HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. ' - • . f 11 , 1· ,. ~ ' " " ~ ' " I I• I, '• ; ' ' I T ' .. . * ' • . ~ - ' • ~ -tJ ' .. ~ tp .: > m:--s~r' • • ••• • • • I * • • . * * ' ' . ('\" ;-. ' " I ,, ' ·,;, . • • • -. . . -. . ' • ! lld;T'(ftA'r/...,.,,.... \ ;. IROICEN ·S.EWER00LINES 50 .M1 ~es:•UPSif.REAM· MEM· POLUUTED' IEACHES IN '.NEWPoltT . : ¥·•. ' ' ~ ~ y ,. .... ·~ -i , ' I ,. • • .. --" .. . \ Te·stifies ' ·o In l\.ennedy Plot Trial ,--- ,• t . ' • J ' I. ! l I I ,. < . •• .· ' • . .. -. .· ' • Ul'IT•"""" . 'fax ·Ref ornis urged • Nixon to Give Average Citizen 'Break' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe NllOll admlnistraUOD Aid k>dq lt would PfO"' -far-rucbJnc tu relonna lo Congro9 tlliJ -lnrlpdi.. -... ln -me lu Ion lo .,,. lbe average dtlun • -brUt. But Tnliurf llecfttary David M. KeD- nedy in ·a·ll-.P•• no opeclflca cl the pool:op be llald bla ltaff bu been -lo prepare. Trealur)'. offl<lal1 aid the package ••• llke!J wwld lndude <!lucel In Income tu Jon lo benefll tlie lndlvidual tu- payen and tu lnceoUve propooals aimed at rocrultlni buslnell oupport and fun. ding ol. NiJon admlnlstraUon urban and IOdal J><Oll'lUDS. A _,-opal-said Kennedy's An ollldal said th>l tax shlrlnl ..... posals, tu crodlla fer lociaI and state government., and ·estate and Biii' tu ~ woold be port " lbe Jcq.tanp ,~deni Mm. !old bla "ii' fereoce -.Y !bat tu nlcnm · be ... ~ bul -'1111 and slresoed 1bal tllday'• ••te'""'i "1 Km*y would be ln Ille farm ""11' of·. •'preliminary announcemeal" o( the plan. . . A treuury of!Jclal aaer1ed locllly: "'l1lo hltbesl priority w 111 be lo . tho equity and incenUve areu of c::bance. We would hope loc coogmalooal aclloo because II Ibey are good 11>4 IOU!id, we ou&ht to 10 ahead and get them lhnl<l&J>." Nixon Backs Confrontation on Sunset Firs~ E'amil11 Moves In Passersby got Ibis view Thursci., of moving pro- cess for new family taking up residence in white m-• cm ·J>~vanta A-bl W~· D.~ 1.llmi fllDiD; poaesllonl are bag lllOvlil· from New York. Among items that will not be sbiP" ped to Whlte House is President's piano. It goes to 'hll ·VllCO~ hldeou~ In Key Biscayne, Fla. Lowering Vote Annexation 'Inevitable' ~tlO J.S ' "· ni'will.w'i Ci. Ri:m ili1s ictt.n. 11 wc~.!i .wmi« ~ • ' .I ...... r .. e .l .. oa ·11~ ·1· •. ,·· ., --1J:'.~.1111 'wolla ~ ..... "We need the oil," he aald •. ''It may be U evil, but it may be a necessary one.• Sula Barbaro MlY« Gerald F- saJd the city WOUld "send Un!on OU a bill 1.1.ke everyooe else" for the city's expense1 in beJp1ng clean up the olL Joiln Tllom&I, preald"!I of t b o Qcem,.niphle Society of New York, said It would be dlaUtrous to end the oHSbore driDlng. "Off-. drllllng .. lbe ooly hope cl W. COID!iry lo keeping pace with dev~ In lbe field of ~."besald. 'I'llomu, In Callfomla im vacatloo, said the developments in deep submersion diving bave .boeo due basically lo the oU . contplllla . "II yoo ti, lbe hands of the oU """" pules to Ibo etploratlooa, you dellroy the t!CClllOllllC Impetus !or the lludy ol oceuograp\ly. The oil companies are Jl&1flll far .11 becauio Ibey need 11,". be said. Cwnty Sugervm Joe CaDlhtn char&· ed th>l the oU lukage woold not have oocumd lf ' llate rather than federol regulatlcm had boeo In elf«:!. Ha · aid slate regulatlcm, wblcb all apply ooly ·within tine mil.. ol the' o001lllne, ww1d bave required Union lo sink Ila . cuing furlber down clnto the ocean Door. · Sonia -· Cbambor ol Commerct 1lfaDlpr Staoley C. Lowr7, said the litua- tlon could have been woroe -U the lllct bad oocumd durlog the peat ....... "Once the cleanup la ccmpleted," ~ :!.~'::1:1i:V:.:~ world bow S..la Barllo<a la ba<;t lo ahape. It'• &oln& to ...i a let <i money ttw Santa Barbara baln't p." * * * p....,. P .. e I OIL SLICK ••. polostcal lmowledge la oecured." The order doea nol affecl a nUef well Uolno I s drlllln( u ' par! o1 Ila effort lo llop the flow. 'l1>la la the aecood Ume fn lea lbao a week that IDckel bas called a halt to drl1llng. Ho permitted naumptloo Tbunday, laying ho bad boeo uaured by dopartmeot engloeera thal conUn....i drl1lln& pooed no threat of further leaks. \ DAILY PILOT ......,.., .... " ............... ---·----CAUPOINIA OAANGI COAST l'\l•llSHIHO COMl'NtY ~1l.1rt N. Wt•• l'rt1INM IM "'*11""'1'" J11li •• c.fey VKlt f'rB!dtftl -GeNr .. "'-If' Th•111•• r, • .,., ••• Tlo,Mtl A.. M•rl'lii11• Ml""""' l•hcir P111I Nht•11 Aftfilltlf't Q.lfK• -C111ll ~: JJ> Wttl ltl' ll!'ttf N_. kKliti ,,n "'"' Olllllt a.u ..... ..-L-~: 111 ,,.,.,, Allltftuf ............ llldl: -... '""' WASHINGTON (UPI) -President °'"" 1te1tr ,...., tt1tt pletly enclose the Bolsa lJllC& unlncar- NIJoo said todly be 11,... lowering A face to face con!ronlaUoo betweeo porated area within the city limit• ·Gt Ille notloMI v"'.'•• ••e to II becau.e o!OdalJ ol Seal Beach and Huntlnglon HunUnglon Beach. ln 'addilioo, It would ~ -Beach over who lhall annu the Sunset give Huntington Beach a better poeiticn America'• YtllDgtr generaUon is the Beach 1trtp between the two cities seems to argue for an annexation election t1 .mt politically IOjll>JIUcated In blatory. inevitable today. Sunset Beach . ln a lal1c to a vialU,,. group of 102 The Seal Beach PlannJn& Q>mmlsalon If the annexation cl the llrlp oloq ~1 """ Wed=-'•Y 1-ved 1 -luUoo •• ~.... Warner Avenue la: not pmn!tted~tbe outll•-DI .,.... ld>ool -· the -rr• •---. n--ch -•-"t be -• to ' ~ptaln· Testl(les . ... , . .. . the City Council to proceed with plaoa I.AFC, Seal -....... -Pmldlllll said be favored mending lbe to .,,... lbe .,.. u nquelted by a pick up not only Sumet Beach, bol -to a.,......,lds "not because, u peUUoo tt1pec1 by II ruldeola o1 the the potenUal marlnl and Wllerfrool mlll1-la)'.-U-YOU are old enougb-to-beach__r0tnm1mtty._ _ eommunlty planted eveoiullly fer tbl fight, yau are ofd enough to vote . • • Al Ibo oame Ume, Hunu,,.too Beach --C!dco areo. -.-. -· ~ "JY,q,tzy: ·Improved· Sy.stems. but beCause you an smart enough to . olficl•hi hive filed Anne:uUon 5, wblch vote" ' ta daiptd lo pro1ec1 1be 1·-F-P ... e I · ' Bolla i'nlpeltlls -ao aon<Ution • v•- Nb<oo met with the scbolanbip move by Seal Beocb, oqd ""' ~ --· after "°nferrlng with his lo Ille Anoaatlon '· Wed by oeveral SHA w T. RIAL •• After Pueblo Captured CORONADO CAP) -It look Ille cap. I.,.. of the USS Pueblo and aome cl her secrtt docUmm to sp\ir the Navy Into "an ongoing effort" to improve erqergeoey destructlop and scutUing devlct1,, a Pentagon officer aald today. (E;arller Story, Page f) B11t Capt. John H. D. Williarru:, an emergency destruction ei:pert from the office of the chief of Naval OperaUoos, also said lbe skipper of the Pueblo should have been able to destroy his allotment of aecret papen and equipment in an hour •. Jet Down in Canada; T~~ A:bo&ra Mi'.sidg j . .."· ' ' ; WINNlfEG ,Mao. (Al') -"'U.S. Air Force ·1157 Canberra jet cr¥1ied three miles south of Portage Ja Prairie early today and the two men aboard are missing. A Canadfl"t ·di!-1POktsman said the twb>englne' plane 1rom·tJ>e air base at Grand Forti, N.D., was on a training mi.ssloe 'bi '.'the Glmll areo a)>but II milea oortll. ii( Wlnolpe(. cabinet eorUer In lbe morning. He ad· leadon of -Beacb. Teatlmooy before a <OOrl cl Inquiry Plannln& ~ In Seal Beach which heard Wiiiiams' Ume esUmate bu vocated lowerlnc the v.U,,. age ln>m . sald-.la,~ ruolulloo !ital Ibey believe Dedon, a Balon Rouge blonde w!lo - indicated two boun elapoed --the 21 lo 11 durio& a campelgr. speech !ho p.uu... 'io aones •a bonfldo pellUon" as a doclbr's -· said !ital ln time N-KOIUlll first threatened to loll fall In Sl Louis. . Ucl ncommeOded thal Ibo CO<!Ddl go 1963 abe was a receptiolllal al Eut fire oo -.the Pueblo and lbe Ume ahe "Yw are a polllicll f-eveo lboqb .--plaoo to llllllOX Ibo .. 11n Louisiana Slate Hoopltal wbeo Ornld wuboardedenroutetoWoosonbarbor. you don1 yo! have the rfll>l"te vote," area Including 'tbe llrlp of land near walked ln looking for 1 job and Ibo Willlams aaid be·na oware the allot-the l'rotlldlnl said . ln a -lallc to lbe Worner A....,. and COul lfi4bwlY meol cl claialflid docwneola' ond charts ,,,......_al Ibo Wblte Houle. ctemed by HunUqtoo beach. dlrecled bJm to the pel'IO!llld office. on tho Pueblo totaled •ioore than one Ho said the now generatloo of Next llopo by lbe CO<!Ddl would Include MiBI Dedon testified she later lda>tlfled too, bul said he envialooed using damage Anlerlcaoo la not .qnty lbe bet! educated 1_.i cl • ruoluUon ukln& the Local Oswald from pbotographs. control equipment, hand tools, pUers, genoratlon cl Amvlcaol but ii alJo la . Agency Forma6oo COmmlaalon (LAl"C) "Did he bave a beard!" Dymond uk· hand cutters, acetylene torches, and a . ~~!~ lnv.olved '-Involved in Jl'O-~all~ IUCb_.!Jl~llner,theand then ed. massive fire ·red by g~Une and diesel WCQM "' your nelghborbood, your natloD WI. an ~-ww1 SunJet · "I don't remember," Mlar DedaB fuel as well aS cleaning fluid to de.stroy and' 1he W«llL" ' . ' Beach area. replied. ·t The ocltolanblp -· two fmli Seal Boadl recenU;p completed IOOU· There·were cooUnulng objectlool fr<m 1 ' eacil .. ~~. are ............ Ibo U.S. •-·te alloo ol &llftldo Ooloay, a beach com-"· def .... ~.-~-_..._ bad 1'Whlcb ls more important," uked an -. ..,......... ox::tMI mmltJ just to the norUnrut of Sumet wc _.__ we ... ~--attorney for the •kipper, Cmdr. Lloyd YQ\Jdt JnpllD ~by the William Beocb. not yel laid the lepl foundation for n ... •-., d ~.~• cl Raodolltll Hoanl Foundatloo. I 1be charge <i C<JDIPlra<Y. Tbeoo ....,, M. ~, . . . the eow ~woo "I bellmt In )'OUDI "-lea becaua ~ Buch offlc a11 areJ:olnlr ovemiJed by. Criminal Diltrlct Court ~=~i:i~~oll~ I -,_, ~· NllOls !old ·::S..awfibsJ!:":.C.-::;:;&c1ia:! Jlld(eF.dwardA.~Jr. Illa?" . them. "We need r'"-The mlloa noods dty u.., w ...... A.-111!1 Gollt-_, The '!lale said It woold "..-cl up" "'1'111.'la a J..!it matter' a\td the r"")'OU.:;;";;jj;jjii. _. ______ ';·m~a;'"';'~Y·i;;;;----·· ----~t!Jo~~:-;·:~la:ter;;;ln;the~c~1;•;· ~~ dellnlti<la ol top' ..C.et. t w llhould ~ be welgfied ln this judgment ... · that loss 14 ihiJ ma~ial wOu~· meln ex· ceptloii'.ally grave 'danger to the naUon and •.• lmofar .aS humanly poalble it ahould not be pennlUed to faU Into enemy~." said Williams. He : rtad the "exceptionally: grave dang~" -and "insofar 11 humanly possible" P.Or:tlOns of the defirrlUon from Navy:~ual.s. Henredon's _,_,_,.fio SGiJGJV? •we Want Dim~ Foster Family Fights for Tot By TERRY COVILLE OI llt 'Dellp l'tllt ltlff ••Buddy" came to the Huntlnlton Beach home ol Mr. ond Mrl. Allred Hart Nov. 20 u a visitor. His dimpled llmllo and In f a n t helplesmem soon won the affection of the entire f.,,Uly and they decided lbey'd lll<e to teep·bim. Bui todoy Ibey m balllin& the Orange County Adoption A&enw whlcb told them without wantloi Budcly mu!l go to aoother flJDily. Mn. 11.ut, a"""'" with nine cblklren cl her own, !a a nlflUnd "'8ler mother. She lakes care ol umranted bablts f,.. two or llne monlhs unlll lite odoptlon agency llnda a permanent borne. Sbe'd bad llix -babies bef .... Buddy. SPlllCIAL CASE BoddJ WU a spec.1al Cllt. He WU brolJ&l>I to lbe Hin borne wtlh the c:ommeat that he might not be llro"& enough lo live. Mn. Hilt and her ftve chlktren 111111 al homo fed Buddy ao ounce cl milk e'iery ball hour for two moothl. He gnl'/I strong aod Uie allachmenl -eeo the lamilf members a!Jo lncmloed. Toctw Buddy la a healthf llUle nve- aod-a.Jiall-mootOOld Mulcao-Amerlcan bQy. Mrl. Harl deddod she'd lite lo adopt this lollc baby oo Ille lallced lo' 1 IOClal worker from the agency, b WU told her age, 19, and her beoltll mllfll ~t probleml, bill IO go ahead and app!J. Mrt. Hirt todq 1111 tbe wu never ~ Budd;r, 1tul lhat lbe oocial -Ind her IO believe lhat abe could adopt him. Mt. and Mn. Hart bepo lbe l<ogthy poperw<rt, lncludlna ~ far blrlll certlflcalal In their liomo •to ol Iowa. They speol aboul $100 .. paperwork IO adopt Buddy. l!OLD HOMS Tbo J1ar1a e... sold I 11,IOll borne In Iowa to Inoure IMlll! c:uil lo pall lnspeclioaey llii qency.~ have Uved lbe post ftve yean at 1116'11 Foun- tain Line. Las! wlelt a tolepboee call from the agency told them Buddy had boeo &I .. • lo another flJDily. Without warolng all their plans were down the drain. Now Mn. Hilt 15 condderlng legal action to get a rettrainlng order against the agency's taking Buddy away before her cue can be reviewed before the adoption board. The cnn: of the l""bieril la that the adoptioa ••ency appamrt]y 1ave the HllU no warnlog that Buddy would be aotnr to another family. And once the decision wu made the agency bas mnalned adomant ln Its refusal lo cha"&• Ila mind. 'lbe olher flJDily, unldentlfled by the a1enc:y. reportedly ls a M fl! x I c 1 n - Amerlcao flJDily thol did not specify Buddy er ooy other ooe baby. GIVE OPPORTUNITY Mrl. 1111'1 cao1 !Dldenlaod wby the adopli<a agency ... , g1.. lbe other family another beby ond give the Jlarla a chance to complete tbe1r appUcadon fer Buddy. "Thal ny two babies would have homes,'' she explained. Agency pet300Del have t n d I c a t e d several tlmtt thlt Mrs. Hart can paa all the quallllcatlooa to be ao adoptive mother. Mi8I LnclDe Grothe, ·1doption aevlces supervlaO<, "!>lits tbat to uk her perooonel to mlew tho cue woold be, "a rtflectioa on tbe.lr praltll!onal abWUtl.0 She also 1111 t1111 tt la a policy cl the -thot roster parmla oba1I not be c:oealderod u adoptive parents f<r cblldren In their core. But abe adda lhal Ii ii not lmpooslblo !or f .. ter por<llll lo •do!il a child In ttielt Cll'I. • r She termed the 1nCkJcnt 1'rtgtettU)e," and added, "Arri famll1 lhat feels It hu been treated unlafilJ alw1ys bu recoune to ~ channels." In Ibo munllme, ho<rever lbe agency wtn place Buddy In aliOthOt f,®;,, I • • • • ON DISPLAY NOWI · Ocl•to~I llnfnt ta~I• h•• lmpr"'iV' ftp •r. t14f4lly '"'atch.4 ••ll•r4 oak li11rl venaar, Wl2" Dlj",...HJt": •.t.M• t. 12" •Y t2". Chl11• c1bh1•t .;.,. trill• 4ff;, ••• 11911-kif. ptl~t.d fftftrlot, W4JV."1 ' DI'"• HI .... . IXCLUSIV!°l>IALIU fOlb Hl~lllDON-DllXll.-HERITAOI. , 90 DAYS NO .INTllllST-L~lll TlllMs AVAii.ML! ON APPROVED CREDIT ,,,,_-' .... -- NIWPOllT llACH ln7 WOl!clllf Dr. 642.2050 OftM OllDAT 'TIL t . IN1ERIOlS ,,.,,_ ..... , lnl•lw Dool ..... . ~•all1bi.-.All>-NSID . LAGUNA llACH :MS North Cooat Hwy. OPIM NIDAY 'TIL t -··--.. --........ ; 494-6511 -. --· -- --. ' • . . . --. . ~ek:. ·eol T.ION . . ___ ,.. r - • l • . , • ' I -• ..... l 1 ~: ia.i;~ "'= .. ~--,_,...·~ I 4 ' . ... .. -.... ' ~.:: ..: ' 'I -~ ..... .. ... I ,, -~~io ~~~h~tag~ €ii.~zen 'B_~lt .. · i 'II'~ (UPI) -The Nbon taa laws to -t lbe Individual ta-. "Are all ,\ftricana In almll!ir ..,_,.,_...,,_ said '-'•• II would pro-payers and tat ~ve propouJa aimed ' c:lrcuml!iallCe Jll1ll!i. ~ 1h" ~:"t~k' 'nlor1*1' to at recr111tln( hualneil "support and fun-. iame aniouot of lill>iliile tuea! ' c.ngreu thll year 1neludln1 ~ din(., 111soo --and • . A ~. studyaarea Kennedy~d, In l\l<Ome.tu laws to llfve lbe aY<rag. socW -ams. . f!;!l!.8_~ lax . . _.loandbelj> clt!Un a bet10r J>n&J<. A 1reuuty spokeaman said Kennedy'• ""' ';nwlems of F Bui Treasury Becretary Devtd M. Ken-sla!I also would be directed lo mat<e disadvantaged." 1 nedy tn ·a -t gave no 1peclflc. recoJJlleldallool for doalng Joopbol<a __ .&.longer,.~ mcm.~- -of the J>ICkq• he aald his sla!I hu used by bit -....,. to -which ol!laala 1ndlcated would been dlrei!ted lo ptlpare. tbelr ta bUrdena. not be proposed lhll year -ea 'rreasury offielllll said the package Kennedy said the flrBt Item of concern a re~ision of federaklate tu , ~·· likely would include cbang~ in income to the aclmini!tratlon wu the question, Uonships. "' Beach Inmate · Judge Gives Opponent,s_~~ Moved to · T. • " Of F.,.eewciy More lJM;~;, County Jail Acllon by a HIJl!flngton Beach cllhl!na lion of treeway routes "Is pftly a A prlaoner wbo ..t· nn to his cell group 1n Ila freeway battle ..ttll the l<gtalai!vo matter and not IUbJ«:I to ...-'1\lelday nJcb1 -moved from Callfornla ~Y Comml"1an wu judicial review." '". Huntlnglon Beach City Jail lo orange delayed In Superlcr Coor! today when The agency also argues 1hal. • .the Coon'" Jail and c'·-ed wllb jail burn· Judge Claude Owenl allowed more time Callfornla legtalature baa delegated lo •z · ..... for prewaUon of arpments. the hJgbway commisslon. "certain funo.. lng.~a .felony. . Lawyers for the state agency and tlons" relating to locations of routea.t: 'Flr•t FtllllUfl ltfov~~~ iit' · '. ' from New York. Among items that will not be ship- ped to Wliite House is President's piano. It goes to his. va.caUOn hideout in Key Biscayne, Fla. Police said WUJlim A. Carleon, 21, the eonc.med Cltlztm COODcll of Hun-Sparking his present court l!Uole , Passersby got Ibis y)ew Thursday of moving pro- cess ,for new family taking up residence in wbite mansion On Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Nb<on \f.aniily poqouions are )>elng· moved of dl Lake St., HunUncton BeaCh, hid Uncton Belch 'Were ordered to return was a suit filed Nov. 21 by the cltbiens' been eonllned lo the Jal\ dnpik tank. to court Mll'Ch II for a hearing ol group. That ac11on charged that lllUllllllod Aft .......... ~"'-· t --•·• Iha dllpult. persons "COMpl<ed and' entered lnlo a • r ----a ,....... At laloe ta lbe commllllon'• arpmeat acllOme to eatabltah and llx-lbe adoption ' .. --------~--------------- poUce; Carlaon .apparenUy llaried lbe 1hat H camiot be aued "wllbout Ha ol lbe Huntlngtoii Beloh -Y· ~. ----~~~-----~flre-ln-blo--..,.u.e.aald.~---.~;·...,,,.-......, --l!imlMl]·o(-, ''lliO'iillf'f--lbe~'t-To' t When -. camo.at the abouts of Ibo cltlztm.adloil and -lbll oelec-a&p&o o1 the orange lln_e..;. a _!~ · · other ln!Nlel, Carlaoo bomblrded lbem · · ' routing wlllcb clooely !ollowa tl!;)lne wtlb men -Ua. • , · . · ol Paclllc Cout Hlgbway In ll!mll1p "F.amily · Fighis for . : B~h Foster _:Pflrerits :want-w -Keepuule. 'Buiµly' Car1aon wu -1or -. m. J!.ather .. to Face =.to_ Lam'.""" A~nue: 1n _dlnlon hatiilmi ll!in tnai!emd to ~ eaunty . by~ jail. Trial"~ .... ~ · F ta1' . i!~ ~~ •-- P'lre ~WU -fined lo the Dial-,, . . ~ a Jectl!il lbe 1-. Tbe llJg\1!!111$,!"" } -- By TEllllY COVILLE OI tllll Dllfr """ ltlfl .... "Buddy" came .:to the H1111~ Beach home ol .Mr. and Mrs. Alfred treoa 1!114•w.alla ol Car~'a cell. No · ' • ; ,, . " · !a.,,.:.d by W-1·-and S-. --·wen~ Beating 9f Son 1ngo:i:;:edvoiu:i ~~ Hart Nov. IO u i' visitor. . 1111 dimpled; ll!llle and Inf a1.-t ~ • helpl-ec&i won lbe affection ·of • Ibo eptlre !amUY and !boy decided tboy'd like to keep brtn. l .,.. .. .. ·~ . Youth to Face . ::T-es~ lis' Addict But today t!Jly are baUllniJfii:~ .. · ComllJ ~ng.Apncy ~ -. -.. Buddy E Id . ~: .. ; ' ~ Ilvest!Ptloo that may lead to hla : .. c~ u a blrcotlca addict bu ~ ~ 1or t weitm!mter youth irhO pleaded ' auDtY I" lbe armed robbery ol a --11: Iha( city. another !amllj. ' • c, Mn. Hart, " ....... wllb . Children o11w...,,, II" reglatefed --· She . -.+ ol liinrantoil bil!Iei for• two or tine lllCll1ha antlHhe adoplloo"• ._,. !lnde a pen!Wlelll hOme. !'> ' She'd had'\< -.. -~I~ ·:. Budcf1. • ~ . :1 . Buddy -.a l(>IClali HI ·, llrouaht lo~lllrl ' • ocmment . milht not be alnlng Dmd , Jl'rederlck Grant, It, ol 80llO Wcrlb$' brt .. , wl!lilrew his plea of not guilty to armed robbery char;es before ~ Coor! JIJ!lg• Robert Gardntr ' ~ adJlillted that lie held up the Power 1' inn'ust ifiilrviet station, 14902 Beach Blvd., last Dec. 11. Grant was due to go -ah toll Mrs. Hart 'ind lw !ho -atlll .. at home fed .Buddy ao ....,. ol mllklC'" · nery ball llllllr for two -· He:: : : -lllml& ipd the allachmtnt ..-, ' Ule flln1ly ~also~ 'i!C. ;-.. Today BuddY ta a healtl!$'' Ultle ·-' mk·bal!·!llGl!lkld M..ican.Amerlcan boy. '·.• Mn. Hart decided llbe'dJlll;e le adopt lbla footer baby "' !!be 'laiktd )Ii! a: .. aoclal worker lrom lbe qency. .o · She w.. told ber age, .u, and· her~ ... health Jnigl>I _.i problemt bill to. ' .. ahead and·~· ' "_, ' : Mn. Harl tod&y ' .. )'l W WU nevef ' ~ Budd)r, hul that· the 1oclalc· • -ker Jed her lo believe that Iha coold · adopt him. lilt. and Mrs. Hart bepa the lelllthY poperwork, Including S<Ddlng for birth certificates In lhelr home l!late o( JOWL' Thr)' spent about 1100 on paperwark lo adopt Boddy. The Harts even aold a 12.11111 home In Iowa to Insure eoouJh caah lo -lnapectlon by lbe agency. 'Illey ba.ve · lived lbe put nve 1Ul1 at !Im , .... taln Lane. Lui week a ~ call from the aaency told them Buddy had been atvoo lo another family. WI-wamJnc all lbel> plllla wert down lbe drain. DAllY PllOI 01.lN&I CQAIT pUll.ISMIMe C'OM'ANY l1li1rl N. '-'•-' ~.Went ..... ""'41 ... J•cli L C.rley Vi.ct ,rt:lllltnt 1111111,Gentr•I ~"'g" 1 ....... k11•i1 ...... 111111111 ~ M•r91hi111 ~lfir.r >Jf.1rf 'W. l1f1• Willi•"' ll11J ... -~ tllll>llollM>ll """' lllW C!ly ll!tltw ---JM ltli Stt11t w.m .. 1 ,y,,. .. , r.o. ••• no,,,,,., °""°'""' ""'9oi Midi: ml WMI l•lbM ._,~ C-.. Mtel; .. W ... tty SIMI .DAll.Y PILOTIWI ftllt'9 FIGHT FOR BUDDY -Mn. Allred Hart (seated with "Buddy") · lfbi.Wg county adoptltin ~gency to keep Infant. Also hoping to keep him Ill the family are two of Mn. Hart's own children, Eulalia, 16, and Jim, 17. Now Mrs. llart !1 OOM!derlng Ieral acUon lo get' ,a reslr•lnl"I otder agalnJt the agency'• taking Buddy away before her caJe can be reviewed before the adoption 'board. . The crua ol the JlrOblem ta 1hat lbe adoptloo qeocy apPmintly ga.O lbe Barta no warning that Budd)' would be going lo another !omlly. And once the declllon was made the agency bu remained adamant in Ha refusal to change Its mind. The -family, UDldii!liflod bJ !he agency, npcrtedly ta a M,.xJcan· American family that did not specify Buddy or any other one baby. Mrs. Hart can't understand why the adoption agency can't &1.ve the other family another baby and llfve lbe Harta a chance to complete their appllcaUon for Buddy. "That way two babies would have homes," abe uplalned. ' Agency )>ertoMel have I 11 d I e a t e d several Umes that Mrs. Hart can pass all the quallficaUons to be an adoptive 111other. · Mia Lucille Grothe, adopUbn sevlces rupervllor, replies that to uk htr personnel to review the cue would be, ... rellecUOI! '"' lbelr prolwlonal abtUi:l.eS.11 She ·aJso says that It Is a. pollcy of the agency that foster parents shall , -not be considered as adoptive parents lot children In lbelr care. But. she adds that It Is not lmpoalbt. for foster parents to adopt a child In their care. SQe, termed the incident "regrettable," -ancl' ldded, "Any family 1hat feels H baa~ been treated unfairly always bu recourse to higher channels." In the meantime, however, the agency will plaoe Budd¥ In another home. Two Beach MU.rder Trials Shut Following Shooting ~·doon JnYalled today at a ·abaD-lut'l\Mlday, ~. l\alflnK for two H111ttngton Hwy L. Siana, -. ol SIJ CIQ Sl, llMch murder auapecta. and Edwanl I\. H11grave, 11, of l'IJ91 · 'No' Immediate relioo' for Judge Marten Lane, tioth liunUnCton Beach -G. Seo9illa'1 onler burlng apeo. =:"'..riu. W:..1~~ !;; ta1on-DIVlaion l!Vt, Wiii orange and .~··· '·. :. County Judldal Dlltrlct Court, 1'U learn-'~ . ~ liMdUJid ed by oew-. • · · " Tueaday In die an. lt throat.eJub ,,...-~ U1e adloil lmlftd ~ ~ H ...... S. Marklt, II, tl!o ' IM ADieJal .ibootlnl <it a illPacl' , iii 11118 0 Aft., WU conUnued until liJ .:111tl'dlr~'l'bnitier1'Gl'p.itt11J 10 a.m. 11 at the Dlstrkt Altomet'• DAILY PILOT photographs allot through request on trial before a jury Feb. 26. - Judje Gardner 'auspeodfld act lo n agalnat Grant untU Feb. 24, when he will .. -lb• findlnp of ph)'llclalll. ' Benredon's ·) ' -.. ' .. , ' · Orange line will deltroy 1,1111 -. . A lluperlcr Court trial 1or· a A route placed further west woulll.l!"IY W-fntter man accuaed ol lnlllctlng affect TIO families, It wu ~ ,0 . · 1aw in!-.., b1a -Id aoo bU bell!.icbedoled for Mll'Ch I. Bui publl< ciei-. repr-1ng Jayal Robert Hobtoo Jr., D, of tOOi Marlene Drive, plan to appeal before 1hat dale a . .-nojectlcil by Judge Robert Gardner. ol -...)nollon foe dioml"'l of c:blrca. 1!111.',j '';\ 'I •• ' ' 'lbelr -""~ Ill .potting the ' !aota ol .. Uie . .eaae before ,,the .appellate dlvlllon,ol·,UJe -.and.baYlllC charges aplnli H00eon diJrnls3ed foe Jack of evtdeooe. . )lobeon'I IOD, Tracy, WIS • taken. Ill Jut Sept. 10 and died 1•1" that night 1n w-,COmmll!Jity, •. ucQ11a1. Coroner's lnvestlpton pinned cauae of dealb as being · a 1lrull fracture and lacerated liver. ·Hobson wu arrested the nut day and charled wilb manolaugbler and cruelty to a child. Cake Sale Set ,,: .. . . . ·~ With R~gistratldn Weotmlnster flrl .buebaU uplranll ,wtu be able lo have, their cah. ml ea! 11 too -~ lbe~ ~ up 11'if a combined cake sale and reg1.strat1on for the forthcoming 1UJD1Der baseball pro-gram. , The Slgnup<ale will be staged In front of A1i)erta(m11 market, 8-18 a.m. ·flli\ur~ day. ·f•Y Girll mu& he accompanied by.at leaat one parent and·p...-a birth ~lo before Ibey -can · be reB1stered. ~,pro­ gram IDcludea age ranges from . lhlrd lo 11th "adet. . ' '" .. ' I .. " ' . ON DISPLAY ·NOW(: ~. . .. --. ·• .. ' _, ' . ' . . ,. r ' ' ., Oda la ail ':tlllktf t.W.' Mt ~·· liJ' flil ,...., Mttdi .. P.llft .... '-f ~ •~'r.'.·"Dlr°,-....; ..._,, .. 12•.,, •2". ~·.~~~ ~~ r... .,...., ~ -, wn~. ~·:H!t"· (. ... ~,. . . . ':--·";". ~ .. ' , ..... 1 "" .. • ... .. INTlltiORS ' 4'W551 ' I 1 • • • .. Lack ·IJ·f B~iness i \.. • ei:··f ~-... -~ .. ..... May ou; ~~·SBA :. ' . • • • . .. ,,.. : l'l Free Flowing Freewaf Yes folki, there is a San Dle10 Freeway. Tbl1 view of long-awalle<I new. portl<lnc,of. /,leeway ii !rom • Culver Drive OVM')l811 ~klbi wt. Unlvel'lllY Park is at right. New freeway connOctton between . MacArthur Boulevard and old S.~ Ana F~ay, ,. .• , ,,. !!.IVIU I . • • south of El Toro Marine Co~ Air Station Wal to ~ la1t OluUlmu Eve. But numerous problems, .l~'!dh!i wet weather and late delivery ol 1lgn1 ~ guard nils, delayed actual use tit new link for more tl\an a montll. It Is In use now , ho\Yever. . 22 Iii DI M .i.tl&ICAW4_&_,.m:w>J For The Record ,~· SCHMIDT Id khmlft. A•• II, 9f IJO A "It . MtnclOZf , lttun1 Mlll1, 011t ~.-. ... 111. l"Hlrutl'Y J. ~"''* ~ w1f9, · J fllrM iw.lltWs, -nl9c:fl. a; llfl'll MrVkft wHI tt 1WW1 Mol\U'" • AM. Lll1'Mr1n Olllrtl'I 91 11M Cl'tll, i'U11111e Miiii, wltll Rtv. V1"""" t . ""''"'' Officl1!1"". lnltrmtftl, Fllirtlt ~ Holh-woocl Hllll-l 111tn1 htdl ~fry, OlrKlllN. It STARK "'"°'' Jol'l11 St1rlt. 11722 O.ldtn I &I .• Hut'lfl119!1111 8"cft. Dllll of tll. l"eb.,,,•l'Y 5. Sllrvtv.I 11'1' h \lllto -tw, \'lrwlnllo lllrk1 btoll!ll', Nont11n ~lllrk. Stl"lkn. Tllttd1y, t AM, 1.r-fttml!Y ()'ot6n'•I Fu,..r11 ttofnt, ~~ , PETERSON ·' i;tlllSI C. ,.....,..._ Formtr1Y of ...,. !l•rner111'111 DrlYt. C0¥1n1. D1!1 Of • 11'1, Ftbru1ry i: SUl"llvtd by ""'' rlt• F. P11tr111n. Ntw1ort lttcll. ""'~Ill ltl'Ylctt Wiii boo 111111 IU,,_ ·~· Ftbru1ry f, 11 J PM. 1n ,tilt ~ t Prftbvltr1111 Chllrch, W""'9 • "'' 111 CDYln1. Dlre<led W l1llt • ~~ry, 1520 !. Cotti Hllhw1y, 1?o"1 d.i Mir. ~·i BRA.NT>BORG '*'n• A. M. 1r111dblo'1 • .r.11 n. of 1'f ;COllt Mtll SI., C01!1 Mt ... D1!1 ol ....... 11'1. "16ru1ry ~. Sul"llnd by ton. 1;1Dlisl1Y •. C*l1flom11 lllrH d1u1111tn. ·~· Thel!N Jt1111l1111. C01l1 ~11 ,;ft\rt. l:bN Hitt, TtKlll Mrl. 1!1111 .,aut1nt0n. H1111ttn1t.n l11C111 nlllf ndCllllcll'tn: :io t rHt-traMchllcll'lfll """' ,,.....,,...t·trtnfdlUdNn. W•trllllldlr .. Nrd1y, 11 AM. N-1 t :lt •. m. fhi.indty, ll'IHIUI 11111 • • ~ l llt!Mrtll CllurC'lt wlltl ll:tY. lll\lllt (ll'(.11 W l aMI . .J.,.. G. l ll lrlt offl<l1llfll. Mllrment, 11 :JI •• 111 .. ttf1.IC'tl.lrt f1ttJ W91ttf!ll'lllotf' ~. 0.lthorM. Dtt'K'IM by l t11 I NI (;toldtn Mtt y Mlr'hlttY, 110 lrttdwtr, ,....,.. \lllll't Miii. CENTONI 1=n.,:·~"""· 1111C1tl ..,...1c,, l.!indlt Clnfonl. $11 W. Wllltl\, COlll , Mu fh ll• hMll ...... Strtkts ....... lfll, ltll .,......., l.Jl 1.m. TIWl'MIJ, .. rfff fir. .enf ~ry, 110 lr&ldw1y, COlll """"· ..... lul 1111<• Nltnm,Cln:llo :;j·~ --MELTON 1:11•·"'·'1M11ta11w.1a H1111t1n1llfl. ~!ti 11:. M.iton. AM St, ti 10271 t::f';.~ .. 11.-lll'llt!INlllll. I r ... • """ Drl\'f, Hvnll~ l 11dl. DIM p VI ltor • fl"lh, !'tOn.IAl"I' J. S111'YIVtd by wtft, ~1ot 0 • rh d•ulfll'VI, MtrlOl'I M. l'rll'llC ... ~ • • .. ,. ·• .:.i .. •• , "111'111 Mtt Tl'OYtri '°"'' Gt l'Y 1M Ttrl"I' fOIJrt irt c:o,..cl\ICIM MonM.,S . 11'111 '• ... :m!O!IJ· lwo 1h1tr1, LllC:llle fllt lllNll l'rl&lll'I IOI' sc'Mef cl ..... tr tlfltl . Il~N S.lldtrsi Ufltle, lrl M1t1on1 trtM i.vei•.,._, •..W ~ etl'llllr ..,. I •Nlldd111t1Mer. se ..... 1a1 wn1 M ,11111111-Ar'' lfii:t ,llilt .,. """' · • · ·1 • · r:: .. lv~Y· I PM. SmrtM c111 ... 1. ... -' ~~· " w :.::l;;;""~ .. ·1!.1~::~ •. "........ ~:::r ... :;::::,;·;~!!;'""'· ... For vears we've followed a policy of peaceful -.; SEftNSTROM , . ~· : • . J · ,· . ;t'l-tv!· ::::::· ~'r!. "Lo1~"'J::! , G" l~~ :· .. ;-: ~·· ~.. , · CO~xiSthce: ''011111'11, Loul•IMll 11'111 M,.., lllMMI 11' . to \'~ . .. ' . ~, ""'""' Hut1lll1tl011 IMC~ ~r. ' r I Yi ·i.J:·.. . "d. t"' t b d t ·••-.... ""' ,...,, -,,. · • .. · ' · · · ·,o . . -. aere we are prov1 1ng ue mos a un an "ftri, Mn. "..,_ 11:11, Mn. ~UINlll • d "' ,.;. """ 1 , ) ::·,p,,~~~=w .=::; . Organ::r.rom' Jt!.Ost .,ye~tilec and lowest cost fuel available to .., ~1'11"1 " tflt Al'lllt'lttll II:-'"" . , · ' "-~ .,L/;,. c·.:. Ur • .. .., w-·· 1oc111Y t1 0r1t1i.11 -• -1 , Uuu;m tu110rnJ8. .............. AlllM Oii Omftt, .. _ ' H M th f, (;,_ ' ' :::.=~~...::;=.~~ · er O ·er .. ' Heatina 97o/o of all the homes And 97o/o of .......... lm1fhll Mol'tllll'Y· ,( • • f • o!IANaE <AP> '--·all •i..e ~a+~.. u8ed in thelIL Doing 82 % of the ' lllLL BROADWAY MORTUARY dway, Cotta Me• u Wtl3 Joyce MllDO, 17, II lookinl '+' "!!"" 1os':!.~'!f1~~ FP<>king': AAd ruRiling 73% ortqe clothes dryers. :c>;, ~ :::;.:: • We ·=e~ no 1~ne to pick with electricit,Y. 101n1, wm un11er10 • ildn'1 Our philo . . .. h8 .. s· been: to efiich his own. Let transplant O}>el'aUon soon. Her ~ mother, Mrl. Leonard Mazu, t1'.e ... s o_irin :4'o the jobs it can do best. And will be the donor. . , h , When she ..... 3, doctoil c eapest. ' ·;. ·,{; . removed an abnormal lobe :a. _"if .,... from one of Susan's kidneys. ' ., 7n~ le~.T , :it to· electricity tO tUr,n On the ~~d ~~ ~~:;.• ~ : liglits. And ' e th'e tbaS, : And run the vacuum kidney 1tft. ' ,. . • Tbe transplant "oilers UI r· d ~e rad~· o, d the TV. .. ' hope al fill, .. uld her flfj)er'; r a uleaman. Bui tile·-'Bl,Jt IO < 'y lias 'got . their wires crossed. ~=~· ew.=e.i°":"'J: spa..i... are· nning .to fly; ' ~-' • • ' Depart-• N. 1J,Oll >-.~\I~ • ! j .,. . . 1· . '1fll 1 .~ '"" • ,,~~-~i -~.t-.., , .. . . . •. , . ~' ~-•• .. ..... ;fl'-'. . :.... (' ·' ' . ' . Save 30o/o to 50% on electric air concijtion- ing. (But be prepared to pay a big chunk of it back on repairs if your system breaks down dur- . irig the next heat· wave.) We're all for-calling a spade a _spade.' But if ...... from Ille llrf'• blood. ~ "t'" The -·11on wllf.,. a11au1 Flathe jpiplied, i1~ ~word. • it· comes to call~ it a shovel, we dig that, toO. f4'>,::0·:::,~,:r"iJ.b.., , 1 ~Wh·a~r· , 10 'clean. about . a Startin~todiy, w.e're going to set the r'etord ~ 11011.TVrU\Y ..... 1?111 81., co. -- f\lnd .... --In lanta ' il . ' . •Ana 1o belp"ralle 11o -· ,.ftflme~ess bro er when you ~ve ~t. Nail the innuendos. And tell the story of ~~u.r~·.;:....i-.i:: iq Jeave the doqr open and lei~ut . .C-u 'loud and clear, · ~= ~. Sholom 01 'the smoke?) ' .... ·.What it ~oatiYou. What it does for you. And · ..i11~~ ~~"""~ ... ¥ • Graduate, say the ads, to some of the wonderful jobs it will do 'for you io wai a normal liUdelit 'Olth THE ;411 1 ' h • (Bu '--' 1vorac• 11a.i .. and "d...i.t "''ameless e ectr1c · eating. t "'-the future. · ~~ 1::, 1:,~~111::! QCS sure you have a fat bankroll whet\ .. :" :the only hot ajr we'll h,and you. is the kind :;~,:.t~~=;: CCIM'Al(,t the ~~lls c~?_!• i.~> ·•• 1• th~~ ke~.ps yo. µr h0o~e warm an<jl cornf~rtable1 q\lmt hospltlusauoa. be lalcf I .,. ~ .j • r '. 1 " , '11 _. I t praadly. .. j ~ I ' ,, .le DAILY l'tl.OT Good Year Predicted LEGAL N(ll'ICE 1u,1a1oa cou11T Oii' nt• STAT• Of' CALlllCMl:NIA HI TM• COVMTY OP Ol.AlfOI ..... .wt'lll ttOTICI Ofl HIAlll ... 01' PITITION 1'011 fl!H»Aft OP WIU AND ,Olt Llnllll Tnl'AMllfTAllY (IOND WAIVIOI eJt•t.., IEJlT J, ALLEN, DecQtN. HOTICI II HEllEIY GIVEN TN! MAll:Y JANE All~N "-' flled l'ltreln • Jllf11'1111 for ll'*te of Wiii •nd ~ •-., L.,,_ Tes?•ment•rv 1'D PtlltloMI' (lo!ld W•lwdl, l'l'fe•tN:t h whi(ll I• ma f« f\lrtMt 11.rtlculert. •rid 11'11! I~ HIM ellll t1l•ce Df llMr!"" fM Hme 1191 ~ .et fllf Fe,rv•r'Y 21. 1Mt, 11 t :lCI 1.m., Jn 1111 COUT'l'OOll'I "' OePert!Mfll Ne. J of 11kl co1.111, ti 100 WHI Elo~I $1rttl, !ft !hi Cl!~ ef hnl'I An1, Ctlllorn•• 0."" Ftt>rw•..., I, 1Ut W. E. ST JOHN C-" Clerk P1t-m CYIU\. ,t,, WAL TON u. "-••llC!f .._. ..... 111 ~ C.llft!'ftlt ,."" '"= mll 211""1 """"" ..... ..._ ....,..,...., Ort ..... CO.ti Otll'f Pllol, ~ 7, I, 14, 1Nt DMt LEGAL NO'l1CE' H I CALIFORNIA HO~SINO sr~rs • '1916c 19~9 THOIJSA'HOs OF'UNIT'S r • ~ zz~ ' .. 51/s%?? Penni<sadd upto dollan, and doUa" add up to the.difference bet1veetta Wilahird Federal icving& account and a regular bank sauinga accoun.t. Our current annual passbook rate of 5% is th e highes t in the nation for in sured savings (account.$ (lit insured to $15,000 by a Feds rc.1 agency ), but re hen your savings remain.! or a.yeor, daily compounding increase• the earning rllle to 1tlSltlNllRtl. --cm• a cu. an11 -:MH!ll ''""'' ~.:.: LoeAt1ff1«• O«.vr Odf<Wl C~nttworl.\ Monrtwio • • 51/s% ... over 1% more thM your money would earn in a com parable bank BOVings account. And, you cb.n earn 4 ~ % bonus above the current annual passbook rate on 36 month Cer tificate Account• in multiples of$1,QOO. Open yo ur insured tavings account today. Funds received by February 10th earn from tM 1st; after tM JOth from date received. FBOERAL SAVINGS .... ,.,,_ ........... . COME 'IN FOR YOUR-FR.EE PERSONAL INCOME TAX GUIDEBOOK • ' ... , \ ,,.. I H . DAil v Pl1.0T 11 ,York Stock E;xehange List •' ( • •, ""' .................................. ..., ... """ .. ...-""-........ c: .......................... ...,..., ... ..,.""' .................................. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~··~~~~- J! DAILY PILOT ·----.. --- I . . \• r ~ . • . ' . ' . . ' ' . Moonlighters lnv04! ' ' .. Tlw Oldest Profession · . LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) -Moonlighters have invaded the world's oldest profession in this 24-hour g a m b I i n g: resort. • Bi.t. the. procedure ~betame such a. giant a~tive task that it eventually was discontinued. CHANGE11.00KS s~cii-a-raintiling lady la dii!kult..PeU'""1ilh. the ~ .~'.·-· cllief lnvSipttr;_~· ' t • • •• ' .. t. • , 1 ' r • ., ' . ~ ; . • . . . ' • < ·' ' • , • • •• . ' . ' ·i-' ... • . :. . !' : .. ... • , frost'ed ·le~ther accessories ... a. cigarette · · case S.OO :arid b. French purse 6.po i;,'Shim-· ·, meiy frosted lea ther. White or blue., By Ptincen Gardiner. , .. ;' . ' -·;' ! • . . .. .•. : ' ~· -.. ~ . " .... ··, . . ', '' . I . ' .,.,. . . ' . ' ' · .. · . ' • '. ',!; th• Va!eDlhr• ro1• ••• ii.blooms for ' d-~ glo)oe1 , • • handsome .Ja.,e:Remember your Valentine with smoothres' :With .. fine 'mottled texture. .this preity blossom in gold or silver tone . ·~!lop ·edges." Bone, carneL sand, p!at-m~i~t Spring ename1s. By LisDer. 3.0C inum: .1Jhl1.e. 61'.i~ By Vcm llaalte. •.OO '. ~~siria!Jleather gOOds .25 '~ mc:riq:i fashio_n jewelry 22 :rAtir·oowom:en'.s_gloves3 .,.....~~~~~~~-·~--~--c-.,-,---~~~~~-c-~~~~~-J-.,---17,~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ' \ ' r . ... -, • · ..... 4i.•." ·I . ;r-_· ·-,;l~l .. :: · .. ... " . . ·, I '' . '"·I ~j . - • ' . ' . [ ~ ' - J ~_,I ' •. • t .',,: 1' ·: •·' • I • 1'-.; .• • . ' . ' Pros®l!i<ll and g8JJ1bling have gone band-in-baDd for centuries -and W Vegas la JIO exoeptlm. But Ibo ranks ~ the '"rambJlng ladies" - .. they .,. called here - have been neJled roc:sllJ by parltlme praotlh .... The Jaw II O'llcking down and the regulars are . t;Om-o "'11wy *'·~·their ·ap- pearan<e ~·~-·:"""'l'l<I< disgulat ~·~~;·lla,_!l;_dye . : · or a . wf&: •"fl?" "~ of • · ~ , maleup and a rdlt'ferent . · dr.... ' '. f, :. . . . -,:., .. -., . ; ·-· ... -· ' • -t '• -· .. ~ ... l ' ,. . ' ' ', (, ;\, ~· •I -·•. ~.~'{' 1,1 .. l·."' '· :· ; .. ~· ...... ,. .• ··~··'4 ,. -'l ' ~-:;;. < I'° . ... . . • pJalnlng. ' Dist A\IY: G,eorge Fra~, . now in the midst of a · ~ campaign to ~n up, the •·strip", says \ ;fosututi°'t is. a multiple problem in , Las Vegas. •!. TWO TYPES . Frank~ initia,ted : a 1,P.<>licy , reeenUy whereby suspected prostitutes. Wf!e booked on a . charge of "resorting" rather than the more ccimmonly used cQarge of "soliciting'.'' The differCnce is tha t bail for '1rcsorting" is · $500 and bond for "soliciting" is $25. Some of tile persistent of· fenders have beei1 sentenced "First you have the regulars who wind up in jall time after tlme. And tbea you have ,the mocmlighters -. 0 r l l c e wuker1 carefree, houseWiffl . to ~ to 90 da'ys lr_ jail. ' '"'!Ii .ii;;...~ !'bo ll!!Dt ·.i. .J'W!ltulion la Wegal In . • hlii>" io P<l!IP" • ~ ~· ·~ir. bi)! tho 1 ..... ,:,.-;;o...:. • ~a ·:: ... w ,l>qotamm-'ll':•t••••u.r · ' · !)·~-,;'~ ~· r.& !bat , Most of the outsiders fly higher bail rilight act as a here from Los Angeles and deterrent San Francisc:o. They ap- '.Pl(t!lil1' believe that 1 Lu Vegas is fun to Vlllit but they don't want to:Jive here. At one time the influx of moonlighting ladies reached such proportions, Franklin said, that investigators met incoming planes and secretly took snapshots f or in- vestigative use. Bidding Higli On Spitfire ANDOVER, England (AP) -One of the last of the few Spitfires that helped win the BaWe of Britain in 194.1 is likely to become the center of a transaUantic battle when it goes under the hammer next month. The 400-mile-an-hou r fighter Is to be auctioned along with a collection of vintage farm machinery and engines In this Hampshire Town. Hot competition for the plane ls expected between wealthy Americans who fiy World War Il aircraft for fun and ~-aircraft preoerva-tioo aodetl,., Among the big· gest Am..icu spenden In Ibo old planes market ls the Coolederale Air Force, a group of. Teuns. "There will be fierce bidding for tho aircraft from both sides cl. the AtlantJc," said Group Capt. Hamlsb Mahad- die, the agent for the Con- federate A1r Force. The plalte ts et:pected to go for more than $20,000. H ARflFSTED .1Ninety-four . 4rrests were, r6corde'.d in December. The regulars comp 1 a t·n among themselves about the m o o nlighters. Professional prostitutes who have worked in Las Vegas for many years feel that if the moonllgbte.n had stayed home that the law would not have cracked down so hard. LL GleM Simmons, chief of the sheriff's detectives, said some recent arrests were made in such a way that the state had pictures to in- troduce into evidence as well as teltimony. ''The officm gel a pigeon to steer the girl to a motel room. There an officer posing as an out•of~town businessman, or something, b waiting. When the money has changed hands and the girl has .. ah .. uod .. uh. .when she is ready, she is arrested and photographed. Right there! On the spot!". EXPENSIVE TEST If sl1e were paid $100 by the customer but faced a $500 bail, it would prove to be an expensive screen test. Such pm:edqrts have cut Into the local prootltution rackel to some degree. BUt lawmen predict a resurgence in prostituUon ac- Uvity Ibis spring aoo """"'""· 1be profession is "seuonal" ln this desert resort - particularly with the invasion of'RlOOl'lli&bters.Thek traveh Ductuate with the t o u r I s t season. I See by Today's Want Ads --e A Buenjl 1n the Hand b Worth Two 1n the Bush: I AfrictD Buen;Jl PtGll are -111111--.~~=~ Wllec. ---$25 --•foldlar -i:r SS. ""' • -!nm '"""" 111111 -b "°' e W.1ni Y• Wq: To a .... beauttfal .,, loot tn the llvbW room -an I' pa -book couch. In "'"" lent condllloa; -mo.pie end ta.tiles am eotfff ta· ..... e Pulh ~ Button Warfan!: Tackle the Iauiidry with vi&or. • ,and a WecthW- boule Wuher, In .... .,,.. di-b GOl1 $35. •. . r.t . '• i • a fill• leather wallet • • • our own MacPhergus wallets are made of fine leath~ In smooth and gmined okins. Choose b1aclc and brownL 5.00.lQ.00 mdycomen'• fumlshlngs 80 llae 8blaf ••a1111•r berg , , , every VaSentlniJO.iaaa•wamier'bao!nblacl: palm!. 1llack, borie. white, .oo:vy v!nyl. at : -1heodi. . of Calllomla. 15.00 may co handbags 26 .. ' ,. ~~ • !,:.y; 1'J• ,,JI . .; I '• ' \ , ;..:·~: +~·ul ·'·''•';, T'rt"!·~ ·r.rll• •1· ;.~·•!111···~· ... ,.t·•,. .i,...:. ·,:-~ .. , ~· •. ·,.1.1 • ..t;-' •• t':r..-.'. ' '' ,. ·' • .. ' . l'f'• . • l .. ·iol '14. . • -rot::' ! ,• ........... ·--··· '· ' .• • ·' .~~~·~ ·-t:.. ' ' ... ~...... . . •r .t -i . , -. -' ,. I -0 ·. . ' . . ' . .... :-~ ·~1 •• ,1. . ' ' •· lrcnUN br,Speldel •• ,,the esn_nca of romance, a a:ent to flatter a man and plecue his woman. Handsomely gift ixd·~ed· •i:ir giving. 3.SO lo 9.75 ... 1 "1 .•• ' _. T ' moiciOmen's~'.80 t ·~ .. ~ ' ' 1V.[ ·.A. . -y-. ' ' .wrllhl; •hlil • • •. coloiful -Cqii,a con- taining .wrilirig pcillel', njbilj~ tubes. labelS, and a pen·thet tiJally .worbl From Giaph!a <:entw we.1. · 3.00 •• .. I I ·1 I ' ' '-' I ' I 'i • ' ., I 'j i i'.i '~ ,, .,I ~ :1 'I 1: 'I 'I 1' ' ,1 I ·11 I I '" ., :h ,, l .11 ... ' ' ,, "' II ;!" ' e Meat Mat1ret Monv. Can 11o--.U)'OG-lo tlda -· ..._ 111111 doll. tullr *!11\JpEd .... --u1,...._,_...., may co south coast plaza: san dtego fwy cit bristol . cost.a mesa; $hop mon'day ffJrough saturday '.10 am to 9:l() pm· 546-93211 ed low *" • full:* ..... 1 ' ' '1 I: I I II 'I 11 ' I; I l ' ,I . . ' vor.::~ f19, !l·~~· .. i r ~~ • ; . L ' • •• 1"~ • ~ • _.i ·" •rr. ' .. . . . - • ' r --• -• ~· • ~··ir'!•t.i·: ':l'!:::: ·~"'r;' Jo-•• ..... -.-:::.:.1 1 1 Confroiitatfiln ·~~ •'-• ..... ~· ..,. .. TT "''1'' : ·1~· !. r-r" ,... ".'" 1 ' I '' ( , • . , .. . . r . . . ............. • • . ..... .· ... _ ... , • . . . -· .. ... ... . ;a.~........ \. . ,, ~ .. ' ' ' .. f _, . .... . . . . .. . . . -· ~- t ... ' -•. ;:; .. • . .. • -• • r ·' . I I I . I '\ First FatiJlf9 '1t1oves1.ln· ;• Passersby got this view Thursday of moving pro- . cess for new family taking up residence in white mansion on Pemisylvanla Avenua in Washington , D.C. Nlzon .fl!nilly poueulons ""'"belng _moved, , .. irom New York. Among Items that will not be ship- ped to White House i1 President's piano. It goes to hls;vll(:aUon bideout In Key Biscayne, Fla. •• ... Fights for Toi ~eachFoster Parents Want ·to ··Keep~Littw 'Buddy' lly TERllY COVILU.: or ... Dllll' l'llllt ...., , "BuddJ" came tp the Huntfnaton Beach ...... of Mr· and Mn. Alfred . Hart NOv. JO u a vli!tcr. 1111 dimpled ll!llle and In fl n t bef~ _ .. ...., the allect!oo of the entire family Ind they ojecldtd they'd lib tq keep blm.'j ,:: ;:.. • But todaf they an battlli\I ~;!!l'lnl<! . · <:-, Adoption .&leDC7 'lllllcb tiold - without wlrlllnli Buddy :mmi• f>' ·to another family. ' ' j '::' ?- Ml'I. Hart, a w6man with nine chlJclttn of her OWD, 11 a~ !Oii« ~· ·rra'.x ·Reform-~ Urged .. , .. • ' -. NW.rt io-Gi• 'A.i1erage··Cirizen :'B 'w~ (111'1). -The ,Nlmi . tax Jaw1 to. the Individual. W. "Are all Americana In 11mlh4 admlpl'!!i':.= today ,II. .Yl!Ulil pi:o. pa yen and tu lncenUva ....-11 aimed ..,..clrcµmtancea11DOU11l J"~~tely lbi 1 poee f . tu · refllr!DI· Io at ncrultlntl 1'!slnell IUP()Cllt and fw> ·~~ c.n.r ... 1bJa. year (pcl1Mj ... cbaDget dill( of N--.uoa urban and 1,1.._ ~. ~ ::;.K:=-~ in income tu law• to ctve .the average IOClal program1. w-.:: • ...,.. UL .-- clllz<n a better .~ . A treuury sponaman said 1teriiledy'1 llie 'roblenu of the. c!U,.. ·and-di owi But Treasury ~ Dt.vld M. Ken-staff alao would bl d1rected to mUe disadvantaged." I nedy ·tn .... ~ save .. ~ci -m· , ror dlolac loot>bol• A ...,.. ..... e-. -am ... 'of Ibo pactrage he said bll llalf. bu •lied by .• ~ _. )0 ~ which. officlall lndlcated probably would ~-.. ~~ to their tax not he popoeed lbia ,.., -fnoludell 1 ~ .... _ .prepare. •· ' a -vision of federal ..... te tax rel• fualur)' officlall said the package Kennedy said tbe !Int Item of coocern .-,~ llkaly would Include c:ballies lo Income to the admlnlltraUon ,. .. the que!illon, Uonsbipo. Judge Gives Opponents Of Fr~~~y. More Time ' , Beach ltiinate· Moved to wuntyJail Action by a Huntinston Beach cltlwui lion of freeway routes "Is purely a A -'-"· bo ut fire to, hll .oen '"""P In 111 floeo-• battJO w1lb ltie t.,Ullttve matter and not IUl>jocl to ... -... ··we · ~? r 1 · jlidlcla1 review." ::::... ni: ": ".:t":= ~:1ay°!l'1"1o = c':;'"~.'.;' w:! 1lie agency allo .,.,_ lhal Ille eoano. 'Jail and ......... wUll .... bum· Judge Claude Ot,.11!' .allcntJd more time California legislature bu delegated to ., -•-1~ for pr~tlcD olM...,..U. the highway commlaloo "cerlala 111111?' Ins, a feloay. . , . . _ .' • Lawyv11 t.r the ltate agency and Ilona" relatlntl, to tocatlona o! nJU!es~, Pollco-said "Wllllim. A. Cli'llim, 21, the Concernecj Cllilelll COUncll of Hun-Sparldng bll present court of w Lue st:;~ llfach. had tlqtoo Beach w.r. ~ to mum waa a su11 filed Nov, Zl by Ille . ' been -to the jaD dnmll taot. • to oourt Mri 14 f<r ·a bear!!ll of sroup. Thal actto1u:barged Iba! . Klier lhoallol '.......W..·at puslog Ille dlljiute: • -~ persooa "complred,and .. -Into• lice Carn 1 · eitlly " lllnUd the At !...-11 the commllaton'1 araument ocheme to eltabllsh. and lb< 1be adoplloo po . •-· 1'POI -· that. H cannot be sued "wllbout Ill olJbe llantfnlloa Beach Fr«way." • fire ID bll maltral, polloe said. -c!oalenl." 'Jbe .'apng ub dlim!iill ol .. 'Ille suit followed the. -mft-'a Wbei Omcen 'came al the',lhouta o1 Ibo ptlJo!ll action mid argues that ieleo-adoptloe.of the Orange u.e-·a 7.Hnlla other imnales, Carn bombarded them ""1llni which ct-ly followl the Ill!' with _,; ' . ' ' . of Pacl!lc Cout HJ&ltway ID ~ Carjain· Wlcl :~""*-1n-~ather-to--Face·--~.::-to Llmpeoo-Avenue-lo Gaidsli halatlaB Ihm lranll!erred to lbe county ,' . · .. Huntington Beoch WU joined by· ....... jail· T •::...1 • F taJ talll Valley all'I Garden G"'" ·lo .,_ Fin damage WU confined IC\ the 'mat-nw 'm a . iectlnl the route. 'Jbe all..-. - trm and walls. o1 cari.o.'1 cell. No favored by we11m11111"'and -, other lnmatei .,;re Injured. '· B' ' ea· ..:-g· _of Son Object!ODI voiced during publlc -" · UU Ins• included the argumelll that the Youth to'. Face · ' T.als as Addict ._ .I~,; • • ~ .. OM 'f•!WP"111 that {nay lead to hll ·~Uoe u a ll&fCOllcl addict bu b8'!i ~ foe a 'Y1ellmlllltei' youth who pleaded 1lUillY to the armad robbery ol a service stalloo lo )bat city. " A llllperlor Court trial f<r a .., __ maD -of lofllctlng !ala! l$rlel ... bll-·~ ... 1111 hem ocbeduled f<r Man:b I. Bui pd>llc d!if-..-tins Joyal Roberl ~ Jr., :II, of ltltll Marlena l!ri... plan to aPllOiJ -thal elate a -n)ectlon by Judge Robert Gardner of their motion for dtsmlsul of cWa•· Orani• tine will dealrvy 1,tlO' -. A route pl~ced further west would cmJr affect 7711 families, II -qJed. ;. ' Cake Sale Set With Registration She ta1w "°" fl --ha~ lor two or -lllCllllbt UDtU !ht adOjltlOi "°" agency finds a pmn'lnent home. ,.:.: ;. She'd bad lllz f-J1abla befed .• Buddy . ·; j ·~ri·· t . l.'l • 1 '· ~~ ~'-Buddy WU • -~special cue. , e WU .. brought to the . Harl home with the comment that be mlabt not be '"""" ....,P to Uve. David · Froderlck Grant, II, of DO .: -w-Jirtve, -hll ptea o! not . -llO!lt1;1o armed~ cluaps before .. • S~ ·Court Judge Robert Gardner ~ arifa&ttted that he>eld up the Power Tbnisl service station, 14902 Beach· Blvd., laat Dec. 11. Grant wu due to go on trlal before a jury Feb. 26. 'Jbetr action II aimed at puttlntl the facta of· tbe cue before the appellate dfvilSon of the court aM having charges againat Hoblon d.l.smisaed for lack o! evidence • Hoblon'• son, Traey, was taken ill last Sept. 10 and died later that night in Weslm!Mter Community Hoopltal. Onner's investigaton pinned cause of death as being a skull fracture and II.cerated liver. Westminster &Ir! li&leboD uplrula will be able to have their c!Ue Ud eat It too -if they show up for • combioed cake sale and registration far the forthc<:mlng 11rmmer baseball ~ sram. The silJlup.eale will be sta1ed In front of Albertsoo'1 market, HO a.m. Satur- day. Ml'I. Hart and hlr live -lllD at home fed Budd.r an ....,. of mUk OVflr1 ball hour f<r two, -He grew '""""and.the a-bellr""" the family mamlltn allo ~-.:-. Today Bud<IY 'ii a beellby llU!e '!Jve. and-a-bali·mont!M>ld M-Amulcan boy • ~I Mn. Harl decided obe'd•11b 1o.1'dc!JI -· Ibis fost.r baby ao site l&lked to 'ii .:ic1al worker fnm the acmey. . She WU told her age, 41, and her healtb mfiht -1 proble!DI, bu!. to 10 ahead and apply. ' Ml'I. Harl today ..,. site WU -er pmnlaed Buddy, bu( lbal the ·IOdal worker led her to belltVe that Ibo coWd edopl blm. Mr. and Mn. Harl bepn the lengthy papenrort. tncludlq lelldJnc for bb1h ..nlflc&tes lo their home ltate of !OWL They spent a-flail ... paperwork to adGpt Buddy, ·'Jbe Rull -aold a fS,SOll home In Iowa to 1mure ....,P cub to -inapect!on by the agency. 'Ibey ban lived the pul !Iva yean at 1111'12 ,....,. taln Lane. Last week a telephone call from the agency told them Buddy bad _beeo atv .. to another family. Without W1r111ni aD their plam wera down the drain. I DAil! PllOl OIUJICll co.n PUSlllHING ('CMl"AlllV l•h1t N. 'Wt•' .. ,.,lftrl Wiii l'\IWI""' J,111 •· c.,1.y Vitt f'rulWnl _, ~.! MIM"r Tlit111•t ICH•ll ••ow n'""'' A. "'4llf111lil11• ~·.i• Af•trf W. ltlt• Wilfl1M lt14 ,._ .. ,. Muro! ........ .__ llllW City ffltat " ............. --JH ltli Sff'11I Mel1t1111 "''''"' P.O. ••• no. t2, .. 1 --......... 9'!Kll: '211 WHI It_,. kt.1~111 .:. .. Mtta: »I Wbt ltr ll'IWI DAILY PILOT lhff ....... FIGHT FOR llUDDY -Mrs. Alfred Hart (seeled with "Buddy") !J battling county adoption agency to keep infant. Also hoping to keep him In tile famlly are two of Mrs. Hart's own children, Eulalia, 16, and Jlm, 17. Now Mn. Harl II contiderlng lepl action to i« a reetrainln1 order qatnst the agency'i tatlng Buddy away before her c.a5' C'1l be . reviewed before the adoption board. . The crux of the problem ii that the adoptkin apncy appmntly save the Ham no warnln1 that Buddy wGUld be lolns to another family. And once the decl!loo wu made the agency bu remained adamant in its refusal to cbanse Its mind. The other f,udllt, WlldmUlled by lb! agency, reportedly la .a )I,. z 1 can· American family that did not speclly Buddy or any other one blby. Mrs. Hart can't undel'ltand why the adoption a1ency can't pve the other family another boby and &Ive the llaf1a a chance to complete their application for Buddy. "That way two babies would have bomea," abe uplalned. Agency personnel have t 1 d I c a t e d several Umes that Mra. Hart can pass all the quallflcaUons to be an adopUve mother. Mias Locllle Grothe, adoption sevtce1 supervilor, replies that to uk her peramme1 to review the case would be, "a rtnectton on the.Ir professional a&lllUea." She also says that it is a policy of the agency that foster parents shall not .be considered , as adC1ptive parent.a for children 1n their care. But she adds that tt ii not tmpoulble fOI' foster parents to adopt a child in their care. SU termed the incident "regrettable," and' added, "Any Jamily that leell h Ila• 'beer. treated unfairly alwaya bu recourse to hlgber channels." In the meantime, however1 the aiency will pllce Buddy lo another oome. Two Beach Murder Trials ' Shut Following ·Shooting CloMd -. ,....nod today at a pft!lmln&rJ 1-tnr far two Huiil!octon ~~ . c1er--. ~mm -.-.-- No tmmedlale ...-for Judp 111rman G. ·8oo¥1llo'1 Q!der barr!Jll •pec> 1a1m from Dltllloe Fin, West Oranp Coanll Jodldal Dlltl1ct Court, WU learn- ""by newsmen. ,,__ btblnd the action 1mo1...i t11i IA ~ lhoqlln( of a aispec:t by a marder Ylcttm'1 brother, or pooalbly DAU. Y PILOT pbotosraphs shot lbroush ... • • a ball -last 1\ieoday. Henri' L. 61ane1, :15, of 111 Clay SI., and Edwerd R. llll·pve, lJ, of· 171D Marken Lane, both Huntington Beach --., were pbo4ocraphed from ~-~9!';f-~ l!!!r. 1llelr ..tilin!narv ~ -ltchedaled Tuelday . lo the lan. ' JJ throaHlub sl~ of Mn. Hes"' S. MP.rkee, '116, ol UOI Olive Ave., WU eontlnood untlt 10 a.m. today at the Di!b'lct Attorney'• requesL 1 Judie Gardner suspended a c t Io n agalml Grut onth . feb, 2f, when be will aamlne the findiUI o! phyalclans. .Henredon's •· " . ' ... Hoblon wu arrested the next day and cbar1ed with lll&llllaugbter and cruelty to1a child. Glrll lllllll be llCCOlllPIJl(ed by al l- one parent and pruent a birth certUlcate before they can be ...,glltered, 'Jbe in-sram includel aae J'8ll8'S from tlllnl to lJlb 'lfades. . · .. • .. . -. ~--· " " .. . . . . -.. . -- oN DISPLAY -NOWI O..,...o1 ~ .. ~'.llol ;.,,.;;;,,,;;'i;; -~ ........ .. tc~ '•"•" ••II hrr V.Mi. ·wu~. 'S>li-, Hri"·- .....,, .. 12"'~ ,, .. , a1~· ~ ..... ~--P!~! ~-: ... "tMN. P'l'l.W ~. ~ ...... ,. c;;,_, ., Nil"; . . . ' . . .... -' -· ~ (:. . .... " ·-· .. IXCLUSM DIALl~"'~:itu..llrioN~&iita'-..HulTAOll"---· ...... ~· " ' . . . ~ . " --· . • ta DAYS NO INTlllST.-~~'111--AY~I ~ .. ~ ~: : ·• ·:: """',;,":"-.. . .. ~=::·F. :~,.. .. --.. . ·-• -~TllACK 1727 WW!dlll Dr. MiasG ........ ,.,.,, Pref 1llMI l1•1cr LAGUNA llACH DtlllllCft SU Herth Co1i1t Hwy. AnlfiW. AJl).:-NSID OP111 """' "m., t _ .. __ ,,, ---·· .. . ..... 4'4-6551 1111 I I r Lll••••• -,. -. . . --VOl. 62;.. NO.:ll,~ SECTIONS; '42 JiA~ -.,.._ -;,i._ .-... --......... ~ ...... ... -·-----· M. . ~ .:;; c; ..,.. • .::; .:;_ ' .__ ...... ' . a1n- ' .. ' --•· . . -- - Seat Again; W Q~~ Enters Robet\ Turner, l Laguna Bead! llCbool . their W"Y," 'llJ""l' Bald. tr1111<i"lor 14 years,··-loclay ·He -, lllal hio opoot had become he will not be a e1ndldaf.t b' t6ell~ion lncrrrr"rcIJ ,denYmtng wiCb a 1cxil: to the IChool bolrd. liiltelil:l tW" bit-m141g""nemy evtiy w~L, \ el Mrs. Shirley Mc:Colla 11 ID Ille eJoi:llon Mrs. McCana's cllape111 JOim· that el ring. ' , n-;-Bmrne,anlilcamljml.~ Turnersaldbewunot.tllJCelectlon _..,.up !<r eltdion. Only-ljwo -he fell tho p1a lllU&IJI ,..,. m.e''flled 1<r electian 1o the n .. m.nber qo'had been acbiend. ' · ~ ~ 1p>&ts ""'11o be• tme:1 ~ "llany ol tbe gools· we atartec1 Old tbe ~ 11.election. • lo achieve many ,._ ·.., <an·..,. . Allorney Willlam •Wllooun Jut /odfl'. reaCblng fulflllmei&. II 'l.ites a looi be hf'l "nol quite' made up"•hil fm!Dd tiine lo get many d tbese tb1np Into ~g candidacy for reeledlilo to effect but I feel 1these are well oo the · board. . N1W YQRK (AP) -Nolll-lotllll cut plli II tiio -ol tbe -~tit, todlJ., Tradln( -d..leiatolJ kilff. (S.0 ...... -. Pl1'1 l .. ll). Tiie --.-w··-.. 1 )_:lo p.ni. -·op Lii ii NI• . . ---- • -FRIDA!, f.B~~Al'fl,.~.;~ ' . ·t • ' . Use PrQpoStll • .. Shaw Trial ·Jury He-ars Witness On Oswald Link Not a 'Street'? Now ._{ "I kln4 al like· Cajon Terrace," said Councilman Rlcbonl Goldberg. Council· mu Roy Holm aQJ)O!led an anecdote: "A buocb of ut·ciidn't like the name ol Zell Drive and we ...,. odviled lo IO lo the county." Re 11.ld be later reeclved a notlce tJ\11 bl>. boolo .llUDlber .. cm Zell Drlve 'boil been cbanaOd lo a,clifl~nl ~ '""""'"· '"' Zel('l)rlv., • • ~ J~ O'Sulllvan dldn1 ' ,.. any bl< jirobfem uli!le....,. ~e.' He WU Ud"d lt-woald r.ectssttatelnottflCa. u,.:. 1o the ~t1 and. poo1 o111ce 10r rec-· aid chlngOI. ' Goldberg said II nee • they bulli the ' street lhey oulht to be allowed to name It. The counctf WU told ~I the ·~hange had lo be by ordinance. , Vedder WU voted.• doWI\ f.1. ' ' . . • .-' . -J • ,. ~ ·I ' J • • -•• :1~ -·.~ ' . . . . . ~ ... . . "".,..... '' WORKMIN lltAICI OIL IOAICID HAV ~ONG SAND IN IPPORT TO SAVI SANTA llARllAltA'.llACH • · · Oii Sllllc -c"""' ""° 11 ~,. Mltto """"Thin o,..,.., c:.unty . ' ~·. , . ,,Santa Barbara ii .. ' . . • . A • . . Oil Moves Sooth sFaces Threat \ ; ., ~-·~ .. ~ -.. . . LAGUNA TEEN CORNER ly' TOM' GORMAN ~ ARE A LOT of Udblll 11111 -. oo hlnC oa to your cbllr and we'll !nae rllhl throaP them. It -lllle IUlfen In 11111 town wm OAllY PllOT OUNH COAST .UILUHtN• ctlM"~l4Y •.M.t N. w ••• Pft ......... ~ J1c• •. e •• ,,., ivi. f'ruidtftl Mid r;.-fl ,,,._.,, 111-., r,.,,;1 ·-Tt..111111 A. M1r,.liii•1 MM"'"9 ff!*' Aic•••i r. Hill P11;I Ni111n a.-IHctl. ........ .. ,Int Cltr ~111-Dltec.ttr __ OI ... 212 f1r1,. A ..... Melfl•t Ml,.MI P.O. 111 666. •1611 --eattll"-t •w..rSWI ...... • ..,_,, ....,, m1 .,., ...... ~...,.. "-~ .... INdl: -tlfl .,...... fluDy be lllo!fed to IUlf from llUllrill to -on 'eorllln belehes. The city coqnclJ 1111 olPI unanm-i, -to lllo!r Ille clll aUGmey to lfrlte up the oftlcfo1 -1 Start WUinl your boor\11, • There ':if' be 'l -danee MU<h I, llwlb to IXlllDdl 1_.i. Tbe Y Ooomcll llu -up Ille -(Bob wrlcbl'•-l and-ll'Jllp called "&.IL" Tbt RDld nportecQy drew men peapll Ila Ille S111wboi11 Alcm Clod: ··-~-...... Loeb lift 11111..., be Ille belt -,.._ TllB ·FW PllOPLE lnvlded <11npu1 •pin "'-IQ. llocton from Ille Com- municable DileMO C..I«' ID Allanla doclded to draw oome men blood from hilh ICbool atudeoll. Natch, lbq ..,. me ID the crowd. Meybe lbq didn't like obit I wrote aboul ll1em lut Ume tll>y vlslt..i LBHS. The powtr of the pms boctflred or meybe I have quality ........ l'lll jmt iloll I dldn, airer 11'1 blood to Ille --llleJ ..... io town Moadey. I'd be dry by-. WI -haft ID inllnllllll IOlf loom 11111 llll'lnl-Slulor Br la n WllJnn1clll llbol a n lot nine "bolls II tepoia NlpL 'lbal'1 1""111 pd, -,... -* Coadi Bowm llbol I fL I -wllo'1 ceoc!>ina whom! Thin'• a Joi of talk oa· campus of cblftllnr -clotlles board rulll. Al-tom~ ... under .. ., to allow ~ ID ,_ the bollom of Ille ur and to lllow -wlthoot IOCU. i!oYI' Cloll8 i!olrd PnOldeal Dow Mclloiinell II ~ ....-ltloc -In ojber bead! ...-11a1 lo find oul what -nloa-But dool let ,.... hair down ,.i. a.w ,_ Tam Tibor llld bll COUI'\ ..... _ .. Ille,...._ ...... . nun '· -. -vma l'llt RIP Scboo1 .,,,... banb'. boldlnf "' to life. She'll undergo a Jddney transplant in a month or so, but she needs $40,000 to fmanoo Ille lll....tn1 ojler1tion. 'lbe odiool and y Councll aie ~' a Susan Mazze Fund Drive to help lier ouL Any donltlonl can be IOllt to Lapna Fedenl Sevtnp and Loan, =~,. ... Colla M-Blch Sdlpol bu a mediator Cll eamptlL Art Vltarelll. G, WU crtcinlll1 -u • oecurlty CUanl Oil campoa. Soon bis role cbanled to a llaleoa -students and ad-mlnlslrllkrl. II& . mlln role IJ to keep tJi> ad· ministration Informed of what the -II.,. doln(, and vice versa. ~ H1ah doem't seem to have ~ _l~k of cornmunicaUon. For yean there bu been a Student Conp-w. Dur- in( Congrels sWiOos, que..tlons could be directed to Ille edmlnl!trator )lttlel!t. In lddlUon, a Prlncl)IOI'• Advllory Councll'.9>u been -bed thia ,..,., A cnsi oecllon of -!Mm each • grWe level meet 'lrilb Mr. Itteves reauJartJ lo -pniblems l'IJllinl IJOm currtculum ID poor teac(ler habit&. LllHB _, Died I llaleoa man to bridee·----.One-·t -. And I ""' I'm Dot ........ lbe day Lq\1111 mp .... to nllO(t to such ln- dli'ecl .....,. of dbcuilfna •omiius iro-ble..._ Laguna GOP Women To Hear Speaker Mn. Am lowler, !armor Ropobllcln MINlll · 9•'lll m l'O~~a •· hr ClllllWi; ..... ....,. iioloni Ult RIJiabllc• """"' of 1--a& a. Women'• Club en It. im'1 Drt" 1811 Glimept SU.. • Scout .. Official . . Mr. Dale .Die& Lud9fg. Dole, l!I ~ .....-of the · Boy Scout.I of America In JIU, dled ,.,_,. at Sonlb Caal Conmnnl!J, llalpltal:Lapna Beacb. lie ...... Serrices .. ,..,.. .scheduled today al Pacific View Memorial Park O>apeL Mr. Dale was born in Norway and came to America in 1901. He served as an execuUve <>f the Boy SCouts pro. 1110\ing tQe movement from tbe Middle \Vest to the Eut Coast. A resident of Lquml Hl1ll for Ille pa!I four years, he II 1urvived by hs wile Gertrude of the home, 415 Avenlda Cutillo: "lhne ...,., :Richard ot san J-. ·Gordon of Newport a.di and Larry of Allnd, Now YorkJ"lO 'IP"ancl- chtldren. • • : Interment wjll be at Paetfic Vitw Memorial Part. · - -" .Renredon's ,J..h·l i b'.:SGYciliO --' .I I ON DISPLAY NOW! OtJ.teMI '111i.. t•lile lwi1 '-'ipt"M1l•• .., w PM' .. lly -tche4 r.n."4 ••Ii ..,, ,..,. .. ,. ¥(11", Dsz'" ·HZt'" '~ ... U".,. tZ", Clli•• ·,,w...e Wfti.. ~··· ,.._;: lin rirw, ,.itr+HI Weriw, W4J~", Dlf"', Htr, IXCLUSM DIALlltS l'Oll: HINRIDON-DlllXEL-HDITAH ' . fO DAYS NO INTlltlST-LONGO TlltMS AVAA.Ai&.E ON Al'l'llOVEt) CREDIT -'lNJ .. · • • .. INTDIOIS ' " .. .. MIWIOlt.T llACH Prof 1 '1nel lnteriw L.A0UNA llACH 1721:~-=·°"· 642..2050 D•-• . MS Hirth C.-Hwy. _r: !i:l T 'Tll. t Avatf1ll1 AID-NllD . . .. ~ WT 'Tll. t 494-6551 ·--M--tl--1HI • ' i I I I , I f I ii I .I I J i 11 I I l • ~-· ~11rder . , Tri·~ls ': .CJQsed • • - • ,, . ,, nl L Fi~st Family Moves 1fi· f .. Passersby got this view Thursday of moving--p~ cess for new-.family taking up residence in white mansion on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Nixon family possessions are being moved . .. :it· -~ , . ~,-_.,»~ ;);"' --', u~1 .,......_ ... ' .. • • • --·~ j ' .. • .' . "·' from New York: Among iterrts tliai will nol be ship- ped to White House is President's piano. It goes to his' vacation hideout' in Key BiJcayne, fla. _ " . . ' . • , ' DQars -Shut il.l Wake of Vengea~~ Shooting • Closed docn pre'ialled IOO&y at a • prellmlnar)" lielr!ni (or' two H1mt1niton BUch murder sulpOcts . No-lnimediate ruaon for Judae Harmon G. Sco\!Ult's order barrl/il ·~ tatora from ~ Five,, vtlll OrMC\, County JUdlcial)llllrlcl Court, w11.1oam- ed byi lll'#Sl1)en."' \ ' ' T'lieOritt behlild· the aqU\lll lnvolVed , the·IM ~~er,Jhootlng ·~f'.a aus~ b~ ,. liNn!<r Yidl!i>'•~t\>ei:. or'.JlOlilbly ~ DAIL Y·PILO'l".'pliltograi>m shOI ~­~a hall window Jatt Tuesday. • • •• ....... 'Henry L. S~; IS,.of UI Clay Sl.,r. and 'Edward ft, ·Hai grave,· 18, of 1'7391 ... • Marken Lane, both HunUngton 'Beach addresses, wen photographed from· outside with permission of the judge and ballilr. ' .. Navy lmpr~~d Systemis ' . . After Pueblo Captured . . . /' Their preliminary hearing schedu1ed CORONADO (AP) -It took the ca~ on the Pueblo totaled 'lnOl'e than oM Tuesdl.)' ~ in ~~_Jan. ,...1,2 ; ~~-alash. tlp'e of the USS ·P~blo ,._and some,. or ton, bUt said be envialonisd uiln1 tiama8' slaying of Mri. l{ater S. •atk~ .. 5a!~ her secret documents to •PP' the Navy contrOI equipment; baDd ti>oJ,, pller~. of 1508 OUve Aye., was a:>911nUeCi unli into "an ongoing effort" to improve '-"'--.-..1 10 a.m. today al the District Attorney's hand cutters, acety• -~ .uu I emergency destruction and scuttling dlael request..,, de victa, a Pentagon officer said today. massive fU'e fed by ID!~ and • Mrs. Markee -.:as hivol~ in some (Earli"er Story~ Paget) fuel as well u c1w4n1'nuld to dtatri>r type Oi ll)lqjc,&Ocldet(fwith '1P1to... lM Capt. John H. D. WUJlims, an it. ' , . . • car on the night slle ·Was fol!OO ]ying d cit pert fro the "Wh'"b '-.-1m-... •,. " -~. an th Oli A Ith emergency estru on ex m -13 """'" .-, ~-..-.. on 17 Street near ve venue, w attorney for the aklpper, Cmdr, .,LloJ' her throat slashed. office of the chief of Naval Operatlona, uche , the destrucUon ti. The,womanpwner of the .blood-am.eared also said the skipper of the Pueblo should cMJa. ssB1'£'1ed ~:.~.:::i"whlcb _; .. w r·n iDto have been able to destroy his allotment llUltQ"' ........, ~ stolen auto found abandoned near the of secret papers and equipment in an enemy hands or the piOtecUoo of hWr.an murder scene and a companion were h life?" our. later arrested, then freed wben ·a cab Testimony before a court of inquiry "This ls 1 j~t 'mattit, ud'Ule . . . driVer imRIJeal!l!l lwo 0\11"' nien,. .which heard Williams' time estlmate .hu definition ol tap -« I 1hUdt - N . . F L ' . Flu on way POW!l. The men, Slenti and HarlJ'.llve. were indicated two """'elapsed between •the be welallecC!n Ibis j1ldpllal ••• lbot lxo'l'I avors ow·e~ing ATLANTA (UPI).,, The NallOllil'Com· . arrested J!ft,.16 aild are f~Jy_.charg· time North Korean.s ·Ursl thm.tene\i to. loa.\ol lbls'materlal· """111 -G• •I{ . municable Disease center aaid fodly that ed wlijt JDorder, •}lto ~t and ~ulon fire on the Pueblo and the Ume ahe ceptlODally ;rave dtnpr·to tbe all:kn .. every state in the• nation, except ~Kan-t1f .J. sa,-ed-off abOtgun -fo(md ln the wail boarded en route to Wqoaan harbor. aqd , •.• iQBOfar u .~Jy pMllMI .---~-----,,.., ttported-deereuecHl~oni-flu-home of-Slanei, woo hh~Lwlle _&Jlil __ WIJU.•1111 said be was ,.,.,. the allot-ir lboiJid 11111 be pennilled lo fall .... n ti < last .. ee1t. Infant boy. . . .. . men! or cla.Wlled documents 'llllll Chartl enili11 hiftdt;'"iiid'Wlllliliil: Voting Age . to -1~ ·!"ear.s ... : ... r • ... !. ,.,. , WASHINGTON (UPI) -President and the world." Nixon uid· today he favors ·lqwering The ICholarship students, two from the nalionaJ voting age to 18 l:lecause each state, are ~ttendini the U.S. Senate America'$ younger generation is the youlh program sponaofed. by the William most pollUcally sophisticated in history. RancJolphliearst·FouodaUon., . · Jn a talk to a visiting group of 102 "I believe in young Amuk:a because outstanding high school studenUI, the I know young America/' Nixon told Presidmt said he favored extending the them. "We need ~· The nation needs ,8: .. , ' • ·e ···.sa ,. .. . .. - vote , to .ia.:.year-olds "oot ~au,e, a! you." ·J .1 <. • • many say,' If you are · old enQugh to An official said',,Ulat. Jax( sha~~g Pfo-. ~· fight. you are old enough to vote . · · posals, tax creW.tat. f(lt ,loC&l IDd itite but because you are smart e~gh to governments, ii.\t \.~\i: and .. ~ th •j vote." changes ~ pUt ol. the kmg~e r ~ \ Nixon met with the scholarship st~ .. ,. 1~., • >· !. , ·""· I. .• YQUJ!K~•-aljer . conlw;ing '?}th :u. reFt;,'i,r.._ ldcnl_' I_ ,NNllilliy'l!;;.t:'l<l."~i,)s,.IW,,:,~.:·~ . .fO.,"'d", en · cabinet earlier in tht mOrttlng: He ad-~ .. i 1'1Wisiii ,,,._t lU_ •vw ' . vocated lowering the voting age. from be ~· bt.lt,.off~._:riq~ ,~ics 1 1 21 ito 111 during a campaigr. -speech and stfessrtd· tbat rtoday,'a~statemenl by · ·· I :?ii last faU in St. Louis. , Kepned>; woulil ~~-~~~£~ ~only · ... -"You are a political force even thoug~ of a "~limlnary.~t',' pf. the ~ ' 1' you don't• yet have the, right_ to vote, plan. , · , ~ ~ I T. . . ... II the ' President sal4 in ~a .talk to the A ~ offloci_al usettedf loday: .i. younpters·at the Whi~•House. , -"'lbe hlghestr1)riority W,~l l~~ ha.,, the _r He said· the new ~al.ion of equity and ·inQentiv~ .-, ~ ~e. ~ In net only the ·best tdllcated We would bJpe for ~ Octlon 11 I I ge.rleration of Americans but tt also is because if they are good and IOIJIK!, ''the ·most.involved -involv~ in pro-we ought to go ahead and get them blems-of your neta:hbothood; your nation throush.1' •we Wani Hi111~: . ' Foster Family Fights for Tot · By TERRY COVILLE or ""' o.llJ 'llfl 11111 "Buddy" canle . to the Huntington Beach home d. Mr.._ 8.nd Mn. Aifred Hart Nov. 20 as a vWtor. His dimpled Smile and ~ n f l •ft t helplessness soon won Ute-aff~tion of the entire family•"'! th~'declded ~y'd like to keep him. But today they ·are \>attting: ~ Orange County Adoption Agency whicb; told them without warning BUddy muSt go lo another family . .... · . ~-:::.."-: .. this foster . baby ~ she 'la,lked to a social worker from the agencf. . , She wu told her · 11e, ·@,. and _her health might present problems,' but; lo ao ahead and apply. •· , Mrs. Hart today says she was never promised Buddy, but that . the soc;lal worker led her to belleve that she could adopt him. ' '. Mr. and Mrs. Hart began the lengthy paperwork, including aending ·for biI1P certificates in their home state ot Iowa . T~y spent ~~· flOO on paperwo~k to adopt Buddy. • .. the. Harts even so kl a . $2.500 home in IOwa to insure enoogb cash to~pass iflspeicllon by the .agency. They have Jived the pa:!lt five yuts it 11872 Faun-.. ta.in-Lane. . -·,:., . Mn. Hart, a ~ii;1.?ilb~~ .. ~ ol her own, is a rell~ei:,il·lqillet~. She takes care Qf_upw~ted:~.,b!~ J,ot two or lhr~ m~".~tM.,~Ol1 agency findS a ~'ldne. She'd hid ' iii 1 olte\i .<!.•"' .:Wore· . ' ,I '-. .._ j,~'f. '' ' ~t ~ a ~·~·.caII trom7qir lli<;D!'J !"Illa lliiddJi:M~. ~ ,iv~· to i.oothe&: • . . ..; .:1 WllhoOI w ·: · ·all theiti>lw .:wer'i 8uddy. • . ·;~~;" .: . -Buddy was a .11e-. . ._,_as br<Juah! .lo the Hirt llome:..iii!i< Iha comment !hat m"inljl!lt,,"Jdtbe ·monk enciuah lo live. · ' • Mn: Hirt and her 'five CliiJareri stlll ' 1t hOme fed Buddy an oonce of -milk every hall boor for two monUts. He 11ew strong and the attachment between the family members also increased. Today Buddy is a healtby liWe five- and-a·hall·montb--Old Mexican-AmerJcan boy. Mrs. Hart decided she'd like' to adopt . . ' Hit Pedesttian ' Di~ of In juries An elderly Santa Ana man struck by a car1 is he ,Walked alq a. rural street 24 d'1S ... died' -ly ;oday al Orange Coui.ty Medleal Cen:U ol bead Injuries. -Flor<s, 72, .of 41t s. I:leTlbope St.,. wu walking alone New~ Street Dear" Camille Street On .lap. ·14, when. he WU hil and lmoclied MJ~, ·- Driver Larry C. GI~ Saddle Cirde, Fountain Valley, WU cleared of. ¥Y blame in conoectiOn with the fatal aockfent. • Sanla. Ana police .tnlf£1c ld•estlaaton said tha District Attorney clecllned on Jan.· Jt to Juue 1 dtltlOn aplnst P'krls for wolldng lo•· the rooilway . under ~"""elf me cue. 1'61k:e' Aid tho victim Md been dtil!k· Ing pl'lor ti> the tali! oi:Ctd<ill lnd'lhll was a factor tn the cue. ' I down !he.<l{aln:· , • . I f' ~', :. ~: ':. ·-Three Lagunans . . .. ) ' ' . ,:. lndicted·on .' ·· D!ug Charg!3s . .. . Three Laguna Beach mJdottl were Indicted by the Orange Couilfy 'GUiil! il}T'I today ·on cb&rges of Posse'slon and sale of marijuana. • Dblrlcl atlorlley's orn<ers succeullllly S001ht backing of the lnvestlpU" pailil for filing of cbara:es against Brian Kel\- daD McAdams, 22, Georte ll:rftest Oliphan~, ll, and Helen Marie J1llll'1'.. 1', all ol 2211 Laguna Canyon Road. AllCi named 1n the Grand Jury docu-wu Gonion F, Joiu-, 23, ol Loni Beach. . Court appurances""fere beinc IChedul· cd ror the four late Ulla m~. -'lllll I ' ... • a·· ~ rilno~ ~ ~in. 'If."..:. the Laguna home Ir! • raid carried out by iherlb'1 depuiles, Lquna pollce a n d federal nart.Ot1cs agel)ls. Six mtD • ~ three women were '*ked into Orange County jail followlnC Iha roundup. Dlllrlct 1111om'7'J Inv~ tdilay said IUrtber lncllcl\l)ents ...,. linly peo; dine '"'" -111 iii • ~tlf\ulnl prnbe Into the Jon. 17 .'lnddent. 'Aley aald Johlllon •lso facts dlarg<ttf -Ion ol LSD. • .. . I . . • .. t . " ~-• • ... :;:. ' ,II .. •• I • ' ' . • ' " t ., '. ' -;._· ~ ..... " . . ~ . . . ' 'I • ~· -~· . ' ' '. '· .. ' ' .. . r . It's true! The more I think about it '·.'; :"' ' the more i like it. • OJJ~ wag evenpag11 a blg (;.25%. -.. ' ' ' • .. ' ... " . $1,bOO·f mounts fora period of 36 months.Atthe~'ot theperlod y0u have earned the regular5%phia111.mc1ra i/4~~0oua for each of the three years._ It~· up~•: When you're lo~kln,g fof maximuni earnings .ori your savings, think of Gl•ndale Federal, where yol'I get the nation's higliest iate on lnaured· aay1.nga. Our r~g~ar : passbook ~ccount ~ays a big 5". Fqr an even hlghe~ return we have.a Big Bonus Plan tbat pays more than · gutiranieed ~onus of .75~ • .There lire Ul(lpteeil ~ • • ways.to save .at Glendale Federal. Every way pays fie ·:O• ' ' ··r--;;::-=:=-:,.....,--. • a regular savings account. &(1Y· · hig,hestra1e.:v11llable,and accounts earn from ~e1•t.lf · where In town. It's la~ued In ev41n .. received by th,e 10th, !Iller the 10th from date of receipt, ....... -.,, t \ . • • • '· i ' I , ·~WPDi'( -cfl~eMt -~tH1:hw~ .. . "~: -· L ' GlENllAU flH84l MV1Mi5-"'"'1fbii • • 11 OfFICES TO 6"1/t 'IN/llAl!jyOfFJ?E~GLE~OOlfNATION'8 ,_COND LAAGEU ,.D£1W./~!11-ll·MJJil!'' ' I '" CUARENT ANNUAL ii.re f ' 1.11~ CUAAENT ANN~Al {JeLti'. f l il1% ' VEM IONUS .i.oCo..m· . ,, .. :· • , I l :-Stn. Vern Bta11e11, (R·Bof.s•). "'moved to 1ub1tthite the 10 Com- ;mmadmtntl for 4 2,000•word te· . 'solution. to set "P a code Of .leOillatioe t:thia for Idaho ta. "14ker1. The &enate turned '.down the proposal. • • A prize will be given for "lhe m61t outrageous costume" at the "artiat and models ball" in Ace. pulco, .ponsored by the local Sal· vlition Anny chapter. • -" • • Emergency Call Student Critic~m BERKELEY (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan's declaraUon that the University ot• California's Berkeley campus is in a state of "extreme emergency" has drawn bitter response from ·a variety of student spokesmen. night. Poljce have · dtnied the attact on Abercrombie. "Unlm the university taku . ai;tion to s t op all terrorist attacks a state of aggression ·will exist between the university and Third World students," Fernando Garcia, Third W or I d spokesman, said. Garcia aaw Reagan's declaration as "an attempt to moblllze the reactionary forces in the state." · * * * Politic~l Sermons To Bring Arrests In South Vietnam S,\IGON (UPI) -South Vietnam ... PrUldent N111Yeo Van Thieu hu ordenid proVincial auttx.ities to arrat monk.1 and prlala wl)o Air people up throogb !'political llttlDOnl," it WU reported to- day. • f"I. I,"'· >Q. ·~ "Monb and prierll are free 10 go lo theiJ' pqodu and cburclles. lo conduct ceremonies and. to pray," Thieu Aid duri111 a trip lo the Mekooa Deli. pro- villce ol Go C..,. -· · "But if they deliver political sermons to stir up the ~ple, the provln~ chiefs should arreat them and then report to me." . Thieu's remarks were made two days ago and published in Saigon today. 111e Vietnamese president charged tht Conununist.s were planninJ to u1e .... upw and political Cl'lanUalio... lo c&UH trouble for the 1overnment. General Motors Blasts Report ' - On Warranties WASHiNGTON. (AP) -Gen er a I Motora todav said a Federal Trade Com- mission staff report on automobile war.- rantles is "factually deficient" and leans toward overstatement and exaggeration. The report, issued almost three months ago, contends the auto industry value1 sala far above service and auerb that neither de&len: nor manufacturers live up lo their ltw W · ~ani.... . . .Nationwide Precipitation "Our idlot governor declared a state of extreme emergency and immediately there was one,.. an editorial ih the Thursday edition of the Dally Cal Said. The student paper called for: a shutUng down of the university in order to talt over problems calmly. The &tud!nt s~nate also voled 10-1 ror a closure of the ICbool for a two-day convocaUon to discuss strike deinand.s by the Third World Llberation Front. spearhtaded group of t h e 16-day~ I d strike to press for an autonomous college of eUmic studies. 1be campus itseU waa.calm and more than l!IO riot equlppecl ~ calmly wa1c1Mil abcM 4IO ilr!M"1lint.':J4Cli!I 0uts1,11t' ol Slther Gale #lliOO~~ 'arouftd campus·'l'hurtdlf, .... - Tbtte wU no violera. ·•,..bdallsm ind only one arrest..WUIJialB. Avreaon, . '4, • mathematics ~t lecturtr: •...ned\Y . ...i--IOI 1o block traffic 1t Sather Gate. ....,._ ·' ' · ·· 'It.iv.• • h1X •'liMI Yll."!!rl· • 11o -~~ ·c; lt!I,.·""·• '"'-'· • · dent 'jn ~ tite Gt mark~ alUic\ed the IJal! rwpirt. ~ In • ~e· d the CO!""P'J!ltion11 116-pqt 11 statement prepced for an -F'fC Coutal """"' .... wt"""' ..,..., lflf S.1- urt•Y· wi.w. -•"'· ll .. a "'~-II. Todn'f fir.II.•• a. VftlwdeY'I ....,_,turn r t fl • I • tNl'l'l•ll••.r ...... 4 lnlMll ...,..,.111,. ,... ... " N • Tiit .. lff ~IWl't .... ft.I ..,_ . s... /11-tt. 'J'lcle• •1tlOAY s.cw i.w •. •. s:a '""· 1.1 MTUlto.t.Y Finl flllft ............... lt:IS 1.111. ,,I •Int lcJW ............... 1:14 I.I'll. 1.• hor:Mlll N91t ........... ,lt:H1.tl\.1f ...................... t :• t .l'l'I. IJ' IUMOAY P'ltwf fl"91 't'""' ...... l:lt I.I'll. •.t ''"" ""' ., .... .,,',,,,,. ti• 1.lft. I.I ...,. .. ._ ............ a:11..,...u """"" .................. •:• ~Ill. t.t v.s. s ..... _,,, Mwt•tll9MltM l\M-W Nlfl testy, wllll llllMl'llM MSt ,,. 1M ltldt· ... ,,., ,,_ ... .. IOlllll .. !tis • - Mfllil lft' ,rec. " " H H .ot .. " ... II • .U ·" " . .. ,, "' " ·n 21 • ,.. . ... o M .n .. " .. " .. " ·" H " ., lt ,,, SC X .Ot ..... . .. 'i'I"" IM .. . . " ... sr .s .,. ~ w .~ Student Body President C:b a r l·e s Palmer told a news conrerence that minority students had been "lied to, d~ved and reeeived resistance an the way" In the past from the ad· ministration. He said Chancellor Roger Heyns and other administrators "only talked about procedures." "The channels here are ool open," Palmer declared . "ll is Impossible to teach, learn and study in a police state." In another news conference Third World luders confinned they hid engag· oil ill private lalb wltb Heyn!. HOlt<ver, tlMf al>o protested the "ab<Ndlon ancl beatln1 up" d. AU(Ultus C. Abercrombit, II, a Third W<l'ld mtmber, Tuesday • • " . " " .. ~ " . : -~~r~eiey Chief Gets U{; ~ecurity Post .. . ... " " .. .ti .II " " " " 41 u ·" " . » " ·" " " ... M » ~ e :: ... '5 l.t• .,It 41 .If : ,4 ... " " .. M B!RXELEY (AP) • Police Chief Wllllooil P. JIMD boa noNntd elfectivi May' l to Gkt O'llt u.i..,.--University ol. C.lllomla campua pollct ~ ~,IJ, u'-1 ht hid made a "verbal comm'tt"1ent" scrne time tgo to become · ~ d'IJtr1 of tbe M-man campua police tor~ whk:b bl btUev• will .. IOOll be subata.n. uan, larger." Sltlke(I shouted l!>e Jainlliar crios ol 110n Strike, fhut. It 4"'n'' and 4'Power. lo the people ... s~ lelilm admonllhed the demonatrat01t '1pbiit violence. on auto •arranuu. • "I want to object strenuously toithe falae' imprtui(ln whtcb the staff rtpOrt endeavan to creale in nying that 'service retains lhe statu1 ot a "necessi!j evil"' lb much of tlle automobUt biialnw,' " he said. Sorry., •• • 'Wrong Film • • • 1 Lewd Mo vi.e Cancels Student Ex hibit ... SOtml BEND, Ind. (UPI) -The ohotrina .,, Port a1 • parnocrap111c llbll. b7 f!ffOr 4uri>1 a Unl...ity ol Noli< Damt eonr.r-· 'l'llunda.1 -Jn. canctllation of four avant garde movies and an art e.ihlblt at 1 studenHpomored conference on pqrnocraphy a n d eensorahlp. Ari audience which Included members of the Soiith Bend Cltlm!s klr Decent Literature and a npnsenLaU~•J of . lht -Sl Jooepb CounlJ . prvoecutor'1 ol!lce "'" a portloil ol • ntm calloil "Plaml111 Crtatw:el," daplte the fact It wa•'t on the ~am-. • 111• uplanatlon 11u fli"" thill the mm wu ill " .mlsia'?<led can and. n ·toot a whUt to ruUm l\ wai' a mavlt: deelat<d oll)tclloolblO II)' the U.& Supreme Court. -- The soUth Bend ciU-group and the n_.i.uve ol ir-uJor William Voor Jr.'1 office corop&ained to the univmli, --.u..i aod llCbool lawyers advlaoil agalnal continuing the n1m. The at1orneys ai.o recommended clo&1ng a tbrfe.da.y art ub:iblt on ground1 ii mlfbl pocalbly 'riolale Indiana law1. Student · -· ol the confermct, budoil bt Jallo lkoz, a Junior from ~ M •.• tMt. called a newa conftrenee· o .nnou:nce that four fllm1 scheduled to be:'Sbown later in the coo.. fertDCt irould be wltMrawn. Mn11 and other studenl 1pocoon H wen at lllil\ltrlltj ollltfall, fndlcliled itiey Were fearful of lecal tCtl.on 1lnc1 Voor clooM 1 ... bOOt alorU, Olli In S«Jth ll<od and one In Mlillantar. 111 pounds they "Id quelllonable metenab . I I ' rf I " I I r I I I, 'I I f I I ~ I ~ -----------------------..,------------,-..,..----=--- ·.'ti; '-> , ' I . I . ..; • 1~.I ,~ '~°'-\l'lftlllllillJt W . pt , . . . s•... ~M .. r.,....:..--. '· . ·-.-. ., .. . . . . . ee -or ... nu1 .v ... -.. . ..... • ..,, ~. 1 ..... • • -·· ' •• • : '\lir:. ':Janet MOlldlane, Amerfoan wife .of ·nr:.;;t.d· :\111eSf ln Tanzania,-Alrica, weeps al the grave or uardo Mondlane, .. sassinated presidl!llt ot · the her hubond. MOlldlane was killed by. a ham~ in a Moumbique ,Liberation Fl'0'1t figbUng llli POl'lli· •. ,~age he plcl<ed up at the post office M~, -" . .. . . lo More Gls Loi to;' ~swallow · ·Get Asyl~ Stude~ -Gi#Jis;. 210 Fish .. In Sweden SAN ~~<~1u..-=l<liy-. - ' "< A Jf.y"Jf ~<Ollege .llui · ~ .. bour and 40- . ~OLM .(AP) -The defttfromT ' . iwp;..qec1· ~·J>Oflod, Wlnfleld, a : 'SW«lllh Allens Commission to make hli .. niark. wltbOul . ioPhamore al Sl Mary's granted anoiher 10 deserters picketing, protestlna:; sittlng in Unlvehlty in San AntOnio, from tbe U.S. armed f<>=JJ or shouting llopu. He llmpiy IWllllowed one after allolber asylum in Sweden today· for swallowed a IOt' "of aoldflab of the' live fllh wtille about •'humanitarian reasons." -: ZlO of theai to be exacL 200. cbeerinc students · an9, A commission sPokesman While many of his col-faCulty mem~ looted on. said that since the flow of leagues at colleges a I!-d . University o f f 1 c I • t 1 - deserters to Sweden started, universities from coast to mbably relieved It not beinc 217 have cootacte<j Swedish coast were deinonstnlinl far ..-to Tdlnquish oonln>l·Cll .aut.horiUes, 175 hlv~ ··been : \I variety of cause!, ChatJU tM \coool ...... claimed his ff.I& granted asylum, 19 have been Winfield put 00 bis own -w 11 a .world'• redord. 1 r_ tumeddownforvariou.s ·~ · ·~·.-.. ~ reasons •nd some 10. c~ , . are being iDvestigattd: · N k. B ' H p · ] . .;. :;I ~.far..:U:\~~ .. ,ic ' ~= .. e·. ar ay~i~ hAve· left Sweden wlthodt .. 5~~~!-:! ~~ Row~~t::b,Jtf!"f or.~¢; tbe spokesman aaid. , . . The spokesman saf<!!tbe 10 SEA'lTLE~l' .~~; ·!llA·~ ,a, gaff .llO.! -.ftio. Americans if anted uylum lo-Bes Sr., ~. ll!nlo ,._ . .unc.; ~... ., . : . -_ " ~ay 'were: .T~ Macdow~l, who parlayed• rowbOit into'"'"'' Rt ·liouth*"i ildl..,ftnt,,...... 19, Bloomfl!iton, ru., where a 'fortune, died hare at tbe boa~ tbe kind moat 11,ed fn his mother ·at111 ill IJ\olna; age of 73, If was innounced conunerolal aaimon fishing, fn Frankie Turner, 21. born In 1bursday. 1111 and began io buil.d e Nairobi, Kenya, bis parents Bez arrived in the United fleet. living in Norwood, but the States from Yupilavia -~,----,-..,.,.,,,,---,-,..--­ commission did not know tbe just 11.so In. his pockela and state;' Robert Walton, n, son -went on to build up financlal of .an autliof, James ·Walton, empires in both fishing and 'Yho lives in Los Ana:eles; · lines BagWan D~, 23, of Stiiehnl.!1 l.l~. ·who died of' a heart Road Drive, Loe Angele!; atsacik Wednesday niaht while :Mark Smltb1 20, Pltiladelpl!i.~; .under trublleol 10< ebest in- ll!lchael l'J1Cll<8'eft, i1, -".,M_ ·-··~·-J ... "Rosi, Calif,; ,.__.....e Wlltml Jw.-, WU ~~1uau '8-w By.Joa, t.. -• board of Ail' West which was ' Wurth, 24, r.-.ansvme, !lid.:· formed Wt year by the This is our fin! weekly column, Dona1d Fas.so, 24, in In-but thanks to · J dy dl·anapolls·, Ral~h Meier, Z2, merger of West Co 11 t, 1 very ruce a , Bonanza and Paclflc Airllnel. we will be talking to you each Sligo A..,.,., .ver Sprinp, ·Ht was pres1deol ol . West yandFridlflnlhePllot Md.: Karts Rials, 22, rmll Coul . • tn:ketp you and 7our frleodl in, route 3, Marion, Iowa . Bez recenUy succeeded ln formed u to just what is ba~ • bitter flabt with Air West penln& at Oranae County Air· Ex-president's .. Yacht Sold LOS ANGELES (AP) -The l~foot yacht Potomac, used by President Franklin D. Roo.sevelt · but sokl when Dwight D. ELstnhower wu president, Is going Into oceon research. . about px'l-tild to tbe progreu of our stockholders to bring fill>t to keep tbe big je,. from an ~ to tell the line further invuiON1 over our beach to billionaire Howard Hucbel area homes -a sale wtilcb must ~tfll * · * * be approved by tbe Civil . Aeronautics Board Early thls year the Newport He inun~ k, thia coun-Beach City Council voted for • try in 1910 al th e ~ of place on the agenda of. the Civil ... Aeronautlca Board Hearing In 15 and settled here. He &''t Wuhinlton in March. Ten- • rawtJc:iat for use on Puget count diem!-airllnes have ·~ Soond m 1111 and by tbe piled for routos using Orlnl• following year the rowboat County ailllori! If you ~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~tbere ii jet noiae and jet trafflc 0:ver your home now . • • can you Imagine u the airport es· tends ID invltaUon to ten more' rautes? . * * * Eioiry day people who are dis- -~ l • .._ , n.tiulmOCE • ....... C4S.:Jftv Handcrafted quality! Specially developed! Sensationally priced! .. . \$. LIMITED QUANTITIES! ' . . Old World Medit.erranean Span.Uh Furniture -lvacl c1ncollallon of $22,000,00 Spanish and Medltwranun Furniture Aft Hew,., t-ltY .......... Dea,. .......... "-o. 9"""' Items as follows: Georgeous 8 fl CUit.om turbed about tbe jet alrcr>ft in- vulon, tbelr lo11 of pnipert7 •llue, comfort and safeti ult us '"what can trt do." Everyone lw a place ln tht ftghL Call me at the headquar- ters, send your contribution, lhoW a "Stop the Jet" bumper: slicker • • . or just report yoor ~ complalnlt to tbe CABI Wt lmow that. Ille CAB aulbor· IU.. will limn fn specific cam· plaints about low Dying aircraft. Last month. two such specific complainll In tile Baycmt llld Wericlltt areu were tn•lltipt- ed by tile CAB llllborttlel. · Be aunt to cite Ume, dale, alr carrier name, and f1llhl-mm-btr-,.. con pt this -tbe AfrpOrt 'l'owtr...14$.7212. POJlltllr Conternpo"'7ttvltf toMole In ttt1uine oil fin!lhtd W1F11uf \lfftt,,. %iftlth Suplr 50 HWCl-1ftied Chwil. Super C.61d Vli.'le~ ~14 Tunin1 Svstern. Z.nith VHr ind Ulif Spatllt• P1ntl. r Ov1! i nd S" 11 l" twin-<one 9pe1ken. A 5tm-utfen1I ' .. •• ZfortilttGelden An"lverury Spt"ci1lt ~ ~t.SPACl~O-._.. · i lllMOTf COHllDl TV quilted sofa with separate l~:hY~°"' !Vith • heavy. oak trim d~9r and ·'!\• otthalr, 3 ~ ibttdlliJlg oik occililoiial tables< (2J'58" WI . d!corator lamps, hanging chain awag lamp! In wrougbt iron, an 8 piece llini tdze muter ' bedroom suite In pecan ,panelled Medl-.n. eln· ot~lo•wltll-Up qaillty 15 yr: wmaiity ' ting me mattress & box springs. Spanlah ' decor dlnlni It!. etc. ·• · W..0. --...... Slliti~ :_no:~l!Plca ............ _ $691.00 Any P'-Con lo ............. lndlvWually To""' Avallalllo -__ ,..to C1Uf. C ..... t App1evod· .Jmmodl11oly ~,·1111 F..,...ltwre At Har1ior Blvd. =~~~~~.~~ • * * • Melntflne. gel-In "' tbe fiP!-W• must ed . now U wt art to keep tbe airport fn>ftt ~ " • and fur> lnYuion over ,)'OW' home and -1 Olll' ~ open W!y from 10:11 upellln al 411 Eul 17tlt St.-tllal'a 11 tile corner ol Ir- vine Ave. See you bert neal Tutaclay! Alrpotl Nof11 Al>oU...,.I CommftUe r,I Nnw Zenith Two-Ynr ·w1rtlftty on Color 1V ~ Tllbt •• '1 l1nll' te41f~_... .. .;.... ...,hlhl1Hdl•ntl ...,,.......,... ._ 1, fic'1rt ••" 11 t111 lt111ta ~· n nn}v,,.. ..., '"" " ~ ,,.........._ • ., • ''"•--:--_' ,i ....... 1111 ...... ,,.,...,_.b lol .......... = ................ .... -=--'-" ..W.,1,..llllllf.-llW ... ,_.111111 ZPi11111CWllll!l ... W1'111111111M _.., ff ..... ....., .. a. ... """' a. hilt 1111Jflt1i1 lwrllltl IM trifl•I ,_.,... Bts-T VEAR YET 1 _,.,_.,.,...,_,.....,.,.,._.; .. ,,.,. TO CET 1HE BEST .. ·.•.""-"'"'11· .·.------·--··---------- fu51 preH buttOf'ls Of! canlrof 11nit to: tdj1u1 color hu-5, adjutf Yolu111e to lewi f!ltdiurn ind hi1h, iurn HI on .nd off, dt.to1e VHF ck,nnels l1f1 • ritht. tum ·off sound while picture ttays. AFC· ... T.V and · APPLIANCE CENTER ·:. HOUllt w....,.t e.-.ttt , ... .... , ...... .,., ... _ HARIOft CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd. Cost~ Mesa ,. .. .,____ ' • • --- Pho.-5*713.1 ' • No °"'" ,.,....~, e Up. ,. M .Montllo 1w ..., -p-.. ~---.... ----------- • ' ., " .. , ' 1 • ., . ; " •• ' ' • ' ,, ,, • • • • •• • G l~~y ·~;.-~™PAGE I . " • • --· ( :~. L st Opportunity 'nle Ol'lllfe County Planning Department conclu· ded lut year 8ll"r a llllHiMmlli' llUdy that lhorellne LI lhe county'• most Vlluable ftlOQtce and one •that Is • currenlly over-used bJ. blOre.111'8 41111 pucent. II noted that ille CallfOiiUa D.epartment of Parks and ilecrMllon predicted a J.%!.5.iien!ent Increase In demand for ocean facllWea by IJllll: II points oul ~ Ille count, bu i2. 7 nilles of coast· line with 19.25 miles In prlV.~ ownership and part ol the rest !nacces•lble '£..caU.. of Gutta. and rock fonna· tlom. City; county, state ·aQd federal agencies were urged to acquire more ocean frolitage. In the face of thU &ituatloa, diJclosure at a Decem- ber hearing of the Assembl;y subcommittee on Beaches and Conservation that county supervisors last March had abaniloned the wt section of. Salt C r e e k ' l10ad ' caused an ensuing conlr!>versy. Although abandonment of the first two sections In 1960 and 11161 ·bad gon~ to planning commissioners for recommendation, the last section had not. . ' · 'nle codnty didn't have."'!Y'pot al gold at the ro~d's ·\ end, not even. it& most valu_pble 1-esOurce beach. It did, however, come close. For the county did have near ~~ cess to public Udeland.S,, the area oceanward of mean high tide line. ,' . · . r The last segment of the road abandoned.(1,700 feet) was an 8().foot l'ight of way. It probably came to within ~feet of mean high tide at its.nearest point. cOUDly gave up the opportunlty·to obtain ll'Ore public beach. • Alton Allen, filth district' supervisor, referring to th41. county's ·Mailer P I a n of Shoreline DovelopnieJ>t (1919) that t,agged Salt C~ beach for eventual c:'ounty acquisition, said: 11Il's awfully easy to sit• down and.' say: but we haven't got themonty to buy lieicl!,properfy. "Any sizable amount .of beach property would amount to so much 1!>41 we w~d have to pa11 a bond issue. We haven't gotten one passed in 10 years. We've been beaten three times on.matters of dire neceaaity.1' His point is valid and 'cetlalnl_y cogent. sun, u the county ha.d maintained and extended acce11 of Salt •• ·.· , Creek Rood, it would liave kept Its foot in the door for a future time when '1llids may be availa~le>f!lt· belile .. • •f' around U!e access. . , , , t ~ ~ ~ ~ The.cowlty 'might also have done a'bll ~-·-·" for the abandonment to gain otreet-end aCetl!I to the tidelands, as bas been done in other areas .. ~ mt~ . sun be done as a ittact map requiremen ~f tulip· .. •. ' au~visiona al!)llg the ar~a. ~ . ~ . : ..:. . ~ :r:~ " .. : . The planned· community that will develop In the area tiltimately l s to include 80,000 persons who will • have beach access. But what of the other four million ONO expected Orange County residents? ' .• ' The preciousness of Orange Counfy' bea~hes will probably be squared as the years tic~ bf. ·IYJd the ur- ban crush advances. ., , .. 'nlat land distance• ~uld :..have been acquired to provide a lb rough public right .of way to the tidelands between T b r e e Arch Bay and Dana Point: Jjut the , .... County su~rvisors will do .well to covet every inch1 • :_, \. of it for the public and provide every reas'lble access · route. ~ *"".-: . .M.Au _a::..l<:> \ . -. . . . ,.-' -. -·-. · PLEASE PON ;!J'Al<E Mf TO (U8A. I WAS ON!,'( OOIN' TO •· f I IHEl ,VJAS~Re>qM FOR $oME WATfiR.;-;,. •• (L) . . A.ggresswn ~:11. ls of. SeiJl!;ai ·: .,. .. . • • t -Dear:-' -Gloomy . G , . . us: ., - ' Re~ AssertJ lf.~~·'1S-·auimng :Na'tion • .. . ----,.----~--~ w :ak e, ·pp, ' ., Americans'· V ...... . arieti:es ' ... -. .... .~ '•' , 1 J Just.returned from a aeven-coun-To the Editor: ..,,._ ·11~sionable material were given to the • try tour of ~·· l .uted 1ev• , · Wake up older America! ;Yes, ·1 mean ,.i->~ • Communists by Americans in high posi- already put there for small children. It could be done 8.Urac tively and in· expensively, using the materials '!hi~h make Bluebird the pleasant park 1t 1s. It would make lhe pilrk a safer plact for everybody . . · ral -'• Ip bch epuntiy. if tiley you complacenl Amerie&ns over 30.-J'J!I • . lion." knew.,.~ Lagi.µu.~ Be~. I glild the educated abd ·intelUgent iyouth ' · THESE ARE A few of the many 'Tliatdr_ew,1!~.·~~ .. _!>U.,. 1 1 ~.staru .. ~.· _of America at least""'~:e a • ..s,gse, 1of , ... , , _ . 'questions l want answered and only ..-111 ·-• •-value. . ·~ ~.t f ft / ·· ~ , . .-.a Joint .Congressional Committee can r~tbe,-~, ~ HoUse . _Ove~ 31,(0) American ~s h,.ve been·: ~;=..,"'=~.=-.-a:--~:~ "find the answers. lf you agree wilh tilled m the jungles otV!etnam. Another.• , ... """• mnc1tn1e _..... to n1 ~ er ••rmt-' my' ltiinking will you write your con· PATRICIA DIENSTFREY ' R. F S -000 have ~~---...-.a--i .:-.a MM ,..,_ k nwrv• All i.tt:en ,nwrt l'wi:~ : -_ • • _,. ~ -..~ a.N aome "'*111,._n mtuin. '•,_ ·""' MIJle$ ~ lie • gressman ·and your two senators and Lib Site • , ""' ...... N1Ma1 ....,_,,.... "" at ,Ja &!<1 19 are d~. to lpeod ~,. '; _, 11 IVffldtl!f rfflOfl.ls ...,.,..,.. de0\8nd tbfJ".they do lhe ~tisi:~Ung? , . , ~Urfl ~:..c. . By GEORGE R. BOPP', ft.I), .....,., ,._ " .. ••••••· ._. the remaibder of \heir lives at cripPles. . Tbailks. · ~ .. ~"':'. · To-the Editor · · · "· · •• A ;,...,,.....,. •• .....,...,""""" ltldallycoatiaaw'-1-:•-u......_ ~tolnvfllUCate~Puebloaffair.Rubbisb. _ ... • ...CAPT LB -,n _ ·. , · ··.· · .. -Nowadays, "With e~ CO!*f.liid • A , .; • • • • We cannot ·win i ~-v~~; ~Are<'lhff,'tl')inc to, ,.-bltewuhitbenielvl!s -, . . : , . < ;;;) . ., , '~·.have been '?'.al.ching . lhe 1dillbftc abool [Ioli,.~ ~~ · •· , -can lbe,enemjo,. · · • ud keot>'lnlm~"!d! The \ ::i.:l.. ~ cooceming ·~ 'proposed librart_.-~" of I~'! mil Grdlr, rio1lat uvatlaow af A .• ~ , · . . · , -WI: BA.VE BEEN "called 1 ""-· OnlJ ·~we wW .vet:~~ the truth •, .-•··· .. • ruid feel 1t .is lime tbat we ~e~ess lradilional •-oad · dmtDd in:.' ~u YAlllZTY.ol llsreutori , n •1 an and eamcl -a!annlng COllditiooi •'t. /tl•ke Pflf'k '•t~·~aOO!concen i 1UtuUoos,elc.,lllo~lo'Ulnlal• -·~.)le termed·,...... po(ltctpaUoo. ·Ill~ dk!laUnhip wbich impri!<lllJ..all · 11 ·10lla~ bflbe ·Joint "?4; · , ..,,)•.]-'· AJl-~,.ji.ei~-~ ::r=.: ::r;.. ..,.a~ W~. ~·m~:. ~~.;::; ;,te;:W, : ;.~=~ s:;~i= f:.;' :. ~ " ~ee.._~:1iH:. T~:,:~on Park Jf a ~ul ._ my_ wile :~ I ilncJ ·li conv~en! .:-~ are lhe -,ol -•-'ol a· ~ -. ~ went o<dor -u • · • mein~r of·-~EATO or ,111y milllar)' ....i, ·1 assuiii! that' ~trFBlicbei' -. . •. !bol'Pihi m LB~ ~. ~-w diocont..I! • . .,-.. , JDl\Ch·°' ~. wi qo1 11!!11 enjoy a\llllDO! Mtb 'tlie U.S. Tben has -vlola"!d N•vx:-iloos iind should .. J>ark and a 1~ play place for ~1l':':ih&I\)>~ . e ~ "! ~ center The ...,...are not~ dllcooOrOd, be!Dg'a portol ...,.Ideology,~ ctoc;taf•~ of w)ll' • .aver ~IC.• .-.. -~1-.(,Dlj&lljluif\)\"· :chVdren m LB8ljlla -hut . not. for~. •,"ol.ll"!OwD.: . '· ' " . primarily becaU1e 'the quationa are ln-cauie Ot!~ group, but wt~re lonely mlllfon tol oar. )>oys are 'thpe becawie ""rt)irtmlla. •to (muimWD) two Ye3rs• l"~r younger children, toddlers from one Bu~. o( i~!l'e' lmporta~, we . _have appropriate. I~ Of aktng, "Why and. dupilr_ig If we're• participants. of a ~p }M;. Jiaper .. "~ Gtllf. of ~'~Ucl tick~t. . to lhfee year& old, the" park holds many · a. ve[')' ~.~·(~the e~g library are aome people ,being 'IO ,yiolent?" a Social, cultural and pinOnaJ alienaUon Tonkin :Resol~. (19M~. · •. ~-, . · . · hazards.' The greatest of these is the ~&Use 'of_ tny wiles father. more pointed question might be, ''What accountfor~dmiaery. It .gave tlit 'Preaideht the ~i&hlJ .to ~ _THE ~ARD •. ~ be fa~~ and com· fact that Bluebird opens .onto a busy ·. varieties of agruslon facilltate or Again when homonorny ne~s fu 'Ulle any force .be considered necessary, passionate, they Will not throw the street with no lence and no street AFTER ARitJ;vtNG 1n Laguna ln 1964, detract from peraonal and 1 0 ct 1 I thwarted, negaUve aggresaioa r~ta, to dfl~nd the :Jives of American mllitaey book l!t . him". -but for. the JWl,ke of aigns 'to warn drivers of the Children he discovered . the librap' a~d . walked fulfillment?" Active parUcipation then turna into ( pen:onnelc' Did that mean involvlnl moral~, ii he is found guilty he should in the area. three--fou'rths'of a mile ~ch W'Y almost ing ourselves in where we · feel o:i; Amertca:n boys in an Asian land. w&r1' not go unpunished. • . daily to sit there and ' r'8~ or ~o me~t IT JS WELL KNoWN that humans out. Bizarre manifestaUona" of the thrull i Shou1'n't oqr el~ Congressmen anif The best summation of the Pueb!o . BUT EVEN IF the p"rk were closed and make friends . He .. did this _ until Are natura1ly dlrtct.lon11. wanUn& to tow'ard bomonomy . appear daily 8' ~ dedde tl)at, inslead of a Presi~ af!air was . made by the keen atld olf from the slreet, there are-dt.her he passed away last Ju1y ~t the age m o v e ab e a d and lfOW. 'lb1a ls • headlinel in the newspapers. "Studenta dent, Who is only one man? · analyUcal mind oC Congre~ .Jaim;s dangers for small ones: the rough and .of 90; equally true for one persoo or \for ·. Attack AdminlstraUon Building." "G&Q& PR£m>ENT·D:NNBDY reduced the B. Utt almost a year ago m his tumble jilliy of ·older children (dirt. clod We kn6W that there ate many more the whole 1'0l'ld.:~Worda "movement" RlidJ Party." "Rebels Ov e 1 tbr0 w n bet of Ameri # fri 'Vietnam. ~ Wuhlngton Repoi:t Let~r. of Feb. 14 fights ·ar' popular in the afternoon); senfuf cilliens who find the present loca- m:I "growth" are ~to one Im~ Govemmenl" "Father Murden Entire 1$~-to 14 OOO ~ ·hie · ' rDaiJOn ... ~ l •have-hJa pe~!Of\-tO-q~ote .. stone steps .o~ning out onto pa\led lion most convenient and &alisractory. variety of aareutm: .. ........,,_.~ . !aptl.IJ.· l." ! · • • aDd call~fot .nU~~':.!. to be #··Jtl ~: _ • . .• ;· . · wllbi;· b'lcy.cles 11nd skat e-·b o ar d 1 we feel it would be a mlstaKe to-select very survival u ~.i-_requirel qs 'I. ~ ., .., • ' wttbldrawn"·bf af" eodt~ltD. He -felt • uooULD THIS BE . treason or is speed.Jiig by on these wal):s, where the either o!· the two other sites, and ask to teep IJl'01finl -to Cl"P" .. b' ~ :U IT ASKING; too mucll to be pan-we abol.aJd _aupply Sooth vtetnam, but it incompetence, or i,, it j~ plain toddler himseH becomes a huaTd · to' the council's serious consideration in re- ounelv• IO thlt we ·and .~ will of iomethln& larier than·OW'Mlvea! ·In they lbould do the tigl)tilig. stupklity! If our government pays tribute the bike rlders; sloping, rocky, areas taining ai;id .eipandlng the present see us as autonomous and worthwhile our culture, perhaps, ~be we're bung WhY. · lbould ~eri~ boy,. become to North Korea, as We did . in Cuba, -::~ey, a !rdd, e~'fi,e ~~en~~~ lacililies. ~na. • . . up on the concept of, You must prove pawns for Saigt:in? That government ls we have sunk lower than I everdreamed. SI and JANE SLAVIN Whenever ~e re repressed, Inhibited, yourself bf!!1"e we'll. accept you into equally# 11 bad is .what we're fiibllng: By tribute, 1 do not mea:o . cash. 1 out onto lht sidewalk with its traffic. or are denied moven;ief!t in some O!Jl' 8f?UP· E.rclUSJonlsm could be Right or Jtft. cHctatorsb1ps ace bo&h . mean any kind of a -promise of discussion way -remember, we limit ourse.lves, responsible for at least some of today's rePttsstve ahd mt. Do we iee Ruasfun or apology. One question that must be CERTAINLY IT is up to a mother too-we feel caged a~· our emotional . upheaval. boys in Vietnam's jungle.$? resolved IJ, 'Who ordered the Pueblo to watch her child. But it is no run en~ bullds up, sometimes to the boll· Another yariety of a g 11 e 81 10 n to.surrender without tiring a shot?' Could . for her or her child if she is alwa ys Ing point. Then, lf we escape the caee, permeating the current. scene ii en. WHY IS VIETNAM t0,000 rnilet awaY it be part of <iur':slrategy of surrender? watching like a hawk, pulling him away we are apt to blow. counter. An encounter requires self-"important," but Cuba only 90 mlles There are peo~ in the Pentagon in from wlifit he's doing and saying no. assertion and active parUtipaUon of away lgnoi-ed?· Wake qp! ,Ally matt.Ire, high places, wtiO have long urged Uiat · And fof mothers with two or more PR.mURE COOKE.RS have safety valves but, unfortunately, we're not so equipped. We have to create our own. lf we c~;make our own aafety valve, we often inlllt that oJben provide one for us. When· Ibey don't or can·~ the "tall wap the dog" and we assert only hostile .feelings toward oor "op. pnaon" rather than userting no we .,., While se11.-II a poliUve force In oor lives, boolllltJ -defined u the rieed to hurt another -diverts our movement toward further growth ~ th1.11 ii &elf-delfiucUte. those involved. Nothing Jesa IUffices. Intelligent American ean see that this the United States should not have yo~ ones, it is extremely difficult It usumes that something happens warisrulnlng America. Wakeup!.Belore mJlltary superiority but only. military to k"eep ·track .. Many of them feel that, between the participants. this war ruins-not only this generation. equality. ,. much' as they and their children Jove but many more by its folly. . . Bluebird, they cannot responsibly use WHEN ITS manlfestaUon is negaUve_ -, unfulfllling -then all hell brew loose. When, on the other hand, there is an attitude of posiUve 0 :sympaUco," then growth, autonomy, bomooomy, and encounter all work to bring us toptbe:r • U....U.UC? Maybe. Bui what have we got to tose? 'Think about where you are, and then coosider where the person most removed from you ls. Is the distance really so far ? R. V. MITCHE:Ll. "THE FAU.ACY of this ~jUOn it. , Is more than evident. It would Certiinly be lreuon if lhe Pueblo had been delivered into the hands of the com- munists by design, in order to give the Communists our latest, q>bfsticated· eiectronlc devices, You must .recall that tbe secrets of the atomic bomb and Ta the Edilar: • WIJy can' the u.s~ aovenilnent or lhe airlines negotlate with CUlMI ftr. lhe return ol the hijacken on ibO · bull of ertradlUon or prisoner e.rcbaaes or cash rewards? THESE HAZARDS could he ellmlnaled wlUJ;, ~e .eredton of a 1*jet'1 lot, an ·tnclosed area within tbt park-with· equipment -swlngs., • und r - inside. lt could be. ~ aroun cne of the precast concrete structures Cynic vs. Sentimentnlist Surely, the return of these criminals will deter others and haJt the ridiculous helplessnes.. in the respc>o:1es t o d acti angeroos ans. ' Will letters, postcards or telegram! to our elected representatives start the ball rolling? Vincent .Sheean~s Story Preview: When we were all much younger the name Vincent Sbeean stirred . a glamorous aura, the figure of a treneb-> ,.A coated young American coYering ~~. Fascist march on Rome, the early fer· 'l\oqhll Al Latte: Tiie cynic who inslatl thal •verytllinc ln life is done tor a selfiah reuon " cloler to the lrulh than lhe .... IJmelllalllt who deniea It; but the cynic , 11 ~ In not realblnc thal the pro111ematJ!: ~ ol Ille Iles In 1mowtn1 the tlW Medi ol the u&battlc Rlf, and when we act In accord with these neet111 our "&elfWmeu'' ts a I s o broken no Jaws. • • • 1'le re.al trouble with · slogans Hke "law and order'' was expres.sed by ARTHUR WEISSMAN · Pueblo Que.ttloM To the Editor: I see where the Pentagon B11 Geof"fle ---, Dear George: ment of the Stalin era in &lvtet Russia, it, an accoun,t of ihfl author's Intellectual the Spanish and French wars on the &wakening, upon which his nQllMlbi rut tribesmen of North Afrlca. such is based. Jt ii a book that• btiped ·stir years ot tTisls as 1927 in China . or 1 pollUcaJ-cultural awakening h1 ~)' 19%9 in' Pale!:Une. Vincent Sbeean's gencratiortaf' JtllRI Americans. •1Penmal ffiStor1"· appeared in 1935. • It was semi-autobiographical poliUcat 4'PERSONAL HISTORY" rp.igh)-.seent. 11fokh19 Beuond Sert To the Editor : Leary 's creed, inspired the following comments : One who first finds a point of ac- ceptance with his present personality can then proceed without prop:! to awareness . Knowledge of oneself is still far from enough, however; awareness"is only lhe first level-But to share and apply knowledge lakes respan.<llillily. We all hive gaoled IA lhe g..,. of inf'mlty but to rise out of the present degcft of awaieness requires appllcaUon of knowledge With cOnvlttiqn. . How Jaiy humans are! Cru.tcties! ,Denial! And the greatest de8ial II-failure . to 'give and receive love. One who cares not to exert lbe e&ergy shall never live, but one who projects anything, however little, at least is looking beyond ~· . LILA MEL TON A news report of JJr. Timotl1y Leary's r«cenC talk at UC Irvine wo& headline.d-: "Learu's Creed: 'You 're Cod'." -Editor .-."W- Friday, February 7, 1969 !Mqlvolenl • • •-Goethe ·nearlJ two centuries ·ago, when Whal do you lhink ol prll who have nothing on their mlnda ooi men and llavlng a good lime I fournillism , the first or a wave of ii little anUc to today's ~ aeneration autoblogtaph\es by foreign correspon· o( ·readers, a suggtstkin of h1stor1cal . • dents, 8"' to m~ always the besl evenla which 'were overahlldowed by • Tho-•di"'"41 pog• •I thc Dell~ Pilot 1ttk1 CO jnfom and 1tim-• Lane refJed.ion can confule the rftlnd he warned: "The phrues men are ac- Jal& u often as it can ci.arUy tt: I customed to repeat incessantly, end by .... _. bridge playen ponder for beco • -he!'"' playing the WTI>l1I cml. ming convlctlona, and thus ...U7 wbe mfCbt have played the right ooe tbe organs or intelligence.'* .,... • mam:n''• U:USbt. • It's 1 pit; that• ~ • ollM'uhioiied ' 'Ille ._ial>le world laoQ down Ill words u "Oihhortlg!bbet" havo dlDp- -ot Im. who are Judged gulll7 f>"ared and !lave not been replad!d by <1 ,,,,. ol COllUllisllon -bul • Jlood any modern equlvalenls. alllll coUkt lit made out that our ~ • • • -.. -b7 lhe 1lnl ol amltiloo If yoo h&V< to make a long story · ?4=ed • -by the very=--~· Jt couldn't have been much of _ ..._ 1111 -C .. virtuauo far Y ·-)" ..,.,. to beilD wtlb. .. OLD FASHIONED Dear Old Fashioned: When you've been man:ied as Joag u I han. 100 tqm to try oot to thlnk of gtrll who think · of nothing but men and havtna I Sood time . (Wrtte to George and don'I forget to postmart your re a a on 1b1 e facsimile after midnight in ll words or more.) ' more astoundlng evenll of roUowtnc ~. ~M LEFI' th e Unive.nity of decades. In any evenl. Houghton MillUn Chlcaco · (Wfthout . a degree) in 1918. . will Introduce a 11111 edlllon af "Pel'300&1 becln)fl) Paris cotrespondent for U\e · H.i:storJ " m Mirth, untouched except Chicago 'Trlbwie, then a 1r ... 1ance far 1 new Jn\fOdllellon by li1e .tU1bar "JlO(ter wvelh)g Ult world to «1ver (ii ..ems 1-Jble to believe he Is ll]>l'llblp ··nd other portenlaus events, pqghlng 70). I Jaat farwatd to ""'adlng lhe trated!' and splendor of U--Ume. ihl1 •taOdmart aulab!Ol'•phy of youth, Shetan wrote other books over the years. revoiution and ·one man'• relattorr to nav•I• and • partlcularl7 moving hiltol'y. Coold JI hive hedn Iha~~ bl01npl>y of Gandhi (1!165). (Bath hsl:dcovtr and aofl<over, seniiy, But It was "Personal History," an ed~ona.) evolution tn uperleoce, be once called Wllllam Boin . uLste f'tdl!in• b~ prc.stntfna U&U ~·, opf11ions and com. ..... WW ~~ •I Inter"' ond .rigfti,K:u~. b11 prot7fdina a \ '"""'" f0< the npr.,rlon •I our rtodm' opfn~Otll'. 4'1td b11 ~esntfng ~· dlt:l1tr1e vfew- ponu of informed obstrvtr• • cmcl' ,,,.,..,,,,.,. cm topic/ of <114 ·c1ow.' ' _Ro~ N. Weed, Publisher , I t' I I ·r • "11Nro ..,_, r. tN ., ' L ,_ U 'MerryfTlakets ' . . . ·'A: 11-. .·. H. . .. t' ... · .. ear , Generosity Is the ~ywo~ for ,partygoers attending the fourth aMual Valentine celebration ill Balboa Bay Club Feb. 14, for funds ~. raised ihrough this endea~of will aid the youths or the area. · Once again the Girls and Boys clubs of the Harbor Area will benefit from the gala dinner dance, whi<b Is being c<>ebaired by Gary Burrill and George Hoeg· II. · . Entertainment , galore Is promise<! for the occasion. During the social hour, which begins at 7 p.m., the Los Pajorilos Marimba Band will play, and after·the 8 p.ln.'diMer, dance music will be provided by the Retrogressive Flve Pl.tis Three. Also featured during the eveniJ!g will be the Four Bits of Har· inony, bllleil a-s 21 Ye&ll of barmOnious hilarity. . Thoughts atso·will·turn' to a more aertous nature when both clubs 1~-. ~;resent awards-~-outstat!cttng---Citizena_fpLibeir__ ~ntributions toward · }'elpb/g youth o1.1Jie community. . ' . . . . ' . • i ' •' S.ervmg as master of cetemonies will. be Maj. Gen. William G • . ·· Tbrasli,. commanding geoeral of the M a r In e Corps Air station; El Tdfo. '!' .,, 1 ' Tickets, at $25 per person, may be purchased from di~rs ol '• :;rl · · • I DAIL PtMIJ~-' , . ·ALL :ORESSED UP AND S()MEP,LACE• TO GO -Anxiously . ···~~xn ... Jelnl lU:diard ;ibo ~ay a fOIUltliOOilhlg~l to thel•:, awaiting;tli"e,'fourth -annual filnd-ralsing party, given .to ·~It ::. .. . ", 11~1!>·• and Jerry;~( explain )Ullil_.'Ji<trly proceeds ' both the Girls Club-and the Boys <llub of the Harbor Atea, are will,~~· clubs to which th!)l!llelong. ' ,, < both clubs or may be reserved by calling Mrs. Gleam Muipby at the "Glrls•P,ub, 646-'illll or Lou Ylll)tom at the Boys Club at 842-8372 • P'resident ol the Girls Club boanl of di rectors is Mrs. James Dodds and beading the Boys Club board Is Robert Leech. ' . ~ '·, . ..,_ ' Le:cfurer ' ' . Sculpts Im p·res'sio E~s -. e;'Plli:IELA u.W.m , ;.!! "".J.>'111 Plllf ~lllf ~ , Childreq:t:~ ill neat rows g~d quieily at one end ·of the classroom where a stran'ger stood. , Behind her was a table stacked with aculptured arl objects, replicas of famous works. "What .rnakes .a painting?" asked the stranger. -· .. ~ --. There wu aileoce exa!pt for the sound of shiftint feet and a 'deak squeak. Finally, a meek voice said, "Paint." "That's right," encouraged the speaker, "but specifically, color, form, line and texture. "And what kind of surface is painting done on?" she paused. "Flat, itn't it? "In sculpp.irt, what do we have that's not like painting? We have length, width, depth • • • we can walk around it and look at it from a11 sides." ART LECl'URE Mrs. Arthur Birtcher, Newport Harbor Sel;'vice League member, was well into her JeCture. Her subject was Sculpture Through the Ages, not an easy one to get across to fifth graders who are often more interested in poking their ~ighbor or the antics or a fly on the ceiling. But with the skill of a hypnotist, Mrs. Birtcher mesmerized her audience as she fulfilled her port.ion of Project Sobooltlme, a league spoll!Ot'ed art ap- preciation program which brings six art Jedures, one each week, to each Pl!:ilclpeting clssi. ·"How the artist works depends on hil'tools," continUed Mrs. Birtcher. "How does he work will> •tood" ."He cuts it," said 11stude11t, warming to Ute lecture. "1 • . • ~ •"•How does he:Wort With inetal?I' ,,. . r 'sfu "He melts it," wd a dent. '!That's right, then he moldt It in - a form ." She selected a sculptured bead from the table and held lt up. "This > iS' ·froin Greece. The -o'rMu ,were very well educeted and organiud: Evecything wiS set tQ1,. recipe; U:,an· ~ ~ to make s0mething be ~ a1foimµll. "In the Middle Agea .'people,llved•dif. ferently," she coriiimied: '"Ih!re1•-ftre knights, kings, cast!., aOd c:htTiiiry;Moit ' of what they did concerned the upkeep of the ciµ:Ue and religion. Thus, most of their art is religiooa in nature. This statu'e of· a madonna, child · and dove is from t 4th Century France. ADVANCES "The Greeks knew about anatomy, about making· the body in the right proportion. In the Middle Ages, artists didn't care about tbal They were ~ tere8ted In the spiriluaL Featurei w ... · as simple~ as they' could be. 'lbe artist of this wort b untoown becatill r be didn't sign it. He WU probibJy' ptl; ' ' of a crew of workmen who ' built •a ~urch\ . "Now man is traveling," eaid Mn .. Blrtcber·with aplmatlon. "He ii bri~ back many ideas. It ii ~ Renaissance Period, a time of the rebirth ·ol. idea.• Man is becoming interested in books and di.scGvery and hlmlelf. Now be sigOs his works and wanta to do portrait& and be remembe.red." She · held up.' anotlter sculplure. "Thia 18th c.otury" Italian bust LOOKS like a child. Ttie, artist wanted it to Jock lite his model.· But" it doesn't t.U us about his _.ii. ty. . ' "In the next stage, the artist un- dentanda analany and reallam. Wbo is this?" she aaked, holding I.IP a dart statue. . .... ,., ' ' ' "In the 19th Century •!else happens. The artist ~ ' Cm do evttything that'• l>eeli'•'"""' ~" but -,~q.~ ..... ' they want to \40! . _ · t-ent. '.So now we M!t&~' ' '.bust ~~J· fuan • . I I ' ;with a brot,eo --bf'Rodinl,1fe>don't mow wbat he ' loi>ked like, bot' 1here .. ' Is great texture to the work, there Is expressionism in sculpture. "In the 20th Century, cardboard, cop- per, wax, just about everything is used,'' said Mrs. Birtcher, passing around pic- tures of modem worts. "I see that you've done acme assembling .. That's acu1pture which uses new things and puts them together. "You must always look at art with it keen eye and uk 'ii H really .goqd,!. For only the lien wm last." J~TEREST .~··There ·weren't inY question at the end of the lecture, but that doesn't mean' thU-e· wiln't interest. "I've had letters froln both students and teachers pralain1 ~ piosram," said Mrs. R. S. Hirscht.cha~an of the project. "It's 1urpri.slng ho'w mUch students retain." 'I11e pro~ In their second year, have been .presented to 19 area school.!. The series of presentations can include the Language of Art, Landscapes Through the Ages, Ships Through the Ages, Western Artists, Painting u an Ari Form, Portraits 'J'hroogh History and the Life and Works of Picasso, as well as the aculpturt. The tit• m:e reeearcbed and developed by league ' members and c o n t a i n reproduottona ol painUnp and other art . terms. Tbeee· are left with the classes "George Washington," chorused class. the· fer a week fer perusal by the students. "Whal ~o you see?" "He looks atun/' said a &ir1. "Yes, and strong," added the speaker. "The artist puts this In his work. "l am very pleased with the success of the programs," said Mrs . Hirsch, noting that many teachers have follow-up projects. "We think It's worth continuing and ezpanding." ' ART APPREC+Al'.ION Volunteer lecturers o! Newport Harbor Service League (left lo right), the Mmes. Gordon Jones, Horace Benjamin and Arthur Birtcher display reproductions of a Gaugin painting, ' OAILY Ptt.'oT""" llr Me P9M Gothic and Greek sculpture which are 'lilied as vi- sual aids in the league's Project Scboo!lime lee· lure series. 'I When His ·Hair Turns to Si.Iver, bpp~rf.unities ·Ar:e Golde~' ' ' . .. .DEAR ANN LANDERS ' My husband and I have been married 25 year1, M a young man he was nlci! looking, but nothing spectacular. During middle qe, however, he bu lilled out, his bair.-1!4!' l.• t n ~ (.jl<Y, around the temples, and the dirty dog now ls a very handsome man. Also, he has developed a charming manner which is immensely appealing to the ladies. The problem is that the women simply f wiU "Mt leave him alone. From 15 to I •. heautillll and homtfy, dnllllt and aobet, they tall tor him like cruy. I uaed to !>ugh It oU but lt'a not tw..,: 1111 more. 1be womeri 111 our aooial drcle, both mothers a n d daqbten:, are becominl IO aggressi ve .. that I am c:oncerned. Furtblrmcn, there are so many .beauUful clil'.~ pmriing loose tbeae daya that I need lionie advle< on bow to hang Oii to wllll'• legally aJl!f righUully mine. Atq ._uon.1 -L.L.1. DEAR I.W.: 11'7""• -turrW: !I Jtll'I, i••r •••••• .-& N"'at . lea•I U. lie ii, ll m7 ...... , tld e-h ta protecl~ ..- qmaln -lrom II to•. heaatltd • 1 • llomel7, dnmk or Nber -tf lie waatt ta, tut lt. And H be DOI!SN'T wut .. -1• Cll't pn&ee& Ida, Boaey. • DEAR ANN LAJmERS: l'll·mote tbll real UO)' for you becauae I "'-you have a lililon lettm to ....i,, Jillt pat • check In ..... o( -tpacet. y~ or No. My cltanlnl lady baa worked lor me lour years .. She'• the world's dmnbest cluck but I don't have the heart to fire her. S,Sides, the nm one might be dumber. Last week she asked me how to remove .... 1ne spot, lroQJ my best tablecloth. I jokingly &aid, "You'll probably have to use a ~ssors and cut out the spot. Should J :make her "'y for, \be cloth? tt would be two days' salary. Yes or NoT. -5TllJ. BO!LlNG . DEAR mLL: flt, U Iller ·foor ,_. y09 Uvea't learled tQI tlU ...... -"~ , .... , literally, .... f•'""' drillil!r .... obi tr. . DEAR ANN°LANDERS: My hWlband'1 hobby Is photogapby. Jack ii a won- '? = SSttO· derful phoqrfj)her and hea WOO IOVti'al priUI. He hU :ta!<en mlll)' plclum .of . me -IODle , with clothel on, oUlen with clothes olt Jact plul to enter a nude of me In an 1mpoj.tam exhlbll lhlt tpring. There will be aeverat cash prizes. The photograph he has in mind II .... 11y a teminude. I am parlly concealed by • bath towel. Jacl: lna!sts that hecauae my face la turned from the camera and the· llgltting le heavily ahaded DO one could m:ophe me u the model, I Al a ttrancer wooldn1 ........ me· bul lllJ -and fllllil1 might . I'm Vert upeet 1beut Ullst Ann. He say1 I am belni loollah. Am l! \ -UNSHIRTEDi lUWJ .DEAR UN: Pat Ill a J__.,Cll) a billlbtg oalt ud lell Jldt ta !Ike ---plcUnl. . . . Give in or Jose him ... when a 1'11 gives you lhlt llrio,-kloj: oull f0< Up1 on how to handle the auper "" sa1-.., check Ann Landen. -her -~ "Necking and Petllng ~. wi.t Aro Ilia Limits?" Send your r<qUOll to """ Landers Jn c:are of thia new...-;, etlclcsing 50 ctnt.s In coin and a 1 kllll. lla!ftped, llell-addnued ..,...,,.. Ann Landm wtD he Pl to ""' . JOU with your )lrOblema. Semi .... to her In we ol the ,D"AILY ~ eocloting a ailf.-,1 ............... envtlope. • ,\ I ·zz=----... =-r . . ·, . I --.. 14 OAllY '1lOT . Mardi Grat Style Pageanti:y Arab-Jew • : Horoscope •• Jewels GIJllmlnC jeftlr. a JIOr&4t al ............. top ball " ~ -· the *°""' al -IDll a royal -al ••ailarly c o 1t1m14 ....... ....,.., CldraYaplll llao<ipiece., -....-In& a jewel IDll 11• c:ountcy al Giiiin. will auto a New onea...nte almolphon fer lhe Mystkk X..... ol Komus Gnnde Mani! Gru Ball om 1'rtdl,J evenlnc. The eightb annual ball, lbaned Jewell lntemaUooale will begin at I p.m. la lhe Plloeaix Club In Anabehn Cofftall• are Mt ror that blin- wllh the pageantry lo begin al I p.m. To kick off the fesUviUes, me of the Krewe wiD perade Jn colorful lop hats while lbrowing coofetU. · IDll .pat capt•iN • ·ww · advance witb llillerilii -The mood Will be lurtber set with the rll1llnn ol "Wilen the Saints Go Ma1'Cl1lnc In" IDll "Come to the Mardi Gru." Captain ol this yw'a ..,... tacufar will be T b o m a 1 Sulllv1n ol Gilden Gme. who Ille> will be ~ al the Koy! for lhe Royal Jewd Box wblcb will be opeDed later ln'the eveoin1. Each woman In the royal -will be COltumod lo ,.....nt a country IDll Ill jewel. tbroulb the efforts al Mn. Harmon Ward ol Gilden Gn>ve, who de>igDed the pwns. -Alter '·tbo-vllllt-11-openod- c:ootalnlng the preclous -eollected by the 1118 King Komus, Leon Dio11e o1 Gilden Grove, amheuedrn WUl step fcrwanl lo pttaenl tbejr jeftls. From the far comm ol the earth tbe mnbtaldcn are lho lion. Michael Trujlllo from lho South Seu with Mn. Robert Smith, the pearl al the aeas; Robert Mehrmann, Africa llJll Mn. Sullivan, the ca1'1 eye; £cpdan represent· -Doane 8mtth with Mn. Will Glitter at Ball IU!SPLENDINT JIW.LS -Precioua jewels from all over· the \¥orlcf will be depicted ea tho Myatlclt Krewe of Komus stages its annual Grande Manll Gras Ball next Friday In Anaheim's Phoenix Club. Gowned to match the jewels they will represent are Oeft to rlght) the Mmes. Thomas Coad of Anaheim, Mlcl!ael TrujillO of Garden Grove and Merrill G. Hastings of Huntington Beach. • UCI ~£a>an · F~iid Soars Onnc• COut D l v I 1 Ion, CaUfcroll Retired Teachers return to college Feb. 10, from 2 to 4 p.m., when tbey eatber al UC! fer a two4old purpose. aia-11« Daillel G. Alclrlcb Jt. will -oducatlcia In California 111111 • llGO sift will be ~to UC! from the Laura lleltle ~~J'hla a i revotvm& fund Joanecl · · wl-' lnlerelt· In amall a-1 lo colletli lludents for minor ·emerpnci-·· Tbe llale ~ Dr. c;:apricor~: · Have .Fun Nici< P-. tbe turquoise, Virgil Knotts, d e p I c t In g Phillip Carreon. and Capt. 'Ibomas Sullivan Brazilian topaz. From the -The high point will crime :" Mn. Mqrtll G. llaatlnga Em er al d loll, Mri. Jolm when Ibo ~ of Diamondo Diamonds, as yet unmasked will promenade, t h r o w i n g ri.np to hil tubjecll. He will command the atage <.'\ll'tain to open, revullng an enlarged repUca ol a lllD French jewel 'box which will display the royal court. Ella Ardnlep. will brlnC Ibo . cbecl: from Laa · -'-' Dlltricl ~ ; llr i. Katherine Ha.mptcJtl of Corona del Mar, will pteaenl the ' check lo Dr. Aldrlc6. Dr. Arciniega recently presented anolher $500 gift to caurornia State College at Fullerton making two edue1,Uoo in- stitutions in Orange County the . benerlciaries from tbe teacher's group. llmdlnCtoil Beacb, 1111 . r.....__ · .~ ~,. ~" -•-1n-·"ty u- -tbo --"'71" .---. ---WW appearl0 a ~ ~·· TOPS Mermaids • w. . be• '"""'"" w. ·Ibo Hoo. Trujillo. llbe will be mplen- Nal lhe nlplas Kq lllebard Aln-. 'Ibo _,. denl In a white satin ball Kom1ll. -. Qllijii~ In phlrO will, ,be ··-by . ..... IDll .mm encnilte,d blue motalclotb with a liqllln· Mn. -..., Wiiii the wltb --al hancl-ap- ltbmoid Clpttl wtll miw Fnncb;.anh• a ,, .. •a.rm· p1'qued tr1l91 'roeettel ¢ ~ tbO ~~.Of !.lllln .~bei'.,lllld tbe lieldl, .....,. borealla Information re 1 •rd l n g membership in TOPS Merging Mermaids may be received by telephoning Mn. Leon Townaend at 142 ·1104. MeeUngs tak~ place a~ 7 p.m. every Thursday in WOodland School. Costa M .... Caribbean Cruise Ibo flllllo7a!.Coart. · ruby wlD be .O,nil>ill•od by .,,,.w...i·oequ1na. . Joaei* -. -Mn. -Cold, -. I.a Ibo ucilfment bulldl ln After his identity la reveal- ~ the new Kine and Queen will begin the dancing which will. Jut until 2 a.m. when bruldut la ..... ed. On a Caribbean cruise aboard the SS Ariadne are Mr. and Mrs. Horace Brinton of Newport Beach who won the trip through a sales program. •tn•ndar, will pmmt Mn. b)' the· 8plnllb •b•nb', a cllmu the i• Kini ot Hawaiian Honeymoon Nuptial Rites DIANI llLIS SumtMr lrldo Betrothal ·Artist-philosopher , ·To Provide Prog~am .All iJldiall.lrlab arlill from ,. ... _ Kam., will be Ibo _. wben Afllllat. al the LlpU Bwb Art A.-oclatlcia plber 11111 Monday at 11 a.m. la Ibo Art GallerJ. ~Lopn,namodfer bia btrtbplaoe, will be ... -by Mn. Wll1lam Gleochen, prqiram cba1rma11, foUowlna II>< c:a11.. hour 111111 i.;:..-~ llnl - fame for bll atblette ~ IDll fonnally lludled art, (1111 boyhood love) wben ht came lo Ibo Wl!ll. Fud!lllod with the -1D11 -.111---IUbjoctl under the Weal'• bell ' Lolaa wu awardod'a medal bytlio-lnatlluteal ~ Artl fir bia dlatlncllon .. ··~ u woll u pointer. A 1"""" 1D11 critic, be ncanUJ -the -Pacllle llld 'fllltod tbo placa -Laolol mid G..p. Uv· eel llld-. -.. ....... 111111 at'llnc dllilonalrallona. . Humor and pldlooopby Ire Interjected by .the polnler .. bl at•• bll clemonotnllon, pnvtdlnC an entertcrlalnlng 111111 --prqiram. HoltBll!I for the coff" hour will be Mn. Walter Lonon IDll Mila . Ellzabetb IDll. Tbe prealclant, Mn. -CottereD will conduc:I the buab81 Hlllon which will Include dilcullion al the March I Arlflla Ball lo tab plcia! Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, Corms are avail· able In all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further queftlona will be anawered by Social Notet 1taff members at 642-4321 or 494-~6. To avoid dl.!appolntment, prospective brides are reJDlnded to have their wedding otories with black and white glossy photo- grapha to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the weddln(. For engagement announcement& It ls sugguted that the story, also accompanied by a black and whit.. glossy p I c t u r e. be submitted early. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or lesa apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. marine 111111 ~po artllts. Hil leclmlque al bold - IDll *---Ibo action ml color al Ibo ... and Ibo -IDll ladllJety althecleoert. in Ben Brown'a 1'tltaurant.p., ________ , ____ 111•1D'i*••-•r11·-1i5 Mn. Zachary Malaby II chalrnw; Of the ball. Follows Honeymooning in Hawaii after exchanging w e d d i n g ·vows before the allar of St. James Episcopal Church Jn Newport Beach are Harry Willard Temple and his bride, the former Sally Margaret Hall. The late afternoon double ring rites were read by the Rev. John Ashey for tbe aon and daughter o1 Mn. J. Ken. nelh &bertson Of San Juan Caplslrano and Mr. and Mn. John J. Hall of Balboa. Given In marriage by her father, the b r l de chose a candlelight peau de soie gown "lth square neck and sleeves edged In lace and train bordeffil In matching lace. Her fingertip veil was (l[ Brussels lace, anc! a French bouqu et of lilies of lhe valley, ste pbanotis and pale pink rosebuds completed h e r e~mt>Je. Announced _Professor to ·. E~amine Traveler . Films Beauty ' Of Greenery, Flowers Mrs. Hugo Carver of Balboa served as matron of honor, wearing a limelight green moire gown accented with a pink aattn be It , and bridesmalda were Caro I Hughes of LI Habra IDd Pam Richanla ol Newport Beach, who wore. matching ensembles. Their bouquets were a?Tingement.a of baby's Pllmllnl lo wod In oarlJ -an Diane Bila and Mlcbul J . Luu!, w b ... '-' bu been II> -by her poreats, Mr. and Mn. WlDlam C. Bllea of Huntington Beach. Miss Biles is a graduate of Huntington Beach High School and attended Golden West Col· lege. Her fiance, IOn ol Mn. Doroth;f LoDI al Wellminster Gd 1111 late Mr. Mike Lllul, ti a IJ'iduale Of Dominiues lli&h School, Comptoo, and wW be =led from Golden -this year, He boa --four years ol -In Ibo I.Jr Forte. Silver Sends 'lllo llnl and Udrd 1'leld1y1 al t p.m. momben al SUvar -.... NallYe DllUlbtn al .. Goldia Wiii ptbet for -.... Lab Part: 0t1• ue1tll•atta1toa -" .. -u.c pi.. llrflloflnl-. Mn. Jacl< -. NNfll, will fumlall loc ....... 11111-u.c dala. Middle East Turmoil Mrs. D.M. Hununel wifl pro-Jordan, attended American United ·States, Mr. and Mrs. brealh 8™t pink roses. Legal Secretaries from the Orl!lp County -Ana wU1 focus their attmtkla on the Middle ·East Wodneoday, Feb. 11. when PrortMOr Kim NaCfa of Fullerton Junior College speaka In the Hotel Laguna. A cocktail haar from I to &:!Cl p.m. will bept the ...... Ing, wltb _, lo be served at 1:30 p.m. The opeaker, teacher of phiiOIOpby f« the put 10 10iR al FJO, will COIUlllnte hll lall< "' Ibo quest !or -In the lllddle Eu!, ~y ~~ kq" b7 Nllfa, a utlve al Amman, Toaatmistreues -~"'­Uniton lleadt " Ibo meclln! pllol for m-Lc1 el Lu Olaa --Club Of Huntington Beoch .. the ... ""°"' ad f..nh Wodneoday at 7:• p.m. Unlvently in Belrut, came to vide an 'Uiwitrattd program lhe United Slates in 1961 and of greenery and blossoms for receivtd b1a MA degree in memben and ,uegll of the philOIOpb)' from the Uaiveni· South Cout Garden Club at ty of Clllfomla, Berkeley. 2 Pm Wednesday Feb. 12 An experienced lraveler In the · · ' ' ' Middle East, he ls acquainted in the Three Arch Bay· Com· wjtb prominent leaders in the munity Clubhouse. area. , Vt'bile travellna: throoab the A dltcutsion period wW southeastUT: secdon of the follow his talk, accordinl lo Mrs. George Hannahan, presl· dent. Concluding the m e e 11 n I , Mn. Albert Eccl.,, vice pra1. den~ will Introduce D e W memben lo be lniilaled. Rummage For Sale The bridegroom'• brother, Hummel · photographed naUve John Temple of Puadtna, at- plantl, blooms, flowerin& treea tended him as best man and and shrubl. ush.~1 were James Hoch of Featured will be the ua1eu San Ardo, cousin of the bride of Charleston, S.C. and the Timothy Ritchie of Pasade~ and Charles Tourville of San spectrum of fall c o Io r e d Fernando. foliage found in the New A reception for 175 gueal.5 England stats. " followed the ctremooy ln New members to,, be Newport Harbor Yacht Club, welcomed WO the club will where arrangements of deep be lhe Mmes. Co I s we 11 pink tulips, pale pink roses Campbell, Roy Johmlone and blby't breath and camellia; Gilbert Y o u n g, ~ carTled out the bridt's color l\.1rs. George Ra~llns. presl-ICbeme. dent. · After their honeymoon, the Upcoming plm9, lo be newlyweds will reside In Souili Book Opened revealed by Mn. Geo'J• Cur> MRS. HARRY W. T!MPLE Puadmt. Tbe C&ncer Detection Cllnlc nlngham, ways and means Eptscop11ll•n RJtu The new lib's. Temple., 1 in Los An&eles, and state and chairman, include a mem-graduate of Newport Harbot naUonal """' research, wlD benhlp card portJ and----------'-----------High School, atlen<led Suliina . luncheon. College In Bristol, Va., and The Riv. James Slewart, benefit from a rummqe 1ale Mn. J. Parley Smith, tea , received her BA degree fro;a minlatlr al 1"1ni Methodist aponsoredbyHuntlngton andclecorallonacbalnnan,'will 'Nutrition' to Be Topic use. She now b c1o1ng Cl>urcb, will atve a IUIM!aUon Beach Delli Omicron chapter, be usllted by the Mmes. Vera · graciuale -• at CalUornlr on a lluc!1 al ''Tbe -al Phi Bets I'll Allen, W.W. Ham fl I• n , The topic under dlscuulan Mn. Leon 8toddard al Colla 'Stale College at Long Beach John" belcra a 1oint dn:le The ..i. 'will take place Thomu Hant-. H 1rr1 Feb. 11 al tbe final m<eting Mesa , will host the 7:41 p.m. H<I' bUJband, a graduale oi meotfnl, Wcmen'1 SocletT al Thompooo and Nllel Welcb. in the oerieo being ~ meetlnt. Son Morino High School a~ Chrllllan Servlco, L a I u n a betw"n t a.m. IDll I p.m. Mn. Paul Keplar IDll Mn. by Colla Mesa chapter ol La ....,... lntaraled the l<nded the University o1 Puset Methodlll Church at to a.m. Saturday, Feb. I, In the Odd Jame> Ward have been Invited Lecbe League will be NutrHlon 1..,.. may call Mn. H. W. Sound and completed lhr" next 'l'llaiday In the church. Fellow• Hall, Ill Main SL , to wilt al the lea lablt. and Wean~ al the Baby. M'°"' -· yean ln the Armed S.rv!W, " ' ' I I • r I ' I t I i . I , ' . ' . ' } ' I • Riverside Ke11 Beaches Open .in. ~.· W ~eks~ . ' . . . ' ' By AllTllUJI R. VINSEL Ol'llleDlltlrHltSWI ' j ~· ' • •• • ' •I ' '' -. ' • .. ~ . " ' ' .. • •• 'F.irig¢r.ew :: • .. # • ·~sh · ', aw ··witness Puttf.Hiin. in .ostfuld .Car· . . ... , . . . ' " ., • -- I . • I N r Boswell 'to .. Quit Scho(ols OAllY PllOT O•A.HOI COo\ST PUtLllMINS COMPAN't lt\trt N, WtN Jtcl: I. C1rlty Viol ,,.!Wiii .. ~ ... Mlftttt• lktMll ltt¥11 ...... 'Tlit••• A. M1r,.i11t --·-,,.,_ F. C.lli111 Pttl Ni11111 ,..._.....,. ...-.-.... CitYlll..,. o~ ---2211 'W..t ••rN• ••• , ....... M•ill.,.M4r•tu P.0, ... 1111, tJl&I --c... MIM1-Wt1T....,. ''""' U..1Mctt1 1ft~~' , ......... ~ -. """' penonnel 11¢ In cblrle of the schools' -program, a pool that wiu now be filled by a penon making a salary ol 111,000 to 114,000 per year. B6awell'• UP.ert-and tateni. thus """ bfiaer than the job, bul u a nlembtr ol the 1Uperinlendonl'1 cabinet his opinion wu 10Ugbt on other matlm". SQch u ICbool bond elocti<m. BolWeD.11 a taitei. Be used a namUve N,\MED ABSJSTANT He became assistant .superinteQd.ent . in Redondo ' Beach and 11Uperintendent Jn Lancuter while gettlna: a PhD from USC that followed a M.A. from Stanfonl. Boswtll and his wife of 32 years, Alke, live In 2811 Bowlin( Green Drive, Costa Mesa. Their son, Tom, teaches geography at Colorado State. Daughter Marilyn ta Mn. Don Barrick, of c:o.ta Mesa. They have three crandchildren. They plan a trlp to l\lulco City. Mier ll)at their planl are Indefinite txctpl ll)at tbty'D keep their home In Costa M..,._ Slide-trapped Mesa Girl SuesNewport, ThreeFirms 'lluoe CGOllrUction companl., and the city of Newport Beadl have be<n IUed for 1100,000 In a lioporlor Court complaint cbal1inl them with neali&en<e that led From r.,e J SEWAGE ••• tale that It "" a largely Jl.'Ycbo!Oj!lcal move. · But, Hul!banl and other luv<nide city and ccuntJI oftldlls reminded new&1uen eovainl the polluUon problem on all fronts. the river ls sun cleaner lhan ...... Qilorine addad . to the thi ck brown ..,,.,,..,, they explain, lowen the C011- ....,..... 1eve1 below !ta .... 1 pemn-taae.. deoplle tlie lad of ellht _mllllon .-of !rub, .... -belni addad dalll'· O.ercomo 117 .....,. at the verbal .-paoplo plq, ---_....., editor •• lm!lir"1 to ...... llllllt: . '.'Net tliey'D leU a ~la good for ,...ft to an ll·ytar-old Costa Meta girl's ser!OUI injuries. 1->)' L. Wil!OO, lather of Deborah Lynn Wilson, identifies the contractors as I\. W. McClelland and Som, Joe., of Coot.a Meaa, Sully·MWer Cootracti!ll Co. and Luer and -lea. They and the dty, be alle(.., ....,. naponsib!e for ·•~angerma ccmdltloos" that ulsted in an area defined tn the suit u the "badlands terrltory ol Costa Mm west side." The complaint SJ*:]ll., further that tho area lnvofved llel lrmnedtata!Jr behind Victoria School, 102$ Victoria S~ Deborah IU!lered her !•juries last Aug. 19, the suit states, when ahe wu trapped In an earth &lide while playing In the area. The C<Xnplalnl aUec<o that the 11.e was known to be ricldled with cavea . and deprtSllODJ and was u...i by the city u • dumping lftl. n ·should, the penooa1 1nJurJ action -... ba .. beon fenced olf and all -with the slle'lllllll ba ........ aw~ thal It lnhtogOil tlie nale:. lltallb. ~--..... ~ .... GIJl,l-.ovy..-I I ' i ' Wlllon'• clalm for dam-WU denied lul Dec. t by tht Newport Beach city council. 1,f)il Slick ~ Heads South ,,_ r.,e J LIVE-IN ••• ,_ of oodolocY. and Duran Bell. · _.,.....-of -lea. tauaht their aadal -clul among the ll ...... HlltGry teadllng aastatant RI c b Rob;ertlon brougbt h1a clviliution-clW to lhe Writing Center. "We heard all about the feuds between the cardinals and the Popes in the 17lho Century," uid one of the student.s living Henredon's l .. ' . ON DISPLAY .NOW/ ~·' 4i•l11t ••bf• ..... ,.....,.. .., • ....., ...... P .. 1.,-4 .. 1r ltwf ......... WIJ", .D1r, HJr; ......... II" "r tJ", CW.. .. w.M ......... '-s .......... ,.""'"1 ......,,_, W4JP,", Dlt"1 iftr, EXCLUSIVE DEALERS l'Olt: HENl.IDON-DUXll.-HIRITAOE 90 DAYS NO INTElllST-LDNGIR TlllMS AVAILAILI ON APPROVED CREDIT INTIRIOIS P1of1 tloft<ll ......-LAGUNA IEACH 0.1 ... ,. Ml North c.... Hwy • AnllaWa AID-NSIO · --..r 'II. t -··--.. -~-·· ( '• "• < Firit Fatnily Moves In "'°'''.....,. ,'1dll, ,.._, 1, 1'169 -•• --CL) -Murder Trials ,: ·closed Voars ,Shut in ·wake of_f eJJgeanc~ Shooring ' CIOl<d doOrt Jll'<Yalled todiy 11 'a• ~tim1""1' ,...,. 1or two iiuntlnct<>h: BeiCh murder ou.specta. • No pmjldlate reason ior J"'1ce Hormon G. ScovUle'• order barring ·~·· titors from Dlvt.ion five, w..i Orange CoWrt1 Jpdicfll Diatrlct Court, WU learn. id by'"newsfuen. ' • Tbeofle1 behind the action involved !be ·1..os Angeles '•~ting of ' a suspe<t ~ya fuurder vJcUm a'brother, or poaajbly DAILY PILOT photogra'pb5 shot thrOOgb a ha)I wlndo'! last TuesdlJ'. • , . Henry L. Sianez, 15, ol •1lJ ~ st., end Edward R. Haiiravi. 18, of '17392 Marken Lane, both Huntington Beach addresses, were photographed ftom oul.slde with pennlulon of !be juilge and baitllf. Their preliminary hearing scheduled Tuesdoj' In • lhe ~ .. -J1 !hroat .. t .. b slaytnir·of Mr1,1 ~r 5. Markee, 15, ol JSCj Olive Aye., wali continued unUl 10 a.m. today at the District Attorney's request. : 'HUn\IDllon Beach pollco hive nleufd few dotatts of their actual' eue'.oplnst the oilfield worm and the h!lb llchool dt_.t\ but have ota-11· flOm ·both, plus physical evidence. • • ~ 'Chane" ,..med good tho! SlaDei and Hargrave would be ordered to answer in Or1np County Superior Court today, when they appeared to eater !'leu on ' ' ' ' ' ·Navy ·I.-iriproved Syste~i . . . . : . \ .. After Piie6lo . Captut~d; : . .. CORQNAQO (AP) -11, toot the cBJ>-On ·the Pueblo' totaled more Uwt - llJl1' ;:t ,!I>< USS Pueblo 1od oome .of too, but said be envisioned uolng danUP her>secrel documents to """'""' ll•vy conlrOt. equipment, hand tooll, pllen, into "an ongoing effort" to Improve hand cuUers, acetyleM . torchel, am(-• emergency destruction and scuttling .. -11-and ~t devlCe,J. a.1 Pentqon o!fke.r said• today. massive fire fed by ~-1~ (Earlier: Story, ~&ge 4) fuel as well as cJeaninc fluid toidUtf,oY 8'•t Capt. John H: D. W.illlams, an it. . *. ~ • · emergency destruction ·expert from the 1'Whicb is more imPorbnt." ukeditaft Passersby got this vi~w Thursday of moving pro- cess for • new family"'taking up residence in white mansion on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Nixon family posse~sioris are being moved froin'New York. Among items that Will not be ship.. ped to White House is President's piano. It goes to his vacation hideout in Key Biscayne, Fla. Mrs. Markee WU Involved in somt type or traffic accident with a Stolen car on the night she was found' 1ying on 17th Street near Olive Avenue, with her throat slashed • .' The woman ow~er of the blood-smeared .st.dlen auto· found abandoned near the murder scene and .a companion were · later. arrested,... then freed when a cab office of the chief of Naval Operations, attorney for the skipper, Cindr. LkO'd also uicftbe skipper of'the Pueblo should M. Bucher," . . • the· ,deatruc:tion ~ ot have been able t'o destroy~ b1a.. allotment · class.ified material which might ·fill IDto of secret papers ' aild equipment in an enemy hands or the )W'OtecUon ol bUmln Nix·on Favors Low~ring ' Voting Age to IS-Years WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon said today he favors lowering the national voting age to 18 because America's y~ger generation is the most politically: sophisticated in history. In a talk to ·a visiting group of 102 outstanding hlgh school students, the President said he favored extending the vote , to 11-year~lds "not beCause, as inany say, if you are old enough to fight, you are old enough to vote . . . but because you are smart enough to vote." - Nixon met with lhe scholarship youngsters aft.er conferring with :Us cabfnet earlier in the morning. He ad- vocated lowering the voting age from 21 to 11 during a campaigl: speech last fall in St. Louis. "You are a political force even though you don't yet have the right to vote," the President said tn.~ a tali to the )'Ollll(!itn at the Whije <Ho<lse. , '·· \le aald the ' new generation · of Americans ls. not only the best educated generaUon of Americans but it also Js ''the most involved -involved in pro- blems of your nelghbOrltlod, your nati~ aod the -workl.u The scholarship lludents, two from each state, are ltte!J:dlng the U.S. Senate youth ·program sponJOredr ~y tlie William RaqdOlph Hearst Foundation. "l believe in yoilng ¥oerica becau~ I know young America," Nixon .told them. "We need Y,OU·. The Jlf-tiOn needs you." - An offici8I said that tax sharing pro- posals, tax credit,.! for loaal arid state governments, and estate' and gift tu: changes would be part of the long-range study. President Nixon told his 'news con- fereriCe Thursday that tu: reforms would be proposOlf but offered no specill<s and stressed that today'& statement by Kennedy would be in ~ form only of .J "preliminary announcement""of the plan. ,. . A treasury official asserted today: "The hipest priority w I.I (: be In the equity and incenUve areas of change. We would hope for congressional action because if they are good and sound, we ought to go ahead and get them through." •" 'We Wan_i Dim~ Foster Family Fights fo-,: Tot ' By TERRY COVILLE Of flle. Dlllr 1'1111 ll11f ''Boddy" came to the Huntington Beach home oC Mr. and Mn. Allred Hart Nov. 20 as a visitor. His dimpled smile and 1 n fa n..l h.elplessness soon won the affection of the entire family aod they decided they~ like to keep him. But today they are battling the Orange County Adoption A&ency which told them, without warning Buddy must go to another family. lllrs. Hart, a woman with nine children cl her.own, ls a re~ foster~­ She· takes care Or unwanted bables for' two or -month5 uiltll the adopt!OI) agency fJndJ a --'Jiome. She'd had 111 .. ,.... baliles hilare Buddy. . . · , Buddy WU •• 1peclil1 case. He WIS \ brought to the · Hart home with the comment that be might aot1 be .sJroni enough to ·Uve. - Mrs. Hart and her five children still at home fed Buddy an ounce of milk .tvery half hour for two months. He jt'tw strong and the attachment between the1 famHy membl!:rs also increased. Today Buddy la a healthy little five- and-a-haU-monlh-old ~texican-American boy. Mrs. Hart decide(! she'd like ~to adopt , . ' •. ir, lli\ .Pedestrian I Di~. of Injuries Aii etderl)' Santa Ana man struck by a car u he walked alq a rural street 21 ~ qo died early today 11 Or .... County MOdk:al Center of head Injuries. Sasano l'loru, '12, of ltt S. Newhope St,-was waiting along Newhope 8-t near Camille Street on Jan. 14, when be was hit and knocked II feel Driver Larry C. Gibooo, 15514 Saddle Cirde, Fountain Valley, wu cleared ol any blame In connection with !be fatal accident. Santa Ana police traffic lnvestipton Jllid the District AUorney declined on Jan. 11 to issue a citaLlon against F1ores for walking in the roadway under c1rcums1a-. of the ..... . Polle< salcLthe victim ha~ ~en drink- ing prior'to"the fatal 1C!ddent and !!Its· was a factor In the case. this foster baby so she talked to a social worker from the agency. She was told her age, 49, and her health ·might present problems, tiut to go atiead and apply. 1 Mrs. Hart today says sht: was ne ver promised Buddy, but that the social worker led her to believe Lhat she could adopt him. Mr. and Mrs. Hart began the lengthy paperwork, including sending for birth certificates in their home state of Iowa. They spent about $100 on paperwork to ·adopt Buddy. The Harts even Sold a $2,500 home in· Iowa to insure enough cash to pass il)Jpection . by the agency •• They have lived the Past fiVe ~ara at.iam Foun-.taln. ,Lane.. . . • . , .) ' . Last·-a te)Ophone call lr<ini lb~ ogency tolcl them 'lluddy had been 1iven lo aliiitiier family. WJthOut 1.an)lnc all their plans were do:ltn the :drabv~ ' . .. Three Lagunans Indicted' on Drug Charges • Three Laguna Beach rekldent.I were l.nd1cted by the Orange County Grand 1ury today on charges or pooeaslon ai'ld sale of marijuana. Di.atfict ltwmey's o1flcers succeufully sought backing of the investigative panel for filing or char~ agalMt Brian Ken· dau·-Mc.fdim5, U, c<orge Ernest. Oliphant, zz, and Helen Marie Miller, I.I, 10 of • Laguna Canyon Road . Aloo named In the Grorlf Jucy do<ument ,.., Gordon r. Johnlon, 23, of Lon& Beach. Court appearncn were being achedul- ed for !be foor tote thl.s niorni,.. 'Mie: four were , a~ a group of nme~ pertbnf' arrested lat Ian. 17 at the 'Laguna borne., in a raid... carried out by sberiU'a deputJes, Lapna police a n d federal narcotics a1enls. Slx men and three women were • bookeCI into Orange County jail lollowtne the roundup. District attorney:• inV<llifolqn today said further indictment.a were Ukely pen~ diog the r..ulta of • contlouing probe Into the Jan. 17 IncldenL They said Jorn-also face< charges of _,i<itj· of UD. Flu on Way Down ATLANTA (UPI) -'!'be N8tfonal Com· municabte Dise.,. Center said todoy thJI every state in the nation, except Kan- sas, reported de<reased HOiii Kong flu last week.-----~- .. ' • I ' driver impUcatld two other men. -..... The men, Sianes; and Haril'ave, weren arrested Jao. 16 aod are formally charg· ed with munfel:, auto_tbelt and ~ of ,a sawed.qlf shofit(n -found In the home of Sianez, who bas a wife and fnfllll boy, ,~-- ' hour. , life?" , Testlmony before a court of inquiry "This ls 1 ~ 1111ttor, ud the whieh heaI<f Williams' time atimate has definition of top oecm ,I lhinl! lhaold indical<d two boun elopsed between the be weighed in thfa Jt>dlD!IDI • , • ~I llrile· North K....., flrat threateoed to Joa ol thl.s material wiouJll .,,,..,, t!i- ftre on tbo.'Pueblo ml !be time she coptia1111-ifove danloi''.lo Ibo .. WIS tio.rdeC( en ro\lte to Wonun llarbor. and ... -... banllalJ pwQIJo WJtllaml said be WU IWlnt the allot· .11 should oof 'bo ~· .. fiD ljllo ment of Claaadfled doc:umeata and-clmta~eaem.J·bmll, It~ I ' .. . .. .. 'S ,, . .. ' '{I' ~~ "' '~ • i ' . ' ,, I ' . ' • . ' ~.'._,.' S ... ·' ' . •'. " ·~~ f/I{ ' ,1 .... ' >n . I :r . ' ' '. ' ' ~ -• ' ' ' ' '? l 1 :' ., " ' , . ' ' -., ) ~ • ' t .. . It's true!. The more I think ab'ou.tit' the more·.I like it. . . .. - • .: ' .. • .. ... ·' • • • ·" / , ' When you're rooking for maximum earnjngs on your savings, thlnk·otGlendale Federal, where you get the nation's highest rate on Insure~ s~vlngs. Our regular passbook account pays a big ~. For an even higher return we have a Big Bon~s Plan that paya more than a regular savinOs account any· where In town. It's lssueil In rien . • • . One way et)en pay11 a big .5.25,_;. ~\ I •· • , ,,. ... ' . " t • I • ' . .. , . . . ' $1,000 amounts for: a perflllf of 38 months.At the encl Of the period you have earned the regular5%plus an 8ldra 1/4% bonus for each o the three years. It adds.up to a . . . guaranteed bonus of .75%. There .ar~ Ump'-1 moi:• waya to save at Glendale Federal. Every w~ pays th• highest.rate aval'8ble, and accounts earn from I/le 11t If ' . ' received by lhe 10th, ajtef the 1oth from date of recelDL . ' Newport Beach 2333 e ... COl•t ~ghw•y GUND.\LE ftDfllAl ~~ ... ' ,.., ........... ~-- . ta OFFICES TO SAW IN/llAJN OfFJCS: GLEl!DAL!/NATIOll'S IEOONO WIGHT "10EJW./AS81T8 fll!All &I lll,l,lt)H° II" cu••••r •••uiL ••Tl n11" cu .. ••r ·NNii·~ YIELD 1-1;z1 • .w. IOllUS _,. '' ' " , 'i ... , ' I r l . ' ' .3 1 , ~ ., J ' j • , ' I • ' • , ' " I ' ' l, ' • ' • . . l . .. • 1 I • •• I ............ ...,,,.. ..... ·s.veral weeks ago Amarillb, Tu. police received a complaint from a .man wbo claimed be was uaable ~ Sleep because hja neigh- bar'i dog berked all nigbL 'He filed charges and the neighbor got ri4 of bis dog. Suddenly, late last week, the man egaln beard bark· ing O!lUide bll bedroom -· · Ht told police he looked out and· atw · the neighbor crawling on ~ and knees on hi~ lawn, bark·, !J!&, .. c:ratcblng and bowling. The man i~ve µp.·· ''I'Jn going to mo.ve '"he Hid. ' .. . ' • • •• :A clooed circuit television in· stalled' In John Henry's Meat Miirket in Cincinnati, did not stop a 11~acy: In fact, not only did tbl~• "t away with $2,347 in meets and cigarettes, but they •W!Ped the television. • f'l'Way, Ftbrwr 7, 1M Iraq , S~y·s· J-ews Free ·~to .Leave Peninsula Win Hailed ~ • • ~ ~ • I 1President ~laims Only1lraqi Mos~msNowFac~Spy Tr,ials t . 'Testblg the Water' Civiliari Oce<:irwgrapher Tellsnf Pueblo 'Cover'- CORONADO (AP)-The senior ,_,,_ buiJ" with tbe main lll?Vllllance mis· Oll"pher .aboard the USS Pueblo, a •IOI> ol 'tbe.::.... ~ Buc:bor ha de- chilian, ..,. -" bll aal_..u !Crlbed u . --and was to aer:ve u a cover for the lnkilll· North ~-. cence abip. ,, • .. It w11 one,Gf m1 mtMlonl to -aerve In fact, uid Domle R. Tuck, -u COVflt i.. 1bt lbtp, ... -lhot II By. :•. J),! o -s 'I 1:1 -Mid I!' ---"1111 Ill'""'~ tW .. J~ ... ~ 1\We -wblob~..--·Jlji.o..' ..,, ........... tr!M __ . .,. Uooutbe-far1m'*l!!...,:..-i ·~•"*"'"wblcllllil..,..' '• 111o ablde 111 111e do/:1-" ""' s.,. ~ 1111.W. ....--. , 'w'OCJ',W'>=*...., -.... -.-- tember t"7 · Arlb -.,..._ . Allbou41 11ir.,u ..,. wa 1101 11U1J ,. 111e '.llllollll pw!mih I* I< Kbatloulil. II ruolvod t1i11 -U-. to cony ....., wel&hl ill .......-, ,flt; Ibo itoril --• ... - ~ bl no .,...1au.n. wig: ....._ ··~.~ caodllQlled or.._.. ... /today irtlll aao -• 1111111 """"1 •:wand no ............ , . .., tbe u.i. a llrtlllb 10vemmm11, ,....,JIUI ou1,, _ " , ~ llld 'Ir"!'' l'llollom willl U.J( ~-U 1\ut J'o,o n,, ..... -· J..,__ 11, wllb :0-.,ioa ~~~.J!: ~~. Poul VI' and',a --ol ~lllPlll U., .-It 111 lllldi---~- Jilllo _.n ol, i1n11 pl-wbelbor M lo Europe '!'II Ille Unltad -::.i ~ ~ ~-"" -lalorforln& la 11!1 Jolomal aflolrt ' ..,,. .. ...-. illo --did llOI • -...... " Iii· tll"hnlo .. o( Arab -·" . _ , · meet 11'1111 flVGI' ._ lraq'1 -Ina! r Do Nq • · · . n ._.. 1111t Al _., .... .ru.. 1a 1111 olher Arlb .......,.._11. ..,.. ....;., _ _.. to .....fi-a.i -.---loll-~ aplml .. 1111 ~ .. Mid ·----"'1-mander, Relr.ldm. WlWam W.~ Jr. 't ·-'.'Ht llJlll1 1111 to 11&1>1 ar .... ......,....,.,, • bl cteclired. , To date. it._aa ·p;,,.~ . UY• '*" ---Ibo ·~_..,._ tem>plloo at a neartJy <dor. · '!lliS bu Jletded 1$1 hamlet and prOvince levd V l • I Cong political workers, 131 sympathizers and 32· defectors, Behrtns aald. In the sporadic fighting, mostly aaainst snipers and small hit and run guenilla >quads; tbe allied lorce cl<Jms IOO enemy dead. Vietnamese cu.Wties were l.ilh& and U.S. dead ·was reported ·•t 41. Anotht!: 111 Americans have been wound· ed. Most of the U.S. casualties have come f10ltl ihtna and booby trapi,, '. tbe;!.l!"Nonh., Katun~~ "".m.UJ='=~.·~~~ ~=.: ... ::.·~: -~··:an-~ mid~.~ .. I :: .• !f>'•lforth -"f we~· =..a ;:f#i.EJ;:.y~.::; Bui' wben Ibo Korunl l!oPn flrlnl,. dfeu 111Ves. ' • ' · · • ,• ", ; · The.' Batangaa Pmlniufa bad - wit.bout government ~uence for a 1eneratlon. The ground ,is undermlned with two and tbree:tier tunnel · Sylteml --QM lhlp'1-Ulpper,' aridr. • ..-.. lluc:ber. Tuck and Ille ollijl' ocemtrwpller. _ ;....,, ':J'rlar TUck; .-'.:ii:i damDod -fl.my lredlle-m~lfinl.11~1n a . -,..,. up ....,.._ l'mJeavlilg." Nortli r;,.... or!ilin, ·alOllf With the -lhat wind-fot-tbOufalld.-iol-y~·­ are IO feet under~ and lnvulMrible to heavy bombs ind shell!. 'Ntiie-'Vtel Cong surrendered on the Peninsula, Thursday after being in a twmel three weeks. Tuck 31 of "l(:hmond. Va., told a Navy men. Both are civil service em· ""•vy (,,,,i)Jl ljlqUby '""·~ay that plo)'1!S cl the OOense Dtparl/llall- ,. b~ ~ Tact uid hll -nllli W&I ::,~ iL ocUn -water far anel)'llo-• GSll, which :.Jd" ... -him·~ llf.17f i . -... "Ille ~In parts ol'bll Ullp-. year,,... POI' .... : " • • ment. But. llld Tuck, hli Grden Wft , The court _...,.. ,Iii<·"*" """'° , The aim ·of the cordon ls to pacify the Batangan. The peasants Will bt returned to their land and government officials will move back wllh them. Three 11ear1 ago a. phot~ ollc<d Marilyn Lamar ad llodoev Cdl&DoU to poll far • •ldinf picture . at;'·Fn111C011io. N.H. Th<f mllli ,...,. Wld the picture becauu t A·~ rt· t d tMre thU week GI huabtmd wife. • rs. Froncao llunlorj\IDtmdec, today mulled O¥er what to her' mrirly born tl1ln ...,., "fets«181ly, I'm consldertilC EnOi ~ Enough," olie •aid. It was ber I h &et of twins !Ill~ her ~h 13lh c!tUd. • • ' e mowball fight was called be· c . ~ of J8ck: of snow. Students at 511lhwest Texas College had plan· ~their annual snowboll figb~ h the ammUJ1itlon was o!detrai:k- -by a lrelgbt-foulup. Seeiru the • bellll, sblpped bY. ' air. to 'San l\farcoS(by students .•at Mlcblpn T;ch In Hou&hton, Mich., ,,... rnjsplaced in Chicago and arri\ied toj> late for the battle. The ""°"" ~·· packed In dry ice,. wUJ be u40d today. • ' -. !· Sen. Vern Braasey,'{R·Boi.st), :moved to substitute the 10 Com- , mandmtnts for a 2,0QO.word re· :solution. to set up a. code of 'legislative ethics for Idaho laU> 'ma.leers. The $ena.te turned •dotcft the proposal. -· " • A priie will be given for "the mOrt outrageous coetwne" at the "artist and models ball,. in A't> pulco, SJ>OllSOred by the local Sil- va$<>• Army chapter. ti handle bts -'< "on a not-lc>lnlerfer berl. a! the ~ Cl)IW !O ...ufT!P1 .. I · ' , llolt·wlth a hillqoo apet'l In..,. al. how to deslro)' classllled ~lpmlnt and Plan B mb publlcall<>!s in the event of capt.re. . es • . 0 ' Tuck iald whoo Ibo first of six .North ~ ..-.. -li!o'xlel>t;.bt ... Marlte~ km .. fi~a.=.~:=iE • "' 'lbeoe • bolllol, coiled N-botil•, 300 B! ...;.~ are 1-to apOcifled depth with a uitrans winch, Tuck oald. and then allowed to ' fill by beiril lt!Jllied -a •PICial • . • • . f ' '~· -llillt ,,.w boclt ... 1 IJ)IUQlllAGU, . Jilh , <Al'v -• A ~ , · ' ' _ , • aowded ~··imlttl-~'ID:tht.:· a..tran nil N llJd'larUer, IUCh l4l'ftPI• •£'" ' • . • .... -to bllolll-Olherllll. t ' vjll.tp. WU ~ &ad lltrlfed tony, Tuck aaJd bt .,,,_ -to IJadier ciuollll wbal itia1 be one ri tbe worn tm.re lie WIOi<d\llte tos11 made and 11111 e ,cl~:~ lcio. ( f!lt .,NJIP,rian. ~":!iT:~&:~~ ,ClY111ftl','!.• • .... ,t ; • J2milelol~fttu'claimedby toCa1 olftcJ•" .eattmateif that between tNorth Kora • , \ · 't-'i .t JOO and JllO poricm ..... lilied oatrtgbt \Tuck llld i.. ..... -. 4 bl -anct~ men WOUIOW. • ' ~-= £!t.:.:-'.:...-:: Five _, ,afttr lbe mm raid, lllpnlJ . Ht1airted wilt ·dlat 11111 liel~ youths followed by waJllns "'lailva -.. estab!IJh lbe Puelllo.....,. 1"truded lntO stUI carrylnl the dead along dusly tralll North K°"'"l' wa\er., in the bush to tbelr homOI. ffo aaJd the b 'imi>leuion of tbe Pu- Ultl Te...,. Loaaing Apollo .10 . The Apoll6'10 spacecraft is lowered to Its Saturn 5 rocket Thur&day in the Saturn's towering assembly building at Cape Ke~y. Apollo 10 is set for launch in May on a lunar 'landing rehearsal in orbit around~emoon. · '111e lllafnn IDIGrmatldn llepu-eblo'• -.... tlio.1"rth - aid It, -tltl --.t l>aji\l•C -tllol it -~ ... ~ I Incident .,. 1111···· lbe wont lielftc -o1 l!jt .... _ .... pj ~. R E C ll lbe bambinl "~ litorkel in OlliOdla .. -bt hod~ .... looialy.'H• eagan merge· UC"' a lost',_ 111·iibl\"'"" eotlmatad .,. -=.r~~b~~, . ,; pencmdled.'-• to mm -· "and....., C · 1 ,;-· VUlapn ....... il>omli ~ ~ 'bow!' . . . ' • ' by a Nilorlu Jel flgbter-bojliller landed ·"l'wo ~men, qiar1es D. Law~r.. In · s tud · t c • i· • • '" t!ie ml.d.dl• .of tbe mar~e1 .. .,,.i a 1he ""P" ...... quartermas(er, and · oraws en · rl . lClSm . 1ecood ex~ in ~ ~ ~a Jons. Wendell Le,ach, the only signal man on low maternity cllnJc. Village leadert aald bOird. said the Pul!blo's crew never wa3 1$ women IJJd chlldnl were kiDed inside. briefed on the mission. The craterl: left by tbe bom~s were "The crew JVU ~ it wu not illegal appmlniaiely 15 feel ......, ind ,...., ••• that ... were jUSt carrying out our feet deep. , d~~les," said Law, 11,.d Otehalls, W:~· The bodies being carried away were Som.e of them (the crewmen) d1dn t covered with c,t.UIV& leaves. 'I1ley were even know ·what land they were looking borne on flat ..tretcbeta of wovtn wood af' when the Pueblo arrived off the either overhead by two belnn or oti North Korean coast. Mid Leach, 2'1 of ... •--• ol .,_, HOOJton, Tex. ·~ -· """"''"' . In New Yor~ Arthur J. Goldberf, 1,,.._ Five auclt proc:esst0111 were puoed mer U.S. &qnme Court jultlce and la a· lllreHnlJe· -ol Ille narmr.. ambusador to Ille Untt.d Natloal. lll'led rod dirt -leadlnc to .lbe vUlage that a disinterested lrbmaJ be named from the llmvahla-Owerrl blgbway. io lnntlllpte lbe Pueblo's lllzure. BERKELEY (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Rtagmfs dec.laralion that tbe University of California's Berkeley campus is in .a state of "extreme emersency" has drawn bitter response from a variety of student spokesmen . night. Police bave denied on Abercrombie~. the attack "Unless the university t.akes action to 1 t o p all terrorist attacks a 5tate of aggression will exist between the univenlty and Third World studeny," Fernando Garcia, Third W or I d spokesman, said. , Garcia .;iw Re11an's declaration as "an attempt to mobilize the reactionary forcea in the state.". * * * Political Sermons To Bring Arrests In South Vietnam SAIGON '(UPI) -South Vielname!e J'residont NiUY•n Van Tllleu has Ol!lered provincial aulbcritles to airest monk• and prleSta who stir pe<!plt,.UR. tJ\roulh "political RITDON," it was, ~ (o. da · · li.tOnu : and · pri..U are 1r.e ·-to ,, to their pagodu ~ cburches lo conduct ceremoniea and to pray," Thieu said durini a trip to the MekOlli Odle pr .. Vince of Go COn(. "But if they deliver poliUcal sennon1 to stir up the pepple, the province chiefs should ane.t them and then report to me" Thleu•1 'remarks wrn made two days ago and published in Saigon today. The Vietnamese president charced the Communirta were plannini to use retJc!ous and politlcal orrantsalions to cause trouble for the pvemment. General Motors Blasts Report On Warranties WASHINGTON (AP) -General Moton today laid a Federal Trade Com· mJulon itaff report on automobile war-- rantles Is "factually deflcienl" and lean1 tdward owntatemeot and u:aggeratioi\ 1be report, issued almost three moriths qo, coat.ends: tbe auto inctustry valuer aales lar above ..mce and userta that neither dWera nor manufacturers live i,ip to .~ new ~ IUll'lntees. _ ~Nationwide Precipitation "Our idiot governor declared a stale ol. .extreme emergency and immediately there was one," an editorial in the 'llluraday ed!Uoo of the Dally Cal said. The student paper caned for a sbuWnc down of the university in order to talk over problems calmly. The student ·senate also voted 10-1 for a closure o( the school for a two-day convocation lo discuss strike demands by the Third World Liberation Front, spearheaded group or t h e lf"day-o I d strike to press for an autonomous ct:1llege o( ethnic studies. 'nte' CllDJIUI illelf wu. calm and more thsn llO rtot '.i\tlpped pol!« calmly watched about Gt llrlHn wlnt-Jlldi<I ool4!d• of Sather Gale.ml llfln march around campus . Thutsda;.: ·· ~.: ~ .. it< ! There was no vio~, 00-'lan<liUsm and only (fle arre.sl Will~ 8 .. AvrelOn. 34, a mathematics de~t lecturer assertedly refused Ofdlfs: not to block trafOc at Sather Gate. . Howard lJ: Craw!Oril, GM'1 vlco pr111i- dont In . char I' ol martoiln(, attacked the ' .staff -report' todaj in · a "11.immary of the corporation's · ttf.pa&e ~tbrmar statement prepared for an' ITC' heartnr on auto warranties. ' . Snow Belt Extends From New Mexico to Rockies Temperatures ......... ,,.. .... " " .ot " " ·" . " ·'' ... • ll ,IS .. " I fl ft , .. 41 is .n .... .... ,, " ·" .. " n ,. .10 ,. . . .. n ' .n ... ,, .. .. , " •1 M .H SJ' " .24 " .. tt ,7 .CM 'fft "· ,h " . n " ... ..... ,. . "' n " . ·: ; .u .. 4 ·" . .,_ ... " . " l• ·" D • » 1• ·" :· : .. ...... • ,. .It . .. '"' • 0 ·" ..... • ~ : Student Body President C h a r I e 1 Palmer told a news conference that minority students had been "lied to. deceived and received resistance all the way" in the past from the ad· ~ -_ mlnlstr1Uon. He ssid Chancellor Roter Sorry~ Heyn.a and other administrators '"only Strikers shouted the familiar cries of "On Strike, shut 'it c:lown" and "Power to the people." Strike !elders admooiJ&ed the demonatrators aa:ainlt violence . "I want to object strenuously to the false impression whicb the staff re_port endeavors to mate in saying 1.hal 'service retains the atatus· oft;'. 1 "necessary evil'' in 1 much ot lhe 1utomobllt business:,' " be said. talked about procedures.'' '1The channels here art not open," Palme:r declared. "It is impossible to teAcb, learn and study in a police st.ate." In another news conference Third Work! leaders coofinned they had engag. ed ln1private Lalks wl1h Heyna. Howe;ver, they •bi> protested the 0 abductlon 'and ltealllll up" of AllfllslUI c. Aben:rombi•. 111 a Third World member, Tuesday W,rong Film ' ' ~ : • Lewd Mov.ie Cdncels Studeni Exhibit . SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI). -'lllt 'lllt South Bend clthonl groop and showing of port ol a pomocraphlc fllm tbe "'pnMOllUve ol ..--utor William by error during. 1 University o1 Notre Voor Jr.'1 ofllce c:ompJalned to the Dome Conformce Thunday ...wt.d In unlverslly llln\lnlllr•llon and school cancellation Of .ftlur>avar\11;1erite moitl•: lawyers lc:lvlled lgalnst continuing the and an art exhibit at a studtnt-fpoOIOl'td Olm. Tbe aUOmeys also ,recommended Be k } Ch" f G l conterence on -pomognph,y and clmingathree-dayartuhiblionground1 . r e ey le e S censorship. H might pnulbly violaie lndlana laws. Uc S An aucUtnce w1*h Included' tnemMn Student apanlOl'I <>l the conference, 'ecurity Post of u.. South Beod ciu.ena r.r .J!ecent~'-"•~ a junior fntm ~ 1.Jtei'atUrti and i "pntenlltlft of'tJie OltcrYDJc, Miii., tbe!. called a MWI BERKELEY (AP) -Police Chlo! SL Jostplt O>unly pr<lleculo<'1 • olllce Coo!<rmce lo llUIOllacte that foor fllmo WIUlam P, Btfll bu ralgned effective ,.w a portion ol a ntm called "P'lamlnc ochoduled to. be. lhow• titer In the ...,. May \ lo ~ over tbe llnlvmity o1 <naturet," delpite the fact It walfti /......,. would be wi!hdrawn. Calif.mla 'eam ... police force. on the pntgram. MNI Uc! other -·-·· 11 Beall, 51, llld be had made a ''verbal The explanatlo!i Wll (Ivon that the wen u aat>anlly olflclall, lndlcaled ttoey c:omml-" -time qo to become film was lo a i\illlabeled ·con and II .,.. feimd ot 1opl aClloo llnct voor chief ol the M·man campua· pollco force IOOlt a while to l'Ollbt II, wu 1 moytt. .-.two -llom, one tn South which he beUIVOI wlU " be aubslan-_d"'~objldlaalbli-bJ -lhe.--V: ll9f ond -b'Mift1oatq.11fltijijM1 U1lly11rf!r, • Supreme Court. thir 10ld auestlonable matert1b . . . I I • , ' Weeplag tor Slain B~IHl..,i Mrs. Janet Mondlane, American wife or· Dr. Ed- oardo Mondlane, assassinated, president of the Mozambique LJberation Pron! fipang Ult P9rtu- ' ~.,. 1n· Tanzania, Africa, weeps at the crave oi ·her.husband. Mondllll!" was killed bY. a bomb In. a package he picked up at Ill• post office 1'J911<lay, ; ' · 10 More Gls · Loi io:·.Swallow ; _Get Asy,lum ·1n-swec1en " . '' ~OLM (AP). -The Swedtah Allens Commission granted anothe.r JO deserters trcm lht U.S. armed forces asylum in Sweden today for "humanitarian reasons." A commissioii spokesman 11id that since the flow of deserters to Sweden started,· 217 ~ have Contlcted Swedish .authorities, 175 have been granted asylum, 19 have been turned ·down for var Io us reuons and some 10 cases are being. investfiated. · >.. far as the commissi.on knoWs another 14 deserters have left SWeden without :wattlng for asylum, a n d ••me 10 have left after receiving ~on to ttay.'' the SpokwDan said. , The spokesman . said the 10 -8f&nted uylllJ!l to-ilay .lfert:. Terry MIOdowtll, J9, Bloomlnrton. Ill., wberi Iii, mpt!ier atlll ill living; Frankie Turner, 21, born .Jn t4airqbl, J5.enya, his parents UV!ag in 1("'11'ood, but .the . cOmmiaslon did QOt know the ·state; Robert Walton, Z2, son of an · author, James Walton, Who lives in Los An;eles ; . Bop'° t;>w, 23 .. of Steelman Road Drive, Loll . Angeles; ~Mark Smith, 20, PhiladeJphla; Michael Andreasen, :lf, Santa Rout Calif.; George Warren Wurth, Jf, Evansville, Ind.; Donald Foao, 24, in In· dianapoJll;. Ralph Meier, 22, Sligo Avenue, Silver Springs, Md.; Kuril Rials, 22, rural route 3, Marion,, Iowa. Ex-president's Yarht Sold V,S ANGELES (AP) -The l~foot yacht Potomac. Uled by President F'ranklln Q. ·Roosevelt but sold when • Dwi&bt D. Eiteabower WU. preslden~ 1s rolnl 1n1o ..,..,. -. SAN ANTONIO; Tex. (AP) -A Jt-yeeHld .tollege llu• dent from T6f111 bu manl(fd to make bis· mark without picketing, protesting, sitting in or shooting alOgacs: He simpfy' swallowed 1 lot of goldfish -210 of tht:m to be exact. While many of his col~ leasues at colleges an d universities from coast .to. coast were demonstrating for a variety of causes, Charles Winfield put on bis ovn. ex.· hibiUon Thursday. · Durlnc an boor and 40-mhiute per!od,~ Winfield, I aophomore al St. Mary's University in San Antonio, swallowed one after another of the live fish while about 200 cheering students .amt faculty members looked on. Unlvtniity off icials - :-~b~ ~:=~t ::~in' ille .achool -claimed bll feat W l ,I I world'I ttcotd.: , Nick JJ~: He Parlayed ·· Row~~;.~b)._~or~t·~: SEATl'LE {cp)j' _; Nick . ·llod bt<oiiie a Plf IJ9ll, Iii Bn·'Sr .• suiue· tiaa\earn•n ~ ftlldni. , .... -o.! w11o par~ a .row1>oil Into Ht bo\llht his lint IOlnt • fortune, dJed bert al the boo~ the ld'1d lllOll uaed In ap of 73, It WU llUIOlll1Ctd COllllDereW aaJmoo flahlll(,\ln 'lburtdly. Jill ond bepn to build a Bez arrived in the United Oeet. States from .Yu10llavi1, wttb•----.,_,--.....,--, --- jusl fl.SO In hil pi>cltetl Ind went on to build up financlal empires in bolh fi!hing and alrllnes . ·Bez. who died of a heart aUacli Wedneaday ni&hl 11hlle under treatment fer chest in- juries, wu 'chailman of the By Jou bolrd of Air West which WU formed last year by the 'lltil la our lint weekly column, merger of West . c 0. It. but thanb to I Vel'1 nice lady, B6nanu ond 'Pldllc Atrllnel. we wlll be talldn( to )'OU each He wu pm1aent of West Tu...ia, Ind ""1daY In lhe Pilot coat to keep Y<RI Ind yaur friends II!' • Be. recently succeeded In formed u to Juli what ls hap. a bitter filht with Air West penlag at Orone• County Air- . poR-and to the progress of ""' at!J!'kholden to brinl about fllbt to bop the big jell rr.m an ~eement to •ll the line further invulms over our beach to billioaalre Howw Hqhea area homes -a sale which must still * · * * be approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Early lh1I year the NiWpori He lmmlcraled to thil coun-Beacb City Council voted lnr a tr r In 1110 at th • ... cl pla<e on the l(•nda cl tllo Ci>'ll n and "tiled bore. He boulht ~= ~ ~earln/~ a rowboat for use on Puget count them!-airlines have ap- Saund In Jill and by the elled. fer rwtea using Orange following , year the rowboat Collll'1 airport! II y<RI think ;;;;;=========;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~then la jet nolae Ind jet trallle over your home now ••• can you Jmqlne u the airport .,.. I.ends an invitatkn to ten mare routes? Old World Mediterranean Spaniah Furniture R1<alvod cancelllllon of $22.000.00 Spanlth incl Mtdfterr1ne1n Furniture All Newf.,......,. .... "--- hce:alw'I "-H._ O• ...... Item, as follows: Georgeoua 8 ft. cwtom ~·9~ttd ~of~ with IOf~¥e ·lQO!e i.J.,lllQ)Va with . l'le•Vl1 oat ifun dtli•r .llid m• ,. chair, a matching oak occulonal tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hangln1 chain rw11 lamps In wrouglit iron,. an 8 pjece king also IDlller · bedroom lulte in peoan panelled llldltmln- ean atyle with. top quality 15 yr. warranty klnl llze matjnu 6: box aprlnp. Spa!Wb decor cllnlna eet. etc. ____ ... ,. ... .:'o~~~~·-.. -·-$698.00 Any Pl-C•n lo Pu"lmod lndM4ually Tarm1 Avallallle ---.. to C111f. Croollt Appmod lmmodllloly , JI l] F•rniture At Harbor Blvd. .. 1844 Newp•lt "'"· c ......... """' •-io nftht 'Ill ' --· tot. a s..... "'' '· * * * Enry day people who are clil- IUl1>ecl about the jet aircraft b> vuloa, lbelr IOQ of -Y value, C<lllllort Ind ..!eti uk u1 "what can we do." Evtr)'one hu a place In the fllht. Call me at the baadquar- ten. aend your contribution, show a "Stop the Jet" bumper sUc~r • • • or just report your lptdllc ~mplalnll to the CABI We -the! lhe CAB author- 11111 wlll listen 1o15111o ..... Dialnta about low aircraft. Lao! monili. tw• Ml apaclllc -plalnta In the BayCftBI and Wtlldifl ariu """' lnmUpl- ed by tile CAB .,uiortties. . Be sure to clte time, dlte, Ill' caJTier name, and llil!it -· be.r-you can cet thil Ihm the Airport Tower~7212. • • * Meantime, r•t In on the ripit We must act now If we are -to keep the airport fnim rurtllor ·upWtcMr. . • ll!d """ thlr tnvulGn over Y'"" l!omc ~ 'Z"C open daily frOll> 10:00 upstaln at tltl East 17th 11t.-that'1 at the comer of Ir· vine Aft. ,. See ,.. ..... qext Tuesday! Airport N.Ue AbaUmf'llf CommiU11 _.___..., ..... I The CAMUIDGE • Mocltl (fASl-!tW Pl)C)ul1r Co1tltt11fl6ttrY-NYled ewwol• in 111t11tne oil fi11ithtd W•!rrut \<tnet,,. Zft'liih $11per 50 Hartdc1afled Chaui1. $us>tt Geld Vrdlo ~•rd T11l'lln1 5'(slem. Z•l)lth VH F. end Ulif Sp&tllte '•ntf. 7" Ovi l 1nd l" x J'"tw!n-cent 1puk1r1. A srnu.tlon•I . . Ztnhh Celden Annivr11ary S!tl!ci11! New Zaoflh. T-YOll W..., on COior.TV -T• ·----·-... -----,....w .. lil;~c....w ...... .., ... ~111411 r _.I..,_. ........................................................... .................... ,...,_ , ... ,.......... .... -. .. ....,,... .... .... "......,_ ........ ""'"IJ . .. ... 1 •11111lrM ._., .. ~,....,.., BEST YEAR YET --•-"",J.:l"*-.....,, TO ctr THE BEST .. -.-.----·--------------- $ Handcrafted quality! Specially developed! Sensationally priced! • LIMITED OUANmlES! ltJJi.l .. le l'AClC0~09 ....... lfMOTI toNTlot TV tu1t ,rMs b1111oris on .conl!'ol vnil lo: adj!Mf c.otor hurs, adj~ volume ta ltiw, rnrdlu1n ind hl1h, rurn set on Md of, dwip VHf f:i'Mn'91a ltft or riaht, llwtft off soul'ld whitt plttu,. telyf. " . AFC TV and . APPLIANCE CENTER HOVD: W11"C'. t:'t .... f9 t ,.._ ............ ,,.._ < _____ HARIOJLCINTIR--~----- .2300 Ha~r llvll. C:oftCI'. Mesa , •••• 540-7131 .. "' I '+ • • Ne °"'" ,..,,...t e Up ,. U Monlha 19 pay .. .. ' ) '" " 'ii j ... " •' .!' ,.. • • ~ tj ., • ,, • • • ' • J • • ' 0 .. .. l~"":" ·~;~I'J'.O~ ~~GE I A Bare~hone·s . ' •• Jl;1 the one omlnoui no!e. In a community teeming with eneraetlc people, wUb families that keep bQytDi better houses an"d bigger . can, where unemplO)'IDOUI ls only • word In the news- paper, "Where the fllture la a thing to anticipate, not worry about -with all ol lhls, we've got a problem. T1te problem is In our schools. Briefly puJ, we'v& nm· out ol ctassroorris. Next Tuesday, we ·can elther'lgnore the problem and get In· to deeper tnJuble. Or we can help resolve it. The tacts are these: Right now, 1,300 atudentl are on "double session In Iha Newport-Mesa Unified School, Di.strict. Next Sep- tember that number will be more than 2,000. It will keep. g~ng by roughly 1,000 a year until -unless - new Classfooms &re made available. The $15.9 millinn OOnd lnue'vote next .Tuesday will :....... U two-thirds of the voters approve: theril -make available classrooms to ease tliat burden. II the bonds .pass, 40 relocatable c!Assrooms will' be pu,rchas€d tn eliminate double sessions. Our communify must get oil the do~ble-sessjon . drag. It is nnt just that the school board or the teachers say so, our ,Newport Beach and; Costa Mesa city coun· cils say so. Our chambers of commerce say :so. The Board of ReaJtors says so. Promirient judges and com- munity leaders in all walks of life are endorsing the bond issue. ,Request elsewhere and a pll>Ceas o! ecooomic delerioraUon be- &in4. . Industry hel~s take . the tax load off the backs of the home owners. It Ls a contaglOUJ thlnc. When schools a,,; _good and !ndustry Ls welCOf11e, tliey help .each other. When schools are bad, Industry has a tendency to move away and thus the dollar responsibility for the school system grows rnore and more a burden upon the home owner and taxpayer. , , When a s c h o o I district -and a community - start to deteriorate, there are other problelil! as well. The better teachers begin to look around for greener pa~urfs,.~d the' over·all snap, sp,ark!• and lmaglna· tion 'Of a first.rate education system &el& lost In Iha slluffie. . · " ·&yond all this, of course, Is the moil Important factnr of ali: the children themselves. . • AimOst. every •ecqnd grader In the publle schools · 1n the H~rbor Area is on double session lhil ~ Each • one nf .them is short-changed 11t least •·half JlOur of ln:-strucUo~ each day. That half hour may not' 1Duna'liko much, bµt )t adds .UP· The loss per day is tbe·eql!ivllent of 1 If.a years of teaching ·1n 12 years of scboollpfl . The number of children on double session will 'keep growing until 'the classroom crisis is resolve<!... . , . Obviously, the only way to ease the classroom shortage is to find more classrooms. Ninety-seven per· cent of the $15.9 million bond issue is eannarked for port.able, relocatable ciBssrooms or !or permanent classroom erpanslon and construction. Sch09l buses. libraries, administration buildings -none of these is included.. What we have before us is a bare-·bones re- quest to resolve a menacing crisis in our community. • . ~":c ~·tV-Jo.u.a:;..~ They all know that when schools start to be neglec- ted, warning signals pop up. These signals tell knowl· edgeable people in industry, in business development and in investments that the community is starting to . slip. The community doesn't attract or hQld as high a callbe< nf resident Business and IDdU>VY ~tart to look . ' . ,,. . ' { ' The cost ts small in dollars -20 cents a week. !or the owner of a $20,0oo home, 40 cents a week for the owner of a $40,000 home.. . The price will be'hlgh If we fall again. • • ' ' -~ t• .... . ~ ~ ~. N ~'Pi.EASE PONT iAl<E Mf To lUBA. 1 -wAs o>iv< fJ01N' To THE WASllROOM FOR SoME ·WATER,;~. 'q . ' .. i ':'" .... .. 1-~ f . . .;4 ggression_.,..._._, ~n • ..;. l ..,.,..r" . ·League of w~ Voters f]rge"J ¥.ES V•~··Tuesday .. ' ' . ls oi Se'fl,eral r V ar.ieties · JI)' GEORGE R. eof-F;·ft.11. Nowadays,. with .everyone 'coocemed about riots. 1tudent unresti''·.tnudown· ol law ...S order, vJoleol .. -.,, ol trwllu-1 -. and -... .u1uu-.·e11:.,:int~t to mahitaln our perspective. What'• 1ood .Ind 'What's bid? Good or bad for whom? What are the JlUl'POle8 ol. these waves ol dilcontent? , The annrm are not euily diacovtreif, primarily becaqse the questio111 are In- appropriate. lnlllead of aking, "Why are some people being so violent?" a rnor< poliit.d question ll)iiht be, "What varieties · of aggi"emlion facilitate or detract from perlOrlal and s o c I a t fulllflm"11!" . IT Ill b KNOWN that humans are naturally directional, wanting to move ahead and grow. This is equally true for one 'person or for U.. whole world. The words "movement'' and"~".,. keys to ooe impcdant Ylrfely o1 •arustoo: tldl-werdon. Our very survlvlil u humans requires u lo keep ~ -lo Cll¢illually user! oilraelves IO that we and otben will" dee us as autonomous ·and worthwhile Persons. ' ·Whenever we're repressed, inhibited, or are denied movement in some way -remember, we limit ounelves, ~we feel caged and our emotional energy builds up, sometimes to the boil- ing point. Then, if we escape the cage, we are apt to blow. PRESSURE COOKERS have safety valves but, unfortunately, we'n not. so equipped. We have to create our Own. 1£ we cannot make our own safety valve, we often insist that others provide <:me for us. When tlley don't or can·~ the "tall wags Uie dog" and we user! only hostile feelings toward our "op. prusors" rather than ·usertinJ wlto we .... While self-aslel'Uon b a positive force lfi our lives, hostility -defiMd u the need to hurt another -diverts our movement towartl further growth and thUI is sell-destructive. . . . Gloomy Glls: : Stak~: Social, ·Econ.omic · Well Being . " TO the Editor : • Do the kids who clean the beach get a rebate on their' ·surfing tu? . ~ere are all tthe liWe Old ladles who.try.to keep teen·aa:ers ofI the beScb!· Let them clean It up. The 'children in I.he Newport-Mesa r Unified School District JrW be adverlely aff<Cled il Iha Februarr nth bond i>l'O-posaJ Is not supported by the necess&ry two-thirds. of the voting ·public 'Jh' Our Uttf,."""' ~ --· NonMlf'J.,,,.,,,.,. return Of the hijackers on the basis of' extradition or prisoner exchanges or casb rewards! Surely, the. return of these criminals wUl.tdeter.otherS and halt the ridiculous helplessneSs in u.e· responses t o dangerous actions. degree of awareness requires application of knowledge with conviction. How lazy humans are! Crutches! Denial! And the greatest denial is failure to give and receive love. One who cares not to exert the energy shall never live, but one who projects anytb.ing, however little, at least is looking beyond himself. . . . . . ' ' -E.L.P. ,,. ...... ntlH'9 ............. ••nu.., """" " ""' =•=•~• . ._. ...................... D* ...... ' ,/ . ,_ . communJUea. .. At "present over 1,300 cblldren receive. lea than a full day's education,. and in the near f11ture ttie sbol'tlge of classrooms will become even more critlcaL -' ' •• Tbe district trustees· haye '~ the February Ulh hood progam lo meel A 1 . the -111'111 urgent clmloom needs. ~ '!"OOND VAlllETY ·Ill aumilnn eliminate m ble .,IO&li00. by nen !all, mfptWe wantbe ='-*' ~te!f.!1•· and achle.e ·more,tfficl~nt use of e:rliting my -·~ncy faciliti" and '· L tt, fit _into and" conform ·with a family, es eqwpmen . 1 5'ICial groue, • wwld order -'u '..TIJE° ~GtiJ:. of Women Voters ol '~ 81 •r· 1~~. no1..,ir.1nsu' .t£J<>I' 'Oraoa• Coitat tieileves that unless· the 'UCWl•Plli"Ofaome uanogy, P.1UOD, 1 'bond passea and1-tbese things are·done cause or s.~!! &f'O';'P· but we·~~lonely it will ·be imposaible for this distrki and d~ if we re not participants. to maintain the Jeffl ol educational quaJi.. · Social, cultural and .personal alienatlpn ty ·that this ·community surely needs a~t for untold nusery. and wants. , Again, when . homonomy . needs are The League ti · Women Voters of thwarted, ne:galive aggression_ results. Orange Coast ,believes that a qualltJ Active parUc1pation then turbs into fore-local school system is essential 1o the tng o~i'!l'lves i~ whe~e we feel left social and 'economic well being of the out. BLWTe manifestations of the thrust community, anc1· urges the voters to im.:ard homonomy appear daily as mart ·"YES" on the bond mue at the headlines in the newspapers. "Students polls February 11. · Attack AdminillraUon Building." "Gong MRS ROQBRT SllEllMAN Raids Party." ''Rehell Over~thr~w • n-...1.. wvoc Government ... ••Father Murden· Entire ~~ent, L Family." . , ' Ill IT ABKING loo much lo be part ol SOOJethlol fli"pr than oursolves? In our culture, perhapa. Maybe we're bung up on the concept of, "You~ prove yourself before we'll accept you In.to our group." Exclusl.onism could tie responsible for at least some of today's upheaval. " • Another variety or a & 1 r e s s I o n permeating . the current ecene 1S en- counter. An encoun~ requires aelf- asselflon and active participation ol those involved. Nothbig lea lllfflces. .Jt .assumes that somethin1 happens between the participant& WHEN ITS man1restation ls negative -unlulillllng -then all hell breaks loose. When, on the other hand, there is .an attitude of positive .. aympaUco," theotarowth. autonomy, bomonomy, and encounter all work to btlng ~~ether. Unri!allsUc? Maybe. But what have we got to lose? 'think ab<Klt where you art, and then consider wbefe the · perlOn most removed from you is. Is the distance really so far? Ttco·t~lnb Needed To the Editoi;. BecauR of an archaic law in our artha1c llate ~Uoa, 1 minority of voters Wt:rt able to bnpoee' their will on the majority in our last school ·bond election. 1hb: is .not the democratic way and those people who would not support school bonds last year, causing double sessions for 1,300 children .this year, would be the flrst to cry foul Jf their children weren't getting a full day ol school. WE DON'T NEED just 1 simple ma· jority voting YES on February 11, we need a two-lbinfs majoilty i9 pus thlJ . bond issue. lbla la the groat&t place In the world to live~ the harbor is Wied with beautiful boats and every week more people con- spicuously consume, but ya we can't build needed new schools becaUJt we won'' pass a bond issue. Invest in the future by voting YES on Feb. 11. BILL "LONGLEY , llWlcl _,, their ........... In llD ~ or ,.._ Ttle rllflt ,. °"""'""41. lftftrs to flt -•· •llffllo ' .,.,. lllllf" 11 l'IHrwd. All lttten; ""11f lndudl •i.t.tu,.. ll'd !Tllll"'-a6clret1, bvt nema ..,..,. 1111• wlll'llleld on r-' If wt!klwit rHIOll la ~ Will letters, postcards or telegrams to our elected representatives start the LILA MELTON -Ball-day Sea•lott• 'TO ~-&litor: . . · .. ·--, ball rolling? ARTHUR WE~ A news report of Dr. T"nnotHy · .r. • _ . ~ L"eorJ!'S recent talk at'L'.C·Irvifie_,WtU 1: J :~.' , · 1 1htddli~d: "Leor11'1 Creed: 'You're P1teb1o Q1test,.. • 6.d·.· . ImpiJrlool ·date on your ealendar: F1briWj IL Tbol ll•eledlon dly. Eleo- ,tJon dlf, 10'1 AJ? rOt wbat? Lil .111e ezplain lo. )'OU for what. for the future Edi · f"·.~~ .;_11 . , -Ed1tcn' TJl~·:, Jar ~ \ ~. ·• , ; • ;,.... .. :i /\ ..• ~ 1 • .,,...,\.#<-,.· t '.lie where the Pentag •. •· ,n,ak" sr · A.,..,.,......,..,.. to investigate tbe Pueblo affliJtl ...-. _·_ f~ :f1 _ ····.: ,.,,,,.. ··~·~!"l't!I.~ of your cblldren. , • FofruarJ' 11 •la Ille Illy Iha! ·an ol the· pmma &o to ~ ~Its ·to d~ld~. their· cblldr1'n'1 tutute. How, )'.Q.l ,aslt . -By auppo!tln1(-the bond iSsue lo pli>vlde rnore-ftmdJ .forthe -edUcatioD 'Of yOUr Are,lbef tcyin1 t.o white.wa~IJ the Ives TO lbf! Editor · · . alld keep from being investigat.d!,~ ,1 •• b :. , -., "._.11 -.• .,. onIY way we, will ever koow -the· WU('.; l~· w•~e µpol~ Adi~~"'8'. ye, 1 mean 800 ·correct tliese aJarmlng cqnditiOos · "Yob lcOmt>Iaeent Ame!"lc~ns oyer 3$. I'm Is to have an investigation by the Joint glad ~be ~~uc&;ted and intelligent youth children.. · · Armed Services Committee of the House of A~er1ca at .least have a sense of and the senate. From what I have value. Ask yourselves· this , qJiestion: would you like to ha:\fe yow: chUdren on half-day sessions fl!!il year not only at the · elementary level, but .at the high school level? read, I assume that Colrtdr. Buchei-Over 31,000 American boys have been violated , Navy regulations and should killed in the jungk!s or Vietnam. Another receive some punisbment -( minimum) 200,000 have been wounded and some reprimand to (maximum) two years• at 18 and 19 .are destined to spend sente.nce and kick-<iut. tlle remainder or their lives as. cripples, HOW MUCK CAN a child learn in THE BOA.Rb WILL be fair &nd com· half a day? How much chance does passionaf,e, they will not "throw the a · teacher have· to use '1er talent in book at him" -but for the sake of that limited time? . morale., if he ls found guilty be should We are not ~ ~ undue; demands not go unpunished. on. our · teachei'a .bUt CO, ~IV.ell· :Hun-. · · The-·best , aummation of the Pueblo drtd of ~others.· fatber1~t.nd~uca~rs , . af{eir w8.s made by the keen and have hem working Jooc.bard hours t1!e analytical mind of Congressman James put few montbl to make sure this B. Utt al.most a' year ago in his bood passes. . Washington Report Letter "of · Feb. 14 The bond Issue has gwned the support and 1 have his perrili.ssioo to quote or most of the area busineasmen and in art . · an unprecedented endorsement by the p · City Council. "COULD TIUS BE treason, or is All of UJese. ,people have donated their it incompetence, or Is It just plain Ume unselfishly to make February 11 stupidity? If our government pays tribute a · succesa. Won't you give your time lo North Korea, as we . did in Cuba, and support by . coming to · the polls we have sunk lower tban I ever dreamed. next Tuesday? .~ By tribute, I do not mean 'cash. I lt:RS. FRED SIMPSON mean ally kind of a promise of discussion President, Wibon PTA or apology. one question that must be 'A Reso1tndln9 YES' To the Editor: ' Your headline in 1.fonday's edition, Beach Debris Too Much For City, Was cause for alarm for all the residents· of the area. What a pleasant ltlrprise to open Tuesday'• edition and see the· headlines, Students to Aid Cleanup. Our students are TOO MUCH!. Once qain, as when the high tides and storm surf threatened West Newport and the area teen-agers came to the rescue with sandbagging activities, can we be justly proud of our young people. resol\ted· is, 'Who ordered · the ·Pueblo to sdrrerider without firil)g a abot?1 Could. it ·be part of our strate.gy of ISlUl't!nder? 'lbere are ~le in the PentBj:ol), ln Ji.tgh plates, who ·have Jong urged Uuit tbe United States should not "ba1¥e milltary' superiority but olily mlliliiy equality. lts daily cost ls a whopping $85 million. We cannot win a military victory nor can the enemy. WE· HAVE BEEN "called in" by an Illegal dic~torship which imprisons all wbo seek neutrality or any -course con· trary .to madness. South Vietnam i!n't a member of SEATO or any military alliance with the U.S. There has been no dc;claration of war. Ovet one-half fu.lllion of our boys are · there because of a scrap of paper, "Tbe Gulf of TonkiD Resolution (1964)."' It gave the President the right to use .t{ly force he considered necessary to defend the lives of American mililary personnel. Did that mean involving American boys in an Asian land war '! Shouldn't our elected Congressmen and Senators decide that, instead of a Presi· dent who is only one man? PRESIDENT KENNEDY reduced the number of Americ:Ms in Vietnam from 15,000 to 14,000 before his assassination •nd called for all U:S. .troops lo be withdrawn by tbe end,of;l~. He felt we· should supply South 'Vietnam, bul thoy should do the fighting. Why should Ameiitcan boys l>eeome pawns for Saigon? That govetnm_ent Is equally a& bad as what we're ftatiting. Ri&bt or left, dictatorships are both reprf!SS.lve and evil. Do we see, RuSsian boYa in Vietnam's jungles? . Cynic · vs .. Sentimentalist 'Skyrocket' To tM 'Editor : School costs increased almost and up to 18.5 percent while the enrollment of children increased only I.I percent. LET US ALL get down to the be.aches this Saturday and help our students Clean up the beaches. Then on Tuesday, February 11, cast a resounding YES vote on the all-important Newport-Mesa, Unified School District bond Issue. 0 TH.E FALLA CY of this 881Ul'Tlption· Is more than evident. It would cert.aihly be: · treason if the ~ bad been dellvtrm into the bands of the Com- munists by desigri, in order to give , the Conununists our Jitest·, sophisticated" electronic de\rices. You must recall that the secrets of the atomic bomb and fissionable material were given to the Communists by Americans ln h.igh post. tion." WHY JS . VIETNAM 10,000 miles away 1'impottant," but Cuba only 91'.1 miles away ignored? Wake up! Any mature, intelligent_ American can see. that this war is ruining America. Wake up! Before , this .wa,r ruins ,not only th.is generation, but marty more by its folly. 'J1looPll Al Lorp: Tbe eynlc wbo lnidltl thll evet)'lhlnc in life ii done for a 8elfisb reuon la cfoler to the' lrulh than the sen- timentalist who denlel II; but Iha cynic la tllorllfibt.d lo not1 reallllnt that the prWlemallc a,pect"ol IUe U.. lu bowiDI tho i... -" ol the -lie .. u. and when "We acl In 1e<onl with these needt, our 0 18ltlshoea" hi a l s o -volenL • • • brokte no laws, • • • The rut -trouble with 11ogans like Thia bond Issue should be r<jected Md the spending skyrocket ill the public scbool system should be brought back down to earth. Where the rest or · WI live. WILLIAM JOHN KNIGHT B• Geo..,e. ---, Dear George: What do you think ol lfrla who have nolhlng on their m..b>d1 but • men and having• good limo! It can and will be a great day for· our commwUty. MR. AND MRS MICHAEL R. LAWLER Slooc c-p•ter To the Editor:. 1 Here1s a ~al~ anecdote to foUO'if Saturday's feat\ae on Dr. Lea Shuck. Newport-Mesa's asslslant superintendent, who bu set up grades by computer. · THESE . ARE A few of the many questiom 1 want answered and · only a Jojiit Congreasional Committee can . find the answers. U you agree with my thll)k.ing wW you write your con- grt.SRrn&n and your two aenab"f'""and demand tbat Ibey do Iha loyestl(1tlngT Thanks. CAPT. I. B. McDANIEt U.S.N. (tel.) .r-klng Bell°'"' Serr · To the Editor ' Leary's creed, Inspired tho following ~ Y. MlTCHELL ----Frid a y, February 7, 1969 Th• tdllOrflll page 01 th• Dcf!v Pao' 1e1b to •nform and 1Um. .,. rtod«r• bJI prt.Slntittg this ~pcr's ·Optnions and com. ,. · Long refleclfon taa c:onfuoc the mind 11111 .. oltao .. It can darllr M: I ..,_ ...., bridge pi-.-. ponder for 1,---_mj....,lJielore playing Iha Wl'.Olll con!. wllt might have pl•yed the right ... -I mcxnenl's thoughL u1aw and order" wu expressed by Goethe .nearly two centuries ago. when he w;arned : •'The phralel men are ae- Clllfomod to repeot 1nct111nt1r. end by becomlna .... ictlOns, Red thus Ollify Iha orpna liil<ttlge.C.." --• • • 11•1 1 pllr that such old-fashioned word• u "Dlbb!'"llllbbet" _have dilap- peared 1nd have nol been "Ploced by 111y modern equivlfents. OLO FA8IllONl!D Dear Old Fasbioood: When you've been married as km& as 1 have. you learn to try 10I lo think ol glrb who thlnlt of nothing but men and having a eood time. While ·our e!OJD<nlory school child brooPI borne a hand·pl'O(.'Used. but ac- <'lnW, i:<Po1t card ON SCHEDULE lsst Wed:ri~y, we are 5UJI aw1IUng the mmputerired lfade report for OW' jw:liot blgb ochool·lluderil. comments: - One who first finds a point o( ae- cei>lanc< with , hit pment persooallty can then proceed without J)l'Opl to awareness. tnento:rv qn, topics of lntcre1i o.nd slgnftkonCt, bt1 providing o fonm for the t%prusicm of our teodtrr' opfntoni, and bt1 prt.tf'nttno thr dtoersc vic io- poUUI of tnformtd obsmitrs and spoktlt1teft on topics o/ the • • • '1111 reopecllble world looks clown Ill .. Ill thooe who m Jud(ed aulfty If .... Ill oommJa1on -but I lood ... -be mode out 11111 our mojor .. -br Iha shit ol --ti 1HIH by the very people -ud •imloul for haWll ' • • • U you have to make a long story abort, tt couldn't have bten much of I llotJ lo bella Wilh. (Write to George and don't rorgtt to postmark your rea s onable racslmlle after midnight In t5 words or more.) LANE B. BLANK Nesetlate Wltfl C•k To tho Editor: Why can't the U.S. government or Iha alrllnu ne1ollalfJjlh Cubl le< tho Knowled&e or onesell Is 11.i.Q far rrom enough, hoJl't•er; anren=s 11 only the. flnt leYel. But lo shara and lfl'lr knowleclge lakes resoonslblllly. We all have goofed In the game of· Infinity but to rise out ol ~ ~ I *'·· I • • RObett N. Weed, Publisher ' I ' • • ~ta . . . -• J ' •.•• • ' ... .. ~ I • t ., I ' ., '1 ~t.:-62, NO. 33, II-~. •2 ·PAW6$0 • • ~ ... "' ·~. · • . ; -: i r ' FRIPA Y, SEIRUARY 7, :1t6' ' . ' . ' Shaw 'Fingel"ed' .. Witness Puts Him in Oswald Car · FnmWn- NEW ORLEANS -Tbe _.i!on todoY bolslered Iii cLa1J!i that Clay L. Shaw and Lee Harvey Oswald were together in a rural Lou1aiana ·town in the late summer ol. lMS with a witness who pointed a rmger at Shaw to idenWy hltn in the crowded courtroom. three months before the murder et, Preal- dent Kenriedy. ' lledoll,a Batiln-RaJ&e"-·wtiowmtl as a doctor•i ~ Aid' tt&it Ja 1963 she. "" • ~onllt Ill !:All ' ' ' Loul!lana Stole l!olpltal when Olwald· walkEd. In • looJdn& for • job .... liie dlreeled bim to the persoonel -· Miss Dedon tesUfied she laler ldmtilied Oswald from phOtopphs,' \Villlam Duiln Sr. of Clinton testified , , he saw Shaw waltiq. in a big, black car whilf' Oswald bied to register as a voter in Clinton, LI. . · The defense hammertd on, 111ne d'f· fq<nees In the leatimonJ. C.l!lnl aaid the man be later recoplsed from a newspaper jholograpb u Shaw was wearing a bat Dunn insisted tbe tnan wore no hat. One point of recognlUon, . he said, wa1 the man'l·ll'IY hair. "Let me ask you,'" aakl defe11!fl at. torney ·F. Irvin Dymobd. 1'Tbll. man that yw saw, he !\Id Jonie: balr on the top ol hJJi bead than thll delmdiat bu!" "Did ne have a bei.rd?11 Dymond aat.- ed. "I. don't remember/' Mid . Dedm replied. · There were continuing objec:tkm from the defense becall!e the pc'91.ut1Dn ~ not yel . laid the legal louadlllaa for the charge ft conspirley. 1 'J1aeee; wlri overruled by ~ DbtrlCI Court Judge Edward A. HaWril Jr, ,. D.lll.Y PILOT Staff,...,. BROKEN SEWER Lll\IES ·50 MILES 'UPSTREA'M't.iEAN POLLUTED BEACHES . Riverside Key Beaches Open iµ 2 : Weeks? ' ' • By All'l1llJJI B. VINSEL .. or•_.~,....,.,, · Qlwantining of Orange Coonly COM!al waters -pollut.d i,, . eight mlJlion pllons of raw sewage pouring daily · into· the .upsltt8Jll Santa Ana RIYtl' from Rlv~.CQ\m~ ~"vapd..., ')!•lell\-.;":'.-· .. !II !ft~· .. J..ensllalof tbe ~ l>an OD· lwjmiJllniJ and ....no& de~ OD tlJe· ·-o<ll whlcb Rlyerside County J!'llllOri!iel ii ...,,_' their..-· l ...... to "-. ;;:; ol eOntanitiioiJon ....-. .... , S.0-In Riverside aaid today thal the Jaeger Construction Co. is Wilridn& fast to repair a long segment of. a brand-new, main sewer trunk that rup. lured ~ Its. heavy storm burden a week ago. Tburaday's two-fisted 1quall which swept over Orange County dumped an lDCh of rain o n already<lren;cbed Riverside <;otmty, bat -k CGl1thiued 00 the 3&-incb trunk line withoul ja. terruption. Orange County Health Jlire<tor Dr. J.;R. Philp said today Santa Ana 111- contamination fl. ·aeas from tbe· Hano lington Beach Stale Parti ·IO Newpari Pier is still extremely bfgb. • Pollution of seawaten·around tbe·Santa Ana River mouth wiD. drop quUe quickly as soon as Riverside County mahaps to stem the flow of eewap wutet dawn the storm-swollen stream, be said. Clam>, mussels and other shelllilh In the afiected area could pooe a dufer tOr a long Ume after .the upstream sewage breai: is repaired, boweftl', n-. Philp oaid. u'I'he shellfish retain tbe·rnaterilll for Dne time after the river and .eiwater cfean up," he explained.· 1 A portable cblorinatinll onit·bu been set up at each of three major._.., line '1n!aks in Jllvenlde, ·pourlnf llO&l'i1 a to\ )of the anllsepllo Into tbe swtillnc • ' . . " ' brow. 1 flow each day. Son\• discrepancy appears In judpleal. of the problem pOOed by the raw lle1lap c+>taminaUon, dependlnr upon I be ..urce, lj>Ocllically ciependlq upoo wblcb county he speaks for. ' -:..r .. -- Ouihonse .Humor? .. 'Sewa~e · St~kani .S~p~iJ-Almost 'Riverside County Healtll· Dlroctor· llr, Harold M. Ertcuoa .. ,. !hit despite tll'e eight million ga!I0111 of niate!'1<1 fl6wing into the stream dally, Santa Alia River pollution is lower thla usual. A btt..i ~-1'umor~tbo · Heavy Ooodwaters earned after the Sarita ADa River ...... pollulloOI pldme divutating Southland rains art·respcmsi· tod1Y, ·w1t1t ~ Ullt red-bad ll'Ope'are balcllly embarrassing lo peo- ple' and the tbfte million gallon mishap ic .tull"ldlc -.iew was the worst of. fender. ' bit for dllutinll tbe narmally lllnilllh Rlverlfde limply .-·tlit •hoa....n ri,.r, whlcb bu assumed dlarrbeac pro-d°'"' m at --tlitd of the problem. ~ in m«9· Will" than OQe. llailllnl lo llop the poi-Dow, ·Chlorination c..mp.i,.. c:ood1lcied al . city. ·ellldals triumpblnlly ....,need tile ·-upotream pointl ... -bell>' that·• three milHon pllon-peN!IJ ...... hie to 'cui tbe . cootamlnallon,' Dr'.' U..·-·lll'Milllan'llrldp,""""Mt. J;klcU...· aid, which II nennali1 •dbl · RnMdnm0boJs.been ~ to animals and Giber ......,... &loo( the · · S.. U .bad, • noted people using 'tbe' -' ' bta1(ilt tnvtisd lliid(e. ~ 1bai WU a ftilef.. -I Seataloglcal accldel!ls er whatever But u.ey.dwn•t·tell·tbe whole tale. •'Ille .MlllloD Bridge sewage line .,... merely tapped by a secondary pipe lhove the . llGrm 1'1ip!Ure, then dumped blto the ·ftonlo, c1ii1Qne1 In remote privacy farther· dmmilream. Public Warlillllrector C.O.:Ce Hubbard said when prdaed abmrt the halMold (See SEWAGE, Page I) Dunn was the a1sth of a _Jtring of state witnesaes called tn an effort to link Sbaw, Oswald and David W. Ferrie, The defense has denied Shaw knew either ' Os)vald or Ferrie. · Dunn lelned forwud In the witnesl chair and peered at Shaw, who wu doodling on a big yellow legal pad. o;Looka just like.It was then," be aaJd. The secood witoea of the d11, llObllle Tbe llale oaid It ....id •-11)>" the testlmon1 lster-ln the cul. . . Shaw was charged with conspiring to assassl.nate !;'resident John F.· Ktnnedy -with Dill Atty, Jlm Garrison naming the Qther two men, .both. nOw dea4, as co-conspirators. Dunn was caned as a corrOborating witness for Corrie C. Colllns of Baton Rouge, who testified Thursday that Shsw, Oswald and Ferrie were together in the big, black car. He said Oswald got out of the car and went into the Clean~p ~asier- Flash Storm Scatters Debris voter regislratlon line. . The brigade of student voluntetn who Dunn said he had been working with will cle.in the Newport Beach sanda the Congress of Racial Equality during of debrla satUrday will have an wler a voter registration drive. in late Au ... ·• time of It, thanks to Tbunday's sudden 6-stonn. -or early September, 1963, and aaw Shaw • at the wheel of a parted C-a<llD.ac in Spokeamtn fOr the city general aerviCp fnJlll of tbe re"'-·'• office. The department said they have changed the • ... M-JocaUon of the beach cloalluJ> from the wilneJs scld Os\l'.ald otood in line nearby area near the llaala Ana • River to a to register. mlch -!be• Newport Pier ind He said the man at the wheel wu the BaJbOa6 jeUy. Wiler ' tbere 11 11a big man, big , shoulders wJtb .l!'IY notquanntined,heclaeof11Wap. halt." The IUdden storm arid l<DQ you Jee , thal mar,, ~· ~~" hl&b wlndl CIUled the IUl'f~ Hk<J Asst. Dtst:Atty. ~ ew Scl•inbra, "!'\<!' of Ibo beach dlllriio' Iii".' C"-or: ' ~ !lo>il'.~Pwli'· ' c '·"' ' "'* llM.!P! ............... lie >Relii!id a Jefl fJnfinpr. 11 · the ,on the liloi:ll-!eal. -:0\'"! ~ lllver-halre40MGOW05haw. . , Tiit • Jlokup ~ wlll-1'"•ldo Duim ldenlllled Oswald from 1 pictur• eaaler ...-r. for lb<! ·• 'i!adeal u . "~ wbf*e: l;>oy'' ht aaw in line ~ ...... for the .a.i · with a· l'OOP of N.,_. " ' . ?"!' necidoll of !Iii dobrlt-... wtll New pr1ean1 pollcerila.a Frank' F. ~ · caJm •nxlous · mothen: who· CIOed city hall earlier this week erpresslnf coneem over youths picking up debris ID polluted sections of the: ocean fronL None of the area, to be covered lits in the PJ!l\lrtl9n ..... ' Fne parking from I a.m. to the end of the ~. IJlriod· will be. avallabio in all metered locatiqm~the' e!Jti>.[lll. ed belcbfronL 14ore ' . wW be avalililile 'a( Newjloit lementa-ry Scbooi'1 paved plaj ...... ' ' ' '1'lie NOIUn1-aion \IW bJ prnvidine l.h~ir o~n:tr&¥P,Orl.aUon·tQ the aite.' _ Earlier plana to lllli' thl stUdlJlll to ll'!t .ara were ~Had · . • C:tif omctiis ;m~....:..C..Uie -lOeallaa of ' i..'r..il,..Clty .... -.......... the vol-.. •the 1fay· of, the cJeOii,p ~·secre{ lunch" :wu·"'·- Md tO -· ....... -. ' .... Hayward, .-,. prooecution wltoea • today, testified be psrtidpated in the B k L nils S , . arrest o1 Oswald A!Ji .•• 1113. when , ur e , e. . . . . , ·upport Oswald aot into ••• violeat .argumeat" • wlllt. two Cubans while dls!rlbutlni pro-•,· , c-. literature. Other w11n ..... 1e1t10ed In the lipellin, T S hool B nd ·1· . day of leallmoay Thursday ' that they 0 c ' ' 0 ' ' ssue saw Shaw, Oswald and Ffrrle together . . , Nixon Promises • To Send C.ongr~ Big Tax Reforms WASHINGTON CUP!) -The Nixon adminlstration saJd today it would p-o-- pose far-reaching tax reforms t o Coqrtss thia year including changes In iJMrome ·tu Ian to give the average citizen a better break. But Trea!ury Secretary David M. Ken- nedy in a statement gave oo specific.a of the packa1e he oaid hl1 stall tiu been directed to prepare. Treasury olJJcials oaid the package likely would include changes in income tax Jaws to benefit the individual tax- payers and tax JncenUve proposals aimed at recruiting bulineu support and fU&-- ding of Nixon admlnillrallon urban and social pro,r~ A trea.Bury spokesman said Kennedy's staff also would be directed to malie recommendations for closing loopholes used by big income earners to ease their tu burdens. · Kennedy said the first item of concern to the administraUon wu the question, "Are all Americana: in s i m 11 a r circumslances paylni approliinately the same amount of income taxes?" A second 1tildy area, Kemiedy aid, ISltbe "Ule of tu credlis to beip'IO!ve the prob!-· of the cities and of our dtlldvantaged." . . 'A Jonset range refnrm~-whlcb ofllclala lndlcatad • would not ho projloeed thli yeat -.. a' revillon of federaHtale tu rtJa. tioolhipo. TllaodlT• tlh mllllon .w.--.-Jlood lalue for the~ sa Unllled llcllool DlstriCI; w*,llidpned todo(Y 111· .AllmlbJyman.JIGblrl 8mb (1\- HUQllnlll>a Belch.). , "Thia ia a critical Issue, " according to the infortnatloo I have reCet~ed from both chambers of ---.. and information provided by the IChool dl!trlct," said Burke. Burke is the second Orange .County asaemblyman lo 1Upporl the bond Issue. Robert Badham CR·Newport Bellcll), tbe other representative from witbfn the Newport.Mesa district, also bu an- nounced·bis endorsement. . ~ bonds would fiDBDCfl ~ four. year bnllding ·program Involving all grades. The lmmedl1te effect wooJd ho •the end ol double· --by September of next year. PreseqUy 1,300 chlldrtn are on Jeu than a full dly of · llcbool, with that number lncreuilig to 2,100 by next year. "Re-locatable classroom bulldinp will be uaed to house this · lncreua In growth a n d are hlp qaality bulldlnp, eom.- parable to regular classrooma ncept that they may be moved to where the studenta are located, rather than forcing atuden.ll to be moved to tbem," Burke noted. " The school districts can anMclpa.te maximum enrollment at acbool JocaUona and, when 85 percent of this enrollment is readied, these re-locatable dlArooml Storie Mllf'hU · NEW YORK MP) -Frofit.taklllc cat ,.... Ill the c!Ole al the llock • market tally. TnNilnt' wu 'moilmtely lclive, (See quotationl, P~,10-~lJ· The Dow. Jm11 1llGJ;lllNI •!"f'IC9 at1 l :IO P·~· WM up I.II 111 117 A can Ile ided, ml enrollment again - ed,ihe ~ out ' ' Re-~blel are' ~ly In ,.. al aevefal'lchoels In' the dlstHct, inci11dln( Balearic, ·Adams, Piularino, and LlnColn schools. * ·* * Harbor Women Support Bond Member• of the Women's Civic League of Newport Harbor havf voted unanlm\M\Sly to support ll)e f)J.1 mlJllon NJ!WllOrl-M... Unified SClloi>l Dlltrlel bond flsue to be voted On Tuaday. ' Taking of a stand ·by liio .-hen was approv'ed by theT bolrd· of dlrecton. Mn. Daniel Gllcrlll, -League presldenL lal!l -.lt Ip .. the flrat Ume the non-parllaan ~-1w pven· an endorsement ia inare. tbaa a decade. She aald Inernben felt a "yea" vote 11 imi>efaUve for the cominunlty. Orange ' . Weadler Sunlly -aiil lllllbtlY ....... er tempera1-.will • greet tbt I Weekend~....,, wftb merturY1 mdb\cJI .. _ 'up• Into . I the low l!O'a ~ the 0r..,. Coast. . . .., ' . ' ' . Htiie 'Arrested -.. -. ... -'I -. . . . . ' . ' . UUI' s _,:-Prote·st: . . for Ray Series 'Liv.e-in'. D·ozes-·.On I 1 ' JNSmE TGDAY Th• !al<st in a growing chain of Cint1110 1liovtt 'lll<atm opc111 in Newport Bnch Twsd"I(, • and oumer Jirilu ldlbanls,l<lil u.. .. c1..,,,. •""11 i1' lodotl'• WttJc,ndlr. Paga 21. ' • • • • • l ·-. -.. ---'!' --ri-""'-' IMi' ejC = ~] - ' j , '!',t ~y PllOT c µty Spreads -.. Information • • I •" I ' }: . .. • • i On Freeway ·A saturation campalp to llQl!!y Coota Mesans wbo -be aUected by Im· \,endm& desipatlon ol a fiMI Newport ' ,.... ... y root• lbn>uP the city Is Jenera.ting mucb mponae, officiall uld today. Hundreds of postcards based on tax usessment roll! have been malled out. W>ng with hand~euvtred nollciq: of • Feb. II public hearinl bby the llUfo Vivlston of Highways. "Gee. ~we~ .a lot~ them, aeveral . rwns. •. UJ.{' a' IPOkellDU fOr tbl. dtJ. . ,J111neer!ng departmonl, wblcb Is hlndl- }nl the lnfannaHnnal """1c<. ' 'lbe hearlnl Oil Cl!< choJ<:e ol -~. allinmmts Feb. JI al 10 UI. Jn Jhe J-Ezbiblts Bul!dlnl al tha pr..,. Coaniy Falr1!-will live ciu.ins a·chanoe to speak. Maps showing, the 10!!< al-to Ille Newport JloQlevanJ.lpllowtn& - chosen without public hearlog 24 yean Iii• are on cli!piay now In Ibo Coots f.fesa. Civic Center' lobby. ·, Staff member> lbonMlgbly !amDlar j.ilh the lmway q-·will be ~valla~le next Wodnelday and Thunday lrom 10 a.m. to noon on the city ball'• lourth Ooor to c1i!cu1s the matter. · Agr<Onienl between the tH* ol Now-'ilbn Belcb and Calta Mj!la en -. ol fl!e Newport Freeway ..... -In ~ of the queotten ' fer -jlderatlon by the state ~ Com- 111!aloo. ---v NeWporl i!Oacli faVlrl , ..... down the well ~ ·al 6uper!cr ,Avenuo to .. Iii~ with Ibo propllld ltooto I Pacific Coast Frteway, willJe Coota Mesa bu taken no stand yet. D41LY PILOT Stefl' Plllll Beached Nets Manuel Borba of Costa Mesa, mends portion ol 1,200-foot bait net 1P1'ia4.oui at oia.il C:Owity Fairgrounds today, Net. are from b"!,t boat-"Mana Ula!'' oat of Newport Beach. They are brought inlend to fiiirgroiinds periodii:ally for drying, cleaning end mending. Boswell to Qtjit Sc·hool·s OAllY Pll OI OIANG! CO.UT •UILISHING (OM,AHY' l•tt.rt M, w.,1 P'>ttiOeftl ...... P'lltllh~t• J•t• •. c.,,r • ., Vi.tt ''flldenl ..... 0.lltrll Mtfll l't Th•M11 IC•1•il l fiW T~...,,, A. M..,,,,.;.,, "'-"""" l!fltw P111I Niu111 l111f••lltln1 Dlrtdtlr C..,.lrihMOMM )JO W•1t l•r Sfr ... M1Ui"t Ml,..1u r.o. In 1160. t1ll6 ....... -... """"""' IMtl>: nn ••• ..... .....,.. '--INK?!l m ,..,... A,._ .............. .,,1 ........ ( , Slide-trapped Mesa Girl SuesNewpo~ ThreeFirms 'lbrte cmstructloo companies aod the city of Newport Btach have betn rued for $100,000 in a Superior Court c.omplalnt charglnl lh•m with negligence that le<! SEWAGE ••• tale that It was a largely psychological move. Bui, llW>banl and other Rlvmlde city and County o!Oclab reminded nelftlnen "'verin& the pollution problem on aU fronts. the rlvu is still cleaner than ...,,, Ollorlne odcJed Jo ~ tlllck brown channel, they explain, lowers the con- tamlnalion level below Ill ~I pereen- tqe, despite Ibo l1ct ol elg!lt mljlioo caJlool ol lttlb. "'" .... .,. belnl ldded dall:r· Ovmome b7 llll'CUll1 at the vtrbaf ·-_people ploy, ... hardllled DiWlpapfl' tdHor ?"U IMplred lo ~· -1: "Next tlley'D tell m pollutlan Is good ,.. you.. to an ll·ytar-old Costa ~fesa girl's serious lnjurlu . Lenf· L. WU.On, lather of Deborah Lynn ·wUaon, ldenUfles the contractors as Jt W. McClelland and Sons, Inc., of Costa M..,, Sulcy·Miller Coolract!n& CO. and LUer and .W.Clales. They and lho city, be alleios, wm '"'J>Ollllble tor ""duevoua conditlom" thlt uisted 1n an area. defined ln tlle suit u the "bedlanda tonilory al Costa M"' wost tJde." . Tb< complaint •P<cili<s further that ·the area Involved lia lmmedlole!J bebll!d Victoria School, 11111 Vlctorta SL Deborah suflored her Injuries tall Aug. 19, tht suit states, when she wu trapped In an earth aUde while playing ln the area. The complllnt alleges thlt the site was known to be riddled wUh caves and depressions and was used by 'tlle city as a dum ping 1tt1. ll ahouid, the persenaI lnju17 acUoo , ...... hayt bttn feoced all and aU CGllJleOled wllh the Ille mast bave been awore lhat JI llllrlng«l lho It*"'• 1*1Ua• and Uftty coda. . . ' . -'. ' : Willon'1 clilm fer' damages WU denied last Dec. I by the Newporl 8dch clly counclI. --··- I'~ Page J LIVE-IN •.• Burglars Loot Machi11e Shop Roaming burglars looted a machine shop and homes Thursday of $800 In preci!ion instruments, golf equipment and 10,000 Raieigb cigarette eoupaos, Cosia eMsa police said today. An inventory of 14 micrometers and calfper sets worth $423 was stolen from the Earl W. Ulrlch Co., 1278 Logan St., by bltt'glars who pried a rear door, and eelected ooly the best equipment. Owner Earl W. Ulrich said other tools were left undiaturbed in his machine shop cabinets &net workbench drawers. F~c:ooaultod.SWileyM. Brown, 3167 College Drive, told police burglar• •bo took, '1i3 ,In goll club& and a bq fmn bla -~y nlghL Mrs. ~c. Sullivan, 959 Jumpero Drive, -said $40 worth of lOOI, Including 10,000 gift COUJ>Olll and five B!ue Chlp Stamp books were taken from her k.lt.. cben cabinet. ) - ...,..,/io JrJWda '_, ··-_ijenredon's " • • . - ON DISPLAY NOW/ Ocfa.tMll "'"' .. t•W. ·-... ,.... ....... , -rHWfy .. ...,.,.. ..n-4 .-t ..,I ..._, WS2'", Dlt'", tut"'; ......... U".., '2", OIM: .. w ... wfttr ............ Mt ....... ,.a..w a.t.n.r, W41t\", l>lt", Hl:t", EXCLUSIVE DULIRS FOii: HINltlDON-DlllXll.-HEIUTAOI 90 DAYS NO INTIRIST-LDNGlll TERMS AVAii.Aii.i ON Al"l'ROVED CRl!DIT IN1lllOIS NIWl'ORT IUCH r.-tleMI lnl•lw LAGUNA llACH 17271W..tcllff Dr., 642..2050 011l;nlft 345 ,._,,.. C0111t Hwy. '4f4.65St °""MOAT ,,. t A .. 11..... .\11>-NSID --•T 'Ill. ' " ' -!• ... -" °"!'I' ........... ' I I ' ' ' UPI,.......,_ Firs' Famil11 Moves In-_ . . . . Passersby got this view Thursday of ~oving ,Prg:~ from New York. Among items that will not be ship-. cess ~r new family t~g up . resi.d~ i~ wbi.te,. . p~ ~o Wl:'ite ~ouse j~ Preside~t·S piano. It .oes to mans1oi:i on Pen~sylvarua ~venue m ~ashing19n,·~· · l'JP"rViqation hideout 1n Key Biscayne, F1a:.; D.C. !Jixon family posse~siqns are bemg moved '" -~ : .- Nixon Favors Lowering Voting Age to -18 Years , --. , ~ WASHINGTON (UPI) ~ Pr~jdent '. and ·thEi: WOrld." ' Nii:on aid today he favors lowering 'Ole ~,~rs.f~p !!t~ents, two from the national voting , age to 18 ~ause eaeh.StJte..:are atl;eflding·the Q.S. Senate America's · younger genei:ation is the · youtlf pr_ogram s~ by the William most· politically sophisU~· in history. Raiidolpb Hearst 1$1Und&tion. In a talk to a visiting group oC IO'Z "!'believe in yoflng America because outstanding high school students, the I know young America," Nixon told President said be favored extending the them. "W:e need you. The nation needs vote •to ia.;rear-olds "not · because, as you." . · · · , many ·say, if you art old enough to An official said that tax sharing pro- figbt. you are old enough to vote · · ·. posals, tax ttedita ~for local and state but becaUSe you are smart enough 10 governments, Gd e!tate and gift tax - vote_." . ho la hi changes ~d ~ part of the lone-range Nll'.on met with th~ sc . rs. _P study:.. , youngsters after conferrmg with _.us Prelident ~Nixon tokt. his news con- cabinet earlier in the momlng. He ad-ferenee-~tbaftu: refurlna would vacated lowering the voting age from be . ~ bat offered no specl.fics 21 'lo 18 '~uiing •' campaJgc:.speech and otr.soed that loday'1 atalemenl bj' · last fall in SI. Louis-· Kennedy wOuld be in lhe form only "You are a poliUc•I force even though of a !'pqliminary-annouricement",of the yeµ don'' yet uve· 111t riet to vott," ptaK" .~. , •t.i ,. , • r. the • Preild!nt' Said ' in 1 • ·talk to· the b, ':\treuui,: I offtclal ·..rted . today: : yoUngsters at·the White 'House. '"I'he· htgtiest' "priority w 111 be'• in the . He said cthe new generation of equity and incentive areas of change. Amerielns is not cnly-the best educated We Would hope f<ll' congressional acUon generiUon cf Americans but it also is because ir they are good and sound, "the most involved -involved in pro-we ought to a;o ahead and get them blema of your neighborhood, your na~ through." 'We Want Hi111~ • . Foster F 11mil;y Fights· for Tot ·. By TERRY COVW).E .th.is foster baby so she talked to a ot nie.1>6ib' PUtt sta~\ social worker from the agency. "Buddy" came~ to the Huntington She wa! to1d her age, 49, and her Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred• heallh might presenl probl'"'I, bul to Hart Nov. 20 as a visitor. go ahead and apP,ly. His dimpled '&milt and I n f a,n t f\.1rs. Hart today says she 'was never promised Buddy, but that the social llelplessness soon won the affection or worker led her to believe that she could the e~e family.and ,they decided .they'd adopt him. like to keep him. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hart began the lengthy But· today tbey·ai:e battling the Orange paperWOrk, includln~ aending for birth eoonty Adoption Agenct wbi~,told them certificates in their home state of Iowa. withi>ut warning · Buddy muR go '/-° They spent •about $100 on paperwork anothef·famtly. · . · '· , to~~~~~en sold a $2,500 ~ ~·Hart, a woman with rune ~!dretr in~ Iowa to· instu'I enoaih .cash to ,pass allier.own, Js,a·'l'&ist<!'°'/ f°""" #lhir• inSJl!'<jion ,'by lhe qcncy: They _have , She !Akes care of .....m.d babitl filf' · liv'il. lhe J>8l!t five ~lll'I 11 1118'12 Foun- 1 two or lhroe monlha Ul!li1 f!1e ·ld~' . ~·J.!1!1,.,. ,,,,., -, ' ' 1 qency finds a ~ ~· · , . · i.ut ~ ·a i.lephone call from lhe ' She'd had su: footer baliies befafe agoncy told them Buddy had been 1iven :suddy. to anOjher familJ. Buddy was a 1peclal c.ase. He was W'"tthout~w~ all their plans were 1 brought to the Hart · home , with P'te ttbwi lhe di'ain~ ·comment that he might not be •ttunc. ;enough to live. 1 Mrs. Hart 1and her five children stiR ,at home fed Buddy an ounce of milk 1evity ·haU hour for two monlhs. He . • grew strong and the attachmerit between. idhelfamily members aJso increased. .. TOOay Buddy is a healthr ilWe five- •.and-a-haU-monlh-old Mexlcan-Americln 'ho i. if rs. Hart '*ided ~·d like to adopt r. . ' !Hit Pedestrian i.: ,·J 1''"" -;tJies of Injuries Three Lagunans Indicted ,on Drug C1iarges . Three1 Laguna Beach J'fllideCtt.. were Indicted by the Oranle County Grand Jury today on chara;es of pouession and sale of marijuana. · Flu on Way Dpwn ATLANTA (U~l) -n.. Nallllllll Com- municable Disease Center Aid todaJ that every state in the naUon.--acept Xlp- sas, reported decreased Hong Kong flu last week. ' , " • frldl1, 'tbnlwf 1, 1969--'" ' (L) DAILY '1lOTI I <Jootd doon ffrevalled ~ it fa',. •'tlwiingion Beich·pollcit ~.e ~ prelhJ)lriw bedrfug (or 1.-8'll> ' low ~elaill of tbliir actual ~ ajll111t l1!t tr.l~ ei..... -~ 11o'411. murder OU.peels. • • ' Ille ~lUJeld, worlcer and• Ille' lllil\ ICbool N ,_ ediite f •• •-'· dropou~, ,bill have ala-I&' from liolh,' doan lnJlldp s-mo'.1 nmnidpol ~ A v.....-bont lln>lllor GI a-W: .~1 1\laft-dldchlnc a......, ... callllt ~ 0 ""41m ·reason or <o ... ~e plus physical evidence. · ' • ·,i Harmon· G. Scoville's order barripa1tpe0o f diiDCea seemed 400d'~Ulit1 SllDft and ·mo1v.r -"" -1o Ibo lblr 6t lhe Old Hall ,al JUlllce by l!htll!ri deputies, a baUUf and an .4~· ~ day in lhe noo-f11al Loo Ang<eloe ~ tatora 'from Dtvialon Five, West Orange Harsrave would · be ordered •to11nswer countrJucUcial Dialrict Court, wu leam-in Orange County Suj>orlorooiirt today, ed by ·newsmen. . , . · when Ufey appeared to aMr !'}eu on Theories behind ,the action involved lhe 'JM Angeles •h!>ollng of a &11specl bf I tnunler vlctlm 's Jx'other, Of p<\O!\bly DAILY P!Wr jlhotogophs sblil lhroogb ~ ha1U wlndolr Iii} Tueaday. , "{ .' Heney L-SiaJ# ~·i ot;,312 Cloy SI., and Edward R. 1111 lflVe, Ii, of 'l'lla Marken Lane, both Htlfllington Beach addresses, were photographed from outside with permission of the ju(lge and bailllf. Their preliminary hearing schedulei:I Tueoday in lbe Jan. .µ lhtoaHlash slaying of _Mi's. Heater, s. Markee, 56, of 1508 Olive Ave., was continued Until 10 a.m. today at the· District Attorney's request. Mrs. Markee ·was Involved in some type of traffic accident with a stolen car on the night she was found lfing on 17th Street near Olive Avenue, with her tbroat slashed. The woman owner ol the blood-smeared stolen auto found · abandoned . near the murder scene and a mnpanion. were later arreMed,.tben freed when a ~b driver implicated r,o other mtn" The meri, Sianez '\net Hai-grave, were arrested Jan.'.JI ah<j are formally charg· ed with murder, auto th!s.ft .00 possession of a sawed-off lbOliuu -found in 1bO home of Sianti, who has a wile and infant, boy. . ~· ·JYuvy Iiriproved Sys·tems ~· ~ A f tei: P~blo Captured" ~; I ' I; ' • COf,ONArJ (,\Pl -I~ look lhe C3P' on lhe Pueblo' tolaled _. than ..;,e ture ol the USS Pueblo .and IOJ'Ae o[ ton, but said he envil!onid utinc dan,aa@li her sfcret documents · to spur tbe Navy control equipment, hand tooll, plieft, into "an ongoing effort" to improve hand cutters, acetylepe torches, and,':l emergency destrucUon and scuttling massive fire fed bY. auollne and dlue'1 devices, a Pentagon cflicer said today. fuel ,, well as ,~ .. 1 ... fluid to -'-~.' (Earlier Story, Page t) ..... ueNVJ °B"t Capt. John H. D. Williams, an it. '·. emergency destruction e1.pert from the ''Which is more import,ant,11 u~.~ office or the chief of Naval Operations, attorney for the aklpper~ Cmdr. LJo1i alsosald·theskipperofthePuebloshould M. Bucher," .... the -~on .of have-been' able to destroy bis• a]Jo\ment classified material which mi&ht J.U totO of secret papers · and equipment, in· an enemy hands or the protecUon ol hwDliil. h life?" • ~ -Testiroooy bef0<e a court of lnqijlry '"nlil 1J a judpent J!WW, and ..,. which heard Wllliams' time estimate IW delinltioo of top oeml 'I tllinlc lboO!!!I indicated two hoqr& elapoed between lhe be welgbed in lhla ~ ·, • !!il!I time Nortb'KoreaDJ um u...tened lo · Joa al lhla matorlal -,,_ ~ f~e on !he Pueblo and tht time lhe ·ce~ lflve "'-'lo lbl~ WU boarded en route ·10 WODAn.hlrbor~ and_ • • • •ar u ~mul:r -- · Williams uld be wu a~uo the allot· . ii sbnuld ndi bl permlUlil lo' lall ment of claalfied documents and char!s enemy bandl, • uld Wl11la"l'- ' ,, . , ..• a I 1 , I ' " ' ·~ •! • ··a· ... •• , , ~ t ....... ' • 'J -. -· -• ,, .... ' J - : ' een ~ r • ' • It's true! The more I think ab·out it the more I like if,' One UJa.y even pays , a big :;.as%. .. . , .. ,, . ' • l ' ,. ' ' ; ~ , , ·' (, :~ ! - ~ ·:r " \ ~ !. f. ' i • .,. ·t • . ' ~ • . . • ; . " ' ' ' . . • : An elderly Sanla Ana man struck br • car as be walked alq a rural street .14 da,. ago died ..,.17 loday at Orange <County Medical Con:.< of head Injuries_ • • Susaoo Jl'lores, 72, ol 411 I. Newhope e1., .,,., waiting along NeWhopo -war Camille Strfft on Jan. 14, whet> >lie' wa1 hit and imoci<ed II feet, District attorney 's officers succeasfuUy swgbt bactinr ef the Investigative panel f<ll' filing of .charges agal,nst Brian Ken- dall r,fcAdam.s, D, George Ernest OlUiban~ D, ind Helen Mtrie Miller, It, 'all or Z286 Laguna <;tnyon Rold. Allo named in the Grand Jflty docament was Gordon F, Jolmlon, 23, of Long Beach .• · C:OUrt appearanceQrue belnc 1ehedul- ed for !he low' late lhll mornJoi. n. ·four were amon,; a lf"OUP oC nine pmoM IU'l'Ollted lall Jan. ii at the Laguna home in a raid carritd 001 by sheriff'• depullel, La-t>Ol k:e a n d federal narcotics agenll. Sis: men and three women were booked • i9to Orange County jail follo'lllne lhe roundup. When you're looking for maximum earnings on your savings, think of 'Glendale Federal, wh11re you get the nation's highest rate on insured savings . Our regular passbook account pays a big 5%. For ari even higher relurn we ha Je .a Big Bonus Plan that pays more than • $1,000 amounts for a perlOd of 38 months.At the~ of the period you have earned ttie regular 5" plus an elltr• 1/4% bonus for each of the thrhe years. II adds up to• guaranteed bonus of .75%. There are Umpteen more ways to save at Glendale Federal. Every way paya the ~ . . . . . . • , . . • ~ Driver Larry c_ Glboon, 15514 - -tircle, Fountain Valley. WU cleared of llny blame In COMe<llon wilh lhe falal ccident. -1 Santa Ana police traffic lnv9'f:i&atora iajd !he Dialrlcl Attorney declintd G/( dan. 11 to Juue a ci1'Uon ogajnot n ...... ftir , "alilna in !be •l)!lld•ay under ~oflhecut. ~ Uld..U>ll vll:lhn lJ!id beon drink· Ing pnar'10·tM<llllt ~ and Wl was a f•ctor In the cue. District attorney'• µivestlpton loday said fwiher, lndiclmenla, '!•re 1\iely pen- ding tho te111l1' al a ""111nu1Jli probe into' the Jan. IT lncldm1l . '11ley said J-•I"' flceJ charre> or--_m.r of LSD. llLENDALE FEDERAL MYll!f5S•1.--- a regular savings account any· ' highest rate available, and accounts earn from the1at If • where in town. It's Issued in e¥en received by the 10th, after the 10th from date of receipt. I • • NIWPOrl B88Cb 2333 eut eoa11 ~1ahway .. ! • • • 11 OFFICES TO SA\/!! IN) MAIN OFFICE: OLENDAU'/ NATION'S IECONO LAAGEIT FEDE OW. /-TS -41 llU,ION' 1% cuRRENr ANNUAL RATE, I 1;11% CURRENT ANNUAL YllLD I 1.21% 1, -·-ua -- I • J I C'CMllllMI ..... DlllJ' "• ,,..., Sever&l weeks ago Amarillo, ' TU. police received a complaint from a man who claimed he was unalihl to sleep becauH bis neiih- bor'a '·dog barked all ni&ht.· lie fiJ«I ch_arges and 1he neighbor got rid of bis dog. Suddenly, late last week, the man again heard bark· Ing oubide hll bedroom window. If~ told · police he looked out and lil.W the neighbor crawling on !land• a•d knees on his lawn, bar~· int, scralchirig and howling, Tbe man ¥••• up. "I'm golni to moye,' be said. • • ~ . clO.ed circuit Ielavlsion jn· sWJed' in John Henry's Meat Market in Cincinnati, did not slop ~ 'b!lriWY. In fa~I, not only did thlevu· get away with $2,3'7 in mia\I 'and cigarettes, bul they s#Jpld the television. ·. ' . CORONADO (APl-The oenlor oceon-bUts" with the main wrvtlll.-"aits. OO'lphir -..i tho USS Pueblo, a , 1100 at tho ablp, whlcb llucbor hu de- cfrillan. U1& -at 1111 aalpMDts , tcrlbed u Wlldlinl Soviet -and was to serve u 1 cover f« the intelli· North g._ ndar. ' pnce alllp. , "It WM OM of~ mi .... to :tem:~ ·1n fact, said Dmmie IL 'nick. -11 """' fa1t 1ht llllp, lo lhow lhal II the llnl -K«ean ~ appaared wu &11·.--aplllc.tblp,I' bot-~ . ,_._ . 1111· black iild -dlocbd 'ljlorla Ill tho cllJ at-"" bepn --·· -·· ·-~ -Iii' and ···~· _ ... water4e111ni_l boidel 10\'lf tbt ltde "to• ......... UU-A _. .. r-_- S-1f11 •l(orlb Kore&Jll wb,y we WOA ...... & ihUp' . ....,.. fralil -~'wit· ; then!;" • • . .. -.S. '!'l"1 ·all''"'"'· Navf '.aalfonn· But wliia~thii Jr«iin1 bijan flrin(.. clml'bhte.. ' •.• : ' -·~ -the .lblp'a UJiiper, Cmdr. LIOJi! Bucher,· Tuclc and the oilier CICt&1ICICI' ........ shouled: '.!Ftjlr '1\1¢ ,pt Q>al damned l!arry"ltediliJ!l, IPIDI If miltbo In a -"gear up here. rm ·leaving." North Xonan piiaon, ilooa 'with the Tuck, 31 of. ~ Va., told a Navy men. Both are civil llf'Vice em- 1 Na~ couri at _.,_,..., T!i•~ . 19at ploy'" of the Defense ,.,._, nilk1n& · .....-:-" ~ Tuct: ,uid 1!di' · '~t ,_~;;. l-les'i=apll.::18 ff/f ~*' 0812, ,.hlch ~;Ive bfm a,lll:Ut a -... ' .Ille Di&ln ports cl)lla, iuajin-year ·-\>OJ\-.. 6'. ,: . ' 'ment. But. Aid~ hli'~ ~e • f: n..~rt Rmm~1* ~memo. it bandlo llli ~ ...... ~tptertere :r:;;1.llh" :==~ ~J;!'!i l how to deatro)' dasslfied equipment and Plan B mh publications in ihe event of capture. . es 0 ,Tuck .. Id when Ille first of sis North -Three ~•an ago a pha~r XAinln ~.camo llllo oipt,'·hl or asl-ed Marilyn Lamar and ltOdMJ 'f'-~ ....,..... . .. ' Bodlel'~lleClnnlnf = Cojllw«U ta J>O.!• for a ikjjng pi<t1'n Mark,\ . 1 •'Kill --at•Fr"""°"ia, N.H. Th<r ~ llal>e et, . ' =a J!ie : c:;!."'.;... at l~ tM picture b~ca1&11 th 1 ' fl!· ' atQebed. · , t · : ' tt{{?!.td t.Mr1: thts 10t11c as kuabattd i . Tbele batllli, ·called. Nlniten• bl:itu.1 ·:wi'" • 300 ·Biafrans · !i'.J.~·;1~~~~1: ' * * * Political Sermons To Bring Arrests In South Vietnam (>\ra. Franca1 a.m1er lfDmee. · ~ • , · ::3,:r,~ ~ !1~ '· ~ Mich. today mulled ..U wha( to ,........._..~,_ -. !APl A bolnl. I '1"'""'-rzs!. ,.,, nipie her newly born twin sou.. • UJ11""'¥""U' " · , --•-iaid u -~" .~1-•· "R -n I' .der...,. .... s---1n· thlnr Btalran •-• .,.., ear er, --..--·•- S~IGON (1JPI) '-South Vlelnanieae ~ ~roen Van.Thjeu has ordered r· i, .~ -auU'M:rjtiea ·to arrest monk• and pri<ata wbO atlr P."!l!le up throuih "political IU!Dona:, '' ft· WU ~ t<>- . e • ...,._y, m cons1 .,,. T.~~ ,~-~ . .,. -Ill t6 .... 111,.... ~ and.Enopift 11'she ,f8}d.1*l'aa er ... ~ d ,~ llrlft'.4 ~· ~Wd ~~, .. 1o•· fotirth set df twiils and• her J2tb • • ~ w. , ' 'bi'line ~-t!lo; l!'J'l'I ....,. liO Wlllltd lhe tatfti.Plde aner anll 13!h child., • clv!Uu~CJIUl"7 tolls at the NIP,Qon an wm .._ 111 .. LI miles Irom land: ' e civil wir t . • '> That would be JI ieut one mile from tho · ' · ' · II miJel at•~ W118 cla1med by The mowball fight was called be· LocoJ liltciat. etlima!ed that between North m.-; i·-•.-· . caase al lack of snow. Students at ·ioo and 11111 -...n tilled outrt;llt, Tuclc uJd !<!"'llaa . ...W. lo be acc:u- Soµthwest Tens College had ci· and bw>droda mGte -" ralt hi ~f.illl'jojat -"""""° c1ef1f1 ned their annual snowbell ~ · • ...___ , . · . • --t!le l'WllO'i!>M'rlptot. but the amnumltton was !ldetr..I<· ''" boui'I -the llOCll raid, lllllnl1 lie ......i --dial IJlll beh>ld ed by a freig•t foulup Seema the youilll foDO!ltd by wallin( AlaU.., "'" establlsh the Mio ..,.. lntnided Into _c_ ' ' llil1 carryma the dead along daaty trails North K .... n ... 18. •nuwballs, ab!~ by ah: to San in the -to thelr lm>es. He uld the '*"lmpmsiao at the Pu· Marcos by stlidents at Mlcldpn • \'be 11i1fran lnbma!IOll ~ eblo'• -wllb' the ~Naltth JtGrum ' . Loading Apollo JO The Apollo 10 spacecraft is lowered to ii! Saturn 5 rocket Thursday in the Saturn's towering assembly building at Cape Kennedy. Apollo 10 iJ set for launch in May on a lunar landing rehearsal in orbit around the moon. ' ~ • 1 day. • • · "Monks and prltsb are free to 10 to their pqodu and churches to caoduct ceremOnles and to pray," nueu said durin1 a trip to the Metona Delta pro- vince o/ Go cooa. . . 0 But· if they deliver polltical sermon1 lo stir up the people, the province c1Uef1 should arr¢ them and then report to Int." Thieu,'1 remarks were made two day1 ago and _p,1bllsbed in Saigon today. Tech in Houghton, Mich., were • mid 11 '!IW the -_.i _.at boa!blllc ..., ;Iba! 11 wii 11mD1r lo CC11tnun111 m!sJ>laced in Chicago ..... aniftd lncid<nt at the;... the wont 1!llDI , hanlilmenl at ... -~ ~ R E c · z·z loo late for th~ battle._ The .lll!IW• the bombin( at ,_; i\;ark.t In otUocba on 'whldl hi Nill Mrftd )n111ouaiy: Be eagan merge· ncy , ' a· ' ball•, packed in dry ice, will be· lul ,..r in. -., e!IJmlted Ill, 11,ml ~'.'!"'"I•·-l!od-ln.lhe put , · 1ltt Vietnamese pre:sident charged tht . Communiltl were Planrrina: to u1e retip:lul md political ·orpnta.tions to c1u.e llouble fer the government. usedtoday. · _..died. • _, · ,. _.""!'"'_te~alrlpa · ' -• V!Dag.,. uJi1 --dropped today •. to ~~· conlacf and .~''"'·· lbalr •• , " by. Niprian jel filbjer-bomber landed bow. . ,, • D ! s -. J -c . . ,I . in the ml.dJll• of_ the mor~.t .and • the-llhl';!:iac1 "!en, ~~~!d r.aws tmrent . riticism ' Sen. Vm> B'•n•u((R·Bain), aecond exploded m lroal at a loo(, 'W_endoll Leach, """lb'. only si(IW man on General Motors ... B_lasts Report =mo11ed to substitute t~e 10 Com-low maternity clinic. Vllt&ie teadtrt: said 00.rd eaid tbe Pueblo's crew never was tmand~nt.t for a :l,000-word rt-ts women and children weu killed inside. briefed on the mlsslon. ~1olution to !fet up a code of The cratm left by the bombs were "The crew was told it was not illegal legi1lative ethic.! for Idaho latO-a.ppr'Olimately 15 feet across and -eeven •.. ~t ·we were just cartYllur out aur :makers.· The senate turned feet deep. duUei1. Aki Law, 27;of c:beba1Is, Wuh. )forpn the prOposol. '[be bodies beina carried away were "Some. of them (tbe crewmen) didn't • • A prize will be given for 4'tbe m0<t outrageou1 costume" at the uctrtist and models ball0 ill ~ ptilco, sponsored by !be local Sal· valion Army chapter. .covered with cuaava Jeavtt. '!her were ev~ knOw what land they were looking borne on oat atretcllers of woven 'wood, ae when the Pueblo arrlv~ off the either overhead by two bearers or on North Korean ~ Aki Leach, JS, of the •··• of .,_, Houston, Tu. -• _,~es. In N•w York, Al1blr J. Goldber" for-Pive auch processions ,.... puoed mer U.S. Supreme · C«u't jUlllCe and in,a·tbroe-mlJe atretcll of !lie...,..., ambassadortotheUnHaclllitm,urpd Nd dirt road Jeadin( to Jhl 'flllage thal a d~lnteratd 1r111aiiaJ he named fmn the Umuahia-Owerri highway. to inveatlpte the "'futblo'1 Hizure. :Nationwide Precipitation Snoiv Belt Extends From New Mexico to Rockies T"'"perat11res ,... L..w ,,., ·-.. " ·-.. n . .. AllllM. • .. •• leli:"'1fltlf • " ·" ):!::m .. 4 • " . .. ..... n n .. _ " • ... Clriclr!ftet1 " .. ... ,_ " " =~. .. " .. .. •• -" .. 1111'111• " .. ... ·~-.. .. . .. -n • ... -· • .. ...... " .. ~~ltf .. • .k • .. l ......... p .. ... MIMI! IMCfl " .. ·-" " " ~ ,.._. • .. ... -...... " • -y ... .. ,. ... _ .. -"' =i ... • .. .. .. .. PMMtWti. ' " " -· • .. ·" ·-" " ........ " n •Nllftltrr .. " . .. JIM llllff .. • ... • .. . .. ........ .. " ... ... l• ... • .. _ " • ... .......... ,.,, • • "' ....... .. .. 1.t4 ""' ,,.,.. • " ·'' """" .. ,,..,.. ..... : • .. =:,. • .. • .. ~ BERKELEY (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan's declaraUon that the University of Callloptla's Berkeley campus is in a state of "extreme emergency" has drawn bitter response from a variety cl student spokesmen. ~ "Our idiot governor declared a slate of extreme emergency and immediately there wu One," an editorial in the 'l'tlurlday edllion of the Daily Cal said. The student paper caned for a shutting down of the university in order to lalk over problems calmly. The student senate alllO voted IG-1 for a closure of the school for a two-day convocation to discuss strike demands by lhe Third World Liberation Front, spearheaded group of t h e 16-dsy-o 1 d strike to press for an autonomous college of ethnic studies. Student Body President C h a r I e a Palmer told a news conference that minority students had betn "lied to, dece1ved and received resistance all the way" In the past from the ad· mlnistraUon. He said Chancellor Roger Heyns and other administrators "only talked aboot procedures." "The channels here are not open,'' Palmer declared. "lt Is impopible to leach, leam and study In a police stale.'' In another news conference Third World leaders confirmed they had engag· ed in private talb iJt"Uh Heyns. However, Uw:y a1Jo prOtested ·the "abduclloo and beatln; up" fl Auguatus C. Abercrombie, II, a Third World member, Tuesday • Berkeley Chief · Gels . UC Se~urity Post BERKSLEY (AP) '. Police Chief Wlillanl':I'· Btl)f hu reolgn!d elleclive M•Y t·'m tab ·-the Unlvel'lity at Callla1tnla can\pal police force, BeaU, 11 , ukl .he hid made a "virba1 commitment" """" ume llO lo become ch1ef of the 14-man campus• police force which he believ'" wtJI .,_, be aubetsn- tJalb' lupr;'1 night. Police have denied the attack· on Abercrombie. 'Q W ti• "Unlesa th• univusity tak'9 acilon ll arrall eS to 1 t o p all terrorist att4ckl a state of aggression will exist betwMD Ule univeralty and Thitd World lludenta," Fernando Garcia, nurd· 1 ·w orJ d spokesman, Said. Garcia 8" Req1n's d«lllratlon 11 "an attempt to mobilite the ·reactionary forces in the state.". · · The campus itaell was calm aad "more than llO riol equlP!Mli ~ colmly watched aboul 4IO strikers win! Jllck.t outside o/ Sather Gate ·.,.i t!)eli' ......n around camr>Us ThU~ 1 !, · :l ~i:; .. There: was no violence.. no •andaJbm and only one arrest. WiWln)18 , AVJ"Uon, 34, a mathematics departm411t lecturer assertedly relueed. anien pol ta block traffic at Sather Gate. , Strikers shouted the fanliliar crie! of "On Strike. lhut it dtnn]" ~and "Power to the people." Slrilie ield"'! admoelilied the demonstrat.ors qa1net vfOlence. • I I Sorry!) WASHINGTON. (AP) -G·e n e ro I Motora today uJd a Federal Trade c.om- lninlon staff nport m automobUe war- ranUes la ~·factually deficient" and lean1 toward oventateroent Ind exaggeration. . Tbe ~ lssue\I almoot three moolh1 qo. eonteftdl the auto industry value1 ll1es far above· service and asserts thst tieltbcr ·dealtn nor mahufactUf'trs live yp_to th~ new car ~arantee1. Howard 1:. Criw!Olil, 'GM'1 vice P'"I· ~· 1n ·:cbarJt ,or mart.an1, •!tacked the, .t>ll -npcll'I todat In • ·-y at the ,,..,,....uon·• 1111>aee .fotmar stslemenl prepared for '" rrc· haaril1& on auto .-arranUes. c , · · "I '!ant to object ltttnuously' to tbe fa1te lmP{'tSSion which t.he staff report , eodeavon to create in sa)'inl ·.that 1 'strvict retains the status of a 1 0 necessaey ~evil" in much of ·the . atrlOmobUi! buahless, •"he aid. 1 ' Lewd ·Movje Cancels S~~~t Exhibit ' • r •• ~ ' SOUTH BEND, Jnd. (UPI) -The The South Bend c!tiuna group and showin( of Pol'll at a _.p111c ltlm the roin-taUve or ix-cu1or Wllli1m by emr dorln1 , a Univeralt,y ·or N-VOalt , Jr.'1 of!lc:e compllined to the ' Damt Canf-.. Thuradll' resullacl,' In. uelvel'lllJ. ldmlnif!nll<p and achaoI ' canc:<llotloa at.row &Tant""'° IZIO~iel in,... lld'rioed qaiaat caounu1n1 the , and an art exhibit at a student.-!pomored flh, .'I.'be attorneys a190 recontme.nded1 coafer<nce 00 ,,_.,..,. ·Ind <loollil a -.ia, art HhJbit Oii lll"'Undz, c~shlp. ~ l 1 k<lDllht pGMiblf 'Tk>late lndlana laws. 1 An audJtnce~ Included membn __ .,..,...,<I. the cooferenc~1 of the South Cllllw -lot --bl-Jot. )!lw. a junior from Lltoraluro and 1 ..-i-at the Olteni11I. M.... a... called a ..,.., Sl ~ ()Qilot,y ............ , olllco ~ lo ....... that !«Jr fihnl' 11w • porllon at a ftfln callacl "Nmlna ocfi'acluled to lit ~ later In the ..,. C...Ulref:" , despite the foct It ,...,, ~ ~Id bl wtlhdr1wn. . on the prosram." M"'" aild ' olher •atudenl ._, 11 The esplanellJISI •~ ii"" tho! tile 1itD u !!lllm:l"7 ollldall lndj<fted ih.1. film wu 1q ~ mlilabeled "'" op«· II ,.... tearflll 'tJf 1epl' ;;i.;. linc<! v.., toot a whilt to na1ile It wu • lnffil cloMd two . book IMnl, one in South~ doclmid olrJ..Uonelilf bJ ~-V."° · -Ind -111 MlllllWlbf; on '""""'' Supremo Court. they !old lllltatlonable malerl11J . - -------------·-------,,---0--:-:-.,...,-. . r.w., f*""f 7, lM ' ' Weeping for Slain a•JiRnd ' . ~ "';;., . Mrs.·Janet Mondlane, Americjlll wife \)I Dr:· Ed• . 111eso Iii. Tanzania, Africa, weeps at tho erave oi- uardo Mondlane, assassinated preeidont of the her l!~•bmxl. Mondlane was killed by a bomb.in a Mozambique Liberation Front figbUng tll• Portu-.;_ package ·he picked. up at 111, pest o~e· ?4on<i!IY• . I· . . . ' . .10 More Gls Lot t(t :.Swallow ··Get Asylum ·In Sweden Student Gulps ·210 Fuh SAN ANTON)O; Tex. (Aj') • J!ibition Tlwrsday. -A 11-y~ toll'8e 1111• 'np1oi an hour and 40- STOCK)!OJ.M: (AP) ·-Tbc dtnl from Teus lw manapd .miziule period, Wlnfteld, a Swedish Aliens Col'llltlission to make his mark wtthoU.t JOpt>emore at St. Mary's granted another 10 deserters picketing, pro~. silting in University in San Alltonio, from the U.S. armed forces or 11bou~g sl~I~· ffe simply Swanowed one after another asylum in Sweden ~ay for swallowed a lot of 1oldf1sh of the tive ~ while abol,lt "humanitarian reasons." -210 of them to be exact. ;oo· ~ring student! and A commission spokesman While many of hls co~ faculty mem~ looked oq. · said that since the flow of Ieaeues at college! • n d · UiifVe?sity o !J I c I a J 1 - 21d•7•erlha"v'e· toc_ontaswcedteden !~edledsh,1 univefslties from co&!t to pro.,_~ly rellev at p~ ~ "" CO.St were de~tina: for · asked to relinquish control rl. authorities, 175 have been a variety of cames; 'Charles ~ IChool ..!.... clajme<I hil •t granted asylum, 19 have. been Winfield put an his own 'a· w a a a wOrld'! tecord. turned down for various ' reuons and 10me 10 cases _ . , _ .,. being invtstlgated. N. k. lJ. . ll p 1_ d'· ·Aa · fU' •• ·the commiuian· IC : . ez• P armye . knows another 14 deomers ,· , ·': .Y , . · . ,. have .left Sweden without · i' ,..,, :'· .-\ ;· , '-•1 .; ' •, : 4-:tf'¥fl' w~itlng for asylum, and R ·.·~ . ~ ' F ; · · · •:.,~,.: ' ""soine 10 have lefl ,after OW . ·t " ' 4 .n.. O'f! ... wnA,, ' ~~.... • . 'lo'lta " . w &"'~ t ~·-;=~~1::1~-... y,, ,,,··-~l~, .. ·~~:"~·lJ<i;~ 1't·. -. "'f~;· The spokesman said the 10 SEAT!Ul · . ),,,.,., 1'ldt · . become a p!.ll lloal, . Americons granted asylum to-·Bes Sr., 8ea e -Nimon fllhinc. · ' day were: Terry Macdowell, who parlayed a rowlioat Into He bcJuibt bis lint Beine 19 Bloomini!OD, Ill, .where a fortune, died here al lhe boa~ the kind moot Uled in ~ mother still h. liviq; age of 73, it wu announced commercial salmon fillh~g.Jn Frankie Turner, 21, born in 1b1D'Sday. 1118 and bepn to -build a Nairobi, Kenya, his . parents Bez anived in . the United fleet. . Ilving. in Norwood, but ,the , States from .vuplavia witb•----:,..,-...,=n-.•-,.,., --- . commissioa did l)Ot Iqiow the just 41.50 In hta pockets and 11tate; Robert Walton, 22, son went on to build up financial of an ~u~. James )Valton, empires in both fishing and who lives m Loa Angelu;. ·airlines . ~ar.an' ~ass, 2.1, of St;eeiman. 8e%, 0wbo died of a heart Road br1ve, Los_ Al>getu:, attack W-y·niih\·wblle Mark Smith, 20, Phlladelpbta; un4er treatmeal foe cbelt m. Michael ~asen. 24, Santa juries, was 'cJi.alrman of the 8 loan Rooa, calil.; George Wamn board of Air Weot which was f Wurth, 14, Evllll!Ville, Incl.: formed lul year by the Tiiis b our lint weekly column, Donald . Fosao, 24, 1n Jn~ · of West c 0 a 1 t , but thanb to a very nice lady, dt8Dlp0)~; Ralph Mel,r, 22i = andlPodfic Airlllles. we ~ be taltlni to ycu each Sligo Amme, Sliver Sprmg1, H "dent of West n-i.y and Friday In tho Pilot Md.; Kurta Rial!, 22, rural C:., "" pre11 to lroep )'Oii and your frieodl In- rout. 3, Marioo,. Iowa: ll ~ ti eeded In lonned u lo just what b b11p-~ recen Y ~ucc . pening at Orange County Air· Ex-president's Yacht Sold a bitter fight with Air West part-cid to the progress or.· our ·~olders to brini about fight to keep !he bia jell frtn an ~ to 11111 the line further lnvaaions over our beach to btllionaire Howard Hqhel araa homes -a sale wfilcb. tD;USt 11tlll *' * * be approved I!)' the Civil · LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Aerooaullca Boord. . Early thta year the NewPQl't 165-foot yacht Potomac, .,.d He imm1graltd to Ulb coun-Boch C•JL Cound1 voted for • by President Franllln D. Ir Y .in 1110 al I be ~ ploce oo agenda ol the CM! n--R but llOld when 1$ and tellled here He Aenmautlca Board Hearing In ~·· ' Wuhinllon in March. Tm--Dwight D. Eitenbowe:r 'fJll a rowboat far use on Puaet coon1; tlmtl--eirllnes have ap- prealdenl, 1J &i>lnl Into ocean Sound in 1111 and by the piled for mrtea uilng Orange ~-;;;;;;;;;. ;;;' ;;;;;;;;;;. -· ;;;;;;;;;;-.o;;;;;foliowinc;;;;;;;;ii;;;iy;;;ear;;;;;the;;;;;;;;r;;;ow;;;boa~I CoU1itY alrportt If you think r lbere 1a Jel noiaa and iel lnfflc Old World Mediterranean Spaniah Furniture -lvacl canallatlon of $22,9Cl0.00 Spanbh. and Madltt;rr-an Furnltura .. ... -···---hc•••w'• .... H-0.0....., Ile.~ as follows: Georreou.=1 c.ustom .1 Qlliitiid ·ao1 •• w1111 •Par~-)o,ose . . wllh liuvt au: ll'lm d..--'iliid.\Datc r chair, s matching oak occuional tables, (2) 118" tall decorator lamps, hanging cbaln nae Jampo· 111' wrwlbt 1ro11, . .,., 8 piece klrll ~ mUlor beilroom IUite'ln Pecan·ptlldleir lfeclltcnn.' 9aii .q)e wll!I \GP quality JS yr, warranty : , .'JdilC ,mt mattnll & boi spr!np. Spanilh . . decOl' d1nlnr oet. ,etc. . · ____ .,_ -=~:~~~ ........... -$691.00 Any Pltca Can lo Purchnad lndlviduaily Terms AvailaW. -.... _,.ft Calif, Cracllt A.ppr-imllltdtately < f J.l .JJ F•nalture · . At. Harbor Bl~d. . 1144 Ntwpllrt llvd. C.... Meta Ollly , 1.-y nltht 'Ill f -WacJ. Sat. a -'Ill 6. f/ffJt JGW' home DO'l9' • , , CID )'Oii lmaline If the airport ... tencll ID invitation lo ten man raut887 * * * !!:Very bi people who m dta-tull>ed aboul lhe jet alr<:rafl Jn.. naloil, lhelr Jou of pro.., t' value, ttmf°'1 and safety 11 us "what can we do." Eve170Jne has· a ·place in the lfCbL Call me at the beadquar- ten, send your -· s,bow a •1stop the Jet'' bumper lllclrer : , , or just r..,.n your gDedflc cOmi>lalrdl to the CABI We U... lbal the CAB - llloa will lllten to ·~ -plalata -)OW<. flJinl -Lall .-. two iuc6 spoolfJc ........... Ibo Baycreat and Woaidil! .,_ wwe lnvestJpi, ed by the CAB aalharlllts. Be aure to cite time, date, air -.name, and fll&bl · ..... bcr-yeu, can get thiJ r-: the Alrporl Towf1-646-7Sft. * * * -Meantlmi, pf •lo on Ibo fiPL We nWat ad now If we are gol!!I to lroep the airport fn>m fUrlber -ton ... and 1111' tber tnvutoa over your home I . ~ ~ .,,.. dally !~ 10:111. Qllltaln at 411 Eut J!th SL-lbai'1 ii Ibo cor11tr ol lr- vlne Avt. -> Set 1"' here nut Tllesday! llirporl' Noil• llbotr,,.,.r· Committee I. , The CAMlllDGE • Moilel CASl·S'W 'r-ciul1r cOnttl'l'IPotM'p iMed' t0nsole In itn1,1lne oil flnjshed ' \V1Jni.ltvfintt1s. ZMith SUoe1 5tJ Hindt11ll~ Ch1nl1. $uper •. Gold Video C:u•ttl Tunina S'vsteril. Zeri1th \'HF ind UHF Spotltt9 r1ntl, '1" Qy1l tnd S" 11 )" iw!~t ••ken, A stnutitt1•11! ' Z.nidt C~lden A111~1verury Speci1!! ?.1 ·· Heit z.,ilth-Jw.Y• w....iy on calot TV Pldn 1'11111° •• 11 ,... ........................ ..,, ....... w. ........... -'-1, .-... •1~ ... r .. c.1tr n.....,. • .,. ""•-.: " 41 t a , ... _. ·'· -............. ,_ ....... ......, tmlct ............................ . ................ .., ... ,....,.. ... "" ....._. ....... --.... .. .......... _...,.,..., .. '"""' ••llll•llnfl!Mttnii.ie...-11•1~ 8tST VEAR m Mi1t11fllllt1••.._.,.,..-. "~ TO Gtr THE BEST .. -_ ... -•.• •.-.,;.'*111"•"'".,;.'am·m"•' _______ .. • • $ Handcrafted quality! Specially de.veloped ! Sensationally pri~edl LIMITED QUANIDIES!. ' ' . UIW.5&.11• srACf CQ~N~.._, IEMOTE C0'-"110l TV JllSI prt'l bu ttons on control unll to; ldilllt color hues, adjust volun,, to_W, medium ind hf1h, l\Uft w\ on Ind off, chant• VHF channelll lrfl ~ dtf'tt. , tun1.off sound while Jlk;1ut9 ..._ TV and APPLIANCE CENTER HOUlftW ....... to.•lot-........ ,,.,.,.,, .. _ ! f ·~ y; HARBOR CENTER . poo ~~rbor ~lvd. Costa Mesa ~hon•·5*i1131 '' • • • • t •/ • ' ' .. {'-·• ' •,": "' -1 ~ ·~ :. ... ' •.;. .. • ·i ·' ., ., •. ~ ., .. I • 'l .. •• . ' • .. • " ' " . ' • • " ' . ; j ; . I ' . c . . :(' . ,::rt~ ... A,· B~r.~·-hone ·s • Req.uest · •• 11'• the one ominous note. In a community teeming with energetic people, with families that keep buying belier houses ancl bigger cars, where unemplayment Is cmb' a wrd In !ht news- paper, where the futUre Is a thlllc to anliclpate, not worry about -with all of this, we've got a problem. The problem is in our schools, · Briefly put, we've run out of classrooms. Next Tuesday, we can either Ignore the pioblem and get In- to deeper trouble. Or we can help reeoive it. The facts are these! . .. .., Right now, 1,300 student. are on double session in the Newport-Mesa 'Unified School. District. Next Sep- tember that •umber will be more then 2,000. It will keep growing. by roughly 1,000 a year until -uniess - new classrooms are made 8valla1:1Je. . The '15.9·mi1Jion bond lssue ,volt.J!8%l·Tuesdpy .wlll -.u t~o--Ulinjs~ of. the '.voters· .aJ>Fove them. -niate available classrooDJS .to. ease tha~burden. U thebOpds pass. ~ relocatable class~ will be purchased to elimin~~ 4ouble sessions·. · · Our communJty must get off the dob.ble-sesaion · df!lg. Jl'is not'just that the school'bo4rd or the teachers say·so, our Newport Beach ilnd -Costa Mesa city collii· cils say so. Our chambers of .commerce Say so. The Boa.rid of Realtors says so. Prominent ju4'g~s and cohl· munity leaders in all walks of life are endorsing the bond issue. . · They au know that when schools start to be neglec· led, wanµng signals pop up. These signals tell know!· . edgeable people in industry, in business development and· in investments that the community is sfarting to slip. The community doesn't attract ·or bold as high a caliber of resident. Business and il!dullr7 ·•!art to look .. ' ' ' , r ,4 • 11.ggresswn : .: ls of' ·several :' V . '• at.ieties . • .. elsewhere and a process of economic deterioration bf>. gins. · Industry Helps Ille the tax load off the backs of the home owners. !tu aicontaglous \blog. When schools are good and IDduatry·ts welcome, they help eech other. When schools· are bad, Industry has a tendency to move away and ·thus the dollar responsibility for the school system grows more and more a burden upon the home· owner and 'taxpayer. . · When a • c h o o l ~trict ·-and a community - start to deteriorate, there are other problems as well. The better teachers begin to look af'Olllld for greener pastures . .And the over.all snap; sparkle and lmagina· Uon of a first-rate education system geta lost in the sbu.fQe. • ~ Beyond au this, of course, Is the most Important factor of all: the child.rel} Uiemselve11. Almost eve!')' ~ grader In the publle schools in the.Hartior Area is on double1session tbb·year.-Eacb \ one, of the!n Is sbort.-dianged.at least a half hobr ·~jJll. ·· struction Ojlch day, That·hall hour may not: IOWld llke much , .but it adds up. The loss per day ls~i!<julvalent of 1 Y.a years of teachinf in· 12· years of 1 • · . The number of children on 'Cfoub1e aesdim w .keep. gtowing until the cbi.ssroom crisis is· resolved.1 Obviously, the only way ' to ease th&· "'Cl a s's.room .. short:age is to fihd rho re classrooms. Nine~y·s~ven. pef· .,, cent of the $15.9 million bond issue is eannarked for portable;-rel<>?tfble classrooms or for permanent classroom expansion and construction. School buses. librarles, administration buildings -none of these is included. What we have before us is a bare.bones re-- quest to resolve a menacing crisis in our comrnunily.~ ~l The cost is small in dollars -20 cents a week for the owner ·of a Q),000 borne·, ·40 cents a week for the · owner of a $40,000 Jlome. . ""'"=-'"'-'Au_~~. . The price will be high If we fan agaiii. "'PCtASE !2PI{(i'AK£ ME To (U8A :"l~wAS tJN~~ ~IN'. TO THE W}.Sf.\ROOM FOR SoME WATER.;~ . . ~ . . ,.. . '.. . • IC ) ' ...... ~·~ue of ·~Women VoCers Vrg~s YE$ Vote Tuesday. . . . ~ . . I Stake:: S~c~al, Economic Well Being ' To the Editor: , .retur(l of the hijackers on the basis degree of awareness requires application The chlldren in the Newport·Mesa of exlradition or prisoner. ei:changes or of knowled&e with a>rividion. UnWed School District will be ldvenelJ cash r:ewat~'! . How lazy humans are! Crutches! ~ U the Febnm; 11th bond pro.: . SUrel)'., the re~urn of tpese criminals Denial! And the greatest denial is failure poAJ:·is not supported by the necessary · wijl d.eter others and halt the ridiculous lo give and receive love. One who cares tW<>thirdl o( the voliDc Pl#iC, in our hei'p~ in the responses t 0 not to ei:er t the energy shall ~ver communttlea. · ~ ' ; L""'9 •-rMCltn -----. """'"'"" "'1i.rt darigerous actions. live. but one who projects anything, • .,_1111 ~ 111e1r ,.,...... lfl • _. fM' • • however litUe, at least is looking befond M: prf:se:nt over ·r,aoo cbUdren nee.Ive n. ,.1,. ~ ..,..,. to 11t ._ .,. • ...,.. 'Wlll Jetten,., postcards or telegrams 1--MNI IM h ....,...... All l9tt.n ll'Mf ~lllc:Ml9 to eJ-'~ l6U .t•..+ ·~-~lf, ' ~ than a full day'• ·educatkn, and ....,.._ ._. 1Nlllll9 . .,._ tout ..,_ _.,,IM our =-. ~~~vea .. .,., •. ~ ~ MELTO_ N ,,. .....,. ..._ ,....,. .... • 1n the near future ·the {abor&a.le of ,,,.,.,.... .. ,....,JI M\'kMllf·..-11 .,..""" ball rolling? . BJ GEORGE R. 'BoFF, ft.D.• -r ..., .... !L_... • tw clamoomll will' become .even -mere ARTHUR WEIS.SMAN. A new ll'q>ori· o/ Dr. i~.tlttl ~ · · ,...,.....~.,....,..._. critical.,.· · , 11:.lf~ S lonS • ,c ·I'''.· -Leary'srecent.lo.lk ~a'tVCfniifii.tOa.t ol.~~ • .:·~:E,:~,. f, ... ·" 1 : '·l , .. .:.:. '~.,e:1ui\:":t"~1!ts.~. ~~· •1' e•• • ·. -p~i;i: "'•~t:;~'c!~.' _;· .. i·~~f.•!d' "'L<'arv'• <Jre•d< 'Yo•/re ~· -.. ~ ""'-' 111:11111 -......, lmPiil1lilil 'dofe ,'111""""' :C.1enc1ar:· "" ~~, '' E.dit.. tradltlaool :,U... and .....,_ II>-' A.GCONll YAlllKTY al""'"'"°" 'e~doub!O iesstona.:ii1 nnt"'Taii; fetirimn' tt 1'1111 la electloa ttay.,Elec· . To.0...Editar: · ,"\,'f/'f. ~,: r • ,' ·;._::. ,. '. . "."° tdltutlt!m.et<"llildlllk:ultlOmointaln mltlbl be lemMd ldfve porildpo-. andaehleveivorei!Uclentuseo!emtiru! tfaol .ttay;lo~MYI !Wwhll? Let.m• .'-'f>~.'lrheio lhe Pen .,): ~ "•• "·~;"·-~-,,_. .. gur ponpectiYO. 'Whll'• 1oocLont1 ,mal's • w, wan! ..,......, -the tendency. .18tjllues anc1 eauJpmeot. ,h-• expltlll 10·""" fer w!lil, !or the future · 1o'·i;;,..upi. the PueblO,a! ~~ ' ~ bad? Good er bed for l~!l Wbi! ~ Ot l!!'k! ~ .. coollann with '!' f'l!"1Y~~.-, · '1 ;-~"~ , · . . ·Ari'\!\'Y.l!'Ylq to wbitew . . ~ o'. • r "· lJ! · • , '· .. , •~ are 19t pul'pOleS o1. theae w~vea of • ~ f'?UP· A warid ~anter · -·as r:-TU 1.EAGlJE of Women Voten of • r' 1' Ji tbi ,day .~t • all ·O( · an<l li:eep ·from~ being thvestlgated? ~ -'A'.9-<thf! Edi~rl . ~ ' 1 ~ ~ .,, : • clJscoidat? · . • ma • ~ We not ~ eQ)oy Orange eoast believel •• unless the the iif 14) thl polls to decide qnly w.1 :wt wRl ever )now the~.~h ' · · Wike ~ older ~ea~ .Ya. t me~n The wws1 lire-not Uldly ~end. NiDg •pct rf. ICllDe Weoq:y, ~ , band .,..._ qd these lfltnaa art done, their ddldra'l 'futart> 'llow, you '&.:!k? ~. correCt the~ alamllng cooffiiloM.l ·yea complacdt·'~ over -35. Im -~ because the questiom ire in-CIU8e or ~at groap, bur we re kloelf-it.-wtll ht IHlfOelible f~s-distrlct---By~q.t. boud ilsut'to • provide ls to h~\te an investigation by thfi Joint glid, the. edUcated .and intelligent youth appropriate. Instead of asking, "Why and. de.,atrmg if we're not partil:i~. to malnlain the JeVel of educational qlllli· more 'fan$ "for the education ,of your Armed Services Committee of the House . Of· America· .al least have a sense of are aome people being ID \1oitnt'T" a Social, cullural and .personal alitnallon ty tbat Ulla &mmunlty llftly , needs • chlldren.: • . ~ . and the Seriate. From what I have valut·. " . more pointed qaestion might bt, 0 What account for untold maery. and wants Aak younelvel um question: wou1d read, I assume that Comdr. Bucher Ovtr :n.ooo,American-boyl have been varletiel of aggression fadJltat,I or Apln, when homonom;y nems ' are The ~pe' of Women Vol.era of you lib ta hlve)«D" cbildren on half.day violated Navy regulation& and should killed in ltbe ~e.t of Vietnam. Anolher detract from -pel'IOnal and 1 oi: I a I thwarted, negatjve aggression rtsuJtl. Orange Coast believes that a qua'lity le&fiona nei:t year not on1y a~ t~e receive some punishment - ( minim.Uf!l) 200,000 l\aVe fieen woUnded aftd some fulfillment?" · Active. participaUon. then tuml into fore-local school itltem 11 essential to ·tbe elem:ritary level, but at the blgb schoi>l reprlllilnd to (muimwn) two yeari'. .at ii aOO i9 are destined to· spend f:rl( ounelves ~ w~ we feeJ.,;left social _and economic well be1ng of the level. sentence aDid tic.t-00t. the remaibder of their lives aS t'l'ipples. IT D WELL KNOWN thlt 1Nmans out. B1r.arre manifestations of the thrust comrmuuty, and · urges the voters to HOW MUt'H ' CAN a child team ht "1 TBE BOARD wru. be fair &n~ cogi· Its daily· COit is a whopping $85 niillion. are naturally directional, wantJna to tf?wanl ~monou:>Y appear dallJ u -mart '"YF.s" on the bond issue at tbe Half a daj? How 'much chance .does passi<mte, they will not "th,row tfie W,e canrlot win a military vict.0,ry nor mov e ahea d and grow. Thll is beadllnes Jn the newspapers. "~tUdeirts polll February 11. a teacher have to use · her taleftt · in book 11 him" _but for the sake of can 1tpe enemy., =~1'e ~riJ.orTbe ~~~ Attack Administration Building." "Gang MRS ROBERT SHERMAN th&t limited .time? morale, 1f he ls found guilty lie should WI HAVE BEEN "called in" by an and "_. .. ~, are''"-to 009 ~ .... t ,Jlaidl Party.'~ "Rebels Over t hr 0 w . Prelldeot;LWVOc We are .not OQ)y)>utttng undue demands not. go unpunished. · illegal dlctatorshlp which .imprison.. all van..t!';;::..._ .... ::~~H-~ .... Our · CoYernment." •1'atlier Murders EnUre ' . P1 owr,~ but On.tiuraelves. Hun· Tfle ~st .RmUnalion of the Pueblo who seek neutrality or any;-course con- "Y ~---· l-11 family." , • • . 8red of mothers, faUten and educitors' af1air was made by the keen and trary to madness. South Vietnam isn"t -:;'leep~u-':':lm~ ~ , -rr, ,..;..,G ,_ m"·•· 1o be _M r-.tAlrU. Neecletl ha,.lieen wortln( lonr hard hours the analytical mind of CofliTesmlan James a member of SEATO or any military ouraelvel .0 that we am :~ ..;:11 ~ "'? .-u.i" ""' 1,1\;U i-o.• past few months to make sure this B: UU almost a year ago 1n 'his alliance wilh the U.S. There-has been ....... 'of IOnlet.blDa lar1er than ounelves? In· To Ule Editor: bond passes.·· .' Washington Report Letter ' nf Fe~. 14 no declaratfon, of war. Over one-half see UI u ,autonomous and wdriliWhDe oor culture, perhipe. Majl)e we're hun1 .• BecaUae of 11n ar.cbaic law In ·OUT of~·-"°t ndof ~e._ .... basagbusa~ .... °!'mensupportand and I have his permission lo quote mllliOn of our boys art thete because persoM. up on the concept ·of,. "You must prove !U'Chafc Ute constltuUon; a· minority unm ul'C: .. .._. in part · 1 f Whenever we're repressed, inhibiled, yourself before we II accept you ·Joto of voters Were able to impose their an unprteedented endorsement by the : 0 a scrap 0 paper, "The Gulf of or are denied movement in 80me our group." Ezcluaionism could be will on the majnrily tn our Jut &<:l:M:l6l City Council. "COULD TIUS BE treason , or is Tonkin Resolution.(l9G4)." way -remember, we limit our&elves, responsible for at least some of today's bOnd elec\lod. Thia.is not the democratic All of these people ha ve donated their it incompetence, or Ls it just plain It gave the President the right to ~we feel caged and our emoUonal upheaval. . way and those ·people wbo would 'Mt · time unselflS.bly to make February 1 t stupidity! Jf our government pays tribute use any force he considered necessary energy builds up, someUmes to the boil· Another variety of a 11re 11 I 0 n support school bonds last year •. causing a succeU. Won't you give your Ume to North Korea, as we did in Cuba, to defend I.he lives of American military ing point. Then, if we escape the cage, permeating the current .ICene la en· double sessions for_ 1,900 children thla and support by coming to the polls we have sunk lower than I ever dreamed. personnel. Did that mean involving we are apt to blow. cOUDtu. An encounter requ1m self· year, would be the first to cey fogl next Tuesday? By tribute, I do not mean cash. I American boys in an As1an land war ?! PRESSURE COOKERS have Nlety valves but, unfortunately, we're not so equipped. We have 'to create our own. U we cannot make our own safety val\te, we o(ten lnlllt that othen provide one for us. Wberl they don 't or can't, the ''tail wags the dog" and we usert only 00.Ule !eellnp toward our "ol'" preason:" nlher than asserting who we assertion · and acUve parttclpaUon ol if their children weren't getting a full MRS. FRED SIMPSON mean any kind of a prorJ\ise of discuss.ion Shouldn't our elected COftgressmen and those involved. Nothbq: Im aaffices. day ~f ICbool. President, Wilson PTA or apology. One questiQ:n .tl\Jl;t must be Senators decide that, instead of a Presi- lt assumes that somethina happens resolved is, 1Wbo ordered . the Pueblo dent who Is only one man? between the par!Jclpants. WE DON'T NEED just a simple m.. 'A . .Resounding YES' to su!render without lfrlnl/ asll<>t?' Could PRESIDENT KENNEDY reduced the -While self-assertion ls a poaiUve forct tn our live1, holtillty -defined-u the need to hurt another -d!verll our movement toward further growth and ~ ia &elf.clestructive. WHEN ITS manifestaUon ls negative -unlulfllling -then all hell breaJ<s loose. When, on the other hand. there· ls an atUtude of positive "sympatlco," then growth, autonomy, bomonooiy, and encounter all work to bring UI together. Unrtallatic'! Maybe. But what have we got to lose? Thitik about <Where you are, and then consider where the person most removed froru you is. Is the distance really so far ? Cyn~ vs. Sentimentalist ,..,..,. .. Al Lotp: ne cynic who lmilU thal everythlnc In life ii done !or 1 oel!llh reason . la dooer lo the truth than the .... -who denleo H; bul.the cynJc fl da11JCbted in' not._Hdnc thot the ~tic upect o( IU. U.1a -broten no laws. ille ........ of the ' ....... .,:-tell; . ' • • olid when we ICI in· ......i with lhHe 'l'he ftal U.Uhle with 1loeans like ~ out "ICl.lllbnell" ·ii a 1 1 o ''I and order. " ' _ .. _, by ._.,almt. aw . was ei:I".,..._. • • • Goethe nQrly two centuries ago, when ~ nllicllpn -~!ht min!! '1ie ~-'ThO Plr-men are ic· • ol1tn 11 It can ClarifY H: I -lo repeat -tty. end by ~ioi"''!ooal bi1dge · playera ~ for l>econiJll amvlcllom. and thus ...Uy befO!'I playing the wront card. ·~ of '"'·"'-.. ......, hive played the rlfht one "~ IJ<PIW • ··-·-· -' •'-••ht ,, • '. • --:'' ""*6 · • • ' "it'I i i*J that. IQcb old..fuHoned fto '-llllle world loOU down Iii words u "Olb\torugJh'1el" have dlul'" a i.iit ~ho are Jud(ed P.)Jty peared ud litTt bit beee repllced by ..... -fio!oo -but • lood • any -e1jlilvalenll. .... Ill made outilaat our ..., • • • • , .. _.._, the allll ol ...., U you have lo mak• a !Ong sfory -. .... ~·-by the very'*"' short, It couldn't have been much ol ...... ""' vlrtuoul for baYint a lt«7 lo be&IA with. ' jority votJng YES on February It, we it be part of our strategy .bl,sur/epder• need • two-thirds majOrity to pall thls To the Editor: 1 Theie are people in 'the ' Pentagon. in number of .Ameritans in. Vietna~ from bond issue. . .. YOur headline in Mondayis edHion, higb places, who have ·todJ: Urged th8t . 15,000 to 14,000 before his assassmaUon Thll ia the greateit place in the world Btach Debris 'I'.oo Much For City, was the United States ... llbouJd .... ""hate,. ~lMrcaped. .fot: all U.S. troops to. be to live; the harbor ls filled with beeutiful cause for a1ann for all thp res:identi military ·wperiorlty w 1IDIY. mWWy •1 • -awn by .the end ol 1963. He_ felt boa•· and ·~ k -'-of ·~ area What a ple••••t •....,,;se -··"ty • · ft l hOoid Sl!PPIY Soutll VJetnam•, bqt i.a e ... ry wee more .,_,,..... coo-' .. !IC: • ........ u ... t-~ ~~1. • r • ·' ' ·' tblf sboUJd do the' JJghling. · ~~co=e~y~:aeC.:~ ~~.!s~~~!~! t~~rci=u~ the "THE F.w.ACY ot ·thll ·NwiDPli~1t (Wt\y shodt; Arn·ericln boy4 become won't pass a bond issue. Our students are TOO MUCH ! Once is more than evident. n woatd ~inly pawns for S8icon? That government j1 Invest in the · future 'by voting YES again, as when the high tides and storm ~ treason jf the Pueblo h,d been · equlilly as ' bad as ~nat we'ri!.fighting. •,on Feb. t I. surf threatened West Newport and the . delivered into the handl of the Co~ l\!ght-or· Jen , dictatorships ·are bolh BILL LONGLEY area teen-agers came to the rescue with munists by ,design. ill ·Order to jive.· repressive and evil. Do we see Russian 'Sk11roeket' To the Editor : · School costs increased almost and up to lf.f percent while the enrollment of children Increased only 1.1 percent. This OOnd issue shoold be ,.jected and the ll(letldlng U:yrocket ID the publlc IChool oystem should be brooght hick down \o earth. ·Where · Ule rat of us live. WIWAM JORN KNIGHT .---•• Geo,..e --· Dear George: What do you think of glrlA who have •nothing on their mirid• but 1 men aDcl havtni a SoOd time? -OLD FASlllO!lED Dear Old Fashioned: When you've ·1:1een intrried 11 loog u 1 have. )"l'tl ltam t.o try llOI lo think ol gJrta who think ol nothl"I but men and havlo( a 1ood Ume. (Write to George and don 't forget t.o postmark yoor r e 1 1 on a b I e rae1imlle aner mldni&ht In 25 words or more.) sandbagging activities, can we be justly the Communists our latest, tophisticatM 'boys in Vietnam's jungles? proud of our young people. electronic devkts. You must recall' that . . LET US Al.L get down to the beaches this Saturday and htlp our sludeDtl clean up the beaches. Then on Tuesday, February 11, cast a resounding YES vote on the all-important Newport-Mesa • Unllled School Dbtrlct bond issue.' II can and will be a grut day ·!or our community . MR. AND MRS MICHAEL R. LAWLER Sl0te C0Mp11ter To the E<l11or: Here's a· persooal ·anecdote to fOlknr Saturday's Eta~ on Dr. Les Sltutk,. Newport-Mesa's assistant superintendent, whd haa set up grades by compuler. Wh!le our ~ementary IChool child brought home a hand-procesled, but IC· curate ... report ·card ON SCHEDULE last Wednud1')t, Wt are still awaiting the compulerW!d crac1e,report for our junior biglla:hool-1. . ' LANE B. BLANK Ne,eti.u wur. C•b• To the l!:dllor : Wb.Y can't the U.S. 1ovemmtnt or the &lrlinea neJOliate with Olbl for tht the secrets ,of. the atomic bqmb and !YHY JS viETNAM 10,(XX) miles away fi~onable material were given td tbe 11i(pJ)Oftant," OOt Cuba only 90 miles Communists by Americans in high ~'":' away Ignored?' Wake up! Any mature, lion." ' intelligent· AmeriCan ca~ see that this · War is nzlriing Anlerlca. Wake up! Before this war rWn.s nOt OntY .. lbis gerleration, bltt many mort by Us lolly .. ' ' · R. V.-MITCHELL Pl1dq, '"""" 7;1169 ISi DAILY Pl.OT S r BY WILl,l>.M I REED Westminster , Cool .Di8as~r Re~Iled . . ' British ·Beaches PoU'*'1.1by Tanker , • • rf o 5:-ci~y " M,erge ·r .; ...... ~ ... In the;.Wincl c . ' Like ··to see something really different 1n va1.n\tnest Well;'the Huntington Be~cb Public Library 'bas a collection of Uiem dating beck as far as 1890. • The· •display will be at the li· braty, 525 Main St., through Feb. ,. 14, the date of the renewal of the custom which goes back to the 141h Century and certainly bas heiiied to trap many• unsuspecting men over those years. -"Jo • • ' A.sheet of German printed die- cuts can be 'seen in .the ·glass sh'ow· c8se of· the library. Kate Green~ aw~y was lhe1·most noted yt ' the valentine· designers of t.be lJtte 1800's, J!m told, and several -of her valentines are on display th8nks to Mrs. Merritt R. Nevins . * Hy Seaman of Westminster High School has been cited by the Calif· ornia Newspaper Publishers As· socif,tion for his contribution to journalism education in 1968. He has been',associated with the writing activity on the Lion cam- PltS for ,seVeral years and bas done conslderali>le work in representing the school district and its needs to the public: While the district o f f i c i a I s point out that they consider his efforts at being a journalism ad· viser and 9ther writing activities "above and beyond the call , of duty," they want all to know that he does a mighty fine job on the piano too. * Also honored recently were Gary W, Pakele of 15161 Victo'ria Lane Huntington Beach, presently enrolled in the Air Force prepara- tory school, and Korbin D. Killian of 14081 Magnolia St., Westmin- s~r; a senior at Westminster High School. Both were named as alternates to the· Afr Force Acaderriy _by Rep. JUcbard T. Hanna (O.Westmin· sier) behind Randall D. F~akes, a senior at Savanna High ScbOol ·and a Buena Park resident. * · It probably doesn't happen too olten, but · Huntington Bea5h High School cu'stodi'\11 Robert BOersma resigned recenuy to return to fanning in Iowa. His_ son.,fdike will remain here to continue college classes. Also, there ar:e 13 inches of snow currently coVering the Boersma fann. That fact ,,mfght have in- duced Mike to stay in Southern Calilornia. • tihrary to ~c,r.een 'Billy Budd' Tonight "Bij?y Budd ,"~e.rman Me1ville's great sea st.oily, wUI be scree"n~·8t 1:so o'clot:k tonight as a part or the 'free Huntington Beach Public Library Fllm Forum at the library, 525 Main St. Sclaolar Wins' Casla Bruce Saunden o! Midway City proudly displays $500 acbolarahip check he has just received from Howard Matheny (left), president of Huntington Center Merchants AatOCiaUon. Saunders, a 1t.ralghl· A studenL at Gold.., West College, has been named association's 1968 "student of the year". The Westminster High School gradual'!, 1 tulure·tucber. plans to use mooey to continue his educaUdn er Cai State Fullertoo. ,,. •' ':Y ' . ) e ••. It's true! The more I think about it the more I like it. One UJa.,, evenpa.,,11 ablg5.25%. Wh'en you're looking for maximum earnings· on yqi( $1,000amountsfora.periodof36months.Altheendol savings, think of Glendale Federal, where you gelthe the period you have earned the regular5"pluaan extra natiOn's highest rate on insu~ed saVlngs. Our r~gular 1f 4'! bonus for, each of the three years. It adds up to a passbook a~~l'unt pays a big 5%. For an~~" higher .. guarantee(! bonu~ of .75%. There are Umpll!en men return we have a Big Bonus Plan that pays more than ways to alive at Glendale Federal. Every way pays the a regular savings account any-highest rate available, and accounts earn from the1*l If where In town. It's lssu91! in even · received by the 10th, after the 10th from date of recetpL . ' NBWDOl'I B•Oh, 2333 Eut CO.Ill Highway GUN DALE FEllOIAI. 11 OFFICES. TO SAVI! IN I MAIN OFl'1C£: GLEHDAL! I NATION'S aECOND 1.AAGEST f!DEAAL/ A88ET8 NfNt ., lllWDll MWNGS---'" CURRENT ANNUAL RATE /, ,a,11% CUAAOO 'ANNUAL .Yl&lO / l.zl% O YEAR IOHUS ACCOUN'IS " .. • • . ) . ' ------ 'f • ._...., ............. Several w!'Oks ago Amarillo, ' Tex. police .received a complaint trom .. ·man who ,claimed be wa• -bl• to sleep because bis .neigh· bor'a dog barked all nlgbL He filed charges and tbe neighbor got, rid Of hi& dog. Suddenly, late last week , the man again beard bark~ ing outaide his bedroom winrlow. He told police he look ed out and saw the neighbor crawling on hand! and knees on bis lawn, batk:~· Ing, scratching and howling. The man gave UP,. "I'm going to move," be said. ' ' . A ~closed circuit telfvision in- stalled in John Henry's Meat Market in Cincinnati, did not stop a burglary, In fact, not only did thieves get away with $2,347 'in meets and cigarettes, but Ibey swiped tbe television. • frldq, ,....., ,7, 1969 CORONAOO (AP)-'llle oenlor ocean- ographer aboard the USS Pli<blo, a civilian, oays ..,. ol bis ualgnmellla wu to serve u a cover tor the intelli- gence ahlp. Jn fact, .. 1d Dunn1e R. Tuck, when . the f1nt North Korean gunboo~appeared on the clay of capque be begin ·lowering I waleNestln& ;~,. Ov« ,the ··~' "to ' shaw the North Konam wby we were . there." ! • 1 . But when the KQralllS began firing, the ahlp's aklpper, Crt>Clr. Uoyd'Buc:her, shouted: "Frlir ~ i<l !llat,d!lnned ~gear up hert.-1•m-leaviftg;" - Tuck, 31, of IUcbmood. Va., told a • · Nal'!' court ol tnqUlry 'l'bunday tnat ::.~.::. ~=--r.~1er·~11.1'! WU -ol lhe main parls'ol Ida ...... inenl. Bui, WI Tuck, hll -,.... to handle bill -t ..... nol·k>bilOiiere ' . basis" with the. main aurvtmmn mla· sion of Ibo ship, wlll<h Bucher hu de- ll<l'lbeil u walehlnJ Sotlet viue!o and North Koft&n radat, . ..It WIS one of my miaiona to Nf\'e' as cover for the ship, io shoW Uill tt "" an oceaMgiaphlt ollip." he ~ 11'1! black and wlllt.e'. chtcked .,.,... coat, difk .,.... tie"'lnd black pant5 were a iharp choble lrunl other wit· -· They all • 'Navy Wlll<il'ln ·dress bliiea. ' Tuck and the olhlr i>CWlolnphlr' Harry Iredale m , •!*II 11111on111s Ill • North Koteen prison, -· wlllt the· Navy men. Both are · d•lU:ierYlcellfi: ployes of the Del-V.Ptrtmel!t., • Tucl: ssld ~._t •ratfnl ·-GSl2, which 'pYt'iiliii.i\ f!J,174 a year 'base J>Q 'rate: , · .-r , Tho-~m..or..,,.._ lien of the Pueblo mw lo talll)' (OdQ', al0ng with a Ponti,.. ..pm Jo wi11 ol bow lo destroy clasalfied equipment ond Three years ago a photographer asked Marilyn Lamar mld Rodftttt ColdweU to post for a siding pictur' at Franconia, N.H. They ,mult have liked the picture because the v •t't· turned there this week as huAcnd andtoife. ' Planes Bo-'" .. L publications In lhe event of capture. UW Tuel: said when lhe (int of six North , . ,~.-" Korun ,,.-11 came ',Into a1cb1; be or • Mra. Francn Bernier Of Dundee,. Mich. today mulled over what to name her newly born 'twin sona. "Personally, rm considering Eno.a and Enougb,'',sbe said.,lt was her fourth set of twins and her l2tb aDd 13th child. ' . ,Tbs snowbell fight was called be- cause of lack of snow. Students at S6utbwest Ti!zas College had plen· ned their anllual snowbell figb~ but the ammunition was o!detrack· ed by a freight foulup, Seems tbe snoWballs, shipped' by alr to 5an Marcos by students at Michigan T!!<h In Houghton, Mich., were misplaced in Chicago and arrived too late for tbe batue. The snow· balls, packed in dry ice, wW be Wed today. • Sen. Vern Brcssey,' (R:Bm.e), moved to substi tute the 10 Com-- mandments for c 2,000·toord re- 1olution to set up c code of legislative ethics for Idaho law. makers. The senate turned down the proposal. • A prize will be given for "t.he most out.rageous costume" at the "artist and models ball" in Aca· pulco, sponsored by the local Sal· vation Army chapter. Bucher 1111Uested'lielinnlnl -.b.Ydro- 'Mark, e~" .u ~11 gtipltlc \Olll, which· .... lits inahil1. qi .., run ca11nr • line liltO lbt oc..o w11b - -' J ; ~~·~ ...... t-:=na.a) ~--·~ •• H.J. , ·~~,,·~-N~-. 300 B!~l are lowered to spedfled depth with a .~rans winch, Tuck Hid; and then a11-10 I •. ~·' , • fill by btJnf trl!Joed wilb a 1P6clil ~ 1 ( 4 ' -, • 5 _ nteue before J»flnr ~ blck. an . VMUOHIAGU,-·Bllfra , (APl -A bi>ord." \, . crowded open 1_1Wtet in !Ills Blafran '"''Ille .J:!i'l!J '(!~lier, ~es villqe "u ~ ml,"!'ifed today, N:lt oald 'be ,:S.-1o BuC!Mr csu&lng what moy be ..,. o1 the worst where ·lie 'll'lm\'ed 'lbt l<sll made and lbtt clvilisn cuualty tolla ol the Nlgerian all were more than IJ mUts from lalld. That woold be·&l leut one mile ftwn the ciyil war., ' '/ib • • • 12 IQDM.ol lil .... ;.&er~el•bNd., i-1 --181 Iba\ --North K-. -, • 1 I ·, ' 200 ind'aoo -we(& tilled outrJCbl 1'1lclc 8* far lbe~.,,..,,,.. -·-~ nte be oiOdtd a...---· and -men ·~· ' ' rillilttlon lrom the Pulblo's mtcitlii'. Five -s a!tel-the nooli raid, stunl1 ' He ureed wllb-· (baf flllll lltll*f youths followed bf wailing ... relatives were e!tlbliJh the Pueblo nevtr 1ntrUded fnto still carrying the dead along dusty trails North K<ftan :water. in the bush to their homes. He said the flrlt impression of the Pu· .1'bt BlaftaD Jnlotmatlon V.portmenl.. eblo'a edilad 'llllb Ibo North Koteana oald it WU Ibo -worst bombfnl• .,.., that' It .... abnllar io c.nmuntlt Incident ol lhe war,. the .w«at belnc -ol lbt alllte1" ahlp, e.-, the bomblq ol a market In ot.,.,ita on wl!ld! be hM1owyed previoully. He Jut JOit' In wltlch u estimated 100 ~ Con!mm>Jlt ....... hid fn· the l"'I perlOl1I died · come clqoe -lo fnlaJD&ence lhlpS Villagers ~ "" bomb.dropped ~ :;;,:.:'1'e coolacf and ''bant on lbllr by a Nlprian jet fl&hl«·bomber landed Two enlisted men, Chari,. D, Law Jr .. 1n the~ middle of the market and a the lhlp'a senior quartennuter and second uploded In front of a loog, Wendell LellCh, the only signal min on low maternity cllnlc. vma1e leaders said board said tbe Pueblo's crew never was 15 women and children were killed inside. briefed on the mission. The craters left by the bombs were "The crew wu told it was not illeg1l apprMimately 1$ feet across and seven •.. that we were Just carrying out our feet deep. , duties,!' said Law, i7. ot ChebaIIJ, WUh. The bodies being carried away were "SOme o1 them !ilit crewmen) didn't covered witb CU&ava leavet. They were e':!D know'what land they :were looking borne on flat stretchers of woven wood, at when the PueblO amved off the either overhead by two bearers or on North Korean coast, SI.id Leach, 21, . of lhe beck of bl ycl HOU!lon, Tu. · C es. . In New York, Arthur J. Gol~, for-Five such processions were passed mer U.S. Supreme Court jurtice and In a three-mile, 1\relch o1 the narrow, ambassador to the Unll<d Nati-, urged red dfrt road leading to the. village that a disinterested trlhujial be named from the Umuahia-Owerri highway. t'o lnve15Ugate the Pueblo's aeiture. Nationwide Precipitation Snow Belt Extends From New Mexico to Rockie§ CaHfornla ' • r ..... • MILD Tenoperat11res Altlllllv.niue ·-A1•1n1t ll•k""lltld 1 1-rct; .. M ... IM (lllcell'O ClflelntMll C1tvtl1!'1d °"'Wr ... _ ....... lv~1 ·~­··-... _"""" ·~"" l(anq, (lty L .. v .... Lo. A"ttlh Mlllrnl IMCf! Mllwitulitt MIMMNlla ... """"' Htw Ytirt OlkllNI ........ ,_ lt9'1ft ""'''"'"" .. -· ....... ....... ll:111f City ... l lvfl' ·-kcr•-.. It. L .... i. ....... lelt Lftt1 (If\' ....... &111 ,t'flM!ttt hllt• •• ,.,. '""" -........ Mltll Ltw .. f'lll:. " " U H .OI * .. ·" S6 '5 .11 .. , «I Jl .$5 " n 31 ,.. .~ " 3! .tt ,. " . " .u " ·" H " ,, ,. .10 M a ... n • .Of .... " .. .... • • •• 51 u ·'' " .. ,. tl' ·" !t ,. .u " . •I H ,, 4' ·" ft " .. " ... " .. = : ,Jt .. " " '' .ot .. . :.9 1• ,K a " ·• .... St .0 .. • ,. .n • • t.14 st II• .u : 4 '°' ,, ,, .. .. l.,. ~ ....... Jr_~ ... ' Peninsula· Win Hailed By .~es i SAIGON (AP) -Tbe cordon operation on ... 'IJQllfle' ·~ Peninlula 1" -; \bl ~ncirth WU ~ & JPtjot suCceet ~ With more thin eoo of.·lhe ~ IOfti''/li oot OI -· :""-.,.at!Oo oW1ed 'J 'Ill> 13 .. wJth "~ bl' land; sea ~ lieitco~ter o('1.!!I, l!:S: __ Mamie, American Atmy uil ·-'r111emen: to -off • 1111""9 ,mllu ol llie penlnJuls "'!Ill GI Da Nan&. 'Ille eordoo, now shrunk lo about t,500 iiten, bu Whal eMJily left Inside '10l'Ct<t ~ the tea," a&MI a senior C!m: ,,,_., Rear Adm. William w. Bel!r,.. Jr. . "He finally bu to fight or swiender/1 be declared. . To da.te, 11,471 · peasants ~ve be:fn taktn from inllde the cordon for m-~aUon at 'a nearby ttnter. Thii hu• yielded. 251 bamlel and province t...i VI ~I CGnC polltlcal workers, 131 ~ 1nnpotblztn and D.clefecton, Behrens U~I T,,.,.... Hid, ' In the sporadic fighlln&, m..,Uy against aitlpen IDd small hit and run guerrilla gquoda, lbe ·allied force claims 200 enemr. d\1&4. Vlelnamtle cuuallles were Ugbt an11 · U.S. dud wu reported at ft, Anotbet' 186 Americana biVe been wound· ed. M0&t of the U.S .. casualties have come from riiineo and booby traps, · The Batangan Peninsula bad been w.ithout government infiuenct for a generation. The grOund is undermined with two and Une-tier tunnel systems that wind for thouu.ndl of yards. Some are 30 feet Under~ and invulnerable to heavy bombs and lhelll. Nine Viet Coi\11 surrtndered on the Peninsula· Thunday alter being In S tunnel three week1. The aim of the cordon Is lo pacify the Batangan. The peasants will be returned to their land and government ofl!Cials will move back with them. * * :f:f Political Sermons To Bring Ar1·ests In South Vietnam SAIGON (UPI) -,South Vietnam ... preajdent NJUYen V-an Thieu has ordereCi p('OVlncial · authorities to arrest morikt llld pi'Jeats wbo lllf ·people up lhiougb "pollUcal sermons," it WIS rtpOrted to- day. Loftdl.tetJ ~polio 10 "M...U and, prleJia are lne to· 10 to lbt!rpagociu and clu!rcbtl lo CQl!diiet ~ and tO pray," Thieu Aid durtnr a qlp lo the Mellonc lleita pro. Yince ol'Qo C<lng. , ·The Apollo· 10 spacecraft is lowered to lta Saturn 5 rocket Thursday in tbe Saturn's towering assembly 'building et Cap.e Kennedy. Apollo 10 is set for la~ in May on ct ~~ landlitg rehearsal in or~it around the moon. , · "But1 lf they deliver polltlcal sermons ti> stir up the people, the province chief• should 8rTe8t them and then report to me." ! Thleti'a remarks were ma<Je two da)I& ago and, publi3htd iii Saigon today. R.eagan Emei»gency· Call . ' ' The Vtotnam ... -"1eiit charged the Communi!tl were pluming to 111e reUJiow: and political' organjzations to. cau1e'trouble for tht·govemment. « 'Draws Student C.riticism General Motors Blasts Report On Warranties BERKELEY {UPI) -Gov. Ron ald Reagan's declaration that the University of California's Berkeley campus is in a state of "extreme emergency" has drawn bitter response from a variety <>f student spokesmen. "Our idJot governor declared a stale ol eztreme emergency ai:id immediately there . was one," an editorial in the 'l'hursday edition of the Daily Cal said. The student paper called for a shutting down of the university in order to talk over problems calmly. 'Ille student senate also voted 10-1 for a closure of the 9Chool for a two-day convocation to di8CUS& strike demands by the Third World Liberation Front, spearheaded group of t h e 16-dty-o I d strike to press for an aul.onomous college oC elhnlc studies. Student Body Pre&ident C h a r I e ' Palmer told, a news conference that minority students had been "lied to, deceived ·and received resistance all the way" in the past . from the all· ministration. He said Chancellor Roger Heyns and other administrators "only talked about procedures.'' "The channels here are not open,'' Palmer declared. "It is impossible to teach, learn and study in a polict stale." • Jn another news conference Third World leaders confirmed they had engag. td 1n private Ul)'.I with Heyrui. Howtver, they aloo proteited the "ahducUon and ~uni up" of Augustus c. Abercrombie, II, a Third World member, Tuuday Be~keley Chief Gets UC Security Post ,BERKELEY {AP) -Police Chi•! William P. 8eaU hu nolgned eUectivt May I to tallo over the Unlverdty ol California cam'PUI polk:e force. . Belli, SI , Mkl M bid m1de a "verbal commitment" some time ago to become chief of the 14-lh•n cempus police fore• wlllc:b be bellev• will .. _ be 1ubston- tlaU, Jaraer!' night. Police have denied the attack on Abercrombie. "Unless the university takes action to 1 top all terrorist attacks · a state of a,aression will exist between the university and Third World studenta," Fernindo Garcia, Tbird W.o r I d ...... "'d ' •'I'·' ... s...,..Ml!lan, .,. . .. .... Garcia saw Reagan'1 declJr&UOn is "an attempt to mobilize ·tht.rNcUonary forces in the state." · . The campus' itself was ciluj'~ more '£ than llO riot eq~.pollce calmly . walchtd aboot 4IO 1trlbll Wini picket oullkle of Sather Ga1-·aod U.O. -ch' around campus ·~' .' · There )Vil JWi • , bi>~ vandaUsm afMf ml}';~:~ m:Ji: AWPon, 3( a, ... ~ deportment lecturer ~ !<rdUJ DOI lo blocl< tTittlc"lt;.fjitber Gate..>.. • 1 ~-lo f 1 strlllth lhoulod Ibo famlllar ,,crlel ol ..a. a" w· and'"'"'· !Oh ' ' Slrlka fetdfn admanlabecl· 1111 . '.~-; ,..1,, t W ASllJNGTON (AP) -G en er a I Motors today 1ald a Federal Trade Com· mluion staff report on automobile wafl. rantJet ia "factu.llly deficient" and leanl toward overataiement and exaggeration. The report. iUIJed.abnost three monthl ago, contends the auto industry valUea sale& far above aervict and asserts that nettbe:r dealers nor manufacturers live up 'to their new car guarantees. HO'ftrd ,E.~ Crawford.. GM's vice presi· ~ fn charae ol. marqtiq, attacked the ' staff report today In a slurunary cl· -the corpgtaUoft's 111-pqe formal atatement prepared for '"' FTC. 11earm, on aljio warraatlel. .. "I wut lo object -ly tO .the false linpreuion .which ihe .staff report endeaYOl'I to create In saylllg that ·~+ retainl the itatus of .. ·~ evil" in much or tht autoalobile tiuaineas , • " be llid. ' s.trr1~ Wrong Film ' ' . .~Movie Canceu Studlnt Exliibit ' ' ' ' SOUTH B~O. <Ind, (UPI) -The 'Ille soutli -· <illl<nl group . and showlna ol' part\! a JIOl1IOltJlphlc Ohn ' llie n~Uve DI pr;oecutor Wf!!iam 1!:1t"*'"'1i:tai~a Unl.•tnl1J ol. li«rt . v--,lr.'s ~. i)Olilplafned to' the OilM. CGnf' ' ~ •fh 'llal,..:ikJ ~' and . ll<bool c-8atlon DI 1avioL l'l*·llllivloo ,;1a..,;p advlold qlb)ol ·COlllfnUloc llie IJld an art Olhlbl! al a ............ ad' Olm. "Ille • .......,. a1ao - --... poo ...... plij a n d cl!lolal I~ art Oitilblt ... sVundl ~P· ' • _."· . .. llmf#~tl01a1a~ana,f~1. M audience, whleh lncblded' 'JDell)bers Sltldtll ipoi~· of . Iba conference, of the South Bend Cilhtns for Det!Ont headOd by Jo& Mroz, a junior from Literature and a representative ol. the oei.viQe, Mau., tbt1. called a newa Sl J.,..plt County prosecutor'• olfice 'tOl1lertnce lo· IMOllnce that four Olmo saw a partion of a ntm called "Flaming scheduled to be. lhown la ter in the con- Croaltlm," despite the fact It wasn't ference would be withdrawn. on the program. · . Mr. and Olbtr' atudent sponsors as ne· '1xplao1Uon wu &tven that the well aa uftlvt:r&lty olficlals, lndlca~ \My film WN In a mislabeled can Ind It wft felrtal ol lep) action slnct Voor toolt 1 wbUe to realize Jt wu a movi. c10eed two boot stores, one In South declared objecllooable b1 lhe U.1, Ben1hnd one in Mltlllwat11, on (l'OUnd1 Supreme Court. they irold questionable m1tertals, • Weeping for Slain BU.band Mr.s. Janet MO!ldlane, American wife o1 Dr .. Ed• uardo Mondlane, assassinated president of the Mozambique Liberation Front fighung Ille Portu- gueae ·In· Tanzania, Africa, weeps at the grave of her huaband. Mondlane was killed by a bomb in a pacqge he picked up at the post office Monday, 10 MoreGls Get Asylum In s,veden STOCKHOLM (AP) -The Swedish Aliens Commission granted another 10 deserters fcom the U.S. armed forces asylum in Sweden today for "humanitarian rea.sonll." A commission spokesman uid that 1ince the flow of deaerten to Sweden started, 217 have contacted Swedish authorities, 175 have been granted asylum, 19 have been turned .down for various · reasons and some 10 cases are being investigated. & far u the commi¢on knows another 14 desert<n have left Sweden without waiting for asylum, a n d "some 10 have left after receiving permission to stay," the llpokellllfll said. Tbe spokesman aaid the 10 Americana lflDled asylum to- da,y were: Terry Macdowtll, 11, Bloomington. Ill., where hir mother sttll ill living;· Frankie Turner, ZI, born in· N airobl, Kenya, hla parents living in Norwood, but the commission did not know the ltate; Robert Walton, 22, son of an authcr, James Walton, who livea in Loa Angeles; Bagwan Dass, 2.1, of Steelman Road Drive, Los Angeles; Mark Smith, 20, Pblladelphia; Michael Andreasen, 24, Santa Rosa, Calif.; George Warren Wurth, 24. Evansville, Ind.; Donald FOMO, 24, in In- dlanapolla; Ralph Meler, 22, Sligo Avenue, Silver Springs, Md.; Kurl1 Rial.I, 22, rural route 3, Marion, Iowa . Ex-president's Yacht Sold LOS ANGELES (AP) -The 15>-foot yacht Potomac, used by Presidept Franklin D. Roosevelt but sold when Dwight D. Eltenbower was president, is going into ocean research. ' Lot to Swallow Student Gulps 210 Fish SAN ANTONIO, Tes. (AP) -A l~year~ld college stu- dent from Texas bas managed to make his mari: without picketing, protesting, sitting in or shouting llogans. He simply swallowed a lot of 1oldflsh -210 Of them to be e1acL While many of his col- leagues at colleges a n d univenities from coast to coast" were demonstraUng for a variety of causes, Charles Winfield put on his own e1- hibiUon 1bursday. Durln( an bour and . to. minute period, Winfield, a sophomore at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, naUowed one after another of the live fi.sb while about 200 cheering atudents and faculty members looked on, Untveralty officiala - probably relieved at not beina: asked to reHnqulsh control of the school -claimed his feat w a s a world's rtcord. Nick Bez: He Parlayed Rowboat Into Fortune SEA'ITLE (UPI) __;· lfaclt Bez Sr., Seattle bUllneaman wbo perlayed a rowlioat lnlo a fortune, d.itd here at the age of 73, tt was announced Thunday. Bez arrived in the United bed "-no a &all b011 Ir.< n1mon lllblns. . . He boulhl hfa first seine boat, the kind most used In commerclal aalmon flahtnt, in !Ill and began to )ulld j fleet. States from Yugosl{lvia wUh··----,.,.-,-~.,,.-_-_-,-, --- jll(I !1.50 1n his pockets and went on to build up Dnanclal empires in both fishing and alrllnea. Bez, who died of I bear! attack Wedneeday nlg\ll wblle uoder treatment for Cheet In- juries, was cba1rman of the board of Air Wm which waa JET ", , ' ·.~ ' NOISE ByJau fonned last year by the This Is our flrat weekly column, merger of West Co a 1 t, but ~anks to a vl.r)' nice Jaey, Bonanza and Pacific Airlines. we will be talldng to you each He was president bl Wm Tuesday and l"riday In the Pilot Coast. lo keep you and ywr frlenda Jn. Bez recently succeeded In formed u to just what la hap- • bitt.r filht with Air Weol ~~ t!'~:rv=~:; stockbolder1 to bring about fi&bt to bep the big jets from an ~ent to aell the line further invaalons over our beach to billionaire Howard Hughes area homes -a sale which must 1Ull * · * * be approved by the Civil . \ Aeronautics Board. Early lhtS year _the Newport He immigrated to this coon-Beach City Council voted for a · h f place on the agenda of the Civil try m 1910 at t e age o AeronauUcs Board Hearing in 15 and settled here. He bought Wahington in March. T~ a row~at for uae on Puget count them!-airlinM have ap- Swnd in 1911 and by the pUed for routes ualng orange following year the rowboat County airport'.! If you think ,_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.lthere IJ jet nobe and jet traffic over your home now ••• can you imagine If ~ airport ex· t•ncb .. lnvilatloo to teo more routes? Old World Mediterranean Spanuh Furniture 1t ... lved uncollatlon of $22,000.00 Spanish anti Medltwranaan Fumlfura AINewT ........ ._.N-. •... , ............ "-°"~ JtelllJ as followa: Georgeoua 8 ft. cuatom quilted sofa with &eparote loose pillowa with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching 01t occulonal tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps In wrought Iron, an 8 piece ldng slJe muter bedroom suite in pecan panelled Medltemn· ean etyle with top quality 15 yr, warranty ldng size mattreu a. box springs. Splllish decor dlnlni sel etc. ,,.. .._.., .. ,....., ., ..... ::1::~~~-------$698.00 Any Piece Can la Purchaaod lndlYld)ially Tormo Avallalllo -Newc-rw te Calif. CrMil Approvotl lmmadlotely ~ F......U.re At Harbor Blvd. * * * Every day people who art dia- turbed about the jet aln:rall ln- vaak>n, 1heir lou of property value, comfcri and saletf uk us "what can we do." Everyone bu a place ln the flgbt. Call me al the beadquar- tera, send your contribution, &how a "Stop the Jet" bumper sucker • ' . "' jllat r<porl ywr specllic complaints to the CAB I We know thit the CAB euthor- ltlet will llrteo to IPOciflc cqm- plalnts about low nylng afrcraft. Lut month, two ,ucb apeclflC complaflits lo the Baycreat and W'-!tcllff al'lll were lnvesUgat- ed by the CAB authorlUee. Be sure lo cite Ume, date, alr caITler name, and fil«ht nwn· ber-you can 1et this from the Airport Tawer-.145-1291. * * * MeanUme, (ti In en the llght. We mµ:at Id now if we are r:,ro teep the alrporl from tber inv:=er ·y0ur ant!: ~ :t open dally from tO:OO upalafn al Ill Eut 17th St.-thol's II the corner of Ir- vine Ate. 'Execution' Suspects Arrested . Drug , Fir~ Offer 10 Killed :$120 Million Deal ~::h NEW YORK (AP) -Jl'lvo LOS ANGELES (UPI) -major drui makm, accuoed Pollco boOUd two laborm of tllepl prlce-flxio& la the early today u llUl]>OCt.I la the sale o1 fl.7 bllli<ln worth ol flve ••encuUon murdera" tn. a dru&. during • lS.year which the vlctlms were •hot period, ·have offered to J>11 at point blank range during IUO million to settle damqe holdups ln the aouth· central 1ult1 by states, clUes, and Loo Angel., area. ' perbapo fndlvldual1. De~lvee revealed UtUe ex· 'lbe ~posed settlement, cept· to say the men were made Thursday, stems from boobd ·"In connec:tlon with ~ ... ftled by the Federal our kllllnp here." 'Illey were Tr~ CGnunis.skln -wtdch Alonzo McConnell, 27; and w'ere dismissed -a later f'l· Manion WnlJams, 14. ' fort by the Justice Depari- The pair wu questJoned for m'ent, 'and a New York Qty two boun but the auspects lllll against thre< of the finlll were descr1bed u noncommlt· filed in 1164. taJ. Detecttva believed .they The Justice Department had were ln the nelgbborbc;lods conWxled that the d r u I wbere the slaylnp occumd te-••M"-of the all ' du-'-• the 1-~ • of ~ ._,....,.,one I<>< -''''6 -~ weta. uc-ed wonder &ntlbJotics, WU cember. . produced for as little u 1.1 In each cue, the holdUp vJo. ceots per ca"'1J]e and relall- Ums, complied with the gun-ed t9' .51.Centa each. . men I de~ for money 11te" Oi"ms are the American without ....,stance and then Cy -·-•• Co . ~ I . • were shot through th head . aucuu11.1 . , B11sto -Myers at Point btant range. e Co.; Olarles Pf lier It c.o .• Sb: wltnesaeo to the various the Upolm Co., and Squlbl>- oboollngs were bJ'Ollght In to Beechnut, Inc. . Unlvenlty Dlvialon Station to-All the firms ~d In a state-claY to ldenllly the ouspects. m"'I they were nol admltllnl( Four of the five deaths oc-guilt, and further said the curred at sma11 btl!!nt!HI op-offer waa being made because erated by noo-Nqroes la I he further UUgallon lnvolvlnl m..U, black south central .-100 civillaw llllts could area. dra& on for years. n. C.UC.DGI • Mt4tl c.u..snv '°"""' Cot1t1""'"'" "¥t.d t:OnlOle lft 1tnulna oll lin1~ W4lnut ~ Zenllfi Juptr 50 Handcr1f1ed Chauls. ~ Gold Viden Guttd Tanlna Sys1ern. Zanllh \'Hf ind UHF s,otlli. ,_I. 1" Owll 1nd S" 11 )" twln-c&nl! 1pt•klrs. A MnMliontl Zftllth Goldan Annivirrw:ry Speci11! The companies 1 t r·e a a e d their riilbl to withdraw t h e cumml olfer by Mmb 7 il occeplance reaponoe proved "Inadequate." UDder th e terms o( . \be .ettlement pro- posal the firms woolc! pool '100 mtllfon to pey current and future clalma by slate and local government s . wholesalers, clriluJsls, and conswr.en. They alao would put up -f20 mlJlloo to settle with private hoepllals, and clalmants IUCh aa holpltal planl, wbk:h made relmburaemellt Oii tetracycline purcbase.s. . II El LBOIJl\NI'), AUlll'attt . (AP) -Rallwoy offldall: toollhl said 10 pe...,,..ra. ..... tilled today Wben the; SY\IMY·!>lelboume itreamllnd. ••Pl''!' ........ !nib • tr.liht' tr.in and burst fj!lo flameo Iol miles' llOl'theasl of Melbouroe. Railway officials told police ·. earlier they fe,.red . aa many : a1 20 pauena:era might have· been trapped In one lleeplnR' (!af that wu teleJCOped and '. burned, and • IGlal of 21 might be dead. But a IJ-bour seatch of the wrectqe p-odUCfJd no more bodlea, Ind people· earlier reported missing were calling In lo pollce throqhout. the day. Offklala said they ; believed the final toll WIS 10# dead. u1 Wu dying for a cup of. tea," iaJd IG-year-okl Mn. L. Hollingworth. "I waa ju!t lylng In bed walllng for the conductor' to arrlve w I t h iL I dldn~ really know what bad happened at Urlll. I heerd peo-· pie llboullllg and .,..rung. The . scene wu dreadful, I can't deacribe It." It wu AUltralia.'1 worst rall occldent In to yeers. . . -. < " . -· .. -" " '· .. . ' ' .• Handcrafted quality! Specially developed! Sensationally priced! • ,. .- ·-•• ' $ LIMITED OUANITTIES! 111i•MMasrAac~._.. llMOTf COHTIOL TV lwsl PIHi buuons on contnil .inil kl: tdi .. 1 color hutc, adjust volu"'e lo low, "1fdium f.nd hl1h, lurh Mt on and off, chul1e VHF ctiannels lafl or"riif!.1, turn off to11nd whlle pklU1'1 Nys. AFC .lttffi• -...1Matlc ,.... , 1 I c.trol w the llillJ!Ht poM1bf1 pkliM at .,,. ftkli Of • linatr. T_V and AP.PLIANCE CENTER HARBOR CINTER 2300 Ha~r Blvd. Costa Mtsa Phone 540-7131 .• NO Down Paymot\1 1144 t4•~ llYd. Costa MeMr ~ 1_., nlflht 'tll f -Wod. Sal. & Sun. 111 6. See you here next Tuasdoy! Airporl Noflr Abotrmml Committee HOUlS1 W.....,. t •·• .. f ..... -·-·· t ...... ' , . ._ • Upto U Monll\o to ,., ) l I I l1t:m-Y ·~EDITORIAL PA~E I • , ' ~ . . Qo wn t own Cleanup. • • • • . ' . A bold Idea for cleaning up the bllgbl of the yean from Fifth Street southeest to Lake Stnlel In Hunting· loo Beach IJ wider study today ll)' the City Council. U found feulble, II should be enaclecl. parking area, b4t tenan'ta or cutomers would pay for the parking areas through leeses. ' Tiie .plan ls for the city Parl!ng Authority to buy a strip 0( blighted area along Coul Hlil>way about a block Inland and to build a large par~ facility on the property alter II ls cleartd and trtreell consolidated. A civic audltoriwn has bee!> suggested and although the proposal requiru ·much economic study, auCh an auditorium could ~~a\ tbe convenUons land other ac-. tivltles needed to • the hotels, restal\f&DIJ aod' . ' ' ., motelJ prontable. • EnvlJloned is a large developmanl , with high rise 'llpartment.olflc1>Commerolal lowers and perhaps a A civic COlller ,bas been suggested, too. The Jdea deserves stpdy, but there IJ considerable dovbl tbil • the civic center should be_placed. In an aree which-~ ·the potential 01 · beComlnf hlgll value property to .• :' •. civic auditorium or civic ~ter. . . PresenUy the aree ls one of empty buijdings, empty Iota and marg!nal commerce. II la an area whlcb bas bad more than Its share of police problems and has produced less than Ila share of tu revenue. . . · private enterprise. · . . . . ~ , There will be cries that the city ls 11ec<>nung Ill· wived In the province of private enterprlae and that BOid approachea lo curing. the Ills ot the old down-,., town are needed. Al tb1s point, the Parking Authority apJl!'ars lo be the most effective of many II>• city could -• use for clearing blight. ·>the private land ownel'll should be encooraged lo d .. velop the strip. So they should, but they have been en- couraged to do somelbln~ .. about the b)igbted mess for yean without result&. T' ·,. The .Parking AulbOrity could clear the land and blllld a parking lo\. Revenbe bonds from parking pa· · Irons could pay for the project. Council Was By-p{,ssed Announcement au;;;, Huntington ~~'. valescent Hospital at.Main -Street and Delawart.Ave-_ •¥•. would likely become the second, m.io< hooi)ltal In ' the city has left councilmen surprised.1 ·and, b:I some A preliminary study shows that just beach use dur· fng the 140-<lay summer seas9n would repay the bond money and interest needed to acquire and cl~ar the area. cases, angry. ,~ ·• .. The hospital zoning was ojJtalned ywa ago. ' So when the owner of the convalescent hospital warited~to . .' expand and make his conversion, he simply _ii pp lied far • th~ routine use permit and it was granted. ( ., M9re revenue could .come from leasing ai r ,fights over the parking facilities for high rise buildings. One of. the limiting lacl<>l'll In the old down!own today is the lack of parking. A potential builder would have to buy much land in addition to the building site for a parking lot and to·date no bnllder has been able to put together a 'prolilable package Including the required parking spaces. Councilj!len, )>Olnling out that they are )lotilled ii a gasoline station " to be built,: were unhappy tlial they were not told of the hospi'al appllcati91'.-. _ The feeling among some councllinen is that a hos· pita! is a semi.public ~se and that the publlc ·iiiteresl must be prqtected even In the private hospital 'con~jit.. . With the Parking Authority 'plan, a builder would need to lease-his lmm,ediate building site and sullicient Years ego nothing was' done unless approved. dif'9':t.:: ly by the COU!'cil, bul th• city bas. grown. Missing. this. one is part of the price the political leaders pay for en· couraglng .the cilY, to grow. ($) ;-;."":''"""'-'-~~- 11 PLfASt VON1·1Al<E Mf ~ro (llBA. i WAS ONl.X ~IN' TO , TH~ WASA&(:lpM FOR ~oME WATER .:~ ; A ggression , ls of '.Several ' Varie tie s Dear ~lopmy . GWJ;. . Lela Robllallle queil!<1111 w. Roal Wioterowd'a personal mot Iv t 1 . in crttlcl>lnr t!>e HllJlthigloo lleacb Police Departqi.enl She made a -del...0 ol the qt,,ey. PerbaJll her '1JO!i'!'' II her rnu- rlage to a police captain. -D.G.T. ' ""' ...... l'.itKtl .,_,.. ... .,.. .. By GEORGE R. ROFF, Pla.D. .._..., t11e1e " "" __."'· ._. .... "' ......... ~ ... DlllJ Nit. . . . Nowadays, with everyone conc:emed .._ ___________ _. about riots, student unre.st, brtakdown . " law 11111 ...ier, vtoJ<at. ovf1'1brow of traditiooal values and cberilbod m. stituUono, <le:, It la dlfflcult.to malnt.ln our perspective. What'• good Md What'• bad? 'GOod « bad for whom? What Me the PlfPORI of these waves "- dlaconlent? . The annrer. are not eully diJcovered, ~ primarily becauae the questiom are ifl.. appropriate.. Instead of uklng, "Why are IOIDI people being so violent?" a piore polnlecl qu..Uon mlibt be, "What Varieties of a.ggresalon facilitate or detract from personal and 1 o c i a I fqlflllmmt?" . IT Ill WELL KNOWN that humans are naturally directiona1, wanting to move ahead and grow. 'lbll is equally true tor one person or for the whole world. 1'bt words 0 movement:'* arid "growth" are keys \o one important variety " ggrellllon; ..u-. Our Vfr! IUl'.Yival U humans requires 'UI to ,keep growing -to coatimla1ly -eunelm oo that we and ol1len will see us as autonomoua and worthwhile persons. · Whenever we're repressed, inhibited, or are denied movement in some way -remember, we lbnit ounelvt!, tocrwe feel caged and our emoUonal energy builds up, somethnes to the boll· Ing point Then, if we escape the cage, we are apt to blow. PRDSURE COOKEU have safety valves but. untcrtunately, we're not. ao equipped. We have to create our own. If we cannot make our own safety valve, we oflen inllllt that others provide one for us. When they doo't « can't. the 1'tail wags the dog" and we uaert only hostile fetllnp toward our "op. preuon'' ratber than assert1ng wbo we are. While seU~on ts a positive force in our li'fes, boltllity -defined . u the need to hurt another -diverts our mcmment toward lul1her growlb and um. ii ae1!4eltructlve. A 8'XX)ND V AlllETY Of aggresafoo might be tofmed odlve parttclpaUoa. We want: bomonomy -t1>e tendency · to fit into and. conform with a family, a sodal group. a wbrld order -aa . much u autoppmy. We not only enjoy being a part ol 110me ldeology, JnsUtutlon, cause pt-1~ group, ti,I& n'N Jmely and d~g if we're Dot parUclputs.. Social, cultural aiid penona1 .UenaUon account lot untald misery. Again, when bomonomy needs are thwarted, ..negative aggression resulls. ~ctive participation then tumJ into forc- ing ourselves Jn where we feel left out. Bizarre manifestations of the thrust toward' · bomonomy appear dally u bea~ in the newspapers. "Students Aila.ck AdmlnistraUon puUding." .. Gang Raids Party." "Re~ ·overthrow Government. """Fat.her Murd"era Entire Famili." . - IS IT ASKING too much to be part of sometblq: larger than ounelves? In our culture, perhaps. Maybe we're hung up on the concept Of, "You muat prove yourself f?etore we'll accept you into our group." Exclusioniam could be reaponslble for at least some of today's upbeavaL Another variety o[ a 11 r e 1 s to n penneating the current scene la en-- coater. An encounter fe9.ulrel self. assertion and active parUClpaUon of those involved. Nothing less sufflces. It auumes that somethin& happens between the participants. WHEN ITS manif~Uon ii negaU ve -unlu1fllling -then all bell breaks loooe. When, on the other band, then! ls an atUtude of posiUve "!ympatico," then growth, autonomy, homonomy, and encounter .it work to bring us together. Unreallltfc? Maybe. But what have we got to JOSE? Think about where you are, and then consider Where the penon DlOll removed from you is. ls the distance really so far? Cynic vs. Sentimentalis t 'llloqlita Al Lute: I 1l>e cynic who inslals that evet)'lbin& In We ii done for a selfish reason ii cloeer to the truth than the sen- llmenlalllt who denlea it; but the cynic 11 ~t.d in not rea1i%lnJ that tile ~all< upoct " lile lies In knowing --" t1>e -1111, ud wllon we act in accord with thue 1Jllill, out ''1tlfllbntss'' is a l a o b•:••t. • • • • 1-rellodlGn can ""1ftlle the mind Jtot • -u it can clarlly It; I "-m bridp playen ponder !er b I •• befcn PJl)ting the ~ ~ ""' JDIPI have played t1>e right one ...... I lb'#JM)t't thought. .,-. . . fte relPICtablt world looka down Ill -al i-who are judged gullly ol &Im ol commlalon -but I p>d ... ...W bl made out that our molor -.. -bJ t1>e sins ol ....... , ''1 • -by the vuy people ;:: .... -... rirtuoul 10< bavinf • • broken oo laws. • • • The ~ trouble with 11ogans like "law and order'' was expressed by Goethe nearly two ctnturiel ago, when be warned: ''The pbraes men are ac- customed to repeal lncessaotly, end by becomial coavicllMI, and U... ollllly the orpna of lnt.elligence." : . . . It's 1 pity that suc1t old-fashioned worda u "fllbbertlgibbtt" have diup- pwed and hive not been nplaced by any modern equJvale:nt.s. • • • If yOtl hive to make a long 1tory short, Jt couldn't have been much of. a It«)' to beilD Willi. ' .. Header Asiert~ ~*·~·••·J.luitai~g l\'at~on Up; Co:btplaCerit Americans'' ~wake · .. . ' To the Edi""'' , " The • best summa\ion " the Puehlo J\'egotlate With Culta Wake ;fa older America! Yes, I mean affair was made by the. .keen and To the Ed1tor : you com cent Americans. over SS. I'm' , aJlal:Ytical mind of Coitgressman James · Why c"n't the U.S. government or glad 1he educated and intelligent youth · · · hl • · · of America at least have a sense of B. ,,U\_t: almos~ )'ear ' ago in s the airlines negotiate with Cuba for thl value. . Wa.slµngton Re Lett.er_ ot· ?eb. ~4 .r~t~ ol the hl~a~kers on ,,~1:;, .. basis ·Over 31,000 American •boys hive ,been LttUrs · frdm t"aldtri are uidcome, . and -I have his permission ·to quote of extradition or pnsooer ex........,.es ot tilled in the jungles o( Vietnam. Another lforfl'ISUll tDriten ahould c~f~thrir in part: cash rewards~ · 200,000 have been wounded and 10111e mencat fn JOO 1D9"TdJ ·or less. The . Surely, the return of these c:rtminals: at 11 and 19 are de.tioed .to spend ""ht to . ~ :•Att to ·-at .'' ~ "COµLD THIS BE treason, or 1s will deter ol.he~a and halt the ndlculoo.s th . d or··~-li ... ~pples ..... ' co '#C trl J• apaCl!I It in <. ...... • j .... plain helple• ....... a. ,,.. the-relM!lllel to e remam er 1.11':U" v a u-1 • or tzi~nate . ·tibeE N: re1ef"V~· AU . c:oa1,,~nce, . or .11~.:. '-:t-t-;-:. . . oda""'er~ .... u;~i:-. . , "'"": . ;, ~~ ~~~ ! ~1fif~: !::'":; ~. &efftr• mun., includ1 BlflMtuf' 1aM · 1 ~pidit,y. U our gore~at:~.tr:J~ ' •· ~ill let~s"'; poslca(d8 or teregrams can the enemy. . . ) ~ addrtts, but . ft;Omt& fnoV be ·to ~·~di Korea, as .we-,dd.)i"~.:.CUba. ~'to our elected i"eprtsent.iUves .sfart the -• withheld ..on RQfi'{•tti/'iufjfmnt t"ea· We ~ve sunk lower than l1ever' dri?amed. ball rolling? · · ./ · WE HAVE BIEN "called in" by an 1on i.r.apparenL · · B_y ttrlbute, I do, not ·~·~· I .. · . AJmlUR ~ Illegal dlctatonhip which imprisons all '',.ii)einanyklndof.;proapeeot~on ·~ • · ~ · 1 • 11. who seek neutrality or any course~con, ''~"·but Qlba on)y 90 ·miles ·~' apologr.·~ questlO!-... lh:!lt"mmt ·be: .·!·-. .. •... '.. ·'.· '''; ·~ trary to ~.... South Vietnam ~~ away lgnortl\I! ·ww up! Any mature, *8olved IS, • Who ' onle(ed ·llle'-ru•blo Lool,Jttg . Beuonti Self a member of SEATO or any ~ 1ntelllaeot ~ C.ID.J aee that ·thla ~ snrrender w~ firlrig a~?· ~1~. ' . / : alliance wlf.h. ~'U.S. There has ~en war 1a rUinJnc AmeriCL WU:e ~! Befor,e Jt be part of our ~&tel)'. ol. ~:;-.': "U'o the Editllr: r ~ · , ~ · . . no ~aUon of war. Over one-ball thiJ ~ ruins not oolr. tblJ aenfratioq T_here are people in the' Peo~f;4-Q• · ·' ·~'S·~ ~plred ~ foHowing mlllioo """" ~1 are lhen!· J!P.use 1 -. • bJ lll IOo1 , "-" Jiigb places, _who have long· W'tled that 0111111De,!1!;. , . Of a a!tap ~-·~• •<De~ 6Wi f;ol. • ~.,,.,. ~ a. V: MITCHEl:L ~ United Stat~ should not . he.ve '.~~~~ f1ndl a ·PolDt of. ac- Tonktn ~~lJM)," •M -\: ~ " " . nulitary superlont,y but only military . ~'irjlli_' his -t ,penOnalhy It gave tile;~ 'tl>e rigbt to " equality. ' " · can uieit )>r<icioed wlthOut· . prilpl to use •llf force rbe consklered.neceaary P h llo a lo awareness. · · 19 defend the lives of American military. ~•eat l lS ''THE ·FALLACY of thls assumption . Knowledge' of oneself "is sUil fir from personnel. Did that mean l.Dvolving To the~ Editor: ~ ls more than evidelit. It would certainly e"nough, hoWever ; awareness is only the AmeriCan boys In an Asian land war? I see wbere~the Pentagon proposes be treuon if the Pueblo bad, been . ·first level. But tci 11hate and apply Shouldn't our eleeted Congressmen and to investigate the. Pueblo affair. Rubbish. delivered Into the hands of tbe COm· knowledge takes re.sponsibllily. SenatOfs decide that, instead of a Presi· Are lhey trying to whitewash themselves munists by design, in order le give We all have goofed in the •game o[ dent wbo is only one man? and keiep from being lnvestigated? The the C!>mrqunls1! our latest, sophisticated infinity oot to rue· out Of the Present ~ · only way .we will ever know the truth e1ectronic devices. You must reeall that degree of. awareness requires apj>llcation PRESIDENT KENNEDY reduced the and correct these alarming conditions the secrets of the atomic bomb and of. knowledge-with conviction.' number of ~ in .Vietnam from ls to have an iovy,ttgaUop by, the Joint fi~able materi4l were · given to 'the How lazy humans are"! Orutcllest 15,000 to 14,000 before bill ~Uon Armed 5ervi~ Cominlttee of the House Convnunist.s by Americ ans in high ,posi, Denial! And the greatest deJUal ii 'failure and called for all U.S. ~ to be . and the Senate. •From what · I have Uon." . ·~. · to give an<freceive love. One wbe cares withdrawn by the end of• lllS3 .. He felt fead, I assume that Comdr. Bucher '' not t6 exert the energy Shall ever we should supply South Vietnam, but violated Navy retU]aUons and should THESE ARE A few ot 1he. many live, but one who pro}ed.s anything, \bey abould do the fighting. receive some punishment -{ minimum) questions I want answerld ~m1 : only however litUe at least Is lookiOg beyond Wby should Americab boys become reprimand to (maximum ) two years' a Joint Congressional CommiUee q.n hiniseif. ' -· pawns for saJ.gon? 'Ibat government is sentence and kick-out. find the · answers.· U you agree ·with LILA MELTON tNUallJ as bad as what we're fighting my thinking will you write your con-A news report of Dr. Timothu iu .. i...J« left, dlctatorshinc are both. THE BOARD Wll.L be fciir aild com-gressman and your two senators and • ... oagu• t"" • ..1. , .. ~ • • • • 'Leary's recent talk at UC Irvine uxu re-··•ve and evil Do we see n .... ,an pa.sSionate, they· Will " 11ot "l.lllVw the demand that they .do lhe investigating? . V''"'""" ~ 1 · ' · · ~eadlined: "Leary'! Creed: 'You're boys in Vietnam's 'jungles? book at him' -but for the sake of Thanks. morale, U he · 1s foun'd guilty he · sboU!d CAPT. r. B. McDANtEJ. WHY IS VIETNAM 10,000 miles away oot go unpunished. U.S.N. (rel.) ' Foreign Affai.rs First on WASHINGTON -Richard M. Nixon's first weeks in office reveal something of the acope 0£ his presidency but not yet It.! substance. The BCOpe is broad. It involves a new start in fortlgn affairs and 1 reordering of domestic affairs. The stronger Initiative ls in foreign affairs. The President said thls bas bad to be his first concern in his early daya in office. In domestic affairs the reordering pro- cess is not likely to be s~cular. It involves essential! like straiibtening up the poverty program, making welfare payments more uniform in the states, combattlng crime in the nation'• capital, government reorganization. But there are ye~ no magical formulas for "fine tun- ing" the economy to slop Inflation, no instant remedies for racial strife, student disorder and the national crlme rate. THE PREm>ENT IS following a plan --B" Geo,..e --· Dear George : . . .Jn :domestic affairs, President Nixon's . ,.~Uhent of Arthur F: BU?QS, former . economic adviser, to P r e s i d e n t · Eisenhower, as bis chief counsellor i's a new departure. BurM' funcUon in , domestic affairs is the same as Kiss· which he eyidenUy had well fixed :ln ·inger's in naUonal1 aecurltJ and foreign his mind.before he assumed the preSiden-affairs. A newly desipa~ council on 1 urban affairs brings together the ~ef cy. First be would appoint his cabinet Cabinet ollicen concerned with these and chief subordinates. 'l'hen he would problems. fonn them into major groups to attack The third group an economic and fiscal a serl~ of major problems. He 'would · ' policy combines bolh domestic and establish White House Ual!on with these foreign appri>aches, but its empbasia groujl'i and turn them, loose under geMJal · is most heavily on the domestic economy. directives to find and implemenl. sohJ..· Nb'on's ·1.bJl: with thls group of cabinet lions, with the Preskleot's approval.· . ·members of Paul W. McCracken, This process has resulted in the tonna-. 'chairman ol the Council of F.coootnti! tion of three , qta}or groups, each 1wiqL Advisers, and the groop includes also its White House adviser and a procedure, William McChesi:ier. Martin, J r . , for coordinating government fact-Unding chairman of the lndepend.enl,~d ·of and actJon. The three groups are : .1. governors ol tht Federat Reserve Foreign affairs and national leCW"ity: Systenl. 2. Don:leslic affairs ; 3. F.cooomic "and •. ~ policy. . ' fl' . IS IJARD Ti1 FIND a P'!~llcl In foreign aUalrs and national security · for l'ucb an orderlY approach l~ the the President is using, or intends to, . ~~fems of the ~deney,.. ll1 ditfwt God'." -!'di tor Agenda In any 'case, Nbon 1" now trying to get the syitem es)ablisbed and ap. parently expedl!I to ba able to do so by mtd-Marth. Thia would:then Mable him to go ahead wil.h what hi. plumed befo" he assumed office, a new ,penona1 iniUative in dipl9fn8CY. ~ He 'Will traver to Europe to rte.stablish · coot.acts with our old allies. tetk to push the Vleinam peace talks, SUl<b tor a ne;v approach on a ?tf~ast 1et-- tlement. In the meanlime, the cozn.. mittees, Councils, advisers and cabinet members will wrestle with problems of reordering OOmestic affairs. 'lt' .ia an orderly and willj>lanned beglnn1ng but Jt will be no ·more· than that until jt begins to produce C001tructive r~lta. ---W- Fridiy, February 7, 1969 What do you !hint " glrla who have notbln& on \heir mJnd• but men and having a good time! use the National Security Cou~l from ~isenbower's tn ~t ll:Mt'e b 1 no ~ by_ law to a greater degr., c~!p, ol sLalf or "Ulislanl presiden\"; · tiW1 his ·~. His lialson with Nbon .ls his own ct\lel ol siafl. ll-(lillen . ' Th• tditorlal paot 0/ 1/lf Jlafl' Pilot .... /fl to, "''""" Giid, illM-alillt 'rleclm "' ,,,..~.g · lhla OU> F ASllIONED Dear Old FashioOed: When you've been mM'rltd u 1ong· u I have, you lelm to lty oot to think of girls who think pf nothing bul men and having a good Ume. (Write to George and don't forge.t lo postmark your r e 1 • o n a b 1 e facslmlle after midnight ln 25 word• or more.) tl>l& 8"00P Is Henry A. Klu!nger, fonner ,also from t1>e moro highly peraonallzed Hanlrd professor and government· Adi· White House operations of PresidenU visit. Kenn<jly and JohnsM. ~ A ni!W 51.1per level of government. has MAJ o a Rl!SPONSIBILITIES for been created. If It works u ' pLlnned, ·· f<..icn potfe!y nmaln with ·Sec. ol State President Nixon !Ill)' be able to 1'8'P William P .• 1togu1 and for ·i18tiqnal lfealer control of policy crtaUon. and security with Sec. of Defense Melvin ezecuUcin than any of his • recimt R. Laird. But a broader aod more irt-predecessclrs. U It doea: DOt wort, this llltutlonal ICOf)O is given to determinln& pro!llen1tlon ol ooonc1ls """ oonimltt.U and Implementing policies In UUs Oeld may prove to be an adrnlnl.Watlve than under Presideol Johnson. cllsa5ter. • ....,,,_,.., opfflfont Giid - .... ro., .,. · fopjcr o/ mtcrut ond ripllli=-, by ~g a forum· tor IM UJ>I''"'°" of .,., --op1n1o ... and bp preaR#!lg Che dlurrst m,. pointl of ,tJt/Ortll4d. ob1m11n im4 rpokt,,... °" topf<I o/ &ho dav.· Robert N. Weed, PulilWior • - ' ~-~------.....----- NB. ' • , ·1 . ' .. .,, • 4• 0 ' ll:~*~~~"rig_e¥t r.Pliriill$\Drc.·. Cooley $ $ ~ .... "' \ IAN'AllTO!l!O, Tu., (~) --·· • • • •''Re'a~tlc, ~1 hap. Lalor, In bis speech klctlJ1lj -Dr~-A. ~-Ooo1oy ·11&1! ,..,....,.1o 1111 ,.,, •-*-Hi walked .n the 1• 11w1 Fund -""'"'°~-~· ..,..· aaoLllli.,...~'allnl la lbt'.'lloll)llal wllli .aom& pa1p-.,Co11ey1oldan..,. ... M •I llloa, lo ail a bearl lraJl!plant patient , pl.-a ID a cqe .•. I kepi -o1-. lbao IOt that ' ...,.,_., _ tt'll-· •• ~-c: Tllomu, 4'1, ·ol -la my ofllee uoW he --... and Dr. Plllllp AT THE SITE AND Tl"E INDICATED IELOW " ·· • Iii llt-he Onell It bald """"'1s,.Arla.o'wbo became reluaed them." lllalblq ol lloolll' Africa "live m Wit •.' th Sh. : to ~-~·' · · · ' the -Jil•a DlDtll tranaPia'!l EvenlllP, 51, ol.'Arliope. u ,,_. t1111 he 1 r I February 19, 19H ' e· re e eep ' ._~e.,.i:lll!l--11· ~ .IMI ~,l_~~ , VL, iqlved ~ oew.bearlJulJ PINplool• cu and wlD 142,272 Sq, F+~l I :00 A.M~ZONE A-1 •' •. i < , ' 1 ., , , ~ died _~. II ,......_ a• IO and 11 .thll ~tloo'• loc/lell eeod. Topofrophy-lovol, ThomH Guido Pg. 21, ES , . _.., ~W'odllr maa. caad trtiUpWat. ' fW"Yin& bevt ttanspl&nt feel.. 1Blalbera, Dr , Cbrilt1un Th• lnten•ction of Me9noll• Striet •'"' ffte south ' < , ~"1 Jlf<ileol ·-1\11 'Cll\ltllftt.ol0>ole9'1hearl· pi<iil., · •' ..,_...,po-, bu n.od side of tho S.n DiOfo Froowoy, City of f.omt•m '.t . ....;. D ' d 01· g . · lllO!l ; • ol _ .. • lrlnl'Pl'ntp;tleita aurvlve but CClolty uld: he w h he d -tbao.1:ywwllb 1 -Volley, County of Orengo. '.ltl. ' -~ .e. . ye ·.· ~D e·~ ho' 111111 Woi'it,a ,,_ ...... ·.~,II'.~. to-. EvtrmU,could be'-t lo )!aarl. Minimum lid '45,000.00; Deposit '4,600.00. ' · . ,,,,.6rm,I ·llltd-·t"I" --·-11c!hlol ' anner -llif¥ q...U--'---------11 lelenc"duoon4-21-H · • ~;i . ,,, .•. , lbll...,..~billolo"""' 'lhltliulba~lome•wu • ..... ha .. ralled.Conc.rnloc Wri'te to "*"•••• -i.--'""'"""'°-llJ 1""' 1111\'Q llOI' 'hll: •. .._ •.a Woh llaa"lo i!illoil ~btble. ~ whm· Fteill Eftmlaa plilrned bearl lransj>lulta. "Let dlhn .,. ' ..;,,Jl'T Tniz. do •mi ~I ha~a· ~ B ~~ illd, .. _ of 'lo _'the .. ~ .. ~, llie lnlWer JI," Cooley said. "Lei SkETCHE$ MAY .8£ 08TAJNED AT , -.., "-""" ~ -., ~:l·-the~~·~~·.plllladlaas~~~~· 1~'!'"~~· CllNlmu~~·:·:·:_" :hol:· ~1c1oy=·=1,~·~-~eoo=1•:1:...111m~~-~~11'._'.'.he~lhlnb:~1t:··~·~1m-=·~, .:_~U~n~c~l~e~L~e~n~-J~~;:::-::::-:m:-:-E· ~-~~~::-~· :·:·:·:· :"'~·:·~·::· L ='~"°;J:lt!"1~~ llrl ·laamlol~~~" bad •M • ;~.aoda ,Uld. •'.'.,.,·.-al"' lo Nici lo' fold up -llUllja .........., · -cii 11 ;.l.: aod mldnllh~ That's CODll'al ~k. 'But I have IJl1 11):10, loo. About 11:30 1'11"' -·~·..,..l!ln · ··,; i-~· _, bt · walk ·a """" wtlh blue ...., ~'win nki: ~ .. ; """"·tall,' ....... body, and • the average Annual church red lep. · coatribuUon of ..u.e Seventh AM A00.JsED BY I a Day ·Mv~ ii tJOt,ilt per Ob1oon: "of 1o•a 'od.fnC· ii> membl!r •••. TllEllE ·WAS IUfferablY • ~-. L l·k e A 'IQIE . When ~'of· the Pollyana. 0 AD' me.t ff!Y. fads . amall' trpellrig clre)ises sold . are. •ailb';" aaya be. ·'~'t pocket-plc\lng franchls<s lo YoU·' ...... rtiport °"' 'Ad whatevier little gang o f bvth?'.' AD. c:ilbt, mll&lr rtt'.J itloora.t lhlev,,. 'bid . highest THE sad· tNlh ·111at-iverY • lo wor[·the ataod .. , • THE Qlher . P.'r'9!\-I(> the, .~ SO!JE? UNION has · 7,967 at ..... thi>e O(...notJ>a: catChei neWspa~. No,' 9*J!er. eoun~ r.ingworm: • ~o_w:a ,~~? ..• , • tops· tl)at. • • .A 'il>ANOKE, , . .1.n,;.; .,~ · . ,, VA., 'READER claJMs the AS TO "~ un" referrea Chesapeake Bay oyster is the~ lo a knotted leg· muacle u best In the world. That, of a Charley horse, Durand cWrae, · is ridiculous. The ·Lugar· says It wu none other Qullcene oyster ·of Puget tha.n BUly Sanday who coined Sound la the best. • \lilt terJn ID 18". Sund~ bet on a.,. bcne aimed' Charley YQU RECALL THAT TAl,E which -t 1-and fmlshed about the Telln , who · dyed last. Nut day durin& a all his &beep blue? To sell bUebilL pme, a cenUeman · , them to unwary dudes as hfih.. nalned Geoc:ae Gore hit wliat prte<d" oddities. And thereby looktd~lo 1 he..a,,~ run, earn a reputation as the big· but ·,ltnined a iuucle roun- gest lamb dyer in the ding-aeoood, ao. pulled up at Southwest. That's fiction. But • third, wbereupiia_ Sundly yell· . oon-ncUoo. la .the atory about t<l.•"Rere: c:omea lbal-Charley the vlllagers Of ~ppo, Sy$. i:u,t:" . ~i ~ 4 . r They really do dye lbeir 'y } . < ' sheep. Not juSt blue, but btUe our. que1ti0u•ana eon&- ear~ and green ifil and or.ange n:ent:i are_ welcomed and -body and rtd · legs. These IMll he , a1rd tohtr...,. pol' ·.sheep are household pets. The rible -in "Checking ,Up." Syrians take them for walks. Address mail to L. M, Around the village ID the Boyd, hi ear< of the DAILY aft.moon. Must be ql\il< a PILOT, B.o> .1175, .Nf1i>porl · .sight. I ·havci lefSl a beafded Beach, Cali/., 92861 .. CAMELUAS • '. fn.Jt •M •f IM MM•., .rl, ""4 rfd.. I' ,..,,.,.... .... ,, ... -,.,,... ••• AUeeN ·••'·~X~Jr-1,.,..._ .. .. '"' ... .u .,_ ... doiee ., .. ,. ...... . , ' . ' ' ' .. ., ' '" ·' . 1-,·1 ••· ' .. . . AlJ811lAUAN TREE ' ' .. FERN .,. t....c ... ~ .. '--~---... , .... ,11. .... ..... ,,...., ~ • • . ' .. EHr"~ptJ•r •• , "-f"'f lu.rd1.,. •ll ,,,,...,1/.Jl1 •~Jetl. ,~,. 11 .z9 DICHONDRA SEED Tllh 1ftr h•N • b"•ll/.J ~.,,,.. of 1r•11 'rOlllwl' Yo•t · home. ,., •. 1-.99 • v ' ,.S.'-o·-.... ' l I I· • • DAILY PU.OT ,,ldq, '""""' 7.1969 ~.Hayakawa Offers To Rehire 'Fired' · SAN FMNCISCO (AP) -~ !or the t ·I u den I II Ibey lppty by MQl1day, San walltout'.' . , . Francllco State CoUe&e'a ac· NO. ttpmrdiate rellC\ioy tb ' linl pretldept la offering to <Hl}'lbw ... weaticm c;aml rehire the 199 strikl•S frolD 'the' uni. whicl>"iitnl -· who h.avo loll their lnlc> CGG!.....,. with 11 t jolll becallff of state law. '. ltWWllJ s. I. Hayakawa, opeaklns 14.,.wbll1, llunlcl~ Coort Thurlday at a news con-.JU4&• W alteJ C a I ~ a g n o f«enee, uid the AFJ;CJO 'fl!~ a• tl!lden~ Gregory American Federation of • DeGlere, IO, to 30 , d&¥• in Teacbtra member• have lost jllil for violal\nlt probatioo. their posltiona because they l>eGlm was put . on pr~ VP•,.......,. were abeent from duty five batJon lalt May ~ .belng 111 Sho ti' days without excuses. arrested during a &t·m at W' engefttaCe 0 tag He urged them to apply for the school's administration . . rebirlni at the same pay IJld bulldllli· He • '!U sentenced Officers take Angel Luis Gutierrez, 22, from the old Hall of Records after be In the ..,,,. poolliolll lor the alter belnC . reamated Jan. allegedly shot Adolpho Hernandez three .limes . in the back. Reported to be in sprln'c term which \leglnl Feb. ~Jllirlal.IAlll:milll-~Ull "" .. ~ .. ' • . ' critical condition, Hernandez i1 on trial tor th• mmtr tf ./llan ,.-..-17. • • eaiijiiaDeCliiilGfttil-alillii: '·'' Gulierrez,1brother of An111 J.ull. · •. ·•,;; ~"i!.'(1t.ll/'ti!"~·,ri . , ·,S · ·, ;~-' :.·· .'-',v .~EREO. SENSA'TION' . ·-~-·;;.~;~~~ ..... am .. upRQi'.J .,,';. ·~ ~~. . .. • .Franclaise Reaort . -tun>H. Yet, •• canpot, u J . . • • . • . . " .. ~ <. ·m.:co•o--·I sound of • . '*· __ , ~-a .. Ii' ~~~:als, rtfule :.~ ir.·RlviJiiOdt;; , " { ~~ , . IF".. .. • T Pl WT 't ff" } p ' '. :f:e"w• ~--· ~ , Iii •• County Music 9j ax aDS ~ ~ ,0~-,. e P . CH;!r .rt,~ f;1'f~'.;i'=: fu Senate · . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM SAC~···ENTO <'"> _ ····~a y-·.·-_: .. ,e ""'e1a'~~1191 SACllAMElfl'OCAPl-The From Fashion Island Newport Beach l\AM "' cearing· up for the on..ume UI ,.. '"'"' J-... ,. le MDRre °'{ ~ ' Senate water ~ttee bu ' I • I t Neither Republican Gov; rtductlon 'that would ~ not • Nor~are you af-~ulited lllltalical .kilit ir:eraed ID fftU~ decialon . . ll<agan'I $100 milli. !pcomt from eillltr bilt , le<~ ii )'VII. are IDlltilll, ~ ~ wltt ~ck O IU~ ·~~ ' _,,. tax rebate nor a r Iv ii O!ilcia!uald that~~ nnly have .no cblldnn IJld have Jan. 1, .O.~ed picutlni pie ~:i,;~f 'i.,jei'a111'·~· --;-~--=*-------------------- Democratic plan Will)lllJ the thole who fUt i-'tu _an Income-GI 18,500 amua11y, .Tllurlday cflaplte • sec.Gd r .. ermnen4 . ii backer '· loweit lncontt etllltflllln1, . returno wt il!ll~llr \he Tbe 111111 fQr ~ -~ ~IY,junctlon. l!i• ociotm aial 1:1'12.1 FrancbiseT11 iilnl tlfllll~ cut, mi!ll4lltl ti wllilli ls IUll 1 ,._, · ~·\ · • lllack stude!ll& ii\!llioo lacllltY, ~ q u I ck . said today, . . i-Mll'I Iii' .... ti ..,,, .... ' ,.._ · 11 struck the recommendation. '11te= !\lltllnented II Ole left! llt"' ""41111, . A·'""' .- -!ll 11'"' ·, ' dfmllldln& I Tbe newest twlj\ In ooe of the •!lit ....... lnco!M If y ... Ill ~t . \rill .. tax lawa lfl .. Jlllt """"'' " . i4llillc -~· the state's h • n ea I -. taz · q111cy be(U tilt ollllttll . ..,.i maq lltl inab II dllllltlll to. MU Ital! E of lll Ne . ....,,uon fiihti came Tburs-. • • . · . . " .. 1111111 ,..,.. "" 1llUtl ,., of 1 c I .de m I day wben ~ Committee oq '* "1 · * * 'ft *. • · -'-' Ill * WWW iMlllllll 'l'...J:°~ in sllj>pot't ::::btr!'~ ':/!.!:! TY.l'llhd.erg•• Cnll .. T"'* "1t ~y th! 11 II t l "'111 lllllfllll " ... I~ mqre J"Y· group noW oPPM< buildlni the ,,,~ .,tRU ier-a II 'MiN sakl. · 1 •1 ' · •• '*"" ,,erkma o.ftnditlolll and dam on the Mlddle Eel River . .. · · ' • Blll lltlT Hiii 11111 IM\11 In Mendocino Coimly.' .· · R .. d. . ct1nn· 'Pr"n.r'~:v· ~":I' :;u., •;. ni:; Reagan Aide. mi~~~· =.i ~ e U . fiu _ 1'1-lfJ J :.;:. !iiilliill lo :, J ~I n I :r:cijOri~of l: ~ ~~ IA!t' ~ I~) = "' ~· ' lltUfllte; .... Ill' • n d J oitl• Nixon miltee also gavi ill apjlr<)val. lijja'*-lliffilar·:=· .1l(lt _.. , _ l)omoerata trade cbar111 In _ •ACRAMENTO (AP) Bu_tSen.Jllll!':R.,~vl: W ................. •M•• . I ~ ~ lllbt. .· ... _ W"''·-· G chairman, ,l&Y be chini ; .,. ............ !""." .... , . .. · · • 8inil4t ··tie.nocralic Floor ........ -. ......,., 0 v • hla mind and joined Ille taz ffdilctlj1!\ iliiiiJi !!ave tJ!i ti 14 lacier Georie R. Moocone lleagaft·I ~ of hu'lltll dlasld<nt;, ~ · ~. it; I! i1iiiif -ill. of san Franciaco 1 a Id relationl, ft!ll rttli1>ed to aq. Tbe olflcial state recoD> · • · ams In ill; !!Ill@ . S.agan'a 1100 ntllllon cut for cept a poi\ In PrU~nt Nix· !llflldlllt!I to the 1;cr~11 bu , • 1 by , !9'10 should be doubled Ill\! on 1 admlnlatratUln, th • ~l II . uP. to l!late 1er called it a "neir ciala eocb year, -poid by the end of thil 'yect. ~amento Union ~PQrled · .......... lll!r~ Nm;mm ! ,. , . ~·18!!'il<1,. the .. of 'Ill rtf!llftl '.'no!· llio't .,I. . Jr. • ~ • • I ttli~thi•Yf:af." · i lr\J . · llll!W Pid he will Jn. 1tale, and 1 priorlty WeinbUcer liid ic)o ·much ~µc~ lt~ilation nut ~k thl!I many-of the spending money Is tied iip ill apecial • Jlrovid!nl lbt a $200 qiiµIOll rmuests that were made." tuQd spending, such u educ.. fiUte ln . the income ·tu, -His remarks were prepared tlon and not subject ~ coo-pa71ble lhil ytar. It wwld fir a Commonwealth Club trol0by the governor or, Jells· mean a r~turn of at )east I~. Jators. 20 percent of what the tax-. · payer put out for 1968, VJ 8 Get Lower Charges In LA State Sacking I.as ANGELES (AP) - Bfcause of a letter from the ~l's president asking Je- ni"1<Y· three Negro ltudenll flt•t Indicted on fel.ony c\!iltses In the sacking of of. llfel at California St ate CtUege were allowed to face ~ misdemeanor charges. 1'he three -Henry Stillwell SF Police Death Probe Scrutinized llAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - 'nlt police department in· vell\igaUon of the shooting death of Negro G e o r g e Bqkett was Wlder scrutiny T'-uraday during the ma11Blaugbter trial of Basket's a cc u a e d killer, policeman Mi'1lael O'Brien. lfomicide . irulpector K e n M~ey, who . conducted the preliminary invesUgallon, told the court he wu removed lrolll tm '!!~ •IJ!l h~ repqrt tndlc•Un1 the shooltng was jl!llifil~lf hlllllillldt W t I ~. tll@r Nrlllilr · lft· Vl!!!IPlllfl. Tltl additional inveeligaUon resultld Ia • mu--.. apl#t O'Brien, but that' was 1attr reduced to ~ter. D!(elll< Attorney J . W . Ehrl spenl moot of the day est~YMnc ltfanl.ey's com-= · · .' yeterae police ~ 111o llM ll11tt in 10 yun I.,_ bad a '"9 labq any froai me,". MlitJfr WI Ille JuiY. • ''You 61 nol hldt or Qt>Vtr •p-J91M i114111," .... ,;stool Bbrllc!b. "Yll\I 4idll1t pollail It • Ill« it or kklk ii Oii! tit!! . w!Mlwf" l!lan!oy • 11111 .... Ml. !lllrllllt • iM If lftf ~ •1121 Mlf, lilollHllftl g:~u.,~: ewr 8CCU9ed. Manley ol. "sup- pcrdng IOn')flCX'le1' to which the offlctr replied, HNo sir." l Park, 21: Winfred F. Ten- nisoo, 21, and David Jones, 22, all of Los Angeles -were indicted by the county crllld jury. Tbe indl-chVifll them w I t h trupwfni lflll disturbing the peace, 1!1111 mi8demeanors, and complraey to commit a milldemeanqr, a felony. · Superior Court Judge Ray· mood CQate allowed them to plea only to the misdemeanor charges Thursday after a let- ter urging leniency from t.bt college president, Dr. J. A. · Greenlee, . waa read into tbl . record. Dist. Alty. Eve lie J , Younger Said he had no quar- rel with the lesser plea. Homeowners Lose Fight Over Jets w a D1pimwt1 of f!Oll • rw II· ... 3rd annual pre"' tax · · SELLabration IOlnc on right NOW! JllfPI ..._ lnlf -· lt!isllto -•in SllJstllltfllfJ 11.FlilnrJ . ~--Hin tlltlltl. W1 pa• smip II nr Clsl•llL If JDl'fl 1. . . flt lftNli rtlno "I lj 111,sH(l lllrtilr Fiilrul!J 1 at 111J of tllo T.,1 · J ... · I llliall. SM 381' w ... 11 ,.., ,ucilasas! ' ~,... 39.IS SUI QJS II.IS 119.IS ••• II.II II.If 171.55 imnsai• ... 21J5 , ... ,. W5 $UI nJS H;ll IUI IUI 14i.IO TAPE GRAB BAB brand new $5.95 tapes sale priced as low as $1.91 011rMtola~ lliarolUtl l'OlUr •.• bi1 "Miii! c•rlr~1t W cu1111tte t•~tduia11co.ti1oa11t leut $1 lua lluut ••11t11le4 rtltril •:...-. 11t •U ow doru . . . I ., Pfida1, r"""'1 1, 1'6' Lack of Business TEMPtE SHAION • . 1MayClose SBA All,....._. .... -...,... ........ ...., 171. I ... . IAllATH mNIN• 11111ca ..... , • till .... . Free Flowing Freewc11 ves· folks, there is a San Diego Fr~way~ 'Jlrls view of· loog-awalted new portion of -freeway ii from Culver Drive overpass looking east. University Part Is al right. New freeway copnection !>«ween MacArthur Boulevard and old Santa Aiia Freew•y ao111h..of ,El Toro Marine Corps Air Station was to opeii !ul Chri-as Eve. But numerous problemi, indudini wet weaU)er and late delivery of'signi and guard ralli, delayed actual use of new link for more th.alt i. month\ It is in use now, however . • . For The '·Record ' MePtltt9s Pl.IDAY /Mr \litll MillOll,c LoOfe, ,,.,.IOnlt. T_lt, UOI 15111 St., NIWPOl"I Undl. 7:30 1.m. UCJ Foll! DtncJ..,, CM'll'l/I H1I~ Unlvenl,., r. C11ffwnl1, lrvlftt, 1::10 1.m. 1'1.....it Wltl'lollt P1rtM,., Drll!le C-"', Amfkr1n L"lon Holl, 21J ,,. 1Jltl St,, Hewsoort Seidl. I 1.m. • .... Ctlflltl•n lh1tln...-·1 C""""'lttH, "' l11bM l 1r Club. N-rt IMdl.. _ .. , 1::Jf •.m. :;; ltftirria9es t! Ueenses ~ ... I.AS VEGAS, Ne .... -M•rrl•H llctnNI wed here lnc!uoM: ~ASK·STIEARNS -J1n. r26, Sftven A. ,,.. T11k. 31. or •1lbo9, 1nd 1'1lrlcl1 "'1 Anne Sll1rm, U of Monttte., 1'1111. ;JIEATH NOTICES • • 'BALTZ MORTUARIES ,, C.-del -. OR S.Hll ~ eoag Mesa Ml MCU , BELL BROADWAY • MORTUARY : tlt .,,_..way, Colta M ... • \ 'Ul-UU DILDAY BROTHERS Hmdlap Voller Mortaory 1'1111 -Blvd. HaUagtoo_., 141-'l'l'll PACIP'IC VIEW , MEMORIAL P·ARK ' CemeUI>' e M_, : -· Pl<~.:Dri .. . N.,,;.n -Cdfenlo -· • P11U FAMILY COLONIAL~ BOMB , 711l 8'11l Ave. w.--- SMITll'f MORTUARY .., -Ill. -..--u:.- WD10J1T MORTUARY en E. 11111 Ill., Cotto -• - \ .. Fo_r -years we've followed a policy of peaceful ' coe,11:i$teri.Ce~ ~irl to ~t' . Here we are providing the most abundant, Organ From most versatile and lowest cost fuel available to · Southern California. Her Mother Heating 97% of all the homes. And 97o/o of ORANGE (AP) -• Suson Joyce Mam, 17, Is lootln& to her mother for life. Susan, ·a f t·e r underaoing surgery eight times llnce 1161 to keep her fafllng kldneyl going, will qodeflo • kidney transplan' operation IOOIL Her mother I Mn. Leonard Mazze. will be tbe 'doaOr. -. she ...... S; doctor1 remo'fed1 an abDonnal lobe from one ct>Suaan'l tkidneyl. By the time ft WU •• abe had only '5 percent of one kidney Jell The .transplan' "offers u1 hope at tut," said her father , a solemnan. But tho ,_,.. ,, ... u,.D1o1y11a, coottna llOO weelly, fJ °""'eel to filter wama from tbe girl'• blood. The operaUon will COit about $11,000, Ille fomlly .. , •• -'Ille Suson -· Kidney f1ind .... eltlblllbe4 in Suto Ana to belp ralae Ille -· Mlft then 11.llO WU collected at • donce ..,,.......i by Temple B<lh SholClm o I Oraale Com1t1 • UlrilJ be: _, linOlly fafl. eel !alt IDOlllh. ... da\llllllr .... • llOl'1liol -wtlh •• _. ...... and ._...., more time to d..-and lporll than ocbool." M- aid. "She never feU bebtlld In her ICbool work/' delptte fn. qutnt hoopiloll!Otlon he aid )mlCl!y. all the .water used in them. Doing 82 % of the cooking. And rui)ning 73o/o of the clothes dryers. We have no bone to pick with electricity. Our philosdphi haS 'been: to each his own: Let the.gas flame ·do the jobs it can do be,t. And ' , ' cheapest. .: · · · · A'hd lf&'ve '.'it to electricity to turn on the ligpts. A.nctl make the toast. 1And run the vacuum 811<3, tht; r.adio ~d ~e'TV. . . . ..,:@)l.t, .someDody' h~ got their wires crossed. ~~Jts:a~ ~ning to fty. · · Plame)' 1t'1 implied, i~-~ dirty wordr ;. . . , . . •1 •1 , (Whatrs. so clean aoout a 8'1Qeless broiler when y01(hav~ to leave th~ door operl.and let out the smoke?) THE 92! --· Graduate, say the ads, to flameless electric heating. (But be sure you have a fat bankroll when· 'the bills come in.) I' l!IM "" flM .i.-. " .. ,...... 9111'11'1 Ctlllr ffllil "" wrm1 ltlN'llll• flf -Otltt $htbtt FREE SAFE D~POSI BOJ' FOi ·. ' .MAINTAINING ·$511 SAVl,GS. ACC,OUNJ~ Haun: 9:JO o.m. i, 9:30 p.OI.; Sot. 10 •·"I· to 6 p.m. you a .line. Save 30% to 50% on 'electric air condition- ing. (But be prepared to '.P~Y a big chunk of it back on repairs if }lour system breaks down dur-. ing the next heatwave.) ,. We're all for . calling a spade a spade. But if it comes to calling it a shovel, we dig . that, too. Starting toda}') we're going to set the i;ec()rd straight.·N&il the innuendos. And tell the story of gas loud and cl9'1r. What it costs you. What it does for you. And some of the wonderful jobs it will do for you in the future. \ · . The only h9t air we'll hand you is the kind • that keeps your home warm ·and comfortable. ' • ·-- • ' • • I • 'i l ! \' • • ' f l ·I (' I I ! . ! I I I L I Good Year Predicted In Housing .. -IW '''""rucUoo will nmala lllcb. la 11161 even ..... -. al aedit will ... -pnlbltma In the ~~ u: :J'~;. Bani< al America In Its llteol report '"' the bousin( oulloot In CalHornla. Natlooal ""'1IOlnic l"OWlh ls s1owlnc and this trend could become m o r e prooounced. -ocpwnllls said. "'lbll would redw:e ln- llllklllary pressum and ... the atap for easier monetary JiCIUc'J • ~ in c.re•1ed avallabllity OI mortgage funds. "Under tbeae condltJons, the Dow al aavtnp IJdo looding lmt!latlolll sllould bold up, pn¥idlos lot • growth In """-mdlt. 'llrll should Dure a ttrong recovery dur- ing the second hall al 11189. Boullni atarts In Calllornla lot the year are ..pec!<d to rill above 180,000 units." Meanwhile, housing starts In the state reached a 1easonally ·adjusted rate of 1'17 ,000 units In November, lope !or 1961. The n.iue represents actual -as O(JpOSed to number LllGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE IU,llltlOR COUltT Ofl TMI IT.\TI Of' CALl,OltMIA l"tMl TMI COUNTY OP H.Altel tie, """'' MOTtCI Of' HllAIUNt Oii Pl!TITION l'Olt ,.09ATI! O• WILL AND POii LITTlttS TQTAMIMTAllY (IOJifO WANID) &lett .t IEltT J. ALLEN. Dftffsell. HOTICI! II HEllESY GIVEN Thlt MARY JANE ALLEN Ml flied ~ • "'"'-' I« tM'Wblt. er WIA •nd flM' llW.fld "' \.l'fttort '"'''"'"''"" to lletttlonet (~ W11VedJ, ~ '9 wllld'I II med1 fat flll'tMt •1rt1Clllllrt. .... ftltl the t11M 1M •ltct tf llfftl._ ..... ..,,.. ,.... ..,, Ml -"*"'"" 11. 1tH, it t :• •·"'" Ill IM °"'""'-., 0.Mment No. 1 llf 1•kl c;owri, 11 1'lt Wnt EltM Strtet, lft 1'llc CltY .,i Satllll M1, C1llforfll1. 0.1111 Febn,o1ry '· , ..... W, •• ST JOHN t.ountr Cle~ PR·ll CTltll. A. WAI.TOM 219"-... .._.. .,...,...,.. Cllflnllll ,.,.I .,..., cnu an.un ... ,..,_ fiN' """'- .......... Or-C.it D1I" Pllot, ,.,......, J, I. IA. '"' 22'"" LEGAL NOTICE (5) "ldiJ, rt1111111y T, 1'69 CALIFORNIA HOUSING STARTS 19M-1969 THOUSANDS Of UNITS "' " OYER THE COUNTER , "'~1:::----f--j~~'4-_:_-.1-----l " 3 MONTH MOVING AVERAGE of units authorized by building permlts. 5Vs%?? PeMU!iaddup to dollan, "and dollan a4d up to IM diflereiu:e between a Wii.IUre Federal aaping1 account ond a n1ular bank 1<Wing1 account. Our currtnl OMU41 paHbook rate of 5% ii tMhigM1t in the notion for insured ailvings (accoun t• ore insured to $15,000 by a Federal agency), but when your saving a remain /or a year, daily compounding increau• the earnUtg Wile to llb.-t•n. ... _ cm• a. CAI.I. 11.121 ,_:IU·tJll II•-cvr-: LotAttffln ...... _ C"4U"°"" M ......... COME IN FOR 51/s % , .. ouer I% ... ,. than your mOMy would ea'm in a com.parable bank 10ving1 accOunt. "· nd, yo u can earn a ~ % bonua above the current annual paasbook rate on 36 month Certificate Accounts in multipk1 of $1,000. Open your in.sured tavtn.11 account today. Fu nds receiued by February 10th earn from the lit; after the 10th from date receiued. FEDERAL sAnll'cs . ................ .. • YOUR FREE - PERSONAL INCOM E TAX GUIDEBOOK FU'ftTS EVERY HOl. · .. Cl ..... 838· cf!!£U CRBLE,>;;. , COMMu.llR .. _ •. RIRU/!#ES ~rHt CONN«:TION YOVVE at.ot WAITllttl l'Olf.~ l .. ... .. :1 ~~ •• ' ~i " .. .. :r .. •• . , " •• . , " " •• .. " .. " " • • • • . , • • • • • • • ' ! • i • • • • • • ? l l • • : : • • i : • • • • • • ' • : ' : -• • • • • • • • \ ThiirS(lay's Closing . Prices-wmplete New York Stock Exchange List o::::-... -c:·---------. I I \ ... I J 2 DAILY PILOT ---• --- -~ ' • I I _ _. /~1 D 1-~ Moonlighters Invade . The Oltkst Profession LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) -Moonltgbters have invaded the world's oldest profession in this 2f..hour gambling .-. Prostltutioo and gambling have gooe hand-i.n-bmd for ceaturles -and Lu Vegu is no exception. But the ranks of the "rambling ladieai" - as they are called here - have been 1welled recenlJ,y by parWme prostitutes. 'Ibe law ls cracking down and the regulars are com- plaining. Dist. Atty. Ge<rge Franklin! now in the midst <Jl a new cmnpalgn to clean up the "strip", says prostitution is a multiple problem In Las Vegas. TWO TYPES "First you have the regulars who wind up In jail time after time. And then you have tbe moorilighters -of f ,i c e worl<era, carefree houaeW!va and divorcees -who come here to pick up -· ....., en the weekends," 1 a't d Franklin. Most of the ootsiders Dy here -Los ...,.1.. and San Francisco. They ap- panntly ·believe that Las Vegas Is fun lo "fiait but thei' don't w&M; to live here. At one lime the jnfluz of mooollghtlng Jadiea rea_cbed IUCh proportlooo, Franklin said, that investigators met lncomiDg· plane< and secretly toot soapaboU for in· vestlgativ1 use. Bidding High On Spitfire ANDOVER, England (AP) -One of the last ol the few Spitflrea that helped win the Battle of Britain In 1941 Is likely to become Iha center of a tramatlanUc battle when Jt goes under the hammer next month. , Tbe ~fighter ts to be auctioned along with a col1eiction of. vintage farm machinery and engines ln this Hampoblre Town. Hot compeUUon for the plane Is npected between wealthy Amerle8!10 who Dy World War ll alreraft !..-fun and l!rltlsh alreraft _. •• lion aocleties. Among the big. gest American spenders in the old planes market ls the Confederate Air Force, • group of Te:ans. 1"111ere wW be fierce bidding 1... the alreraft -both sides of .the Ailantic," said Group Capt. llamhh Mabad- die, the agent fer the Con- federate Air Force. Tbe plane Is upected to 10 for more than $20,000 • Bot the procedure became · such a giant .adminlJtraUve task that ff: even\ualfy wu di!contlnued. CHANGE LOOKS Survelllanct of a rambling lady ls difficuJt.))e811 .SMlth, the district attorney's cblef investigator, remarked: . "'nley can change their ·ap- pearance and haVe ,. com disguise simply-by • J>alr dye or a wig, a· few · touches ot makeup and a d f f,f e re D t dress." Franklin h\ltiA!>d .•. policy recently_ ~Y . . prostitutes were boOked on a charge of "rtsortiril" rather · than the more commaaly U!ed charge of "soliciting." The dlilereoce Js, !J\al bail for "r~rting" ls . $590 and bond for ''soliciting"' ii JZ. Some of the ·per-of. fenders have betn sentenced to /JI to 90 days "' jail Pn>otltutioo jg illegal In cwt Coonty. but the laws oo·uie-mal'eprooeculion dillicull. Fra1lklln felt that a higher bail mit!bt act a. a deterrent. M ARlll!STED Ninety.four arrests were reccrded in December. The regulars c o m p I a I n amoog themselves about the m o o nligbters. Professfoaal prostitutes who have worked in Las Vegas for many years feel that il the mooo1iiblen had stayed home that the law would not have cracked down so hard: Lt. GleM Simmons, chief ol the sheriff's detectives, said some recent arrests were made 1n IUCh a way that the -bod pldurea to ln-tro:luce into evidence as well as lestlJnoDY. 0 Tbe Clffictrs get a pigeon to eteer tbe girl to a motel room. There ID officer paaing as an out-of·town N1stneesman, or something, ill walling. When the mooey bas cballged bandJ and the girl baa •• ah. .und •• uh. .when she Is ready, abe Is arrealed and photographed. Righi there! Oo the spot!". EXPENSIVE TEST If she were paid $100 by the custcmer but faced a $500 ball, it would prove to be an upensive screen test. Such procedures have cut into the local prostitution racket to sorµe degree. But lawmen predict a resurgence in prostitution ac- tivity this spring and summer. Tbe profession is "seuonal" In this de>e<t reoort - particularly with the .invasion of moonlighten. Their travels fluctuate with the t o u r i s t ....... I See by Today's Want Ads e A Baaenjl 1tl the Hand ta Worth Two 1n the BUib: African Buenji pupa are b&rkless tind ~ Mal- e1 and lemal" avallabb!. e CHOW TIME! Two chow tabl.es. with thell topa, $25 ea.ch. Alao • fOldinc acre6l, Jor $5, and a Wf'OUlbt iron table and dWn for m •Wine Your Way: To a beau~ ..., look ln the living roca -an B' eo1d. wtnrbodccoacti.to....i.J lent condition; ai. maple end taba and oo&e ta· ~ ... ~- • Pu.i. • -!W-.., Tackle .. lawiohy with ........ ,andaW--W ... ,ln aoocl.,... -IDr onl:r $35. ' b. f~sted leather accessories •.• a. cigtlrette cose 5.oo· ond:b. French purse 6.00 in shim· mery .frost"'! leother. White or blue. By ·l'rincess Gardiner, may co smal1'19athergoods 25 a llD• leather wallet • , , our own Macl'hergus wallets are made of fine leathers In lllDOOlh and lllQined skins. ~ black and bowns. . ma'ycomen's!urnishlngsSO th• ahtnr awagger bag • • . every Valentine loves a swagger bag in black paten~ black. bone, white, navy vinyl. BY Theodor of Callfomia. 15.00 "'ay co handbags 26 th• v.al•niln• ro•• •• ~ it'blooms for love; 'Remember your V alentlne with this pretty blossom In gold or silver.tone metal.-spring enamels. By Llmer. 3.00 mcyco fashion Jewelry22 . I Brawra by Speidel ••• the essence of romance, a scent to flattet a man and please his woman. Handsomely gift .- packaged for giving. 3.50 to 8. 75 may co men's furnishings.SO • de.ruin gl-• . • tJanClaome su;ioothies . :'with fine motiled texture, 9CXI]lop edges. Bone, tx11Del, ICll1d, pJat. inum. white, ~.S.-By Van Baalte. 4.00 mayc:o women'• g!ovas 3 wrillDg •tu!f ••• cxiWrlW ~ ~· . taining wntlng paper, nvrllhlfit ~ labels, and a pen that really-.Wbl From Graphic Center Weet. UO maycostatton~66 Dana 1pray cologne •• , 1hrae famoua fragrance in · .boudoir flacons. ThZM scenis, Tabu, Milush or elegant 20 Carats. Regularly 3.00. 1.'15 maycocosmetics 100 .. '/ •-tMamtM011'7.Can be )'OUfS. if )'OU kMlt tn tbit mrat 11\Ubt and dell, MlY equipped and -b- -IDr • ,..,,.. •• prto- may co south · coast plaza, san diego fwy . at bristol costa mesa: 546-9321" shop monday throufJh saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm • ... ""' lcr • quid< -· I ·- -- . . PROMOTING ARTISTIC TALENTS -New oflicers .who, will bead the Huntington Harboor Art Association, ·and· were responsible for the formation of the group, include (left to right) the Mmes. Everett Ricker, treas· urer; Michael Decourt, secretary; John LeGros, presi- dent, and Richard Tom, vice president. The association is open to all art buffs in the Harbour area, and meet· ings will take place the second Thursday of each month. • ' ' , ' JOOEAH HAST.INGS, -· <t'l1UY, """'*7 '· .,. ' ,_ 11 New Art Group Sketched ' Vi EW THE BEAUTIFUL-Issuing the lnvltation·to their spring fuhlon ihow are member so! lhO Huntington Beach Mrs. Jaycees (left to right), Mn. 'Dave AtkinsQn, Mrs. Joi Basso and Mrs. Mel Cooper. The annual event ·will take place Saturday, Feb. 15, in El Fortin Bandido restaurant. ,., ... ' . , . EXHIBITS ANNUAL -Planning to eo11tinue thdr 'highly successful dispfays of mixed media art are (left . to 'right) Mrs. J ames Johnson, pi:ogram chairman; Mrs. Luis Benitez, exhibits ,chairman, and Mrs. Fred Moiola, who will be in charge of publicity for the new association. .. A Turning a dream into a rea)ity has been a handful of Huntington Harboai women. 11lelr dedication and detennination has resulted in the formation of the Huntington Harbour Art Association, and the group plans its next meeting at 11 :30 a.m. Thurs- day, Feb. 13, in the Beach Club. Any area residents interested in any of the mixed media arts are invited to join the group, and additional information may be obtained by calling Mrs. John LeGros at .842-8769. Meetings will take place the second Thursday of each month and will include either a workshop or demonstration. In addition to regular monthly meetings, the group is planning trips to places of in- terest for art lovers, a swnmer program for .children and demonstrations by well-known and qualified artists. The association will be guided by the leadership of its first slate of officers, in· cluding the Mmes. LeGros, president; Rich· ard Tom, vice president ; Michael De Court, secretary; Everett C. Ricker, treasurer; James Johnson, program chainnan; Fred Moiola, publicity, and Luis Benitez, exhibits chainnan. Now under way is a stitchery workshop which is being directed by Mrs. Helen Rich·. ards, who is known countywide for her art· istry and teaching. More than 200 area residents attended the last exhibit of works by H8rbourites and the new association plans to make the dis- play an annual affair. The art shows are open to any resident of Huntington Harbour and works shown may be by children or adults, either ama- teur or professional. Currently the new association has 30 ac· live members. Fashions. on Display Area · Residents · Bid To 'See Beautiful' Area residents are invited to view the beautiful when Hunting• ton Beaoh Mrs. Jaycees sponsor their annual fashion 1bow1 Vista la Linda. . · This year's event will take ·pJace Saturday, Feb.15, In El Fortin Banclido restaurant, Anaheim. · Members and guests will arr.ive at 11:30 a.m. for a toclal hour, and at 12:30 p.m. a luncheon of either chicken or a selection of Spanish food will be served. · Coordinating• the show will be Mrs. M. Thomas Ke!"'ii of the Miss Prim Academy, and the newest in spring fashions will be select- ed from several of the stores in llnntington Center. Commentary will be provided by Mrs. Richard Hutchinson. Serving as a special guest· model during the show will be MJs1 Jackie Ben!ngton, the 17 year-old Marina High School senjor who was selected as the Huntington Beach Junior Miss and selected from 22 finalists as the state's Junior Miss in a recent competition sponsored by the Junior Chamber of.Commerce. Miss Henington will demonstrate the charm and poise With which she won the. coveted title and will display when she enters the national competition in May. Other models will be students from the Miss Prim Academy . In charge of arrangements for the fund-raising event are the 1'fmes. Joe Basso, chairmanj Dave Atkinson, Bob Walker, Robert Allen and Mel Cooper. Also being planned by the energetic group of young wom(;ln is a husbands' party on Saturday, Feb. 22. Theme of the event will be George Washington Slept Here, and members and guesls attending will don pajamas for the poUuck: dinner. • When His Hair Turns to Silver, Opportunities Are Gold·en. DEAR ANN LANDERS ' My hilsband mid I have been married ~ years. Al a young man ht was nice looking, ht& nothing spectacular. During middle age, however, he has filled out, his hab: bas t u r n e d grey around the templu, and the dirty dog now is a vuy handlome mat\. Also, he has developed a chmning manner w9ich is lmmeMeJy appealing to Ute ladies. The problem ts that the women simply will ~ le>ve him alone. From II lo &>, beiullful and homely, drunk and aolle!', they fall for hlin like crazy. r used to laugh Jt off but it's not tmmy any more. 1"e women in our ooclal circle. both mother• a n d daughters. are becoming ao aggressive ANN LANDERS that I am concuned. Furthennore, there are so many btauUCul divorcees running loose these days that l need IOIDt advice on how to bang on to wliat'1 legally and rightfully mine. Any --·· -t..L.L. DEAR L.LL.: U JIMl'fe been minted .t5 )Un, 1 • • r balbud mat be at le11t d. Heh, in my oplakla, old enoagli. to p rt t e c t blmltlf 1gal11t agres1lve womt11, from IS to M, buuUlul 1 a d homeiJ, dnlllk or -.. -U lie WUll to, !hi ... Alld H .. DOESN'T wut to -JOI caa1t protect Mm, Hooey, DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'll make &his real easy for you becall!t I know you have a zillion letters to read. Just put a check in one of these spaces. Yea or No. My cleaning lady has worked for me four yeart. She's the 1'otld's dumbest cluck but I don 't have the heart to fire her. Besides, the next orie might be dumber. Last week she asked me how to remove a wine spot from my best tablecloth. l jok!Jllly tald, "You'll probably have to use a aclssor1 and cut out the spot. Should I make her pay for the cloth? It would . be t"o days' salary. Yes or No!. -sflLL BOllJNG DEAR mu.: No. U lfttr (Olll' years )'Oii tiava't lelntld that W1 woman lakes everyUdn1 JOI ••Y literally, Utea yoe 11re domber tbu lh J1. DEAR" ANN LANDERS : My husband's hobby is photography. Jack i. 1 won- der£ul photographer and has won several -UNSIURTED fD1t prfw. He has taken many pictures of DEAR UN: P a.t • • ltoUrd • a me -.1 some with clotbea _on, otber1 Mdlb& Hit and &tD Jack to lake .._ _.,. ....... with clalhes off, Give in oi' 1oae him ., • • when-a IUY Jack plans to enter a nude of me gives you lhiJ 11nt: loot out I For tips In an imporlanl uhibU thia llPl'inl· 'lllert "" how to handle &he '"W· ses talesman, will be , .. veral cub prlus. nie check AM Landen. Rad her ~ pholograph ho has In mind Is ..atly "Necking and Petting -What An tlot a tem1nude. I am partly concea~ bf · Limits?" Send your request to Ann a bath' towel. Jack inalltl that beclu.se Landen in care of this Dftlpl"'°• my face ii lurned from !be cll110f1' enclooing 50 ceni. In coto and 1 looc, and tho lipllni la heavily shaded no stamped, oelf-eddressed enntope. · , one could recognWi me aa'tht model. Ann• Landen wtll be &lad lo1 help 1 l say a 1tra111,er wouldn't n<opize me you wilh your problems. Send ' lh<lil but my friend• and famllj< mJcb1. ' ~ to her in care of lhe D.uLY PILOI'; I'm very upset 'about this, AM. He enclotlng 1 oeU'addreaed, lllllnped says I ani being fooll11h . Am I? envelope. ' ! ' I ( :J • 14 DAll.Y Pit.OT fr!OIJ, ,......, 7, 1969 . Mardi Gras Sryle Pageantry Arab-Jew Jewels Will Glitter at Ba11 Struggles G»ateni'll lfttll, a parade "' .... weui,. top ball "' IMey hues, the throwing "' cOO!etU and a royal -"' lpOClacularly co• I um• d -wearing --·~ -.....,,each~ a jewel and Ill C01111117 ol arliJn,, will C"Ult a New Orlealll-llke almosphm for the Mystlck ~ of l\ornus Grande Mlnfi Gras Ball next FrldaJ evening. '.!be eighth annual ball, themed Jewels Internationale will be&io al I p.m. in the -Cull In AMbelm °'Ckhll• are aet for that hour -the poceanley to beclo al tp.m. To ldct fill the festivltla, -ol tbO Krewe will parade ID colaiful lop ball Wb11e lhnlDI( -. and put raplalm will adYance with , ,uueriq ......... '.!be mood wlD be -Id with the ril1thm "' "When the Sl1nll Go Mln:hin1 ID" and "Ccme ·to tbe Mardi Gras." .• Clplaln " thJs year'• ._ tacu1ar will be T b o m a I SUJUvan el Gorden Grove, who alto will be Keeper " the Keys for the-8eyal Jewel Bm wblcb will be opened later In the OYelllng. Each woman In the royal court will be costumed to _.....t a country and Us jewel, throogh the eflcll1s of Mn. llannoo Ward el Gorden G .... ., who designed the gowns. Alter the vault fl opened ·cootainfJlr the ........ -coJJected by the 1961 KJnc Kom111, Leon Dietze of GardeD Grove, ambuaadon will step forward to pment their jewels. • . Explained Coofllcll bet-Arabi and • Jen will be aplalJieo! to the '. Womeo'1 Fellowtlllp, )Acwla Beacb Neighborhood Cdogregau.oal Qwrell ~ a meellng Ill Ille dudi al 1o a.m.nut1'lelday. · '.!be Rev. Dr. Morgan s. Odell of Lqunlta, the --· ii a ~inmw. ... ttacher and "*-pr-.i 91 Lewis and ciark Colle&t. Portland. Aller retirloa In !llO, Dr. Odell lr•YelOli around the world and taUght ln various Far.Eu! lnltituUO!ll incllidlng the Beirut Collea• for Womeo, Lebanon. 111< public fl lnylted to at· tend, the JDel!Ung. Coffee and ·· brealdut rolll 'l'ill be served at t :30 a.m. UCI Loan Fund Soars Orange Cout Div Isl on, California 'Retired Teachers return to college Feb. 10, b'om 2 to 4 p.m., wben ~Y galhef at 1JCI for a twt>fold purpose. Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. will dlacull education in Calllornla and a $500 gift will lie' presented to UC! from the haura Settle Loan Fund. This la a revolving fund loaned without interest in small amounts to college students for minor emergencies. The state co-chairman. Dr. From the far corners of the earth the ambpasedon are the Hoo. Mlchael Trujillo from the South Seu with Mn. Robert Smith, the ' pearl of the seu; Robert llellrmann, Alrlea 111111 Mn. Sulllnn, the ~·· e,e: ~ np:eaeut-au.. llaue lllnlth with Mn. RESPLENDENT JEWELS -Precious· jewels from all over the world Wm be, depicted 8! tbeMy&tick Kn!we of .Komus stages' its annual Grande Mardi Gras Ball next Fridlly ,ln Anaheim's Phoenix Club. Gowned to match th1> ·jewels they will represent are (left to right) the l)lmes: Thomas Coad· of Anaheim, Michael 'Trujillo of Garden Grove and Merrill 'G. Hastings of Huntington Beach. Ena· Arciniega1 will bring the check from Los Angeles. District chainnan, M r s • Katherine Hampton of Corona . del Mar, will present the check to Dr .. · Aldrich. Dr. Arciniega r,ecenUy presented another $500 gift to California State College at :Fullerton making two education in- stitutions in Orange County the beneflciru=les from tlle teacher's group. Nici< Paolfslo, the turquolSe, Virgil Kootls, d e p 1 c 11 n g and c.t. Thom• •Sullivan Brazllil!p topaz. From the with Mis. Mmlli G. llUtirip Em er 1 l d IJle, Mrs. John el Hllllllqton Beacb, 1961 -the Aullrlan roee crji-Cochrane, the emerald, will tal. • . be ....ned by the Hon. Nut the relgolng ' King Rlcbard Alexander. '!be sap- Kamut, Dlebe. costumed .In phlre will be repruenled by blue .,.ialclolb w\th I ,oequ1n . Mrs. , Mehnnlnn, with the trtmmed c.pe, wJJ1 arrive• French ambassador, Cbarlea: benldlnc the ptt:Sentation of Lusln escorting her, and the the -Royal Court: , ruby ,wlll ,be s)'Dibolized by "-1111 Pfszala, B~ullilft, · Mn. Thomu Coad, escQtted ambeuador, wllJ present Mrs. by lhe Spanlah ambassador, Phllllp Carreon. , '!be high point will .come when the Queen~of Diamonds appcian:, who ia in reality Mrs. Trujillo. She will be resplen· dent in a white saUn ball ,Own and crown encrus\ed with thousands of hand--ap- pllqued crystal rosettes of belds, aurora b o r e a I i s ctystala and sequins. A! the excitement builds to a clima.1 the 1969 King of Diamonds, as ye:i unmasked will promenade, t h row i n g rings to his subjects. He will command the stage curtain to open, revealing an enlarged replica of a 1680 French jewel box which will display the royal court.' After his identity is· reveal- ed, the new King and Queen will begin the ·dancing which will last until 2 a.m. when breakfast is served. TOPS Mermaids Information regarding membership in TOPS Merging Mermaids may be received by telephoning Mrs. Leon Townsend at 642-1804 . Meellngs take place at 7 p.m. every Thursday in Woodland School, Costa Mesa. Artist-philosopher ~ .. ~~.~ l Weddings, Troths I Dl~E BILES Summer Bride Betrothal Announced Planning to wed In early summer are Diane Biles and Michael J. Luzzi, w h 0. e engagement ha1 been an- nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mn. Wllllam C. Biles ol Hunllngtoll Beach. Mia Biles ls a graduate of Huniingtoo Beach IUgb School and attended Golden West Col- lege. Her nonce, ,.. of Mn. DorolhJ Lull! ol Westminater and the late Mr. Mike Lunl, I& I ,11"aduale el DominlUe& lllgh Schoo~ Compton, and will sed from Goldeo We&l thJs year. He bu , four years ol To Provide Program ~· An IJKllan.Iriah artist from Kickapoo, Kans.1 will be the speaker when Afflllates of the Laguna Beach Art Association gather next Monday at 10 a.m. in the Art Gallery. KickaPoO Logan. named for hls birthplace, wl1I be in- troduced by Mrs. William Gieschen, program chairman. following the coffee hour and business meeUng. The artist-athlete first won fame for his athletic acbJevements and formally studied art, (hls boyhood love) wbeit he came to the West. Fascinated wllh the sea and desert, be worked .with these subject& under the West's best marine and landscape artbts. HiJ technique of bold 11trokes and strong color reflect the action and color of the sea and the .warmth and subtlety of the desert. Logan was awarded a medal ' by the American lnsUtute of Fine Arts for his disUnction as a singer as well as painter. , A teacher and critic, he recently toured the South Pacific and visited the places where Leeteg and Gaugin liv- ed and worked, holding shows and giving demonstrations. Humor and philosophy are interjected by the painter as he gives hls demonstration, providing an entertertaining and humorous program. Hostesses for the coffee hour wUI be: Mrs. Walter Larson and Miss Elizabeth Hill. The president, Mrs. Robert Cotterell will conduct the business session which will include dl!cussion of the March 1 Artists Ball to take place in Ben Brown's restaurant. Mrs. Zachary Ma!aby Is chairman of the ball. Professor to Middle East Examine Turmoil Legal Secretaries from the Orange County Harbor Area wUl locul their attenUoo on the Middle East Wedne!day, Feb. 19, when Professor Kim Naffa of Fullerton Junior College speaks in the Hotel Laguna. A cocktail hour from 8 to 5:30 p.m. will begin the eveo- Jng, with dinner to be served at 1:30 p.m. Jordan, attended American University in Beirut, came to the United States in 1953 and receJved his MA degree in philosophy from the Universi· ty of California, Berkeley. An experienced traveler in the Middle East, he is acquainted with prominent leaders in the area. A discussion period will follow hb talk. according to Mrs. George Hannahan, presi- dent. Pilot's Deadlines To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail- able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes stall members al 642-4321 or 494-9466. To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo-- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcements it is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture. be submitted early. If the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. Traveler Films Beauty Of Greenery, Flowers Mrs. O.M. }lummel will pro- vide an illustrated program of greenery and blossoms for members and guesls of the South Coast Garden Club at 2 p.m, Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the Three Arch Bay Com- munily Clubhouse. While traveling through the southeasterr: section of the United States, Mr. and Mrs. Hummel photographed native plants, blooms, flowering trees and shrubs. Featured will be the azaleas of Charleston. S.C. and the spectrum of fall co 1 ore d folia ge found in the New England states. New members to b e welcomed into the ' club will be the Mmes. Cogswell Campbell, Roy Johnstone and Gilbert Y o u n g , announced Mrs. George Rawlins, presi- dent. Horoscope Capricorn: Have Fun SAT\JRbAY FEBRUARY 8 By llYllNBY OIL\1IB •"lbe u -man controls hll duUey • • • 'AJtrolog)> point& the way.'' ~ ' ioophola. U -~ ,OU "espec!allJ II -· ,y..,_ could mate aiplfieoN ad-11mar -1 today colncldeo v-. With -Clear aWIJ. GD11N1 (May 2W1D1t,:IO): tmo1ioaa1 dellrll. Come to, St""1 TAJJRUS -· Jln.. understandlni with !amllJ. porlllll to gel al.boalo -Don1 aklp mtntlal detallJ. l'urlher delay ceald be.COl!!Y. VIRGO (Aug. 13-Sept. :II)< Finl · far -"11 h Streu on -· You, AJ11D (IW<h 2J..\Pril It): ....c1ate;· r.,_ _.,.11s, ....£to skip about, travel and New ledmlqUt "lQuired. Frio-Lum from pall ._...... · '•icbang• vltW.. Today the, lion .......i doe to flnanclal CAllCBll (J1111 ll..lalj :II): tey 11 to ino~wlthout being ~ • .\. ff e c II l,lood)unlr aapecl today coin-Involved In chase. 1*1111r· Don't.hang on ,_. cldel with cbaoce-for creative Fine lot vlslt W Uve. alwalloo. lgnore exprealOn. Good , for · ... LIBRA (Se JW<L ZI):' ..... to ---tettalnmenl, romance. Trust , Give attenuon to special ,.. April JO.~y :ior:: Intuition. Inner feolloga· apt COUDL Flrid out bow to In- '"'bow ,ou relate to to tell true Jtory •• Act ac-creaselncome~o)lal. There -111•' Be lqdepenc!eot cor4lngly. II money newa;il>e sure 100 •t-lMiDa arropnt. Key LEO (July U.Ang. ZI): get stralgbt facts. Family fl lq· be perceptiYe; aeell Streu ·OO baaic dull<a -member abould be incllned to Caribbean Cruise On a Caribbean cruise aboard the SS Ariadne are Mr. and Mrs. Horace Brinton of Newport Beach who won the tiip through a sales program. declsloo. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Circumstances turn in your favor. You 1e:t benefit of any doubt. Change due. Mold Jt to your advantage. Means take lnlUative. Push a he a d • HI g b 11 I ht independence, orlglnaijty. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 2l)i Excellent for at-- tending thelttr, dining out. Shake off tendency to brood. Look , ahead -don't Worrf about what "might have ~n." Group, club activity 1i indicated. Accept assign- ment. · CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Accent on friends, desires, aspiraUons. Burden to be lifted. You will have lfeater freedom of thought, action. Pursue goal. Have fun with creaUve hobby. Llgbt touch wins day. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. lS}:Stllil)'IIiiliitlons. Discard those based on pipe dnim~--- Strengthen convictions where pract ical issues are concerned. One In authority could pay m'41)ingful com- pliment. Be gracious. PISCES (Feb. JS.March 20): People seek advice. You can gain respect of fine individuaJ. Good ~ aspect today coin. cidea With writing, cor· respondence, Ioog-range plan- ning. IF TODAY IS YOU R BmTHDAY you have natural executive ablllUes. Powerful cycle under way; could coin- cide wiih business promotion, marriage, addition to family. 'GENERAL TENDENCIES: Cycle hJ&h for SCORPlO, SAGITrARIUS. Special word to TAURUS : check legal statu.s· of any undertakin&. Hawaiian Honeymoon Nu ptia I Rites Follows Honeymooning in Hawaii after exchanging w e d d i n g vows before the altar of St. James Episcopal Church in Newport Beach are Harry Willard Temple and his bride, lhe former Sally Margaret Hall. · Tbe late afternoon double ring rites were read by the Rtv. John Ashey for the son and daughter of Mrs. J. Ken- neth Robertson of San Juan Capistrano and Mr. and Mrs. John J, Hall ol Balboa. Given ln marriage by her father, the bride chose a candlelight peau de soie gown with square neck and sleeves edged · in lace and train bordered in hlatching lace. Her fingerti p veil was or Brussels lace, anC a French bouquet of lllles of the valley, stephanotl! and pale pink rosebum completed h e r ensemble. Mrs. Hugo C&rver of Balboa served as matron of honor, wearing a llnieUght green moire g~ accented with a pink saUn b 'e It , and bridesmaids were C a r o I Hughes ol La Habra and Pam Richardt ol Newport Beach, who w'ore matching ensembles. Their bouquets were arrangements of baby's breath and plnlo roses. The ~ bridegroom's brother, John Temple of Pasadena, at· tended him as best man and ushers wef.e James Hoch of San Ardo, cou.\ln of the bride, Timothy Ritchie of Pasadena and Charles Tourville of San Fernand1>. A reception for 175 euests followed the ceremoay ln Newport ~bor Y..pl C!Qb, where arrangements of cjeep pint tulips, pale pink ?OMs, baby's breath and came.Illas carried out the bride'•· c:olOr scheme. -Ill Ille Air Force. .Silve r Sandi 'llll llnl and third Tlll&daya al • p.m. members c( SU.... ~ Ill. NaUve Dauebfm "' Ille Goldtn West fltl>er The speaker, teacher of philosophy for the past IO yean at F JC, will concentrate hil talk on the quest for peace In Ille Middle Eut, recently called a ''powder keg'' by President Nlzon. Nalla, 1 naUve ol Amman, Concluding lhe m e e l I n g , Mr,s. Albert Eccles, vice prui· dent, will Introduce n e w memben to be initiated. Book Opened Rummage For Sale The Cancer DetecUon Clinic ln Los Angeles, and 1tate and naUonaJ cancer research, will bene.flt from a rummage sale sponsored by Hunt In & ton Beach Delta Omicron chapter, Phi Beto Psi. Upcoming plans, to be re\lealed by Mrs. George CUn- ningham, ways and means chainnan, include a mem- bership card party a n d -,- luncheon. MRS. HARRY W. TEMPLE Episcopelian Rites Alttr their boney.-i, ·Ille " newlywe<IS will reside In Soulll Pasadena. The new Mrs, Temple, a graduate of Newport Harbor High School, attended Sullins College tn Bristol, Va., and received ber BA degree troce USC. She "°" ii do!Jir graduate wort at Califonda State College at Long Beach. Her huababd, a gnduatt el San Muino !Ugh Schoo~ a~ tanded the Unl•mlty c( l')lpl Sound and -completod tint yean In the Armed Strvtces. Toastmistresses far '""'tnp. Lake Park Surfalde Clubhouse In Hun- Cloff •1 ID Hunt l n I It D , l1ngtm Qeach 11 the meeting 1 lleldl II the· meeting place place for members of Lat lara.11nt....ion.Mr1.Jlek Olu Toutmfstrtsa Club of W-. ... Im, will f\Jrllflh Homdncton Beach on the ,.. Jee t tloi lhe next meelJnC ' COlld aiid fourth Wednesday ~ at 7:IO p.m. ·- The Rev. James Stewart, mlnlsttr of Irvine MetbodlSt ,win give a aummaUon tudy of "'!be Book of olm belore a joint circle meeting, Womtn'• Society ol ChrlsUan Service, La g u n a Methodist Church at 10 a.m. next Tu"dlQ' In lhe church. The sale w111 take place betY1een t. a.m. and 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 'I, In ille Odd Fellows Hall, DI Main St. Mrs. J. Parley Smith, tta and decoraUons thalrman, will be uslsted by the Mmes. Vera Allen, W.W. Hamilton. 'Mlomaa Harrison, Harry 'lllompoon and NUu Welch. Mn. Paul Kepler and Mrs. James Ward have been invited to wist at the tea tehle. -~ 'Nutrition' to Be Topic The topic under discus.sion Feb. 11 at the final meeting in Ute aeries being presented by Costa Mesa chapter of La Lecht league will be Nutrition and Weaning of the Baby. Mn. Leon Sloddard ol Costa Mesa, will host the 7:4~ p.m. meeting. Anyone lnttresttd In th< lcagui may call Mn. ·n. W. Moore,~. DIANA CORNABY Spring Oat• ' ' CANDIS CORNABY To M1rry Frldq, F"'""'7 7, 1169 DAILY PILOT JIS Cornaby 'S.i~ters Plan Double ·Nuptial · Rites A double wedding during April in the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt L8ke City is being planned by Diana Lea Cornaby and Candis Lorette Cornaby. · . Their dual engagements have been announced by their parents, Mr . and Mrs. Floyd Y. Cornaby of Huntington Beach . New Mem.bers Receive Royal ·Treatment The tables are lum<d as UC! atbl~ (left to right) John Potter, gymnast, Steve Culler, golfer, and Richard Eason, swimmer, serve lunch to Mrs. Earl Kaltenbach and Mrs . t:arl Eason, .mem- bers of the Big I Booslerettea, an organization which helps provide athletic scholarships for the school. New mem~ ·of Boosterettes 'will reCeive the same 0 royal treatme!rt." next Monday at the an- nual ·new. memhenblp lundleon in the EaslbluH home of Mrs. Fred Hewitt. Mrs. Richard Forney, president will introduce new officers for the year at the event. Anyone interested in joining .may call Mrs. Hewitt at 644-0770. . Diana will wed David Lynn Anderson, &on of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Anderson of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Candis will exchange vows with Wayne Alvin Moffett, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Alvin Moffett of Huotington Air Force Moms Pick . · Artistes de la Rue CM Auxiliary The first Thursday of the Beach. · ·The betrothed couples are attending Brigham Young Universily in Provo, Utah and wilJ continue their-studies there. The future brides have been active in drama, art and mµsic groups during their school years. M · b 8 N. . -month members or t b'e-e m er to e . omtnee _American LeiiJon Auxiliary, Costa Meaa t!nlt 155, galber in tbe American Legion Hall, Mrs. Emmett Spind1er oi son enlisted in the Air Forte. t I ART SHOW ; M.,. fh•rt 1,000 pieces .t .t lnc.ludint oi11, w1 .. r Their fiances have completed two-year missions for the c h u r c h . David Anderson served in the northwestern states and Wayne Moffett was a p.m. Santa Ana has been nominated AJ a Flllht member she bu --"--------11 to be United States Air Force served u homemaker and r-'---------,11 • colon. 111otofwork, d itchory ond p11tol1. Tllis •ni~11• 1hDw h .... in tho Md...t ..ii ., H ......... C...... M . 6-74 IThun .• Fri., Sot.I. assigned to western Mexico. . ..... Mother.of-the-year for 1969. refreshment chahman, VA VS Cards 'Marked' For Charity Homemakers Off er to Help ' She was nominated for the rep res e·n tat Ive at the t.l!!e by members of Flight Veteran's Hospital, secretary 19 ·and_ will compete for the and parliamentarian. On the tille with ..... ~r mothers whoSe national level she is sei'ving names have submitted as Director 7 and as Air Moms by their own Flig ts......._Final news .editor, a publication sent selection will ' be made bY--.U~to all members four times Air Force personnel and the a....year. wioner will be announced at ln~unity service Mrs. the closing banquet or the con-Spindler --hl~ed in Com- venUon in May ln Sherman munity Chest cam1t.a1gns, Boy Oaks. and Girl Scouts ~as a Mrs. Spindler joined the recipient of an honorarY'-lill mothers club shortly after her membership in the PTA. Card games will follow the Thirty \vomen who care 1nnual St. Valentine's Jun· about helping the poor in their ebeon being sponsored by the c 0 m m u n i t y art doing Caul Women's Club on Feb. something about it. family money management, nutrition and ways to stretch the food dollar. Spending Tips The volunteers also learned 1 t ln l he Rossmoor home 0£ Mrs. F.dward Meiers. They have volunteered lo teach homemaking .and con· about community agencies that offer help to families with limited income and education and are serving as teachers throUgb these agencies. Consumer Benefiting [rom the party sumer know-bow to other will be two blind children of homemakers who have asked the Braille lmtitute of Orange for help. Comity. Through a University of 1be Orange County Welfare Department, OC Probation Department, V o I u n t e e r Bureaus, Community Action Centers, Head Start schools, and the Work Incentive Pr<r gram (\VIN) of the State Department of Employment ?\1ore than 600 women are expected to atlend the ninth annual Consumer Congress of the Family Panel of America on March IJ at t he Huntington-Stieraton Hotel in Pasadena from 9;30 a.m. to 4 p.m., UUs year themed Spen· ding of the Green. Assisting the hostess will be California Extension program the Mmes. George Bryson, called Women Who Can: Michael Coronel and Ear:_ _these orange County wome~ Garren. . . were trained. In c Jass es '1be next meeting is plann~d taught by UC Home Advisor for Feb. 18 at II a.m. in Dorothy Wenck they studied the Mesa Verde Country Club. Mrs. Bryson will introduce a representative from the Bank ct: America who will discuss the importance of having a w!ll. Women interested in joining the club may call the presi- dent Mrs. \Villiam Halliday at 5'5-tMS for further ln- fcrmation. Dessert To Boost Foundation Dessert at 7 p.m. will begin an evening of run for Southern Orange County Alpha Omicron Pi alumnae and their guests next TUesday in the N ewporl Riviera Pavilion. After dessert, bridge will be played from 8 to 10 p.m. and prius will be awarded. Drawings will follow, ah to benefi~ the Arthritis Founda- tloo. Husbands Welcomed are all utilizing the homemakers training. With emphasis on teaching homemaker s to help themselves, the volunteers, \Vho were trained last fall, teach either on a one-to-One basis or instruct small groups. Women who would like to participate in the program are Husbands will be guests of invited to enroll in the new honor next Wednesday when series of training classes Riviera Club has Us ne:a:t which will meet Tuesday and luncheon meeting. featuring Thursday mornings from 9 entertainment by comics Dave a.m. to noon Feb. 11 through and Ginny Barry, in the April 24 in the UC Agricultural Balboa Bay Club. . Extension Of lice, 1000 S. During the morning session there will be talks on con· sumer problems and ii\ the afternoon meeting a product parade will be featured. Luncheon decor will use the green theme. In the afternoon sesslon. women attending will choose the theme for the coming Basketball Aids Deaf The talented couple Is 50 Harbor Blvd. in Anaheim. popular with men in their au-To enroll, call Mrs. Wenck The Los Angeles Lakers and at 77«n84 or write her at diences that special seating lite above address. There is San Diego Rockets will be has been arranged (or honor scoring points for their teams no charge for the series. d f d f h Lo Be h guests, said Mrs. Watson E. an un s or t e ng ac Jarrett, program ch~an. J.,eague of the John Tracy An 30 soclal h T . Sh d Clinic when they play in the ll: a.m. our r1p are F Frtd F b 14 will be followed by lunch it orum oo ay, e . . 12:30. Mrs. Renll Chabot will The league is sponsoring the . b . f b . Mrs. Gladys Wilson and game and all proceeds will preside over a rie U3lness Mrs. Clara Graham will tell go to the clinic so that its meeting. about their recent trip to work in teaching deaf children Reservations for members, Alaska following a meeting to talk may continue. husbands and other guests of the Laguna Beach chapter, A d d I t I o n a 1 information may be obtained until 10 a.m. Order of Eastern Star. in regarding the benefit may be next. Monday, also the Laguna Beach Masonic Hall obtained by calling Mrs. Event Due year. Past topics have been consumer fraud and narcotics. Orange County's Famlly Panel will meet on Feb. 11, at IO a.m. In Sir George's Smorgasbord,' Anaheim, with Cecil Taylor, national retail director of Beslline Con- centrate as ·speaker. The meeting is open to the public and Uckets for the con- gress will be available. Grandmothers At noon every second Thurs· day the Newport Harbor Grandmothers' Club meets in the Costa Meu Golf and Country Club. Mn. Dorothy Van Marter may be called for more information at 962- 0237. I; 111 ~ I~ I .\f. \LI \II.\ I' I'' 11: 11: \IT ••• l '\1:1, \\1\11 l'IH•l<11 .1: 1:•111 ,\ 1:1;111 II , II 1110 ' \ I I I· \ ·, ''' ,., , t'l1 • ·" 1, 11' Mr& David Hughes of Costa Mesa. this year's benefit chairman, is making the ar- rqements. deadline for cancellations. at 8 tonight. Michael Brooks, 540-7022. Taking phone calls are Mrs.,;;;=;=r=;;:=;r=::::;;;=~:;::;:;:::::;;:~;::;;:;;::;:;;:::;r::;~r;;r;;;::=;i=ji'=;r==.n !U:~~, AF,:;:~Y·ru~~!~1 ~r-.___....,.(~lf~~:Xirk~"·e~]( ... ~~~·i='-\1 Book Group The Book Discussion Group Clf Newport Beach Friends of the Library gather \he last Wednesday of the month in Marinen Library at 10 a.m. 494-8753. Century Club Twentieth Century Club of Huntington Beach gathers at 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday in Lake Park Clubhouse. PIANOS • ORGANS FAMOUS BRANDS COMPETITIVE PRICES we'll meet all rices!) RENT A PIANO CAREFULLY No time limit! No RECONOITIONED obligation to buy. . . USED credit ii you do. PIANOS AT JOSEPH'S RING SHOP A NEW SYSTEM OF EARRINGS DERIVED FROM THE ART OF ANOENT EGYl'T. INTIRCHANGEABLE FROM DELICATE TO DRAMATIC. ALL HANDMADE IN 14K OR lllK. FREE PIERCING BY APPOINTMENT. 1•1.1 SO (OAS.I ftl \'O. lAGl.JNA UC,',<.!', t .Llf f71•1~ .... ~ SHARP- If yow'r• 1 1horp ft•tl1r, 1111 tho DAILY PILOrs f1111ou1 Dh"•·A·Uno clo11lfl•d 041 S1turcl1y1. Miko • "•ff1r clo1I •.• whofh1r y•u'r• .. uyint or 1011int . Tho work of JS top c1liDr1 1rti1fl pro1011tocl 0y Jorrio U11dtrklt Hu11lin9to11 C1nt1r 1t !eoch 1nl E.:lint•r ot flit 5111 Oi•t• fro•w1y. ES ALER OPEN TO THE PUBLIC To ...... ,... fer 1t6t 1Ke""4tt l1n.e.r, .. -st ct ..... ell 1961 !Ml• twu -4 ~ "'" •f •It .... ltiel •f c•rpet. • I BRING IN YOUR ROOM SIZES I Thi1 i1 an opportunity for you, th• gen•ral public, to buy your carpet at dealers' cost and befow , Hav• over 500 rolls of carpet in stock now and can giv • 24 hour install ation in most cas•s. All carpet is first quality-No s•conds or factory reiects. Seeing is be- li•ving. So com• in foday. If you cen't com• in, call us for hom• •stimtfes. WOOL SHAG Thi fi1111t imp ort ool wool Mo111y c111 bwy 1t 1 prico 1nyo110 c111 offord. Thit c1rp•t 1houltl 1111 11 S 11.95 p1r y1rol . OUR PRICI $6~45 lnll1llocl ov1r Ho1vy Fo1m P1ddint. DUPONT. 501 ·N Hoo.y duty c1rp ot with dou· Dlo l11t. b•ck. looutlfvl hi,h low p1tt1r11. Ft1tl, Div•, 1vo- c1clo, t•ld, bron11, off whit1. SllN AT OTHll STOllS fOI I.ti nl 19. YARD OUI 429 ... PllCI • Y.i. -CARPn ONlT- COMMERCIAL TYPE lWEED This It 1 1p;ci1I buy ind I f1nt11tic l"ric1. At Sl.t• •q. y1rd. OUR PRICE $1.99 ... , ... CARm ONlT NYLON SHAG Vo,., fitht lwi1tod, Mil 1ot, nylo" y1r11, M1d1 lor th• or11 with hoovy troffic . 0111 color 011ly, Av•(oolo Gr11n. SOLD AT LIADIH• STORES POI 7.tl nit YAID ,,:i~~ 3. 92 ~:: ... . '....._~~ .. ROLLS, R~LL END"'S' fro.n cir 1i10 to room 1ho 1114 -ov1r SOO R1mn1nh. PTlc1tl From: 1.89 ~: · .. ACRILAN SHAG Ho1vy 2" thlclr; deop ridi cor"I. pt! mi.lo fo1 lll•rl'f' y11rt of , D11uty I: wo1r~ Antiqw1 GoJJ, Sunllowor Golcl, l1i90, , lEG •. lD.fS ClOSI OUT Sl"ICIAL HOW 4.99 ~:: CAIPfT ONLY KODEL SHAG Ov1r 0110 inch thick. Vory plu1h m1d1 for tllo modorn fomily. Look¢1 liko wool, f11l1 II•• wool, Wll" liko n~1on, CIOllll b1tl1r thin •ny othor. SOLD AT LIADINGo STOllS fOR 10.tl HR "· YD. l"~I~ 4.98 CAU'IT ONLY PLEASE PHON~ . FOR HOME EST, 549.3349 HOUU DAIL T t TO l :JD SAT. t TO I SUN. 11 TO 4 NO MONEY DOWN AND UI' TO 36 MOS. TO PAY L & J E'NTERPRISES INC. OWIE couitrs LIRtEST WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE 2418 s.~MAll SAITA ANA ONI ~~· 0 ' -Phone 549.3349 - ------------~-===========-"-=<C>•-~-=··""-'~~~~--·,.·.o·~"'""'°'"'""~"'i'='"""'·'"·"-""""'""'"'' ------..1..:.. '"!?Z::Z --=-===--~~""'"4"""'"""'"'""''""'--="".., .... _________ _ .. ROCKET BLASTS 'OFF -Rocket ROO Laver un- leashes his famous -backhand fOr a return against Butch Buchholz during Thursday action at the · UP I T.-flttl Star Sounds ·off Philadelphia International Indoor ope)l' t<ml>is tourney. Lever , from Corona def Mar, lived up to his No. I seeding·by wilinihg, 6-1, 7•5. • Ashe Calls Net Players Club Owners Reject Offer For Mediation Bunch of Prima Donnas . : . •. NEW YQRK (APJ . -Soipe ol us may· haVe'suspected it, but ·11 took· Arthur Ashe Jr, to admit it ...:. tennis playets are a bunch of prima donnas. · · · •1We're all egotists, we're all prima Canadian Gal Nears Skating Championship OAKLAND (AP) -"The only place fOl' me to go la down. but 1 hope I don't,'' declared 1pert Karen Magnussen as she prepared to try and wrap up the ladies' tiUe tonight in the 'North American Fig~ ure Skating Championships. Canada and the United States each have 18 athletes competing. Ml.ss Magnussen, a 16-year-old blonde from Vancouver, B.C., gained a narrow lead over favored Janet Lynn, 15, Rock~ ford, Ill., Thursday In the compulsory figures ·half ~ the ladles program. The secooa half -free skating -will help determine who might succeed Peg· gy Fleriilng as the world's best female skater. Miss Magnussen had 1,029.1 points to 1.015.5 for Miss 'Lym, the tiny U.S. champion. The CanadiM champion, Lin- da Carbonetto, 19, was a disappointing filth al 977:3. Tim Wood «if Detroit was favored over Canada's Jay Humphrey as the men's competition opened today with compul· sory figures. Men's fr~ skating ls sclle- duled Saturday nigh~ Aho sbootlng for a tllle tonight a r e the four-time U.S. pairs champions. Ron- ald and Cindy Kauffman of SeatUe. Their precision timing and smooth form bn:AJgbt the biggest.ovation from a spane crowd of 3,000 at the Oakland Arena aod gave them 7' PQints for the C«Dpuisory pills. doMas, '' ·~ young Anny lieutenant, America's No. 1 court ace, told a Jun· cbebn group honoring the successful U.S. Davis cup team 'Ibursday. He glanced at former Davis Cup cap- tain Bill Talbert, one of the b(>sts sitting on t h • dais, a n cl, apparently hall In jest and half seriously, added: "Everybody knows we just think or ~ves:" Then the articulate Ashe proceeded to give a thumb-nail e:ketch of his teanr mates, .who helped him wrest the in- ternational tennis trophy from Australia in ~mber. "Stan Smith ls the exception," he said, referring to. the 6-4 slugger from the · University of Southern California who teams with Bob Lutz in doubles. "He ls a thinker. He is quiet and modest He thinks of other people." Smith defeated Ashe in the final of the Victorian Open at Melbourne after the Davi! CU"p matches. "Now you take Lutz," Ashe continued with bi5 run-down appraisal. "He's t h e swinge.r of lhe team. He enjoys life to the fullest. "Charlie Pasarell is the clothes horse. He's always reading Vogue Magazine. . "Clari Graebner, he's the stubborn type -but that's the kind to have on your side. He says he is going to play only on weekends. l hope I don't have to play him on a weekend. "Jimmy Osborne, the sixth man on our team, came a long way this year. He will go farther." A~ also had a word for Donald Dell, the Washington, D.C., attorney who captained the team. "The captain was the most important factor,''· Ashe said. "He put the pieces together._ He was the genef al. He told us to fight or get on ihe rlidelines. He was stubborn, too, and . tough, but be did the job." NEW YORK (AP) -Major league baseball's club owners rejected Thurs- day an offer by the players to go to mediat'ioo. in the dispute over rights to television money that has prompted the players to, threaten a strike. The oWners, in the first negotiating session since both sides hardened their lines earlier this wet:k, s a i d mediation would lead; to new delays and compli· cations. They said it would be better to keep bargaining. 'J'.he players, who are asking a *50 split of the national television money, then asked the owners to propose a compromise solution when the parties meet again today. The owners have offered to raise their fl~t .contribution to players' fund by $1 millt?n. But the players say this would be dilu ted by the inclusion in the plan of the four new major league teams that will begin play this year. The television package is worth $16.5 mi.llion a year so a 50-50 split would bring the pension fund $8.25 million annually: The owners, however, while willing to make any contribution agreed to in dollars, insist the players have no right to any of the television money. In another development Charles C. . F inley, owner of the Oakland Athletics, says none of hi5 players will be allOwed to work out at tbe club's spring Uain- ing site unleS! they have signed con· tracts. "In the past, ~layers Would come to camp unsigned and work out by them· se)ves after the team left the field. Not this spring:" , UCI Wins, 64-61 UC Irvine freshmen rolled to their 11th win in IS starts by downing the Loyola University yearlings, Ml, in Thursday night basketball action at UCI. Gary Fox led the winners with 25 points while Bill Moore bad 16. UCI zipped to a 37-32 halftime lead and never trailed after lhat. Czech Scores Second Upset Laver Rips . Buc~holz PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Top.teeded Bod La•er of c.rooa del Mar breaod put Bulcl> -ol · SL Louli ll1d ' ainqted Jan Kodel of Czechollovakla ralUed to tun1 back Stan Smith o1 Loi. Aqolea 1'bundAY nlglll Ip sec:ood round -of the Pblladelplda lnternaUcoal llldoclr Open 1'amll Tounwnent. Laver, ,.....ally acknowledged u the world'• lop leMil ployer, ripped through a •• ftrat aet la about 20 minutes, -J>rote BuCbbolJ' oerv!ce in the Ulh pmeola74......ioet. , nt U.year-okl Kade., ~No., 1 player .. • In hll coontry; brob Salllh'• oervlco •• ..,. ldlow pn>(ealOMl Marty IUwtn ln the lint ll1d lldl1I -ot the. of 1£vanoloo, Ill., end -ilimtno final eel 1..-blo ......i -victory ' of •-'-CIOlled ll/llMeeded John In thll 1311,000 ~ Tbe -........ were e.i, w, g.J. \ Newcombe ol Amtralla 1-7, S.S.. 'while the ~ Kodel was Kodea, who lurned ID the bla upoet eUmtoatlng blo fellow .......... from the of the -rlllllld -be heal world's llrtl l6door open leDnls ...,. Amerlc:ln. Davll C'ap. ace Arthur Ashe petillon, Tom Otter of Tbe Nelberlando In lbrfe sell, used a aol;d ~ slrokt oullasted England's rugged Rocer Tlj'lor game to wear down the bard.tlittlng H. 6-3, U.IL ' Smith, anolbei' U.S. Da\'ls CUp pllj'er. In earlier """'"'1 round malcbes, Tony Otter had lo IJPI o 11 three matcji Roche ol Aullrallo~ ....,ied 'third ln the· polnl.s befu he won the hard fouglil ll\'KaY : ~ mcbed t b.e third eel from T1Ylor with a om••biOI quarler.llilaJI wHb ·• 'IW, W vldory· drive II the Br1100'1 lob ·obol. ·Washington Cagers Aim At Trojans, Mighty. Brui~s By THE AS80CIATED PRESS Wubl)lglon end, W'ashinglon Slate, with Identical f.l Pacific.a baa:ketball records, fry. this weekend where all others have failed. ·Tonight the Huskies of Washiµgton go against the No. 1 nationally ranktd UCLA Bruins at PauJey Pavilion. Washington State does it on Safurday afternoon in the -regiOnally televised game. ' Funseth On Top By Stroke PALM _SPRINGS (AP) -Scrawled in cbalk on a big board jn the press tent was the message : Weather perfect. Temperature 80. Both board and message were gone todciy u the go:bole Bob Hope Desert Goll CJassic ventured-perhaps perioo&- ly -: ln~.the third round. Leading the way was Rod Funseth. with a :Ja.hole score of 69-66-135, nine shots under par for the distance. . One stroke back was National Open champion Lee Trevino, 674-136. Billy Casper was down with' 71-68-139. And further back were sUch esteemed golfers as Jack Nicklaus, 72-71-143, and the three-time defending champion, Amofd Palmer, 72-73-145. The marathon tournament ends Sun- day. To some, it would be a blessing if the end came sooner. What happened to the missing sign? lt disappeared sometime Thursday from the press tent at Indian Wells Country Club, host for the 1969 Hope. It was probably when cold winds were almost whipping the· flaps off the tent, the lights were rocking above and there was the suspicion the whole structure might take off. No one really wanted to step outside, however, because it was raining up a storm. 11tls condition began early in the morning, stopped, bowed out mome.,.. larily for a bright rainbow and the sun. Neither the sun nor the rainbow could stand it Jong, and back came the gloomy skies ·and rain. It w a s, old time observers agreed, the most miserable qay in the lO-year--0ld history of the tournament. Perhaps the finest shooting was tunred Jn by Trevino and Casper, who got their sub par scores during the worst stages of the day. BENGTSON, HIRSCH MAY GET JOB GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) -Phil Bengtson Green Bay Packer coach, said Thursday' be was interested in taking over for Vince Lombardi as general manager of the National Football League team. Earlier, Tom Miller, Lombardi's assis-- tant, and Elroy "Cr~ Legs" Hirsch were mentioned as a possible successor to the new W ashlngton Redskins el.· ecutlve. "I certainly would be interested in the job," Bengtson said. "l haven't a~ plied for the job but I'm sure that everyone involved knows ~ I feet" No UCLA team aver bu lool al·Pallley and the Bfulns currently atand 16-4 •1« irus season, U Jn 'the confeience: W "'1liqloQ. Slate lrle1 al Soathem Calltorn!ii ; loiilgbl •wjtb CaDIOntla ' ~t Oregon ·Slate'B!id Blanford 11. OrqQm ; Salurday·illghl ll's Wasblngtoo al USC, Slanlord al . Oregop Slate and CaDl9rnla at Ofe"gon. • : · "Washington is the .moat improved tei\nr in the Pacific.a,'.' conµnpntecl USC coach Bob Boyd In ' a alateriient meanl more · as a warning .to his ' own dub. than lo UCLA. . In their first season under Tu Wlntet, the Huskies are 11-6 and not since J9$7 have they been as good aS (.1 .8'ter their first five games in conference play. George · Irvine . leads the scorers 'Ind cen~ Jay Bond returns to action after mlsslng two nonconference g am e 1 because or illness. Coach John Wooden or UCLA rates: his club as continually improving and Lynn Shackelford has regained hi8 -Ung touch IO lurlher aid the Bruins' cause. Al expected, Hoot·I Lew Aklndor Sports In Brief leads the conference scorers, hitting at a 28.1 clip. Stanford'• Don Griffin is second at 21.2 and Cal's great sophomore Jackie Ridgle is third at 17.6. Wooden aaid of Washington : "Tex Winter has surprised everyone with a ball-control type of offense which ii enabling Washington to be one of the naUon's leaders in defense. 'l'J'berefore, we had better be ready to · combat a stall or an exaggerated ball control or whatever they call thiJ style of offense." Neither ·USC nor UCLA overlooks Marv Harshman's Washington State club. With Ted Wierman playing to his full potential and quick guards Mike Gomez and Rick Erickson setting plays, WSU haa: bee.n tough all season and, like Washington. stands 11-6. Oregon, still looking for its fint COD• ference victory, returns to action after a week's rest. Coach Steve Belko bold! off on naming bis starting lineup. In the last three games, the most consistent for the Due.ks have been sophomores Stan Love and Larry Holli· day and senior Rick Abrahamson. ()./.,,Bills Miles Apart In Contract Discusswns BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP) -Ralph .C. Wilson · Jr., owner of the Buffal" BilJJ of the American Football League, .saJd 'Ibursday that after siJ. hours of talks with represeniatives of O.J. Simpson the two sides were miles apart in their contract talks. Simpson has been quoted as saying he is seeking a combination bonus and contract in the neighborhood of $600,000. Wilson said be met With Chuck Barnes of Sports Headliners Inc. and his at· tomey, David Lockton 1n Detroit Thurs- day and that all ramifications of a possible agreement with Simpson were discusied. Foster Top Figlltn . NEW YORK -Bob Foster, the llgbl heavyweight champion who o~ quit the ring because he couldn't get fig~, was hailed today as Fighter of the Year for 1968 by the ·BoJ.lng Writers Association. The towering, SO-year~ld box:er fl'om Washington, D.C., manager Ange I o Dundee and publicist John F. X. Condon of t:lew York, will · be honored at the BWA's llth annual dinner Aprll 12. K ings Lose, 4·2 LOS ANGELES -'Ibe Montreal Cana· dlens were looking for something on wlilch to take out their frustratiOO - and the Los-Angeles Kings just happened to be in the way. The Cansdiens, stunned and lnturtated by their Wednesday night 5-1 106! to Oakland, stormed into the Forum Thur&- day night and, in Jess than 14 mlnules, piled up all I he goals they needed lo defeat the Kings 4-2. Loub BOROred BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -Joe Louis, who went from a cotton farm on Buckalew Mountain to 'the top of the boxing world, was one of the early arrivals 'Ibursday for lhe biggest gl!lberlng ol sporll flgur<.1 in Alabama's history. The former heavyweight bo:dng cham. pion·ls one of'eighl people to be li1ducteij as charter members of t h e Alabama SPorl.s Hall of Fame Friday night. The other seven all made ·their marks on the gridiron. They are Johnny Mack Brown, Mike Donahue, Paul ''Bear'' Bry.ant, J.i.mmY EDtchcock, Don Hutson, Ralph "Shug" Jordan and F r an k Thorrias. Raring Sult Filed LOS ANGELES -Atty. Gen. 'Thomas C. Lynch has filed suit to halt the City of Inglewood from placiJig an initiative on the April 1 ballot that wouJd prevent night harness racing a t Hollywood Park. Lynch, filing the suit Thursday on behalf of the California Horse Radng Board, seeks to halt the Inglewood City Council and other backers of the pr~ posed law wbo are trying to prohibit events after 8 p.m. "at all race tracks, stadiums, arenas, theaters aod amuse. ment halls or places designed to .attract crowds of, or with a seating capacity of, 20,000." Ru stlers Top Roadrunners; Pirates Buried Golden West College outscored Rio\ Hondo, 28-21, while perennial Eastern Conference champion San Bernardino' flattened Orange Coasl College, .U, In Thursday night wrestling action. Golden West overcame two forfeits in the lower weight dim.ions: to down the Roadrunners in hostilities at GWC. GWC gym. Golni Into loOlght's llnal free skating In palls, the U.S. learn• ol Kenneth Shelly ll1d JoJo Starbuck of Los Ange- Jeo and Mark ll1d Mtllsso Mllitano of Long !Jland, N.Y., rant second and third with 7U and ro.7 polnl.s. Behan: Vince's New Golden Boy? And lhe Invading Tribe from San Berdoo scarcely flexed a muscle in mop- ping up the mats witb the Pirates. San Berdoo is well on its way to a 12th al:algbt circuit championship. · ..... •• caJ ct11 •11 ....... llS-Wllllt ~rdl lllHl -by fotfllt t1J.-.Ctn ~klnleY {llH) WOn h ""1tll West Set to Play LOS ANGELES -Jerry Wiii. J>">' behly the mOlll Injury-prone ..,.,,, In the Nallonal Basketball Aslodatlon. ...i: .. -of his lllllfl1 coinobackl imJshl when the Los Angelel Lakm bolt Pbllodelphla. J'oor ,.,,,.. ago, the ll-fool4 aJl.p'o Wll olde1lned with a pulled hamslring .-le. The Latm maruigtd ,to: oplll the ·lour -Including a Uf.107 Jou IO Seallle the Jut time 0t1~ "" .,"" _______ ....... , .. ~ WASHINGTON (AP ) -Vince Lorn· bard!, choleil to lead Wash!ngtmi out of the dark ages In football, Is looking al Hellnion Trophy husl Gary Beban as the new·golaeo boy for the Redskins' n vJVal' ' ~ marched into the naUoo's capllil 'lbunday to lite comnland ol the Redstln1 a/ttr a decade of un-'"""'"'tod greatneu al Gr..,. Bay and made 'Beban the locUs of his very first JllOVe, Callfl1g for complete movies of Beban's J>i13 u a rollout quarWback for UCLA, Lombardi promised • long off.,.ason study to decide where to use Beban -wltb the strong possiblllly of tumlng him into a runner. 'nle movies Invoked J · m m e d I a t e memories of 10 years ago when Lom· bard! arrived In G,...n Bay and took another Reisman Trophy quarterback off the bench to make him one of football's most celebrated ball carriers the Golden Boy -Paul Hornung. Behan, Unl.mJressJve in his bri ef trial as a rookie pro quarterback last year, scored more touchdowns as a runner at UCLA than he did by passing. Lombardi stressed lhe need for • -=--=---=----. strong running attack and said, "The running game is wh>t football Is all aboul The more you run, the more hardll08ed you are." The Redskins were dead last in nmning yardage in the National Football League last ran. · Lombardi, who has never coached a loser In hia lifetime, 11 taking over A team that hasn't had ~ wlnnlng season since 1955. "Washington ts the world's capital," Lombardi said. "And we have plans to make it the football ,capital." But at one point he laughed and said, ' .- ••Despite what you may think, I can't walk acrosa tbe Potomac -even when it's frozen." Perhaps no COlch Jn football history bu been watched as closely as Loinbardt will be nert season ti> 1tt if the man can match the myth. His retirement from coachlng after his second Super -I success luted just one year and four days. "I mad e a great m1s\Ue giving up coaching, 11 the mU~ relenUess Lam-- bard! conceded Thurldlj'. •,-,,_ . .,.~I Hflrfll tGWCI '9c. loD 'nemi UtHll U -....bl.Ill Merit (GWC) p"'"'"'9d Joe Alvlrdt lll:Mh l:tt 1*-lloll Gielltlc IOWCI ,.......... Art fl•N Cll:H)r 7iOI · ID-Bllf OlvW-(OWC) -by tor'*lt t~ldl ll:llodt lllHI ftlc. AMICI! V•I""-(GWC)I ... . 11e~ Mtvt""" (GWCI -bV forfllll "-lctl Dll*IYt (GW() -.,_ forftolt lfl-8tllllll i1Vlfflrt.y lllHJ 0.C. lrvc. G,.... 1owc1, '" H..-,...Ml-• P,_ton (llH) ltl'""9d Mb JOl'9 CGWC-h I:• ltfl '-Nlllt lUI 111 Of ..... e...f 115-Ed ~ lllVC> -. M•rk OW1stltl\j t4"t ID-l"tllK V.111ft (SIVCJ dee, Allen J-. J)l.I; 1--...... •O... ftlVCI ,.._. ... Lnit; 1:11 121.-.:.v1r1 tdlUDltt fllVCI f9c, 1111 W.tw, 1.e 14-4111 Ell• (SIVC) 61C. .1o9 lllflllll. 74 1U-lllt11 $OOn IJIVCJ -.C. Hll"ltd L-.11. 1M '*-''"' Dlldliw tSIVCI ~ Tonv HOrPll. ·-· 141-Enwff llltlltl ISIVCI Ok. M1 rt: SIOdr.ton. N !71-flVC -bV folftll '1-ftotll; l.tlft lllVCJ plfWIW lton Grll'lteld, S:lt HV'f-9111 f'flllllpt (ll VC) ~ Diii HHlla,._ si -. I , • ' • • I I • • J • t I I t ' ' l I • , l I • l I ' l • r I I l ' l 1 • < ., • \ l I l ! , t I I •I •• • GLENN WHm Spo,ts Editor Sea Kings In Crucial · . . With' Loar~· By ROGIER CAJWION· °' .............. U the C or o n a del Mar Sea KiDi;s- are 1uccessful toolght in their Irvine League basketball showdown with Loara at the Se.A_ Kings' gym it will mean a lot more thao simply the -'atrollbl victory in 1-. tcliOl)·lor c.na.. Mrre lmponaDt, ~ wW ~ -coach Bill Bil!om'• dlapt ot a tlllrd .. straight berth in the preatlgo111 CIF. playdfs. Game time is 8 o'clock. Frr U the Corooans can get by the rugged Samoa a will mean a two-came 1 buJie on them and Magnolia (amunlng the latte is victorious qainlt lllllier<log Fountain Valley tonight) with only four , games left on the loop agenda. TheSeaKingswouldt~nMr~uired ·to do no more than split the remaining four league game.s to assure a tie· fOr the tWe. !____. Coach Virgil Webb of Loara hu th1I • to say concerning the titanic: ' "We'll have to beat them now if we're going to be in the title picture. If we lose l think Corona wW go the rtst . of the way undefeated. "Yes, it's the ~·game of .. the year for us. Baalc.py we play the llllD8 atyle of play, bu! Comla has louP!f tlds defensively. ... · 4'[ thought we should haVe bea&llt them la!t time (the sUom lost 4MI); · Corona del Mar only committed JwO foul! in the le<ood hall and thsl ... the difference •. In an,. we m.se llvtil of oine free throwa. 111111 they bit II of 27." .. "'' Webb u.es his big (M) RsJpb . Ratington at forwanl bu! swlt®es l!lpl from the corner to the low post as the situation arises. Frank Passarella, a g.i, . ltar\ing forward. was bit when be INl1ined an ankle Injury aplml Costa -111111· la not ,.i ael to lllart. However; be la e.peded lo lei plenty of action a~ to Webb. Slated to deUme the SUons' IWdlnglon 1' Khn Wilbrecht ad Sleve·..Leoch ..,. cording lo B-. ' The Sea xi-. mentor llfeed with Webb's appniail 'ot the first CdM..Loara encounter and addedJ. "we were· lucky to beat them.•• ' Loara C-.'iloH!ar 14 Bristol C ~ W M R<dlnll<Jii , F ~ .. I 1-1 Boylel p ,,.., .... 1-1 M Nlcholaa G McWIDlaml H W f'nme1I G Wlae J.11 CM-Estancia Struggle Tops Cage Agenda ' A full slate ol prep basketball games are on tap tonight in the Sunset, Irvine, Crestview and Angelus leagues. Tipoff in each case is 8 o'clock with Costa Mesa invading Estancia featured In the Irvine circu.iL _ • Also, Fountain Valley ls .at Mignolia aod Corona de! Mar -Loara. Sunset hostilities feature Santa Ana Valley at Marina , Santa Ana at Newport Harbor and Western at W..tminlter along with the Huntington Bea<b- Anahelm affair at the f o r·m er' 1 hardwoods. , nu-te games involving Orange 'Coast area teams are slated in the Crestview League. Those are Foolhlll at MJsslcin Viejo, Villa Park al Lagwia Beach and San Clemente at E1 ModenL And Mattt Dei ot the Anplu1 League plays boot to leagu .. leading St. Ant!Jooy: Costa Meta will be aeeting to avenge an earlier aetback at the bands ol Esta& cla in Ila -00 rouod match: Coach Bill Wea.l's Eagles handed M... a 5M4 Joss lo open loop action. Fountain Valley'• faint chances for a secood Place IJnlJh In lnlne .-i!Uet hinge Oil the Mqnolla club. With a ~ mark, anolher Jou would end any chancell for coacb John Kisler'• ...... 1be J!arons loot their lint -looP-A111nnJnc favond Footblll will defeat Mbslon Viejo, the San Clemente Trtlonl must win at El Modena to remain • game behind the league.leading Knights. VWa Park, also In -plaoe al<q with San Clemeate ln the Qoeslvlew League, Ja a heavy favorite to do 1n host .Lacuna Beach. The Spartans cahed In with a SHI win over ~ In tint .....,.. action. Newporl H>rbor will be teyjng to make ll four In a row In SmlJel action with Its home qagement with Slllta Ana. The Sllnta were -ol Ovt that deall the Tan a ... In their o ... , .... -. strtnc lo tint round compeUllm. · ' -New Coach on Scene • • Max Miller (left) and prlncipal Frank Lopes check over Mesa High School football • gear Thursday as Miller 8tarts tbe ball rolling for bis first season as head coach of the ll!ustangs: He wai receqtly hired to replace. Neil Peek, wllo 'reoigned. B~I of Fame? Loy9la (3-12) A'lswn More Than ·Dean· Next Oppo.qent . . _,itJf Ma1·or League Pilots For Anteaters By EARL GIJ9TKEY MoYbe the -cm the• dlainorwl, playing f.r the Dodpn;' ~\ w1iat they used lo bt.·Rel-: Utll National. League otaodhtp. But tbO .man holdblC; the reins 11 •bou& u :capa}IJef lb evei'y . \ . .... way, as ~ hu kDOw(a. · Of 1119 D9Nr rift Si.ff he ls tied with Casey Stengel on tho Can an assistant city manager find all-time list. happiness coaching basketball? Walt bas a World Serles winninC' DI.ck Baker, the new coac_h at Loyola University, has a young, big club with percenta£' of 67, third behind Joe, long rao1e pc>SJlblUtiea. But right now, McCarthy (76 percent} and Stengel (~ the outlook ii a:rtm at best. pen:ent). llli 'tUin: la ;a.ii 8"d by -tllo .lime Onl J hn McG aod St I h the"1.Jonrtake on UCMn their 1,a.:seat y o raw -enge , eac gym 'rueoda!( Dlgbt they lhould be·S.lt. wl\b 101 and McCakloy and C<ionle Mick Loyola lrm!ls to tbe Bar, Area lhla wUb niae, have won mote pehnants than w'edJnd: to.play 81'.ota'Clarii.an.t USF. AJa:too. who ,has won sis. Miller Huggins When John Arndt relinqubhed the allo won BU nags. • coachiu reins at Loyola last year and turlle91ihem over to Baker -wilo bad -:.onty Leo Durocher, among active been ·aniltl.Ot ctty. manager of RedOndo mnagen, bas more total years of Beacll_foi' three years -he didn't uacUf , ~ce tJian Walton. lm'ocber bu ~leave ~ a,pO;vvhoute. managed for 19 years, ·Al!ton 15. !Ibe ' ) Jrht)int seven players of last season's lbout tied with tbe late · · Dodger -d of 11 years was set by lH club were craduated. Only one cl , · ,.. 'D.l.I...... Baker'• ,i.,n, Jack CulTan., •'8 oa Walter ElllmOlll (S~) .Alallla, IJ seasons lf1el' be WU lllcned by tht Dogers u field manqer, ii, more than the dean , ot major league llllll&gera. He has moved amq 111o· all.time llllll&gerlal elite. u SmoUy-·t mW tbe Hall o! ·r-w.n ..., Ibey oupi to burn It down. No Smokey, IO let11 have fire. Alston 11 . ' Wilbert •rr,-•· last year's roster and he played onl7 • · "' U be ~ unW be ls 65, Alston four minutes a game. ******'"'"'"'*~* can move Into seventh place on the And you haven't heard all of Bfker'1 S ' I all.tlme'llol With ZS yean of service. woet. . ty es 'llle W!i teVeo now -Connie Mack, A . H sopboo)ott, Jlo!>b Mrrg~ bu . Jn S" 5S ,..,..; Jolm McGraw, 14; Bucky Har· mlued the leabi following back IUl'gef7 ' ports rls. 29;' BW McKechnle. IS ; Joe aod H GJ:eJ Young, a H •• bu ''''''"*' •••••• Mt'Cartl!ly, Jf, and, Jimmy Dykes, :t. undergone knee IW'lery. MAXWILL •ITltB Red Saoden wi>eo ~ ...... to inlroduct· tion to a new home-town audience by the wits and dlmwlla ot tht press. • When Smokey Wll signed on Nov. 21, 1953, a New Yort newspaper ...,. cl~: "Alston (Wlio'1 lie?) lo manage Dodgers." When BW Johna dug ap Sanden lo c:oad> UCLA footbeD, a ~ll·knowo Los Angelet columnllll Identified the new Bruin mentor merely u "a ma1e Caucasian." Welcom<, ,..Uemen. U'we'd a-tnowed you wuz comin' we'd have baked a cake. SmoRy has guided the Dodgen to Iii: peoftapfa and '(our world cbam- plomiifp1. lie has won m ot the eight pmea iD which be served u manqer ot the l(atimw League In the All-Star games. • kb' ID~ber Alston will.._ bit z.-.... in the Natlooal Leape. He -. the 11119 -Willi a wlnnlnl pertentage " .511 (1111 ..... 103I-). Alston'• IJ yem with ... club rm tevtntb ln bl""'f. ll1t peooao~wiDnln( _..,. hued ... number ot YW'I manqed, !. tO p«tent. II lhla cal<gory Below, the World Series winning percen.. But in ~ of ~ bibWation, Tbl tages of' McCarthy (70 perctnt), Stengel Llons have hid their momenta.' Down (70) and Alston (fl) come Connie Mack by one to California with 20 seconcla (I'/), M1J10r Huggins (IO) aod John lo go, Bater'• team lost by five II McGraw-(IS) Berkeley. An!l they,~ ,Arizona , State · and San Jose at hallllirii J>elrre 1..m,. *. * * ::!~""r p1.,~.:.·e1 at 11m11, but sel\IVl.I. or an e1au-.::: pme," Baker aaya. NOTF.'i· -Jack Nlctlaut made "'llle Cal game ls u.; lone exception." headlinet·tlle lmd way durtog the le<ood 1 · round ol the AndJ 'W1llWm tournament by four-P!Jlling ODe -· • • • Good Luck to 'rlmei automobile editor Bob Thomas, wtD bu just left h1I 10-year job to become publlc relatlool director !<8 the -mo\or tpeedway at Ontario. The tncl; will -Ila lnid-1970 • • • Thomas bu clut " . • Diet Smith has ....t.i -"1ted vl(:e.presldent ol martetllll 111111 coaummlcallona. Fore! Front and Center! Modern bueball11 Unt belt cmterflelden - both with bat and Pm -will compelA! In the thlnl· annual AinertcAA Alrllna Altrojet golf claJlllc Feb. lHI • • • They .,. Joe DIMa(glo, Mlcby Mantle and Willie Mays. llJke FrW.vlch. hiJnleK a-:. ._. back I« UCLA, aod I DO mean • tttr, Ml signed the Rama) Jack Snow to play a dramlUc role in "Marooned," The COhunbia Pict.ura film st.an' a._,. Peet, Richan! Cnnna aod David J-. lllk• llJht prod,-- Tonlgbt'1 Eastern CGef-buke~ bell cootett -.... Orange c.ut College and Rlvonlde ctty c.JJeae ...,. bebly won't be very lrllatlc, but tt flguret to be a great ii-tM ·-- Tlpolf Irr the ·-ID the 0ranae Cout gymnulwu will be I o'clock and the flrewcrb will tlarl'lmmedlatdy. "Neither team la buhlul 1bout-pu1Unf the{belr ap,• Aid ·Pll'ale'<oicll lob Welle! In wllat baa lo be -it ·tbe biggest --"the~. Last U .....00 !he Plra~ a 11Mt l:i.1on from the~ in ruvenlde. -then, Rlvenlde has obowD IJll<k<d lmJrovemoal.. ..... Jiu. ---- I .. ... Ski Conditi()ns ·Ch~e: ~:· B·ut Rated Good Now .. • - Local •lrl\111·--·ba•• pmide4 lul c:baqet thil -Rllhl .... they are peenl1y rated "pod," but that varlet wltliln each area and from ~ ~~ ol a new llocm and more snow, ill copld . tum "~ery .......t" to nexcelletrt.'' f.:..t .U ao the gvvu ' "'!'., " I 5ld .Tow 111111 IJlt Operalora' -reprrtlna numtier will announce the coo- dlUoQI at (Ill) AT l-1'11L Ski tbot>t .... 1et late reporta. 'llle weather· bu been cold ·enough to allow IDOWl'iiak:lng, 'wblcb muna a coating of powder may be dropped each ~tat areaa..tth.......wlna·lacilltles for added 1ki pleuure. 1 ' 'lbe.e Jncfude · Snow S u m m I t • Mooorldge, and Rebel Ridge In the Bil Bear area, Snow Valley In ,the Runninl Esther Billing$ AlitAA••••••••• Spring• area, aod Holiday IDll at Bii Pines near Wrigbtwood. Rebel Rldp Can cover lt1 whole hill with """" and Is operaUn1 dally with full coverage. Snow Summit, with • larger hlll, can cover Its slopes from the mld..taUon down. ' '.l1ie area ls operating dally with Digbl slt:ilng featured Wednesday and Saturday • Upper llopea are stUl c:Ovtred, .but· con- ditiont te:nd to the "hardpact" side. · Snow· Valley coven the area under Its many rope tows with nightly powder. Upper 1lope cilodl--alao are·.., the bardpack aide, whldl i. 1J1UI for Miera who teod lo dll in their lkl llpt. Tbt barrel stave club faces wW be held there SUoday. · I tried tht.bardpaclt-loopowder at Tablt Moontaln 1111 weektod, 1lflldni• I bad sbarpeoad m'/ .edpo beforebaod. II wu fun. though. and mninded me ot when I lint atarted 1k11ns aod dldn't like powder on anythlnf. Hanlp&!:I: wu great! Turnl were ao easy. The stuff can't be haodled with dUll edgf!s, however, which ii the nifstike ..... 1tlen mate ln •tlinf It. . Gel a file and have a ak1 repairman demoutrate lharpeninc, t e c. h n I q u • . Therulter you can do II younell u necessary. . . Table wu host to hundreds of skiers Sunday, .aome for the open ~ for ski 1hop personnel and other suestl1 some anowploY • llN riding tobosgw on the special nm1 f(I' UllJ sport. Tbe ati('featuru an excellent Poma lift plaa lllallJ' iwe' tows aod. prldet lllell .. being \ llmily recre&Uon area. Tbert la a ....., enlarged •armlnl I Gauch~ Play I > 2 in Sn~ Diego Saddleblclt ~ge'• basketball l<~m wlodl ap a ~.week ,of action with a pair games iG .,.., road 'thla w .. keod in the San Dleio\arq. 'llle Gauchol~ .. IJ on the ......, take on the c=· rr..h tonlg!>t at I In the . Qty a • d thri rttum IOUth Saturd.Y, ht for a same with San Dingo Mesa:COllege. The two weeller.id game. wtn wind up a beetle """"'" ltretch ot five sames,. four in the Jut ftve daya:. + IAMKA•ACKJCOl .. lflllll'ftcs . .J " " . &:rw n· ia u m ll ..... y UWttr'IC"I lf M 41 2lt iS'fi' fl ' F. 1 '.tt 8:1:-' 1:21 • , - _, Allan Roblnloo, Wilo 'WU ~ from tbe Gold., Wm eonecebaiii~ team earlier thll week, bu been.teltwiil : 1o the l'luttlen• oluad' by cotdi• 'DI"'. ' Stricklin 111111• wm • be In unllorm ""'lslll · ·when the Huntington &acli 1Cbq1!1 travela to Rio lfoodo Colltp' lar lia a.o'clock Eutern Conference pme. ' Stricklin tmued tht --leadln, to RobllllOl!'I .u.peoaiap Moadfli' -·u.a misundentandin& ~ tlie two of UI." . ' ' ' c:' n.e Rustlers' other rqu1ar : r.r..a and leedinl acorer, llrlaD Amllrolld1;1f tllll a doubtlul ptrllclpoDt t.mg!>t. •• Ambrnclcb ncelved an· ~ gradt ln one claa"aod aa o! thil;_,,q . still hadn't taken a makeup ftnal ex':' aritl .. tton. 'Until be taltu aod ....... the exam, .Ambrozlch ls tcbol.olllcolit lneDglble. ' · ' : .. Golden West (H) ltlll thami -pla<e ·In the CUJfereoce lllndl)lp wftli Chaffey detplle a f.1r<>.game loilli1f'- Rlo ; lfoodo. whldt trimmed ' I),• Rustl..,, 1?.al, In the f1nl """"' ., play, curreou, ta in eJcbth plice wll!i .... rlcord. ' "'· ·•· ..... ·-._ ........ .... 'ft .. 1'11111 .. ,,,. ... ,, n • • a 111 •·• Tf II a W.. ~alfiil :' :. :·, ! 11 n ·11 1 ' '· . . ' • . .. -· • • •• ~ " I I ' Ja DAILY Pn.OT Frf4oy, Fo~ 7, 196' I •· I ,, • Start -~ea Pl'ep ~ -· • .. ,. ,• .. "'"•I' by beke Your Engines! Houlgate ' ' ;t Tht lille of the article In Hol Rod Magulne rud: "A. · f. In Ille Aftornooo." ·~ ::. U you were a hip auto r•cinJ fan, you wouldn't have • \0 read the a.rtkle, because I.he title would tell you all you coold posoibly learn about Anthony Jooeph Foyt, Jr. H )'OU know nothing about the wcrld's most suctessful race drivtr but something about bullfi&bters, you would IUddlolf have an hlsigbt into the Foyt person. • Like the spangled, dark.eyed men who stalk tons of horned. io~ in the muscJHnd-bone prose ol ·:&me,t llemingwr.y •. '.:)\oy1 II a ll}lOClal kind <i beto. , • • , Foyt 1W th< comi>ettllve lmlinct or a1 Roiitan ctadlitor, · ltlll or be killed, and lives by a code of honor just as ·rigid. He is adottd by fans and rl!ispected by his competltor1, .l>ul only his !amilY could love him. ' ! : · He's so we~ 't th y that it be teilied now+1 ··t the Q. of 34, nobody named Foyt would have to work for generations. Perhaps he is as th~y say, a millionaire. • Foyt does not retire bec8UR, In his simple life plan, ·he ls a race driver, and he doesn't know or care to know ;.about 8DJ other form of employment. ·--: .. -'nlJJ ls not to say money bu no place in the Foyt jd:ieme of things. A. J. drives the harden bar1alns of any •clrivtr alive. Legend has it that he once ,raved h1I ann ".W: tbt grandstand and told the race. tract owner, "J'll take ."all the t 1 ct et s from this part over here, and you can ~ave I" _..._ .___ .... ___ It ... twoia,. ...... u\llU wc.n:: over. . Wrestling Summaries VA•llTY SM C.._.. lllll (ttl """'Ill O'~ ~SC) 111"'* MIJI'~ 1,_~-CICI ti..:. 141"' l,-Hll 11._..ll IP'HI .,IMM Wllkl'*"' CSC>1 .11:• J~t L, (l"H) det. tlNMit llC:ll ',~ ....... ) tff, a. tl"HI .,!Mtd V•,..:ta!WI -1 l :M lJl.-«OMrlh . IFH)/ l :S) tfer (K l 'IMttl Jtrf'ftle 1•1-H.,llttMhu fSC J .. tMe>CI Ttv!or (FH)I lilt , I~:--1 IS.Cl lllnntll ltdl (~f,~ CSC:) CIK. Mll1mottr (~1r;i1':"' (FH) p!Melt, lr1W111 l~r 1sc1 won w flwftlt (~/~ "'"' p[Mftl ...... I ' • A'JOIO J>1!P C1IT 'M!EN SttOOrlHG flOM WET TUIF To 111¥0id diagil'lg ll'lto th•_ .-n<i wheii pleylnfoKIOfty loh....,,., ploy tho Mii ollohlly fa(thtt forward than f'Offllef i" your 1tenc•·(•• 111wt.ftllh1n). Thentryto"f•wl aut•tho bott• of yoorawlna ore. • INt.eod of c:utting dawn on the ball ond then through tho ball and th• through the turf, • on ononnal itGn lhot, 1wrelubhl0d • 1hot1 fNM wet tvff 1hou ttf ·-tho lioll elf tho -• 11,_ ftndltoll <lllllcultto-- t•r, 1~ ... J>hgltty ... ywr grip. ly dtolilai ~ ...... .... c!W', )'OU will h••• I• cfub- s()olt l>otw!'"ft .,_...,. """ tho boll. Thus,,-wtll '-•leas> lllc:ely to cut iMo tllo hlrf •. • e ,,., ..,,_ .... -...- Are• Golf Wr.p ' Sports Cawridar Ttd1y Satan111 Ba1ketball -toara at Butetblll -Rlo Homkl 1t Corona del Mar, C01ta Mesa Or1op Cout, Saddiebl<k 1t 1t Eitancl1, Fountall> Vllky Sao Dlqo Meu (both al I), at M1gnolla, Anaheim at Hu. Teals -UCl at AJl.UC llJll(on Beach, SA VaDey at Tournament 11 Dovla. · Muina, Saota Ana 11 Newport W-J -Eltanda 1t Harbor Holtrille ToamamenL , SL Anlhooy 11 M1tor SwlinmlltJ • _ Sao Dlefo DeJ, San Clemente al El St.I.le at UCI (l) . Modena, Western at------'------ Weslmlru!tt, FoothlD 1 t Mlaalon Viejo, V!Ua Pork 1! Laguna Boaell, Riverside at Oran1e Coast, Golden Wat at Rio Hondo, Saddlebaci: at ,Cal Western Frosh (all II I). There's Only One DAILY PILOT Bee Cage Summaries OUR CURRENT ANNUAL RATE OF 5% EARNS 5.13% WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY & HELD '1 YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT FOR '(OUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT e INS\JIANCl TO $11.000 .• rtolllALLT CHARTERED ).ND SUPERVISED e WI PAY IAlNIN9S ON YOUl FUNDS. FROM DATf RECEIVED YO DATE OF 'WlTHD""VfAL. e FUNDS RECllVID ON OR IEFORE THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH IAlN FROht THE IST e SAVf.I Y·MAU,. WE PAY POSJA6E IOTH WAYS. A CONVIHllNT WAY YO SAVE. •' ..,..~-···~-llMl ... :tYPll!ITDMCOffT'llACT SOUTHERN FED ER AL SAVINGS ·. Yet Foyt comes to r~ce, not to haggle. In another st.Ory · .urlbuted to Foyt, he was forced in a minor race to qualify ""cin a rain sllckened dirt tract. Later, when the track dried, ,pt!ler drivers beat his lime and knocked him completely GUt d the race. A • ,, MIMOMCa-...... -.&U. ...... CIUNll.!l TMfANA....,,.,.11151Wlltln~ round·.the Green~1 !:_:_:·:-:~:'"":"'."': .. -=: .. _=:_::·"'·=·,.,~~=-:!.-. • indl so Wuriattd Foyt that he paid the Jut man who ~ for the race $100 for hiJ ride, then drove through :P.. entire field to win. ·~ He's been called unpredictable, explosive, ill tempered , _.unply lm.pGSSibe tlo work for. But he's only the best, and : no man wbo has raced against him wouJd say that Foyt .b: not an honorable competitor. 'lb1I 11 to report that Foyt hu acquired a new 1t1ture. nie be wolf of racing. whose concentraUcn on winnins: had _..., erued all other tboalhta from h!a mind, haa become 1:::cme of the unsung heroes in the movement to uplift bll 9«t· sport. . ' ~-He etarted the process a year qo with a aimpJe statement 411 Ille VSAC champioo!hip trail wun't payinf ellOllgh prile 'l#IDeY. .. With the cost of machinery whit it Is today, there's M way to make it on prize money any mort," Foyt said. :.~re going to have to do aomethtng about it." • '.::: WAC acted lul moolb oo Foyt's suggeotlon. The mlnimmn ... ~ for 1969 has been rai!ed to $25,000. Three races were "..iiqiped from lhe ICbedule, but a ltrollger _.,. emeried. :~:. Foyt'1 no philanthropill, and be '""'' the only owner ~;IJr driver tO complain ' about prize money, but his words ·-ilrew the mO&t attention. That is to sa.y, when Foyt speat.s '. lbese d'1!, everybody n.tem. ~~·~; IDcJder?D.7, ll you want to watch A. J. win at Indianapolls. ..... ,.ut . pWis lot 1910. Hil record bears GUt the !1ct 'lriat be coDecta the big prize every three yeara -llCl, ;'.?M and 1967. :''. Don't wcny tbat he will retire before then. Foyt'a nen .:iq .,.i In auto racing is ·lo become tbe lint 111111 in hiotory ':lo win bla !our1h lndlanapolls lOO. He'll keep· rlcinc till be does. What comes after, A. J.? ••1 recton, r.u be very bappy to win It a fifth lime." ..... I Hanliy Referenee Gultle -· "".'.' We 1 try to keep plup to a~ minimum, . but something ruched our DQUce a ,.., 'days .,. that m1y be or special .:tnterett to 8uto rac.iiig rans. Automotive Jndustrtes, a trade : "'18&1itne you can't buy on the new~nd1, bu publllhed ~"' speclal edllion covering eyery major event ol. the 19M --· ...... It'• not cheap ($.1.50), and Jt's hard to 1et your hands :&. but worth the effort il you like to acquire reference ~ Contents include results of all races on meet or -4be warld'a major circuits. · ftey are Formula 1, world mmufactann cup, NASCAR tlnnd Nattooal, USAC champ trail, SCCA Trans-American '.i.dm, U.S. Ro.ad Racing Cin:ult and can1dlan-Amerlcan OWleDg! Cup. Detailed accounts are h1cluded of theie major races -IDdianapolis 500, Daytona 500, U.S. Grand Prix, DAytona :uBo<r and Sebring 12-Hour. U ,yoo · want. a copy of this ~page book1et, write to :·,Baroid M. Nelson, Racina: Editor, Automotive Indwtrles, Chestnut «and lelb Sis., Philadelphia, PL 19139. Breelllo1'e W .. laeli Out .. "" • A few weeks ago Craig BreecDove WIS the;, toast of the 'Speed world, on his way to Bonneville to set new recordl ~ an unlikely asaortnieot ol American Motors encmes Ind an ea1tlnr new coocepl in land speed record csr dellfll. . Breedlove was happy, u happy u he had ever beelb beca ... be ..... challenged by the speed bq again. 'lbI_s 1Vee.k he's back where, he started. Broke, wil.h no Immediate prospects for a return to Bonneville. 'lbe records he sought are sUll on the boob, due .to .raina that p re v en t e d blm from ming the Utah lllt nats lul November. His shop in Torrance', Calli., ta In ruins. ~twas buried in three feet or mud durin1 the recent rainstorm. · Among the casuaJties were dies v a I u e d at S8$,000 and hro experimental AMX land speed record cars. He even lost ja color TV set and a washing machine. Whatever assets ftmaln from the ravages of the storm are beint contested lo court by two former wives. , • Relations betweeq. Beedlove and the most recent LSR sponsor, :-&nflicao Moto<a, are !<mpcrarlly atraiped' due fO a dlaasre<- 111111! °"'the-ol bil B«meville ....,...,. • So·whal'1 lhe downtrodden Breedl09e doln1 lhta •eet! : He's starring on the auto sbow circuit and negotiating to buy -IJl\Ollg other thinp -lbe dragstrlp at Puyallup, :Wllh. • Qreedlove bu boen don before, and he'D bounce blck. CUP. Ir SAYE • RAD'S T.Y. • 2816 E. Coal Hl-w;I .. Corona def ,._ • 67S.2 12 • • s2so OFF ' 1 • -WITH THl$-COUl'ON • • ON ANY T.V. SERVICE CALL .--• ~ ••• .. I .hmlw "'"lty Jl .. "'1 Htrhr J::I Ulll Mlrl111 2-4,._lrwln !Ml . HlllthlftSO!I CMH)I ._l~INlleY (Ml dk. JOh n_,, CHHll llJ.....GlrWr IMI cite. Afld9flO!I tHH)I .. . .j23-llClt IMI dtc. Wood (MHll (~~· Cl•lf' INHl cite. Otsli .. l :rerit (M) pl..,t<I Evtnt {NH )I (J~R:ll Ill~ CM) o.e. l lue,,... I r llf IHHI dee. GerO•rl111 ( .. , j i-P1rktr !NH) cite, Smert CM)1 lfl~nt IHl1J Cite. Fl11tlll'ton 1H.!iot!Mfrlburttr {MHJ Cite. B~h¥11' <Mj"• ~ +-StMtffr (NH) clec ••••• (Mll HV~thlY IHHl wen bf fll"91t lr1'hle c ... t slulht( Saturd1y Ill<! ..... I;;;; Clwlea Hesler' WU 00 the IJrst lltd -place -Saturday in-1 men'• c\ub ~t- ier ball <i parlDorf evul. · Huter teamed up with Georre Holltilln f«, 1Jrst place wllb a net M and wllh Walker Smith Jr. !<r I 115. Management 11 Irvine C-0ut is inllalllq a ..,. progam on Wedneaday1 and l'lrldays. A priM ·ol llO credit lot& to the (Oller .wlto ,.., tllo furthest wllb f11r lltd ,hall of. bil: handicap. . lndlvidualJ, howtver, In' order to win mllll flntall the II holes In four boun « lea . The tlmt. and dlllanct tourney ta fer men on Wed- nesdays and ladies on Fridays. Huntington Beach The annual breatfa sl tourney ls ut Sundly with breatlast aettlna: under way at 8 and tee off at 9:30. Partners will be selected during the breakfast for the inen'1 club event. Ranelao SI Bud Wri&ht and G e n e McOon1ld lied !or !!rot S1tur· day In krw net action for the men's club with 6511. Followina that pair were Robert Lopa at M, Orrin Wright at 67 and a three-way tie at 68. ne Jrio at A consisted of Art Brownell, Gordon Jmler and Gerald Miller. The men's club will be in- volved in a 36-hole select partner'1 bat ball event llnlllDI lhe lollowlnc Satmdly. s-u.·An. Gene Fuon of Newport Beach was an elriy winner In .lhe flnl 'round maid! al the f1fth anmll1 I e D I 0 r • tounrey with a two ud one victory over Jerry Rliclile In !be 70 Ind ..... fillhl. COmpetitJoa cobUnues in lhreempta. the· Women 's clu b Pre~Jdent 's Cup cham- ,plGolllJpl began Tuead17 Mier belq' dtlayed by Inclement WNtber. The Sunday SCGA twn c1ptalned by Jsck Wilder Ioli Ila !Int maid! 1t Arrowhead Country . t'tub in S a D Bernardino, ..... A ramaldl al Santa Ana ts alsted Sundsy. Santa An a' s Wednesday team captained by Fred Walker, lost at Palos Verdes, 31-17, two weeka ago. AUTO LEASING Al Makes {ex1mple) 1969 Thunderbird 4 dr. Landau lllt.24 ............ CORT FOX !WING 224 D· W. Co11t Hwy. Newport S.1ch, Calif. 642-8440 The Greatest New Cars Attract The Greatest Trades ! HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF TH E MANY THAT OUR GREAT NEW MAR K Ills, CONTINENTALS, MERCU RYS AND COUGARS HAVE A TTRACTEO. '6' Cant. 4-Dr. Std. S1x1ny Y•llow ••terlor wllh told ltl..,lor', •ufollnwl lc tr•11•t11llslon, rllllllle, fll<IW, 1ir concltlltnlf'tll, twit flll-· •'-ln9. •rfk& ~ .. y 1NI, !ti! 1tterln1 ffflffl. SVlM, '67 Cont, 4-Dr. Sad. $3995 hlllllhll (lllWI Grll!ll 11111111 Will! •fffl Midi: lfltwlw, lrWldeu IW!, ._Ip 91111 •II the luxury ctr 1,..i~tm., ... PS. Pl, ...... , -t. ,.,,,, ~M. 1>1119. ''"'~ elr cond., pwr. Ooof" lldl.1, ek. Oftt ..-..... 1111, like ntw. l ll•nn. ol ntw e»r W1rr1nty. WATI04. '67 C...llMnt1I HT Cpe. $3895 A"'K""'9 •"'9c BOid llnlttl Wllfl mttcl'I. fNll'ltl' ll'l!wlw, ""9. mM., lllJt, •Ir anll1_ P_I , l"I, r"#, *-Y ltWf, -1. I•~ lttlll Nlftt. .. _, of MW ar w.rr•My, TJCT'9#. JOb.DSOD•SOD u•HLI tlmlEIJIL. 1111•· IEISllY •lllUI ""--""'"--•mA •••••••• J ,. [ Oied<these bN. bNtie sale µbes] ' full 4-ply $ 95 nylon cord AIWHt,,., .... Mmr ~ggc .,,.....;... .. -----·=--.. ,......., ... •Four •lrong n,.lon cord pU•• h.tp tN j SAFETY ..JET Nn COOi, protect agM1at ..... t o•roue blowouta • Flat 5-rtb treed design sits squef9fy on e. , road, Ma • firm grip tor all'IOOth starts, ... •lops . • ROUlld9d shoulder$ give you eonftdenl DOI'~ Mring and C\llW control 1 • Generar1 exclu&i"te rubber ~. Out.,.,,-, ;1¥19 long, troubi.-trM mlluge 111 nn. CllMOUT, Pt.YM91111. UWLEI, llUSTUC $1895 r.:r.:v •• ~· lins 7.7111" 7.751lS, tulle!•• ........ fll UICI,. DWlftlllLE. P'OINCo IOHE, llUCVIY, PlnlOVTI $2295 r:.~,,.. llrtt l.2'!1114. l .lS1IS, .• tulNllN~ fflCllTIUl.IOll(.-. fl.DSMmU. PONTIAC ..... k fl .. , $2495 """·"·"" •lznl .S51l4, I.SS• I~. "'"'"' ~litt.ftltlt rn EllCTll. U SAllE, 1"l.ICAT • ll'llOA, WIW~ -K $2 I 95 r:.f.:':;,F·" tit• l.1S115, l .OOrlS, '-••uM.-. "fl'lw *ttl ...,/W klal l!w. "64 p -11 tw IA'W SI ROTA'll! TIR!S FOR llAxlMUll llllEAGE Tire rotation ...,,.. *""' 'lrMCI ..., 9tld /.) --· ................... ,. .. /' , .• '" kif' C"'8. bNIMl. 1ftll1llW~ .. _ "· srl U8! OENl!llAl.'S CONVJNllMT AUTO.CHARG! PLAN COAST AVERY GENERAL GENERAL TIRE TIRE . SERVICE 585 W. 19111 St. 16941 leach 8Jvd . Costa Mesa -646·5033 Htg. leach -847·5850 ' • ' . . / Boat Display " . I • • 1\ Weel Slated More than 20 Orange County boat dealers will be displaying the latest in boating at Fashion Island in Newport Center be&innlni M O D d a 1 , Feb. 10. Following a succes.lful show .. Ing in the Southern Callfornia Boat Show at Los Ange)a. dealers will be moving their exhibits to Fashion ;Island for a full week's s bow in a . Admission is free. The show will abo feature booths by the United Stat~ Cont Guard AuDllary, \he United States Power Squadrons and the sea Scouta. All 51 merchants at Fashion island will be feoturllll special values during the Lincoln's birthday week with thousands ol ltams marked down In price tor the occasion. Boat dealen JlUl!clpating In the -~ it .P•ul 41l<n, Ardell Marini., C O•I D m'b i I Y1cbts, -~ Boata, LillY'• Holldily )ljrfne Sales, Owens Yacfltl, Pi:clflc Y1cht Sales, JICk Rlclwdson, W.D. Schock Co., Tr1n- Salls, Inc., Tn>Jon, Wayfarer· l&Wldor Yacht&, Ya c ~ti Royal< 1nd South Coast Yacht Co. 35 00 EA. PLUS 8.55115 FED. EX. TAX WHITE WAW 7.35 X 14 FIRESTONE W/W .DLX 4 FOR ggso . PLUS . FED •. EX. TAX 30°/o DISCOUNT ON GOODYEAR POI YGtAS f 'JR All CAR'i 1F A(1 B L(Mt ~lil IE 100% SAFEI A. Dlart••ltlc C•N1' T"' WID Sltow Yo11 Tiii .._. ~lfoo of Y-C.! Wtte:lri eft 'f'911' ~ dl1lt whilt WI th-I fJMlf Ctt I 10 'f'if•I foftft hi Se. C1llf.'t flnt F.,.I . Dl•f"tlk C.11~. Judt• YflN' ~ .... Mf•fy •114 .. ~-fw JMrtelf. .... -$ --' - ' ' ' .. .. I I . " " ' .. ,_ i t ~ I . . I .,.. ' " ' -• ''. -·-- l l , • • : ' • ' I • I : . • {, ' 1, 1' " ; !· • • j ' 'I : I I l I l -..... -· -____ . ___ ...... ___ _ -----------------------~ '\._ I • I r I ff DAILY PILOT New Sta•p Tbis Apollo 8 eommem- orative stamp will be issued May 5 in Hous- ton , Tex. Stamp shows view of earth as .seen by Apollo 8 astronauts as they emerged from behind moon. Moon (foreground) is gray, outer space is deep blue and world is blue and white. ' Friday, Frbruory 711969 t Up to $42,500 Congress .Okays • Nice Pay Hike WASHINGTON (AP) -The -Travel · eipenses for at congressiooal pay boost that least seven TOU.Od • tril)S per \ goes int'o effect nett week year back home, plllS t~ such will provide a $42,500 yearly trlpa,for dealgnated employ~ . IU I This is In a,idition \ t!) oqe salary to Capltol H aw-round lrip per session at a makers already comforted by cost of 20 cents per mile. extensive fringe benefits rang--Free malling privileges ing from liberal travel allow-for . !official correspondence. aocea to ,free haircuts for 'plus 'a' varying aJ..low~ ~~y frinoe benefit af· now $700 per year for -House -"O memben-...tor ait mail and fected by·the change are pen-specill delivery stamps. sions figured on length of service and a perce11tage of O'm.ER BENEF~ pay. , -Free telephone a1l$f tele- Since aaJariu .. are going . up graph ·service for Official. biJ&.. $12,SQO a year, pensions un-i-Which could nm· a.i hf.rh der 'the voluntary Civil Sav-;~'101000 words oi'ie1~ ice reUte'tnent plaJi aut'omat-<Jt cablegrams or almoit-300 ica1Jy go up, too. hours of lonJ-distaDC8 pbon- The HilUSe Rules Commit-ing per year. Th.ls is ' in ai:ldi- tee made certain Wednesday tion to unlhnlted long-di.st8nce that the pay· boosts, ttCOJD· service on leased government mended by a special • com· lines during limited hours on mission that ,suggested . big week-days and all da)'. _Sfttur· hikes for other top federal days, Sundays and holidays. officeholders, would take ef· -$3,600 a yeilr for office ex· feet Feb. 1'4 while Congr~ penses outside of ·Wa.shUigton Bm·glal~ is on a lo.day vacation. and free ·,office Space' or an-. J The Ru1es"Coinmittee killed nual rental allowance of $2,400 I a resolution that would. have per y6ar !hr tWo offices back Now Just forced a vote On whether the 'home' for' HOuse: ·•members. 41 percent raise shotf.ld be This varies for Senators. accepted. -Clerk h if ~, allowances B J k The committee tabled a veto h.ch f '-'ato and l•g 0 e W I Varj ·Or ""' rs proposal by vote of 12 to 3, representatives depeqdlng on acting a day after the Senate lh.e siz.e of the state or dis-· PTM'SBURGH CAP) killed a similar resolution, 47 trlct. · 'l1le average · House to st. The dual action cleared mbe may hlr II empi..V Burgl""' has becom.e alma.st me r e VJ. -J the way for the inCreases es and pay not mc:ire than one . a j<lt:e to Charley Launie. without further a~tion, of them $24,439 per ;ear:Sen- In the past three years 1ST PAY HlKE _ ators iU'e allowed more em· ~glars have r a n s a c k ed It is the ftnt pay hike for plQyes., Lawtle's diner 61 times. You · _;Membe.rs"may parUcipate members-of Congress smce a lh ·group ·rne ~ance-and name it, they've _stolen it : $7,500 boost-from .'22.500 \o health .programs Similar to milk, ice cream, butter, a ~,cm-was !ot~ ~ 1964. It many programs in priyat'e bag of pork c h o· p s, pickle IS the rrrst r&lSe in history on , business. niej' contribltte to kruves, bottle stoppers, ket-which there was not a dlfect the cqst of th~ prolfB.l!lll .. ties, baking pans, paper towels v~e, a departure made pos--~e are other benefits not and brass• knobs from the s1blebya 1967law. · spelled·out 1in · detail. These water faucets . Under curi:ent salary scale_!!, include world travel on offi· "They'll take anything that ~congressional pension ceil· cial business, free haircuts Isn't , fastened down," said mg has ~n $24?000 _after 32 for senators and cut rate hair- Launle. "They even swiped years service. Thia will go up cuts (75 cents) for repreJen- -• my Phone that was nailed to to $34,000 five years ·from now tatives. and subsidized test&u· ·' the wall with four-inch bolts." because of the new raise. rants for members' employes. ·E\l'ery window in t b e Congressmen are required to bed pay 7'h percent of their building has been smas at monthly pay if they join the one time or another, he said. "They've 1·irnmled the door, pension program. · Some of the other frmge crawled through the smoke benefits that add lo congres- vent in the roof and pounded sional comforts are: Cardinal, 82, Resigns Post the side of the diner with -A $.1,000 income tax de-a sledge hammer," he con--duction for living expenses. A COLOGNE, Germaqy (AP) tinued. "I'm waiting for them pending bill would raise this -Pope Pau1 Vl has ac- to start tunneling under the to $5,SOO. cepted the res;gnation of Ooor like moles." -A $.1,000 annual allowance Joseph Cardinal F r in g s , After ~ burglaries, Lannie intended. for purchases of sta-archbishop of C.Ologne, who said be offered a $100 reward. tionery in cutrate Capitol became 82 years old this "One fellow was caught. He stores. Members may CIJ:aw Week and ls nearly blind got ooe to one and a half this in cash and spend tt for despite operations to remove Years in the workhouse," he any N>~ or pocket it' cataracts. • said. 0 But when he came out,1-~-'r'--~'----'---·------------1 be rut me again." "It's gotten to the place where I'm ahnost too em- barrassed to phone t h e police," Launle said. 0 1 finally decided to call them once out of sis: burglaries." w h e n Launie opened the diner 22 ytars ago in the city's West End, lt remained open 24-hours-a-day, seven- d a y 1 • a-week. "Burglaries weren't heard of with someone he.re. a11 the time," said the owner. "Now we're only open from 7 a.m. until 4:30 p.m." he added. He said, grinning, "Every time I 1et robbed I raise the prices -but coffee's 1Ull lO cents a cup." E a c b day when he closes the d1ner, be loads everything moveable into the trunk of his car and takU the assort· ment home. There l.sn't much left in the dliier at night to steal, unless they cart off the blilldlng. "l guess I've started enough people in the restaurant bUBlnesa: without donating any more equipment," be said. Bill Aims At Men With Guns WARNER, N.H. (AP) -A New Hampshire state senator who says he has never owned a gun in bis lie bas introduced a bill calling for every able bodied New Hampshire man over 21 years of age to own a flreann. Sen. John Chandler Jr .. (R· Warner) said today: "You might say it's a coon· tenneuure to anticipated gun control legislation lhat might be introduced. "I'm not a member o( the NaUonal Rifle Association, I'm not a bunter, I've never owned 1 sun in my life," he said. .Qiand]tr, who traces his .nc..tori to lhe Colonial days In New Hampshire, said "In thole days every able bodied man liad a gun and it might , c:ome'tn bandy these days." lie ,said that if his bill , becomes law. he will have to l bai a -p. "beca""' I believe In Gbey1Da the law" and "becauie there's • penally of $l'°'la )he IMll" for no! havln1 a.11reann. The pan ts shoe by Ferde. Pale tan calfskin. On SUiit Shoes, Downtown Loni Beach, 5anll Anl, LI H1br1 Shot salon, 111 other sto1t1 Buffums LONG IEACH SANTA ANA rOMONA -- . • ;r. '\ 11i •• ' ·/· ~· t' ' .. ~ ~; ... ,,. • • Join the Slinksters in Celanese"' Arnel"' triacetate. • Discover the .come-slither glamour of the forties done in the fabric of the future. Explosive prints in the gentle~t colors drape. Flow. . . . Follow ev-ery cur.ve. By Short Stop; sl.zes 5. to 15. LAK!IOOD This week, we'll 11ve you a matchint 1cuf wh.n you Joia the Slin.k1t.1, C1lants11 ArMl1bl1C1llt1 .. MAlltlNA u ilP,ORT CHTU ·~ r -· LA HAllt' • • I I · .. · •A ' · 1 A Compfet e Gu i i~ .-' •••• Where ' •' ;, ' 4.0 Y e.ars of Movie Biz ~ ' . . • Still Stimulating, Says Energetic E B1 foHN VAi.TERZA Of ... Dtltr ,,.. _....., To .' J11111e1 Edwanls the Monterey 'llleal<r In Monterey Park -a IOOd bet for -a · lltUe night work, so bO borrow1cl' l400 .from hla father and tOot over the dormarit' movJe bouSe. .. He )>ocamO IU manAgar, operatlni the !heaW by nJ6t and working in a bank by day. . . . On TUesday, nearly 40 years later, the slight, brown haired, perronable movie fin will aee the marquee-light up in Newport Center and Uluminate &be largut ot his 15 movie llieaten. Ed.nrdl, who iJ modest about his role in movie theater operations in -. . . Southern Caillomla, his loved movies · · · • ''ever .;ri.-:. l can remembtt, and 'or · him leave ort to 1ee a mov.le. -~· ' "One ol main tor~ ia lo make late the movies are jlllt greater than the movie ter a e where be ever." ' • can . retU, tty a good film and not Silting ii> • ~lining ·1!!1• '1"11 ii' be kicked hl·lhe'blick·cir'hell' oomeoae the four-story-high auditorl.wp i·n 1 rnWlCbing popcOrn in bls ear," be 'said. Newport Beach, 1 workmen ICUMyhtg ·ObvloA•h; .......,.,,. of ... el-Lant , new about, Edwardo .reflecl!d bis \>llll900p)\y _, ,.. ·--.. ~ ol the theater l><Wness -ld~aa <rhlch Newport theater, Edwanls ' died .aome have made hia Edwards 'Ibeatrel ctrCuit of the inducements it hlr for the ctn- ol Southern Calif niJ • •·~ t aod firmed TV addlcto an art ·nook al lhe ::m successful 0 8 1 .... -.es head of the stairs to the projectlon "Our whole coal is to compete not room fiani:ed by an enclosed pllery; with ariother<chaln, but with lhe comfort a stairied glass mural ln brlgbt reds a man gets at home wh~e be has and earth tones and wallpapers and a color televls1on, a soft chair and room carpets sele¢ed by bis wile, Bea. to stretch his lep. He's comlortab1e, "She alway1 bas loved art and desigD- and you have lo scramble lo make Ing, and I eoold speak lo expert dtlllJIOn all cio1 'Ind DOI undenland a .thine, but-my _wife~ can. really. comm1mlcJ!!te what ahe wooJd like to' see in the . - Weekend Highlights theater/' l>e ~· The project wu one of love -and cm•eoience. 'l'be Edwardl'·are1oqti!De N...port reoldenll. They U'" oo' Nnj>ort bland, a <011venleot .~·lor·Eawri' 1eeond majCM"'outlc!t -P,..... ho<tlni. UCI CONCERT -The university orchestra of UCI will present ii concert in t.bfi Science Lecture Hall at UCI, 7601 Irvine Ave., Irvine, SaL, Feb 8, at 8030 p.m. Under the baton ol Peter Odegard the Ol<he!· tra will offer works by Schubert, Gatts, Bach and Schoenberg. There is no admilalon charge. ' He and two other ~If.di e~~Uves select the m o. vie fare shown in tlie theaters, and, Ec!warill ·s.td, the field of films for seleclion II Improving all the time. .--. ,.....,7, 1969 NLY PILOT ltl •••• ' -to · ·go • •• What do to . ... HORSE SHOW -The ann~ Natipual Horse show will be held Sal and &m., Feb a and I, in the newly enlarged arena complex at Rancho Calliornia ~ at I un. Sat. ,More than IOO horses and z,000 eiatrk. are eqlected.. ,Adml••tm ts free. Rancho California is "There waa a time;. uqt loo& qo, when the movie iDik~ crinted out what we call sbotpn ·picturis ·-you know a film that appeals to~· .,,,.t'1 nol true theee ~ay""aild 1he producers ll't lyrinf. lo lljieclOUle. They doo't do today what Henry Ford did in the early days : crank: out ears one after another, all ¥Ike." JAM i i EDWARDS ANTICIPAT!S OPENING OF HIS .NEWEST AND LARGEST MOVIE HOUSE $400 LHn Put ThMlor Oporahw on Poth to Ownonhlp of Southom Colllomlo Chain . '.in lllitln'&Y li5'00cimJ1e nOrlh ot;TC!lilecula. • , - JIMMY DEAN SHOW -.sfnger Jimmy Dean and pest atars, The Clinger Slaten and a ..,. pq><j qaartd, The Imperiall, ll't play- ing al MelQdylaod 'llleatre tmoup ·-Feb t. There will be. one performance liqpl me! two on Sal. and Sun. nighll. Dean'• llnt mfIDm.eeD1nc ~.-W•~ Biid .John," WU followed by aeveraJ olhee hlU ·-lhan "Flnl·'lbloa Every MorniJJI," "!Jllle Black Boot" and ''To A SleepiDg Beauty." .. , ' .... ' . -' " .. Meet Benr9' Gib.•~ . ' How Can Bad ·P~try I • . . . . . Produce GOod'·lines? HOLLYWOOD °tUPI) -Henri' Gibson ls the mild 1rnannered resident poet of .. Rowan an4 Martin's Laugh-In" who lmmorlalll<d 'ti llna: ' ''Manball McLuhan .. WUt Are Yeu Doln'?" ThOugh he Is called the Alabama poet, the stumpy slnger.eomedian-poet wu born and raised in the suburbs of Pbllade}pbia. Now he lives near Malibu beach -curiously spending much of hla free Um• paintlni the fence ll'Ound h1s house a variety of shades of bfue. "Jt'1 kUKl,of funky," HeN"Y aays. "Our luriiltur'e lo c:omhlriable but nol ezpen- aive. We don't .beline in ownin& any· thing . ., ~ tllat our heaN would break ~ we drOppecl and brol;e II-a· cept for the. c~. •• ' . ' ' .. During the .Jleady decline m movie attendance a few yean -ago, _coupled with the increaN In TV vlewin(, tho movie Industry lamented poor ~ But Edwanls now AJ1 be II tllrlDed wtlh tllO itew lnilu af pdr.na11o 'inovle theaters. · "It's quite a comeback,".be aaid. 1 The numhei' of 1eats in the Ne~ theater's auditorium can attest to the new stlrge in customers. "We origlnilly planned for more thin 1,400, but we decided to add aome space between aisles, ao now we have 1,250," he said, acaruilng. the 40-foot lllgb gold drapes on the aide ailles. . ''11le small. inUmate theaters that were in fashion are no longer the trend, and that includes the old downtown theaters with lhe baroque dtlipl and the 11111all parking loll. ''We sun operate my fast theater • . • the one in Monterey Part, and il'• been 39 years. . ' "'/eu know. now th.al ' I think about it I don1t 'tblU. ·1 ever paid my fathr.• ~ that !«ID loan." ' ' Bollpwood Back Stage McQueen: a Tame.d Rebel By VJCRNON·ICO'l'r H9LLYWOOD -Steve McQueen. the qulnleuentlal rebel af movle1 In the past decade, hu mellowed .to the point where h!S explosiveness ls no Jonger ahlolutely pced)Cllble. · He ls tame but not domesticated. An element of dan&er cllnp to the wiry blond actor who thrives. on racinj: motoreycles and Grand Pri:r can. McQueen Is a daredevil; phyaical man women adore and men are wary of croalng. Tbe reaaonlng ol both eexee II clear. Females never know U Steve will ravidl them ar be u genUe u a kitten. Men ·-,they'll noed orlhodon!la U the1 slip .... 1111 loeL Thfl .eccl1811enl 11 nspooaible fCM" lhe ' . . ' flCI the McQueen II the only luperslar to emerae from a tele-- villon lefies, "Wanted: Dear or Allve." Otberl have made Jt to lesser degrees. But not Mc- Queen atyle. With the lllcc'ell ol uBullltt' for hJa own Solar Prodoctlons -16 mllllon., pn>Jected II'"" l30 mllllon -11 Steve no Jonaer Is up· .._~ _ Ugbt. It•~• MdW~IW He nt, grinning, In hla trucl<<amper and toot no Often.e when 1 accused him ol ..run. oo1 ·1o the ..w.tllhmenl by playlni the Ilia in "Bullitt.°" espedally alter having hem·bulled ... -In hia youth. "I've· just never played a cop be· fore," Steve said. "Nobody seem1 to like a cop unW you need one. Tbete ire bad c:opa aod good ooea. And the good - are getting a bum rap." Steve's Solar Company and CBS have combined resource.. to 1ibn WllUam Faulkner's "The Reiven," • comed1 ol human nature McQueen II doing he- catl.!e be believes In the "meanln&ful black ind wblte relaUOlllh!p betweeo the two principal charactm." Bui like a racing cor In the pill, Steve Is revving his e~ amioul to &el-on with "Le Mans " a movie In wblcb he will atar as a P,and Jr.is driver. · .st.eve will be behind the wheel dlr· Ing death and taking ~ He relu!ed lo analy1e hia penchant for danger. Introspection• ia oot hia 1!4· When be turna .... ~ -I atop lo uk himself why. Illa wUe, writer Loil Green, sees nothlnl unusu&l in this, nor do tbeir- tbr'ee · olfepringo Johnny,-9; Charlie, 4; and James, f months. Th.,family lloml> 11 right on the beach wUh the ocun a few steps away through a sea wall. During the SU1lUDer' the family practically lives on the sweeping upanse ol 1811d. All but lillle ·James are ucellent ·swimmen. Between Us, She's Everything '"l'bis June we are lolna to Le ,Mans for a dry run, to dieck-out camera angles and all the problems We'll fact shooting the race," he said, hll acite- m~t growlng. · 11Nell year we'll film the race ttlelf with 18 cameras. These days J find my- self more interested 1n · what goe1 on behind the cameras that what I do in Glblon la a sweet natured Utile man -llP'•kl softly, lhlnka deeply and enjoys the relued life be has establiahed for hla family. The -Include< three bedrooms, an enourmowo living room wllh high beam cellinp and two huge palloe. II had been abandooed·for ftve-ye.,. before the Git.cm mov'ed In and lr-ormed the house into a mug Gd comfortable home. • The Cowsllll IDd Soul singer Lou Rawll ll't jual part ol the bl.I en- tertalnmenl piaJJned, for. Dilney- llDd'• Valentine Party oo Ftjday, Fob. 14. The fuD a..,. 11 on Page 22. World Travel GP1e te Fu Uv• n.&tt' O.t 'N' A- lli ... G-t1 Woct,--t Mom Ooldt Qaeeolt C...leo TV Vlew1 Tel- Pap II Pap II Pqe ':! Pope IU5 ' l'• IS Pap ii p.,.. Pacen Pait t1 Papn Papn ' BJ. TOM TITUS UPoD viewlnC the ,.coptiooal one- woman show currenUy belhg presented by Margll'tt Cowles al the new Open End 'llleater In Newport Beach, one findJ oneaeU wishing that the real Mupm Cowles would p1-e lland up. During the coune ol the eveniJ1i, this versatile and highly articulate ac1reu cnep1 ;mo the charadtn of a young English girl in her mid-teem, an lm- aiJnatlve Bron pl probaf>IY In t.., early lwmllea, and a pair ol delightful~ . dlssimll•r French women. She allo doei a tw<><haracta: pulolplme lo cloie the. show. · The rut M&rpret Cowles, however, Is 11 far ,..,,,..ed -U-cboracters u they ll't frcm eadl other. ~ Jac:,t, the real Margaret Cowleo II hettcr knoWu ~ the_ name ol Pew Sleln. , She 11 blonde, 1llm, viry pr<tty, aod .. dedlcaled lo her cnlt u the .... Uiusium In her pl""'1n( -ey" would lndicale. She llkH juallliahle 1"lde m her oolo accomplllhment, tllooCh It 11 hecomblg tinged wllh dloappolntmeot over 'tbe IClllt Ills al recent audlencts. "Once we .played to four people," lht say• ~. then brigbtem:. "But that waa &oOd experience, being able lo 10 onttnder-clrcmManiel.Nowrm no ~ to dependent OD audience rue- tloo." Tbe show, entitled "Jut Between Us.'' opened lhe Ont -k ol Jan""7 and II «>11tlnulng Fridays lhrOUih Sunday1 until Mardi I -a toW ol 27 performances, whlcll II quite a tiundi. by any local 1tandard& South Cout Repertory'• tun8 a v t r a 1 e 20 perlarma.-IDd the Laguna Play- topt the 1prolific list of community for a summer of original one-acts in theatervwilh • dozen. 1T!ew mcmtbs later UC Irvine beckoned Birr i!Eoov STEIN b. used to playlrig Dan and .the S\elnl moved lo the ~ long engagement!. She has; been a pro-cout., Peay •Won a nail role ta ' tbe fesslonal · aclresl 1ilice 1163, worklot I"' p:emtere production al the !WI< T-i>U the Eut Cout aod in" ~ ilolOft Fcirum In Loi ~!es, ''The 1/e"!L'!·" moving lo Orange County two years . "That wu the third -.I helped ago. .. to open," at. 8ddl, then·~.that It was al the -cif her career, herperlonnancoaltheOpen ·~nlakes she recalls -that the ~ for "Just number four. Between · U~" were planted -durinl The idea of staging a one-woman tbow, a year's }eave of absence from Yale Peggy relates. wu IOmethin& that developed out of her efforts to occupy .. liml. after • .,,. Dnils. .. ftO "iK• .,., Drama Scllool when oho -l!UclYln& at the Loidoo Acailemy ol Dnmallc Ari. It -her flnl ,experience wilh mua,. wilk:b llbe .... In her flnole al the Newport -· , , "I went back lo Yale for my depoo In 1965 " lhe cont1auel ''tbea joined !ht Looi 1lharf 'lbealer 01n New llmil, a proleataaal IUIDDW theater run bJ' Victor Jory'1 -J!!L" 'll1m .. met' Dimlal stein, whom Ille married · ~ lhe nm ol ''The Ploogh and the Slarl." Moving lo Wuhlngton, D.C., PeW ployed H.- ln • production of aietov'• • .,,. 'Dlret Sillm," then reillrDld lo lhe '-Wharf ~- , "I ITAllTED PiaJNG up varioill '~ af malarial and aimm!Ulng It _,. niemir7 jilli lo >Hep liUly," Ibo says. From tb1s came her first IOlo · producUon, "Farewells," whleh she ltq· eel at the wne theater -under the auaplceo of South Cout Reper1ory - Ila! April. "Farewells," 1be explains, wu lea ambitious than "Jult Between Us," but more difficult to conceive. "Jt wu heavier material - a .riel ol acenes In which a woqian WU NYlnli tondbYO to her man." From lhll more abbnvlalocl (lhtte ...,_) allow, PO(Q lelraed many lhlnp about a one.,..... ...,,,, She ·==t-=~but~= cl'.aracler IDd .... , alllo -tllal it coWd ba dooe," abl addl. '"lbat · 1n~1 mo lho .coolldonco lo ID ahead . on me leCond lbow." . Tho eumnt irocNdlClli II the l'OMllt of a 1uuu.1tier J traiDlnc ln1 voice, mov• ment and characttt. Upoc1. joining the warUbop ltlfl ol the OoeD Bad, Pow llqan looldnc foe ma"""1. Tbe rellllt II a blend ol the clu*, front of them." , the conietnporary and the original - she ·created the last piece herself - comhlned In an entertalning and most unique evening of theater. It la an ei:- hlb!Uoo ct theatrical artl!try and· one whlcll lhould DOI be mls9ed. McQueen once carried a ~P on bis shoulder. He could tate ~ biz . fl Jeave tt alone. That's changed. ' His tut llalement, heiter than ..,.. thing ebe, ezj>lains lhe ..... ~. ' . FAMILY FVN TRIP A Mission_'s Birthday A tJme1y thought for a family outlni lhll coming week• 11 flilplnicl by Old Mlsaion San Liiia Rey, near o-natde. They ll'O celebrating Lincoln'• Blrlhd1y with a dllplay ol rll't doctlmenll, signed by Llncafll, which ll't 111Ually kepi la the archl•es ol the lllllsi<11. They will' all ho on e:rbiblt from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. ll Schools are (IOt in lelt 1100 on lhll day and the ~ drive would be <a ""arding one for par- mll IDd cblldren. , ' Nwiy 'lltl pqu af Old -cloc:ummll, other lhan -about PmkteDt Uncoln, wm. be cm d1sp1-J aim. M1111 were obtained fnim the Santa Barbora Mlollon archives. · Foe ·-who would like lo picnic oo the p-ouncll. the1 will find ample ladlllleo aod there b no cbarJ• for the privilege. Guided toun ol m-n>Oll1I, the old churdl, quaint pnlem and an .-...,.. 1erJ an condllcled by Franciocal>lrla-pldel from t olO un. lo l:IO . p.m. Alim!-11 IO cenll loe adulll; IS cenll foe -over 12 and ft.GO for families. Proctedl 111'1 -lo -IDd maintain the, Old -To pl lo Miiiion San Lall Rey lrciin Orqe Cclunty, tab 11o a.. Diep rr.ew., lo the Santa Ana Freeway,. then llOUth lo llICllWll' " lull tine ..u .. -af Oceanllde. ·Turn lnlllld .. w..,...,J,. ........ lowlhe...... ' ' ' I ' • • I I I I I I \ 1' I I I -- ' ' ' ; ' ' i ' • : ' I l • ! I I I • I . I • J • DAILY PILOT • Cowsil"ls, .. Rawls lnSlwW ""*· c1anc1ng, ~oru and-1p0clal stage sboWI wilh top-name enttrtal.nen will •J>Atk Dlsaiylaod'• spacial Va!taUM ,i!W·from I p.m. lo I a.m. Frl<lay, Feb. 11. • Starring at Tomorrowland Terrace throughout the even-in& will be the singing Cow1Uls . . -BID, Bob, Barry, Paul, 5uAn IDd tbelr mlnl-mom. Barbara Conill; wbo have pined national acdllm oo bolh -di· and televillon. Sin(er" Loo Rawll, roted the top vOca!ilt In tbe nalloct by severol !eodlna poila, will otar io • lpec1a1 lbow 00 the:: --_....,_---. ... -~ . • ,• ~pqriS, -concerts T: ' , ' . . FEBRUARY7.f JIMMY ·ISAN SHOW -Singer Jhomy• Doan wltb IUffl !l"rs, 'l1lo CMger Slslen and .a,'~,1cipel ....._ 1111 ·tmplrlak, -·at the MeJc>d7Wld 'llloa!N, 1' Jl'reed. nwt Way, Anahelm. Perfonnanca tbrougb Sun. Feb. t. Scheduled Fri ... , l :llO p.m.: sat. at 7 and 11 p.m., IDd SUn. at 5 and 1:30 p.m. Tickets, $3.50 to fl.50, ·OD sale at the box office. -1-'1711-71111 • FEBRUARY ''" , ,MUSICAL•-'l1>e Lodi Biadl OY!c Ugbl ~ Auocia· tlon pre1s'1 Rodgers \and 'Hammstleln.'1 ..irwllcaJ comedy "Okleboma" through Feb. 11 in the Aasoclatlon cooceri hall, ·Ill E. Foorth SI., Loog Beach. Ticktl!, II to 15, phone 1-(113)-431-79111. • FEBRUARY 7-APRIL t. HORSE RACP.ll -'lborougbbred hone racing al Santa Anita Park, 185 W. HuntlngtOn Dr., Arcadia. Finl POii t1mo Tueo. through Sil., ll:llO ·p.m. -1-(IJ.l) 447417L sat. Feb. I, 1411,000 San Paaqual. ' . IS, 11 l :llO p.m. Jn Iba at Fullerton, IOO No. S&i[lll -ol -COO<*tt, m.roo. . " . ,__ ... ~ ..;,...-: l'IBIW . \'ALEll'l'INE PARTY -Disneylabd la atiJing a ·speclal VllenUne party from a. p.m. to I a.m. on Friday, Feb. It. In Tomorrowland. SOUi singer Lou Rawls will perform on the Tomomlwland stqe aod tlie singing Cowalli• will be on lhe r-Gllbm;-· Olber aUracllOlll Include Cbeckmata l.td,c Tllo. s-. IJ'he Spat>, The o.traUon Gap, Golden Honeslloe Revue and the Royal Tah!Uilns. Advance tickets, tl.00. Include unllmltad uee ol Dilneyiand attractions and all special shows, on sale at Disneyland, WallicM Music store and with BankAmericard at all Bank ot America branches. T!Cttl! oo night of show ..w be 11.so: ( . • ,NATIONAL BO-llllOll' -More l1lan 600 bo-and l,oot eoltiOI will mat.' up lhe. first .aMuai Rancbi> Callo ftfmla Nalioft&J Harle ~ tbJs Sat. and Sun., Feb. ·a ind t, starting at a a.m.. Saturday. The public ii invited to tht show !!hlch will be held in the' newly eolar&ed arooa com- pies. Mmlssioa 11 1ne. 1lancho Calllornla la locate<t oo mp. way 195 one mile north of Temecula, midway bet•een River- side and San Diego. FEBRUARY 15 T~ Stqe. Also starrlnl In tbe slap llbow will be tbe Bi.-IDd as an adcjed attraction , 0tec~1_!!t Ltd. • riBRUAR'i'. 1 Rawls, wbo linp ~erylhlng UCI CONCBllT -Tbe University Orchestra of UC Irvine, from pop to bl.., IDd ppel under lhe dlnction of Peter Odqard, will pr-I a concert aOngs, bu two current but Sal, Feb. J a1 1:30 p.m. iJ\ the Science Lecture Hall at sdlln( ~ ." F ea Ii n ' UCI, 710t Irvine Ave., lrv!no. Protiram includes worl:I by C il'-D · ' Good" ancf"Yoo'ro Good fo< SChubert. Galas, Bach and Schoenherr. There la no adml&- OWI u at isneyland ' ' '· Me." Tbe Blouoms-Darlene slon charae. N.B. WILDLIFE TOUR -More than 100 oped .. of migra- . tory· birds ani:I many ~ of marine life will be seen on a wlldllle tour ol upper Newport Bay, Feb. 15 atartll1I at t a.m. A. two-mile route will be followed with lectures at alx or more locadons by guides on the d11Unct1ve envlramn"1t of lhe upper bay. Tour begins al head ol·bay near lntenec- tlon cl Back Bay and Eastbluff drives. Turn west onto Eut- blulf from Jamboree Road and watch far the tigns. Jn cut ol nln lhe tour will be pootponed to 1 future date to be an- nounced. F ed f mil . . • Lo"-Fanlta J111111 IDd Jean FEBRU • •y I 1m a y 11nguig and r009rding group, the Cowsills, will star llonf with Kin& -l!nt bit the big time ~ Lou Rawls, Chie<kmates Ltd. and Oilier top musical groups In Disneyland'• ·"" "Shindle" 11111 havt ap-QC!: llABETBALL -Oronge Coast College vs Rio Hondo FEBRUARY II annual Vaientine Dance; Feb. 14 from 8 p.m. lo I a.m. _ poared In -pk;turu and Sal, Feb. I, Santa Ana, Sal. Feb. 15 and San Bernardino ---------, '"' tdurl with Th!>·~ Tues., hb. II in tbe Oronge Coast CoD<ie i)'IIIDAliwn, rroi SUPREMES CONCERT -Diana Roal and the Supremes plus Bill Medley and the Watll Ill.In! St Rbylhm Band wlU perform In concert at the Anaheim. ConvenUon Center on Sat., Feb. 2Z at 1:30 p.m. TJcketa, .$4.50 to $6.50. Phone 1--World Travel Cheap Tahl~? Not in ·Nassau By Stan Deloplana NASSAU, -BAHAMAS -Warm and 5unny days now in the rum-and-sugar islands. The rich birds fly south. Oil and tan themselves on the white sand beaches. And in the evenings stack around the dice and roulette tables in a gambling casino the size of a football field. * 'i'bis is Paradise Islan.d, just over the bridge from Nassau town. · It was owned ooce by the Swedish industrialist Axel W~nner-Gren -I forget · what all he owned, but some ol it was_ all the telephone companies of. Mexico. . . Then by Huntington Hartford. Loaded. . Now the Mary Carter Paint company has built two luxury hotels -Paradise Island and the Britannia Bea~h, joined together at the Casino. They've sold out the paint company. (And who was Mary Carter?) The stock has gone from 3 to 58, and this is the kind of money manipulation . that leaves me way behind. * IT SEEMS TO be what the tourist wants. The Britannia Beach is lull, ·with plasterers still working in the hallways and only one of five TUtaurants open. (I tried to get a Herlz rent car. No can do.) , The dice table bet is $5 minimum. Blai:kjack Is $5 -but a $2 table for ladies. Slot machliles are 25 and 50 -cents -none of that Las Vegas nickel grind. Is all well in Paradise? Well, yes and no. At the swank Cafe Martinique last night, the waiters h~ld a half hour sit-down strike in the middle of dinner. Island invesbnents are 99 percent foreign. And the black Bahamians want a piece o! the action. · Rooms double at this bigh season average $68 per day with breakfast and dinoer. * ''Could you 9ive us some ide1 of wh•t dre11 we should expect In the B1h1m11?" Dressier than Hawaii. Dressy resort day clotb.lng. Jacket.a and ties for men in the evening. (I don't see many dinner jackets though.) Everything is air-conditioned . That me an s something warm for dinner and the cocktail lounge. People come here for the warm winter and insist on air-conditioning -I think so they can wur their mink stoles. * ''We will be on a West Indies cruise ind would 1pprecl1te shopping 1uggestion1 ••• '' Everything down this way is free port - no tax, no duty -except Puerto Rico. Two big cruise ships were in Nassau yesterday, and we shopped the stores. Cameras, radios, perfwne are cheaper than the U.S. But I can buy perfume cheaper by mail from Paris. Generally, I got the idea that Nassau prices are a little higher ·thaa other free ports. * . , ''How • you tip on a wHk'• 1tey In the ...... ,., Jn the Bahamas hotels maids get $20 a week. A ~o14er in my room suggests we give her a dol\J! per day. Walters get '24 (sit-down striking for "41). The suggested tip is 15 percent of the bill. * A miJllon tourists a year have geared lhe 'S 'C . un-. omes -4 ~ •• . ' To Knoti's ' . . . ~..., . " On Sunday "~ Callfornla Sun," four boys and 1 1irl who blend voicts with ,Wtar, ·will debut al Knoll's Festival di Sounds on Sunday, Feb. I at 4 p.m., after being raJned out for 1 previously 1 c b·e du I e d a~ pearance. Tbe ~ormaoce wlll take place ln the Ghost Town Wagon Camp al Knott'g Berry Farm, Buena Park. Kathy "Elqueda of CO!ta Mesa Is vocalist for the group which includes Ron Pezzopane and James Grinstead of Garden Grove, guitars, and Doug And'er1on o.f Westminster on bass guitar. Leader is Garden Grove's Frank Cota, who sings, plays drwn1 and arranges the groups material, The quintet has been together for several monthl and bas performed throughout Orange County. Musical careers are their common goal. "The California Sun" will be presented in Knott • s FesUval of· Sounds, a showcase for younc, talented en- tertainers. Entrants are eligi· hie to win weekly, monthly and season cash awards, and may return for one of the nm-olfa. 1be Festival features non-profeWonals between the ages of IS and 2S years, io the areas ol music, drama and dance. Mike Dexter, entertainment director o f Knoll's, indicat~ lhat there are openings for add!Uonal a~ pllcations. feliciano Slated for Melody land Jose Fellctatl:!), who 1 e million-selling reeord o t "Light My Fire" burned his name into the ranb ol. todly'1 pcipular singers, will appear 1n person nen mooth at MelodyWid. With the blind ,Wtarist- singer will be Julius Wechter and that wacky bunch of cig~.-smoklng rulnstrels, the Ba111 Marimba Band. 'They are set to open at the Anahelm showpJ1ce, Monday, Fc;b. 24, playing nightly ~cept Thurs- day through Sunday, Mar. 2. AJ an e1tra added at· tr 1 c t I o n. Melodyland pro- ducen Sammy Lewis and · Danny Dare have set com- edi an Don Sherman to appear that wttt. also. Tickets for the Feliciano show are available now by mall order only, _but reserved !Ut.s for Melodfland'1 Dell two attractions. ''The JimrDJ Dean Show" through Feb. t aod Samm7 Davis Jr. Feb. D- IS are available at the boi· office and 1t all qencief. . ·Brothen ' and, 0 t be r 1 . Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Game time, 1 p.m. CMckqMtn, Ltd.* am o D g l"EBJWARY 11 today's -'qc/11111 muslcol Jill: CONCERT -The Dick Powell Trio will perform al ~po.· have appeored on 7:llO p.m. in room 171 ol the Fino Arts BuildJna o1 UC!, 7801 · many n.aUooal'te le v 11 ion Irvine Ave., lrYine. Adml.a1oa50cents. -u woll u )op clubs .....,.. tbe -,.' FEBRUARY U . Tbe party a1ao futures NOON CONCERT -Music· for omaJi Cborus wllh f{WJani dance music by Tbe Spats Ptl«kin conduct1nc Iha Madrflal Bin&en of Golden Wea and the Generation Gap, five College, Feb. U, at noon io room 171 d the Fine Arts Bulld- perfonnanca of Iha lll!led In( at UC~ ·7801 1rv!no Ave., lrv!no. No admlaslon charge. :~'!1!,~ ':r,.vueRo anj AR~NckRT -Tbe Lurie-Dahl-Shapiro Trio wilh Tahitian Y Dorolhf'Remsen, harp IO!olst, will perform in a prop-am of Danoen. Mow!, Sb'avinll;Y, Brahma and B8rtot C<11DpositiOD1, Feb. Adv....,. ticllell, 16 each, . are now on ule at Wallicha: • . Muaic ,....., Desmond•, Llve ·Thea'"'..;.r Disneyland and with a.c I FEBRUARY II • ll SAMMY DAVIS JR. -Harry James and his orchestra will jo.in Sammy Davis Jr. in Concert at Melodyland Theatre, Feb. Z2 and 23. Voe~ Joannie O'Brien and Sonny Payne wW be. heard at.a at at! four performances; 7 and 10 p.m. Sal and I and I :*> p.m. Sun. Tickets, P .50 to ffi.50. Phone • 1-'1711-7460. FEBRUARY %5 . UO BASKETBALL -UC Irvine vs. San Diego State, Tues., Feb. 25 at 1:15 p.m. in Crawford Hall at UCI, 7601 Irvine Ave., IrviM. · BankAmericard .. at Southern California branchel of Bank of America. nctets Include admission to Disneyland, a11 specW entertainment a_n d unllmiled use ol ID alhctlons etcept shooting ialleries. Courtroom Drama Closes Saturday Tickets on Feb. H wiU be avallabft at Sf.SO each 1t OOneyillld oiily .J _Ageless Fred Keeping Up Fred Waring and Th e ''De lllc:redlble Relp" Of Il.q Uba'' The world premiere cl • rqtlme musical 1 a t I r e empioyini. mixed m e d I a • Thulid1ys Oirouiih Sundays; clO!lng Feb. 15 al Soulh Coast Repertory• Third s le p Theater, 1!27 Newport Blvd., Colta Mesa. ReservaUOns - 6111-1363. Pennsylvanians' current pri> "Tbe But Mu" ducl!on, "The Fred Waring Show," plays Long Beach at A drama Of poUUcal intrigue the Munjclpal AudltorlUm on at • party convenUon where Wednelday, Feb/' 11. SUH at two men aeek the presidential the height of his powers, the nominaUon. Fridays a n d famous m•estro, always alert Slturdays, through Feb. t at to 'new trendJ tn mualc and the H u n t I n g t o n Beach the variations in publlC tastes, Playboule, 2110 Main St., Han- has projected 1111 cancept1on Ungtoo Beach. ReservaUoils - of the music of the Twenty-147-1631. flht·· Cen .. -. in · "The Nert --N ..... 3 I &-IPttf JURU1 I•" Fifty Y earl," with the peren-nial favorites ot c l a s s I c , A courtroom drima 1n Broadway mWlical comedy which audieQce m em. b er 1 numbers, _popular tQnas and comprise the jury in a murder ... tria1. Runs Friday1 a n.d staged lhrougi> Feb. 15 on Fri· days and Saturdays at the Playen: Theater, lf:QO' W. Ith St., Santa Ana. ~1Uom -541-2118. "Jut Bltweu Us" A one-woman show-of five scenes from books and plays depleting various feminine emotions is on stage Fri.-Sun. alt:• p.m. through Mar. %, at Open End Theater, 2815 ' Villa Way, Newport Beach. Reservations -175-1120. "W1idnc for Godot''' Samuel Beckett's avanl gar- ., de tragicomedy la on stage at 'NIGHT OF JANUARY 16TH' lhe UCJ Sludlo Tbeater, Feb. 7-1 and 1~15, 7'01 Irvine Ave.,,:· liiiSiuiripiriiMiiw~iitnaiii1uii;i1jAr.iiniiiFillil1~nj,iJ~Mi·isiwijailnjiiiji~ Irvine. Rmrvatlonl-13M117 ll SOUTH SW TROPICAL FISH *Newport Harbor C-ruis•* D1ily Crui .. - 2 p.m. novelty tunes combined to Saturdays lhrough Feb. 1 at make a production of un-the W~tminster Community paralleled quality and dirtinc-Theater, 6569 Westniinster Largest Selection of tion . Ave. at Golden West Street, Tropical Filh &: • Saturday & Sunday Eacl! Hour -12 to 4 Supporting Waring in the ex-Westminster. Reservations -Supplies in the are~. i' . ...,. ~ ft Ml111M Cnl1t At.11N rflt W•rt4'1 ,._:r .............. Fun· Zone Boat Co.-Balboa-673-0240 citing presentaUon are '1'11e 893-5443. Pennsylvanian1, c9mposed of N•w J: ~111 lhe incomparable' w a r' I n g '' u91_.phy" ~ 111 w. w1uotC,: con A••• ..... -I~ 1"1lrvllw ••., • , a.mi orcheitra and bia renowned An Eq:lllb drawinC l'OOID 1n.11 1uWri111t Df', _ HtwM"t 8"d'I jiGileiei· iaiubi.ii~QitiiN"'SiiNcomed~~y,~';'Bl~igri;iaphii;y'i'iwiilliiibe ~~,..,~ .. ~·~~~""~.,...~~·~....,.~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! LET BLOCK -'--FIGURE YOUR "',.. INCOME TAI Mo11y ti--ce11 , • ._ the· •••r•1• l••,•1•' _.. .......... .-oll""' .1 •• , Mf"tk•. an ... ,.." .... p..-.W... ..... v ..... -"-· .,,.,.,~ ..... --rt O...'t • ..,. s.. llM:l tM..,. ll01I ·s ·i::i- sun lf':w;:.~ .... ~.: ... i!":-~.:, .. ,•~,!!!J et!":, ... ~, 'i!!!'~-~.!""ll"'iil _ .... .., . .-........... ..,~ ........ -.. .. 1s1·;;e•;,:;··; ... ~ ... -----' H(Il~~o.· AMorica'1 ...,.... Tu SoMto -0... SOOO OllJ.- EVERYBODY IS FAMOUS FOR SOMETHI NG! llUT, WE'RE FAMOUS FOR THREE! I. Wt heve the lowe1t prices on the fln•st produce in C1llfo"'il, 11 the specials below wlll prove. · 2. "!"e ta•• 1tco11cl place to no one when it com•• fo hiving all "the vlrfually 1mpo11ible" thlnt• to 91t .•• n1mely. l im11tone Lettuce Melon• 'Berries Peathe1, Plums, Shellot1 1 6 inger an_, countless more. ' ' ' l. Se ... lce, when a reataurant i1 out ef • particular it•m THEY KNOW they can get It at NIWPORT PaODUCI an_, we'fl hav• it in th•ir kiteh•n in minut•s. Whtn they 1erve NIWPOIT H.ODUCI, you know thty 1trv• the finestl -CUP THUi MONIY ..sA YING COUPONS! -., ........ ,., ......... , ......... . • emus SAUi CITIUS SALi CITIUI SAUi • , • LAlel WAYIU • . CAUPOINIA • TAITY·IWln e a ORANGES • GRAPEFRUIT • TANliERINES • : I 0 ... 95• : 5 ~ 39• : I O ... 95c ! • U,._11 l.k e u.i.-.-11 • U.tt-lt Lk • Wttti "" c..,.. • ~ '""' e..,.. •. w... .,... c..,.. • -···············~············· COUPONS DPtm NllUARY 12 Thtst n11e rest•11r•nt1 win not "tut the quality," th•t's why they _,tman_, the flnestl Th•t's why they feature NIWPOIT PIODUCI exclusiit~,. Petronf1e .thoml la~H-......... .Joooh, larblilres, Sorf & Slrtalo, '1 .. hy. HOW AIOUT YOU CAWHG US? naUve blact Bahamian to expect a fair size tip. You ~·t under pressure, but you know. My • room maJd aid this morning, 11When are you (. .1 .. YlllC. air? n 's my day ol1 tomorrow." Sh Hillin COSTA MISA. 1175 H•rbor ll•d., 642-4940 are ~ NIWPOllT llACH, 410 w. c ... , Hwy., 642-7142 .-PH-0-NI:-· ~ N EW·P 0 RT 2616 Nawpoot lmt. aolff PHI- * THE BAHAMIAN ii dignined. Brltish·BC· centecl. Not bleblY paid and living in a price ...ie being elev81ed by American tourists. Friend· Jy, ..,,11m, ....,.,... Quite dillerent from tjle Vir&in f1landers wllo are QI to he aloof and taciturn. •: ...................... _ •.. . ~-·- HOLLYWOOD (UPI) COllONA •1 MAii, 2435 I. C011t Hwy., '75-0162 Rock Hudoon and John WaYno will 11hare top billing In ••The WM hrl' ...... , ,. •. : ...... S.a. t •·•··• P. .. Undefe1ted" for *'>lb Century· ,,_... ........ T• ...., ... wMt o..r JIN OM&m Fox, a post.Civil War ad·1~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!~N~O~A~P!PO~INT~M~E~NT~N~EC~E~S:!SA~ll!!:Y!._!!!!!!!!!!!~ venture dr•rt11. r: 673-1715 ' PRODUCE Orantt Cewtty'1 ,.,_, •rwll'I Pw ••Mlt Orpnb:ettan ' ! f11*f, ,......, 7, lM -. ... I • • • WEEKEND EB AB 0 UT -.. •:r NNM ITDUY • ORANGE COUNTY'S " I SCENe RE S·T Au RANT I ' NIGHT CLUB ENTERTrAl'NMENt . Reuben E. Lee II Quite a bash it was, indeed. A lriple-heador, actually, llince three notewortlly eventa were eel• brated simultaneously. Out 'N' About was bani pressed to keep pee• ·wi1h an evening 's activities that marted (1) the opening of the new Reuben E. Lee in San Diego -a dazzling sister ship to Newport Beach's famed float- ing resteurant; (2) the kickoff of Andy Wl11111JJ1J' San Diego OP.en Golf Tournament; (3) th• birthday of Andy's wile, songstress Claudine Longe! -the only presence oulshinning the setting and food. While similarities to Newport's Reuben E .. are evident throughout, the San Diego edition is slightly larger and seems a bit more posh in overall ap- pearance. They may not be identical twins but no one iJ ever going. to mistake the family relation- ship. GOURMET ROOM One very striking differenCe is the San. Diego addition of a dining area in what woold be the ahip's wheel house U she actually plied water. In Newport the !8Jne place iJ occupied by ~ces. Aboard the new boat thiJ rather intimate "81lctum is known as the Gourmet Room and ha• a maximum seating capacity of Just over 40 perlOlll. w Of those on hand for tile f..UV9 opening, Cla11· dine prob8b1Y had· the least trouble reading Ille sj>edal menu -written .enlriely in French -but the dinner was subject to superlatives in all of the world's lanfllllges. SUMPTUOUS FARE Vichyssoise glacee was followed by the !Int wine, Beaujola!J Blanc, 1964, Loois Jadot. Next came the hors d'oeuvre varies consisting of celery 'Victor, marinated mushrooms, asparagus &pears, shrimp, dressing and gar¢sh. '. NOW OPEN .·· IN NEWPORT'S NEWEST HIGH RISE LOOKING DOWN ON. THE BAY FEATURING SEA f.000· AND LIVE MAINE 'LOBSTER LUNCH -DINNER SUNDAY BRUNCH ACROSS FROM THE ARCHES ANO NEfr DOOR TO VILLA NOYA . M2-42tt Exeitihg Entertainment " T~sComimtJ Paollo_....., ._... ... • "CIC 1111111& ........ . .,._.._ .. ,.._ .. 1'be sumpluouJ eatrte, ~ a. la Beu- nalae, wu porftellt complemmted with COiiin d' artichouts Jeanette (Ullchote bottom. shlfhd with • lpiced mlxlure of •pinlch and mushlooms and tcpped by a •ul*b ch-••-> with rill .... ..,. -wblch tram1a111 to wild r1ce with cnater - than Its •-to none prepenitlCln. R<>unding out the feut was another wine, Cloe de Vogeot, Chateau de la Tour, 11164, and oor1>et an citron. CHll'S APPLAUDED Taking -. Jor their c:ulinaty ai1iJ!ry were chef BeDJlt G<laln, who heads the restaurant's kitchen ttal! by way of previous polls In France, Samoa and NOWPCJit's Reuben E., and Buddy Coane supervlsini cfle{for Fer W'eot Servleeo, Inc., perl!1t organization of th~ Reubem cperatlon. ' Show basined and sports celtbritl.. jolmng Andy and hiJ Wife in toelling the hapPy occulon included Tom Hannoo and wile, Elyle Knox, Mr. and Mn. Fred MacMurrey (June Haver), Douc Sanders, Jack Lemon, Dick Shawn, Rlchud.t.uter, Trlnl Lopez, Sll.98D St. James and memben of the Tijuana Brass. From all indications, San Dieao'• Reuben E. Lee will become a fixture as permanent as the U.S. Navy. Villa Marina . TU •-I way to become a merdlmlt prince iJ to recocn1ze and like advania,e of barplno as they're llllrtecL Maylit the:Jfl esteemed pntlemen are lncnulag h'""-becau.se of the merchants lunclMon now being offered by Newport•1r V 111 a Mar!Jla. After all, at 95 cent& for a ClOlllPlelody filling, varied clalJy and super-<ielldoas buffet, who couldn't start puttjng savings Into empire building! And not being limited to -· ty<:oana, thi• Cl!l-rate Qffer mates it poollible for ,every<me to pare down .. ting coots. Even housewives are unlitely to come up with a compenllle spread for the price. So don't be .. ' IN THE LIDO ·LOUNGE Continuous music from 5:00 P.M. . BY The Herb-Joe Trio •"" The Bill McClure - Ton Lobo Duo Maka a •T1ht •f It -.Cina 111 tM ••wtlf11I MARINE RESTAURANT 644-1700, Ext. 445 for r11sarvotltn1 . ' . 1uzpr!Hd U tllly •tart hltini tht Villa Marina lu alu.bla noontime clu.stera too. LOTS OF VAllllTY Start down the line and your !Int llop iJ an amu<111 variety of salacll, oerved li'llIY or in any munl>er of combinat!ODJ. Amon( them are various seatood.s, potato, carrot, uaorted fndts, cole slaw, ftuit Jello and garbanzo bean. Nut, choose a hot entree 1rom three pouibill· ti•. TheH include, in adclll!on to each day'a apecial offering, rout beef and a differlllt fllh every dsy. Finally, there's a hot vegetable and a choice of potato or rice pilaf!. All, again for only 115 cents. TU Villa Marina, located at 111'5 Bayside Drive in Newport Beach, serves till• economical repeat fnJm 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. OVERHEARD Out 'N' About, 91alioned in a centrally.localed booth, overlleud 1everal patrons uk tile waltreas how the restaurant could af1ord to provide so much fer so llltle. The answer had something to do with a secret about success. 'lbll, of coune, only leads to further quandry. Should the Cllllomer concentrate on ateallng the formula or Ille lnapen.stve enjoyment of It! Villa Roma Small and unpretantloua, Newport Baach'• VUla Jloina· ii just the kind of place to mate aay traveler remlnlacent of hll favorite restaurant clllconry down one of the Eternal City's narrow little side -ts. U your only re&anl iJ line ltellan cuiline and never mind the travpln11 of Rome'• IMlsh Hostarta dell 'Orio or Pusetiio, a jowne7 to "5 N. Newport Bhd, will acarceiy fall abort of a acaatlnl tx· ~mounted from the Fontana di Trev!. . . • • • • • • • •• NOW APPEARIN~ : • • • • • • JOHNNY VANELLI: AND THE JACK LAWUNCI TltlO • • • • I""""'· Donel .... LI-Int • MONDAY THitU SATURDAY "6-1421 • • 21112 OCIAN AVINUI HUNTINGTON llACH • ••••••••••••••••••••••• -· • • ~ 1 1107 Jamboree Rd., Newport Beacli ~~,,,~ •••••••••••••••••••• Dining With an Ocean View SWOOD, S1WS AND GOUllMO' BllREES * FROM $2.95 * 'f Pt • • • • Elltel'llll-' and Dancing Nightly AT THI PIANO 108 PEilGRIM 8:30 to ·1 :30 e.m. IANQUIT FACILITIES AVAILABLE· : MllLlll : : !Ill liUli: l'ltlli : ":!:'~ • ....... ...... • 0¥EkLOOKINQ. THI PACI.IC OCEAN AT THI PIEl I ·"--:ITH~··· l' .... D111o·N···J·o•s•E•' ==-• . . : 8ARBATRAcb1KONTOS I • Sln1ln1 TOUI Sen11 Fri4ay and SotvNoy Nfthtt. 8 ----Hayden Cauaey Trio . . ' . ••• dbmlt wUb the moll spectacuJar "8rW """ lo •. Friday • Saturdav • Sunday •· N...,.n .. 1nm 1:•-.-... • • Soup or Salad Choi co of Poloto ........... , ZHI N1wpart IMI. BREADED VEAL .CUTLET : W19un PACILITlll •n-461• I $145 • •"""-\l'4e ~kwJ $t.__ ·1· HAYDEN CAUSIY. CHAii.LiS MURCHISON • .,...,... •-~ JOSll'HINI COUitREGES • ' ............ --lfooMWly -"' -· 11 ..... 1 \ ; '":"'"' I uzo ..... An : --.... ,_.c· • INCHILADA & TACO ......... $1.30 , • " ADVENTUllll! .IN EATING, For those who'ft -atnJllad the ....., of the ''l'll>er, ~·to tbe vma .Jlcaa ii a meau Of. obiing t Into at leut -~ of -vlllion-do In u u.e-R«n8N ..... Name!¥, dote, '111 ,0YOT)' 18V9l'Y"lllOIDenl-of an lld· venture. In coOll elltlng. . ' ' . . . . The menu runs the entire nnp·of Italian specialtles ttom apaghetti alla ~1 en 'CaAG'Ole, to chictm ·cacci81Dn .. ute olive uui lll1llhlooml and 1ruhal0 ,.uce. ·1n between •ls' a,,..,,. ·lrol!l lobster t81ia . a la tra diavolo to an everylblDl.IJut.. th ... ven pizza. With mlllll diahes eoqted to ·«der, the pesta department IeadS olf with apel!helll prepared in 12 different ways ~ pn.,,.. .xtandlng from $2.00 to $2.50, including soup 8D\I salad. · Thall lhere!s tavloll mhnut bllll or Italian sausages, $2.:IO; ~e clam sauce !red or wlllte), shrimp. or crab sauce; $2.15; green nooclleo .or gnocc1, $2.50 each. . . · · Amon ~·~· ' ..._..__ illclude g .,,....iJ pefta.s, ........... rigatoni mOl)I hallf, '2-20;'~ or WrDill:elll meat balla or sauia1u, $2.:IO each; ~ Neapolitan, $2.50; Juagua al forno-"'2-:IO; fettaccllle alla Alfredo, $2. 'IS; cailnelllllli, $2.'IO. • ' ·~ Sea food temptations, 1electlnl at rl~ ore cloppino, $4.50;· shrimp marlnarit, ta.II; of sole marse, onions piccante, $2.ISS; ballbat marinara .11.11uce, $2.65; scamp~ $3.50; Jobrter lalla, scamp~ $4. 75. EVEN DOZEN An even dozen veal dishll include ~.:.__ piccante, lemon and qutler ·sauce, $2.75; ""!'1k'l>iii'.. Marsala, wine sauce, $2.85; ocallopini pizuiolr" marinara sauce, green peppers, $2.95; acallopi.d zingarella, ltaIWi proscintto and ·ch-ta.21; rolatlne a la Margarite, maraala uuce and mushrooms; $3.25 ; cutlet Parmigiana with cheese, tomato sauce, $2.95. Six chicken entrees are priced between '2.50 and $3.50 and, like the veal· and· sea food ~ates. are served with soup and salad and a aide .t Contlmild "" Pa .. 24 . POR BALBOA IAY FRONT DINING STEAKS -SEAFOOD -RACK OF lAMI ·-~---·· ,... ... ,w--. Jlmnrr VP Tri• ~ JockL_on_ Men. .... ,..... DANCING •••••• •••••• Olt USTINING ' ' TONY LOBO TRIO NllMITL T "OM l:JO P.M. CLOSID MONDAY £TUfT'S~IR[ R•llTAURANT 224/W.C-H;p.,,, K•,,.,t&«h f7U) 646-'JIJ51 ---""=-.SPEOAL-: TUREEN-DINNERS MON•THURS . 51'.0 11 PM MOIL H"' Heck• wit" fr.1h. Li•• IHM TUIS. Kothff Shorf Ril»t with fr••h w99• •• w.. ' WID •• Stewed Chick•" P.m.,..... · n.n. Comed leef A Cabl:iege . ....... ~.._ a.lM •• D1Mllltr9 " ---. 2.95 -"-e Loat.lar=llia 411~ · e CHIU RILLINO.INCHILADA .. $1.41 . (ft'a---'-.) • --.. --.-......... I -e COCKTAILS e l-'-'"_ .... _· .. "."'-'·.•·--•Al_l_,_-__ ,,.._ .... _.,_ ... _,._ .. _.. ····················-'°'-2.r ... ".4'•""-(ot•M•'°'.._"°.".•l.H.•.•t •• lto-c•h•9•62-•79-11_,1 SUNDAY MUNCH Ftj>M 11:00 A.M. 2121 E. Coast lii1~~a.Y Corona ~el ·Mir 171-11• ' • ' . ~--------·· ---·--------·---·-------· ----~-------------------------------- I I L l I I i ) I l I ·' • • I ' . l . ! -. . ' . . I I ' ' J I ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FEATURING llllRY IWll PIANO-VOCAL STYLIST TUii. THIU UT. Nl•HTLT ' . l ike Roest lo~g l1l•nd Duck -Tourn•dos of Filet Mignon? -Veal Oscer? -ReiRbow Trouf1 -Well, "!ho doesn'tll! flies• encf many other enticing' entrees ere · served Seven nighh • week •t Bob Burns Rest· •ur•nt. . Loc•ted "in Fashion Island, Bob Burns i1 wiore than just • "Ste•k and Lobster" restau- rant~ A. 1election of twenty ca·refully : prepared entrees -accompanied by Bob Burns famous Cre•m Caesar .Salad -will satisfy. the most di1criminatjn'9, plate. ; ·. . . . 1 . . ' ' • , • r • ' ·op,;. fl¥1f1f nig~t,, Bob Burns does honor t1lephone re'19rvation1 for p1ople "on the 90." Fot those of you who ar•~ -,ut for • l1isur.iy 1v1ning, lounge enfert1inm1nt is pro¥ id e d nightly. 1 • • • , • • • j • -• I 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER ....... ..,,,._ ~ ......... A .... P'M'ld .. 11-..i-...... 2030 • ' ••• and kids like Mr Std, too Oitee they'" H•11 tit.rt, yo1 wOll't fiM tM , ... ,11 fry .lrt99illt fll•ir h1111l1 wh11n yo11 m•lliio11 ht•int '.llnntt (er l11nchl •f Mr. St••l l"My'll h1•• thoir own apocl1I .ft1N11 thot th•y con pundi •\If to mokt • Mr. Sl••k m•••. lt'1 f11n -for flttr11 incl th•ir litffo htnd1 will bt bu1y whil• th..,',.. w1iti119. A c11rlo111 thin9, mo1t plttl'lh It••• Mr. Stiek fe11i119 t!i•t tflolt ~· e11n brou9ht .... 011t to ••fl l11cld•11t11Jy. -.lon't ''"'' liquor. LlnLE JACK HORNER STEAK Child'1 tilt 1fttk 11rvtd with Ranch Hout• T111t, Ftonch frlocl pot11to11. CHICKEN LITTLE Titr1• pltco1 of chicktn I• thith tnd two wint dn1••tt•1I, pooch 91r11i1h, R•rich Hou11 y,, .. , freticli -frlM -pottt>o11 • . SNOW WHITE AND THE 3 SHRIMP Ttrirt• l1rp Shrhnp. laf!.cli Hou1e Tet1f, Fr..icii MM pot,..... • HUMPTY DUMPTY BURGER Mr. St.tit helftbur9er ,,,,.,4 with t•"•rou1 ,ortlo11 of Ft-•nch frio1 1114 htmb1o1r9•r 91rni1h. SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALL 0111 ...... i..n. 1p19h.tti, roll a butt.r. 1.29 99¢ We Serve Portions for Grownups, Tool OPEN 11 AMto9PM EVERYDAY -- 2267 Fairview Costa Mesa , ER \ · · 1 cOnti.....i '"'"' P~ spaghetti or ravioli. Pizza fans can take their pick ol 13 choices -$1.25 to $2.00 m'4tum:' $2.25 to $2.90 large. Open from 4 Jl.lil •• dally except Tuesday, the Vtlla.floitia also offeri 'a'\v1tle' HIOctlon of hors ·d'oeuvres and deSsert$. •Amoti~thi1t8tter are such !tali'!" .captiv~tors ·"fo tprtoni, spwn0nl and zacbagUone.' · , · rnie testuarant'i size may! not \m'atch the eo19sieulri, ·but' a com~arable' 8n\P.blihe~tre might ~ r~illl~ So?1e _i!By to c~~ene ?~.1entli~~)s/'• 1 • Josers Tureen Dinners ·' As if one of the mQSt divers and sundry menus on the Orange Coast didn't already_ oiler diners a horn of plenty, Josef's, that steady date of. many out 'n' abouters localed .111 2121 E. Coast Highway, Corona de! Mar, haS introduced . still llDOther feature, . ' . This time it's the special tureen ,dinners, served Monday through Thursday,,<; 'to ,U .~.m. ' A moderate $2.95 is ihe ·standard asking price for each evening's tUreen speci"al, which tncfudes a tossed green salad and a demilltre of BurgUndy or Chablis. · 1 : CHEF<$ PRll~.E Any one of the four entrees is a composition the chef can exhibit pro~y, apd e.8¢11 is prpµght to the table in a handsomely designed.'luj'e~·tliat'.s a work of art in its own. right) ... . ' . Lift the lid Monday to find ham' hocks wi\b fr .. b lima beans; Tuesday; KoSher 'short ribs with P R·E S ENT ,S1 u <:>1\'t!ih veiet¥>i;s'; ', WedAOciay,. o.te11ed 1$1cken, Portugueee; Thursday, corned beef and cabbage. ADii 1111 regular bill of faro continues to make polnta loo -1even nlgbta a week; In fact. .Hol' could 11 be.'!!Jierwlsewith ,that,eyer amazing ' 1Jp11 uf> of, beef, y'W, lalob, -1chlcke'.n1 ~~ aea food cliab~T J .... : , -Ooo ol•DWU' ·pl'Olpecll In• eadl cla11ifica1ion !J -rloln of <beef en brochette, ""~Chli of veal ·wta tni'bocca,'.broiled double ·Fre lamb chops, 1auteecl dttefken liven on.. wild rice. African lob ter WI. • . • , • .. . • ,l ' • " . ,A r • 1--y ., • UTE SU'PPER TOO ' . ' . . . . To dinner, add ' Josf!f:s. eq...Uy enticing ·IUD· cbeon, Sunday brunch'. arid !ale supper (served from 1,1 p.m. to l a:m:) menus. Tb~t ,iel~s a place ,Ol\ly a few 'hoUrs ah9rt of providing around- the-clock ·dining "'!lorroent. . . A very speciiil commendation should be Issued for the ~ supper ~e -there being all loo few res.taui'anls that give a boot for nlgbt owls seeking quality food. Der . Berliner ' It isn't necessary to have sampled edibles in shops along Berlin's }S:urfuratendammstrasse to be a fong-tim8 convert .of German fOOll .. Whether you developed the lade from such an original source or naturally on your own, there's a place in Orange County where you can sqtiate an appeti\e so inclined. I I I • sn s. MAIN, OllANOll -· d :543595 (~&mdaJ) * PHONE* 830-0440 Friday Nig~t Only, Feb: 7 INTERNATIONAL STAR · Saturdiy).jighl Only, f9b. 8 TV & RECORDING VOCAUSl · AFTERNOON REFRESHER SESSION 4:30 to 6 .. FRANKIE ST CLAIRE · CAIHY CARlER . " · PAJICll!G TO THE , Slltt BIOS , Volnt Knight R_,, I • ' ' • ' Jiist motor to 185D Beach Blvd., In H,,... linlrton BeaCb's Towo and C<Nnty Center, and &Ive your salivary &lands a work out at rier Berliner Delicatessen. Here'• a truly bona fide establishment for the most auihenUc Gemian food ,tb!J aide ol th!t Tlergarten. Owner Ingrid Scbamnann ls a natlvo of Berlin who left ~ . cicy• only 15 years ago and came to Callfonila.l>y way· of Canada. . 'i SECOND RESTAURANT She and her huiband also operate Das Berliner Re!taurant in Garden&', 'J1lere's table service for dozeDJ of sandWiches and German specialties at the Hunlini\On .B~cb location -all of which can be ordere<t to ,go ~· well -but the empbaa!J ts on delicatessen· aervice. Regardiiig herself as the deli's Initial import, Mrs. Schaumann follows tbrougb with a full Jin~ of imported German food!, wines, beers and bou5ebold produc\s, n .. result, makes it difficult to find a starting point for shopping the goods. · Beginning in the meat department, however, one gazes hungrily at tb!knackwurst, bratwurst, .liverwurst. salamis, mettwurst, s t u t t g a r t e n , iagd\vurst, smoked Westpbalian ham and wieners m natural skin. Then be gels sidetracked by the imported cheeses ~d German potato salad . BAKED GOODS As attention shifts lo the baked goods, out comes the calorie counter for viewing fresh bre.ads and pastries •. Numbered amo~g: the -latter, weight ContlfHH!d on P•g• 15 TONIGHT 8:30 , ....... r:11ftr11S.-., JIMMY DEAN -THE IMPERIALS S,.mf .._,, 'THE CLINGERS 1 ." Mulical Dir8ct9r .loM, ~HS. Fri. er •1i1.1·~ Sit. at 7 & 10 e lu"-et I & ~:M . . ...... *'·~-IW.-.. SEATS NOW etlM011D1m•dWA41: 1t1 ,.._(714)~7UO . ' . NOtll Pl•9I .. JOHl'INY SMITH · and the ALPHABETICALS FIVE SHOWS Nl.GHTLY WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY FRIDAY -SATUROA'I'. 1:30 P.M. to I :30 A.M. SUNDAY FROM 7 P.M. DANCING NIGHTLY RESTAURANT -STEAK ANO CHOP HOUSE * * -(, COCKTAILS -(, * * !Santa Ana FrffWI.)' at El Toro 'Road) 1045 IA YSIDE DR. NEWPORT IEACH 675-0200 CloHCI Mand•y FEATURED DINNERS COO AU VIII • • • • • 3.75 'Tuts-Sun-& p.m.·1:80 1.m. YW OJTlfTS, Cordon Blea • • ,,50 "Mr. Po..-•lllJ" "Sj"tl ng Excl-nt• . , . ' SHOW 11ME 9:00 P1M. . ' • • 1045 Bayside f?r •• Ne~por.t Jefidl . . ~ ... \. Readership: You Spell it A-n-n L-a-n-d-e-r-s • ~ t (f ' ., . r..,.._,.. __ EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT . ..DNKE . tOllTEST-. Weekly Winning Couple Receivea $25 and becomes · Ellii61alor Grand Final Award or ' $250 .,. .. _ .... ........... , ... • ~ iRIS If B&f, Au Jus • • • 4.95 swooo· tREAsulE CllST (for lwo) • 10.00 ; . MANY AHnlONAL INTllB ....................... .., ....... ............... ef ,..... ... ,..,,. SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIAL COMPLETE DINNER $271 PRIME RIIS OF BEEF ............. . I t ·I OUJ I ' 'N' AB.OUT _..,,. ... '..) . ',,;Continued from Pap M 1 • watcb111g , ~lde, are poppy seed, wllniit iDl! apple strud~I. varloua cakea, napoll!Oll5, chocola"' er.am· filled macllrOOlll, Black Forest cherry-filled tort and )DlUlf more equally rich torts and lartsc Shelves and alsle stands disP.laY llOled Ge"118D. bfand.1 ot sauerkraut, herring .. · preserves, m~ta;d, cookies and candies. Availabfe too are clinlDJ!.acceaaorles like band-cut crystal, beer steins and i:ltcben utensll.s -baking pans, SCAiet and measuring cups. BEER AND WINE Any German repast put together beni must, of courae, be toppe<I off by' a ~·IY beer like LoW-e~brau, or a fine .wine suclr as Li~J>frau:Dillch, Moselblumchen or Crover Nacktarsch. . There 's a one word ' cheer for Der Berllner.- Wund~rbar! Amigos' -Alhondigas With an eye to the widening horizons of American teste in . Mexican foods , A m i g o s Restaurant hi Cosla Mesa has recenUy added a]bon· digas soup to their menu of authentic south of the border dishes. It will be old sombrero I" aficionados of the sopa, but the uninitiated rr like to know what's in store. DISTINCTIVE FLAVOR · , Albondlgiis is a tangy meatball, soup with a distincUve flavor that comes from a i elicate blending of such ingredients as fresh green chili pepper, celer)' and mint in a chicken stock. ~ Old bands recommend adding a dash of salsa picante to the soup for added spice. One way or the other,. even novices to Mexican cooking will find albondlgas a delightful taste experience. Try it · next time you have lunch ·~ dinner at the popular Amigos, 428 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa. · __, _... "Where It's Happening!" l li.L MARTINI COCKTAIL LOUN6E • .-------, IJO ~ 11'11 COSTAifiifm • • • '1. Bill Mlrtlnl .. ~ . Pr~nt1 BO.STQN . TEA-PARTY Fo r Your D1nc:lng end Listening Ple11ure Orange County I BILLIARD ROOM Headquarton' For All . LADIES . WELCOME Olymplc ~ .. Tlc~I . • , · . FAMILY STEAK HOUSES HUNTINGTON IEACH I COSTA MESA HILLG'lEN SQUAke! TOWN & COUMTJt"'I' IEHINO TEXACO STATION 1• .._. 11.,., H24"11 . '4t-7m1:. 111111 a s.ta .ue SPECIAL SIZZLER llROCHETTE :=:o: ::: ~~I••••••·•••• .. ·•·•··• '1.39 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ...... $1 .39 NEW YORK STEAK ....... $1 .59 111c1.J,, l ek.4•w Frwnch Ftkod· Pototoes. le/I I . lufflf. CHILDlltf'I POll'ION Ya PllCl. IU ... 12 y ... ) MAD MONDAY NIMn' TOUI PAMILT N..+IT' '1" TOP SIRLOIN st:EAK Only · 111c!id•• )1iie4 ot Fre11ch Fri~ Pototo~, Rell ~ l 11ft.w'. CHla,jllN"I POITION V2 PllCI IU ... 121' ... l . .----Lundleo• Specials---• . 11 :00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ROAST BEEF .or HAM SANDWICH 7fk IHI.._.,,_.."'"························ s.Wlll1 .. Se.-... _TO GO ORDERS -" In Jlae Gall.eties • _Navy · Art .. ' ' • Ill . - WI. ART ~Tl~ CUf! Drive, Laguna lleach. All media momberabtp ar1 show II '"' eibiblt In the Main Gallery noon lo S p.m. dally. No admllak1i charge for mem- bers. Otbert ~ C<nta. . • NAVY ART~ -Huntington Center, 7777 Edin- ger Ave., Huntington Beach. '1lie Navy'• Combat Art Ellllihl~ depleting Navy Ufe and batues during World War U, Korea and Vietnam wan, Is CWTeDUy on display during regular business houn:. No admission ~ge. so. CALIF, l'IRST NA'l'L.llANK -nm Beach Blvd., Huntlnilon.Beach. On exbtbit during rqulBr busln.,. boun, oil palotlngH>y Maurice Gngolre. ' N.R. ART MUSl!IJJl-Balboa Pavilion, 400 Main St,.Bal- boa. Currently M exhibit, retroopective show of pain~ tngs and graphic w,..u by1Paul Brach and Miriam Schapiro. Houni : Wed. thnJuCb liuny.1 lo 5 p.m.; Moo. I to I p.m. No admlsitoo charge. CIVIC CENTER AJl'I' GAU.ERL-3300 'I\'. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Hours: Mon. throu&b....rri., 1:30 a.m. to 5,JO p.m. Currently on elhihlt palntlnga and acu1pt11tt by Robert 'Krieger, C. Bruce Piner, Doiina 'Sharkey, Edwanl Baker, Ralph Tanirui and Michael A. Niel, faculty ol the Orange Coast College Art Department.. M!J1UAL SAVINGS EX1llBIT -1867 E. Coast Highway, Corona de! Mar. CUm!nUy on exhibit are pi! paintings of landscapes. ·seascapes, stills, portrJ,its and clowns by 'Rose Marie Jolly, during rqulBr businesa hours. MARINER'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. HWlgarian folk art by Mencl Scbontal in oils and Huntington encauattcs, In the Jr. Ebell Ellhlbit during rqu1ar library bow'I. -NEWPORT NATIONAL llANK -UllO ,Jlanlde Drive, Newport Beach. Cumot1y cm eiblbit during rqu1ar ~ boura, mired mndla palntlnga and drawings by John Hoct-forth. . UCI GALLERY -Fine Art.. B\tlldtng, '1901 irvtn. Ave. Irvine. Hours; 1 to 5 p.m. Tuea. throuah Sun., closed Mon. Cllm!nlly on eibihl~ a ooe-man eibiblt of geometric aculp- ture construcllons by Tolly DeLap from 1163 ta 11111. Theio iii no admlsalbu charge. c.M. ART LEAGUE GALLERY -51! Center St., Colla Mesa. Houri: Sat and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. ConUnUOUI exhiblt of art wort Irr various media by Art League memben. ·No admis!lon charge. · MESA VERDE UBRARY -299 Mesa Venle Drive Eaat, Costa Meaa. On elhihlt during rqular library hours, aceylle painttnga including landscapes, portrails and atlll Ille by ' by Kay Gray ol FllWltatn Valley. OCC ART GALLERY -Orange Coast Oollege, 2'101 Fair- view Road, Costa Mesa. Houn : t a.m. to 4 p.m., Moo. th{ough Fri., 7 In 10 p.m. Wed. evenings. On ezhlhlt be&ln' nlng Feb. I, abstract oil paintings by \)'alter Askin. CHARLES BOWERS MUSEUM -20QI N. MaJo St., Santa Aha. Hours : Tues. througb"Sat., 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Sun. 1 to 5 p.m.; Wed aM 'Pburs. evenings, 7 to t p.m. No admisslon charge. CurrenUy on exhibit, "Wilshire Boule- vard : Architectural Study In Photographs" by Stu ShaUer, Here's Wackiest Restaurant in World By ,u.BERT W. WIESE Juarez. who dldn'~ want lo eat tco. The p,rl« of scotch ls MAZATLAN, Mexico (UPI) Chuy was born in Chihuahua anyway." ridiculous.' -When a coUege graduate City, Mexico, and received a Carlos, Chuy and Al try to "El Shrimp Bucket" ls mov- J'\'Ml1, P'ltlruary 1,' 1969 DAILY loi.ot U .. uas . -mr~-­COCITAIL-- ••*Wlf . ·--•1st.11.•J'•• South eo..t'a ftlWllt, IMlt 1l11Mt 'C".,. 41nlftt, atop T_,. WI .. el Surf ..... Hot.I 15SS SOuih c-Hwj. ...... .. -... Cell,.,,,,. ' . ... ' ' ,w ClldolllSI Food ... her. ... , tak•homl. lunchn',,..; II :lO , ' I • Delly axtept Sund•y! · Dfnntr from 4:30 Ni9htly ENTERTAINMENT Ni9htly except Sun~•Y witb a degree in foreign trade, degree in bus in e a s ad-keep the "Bucket" appearing ing ahead with new worlds a news qency founder and ministration at the UnlversilY as u it was amateurishly to invade -with a n a drug salesman team up to of Mei:ico. He was one ol oPef4led. Waitresses might ''Ov~as Shrimp Bucket" in operate a restaurant you had the f~ ol Informe., stick the~ thumb tn a custo--•lion In Bareelona, Spain. TONY· fLORIS better believe it's one of tbe Mexico s first news agency. mer·~ soup to test lb: warmth "We'll get even with these • • • wackiest operaUom of its kl.nd The two hit it off and in and bowls of chili are always Spaniards for conquering our HI• Son91 •nd &u1tar • In this or any other country 1963 Carlos moved here to be.big spilled. people and burning o u r · Still "El Shrimp &cbt" open "El Shrimp Bucket." If a guest or~ers a glass . temples:• Carlos c:onfides. 2607 ¥(. Gwt·H .... ., -Ni,A'plft -.'4M2tt• . st the list f Chuy followed the following of acotch he's in for an argu-die tl.:::ands0~.,tourlSts·w:! year and,.. joined him as a ·ment. The head waiter may :p""'ic""'K'W ...... IC,_K ·~'tllt• _. •·• • •.• •·• • • • • • • ··• •18.• •.If~ · Iii ast partner. pull ·up a chair to the table ~ fll ' ' · visit this Pac c co _ resort . Third Member and 'try to talk"him out ·of iii • GRAND ~ , • world famed for •ts game AJ Graziano, the t h Ir d It. On the bottom 'of the menu BOOKSHOr.S • ' · • flsbmg. be f the firm bo Is tatlo 111t11 c.nt l'tlll, C.ta ""' ~ Not onl d tbey come to mem r o , wu m the no n: MW111 • OPE. NING • "El smu:p :ucket" for food in the Mexican state of .' ''Drink 'JjU_m ~ other 1110 *'""'""" • • hilt th operaUon seems more Hildalgo. He received a . dorpestlc splrlts_wbi~e In Mex-. ...,,_.,.CJU>llClNl.U • .... r . • e . bachelor's degree in sciences " ""! like a three-ring Cll'CUI than at the Autonomous Scle.ntlfM: ' · . . ' . • SPECIAL ' ·• a plaC< ~ dine. • . and Literary Univenity. He . v· •. N E y· A •. 'D' 5 • . . . . ·• THE 'BUCKET' lS not then joine d the • pretentious. Located off the pharmaceuUcal firm ol M Oll • · 61"~ patio of Hotel La Siesta with Merck,·Sharp a. Dohme. which U3 W, 19th Sf., (OSfa ISi 642~ 2 •TJ~C • only a street between it and sent him to Mazatlan. In The Viste Shoppin9 Cantar • • " the ocean, It baa, wooden lop-AJ took a part-time ad-•. · . .' •. ped tables, a celling, covered dlltonal -job with a public r.14· f'e•t•rl•ll '!itb banging ~per; flowers tions firm and got to know • ~ ~m~~ and, f~ air con-Carlos and Chuy. oua·PAMOUS . 2 25 ABSOLUTELY- dltiQdillc, 1t • vecy sunple. You , AI ' became an active part STEAK SANDWICH . . . . . . . . . • • JUst .open a Window or turn in the operation of "El Sblnnp • ' ' • F R E E on a fan. , Bucket" and was taken In MOIUlll9. TuesHy •·Wed..ea.i.9 • ' Carlos Anderson was born as-11ull,parlne1"ln -~. AU.Y. OU..c:AN.U.T · . · , · .• 99 • · . . ' ' 1n Bakersliitd, Calif. Hii' ! Carlos bas not for'°"'n·bis • mo~r was Mencan. and \llJo. 1iome town of Bakersfield. At ·DINNERS • · · : · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • • Exchange lhla FllEE Coupon father American. He, reeeivf4 • ~, cJ!1o1: of the ••Bucket'r'b • · · CltlcktR & Du""'lnJ1.-11'.llh &.CM.-.• his degree in foreitn trade~. a:.mountect 111aque proclaiming . lt•ll•h 1,.tMttl, etc. · • For •SJY one of the followlnt Items at Mexico City College. He the I o c at t on as the • ' then opened a bar aod "Bakersfield Embwy." Helen Walson et the Piano Bar TACoS M'AT l ,UllRITOS • i . • restaurant across ftom the'. Although there are two Wedn"lfay-Suild1y-91!_M·2AM_. a TAPAT L~S BEAN BURRfTOS college but was forced by:' bands that entertain In the ~ ·• pressure from the 'cOllege td · evenings, every member of • MEXl0BUR.GERS CHILI· & BEANS close. '. the "Bucket's staff" from the ART LOVERS • ' • · · ' ' The wa'f CarlOI' aplatns 'It-· bartender lo the dlsliwasber , . ,3 9" a TRY o.iJR SP.EIDT DRIVE-THRU ·SERVICE ls "The eds and ro«b woold ls an eniertalner In his own OIL ~All(TINGS ... ip to ·-----··-· a rather have been there than. rtlht. In ·fact the "Bucket" · ' · · · attending classes." advertised its entertalrurient : , -Come ••~ 1M ·I r.WM - ·He started ·a cha1n of bOt. as "Dining music for people dog stands and then met Chuy' . · • • • • • 2858 llli'bor Blvd. COSTA M£SA • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • ~ • • • • • • • • O.mpagne Bnmch Everf Slf'lday from 11:30 I.JD. to 2 p.m. acoo_.ied.b7 the 1Ight1 and ....U of the tea overlookbq: the Pacik Ocean in Lqunl Beach. Luncheon fubioa. abowa Uerf Wodnaadq, Frida)' and S.tmdoJ. hU.0111 Cll.I Drift at Cout mp.., Lapa• hMil-41HCt7-....... Lmicheoa. ma.. Coddit01 A ~.acalLWmil ' Wlolli Buaeamole ! Enjoy enticing enchiladas •.• tantalizing ·tacos ••• robust relleno ..• tasty tama les ..• and other authentic South-of-the-Border specialties, served amid the colorful a!mosphere of old Mex· lco. Deligh tful wine cocktails and beer, too. Even if you're not an aficionado of Mexican cui· sine, yo u're sure to like our Norte Americano favorites. H,ve lunch or dinner a t Amigos.,. the We5t'S most beautiful Mexican restaurants. Lunches from 9SC Dinners $1.50 to $3.50 Pronto Take-Home Food, too. • • annqos FAMIL~ !fSTAURANTS COSTA MBA-421f.111 1711! St./642-4262 Abo hi' ANM!M • a.ewe • M1r1N dtl ley • Tomnc:e • Wet Covint • .OOD UNTIL NllUAIT JI. 1t&t 11!1 ~ ............•....... , Grand Reopenln91 .l)iNfNG RO.OM COSTA MESA GOLfl & C.C. February 14, 15, 16 ••• 5:30 • 10 p.m. WEEKLY SPECIALS Tues. -loast Prfm• IRt of IMf • ·.,_·---···-3.75 Wod ---.Uod s.,., Riii He,woiloo -----2.so Thm.-i.ed Stwfled ..... C...,. ...... : ... -'-.-2.IO Fr;. ~Fhlilo·S-___ ·IAlllW-J Si t. _, of Clilcli• llln ........................ 3.H ............ ._ ., .,..... ........ """'· VHll ...... !left •• ..,., ... ._ .... S..doy_ --a-_. l!offat 11 :30 ..,., 1<1 2:30 ...... -2.H CHILDREN'S PU.Tl 112 end undorl 1.71 ENTREES SfMclol New Y orfl Steak . . . . . . . 3.25 .,.. ... l ltleltl I ·-'"' ..... ----·-·-......... ,--·-----2.71 .......... , ....... l!~~~~~~~S~ER~Yl~tf~G~-~O~NLY THE VERY RNEST MEXICAN ·ancl AMERICAN CUISINE . . 1 IF I Chef' ht ) n Under ~. peNone l direction PrlM Clopped -.. ------· .... "·"--·-2.61 -·-......... Y ... c:.t1ot ..... _. ____ ....................... _ 2. H .................. ·~ • • • 2.75 Clilcli• ........ _, _____________ , .. ________ _ • th · orrnary ' n 1 ·of Al~i•ndro 'IAltx'I M•ytor•n• En10Y the wenn °'IFQttly 26 y,,,. with ,,,1i1e'1I •nd infortNI eleg•nct . • .J whila din ing emid .,,¥ )\.L(J)l nDRO~~ op.en fi~tpl~cts · Rey Oiiphent of. L..9un1 leech •nd strolliftCJ troub.dour1 OP111 smN DAYS POI DINNU-COC«TAILS POl'UU.l PRICU ' lhetl41111t ef w.~ ... .._ R11tc1re11h) ---J .. ba .............. -·-·-··----·--...:.. J.H ..... """" .... Ceclftl .... • • -, ' ~ • ' I • A.•1 '111,L1•11• Tlil•---------r--.1.t l .. _ '"t..~ ~ ___ ...:..:: _ _;' ::.., __ 4.71 --........ -'-----~-~ UI ... J ! - I • ... _ ..... _ . .. . .. .. "' -~ ---... , .. ..._ .. ~-·· .. ~ . . . . . . .. M GAILY PllGT frWol, Ft'"""7 7, 1~9 . • I JUNIOR MATINEE P SAT., 2 P.M. ~ "5 MILLION YEARS TO EARTH'' ALSO ' . ' • I SHOWY SVIJIC1'S All S.1t1 50tl Well OllMY• e COLOll • "'H-11 A Gray ,._. S.1t" Dwll O.y e COi.Oil e "'WlttiSlrT• Get 1..,.0 .. AU. DlltY1-IN ST.UT1 .t.r •:• ---~ ... ·---5"5-JJIJ Olrl1!Qptltr Lt9 e COLOA. e .. Dnladil ....... fr•• ... _. Shlnlrt S.k" .,... ........ ...,., ...... . . ll-•··••hrMwlbl t'•11I Ntwmnn e COLOA. e "Coe! Hatd LO." Albert F~ e COLOll • "'··~ tlil'I !JJ; ~ I :r=~ ::.~~~ "Lodr •• c...t" .,OLORe Tlltldly Weld • COLOll e "Pretty , ••• ---.:::: . --·-........ 1t-111n•~ Pw .....,.1 Tanr Cllf11a H_.,. Fllnd& Your Weekend Guide to Movies \11 11(/1 ( ()(/\( /{tj)( J(f1/ I (ldltor'1 Noflll T ~ II movie guide is prepared bu the jilma commitUt of · Harbor CotnJcil PT A. Mrs. Robert Sortnstn fs preii- clde and Mrt. Hart Swetnell t committtc chairmo11. I t ,intendtd as o reftremt iii dettrminlna suitabt£ f!lnu /"' c.rtaln •a • ' -' ~ ' . · /u<Jl11z -~· ''· ' ~~ ENDS MONDAY Fr•11k Si11•tr• ''The lady Jn Cement" Ph11 ''Pretty Polson" 1u.,c1.,. w.td , • Lrllli•nfl ,., u""'wel , , •WittrLI d•Uy pilot ' P,..ent. M1r9iret Cowles "JUSJ BETWEBI US" E•ery Frt., S.t. I: Sin. Tift M•rdi 2 TkltMa AY..,_.t tq OltlQ " ........... l'-lllMn 2111 Viii• W1y Newport Be•ch 675-1120 ·-· f/f'OUpa and .OU OJll"'IT wteklu. Your ~· are $Olidttd. Maii them to Mo- vie Guide, care of the DAILY PILOT.) edy ol miora Wblcll upae1a the young _., , lr.,.Uy Dods Dl1 and Brian Keith. 1MJ TWO MADCU WDISI ..,n..,.llOnal mor1t attitudes. under·Zdl1rem'1 lrelb outing FAMILY 7 .'th• lncffllibt. Rtign of Good King ~avid Niven and Deborah ~ ... ~ Leonard Declor Dollllle: Enchanting • UBU =~::::;', err. ~ and Ollvia HU&a:ey. ezcunlon for all 11ei Into • .,..., r-1 llolemar)<'o llUy: Blmllng Wiil lb Y• ~-............ "-tan•·-~· o1 Dr. Doll' Of •--fan••-and -~-u1111;: -~ WW-IU .. 111t•--M•OSTl,TMIATa8-COSTAMIU. * ·-·~-_, every Warm and willy ctmedy In Ue wbo pnfm hi com-AD~!'S * ::1 .. r:"t,tn ::,ch:: tr: ·= tbe marrlage of •. munk:lte w 1 t b fouMooted C•IUMUI'" =~~:;;."'!.1 :3 ........... A MH ud A WllUls A pending devillry. Mia FllTOW w wlth 3 IODI and a 1nlmall nther than t be ~0:,.. ':.: =~M:!'-!:i Orknl•I tl'llma. tlW ., "" '"°" poignant Ftencb r om a n c e st.arr. W: witb a dauPJer lead.I humlD kln4. with tuneful ~...._ ....., _ 1 .,.. , ,..... centers on the co.nfllct Tom Joees1 Screen adap-~ .~blfcnthe7 a::1DC1 and 111perlallvt cast.'l;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:s;;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:=j between a woman'• broodin& talion of FieJdlng11 classic ---'----•...c.eee::.:...:.:1~1P'::::;11Y~·...:.11t=•~llmllan=:.=:.:llar=.:1.:.._ ___ ,1fr Jove for her dead hwband novel and aoclal 1 a t Ire ar)d her new love for a man recreallng the lusty, unsen.. who wants to marry her, ln timental aplrtt of Ilth century this mosterple<e of m o o d England wllh Albert Finney Crossword Puzzle photography. Jean-Louis Trln-playing the good squire's ACRO!li 44 ,,.,.,. . tlgnant and Anouk Aimee. adopted &On. for • 1 -duelr: ptrfo,.._111,t Bar• are 11 a (SMA) Girl MA'n.JRE TEENS AND 5 Sh.tet of 46 Fully •*°68.ut receives orders ADULTS •atttd wool ••ber: I ~-'de 1 of ..,.A_."' • 9 Knowlrdgt--1,r-o•I rom C!~ n ~i.u 1R -a B""' ol ~-. B'-·m ,, -1...:: UM 11.11• ..,_ • t 47for•trstat. the year 4(1,000 A.D.1 to find (SMA): A 5eCl'e~ romance 14 • -tf rosn: of India ,. missing Earth Scientist -blossoms in this Britlsh farce 2 words 41 Nattd Can. inventor of• weapon that can of a triangle between a ~!~:!fin.ct 52 rn'3~1:~: destroy the world. Jane Fonda brassiere manufacturer, his 17 CUll'tnt 55 Hat.11e. stars. wile, and a malntenapce man 11 Jaclr:sort-lr:eeptr's Cool Band Lale: Depressing who ia: livlna in the attic. 19 St1all horst concm ~ d of pr! •-"-"O 20 Ont of 57 Vocal l!~u Y a soner w a Shirley Maclalne and Rlchard several ~•Aini of southern chain gang who 're-Attenborougb star. U.K. rlvtrs endtavor tains bis l!ipirit in the f1ce Tbe Bottoll St r a• I I e 1 21 :;ai~d na11t 60 ;·;-;.~' r!'a:i~!~an ~u:~ force. (SMA): This film traces the 23 Pipe fittings 61 Branches evenla leading to ••· arre· st .2.t Uneasy 62 Btau-·. Lady la Cement ( I\ ) : ~ 1 of the psychotic (who bas 26 ndeflnltt Fine g11turt Private eye Tony R 0 me never been tried for the 28 i~~~1o111r ':1 ~:~:i (Frank Sinatra) finds a blonde muUlaUon and murder of 13 bil l: Slang admiral encased in cemr:nt, hls girl · ) and lb -•· t 29 N. A1111r. 6t Equlvaltnl friend also murdered, Jn this women ' e prllll'C 0 a animal: of two tale of violence and crime, diseased personality follows. 2 words fives : with Raquel Welch. Tony Curtis and Henry Fonda. 33 Adhesive 2 words Petclla: Brief encounter of 1be Heart Is a Lonely 36 Proof-65 Abomlnattd _., ble Ha.Daer: A geoUe lonely deal· re11dtt's W. -dt pont: unpro.ucta young bride, mute, --~uv•'-played by man:· Brldglh•MI· "bo •·· w--~ed of he .,,....... WJ 37 Gan11111l: '7 for f•r that llft.ll ~-, r Alan Arkin, movet: Into the Informal DOIN jealous husband, and a jaded home of a crippled man and 38 Moldlng surgeon who baa wearied of bis teenage daughter, Sondra 39 Showed . the world. Julie Christie, Loc"e, whe.'l \.t • ...,1 .. friend grief 1 At a •Oft George ScoU and Richard • w.:s Vl.LIJ 40 Plact of adva.nctd Chamberlain. is ~mrni.tted, and by e~-hor11 ra.ct t1•• tending b!a help tc> many in start 2 Rt111tln Pretty Polson: Sordid and the community brings warmth 41 ~:ifire's 3 Ancient b!11tal murder ta1e of mentally • and understandl.ng to those 42 Pugd or c ~:!~f,u disturbed young man and a around hhn. Owen-5 Act In 1 cold·blooded girl. Ton Y Bot Mllllom:: Peter UsUnov, 43 Deueu11 partlailw ~kins and ~ We 1 d as an ingenious embezzler pro-::tensity 'S:f, plant ..:. ~-· Zany 1 grams computer of a large •...-.....-~..,-,.-•-= .-1vuM<.""Q•• an:e CGlllpany to grind OU t " aboul bu-beet producer and paymeo1a to b1a non.alslant lr.-+--1--1---milque~. accountant who companies, tben exits to • over-cap1talli:e a Broadway Brazil Bil lovblg wife, Mag- flop. 1.ero Mostel. gle Smllb, aprloga # few fllw>. k-+--1--1---1 Pradeace and Ille PID: clal ourprlaes ol her own In Impudent, frivolous BrlUah this comedy aaUre. farce about !he plUalla and The lmpoulbfe Yean (G): advantages of the pill. It peeks David Niven stars as a pc:o- lnto !he private llve1 ol five lessor of psychology ,; h o couples and turns into a com· speclallr.es in Problems of adolescence and discovers the confuslop teenagers can lnfllct even on· the most enlightened parents. Radle~ Roelle! ( 8 M A ) : Joanne Woodward is a neuroUc, ten.se, and restless OUR KIDDIE SHOW , aplnster school teacher trap. AT 1:00 P.M. ped in her email town. world in tbla: ~Uvte movie. TEENS AMI> ADUL'ffi " Camelot: ~vi.ab, romantic, ~,..-i,...+--+--+- and dramaUcally mov ln g screen version of Lerner and 2171,, 7 Money 35 M1n !rt rtp01ltory ,Gtntsls I Valued 36Most111· hlghly tniptrtd t Approll l-39 Color mttt!Y: 40 Pert to Abbr. shtiiherds 10 Hung around 42 Tool 11 Skin dlseas1 43 C011panlo11 12. Nttworlr: of place 13 Picadllly and show Circus. 45 Piece of 1t1lue l1ndtd ZZ--out Slnlr: a putt 4' ri::r:r 25 -hoctty S. Ctrolln1 27 N.Y. ente,.. 41 H1r11s Uln11mt 49 Hl~y ~pot dis told Colloq. SO It 1-taowa Zt Statt ptople 30 Blaclr:: P.ott. !l Flash 31 lrlsh z "-T0t" ltng111ge 53 NoUan 32 Rodlllt5 54 ftesllng 33 Dnmlng plact of dlarltr .56 Pltl '4 lll1lwl1· of aii type htad disuse 59 lniklcld James Stewart Richard Widmark • Carrol Baker In heroic legend Gf King Arthur Loewe mu&cal rt~lling thelf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-~~111 and !he Knights of !he l!(Un Roundtable. Richard Harris, J. I DIOI ''CHEYENNE AUTUMN'' Vanel88 Redgrave, Franco _ -,... • • Nero. E••· Slltw SNrfl 6:45 Romeo and Jallet: Shakespeare's clusic bec<lmes vividly new with splendor, ex- citement and new staging of Cotrt. S.INI.,-,,. .. 2 ,.11, The Most Beautiful Muslc1I love Story Ever .-----iN]ot:w:i•I Regular Prlc11 I"'"---• t= ~~· is~: ••• and from this man who could not speak ""-·the 1lrlbeerdmany tmng.; Thin s .. This for Comedy _.,.LW....- ZERO MOSTEL 1o Mel Brooli:s' "the producers" ........ [)id; si- .. --... c.1w Ne w wUI be ..atM ti .... tW i... It •l••"'.......tNy'JI •I .. H tM fteer '-tW"I -Loo k M•g•iine ht. SIMw St9fb 7 P.•·• Colt. Sat. fnm I, S11. fni• J P·•· THE ,,,,. IMPOSSIBLE YEARS~ ................. """ ..... El& Speclal P.T.A. Sohlrdcry Mcttt ... "THI PATSY"'-12:30 -AN 5..n IOf; " eo..,m~ w '"' Whlln to tti. ,,.._lou All New oH .... tlfwl ....... NEWPORT CINIMA ,....... ..... -Newpeft cl.. I. CMlt Hltliway et MacArttt.r ltd. . •IA.ND OPININ•. TUISDAY, PlllUAIY 11 -7:00. p.M. G,P-l•t Pktww _. fruce ~Ul'a "le ... eH Jan.t" FIRST SHOWING io.em...r ...... FRAllK SINATRA A.th•r Penh .. ,....., w.w· .---~~--"llJ'Ju99lt61 C -. -.. -- SECOND TOP FIA.TUii ''Tiie lestff S'""'tJer"' AND I CARTOONS MATIONAI.. GENIRAL OOIW'atAT'ION ~~~-~~~':~:~.~~:~::.~·~·!~,..~ ... ~~~·~,·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~iiis~~~~·S'~''si;; ~ij"Ji~ S..1111111,._, ........... ~I iiiiiiiill OPEN 6:45 EDWARDS THEATRE CIRCUIT, INC. HELD OYER "UDYll CEMm" ANNOUNCES ·THE ·GRAND ·OPENING OF THEM ALL T~~ GRANDEST CINEMA TUESDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 11 See the Exclusive Area gagement ! ''BEAU~IFUL! Thi entir1 film it • poem ef youth, lov ird viol111c:e, re1l1d off •f le htecl1hon9 e p•ce th•t youn'il 1uclit11c:e1 m•v t•k• Slt1~e1pe•r•'• cl111ic for • RI"• 1l11•11c:e r1c1ptiul1'tlo11 of 'Wtd Side Story.' l1a11tif11I lyrlc•I, lmp1fuo111 e11cl lrrepr•ulYely romantic played with puf• 'lt61 pe11lonl'' PLAYIOY ''BREA THT AKIN'G! It we1 Fra11co Zalflr1lll'• fnt1ntion to cr••I• 1 'Rom10 I J11litf' for thi1 9en•r1tl•n of youth •ncl he h11 1ucc1ecl1d b1illla11tfyl" MC CALL'S ''REFRE.SHING! Director P•ffi r1Hi'1 vigo10111 film v1T1lon ef 'Ro-• I: J11llet' 'With two be1111if11I adola1c1nt1 in the l11din9 rol11 com•• 11 1 rtlre1hln9 rew1fd en4 tl•e1 tfrte fra9•dy a new, ippd1tecl pol911a11cy In tht li9ht er tht pr111"t 91naratlon 91pl" "In fe1c:in•ti"t !111111 with 'The Gir•d111te.' '' -Rlch•rd Co1, W11hin9ton DC Poll .. ,, r. th• 1w•el11!, l!'lott contemporary ro· M•llCI 01'1 filll'l fhi1 yeatl'' -Renato Adl1r, N.Y. Time• -fLUS-_ .,,_ "-"SKIES OVER HOLLAND" Ulil•Dau .. 11......., .. ,... .... , J\jrl o "'ln HARltER'S tAZMR DOORS OPEN 7 P.M. COMPLIMENT ARY CONCESSIONS FOii GALA GRAND OPENING EVENING TUESDAY ONLY -l10llY ..... ..... CGIS I ..,. SftU'""' ..... .. _.. . _,.. -TIW llOSl'Oll S1IWIGLllR -c:-.. ---.... _ .. _ lk ................ . .. "THE BLISS OF MRS; BLOSSOM" 11 Coler ~ T ..... • 6:00 m 11:11 .. __ ll08IAI IOI ID 1m1 Pdience:PJ& A WM·IWlfU f'l!IXU:TUI · CoU by De luaa SMA ...... 7:11 °"'' ---•WZE11~~ ~s ,fwh · · ...,,._..,..,,,,.,...,, •• ·fiAis·~DGMvc·Ni·H™MiN~ ._ r -. ., .. Alan Alda Lauren Hutton AMThe Real Dltd: l.iOnl Technicdor•11¥¥1d..,.,. Note Tim,s: !C:.'::! ~= .,u;~;.-· '110 ......., C.attn.•: "Ce ... •t" .. 1:41 .... l :Jt PAUL NEWMAN Director end Producer of Richel, Rachel' ' Congratulations end Best Wishes to the Fabulous all new beautiful EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA Fashloo Island -Newport Clfttor E. c-1 Highway at MacArthur lfnl. GRAND Ol'ENING TUESDAY FHRUART JI -7:00 P.M. Optnin?, Pictur1 -Freneo Zeffiralli's 'ROMEO AND JULIET' ....... . Mii • • aUCH . ATaLLIS • .. ~~-~ HUNTIN•TON •&Aett • M?-..Of SECOND GllAT WUll "A BEAUTIFUL FILM"-r~•N•" Yrior -) SEE . IT . WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE ........ ~) ...... AMAN - ANdAWOMAN lftllfClMIULm. •~..wnll'Al81Mllft CONGltATULATIONS .AND llST WISHES TO THI IAIULOUS ALL NIW llAUJIFUL IDWAIDS NEWPORT CINIMA fASHION ISU.ND-NIWPOIT CINTll I . COAST HleHW.AY .AT M-.AITHUI ILYD. GRAND ON:NIN6 TUDDAT, NUUAIY 11-7:00 P.M. OftlNING 'ICTUIE-IUNCO DPPlllLU"S "IOMIO AND JULllT" Write to Uncle Len • ' ' \ .', T U J:' [l ,\ T ' -· '"°II"'· -!Cl ., ........ "" ..,,_ !Cl 7: .............. (C) ·--"_ ...... ""'-Mat .......... A l~t ~ e JOB PRINTING • e PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS ' Qu•lity ,,111th11 •" o.,.iw1.i.1. s,rm. fer "'''' tlwi11 • O••rl•r ef • C•11h1ry. 1111 wtlT IAUOA ILYD. NIWPOIT llAGH I ---...... ~------in-------; .,:µ:..:...;_;:...,.....:...:....;;;....:.., r QUEltll I o 0 r-----------. GORD9 • I 0 .. I Harold l;e DoUll HE SA'fS ME'S tor A COll\.E OF LOTS~ IF 1)4iY'IE WHEIE HE SI.YI THEY A«EJi"P H INTf!lffTEP ••• ESPWAU.Y AT TllE l't'IQ ME!S ASK&N6 •• •rs.ooo: • ! I , I i l I ' I "I'lll IOIT)', Mia, but.I 'ean't remain ollimt ' &D¥ Jongw .... ,. TELEVISION Better Check Word Satire " ' By .CYNTHIA LOWRY 1 NEW YORl!i (AR) -·Webster's New Wolld' DlcUOnary deflnu the word 111atlre" ~as "the· UM' of ridicUle, sarcasm, irony, etc., to expose, •¥•;; " or deride vices, follies etc •• · •• " 1 " •• : .. The viewer who sat through ABc•1 new uWha\1~' JI All About, World?" during lta ·premlere ThurP· day night might conclude the pr<>ducera and •wrlt,. er1 who called their comeCif-variet}r ho,llr ·~saUrlc1•; either never read the deftntUon or don't kbow the ! dlllerence between the smart-alecky and Ironic. : • THE SHOW openlci with a "1Ubouette 1wlth a Tens accent CGmplaining to. "Ladybird" that he t misaed the White .ffoose, at• 'jV)lidli point ano)her ; silhouette clllled "Hubert," chimed In that he did too. Dean Jonea, the &how's host. then appeared to ' ask who woU!d have thought 1ix month• ago thal ! Havana would bec\Xni the world's busiest airport.•. . , ' . "" One sketch had a tough-talking Mejia bo;t:Er: paring to."integrate" the Black Hand, and · g • on a Negro.handyman as the first initiate. It wasn't : funny -just sort of embarrustng. '. In another sketch, a llttle '1rl Imitated &irlrley ~ Temple dancing and singing 'lt'1 Only a Paper : Moon, n dedicated to the utronauts. Ther~ WU a · tedloos spool of a TV Interview show. . . , . POR SHOCK, there was a sketch about a laf>' danciDg mm. purpor!edly starring In a m~vlt cllled "The Swinging Sister." She talked in a combination of plOUJ' langua~o and. show bta jargon. . -' ' , ' ~ Guest star Barbara Bain earnestly recite<! Pelt , Seeger'• anti-war poem, '!W);lere Have 1\11 .tll._. Flowen Gone?" Illustrated by newsreel sbota ol Hitler, t!le Japeneoe iurrender and men ·In Viet-·! nam. ' .. What was probably maanl a~-on -but l wl!!Cb ~amo off 'it a J!lll-<!""1' -~·.Preti. dent of the United States by name in soog aM in a mannor .t.bat selllled ~ ~ derogatory. It • was pAlt of • stetcb that wound up with the cast romping around wavfug U.S. flags. Jl)!llS, :wbo'.h» &..!'lean, American-boy image, wound up Ibo.-bY llaling that If "we've offend· ..r llllY,boc& ,,.. wl!ll, l rememl(er my grandmother! . nld'tliat'U'you;wllJl .to·clllD a..cat. you have to .. llart· by;?ubbln' tlf lllr tho 1'l'Ol1I way." I · It wu not. clear· )ult wbolll be was cllling a 11 ea~ but a Jot Of tlif,lhO!r'rubbeil the rong way. ;i .. . RICOMMli~ID "llKIND ~llWING : ~ TomgJrt -:•"l'bll ti 'l'olil, JatM," ABC, 7:31-:., 1:111 PST, pnlnlera of lvirlety•omee itarring the " Welah ,~get; ,''~'•·,MU•",.~·''• ile, 8:S0.9, ~ premlii'e ol a niltiltiino ~ of tho : daytime!" game tbow;' "Thla ·il ,Shol"1° ~r;!iopi~" ~BC, IG-l:j 11, IJl8l'lai, clocli!ne!llUy 911 ~'Ille aJlcl workB ot..(l Ille Yl~dllh wrttet. . .,. • • • • SW!dq -'"lbo View flllln S~," ABC, 7.a •! p.m. PST, ~ontari <lil lflllC8 lilql!bntlon and • Ill mOIUllq:, to · man'• ~taro: "A 'Midsummer Nllbl'1 Dreoni">-CSS, •1~;11, ~·s Royal SliikNpear8· eon.peny ·ii\ tho llrll ol three play1 ·lllld'the mle ~ID ~ ierl•. ' • • • Den•b . t'lie. •enaee J ,.., . ) -.• . --.....c::c ..,...;;,;,:.=::::..:..J I • ftrf"""' SENT YA saw (XX)IOES. MEllE'S NDSr 01 '!M.• " ! I s • g • ( ' I , UILV I'll.OT Fl1Uy, FellnllrJ 7, IM Nixon .Trip, ~rai~ed Leatherwork Classes Held ~ . " An experienced craftsman f eapab~ of teaching youngst.en ltbe -an ortiJlry required .In leathennlrk la being IOUght 'bY the Boys Club of the .{Jiarbar Atta. f Any lealher speclallat In. fl""*" In donating two houri 1•cr 10 of his time each week tmQ CIXllact Branch Director t Diet· Bojo at l«-0647 ·for in- formalloo OD the leaching poslllon DOW opoD. Honor Student Frink T. Ernan<les of Costa· Mesa hu been named to ~ dean'• honor roll for academic escellence at the um. wnlty of Oregon. Eminil<s WU ..,. of ISi students who ~ a maigbt A aver· "ate. for the tall term. ' J 1 in meetlngs at Versailles,, "Pf!>vld~,an. oppcrtunity for the residence of French klnga taJU liblch will ee"a to of the put._ 'lbe _... aa1d deepen' l!Je friendly •~ there would be an lniUal American Rola-• · . me<tlng Feb. 21 at the 'lbe • atatmenl aa1d ia... presldentlal pl!ace In Pll'll • Inger wlJI cillCllll with N!IJ\n where De Gaulle wW bost a "questlonl ot the .m.ce, state dinner for N"ucoq. Euroi>ean policy ...i Gernwi: 1\e choice of Versailles and Amrlcan ielatlpna." its small but lavish GraDd West Beruft'1 mayor, llaul Triaoon Palace,· reflects the Schuetz,. lllid: "We tball tum great em~ De Gaulle ii the day of hll -· Into a putting m the meeting. new symbol· of the Genaall people'•· -and. ,,..,,,.,..., with the America people." BE'ITER UNDERSTANDING The suspicion among Euro- pean authoriti~ is that Nixon feels he baa a · better un- derstanding of De Gaulle and hls asplratlom thin 'Pre>ident Lyndon B. Johnson dilplayed. U be, in fact. proves to be so, a mood of "\er. cor-diality can be anticipated in the ' frigid Amerlcan'Frencb reJaUons of the past few years. Oo the French side, officlall cite the wann exchanges of messages between De Gaulle and Ni%on since .even bdore Novtmber's election u an augury of better lhlnga to eome. . . But there was a feeling too that N-may discover the road to stronger and better relalloos with a 11 Euro- ~Eastern as well as Weatem-may well r u n through Bonn. Tbe German problem still remalna:' at the heart of divid- ed Europe's ·rivalriea: and~ tensions, And the view of ex-1 perls wu that Nixon's ap- proach to the future of· Germany will condlUon tbO -... failure of hls Euro- pean Jl'Ol!f1Ull. cqancenor Kurt G...-g Ki,.. Inge?'• West ei:pressed satis- faction Germab goverri-that the President "Is underlaklng a D:iropean trip so 21oon after bil -..,ration" and .. visit- ing both Bonn and West Berlin. Illa lrlp, a stotement iald, Soorces at the Valfcan'ln Rome recalled lhll Nbon wlll become the· filth Amerbn president to meet ·wltli ·a Roman Catholic pGotll!. . . President Johpsoit llW Pope Paul VI twice at ·the Vatican In 1917 and In New Yen In 1965; Prealdtat x-edl' .. saw Pope Paul In 190 ill the Vatican; President Dqbt D. Elsenbooer called .ai Pope John XXIIl at the Vatlcu in 1959. and Pre1ident Woodrow Willon Wll recefftd at the v.uc.n by Pope Benedld xv In 1111. ·Coast Boys ' Make List ; ' Four. studenta· fnllll Ille Orange Cout Area have btOn namld;1o tbe dean'•:lilt.'9r acadenllc , ucellence lo the Colli!g•· .,,~ and -1 -a\ the lJnh1ull)lofC.alllor·al•a, · Davia. Tbe llodenta Jlllln. talned at leut; a B avenp for 1l or mart' unfta d wort during the fill quarter. : 'Ibey are: Wllllam J . lllviea, Costa 111 .. ; Palrick s. Kenney, 1"1ne; Donald 0 . Morsbead, I.quno Beldl. and steven R. ·swee1er, SouUi Laguna._ now you earn • I ~ ... stai·t today! On·Bonus Acxaomls (minimum $1,000 In 51,00> multiples) ,.., pay the 5" """"" annual rate qu~ Illus 1/4" annual bonus If hel<Uhm! ~ars or 101111!". 1hit -is determined quarlielfy:The safety of your 5a\'lnp I"""'"' to 515,000. ANAHEIM §~~!~cf!! &.. ==-,~mi,-....... ,' ~ . irr.~ .ll'~ :r:.- ...._ ____ fll!llflPNU~•R" .... AfM&.aU:UTICIHS ----- .. ' . ·- .. ~ '· ' .. • . ' • S.wlllllffll . ' ., ent#tilfot.JOltl """'blue flbbons ' . . . ' 'ltdhf!i1nble .~lnl7 . . irt~ ~: ~ ... · '/irJlitrier ., TllllSplitnt ; .... """ :rt J"""1 cnits . ~ Cbllf;ffnd,""1111 ' ' mlcaltJrJ . EXNliled lf!theltns 111t1:w1nt1on ti BUUDCIC'S ... FASHION SQUARE.;.. SANTAANA ~ mllableto . ' sht1fl eiact ,. •. ldclttlonl "_,, . . I , . . l.imfnr«lflY • F~ION SQtlARE ; -----• • • First exclusively Orange c;:ount:Y..t1Pw, sponsored . . ' ( ' , ' by BULLOCK'S FASHlc;>N.SQ~ARE-;~A ANA In cooperation with Scholasl:lc MagaZine, tnc. . . . •, .~. Febn.1$Y·"1rough Feb~ 22' · .• . . ' I , ' • + • • 'Featurfng thetilllented yoling artists-of an.ng. County high schools . .,,. . . Vlalt the 30 Diatlnct:Mt Stonis Of B.ULLOCK'S FASHION SQUARE SANTA ANA . • L :~64 ~lVJ. · ·· ~: ... ~ .. ~ll':~~EVY ' . / -•.. .rBet ,;.Air 1 "fifbor · V:B 'automatic 4-speed;' radio and heater, Lic;·f . ~n,.~~dio'i,~nd h~ter, QZV 363. · ' power aleeril)C & ;Jirues, •WSW, · • ·· : factory · air ci>nd. IJ,c. SBW089. ~595 . ' . ·s995· A ' ••• '64 IM.PERIAL Crown 2-door h3rdtop, tun and eo~plete po~er, ·_ fatt~ air· cond~ radio &: heater. ie_ltber inl.eri.or, Lie. WQS953; .<, · , • "''" 111 .. ,. 5 . ' I~'"';•• , • ~ .. ..... -. •. -.... '. . ' ,. . . ,.... . ,, . ' . ' . -. . ' -...... . ' '• '64 .CHEVY ' . , Ooupe,_ atict, radio and heater. Lie QZV363. . . ·.~595 ' ' . . · ~-· 'Ja;l1U$f ~~G '&4 iA ILEli • I , ·• t • -., , \ • " '" .; •~ • • : ' VS, automatic tralllmls!il•n, ra-Station, wagon;. V8, radio a. heal· dio and h~iter, poWer' sieerinc, er, aut~im&tic: tranemillio~ Lie. power b~59i~9~ '.' ~953.~ ~Sf S · . . .. ' . .. ~ . ._,. • I . ' 11 !I . I• • ;1 tj \ ~ : • '· " .. ... ' . 'I j I 1· I HAS ·,EM ' ' . ~ . ~ , t~E , .CA~ ;'OF THE YEAR!. ··~~·~··~·····~··········· • New '69 VALIANT .. • •• • • : ·AMEilCA'S ... :.f:~'.~Q.M.FORT48LE ;;;.>"!.,-:\'! __ , •• ,5: :COMP APT~ ·:~1AUTOMOBIL~ . • . ' .. ' . ' . ' ' . . • • tli.-9 .. ·oo s9·5 ·19 • : .. :~ :! . . ' ' : ' . ·.. ; " . .! " :& ............ :.:~ •••••••.•••••• ~:;., . l .• ' . ' AMERICA'S RNEST PRESTIGE STATION WAGON •. " . LUXURIOUS 1969 CHRYSLil ' . ' • • '67 coua~R . '&5~hry$lef. ~-' ( .• ~64 PONTIAC Auto. lransmiJlion, rallio & heat· 'tilo'o'a'·•HARDTOP I.· . . · .. ,GRAND PRIX. Autofuatic 'trans-er, power steering & bl1tes, wsw, • ~ power,. nu.ssion, radio, heater, full and burgundy, vinyl lludiet seats. plus air condilioning.i Lie NQW comp!~ power, factory air. Lie. Lie. UUT882.. , , , . 'I OQ,O.,.. No. SPS 529. s269S , . ~--" '.~"· ·:, ... )~~1:495: ... : . s1095 , J • • •• , .. ' '68 Pl YMOUTH 4-door, automatic transmission, radio and beater, wbite.,aldewalls. Lie VWM219. ' , ~195. '&tfCHEVV · Bel Air Station Wagon.-VB, auto. malle transmission, r a' d i o and heater, ~wer &teerinlj:actory air cond11ionlng. Lie : 188. $1595 .. .::r~ ............. , .. ........ IOACI ' ·: ' . , '67 BUIC~ Wildcat, full power, ladory air conditioning. Lie TX'ito& '65 CONTINENTAL Full power, factory-air condition· ing, full leetber lnteriqr, very sharp! Lie. NGN953. ' · $229'5 · . '67. DODGE : ;66 ;MUST ANG ' ~ ' ., . ' Mo~aco SUUon Wagon, riin pow· :'Va, automaUc'translnlsSion, radio er, faetPl')'.'.air conditi~ni.Dg, low ~and h·e at er, power steering, miles. Lie TXE988. ' 'sharp! Lie RUD238. .. ·s·· .•. . . $ . . .2495 ' ' '.. ..1495 ' . ·•. : . .. \. : ··; ' ' ' ' ·OPEN 1 DAYS' ·';.A. ,\fiEEK i': . 1:30 A.M. TO 10 P~ · "' ........................................ ~: 1 •• • i ••' ,..,_''•,of I •• .-.. '. . . .·; ,, •' 'j-~~·1 .• ' ' ' ' ; r ,. ! I • . N '&f COrtTINE"J AL ,;_ •.. , -~~ ·~t·; FUil and complete power, factory aiz:. conditlo~g, full leather in· tenor, Lie. UX840. · $1'095 'fl NEW-fORKER - 2-door hardtop fill! power, faO. tory air conMtlon!ng, radio and heater, b<jlance of factory war· ranty. Lie. ~73. --~2895 , . . . . '&&'MUSTANG , . . ~ . . /\qloplaUc ~r• r~ll and heater, VS, buckft seats, etc. ' " Lie SBD248. '• $1'395 ' ' I .I ~ .. , I f AT THE ~~.EWOOD ,TUINOFF OF THI SAn DIEGO ·RtDWAY· "OM ORANGE COUNrf · I '., 426•tao1_ '!+~ s 543·6663 .. 527·2341. • ... ~ . ' '· I \ " -~--~----~-----------------·-- , . • • ·: • • I I t ii~~~~SA~L~E~HOU~~·~·~S~PO~R~SAiL~-~~ HOUSIS l'Olt SALi Houses FOR $ALI HOUIU POI SALi • 10oo ·o...w .-· 1000.d;. ~=e""""1uui::"''.::10::·•=~°"'~~ .. ~·iii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ioai-o G1Mr11 1oao o..ieiw' E FABUL0ll$ ·9 UFFS . JN ~·~··1wo.. . ·o e<lusion OFFERS: · · :rt~.~~~«.:: . Pefe Bar'reff Re~lt'J .F~ ... ~R _HQt,tCI~.~ W«:~. 1,A 'CUIS'rA.at B'.r<JOkhurat &.At· rivacy V '-iew of Bay :;;:" !!'111iw "':;.1'!,1 OCEANP1lONT-fiellmi.1~flnes~ '•.IPll ln.~llOI! ~ We th'l"lhl we legance A...,..· W'11s~on pl.,.oompl_paneled_ p' reJenla frontloca\jon in Newport ' wlth•COJD-, 1114111: Our llfW ~ ao)d 'DUI one Of our u1 de Sa< L _, ow Le..ehold .,.i. family,_.. with.,.. manding View of the Harbor lllCt, &iid· ~y,era bas J>een tr~ It we must,sell rnmaculate u """7 n~er market hearthtireplace.Nottolben-' apanorMlieViewfromPointFermlntOAv· ( Wf."home •• This San ~uel lmoetnew .E -xcelleat terms lion the IB' x 31' heated & ALL FltlSHENEO UPI New jalnt, aJon. 3 Bedrooms, dining nn, maid's rm, ~· :~ •\Or;y home IO!t. ng; Olded with extras ,. • ~ pool. Name your familv rm. Luxurious marble bath rm & ' .. 4., . 1*\Jir~, .formal dlrung .,.. terms. FHA. VA. $Zl,600. clean Carpels, vacant, re a y to magpilicent panelled Living rm. White wa, '1'00ilt iOmtl.wlth a real flr~place, elet- Townbouse otyle·-·spacious 2 BR, 2 bath, move in. 'Wcinder!Ul for 1811• fam-ter 6reaking on the beach below -5600 aq. trio kildlen, lllJ)l!10US ,green shag. !Onita! dining rm, covered View balcony and ily -neor Mariners School It Park. ft. Priced~ $250,000. Shown by appt. only. carpets throu8hout. The .outside incl~des private patio Arrmge roolDI to suite your needs · shake roof & concrete driveway. GraaoU1 ·3, 4 or 5 bdrm1 with family rm &/ HARBOR ISLANO -The only avallable llvil)$ for only $31,800 with 10% down. Im-~! this p!Us 100% maiDt'. tree living for · OltANOlt COCJl(TY'S or dining room. HARBOR HIGH· home on beautiful Harbor Island. 3 Bed· mediafe · om1pancy. Call 96~2929 or 96~1 .) ;r7,900 -and it won't.JP! long!. ;, · · LAROUT · · LANDS. 1417 Morlnori Drive. n....n roomx, StudY, lal&e Living nn, pier & slip. 1338 any day from 10 to 8. ', · m I. 17th St •. 14 •. 44M s ,.... -· s -· vr-Priced und t I Imm"" te I -.-·~!!!'!!!'!!'~ ..... I "·' EASTILUFF · 1tEAiTY a •·rlY e-· •-ey I to 5. er cos or ...,a &a e -*r , ...., , 4 •• -MESA VIRDE FA-AST · $175,00Q. By appt. only. · INCOME . 2414 Vista Doi Oro, Newport le1<h 5 BEDROOM I . "·' IC VIEW -with a Span· · MONEY MAKERS 644-1133 EVE. 644-0'0~· "POOL"· ·ish fkvor. First time offered by BIACON BAY '-3 bedtOoms, custom built 8AY.4DERE , · . uge Rumpus Room ..McCordlo, Rltrs. D Newport Blvd., C.M. 7729 Eves. ~ Exqulaite executive home. o_rigJnU, oWn.-. -this tutefully home, lots of glas_s, beaut).ful Pl!lijo, Bay In.. ixcliwve 4·Bod.....,-$21,'50 21> battuJ. Formal dining decorated, ad\111 occupied 4 tidtm View, community Beach, private pier, ten· trvffie ,.........., &-thafa. not all! DeUghttuJ room. Lovely 26 x 42 tr-ee ... home. Dlnlng room &. family room. niB court, -asking • · •. · · · · · · •.••• ·, · •. '59,500 · beauWul cuatGm home tam.Dy room for the "In tonn pool encircled by abu-• Large center lslarid kitchen. Separ• Shown by appt. · 3 Biidroornt including acerilf''. Elepnt fireplace.' dant ~. Luth tq1ctJ • , ate, malit's ............ -. 31h baths. Off lavllh muter suite • --Y< · ·-~~th 1 ,. I Al 1 • · ,.....,-. ELEGANT -Exquilite DQver Sbort1 bomei 1am11y room with -•· .,,_. •• """"·'~~""· . •l..,trte ' st1'tet parking & o~erslzed double 3 Bedrooms, family rm, Lanai rm, beautllw ed.-· BOat aocee. Near Jdlcben. ,Truly a -.•i.. " faJ'llfe. IJOVlll' SHORES. . lnlald noo, an achooll. Best t bedrqom ttnctive reaklence. Near , mterior, erlensively landscape:d., room for 2 swimming pool~ buy in ODtta Mesa. !W04'l20 schools & aboppl.ne. 540-1120 1124 Santi•' Dr.· 'Open dtl.ly 1-5. pool. Sunken living rm, liuge tDaster suite: with water fountain TA.RB.ELL 2'55',Harber T•RBELL 2'55 Hor. •·r IDEAL p•ulLY HOME-ne·•Mari" Priced $115,000. OPEN SAT & SUN. badmioton court " -· p ""'k In m£. 1363 Galaxy Drive . "eloquent" doa run DAIJ.Y PIIDl' WANT ADS! 'White elephantl! Dime+ll?e ners a r Westcliff Plaza. 3 a lot ot home bdrm!, 2 batbl; 1.ar&e family room view -Your last opportunity for a tremen,. in a ciioice location overlooking beautifully landl!caped dous bargeln Dover Shores -B·BR ~maids 1'19,500' g a r d e n. lmmaculate condition. rm, 3 Baths1 powder -rm,. lrge Vif:w: Living Call John Abell $48,900. Rm, dining rm, Fam rm, breakfast' ru\, 2 Ros' m.iia; OFFICE OPEN Saturdays & Sundayl' 1605 Wl!STCLIFF DRIVE Newport leach 642-5200 -------·---_______ .. STIOU: THE BEACH AT SUNSIT $ $ SAVE $ $ firepleces. Atrium. A Sacrifice at ... $95,000 HAR .. 0111 OPEN DAILY~ 1374 GaJaxy Dr. iohn ma~nab REAL TY COMPANY 811 Dov••"Dr., Su ite 101 Moeco RHlty eo. Bldt. 442-123S DOYER SHO'llE~ . DOYE, R' SllOR£S . BAY VIEW ·• SPANISH .C RIALTORS , 673-4400' ' . SPLIT -LEVEL 4 bdmi home. With famD)' roqm &: formal dlnln& room. l.Alvey pooi. Iii patio. Good terms or might lease wilh' option. Arnold. & F,..ud 388 E. 17th St., CM. _ Real!ors 646-7755 ..... !:."!..l: ~ • U UNITS -..,.,llOO • Brand neW Owner ·wW trade. ' , 3 UNITS -$3.1,500 10% down • praae! .. ,all rentl!d. .~ ' . 2 HOUSESi , · • ON Im ~ $19,500 Ney.'part Hel&htl Dist. RemoCleled. · OPEN EVES. 'TlL 9 ~2313· .. 64&-nn -r·1 ~ ,.-~J r· r .. L E 1 .\'fl ,-:-; 'B• lxecutlve · Home Lovely tarae· 2,600 square foot home, 4 spacious bed· rooms, 3 queen sized bath.I. Huge library could be atudlo or separate in-law quart~n. Choice location. Beautlfu1 landscaping and lightlna: in lfl>!l l and rear yal11.1>. Priced for quick sale at $36,950. : WE SELk A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES • • mm 23 Years ~eal :Estate Experience iiti N~wrt Beach s B'R. 3 i.tb. 1 year old 1amll1 borne II one of a kind. Gudln Pl· tlo btt muter Blt. I.up Pti· w.te Riv yard fat children. 2 car p.raee, Jlllt plaoed on the ma.Mt far $38,llriO. 'The Rft1 Eltaten .:.MS-'ll.il. 54&2313 CAUSE ITS DIRTY. Full b:irma3~~~Dra:matichic_1i ~i~ l "i>Unt by IVAN .prtce$22,995fora4bedroom ceutng, Inntr ·~trtum, 1:r&n> \f~.tLS: v~ tar 2 bath home!! Everything lucent, ~tractable ro·ot quality con.1tructloi1on Iara:· you need. built ins, doub1e Family room with unique est '1\ew lots In Newport prage, ~IN living room corner Jin!place + 2lx2T Beach. Plan # 302, ready on a <:<mer Jot. No down to game room over garage. tor occupancy, IJ the model 51 Vi · · v.i.. small dowo FHA. s.o t.uxu.iou>I> "'""''ed.."'""' with the elepnt •trtum . . . BIG' IEDRO.OMS thll one. call Farrow RH.lty, ed .l landlcaped. One of the 14' beamed celllrw, tranllu- Walker & Lee 2043 We&lclJ.H Drive 64&7TI1 Open Eves. "' . "CHAP" 'ltASHIAll- . ' TOP SALlSMAN FOR ·1968 in Huntington Beach Fountain Veftey B0<1rd of Roa~ors M6-4494. · molt ~t bomel in .Dov· ctnt roof all tiled floor I: l'omW ·dimae-room, tamily er Shotts I: priced rictit. ~ pantiled .:WU.. Beamed cell· room. 8rMldut and laundry Oii 60lf COURSE Open Houses . THIS WEEKfND K•' thlt Mnft tUl'9Ctory with YMf tit .. WMk· elMI •• you 10 'houM-huntlnt. All th9 1-.tlen1 ll1ted below are dMCrlMll In ,,...., lfft•ll lly ·Mvertialnm .......... 'la hel1'(1 DAILY PILOT WANT AOI; hfNiw· 1htwl1t1 o,.n ...,._ ,., Nie or ft ""' an .,,.ect hi Hit such lnhrm•· tlen In this c .. amn each PrWey. (2 .Br. & F<tmily or, Den) 2518 Via Marina, Newport Beach 642-3219 (Sat & Sun) (3 Bedroom) 2.535 Crestview Dr. {Bayshores),NB 64[>.2987 (Sat" Sun 12-5) *1601 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terr:) CdM 642-6472 Eves: 678-3468 (Sun Afternoon) (3 Br. & Family or Den) 700 Malabar (Irvine Terr.) CdM BAYCREST Want to build your own? See thill larp, deeded lot at ... ;,;oo on ,qWet cul.<fe-sac. .......__. ,.,..,..,,,. ... ' • • • < ' .. l~CK BAY Do )'OU want a better-than averaa:e-3 bdnn 2 ba home at a better • than •• average price ! See this Provincial cbarmtn with family room 1:-pocl Oil large lot for only "°·""'· Roy J . Wa.rd Co. (Bayc:reat OWcel 1M2 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP ing in !amlly room w 1 t b artts. Thia 3 year old model choice of hardwood parquet home has expen!ive plush 4 units 2 BR 1% bath, &tu- or carpets. Unique lwninua carpeting througliout &: cen-1,tios, Out of town owner. lm- ceilin& be~ decorative tral air-conditioning, $4.1,500. prove this & mJ.ke mqne)'. beams In the all electrlc • 10% down. The Real Es-"l TRADE'' view kilcben..4 ~ 3 1>a.1 .·"'.ta:"l•="=·=S<-.i-'==""='64<>=n=n=~llo;:b;,;.Ollo=="=""=";· ';;•'=54&=5580;;; 3 car gar. See thll•-pool-or-1 iented e!eiant hfne;tpday-1 ~Get;::.,.:;r::•::r=:. ::. ==·::;10;:i0:;:'°:::°'=:"!:":;:•::1 ::· ====1000~ it won't last JOni! I I . Roy J. W~nl I=•· : 1842 :;;;;~ , Coldwell, .; P.pnker OFFERS: · '··. '''··" A RARE FIND. Well locat- ed Three Bedroom Home 1n EASfSIDE COSTA MESA. Walk to WestcUU Shopplna; Center. Enjoy the fine nei&h- borhood, schools, park and playground. Luxurious hard- wood floors, lari'e fenced rear yard with fruit trees. Paved alley • easy acceta for boat and traller. ALL FOR $20,0CtO! HURRY!! ·. . Dover Shores-·Water Front CustOJll Spanish d~sign. Upstairs J.iv. rm .. w/wet bar. Master. suite. Downstairs - Din. rm. 2 Br's + Sitting rm. Pier .,. Float .. . .. .. . ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $129,500 Mrs. Raulston . Lido Lllxury Unusual custom home t>WU: around tre- meqdous patio + s~ pool. Com- pletely redecorated w/tilies! taste. 5 Bedroom ................. "" ... $125,000 ., ·~ 67f>.2000 (Sun Hi) 'This well planned cwitom built split level home, offers QICt'I: oountry atmo!phere. 4 bedl'oomr paneled recre~ tional room. lower deck and upper balcony "overlook can. yon. Excell~nt coOOition and ' &rl!L $42,5(0. ! • ~. Mrs. Harvey , ..... . ' d l r -... ..... b •. : ! .. ,, .... ,.. Oi1n1 Stuart h11 bton In Roel E1t1to S1l11 for 6 yo1r1. H11 an e>ccollont record in Home . R .. 111101 erM Now Homo Salos. .. Mrt. Kraft t1 • moth•r of 2 children 7 and 11 •nd h11 con- tinued 1lnco 1965 to l:io one of tho most succo11ful 11101 people. Dien• ,Stuart .. ,BRASHEAR REALTY Is proud to wMOlllt . .:, new saltslnn RAY. STEINER & MURllLLE OTllN Roy Steine• ,,, Rey Stoinor hes 60011 in Roil n I &tete a short timl but h.11 had .J.i'1utct a 1uccessful career in R .. fell Solos fot th1 pest 10 y11n. ~l.,.. Ho h11 Uwed i111 Hu11tin9ton Jd 1 .. ch for 6 yo1r .. Murielle Otsen M¥ri11lo OtSon hes ·hid -. •• 1 Ea:t1t1 llcensi 2 yoen, howo¥.,. hes b11n • bookkeeper for the pest 4 years with Tovett's Her4· ware. She is I moth or of a da1i1141hter in college, 17420 ll•ch Blvd., ttlllltlngton lleach .847-8531 • 1518 AnU~ (Dover Shores) NB (714) ~ (Sun) 2124 E. Oceen Blvd. (Balboa Penn.) 675-4031 (Sun 1·5) 1206 Pembroke Lane, Newport Beach 642-4251 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1500 Vivian Lane, Newport Beach . 673-2020 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2043 Calvert Ave., (Mesa Verde) CM 546-3081 . (Daily) 4061 Germelnder Wy (University Pk) CM 64&-8811 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1374 GaJaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Dally) 1014 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB (714) 64U235 (Sun) 3246 New York Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 546-1170 (Sat & Sun) 1147 Glen Eagle Terrace, Costa Mesa M0-1720 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom) 2211 Vista Hogar, (The Bluffs) NB 67f>.3433, 644--0990 (Sat alt & Sun) (4 Bedroom & Femily or Den) 2138 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach (714) 642~ (Sat & Sun) *1907 Holiday Rd. (Baycrest) NB 648-4598 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1530 Anita Lane, Newport Beach 543-7943 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2807 Europa (Mesa Verde) CM M0-3380 (Dally) *1114.2 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 640-1550 (Dally l~&) 1320 Santiago (Dover Shore•) NB (714) 642'8235 (Sat & Sun) **101 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Ille) NB (714) MU23S . (81\t & Sun) 1415 Sentiago Dr. (Baycreat) NB ete.8236 . (Sun 1-4) DUJIUXIS POil SALi • (3 B.clroom) . 1707 w. Balboa mvd., Newport Beach 644--0266 (Dally) IAYCRE!iT ,POOL HOUSE ~ 2000 sq. ft. 4 bedroom &. famlly room 37 fl pool A Evenlna:s caD 646-7887 ateal at $46,500. Please can I iiii!!!iw!iii(illij;iiiiiiJ 11 ''" .,.,.1o1men1 to "'· Ex· CdM Duplex clustV. with . PARTll'L JEAN SMITH OCEAN VIEW • 400 E. 17th St. Custom-built by Bullder/Qwn. Colt& Mesa, Calif. er. ~ blocla fioin-Ocean on •":'...:.7:..:14;.clc:~:,6 .::32~55::,,..,;.--I 40' lot -beautiful.. wood pen- p Wld eltbw in ktt:chen-and lam roptl"J t nn • medallion ldkbeo • 3 Privacy BR • 2 bath • °"" . FIR With an unsurplwed bay and used brick fireplace • BBQ • ocean panorama. This cus-sundeck. 2400 sq ft. tom home is designed to 2nd Unit separate from main take full advaiitage of the Bldg • 1 BR -approx 800 sq view. 4,000 sq ft under roof. ft • beautifW.b' decorated 3 ........,,. aod 3 baths, aod . top quality "'7011/ ...... _...ting'" '""" ........ AikJ,.. 171,IXXI. Coll detail. lill,000 1(~1fi'. i' ROBINETT Colesworlhy & Co. REALTOR 6'5-0128 1904 Herbor Blvd. CM. 642-m7 Open Ev11. 2 BR DUPUX La?'le 900 IMI ft units with en- closed iar.. • in excel· lent cobditlOn'.i Cotner Joca. tion near schociis · A shop. pin(. °""" -.- -==~ .6000 LOCATION OPEN SUN 1.5 2124 It O..on Blvd, laliaoa P"11nsul • 3 ' ll . s ba.th!I plus fa lly: room RICHISON RIAL! ~} . " .~ Si4,0QO •, r --------- PE I~ R Dl\1 , ' . .... . . ... * '42-1771 Anytime * lroa SALE iul Esflle Office Exctl1tnl CdM locAtlon Btokt!r IttVlrw: are:a MlllUple Ll•tlnc av4U..ble Qlf J>r:leit ~ S.U.1324 !Vf'I, 1ticbad:bw a t."OfDU' on hut)' tratt!c ltrlet • lmpt:OY&o -ptl •tbe -w1ll briar 113$ per rno. -E:xcdl -~tor ~tor!· ror eddJdonal Info call CHIL T ROllNln' • REAL'IOR ' •• _,. SALTON Sea Lot Reduced Sl.000 lor qUlck aaJe. Need cuh, 545--7591 after 4 pm OOZY 3 BR plus l BR Apt. J\lm. Near Beach. Pyramkl Exchu1aon!J48.«il9 ' 2 Good Lido •uy' ~ 2 BR -53' Jot. ROom ·to add. Corner Strada location. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $51,500 4 BR 2-story ·home. Located on Lido Nord. , Furn.-Avl. ...................... ·. $61,500 Mrs. Raulston Don't Go Buy-'Go 111 & See · OPl!N SUN I • 5 . 700 Malabar, Irvine Terrace, CdM A)l'\O~pltJlre which rinf! with pride. 3. BR. · &: Den uniqtie Home. Fam Rm overloOJi: .. Ing picturesque Pool & ·Patio. with View. ................................ $55 ,000 Mary Lou Marion Enjoy Bayshore Beaches . Private gated area w/be1t boating & swimming facillUes. Arch/remodeled home avall. WI H Bdrm. & extra lrg. !am. rm + nice patio. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $49,500 Mrs. Harvey Exceptional View -3 Br. An: outstanding split.level home richly ap- pointed, with large wet' bar,· bayside patio. Immediate occupancy. . ... ".... $47,500 Walter Haase Irvine Terrace $37 ,500 3 Br w/la~gest lot: av. 75xl75l Room lo~ tenttis cl or po ol. Freobly paltlt~d Inside & out. Parquet fin. Lota of clolet space. Oreg Wohl . · .T -~--~~...____ ,,,---------~ l I e ' '· 0 •• tl n d e •• O· n- lO = IO - ' " J B~ccofa; Gngfu~ U//ag• 1 1611t &'T•ll•-C-Moll • Excell~t loeatlon. near 1cboo!J, abppplnc and beach Ott'1 a few le!l Buy now wblle In· ~ ralel are only - -...:. ' , 1% with 20''. -•-7V.% with 1o%-Dn. M ,2ntl.,..,.ne ,..,..._29 yn"' bolo- Prlcecl ' from SJo;tso '"' $3J,+sor ' Excluolve Aglftl " p. a. palmer Incorporated . U77 VIA LIDO Tr1ct Ph: S40-.l1H F1-LA. Coll MA s.t034 ' · lllVWllY PARK 4061 Germalnder W1y 3 + Family nn. ·Prime ""· on Ja:e, sreenbelt ~t to &dull pool Popu!M Edin"""' """"l lll.SOO. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 Newport •• Vlctorl1 646.1111 2 S~ry·Shc,dl• ~IAY i. ~BEACH .-'IEUEf ·~IU'15 Col'OllCI Hlghlands Men appreciate construction! Ladies like comfort! Both enjoy pttsU,:e such u you'll find in this Udy 3 Bedroom + Dinln& Rm. home. Hd- wood Firs. Raised Hearth Fireplace; S h a k e Root. Lorre LoL $41,900 Shorecllffs Enjoy the HARBOR VIEW Rciof Ruitlc · rrom the p1ctutt wtndowa of COSTA MF.SA.. Fol-dial llate this deli&:htful 3 Bdrm. 2 enfcy. 'I.arP'' .livinc room Bath home. Proper(y eully ,.,.-tth brick kc burninc fire-' ~able. Pool •1%e yard. it'.K&ce. Qlpntlc tam.lb' room Price only $69,950. '!I"' -'"'k !lttpl""' + bar. Owmina: kitchen wiO, buU.t-ins + dlshwuher. Din- iDI area. Great mUter wtth private bath. Forced • i r beating. 3 baths. Lars• be>ted pool with dlvq boud. Neat lclioola, ~ plni and beach.. Only $31,"950. FOREST E. OLSON, INC. 541-5312 Irvine Tmrrae• Enjoy the convenil!noe ot this rracious 4 &drm 3 Bath home. in the hub of activity, 1hop11, Country Cub' or Beach • yet quiet and res\. ful. There is a hup famib'· and-dinlni?-room. $45,500. China Cove Sales through the Muit!ple µrtfng Service of the Newport H•rbor ~osta Mes.a Board of R•alton . toteled ! $4,565,250 for . the flrst 'mbnlh of 1969. T~is' represents 114 unit sales end en increase of 331/J "/, over J1nuery of last i••r. ~if~ your p~perty wltlt a Realtor to&., ' ' 1 I Of ' . ~ ,_ ------ Oolll y I'll.ff 3 f fr'IGU, f'tbrwarJ 7, lM 1n11fes fQ. SAi.i HOUSEi FOR IAt.a HOUSES fOR SM;-......... ~Ull iiAL• It .. i ~.2!.. 1 • 10ao -v.,. 111111111M cri-1111Hunt...,........,1al~~~~~3i!I , I '4 •• .:: I I . PACLSE'tl!J\-4 • BI\ I!".,.. ...... . WllAl A IUI . 111nm.: llf;'llll 11tn1,...'. ':.,.~:.,. ~ ..!;':,.~ ' ~ CHICK ~ 11A llllll8oQ "" _i_I ,• llOI --<QI. OPEN ~~ d -~M' Lowly t ~ m bolb bcinw, 2 ---~:>:t OuW.ncH. 3 B(t l bi. Dii\Illl •~ ~ uuu. Wft -· ~ budwood fbh. eal'pob A -...-•. -WIUI ~tlhil .... -........, •·-JuJ:r J,, SM -l l'.Jo.Ver6t-.r&. ~!,BJI. ... ~~-_,.,.-1220 ..,..:1o1.11oom1or..:.: 'lll-1112:(112J-·• pf.c. l ~ w01Je<1 :e r~· '" .,.-. 111'1-. I Uvq .l'l'I"-Hoo GI ::1ao ap. ' $25,900. Ownr A-,._., n1ll to bd>. J ~in~-•!:.."": L ............ loan Wt.lb Sll4 ptt •• I 8r. 2 k. °" ~. FHA toan. · ;..,.tli'S"' 11. NI oEUCiliTFUl.a Bl\; 2 BA. 129,900 Owner. •u-Hu P•ul ~-·-a tty 1.~ !_.~11• 1o ...,_ .., • l f&m,.Alj-lll'll loan ...._ ' ..,_ 11 ---""'Ill-..,._ • ..,. or f ~owner. 54&--1110 -:-_ · U.1.u&G 1 .. E'::r UW1M ~ • * .,_Ull ~ 1 • ' COATS ---..... _ .. Y11M-1225 -lt~NT~ • ' A , ~')!11 ~·fie 111$ ~ BY 'OWNER e -lleif, Cltll' INdy Hi'•H ' WAI.LACI s BDl\M 11> Bl. C•ll•re S B<1nn 2 Bt,. -oeu. · -.1 ltlALTORS Pm H~ 1ot ale bY lnl• i,,. ~ potlo. Corona -Hom• I ;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i~:1 s 546 4141 -ownl!'r, ut500; &t:M854 FO!Ud air beai~,. 2 prtvafii; wtth an Ocean Vlew I• '°""' 1-1 • .., -= .... ,..,_ $35,900. Under ljG,OJ)' *WHY PAY ~· • -Newport INch 1200 Open S.t A Sun 12-S lO% 3 ~. 1;!_!!: OK Th,.. m_ 25!5 CmtYlew Dr. ~... N ON. I PINNY n oa.v• 640-298'1 1or appolntm.nt LLOYD IAllNITT It Cholce new otferlnp SUNDAY 1-5 p.m. OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 1·5. 901 Chestnut 11 ... .,.. -• Joatlon WESTCLIFF REALroR m.--Veta --~ .,. -t to you look e I Bed"'°'"' W-llff 1230 2333 £. o..t Hwy, Cd1ol In lmmedllltly. I : thil ovtr. Convtnlent to • 3 Batht I·~~""-"'"""•• I ~ Newport HeJa:hts: NEW S BR. M~terranean 1cyle,.cholce corner. "38.~ * 5'0 lUSTIN * Newport H • l r Ii t l """1• • .Foun Rm w/Fr!>k W11tcllff Presti,. $795 DOWJI RfPO G1Ut loc:atloo In H ' •hoOI. and all 111.ioPplng. 2 e Separate. dinlnn 3 bdrm. 2 ba A fam rm., , ton Bu.ch on HamUtoa • • bUcfl ·lo new patk. OriJ.y • Bi.r Lot beautifull.ydttOrat@d.'priced betw.n Brocikbuntt.• d SZ,MO;'and ..n thqo. "p,lus" tor Boat I: Pool below area,-S39,l60. Ownt!r. Ooe f. BR. leJt.' 2 1tory. 1Va· 8ulh&td -do. ~ Uft Eulbltdll 5 Bedroom boi:rte.on ~ ~t. fu.t\IN. 3 bedrooqai, 2 e ln1mac 'move-in' cotld "2-4251 cant Good area. Quick re-be&cb. 1 : Baycreat; ·Many exira,. :va~ and bl.lhl; fireplace, cpts, ud • Aa:supi.e 5%,% loan teulon. Good paint. .. Owner's new home ready! a~e tor immed&f.te oo-drapes, double l&raee, con· Unlverttty· Park ·1217 HA,..,DAL REAL TY Quallt)I' 3 a: .f, ~ $2000 ttdu-C lion. 3 A: fem. · cupancy, crete drive, laip fenced Redl.k.'td to $54,500 8140 Warner M2M05 2 a: 3 bl.tha, all ~":•toh Olftr ........ ~ ........ '$4300 dn. A .... tee ...,., ..... 143,!0ll ..... yard M :!Ox1!0 rr. M """'""'" ioweon jA. BY OWNER. ' Br. 2% Bl, s IEDROOMS homeL Framl32.•<1J:llloa11> * 1131 Tra<Mwlncl1 * OPEN HOUSE LOT. ~ ls not to much Reale&• tam room, hu evtrythUra:I b' PIYPW"ta mm '381!21 DAILY f...S P.M. available in th!. part of ~¥1o1uti0·.._,~ ~to.U! ~ Fotma.I d1niiw roun. cpll/ includqPAI. taxes a-. cameo Shores: ll~' f Oc • eut&ide C.H. HWT)'. OWN-tn.11•-_ clrp9. &late entry; &ots ot Plush • BR A: Pool 3 car ~ • Uftfronf ER, 6f.2..C98o. 1:1=:z::z=:z:z::zs=z\E11tblvff 1242 cablQets. 2 yun old. S%% 1arar;e, $Ubmlt $10,boO dn. l--'.,NoC--wpo.c.crtcc..,H~oi~g7h7ts-1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;; Jntere1t can be YO:Ufl with * 4539 FAIRFIELD '* N.::;, ~h ~ ~ s BR 1% hath. ru<•t room, 3 , IR fl De.n 'i:1SHEAR~~LTY You• Prel•nt Home t•-d'·-t "'.,_ wrulo.l>op, doubt• p,.., on LOCATION! •• 7 ... 1 Con.Id·-• 1n -·•·""~ carpe .. ,., ra ...,, a ... 06• allev. A· beautiful home for · OPEN SAT. I SUN. ..,.. '""°"" Evei. 541.2442 ,...~ CJI ........ ,. e~. built-ins; 2 patlpi, over-1 I • 5 Immaculate 3 BR, 2 bl. home BIG HOM£ ••• ~-~ with ··~. d--only $31,500, -aAI-~ l Bl In HAL PINciliN AND ASS~Tf;S ~hone 675439'J: .p.nytlme RUSTIC Single story 4 bdrm (Ol 3 & a den) with rich )>anellq, ......., "'11· inga, used brick fire-- place &: antique 4 said carpettne ~t. Lots ot charm! A must 11tt if )'OU are in lhia •price range, Just listed, to sell tut at $35,950. ...... ·---'I:~ ....... 1500 VMAN LANE, N.B. on ._.....us cor. Ol ' t• opentt ............. $98,500 Nr. Weitclltt Shoppina Oltr. kitchen, carpettni, drapes, Waterfront la•'°' lot, 1.12,511>-10% Dn. $39,950, Drlv• by' ' < BR. 1% b&., nr. hoapital- Void C.o. 2&\Xl Ctrob-then call N:edlcal center a n d onl1 613-ml _Delancy Real Est.ate $21,500. &:'. Fin11nCtJ,.., Pl'e' f & rl1'p --0 .., -It. D. SLATIS,, ltttr. . ~ 143 l~1y 645-0111 "~" --, .... 147-3,119 "'""-96'l-1369 Kopharl 0 buil! home with 2 Ives. 642-1453 646-4579 * .... _ ... -.. * -· COZY, 2 BR uni~ In &dull un•-mi• ... _..:, 5"% Lo111 ,.,. ... ,. c a>nc1om1n1om. lull¥ crptd ~ bt.tM. Spaciloul livlnr room /4 An OPEN SAT a: SUN orene .. ~r 1250 drpd, With raiwe, refri&, with rirepface, Jar&e dlnlna: · The popular K plan 4 Br (3 ' · wastw a: dryft' lncl. $1T,500 atta. Ove""i> latar" 11'0ll Paymonta 1141 mo. lnclod'8 Br. & Oen) 2 ~L ""-''· SOUi) COMFORT 00>-4332 Frt.S.t-Son onzy_. d wn and will all. 4 Large bedrom1, 1pac-d ~I B Id t In . . '17 25• -u 0 owner cany ioua llv. nn., 1%. BA. 1arre rps, .. ., c. r u area 4.521 Dorchester • ' __,"HER ht l'.D. at 7%%-NO polntl! fencfJd yard. Near achoola kit 2 encloaed.patios. Pools, C•meo Hlghl•nd• 3 BR 11'. ~. blt·lns. frplc, ~r! ~~~-~~iss~ ",.So.:....~ Plaza., Immedl-~te!:ncclu~o ,·:: OPENtSUN l • 5 :~&:MUN:~:; Sho\m-by appt. only a _.on. $30 95o 6'7S-3433. 6"-0999 5 BR ~ $56.500 MARTIN R.E. 548-6332 ' ' ' Del•....., Real ~-iate 5% 'to LOAN. Dutch Haven and after J,J A.M. --1 uo ._ .& leach • BDRM + 5th .. den, Wnl-613-31'111 • Bl!-• Ba. bl!t>I; ,newly ~' t· rm. 3 BA. eeautttully i'l:mc::::mmz:=: 1 · ndea:ir. Owner ~ .• R111ty, Inc. land,..ped wl new 38' I' So•"" of HI 901 Dover Dr., NB Sulte 221 • EASI'SIPE comer lol Anthony automatic pool. .,,n . way 645-::ZOOO EY9$. ~ • Room for boat '= trailu Time clock 1 p r in kl er s , ~ BR ~me plua l BR Rental. •·FHA·VAorrCo,ivwtionaJ. 1tereo ,thruou.t. Garare Walk to all shop• ~------- ,.....,._ ro t-u YoU are a ..,.ue P:-W.t you can move bl ,,._t one penD)' down .. '°' . a;t ev<1n --"' -~ Walker I-Lee, Slltair' · . 0pen 10 ·w - 961·31JI· I I " Rltr. 642-9730 Evu. 548-0120 --.;, .. ___ .Del Meir u you "" "°"" . ., llvo •• ' y .. · ·'I! . • • K_ENNEDY ""'"· '™"' ...... A )'OU ternuo -S45,900. ' ...._. the Beach -why not BE AT own the lot. ~ Ivan Wells Orang• CN1t Property ~"'' 1' -,I I -t" ''" ,. ' \' • l • . • ·foullt•ln Volley 1410 BY' OWNER TrWrmtna t ·BR 2 hath, cptil/drJIB, frplc, , 41%1 yrs old. 5\1,~'.FHA can be · auwnM. Appral.ta $25,000. 96:1.1'52 546-5990 lffuty 111E BEACH! TbU like-new • AilOrit Jiti beauty at 119.!0ll. 54S-4598 332 Ma<tto.rlte', 67J.85!o 3 Bdrm. 21,1, Bath home is r ·ra•ii· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iix=ziiiio;; a..1Me Pt. Oc..nfrent WESTO..IFF Cond'm • 2 · · ' · Lookini: for that spk: " span just 60 fl from the mOei pri.. 1' I'm an ~t Triplex Abllol1Jlel¥ fabWous VW\; _ story house, 2 'bdr, 2~;. ba, INVESTOR~s SpeelaJ 2 nlce ney.oly decoratM home'! See 'V,ate public beach in town. EtnflDf BEAUTY. with a reall,y Peat tocatiolt. tJo ·•· bl •-I dbl hse1 on dbl lot S of hwv L11u111 lllch 1705 I !m!'!VJN!'l!':E"!TE~RR~ACE'!'!,!"...,• ~'--·---~ this sharp 3 BR. plua lam He. IVV\ ,..__ ,_...., ~I.II Near ne~borbood shop. 3 Bdrm Home w1lh large pa ' 'l:K: t-....... enc -, . ~1· _.,......, -)'OU own ... ""......... -, RUinpua Rm 1r; eil?a parkirl& praie. Oubhouse, Sauna, $58,000 Ov.'\'\er. 673-4.169 rm with many, many nice A must to 1tt. Tri-level, 3 BR pl,.-, ·Ca •Church and $84 500 pool. Beaut lndacpa:. $Jl. Income Units lr: den. Fantastic beautiful condition -H•nclym1n Specials per mo. ' oxttu. 128,SOO lay &. lffcll + tamDy room, 2%. bath!, Jla.Y owimml'W. I have an LIOO 'REALTY matnt. 0wn land. ""t boyl;L;;ldo;;::;;lo;;l•;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;l3;;5;;;1 · ' · fireplace, doisb1e patioe, excellenfR.entilncord-no 3400Vla Lido ' ~ beach area -$29 ,500 . R._atty, Inc. 1>9.Ut-ins, expeni,lve carpets vacancies. I think' l'm worth &46-l!HS Owner Brkr ' f Loe.' on Ocf&Nide' ol ltwy, BEACON BAY· -~B ! 'I: 150 ydll from_ Beach, 4 Ire den, or 3 BR. ty Apt. units, netd11 paint Ir: beach, pltr, tennis ... n 2407 E. Coas67J.~W)' •. , Cli~t .. drapes. automitic '1araa:e $110,ttXI .. &lt: just between Bl_fh_ ~: ~nt 2-~': .. ' door opener & sprlnlde:n you and me-submit all oJ. • · 10 UNITS · The U -' • · ' R's 3411 East Coast Hwy. front&: rear. ca'n now to ace. feni, I1m ·awful cute e~rj on 3 lqts. AdJael!nt to Ocean-''LINDA" l115.~v1t1; ~~::BR'• rood tmeral cle.anup. PO-~ per mo. , TENTIAL t N C 0 .?11 E EX· Jolu;t ·Mcnab Realty Corona del Mar 675-3745 EAST SIDE COOI'A MESA $32,500 tho' !'ant.rather )'0Wll 1 ~ front. $15~.000. 3 BR. 2 Baths. On major WallCer Reiliy NEWPOALL ~:r:-~~ ~ ye·ars. . 1 l1lboll Rffl' Ett•t• Co. ireen tlelt. Crpt'd, drp'd -3336 Via Lklo ti75-s2oo CEmDING 111J,OI) ANNuAJ'... "" 64"""35 ·LY, Prlce $69,950. . ' MISSION REALTY , 484-0TlJ 1'"0R rent.' excellent $1175 DOWll VA owned. Vacant 3 BR home, all new!)' painted. Pymnt.s of $157/mo. paya all "'· O><>! ,an1: Good lo<:. Only~'-"'!· I' \I I • \\ 111 I ! ~·\:!\\II \\ ! \ I 1 ' ' < •~ "","' .rw '1W E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Many extru. ~wn by IP. { · . ' $25,500 N•w,.rt 1111 ,....._. 673-U40 poln~nt .-r 1 Owmin: 3 bedroom or 2 et . -'.~ 1 !!~~~~~!'!!~~.1~0wne~~·~:L"~*=,;6<4-l~~"'~ Lido l1le 1351 =:::_ ~ ~!i.,::.::: l!lclllrf• "B:4f..l-TOA 9 1 Coate -. -'100 Fro•ch Provlnclol -· · ·- butlt·in A: rOtced air htat ..... z.-11 DS w. 8&lbol: Blwd ... 'N.B. . ' -LarveBa k D~~~ 11oorp~~~ n 'IJ. ' Thia well• landscaped boma -'75-6000 HOIM + c ~ <:,,:..UNY.c. n:GM: f can be fQ\lnd on a hup ., I::::::::::::::::::=: I ~!!!!~~!~! caU for appt 64&-4il.f -W f!au 'J• lot .with · •·-1 Investment ' • very ...... enc-+ . I\ JI £ Under conatructlon ed back yard, with room tor lllCAUr: rncome , location with this -'llilt• fj\ s l .. ':! 3 000 ,. ft 2 ...._· U·.4 .... ll boat. camper, or build a Vl'K 2 br house on R-2 lot. Will · ' ' ...... ,,. ~ ... ., nn. rental unit! it bu a paved OPEN DAILY ae:U'tut at only $16,500! 1 --4 Bdmu, convert/den, 3~ 9S5 So Co La 4 BR. 2 BA houae, · · ' a'!; zgna to oceail. C..tttna dub. J'OR The disqiminatlnc ino. nt: 531-4-482 ~ .bu.Yer, we have a _lA,funa I ;$135""·'": .;:2c;B;;;R.;;;,du,..pt,.,;;::,-,,,, RoyaJe Penthouse in So. w/W;, thlldftD A-pet Laouna-Decorated "" ;,. u•• -u -H. Blrren. 2 bdrm,.2 )>a. -~· priced at $75,000. Pro"1't>' '185 -3 'BDIUd., 1~ clear. Owner wW comlder Condo. Bltnt, wtw. carrytJW ht trust deed. Call: pat'°, Broker 53'-e9IO Jell Bri<ry, · J-&.alty, DESlllAILI !no, 2001 w.' Balboa IDO(d., HOME • ... , entrance !or • ..,. ... $565 MONTH . • •rtn .. NEW DUPLEX batla, tam rm, din/,..., .... 1.1,.093..,,Ba!!!!!b!!•.,."-.,.M,. . ..,-..,...,.,I ;::::;.,,,~"b':i: ~";:-= Pac:e.,tt•r. 4 bedJOOm, lull ' -;~SPRiNG °'1""' Gold Medallion llu-~'. 'J::.i ~ :,'S: I" lfado --~and only 2 bib d~. 2 tll• lhow•n $47,500 t'"'c' nu AT""' plox • ......, .... 3 BR. Units Wan..r &.allY S IR·POOL-VA m new city parl<. Eut 17th new""""'· cloce 6 ttal lharp' j>tta_d l'bu!ttt ~ , ~~ ~ =~~~'::' °"""11 • Bay 7% Mi'>. NUI '1>-2611 Wh) .....U-for summer to to :t't and WestcUU ~ to the country nJ Eutsk1 N 1y · 'ant/timt" ...,_,.._..,., pe-. emm, l':!mm:::ll!ll:==== m--1-. Immaculate with and ~ .• ·"·r A•L--•-dub u ta on . e. , ew .b Harbor'Blvd., c.M. 170'1 W. Balboa Blvd., NB Ji N .B. 67S-6710 -3 Br, 2 ba, cptd, ,drps, ENJOY The whole PacWc air heat. Gub-d!q, Q:>astllne tram · this .Com.-patio, p.np, water pact, net.t home. $34,000 Adults only, no Jl'!!'tl, Thia "'eek ~· f.99:-lll1 RATE REASO~ ........... '6 •wu U<IS' .............., painted outside. ·No vacanQ' ,. * Call 644-02&6 * R c. GrMr now family JOOm • Exoe~ wlthlnwaJJdnr.u.i.nc..For MHA Unlftr ,.,tor, Pri<e 'iust ,;,.,....,, <.(I _L~ & •~.J ' ........... Cowl ... ~11v•1 NI•,,,·-"-' ...,._1_10_1 m Mna !>r-• Pb. DELuxi: 3 Br. 2 8'.; pri> ~~OUS~3 BR '~" lent. temu. Don't delay '1.t appointment to •see, write: U lUUK Call llOW. A IUfl-.Rooin FOR Sale $10,000 on 8a)'tront ··-·••• $1f.,950,. VA! Private Party We're :t·, pfua 1 1BR, 2 bia; •ltlesa Del attractive 1 bdrm trlr &: now ·located· at feu. lnd9cpd.' 6 decorated; blt-tni' :dkli-::r:f D Harbor Blvd., C.M. CLOSEOUTS tn attnic Sa n Oemente. 2481 -'I Jt.. 3 le .f BRa 2" baths. 10% down, 1%% lntere1t, 30 years, no pplnta to PQ. Ne•v carpets and drapts, . complet'1Y ~ecor­ ated. Some with view .. £». fioe: 518 San Juan, San Oe-mente. (Models open dally). Phone 146-39'28 Eve. 642-0185 W. I. L1chortmyer, Rltr l'roporty Wide Prlncy with an W1Surpueed bay and ocean panorama. 11t1s cus- tom home is de1iped to take full advantap of the view. 3 bt'drooma and 3 bath>, pool dllcrlmlnatlJir ht every detail. $115,000. Celesworllly ' Co. Box P6U in 'Ne, wpeit Mar home, located, near end cabana, w I 1\fW c r0p,C 1 3355 Via Lido, Suite 205 Dailv Pilot movina: or ;:'CUI de Sac street. FHA lhruout. Refrlg & new stove, LIDO BUILDING SOLD YOUR HOME? at ~;:o, =~op;:~ It ot GI ~ OK Bkn co-pvt beach A club 1adlltie1. 6~ Nl!ed somethina la r re rf 2807 EuroJ*, 54Q.33I) VlcterlA operation Invited. 646-25l6 or 548-521.0 !!'BY~Owner"'"~2!'"!~!!!!.,._ M"1<• this MUsr SEE! • LLOYD a•RNETT . BEAUTIFUL "'" 1 ba. trpt~ "' blt-INI Playrm, A ba. Best Master size bednmu with "'-111 t REAttilR 673-M20 QUALITY HOME Lldo bu.Y $t4 500 vanity nook. 3 batba. Huae -I I ~~~~~~~~/!! 23S3 E. Cout Hwy, CdM 2 Br. I: Fam rm. 2% Ba. (ri.4) ~ family room ""th wall to I ~~~~""'!'~~~!!! Xlnt area. Prtced RJ&ht! wall fireplace. Formal din-Near 11'e leadl CUSTOM HOME • Owner. 642-3219. OPEN Owner Wiii lllnance ine room. Electric built-Im. LUI'SIDE. Goraeoua 4 BR HOUSE SAT a: SUN. Best Lido value, 3 Br. l"-ba. in exclusive, M~ Bay; lovely ocean. view; auto. .c'5190I~..,~-~-~, ~~"~ water IOfttner A: elec. pr.' 2 .. BEµBOOM dool'I; 1 yt, new. $59,500. ~-Newb'de e4r. with 6lt % loan. Owntt (1) ~ Fadljda 49S-f.198 Mesa JU~. SO.. 5 BR S a.. ., ..... NEAR.: Back Bay.' 3 . ..,...; ..... .,,..,new. Bltns, dlfh\ftllr, c p t ed . ~ttd, :2 : ~ 12!,900. l3SOO D~ Owner lf:"~. T!'"'. · !Jk11, &37-9139 -·· Nev. carpet 1, ' drapes $25, 950 bome on quiet 1treet. Heavy 3 BR A: den. pool A: pat.lo. Mod kit .U' lot. $4'7,500. throughout. A• 1 um e low f. + FAMILY ROOM artist 1hake ·roof, 181'1' kitchen. LR 32Xl6, crpts:, drpi, 675-264.1 Dina Pelnt 1730 FHA 5~ % loan and $3,000 home. Very un\llUlll. 4 bed-muslve flttptace A Im-beaut 'land11Capec; & trees _... -------- will handle GI no money rooms, terrtfio milter bed-:ifW..te11,y~: • y.ou won't aeclucied. Fee title. Reu'. H~!!~!!!._~~~ 1400 OPEN DAILY 12 te 3 down. f'OOm . with loads or clotet.s ~ve ~ '+'""'llS )'OU Re 776-8558 3 bdnns, den, 2 bath!, pool, 3 BDRS, new crpta, WE SELL A HOME and priva"' bath. Family II. 137,000. €ALL · 540-1151 15 x 35. $35,0J), 25251 MaJii. •--· n.1• ~ EVERY 31 MINUTES Rill eilll. . room plus UtWt,y or te'Wlnl !open "1\fl) Herl~ ·Real BY Owner: II*~ livinf. · r · u.11 Dr. 642-2823 .umuac .... 1• "° pe- room. l..lip: uvn. room Eltate , 4 BR. 3 Ba., lge. brn1iy KATELLA ..<i.L::t 5'5-0938; 5t6-91S5 Walker & Lee · · with1 llridt-tlttplaoe 1Ptuh LARGE TWO ~"TORY home, nn. May usume 5~~% loan. · · " ' H-Fum~~• "-· y,1~- . . . --wall to wall ·.;, and 2" ba'•·, ~-·--m. ~ .. '" pool or boac -:.:.-~:...::·.:.-~-:---F 7682 Ed'-er R E A L T Y ' 1' """" · ~ ~ ··~• ·-~·~ ::-~... drapes. t>ttam kitchen wttf1 family J'OOQ1. den, close 1o RIAL TY General 2000 3 BR. 2 BL tam 2 M2M55 or 540-5140 2<XQ W. Balboe. Blvd,. N.B. built· ins. Spacious dintns 11Cboob A ihopa. Priced for 3 BR Watir.rtrorit , No. 62 frp1ca. $225 mo. Open Daily 'tll 8:30 675-6000 area. 2 enclosed yanh: -ran-lnunediate sall! at S36,500. Balboa Qlvff, 18 o ,.o 0 0 · 11 NOW PAYING trans. 5f.&.65ll Who Like• Children? tastic financinc. Take oftr CALL· AL BLACK ~1151 Prefer ~e tot &Cft8.lt or : up te I/I ..- Nearly ever)'one. So 1f )'OUl'l •-------... 1 large S'.4 %loan-Low down Heritqe Real Estate wllJ consider other. KJ.7711 , 8 % ''R•nf•I Round Up'' New,.,. leach future is tied to the kids OWNER DESPERATE pftyment ·Just listed, don't 41 BDRM 3 'ba farnlly 3, BR.-2 Ba, beam/celllne OQ ' 5 BDRM Home Pier QJp convenience, A protection, FACING TRANSFER l wait, Call su.5314 3 car o'.ra,e. bit~lns, crp';: exc op~ty. $22,500 : . . , + Private Be~ch. u:wm_ 32 S:-~1ai ~+be hert'1 a 3 bedroom home Transfet lo Florida· looms. FOREST E. OLSON, INC. inter-com, elec pr. dt A Owner/AIL ~ evt!s $600 Mo. Yearf¥ Basts; $250/per lllO ......... -~~•· ~-M --~ , -· ,., b' Col -•·• bO u 1prlnk!ors, rr ...... H course. or wk~ c ' • -" one-..,....,-._..,. e-. .,....., a.uve.., '&' O•ll<ll me n llul°'-JI C'-·.-• ·' •-ommtnton '--2 BR. •--··· ~ 1% blQ to Ntwpcnt fk1&bll block to a ro1f coUr1e fair-SA~~ -CE ---~ _ 2680 1C1 ft. $«.500. by owner. 3 BR, hu,re l'am Rm. 1'6 f. BDRM clOR to private , tlo Nu•••-Lldo· -~ -•· bool • --r.·~ •1 ha •· be ~ ~ .,...,..,,_..... ...... ., hde incotne proper t v a.. nr '{-...:..-.. 'P'"..... commUD\•u beac". $295 Mo. pa · r . ..,,....,. ~ • --..e ,,._,, way. "ay ve "' aa,c> •-.. 1 -· _ .... ....l 1 uao ~· _ .. "". .,.., C1H 147·~1 v ' -•·· ~· ~·· back yard wttb alley • rUlced tn .qvick l&lie)o meet ..,voa. new ~" &~ Westclllf Plaza, ex cond, -Fum. Avallabl~ to June. ··~· _.,. 642-7777 """"'· Ftttpla.,., bullt·lnl, transltt l'anl· <• bdtmo, bOmo -the 'I.,. V-BY °"""' l BR. l don. 1enc:ed pallttl...,,.,. 64H'l31 & Hh kr HAL MOltlt t BR. S Ba. <pta, ·UOC Harbor Blvd., C.b-1. cpt. I: drapes. 1% bt.thl. For family room, forp;W dinine Country. Cub. 4· BRa, http Nr. s. Cout P1ua. 2 yrs * BAY VIEW Fee 'iOt 15' 2 Houw; 2· Bdmu. ell:. on bltnt. M'. beads,· Open EvH. ~polntment '» .ee room plus 911 an pvpoiie family room •with wet bar, okL $3.fiOO d\111 to 6% VA x li::j' w/ plans. '$34,900. onelalOoletdBtach.Eacb pools.tennll.rn.atM HARRY .OGGS room. u.i;:..r: fO,!Oll • dlniJir .,., •lo. MUST BE IO&n. !21,llO. 912 p,.., Pl. Owner54S-n<9,54MZ'I $195 Mo. yearlJo bull. ~~-~;~~~' . Dup'9:rW....lcle ..... __ , __ ' otter•. SOLD ,_·,,-al'1_,rt--.ble 0U-• · ' -'9rk 'b<drooms ....._Lillo new. REALTY _, ·~ .,.........._p.l!ll'ahl""" ~"" Mual 54tM04I ' ; ,.,. .. ·--2 Jenarlf• ffousest , " 0ne blo<k;: ~ .... 11199 Broolchunt ~ 541.sno •take ..... lip 0, thtiex. BY OWNER · .,..,. a Br. NowPort1H~llM• · 1210 r•• " . . "?N!:'."'a::"V1:!q, "W;. s BQRM m j1ro. --96U831 968-3ti()i'; ~LEG""""E R~~ crpUonal bay, 2 Ba. Natural wood bltn Both neat A clean, Jl!lW ·roOm· Mo, . l yr old: temilt. JOOll. .. , """'n: utility ,,,..: OCEAN a. JAY for an lddtt1ona1 1 uni;,: · '1. , lea·'" $3(ll). ~ • · ll«M a ..,.I_ Lee. -... ,Cll ~ ~I-Im . ""'"· ctrpo. a... to .. 1.ia . . ....,... 4 ....,. R<Ule • "" Excellent for &CC."OWltant.' OPEN SUN An/NOON .. f-i::ai-lllllblf A lbp'c. $25,500. 548-02H V'8w of nearly lJO" Build for the future ~ Mtty, Inc. lelMe 1 • !':~'.' .. ~ ... BR-2b&~~~· 1601 lon•le Doono, 0 THWEF'IEA§ii Ol.Uo-E'= IMMEI>. ~ ..... , $3,0J) 3~::,,~~~;;::z':; --~Wiii '7s.31111 BA-..:... ~th~ .,......, ~uua11 .,,.. CH • Dn. $150 Mo.~ cltoan &4klt ~ ot $40i000 on th1I n.. uchanp tor property tit~ 2401' E. o..t Hwy. O!M '"""'~~, ... _..,,,, · -.,..ble..,... ....... m!Oll E><c1utMom.o...home· 311{. 'Bl, w1p1ay""'"· ,.,.,... .....,. . .,... l!!!!!"!'!'li!!!!!!!!!!!.,.""!"-'l 1up"""""·21ro. GENCO REALTr -Irvine Terrace ,.... a"""'4 ~ • -bltno, dlx. .... <PL Lota • LLOYO IARNITT ~: 2 BORMB .• 1~ .... IG5 .... ,sN!oo ·"' w, 19th 9treet. C.M. SPECIAL 11 Hu bbr U... s BR, 2 Ba. ~.....,·-ING ·2' ~-"wood. "5,!0ll. """333 ,,. Ci) L REALroR ' m.-............. Patio; '""""· H h ~-~ -POOL & VllW-priood to ..n fut at. '81.500 1i1••.;.;;.w -~ Mota Vordo 1110 ~ ' 2333 E. Cout.ffwy, Oii.i ...... Broker ~ Ulll1f1M - • ' BR. ' ... FA. bit-In ... By .... N \JolyRn ' ....... ~-~;;;;;. I I A l ' y -ltlftloh te· lltaro 200S ' BR..-· walk .. Near,......., 3 BR, 111 b&· ktt Mrv pordl. dbl pr· ...., CORll ·MA N ~lw/w ~ • BR. lam/din nn. !rpk, N NB Olo ""-2IH OLIN MAit $1Ht , • -; ....., pa lo ,121.1'0 CRV ... lb>. Low l•.....i.t. 30 'UALTOAS tou!lwn.. dlohwui*: 2 Ba. W/W -drpt: panl, ... -• ·r -3 BR lll> ...... rA WORKING &tr!' I0 1 ....... "/' .. ,.,,.., ..... °""' .Wiii-cS., -. Small. BUT hal 30l6 I c...t Hwy CdM • 1 ""\ 't , 1..,_,.11 Boat opoee. °"""' Aaumo Thia One IW 'hoa~ o:atpeU f -OI lllm. Unlvmlty Put Hcilna Ill\. 11!' *•• • -.. ~ ~-l'IS-J.56< ~.1 843,500,Appolnt• •675-1662 ' fv .. llPr~~~ FHA~~. -"""'-JNOIVIDUALITYt """"'a':i':'"kt~loram::. wilh...,..oa.,.,-.1;-_;i;;_-.:=-.:::::=-,~..,,., "~ ~~ ·---illJAA ( u.-mb ~ ltM15! I llr. 2 Ba. --·-"""" a ........ m-un. ! llR. --Cha•nol llMf EUil DOSH, Reiltor OPIN SAT /SUN ' Y ' nvnpYI BY OWNER' Mea V-bl!m. 1'00 .. ft. Fomd llaht with builWn -)W< IO ..... -wllb 1'11Jo, I.riot. 3 1'1nthoull Afr'• . l201 oiirtepl Piece So1J<.'8SfA llLTY co, Pa.-,tttt, l BR. 4 Foun"I' aJr ht'I· OeL dbl pr :::·, !.~·-~ ,;.i to N""'°" Beadl. can Nr. _,, alv •Sia t or Sale OI t.cue 'al IS60 1130 W. o.st lDcbwaY f. 8R 1~ batJ\ Jaip famlJy. MW210 i:.... 5*1le, l '.44%. loan. 129,500. w/tlec opener, a1ld tc> the• tenn1 '° cll1 DOW ~UU • 17154 Vu 8'ann per mo.' 1o r "''\t* pertiel $4U4T2 EVES. C13* fr. Rll.&e.l Vacant $29,Q)O 2>34 Calvut Aw. ~ oeq. e; Owner ~GOO. ..... • ti~! Pll.Dl u1M£-A• 3 Bit 2\i 8a ••••·Cl< ,1a1Jibu17, -Dal'·":J;•-DAVIDSON R~ 3BR.ram.pM!den,c•o. Pri.,on1y.-l.INl&Y•' ___ =.all eltcl. 3. ·-1-...,. r..~w • ua.i·oeoo1t11¥t1i Ownr. Aaume nu $21.500. ror Dall1 PUot Want Adi. I tw Jiit,..... 1 q,. 'Diii llllO lie: .W. 1\Mltor. m-...~ ) Dial 5464480 Ewa. 5651 2 trl~otl If with• wan1 HI WlU t&ltt: 2nd. Sf.O.tm Olal IQ.6S'1I I« RESULTS ~ DAD..Y PllDl' W: , -----------------------------------------·--------~----'--'.."= I r I I ., I ' ! l I I \ . . . ' Ftldly, ,..,. 7, 1969 NTAU ,.c1<fAl:S ~ '· f ' lllN'l'AU -• lllEAL llTATlr IUllNlll'..W ' _,_,....,_. _____ _,..,,.,,...._,..-.,...----...._- ~ .._,..,... Apts.Uolu"'llW • ' r""'"' u~ -oo-ol l"N!'CIAL ", • 1 ••• w ~MIU ' ; 4100 c,.i.-. i , s1ao Hu""..,........, .. tli!lce IM\ll\ '671 ••all,,. ewer. ~1 o.,,, Pilot c1 ... 1r.ec1 , :NTAL.,.~ NEW 1 •-: ;...t',riin. ;.ii 2 ~· C::.. ~·"" = · EXCLUSIVE LAGUNA HA p~ wia;.1,:, I· CLASSIFIED IN"~'· a :.t..:..., 2 ~ Qulii ~ &.',; ::t. ... .-.ft'~ .ON.THI llACH ' A!• c.Mlt!w!fli , ~J'~ ~~ .:&-1oar11+--"'"'''' ~4!••rWi-' (, ~~· ~ 16-mi , RtiliC 2'Br;.1i ~ · 2'& a ....... 'a... et:I ~I AVlllUI: bo!9>~ lo oo L __ ~~ -.... 2 1111. .._ 'nllii1> -: -.. tio ...... it!O. » urm.., •U.. Oeit •-~"" ,. .......... •II•••• •,t Pho11111 Are o,.... 8:00 o.111o-SIJO .p•. ~.;--:..ii:. 1$1.fQ. Uu•llanta Aaa Aft. C!QP91.~-·~:-.. rlmlioaQrc--:..:.:=:..:! a!Naili' -.. U ' • -,, ,, ·;,, su.1219or5'3-IS11 ·•voo " • .. , . , • • , .' Lq1iaa-, Id;'-~'=4~ ', 'I jo Noon Seturdoyr(:loted Sunaey '" 'W'll\.L A HOME N-rt·-~~ ..._ ~, ,Haalf._ll -. ~ ..... -m~·wllhlll -,_, t' ,'ou Dl "L nt"-Et:'.T ••2 51.78 /,,.. ' ' . , '' ' ,.,~~alMINUT~S ~~-: --~1""3~"f! ' ~ :=..,~,T·.: ='I:~·-···' .,.·~-.~-~ .r'!"~.t ...... ,r , •. , ·~er . .:\e,t' 2~,:=,r.Call ~.:~~-El "ldffc ~· =:.... ,::".: """'"""'"F~;WES'NflNST~~·& N61\Ttf couNii DIAl F~E~ s•o: 220 ' 1'82 ~ W1nltftd. A~ 11eo1•· NEAR 000. ta...· 2 Br. · · • ' "'!' -~..-'*" lteol letlhl ..,._ 6MO ·JI _,. • ...., ~ 54().1220 La9un1 Blach ,494-9466 • « H)Olto .,....;r V • -! BA. Bltl;ll, ·~•i drj:ie. \. 'lU Oo!aan Aw., H.I Di dWri a...u&:bie b ~. "f'.'t':S2 • I .. / • U~·~ .. ·~· -~~7 ~tf 9\30 ..,__ 1155 ,,., mi>,·-. . 1114) ·li"'141T -llMo ~ -LOANS • ;::l , · .-.;;u.,,q Jul rm, 2 BR. .J'r1il. VE;lll Nie;£! 2 BR. Duplex, .apt w/, .iar. a ~ avlJlUlt b $10. •MONl:t AVAJLABUl : -CL;AttlP'll OOUNTI·~ ...... at~ • t 1 ...,..., nr """'°" a -l'W Penlnou!t t ' !10 ~ts, N•wly dee. Adu! .. only $l15 Wint l!riY1cyf, Newt 1 AD . ulillllto paid ~ Call tor diita)la oo ~ • nt1 """'1~, • ' --· JD' W'• lol -·"""" M-. JOt -,4 .,.,11. e~ adGl . I.Nall. QN!:Bll),,,..-'1>"""""•"' ..,._.,, • ntes 1for 1.tt A-2nd TDs. '-"''l''"''\~ · L--. '• ' •bwt Feb:'25' , ,,,,,.:IS. mo.:te9Wabuit~ M mo IUii~)', DAll.'f PILOr -Oraort Counly for--·"'"""'"-.ID __ .._,.,......,,.........,.,. ...... &...., oouae.'cur<:r ·v'R.euxtable ~ . 1;:-~.' ~: ~,;: ~ • t4ui. 5.16-i.!1J' G =~8~ ~=--rd . eo. me. M•n Add,....'au 1111. N.._.,.....,..,ca11t. '.c \ '-..... ~-.31~.r~µB9. ~,~ orchll<!re•·lll0.~U2'1 COZYlbd1m.l/'ple.--f.311~Sj. ' Hour-'le911t.tion.--D•ea'tin9'1 s.;..-t:.,._ 4''!11if<i,1; 2 ... MW crpta,. ~' ' ~ ut\fltlel. 3 mt' lll baihl. $150/mo, ":;'·J:~Adulm, "' * u-.11 Offl W.2111 51M0611 "r. V"><I 1•14<1 $}15. ~~ 'w will leue Ci.11 .fler fi p,in,-~ W,,eU.s,McCudle Realtors pe ' ~Mii eel Eves. 8'$:1*• , 0 W.US7 l"fl01'll AdV•rtl•l'I eh•lJ•:t cheok thiWir adl Cl•ll)' and ...Pff't lmme•litei1 'ffftlt w/qpibt·to buy. ~1fi11 l BDRM turb •.Pt. ind. Util ' 5*-Tm ' $inti1 ~ $'20 ~ = =-= . , ... ..l. •t ~leo1'*9tflOltlont. THE DAILY PILO~ @'1'"''9 llablllty for tr:rirs on!' to Sa~,.., L1-L.ihf1 '3630 , $\_15. ·mo )Tly. l bdrln w,:. 2 BORM. Apt. $110; 1 am&ll len1oe (lfQtnl 'location. ~911, TJ>:. I....= t tn• •-*'of IHlltllllhlnt the •dvertll!iftent ODrt.ctly one time. C,\: _._na ""'• , fU:rit fliP.t._ incl utQ $1!!0 •. -mo cbikl OK,.. No Jlflll. VERY de,an 2 BR. 2 8a. -• H $60 OOO . • _ '-. + ' I mi\M. Unfuni .. w/o:iml; . yitf. UdO are.i.~w~--.-i3s,Ml1Evu It \\~t Carden Apll. Priv. patio, c. ~.N1'T:"'S:· Prtvite A~ne '~lrivettor DEADLIN~.''Oft co_PY AND KILU1s:ao, ... ,. the day be!,O(!~JIU·l~·tjo,n.;_~~c•pl"" fillli' pald. ~OK J.l)OKJNG for a place! From UNF\JRN. 2 Bit duplex. 2 lX!OI. NIOI\' ~ ~15Z ea.ta Meta &GJ.t&S wane. to buy ~ lat Wetk~i , Edltltr1 and Monda/ieitlont When cla1lng ti~ I• a.so P.MI. 'P'rtd1y. ff Month~ $511,'~~ ~dren OK. $90 mo. 2130 1,.aauna .... •t·.r1S705 itfDICAL • Pri.fea&iol»J A 2nd Tl>a.~llle di. YOU MUIT HAYI kl LL NUMBa"I ~he" kllllng an ad becauit'of qulctc l"tllutta. fi . 1 \ 9642-;12659 'lburln, Apt C: ~ ~ Sui.tel tor teue cu.tom count,1 • ' 1 .. IUft tti m'lltc.• a no.rd of th• klll number given you by ~-•"'" •d taker .U 1 L.,.eJ'Nfguel· ' 3707 ~ , -. UKE NEW .2 Br., ~ t'l)ts., 100. CLIPF ·!>llVI . remodellil& .'ya.ii 11112 Satdlr MOrfaace., Co. I~. verlnOatlo" •' )"lur c1ll. .• . NEW 4 BR 2 BA. lam rm, Corona def Mar 4250 mi.. bll-ina; cupolt; no ~y ~7UN~ Main .St.. Hunt Be~ . ~ .l3S £; 11th_ St. ~ Every off!,_rt to m1do te tc.111 or corr~ f new•• that hllla beef? ord,red;-!twt wt 01t;1· ~~ JM beach.' 1 ml BA~Jt apt; "cle,n il pets. Adul~. S43--6l89 .. Ye&d)r LM-.14 2 JMmil,. U-213) 435-8221 EYtt.1167a..W = . ,.ot 1uaraf!tet t• d• .. until th• ad hat .,pured In th• paper. • _ ' caU dub. $Bl. 495-'5593 · chetTftil, t mm e Ii. oi> N-.... L 5200 ~-~-~ le: Shope ...._ DIMl•A•LINI A• •1'9 llttlctly CIA In advanoe ly mall or at any one of o r olfiOea. e11paricy; 6 4 2-12 3'4 or ..--..r"' • .,.. ...... ~,. ... .-uvm'fttly"Apt. lnlfU1ttl1I l1nt1I '°'° ANNOUNCIMINfS NO Phtn• trde,... ~tnlulil · 3t50 ·~· ~ SlSO J:PO'Qp. ~J atMI NOTICES Tht DAILY PILOT ,...rvea the tltht to cl .. tfy, edit, oeneor or refuae any advtr- 1/. · 496-'.He . _ . tlterntrrt, an• ... chang. ltt rates and retulatlone without prior notice. ·=· --1, 1~. ba. blt:ina. BACH. ~. .!~ only; REAL ISTA.,_ ~SQ ft warthouM 4 Oftlce '-1'111 (II-Mil I , -· -rm. UM' al gas le wat'et .pd. No pet!. TOWNHoiJSIS IS + 6000 IQ u paved A fenced --HOUSES fOIP SALE NIW,OIT •••ctt "* OIUJTlH• s11v1c, t • 1 tfJJ ---c:rt, .... ,,nsi • ~t.c. $100 Mo. Avail March l; • O.ntral _ )'&l'd. 1855 Lquna_ CanYon ANGORA T)ipe Female cat, llJMI~~-' ~ 1• :::::; ::::::• :: :~~r,:~c:t·alNTAU ' tt::= ·~ e>-nc ADU-~15 ONLY I ~<h•> ..__ <n4> <G---~'A an.cw,>1• .. __ n C1)fT11 _ nM was«L1,,. .,_ 'l!"c""' , • , ,.., q::.+• -..crpld 4 drpd. -Avinlblt! R1nt1l1 Wanted 5990 ~ · or '""J' 1 l r·"":. . ...,. ea "'9'1A.DIL MoA• 11• utttvl:111TT P.t.t• .,,, 11i.oots 1 .i. WI Mutt . see to appftcia.te. 2 BR qt ,with .pnce. ·2 bediooait 1'batht ' ___.:• -collar. 1'ttUnd ' or 5 wks MIL\ VllDI 1111 tACIC IAY 4241 l'UllNACll tll"Alltl. lie. U H E' 11.px>. 544-2514 or u~.N-~Y fumimed,.. • Newi .. dttOrated. WANTED by Mareh ht. NEW-lllduatdal Rentals 8f0,_11th. lr\>ine, C.Mi ~=?,',"~,. :!!! lASTtLU'"· 4'H2 l'iUaHl'.fU••~JOalHO. -_ .vu.. .. v . , 5'S-6118 , / 11 , ...... COltON• ,,L ... f 41H .... ,INl•r'"• .. , 1 . A<t ~ ...,, 1., 1 1, v1.-_ · New carpets throlllhoti1. Unfun 3 bdrm 4 _ de~ 01 1Ne1l';Harf:lor I Baker. 17'0 _-.. " :=•f'O•~~~l!_TI ~t1• 1AuOA '* OMllOl:llf!!•' ,..,_ ~ ~ ,UM I .-, , ~ .... --#25/U" ,bdrm,.,w to,~tiil.: Pri1er--,Ft. ,l ... ~ L\01!'.S W•ll;.t ~ cash 1£' -lHA -· ,n.,1 IAY ISLANDS qN Gt:NlltAI; 'fnvltll' 'IMl2 -~ I ,L.'. 4-~ '!!NC~_l_ N ""'' . . ~ ~-1---. LIOO ISLI. -.,., GIUDIMAi"3! ., ~ ''" . ,"=mo. $100. I~ ~ Two year le .. preierred. • 8. lnlC' $.JOO:·,mo .yr .,. •• No ID. Madeira Ave,. MYC• 1•l IA\.ttM.-tlUHO 4Jl.I 01.AD J-\,1.'°' ~ "" ii II Ls ti~. f' PENINSULA POINT tAl.SO ' round.S&~..tt·s. Lots ;. ~A ' 6100 C.M.Jdtntlty.56-2811 ~.. .,..... :: ==~::o:~:~H :: :::Efn.."'°'l!.. :: Availa~ March lit WHO Wanu • roomttiate? LG. hlir -Bi&: btl&'!t male. . ..... .. SIAL IU.CN ' .. HIALTM'C&.Ull '"' I Dix. 2 . Br. 2 .&!.: Carport: 'l IWtftYim."2~ ... thl. Fe-"'e, ... 22, ·--··-· .__ $1.000 DOWN on 11mall Ievtl t ... ,,._ .. _ _._ ·--... A .. .:.._ ........ ttstN\.ANDS .... LOH• IU.CN ..... NAULlt111•· • ,,. II . ' :P,ifntlllied """4000-· Jl67-.50YM1BAJ.frly.6is-:0Rl358DR. ~:'.".I'11'7T:") :i' .. .,.. ........,1 UK" Ooeanv:lew lof Laa:una Cl -v.._,.-.... ... _v.AW .. ,-Uli.fVllSITT ·~· 11P ORAN•• COUNTY ... MOUllCUJAMfll•. '"' Carpets, arapn, bWlt.ins place on Balboa Illland. h n ... __ $ 9. 0 Cub. 5'5-ll61 ,..,,N. • ..... O.UDIJil oaova "It HfTllltOlt OICOUTINI •1fl Finlplacej 3 cal" carport 644-1700 ext 533. uk for Brae . D<Ua.<R,...., ·4_, • • IACI( UY I '#ISTMINSTl!ll .. 1, INCOMI TAJ( '11t .. CLEAN Bachelor Apta. ' Aakirc $265/Mo. -payable $S0 ·mo. including FEM. Collie between Santa. IAITILU'" llft MIDWAY CITY ... ,, lllOH, Otu..-t•I. Etc. ,,,. r -' AD tll incl -Joann after 6, 673-&l2l 1ntere1t. Owner. ( 714 ) Ana. & 22nd St. c M IRVllll HlllACI 1241 SANTA ANA 4UI IROfllNO "" .. ~'RENT · u ., .... up Bay & leach. blPLOYED Lady .needl 1 645-0682 •• ~~= i;~,::~u ~= SANTA ANA HlllHTS .. INl\ILATINf ''" l ,. . 315 E, Balboa Blvd. BR .... _ A 491-1210 1 TVSTIN 4Mt INIUIANCI! •Vt Ir~ Fu1'nltu,. BALBOA 613-S94S Realty, Inc. ,,_ ... U-Y.l-.. pt, beach area, FEMALE pup Baiaet t ::~ .. ~ 1!: coAsT,.L 4JM 1Nv1sT1GAT1Nf. Dttt«1•1 ,, .. il'ii15~ y ·· ··• ·2 Bit Jll' beaches A·sh)ps 901 Dover Dr., NB Sult.e 221 w -~ ~ P1'111' Relort Propertj 6205 Hound, bm. ·~ Smitb ~~~Utio . :: ::::=:: :~tt.NL :: ::~~~:y."LR1j.Atll. l!•c. :: I : .• U'l\c:: BW $IBO ~ mo., yrty. Util: :.~-1Ev:s. ~ =~y r..1~S p~ • FOft ~ l'nrn tx.me:;tb Mor(mry H.B. "~:Jla'TOfC =~M 1411 r:..:":o~::n :~ t::~t:~NO' = ·~ *'°" .AvaDable) paid, 5.18-a911; 6'75-5818 fil!EGAMr .,l v} e • .• in• .. ni-nt, ·~ f!-ho-Mou n:ta l n Cofxkimlnlutn BOY'S Often sweater, near :O.,NT._:O:.u.uv oua ~:: T1t1rux • .te. .,. MASONllY, IRIC« .ait ~ ~.~~I r ~"' 1AC '"" s1ffP, 8. 5fG-7rao . Sonora Shcool, after 5·3(1 11.lL llACll t• CONDOMINIUM ., .. MO'llllt A S~OlllAllE "'' ~ :;;,~i·f0H.;:~~:c~ : Lido .f~le -.4351. =~:w~!te~l~~ ~~;.A'!.='' ·56-181? · '~~·::N·:.C~. •:::, ReNTALS :!l~:-:"•n•ln• !: It, Furniture lleftt1l1 .,.,1'ft1l.'rfcfln"n. ..... ,, .. ,, ' ·-. 2394~6p.m;.. . • '·NDLOlt' DS • ""°""'·a Dtte."'rt-,;,621._.0,,3 1'0. Gennan Shepblril l'._ LON•••ACM lJM ADt.s. Unfurnished c~i~o:oRAP~Y :~ "vn.~£-......., ~ ~ ~ -~ felbatl. lkvwD /Wit_ ~ -;;;.-. '* llNl'IA\. ..,. SMt •tlMf"l'ttdli I if'"""9 'RI .~.·:,.,....541-3481n~ . .2800 storY 3 bdrm 2 bl.th. UPPER µupiex. 2 ~-$160; J"REE RENTAL SERVICE 5 A NR •Jltmltl ~xtnt view F-·-"'0.:.1-..bl. 67S-u-:-'' OllMM CfVlfT"f ~\. •• COSTA MllA SlM ~::.... . ... "' ..... I "';;::,;;=:;:;::;f;'ci:::: I ·~•·-, South patio, 2 ear '1' ~~r. ''ue·, .t.A..M .. ·I...!'.. .-...., Bro'·--.,.,_..,,.... --·i-~;;;t •w· tr ' e •• 000' ""'-' ... DN...... • • ..,,. ... ce\1!11:• •• "" ,.. .... v11os s111 roo!>lreiooM1N•, ''H ~ ._...,..,._.... II~ le IMU&>"" ,., I"".. 111:-1' _._ -" • fUtl • ""'' "'..J:."ATI W "IWl"OlT ISH:M 1111 POOL SlllVICI! 4tll HOW>AY PLAZA _parkinc .... $27?1/mo ·9hort See~11pp't~:._ BUSINDSmantrandemld. 11).dn."3-mDl-lOUd:alf:. t.ost"l; ..'1 .~, MOlflirfMMftR :::; ::-..:::;::~::-r: ,owr1swnP1•1 •n$ PIVWC .,. .... Wldrm. ~ at ~ Yl'b'· Adu\ts., ..... Mtsi Wbtte J'r'.12-91!0 Wanta: 3-4 BR by Mar. lat. ....._ , MJDWAT crrr "'' w11TCL''' n• ::':,::•Vice :: ~ ~.Pt. $135 ·Plua util Owner 543:1558 or • 6t2"5200 CHANNEL Front·UPper 3 CM area prdelttd. 83M82l SuWlvlalon L1ncl 6212 u.Mtlo """ ''" uM1v1a11Tv PARK m7 uoto ••Nin. ate. ,,,. 4 den $180 Plus utiL u Ba y ,., 1....,. LOsr -MIN. ttMALE SANTA ~ ... ,,. ,•• ucK MY su• •EMDDtL1No " its,••• ,, .. 1 ~ n...;,..poo1, •-pi.-~-Huntln-''on.' ·Bia'""' 4400, Br. 1--,. • earv --WANTED yearly leue on ·~.io.L 01tAHee u• t:AST ILU"' 12u llMODILINe, KITCN11111 •td ~ -........... •• 't Adults, no pets. ~2'151 Lido, 3 or 4 bdrm A Fam PIOPE!ITY ~naaer ruSTIN IMI COIOflA DI\. MA• SUI SclN9rf ... ,... 6t55 I '1 No .children-No pets ~ -color ffOllTH TVSTIN 1'41 SALIDA UM Sl!WIHG '''° l, 1165 -.. . -CM 612.5851, UTILITIES PAID 2 BR. 2 Ba. cpls, drpg, bltns. rm. price open, 873-8244 WITH A VIEW Salt A Peppet -Abou' .t,NAMltM 1'51 IAY llLAN(>S 1ut Sl!WING MACHIN'I' 111,•1R1 .,,t ~ B<:nna furn. Htd pool Adult! m pets Lie $16§. 2 years old. Answers to the llLY•ltAN CNIYON UQ LIDO Ill.I 1311 Sl!l'TIC , .. .NK$, ~ lie. 6t&S l _!;..lli5(.' ul~paid' 1.• ~~.Apt ri. H.B. _ealI==Sa=·=·=4=Sun===,'=rn.mo=' ==='I~~~ w:t;:. ~ 31AcrelioNortbem Otqe. name of "CHATI'Y." Bluet:::: =~",!t,. = =='~~~o:A~~:" = ~:~L~~=GCO~TIOL I :~~ ;_ .~-"-b ....,......... ' • 536-2914 • ~ 963-6908 IU&h cm a tnon; tbia prop. collar, M tac. Vidnlly of u.eVMA M'9UIL 1Jtf UUOA ISLAND »SI TILE C"'9111k 6'74 ~:;;,ij'9'•$l'Olttt 534-6980 ~="""-='~"""---1 !~-~~!:'!!'f!... __ _;s~~~1::::~~;;;::::==;:::; erty ---~ " ·-Illes __ .. TulUn • Fairhaven in Or· .... CUll'•NT• '"' llAL llACN Jut TILE: Ll!ltl.Ul!I a Mtr'I.. 6'7J RENTALS -· --.. .,. '-'" .... ..,. .IUAN CAPISTRANO ,,. LON• IUCM SHI TllEE SEllVl(E , ••• 't I .~;-tit_._ •. __ ._ 41'00 , R.ooma fof lent 5995 eacil lot could be cut wttb a ange Thunday evenlha:. Jan-CAll'ISTllAHO IUClt 1121 ....... COUttTT NM TILIYISION leHlrlt lie. ••ts -Aptt. Unfurni1hed Prest1'ge L·• .. 1'on magnllicent view • .Priced at tiarY 30th. COOtact Jim DANA rDINT 1111 •••DIM ••OV• "" urHOUTlt:, ,.,. I -$.iilPD -'"-Ill PRtv St.ti kland REWARO. Da t.,.LS.,. U4' WUTMIHIT•• uu WILDIH• ""' , ,, ·, · UCING e Coat• Melli ., 5100 . Room &: bath for $16,000 per~. P)r flq'ther c _ YI. oc1AN1101 1ne MIDWAY ctTY '"' JORC~&' EMPLOYMENT • 3 ' ..,..__ ·----. •""·---L .... fl om_ployed lady or ttudent. 'infonna.Ucin, pl e •• " call 5(1-4111. Evtninp, 639-4337 SAN 01100 ,,,, UMTA AHA ,.,. . "fl!' ~,,_ ... ~ -"'-,.,__. "'"~'.".t • ., ;])'. ' Zill" --;.lm ....... _ k G'"M --m· _-u :... ·-~th . ' ' • llYIRllD• COUNTY ,. SANTA AHA Mll•tlT' itJll .IOI \rfANTIP· MM 1"11 'o . 4 BR. 21L •ba. .Ant -i-"1.W.R:ge Par . 642.-3683 1e £UU jlllUll w1 MOU ... TO II MOVID 1"' TUSTIN ..... JOI WA,.,._O, .'#tfllt1t .,_ 1_,0 ~ ,. : -6. ......__ .. _. ....--"'"• ... .._ ' ~ ·~ .. ""}I"<" -· E kh~ • a.-I ~· cotn>DMIHtuM ,,.. cDUT.AL. s1t1 Joi w··T10, • · ~. ~n,·,, . . ~'llN ---... • ... -draPe1 carpets 'Wet bu' W/W Crptll ltv rm refriC ~-_VfT. ~· ~ :i....~ ·~ • "-'ue ""'"···· 1'01 _ ..... a 1t71 LAIUNA 1,IACM 17'1 MIN .-w•••• , .. -, Jrr riad'rill'far 'adart. requi.r.. ftl'l.·v . ..'.'con•ea", • • ., -·· 9'ml pvt,'"" , .. .:.... 135' '"" W ra. ........... Ave ~ ·w T••om ,.. "'' ,,. l r..• ~---- -.,...,. w-.LOlO • ....._.._, • ~,-, r'°'.:.~ .. ArAI LA.HP MIO.,.f,. • tm DOMln1c MILi" I .. in&~ A quiet. oft kit.ch. Dilbw&iber, dbt Albert Pl, C.M. 6f6-83S9 Oranp, Calif. · . ' ,.,... • RINTALS SM CU:MINTI. · SJl• AOINCIEI. Ml• llM NICrlmtnafl T ta ' · I c•~.-. ..._., __ .___.A 1191.rron :f>atk [Ir,,' CM, Reward, •_L:.a SA" JUAN C"""llA 0 ll'2S NILP WANTID, Mt11 7"G .,, v~ enan ove'!t pool ~t to BEDROOM in New rtld ..u -£.t .., • .,.,.. .. "'_, ......... ,., 54g..9442 , tteu. Furn1..,.. •""" f'OIHT "* ao1NC11s. w-n• 1. 2 A 3 BDRM. API'S. ~,.,,-~+reel'¥· medalllon'bome 2/pribath. "!!'!!!!'~~!!!'!!!!!!!l~~~i · lfNl•AL . • ,. REAL ESTAT&, HIL,.WANTlo,w-JCIO POOL., NO anu>REN t1oi:i. · $1?.SO per wk. 6'6-~ FEMALE ~ -1>vk Otoe 1t1NTAu TD 1W1 · • 'o.nenl 1 ~";'~ ~';'9~ ... 11111 ~= .MARnNl~UE ONL v $325 MONTH ROOM ·-_... .u-llu\<' R..;;.;1.:::.;w::;;••::t.i=-"'--::'::24.::0 Si.imeae,, (friendly>. vie cOITA Mau -ttM n'""rx.-. ,,.. scMoou a 1NsT•uct10M 1400 T .w..· , .... ., .-.~ WlndW&Jd Ave.,' C8ayettst) ::: =~o'r• ::: CONDOMINIUM fflO JOI 1"111,AIATION 7IOO GARDEN Am 835 AMIGOS •WAY ho ,_ -· 3 .Bll Home 1n this area NB ,., -11 0 1 _, Rl!rn'ALS wANfto ,,,. THIAJ!ll;ICAL • "'° , • N B h m•, -· 11'"0'" I ·•·-I 2 lot " ~ ' "ao "" " ' •OOMS '°" H•T ' "" ueR"""ANDISE FOR ewport ••C Kit ptivl. 60-4794 or ex......... or Ol1 . NIWrOIT lllACfl ttM IOOM .. llOA•o '"' mmt "'f" 18th A: Santa Ana, C.'M. Mtir •. Apt. 9 ROOM For -nt to emplo·-.1 nr downtown Jnilewood. Val BLACKI:;H aray Ra b b t t NIWPOIT HGTS. n1• MDTIU. T1A1L1J1 COURTS sm SAL'E AND TRADE Call Mrs. Hadencm 646-5542 ~" ,~ •2n 000 Now·-La-white on DOie • ,a..-t n..~n•• Nf'Wl"ORT SNORl!S 1221 OUllT HOMll "" •u1NITUll .... .,_, · · '"'"''' " · V~ "'.,,._,. •AYSMOlll ins IC. •INTALS ,.. l'm Sin.ti Amir, Apt U3. C.M. '(oronl dll u., 5250 lady. Home • P'O o l Owner 213· "'5-6131 ~ CU"., Mesa erde Gofl OCNll aNOllt nu ~....... '"' D'lllCI tfURNITURI MU -privil $50 ... ,. ~ ' " • "'•-"' -~ hn,....,I ~lOf'lltTY UM 0'1'1C• IGUlrMIMT Mil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tlH. mo.,,_.,.,.,,. WILL n.-. A~ HOQlll 4 course • ....,.......... WllTCLI,.. me tUSINlll llllOl'llT'I' ... ITOll ICIUl,.,,,•Hi' M\1 '2 BEDROOM, bu i It .in "">l¥ ,...,... Ii -.••«<>n.JG r h · UNfYlllSrTY l'Al1l Htl n.lLll rAIXS .... CAri' lt-lifAU•.vtT :101• R & loo d 5-.r.• to6un1tlinlAIQlll.,Beaeh. ~ ... ~ •1 3, white11v1N1 ml 1ust1ttss ••ffTAt. ""141t"ftu1,MIHT · IOU . kitchen, W/W c. r pet •• )' .... ; 1;.;DD.:;;;m,;,;..,;;;...;;.;.:;;;';:..._;;,;'.;,;:-Call Mt-14lt · 1etr;We poodle, Rew.rd. =~ :tJ,, n .. Of'll1c.-llNT.t.L w• HOUSl!HOLO GOOllS .,. drapes, private pat lo' • :~:::;~!!!'.!.! ROOM, kit privL ,Room &: aUlllUU ·-~:i.~Mlta St. (:pita. Mesa. IRYIHI T1R1t.11c• !!!: ~=:l~A~L'.·'•ortllTY -= ~=~~·u::L:uCTION :: A ...... dul' ... ·o~ ... •• .. '~ .. ~.· •rt• board. Real reae. Older FIN"N' cr.L· ' I ,,_._. ' ' c,o•ONA.OSL MAI U'I INOUIT•IAL llNTAL "" A"LIANCU 1100 w,-..., --dealred.!SC&-3752 ~ ::;;Ji i5Sf · · ALIDA Hit LOTI •IOf NtfiQUIS l llC Bkr. 642.-9555 L Choe Point Siamese lAY ttU.Not tlH IAHCHll 6\M Sl!WIPIO MACMUllS 1120 ' CM ~ ---------ON~ ACRES .... ~'*"""""'• •• 'cat ana to woo. Vic of ~°i?.C::L~SU.ND = CITllUI lllOVll '17S MUSICAL IHSTR!JMINT "" ...,.. Up' Moving Feb. 2nd 1 &: 2 BR.·hrn A Unfum GUiit HOMM 5"1 ~ -•Poppy, c.dM. R'eward. MUNTINOTON 11AcN tt11 ~=A:~srNoae !=: :~0~gsaoRGANs :;:: ....... 2 BR. w/gar. Lee. :med yd. Frplcs I Prl I Patios I Wholetile luslMll 673-6089 ;oUICTollN VALLIY 2:~1 llllORT PIOlllR't'Y •HS TILIVISlOft J 'hM '"'Bach apta. Patio: water pd. 2 1ocations Pools. Te'rmis • Conttlt'I Bk· PRIVATE ROOM with TV National cosmetics company REW'"nLov= I" It I , .... •• :" .. g :..: o•ANt• (0.-l:t0',llT'I' ,,., NI·'' .. n .... -. '•1• .,r•a>,_ .. .-· • ·r.... • . f hulato ..... -·--·--· d"trl ANJ---I e OUT OP ., .. ,... r110 ... • lltOI TAlll!: RlCOROltl mo iVtSl 6 Phone ll!f'Y. 2224 Placentia., Apt. D $115 . fst :r noie PIJwGrffn. or_ am ry .. ,,.,. or has 0 . .--..,.;.., q • "~", 2 Jno. F. boxer, 011.flltl CllUMTY !!'f,, MOUMTAll!t a OISlllT •nt CAM•RAI a IOIUrMINT n•JSOO 2176 Placentia. Apt. c $115 900 Sn Lane CdM 644-26ll gentleman. Good food, home bu tor. u you have a buatness ,, ' ked M ff B IAHTA AH.4, .. SUIDIVISIOM LAND 4t1' HOll'I' SU,,lllS 1400 • 63M1AO e !Ma-•-•ur· ~-.·~---8 ,_1 like almolphere, , lar&e yard ....... -.."", ieader1i.1 .. abJl.. no · 5 u • • ·area. wasTMINtTttt "11 ••AL tsTATI s11v1c1 •111 s,01tT1No oooos uoo .& \;AC\U .... ~· ·•J .................... ..... 536-6470 :i~:YA~T~Hl••ttn ~ •••• OCHAH•• 'DI SINOCUl.AtS, SCO,IS l$l-G MODERN 2 BR. llh ba all • patio, ,Licel18ed home. tty, can think in terma of SILVER n. .. -Bra let COASTAL a• •· e. WANTto u. 1111scat..u.Niou~ Na& • ·· -Coroll-'-Apts. Avail now. 548-5225 tµa~ yelJ'.b'.income,,cab in-__. .... .i~ ~ 1.AOUNA II.II.CM ms IUSINl!SS and Misc. WAl'ITID Mu etec., cpts, drpl, G.E. kit, . Jil'U RESl' HOME tor elderly vest $300), and wouJd llft VSelC ~~-1 or ~·m;._ Gft..!,t LAGUNA H .. if,•L 1m FINANCIAL ~~~':t~~~· ~tc. ·:;: patio, encloaed pr., nr. bus. 2 BR. unfUi'n. Penthoulff-ladles, R&B lt .. ht care an interview to ditctlU tMa n ... y . ncw .. u IAN CLIMI -1 "" tUSINISt orrOITUl'llfllt .,.. STORAOI fJ7) $140 Adults. s~t .levi;lwtudio& All elec. dose in. 49f.2m:-:6 . • opportwilfy, .end brief _re-847-1513 ~,::,~u:~mANO = l\11111111 •WAMTiD •JU IUILOOIO MATllltALI •• ,0 \ E 1 BR .• bltna. 'Mir. i24 E. 20th, C.M. kilch d111hwaabers· some toThen.n .. pQ 'Box ~_i.....-i:'.:t Tu•• ..... DANA NIHT n• INYISTMINT °'"'111111tlM Ull SWArl 11" ; .·::;:r;li. ~~adults .... 1 ....... DELUXE 2 "'"-" ap• a'dul" , , swne .......,. o.. ...~i~ &I.Ill ....... 111vaat101 COUMT'I' t• INV•STMINT WANTID ,,,s PETS and LIVESTOCK ~-UUAJ .,,.... .......... ., frplct, w/w carp. & drapes. Income pNAlll.-6000 # 1!{·613. -Vic 19th A Irvine Ave. Colla YMATION ••MTALS ·me MONl'I' TO LO.llf •l'lt OVer ' en nwi.. nr mkt 2 car .............. n....• •110 to . :..:!::"-'" -Meaa •n -alt 6 PM -·••UM = •••IONAL LOANS flH P'•TI. GINEtAL "".,, ~ -,,,,,, ~-;::.-o'-.1t • · FRl""IDAIRE · ~"" ·u• -•ownn ,.... '"' "" : ~ Ctt $$5; •P. unit. lS-265, 16th Pl&ce, see .. ....._ o..nuu .. , • 6 SmWnc Ollll'!-IJlll r 11"-"' coLU.TlllAL \.OANS ms DOes 11u -~ ~~ .• ..-. -·~1a u-.... • 61).:3378"" · Mon•i. .Maken J•T •CTION ,UR1.'". DI. . frllbu -Settft' lENtALS .1 .. " •sTAT• LOANS '"' Ho•s•s .... ............. I•'~ ..... . ..... E Coa !" "' !> ......,-. • ta.Cl-l W' U-u I ' . L-..1 MCNI!~··· T,., °'"' il4S LIV•ITOCK .... ' !S\ r~2118 -3 BR. 1% ba. O\ildn!n ·41"'6 • ts Hwy, CdM 'EAST IOI, C.M.. Beauutul reneMd, LaundrY.. Harbour. RewN't'L lfl.<&3 nvu... " urnis,_ Ml*IV WAHTID · 6aM CALIFORNIA ll\/ING t;a'a;;&w ~ cptB. .drpt. weioome.:-$1!JJ. Mar: 862 w. te~"Y 2 llR, bit.ins, a Rent.al Unit!--load cond. 28 washen, 11 dljrett, ,,:tb..i REWilDt ar: puppy, no =~llA~ = ANNOUNCEMINTS MUllSllU!I • .,,, ,. Bliis:.r:ceil, 'blt-inl, pool. ~ter Apt l QO am to crpts, drps, $i71i mo }'rly. 12 years old. Exe Income, w._. m1ooo yr. II'* tail. 1 bl e ; 1 tr. MIM OI\. MAR n• and NOTICES ' ' ~~':rHo HOLi 1 .... ~ 'Adults 4155,Jrn Maple St.. 4 pm) -~'wport Beach RI t y • $6«1 mo. $59,500. inc. J"1rid OU -bow e&S1 ft' ii . • ue " . • eye 11\•IA '¥t:tDI . 1111 NUHO ,,,. .11m .... AW NINOS nu II •---. l"" , * • * * to own1 ' ' Vic;, 3Srd St. NB~ COLL.II rAlllt S1U LOST '411 VUATIONI = i -----~ NEW 2? BR., blbJt, inCl. 01•..-D'U • ,. • NSW,OllT ·~CN Hiii , •• IDNALI 6-5 TRll SPOR'"TION ' NEWPORT Coln·O·Matlc ··--·lo 640S HIWl'OIT MO'tl. n11 ANNOUNCllMINn 641t N '1 M i 2 Bit.; adults, no peta. aean. dil~ sep. ~· P.tio OLD l·BR., bay view. ,. ·-·-N•Wf'OIT tNO••• Jnt •••THI . Mii tOAft & Y.llC:NTS ... ,~ ~akdy funlllhed. $141.50 & ganae~ ,nss. 2312 Sanfa Prune Location. $155 Near Beach 3 Unit1, 2-tl\·o Equipment Inc. iAYSMot•• -,uN11.t.u .-11 U.tL•OATI t•11 ..• ,l.f)·J• 5t1.m59 Ana Ave.,\CM. ~7 . e 67U904 e BR Ir Guest Apt. Dbl GU, ~'.4 w. v~ • BACHERLO!t new In oov•• 9"°'111 .., ""'o ~trTuA•vcwt •01 ;::1•:.J:u•:::~s m~ ';1;~~==J~~~~~~~~~~~~;!~=~:~~~~I $34,500. Fullertoll • n4: sz;.7838 uU Rekl beautltul ptI 35 ::,'J:~l~:Y ,AR• : ~::,~~ 01 •• s :::: •o.1T TWA•~•tts ::~ ·o -~ 1 4000 Gtnenl 40000.n•r•I ' 4000 G-ham 1-lty . tor data • cotnpankjnshlp. j•v••• a u10 °' TMA•K• i4tt 10 .. , M111HTEN.111tc1 Kn I 14'. •• -w :ELD] NG Bu 1 l n e.. URGENT. 404186 ' Melt MY ... Ill MIMO••AM '4U IOAT UUHCHINt tOJ• I ·--": Ntar ,N.B. ~t Ole. ~2414 Complete W/ all equip, I Atn M kmrer nrponeibJe r::~:L:::IACa = ~==~==~ ~:i~n :::: ::::N:l.,:~':!~111No :.: r 1·r".!. $fill-Q~' ,(' w ,/)-C ~Q.• -::::•~~A~~ fOlt ,._d)' ·debts~ other than~:= IHI~ MA• = ~~='J~1=!.Nt ~~ ==~ ~'l.~~I~~/ :::! I ~ I." ~). "' J,J(f'lf \J tuilntu Rtnt•I 6060 __._ Alub. Call mr OW!l, MiCtllel Kirk I"" ••LANDI -AUCTIDNt "'" SOAT CHAIT!lil ,., ~ .,.,. ... .,,..to ' for MaclJltoah ~100 tlLI UU AVIATION tllYIC• MJJ "'INIMO,OOA1'1 MU :;1 ~:)O:Z ~lH. Siaple Scrambled Word Punk jor 4 Cht&ekle A'M'ORNEYS-S sep rooma, detalled info. 53ti-U33 SINGLES -COUPLES. Ntw r~.~·'lr.:T = =v:~ANSf'Olt1.tTION = =~ ~v~::. :::1 .,~ ru.~ 1 lobby, .3 ~t&rlal rooms, MEAT ·market • X>tU. FUlly iD , LorltlJ' 0 l''HtblGfoN ''"" ,.... AUTO tt.11Ntl'OIYATt0111 ..., 10.tn WANTl:o H.H 1--'l __ ,1;)if ..... & .... --' ,,.. bl·~-2 ----ma ••• t!qulp. Ett • yn. Real buy ... i: area. ' • u I NUMTJNeTO" KAllOlll -,i.auL fll01tcll ·, Mii .. ,'","' •• '!. ... 11M _ -T ..,.. ..._ '""u.vu for fut tilt 3lJ80 Cout, Wsintal is· J'O'I!' ~. ''NTAlf" VALLaf Ml• ""M.UI ,,. T!.JfWtltte MM LY woS HS us, '·"--.;;_ ':' ~,:,~,:: =· Good location C.M. Hwy So wS.m. ---¢111163M.m·mw-• • stAL 11~c:..,. ~~ SERVICE QIRECTORY ::;~i' :_:s ~ :j ~,$'~' ' · ...m · · · 1 ~,.no ·"c~ ~ble :::-:~n 1~• ~r.~~:: ... ,". : :tC."c\'".1' •:u \ KUY'Tll' lalboa hlanCI arn--.. ~·-1 Ea\ bl lot U\Y dibtl: other than :.-:::• ... CJ: MT't :: ... ,Lljlfl"ll •• , ..... """-~·ft MINI 111f.s~· ...... ;-·-~:. ~ -t 1nu~l r.;r:i.m;oc: -.:,.;,,,: van.. "'''AISll.. "11 ·MOTOflCTCLIS tJOt ·"'it' w ChOlce of Two, $150 I: $11'5. Cookie .• c. n d )' wndftw my own.~· £-...., "'11TM•1Tllt Mlt Al,MA\..1, ... •UI MOTOllCOOtlltt neo I I!"; J\ltr ~ machine l'OUte v-2 hn I AM no. L::r -...... .. .ible ~~:·.:."1.arGltTS = AUTO llPAlllS ..s• AUfO Sl!ilt'll(lt a ,,,.n t olttt • -· •--c ~ ·---• AUTO, IMI ...... , ... Etc. U4' AUTO ~LS I '1'0Ulr t•'I f:i'o ~· I'"! S14ALL Rtuonabl)'· prScect ' wkly. $900, 10 un1t1 C.M. klr MY de,bta .o~ than =f••ACM :: •AIYSITftN• ISM ra,1iL1t•. TllAv•t. \. • .. u 1"11.a u ~p y I U ,S . . Sten Bulldinga in buq area. 67W360 , my 1~~-DtMll,Flrrtniton "°'IUMA '"ev11 ' tm :;-ic'1t~=~~c.. = ~:.·~:::-Utllttr, :;: -I I Corona de.I Mu location. AS90CIATE needed for pro-t AM rio. ~ ...,._ible l~~.-::;1'1 ·, :_: •uSfMISt 11avic1t , .ut ntucx• '"' 1 . Call HUtcbtmi, 11•: t:MSll ducUon ....... Ntw plutic· ... .,, diebta' o~ .llMlft .,lttaMO ....... = ~~~~~:: !3: ~~·:: IUOtllt ' ·~~ • 1 coMMEkCO .. 300 Sq. ft. prodlM:t. ACUW or biactive. ~"" AUrtd H. ft-" ~=-"·":3M ;:,. C,\l1HITM.lllUNf .. IMN>lllD AUTOS .... '" __ __.. ·-· -' ... • CAlllrlNTl}tOtl, .... """' uas • Mii 111 . 0 0 a C T ·1 1 INDUST. -800 aq. ft. ...,..,.._.,.. ..... re q • T a... 8'riri& 11U"'-'1111t u •u•N. "" CIMUT. c.... ,,.. AlfTIOUIS. cL.t.s1te1 ••u · "" Mbtherf od • \If • 64~ • 644-1'02 •* ·'ttleltnlerl a,· ad• R.INTALS CHIU c.t.•e. uu.e · a.11 lACI CAils. 1-. ''" : 5 ) 1 J ( want to ..!'captu~~r ;::. BLDG. f" x 100. in heart A~~~~C~l~ ApL?~ .~ •• ,,t~.~vmflhed • ~it~ftm:r:' 11;.11 ; =~o 1.m; age ton, tab th1--~y ot dowt?WD COita Mtsa. Ofdria . _u.QlHU(J~ __,..........., ~-'-°' .,.. oa.t.Pt'tll "'f AUftl 1N.•1M t • --tiji ~r_N_E_K,.._ll_l_L---~I from hirii. : ~-1 ~...1,_-~E~s. 962-'1232 ,.._ ~ ot wriie .to"'?'¥ :'-~f' / . ~ •11 ·~~~, .. '{''° ca11 y• -\ ,.. ' I I' I I' I'' e ~ ,::o~,,:h=.;-=t. Offlet Rlntol 6070 YOU can -...... l!l'CI .. 'P.O.,.... °'* ...... H A"UE ~u L~OUED fOR 1:~~E"4ir'.11~r 1:--·1-~~~ ~~ ~7:1~~=1 ·-J;~. ~;~&Nu pQL~~s _. •#~um.slJ.I ·~ I 111: • ...:~:!a0?7'~~:00~'!~!=~~.: S.~::~ I~ YOUR HOME LA'fiLY? ~ ~ • 4 w.. ~-. ner Oitta Mt11. S56/montl1 o .. Ulld .441. Dill &lil• ~ tw -~ • ..,. D!al ~M·LETS ANS'fll ·IN CLASSINCATIPN 8000 utllltltl Included, e"'6!60 to olfor ,_..me. NOW. -· ' , I • ' • . • l •r-.. ··-----~-- ' " ' ' ' ' • I ' ' I ' ' ---------~--------------~------,-------~----·-------------.,.,-----,--,--------------... • I'm The Kin~ Of Woman Who Gets What She Wants .;Jffflllll~ ....... • .;!:fl ···~ti~ ~'-' .. .~~ ..• /!~--. ' .•,, -~ • ·-• '••1 ,. .., , . ~~· ~ ... •'"I • . . . ... ··:• 1: ... '1 ' .. ~ • • • Because I'm The Kind Of Woman Who's Smart Enough To Use DAILY PILOT Classified Advertising 81n1v1 me, tliere's nothing Around our home tnymore th1t isn't being used -because the minute I discover something is no longer needed, I sefl it, whilt it stiU ff has maximum value, through an inexpensivt DAILY PILOT Cl1ssified Ad. That w1y, instead of o clutter of things we don't use, I have ihe extra cash that lets mt have the newer things •.• the 11erlr1" things my whole family enjoys. Here's what I me1n. Tho <Olh I got for tho good clothes ond trys the ohildren hid outgrown bought mo the dooorotor lomp I'd bun wanting. The musictl indrvrhent no one pleyecl p1id for a big port of our port1ble stereo una. Tho power tools redecor1t1cf our d1ughter'1 room. And, just for the fun of it, tho good oheir thot just didn't metoh onything onymoro took my husbond ond mo out for o fobulous Winner 1t the f1nciest rest1ur1nt in town. Go through your homo. Mako 1 list of 1V the worthwhilo things you find thet oron't being u .. d. rYou'I bo surprised 1t the number you turn up the first time.) Thon, di1I 642-5678 ony time betwHO 8 1.m. ond 5 p.m. ond gi•1 your rot to 1 friendly, oxporioncad Ad Writer. Thot's 11 there is to it. It's inexpensive tool lt c1 n cost you ts ~tft. 11 P.ENNIES A DA YI -Wei, now th1t you know my sec:rot -isn't it time fou got storied toward hotter, Nsior, hoppior 6•ing with DAILY PILOT Oossifiod Ads7 Stort being tho kind of·womon who 9ots whet she wont. today! CALL NOW 642-$618 ....., Reefl.. - ROOFING l\EPAIR. no 1eaJt: .too mW!! ..... ., . Who!Wya Wantt WhotWya Gett SPECIAL .CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL IORN SWAl'Pllli Spoclol Rate s Ll--s 11 .... -s 11uc1<> ltULU -A.D MU$T IHCLUOIE Altorat10ne--64Wl45 .Neat, acctp'ate, )J yn. exp. ~. a joint ven-1-Wlltl "" 1111111 -..... s-wJllt .,..,, ...... Ill .,.. .. ture, bu been terminated QUALITY Repairs -Altera- u of Jan. 31. 1!189 tiom -New const. by hour ~YOUlt ,,_ •n«rlf eciar.t. 4-4 ..... fil '41~11'11Jlfta. TILi, C..111tlc "74 or Contract 646-3442 SERVICE DIRICTOllY .REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS ~OTHIHO FOil SALi -TltA\Q OftLVI PHONE 642-1671 * Verne, tbe Tile ·Man * Cutt ..... DlOtoll A repolro. No job too small. Piuta' To Ploco Your Trlclor'o PorodlM A4 Bobyslttl"I 6550 CABINETS, Aey alzs, lob. nade 11 ft ·-out- -"----·----25 yn. ....... 5W6'l13 board. (fiberr)ua) for full BABYSITTING MASTER carpenter, $4 per ot part payment on carpet, In my ,bome. Near Magnolia hour. Remodeling . ReI>Qil'I. drapes, landscQh:w, tenc. and F.d.in&er St., Westmtna-64U409 or 536-3900 hlc or t T 60:ts&o aft 1 pm ter. Fenced yan1; hot meals Sea view lot on Panorami. included. Call anytime. A-l Dr. (oll. Le Drolt) Lquna ~1-m1 Carpentry, any •17.e job! Beach•, build'" .. dra·~"-Call Gordon 847-61'45 .... .. ...... BABYSITI'ING, My home, 38 I::=======:.. avail. 1or 3 BR. 2 ha. home ~ old -llabl pi.... alto w/view. (213) Ml-134.5 v·~ • ... e. "'Y area. C-.nent, Concrete 6600 School near by. ~ wk with l'!'P'l'. Beach; older, comfy meals. 645-1634: * CX>NCRETE work. Bonded house, 2 BR. 2 Ba, Great BABYSTITING My horne, &. Licensed. Concrete sawing Joe. $10,000 Equity. TRADE week day8, have 3 yr old Phillips Cement. 548-6380 for local income, commerc. d au g b t e r. C. M\ area. e CUSTOM PATIOS• or vacant. 615-1:198: 646-16'75 549-2158 .. concrete sawing "= removal Will tradf! $8000 equity in MATURE Woman w i 11 State Lie. • 842-1010 a 3 BR Laguna Beach house babysit Fri, Sat, SUn from CONCREI'E work, all types. CU1Tently leased to June 15 6 pm. Call those days. Pool decks ~ cU11tom. Call for 22 ft or lqer Wlboat 673-1094 own trans. $1.50 hr. 548-1324 plus ; 494-9931 CHILD care, my home, $20 CEMENT work, no job too 14 units Santa Ana, inco1ne weekly. Nr H. B. Center. amall, reasooible. Free tt<JM n..;..,,h. .. 1 in Capable mother. 847-:llm estlm. H. Stu111ck: 548-8615 _._ ........... ...,. & t pymb $470. Trade for Vista area • EXPER.. babysitter, days e BEST IN CONCRETE acreage, income or arove, or nights. C o s t a Mesa. Walks, pool decks, floors. $40 cm eq 5e8676 642-1940, 646-1091' Patios. Phone 642-8514 ~·--"·----- BABYSJ'lTING my Balboa I ::======== STUDIO apt. 3 Br. 3 Ba .• home, weekdays, Exp er. Con. trKtotl 6620 furn. or untum.; Eut Lona: mother. Call 613--8085 Beach; value $20,000; trad~ Additions * Remodeling for Newport Beach proper-BABYSITI'ING in my home .,.,___. ,....-·-'-'· Li ty, 548-4387 for working mother. $20 ri..:u H, ~-w..,., c. -~------ 6'73-$)U * .Sf9..2170 week. * 646-0709 HAVE: 6 units, pool, game DEPENDABLE day ca re. room, C.M. Income $680/ Pref. wkly care of 24 yrs_ Carpet Clanln9 6625 mo, price $68,000. Lie. Hrbr/ Baker. 546-1539 PROFE.SSIONAL Rug & Want: 3 or 4 BR horn~. CHILD care. Warner & Uphol!tery. Cleaning. Top Bob 01'on Rltt. 546-5580 Newland. Mon thru Fri. quality guaranteed reiults. HA VE: 'Improved C2 lot 847-9879 Allen'a Maintenance 164M063 CM. Value $30,000 clear. e BABYSI'ITING, my home or eves 642-351'1 · \VANT: lnduatrlal blcic, this on Flower, (hsta Mesa. CARPET 4 Furn. cleanina: area. Will assume. ,Reliable. 548-'l'IK>l , fDr 1 day aervice 6 «!U8llty Dania Realty Co, "2-6.XiO Trade equity In .,. O>eVY P/U.Fae&ir,P/b,P/afot CZYKOSKl'S 01stom 'Your equity in -'68 or '69 Upholatery. European car. Call 548-62ll befr 5:30 Craftamanabip.100'9 pm. or 546-1685 aft 5:30 pm ~. Furn. boats Ii: rowNHouSE 3 Bl'. 2% ba. auto's. • 642--1454. ~a 31 Beaut appt'd, Priv. pt.tio. N~ Blvd., C.M'.. DON'T JUST WISH for pateh: lnkinl sh.oW•r somethinz to fUmisb'°)'OU? repair. M1-1ZT/MM20I home .•. Jlnd .,.., buys!======== In today< Cluoilled Ada. Upholstary 6"0 pool, ""6e lo bay, Vol lOBS A EMPLOYMENl $32,<m, low dn. or T.D .. 1----------=.:::-.1::, Cu or T Owne• 64M65< Jeb Wonted, Lady 7020 * IUFFlq•Jliio ~; Jeep, 4 ~ .. Miml CD-A, YOUNG mother I: wife of Recent, aueceaafUI~· recondl~~. ex1ra rub. full time atudent &eeks baby ience tn all ~· ber, aoOd top ~ interior. alttinl full time in .o'wn femd. CornpetatnreJiili..· Trade for VW Bus, ·approx. home 67>11!3 :i.!1~ == :1 value $1000. 675-3105. ,;o:;,;:..=='--..,,-~-,-,c I -.. •· • ---~=---12 Women qe 47-48 wish ; lM"· , * LAGUNA * housework, must be ateady. APPLY IN P~·: • 4 units nr beach. i65.000 AD work by job. Cab 5 p.m. Mon • Fri 10 ani·~~t'"' cle.ar. Want amaU house or til 9 p.m. 541.mt • r.aL urump...,. Jot, ,..,.,,-.,,;;,.;_.:.~---..,,.-, PfJlllEY .. n • -1 Bkr 494-1330 PART-Ume office or medical J, (, 1, ' •. • s-eoeptlonlit poaltlon. i't'elel' Have HuntmKton Harbour 3 9 AM-3:30 PM. 548-6038 ·aft ~--_.. BR 3 BA, wet bar, butlers l :lO PM 24 F11hion ·ci i', pantry, dlninc nn, 60' boat ====--;;=-:-::-= An equal op • · slip ® $]3J,000 with $e,OOO ATI'RACTIVE 0 r lent a I emplo~"";.:,.._ , , ~ty. 'Want income, Mr woman wants Houseki!e~ •iiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiii&i!ii";j"Wj JI'Ylln Bkr. 646-9661 tna:-Companion job for man ~------~1 over50.6t5-1155 ::..:a~!:i=~~~ HOUSEWORK. ~.25 ti! plus SttOE Sllft"·. '· i, dale, aell for $5000. per $1 for transPOrtation ~. ~ acre, or trade for anythina i,Ext.:::;::,,",;:..· ~~~--1.1.tr.J.j ot oquol volue. 846-2019 EXPER. P,actlcol nune, Manager ,,.-.. ' Trade $5lOO equity in Iarre li1ht hskpg. Good ttlrerenc-,11 ·~. • Two bedroom lull bath and es. Llve out. 494-2272 America's Laqest ret&UenJ halt bath, Mrree condo-HOUSEWORK of v.llmen'a ahoes)i u'\ i j minium for equal value in $2.25 hr, 548-245f •ims· Shoe ... ~: ~, ' double ten or more moblle liUU' 'tJlllll,.'..-~ home. 646-MU 1---------J'"' _ .. •t t ~=-~-~--1Domeotic Help 7035 C ~a HAVE: '54 Ford Country 1;;....;.;;...;...c_-'-'----So. _011t 'l«a;• . Llke new "PAYMASl'ER" Squire waaon. R/H. PIS, Geor2e ltllen Byland A&ency Cont1ct Mr. It~' :j' check writer/protector for P/B. 1~. $225 val. Employer Pay• Fee ! .itr;: work, call SterlinJ for Brick, MllOnry, etc. brigbtness! .... 642-8520 -------6560-NO Gimica! Best expert ept BUil.D, Remodel, Repair Brick, block, concrete, crpntry, no job too small. Lie Contr. 962-045 &. furn clng. at lowest prices. 54&-1486, 646-7117 WALL TO WALL Carpet Cleani n g &. expert upholstery cleaning. 646-3'180 CARPET & furniture clean- ing, laying & repair. Call Girouard Carpet. 642-9656 good ottice,.~~e~~= and chair. WANT: PLAYER PIANO 1Q6.B E. 16th, SA 54'1'-0395 . '( 1 "'""""'°"" . 646-2290 :hinese live-ins. Cheerful •, otf"'f '1 Day or Eve. CAR~'" (bdrm, den & d1nin£" room, Perm.anent. ExperiJ!nced ~j ~ Trade Hoyer patient Wt or Z lull Iota, $29,900 value, Far East Agency 642-8'103 OPPORTU _ •I • GE stereo for anllqUes, or-$10,000 equity. TRD Income, I---------' iental rug.,oec chr, ne\v bltn units, T.D. low down, comm. H I W tN M 7200 Join todays futt~~ dshwr, dlspl, carpentry, 545 Irvine, N.B. 675-4508 • I' •n • •n _ profesSion-Mutual .• • I wiring/pntifllt. 546-9358 eve!> N · It: ; 33· o.ns Exp ·55 'twins 0 expenence... • , s; I BAYFRONT & dock; 2 Bal· New survey-Al-Dbl, plank DESIGN We train· All1 Of·~,, ~ G d • 66IO boa Coves, NB; eq. $52,000. ~fan OF, SIS outrig, Dock Mutu1I Fund A:llvlJtrl; .; Ir 1n1ng T d I TD ' ??? 1~ Inc.~· .: ra e or . . 1 or . · . or etc. ,.,,ooo or Trade R.E. ANTHONY'S lease/option. Courtesy to Equity Motor Home or ? EN611HRS Npt B. 1603 w~ ' ' Girditn Service brokel'fl. 675-4331 644·2374 S.A. 1212 N. 8 ~ , 64f>.1941 * . 5'?-833:1 _.,,..' i ' BUDGET LANDSCAPING * * * * * """""'"" 0ranp County _:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!;;' ....:; . ~--Pl t Pro--1 !!!'!~!'!!!~!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'I manufacturer of pttcision ~ "J.i:~Utly :..;,;.,;..,,,;---1·se1tv1ciDiitiCTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY clooe tolerance aircraft and SALES 11'.:tl.• ; Exp. Horticulturist aeroep&ce bardwue com-EXPER. Ol'l·tUJ' a.~ Now'S THE JAPANESE Gardener. Gener1I Sorvlca 6612 .;l•.;•.;•-=_T;.;a;;.•;__.....;.,;;.7.;40;1ponenta, needs qualified di!-u~ou'~·J!~ili' ~ Complete Servi c e . Ex· HEATING • Air Cond. Serv PERSONALIZED, exp er t ~~~~ cai: write 1 order a.._. , I: TIME FOR peri.enced. Reliable. 642-4389 &: repair. also Washer Ii: Tax Rl'V· .Year niund ote., ~not required. Five years I CAN· Ol'FIR1 ~ J APANESE Gardening, Prof dryer repair. 24 hr serv. reas. 646-3712 experience moat deiin.'*• ./ $175 per week ,.,,,..~-; Maint. Land 1 cap in g 842-7237 or 847-5681 ''rn=co"m:=--:T:-..,-,-.,.=.--· .f s h(>urs per ~~.u.a: ' ; QUICK CASH Oeanup. 637.$51 HAULING. Cleanup prage11, your borne, Iona form com-Good company benefits tn-./~Bonus Plan ·~ '.; AL'S Gardening s e r vice odd Jobi etc. Free est. Jlm bined, $15. 494-3422 cludin& pem:lon plan, croup Apply at 800 So. El;Bi Lawn maintenance, garden-5'8--5325, anytime Gordon N." W1rren, PA ins~. liberal holidays, Real, Suite 215, San THROUGH A '""•clean u-. .....,.,. belwffn lOA4Moftl'tiiliri1i ·~ •" H II ;! 730 lBth year. Appl 675-3345 vacatlonl, etc. , 1 iiMi .1 JAPANESE Gardener, com-IU ng . G ~ "~ • DAILY PILOT I __ •_le-te~y~ard~~serv>ce~-· _._ .... _ CLEAN lot&-&: it!S etc, lronlnt 6755 Send complete resume "rith *DIRECT SAL= estimates. 540-1332 tree remw, dump skip ----experience, Wary require-I need 4 men !\",ft backhoe fijl erad 962-87 IRONING 15c pc. menta, etc. to , , • WANT AD ' Cut•EdpL&wn ' e. 45 You lrl"I H•"IOfl. The Dai(y Pilo~ Box M·6H new loles ~ :~ Maintenance. Licensed Hauling-Garage Cleanups '42-2051, 646-5161 Orange County ._ . ' 54M808/645-231D aft 4 Trim Hedges, Tree1. Reu. •tereoa 4 eewklc • 642-5678 YARD c 1 ea nu p, Tree BIG JOHN -642-4030 IRONING done in my home. Three leads per Ill'! · 1 Expert ....,k. ROuoneble. DRAFJSMAll "B" custom.,. call u8) • · semce, ne\lo· . awn• , lJTE Haulin& A cleanup. Phone .,._1616 mJ-•-...c.... • .. .-a:'..oli.' •prlnklers, rototill. 646-6848 "-----'-I "'-· v-u ,.... or ....... ...,._ NO MATTER WHAT IT IS e • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For FHt Servi<• I Expert Assistan<o DIAL 642°5678 DIRECT • r..c1AINC:U ~'I' atta. by hard woticq-:: · L1nd1c1plnt 6110 Minimum two years ex· pay in buainea, ~;, HouH<lunl_ne,,__6_7_35 * AP'l'. CLEANING * Fast &: . thorou&h 642-81" WILLIAMS Oeanin1 Serv. perl.-,_ the '""Out andna:, mod, Ins • .,.~ SPRINKLERS ·-"' ~ mornlnp 9·toU, -'!iiiii'i!IDilif and tapinc ot art work .., G le Sod Lawns. lJe 6 Bonded for printed circuit board11. 3 tO 5. 526-6616 . ,,, M ::, * 00.2133 * e FINISHEil'.''"'· COMMERCIAL le reaidential (ill Personn.I Dept, i(C;: Gardenlnr • L&M.""•""'· (7141 494-9401 CARPEN11@\ -'-ln_.....,.,......_T_u_...__6740 =J=oe=Com.I=="'"'=='"==:.I • PLUMBEL ' y'.iuw~\it~ P•r,:rt.0"'1"' TELONK ~~."::.~; PEYRON Pa "'1°' "50 Santa ~ ,.,~· 1-'. loco-Tu S.rv. Interior Polntlne E""tn-ing Co. • ASSE>4BLERS -----. omCEs Apts. or houses by Job or •• .,. • CARPENTERs .. n . , e 1200 w. Coast Hiihway room. Low of! 1eaaon rates. e PAINTERS · • tl~~J N WPO B CH ,,.,, ''''""' 645-1058 L19un1 lt•ch Company; bendita. ~" • E RT EA , -suranc'e, ~1 obiiiiz;-_.j 8411 Westminster Bl VINYL wall eoverin1 .,.._, ,.. .• _ WESTMINSTER, 891-9649 specialist • ldt A baths. An equsl opportunity Jenaen Marine..,_;-, ' Material A labor. Est. employer 235 Fiabtr, C~· I 't.!;,..Cl~'k ::::..is.r:; 141-lGM lody 'pncl foeftd~ : bu!Jnea, your home ., ok. PAPER HANGING l,oX loJ Ma 20 )'l'I exp, Joe firm. PAINTING . ft ... , 642-Q.83 or 645-C'l'O eves f75..30t3 FULL TIME . Body shop helper, aood "11 BE A Satiatiaed Oient with e INT • EXT, ANY SIZE Must bt available week days aood benefits afDeal'I Lnlt Hurta Tax Servi.Ce. Ith yr. JOB. Xlnt work. refs, ~ • morniDp. Good rates and ~ 1166 Harbor, Cit loo&lly. Ava.IL U mos. 3117 est. JIM. 6424669, &46-3'1'41 benefita. _.._.... t : Roosevelt Way, CM. D."T~INT. Acoust. .CellliJI Rfch1Nl'a Lkle Mlirktt e INsrRucroRS -,hQ I "Mack" ~2971 Lie;, Im. 17 )'l'I. Exp. J'fM 3433 Via Lido, N.B. ' «/Md »art timr. 'Km, .... · e THE TAX ADVlSORS Est. 541-6325 JANITOR Work. full time -· lofult be .... ti .. 1 .. " meet ln4 deal 'ft1tll t111 Yearroundofe328No. Paper hancinc. '5 )'flan • .._ta. Must have ex• public, aood ftaun.~ NWpt Blw, N.B. ....,,, experlence. Coll l'l'edl perience In cleonlnr smoJI In -11oUc1.,. · · Call 6'5-<MOO for 11.ppt. , * ~ * , offices. Opportunity to work Spa, 2.'JOO Harbor 111"'1 . -into avperviaor. BeneOta. SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE VET'S Bonde!d p 11 n t t n I' , 5'9-2ft5 C.h.!. • -_ . Your ho me • Reuonable. Free etrt, lie. ins, Small FULL ttme au1stant lit .... E\le1. Norman M a 111 t...bs welcome· ~ No c&llVUSlllg. Appt. only, · • ...,. 545-<3211 ,. • ENCY-. BRITANNICA and cold loocl lo Co Oei1 P AINTJNG, · tnttr.-aterior Newport B. &G-6110 Must be nl!at Ac p1.e:aanl Walter H. Ft.hrenholz P.A. State He. -bonded. Free Westmliister m.:5611 with public. Alt for T~ 145 BroadWl,f, Costa Mesa estimates ~ .., ......... "" __ .. ____...... .__, 49.i E. 11th St. C.M. • · 642-620t or ~1398 eve iuw,u.-, .,_, ,...,_.,. ...... p-u · Pl I • I 6llO h•u• eul> AM. Inquire .:::::"'..:!:...~.r ~ ~'5 * 1'111 YEAR * •IMr ng, ..,.,. r F0untaln Valley Co It, ._,....,~ • ..... _ a A-1 STENO --1740 rtitutional exper belptul baj HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR. e PAT'S P!uter!nr. All1..;,;.;.;;c;.,.-.=---not """· Coll 54f.1Zll -, f!ve/wkend by appt. 545-887D f)lptll. Free e.rtlmate. Call WOOL f>NNtr, pttt..Ume DETENTION, 5-~ .... --ec.... dtl.... "~"--·-~--• PROFESSIONAL TAX =::=:::::===;:.=.11=~m4Sl~~O~or~54f.~.11BT!!. ~ ---._,.'-,hd) ='='te. $1t.. Pt"'"w,. "'°TV Tecbnidana ~ A·l ~.n..::o 111 .. _ , + INCOMETAXSERVICE PL~G )( hr. ~· qullity.~, Mllffr:ll'Q(lya.m J1:l Fedtral and State WOri: pat. IJc,, lnaur.;1,,,-,.--....,..-----I d ~ • ' 646--'lOOo da)' er nla'ht rtmodel. repair, rooter...,., KA.NY ~ QI' H.8 .. F.V. ams ...._ 531-7568 POlm1NJ'rlD JJ&ff; .... hfl d&1, Ill..,, -I NO' bl&ller ""8.t t& b, )'OU PLUMBtfliG REPAIR ~a Chq'W Alilt EXP'D COUJ'ftif&H f CM eetl • with • DAILY No Job too m\IJI T\Jrll .... to ''B a"' ~ * CITY AbTO PMtN .. : PILOT WANT AD! I I0-58'7t e 80-SUI e nortunlti•" NOW! Mt PllCfllti&., CM, " ------------------------------------------~--- I I . I I I I J ... :: 1.: -., ' ~·:.All 1,000 of tJs Had a Busy Day Today ~' I ; -; lr , ::;:we created and .'.delivered aoother fresh edition o.f The DAILY PILOT 111l I ,I ORK produces each day's alJ.new DAILY PILOT. Often speclal- Thomas Fortwie (left), whose beat is education, wort with 1 s )!hotographer like Patrick O'Donhell to get the story both In words and. {lictw-es. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year to illustrate· the '!.q.~,story of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local stories we wrote. Not even us. . ,, titE4rIVITY helps advertisers tell their stories and sell their goods in "Oi~_affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford cce:o'tef) of display advertising department discusses with layout artist .. : ~Gunderson and DAILY PILOT Staff Artist Bob Noyes an ad which ~ :WJh.~ ready to appear in the newspaper only hours after Noyes puL, ' .final.;&iouches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiser, a local r~ •tail 1111erchant. .<iulci HANDS place lines or type. ads and cuts (the metal plates used tq1ruroduce pictures) into page forms as the day 's product begins to tldt'e-"'&hape. · Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one of a platoon of · Iiiilte.rs who "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlinea:, work· ~Rl~gainst the clock to bring readers the late~ available information in ~h, edition during the day. ,' ,"-~ . " . ;i.;~~y of the newsaper Is a speed event. too. Conveyor belts carry , the papers lhrougb the mailroom wbert they are automatically tled in ·;~ of 50 and tossed to waiting circulation district. manqera (like .. c~ Roberts, ahown here, right) who speed them via a to-vehicle to cmien for delivery. Mailroom foreman George Arauz (left) , ~J!fs crew can move 20,000 newspapers an hour. ·~~";) .. , '.. -·· l .. ' voi.UME is the Word at the Copy.Desk. DAILY PD.,OT Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus ' (background) and other copyreaders every day silts, checks . and edits more wire report.a from worldwide news urvlces than the average weekly news magazine pub- lishes. Editon scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 24 hours. Speed, 'born of e1perience, helps them keep it all fresh, too. THE WORDS are ready. 1.farjorie Jackson feeds them into a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine for automatically selling type at h.igh speed. The machines can .et type at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour. MA~ hasten the processes of preparing plates for printing the page.os of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and Ed· ward Quinn operate a casting machine wh.ich molds curved plates to fit onto high speed presses: The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons of type metal which ts used, melted down and used again in the conUnuOUJ job of printing 100,000 words a da~·· MODERN equipment heli. the accounting department keep up with the "today" pace at the DAILY PLLOT. Even as the day 's newspaper is belng sped to its rtaders, Bonnie Chauvin begins reeding figures into • computronic bookteeplng machine that helps keep track of billing! for ads and subscriptions. The machine, forerunner of a brace of computers soon to be added, handles 5,000 accounts 11 month. ' ··~ ................ ..,.,.~"'---•"'"'""·''r ~ -- .. -RAPID communication is the name ot the game. Supervisor Juanita Frey and her crew of "ad-visors" handle 1,000 transactions a week by phone, resulting in publication of 5,000 classified ads -words which help people Buy, sell, rent or I ease ••. 1!ven f.ipd lost dogs. Many of the DAILY PILOT'S 150 phone lines are plugged in here, the clas8Uied advertising de- partment, home of "Want Ads" and Dime.A-Lines. PICTURES, too, get the benefit ' of skilled, efficient handling by master craftsmen who re-photograph them and then transfer lhe images to a sensitized metal plates which are used to reprocluce the photos as read· crs will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a really close look at a negative which will be used to etch the image on the inetal plate. FINISHED PRODUCT is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chief, even as high-speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour completing the day's run on press units which represent an investment of S3.5 million. Eleven-man press crew will feed into these machines the equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long in printing the DAILY PILOT this year. ALf\fOST before the ink Is dry, the product of oor busy day Is tossed deftly on your lawn or pGrCh by one of our 700 newspaperbo)'s wbo are important links in the chain of people it lakes to bring you today's news and features today in the DAILY PJWI'. And as our young Independent merchants, like John Melton here, make their deliveries, we're gearina up for another busy day -all 1,000 of us. . . .. -. -= - - - .... ! •• JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT IOU & IMPLOYMINT .IOU & !ft!=OYMINT IOU & IMPl.OYMIN1 11o1, w-. Mon nt0 11orp w~. Mio! noo HW •-11o1p w.- I . ·c.r w .. Http --1• w-7400 m JABSCO ' Pull """ .. -·· •. • M..la aie U. •PPIY in penon J~~· LIDO CAlt WASll TOOL & DIE MAKER C E. 17th co.ta Mt11. NeWJiort Beach SERVICE STATION A.Tr. Ha.a ..,nirlc for Day ..... -21. '90 EJ APPLY T01 /'E!ISONNEL f!.'U'I'. . ' . . iii' equal opPQl!w>lly employer • UIS Dalo Way, a:.ta f>1esa . MS.am . CITY OF N!WPORT BEACH 1 REFUSE CREWMAN l!lb St C..ta -Cal. , · $416 $591 por mo. Aicncy fod:arott Glda -410 W. Coast Hwy., N. 8, Full Time Permanent vat:an-By appoint. -- ey tor man in excellent p~• l~-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'i!!!: I lm1 condition to drive and Htlp Wlnted load _rel~ pack loaden. WonMn 7400 Re;ui.mi m: months expert-1---="'----:..;;:: I ence perlonnina: heavy, manual labor, and poges- sioa of a valid california PART Til\fE dtiver's license. Apply Per-e COMMERCIAL e IOllll<I OU!ce, ctty Hall. 3JOO TELLER Newport Blvd., ·· Newport _s..":':ch.=Calll.='.=-,.,-,.,-I UNITED CALlfOltNIA ASSEMBLER .. A" BANK Minimum 2 years electro- mKhanical as&embly in. eluding aolderinc and cu-. cult board auembly, Cell Ptrtonnol Dtpt. (714) 494-9401 TELONIC 4j25 ?.le.Arthur mvd, Newport Beacb 54M424 Equal oppcll'tWl\ty emplayer SECRETARY: Ii yrs. min. current wont exp. Exp. ln elec typ (50 wpm}, dio- ta-. c:ale • ""-· Shup at Ilium. -copta ................. Neat. I pu-.ble le (IQ~, 9-1, EnglMtril\CJ Co. 11-F. 1-o!l w °' k L19un1 S.1ch w/community leaders. Put An equal opportunity your time & talent intD employer service for others. HB Com-lil;;;;;;;;;; ........... __ I mun1ty aie.t: 12.is ... Be&in .2-17. 00.-2500 SAWMAfl PBX OPERATOR Apply In poroon 10 A.M. to 5 P.?il. -""" Friday , .. J. c. PEllY co. 24 ~aahlon lalantl AD -•P.Ptiltwllly ~ \ 'MAID . Full. tiqle, ~· liXPEllll!NCED Exc•li.nt EmployH Bonollb APPLY . PtrtonMI Office Third F!Oor The BrNdw1y 47 Courta of Faahlon FASHION ISLA.ND Nowport Bolch An Equal Opportunity Em.,io,.r COUNSELING Women over 40? Want to Ieam a good profession? Would yoo like better than· average pay? Learn llfemorial Coun- selln& with the beautiful PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK PHONE ~ Mr. Durtu E-Ward V.P. l: Sales Dir. Clerk Typists e ENCtNEE:lUNc OEPT. Type mintmum 50 'Wpftl OD WI dectrie. e ACOOUNTING DEPT. Aptitude with ntures. fillr.- l)'p ..... Cell P-roonnol Dtpt. [714) 494-9'401 TEL ON IC Enqi-lllCJ Co. C•1un1 a.&ch An "'""' oppprtunlty _._ RN's.:.. l9Jl's Al des Sunlile Colonl1I . ·--. CoRY1lescent Hosp. Ntw Ownership & M•n- •1•rn•nt. Top 1tartl"1 Pay. All ahlft1 • ~· Phooe work NOW HIRING WOMEN '°' TELEPHONE WORK Good houn. Expmenced only. No sell~ involved. HoW'ly hue plus bonU!I. e tiLL 543-9'i85 e e SEAMSTRESS e WANTED Must be experienced worki.Qg with naugahyde, Apply in "'""" J ohansen I: Oiristemen 898 W. 16th., N.B. Comer of Monrovia & 16th. e BUCK PRESSER e Experienced in sport.vwe&r. Apply JAY-MAR, INC. 2907 So. OU. Santa. Ana . (8 Ins Pllt -11119er Tral- 1oo ret,11 ·1-• lfflher roods store. s.lary open. Pleue M.Q01' • SOMEONE TO LOVE: CALif'ORNJA BANK 3 aametimes loveable chlld· fridotJ-.Y 1, 1969 DAll.Y mOT SIS ' JOIS & IMl'LOYMINTMl•CHANDISI l'Oll' MllCHANOISI. """~~fMlil'fi~~I"~ ~~rj~~!A_iii!t1ii11~_Jll:!l.-f'i ,0.. """' w-. 7"° .IALI AND TUDI SALi AND TUDI SAi.i AND TUii!.. SALi AHi> TIA!ll , l'wnlhlro. "*""""!Ur. IOOO p.r• ~ 80?2 II-,. & 2'P-11• Soll F•-· PR~,-.ulpment P1AH05 ' , 1( .. ,,. Shoot I ". only, 1nc1w11ns·-1er... · · ~ ' oo1or head •nWI" "'" ORGANS .li:XTRA CASH -no lnwat-lent. All types oC dN'k toom .,.., • -1< Ml °' put Spaiifsll -equ!Jlln'nl. 8'!liC ..,0 SWI. Our <nlb'e lnwnlory ol h t I m e selfuw the fl.molll f' att•moon onb'. 1869 F pl&nm and Oflllll '-bef:n KNAPP A E It 0 T "ED Medlteminean Newport B' v d ' C.>I. • .......... bn~ Mle! :;>~u,~ =n: leutht Mlnuftcturtr's ~1!!: 6 111 1r ~ :n C: ~~=-=. ~-:! lnwr&nce. Prev!oua aboto ex-~ '69 Showroom Simples ~ info '46-1'45 ext 16. _,.in1 Her11 are 90me b'Pl- pedcDce NOT neotllll7 -8 ' w At Tlnfflc ....,., ,,_... .......... ,. BABY B&thinette -swine • di exampk1: .. r..:. ~L;. ~·= o~ lo~sec:f$4~~~rin°'d!~k :k~d:: =: ~):=. ":t ::=. .. ;::·:: '* ~~ ~ Ana~ 21, CalJ. w /black or avocado · framed cl)airsi 8 Pc BR ~. lalick n&ckl, \rolltr, Bald'°'~ CraDI:( ,.: set.· 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, Jg mirror, 2 lawn mowtt, J»okl, doth-Knabe Grand ........ , HAIRSTYLIST With some foUowUw ll posslblr, for hJth gnde be&ut,y studio. Xln! Oppol'o tunlty for sOQd income. c.ompan.y bitnetits includ- "" -dllOount. Apply Peraonnel Ottice IUFFUM'S Fashion hland Newport Booch commodes. deeorative headboard in Spanish Inc. Sat • Sun 211 &: 2/9. Cloalna out 1amoo1 • oak desigri. with matching box springS, mat-~~ Pl. Mea. Vtrde. decon.tor COl'llOlettiip, ... tress & frame. Medlterruean, TndlO.. """" Sold lndiYlduolly GIGANTIC 5 Fomily .,.,,... "· """'" Provlnoftl: Vfl; Shop ANVn4 -Boforo yeu buy -USI Solo. Incl !w'nl ... , -"" to IM, NOW l!llL VAL~ ~:s.:~ :'f..':Jr.Rl~:.:29.95 . :~· ~~ \ tl'-OllO-'''-AN--S-P_E_C-IA_LS_,I U.. Our Store Chorge Plan or ank Fln"'1.,"J. .,...,. sat • sw. ,,,. . 1'bomu Organ (2-monl.l Piii No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values de • PM. 3122 o.m.,. Dt; Wurllb« .............. ,Pit N. B. (by a"1X>rt\ Hammond MS .......... -OI~tNG room aet S 5 O • Hammond IU {wt~ Leslie Childttn' -__ _,_ speaker) ••• ..••.•••• ,. SIG6 • RUITT.!.11, MANY MORE TO r----. books, mattre t le1 ~ CHOOSE FROll I 1prl.ng1, picture tr,.me1, lots Open Sunday 1.2 to t cf other houlebold items . 401 snug Had"" na .. NB COAST MU"' 548-'nlT I ..,. .• . .. • ~!!!!!~!!~!!~!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!~dGARAGE SALE -Sat • -=--· -sun. Plus tv.in 6 dbl bdrm •sa;,i::,•_._~_Mo_n_&_7_5_5_0F ;u;'";;;;";;u;r";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;eooo;;;;1FuEmXltuQroUISITeoooE =~ ~:att~~ REAL estate salesman. Good comm. &: 00<r time + bonus. Dana Pt. 49S-6'19C lPt Nowport BIW,, CM eon.er o1 Nft7')rt • -646.0271 -Pebhl• Dr., CdM. Billy Grand Op1M'ri!j 'SEllwr"~FO~" JPAJISH GROUPS O'Neil, ,.inman. -2117 Our -~nt RIGHT SOOT FOi!. YOU SPANISH ~ ... llances 1100 ta'"'" .,.:r:turflli " "l'l"s Nor LUCK" 20 Pc "Madrid'~ I:===='---= -THOKAB ORGANS· "IT'S KNOW HOW" MB>mnn 1111: 'N DELUXE RCA rtfria·Freem' with tbe adaliW ~ FEMALE llMSlON 3 Room Group 11 UUUUVJI 19 ""' tt. No ..... auto ancl -le. . . Sec-Traw:J (Jm) .... J650 Frem Model Home Ice maker, auto defroster. 'REE PT. Dental ••••• , $15 pr dt.Y includes: Quilted 110fa, & RETURNED FR0!\1 Also deluxe Frigidaire dbl L&Wttnoe Welt famUy muslc , _, •-(~) "'""" MODEL HOMES oven le range· top, bit-in COWV, a ~ ftlut. 1ree -•-~ "'""' '' • • • • ......, chair, 2 end tablet, COH!e A fine Rlection of complete controls, , xlnt CObd. 613-7334 witb --tbomu, ,_,,_ __ Dental Gett, Office .... $500 table, 2 lampt, drftaer, rnlJ'. bouaefullil B ... -, ..,.,_ MALE DMSION ror, headboard, quilt box • rand n&mel. iELVINATOft tefric, Lge. PrioN lt&rt at $585. ,.. senior Arch. Drftamn •. $780 spl'KI a: mattr. s Pc Dining ~1::~U:10':"::,.be= c=~P fttex1nt"" andncl -., , 'C"'9' Male Cttdit Mgr Tmee ••.• to $600 room table &: 4 HI -Back hutcbei, custom qU:alit, ~ A'-a11•' M: h Slh~~~ ·......!. • 113t N•wport I~ CM AlldJt 'Mp-. • • • •· •• •• · · • $I250 cha.In. tu I: love aea.ts, double door v · UC · -~ Comer of Newport It ~ Sales ··SQME"FREE to $800 Compare 1t $749.95 ntriaeraton, wuben. dry. MONARCJI Electrle range, 64M2J1' ...... P•y $16 per mo era. color TV'• can~ new: Dl'llft' Ulled. whl~; ..... tr SOME FEE $399 teodi will 1acrilke. s.a all auto....,$115.96)..391< Used ."-•1' r..a.. MEllCHAJITS " part. Tenns on .... credo G. E. Retngeratxr • ...... VI.. - 21 Pc " XIn• """'-"°· PfRlOlllll. AOK WAREHOUSE *5'&-1635* llammoncl M.O Splllet .. ss.; "Barcelona" · ~· Hammond MtOO -11111 aK3 Westcllfl Drive ~TED AT SEARS 16 cu ft refrig/freeztr Hammond Al.00 Ccmaie- Lobby Qttioe KilN!I Sin 7722 Garden Grove Blvd., w/auto ice maker 1 yr old, Hammond RT4 O:motrt ,n_. C.orner 17th 4 Irvine ""'21 C.G. % block West from the $200 541>83!1 HR 40 ~~ NeWJQ't Be.ach 3 Room Group comer ot Beach mvd., nearKENM ,;:;;;·~oRE=""a-.7,-0 -.. -a"t.,...I c Hammo;.d·o·;;·pg! "5-~ -560685 Old World Eloganco . G.G. Frwy. wu!>er, iat. modfl. x!nt Gull>••""• Promi >& ' lncludn: Quilted tofa' A OpeD 10 to t.SUn. lQ.6 cond. 180. M1-8ll5 1 monlhl old ........ .. SchM10:.notrucllon 7600 lo,.tnt wllh pU!ow -SPANISH FURNITURE AIL PIANOS .... • .... : ~ . . . -1,DIUllve limp tablet, .... RE Tu RN.Er.. r R 0" ~""-• 11-10 209'.0< ... ,.. _,.... .. Tho Newport .. iee ...,..2·'2" I&mpa, Kinti KO)lEL K~MES. SAVl!IGS "'-"= -Open """ •"'...,.. • School of 8~1IM11 altt muter ~ wtth 'ro 8'.1%. $pll!1lh qUllt.ed ANTIQUE'!panlsb and Mex. HAMMON!) ... • quilted mattr & box spraa, llOfa le love seat, 3 oak llvinl relJ&iout art frm. miall pVt. in OORONA DEL~· APPLY IN PERSON ·Work Includes heavy typing & 1 o m e Automotive Bookkeeping. leeks atenDlt:Jipst for tt:uat ren, agee 8, 10, 12, fn:im dept. Mutt take dictatiOn, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm, Mo~ FEATURE$· uaist off t c er, enjoy Fri. Call 547-931'1 or &tS-203! Electric typewriterl cw:• tome r c o n tac t alt. 5. · Dlctatlnc equipment Permanent c areer ~1,;;;:;:,;'===~-~-M~· otll i,.rre dresser, rnlrror, 2 room tables, 2 Uvt.nc room mUecUon. 1.ltb C. paint: San Z4: E. O:ut u,.,,..; tft;lib stand1, headboard, 6 Pc lam.Pl I: Spanlab p&tnttni:. Antonio w. lilt frame; Mex-* HAMM.ONO ORCW<~ 11wlvel chair dinette set. E! Pftsiden~ k In e 1 I 2 e iCM .. curclflx, 1ma11, et, 2 manual. Walngf, 1 Roatwn's Luggage Roy Carver Ponti1c· portunit( tor qualltied CO~INATION, Sharp Bar uucm ce procedures penon. s a I a r y com-Maids ~ Go Go Dancers. Brush up Gregg Shorthand mensura~ with ability and Top wqes $3.00-$3.50 to Personal Development \ experh!nce. Contact w. G. start. Ph. for. int. ~9983 (Ask about our special Feb- Comp•r• •t $1299,ff bedroom luile, oak triple prlmitive w. inset mlrron; lent condition. 6'B31?1 , ...... Piy$2ap.rmo. ~r & mirror, klllg 17th C. l llum lnated .• S. Coast Plau Cotfe Mes• Kl M444 S699 headboard. 2 commodes, parchmenlll; tin paintings. I • ,1~ klnplu .ma-I< box SeMlhly priced or exchange Tolovlalon _. sprlnp, 2 boudoir lampa, for good nautictl antiques.8 -EARS--CO-LOR·--~"""'-''",...-.1 LINE MECHANIC GM ~noe ~su.ry. Apply: ALLEN Oldamoblle-Cadlllac ll50 So. Cout Hlahway La«iuna Beach * $1084 Ask fJlt Mike Sawltry CIVIL ENGINEER D!liiner, Drattarnan. Expandine San JIWI C.piatrano development, in- vite• ~ w/ exper. in ~ calculation, hllllide grading design, fm.. provem@M ·plan layout and draftin&, DJvenitled, in- terestin« career o p p • t y . Send ""-to The Daily Pilot Box M-615 RECEPTIONIST for be•uty studio Pre.fer licensed operator Exct!lltnt ben!fl.ta. IUFFllM'S Fathion llla11d Newport Beach RN·LYN 3 to 11 &: 11 to 7 srun. New Convalescent hospital to op&n 2nd week in Feb- nwy. APPLY IN PERSON 383 Hospital Rd., N'.n. (Acrou from Hoq Hoap.) EXP&RIENCID WAITRESS Apply In P•r1tn SURP & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. Nowpol'I Buch o.ang. eoon1y * PART TIME * Presani.ll 1 SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, ruary ofter which includes Newport Center Branch C.M. b'tt typing inltructionJ Security Pacific Nat'I. Bankl;M;,A.;;TU""'RE""""'w'"o-man--wan-~tod~. 6464153 550 Newport ~nter Dv. Room, board I; amall uJary fJietime Gilt, typewritin&. Newport Beach in excballge for cooking, lite Orildm1, ~ or houaekttpin&' ' for eldmy yoursell! Individually tu. widow; Balboa J • I a n d , lored Chilcoat 10 leuona . COOK 673-6703 typirw ICbooL 173 Del Mar, MALLIE'S WIGS CM, 518-2!59 Experienced Prtf Hu openings for F AJLURE! May not be APPLY H&lr StyU.sts &. 1tudent'• fault. Individual S1,1nllte Wla: &/or wiclet stylists. attention in hi&h .cbool that Newport Harbor Call MS.M4i cares. Call Ann Geekier. Conv11Hcent Ho1pltal l;B"AB=Y"s1::i.,;;;_r;;ER;;::;""""=;,.~1ro~m _71_11--323 __ 1 _____ _ 646-n64 7:30 AM to 6 PM. 5 day.a I plus. $80 mo. Harper School ltad o-T.i.phone ....,., c. M. 548--0309 ..rt Dispatch Girt ~'=~~~-25 or over. !tilllt know local LADIES 1B to 60 show Sarah area. Apply in person Coventry s p r i n i I: all YELLOW CAB CO. ,.uoon je,..i,y ,..,,_ 186 abaolutely no investment we E. 16th St. tralQ. 147-1561 °""' M.,. NEED Money• Like People" PIE Shop work; oo exper. f1mble hrs: no canvuarni: neceu.; part.time to 1tart, -no parties _ no aee re-25-45. Apply: Susan Lynn quiremi!nL Unlimited op-Pies, 15lO Baker, C. M. portunitle1 with BEAUTY MAIDS. Pleasant year-round COUNSELOR. For appt. ruort, steady, paid vaca· 675-0809 tion, etc. MERCHANDISE POR SALE AND TllADE FurnltVro IO!lO MORE CASH PAID FOR Furniture Colored TV's. Pl1nos Applloncu, Antlqun I Piece er Housefull Aerospace Manufacturer Need tomeone to Ul!Jit in Hu opening tor _ a take-my bu&lneas, 2 hn per day, Rtctptionl1t/Typist ~ _type individu~ in 5 dlya wk. $65 per wk. For Minlm.wn of 50 wpm acc. PHONE. SOLICITING Laguna Riviera ~1196 11 Our Spoclaltyl 636-3620 thetr Bhippl11£ and receiving personal interview call Mrs. Married, rtlce phone voice. No experience neceuary. department. Mu.st have re-Miller, ~ between 2. starttna: uJ. $000. per mo. Holiday Health Spa 2300 cent experience. Se nd & 4• Pleue call Mn. Maddux, Harbor, Costa Mesa resume and salary re:-1138-3593 for aP,Pt SlITER wanted -Mon tbru qulremel)b to Box M--616 BUSINESS Is Good I . ' Fri. Pomona or Victoria The Daily .Pilot Jamaica IM Hotel need1 WOMAN penaM>ner wanted to Sehl district. 00.-2615 . 1 or 2 more maids· full st.y with Mother of work1n&; 1--,,==-=-:..,;::.cc::::,,~- 24 HOUR SERVICE BUYER ON DUTY T DAYS SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS WELK'S Furniture MART mow. 4th St. Santa Ana 547-5731 HOW'!!: Dally 9 to 9 Sat 9-6 &: Sun ll-6 MAHOGANY -MAllOO.lNY From A Large Estate A ftne section of complete full size bedroom s e t . Dining room set. table &: 6 chairs, china, bullet, cuatom made aola chair , mahog. coffee &: larie t1ble11 w~leather topa. 2 twin mahog. bdrm, aets. Duncan Phyfe table le 6 chain. Must sell all immed. at a Bacrllice. Tenn.e on eood credit. A.OK Warehouse Localed At 7722 Garden Gorw Blvd., G.G. % blclt W. of Beach Blvd., near G.G. Frwy. Open 10 to 9 Sun. lM $29,44 only, for •.. J Piece Braided e OVAL RUG SET e Nylon blend, reveralble, Brown, copperto~. areen. Sizes: Ix 10, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 Turkey -Syrup -Carao -A.L'S UNUSUAL Kernel -CAR KEYS FURNITURE M£CHANIC o• part time. Ap,,iy in woman, m ""' required. MAIDS WANTED pel'90n. 2lDl E. Coast Hwy, Private room & board 2301 Newport. mvd., Costa CdM Or call for app'l fuiniAhed. ~2516 o r ~M~•~sa.~A~pp=ly~>n~P<~'~""'~" ~ USED CAR Salary Open 6!3-mll I -'5(8.021""'"'"''=~----1·---Motherly advice: If you 17881 Beach Blvd. wan t to recapture your teen-Huntlf111on Beach 842-4464 aa:e 90n, take the CAR KEYS VIBRATOR Recliner chair away from him. $1)., 1 antique high-boy WALNUT Triple dresaer " dreuer $??, 14 ft. refrig. mirror, 2 matching nlte crou top auto. defrost stands, $75. Maple dbl bed freezer 3 yr old $125., complete $45. Maple corner Wedgewood CU r • n g e hutch, $45, Cwitom maple w/chrome top, like new $50. RAY VINES flN'S ~ED .. w~ WANTED Jebe Men, Wom. 7500 •~.<:.oLl.I • .rll:30 p.m. Experienced only. Chry1l•r-Plymovth Medical -IUI'licaJ. Salary A-1 •. in open, liberal f r t n 1 e .,~ penon 543-6663 521·23'1 benefit.. Apply Nuntns Qt. BLUE OOLPlllN, 3355 Via * Dlt~RS * BUSBOYS & tice, Palm lla<bor Hoapltal, Lido, N...,.... Beach. DISHWASHERS ~Palm st. c .G. 110MEAssEMBLER•. No Experience bunk beda comple~. $15. 1 _64&-3'23 ___ ...,_. ___ _ Full Um• Ovtt 21 DIETARY .,.,. &lrl. .,... lDa>me oppcrtunlly. Send Neceuary! APPLY IN PERSON 11: .... to I nu .,.._,.._ ~-ilel1' addreued, atamptd M·~ ha·-cl•an n.u•-•· .JV ..--. ...u.1a -envelope 1o '1JOM!:'', P.O. ..-~ .... ~un.-M.....W llcopltal 301 Vic> ... m. drlvlng ........ Apply BOB'S BIG BOY tolra Street. 142413<, m -Onnp, Cllll.""" YELLOW CAB CO. 154 E. 17th SL 330. CONSlJLTAHI'S "-DlSTR.l-·-E 6 Maytag auto washer, $55. Furnit~ rel'lln*l tnnn dls- 6Q..flll6 pta.y shxllol, model bome1+ ~~ M 8 ,,.,..._., WI! • 1 th St. .....,.,a Ha SECRETARY, Afte.moor.-u•v°""" ~Hou w l th C:O.ta Mesa SALESMEN Needed for De•l&n ~. ~pt.ion, lesdiz:w cocnetic mmpany. n~-I "'tato •·i.. ·"-In L d a p In 1 .......... .__ E:icctptional opportunity Ior ..... q .- NKS • n s c ..............,a-bl(, tnins. Ute caPahle woman. 6'1S.6195 Men & Women MUST Sdl 4 •Rooms or furniture. Some antiques, all good condition. 962--3506. 10141 rn..,.,. c ..... kB. Fences I: Pools. Yount, shorthand, attract t v e. Exp.andlns apin. OUlce # prorreuive company. H.la:h 645-1335 GENERAL, Ute b:11.11tke:ep. 4 opening• avall&ble for TRADITIONAL IOJa, rood potential eaminp. Apply Clerk iypllt arowin& lnl: and ~lit partial In-licensed inen & women. In-colld. Aah dinln& roam set. lU3 Ne:Wport Blvd. C.M. Mir Co Ptrtn ·~don Xlnt v~Ud, ~ hn. a day, s itant. income l tralnlrla· Mr brass fr.plc I Cr• en , ~:._B .. ~ I am to 10 am bentfli.. ~ opp. daYa a Wk. 6t6-67tll Gardner, s Pr i n 8 Realty, ~-=~2:165"". ,,-..--~~ ,;~'"";:,;;~;:,:.·"::'.':=;:--;:::o=I O:lntact Mn. Ho b 1 on MANlCURIST 5t1M824 MUSI' ltll • houle fUll of BiJbG:E"I'S. bud.sf:!&, Junior 5tt-4J4J UDO SHOP tun:dturt and mi.OOl•neou1 Accountant. help malfttain SEW IN' G MAC HI N E * 673-6l90 * EXP= CED ltema. ~ll80 budtt't eontrd over multiple OPER.A1".>RS. -·need HOOiiEKEEPfli Live in PE••nNNIL T PC. Walnut bedrooom .et. lelsuft tlme open.Hons. ..,,,t""•K' ' • .-v tem $100 M t be ... llna to .....-App!J: JA y MAR. INC. Woman alone. $100 ptt mo. Newport National Bink con porary. us ••v-2901 S OU. Santa Ana I CM &Na. 6«)...2D2. 6'4-1693 ~=-me rtsponslbilltie1. to J PM. ~~ES. Part time. ~~o M~~S:~·l GREEN l blue, Medltar-SHffi I: ex,... fOod a 09t!I' 21 Call ranean sectional, • h o w • CUS'OODIAN WORK. Sttady cocktail ..Strea1:1; ap~ MS-11&3 GUITAR lXSSONS wantld wtar, $50, ff8..14S2 men capable of clt'anlnl' of· in ·penon. 119 W 19th Sl :::r.IN•a:::::c:::: for boy 10, 1>e1lnner •• M111t FACTORY Oole-outa· nee buildlna l bulk in fhelt • ·• wv,._ ~; tood be quaUtied. teacher. wll"'* • ~ I isure boUJ'I Write name Costa M... w(cll11dnn. Olll atttr f to come to home H~ flnilhed capt a: m a i e :_. ,,_ ..;...., to em; i>lflt T!ll1e lliL MA l PM. W.lMl tfn&ton Harl>our. ~-Chlln. n.11 """' "5-49111 M.j;Oll Dally Ptlot hn -· 4-P"-A Pnml iiEDiaL Tranatri,_11 !iilAL ESTATE. -'t lllDE I~.....,, -$100, Fl1LL I: part time belp aroc., ~ Jetan !ilaribt, Mabin, ttoot ore txPIS' req. )'O\I be •Dllw u. hottftt (worth ~). Top--235~~Lq<. N~BcbepM< ---· *-* ~~ P/TlME Hi>ultkeeper·, ~ KA.TtfiiE Jtallan lady to V~ R.tal EltaW l6J-fC'Tl MOVING; fln:tl. aDPllt:nctt. MmftOCARWASll cltadfrwoccuklN.llllab)ill,t--htlp In kitch at s.m·1or~ mllc.19620aUrcbSt.bl -Harbor Bl\'(f CM. ttna. tt.B. .,., .. 98f.!.2!IO ltaJl&n M\ct. 541--TS'D YOUNG man or woman. sss.m or 6tM613 itib-Retii"td Dr&ltJmall fdl' HOiJSDCEEPER. OWn """' CftatJve s.Jn Co a• la I HEA. VY !oUd French Walnut ·,..t: tD ,fUU time drt.ftilW TV, 2 echool t.flfct.dldNn. l'or lllU1. fDot Wut Ml. Ant. Potmial, OwJJente, dln'1 m. eet w/1 Cbrl a tn No. H.B. ...._ 1C-4t11 tull dutm_ 6tM"1 Dill ton tun. Call 4M-646t aft I PM 2 ext; Bldkt $150. 5fl-3m dtooratbn caoceDaOan. Spe.nbh 6 Medittrranean etc RD FUltNiTUltE 1944 N-rt llvd., CM ever; mattt tll 9 Wed., Sal I: San. 'W 6 LIKX new, ele1ant hand carved Roltwood, areen velvet IClfa I: chair, oval Drexe:I dln. tbl:e. l cha.lrl, mahor.: ._.,,.,, """" cltahtJW; rnitc. It e: m •. 96M713, ~ or ewL (not-\ FAcn:>RY lle:COnlh, ienuine olltd walnut bbles, Iarae lfltc:tlon of cocktall, latnp A end tlble1. ~ tQ llf!ll tut. Far b@low whottalc r<tc>.. KlOOIY BROWN Furn! .... MIS· W E. 16th '91.,C.M. M-!llS 6 piece Span.hh W?O\llhl ~"°'="""~,...,_,-~,_,,_ %l"; 4, tnOI. frN. 91!1"rice. iron dininr Rt. Only $467. VA.Sr .stock Amu I: Eur $195 P,. down I: $4..50 weekly, fUrn 1: docka. Larry SJ&.1342 :=:11~= Morpn Antlques. Jf21 PORTABLE 1V. Good om- 59tl Wntmlnsttr Ave., NewportlUvd., C. IL dWon. tr• .ereen.~1111 Wutmlnlter. 8M-«34 dally FRIGIDAIRE Up r I 1 hf one tor tbat extra •U1 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat, !reeu! S85. ~ frolt $35. 646--0129 alter 5 · 10 a.m. t.o 6 p.m., Sun. proof refr:li. lllO. 355 Costa · .~ TV O _ . 12 p.in. to 5 p.m. Me1& St. C.M. aft 4 PM 'N<. Depc;ilil: • rfMl>elf' WESTINGHOUSE Electric ~ ot - clothe• deyer, e:icdlent con-Heath~ Color T.V. ll" di&n. SM. 5.16-3903 i~ar old; am, In excellent conditlon, like ANTIQUES l a.ocxs * 5t().8377 * new. Beaut. quilted olOla $89. FOSTER'S ANTIQUES =-& ':;,. 3,.':,· 11~ ~ ':: 1"'~..,,.;;~·~1903~Fc;ede:;:;:NI,::;.;CM;:: Hl·FI & S-· 121. dinette .et $M, 5 pc bednn. WOMAN'S Dlamoiid bracelet ----------11:t ~. box IPl'S a: mattl Old, very Yt.luable. STERE019IJllOlfd ~- Call sizes) $8. ea. ~ •be Sac:rlfke 673-"'632 IOle. Never \l9ed $25 ea. Se1J all or any part. WESTINGHOUSE Wuher, 6 ' wain u~t AM/' ii Te multiplex. 8 • Olldlo nns. toad condHJon, puah button l)'tfem. NormaU,~ 10&" AOK WAREHOUSE deluxe. $35. 613-1561 $489.S6, ~ _ C~TED AT API'. Siu refrlg. $20. 2001 Credit Dept. m-: ' l ''"• .. "en Grove Blvd., Kinp Road, N.B. Sunday, ·' G.C. % Block We.at frorri the l.G-12. M'.wl"~ comer of Be&Ch Blvd., near C1meru &. l41vf!.'t.~, .. G.G, F'rwy. h := OP<n 10 to 9 p.m. SWI. 1.,. Sowlnt Moc 1-1120 ~~\It PRIVATE PARTY 1!168 SINGER Zi&-Zag touch-ceuories.. $UOO. Must Sell complett houJefull o-matic, walnut cabinet in-675-6000 (Irwin) of decorator furniture im· eluded. DIVIX'Ce a ct Ion ------.~. ,-, .-, - mediately? 132" Antique forces repo. $311.85. Cuh or ------''-'"""--) ""'"'' oofa . Rnd .,., coll" .,..,., $4.66 mo. ButtM FREE TO "(.QQ: tble -Kina: ailed Spaniah holel, oveTCUtl., blind bem1 BR set. SoUd oak Spaniab etc. Wltbout a t t a c h . OROANIC Fertflllii.!' tise< d.lnUw rm aet -All den Guarantee OK .Call 521J...6Sl6 bone manure cOmlrfueC furn in stunning ttd le wtth wood lhavirlp.;.,6600 black. Copper tttrlg, wall Mutlcal Inst. 1125 mulcil. 833<lm "' 54M9Sl pt.ce!, etc. 2298 Redland1, I ;.;;==""'=--=:;;I bltw I 6: i Moa thn, 23rd le Redlands, NB TROMBONE -Conn. mod, Ftt. 2126 ========-611 $100. X!nt concllUon Clll FULL "'°"" .maJe. • · Office Equipment IOl 1 I=-======= atrtP<d "~ 1,... old. i.:;; ROYAL electric typtwrller I· chldrn. Movllw by 1'eb. pod COlld. '65. Pa;ymuter Pl1nft & °'111nt 1130 14th. 5U-39G, m..-exr checlc writer ms.so value m ~-~-... $39. Addlna machine wllh v•-•• ~-·~ 1ubtracl1on, real nice $22:. Ll.rptt Selection ot LOVABLE -;~. Shepherd, ' yn., ~ Loves childttn; ."!'!!M!i!d/ "'41<1 alt 5 PM CONN ORGANS L.C. SMITH office typewrlttt with stab:!, recently overhauled. $50. 646-3423 (;•f•, 1 .. t1ur1nt I014 ---·--* PUBLIC SALE * All mteurani equipment 1n bulk. Part,y'1 defaulted l bal been duly notifted by ~ tered man Jan. 27, 1989. Sale to be htld Ftb. 13, 111119 10 am at 2C8 Plhu .Ave., Bal- boa. Cllll. NEW A: USED allO home W·fenced --. 1 ~ WURLITZll s.u-53&2 Betore -• PIANOS A ORGANS FREE Black ~ ~ Some noor Models plee, part Bbe:pbenJ-lf'-.,1 Rentala • Se""" • Terma :Zn~ "''"'I ... & · " QualllledTeachen 1;0;7,;;"".,.,,..,..,._.,.~ PIANOS from .......... S31S l'LUFFY w h I t e ·~ ORGANS from •, •• ,,, • $471 cfilldren,. Clvtnl~l G.uld Music Company -. du• to So. ol ........ ," 5'7.(jtill-··~ ~ Mon I: Fri 'lit 9 Sun 12-s Free to tiotDi. · 1• 61MMJ6,~; ~ WE'RE In our ntW ttbre. I ;;.,.u;,.::;;;=:'f!! Our tantuUo oale of Planoa FEMALE "~ .. • 20l5 N. Maln. Santa Aoa 1 ,1:';":,;;,ble;';;'i.,,mLF~::i54$.l:':c.;::'k::; ~."'"~311·-;,:'. ~·r ... s•J. I022 ~ eouano;.:m:~ re~=·· -~ SAT • &m, 11 am to 4 l cqan "auprt mark1t". YC. Cry, male .cat.. pm, milcl ll:llcbtn. linen, Pianos from. $U5. Orpnl adult home. A1-..·ft.-Jr1gt c:lothirw 6 f:u.rniture. J05l2 hm $196. -541-ZSU i-'1 ,,i 2/: Plbble I.&ne, H.B. (.siw. WARD'S BALDWIN STUD10 SMALL CDdlitr ~ ""' Gt1 Brooldiunt.) 1819 Newport. C.M. ~ pd -· S ..... 'lllot OOtJBLE 1*1 J20, 1 m JJ.JJ. l'IANOS & ORCJANS <&llont fttcli q , •llMIU. Que ketti. $40. 0cc tbl• WUrtJtmo • Knabe • ~ cou.n: mtnct *»• 13 each. 1 md cht' 6 tble Crance ~ty·1 -,,. old. ~ HS-WI Sis .. MJ.ac. 42'1' lril Avo. music deiller.......... al\S pm· ~ CdM. m.<lllO WALtlCHS ' . LEAVING anal FUrn!ture, MUSIC CllTY Iiiilii:XilJ';i"pf;,~ciit 'ii•;;"i, motorcycJa~ wlnclow tan. 3'111 So. """°'· ~ .,.., i::;l. T"..:'::"1 am. alPllancta. Miio. e ~1'5 e Cf~ m3 °'~·"' HAM.MOHD • ........, Y• l''KR# I cull' mtaid tn.t Rd.,,_ llllla. """" • -a_..,.._ = 1 •ii ~~ :.""~'"":lc';.1e~ ~ i~ ':.~ la SlllOLi IOd,,eo 0 mlacl l'"-SCl1IMlllT Ml/SIC 00.. _, -~ ilo7 N. lltJo. 1 ILK nwl ,,Siil -:II -Atle lb ....... I0-1.. Jllf) L I I I .. . At UNIVERSITY OLD$MOB ttE ' ' l~U CAN. . . ' ·ESCAPE 'FRO:M .··.THE ::C)R[)INARY . I ' . I • • , ' • • , 1t OPEN EVENINGS ~AND SVNDAl'S I I ' •• • ' • '' BRAND NEW. 1969 OLDS· ! F85. ¢ompletely ·factory · equipped in~ludin9 automatic ' ( . t ransmi n ion. You won 't wan I to iniu out on thi~ ooe, so I , ' ' ,. . . . shop early a~d save. Serial 'nu n\ber 33'17-79Pl4 116 1. ' . ' . . Pia ·ru & Lleense • • ' ' YOUR GMC TRUCK CENTER .FOR .THE ' .. . ,· HARBOR AREA ·. .. Complete Selection of The "Rugged" Truc'k8. · 3,4 ·Too lh Ton - .BRAND NEW '1969 GMC lh TON PICKUP T~UCK , ,, ··Fully factory equipped. Serial number ZAI 7827 '2'189°1 · ONLY . . ' . Pltu . ' ., MERCHANQISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR · • ' SALi> AND TRADE SALE .. AND TRADE 9000 loat'Yacht ' ' ' Auto· Strvld ' . ' : 'J-.,_.95.10 lmportad.Aillo• .... 9600 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i_:Cli~at!!rt!!•rs!!_· __ _::9039~ · & 'Patts ~ . --, ~~~~;;;;;l600MI;;· ~"=-~lla;-~;;;:;;::8600;;; Misctllanoous 8600 ;;;M;;;lsce:;;lla;;;n;;;oou;;;•:;;:;;';;;600;; "" Stopbe .. lrki'I>· -CAL-24 "''CHARTER . :196'7 ·1iRdl'iCb : A,~~'.R.()t.4~~~ ~ I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;;;;; diesels, 2 beach:. &: . .showers. . · $25 day, $150 wk. , 1 '36 FOrd 1grille, 2 i:ear doors .. 4-WHEEL DRIVEi .... _ _,.....,...,..,,..,..--~ I CAltPE1: WAR~HOUSE Clean •••••••.•••••• $32,500 •842-7528• . . . compleote"'1lh glB.SSi. 1 hood"--'•-Red-""th hi" t '61 Ai.FA ·Rinneo · "Splint • WANTED • 31' Twin SC<'ew Tio;&n. low ' ' · ' ."1ightlY bea' 1 bell"°°""" \":'~wp. •• w ~.op. ·Coupe' xint ' ·mild. New ~1:r~~ ~~ Furn~ture ... Appli1ncu eni how'S. R.8.dio,· , dTeptll-~~ MoblJe.H~s ·9200 whoodith red .,.! ond •.. ,1 ·~.-F~ ~beit!'!1W P~S: •. C:i!~· 1.,;_,:,.='=· "'M="'='="="='='=15-3334==' I from! SOme at Cost & Below. Color TVs e Plinos er, preuure wa er. op .. ..,...,.. e uxe g.-!IH:' uc-$2050 -8'f9...6088 (Fulll!rt ) 1 · , I Hrs: s:~ i:iimP.m~on-Fri., ~ h .• ET~/· h ~!P ;;i1~ ~~~;·d~,o,: ~:!: ::.,S-,.J 1~~ .. ~tus~ ~sea~ 1952 ~ARY J ?~ AUSTIN -HEALEY 1153 S..Ritchey, Santa~ as lft 2 our dlo, ~ome~, aUto pilot' Mobile Home Show H.B. Ask tor Bill. v..s. PositniCtkm, ~ 11~ '67 A~rl -·Heo, l•y 1 . i . & . ~.,. . 541-So:n i 5.1-4531.!. , . a;an. ~·········:··· $22,500 16'-20'-22'·24' & 34 wides x 15 tires. Corv&ir .bucket "l(XXI" Roadsret, Briflsh~. ""'"""'""p"oo""'· "'· "L"""""" I '"'"""""~!!!!!!"!"~~ 38 f'.~one clip~r 11loop. From $6995 Trailer, Tr1vel 9425 seats. Surrey top, 23 gal ink' xreen, fullY equipped. '!....,·i'lr Now Open to Public 9 to 9 & SUnday ;'l .lleme early & stay late! You must come & e.t;to believe the quality &. quantity. Come W A N T E D Immac .•.•••••.•.•.• $15,500 · 12 WIDES gas tank. Xlnt cond. See · , DAVID L;. FRASER 40'-43~_-:o~~-«l'-64' 15%' ARISTOCRAT '67 Gas at Mesa Unkm,stl&n c.orn. See and drive this rare beau. .TABLES Call: Clluck Avecy "Xv.Ill ..,,_, refrig. Monomatic toilet. Fairview&: Newport mvd. .t .. Lie. VHW165. . I We need quality (no junk 3424 Via Oporto, N.8. You an pay mort Sleeps 4. Extras inc. bitch.I====~=""=-'= $2695 please). Furniture, c olor 673-5252 * 494-3916 eves, but you can't buy better $1595. 540:-4925 ' Cam-rs 9520 "' · L .~ ·ew our merchandise before the sale as •1 .. .'ell QUickly. 1 We·· have· many, many New slate $695 val Now $295 TV'~ .,....., applianceo, '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'""'""'""I P"'k> available in all"""'· r · &1!1111 ' ,,,,;,· tools and office eqUipment. * Bay Harbor HARD top tent trailer, ,sleeps --------WU W.!IO TOF CASH IN 30 Minutoa! P No Dow*n Mobil, Homo Show 6· stove, '"""· Jee box & •• '" M-Mow •-IM·PO· R·.TS .. 531-1212 * 89l.(655 ayment· · 1425 Biker St. table. Xlntoond. ~ Sav• •xtr• S on'.or.rr Truck· E.~~:~~:N $30 month. Sharp ~6'.· 49 hp 1A block East of H.arborIDvd. Tr1ller1,_ UtlUty t~SO -~-~~rt·Ft~'~':d.i.. Ck•tti• Mere., hard to find manual , ~ ~ -'--------1 Mocl•IJ, · S•lf Colitairitd Clean out the old sea-bag starting, bronze power prop. C6Bta Mesa (714) 540-9470 UTlLITY .Bax. Tr a·i le r, Un_ih, All C•mp•r. Acc1 ., and help out a good cause. covers, W /S. deluxe swivel SEE the Dual Wide Road-enclose<I $50. ,0,;,, In Stoc ... Give )>our old uniforma: (Off-sea~. Factory trailer. $750 liner Pan American, Para· 833--~ CAMPll CLU,UNCI· icers & Enlisted) to the Sea-takes it 642-0267 mount, Elite and General of 1961 El Oor1illo, Fou, Scouts. Need blues, whites, l~ n. Custom Fia.m.ingo mobile homes now at Trucks Y500 Windi, Scoh m•n a11cl Gold. ·"=a=·"'"='=·==0"'=·=""'=='"=== I Racer. Blue and gold. Dual Wide Safes li no 1 mod1!l 11 -Trailer A: boat freshly Cliapman ?i.fobile Homes Inc. *SP<>RTsMENS VAN* * 11• DISCOUNTS* Mechlnery. etc. 1700 1 t d N "'t . * TRUCKS * 5 Y11r Fin1nein9 o, • p a n e • ew ww e 521 N. Harbor, $.A. n au gab yd e. Upholllt!ry 531 .. 571 Thty Are All Here At Appr-...•d ' Crtdit WELDING Equip, Lincoln Three 16;» bp Champion1 ,.,.--.,,.-:o""'-.,,..---, Fantutic DiKounts raunr:n 1rutAtS 225 ·amp Welder w/all ac-engines. Complete w t th 10 x 45 Mobile Home. 2 UU'lrlll QI I ups, ensembles & sets of new, near new 2.3 Models to choose from $59 ome Filrnishings. ' up. 213: 69'2-4167. 692-2101 * AU.C:TION * SPECIAL"* ' 56 Near .new repo's -color If you will seij or buy •s, S.W, portables, stereos, combos. (All give Windy a try to be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. ---'-----------~1 Windy's Auction Barn te model refrig's (split front & dble door) Behind Tony's Bldg. Mai•1 t'fzers, washers, dryers, stoves, auto tooth· 2075% Newport, CM M6-8686 -es, typewriters. KNITTED FABRICS 646-9303 CITROEN . . ,. , .. · h • Mediterranean • Modem • e • Mahogany • couches, loveseats, beds, Din Rm sets, chinas, bullets, Of china, dinettes (latest styles), custom lle'iliin sets. "'FOR SALE .Remnants, samples & Mill ends Sat. Only'8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 929.Baker, Costa Mesa. ·GOLF bag, clubs and cart, complete. Set 2 years old. Excellent condition. 1 & 3 woods, irons, 2 thru 9, wedge & putter. Cart is new. $15. 545-0906 ~i'p!bwo·g' !lc"!l,Gl e"'cwelt 1 ~ingn , several fuel tankl, ateering Br. Z' Alum awn. Set up Ready for immediate S,.clel ww.r.,, · --"'!" --.-v " and· controls. See at 2808 in Sp. 525 Fairfax Dr. CM. delivery ,. .. •••• •,.-• • eDbT 'e : "" We Finance with Good Credit a~Master Charge & BankAmericard · lOK Commission Gallery DL 7722 GARDEN GROVE ILVD. WBlock West of Beach Blvd., off G. G. Frwy. l HP electric air com- pressor, was air condition unit. $75. Polaroid Camera 8500 Miscellaneous 8600 Model 240 w/attachments, tiumr::-:-1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I brand new. $75. 545-7616 FASHlON TRENDS MUST SELL! 209 6ht St· Newport Shores light Auburn Fall Featuring custQm dreas de-Paid $120, Sacrifice $25. 11igns &: exciting collectloD ol MS-4537 aft 6 pm, ready-madea for your every occasion. OPENING Sat Feb REPRODUCTION Hutch or 8th. Stop by for cotfl!i!. dry sink $75. King size bed, :::~~r $~~~~· Lafayette, N~ Beach. _54S-_2310=--~-~-BEACH CITY THEODORE 17 FT. Penonner. lalander TRAll.ER & Cabana, 1 or DO 'R b• · F d AUTHORIZED DEA~E~ PETS and LIVESTOCK Doluze model (all : bedroow, Xlnt thruouC . DG.E 0 ins or HUNTINGTOl;4 Dogs ll2$ f iber 1 1a11) outboar Make otter. OR 3-l!IOS 16555 Beach Blvd., (Hwy. 39) Custom IJll.P down cover. 8 x 36 1 BDRM, A-1 corid. 54().2660 2060 HARBOR BLVD. BEACH \VIRE Hair Fox terrier pups. Big wheel Wt trailer, $700 ~hed, to be relocated. Huntln&kii:i Beach COST/it< MESA' AKC. $50. Must s e I I. phone 642-4980after1 pm. $1750. 536-1614 '66 f d p · k '42.0010 New •nd ·Used C lrs ' 642-9988 or 645-1803 or tc up CAB HIGH . CAMPER Co'mple tt Se tvic& & P•rts 1 BR. mobile home in quiet Long bed C'!USt cab, V-8, dlr, SHELL 8835 BEACH BLVD AKC, Miniature Poodles S.llbol. h 9010 adult _ft...... 10x50 Great bumper pearl grey exterior · I .: ma!' 1 ,,_ ... , $50. ---------~.. • • 8 FOOT WNG $65 842 -778"1 -s·•o.0442 ""'"'"' --Lakes. Xlnt oond. 548-9108 Xlnt cond. Take foreign car oA7•1863 ' ~ "' * 9118-2342 * Schock Racing Sabots in trade or $85 cub dcls. I====~==""'=== J11tf 3 milH So, Sin Dl19• AIREDALE Pup•, 1 wks, 2 New Sabolll from $39S Mini Ilk• 9275 Will fine prvt prty, L.B. C R · I 9522 Fwy. •nd lint • fd1w mlnut•• lncludes Fiberglass maat It P351.8T Call Jim·. 494-9773 or imper enta s · Nortlr· of A 1m1 A.KC. Champ sired. 847-22'i2 sail. BONANZA mini-bike, lie. &: '67 DATSUN- B. HS. Schock Boats. legal for. 11treet. H'IY. duty 1 =540-0634~=·~""'~-.,.--COACH· TRAILER Owned by UfUe 'ole retired AKC Sllkey Terrier pups. 673-XfiO frame &: tires. Like new. '50 OIEVY, 2 Ton c:abover, RENT.Cl$ man ln Capislrano. ~ Males $150 Females $200 1 ·,,~. ~ERJ=cso=N~.~FUlly~-.. -ul-p • ..;l.;.125;.c._51<>-2358 ________ 1 perfect thtuout, ~ spd W/'J It's none too early 'to make m'eter reads 13,.000 nll. Ra· 675-5261 10 mos old, like new. Call Motorcycl• 9300 'r1t re~ end. 16 ~~ re!E!:rvations for Spritle: Hol-dlo, heater, auto, 96 hp ei,a, DATSUN RASENJl Pups, barkless & 494-9333, ~ ask -ior l---."------~~-'... pu' ~w nd ·,100 ida.ys! . ; cream ext., dlr, xlnt cond. <>dodos~ malo & female. Miko. • HONDA • ~!..; •-'-"' · • ' WEEK-END OR WfJEl<LY $85 ; .Uh dels ,.. ,w111 fine .;;:;;,,,,--,,.,.,,---I . 548-3881 1 pCI $200. Patio table $10. 1 Little uted 9/6 (Formerly SEAHORSE D~ room table & ~hairs ; "B'(OR Reel $350. BEACHWEAR) $50. Call before ll or afl 873-7703 Sboreaoer sailln& dlnibY, 546-0l!ll priv prty. L.B. UJC 925.·GtJl p00DLE apricot, male, 6 $1fi5. '65 FORD FllK1 'iii T P/U. Jilh • 494-9713 or 545-0634. w""ks .. papen ern'.-2336• MINI BIKES Aul.• """'' P/B. $1m(), Dtn;o Buffl .. • . '9~· 196U>ATSJINStatk>nW ..... ~. ., .. _.. * 'C:lll=='==~==;;===== 8,5'J6...11il8 14 *** * LEAVING st a. I e • ""'FJ"REW==oo=o""=ro=R~SALE=~ • . . • .. ' ..... , Sellirtc all Juroiture, ap... Walnut &: Eucalyptus. u1:50 pliancel a cc e I Io r i e s ad, $25 'ii crd. Dc;J.ivered Everything showroom new. It stack'd free. (1)•688--0846 ' li<Ul2o • 1966 TARTAN ~ -•-. Sensoft, 506 31.st St N.B., -~-~ . Pulh-bu\tGn n.d, "'• !Ow_' mil_ "' brd " .. , a;uui;,,:::, · tt69 '90' OR. ·'65' 673-6020 E-BUGGY age, $25Q tand take over~ oqu!p::: ~ ~ • ~ * $239 * * '67 CHEV Ii T P/U, 8 cyl, · DUM -· monts. Phone ~ 1JDO ,~ Xlnt """'· , .. 1 HERa FRIEOLANoeR ~!t.'=' :. 1~. r~·: saila. $775. ll6 Marine Ave. 11750 IEACH ILVD. HW. l9 673-2587eves. Bal 11. 615-3360 12 llocf• so.&. G-rov• Fwy.I '°M"'o=eILE="e"-..,... -truck,.-,.,-,"'toc..,.kl Power Crvisors 9020 '68 ENDURO 250 "' Factory • equip. l!J60 Font P/U Ennli sh Ford warrant)'. Uke' .new. $675. i;, Ton V-8. ~ 613-0J82 ~ CAMPER SHELLS Call 540--7877 or eves 673-93a ' CompleW sales· tervlce It alee ....... 24" to 52" 1.1..1.. B.S.A. '68 Shoo~-Star tiw1, 1967 ....__ta Scout P.U. I 100 MPH, 32 mL per PL ..--. ""61' ... ,. ..,.,., ~"I" Full five 1JA18. aporta No down pt.yment o.a.c. CaU &G-9869 LO ~. 1t:yllng. • HATI'ON CAMPER SALES "Peace and Low'• 642-0397 after 6 PM :mW. WilaM CM 548-0343 6S\i HONDA .,. SCnunblel'. 1952 CHEV 14o ton plckuJ> CORTINA 36' CRUJSER. Mooring line 3600 mt--ntw bike. J\Jst tun-Good coadttion $175. eau .. , * Deluxe 2 Door * available. Juat hauled out ed. "25-6'1S-t574 846-1449 eves M....,...,..Dol.1ff $1883 &: majored. Must lell! After '64 EL r ...... 1.... •~•n ....,..,.. l t 70 HAUOI AVO' .. 6 pm. 548-8691 Auto Strvlcis -·.,.... ~ '""'-com MISA Immediate llo1MlJ'r a P 9,_ Good coM!tlcln. C.U J-Ov.t 50 2 doon, 4 doort, Marlnt f vt 9035 erta ~ 548-3119 or &IM583 \ VW DUNE BUGGY CTI, ·ttatlon wagons in , P: CZ MOPA!t Wedae--Polished '69 GMC" Ton piCkup,*liuto ~ ·*· $SOO !r~k-~Uy autorna~ MATOIED pr Chrysler crank, TRW pistons. Enon trans. Must t1ell! ~t * 673-«211 * TOP TRADE FOR : M3188. 2lD hp, V.& marine 9008, 1)0rted heads, W+H condition. 96'J...1909 Im---.. •ut0t -.-. YOUR PRESENT CAR: INVENTORY engines. 54.5-9125 • v • 1 Dill All lmh + Dual Tor-,... ·-~ ~ 673-3261 quell>!<. Alum mIWng + J-,9510 e 1!pot Cull fer lmporU THEODORE BUYING Sil...-Coins 10% ~~!:•rs Boat Slip .Moori .. 9036 :;:~ ~'500 or oilet'. JEEP WAGONEER. xi.l 91•,., -.. ..,. im,,..,· Rob. n Ford· oltace.. Dlnt-$1.10. Silver Slips Included Newport Sllsit b' ttnt. SNOW Tires. studded 7.SS 4 wheel drl~bubl, auto ~tl=daD.of;= =-~f ~ m BLVD:' 111cltle1 Sl.50 roll. COSTA e PACIFIC YACHT SALE.Se Bl& BaJ. $2.25 per foot x 14. uAed OTll'e W . each, trans. Pl A: pb, 613-S842 JOU ldl. E 1.. M 0 It £: •COST.A MESA, . • ~~~ 831 W. 19th SL CM. 3446 Via~C:~eWPort 548-2592 or ~n eves. peid $39, .96:1-Jm 1945 1.lll.JTARY Jeep, 4 whJ MO'l'ORS. 15300 .=-Blvd. &42-0010 --=SOCK==-=ro==--12' Hour Phone .... 673-1570 DAILY PILOr WANT ADS 4 vw EMPI (AAGS ....... -Firm.-:' w-.. . I THE'QUICl<Ek,!OU CAu, ____ rr __ '_E>_I_! -· '"""""""""""'""""' I Al ..... • Go-Ool 115. $46.111i6 SSS Vlctorla, C.M. Whit. Elopllanta! THE Q~ YOl1 U:U. See from lD:AM -6:PM any Quality King-Site Bed, Livestock 1840 day, Eves: b)' appt. 644-0218 beauWul quilted mattress. 2 NUBIAN Yearling Does, ;;;;:;=;:--°";:;:;;" · 130 Junlgoes Way, No. 3 split foundation, blt-in twira, $25 each. Newpt Bluff.a frame. Never used. $98. * 842-7890 * ':~ a~e ::. ~ffe~P~~ Worth $ZXI. 842-6.536 TRANSPORTATlON ~'Clo GREEN house, !>' x 6', bunk beds, 3 end tables. BOltt & Yachts 9000 2 bar 11001.s, 6' 3" surfboard, beater, fan, light, Saran. Also cattleyas, 673-2465 m1ac. 1142-7213 • SPECIAL • WOMAN'S Diamond bracelet Kirby vacuum cleaner w/at. Oki, very v a I u ab I e • 31' TROJ~N tachmenb:. Take over small Sacrifice. 673-8632 Twin screw, only 110 bourl. pymntJ or pa.y oU balance :c--~-..,-,=~---1 Rt.d' d th finder of $,1C.12. Credit Dept New imported Persian rugs, zo, l~~T ,. SftS" KE >'1289 21:4', olxti',•000', 9x.12' sure warer,, tfin&by, SLIP 7890 · goes with boat. Owner must ROCKWELL 9" all ateeJ , * 84Z-* sell!! table .uw 4 stand; used SURPR.ISE! Mother poodle, * INSPECT • OFFER! * opprox. 6 t!mos. 1100. fulher? Puppios born Now DAVID L, FRASER ~2358 Year's eve. $5. 545-651! 3424 Vla Oporto, N.B. (3) 31 CUBIC rt pottery kilns MISCELl.ANIDUS Jewelry, 673-5252 * . 491-3916 EYes. stoneware, $3:lO e a c h • will 11ell cheap! See to ap. Terma. Privale par t '1 • predate. 673-8632 675--15ll-ewa. " ENGl:ISH FOR!> Misc. Wantod 1410 I ' ..... ___ .... ,..,. .. -.~.-·-""'.J':'~~·:;·•'::"'l'"'l"!O'f''.-. . .,..__"' • --• • • '·" "~ ., '-_._.t_ _.,,. .., ... • •11n 1· I . , ,• ·CONNEL '64 · PONTt.Ae GTO Convertlble~~1_.._autornaUc.,20}1P,el' 1tetr-. lria, RAH. ~e. wbite 'Wfl*ck vin¥1 lntorior, U'ltl><'.(8> , • ,. :: · · ;fla95 ·: ·====== f I • •' : ' ···~·-C:"l~· l/~101f . l Pickup. 'V:.e:• eng., 'auto.1 trans,,. faCtory arr ,corid., radio 4 beater, extra ni~. • Uc. N~ Us;18995 '' ,CHEVROLET'S I . USED ~.48 . CENTER : 'SPECIALS . .•••••••••••••• , .. : ORANGE COUNTY'S e . ' '66 DODGE '67 l~P~LA • SAV. INGS • Polara < Dow. Automatlo. air cond., ~:;rS\';::, ':lil1f:!,P~J·~~ 'Mt IMPALA S.S. L~:r ~~~1~h=~: f~~~ interior, ~ No. TUX'59 I, 1 HEAD9 UAR1ERS I 1·. -- 5.1395 . ' .. 52t95 ====== e '62· RAMBLER • . '63 DART G.T. •• Amorkan 2 Door. Good tran.portatioc. •• ( • <Im63> · '67 TOYOlA U~p coo~: t 'O'llnder; .automatic, •_,·~ 1 $295 • ' Land ' ~ser. 4 wheel drive, excellent ' ;fadio, 1!ea~ • .medium bltlf with blue • • 1 . , • condition, low mileage, (TRJ019), '68 DODGE Delu~ 4 ~ atatlon l wag~n., VB, auto- matic, power 1teerln(, radio, tieater., .m,~.~:·58f·S:' ... '.. · ·: ~~7 ~I Cami"o ~stom :· . . . ,52195 -.---·-------· · ::·':·:':·::·=·==' :·::::·:::·:::• 327 VS, A.T., P.S., Faot0<y al• cond.,. ::::::======== • • .: J,tilH. Bucket seats. Ermine white with • • ' ··red interior. I.Jc No. 'I'53036 , • '.., . i 'AS dM•i 1/li-TON . : •::. ·.· · •. s2· 19»5 •: • . 52495 • . . ' • '65 PLYMOUTH ' Sport Fury convei:tible, VB, automatic, power &teer., radio, ~ea~L lNBV894.) 5895 . . '65.INTERNATIONAL . PICKUP -V-8, standard shift. I.Jc. No. . 5311~ 51195 -. 'V8 'pickup. '6%' .FJeetside,' stick shift, du:ome wheels, t.rmneau cover, .ahal:p. DUNE BUGGY Sharp with peppy VW engine and trans- mission. Metallic blue. (DDU388) {S461fll) • • 51395 : Stlni'~~a.t:?!~~:. AM·: 51395 '67 DATSUN· Deluxe ( Door, AT.~ .R&H, Ivory with red 1 interior.· Like new, 1..1.c. No. VEH017 ~====··::::::::::. ~~!;;..~ .. ':"~1~.::~ .......... -·-.--•.111!1 ... _ ... 'i . . . . . . • !'onnep Chev. CXSN.73! ' . • :-----------.. . · . '66 RIVIERA . e ' MUST SEE • '64 CHEVY 11 '64 CHRYSLER 300 · · • • Nova Station,1Wqon. Automatic, power Hardtop Coupe.· AutO.. ~ ~ steer., Custom coupe. l'ull power and ~ctory. I ·!6·1 ·C· OMET. . • •tff•inl: a1r condltlonlnr, radio, heater, factory air cocdo_llelp with p;rebment u.; , air conditioning. Radio and heater. W (EIZ738) · tenx-1& No. xµrill • 53295 : ~~·~~.~~:.~:~~;an-'··~ : . . -$695 ,. . 54 49· s· . .___. __ _... ! 5395 . ·: .. ·-.......... -.-..... :.::::=·=·== , '67 PONTIAC ; '. '.65 DATSUN e '66 El .Camino Custom : '67 ·CHEVY II · .. '62. CADILLAC - • V-8, A.T., P.S., R&H. Willow green with • Fordor sedan. Automatic, power steer· Bonneville H.T. COupe.-A.T.,. P.s~,.·rac-· ·' tory air condition, R&H. Blue with black Landeau roof. Lie. No. TXU:i5I Pickup. Radio, Heater. Lie, No. NM\V452 • black viriyl interior. New set of white-• ing, factory air ,radio, heater. Like new. • wall tires. Stkr No. 1763B Low mileage, (UZF114l Coupe DeVWe.rFull power, factory air con· d.ltionln&'., radio, heater. Extra nice. (RSB- 786) 5795 : . 52395· ! ·. 51695 . .._....._....._ .................. c H IVAOLE'f'Y 2828 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA .MESA flt ~!~ 546•12.03 tA~ 546•120 .. !=Ell.RARI ~ FERRARI "Newport Imports Ltd. ~ )nge County'a only author- ized dealer. S ·SERVICE · PARTS : 3100 w. Coast J1wy .. •• Newport Beach . 612.94n; 540-1764 Authori1.ed MG Dealer HILLMAN 00 HILLMAN Husky Sia· tion Wagon. Good running ,condition. $550. TI4: 525-67fi0 JAGUAR Jaguar XKE . Coupe llnished In sparkllnl: burgun-4.Y metallic with plush con- otr&sting J e a t h e r interior. :EYel'7 ·posaible "Jag" extra lDCld.. chrome wire wheels, 'AM/FM radio, etc. 0 n l y Zi.ooo 1oca1 miles. Mint ~ 4tiUon. J!l'lupo 11 111 n fl Ii l '. '.· .. 3lde w. eoutliwy. ' :::::!=;:::..=:.::......:.9600:.;..; --'--~'-----Imported Aul"'! HOO · PORSCHE . TOYOTA '67'TOYOTO MG KARMAl'jN GHIA 1------ GHIAS MG Porsehe '66 · . 912 Cpe. 2 !67'1 Siles, Service, P1rt1 Slate grey with contrasting 2 '66's Complete new MG inven~ey interior. Chrome wheels, AM Corona; ·&Utomatic transmJs-~ater, see Ir: drive tod~. Lie TYX217. . $1475 1 '63 See "the' new Austin America /FM radio. Mint condition Alt extra sharp, a11 with ra· Here Now! throughout. fjeanLlmi4 dios & heaters and one with air conditioning. 549·0JOJ--67J-11 f0 1970 HAUOI JLYD. COSTA MESA '58 GHIA Excellent tr.ansportation, a nice little car, Lie. GXT380. $495 al• Llmi6 • T~~~.~~YO 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 LOTUS '67 WTUS Europe, low miles.gt:, m~ sell im· mediately? 642-4173 after 4:30 p.rn. J1rwpott 31inports ., 3100 W. C.oast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9«5 540-1764 Authorized MG Dea1er f'IGB' s "SALE" J!ctupo t t 311np ort ~' 3100 W. Coast Hwy. . fMPORTS TOYOTA·VOLYO l966 Harbor, C.M. 64&-9303 TRIUMPH Newport Beach . 642-9'05 · S<0-1764 Triumph '66 TR4A Authorized MG Dealer ,Ebony black Road11ter with ·~ PORSCHE C, AM/FM black leather interior. Ra- chr whls, fact air, disc dlo, heater, wire wheels. Bl Rd. 00 brakes, '69 tags. Xlnt oond. Immaculate in every detail. '66 ue str ...... Slli95. 150 '65 ft~ Rd I 495 00 Priv, party. ;:! or oUer. .n.cu str • , • •• • 1 . S4&-8972 '64 White Rdstt •••• $1295.00 -------'65 PORSCHE 356C, AM/FM. Chrm whls; drk grn, orig owner,· $3295. J!rllll.lOl ! Jl111µo r1 ~, J!ru.1por t 3111 1ports 646-6115 3100 W. Coast Hwy. 1956 PORSCHE 1600 N. Newport Beach Bahama Yellow. Clean $1.2(Xl 642-9-\05 . ~1764 3100 W. Coast Hwy. !inn. 503 Acacia CdM Authorrred MG Dealer Newport Beach 673-9403 64'!-MOO 540-1764 .;c:..:.:.::_._=~-Authorized MG Dealer 1967 P 0 RSC H E 912, ,~ MGB. ft., .. ,~.. -,.;"" AM/FM, radials, hdrst11. "' ui. W>ll ~"-oe. $4300 or best offer 673-2585 greeb: Excel cond. Low eves VOLKSWAGEN vw tnlles. ~· 673-4878 I ·,~68~PO=RSCHE==,-x1n~1 oo-nd~. J~ow" 1 Price Speci•I• '61 MGA, good cnnd., t.'OC08 mileage, $4700 firm. OR '60 Bug ....... ·~ •• :. , $399 brown. ronvert. Heater. '69 ~-•-· ......... ,-•723 • I'~ uuu: over~ ... ·~ 61 Bugs •••.••.•••••. , "l"'1 Lie. new tune-up. 842-8794 '63 Bugs • , .... , .. • • • . • S599 SUBARU .,. BW> ................ 1999 __ .;._.;.____ '67 SUnbeam Alpine Rdstr 1969 SUBARU Excellent, reduced •• $1499 '59 MGA Road3ter. 1 new from $1297; 66 MPG ~ • tire, R/H. $475. Call after ::!~Sup" !~~~~E c~,a ,osO~ =· o:_ ""°S.:: s~ .'69 TOYOT·A HT ~~ ,J'P 24,ooo ml1e warrant.v. $1950. I' PM. 968-1797 54t·OJOJ-473·1190 MANY EXTRAS 1970 HAl lOI ILYD. MGA FINEST · SELECTION . ' OF ' . PREVIOUSLY · OWNED '&8 CADILLACS IN SO. CALIFORNIA 4 DOOR -2 DOOR e El Dorados • Calais • Coupe de Villes • Sedan de Villes PRICED FROM $4995 All Carry New Car 5 Year or 50,0(10 mile Warranty ' ALLEN OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC · • . NewportrBeat.h 642-9"15 ~1'164 EXEC CAR COSTA MISA r-PORSCHE • Au~ MG Def.let '61 JAGUAR Mk ll 3.8 _____ ..__ ~ pis p/b, chr wire Wh, air .cond. $975. 49Ml79 JAGUAR '67 XKE. Xlnt . Afl M:.vr;~$1n0 ::m:.,~:Ji~· 1150 so~~u;~~~~GHWAY ...,...- Ponc:he '61 St!per 90 lmportod Autos VOLKSWAGEN * '59 VOLKSWAGEN * $3)0 under Blue Book 962-8956 UtodCars· '62 Comet Custom Station wagon. 6 cyl, auto, R/H. PUF098 '64 Bulc:k Special · 4 dr, V8, auto, PS,, l\ff,~t. 42438 '64 Chev. 4 Dr. Malibu 6 cyl auto, RH. OML769 '62 Mere. Colony Park Park Station Wagon Fae air & power. FJM592 '63 T·Blrd H.T. Coupe. Fae air, full·power. 1¥&437 '64 Mere Montc:lalr H.T. Coupe Fae air & power 10Xl671 '64 Pont Catalina Convert, auto, PS, PB, RH. OLE917 '65 Chev Impala SS Convert fac air & power OYZ125 '66 · Comet Capri . 4 dr. Fae aJr & power. RRY5~2 '66 Ford FL 500 . . H.T. Coupe. Fae ail & power SUN396 '65 Mercury Colony Park Wagon Fae ~ir & power. HON348 $1 r.rae. , i • -Lo mil ... $310P. , 61>-0IIO Ruby red"Coupe with. black interior. 1 All PoriChe extras lncld .. coco mall, tog lamps, etc., etc. Reoentq overhaul-• fall LlJDi6 '62 VW Camper W;stphalia • I · • IMPORTS ~·~;u1 . .i.,., "494-1084 : . • 547·3103 OYOTA--VOLVO 'S5 VW, 2 door, IUJ'll'OOf. \ J.96& Harbor, C.M. 64$-930.1 Great for dune buggy. $215. '65 Olds 98 4 dr H.T. Fae air.& full power. NBR792 . $170-., '56 JAGUAR, Mark L 2.4 lite.13JO: '* 615-2261 * 'ii J"AG 3.1 Mrk Il. chtm wire whls,. p/" 1 owner. 51.ooo m1. 11625< G'J3.-0104 KARMANN GHIA ed ecwme. · ._ 673-6674 C.d.M. -~ ------ TOYOTA · '68 vw. 2 _.sedan, ,....... 1-1M•-'-NGO 1.,.111911 A\1191 ' NOO . $1150,~detMar. -. J~L'lll~ILll I .I I 111 p (11 I •, VOWWAGEN • . HEE™?QLMOuAR'l'ERREs : 1969 .;·::,·:.1o. pop '-.-vo_w,...,...w'""'"_•_EN_ Rdstr, Marie m, f spd, dlr, ' Gllt wnctws. 3fral&ht stick, , excellent running cond. Wire 3100 W. Cout H'ffJ. Blue. 5000 ml $1'15. 6fMfl8 .., YW'PIJW! .-, clean. VW, •es; Futbadt.· SAVI: =~t:~ve~ ~ Beach mJO 8::. s:a..:llmnl17 VW 'st Sunroof, lo 11\illi, New ~l ~ fa $100. Bl\ltboak. M. 1 mecb. -:-;st Karmann Gbta . little 'ole man from Laguna. ~ 5«).1'7$f • clean! $895. Joe N1ckerti • bad,Y, tnt A rub.' M4-2932 Oood condl-By Owner l8S Cub dtls, wJll·fioc prvt A-...i MG Dealer BILL MAXEY • m:-• · '68 VW ..i,""" T -Xlnt -"'-'""~=-="'"""'--,JllOO. * ~188!· . prty. L.B. UOF 593, O<S'l'13 'a:t'l'ORSCHE S. xlnt oond, WELL Kept '65 VW Convt. oond. ·FM. Pl'V pny. 'ST VW. ltobullt• -t er 545-0&34 ~ all ,._ equip.. Best oUer, IT~IOITIAJ MUBl aee to belleve' ~103T or 33T.wf211 R/H, $350 or otter. e:..~Tbe ~ ~ MG BIG T '67, BRO, 494-3231 after' Ql2t ,MS-7427 . vw Bua w/Re~t '62 ena. ' Prl ""'" ~ a111111tc1 -Sau ... -. wire wh .. 11, ill6I SC -coupe "1th 11111 l l ACH ILVD. '65 VIV ..,,...._ Statloo GooCI.,.... xW ccnd. '!00-'114 VW -X1nt oond. Wit '-• -Loal Dunlop n>dlo. ~· .,,.,..,, air eondllloo: -PlhlU H unt. _., 147"'555 Wqon. New 11ttt. >dnt IT3-4'!lO ..... IJ.ll PM 51$-TllO .u! MWlll 593-81n nilea; S98--4648 tires. $2800. 875-2571 3 ml N, ot Coast HW)'. on 13cb cond. $1395. Mi-3079 DAILYl?lJ.O'n.WANT ADS!. ~It wk ends 6~1790 \ '66 Mere Parklane 4 Dr. H.T • Fae air ~ full polNr. XSS!lll '61 Clln , lmpall H. T. Coupe Fae air • power. VPX8117 , JOHNSON & ·s ~ --------~---.. -------------------------------------------' ' • ' I . ... • • t • • I • : • I • • , ~YPILOT , li&fATION .... ,rted AWw fdOO \Ji; '.fi'LK~WA~~ ··; '68 YW •' ' Pqtt:t;r blurt, ftW'IY, many ao-. Like newl See and • -Lie. 'ISUS4. 1 uLfmia IHPORTS rrldar, rebru.,y 7, 196t · VOLVO ~·bor., C.M. 646-1!3'J3 i----'----- .w. """· competition '68 VOLVO 2 DR. , 3 mo. new tires, e wbls. reblt q by fl with ' mo &UU'· mw old. New transaxeL tibqy at $800. 494-0477 MANY EXTRAS EXEC CAR • $2495 .. -. . . . . . . . . "' ulfmia for used can &: trucks just call ua for free estimate. GROTH CHEvRolET .)'Beauty! 64~3003 IMPORTS Bug, reblt eng & TOYOTA·YOLYO axle. New brakes, 1966 Harbor, C.M. 64&-11303 "'' Private ..,..,., 1925 * New Volvos * cber.~ GETA Ask for Sales ?ilanqeJ' 18211 Beach Blvd. llunlin&fbn Beach Kl !),3331 new """· BETTER DEAL Herb Friedlander •·•··•············ $94.'12 mo call: HIUTY Williams So. Co.st Cir Le11ln9 300 W. Coast Higtiway Newport Be&eh 114: 645-2182 UNlESS YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING AGAINST . SAVING A BUCK! GRAND PRIX! B.autlful Midnight Green with matching interior hGrdtop Is fully equipped with oir con· ditionlng, turbo·hydramotlc fl'.ansmission, power stHring, power disc brakn, pushbutton radio and heoter: 400 c11>- bic inch engine 1350 h.p. thot isl, shoulcler hamns, head rnts, hidden wlnd1hitld antenna, remote control outside mirror, _front floor mats, white side wall tires and all the standard deluxe Grand Prix accessorin. Serial Number 27659P217917. Look at the car we've advertiHcl here. , •• Know something 7 The price Is high· er than that of some Grand Prixs adver· tiHcl elsewhere. There's a reason: Look ot the equipment on our car. And • • • our car is in stock & ready to go! It ls , not a stripped · down m o d e I that you would have to o r d e r. In keeping with our pollcy, this is the way we advertise • • equipped, and ready to go! '66 CHEVY II NOVA St1tion w11on. 6 cylind1r 11i1lom1tic:, powtr 1t11rin 9, rtcllo, h11t1r, ITEP150l $1577 '68 BONNEVILLE 2 Door h1rdlop. Hydrtmatic, pow•t 1t11d119, JIOWlr br1k11, R&H, WSW, Yinyl top, powtr window• l i1th, f1c tory 1ir. IWAE611l $3577 '64 CADILLAC Co\lpt D1Vill•, VI, hvdr1m1tlc, powtr 1lttrin9·br1k1t-win· dow1.1e1t, ftclory t lr condltionln9, C ULF20J I $2077 '65 CHEVROLET lmp1!1 SS. Vt, tutomtlic, powtr 1lttrin9, rtdio, h11t1r, WSW, vinvl top. 26475 milt•. CNOY511l $1777 '69 PONTIAC G.T.O. Con¥ttlibl1. VI, 4 1pttd, powtr 1t111ln9, rodio, h1tl1r, rid liflt tirt1, 1ttrt1 ftp .. IYN62171 Rally II w~11l1, $3577 GRAND PRIX! ROY CARVER'S SERVICE DEPARTMENT IS OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 7:30 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. • THE SALES DEPARTMENT IS OPEN 8:00 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. EACH AND EVERY "CARVER • CARE· CAR" CARRIES OUR EX· CLUSIVE 100°/o WARRANTY ON MECHANICAL PARTS. '67 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 2 Door h1rdfop. VI, 1utom1llc, pow1r ,111rino l l>r1k1•, rtdio, h11t1r, WSW, vl11yl top, f1chiry 1ir, 15,745 11'11111, tVGX5l3) $2677 '67 OLDSMOBILE Vi1!1 Cruiitr. Vt, t ulomolk, power 1l••rin9 I brill;1t, r1dio1 h11t1r, WSW, f1c:lory 1ir. IUDC971 l $2977 '67 LE MANS 2 Door h1rdt1p, VI, hvdr1,,.1tlc, pow1r tl11rin9 I br1k1s, rodto, h11ftr, WSW, f1cfory oir, viny l roof, 23,497 mil11, IUWW29 11 $2777 '67 FIREBIRD Vt, hyr.lrt m1tic, ptw•r .+ttrin9, radio, htiltr, WSW, ftc· torv t ir, yt!low w/blt ck ¥inyl roof. IUNE71 )) $2777 '63 VOLKSWAGEN Pantl pickup. R1dio, 4 tp•td, (TAV4tl l $977 '68 CHEVROLET El C1mi110 396 S.S. V8, 4 1p11d, pow1r 1!11rin9, r1dlo, lttt l• or. Rid l int lir11, c1mp1r 1h1tl, 15,875 mil11. l ondlu top, buck1t ~••h. l55110AI $3277 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '68 PONTIAC l1M1n1 2 Or. H.T. VI, hydr1m1lic, powe r d11rin9, rtdio, h11!1r, WSW, f1ctory 1ir. IVH6141 $2977 '66 CHEVROLET F1mily w1gon, 6 cylindtr, t 11lom1tic, ttdio, ft11ltr, ctmptr •'!uipp1d. (1810001 $1677 '67 BUICK GS 400 Vt, hydrtm1lic, powtt tft1rin9 l b1tkt1, WSW, f1 etory t ir, vinyl top, ITPYSltl $2677 '66 PONTIAC ) llonn t1vilt1 con¥ttliblt, VI power tlttriog I br1k1t, r1r.lit, htaltr, ftc:lory t it, WSW, powtr windows, bltck w/bltck lop. !RlA451 ! $2377 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD ARE. OF COURSE, PLUS LICENSE & TAX. ' - .. r , , . . . . . . . .. • '62 IMPERIAL • •" crown hanltop, white, all • • orig. i.n~rioc. Full,pwr., fact • a ~ air, dlr, pwr. Wind...,. $!$ , LE ._ Cash dels or take foreign • 57 OLDSMOll • ... car in trade. Wfil fine prvt •"tB" <C door, IAlHtt4 ). 1· P ..... L.8 H.SC 568 494-9nJ You c•n b•!i1v1 thi1 pric:•! • o;~ , •• $49 • '61 CHRYSLER 4 dr hard • 8 "• top, air cond, full pwr, 1 • · • · owner. Just ""'°ndltion<d, • '63 BUICK Skykn • $450. tinn. 673-5743 aH.T. Cp1. A11tomotic, rid·• '57 CHRYSLER $223 Good io, ht1!1r, powtr 1fttti119, ... condition, engine--Penect. •t•cfory tir tfXC94tl •. -. Call Neal. 642-1081 : $1195 • _ CORVAIR • ,67 OPEL • : . . ... '61 MONZA. .f speed, very Sp!, Coupt, R1dio, h11t1r,• . clean $250. •4 1pt1d, I own1r, IUOf.• 675-3489 aft 6 PM •IO I ) . • '62 CCRVAlR, 6 new ""''-• $1495 • 28,000 mi. Like new. $475. •'~------'• Call 54g.....()452 ' - OORVAIR Monza 1961. Sl.50. • '67 CHEV. S.S. •: Needs slight work. Good •R•dio, h11t1r, 11110., P.5.,a ~ paint. 646-6745 aP.8. lmm1cul•lt condition ••. • CORVA!R MM'8 Co"'.. $2295 • 1965 28,000 ml, $1000. See a to apprec. 962-9636 • '63 Tl4 • ~ CORvmE .Road1l1r. 4 ipttd, rtdio,8 --------~ht1f1r, tJJE417J • , Corvette '66 427 • $1395 • ·· \Vhile fastback with black in-••-------.. 1 tcrior. 4-spe~. A~ I .FM, a ,6S OLDS C ti , • power steering, side pipes, U ap low miles, Reflects melicul-aH.T. Cpe. R&H, •11to., PS.a :. ous care. :•ir coS 1'595 11 ' J1 r\ll1JOl't il111po11 s . ·--8 '66 OLDS "ti" alu~ury 4 door. Full powtr,. f1clory 1ir. (SUPS12) 3100 W. Co3't Hwy. • $2495 • Newport Beach • • 642-9405 54().1764 I • Authorized MG Dealer 1 '64 BUICK Sky1-k '59 CORVETI'E '62 327 eng Autom•tic, pow•t 1t1tring, 8 · $1150 or oiler. Xint cond. · lradio, ht•ttr. IRIA679J e .: '6'7 CORVE'tTE, Burgundy I "8-1021 • $795 -~.: 4Z7. low miles.re. x.1111 cond. 1------- i .;:Sa:cr:;f:=k;•-=548-85:=;:"::== I '65 ELECTRA ,. . . COUGAR •" door. Full powtr, facfory8 '------'--'--I tir conditioning, ITRJ651 l .. . . '67 COUGAR • $1795 • Hardtop, "Loaded", automa-•-------• tic transmisalon, air condi· tionlile, power steering, disc • '66 DODGE M0ttaco • brakes, landau top, ·Hurry! • 4 Dr. H.T. RiH, 1wto., • lJc. UE'ffil3 . •PS, •ir cond. 1TPUOJ21 • -$2Sfl • $1995 • l"'™:. ••••••• : PORTS • -JAGUAR • oroT•·•oLYo • HEADOUAJ\nnr • 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-930l • Kl'IU !I 1967 COU~AR. pvty pty. like •Complete Siles. Sen-·• new, arr cond, PIS , 1lc• end P1rt1 D•p•rt·• AM I FM, W I O Tires. Wk· .ment for JAGUARS W dQI 833.-l.611, eirt 198.1, e\lf! ' Ir wk-endt 673--2288 I St1 lht &citing • sn,..2244 or 1969 J19111r Todty '68 COUGAR )eeeeeet: Lime with black padded top. • 2l4 E 171h ST • Loaded and air CODdJtiOllJ.rc, • ' I • =: ~~~totU ... ~ •• 548-7765 • 61 COUGAR XR7 Xlnt cond. 1 Mon-Fri 1:30 am 8 Ail' P/S Disc radial tires. • to 9 pm • 546-0652 Eve or Wknda I • Saturday 8:30 am DODCiE • to 6 pm • --------1• Sund1y1 10 am ti '64 POLAR.A, 383 V-8, JlO"-·tr I to 6 pm I A auto. AM/FM. Top shape. ~ut'td to $195. 'I 646-4600 '3!l DODG E Wagon, new Heml Engine. Air, t /b. S200. Ct.II 54lh1309 after 3. ' • flANSl'OlTATION TitANSPOllTATIOM TlANSl'OUATION TRANSPORTATION flOO-Can flOONew Can flOO · -Cero CADl)jLAC for· NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE . . ( • •' " 1964 CADILLAC 4 D•er her4tep flt1ltk8' i11 ~•yele llue eat1rior with rnetchi119 111111 clotll lllh"''• He1 •II th1 pop11ler C1cllll1c power enitb l111ludl119 pew1r 1tt1rlt19, power llrtk•I, pewer wlitdowt, AM·f'M redif, cr11!1e c.e11ttol e11tl m11cli, 111uch rnore. IVMUt91l 1963 CADILLAC Tht popul1r S1d1n D~Villt fini1h1d In tl'llllnt whitt tllftrlor with conlrtd• in9 IJlu1 cloth tnd l11th1r inltrior. Hit tll tht pop11l1r C1dlU1c p1w1r 111hl1 includint 1t1tri119, br1••1, wi11dtw1, t•1t, AM.FM r1di1 111il C1dtl· l1c'1 f1mou1 f1c lory tir con .. ltl1ni119. lliJ6S I SALE $1111 PllCI 1967 CADILLAC This lo ... 1ly C1up1 Dt Villt h11 all powtr 11tl1lt lnclJt111 pow1r 1lt1ri119, br1k11, window1, 111t i nd C1dill1c'1 ftrn111 f1ctoty t lr ion· dition lnt, 1ltr10 AM·FM, iilt wh11I, twili9ht 11nt., f'rt111l1111'1 D11i1blt E1;l1 tirt1. lttullful loc1tly clri¥1n lint 111tornobllt. IVAX7101 SALE s3999 PRICE 1966 BUICK C111tonl l.tS1brt 4 Door h1rcltop. Sp1rklin1 ht! blut with m1khint lnltr· i1tr. f41ctory tir conditio11in9, 1utomatic tr1n1ml11l1n, powtr d11rin9, power br1k11, r1dlo, ht1f1r, tic, lNly 1 11111 1ulomobi11.tli1t-mu1t b1 11.111 incl dr iw1n to 1pprtci1t1 it1 fin1 ¥alual !SIW4••1 SALE $2222 PRICE 1966 OLDSMOBILE '' L•a11ry S1cl1n. l1autiful 1tlin 1il¥1r a1t1rior with b11clr ¥inyl roof ind 1111tchl119 broc1d1 Interi or, Pow1r 1t11ri119, powtr br1~11, power window1, pow1r 1111, AM-FM radio, tilt 1ft1rin1 wh11!, pow1r ¥1nt window1, 1ir c1nclitionin9. Ab11 l11t1ly 9or1to111. (R.ULO•OI SALE $2333 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC D1Vill1 conw1rlibl1, l11utif11I C1m10 bait• with m1ichinij t.p i nd l11th1r inltrior. Thi1 low mil1111 cir i1 1xc1pfion1lly 1q uipp•d with f1ctory t ir conditio11i119, pow•r 1!11rin1, pow1r br1k11, powtr 11th, p1w1r windows, tilt •nd te l11copic wh11I, AM-fM rtdio. lXSP6•21 . SALE s3999 ~R·l~E 1968 TRIUMPH Gr1~ Tur i1lrn1 coup1. Tki1 lov1ly liHl1 f11tb1ck ht1 4 •P•toi!I btn1111i11i1n, wlro wh11l1 1114' i• 1il1ol11f1ly lik• br111d ntw with 011ly 9,000 111ilo1. Stun• nint 11111 .. uttf ytllow 1rl•rlot with bl1ck i ll vinyl lnt1rior. \.loc1I I owner 111tomobi11 1how1 1uht1ndh19 ctr• by pr1wio111 own1r. T11c4 It for• 1h1rt ilri•o tntl you'll foll In lovt wilti it. IWV~OO) SALi $2999 PRICE VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SALIS I. S!lYICI CENnR • W! ALSO STOCK ALL Oll~INAL FACTORY E9UIPMINT TIUS. s39·~h INCLUDIN& MOUNTIN._IAU.NCIN• & IXCISI TAX • fRff PICKUP AND DBIVERY Ur! C1n 9900 FALCON '64 RED Falcon. Good con- dition, 6 eyl. MAKE OF· FER. 64:z..6938 aft 6. FORD .. FORD '67 OITRY Sed. Wag. 10 pus, 300 eng, AT, R/H. Ps/pb, tac: air. 23,[Q) on eng. Luc nckl, good ttrt1. $2475. or wlll trade. 837--0458 '56 FAIRLANE, full pwr I: automatic, rood tires A c:c& 'Ga FAIR.LANE 6 HT. New ditlon. $200. 642-:3956 eng. Bu~t seats. Xlnt 2nd =::=:==:"'.'=:::"'== "'· PrY •"' sooo. S<>-2i22 MERCURY er.. FOl\D '67 X4 2 dr UT 3'0 '63 COLONY ~ARK V-8, auto, fact air, pl. pb. station Wqon; blwe with ~llllOl.e, Smded. war r matchiiw Wi.)1 tnter. lb :dzit 544-3071 cood.; air • cond., auto. •• 1965 FORD Country tram.; powerbrakH, 1tetro. ·Squlni Wqon. Lo ad e d 1 inc • rear window: radio, Xlnt. $1900. 675-3210 Ir heater. rood .,,;.,, tlm; c:ua- 6'73-tt?S tom toam -filled m.ushh)>de ''81Ai Ford E ~ SU.per van. pad tor nar deck (Ideal for Auto-:112 V-3. 8000 mt. $2900, children when travelina.) 546-16&1 '69 IJ«nled. I.de&! family -·, t·'""·· ~ at $995. ::s 1951FORD4DR. ........ auy .,. ......... Town Mdan. Good cond. 642-3589 AfL T PM. Dn Oltt_ Dr. N.8. 'ST FORD Wqon. 4 doer, automatic., p:nrm ateu\n&. Clean! 1'int fm· 9rM'129 1$11 GALAXY SOO blJ'd top, PIS. tac air, radio I: beater m.2934. MERCURY ·05 i'ORil Gatul• soo. "" MUSTANC'i "" .... 4 spd ...... Alt ------~'."'.""'":" S pm. 60""'34 'S1 MUST ANG VI Slick. Lo ml. a: ex. cvnd. Must Sell! MUSTANC'i OLDSMOBILE IJllYIRSllY SALES I. SIRVICE OlDSMOIU A Masterpiece from ... ... The Master Craftsmen On Display and Ready for Delivery Todayl ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW l LEASE DIRECT e FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY 1968 Coupe De Ville --•9YJ t, 3 Le¥ely c.he1tn11t brow11 exterler with 1endl1.roed p1dcl1d top end m•tchil'lg ttl'ldlewood 111 le1th1r interior, H11 all the pewer e11hh l11dudl119 power br1ket, power 1te1rln9, power wlndow1, pow· ,, 111t, power door lock1, 1ter10 AM-~M r1cllo, powtr trunk lid rtlt11•, ftctory 1ir co11diHenln1 tn4 lrtnd N1w Whitt shit will tlr11. IVAX1461 I 1 5333 J~===r =!=t:L..~ _VJ 1967 Sedan De Ville Thl1 lowtly SH111 DaYiU1 ho1 111 popul11 p1w1r 111i1h lncludint powtr ll11rln9, pow1r br1k11, power wi11dow1 pow1r 1etf incl C1d llltc'1 f1mo111 f1ctory 1ir condit!o11in9. Thl1 b11utllul 1uto• onobil1 hit bot~ ..-try c1r1fully dri¥tn ind thow1 only th1 fin•1t 1f c1r1 by 11'1 pr1¥iout 1wnt t1. (44451 s3.999 - SAW DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. S.ATURDAY and SUNDAY SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1969 1966 THUNDERBIRD 'The tporty t 411r h1rdto, It fully 141111lppttl with pow•r 1t•trin9, p1wtr brtkt1, ll'IWlt wlnd1w1, p1w1r 1t1t 1nG F1rcl'1 ftrnou1 feet...., 1ir co11- Gltlo11/nf. A l11utrful 11tln 111"1 •xl•!lor wlff. lil1ck ¥inyl Interior. Mu1f bt 11011 I ilrlv111 lo fuUy1ppr1cl1ftl IRTUJJ91. SALE $2222 PRICE 1965 THUNDERBIRD l1nG111 h1ultop. A b11utlful •apphlro bl111 T·ll'41 with tf!t whltt l1nd111 rotf, 111 ..-l11y/ lntorlor. full powtr 1qulprn1nt Incl. pow1r lirtk .. , p1w1r 1i11rl111, pow1,r wlnclaws, pow1r 1111 ind f1ctory t it c1nditie11in9. A11 ouhlandln9 c~ 1t 111htandln9 11'ifnt•· IMPP121 I SALE .tt 666 PRICE 1967 BROUGHAM Fl11twtotl lr1119h1111. M1j1ttlc r111I 1llv1r wltli bl1clc p1d4ff ftp 111d iil1ck t1,01try i nti l11#itr i11ftrl1r. All pow1r l11clud l119 1t11rl119 lir•k•••' wi11clew .. ""' window1, tru11k lid rel11M. St1r10 r1dio, tllt •-' t1/11ce,r, 1!01rin9 wh11I plu1 f1,lory air conditioni119. IUKV-ll•I SALE s4555PRICE 1965 CADILLAC Tito '•fK!l•r t1dt11 D1Vlll1. Ft11!1hH 111 ,,,...,_,, 1114 1wttrler ... 1t11 1Mh.!rt. 1111 toltl l11ff11r ind cl1th l11t1rlor. H11 111 th1 po,11l1r C.41111• l•lllY h1hlt11 l11cl11tll11j power •tl•rl119, ''w•r br1k11, p1w1r wTMl1ws, powtr •••h, 1111111 Mtk n9 r1411 111d of c1urs1 C1dlll1c fact.ry olr colleltfl1"ln9. l 7122) SALE $2666 PRICE 1962 CADILLAC C1up1 D1Vll11. T\la "'1Jo1tlc t11x ... e bl1clr: C1tllll1c with whilt l11tlt1r l11ftrl1r 1111 11111111 ell of th1 clolux• f11tur11 tlt1t C1clillac 11 111110111 fir i11clucllnt pew1r 1ft1tl"'9, pow1r br1kt1, pow1r tt•i• and pewtr wi11dows. Al11 h11 Celflll1c F1ctory 1ir condltlonlnt• Yo1i mwli tl rl•• tkl1 •II•· IJRHIJ21 SALE $888 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC S.d111 D1VUl1 with laroq110 ttld 1aterior ind bl1ck p1dd1tl tep with flltfchl11t lll1ck cl1tlt 111411 l11thtr h1ltrl1r. Ab1olut1ly lo1tltd with ,_,, tf11tf11t. ,..,., ~r1k11, ''""'' wl11J.w1 , pow1r 111!, pow•r tnink 114 ti• 11110. AU.FM rffl1, pt1111lu111 Yo1u1 Tyr11 and 1f cour11 factory 1lr Co11. dltlo11ln9. 1'111re 1rt II '61'1te11loct fro111 right now ot N1ii1t1 C.Glll1c ooth ... ,. ···sA[E DoVPRICf D . Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 -9900 UMd C1no 9900 Ulld C1n RAMBLER '63 RAMBLER 880 wacon, 1tlck, r • h, air, dean. $475. Phont ~2197 '&I RAMBLER Wagon; new eng. Xlnt cond. RAH. f cyL, stJck shlft. $650. fi46..T!S7 T·BIRD , lJa T-lll!Ul. ""1 ,..r A air. Imml<i oon<ll "15 Cllh. JIC.111111 ' . 1G, FULL PJIT, '.ar. Xlnt cood. Good -""' mes ~1 T-BIRD ..... ,..iilOllO. --·---· "'7-UllS •ti T·BlRD. J'ull powr a &lri Xlnt -· llOO· ' Call Ill I '"" -I DAILY PIIDI' WAN?~ • 9900 UMd C1no . ' .. ' • • ·' Pbl.Ot JUlll' want ad "'bttt $1695. ~lse.;J t!i!y u. 1ookq -OAtLY vnm dulifted 5C·S671 SOCK IT 'I\t 'EM! BRINGllll!ULTSI Jr.. .. !!11!!!1!!!!!!!!11!!!""" ................... , • . " ' . ' • \ , t, 'l J , .. ' t,· ': .. • . " ' ,. ' 1 -...... ~-..... -..... .....1 Fr iday, Fobnw-j 7, 19!.9 • ~ • t t ' j I ' ' RICHARQ PETTY WON THE "''500',. WITH 'A ·19~9 FORD ' TORINO IN HIS FIRST YEAR ·,AS ~ A FORD DRIVER!. PETTY CREDtTED THE 'CHANGE TO FORD FOR HIS WIN! . . t • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .• . • • • ' • • . . . • ·= . :· : . • . . . • : . 18 + Tx. & Lie:. White Walls Tires and Wheel Covers Optional •MMEDIATE DELIVERY! . ~]~·~· : •• .,1 ) ·::::. . . '• _,. I ·•"'' + Tx. & Lie: . MUST~NG 2-Door or -Ha~dtop . • l • • . . • • . . . :· • . =~ . . · :~: .•. ::: $ + Tx. & Lie: . BRAND NEW ' 1969 CLUB COUPE We have a huge selection of Must.artgs with optional equipment in stock feir immediate delivery. Still America'J No .. I selling sports car. Get your special Dunton deal tod1yl ORDER NOW .•. ~;~ i~. 48 MONTHS :::. RNANCING ~ AVAILABLE ~ FALCON 2-Door . 119 cor beMflt tit • ce"'poct cer GUARANTEED USED CARS PRICED BELOW "BLUE BOOK" ,• ~: 011 ....-M crfftt :.r ...... Celff. FalMlh•t ~IUC£S PLVS lAX ANO LICENSE E: H: E; rt: !< · price. hll foc:tory flllll,,.cl l11cllHI• I"' Mo...,., dtfro5tet, cottrtny llg hth11J, co'"pt.te set.ty fffturn. etc, l 9K1OU1117171 whltewar1 tires aM wltnt ca•m aptlall· al, h11f11Mlate Del...,.,. ~­g: 1968 T ·BIRDS '· ! .... .•. ~: ~- -2240 So. Main at Warner e Santa Ana $ New Cars '65 FORD . $1295 GALAXIE 500. 4 · Door, VS, autome!lc, POWer steering, radio, healer. Lk. OSL•1'. ' '6' PLYMOUTH $12·95 SPORl FURY, Conv, VS, ~uto .. R&H, !act. air, PS, b\lekU sef11. Llc.RVJ "°'· . '65 MUSTANG H.T. $995 '65 FORD Cust. 500 $695 . 6-Cyl., s!lck, rltdlo, lle&ter, 4 oaor. 6 cyl, sticJ<. shirt, wtllrewe!ls, rlntlKI QllSI. r•cllo, heater, I Licens• No. SFL •U. ' Llce<1se No. YCf' Jll. 1 VI, auto .. lee. elr, PS. '65 T·BIRD H.T. $1795 ' Pa. P·WlndOws. P·1..a11 'R&H. LOc. NO. ERYoo.;, '65 MUSTANG $1495 HAROlOP. VI, 1uto .. Itel. e lr. pwr. steer .. R&H. L ie. No. PJO "9, '67 CHEVROLET $18' 95 IMPALA. 2·0oof' HT. VI, •uh:I., R&H, p-1tr, tact. f ir, -· Lit. No: TSN f22, ' ' . . !I HAIU ISP4HOL "WHERE THE DEALS ARE !" I . " Open 8:30 A.M.·9 P.M. Mon.'-Frl •• Sat; lo 5 P.M. I • • 546 7070 Used Cars OPEN SUNDAY • 1 OaOO to 5a00 ~~?.,f.~~~~ .. ~300 $995 heeter, wtilte well llrots. Ucens• NO. VOS 264. ~.~~!T~~.~" $1495 P.S., radio, heeler. Lie. No. SQY 251. '64 T·llRD $149. 5' Vt. I ulo. R&H, PS, PB, D-wln., tee!. fir, w/w owr. '"~· Lit. No. HGP 64. • ----------~·--------~-----~--~---··-~-----._ • s • "' ... .-;~, ' .. . ' ' ~MERlt~'S 11QlllSl " tO!ftP~Cl • ' No. V\.21-~9£·121937 • 52~~ A i.nt11!lc uor It F • Ill fftlc q V11119. Sir, H.. '1214'0-t .... FREE 5 DAY TRIAL 'EXCIAN8E ·ON· ANY Of Tll£SE USED CARS PURCHASED THIS WHKEND ONLY '88 OLDS C111ut o,._ V.f, ·1"'°""'1t, ntllo & ....,.., ,._. llMr ..... ll9WW ..,_, llnllllf , ..... low mll-. 111.U •1. ~ •1695 • '81 llP~ ·Spl. Cpe. Y.f. Mlrll.tl<. ,.,_ & """"' ,...,, ......... !HOT a 1 •1095 '64 RAllllR Olualo Wai • ""· ...... le. ..... r ........., cer. CIU Ufl. •595 I 1 . • . ' USOLUltLY THE LIWEST1 PRllES • , • II ' ' . I , ALWAYS.. ATLAS IR• YDD TIE llES'F IUYI AT TIE GREATEST SAYlllS ••• JUDIE FOR ' ' . YOURSELF! 'll DART 218 2-dr. ~L '81 IERCURY COlllll 2'41r. ~t. l~ ~aml!k tr•,. rMl9, "-IW, "1f/IW •IMt'lnl. tlr ... fltloMfa, V ... avt.riwilk. rMlo, fleltlr, ,._. '"""*" _..,, IMJU 1'11, . ' .. ,. •1688 . 'll PLYMOUTH Ful'J Ill · ~ ift ~ V4 """"9tk. Mlt ........ -..... fldorY *• IT ), •1.895 . •1395 ' '&l llrALA Sports Cpe. , v ................ ,.........,.CW1t.•1. '685 CHRYSLER PLf/tf OIJTff IMPERIAL . '" ,, " ' ~~~~--~'-'--"-~"---'--~~-~-:.:...:..-.:.=.-...:~-~-~-·-·------'--.~·~~. ~....-~ ........ ~~·:;..;.;;;;.;..;.J.J • • ·I '· ·THEO~IE IOllllS FOii, OIARE CORTY'S ONLY SHELBY AMEllCAN DEALER, PIOUDL Y PRESENTS TH~ ALL-NEW SHELBY ' ' GT~• 1969! 1 TWICE AS EXCmNG AS · ANY l'ICTUREI IN OUR SHOWROOMS THIS ·.WEEKEND I fR1DAY· SATURDAY ·suNDAY . . . "91• Is Ille one you've ·~alted for! America'• mo .. ; e~cltln9, .UNCOMMON high performance sports earl ; ' . . With the Options You Wan~ It the Price You Want! \ . . FINAL CLEARANCE ',OF 1968 GT·3SQ's GT..SOO's NEW -Ex.C. C.ARS LESS T.H~N ' A DO~EN· LEFT GET RED HOT SAVlf!l<;S ON SPECl~LL E9UIPPED -· MUSTA.NGS *-FAIRL,ANES -*~GALA~IE SOO'S 'These 1111ique '69's were specially bullt ·to sciYe you money on tbe ~t ·wanted 1969 . extras! Come In, __ the amazillCJ ICIY!ngs -·re offering on s ii c h optional equip- ; menf !ms air' condltlalllnlJ,, E-28 whitewalls, vinyl rilah, deluxe whffl covers, tape AT \ · THE GREATEST- -SHELBY ·AMERICA 'DISCOUNTS ;:stripes,~ mMldlntl;,efe., efco i . I . · ·LIMITED·QU~NTITIES! HURRY WNILE THEY LAST! S~TWltft ~IAL ~~~=rii':'t:tl~ t. ...... , ..... , ..... lil'll!, •IMttw. n11~ -.. -or tfldt. $1 s:.: .$54 .. ':: FULL P Cl 30 Months '65 FOrd Gamle . '67_'DODGE .VAN ve, •tiltt .. Mtr" .......,. CYIZW) ~ drMn or tr..ie. $1495 '"" tAr '"'" PllCI ~ M_.. 6 to choo10 frorn. 2 doot oN 4 dow .,.odel'-H•rclt.p1 •nd Ulttl1•1. All wltti 1ir condltlonirtt •~d full pow1r. Some with 1t1reo t•p•1 '63 thrY '67 Mod1t1. IXAMPLI '65 T ·Bird Landau f11lly eq11!PP111f, •If cond., pow1r wlndowl &. sotla. 81111 Book prk:• UW. IOYG j21) 20,.._ ~ a A Door ........ 'W. .U..-..C.. ractla. •te:r, , ,,_... ilWIM. (YIJDJ,'"i~ .,_ Ir lr•O.. llue ---------• IOllc ,,-a SIDS. -, down-... 1rac11. · 51395:~ $48:::..::. : $995 .. ~~. \ \$35 ~.::. ~ '64 Chevrolet ~libu Wag. .ltlllla, .... tlw;,..,..... iftitl'llle. (OMJ 7t!l. 211% down w h..... ' $89. 5 FULL s··')2 ho JO PllCI ~ Mo"'911 -MUST ANG SALE' · II t. clioo_. frorn. "6" i' 1'1~ cyli11der1, 4 1p11d1, •11+01r1•fic. Sorrit with po- 1t11rl119 •nd •it condttio11i~. I t6S th111 lt67 mod•ls, co11 ... .rtibl11, \co11p11, 11t4 2 + 2 f•1tb•ck$. IXAMPLI 19'5 MUSTAN~ H•rdtop Cou,.. F111ly •quipped IWXS· 3951 .20 % 4ow11 or tr•d•. $895 FULL $31 ... IO PllCI .._.. '68 CORVETTE • .,..., 9"Cl•I whoil1, MW Wide DVlll, 2 fopt, 16,000 , mllel, 1tctlc wtille wttli bllck lrth!rlor, paww wl,.,,..,1, ,6 THUNDERBIRD -ncff, •Ir condltlonlftll. tVZWI071 20 ,.._ dOWn W 4 tT.O.. . . . 544-,5~~::rs121 :.-..: :$1295#;'"" $45 ~j '6 7 Ford Custom 'TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW-PAY LATER EASY FINANCING AVAILABLE '65 ~THUNPERllRD FOii ,._, ~ •Ir. CHl'ClnJ, ... .,.,., or trldt. $1595:~~ $61 z.:: . '64 Chevrolet Sedan l.NdM. Air c;ondlttonl111. (OXD "Jl 20'!I. down or tr1dt. $595 :~~. $27 =:.: . ' IN ,OUR--HISTORY! '66 .YolisWiiCJiin · F~n~eciu,'"'9d-CSLW 614) .,. ...,... or ~ '$1195~· 541:-.;:.· ' '67 Ambassador 990 H.:r. · Low ml!NDt, fllll l'OWW, •Ir COltdltlonl119. (Ul!!X Ga) M do1wn or trllde. f1 89S~~'i. '64" Mere. Wap 10 Pass. C........ l'.t. P'l/ll -· •tr, IJIY m1. M clown w tTecle. .• $l095~~. '6j Mercury CoL Park W19'r11 ' hn. P'Ull powtr, l lr cand. IVOf 1521 2"l' dDWTI.. ........ • $795 ·.~~. $33 ~.::. .'64 FORD SALE 11 TO CHOOSE FROM 1 Doon. 4 Doon. S•n1, tt.~1, Converrtlbr.. 11'(19ont, -wltlt •Ir •ltd ......,. 11Mrllll'. EXAMPLE: ''4 FOlD &Al.AXIi 5ct0 4 DOOR V .. , •U'loml!k:. fully ttllllf!Pld, (TWR '31). "" llDwfl or trlde. $695 Full Price. $23 per 30 mos. USED CAR SALE ·PRl~ES EFFECTIVE 72 HOURS UNLESS PREVIOUSLY SOLD. ALL PAYMENTS FIGURED OH APPltOVEJ;I CREDIT I AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! t,r<!;1 ENGLISH FORD CLQRANCE. OAANM cOuNTY'S· LAiii EST · INYINTOl'f. HOW AT ••• ~-YOU Will LOVE! o~~A·t;;oi- , I GT 2 •. 11 DOOR ···IED~S •TATION WAGONS IN YOUR CHOIC~ OF 4 SPD. or AUTO. TL\NS. SAVE TODAY! • ·e 111 MILES Pllt HOUlt en MILES PEit.GALLON ' e DllC IRAKll e ,U .. L 5 PASS. llZE e I te 61 IN 12.1 SECONDS e LUXURY QUALITY IOTH INllDI AND OUT • SPORT CAR FAMILY CAR .IUDGIT CAR I \