sotith of the Third Street medical Cl!!lter
a114i finishing out the east side of the
blOtk to Mermaid llreet.
·The area chosen was the second of
t.hr.ee sites recommended by the city's
pieral plan consultanls, Daniel, Mann, J~ & Mendenhall. 11le first had
been the nearby. pipe yard of Laguna
J3ea~h County Water District. ·
··: 7'b'e decision ,w a s a denoument to
yUti of community bickering that con-Riz&ed more time and energy than it
tOQ};: to draft the U.S. Constitution. ... A strong group had studied and lobbied
f P.f, expansion or the long-inadequate 226-
SQYIJt·foot buikful& at ila present loc:a-
h essence of council action was to;lnstruct City Manager James o.
Wheaton to report back on the mechanics
... forming a non-profrt corporaUon to :=-.. ~]:~ .... coma;F the
·:Tb:ll would be done in 1<>me type
ol 1' ogreement with Orange County df\'riimeot. Lagunans pay tuea to the
... (See LIBllAllY, Pap I) ', .,
• . ,
* * * * * '(!
' '
. ·orm
ac s
J ,r I t"'
Tornado Adds io: Laguga Rain· Wo.es
t .• -·
Of ... Dellr PHii_ ..... Another angry storm, thll one w:rappecJ
around a small tornado, unleashed ab-
breviated !my • tile Orange Coo.or early
today. .
Laguna. Beach """' the'beaVy brunt of the lalolt wind-whipped storm, which
deposited up to an inch of rainfall on
the w1terloqed coaslal areas.
dora area, devastated by mudJlldel Jut
month, packed their beloqlnp 11111 fled
their homes qaln u mare than an
inch of rain battered. tbe area.
''This place la at tbe mercy of ~"
said a spokesman for tbe Loi Angeles
County Fire peglrimln~ in d""'1~
the Glendora llltUIUon. . .
, The worst, however, ls ovet,'.ccordlnc
to "~ U.S.' Wlather i /lui'tau; Wllfcb '
forecast .. end to the i<aloll1l Frldl1.
followed by clearing 1kles1 gusty•wladl,
and continued cool tempe:r-~ ... Abe
the Orup Coast; a bllb of M lllil
an ovemlght low of '5 _, ptedlctod
fer Friday.
A pocket.lized tornado churnei through
the aclus!ve Emerald Bay section of
Lagw11 tbll morning, tearing the roof
Mlllr ...... Mlfyr,
C.ta ,,,... ·'° .. '·" ·" N""*1 8-ch .41 f.25 !.ti
Nixon Highlights
L:,.:..-dl 1.06 10.lf 4,tl ~:!,.111 v.~ 1::.l :::~ ;::: Here are th'e bl111'i1 .. "ts of Presld~t N~on's press conf.e~ence ·thls. W.IMll!attr .ti 12.01 •.DI ~ .... _.,.
s.1· had! ·" 12.01 ,.01 morning: LIO~ ~ Wllrkf 1,06 10.19 ~.91 • , , ,
~;1_'t;., ::: ~::~ !:ff •. He will leave Feb. 2S ·on a five..natibri visit to .Western E~pe •.
.......... ... .11) 1).t l •.01 . • :n"'r~"°: · ~:: :::: 5]; • He does ®t e~t t0.-1mept w~th. Cbmmunis\ ~e&d~rs dOfing the
"'"" Ml 1.• 11.os s.11 trip and does not favor" ~ ~try":wttll .the Soviet Union.
from the borne of Robert C1e0ry •t e The U.S. Will asaume the 'lnltlaUve In seeking a Mideast peace
546 Emerald Bay. City lllanager Joseph settlement 1upportln• efforts of the U.N: on _fiv,e fronts. Wheaton bad a first-bapd ~I-of the " 1 ,
storm -be Jost a tree and • atake • There are no pl-~-~ bringing troops home from Vietnam,
fence to ~ llilb winds. but that re~ II "h!Jh on lht ;(elila." The minor t1rlltor ollO affected eleo-•
tricol oervlce in' Emerold Bay, where • The U.S. lnteu41 during the Paris P!'ace talks to insist Utat the
pow..-was out from S:U to 5:10 ·a.m. military and dlplomaUc' l11u• ,Involved be iepar~t~. .
Flooding,.,. reported olong Lagu.~a Can-e The admlnlstraUon'• tax reform plBDJ will be dl!cwsed' Frid~
yon Road and in ' llODle portions.· of b T Sec...t•-K ed , ' " . .,.. San Clemente. Y reasury ... _.-T eon y., .
• · ROOF COLLAnEs' • ' ' •·.Federal funds w,111 be ~enjed to lichOol districti thatperpetualt
·1 A. comm@ttlAI 'bUll~g in~· ta Ana segregation. ·4
• • ' • • 1 I . . ' , . ~ , ~!-.,....t··at.o -wlftJf~~,e. 1 ••. ~ ' • , • , , '•,Ir j }, t J....!i '.. • _ _!_~:!_:_• i.i, i~, '¥" ~-:J.On< 'l'Oll(~ii;ii.: weJl!)I" ~lliij ~ql"':1•X '.lbe,t;'WlJ1'\llJf:l!o:f!l!IT~~''."W °' .'"' l'Uen!o .. ca~, !11'41•,'lll•
I The. dam. ' -rted ·t u ·8 lnvesUgat:lons are Cbilcluded. , • • _ ,
/ ' ... Bllis~d the ..... ftvof .
I! , I : , f
Tornruw .·Hits ·Eme~aW J~qy-.1 lf,~~e
The (l'Jatish tornado that swept in~
Laguna Beach's exclusive Emerald Bay
section eprly ·today . hit without warning
or fear or favor. ·
I~ singled in on hillside home of R.
Warran Cleary, a Los Angeles insurance
broker. CJeary's & t e p son, Max
Scllwnacber, 21, was asleep in the
doWitStairs bedri>oin ·when,he rOOf ~al
lifted froin' the house and set down
50 feel away.
~cher was uninjured.
~ twister ripped some shingles from
homes below, but left the rest of the
neighborhoo(!' Intact. Its force was ex·
perlded almost . entirely on the Cleary
Plate windows Wert broken and Cle'~ey's ·furniture was sucked from the
Uvlng room arid kitchen. ·
The · roof was relatively intact when
it was~ 'Plopped onto· the land behind
the Cleary home. Inside, china cups
and pottery were left unbroken. Books
remained on the ab~lves.
"I gu'9s thls means we'll have to
cancel the cocktaJI party this weekend,"
Cleary lllld wrtJy u be surveyed the
gius Strewn on the noor ot bis borne.
Cleary and b1a wlfe, Joyce, were at
Satellite in Orbit
commen:lal mb:l!l!oard.atelllte looped
the fl ob e ·lodiy w.rtlng 'fer 1he next
llleP. towltd ltl pl of doabllnll orbital telePhoae and lalevlsloo HnD across the
their home in Los Angeles when the
, spout hit.
"The clocks s}<>pped' at, 3:~, a.m. 90
, that's when _we figure it hit." he aaJd'.
l:lomes on either' side of the Cleary
residence were··~g~.~-bowevt;r'.
Power lines ripped by the . :wind left
parts .of the area and north Laguna
without electricity · for tWOi hours lhil
. momin3.
A tree picked up from' the ocean
front Smith estate wu carried about
a quarter· mile and drop~ in ~e back
yard on anotber.EmeraldBv residence.
Students 'Shot' . .
At Crown Valley
A clinic 8.t Crown ·valley Elementaty
School irrununized over 100 studenls there
in , a cooperative effort between county
health officials and ·the school's Parent-
Teacher Guild.
Kindergarten atudenls received &bots rot ' dipbtberla, whooping mugh and
tetanus, first graders were given
smallpoI shots aod fifth gradert re.
ceiveed immunization against diphtheria
and tetanus.
Assi3tant in the organization and opera-
tion. ol the clil}ic were • Parent-Teacher
-Guild members Mmes. Nancy Mtldowa,
Norma Jay, HctaD Binkle,.Peggy Toth,
Li.Ja .. Grabim, Nadia HockeU and Chris
ran.-age was ,epo a . . . _
Dlv~ 3313 Wirntr Ave., about 5:•
Jn Newport Beach, six boats broke
' loose from the# moorings and were
towed to sare areas by the Orange
County Harbor Department. Rain-driven
winds pushed sand across portions of
Seashore Drive in West N1!lyport, dtun-·
plng debils from the prevlous storms
into the street at some intersections.
The Huntington Valley area apparently
escaped almost unscathed, with little
or no problems reported in Huntington
Bea.c1'., Fountain Vailley or Westminster.
In the latter city, a few intersecdons
were flooded and some storm drainB
were atopped up, but otherwise damage
was minl171(11.
Ralph Kiser, general manager or lhe
Soul.hem califomia Edison Co. in· H~
tington Beach, reported little or ® .tr09-
ble along.._ most of the Orange Coast,
exc:ept for the power outage in Emerald
"All services were restored quickly
Jn that area," Kiser said. "We feel
very fortunate that· no major problems
have developed."
While it lasted, Ulla morning's stonn,
missed by all but the early risers,
was a renewal of the vlolent rains
which assaulted lbe coast last month.
Hardest hit were the Glendora and
Malibu areas not yet recovered frOm
the January havoc.
More than 15 famJUes from tbe Glen-
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
closed today with selecUve improvement
In ~Jue chips helping market averageJ.
Trading was acUve. (See quotations,
Pages 20-21).
. Nixon to· ·Wave,:Feb~ ~23.
', I
For Meetiitg.s in :Etti-ripe ' I
Nixon aMounced today he will leave
Feb. 23 for face-t&f1ce meetlnp with
fi ve allied European leaders and Aid
he also will eiplore the prospect of a
future sunimlf .. meeting with SoVlet
He told a news conference he hoped
his one-week · Eurapean mission woultl
"strengthen and revitalize" the NAro
Nixon said hll!I European ltlnetary
would take 'hlm to th~ following clties 1n
this order: Brus!:el!, London, Bonn, West
Berlin, Rome and Perla. 1be White
House satd Mrs. Nixon would not accom-
pany him on the trip.
Nixon also will confer ~th the U.S.
negotiating team at the Pull puce
talks and wUI meet with Pope Paul V(
during what he described u "• work·
ing trip."
Asked If he boped to meet with the
Soviet leadership later, Nixon replied :
"I believe that a meetlng with the
Soviet leaden 1bould take place."
The President added however that be
was opPQHd to • "inltant IUDUDitry" and
would go to such a meeUng only after
careful preparaUoa. ·
olllea before engaging in IDY ::s
' with Sovlst !elders.
"This la only the firs t . step In -
Ing 1he-purpooe ·f !iiYO:len(.felt-la >ital
to the Mur. of l\Oaoe for the Untied
States and peace ' foe the worJd.:-tbe
strengthening and revllalhlng of 0tbe
American-European communJty," NIXon
88ld of the trip. If-· told •a gy~ later_~ ~IA news -eorifererice he · wOOJ:d .dlscuSS Wtt.b
allied beadJ «. government the hnpor·
tonce be places on· all 111tlolil .-
and adherlng to the nuclear nonplo1U:
eratlon treaty that he hu ulced tbe1 Senate to ·fatlfy. ,
But llO made It ploln be would try to
11persua'de rather th a n blac~" France ...r welt GernUmy io coo~ltll
in this area. ' ,
Nixon again expressed concern over
the 4--ol-tllo-Mlddle-Eut situation
triigering a Dajor war. He declared
bla new poJ!C1 iiiUiir -~1.,, the
United Stalel ·u-q thil IDtuattve"
in trying to -a stable peace. Niacin alio•Aid be pl ... to aubmlt to
Congreas leglaJaU.O to revamp the J
eniergency l1rlb prq\olllons of lhe Taft· l
Hartle! llw bi order' to deal With sucb
Jong tie UJll U the Current• dock strike.
:!'Council ,~o~~e·~s Up ··Surfing Laws
"But It la my !ntenlloo to c:<lldlct
exploratory tali:I at varkm levdl, ''
Nixon told llil ltCOnd MWI confenoce. 1
Nixon aakt be thou!lht tt "vllally Im-I
portant" to meet wllb the European -'
Famous lialipns "~. : , ' " W•'II1 pt a clllnce to clrl't off , . . N . Lib Friday, apecJal1r ,w)tildht gusty Ing made 1 IDljor brea~ Vern T"fl111tl_lll4ocf ap<I 'decllf'lf lou~\y Area S -The Rock Pile remained Mayor Glenn Vedder balked at this OW at .ra,ry winds -.. ap, bal •keep your
1Jt Laaun• Beach cooncll .. c~ ··that be did not~ · the aame. and H wu modified to thai in those 1 • , ,, 1 ovt1rco.t. on. 1t1n ltUl bl cool, Jn 1
~night. , ., ·· · ~' > ~~· Jons ·•· oullpoken foe of , '¥ore impO~t ~ the lineal lain condJUons the .beach area between Area Two famOUJ Italians have bec<lme the mid 50'1 at~ mutmum.
""""'"-•--' .... _,.......,_ to ••-• M ...... --w11 p-;·•~ in iurfing atta was l<lllO\'ol of the I and Area 2 may be -·~ to surfing residents of the Laguu Beach Llbrory ~·-· -6'"_... __ ..., ' -• -........ --. ~ restriction that preVIOUillf forced IUl'fera ~ sbelveii. ' 1 ' INSIDE TOD,\ Y
.... up deslgnoted . ourfilW' ...... ._to;bls ~by Mayor Glenn Vodder. out of the waters form 11 a.m. to s p.m. at 'the ~el llf_,d'1 d!screUon. "Tbe'COmplete Worb of~lo" r d#/' clurlril the mtrlcted llUIDDl6 "Will JOU lit down p1-,• Vedder ~ ... _ the restricted oummer maatbl. Vedder prediCl<d that 11 time g<iel anil ·--~-.w. s~ •• ~Da · ,!' 't A1 mt«h GI ~ 111!1•1 to QO
moldha. --·Ciiikftil. n,:;;" will be Ible to llUf in·cfeltlnated on competltlob for use o1 Jhe beach huge ~~·~ ;;.,y eolored 11141', l'i9"f 111.fackfr•. ljOn:! Qd , J~ rwu the belt news for Art Cok1nJ O'Sullivan hid trimmed.dawn the area . ~ fn:m ~wn U> dirk. will Meellitate mare and more restora-· illliltrationl IDd' tat br •adM IUUlorl mMC• 1 oJ er _,,,. wk0tne n 1 ~ since a former council clamped be earlier propooed ·to opm ap 00 (bat · .~sw:i;:n:~~il>ewtll ~= Uon. He lllld that children in· the water, have beea l(lvea·to the Mbrory. 1Ctibo. from 'Fid<I c:Gatro'1 gov-
! ~ ~':' ,:! :,=._ ~. · :r,:l"b,'~ ::, •:i ~eet .:J period by setting It from June 15 to '"::Sm-:~~ :0.1 "i:: ==~ A,;;:~:, ~ ":, ~ P~, ~.';_ ,. '
'Vlc!e mayor Joseph O'Salll•,;n be : I. Stpt.15. ' agalnat.Councllrn.anllofHolmlllldonly Friend• ol the·Ubrory, u the...-! :" ---
" ~ ...... bis onllnanoe ~ AllJ.l.1 -The beafb ]Jing between It hail, prevlou!ly been June 1 to Oct. He uked wbo lbould be dlacrlminlted hook for lbelllltll w-'~· . -· • II "==..'= 1 ll iii;ib°';iu, UWe problem In froat<il tlf.leet -of a ooOtf>er).y ~on t'!lbd ·lwO• ween prior to and after agtlnltandssldthecbangeawouldbring Followl-.thell'V<l'lltlontoLlbnrialt - -'t • __ , t
• ~-room«dJ audleoce. of Broob Street and 1$0 feet north Easter Sunday. them to parity. ' . Clifford cave,• the friend.I boll'd 1 ~ l == .... ': = =· ,.~ 1
1 ~one flare\lp. nw,ked the Wed-of a northerly extension of Brooi:I Street. Wording of O'Sulllvan'1 propoaall 1 Vedder admoniahed IW'fen to use care to pvrchaN,tl't~~~v~~ "DI 1 :l:',i 1 r .:: :::;.•..-:I
1 ill Chlrlton ~ was fll'O-IOl1th ~ • southerly elle\litoa or 'lllalla open up all · the . _ ";;i;i;;c): ~\y ,tilllltu~ilil<·IJ!e flll' a~, i • llOOkolln ,~ lrl"~ l!l'l'.11"1.-. ' ~ -~ ... " ,\ • nll(lll,ded'!lon. AnaJ -Tbell'Ol,between ·IOOfeet wouJdbaveal!o . :1 wllll~i..,.:tl&Jlts.1 'l'he ;~ Vinet." .• " .• • "''' --~ -·"'" =ng O'SlilllvU'• propouls a 11veey and a point It feet IOUtb of a IOUtherly w . m:· r:'i'""~. It~· ~~·~ JOr i .f~, r..,,1' and •\~ Jr\~~. U)e ·~ . tr tt.<~~..,. ,, 1 • ~
.J loo .. , .... 1rnove" when rultor" extension of Sl Ann'• m . . 1li .. ,. ·, ... "" r •• j' I I : t t fibta-.-L~ ',.~. • 1.1·, • "' ·. • • 1 .... Y----':c';,,;'c.' ""--''--'-'-'-" ... ,. -· ··.~ " ,, I'
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+ a Stds6 • I .
L '!';"f• ,._, I, 1M' ·l ...... ,<'!"ll!'r.'
·workers ·Usff" Oil
' ' * * * . ~ . * F ";
ewport Ott•
Loqt1me Orll!i" Coast on foe Victor
c. Andrews of Lquna Beach today of·
fered to fly Newport Bach councllmen
to the Santa Bartlara oil slick '° they
coukf. In hll wordl:, .,aee the . other
aide or the coin."
He referred to tours given Newport
Beach and Costa Men eouncllmen by
two oil companies last year to aee
camouflaged oil well operations in the
lA>I Angeles area.
Andrews, 189 Emerald Bay, was a
key worker for the SheU-Omnlngbam 1
act problbltlJlll drillinf In atai. tidelands
from Iha Santa Ana River to lhe Mexican -· cawn, Newport Bach "our liral Une
.Frem Page I
cronty for the t'OUl!ty bl'IJICb library
Wheaton Is also to look into the
feaalblllty of acquiring nine Iota rather
than slJ: so t h e r e wW be room for
both parking and luture expanalon.
Wheaton oald todll' tile city hopes
to do lhe job."rlgbl and bulld a llbrary
well-above standard, "the kind that
Laguna de.serve!. ti
A problem, he conceded, art the county
criteria on what a branch library would
cort. The cost for a · faclllty at the
level of city expectations might double
the county cost crlteria.f,
"I'll hive tO talk with the county.''
oald the city .,.. .....
During the live-hour meeting, Mayor
Glenn Vedder ralled the curtain .., the
library topic with the comment that
he had asked for commenta In writing
and received ~ in volume.
"I have ncelved ,,.U quaoliU.. of
paper," aakt Vedder. ''l have a feeling
.that it's been a battle of the Xerox
machnes." .
''The tlme has come that the council
mu.at make a declsioo,". Vedder said.
"'Tb'e word urgency hu been uaed alnce
the beginning of the decade and we
cannot spend more time."
Vedder noted the the water dlslrlcl
pipe yard would be too expensive in
-and money and that the dla\r\tl needed the property as It too CIXlt!Jiued
to grow.
Water dlslrlcl olllclata ~ had
been resistant to proposed take over
o! their handy pipe yanl locaUon for
library uae.
Vedder uid acquiring the pipe yard
could hAve reauJted "ilt conliderable
eeverance claim.s against the city.,,
Councilman Chultoo Boyd lauded the
choice u a quiet, re.sttul place to read.
He also promised to wort for retention
o{ the existing library improvement!
as a community center. The city owns
the propei ty.
James Dilley, pru:ldent of the CitlJens'
Town Planning AasoctaUon (CTPA), ex•
pressed disappointment over the selec-
tim, but oald he rupeded the council
decialon. He had worked diligently for
the exlallng sit<.
Dilley also asked for a resolution ol
councll lnt.nllon to preaerv~ the exlatlng
library 11 a community center. Mayor
Vedder appointed Boyd to prepare such
a ntolution.
Widow Found Slain
Near Murder Scene
widow, her nlghlclothea pulled up to
her bead. waa found bludgeoned to death
In b e r bed today under clrcwn•tance•
similar ... the •laying Of a Harvard
coed lut month.
k•lt•rf .N· w •• ,
1"n11*11I 1N' 1'utir1--.,
Jack I . C•rl•y
Yl<t l'ml!Mtll Mid 0-li l.W1111tt
1111111•1 ic ..... 1 ••*
n.0..,11 A. Mu1,~i11 1
M&l\Hlntr ftlllot
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222 f,,,,. ,.,.,,,
M1lftllf M''"'' r.o. ••• ''" t2•1z --c.t ...... ! .. Wtoll • .., llfttt .,....,. -.01 nu «n• ..... 1ev1t,•r•
........... INdli ., .$411 '""'
of defense ," Andrews said, 11t'll pay
for their ride if they go and look al
Whether or not they grab the offer,
·the Newport Beai:h council apparently
needed UtUe .pr«ldhlg about ,the oil
City aides readied for Monday action
a resolution for the President and state
and federal legislators asking extension
of the Shell-0.mningbam protectlona into
federal waters.
Andrews called for a shutdown in all
dHUing and explorations off-shore until
there 11 a complete investigation. He
questioDed success of efforts to stop
the Sin\& Barbara oil break adding,
"I'm not. sure they can ever stop that
"I believe more in esthetlcs than
desperate need of oil," Andrews said,
"I warned the oil intereltl back in
the IO's thla would happen tO their silly
oU rigs but 1 was poo-pooed aa being
an alarmist." ·
He said he understands the 20,000
gallons cf oil lost daily Jhat have caused
the 800 square mile oll slick could in-
crease in volume ll greater fl!sures
open in the·ocean floor.
"This is a geophysical catastrophe.
It's as bad or worse than.an earthquake,"
said Andrews. "Any kind of a. storm
front would have the oil right here
on the Orange Coast." ..
Andrews said, "All ot. a sudden con-
Two Men, 143 Pounds of 'Weed' Scooped Up
$65,000 in Marijuana
Seized; 2 Held in County
Two Los Angeles County men who
allegeclly used a Gardena poker palace
as their headquarters for a marijuana
market that covered much of Orange
County are in the county jail today.
District attorney's invesUgators and
lederal narcotics agents Wednesday
scooped up a staggering haul or 143
pounds of compressed marijuana valued
on the underworld market at ~5,000.
District Attorney Cecil Hicks s a i d it
waa the largest such seizure of the
illicit weed iD county history.
Awaiting arraignment in Santa Ana
Municipal Court were Alvin Seidenberg,
33, of North Hollywood and Lee Duane
Hart, 30, of Lawndale. Both men were
arre.!ted at the Rainbow Club, a noted
attracUon for the Southland poker-playing ....
Hart and Seidenberg are charged with
conspiracy to sell and sale of marijuana.
Council Voices
'Sound Reason'
For System OK
Councilman Roy Holm was qu estioning
the wisdom of allowing a public address
system at Laguna's sixth annual Winter
Festival when Councilman Ri chard
Galdberg confided that he is traditionally
master of ceremoruu.
Surfing Vice Ml)'lll' Joseph O'SUl!lvan
also had an unvested interest In the
sqund equipment IJe needs It for the
suCce11 of the two-day surfing com-
petiUon during the community celebra-
tion that begins Feb. at.
Before belng clued on the other two
councilmen's interest in the public ad·
drell l)'Sttm, Holm had reminded the
council that use of a sound truck had
betn denied one app1lcant and a
merchant had been denied his application
to broadcast music outside I.he store.
Both Goldberf, who II•• times has
announced the welcoming kickoff of thfl
Wint.er Feltival, and O'Sullivan IS!Ul'td
Holm there would be no problems.
Ml1UI' Glenn Vedder, wtth a twtnkle,
ofJered to appoint him a "sound sensor"
committee of one to monitor fe11oW coun-
-.. the oound barrier he had
atruclc, uolm quipped, "With Goldberf
as muter of ceremonies. I'm more con-
c:trned about quallf¥ than quanUty."
In vestigators said both men used a
storage area at the rear of the Gardena
nightspot to store marijuana smuvgled
from Mexico. Hicks said today he was
satisfied that the operation was con-
ducted without the knowledge of the
management or employes of t h e
Hicks said the Club served as the
headquarters for the operation but most
of the sales and conlacts made by the
two men were in orange Conuty. The
65 packa ges of marijuana seized Wed-
nesday were ready for delivery to clients
in Orange County he said.
A number of pills, as yet unidenUfled,
were also seized by investigators. And
officers took from Hart a weapon iden-
tified 83 a .25-ealiber Br o w n in g
Hicks today predicted that the arrests
of Seidenberg and Hart will great1y
reduce the flow of marijuana to this
Ra ymo11d Gable
Fune1·al Tonight
Rosary service ror Raymond Gable
will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in
St, Catherine Church, 990 Temple Ter·
race, Laguna Beach. Mass ~ill be Friday
at 9 a.m. in the church.
Mr. Gable, of 30722 Driftwood Drive,
South Laguna, was a resident of the
area for to years. lie died Tuesday
at South Coast Community Hospital at
age 61 following a long illness.
The former owner of Gable's Jewelry
on Forest Avenue, Mr. Gable was a
paat president of the Little League. a
chairman of the merchantJ' division of
the Chamber of Commerce, active in
the Holy Name Soc.let)', Kiwanis, and
community charities.
He ii survived by his wile Margartt
and soris Ronald , Glenn and Larry, all
of the home address.
interment is Friday under the direc-
tion of Laguna Beach Mortuary at
Asctnsiori Cemetery In El Toro.
Strike Grips Irish
DUBLIN (AP) -A strike by 3,000
tndO!trtal maJntenanct men vtr¥Jally
p•ralyied the lrtah Republic today, forc-
ing 35,000 other persons out of wort
and depleting food supplies.
u:d t Battle (Joze
'iJt:r~;. fwoMore 'WeeksNeeded
1ervatlonhll are all up ln ann1. Where
were they when they allowed the wellil
to go in 10 years ago in &;ant& Barbara,
Ventura and Huntfniton Beach."
AndtoWB oald hll fl'O!IP had tried
desperateJy to intereat northern Orange
County Id oU p..bibltlonl bul ssld Hun-·
tington Beach interests seemed more in·
terested in having the oil wells.
"If a well (oil-shore) ever went out
in HunUngton Beach it would be the
end of the oil interests there," he said.
Andrews warned that state tidelands
could be opened up to drilling under
the Sbell..Qmningham Act if there
becomes reasor. to believe that drilling
beyond the three-mile limit •is draining
state resources (oil).
Laguna Asks Halt
To Oil Dri11ing
By U.S., State
Laguna Beach councilmen Wednesday
called for a halt in both federal and
state oil operations.
M the Santa Barbara oil blob widened,
the councl1 toot unan1mowl action on
separate rMOluUon111 one directed toward
federal authorlne. and the other toward
the mi..
The federal re10lution authored by
Cowlcllman 'Roy .Holm called Ior the
Interior Departlilenl to declare a
morltoriurn on oil and gu drllllng on
submerC«t landa: o C e. a n w a r d ot
To Stop Polluting. F"low
,,... Wire Senlctt and lal'J*I against the hulls ol 70t·
SANTA n•n•AHA _ Oil com, pany small . craft valued at m«e than It, ~-mlllon. 1be harbor waa evacuated workers began fotclng 6$0,000 gallons b&cause of the fire hazard. ·
of mud into a three-inch well pJpe today Bill Irvine, who bu been In the yacht· in a desperate effort to atem the Dow of oil which made tar patches of glisten-maintetlance business here for 25 yean,
ing beaches here. estimated it would cost up to $100 to
Officials admitted it coulc;l take 81 clean the scum from the average prlvat.
tong as two more weeks to stop up boat. Union OU sent insurance adjusters
the leak at an offlbore drilling site. into the area for th e expected avalancbt•
Twelve miles of pearl white beaches o( claims. 1
already were coited with· tom _of acrid Local conservationista and officials!
crude the ~cy of chewing gum were lllrlous. ' '
and clUzena of this reflllrl community ·~eople are med," Aid Santa Barbara;
were up in anm. · Mayci' Gerald Fireatone u be IUl'Veyed
The penetrating smell of crude oil a blackened beaclt uyou .bet they're
seem.s to be everywhere. Beautiful mad. This city iJ known throughout the
beaches are blackened for miles. The .world as an at'tractive community. Loot
once sparkling blue harbor of thi! scenic at it now.
resort clty is covered with thick, gummy "We have laws which prohibit oil drlll·
sllme. A wildlife expert calla It the Ing within the city Um!ta. But wbal
worst dlsaster ever to hit Calilornia can we do about thla? 'l1ds eomt1 from
bird life. ' outlide."
Wind and rain Interfered with the Union Oil and three other oil companies
relief operaUon and kepi away the ·lease the tideland drilling site from the
towisla: who flocked to the actoe by federal 1ovemmitnl It waa one of m&ll.1'.
the hundreds earlier thia week.~. pvctla aucUODed lut yeir for record •
the wind did not blow more oU l8hore blda.
during the nJiht. ..A.. ..A.. ..A.. "We have a real killer oa our bandl," >< N N
oald °'· Rober! F. DID, ch,slnnal! of Ni"xon· Seek·s the 1talo Advlaory Board for \lnderwater
Parka and -.... who' pWmed to
fly o•er the aea o! on ~·.He oald
studlea made .everal years .. 0 whln ·Str:ct Rules an oil tanker went ap-ound, off :e.Ja 11 Callfornla indicated all muine Ille wltltln .
five miles wai tilled.
The·oll on the lhoiellne.wu the edp-o D •11 •
o! an 800-iq~e mile sUck..Ln the Pac!llc , n . ri ing' which grew more va,t:i 'b)' the bOllr.
ai thollllllda of lallolll of oU bolled Special to Ille DAILY PILOI'
It excepted em~gency operatiom to
corred 1ltuaUOD1 where major seepage
has ·occurred: p in ~ Santa. Barbara
disaster. The moratoflifin • wu 10ught
unW an lnvestlgatlon would detennide
if it la pooalble to resume drilling wl1hout
to the surfaee from tluura Oft tho WASHINGTON -President Nbton oald
. ~~~J;,.orken struggled arou:Dd ~ . today u • result of the Santa Barbara,
Clock to seal the well ben14tb Unkin oil polluUon disaster new and •'vf!t1
on eo of Galllonila'a Plallorm 'A oil< . stringent" regulaUooo will be de,.l<ped
miles Ottsbore, more than 100 inmates for all offshore .drllllng operatlom: in
maj..-seepttg.ls. ,
If ao, the reaoluUqn calls for more
stringent aaleguard.s Ind ask.! that lhe
state u well aa federal authorities have
a hind In future surveillance.
The re10lutioa reminded. t h a t
assurances bad been previoualy given
by the Interior Deporlm<ot and oil com-
panies that there were a d e q u a t e
safeguards to prevent pollution.
The Holm resolution to the state noted
that the State Landi CommJssion hu
granted to oil companies pennila: for
the exploration of oil and gas in lands
set aside as sanctuaries from oil and
gas drilling.
"It ii inconsistent to pennit the ex-
ploration for. oU or gas if extract.ion
of oil and gu are prohibited," the res-
olution states.
It asks for amendment of the Public
• Resources Code to prohibit the ex4
plore.tlon for oil or gas in these sanc-
Laguna Youths
To Play 'Mayor'
The musical comedy "Where ls the
Mayor ?" will be presented March 6,
7, and 8 by students at Laguna's Thurston
Intermediate School.
The boys' and girls' mixed choruses
and the Thurston Band will participate
with drama students in the production.
All performances are scheduled for 8
p.m. in the school auditorium.
Admission is $1.25 for adults and 75
cents for studenla:.
from state conservailon ·campa tolled federal w4ters.
on the beaches to IOP up the 1Umy ... "I have found that there ha1 been
mus with straw. · no updating In 15 years in our policy
The layer of aludp, from two to oo olfabore drilling," he told a preaa
six inches thick, wuhed"acrosa the sarMis conferenCe.
to the htgh Ude line, leaYing a 111-yard He oald Interior Secretary Willtt
strip of blackened beach resembling • Hickel baa ordered stud.lea "to update
giant strip of roofing tar. •-regulat!Qna ao thla kind o! Incident does nie lnitW effort to stem. the uvw ~occur again."
of oil with OU mud -a chemical com-rhe President, in responae to que.
pound which ~ens like concrete -Uoning, said be believed Hickel "acted
failed Wednesday and a spokesman aald prompUy in temporarily stopping" drlll-
another attempt would be made today. Ing off the California coastline. lllcket
If the mud falls to seal the well, the bas been criticized for not compelling
only alternative is a relief shaft now a longer ban against the activity.
being sunk. The drilling of it will take
at least two weeks. .
Ike Robinson, St. George, Utah, said
he was going back home from his vaca-
Uon a day early because of the invutbn
of oil. ,. ''It's flowing like blackstrap molasses,
he said. Tuesday evening be stood on
the Santa Barbara Harbor jetty. "First
I saw anly a few small splotches of
oil on the beach. An hour later, the
entire beach was covered."
Stiff onshore winds were expected to
continue through Friday. Intermittent
rain Wednesday and today hampered
crews on the beaches who dumped straw
on the sand to absorb the oll and then
raked it into bags.
Sea gulls, their feathers smeared jet
black with oil, flopped on the gummy
sand unable to fl y. At least 108 of
the birds were known to have dJed
of the more than 200 brought to three
treatment centers, and hundreds of
others went uncounted by State Fi.sh
and Game officials.
A double log boom was placed across
the entrance to Santa Barbara Harbor
but the oil washed over the barrier ,
* * * Reagan Proposes
State Inspection
Of Ocean DriJJing
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan
said today he would like to see the
state inspect offshore oil wells under
federal jurisdiction -such as the one
that bu poured oil Jnto the PacUlc
off Santa Barbara.
Reagan told his news conference that
federal inspection standards for the rigs
are "about a third" as tough as the
state atandards.
But Reagan expressed confidence that
U.S. lnterior Secretary Walter Jackel
will move swiftly to toughen federal
standards, (Related Story, Paget)
Reagan also said that the federal
government shou1d set aside a fund from
offshore oU revenues "to help us" in
the event anything llke this takeJ place."
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EYES ON BERKELEY -Governor Ronald Rea·
gan announces at hastily called news conference
Wednesday he is declaring state of "extreme emer-
gency" at UC Berkeley. With Reagan are (from
left) Ed Meese, governor's legal affairs secretary;
Alameda County Sheriff Frank Madigan, and High·
way Patrol Commissioner H. W. Sullivan. Gover-
nor's move will allow use of Highway Patrol of-
ficers, if necessary, to help local authorities keep
campus peace.
White House
Wine Uncorks
Domestic Cry
House social affair has generated
possibly the first minlcrisis in Frencb-
Amerlcan relations of the Nixon ad-
President Nixon, departing from the
pro-American wine policy of former
President Lyndon B. Johnson, served
a fine French wine last weekend at
the first fornlal party since be assumed
office -honoring foreign diplomats.
American legislators from wine grow-
ing areas are up in arms.
"Horrors!" the California congressman
cried. "What a bungle," said the New
Yorker. "De Gaulle's not worth it,"
protested another.
Withotlt publicity, Nixon served Pol
de Roget, a superb champagne,
unavailable in many Washington liquor
stores. "We haven't had it in years,"
said two liquor dispenser11 who have
bee~ selling spirits to administration
wives and officials for years.
otdinarilY, New Yorkers and Califor·
nians fight it out over tbe wine issue,
but <ln this <lne tbere appeared to be
agr~ent that domestic wine should
be served at tbe White House. And
some of the things they said -or
at least implied -about the French
might shake tbe vineyards there.
From California, a big domestic .wine ..
growing state, Sen. George Murphy
predicted it won't happen next time
-.,id blamed it <ln some old French
wine left <lver from a previous ad-
ministration {or perhaps some dusty
Sen. Jacob K. Javits, {R-N.Y.), said
It was obviously "a 6lip." "He is new
at the White House, and some member
<lf the staff must have slipped a fast
one by <ln him," said Rep. Samuel S.
Stratton, {D-N.Y.).
Sen. Alan Cranston, (0-Calif.), hinted
the boneymoon might be over between
Democrats and Republicans. "The Presi.,.
dent and Congress are supposed to be
in the honeymoon period,'' Cranston said.
"I hate to criticize a man during a
honeymoon -particiularly his taste ln
wine. I can only say: I would have
chosen differently."
Rep. B. F. Sisk, (0-Calif.), told the
House Nixon had ruled in favor of
"DeGaulle's vineyards" over U. S.
Extreme Emergency Cited
At UC Berkeley by Reagan
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan,
saying "we have come to the end ()f
the road," has declared an unprecedented
extreme state of emergency at the
UrUversity of California at Berkeley and
asked for special laws to stop campus
1be proclamation permitS-california
Highway Patrol officers to assume law
enforcement power on the Berkeley cam·
pus to relieve overburdened local police,
and remain there indefinitely.
The governor, flanked by law en-
forcement officials announced the
moves Wednesday, a day after 16 prople
were injured and 20 arrested in violence
on the 15th day of a Berkeley strike
called by the Third World Liberation
The campus was relatively quiet
The front ls demanding an autonomous
college for black students and other
minorities, plus more financial aid and
admission for minority students.
"It is about time that somebody
discovered that the people who are going
to school are entitled to some academic
freedom, loo," Reagan told a news con·
Reagan said be was stirred by "new
concentrations at Berkeley of physical
beatings of students" and said "it isn't
good enough any more to wait until
the rocks are flying and the beatings
started and then send for someone to
restore order."
The emergency proclamation permits
Reagan to assume full law enforcement
at the troubled 27 ,500-student campus,
previously under the authority of local
police and campus officials. The highway
patrobnen -50 of whom were on the
scene Wednesday -will remain as long
as Reagan believes they are needed,
the governor said.
Never before has a governor invoked
the emergency state at a state university
or college campus in California. ·
Edwin Meese III, Reagan's execuUve
secretary, said the patrolmen will be
under the general direction of Alameda
County Sheriff Frank .Madigan, who re-
quested the help.
UCl Students 'Live In'
To Protest Dismissals
Several dozen students continued a
"live-in" protest at UC Irvine today
after spending the night In an English
Department lounge.
The live-in began Wednesday afternoon
when 40 students moved in with books
and some food to protest· recent
dismissals of two young assistant pro-
fessors of English.
No effort bas been made to remove
the students. Campus officials are con-
tent to wait the students out, so long
as they remain peaceful and university
property is not destroyed.
The UCI campus: does not have a
building curfew so the live-in can. c~n
tinue around the clock. The bw!ding
was not locked Wednesday night.
The. demonstrators said they plan to
live in for up to a week, but some
observers·doubt it will last that long.
One of the live-in leaders, pavld
Heskett, 24-year-old transfer s£udent
from San Francisco State, conceded
"We're going to be damn tired of this
after awhile." ,
English Department Chairman Hazard
Adams said no classes are scheduled
in the lounge, known as the Writing
Center, the rest of the week. Two classes
that were to have been held there
Wednesday night were r e a s s i g n e d
elsewhere, he said.
The Writing Center is equipped with
a smaU kitchen, divans and a stereo
record player. Adams removed the dia-
mond needle from the record player.
Earlier, the dissidents had staged a
walk through and then mill·ins in ti:<!
Humanities Building where the English
Department is located.
OAILY"PILOT ..,..,_ W ........ Vdtnl
1 R~tired Qaeen and Air Casualtfl
Wreckage of Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) history of Los Angeles International Airport.
DC8 (circle) which crashed Jan. 13 otf Playa del Wreckage, and plane's flight recorder, recovered
Ray sits on Pier J, Long Beach Harbor, near Queen from ocean floor Tuesday, are bcing examined by
Mary currenUy being refitted u hotel and mari· Federal Aviation Agency officials in effort to deter·
time inw:eum. SAS liner cani.ed 15 of 45-aboard to mine cause of crash.
their deaths in first commercial crash tn 21-year
I r
Thunday, Ftbru1117 6, 1969 L DAILY PILOT 3
Shaw, JFI( Link, .. Told ,
Garrison Tells State's Case as Trial Opens
• NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -Dial. Atty.
Jim Garmon told an all-male jwy in
the Clay L. Shaw trill loday the alate
would prove Prealdent Jotm F. Kennedy
wu murdered by a consptracy and that
be fell backward from , a fatal !hot
fired !rem the frenL
Presenting the state'• openlng state-
ment in its attempt to convict the 55-
year-old retired businessman of con--
spiring with Lee Harvey Oswald and
of.hers to murder Kennedy, Garrison aaid
he would prove the Sbotl in Oealey
Plaza in downtown Dallas came from
"different guns from different locations."
Garrison said the state I wouJd produce
testimony that after the usasslna.Uon
Nov. 22, 1963, Oswald ran down the
grass in front of the School Boot
Depooltory building and climbed into a
staUon wagon with another man at the
wbeeJ 1'and that th1l!I station wagon pulled
away and dillappeared Into the traffic
on Elm Street!' •
The Warren Commission npOrt of
September, 19&4, -concluded that Oawald,
acting alone, fired the fatal ahota from
a sixth·floor window of the depoaltory
and that be escap;d by taxleab and
The taxi driver -now dead -who
tesUfled that he carried_ Oswald told
the Warren Cornmi&!ion he r~embered
Oswald because he gave him a nickel
Garrison indicated the·state will show
Oswald carried his rifle into the
depository and that he was one of those
doing the shooting. But Garrison 118.id
Oswald did not fire the fatal shot itself
because Oswald was behind Kennedy.
Reading verbatlm from a written state-
ment -wltjch he 19ld the jury was
required by Loulliana law -Garrbon
said the alate would prove Kennedy
"Wu murdered tiot by a lone tndlvtdual
be1\ind him but from. COll!piracy."
Reading II) i calm, barltlXlt voice
and standing in front ol the --
Ing, white-haired Shaw1 Garriaoa aald
tbe evidence would show that in June,
1963, Shaw attended a party given in
the French Quarter apartment in New
Orleans of .David w. Ferrie, "an ae-
Rock Festival
Delayed by Rain
Set for Saturday .
Stubbornly clinging to !ta Cbrlstmas
theme, producera of the twice<lelayed
Radio KTBT rock music f..Uvll declared
today It will be betd Saturday, IOU?'
days before Abraham Uncoln'1·blrtbda1.
The btg, noon-to-midnilbt cclebration
of heavy llOlllld la ta be at the Orange
County International Raceway, featuririg
38 acid rock bat\dl, five light shows,
scc>r.. of free prl!ee, and thousanda
<lf carnations and love me s s age a
showered from a belloo.pter.
Other showers may come too1 says
the U.S. Weather Bureau.
"We're going ahead with tt Saturday,"
said Underground IK Manager Glenn
Adams, "we hired a private forecaater
in Santa Ana and he prtdlcla It wW
be. cloudy, but without rain. 11
Free lb.little bu.s Rrvice will be pro.
vided throughout° tbe·Cl>rlatmu FesUvll
and Freat Fair, between the raceway
and the KTllT rtudi<>I at Brookhnrsl
Street and Chapman Avenue1 Garden
c:ompllsbed airplane pllo:t" and ~Id
the -·" the PNeJdoal. ,,.. i... dlclment 11111111 8baw ..-OIWald
and Ferrie, botb now dead, M CC>CCIDo
Garrlaon said Shaw WU or-11!1
talking with Ferrie and otberi lo Ibo
eflecl that Kennedy llhoold be k1lled
and the murder could best be d<11e
wJth a rUte.
"At Ibis ·J>Oinl, the dtfendan~ 'Clay
Shaw, 1uggeated that the man dofn&
the shooting would probably be k1lled
before he could make hiJ escape," Gar-
rison said. "Tbe defendant • • • tumed
to Ferrie and .,.ted U ti mlgbt DOI
be possible to Oy the gunman from
the scene of tile shooting to ulety.
Ferrie replied that it would.''
Later in June that year, GarrJaon
said, Shaw was seen taltlng to Oswald
on the shore ol Lake Pontchartrain in
New Qrleans.
"The defendant arrived at the late
front in a large, blact four-door aedan
and was met by Oswald, who had waited
there. They had a converiaUon whlCb
lasted approximately 15 minutes.
"At the conclusion, the defendant gave
Oswald what 1ppeared to be a roll
of money • • • in shoving the money
into bla pocket, Oswald dropped oeveral
These yellow leaflets were ldentlcal
with "Fair Play for CUba Committee."
literature taken from Otwald by barbo<
police earlier that month, Garrilon Aid.
He said the It.ate would lhOW' • that
in late August or early September, 1913,
Oswald wanted to get 1 job at 1 slate
hospital in Jacbon, La., and bad learned
that he had to register to vote to be
Shortly thertalter, Garrbon 18id,
Shaw, Oswald and Ferrie drovt into
Clinton, La., in a black 'cacunac and
parted near the vote registrar'• offlce.
222 ·Victoria Street, Costa· Mesa
(Across from Nuneryland)
In all fairness to our many friends who
missed out on our Once-A.-Year Sal.e, .due to
illness and the rains,,
fabulous sal.e for the
we are
• entire
extending this
month of Feb-
The Management:
SAVINGS FROM 50% •o 70% ,:::.
Special Courtesy to
m Victoria Street, Costa Mesa
<Across from Nurseryland)
Builders & lnterio~ Decorators 646-3737
" •
I ..
.f DAllY 1'1\.0T Tlnndq, rtW117 6, I 969
·~-.. -~ ...... ....,
11Senatori: have to eat, too" !BY•
Senate Republican leader Everitt
M. Dlri<ton, in 111pporting the in·
create in congressional salaries
from $30,000 to $42,500 per year. •
H"ntwi!l<, Ala., poUct aaid
theu orresttd o man for bu,...
gUi111 and breaking and entef"'
ing, Before they caught him, of·
fictrs said, tht: man had broken
a hot plaat, a bookcase and the
f loat in the water tank of a
toilet. ln hi& pocket! were three
toothbruihes, une 1crubbrush
OM bar of 1oap, one pla&tic
comb, om can of 1courino po'!l"
d.tr and a pair of curling irons.
• A free-for-all broke out in the Ft.
Hood stockade at Temple, Tex.,
when someone cut oft the lights in
the day room where prisoner&
were watching television. Just as
the IJ.ghts went out, ~ unidentl·
fied prisoner threw a cigarette can
throllgh a window and the fight
was on among about 50 GI's, with
chairs and cans being burled in
the darkness. • • Some 1,000 Chinese-Americana
who work for San Francisco de-
manded they be given Feb. 17 ofl-
with pay. It's the Chinese New
Year, they said, a religious boll·
day tor them. •
It ID(l$ back to noMMI for Lt. (j.g.)
Suaan Schnall, a 1UWJ1 nune who waa
1entenced to the first prison 3entence
ever handed out in the U.S. to a
woman officer. She returned to her
job in pediatrics at the Oak Knoll
Naval Hospital while awaiting an 47>'
ptal on her conviction. • The referee blew .his whistle for
the start of the second hall of the
Cumberland Cup Championship
game between Alston and Raffle
United in England. Alston rushed
out -but no Raffles. The Raffles
players, complaining .it was too
cold to play football, huddled
around a fire they had started on
the sidelines near their bench. Al·
st"on was declared the winner. • Burglars broke inlo the Bunny
Bread Terminal at Herrin, Ill.,
and .stole some "bread'' -a 5afe
containing $2,000 in cash and .some
Pentagon Halts
Sentinel System
Department 1111 •UIJ>'nded deployment
ol the 1$ blllloo Sflllllner AnUbolllltlc
MlMllo sJ11m pendln( a review tclledul-
ed fat comple\loo In Mardi, the Peotqon
aid i.day.
Israel Balks
At Big Four
Talks Plan
United ~ blen1&tlooal
Israel balked today at a U.S. pro-
posal for big lour preliminary talks that
would tnvestlgate the posalbtUty of a
Middle Eut Ht'tlemeDL A spoktam.an
called once more for a alifted peace
settlement reached through Israell·Arab
The altuatlon wu eomplleated by anti·
Israeli uprillnp In the occupied tn!U
and im.11 autborltles IOOay reimposed
a curfew in the Nablua area when new
demooatraUom by women and chlldrea
broke oui In the aocleol Samaritan city.
There bad been cluha earlier lhla week
with children burllng atones at Pollet.
Hundreds of Arab women at.aged him.
'" llrlkel In Beinl4 Amman and llagbdod In support ol the Pal .. Unian
Ar:ab women who have been demonstrat-
ing In !Jraell«CUpled territory. Tbe
-inrtlgated by the Paleatloe
Women'i Federation tn Cairo, called for
the United Nalloos to put an end to the
••terrible muuc:rt1" in the occupied areas.
Yltzbak Rabin, the llraell ambaaador
to Wuhingtoo. aid .In Jerualem he wu
unhappy aboui the U.S. dectalon to attend
the preliminary tal.ka at the United
Nations. He A.Id Israel'• position would
not be good U the four powers reached
aome mutual agreement on the Mideast
situation. Hla statement was made in an
Interview broadcalt by llrael Radio.
Diplomata at the United states already
were predicllng 1low progreu when the
talks get started.
Gideon Raphael, l!rael'• director gen-
eral ol the forelp ministry, allo lhowed
dlapleasure at the posslbWly of an lm-
polfld e:et'Uement but II.id l&rael was not
concerned. over the U.S. agreement
because the Israeli. position had been
made known to Wash1ngton.
The lllDOWICtmenl came In a llate-
ment alter Delenae s.cr.tary Melvin
Jl, LaJrd WU told in a letter from
Chairman L. Mendel Rivers ([).S.C.),
that the House Armed -Com-
mittee was holding up acUon on the
"thin" ABM l)'ltem until the NWJn
admlnlllratloll clarlll" Ila poallion oo
Iha projecl
Praid.tnt Nixon Aid at bis news can--
rerence a llhort ~e after the Peota1on
announcement that a declakln whether
to 10 ahead with the Sentinel would
be made by La.1rd 1nd hls advi1er1
"hued oe the oecurtty ol the United
The President dld 1ay he feeh the
SenUnel "ad& to the overall defense
cepability" ol the neUoe and will ro
beyood merely delendln1 a1ainat any
Communilt Chinese nuclear weapona
delivery capability of the future -the
Johnaon admlnistraUon'1 pr.bnuy reuon
for ordering the llmited 1yrtem.
Nixon wu llbd if 1uapenalon of
deployment at 15 prop<>leCJ Sentinel altq
meant that •!we are ma&, aome pro-
greu with the Ru.salana" on arm.a con-
He replied there had been "no progresa
on arms conlrol talb with the Russians."
He said he wu empha1lzlnc the need
for IUCb talks, but wanted "IGU1e pollUcal
differences" to be included in any
Following •nnounc:tment ol the holdup
on ABM, the Pentagon said in response
to inquiries that Hcertaln upecta of
the SenUnel program recenily ~ve been
deferred, IUCb U the acqulaiUon of situ
and afte CODJtruction."
Electric Failure
Cause of Crash?
WASHINGTON (AP) -lnvesUgaton
believe an engine malfunction oC a Unit-
ed Airlines 727 jet "could have resulted
in a gross elecbical system failure" be-
fore the aircraft crashed Jan. 18, killing
38, the National Transportation Safety
Bwd syd totlay.
'The board aald It la continuing its In-
vestigation ol the crash off Los Angeles
which killed 32 passengers and si1 crew
Bucher Defense May Call
'Higher Ups' in Military
CORONADO, CalU. (UPI) -The In-
quiry Into the Joss of the USS Pueblo
may reach bigb6 up into the military
echelons when the defense of Cmdr.
Lloyd M. Bucher Is presented, it was
disclosed today.
E. Miles Harvey, civilian attorney !or
the Pueblo skipper, said he would caJI
any witness he thought might be helpful
in clearing Bucher.
Harvey apecltied no individuals, but
It wu considered possible the inquiry
might go into hlgher ranks of the Navy
than have been caJled so far.
Harvey aaid he did not think It would
be necessary to go to the level of
former Secretary of Defense Robert
The first ICheduled witnw at today'•
hearing waa Q.M. IC Charles B. Law,
Jr., of Chehalis, WW.
All the wltnessea appearing before the
board of five admirals have been called
by the Navy. Bucber wW have hla turn
at rebuttal later.
He has been warned, although the
Navy emphuires that it is rouUne, that
ht ii llJIPOCled ol living up bis ship
and men without remtance. But he con-
tends he did not have the means to
resi&t when North Korean gunboaLs clos-
ed around his intelllgenct ship on Jan.
23, 1968.
On Wednesday officers of his ship
went down the line to defend their skip-
per's action and character.
One young officer 1aid: "I would follow
him anywhere."
Another said: "Without Cmdr, Bucher,
we never would have made it throuah
11 months in captivity."
Bucher's engineering officer said he
agreed with t h e ~ander'1 decision
not to try to acuttle the Pueblo because
H would have taken hours.
Appearing before the court Wednesday
were three crewmen -Chief Warrant
Officer Gene H. Lacy, the engineering
officer;. Lt. (J .G.) Timothy Harris, !Up-
ply officer, and LL (J.G.) Frederick
C. "Skip" Schumacher, operations of-
There waa not a word of disagreement
durfnt the day of testimony with
Bucher's decision to IWTender hill ship.
Schumacher commented: "He is one
of the finert offlcer1 I have ever known."
100% Chance Rain Today
Runoff-swelled Mi.ssi.ssi ppi Fwods Caruthersville
Mith L1w Pr.e..
•• ,
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Hundreds of Workers Tackle Job at Santa Barbara Where Oil Lies Two to Six Inches Thick on Beach
s·lick Brings
Slow Death
For Birds
dreds of birds. the vast oU 11ick pushed
uhore by the winds became a black
tide of death.
When well-lntenUoned rescuers ap-
proached, the birds flapped their wings
feebly but were unable to fly. Smeared
jet black w1th oil, they plunged toward
the safety of the water, now an inky
black pool inJtead of foaming llllrl.
The cormorants, which dlve under the
surface for their foods, were the first
blrda stricken. They tried valn1y to preen
each other with their beaks but only
clo11ed their eyes and beak! with the
The state Department of Fish and
Game reported Wednesday nla:ht that
a total of 234 birds were brought to
three special treatment centers since
the offshore leak began.
Of these, 108 were dead or died after
treatment and 108 were llvina:. Uncounted
others perished. on the blackened
shoreline. Birds smeared with oil died
on the sand at ZUma Beach, to the
aouth in Los Angeles County.
"This is now building up to be the
biggest disaster ever to hit Calllornla 's
bird life," said Capt. Cliff Matthews
of the Fish and Game Department.
"Even if the oil leak were plugged
right away, it will still take up to
two months to clean up the beaches."
It was eipected that hundreds of birds
would die despite treating them with
chemical baths whlch dissolve crude oil
but not the natural oU ln the bird's
"Too many have swallowed too much
oil," sald Frank Hubbard of the game
pepartment. "Aller they have swallowed
80 much, there is lilUe chance of aavlng
Thieu Says Viets
Now Can Replace
More U.S. Troops
SAIGON (AP) -President Nguyen
Van Thieu aald today the South Viet-
namese army now "has the capability
Ul replace siz.able American troop units
1n the war."
nueu's appraisal of hls troops'
capability, made at a news conference,
y,·u not detailed, but It was by far
the most ambitious Saigon statement
to date.
He cmllnned earlier reports that the
South Vietnamese command la conferring
with aenior U.S. ofllcen oo pnllminary
plans for withdrawal of IGrile American
combat troops thl1 ~ear.
Thieu dld not lndJcate a withdrawal
Umetable. When uted for speclfic
figures, he Aid that be had not received
a report from the Vietnamese ahd
American offlctrs who are conferring.
Thieu dJd not make the upected an.
nounctment ol dates for 1 cease-fire
for the Tet lunar new year ctlebratJon
In the middle ot this month. "lt is
It.Ill too early," be said, but be added:
1'Up to this date. In prlnclple we will
have a Tet truce." The lunar holiday
thll year fallt on Feb. 17, and the
Viet Cong bas proclaimed a seven-day
cease-fire for Feb. JWI.
Borman Plans Visit
With Gen. De Gaulle
PARIS (UPI) -U.S. Col. Frank
Borman, who commanded lhe rirst man--
ned 1pace Ahip around the moon,
prepared himself for another first today
-a meeUn1 with President Charles
de Gaulle.
Borman will be tht first U.S. astronaut
to be received by De Gaulle when he
arrives for the meeting at the Elysee
Hickel Def ends Decision
On Off shore Oil Drilling
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Interior Sec-
retary Walter J. Hickel today defended
his ded!lon to permit the reaumptlo11 of
oil drilling off the shores of CalUornia.
In . apparen' answer to cr!Uc1, the
secretary said he did not permit the
resumption of the offshore drilling until
certain safety provisions had been met
by the oil companies.
At the same time, Hickel uld hil
department bad a moral obligation to
honor existing oil drilling lea:ses in the
Santa Barbara Channel which were
signed under the Johnson adml.nistra·
ti on.
Hickel issued his defense In a lengthy
statement released by the Interior De-
partment In which he said "Tlµs admin-
istration is dedicated to the preserva-
tion of our nat·urat envlrooment and
resources, and is dOing Its utmost to
rectify the oil pollution and damage
currently occurring in the waters and
along the sborellne of the Santa Barbara
Hickel came under heavy fire in
Congreu Wednesday from a Santa Bar-
bara County official for allowin~ drilling
operations to resume while a rig of the
1,Jnlon Oil Co. was polluting the waters
with 12,000 gallons of. oil a day from 1
leaking well.
Hlckel said Union w11 making a
mu.lmum ellort to 1eal the leakin&
well and all other operations from the
ocean plaUonn had been suspended.
But the secretary warned It wu more
dangeroua to cloae down an oU:abQre oU
rig than it wu to k~p It operating.
"Department engmeers assure me
that thl1 drilling per se dots not pose
a threat of oil leakage," Hickel said.
"On the contrary, the tonger a well 1n
the process of belrig drilled la allowed
to be shut down, the more hazards in-
crease, due to the fact lhat permanent
devlcea and installations to protect
against leaks are in in incomplete
Hickel pledged a complete review of
the admiliistratlon's oUahore oU regula~
tiom. Until th.ls review is completed,
he said, "Thert will be no further step1
ta.ken whlcb could lead to a decision
lo lease additional federal lands In the
Santa Barbara Channel."
Hickel abio noted that while he bad
permitted the resumption of eome dr1lJ.
mg in the Santa Barbara Channel he bad
not permitted any new drilling operatlons
to begin.
Six-hour Paris Meeting
Fails to Make Headway
From Wlre Servlce1
PARIS (AP) -The four deleg1tlon1
Jn the Vlelnam peace talks met for
gix hours and 20 minutes today but
made no headway toward breaking a
"We tried again today to call the
attention of the other side to the future ,"
said U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot
"We also repeated and clarified some
of the specific proJ)QS&ls we have made.
It was a long day ••• and although we
do our very best to achieve quick pro-
gress, the going is hard. Therefore, there
must be no false optimlsm. But we
must n o t be discouraged. The United
States will persevere In the search for
a just and lasting peace."
The four delegations acheduled another
.session for next Thursday.
In the meeting, Lodge called on North
Vietnam and the Viet Cong'• National
Uberallon Front to "oome to grips"
with basic problem! of peace. But the
talks were bogged down Into • oolld
deadlock, sealed by violent attacks on
the government of South Vietnam.
Lodge told the conference the Unltad
States ls not permanently wed to the
Ide.a of two Vletnams. He wu seeking
to undermine Communist arguments
•gainst restoraUon of. the dem.llltarlted
zone (DMZ), the &II-mile-wide buffer
ione that runa roughly along the llth
Parallel and now dlvideJ the Vletnams.
Lodge declared that the United Stalel
does "not regard the 17th parallel u
a permanent pollUcal boundary.
U.S. to Study
Aussie Harbor
States hu agreed Ul mt Australlm re-
quest to oludy the feasibility ol llling
nuclear uplotlvea to develop a harbor
on Australia's northweat coast, the State
Department aMOUnctd today.
No decision has been made on whether
United St.Ala will actuafly take part
In the projett at Australia's Cape
Keraudrtn, the department •dded .
It saJd that dec1slon must await the
outcome of the U.S.·Australian study
on whether the employment or atomic
explosives for blasting lhe harbor and
channtl would be t.echnleally and
economlcally workable .
"The rtstorsUoo of lhe demlllt.orized
zone dou not tn any way preclude the
reunlllc1Uon of Vietnam, 1f that ls the
freely cbosm preference of the people
of North Vleb1am and of the people
of South Vietnam," Lodge said. "But
that kind of expression of cbol.ce can
only come with peace."
* * * l,OOOth U.S.
Chopper Lost
Over S. Vietnam
SAIGON (UPI) -Ground fin downed
the 1,oooth U.S. helicopter lost in South
Vietnam durlna: the war, mililary
spokesmen aald today. American 852
bomberl trying to prevent bulldupt for
a new Communlat offensive raided all
four reaiObl of the country.
In Saigon, the U.S. command an-
nounced American baWefield deaths lQt
week were the greateit in seven weeU.
And milltary l}lOk-aald Communlat
·forces IUllalned their heaviell loael
in four months.
During the week eoding wt Satunlay,
the l}lOkamen aaid, 1111 Amerlctn1 died
on Vietnam blitUefleldJ and another 1,Mt
were wounded. The IOllel were the
hlgheot a1nce the ..,.k endln( Dec. It
when m were killed. Communtat loael
lut week were placed at I, 190, the
larg<tl number of killed llnce 3,191 dlad durln. the week eftd1ng Sept. II, !WI.
Spokesmen aid the 1ncr<uad Ioaes
reDected Alllad tff"'11 to thwart Com·
munlat baildupo that could lud to a
new ottenslve by the end ol. the month.
The IOOOth American helicopter 19 I I
In South Vietnam WU downed by Com· mun111..-. woc111esc1ay 44 mil,. WI
ol Saip, IPOkamea aald. F o u r crewmen ol Iha Anny Ulll chopper
wn killed. American force1 alto have
Joct 10 bdlcopten over North Vietnam.
They were I.hot down befGf't' the U.S.
baited bombing of the north Nov. L
Air Force B5'a dropped al le•lll IS0.000
pounds of bombs on Communist hue
camJ>J, IUIJ*C.ed troop COnctntratlGl'll
and weapons and atoraae lites Wed-
netd1y night and todl)'. The bombero
struck northernmost Quang Trt 11rovtnce,
Kontum province In the c e n t r a I
highlands, Vlnh Long provlno. In the
Mekong Delta and T11y Ninh province
59 mile. northwest of Saigon.
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Soaetbblg's New
Russ Play Coy
On S·pace Suits
MOSCOW (IJPI) -'!be QMmTI ' Soviell are belng u coy as
a Paris couturier about their --111111. 'lbe IUlll wore pven a opec-
tacular preview in a one-hour
1p.ce walk last month by CO&-
monauta Yevgeny K!lnmoT
and Alael Yellaeyev.
'lbe Sovlell claimed Ibey
repmented a great advance
over previoul space suits, &M>tb
Ruulan and American,
becaUse they a 11 o w a
1paceman to move freely with
only a saloly tether to bis
Tbe Americans h a v e
dovtloptd I back pack 1y1tem dalfned to g1.. comparable
lndopendence, bul It bas not
yet been tested 1n space. •
'Ille Soviets considered the
succeutul performance of the ---------
suits a major triumph of the
Soyuz mission, which also shadow and subject to inlenso
linked two manned spacecraft cold.
Jn orbit for the flnt time, Overheated air circulal.ed bi'
'lbe ml.uJon wu a step the "cool" side through a heat toward eventual construcUon of manned space stailona. An exchanger to give an overall
essential part al the program temper at u re r o ugb\1,
ls 8 system e 0 1 b 1 i n g equivalent to normal ~ ..
spacemen to work freely on heat. A thermostat regulatet
auembly and construcllon the temperature .
without a cumbersome "lie Carbon dioxide perspirailq1:i
line" carrying 0 x y g e n , and other waste gases and
coolant. and communications fluids were absorbed b·)L•
cables from the mother &hip. chemicals in the life <pack aJU!,
'The Soviels have released replaced by a purified oxygen
few details of their new space mixture. ..
suit.I. A written UPI question The pack measured. aboft.•
submitted. to apace scientists 10 inches thick, 15 inches wide.
at an international news con-and perhaps two feet ~
ference here after the Soyuz and has a metal covering wiUi ,
mlaion uked speclllcs on the various connections locking in-'
suU. The question was lei\ to the· space suit. ••
unanswered . Khrunov noted he a D (
However, some details have Yellseyev spent an hour in
emera:ed from published ac-space , and "our resourcd,
counts of the Olght. would have permitted us to-
01t is more an apparatus ally there cons J de r a b 1 )'~
than a .Wt." one ICienUst lcinger." '.
aald. "It ls really a machine." Three hours are provided
The American 1pace suit to astronauts by the American
hu llmllarly been described 11ystem. ~ .
11 "a mob11e chamber." The 1pacesuit.a have a ~
'lbe jloarl ol the So•lel ap-bte preuure 11yer for pre;:
paratus is a pack containing \ectlon a g a i n s t meteorltel'
oxygen supplies and a forced which might damage the outat
ventUation system. fabric. They offer protectiob"
The pack can be strapped against normal radiation D
anywhere o ii\ s t d e ' Ibo terrestlral space but could ~
spacesuit The Soviet cos.. used only a short lime Iii
monaut.s fastened il to a areas of heavy radiation like•
harness over tbtir' thighs the Van Allen belt
sh1CI, u JOinmov aald1.. work · Yeliseyev said "the nq.v.
1n space de~ "mainly on lbillty of tbe joints is g~'1
the mUJCles of the ll'nil." but did not . explain whethtf.• Kt8"unoY .11ald a '.'walk in the cosmonauts had · ...
IJ*e is not at an· like a ipechanicaJ system to au(·:
walk on earth." ment their own muscle power.,.
• ' I n th e s t a t e o f as the astronauts have in thf#1J
weij:hUeuneu It la hnposslble moon suits. ·-
to walk along the ship's The cosmonaut's body h~
IW'face in the ordinary sense and his heart beat and puJai
ol the word -there ls no and respiration rate, noted by'
foothold and no force pressing sensors on his body, 81'9>
man to the surface," he said. transmitted automatically u.~
''We found • • • the best the control board of ~·
way of movina: in space . mother ship as well u GS1
•• Is by hand, uslng special ground control. ... ~
rlgtd hand ril!J." Signal lamps warn ~
Unlll:e t be water-cooled spacecraft commander if ·r
Amerlel.n l}'ltem, the cos. spacewalker's condition l'f ..
monaut "11t was .apparently deleriorattng and he can ol'der-
cooltd or belted by forced him back into the ship ct";
air currents from the life if necessary send another.
pack. lt worked on the prin-spacewalker to the rescue. ~:!
clple that one aide of the The suits also contain voleeo·
COIZDODaut's body.'wu always radio l)'Stems e n a b I l n Y,
In the full glare of the sun spacewalkers to communica ...
aad 111bJect to overheating, with the' mother ship, wl~"
wbl1e the other aide was in each other, or with earth. ~c
~ou.t rKOMIAf? .
. ..
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Bedtime _Stroll Land ·s Innocent Man
' . ' '
• 1n Jail
.• .'W-rongly Jde'htlfied by an up9et woman
• ~ the . mlm wliO trled tr b1Jri1aru.
·'h(t OOl\a iM~ home., a ma~ whose '
family name is known ~ tbe
sou~ ·no free !Oday alter a nlill!t
In 1111. folloi say be h a j*o•ed vfdlm ·
The case began to unfold Monday •
niaht.·momtnta• after someone attempted
to bruk into· a northeast-side Costa '
Mw homt la.wbtcb'tbe victim cowered ·
the caller ri;ttled the rn1llbox_ loudl)'
to l\faken any.~eephl&: occupants.
lert, possibly hearing the whispered call
for help.
reconslructlng the chain of events, "then aent \o cbetk the area and pickect up
came back up the other side." the man ca a ntarby atreft . for in--
This is a 6aSic modua · operindl. 1n Simultaneously, an Innocent man who
Is an lnvet~ate ~vening stroller left
his nearby home, not knOwlng his
deStlnaUon was the Costa Mesa City
"When I went by bet home, the Umlnl v..U,•t.ton; ret\lflllnl hint to ·the orfC!oal
bUrglary. , was such, five to HYta• mlnultl after crimt ICene. , 1
the burglary attempt. that ber relatives "That ls definitely the man,'' ~ bl· teTror. ., . • ' .
•qt'wu'a ~tal and Catastrophic : ~ ol bad 'tih\iJig;"· said Detective •
Art Courteau, Who 1 helped to clear the
!leiling 1\0 rispOiise, the would-be
burglar, '!>en ·trjt<j a, all<jlng Pfllo ·door
which wu locked and went on to a
tl!cl><n wlndqw, lroin •hidl be easily
repwved the,~-
were there,'' be eontlmie.f'. distraught woman said, when be , was
Uofortunately/ the weuJd.be. buril&rt ·. «dered to stand In the poslllon In which Jail. • of time lllid,<lrclinmtance. • . · THlni bis CllJtomlrJ .... u before beol-
tlnie, eost111e 11M1C man ll hours beblnd
bars -and, undoubtedly, hoUrs Gf
"My evening walks ar~ a neighborhood
lnsUtuU<in." be said today In an In-
vicUm and the nlgbt ltroller were uoac-the burglar wu seen.
qualnted and be Wfl seen by tb&worMA1 Instead, police said today, be wu T worn.in 'told Police she wu
~ of ·whoever ran, her doo~U
at 10 :.~ p.m. ~kept quiet, after which
Tmnbling In rw:. the "9<J!ewile
telephoned her brother and sister-in-law,
during which time the would-be burglar
terview. ·2. ' and her sister-ln-llw the tecOftd tlme merely a vk:tJm of circumstance -Md
he passed the houle. bis story checked oot while PbyalcaJ "I walkej down to the corner on
our side df the street," he said, Patrolman George Wilson had been (See INNOCENT: Page ZJ
New Storm Fury
Twister Lifts Roof, 6 Boats Snap ~ines
ot ... 1>111rr r u.t , .. ,,
Another angry storm, thit one wrapped
around a small tornado, unleashed ab-
breviated fury on the Orange Coast early
Laguna Beach bore lhe heavy brunt
or the latest wind-whipped storm, which
deposited ·up to an inch of rai nfall on
the waterlogged coastai areas.
A pocket-sized tornado churnel through
the exclusive Emerald Bay section of
Laguna this morning. tearing . the roof
24 fir. --tell yr. C0.!1 M ... ·• .tO 6.il M
NIW!loft 8Netl .•1 t.25 • .S..tl ~-•..at 1.o& 1Cl.lt '·'' H11t1ll!'ll!On e .. th .ti 1W 1.tl
were stopped lQ>, but otherwise damage
was minimal. ·
Ralph Kiser, 1enera1 manager of the
Southern California Edison Co. In Hun-
tington Beach, ~ported little or no trou-
ble along most of lhe Orange Coast,
ex«pt for lhe power outage In Emerald
"All aervlces were mtored quickly
Jn that area," Kiser said. "We feel
\'cry fortunate that no major problems
have developed ."
While it lasted, this morning's stonn,
missed by all but· the early risers,
was a renewal or . the violent rains
which · a9aulted the cout laatl month.
Hardest hit were , the Gleftdora W · 1
Malibu ireas Mt ·yd rec0viered from . . -·
the Jin~ havoc.
More than 15 farnlllas from the Glen-
dora. area, devutated by µwdalldes Iaat
month, packed their belongings and fled
their bomea again , ~ , more than an
iocb of raln battered the area.
"This place is ft the mercy of ~·"
said a spokesman for the Los Angeles
County Fire Department, lh describing
lhe Glendora situation.
The worst, however, Ja over, according
to the U.S. Weather Bureau, which
forecast an end to the rainfaJI Friday,
follOwed by clearing akles-, gusty wlnda
and continl.led cool temper.atures. ~
the Orange Coast, I hiih of $4. and ,
an overbight. low of ' ~ w~ Predided
for" Fi'ldlJ. :-l
F-llln \t1llly IJIO 11.0S 5.t7
W•lmlnsltt" .tl 12.07 I.ti ' -: • . ; 1 ..... ... ' '
.i~o~ ':. -•i9JUg~~:s ' S.I ljeedl .ti lt.•1 •.11
l.eguna i..1111r1 World l,Clll 10,11 ~.ti
1rv1ne 11t1nc11 1.:M 11.n l·n \ L'llUM fflg\111 1.M 1i,lt I ,tlr
An11Mlm .\ .10 11,t l • i.07 Gl.,itn G.--~ 1.01 1 11,"M $.7, •
$In 1cie-i. . 1.io 11:.w » ff±S1""'~'. ' .1 ' 1.00 1' 'JM ... Ml ,.
FREi -ISJER·. ~IFT.!d!®F ~OFI' ~iui i;jccLusivE EMl!••L~P ;io.o ~ · . !~ni .Jt,~::'~. "1.:l,io::;g~:~
'IGiiiH Wi'J11i<!Yf~ c,n¢e1 the t .. kfiR-Pirf¥;111li WHl<irii!;' .+ . -. ""("'~· -Wii;.~I>iid ~ tt~ of;J;._
gtonn .:_ h loll I tree and a stake ·
fl •l ,~' • h""I'( J.,i :; .~-;:rt.'f ~ 1·,/"J':'Jui· J t• 1• ._:)I! I •
i _Here 1fe fhi !jll!!!M!ll_E l'residmji Nlz"!•lireu cDnl!riA'ci -!hls
mom.mg: · < J., > ~ .~ -· • ...
fence to the high winds. • He wUJ leave Feb. 23 0o ·• fiveonauon viitt to Western Europe.
. • 1 ' . ' ' -. Grandma, Student Not for Hippies The minor twister also affected elec-
trical service Jn Emerald Bay, where
powe. .. Was out from 3:45 to S: 10 a.m.
Flooding was reported along Laguna Can·
yon Road and ln IOme portions of
San :::lemente.
e· He does not·upect to meet wit!! Coliir!1ubl1t lelden during the
trip and does not favor "instant IUmmitry" with ~e Soviet Union:
Seeking S~ats
On · School Board
Beach Cleanup Lunch • The U.S. will assume the lniU!f!yt in ••eking a Midea1\(~C.
seltlement suppor)inglefftn15 ol ;llle U.N. on ffve frorilS. · '
• There are\., pfarlB yet'1or brmgiilg troops home froin Vietnam,
but that return Js "high on the agtncta/' · ROOF COLLAPSES
~.,.e Incumbents. a student and. Site Held 'T_· op Secret' A commercial building in Santa Ana
also klst ill rool to lhe stonn, this
one collapsing under the weight of tha
rain. The damage was reported at U.S.
Divers, 3323 Warner Ave., about 5:45
• The U.S. intends during the Paris peac~ talk.a tO insist that lbe
military and ·dipl01Jlll"" luuea 1nvolveci-•be•1eparated. ·
srandmolher have filed candidacy papers
• r r . .
~ Newport..Mesa Unified S~.~O _OJ. \
• The adnilnlstraUon's tax Telorm plans will be discussed Friday
by Treasury Secretary Kennedy. , ':
llf;trict'• April i5l!clt>O(board. el<ctton. • 8~ J~ll!>ME F. COWNS "W• don't want ' hip~!;• ':We want
.Latest to· file ilre incdmbent ·Roderick 9' 111t blllY ,.,.. '™' w.orkUs." -i In Newport Beach, six boats broke
loose from their moorings and were
towed to safe areas by the Orange
County Harl>or Dep'art.ment. Rain-driven
winds pushed sand across portions of
Seashore Drive In West Newport, dum-
ping debris from the previous storms
into the street at some i.otersections.
• Federal funds will be denied .to school district. Iba! perpetuate
segregation. · : . ' · .MacMlliiin, stutlent ~Terry 'Hly, .. 8nc1 AU Newport·Mria high ~l·studenls : ,So this is the plan:· . . ' .
·snndmother Mrs. Mildred ·Matl'iews. showirlg up at the beach· for Saturday's At 10 a.m. the volunteer proJed will • There will be a luiJ ~cale review of lbe.iPuehlo case after i ll
investigations are concluded.. · · · . . · . Bl led J net begin south of the 40th Street croin. Incumbents Lloyd anp r. a massive stonn debris cleanup project It wUI continue until about 2 o'clock.
Donald Strauss filed earlier. will be treated to a free lunch. Everyone wpl 1ben depart far the con-G1P!Q Em;a•:t= ., ''h1'\!F WJMllMSM&s• i&F AN*Wli
The fourth board member whose s~t But it Won't be a picnic on the beach. fidential wienie bake site. It!: location
The hot dogs and soda ipop, said !sci--·• · betw o Is "llp for renewal, Mrs. Elizabeth Lilly. will be d Ul:tCU some lime etn 1 Newport Beach city officials, will be d and · ·11 be di I ed nJy
•• "" she hasn 't yet made up her mind ---' t "t t" loc .., an 2 it w1 sc os o JW se ... """'up a a op secre auon. to participants.
wbether to run again of not. "If we announced where it will be The free f~ is being arranged by
The Huntington Valley area apparently
escaped almost unscathed, with UtUe
or no problems reported in Huntington
Beacr, Fountain Vallley or WesLminster.
In the latter city, a few Intersections
were flooded and aome storm drains
Nixon to Leave -Feb. 23
' r-t sted "' pit Ma·cMJllian ahead of time," explainEd a city aide, '""'" e races so tar · , the Newport Harbor Junior Chamber · "we'd have hundreds of hippies from against Mrs. Mathews :.nd strauss everywhere in . the county •turning out of Commerce and Rotary C I u b .
igalnst Hay. Deadline for filing with · j~ for _ the _free lu!JCh. EveryUting will be contributed, according ihe collnty school! office is Feb. 20:-lo Jaycee president Burch Pickett.
Mrs. Mathews. 60, of %%20 Pacific Ave., The White Horse Inn will prepare For Meetings in."Europe
Costa Mesa, said she was encouraged W H F 11 the food for some 300 to 500 students. Co l Pl ' g
,jo run by members of the district's . ay -n e as · a ' · Throu&h local mezchant Tom Ro1ers, · Ull Y 3 nnJD WASIUNGTON (UPI) -' Pruldenl
p-teaching schoal employes association. said Pickett, .all the wienies will be Nixon announced today be wlll leave
,-Retired now, she formerly was a Br· -.:_ 1_8: Two . Rihs donated by the Burger C<irp. of Los P resentation Set Feb. 23 for lace-~ce meetlnp with transportation supervisor for the· old ea.II Ar;igeles. . f1·ve allied "•-•n Je•....:.. and uld OJsta Mesa Union Elementary School Ben Brand' will contribute hundreds ....... .,...._ .....::•o
Dislrict. In 23 years she worked her of s.tcks of potato chips. The Pepsi The planning and problems of Orange he alao will explore the P~ of a
1fay up from first lady bus driver in DURAN~..M~!~~r::tough guy Cola Co. in Santa · Ana has agreed to County will be de ta i I e d tonight in future summit meeting with Soviet
Orange County. Joh Wayne br ke two ribs in a f 11 provide the aoda pop. a series of slides by Bay Area Citizens leaders.
She Is on the Costa Me~ city traffic her:, wt)ere he 'is 00 Jocailon for fiJ~. "Right now," said Pickett, "we're Council guest speaker John Killefer. He told a news conference he hoped
commission, is president of the Auxiliary ing of the pi,cture "The Defenders." working on g~tting the buns free, too." Klllefer,,as executive assistant lo Fifth his one-week Euro~" mission would
of Veterans or Foreign Wars, Costa 1.tesa Wayne. 1 Newport Beach resident, The cleanup project was suggested District County Supervisor Alton Allen, "strengthen and revltallu" the-NATO
nost, is a director or Harbor Area Girls'. slipped on the tile floor o( 1 restaurant, earlier this week by severa11 high school will speak at the meetJng of the Bay partlienblp.
' Or count it was •Tnlalned, studenls. Requests for vo unleers were Area Cillz.eus Council, at I p.m., at Club and of Southern ange y Doctori,. uld 1he il·yeat-old actor then sent out to all four high schools the Island House, Newport Center. Nixon said his European Itinerary
Olapter Red Cross. would be unable to work for 10 daya. in the dlltrid. Allan Beek, newly elected president would take him to ~ following cltlei Jn·
She says MacM.illian probably Is doing Dtrecior Andtn" w. McLaughlin said 11Je studen\S' efforU are expected to or the clUzens' council, has announced this order: Brumit, London, Bohn, WeSt
• good ;ob, but agreed to run "j\Jst he would film tcenes with ~star Rock aave the city -and taxpayers -the following nieetlng dates : "1arch 12; Berlin, Rome and ·Parii. The While'
to see what I can do." Hudson i!w1n&: Wayne's recuperation. . thoosandl ol dollars. April lS and May 18. Roust said Mn. Nb:on would"°' accom-MacMllllan, 41, of 1875 Anaheim Av.e.._, pany hlilt1 on the trip. •
O>sta Mesa, is a social worker with ~ Nixon 'also ' wlll confer' with Ult U.S.:
Catholic Big Brothers. He was elec~ L.w • 1d M ' s . . . cl nego~i.IUng ·teem at the 'P•ril peue tO the old Costa Mesa elementary board • • • e t ' ,. ' tilks' and Yrill meet wttll Pope Plul VI'
In Aprll.'1915, and to tlie1l<W Newport-, . 1. , ous en ence durln1 wllat fio dacrlbeot U "I -k-·
Mesa UDilied board Jn OctOO:« o[ the , . h1g trip." 1 ! ·
wne yur. _ . Askecf u be bopecl to .,..t wllh the.
'He aaid his overriding bRri!iit In ocMol Soviet leadenhlp later, Nb4o npllM:,
alfain iJ to brin(I ·~·Into cloaer Hess ian Given 1 to JO Years for Chain Assault "I il>ellcvt that I .-.. wltb Ibo r"ollolllhlp with , their !'lreniJ and Soviet li!oden 11baa1c1 ta1!a place." , ~ · r tll drlvt Tho Pi:al4oo& llddad ~er lbat-ee. t:¥cbers rather an na more 81 TOM BARLEY "'l'hat Isn't golng io affect your sen-commented to the court: "Whal he. hat wu ~ to 11lcM'4Pt ~" and • 1~ges between ther_n . · ot 919 Dell¥"'"""'" tence,'' Judge Gardner Immediately jdn asked lhl1 court to•do Is a biological would 10 to iUch a meetlric only Iner
He believes improvements in counsel': Rejectin1 a lul·mlnute plea for le-replle".I ... You're not here because you're impossibility." careful PJ'eparatlon. _i . i&i and new report card procedures nlency, Superior Court\ Jµdge .Ro~ a member: Of the Hess.lane. You're here Rundle, 24, ol 134 Albtrt Placl':, was ·~ut fiililt. is my Jnteni1on to conau~,
11aVe done this end that a properly Gardner today .tehtenced Frank ''Wild because you carried out a particularly convk:ted of leading a masa Hessian explot•t I t talks ti various I~!
' . Nixon told a quest!~ later In Ille
news conference he would discuss with
afile(! heids o1 · ,overnmenCthe linpor-
tence be p-.. iD ~ llgnlng
a)td adhe"°' to lilt nuCkar nonprol~
eratlon truty-tllat · lie bu uk<d the
~nate to ratify.
But ·he made It plain he would try to ·~nuade rather t h a n blackmail"
France and West Germany to cooperate
in this area.
1 Ora nge · Coas&
' V\ I , t Weadaer
! • ' 1.. l' '
cWe'll. get a c:ltlDce.to drJ olf1
Friday, --~ .wltlt, the suat7 wlndo. comlitfl. uP. but keep 1""'
overcoofl oa.1ll'D lllll be cool, In
the mid I011 at tba niu.lmum.
· A• much u ._., wont to go
there, ,ianc lltjoc:1trtr don't oet
much of 11 warm. wtlcomt hl
CUba from 1""11 Caatro'1 got>
mi~?it. -Page 7.
~ .• ·-ll cwtcs "fr = .... .. . (See BOARD, P&J• J) ._, M"""" Rundle .of Coot. Mesa to on• ttprehenslble attacj< "" a mon In ~I'·< asaaul\ lasl Aug. 7 on former am.oteur Nlxf" tO ~"It' ,:;:!T::-'\:
S k ¥ kef 1 to ltn ,..,, In l!fte 'prilotl for aas11U home and l'"l·~~'~'IO,"l!J!li -~~",~' '~··-~~,, •:,.~ ·Wfm''.tM:1iiiNl>e111
. toe •r • · . ,w'l1:,~~~!11¥Jdlo.!Olcl_ !'"ry!J.~J~r tl\Of~,-. "· ~ 1 •,\ r:~,--ao';,t.'.; ~~·::;~· _.61 ~ • '~1.otr:l.~
NEWYOliK(APJ-'nie'llltfCk·rnutrd _tr..]bciio>'-i-bti 'f 'lfillf)"r<til!zed'''.ycOi're'o .. ilfloi~ ·~~" .. · ••. ::.,, -~ . ..:.'." ''''.'··~·! closedtod1ywithoelecUvelm~t thal Ila Iftlty ltupfd to nm oround theWCTU," ed. • 11 <1 f!.~Jrc 1 . )lo: . ~:inclhe ll .Jl(ilt~~~ irlliJ '
In bluechlpco ·he!Pinfl roarket ... .,...... wtlll the Hesalan (Motor<}'cle ~lub) That led the e I P ,I •llliiot'· to a 111!1.'I'" ._ ,,...
Trading ,,.. &ell••· \Siie quOtalloos, -· • , . • to moutll an · ealihit.: · w.' r.:J
·:w.·· . '.!f' •"• l!!!!!'l!l!I 'f , IJ'ii•h1Ji5:jll.;;p!.:> • .... . ......... .... e:ci!!!!i~··· ,..,. ..... ...'"!l ---..... '~
Piaa N), • {. . 1 '"l'>e 0 ltomod my 1....., • he Aid. 11 be wu led • .• 1( ; Ill'!
'Ille Dow Jone• indl191t111 Iver a gt at .. And I'm ihrough with that tlnd of The bf': or ' •• 1,30 p.m. wu up UI at tl.7..111-thina !root now oo.• on Ju•I what · • I , ~I • 1\•'11· ., ,, -~·
...._. ""' ........... ... L.-..'t•tl •..... ' .... • __.. ..... , N
•! • il
Use -·MUd to Battle .. Ooze
...... .... * j*'
Newpo .. t .
LOnllim• Oran11:e Cos.st oil roe Victor
C. Andrews of Lacuna Beach today or·
• fered .0 fir Ne,.P.rt Beach councilmen
1o the s.nta san>ara ofl a11ck so they
could, Jn his words, "see the other
aide ol the coin."
He nfemd to tours pven Newport
Bea:b and COota Mesa councllmen by
two oil compenl.. Jul year lo see
camouflaged oil well operaUODI lD the
Loi Angeleo ma. Andrf:wa, lit Emerald Bay, WU &
key worker for the SbeJl.Cunninlblm ·
acl problbltll!g drllllnl bt state tidelands
from the Slnta Ana River lo ~ Meilcln
Calliq Newport Bea<h "our liral line
Accident Victim
Suffers .Severe
Head Injuries
A 22-year .. Jd Compton man suflered
criUcal head Injuries in a 1pectacular
cruJi WedneldaY at P..mc Coll!
High...,, and JambClrH :Rold -hil
car slddded through the -and cruhed into a fence aod. garage.
Newport Beach police said Clarence
Hayti Kelly waa the clrh'<r and only
occupant of the car involved 1n tM
11:'5 a.m. crash.
Firemen pried the unconscious victim
from the wreckage. The car bounctd
off the garage corner and came to
rest on top of bricks and a pile of
fence wood.
Pollet said a witne.as to the cruh,
who had been following the driver,
reported that the car hid been weaving
ftom the alow lane to the 1boo1der
aijd back for oeveral miles jull prior
Polloe said the driver ran throuih
a red light at the -at 4i
broodslde lnlo the garqe, beJ<ailni to
Sldn<y De<m of JOO! Dolpbln Circle.
'l'be car demoliMed ..,eral ' feet of
fenCo and a tJno.looHqum brick~·
Jlainale to the , .... and -· la estimated at !400. • · ·• .. '
Kelly was taken to Hoag Memorial
HQfpttal where be remained in critical
cond!Uon today.
New Rest Home
Plans Expansion
The ZOO.bed Newporl Coavaleocent
liolpltal, near Boas Momorial Hoepital,
will expand Iller thb yeer by 1!0 bed!,
It -dllC!ooed today,
John A. Williams, pn!lidlDI of the
corporatioo, made the amoancement as
be told of , plans for an tipen -
for the public Sunday from noon to
'p.m. 'lbe proposed "resident care center"
addition, he said, will ease transfer of
those convaJescing to ellher tbe care
center or the hospital and back, as
The hospital is located at 393 Hospital
Road. overlooking Newport Boulevard .
Widow Found Slain
Near Mnrder Scene
widow, ber nlgbtctothta pilled up to
her bead, was found bludgeoned lo death
In b e r bed today under clrcumstances
BimJlar lo the sl<Yinl of a Harvard
-....i Jut month.
O•"'wGl CO,..ST PUIL15i'+ING CWP,..~Y
•••••• "'· w •• ,
1"111i.ltftl 1#111 •1111111\f•
lhtMI• J(ttYil .lfiltr
Th1M•' A. MM1pki~1
Marilll,..Elltor J.,. .... F. C1ll\11 ••M' Nil11ft ~ lttc!t AINMhllll
C.llY lflllr °'""""
"°""."' --
2111 w ••••• , .... '"''"" ,., ... ,,.,..., r.o.·•• '''" tt'-'l ··--~ .:i.-.1 Ut'W..t •n 11~1 LI .... fliid'll nt ~-' ,..,.1'1111
M1111tlfll!Olt llWc,rl; at ~ SJnotl
of defenu," Andrtw1 said, "I'll pay
for their ride il they go and look at it. ••
Whether or not they crab lhe offer,
the Newport Stach council apparenlly
needed Utile prodding aboul the oil
menace. i
City aides readied for Monday acUon
a re10tuUon for the President and alate
and federal Jestalllon ul<Jng ezt«lalon
ol the Sltell-OutnUJal protections Into
federal walen.
Andrtws called lor a sllutdown in all
drllllng and cploraU0111 oU-thore unut
the.re la a complete inve!UgaUon. He
queaUooed succeu of eHortl to atop
the. Santa Barbara oil break adding,
"l"m not sure they can ever atop that
"I believe more in e.sthetics than
desperate need of oil ," Andrews said.
"I' warned the oil Interests back in
the 5011 thla would hll.ppen to their sJUy
oil rigS but I wa.s poo-pooed as being
an alannist."
He said be undmtands the 20,000
gallons of oil lost daily that have ea.used
the 800 square mUe oil au'ck could in-
creue in volume lf greater flasures
open ln the ocean Ooor.
"Thb it a geophysical cate1lropbe.
Jt's u bad or worse than an earthquake,"
said Andrews. "Any kind of a stonn
front would have the oil right ~e
on the Orange Coast."
Andrews said, "All Of a sudden con·
Trustees Delay De~ision
Q:n Cutting Kindergarten
Of .. Dlllf Plitt Stefl
Newporl-MMa lrUlleel wilt wait untll
their nnt board meeting March 4 to
decide whether to cut back on the kin·
derprtea. proaram ne:rt year.
BOard rDembera, Who made budget
cuta amoantllll to 1111,000 thb week,
are strongly considering dolnl away
wlUt :!. present extended kindergarten day going back to short, two-a-day
session . Faced' with a current budget deficit.
board members don 't seem Inclined to
conUnue the costly long.session kinder-
ten program another year.
But before acting, they decided to give
Supt. Willlam Cunningham a chance to
talk to teacher• about how much they
think l<JnderprWten are benelltllli
1rom 111e tooaar c1ay. • Actloo by . the board Tuesday ' ,night
'WU two-fold. -Trulteeo approved budget Ciiis of
1m.ooo. · -They •oted not to budget for hn-
proved educational programa nest year,
reccmmended to them in the amount of
feOO,ilOO. ' '!'be lt32,000 Iii cull fell sbort of mak·
l!I( up for a 1147 ,000 cumnl operaUng
liudiet deficit, a'tttib'uted lo ·the"utend-
ed kindergarten program tru!tees bad
expected the state t'o fund.
Boarb members found the cuts, rec-
ommended by the administration, easy
to make. They included double budget •
entrlea, unexpended salaries f r o m
poaitlons not immediately filled, and
construction poatponement.
Board member Donald sirauss re-
f erred to them u "thooe things working
Jn «a favor." He, for one, wanted school
admlnlmators to force rtduc:tlon, nOt
just wait for breaks, he said.
Included In the fl32,000, however, were
a few actual cutbacks.
Largest was $30,000 that will be saved
by not honoring requuts for new equip-
ment and personnel at Maude Davis
Intermediate School. Other cuts were $8,500 In Estancia
High remodeling lo provide more Gcience
lab space and '6,500 for several items
such as Costa Mesa High band unlforms.
Board member Ml'!. Elizabeth Lilly
differed with the majority of trustees
on the budget cuts. She said she finds
nothing sacred in reserves and doesn't
fear dipping into them to save programs,
pan'icularly purchase of new classroom
equipment. "I don't quite agree with the principle
that the ldndergirten money we lost
muat be· rePJactd at all costs," she aaid.
By tuntlrig d.DW'rrtinproved educaUonal
progr81lls for nert year the board killed
a $600,000 reque.t by ~ssocia'e S}lpt. Nonnan I.Oats for reading speclahsts,
reduction of class tliz.es, and increase ln
purchase of classroom supplies.
· Tru!f.ees said it jll&t· doesn't appear at
this time the money will be available.
Bart Hake. executive secretary of lhe
diltrict teachers association, made an ap~at for. teacher4 to be consulted on
Tdtclslons aUecUilg etlucatiopal programs.
But the board's decision to table I.oats'
Tequest seemed to cut off that possibility,
at least for the present.
$65,000 in Marijuana
Seized; 2 Held in County
Two Loi Angeles County men who
allegedly uUd a Gardena poker ~~lace
as their headquarters for a mar1iuana
market that covered much of Orange
County are in the county jail tOOay.
District attoraey's investigators and
federal narcolics agents Wednesday
scooped up a staggering haul of 143
pounds of compre§ed marijuana valued
on the underworld market at 165,~.
District Attorney Cecil Hicks s a I d 1L
was the largest such seizure of the
illicit weed in county history.
AwaiUng arraignment in Santa Ana
Munlclpal Court were Alvin Seldenberg.
3S, of North Hollywood and Lee Duane
Hart 30 of Lawndale. Both men were
arre8ted' at the Rainbow Club, a noted
attraction for the Southland poker·playbtg
From Pqe J
evidence at the scene implicated s0meone
else. "He has been completely cleared and
the records will show that fact," said
Capt. Ed Glasgow, chief of the detective
bu.ruu .
C.pt. Glasgow also aald the woman
c:ertaJnty acted c«rectlY In oeeldng police
help al the ume, but expreaoed concern
that the Incident mlehl ..... reloctanct
--of cr1mo to nollly police. Onl.l' ..,. -..,, a SUto Ana
----...u "'"' 200 baqlarlel In 1111 coaal:!'. but utowlded
lnvestlptora llUMd thal •P to !$ per-
cent had eon• tmreported by Ute neaucent '1ollm1.
Glad to be Iree, the wrongly accused
burglary mpect tn Monday's lncld<nt
uld today be 1"arned a lePOn from Ute
ei:petience and otben mflht also learn
"Tell euys wben they 10 out walking
to take a bil dOC ror protection -
or maybe t.htlr wlvta -eo they will
ha .. a wtlnca to aupport their atory,''
hll Ulcl. I
'[be man, who m111t bear a eloee
.reoamblanct lo the actDal marauder who tr1ed lo enlsi' 1111 ,......., Mesa del
Kar aru home, will undnlandably ,...
~· 1111 name la -. bowaver, far
blyood ~ COmllT u mmJng •
lrodlUoo of -....... nopecl an<! bonorabfe pibllc service.
Hart and Seidenberg are charged with
conspiracy to sell and sale of marijuana.
Investigators said both men used a
storage area at the rear of the Gardena
nightspot to store marijuana smuvgled
from Mexico. Hicks said today he was
satisfied lhat the operation was con-
ducted without lhe knowledge of the
management or employes of t h e
Hicks said the club served as the
headquarters for the operation but most
of the salei and contacts made by the
two men were Jn Orange Conuty. The
6S packages of marijuana seized Wed·
nesday were ready for delivery to clients
In Orange County be uld.
A number of pills, as yet unidentified.
were also seiied by invesUgators. And
offictra took from Hart a weapon iden-
tified as a .2kallber B row n In &
Hicks today predicted that the arrests
of Seldenberg and Hart \\'iii greatly
reduce the flow of marijuana to this
area .
Air West Board
Chief Bez Dies
SEATl'LE (UPI) -Nick Bez Sr ..
a poor-Yugoslavian immigrant who
became an American busineu tycoon,
ts dead at the age ol 73.
Bea, cbaJnnan of the 11<>ud of Air
West, died Wednesday night In S..tlle'a
Swedish hospital but his death wa! not
discl~ unUI today.
He became board chairman Ql Alr
West after the airline wa1 formed ' last
year by the merger of West Coast,
Bonanza and Pacific airlines. He was
president of West Coast before the
Bex c1me to the United Slates fro1n
Selca, Yugoslavia, in 1910 as a boy
of Ii with only Sl.50 In hla pocket.I
and settled in Seattle.
Strike Grips Irish
' DUBLIN (AP) -A ttrlke by 1,000
tndullrlal ·malnlantnct .... vlrJW)y paralJaed the ltiah Ropublle lodq, ,...,.
Ing 1$,000 other -out of -~ and depleting food auppu ...
TwoMore WeeksNeedal
To Stop Polluting Flow
servationista are all up in ti.rms. Where
were they when' thoy allowed the wella
to go jn JO/ears 110 in Santa Barbara, Ventur•·~ Huntington Beach." J
Andrew• sald his group had tried
desperately to interest northern Orange
County in oil prohibitions but said Hun·
tington Beach Interests aeemed more in·
terested in havini ttu: oil wells .
"If a wen (off-shore) ever went out
In Huntbtglon Stach it WOll1d be the
end of the oil interest& there," he &aid.
Andrewa wa.,ned that state Udelands
could be opened up lo drUUng under
the Sbell-Omnlngham Act II there
betomes reasor. to believe that c\rllllng
beyond the three·!lllle.,_ limit is draining
state re!ource1 (otl).
ft * * Nix.011 Pledges
Tough New Rules
On Oil Activity
SpecJal lo the DAILY PILOT
W AS!llNGTON -Prealdenl NIIOn said
today u a relllllt of the Santa Barbara
oil pollution diwte:r new and "very
stringent" reautaUons wUI be deyeloped
for all ofllhore drilling operations in
federal waters.
"I have found that there ,ha~ been
no updating in JS years in oi.tr policy·
,.on off$hore drilling," he told a press
He said Jnlerlor Secretary Walter
Hickel has ordered studies "to update
regulations so lhl1 ,kind of incident docs
not occur again ." .,.
The President, in response to ques-
tioning, said he believed Hickel "acted
promptly in temporarily stopping" drill·
ing off the California coasUine. Hickel
haa been criUciztd for not compelling
a looger ban against the acUvtty.
"Looking to · the future," Nb:on said,
"we've got to get some me11Js of ap.
plfi!ll very 1tringent regulations to
offshore drllllng. •.1
H~ .y.id there is no question that
adequate safeguards ca_n be developed,
"ifl ;~·ricompt.Di~ involved make the
noc.t;~r;y expendltures. ''
* * * Reagan Proposes
State Inspection
Of Ocean Drilling
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan
said today he would like to see the
state inspect offshore oil wells under
federal jurisdiction -such as the one
that has poured oil into the Pacific
off Santa Barbara.
Reagan told his news conference that
federal inspeclion standards for the rig s
are "about a third" es tough as the
state standards.
But Reagan expressed confidence that
U.S. Interior Secretary Waller Hickel
\\'l ll move swiftly to toughen federal
standards. <Relate<! Story, Page 4)
Reagan also said that the federal
governmept should set aside a fund from
offshore oil revenues ''to help us'' in
the event anylhing like this takes place."
Reagan commented about oil pouring
out of a Union Oil Co. well into the
Pacific and then onto the ~aches of
Santa Barbara by saying that he has
taken up lhe matter with Washington.
From Wire Services
S~NTA BAl\BAHA -011 company
,,_,.orkar,i began forci111 "10,000 gallofli'
of mud into a 01.--ee-inch well pJpe tOOay
in a desperate elfort to stem the flow
of oil which made tar patches or glisten-
ing beaches here.
Olflclab admitted II could take u
long aa two more weeks to stop up
the leak at an· offshore drllllnc site.
Twelve miles of pearl white beaebes
already were eoated with tons of a<:rtd
crude the conslltency of chewing gwn
and citlsen.s pf this reaort community
were up in anns.
The penetrating smell of crude oil
.seema_ to be everywhere. Beautiful
beaches are blackened for miles. The
once sparkling blue harbor of this sceiiic
r~sort city is covered wlth thick, gummy
sllme. A wildlife expert calls it the
worst dlaaster ever to hit California
bird life.
Wind and rain interfeffi:I with the
relief operation and kept away the
tourists who flocked to the scene by ·
the hundreds earlier this week. However,
the wind did not blow more oil uhore
during the night.
"We have a real killer Cill our ~,!'
said Dr. Hober! F. Dill, dtaJlnian of
the stale Advisory Board ·1or· Underwaler
Parki and Reaerves, wlto p~ned .lo fir over the "' of oft today. He said
1tudf.e9 made several years qo When
an oO tanker; went aground oil Baja
CaJUornla lndlcolod Ill marine We wtlPi!I
five milea •wU killed.
The oll on the ahorellne wu the edge
of an «X>-square mile aliek in tli& Paciflc
which grew mort v.i by the ' hour
as thousands of gallon& of : oU bolled
to the surf.ace from fissures on ·the
ocean floor . ~. • '
While oilworkcts slruggled around the
clock to seal the well ~eath. Uni~ ~
Oil eo·. ol Califomla;s. Ptalform A sue.,..
mile& offshore, more than 100 inmates
from state conservation.. cam~ toiled .
on the beaches to sop. up the sllmy
mess with straw.
The layer · ot sludge, fror11 two ~
six inches U:Uck, w~ a~ the~
to the high Ude line, Jeavln&~• 15-;yin!
strip of blaekeried b:each ~m1>!1N a ·
giant strip of roofing tar. ·
The initial effort lo .stem ~ flow
of oil with oil mud -a chetnic)ll ~
pound whleh hardens. lik~ ~Ol'J~~.ete :--
failed Wednesday and a sp01temian~ said
another attemp\ would~.be .made t.Od•Y·
If the rnurl fai s to seal the well. the
only alternati\'C is a relief shaft now
being sunk. The drjl!ing of it \Viii take
at least two w·ecJ·~.
Ike Rob ins:.u1. :;1. f':-.1~·.:". Ulflh. ~;1 :d
he \\'BS going back l:<anc lroin his 1·;i::a·
lion a day early be::auJc of t:1e in\·asion
of oil. "It 's flowing like blackslr.:p rnol asse<;,"
he said. Tuesday evening he stood on
the Santa Barbara Harbor jetty. "Fir~t
I saw only a few small splotches or
oil on the beach. An hour later, the
entire beach was covered."
Stiff onshore winds were expected to
continue through Ffiday. Intermittent
rain Wednesday and today hampered
crews on the beaches who dumped straw
on the sand to absorb the oil and then
raked it into bags.
Sea gulls, their feathers smeared jct
black: with oil. flopped on the gun1n1y
sand unable to ny. At least 108 of
the birds were known to have die:!
of the more than 200 brought to three
lreatment centers. and hundreds or
others went uncounted by State Fish
and Game officials.
A double Jog boom was placed across
tbe entrance to Santa Barbara Harbor
but the oil washed over the barrier
and lapped against lhe hulls of 700
small craft valued at more than $5
For lasting elegance, enhance your home
ivith famous HERITAGE upholstery ._
n.. ............ • ••••
~=:a:r 0-. ...... ..-~.11 ewl ' ~
=~ ~lhe ~~t~r:~s eva~a~ !
Blll'JrvlOe, who bu bHn In the,yac~f
malnlenluice bualneu here lqr·U fW••!
estimated it would cost up to $100 ltJ
clean the scum from !he ave;rage pr~aie;
boaL Union Oil ~nt ~ adjunetl'1 il\lo the area for ~_miecled avalanfltt
of claims. · · ~ ·
Local conservaUoniSts aud ·olfl811j ,
were furious. · .; •
"People are mad,'' .aald sant:a ~
Ml3'or Gerald FiHltolle·u •he 'sumy'!d
a blackened beach. "You'·bet .*1Jq'te
mad.' Thll city it kDOWD throllliiOttt Illa
world u an attractlve·cmnirumtty., Loqki'
at it now. :
"We have laws which prohibit oil dt:\11·
ing within lhe city limits. But what
can we do about this? This comes from
Union Oil apd three otller oil companies
tease the \ideland drilling site from \hf
federal government. Jt was one of many
parcels auctioned last year for recOrd
From P1111e l
BOARD ... .. ' , ..
oiganbad Famlly L!fe.(>rOll'am will help.
He bOpea to l!O more empbuis in the tutur.e on vocailpnal educatloo. · 1
TWY Hay, 1111> N. Bay ·Froal, Balboe.
Island, In llllng hla candidacy Jllper•
lllted hla OCCUl)llUoo ai itudenl. He coWd
not.be reached for commerit.today.
Blanpied,> 415, of 2m Alta Vista Drive,
' Eastbluff, i.s an atttomey wl:to w11 ap-
pointed lo Ute unified board Jn 11111 ·
to fill an unexpired term.
His opponent, Donald Strauss, 52, of
1010 Vla Venezia, Lido Isle, ii an ex-
ecutt\'e with Beckman Instruments. He
baa served' on local school ~~alz\Ce
Willard Dickson
Rites on Frid(ly
Prayer services for Willi.rd Dickaon.
a resident ol Newport Beach ·for the·
past 22 ye~rg will ~ held af • p.m..
Friday at the Bell Broadway Mortuary
Chapel. ,
Mr. Dickson, fl well known painter,.
in lhe area, died at the Long Beach
Veterans Hos pital after a le:ifthy illnes!;
Tuesday. He was 60.
lie served with the U.S. Army as •
a medic in the Whitehorse area in the1
Full military honors will be accorded '
the World War II veteran at !ervices!
to be held Monday in New York.
Survivors include his wife, Mary ar
the home, 307 Snug Harbor; a brother,
A. Ralph of Lawndale, New York.
Jnlerment will be in New York.
Welfare Increases
01·dered by State
So:;:ial Welfare Department bas been
ordered to increase some of its welfare
pt1yments lo keep pace \\'ith cost of
living increases.
The total cost of the Increase would
be between $400,000 and '500,000.
Presiding Justice Fred R. Pierce of
the Third District Court of Appeal issued
the order Wednesday on a petition Ille<!
in behalf of 400,000 weUare recipients.
f\.M'ftiU"&. ,,_. ... ~ ... 175 ~-....... ....
irl ~--~ -.. ~ ........ ,_,_ ..
-.tiltv '(OIJJt .... -~dlieol-............ -.... °'
Of# 800 ou.-dint tUb IPld ...-Y Ofrt\OMI ~
fhtu• °"' IMlr'ior ........, .. be 1ftOlt.....,., ..... ilt
vovr ~iof'lt.
20% OFF
'l'our Jat:oritc inttrior de.rlgner 1.elH b1 happy to a.s1bt ~au , ••
' . , l
M6-?Z75 ~0176
' t
' -. -COsid. ·MeSa
--~............. .. -.. ,___,.,. .~ , + • . --= . . EDITION
vpi.:.,.42, ~O. 32. l, SECUONS,.3<41PA6ES' . ' '
" l I ,.\ " •• ·./.
Be.dti~e'. .Stroll· ~:L~nd·s . . '
Wlqly ldepU!led by an upset woman 'lllO cue ~an to .untold "!ooday the celler . raltled the mailbox Joudly
,. 1lie man wbo'·!MI' tr t;urglarite niiJ>l, mop>enll:aft<r 30mecine aUempted · to a"a);'" 1111•sleeping0<011PUtl.•
to 'bteali !z!to·•a ·-.-eo.ta 'l1lli Is' a basic moduli operandi to hi!:r · Costa • Mesa . home, • a man Wl)ose Mesa ,bOme' In wblelt tbe victim cowered · blirg~. • .. '
family -· la known ·lllr<luahoot·th.e to"lem>r'.' . c;etiJn; .O response, !he woold-l:e ~ is free today after, 1· n!Jht "'!it ... u 1 eairicidenfal and catastrophic bUrgtar tlten tried ·a sll\full paUO door bija.i[Poijce1 ~heis.1 ,~v~victim ~ °"·-~ ~g.".said DetecUve whicb ,'wU locked .and "wtnl on 1\0 'I ot time aod circumstance. ... . Art Courteau; Who helped to · clear the 1 tftcbeii . window, ftOm which he· wdl)
Tatin&.hls customary stroll be!Qte...bed· suspect.' • • • n!moV«I ~ · 'SCreen. • 1 •
tfme cost the youns man U hours behiiid • The woman 1 told JK!:lice she' · was · , Trembling-Jn rear, the hollsewife !:1~•i•b. ·arid; undoubted!)', hours or · sus(>ici9US 'of whOev~ .rafit ber 'deorbell •. lelephoQed _ber brother arXI !ISter-i.n-1aw, ·~-•i Jt,40 p,m; ~\•,Pt q\ll<~ afl'er tblcb: during pliich time the would-be burglar
'I Guets ~~ti'lt\ ,Hen to 1 C•ncel the. ~~·
Not for Hippies
Grandma, Student
Seeking Seats
On· School Board
Beach Cleanup Lu.nch
Three incYmbenls. a student and a
grandplothei: have filed candidacy.papers
for Newport-Mesa Unified Sc h o o I
District's April 15 school board e1eclion.
· Latest to ftle are incum~nt Roderic.~
Mac.Millian .... Student Terry ,Hay, and graiidnlother .. Mrs: ·Mi~ -·Matne·ws.· ·
Incumbent! Lloyd Blanpied Jr. and
Donald Strauss filed earlier.
The ri>Urth boal:d member whoSe seat
Is up for renewal, Mrs. Eli7abeth Lilly,.
say1 she hasn't yet made U!) her mind whtthar to tun again ·or not.
c'ontested races so far pit MacMillian
against Mrs. Ma~ews &nd Strauss ·
against Hay. Deadllne foi filing with
the county schools Ollice is Feb. m.
Mrs. Mathews, 60, of 2220 Pacific Ave .•
Cost.a Mesa, said she was encouraged
to run by members or the district's
Mn-teaching school ernployes association.
Retired now, she formerly was a
transportation supervisor for the old
(.qst.a Mesa Union Elemenlary School
District. In 23 years she worked her
..,ay up from first lady bus driver in
Orange County. . .
• She is on the Costa Mesa city traffic
commission, ls president of lbe Auxiliary
ol Veterans of Foreign Wars, Cost.a Mesa
Post, is a director or Harbor Area Girls'
Club and of Southern Orange County
~apler Red Cross. ,she says MacMilUan probably is doing
a g'ood job, but agreed to run "jUl!lt
tq set what I can do.''
Site Held 'Top. Secret'
Of ... DIPr ~ """1 "!'f, ' . ...... • siudenb .All.NeJOJ111rti{1H....,,·~.;.. •. , ...
showing up at tbe -beach for Saturday's , .
massive stprm 'debris ·~eanup project
will be treated to a frttJUnch.
But it won't be a picnic on the beach.
The hot d!)gS and ·soda pop, said
Newport BeaCh city . officials.: will be
served ·up al a·'1top aecrtt":location. .
•:1r we announced where it will· be
ahead of Um~," ·explained a city aide,
"we'd .. have hundreds of hippies from
everywhere in the county turning out
just for the free1 lunch.
"We don't want hippies, we want
So this'is the' plan :
At ·te a.m. the volunteer project will
begin south of the '60th Street groin.
I~ will continue untJI about 2 -o'clock.
Everyone will then depart for the con-
fidential wienie-bake site. Its location
will be disclosed' aomf:tlme between 10
and 2 and· tt wDI ht, 'cflacloood oaly
to partid....,11. ' . • .
The free fe<d' la l>eiilg an"anged by
~ Newport .~ J!Jlll!>r Qiamber
of Commerce ti@I. Rotary C I u b .
Everything will Jie·...,lrlbu<ed, ~
to Jaycoe pr-Burch Pi<kelt.
. The WhlU! Hone Inn will prepare
Ibo food for·...,. 3IO to ilOO students. ·
ThrouCh local men:l>lnl· Tom'Rofjer1,
said Pld<elt, an tile -wlll be
donated by lhe Burger Corp. of ·Los
. :11$1L ll!'"'l!l. "111 conlrll>ulei ~~~
ol··sad<s ol polato .chlJ>S. ·~' P~Pi!
Q)la Co. in Santa Ana ha! agreed to
proYide the soda pop. ,
"Right now," said Pickett, "we're
working on getting the buns fr~. too."
·The cleanup project was sugg~ted
eiirUer'-this week by several high school
students. Requests fol v'oli.JtJtee'rs were
then sent out to all four high schools
in the district.
The students' efforts ·are expected to
save the city -and taxpayers -
thousands of dollars.
Sotne CQOCtrns that ,lhe students would
be endangered by .contamination of West
Newport • waters by -;-Santa Ana River
sewage runoU were dilpe.lled by county
authorities Wedneeday. They said the
debris, washed dowrl. the river, would
be sate lo· hand-carry to ·strett end!,
where city crews will.pic.t it ujl .
The debris it not Contaminated, they
said, CJD.pbaaiting that the beach quaran·
Une now in effect prohl,Wts water cwtact
A.s a safety •measure, however, the
ltuden1s wtre advisei:! to Wi!ar gloves .
.. Just · to avokl cuLi," said a health
officer. "Thia ls a precauUon In the
handllng of any debiis, anywhere."
.. 1
, fuj I . CENTS,,
Innocent Man · • ..
Ill Jai1·· .
,...;J ••
Jell, poagibly bearing the whispered cell
for belp: I
Sbnultaneously, an lnnocerit man who
ls u Inveterate evening stroller lelt
hls nearby home, not toowi.Dg his d~Uoo WU lhe Cosla Mesa Cily .
Jail. • '
"My e.veni.Dg walks are a neighborhood
Institution," be said today in ail in-
"I walked down to the corner on
our side of the street," 11.e said,
. .
reconstructing the chain oi evtldl, "tbeo
came back up• tbe at.Mr II.de." ...
"When I went by bet home: Ille limlllll
was such. Ove to aevea minldel after
the burglary attempt, tbal bet r<lllivU .
were there," Ile con.Unued.
Unfortunately, the would-be bur&J.ley
victim and the night stroller. were. unac;..
quainted and be was &ffD by the ~
and her sister·in·law the lie<:Ond time
he pwed the holl!e.
Patrolman George Wilson had been
sent lo check the area and picked .op
the snao on a nearby atnet for i.
veallgaUoo, retumJiii him lo tho orilliiAI
crime aeene. .
-·"That i.! definitely the man," .1he
distraught, woman said, wbtn be w•
ordered to llland in tlle•po<JUoa In wblcb
the burglar WU -· Instead, poliee 181d tod31, be •WU
merely a vicUm or clfcumstance lhd
bb alory •checked ~ 'lllllin ·~yalcal
(See INNOCENT, Page !I
' . , ..
New StQrm. Fury
' . , __
" Twister Lifts Roof, 6 ·Boats:.S-.µi,p iines . . ...
ot 1119 ~llr rlttt Ml" Anotber angry storm, this one wrapped
arqund a amaU tornado, unleashed ab-.
breilatN fury on the Orange Coas( ~ly
Laguna Baach bore the heavy brunt
of the latest wind-whipped storm, which
depOl!ted up to an inch' of, rainfall on
the waterlogged coastal areas.
A pocket-sized tornado churnet. through
the exclusive Emerald Bay secuon of
Laguna thJs morning, tearing the n>?f
,."'· ... -. to 6.61
.41 f.ll
1.N 10.lf
.91 U.01
1.0I II.OS
,fl 1).07
.ti n .01
1.06 11.lf 1.• 10.n 1.116 10.lt Jiii tl.tl
1.01 11,21 1.60 10.!2 1.ot 11.U
.. u.,r. ...
5.tl '·" •• 01 5.17 .,,
t .01
°' "n ,,,,
•.01 rn ·" .,,
from the home of Robert Cleary it 5*.~Jl!i.J!.v;,ctl1 M~ Jooe.pb -~'iJii.liand <Ill&·
storm..;-__ be .loll a tree aid ~ ttake
!lilt< to lbehieb Wind•. TM mlrior twtate; also affected elec.
tricaf service in Emerald Bly, where
power wa1 out from 3:41 to 5:10 a.m.
Flooding was reported a1ong Laguna·can·
yon Road and , In some portions of
San Clemente.
A Commercial building in Santa Ana
also Jost its roof to the stotm, this
one collapslng under• the weight pf the
rain. The damage was reporteQ at U.S.
Divers, 3323 Warner Ave., about 0:45
In Newport -Beach, six ~I! broke
loose from their moorings and were
to'wed to safe areas by the Orange
County Harbor Department. Rain-driven
winds pl,lSbed sand across portions of
Seashore Drive in West Newport, dum·
ping debria from the previous storms
into the street at some intersections.
The Huntington Valley area apparen~ly
escaped almost unscathed, with lil!le
or no problems reported In Huntington
Beacr, Fountain Vailley or Westminster.
Jn the latter city, a few intersections
were flO!l)ded and some storm drains'
A Pre-schooler?
Costa P.1esa police today y.·ere probing
the case of a ~sible pre school coun-
terfeiter who ·15 rolling in reproduced
wealth. according to the neighborhood
William T. Martin, of 366'n: E. 15th
st., turned over a $20 whitebad: bill,
evidently reproduced on a X e r o x
machine, to Police Sgt. Bob salllnger
Martin arxl a neighborhood child said
the phoney money was probably dropped by a four-year-old boy known to carry
a big bankroll of 111ch tillb. ·
Federal law prohibit! the reproduction
or U.S. currtncy, but the proseciltlon
might prove to be lenient in th11
particular caae.
were stopped up, but &therwise da~e
was minimal.
Ralph Kiser, general , manager of the
Southern Callfornla FAison Co. in Hun-
tington Beach, reported little or no trou-
ble along mO!t of the Of&ngt CoU:t, ·
except for the power outage in Emerald Bay. ' •
"All services Were futored quickly
in that area," Kiser aaid. . !~We feel
very fortunate that rio inajor problehis '
have developed." ·
While it lasted, thls morning's $)rm,
mi~ by, all. but the early risers1 •
was a renewal of the . violen{ ·rlhls
which a3Sllulted the coast last · moritb. ·
Hardest hit were the Glendora and
Malibu artas not yet recovered ftc!m
U)e..,January havoc.
Mare than 15 famllits from the Glen-
dora ·area, devastated by mudslides last
mOnth, ~ Uielr belongings and fled
their· homCJ again as more than an
inch or rain battered the area.
'1This place is at the mercY of God,"
said a ~kesman 'for the Loi Arigeles
County Fire Department, ,In descrlbto1
the Glendora aitu&Uon. ·
·The:worst, however, la over, according
to lhe U.S. Weather BlU'eau, whlcft
forecast aii end to the rainfall Friday,
folloWed by clearing 1kles, gusty winds
and cOntlnued coot temperaturea. Along
the . oTang< COIJI; a high of 54 and
an overnight loW of 4S were predicted
for Friday;
Nj~~~ .. : .. J,Jig~-·~gh-s·
'lt'.: ... .:41 w;· ~; ' ~ ~ . t· ., .. , fo ., •
~e~e .. ·~fe thl fitlJJ.d .. 1'_P, ~a;'esid7nt Nixoq's press conference this
momiriJ .-r. ,,...,. 1 1, ..
' ' . • .... ,. 1--1 • He, wilfl18Ye'11b1 'Zf.~on .a five-nation visit to Western Europe.
• He 60.J nol e~t to'ine'et wlth Communist lead.;,~,during the .
frip 3nd does not favor· t1n~1':zJt. 1*1runttrr'' with the, Soviet Union.
• The U.S. will ~ssume the lniUati've·in seeking a 'Mideast11eace
settlement sµp~rtlng ellorts ~~e U,!'J.,o~ _five fr?DL:i'. . ·
e There areno ~lib1 ~et fqr br.lnging troops home· from Vietnam,
but that return Is "high Oll the agenda."
• The U.S. intend1 during the Paris peace talks to insls!'lhat the
military and diplomatic; issue11> hlvolvect be separated.
'' " f ... ~~ ~ I • The adt)1lnlstraUQ!i',s' ljlJ reforni plans will be discussed Friday
by Treasury Secretary K~edy. • . . .
• Federal funds .will be denied· to school districts tbal perpetuate
segre$ation. '
' • There will be a full seal~ review of the· Pueblo· cas..-after Ill
investigations are cqncluded. · . . .. '. ' t
Nixon to Leave Feb. 23
' I
For Meetings in Europe
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Presldenl '
Nixon announced today. he wUI ltav-e
Feb. 23 for face-to-face meetil'lp with'
fl" allled EUropean IUd.n and aid
he also will explore lhe ll"mpect of a,
lulure summit meeting with SoTlel
He told a news conference he hoped
hla ,on .. weel: European .ll\la!klt. \'<JUld
''strengthen and re.vltalbe" tbe. , NA'lO
P""~~hlp. • .
. Ni;,°nT laid hi! EUri> .... ' !Unet'lry
would take him to the following ciUel" in'
tbla' i>rder, Bruael>, Loi1dao, ~ ;woot
Berlin, Rome . and pan., !l'be 1Wblte '
HOUie said Mn.-Nlxoo would not _,.
pany hbn on llie Jrlp. . , . , , ...
Nixon '1<1td a' que!Ooncr Jater ,In ~
neWs conference be would I discuu with
lilllild bea'ds-orgovelnment me lmpor·
~ he P"""' 111 Ill 'nilldiis 1lgnlng :::.~:,:..i~~ .'::.'°~~
Senate to ratify. ' · ·
Bui he macit U. p[ain he would lry to
t/persuade J:atber . th a n blackmail"
France and West Germany to cooperate .ih this area. ' · ! .11
MacMilllan, 41, of 1175 Anat.eim Av~.,
Costa Mesa, is a social worker with
Catholic Big Broihers. He was elected
to the old Costa Mesa eleraentary board
In April, 1$65. and tO the n~ Newport·
Mesa U61tled board In October of tl1c
slme year.
'Wild Mouse' Sentenced
Nixon also will conler .with the U.S.
negotlaling team at the Parll ·-talks and will . meet wltb Pope1 Paul VI
d.UrlnK 'ff'hl& 'be dll;crib!MI U 11J. Jf'Ql'k•
lflgtrlp." '• ·~,.,
· Weatker
'we'll set a chailce 'to dry oft'
Friday, et~ lrW). the gusly
wi>dl ctmlllg up, ,bu\. ~eep 'I""
overcqalt .... lt'U llllt. he "'°'· to
the mid .M's at the niallmum. . ,He said his overriding interest jn school
alfain is to bring chUdren into cl06er
relaUonship with their :iarents and
leachen rather than driving more
wedges between them.
He believes improvemenls in counsel·
Ing and new report card procedures
'hliYe done. this and that a properly
(See BOAl\D, f.P,I). · • ~~~~~~~~~~·-~
Stock Morl<eU
NEW YORK (AP) -The itock market
cklled todey with selective improvement
Jn blue chi pa belphlg ,nartet , averages.
Tradln« wn acUve.. (See quolaUOllS,
Pag" 111-11). ' The Dow J·nnes Industrial average at
1 :30 p.m. wa1 up l.6l at 947 .60.
I '
Hessian Given 1 to_ 10 Years for Cliain Assault
87 TOM BARLEY '"Thal isn't going to affect you. .. .ten·
Of "" .,..,. ,, .. ...,. tence," Judge Gardner lmmedlately
Rejecting a last·mburte: plea for )e. replle-'J. "You're not' btre becaUle you're
nlency, Superi(ll;, .~ ·Juqe: Rol>erl a l!'IM~ ol tile f!~·Y!ll''" heft
Gardner today ..m.nted Frant "Wild becauae you carried oul a '~ly
· -· ,JWl!dle ol Colla M,.. • to -~le alla<k m a man •In · bla to ten yeari to itale pr1-fir aaallll • borne UI ~·m l<Odq you to the
0willi·• deadly weapon. penllenllary for that ..
An apparenU, 'i"P""tant IWndle told., "R -no difference to, me Ir
:l:t ~ ~ 1:..;:t;' ~'l\J:·= l:~du.!11"3:.~~ ~ « •
with the Healan (Moton:yde club) That led Illa olrdoullJ ' 1od JllJldit
crowd. i , to moutb • =" =t. PIP i "l"ve learned .my ,_,,•he Jald. a1hew~lia~'bo1.
"And I'm through with that kind ol The . leilre-checked
thing from now on." on just wtiit Ille 1md 11ld llJld ~
eommenled to the cour1, "Whal he has
just .Ued thll courJ to do Is a blologltal
ifllpoalbWty.;• ' • . Rundle, II, ol 114 Alber( Place, . Wll • , ..,.Vlcted al leadln1 a mus Healan
uiluJt .Jut Aug. 7 on foriner amateur •
lloler Robe11 Glazier. · •
Oluier, JO, of 2D4 Plactnt!a 1.vt.,
Colta 'Mesa, WU whipped wtlh ' cycle'
Challll Ind ihot' In the lelt hand dilrlnc
the m• Healan attack on bis homt.
f,ollce laid the Incident wu a mea
rei>l'lial by'th.>leitber'J~ -...
for an earli« """-lirl•l In which'
GI-·-keel · down a meinher · ol' Ult-club. • ' •
Asked H he hoped lo -with tile Soviet Jeaderlhlp later, N!mi 'lplln:.
"I hellev, tbal a IJ!'l!llllic willl Uie ,
Sovltt' lea~ ahauld like p&lce.'' 1 , • ,
The Prell"""t adde4 .llowtver tbal.be
'I'" OJJl'll'<d ~ 1·~ _.;11rj" aild'
'\'OU Id (0 to 1 IOCJ\ I "'"1/n( Giiiy lfl<r
caref'ul PttPlrltlcin.' ' i
"But ·It la "'1' !S<lilloft to .........
eiploratoiry ' J.llb.• II ·-' ......... lfillOo ,toJd ldo ....... -c!>•www. 'Minn aid lw' thGulblrlt: ':lrilall1;..
po<tllll" to -wldi tho ....... alllet helcn ........., la W -Hry,
with Sovlll leaderf. • • '·, "1'111 .ll·only the lkY, ........ ~J!"=tol=:.~-1~,
Smlfs and ~ · for· !Ila ~ and rovllillalM th'•
Ainei!Cin.tliro-. llllriuiiWi!T1. • ~ ftild ol Jiit ...... ,..., • • • •·· • ••
A• much 111 Ute~ 1 'lfO'I' to go
thcrt, pi.nc hijtcbtl don1t g1e
mtteh ~oJ a toarm-tdtlcomt • ~ tr&m lidol C0.11'0'1 poo.
.. ~p .. ,1 .. ; • . . .• . ' ·~. ~··· ........ .. ~, INI ........... •tt c... ,, ............. .
l. "*'"" ,, :a::;-.. '--· ' -. """"" .. ,.,. ~ .• ...... ,.. ' ......... =I ..... E.:: ..... 9'" .. , ~ l'ft,C... .. ::::.,. '.·~; ~::= ~ ..... ' .......... I • • \ ,.
• L
.. ----•
a -v PILlt e ~; ftle9." iWI
• • Oil W , rl{ers·
Lonallm< Orange Coasl oil foe Vici<><
c. Aodn•• of ia,... Beach today ol·
ferod to llj' Newport Beach councilmen
lo the Sanla Barbara oil llick .. thly
could, in his wonb:, "see tht other
1ide of the coin."
He referred to loon liven Newport
Beach and Colla Meaa COWJCUmeo by
two oil companlea laat year to see
camouflaged oil well oprratlonl tn the
Los Angeles aru. ..
Andrews, lit Emerald Bay. WU I
key worker for the SheJl..Cwmlnaham
act problbltlng drlillnl In Jlate tidelands
from the Santa Ana River to the Mulcan
border. caJ11ni Newport Beach "our !Int line
From P .. e I
evidence at the scene lmpUcated 10meOne
"He has been completely cleared and
the records will show that fact," said
Capt. F.d Glugow, chief of the detecUve
Capt. Glaqow alao aaid the woman cerlabllJ acted comctly In eeeklnc pollce
help at the time , but upreaed coocem
that the incident might cau.ae relucLance
among vlctimJ of crime to notify police.
On1,y one week qo, a Sant.a Ana
teeoqret confessed well over 2 O O
burglartea In the county, but utouoded
invesligatora learned that up to SS per·
ctnt had gone unreptrted by the
neal!P\t vicUma.
Glad to be h<e, the """'Illy acc\Jled
burgluy· all!p<Cl in Mondoy'a Incident
oald today he learned a 1 ..... lrbm the
experience and othen mill>! alto lwn
"Till guys when they 10 out walking
to lake a bli dog for prolectlon -
or maybe their wives -10 they will
have a wltotu to support their 1tory,"
he oald.
The man, who muli~ bear a close
resemblance to the actual marauder who
tried to enter the woman's Meaa del
Mar arta home, will understandably re-
main mUdentWed. m. name ii bowtl, however, far
beJood .o-p CaunlJ u marklD& a
tradition ol,ANl!neu IUCCeP, ,._cl
and bonorable public ottVlct.
organized Family Lile program will help.
He bopel to see m«e emplJaala In the
future on vocational education.
Terry Hay, 11$\1 N. Bai Fron~ Bolboa
Island, In filing hla candidacy popen
listed bis occupatJon u student. He could
not be reached for comment today.
Blanpled, 41, ol ma Alla Viola Drive,
EUtblulf, is an atttomq who wu ap-
pointed to the: willied board in 1996
to fill an unezplred term.
Illa oppooen~ Dooald SlraU3S, 51, ol
1010 Via Venezia, Lido Jale, b an H·
ecuilve with Beckman Instrument.I. He
hts served on local school boards sinct
Wayne Has Fall,
Breaks Two Rihs
From Witt Seorvtctt
DURANGO, Mex.--Movie tough guy
John Wayne broke two ribs in a fall
here, where he Is on locatJoa. for film-
ing or lht picture "The Deftndeni."
Wayne, a Newport Beach resident,
slipped on the tile floor of a restaurant,
Jt W'8 explained.
Doctorl saJd the II-year-old actor
would be unable to work for IO days.
UM1¥ PllOI
011.\N"f COA.IT "Ul\.lllOMG COM,.il.H"f'
ft•t.••I N. Wtt4
"'111*«11 .... ,. .... :,,..,
Th en111 1Ce1wif ......
fh•Mtl /tt,.. .... ,,i.;~t
'••I Nl11111 /.fwtflltlN Dft•f""
c-. ........
lJt w •• 1111.-, s1r •• ,
M1lll•t Mlf1t-t1 ,:.0. I• 1160, tJ6J'
,o.wCW.... .,..._.. ...-r nu -... .. ..,. ...,It~.,.
Ldlll!l'-.ndl: Ill ,ll'ht ... .....,.
tlwlWi"" IHO>t • Jlfl lltffl
ol deferue," AndttWs aald, "I'll pay
lor their ride U \MY ao and look at
Whether or not they grab the offer,
the Newport Beach councU apparently
needed little prodding about the oil
City aides readied for Monday acUon
a resolution for the President and state
and federal leglalators uldng eatenston
or the Sbell-CunniJlilwn protectiona Into
federal waten.
Andrews called for a shutdown Jn all dr!IJinl and eiploraUons oll-ebore ilntll
there is a complete invesU11Uon. lte
queslloned succeu of eUorta to 1iop
the Santa Barb.ara oil break addln&,
"I'm not sure they can ever atop that
'"I believe more in estheUc1 than
desperate need of oJI.,. ~drewa said.
"I warned the oil inlereala back In
the Mirr' this would happen to ·their silly
oil rigs but I wu poo-pooed as being an alarmist."
He said be understands the 20,<KKI
gallona of oil lost daily that have callled
the aoo ·aquare mile oil alicll: could In-
crease in volume if greater fissures
open in the ocean floor.
"Thia lJ a geophysloal cataatrophe.
lt's u bad or worse than an earthquake,"
said Andrew1. "Any kind of J storm
front Would have the oil right here
on lhe Orange Coast."
Andrews said, "All of a sudden con~
Trustees Delay Decision
On Cutting Kindergarten
Of .. Dllfr """ .....
Newport-Mesa trustees wUl wait until
their next board meeting ~March 4 to
decide whether to cut back on the kin-
dergarten program next year.
Board members, who made budget
cull llllOWltlng to $131,000 thll week. aro •ll"Ol>llJ" i:onalderlnll doing away
with the preoent utended ldndergart<n
day and goln& back to !borl, two-a-day
sesalons. Faced with a current budlel def1cit,
board membe:rs don't seem Inclined to
conUnue the coatly long-aeuton kinder.
ten program another year:
JM before aq.ing, thfiy decided to give
Supt. Wllliam CUnnil!gham a chance to
taJk to teacben about how much they
think klnderg-are benefiting
from lhe loopr day.
Action by the bOard Tueaday n!gjlt
WU tw~fold.
-Trustees approved budget cuts of
1131,000. -Tbe)' voled not to budget for im-
proved educational programs next year.
reccmmended to them in tht: amount of
'Ille $131,000 In cull fell abort of malt· lnc up .for a $S47,000 current operating bu~ictt. attributed to the e:rtend' ed Jll'Oll'Bm trustees had
upected Jlalo lo fund. &orb· members found the cutr, ...,. omine.ded by the admlnlatratlon, ea!y
to make. '11ley Included double budget
entries, une..pended salaries f r o m
positions not imn;iedlat1ly fllled, and
constructico pootponement.
Board membe:r Donald StraUM re-
femd to them 11 "those thlOp working
in our favor." He, for one, wanted school
adminiJtrators to force reduction, not
just wait for breaks, he said.
Included in the $132,000, however, were
a few actual cutbaclu.
Largest wu $30,000 that will be saved
by not honoring requests fOr new equip-
ment and personnel at Maude Davis
Intermediate School.
Other cuts were $6,500 In Estancia
High remodeling to provide more eclence
lab space and $8,500 for several Items
such as Cost.a Mesa High band uniforms.
Board member Mrs. EllzabeUt Liily
differed with the majority of trustees
on the budget cuts. She oald she finds
nothing sacred in merves and doesn't
fear dipping Into them to save programs,
panlcularly purchase of new classroom
"I don't quite agree with the principle
that the kindergarten money we lost
must be replaced at all eo5ls," she said.
By turning down improved edycat.lonal
programs for nen year the board killed
a $600,000 request by As.sociat'e SUpt.
Norman Loats for reading specialists.
reduction of cla!S sizes, and increase in
purchase of classroom supplies.
Trustees said It just doesn't appear al
this time the money will be available.
Bart Hake, ei:ecutive secretary of the
district teachers association, made an
appeal for teachen to be consulted on
decillOM alfectlng educatlol1al programs.
But the board's decision to table Loats'
request seemed to cut off that possibility,
ai leut (or the present. ·
Costa Mesa to Get Tough
On 'Closeout' Sale Lures
crackin& down on merchants who lure
bargaip-hunirY buyt:ra wilh tales of fiscal
woe, Costa Mesa city offlclala art about
to make the toua:h fate of going out
of businen even tougher.
The Costa Mesa Chamber of Com·
merce Retail Committee meet.a Frida)'
morning to study a pn>pooed new
municlpal ordinance, clapping strict con·
tro1! on every type of termlnaUon sale.
Chamber-of Commerce Executive
Manager Nick Ziener says It Is
part.tcularly Important for the more than
JOO businessmen concerned t.o study four
quesUona about the impending legislation.
Under its present draft, the buslneaa,
profeWons and trades secUon amend-
ment would Umh closing-out &ales to
30 days with a $$0 fee permli issued
by the city.
No 011e would be allowed to stage
a golng-out...of·business or receive the
necemry permit wlUtout putting up •
'1,000 bond wbk:h would automaUcally
be forfeited for violaUon ol lbe detalled
rules .
'l1le ctty cooncfl could -laking llnal acUon ot Ito Feb. 17 meellna,
1f thl chamber maMs a pronounctmtnt
at 1ta I o.m. colfe•-and-di>ulhnuto study
1a&loo Friday.
Queatlooa ol particular concern to the
rei.D commlttoe ara theae '
-Wllat oort ol limit 1boutd be lmpostd,
30, llO, or perhapi to dlyo!
-Wllat aart ol r .. abould U.. onllnance
set for a ~t.«-l>uainela oal•! -Shoald tha ontinance define the ocope
of a mm:blnt'1 lllven!orJ to be dlspoeed
ol lll IUcb a Nia, and u ... Its lllnlta!
-Sbollld tha clll' cl&lm the rlcbt to
cbecl< and app<oVe adveJ1lalng copy
prtpll'ld for audl• cloae<llt oale!
~ within jutlaOJ<tloo ol tha dty
Flnlncl Do,.,-, c1-t 1 a I e
ponlllll could be nvoted at any tbne
for vlolatlbns ouch aa addlr., metehan-
dla durtni the alt or W.. ""'*1Jolnl.
Othal' fadoro -IUcb u aa appUcanl'•
CM?!Otloa ol a o1mt lllvol"flnJ -al
tarpllude or ~1114 within lllo ~ n ..
yoar, -would allow no pon!llt to bo
laluad •t all.
Aaotllant City Managtr Fred 5oraabal
said be IJlUclp1te1 contlderaUOn of tba
ordinance Feb. 17, If the chamber of
c:omm,rce decides on a recommendaUon
If city councilmen adopted the
ordinance at that Ume, it would become
law within about 45 days.
Con Men Using
Television Bait
In Heist Racket
Con men offering a good deal on
wtd television set.a are evidently
oper1Ung in the Harbor Ana, arranging
a cash sale rendezvous, then robbing
the would-be buyers.
A Costa 1tfesa man who read of I
$600 hoklup at a mttt.ing in the South
Coast Plaia .shopping center told police
WednMday night that he is another vie·
tim of the pair.
Dean L. Smith, of 3230 Wa!hinglon
St., told Officer Chuck HoHard he lol!t
MOO in a grand theft al the same location
under ldenUcal circt11M1ance9 a week
Smith said a pair ldenu.tled as Tony
and Nick telephoned his office and ar-
ranged to sell him used color television
i;et.s, then. snatched the money out of
hls hand and ran when he met them.
Garage owner Rlcba"1 E. Kelly, Ill
Shalimar Drive, told police TUesday that
he sent two empkiyts to meet TV ped-
dlers idenUfied a.a Tony. and Marty for
the same plirchue, arr1na:ed by phone.
One man waited' in the trutt, while ·
hil partner went with the bandit pair.
A qua:rel en.sued over whether to ts·
chance tbe money before or after the
television HU wm dellvtred,. however.
The man klenUlled 11 Tony showed the
mooey-carrl&r a iun. endin& the dl•pute.
C&pt. Ed Glassow oaid today Illa detec-
tlvn havt uncovered at lea.st one other
cate in which ·an lode pendent
bulineumln wu contacted by phone
with an oiler ol ltlevlsJon 1et1 at blraatn
Nothlng else haa turned up In the
lnvaU11Uon ot two other robbtrlea Mon-
day at a motel and a prtv1te hornet
which netted a toll! ol 11,300, detectives
said today.
---·. -·
To Stop Po'lluting Flow
servatlont.ata. art: all up In arms .. Where
were they When they allowed the wells
to go 1n 10 yell's ago .In Santa Barbara,
Ventura and Huntington Beach."
Andrewa aald his gYOUp had ll'led
desperately to lnterest northern Orange
County In oll prohibitions but said Hun-
tington 'Beach l..dterqts aeemed moNi in-
t.ertsted Jn baviag tbe oil wells.
'1f a well (oU-sbore) ever went out
in Huntington Beach it would be the
eod. of' the oil ittleresta thtre," he said.
Andr(W1 warned that atatt: tidelands
could be opened up to drilling under
the Sbell-0.mningham Act if there
becomes rusor. to belfeve that drilling
beyond the three-mile limit is draining
state resources ( oll).
1969 Fish Fry
Wins Approval
Of Mesa Council
Turning a page to remind us it Is
almoit that tlme again, the Costa Mna
City C<nj,ncil has aranted approval for
the 111111 Coota Meaa-Newport Harbor
Llona Club,Flsh Fry,
'Mle June 7 to 9 10iree in Costa Mesa
Pai-k wUI be the'%4th ·annua1 ripeUUon.
but wl~ .ma}or ·~iti'W :-dimensions ~
Southlandwkle, television coverage.
Co-cllairine"n CWf Wesdorf and Orville
Amburjey'developed the television angle';
which will be financed by Costa Mesa's
new car ·dtall?rs and agencies. · ..
'Mle three-day Celehfaµon ii..highlig'lltett
by a Saturday parad'1 ~~h wW ·be
carried in color by CharineJ~ Five for
t~· SOuthlanders not amoOg the 100,000
who generauy ·attend. -
Benefits from, the huge volume of
crisp 'fried fish dlnners v.ith au the
trimmlna:s -plus other: f~ ind refresh-
ment conceulona -~eflt a numb<?r
of Harbor ,.\rea organlza.Uona_.
nie Boys Club and · Girls Club of
the Harbor Area· are ol partJcular in-
terest of · the Lions Club, which also
aids the bllrid.
City Councilmen
Get Badge, Scouts
Get Proclamation
Councilmen sitting on the hotseat or
municipal government might seem in
line for different honors, but members
or Costa Mesa's governing body are now
Not tenderfeet, Tenderfoots.
Represent.atives of Boy Scout troops
throu ghout the Harbor Area attended
the Monday city council meeting , to
receive a special proclamation honoring
Boy Scout Week Feb. 7 to 13.
Each of the city councilmen present
and other officials were given honorary
Tenderfoot badges for the occasion,
Ed Baum, Harbor Area scouting exec-
utive, was present for the proclamation
by Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, who said
he once attained scouting's Second
Class rank.
He wasn·t the only one present with
Scouting experience.
Councilman William L. St. Clair spent
eight year! as a Scoutmaster. while city
em ployes Frank Mahoney, scoutmaster
of Troop 2«, and Jack Nettlt:, assisiant
scoutmaster of Troop 319, arc currently
engaged in scouting a~tivities.
From Wlre Sen1Cles
SANTA BARBARA -Oil company
work~$ began forcing '30,000 gallons
' of mud into a th.--ee-incb well pipe today
in a desperate effort lo stem the now
of oil which made tar patches of glisten-
ing beaches h'fe.
Officials admitted it cooid lake aa
long as two more weeks to stop up
the leak at an offshore drilling si\e.
Twelve miles of peari white beaches
already were coated with tom oI acrJd
crude the consistency or chew Ing gum
and ciUtens of this resort community
w're up in arms.
The penetraUng amell of crudt: oil
seems to be everywhere. BeauUful
beaches are blackened for miles. The
once sparkling blue harbor of this scenic
resort city is covered with thick, gummy
&lime. A wlldllfe expert calls it the
worst disaster ever to hit California
bird life.·
Wind and rain interfered wllh the
relief operation and kept away the
tourists wbo flocked to the seen& by .
the hundreds earlier this wee.k. However,
the wind did not blow more oil asbort
during the nlgbl
"We have a real killer on our bands,"
oaid Dr. Robert F. Dill, .cbainnaJI of
the state Advisory Board for Underwater
Parka and 'Relervet, wMo planned lo,
fly OV'f the Illa of oll today. ~e· said
rtudlts made several years ~o when
an oil tanker went agrowxl off B1ja
California indicated all mirlne llle within
five nilles was killed. . ·
The oil on the shoreline \vu tli~ edg~
of an BOG-square ~le: sllck in the Paetflc
·which grew more vast by the hQur
i.S thousands of gallons of oil boll~
tq. the surface from Jbsures on the
ocean f!Oor. .
While oilworkers struggled around the
'clock to seal the ·well beneath Union
Oil Co, of California's Plalforpl A· six
miles offshore, more than 100 tnmates
· from 3late con.Servatlon camps tolled
on ·the beaches . to &dp up µte slimy
me(s with:&traw. \
The layer of sludge, fror,\ two to
alx.inches Ulick; ~ashe(l across the sands
to ~lhe high tide line, h!avink a 15-yard
strip ol blacke~ed beach rtsembllng a
giant strip of roofing tar.
The initial 'effort to stew. the now
of oil With oil hlud - a Chemical com·
pound whTch hardens like 1!'9ncrete -
·failed We$es<fay and a spokesman •said
another attempt would be •made tbday. ·
U the mud fails to seal the well, the
only allemative is a re lief shalt nO\V
being sunk. The drilling of lt "'Ill talie
at least hvo \1 eeks.
Ike Robinson, SL C:ror~"· U1:ih. : :iid
he was going back hon1c rrorn tl!s vaca-
tion a day early be:::uusc ur Lile irn asion
of oil. "Jrs flo\ving like blackslr:1 p nlo'as~l·r.·•
he said. Tuesday evening he stuotl in
the Santa Barbara Harbor jelly. "l•'ir: t
I saw only a few small splotches u~
oil on the beach. An hour later, l!1c
entire beach was covered."
Stiff onshore winds were expected In
continue through Friday. lntcrn1itt crt
rain \Vednesday and today harnperetl
crews on the beaches \~1ho d11mpcd straw
on thP. sand to absorb the oil and lhru
raked it into bags.
Sea gulls, their feathers s1nearcd jct
blaclt with oil, flopped on the gummy
sand unable to lly. At least 108 or
the birds were known to hove died
of the more than 200 brought to three
treatment centers, and hundreds -0f
others went uncounted by State Fish
and Game officials.
A double log boom was placed across
the entrance to Sant.a Barbara Harbor
but the oil washed over the barrier
and lapped against the hulls of 700
For lasting elegance, enhance your home
with famous HER IT A GE upholstery ...
T ..... l4lf1 I I t J .......... lftt ~ ........ .
,i'CMIOllf•:• Alp ....... nOI ..__,.I .............. •
small cralt valUed at more th.In M.
mWon. The harbor wu evaC'lllted' . .. because ol the f1rt bawd.
Bill Irvine, who hu been In lbe yac
maintenance buslness hert for 2.5 year~
estimated It would cost up to $100 tp'
clean the scum from .the average priv.all
boat. Union Oil sent insurance adjusters
into the area for the expected avaland'tt
ol claims. ..,
Local conservationists aud official• • were furious. ~
"People are mad," said Santa Barbar{
Mayer Gerald Fireatone as he. sW'Veyfl4
a blackened beach. "You bet .they'rt
mad . This city is known throughout the
world u an attractive community. Look
at lt now.
"We have laws which prohibit oil drill-
ing within the city limits. But what
can we do about this? This comes from
* * * Nixon Seeks ..
Strict Rules
On Drilling '
Special to tbe DAILY PlWI'
WASHING TON -President Nixon oald •
today as a result of the Santa Barbara
9tt Pollution disaster new and "very.·
stringent" regulaUons will be developed
for all offshore drilling operations in
federal waters.
"I have found that there has been
Po updatirig' in 15 yeara in our policy
on offshore drilling," he told a preas ·
He said Interior Searetary Waller·
Hickel has ordered studies "to update
regulaUona 90 thls kind of incident does
not occur again."
The President, in response to ques-
tioning, said be believed Hickel "acted
prompUy In temporarily slopping" drill-
ing off the California coastllne. Hickel
·tw been criUcized for not ccrnpellina a longer ban agabist the activity.
"Looking to the future," Nh:on saMI,
"we've got to get some mean11 of ap-
plying vt:tJ stringent regulations to
o!fahon Grilling.'' * fr fr
Reagan Proposes ·
State Inspection
Of Ocean Drilling
S:\CRl\MENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan
said today he would like to see the
state inspect offshore oil wells under •
federal jurisdiction -such as the one
that has poured oil into the Pacllic
off Santa Barbara.
Reagan told his ne\l.·s conference that
fed eral inspection standards for the rigs '
are .. about a third" as tough as the
state standards.
But Reagan expreased confidence lh1t
U.S. Interior Secretary Walte r Hicke l
will move swiftly lo toughen federal
standards. (Related Story, Page 4)
Reagan also said lhat the federal
government should set aside a fund from
offshore oil revenues "lo help us" in
the event anything lik' th is takes place. •1
fo.i"'I....._ rt.. .. lftOrl .,._ 17S .... -llldl OM I .....
"' ~iltt .-'II~ ll'ld uo..4ite __.....,. Nld. •
..ti&fv 'f'OW W ~ ...... ...m_ "-9 I ..... of
.,., to0 .......... ftbrb ~ _.,., OOI~ OIDOI' ...
... tu,., °""' .,,.... ....... -bl ... ._ ......
,.~ ..............
20% OPP
2215 HARIOR lL VO.
6-4t.'ll75 6-4..017'
• •
Retired Queeti atad Air Casualty
, Wreckage of ~dinavian Airlines System (SAS)
DCB (circle) which ctashed Jan. 13 ot1. Playa del
, Ray sits on Pier J, Long Beach Harbor; ·near Queen
Mary, curreritly being refitted as hotel and mari-
time museum. SAS liner carried 15 of 45 aboard to
their .deaths in first, C91J1JDercial crash in 21-YOOr
history of Los Angeles International Aill>ort.
Wreckage, and plane's flight recorder, recovered
from ocean floor Tuesday, are being examined by
Federal AViation Agency officials in effort to deler·
mine cause oI crash.
Grove · Youths
Found Guilty
Of Murder
A Pastor.~s Wile?
She Belly Dances, He Studies Divinity
Two G:µ-den GroVe ·youths have ~r
found guilty of the murder o( a mote.'
manager who collapsed and died of a
heart attack during a holdup at th p~mises.
"superior Court Judge Robert P1.Knee-
Jand ended a two-day closed hearmg b)
committing Daniel Wayne Smith, 16,
ahd his brother, Donald William, 15, tc
the California Ycuth Authority · for an
indefinite term. Newsmen were bmed
fi'om the court ,throughout the proceed·
J udge Kneeland ruled lhat William H.
lfeaselgrave, 53, manager of the Dunes
Motel in Anaheim, died as a direct
r~ult of actions of the Smith brothers.
B6th boys held up Heaselgrave's motel
la5!: OCt. '8 and were captured four days
later while they were carrying out a
sitbilar anned robbery of the Skyview
Motel in the same city.
BANGOR, Maine (AP) -Like many
another young wife, Jennifer Albright
is putting her husband through college.
The .difference is ~t Jenny works part
time as a belly dancer and ha husband
is a divinity student.
"Belly dancing is really a hobby with
me," the dark-haired housewife explained
alter a recent Performance. "It just
happens ~fan make a little extra money
with it." .
Jenny, 19, · is .the wife of Stephen
Albright, a student.at Bangor Theological
Seminary. "He thiJiks it's great," she
enthused. "He looks at. U as being
artistic, like designing jewelry."
She took up belly· dancing after trying
ballet and other dance forms. "Ballet
seemed .so limited t.o me," she said.
"Belly dancing ls much mare creative."
Jenny, whp makes her own diaphanous
gowns, dances professionally only . at
private parties and Stephen is always
there. Even so, she said, some of the
Albrights' acquaintances are not as ap-
proving as her husband.
"A lot of my friends think of my
belly dancing as a big joke," she ad-
mitted, but added, "I'm thei'e to express
myself ir. dancing' as my mother would
in her painting."
BoUt the Albrights come.from suburban
New York, she from Yonkers and he
from Hasti?Jgs-ori-Hudson. • J e n n y ' s
mother 'teaches oil painting and her '
father is a publishing execuUve. '
In addition to her dancing, Jenny also
waits on tabliis at a Bangor restaurant,
is training as' a telephone company
operator. and takes night courSes at the
Unive rsity of Maine.
But she makes sure to find time to
sew her costumes and prepare herseif
for her perfomiancee.
Said Jenny, "It takes me at least
an hour to put my makeup on.''
Committal to the CY A means that both
boya can be held by' the reform author-
ities up to .and including 1he age of 2.5
before further action-.ii taken.
Fountain V afiey
Fitness Classes
Get Unde1 Way
Atomic Pla_nt Plays RQ.le
In Preserving Alligators
• !tennis, acrobatics, "slim ind trim,
and gymnastics programs all get undet
way this week in Fountain Valley.
Those interested .in any of these cit}
i;ponsored programs should register DO'A'.
The classes will be ~epeatec:l in ~ght
Already under way are acrobatics, slim
and trim, and gymnastics, with tennis
starting Saturday.
Slim and trim is held Mooday ·and
we:tneeday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
at Los Amigos High ·School; acrobatic,;
is conducted on Monday and~r Wed
nesday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Fountain
Valley High School ; and gymnastics on
Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to -9:30 p.m.
also at Foll{l.tain Valley High School.
Tennis instruction will be held Saturday
mornings from 9 a.m. to ooon.
Registration for these classes should
be made at Fountain Valley City Hall,
10200 Slater \ve.
For more information, call the Parks
aod Recreation Department at Fountain
VallC1 City Hall, 962-2421.
Art Exhibit Opens
More than 1,000 art objects, Including
paintings, metal work, stitchery and
pastels will be elhlblted today through
Saturday at the Huntington Center, 77T1
Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach.
WASHING TON (UPI) -The alligator
may be about to join its dinosaur an·
cestors in "the dark mists of extinction."
But it is just possible that atomic
energy -feared by many ail a threat
to all life -may help it to survive.
The stor; of the atom's role in at-
teJ;npts to preserve the alligator comes
from· the Atomic Enf:rgy Commiss:Joti'i
Savannah River plant at Aiken, S.C.
According to the Savannah River
Ecology laboratory, operated under con·
tract by the Institute of• Ecology of
the University of Georgia, the alligator
is "a vanishing remnant of the age
of dinosaurs."
••t.ong on the list of endangered species
in the United States," says the ·Jab,
"the American alligator has been
threatened-on every hand by human
poachers seeking profits from sales of
its valuable hide, as well as by general
destruction of Its habitat by encroaching
civilization and pollution in Its native
Thanks to atomic energy, however,
the alligator has now found sanctuary
frpm its worst enemy, man, in the
Savannah River plant which· <MXupies
a region of 315 square mlles in South
Carolina on the northern bank of the
stream for which it ts named.
The AEC's produCtion reactors require
an immense amowd of water to cool
them, and this water, warmed by nuclear
fission, is rj!turned to nature~
Alligators,, and~a lot of other aqua Uc
animals, have found this warm water
a godsend. They love Par Pond, a 2,800-
acre reservoir built to rece'lve the
warmed-up water before it ls channeled
back into the Savannah River. .
The latitude of Aiken, S.C., is about
the northern limit of the alligator's
range. Blit the warm w,ater pumped
into Par Pond has provided these
dinosaur-like reptiles with. a 10Cal climate
suitable fur them in a11 seasons.
Even when occasions.I snowstorms bowl
above their beads, alligators can swim
around in the tropically warm waters
of Par Pond happily devouring sundr:Y
fish and turtles which also have 'l!een
attracted to tbe warm water habitat
supplied by the atomic age.
These circumstances have provided
scientists with an unllsual upportunJty
to study the alligator and other wildlife.
The Savannah River complex, except
for deer hunUng 1eason1 tn recent yearl,
has been closed to the Public · ainCe
1952. f
For the first time, scientists have
been able to attach (painlessly) sonar
tracking devices to Ute alijgator's bony
back and follow Its wint.er and summer
movements, from one breeding season
to another. ·
From infonnatioo thus obtained, they
hope to devise programs "aimed at
ensuring the long-term survival of the
· alligator throughout the e n t Ire
southeastern United States.••
Their experience beRJ'I out the genera)
scientific view that the alligator 11-111
shy and inoffenaive creature."
;Hangover at White Hons~·
Serving of Imported Wine Uncorks Minicrisis
WASHINGTQl'I (UPI) -A White nt..S fight 11 out over the wine Issue,
House IOCial affair baa generated but on this one there appeared to be ~tbl1 the first minlcrisis In Frend> agreement that domestic wine should =":,:1°tions ol -the Nixon .ad· be served at the vlhlte House. And
President Nixon. departing lrom the some of the things they sAid ' -or
pro.American wine policy of former al least Implied -abolll the French
Ptesidenl Lyndon B. Johnson, served might sbake the vlhey-. there. ;
a fine French wine last weekend at From California, a big domestic wine thf first formal party since be usumed growill( • state, Sen. Georie Morphy
office -honoring foreign diplomats. predicted it won't happen nest time
~can legislators from wine grow -and blamed it on some old French inc areas are up in arms. wine left over from a prevJOUJ. ad·
f Horrorsl" the California congressman miniltraUon (or perblpt aome dusty
cried. "Whal a bungle," said the New tabelt). .
Yorker. "De Gaulle'• DOt. worth it," sen. Jacob• K. Javlll, (R'!j.Y.), uld
protested another. It wu obviously "a 1Up." uHe II new \\'lthoul publicity, Nixon served Pol -~ de Roget, a superb c b a m p a g n e 1 at the White Houle, .ui.1 aome member
unavallable In many Waslilngton liquor of the llafl lllllsl ha,. lllipped • faat
atores. "W~ haven't had It in ytar1,'' one by Gn'"'hlm," said Rep. Samuel S.
said two liquor dlspensen who ha"" Strall<Jo, <D-N. Y.).
been lellill( splrill to adminlttraUon Sen. Alan Cranston, (l)()a!U.), hinted wr.e. ..a officials for years. the bon<)'lllOOn might be over between
(>r.Jinarily, New Yorkers apd Clllror· 1 Democrats and Republicans. ••Tbe Pr;at·
~ -
dent and Congress are suppooed lo Ii<
In th« honeymoon period," Cranston said:
"I hate to cr!Uetu a man durinC a
hone)'llloon -pail!eiularly bis lute I!'
wtne. I can Only aay: I would bave
chosen diHerentty:"
Rep. B .. F. Slsk>(r>Callf.), told the
House Nixon had ruled tn favor ol
"DeGaulle's vineyards" over U. S.
Durl!Jg • his lldminlslrilUon, J.W-' ,
ordered domestic wines served at White
Hoose !unctlons. During l.h e ad-
mlliistrallon ~ Jotm F. Kennedy,• Mn.
Kennedy Insisted on French and other
foreign wu,es.1
Murphy bini.d that Nixon, a naUW!
CalUornlan, would be 1el"'ln& Cll1fornlt
and New York wines In the Muni.
111 am inclined to believe that tb1I
Is nothing but • bad hangover ldl from
the form<r ,admlnlslrallon," Murphy
said. .t'
(SJ DAii. Y ,!LDT 3
'E . t~~d Oil S(tpctuary~
11ni1~~t rSee~ ~af,eg'"ar,ds . for Coast
. ' i ~' _,,., ' ' ' ' .) ' By JEilOME II'. In aowUoa lo the COUllCU .--Jutlon '1111 -. will nquool --or • °"" .,,. ,.. . ' 1 now ln preparaUorr, _the mayor•thla week cm tbe ~ followed by tbl llllm1or
.. Ne......t i,..••',wUl1oeet •"-,aid o1 will ~ letters lo the ~ty·1 Coo-Deporlmell! In •wanllnf ail-. •wo
"'"' ..,,.,,-"' ""' ' ' ~ de~tlojt to Senatan qeorge wul lo --we -be sllJe,•a,nd !O(le!.'1 Jecillol\IQ-4nd;Prlf~· Murphy Ind ·~ erinaJoo and to [D.· =rd It "hminp," aid lllri. d~t • ~·M' .Nhioa ."'"· ·toLpoevenl tertor Del>utnient . ~' wati.r ~"And we wanl lo "!DP-'-
..petlt!Oo oltbe_~ta,BirbaJ:a •dll ~ Hkke~· ~clhe:ellY'!' -111on ttlli •• "'"' ,... .... II Ill -·
Uon'dlsast.r,on the Oranie eoOsf,"M•Yol' to'any federally llllCtlode<I olflhoril drill· to -·.Ibo ~ pvm • bf ~n> M~all' Ard-TueO!a~ · Ing. , · • • ' ' 'the~ Act."
. A ,Cur ·~en feloJptioft it6w .'tJetng' l, ·: j : 1
prepilr<d ·calls 'for !orteni!oii .i, the Sbt!U· * * * Iv" · ~ Ji.. Cunn1naham Act's oil san-el·u ·afy ! '\. )• · ... . ~ · • 1~
AIOgunisbitO[edOralnlWi'lllOul<L L •k'N '~-a. z·'···s' 'b. ·. k~ :i. ' l.\rianlnl°"'' <od!lcll" i)>pro.at• Gt the ea ll. . n y . et ac . A reabl~111 e~1'!J Mo&dt:y.t , r ~ .. · . · . > , • t. '· · ~ 1 Vfc;e Ma)'Qr · '·""'''°" "Paroon$, ' who-• · ' • . ' ' Iniuallj. · Ql'Qsedo;T~ '&efion, said · · , ' 'I. ' 'I -
he ·1;0~.'Wblt• -support · T D . "ll" . . c1.:.~ . z · 01.thedtt•~ueat. , O· . n 1•IY·lll: . 1mnne
'I lillallne President Nbcon-would tie • • . . "'f~. "O; · . .. . . · · , ·
Vel'J; omuCbr in favor ' of algnlni • IUCh 1 ' . · •' • "1
a bill. inasmuch as be ii a former · \ ~ • 1 ' ' reslcient of Orange cOunly," lald SANTA BARBARA (AP) . -The paid for the S,f!IHcre leale blncl·lbat
P·-s · massive oil ·&eat· -1"'•1••'tbil ,Santa once.looked ao ~~ _ --· ...--. Industry sources "!Y other oil ....._
Ma)'OI' Marshall agreed. '"l'!te Pres!· ~ar~~~ u:"or 1a:;r ~~ ~· wJliel) bougbr~ tn the _.
dent eerlllnly has pel'IOllal knowledge . since they paid -miillon a year . are beginning" to woniler about th8
of our area and the tesult·ot the trlpdy ago for Ute rlCbta: to lhill ln the arU wisdom of their Investments. baaed
oil Santa Barbara," she sold. largely on the' ract that le-·In a
Tbe city's 'concern about drlllJng So ·far only two of • doren ml)'>r lhree-mUe state'owned-strtp nni·to lllEi
be ham cl firms which bid on channel rigbls-liitff' yond the Sbell-Omnlng A •s three-arinouneed ...... have foond Oil In ...._ shore have produced large quanlilles mile llmlt arises, according'to tM mayor, _., r-of oil. • from two sources: duclble quantiijes. They are Union OU It was thought the oll~bearlng Ands Co. of California and Sunray DX of, -1be fact that Santa Barbara's waters 'I'Ulsl, Okla. extended outward ' under the channel,
are al!o included in the state drilling but· this is yet to be proved.
prohibition, but the oll sUc~ 11 bubbling ' Tbe leak, which hal spread more than Tbe oil leases run fo< five ,..,..,
up from federal waters five miles from l50,000 ~ of crude over tbe »mile-wbicb gives the eomP.81lies time to con~
ho wide chlnflel, deVelpped on the day that tinue searching ... 'l'btte'I a lot of land s re. Union was ready to start pw;nplng the __ ,_. -WonnaUon that oil companlet In first oil ubore from a drill site lix out there we haven't tested," -1u one
recent months have been conducting miles .Off the coast. · ~the meantime, oil ftndl 00 Aluka's
offshore explorations In !ecleral· waters .Now U=plon It ping drillJng mud North Slope and .In the Gull o£ Mute,>
o!f the orange CountY ~· bJto the.; . well and bJto three have drawn much ·equipment, Ind men
' "It's now · beyoncf question that the others · ' OOsly completed !tom' the out of the ebanoel and ·drilling aclivity,
sanctuary should be_ I~ than the same platform -,tO preyent, l!le pciul~H-Is slowjng down . lrom the Initial spurt .
three-mile limit," said Mn." Marshalt ty they too milbt blow oul · seen after the 1easea were awarded.
"If the federal government permits oil A Unloa apokelman Aid the firm iB Industry aources say they are faced
leases four or five mllea· out, we have conftdent and the other three are not with the J)l'ObabD1ty that 1t will taU
no sanctuary; oennaneallY damaled, that the Jlllld.ean longer and coot more to develop the
"We are very much worried about' be•nmoved IDd tbat It can IOOD begln ' channel than they ' bad planned,· bot
tbis." , rullsill( a return .on the "1.t> miUlcm they',. not pvtng up. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
' .
• '
222 Victoria Street, Coda, Mesa
<Act0ss · from . NurserY,,llnd)·
;,t .• .ft
-----: -~1· r ..:. ~~ l-!. r ~ .•. t; 1 '-r
In aU · fairness to our many . fr~ruh who
missed out on ·our Once-A-Year Sak, due to
illness and the rains, we are e,,xtending this
fabulous sah for the entire m.onth of Feb· ·
The Management:
.SAVl~~S FROM 50% 10 70% ,:::1
' ~ ~ ' ••• •FINE TABLE LAMPS
MOTHiNG· 'HELi) •BACK.• illpU SIMPL y~ CANNd:r
' ' oa ,MASTE.R€B~GB, OR
' _\·. "-l IAJ/tWAY .r,MN.
' ' ' ' .
' m Victoria Street:, co.ta Mesa
<Across 'from N1neryla1d)·
646-3737 . .. Special Courtesy to ·
·Builders & Interior Deco re ton '
" ' . .. '
DAil Y I'll.OT
<c...w IW .. D911f Pf* lfllfn
11Senators have to eat, too'' says ~ohl Jtepubllco~ LoO<for Evor!ff
M. Dir"-!n supportliil the in-
crease In ·....,..1111on11 ollarles
from '30,000 to $42,500 per Ye31"· •
Hunt.Itri~, Ala., police said
thtU otTe!ted a man for bur-
olaf'JI and breaking and enter-
ing, Btfor• th•¥ cat111ht him, of·
/k:er1 1akt, the man had broktn
a hot plaoe, a bookcase and the
float in the water tank of a
toilet. In hil pocketl were three
toothbru.the1, one 1crubbTUJh
one bar of soap, one plaatic
. comb, ont can of 1courlng pow-
Pentagon Halt.s
Sentinel · ·System
WASJIJNGTON (UPI) -Tllo ~Deperlmeol bu IU..,.ndld doployment
o1 the 15 bWloo Seou..t AllUballllllc
-· l}'llem'pendJlll a rlYlcw ocheduJ. eel for completloo ID Mlrd>, the Pontqoa
aid 1od41.
Israel Balks
At Big Four
Talks Plan
Unltetl Preu lnternaUonaJ
hrael ball<ed today al a U.S. pro.
-· lo< big ,_ prellmlnuy taJlll that would Investigate the poulblllty ol a
Middle Eu! HlllemenL A 1poblmln
called once mon for a •lined J)lllce
seWement reached through lsraell-Anb negotiatlom.
Tllo -..... In a llllt.
meol Illar -llecrtllry Melvin
ft. Lllrd WU told In a llUlr -Cbalnnao L. -Rlvtn (J>.11.C.),
that the -NIDld SlrYlea Com-mittee ... holdlnc up ICllan 00 the
..thin" ABM 1J1t1m unW the Nbod
ldmlollllrolioll dlrlf!ill Ill poollloo oo
the project.
-Nlllle aid Ill bll DIWI -
fll'lllOI a obarl --the Pa1-
1MOUJ1Cemml lbal a --to .. -with the IJtol!oel would be Jllldl bf Laird aod bll -.
"baled .., the llCUrlty ol tho Unllod
1llo Pruld111t dlcl 1117 ho feela the
SenUnel ••lddt to tbt ovvall dtlenae
cspabWty" ol the .. 11on Ind will go
beyond mtn1!1 defending qalnlt any
Communiat Chineae nuclear weapons
delivery cspobWty ol tho lulure -the J-ldmlalalrallon'1 prlmlly reuon for crclortnc tbe limited l}'llem.
der and a pair of curUng iro111. The ailuotlon wu -pllcaled by anU-
W'leli uprlslnp In the OOOllpled 11'111
and lllJ'lell authorities loday relmpoled
a curfew In the Nabl111 are1: wbeD new
demonstraU-by ......., Ind chlldreo
brob out ID the IDClenl S1m1rttan clly.
There had been clalheo earlier thla -with chlldreo hurllnl llooeJ Ill police.
Nixon WU Uli!'d If illllP'11llon ol
deployment at II pr.-t Senllnel Illes
meant tbat 0 w1 IA mU:lnc IOIJ'le pro.
ereu with the Jbu:"an1" on ll'Dll con-
He replied tbtre hid been °no pros:re~
OO ll'ml ccmtrol lalb with the lluWna."
lie aid he WU empbulrl'W the need
for IUCb taJU, but wanted 111eme poUUcal
differeoces" to be included in any nerottaUom.
Hundred• .r Worklro Tackle Job at Santo lorbara Where Oil Ll11 Two to Six lnch11 Thick on llffch • A free-for-all broke out In the Ft.
Jlood otockade at Temple, Tex.,
when someone cut off the lights in
the day room where prisoner•
were watching television. Just as
the lights went out, an untdenti·
fled 'pruoner threw a cigarette can
througli a wiJ!dow and ~e fight
wa1 On among about 1!i0 GI 1, with
chairs and cans b!rlng hl!l"led in
the c!arlmess.
' . Some 1,000 Chinese-Americans
who work for San Frenclaco de-
manded they be given Feb. 17 of1-
wlth pay. It's the Chinese New
Year, they said, a religious boll·
day for them. ••
llundreda ol Anb women lltqed hW>
ger strlket In Belru~ Ammu Ind
Baghdad in suppart of the Pa! .. Hnlan
Arab women who have been demomtrlt.
Ing ID lsraell«CUpled territory. Tllo
-llllUgaled by 1he Pllestlne Womeo's Pedel'ltloi! In Cairo, cAued for
the United Nallonl to put an end to the
"terrible m1a1crea" Jn the occupJfd ......
Yltzhak Rabin, tbe lsrllell llllbuudor
to Washington, llld In JOllllllm he wu
unhsppy aboul the U.S. declaJon to aUend
the prellmjnuy taJq at the United
NaUO.S. He said hrael'1 position would not be good Jf the four pawen reached
Mme mutual agreement on the Mideast
situation. Hil ltltement w11 made 1D an
Interview -by llraol Radio. Diplomats 111 the United -alrudy were pr.dieting elow J>l'OllW wben the taJka get started.
Gideon Raphael, lsrael'1 director ..,,_
erll ol the forelln -all() allowed illspleasure at the PoOllbnlty of an Im· ~ Miii-but Aid lsroel was oot
CCIOCel'Dld over tbe U.S. agreement because the Israeli position had been
made !mown to w ashingloo.
Followln&' a11110UDC .... t ol the holdup
oa ABM, the Peolqon uJd In ._
to lnqu1rllo that "certain Upecll ol
the 5eollnel _.,,, recently. hsve been
deten.ed, IUCh u tho acquiallloa ol elta &Dd' anc COllltruct1on..,
Electric Failure
Cause of Crash?
W ASlllNGTON (AP) -lnveatlgaton
believe an engine inalfunctioo of a Unit.
ed Airlines T11 jet ucou1d have resulted
In a sroa electrtcal lyolem failure" be-
fore the aircnft mshed Jan. 11, killing
31, the Natloaal TrlnlportoUon Safety
Boord Aid tlldoy.
The boanl said It Is continuing its tn-
v .. llgaUon .ol !he crub oll Loe Angele1
which killed 32 passengen. and six crew
Slick Brings
Slow Death
For Birds
dredl ol blrdt, the vut oU lllck pushed
uhore by the winds became a black
Ude ol death.
Wilen well-lntenUonecl rescuers ap-
proached, the blrdt flapped their Wingo
feebly but were onable to lly. Smeared
jet bla<k with oil, they plunged towll'd
the safety ol the waler, now 1111 Inky
black pool tnmad of foaming llllrf.
'The cormorant&, whlch dive under the
IUl'face for thelr foods. were the lint
blrda stricken. They tried vainly to preen
each other with their beaks but only
clogged their eyes and be.ales with the
Bucher Defense May Call
'Higher Ups' in Military
The 1tate Department of Fish and
G1me r-'"'1 Wedneaday night that
a total . .11l._2H hirdl were brought to
three apeelll treatment centers since
the ollshore leak began.
Of these, 108 were dead or died after
tttatment and 108 were Uvtng. Uncounted
others perished on the blackened
lhorellne. Birds smeared with oil died
on the sand at Zuma Beach, to the
aouth in Loi An1elea County.
"Thia Is now bulkllng up to be the
hlaest dlaaster ever to hlt Callfomla's
b1rd life," said Capl Cliff Matthews
of the Filh and Game Department.
It too.t back~ normal foi Lt. (j.Q.)
Suon Sch~ a navu nune ioho wa1
atattnced to tht fir1t prison 1mte.CI'.
ewr handed out tn tM U.S. t.o a
taoman officer. She returned to htr
;ob in pediatrics at tht Oak Knoll
Naval Horpital whilt awaiting an ap-
peal on her conviction. • The referee blew his whisUe .for
the start of the second half ol the
Cwnberland Cup Championship
game between Alston and Raffle
United in England. Alston rushed
out -but no Raffles. The Raffles
players, complaining· it was too
cold to play football, huddled
around a fire they had started on
the sidelines near their bench. Al·
at.on was declared the winner. ••• Burglars broke into the Bunny
Bread Terminal al Herrin, Ill.,
and stole some "bread" - a safe
containing $2,000 in cash and some
quiry Into the lots of the USS Pueblo
may reach hi.aher up into the military
eche!OOI 'When the defenM of Cindr.
Lloyd M. Bucher Is presented, It was
disclosed ~ay,
E. Milis Harvey, civilian attorney for
the Pueblo Ripper, .said ht would caII
any wttnesa he thought might be helpful
in clearing Bucher.
·Harvey iJ,eciried no lndJviduaJs, but
It waa considered possible the inquiry
might go into hlgher ranks of the N1vy
than have been called so far.
Hlrn!y said he did not think It woold
be necessary to go to the level of
former Secretary of DefenJe Robert
1be first scheduled witness at today'•
hearing was Q.M. IC Charles B. Law,
Jr., of OlehaJll, Wa.h.
All the wlto ..... •P-"111 befon the
boerd of five admlrala bave been called
bf the .Nafl'. Bucher will hsve Ju. turn • at rebuttal later,
He has been warned, aJlhoUgh the
Navy emphsJlzes that lt 11 routine, that
be la .._led ol rl•ln& up Ju. llhlp
Ind moo wilhout nelot1nce. But he con-
tends be dJd not have the means to
resist when North Korun gunboat. cloa.
ed ll'OOlld Ju. lnlellla,... lhlp on Jso.
23, ltel.
On Wednesday officers of his ship
went down the line to defend their atip-
per's acUon and character.
One young officer aid: "I would follow
him anywhere."
Anolher sald: "Without Cmdr. Bucher
we never would have made it through
11 mootha in capUvtty."
Bueher's engineering officer said he
agreed with th e commander's decision
not to try to scuttle the Pueblo because
jt would have taken hours.
Appearing belcn tba court Wednesday
were three crewmen ....:. Chief Warrant
Officer Geoe H. Lacy, tho engineering
officer; LL (J.G.) 'Ilmothy Harri•, sup-
ply olflcer, and LL (J.G.) Frederick
C. j'S)jp" SCbumacbtr, operaUon.s of-
Then was not a word of disagreement
during the day of testimony wltb
Bucher'a decision to surrender hls ship.
Scbumacber commented: "He ii one
of tile -olllcen I hsve "'"' known."
"Even if the oU leak were plugged rlcht away, lt will stlll take up to
two months to clean up the beaches."
It wu ezpeded that hundredl of birds
would die deopite treating them with
c:bemlcsl baJbl which dissolve crude oll
but not the natural oil ln the bird's
''Too many have swallowed too much
oil," 1akl Frank Hubbard of the game
department "After theJ have swallowed '° much, Ibero ts llWe cblnce of saving
Thieu Says Viets
Now Can Replace
More U.S. Troops
SAIGON (AP) -Pmldent Nguyen
Van Thieu aald today the South VJet.
namese army now "has the c1pabllity
to repl1ce 1lzable American troop LDlitl
jn the war."
100% Chance .Rain Today Tbleu's appraisal of hla troops1
c1pablllty, made at a news conference,
was nol detailed, but tt was by far
the moet ambiUoUs Slfgon ltatement
to date.
Runoff-swelled Missilsi ppi Floods Caruthersville
He coofirmed earlier nporta that the
South Vietnamese command is conferring
with aenior U.S. officers on preliminary
plans for withdrawal of llQllle American
combat troops this year . •
c-1e1 °""'°" .................... .... "" .,., c.lflMIJM .. ,.,..,.,
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Thieu dkl not Jndlc1te 1 withdrawal
timetable. When asked for 1peclfic
flfU"'S, he said that he had not received
a report from the Vietnamese and
American oftlcen who are coofming.
Thl.eu did not make the expected an·
nouncement of dates for a cease.fire
for the Tet. lunar new year cdebraUon
In the middle of thls month. "It la
11111 too early," he said. but be added:
"Up to thl• dale, ID principle we will
hive a Ttt truce." Tbe lunar holiday
th1I year falls on Feb. 17, and the
Viet Cong bu proclalmed a 1tven<la7
ceue-lln for Feb. 1$.21.
Borman Plans Visit
With Gen. De Gaulle
PARIS (UPI) -U.S. Col. Frank
" " " .. .. . .... " ., .... " ..
Borman, wbo commanded the first man-:: nect space ship around the moon,
:: pttpored hlmlltlf for anotlter flnl_ todsy
.., -a mee!lna with President Chari"
de Gaulle. •1 $1 Al
n " "' ...... : ~ .. " .. " . Bonnin wW be the !Int U.S. 1Slm!1ul
to be ....ivetl by De Gaulle when ho
an'IVts for \\be mtcUng It tbt EJy&H
Hickel Def ends Decision
On Off shore Oil Drilling
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Interior Sec-
retary Welter J. Hickel today defended m. decision to pennlt the mmnptlon o1
oll drlllinl off the sho..., ol Calllornla.
In apparent ......, to crlUCI, the
secretary said he did not permit th•
resumption ol the offshore drllllnl until
certain aafety provisions had been met
by the oil componlea.
At the aame time, Hlclaol said hb
department had a moral obllgaUon to
honor o:tnlng oil drllllnf leases 1n the Santa Barbara Channe wbleh were
signed under the Jol!Mon adminbtra·
Hickel bsued m. defenU ID a lengthy
statement released by the Interior De-
partment in which he said "This admio-
i.straUon is dedicated to the preserva·
lion ol our nat'ural eoviromnent and
,_, Ind la doing lta ulmoll to
recllly the oil pollution Ind damage
currenUy occurring in the waters and
along the shoreline of the Santa Barbara
IOckel came under heavy fire fn c:ongresa: Wednesday from 1 Santa Bar-
bara County official for allowin~ drilling
operaUoM to resume while a ng of the
Unioo OU Co. wu polluUnf the waters
with 12,000 gallona of oil a day from a
leaking well •
Hicltel aald Union w11 maklna a
maximum effort to seal the leUlnl
well ond ail other operatlnm from Iba
ocean pl&Uonn had been 1UIPtDdecl
But the secretary warned II wu moA
dangen>UJ to cloae dowll .. -oil rig than It wa.s to keep It operaUng.
"Dewtme.nt engineers assure me
that thlS drW!ng per se doe.o oot -a threat of oil leakage," Hickel iald.
"On the contrary, the longer a well In
the process of being drilled ii allawecl
to be shut down, the more baJards m.
crease, due to the fact that permanent
devices and installations to protect
against leaks are In an lncomplele
Hickel pledged a complete review of
the admlnistraUoo'• offshore oil reguJa.
lions. Until thla review la compltt.d,
he said, ''TheN will be oo lurlber It.pl
taken which could ltad to a decialon
to lease additional federal lands in th1
Santa Barbara Channel ...
Hickel also noted that while be had
permitted the resumption of some drilJ..
mg in the Santa Barbara Channel be hid
not permitted any new drilUng operationl
to begin.
Six-lwur Paris Meeting
Fails to .Make Headway
From Wire Semen
PARIS (AP) -The four delegaUons
In the Vietnam peace ta.lb met for
&i:r hours and 20 minutes today but
made ·no headway toward breaking a
"We tried 11a1n today to csll the
aUenUon of the Other aide to tha future,"
said U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot
"We also repeated and clarified eom•
of the speclfic proposals we have made.
It wu a Joog day ••• and although we
do our very best to achitve quick pro-
gress, the going ii hard. Therefore, ther•
mlJlt be no false optimism. But we
must n o t be discouraged. ne United
States will persevere in the search for
a just and lastlng peace."
The four delegations scheduled Mother
session for ne:rt Thursday.
In the meeUng, Lodge called on North
Vietnam and the Viet Cong's NaUonal
LiberaUon Front to "come to grips"
with basic problems of peace. But the
talks were bogged down Into 1 solid
deadlock, tealed by violent att.cts on
the government of South Vietnam.
Lodge told the conference the United
States ii not permanently wed to the
idea' of two Vletnams. He w11 aeekinl(
to undermine Communist arguments
1gainst reatoraUon of the demilltarized
zone (DMZ), the slx·mlle-wide buffer
zone that runs roughly aJong the 17th
Parallel and now divides the Vletnams.
Lodge declared that the United States
does "not ngard the 17th parallel u
a permanent pollUcel boundary.
U.S. to Study
Aussie Harbor
WASl!!NG'!'ON (AP) -The United
Stata has agroed to ID Austrellsn ,.
quell le study tho felllblllty ol U11n1
nucleer erploldves to develop a harbdr
oo Austrella'1 -cout. the State Department announced tod1y.
No declalon hot been made on whether
United States will -elly take ~
In the project al Aultralta'a Cspo
Keraudren, the deporlmenl added .
II said that declatm mull await the
outcome ol !he U.S.-Austr11T1n study
on whether the employment of atomic
exploel•t1 !or blutlni the harbor and
channel would be leclmlcal(y and
l!<'Cl10!J1lc'1Jy -table.
"The rtttoraUon of the demWtarllOd
zone does not ID any ny include the
reunification of Vietnam, If that ii thl
fttely cbooen preference of tho people
of North Vietnam and of the people
of South Vietnam," Lodge aald. "But
th•t kind of expression of cbolce c:an
only come w:llb puce."
* * * l,OOOth U.S.
Chopper Lost
Over S. Vietnam
SAIGON (UPI) -Ground fire downed
the 1,000th U.S. helicopter lost in Sooth
Vietnam durlng the war, nUUtary
spokesmen aaid today. American BU
bcmbers tr)'inl to prevent buildupi for
a new Clomm"'1ist offensive raided all
four regions of the country.
In Salgoq. the U.S. command an-
nounced American battlefield deaths last
week were the greatest in seven wee.ks.
And military spokesmen said Communist
forces sustained their heaviest losses
In four months.
During the week ending lut Salurd1y,
the spokesmen said, 1111 Americans died
on Vietnam battlefields and another 1,5'9
were wounded, The losses were the
highest stnco the Wttk ending-Dec. 14
when 222 were killed. Communi!t loaes
last week were placed at S,190, the
largest number ol killed llnce 1,311 died
during the net ending Sept. 18. 1911.
Spokemnen llld the fnc:mled loan
reflected Allied eUorll to thwlrt Com-
munist bulldupo that could lead to •
new offensive by the end of the month.
The lllOOth Amer1csn helicopter l O 11
In Sooth Vletiwn Wl\I downed by Com-
munist guonon Wedn<oday 44 mdt1 wt
of Saigon, spottsmeQ sakl F o u r c:mnnen ot the Army UHi chopper
were tllled. American forcts allo have
lost 10 helicopters ov!I' North Vietnam.
They were oho! down belon tho U.S.
halted bombing ol the north Nov. 1.
Air Forco BS2s dropped at least ZI0,000
pound• of bombs on -communist buo
camps. IUlpected troop concentratlons
and wli! Ind llqrlle ~la Wed-nesday · ht Ind today. The bombero
struck ernmoat Quang Tri province,
Kontum province In the c 1 n t r a I
hlghtand1. Vlnh Long provlnco In !jw
')'ltkong Della and T17 N!oh provl!ltt
ill miles northwest of Sa11on.
l :Plan Hi~
Hugh Hefner, the king of the
Playboy foldout, shaken up b)'
a little nudity? ll seems
urilikely, but that's what the
man said.
But then. it wasn't the
average Playboy magazine
sort of dis robing. In fact, it
was a protest against the
magazin e which may have
shaken its publisher.
It happened Wednesday, as
Bruce Draper, manager of \be
Playboy college promotion
deparbnent was explaining
Hefn er's ''Playboy
philosophy" to about 75 Grin·
nell C<illege students .
Ten students -six women
and fou r men -walked Into
the lecture, passed o u t
literature ti tled ' ' P I a y b o y
maga zine is a money-changer
1'1odtl C0-3ll Mcceor
in the temple of the body."
They then took off all their
clothes while singing, ques-
tioning Draper a b o u t the
magazine. and hoisting signs
saying, "Liberated Women
Are Even More Fun," and
"Play-meat of the Mon th."
"\\'e protest Playboy 's im-
ages of lapdog f e n1 a I e
playthings with idealized pro-
portions and their junior-ex:
e c u ti v e-on· th e-way-up
possessors," the gro up 's
literature said.
The demonstrators said they
were membef-s of the GriMell
Women's Liberation Group
and the Guerrilla Theater. The
women 's group has been
distributing birth control in·
formation around campus.
while the theater group made
its name by sponsoring a male
homeeoming queen contest.
Now you can afford
to carry around your
own color TV set.
This color portable TV has a 12" picture and is 30 lbs. of
Pacbrd Bell quality. Yet it is remarkably low-priced. .
It bas snch Packard Bell features as Sct-N-Forget line tuning,
and Instant Color Purity. . ,
It's allO solid-state : 24 transistors and 2 1 diodes for trouble-free
life. (And it all oomes in a good-lookin.g silver cabinet.)
So j( you want portable color at a pncc you can can)', ask for
Paclcard Bell's Meteor.
And remember, look for the silver finish.
Paolkarc:I Bell.IB
Color Prices Start At $258.75
' 549.3493 ROY BULLA'S
!One Block North of 1911> StrHt)
GI Goes Iraq Re'leases U.S. ~Oilman
AWOI-by Held on Espionage Charges
Parachut~ He , wu .aeated at . a table
with the IOCl<lary cl tlie ln-
formaUon mfnl.str1, Sbuel ta~
q1a, when Taqu Aid:
"Despite all the mistakes
you have made. ,and because
we Arab people have our noble
jorlnclploa·llld vll~es, 7ou, Mr. Paul BaU, are r..,e as from
this m....nL
"You can join your wife
and I am sure 1he will bfl
happy to have you back at "-'--.. '~"''· .
Cardiac Arrest Kills
Hotel Heir Nicky Hilton
Most Stor•• OJ»rt Thurtday and Ftldrf NIQhlll
-f ,{II ~'"'' An• 'rwr·! ANAHIV,M
of Name
• 1n
at s100 $110 $115
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fuhton---1and2butlon,old• wullldmodola
Jn-wool"°rlleda. Forthe manwl!Gdlll•llll••
pattems. Forlhe yowig exedutivo and college nwi-IUlhontlo
2 and 3 bullon noturol ahoulder models with much w.nted-.
Solid colorlWflll, wlndowponnand llrlpeL Wiit gNlll..inge ..
th la, you're eure to wont at lea et two. Como early for cholcololectlonal
SMr_ .......... i.:
NO MAit.°" l'tfOHlOftOl:ftS!
3333 lrlttol COSTA ,.SA ' •
·• .............. --~. -----
• loAJLY P~ ~~~ P~~E·1
The Preserve , Method '
• Agricultural preserve status was granted by the
·Board ol SUpenioors last week to 56,000 aCfOS of Irvine
Rauch land and nearly 33,000 acres oo Rancho Mlsslon
~ Viejo.
. The acllon came under the new state law aimed at
eoulmlfing urbanimtioo forced prematurely by taxes
ba.ed on highest market value assessment.!.
By agreeing to keep hi! preserv.,.1tatus land In ag-
riculture for at least 10 years, the landowner assures
hlmself of taxation based oo agricultural use -not on
a value geared to development around him.
The •preserve law Is frankly experimental. It.! goal
Is laudable in a state threatened with loss of its great-
e.st natural assets under pressure of booming popula·
lion growth. '
Nowhere In the state is there greater need for such
protectron than ht!re in Orange County.
If the 1aw produces seriOus-inequiUes, these can be
corrected in time..
In the meanwhile, and on balance, the preserve ap-
proach still 'IPJ'O&rS to be the best, If not. the only, long·
tenn answer to halting runaway ·consumption of pre-
cious farmlands because of. economic pressures ..
Business Is Business
Take heart, debt·ridden fathers of sons in college.
You may find future relief -even if you have to sue
your son.
. A Miami, F1a., father has won a jury trial judg-
moot for $19,000, the amount he had paid for his son's
undft'graduale yean and for dental scbool lflenranl.
The son claimed blJ f:ather volunteered to P«Y for
bis hi1her education. Bui the father produced a letter
from Ills son acknowledging the debt and protnlslllg to
repay 11 at $100 a month. ·• "
Bw1ness, it seems, is bualness, even when' tt•1 all
in the family.
McGill Carried the Torch
Ralph McGill ls dead at age 70.
The Georgia columnist and newspaper publisher
was a giant among journalists -but especially in the
Old South. For be dared, as a Southerner, to carry a
forthright journalistic torch against southern bigotry
and regressiveness long before there was ncb a thing -
rui a civil rights m'ovement in the United. Slates.
Honest to the marrow, he could not see fellow
human beings of whatever color ground down without
vigorous protest.
Marked for deet)i by the Ku Klux Klan, he smote
them all the harder -and became one of tbe most
honored men of American journa1ism.
Ralph McGill was, in truth, "the conscience of the
modern South." More than any other man, ~or group of
men, he brought compassion and enlightenment not
ooly to the Deep South but to the nation -for he was
read in hundreds of newspapers, including the DAILY
PILOT, !r'om coast to coast.
Only a man of near superhuman courage and forll·
tude in his pursuit of justice for all can ever replace
the great gentleman, Ralph McGill .
(See his last column below.)
Ralph JtlcGill'• Last Column
' ' Aviation's
Welcome Racism in Freedom's Name
The follo10ing opl!l •PP<al lo Calif·
ornio'• Robert H. Finch, tM new
Stcr<lal'JI of Htaltll, Edueatloll ~·
Wel/tlf"t, waa t1U' la.rt column written
bu Ralph McGill be/or• hil deoU. 111
Atlanta last Mondal/. Su <dltorfal
above. -Editor
Secretary Finch. , Jl yon ha.. just
a moment, sir, please lend an e1r:
In a lllllall Georgia city the superll>
tendent m th< Independent city school
system hu re.signed. He reportedly wu
In oppooiUon lo propoilall lo merge th<
county and city system In order to regain
federal funds cut di by loetl dedslon
lwoJW'I ..... '
'lb< oupe.~ II deacrlbed u a mooc proponent a1111e -m choice plan. Yet, ,.ports .,. that there have
been no crossovert wbalev1r during
regular ocbool Dllll!lhl lliioe Ille free
c:ho4ce plu was inllltul<!d, Two of th<
system's &ehools are aD-Wblt.e, one is
all-N ......
So much for this story. Lt! us -
lo other -and lo dlaculalon of the broader blue.
THE l'REEDOM of choice plan BOUJ1ds
good. It la freedom. But, Mr. Secretary,
freedom of choice as lt relates to public
&eboola In Ille South, more especlailJI
the smalJ.town.<urlll South, Ill too Ire·
quently la a complete non r;equitur.
In some systems, ror example, there
have been charges of crw 1ntitnldatlon.
In others, reports lfB made of private
visits by persons wl» mille, but . 11y
rather grimly, "You don't want to send
your children to the white school, do
you! I don't think they would be· happy
there .•. It might not be sa!e .•• "
Freedom of cholee • bu prodUC<d a
• IJl!ld<l$ ........ t of all-. operation. In
all too 181ft1 communltiea it bas raulted '
ill cartfWly screeeed tokenism aJlol no\blill nlore. There are fr<edom fJ1
choice cm:ununiUes where the all-white,
or almotkll·white, school bas. a large,
well-lltted-<M.it band, a good gymnutmn,
and a ·reasonably good curriculum. The
all-white, er almost-all-white, !iChool will
have state accredJtation. The all-Negro
achool will have no band, no gymnasium,
and will not be accredited.
TBEilE AIL TOO often is no freedom
ln the freedom-of~ice plan. It too
frequently ls freedom in reverse. It offers
a segreptionist, racist dominated com-
munity or board an opportunity to pro-
claim a free choice whlle they covertly
employ "persuasions" to m a 1 n t at n
segregation or meager token.imn.
'Ibe problem of culturally -deprived
children increases. For some years it
-the deprivation -has been exported
to all major cities in the nation. The
effects of the segregated school system,
with Its generatiom of discrimination
agalnal the poor -especially, but not
altogether, the Negro poor -are starkly
evident in every social problem we have
today-ranging from children to adults.
. It will be the greatest ~ragedy with
the most foreboding consequences if
public school officials are allowed to
perpetuate dual systems.
THAT THE PUBLIC school system
needs restructuring so , u to care for
lho&e who have been educatJooally starv·
ed in the past is undeniable. Huge federal
funds will be required once the new
structuring begins. To allow local boards
to tise federal funds to furt.ber establish
their own blindness and narrow prejudice
can lead only to further dlsaster.
At a more pragmatic level, it ls not
good politics to curry favor wtth local
or state politicians who presently urge
leaving local boards to do as they please
with the choice plan. The rlsi.ng ex-
pectations of peoples long separated from
a share in their country's benefits, plus
the steady enlargement of voter registra-
Uon, will in time react even in rural
areas against those who desperately seek
to maintain separation and denial or
equal education for all children -in
the name of freedom!
Rallison as Literary Critic
To the Editor:
It was truly heart-wanning to read
of the Orange County Board of Educa-
tion'• recent refusal to p u r c base
"Hirolhbnan by John Heraey. Our
atudentl pe now llfe from lt.s potential
In ~ tbls battle. we are indebted to Dr. Dale Rallism., whose literary
a.denllats Include a degree In dentbtry
and menibership in the John Birch Socie-
ty, and lo Board President Clay Mitcllell,
wbo promptly exercised his constitutional
rigtJt to criticize the book, even before
be bad lime lo read IL
NOW THAT WE ba•e made this
au,oplclom beginning toward clwtlng up
""' libraries, let UJ hope th< board
ol -will completa lhll last by pualng oo lhe following blibly.auapiclOUJ
"''*" I. A hlghly.pttjudlced account of AraJ>. Israell history In 'Ohlch the Anib bloc
11 depicted as a confederalloo or ungodly
aJave owners. (The Oki Testament or
the Bible) :a. A romanllcbsd descrlpUon ol JuwiDllf dellDquoncy In which a )'OUllg boJ --.., lft.ll'I:, rww away from
-..i _,. lo enJo1 lile a grea1
Thursday, Febnwy 6, 1969
Tllo odltorfal -of IM Dallv ,.. .. .a to ..,.,,. o"4 ·-
"""' ...... "'~ thla •• ,..,r. ophttoM and """'" -. °" topl<r of lt<t.rut ""' .. .,....... "' ~ .. ,_ .,., 1111 upr.wfo>I •!
-.....,.. oplnlou. ond l>r
... ~ 1111 d-.1 """"
j,ojiolo ,.,.,,,..d '"'""'"' ...S ,,..._ .,. topl<r of Cho ..... •
Ro1>ort Jll. Wted, Publisher
Letters from readln are totlcmM.
Normall11 writer1 thou.kl convev their
me1sag1 in 300 words or less. The
riQM to «md<!n.re t.ttfn ta fit space
or eUminat1 hbei U reserved. All
l.ettera-must inc!ud1 signature and
mailing address. but name1 ma11 be
withheld on reque1t if sufficient rea·
son U apparent.
deal more than his respectable coun-
terparU in IOC.lety. ("Huckleberry Finn"
by Mart TW'aln)
a. A POEM wmcH impliedly en-
coura.es our chUdren NOT to be grateful
to thetr parents by claiming that lavish
holiday glft.s come from a red-tinged ,
be~ed (oreJgner whose delivery vehicle
iJ a~namlcally unsound . ("Twas The
Ntght Before Chrl&tmas" by Clement
Clarke Moort)
4. A subtle endonemenl of "hippie"
Uvina: ln which an othenrise employable
adult male Idles away 1 full year bes.Ide
1 J>091 while the industrial revolution
moYCI right on without hlm l ("Walden"
by Henry David Tboreaul
FJNAU.Y, BY A single dramatic
gesture, Dr. Jtalllson can sllence his
crlUcs and diJplay once and for all u,... quallllea ol operunlndednes& and
, charily ao ne<...ary lo a public officllll.
When ne:rt his literary quallficaUons ani
questioned, he &bould promptly rePort
lo the Engllsb Department m the neaml
university ••. to have hla teeth checked.
'ltlust Be Sol'r eenelll'
To the Editor:
It lt not dlfflcull to understand Judge
-In bll "blut" •t th< Orang<
County School Board for bann1ng certaln
books. .
The judge Is a very fine gentleman
and hls character ls beyond reproach.
But to analyze his feelings in this
Instance one must recall the5e three
1. He wa.s voted out of office by
Orange Coonty voten beca~ of his
llherlll views.
I. BE WAS DEFEATED in said -;lec-
tion by a member of the John Birch
Society and it is evident that he has
no love for any member of the society.
3. When defeated as a 1'Republican"
he soon thereafter received his judicial
appointment from Gov. Pat Brown, a
ApparenUy neither Judge Sumner nor
your article made It clear that ruo
ConUguo is not a regular public school
but a sort of correctional school operated
by the county probsUon departmenL
Naturally the study material for this
school muat be screened much more
carefully than for public schools ln
Wiiy dou the DAILY PILOT
calendar take note of General
Lff's birthday and not that of the
wlnncr, General Grant! What
have you got against OarnyankeesT
-{). W. T.
To Mr. Nixon
It Ii!! not exactly a tidy shop lhat
you, RJchard Milhaus Nb:on, have in-
herited as our 31th President.
For one thing, H it is not recognized at the outset, it unquestionably will soon
become apparent that aviation is no
longer the stepchild put administration!
have made It out t.o1,.be.
Air tral!lc coilg~on could throttle
America's commera!. The crisis has
already been reached. We're dealing now
with the matter of degree. Rock-bottom
would be the day when all air traffic
comes to a grinding halt. lt can't be
shelved, Mr. Nixon, much less put aside
for eventual handling.
THE SUCCESS of Apollo may be put-
ting a synthetic gloss on the nation's
space eff.ort. It could lull the public
into a sense of well-being and, thus,
take the heat off the-need for an ac-
celerated space program.
Funds are needed for urban redevelo~
ment, the poverty program, etc. But
don't make our space effort the
scapegoat. nie ''boiler room" must be
kept going or the whole ship, no matter
how comfortable the interior or how
attractive the exterior, simply will not
The need for revitalization of our
rnilitary aviation program. is so obvious
as to make our small reminder
superfluous. But it is part of. the total
aviation-aerospace package that must be
among the top a~nda items for your
THEN, THERE ARE what might be
termed ''housekeeping" problems. The se
are the kind that are not ea.rtb..flhaklng
in their scope, but that can sabotage
you even if the major affairs of state
are being handled adequately.
You'll flnd a Civil Aeronautics Board
with more Democratic members than
Republicans, plus a 0 em o c r a t i c
chairman. CAB is an "arm of Congress"
and you're not supposed to control it.
But you'll be the first President fn
history to have that agency under the
control of the opposition party.
Tbat agency was the Instrument by
which your predecessor messed up the
procedura1 achedule, among other things,
of the Transpacific Route Investigation,
thus Jiving bact to you the hot potato
that you and Generlll Eisenhower loosed
to the Democrats eight years ago.
CAB ALSO HAS a primary
rtaponsiblllty for the economic health
of the nation's airline industry. Right
now, the ·industry is suffering and needs
some imaginative assistance.
At the Federal Aviation
Admlnbtratlon, a good job is being done
under the clrcwnstances. But wltb its
40,~ua fmployes and the budget thAt
1003 with j~ th< -...,,,. destined to serve as the prop for cabinet-level
departments of I"' mponslbllity.
OF COURSE, THEO Is the matter
of world stature. Avt1Uon is a Cop.priori·
ty Item ln other naUona. But we are
now number three in 1ur,er1onlc
transport dewlopment and ar down the
li!ll as a nqot.lator for air trmsport
Aviation needs your attenUon, Mr. Nix-
on, •ncl needl It right oil the bot
On the other aide ol the coin, it Is
one of the few are11s 1v11l11ble in whi ch
you can move pfflrmatlvely and ef-
fectively where those before you missed
th< boat.
Amtrlcu Avlatloo
. . . -
Crime Is Defined
We must not forget that "crime" ln
a society is anything that the society
cares to call "crime.•• A community
can arrest women for wearing skirts
too short or children for staying out
too late, if these are defined as offenses.
And much, if not most, o( what we
call crime ln our society is the result
of such arbitrary definitions.
GAMBLING, narcotics and prostitution
have been, in the past, the three main
~es of income for organized crime
Jn this country. None of them, in my
view, should be defined u a "crime"
-for all three are emotional and
medical problems we have not even
tried to cope with.
Narcotics are responsJble for much
prostitution and for many robberies.
Girls go on the stteet because they
need large sums of money for dope;
and they need large sums of money
because dope is illegal and therefore
expensive to obtain.
AND MANY MEN commit strong-arm
robberie:i because they need $50 ·a day
or more to satisfy the dope habit. If
addicUon were defined as a sickness,
and we Were ready to spend as much
for treating and rehabililaUng such peo-
ple as we are for jailing them, over
and over again, we mJght beat this
problem inside of a decade.
Gambling, of course, would not be
classified as a "crime'' in a rational
society, because (like narcotics and pro-
stitution) it hurts no one except the
person who Inflicts it upon himself
Moderate gambling is harmless, and
lmmoderate gambling ls a form of
emotional sickness .
against gambling are what keep the
crime syndicate rich and flourishing,
make lht. police corrupt, and feed the
kitty of many a political campaign.
.. Respectable" society does not care
fo know -about such things. It clOl!ie!
its eyes to the absurdities or Jegislation,
and then screams for "crime cleanups"
every four years -even though the
very system it supports tends to
perpetuate the evils it deplores.
SLUM DWELLERS see all this much
more clearly than the bourgeoisie, for
they live in the middle of pro&.i.tutioo,
addictfon, illicit gambling, cops on the
take, politicians in the fix, the juice
racket, and all the rest of that nightmare
environment. Asking them to observe
"law and order" in the midst o[ affluent
corruption is just a sour joke.
THOSE WHO.UVE In the lower depths
see the true workings of the social
organism, just as those who work in
the bowels of a ship know much more
than the passengers strolling on the "A" deck. Tbe machinery does Its dirty
work below, and unless we help get
down and repair it, it matters not how
gleamingly we scrub the deck and polisiP.
the brass.
Limitations on Liability
During the intermission at a movie,
a man ste pped over to an ash tray
to snu ff out his cigarette. But as sparks
touched the tray, an inflammable liquid
-placed there by an snonymOW1
prankster -flared up and scorched
the man 's band.
Was the theater management legally
JiabJe for his injury? No, ruled a court.
For a theater does not guarantee pro-
tection against every possible hazard.
The judge said the management cou1d
not fairly be expected to guard again.<t
an invisible, unforeseeable danger like
Utls one.
NEVERTHELESS, simply by selling
you a ticket, the management does lake
on a subst.anUal degree of responsibility
for your well·belng. For instance, it
must malntaln the premise.! 80 as to
keep the likelihood of an accident at
a reasonable minimum.
Thus, when a seat caved in under
a woman customer, the management
was heJd liable -even though she
happened to be on the heavy side. The
court said seats ought to be sturdy
enough to allow for the fact that patrons
come In assorted sizes.
FURTHERMORE, theater emptoyes
have an aHinnaUve duty to keep order.
Jn another ca.o;e, when an usher sud·
denly released the rope holdlns l>ack a
surging crowd, a woman WM knocked
down in tbe rush. A court ·he Id
the I.beater Bable beca~, wtth clear
signs that the crowd was unruly, 'tbe
usher should have done more than Jt$t
"turn 'em loose."
On the other bond, you your&elf, by
choosing to attend a movie In the flnt
place, assume etN.ln rltks natural to
the environment. For elample:
A WOMAN, wbo slum.bled over some-
one's foot, protruding into the aisle,
detnanded damagea on the ground that
the theater wu too dark for her to
see where she. was going.
But the court denied her claim on
evidence that it had been no d.;.ker
than it usually is at the movies. If
the woman wanted to avoid the danger
of darkness, said the court, she should
h.ave waited for an usher to Jight ber way to a seat.
An American Bar Association pub·
lie service feature bu Wal BeMUZrd.
Bv George --·
Dear George:
It seems to me some law should
be ))8Med against ridiculing
respected institutions in the ruise
of "humor." A "jolle'' going the
rounds In my office has it that
"Mickey Mouse. is wearing • Spiro
Agnew watch." llow can we atop
such things and what must the
rest of the world think?
Dear H.11.:
I think too manY people WOCTJ'
now about What th< reit m tho
world lhinkl and anyhow I've. cot
too much to do to worry about
Mickey Mouse's !eellnp.
CW01Tied, furrowed brow, can't • .".teep at nlJht f Wrlle lo Goprg.1",
lhe most·wOrTled, brow-larrcweo '
insomniac In th< adTko ...al.) '
e • •• •
• • '· • • 0
•• • • • e ,,
•• at
" If
" Id ,..
~z~r!l•~F~......,~~~~1969~~~~~~~~D~~~L!Y~P~IL~OT~7~ •
CHECKING· , C~ha_,Hijackers Don.'t Get War~ W elcom.€.
• Un • 'l\o "-'"'M Pna of bljocl<Inp, a pbenomelloo In Jamwy by lrelPI«, II bt -kept la aOllury COi> 'l'bt Swlll to'. Ha•ana U.S. Central __.. r; Wlib 1bt munt>Or "'dl _,_ that· ""'times .to perplu 1bt wanted In 1bt United 8lattl llnement ln prilon. reix-nt 1bt United ~ A&eocy. But "Ibero'• no ft,..
• r--alr).inel, the Federal Avlallon oo charges ol. Njlcklq a TruHt aald be wu told by and LAUn American countries year ltdl.eaet," a spoketroU
belnf'blJacbd to Cllba ~ At,ebq IDd aovermnent .,.... ehart.r plane. He -be •,_it of stale 8ecurlty" that do not have dlpklmatlc said.
,ly srwinc. tbe myatery bl cles, hired tt to IW blm to Cuba that oome hljacken are Im-relatloal "1U! Cuba; Embassy 'l'bt r: u ha• 10VllTlllDllll
; • , what happtna to the hlJacken An American "1lo flew to on Oct. 14. prlloned lmmedlalnlj, and olllclall rtluled to cOmmenl usually UePI 1ll111t about 1bt € -Is l&allo"lncteasinc ' ' · CubaC01an11111WlllorhedOlpt Anyone "1lo _. otlllrt were 1ent to wort on 1bt roport. hlJackm. It reeenUy · lllllde martest an) De · ' )!ul there .,; ¥;cations last October said the Cllbans unauthorbed lrlPI to CUha campa." The piper oald 1bt penalty ID escoptloo by reportlll( thal
• . .----• ~\ maay ol thtm doa't tab "a, bloody dim riew" these days II "out of blunlnd The llonlnal Star I n applles only to hljackm wbo two bljad<en were -klnl
I 1 • •· , ' •• • ftCelve Iba· warm Cuban of 1111&ulherlzed lllgbls to their -he may wllld up dead," · January reported It learned cannot prov. they are polltical ln Havana. •
' • welcome ~ probably . ex· Island. Truitt said. tbrougb Swtu embuaJ of. refu-. But moot of the hi fie~ Sh I d Sli ! D . ~ some in be endini Alben Truitt, !$-year-old 1111 own eelry lnlo Cub& flclall that ... -hall The U.S. Stato liepartment have dropped CMll of" alpt. et an en p 09: up In jaIL ' Ill' srandsoe of the !ale Vice wes una--.i, and he aald the hlJad<en of -Americaa oald the artlc:Ie "Jua doean't They ma1u1 no pubUc lpffcbq . · ':" " Ii they are, U.S. officlals President Alben Barkley, ls for a maotb -hll arrival ~ have beetl aentenced square "1Ih the facta." 11 uid IDd are not pralaed ln Iha
1--'t 1 -/ woUld lite tbe word · to aet now in Canada where be faces be was kept mxlef -.. ~ to the m•rhnum penalty -most of the hljaclw'I are held press, whlcb, handles neWI Ci.
I · · around. It miiht be a <ld<r· depClrtaUon. Trull~ who rest. Then from Nqy. • llDlll five yon at bard labor -untll the CUbanl are certain the hlJacldnp ln a ma-
By L M. BOYD wrote a short story callod rent to the alarmiiig number traveled from CUba to Canida he wu expelled lJ1 January, fa< Ulegal eetry lnlo CUba. they are not qeets of the fact _,, l 1 OLD DICK STAKE once "iti.u Sadie 'Thompeon.11 1•· _____ :_.:...==:_.:.::_ ___________ _.:. __ :_ _ _::_ __ ~--~-----'----.:...-------------.i
described a mean man as the "Rain'' was1 the title of the
kind of" fellow who would Ioct 'Plli1 adapted" tberefroiii .
1 his wife in a room with 1,000
' new hats· and no mirror •
• • AM ADVtsEo· there's a
young lady In Toledo, o., called
Evenln& Dark. Pretty oame,
what:t •• : "WHY DOES 1HE
ARMY do everytliliu[ back-
' wardS?" inquires ·and OkaJaho-
ma lngenue. "For instance,
, whenever my boyfriend in Viet
NllZI). writes me a Jove· letter,
· he filel•lhe original Ind-sends
me the carboo(' . ;. ·: 1JNDE&. ·
1 STAND ·Sandy °"1ills. tskes
1 care oI 'I dogs and 2.5 cats ....
THERE IS a church ln"Brazll
, where.in you can buy a special
stamp to mail , a letter ~o
a saint wiU. the assurance
. you'll get a reply.
SllARTl!ST ~ II ~
Shetland ~ doe· Most llf.
fectionate is tbe c o c k e r
speniel. Moot Joyal ls the
alfedaJ.e. Most neuroUc is the
collie. Least inCllned to make
friends is the chow. Moot
playful is the beagle. Moo\ ·
apt to be only one man'•
companion is the Gennao ·
shepherd. Most CuitoUS is the
fox terrier. , M o a t U&,
predlclable ls the scolly ..
Ffieedliest Js. the dachshund:
Moot gentle with children is
"!he basset. Lwt apt to be
Inbred into Idiocy ls the -. dle, • I
f "LET'S BUILD a new life
together."' That is said to
"I realize this is v e r y
personal, but u tt'a an right
for a ~year~ld man like
Strom Thumwrid to marry I
D1'ear.,ld girl, may I ut
what's wrong with a 53-year-.
old widow like myself mar·
rying a 24--year~ld man?" A.
It's okay by me, lady. You
know this department gets
pretty personal. Will tell you
what side of the bed most
wives sleep on and what sort
of husbands sleep in the nude.
Even so, it certalnly wouldn't
go so far u to interfere in ·
your matrimonial_ pjarul. You
marry anybody you want to,
my dear, just so long as you
keep your subscription paid
up ..• Q. ''THOUGHT YOU
SAID no vegeterian ever got
a starring role on TV. What
about Clint Walker?" A. Is
he a vegetarian? Well, that's
a horse on me.
• be the most effective sug·
gestion a mlddle-aged man
f can deliver to a middl&-aged
woman when proposing
matrimony. Our Love and
;JVar ma ocltes the remarkable
1Warman cites the remarkable JI. Van Wie, the one-time San
"Francisco atreetcar conductor
who manied 12 w o m e n
without benefit of divorce to
become known far and wee
as the Ding Dong Daddy of
the D Car line. "Let'a buUd
a new life together." That's
what .he said be usually told
the ladles to clinch his
•matrimonial offers.
Remember it. mister, if you're
having trouble getting the ob-
ject of your affections to say
yes. Rare is the unattached
mature woman who can resist
the Idea of starting all over
'with any girl name d
Herbe;la? If so, tnform her
she is eligible for membership ··
in that organization, bead-
·quart.red ln Olympia, Wash.,
'known as "1be International
Association of Assorted
, Herbertas." • • . CUENTS
. INSIST Somerset Maugham
did too write a short story
called "Rain." Still say he
RAPm REPLY: Yes, sir,'
the men of science say the
earth bas been getting steadily
colder since 1950 .
Your quutioM and com.
menu art totlcomtd and
toiU bt wed wherever pos-
siblt' in "Checking Up."
Addrt'SS m.ail to L. M.
Boyd, in care of the DAILY
PILOT, Box 1875, N<wporl
Beach, C.Uf., 9268!
Nixon Backs Waging
War During Ta.lks
By FRED I!. HOFFMAN eaaJl1 defended and 'most
AP Military Wrller aignificant poolllons ...
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Laird baa rejected any one-
American military pillcy of sided U.S, troop ..-ln
;keeping pressure on ·the Vietnam, aayini "I ·believe
enemy in South Vietnam while that it would not be ueful
peace talkl continue In Paris for us to talk aboot unilateral
Ja bel11g IUppOl"led by !he Nix· wilhdrawal now Iha! ... are
m admlnistraUon. In the substantive talks" tn
Pentagon officlall indicate PariJ.
that Defemie Secretary Melvin McGovern's espoosa1 of pull-
R. Laird has kept tn force ing back U.S. troops into "the
the pillcy set by the Johnsoo most significant pooIUons"
administration of a 11 o W i n g amounta to a renewal ol the
Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, enclave strategy proposed by
U.S. commander in Vietnam, war critics in the past.
authority to maintain "ag-U.S. military officers have
gresslve patrolling" a n d argued that such a pullback
••apoillng operations" in the would mean yielding the coun-
coontryslde. tryside to the Vlei Cong and
Earlier Utis week, Sen. wOuld rule out any polltl
George S. 'McGovern (0-S.D.), settlement other than sur-
called for an end to U.S. of-render of the country.
tensive actions in Vietnam. American troope have been
McGovern contended "it is engaged in what officials call
lo U ·1 .............. ...ive patrolling" and ng past me we qui wor-AM'..._.
rylng about uvlng fac< IDd "spoilln( openllons" w I I b ·
started worrying about savin& tht.se objectivea: to detect
Uves." enemy mOYementl, to infllct
~-LOSSES cuuaJUes on the enemy and ~VI short clr<lllt • bla altacU, to
Civilian and m 11 l t a r Y locate and occupy his buel,
.11ut.horiUes said It ii to hold and to capture er destroy IUp-down U.S. lo6se1 that Abrams ply caches.
mounts operations to keep the SCOR.ED succ:m enemy off balancf:. ·
"Any time you keep the MWtary officers aaid alHed
ff bal nd d uniLI have ICOl'ed out.stand.inc enemy o ance a eny succeu in ov .. -..... 1 .... caches. him the opportunity to launch _.. ..... ...,.
coordinated offensives, you cut In January, they toot 152
down bla ability to lnfiict caches conlalnlnC 110 Iona ol
casualties on your forces," one rice, arma and ammwtltlon.
official said. They caiculaled the 115 Iona
of rice were ~ to IUllaln Laird made clear bis al· Jl,.O men for a maath..
Ulude at bis flnt new• coo-·-;;;======'=:;::==. ference last week when belr i
tinue to protect the American NT SA LE ,.rv1ce persoenel Ihat are sis· PA
tiooed In Vietnam an durintI
tbeae Pull lalkl.
The new defe.nte: chief will
review the conduct of the war
With Abrams wben he mates
h~ first !rip to Vietnam u
tbe Nixon admin.lltraUon's
Pentagon leader.
McGovern, ln his lilt Mon-
day to an anUwar IJ'OUP1 urg·
ed an immtdiate reduction In
the number of U.S. troops
and conaolldaUon of the tt· w.-ttr ,...,. .._ .,.., malnlna: f«W "in tht most._ ________ _.
546-7080 COSTA MESA
SATURDAY 9 to 5130
SUlliDAY-10 to5100
lt'1 b••l'I cold, h1111't lt1 Wt•lfl
up tho don, worlr1hop, or b1lh
with thi1 nifty por+1bl1 with ti11
ov•• 11f1ty 1wif,h 111d
th1rm1;11t1t 'ontro1.
· Dor't throw tho11 C, D, or
tr111isf• b1tt1rl11 1w1y1 .n:C.Mrp·tliit• with thi1 ~iM.,, e.,.,pi.t.
l~trMflMfi.lttehillM. IW1
w111t tho J11Uk +. colfte 111t
of th. ·r1dt1, Vet lMW1 llf'f' .,. ... , hf•'·'
2 .. ·:'
Ji. n1w lftlf 1J11y holp to 11t th1
kid1 to wijff thoir f11t C ind
thin •v•in lt ,.-y 11ot h.ip •I
111.1 ht IV.II tlo .....don for
y.ur f!llOl't!., 11 • 14 lncli ti11,
Ru9 91dly lt1i1ilt ,.pl1c11111nt
li.ntro for tho on• th1t l11k1
i11 th. MthroetR 1"4 tlrl•i•
yo• era, 111 l'ltllt wt!Mdflt
ind whoo1hl111. ITho11,ht
th1t Wl f .,. .... hudNMI
1nori119, rl9ht7 I Ii. 111••11
'1n4 I) l11ch 1i11.
-· ..,..
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'''" ffMO t9to 011/t h fl11tto4, 111lr1cfo cM.11111 to to
w1rlto ........ 1.4
d1M ..... A .... ... "'',...., ....... "°"
,..., ... '"" k111 r1MI .. ..._.,,,., 041
.,.1 ... c
Adv1rtlt14 s,.cl1l1 9ood thn.t F1bru1ry 14, lt•t, •114 H1p,IM11 It
• Y1l1nlino.
A111tMr too4 prM1ct fro111
Gli4d1n, tt.. hl·h141 .. 1114
w11h• .. l1 finl.11 ot ffll1
C01J1p/1toly tlrl,lou.Jofillf -·· It out Of 11"9ht. {Soy, whi t
''''"' 1r1 yo• pl1t111!111 to 1111lnt l ftywty1) Ill whifl , COii Ito
399 GaL
Mli.V ! "'""''°"'• ...........
n.11 11 ................ •ntl
d N l'llllf. J11f ,.t ill 1Nillt
troy, 1~,11141 wi.. fl11l'"4, ..... tn. ••• n 111 tt.. ,,.
,.111ton to l o fflo felt n,trif,J
Evon tho bo1t of ptlnh
IOll'lltilftlf 11114 I llttl1 Jiolp,
i nd WI t1ll t•llon1 •n4 t •llon1
of thl1, 10 tho 'ric1 IJIUff ...
rl9ht. lrlnt yo11r 1w11 cont1l111r
(1J11t•I only, pl1111l or My ...
of 1ur1.
r. 1-·
'·,11 ·• .. ,. --·· ~
Slid111t 4oor w1h c1~ln1t•
MOllnh t i.ywiM,. fot
111111,11 1H h1dy ,,.,,,.
of I.ooh, "41 1fllll 01'141,
"' wovltl k .,.. .... ,
tho11 h1h or wt,. y11
c•n't flt •f1YWh1r1 11••·
h 1tly fOf 1t1ln et p1!11t. ,
• • • • • •••• • • • • • • • •••••• • • • • • • • •••••••
I 0 ·~· ••••••• ......... ... \\, ......... .. ... '"' ........ . • • • • • •••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••
"'" ,f 1000 ..... 1. kltc~111 f., ,.h MCI ,. ....
wotblMjt fw ••~ t.fth.
or ffl'I t.r --•11•• Rlro,
"TMllltJ', clM• l"'1' ,..., .,.,..·n ..,.,.
,..,,... •ltafflrlt ... ~.
It'• IJIO,. tht11 • pl1c1 of r9', wliifl, 1n4 ltlu1 cl.+11 lfyM
thinl of tho pri'' p1W Ir; 10 1111ny to -c•11 JioYI th.
fr1odo1111 to fly It, 1n4 yeu kl'low w• tin't tolkl•t okvt
111on•y. Fly Y"' n11 111 W1dil11tfon't 11141 U11eol•'1
l lrfWay, t•lr• ti1J11 to ton .,. .. , klll1 whotK rulty '"''"'
Tlt"o ffitt 1ff1ck it to41y know frOM •offllnt • • , IMl.,M
tholr p1,.nh 11'14 f11'11.rs "*"'' +.ol ti1111 +. ttn th1111.
Tlttto fMt Wt fl'l'I fo.t, ti• fo ot lf1ff.
Hi,..,.. tot, 111111 ti-'• I fl,.
Wll111 throu 9h wffAi (1Nhdl11to U
•lltflt.,. ltt•ni•ll ,.n.i. ""'• . l91t 11i1 fro111 yo1r wife) w~
u11uMtl ,1t11t.' -..t f.,
t011ctil,. l1tor " ro1114 lithf
• swltchot:•"' like th1t. ' ·
6tc •
Poll ·of 1111ny· u111, for 1111f1ft11 ,. . ' ,.111t1 or h1ldi11t I tl1llcl1111
. 111111/ for yo•r pot k11191r1e.
'W11l'ftr .i,,,."' ffto hi wtt.
11k1 t1rn,or1ry holftl for tho
toldfhh W•ll• cl11nlrtt th1W
ltowl, on~ on 1n4 011.
ou:Rr 29c
For 401111 0111lfty !•It of p1111I
lut1 llotlotl,'wlth011t n1ll1 er a
llt ef tMn , fr11..,.ffM, t n4
ho11lo. M1k11 for 4' ,..., .. 1101111 l111M9'J•~. •
8. 29 .. '
• PUil 4d
":. ' .....,
... ,,., ~---.-
I DAllY I'll.OT ~.-6,1'69
·: l¥•111e, Pre~1·ty
' ' -
~ Public Education Recipient's Wid9w, Evicted
' • • -.
f. rf ax Plan Urged ...
:;,.SACRAMENTO (AP) -A rediatrlbutln& the ulst1111 tax
mmiU burden, and not adding to the ~I advisory co ee tax burden in any way." :las ur1ed Gov. Reagan and The council aaid the income
:Jbe: ltzislature Lo levy • 1oc1l tax could be collected by the
~ tax and ;.i •peclal state, but returned to cities
2\-teW"lde property t .a x to and counties for local use.
.-ui public educaUon. The plan would call for ~~ c 0 u n c 11 on Californians to. deduct from
""1ntergovemmental Relations, the federal 1nco!De ta1es
created siJ: years ago to study whatever they pay 1n the local
IDOlll1 ~ ol city and _iu. 'l1wl W.. 1"ould. not be
....,,;-i;.ma111tbe rahed. Tb!!. U.S. eoa,rw ~ WedoeadaJ. ""'1Jd bava ·to approve -1ud!
• 1 T h e recommtndatlool, '' • plan.
-tbe'councll said "are designed Tbe statewide ta1 on
(0 Los i---~-.,.. lt~t. ... ....,,....._ ....
widow and lour children of
the world's eighth b e a r t
transplant patient are be1ng
evJcted from the house he
built u "bls lnluranoe policy"
IO them .
Joseph R.Lror. a carptriter,
built the seven-room home and
111 o( itl furniture with h I s
1 own haods whlle suffering
' from heart trouble. He recefv.
ed • new heart at Stanford
Medical Cenla' Int May 5,
· and died of 1uq disease a rew dayt later.
Mrs. Eileen Rizor, 41, said
her husband suffered a
mauivt hMrt. 1Uacll: in J1m1. 1•, a ftw •teta ·after """!llnl tba ...... Slit Mid. .
to assist locai governments nonresidential property pro-
in closing the revenue gap poaed by ~ coupcll wollld
which they face. but they· are ~ .used to 1>11. el.ementary, "Quick! Get h~p-J.don't know what I'm doing!"
designed to do this by high ~I and Junwt college -----~--------------
i1A Helicops
"R~es'ted ' education,
!'.Army Mutiny
i Judge Orders
Sanity Trial
'lbe court martial of two
IOldlers charged with muUoy
; for parilcipatiag in a aitdown
. llrlke was abruptly baited
• Wednesday by an Army judge,
The pl811 would tax residen-
tial .property on a fQDnUla
devised to end the cutrent
disparity of education
resources between "rich" and
"poor" districts, which finds
students who live in an area
with a broad tax base getting
more for schooling than those
who live in a district with
a small tax base, such as
an urban slum.
United Jet
Lill~rd Found
. . LOii ANGELES (AP) -The Guilty ~~=pr~
... tnllQlact .. eye tn the sty;"
a fl)'lnc television camera. ao Despite Claim of XYY' .~E.:$bT:;
Zachary F. Llllard, who plead-
ed unsuccesafully that he had
an ell'.tra male chromosome,
was convicted Wednesday of
murdering a sheriH's deputy.
A Superior Court j u r y
defendant's attorney, showed city police commiss!On uked the CIJy Council Wednesday
that Lillard's chrom~ to obtain the '5 5 , o o o
makeup was normal. Attorney necedary. Besides giving •
George T. Davll had arg:uect first-hand view of emer&en·
his client had an extrl du, oftiatal say, the system
chromosome wblch made hint· would Ille> irovlde video tapes
over aggressive. ·for later study.
m·s BE FRIBIDl y
. JOU 'haft NW nef&blaon .. -.,~~
toOQrUW.. ... tellUI
10 that .. mQ' flltad t __ ........... llolp
llilntina'-n BNch
vislior" •
' Cosl1 Mesi Visitor
' '"'414, '· . . ' . I
So. C01st ·'Vlsff•r
Harbor Visitor
. Old World
M edit.e1'NUU!a11 ~ ".
S-paniah Furniture
Received c1ncel11tion of $22.000.oo
Sp1nlsh and Medlterr1ne1n Fumlture
... .. , .. ~ ... ti.-. •'
l11a ........... H ... OID~
ltema IS follows: GeorReous 8 fl custom
qull~ 10fa with separate loosi:;Ji,illow• _r11ll heavy oalc trim decor and ma g ch ... , 3
matching oalc occuional ·tables, (2J 58,. WI
decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamps
in wrought iron. an 8 piece king me m,uter.~ .
bedroom suite iii pecan panelled Mediterran-
ean style wi4i top quality 15. yr. warra~ty
king size mattress & box spnngs. Sparush
decor dinint set. etc.
. ..,... .....,., ....... $1Ul.Ot
~1:~ICI ......... -$698.00
Any 'Pl-Can II PurchnOcl lndlvillu1lly
Tarmo Avall1ble -Na_,. to C111f.
Credit Approved lmmacll1t1ly J JI J] Furnittsre
At Harbor Blvd.
1144 Ne.-port llYd. Costa Mesa only
Ewwy nltM 'Ill ' -w•. Sat. a ·Sun. 'Id '·
• 'Who ordered a· sa"nity hearing
' convened in its place. Wreckage
Found in Bay
returned a first degree ,_ ________ .. __________________ ..., ___________________ ,....,
~ However. the cfficer, "Lt.
Col. George R. Robinson, was
scheduled to preside today
'over court martial pro-
: ceedings againsl nine more
: aoldiers involved in the same
· demonstration at the Presidio
: Stockade.
A stockade p5ychialrist
; Maj. Terry L. .Chamberlain,
i tmd testified Tuesday that the
; IOldlen we.re legally sane, but
• "markedly impaired" i!l their
._ ability to follow military
San Pablo -
' :_ Bay Drilling
• lllARTINEZ .(AP) -Fear·
~ lnC notber "Santa Barbara : . ""'"er," mos.t of the ai; • dlence at a public bearing
: a.poke out w~., ag.wt
-·proposed leasing of San Pablo
: Jay for oil and naturel gas
. -drllliDg.
: F. J. Hortig. executive of-
• leer of ihe State Lands Com-
; .~on, was the only P.J'O"
~t of the proposal and
;Jru the only commis!iOD
a,nember present.
~ If the commission grants
'. the le~. about 400 drilling
·p1auorms could be er<ded on
· · '15,000 acres that touch on Con-
: tra Costa and Solano counties.
: Hortlg, saying that milliom
(I( dollars in revenue have
been provided for the state
: through oil leases, assured the
: audienci! that "lhe bay will
not be turned into a forest
) •of oil towers."
£.0-.1.-··-LO& rt
H.C r • M.-Lll'lllb1r1
L. .. t ,,,
K..A 7 •
w.ca • •
B.Gorlz •. Hiiied•••
murder convi ction a g a i n s t
Lillard in . the O~~ May ·11
of Gordon Joi nville, a San
Mateo County' sherUfs detec-
LOS ANGELES (U PI) -live who stopped him for
The Shatt.ered. wrecka~e of a narcotics 'investigation.
Urt!ted Air L1n~s Boeing .7~ FBI agents. arrested Lillard
which crashed m the Pacific ' in San Frahcisco's Golden
Jan. 11 has been found strewn Gate Part and turned him
across the bottom of Santa to Santa Clar Cou ~ Monlca"Bay · over a n.,,
'lbclnu Ji. Saunders, head because he was wanted tb~re
of the National Transportation on burglary, robbery and kid·
Safety Board t e a m in-naping char~es. . . .
vestlgaling the crub disclos· Overpowering a Jatl guard,
ed Wedneoday tbe bit. and Ulj&rd fled from the jAiJ in
pieces were located by sonar San Jose before be could be
from the research vessel arraigned on those charges
Qceanner. and a day before he was
Tbe find was confinned by scheduled to be taken to
a closett-circuit television Redwood , City to fact: the
camera lowered inte> the bay murder charges.
11.3 miles we.st ot Intema· · He was ·. recaptured on a
tional Alrporl. It .... hoped ~ .. Fraldlco llreet.
reco•«Y ol Ibo debrla could A lobora~ tut, tabn Lut
beiin Frldly. October ~.Ibo 'l!UO!t ol tbe
L ... '40i1 •.-d ........
P.Slclno 11.-T.,W•
0.-... _
... -,,,.,,... •:••..,. H.•• ......
J.Prico D........... H.lgo
C. Cll OM E. &tciblia L. Y~
a. lfnilit W. Glal•l1ao F. l.oopt>f •. "°"••or .1. llol.-. A. -C.Or••t1,. e. W:11111tda-. «. J .........
LW-H.~ G.Dutll
11. l!dw• W. l'lppo JC. -
o.c..itr ··-II.-•. s-..
Cl. c:llOW H. -J .. ..... I. llckhert t..~
lA. Rollil-II. Nol-..... .
,Wll WllJI Wiid ..... 11-3111 ~
ibllllO nr1 Stltila ... ,.rtlclllatilt Clltml DNllrs ___ .... __ ·-•••tOfl...._,_ Efftf'T .... •_,_,. ...... II.JI.~
• COMMUNITY EVENTS 'Ii • • WED., • .FEI. 12 • 7 P.M. • • • • FRI., • FEB • 14 • NOON • • • • 7 P.M.
Dr. O•rl l•1w•ll •ppr•c.ieti•n
dinn1r1 Co1te M111 Golf I C.C.
Cluli. hr . tlck1h c1ll M1v•r
Pinkl1,. 5'41·1105 • Go¥. lt1n1lll l111111 1ddr111 •
N1w~1r Inn -J1ml.1r11
Ro.,.._ SpOt11erff lt'f N•w,..,t
Ht~ bch. Clult, Fir lnf1.
c1U ._2100 . • lt'fl 1114 Glrl1 Club ef Herb1r
Ar11 4th en11ti11I lli11111r p1rfy-
l1lb11 lty Cl11b.
PROJECTS • • • Are yo11 int1r11i1cl In promotlnt Ortl'l,.tl • •
Ceunty A,.,i•fl.n7 kff 11,.111 of Ot1Afo •
County Hltttrictl Soc!•+., now 1cc1pft11 •
en• ti-llf1ti1111 M•m•1r1hip f$111. 0.11 •
14 ... 2100. • • •
Jeln ,Co1f1 M111'1 new public 11lf •1~ •
-m111'1 ind worn1n'1 club mtmbttl~ pt I
$26 p•t y••r-e•ll 54t.-2]00, •
~ ........................•....•.
'· '·•
Neighborly. That's what the
nation's largest federal is!
We're local people, from our manager to our tellers. And we're an xious to publicize all local
community activlties. lt's our way of matching home-.town frtendlint:iss with the efficient service of
the nation's largest federal savings association~ It's why we-have been winning ·so many more
friends in California every year since-1925. Slop in and open your account now.
5 253 BONUS
(Available In mulllples cl $1000.) Earns Y•%
bonus each year above regular passbook rate
when held 3 years.
a . 0 ACCOUNT:
5:130/o •nnual yield on Insured passbook
accoun.11 when .all ~avings and dividends
remain I year, If the 5% current annual rate ls
naintafned and compounded daily for a year.
2700 Harbor Blvd~ near Aclalt1f • 546·2300
u.,,.kr: ft6t••I HCll'lt l..olft 8•n~ 5'ttltm. F••I .... flfl. ' 1.0MlllMWIOt ~ -' "lll '
.SAVINGS . ..... __,_
. . .. ' .
.. \ Tlluodlf, ,._ I, 1969 DAil Y l'llOT -,;
·santingo Water
Supply Now Safe ~
' ; ' lilODIQIA CANYON i:-; """pl -~. i =~~CNlt\; 11r.1•a. $p. _,
I fjlood:··.,... n,;..tJt, b 1 d hllllb Gfftcer, laid wlfAr.IUP' .
' • • p1lod "1 the ~ °""111
\. ____ _
' . • • I .' i ~·For The
Wllor Dlltrlel 11 -inore
aale to drink.
Dr. Pbilp said bacterlologi·
• cal analyoa cooductcd by the
CounlJ· ffllllii ~··
lal>onlorf -the ... to
be trce o1-...1ut1on.
• r .
~ =lfj
Sad Over Son's Death
Winchell Quiiting Column
,,.,. Wire S. The oyndlcale 11111 Winchell
SCOITSDALE, u bcinl on an lD4111nite VICI• wa.r llli>cWI, ,,.. lfil.i u..
ce bll ..,., lllllelda 1n ~1 J!1s ..,, W~ter ~n Jr.,
C-'" lat\ Cbr'"""•• A. wu fO!lild lbol to death '' _,__, Oirlltmas ·llaht In the 1arage ~~a:!iw~. ~.ft: o1 hi• ''"tin -Sherill'• u ,..,., · ' , ln,.uptora claulflcd the Winch<!~ a former IOO(·and Jhootlng u tufclde. T h e
dance man, hu not wtl,ten Y?Wlltt Wlochell, a former
a column since Jan, lJ. -dishwasher and tree lance ~e've had a ' let , ol wrtw, repo111d]y had •
• yun wtth hlo wife, fonn•r
Zltgfeld Folllff lfrl June
Ma1ee, who 1u!fer1 trom a
rt.1plr1tory a ll m • n I • A
daqhter, Gloria, died ....,,1
years 1go. Their only· aurVtv~
ln1 child Is anoiller dauahter,
• ' • Record 1be water supply, w h I ch N~
serves Sllverado, Santiago,
Williams and Modjeslia cal> ~
beal1achea aod thla II the l1me hittory ol m<Qtal depression
ltr me to 1tep down," he . aQ!(l hla wldAw, Eva A"'!'aliese
said. "It's too much of a' load he had threatened auietde on
to pick up again. several occasions. Besldes his
W.lncheU'I COluml\ once IP"'
p<ared In n•ulj I , • O O -pen. buo recently lhe
fliun hu been down to about
100. H1I newspaper career
, .. , baa llmo.t ID years
when bt_jolned the old New
York Graphic u a columnist.
At the peat of his· careeri
hls ea~na:• were estimated
at Sl00,000 a year. ·
""' ,...,....
I • .
' • : .............. ..
: ' Fire Calls • ··---':" I.Ill. W~. nKUe. J ...... """" j ;O '""'" l'QC\lt, lt"2 '10ttl 1"'-7:J1 '·"'·• ,..._, Hli.1rd 1nll ..._ -U:JI' •.m., mtnNu ""' loot CMI._ '"' n:• "·"'·• n$(\jf, 10o11t 1o111 l'oulllhl Vltltt
1:11 1.m. ~.,. """"' 1m7 l1111Mrd 2:00 1.m, Thundwr, ..,._. lllC:llf llfmm• Sall Diieo ,,.,....,. --l!:JS •·"'· w~. ""'lclll 11'. 1mt IRIClkllu,..I
''" •·"'~ ,,... ftrl, 1an .........., ,,., .,.,.,,, ~ 1m1 ._.,..
10:04 tt.m~ "'9dlail .... ""' """""-'
11111 Avt.
BAL'n MOl\TUARID c....•e1-.oaW111
Ctlla Mata Ml "411
JlOILTIWIY Ut ........ ,, c.ta Meu u was
DILDAY BJl(1l'llEllS
BflllllaPO ValllJ
MortaarJ 11111--· Bn ...... a.cil to-ml
PAClnO 'flllW MEMORIAL p.&111[
C.-1"1 • _,
~ --"'""°"" Newport -... Callltnll -PEEi: FAMILY
'llll_.l ...
... t.y ....
llMl'J1l'E llOlmlAllY
Ill Mala Ill. e ·u.-lllCll u:.-
411 IC. I~ Ill., Colla Mata -
yom was dlmlpted in t h e n
"I've been dolllJ..thl column widow, he left two am.all
since 1920 and-,prf! •bl 72 in children .
April." · ~ , . The elder Winchell has been
heavy rains which washed out I However, lpa\:llmlll· fcw-~llvJ.n& in Scottsdale ror several
a 400--foot length of the main
line, Dr. Philp ,.Id. ~
A temporary main has now • :*,/..·.·
the McNa.p\ llJ!MUCate· .i.>
New York, ,;blcb ~ been "l:!l.:':l· :ll!ill!lllll!\!l
dblributing bis·. calUhin, llid "'
been put into service to re-·'===================·=-place the damaged main · ~
which Is under npalr.
Winchell had promlled, "I'm
coming back. 11
WbDe safe for human con-
nmptjon, the water, 11 a pre·
cautionary measure, will car-
'1 higher than normal chlor-
ine residual, health officers
aakl. 'lblre ii one drawback. '"1e
water lhould not be used for ft11b>C aquarilllllll. Fbh·can"t
-too much chlorine.
lfoag Hospital, Mesa
Doctor Named in Suit
' ~pnty Seeks ~l
New Member ~
SANTA ANA -The oran1e f.+j
S•-A A ~-I"'---ch County Boan! ol Supervllors "'1 tu, .i ANA -~ta Cyrus M. W waiq; arges today began the search tor ~'
Mesa pbyalclan aod Hoag in hill Superior C.OUrt com-a JJ'ltn to replace Fullerton ., :
Memorial H,.pltal, Newport plaint that Dr. Elton B. . alton!,Y Leland C. Launer on !1' I
Clemente Beach, have been IUed for Eastwood, 2110 Me• a '(erde the !we-man countf Airport !!l•
-OGO ._ a-~-G Drive, arranged for hll ad-Commission. ~·, ....,, .,~. • •in:n rove mis!ion to the holpltal last Launer, a member of the r, ... ;
Man Gl•:Ven m111 who .,.u.... that" treat· Sept. 10. commfsllon for 11 yeus and i '
men1 by bolh defendanll may He wat ~led Jut Sept. Ill first chairman, ..-icne<1 ;
well lead to his permanent 21, the suit" states, afte.r he Wednesday, sayln1 he felt it , . ·
'Scholarship .1-;dl;';"b:Q:llJ:.;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;'";;";;ffe;;r;;cd;;;;l;;nct'e;;aajjln;'~pa1n;;;;-';' ~w;as;;;;;u;m;•;h•~•te;p;;pcd;;;;d~ow~n~.I[ ~,
I 1 '' ANAHEIM -Fred Swe1lea,
:IJl. aporta editor of The Daily
Trojan, student newspaper at
the Unlverally of Southern
California, has betn named
!Mt recipient ol the George
T. Davis Memorial Journalism
nually bJ the Loi AnpJeo. Anaheim Chapter ol fh •
Bueball Wrlterl Alloclatlon
The scbolar!hip award will
be presented to Swegles Satur-
day night at the baseball
writers awards dinner in the
Anaheim Convention Center.
Swet}es1 of San Clerqente,
la a junior at the unlvtrlily.
Utt Total
Sets Mark
Payroll Up
Roof •king, other dlmage from
recent storms? The expert loan offi·
c1r1 at Mercury Savinas and Loan
Association understand all about such
Need a new room or patio? Home
improvement loans, up to $5,000
and .eight years to pay. Low rates •••
&mlll monthly peyments. Call or visit
Mercury Savings now!
' Buena Parle Ottica: fl 827·2320 .
Huntington Beach Office: '
• MncuJrf IAVINll' ~ pollcyniUNayauthe~ •
rate of Int.~ for Insur.ct 111vlnp.
• Funds tMn lnt11"11t from dlt1 of
receipt. Funds r.c1lwd byth1 tlnth
of the month nm lnternt from the
first. lnterat compounded dally-
For Mercury Slvlrs malnUilnlnl
minimum btl1nt1 of $2,000.
NIM Offlcl: 1114 Knott Aw., lut111 hrk
On Knot~,,.., Lincoln _,,_
Mercury Slrinp 811ildilr, ff11nllnaton Seith
Across fr11111 Huntinrton tenllt
' .
for · gals
scene ~ ..
Columnl1t Wlncheh
SANTA ANA -The payroll
for the Onnge County Good-
will Industries topped 11 mll·
lion in 1"8 for the nrst time
In lhe hlttory ol lhe organW..
• Th e 1961 total W8ll tt,000,·
'142.02, ICCOl"dlnc to Gaylord
Hieb, u fCUtlvt vice prest •.
dent ol the aell help organiza.
W«ken are employed at 1
salvage plant in santa Ana, re-
tail stores in Coltl Mesa, An-
abolm, FU11artoo. Garden
G ..... La Habra, orange and
San!a Ana and In Nonralk. a
branch ol lhe local Goodwill
c pecial purchase of Famous Selandia Accessories
Now-for your home or tor gifts-famous Sef1ndi1 st1inress iteeI
ICCOlsoriN, designed i nd ct1lltd In Danmark of haavy 18/8 stain·
less •tHJ, ire specially safe priced. Y0u can save 20% or more
on !his ufe.
Clockwise, On•·Pint sauce/cravy boat with ladle, $4.50;
Co'ttrtd vqet1bl1 dish which becomes two one-quart dishes when
top Is Inverted. $7 .oo 1
ContlmpOrary dip 'n' chip, with bowl nestlin& securely into aep-
arate tr11, $7.00
Cl11i1c serving dith enhanced with rose wood handl!S is 1 multi·
purpoMd place. $3.50
1024 lnlne AYe., lllwport Inch
. .
PANTS inafrenzyof
prinll that blast-ollco!On ... , big
orbiting out'*'·space cifcles' ... ·
bold razzle-dazzle awning ;tripes
... baroque paisley Stripes •••
jolt-your·miod geometrics!
' PANTS in creas~·resbt
can Vu cotton . , . heel-to-toe Bare
or bit-of.flare legs ... uncuflod and
culled atyles •.. wailtbaodod or ' not ... back-pocketed types .. ,
oonceal_cd zipper By.front.
6TO 16
Costa Me.sci, 1601 ~-~rt llvd. at J6th
I . '
• l
' l I
' I i
' k
' ,-;
"' ,
" ~ ;,,.
·J I I
~ -
--· ' •
• •
For TM R cord
Hu!lllft!ltoil llNcll Rollrf c I u"'
Sher1lon 81ad'I '""' Hunll.,.11111 llHC:h, 12:10 11.m. Mlorltlim LloM Cltlb, Stuft Shirt, 22~1
W, COlllt Hl1~w1~, N.w_.I II.ch,
12:15 11.m.
• •
-.. : ,.
. I See 'by Today's
Want Ads
• AMy Mate! New chain ... ,... and ,.... -at below wholesale.prices.
AD cbairl are ~
fltm • factory daltoUt. e Ho1 Wha: Wirt Hair.Pox
Terrier Pllpl fDr alt,
AKC. ODb' $50 • • • muat ..n. •New Ynr'1 Surprise! --.and-tionatMe tatbu' rsulted In
cute pu:ppM!s. 1xarn at tum
ol tbt New Yter. N .-.
only IS.
• )mt Uk< ... Good 'Ole
Dlyl: A ,enuloe' lttpr<>.
d-l!Ulc:ll .., -paftct odd;""" .. ,.... F.atb' American decor, fOC'
.... $15.
• Jllntmmn ln+tablmlt -
Mulmum Resulll when
)"OU ad vcrtl•• ln U.
DAILY I l'UO'I'. , • DIOl --·
• t
• ...
• I
"I • • ' ,; • • f .
. -. • ' I ~ ") I i
llEN'S OllLOll DIT Liil snTCI 111.m. nc. U•
Sllvt !.00 II -leovtd ()IOI ICIJfiC"!iih1s. llldl-, 3-llltll plildiet
s~litlp; SiH:Xl. AllO !If. l!JAl-25.llO IUllMl·wool snllfl.1/2 Ill.
Ster• f« MM
·· .,.OClt lVITWECI DIT ••U, nc. lUI
1 SiMllkllllld ""'tliitll rl Clltll•qtk. Ill IAll lllli11u1IOll ilsallds
JllliMm;S+l.-lQ.. ---
·".' . ' ~
11u1LE cum11 1Lacas
Rq;!,00. !" ...... 11111 flll .. nlilll•• !lof lillLA ... fJIMI\'
~ft ltm for 1!1111111!111
Qlftl .. Cltl9
-.. ,
5.49-8.99 yd.
"I· 6.50-tl«I yd.
FAllllC SALE •
Sc-..r•wze Pel s~I misllot • illonk, •1"iasse, ait wl"1iod
olhe1 hlndsole """' iocl.W. lile
w•k is GOit iii Oil qiality hiONO.
Cllll in, er Shop 1t H•. -t , __
B. f, Goodrich tennis slials ii oir IOSI
pdpzfir:iJyte. "'" • tli1t, 'li-13.
Hi!i,, ii fir Ills pt •ha!
11ti-l&~OO. Euyani coolld --·Stripes,-.
1ppliqioj llyflap. -7 .50 SfMrl
1111ir!'Im ... 3il4SC11"1titl, UI.-· ....
1.39, 3/4.00
.. ,.
Rei. 1.00. •-1m1·pijaas,
...i arlllddr, A-&C-11, ""SJIJ, UI,
2/UL D1i1tW 1"'hy, lfC.15»
211!1,ut. -·-.
23 .88-4 9 .88
'lFI· 11.ll0-80.00. r111est !ll01, wool.
And, wool bell ~1111 dtess ponts, plaids
•• lolids; i.e. 2D.G0'3Z.GO,
f!1I. 22.95-lSJS. All WOOi wciMlds,
01c1111" polytsllf 11111 WOOi bioods in
..... nd lip poclll llldlb. _ ......
4.79., 2/9.00
lffiOIHIOlll DllESS SRllTS
Rtr. c.si Sharl...,. 111 .......
1)1C!111-polylsterl!d CGttal mfordclolll
fi11"11111SS. ll!IPIS, solids. I.alt-.
"f. 7.lll, LW, 2/U •• -..SM..
• ••
• ,
. ,
. ' l.7.9
f"""' nker spat !llirts 111 _.,....fer 11sy-<111 11111 ioil itlease;•H.
ll<f. 3.~.50 shirts 11 siz" 8-!0, 2.21. Ulllo -·· ""''' "'"
IOTS' COTTOll DIT SllllTS, nc. 2.A II 1.29
llock atleolcl< 11111 ~-.an ..W, sins H. Rer. 3.00 ID 4.00 ·shoil·sleevt~
knit lllirts, siz" S-211, 2.29. Ulllo -· ..,, .. 91,.
I •
"" 1.20.CG 7 9. 95 llpc. ... ciful ,.
Saw 40.00 01 qaality siliorplolo. Palilms
include: Tanzie1, s\1,. Artislrj, hint
Rtse, Aft'Kti•1 • ~i.f lllllll.Sa~ Olds
.. ' I, ' lllrdl1, 196S. ·Silj!nt!IO .
Ro1.11.llll:12.00. F,_, • 1~n
plaid in oHy-<111 fabrics. Slllrtly
styltd f« aool. fil Sills N.
&iDdlltll Sl>cr!M&r
IEVEllLY VDllJ 1lllT llDAllD •
l)ir bfleb Sllilt llM 11[11111 J119#ift '
in sliaJll. F•sli•*. S. A ltn;lls.
F _ _, ........ slit iioit _
._32-31. .... IM, ut. U....
William A. R•l'ISSii"'Jlbluc-. .
uies by Dteilla ltd. Clolce ai I" low
candy dislt, 10" truld·b>f, I" llCll llCll
dish1 11 jlm jar ni by. Sltwmre
10.97 rer.
l'lllESs'SHOES .
Y• rotn! dJfos ia fllesl N!w'oble
sbOls, An sizes In poup, bot IOI
-llllf'-" llMIY size •i:Ofor. • --·
l/2 0 ff
SllliiflmJ.lllllic dosl11. All4, '""'· 10
... ,poclil ....... .59 ~. 21 ••
Clll!rfllJllQdl, 20 ID I fil'bll, .,.
J5il!fiqe, ... 11111 I ...
11 falllla lsllld •
. , .
544-2200 • llal., l1Ms., Fri.10:0011119:30 Oller days 10:00 till 5:30
' ' " r
1 . . ~
• . ?
' I
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. .
• . '\~ ' •
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J U"l'!,.Y : and ·sATURD ·'C)PEN·· FRl·D~
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·9.99·15.99 9,99-15.99
Rei. IS.00-28.1111. Sr~! and lor~lemd calttrl r1r ..... io
rayon crepes, Orlon sacrylics, wools and ether pt .
R0(.13.lQ-SIJll. ll!ny ll!il styles in W)'-talO polyes~is,
0ri.n• 1cryllcs, Jt11in 1114fwools. SPrin111stels, and bold
, li<i_,I colcn. lliSHS' 11141 holr~im. ~t !'""''· fabrics, Yount caHforni• Shop
Re1. 22.lll-30.ll0.3/41qtlr coals
in wool ITITI llOlrlir" wool slrl~r
lnit,.S·IH .. llrlls, bladl, TTllTllf,
!Gist er bone.
Acca .. le.s
5.99 .
Ref. 9.111-WO. 'tlMll lllllS
polyeslll 1111 flf)tster bltrlrlt ••
Onsiy .. filltnrl otJ• ...
ITITI flllil11 coin; IG-11. ---
1.99 .
1111. i2t A11111l sa~A&S 01
'•I.lilly""'· ~-.11 .
fit In six sizes. Many fashiM
colors. Sile flqlns Ftb. 5
~I -1•, .
llT!orait Ftb. I!. """" • .... , ' ·' ' .J.
·-., : . I :"'
WASHABLE ORLON DRESS 'CLEARANCE . @ Re1.13.00-23.00 values. Orloo acrylic dresses borded lo
acetlle in zip f1ont, step-in or skl1111er styles from famous
makers. camfl, bl~ck, blue, grey, red,iflnk a_nd more~ lG-18.
l!ludiet Dresses
1/2 off
Rer. 2.00-IS.OO. lllny OOHf·a·
kllTrf rOflS, riftp, brac1l11s;
p1,., earrinp Ind necki.as:
~uny In wlrllo lht selocUOI
tlci8p1t1it eo11111111.ttn111 •
N ewporl Center
I ,
tl Fullim lslR_ •, 644-2200 •. llon., Thurs., Fri. Jjt.00 till 9:30 Oller days 10:00 till,5:30 J
,_.,; ,,11ru.., .. 1969 DAILY PILOT 11:
Somethlng's New -
Russ Play <;oy ·..:;
On· Space :suits .
MOSCOW (UPI) -'Ille GRAmTI . . by Limy Sovi<!' are being u coy as · •
a Parll couturier about, lbelr
new space suits.
ta~ar ":::~e·:~:e.=
space walk last month by ~
monaut.a Yevgeny Khrunov
and Alexei Yellseyev.
The Soviets claimed Ibey
represented a great advance
over previous 1pace sull.s, both
Russian and American,
because they a 11 o w a
spaceman to move freely, with
only a_ safety tether to bis
The Americans h a v e
developed a back pack syatem deaisned to give comparable
independence, but it has not
yet been tested in space.
The Soviets considered the
' •
successful performance of the -·-~==~-----.,
suits a major triumph of the
Soyuz mission, which also shadow and subject to inten.so
linked two manned spacecraft Id
in ,C:it for the first time. co ~er heated air circulated Jo
mission was a step the "cool" side through a ~t toward eventual construction · of manned space stations. An exchanger to give an overlb.
essenllal part Of the program rem per.at u re r o ugblf.
11 a system e nab. I j n g equivalent to nonnal ~
spacemen to work freely on heat. A thermostat regulate4
assembly and construction the temperature. . •
without a cumbersome "life Carbon dioxide perspiratioft
line" carryiJfg 0 ~ 1 g e n , and other waste gases and
coolants and commtinlcatlons fluids were absorbed b-J
cab)es from the mother ship. cbemica& in the life pack aDll
The Soviets have released replaced by a purWed ox.yg_'ea
few details of their new space mixture .
~Its. A written UPI question The pack measured about
submitted to space scientists 10 inches thick, 15 inches wide
at an international news con-and perhaps two feet high
ference here after the Soyuz and has a metal covering wrtfl
mission asked specifics on lhe various connections locking iDo
suit. The question was left to the space suit. .,..
unanswered. Khnmov noted he a n d
However, some details have Yellseyev spent an hour ·a
emerged from pu'bllshed ac· space and "eut--~
counts of the fllsht. would have permitted us to
"It is more an apparatus stay there consider ab J.,,
than a suit," one scientist longer." "
aa.id. "Jt ·is really a machine." Three hours are provi~ed
The American space suit to astronauts by the Americ&11
has similarly been described system. ~ ~ ··
u "a mobile chamber." : The spacesuits have a P
The heart of the Soviet ap. ble pressure lAyer fOr pto-
paratus is a 1>3clt containing tection a g a i n s t meteoritel
oxygen supplies and a forced which might damage the outer
ventilation system. fabric. They offer protecUari.
The pack can be strapped . against notihaf radiation ,.Ji
anywhere o u t s id e 'the terrestiral space but could ·be
'spacesuit, The So~let cttS-, used only 1a· short thne ::;n
monaull faatened · 1t to a areas .of. heavy tadi~UOn ~
harness , o.yer their thighs the Van Allen belt. , ~ ~
since, as Kbnmov ald, work Yel.Lseyev 'said "the ~
In opace depends "maln!J1 on iblllty' of ,tile i.Y.la la gooll"
the muscles of-the ~· ' _ but 'did not explain whethff
Khrunov said a "walk: in the cosmonaull' had '~'i
space 'is not' at all like a . mechanical system to aifc.
walk on earth:'' ment their own muscle~
''In the state o (. as the &Jlrohauts have in tbelt· welghtless~ss it ls Impossible moon suits. ::. .!
·to walk along the ship's The cosmonaut's body hell
surfaCe in the ordinary sense and his heart beat and pulie
of the word -there ls no and respiration rate, noted ~
foothold and no force pressing sensors on his body, are
man to the surface,'' he said. transmitted automatically 16
1'We found . • • the best the control board of ti.ii
way of moving In space_ :. mother ship 88 well 88 19·
• ·, ls· by hand, using speoal ground control. ·:f.
rigid hand rails." · , Slgrial lamps warn Qg
Unlike the water~ICd spacecraft commander if ·'• ~er1can· aystem, the cos· spacewalker's condition t.,'
monaut suit was apparehtly deteriorating and he can or&J
cooled or heated by forced : him back Into the ship '!t
alt cilrrents from the life if necessary send anotMr.
pack. It worked on the prin-spacewalker-to the rescue .. ';!.~
ciple that one 1lde ol the 1be suits also contain vOke cmmona~t's body was,.always radio ,systems e n a b I I D')'f
1n the filll glare of. the sun spacewalkers to crimmunlcaJi
and subject . to 'overheating, with the mother ship, WIPI
While the other side-was lo each other, or with earth.
Easy to do .•• just coll or come in.
""-~-Ao«.:. Joo ~ 4 ""'"' ... ;;-MUTUAL SAVINGS
2817 Eut C..st Hlstf'"'1 • c.n.. Dor Mar, c.rn. 92625
Toltpllono 675-sOIO --·-' ail r. CCll~ ""·. ~·· o.LW ti iii' illrr•I
.. i • • t
i • ~· • ~
' • • • ~ • : • • ••
GIO<>my Gus Tells it.as You See ff;
~ *" Stanf.ord Uses Old Estate s ' 4' LONDON (UPI) L Stanford Astor. Cliveden allO fi&Wed In the'
:tfnivttSitJ has rented Cliveden ~ame known 8.ll John ~umo scandal and
Etliveden, the family borne ,of a gathering place for friends was a" weekeod retreat for ~ Ast.on, oa a SI-year lease and, aasociates. of the late the fonner British defense •..to be med as the untverstty.'s Bril~frime Mlnlsl~ Neville minister ~rltish campus. · ChaJnDerlain, .who ,..supported , The present, Stanford British
~ '!!>e home, l n Bue~· a policy .of ~rnmodation campus ii at Harlaxt.on Manor
~amsflire, is owned.~y ~ .toward. Nazi ,1dit1a$0r · Adolf an~ the uniersity plans to
rltlsh National Trust, whlth ·Hitler. The , group ·bee~ move to CllVeden someWne ~;,,· ed the estate In 1966 known as tbe Cliveden Sel In MarCh, the announc.ement
the death of.' Vlscount in the late 1930s. said .
4S1 E. 17th (at Irvi ne). COSTA MESA
NEW TELEPHONE 645·2022 '
• -
• . .,
• ..
• ~
' -< • ..
usroM£R5' 10 ou• c . h taken back
. the street, 'we •."• \y opolo· · the sign on . We er• 11ncer• h , A' you , •• from f Lido Car Wash. ice you might ev
th• m•nageme~t :nvenienc~ or poor .'erv
etic for •"Y inc · 9 d d . 9 our ebsenc•. '\\ be beck 1n h. ur1n • ..t 11· •Y wo d Mike ""c""inn · every w .. y.
8 t now Don t-'assen an . out. to ,.;tii.fy you. in hereby rein·
u d· er• most anx1 b k guarantee '' char9e, an money· ac •nd of court.• our ,.. d · h past four i.titute . atience during_ t esefdence in ch for your P in your con 1
Thenk you very "'h that we can reg• . th• ana we op• ·-mon • h t ·d Cer W as ,
V·. President \ '" B E;nterprises, nc . Beacon •Y
MEMORABLE LESSOlll -Sheryl Trittler, 14, co ents on bobcat speciman
shown to her by Dr. Ferdinand Ruth as olhel-Harbor Day, School students eye
museum animals during study trip to Squaw Vall'ey: . ' .
And Saw Plenty
Youths-Take 'f rip _tq $tµow
\ '
Snow and more s n o w
greeted, 32. students from
Harbor Day ~~I in Corona
del Mari wbo made a recent
, c9naervation study trip to
Squaw Valley in Northern
John Marder, headmaster of
the Episcopal school, said 11
feet must ·have falien the four
d3YS. the Students were there.
Neverth,flless, he sa1d the
' ·~ . ' "-'< • l I •
where the Donner1 Pafb' :WU> of tbe, trip :\ "l lp.rned mor.e
cannibalized in 1146. The tale in ,one week at Squaw than
was told b)r Dr .. Ferdinatld r woiJJ4xba~ in· a month of
Ruth, al.so of Berkeley, ·.m a regular ~~11
violent snow afbrm • like the St.ephaDlie •Boy.le , thought,
one the Donner Party must 0 This method . of teaching
ha Ye eoCountbed.• m.11'es '•. person a lot mo"°
Marder said the re-creation enthuslasUc' abOut learning.
of bllziard1conditions so mov-While we'ri learqing, all this
ed Rulh that he ·spoke .with material we're· 'ha in& a !UR
emoUon ·that hat: It ~st two time too."
of the sfudenll in tears.
• . students got a lot of educa-
• tional benefit out of the trip .
The students stayed in the La. St d · l Olympic VIiiage • ,HQ(el .at W ll t;D :
< s
. . '
. I
·Snow was part of the studies
for ·the seventh and eighth
graders. Dr. Ke n net h
Jackman, · of UC Berkeley's
Lawrerice Hall of Science, ex-
plained t.o them how snow
depth Is measured through
radioactivity and by using
geiger counters.
Another highlight was a trip
to Donner Pass and the site
Squ"w Valley free..,,<f :<:~ge. G' ,. H • , ,
The ,..,1 ol the cost, of the · IVeD ODOr•
trip' Was paid for by :.:persons· · · --· 1 ••
in ~e,wport Beach WbO wislied . '.S~Nw:~ ·fl· Walson,'.~
to r~maln anonymous. •. Yt'!' , ~~. student l t t!'e:
Marder, who ~ ·-trm~ at _ Hai'V~ ui.w .School, has been
Squaw during the . summer · elected assocJate director ·Of
with National Science Faun-Harv.ant's Legal Aid Bureau;.
daUon, secured the' Berkeley Be lst:.the son of Mr. and
science professors. • Mn. Robert F. Watson, 1877
Student Kenneth Luo said j Rhodes Dr., Cost.a ~fesa_:__
I •
·shoe s
$ $ --
. Yalies lo 16.99 ,Val111 to 2t99
10 to S
. ' ' . . . . . ... . .
· 333 East 17th-Street, COSTA MESA 464 South Main Street, ORANGE . . • • .
tf11 l. I Id 'catl• 4011 W. St....,._. 611 l LMtwf Cftl. II. IJtJ r.,_.. Cp. 1000 Wlhlllr9 ...... 701 w. &.I••• "· 1111 1 ............ , 14641.....,. ••
WOiie'-• Los A"l"let North Hollywood Canoga Park Santa Monlc:a· Li neuter Ventura . Shor""'n O•kl _ ..... ..... ,, ... , ,.... fl4.21JO ,.... 14'-1742 Jt l·71'1 • Jt t-7J1J _ ........ ...... '4Jol711 .... 7"·1771
•.. BIG
Witij Wireless .
Remote ~optrol. ·
' . ' . Tw41-Dol!r
· .:.tow'costl
.• Dll!J' ZS-~'
• zero-deer.. ~
.• ~·lilm•tic ~
rebip.rafur ~\!
• MO<l<I TB·l2SD
Spray rinse • Tarbo-
lype pump • UnbaJ..
ence load control •
Counter depth (25j •
~~~~~~~~:::i Counter height (36•) • Heavy Duty Motor
• Porcelain enamel
cover, lid, tub and
basket • Positive
water fill • Spiral
Activator" provides,,
vi gorous 3-zone
washing aclion.
COLOR-MINDER" Refe1-ence
Controls SCREEN '• Automatic Fine Tuning
h is 111 is e•uipped with a Caar11I
Atlhlna Ttr•fnal in• T1~nsl11mer '
A Side-by-Sid•
No de(rostirtf ~
Full-hel1ht [teeier
holda up to 225 lba.l
Rolla out oa ofirliela:
for easy deanmil
GE eolon •WW..
Applianle & TV SALES e SERVICE
NO MONEY DOWN '',~~:~"'
1815 Newport-Costa Mesa-548·7788
• .)
, I
···' HIGH FLYING ,i'ROGR>iliM ~u.llypopl :imd Xiw a the theme
. of.tile ·i>rogrinns.which'a?e:6eµ,g auange<f~y"Mrs'. David Knobel :ci! ·Costa· Mesa (left)' Admirlpg it are (left to rfght) Mrs. Paul
ROOt'·and Mrs. Ray Garra. The programs will be distributed at
ihe· bienDial iwich..;. for• the Southern California · Federation 'of
Kappa Alpha , Theta Alumnae clubs on Thursday, Feb. 13 in Lo·s
Angeles. Orange Coast alumnae will be atte~ding.
Mrs. Hitt Stands ~Pat' . . . . q .
~ •• i"+ {1• -:,,.r.
On ·Aiding Ad~rnistratiq~:;
ett 1: r;;!.,7;;:~ ~01t on:r;i~
Cabinet. Patricia Hitt, 15 no
stranger to the Harbor Area.
Ttie ntw assi.Stant secretary
of Health, Educ&Uon. ·and
WeHare for community and
field services is a k e '/
Republican campaigner who
once plied her talents as a
resident of Corona del Mar.
An organizer of the Newport
Harbor Women's Civic
League , she served as the
president of Orange ~)'
Pat Hitt
. • 1\.
Federated ~publJCAl)rWoment in'lited to make a arnall dona-
ip ' I~ and on tliO. boanl·: iloo -..i of gotnf lo tbe. 1 of-director• of tbe ~bli.,.. ' -.of iettmi dresoed up .
Womeo, CalilDrnia Federatlm aod d -'"·• Southern Division, 1956-CS: am.;:. a .. \Ll&U& over a cup of
.. &late Central Commlu«. . cof!... .
vice cliainnan. Pat also crganized the
She is the . wife af Sanla · Women fOr Niton advisory
Ana ·public relations man, , comnUttee,,made up of women .
!°~ lfitt, w~ reai~~ for , who were·~ ·~d~ ·o~·
Y .from his. ~Uon ~-nonpolitical' ··o-r g arn !Utlonl work m Walblrigtoa I n-',. . , ·~ · · •
Republ!can,Headquarters. Thoe." Tbls 11"'1i!'. dllCOvertd : lbaL
Hitts have llVed in w8stiingt.oru' issua were..ii>f' lm~ . W. ,
for.the" P4li fear, leaving their ' women.and.T.ePorted thdr·.~1;
VWa _Park reaidence !or • •. dings lo Mts. HIH'aod Na.ii. ~ m·Woodley. ." During ~he lna1JIUfallon .
~E · ~flurry, Pat ~
~ 'Mrs. !Utt was o f fered her 50 state campaign
several posb In the ad--_i.._:__ . i....u • ministration. "I was anxlous r; ~n1a1 ~~a uwiet;.~
lo do aoniething wilh 1·, in the WaalUgtoo ~.Hotel
challenge·to it.," she said dur-,.. m the elqant· ~
, Ing . an interv:lew in the Room. The "" elaborate board
·Washington' Hilton Hotel. 1 •. 7. was aet wWt1 saladl ~cold
A vivacious and attracUve/~ meata and~: had. an elephant ' ,voman, she has two sons, i .
one a student at USC and \ carved in 1 tce_Ail---the cen-
tbe other id the servJce. Hei. terpiece.
!ather, a reUred oil man lifts •. DEDICATED •' m Laguna Beach. .,.-4
During tbe presidential cam-< A dedlcal<d aupporter of
paign, Pat proved her value · President ,.Nilon since her
as an eUective ·cam~.·"teens,. 'Pat al s o ~ IJ.O'
As the beid or women '"" ,'. • 1r1enc1 <11> ·11u .1nw•dlm»' ·
Nixon-Agnew she moblil1Ald "boss " lldbOrt Fincli and will ' one of the largest batteries~ • , • , of woman power ever . have an dfice ~£,·to
assembled, appolntlnt·~ bis in Qle ·Capllol. · ' ',• ~ '· • • •·
chairmen in every state aod "~ .. , want ,10 do ··r job ··u.c1 Gallery -Associates o.~n. ~Membership'. : •••• • ' . ' seven . regional dlrec1<11'1 lo : and 1 !borough OllO ao ...i.. i;-
supervtSe the 100,000 volun-tant to Ult etmj;'•• she · : , • I . , · . . . , · / . , . . · ~ 1 leers. · said "Wlih ':, ..:..,......, Emphasizing activities .which will proqJOte a ~b:onger WillY.;.With shows, the correlit,one ;l>~ing Tony DeLap: The Lut Five Yearr,;
SIJCCESSFUI.(JOFl'El!S • • • -.-.-the ·art student and.'faculty,. Univentty.qaUery Associl!tes·1of Admiring DeLapl1t."Fawkes" are (left to right) "1an Solomon,.
Sbe railed !Wida by •develop-responaibllltlu;al'~•!!+ ·ucpbai':opened l\a D)•ml>ership this ll)o!lth l<>.:1111\!• inter'eoted m ·gallery du.ctor,•Ml'Si R: k ·Pang and Mn. 1Rollert , MallJlcift;
Ing . tbe "ghantom coll~· EducatlGn aod WeUare, 1 hope this, J>urpose. In addition, anyone jOlning ·before· • eb: 15,' will be Membership I fnfonntition is. available by · Clllin& ·:1111• ~'
hour,"·" sUccea.rul device lo help adll1inlater. \~e; . d!ltred 'I\'• opportunity'.of Jp,ining ·a·pharte~eil:!lig)it'to E;urope in offlce .. at 83M60t: ! .' ·· '· · · .. · '.... ·, · (/ ·
lhrougb "hlcb womdi were l S....tary'o P«llfll1l." . . • ~•!\~~~ .. Ajl~t': r~pollsibillty of 'the. ~~Pj iLllafllllg '.th• . . . , ••
' I 'I, , • ' •. , ' • , , '
, / :,JI ~ • , . .. I St e.Ae Stimuiates ·:·'Aut~or·sl._.!t~. R·ewri te ~::5,a:s1d ·.·p-i:of·::;:·;
I' ' I • ' ~
and I live for lhoae calls. Our _plloiie _..,,, wN.-atve • ...,...., 11ioJ
bill It pr<Uy .biJb, of courae, becauae · -,. ·11-r, llidr -·• ..... aplo,
he calls collect • • · IMll ••r •....: 1{tll. PluM -lllll . .... . -. .. ,....-.
My hU1balMI nl!el a !uu every Ume , • •
Ille phone bill -. l 've told IJlm What lrirlita you on tbe otber llde
I cao1 f\llDk ol aw.,'l'd nt!IOr' spend • ilt· fbe marrtace veil! How can 1""
tbe money. He aaya, "11ie bo.1 ohould be ,,... l'<\IW ~,will ...It! 11.o.
• be 'just ao 11 ~)I lo hear our voled Ann 'Ulnden' bOoklet "Marlqt -Wiiii
"'""' ... to bur bit." ' lo ~~ se&s· nQuoll lo AM Soon oar "'° wiU be leaving for Vitt· Wnclen In ca.-ol'd:' '*"""" ..-
Olin. f 1'l sick lhinklnl about ll Am lhg It""" Iii cofb lllil l lmr. llampld, 1 I the rdf. "fooliab" perent in the workl · lelf«klteaed tDYtiope. ""° ~ ~ ta 111 .right 1o· "tllrow · Ann Luden wiD be flad 1o 1i11P I oot mooey on noniienoe?" ·Piwe tell y<N wilh your · iribloma. -u.,.
me. -"SPENIYl'llRl1T" M<nijER lo i.< In can ol Ibo DAILY Pll.Of ·
DEAR-MOTllEJl1 Tllen -_,. encloolng .t ' aeu.-111 J, --prulmatolJ lt,111 Hfl ol fl0""4I la WI envelope, , , t ~> .. -··· ----.""t-· .. ........ ... ........... _
I }
... .. ..... ~·~· . ..
DAILY PILOT TIMl'lday, Fe~ .. 191>9
Country Club will be ti\• setting for the Newport
Harbor Exchangettes' Sweetheart Ball on Feb. 15.
Lining up the decorations are-(left to right) the
Weddings, Troths
Pilot's Deadlines
To help !ill requirements on both wed-
ding and engagement stories1 forms are avail·
able in all ol the DAILY PILOT offices.
Further qu estions will be answered by Social
Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466.
To avoid disappointment, prospective
brides arc reminded to have their wedding
stories with black and white glossy photo-
graphs to the DAILY PILOT Soci~ty Depart·
ment prior to or within one week after the
For engagement announcements it is
suggested that the story, also accompanied
by a black and white glossy p i c tu r e, be
submitted early. U the betrothal announce-
ment and wedding date are six.Weeks or less,,
ap,art, only the wedding photo will be ac·
cepted. .
Westminster Club ' .
Plans Celebration
A Lucky 13 dinner will
celebrate the ISt.b anniversary
of tbe Westminster Woman's
Club at I p.m. Saturday, F~-
8, In the Peek Family Colonial
Ternce Room.
will be entertained by the
Westminster High S c b o o I
O>traleers directed by Jon vOrisek:
Serving as chainfum of the
OlllJi'fenary -b •!\In. Devld Amel 8Dd Ullsllng will
he the limes. Clifton, ·Walter
Carmon, Jolm --8ild Rayinond ' W.U-. Docoi'a-
tiona will he amnged by the
arts 8Dd crafts aecllon.
"nle club wu organized and
.. . . . ., ' ' .. ' . '• ~ .... ~ ... ..... ~ .... ... . . . .
'Ge.mini ~··. C:ons .. ider . tiappi~~ss
~.Be cartlllfwflli •• f.rom CANCER message. famlly -memrler could cloir
· JllltD made ~ W9'k. em-Don't feel committed to one a~. Don't mLu opporlunilJ It *1tr . ~ method. Spread out ; be ver~· display sense of respoMlbUlty.
87 IYDNEY OMAIUt /! o~ '(11a/11,.;r~ :j()): tile. Dou~le check-messages. AQUARJUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
•1ni,"'~ man coatrob 1111 YOll Dllf btve to ~ be-VIRGO (Aug.' ~pt. 22): 18)· PUt Hnl!hiog touchu on
dooUn AJ1'r fogy poli>ta ~ hoo w6o vte for alien· funds may be tied up; don't · P t attracted
1111• ,Y ·,; • 0 -\lari. Cbolce ~ IJPty to go to rush into project. Person who \'!°~:1;.,1th'°~:~ a;:oblema. Be
WI)'. . ,... oontac COnllder Y~ promiles much rqay be whist· s m al.belle. But get ·your
c AlllE8 C¥arch,21·Aprll !I):. f:j ~l'P!:·.C--.;, ';:1~ ling In dark. ~Be ~-r1elllnl. o~npwork a.it of w1y. Other·
.You are qot frte to make ,r-· . Protect 111ets. t C ~e up wise, costly delay could re-
..-n move. Thert ~ put . CANCER (J~!.~~ 22): something for . suit.
. ~lg:i.1l:"!i c;1~;.![i!1~ fr";.. "':r~ , • ..,;._.:::~ Pr= ~ :~ I~~ PISCES (F~ 19-Mardl !IJ
pine. Do more ltat.nh!i than lty Is "1hloced. P1U~ Is ulrernenls Be himgry for Search thrnu.,. papen lller'tlnl. Let mate, Partner your areat illy.· Not "lie to r:..matlon. Tu.e nothing for tum up lnform~Uon ol value.
have spotllgh~ leave bailc tub to family granted. -Olde!: Individual may Act on original if!"'·i:'.1(1'Y
TAURUI (A'prU 20-May 20): members. Be •!ailable tor in-hurl accuaatioo.· ~ J>el'!!ep-:~ei:,~~dentw on w~
Some m1y encourage you to strucd(lll. tlve; make ~essary adjust-of others. Set your own paCe.
throw caution· to winds. wtse LEO (J"uly ts-Aug. 22): Hold ment. Then you succeed.
course is conservatlve one. off on journeys. Outline goal. SCORPIO (Oct. Z3-Nov. 21):
You have to face yourseU in Be sure of facl.3 Obtain hint Check heallh requirements. IF TODAY IS y OUR
_Royalty ·Will
Over Annual
. BmTHDAY you are attracted
Consult one }'ho can recom-to the mystical; ~e claim
mend propU remedies. If you are psychic. Certa.lnty
practical silck close to home your ESP Is highly develo~
base. Smo.oth over domestic Some relationships are slr.Jih.
dispute. Accent harmony, di· ed; you are due to learn the
plomacy. • truth about' where you bt-
Brunch SAG11TA,RIU• (Nov: 22· long.
Dec. 21): You may not find GENERAL TENDENC!ESo answers from · opposite sex IBRA SCOR.-
Ro I ent•-ly to your 111,;.,.,, Key Cycle high for L , ya ty will share the will compete for royalty In ...... ........'6 PIO, SAGITTARIUS. Special
spotlight with pancakes at the the state society. The winners is maturity.,, Realiz.e.that sotne word to ARIES: don't feel you annual l .... f simply cannot fulfill promise. 1 h ...... t next ~ba;n th: =rn: will receive trophles and Ride with tide. Don't be too must acromp is ever, ..... '6 a
MmeS. Gerard Wooters, invitations chairman; WU-
Jiam Loitz, decorations committee .chairman, and
Allen Temple, in charge of tick.ets. Mrs. Leon Nel·
son is general ball chairman.
National Fuchsia Society's represent the California Na-tough on youngster. once.
Budget and l'.lnance Com-Uonal Fuchsia Society at all CAPRICORN en---'an 1n To~ ':'~ 4:'.!, ·~~r to;ris:: 't · f I.A:\;. ~ • 0tnur'• booki.t, "S«rtt Hlllb tot rru tee. its unctions includlng the 15th 19)· ConOict may A ... 1 ... ~ Men •l'ICI wl)fl'ltft." s.nc1 MrtM•i.
H din ••-I Fuchs! d Sb d · ~~ end 5a ctn!t 1o Om.err AetrolMlr ea g 1.1ie program to annua a an a e tween domesUc and business s.cnti. ,,... 0A1LY PILOT" a. fa•• lake place in the .Paramount Plant Show, Fuchsia Fanlasy, re!ponsibility. Discussion with Gr•nd ,.,,,,,1 s1111o<1. l'ltw wt.
Hearts Decorate
February Ball
RecreaUon Center will be a set for June Z0..22 at tbe1 -;;~;;;;;:~;;;;;;;p;;;;;;'~-Y~.~·~~"~-p;;Wjf;iinp;;;; ~e brunch, prepared by ~e County Fairgrounds. I
Elmer Monson of Long Beach. Mrs. Herb Logue of Long
On the menu are pancakes, Beach is chairmar of Royalty
smokies, juice and coffee to and Pancakef.
be served from 10 a.m.•to On Monday, Feb. IO, the
2 p.m. Costa Mesa-Bay C i t I e s
After the brunch Mrs. Roy Fuc~ Society will hear a
Joice of Loi Angeles, King talk by William Kennedy, past .
and Queen chairman, will In-p~t of the Westchester
troduce kings and qu~ns branlfh o( California National $1.00 FOi OIDll
Amids t a setting of hearts
a·nd flowers the annual dinne r
dance sponsored by t h e
Newport Harbor Exchangettes
will take place in the Mesa
Verde Country Club on Feb.
The Sweetheart Ball, a
Spoons Dip
For Funds
A dime-a-dip luncheon _will
replace the regular meeting
or the Midway .<!:it)'. Woman 's
Club at nOOrr Tues"d.ay, Feb.
II, Jn the clubhouse.
The public ls invited to at-
tend the luncheon whJch will
benefit the club's annual
schollrshlp. T.be scbolarship
is given to a deserving area
student lu aid. in continuing
Mrs. James Bagett Is
luncheon chairman.
Following luncheon lhere
will be a program. of music
aod a book review, and Mrs.
Clair Bunt, president, invites
everyone attending the benefit
to remain.
Cactus Soeiety
Orange County CactUJ and
Suceulent Society meets the
first Wednesday at noon in
Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa.
Mrs. Roy Jones at M3-6085
can be contacted for additional
semiformal affair, will begin chosen by the branches who Fuchala ·Society, on Fuchsias
at 8 p.m. with the Bittersweet · in General.
Seven provl,d.lng tlie dance Mesa Rebekah The meeUng will take place
music. at 7:30 p.m. in the Costa
The Eicbangettes, an aux-Every first and third Tues-Mela American Legion Hall.
Selected Icelandic Whitefish, dipped in our own t11ty
tiatter end coo~ in peanut oil. Watchin9 your dlet1
Fsh i1 loaded with vitar'nns ind protein, low 1n c1lorie1
and 'cholesterol. .You'll •nioy. ROYAL ENGLISH FISH
& CHIPS .• , It's goocf for you! " iliary group of the Exchange day of the month members Door,prize1, refreshments and
Club of Newport Harbor, of Mesa Rebekah Lodge a plant table will add to the
assists the men's club on assemble 1n Odd Fellows Hall, evening's program and guests
various service projects. ..:Costa=:.::M:es:a::·_:•:t 8:!'.p.:m::· ___ _:ar:::_e_:w:_:•:lcom:::::e::· __ :__ __ _:_ ___ ..:.:=============== Members on the board of I~ ·
directors are the Mmes. SJ~ #4' 't. George L. Doubledee, presi· ~,...,.,., rg
dent ; Gerald Wooters, vice WI -· Iii"
president and ball invitations
chairman ; William Loi t z. S 1
recordin& secretary and Beauty a o ns
chainnin of .the ball's decora-
tion committee; Allen Temple,
treas\ll'er and ticket chairman,
and Reece ' C a v e , cor-
responding secretary.
Mrs. Leon NellOn ls ball
chairman.. She is b e i n g
assist~ by the MflleS. Mel
Brenner, Fred Cole, Dwight
Gick, James Ewert, Harry
Keev.er, Robert Washbon and
Coy Walts.
Seniors Given
' Driver Course
Plunlng to atlend are past
presidents including M r s •
Emost Fraquez, 19111"3; Mn.
Emory Clifton, 1-. .00
Mrs. 'lbeodore Brewer, 1996-
67, who will be honored by
the membership.
Club member! and guests federated in 1956 by Mrs.1p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--.I Gordon Dorf.smith. It sponsors
such projects as storytime In
the community's library, an
art festival, an a n n u a I
acbolip-ship .00 a faslllon The Tee
Wcmen ·l nteresled tn
menlbenbip may contact Mfs.
Freoqua, chairman. .at 1113-
0220 ••
,, ______ _
String Group
To Perform
In Hospital
A concert program will be
presented by the Community
String Ensemble and Adrian
Holland, director, on Monday,
Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. In Hun-
tington Valley Hospilal, Hun-
tington Beach.
Tft• DAILY PILOf 1111kt1 11,
MW'I r.M1r•9• fit)rt, ti9ht
•fMI ~l .. f, IMcl yhr h•1t1•·
•-11 ,J,~ tltlty 111.I •lljoy
th• ....... •
Mrs. Vera Nel, social ac-
tivities director or t h e
hospital. will introduce the
amateur str.ing in·
strumenlal group, which has
memben as young as nine
yean old.
Artistes de la Rue
M1N1 th•11 I ,OH ,..... ef • l11cl114int .n .. ••*•'
r.ol•"9 "''tel -r•, •lltr.hery ••• p11tel1, Thft
llRl<IJll• .h ... II ,,_ 111 ·~· ............ et
llwl .... • C.... .... &-1 .. lflllwn., ffl .. S•t.I.
T~t wtrk ef JI t._. ~·II~. ortl•h preMflted ~y
J•rtlt Ll11d•rf•lt
Hw11th1tlt11 C111tet lt h.ch t11tl
ltli119ff •• th• St11 D;e1• Ft.•w•v·
Half Sizes
Uwn the
ICeM with
a 'pretty
pastel from
Half Si.te
Shop. The
early spring
crop Is in.
'"'"' $15.00
HOUIS1 t :JD e.M. tt S:JO', ....
•• MMy nu'
AIM 224 Or .... Mel, hi..,,_
Let our stylist's deft fing ers shape your
new coif -then just Oow thi.s 'fiOnder·
working rinse onto your hair:
• colors lnslantly -and shampoos oul when
you wish!
• needs no peroxide, no after·rinle!
• colors to cover gray, to tone bleached hair,
to refr~h faded hair!
Ntw-i ... ch, C11if,
JIU lft'll'-9 l l'W. Ill•""" •••• , ,_,.,.. ~ ...... '7J.lflt
Art11l1, C1Hf ..
IQI$ l'lonwr
Mfrt'1 •..ictt c..ww ·--,
Cotti Mooo, C1llf.
171 I!, 17111 fltttl M•ffllr CMtw "'*" ..... ,
Oro-, C.111.
UM '#, CMll!Nn ,, .......
Cotti Mou, C1lif. noo H•rtoor ,,..,.,
IC.Mort ~1111 ---·
PLUS SHAMPOO , '225 AND sn --·····--·----··----·-----·-Moaday ttir. 11Nnd.y
IAh• 5,..... -·-··--$2.IOI
Fri .. Sert .. s... -------$l.OI
Cotto Mt11, C1lif. "' w. 1flh ...... , .. 1-lt '42-m&
S1nte An•, Callfo t:t!t He. ,..,,..,. ...
~.l!"rl .. ~"' ~fllflt .... u
Fount1ln Valley, Callf,
17'll .......... 1. vni,.. c"""' P'-9 NWIOl
Fou,.t1ln V1ll1y, Calif.
., fell...., .. lllClll
Vtllrf Cofilft'
---~·----------1--~---------~-----...... -----,------------------,--~---~-,.--~..-~_,,..,.....,
Jl 1lQ)'OOe ever Ub )'OU
lo Wt lbe HUJe.known dlf.
lmnces be!Ween men and
WOlll<n (11.H lbe obvloul ....
...... ~ enough lo uUsfy
moot people), De 1U?e lo U..
elude clrlvlnj characteristics.
The Calilomia HI g b way
PatroJ's ~t statistics ShoWed a marted difference in
Only a percent of the
llcemed drivers in CaWornia
are women, and men do a
lot more driving than women,
eo a comparison ol the
'l""'ber ol accldenb involving men with lbe n,..ber u..
+ntving women is almoat
' -anlngless.
However, a stuqy of the
figures (statistlc81 iype} does
reveal some "little known' au-
ferences" between the mes.
1 The CHP compiles a. tabula-
tion of· drivers found to be ib violation of the law in fatal
and injury accidents. From
this data emerge these "sexy"
P.rcent Involved rlgbt-ol·way.
ThJs vloladon was Committed by only 11.5 ·percent ot lbe ·
men. ,
What ls 1Tlgbt-of-way" -
lbe lblng . that iqipears t~
caUSfl more ~ for
women driven than: anything
"Right-of-way" ls defined in
the Calllornla Vehicle Code as
"the privilege of' the h'n-
medlate use of the highway."
The stotislics indicate .,....
~~ers coot~ do8~:i=
rigbt-o/·W!IY liluatlnos al hlgb
accident jOleoiial '.'.
For the 'benefit of the 'ladles
in the audience, a rev iew ' of
the requlmnenb for l'!eiding,
right-of-way may be in ord~.
(The law does not "grant''
the richt-of..way to anyone -Jt requires a driver t o
When two vehicles enter an
intenecti.on from different
highways at the same time,
the driver on the left must -Of male drivers nt viola-yield the right-Of-way to the tlon, 23.06 percent had been 1-l-I h · (~•-ul drinkl.ng. In contrast, only 9.81 driver on UUI r g t. J.uQ r e
percent of female drivers had doesn't apply at intersections
been drinking. controlled by signs or slgnal1.)
1lben entering a lhrougb -Passing ~ a curve wu hi.gbway, from a driveway or
almost exclU11vely ·a ma.'e-'at a Uitrolled intersectiDn.
type o_ffense. Only 15 of 101 . the driver mvst stop abd yield
auch v1olaf:On were females.. the right-of-way to other
-One-third of the men m · · · ha tered
vi I ., drivmg' t fast vehiclee, which ve en __ o aucm were oo · the intersection from Uii
Only a quarter of the women highway or which are so close
committed that offense. . as to be a hazard. The en· . --qn f:be ~ hand , faihng terlng driver qiust continue
lo jniit·lflli lilbl«.,,ay l'U to yield 111" ',;pt-al-way until "
thl..-Ini -vlolaliOll it b aele to· p..Ooeeil. · ·
for -Of Ill tho viela· ' 1lben a driver intends ' to law to yield the rigbt..of·way. approacblng --not ti~.dributed to•w<men, 28.4 tum left at an 'intersection:, However! for Pr a. c ~ 1 c a-1 enter-the blghway or in-
• he must yield the right-of-way' _purposes, 1t is Imperative for tersection at a speed of more
p _ -1 to all vehicles 1 which aie ap-. the driver who has · yielded than 15 mile's per hour, and
I 001./th pacifk' ~ from.c tho opposite lo be certain lbat it is safe he must slow down or stop
directioD and wh1cb are close .. -Jo move, and not to try to if neq;uary and yield the
enough to constitute a hamrd '-approechlng vthlcles to1 i:illlt-ay· lo other, vehicles
at any lime during lbe turning yield lo him Ii>; drlv~ in6i ' O!>Ji>O.JD~ atileet. ',
movement. He (OI" she) must their path. ~ dri~ w.bo · ~ J'.)q.wl\. alio are required c:oOtinae to'yield !be righfof. ,has yielded .is resporislble .fnr) ·io l'l!ld lbe rigbt..of·way at
way uritil it is we to make determining" lhat· nO hazard . Peddlflan ~a n d equestrian
the left turn. 'lbe same rule elists, and ~IUinl that there crossings. Walken 'D4 horses
applies to drivers who intend was ' no hazard, aflu· an ac.. first. even lf the driver is
to turn left from the st('eet cideot, is difficult af1 often -a ~!~ . '
Tryouts Coming
Auditions far the South
cdut Choral' and IJgbt Opera
Awocl•Hon product!m o f.
"'South Pacific" will take · P1*=e Dal Saturday at 2 p.m.
.,.i ~. Feb .. 10 at 7:30
p.m. In ·lhO Lltlle Theater ol sm Qemenfe mgh School:
All apeaklng and sln&lng
roles will be cast, and
volunteers will be accepted
ror backstage work. A large
number of cast members will
be needed including dancers.
The production is acheduled
lo open April I.
or highway into a drivew,ay.' • ~ve. ~ speaking of pedestr1an..
RIGHT OF WAY 'I1ie "Yield'' 1ign, a -there's aomethina· about
• In all these cases, 'and' in distinctive yellow triangle, is 'them that is punllng. For
. the ones· following, ·after the a ~ of confusion for some some undetermined reason, of
driver ha! yielded lbe rlght-ol· peopje. Like all yellow objecb the 16,195 pedestrians' killed
way, has waited u 'n ti I no in traHic safety YSe, it in4 or injured.Jn traIDc accidents
hazard exists, has signaled if dicates that caution. is needed last year, 10,038 of 1hem •Wert:
necessary and has started his wherever it is seen. males ..:.. more than 60 per·
movement, a ppr o a c,h i n g When an .intersection. is, cent. \
drivers are required by ~e ~ !ith a Yiel~ sign, the Even am 0 n c )t~.
Couple Set
April · Da.te
' PANT $At£ ,
mal.S siilier the brunt oi' tbe Hence, our . .._... to lbe
damage: 3,205 males were !ft. ladies: II JOU wont lo be
jured end 34 killed In bicycle suro ol having enough men
occdenla In 1"1 in uµ. llate, around, Ille care. Wbether
bcom1~ .~ ... ~ -~ 1fem1 .~ Ibey .are Oii foot or on wheels, Si h c, fi ~,.._. ... """'-""' .. "' .au give them ·the rigbt-of,.gy f~~~. ·w:Lc r,i...w 'l ..,,::: ed. when It is legally theirs. •'' ... £
We muat conclude ·there is They not only d...,..e tt, COIFFURES
a diHerence in male and the 109 1 Baker •. Costa Mesa, 5404341
female. Men 1 ,and b,i y1 1;'-:::=y=proba==b=ly=need==l=t!==~=::i====~~======E=:I::=~ because of their actlvwts, orJ-. . · ·
~".?:::~ 3~ &73-:33'<'/~U ~Jl'!l/~~
accldenb, but Ibey .... lbe
victims of a large majority
of accidents ol almost all
Although more boy babies
are barn than girl babies,
ttiere are at the present Ume
620,000 more females than
males in Ca!HOmia. We can'l
afford to loee any more! . '
"' ~-' ' . •
·~--............ ,------~ .
Everythi~g 1$ .. 0n Sale!!
~ -. .
• •
. .
. . •
' .
" I
' .. ·---' I: !:
1: ,.
• .. ..
. ·t tf~'J":•ISS~/~~~'f/5&3/ /~s'/r.t~ J
. I \
~ I
' I
• )
llAl.Y I'll.OT
Shoe Service
New Shop . Ready to Serve You
Coro11<1 del Mar
Corona del Mar ••• 673-4640 e l4ll VIA LIDO
Restyle your ol~
shoes to the n•w
round look.
Bring u1 your
problem ind we'll
Norlhem C•llfomlo Honr;,,_,,
Newport IHch ••• 671-1620 e 74 FASHION ISLAND
Nowoorl leach ••• 644-7551
17'fl • lnN-Nat ta IC~ P:rlW Cl'lldl111 e 17th I: Irv in• e Crestview
Costa Me1e •.• Ul*'405l
9ive your shoes
• new look.
GiNli. Beigert
Noted Orchestra
/talion Ensemble Due ·
Tta)y's noted o r ch e 1 t r a tensive repertoire that In-
Michelangelo · de FJrenze will eludes the great Italian com.
perform next Sunday at 8:15 · posers and Bach, Handel,
p.m. in Laguna Beach High Haydn, Mozart, Tchaikovsky
School auditorium with Gisella and Dv<rat.
Belgeri, prominent y o u n g The orchestra, which plays
Italian pianist, as soloist without conductor, was named
Presented by the Laguna for the greatest Fk>rtntine of
Beach Community Concert aD Umt, Mlchelangelo. it was
Association, the 17·member founded by ~ of the
ensemble will perform an ex-famoua ll:riDg ~ the
Soclela Cmnerlatlca ltalllpo.
comprded .. --. end Pleat Pleaser Umberto Ollveti, .-. Emilio Pogmi, vJo1imt, and
,ii;, 1ff,..i.., 11fq ...
••t.ook, look. look al me
now," your UWe girl calls
as she whirls into aping in
this pert princea with flip
pleat.. Sew It rwlftl!' In a
crisp cottoo end a happy color.
ltala Gomes, ..w.t, wl1o have
been lauded fer their
p e r f o rmanctS throughout
&lrope end South America.
Membert of the ensemble
were drawn from central Italy
aod they share the same ideal
of attaining an arUsUc unity
requiring both the bigbell pro-
f esaional skills a n d a
sing)eness of p u r po 1 e
engmlered by deep mutual
H'-'. TOPS oo·.
TOPS OO'a <i Huntington
-meet ..,.,., Thunday at t :IO a.m. In the Community
Methodlll Churdi, Huntlngtoo
Badl. Mn. Bowan! Slmoo
at -1711 will annrer quea-
lilllll repnllng . membenhlp,
To Relate
Weight-conscious 0 r a n I e
Counilans will have a chance
to hear the success story of
Mrs. Jean Nldetch, founder
and director of W e I g h t
Watchers International when
she speak! at an open meeting
in Garden Grove High School
auditorium tonight at 8.
Mrs. Nldetch, who tried
every possible meam to solve
her life-long weight problem
finally enrolled In the N~
York City Board of Health
Clinic In 11161 end -her weight from 214 pounds
to her present 142 pounds.
Alter Jllaring her eiperieoce
wllh six obese friends, her
message became a nationwide
program. and todly there are
close to a million members
tluooghout the U.S .. Canada,
and foreign countries.
Anaheim clrcula1ed t h e
r<giller to 150 cuestl at·
tending· the· receptloo iD the
"""""' Special FeJ1s were Mn.
Sabina Baker of Huntington
Beach, the brtdegroom'1
grandmother, and the bride'•
au.ntl, Mn. Bud·Francll, Mn.
Marjorie Pickett of L o I
'Angeiet end Mia Lola Shade
of Santa Ana.
Following a honeymoon trip
to Clnnel and San Francisco,
the brtc1a1 eo,;p1.-w1ll ...ic1e
In Anaheim.
The bride is a graduate of
Garden Grove High School,
is a junior at CalHornla State
College at Long Beach where
sbe is a member of Alpha
Lambda Delta, an hooor lllcl ..
ty for women on the
pr<Sldelll'a 1111, and the Home
Ecooom•ca honor aociety.
lier .... -allo ii • ~ al ~ GGHS mlcl a
jmdar at . csct.e· when he
II I ......... al Ille nnlly ·......,o team and II. studying
m a balehall acholanhlp. He
allo attended Golden Well
Printed Pattern Miii: NEW
•Children's Slra 2, 4, 9, I.
•Sile I take9 111 7arda s.lncb.
'coins for each pattern -aM
15 ceotl for each pattern for
·firlt class· otherwile third-1
iclus dellvtey wlll lake lbree
1.weell:1 or more. senct to
(Marian Martin, the DAILY
;pJLOT, iU, Pattern Dept., l!Z
'West !Ith Sl, New Yark, N.Y.
;10011. Print NAME, AD-
Aftw our lnv.ntory ind J1nu1ry CIMrance Salt, .. flnd
many ltoms which we need lo move off our dlaploy floor.
So we hlv1 t1k1n our .. 1, prlcet on thete ltemt and ,..
ducod ,ovr 1lroody low aalo prl-Somo of thoao Item•
•re tlltcontlnued, OM of 1 kind, close outs, incl many
~-= ~.:i.. '"'°"' why we are ••lllng 1t COit or btlow whol ... lt
~ DRB18 with ZIP, SIZE and
' '
c•t to m1k1 room for new merchendlte.
Th11 ,... lncludoS living room, dlnlnt r_,, bedroom
Chairs, lamps, pfctum, •nd ltemt too nume~. to u.t:
Come browao oroulMI •nd look for tho DOUBLE DIS. -=--COUNT Iago. You will be 1urprlood at tho uvlllfll on
nationally HYortlMd fvmlturo.
1165 HARIOR ILYD. e Ph. 541-1.131
. ·~---~-_ ...... _ ---~ .
. ' '
.SINCE 1929
Int •%1 lri;«, llltlll
Sportswear Pl i1ts
, SIM Jlc ::W:~ n.
y ou11 rmd hopsodir. poplinr,
colMIS, more! Pow colors for
dreues, minis, pants! 45• wide.
~:~:· 8,8~
Wonfed •• tt.V Jeno weaves
for Llousos, .d,.....! Drip-.
dry Dacron• polyostw and
cotton prints, sar.dd Wide
fashion c:alorsolection.
save 50~/ol
-DllDED -
s .... , .... .,. 3.11.Ji.
Hugo selection of new fox·
iured weaves in come-
«1live colors including yel·
lows, oranges,. blues and
9..,.!"I Riiyon fricot lil!"d
for '\hapely suits, dteus,
pal!k ond jaclets.
~ all Ifie way horn white fo biad: for
shirhraids, blouses, home deconiting. 3&" to
Uft Mt lYRIL • UYll/IOm•
Huge collection M••I color combinations.
un: mt Slllll, 1mu, t1111n1111awn11.1
Drip-dry rvyon<oltons irl mi• 'n match Yivid
and sub<luod •po< lsweorcolonl 45" wido. · •em•••tt•n111-m 4-0Z. ORLOF-SIYEW
Machine wash aftd lty Orlono ocrylic Soyelle
f« 10Hton, loots, IOCb. Mothproof, ,...;.
.n.rglftic: WFS 2111
29~ WI•._.._
59: ........... ..... ,,.
at IJI yl.
COLOR! DORIS !MY ··--IQ, ... -·-(--~--......... -•••CCI (97}
' ·-IC) .(IOI
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m1 WIST ll!ll'OA _aw.
2 -•• -• - ---• ---------• '-----· -~ • -----• • ---• -------~-------~ ··--~~--~----~--------~---~~-·
UL.I SE6 'IOOR PMR:lll? .
J SAl171ARE '«llJ IHI ERES1E11 IN NMllltE!'
• ly Cliarles M. Sclilll
. . , ly John Miies
By Harold Le Dom:
By Ferd Johnson
•BUT 8"'_..,,.,.')blJ
Nel/llll' WIOtTml Nlf
MUSIC llmOltlf. ""lJ~-11
By Al Smith
DAIL'f '11.0T
' , ' .
SATlRICAL RIJWI: -Dean Jones above'h-''
the weet!y, ClllllempOrary 1atlre, "What's Jt All
About, Worid?" which pranleru toollht et 9 p.m' •
Oii ~el 7, J~ blm Is ~ Bajil, guest
star, and' a host of regulars Including Alex DH~.r
who ll(IOClia documentaries, · ·
Play Rich,
NEW YORK (AP) -"Teacher, Teacher," an
original 91).mln~t~ drama Oii NBC 'Wednesday night
was at baoe an illlplrati<llllll story of the bard-won
release of' a young boy from the prison ct a clouded
mind, But more llian that, It was an exciting and
aw:penaeful play. • 1
There wu Freddie Niles,_.wbo et 13 could noith·
er read nor write because ct serlolia menial J:e!ar"
datian. 'lbe play told how two skillful leachera,
each in h!a own way, taught him to work with hi•
mind 'and Wltli bis hands. Anil In the play, the work
helped heal the w0und1 al cne ct hlS tiaclterl.
David McCallwn seru1itively played the touchy
young school, teacher, ~ton-Cade, emerging
from a shattetll!1 upeijence. 91 •broken marriage,
who comes to tlie Niles .home as tutor just before
the boy's protective and loving father had to be
absent for a protracted period. At the same time,
there came to the estate Charles Carter -played
quietly and gently by Ossie Davis, a retired air
force captain who had decided to work as a,handy·
FREDDIE RESPONDED lmnwliately to car-
ter's calm, casual-treatment and was faBclnated by
tools. ·Cade pullhecl him hard with IOllOllll and they
had a llO'!r relatiooahlp. Thia ulttme,tely led to a
fiery confrontation between the two men. Blit be-
tween them they led Freddie to a point where he
was beginning to read, wrlte and make fri~.
'Most remarkable and at ttm .. almost' uhbeer-
abl7 · nioving was the performance of IS.year-old
·Billy Schlllman as Freddie. 'lbe boy, who actually
is retarded, skillfully showed the progress of his
character from the early otages when be could
sc&re9iy talk or understand to a. point where he
was participating in tho world around him.
lfll:LDER COOK directed the play credited
originally to Allan E. Sloane, although th.-name
"Ellison Carrol" appeared on the screen. Sloane
requeilad that bis name be removed because so
much of hil dialogue could not be used.
111!1 no matter who wrote, it, It was a rich and
meanlniful television event
IF, AS Sl!EMS likely, teltvislon Is about to.be
Inundated with reasonably exact fac11miles of
''Laugh.In," it is only ~ that '1Laugb·In's"
creators ·get there first with a ml:niversiml of the
NBC hit. '"l'urn-On," ABC 's new ball-hour comedy
series, has a · slightly modified format, but the
tempo and the type of material -a furious mix of
political shafts, sight and nonsense gags, doubles
entendres and frankly blue jokes -is a twin of the
established show. If you don't get enough of this
on Monday niJbts, you'll probably love It on Wed·
nesdays. ·
GOJIDON JINKINS wrote some delightful
music, dre11ed It up with attractive lyrics and all
of it, under the tltie of "What It Was, Was Love"
was presented on NBC's Wednesday night 11Music
Hall" by steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme. What
ft was, was,steve and Eydie in concert, singing at·
tractively in "B variety of settings designed to illus-
trate or Ht the mood for eech of the baker's dozen
or ao new 1e11p .
Denni• t'lte lfletlflCe
-~. •
' 'I • -.,.. .... ~
.. ~ .. ~ ... ,, ' . -·
Repertory Opener
Powerful 'GodOi.'
' J '
Presented at DCI
ProMusica •
llolll Guaeamole ! [<>joy
et>ticing enchil~u •• , tantalizing I.cos •• : rob.1st rt lleno ...
t1sty t<1ma~ ••• and other auchenttc Soulh"·of-tke-~
~hies, served amid the ctiloriul al~ of old Mell·
ico. Ddiihtlul wine cocktails~ beer, loo. hm if you'~ Mt
, ,,;, .n iMicioNdo of Mei.ican cui·
. ..... 'f'lkl'r'e Me to • ow
J. Nooe Aineric~ f1wwi~
Have llftldi Of dh•-r at
i' AMigos •• , the Wtsl's MOSt
LIHKhes "°"' 9SC
s1 .SO kl SJ.SO
COIJA MBA-a 111111'*&./iWJ,.UU
-r.~·~..,_. .. _. . ......,_c_
When it comes to
5~ Heads are better than 4
51Ai%?? Penninaddupto
dollari, and dollara add up to
th< difference b<tWttna Wilahir<
Fe~ 1<1vings account and
a refU/ar bank 1GVingi account.
0 111' current annual paubooh
rateo/5% iath<highutin
the nation for imured savin& ..
(ciccount• are imured to
«16,000 by a Fed<ralal'ocy), ' b•I w/>m your "1Vin fl ,....,;,, for
a)"'"'" daily compaundinf
~ lh<eaminl l'QCef()
51/a% ... ovul % "'°""'llM
your money would mm in cs
mparabk bank aaving1 account.
And, you cGn. earn a·~% bonw
abiu. .the curnnt annual
padlioO/o 1"1< on 36 nlonth
Certificate Account• in multiple•
o/ ,I,000.
Op<n your inluml ..,,;,;,1
• """"uni today.
Fundl .....;w,i by February 10th
...... ,,. .. tlw 111; . .,,.,. th<
IOIA fro .. dal< receiwd.
SAVINGS ... -· ,,_ ... _
. "
-9 -· • " ............. .,. ..,._ • • • • .. • • • • • • ' ' • • .,_ ' ~. .~ I ·~ " " •
Crossword · Pu12le
·-·· • AHIJzol
10 l •lt anlaal D -lslllMI
ll Rod::tt .....
ll S•clon 18 Calltcl
22 ••'•"'• 24 Polattd ......
27 Ad:l~Utl •11!1< . ztO•"''"" 'JO KI~• I ... _,.,
:ll S.-v •.
35 Ballet
...... b
)7,iiri• prMuct
Z wcrds ,._ ... ..,,
39 Htnt• '
41 S.1"tltU
lndivld111 I ·
' '
4' Plmt ...
46 Sl""Lsff 41Do....._ ....
ll ~-b sale ......
54 Cll•Mnt ...... 55 Cltemlclf ·-·· 5• Kind ef tthr•ce i ....
"Uop wllll ! ""''"' knot r.o l 1t9t hotan
6l Trtn •l Scmethl119 '•t11orlzt4 •s Town In hctln;-
Wt Notch
''Ma.r's Alctn•t '
Chance . .
. Musical
-c:-.. --.. ...
,......., MRLlll•
lkll9nl ~ ••• ..
I,, 1/, 11 ---·-........ ::":] " .,. ·I -. .... . ,..,,,,,_,,._,
pr ... 11n ~1rg1ret Cowie~
Ev•ry Fri., S•t. A.Sun.
Till M•rch 2
tlckns A¥ait.lltt et .... °'"-., .........., ........
21 15 Viii• Wty
Ntwport lt•ch --67Sol l10'
---------.................. ..-
WH k D1ys
,.,... ~ 0-.. 6:10
C-let • l :JI ; ·
... ·
The Incredible Reign .of GoOd 'King
UBU :.:::.::::\ .............
Ir•"·"'· -THll D STI P TMIATltl -COSTA M .. U. "
C.....lln Offb -'4"'1361
(Mll Dlll M'I TMI ATlta-''TM .1111...,... Mii ttie H!t l\lliltfilt''
l'Ml'l ltOlt 11\111 Jlle M....-rlMALI, .,. Orl9rlhl '.m110i.,. -. ., tht '"'51 Cl•lleh!llll •1111 un\QUe ~ ., ;..,. , .. ..,.1
M•llMI ~y -1 •lllf I ~.!!\
Nearly Everyone 'Listen·s'. tot anders
of the Grandest Cinema of them aU
)300 CHAIRS Every-a divan loge
.300 are Super-Lounger Loges
The Ultimate In Cinema Comfolt and I.miry for you!
.,, '"""' Ilk• ........ a -UWUN&! 0ace ... aee it. yoa'll nmr ••• n. ..:.i-.· / .JuUet" u one or the . • • ,_ -e--.....-ci
,..,.., • nomtn..s tor 1-I: .llliet'-the way yoa did ltefore!" -un 'Best Picturt:' and Fr;anco _____ ....:,_
Zeffirelli u 'Best Dlttc· .....
-James Bacon. L. A. Herald ExamJner
'"I'hr most utlsfactory film fve seen th\I year!"
-We Magazine
"A 1lnau1ar .,.i ®tr. whe1mlnK_ clnemaUC -ex·
Chtcaso American
I •
Golden Globes Doe, ··Bui ·-TV Bows Oui 6U111 IBIPBllll .• : 11116 RooM
Costa M ... Goff & c.c. • I ' '\ I
wiltt wtii. the ?edml Com· lat ~ and ~ 1 ,..... The dedat111 wUI cost a 17 t b I a I --Diii munkatlont ~ ED8lilh .....,., the UMCl•tl"' 1 major source .,-the LIMlo,..,., Jiii.
lnfllriatlntr ooe lllO!her • The pnoldenl cl the auocla-at ,..,_ and !!etract....... i... or,~, -· · ' lion, ..,......., deal«! that wllot. ffonl Ille allure ij held -.•1 lloo
The FCC .,pooclalmed the 1, at 1111 membenblp wen for movie llln who·Ol\joy .. re, 1nplQlonl cl net~ork aerioolly delln-, ~uwaitersattlle ~·a~forthetr-areat , ..-., · ~
queot bl"""""'"' the Gold-Blown -Dolby aww and laient .... •tdevistoo. mar la fact, _... -en Globe award·• bec111• oUw restauraiits aro~Dd 1b9 ttei>reu~ state ot af. entirdy. ·· . rumorlwlttthe~_. town. . fafro ·wltl nol-~·the .award , Nonelheleu here .,. put known well Jn advanco at the Althoup wvtce <s notably cer.monies IChliduled for at the Glol>en' ,... .... u .... , c::t ~~:WU tlowtr in a1ch places when ' F.eb. ,Z4!> . Bst plctqre: "C )I a r l 1,"
, • • the fonlgn holds a It will just'malle them more "TM Heu\ II a 1.-l)o Hunt,
cliilJ>Plea would give a G.1 meeting, the f.:' shoo14 not pr\vate. And aen'lce might .,, .. "The LIOll ln Winter.'; to ll1Y Illar wllllng to shpw up. be -.....i. unl>rove at llotlyweod's he~ .. _ at the 1"1111ermm'"
'lllts, ol """""·was denied Despite the lnnocenceotthe ter cufu!ary establlsbmectt. and·(-) "The Flis." •
by the guys with monocles, Golden G!Oben, NBC ...,•t The Golden Globes m not a -a c tori Alla Ai;ldD
wlDd mint ....... cblcl:m-telecut the areal event this • bellwetbe.r for the~ o< (1-ly llllllter), Alla ·-
Hollywood Again
Tackles Faulkner
new Steve McQtJeen movie is
dedicated to the proposition
that .a wort ol William
Faulkner can be successfllDy
converted to ftlm .
History ls ·against t h J s
thesis, alnce a Faulkner vehi-
cle has rarely been· successful
on the: screen. The efforts
have been: "The Story of
Temple· Drake," 1933 (from
"Sanctuary,">. "Toda! we Live,'' 1133 ( rom
''TUrna.bout"); "Intruder in
the .. Dust.'' 19'9; "The Long
Hot .SUmmer," 1957; ''The
T~ Angels,'' 1957 (from
"Pyloit"), "The .Sound and the
Fury," 1951, and "Sanctuary," ueo.
The new effort· is '"111.e
Reivm, '' the late MisSi.ulp-
pfan'•: last novel, which won
hlm I PuHtr.er Prize ·Jn 1963.
It ii a p1caresque tale in-
vOlving an 11 ;yea.r-0·1d
Squthern boy who runa away
with a young adventurer and
a Negro arid learns about life.
Fauli:ner country near Car·
rollton, Misr~. where be grew
a beard out ol. boredom, '"The·
people there wer.e waiting fa!'
us to be Northern ogres, and
we were, µpecUng them to
be Southern bigots,'' be said.
"Both sides bent o,v e r
backward i.o be nice. A& a
result, it was pretty dull."
Rydell was asked why the
Faulkner magic, which drew
him a Nobel Pr~e and otbef
honors, bas largely eM:aped
capture on the screen.
"Maybe because hi! writing
is so textual," the dinctar
nwsed. "His words a r e
brilliant and rich; they loolt'
marvelous on the .page."
"But films are not primarily
a verbal medium. There have
been a fe,v, that hav,e made
super use of l~ge -"A
Man for 411 Se:asODI," '"nle
Lion in , Winter," "1Becket."
Bllt -most f°'"' films are
Ryden. remarked ' that '''11te
Relver.a" seemed to be a good
Faulkner work for film adap-
tation because of its wealth
DAILY PILOT ltlfl' l'Mll
Political Mud Thickens ~g the IS mtlllon fihn
fer CBS' Cinema Center Films
is young (39) Mart Rydell,
onetime jan pianist and actor
and now one of the hotttest
.... directors ln films. The
reuon for his success: ''The
Fox,'' his flnt feature after
escaping from the grind ol
dlrectlng "Ben C a 1 e y , • •
'!Gunamoke" and other TV
of humor and action. But the Don Rhoades (right) introduces Ron Langseth (left) as a man wbo may coun·
rambllng novel had to be ter a political smear in a scene from "The Best Man/' closing Friday and
made more visual and simp-Saturday nights at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Looking on with interest
le.Director Rydell startled the _a_r_e_T_e_rr_en_c_e_Do....:y_le_;.(s_eated __ )_an_d_·Da_v_i_d_M_.,_·vill_._e. __________ _
"We· made "'111e P'ai' for
~11=~0;:,: ts °ts~~
ht~ "No; I dldn') )lalle ..... ; •• , ti lie ......... .
"' p:reell-. ~-· r-J<M for a atraliht salary. Bat ·!'ID not upset by thlL
'The Fm' gave me a career."
Ryden had recently returned
frol)l location fllmlng ln· the
film World with his live scene
between Sandy Dennis and An·
ne Heywood in "The Foz."
Will "The Reivers" also trut
sex so openly.
"l think the picture should
be acceptable for general au-
diences," he remarked.
"'There la some r o u g h
language and• the lioy does
get an education when Steve·
takes him to a whorehowe.
But there is no nudity. and
no outright sex. It's all done
in good taste. 11
Coming Feb111Gry 8
Fainily ~ekly .
' I
How to Find Happiness
After Divorce
Tltis ooted lawyer examinn the prob)-and
pitfalls di•orcees face and suggnts ways to
cope with then1. ·
e TREASURE PLEASURE -Mlklnt -rk Into
fun, SCUBA divers 10 cloop for thO 10ld, Thh
1tory tollt It llko It could bo for you.
• DIET TIP -A nutr!Honal uport ci.lmt lt't
nol what you fft, but -you oat It. Thi•
may bo your way to wolth Ion.
e ASK THEM YOURSELF -Tho wookl7 fntu"'
tfllt !Imo oJCPfalnt why tho lato '""· John F.
K..,"°"Y didn't call hit aacrotary by hor flrtt
All Coming Sihl~ In Ille
Opera Star
Gets Arts
:Chief Post
Mimi eenzeu forme'r star of
the Me,tropolltan Opera and
Broadway ·musicals, is en..
tbuaif.stic about her-new post
is· director of the, Office of
Performing JUld Fine Arts in
a New York City aubufban coUnty. '
"llbe, pos1tton is not one Where you can go in and say,
•rm going to do this and
this and this,' .. Miss Bent.ell
said in. a telephone interview
1bursday night, just after her
appointment to the 418,IJOO.a·
year Nassau Ccunty post.
0 T h is job is what I make
of it/' Miss Benzel! added,
"and what I wilt he domg
will be something that will
pay off for the people tn five
or 10 years."
Th e attractive brunette -
who . js Mrs. w alter Gould ln
private life -said, "I will
be working closely with t b e
county to try and create a
better atmosphere in the arts
and cul~. I will primarily
be functioning to help develop
programs, to coordinate e1:•
tning programs, to counsel."
'Boys in Band' Coming .
To Hartford . TMater
tington Hartford Theater is
Coast Band
Wins Prize
Top honors and a cash prize
of $150 in the Knotts Berry
Farm Festival of Sounds Sun-
day went to Newpor1 Beach's
Dixieland band, the Happy
Jazz Band.
The band members are
students from Harbor High
and Orange Coast College,
four of whom are music ma-
jors. Laurence Wright ar·
ranges all the music and
writes all the special material
·for the group.
Tbe Dixieland group was
called upon to glve an unei:·
pected additional performance:
at an earlier show, as well
as their regular 4 p.m. act,
when a scheduled group was
unable to arrive on time. ·
, Winning of the semi-finals
qualifies the Happy Jazz Band
for the festival final5 this
Top Role
Opera star Anna Moffo will
be seen Jn a top· role in Para·
mount's "The Adventurers,"
the screen adptaUon of Harold
Robbins' novel.
l11~·co1~rtu1 sound. of _ ..-...
Ora119e,county Music .. ~
From Fashion Island, Newport Beach
' .
r '
CThe rtarl, TGDY Cun1' ('l1le
-SU'anllor), Peter O'· Toole (LIOll In Winter) and
C1lfl llobutlon (Chariy).
Belt actreu: Mia Famnf
(8-IW)''•. Bally),. Kath·
-Jlepbufn (l.i9a ln -t'tt), v._. Rtctcrava Cm·
clon), Beryl Reid (The Kill·
1111· "' Sister Geor(e) and Jo-..,.. Woodward (Riche~ Ra-
Some ot theae peilOlll and
plctures may also be nom-
lutecl !Or • Oacan. /uiy .1n ..
illril1 1JD01J1 nomi-will
... ..,rely colncldental,
Cast Listed
castlng baa been annotinced
fer the Huntington Beach
Playhouae production ol Nell
Simon's "Barefoot in the
Park," which opem next
mcm.tb ·for five weekends.
'"Mite Skinner, winner of the
Weatmlnster Commun lty
Theater's best actor award
for last season, will take the
leadlng role ol Paul. Playlng
his young bride, Corl<, will
be newComer Rita Kl.mer.
Anabelle Qulgley, director ol
the pla~'• current lbow,
"'Tbe Belt Man," wlll be seen
u Mrs. Banks, the bride'•
mother, while Paul SuWvan
FEBRUARY 14-15-16
TUISDAY ·tllrs IUMIAY-.1111 • 11 P.M.
CHAIO--llllO • lolf.P.\L . .
1701 Golf Coune·Dr. · Coal• Mota
lohlnd Falrilow Hoopltal , ' Jil0.l200 • •
of Richel, Richel
~.@!I_ the e cc en tr I c1l:;~~~==~ neighbor, Victor Veia3co. Jobnl'
Moran and Colin Guiver will
complete the cast.
Dinctlng the Huntlngtoo
Beach comedy will be David
Maiville. a drama teacher ln
Pasadena who wu seen in
"The Best Man'' at the
ptayhDU1e. Production dales
are Fridays and Saturdays
from March 21 through April
19, wlth reservaUons now
being taken at 536-81181.
Forum Sets
For 'Winter'
Cllrll!Oplw La e COLOR. e ".,,... .......... ,,.. ... _.
si.nlty .. _..,. . .,.. ............ .,
C11pa1~ aMI lest Whllet:
.. tM ......... An .... -....... .
. IDWAIDS NEWPORT CINlll• _, __ ....,...,,_
I, C... H~ • ...,.,.._ IW.
•UMD ONNIN•. TUDDAY. fu1uA1Y 11 -7111 ,. .. _,, ____ ,,,_ __
lf.6oPI 111r1 IV llDWIO MARlW lANE PAT !JllllUtL nu.1111 OlN1E GABEL KAZAN m-e DAll.OCIER iii!'R'l-iiiimlllllll·lliiilUll ..... ..,...,. • ...., . . , ___ _,____ SMAGD
Con9r•t~lltions .nd B•st Wish•s to
tht F.1bulous 111 n•w b••ufiful
Falllto. ...._, -Newport Cent•
E. C<!m1 H,lg!!way et MacArtM llwd.
•llAllD orl!NIN• TUUDA Y
. FURUARY 11 -7:00 1.M.
Opentn?,-Pitture -Franco Z•Hirelli's
.;:-MAN ~)
, . ·-'"'•--··• .zr1~~AN lil 1 l · ~1ULAl&O"" \llf! WllHll TO . · TH'I UlllLllUI ALL -IWmPUL
PASHION ...... ...,.,._ CINTD
I. COAIT lff-AY' at _,,Ml kft.
OflNIN• PtCTUl&,..;..iiU.NCO iDNUW'I ~ • ' '"IOMlO 'AW• JUUft"
Write to Uncle Len
• I • ' l
\ I
• •
····-..:.w.-. .. . _-,;....;.~~~--... -......;.;. ·-. . . ... ' ..
H DAll.Y PILOT ($) ,,_.,, f"""' g, 196'1
Year Money's Worth
Cities Scrambw for Taxes
Al )'Oii l•t .,_ 1961 """'" la order for April IS, try thJi.
eurdle: add up ~11 the
J'ederal and Slate Income lax·
M )'OU paid or 1Ull O'l\o·e for
l!IM. Then add on the State,
loc&l tue.s and properly l.UM
-pla1 Social Security taxes
)'Oii paid DOI only !or younelf
but also !or any household
employu. ni..,,uUmate the
cas taxes, clptit tues, prr>
perty transfer taxes, com·
muter tue1, any other Wes
levied qainsl you .
Don't be stwmed ll tbe l<>tal
comes to fG..50 percent of your
lncome -even if you're in
a rqiddle income bracket !
JUST AS a um piing or
wbat'a goinf on right now :
Connect cut'• General
Assembly is debating tbat
alate'1 first personal income
tax, plus a rile in the 1tate
sales tax; Vermont, one ol
the slx states'in the U.S. still
without a general sales tax,
Is considering starting with
a 1teep 4 percent sales tax;
New York is arguing a boost
hi the state sales tax fr om
2 to 3 percent.
It'!! the same from coast
to coast. In states, counUes,
ciU.,. lownl, hamlet... And
desplla I b e well-publicized
Federal 5UI'Charge 8nd the
upsurge In living coets, the
ruJ · villalnJ In your pocket-
book pinch t.day are stale
and local 1ax ...
Just olnce 196$, stale and
local spending has doubled, to
more than $100 bllllon a year.
The average per capita stat.
local tu burden now la 1310
a year and u llllb u f4l8
ln New York State. The aiate
tax burden la spiraling upward
at a staggering H per*I
a year and local tuea are
zooming by more than 10 per-
ceot a year.
THE TOrAL federal, state,
local tu lake tbll yw 11
alated to average 13.a'I per
flllllly -O,JM •• RC<llll.1 · u !llO. Alld . wllllo
, men thin llait ol tbt rbo
la tu collectlonl la r<C8Dt
)'tl1I bu •tommed from ...,
'eeooomlc boon. (the IPlirl In
per1onal and l)ualMu -
11.lbject. to tu.ea), a very
ll:etblt llhare alao bu been
the mult ol 1teadll1 rllhll
lax ralt! and the lmposltton
of new types of tu.u, many
of them "hidden. ••
In tbt deoporale acromble
for tax Income, clty after city
la Imposing It. own lllcc>m<
tu. l8lee tax, CollllllUler tu.
clgaret tu. In New York City
today, the l<>tal tu on a single
pack of ctgaiet. la '4 cents
federal tax, . a ctnts, state,
(federal tu, I cent.., slate,
12 cents, dty. 4 oe11ll). Today,
four out ol ID ol our largest
cities have a city tncome ~
Jn many tnatances, countla
are "plggy..bactfng'' on the
slate Income tu by levying
their own percent.aa:e ol that'
Among other tues· now
being 1llpped on 0< coillidered
at the state-local level are:
a state locome tu SW'Charge:
stale lotteriea; grou receipts
taxes oo busloeases : airplane
boarding taus; Ines on doc·
lor'I llld la"l'er'I bills; tuet
on aervlca ranging from car
wasblni and repair to dry
IT'S PAINFIJL just lo read
about It, ls Jt not?
And the !act la that the
"real'' spending earnings or
average workers are slipping
below a year ago again -
In raponae lo the Federal
tax ·surcharge, the rile in
Social Security ta1es and the
lbarp rile In our cost ol llvlng,
Aa llMMI began, the .. earnlnp
(take-home pay adjusted to
reflect price lncruse•) !or the
factory worker with three
dependents were down 1" per-
cent from the same data a
year •go. Then on top of this
i;iut the state·local tu pinch ...
AA occount II Newpott Bllboo StMngo lo on
eddlllon ID 'JOAlt tnvMtmenl porllollo-end o
Y«Y ·-edditton. Conolder whet $t ,OOO
kept 11 Newport Balboo SrMgt -.Id oem In
dMdenda. A regulw p111baok eocount. main:
talned onoyoar, would rohnn1Dyou$St.30 et
our Cll'n!l1I -rite. A llonua Aocount ol
the eame amount. m1Jntaln9d three yea,._
W®ld return $li6.4& • -Of $1li8.35 for tho
ln contniot. • ftke -ol ~ -
retum only $40JlO • ._ lf..bpt ln a boNc. A
"gOO<f' lloclk _,id,r911rn -i-A-
eelllng et $50 a tlw9 end peytng o dMdMd
or $2..4-0 ts conalderod., -buy. VII ln
dlvldenda $1,000 -ln !hit --
pey you only $48 .....tly.
lnveitment COlftMloni mow it. nM o1
maintaining a brood po<tfollo. F«.-.'• tNtlt
ln the homily w""*>g !hot I..,,"'--!Dp<a-.ilyour_ln __ .Or_
• relatMl!y few~
Make o_lblo_ID~
ment portfolio.. Open M ..... II t'9110port
I Oll'Cl81Wll ... ol5.ot!$" .. 'fl ......i )'ltld ol 5.13!1 wit•
'fl -""" dlly end -"**' for --· 0...141--
In .. iltlploo ol $1000. ..... 'fl ..... 6.2&'.' ........
..., ~In lho nauon.
SAVINGS ----·--°"""' _ ..... ___ a.--.··-,...., ... C1WI ..
-"" ""°"""' --°""----" -.. bri-. "°"' ......... Dolllrll • P. A "AlMD\. Qiihmi ~ .. ...,
AllD•CWOUIJ .........
• • • • • t • •
; •• •• • ; . • • z
' • ..
4 • ·• • • • •
= • " •• ~
• • •: • • •
~ f.
" • .. .. • f, .. • :
I • •
Wedn~sday's Closing
--.1-..u.c-.a..r----------,.,. ...
Prices-Complete New York St~k Exchange List
St~k Exchange List
l I
11 I
t I
j .
' '
-~ow Vegas Fighting Smog NQW in o~tr 45th Vear ••.
·' . : .G~rribling s~ ·sit8 in Valley' Si!rJ,iiar 't-0.'ti : f'. •• • • '. : .E~T~BLISHED 1924
-.. . . '
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -that makes eyes waler. Air relatively •mall area popu)a· .... enwlll)~llllrlfllilHow.,ro , 5%, ~~~~Alj!f · AA~~""~KACCO~Mn; 5"" OH3Y~RC!'llTIF~TES(MULTll't.ROF$1,0ool
Gmblers from Los Angeles pollulipn.~perta say it may tion of 300,000. 1 .. ~ lt';UtJH•'*UbUlbi'N beid-'· •• ,, , , sooft may find smog tOo in get woue. But Clar~ County~ f~ quart.en there. and most ·or · lp&Ur1nce tD $1s,000
• AcciOUnb ""'tit~ '
!.,as Vegu Ls in a desert to have 520,000 persons by tbe district's concern has been •nYtUKaln:•01.""°""' • F\ijd1 plac:ti:fbYtht1' Lf!.I . Vegas, a place where vall,ey:~ by n:ioun-umand687,500by.. overCIJ'landopenbuming, '"''lOtt10f'th•lnCM'l!fi$nfrom'\Mlst.' )'°";!~~:·year· the l::!!!e~~"l~=~..::y.]; SMOG FROM CARS' , 'Smog levels were qulte low H~DOFFK~;;,;>,;:,-;;;;;,);;.j,'·~0;;.,,.;
.smog count reached .~ level polluti9q becawe ol J ts Tbe city depends m1lnly~on· for years bU~ reached a Las "· TAAZANA: 111s1 v.fiwn •IYd.. '45-1114 · ' · the non-polluting lndl1SlriH o[ Vegas J'OCOl'd of .17 parts
No MaHer How
You Slic• ·It • • •
~~~~MY ~~!!~i
126 has DIFfERENT
Wt Cut YDlll Order Ftnll lram NATURAL WHEELS!
" The ollly, thing thafs or~ary .oo;,l ..
. MR. STEAi(. is the prices. They're low! But
the steaks? G~t you'll ever have.
. PerfecUy aged USDA CHOICE corn-fed beet.
Fanu1y dining at its best'
1167 fBirview
Costa Mesa
g'1?1bling :an<11 entertainm1"nt -' ozone per mllllon partl air HUNTINGTON ~: 91 HvntfnP! C.ntw, 117·1047
but most srDQC come rrorP last summer. The a.dyene:~il~~#==='3'~·==~;;~;~~~=~~==~;==~~====~==~~,~· ~' uie aiitomoblle, CooSidered • level, when eyes are irTitated, •.. _ 1. • •
must (or living Jn Las Vegas ls listed a~ .15. A llll)Gtl.~
. Claik . CoUn_ty, made up of 18 called m .~ Arit'lea· at
many. formtr s 0 u t b e r n . .fiO. 'Olal cily a rtcord, r~~ ~
cautomians; bas passed strict ed in 1967: waa ·~· , . ~gulationa prevenUng open ~~ has ~n ll~ ~
burning except in r a. r e .muruty pr~e for 8111~ ~·
circumstances, when•a speclal trot, ·although district 'Officials
permit is needed. ' say smog ' could · drfve the
Still, the air ia frequently tourists , aWay~ · , · .
hazy because of lime dust Lester LaFOrt~. owner of
from chemical 1tlants in the SilVi!r StatetDis~aI-:Co.,
nWby Henderson. says -that in 'soriie ' ~ts
The dry air does little to the smog threat has been ' u~
' s:t.QP J)ollutlon, say1 Donald aggera~.
A!:~ell, a chemist f~r:~e Clark oi-CAUSE Colinfy, Health Dialr1ct. He .,,... •
says•tb! valley la stiaped like · Eigbt~·B_even. percent of ·the
.a bowl :-&nd frequeri,t air in-haze In, the ajr''ls caused ~y
versions pla~ a ltd on it, d~, ~ said, and the new
altho1.iglf it1 is occasionally smog, c;ontrot devices should
windy. · cut·dqwn on air pollution. ·
· John 'Myers, chairman of
NOT EFFll1!ENT the County Air Pollution Com·
Smog , conJ.rol devices have mittee, said recenUy that
not been developed efficient LaFortune shQ\lld not havi
enough, he ~5:8rs, to· stop auto been appointed to the gover-
exbausts fr6l'n emitting smog-nor's air pollution advisory
producing c~micals. council bec.ause he ·is Charged
.Dr. V .. H. Uecker, an en-in court with violating anil-
·vifonmental . health officer, pollution.law1.
says the.Henderson plants, the Myers said another board
· area's ,Ohly !1tavy. indus~. member LHym~ Yanke, owns
have 'been given [1ve years a fiml whiCh manilficture'.f
from ; passage of ~ law in incinerators and ·shouldn't be
1967 to r~u~ polluti.on. in a position to en(orce regula'-
. 1be district also can ~t tions· against incinerators.
standards for new lndustr1es LaFortune said his two
to "!ee_t. It is s e e k I n g dumps stopped burning three ~ss1on fro'? the·· '1ate '1_? r: ~.ar:f. ago a'nd ille,. h¥ /speirt
requ1re fa~tor1es to subout $100,000 a year bu r y in g
. more . ~et.ailed 1plans befQ?e garbage instead. operatirlg. • · · ' ·
The ·district t • has issu.ed -
severa1hundr0<i warntnas, but . Heads "''o-en there was on1y one conviction, w· .l.ll
and the penalty was a '25
There has been no big lnfiux
of industry into Las Vegas,
.Gail Schriefer,,~ Via
Viento, MisslOn Viejo, Jw:
been elected president -0f the
assoc.lated w-0men students at
.Santa Ana Cpllege.
•\~-Speed Jet-Action
~~~~WiASHER ~ •s.;'.it:Lo 'd ,Salling S1ves $
• De•p Action A9it.itor for Thorough
e 2-J•+ Away Rins11 -G1t-1 Rid of lint
ancl Scum, .
e Cold Wat.er Setting-Saves Hot Water • e Fabric Selector
• 2 Position Fabric Selector for Safe Drying
[:=------i •Durable Prass Care for Wash & Wear Items.
• G1ntal Flowing Heat Pa mpers Fabrics.
Buy the Pair • •• ~y Just. ~ 534888 EASY
• "Rapidary-1 opou Spin
~~~WASHE-R e "Rapidary I 000" Spin Gets Out More
Water! e D•ep Action Agitator for Thoro~h
• 2 Jet Away Rinses
• Durable Prass Care-Gentle Washing
Action for Na.Iron Fabrics.
• Automatic -Timed DR·~ER
• Automatic Ory Cycle! No Guesiwork!
• Durabl1 Press Care Plus End-of."Cycle
Cool-Down. L------1' • Cycle-End Signal
• No Stoop Fine-Mesli lint Screen on Door!
a .
' " ' . '
.Buy the Pair . • . Just $388'' ,'EASY · tlRMS
• Cycle -End Si9nal
e Alttomttie Ory Cyel-Df.rr Stopt
wh•n eloth•t •r• clryl e Our•bl• Pr•11 Ctr• pl u1 •~·of.
eyel• cool clowril e Cyelt·•"cl 1l;nel -t•ll1 you wh•n
to t•~• eloth•• oull e lirit Ser••n on cloor ~or eoll'l'tn·
Buy . the Pair . • . Just. 540818 EASY
e Serving Tlie Hamor Anci StnU l 947 •
' ' ....
411 · East ·Seventeenth St.
DAILY ' to 9 -SAT. ·9 to 6
DllYER wuum
Costa Mesa
~ " . . . , . ' rtioiie 646,.1'84
' ' •
• ' ~
' <
r I
' \
' ' I
• ' c
.. ' .
41 Mo,tM
, •• OAC
.......... +
Firebird 'Hardtop Coupe." 250 cu. •lri. over-·
heed cam engine, buclcri' teats, EIO:a:l4 wide
, ovel tires,. heater, back-up lit~s, windshield ~,
. washerJ. Seriill No. 22ll79L606196 , .
Hen.I 1 /J D1w11
For 41 Mellfh
Thii beauty is 1v1
il•bl1 for im· i
m.diete deliYery. low, low miles,
full re"11 inin9 factory warranty,
heater end defroiter, white wall ·-
tires, overhead cam 1R9ine, etc.
Uc. WJR514 " :
'• $ 995··. ;,. '' 1 ...•• ;" .
'68 Le Mans
'68 Pontiac GTO's
· · ~68 Firebirds ·'
'• .
. . \
• •
t1 . 1~69 ... < '
~ • I RANQ i'PRI: ,'
·FM ' St~''' ~adi~, P.o.w•f' _wirido~s, cordov1
top, Turl:)O hydr1m1tic; remote' mirror,~ powel'\
steerin9,· tilt st11rin9 wheel, pow~r discs \
brakes, head restraints, G78xl4 w~ite side
well. tifei,.' heater, beck-up lites .. S11ri1I N~ •. ! ~
276579P 170796
At BQB LONGPRE PONTIAC eech ,.,,d every used car is Quality Controlled & S.:fety ·Tested.
• • < •
This ossures you th1t confodonce oi'. Solely, Velue,, and RelNibility. ,. < • \ •• • -' i . . '
'" . , .. ~. Q~,e.o.~~;,:s.Mfu , remo' u·s~:c:i>.81
.-. -. 'I • , _ ; . , . · 1 l .· ' , • 1 ·.' ,.,I •
• · • • "'-r I · · " ' r "t r • ' . • : , • •
JN · ORANGE COU~ •• · . . • 9~~UTY CQNTROLL~D. SAFITT TESTED . . ... ' . ' -. . .
"PRICE . '68 Firebird 350's Orange County's Finest '69' CADILLAC
i Sed111 DeVilt1, col'l'lplet1ly \ •q•ipp·
eel ...,jth 111 the lu1ury .ppeinf·
1t1e11h. lo...,, leW lftire1, Nl•e• of
feelory "'1rre11ly. Hurry or( thit,
'I '66:CTO
Vt. ·.11119!'11Hc tr~111rni1,lon, r•dio
eftil fle•~r, ,o...,•r tt11rin 9, Cor·
dove top.•Lie. SYClSt
·Sporhme11 ...,jtfl c•lft,•r, rffle end
'h1e l1r, VI, eufofl'lefic tre11,misslon,
compl1t1ly-11lf-c:o'ntolllec(! 'l ie.
' '68 Firebird 400's POWER"
ON· ALL '68 Catalina's
1968 '68 Ventura's
'68 Bonneville's PONTIACS ' PLUS MANY
Seleelion of Oullily ' STATION
Bonnevllles· & Catalinas
'. Impalas & Bel Airs
No . •101• • ' *699·5 '
'67 Flrebird 326
A11lolftetic t1e1111'1'1i11io11, r1dio • end
heeler, P.Olfll•r 1t11ri11t1 pe...,er
~rek11, oir co11ditte11i"'f, CoN•v•
top, r1mii11in9 f1etory . "'•rrenty.
Lie. ULDIS7 •
1 r I. · ·
:''2395 . ... . '
'64 LJMANS I.. . , "'.
2-dr. kerdt~, VI, •ulo111etlc tren•·
mittio11, r1dio end, he•l•r, ,0...,11
I 1teerl119, . •Ir to11dlti011l11f,' , Yery
\ d1en: Lie. OJH7.4J . \'
'1·495 I
\ !
s.2····9··.5,· .. :I . . .,.~
t ' I I • 'r ' .
'65 r~BIRD ·1
loed1d, '. fe~f~ry eir co11~tle.11l~.
v1ry low lftJl11, e.-tro clt•11. f &:1c.
'POl71• ' . ..
·.Rem•inir>«J MORE 1968's Ford Country Squires '2795 ' '.\!3 !~~~~. v!.~~~tk . '19'95'
'67 .VW Factory A!I. Pti~d ... \ · VW-Bases W.•rr•nly
Below F actol'y 65's, 66's,
Invoice! 67's, 68's,
.. Most With factory Air,
6 & 9 Pmenaer.
lEAi.LI~.;"'" • TO!! Many To LISH
! '
l 0doitr honltop, redte e11cl h1eter,
111fom.tle tre1111t1it1ie11, poWer
' 1towi'!t• Cordove lep, 1..., milee9•.
l ie.' T>.I72• ,
tr.,.1111i1ti0fl, redj~~ 1he1t.r,
po.:i.er tle1rl,.,, eir~ c ditio11in9,
poWer brek", Cordo,e . Uc.
JAlOl I. l. ... "
\~119l ,
Redjo o"4· ~..;,.,,' re1I 11le1. lie.
UOS025 '
·s.izs;ooo.oo ot19uAun CQNTROU.D.
$295 ~o $7000. ·' . . "
I ,! ' l
• • • . I
.. . "
. •
• •
• >
I . . :
' • I I
. •
-•• DAILY ,ILOT ... ' T11tw!da1, FebMrt I. 1'16•
EX-Ot;C Aee ... ~oo-tlD.~1 Quit Coaehing ~. ·
By EAJIL GUll'dT •nc ,.. opea for business at 14' • · e ,wtD ,111 ,. 11/" .. lie".;_ elfli ar, 11 --.....,.. tt, "'1· the Eutem. 0.,. .fwo °'""Dlfr""'*'' ""'-• W. i...:ncolnJnAnahe1m. lmun,t·~·llymissedJt." at least ttn, wllM .Jot1f .... wm.+ Jo 'tllie YWI to.c.M. Jt'1 blrd ·11 f~ . ,Y"" ..... -of v• -;-• A 1-(>lllOoj and Stevtns' busir""'i At this point in hl.s sportln& goods be 31. • • ~ ... but .., .rp -let eonoprjles. Sfev~ 'llnl lppeatMce In the ~County 1 basket~ eoadles-•ould •e nourilbed. Dutifully, he maintailled areer, Stevens was c U·I t Iv at Ing Stevens' tea.mplaJtltlbDme,pmee , • ·• peremt ol. ta. land ... o('Orll!P ~~ ~ ~ ~oo!:i
•awapped ptacea "'1111 Le~ .cam.. merchan!'I hours and. was home on i.111w, relaUonahlpa wtlh county at handy' r.f"'1oo Viejo• HIP. IMll. Couniy and yod kMw Ji,.; tllil .,.. · ~ --111 Al Iiwm pe!WM-
•sttvens. Only •· lw: ~ COICh Fr~ay night.a with wlfe Jeanne. and acbooll, anCl it developed that he was 11.he pra~ att .somelhin1. ebe. He Is growing. ed him to enroll at Orange Cout
at Chapman OOUeee ud-~ bead--children Jutte, Debl*'Ud Bnd. " CCllActed by George Hartman, "'° \t.artecs at tarat high ~. was then "And tw'a anotbtr factor. I lille College. At Anaheim, Stevens wu
ed f..-a procNctlve ca.mm. career.' Then it happened. · bid~ Ileen named alhlelle dirt<tlr mVlll 11·11 Toro ror 1111itJ<oota which 1 !,.)0 guard.
He surprised a kit J.t people, tben, "HraDt Cowler, lM Anaheim lll&h 11 Diw ~eback Colle1e. , ~ 1....._ I& I a.m. and ..,.. prepares the aiu. l 'm laiftl to move Dl1 He played one ~ar at OOC and
wben he r.urecr !rem -rirn1 two buUtbo~ COid>. came by to cha! . "I met with George and •• -• "11-<19 .a Ille ql!J Sap.. Juan Capis-family '-AnWim lo SOulh · tnnlforred lo Chapman, wbere he -~agot"·month. ~-~· ~-~·CIF ·•-~r juataboufalhlelleequlpm111.•• U...lllilaumtrmn-lo3dlily. l.quna." •played .... the ll'eal Chapman lelml ~~-UL;I •• • .. , 1u111 ns ........ ,._. ~.. S&evens say1. "Thea be ....-r ee . ..... was ask~ to Uplaln Delpite the brutality of'ib 1"11'kiout ol the late 1160'a. He was a staJ1tt
"Poor L<Roy. some sa•d. couldn t days of the foolbolJ le.Im and he lat"' and uttd .;J I wu -• -· · , -·· ~· IMd bll•-...i. wltll Tom Coot, Ned Eckert, Nuh
take the P"S$Utt." . wu u llllistltlt football coac!'· He in tbe l>Wetl..u Joi>. al -liota ~. you can, tool< at Ibis lo pcodll!'t a 7·12 rocord. Nut.,_, RIV<ri.ind.IJ:lra v .. s-.
Actually, quite the oppo5Jte wu uked me HI ""'1d drop by the andofcourseh••" . • ·Job••-range ... "helll'J. the QllJll>oo....,. tbo Deaerl em, lie llepped llllo lhO Weatern HIP
the case. The lining of bis stomadl .. om.for -minutes in the af. At flnt iospe<;ti..; 11 "°'* •m • '"fClu 1a .. lo Joo~lhe 1q f......,wbldl_eunicialJocbus bead........, job Jn utt and In
was unblemished and he lookf,!d 21, ~moons and teach his bask.etball can-J tevens had· Nibed1 tnto diap-r , &eret pldate and [ tt'1 pitUJ trips to ~ llU Blntow, Imperial -llU became a.&Jmu'a coach.
not 39. didates some de Ce n ll Ive fun-the ne'tf-juuior coDep. lWllell ' JI ..... Wt bc¥e only fi · ·~ and VietoniDt. to My notl:llDa ot 11ne ,aeuana. later, he wu man·
For some t~, he bad w~ted damentah." . . . the brown b.i)1ii jUll elf Ula """""' .,.. to dr1w from b~ it: years ., Ml San JICln'°. nint a cull. ftlh:ter.
lo own a sporting goods store. ~ .-J t 1'U like ':fl old ~ v1.!11tlng t.".pear S1n Juan ~ tlll ...._. • • fllUf'e ·&o have 11 , lt ·Ir ciur But in time.;Bteveu ~ )'OU. But jlalt q ~ Wolle coWd:a't
otter leaving Chapman, he .laeled Th.aceneofltllfirstbank1ob. ·d~pensesed-ID ..... .,,_ -. , . · Slddleblckwlllmalun_wlll._, &or..neapln,LellliyCarluaSJevem
up bis "Steyens' SJ>Orl!.'Silo!>'" sign "I hel!>ed the Anaheim kids ror lab buildings. • :· "-·San Clemenl<>llone Ls taJli. day JJOJ001 lo a l!il\Jt with the couldn'tstayoulofthegym.
' D ' o,-..., " ~ . ' "· ; '
Little 'Gf een (Bay) Giant in New . Role
' Stevens, saddleback College
baaketball coach, looked like
this in his playing days at
Chapman College. Stevens re-
tired from coaching two years
ago to enter the sporting
goods business but missed the
game and became Saddle-
back's coach.
Kuhn Checks
'1 Of Leagues
~CHICAGO (AP ) -Now that ,l19wle Kuhn has been namild l''t:i'Mdball11 pro
ttm commissioner, the '.Ut 'UliDI to <to is make Chicago the general head-
quarters for all baseball, C h i c a g o
Gubs owner Phil Wrigley said Wecf..
nesday. .
~"The one thing lhat should be dooe iner we get a central office ls realigning
the two major leagues on a geographical
buis. That would eliminate . divisional
play. which I per~ ~·t •1
"With Kuhn aa *'' tW;i ' t am. SW"! we finallf-'-ill~ · g
~d. He is a tak~ge guy, sharp
~"Another thing that bas to be done
ii to put the offices of both major lt.alUea as wen as the minor Jeapes
\Pier ooe roof," Wrigley told lhe Chicago
rr,Jey did not ... -..
Miami, where Kulm ~~ni-
mluioner Tuesday. 1 ·
•4TblJ' something that should have been .,.,e )IUTS ago because there is '°
nu:b duplication of effort and expense,"
Wfllie)' said. ..-waiter O'Malley (Dodger owner) and
1 bMu ~ing Chicago f o r a central
~ball Offtce ei&bl ye.an qo. We eve.o
-...it IO far as to inquire about the
jiiird-: of land ln the O'Hare Interna-
1iltlll A1,,,.n area for -.ctfon of
#J bdlldtnc: Somehow. it always was ~.··
«»pt CJ8s8i~
' • I": ' -
Lead S\~ed
By Quartet
Open champkln Let Trevino and three
others led the way through the first
round of the $121,IOll Bob Hope Dooert
Golf Classk: Wednesday on a day that
ranged from Mlowers lo sumhine ttt
gusty ·-ill tbll ,_, area. 'Tied ..w. ... ~. Wttb ~ .....
67s were veteran Gene UtUer and two
younger pros, MartJ ,..kmlD and 'l:om
Shaw, with defendina champion Arnold
Palmer and Jack Nlcl:Jaus btd m the
heavily populated par n group.
Trevino, Fleclt.man Ind Littler uch
scored 3"5 &7 .... Shaw .. it in
· Fout """"'1 duta are beilll pJajOd.
Each baa por :aa.
"I played n111 •blJ well," Aid
Palmer. "'111e oo1J lqql I bad wve
thrtt lhtte1'Ut ....... If I patted
re"""""bly well, I coaM ~ shot 09
or Ill."
"I tumed a preltJ g 1 • d round Into
one nol so good," said Nicklaus, winner
of t h e Andy WUliams-Saft Dit.ge Ope11
last Sunday,
Bil Jack referred to a double bogey
six on the 1111 ~ '11. hil ~ when
he hit Into tttie mu, hootipf against
a tree. He hid t.o play ttie shOt left-ban~
ed, landed in a bunker and finally got
down in two putts.
Billy Caaper finished with a 36·35--71.
a good recovery from bis fmal two
rounds at San Diq:o -11 and 71. ·
Seven plaJtrs we~ Ucle at A . T h e y
were Ken SUU, who ha'd a hot putting
streak, sinkiac Unre frem over 20 feet ;
Jim Ferr•;-Jm\ > WJechers: Joel
Gold strand; Bilddy SulUvan: Jim Colbert,
and Tony Jacklin.
Showen peppered the valley starting
about dawn and cowtinued tntermJttently.
M o 1 t ol the pllyen, however, 1 a i d
the elemmts 'iftft not a handicap.
"It wu a honeymoon compared to
the Bing Crosby and the Kaiser Inte.ma-
lion.al in Northern California," sa id the
24-year-old FlecklMn,r the young man
who in his first It.art • a professional
won the Cajin c.1usit, a PGA event.
In t!IT.
Still, l.atJer and Goldsttand bad five
birdies ml ooe boiey each.
Littler, who lost by one stroke lo
Nickla• It San Dlqo, abo had 1 hot
putter. Re rammed them In from 25,
20. lS and a pair from t.brte feet out.
The field or 136 pros each played
with three amateura. The prGI will switch
am1teun each day throu1h Saturday
and complete the IG-hole mar athon by
tllerMelve::; on Sunday.
~· iac him from a contract that had flv~
t_Ws rema.inin1. ;,'fbe scene hllb: ftntew. cmfertoct
wis set withfu. sight of the Wbite House.
Aild, pet~ fiJtlu&ll', Jt WU beinc l
Mbeduled for' late 'in the day JO it
_, ,.....,... --or upai>ge
-ltiOUlet DeWJI CGllffftnee this day +. by President Nlxon.' · ·
Alibo.p be tMe1 a:cruund ot a team
tbat Usn't had a winning foo&biij season ~\ 1955, J:ombardi already !! an in·
l&lnf.1Mner m Wasbtngton. ·
( 9r
th~k-the players an1 \GO," said veteran
quarterbld: Sonny Jurpnaen. , "
yardq;e, Juraensen, at quarterback; a
surfeit of top pass rect.lven led by
.Charley Taylor, 1114.a lllnln.I Jl"MIP ol U>rnbardl, first man la National FIJOl.
boll League playoff ~ ever ta Yin three straight cbampioUhipc comes. to seuoned offensive linemen.
Washington prObab!j • pn; fooij>alis The defense. bas ~ porous, the run-
ffrtt milHoo-doli>r e<»oli. -· . nlng attack ~~vtr. . -
HI win be RM,'lfii'\ei<OW\le..-·1.01111ror<11'willf$e1Ul.<:r'"""lJl-1""' pr~I. coacb and part owner, wtqi last seven,.,.. jl Goiti ~ -11.
a rich bloc Or It 0 ck ~eannarked foi· l The very rew '~Uiil dit '~e.rs
him at a bargain baserDEt price. Jost durin.: LomDUW"• ~ feign
Lombardi takes ov~ a team with ~ Its matched almost emetly by t:be'ljlarse
a 5-9 record Jast se~·but also ,with ' total of Redskin victorie.s •for .the same
lilt" ~· ..-il.looldOr in passing -Iildod. '( •. .,,·7~·-H <,
IJP'IT .........
Lombardi, SI, general manqer 1t
Green U.7 during the past Milon, b
comlni out of ·coacblng reUr-just
one year and t• days after be 1111t
himself lo the lideUnea followlnC ltll
second slrallht i!uper Bowl trlm!IPh·
The offer-or ownership of atiIOC-er
stock somewbert between five· and 13
per ctnt and worth I mlllkG doUar1
or more. wu a pivotal factor In 1.om·
bardi's dleiaion after he hid been
courted by half a dozen other teams.
Laver Tops
2 .Up sets
PllILADELPHIA (AP) -Top-aeed<id
Rod Laver of Corona del Mar , pro· termif' Jeadin& money winner last year, hande\d
F""'1> pro Plwe. Barthes, a W, 1-1
lacing here Wednesday nJgbt in flrat.
round Pblladelphia International IndoOr
Open Tennis Tournament action.
Earlier, second~seeded Lt. Arthur Ashe,
U.S. Amateur an'd U.S. Open clwnpion,
was stunned by Ciechoslovaklan.arnattur
and U.S. Open champion, was stunned
by Czechoslovakian amateur Jan Kodes
6-4, 4-1, 8-2.
Laver won the first set by breakhic
through service in the ninth 11me. Ht
picked up the final set point by trapphw
~'al m>k>our(, .
• -pvl a,.lirllllant performaace
against America'• No. l amattur who
was ~ -hack at him' with tremendolll velocllf. ·
He won the match, however, with
a CNlll court . fct'ihand that whlu9d
past the tall, lean American Davis eup.
Happiness I s a Fallen Goalie "' '
Seventb-oeeded P~ Gonzales ol Loo
Anceles de.teated ' Swedish a m 1 t e u r
Torben Ulrich 8-31 ~ 6-2.
Other court acUan, South African pro
Ray Mdoore dowild .bennis Ral!ton ·of
Bakersfield, Calif., M; 7·5. Oakland Seals' Mike Laughton joyfully skips over
~e,, p~4'•,le ,~y or Montreal Canadien goalie
Gumif Wonlq ~er slapping in 10.foot shot that
tied the seore': Seal s went on to post a ~1 victory
over Montreal Wednesday night. Canadie.ns ·move
into the Forum tonight to take on the Los ~eles
Kings. ... A le<.'OOd stunniq qpset came earlier
in the evenirJ& w.hen Charlea Puarell
of Puerto Rico, bnsli!ed back ellhth-aeed·
crl Roy Emerson 'of. Newport Beach 1-3,
Track to Up
P~.Qy ·~ayoff
INGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP) -Even
fifth-place horses in thoroughbred races
at Holi)"l\'ood Park race track next
sell80n will be money winners.
Official! of the racing facility an-
nounced \Vednesday that a number of
hor ... °llliit lclr 1"der distribution . . of JW6e ;n.ODI); ..i: "we will honor
these requests . . . by payina fifth
money not only in 'overnight' races,
but in all of our 49 stakes races."
The track will work on a percentage
breakdown or S5 percent r 0 r winners,
19 for second, 14 for third, 9 for fourth
and 3 for fifth. Minimum races will
remain $4,000.
The richest race of the Hollywood
Parlr meetlnf, tbe Hollywood GOid Cup,
w i 11 continue to be worth $142.00IJ with
$102,100 for the winner.
' ·-'
~l . ,. .
ADA Is Aggressor Veteran Pancho~St;ura of Loa Afla:eJes
was defeated M, •2 by Tony Roche
of Australia. ,
All-out $$ War Plot ted In other malcheJ,. Australia's Ken
Rosewall defeated Jlle Nataae of
Ruma.Dia ~1. M; John Newcombe of
Australia ousted Petor Curtil cil Enf:! ~2. 7-5, 1-1; Bulc~Buchho1% of Sl .
eliminated Herb rltzGlbbon of Gsnlen
City, N.Y., M, lt:1S, and Thomaa Koch,
of Brull, deftlild amateur Ro n
Holmber& of Hl .... M Park N.Y .• 7..S, ?4o H : . • .' .
To Nail Top Hoop Stars
MINNEAPOlJS (AP) -The American
Buketball AssociaUon this time around
Is uldy for an all-out dollar war to
11.&n tht country's top colleglJte players,
commluioner George Mlkan s a id
Mlkan declared he p->...rsonally will lead
hi& nedglinf league's efforts to sign
college p1afers, including UCLA"s 7-foot·
11~ All-American, Lew Atclndor, aw&)'
from the NaUonal Basketball AssoclaUon.
"Damn right," said Mikan, • 1-t star
of the NBA in the 1950s.
"For the first Ume, we're actually
In good position for the draft. Be.Core
this. we never rtall)' \\'ete. We were
there bidding. We bid a lot of ~: " 'Ve wue beaten. . Over-the-hill "And I don't choose to be beaten
again. Our trustees don't choose to be
beaten," Mlkan said in an interview . ~~;·~~ e: ::,,,~.the'.'~ very best :fighters Urged
~1ikan agrees that Alciadclr is •worth . -. .
whatever price he ub. ' ~ tfl Q • Ring
"This man ls a very outstandlni .l 0 . wt
player, one or the moot ucltJnc players
coming out of oolltee In 1 Jong, Jorie
time," Mlk10 aatd. "And there'& no «te MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) -Com-
like him on the horiJOO. · -miuloner Abe Greene of the W<wkt Box-
"The dlreclon, the trusleel, the Inf Allocl1Uon polntJnc to
owoers ot the lutue feel he ia very heavywelaht George Chuvalo u an u-. . important 90 thlt wboe•er &'tU him ainple -said Thunday over·the-bll!
Eve~ Wooden Amazed by Bi·g ·Lew . . .
haa • respondbllity lo fll)' bJm. So, • flllbt., lhotlld be encourqed Id quit
the league will JJlll up 1 fond lo make before 111ffertn1 permanent ~ea.
surt he geta his money, ngardlea of Cbuvalo'a face wu be1tui Into a bloodJ
what happens." • pulp by Bust<r Mathia Mond07 nilht
l\flkan said technically the team that in Madiaon Square Garden, ' . .
t.Q.A. 'I 7.foot-I \1: Cflllltr. « c 1drr?U,
-.... Illa -11, Jollo w11•r, -
' hi< .., to """"· . 1'111---·--two fee\ 0< :Ill. He can 1111 ....... out
of IO of those thr ... ftiot -.._.,
n1 matle' who's guardlnc blnf. .. .,..
.... II • a.nn ShaeblfcH.
'Bt .. aa,1 wue," MY _. ifFlshlC .
~ i.., • • lnlelllpill al..11 I 111
... -. ..,. he_, -.., mucli wbon lie 8nt turns prof-II.
"I'm &oilll lo bave lo rnau an ad-
jaalmmt to lhe profeulooal st1le of pllJ ... llkl Lew. .
.. And ...... hint 1djultmtnt. l tnow
I can do It, bul I· don~ -.....
11'• ... to affect tll1 -··. .. , -"'1 llnl ,_; the -tblnC
I'll dt ls pl07 -Soortnc polnlt -..... tbll'• pd ,.. .,.., aoiarJ'
1i11t I don 't -If thel -Ill tho pma."
........ ii the key lo ......... play~
He ii -and • -,..,... •• lhe way. Anything thal wln1 the Jam•
Lew wlD do.
"He i.s 'dldk:atied to t h t total elfort
of the -, • lllld Wood<a. a boopeo-
. taded -rn,Hsh -· .,I Ullnt" d pqyen wut to do well
lndlridllallJ ilul I W Lewil Is ,_.
--the -effort of the -ftsUrlnl ho ... do hll port .. IUloul. ~ _... • Joi. lk
JI I Jnll1-bill playtr.
le"~ he l"':r'~i"' :" u! ~·
"" of the things ,,..t -..i me
most about him wa$ 11!11 reports were
i¥l he WU an UDW~ team pli.yer.
"And oertalnly, I fed thel ii a neceaal·
ly In our type of play." · •
That type of play -... -of fut bmb. • ~ .fUll'court
aone Pl'f.ll Jnd 1n em,._ aft defenee.
To that end, Aldndor l\os -lo become 1 nmnlnc fianL
"I don't tllink l'd mind pliying I
runnina g1mt with tht pr:oi. I, think
f'd like that I Joi -Jhan comlna
down and watt• to rft be•t up on." Af.
clndor 11\d.
drafta Alclndor will have the rights to "Because of hll iron cout!tudon,"
him but that ~ hal • -qreed that G.-!old 1 cJooed meeU., of lhl
the UCLA sJant can pick his Jeam In WBA, ''Cluyllo llJ6lc a -~ Olmtrdlul
lhe -· A cleflnlle ._ ofltr hu bealli>f at lilo _, of Malllla wtdcb not ytt 'been planned. • In laler yean wtD nllect ltltlf Jn hiJ
"A Joi of. poopla In wr lequc ha\06 pilytlcoi wtll lltlllr.
J>lftd lo the people around him." Mlkln "Chunlo haa 6-1 &ood fi&hltr,
11id. "We haven't bothered Lew hlm.&elf always 11ve the fana 1 rreat show
~au1e of obvl0\11 reuon1." and wu capable of tatlna: much puJ\llh.
"MaYbo plt!ni Aldndor ..nl shorten menL
the -of credfi>blllly and ... "'"*' -a Umo, how...,, wbel ceptance by tho public. Otilerplet It a m-... 1 -li!Guld ...,
wlb illll take lqv. He'I 6 pd -In aatl' -I him tllSl blo, title uplra.
but he•11.only ..,. ployer. Ht ....., tiolll m fadod &nil ho -Id step dawn.,.
• lot to tis." Ch'ivalo'1 time Is now."
I • I
• )
' ,
' I
' •
I n
• > n
1 rt
• • ~
b •
'· • • .. ,
' :-The Pl9t. Isn't ·l\Juc~ •
But It Helps Players
Only a masochist or a dedicated we can pinpoint mlslaW we keep
buulhlD co~ch would have ,the patience repeating.
or • strong enough stomacil ·to 1oolc "We've never used it at balfUme
at a video tape of a recent Orange beca111e we usually have too much to
Coast or Golden West basketball game. cover in a limlted amount of t1me and
But Bob Wetzel of Orange Coast and it would take too long to firv1 specific
Dick Stricklin of Golden West do it plays on the tape, •t Stricklin said.
almost every day. Video tape is the latest scientific Ceoperath•e V f!lltwre
development to be added to the anenal Filming the games at both colleges
-0f devices available to coaches and both is a cooperative venture between the
Welzel and Stricklin eagerly latched onto atbleUc department and studenta· in-
It this season. terested In television work.
Both coaches med to record their Orange Coast's video tape .equipment
games on mot!-on picture film, but video __ -a camera, recorder and small mooltor
tape is cheaper in the long run and -iJ regularly used dW'ing the day
a more effective coaching device. in academic classroom.ll. At night, two
"You can use it just like motion picture students from the audio visual depart-
film," Wetzel says, "Rwt it a frame
at a time, · stop action, slow motion
or nm it backward.
"lt'a better than film because you
were never . guaranteed a good print
and the cainer;mian used ~o miss parts
ol the game,!_'
Welzel doesn't use the tape to grade
the performance of his players, but
usually ~s it to go over a game
with bis team the foUowing day ...
"We use it to see what kind of a
job we are doing and to look al our
opponent's personnel and the little Wngs
they do -how they run a fast break
and how players move to their left
or right."
Stricklin. lik,es the TV beacuse he can
scan a tape right after a game if he
Wishes, something that's impossible with
motion picture footage.
"'Our players come into my offlce
lpdividµally ~ d~y af~ a game and
1rt go over ·the film together," the
lluJtler coach sajd. ·
"With the, tape we can get accurate
statistics on each of. our players and
Sports In Brief
ment, Harry Burkholder and Mike
Sbanlet, tape the games for We!W.
Orange Coast's equipment is rather
bulky, wdgbing about a 100 pounds,
but the-Golden West outfit has •portable
~"' -.. :!?G creepy-peepy, mid one man can · film a game
With it on bis shoulder.
Rod Bahal, a Golden West student
who's interested in television work, filtns
the RusUer' games for Stricklin.
The GWC video tape equipment belongs
to the atbJetic department and is ex·
tensively u.sed in physical education
classes to improve student skills in
handball, swimming, archery and track.
* * ~----Notes from here and tlaert: USC and
Villanova eontrfbultd mere track and
field competitors la the '61 Olympics
than any ether lostltutloo. But Mesa
J unior College ·01 Arizona was a close
ruoo erup.
USC a:od Villanova each sent five men
to Mexico City while Mesa qualllied
dlree-U.S, javella thrower Mark Morro
8jtd 8 Pair of .Jln;talcam, sprlnler -Mike
Fray and 118-man:Neville Myton.
The new. Oakland ·Halder coach john
Madden, fonnefly was the ~ football
~ OUl¥<l'fd< Junior College in Santa ~ .. '. . · · 'Wbn I~; coma to wlnnlnr streaks·
li'J· llardt . ~ . ,....,. --San Bernll'dito Valley College's wreat-
llnt akela. 'lk 1:ltdiau haven't loat a
c.wfeieDce wriatUDg match in 11 years.
Globetrotters 1!J Play
In Anaheim Tonight
The Harlem Globetrotters invade
Orange County tonight, putting on their
l:lbibitJoo of varied basketball taleats
at Anaheim Convention Ceater.
Hostilities open at 8.
Heading the Globetrotter roster is
Ferguson Jenkins, 20-game winner for
the Chicago Cubs baseball team.
Hadl on ltlarket
SAN DIEGO -Veteran San Diego
Chargers quarterbaCk John Hadl may
become a free agent open to bids April
l unJess some aew move is made by
the American Football League club to
lign him to a contract.
I BuUeu Lose .Johnson
BALTIMORE -The Baltimore Bullets
will tiave to make their stretch drive
f<r a National Basketball Association
division title without All-Star forward
Gus Johnson.
Johnson suffered a tom medial lig•
men! In his left knee Wednesday night
and was to undergo surgery today at
Orange Coast College opens ill 1989
baseball seaSbtl Friday afternoon at 3
p.m. in a home game with Long Beach
City CoDege.
The contest will mark two debuts for
the Pirates. Qrange Coas\ will be making
its first at.art Uhdtr 'new head coach
Dale Wonaeott and will be playing its
lniLial coowt oo the college's new dia·
mood. Tbe diamond is located on 'the north
end of the OCC campus at the corner
of Fairview !toad and fo.dams Blvd.
Gary Dunkelberg*, who compil<d a
,.7 record for the Pirates last seuon,
Ill espeded to draw the atarting pill:hing
job •
Kernan's ~pitaJ.
The injw:y happened in the third
quarter of Baltimore's IU-112 victory
over the Boston Celtics, when Kevin
Loughery of the Bullets collided with
Johnson at the end of a fast break.
"11lls iS * tremendous loss, because
Gus ls a great player," coac). Gene
Shue said. "But Jt's mt tlie end of
the world. We can't Jet it disturb us,
The rest or the players will 'have to
work harder."
<Ingels Use New Rule
Four .American League clu~s that will
lraia in the West will try out new
experimental baseball ru1es in exhibition
games agaimt the California Angels at
Palm SJrings, general manager Dick
Walsh announced.
Walsh said Oakland, Cleveland and
Seattle, 11U traJning In Arizona, agreed
to use the new rules affecting pinch
bitters, pinch runners and the automatic
base 00 balls.
In each of the games designated as
being played under the expe.rimeatal
rules there trill be two pinth hitting
speciaUats who may appear without the
removal of 1 defensive player.
A designated baUer also max bit for
the pitcheri as many t.i~s • he is
schedulod to hal He may al!o bat one
time for any other pliyer In the lineup.
The plnch runner may be used twice
without a defdtsive player leaving the
,Stars Win, 110-101
LOS ANGELES -The Loa Angeles
Stan built a 27-point lead in the serond
quarter, then came from behind for
a 110-107 victory over Minnesota Wed·
nesday nlgbt in Ute American Basketball
1be Stan led 57..st at balftime but
the Plpen ...-Los Angeles -in the 'third period to lake a two-point
Zeroing in on Target
Mission Viejo High's Dan Kratz (51) aims for the basket while San
Clemente defenders Dave Peter and Pat Benjamin (52) close in. Seen
in the background for the Tritons is Eric Christensen (22), the Orange
' Oil~Y PkOT ........ ..,. Pat O'DllMI 1 1:
Coast area's leading prep scorer. MissiOl1'.Viejo faces Foothill Friday 1 night while San Clemente is at El Modena. ' I
Can Wrap Up
Sunset Title
Breaking Monoteny San Diego CC
Tops Gaucho
Five, 83-57
lt can't be called a Sunset litle-elinch-
er officially but for all practical pur~.
poses, ~~s what a victory qver Ana~.
heim FridB.y °'<rdght Will m6st likely be
for host Hudlington Beaclt High School
when the Oilers meet Anaheim ja second
round basketball ' action,
Huntington, with a current t3-game
win streak and possessers or a JG.game
league Winning ·skein, leads the slicond
place Colony by two full games going
in with a 9-0 league mark.
Victory Friday night would give coach
Elmer Combs' rapid-transit quintet a
three-game lead over Anaheim and
Western, if the latter ls victorious, with
only four games left on the agenda.
In first round action, Huntington Beach
was hard-pressed to come out of the
Colonists' confines With a 69-62 win.
It was the narrowest margin of vidory
for Combs' crew sinee it began its
most recent win streak of 13.
Again it appears that if the Huntington
five is able to isolate its two big scoring
stars in the offensive department the
going will be eas.ier.
That's what it took to derail Aaahcim
the first time around when Mlke Con-
treras and Roy Miller were able to
take command of the game in the second
half. The Colony, meanwhile, under the
leadership of Brant Cowser, couaters
with Its height advantage.
Dan Simpson, 6-5 center for the Colony,
leads the invaders in the rebounding
department and sank 19 point.'!" against
Huntington last time with three others
in double fJgures.
Karen Hanssen, standout swimmer
from Huntington Beach, has recorded
the fastest 100-meter freestyle Ume tn
the nalion for junior division (lt-12)
swimmers, the Southern P a c 1 f l c
Associaton of lhe AAU has announced.
Miss Hansen clocked a 1 :04.3 time
in 1968.
Each participating district of the AAU
.staud its own swimming junior Olym-
pics and winning times are compared
with other district wianers and swim·
mers with the fastest limes arc
designated national champions.
Indoor Track at Mesa
During Intermission
'Vhen Cost.a Mesa and Corooa del Mar
high schools clash in basketball Feb.
14 lhe halftime periOO ' Of 10 minutes
will not be tbe usual case of. kids running
rampant across the hardwoods doing
nothing in particular.
First of all, Mesa Is blessed with
a court that is inaccessable to people
with no business on the floor. UnJlke
most gyms, the plaring surface is 10
feet below the norma viewing· area.
Something new is being . a d d e d ,
Brian Springer, the Mustangs' track
CARLSON ...............
coach, is placnfng an Indoor intramural
track meet during the course of the
halltime show.
Included on the agenda is a two-man
31).yard sprint, a two-man :JG.yard high
hurdles, the high jump, and a four-man
20-lap relay race.
Corona del Mar's John Blair did the
same 1n 1965 and says the event was
highly successful.
Anything will be better than viewing
iline-year olds playing tag.
Westminser High, on occasion, haa
had hallUme gymnasUcs exh!bltion1
which were excellent.
It doesn't seem too far fetched to
have wresU.ing moved into the balfUme
A couple of contenders for a particular
position in tbe starting lineup of a varsity
team would give a lot of people tbelt
first look at high ochool wrestling.
* * * It wu premned that oaly Hutblgton
Beach and Foutain Valley blgb ICheela
wouJd reel tbe ptncb •f ellu &lni scbool
bowtdarie1 w1di DeWIJ' formed F.dlton
Higb 1terUng to Ille fill.
Not so. Seal Beta, an area with
correDI allegt .... to Merlo• IDgb, will
be lo Ute HIUltlng\OD Beach HIP area.
Marina stands to lose two ii. II• better
bukethall playen each from this yeM'•
junior varsity, Bee end Cee t.eaml to
the Oiler tnstltution.
Those who will be seniors in the fall
have the option of transferring or
finishing their prep careers at Marina.
* * * Prospective students at F.dison High
School will vote Friday for colon and
nickname for the new institution.
They've the choice in colon of green,
gold and white or crtm.son, gold and
Nickname choice Is between Titam
and Chargers.
* * * Mlalflon Viejo HJgb School, after nurly
tbree yean, J.s oa. &be verge of having
• vanity leam post • wtuln1 1euoa.
Coach Pat Roberta' buketball crew
Is curreaUy boldinl an 11-7 mart' with alx games left ta tbe acbedule.
Bukdball prodaced .5'11 lelSOlll the
firs t two years at Mlsdoa Viejo.
* * * Estancia High wu the last team to
defeat a Huntington Beach varsity
basketball team in league act.ion whe n
the Eagles consumed four overtime
periods in nlpplog the Oilen in the
opening loop leot ol 11187.
Huntington bas won 38 straight llnce
The Eagles are also the last team
to q.feet Corona • del Mar in loop
hootllilles, accompu.hlog the effort in
the last game of. the '87 campaign.
Corona del Mar hu won 19 In 1
row atnce Estancia turned the trick.
Corona's Hour
Of Decision
Arrives Friday
The key to the balance of Corona
del Mar High School'• buketball season
lies In 115 test Friday night with big,
physical Loera.
U the Sea Kings can defeat Loera
at Corona, tt would cfve the CO!'onans
1 two-game bugle on tbe noaresl rlval
with only four games left on the loop
. .,
Next st.op: eat Western frosh. •
'11lat's the ticket for SacldlebacW.
College's basketball team after the'
Gauchos were blitzed by potent Sal\'
Diego Clly College, 83-57, WednesdaY,
nlaht at Mission Viejo High School.
Coach LeRoy Stevens' forces trek to
Golden West
S.nlll Ana
Mt. S.n Atllolllo
Rio Hondo
Or1nv-(<NII S.11 ,,,,,..,grno
W L ,,,.
11 o m 7 .. ..,
7 .. • ..
' .. 7.U . . ,.. ; : m
.. ' Ill . ' ... 1 • 761
WMllM41r'f; Ster•
S.nhl AN 70, Clllofley 5' PrlUJ'l elanw
Jrfwrsld1 11 t)f-119 CMlt Golden Wtsl 11 Rio HOndo
Mt. SAC n . Cypt-u 11 W.ltm HiDl'I Full•~ 1t S.n Bemtrdlncl
Cllr111 11 Chaffey
•• "' ' "' . "" ...
"' m ' ... ... ...
llJ ' '" '
' •
Cal Western Friday night for an 8 o'~
duel, seeking to up their record to S.IJ. •
The Gauchos gave San Diego a tougti'
go for the first half. "
It was lS.all with sevea minutes Jet
befCl'e iaterrnisllion. :
Hbwever, Marc Hardy and Hal Boyd
got .in foul trouble and had to be VJUe4.
lrom the game. Then the Knighlll c:oo(.
pletely controlled the boards, 1
Ttiey steamed to a 38-25 bulge .l.
the baUUme break and continued. ~,
pull away after that. . I•
BUI Noon, the Orange Coast area1s:·
leading scorer, came through with ~
third straight game of 2S points or:
more, nailing 25. '1 Stevens called San Diego the toughest;~
most physical team he has met. ·
SOCC IUI SHdltNdt (S7J ··,
otk; f2ll F I 3) ....,,.
OU".r IHI F I 61 a.-r'"'°' fl)f,tfr C21l C CU) ~rdt'
Eocc• I •) G ( •I ~ Sltele ( 21 G (2J) .....,
$C«lnf 111i:.: Sen 01981' -L1sbury f, o.,req .
10, H..,,Y J1 Seddleblldl -NlllOll 2. llMtll'I & Ht;tftrll'll KOl'll Serl O!lllCI .. llddleeedr &
Cunningham Stil(
No. I Anteater " . '"
Steady Jell Cunningham conUnuu 10 1
lead Uct'1 baskel.ball team in acorlngp
with a 20.4 per game clip. •
Cunningham has reconled 4111 poinlfj
l<r the Antelliers so tar and wltll ~
eames left couJd come close to a ~1 -" Only a junior, the 6-3 forward ~
Irvine • Ill Running for NCAA Berth
That would aeem to lnsure the Sta
Kings of no worse thin a tie for the
title even If they lhould Q"Perience 11
many as two 1oaes the remainder of
the year.
The Sea Klnp of coach i!IU moom
defeated Loera in flnl r<>und .actlon
in the Irvine League by three poinlll
- a 48-45 verdlcrt; st the loler'1 conflnet.
Tuottn figures to' be a dominapl fillut -.
with the Anteaters next .euon.
seortng statistics: ' 1:1.r r.·:r·r1·w. ~if r· ij 11 ·~ ~ BJ Eu! GulkeJ
Of ... O.ltr H9f Si.ff
ucrs basketball team Lt ddinltel1 In
eonslderatfon for a berth In the NCAA'•
dollegt division western r<glooals March
That's the authoritaUve word from
!,any Kerker of Humboldt Slate College,
Who, along wtth nve of his IUbordlnatts
q.n the welt area '• select.ion tommlltee,
will lnvtte four teams to I.he regk>nall.
UCI LI lU wJth all: eame1 rsnainlng.
It wooki appear that the ooiy cinch
• tntry at th.II point ii the Univel'.'lfty
of Nevada. Lu Veeaa. Two othen beloi
watd>ed closely by Ketter are Puget
Sound and Seallie Pldflc.
"San Francileo State Ill also doing
well/' Kerker said. "They're Mt In their
conference and they had Santa Clara
don by nine II the haU recently before
losing by ll."
~ are eight college dlvlaton aec--
Uona ln the Uolted States. Kerker'• area
covers JJ states and 40 schools. UCt
came 1n second In the regionals 8t
San Diego State list year to Las Vegas.
The winner advanctt to the elcbt.-team
finalJ ~t at Evans~~ ·Ind.
No site 'i'8S been selected. yet but
Kerker confirmed rumors that have Las
Vegas 1 leading candidate.
"The NCAA, likes to have the rog1....,1,
at a host 1ehoo1 and since Las Vegu
has a good record and plays ln the
!,SOkeal Coovflltion Center there, I'd
have to say we'll glve It top con-
alderaUon .. "
The Humboldt athleUc dlrtctor added
that Cal St.ate (Fullerton), San Fernando
Valley St.ate and Seattle·P~cific have
alao requested the regloaals.
The others on Kerker '1 commlU.ce,
all athletic. dlrtctcn, are Ray Tbomton
(UC!), Jobn Caine (Cal stat•, Fullertoo);
Phil Thelbert (Chapman), Clarence
Kellogg (Regis Colleae, Denver) and Les
Habegger (SealtJe.Paclllc),
UC! WU invited lo the ,..g1ona1a lul
season with a 204 record. The Ante#ters
have loot sir so far but three of tide
defeats came to ma.Jot coDep teams
in the east -Rhode Wand, Providence
and Boston College -and ..,oUier by
one point to powerful cal State (Lon(
Beach I .
Coach Di ck Davb' team must play
lts next four games on the road -
at Loyola TI!eld1,y, followed by ex·
Clll'Si""" to Cha~. UC Rlvtnlde and
It WU no Nl1 vldory for the leque
leadert and since tllen 1-a has come
on Itron&, winn1n1 four tn a row, .ln-
cluding a 80-$) ta11J over ~
favorite Mqbolia. •
Ralph Redington ol Loera l<ioml II
the biggest single obstacle In the Loar•
Redlnfl(on, a 6-5, 230-pound plvtilman,
has been extremely eff~tlve. He Wat
chleny rtsponslble for the win over
MognoUa witll II poillll "' aure -
llhotl and h4! polled II 11al111t O>lla
Cal end~ I . '
Fridq ' ..
Wntlllq -~ -Ill> Newport Hatbor (1:11), Corona del Mar"
II hwltaln Valley, Magnolia at Coott
Mese (both at!), Weolillinster U •Mltlhl
(6:30), f!•tancla at HoitvWe Toumlllllllll,.,
BateboC-Golden West 1tSacl<ilt~ IAlnc S.Ch City College at Orange •
(botb atSJ.
• "
"' . . • -• •
• i';.J:::t;t;t...'i--j';i'~' ~'.t";i' ;:·::..: •. ~ . ~-.. -..... --
;.A.;...;4' :,..o.;...,.• '-.." • ; .. :..;.: . . ' . ... . . ' . ,,. ,,. ...... ~ ---... ·~ ••• ..:..:...i.;. .::-. .....
.... -• -· ~c.:..:_
.. .. r. .. .. •• •· . ,
H DAllV l'ILOT 1'11und17, F......, t, lM
Old Pirate Gym ..
Still Site of . Action ...
BY EARL GUSTKEY I And althoull> I be "'"' cw "" .,.., P1t1t *' row>dlnp are dlfferent, It ~
Orange Coast co 11 e. I e mains pretty much the same
bukelball fans w b o 1 • old ploce. Ob, the key Janes
alle&tances go back a cle<ade are palni.d blue now inslead
and more become a JUUe of red and lbe upstalrl
nostalgic each Ume they walk balcony along one side is gone
Into ()(X's $775,000, 1eveo--a victim ol the move seven
year~td gymnulum. yean ago.
"Il'1 nice," some of thtm And the outside of the
must thin!;., "but Jt's nothing building has a Wblte stucco
like OCC'a old gym." coat, covering up the original
And former Orange Coast Anny batTaCks green.
but be WU tbe ~egt11 ·lint
basketball coach 18 yean 1go.
He recalll the coevenlon of
the rec hall to • lfID·
"That first seuons the rec ·
hall had two brick fireplaces
at one end of the floor and
a stage at the other · end,:•
be aays.
pl1yttS who perfonned in the 'Ille J1lstory of the art. ~ old CYlll swear there'• never· tiquat'ed old place is in itself
~ been a basketball floor the , unique. OCC was originally
"TM fireplacel bad brtck
hearths whJcb came out to
wllbin eli)ll Inches ol the end
line. SO. we did well in that
ol~ place when faat.IJrealdn&,
run.-and-sboot teams came in
there. ! equal of the departed.one. an t-m'Y Air Corps ground
! , lt was on that Door where ~l, bl,lilt at the outbreak r many players discovered Jo of World War II.
"Not manY. players tried
Clrtving layuP, ·with t b a I
hazard." • i : • • • • • ' • ' • • • I • I
I • • • • • I i-
' ! • I
! ' l
' l
' I
·~ lht.ir amazemtnt that they Alter the war the barracks-
could atull a bui.Olball 1at0 type building• were the flnl
,,, tht hoop -a fefl; they· had OCC classrooms. W h a t
never act0mpllahed before or became the gym was actuelb'
&lnce. a base recreation hall and
In the eVeot you haven't the now-legendary Ooor was
been infonn.ed, bc0'1 old built for dancin1; not basket-
gymnulum wu not demolish-ball.
ed when the new one wu Tbe Air Corps had a real
conRructed in 1ta. lt 11 alive gymnasium, localed near the
and doing qulle well in Its corner of Newport Blvd. and
IOtb baskelbill ...... jUll Briatol. II WU demollsbed.
dowp the s t r e et :.... at Miles Eaton is now an
Southern California. College: economics instructor at OCC
_OCC athletic dJrec.t9r
Wendell Pickens also
remembers the early d,ays.
"What became the shower
and locker room area was
a cafeteria and kitchen wbeP
we got the gym.'' he says •
"We tora....all,_ of that oul
and found some wooden
lockers in another old Army
building on campus. I can
remember driving a pickup
over there one day with some
basketball players and hauling ..· ,_ ~-them to the gym."
'-"'~!:~~d~l!!n!!!"'!l!b~S~eo~·~re~r~-.-'-----1 U's a •maH, cramped . , ~ buildlll&---no-plaee for-a
claustrophobiac. W l t h a
capacity crowd (750 tops)
watching a close game, the
noise sometimes seemed to
bow the wal ls.
Tri ton ·v~adeye
Averaging 25'.5
Eric Christensen of San
ctemenle continut:a bis solid
grip on the seo<ing liad in
basketball clreles with 486
points in 19 games for a 25.5
' , •
MIUION VllJO (11·11
Gtrdrter ..,._
l<ttll Wo>
"''""" O'llrlfn .... , , .. _
0 FO l'T
" " " " " " • ' ' '
,. ..
" g
" " • • ' '
M " .. ..
" " " ' ' '
' •
Like the time Orange Coast
lost a double overtime barn·
burner, 83-82, to Fullertcin in
1957. Bob Dye, with one se-
cond le(L in the game, sank
two free throws d e s p i t e
hysterical shrieking by OCC
Another full house was on
Tl" hand to ' see the Mt. San "' 21• Antoni<>-OCC crucial in 1955. ~~ A Mt. SAC player attempted
1~ lo dunk a layup in the pre·
,, game warmups and tore the
'~ rim off the backboard.
· 1 The game v.·as postp<>ned
HALLOWED HALLS -Originally intended for use
as an Army dance haU and later converted by
Orange Coast College into a gymnasium, this facil·
• • Cl) DAILY l'ILOT ~I'" Rldlenl Kotl'lllf 1ty 1s now located ·at Southern California College.
The gym is now in its 20th basketball season as the
home court of the Vanguards.
Still Leads
State Poll
Better Season Looms
For Rustler Golfers
~o. 1-The. Daily Pilot
After two years on the
junior college golf l ! u r.
Golden West College has ound
itself in a position similar lo
pro golfe r J. C. Goosie.
Shackleford has collected a
fine group o( ,freshman
players, headed by the 1968
California junior champion,
Mike Nichols.
The horses will be .running
around a . tum for the first
Ume In 19 · yqrs ol Quarler
Horse racing at ~ AJamitM
thll swnme.r wtien 8'1G-yard
races will 'be inf.lOduoed ta
Southern CaUfcrnla fans this
Current plans . for ·the 71·
' nllbl ...... that, opell8 1\Jea.
day, June ;4 c;a.µ1 for two
87G-yarc:! events. 'nightly, with
atlractive pur1es for 1 these
longer races 'beiog ·di.sbursed
to aUract ·the belt ·horses ln
the country io run 'at that
&tance .
The 870-yatdeta could be
popular with the f a n s ,
especially with those who are
accllstomed to attending
thoroushbred ' flCtf ~ the
Southland. ' They will bt. lin1ilat to six-
furlong races -starting out
of a chute, continuirl( down
the backstre~h. golhg around
the far turn and winding up
down the home-stretc!i to the
finish line in front .91 the
With the · %-mlie' tract at
Los Alamitos, the action
throughout the 870:.yari:I race.t
will be much · ~loser to the
spectators than .thoroughbred
races that are rub .over a
mile track.
Installation Or iwo new light
poles, a judge's stand anti
railing, plus the resurfacing
of the lrlick' in· the '.'chute"
area, is already un~erway.
The entire aperation'·wlll c~t
approxlmately $50,000.
l { 1
Mlte co'.nt.reras of Hun-
ttn'klon Beach is the only other
player -to score over the 400
marlt. bitting for U6 in 21
tuts for a 20.3 mark.
Five others are in the 300
class. with Ralph Chandos of
Mater Del ~ ~t 374.
COITA MtS~ tS-111
HAll.1011 11 .. 111
0 1'0 ,,
lt Ill 101 ':'1 102 ,, '° 61 '' 1' .. ,,
11 u 21
3nd everyone went home.
T• But ·from the :itart, with "' ~6d Orange Coast's st u dent
~ population mushrooming, the
!% gym ·was Jiving an t>Ori'o'wed
,, , lime. It lasted until.1962, when
: the new f.acility went up. The
5 building raced dcm.oUUon at
~ about the same time southern
Defending state champion
Cerritos College continues to
hold down the No. I ranking
among the slate's junior col·
lege basketball teams, ac·
C!)¢ing to the latest poll
issued by the Junior College
Athletic Bureau .
M e t ropolitan Conference·
teams sJilJ dominate the .rank··
ings , with . ~ng Bea~h and
l;"a!adena , 'holding down the
No. 2 ,and 6. positions.
Everybody 's heard of them.
but they've done noU)ing to
distingui11h themselves on the
golf course. · •
Jlowever, Golde'n West's golf
fortunes appe.ar to be read y
to lake an upward swing this
Nichols. who performed for
Westminster High last spring,
"·on the junior title last sum·
mer at El Niguel in four days
of medal play.
Other members of the squad
Include Bill Stoll I r om
Cleveland, Ohio, Brian· Hem~
hill from North Carolina: Wixie
Robinson. LaJolla ; Kim Kric·
be! and Tom Schwilzcr, West·
minster; Art Moder, Downey,
and Roger Epperson, Pacifica .
I I .
I 1
l • I
trM!lM y ... .,
KtllY ·~ Autflll
D•vl• """" ........ ...
Wi lli" Cir.on
O PG ,,.
70 1111 ,1
11 1' 4S
11 !O 71
70 l• 71
lt :n lt
u n '' lt 30 ' If 11 19
1' 5 u
10 ! ID . ' . '4 • s
oo•oMA Oil MAii: Cl'-0
1'0 l'T
""" --MGWll!ltml
• " " ~
·~ . " .. .. "
" Q
" m "' '" '~ n
·~ ·-Tahll
McAnll~ ,_
10 1• ll
1l II 10
15 II 1
1 12 ' ' ' ' ' ' . , ' . • " " • SAN Cl.IMll'ITI CU-41
G ro l'T
:M Chr\11'""'"' lf Lomberd!
11 Al~
Gtuldt" l..,l•mln Tl' MITthl'll .
11' ~i"I 210 P1ter
1t2 Lmlbel"ll 1J7 Miier
" Ml:Otnleh
1' 191 90
1• ,.. 51 ,,. Jl 11
11 JI ~l ,, .u u
u " lt ,, ~. t
15 19 ' 10 • •
Cal College was planning ta T' shell out $200,QOO for ·a new
: gym.
111 SoCal graduate Jae Colom· :~ bo, a Santa Ana architect,
:; got wind .af the situation and
'' persuaded SoCal to tiuy OCC's I~ facility,
w•..-...,., ..... w ....
"" O'Le•rY
" " " "
11 • JO
JD '' 11 J5
11 10
" llnlttt " M • • '
' ' ' ' ' ' , ' '
WEITMIMSTl!t 0•111
• It was cut into six sections ' and moved down the street
T' and pieced back together. And
»0 so far an oullay of $60,000,
~ the , Vanguards didn•t get a i" new gym but instead one "rith '~ a good reputation.
l ' ! • !
! , • ! •
"'"" ·~ ...... .. ,,, -
• ' " llTAMCIA • ~ " ~
" " "
' . , ' . ,
(f·111 •• PT
'" n n .,
" ,, .. .. .. " .. •
SM\llMPt " " " " " V•114!,.. " ... ~ • " • ,_ • ' • ... ' • •
l'OUl'iTA.lM VALLIY (1l>t )
• PG l'T
ltl'Clmond ?l 12! "
Olflll 11 '° •2 M1tcll 11 ~ Jl
M1mrn1r 21 '' 11 V•lblllnl 11 SJ l!
W•lkM' IT l6 5 VMdl 11 :io 1?
Arl9dff 11 26 10
SM!lt'I' ' ll J 1111• l 11 1
Klllltf I 7 6
Crwmtr l l I
11 no " ?1 110 M
11 "' n .,.. ,, 211 " ,, ,,
u t! ?I
u lil '' 16 Jl 1
' 11 11
' n ' ,. s 1
11 l I ' ' ' U..UMA ••ACM tJ-111 0 1'0 l'T ,. ,, !1
II "9 » ,, • n
16 " JG
11 " '' n n u
' 11 4 • • • ' , ' ' , .
MAllJIA 111·111 • ,0 l'T
Moll4r tt 115 '' IY.. 11 117 41
.. .,. n " " M.tl " tl ti
MM!! " •t " .. ~ ,, :n ''
-.. ,...... I) ,.. " 'H~ S I I ,,.,... J ) 1 ' °'"""' 1 ' • , ........ ' 1 •
, Wltcl!tl' . 1 f I M.llTll vii llHJ . ,. ,, ,. ,.. "
" " " l't ,, .u
It 4' •S
ti U 'I
.. " 21 16 1f ' u n •
11 • 4
, PlO•UMS?
L CALL """'°
H & H INSURANCI ' ,...,..... -c.-.•-
,.... ..., Tlllittllrl
·-· ••00t•kk '~" .... ....,,...,
e I'• l'T
17 '" t:I
20 '°' )Cl ?I 1' 51 ft • M
JI 54 )6 ••• ··-W•IW.tt .....,, )6 " 7'J u 11 lt
u ' l1> ' ' '
ll Moving the Old dance hall
, across the street was like 11iv· .... M'°""" ..... Moni.omery
' ' ' ' . ' ' . . ' . ' ' ' . ing It a heart transplant. The
Vanguards don't figure to part
with it in the near future.
•• ,. 114.fl
Tll O fOrt·
• 1111 t0n
IASKETBALL 118. 7.tl
seamn. ·
Top ranked Eastern Con·
ference team is Fullerton.
whlclt moved .UP two . notches
to fifth position:
Il'l two previous campaigns,
coach Ray · Sbackleford's
!cams have been e<>nsistant
if nothing else, losing 36
straight matches.
Golden' West moved' up to
15th, but undoubtedly w\11 drop
out of . the top 20 next week
after its 29 and 20.point tosses
to Fullerton and Riverside.
But the Rustlers appear to
have more birdie than bogies
ahead of·them in, 1~9.
•• Cerri'°' (:711-1\ Bee Cage '· L-·t,..ch CIWI ,_ cc Sall Fr•nClKO (l~J) .. Co"tre Coslt !lt·])
' Fullerl1>11 (11-J) .. Pln<'f"'~ ti•·• I Summaries '· LOl An1el1t (U •')
•• Col, ot IM *"911t !'Wl
•• Fr.-.no C11·1l ... Merctd (11·SI frf•-l·tt•rllW UJJ AM!tMll {4f) '" Allin H1nClOCll 111.11
'" s..n Jost (1J·11 . ll!nantMJ '" F (J) Hl"MlllW
" Stn Joe<1ul" Dtltt ( JA-31 ""' '" ' !Ol C1nlP01
" lmperlll Y•llty (1$-6) '"' '" ' 11'1 WllKll'I
" Golden Wet! ll•·SI 1(11mlr ·~· ' l•l Cilll!ier
'" Colle'll• ot Sin M•I~ 117·11 T1ckm1~ '" ' (I) llu1111
"· (ll.,\l k orl119 1ubt: N-rl-Fort!t" •• SI" 01$0 ... De ....... (IM! Crlppl" 2. l<llO• If. ~nroil •. Anellelrn ... V~nturt 11 •. 71 -Turtll 1. G••v 1.
~-Ci1vllan Pl·Sl H1ll!lmt: Nflwporl 1'· "'nehtim
MITTS & GLOVES 4",, 42"
BASEBALLS ................. 95¢ .. 2"
Baseball Shoes 9" -13" • 16"
TRACK SHOES 10" 13" • 17"
trit!N$ .•••• , ...... , , 7"
Dunlop Fort sr•u•• . DL H'l'LOH ..•..•.•••••••
4" .. 600
3". 4" .....
·~=.:·~i~;1A TENNIS BALLS 101. 7"
Ilk~ Repair Racket Sb!lnglng
Shackleford was encouraged
by a Monday practice round
when the worst score posted
by his top six men was a
"We are going to win some
matches this year and I think
we'll be a strong contender
for the Eastern Conference
title," the coach said.
k.t.TION'HIDI Tl•l 00.U.t.Mlll
..... 111.1 4..!t<!O"' ~·111, ......... . '""''' ..... ,.11 ..... ,. .11 ... .-'* h•••'ll• fir '" l!f1 •' ,,.. !Ito. II •lt• tell• • ..., .,.m •-h ,.l,orrjlt
....... .. ..,1o .. ,, -"''": .,....
1111 • •nlr • -••'-tl>•N. i...... •
; "'-' -'· •I •tt~i.t' Hll"" ,,,y,. 11.,.
••lke•T1 ...... I • ' ;
'" 11<• ,,.,.H, 1f -IM -11 ..... II
"'' ltW Molt~ """ wl -will ••~l•<e ii. tH'lll!I ~ .,.,.,,, '"'tlt f
.. 111~ ... ;,:. 1- ' Hf .. 11 .. •"•-~<•
plMO -llcoi lt ..... ,
lnt1r111tion1I V1rl1ty Show
Tburi., Feb. 6, 8 P.M.
Aia1haim co•vintion Ctr;·
ft tllft\l•D l lEA.TS s•.Jo, s•.oo. sa.10, sa.oo:
~ ... rat 4'hlnl•~ $~.00 .
J""l1n 16 & ..-., Sl .00 ''11ce4ollt
... ..,, ,_.,., Met •
FRIDAY 9,30 AM To· 9,3 0 PM
HUUY ·li•...-
650• 13 .TUllE~ESS J!ACIC
REG!J!AR 15.00
11s.1 ... n.s.1s
a2s.1 .. 1u.1s
85.S-1.4-1 .. .S-I 5
12 ...
KUS f,E. TAJ: or 1.ll7 10 2.$6 ANO
OUI .llRf. '¥ii'HllfWAll$ ONl'r ~.OD MOit EACN
• THIS EVENT., · ·
~f. l .C>AqWAY
ANAHEIM, !JS.Ill I -NEWPORT, 644·1 l ll -H\JNTINGTON BEACH. 192.Jlll
~·· ;wo
olll ...
'' are
:md up
~· Ille rt<! . a
.. ~--------------·-~----·----
Area High Sch·ool Basketball Log
SAN CLl!t.ll<d It
t~ loJ Ami9CJ
•,,· Vl1ll PCWl'r 6f CorMKo A1 Petri•
6' FonllrMI
M E1t1ricl1 ,, s.<llfll!INltlt
52 S.nl1 Ane
11 Los All"'llSS if ~:i~o~lelo
6! El Mod..v # ~i:..:·rt;
ill F"°"llll
72 Tlllt~
JD L1tun1 .ae1e~ 71 Ntluklll Viele
ll • I " .. .. ll tt
" " .. " .. " ..
Ii u
" " ll ..
" = .. ..
~ ..
" " "
* ~ " " .. " u
" .. " " "
" ~
" • "
~ " " " H .. • .. a
" " " n • " " .. " ..
" " " ~j
" " " ,. • ..
" .. u
" " " .. " " " " " "
" " " .. ..
" " " " ll
" .. u
" ..
" "
" " ft " " " a
'' Western tl ~J:...11 Vt111Y 15 Artesl1 70 P1r1mount 16 S1nt1 A ... .W G1rdi!n Grove 'I OrtftOI " tint111o ~ f:~':r~rove
'3 euene l11'k
U Sunny Hiib 1i Fullerlon
'' T'1W 61 Lt H111f1
7J Lowell
'6 Ke,,,,,,.,,.
,. Svene P1rt;
21 S..,.,,,., Hl11t
~ "
!! ~ ~ ·li
" " .. ~ ll .. " • ll
~ ..
" " • " " " .. • " "
" " " ~
" ..
" " " :~
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " • ..
" 1l " " " .. ..
" " ~ " • ..
" " " .. d " " " .. ~ " • • ..
" " .. • " " " " " " " " " "
" ~ ·" .. " " " " " " n .. .. ..
" .. " " ll
" " " ~ " ..
" • " " " " "
tt " ~
ft ll
" " " M • " " " "
" .. .. .. " ,, ..
" • • • " " " " " " • " .. •
" ..
" " M ..
-'l " " " " " " " " " " ..
" "
" " ., r,
ll .. • " " " " ..
" " "
~o An1helm
U Et Setulldo
Sl Cltl'll
If LV Wesi.fl! n ComPlon
~ , ~~~'..!,"' Vtll~v
15 Lekewoocl . "'~ l1 C•ftledr1t
68 Yum•
68 He""°rt HtrbDr
'5 IE I Moden1 •S Lii Miiiikin
3.1 1';1rdPn Gr17'1e .u Est1ncl1
•1 Metnoll1
~ Cat-del Mtr
'5 LD11r1 A3 Foun!1ln v111ev
n NewPOrl Herbor
ll B'*" Ptrk if Wntmlnster
51 L• At.ml101
$0 S.n Cf<emen!e
61 Mlulon Vlllo
SI S1nt1 Atll VtU~
$S K1tell1
51 Founteln V1lltv ,, E1 Oor..:lo
S? Mission V!elo n Bret
$9 Pacll1c1 :t t~n~~~I•
S5 Ccttt Me.,
45 l ..... « Maonolla
" Fount11n Vtlltv
'' Cor-del Mt•
II ll Poll'
It tos Al1ml!o!
iS North Cll iver~ld~I
•I Lakewood
11 lloln Grtndoe
•5 Merln. .50 Lei Altmfl!l"
86 El Modl!ne
!l Sanort
S6 Troy ~l E~.r1Cl1
51 Tu1lln
61 tvnwood 41 Lt Oulnl1
S2 Mtll'f Del
IS ta Oulntl
P M.v"'°lll .o corona okl M••
5' Lo.r1
!'O Etl1ncl1
SI Co111 Mesi
n Ltk"•'ood 31 H~nllnetcn l11c~
'9 Stnlj110
51 M1rln1
15 Sav1nn1
7$ Or1ngt
11 S1nll1g1
TS Trll'I'
10 Vlllt Ptrli
11 L.,..e11
11 LI Htbr1
411 G1rd!n Gr17'1• '° M1rl"I
" S.nti-
6,5 Lii Wl'-15 CDnltll dll!I Mir
66 E1t1ncll
)l Founl1ln V1!1ev
J1 Centi MKI
.0 M11~l1
1• 110\11 Grind•
6t MtrlM 41 Gerdtn Grove
71 Wutmln1ler
71 westmlnster
'3 Hwnt1nv!Ofl ll!IC~
It F~!ler!On
'1 Wntml11111tr st eor-del M~•
'3 N_,t 1'11rltor
SI 1t1mon1 t6 F1111t11\1
•1 s.n •~•111rd1n<1 '3 R1vtnlclt
J1 L• WlltClll
'3 lltllf~r 1' Mll'ft!r IS ltln<:ha Al1mll"'
'' Fount1ln Ville¥ ,, (II.Ill Mell
~• e111r.c11
•S cor-dtl Mtr
SI Lo.r1
" ?1 ~ ,.
" " .. ,.
" • • " ,, .. " d • " " "
" ~
" '" " " " • ~ • " • .. ,. • " • " •
" " " " " " " ..
" " " " ~I ~I
" ~
" " ·~
" • " .. ..
" " ~l
'" ::\ " " " "
" " " " " "
" " ~ ORANGE l.EAGllE
:i « .. -.. .. ..
" ..
.. il .
" • " " ..
r. • " a • • "
" " " " " •• .. • " " "
oll LllM!I
Jt LOI Al""°
l1 L1•rwood
JI C.bl'lllo
'' VIiie P1rli 54 El Oor11H
34 $1/llltff
611 Helf
.. s.n1i.
NEAL'S ...,.-
6 'TIL 9
i 1111'11 ll'OIT IHOl'I
SMt• Au
tltl ....
...... " CHMr ., ...........
... S.11114 ··-
" " " " " " " x »
41 Est1ntll
tlWa " ._, JI LDI Alemlt.
.U V11eMll
51 Ktltlllt st S.ddlto.c.ll Ill Lis AmltM
" • ll ..
" • u u "
" .. • • " " " " • ,, ..
" " .. .. • . .. ..
,, Lt Qulnt1
SJ Lowell
U Lt Hlbrl l.J Ptcllk1
d C.I Hl9h n l!I lt1nd\o
41 Slerrt
si Fount1ln V1ltlll' 16 Setvlle
'3 S."i. W V1ll1v
SI LDI Alemlllll n ·Et Dorldo st V111n<l1
'' llrtl 1t LOI Amltos
Sl K1lell1
" ..
" " ~
" n " " ..
" .. • n n
" M
'" n • • " " " ..
• "'"-' Ktrbor 11 SIMI Allt VIiie~
'5 W..tmlNle,
'' 11111• .......
1' Hertr(' fRlvenkltl
5S MltllOll1 '5 ll ,Oii'
11 LOI ...
6t ,Ollnle!n V1llev 1• ·1t1nt11o Al1mnoi 1l NeWllOrl Hirt.or
II H1111!11111lon lt1c"
" Cam•l9n " Monrovlt SO Ctl Hlt" t1 S.nlt f 1
10 Lotr1 S1 N--.t KlrW 'I A11thelnl • Huntlntron !letd• 61 Slnt1 AM V1llev
1' S.nt• Alll
611 W•tmlnf"'
.u w""'" SS An&,,.lm
J1 NtwpQtl H1rbff
,, COl'$'\ll dtl Mir
• " " • " ..
" .. • " " " • " • " • ..
" " " •
4A HIMllntlan lttch
11 Se,vlte
" --ll Mtt1r Oii
II IOlff O•lf•
43 COi'-Itel Mir
" Colli MllM II E11t11el1 0 Ktniltdl'
11 s-• l1 Wffltl'll :: ~~~~l!:rb6r
SO Mtrlnt ~ Alllhllm
Sl S.nt1 An.1
:16 HV11ll.,.19n lffttl
57 N-1 H1rtior
61 Wett""
" ..
" " " • " " " u n
" " " n
" n
n Strtlt AM V1llt\I
a, ~:.tr: . .,., W11M11AJIW
JI Hun11 .. 1111 SflCtl
4A A111lwlm
" Mll'll\I U llnt1 Alll 11 Slnt1 .t.1141 v111ev
.. V11t11<1.t
,,. S.1111190
st Hu111lMlon 111ch
" Ma1llOlll J1 M11llOll1
.. l!:ll•ntll 13 Ltkewood '' ""'-"· ll C-IQll
._ Hu11Ur11ton l tKh
SI S1nll4o10 .M Com.Ill! n S.YIMI '° li A111helm !! ~f:,~11:.mnos ;: ij ~".t',~t ::it!~
S2 Afllllelm 11 11 W11l1m
1J ltubldoull M 611 H-1 HtrW ._ OOml"'ual •5 11 M1rln1 n L.ii1tl'l9er •5 11 S1nt1 An1
"' ._ Hunl!ntlOll i11th 1' JI Hunlln1ton l lt(h
• il ..
" n .. ..
" " .. u .. .. • " H " .. .. ..
11 MIHIOll Vll'lo ' • ..
11 S.ddllbtdl •t LO. Al1ml1m 1' El Dorldo
" • • u E1t1nc!1
5t LV West1rn
II Cllrli
ll '' S.nl1 AM 4' .M Anahllm ~!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 Lt "'fll llNch
'3 11-111111 •l wettmln11tr 45 LB W1l1C111 ,
'2 Whlllhlr
51 Mtrlrwi
" u '3 ''""°" """' " ""''-'" De l
" " " " " " •
SI $1ntl110
5' F11llw1011-
.. • " • • ,.
l.S Lii WlllOll
" MltllOlll •1 Alumni
• u
•• Thc<rMllll 0.•1 II P1cltlc.I
61 °''"" 52 Gtrden Gr17'1t
'' Kennffv U E111ntl1
J1 Trev t9 LO!I Aml11o11•
16 L" Al~m1tc1 11 S1dd!N1<k
16 El Dorado
'I\\ Vtlffltlt
~ SO<lOt1
&l llrN
lOS LOI Aml•01
H LCOI Al1mltoJ
.U G1rdcrn GrOVI! Sl Fount1!n Vtllty
43 Wttttrn •1 Fwnl11n V1tkY
511 E111nci1 511 , Fonlll\I
'' SerYlre 61 R1ncl>o Allml!cl
60 Sen Clemenl1 fl Le<Jzlnoer
60 Sonar• •C Kei.111 90 Los Amloo~ « Vtltncl1
" " " " .. ., .. • " " " "
• .. " • u
4-I TrQI'
~ Stn1i.11e
SJ Et Dortokt
'' Mlulon Vielf' 4 El Oor..:lo ..... 4J El O<:r~dcr
62 Stdd11bldl
11 Sc.nor~ ~5 LOI Al1ml!o1
10 Kt1etl1
SD Bret
ID Loi illmhlo'
._ El Oortdn
4t Sadll~
" " " " " • ..
" " " •
'2 Costt Mt ..
JO Koll 17 Miiin.i
53 $1n11 An.1 V•llPv 4' Wtsltrn 5S S1nt1 Ane
'' Wtstmhw1er '° H~nll"91an 1k1c~ St An111tlrn
66 Stnlt ill n1 Ville¥
!ii M1rln1
SANTA ,t,Hill
O M1ltlr Oii
5l Tustin
CS S.OCl~blC~
J1 S.,Vttll'll
11 Norw•~
511 CIHll Mthl
SI lttrnal\I
56 P1cl!lc1
11 Wtlltrn
S1 RtmOl'lt
84 "'"''' •9 E!1in11Qwer
S• Ptcllltt '° Stn D1eto
'' El MOiiie
1l P1<lflc1
•1 Sin c11ment~
'II s• 1t111Cllo Al1m1to1
•I ~7 wel!l•n
61 Or1nte
'' .it Huntl11t!011 lttch
!7 •0 Western
15 '' ,t,n111tlm 31 60 Ne-rl H1rbOI'
J2 •9 Mlrlfll
'' Sl S1nt1 An1 Vtllev
" '' we11m1mlt!r
" • " u • • • ..
" '" " " ..
" " • " ..
" .. .. n
" " .. " " ll
" " •1 11~1
•l SN<lltb&t~
66 El Dortdcr
" " "' " " " " " " " " " .. 75 VIili Ptrli
'3 W•1l,.,ln1t1r
•f M1rlfll
St 61 wu11rn
" "-· S6 Ktltllt
" " ii " '"' " " " • " ,..
" • "' •m
.. ~"'-""" It Hontln•ron lle1c~
1< Senrt AM Vtlley
•5 We11ern
31 N9W1>0•I H1rbDr
5'/ M1r!n.1
5'/ Wntmln11ot!r
., ..
" " ,.
" "
14 Cen!ennl1t JV 711 11 L<>1r1 J7
69 Westmlniler SO
•6 G111len Grov1 SO
&I Mlll'IOlll I]
IJ 80111 Gri nde 61
Ill Lii Wilson •l
'' Mtrln.1 5' 11 W11tmln1ttr .u
11 Miter Del •I
J1 Wt11t!rn ••
tO R1nc1>o Allml!G• 14 11 Nori;:o 45 n Sin!• AN "'
•1 !lr'llt An1 V1!1ot!y .15 1J Wntmln1ter !l
55 El ~ 51 SS Mlrlnt •I
JI S.nt1 Ant ..S 6t -.111hllm '2
''" ''t""lli' SERVING THE
Com,l•M Pri111I••
Phone 642·4321
2211 W. B1tbo1 Blvd.
Newport Be1ch
.U L1eun1 ;"~';';';~~~=~;»;;.,;•;•;•;•~;';;;;;;;;;u;;;;;;;~;;;;;;
,;=.,=.":'-.. ----,.... ......... .. --· ·-
Original Equipment
I 'll'E 1
............... ,.._,._...,.., -··" ,... ............ .. ....... ........ ..... .w.-
..... ..... ~ .,,...........,_._
::ri:=-=:-..._..,.. ... _
I 1Iil:i 10lh'fJ1!ii•11 :! l'l I 1:1(1J1f:\'D: Ill :l :i'Jl 1
''""" ..... "',._s..-.c '*..,,.... • ...__.,..,. ............ .....,. ... ,..__
Newport Bea'h
Costa Mesa
475 E. 17th St ~444
Huntinqton Bea'h
16171 Illich Blvd.
I 1.m .• 9 p.rn.
f,.. Whnl
-Wltlo Ttik A4 -
• PlllMIUM llliD DEPTH
t lS-11
IJl-11 , ... ,,
JM-11 .... ,.
711-14 _,.
IJl·I• , ... ,.
"II.* Hooio•4 p,..11,.,..c1
Lifeti"'e Mufflert s14ss
If tw. ....... -,_. fw _,. _,.. .. ,~ .. , .... _
•11ttt-.. ""'1
11 MIHUTI flll
.l .... ltill..-. "'"" "-......
2160 Horbor B!vd.
Phone 540.0170
!B•t-114'11' • Ad'"'-)
..,_,. .
1695 W. Lincoln
Phone 774-1416 .... "' CltllNT
I •
I ,,
• • ,. , , . •
, ' ' , • ,
, . ;, -.. ---------------------, ' . .. , ..... ~· .. .. ·-.. ' ' -· ·~ . . J,~ . ... ' , . . , • ·-----. --. -·· . ,, ...
• • ·-.,
~· DAILY ~ILOT ThlWSdlj', FtbtuilJ 6. 1969
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICS ..... CllYIHU.Tt oP 1¥1tltlSS. IU,lllOI COUllT OJlll TMa Jloml4 IUPlllfOlt c:llU-" Oii TKI' ...........
l'"ICJTTMU••...... STAT8 Ofl CA.IJl"OllHA "" ~Im lfATI ... CAllNlllllA. ·~ . TM 111NlnleMll ... Ct!1llY .,.. It TKI COUllTY ... ~ CllTI'l~.!!..OP 1u1uet1& Tiii CIOUlrTT Clfl Of.AMI • Clllflll'tcATt °' ,., .......
(Olfd...c.fl"' • 11u11NM •l 1~ 1: .. 1 11lfl W.. M*'9t JJCflttOUI •tllM NA.Ml! ' .... ~ ,lc:'TITMMIS PlltM lfAM• Slr .. T CO.tf ~. caMforftla, l.ll'ldtr MOTICI CW "Ul:IH 01" PntTtOM T?lf u"°'""l'ltf foll ~ wtlh' NOTKI OP MllillMO OP PITITIOlll Tl\11 ul'ICMl••lt"" at1 l'lfl1br C«flh' "'' fkfltlollf, rtrm MIN Ill "MR OOHUT": ........... , •• , W1L.L ANO Nil ......... ,, COl'lduclt119 • tl:ff1ll Slllf'I 1101 •ROIATI o• WIU. AllO TMlll "''' tller ••• cor•:h.1dm. • ~1-.. l t'ld 11\tt MICI fftm If ~ UTn:U Ott ADM!lfl&fltATIOff 11'1111 ~IOf'IM bVtlMll n 1n n!tw•! COOICILI ANO fllOI LIT111& Oii eo.f'irin.~ al 11tl2 Oftrll St,, G1f'C1n
• Prep Wrestling • .. " ,
Bee, Cee
'"' fol!Wlrie PlttOfl. w"'" flMl4I ' In WITit-T1t•wtu.ANNIXIO .. 1023 Hotll'I Mlln Strtet. SMll• An•. .-.DMuro•raATIOlll WITlf.Ttll·'#IU. o..,.. C•llfornt1. '1!\dOlf "" flclllloln
11111 Incl plliCI of ntldl<'KI Ii fl l'Olln'l1 ~t1t. OI FLOllllNtlE I. l.Alili.QN, blltor'fll&. lllllltr llw f k.fl.,,.,,. t11111 -ANlf!lllD flnn nlllll ti l!NVl!L°"I Slll:Vl<:ING
JOl'CI J. Jobw, 1014 N1ttcwi.t. Cotti ~...-1. rl MAICl!l.'S CU,TOM MADI M411tT& Eillt. el CAll:Oi. ~ M. MU,ARAY. QOMl"AlfV 11'1111 1'1111 ttlfl flf!ft II --
Mtw, C•Ofomt1, NOTICE II HEflEIY Gl\lllf ..,., ... ltWif .... ftrm t' CIWl1........ " ~. ,,.... Of Mt follflW11'1 """"' WfW)tt
01ltch '""II"" s. ,.... i'o\lntlll FlortnCI l.M "" tU• Mtlln .,.,. lllillfwlnl .. ,_, ..,.,... Ill.... .,. *'IOTICt! IS H!ltllY OIVllf Tllll ""fMI 11'1 11111 •NI Jll(fl " ,.ldtl!Ct ' I : Fo1· Coast A1~ea . , ,
Junltr V•r.!tw
M•rlu CU) IUI NllllllMIOll ll•tll
~oonne' tHIJ dl!'C. 1rvl~ tMI: .,
J...Crl1 tHfll drew Kil!.,-fM);
1\J-lontcufl'I (Iii) dee. C1rltr tMll ,.,U-hcl< CM) pinned Fetnev IHI):
I :SS UD-Hlrtll-(Ml dee. S1w1rson
IH8); W J~noll tHI) dee. Ostubo tMl: "°t,1 ...... m111111r (HI) dK. MtRt1110k:h
(M)/ J.J . 1~1rl1n (Ml Gee. C.11 (H8J1 •• 111-Town111incl CHIU ol11ntd Htrl"!.on ~~~Ir! tMl dtt. l<>o.-CliS )t •·• 17'-Twlee IHBI a..:. llulwer CM); .,
1f4-llklf IM) w()n !Pt 1orllit HV-Kllnkmer ~Ml won bv lorftll
(12) HUfttlfttttn Sud!
V1r.ltr C11l San C1tm•l1 CEI pinned .r.s~brook
IEJ 1l!1necl M1ddo~
IE) dee. Rom-tSCl:
Nt"'"" H1rtw (2'1 {Ill Mlrl111
ff.-.Curri. (NHI plnfltd 00f1n (MJ;
106-T. W1l<>Y11
(NH); 1·S 1•• Schick
ll$>-Ou1u1er (MJ dee. Ko••natl (HH)I •• l2l-M. Wtlal'I< (M)
(NH>; 1..t
UD-MC01nnold CNH); 1.0 ••I
\)i-Getlll1rl (M) dllC. HofHI (NH); ••• U l-H•PTIPTletlt (NH ) dllC, Htu}I (M); ,.,
l.......C:Ulr1 (HH) de,,
(M); 11-6 ••
U7-Lendrl11n CNH) pinned ti. Cit1rl-
1on fMJI l:S.
1u-.i111nl"9' (Ml die:. Ovt !NH ); l,.lt
17 ... 0rukln (Nit) alnnH AbllCll !M)1
HV-Herrl"' INH) WCll'I &r lorT~ll
Junllr V1t'lll1
N111r1"'1 Herltll' IU) f:itl
(12) NI-' H1rblf'
1:)0.....Andenon (FY)
CCMl ; 2:)1 '"'""
13'-F!vnn (FV! dee. Oelh1n {CM)I •• 111-Ho!tlndtn !FY)
(CM!; 1:411
11ii-Ferrvm1n fCMJ ctfc~Urkln, D.
(fV)I 2·1
UT-lllrhl lllVI -br l'Ortt ll t6f.-V1I~ tFV) Ott, M1nl1t (CM)I
'" 17'-K!rd'I"" tFV) 1ln11M l.owrv
CCM); J:Di
IU-Mlller (CMI dllC. Wiiker fFVll .,
HV--011/ltJCft (CM) won by del1ult
JUflltr v1,..J1Y
l'•ullttlP V1l"'f 18) Ill COlll M111
H-Stlrwal! JFV) '11inned Swenson
ICM)J J:U 106-Ktlt tFV) dee. WOchrd (CM); ••• ]1$>-Sonts IFV) pinned Minix (CMJ:
1:21 . 12l-01VldlOll (FY) de<:. Ecldr (CM); •• l:JO..-Combl (FVJ ,inned Hoftley CCMll
2:U 1»-Y1rtior011oll (FY) dee. C•ttll•
!CMJ1 1-0
HI-Folk (FV) wen by 10d1lt
loll-B~lln!g!Cll (F'I) de<:. Wtllltm1
!CM); 2-0
ln'-Ll*ll (FV) 11lllnH Glll>trl tCMll
:St. l~CG!lmerv (FY) •lnntd C!H1ellt
iCM): 2:-'7
17f-Efw1rd' (CM! dee. C1rroll IFV)1 •• 1U-Oemt1skl (FY) de<:. 80rdell (CMli
'" HV-no mt•ch
c.,..,, ...i Ml>r (ti) UI) 1.i111cit
9'-MOrler !El die. WICl1 tCdml; 1·0
106--Fost ti!! die. &11111111!11 fClllMl; l.O
115-C•UI' (CdM) dK. Flal'it (El; 4.fl
Ul-McGeti (COM) d•e-w fretllnd (E ): S·S •
1)0-(lsklY (CdM ) Otc. On\n !El; .. l'.li-Jon1t (ClllM) dfC. $ChUlll 1El:
H l~l-81111111, T. (,COM) dee. Kimbell
iEll ~' l.._Nt\/m1~n IEl d~c. Ct1rk CCOM); » 1S7-Aski11 CE) dM. &e•r (CdM); \.l
l6f.-G1•lllm !CdM) dK. Sn'fd1r !El: .,.
l,....._.Olm• (CdM) drtw R1vmeod
CE!: S.S HV-olve, (El 1lnned T'l\!!fr fCdMI:
Junior V1nlly
lll111Cl1 IH) (ISi Conlll '-1 M•r
ta-Bet'l"ler (I!) tie<:. ll111C1el, J, tClllMJ; ,.
106-HOVt (E) plnne>d A!IYn ((tlm);
11S-Frtl'l1nc1 1e1 won br torte!! 12~on ((dM) He. Frlllr (IE ): t·7
\.......Curl1nd (C4M) die. ,,..rrvf, (E !; ,,.
13'-Hl•Cll'I (CdM) ctec. VtllKO !El: :Ml
lAl-SCctt (CdMl dte. Gaitan !Ell l ·O 14-K1111n111wortll (COM) dtC, R•V·
mOl)d (Iii ).0
JS7-F1ft (f!) dee:. S!llNlktr (CdM\: ,.
JU-Morri1 IE) !kt. McCorltl• (CclM!; •• 111-S-ry !ll dee. 1cu11Sltr !CdM' »
19'-&!'IWlf' IE) won '"' IO<'ft+I
liV-MolClln (II won bw ltrf•ll
Jl' Buketball
M111f' 0.1 Ut) fJt) f"M X
Robcrllr• ,t6J 11 ,cu i.. V1&11~r
Kniffin (1) ,. (4) lrro
Ktmf>tr (4) C (111 M1111rlno L_,..,. 11) G C6l l"ttal'llll
Klltr CtoJ G (t) 1'111111111
kol1119 1Vbl.t Mtlfl' Dll-N-11,
llomtam1 2. Pk/1 X:-Motkll!t '·
Hellllme ICOl'I: Mllff o.i JD, l'IU'I x n.
JOwct J ~ • Hllllon tor 11Albltl .. Wiii I J!d f\IU •Ml 11i.c. " ,..lcllna "' IH IOllOWt. Hlrokt I, Nwrr1r "" fllM fltNlll I ,,. I• tollow1. hl-Wlti
Sfate of c11ttorft11, or11111 cw~tv 1 for LttMn of Alllmlnldf'1tttn ~Ill-Ill-Wit; 1 MtltlOl'I IOt HoblN of will tM """" Mlcti.el Kl"' CanrK, tltll Ol!rlt tt., °" Febr\lllrr .,_ '"'' lltfOrl ,,..1, 1 l/lllllltd. tetl....-.cw fo wll~ 1$ l'llllt Marc.t o. -lflCQc.1'11111, "' Hally COClk.llt 11'111 tw L.tl'trt of Mmlnlur1tlO!l G1rt1e11 Gr,,_.., c1u1ern11,
Nott,., ,ublk: In •lid fer tlN 111tt. 191' turtllfr 111rtrcullr1, 111111 tMt tfll s1rei1. Qr11"111. C1tlkmll nw& Wllll·IM-Wlll .. -•14. rt11~ Ill wflkh Llrrv Nlod M1r'11, 11102 lllMlntlOll· r.,_ll't •PPffrH JOl'ct J . .;MM Mewn "me •nd Pl•u ~ 11Qr'"9 h .. ~ Dlltd Fibtu1ry l. IH!I. It mid• fW lu""'r 11111CUllrt. 11'M1 Uof At1m1i-Calltornl1.
Ml JO 11t 111t PlrtOll wl'lolt MrTll M.1 bttn Mt tw ~"' tt. ,,.,, ..,,.,retr o. N1octrl'lltn 111a1 tto. 1""9 ll'ltl iti.c. ., ""'~nil oa1td J1n1111Y 1:1, lNt.
It Wbtcrlbed to 1f11 wlthl.n IMtflll'Mflf II t :JI 1.m., in rfll COllf'tr"°"' crl lTATI OF CALIFO•N1A. l Ille Mmt 1111 bttn ""' for If~ Mldl111 K.11111 Conr1d Ind 1dl;now!td9t11 1111: UIClllM ttllli Ntl'lt. 0tHrtn'1t111 lllo. J ·"'' Ml« .,,., Ill COUNTY OF OAANGE ' ~ n. IHJ ••• t iN 1,m., In 1111 _._ Urry Ne>d Mirr.II (OFF ICIAL SEAL) 700 Wed flthth $!,..., 111 1111 CIJ't On FtburtN :t. lHf, Mfor1 'mt, 1 ol OIHrtmt11f No. S If N ill court, STATE OF CALIFOllNIA J
Jottpl! I 01\'lt ol Slnle An1, ClllfOn'lll. lfol1rr Publ~ In ..... fOr NI• Co\Jnty If Ml North •rolodw1r, In lPll City COUNTY OF LO$ ANQol!l.11 llf
,.0,.,., ,iibno-<:i•ll'Oml• 011.0 JtMl/'Y :t. lttt 1/ICI ''''*• __.uv ,,...,... MllCll ot s.n11 ""'• c11110t1111. on J""'""""' n 1m. ktlrl ,,,,, • PrlflC1Pel Oftlc:t In W. E. IT JOHN, O. lflCCKl'll1n k-to 1111 te 111 Dlfocl J41nul,.., :it. ltil Hclllrr l"ubl!c In and ffW .. i. COUflf'oo °''"" (olmty cov,.ty ci.rk. 1111 """" ~ MIM " .ui.tr!Md w. E, IT JOHN. •nd ,,., •• pertonlllf ,_,... Mlcflltl Mr Cof!ll!llUIOll f•llllW LLOYO I. •LANPllO Jiii.. lo 1111 wllllln ln1tr-I, 1M ~ CQu11!y Clll'k. Kint Conrlcl 1nd Llrrr N .. """"' llHWn
Jun. 21. '1'70 MD VLI °"""' .. 10 m• tNll ,,. necvllcl "" .. ,,,.. DAVIO L •llAOY. to ""' fo bt th• --.... flll'nll P'1bll"1ed Orll'lll CMll O.llr P!Jot, i....rt hid!. Cltlft,.11 nut Wttn.111 mr ll1nd 11111 1111, LIAVITT, •DILMAM AMO W1111Jt. trl wblcrlbed to !Pit wlllllll IM!r\l,,,.nl,
Febru.al'¥ ,, l:J. 1(1, 21. ltff 21UJ flh ln4) UM7tl ! fOl'l'ICIAL SbL) 1111 lntrtr ........,., fllufllMI' alt. Ind 1cllnowi.fftd to 1111 tflef Iller
WttlmlMltr 07) 04) AMflll111 l-''-"C:.C.:C,'::C:,"'::'.'::::-:=-"--'·I Atte"'" tit l'llllMflll'. Ct\lrln R. Wldtn LM A-i... Cl...,. .... executed tM 111me.
LEGAL NOTICE Publl&hed Orl'l!tt CMtl 011tr '!lot, Nottrr 11'\ibUc-bll!Ornt. Tai; (2UI 4').l... Wltntu mr 1111\d 1nd Mtl.
Promls1 (111 I' It) Fr1l1er . .1111111,.., SI I nd Febr\lllY I, I. 1Ht 1Mo4!i Ptl!ICloll Offlc9 111 A"'"""-tit 1"111.._.,., (OFFICIAL $EAL)
llot>I-(10) F {Ill ""°"'°" Orlllll'! CounlY Publlll!e>d Or11111e COii! 01l!Y P!1o1, .shlrlsw E, Hlrl'lnt
McCltndon flS) c (11) Kll!tr ··-LEGAL NOTICE Mr cornm1111on U11lr11 Jll\UllY 11 Ind F1~rv1rr 1." lfit 1""'' Noltr'I' f'ubHc.C1Llfornl1 M1nn (~) (l (•l C.rni!ll CEltTlll'KATI! Olt 1UllM111 Oectmt>er lf, 1t72 Prlncloet Olftct In
11111 CO) G ()l PM1 FICTITIOUI NAMI p.nsJt P11t>llshlCI Or1n1t COMI Otllr f'llol, LEGAL. NOTICE L(>1 .i.ng•lt1 Coun!Y
S<orlnt 1ubs: Wt1lml1111fl'-MOrrow Tiit: und1rs1oMd ..,_. i;erflf't' ht It Cl!llTll'ICATE OF COllPOltATIOM F1br"u1ry 6, 13, 20. 27, Ifft 211-H Mr Commlulon fulrtt
1, ll1wley 2, Hewhot11 IS. An1Plllrn-O)n(lucfln1 I bu1lneu If 1" lit 17tll, FO• TltANSACTION Oii •UllNS:ll Nev. 6, 1'4' Ltnl$Oll ), Dorl1 2, s111r1tlsH t. Cost• Mes., C1Hfol'nl1, Ul'llltf" th• fie· UNOER l'ICTITIOUI NAMI LEGAL NOTICE It.JS.QI ll>ubllslled Or1<111e Co•lf C1 llY l"llet,
H1Ullme: Wt,.mkullf' 2.t .-.n111e1m 21 lllloi.o' llrm ftMM of f<llll!M0U$E 1"° THE UNOl!ll:SIGHED COll:PCllATION ClltTL,ICl\TE 01' IUSINISS J1nu1rw :JO 11\d FeDr\1111'¥ '' l:L 20.
'""' Hid firm ,, CllmPOllod ,,, !I'll ._ llert'tlr urllfY lfllt II II -r•ll... l'ldllllul Mimi Jf4f '™'
M1tiP11 (141 CU) Nl'""'1
E1ri. Ul F (,I ltckell
McGulr. (20\ F I~) Hiii
KIYn1reo!et i "I c Cl) Ken•
Mu!11llr 11/ G C'1) BHn
Thom11 ('! G UJ YMOnl Scorl"' Wbi" M1rl111 -8t1I 11,
Povner 1, Cronkl!t 1. HewPOrl-5htad
I , Ttvlor 3, Vaoel 2.
Htlfllme: Marl"' lf, NewPOrl 11.
following 11ersot1, whosl ..,,.,. In fun in iwte c:ere lloslll•I ficlll'Y· bulll\IHI OllOIMANCI! NO. •1 Tiit unoe,...lened dOe• Clrtlly Ill ls
Incl Dlace ol' •tildfnct 11 11 follows: ......,_~ 11 n10 ICii.ILI Avenue, Stinton. AN OltOINANCf: or: TNI CITY COUN• COflGU('llng 1 bu$1nt» 11 111, Or-e LEGAL NOTICE Rermond llDM, 1*2 •1111, G1rcleft ,-... II-I"·-,1 CIL Ofl THI! CITY 01' COSTA MIU.. AVll'\UI>, Cos!I Melle, C.tlfornll , '2261 Gro11e, Calllornle. 11!fornll, under """""" rrn MIM CALll'OllMIA. AMl!MOIHO ClllTAIN under IM tlctltlot/1 flfl!I n1me ol
Oiled J1nultV 79, 1Hf. ~ndSit,1T8! .;~!:N!!~ :o,:~~~ llCTIONS 01'' THI UNO Ull CKARLES V, OAVIS CO. 111i1 11111. uldl-------.-... -.-,~--.---·
lter mond ltollrl Ind ltf prlnclpit lllCI of binlllltl II OltDINANCI! TO CONl'OllM WITH llrm II cOIYlllOff(I o1 !ht lollowlf!ll Hl'MI\. CliltTIFICATf 01" •USINllS Siik ol C11lfornf1, Or1n11 (Ovnty; II fOllows: THI! ZONI! !XCl!l'TIOM PlltMIT wl\ose n&mt Ill tull Incl 11>l1tt ol lttldt!ICI Flctl!i.ui NllM
Oft J1nu1rr 2'. 1"9, btfor. m1, I HOSPlCAA:E OF CALll'OltNIA, 1770 PllOVlllONI ADOf'TID •Y THI CITY II 11 lollowl~ Tiit ufl(ltr.!g,,.., do ttrflf'f tP1tt er~
Ng!lry Public In Ind tor Mid Sllft, kilfllli Avtnue, Stinton, Ci lllorfl1I f1Mto COUNCIL OF THI CITY 01' COITA Cllllrlll, V. Oovt1, 1221 WMI Ca-11 coJ!duC!lnt -. bui!neu 1t 194<1 Rl.flOot'll
PtrllO!llllY ·-•fd lt•rmond ltolln WITNESS Iii llllncl !flft :lfd d•~ ol Ml!IA AND OIMlltALl.Y l'ltO't'IDllfO Hl1h.-11Y, A1>1rtmtt1! Num"blt 41 .. AVHH1e Cost• M•HI Gtllforllll under •no-fO mt to ~ lhl ",_ Wl\os1 ... iua~, JJ6'1, I' 0 It UN I I' 0 It M'I TY f M Newport ~h. Ctllfornl1 t2MI lllt llcfltkiu$ ttrm ~ ..... of "MILLElt
n1me ts IUbtulbtd to ttll wtthln 1.... •'osPICAllE OF CALl,OA:NIA Tl!RMINOLO.Y IN TM• U.MD Ult! O•le>d Januarr '2, 196' HAVENS ' INTl!ltPltlSEI" 11111 11111 t•ld 1lrument Ind ICknowttdled ...... Kll'lid Carv c-.r OJl.DIMANCI!. Chari" v. D1vl1 ll•m It ~ of !Pit "llowlfle•Mr-..
Hu11t1nt!Olt HU llH 111111 Ant :~F~~~l~L SEALl As.!ltenl Se<;rellry THI! CITY COUNCii. OF THf CITY STATE OF CALIFORNIA, wflO,,. f\l!Tllt ln Wll ind lllC" ef
IT.TE OF '"""LIFORNIA DF COSTA MESA, CALll'OllN1A DOEI OltAHGE COOHTY: rnldttlCI iri ff tatloft·
C•rli;on (11) F f)J Kuchel1 Helen• Ca.n1r COUNTY OFLOS ANGELES l ss HEllEBY OltOAIN AS l!OLLOWI: Oft Janu1rr %2. lt6f, blforl int, I Drlno , Mllltr .Jff.F Eilt HI~
Oe8rlttcn (10) ft Cll) HOOvtr Holery Publle-Cll110rnl1 ON THIS ·~ "' of Pttlrlllf'Y" A.O., Sf:CTIOlll 1. SICllO!I t.1101,, of Ille lfo11,.., Pub11c In 1nd IOr Mid ~fife, SI~!, co1i1 M1t1.'Ci11rornli
Harrell (13) C 1131 WWl1m1 PrlnclPICI Ofllel In 1,.., ~-·-re me, lrHI unctlr.!iftltl, a Coat• Mffl Munlcl111 Cocll 1• llll°lbY' H($Olllllr •PPflrrd Clllrlff V. 01w1t S.nlvrd M. Hlvtflf, 116 Presidio
Wise (6) G (t) Tllrll1lh!Wlelr 0!"1n1e ounl'I' 1 No•o--,•,,011, lo ••• •r ••Id Count• llTltn<le>d to rel!CI IS lctlow': known to IM to 11t tfll Mrion wflOM Orlve, Cosi. Mffl, C1tlfornlt Morr-(2l G !I) P1Que1T1 Mr Comm!1slan ... m • • • .,.., -"Ste, t:llt1.t ll"lll,_I el ~ Ntne Is 1ubtc•lbed to lhl wltllln In· oite>d Jinuirv 1:1 I Off
Scorlne sub1: Hun!lntton -McCord October '· 1'12 •n<I s11i., ~•lctlnw HM'l'•ln, dulr com-1.-ctpllllll Plf'fllll "' Cl" Dlllflllli.N 1trum1nt incl tr;kf!Ow!ldted t\I t1etc\lted Cring p~ro Miner
1. Pr161lv. san11 An.-McCOOkln1 ?, Publlllled Ortno• CDllt 01111 ,llol, fl'llUlontcl Ind iworn. ""°"'1"" •-red Wiien !ht City l"l1nnl111 Comm1u1on lht wme. Si.mint M. Havitn•
Wlerck 2, C11ncltll 2. i.':':'_":':N:..;'C'Cl:l':_:~:':':'C' :'H:_::• ____ .... :.:;_::1c..rr C-r knoWl'I to ml to be tht tllCOmmends 11'111 Thi Cllr Councll (Olllcl1I $4!11) STATE OF CALIFORNIA,
H11ftlmt: Hv~t1ne1on u, $tnl1 An1 LEGAL NOTICE ~~i$':;!cu~'4'."' ,.:'J.rn1~n•=~;11:: ::1e;;1':rtrill'l•1~ ·~::i,;11•,,~,~~T; ~':,~ :u~1~v:• callfornl• O~~H~~n~~Nb~: 1H,, befor• rni. 1
" l---,..,==-=-=-====-:---·lbet\llf ot the corMtlllon thlrtln 111mtd, lllve ~ dH!gn1tlon CP. ft\t 1111e• Prlnclp11 Offlc1 In Noll.Y Public In •nd fol' llld 9111.,
L•tun• lllct\ (6') (QI 1!1 M...,,.
cn1mlle1• (31) F ill i K!l!l•u•
Jtck1on CIJ f ()) Ol>IO
HerbDld !SJ C {11) Knoth
S~hmll> !131 G ltl Kt McMurrew (2J G !II (triton
Sc0rln9 1Ybl : L1;un1 -Tibor '·
El Modenl-S1ntor(I I, Soourl 2. ~1111me: L11un1 37, El MOdtn1 11.
Bee Basketball
NI-I 04) (11) M1rl111
Holl (12) F (11) Lecv
K1imlr (ti F (14) Moorebeck
T1ci!m111 tll C UI Jl1weld
Rid! Cl) G 111 Ordwlr
For•ll1n (Ot G Oil Thurm
ScorlM 1111»' N-POrl-81li.cneHt 7. KrioJI J, Sdl1ndlr ,, Glf\IOUI 1,
Morin 7. M1rl111-Wrleht >I, Sourrltr
i , Bull 2. Miiii t.
Htllllme: ~-"" 11. Merln~ Jl.
ind 1cknowle<kl!'d lo mt 11111 tucl! Pfrmflled In 111eh ZQnl •111111 bl fftlTlll· Orlfllt COUnty Hricn•llV •PP!lfe>d 0•1111 I", Mt!ltr NOTICI TO Clt•DlTORS con>0r1llon execvled TM ,,,,,., ~-led 1ut>lec1 on1v lo th1 ltlulf!tt ol MY Com,,,1i11on Eltlllfff •Jld Sllnford M HiVlft• known i. m•
SUl'Elt1011: COUltT 01' THE IH WITNESS WHEREOF, I ,..,ve 1 Z-EXC81111cn Ptrrnll." JUflt ,I, lt10 lo be Ille ptr°sans wllo$I Mmlt i r•
5TATE Oil' CALll'OllNlo\ l'OR llereun~ iet mr htncl tlld 1ff!1tcl ~v SECTION l. Section t1101.10 el the Published Or1"'1 ConJ DlllV Pllo1, iubM:rl~ 10 The wltll!~ IMfl"umenl 1n,
THE COUNTY 01' OltAMO• cfllcl1I s~I Ille div ind rMr 111 mll CO•I• MeH Munfc)p1I Coclof 11 hertbv J1nu1rr 13, 39 11\d ftllru11Y '· lJ, icknow~c!O~ t~r execullcl 1ti1 Wl'l'lt,
f>IO. A .. I,,. c1~1fk.Jt1 tits! 1bclve wr1111n. 1mellded 10 read 11 follows: 1"9 lff.I' IOlllc!if Sell) Es11te of CECILE G. STUOLfV, (OFFICl.i.L SEAL) "Sec. t1111.ll ,r.,_Hcllilll .. , Ztnt Joseiill E. OIVft o~~~E IS HEREBY GIVEN It t/11 :::;:~ :.;b~C~~~nl• ""'"'"" Ptrmlt. LEGAL NOTICE Nollrv Publle . C1!1for11!1 A. When lht land lllCludecl In Ille Pr!nclotl Oftlee 1n credltoo of !ht •bov• ntmMI decedent Los A111eles Cou11tr ippllcl'llon for zone e~c.otlon l"ermlt ...... Cringe Coulllv 11111, .. u 1111rscn1 h1vl"1 cl$!m• •••Inst Mv Commission E»lnt 11 ll'lfl 1 t 1 • fG.Oh!Jt • 1 to l~ld ~Olteedent ............,lrtd-to flk 13 itn 11 s c:en S<IU r ~ CEllTllllCATIE 01' •USINISI My tnrl'lmlulon Ellllre• llltrn, wl!h ,,.. llKflll,.., VOU(Plt"', In Ju1 oc' permit 11~1 ($} Ot' 11'\0rl unlls to l'lCTITIOUS NAM• June 21; 1t711
llW! clflce o1 lht clerk ot 11\t ibove NOtml"JI~.-Col>ffl, Alty, bl conslr\ICtld thereon 11 permllled The '1ndlrslentd c1oe1 urtllY 111 11 Published Orange C011I Dilly Piiot,
entitled court, er to Ol'911nt tlltn\, will> Publl!hed Ortn;t ccitl 0•11>1' l'llol, tn The ICM~ In ::en !I'll llnd 11 conducting 1 b<>1lnl!Q 11 I" 0 lox 1113, J1nv1rr 23, lD Ind F1bn11rr '' 13,
11\e MCtU•t¥ vo;.ocMrt. lo 1r11 u11-Februarv 6, 13, 20. 27, 196' 21F"'4J 11'f"°~"'t!inc1e::10s~r;er mtit ol the Costa Mttl, Calltornl1, uM!ir the fie· 1"9 '""'
dtrslaned 11 L1w Offlc11 o1 f<rlMlln ..,.Or.ertr fA 1.,,1,11,,. sub<llvl•lon m•r llll0111 nrm name of "HOYT HOLSTER:
Ind Franklin, 107 t!i'1tl 11th l!r&et, LEGAL NOTICE Iii SY~ttled for !Jiii tlClulrt!Mnf 1f CO." •Ml lh•I Uld firm II COl'nt'Ole>d LEGAL NOTICE
Cotti M!'tl. Cellfornl1, wtileh r, the fht •PPl!cent lll'Oll'llift la iulxnvldl bf Ille fellcwlno penot\, whot• n1m•l------~-~------Pllc1 of bu11,,..,, of 1111 under1!anee1 tM prOPl!r!Y 1 IM tyll •nd plaet of •••~lllCI t' 11
In •II matters pertl!nlno to lilt trl•ll 1"4tslt 2 E•ldlftii fol>O!lr•Phv 111 "" divtktP-totlows: P4''1J ol w ld de.:e>dent, wllllln tfl.u• month! 1Alt·Ul6 me~t arta incl tdlectnl ltclttlrlln Ftederlck E. H1 r111m1n, 2 5 7 2 CEltTlll'ICAT• titer Th• firs! PUbllcatlon ol' !his nol!c1. CEltllf'ICATIE 1'"0• TIIANlACTION 111111 ~ illown w!ll'I conto.u,.. 11 NII 8avsllor• Orlve, Humber ?, N1WJ>Orl It Is hertbv urllflld •• foltowa:
01Ted Februarv 1, 1m OF IOllNl ll UNOllt "''"' Than two loot lntervi\i, Beach, C1t1tornl1. l . The undersloMd •rt 1111 111rtM,.. WIH11m lr1d~ Sludlew Jr. l'ICTlllOUS lfAMI 3 Tht oross llnd 1,11 of the Oaled J1n~1rr 15, 196t. ol • Jlmlkd Plrlntnl'\111 tflll }I l,..n1-.. dmlnltlr•tor o1 Ille Mt1le THE UHDERSIGHl!"O ~ !Mirth · Ill l Frederick E. Heuhm111 1eUng or PrDPOSllS IOI tr11111d buttntn ol the ebove nimtd cfecld..,I certllw 111a1 he Is cc"'1uc!I"' 1n Emolow· 11eve!cpme11t, e Pfetent ion 11 ' Slllt ol C1l1lnrni1, Or1nt1 c-tr: in the s11te cf C1llfornl1 1111dlr Ille
FJl,t,•••'IN •ND •••N<'I• men! Allene• buslM!.S 1oc1ttd at 500 cl•1S!llaillon fher~. •nd the tOnlng On J1nu1rw IS lfft bffor• me a flCl illOllS firm Mme of FA• WIST " ~ " cl1sslll<1tlon incl eilsll"' 11nd 1111 ' ' • 111 e. 111t1 Slrett s. Ma!n s1 .• Sul!e '10 South Tow1r, on an •dlecent proper!!" within XIO' Hollt¥ Publl( In •nd tor tf!f .Stile, ASPENS, LTD •
Founliln VtHtv 10 1 flll Esli11Clt C1111 M•••· C1Ulflrn!1 t un Or•nlll', Orange COllnlv. Cl!lfornl1, lnclU<llno the loca!lon 01 tltuctur.; 11tri.ona11v apoeared f<rl'd~rlck E . 7. Tiie princ1Pll pl1ce oi Hid 1>u1!rw:n Ul·2HI under 111t llc!ltit<Js firm ""m1 ol •nit other lmprovtmenti '"''-Htrshm1n known to m1 to be the !s located 11 2:11 VII Gr1il1n1, Ntw-ElllS (1'1 F (6) Hays Al .. rMVI flf' il'tllli.ntr IHTERNAllOOAL TOM MCCALL & ~ A general deYttoi>menl p~n with Pel'llOn WhO•t n1me h tYbter!bifd to POrl l e1ch, C1tllorn!1,
Piils (10) F (7t Walson P~bllslled Or1n11t Cot s! Oillv Pll<ll ASSOCIATE$ AGENCY 1nd 11'11! tl lG II • ltl!I The fcl!owlnl delelll lhoWn lllt within lnslrumenr Ind IC-llOWledtld ). Tiie !~II names incl illlcel If l't!!I.
Sth1t>ll1 !11 C !3) s1ew1rd Ftbruerv f, 13, :io. 21, 1••t :IOJ..&' l!tm Is comPOSed o1 Ille 1011-!nt ~on. 1 !e arid dlmenslonf'd· he e~e.:uled !he 1o1me. denct cf 111e undersltnH '''; J1mu E,
Carmeck !6) G Ill Ford ------'-----------"'-" lwhost n1me In fuU 11'<1 Pllte ol f'ftlclonc• c i!~· Loc1li011 1nd u1e o• use1 P•OPOSed (OFFICl.i.L SEAL) . Cl1rk·.. WI\~ t>l•ce ol re1kl1nc. Is Gerber !2) G (7) Brown LEGAL NOTICE It 11 IOllOW$, to-wn, l II nO d'I Joseph E, 01v1t 2U V11 Gra1l1n1, HeWPOrt IMdl. Olll· Scoring iUbt' Fcun!•ln V1 \ley -Bruce K. lll'llntl!, ?•17 RiYertlde for e~ch t i( 1 "' 1 e• pf'OPO!led Nofl,., Publlc-C1!l!orni1 1orni1; Rlc.h1rd W. S1tv1r•, Wholf 11l1c• Wilker '' M111nter 1. E1!1tl(lt -ROO. I ·---------------1 C II t27116 i!ructurt In !ht devtloiif!'ltnl lrtl, Prlr1el p1I Oflic1 In Of retldel\C I 161, l edlonl Ui~ HI lnscr1 ,, ''" ), Mlls!H> l . 11.nnr Orlve. S1nt1 Ana.,, ',',c _10· < d tht number cl 1torltt, t rot• bulklln• Oranoe Ccuntw l. Newport' ;eec.l'I, Cillf-'•I 0•AAild
HtUllm.t: Foun!lln Vill'Y 19, Es· CERTIFICAT& 01' lUllNlll Wlln"s mv Ill is ..., ir •ret. ind eppro•lmtk lc(i tlon of tn• MY Commlu lon E•Plrff W. K.Hllin, Jr.•, whose ;~ of '"A1r-
tir.cli IO. Flcllllolls Nl!M Jinuiry, 1969·, • 11 lrance.s. . JuM 21, 1910 <lel\Ce Js 1901 W!l'ldwerd LI"'' Mtwl!Orl The underslgMd dOeS urlll\< ht 1 Bruce . enne !bl All tJrlshnt el'lll trOPOied slor11e, Pub1isllrd orenoe Cull OiilY Pilot ., •• C 1,, 1 • Al , , -• " -COOd 1 1 STATE OF CALIFORHl.r. I curb cuts, drlvlnt llnff, Parll!ng 1rt1s, Jlnulry 16, 23, :io •nd Ftbru•rr ,: Pl::;, of •,e:1~~~~' 1:n _ij H;ri!.,• Orin,
Cee Bmketball
Wfflflll"'llr 01)
Trul!Jlo-17) F 10 W!l1()n
Albtrf (t) F !f l Rlverl
CIH llil C ~11 Glaomt
HAl'l'I• Ul G IOI W11net'
Mel•tshelm1r 1101 G (ll ) fl101t.11 Scor!no su111: Wettml111ler -Minn
•· Murrtv 2. M1'11 a, Bor1eson 4.
Jol'tni.on I, RU"'O '· .. n1llelm-C1rllr a. Kii• 2, $1w1rt l, Plntlle l.
H11111me: Wt1tmln1l1r ti, Aft1helm
L11un1 l11~h 04)
Swoenev (I l F
onrner 111 F
M<><::remon (lS) C (orwl~ llll G
Chamber1 !Ol G
Sccr;ng tub~: L1;un~
Kras.owski "· More111eao 2.
Pl Lecnnt
t21 Ke•!llll
(!SJ !'Imo
Cl) Ste1e11
(') 1001~ Barrios t.
El MIJC!en•
-Duo1n ). Holl!lm11 L1vunt ?l, f.i Mo<1en1 U .
Hyn!lntto11 (~II
MCHlr It) F
B1ICll Ill F C~rl$on (6! C
Thorrioson (fl G
Wl\l!e (lll G
iOl Berre•• (6) Jttld
!') FlcrH
(fl Moreno (I) PhllllPt
Scoring 1ub1: None H1llllme:! Huntlno1on 21. S1nt1 .r.n1 t
MwnH~•toll Clt)
McN11 1111
B•ICh (5l
c 1r1<0n 01
"fhom•llrl 111
Wlllt~ 1111
IUJ wutmlMt••
F l"l John1011 F (lt) rOlllll
c 1i1 Trull11o
G (l) Mttttnn11mer
G !3) RYllto
Avt.~c~;:ll 1 M~::n~:1i.::..1:,o.s11J::ei;~ COUNTY OF OAAHGE ) U load Ing 1r111, Ind tr1$11 r~fe<:!I Ifft ~ ... -B 0 C Ill I • • --I fldltllul t!rm nlfl'll of CHEMICAL Oft J1nu1,., ;jO, lfff, fllfi\t'I m1, IM 1r111 '""""' e1c , a 11111 1, • ....,n I
EHl!A:OY SPECIALISTS Ind llll l t1ld Undl,..ltfled, 1 NOllN Public: In Incl (cl , .r.11 pellfl!rl1~ w11k1 1nd wen OTl Gu ,.,-•, whose Pl1ce ol miff~ II 71J firm II CGrllf>c.td of tllt loUowll\• H l'IM lot 11!d Sl11t. rnldl"' t11tr11n, itulv •1e11 tar the use ol occup1nl1 ol LEGAL N CE S11111h!11, Rldonda IMCll, Clllfotn\11
WllOl1 ntmt In tull i nd Pllt• o1 t'llldtr'IC; comm1111on111 lnll 1WCtrn, MrllOfllltr •P. Ille Prcp05ed d1v110oment end the Glen E. St1Uw1ll''. ~ lllCI of "'" II •• follow•· ,..,.. lrUCI K, •tn!M'lt ~-.. public. T..ll.U1 dtnce Is Ult S1nt1190 OrlYI, If-rt
• m1 to 11t the H not! whon n1m1 Id) Tvp.es 111 surteclng -nlPOled lot NOTICE TO ClllDITO•I 811ch, C1tllornle; llld J, P. Gu1r1n, co';:n:!.?'l!~rn~ LoritnJO AVI .... ·~bid to thl wl!ll!n l~lrUl'l'lln!r 111 walk• ind drlvew1vs. SU .. ERIOlt COURT 01' THI Jr.••. WllO!lt PlllC. of l't!lldtf!U ,. 12-121
Dite>d f<tb, 4, 1'ff. 1Jld icknowledtN ,'' •• '!''~ 11111 l>I •xKUltll {e) A del1lled p!~n /or l~t l1ndsc:no· ST.i.TE OF CALlFO•NIA 11011: R1ncho Strttl, EllC1no, (1Htornll,
LIOnird Grtlntr It'll Slf!'lt. ln9 of lhe develcpmenl, lnCl'1dln11 lhe THE COUNTY OF ORANOR Oiled 11111 20fh d1r of Dtcltr111fr, 116'.
Stitt ef Celllornli . Orin•• Co\lftty : • WITNESS mr 111nd Inf oHlt!ll tetl. loca!lon 1nd hel•hl of 111 Pl'lll>C*ld No. A"'4ln7 J•me~ E. Cl1rl<
On Fll>l'lllrr 4. "''' before mt, 1 !OFl'l(IAL SEAL} w1tls, fene1!$ IMI 1crttn tol•nllnt. 1nd E1!1te of FLORENCE C. NAYLOR, Rklletd W. Sliver
Hol•rv Public tn •Jld tor ••Id stile. C1111les It. Widen 1 statimHll unln1 forth th• mtlhOd Dkl!esed. Donald w. K.UU•"' Jr.
pet'lonelly · lllltlrtd Lec1111nl G•tlftl!r Nnllry ,1Jbl!c•C1lltorn!1 br wh!cll such llnd1c1o!t11 1nd fenclnt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to !ht Altn L. LtwJ5
known to me to ~ llll person whose Pr!llClHI Olfln. 111 11!111 bt lll'•llrvetll •1'1111 m1tnf1lned, crtdltors of the 1bcve ntmtd dll:llllnl E. Otnnl' Ge•rr
nim1 ;1 iubtcrlbecl lo It'll within Ill-Orange Countr Ill A trldlng 1>l1n for lhl enllrt that •II persCH>I ll1ving cl1tmt 1111lntl Glen E. Stlll'n!I
1trument •nd eclllltlWledeH ht ••Kuttd Mv comm111lon E.-.lre1 devtk>Pmenl In contour• o1 nol more 1111 uikf decedent 1rt r.qulrl'd to fli. J.P. Guerin. Jr. Ille s•me Oec. lf, ltn then 2' tnlerv1\t, !him, with !ht neeeu1,.., vouchl ,..., In •Gener11 P1rlner.
(OFFICIAL SEolLl Publlslltd Or1nge Co.isl 01llY Piia!, CG) Alt tKl!llll!t or ll"OPOstd OhYslc1t 1~1 elflct 111 the cltl"k of 11\t lllOVI ••Limited Pertnert JcJepl! E. Oivls Ftbl'ulrr f , 13, 20. 77, lfft 'llH' lnlu•as SU(ll I S ltrdr1nl1, utllltv et'llllltd tOllM, or to prltenl 'll!lfn, Wllh STATE OF CALIFO!!NIA I U
Hct1ry PYbllc..C1111ornl• t•clllll~. floodfloMs. dr1111111, f1c1lltlel fl>e MCeutrr VOlf(l\lrt. lo Ille un-COUNTY OF ORANGE )
PrlntlHI OfflCI In LEGAL NOTICE 11'1<1 rec.reatlon flcllllles. 11\d I sl•I~ d1r1'9ntd 11thlelflctOf11•1r, MCNll,., Oft J1nu1,., 21, ltft bellr. fl'lt, Ill• °'"'"" C011nlY menl iellln9 tcrlh the metl'lod by & Bekar, AtlorMY•· zu Sant• Monie• vl'(!enl11ned, • Hot1ry Publk In 11\d fllr
My Commls•IOn ExolrH NOTICI 0 , SALE OF REAL whlth these features shill bt tortserved (llvd., Sulhl !GI. Jin!• Manlu, Callfornli, 11ld Stile, per,ont11r IPPtlr.d Jim.ti E.
June ?1, 1910 f"RO .. IJl.TY AT l'RIVATE SALE 1nd m1!nl1lr>e<I. 90401, which !s Ille PllCI ot t>ut!lllU C!1rk, R!ch1rd W. SUvtr, Don1kl W. Kit. Publlshe<! O•tn<>e Coasl Oill>f l"llol, S. Plan• Bl'l<I 'lfvttlons ol ont or ot !he ~tlderslgfll!d !n ill m1tltr1 Hr· 11111, Jr., Alan L. Ltwl1, E. Oenn!s Gt1rv, l'"eDrvirv '· )], 1(1, ,7, 1.,., 2o..6t ,.., A·NtoS morr structuret to ltldlcllt ltchllK· lilnl"' 10 the eSl•I• ol tild dllCedlnl, Glrn E. S!l!lw~1 ind J. P. Gvtrln, Jr.,
'sT",•,•,•100: C~~~:;11:rA ::: IY•al tv-oe end material• of coll.i!rucllon. within ~r manthS eftef" IM first wt>llct· known 10 me lo tit tht Hr-• whci.a
1 8. Whrn tllt land lncluded In the ll011 cf lM' lll)tke n1mes 1rt sulncrlbrd re the wltll!n 1n1111 ..
-~" ... ' c..,o", •.TY ... '!_I' E o,:~"!, MERL aop11catlon fer Z011e Exceptlcn Perm!! Oiled Janu•rv j5, 196, ment er.I 1ckncwltdttd 11111 tllty IJI• ..... ,,,... has a total sovare foct1gr which R E N 1 r Ku!ed lh1 '1me,
IAR•lnl I . HO(.T, JR: .• Otc11sed. l>f!rmlts le" Then llvt tJ ) "~ill to Eo:Cutcr:r:he Wiii ti WITNESS mv llln<I Incl lftlcl•l 1e1I.
IUf"lltlOll couaT 01' THI Nolle• 1• ll1rlbw 1!\0ll'I ft\11 the un-" olKtd thereon It !Di!rtnl!ltd In 111: ibove named llleceOllll Ol'FICl,.L SEAL
STATI 01' CALlllO•NIA f<Oll deral1ntd Wiii ltlt 1t prlvile tale, ~ft The •Onf In whltll fl'Hi l&nd II pr,,_td l.t.K.ER, McNAIJIY & 8AKl!ll E!1len1 P. WllMl!'I
THI COUNTY o" OllANOI or 11!1f Thi 17th div of Fetlruir•, to bt re1on1t1:1. m Sinll Mollica •Ml Sulit sot Ho!1ry Publl<·C1!llornl1
Me. A~J lHt. 1t thl oltlce of Bernt1um. G11ll 1. Comply with 1111 prow!1lon' ol ''"" Monie• caHfol"llii "4tl PrlntiPll Offlct In NOllCI 01' HIAlllM• 0111' PUITIOlf I. C1nltr. 241 Scuth Severi• Or\vf, Sttll°" '7101.~." ' ' Or1nge C011ntr l'O• f"JIOl.t.T• 0, WILL Bl\'lrlw Hiiis, COlln!Y of Los An~e.tt. SECTION S. $1Ctlon "101.11 at the T1I: 21J.EX ~·t14J Mr c;ommlulM SIUll,_
ANO 11011 ISIUANCI tllt. of Celllor1111, to tht fllwM1t Incl COtll Mt11 Munldpel Codt Is lltr'°Y Allllr~YI lot l!UCVllr M•r 11 196,
Of' Llnlllt TllTAMllllT&IY llttl blddtr, 11\d 1ut>ttcl lo co .. 1tf!ft1llon 1mrtlded lo retd 11 to1low1: Publlllltd Or1n11 Cotlt Cl1Ur ,lie!, Publlshrd or1nge Cotet DallY l'IJot,
l:lllll of LIL\IE MAY J01"1•1, &r Mid SuPlf"IOr Court, Ill !hi rlOhl, "SIC. Hl01,11 Tlllll .. r Ap1trln1 J1nu1rr U. 21, 311 11'111 Ftbruerv a, J• rr 23. 30 Ir.I Fllttull"f 6, l:J. lfft
De<utld 11111 incl lnllrnt of 11ld llltctllM at fir t•n• E~c.,.111'11 1'1rmlf .,. c, 1Hf IO-ff 11Mt
NOTICE: 11 HEREIY GIVEN Tllll tfll tlmt of dtlfh 1nd 111 tll<J r11hl, Dnl1MllM.
ALLEN JEFFERS t\li filed htl"lln 1 1!11' incl lnt1r11t tlllt 11\t 111111 °' A11 10Pllettl011 lor e rezone chell"e LEGAL NOTICE H!lllon tor .. roNtw 11 Wiii IM lot WI« clKelMd 1111 l('(lu!rtd br °"r1tkln 11'111 tor 1 , Zon. E~uollon Ptrmll 1uu1nci of L•tttn T111im1nti1r I'll If l1w II' ot111rwl11. olhtr !111111 or •s teQu lrltd b• Sec. 9'101.' m1r bll-------;:;;:;;;;-------1----=:::::_:.;,:.::.;::: __ _
.. .,lllontr, rlltrtnct lo whltfl It tr!ldl In 1ddl!I011 to Ille! ot tlld dec11sd, m1de 11 1111 same tlmt 1nd fl'll"/ IAJl·lllJ IAJl·UU fOr fllrllllf ,trllcullra. Ind thtl the 11 thl ttml of dlalh, 111 ind to 111 ~ ~e1rd bv l~e City ,l1nn1n1 Com-SUlll!RIOR COUltT 011 THI! NOTICE Of SAL! 01'
llMI •rHll lltCI of lle1rl119 !I'll 11m1 llV Ctrlllll real 1ro;ier"IY sll~ot~ In mls•lon Incl 111e Cltr COY~Cll toel1her." STATE 01' CALIFORNIA POii: lll!AL PA:O .. "EltTY AT ~11 been tit for Fibruary ~1. !Hf, tht COl.lntr of·Or1nge, ST1te ol C1lifo~nl1, SECTION t. S~dlon 91101,I~ ol llle THE COUNTY Of< OltANOE l"A:IVATI! 5AL•
11 t:XI I .fl'\., In !Pit COl.lrttOOfl'I ol 111rtlcu11rly dncrlblcl IS hl!lcws. to.wot: Cost• Me.a MunlclPll CO<M !1 hettbY He. A°':IOSJ Nt, A·~l
Deo1rtmenl Ho. 3 cf n ld i;ourt, II Loi f, Tr1cl 21,t, .. s J>er MIO 1m~nded ro reed l<I lolicw1: NOllCE OF Hl!.r.ll lNG Of ll>ITITION SUPl!JllOlt (0\fllll' 0, THI 100 w. E[lhlh StrtU. 111 Ill• Cllv el recorded tn l ook ,,, Paves l'J, ~o "S•c. 1"1101.U 1 ... oe•"lftn "'C•~";!l•R\ FOJI l"llOI ATe: OF WILL AND l"Olt STATE OF c.r.Lll'Oll:NIA l'OR S.nll Afll, Cillfornle. Ind ~I o1 MllCtlllnilOl'I Mao•, •ecordt ... Gr1nl!"1 of z-11:~'"°!11" 1'1rmlt. LETTE•S TESTAMENTARY (IOND THE COUNTY 01' 011AN01
0 111d Jt~U1rr 2f, l"t, of CounlY. Rte0rdtr ol Ot1no1 (O.,,,lv, Tne Cll'I' Ple nnlng Ccmf!'l!Hlon ,.,,, W .. IVEO IN WILL) In the Miller cf lht E1l1t1 •nd W. E. IT JOHN, C11llotnl1. lmPOsl •e1son1blt condlllon1 In reco,.,,. Eit1!e or LF.'NIS AC:tF SMITH, 11'° Con.ervetcrJhlp of AUGUSTA K. WfOG'i Cou~f't' C1tr• Mor• commonlV kn"""' '" 1UO mendln' ftie trin11.., of the ZoM known es LEWIS A. SMITH. Otc111tcl. cconserveteel. JllMll •• INlm l tr.,,let Drive •••••• e11110rnlt . exce~Tlon Permit 1nc1ud1nt 1111 re-NOTIC E IS HEREIY GIVEN Tllllt Nelle• 11 l>ereb1 t lVllll It'll! .... Un· Ill ... 1uc1i. A'tl.. Tel'Tl'\I If 1111 c•t.11 In l1wlul mon1r i ulr1menl ol street wld1nl"!I l ftd In'\< Allee Sue Clarell! 1111 flltd lltrtln I cltrslgned win iell 11 1'1!11111 111&,
mln!Hor 11.
Halttime Kort: ~ -~~"''I An•htlM, Cliff, tttOt ot It'll United Sl1tes on «1nllrm1tlon o'l!vement, lltlllllts far dr1Tn11e, ind Hllll()n 1or P'llbl!t flf wl11 •Jld tor 611 or 1uer tM 10th d•• el 111tru1rv. -Ttl: 711>16>Q cl 11i., or 11rt Cltll 1Jld blll1nce iucll olllir ltcllllll• 11 m111 bl found IM111nu ol lelhro TUl1mwit1,., TO 1f4t, 11 llle office of Thi! Contitv110r, "'IOI'"" ,.,. Pllllitntr tvldt!ICM by no11 ltC\lt'ICI bv Mllrlil•o• n.ce.~•f"Y to makt ltil •ftteted pfOPl!ITT P1tTl!oner (8ond W1lvltl In W111J, The Flr~t Nallon&I eenk " Orlntt. Put>llll'llcl o rano1 C011t Ot!lr l"llol, oi-Trutt Oetll on !I'll lll'Wer!V 90 JUllab~ tor lilt UNf "rmllltd br l'tfllence ta wMcll It fl'ltdl lot furtlllr locited 11 101 E11I Cf11pm111 AVlflllf,
J1nu•rr al lf'll FtbNl !'\I' 1, " lMf \""4t IOld. Tttl Ptr ceftl ol 1mounl f>IO t vc.l'I reiont. Plrllcullfl, Incl lttt l thl tl!M I J!d Pllct Cltr cf Orlr\Qt, County of Onntl, l!fl!!
11.0:....:..:.,.::..::.;;....:;...:.:..;...:....:...:.,;;_;;__lto bl dt-!fed w!ll'I bld, 1 Suc.l'I llcllltln Of' m11tw,.. miw of lle1rlno lht ••m• II•• l>ffn tel of Cellforn!1 t::iut. to !I'll 11111141! •~d
Bid• " ofllrt to bl In writ!~• i ncl bt · reQulre>d to llt Qtm•llf>fd or tor Ftbrvlr'I' 21, 1Nf, '' t :XI '·"'·• best bldcltr. incl 1ublect to conttrm1tloli
wlll tit rtc1lv"lll 11 1111 1forn1!d Olllu reiscon•b1t 9u1r1n,.._ bl trcroldtcl tor In the c-ourtrcom of Oll1'1""fnl Ho. br .. ld Superior covrt, ell thl rlthl,
11---------------111 1nr llml lf"'r tlll fl,...! Pubtlclllon "'' comoletlon prlar to the '"°''loll' ol ••Id coyrt, •f 100 Wt1t l!lthlll 11111 ind lntereti ot 11111 ClflltfV•I~•
P"'*11 htreol 1nd bit-d•" of 1tl1. Ind tranimllli1 of 1111 Cltv l"ltnnlnt lfreel, . In ll>e Cl!V of S•nll Ar11, 1~ ind 1o 11! 111t etrfilln 111111 ,.,..,.,rtv
ClltTllllCATI 01" IUllNlll 01111C1 Fl'brv1ry 3, Uff. Cornmlu lcn's l'IC0!1'rntndltlOn ta Ille Ci lltorn>1. 1llu1!~ In Thi CITY of Oflf'tl• Ctuntv
T' •
.. -•-!110<~-'""!-I" •· I• WILLIAM E. HOLT CllY Council tor !I'll idcllllOll el 1nv Oiied J1nu1,.,E "s,"o"iN o1 Orenge, Stole of C1llf'arnl1 P1l11tullrlw
u"""'" ......, ""'' •r .,.. l!Xtc\llor OI int Wiii iucll reione '"d ll>e 1r1nttn1 ol '"Y W. · J ' d11c.rlbed It fOllO~. fo.wlli c:oMucilnt 1 11Utlnt11 11 1111 01nmoor 11 Nld dKldltll. zcne Exceotio11 Permll. Coyntv Clftk. P.i.A:CEL 1. 1.2::11 1c"'' ol lit Pour
Or1'1e, Huntln1lan I HCl'I, Cll110rnl1, 1-INltfl'I, 01ri. & C1nltr, ; Thi Cil'I' Pli nnlni CornmlHlOn PLU NKETT & ,LUNl(ETT, (')of Trad ,u, Otl"lf l'1rll A<reai
undfr lhe lldl!IOlll llrfl'I n1me of AZTIC i41 S.Ul!I IMrtf' Drlvt In · recommttldl"' 1 cllnllt of '"V 412 Ollwt Aw.,,111, 8oplnnl"a 1! the 10ul~1t11trtr eorntl
SCIEtftlFIC 1nd 1~11 ''hi firm 11 com-......,tr Hllit, c11111ri111 tnn ••lone or zone Exct11llon Permit, m•Y '· O. fl•x ""mlllr tit of Loi ~ Tr1ct UI •• "' M•I Htld of lf'I• tclktw!nt nr.on, wtio.1 AtlwRtn fir l~tcull• iet fc.-th •nv •~asconibl• COl'ldlllo!li H11t1Hn11111 l 11dl, C•Ulotnl1 H4'1 n!Corcl!lf In Boole. tt. 11'11• 41,
n1m1 In lull •Old lfltct ol r .. lcllnet $417.0C: which !hey dMm re1tcna1>i. IOr T11: 1714) SH·lC.lt lftt IM..ft11 MIKeUaneou1 MeP-. ~cit of Or.nll'P
Is'' fellows: ll>ubll1hlod Or•"'• COl•I Dtllv ,.llot, IYlda~ce ol'~lle Cll'I' cauncn... At11m1•• tor '•tllloftlf'. countw. c1111om111 runnlJll lh~• s. Hfn•Y l'!Oto;e, 111, Oern.ioor Orl\ll, Ftbru1rv .. 1, ll. 1fft 1'6-(, Sl!CTION 4. SKllon t)lOl.13 ol Ille Put>ll•htd Or1r1111 Cot!i Otl!Y l"l!ot. .}. 11' 15" w. 311.~1 fMt •Ion"
HuntlnOlCll lhtcll, C1t!lornt1 Cos!i Mn• M~ft!dpel c;ooi. II fltrelrl' J1nu1rw ll 11\d Febru1•w 1, '· 1Nt U7"'' 1111 tOulherlw llM of 111d lot I
Otllcl Jl~U•l"'I n. 19'' LEGAL NOTICE imttldtd "' reltd '' tolkt"'1: · incl lh westerlw e•le..,.loni tMnce
""'" KOew "S•t· 9'!01.tl Actltft "r ClfY Cluncn. LEGAL NOTICE N, 4' II' 'S" w. 1~t.t7 tttf1 thlntr STATE OF CALll'ORNl.r., ,...,, TM Clh Cou~ell. whet'\ •din• on N. .,. '1' 15" E, lttn , .. , I~ O~NGE COUNTY; CllTl>•CATS O• COl>o•A'IO• tKOmml'l'l(l1llol'I t>v lht Clty 1'!1nnl111 HOTICE 0' TRUITCl'S IAL• 1 POI"' In Ille Hlltrlr lint Of St1d ""' J1nu1rr ». lf4t, 1111011 mt. I I Commlu lon 611 rtlonet •1111 :-Elf· UMOEll Dl!:liD 01' TIUIT Loi ~: lf'lelK• s. o• .... 15" w. lfol1rr l"ubllc In lfMI tor ttld S11ft, OOlfllG IUllNlll UNDI• Ulltlon Ptrml!t, m1r 1lintr: Tl' 2"'*' 14l ,1' f@>e! To The POlnl " bttlnnln~:
lltnOMll'r -rtcl H1111rr ltotvl, ._,, FICTITIOUS HAMI l . Mtr, rn 1ddltlon to 111 ~ oower. LOAN MO, •1U1 c:ont1lnit11 1.236 tcrtt. Ll!SI Tiit
No ml to Ill tlll ""'°" 'lllf!Ole fllfl'll THE UHOl!llSIONEO COlll"OllATIOH llrefdy veJled In lhttm, wn11or1w Mt ticllce 1' lleretw ot\'tf\ thll Wf!STSJOE .SOUlhHlr Ul .06 It el ol NfjJI Lii I
II WlllU1Md to !Pit Wlll'l!ft tn1lrloltrltl'll ... Mllb1 '"""' the! II It OOl!dutll"' CP d"lonallon; TITLE COMPANY, A Llm!lld Pt..._,,hl~ of Sllld Tree! NO. t~. l lld ldlnowllcltetl ht •~KutM t11t llmt. 1n 1utom1ttd mldltn1 ttloit M l""' '· Ellmln1te or 1dd concllllt"I lo 11 tru•lee or iuc:c•s10r truiTM 0, PARCEL 1. All lhtl '1!11 ,,._r1v
(Ol'lk.111 S..I) •I 1.IP l'trk AVllllUI, 01rdlll Gnrvt, !flt ZC!lt E~c'l!llon Permit," IUllltl!ulecl '1ru1tH ourull~I lo ""'offd 1\lu1led In County ol Or11111. ll11t
JN•,-1,_ •,:.,•11•,~k•,•,1,.,,,, C1tlfol'ftl1, uncllr 1111 lld!llOut ltc""o fllllM Sl!CllOM s. This Ord!111nc1 1h1n t~k• ol tru$1 •~acuted tw ALL!N JOHN of C1marn11 11 l'O!lows:
" v II ANC MANUFACTURING • Ind rlflft 1nd be tn tvll forct Tlllrtv UOJ DAVID in unmirrle(I /l'llft ii'(! r~l'llld llttlnnlne 11 I IOl~I tn lflt E1t11rlv
.. rlncll>ll Olflc.t 111 tlltl tht Mini of \aid COrtOrll1tn •iw:J dlVf !rem 111d 1l1tr Ill Plltlll, Ind J•nu•,.;. • \HI Ill book t4Q lllOI llnt of Loi l"Ollt (') of Trtcl Ho.
Or111tt Covn,., Its 'rlncliNl •11c1 af butlntn Ii "'' "'lor 10 l~r exolr•!lan of Plflt1'" 1151 2tt ol Ofitciel R~ In tftt ofllu fAI, Orenae P1rk Acr•• N1. 3, 11
Mr Comml11lon £o!ra IOl!owl: dart lrom Its 1>11S1Gt shlll tit llUblltl'lld ol 1111 Countw lte.:ordlr of Or•ntt County Sl\oWrl an 1 M11 rttarlflct In he~ Mtrch H, 1fff AOTDl'ol. .. TfO lfUMfll1CALLY OllCt In ~ Or1no1 Coa•I 01!1'1' Pllol, Catllornlt ind Pllrwfnf to tM Nolle~ ?t. Plff ~1 af Mf"llllMM Mfft,
Publb.hell Or11111 Coalt 0111>1' !'Uot, CONTlllOLl.•0 MANUfAC· 1 l!IW$lllH'I" 01 ffntrll ctrcull!lol'I, II Dlfturf Incl t!i'ltdlOll ta Sttl ~tr r1cord1 of Or1"81 Covntv, Ctltfll1n11,
Jt11111,., 2), • Ind flbru1ry •· 11, TUA:INO COM!'ANY trlfttM ~ 11Ubll.nt.I Ill 1111 CJIV el l'IOll'llM OCtoblf' 1S. lffl In 11oo1o; tm 11111 pelnl lltl"' IQ,tt flt! lfortlltrlr
1fff 11.Ht tso ,1r11. AVll'lllll, C1tv of GlnHfl (oe11 Mtf.1, io.ttller with 1111 Ml'lltt Na• ,. of Nld ontclil R~, wm from !he Sclrll'Ml•11t•tr WMt ff 111c1
Orovt, COUMr of Orallf', C1 t110rnla. of !I'll membll,... of 1111 Councll Wllnt NII an f<tllr\ll"" u; , ... ii ll•M Lo1 FOllr (4)1 ruftlllfle fl'llll t•ld 11'811'1
Dtffd: Jtnu1ry 14. Ifft. ,., al'\lll IHlntt l'hl Jlml. 1 rft If !flt 11t htll Slr911 f!'llln 1t1tr1M. Soo.1111 IS' 41' 15'' Wllf m.n fie! tCOJll". llAl.I PASSEO AND ADOPTIO tllh 1nl fO ·;,... (wnty CetJf'f Houw, 1n !flt to I .ctn! In !ht cert191" ttM ~
P·ttUt AUTOMATfO NUMlll:ICALLY •rot f<tbrvl,..,, lfff, Cll'¥ of llnll Ant. County (II O•ITlfl, Lot A Of llld Traci No. '411 tllentt
ClllTll'ICATE 01" •USlNlll C 0 NT II 0 L L'l 0 MAHUllAC• A. L. l"INKl.IY SttN of Ci11fel'nll, If 11Ubl~ 1udl0fl, North ... 1r U" Wlof 140 ... feel l'ICTITIOUS NA.Ml TURING Mlnr to 1111 flltl\IHI Mclcltr tor tllll (NYttll to !ht SOll!hWlll -r If l.11'1111
Tiit ul'l'!llnltl....i dOlt t91'111W 1 1111 COM,,11N'I' of !flt City flf II llll ftfl'lt el NII 111 llwflll "'°""" conveved to CHAJILEI ELMl!!A: HILL
toM\lclln1 1 but!nt1t 11 Cosi. M1uo. I v; Rt>berl H1n:ilf l.ou1tll1t COIN Mtt1 fl 1111 United S .. 111) 111 rltlll, tltll, Ind wlft b'I' ... rtCOl'lflt Stf>lef'l'ltllr
c1111ornl1, undt• !flt fltl!lllut llrm "'""' 11>r1tld~nl .r.TTEST: •nd 1n1trnl, cen.-.vM lo incl now Mid 11)1~. 19)(1, lft llOOll •10. "''' llt
of CllEOtT SERVICE CO. and lhll STATE 0 1' CALIFOltNl,ll C. I(. l'JllEST t>w 11 ufldlt wld c1eH Jn It'll! tirOHrlY ol Otrlcl1I 11-d• of Or1nu1 Cou"IY, wld !!rf!'I 11 tom-" qi thtt tollOWlnt COUNTY OF l.OS ANOELEI I n C!lv Cle'i1l 1111111, 111 t1i. C""'l\I and St1T1 d11cr!llld C1!ilQr11!1: fl\o!!nct North U" 41' 15" "''°"' wllcJf ntfl'lf I~ full .... 11.l!Ct On llllt Uth d~V Of J1nu1rv. A,0 . OI "" Cttw of It follCWI: E•JI l lonl ll1e SoY!~ lint ot ,.10 01ntldlll\Ct 11 II follOWI: 1f4f , M1ort mt, I Hollrv il'ubll( l~ c .. 11 Me ,1 ~ot ,, of T"cl Ho. ~)iS, I~ !111 l~nd conv'V.O lfl (H.r.JILIS l!LMER
Robe•I W, King,''" Co1ltli. Avl'nut. •nd 1-r ll ld CO\lrltr I nd Ill ... 111r1m1t1i., STAT! OF (.r.LIFORNIA ) City el C(lttl Mtll. Cou~tr nr Or•""· MILL :193,09 l~t !o I IOfnl In 1111
l/8n ~un. c .. lfe•nl•. IOOHrld Robfl1 H1rotrt LD·utdltt •newn COUNTY O' ORANG! 1 Sllte ol (ellloMll, It H• map re<:onlld u ld E1tt1rlv tint of lot ,our 101
Dll'H JlnUlrr H , 1.... to m1 to ~ !lit ,rullltnt .--t Thi CITY OF COSTA MISA I U In 1too1c 1"-''''' JI. 31 11'1<1 J:a lhe'ICe SOlll!I t• Ol' IJ" Wttl UO,U ••rt w. Kl,,. corll<!•lllon 1n1t t•e<utff "'' wn~lft I, c. K. ,Rll!ST. C!l'I' c11r~ or ot M11Ct1111'llOW Ma115, In 111r ctllct Ifft to Ille POlnt ot tl@t\nnlnt. cor1111nl1111
• • •
LIHOLI canlHIT&l; 1111mm . MUIH , HE~U
ll'M MAIMI MMH.IYAft,-Cot•• •GA
"'"' °' (fltfomlt. Or•nt• Count" 1n1tnt~I Of! 1te111ll Of 11'11 CINIOfl!IOft 1111 Cilv ol Co111 M•U Ind ~ft<OffiCkt of ""' County lltcll'llll llf ••Id (Ollf!ty, l,tsO 1cres. Oft Hf\11!11'¥ n, 19", llefert ""'°' 1 thlrtfft Mfl'lld, 111d tck_l_H te Cl9'11 et I~ C!IY COU~cll ot lf'll City A.K..... )!JI Llmttlck 1.111e, Collt Ttrm1 of 1•t1 Cl~ll In ltwtul "*""
NOii!'¥ l'ullllc In Ind "r Mlf lltft, t1W thtl llKh COritOr•ll•n l~KUltd 1111 If Co111 MQ1, fll•ll)y cert!,., till! Mnt, C1lllorn!1. of 11>e U~lllod SlllH an confl""'tlln
..-ur IPHll'H ltlblll w. Kint """· "" l bOVe Ind '°'"°'Ill Ordll\f!ICI He, "Id .. ,. w!U bl ,....., ~I wlllllllf of w le, or 11r1 Cllll '"" hllM•
kllOWll "' -Ill tit ..... ,..,.,, ...... WITH£•• I'll)' h•NI Ind ... b .... Wtl lntnld\ICH I nd Utllkltrecl ""' -n• " ""'""'"' "'"" " lllWlllML fflOtncH ... not• tKU•M "" ,,.., ••• lllf!ll " wlllCTlllld "' Ille wllt'lln '"' (01',ICIAL SEAL) tton llW llCllon II • TftUllr -'"" ,....,..,M 1111'. -•IOl'I er .. " Ttvtt °'"" on "" ,_..., .. '"""""'' IM 1Clnowltd9tll ... llllllCll!ld StmUll 'V. Clfflt!I " .. Id CllT COuncll Oii tr. JOlfl d1r Cllf!\br'"'"-to 11tlttY It'll lnffbleclntM telcl. THI percent If """1tll ~ ti thl .. ,,,., NOl•rr l"UbLlc.c.lllfornll 'It JllW•'Y· ,...,, l llcl """""" lllU!od ttc:UrlCI 11'1 llMI °'"' lll(h,IGl!fte "'9 • dtHtllMI wll!I ......
COf,ilCIAL SIALt 'rlMIMI Olflcl In 111111 .-..0 II I Wfl(lls II I ...Ul" fN Ind 1-... " Ille t!Wtlll lfllli 1!cll flf °"'" fo llt 1" '"'""' Inf Jotflfl 11!. Davit 1.M Mlt111 CIUlllY 11'\MllM flf tlfd CllY Ceundl fllkl Ill .r ttie lnitll Cl'fftlf br MMI .... , wlll tit l'IOll'ltd 11 fhf lfllf,...lcl "'l(t
Nottrr l"ubllt-Cl1111rftlt fMt« !Ill JN "r o1 l'1bru1ry. lHt, ._ MIYtllCft thtrtUnllft' wttlt im.rttt M •I ~r ti,,,. lfttt thf fll'lf """""t'IM
,rlnclMI Ofl'ICt In CO•NILL. AOA#tl, lll•OY • !tit tolieW'lnit ,ell CIU Wiii: MYklM thlflln, 1M the UlllllTI !Hlnd .. I htrWI Ind lltfott lftll ol t1'-' Or11191 CMln!Y LllfDfl'I', ....... AYlt1 CDUlfClt.NIEH TllO.tr. It. If thf !!Olli ltc:~ W Niii tlll01 Dtllll J111111.., JJ, 1 ....
Mr COl'NTllH!lfl •.v1r.. 41111 L111t lllCll ........... Clair, Jerclln. l"lnkltY .. wit $21.Nl.Jf wllt'I l""'"t ~ THIE l"IA:IT NATIOH.f.l
J-11, lf7' $#111 J'tt NOf:S: COUNCILMEN NOftl PrM1 Jutr \.. IHI It ll'!'O'lldMI 111 aANI( Of' OIANOI COl.llfn'
!'lltntJ'llt Or1ftt• CHI! Cl•llV .. ltol, Llllt ''""' GtU""'41 .... , Al$£NT: COUNCii.MiN WUIOll Mid nolt. COlllfr'Vttclr" ,,.. Ill•., J•nu•r~ 'l. ,. encl lllllnll'' " u , ~IPlltlllll °'I"" c"" 01nr '"'" IN WITNESS WHERliOI', ' hlvt Oattd; J•n1ot1rr "· ,.... s•kl (Cll'llltYt!M ;"~";;;::::;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;";«:1•~·:-;;'~";";'~>~M~,~·;";'~"'~;;~l~";"'~lhtrt\tfllo set mv hind Incl trll~rd thf Wl!ITSIOI TITLI C:CMl" .. NV llV: MICHAEL I'. o.«i.ICUftl) ... , II tl>I CllV ol (0111 Mtll 11'111 •1 tVth TMMI Anl1l•llf TMI Offkff' 4111 ••r Of hflrulr?. '""· ,., WllTIEA:N 0110 COOKSEY, SCNUMACNta. <OLIMAll. C. K.. l"RIEIT (ORl>ORATIOH I MINVAll:O, ATTY.
Cl,., Cler-~nd ... >Olfltlf tr WAYNI H. MA.THrws us , ..... •1'1111 """"" JI ....
• '. I.I. • Wh c R d J 0 'P '? Cll1't,,, ..... Clty COUflCll AvlhtrlJff Otntiw Orlfltl, C•lllll'l!!I ' 0 an ea IJSt ne ea nuts "!ht Cl,., ol Coll• Mell~. >6111 Tth $111·,111 ~=== ========s======~~I , -l'Ytlllhte OranH ca... O•llV """· 1-utl!!ttitol 0r-. C!lttl Oa nw 11>!111, Putittil'ltd °''"'t CMff DallY '""· ..... ;: : .,,,,.,,_,,.:--~•~..,...,...,..,...,..,,.._ .. .,.., .. --•. ..i.i....,.,..,1:';"';:::':'~"~"-1~"'::_ _____ _,~"':'.:::M J1nue,., ,), >111111 l"tbru•rr" IHI lOMt 111rv •·fl,'"" l'lb(1111N L Ifft UM•
• •
• ' ' .. .. • • >
" • '
•• ' .. •• •• " •• .. .. •• • ... • • • " "
" • " • ' • • " , .. .. •• " .. •
" ..
" •• " ,, .. ..
" .. • " • , .. • ' " .. .. . .. • • .. • •
• • • " • • • • •
• •
l;;°"";;;•;r•;';;;;;;;;;;~~lOOOii~°"""~ir•~I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1·--··~~~~i!ii~~~·il'"""""_l_000_9oo_..,.~r~1~1 ---~1~00~4~ 1 ,~Gtt~-:'":":';::: 1000 0-.11 1000 L1fuM _,, 17115 JOR T h t dllertadnatt"1: OOPS!! ' YOU'LL "'-· ......... 1-na J'J . B ' fl A. I " I, BB FOR ADOltl Ml .':"!~ =i:i ~. 8;:
"" .,.
' ,.
RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst & Al· V:Juccola 6 C..ngli6h Villag• ---.,
lanta In HunUngton Beach. We lhou11ht we •..Uc BUUJlfUL IW\llll" rm an Oceanfrollt ~sii:P;~ ·:::
had all our new homes sold bUt one of our 16,h & Tustin-Cost• Miu '"' r""'"' ~lex wftb a clfar. Owner wUJ con8dlr
buyers has been translerred & we must sell Excellent locaUon: near scbooll, shopping . ( d h ) y ifeal loca· cany!nr lit """ deed. Call
thls home immediately. This San Miguel and beach Only a few left. Buy now wblle In· on t e i r Boats Uon. Neor neigh-""-:mi w.Balboa 81..t, •
model Is a beauUluJ 2 story borne featllflng: teresl rates are only _ _ _ Exclusive Uncla ·1s1e borhood shopping, N.B. ll3-GIO 4 bedroome, 3 bathrooms, formal dining Catholic Church room1 family room with a real fireplace, elec-7% with 20% down -7oh% with 10% On. Priced from $91!,000 and Bay swim-
lric Dull~in kitchen, lusurious green shag no 2nd -no polntt -29 yrs on balanco OPIN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY ming. I have an
carpels throughout. The outside includes 103 • 105 Lindi lalo Ori••, Newport l11ch excellent Rental
iihake roof & concrete driveway. Grac:ioll! Excluslv• Agtnt Shown by appointment record -no VI•
living for only $31,800 with 10% down. Im· P· a.· palmer 1'ncorporated • 0 y D It I AL Ty Ev• Whit• cancie& I think mediate occupancy. Call 968-2929 or 968-3 29 E C I'm worth $110,000. But just betWeen
1338 any day from 10 to 6. 33n VIA LIDO 6 • -t Hwy., CdM 675-5930 you and mo - submit all offers. I'm 1";::;z::;zm:iz::::i:==z:i!=!"'""""";:;;;"~~:""""" Tract Ph: 540-5183 ftom L.A. Call MA s..ouil,==~~!e~~~~~~~~~~ awful cute oven tho' I am rather young
I' ~~ ~ ~-Pefe Barrett Realty GOOD THIN&seo. ;:.:;:;.;t•~M""":::.." _-:1i00
UNCLE SAM will holp &>m• EXECUTIVE Near Th• leach -GI b~ this spacious home. LARGE TWO STORY borne,
Three b«J.-oom•, 11' bath•, MANSION $25,950 don't alw1Y• come In 211 balha, dining room, u I ki · 1 di 1mall packaat1. Take famlly room, den, cJoae to Bu t • n t~hen inc u ng 3,200 square feet ot gracious 4 + FAMILY ROOM artl&l this holfte for example: acboola a: •hoPI. Prict'd for
dishwuhe.r, fu:eplace. FIA country a:entlemen liVil'I&'. -4 home. Very unusual. 4 ~-4 BR.I 2 baths, lara:e immediate We at $36,500.
heat. Fully carpeted over I.age ~rooms, 3 baths, rooms, terrific ma.!lter b!d· combination famU,/rec· CALL AL BLACK 541).llil
HARDWOOD FLOORS. A family room, dining room room with loads of closeta reatlon nunpus room Herltqe Real Estate
Bara:aln at only, $26,500. NO and den, plUll huge secluded and private bath. Family with JIAf)l!iled wall 1,
DOWN • TIIAT S RIGHT • lot with mammoth twim-room plWI utility or aewlni w I w carpetlnr, etc. BY Owner: 3 BR . .&: den.
R E A L T y
2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach
Rentals -673-3663 S1l11 -675-6000
LlfUne.Nl .... I 1707 ••
DELUXE 3 Br. 1 Ba.: lllO" •• !eu. lndlcpd .• dean.Nd; .••
in nduaiYll Mcinattb 8q;
Iovel)i ocea.n view: auto.
wattr tottener A ell!c. pr,
doon; 1 yr, new. $59JOO.
with 6% 'JI loan. Owner (l) 4SMl98 .
:; BR. 3 Ba.; l-tty., new.
Bltna, dfabwllhr, c p t ed.
129.900. $3!00 . Dn. Ownot '
.. .
837-9139 ' ••
Dina Point 1730
OPEN DAILY 12 to 3
3 bdm'll, den, 2 baths, pool,
15 x 35. $3.\,(0).. 25251 Mafn..
aall Dr. 60-2823
with o BONUSI
\Veil designed 3 bdrm
home with hup dining
room. Circular dri~ to
entrance. T~ b o nu 1:
workshop · darkroom. A
great bu,y for the area -
G.J. • ACT NOW!! ming poal and plenty of room. Lara:e living room Covered patio which Nr. S. Coast Plue.. 2 yrs * * * .* room lelt over for croquet, with brick flrepla~. pluah could eu.Uy be.c6nvtrt· old. $3.lm dwn to 6% VA Neweort Htl9ht1 U10 Huntlnpten IMch 1400 '"'" '1 AL~ $1650 DOWN badminton, or what have wall to wa)J carpets and edtoiunpotth.Dl!tach-~:·~~~ Pt.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;1 :.:'::=.:::-~;;:;::=;;:;;,;: 1 _H_o_u_,.~•-F_u_m_l_ot_tod __ 1 r you• You will Ilk• th< Eut-dnpe" Dreom kitchen with ed double garqe, !JO' RUSTIC STYLE f,11 CHECK THIS 2000 FANTASTIC VIEW!
4 bdrms. dinin&, family,
3\Si baths.
TO ANYONE. THREE BE[).. em :flavor o! archltttture, built ins. Spacious dinina: deep Jot, f u 11 price BY OWNER • &cidl! 3 Br. Lovely ' BR 2~ bath bome.10..;;..;.no.;.;..r.;.al;.._ _____ 1 ROOM, 1~ BATHS, Built-in the towerina trees that pro-area. 2 enclosed yards. fan. $23,500. NO DOWN VA ~t~ Na= ~r ~tn ~:' :~~ ~c~:R :t.f;: hardwood Doan. carpets 4 '185; 2 BDRMS., 1~ bL, ' .
~ 100> Wt'stcliU Dr.
~.. 642-5200
2 Story·Shake
Roof Rustic
t'Osr A MESA. Formal slate
entry. Large living room
'vith brick Ioa: burninc fire·
place. Gigantic family room
wi th used brick fireplace +
bar. Chamiini kitchen with
bullt·ins + dishwasher. Din-
ing area. Great master with
private bath. Forced a i r
heating. 3 baths. L a I' 1 e
heated pool with dlvln&
board. Near schools, mop.
ping and beach. Only $36,950.
Mesa Del Mar
Looking for that spic It. span
newly decorated home? See
this sharp 3 BR, plus fam
rm with many, many nice
extras. $28,500
electric range and 0 v e n, vlde that "country f~I~' tutic f~ Take over or llJW DOWN FHA. ,_,eta, ~--Ooee ;;, ~ Muaive brick frplc . SEE drapes throua:hout. 1U'll! townhoute. Patla; carpeta. di$washer, forced air heat, as well as privacy and se-Ia.rat a% %loan -Low down Payments I e 11 than -r .... _ comer lot Room for boat or 1tove. Broker SM.-69flQ
attractive wall to "1lll car-cluslon. Th Is exceptional payment • Jurt listed, don't rent. " lhp'r . .$25.500. 5'&..o24ol nus at $28,~. traller. Really a n1ct hem&. -=========!
pets. Two car garage, large home is: on land you OWN wait, Call Ml-s.114 • t.'OATS IM.MED. Posaeuion; $3.oo:l : Only $31,500 • aaume old Rentlll to She re 2005
lot,locatedC1naquietcul-de. in the city of Newport FOREST E . OLSON, INC. & On. $150 Mo.; clean &flide 9! 'L,. FHA Joan. ~ 1treet. Owner moving to Beach, and unwiually good WALLA(! 3 Br. 2 Ba. w/playh<>use,)J:s;& Paul Jon" Rulty WORKING litl to l!\&N
San Dlqo and wants quiclc value at C1nly $52,000. Sub-REAL TORS bltns, db:. shaa: cpt. Lol5 1 f A t T Y 847·1266 Eves. 536-7124 turn. Univerait;y Park Homt
ule. The linancing ,, alt mlt )'OU1' ""all" home on ,. ohn macnab or wood. "'·""'· 640-0333 Near NB Poot Ole. 046-2414 5 BEDROOMS with ume. ""'" ~
set. FULL PRICE . ONLY Clllr guarantee sale plan. -546-4141-'!'!!!!!!!!J!!!!~~!!!!!!~ eveninp 833--1531.
$16,..,. WE SELL A HOME (Open l!Yonlngsl Mou Verde 1110 Fonnal dlnlng room, cpl1/ GIRL to 1haro d-In
EVERY 31 MINUTES BAYCREST Bay1horn 1225 drpr, slate en.,,, lot. ot N rt ee h 167 mo.
W I k & L One year old 4 Bedroom with BARGAIN PRICED! cablnl!ts. 2 years old. 6'M % ~,.,4-U atte:~ · \ a er ee 3 baths, family rm, dlnina OWNER DESPERATE 3 H~ BR, 2 fireplaces. e BY OWNER e interest can be Yours with
rm, large living nn, allele<:/ FACING TRANSF&R I Only $3000, assume 61,\o/1 3 &inn, 2 Ba . .Beamed cell· cash. down -submit terma. Newport IMch 2200
lllLOO Evetnings Call 642-9192
ALL nns AND ru
. $25.500 OWmlna: 3 bedroom or 2
bedroom It. den. 1% baths,
fireplace, carpets & drapes,
buUt-in &: forced air heat.
This Wt'l.J. landscaped home
can be found on a huge R2
lot with a very large fenc·
ed be.ck yard, with room for
1t boat, camper. or build a
rental unit! It has a paved
alley entrance for easy ac-
cess. Location is just about
perle<:t, l % blks to Newport
a:rade 1Cbool, and only 2 blks
2043 We&tcliff Dr.
64S..7TI1 Open Eves.
Sin&le story 4 bdnn (or
3 & a den) with rich
panelling, beamed ceil-
inK1, Wied brick fire-
place & antique a:old
carpeting throua:hout.
Lots of charm! A must
1~ if YoU are in um
price: range.
Just listed,
to sell fast at $35,950.
•)1~1.::.1\ :·r,', ·)~i .1 11 ·•
to new city park. East 17th•liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii& street and Westclill shop.
Pina: and two other schools
within walking distance. For WTSIDE BEAUTY
appolnbnent to see. write: A must to see. Tri-level, 3 BR
Private Party + family room, 21,ii bath.!!,
kitchen. Beautiful brick en-Transfer to Florida looma. loan. Total payment $1!K> ina:s, lrg enclosed patio. BRASHEAR REAL TY
try," wet bar. Landscaped by Lovely big Colonill home "' mo. Full prlce $2.t,800. Forced air heat'&· 2 prlvale 847-8Ml Eves. 541·2442 7101 SEASHORE; Ip. ' Br.
Newton. Perfect colldltion .• block to a golf course Jalr-cOw=..,,=·;.."::.;...;.78::;2';;_ __ ~ beaches. $35,900. B 2 Ba. Nr. beach; avail. t1l
..................... 179,000 way. "" .... to ho ...,. ' BR. tam/din nn, frpl~ Opeo Sat & Sun "" 3 or 4 R w /DEN July 1. "'° Month (313)
can Barbara AWlc tificed in quick aale to meet 2 ea. wlw cpts, drps; panl. 2S35 Crl!1tview Dr. 1800 aq ft with bar & 21Ai '196-1912; (213) 824-9561
Ji'or Appl. transfer plans. ' bdrml, Boat space. Owner. Auume 64S.2987 far appointment bathl.·5~ % GI loan at $173 ======:::::::::I
family room, formal dlnln& :rnA 6%. Below mrkL per mo. total -can be u-Ligunai Beech 2705
(714) 642-1235
181 Dover Drive, SUlle 101
~lacco Realty C.o. Bid&.
Newport Beach
room plua an all purpo.te 545-8754 Ceron• del Mir 1150 1umed. $27,(8).
room. Lilied pric< $41,!IOO • DEUGllTFUL 3 BR, 2 BA. ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I HAPFOAL REAL TY
but mike Y"" oiler! & l&m. Aaume 5ll% loan SOLID COMFORT 87<o Wamer 842....,
5l"5!10 or ! By owner. 546-1170 $13,500 (ftlll"m...!helt!t) 4521 Dorcheshr
LLEGE REALTY Coll•8' Pork 1115 Camao Highlands J"'t <an't !Ind the,. any-
ASSUME 511,0l LQlll 1!00 ...,_ltlti ..... Cll OPEN SUN 1 . 5 more. Older homt !or ttt~-
71t -;o An 3 BDRM, 1% Ba. Collcie 5 BR . "6.500 ed, limited Income person.
Th'.. ·Wishes Park Home, for sale by Delancy Real Estate See thh. .
with low monthly payments. owner, $24,500. ~ 673-3770 · R. D. SLATES, Rltr.
1 BR, 3 blockl to bl!&cb.
Adult& only. $1U mo.
.. 497.1185 ...
3 BR. 2 Ba. Mn; ocean
view $300 mo. or Jl!ala/opt.
563 Myattc Way 675"'3ll
Houao1 UnfurnllliOd ExceUent 3 BR + famll.Y U peace, comfort A location --------847-3519 Eves. 536-1840
room in Collea:e Parle· on are important to you look cozy l BR unit In dult n...ntral 3000
choice comer location. 2 thi& over .. Convenient to ~N;;twp0..;._r1_B_11_•_h __ 1_2_00_1 So·..._ of Hlway ' · a l;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I 11m condominium, fully crptd I: baths, 2 fireplace•, w/w car-Newpcirt He I a: h t 1 (l'&dl! pets & drapes, fenced yard, achoo!, and all ihopplna:. 2 Bay Crnt hauty 2 BR home pha 1 BR Rental. drpd, with ranae. refrlg,
1 .. ~e -tio with sprinkle-. bl'-to new ...... k. n..1.. Walk to all shops. Euy washer I: dryer incL $17,500 ...... ...-•• "" ..-V•UJ For the particular executive t•nn• s·· 900 962-4332 Fri-Sat.Sun onJv. Only $26,950. S2:i,500; and all"these "plm" and hll family, we oUer this -...,, · ~
I'\ I I • \\ 1111 1
H I \ I ! \ ' •
l'.tu-•· 3 bedrooma, 2 Orange CNlf Property $17,250-0WNER. •.. bnmaculate 5 br, l'I>R, den, 332 M. 1 67' .. ~ b.'"·, llttplae<, opts. ind atauer te ~ 3 BR 1%. ba, blt·lm, lrplo, .... rnalda room, H/F pool, and drapes, double a:arare, con-many extras .• Reduced this dble pr. 8322 MW11ter Dr. -te drlve,· la'le fenced INVESTQR'S Special 2 nice Pacilkl Sandi. 646-2309 '""' week to $78,000. Call for a~ "'""" dbl 1 I S. r h back yard on 50x:130 FT. R-2 ._,s on o · o wy.
Quallt.Yina Veta can move
in immediately .
3411 East Coast Jf1vy. Box P6l2 fireplace, do u b I e patios,
Corona del Mar 675-37'5 Dailv Pilot built-Ins, C!xpenslve carpels
1093 Baker CM .. ~,, .,.~,. Im. There is not to much pointment. """""11" $58,000 Owner. 673-4169 L11un1 INch 1705
• · _,..,.,..., available in thla part of f -'••-v 1;;;;;;;;;:;;:=;;;;;;;;; I
Great location in Hunttna:·
ton Beach on Hamilton Ave.
between BrookhW'lt and
Buahard -cloae to the
bead>. 1;;;:;;.;;.;;;.,,,,,;;;;1 ---::;;;;~;;--;;;;1 & drapes. automatic iiaraae
' .
CLOSEOUTS Bayshore door openor & '''ink!'" front & rear. C&ll now to &ee.
Provincial $32,500
Build1r'1 CIOHOut
SACRIFICE one~+ldnd two
Jew:!, brand new custom
home near the Meaa Verde
Country Cub. 4 BRI, huge
..... , •• C.M. Huny. OWN· , ... ~SPRING I ;;;Ll;;;do;;;;;ll;;;l•;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;U;;;;;51
ER, 842-49!0. ..-REALTY ,,
Parent's , • "anvlim<" Bayfront Ouplexn $1m.cm • 2-thrft BR'•
Quallly 3 .t. 4 bedn>tmi>, ...
in scenic Sa n Clemente.
2481 sq fl., 3 It. 4 BRI
2% baths. 10% down, 61Ai%
interest, 30 years, no points
to pay, Ne•v carpets and
«apes, completely redecor--
ated. &lme with view. Oc·
lice: 518 San Juan, San Cle·
mente. {?.1odels open dallyl.
Lota o[ Cape Cod charm In
this 2 BR completely remo-
delled & painted inside &
out. Lots of room to add on.
Lge sunny patio .... $35,(8)
Joe Clarkson
Victo ri1
Phone 646-3928 Evt. 642-0185 BoW
W. E. L1c htnmyt r, Rltr lie
Duplex W11t1i~e
Private Wortd 2629 Harbor 81"" .. c.M. $11!1.000 • • BR .. Two BR'• C BDRM .• 5th ot den, faml-with Jboepla<»s family room with wet ti.r, in a spacloul muter auI~
.dlnln& area etc. lofUST BE with ~ ~Jew + children 1
SOLD -any reasonable oU· wtne, 14 hla:h enclosed
er considered. can right now atrium + wet be.r.
& take advantage of thi1 ex-Roy J, W1rd Ca.
ttptional buy. 1842 Sanlia10 Dr. 646-ISSO
5%% LOA.JI
q rm, 3 BA. S.auttfully W1lktr Re1ltv
l&ndacaped w/ new 38' 3336 Via Udo 675-5200
Anthony automatic pool. I •-!!II-I!!!""_,!!!!,.
Time clock 1 pr Ink I er•, 1---------
itereo thIOOUt. Garage Lido Isle 1351
storap:. Many exlral Ii: you 1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; own the lot. An Ivan Weill
beauty at $79,m . 548-4598 RC. Gr11r
& Altocl1tn The Bluffs oow located at
"LINDA" 33S5 Vta Lido, Suite 205
2 6 3 batha, all OM ~
homes. From $32.COO. Montb-
J.y ~enta trom $21!.21
lnc:ludin& PlrI. taxea 4 ~
U ;you a.re a quaIWed Vet
you can move in without
one penny dawn • • , riot
even closing COit&.
The builder la nearins
completion on tb.11 fabulous
Laa:una Beach home. De-
tailed archlteetun!. ttyled
features extensive me or
wrouaht Iron lhutttts, IRON
W/MAf!ONRYWAUS, AND Open 10 'W duak daD,y
2 bedrooms each. Like new. Beach Beauty
One block to ahoppin& , •• • !!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I Wa.llc to Lido ahop1 from th\1 ------·-~-
Payments $!"3 mo. lncludea
all. 4 L&ra:ti bedroms, 1pac-
1ou1 llv. rm., l %.. BA, Iars•
fenc9d )'&I'd. Near IChoola
I: So. Coast Plua. Immedi-
ate poueuton.
3 BR. 2 Bath!. On maJor LIDO BUILDING
a:reen belt. Crpt'd, drp'd -873-9300
Many atru. Shown b1 l.P"'' I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
PROFESSIONAL L A N 0.. 968-3036 SCAPING. • ; :ri I
A(ll)t'OX. 2200 SQ. PT. ol • !11 $23.~ Who Llk11 Chlldrtn? squeaky clean completely
Nearly evel')'One. So if :your furnlsMd 2 bedroom home Home & lu1lntss Loe. future ia tied to the kids: on lt-2 lot. Room to build on .
Excellent f o r accountant, convenience, &. protection, Priced at $22,500. These are
beauty salon, antiques, etc. here's a 3 bedroom home tew & far between.
l %. bath TownhoUH .
Many eu11tom feature•
includln~ w/w carpets,
built-ins .l dis.hwa.aher.
MARTIN R.E. polntment • Owner * 044-11111 HuntlnlJl!n IN<h 1400
4 BR -$25,500
Home Includes 4 BR 2 baths, on eutslde Costa Mo'8, only doubt ...,,_ -,,_ • EASTSIDE corner lot e a:a. -~ · · · · · · ,,_,_ 111 blko to N ... wport Heights G~co REALTY "A"~..... .... • Room for boat Ir: trailer ~· --·· "'hoot. .__, '"'"" 628-w ·~· s-1 c •• •'""' .__.., • FHA-VA or ConvenUonal · ...,u, """' ·"'· back yard with aUcy en· R E A L T Y ltURRY! HURRY! Rltr. 642-973(1 Eve" 54&-0720
H R trance. Fireplace, built.ins, 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.8 . e KINNEDY
Full Prica $21.SOO
CAN be )'OUJ'I 1n the Back
Bay. Atrium floor plan +
library for dad. 646-«lt
Dalt• lint £stall
. ug• umpus ''" & ........ lll balhl. Forl'!!!!!l!!!~6~75i!l-6000~~~'l!' SAN VISTA llLTY co. Room appoiotment "' "" 1• 546-rno '°""· 54l>S36> DAVIDSON ll-. NEW DUPLEX HAltRY BOGGS "HAPPINESS IS" -·' 4 BR home, 1% bath•. hard· KINGSIZIO C1mfort Deluxe Gold Medalllon Du-
wood Ooora, double prqe. REALTY A quiet 2 bedroom and den -In thla 2 story 3 BR Ip ram. plex. 2-Spadoua 3 BR. Unite
1'5,000. ~";',.!"",,!!'~ -· localed in N"""rt BAYSlfORES BEAUTY 11y nn. Ol1ly 131.t!oo. Don't w/Vt.w ol Ooean A Bay 791 Wells-McC1rdle, Rlt rs. -~-==·~~=~--I ~igbts area. Near 1bopplnc. dre&n\ • call ~. tlnanc1na, rrtat termL
1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. FREE POOL parks and AChooia. All thl1 Come see thia Iarae 4 BR IUtr. 2750 Harbor 18, CM 1707 W. Balbol. Blvd., NB
5411--7729 Evea. 6'4-0684 Bl& WeatdW corner, nicely plus a nice big R-2 lot with 3 bath s:eparatedinins room. MS.-5460 Ewa. 5'5-410 __ •_Call ______ *_
-land.caped with detighUul, aut•nn'',•a"t'' !;,500Yo.u namt the patio Ir: boat yard. Only BIAUTliiUL
4 Bedroom -$21,ffCI brtcht 3 bedroom, 2 bath -$55 000 lalboa Pt. Oc11nfront QUALITY HOME
& that'• not all! Dell&hUul with large family or dining Coleswothy & Co. . I Ab!!Olutely fabulous Vie, ... - 2 Br. & ram rm, 2~11 ft&.
up to
Call 147-6061
& ask fo r HAL MOltlt
family room for lhe "In room. Priced at $49,500 -S Bdnn Home with lara:e Xlnl area. Pr1ced Rl&ht!
scenes". Elegant fireplace. and you get a healed and 1904 Hirbor Blvd. Rumpus Rm A extra parkinl Owner. S.f2..3219. OPEN 11!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!~!!!!-•
Lara:e rea;.!aard with ~r-fiJteftd pool free. The Real CM '42'-7777 $M,500 HOUSE SAT A: SUN. RIPEI ~ 1::!i.._,.~acr~n!: Estatera. M&-nn, 5'6-2313 • Optn E ves. LIDO RIAL TY BY &ner: spacloua llvtna:. for quick iale. $138 Pl!f
"""In Ooota M.., ~1!20 4 Bod....,. -$23,750 Ne rt H I ht * 642 lnl A ytl *"31ii'OO!iiliVjjl1iLilildoii11!!!11!!i!67J.88JO!i!!!!i!i 4 BR. 3 Ila., Jae. lAmllY month lncludff all on thlo TARBBLL 2'55 Harbor Dn1lned fm' • large active wpo •I ' • n mt 11 rm. May auume 5%% loan. iorxeous 3 bedrom jnrel. family . fun & entertaining. 3 BR l% bath, pit room, si:-ce for pQOI or bolt. Featuring 'fotmal dln\111
NEED WORKSHOP? 2 ba""-Fonnal dining room. _ ...... double ...... on OUTSTANDIN"' c_ .. t• -1100 ___ 'l9CI______ room! Gn>""" ,, ... room Ne..-port Heighl5 l bedroom Carpeted. Sparkles like a alley. A beautltuJ home for • BR with brick ~I.a. LulCllJ'lo
,_,ith hardwood floors and spotless "Gem". Excelltnt only 531_·"'°~· ~~,. 5 bedroom 4 bath Ba.ycnet CU ST 0 M HOM E 3 Watft'front No. 62 joo11 carpellnc and cfn.pee.
plaster inlerlor. Double Pl" area • convenient to <'vtty· ., home with della:ht1ul pool EAS'l'SIDE. Gorgeous ' BR Balboa Covet. S 8 O' O O O · Askins: $19,000 .
are + 10x20 workshop ' tJdna. 540-1720 Excellent Anttaua W~ b home on qu}tt 111.ttet. Heavy :W.'~e',. 1:.:r~~';,; WE SELL A HOME
t.'Ovemt c8.Jl)Ot1. Beat buy ln TARBELL 295S H1rbot cation. 11uny for this one. shake roof, l&riC kHcht>n. --------EVERY 31 MINUTES
, .. are•. "'·""'· The Real Arnold & Freud ..... ,.. , .. ,t • .,, • '~ ' BR. ' Ba. beam1oeu,,., Wa Iker & Lee Estaters • 546-2313, 646-TITI ron. SALE macu.late yard. You. won t exc opportunity. $22,500 -
Uv. area, features 4 BDRM. !
• ROOMs. Spo<loua ...,, toy. by lloa SEA :, I er, with 11oor of glued tile, QftJ
roRMAL LIV. RM . .t. AT· .,· :. I TACllED DINING RM., J.l YIAltLY ltlNTALS
'iin11;::Gkitchtnotam. nn. NOW AVAILAILE ;~ ~ f
arranaement. 30 rr. LONG. Bllboa C.ovU 3 BR •••• $CSO .:_l : ,
FEATURES numtl'OUI hdwd Corta Mna 'l'ownhot-. •l ~ I
cablnetl, BlLT·IN RANGE, 2'BR •·•1••• ........... $2'l3 :•:
GARB. DISP .. BREAKJ'AS'I' From lllli • llOo : • 1 I ~!R ~n~ ~~ • RED CARPET • · ' I WITH WOOD HtW11 MAN· •: i l !
TLE, 5 STOOL 'WET BAR REALTY -'• 1 ! t (30 0Wce1 to eerve ;you)' ~ • ~:rm.~ iffl:. 2<m w. Ba~l~. N.B. ~ t t
""'' cuo1om quality hOme !!!!'lllll"!"...,'".!'~.,_ ; ~ t hat Jwi.urlot11 W /W carpet-FOR t, U \ i
1_ thru-out 1n .,,.., .. choke reri exce ent ar.a, : I t ... ,,,_ 4 BR. 2 BA houle, cW. • • • ,
ot color. lS rr. WIDE GAR-lo ..,..... ..-cl•b. S2lll ,: ; : t
AGES wmf ATl'ACHED mo. 114: 510-MS2 ..-I ~ : .: •
LAUNDRY RM. You WOUid ~C-;,-;;;~;:::iC:::---,;::=o-L-> • ' • ~-ol '"5: 2 BR. dUpkx. c.r... • : t expect • -U!' .thia' aize w/w·, cblldren Ir pet ~, ? ~! • qualil)' tD 11!0 man)' tboU-OIL! ~
11ndl hflher. than the rlve. uw. ptlid. Bronr ~ :: •
aW1.7 Prk:t or f1S5 -3 BDRM .. 114 batft • l }t $37,950 Cordo. 81tns, w/w, end. :n
patio.--11 FUU PRICE i
Coot• Miia 1100 .1~ $3795 DN. PYMT. ,
liiili 143 Broadw1y 64S.0181 388 E. ITth St., C.M. believe It unlm you. ll!e Owner/A.at-60-3615 evM
IASTSIDE, c U: Real Eslite Ollice Ena. 642.usi 646-4579 R>a11on 6 ... 7715 '" 137,..,. CALL !l40-ll51 ..:"':....-==----OWNER W1IL CARRY OISlltAILI •
'1682 "''-A isr T .D. FOR THE HOME '
842-<455 " ~., l'ULL BALANCE l Br. I bo. cptd. -,_ ) 1 ............ ____ tope• .... ) Herttqe Real S BR, 11uga Fam Rm, 1%
Near oh"""1t1, 3 BR, 111 ba. Excellent CdM loc&t!on lO UNITS Et .. te ea nr MUtoan Pu1t. sn.iso CRV B'°"" teavtrc .,.. •• 0c:e ON THE BEACH w~ Plua, .. -.
George W11111mson MulUpie U.tina avallablr ~~0~U:.OOO~t to an. Excluaiw Olh OM bCml • cozy 2 BR home near New-kllC!ld patio. OWn1r 6IM731
Roal!« Olt -B Ibo R I I c ,.... around IMng • boat port "'"""' Cul de s.o * BAY ·~ • lo KO m..mo Em. 17J.tM4 m35ll au.UM evn 1 1 M lflft 0• Harbor area, 2 BR. 1 a., street, tarp R.-2 lot with , .,. ........ ill!lt t ...
&J •"!"-!!"~"!!'-"""' 700 E. Balbol 81.0., Balboo priced to ..n,... at · 181.IOO room Jar ... ta1 Unit, $19,IOO. • 11!1 W/ ~lanl. 134.900.
Chonnol li'fff On Go" Course l!"'!~~6n.i""'!'i.,9'!~"'! By appt on1> GralMlm Realty 0weer 541-M, -
,.,.. ~=t~~"i'.:.:".:; l5.'IO I unite 2 BR 1% bath, ltu-SALTON Sn Lot Reduced CORll!N•MARTIN Near N'8. Po.I Oro. 646-2414 8UlllUl' . .,.,..,.,__ to
per mo. to rrli&ble parties dk:i.. Out of town owner. I~ $t,txXI for q(Jlck l!lie. Ntied fl!ALTORS toWn. 1'bt DAO..Y Pam
0 n I y. ChestM" S.Ulbury, Pl'IM! ~~-, •TRADm.koE~onc1. cull. 545-1591 afler ' pm 3036 E. Coast Hwy CdM CONOOMtNJl))I, atlulta on-C1wlft.d lttUon. I 1 •I 675-1"" ' !y, Clo,. to 0CC & lhoppin( _, dmo A th'-Loo1i
nea1tor, «73-.QIOO. BobOlaMRe<or Ms-.wo1_.....:SOCK=::..:.IT:..TU.;.:.....c'EM,_1__ · ..,., ana.C&DIU-2415 M'Jirftl
Open n.u, m 1,io MISSION RIAL TY air *' Gub<!ltp. bl .....
$11,"5 115 So.~ Hwy., Locum patio, -· .... , lin.
2 BR. Modem •I<-boll• ,,,_ IT14) -Mulls onif, no pelo •
In ronp & ~ p1anty or --RATE AEASONABLS cupboards, c Ir p. t I and DAILY PU.OT DDI£• ~ hM OJwltrJ" QQb.
drapes, double..,.....,~ UN!& tou. o.-v., thtlil 215 Mesa Dr. • Pb. 5tM70I
pletdy ltncetl, COY<rod patio D>r jdot ~ a dal'· lllll f6iJii llEDllOOMS, I botbl.
with BBQ pit. ,'3300 down to·\.!MU871~!!!;=====i=-\ fmn•Uatll pP' 1111ston. QdM. e:d1t1111 loen. 111'Mt, clme to tcbooll.
'5 ·~-r.i ~ :-"': ~ D-= = ~..:!' ~ ;Ji! ~ -.. 1'11.tJ'r ..... IC.-1111 9 Eltalt j ' .;;;;;;;;;;; ____ ~~1 .......
J ,
• • • ...
St D.\11.Y PILOT Thurld&J, f...., '-196'1
R!AL fSTAT• IUS!NESS and ANNOUNCEMENTS aNll•~~ K•MTA~S •• ..,rALS •ENT~L.S - -. RIAL ESTATI 1 Ho· 11 Unfumlohld Apll; Fumlohld Apia. FumisM<I A,111. Unfvrnll!Md ____ a_1 ___ _ General PINANCIAL and NOTICES ---
1100 Gonorol 4000 Lido l1lo 4151 Nu pert -5200 -"""-I.eta 6100 lus. "-"""'* 6300 1 :L::"":::.. ____ .:'40=1 Penonalo
1,·=BR...;;...;_llc:,"';.:"'c...&41de--.-...,.-.1 HOLIDAY PLAZA 1'\IRNISUED Lido Apt. 2
-· pOOl Maln,.oance IDdudtd. DEL'uxE, -Mldrm. ''°" 3 bdrm 2 bath, -Lis fllcd y1'I O!>U. ...... Fum. apt. $130 Pl"' ulll. .~ •
fOr am.bW.lltory lad1 (II'
1en.Uemu. Ciood lood, bome
II.kc atmotphmi. larp yard
&. patkJ. Lloertaed home.
Avall now.~
~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjiii~ WANTED: OU.sato 1Jq1" ~ • Slnloyod mat.. 2 PACIFIC SJnslcJ: Who:,.. YoU Apartnlent Site ~ for Onnp CouPf.1 yri old, (wbitel vicillity IUI can meet alnde adults, asea
Be:acb Blvd. at Call: MUl.19 Pri&cWa. Harbor Hlghlanda. n.r.o. ~1534. 5-9 Eve: UM
-.. -r..i .. I treew. p95 2 Br. I: den J160 Plus uut. plac@, South Pl...,. • car ...... -.; H ted pool Amp! "'-parldnc. s:mtmo short term mo. 6fJ..f422 ea · e par......,. or $350 yearl)t. Adlll.IS. Aak
SPACIOUS 3 BR 1" bath No chUdren-No pets fDr Mrs. Crunslq.
Condo. Dbl pr, ctpa/dt'PI. 1965 Pomona, CM ~ Pete B1rrttt Rtalty
:~~/:! d~· Refer. ~C;::°'::'::a.;M:: ... =c...--'4"1.:;.;;00 ~~~~612~--~!!:!"~~I
2 bedrooms 2 baths
Newly dttoratfd..
New carpets t.hrouiboul
Two year lease prdcn'f!d.
Rttr llOME for tlderty
ladles, RAB, lls:ht eve,
doee in, 49'-2425.
Ciarden Grove i\ffway n.dt Bl.f, NB. 6"2-19l) cw:.:lmd::::;':;,· ~-==="""""
3 l/B acru, R •• 4 'nvat....t ()ppOr. 6310 SILVER Qiarm Btacelel SINGLES • COUPLES. New
• ~ady fDr V1c H.a ot c.M. Great in area! Lone.ly! 0 u r
hnmedlate defflopment PARTN!:R W • n t e d to Sentlme.ntal val. Reward! business Is your pleuure.
Sl25iOOO participate In h\ahl)' pro-M.?-lSU Call 636--036l now
r.n J' Cobb fltable rut e1tate prottct. ..._: IOl Realty; project {j readY to COCKATfEL Lost Tues. 4th. I Am no M~cr responlible
Res: 6'f3.J864 commerce A. f I n a n c \ n 1 Vie 19th & 1rvlnc Ave. Costa for any debl.!1 other than
Huntington S.1ch 4400
2 BEDROOM unfUrnlshed e INTRODVqNG e ~
l botwfl.Newl,ydecoratcd
: ·""• throU£bou.t. Ea1tsldc Costia t ... i Alea $155. Rltr. GU-7939
Available March 1Jt
l bedrOomS 2 baths
Carpets, drapes, bulll·ina
Fireplace, •3 car carport
Asklng $2SS/)1o.
I ncomt Property 6000
HANaON already obtained at 6.5% Mesa. 646-291'1' all 6 PM my own, Charles Kelly
tor ~ yeart. Profit on cuh OUR Smiling Jri11h Setter ASTROLOGY Classc1 Spring
invested ,wlll ylcld double h1olly. ru. tags. Huntington semester, begiru1ers & ad-
\ .... .-
" , 2 BR. a:ar. patio, crplA, drps, ;: stove, re_trg. Tropical set·
.. tlfll'. ror adults. 1 blk. to ~ • shop&. Sl60 mo. 54M180
2 lk:nns. tum. Htd. pool
802 Knoxville, Apt 0, H.B.
• M&-2914 •
$1,000 Down . minimum within one yew. Harbour. Reward, 8'42-0583 vanced. 6'r.>-2'140 aft 6
Orange County's Beautiful
NE\\' Adult living complex
Custom (um or unfum.
16 units e Pool
Yearly (l'Qll5 ,$Z4,600. Near
Need $50,(Q)..SlOO,OOO cash BLK and gold German ALCOHOLH.~ Anonymous now! Qualified principal&
l1l'un1 Beach 4705 Boy & Beach
Euclid & Ball, Anaheim. I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!J!!!!l!!illii!!!!!!!!!!!
only! Box M 703 Daily Pilot Shepherd MAie. Rev.·ard. Phone 542-7217 or write to ~192:1 OI' 497-1512 P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mea
2 bdrm & den, crpl!I le
I disposal. 220 1.fonte Villa,
C.M. $125. Mo. Call 6fl-0618
3 BORS. new crptJI, drapes.
Newport Beach
I Tmmac. Refs, oo pets. $150.
··h......,.=~' ;-======-" 3200
3 BR 2 baths + :rundeck,
2 blocks irom beach.
$250/per mo. Agt. 546-4141
4 BR. 3 Ba. cpts. drps.,
bltns. Nr. beach, club,
pools, tennis. 5u.-g134
University Park 3237
3 BDRM, 21A ha, Fam. rm.
1 yr old, tennis, pools, avail.
S:JOO, 646-5511
SiJl&les' • 1 Bdnn -2 Bdnns
• Contemporary c.\tstom ,,....,
e Luxurious Cardell!!
• Bubbling sprin&: & brook
• 42' Pool &: therapy balh
• Activity room/billiards
•Sauna Bath
• Puttina green
• Outside Gas BBQs
• Encl. garaa:cs I.: a;torage
CENTER of town • between
Bay & Ford/Harbor & New·
2W1. Parsons, G I 64U67tl
$25 Wk. Up
• Studio & Bach apl!I.
• Incl Utils & Phone SCl'V.
• Maid Service -TV avail.
• Ne1v Cale & Bar
2376 Newport Blvd. 543-9755
Sin&Je-pen;on preferred.
494-TOOO alt 4 & wkend.!I
Realty, Inc.
901 Dover Or., NB Suite 221
6.U.ml E~ s.48-6966
$175:000. 1.
cau Mr, Feft\l!tOn or FEE SIMPLE ' • Mr. Krault<
Invoht1ent-Depl 516-2313 Hampshire Court, R·l .$37,500
UPPER Duplex, 2 Br. $160; OPEN EVES. ''TIL 9 130 x 126 x 55 x 125
RENTALS 1 :tr . lease. Adults, no pets. 546-2313 646-nn Santa Ana Street & Palmer
Aptt. Unfurnished See by app't. ouly. • Street Eutaide C.~t.
!\tiss While 172-9150 6.5 x 105 •••••••••.• , 12,500 ~-~~ar~a~liiiijiiiijiiiijiiiij~5~000~12 BR. 2 Ba. cpts, drps, bltns. ;5 x 140 · • • • · • ........ 12,500 • Adults, no pets. Lse $16.5. 55 x 140 • • · ........... 12,500
Call Sat & Sun 673-2370 55 x 1C6 11: 75 11: 85 •••• 15,!XXI
(Ha.s 1 Bdrm~ HotUIC J
Eist Bluff 5242 ulllneu Forcn Sile" East 18th St., R-2 63 x 115
U.fMACULATE APTS! ;::;:;;.,;:;.:.;.;.: ___ ....;;......; 22 unit motel (7 units with (Duplex on back) .... 34,995
Real Estate LN,,a 6340
Call for detalla on toda,y'.a
rates for lat & 2nd TDs.
Serving Oraflie C.Owity for
18 yean.
Sattler t.1ortga.ge Co. Inc.
336 E. 17th St. w-21n !i4.5-i6l J
Eves. 673-7865 &12-1151
Mortg•Stff, T .0 .'1 6345 1'~~1 ~~$" Preslige Location •110"""'1• "'""' "' Cost• JEAN, SMITH, Mesa Grouin, ss1.0CK1. Ni~ Realtor HAVE $60,000 CISECT1IONSSh AV~ILABPLE k For lease, deluxe 1888 sq. ft. apartment for owner. Only Private money inve~lor
OH O: opp1n,, Ir 4 BR., 2~~ ba. Apt Frplc., 9 years old. Completely 714/~ \Vanis to buy 11easoned 1st
• Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba d pets wet bar equipped, $220,000 • o n I y "'===""=='=== & 2nd TD!. Reasonable di•
• 2 Bedrooms ~s, car. ' ' $40,000 down. TD.!I consider-Resort Property 6205 count. • Sw' p 1 ?tit/ recn pnv. balcorues; dbl. iariie _, RRY • ~ 1,::: •/lndryg f c'ls oU kitch. DishwasJw:r. dbl. ""'· HU ! \Vally McCoy FOR RENT 1''urn Mamouth Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc.
CHATEAU l POINTE • • .,.. v , a oven, pool. Converucnt to Rlty &12-6487, ~2 eves. M . 336 E. 17th St.
Coron• del Mir 3250 • 1845 An1he1m Ave. shop'&> schools I.: recrea-o u n ta I n O>ndominiwn 642-21TI 545-0611 ~:1::::..::::.:...;::;_o.:;;_ ___ I Uively furn. 2 BR apts. OU· COsrA ~lESA 642-1824 tion. ' _B_u_1i_n_1_n_R_1_0'-t1_l __ 6060;..;.;c; :'::1"'="=8·=-==2730====-Eves. 673-7865 M2-115T OLDER 3 BR house wfden, treel -~-r,.;-. .... Hid
2 BA. $195 mo. Children s yo.& .... 16' carpci. .... -ONLY $325 MONTH A'M'ORNEYS-5 ... , --·. _Mo_u_n_t._A __ D_o_sa'-rt-'--'-62'-l-'0 ANNOUNCEMENTS pool. Adults, no pets. $150. 1---------y -• _ .. _ v.oeloome. Call 615--0304 aft l!Ml POMONA AVE., C.M. Cooto M... SlOO 835 AMIGOS WA lobby, 3 !tCCretarial rooms, Ind NOTICES ~ 1;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;.1 Nowport Be1ch bltns, 2 restrooms, at~ 5 A NR Hemel Xlnt view. LOVELY 2 Br. l~J ba. E-u... A 9 2800' el. \Vtr. game. S5500 .., 1 . . 1 $'""' •nwr. pt. tractive. Good location C.M. ..~ d 633-mo 8-l Hunti..-....n &t1ch 3400 1 ; poo' pauo; quie · """ Excellent. ru:i,.k • like IW'·I=='""'==-'=-=== 543-6761 ....,., n. D a.m. qt. ,,.,.,. 231D Santa Ana 645-2933 .. -
FREE RENTAL BOOK \VESTSIDE 1 BR., bllns, ~wx1:a_: zrq~~::.ts ~uir-Coron• def Mir 5250 Balboa Island Subdivision Land 6212
Found lfrH Adtl 6400
PART Tabby & Abyssinian
female cat with red Ora
collar recently spayed, vie
Perton•I• 6405 Announcements ;.....;_;,_;.;.__-'-c:.;;
J AM no longer responsible
for any debtl other than
my own. OeMil Ferrington
Free HaircUts oi Haintyle1.
Men 's Advanced Haintylilla
Class. 642·2631, ~.
No Matter What It Is
--~ Drop i_ILl~ Br~w11 _ -~· dJ't>!l. adults_~nl,y. SJ.25 D:llCl'.imiMotive Teri.an.ts l~iiii~iiiiiiii~~--~·IChoitt of Two, $150 &: $175. Elden & Santa Isabelle.
I (
Gorgeous 3 bedroom Pad. 2 546-72.8:; Evenings 1, 2 le l BDRM. API'S. • -Rllr. 642-95&i.
Bath.!!. Carpel!!, Ora~, BACHELOR Apt, utils in· POOL. NO CHil.DREN ~·-:.""·.~-Si\lALL Reasonably pri~d
Double Garage, Built ins, duded, ss.;. (mature per.t0n MARTINIQUE ,-, Store Buildings In busy
' Nice yard. Lease at S179 preferred). ~ C.Orona dcl h1ar location.
" per month. \Vill consider op-17-B GA'RDEN Am. ON TEN ACRFl; Call Hutchens, 714 : 8J8.6511 . a; ACHELOR; refrig.,
uWon.E SELL A HOME hotplate; util. pd. Woman 18th & Santa Ana, C.1\1. 1 &: 2 BR. Furn It Unfum 1 COMMEH.C. _ 300 Sq. ft.
EVERY 31 MINUTES only. 642-5M6 Evening.!!. Call Mrs. Hmderson 646-.'»42 Frplcs I Pri I Patios / l lNDUST. _ 800 sq. f1.
& L BACHELOR SS5: sep. unit. lm Santa Ana, Apt U3, C.M. Pools. Tennis • Contnt'I Bk· e 646-2130 e
Walker ee Gardener. laundry, close-in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!! .. ! tst. 9 bole ?utt/G~n. BLDG 50 100 · hart
646-2118 2 . BEDROOM, bu i 1 t . in 900 ~a Lane, CdM 64+26ll of do.:Vnto\v~ Cosla ~esa~
768Z Edinger
842.-4455 or 540-5140
Open Daily til 8:30
2 BR. New furn, cpts, drps.
Beam ceil, bll·ins, pool.
Adull!I. i l55. 2112 Maple St.
kitchen, wt.w c a r p e ~ s 'l~<'~l~•~OA~rthii!!"'!i!!!"'!i!!' ~Co~'!i'~t~H~w!i!!yl !l54S-3401 548-3270 Eves. drapes, private pat 1 o •P
garage, walk to shopping. LOVELY 2 BR, bit-Ins, Office Rentil 6070
" NEWLY decorated 2% bdrm
house. Large living rm,
fully crpt, ni~ yard, nr
shopping & H.B. Pier, mar·
ried couple only. Call aft
•:30 pm. (213) ED 7~
NEW l Br., lovely furn. All
elec. Quiet Closed gar.
Adults $150. 2220 Elden
M>-1251 * 1-BDRM. BACH. APT. *
UtU-paid except lights Adult.
S82 lt1o. 548-2828
Adults only. no pets. S14D. crpl!I, drps, U75 mo yrly. ~"---..:..:.;...:
Bier. 642-955.5 Ne\\:port Beach RI t y. LAGUNA BEACH
Moving Feb. 2nd 675-l&12 Air Conditioned
2 BR I Lg
-·• d OLD l·BR., bay_view. ON FORE.SJ' AVENUE . w gar. e. '"-"" y . Patio; wate.r pd. 2 locations Prime Location. Sl5J Desk spaces available in
2224 Placentia, Apt. o $115 • 673-6904 • newest office building •~
2176 Placentia, Apt c Sll5 prime location in downtown 3 BR.. house, walk to elem.
~. schoOI: newly p a I n t e d ;
cpts., range; avail. Feb.
9th. $185 Ma., $60 clean.
dep. 962-5092
1-BDRM. comp. furn.
131 Flower. $85
e ~ 2 Laguna Beach. Air condi-6 1 0 • Huntington Buch 5400 tioned, carpeted. beautiful
MODERN 2 BR .. l ~"I ba., all .. paneled partitioning. T w o
clec., cpts, drps, C.E. kit.. entrances: Frontage on
patio, enclosed gar .. nr. bus. EXCLUSIVE Forest Ave., reM leads to
$l40 Adul". ON· THE-BEACH '1w>0lp" parldog too.. $50 t-.fgr. 124 E. 20th, C.t-.f. per month for space. Desk
1 BR. Small fncd yd. $140
yrly. Lease. J Oi.ild. OK
Nr. Beach Blv &. Slater
1 17654 Van Buren 812·7823
2 BR.. clean, nicely furn.
$140. 1613 Santa Ana Ave.
542-1?19 or 543-8572 eves
3 BR. 11,; ba. Children 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. and chain available for ~.
v.-elcome.. $150. Mgr. 862 \V , Luxury living to please the Businea.s boura answering
Center Apt 1 (10 am l.o tnost discriminatma:. l~O'll· service avaih .. ble for $10. 3 BR 21Ai Ba Condo. Cpts.
4 1, drps, aJI elect. Pool, nr
beach. $200 lse. A.gt 842-440j
3 BDRM, 2 ba, crpl!i, drps,
garden service, \va.lk to
beach. $215 Mo. 002-al46
$85 INCL util . Small apt.
nr. 15th & Newport
Single adult ~ 642-~
Ntwport Be1ch 4200
4 pnil available at All u1illtie1 paid excfllll
lh H
• f telepl.ooe. NEW 2 BR., bit"" l»cl. e un ing ~n DAILY P!LC1f
dls h1va.sher : scp. fncd. patio zu FORFSI' AVENUE
A& garage. $155. 231~~ Santa "(' ~ LAGUNA BEAClJ "'A~ .. cM . .,,...,, Paci 1c .........
4 BORr-.1, 2 ha, ne\v crpts,
$185. Mo. or \Viii lease
w/option to buy. 673--71 78
S1nt1 Ana Heights 3630
2 BDRt.I. unfum., w/coTTal;
\lo'&ter paid. Children OK
VIEW apt. tr.rge room;
firepla~; nicely furnished,
garage, $155. inc. utilities.
Call after 6 p.m. 548--2394
' BR. grdo apt. fpl , cp~. * Modern Offices drps, bltns, pallo, pool.
Adil!!, no pel!I. $145. 54&0163 111 Ckcan AV"'., l-1.9 Single or 1uitCs .. Air cond-i .,,~..,~CTI~4~l~s:J6...,~1~48~7~""~I itioning, parking, secretarial REDEC 2 Br. & den, !rplc,1. servi~. central location.
1 BDR?lt furn apt, incl util large patio. Adults SlSO. 29.1-Wint Prlv1cy? Newt c. Robert Nattress Realtor
$175. mo yrly, 1 bdrm un-C Ogle St. C.M. 548-2?98 ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN 23D E. 17th Street
furn apt. incl util, Sl50. mo l--;$_1_40'--~,-Be-,-,...-m-,--$13'. mo (Sl47 Fum) garage Costa Mesa 612-1485
ytly. Lido area. 644-ll49 Blllns, relrig. wlvt 202 -14th. 53&1319 673-1184 MEDICAL Professional $16.i Monlh 546-0347 ... ~....:...::..:.;,;__ ____ _
'·' ~~~~~~~~~
LOOKING for a plaet'? f"rom Broker ~ . COZY 1 bdrm, fr-pie, garage SU1tes for le!llle. Custo1n
S50 weekly; oceanlront. BACHELOR 1·2-3 bdrm apts, patio. Privacy. Adults, no remodelfnt avail. 18 7 8 2 , .· . ,, Condominium 3950 e 642-l265e furn I.: unfw11. 998 EJ pets. $125. 842--5084 Main St.1Hunt. Beach
1-BDRM. tum.: I blk. to Camino Or, 546-M51 f1.n_31 43!).8226
2 BDRM. 11.I ba, bit-ins.
·• 20x71 rumpus rm, use of ocean: pool. $12.:i. 1st I: NEAR OCC. Large 2 Br. L1gun1 Be•ch 5705 NE\VPORr CIVJC CENTER
last 548-203j; 644-0631 2 BA Bl •-. tns. crpts.; ... "s. IOO C'IFF DRIVE OUices suitable tor Com-• . pool, tenn~ crt, sauna, etc.
~· Completely crptd &: drpd. $155 per mo. 541Ml336 .. mereial. Medical. Dental.
Must lltt to appreciate.
Lease $200. !>-14-2514 Cir
Coron• del Mar 4250 ' BR Du lex I I LU>..1JRY FlffiL"l/UNFURN Air-con<:! t.....,..ts elevator ~ . p ap w gar. y ly Le .., Bdr ·• .. " •
& Newly dee. Adults only $115 ear ase. 1 It w ms. From $70 ....... · 1_......,. ________ _
oc.. mo. 169 \Valnut. 548-6954 step.!1 1.° Shore & Shop.!1 5-11-5033 OR 675-2464
Octanv1ew from every Apt orrrcE • ;., Rm•, 1000 ft
apt. clean
l mmeo .
642 -1234 or I-BR. wfw cptg, drps, all •-........ $150 I . u""" mo up. ea.!lt $17'· 510 31st SL N.B.
. .
;~:! •• ..... ,
i f ~; '
. -' .. . ,., .. ... ...
.)Q ' I Jr.,.
' ·--,il'f':...
'f I• ' . ><·
RENTALS elcc. Priv. palio: no pets 4~2449 "
Apts. Furnl1hed 1 BR completely Jo~urn except
linens, Sl45 mo. Orange
Coast Property. 673-8550
or children. SllO. 548--132'2 * 496-1513 *
REAL ESTATE s•, IALL offi""' on busy ''".
Gentr1I 4000 3 BR 1% baths. SIJ<ltmo. G " " Wells·McCardle Realtors ener1I ncr Costa Mesa . $55/month
RENT Balbo• 4300 54S.-7r.!O Rent•ls W1nted 5990 utilltie11 Included. 642-6560
3 Room1 Furriiture "---'------2 BDRt-.l. Apt. SllO; 1 small \VANTED by March 1st. lndustrlal Rentel 6090 CLEAN Bachelor Apts. child OK. No pcl!I. $25 Month All util incl $75 up 538-9462 Eves &. Wkends. Unfun 3 bdrm & -den or 3000 SQ ft warehouse &: ofli~
1'1.JLL OPTION TO BUY 315 E, Balboa Blvd. 2 BR unt., cpts, drps, bllns. ~ bd~ ;[;a to ~a. ~~ + 6000 5Q ft paved &, fenced
(Rebige.rators Available) BALBOA 673-9945 \Vall paneling. I Child OK · · -· ' yai'CI. l~ Laguna Canyon round. 61;,-2038 aft 6. Rd . (714} 494-8066 or (TI4)
No deposit o.a.c. 2 BR. nr. beaches & shop.!!. 1-N_<_._ ... _,_h_. ~!!25_._002-305.l __ ._'_, l\Vl-10 \\'ants a roomn1atc? 540-768)
H .F.R.C. $160 Per mo., yrly. Util. F al 22 1 k =~~-~~-.,-7 Furniture Rent1ls paid. 536-39ll; 675-5810 em c, age · 00 ing for NE\V Industrial R c n t 11. I 5 Newport Be1ch 5200 place on Balboa lslan<:I. -so SIT \V. 19th, C~t. 548-3481 BUSU:;S'l mar.<eq>Ja~ in 64.._1700 e~t m. ask lor Nea~ Harbor &: Baker. 11
1568 W. Lncln. Anhm 'n4-2800 town. Thi DAILY PlLCYI ELEGANT 11.pt. vi" 1v : Joann after 6, 673-6421 Sq. Jo I.&: up. ~429
$105; ]-Bedroom OAs!ified •~"'-S<i'ft: fireplace: split I c v e I; EMPLOYED Lad lCeds l DUN'T JUS1 \VISll lor some-
1-Bath; Ulilities paid money, time I: e!fort. l.oolt: garage; wa sh e 1· • drier. S" 1 A 1 !.. 'h thin& to fumi.!lh your borne uo -· aft 6 ·~ un urn p , .....-ac area. fi d t bu "' 1 '==;;:Sro;;;ktt~~-~~~=~~-=='=!!;======--=~==~==="==··=m=.=== lo $110. Carport or gara~ · ''," n it'Ca ys °" 1~ nee 64.., """"' fl/~ day s C\aulfied Ad!.
Generel 3000Gerteral 3000Gener1I 3000 · -..uo<I a ;) p.m. t~=.:.;_--=================---1 e LANDLORDS e I ~'REE RENTAL SERVICE
0 lleorrol"Q9 l•tt•rl of th•
lour ~n1mblecl words be-'°"' to form four simpl• wonb,
I I I I' I
, •
IC OI T llX I' I' I loyal wife obou1 her ok ..
. . . _ . _ holic. hu•bond: "I olwoys stic.k
.. ,G--I H=R""E""H:----ii '• him 1hmugh -ood ;: •.
1.=,..;,l;.:..,,l'.-.-I .,l_.,.I ~ e eo.. .... "" """"' -"' by fllli~ In lllt' 111b.1111j1 worcb
_ • • you d•v.lop from st•P No, 3 b•low.
...... -.....~ .. -
Rooms for Rent 5995
ROOM for rent to empl!JY"('I
l;uly. Honie &-p o o I
privileges, $50 mo, 642-5076
ROOt-.t lor rent. nice quiet
home, for \\'Ol'kina: penon.
Kil privl. 642--4T9t ------EJ'llPLOYED r.1en : ll(p. en-
tey ; quiet: S50 A SSS t.fonlh
tor '-1.'ttkl,yl 548-6986
PVT room, kitchen prlv. Nr
2ht Ir Santa Ana, $15. wk.
&4~1294 before 2 pm.
Room & Boord 599<1
ROOM, kit privl.. Rooln Ir.
board. Reill rea11. Older
dt'Slred. 548-3752
For Dally PUot \I/ant Art..
Dial 642-5678
PROPERTY 640-734,-- -
WITH A VIEW ANGORA Ty" f•m.t• oot,
<Grey & \Vhilc l has Ilea 26 Acres in Northern Orange. collar. Found 4 or 5 wks High on a knoll; thi!! prop. erty zoned ~~ acre sites and ago, 11th & Irvine, C.M. 5'13--6713 eac:1 lot <..'Cluld be.cul 1vith a I----------
magnificent view. Priced at LOVABLE Blk. cat with col-
$16,000 per ac:I1'. For further lar during last stonn.
information, p I ea s c call Begonia SI. in Cd M .
Glenn Thompson \\•llh 675-5406
Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc, BLACK male dog with red
1818 W. Chapman Ave, collar. Vic Broadway I:
Orange, Calil. Orange, Costa ~1 es a.
541-2S2l, Eves-wknds 538-Gm 646-2515
R. E. W1nttd 6240
3 BR Home in this area
for exchange for 2 on lot
nr downtown Inglewood. Val
$30,000. N01v employed here.
Owner. 213: &G-5131
\Vlll. Buy Apt. Houses; 4
to 6 units in Laguna Beach.
Call ~1437
ISUSINtS:, •nd
Bus. OpJ,ortunitin--6300
FEMALE Liver .t: While
Dalmatian. Approx 9 mos
old. Vic 2501 Harbor, C.M.
FEM. German Shepherd.
Fiiuntain Valley. Please
identity. 847-7965 eves.
BROWN & \Vht. rabbit vie.
Elden &; Monie Vista C.~t.
YOUNG cat, 5Rble bro\vn,
fluUy. Vic. Garfield I.:
Beach Blvd., HB. 962-7029
LADIES \Vallet • cash I.:
keys. No ID. f\1ndcira Ave.,
Wholesale Bu1iness C.M. Identify, 54~2811
National cosn1etics company LG hair • B\g beige male
has opening for local distri· cat· vie. Santa Ana Cowitry
butor. Ir you have a busines.!I -=Cl=u=b~. 54::;:>~1=16=1'---~~
background, leadership abil-·FEM. Collie between Santa
ity, can think in terms of Ana & 22nd St. C.?YI.
hia:h yearly income, can in-&15-0682
vest $300ll, and would like 1 -FE:::CMA""L=E~--~B--~, t pup, asse an interview to discuss this H -• b · .., -th OUnu, rn. VLC. ~nu opportunity, serxl brief re-
sume lo The Daily Pilot, Box Mortuary H.B. 536-8506
# M.61J. -------
Beautiful renewed Laundry.
28 washers, 11 dryers, 20 lb .
washer. $18,000 yr. gross
inc. Find out how easy it i!
to o\vn:
Equipment, Inc.
:!334 \4. \V. Valencia
FullcL"lon TI4 : 525-78:l3
\VI::LD I NG Busines.!I
Complc1e \I'/ all <'ljUip,
materials, stock & customcr
contacts. r.tusr S E L L ,
moving to Alaska. Call for
d('failerl info. 536-1&33
~1UST sacrifiC<'! E s I b I
Cookie • Ca n d y vending
1nachine route. Req 2 hrs
11·k\y, SOCIO. IO units C.t-.f.
area. 67j...33GQ
ASSOCIATE tl{'CJed for pro·
ducHon & sales. Nt:IY plaslic
product. Active fir inartivc.
6)1 S('CUI'('d h1v. J'(' q .
SA.LF: Rea.'!Ona!llr. Ca 11
Lost 6401
Sall I.: Pepper color -About
i! years old. AnS\\'Cl'S lo the
name of "CHATTY." Blut'
collar, no tag. Vicinity of
Tustin & Fail'haven in Or·
angc Thursday evening, Jan.
ua1y 30th. C.Ontact J i m
Strickland REWARD. Day!!,
5'11--411 I, Evenings, 639-4337
LOST Blk Rooord Plate
business notebook. No. 74G.
Vic Cdl'>1. Mo'5 tree fresh
eggs or :S:i for relw·n.
rEMALl-: Dark Choe
Sian1csc, (friendly). Vic
\Vindv.•ard Ave, lBaycrest•
NB. 642-291 7
BLACKISH gl'ay R a b b l t
\vhitc on nose I.: feet. Panay
Cir.. L\lcsa Verde GoO
1:ourse. 545-2811
• 1 ' '
• .
.·, '. onol NOTICES ·---1 ;..;=;,.;..;;=--.... ~ ·-~ , ~ r-UQer••>· ' 1412
. • Mortv1ry I C.mot1ry
C.inoloto'funorob :~~ from $2'5
'* '
.. .. ,.I .I' • ' f.. ... . .. ~ ..
SH\llCI DIUCTOIY 1 ~I ~O.,,.NT jOM 4 ~OYMINT1 JOlf l IMPLOY~,.~,r.c. •ud• • ~OY
......... 1".I ;, , 1!1J!!! Holp "! ....... Mo,o 7200 Help Wi..teo, -7200 "''~cllO.. 1/1-· noll Ho~tW
PUllllllNG -Jtr.PAIR r...;:=:: ___ ..:..7400= .....t=::::..---'M'-"•= · No.~ ":'1 PROP1KJ1011 m .JAISCO ~~~::.i MAI> J. c ~ c...
trnllll(WI . . I • Fuhlqrf ~ •
'"""' TOOL A DI E f .C. BOOKKEEPER. 15 ' NI llm<. days, Nt"'1>0<I '.'*", l MAKIR • hOUl'I a W8t at S1 tir. for . Jlu ----tot • ' N•wport Boch Firm. -q I XPlltlENCED ,,..._ -'
• Comotory tots
from $150
lnclll!ie• Endowm~11t • (.¥re
'·• • Evt'l')'tldna: In OM beautiful ___ ,.._
' Whlcl<ly1 W1ntt Whlddy1 Gott ·
S,.Cill ·Rite.
-,...,, ....,..nhl 'bkki>I •...-....-·
tool ~ for,. small ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER
pwnp , ml&r. J.at no bar--for Aecountantl omct. •
rltr. Good btoefits and hours wetk at siJO an hour. ~ (lOl'ldtUona. Payroll, acctt ptyablt • b'P-
APPl.Y Tfi
PEllSClNNE\. DEl'l".
""' N•wport 8'ach oUl<t.
l xco-!mployff ·-111.
P•rMnn.I Office
Third Floor
C,AS111ER t ;
to train .. &flJltant ~
apr tn OW' Cottee Sl;lef, ~
cent a~o~ill
at pbues ot food indUllrJ'
ls ~· Compe:titift
wages, outataMll:w ~
inc!WU. PfQlil tbarin&<i
•• No tramc probltma.
14801 BeAch, WHUninst.,
~ ' W:.1125 893-2421 The Broadway
' ' :·::· Log1I Noll~ 1450 5 u-~ s 11 .... -5 buck•
llUl.lf -AO MUST ltKlUD~ nlONIC
.. equal opportunll>'
Also avail for your conskl·
<'l"'B lion. excellent tull Ume
pennanant poa}tionR. 47 Courts of F•shlon
No..,.rt 8o1ch
An Equal Opportunity
A,pplY in 'penion ;
10 A.M. ta 5 \J.M. .~ -
ENVIROTER. a joint wn.
,..,, ture. hu been terminated
r 'u of Jai 31, 1969
1-WINt Yff ti.w '9 "'90s. Soool#MI .-, WWW Ill .,... a..voo•-~OT~,: ~,_; ~~vfttf'ftalflt-
PHONE ·142-5611 ~-• ,.,
.-5ERVIC~ DIRECTOR• To.Pilco YIVr Trider'• p., ...... A4
Bobyslltlllf!. ___ 65_50_ Trade 17 ft~ out·
boud, (tiberalul) for full
D~'f care • Licensed, While . or part payment.on carpet,
mom "'Orkll a ·child Medi drf P'!&t · lend~ilw. fenc-
love & security. E~ Ina: w TT 642-49ID aft 7 pm
provkled for, joy A security San Clemente Income 2'
of your child .la: usured. 1torea • 2 lots 2 otftcttl 2
Lovely clean aurroundlngs, Apta • Will take TD'• or
huge outdoor park·tnie play. imaller property. Make oU·
atta, real , ho m e e~ tt· Cs.11 414-3262
vironment. a4B-0316 I::•:,..:::::_:..·..::..:::::_ __
BABYSITTING Sei vie.., lot on Panorama
In my hom~. Near Mapolia Dr. Coll Lf! Droll) 1.aftlllll
and Edlna:er st., We1trnU. Beach; buUdi.rW dnwlnas
ter. Fl?nced yard, hot me&ll avail. for, 3 BR. 2 b&, ho~
included, Call anytime. • also w/mw. (213) 441·"'5
847-7187 ~''PI'. Beach; older, comf)-
aometbinl to fUl'ftllb your
bome ........ Jlncl areat buya
14 IQ! .. 1 Oa..ul«!• Ada.
'Beaut:IM Ntw l'Umlture,
Cnucll. -· -• end tables, lamps, twin size
beds, Stereo. WW trade for
small trailer. 646-6484
, Trade equity 1n '68 Oi.evy
Ptu. Fae air, P/b, P/a for
your equl!y in '68 or '69
car. ea1J 5tU211 heir 5:30
pm, Ol' '546.1685 an 5:30 pm
-TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2ll ba.
Beaut. appt'd, ,Priv. patio.
pool. ~ lo ..,,. Val.
$32,000, low dn. or T .D.,
Cat or 1 Owner ~
Neat. accurate, 20 yrt. exp:
T!LE, Coromlc 6'74
* veme. the TUe Man •
Cult. work. lnltall ii: repairs.
No job too -sman. Plutt r
'p&tth.' lakinC • b 0 w ...
........ 841-19'7-
Upholmry 6990 \
C Z YKOSKl 'S CUatom.
Upho~~ry. Eur opean
C ra t t am a nablp.100%
Flnandrw. Furn. boata k
auto's. 642-lAM. 11 3 1
Newport Blvd., CJ.f.
;u:::, 4k t::M f L.U1M&N I
Job W1ntod, L1dy 7020
-' . ·Lit~••· h1<h
. An equal opportwrll;)'
J. C, Penney Co .
Fuh!Qn bland
Newport ·Bea..:h
Hu full lime openin&"
-if: IUFFlltS *
Recent, aucceuflll exper-
ience ln all phuea pre-
ferred. Competatlve war·
es, outatandin&" belltfilll
lr1clll!iln& profit ~·
14!5 Dale Wa.y, Costa Mesa
Minimum 2 years electl'9"
mecluµlical a.uembly ln-
cludlni aolde:rlna: and cir-
cuit board U1emb~.
C•ll P•~19nntl Dept.
(114) 494-?401
EnglnHrin9 Co.
l19un1 ltech
An equal opportunity
Perunnel1 Atency
833 Dover Dr., N.8.
642-'171 ,,,,,_
SECRITARY ' 11 to 24
For Pattnt. Atioriiey. One-NaUQnal ~m needs llve
iirl oLficc, ena:ineerinl or young }adlea. ~.to travel
legal .bacQrowld, good typ.. east cout ~ inidw~st re-. lJ&ht ahorthind Good tort areu with chl,peroned :~ts Will be In ~autiM l'f'Oup. Must be pet800able ' and neaL High SC:JOOI ed~ ne-.y , oUl.ces. S500 mo. Em-cauOO not required but mUl!l
player pays ftt. Abo fee be willin& to learn, Expen-
jobs ~-1.1 • h'! In · I MIS.S EXEC AGENCY se~ _.... w 1 e tralll ng. wl1~ earnings SUE plus.
410 W. Coast HW)'1 1!i~A 1'rD'We benefits. For in ter·
call Betty Bruce. ~ view 11te-Mr. J. F.dge, Villa e KEYPUNCH e M"""". llrll Bay'1d• o"·
OPERAlfORS NB .• 10 am · 4 ''"·
Experienced Alpha I Num. MAJOR
Long term auignments, CALlFORNlA BANK
days. Lona BeaCh.~ Free aeelu •M,el:IO/tyi~ !or trust
parkinJI:. dept,. Must tl.kle dictatioo,
KELLY 5ERVICES INC. ""'' · •ltloor . •nlbY
-'thru Fridal
J. C. PUllEY CA.
24 f11hlon 1.r1J
An _, oppor!=ni~
employer ,
' .
\Vomen aver e t ,
Want to learn a pxl J
pro!eulon ' I \Vould ~ l1kr betteJ"·tt9n
averaie pay? 1
Learn Memorlal ~
seUng with the bn.utjJ\11
PAC/RC vtr;.i
PHONE -f • -" Mr. Darrell"E'· w~ BABYSIITING, l\Iy hOme; 38 ~ •• 1 BR. 2 Ba, Great
yrs old, reliable. pi._y area. IQ!h JW,ilb:l Equity. TRADE·
SchOol near by. U> wk with rdf local income:commerc ..
meals., EifS..1634 • .. : • ' or vacant ~l.898; ~1673 . J~p, 4 WO., Model CJ2-A, GIRL wants part.time mom-APPLY IN PF.RSON
reCondltionll!d, extra rub. tngs. Recept., secretarial, I Mon -Fri 10 am to 5 pm
230 E. lrd street cu st omer co nta ct
LDna: Be•ch. Cafil. P~t c: a re e r ·op;
' · (213) C-8191 portunfty for q u a I i f I f! d
V~P, I s.lea Dtr. j
~x 6PliA1J BABYS1TTING ltty home, Will trade $8000 equity !rt
week days, have 3 yr 016 a 3 BR Laguna Beach hoUR
d-~-u r h t e r . e-. M .. -area, CUITently leased to June 15
56-2158 for 22 ft or Jaraer ..Uboat
CHILD care niy boiue, Mqa· plus ? 494-9937
b!r, &ood top &: in~rior". alrl. Friday or store Illes: · ,
Trade for VW Bus. apprux. btaoh X1 t ref 213 · I Equal opportWlity ,enQlayer person. S al a r y rom·
vi!iie $1000. 6'1S'3lili." atta. " . . j C MIAIEV (0 --,--,""'=.,..,.--1 430-Qllll: ru: 436-9731 • , ru.n1; 1 • GM experience necessary. See .BettY Bruce tt
mentURte with ability and ~nee. Contact W. C.
Ji'n•anall * LAGUNA . * C'OMPANION, edu c ated
4 unit!: nr beach. $65,000 lady, drives, eood skills.
ch:.ar. \Vant small house or -Avail short or long term.
wtlmproved lot. Call H O M E M AK ER S .
24 P11hion Island
An equal opportunity
ALLEN .mi66 .Gxec Newport Center Branch
~urlty Pacific Nat'I. Bank
550 Newport Center Dv.
• Work l n c lud ;s
heayy t y p i ng ,&:
s o m e AutomoUt e
Verde--area. Week I y ',
reaaonable rates. 546--9956
CHil.D care, my home, S20
4 unita Santa Ana, income'
$1300. Principal A: int pymts
$470• Trade for Vista are».
\\·eekly. Nr H. 8 . Center. a~qe, income or fl'O\.~. Bkr. 494-1330 547-"&l ...... _ ............... ..
Have Hunttnaton Harbour 3 YOUNG mother " v.i!t of
Nev.'J)Ort Beach BoOkkeeping. 1
Roy Caner PodK
OWsmobile-Cadillac Agency for career Gir11
1150 So. Q)ut HIJ:h\lo'&Y u o· w (hast JfWy N B
Laguna Beach * 49+11B4 ·. •• . · · Capable mother. 847-3180 $40,IPJ .eq. 548-8676
e EXPER.. babysitter, day1
or nightl. C o s t a Mesa.
642-1940, 646-1097
srlrn10 apt. 3 Br. 3 Ba., fui:J: or unfurn.; Eut Lon&"
~II.ch; value $20,CXX); trade.
BABYSITI'ING in my home tot Newport Beach prope"t--
for working mother. m · ly; 548-C87
week. * 646-0709 ~-------DEPENDABLE day c are. ij6XE: 6 uma, pOOI, 1p.me
Pref. wkl,y care ot 2-4 ,.rs. .~ CM.. Income $680/
Lie. Hrbr/ Baker'. 546--15S$ .nK!,.Price $61,!XXI. Want: 3 or t BR home. --• _.. b . Brick, Masonry,•''-Bo ·Olson Rltr. Sol&&O
----·---'65=6!): ~VE: .Improved C2 lot -. C·?tt Valuo! $30,000 clear ..
BUILD, Ro!model. Repair, WANT: Industrial. bid&, this
Brick, block, c 0 n c r..e t e I ma. Will auwne.
crpntry, no Job toO small. Danla Realty Co. 642-6500
Lie Contr. 96l-GM5
BR 3 BA, 'vet bar, butlm1 full time student seo!ka baby
pantry, dinln& rm, 60' boat aittln&: full Ume In u.;.·n
.Up @ $130,000 with $49,000 home &'15-U33
equity. Want Income, . Mr I ·,~w=.=-,.::,:..== .. =c,--,41.-_..;;--=w1;:;ah
Irwin Bkr. 646-9661 housework. must be •tttlb"·
10 acres 5 mi form new In-AD \\'Otk by job. Call 5 p.m.
ttrnational Airport in Palm-w 9 p.m. 541-9121
dale, · .U for · $!5000. per Jr'J'TJtACI'IVE O ·r 1 e n t a 1 acre, ot trade for an)'lhiJl& H kee ot eQUal value. 846-2019 "1.-0m&n wants oust P' ~-job tor .man
T~e $5100 equity in J.arae OVll!?' 50. MS--1155
Two bedroom, full bath aDd HOUSEWORK. $2.25 hr pita
half bath. carefree. condo-s1 for transportation MSM38, minium for eqUal va1t>e in
double ten ot more mobile Ext. 22·
home. 646-5418 DAY Work wanted 9: AM to
~,...~do~Ho-,..,--.. -u.~.-1-lllt_o_r ~ 115. ~t..0121 or
GE stereo tot antiques, or-
Manager Tralnees-3
America's Lar&eat. retailera
ol women's shoe&.
UEDS Shoe Slore
So. Coast Pl111
Cont1ct Mr. Pholp1
Ask for ~Uke Sauntry By appoint · &IS.393!1
De11igner, Dralt11man. H•lp W1nttd
Ex p a n d I 'ft 1 San Juan l--'W._o'°''"'""""----7-400_
Capistrano development, In-
vites enginHr w/ exper.
In m.1p calculation, hllhlde
i:radlnz d e 1 t r n , im·
provement plan layout and
Clerk Typists
drafting. Olvenlfled, in-e ENGINEERING DEPT.
te~atln:: career o p p ' t y . Type minimum SO wpm on
Send Reaume to The Daily IBM electric.
Pilot Box M-615 e ACCOUNTING DEP1'.
Yount Mtn Travel Aptitude with figures, illir4::
11 .. 24 typing.
NEED t~ boys to travel
48 1tates and return. Trans-C•ll Personnel Dept.
pom!lon !urnlahod. $300 "'' 1714) 494-9401
Experienced Pref
Newport Hlfbor
Conv~nJ Hospltel
Dispatch G.lrl
75 or over. Must know local
are11.. Apply In penon
186 E. 16th St.
C.olta Mesa
' Kl-I
for bo..,iy styoj~ Prefer llcemed o .
Excellent benefit&. • .
Apply Perionnel ot;-
. ' F!1:u::;:1
Newport 8o1
Like-new .. PAYMASI'ER'~ ,
Bu1ln1u S.rvict 6562" 'check writer/protector for
ARIAL load.,, aood olfice de1k and chair. SECRF:I' . over. . 946-9895
l.ent&I rua. oec chr, ntw bltn HOUSEWORK
da!lwr, dlspl, carpentry, .,::1=:2.2S=)>r==· :=·~==',.154== Jobi todl.YI ~ srowinl . ~ or pntlna. 54&9358 -profeaian-Mutual .Fuod aale1
month to start, mul't be able
to lo!ave immediately. See
Mr. J . F.dre. Villa Marina.
lit: Baytkle Dr., NB., 10
am -4 pm.
NEED Money! Like PeopleT
Flexible hrs -no canvauina
-'IO parties • no age re-
qu'1'ement. Unlimited op-
portunities with BEAUTY
TELLER . I lB?\1 Elec. typing. Efficient, Day or E~. -
reliable. ~1089, 5(5-3722
evea. Demtttlc Htlp 7035 No ~.nlOelUl')'-
C•rptnlerlng 6590 * * * * * * GoorP Allen Bylalld ..,._
I:mp)oytt Pq1 Fee
~B E. 11th. SA 54'1.Q395
::i.tnose ........ a-ut
Pennanent. Expa1enced
CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No Job .. G1rdtnl"1 "'° ~ln;:<::llM::::~T:.•:;•:._ _ _.:6740
Too Small. Cabinet in '"Pl'" .U.·s-..Gardenina ser vi c e * Tm YEAR *
ages I: o t be r cabH!ii!tL' Lawn maintenance piden-A·l STENO
5'L>8175, 11 no answer ~1\le ~'1lw 4 cle&tt ups. ~ HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR.
msg at 646-2372. lt. ~ Q. 1-..~~==;::..;;.;;...=-1-~·-• by · !. ••• -Anderson • 1 P1T le edae lawr. COMpl eve .......... &PP -
"' servJce. Uc. 546-5161 ews PERSONALIZED: e x pe r t
=~=-==== &: weekends Tu serv. Year round ofc., REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS!----'-''------reu. 646-1712 CABJNETS, Any size job. JAPANESE Gardener, com-1,;;;;:;..;:;:::;:::::_----~ M'l'I plele yard service, free INOOME . Taxes prepared 25 yn. exper. ~·t-" eatbnatea. "'~" 1332 .._ ... lo ! MASTER ca.rpeni., S4 ptr ~ ~ ...,s.15:'' ..lm onn com·
hour. Remodeling. Repairs: Cut I FAre Lawn &IU409 or~ Maintellanet. Lictnaed Gordon N. Warrtn, PA
A·l 5'8-t808166mtl aft 4 11th year. Appt. 61H345
Carpep"tcy,-aey 1k job! YARD C l e a n u p • Tree
, Call Gordon 147..6145 .ervloe, nrr.· I a w n 1 , 11prinldera, rototill. 6'&-6848 ,..;., .. ' ' 1755 -··-----C1mont, lloncreto 6600 IRONING 15c pc.
* CONCRETE,..,.. &,;;;;i _hl)Ortl Servi-~ ~-:O~~ ~"&';"
& LlcenzeB~())naete sawllli HEATING • Afr Cond. Seiv
Phillips Cemf!nt. M&-6380 1 repair, lllo Wuber I: IRONING done in my home. Expe.l't wotk,o Rll!asonable. ·ecusroM PATIOS• dryer repa.ir. 24 br serv. Phone su.1n s
concrete sawing ii: removal 842-72S7 or MT-6681 / :::::::::===== State Ll~. • 842-1010 HAULING· Cleanup praret, I·
loftdlC•p.... "10 CONCJIETE work. all ....... ad<' Jo"-etc. Fft< u!. Jlril
Pool 'decks a: cu.atom. Call MS-&25, an,ytlme
54-1321 '
CEMENT work, m job too
1mall, reuonable. Free
ettim. H. Sturuck~ MS--881S
Walks, pool deck!, 0oors.
Patios. Phone 642-8514
H1ullnt tUO
4 Sod i.wna. Uc le Bonded
Interior P1lntlnt
Apts. or ~ by job or
loom. Low off 1euon ntf!s,
64>1~ C1rp11t CIHnlng HoutNINnlne 67J5 VINYL wall cover i-n 1
PROi'ESSIONAL ' Rue • . apecialilt • kit. 4 batht..
uphol&kry • Ct;e_~· .. '!"'P,.. ~--~;~~ -~~ Matmal • labor. Est. qualitr.:iuar..o~ '""' r .. ~ • .. _......,. __, 147-16
Allll!n'• .M&lllllltanell! 6'6-Ml 'WIU.t>.MS aeantn& Serv. .;:.:.'-<i~=-===-dr tvt1142-3526 P.AfER HANGING
Income Tia 6740 PAINTING CARl'f.T 6 Furn. cloanina; !7>-rol3
f<r 1 d"' -6 quallljl rr Wll.L PAY ~·. call Sterlin&: fOr YOU·TO TR.Usr • JNT • J?N. ANY SIZE
hiflhb""" Ida JOB. Xlnl --free
N01ilmililt !!di expert cpl ' PEYlON HI. Jiil.. -· 641-3111
6 'film' "cbw'· at' '°""' ' lnctmo TIX Sort. EXT-INT. Acoust. COD!Jw
Far Ell! Apnc:y 84U1ll3
' • • ·l l
Pl"Oll'esslve Oranre County manufacturer of prtciskm
close tolerance alttra1t and
aerospace hardware com-
ponents, needs quallfiad d&-
•iln enclneera, MeclwUcal
en&1neerlns desree belpful
but not requlrtd. Five years
experience mo1t dealrable.
Good company benefits in-
cluding pension plan, aroup
insurance, liberal holiday•,
vacatl.ona. etc.
$end complete l"!IBWJ\t with
expuieooe, aa1ary req~""'fl
menta. etc. to
The Dally Pilot, Box, ill-t.14
Minln1un1 two )'e&n ex·
perWlce in the layout
and taplrc ot art work
tor printed cimdt baard1.
Csll l'or-n1I Dept,
(114) 494-9401
En9ln .. d11CJ Ct.
We tram • fUJl er part tim•
Mutu1I Fund Adv1 .. ,.,
' Inc. ·MEOIAlllC En9lneerlnCJ Co. UNITED CALIF9~1A 1 BANK I I Npt B, 1'°3 WestcliU 642-GfZ!
S.A. 1il2 N. Bro&dway
SALES ....... ---......
U YoU can follow orden you
can write l order a day.
./ $175 ~r week
./ 5 houri per day , __
Apply at 800 So. El ca.mtno
Rial. Suite 215, San Oemente
between 10 I 4 Mon. thru Fri.
Salary O~n
M3-6683 527.2341
BU510YS &
Full time Over 21
L19un1 Btech
An equal opportunity
Experienced Bar Tack and
Button Hole. •
452rl McArthllr 811,
Nc"·port ~ch ,
540-4424 APPLY 8 to 3 Plif
2901 So. Oak, Santa Ana Equal opPortunlty ~r
Rec1ptlonllt/Typl1t Phone work
Minimum of 50 wPm acc. NOW HIRING
Manied, nice phone voice. WOMIN , Startin& al. $300. per, mo.
S 11 .... (of • f Pleue call Mrs, Maddux, !Of BOB'S BIG BOY un IPU oma 1133"'93 !or..... ' TELEPHOJ!I; wqRK
1S4 E. 11th St. WOMAN pensioner wanted to POOd how:s, no expeJienct
Coola .,... ConvalesctDI Hosp. ..., wilh Mothor o! -' ~· ::~ = e ASSEMBLERS •, ~ • woman., no care requlrtd. y P UI ,
e CARPENTERS N Ow -LI & M Private room It boa r d e CALL 54J.IZIS e • PAINTERS IW· n•r ... p an.
Company benefits, frte In-•11m•nt. Tep, •l•rtlng ~~· ~16 or Unu~A~~~ br
-·-·-. pro•t ·••M•-,... Pay. All 1hlff1. . tl ~--•-............ u ....... ,. "" 139 ....... 1n_ on 1t .,..·5,. ........ ~ ~
Jensen Marine Corp. -WAITRESS~ WANTED division of old estatiiQed -~ F'·•-C M ExperleDCll!d only.
--~d·· Fe. . d e SEAM5TRE55 -. Apply lo_,.., Co. u you •nJo1 """°"' ..--.... -1.u. llrae nwnbei-1 of aft ft tr WANTED BLUE DOLPHIN, 3355 Via womM, are-wtll lfyOtUed Man Must be ~perlenced working Udo, NeWpOtt Beach. 1 ambitious: call ~'1'6tl
Bod¥ ahop helper, iood pay, with naU&ahyd~, Apply In WAp'RESSES, part &: full before 10 ·a.m. -
person . tlml!!. Union IC&le. hospital· · rood benefits at Dean Le1vls Johansen It Chrl'lteMcn 1Ura:lcal-medical It dental RN• LYN 1
Imports, 1966 Harbor, c .M. 898 w. 16th., N.B., plan. Apply In Pe r i on 3to1111l to 1 ShU'b
64&-9303 Corner oI Monrovia It 16th. Howpd'• Restaurant 4001 New Convalootnt holpltal
• JNSI'RUCTOJUi . -Full COMBINATION, Sharp Bar West Cout Hwy, N.8.' to open 2nd week il:IJ ht>
or/and part time. Neat &P' Maids ' Go Go Dancen. HOME As "S EMBLER s . ruary. '
pearance. Must be .able ID Top wqes $3.00--$3.50 to Income 0 portunl Send APPLY: IN P£MoN
meet and deal with tht start. Ph. for int. &6-9983 sell add:ased t;tamped 393 Hospital Rd,. 111'.B.
public, iOOd flrw;'C. Apply SASSY LASSY. 290111arbor, envelope to "HciME'' p O ~ trom Hoaa HOllp.)
in penon, H:illda:y Health CM ' . . &XPERllN~E Spa. 2300 Harbi>r Bl,d,. · · Box 781 •• Ora.,.., QJU. 92666 ~ 0
C.M. MATURE Woman """'"'· CONSULTANTS • DlSffil· ·w AnRESS
Appl)' betwft:n 2 &. 4 p .M. G EN E R A L rnaintlnt.nce ~m, board l m~ salary Btrr'ORS. Po«!Uolll w 11 h • . . ._.1o.~ 1 _ .. 1 .i.... 1 • m exchanie for cook~. lite leading COll1lflt1c comp;.riy. ··~~I~ In p-· 0 aiuueo n .....,n ... ,., e eo-bou.ll!ktepin& for elderly ••---' r trlcal. carpentry, etc. widow· Balboa 11 Jan d Excep,_,~. Ol>.PGl't_unlb' Jar .S F & )IRLOIN ~boa Bay Ch.1b. call ~ · · capable woman: 6'15-5l95 5930 .Pac, Cit, Hwy.
·2131 .ellltclllf, N.B: 5'8--2211 ext 185 for ap-----. GENERAL. Lite boUaekeep. Nt pert.INch • FINISHED -polntmo•l ' ' MAL LI I 'S WIGS ' In& snd ... ~. ' ..... "!' ,.. w '
' · iStSH 'machine operator. over »:1:~!~~ f2r valid, ~ ,bn, a dif, s * PART TIME * 1· <:AlPENTElS :"T ~-~ • days "' 646-6101 N""' ........, 1o ""'' "' .18, union scale, tull tlroe, Wlr A/or will•t .ltyllm. a , my ~ 2 bra per dt.y, • PLUMllU holpltal • 1111"11cal • m"1lcal Call -COMPANION H..,.. ..... ,. S ..,.. wk. 115 per wk. F .. ·
Ialandtt Motor llomn Inc. I: dental plan. Apply In Lfvoe.ln. Mltlt drive. Lelmre pereoo.l hitrrvli!w call Md.
806 E. Was"'-tion St. pe~ Howudl Restaurant, BABYSITJ!1l neededPM rrom World .widow. L 11 u n a. Miller, SIMZll, between 2 '"'• 4001 Wttt Codl HW)', N.8. '1:00 • .Ut w 6 , 5 dayg M2-2Q>
Santa Ana GINERAL p1uo:110""'" ZW:,..r Scbo01 ==~===--&. 4. ,
SALESMEN N""""' ! •' MAINTENANCE atta. c. M .. '4Msol ~ ~~'V BUSINESS 1' G 0 0 d 'I
ala in La nd 1 cap in I ' Palnttna:.· earpentry. «> hr. & • * 613-6890 * , Jarilaica llUI kotel nttds
Fencn I ~-'°rQUfli, week. call 548-rlll bt 185 SA\VYER HOME need a l or 2 r0ort makla; 1UU prorrttlive campany, Hia:h tor t. · n.,, tu r • wo rl &.n t 0 r GROCERY clert 3 toll PM or< put Ume. A1IPb" In
P*tttW et.rn.lnsa, Apply app h0ui.t~11i a ct te at Sat. I Suri. Spffdee 7.u, penon. nm. E. Cout Hwy,
Coco!s #18
•"-5*-l4111. ~m1 omCES Uc. Int., n ,... Exp. rr.. e l2'IO W. Cout H~ Eo!. lMl-'53Z ' --~-~---
WALL TO WALL Carptl NEWPOR1' BEAQf, flWOS5 lox loy
3123 Newport BIW. C.M. FUU. time &Mlstant In hot nuraq, ~. 2 619 2Itq Placentia. C. M. ,., Cd¥ Or, call far ._.t
Mr. Birch, I am lo 10 am snd <old food to ao Doll Orange At'. CJf -1 • HO~Ell 1.M In. i7Wuo -
week days • Must be neat I pltuant L.ADlES 11 toitQ•abow Sarih W-9"l&n aJont. noo prr mo. RN'S NEEOt:D, S..U:30 p.m.
Cl e an I '1 ~ Ir ·•"Pe r • Mll W•tmlnater Bl ~ banalna, G yun
uphohlery <;!<Ulrla· 14$-311G WES!'MI1'STEll. IST-"'""'""°'· Coll Fredi
CARPE"I' I: turalture clet."-· * ~ * kl&:, laying I. re'palr. cau· H. K. CI a r k Aocti Strv. HOUSE ~. Quality at
Gi...w<I Corpl!. -ln<ome tu. _...,..,.i "' •!&Jr -· no. ""Qll
-""" -"' olc. IUd< MS-!'17$ Glrdtnlnt MIO 2J 7l'I exp. loo ftrm . V~E=T=·s'°'B«ldnd.P'"'°'"°"'~.-l-n_t_l _n .-. I =::.:::;,::~---='-" "2--1133 ct &f6.41''2 eves }"rft e.tt. , lit., lnl. Small
ANTHONY'S BE ~ Sa!l6d CJcm wt1b Jobs wcome. ~ G1~1~1co :=:;.~~,,,!",t;; fAm11!<6. -..>eitei!Or
BUDGET LANDSCAPING R ooeeyelt WQ, CM. =.t~ ~ ~..;iii\.~.;;.;!::"" "r:J1il"ADVii011S .: ... ·,1:z,. J~t 1' ~ti:t~.--No.
MOWING, Ediili odd Jolls Nwpt Bhd. K.8. .._,
snd ""'' -· Call -........ MM955 SKOU:>EN TAX SEllVICE
Pl!''!'!:f: R1pe!r "'!
t ' PA1"1 , --. All ,,_""" -... ~ -· JAPANESE Oardtacr.,. Y~ .. ·hnmt . b.a.lonlbk.
Col'nl)'*t• "strvlee .-Ex· Evtt. Nonnan Ma111 !l'l~ll!!ril!!!IWo!!',!'!L.....'.-~"'°!!!!!
-. pitrieooed.. Rll!llablt. ~ ~ · · PLUMBING 114 hr. att'V1
r--JAPANi:s£ ~nil\i. Prof wJtei' JL FabftnhOl& P.A. Wort pf. Uc., tnsur.;
Ma.Int Land 1capIn1 JU Jk'OrldWl1• a.ta Mela mnodtt. l'fPd', rtlOter lfY.,
CletmJp, "7-6951 IQ.G)I « 56-Ul8 rte ~53!.-==1!11111=======-
SERV. ~A •. ~AI.&iMEN . .,.wtth..,.pu1bl7.~c-,,,AJkCMtor Terry. OtYtnir)' lpr)nr 4 all C.M". area. 6'2--;J232 ; Mtdtcal .. IUflbl. klar7
f'UU. TlM"E YOWll men, ~ evu le -... "'' • • ~ lleUOOn ~ ..... bj f&lhions, WAPI'RESS~ Pt.rt Un\e-. open, liberal t rtn1 •
Must be avail&~ wttk d~ wk Inda. MUlt be ntat In PERM. PART TIME COOK, abloluteb' no lnYMtment W4! Qwr n Call benefits. Apply Nural.nr Of.
.. mominp. Oood rab and bandwrtW.. See Qyde, 25111 notHmoktt. Previous I& train. 8'1-00 ~ Dee. Palm Haftlor llMpttal,
benefits. Nn-port Blyd., c.v . stltutlonal vcptt helpful but PI& Shop wortc· no exper LlVE-lN HtAlalteeper· ~ 12860 Palm St Q.G.
ltlch•rcl'1 lW. Market .$TATION Attend&nt, dat rnot nee. Clli 5*1223 nectlSl.: ,part•tl.;.,_ to. ttan: ,,/c:hlldrtn. ·cau .fttr 1 CURTAIN A Dl'l:PllY _..
3"33 Vlt. Udo, N.B. won. aprr. pref. Unk>n DETENTlOf'!, Study Hall z,.e. Apply: 8u.lt.n L)'ll.O PJit. '*;1!!03 ladlet. Experlenoecl. ~
.JANITOR. Wort, tun time OD Sta., 3921 E. Cat. HW)', ~n. Older ma.n Pift, lSlO a.Mr, C. N. • MEDICAL Tranaqiptlonllt Frid&)', J'tb 7, U to J.
n\Pta. Mll!t. ba·ve ex· QIM Pn#~·sm&.11 private MAIDS. PlMant)'H.f"l'OU~ 'M1tin ,trontote .nn.rftcj. Udoff•. Home~
........ lb dPl(r small • CAllPl\l'l'fER, dlvtnl!l"1 lchooL ,m.a8lO . .t.odf paid "" ' l!ch -c•-.-. SO. CoMt '"-' C.M. -°"""""'"to ....... ...n.. C..IOpl -• MEN ... eulJ ..... "''"'" :::'.'.';... • "<"" N"""'1rl -DIETARY , .. !llil. -1llto _... -II. ~. CID ttT-Ulll or ol .....,._ !O honw ........ lllvtm. ... WI DENTAL-.,., Iron! ;;z. u,30 !O I P!lC. Costa -
-£\ .... '"'"4111 H.B .. r .v . .,.;u .,.... 3 PHONE llOUCITING ~::S Cl* -~ :.an lloipttal. • -
?to anvwiJll:. Appl. <mQr, Niii) 2' nMll tD W'ft fUD hn dar· MW9?9 No ~ MCI_,,.. ' ~ ' ltnlt. fO.ll':M. m
ENCY.BRITANNICA '. 't!fM 'Jn_lt&_Ex-HANDY .... -~ ~;.; "'"ISOODENTAJ. -·· ..... -·~-$i;;:Ai1t""".r.;;;;;;;~i
-· B. ~J!! i>"rlencod Ollly, A>pl7 houro 10J1:r AM. Inquire = 0... M-side. N"'.!':!' ~Ooala $EQICTAllY. Al!ot1-W1t1mtnltfr •~u Ricll&ldltr\llceat•&hd. Fount&l.n "Valley Golf , ~ ¥eapt1 .. """1111,_,_,._ • 'De*'tn citnQt. , ........
WOOL ~. ......Umo NOWptX1 111¥d. C.M. ,._)140 MAlll8 WANTED XI.NT °""""""'' Llye bl -pin(., -lib
Omma dtl Mar ruU, I: plrt thne-htlp EXP'D a>\JHITERMAN ~ N;11 Blvd., Colla halqir; 2 ad u t t 1; ' Sllar)' ~ a t t r • ct I,, e .
_ l7MIS10 or Mt-'ll;91 n,nted. Top ....... dlanof: ~ • ClTT AUTO p~ • ... y n_ pt.J'IOI\. • 'S.A. lf'll!L Ml.filll t ta-J.S15 .
TV Ttdvlldw w&nUr. A·l ... "'"""'"'""'-1' 20'12 Plac<ntta. C.M. DAILY pJi:Dr WANT IJll MATURE ltallaA ""1 ID ;:;116\ii;;;;;;;ii<:;:o:t&&;R;,;o-;~=·hl=" .•
....Ul>· Good !IOI'• ra:rRO CAR WASH BIUNO 11E11JL1ll' btlp In llitcb at Sam~ TV. I -111 lll 11• _, 29liO IWW Bhd CM. c:RARGll m · ltallaJ> Mlrt. Sl&-lm 11111 dulllo. s• 1111
' )
" ., I
I ~
. . . .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . ' .. . . . . . . . . . . ... , . ... . . . . . .. "' . -. --
SALi AND TltADI , SALi ~ TUD9 leoto I Yocldo 9000 Trudoo 9500
,._I C!'Jln! lllO M11 .. lh111 ue , MOO -SCI AM LETS *SPO RTSMINS VAN*
ffAIDl(lND. -v.. • * TltUCKS * liiilO, ;..,,lhn m I ,Pv=mltY=,."'---..::'°:.:~:;:~ lewlnt Mlohl-1120 -7400 Fun1lhlre =;;;:..--,..;,..;,;,c,
~ • -food A #tall .. a1 ...... : -,g:::. tlJ W. 19tb St.,
~T Time "'1,-' < lb...,. -• reneraJ lllftkle, apply Je:n.en Marine,
~ Ftobor SL C.M.
i!I' ~n, Worn. 7500
J· S.11 F11mot.t1
~--------. ---EXQU,ISITE
RE'l\ll!NED 1'1\0M
mlla • -• --*9J'J ,llV11NI ANSWERS Thoy Are All Hore At at all tnUN. Belt bu)oa ID , , --r-'""' F1nt11tlc OlMOUnfl
Bo. c.Jl1. l'cbt -· 8CJQODI' ll1lllC a>.. PRID~~-;:-7th •• s.ttk _ uiify _ Tiuie _ Reid>'"" lnUll<dlata
l!Of N. ...... NEW 6 USED~ --THICK ml GIN .. "-s.ma a --6 .... LorU wile about her .i.o. BEACH CITY * HAMMOND ORGAN, s.pin. JtoolD Itta, bdfllk Cibfra :holic halbi.nd: oit abv&l'• :1:.? :;at_W!!':!';!"'"'" .,._ div.p.. -'"'1· ltldc to h!;"' ,_ TmCK D,ODGE
.,..... 11•~,.. fed ~ c:bNll ot ctn,.,... and QJN, 165$ Beach Blvd .• (Hwy. 39)
TROMBONE -Conn, ..... .... ---• SPECIAL • 1141>""' :.= Xlnt eoodltloa cau 1
·1';....,i. ~·~·-111~ ... ~-~::::::!ao~~s nllh1 ,....,,, .....,_,, 31' TROJAN ~-Belob -mlm>n, pktmu, lamp<, Twllt ....,. on!> llD hoW'I '59 FORD Pickup
--!· Knaipp Shoes
~ CASll -no invest· .knt • ,,,.'Ork fuD. or part
l i m e .eillng the famous KNAPP AEROTRED
SlfOES. Eam top commi.u-
t&w plus bonus, plwi trtt
~· PreVioUt shoe e'X· 1!Jrie.nce NOT neceuary -
Mite R. L Jenkins, Knapp
!fros. Shoes. 6401 E. Flotilla a. E. Loi Angeles 22, Cali-
$3CJ96 .. ,. $59.95
A fine aelectkm ol complete
bousetulla. Brand no.mes,
-bedrooms. bolutUul 1 pc. ~ rooms. cb1nu,
hutcbesp custom quality .a.-
fas It 10ve sea.ta,. double door
refrigerators, waaherl, dry-
ers, co1or TV'• can suaran-
teed) will aacrltloe. Sell an
or Jl4lrl. Terms on eood cre4.
Planet a °"""' 11Jo SEARS rot.OR Collsole TV, 1terem. ia" model eolor'IV, Radio -tinder pre:s,'. eustom cab, 3 l{ld, dlr, r ab.
23"; f mos.· fret ltl'Vice. rup. vacuum de&ner. It& sure 'water: dinlhY' SLIP all original. rebh: tilfPnt,
PIANOS !ISO 536-ISU ~ ..... --.... with.,;.., o,,,,;, mllll wn.p voond bumper. l&S -Ir-deyns I: MUOI. MUQJ tell' , Cub. delJ. will fiac prvt.
OR,,._ANS FORTABLE TV. Good coo-MORE! * INSPECT •OFFER! * pr<y. Tako .... lcn car "'
OH ol Our M1ny Birglinsl
New Showroom Salllflles
Will Soll Any Piece Individually
'"' d!tlon. U" ......_ J'llot U. DAVID L. FRASER ~~~If F 8821~ ~ Our @ntil'e tnwntorf ot fine one for that extra 9tt1 Onb-OJME BROWSE AROUND! or .,..,._.....
AOK WAREHOUSE bu $35. 6'Ml29 -'PM WlllDfS AUCllOll' 3421 Via Oporto, N.B. :.:.-:===~~=,-! ' ~·TED AT pianos and OIPnl been ~ * t94.3916 Eves. '65 FORD Fl.00 % T P/U. .........,,.. a1abe4. for iznmedlate ule! RENT TV $10 Auto tram. P/B. $550.
7122 G-• G .... Blvd.. N• .............. Yoo wlll Ne -, Free Deliwey * No Down Serilof~ 506 llat SC 1(.8 ..
G.G. % block-West train the neVtt 11tt pricn th1a low 5344M71 ot 11UilO * 6'IWl!O
""""" o1 Beach Blvd., , .. , ..... , ""' .,. ..,,. ~· Payment =~==-==~~ 1 G.G. Frwy, cal exampln: 1---------1 $30 month. Sharp 16', 40 hp * '67 CHEV 1tl T P/U, I eyl,
Open 10 to 9 Sun. lG-6 Fremont Grand •••••• $495 HI-Pl & $....... 1210 Mere., bard to find manwil Std trana. cus cab, p/s,
-With aome followin&: U
•. -pouible, for high crad•
.. b!aut.y 8b1dio. Xlnt OPJ>OI"
tunil;f for 1ood income..
J tompany benefits includ-
8' WO;Od carved ann divan, lg. man's chair or
love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w /
black or avocado framed chairs; 8 pc BR set.
9-d Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 com·
modes, decorati•e headboard in Spanish· oak
design with matching box springs, mattress &
SPANISH FURN IT URE Muon Grand ......... $695 __ .;c...;,;.;:.;.;;;; _ _.:;: starttrv, bronze p>Wer prop. :=an top. $ J g 5 O •
R.ETURNEL FROM BaldwinMKGrand •••• $899 bEAUTIFUL '' AM·FM CAR.PET WAREHOUSE covers. WIS. deluxe swivel eves.
MODEL HOMES. 8"VINGS Knabe Grand • , ••. , •• $1095 1tereo with mu 1 t Ip I ex Rmnnanfl.2nds-Roll End& aeata, Factoey trailer. $150 MOBILE Brake truck, atock
TO , 80%. Spanish quilted ao-1~~ out !amoua brand G=• ~ w a In u t Tboulanda of yard1 to mx. takea it. 642-0267 A: equip. 1960 Ford P/U
sofa 6: love aeat. 3 oak livirw ... .., ca '" ....... ....,. area for from! Some at Colt 1; Below. 1.;. .rr. CUilom F1amiJWO ~ Ton V-8. Days m-<M2
room t:ahleA, 2 living room decorator «JNIOlettn -~teo!(m~)· .UI, ...... ~ 81'1: 8:3CM p.m. Mon-Fri., Racer. Blue and IOJd. or eves 673-9312 vatltes to S98S NOW $599.. .... ,,,._. lMll ...... lampt 4: 8pa.n4'b painting. (Medlte tradJtlon-at about 113 original citWt. Sat 1().2 p.m. Trailer A bolt ~)' 1967 Toyota Scout P.U.
• tne employe diacoWIL .. ONLY $529.95
1$1095.95 Value!
El Presidente k 1 n gs i z e ~an, Wlll sacrifice $250. Phone 1753 S. Ritchey, Santa Ana pa Int e d . New whit. LO MILES.
bedroom suite, oak triple , ._a1. ____ Provlnclal ___ , __ 1 I 546-TISC 541-50'71 n au 1 ah yd e . Upbolsteey 642--0397 a.ftrr g PM
dresser " mirror, kin& 1 -'lbrte 16'n bp Champkm '69 GMC % Ton pickup. auto : .. Apply Personnel Office °' TERMS as low H $4.66 Wook ~boud, 2 eommode1, ORGAN SPEC,JA.LS SfEREO 1969 IOlid state con-SACRIFICE eigl.nes. Complete w It b trans. Must sell! Excellent
JW:wm;e mattress ~ box Tbomu Ora:an (2·m&nl.J $245 80le. Never uaed $85. Alto I wW u.crWoe all or part averal fuel tankJ, steering condition 962-7909 .. BUFFUM'S u .. our store charge pl•n or bank financing springs. 2 boudoir lamps, Wurlitz.cr •·••• ......... $399 g. w a In u t AM IF M of my neat new Medlte:r-and controls. See at m1..;.;.,,.:,,..:c.;;.· "-...;.., __ _
Approved Furniture 6 piece Spanish wrought llarnmond M3 ......... , $695 multiplex, I speaker audio rarqn tum. 8' Sofa &: love Lafayette, Ne-wport Be&ch.
Iron dining Bet. Only $467. Hammond 83 (with Leslie syatem. Normally sells for eeat. den furn, kine liJ,e JMps 9510 ~ Fashion Island
.-Newport Beoch
1.-* DRIVERS * ~No hperlence ,_. Necessary!
(No Foney Front -BUT Qvollty ValUH Inside)
2159 Harbor Blvd., Cost• Mos• 541-9660
Open 9-9 Dally-Sundoy 11.S
$211. dQwn le $4.SO weekly, speaker) .............. $2495 $489.95, , sac:ri11ce • m. bedroom set al!IO twin.
sell aepara,tely. Easy credit. "MANY MORE TO Cr@dit Dept. ~7289 Hid@-a.bed, occ chain. cof-Sailboits 9010
HAMIL'l'ON· FURN!TUJ\E OIOOSE FROM toe• end <0mmod01. 23, ERICSON. Fully oqulp. 1967 BRONCO
!iBtlwesmi~~~ •• ~ vdail•:,• Open Sunda,y 12 to 6 C1mer.a_1 .• & Equip_. 1300 Cheap. (7l4>: 526-6244 10 mos old, like new. Call 4-WHEEL DRIV.E -(OASJ MUSI( -REPRODUCI'ION Hutch or ~ 49f.6500 uk tor Hardtop. Red with wbl1e top. 12 Years ume location-same owners 10 -a.m. to 9 p.m.. Sat. " HASSLEBLAD---500-Ct lenses. dry-slnk-$75. King me bed, Miltr. • 6-cyl. R/H, rear aat. ---------
10 a.m. to 6 p..rn., Sun. strobe fl.a.sh, many ac-'·""· $200. Patio table $10. LIDO 1, Xln! ~ 2 ,.1 seat belts, skid plate. Oeanl 12 pm to s pm. 1139 Newport Blvd.1 CM bl ~ <:Ula.I ~ """·"-) 1000 =~·=· -="c·===~ 646·0271 ce=rie•. IJ,!;00. 6'>-2442, Duung room la e & chain """' 1175 ll6 _.;,.A -· """"'8 «~••°" --·· --6T;Hi(QI (Irwin) $50. call belore 11 or alt Bal is ~ ve. l,.!!!!..,;!!!!..,!!!!!!!!!!!!~I ,;us1 ti&ve clean California Fu,.;;Jh,;. IOOO Fumiture 11i1-vizw' m=ord. Apply ;_;;==-=----= ''YELLOW CAB CO.
~ • 186 E. 16th St.
Coot.a Meta
;t>· RHI Estate Solos
... Men & Women
r;ipaodlog apliL Ottice # < ,........ available Im
~ men 6 wtNpeD. hl-
Jt:iuit tncome " tra.brln&'· Mr t'1'dntt. S p r i n 1 Realty, ,.......
..:'SALESPD>PLE. Ne. at,
..,,. ............. !),,. ..
::,io1i.i.;"°"HN1th Spa
1*eda: salespeople. We train.
,.; exp, JJeC. Apply in per-
11!1111. ak> Harbor mvd., C.M.
From A Large Estate
A fine lll!diob of complete
full size bedroom s e t .
Dining room set, table &:
6 chairs, china, butfet.
custom made sofa chair,
mahog. ooHee & large
tablea w-leatber tops. 2 twin
mahog. bdrm. sets. Duncan
Phyfe table It 6 chairs.
Must sell all immed. at
a sacrifice. TennS on good
AOK Warehouse Located At
7122 Garden Gorve Blvd ..
G.G. % bl.ck W. ol Beach
Blvd .. near G.G. Fl'wy.
Open 10 to 9 Sun. 10-i
,... EXPERIENCED $29.44 only, for .. ,
BANK 3 Piece Braided
:: Newport National Ba.nk Nylon blend. reversible,
~ .. :t570 Campwi Dr., N.B. Brown, coppertone, grttn. ...can Mr. BroY:n, 5'10-2111 Size11: 8 x 10, 2 x 3. 2 x G
.-.e HOUSEMAN e AL'S UNUSUAL FURNITURE fgD time, nights. App)y 17881 Beach Blvd.
Uta • MED, 214 ll01pital Huntington Beach 842--4464 ~. Westminster. 893-4&41 J:xt. &rl. Furnituretud~turned r: dis--~ opportunity employer play s IOl!I, mode mes, ~ decorators cancellation.
.CWITAR LESSONS wanted Span11b Ii: Meditenanean etc JOr boy 10, beginner. l\1ust FU TURE ee qualified teach«. wm;,.. RD RNI
-tD come to home, Hun-1844 Newport Blvd., CM
~on Harbour. 846-1267 everi night tll 9
UAL ESTATE. Shouldn't Wed., Sat &: Sun. 'tll 6
;_ou be sellin& the hottest LIKE new, elegant hand
area Huntnlgton Beach! carved Rosewood, green
~ Real Estate 962.-44U wlvet !IOfa &: chair; oval
,,.. MG-8103 Drexel din. Ihle. &: chairs,
UNG man or \Wiman. mahog.; hidt'-a~ need.s
Jrative Sales Co as t a I cleanini; miAc.. t t em s •
• Potential, Oialle~. 968-''183, weekdays or ews..
Call 4!K-5469 aft 6 Mil i...:';;"'::.',;,w:;:""""=:ol ___ _
Jt\IR. St;ylim with following. FACTORY secoods:, genuine
~. Roberti Coiffures, 3800 oiled walnut table1, large lf*lt Hwy, CdM li'J3....38ro. selection of coclttail, lamp
roRE c 0 u P 1 e tor &: end tables. Priced to sell
fut. Far below wboeiiBle torial work S nite11 per price. KENNY BROWN
H.B. area. 962-2847 Furniture, Mfg. 1l1 E. 16th
iiiAL e1tate salesman. Good St., C.M. 6'6-7875
jatnm. " Door tim! + NEAR new Liv Rm couch.
flronut. Dana pt 4gs.s7!M chr, 3 tables. 2 1mnpl $150.
. -~-, u.-I Dbl BR. aet comp!, 2 nite "'"... ..__.. stands,, dbl dreaer $125.
-7!50 Rehl! G.E. Rdrlg 115.
· •• "IT'S NOT LUCK"
, . ''ITS KNOW HOW''
Ii<-Tnwl '"") • ,, , $650 NlX ••••••• , , ••.•. , • to $4(11
k,,oep •• , .... , • • • • • • to $400 ll,ntoJ cea. Oftlco ... , llOI
;..· MAI.ED~ .............. -.. ,,.,
~ Mer.,.... •.•• to lalO
~ ... •••••••••••• $1250 .-................ to saoo
Table A 4 din $10. 2 mo
old bike $30. S36--f681
NEW Cuslnnl made walnut
bade: l'lrivel I: tilt chair + ottoman $330, sen for
$100.. A!llO Distreued Oak
pme set $UOO, .ell tor $550.
Call 644-0710 eves. wkdys
UNUSUAL &lau top table
w/drtttwcod baM! $50. Pd.
$200. In """ """'· .... w port. TV, VHF, Uni XI''
$40. m-sm or 5tS-t931
~ ... KJnc-Sbo Bod,
beautiful quilted mattre.a.
a-p11t foundation, blt·ln
frame.. Never med. a
Worth $250.. 842-6536
20 Pc "Modrid"
3 Ro"m Group
From Model Hom•
include!'!: Quilted sofa &
chair, 2 rnd !ables, ooUee
table, 2 lamps, dresser. mir-
ror, headboard, quilt box
sprgs & mattr. 5 Pc Dining
room table &. 4 tll • Back
Compare at $749.95
Pay $16 por
21 Pc
Office Equipment 1011 Oran&e County's 8, 536-3788 · 1952 MILITARY Jeep, Chev
ROYAL electric typewriter t..nrgel'lt Selection or Sporti~? Goods 1500 FIREWOOD FOR SALE LIDO 14, No. 983. good cond. V-8. Positraction, new 1100
good cond. $65. Paymaster CONN ORGANS W&lnut It Eucalyptuii. $47.50 wlboat_ dolly, $875. eve x 15 tires. Corvair bucket check writer 1118.50 value GET READY • • • crd, $25 %i crd. Delivered 644-2!65 day• 540-7434 seat.II. Surrey top. 23 gal
NE\v • USED ·'so for summer; build your own ..... tank Xlnt cond See $39. Adding machine \tith · ' .,.. & stack'd free. (1) 688--0846 •-• • WURLlmR 1 u r l b o a rd or bellyboard C . at Mesa Union Statioo Com. subtraction. I't'al nice $22. complete. use our shop: we WATER heater 2(! gals $15. Power ru1Mr1 9020 Fairview a: Newport B!vd.
64:'.l-5143 aft 5 PM PIANOS &: ORGANS iupply all material & super. good for 1maller home ot 3&' CRUISER. M · um _ NEER, Xlnt
---· .-.. ---•• Some. J1opr Models vise yaur work; profession. rental 642-a526 after 5 or oonng JEEP: WAGO
Cafe, Rest•Ur•nt 8014 Rentals • Service e Tenns ped bJ weeke~&. availa.ble. Ju.st hauled out cond. Qualified Teachers :!r.~ anks, box fins. Quality Klnl'-Sil.e Bed. A majored. Must sell! MUtr 4 wheel drive, hubl, autD * PUBLIC SALE * PIANOS from .......... S:lt8 Litt!• .. ~ 9/0 beaut:Uul quilted mattrns. 6 pm. 548-8691 trans. Pl~ pb. 673-5842 All restaw'3Ilt equipn1enl in OR S I """" 1 •uo: MILITARY Jeep < whl GAN from • .. • ... . 477 FIN-NOR ..,_, ni:t1 split foundation.. bit.in ~ '
bulk. Party's defaulted&: has Gould Music ComJHlny * ~ *....,..,.,. frame. Never med. $98. Bolt Mllntenanee 9033 drive. $850. Finn. M&-0098,
been duly notified by reglv 2().l;j N, Main, Santa Ana I======== Worth $250. M2-6536 · 858 Victoria. CM. lered mail Jan. 27, 1969. Sale "'--....i..... El · to be held Feb. 13, 1969 10 So. of F'reewa.y, 54.l-0&81 MJ1celllMOVI 160Q WEDDING rillel, 13 atone'9 Painui15 • £<•'6•.uc • ectric f-------
an1 at 209 Palm Ave., Bal· Mon A Fri 'tiJ. 9 Sun U.S 1---------in unique .ettina:, beautiful by ~e~Sldpper Campers
boa. Calif. Pl.ANOS & ORGANS TWO """"'"""' D • k • cond. Sacrilice U 5 O. 1--------1
IJammond S.3 chord organ . • Kohanamolru's original pine 548-8997 CAB lUGH C AM PER
.................. , ..... $399 aurfboard ·that be used oU HOLIDAY Health Spa con-Merine Equip. 9035 SHEIL.
G•rege Sale 8022 Wurlltt.er 2 in 1 orpn , , $699 the Corona dd Mar beach. tract for 2. 4 mo11 old, :It -8 FOOT LONG. $6S.
Hammond ¥-3. like new $999 $411. Can be used as coilee mo left, $275. 645-7793 MATCHED pr Ch r y 1 I~ r Ml-1863
''Barcelona'' PHontOTOGy, inclRAPu":~~YBe~I·er~ Farfiaa 2 Mnl organ •. $499 table. Nearly new fiberglas GREEN ho"-S' x 6' M31.8B. 210 hp, V-8 marme '63 ECONULINE complete. -~ -~ WALLICHS surfboard $75 548-2394 after ...... • engines. 545-9425 eves ' 'Kinn Size color head enlarger w/3 6 · heater, fan, light, Saran. ....... ~ camper. 4 •pd, atick,_ air •
" tens. All types oJ dark room MUSIC C ITY p.m. Altocattleyu. ~2465 vi......,_., See at 212 Cypens. Apt 3 Room Group equipment. Bring caM Sun. 3400 So. Bristol, Costa· Mesa **** LEAVING state , WOMAN'S Diamond bracelet loet Slip Moori-9036 No. 2. Ba.Ibo&. $900
Old World El-ance atterooon only. 1869 F • .540-3165 • Selling all furniture, •P. Old I b I ... -• pliancetl aeceas o rles • very va ua •· includes: Quilted aof.a & Newport Blvd , C.M. Yamahl Ewrythl.na lhowroom new. Sacrifice. fl3..8632 27' S~ ~ x 16' beam Camper Rentals 9522
Joveseat with P,Wow bacltl. Upstain in te8:'" or call PtanOt & Orgins See from lO:AM ~:PM any New imported Pullan rup,, Need aide-tie dock, m>mol--'-------1
2 masaive lamp tablH, col· between 6 &: 'J:30 pm for See them now at day, Eves: by appt. 644--02lS 2x4', 4d', lbl:lO', 9xl2" t.m, Kl &-3627 COACH• TRAILER
fee table, 2-42'' lamps. King cW=o..:646':;,;7:,;445;:.::ox::l..:1::•·~-Coast Music 130 Amieoes Way, No. 3 * 842-1890 * Newpmt Slips for rent RENTALS
sl2 master bedroom with GIGANTIC 5 Family Garqe 113 lvd Newpt mun. MICKEY Mouse Wat c b Big Bay, $2.25 per toot It'• none too early to makt
quilted mattr l box sprgs, Sale. Incl furniture, g.......ting 9 Newport B , CM --~===:---548-2592 or 494-2671 eves. --Hol ~··· 64L0271 POOL ~M••• ee.1 •""· ..,.,...tJO.,. for ~-~ , large dresser, mlrnir, 2 goods, clothing, bunting l .-..,.,..,u .....
1tand1, headboard. 6 Pe fishing equip. Q u a I i t y ·==~----~ Evenlnp 494-7457 Mobile Homu 9200 =·END OR WEEKLY
swivel chair dinette aet. merchandise • bar g a In WE'RE In our new store. TABLES SURPRISE! Mother poodle, 546-al91 Compa re at $12".95 prices. Sat & Sun 9:30 · Our fantutic sale ot Pianos father '? Puppies born New BAY HARBOR
•..... P•y $21 per mo. 4 PM. 3822 Campwi Dr. ~ ~·=~ Year'• eve. $5. 5§5..6519 Mobile Homes Show Dune Buggl.. 9525 • $699 N. B. (by airport\ &: <qan "super market". New data $695 val Now $295 CUU.IGAN Water Softener. 1969 10 ~ 12 WIDE SALE 1;;.=:..o=='---'-I
DOUBLE bed $20, 1 red S.S. Plano1 from $195. Organs 23 Models to cll008I from $59 Fully automatic, used 2 yrs. .fO ft • 60 tt l 64 fl 1966
000 W. 4th St.
Santa Ana 547-5731
Hours: Dally 9 to 9
Sat 9-6 &. Sun ll.fi
Quo ultlo $40. Ott tbb from $195. up. :m: 19M187, 692-2l<ll per! cond. IJ50, !l68-:l6SO 1 OR 2 BEDROOMS DIJllf BUGGY
$8 each. 1 mt chr ~ thl• WARD'S BALDWIN sruo!O KNITTm FABRICS MlSCELLAN>XlUS 'Jowolry, Al Low A>
$25. ~ 421 Iris Ave. 1819 Newport, c.M. 64U48C will sell cheap! ~ to ap. $1196 Down-$69.01 Per Mo.
CdM. VFOR SALE I =-=="=· =673-11632===::-::= 1 IDd. tax, lie., .., and ,.,..., LEAVING aroa! Furnl!utt. FREE TO YOU 1• _ and 3 yoan """"""'·
motorcycles, window fan, I-.;._;;;;;;:_.;..;;_.;..;;..;;._ i:M:a~ C::if~ ~ Misc. W1nted N 10 ~~~ ~ ... St.,!.~ ~.,10 sm. appliances. M 1 1 c. ORGANIC Fmlliaer, qoed VA<a '-" .n.r
837--0458, 25093 Cbamplaln hone manure comblned p.m. 929 Baker, ~ Mna. SEE tbe Dual W.ide Rof.id·
Rd., Laguna Hilb. with ""°" wvlnp. Good GOLF beg, clo"' and -• WANTED • liner PIO Ametiao, Para-
GARAGE Sale: Dinette &. mulch. 833-5332 or 546-4931 complete. Set 2 years old. Furniture e Appliances mount. Elite and General
6 chall's, 'J' divan, bicycle, betw S & 5 lilon thru Excellent condition. 1 &::: 3 Color TVs e Pianos mobile homes now •t
mi<c1 '"""· 519-0806 Fri-'"" """"· """" ' """ '· ETC. Dual Wide Sales
Ready to Go
2 REFRIGERATORS, camp "MAXMILLIAN" black ....... wedge &::: putter. Cart ~ equip. Elec motor, elec terrier puppy G m :;;: new. $75. Mf)...(006 Cash in 1/2 hour Olapman Mobile Homes Inc.
oven, etc.~ Houaebroken, puppy ahols, 1 HP electric a.Ir com· 541-4531 520 Nj3~~:71' S.A. 14t·OJOJ-67J•11ff
GARAGE SALE: Furniture to good home with yard. prenor, was air condition ""'"'"'""!!l!!""!~!!!!!!!!!!!•l;-;;;,,;;;,::;;::;~;,_.,-=,I 1170 HA.DOI ILVD,
&. Mlsc items. Aft. 5 p.m. ~9306 or unit. $75. Polaroid Camera w A N T E D 1 BDRM, xlnt cond. A reai1 _ _,,,,c"co0-sC'TC'A='M'=UA""'=-316 M-..t-.ld, CdM 546-3583 1/6 Model 240 w/attaclunenta. buy, adult park. 2191 Harbor VW DUNE BUGG?:
In excellent condition, like ""'•"' DOG ~--· , mal Ix brand new, $15. 545-761.S . Blvd, C.M. Sp ~11 Acrou SHARP * •llM
new. Beaut. quilted sofa $89. I ---------: .... ____.., '' e, m -We need quality (no junk from K-Mart ..,....
chair $49, 3 pc. aeet, $99, llOO lure of Collie &: Airdale. MUST SEU! pie~). Furniture, co Io r 10 x 45 Mobile Horne. 2 * 6734l!ll *
a<>f& A love .eat $179, 5 pc.1 _A..;pc;p_li_•_n_c•_____ Need roomy home. Loves Light Auburn flll TV a. sterma, appliancff, Br. 25' Alum awn. Set tip I ~A-9600
dinette set $24, 5 pc bednn. children. Abt 9 mo. Shots toot. and office eqUlpment. . . mtA"' ,... I DELUXE RCA relrig-Freezer 548-73'15 a.ft 5 p.m. 215 Paid $120, Sacrllice J25, TOP CASH IN 30 M1 ut 1 1n Sp. 525 Fairfax Dr. CM.
set $89, box IPl'I & mattl 19 cut ft. No frost, aulo FU mal ~=518-453~=-'.,."'-'-'..,P~m~-_, 531-1212 * ~ea. ~2370 • Spot Cub tor Im~ (all sizes) $8. ea. Kins iltt Ice maker. auto defroster. LL grown e, tiger .MU-:~ •·n, ~ 8' TRAILER •~ ea~--1 ,,_ We ... v DXJre b ·-,_.......,I $25 e11.. Sell all or any put. striped cat, 9 yn old. Loves "' <M beet Oucr. BUYING Sil Coins 10% .. ......_ v~ ,_, -.. ._..... .. T Also deluxe Frigidaire dbl chldm. M-"-by Feb. sofa., single bed, 2 maple ver 2 bedrooms, Xlnt thruoot reprdlt11 of :yur, mal:r ·
'"""Ao'K WAREllOUSE oven Ir range top, bit-in 14th. ... _·;9·~ 837 ~ _ _. bunk beds, 3 end tables. o~ face. Dollan • $1.70. Make offer OR 3-29(8 or cmdilian.. 117 u before · controls, xlnt cond. m-7334 ~ ' --.N c:A• 2 bar stools, 6' 3" --n--i Silver nick.tis SJ.50 roll. . .,.... Rll. EL II 0 RE LOCATED AT 371 .... ~.... cosrA COIN'S 837 w 19th 1968 TRAILER 12xf0, furn. .~
17'l: Garden Gl'U\l'e Blvd., KENMoai;:_ au tom a t t c ·w'"-v'-A-'11_L_.E_f_•malo ___ Go_rm._ I "m,,"",,_· -""=1213=-==-r: St., c.M. 6*J.MS , $64XO. 1560 Placentia Aw, ~=-~ tSSm.u ~ lllvd.
c.c. :in B1odl: west &om the washer, .. te model. x1nt Shepherd, 1 ~ aUwr-tan. Kirby vacuum cle&n!r wlat-r~EtS~~·~nd~L=IV~E=ST~OC~K~,!~N~.s~.~s.~co,~MU1~~cJ~i 1:=j~"'~-~-~~~=I comer of Beach Blvd .. near cond. Lovea chlldftn: needA rood t.cbmellt&. Tab cmr llMll c.c. Frwy. IOJ. * M'l"115 homo w-tencod •,, • • """"" " ..,, ott bllanco ~ ll2S M.lorcycles 9300 CITROEN
Open 10 tot p.m. Sun. lo.& KELVINATOR rdri&"· lee. 531-5382 BtflD'e mon. Oil $.W.12. Ctedit Dept
c:rou-top freezer and door "'iJ(ij:j~;ji~~;t;;;;;;; I ·==-:~KE~>-~"811~!,._-,.,,-AUSI'R.ALIAN' Silky Terrier e . '63 DUCAT!. Good dirt CITROEN Sta. Wp. '61 ..,,_,_ xlnt --.a Kil FLUFFY w b I t e cat, Jave• Puppie• AKC, ah 0 t s , bike, $199 or best offer. w/'65 9.1....,. 83 -. P/S. •--... : ........... """' clUld-n. G'--._ .........a (3) 20 CUBIC fl pottery kilns ., e .62 HON ~· --~ Avail. March 5th.. 644-2902 "" •~• •u "........ _.____ .,i:A h female $175. Male $150. DA street. Good radio, etc. Xlnt con d . home due to Our alle....., ................ , ._ ea C' • nd -837 •••• ~· ·~ T Pri -t 897-712'1 co . -· .......,.. 838-6555 MONAR.....-.. EltttriC' rangt, problems. ~1753 mns. \la.c; Par >' • !=========I
PAID FOR :-· = ...
~j.. ANTIQUE Victorian pump '"\
Orran;, Fn!nch Bed le
Colarwd TV11, Pl1noa
Appllanc•, Antiques
1 Ploco or
new; never used, white; f75-.1Sll eott11. LOVABLE Samoyed Pup-'68 ENDURO 250 cc Factory
auto oven, $275. 962-3914 NEED rood home, lend yd. e VACUUMS e pie&. AKC. 9 wkl. Pet i. waITanty. Like new. $615. DATSUN
Lovable male Buiett Hound 1how quality. 2-females. I ~Call~~540-~78~77!.,,,,,,.,,,,...""'"' 1-:::-::-=::--::-w: ..,be::.u: "t:;.''! ~!M. '°:' t"""" 2111 1,1:.:,.~.~ 962-"'6 '8.s.A. "'Shootlnc star !600. • DOT •
~-Tho Nt•port
... Set-I "' ·-, -
Is Our Spoclaltyf
""tat 6"-3526 after s oo ~=:..=::....;:--~=.: 333 E. l'llh. CM., 6C-1.5$l * DOBERMAN$ * Call .. 6'>-9169
...,....,_ BEAUT. """' -G. Shop-Xlnl --"ty. m"'t .. u now. P .. ce IOd Love" DATSUN beo! 17 moo, Ilka coa, Ad· Movlnt -Mud S.IH •-BENDIX Gu d:r)'a', ultl ple&m 133-963!5 aft 4. 2/5 HoUdty Health~ member--~ 2 HONDA tr.a 90'a. 600 'AUTHOAIZID DlALIR
late mod<!,""" eond. ohlp, no tnltlatlon toe. Coll WIREHalrFoxt.merpupo. mJlaeoch. ua .... eond. HUNTINGTON $60. * S47.SUS ND ll>me f!!1r lovable blk. 146-9721 aft 5 a: wkend&. AKC. $S0. Must 1 e 11 • S2'1S a $295. 5f6..07SO
fem, cat Vu, pntt.. Ii ==="'"°=,....,-,-S.2--9981 or SCS-1.Ml3 8 hair. 51<-3137 2/6 AOORABLE• Miniature ~-------6 1 Auto Sonfco EACH
BEAtrr. female CallcO eat. =~e,RNI I 91= ~ ~~~malt, & P1rtt '400 New tn~ Used C..rs
H&ll lbob: • spayed. Gd W-5936 M2-512. 426 lttOPAR Wedp-PoUthed Compl•te Servlct I Pe rts
bou1t pet. 548-3'716 216 cnnk. TRW pistom Enon llll5 BEACH ILVO.
IBMALE ... -• ~o:=G .;,:..~ Ll-!Ock ll40 ..... portod ....... w+u 142-77'1 -540-04-42
declawed. Dean.tor ca&'e A Frft .et. del, pldmp, m Di.st. AD trftb + Dual for-J111 J 11111•1 S.. S•• Di.t•
S Unchea. 96US01 21! Ma.in, HB "BU'nf" S3&-6n 2 NUBIAN Y~arllnc Dom. quefbltr, A1mn Blb&ing + F.y, 1"4 1•11 1 f-191111,._,
Ya. er,.. mW cal 11ttkinl RCA VklOr Cdcr' TV '4'* ~:ri ~ ill aCCl'9I. JstO er otrtr. ~
a<lulll••-Allerod•wto ll75.'J pc bdrm .... ms: Tlt.ANSPOilT.ATION Doi> -'"DATSUN Pia<UP
• 548-2513 211 All wolnut. 519-m> aft L 4 VW l!MPI MAGS c Sp4, WSW, dlr, ... hlut
SMALL "°""" ~ to HOME SODA· FOUNTAIN 1 1~1~111;;;-:&;::Y:,oc:~:":-;-;;:tc~l>~DO];".:;;::'fl!.~=-:;==~';;I with .,........ Int. J,000 .... """'· 2 "' uld. .,,. SmoD 1eflla<tatad umL ActuoJ mllel, .-~ tt11tnt watch q . 962-4311 150. ..Im lf rr. Pe1aua. bl&Dds' TnJW, Trnel M25 Wlln'. m Cub dtls er take t'JEE I cu• mlxtd t.'Md De I us• mo 4 e I (al I fnde, inter tor.Ip. WIJJ
Jiupples T wb old. Call WEDDING Gowtt• vell, llkl: t1 ber1le11) oatbou ~· AR.ISTOCRAT 'C1 Cu ftnc prvt prty, LB «l!llm,
_ ~·· 211 nnr, alJe M ; l'et.IOl'lllblt. Olltom 1mp dow'D c:ovtt. reftfa. Motanl.Hc toilet M!..t _.. us. _ ... ~" m.«163 Alt. f PM Bl& "1l<el ttlt tnifl<r. $100 ...... '-·-Inc. hitch. -~-.,.,.,"~~~-="'-=;,=--
SJNGLE Bed, comp If! t e . LARGE. Old, MIOd 11umi. phone M:i-4980 a:nn 1 pm. $1515. 54l)...m5 '65 DATSUN
uaab&t: 549-1565 Ewa. 2n cootdna atovt, wood Incl., Cl111fc 14' low Iott T--....1._ Sedan, 4 spd, dlr, r I; ll, t ll'·
HAMPn'ER, very 11.mt wtth "A GEMi" 646-419 Refitted 1; painted, $225. ,_<V<D..;,.;;_;.;_ ____ .;.95;:;00:.: ttllent condition thnr-out.
..... """'"' 216 --'. !IS CMb .. 1 •• wtb .... pij. .,.._, °""' ____ • ._·--____ 11952 CHEV Ii , ... n:plcL·-.... -~-.. --
.... ~ -.LL.~, S --.I o..a.J..... >a MA w ...... l'•'I"• O .f"'n --~ ~ 1•-"" -e.,.. .... • Good condttlon ., CaD Mo L. a '-"OS ,,, '
with -... 143< 211 Balboa, Sat. SUa __ ..:OW!G==ll:..ri't;c._ __ ;-=':.:. .. ::.: .. :;: ... ::__~__ _ .. _...___~-"',," __ -_"""' __ ,
.AnHquoa 111 0
1" 'JI t' I
' . ' I I I l L \I I LI .
ti .1 ii· ,11 i •)
2929 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa 546-1934
Open 'ti! 10 p.m.
'64 POI.ARA, 383 V-8, power
6' auto." AM/F?i;i. Top
shape. ~ lo l'ftl5,
.. ·. df:. ~. ..: ·KNOW
~OUStY · · :THAT Y r:~a;·.~• · • ·Cll IE . OWNED·· , : DRIVING '68 : 1· BRAND
: ,: ~ADI ll:ACI : fOOlE .. ~N. ~SQ. CALIFOMIA.' ' : • ·j,,. ~.
4 DOOR - 2 D~OR "~. : 12
• El 1>9r1dos • ;• ~~~; : . t
• Coupe de YUies · •
• ••
' '59 DODGE Wagon, new • : ••
Heml E"lln" ·""· ,,.. All Carry N-Car .. ' 1 • ' 121!1. Call '41).Ull dtc & •
\I 1' , '
' I , '
j~rtupo r1
31111µ011-:; 3100 w.ci•t it.,.; . :i~ .,,""",,..: =•~'."' '68 CHEV. IMP. FALCON S Year or SO,OOO. nle.'~eii l..., :
SPECIAL . · N·---GROTH CHEYROlfJ eou ... ,.v.s, a"tomaPc. ta!-• tl:E" ~· • .. ~ MNIM --'100,w. a..,.U1..,. _1oey_a1r,_powu._st..,.,.. ·~.,;i>ED6F~~ .. ~ "'o!'-____ ·-A · _ .~R---.,
' · Aathtiriad MO DeaJtr Newport Beach Ask for Sales Manacet power brakes, metallic blue. otuon, .. ,... ~ '& • ' • ---II-SEO •N 3100 W. Q:lut Hwy, ~ 540-1764 182U Beach Blvd. Very clean. VPX867. FER. &U-5938 aft 6. ' I'\
• Ne"'°rt Beaeh PoncU '61 .. ti><><""" MG Deale' Hwrtlngton Beach $2695 I - -' ~ ...... NG 0e5::~161
. 'kper 90 , Kl 9-333!' 1" "'' lot on """°' Blvd. FORD Ii ' --1·
JAdlf.iii .>ii XJ<E: Xlnt R"l>y .r..t Coup< with blacll • VOLKSWAGEN WE PAY ~H JOHNSON & SON MECHANIC'S OLDSMOBiLE • cADILLAC • s199
-· Lo mllol. !3160. , , In-. All Porsche exbu Uncoln-MocCW'Y • ·
·I 1. . m4ftt ' , . lllQd. !'!."'mall. It,. tam.,, • -. YW C..ta Me,. Bran'h SPECIAL ., 1 . 'I JAGUAR Mark L "2.1 ek, •IC:.'\'<"llY ovomaal· ,• ' FOR YOUR CAR 1941 Haiboi-Blvp . 642-7000 1960 Fon! CalW<l,, v.s. w/o 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY DOW~ ·uw. ia· ,od Win'· ~ . ji 1 t I I . '65 CHIVROLil; lntal<• m......, & waie. LA•UNA llACH · • . . * 615-2261 * · ' ' ce· I'" 11 ~.... CONNELL . '. Impala $poa< CpO. Mdlo, pump. OOlld•tranl-& •"11ne, ,. 1 M '-eN ._ · . ·'3 JAG S.I MrJc U1 &rm .'' :eo IUE '"·''"."''."' .. ~ bf;a~er, automatic, Ptw•t N'Oi ~lnl· aeu· •• ii~ ••s: ., .. ~.
wire ~1 p/S. 1 ciWftlr, 161 Bua:s '''""''i'"' S4f9 · \. , VB. (HartO;l) or beat Ofter. See •t 2ll9 S. , 547•3103 1.,..-• .,..,, , 51,ooo m~IU25. l'IMIOI ·: :~ /!.~ .. ,, .......... ._ !!· $1095 l llilsa, ~ Ani.:N0-9391 • .
70:iiZ! • I ' • -• " ••••••••••• ;., -ATLAS . ·61·'CN'J'R.Y! Sed. ~ag. 10
MANN' GHIA' 3100 w. Oout ""'" ·~ir.':"' = Rd~. . . ...... 300 •ng. AT. R/H . ' NeWJl9li Beath . •· , ; CJm:YSU::R·PLYMOUTll PB/pb, lac air, 23,CMXI on
elllM iQ.9405-541).1764 @. . Yp ~ -2929 Harbor mvd. eng. b1i racks,-aood tlrq. ,f U1111U Authorilild MQ Dealer • ' . . I: Pl,J: Costa Mesa Sil--1934 ~tM15l 0r Will trade. 837-0458
-~-n..-..._ .. _ 911 Co 5 pd ft ~ _ .. -1'-" Open 'til lO p.mo'I '9' •>JBL,.\NE I HT. New -•• -•. -.-... -----~--.-~ ' r:r.: ;i:obik. llS00."1:°~,',..: ~l. · '."' ""'; :!i•~l~~ . -'67 CHEVY • ..,'.'Bliek<•""""· Xlnt 2n11 m11.;;;,;;,;· 1111a';'. pd
1 'IS palrl; li&ht body work. $803. .,~e i' ' IMPOA-· w+!!Lr Nova SS Cnu~. low 13.000 ~-PPV PlY m. 56--~ tire•: -S..109I Itta'
AU extra lbUp, an with n.· ~~Bun. ~ •• ~ Ofi&inal miles. Real sharp 1..;':.· -----I-"====:...:.::::..-. dtol 6 M&tert and one wt~ 1111 PORSCHE \,Q N. t. ~ · ar.n&e t~ and clean. Uc. UJC901'. $1995 ** l96S FORD IC o u n tr "I 190 1 DR Mon\e"'1 mw p/1 -lt-,.----Ooa.--9!f.,
atr conditl9nlnc. BaMma YeD6w. Clean $llll ,,. · ·~ TOP I l~U Dean Lewis Importll, 1966 Squire Wqon. L 0 ad e d I Kood tires, nani ~. $350 ,.,.._ "C • '63 IUtc:I ~~" ~.
• ., !Inn., 503 ' Acacia CdM 8!1-';-_~ ~OT. A Harbor, C.M .• 646-9300. ~t11. 16~· 6T>l2l0 or or belt r.f1tr. 64&-2231 vn_IUI'. ' .H.T" ,._ MtMMitk., , 54f·OJOl-:fiJJ.l lfO ~--.;al _.,. Vl.r" 'I'""': ...,... -613-8'13 -. ~ 1f 70 ttAllO .. ILYD. H. 9tach. ... -A-M7-a555 11167 EL CAMINO, 4• 11peed,' i.1..1.. PONTI'" GTO 1•• ....... ,...., ... :
00 POllSC:JiE 912. COIYA 'MUA ---1 p eclal suspenlioB-JSS. 82 FORD ~Wagon, 6 cyl, • ''-,...... lf11t•ry •Ir I FX~4•) ·~ •
AM/FM, ndiah, hdnts. •60 VW'--• ~ .• ••---AUto L-· I ' ·' Hl'O .Black. penonal w-, new •tici<, rebuilt '"""'· $!00. . MUITAN• • · ~ b ~~!!· --=:: •· S 11 Al '.1 ---· -• < . "I ,, "~ '1 t I -~1"-'™5679 • . · • """"' •-·• ·• W' • 1C300 ar btst otter 673-2585 'New tlrel.·• ..., • .... W1:'I, s c us <-vuu aon. · -67 YltlTAN•' .Jaw mllei (~Gt37) I -
, . -• • . · 675-2"!1 ove.. .I I.EASE .1M 12100. 615-2226 '6'\I Fon! E !Oil 8""" Ven. ' ..,.,.. . • • . , . •
. '6'PORSCHE.odntoqod.fui'i ·iii ·;vw';B""' ..... Xliit .. . w CHEVY. aolo, pt, A"b>J02V-S.lOOO>nl.$2900. v.s.4-Spoocl .'~QYoJo· .• AT''LA:995 s' '67 OPIL .. :
\ ;_ i:f• mileage, '4700 _firm. ,,-OR ~. t,AM-FM. Prv prty. · Ra&et quoted _ 24 mo. lease Rf}J._ W15. See to a~ 54&-1694 . AM.FM Stereo • Dlztt bl1il -·· . . 1 • \ •spt. Co11po. R1.i19, ,..,..,_ ~ •'•~'' • ... 1• take over payts-6_¥'m · ... *1037 or 837-4211 '69 ~uatana: V-8, air $89. mo preclatt. Ph. 5.1G-1141 wkrxls 56 FORD 6 1ticlt $85 with maichtns lnterior. TN'k. QU\YSL!:R-PLYMOCml -•• 11911d .. I •Wft•r, (UO :
< --'-· RSCHE --' · ._. "'ter 5·30 56 Mere 8 Conv ~ 056. ' '· lrJ9 u•""'--.!A · • •1011 • M111R 67J·11t0 '"', '13 PO . S. xlnt ~·11.1, VW BO. w/RebuUt '62 ert. 'flt ~ Yl.8, air $89. mo ... ,... · · • • ''" · Coa\a .ri ~ .......... _, .. ,
lfft MAUOI 1.,.,0• c.' all ntw ~ip. ~at ... ~~· Good um, xlot cond. $500. '68 Cad ,epe cit VUJe, alr, fl,lll '6.1 BEL AIR ~ Factory' a.tr 646:lMS 1.st car Jot f!2~5arbor Blvd. -Mria •· · . 546-i.iit • $1491 ~
OOITAMllA ; •. ~7~ter'6 · .·:-673-4.nG · • • •. ,Pwr,ll,OOOml, •• il.49.60mo mnd. R -.dlo/H eater 1936FORD4DR..; O Open'til lOp.m..,. •·-------
1 d A _ .. 116' sc i>!>"cho """° wtlh 64 VW,BIJG. SHARP! • i '."cad OIV,C)IOQ)ij);$89 mo '64&-9223 • ""'" wteods Town sedan. Good ~ JOHNS N & SON '61 TEMPEi'!', 321000',ml one • -,67 CHIV S.S.", .. GHI . air 'condtti:in. Ntw ·~W Radio.6tltts.B Owner ! 61T-~iit~Mtll:m1 .... uea GREENBR.I.ER Van, m1~gw0r.N.R " .J.Jn9Qln-M;ll'CW')' owner;.exoellent •cntl!.·-•
Radkl and hlattr, outit&Nt-Urt&. $2!Dl, ~ , $1111. Call :l..mt . ···········~~····· SM.72 mo food oond, $515 cub. Owner •53 1'"0RD Country Sedan O>st& ~,Jltueh ~Ct.I ~•~•"I•~ h••t•r, 111t1., ,,S'
, inc value. Uc. OXT 380. '62 vw C&m r Wtst h&ila Call: Harry WUl1a.ft!' ~sin ~agon. R/H. Needs tite1. 19'1 Harbor Bm!. ,SO.nm car. See to appreciate •'·'· lmm1111l1+. cwtfi•li
fffl SUIARU ,..,,nt ....:oi 1,: 4 So, C-.1 Cer Lt111n9 ·in. <DRVAN, reblt ,.., 6 $56(1. ~ 'al MUlll'Al<G . Convt v.a, ~ · • $2291 -
L $1075. SU.29ST ' • Pl ' ~ .w. ·~ ~way , dutch ueembly. Clean. Gd "65 FORD Galaxie 500. 390 red~ all the ntru. Ffld 1168 350 H.6, Fireblrd JDlilt • . j
Alllll 1...:1 1969 SUIARU ~-Beo:ch 11<:,645-2U2 tire1.1'1SO. ,.._2931 v.s .. ns.-"opc1 tnns. Alt C!Olldltlon. bnt ·oll er. -ovW. 3 IPd -. • ""'Tl4" '
. Won. UUIO lrolD $1297; U MPO .,. vw, ' -· '""""''' * AUJQ lfASING* '6i OiEVY 1111at1on Wagon s pm. 642--"" . -:i:m '"'a..... l«lO. beto.. --: IHPORTS Coml>1"te !orellll <:ai '"'"" Great 6Jrdune buhf. Im . A . $400. "5 l!;ut 17th ·SI., '56 FAIRLANE. full P"' 6 iiiT MUlll'ANG 219, 2 dr, book. Call be-•• 1 T:IO: la.,;.,.,;. 4 ,,...., "
TOYOTA-YOLYO Kotta KllStolll Kan 673-tiTI C.d,M. . .''I. ALL MAKEs C..ta Mue autometl<:, -""" & .,... hnl lop Arr. air, P/B, 1116-7446. ext IS. _• . 1ht•t•<. IUIUll •
. IWW,CM. '1116-9311! 1*11atbot!IJlvd, -'6'VW,l--n.-/<XIMP£TEl'lVE)'RICES ' '60 CHEVY IMPALA. dltlon.$3)0.6<"'19f;6 ~· W>der -·n l'ONTIAo FIREBl!U>il ' $1:191•
S11509 ~~.Jiu. ·Cort Pox Auto Lelil"I Xlnt rooo. $400. -u'"'C.OLN .,. ~1p71'.· ':: = ••--...:..' ----.
LOTuS , TOYOTA VW w~ ndlo 221 w. Cout !liihwey 548-2900 an 6 pm. n MUSTANG,;:, Futback. e ,....., Attto...,,. 64+4058 .. ,.,. OLDS Cut._ -
.. . . 1969 · .. ,,, • pop ~ BN.ch ·&G.a+tO ·-•b'I AulO, Pl. rad». • \ T-"'' .., -C . out wnd"". StnJ&'ht stick,, CHRYS'""' '65 LINC CONT 19,000 ml. i.uc.,111w. UllilG '64 LE ·'MANS. auto, v.a. •H.T. c,.. ltAH, ••tt ..
, 11 LO'l'U8 E""'"'· ""' . '67· ORONA · m,.;. iooo ml llS'lll. 6IMlllt u...i e:,;.-:-. ..... t900 , -.. • • J .. N""'"' m."9lo • 11 ~ H, pd c:ond. lduot •''' "''· t,.,.,., : ':i1:r~im:L19;i1 .1: .~n, automatic tnfti,, n.. VW '64 Sunroof, lo mllet, -:-· '61 Chrytltr NewpWt, ~oo~~~A·~~:: ,67 M•t&nl. JM •ltrs, ·ai;' 1tU. f'ID. 642-8801 • $ 1191' ·
· 4.30 Jt rn. . dio and healtt, portable bar. cloan~ 'T~ N:kertl , JRAllJPOIJ)JIDll 4, DiOr H.T. POWt? ~ metallic P'!f~~matcb-oond. ~ .xua.';.. ~ • ' . . . • "" be••r Ljc. TYX237. , • • • • • wu ... ™'°· .hee ... 1 .... '1rJ d«ljt.1c;-·'" in'"' """· Lllce ""'· -·... ·llAMll;ER • ... oLn .. ,r • · MDCIDES •INZ ~. 495 L . ~ !•~! :.le~ Convt. ... .: · ··CAR SAlE .. '' .. :1 twl air, automaUC,, ~II b-.' . , , · J • ·, f64 kAMIL.lt •L11i11ry 4 4eer, fli ll '.w.;tl
• . Mil.IA· .· j,..:, su.1121 " ' 1-. CSTVllll " :.i. ' .. ;''--. OLDSMOllLE 'Ouol<: kden 6 eyl •Ill<> ,., .. ..,. •'!;,. ISUPllll •
Won. UlllO '15 vw oqtW<b&ck Station cr..iu P'Oblem ? ......... , ' AT,1Lf9A5 s ~tOHNSoNi7sO~N. ~· ' . me.Uc.' real cleen. CWio): '$;&49. ;
I ""RTS We1on. New """ xlnt 1na..-!..~~·-~ . ·" .. __ ,_ . . ... o~D• Clitlau ' $595 .. :
1110 W1C.UC llwr• ·~ .....
-5!0-lTM • 'A1tllll'lledlllOl>Olltr '
MGl's "SALE"
... -Mat. . ; .... $1815.0ll
..... -...... 11 •. 00 'M WW• Mair •... $1lll.OI . .
' "I ' ' '
1 ~ • \ .
Hr-v ~ •w•-WO. .. --·-c.. di ATLAS· I I.• • • TOYOTA·YOLYO (Ond. $119l!. """"" . . ~ Cl'edll. o.a, • -. YSLJ:R.l'tYMOIJ'l'll Coile Meet -' Cpe. v~ .... ,..,.t\O, n~: . . I .... IUICll .. ,... • :
--Ii 'S VOUCSWAGEN * la tocil¥ <t 'l' ~ ~ 21129 Harbor Blvd.. 1141 Harbor m\ld 60-?tlO heater, powet ltetril& QIRYSLJ;R,.PLYMOUTH A•h •1tl1, ,_., • ... rfllti. : ~l:)!Clr. C.M. 6*930.1 m under-Blur Book .• m· ~ : ..... ' :'$" • ·~tao ~'ea.atU 10 ' 546-19U . .• ...... ).es, land,att top: I (~U -2921_ffarbgr Blvd. •,..i~ .. h .... ,. IRIMJt, •• :
TOYOTA . 'IT <XlRONA 'ILUI •'·' " P'n p.m. <oete llllli 1141-1134 I ' .791 ... '
Low ml ........ -~ • <k. '65 vw Bue nlNll t ...... AUTO '~ ' '62 IM,ERIAL ' MEICuR:Y· .'._ '1r~·s . .. Opeo ·11110 p.m. • . :
ledan with AM·FM radio, new brake. • Ura, ml&ll rus Harbor,~ Misa j Oown hardtop, white, all ·~11~ ; ,ifi iiiifBLiR C1wlC, t dr,1;.-~---""""
wrw, beatel'. Nono cleaner. ICU. llllO. llG-illO WE PAV/ CASH FOR . q . lnterlo,. NI P"' .. 1ect '66 MERCURY CllllT.:a..loLYMOU'111 .-.Otlc: Ml, 1;;...-, 1 I .
!TBU317l • '·• ; ill VW, Prlw" pat'\y, YOUR CAR PAID air, dlr. P"'· wlndOW~ lllS Per~ t -hen!•-ID -mw -eu. Can loclc • e$1495 • ~ 111 ooU. ...., t>allc . . FO• o• CUb dels "' 1a1<e -' '. -· • lttOlde 177l 1133-0131
.BILL M ... Vll'V Iii ............ -..... :nss. Ntw' • NOTI .... lo b'ed<. WW !Inc ..... """"' •teerltW. pOwer -Coa1a -. 1116-1111 • J).ASl.t. --.-prty L.B RSCS611 ._.,.,. '!•factory air.condtUotUrc, Open 'lU 10 p.m. , RAMBCER 6'>· INVENTORY . . . .. ...... black Jaridau roof, Tahll:iaa ldck. r ' h, IJr,4
. , ---nt!>o. ·•·r,..· · · · . °' ,,....... r..i wtth ,,.. .... _ tnt•rior. 1111YEISITY ---~-mo:'-SALi .,. CHRYSLER ..., .. , .... LI<:. XSS51e. --· -r .:;~r;.··· "·~~··~;;;-a"i=::~ ~1'11P.A~C!i!H~8~LVD[!f' f .·\JI! 10'1t e~. Good NEW~RT 20'S ~'=J ~-·,"69 , $2295 SA tllt I SIRVICI -~oo"'1.w
nl, ~ 147-15 .... .....,, aood ....... • • SUpa lncillded · ' · lat car lot on Ha.i>o' Blvd. Ol.QSMQBllf ~lllo~k,;;all;;Ut;;:. ""°:=·:;SI&-::,
N.o!Ooutllwy.on lil!O~ IMMU8 ~ • ·' e YAClFICYAO'IT SALESe '51 CHl\YSLl:R m5-~JOHNSON &_.SON ' .,
. ' " Ke~ ccodltlod, -pet1ed. ' tlllcoltt-Mmary ' 2llO Her"°' Blvd. 9600 Im ~ 9600' 3146 VIL ()pot1o, Newport Call "rl; llG-)18! ' ' Cott& Mm Bre"'h ' -M ...
. "" :11 ljottr;f,b<>!te.-, .. 613-Im ' ' · ISjl l(Uboi",BIYd ;142-11110 ~u.ad Can-'65 T•llltD 1 a aa. iq.atANICW. SPECIALS •• COIYAll........ '6S· Ml!!CUllY 'G&ODi .,.... -...... 'NI -I fMlooy ••• • ••••• e. t] , · . <llll.Y ~o .CARS LEI'!' '81 ~ .4 ... .oey Comil. 2 oool\ Ji.T. Radio. ::.•: i:'amWlll -~ 1blua !llll 'lltlll 1
1 •aAll•A• Onie to WI! Cutomer dMn talO ... ' heattr1 automatic, power · • O'lttrior. UJw ,._ 1...i • ...,
• • . ~. i!;o. I~. $100. · irii'ilj eft e "l" atetrln&, VS. SWp'. CNJIJ •• iil8 I Ii, Jet Siar W17 <:leefti.-•
ILMORI MOToU ~ llWPOll-''"'::., 6M011'·JORS . ., ooiivAia. ' :o& """ 1531 A~. "5 • S ~;. a11~,:i etlldlt1on. 111 "' Joi~1~ Blvd: me;;~ S.lta •
IHOOMACH•YI. WllTMINl111 IM41U I IUl • =~Ullo new. $415. .l.La ii QIN 11'1 ........ aa JOHNSON ISON lltce ••4 ..... DIM .:.;.o-....,;,-....;,_ ___ . .___ · ---~ lm .. t fer JAeUAlS.
-, XIS= Blvd. e <XlRVAil\ ,.._ • Co<w. Cl!l\Y™LYMOUTH . -I • I lee 11ie ..... .. .. 4·~ L2,. . '!,"' .:.~· s.o 2129 ~ BlYd. PLYMOUTH au !'!'-, •llllD 1 1"' .._ , ... ., .. 1; v . IUICll ! °"'" a.!"'·itt l0)5!1111 '.&:T ~. lilli ""J 7mp' lf<!i:·i;;j~ (" COIVIT{I •. ·U:cotON Y r~
r#fl"Q, blehr. el• ·,._ '66 427 -111'110•>:,_ hlue "!°! -...t'..i:;Jloo...._ """!' ,,..,., ~ -wttt. Jll""" -j:~. tn Vwi·Vltlllln ~ibAisi'1 11!GH;B •
--'l'WI) "'1..-hf•• .... M-,., t 9 ,
t s~otil••w• 11,d. "Wdniimler -· ... '894-3322'.
N•7 DtlYS • ·-
$425. l3l).0387 • Whlt~ futblck.wtth bladt:1n-CQbd.; .•It · cond., auto:' DM1f lAll'W Jmporta. JIM 'M -1 1111 I , ~· 11rW ~ AX ( I'll. trw.; ;cJww bnkies. ,1tte11o ,._ · 1 .. , '" ---=-,
• llUllZ ~ lltll1 . ~ ~ .. • -wlttlltjw· nidlo, llertlor, -· -Good~ ""'IUI • ~ .. ';;:;;t" ~ ~._, -~ -ir/wh:""" V .Pl.YMQ\IJ:'ll NY. W : Jlool''1,111Mm · • ""'~"'..,..."""~~.,,,.,;';._ •-. • la!li .,., _ •\llbl!>de. • :nr. '41i.. -· ,... -• NI -• 111 ro11.-.---11111.,. _._<Ideal !bl' ....i. 1u11 .,....1 -.....,. air.----. ~ ~ lo ml'e 11. f't .._... ofMn travtlq:.) dDn. hfll" ·aiy 9hocb. ~·""' t • ~.~ ,r .. ~ Wool !Mltl)I --·-AIL 'II. ruu,.,.,.,~,-1 tar '*1J. 11ft!!14 et 1!!15. 5 l'M ~ Gooa ai..: ' , ~Dl•AC; ~ · iiNliiA1tt"'1 ' l• IWiiLlUl)A ,4'-. -. -' ' '!e 'CAD~·;_."' !OJ'?.O>eet~ IT'i .A ilEVl:LA"nON dii ~~'M~i"!f'~ St\'.aulD-1ii12ilk
, Ville, !till '""· l air. Ql'!d tlewport 11 .. ch ~betpltii ~. llttd ln '!IJTJU'I>': It WUl tAllo _;leM~~et'llt~•~A~tnN.~~==1
coodlllort. $<00. 9 C 2 -TJS'2 .1142-9'05 5I0-1TM , ed -C!oldt lltem b'> lofOI~ --
after 5: 30. Authorittd fllG Oeal~r 871-l416 a.fter ~ p.m .•. ·-__ • ---:.-=CllA:C.:'. _:'RG'.::E;..;;.:m;o.. __ 11 ::::::::::::;==::::;:::::=~
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