HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-08 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa--.-....,....-:--·~, . .,.._ .. ,- ,. - ears.~ . •• ,JD 1 • ~· ~ '! I I : a .. : . " "' ..... -. . , . I ' ' ·" .. D.r,~nnred·· :· Jf..r , '.tLe: ~-· r,~. . . .''' r.~,_. . .~ ( Wol'st ' .... ' ... Crews Ram 'Mud' . . DoWll Hole, Hope To Contain Flow .. On~y.:BY. .Aijr -Does Oil }, ' . ' ' ." ' • t ' ' r SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -The Union Oil (4 ,dolmmed twi• ol congealing umud"· down its runaway ofCshore well todaf , ooPmi. to stifle the ~amagini, leakage of oil .tnto the ·ianta Barbara c:twmeJ. Company presldant Fred . L.· Hartley Aid there wi:s a "'15 :Percent ·chlnce'• the well would be eealed before dawn, Orang• County'• Off.Shore Riga: Special Story Paga 3 $how ·SiniJ;ter _Attack · .• I . ' ' ' • . . . ' .... 1 ' .. . ~ I:. * * .. -· . Shaw ' . I ' . ' . -. -'- *'* * , .. I •I ' • r ., " . . .:. ·' .. ~ --- •,,..:·• lL' .J-: .-.;·;;.· ·J:...i ·i,,,, .... '- '. 11•1 ••. i ,. .... , •I * ··*·*· ' ' ) : L ' • i ! ,.,, ,.., -' . . . ' . . Accuser · Jo·It.ed l; ' '. . ''. I. r ~ :...&~ ........... ins P'AOi-JUDellD·-lli:t', • • E"!Orliil>'I~ ..,.._' . ' 1.1o11.YPUP• s SatlNq, ,..., •• ltff Allen ·certain to Ask County .Banning of Oil mUJI keep H that way .. God forbid tbat we abould e.ver hive to undergo what u.. people of Santa Barbara ""' going through." . . CUmDI legislation bara U.. .ara from tbe Slota AM lllTer to u.. San Diego bqanllory to -ciJ esploratlon but Alim bas lean lot the polli!>Wty of the federal gvva.-it opening the ..... floor beyond the tJiree.mile Umit to ciJ prober&. "'lbal would bring In the llate to dr1ll within the three-?J'l_Ue limiL" he said. "They'd be alnld ol the basin belnl drained Ind lhey'd move to protect themselves." ' ''What I'm after ls the cop:i:plete and utter proted1on ol our county. waters from all such agencies and exploratlon," Allen said. ult m1y well be tbat we w<Olll! ~ our resolu~ cm ~ aimllar --~-by LaaAngelel U ,.. ... liurned up al t11e _, CooDly I've oeot lot a copy ol •c'R#.:1' HERE TO. STAY'· .. ~ ~ L1. Gen. Herahoy wrought by the glaol oil lllck, then their --.. ,...,. Invited . to a can! burning _ Allen said be will pencnally brief H sh S 1 llniml Oil Co. cndit-l>un>lnl. bis fellow supentsors on bJa observations er ey . ays The llMtaliOn i. "from MrL JOlll dudnc an amaJ aurvey of Uie stricken · Kildlena. o Ne'"""" Beach boulewi!e area. Dr £ Will S .. ,..... . "I'm sure they'll back me In my t f r!°. ~.:r:, u:. irt!Uc-~ :"!-~::. i:.-.. :l~~~ hi~~~ . 3: . ;,iy to Hoag Memorial, llolp!tal, Newpori .. - Beacb, overlooking Pldllc Coaot of 8oathem C&Ufcnla Ind II may wall For Long Tun· e · Highway Ind lhe aborellne. be the me1n1 of our proven~ 8UCh . Mn. Kitchen's. U1 Tustin Ave.., tJ an occurrence in our own waters. . . . . . ~ . -----ihe-i>rganlm anatid<lol a COIF -Supervilor.AIJenbumucb.a.poliUCWI-~ with a VJIOI' tbal bell .. ·llis servationlll group called &be New Harbor as any ether county supervisor. 75 iears, Selective !ervice ..Director I ~ I Friends o1 Iha Sbon Birdl. But be cut politics asldeFrtdly witb · Lewii B. Hmhey said FrldaY there The group .,.. formed oo1y tJiJs -one burtfelt common!: will be a military draft "u long ao afler llbe and her fr1m!1 learned of "It mull never bappen qaln." the .,..,15 of tbJa world dlctato I~ oot lhl ltak from the Union Oil well Jn * * * because of any law th.at might be pas-tbe Sata Barblra Olennel aed." "We're lnvH!ng people wbo -Union County Making Lt. Gen. Henhei spoke at. Disneyland Oil credit cards aDd who feel ouln&ed luncheon meeting of the Friday Friars, at the deltructlon " blrdl IDd mailne an ora;aniza.Uoo of Catholic laymen. :i,b~ ~ ~~"°J:~.:~ No Plans Yet r:1'J.. ~1"!;:.,.~ ~ eJplained. "We want t.o let Uoioo. OU surphis Ulei'I .re·.~ re~ou. U ~ -.... ·no1 ....... to ,__ '"'Ir vor oo· Slick pl·"·~ l'l"J l\ln! ...... would be , .... r ~~and 'to let ... ddi(J.-;t., _r , re~b be iald~l1kun,;"''tbe 'draft are CODO!IDed aboal the damqe know is nothing new. Even the colonJe.s bad !bat Ibey may join us In a boycott. Oraop Coonty Harbor offlclall today compullioo Ind there were dissenters '"lbe burnln& will 'allo pot the other were maintalnlnc a cloae watch on t h e even then." oil cmnpanlei · on notice lbal tbOy , too 1,000 oquare mlla oil sllcl; oJowly churn· "Rebellious youth b nothing new. would be facing a boycott if it were Ing Ila way IOUlh, but have no plans how Today's kids are not mtusual," Hetshey tbeir wen that was responsible." for immediate defense of the harbors and stated. "What's wrone with cur kid&? MrL K1lcbem added !bat lhe long-lerm beachu. The generaUon full ahead of them." alin of the group ii t.o get a bfin "No, we haven't made any plans. It's Henhey noted that IOllle branches of on drlllJng ID both tbe Santa Barbara eo far off tbal the Ont It could get here the oervlce could bout of all volllnteen. and Catalina cbanneJs would be IOIDttime next week," Harbor "They got aur noUce that they were M~ of· the .conservatlonlat grwp Patzol s,t. Harry Wright said lhia mom-IA and so they became immediate plan to dlstrtbu1e bu111J pr In te d Ing. · voluntem." bandbllll todly ln!otmlng Harbor Area "We couldn, f!1Pec1 H down here be- -ol Sunday's burning and Jnvttlng fore oat --probeblJ' un1a1 we -to late put. Tbey'JJ m.., lbe ba .... ·-Nill at doonray1 and atlcl; -in ve • -. ~ or aometblng," Wright car wlnilon. said. Mn. K--lht -from Wtell reports pol tbe sUct off Omm1 the _.._..._ ol the New Harbor pnoraIIJ' wtlh ....,. IClllered 'globs u --. far IOUtb u Mallbu. Friends of the. l!bore Blnla tbal "at Loi An&eles County clnled to combat 1eoo1 a dolen" -1e wtll tum ID the~ tbe giant ocean oJ1ck now tOOcblng San. cards Sunday. ta Barbara al)d Venlnra but offlctals Reds Accuse Reagan Of "Facist Measures" HONK KONG (UPI) -China accuaed CalH""1& Gw. Ronald Reacu Friday ol trying to 111-the "~ve wave of student ltrqgle" In the state's colle,es with "fucllt meuurea." 'nle 1CC11AUon C1D11 1D a brief com-mentary on Beapn.'1 proctam.ucm of. a date o1. .. ememe snerpaey" at the Unlven!ty ol C&Ulcnla ID Berbley. DAILY PILOT . .....,.,. .... " .............. ---·----c:A-A 011.r.1<1Ge: COMT PUIUIMINCJ CIJ##AM'I ' ll.1~ N, W1t4 l'rn/4-t .... ~ J .. ,1i 11.. c-1.., Yk:t f'rui.t ,,. °"""'"' Mt1119"' n-•• r: ... 1t .... Tli'"''' A. M••,Jii~• #9,...,... l"tlll:o' ,,,, ,.n ..... _, .... ...... ' there Aid wtDds appeared. too weak to move JI· u far aoutb u Los Angelel. Straw b belni ID8!IOd at thotle beaches to soak up oil U H hi!&, T. E. Durkee, aulatant ,chief adminlstraUve officer said. "Thil b obviously a big potential dis· aster and that's the way we're playing Jt," Durkee aaJd. Meanwhile, the Los An&eles -county counsel'• offtce tent a "strongly word- ed" letter to tbe Union Oil Co .. eaylng the coonty plans to bold the firm , .. 1ponslble !or uy damage caused by the black flooU., crude. * * * Ft'OM Page J OIL SLICK •.. thronged with sun and sea worshippers er. now lnundatod, in varyin( del!m', by a layer ol fool, doylng oil. · And, 11111 . wriler Is assured by u.,.. who have visited the rapidly growing disaster area, those beaches are the fmal resting pl_aces cf thousands of vie· Ums of lhia .. tasllophe -dead Ind dying birds Ind Olh, all bllck<rled Ind befouled by lhe awlrllng eddies of oil that surrounded many colonies of birds that we saw from the air. TbOle wbo aieek" to mi.nUidze the awful toll u..t b , bein8 !attn In lllelo troubled waten will till you iblt·the blrda hive ............ to aTI>ld lhe drl!Uni eddies ol aude oil Poriiapa they bave. But 8"'11 -·-will lell 70U that birds have no control over sudden chqel GI wlbl ·Ind cumnt !bat i:an nn a bird's !eathen with c1ogln( oil before H <111 rilo Imm tbe-. Fish have no auch deftnle. Sboels ol Nacn.M, otlnklng' IJlh along the . Santa Bal1>ara coUtUoe I'll' mule testiJno1Qo to their lnaNUty to ovoid hui• paldla ol ol! th.at d"'3' Ulom the 011g•n and rnlcnlCplc oea life tuenUll to tbtm. -: . otL Ill IDOl!nrml ""'""' _., obvious U WI flaw ..... Omml and Point M\1111. -lill'rltible. It ...Old ...., ln- conCelnbk tbal Los Anplal can ovoid U.. blacl: death lbat i. -Ill Ventura watn. Ami 'ft all lald • common thoucbt ea ,.. wlopd IOUlb: "Wbll about Orange County?" -. Newport Yacht Top Contender In Florida Race ST. PETERSBURG, .Fla. (AP) -A reeord fleet of 78 yacbtl were rudled Friday !or the 403-mlle St. Pelersburg to Fort Lauderdale race, generally re- garded as the hardest race on the South- ern ~an Racing OJnference schedule. The race starts at noon Saturday. Weathermen predicted winds 15 to 25 miles per hour and small craft warnings may be up when the boats leave in four separate groups. The small boats wUl start first, U1l1le other classes will start 15 minute! apart with the largest boats going lasL The race will be the nm 'teal test for Atlanta yachllman Ted Turner'• Amer· ican Eagle, the 12-met.er craft that con- tended r..-the defender'• roln ln the America'• Olp. Jim Kllro)''• Kloloo II from Loll Angeles ia another well regard- ed boat whlle many like· the New Qua· lion, owned by John Potter of Oyster Boy, N.Y. Anson Weeks Dies, Stilling Another Big Band SACRAMENTO, eam. (AP) -In the big dsoce bind era. "DIDcln' with Arr IOll" WU a byword. The AlllOll w .. u bind =.moot ol the COW\Uy'I biggest ' and hoteli, from the WoldOff Altorta ID New York to the Cocoaout Grove In Los At/- ".!:.,, bind llumnl • Wbo WSlt Oo to fame on tbeir mm ~ Bob Crolbf, Xavier Oii•~ Tony Martin and eGors• Liberace. Weill, a natlve ol OOllDd, died Fr~ day. He hlld -In folllng J 1ealth In recant yws but II 71 contlDued to Jeocl hl1 baod u i.i. u lut week at the Sa<rameoto 1M. Death wu aUrlbul!d to emJ>1>7Mno, from which he bad IUl!erod. !or IS years. Hll band'• fint appearance wu In Sa<ramento In 1113. A 1• eopcammt at tbe Hotal l\lark Hopkins In SID Fr.,,. dtco pusbed Iha band Into u.. lroat ranks. Nixon·. fakes ~· · Live:~in· R enamed , . . . . Working Rest • , it's Now 'Writing Center' . . . ~ UC JrviJ\e atudeoll 1oc1iy At Biscayne ccmlinUed j,o ''~" tbe' 1!'.urll•h ,, .............. Department lounge 1mmrn u the Wril!ng KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP -Pr<,. Center. • ident Nllon ~ed down ln bllmy Florlda A 1keleton ...., ol 20 students "" loday w I t b bis two key foreign policy aigned up to conttoue living ID through advisers for a weekend dm>ted mainly the wOetencl In pmest over lhe dJamilla1 to plaonfng hls IWiiia1lon European oltwo-111lllanl 'Jll'olean and the polo!· trip. · ble·dlanluaJ of a third. The President came to hi& vacation • Sllidlms Jr ... ......,;tbe Uv .. ln Wed· relre1t hoping some of the ---., llf1enQa •Ii>'·~ the ,flrtng with Sectttary ol State W!Wam P. R<lc· ol two-..... llDI BnlJiih proleAors ers Ind ...,urlty advilor llenfJ A..K!I-.....,_ tbe ~ "Tbe People's linger could be beld out ctoin J1~e Wijtl!>I C...ler."·' r ·\be ocean. /· · ~ • · ', ~ J!OW ~.they ba.ve expropriated Leaving Mr~ Nlsoo to Walblngtm. the • It,· rather thin simply occupying it, President Dew to Key B~ Ftjday became tbey don't plan to a;ive it up. aller a busy of!iclll day "1ing' wbkb ~I be met with the Ca&lnet, toured t1ie Com· M S b J'c }£ merce Department, conducted ..... :..,.. an ta s t0e emonia1 busireu and met '!lib Roy,WJII<. · fol, eucuUve secretary of the NAACP. A BOME ·PiwsE · , , f~r Sent~nce ·-bad ooma pnllo for~ bat · ' , Ibo uld he tj>ouc1i1 t1io ~ diufd . LOS AI!GELES (UPI) -A 21-year-old m.,. Issler 0. aqme ra&l pr<iblOms. man wbo pleaded , l1Jllly , to tnvoluntaey · If mrreat •llDIDJ ~ Preftlllt ~ lt man!la11,tittr ba the did of his W l f e 11 llkeJy the trio Will ti!iuln al lbe stabbed b1mse11 todll)' anh a judge ,... PmidenllaJ retreat until Monday after. tenced bim to jirbon. I · ..... . · -.,. Malcolm DennJs Cbamliera pulled a ;:>. I d e a said N!ion Wiiold)be l!millng letter -!rolm bis lllilrtaleeve a n d much of his time. to Jirepatllion for the Plungoc! H 'Into bis cbosi .,.... .. u. after ~an tour that begiM two weeks Superior Court Judg~,,OJ.illes H. Wopd- lrom SUnday. He-ml!'!I brief blmsell lor manaee 1tnlenced him to• a one to 15 h ,_._ ol · -' -..1 year term. '' ' eac lfop .on po~~ --·~·PC> He,...· In -~OWi "'1" Jn ;~ -'-tenUal _.., ol !rictlon ll<tween tbe ~· C011C11110!1 •~ r• United Statea Ind the gavernm-eon Wml ·_, County.USC Medical Conter. whole leaden he will be ineetlng. Hb · The lnddall occurred three n-s be- lrip will take bim to Belgium; England, low a Hill of Juatlce courtroom wbere an West Germany Italy and France, ID Iba! ·accuaed murderer wu sbot In the b •ck order. ' · 'I'burldaJ by the ~·· lrotber. Together with Hogen and Klalnger, ; . ''We're «oliiC to pay lt,oft' with revolu- tionarJ boodl on a »1ear tease," aald senior Glen Pritzker. A test of wbether the Writing C.nler bu been expropriaUd could come Moo. day. A cl111 b acbeduled to be held there at 2 p.m. Ho\if!ver, cluaes have been naujgned by the EngllJb Deplrlo meol .. ...rai dmea lhia week. Clw>c<llor Daniil Aldrich 11)'1 be bas lelt It up to the faculty · to mike thO delermlnatloQ wbetber their programa art being obotructecJ. He said under university policy In- dividuals have a ri&ht to demonatrate and dramatize their conctm U long as lbey don't damage property or obstruct the orderly processes of the un!versity. The demonstrators esLi,mate that 300 different students,have'Y'ved·in at some time since the . protest began. They say"- piey bave p8'8ed out 900 "K-B-S" lipel tao -the letter> the lut name !nfttals of Ge«p Kent. Donald Br11111111 Ind Stephen Sbapiro. Asa.lstant prQfessors ()f English BrlJJ\o nso Ind Shapiro bave been fired.. Kent, usistant professor of tilst.ory, tw been recommended by senior members of the history faculty for dismi.ssal Some of the "K-B-S" tags are being worn by members of a new campus group, "Moderate Students for Kent, Brannan and Shapiro," which la DOt living ln. The live-in students say they are pt. ting away with violating two dlrectivet 1uppooedly U.ued by Clwicellor Aldric!> -cookln( In the Writing Center and brlllilnC oleeping gear In afler 10 p.m. · the new chle! executive Ibo wu k"lt' Frotlt Page 1 Ing In dole touch with efforts to pav' .. . the way for !our-power. lalb 11 tl1e . HEA' RI NG United Nations bopelully aimed II pro-• , , motlng ja ~-Ji;ul·~ '"'°!< f .-' . I ,. got -11mridat-~lltn ,~ ,,/iinnoceDt u the cou~ irsl ........... -Sbofet ,....._-... ... tilitber · Jn t1ii! W tatei'lri!~i!'-· <.:7<---~· A fUU.Cale pow wo'it allo would .. 1 =he's innocent. They have put mvolve Brillin and France. lnoocent men in jail before -even DEVOTE DAY1"' convicted them -aDd I.ter faund out AddlUonallf,.'YfJJon Rf'OR\l.sed to de-~were not ~·"'ahe said. vote mOlt cf cm~ day durinl bis Paria We will see, she added. stay to the Vieblam peaCt talU, and It Defeme attorney L)(lyd N o ck e r wu jbougbl Ukety that lhia 111bject also repeatedly attempted to clolm Silnei would be a major concern here of the had not been ~ly , adviaed of his Presiden~ Roprs Ind Kissinger. . coOIUtutlonol rights al bJI Jan. I! amat, 0n the !Ugbt from Wubin(ton the but wu over-ruled by the judge eaob President told a small group ()f new... tlme. · men aboard, "I feel floe.'' Drugs .entered ~ picture fer the rirst Nixon Mid he'd been swtmmlng only time Filday, u teatlmooy lndlcated twtco In the Whlto H..,,_. pool near his ~~=-~:t ::th.blgh 00 lhe nlgbl office and, in rather wistful tones, d& Pollce believe the murder suspecb cl~leddon: ,1 ~-U I'll ,,. 1 stole a car for a joyride IDd were , &lll.rft' .1111.e a poo • : • involved In a colllllon with Mn:. Markee maybe we~. have to come to Flonda at l7tb Ind Main streets, resul:Ung tn more .often. a confrontation pne block away. Durtng Uie Florida stay, Nixon. ls ex-However, it wU1 be up to the pro- pected to ann0W1Ce more directives to secuUou to reconstruct just what hap-~eads of de~ent.s ~ agencies, ask-pened and involving whom, to the mg for reviews or studies on a broad satisfaction of a judge and, or, jury. range of subjects fro~ the mllltary draft Originally, the stolen car smeared with to the superlOllic airliner. Mrs. Markee'• blood and paint from UCI Police Ban On Guns Asked UC Irvine facu1ty members have voted to request lhrough thelr chancellor that campus police be prohlbiled trom car4 . ryina sidearms. A1I b\lt one of a acant 40 faculty members prese.ot for a 11runday Acade~ Senate meeUng voted for the gun a!:n.. Daniel Aldrich Jr. sai~ he will now carry the request to Unlvmtty of Ca!Homla President Charlel mtch. AJarlch said he will bave to uk !or an esc:option·lrom the general unlvmlty pollcy. her own vehicle was found abandoned eight blocks away from the murder scene and ils owner quickly run down by a record chec:k. Former Lompoc waitress . ~I i s s Mara:areta Dinger, 39, wu determined to be living at 2602 Delaware St., Hun- tington Beach, where she and a friend, Norman Coatney, 41, of 12581 Foster Road, Los Alamitos, wen: arrested Jan. 13. They wqe later cleared. Police sought add!Uooal leads In the .. .. g. lllayin(. A cab driver came farth to tell of picking up a bloodied man in the area of the SUnday munfer, wbo told of being in 1 fight Ind uked to be dropped olf at a Clay Sir<et addresl. The plcl;up WU at Elgbth Stieet and Olive Avenue. Jloier W. Dehne, 3Z3 Eighth Sl, near the opot where lhe cob driver met the Old Replues New I I , I farejOlold \the' court Fridly ol •• ·=~·~~.1-'lfU bloodltafnod; ~ !" told, ol belni In a fi'1lt and wantllic to WUb up before going home. "I washed the blood off the pants for Heqry .•• "Dehne began. . Judge Charamza at that p:>lnt ,cut abort !be ~ lllCI warned Delllie lhlt po hid the right to ssy nothing wbicll might bier incriminate bim. "TO my knowledge, be WU involved In oo crime Ind the people certainly have no lntenUon of charging him with uy." replied Deputy Dl..trict Attorney, John Kronln. QintlDulng with the hearing, Denbo made the diaclosurt that Sianez carried a boWe containing 15 seconaI pllil, or "Reds," in his 1birt pocket on the Sundaf night in question. Nocker pressed On with a line ol questioning concerning S i an e z • ap- pearance and condition, in light of the barbiturate tablet possession related by Dehne. "He was loaded," Dehne said. "What do you mean by loaded?" Nocker asked . "On drugs," Dehne answered. "The witness is not an expert ~ to who is under the influence of drugs," said prosecutor Kronin, registering an objection. · Shifting his approach, Nocker then aslc· ed how Dehne knew Slaoez was high. "By bis blabbering an4 bragging about the fight he was in," the witness tesUfied. "How loaded or high wu be?," Nacter conUnued. "About passed out," was the reply, Kronin objected again and Nocket WU forced to be more vague in bis punui~ of lhe drug ugle, but not be!on! Kroaln ac:ou..ed bim of leading lhe wt-. . Trying to give the accused a deltn11 ()f intolicaUon f 0 r first degree lnurder was another charge Kronln leveled agsinlt Nock er during the burlng. Modem abstract art II no longer welcome in the Whitt House. Amelictn artist Paul Jenkins' aJ>. stracUOll (left) bung for three years at the bead or a a1alrcase in the west wing ol Iii• ExecuUve Man· aton. It bas been replaced bT "The Conllilentall" painted by Frank B. MIJl•r In 1875. ., ) • • - ' . . , ometo• ' EDITION nauyPai-er ' ' ' ' " ., " SATURDAY FEt•UARY t, (969 i j 1 I l ' TEN~ •• .. • • . . ' . . Oil · StellCh· · Sickeriillg · Puring ~ I • J I • AeriB:I ' Trip By TOM BARLEY Baibara okml ·111 mllea 'of" lharelioO Of ., Delb' ...... ..... bl Qznard, oo, ml1lioml ' a1 p11oas of o11; -iii& · Oji. n 111>ow1 . "l' ...! au1 an acrid, from the ocean floor and lmpoolog a dloklilg aleacb thal loade • lhll writer ~. sulleo placidity on 1 sea Qiat drop, his camera and llgb~ \o bold 11ack WuilJd normally have rippled and sparlll: tl10 retCbmg. It 'llDod our ilicrafl with ed in bilghl Fe~ MIDlighl. · an odor that nladO the foolr al us·.-., • OIL The undoubttd ruler of a 1,000-to, cbaoge ·-cJolhes· and take a. long, sQuare-mile area in which the Mocking bot bath when we pt home. toll of qiarine and bird life will ·never We .bad looted ~ a\ the -linl naJJy be known. Today it baa a crushing, patches of oil u we new oJoog the lli•kinc;strlllg!ebold from north al Santa C083iline. We,bad ,poin!od 'aut 'to each .. • other the blackeoed bead>ea al Rincon Poinl and Carpinteria and the oil-fouled Santa '~a barf>or."' • I And"we •Japstfd lnjo"toW 'silence as we new low over the palhetlc attempts of amall cr)lft. to. «!"lain Ille cteeping oil by dunjplng --of bales ol straw into Santa Baibara Channel. What Ibex """ d<>li!g wu .• ~ drop in tlle bucket • toWariLs the solution of a c&laitropbe thet ' cao ·only be . viewed in'll! borrible linrnenSity from the air. . ' .. BULLDOZER RAISES SAND ·BARR!ER!-!iAIN~ OIL AT'Ip!'\A'llACH Loa Antolos County ,Hopofyl, t~! "'"I!" :Ta.~!!!'!• l!_ravent•DIHotel' ; • ' ( ')'I ., ' ' ' ' .. .~. ~~_:.T~bQne.; TV Sqtellite ln P&cifie Orbit CAPE.JtENNEDY, Fla. 1AP -A new Cllllllllel'Ola· conuiumleatipu .atenti. ouccesafully llOllled,.., tlalion blp. over Ille Padl!c Fricll! -Ill pom~.to _. than double telephone and ~.., linb betw,.. the Uni1ed. S1a1oo main-land. Hawaii, Australia and_ ~ na· llou beginning Marcb 3. ·w tt h a :rr-secood firing of a space-cra.tt motor, the new $6 mlllioa aattl· Ute -designated ·pacific s -lbllted out of a loopinj orbit at 4,59 p.m. PST Into a circulai' path 22,300 miles Ot'er the Gilbert 1'1and.s. Al that alli-, P .. cHic 3'.a speed matches the earth'• ro- taion so the aatelllte re:lialnl Jn ·a _.,Jogly stationary pooltl<n. "It was a normll. bum. ·on time. 'l'be orbit Joob good," a ipolielman ftl< tho Communication SlleWte C«]!. ~ uid 20 minutes after ihe maneuver J>Orlonned. COMSAT Corp. ls the tnanall!''ftll''lllf. H-natioo Internatiooal Telecommulilol- tlonl satellite Ccmortium (INTEl.BATJ owner of Pacific 3. . The apok""""' said the licnal that triggered · the craft's SfO.pound thrwt motor was sent from a tractlng ttation al Paumalu, Hawaii. • a period of leltinI,. the m- poond craft ii to gc. Into lull operation Marcb S. Launched Wedneod&Y,' the sate. Wt< can haadle l,IJOI two-way telephone OJDftl'.a&tions er four televl&loo. pro; lfllllll. . Two amalle< c«nmercial swilcbboard 11\ellitel nc1w over .. the Pacific have a IDtal al on1f 480 circui11. One al !ht two craft will shut clown ~ ifler Pacltk: s ii operatin( propelly, and the other will be pbated . ..i 111' ..... a1 montba until trafflc --)le. )UICi Pacific S's capaclty. Tbe new craft Is the" -ID a loar-oitellll< oerles intended ID form a pml commercial communfcatiollt 11111-ic. One aat<Ulte Is already ln poollloa - the Al!antic and the nm Is to bo Jauncb. e<1 over the Atlantic 1a ..\prll. fta 11111 will be placed ..... the ~ -lata' lhll yeor. B..4.CHEWRHOOD A.NOTHER W ..4¥ Divorce '•-samuet ~ te1la !>ow to ._.. .. __ • from tho -tldo 1n today'• load ...., ln family WeelllJ. •. COlaclderaDy. 1m111e FllllAI' w .. 111y In today'a DAILY PILOI', i.., cumnl -al TV WEEK feotllrel Hugh Hefner. the national Pl&Yboy. In the debut al hit. "Playboy Alter Dark" TV oerles. P'-""'1 could IUrnlsb Olll -to wU:t lit do until the '1dif<ll'Ce doctor" .,._ ! ., Death Suspect -Tearfu~ ·Trembling, Court: Told · Tears wellinl In hil eys at the men- Uon of a Huntlqi,ton Jqcb grancJmotber slubed to de&iii ·;.\;a · dart '.atr.eet - and trembling baD<li -: evidently led to the arrest" of one o( tiril men charged in the brutal murder· cif Mrs. Hester s. 11ar11.e, The .. feleactctio>i' n1111:5 under queitloping of a.my. L. ~ .15, were l!>ld Frid&Y. u !!Jmlinglm, Beacb Pllb Sgt. Hobert -Wlil!ed· ID Wat.llr.lllf' County . ' Seciliity ·Officer ~des Pueblo De.8trnct ·Claims CQRONAIJO (UPI) -A·Navy ·aecur- lty expert baa Implied that -al the ·uss. Pueblo uaoc1 ~ Dlj!tbods to destroy valuallle aecret popen be- fore the ship wu captured. · . Capt.' joiuJ' Wlll!aDia.'teitifll<I: Friday the material abioard the'~ ,cdl!li have beeo destrojlecl In "1.bour;,d.eiplt,e the absence of · lfOllhls!lcated -destnicuon devices. He ~ the' Putbk>'1' staff 'hid two hoiirs to do thO Jo&. · · · WllliamJ, a member al t.b e llOCUrity ataff al the allel al Naval ~. testified Jl'riclaJ ,,.,_ a Novy court al lnqulrJ lnto the Puoblo'a c:aplure by Norlb lloru Jan. II, 1*. Tbe lnqulry rec1111d. for the weekend, rw' Monday. • Hi luwstod 11 aD .... failod'thO cJu. -doc....U --been plao-ed la -~-with .fllel. and .. . "I -not pr ........ -..,,.,. Wllliamo nplled lo .,...i , .. ·"I WU pr-"'C a a.. that -be -lllthe-Tbotradtll•lllliall-~ qalmt ""' ...... --Is~··· • -llllmated tlleJo .... ,, ... ponndll cl ....-111e 4"'•111-... Iha Pueblo but la a· later cloaed -,.. -tho llaun downward ID • ptlli>dl. The Puel>lo'• llilpper, c..dr. Lloyd Buc1i1r, ¥C1 tbe bud GI the .r 111 rrdl -. Lt. Sl<!lben lllrrll, had tall!lod eorUor II wwld ha" !Ua' fsr-.- tlme lor--. Harrla, at ..,. point, -,.w alne·ar 10 houri would have been requllod by the method be WU IJllnl. lie tore lfOCll aul <If the docll!nent boob --by ..,. and~ -la-aotlfi,ftn metal waste -111. 'l ' Judicial District Courl . The prdiininaey beariog fpr the ao- cuaed tlllen: of Mrs. Markee, ~. luted untfl 'S::IO «p.m.; when• it•• con~ unW ne<I .Friday. by :Judi•· Walter Charamia. . sliiiez, of JU Clay st .. _.,Edward R. Hargrave, .11, of 17J92 ·Martea.11.t1ae; both · Huntington Beaclr add:r-•11, ..., cbirged with murder~ .auto: .. l:beft. ~ _.....al a 1a.wed<>fl alt>IAuln the case 11urrou11dln1!' the . ar&Y-bill'ed receptionist's Jan. 12 death. =v=~~·=~ Friday's bearing 4 wlille) the red-haired Hargrave, represented by a public defender, Waitetl. . Sgt. Rlnebart · told '<JI Slanezr meat during Friday's ~. beld behind cooirtroOiri·r-. dooed<·to a11 bilt •Jn. tesies, famlllea 'al the deleodant. and "nrirlinen. ' . Ll.sl<n)l!g In Sgt. Rinebarl on the stand, Slanei' youog wife 'sboot her head ' . .negaUvely.. She Ill beside the cillleld roustabout's whlJe.balred mother, w)lo .later told : l'OpOl'lerS · sjle believes lier ""' to be (See.HEAJllNG, Pagel) ' . But nothlog we .. ,. In this bule arena blubh-black and throWID; off a heavy, of'oll aioi!i Ila beaches and roct"Y J;;;. ol tragedy hit U1 quite ao hard u cbokfnl ateocb that aeot us up to wbero montorles, altbouch we -- the picturo we got from flying low the air wu fresh 111!1 clean. poOls al the foul liudp ., we beaded over the Union Oil Co. rl& that apawned We Dew lroill tho rte to AnaciJ}:: back -the coaL · : this dlaaster. 0 My God, loot at that," Island,,~wbaf.trqpact0tbe . AiiDpaadiuMTed.AnCfweprayed breathed the .hushed Supervisor Alina Uon bad bad upcm the wild Ule preserve tllai fl woold Illy that ""1· · Allen u we watebed -al pllons and despalrlnc al !ta aafety 11 the oll-Bui Summerland,' Rincon, Carpinl<ria of foal, polluting oil apewlq --covered nlen tlid by beneath ua. and moot al the beaches from Bmta fromtheboillqsurfaceofthesea. But the laland;' the 'bOvim al seall Bullanr to :lhll -:olf y-·a ~ sea around the oil derrick looked and many of California'• Colorful sea ~ . ..--are -...co1 Iha llOlfd enough to walk 1111. Flom 100 feel bfnls, WU ' In better tbapo than we oil m.-. Mlaur'be-· that ... up II atretcbed Into the dlpptna IUll., bad ~· '1lw!n .... ~tile tr-! • ' (Illa• on. WCK, ..... I) * * * . * ' * * ... ' * ·* " *:' • ' t • • ' Oil Pipe . Plugged Crews Hopeful of .Control Today . . SANTA l!ARBARA (UPI)'-The Union Oil Co. rammed toos ot· coqeallng ''mud" down its runaway olflbore well today, hoping, to lt1,fle the damaging leallage al oil Into the Saota Barbera cbaonel. Coqipany preaident Fr!d. L. Hartley aaid there wu a "7S . percent cbance" the well would be aealed befwe dawn, eliminating the so=e of u oil sllck that baa depos~ Iona al black' goo oo the sparkling beaches ol lhll reaort com- munity. · "We are using Ille heaviest mud to pb:if the leaking well I have ever beard Viets Smash ~l~t , Against . ' . . esr , t !~t.:.., .. i.7 : • •-+ .~~~ ~-,,, 1. ,_._ SAIQllr (UPI)(-ff-.i .......... ,_twp VIII <;mlr -·-Iii ~ ,ll>elr pl!( fir. ~..,.,-jiolioo beadquar\<l'I and a let :::..:: at the U.S. alriJaae at Sajgon, South Vh!Jiwn. ese• spot_,.,. tald today. NaHcmal' Pllllce 01!el' Col. Tran Vill Hal slid 'the terrorlttl . ...J liidudlll( a womao alid ·a· pro1...or -laad plinnod the twin blutl for the Tel ·11mar ""' year bolldaJ• later ttU month "to in- nueoce tho veace ·talkl 1n Parla. • · ''Thalr' p~" wre~aboried, ":Hai told newsmen. His !11'11 'W tile Viet °'"8. P.1-to blast.the iunway. at.auburbaa Tan Son N'.wt .alrbuo -the world'• bullelt air- field -at 'llflh\. The polleo oelsed· a detalleit: 'Qifa, iiiip ~ l>l' .the ter- rorists. Hal said the suicide teams bad burled slx11µtomatlc riOea:, two ~tank <oeket. latmchen and Ol!P~ ..... the buo fence. la preparatlon for · Ire strike. Police raided a theater in suburban Gio Dinh, grabbln1 the suicide squad that wu plotting the destruction of the police beadquarttn in downtown Saigon. They found the woman there. One of the ring wu the profeaor. He had liidden weapom and exptoatvea In IU house. • The armll followed reporil by mfli.. · tary ·Intelligence that CJlllurod docu· menla llhowed the Communllll plllll!iog major irtr1kea dllriill 'lhfl •Tel celebra· tlonl. Earlier I o d a y Viet Coile ambushers cal1j!ht llne U.S. civlllalil ~ 1 jeep 19 miles east al Saigon, ldU1hg two 'of · the r..m and woundln1 the · lblrd: of," Bartley aald Friday to Seu. Ed- l!ljllld !llU1kie, (0.111-), and · A I a n Cranaton, "(D-Calll.). ' "'lben Is a 71 percent chance al the Ora ... c-J'I oif:SMte • ' ' • . • ·1 ' • , Ritt: SpoclatS!Wy.l'aJ& S ' . ' oper_auon lllCC:ffdJn&." . ' -apot,... .. , ... the firm tald there ate ."attoba: lndlcatlOl;la11 ~ well Is comlni UJJ4er cootroL . , Wlthoul esplao1ll111, ·Ibo flow <ii oil '"' 21 . ' .. County Traffic ·Death .Toll .,,.. 20 died ·Frldiy an.-at ·Aoabelm' M .. maria! HOlpltal. The cblld had tufler<d a fraclurod tkull wheo the car ln whlcb he WU riding WU invtlved in a tc:olUlioq the day before. James Patrick O'Shea. 31, Santa Ana, WU pronounced dead pa arr!Yal at 1'41 p.m. at Saota A n a Commuii!ly llolpltal following a "Tusthi cOlllllon Wlille 'he .... rldill( a. motoreycle. ' . • Pifut Captures Major . . Statewidtf News · Awards . ' . The-Oraogo. COael ·DAILY PILOT w .. ·~ out tod&Y 1n Sao. Frlncitco u ' the on]J OUnC• County ··-to win .WOrda lot rwwljloper _....,. ln ----l!d by ' tho · CO!llftli M.....,.per Puhllsben I A.llodltloa (Qa'A). f • ' • DAILY PILOT ' two llnt plice ~'aiid .. ~ -·1n th• 11111 edltl<n al the _,.i. CNPA '!lefter Nmpapen cOntest •. ' . ' . . . that baa• -30 mllea of, Southern Ca111orn1a coulllDe in varying d"""" tlicteno.!'Frlifoi.. llddn oll'crewa C<iolld ' " mume oporaUona haltod hfo days· lit, bad. weatbtr. 1 ' ' 'flle· gush of nw pelroleum that )le. pll·Jan. :II, dropped from on estimated 11,000 barrels per day to about 4,mD, accordlhg to Elfgene Standley, a -..,meer for the Deparlmelll al the ·IJ>. terlor.. . ' ' Meaftwhile, in Wublngton, Interior SecretarY Walter J. Hlckil revtrted aa earlier · deCJslon, and baited all drilling 1111 f.,!eral tldelanda outalde the tlrM mile limit In the Saota Barbara area. . . . . ' ' JI ••• -·· K ·• • •t tn!> -,,..,. · --.· • • · S-.eo>· • --<_,jlo # • t ·• e 1 =i • ,._,,"';I c • '••< •·•*' d e-rm • ,, I 1 I IWl~ Pll.OT s Congress Recesses With 'Honeymoon' Int.act, WAllllNGTON lAPl The Conlreu ... I ~ ,_ todQ', llorm lra• botlled but mrfact rtlltkm with the Wlhte 11 ..... 11111 lnlact. LelllolaUve caWtdMI ol both the llouH 11111 ' ............ bar<. Senate Majority Leider Mlke Mlllllleld said be wwned Pnoldenl Nhon would have IOOle bud&· et rtcommendatlona and poulbly 110111e i.,ialaUYI propoaall by the time Coo .,_ n111rD1 Feb. 17. Al 111oJ 1C1llered !or the tradlllollal Llncoln'• Birthday break lbat lfvea Re- pibll<om i cballct lo do ... e opeecbo Jllllllq, then WU anm>bllna llllCilll GOP _.,...en wbo !ell the White Houae wu not ktepin& them wtll enough Informed ... major decl!i<ms. On the other lllde ol the aisle In b o t h chamben there wu apprdlen!;lon that the admlniatraUon "''' plannlng to tr y 1o wt~ out or at twt alter aome p e t Grell Sodo4' P..11111 witbout advance Alkn Certain to Ask County Banning of Oil n 11 a1ma11 certain lhlt Supenolaor Alton AIIeo wtll ... hll fellow boanf members 1""adaY lo ""' him In -the permanent bumln1 ol olflhoro oil drilling In Orange County. Fresh from a flight over the Santa Barbara disaster area, SuperviJor Alleo explained Iba! there Is pr.seoUy no ""'h ou-klng operatloa ICMllh ol the liallla Ana River. "ID tbe Ugbt of tb1a," be aid, "wt * * * Cardhurniiig Set In Newport Protesting·Oil II you~e burned up al the deetruetlon 'lll'Olllbt by the lfaDI oil lllck, the• you're Invited lo e card bumlnt -• u-Oil Co. eredlt card bumlq. The lovllatlou II l1'lm Mn. Joao Kltchem, a Newport Beach hoUlewife •bo hu arranged the pubUc burnlnt !or 4 p.ni. Sunday oo the blufl nm lo Hoag Memorial J!oopltal, Newporl Beach. overlooking Pacific Co a 1 t lllghwey and the lhoreUoe. Mn. Kltchen.'t, 437 Tustin Ave., la lhe orpolzer end head of a con- eervatloolll gn>Up called the New Harbor Friends of the Sbore Blnls. The group was formed only this week after abe and her lrleoda learned ol the leak -the u-Oil well In the Santa Barblra Oumne). "We're Inviting people who have Union OU credit cards aod who !eel outraged at the destruclloo of hlrdo aod marine me by the oil lllck to come end burn their cards at a pJbllc meetlng," the explained. "We want to Jet Unlon OU know we are not willing to buy their products end lo Jet Giber dllzem who are cooceoed about Iba damqe lmoW Iha! lhoJ may join U1 In a boycolL "The burnlnt will alao put Iba other oil companies on noUce that they too would be faclnt 1 boycott ll It were their well that WU respomlble." Mn. Kltcbenl odded that Iba Jooc-lenn aim of Iba group Is lo tel a ban on drllllng In hoth the Slllla Barbera end Catalina clwmela. Meml>en of Iba comervaUonlll gn>Up plao lo dlstrloote baatlJy p r I o t • d handbills today Informing Harbor Area dllzala of Sunda7'1 burning end Inviting them lo !aka pert. They'll drop Iba hllll at -...,. end llllcl< them In Cir WindOWI. Ml'I. Kitchens A)'I 1be knowl lrotn the memherahlp ol the New Harbor Frleodl ol Iba Shore Binll Iba! "at least a dozen" people will turn 1n their cards Sunday. Reds Accuse Reagan Of "Facist Measures" HONK KONG CUPI) -China accused California Gov. Ronald Re:~ Friday ol trying to suppreu the "prosraaive wave of student atruggle" ln the state's college. with "fuclit meuure1 ... The accuaaUon came Jn a brief com- mentary oo Reagao'a proclamatloo ol a ltate ol "eltreme emergency" at the Uofveralty of California In Berkeley. DAILY PILOT .......,.,, .... "'...._ .... ...... '"'" ........ ,..,.,. c......... . CAUPOINIA CMU.NOI COA•T rUILIMCINO COM~ANY R•Hti N. WeM l'nlll•t Mii ......,.... Jee.& .. c11r1 • ., Vb Prtl*"I .w o-.. M1Nw1r n.111111 IC1td ..... '"'''"'' A. M1tr,hi•1 Metll""'9 ll!Hor Pawl Nine• Aftettlll<le Olttdllr -Cot!t "'"'I ll) Wt" ..., 1'"9f NIWll'f1 MKt11 nu -N9t1 .. .,.. ...,...,.,.. u...-. -....1 m '-' ..,_ ..... , ... ~--.,,.. must keep It that way. God forbid lbat we abouJd ever have to undergo wbal the people ol Sanla Barbera are golnl tbroua;b." Current legislaUon ban the area from the Santa Ana River to the San Diego boundary to such oil e1ploratlon but Allen bu tears for the possibWty of the federal government opening the ocean IIoor beyood Iba three-mile limit to oil probere. "That would bring In the llate lo drill within the three-mile llmit." he said. 4'They'd be afraid of the basin being drained and they'd move to protect themseJveL" uWhat ,l'm sfter la: the complete and utter prolactloo ol our oounly Walen from all such agencies and exploraUon," Allen aald. "It may well be that we would s our resolution on a similar sllnce 1dopted now by Loo Angeles County I've aent for a copy of tbe.ir declaraUon." Allen aald he will personally brief hil fellow 1Upervllorl on bi.I obeervaUon1 durln&: an aerial IUrVeY of the stricken ...... "I'm sure they'll back me in my endeavor," he 11ald. 1'1bis hi probably Iba IJ"alesl catastrophe to bit that area of Southern Callfonua and it may weU be the means of our prevenllng such an occurreoce in our own wat.er1." SuperviJor Alleo Is u much a paUUclan u Ill)' other coonty aupervi!or. But be cast paUUco ulde Friday with one heartfelt comment: "It must never happen again." * * * County Making No Plans Yet For Oil Slick Oraop Counl7 Harbor oflldala today were malntalntng a close watch on t h e 1,000 equare mile oll ellck llowly chum· .lng Jta way IOUth, but have no pllllll!I now for immediate defense of the barbon and beacht1. 0 No, we haven't made any pl1n11. It's so far off that the first it couJd get here wouJd be sometime ne1t week," Harbor Patrol SIL Hairy Wright aald Ibis mom· Jnt. "We oouldo't eipect It down here be- rore next weekend probably unlea we haye a bl& storm or 10D1etblng," Wright said. Latest reports put the slick off Oxnard generally with IOJDe 1cattered globs u far eouth as Malibu. Loo An1eles Cotmty glnled to combat the giant ocean slick now touching San-- ta Barbara and Ventura but oifJcJals there 11aid winds appeared too weak to move Jt u far south u Los Angeles. Straw ii being mused at those beaches lo ll04k up oil H It hlla, T. E. Durkee, assistant chief admlnlstratJve officer aaid. "Thll la obviously a big potential dis- aster and that'• the way we'rt playing it," Durkee aaid. Meanwh11e, the Los Angeles county counsel's office eent a "slrongly word- ed" JeUer lo !be Uoloo Oil Co., aaytng the county plans to hold the rtnn re- 1ponslble for any damage caused by the black floaUng crude, * * * From Page J OIL SLICK •.. thronged with 11un and sea worshlppers are now Inundated, In varylag degress, by a layer (JI foul, cloyq oil And, thla -er Is usured by thooe who have visited the rapidly growing dlsaster area, those beaches are the final resting places of thou.sands of vie· 111111 of Ibis catutropbe -dead and dylnt blrda and fish, all hlackened and befouled by the swirling eddl.., ol oil that sutrounded many colonies of birds that we uw from the air. TboH wbo Itek to minimize the awful loll Iba! II belnt lair<• In the>e'lroubled waten will ttll you that the hlnl:1 have ,..... eoouth to avoid the drlftlnt eddies of crud• otl. Perhaps they have. But ongry conaervaUonlsll will tell you lbat blrdt have no control over IUddtn chancH of w,lnd and current that can fill a bird'• feathe!"I with cloggJna all belora It can rise lrom the ocean. r1111 have no -de!enoe. Shools ol blackened, .Unldng lbh •Iooc the Santa Barb111 coasUine pay mute lalUmoo,y lo their Inability lo avoid huge pel<hea of oil the! deny ~ Iba oxy1en end mJCl'OIOO(>lc aea life -•ual to --Oii. Ile IOUlhward aprtad, very obvious 11 we new over Omard and Point Mugu. ... med lnevllablt. It would seem ln- coocel•lhle that Loi Aogele1 cao avoid the black death that 11 -In v .. tura ,iralen. And wt all had a common thought u .. wlnpd loulh: "Wbl:t 1boul Orange County!" • noUce. And altl!oolh ao earl)r beadoo ..W.. loo between Cooima 1od tho White llouae oo wbalher, lo build aoUmlallo defenaa wu ·averted for t.be ·time belq, battle JJnet: were drawn for a future c!B!h. The admlnlstraUon decided this week to hold up wort on the coatrovtraial Sen- tinel aoUbaUlstic niJ,u!le (ABM) system aod lo tan IJIOCher Joalc 11 IL 'DRAFT HERE TO STAY' Lt. Gen. Hershey Hershey Says Draft Will Stay For wng Time Speaking with a v:iaor that beHes his ?S yean, Selective , Service Dinlctor Lewi1 B. Hershey aaJd Friday ·there will be a military draft ••as Jong as the events of this world dictate It, not because of any law that mlgbt be ~ sed." Lt. Gen. Hershey spoke at a Disneyland luncheon meeting of the Friday Friars, an organif.lUon ol Catholic laymen. Why are ao many youths rejected for tbe service? "Because we have a surplus~ are more rejections. U pickings llllm there would bl fewer rejecti ""be1 aald, adding, 4'the draft is nothing new. Even the colonies had compulsion and there were dluenters even then." "Rebellious youth Is nothing new. Today'1 kldll are not unusual," Hershey stated. "What's wrong with our kids? The generaUon just ahead of them." Hershey noted that some branches of the service could boast of all volunteers. "They got our notice that they were IA and so they became immediate volunteers.'' Newport Yacht Top Contender ~ In Florida Race ST. PETERSBURG, FIL (AP) -A record neet of 71 yachtl were readied Friday for the 403-mJle St. Petersburg t<> Fort Lauderdale race, generally re- garded as the hardest race on the South- ern Ocean Racing O>oference acbeduJe. The race starts at noon Saturday. Weathermen predicted winds 15 to 25 mlle11 per hour and small craft warnings may be up when the boats leave in four separate groups. The small boat. will 11tart first, three other classes will start 15 minutes apart with the largest boats going last. The race will be the first real test for Atlanta yachtsman Ted TUrner'11 Amer· lean Eagle, the 12-meter craft that con-- tended for the defender's role in the America'• Cup. Jim Kilroy'• Klaloa II from Los Angeles la another well regard- ed boat while many like the New Qua- tion, owned by John Poller of Oyster Bay, N.Y. Anson Weeks Dies, Stilling Another Big Band SACllAMENTO, Calli. (AP) -Tn the big dance band era, ••oanc1.n• wlth An· llOn" WU a byword. The Anson Weeks band played at moot of the country'• blaut balln>oml and hotela, from the Waldorf AM«la In New Yori lo the Cocoaout Grove In Loi An- gele1. Among band alumni who went on to fame on tbtir °"" were Bob Cl'Olby, Xavier CU,at, T007 Martin ud eGorae Uber ace. Weeks, a naUn of Oakland, died Fri· dey. Ho had beeo In fafllng he1lth In reu.nt yean but at 72 conUnutd to lead hla band U Illa U Jut week II Iba Sacramento Inn. Death wu atlrlbutod to emphJ!mn•, from which he hid luflem for 15 yem. His band'• first appearance w11 ln Sacrammto io 1923. A lat tngqtmerit 11 Iba Hotel Mark llopldDa In Sao Frill· claco puohod the band Into tho lront rinks. • The declaim wu l.llllClUllCed after crl~ fcllm by a -Cl' .. Hllaloro "' both putlOI end ..... oppoeltloa from ml- deote In oreu whore emplacement of tho llrlt Seolinela wu belnt conalldered. The adrnln1slraUOo made no eecret of the fact Ibis outcry prompted lll'declsloo aod c:tJllil'U'loaal oppooeote made It no secret that they'll mate an aU-out effort lo acutlle the program lhould the admJn. lall'IUoa d<cid• lo .. ahead with It. Nixon Takes Working Rest At Biscayne KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP -Pre• ident NiJon settled down ln balmy J'lc:rida today w 1 th h1I two key fortlgn policy advisers for a weekend devoted mainly to planning his five-nation European trip. The President came to hll vacaUon retreat hoping some of the conferences with Secretary ol Slate William P. Ros- en 1od !eCUrlty advisor Henry A. Kte- •inter could be beld out -. bealde. the ocean. Le1vin1 Mn. Nlsoo In Waahlngton, the President flew to Key Blacayne Friday after a busy official day durin( which be met with the Cabinel, loured t&e Com- merct1 Departmrnt, conducted 101De cer. emoolal buainell end met with Roy Wiit· Ina, uecuijve IHICl'elary of Iba NAACP. SOME PIWBE WllklN had ...,. pralao lor Nb:oo, but alao aald he thouth! the PrOlddeot could move fut.er on tome racial problew. U current IUDDY weather prevalla, tt is lltely the trio will remain at the Pre11idenUal retreat until Monday after- noon. A I de 11 saJd NiJon would be devoting mud! of hia Ume to preparation for the European · tour that begins two week! from Sunday. He must brief himself for each atop on points of agreement and po- tmtlal IOUJ'Cel of frldlon between the United Stetea aod the goveromenls whose leadert he will be meeUng. Hla trip will lake him lo Belgium, England, Wut Germaoy, Italy aod France, In lbal order. Together with Rogers and Kl.ssinger, the new chief ei:ecutive alao wu keep- . ing in close touch with e!fortll to pave the way for four-power talks at the United Nations hopefully aimed at pnr rooting a Middle East settlement. These aot started Thunday when American and Soviet representatives got together · there. A fullscale pow wow also would involve Britain and France. DEVOTE DAY AddiUonally, Nixon promised to de- vote most of one day during hla Paris stay to the Vietnam peace talks, a n d lt was thought likely that this subject also would be a major concern here of the Preisident, Rogers and Kissinger. On the flight from Wallhington the President told a small group of new~ men aboard, "I feel fine ." Nixon said he'd been swimming only twice in the White House pool near his office and, in rather wistful tor.le!, de- clared : "I don't know lf I'll llke a pool .•. maybe we'll have to come to Florida more often." During the Florida stay, Nixon ii ex- pected to announce more directives to head11 of departmenta and agencies, ask· ing for reviews or studies on a broad range of subjects from the military dralt to the supersonic airliner. UCI Police Ban On Guns Asked UC Irvine faculty memben have voted to request through their chancellor that campus police be prohibited lrom car· rying aideann11. All but one of a scant 40 [acuity members present for a Thursday. Academic Senate meetin; voted for the 'C~nor Daniel Aldrich Jr. u.ld he will now carry the request to University of California President Charles Hitch. Aldrich said he will have to lllk for an except.ion from the general university pallcy, The laaue WA complicated further Frf. cley -1111. --. (JI.. S.C.), a leadlq N1mo bacter, aald be would oppooe 11111 declaloa to scrap I b • SenUoel, a l$-blllloo weapons l)'llem 1p- pmed In Iba Wt Cooima u a ..WI· ed thin Uoe ol d"-from mlaalle a~ tact acrou polar regions. llepubll<a111 ll"lllblint over nol being well eno<llh Informed ol lmminenl White • -'dec:lllOllll WU l'mllod by Rep. Johll B. Aoderaon of llllnols. Anderaoo1 who lftllded II a Tbunday meellnl 01 -~ aald Fliday hll eo!· luguts wtn 1'ahocked and surprlsed11 over Ni.Jon'• announcemen t earlier In the weet that po1tmuter appoinbnenta, tr• dlUonally I petnioale right ol the party in pawer, woold be made on Iba hul! ol merit without resard to political learr Inga. Andenon d•crlbed the meeting u ''bot. and heavjo." ' L • • 1ve•1n Renamed It's Now 'Writing Center' Proteltlnt UC Irvine atudeola today contlnued to 4'llv•ln" the English Department lounge koowo u the Wr!U.1 Center. · A skeleton crew of 20 atudenta wu signed up to continue living In through the weekend 1n protest over the di.smlssal of two assistant professors and the possi- ble dismissal of a third. Studeote wbo hopo Iba Uv&ln Wed- neadoy aftemocio to proteot Iba llrlnt of two YOUDI ualllaot Eqlllh profeeaors have renamed the lounge 4'Tbe People's Writlnt Center." They now aey Ibey hive expropriated It, rather !ban limply occupying It, becauae lbay d111' plan lo tfve ll up. Man Stabs Sell After Sentence LOS ANGELES (U!'ll - A 21-year-old mao wbo ~ed (llllty lo tovo!untary man"•~ in the death of bla WI f e llabbed hlmadf today after a Judi• .... lenced him lo prieoo. Malcolm Denoll Chamben pulled a letter opener from hil lhlrtaleeve a ft d plunged It lnlo hll chest momenta after Superior Court Jud(e Charla H. Wood- mansee sentenced him to a one to 15 year term. He WU In -· coodltioo In the pr!-... ward ol Couoty·USC Medical Center. The Incident occurred lbrea Doon be- low a Hall of Justice courtroom wbeH an actUSed murderer wu 1bot 1n the b a c k Thuroday by the victim's brother. "We're 1oln1 to pay It oll with revolu- tionary bonds on a 21J.year Jeasi," aaid senlor Glen Pritzker. A test ol wbalher the Writing Center has been expropriated could come Mon- day. A class ii scheduled to be held there at 2 p.m. However, classes have been reassigned by the English Depart• ment several times Uili! week. Cbancel.lor Daniel Aldrich say11 he he left it up to the faculty to mate the determinaUon whether their programs are being ob<tructed. He aald under university policy in- dividuals have a right to demonstrate and dramatlie their concern as long as they don't damage property or obstruct the orderly processes of the unlver!ity. The demonstrators estimate that 300 different student.II have lived·in at 15ome time since the protest began. They say they bave passed out 900 "K·B-S" lapel tags -the letters the last name infUala: of George Kent, Donald Brannan and Stephen Shapiro. Assistant professors of English Bran.. nan and Shapiro have been fired. Kent. assistant professor of hi.story, has been recommended by senior members of the history facultY for dismissal. Some ol the "K·B-S" tags are being worn by members of a new campus group, "Moderate Students for Kent. Brannan and Shapiro," which is not living in. The Jive-In students say they are get-- ting away with violating two direct.Ives 1111ppooedly Jsaued by Chancellor Aldrich -cooking In the WriUng Center and bringing sleeping gear Jn alter 10 p.m. From Page 1 HEARING • • • as innocent as the couple first arrested in the case and later £reed. "J think he's innocent. They have put innocent men in jail before -even convicted them -and later found out they wert not gullty," she said. "We wW ISee," she added . Defense attorney Lloyd N o c k e r repeatedly attempted to claim Sianez had not been properly advised of his C<>nsUtuUonal rights at his Jan. 18 arrest, but waa over.ruled by the judge each Ume. Drugs entered the picture for the first time Friday, u testimony indicated Sianez may have been high on the night Mrs. Markee met death. Police believe the murder IUlpeCtil stole a car for a joyride and were Involved in a collision witll Mn. Markee at 17th aod Malo atreela, relllllUng In a confrontation one block away. However, it will be up to the pro- secution to reconatruct just what hap- pened and Involving whom, to the 1SatisfacUon of a Judge and, or, jury. Originally, the stolen car smeared with fi.frs. Markee'• blood and paint from her own vehicle was found abandoned eight blocks away from the murder scene and its owner quickly run down by a record check. Fonner Lompoc waitress M i 1 1 Margarela Dinger, 39, wu determined to be living at 2602 Delaware St., Hun· tington Beach. where she and a friend, Norman Coatney, 41, of 12581 FO!ter Road, Los Alamitos, were arrested Jan. 13. They were later cleared. Police sought addlUonal leads In tht savage slaying, A cab driver came forth to tell of picking up a bloodied man in the area of the Sunday murder, who told of being in a fll!ht and uked to be dropped off at a Clay Street address. The pickup wu at EJahtb Slreet aod 011\te Avenue. Roger W. Dehne, m Elihtb St., near the spot where the cab driver met the fare, to1d the court Friday of a night visit by Sianez. Dehne testllied that Slanel' clothing was bloodltaloed; !hi! be lold ol being in a fight and wanilng t<> wash up before going home. "I wasb.ed the blood off the pant. for Henry .•• 11 Dehne began. Judge Cbaramza at that point cut short the proceeding aod warned Dehne that be had the right to say nothing which might later incriminate him. ''To my knowledge, he was involved in no crime and the people certainly have no lntenUon of charging him witlt any," replied Deputy District Attorney John Kronin. ConUnulng with the hearing, Denhe made the disclosure that Sianez carried a boWe containing 15 seconal pills, or "Reda,'' in his shirt pocket on tbe Sunday nlght in question. Nocker pressed on with a ·line of questioning concerning S i a n e z ' ap- pearance and condition, in light of the barbiturate tablet possession related by Dehne. "He was loaded," Dehne said. "What do you mean by loaded?" Nocker asked. "On drugs," Dehne answered. "The witness is not an expert a~ to who is under the influence of drugs," said prosecutor Kronin, registering an objection. Shifting his approach, Nocker then ask· ed how Dehne knew Sianez was high. "By his blabbering and bragging about the fight he wa.s in," the witness tesillled. "How loaded or high was he?," Nockcr continued. "About passed out ," was the reply. Kronin objected again and Nocker wa~ forced to be more vague in his pursuit of the drug angle, but not before Kronin accused bim of leading the witness. Trying to give the accused a defen.w of lntoJ.lcatlon for first degree murder was another charge Kronin leveled qainst Nocker during tbe hearing. Old Repr.ces New Modem ab1lract art II no looger welcome In \ho Whlte House. American artist Paul Jentlnl' aJ>. stractlon (left) bung !or threo years at \he head of ' a ltalrc:ue in \he wnt wing ol \he Execulive Man· aton. II baa been replaced by "The Cootinen\ala" painted by Frank B. Mayer in 1875. I ,. • I I I ( I t I f I ' 1 ! Mrs. Shirley Stevens, in a hospi· tal to have a baby, •UWugbt ' \h• woman in the next bed looked faml· liar. Afler a !~minute chat, they discovered they .. vere !isters \Ybo had not seen each other si nce their family broke up 30 years ago. Both \\'Omen spent their childhoods in foster ho1nes. They discovered th.-it since ma rriage they, had been liv· ing within five miles of each other near Chatham, England. • Fifteen tncn in P a pu a,1Se\v Guin· ca,. have more than nine \Vives Dpiece, a recent survey shO\\'Cd. ;\noth er 500 men have bel\\'een five and eight \Vives, and 30,000 ha,·r t\VO or more \l:ivcs. • . -• .,.,-"3 E. Miles flarvey is a Sail Diego ; lawyer a11d civilian attorney for Pueblo Skipper Lloyd flt. Bucher. 011 the wall of the Navy's press room at Coronado is a picture of ·, Lyndon B. Johnson loo king t• tl~oughtful. Underneatl~ it some· one has written: "If E. Miles Haroey calls me •. tell him J wa3 just obeying arders." • Two runaways :Cro.m the Marin County Juvenile Home, one 15 and the other 16, approached a kind looking stranger and asked if be could spare a coujile of dollars. The s(ranger, Capt. Daniel. Quinlan of the San Francisco Police Depart- ment's Juvenile Bureau, provided them with both free food and Iodg· ing-at the Youth Guidance Center. • Continuing his series of pep talks to federal employes, president Ni:ion visited the Post Office Department aud stayed long enough afterword to sign Rita Moroney's, tl departmrnt employe, cast. She broke ht:r leg Christma.! Day. • · In Chattanooga, Tenn., two women married to brothers and living in the same house have given birth to twin daughters on the same day. The four girls were born Wed- nesday in Erlanger Hospital. Mrs. Maynard Miller gave birth at 8:20 and8:21 a.m., and Mrs. Earl Miller Jr. delivered her twins at 10 :57 and 10:58 a.m. Both women gave birth by caesarean section. • T h e mushroom would become Indiana's official state fungus un- der a resolution introduced in the Indiana House by five Democrats from Lake County. The resolution -said, "mushroom picking and hunting is a great and favorite past time enjoyed by Indiana _people of all walks of life." Roundelay Ro~e May Be Flower For West minster The Roundelay RoSe will be recom· mended to m<mben QI the' Wl\'llmilllter City Council Tuflday u an appropri'1t. Dower for the cttx. . .. > . Member1' of lbe Civic Besurmcatioa · Commlltee Wedneoday.night lllD ,_.... mended the Wil>oa Holly u ~dty ~...; , The council ant<! the bellUllMa..,... committee for suggestions on Jn off1¢al city .fiowt.r and ' ttef: to go alona: with ·Callknia'1 bicenteMlal etlebr.itfotls Jn . 1969. • Tbe Roundelay l\OI< I\ de=lbed as _ hivl/11 datk rod bloOml, farmed In G~usten. . The Wibon Holly Is an wAy arowa 1~20 rooL tree with leathl!ry green leaves. ' It produtes brlilrt red berries. An alternate trtt suggelted by the comrnlttte was lhe Sweet Shade. a 20.-40 root ltte producing orange bloaorm and a honey fragraoce. Tht committee also will recommend that the council hokt a ltte ~1annlng ctrtmony Mlll'Ch 27 ln conjunction with the clty's 11th annivcrury. ' S1lllrQr, FrbnwJS, 1'169 ·· -·--·· g}dtv "lOT 3 ' No C,hance ·~of ··Coast Oil Well Blowout By WIWAM REED Of ... DI~ Pllel tMft Absolutely no chance elists that a major blowout such QJ the dlsastroo.s Santa, Barbara Cb1Mel spill could occur on ·four buay oil lslaQds off Orange County, accordinC to a .poll of operator• Friday. Why not! ·•Stringent state re&Ulations," says C. !:. "BlllY, \\'.oods, Signal OU and G!IS Co. ezecutlve and currenUy prtsldent ol the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. Spe.a.kina for one of five companies with interests in the four islands now sucking petroleum from Z02 seafloor 1vell~. Woods said all are w11:1tn the s!rictly-controlled California U1rec-nulc lhnit. Tl:e Oil City chamber of co1n1n('1'1'•· chief said slate la\'."S, to:1.,..·cr th:•·1 rederol offshore drilli11~ co·1ti·0Js, n1 :1kc the islands virtually foo!proor. A state geologist intervie,ved Fridny in Sacramento was not. so optitnistit. U slate standar~ \\'ere observed at the Union pn Company's Santa Barbara Channel well 1even miles olfshore, the cll8llC< of the leol; conUnuous!y po"°'1lnl the ~ wJlb 21,000 111lons of crude oil daily woold sWJ bo about '°'IO, he !laid. It might have happened anyway, ~aid the g«lloglsl. ' Asking not to be Identified, he ~aid unpredictable underground formaUons make it impossible for a driller to know exacUy what subterra,nean preswres be may tap in the quest for oil. Bitter demands for action as ultimate as prohibition of any further offshore drilling have mounted steadily since the noxious hemorrhage of raw petroleum c>.:•11o1ed from the ocean floor last week. fil c.n and machinery have so far been l'U l1'1lll'..!: fer !he U"Je.'.!Sfed po\VCr fron1 I!·" lrn l 1.~ or ccrth .a:i•l the mussi,·e :-i· 11 r es l . .'~·~ted ha1'ec. kil'""' 11•ildlifc. r .... ·: b · "..!1~s and black:ning $.'!() 11111 ;on 1vrr::1 or boats. f.h.!11 Oying hi::i:h over the creeping disaster area have vomited in the cockpit due to.the choking fumes from bclo\V. Governor Ronald Reagan said at a Sacramento press conference Thursday PAT! TAMBELLINI AS 'DREAM GIRL ' (1950) , ••• Meet the People She's Mother to By TO~I TITUS Of ni. 01111 Pif91 S"ff "They say 11ife begins at 40," quips Pali Tambellini, "and they're Mght." Pati, who hasn't the slightest com· punction about admitting her age, measures her new "life" from that point nearly four years ago when she volun- teered to put on a play with teenagers for the Costa Mesa Recreation Depart· ment. Thal show, staged In February, 1965, provided the spark for what soon became the COOa Mesa Civic Playhouse, one of Orange County's most successful little theater groups. Pali Tambellini, its "mother," has been the playhouse's resi· dent director ever since. "I'd gotten out of theater about a year before that," Pati recalls, "after the old Newport Harbor Player.! folded ." But Pali found she could no more get out cf the theater than she could il'!l the theater out of her. BEGAN AT 9 her back on. She directed "A Thousand Clowns" for the Huntington Beach Playhouse, then focused her full at· tentions on the embryo civic playhoust: which was on the drawing boards in Costa Mesa. To date, Pali has staged 14 of the Costa Mesa group's first 18 show1, as well as a number of children's and teen plays. This leaves her little time for performing, but she managed to take a costarring role in her 1966 pr1>- duction of "Arsenic and Old Lace." And, she's always wailing in the wings just in case. Last June in the secood Air California Urges PUC Okay Flight Increases that U.S. replal!ON should bo' brou*'1l al least up lo the strict It¥el' lmposed by Calilomla authorities. · · "They are about a third as ·dfectlve or as forcefUJ aa the Rate regulatlao °" the wells that •re Jn.side~ three-mile limit,'' t.he state's chief ezecutive told new1men. Under st.ate law, thls Is true of same wellll -like the 202 pumptn1 OU western Orange County -but thi llmltoUons run out at 7 ,000 feet within the three mlle· Umlt. sun. oll lnduslry spokesmen maintain, the on lslands are virtually accident·prool because..of their location, status of com· pletkm and y,·ell-depth. T:1e islands and relevant data shape up li!:e th!s : -t}nmy. a no1Y-completcd Signal Oil and Cas Co. in!tllh:.l :oh. lies 1.3 nli'"~ off Hurll"r ion B':""h. In ·18 feet of 1,1 ;·t-r, \\'Ith 42 pro. \'Cing wcl;:; ent;I 10 \\'t-:l-:!r fn.iect lon \\"CHs \'Ji1\ch pu~h 5,COO b:.nTels of pel.roleuni · up frotn its pool dailf. .. : -Little Eva Is a' finished Union Oil Co. pla ti"orn1 1.5 miles oU the Bolsa . IN 'ARSENIC' (1966) Theater ' -I ' • ' -• perfonnancc of "Three Bags Full" she donned makeup and doffed 20 years, to fill in for an ailing actress. 'CIRCUS CLOWN' "I'm just a frustrated circu.! clown," Pall says, explaining her heavy interest in comedy. "If It has a little bit ol sequins and extra pai nt, I like it." Today Patti Tambellini looks at her now full-grown playhouse with justifiable pride in her own accomplishments and gratitude at Uie overwhelming support from the community, u evidenced ·by the Civic Playhouse Patrons Association which has jusl purchased risers to aid the theatergoer•' viewing pleasure. "It's almost unbelievable when you think of what we started with and what we've grown to .in not quite four years," she says. "And it's marvelous to see how many people enjoy their recreation in community theater." auca State Btach In II feet or water, where 11 wells produce 10,000 barrels of oil dally , with DO further drilling planned. -A similar oil bland Js malnl&Jned by Texaco and Huinble oil companiea ort Seal Beach and It, Ulce Emm:y and J..itUe ' Eva, is flniahed and its ~ wells art cased deep Ulto the earth. -The fourth, Eistber, a Standard OU Co. island off the Anallelm Bay entrance we11t. of Surfside Is som~hat different, with 69 wells pumplna 9,000 barrels of oil daily and up &o 20 more wells planned. RULES IN EFFECT All the strict state safety rulCll are in errcct on all lol'r projects, inch1ding p1·-:-::•~u1:on ~ry measu res during act11nl 1lri1t;ng ard n1ctl10:.Js of sealin~ urr 'A'Clls in cn~c or pressu re surce. HunLL'lgion Beach City C o u n c i I 1nc1nbers hal'e passed a resolution.asking stale legislators to keep a cri~ical eye on drilling and pumping at onshore in. stallations anyway . \Voods, however, said the Industry is detertnined to keep Orange County beaches clean. He said an unc ased pipe would have to break 1,000 feet below the seanoor and leaking oil would ha ve to be forced up through the layers of earth before any spill could occur. \Vood.! explsined that most wells on the four local island have a so-called Harbor Schools lltlTface string ~ down to· !be 1,LIOI). foot level, depe · upGn actual depth of the well itself. ''Coocrtte ls pumped aromd the outald~ or these pipes and after it hf.f(tens, lhe well is te.sted for naw1,'" Woods exphllned. State regulations demand that heavy steel casing be cemented into pt•ce when the drill bit reaches 300 to 350 fett below the seafloor. TEST PERIODICALLY Another string must be added before probing beyond the 1,250-foot range and a blowout preventer capable of sealing the well under sudden pressure must be installe<i and periodically tested. Federal rc~uletion calls for rncrcly one string or casing bel\,·een the 300 anJ SIJO f'JQI le· els ar.d the nc:1:t stril'& n-:<;<I n11l be addc1 un!il the e:i::plorati0:1 Juts th e i .000 fo~l level. 'J'hen Uic minin1um casing requiTemcnt is l,7i>U feet .down, until. il hits 1.509 reet bare minimum should the operator go below 10,000 feet in drilling lor oil. Any dev iation from the federal stan- dard n1ust be approved by the U.S. Geological Survey. The Union Oil Co. is among 16 firms which paid $000 1nillion last year to drill in the Channel Islands area following loss by the state of a bitter Court battle which would have looped the crucial three-mile limit out around San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, arl.i Santa Catalina islands . Plan More Guidance For Troubled Students Newporl·Mesa schools arc working on a program to train guidance teachers who will specialize In helping youngsters haYing real trouble in school, rather than spreading themselves thin giving advice to all students. . School board members, however, have made clear that they don't want to ignore other students whO need voca· tiooal counseling. Trustee Donald Strauss said reeenlly he doesn't want to se:c the guidance program steered toward only helping the losers. "There is general satisfaction in this district among the winner.! and e"'..en the supu-1'iagtn: who 1fJJlU .l.hel 11re not getting' enough gutdance"' toWartf ~I· lege," he .!aid, "There is feeling that the high school counsel<n:s are those who weren't good teachers." Supt. William Cunningham said such dissatisfaction is 99 percent typical and found in every achoo! dlstrict. "Our counselors are expected to be all things lo all people - psychologist, mother, vocational advisor." he said. "Guidance is a unique fu nction that needs in-depth training." Or. Les Shuck, a.ulstant superintendent for research and development, ls in charge of the guidance project. He pro- poses the counseling function be divided between specialists in guiding troubled s t u d e n t s and vocational-college counselors. He .said the division of functions would clarify much of the confusion that now exists. "It w o u J d clarify it so much," he said, "that it may be unacceptable to some. You can hide behind being all things to all people." Trustee Selim "Bud" Franklin 1ald he doesn't want the new cOncentraUon done at the ex?ense of other students. "Any assumption that the counseling function is going , well now would be improper," he said. "It's been a mal'ot concern o[ several board member• or a number of yan." Shuck was given the go-ahead to pr1>- ceed with the program. Fair Housing €ounci1 Formed In Huntington Formation of the Huntington Beach Fair HoUslng Council was announced today by its chairman, the Rev. Lawrence Young, who said that the group will meet monthly at Community Methodist Church, 6662 Heil Ave. Other officers are Margaret Barker, treasurer; Esther Pas.!eger, secretary~ Elaine Kemp, publications: Iva Smith, housing information chairman, and Dar .. relyn Stockett, Dick Knowles, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Taggart, houslng in. formation committee members. Basic ofjective of the group Is lo aid in finding housing for persons seeking homes in the Huntington Beach area and to strive to overcome a n y discriminatory attitudes toward minority fam"ilies seeking homes In the area, said the ReY. Young. takea your eaAh or 1ignature, wraps lhe @luff and hand1 it to you. Thus, an absorbing avocation that began at the age of 9-in a play she can't remember thl'! name of -continues daily for Pati Tambellini who directs lour of the playhouse's five shows an· nually, along with several teen and children 's productions. Currently she's rehearsing the fourth adult show of the 1968-69 se:ason, "The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker," for a March 21 opening date while putUng the final touches on an original 8Crlpt for a forthcoming children's play and conducting a weekly workshop for youngsters Interested In the theater. !l's a demanding acbedule and ane 1he's relaxed from only occasionally over the past four years. Air California has petitioned the state for authority to double up on destinations it is already certificated t.o fly, the Public Utilities Commission announced today. A public hearing on the proposal will be held in Los Angcle1 Monday. PUC 1pokesmen explained that the airline may now Oy between Orange County and Oakland and between Oakland and Burbank, but cannot fly from Oakland to Orange County via Burbank under its present certificate. Sex is not ('"' The five men are what other 1tores call uleemen. I don't have any 1pecial name for them. t11oogh I gueas you could uy they're a1&0eiatea. TI1eir job is simply to help you find wh•t you came in· for. If I eatch them trying lo sell 110m& lhing, there~s a little meeting after the Hore elOH:l!I. You have to go back more than two decades to find a time when Pali Tambellini wasn't involved in community theater along the Otange Coast. Her long list of local stage roles and dlrec• torial credits dates back to her arrival here in 11149. STOCK COMPANIES "Before that, I'd ~n an Arm y brat,•• she recallll1 "• n d I played in commwdty theaters and &tock com· pan.les 111 over the east." te!iti Wvidly remembers her first pro- onal role -a non-1pcaklng p.rt a. a ma14 whose only function M"as ta conie oomge and pour the ;,;a, '"My flmlly sat lh otbe fronl . l"lf. "', opemni night," lbe says, "1nd ,tllev kept l)ollering, "Men tea, more 1J!l!f• _fftr association with lbe old' N'eiiort Players' began with her llT\vff°iiere 2:0 years .aao, launching 1 1 .. yW IUDl dw-inC wbicb she doubled as an JClreu ("Drtam Girl," "Jdiot'• Oe.llght," "Lady in tbe. Dark" and the UUe role In .. AunUe Mam<") and a director ("The Bad Seed," "l.Jght Up the Sky," "The ROIJe Tattoo" and "The Moon is Blue"}. She also 1ppeared on the Laguna PJ1yhou.,e atage in ''Picnic," "Ladies' ~ight ln a Turkish Bath" and "Tonight ll l o30." DRAWING BOARDS When the Newport Player• di110lved, PaU began tokl"I IUe euy, but found three decades of theater hard lo t11rt1 • Air Catt in its petition, clalm1 ~at ''during off.peaJc hour periods flights do not generate sufficient passenger traffic to jmUfy service uni~ passengers to two destinallon.s can be combined." PSA ind Western Airlines are pro- tesUng the pelltion. Poinll'"'to which Air Cal is now certified to fly arc Burbank, San Jose, Oakland, Ontario, Santa Ana and San Franclsco. Chambers Meet To Plan for More Meetings tl bad to happen. Special committees ot two Harbor Area ehambe:n of commerce are plan·· ning I meeUn& to discuss plannina meeUnp, The ....ion b Mi>nday al noon In the C.Ota Mesa Golf and Country Club and the 1genda Is titled "Ol.9cuaaion of Plans for Future Meetings." The Newport Har!lor Chamber of ' Commerce's apecial ~arch and atudy commlttee wlO mett wlth the Coata Me~• Chamber of Commm!t's Blue Ribbon past preslden1$' committee. Co-chairmen for the Monday event ll't Al Geiser, of C.Oto Mm, and J, Robert Paine, of Newpon Beach. fl ' a 4-letter word That'• a headline for a men'• 1lore ad? Everybody knows that men'• §lore ad• ahow a headline, a price, several tine• of preten· liout copy, and a picture of a rna n (a man? 1? are you s11re??1) alifDy wearing a smirk and • 1uil that looks as ir it ""·oold break if the ? ? ? modelling it ht.ppened to move his arm. Do11't 1attgh. I uM to run ado like th•L Uriitll I realised wh•t it wu that w•• m•king me afck in the 1tomaeh. New leaf. Now my adt try to ha'f'e 10methiq to uy. · .Dy h•vlng tomethlng to uy, I wIR offend ... .,,. people. Sq be 11. II you're the type who pt-elen the 1iuy ads, with pic- ture of wbatdwnacalliu In them, take your bo1ineH et.e- where. I need your money, bul not tluit bed. Today'• ..._ la about ... x. Well, 1ex •pP""1• U yon al,...dy h .. e ii c- I • appeal), there may be no reason for you to quit your pre1ent cl othier and bring your bu1in~ to Bidwell. Even though that would be an ex· cellenl idea. But if you aomelimes look in the mirror, and you 11ay ''Han~ ii all, how tlte devil (8n that fellow 1trai,.fiten himMdi out?'', I can tell you in two words. Jack Bidwell, In my 1tore you don't find • eoaple of row1 of tulta, a couple of ·row. of thlrta, a baneh of thJa, or a 1taCk of tltat. Y oa find five men and a pl. The girl i• the cubler. She Where does the 111eX come in? In the form of sex appea). In the form of buying what looks but on you. Jn the-fom1 of well chosen merchandise. In the form of competent but re- laxed coun8eling from any one of th~ fke guys that help me n1n tl1i11 &tore 1he way a men'• 8f()"e ou,:hl 10 be run. So conti11ue lo expect ada n1ore or lefl& like thi1 one in 1h1t folnre. No picture. You already know what a 1uit loob like. No fanc>: type or fus11y borden or Dandy Dan decorations. My a.U, by Godfrey, are bari- tone. So •re.my clothe1. And.long Uve oex appeal! Ja.~k Bidwell who bu cu1&omen that come (ronl La Habra, C..pltlratto and, l"leH their hearts, e..,n Long Beach, to thio ~"" at 3467 Via Udo, at The Udo Theater Newport ch. Phone 6734510. Copyright 1969, Jade Bidwell. • • • • 1i4 DMlY l'llOT -w 5'1•'""1, Fm.,y e.~M = .e:=:/ "' ct '* .. and .. ~~·~~~ """'1tlri¥ ~ 11111 $!. Q4rtw'• Rold, N e w p or t It llfMll. will hoI4. ..,viOM at • 0 .• 1.1:30 and tt a.m. Dr. Cbarlea · If. tsimnltlld will preacll on -.· ..... Mf:. 'facln'g-Two-Vi'.•)'S·" ~··~ ........ -· Guests of honof 'et RelUI'· t · ftd• L11thera1 Cb...d, 9811 " Hatnllton Ave., 1 • llunt!ngton 1. ·lleacll, lO::lO • m. S\lllday wlU he BOy Sc'ut' cetebra"'1& 11 • tbeU· 58th anrUvusary u an •· orpollaUoo. P.,tor.Arll111r R. . Ttnatey will spea\: on . ''Saroeth1ng, Solid ·ror Life." SwKlay church school b; held at I a.m. 'as is adillt-senior ·chapel. iio1 r Baiu.. Ave., youth discussion groups. Westml~ ..Jt l :XI, •.n:i. and ~ ctiurch activi~s in-at the ltUntingtop Beach ~!4'10.''1>111114~~&1!1!) gtade . , Chapel. Stxlh aod Orli&I• at .' ~tlel\ .,f •p..m. on 11 a.:n. .. I> churcla'.1ehool lt.aff, 7:30 p.m.; Southeut A!ia Is tbe 1heine ~' • aev,tfKh • &f,JdO.o •tor fhe·church school Otiterva-c<intlfmit£on·c1aU i pmm.; an ti on of missions. Tbejt in'eet Thuisdlly, senior Cho1t rehear• at the 9:30 ~~··... · sal, ·t :ae-9·.m. · .'!. ·, • · • 1 . i · rr-. :./"' .... , -Conduct.i...t. ... e ttna,I ~eek \. ~ Sf\i{iii ·Februm Hide as , o( . tbe Sunday ScbQOI a> -SclioOl 'Of Misli oiii niolilh at "tendance .contest, 'IDmdngtoo. the Finl ~il!lll . Qiarcb 411 . vaU•y B1pU11 ClloarQ. mg Hunbj(Oe BeaCL, ilie Rev. Slat~r Ave., Fountain Valley, ---WllUi:J.,~wUl .p resent Will hold school at 9:45 a.m. ~':-°'concerning · t h e Moining wonhlp begins ar 11 nljsions beglnnlng with "God a.m. The Jubilairs Quartet Bil.rs and Sav~" Su.ru;IQY at will perform for SU114ay schOQl both motning services. The classe11. c6'gregation m~t.!I at Pt:ek's Youth hour Is held at 5 p.m; with ev..i., •orohlJ>-' col!ducl a , bul1111 praytr lolio1dq 6t·I •'dock. Weclnes" eervlte. day mld·week praye,1~ · '.. -.. ~·are held at 7 p~ ·~On~ 10:•, ... the Nuraery care Is pro,vlded •I, ......., • claMo bf l'utor all worohlp hOurs. " ·= a. Blain or lbe -. ".. But.rt.•t••r•a The Rev. Henry a.thard • lllJt Cllll .Drive will opeat on,. "The Pllhway,. iNi\iport Bead!, ta f!!lliled to Perfect.loo, 9 and 11 a.m. ~To Serve or • Served. ii:-Ht at Llpma llffc1! Claaufll 11 • .,.m prt,..I lliit ,.._ at Rellllau lklooce, %0 0 II . bolb 8:30 and 11 I .pk 1a6ura Laguna Canyon Rood, Sundoy. 61 worlhlP • Junior churclt and the hlah Boy ~ SUnd=~ be achoo! youth group meet dur· '-.Ved wltll · · ' I.tom Ing . th• 9 o'clock worahlp · the chutdt troop., ' u aemce. · au!Mn. ScouU lllld .. Cul!o In The lecture topic for -Thurs-• tne congrea:aUoo ari·ut~ to day at Clubhouse Two, Leisure wear their tUUfonna:. .l. World is "Ide8!: on &in- carnation." Dr. Gerhard. wW speak at 10 a.m. The lesson entitled "Spirit'' will be read in all CllrlalW Sctnce churches in ,t fl e Harbor area this w e e k • ResponSlve reading ls included in the service for Sund1')'. "Ach1evlng Your doaJ" is the title Of tJie ~eriQon tO be deUvered by the Rev~ Loren Dale FUckina:er for the con· gregatlon. of NewW! Ulilly Cbureb. Th e congrtgatioA meets 10 a.m, at the. senior Citizen> Building, tilb and Irvfile, New'port u.e· a ch'. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., he will Dr. Vincent Gottuso:Jt.; will speak on "Be Never the Uss ot Faith" at SWKlay &erviees !or Cl!v<ll or ... Cntorods. The church ..-11 a.m. at the ChaptJ, 3500 Pacific View Drive, Corot1a del Mar. Following the lel'Vice will be a potluck luncheon for the congregation. Dellvetlng a sermon on "A Fam.Irie of 1the .Word,'' Dt. WIWam R. Eller . will address the congregi.Uon. 91. · t.,IHraa Chrch or lM Muter. 2000 PacUic. Vlf:w DMve, Corona del Mar, Sunday at f:U and (lee PULPIT, Pap I) ~~W.le Staadard' . -- 2 ChristUins Hit Mideast 'Stands' Bf GOERQt; W. CORNELL lnctn>ed reaction to the NEW YORK (AP) -Two dealrucllon ol empty planes Clu'lsUan ICholm, from in Beirut." Juusalem crl1lcbed Western '0I'hla oowided p o 11c1 diplomacy in the Middle East, 'towardS the two parties in ch•retng that it fails to the Middle East ls ~tear to ~ the lact that Jsrael tbost ot us who llve in Israel, wants peace and the Arab be they Jews or Chri.slians," counlries admittedly d on ' t be .54id. ' want It. A Roman Catholic scbpl1r, Th R Dr D Dou I.. the Rev . Bruno Hussar, direc• . e ev. . . g , Young, president of the In-tor or the Dominican Houae a.Utute of Holy Land stuWes of Studies in Jerusalem, also and a Baptist erpert on the d~lared thal Israel bas con- region. condemned what he , s1stently sought peace, wh11e Utmed an "lmmoral double \he Arab countries ofllclally standard" being applied there espouse a policy of "nb by American churchea, press·, negotiation, no recogniUoo, no Missienaries l'isi.t " The R~v. and Mrs. Don Coleman shown here with their son will be the featured speakers at the Har· bor Assembly of God Church, Sunday, 7 p.rn. They have recently returned ·from missiollary duty in south Africa. and government. peace." He said he has been "as-Both churchmen in __________________ _ tounded and shocked by' the slatemenf.s issued for a news contraSt" In reactions· to re-conferetlei! at of(i~ of the cent evenb on both sides in American Jewish Committee, that area. said current unbal~ at· Churches and represen-tltudes about Arab-Israeli tattyCS of "Christian nations" rel1ti0fl.! can, unless altered, at the United Nitlons remain lead to disaster. silent in the face of Jong-con· "Jf the church and press con- tinued killing of Jewa on tlnue this i m m or a 1 im· llratl's border and the recent 'balance," Dr. Younr sald, airport killing In Athens; he "they l)lUJl ultimately answer uid, bul there WU "IGUd, (See MIDEAST, Pap 5) . Y fiuth Worker to Speak '.:Jt fonner drug addict who ii . Mw a worker for Youtl\ ChaDeilge will speak at the Feb. 14 luncheon meeting of the · ChrlsUan w·o men 's Fellowshlp of First Christian ~W'ch, 1207 Ma in St., Hun· tinglon Beach. L u n c h e o n begins al noon in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Youth Challenge offers hel!l to young drug addicts, helping them to know Jesus Christ and fight against addiction. ·1 . . ' ::O-R::ANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY I ., ••-,,.__, ,,." -• ' .J ·J ,!, I .HARBOR ·JRlNITY IAl'TIST CHURCH · '1zJ1 ......... "" .......,, c..t. .,._ I I • ·~'Coel."""'•hl• I CHRISTIAN SCIEN(E · CHURCHES '• IU.NCHU Of THI MO'l'MR CMUICH THI FIUT CllUICH OP CHlllT, ICrlNTIST IH IOITON, M .... CHUlml ''SPIRIT'' ' Subject of«Lesson -February 9 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH W"-You.· I IT. IAMll. mt wtca ·u.., --i/ ....., ...._-7iJl..tito. 11 iH T...., lt&Jt-nw•t t:il p.-. ' ...., ........ •....,....,..... -··""·-··-"·-· .... ""·--.. -Phone: .675.cnlO ' ST. MICHAEL l ALL ANGELS . Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona de! Mar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Daya as-announced 'Newport Horbor ,Lutheran ,Church Lutheran Church of the Mester ' ~1 CUii Dr. LI 11-4293 I n..'a.., :a. ... •· 11•111, Putor II 2900 Pacific View Dr. CORONA DEL MAR .,.. le\'~ ..... J. hidlediu P..,1-ftet ......... ""'-....... ,,..,,,. 1.11'1. ......, lclllel ....... t:U.1t:411.m. w.si. ...., ..... 11:t11-1a1• Nbr.sery ·care available _ at all 1tf\'.lces , WELCOME DR. WILLIAM R. EllER Phono OR 3-S022 1:45 A.M.-Ftmlly Wonhip t :45 A.M.-Sund1y Chlltclt S1hool I 11 :00 A.M.-f,div• Worihlp I HllJWf'Y Pro•ldff Sunday School 9:4~ a.m. Monilng Wor!hlp ll!IJO a.nt. llojruot Training Union 6 p.m. Evening service 7 p.m. Wt\liiosday Bl!>l•. Stud7 & Prayer .•... ,., ..•.. 7:00 p.m. Costa Miu -First Churcl'I of Christ, Scl1nti1t lactw, n. 1 .... Jett. 1.,m Do.~-....... '44·0462 2111 M.,. ,,.. °'·· <•"" M"" 1' ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., CJ.I. ' CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[! Se~ Schel-t:ts A.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 :Missouri Synod ~' CMirc~ S.Vke-11 A.M. I Th sd 3 & I 760 'Vlctorl• st .. Cost• Mei• ~ -.._. .. 1 .. ,., 2110 MtM YerM Dr. ur ays: 6: 0 10 a.m.; Ho~y Days U announced 1 , Loth•r v. Tornow, P•itor I Ylc., TM In. Je•• w. De1tallhe•-Pll ... 141ollJ6. I 541-4404 ,il ' 1 • LRRST ""ScilJTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Huntlngtoft 81ac~Fir1t Church of Chri1t, Sci1nflst 1 EPISCOPAL W•n11r, s1rv1cm e:u a 11 A.M. 1.., kllMI: f :at AM. 6IO W&~ILTON, COSTA MISA . I 111 011'111 1' I ""'" lflff ClaMI f :)f "·""" : ' !~ (a"w.lob khNtt\lr:ot.f : -.; 11 Chllrc' • "'"'-' Stffel-9:H & 11:10 CHllSTl~N .•.UMINTUY SCH,~ . MMU• Sundty Sc~~I • ••••••. 9:41 Trt infn, Union~ ••• ••• .•• 6100 /II haiill"tl ... .-110.0lfwe ' ... , •,if , - 1; M•~''' Won!!;"!.'.'. 1 iio~"' .,._,...,w..,.., · ·· · · · · · 7•00 •·,..,na llOi~ ~!rot Churcla ·otchrlst, Scf1t1tl1t · ST. WILFRID,'.,. ,PISc.OPAL ·CHURCH · ,; ;: .. ~RIN~E;QF! PWE lllT'1EltAN CHURCH I .W•d. ft.•11/119 Strvlce • •• • 7:00 ' °" ~I"" •ab. 11, 11t ai..... Ltn1 _ .,..,, •"er"" ,tlllte -· ''· y "' -.... '42-911,1._ '.Nrnwry...,.,..,. A..11.W. 'IJI Hltfl Dr. · I NWtt~ ... di. Ctl~ i .....,, •• • .-Dri"e A tlelr:er Str11t, Coit•. M1u1. C1 lif. ,:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[!! Chftl ... ....,. kffel-9:JI & 11:00 '"nt fin ......... C_. C.lr(, P.lltw • ANDllaw C. Aff1t9'1UOM, • ....,. II .. .. ' ·leo4!119 ... -.ZM~A•. I ,:;. Sunday Services ., Mcrnrn.won111p: 1:00,t:~&n :oo Si/111111Sd!ool: 1,ao,t :.3G •ti:oe 1 Newport h1ch -Flnt Church of Chrli,, Sci1ntlst 1 11" A.M....,., c.-.1111 ,. ,,. A.M. "•lnllY s-1~ a c11\lt(• I Prince of '••c• l uth•r•n Sc~•ol -M!•• Eather 0 [1c;11, Princlp1f l -'im." • · · JJOJ vi. Ulle ~:: ;::: ;::· -. U :M A.M. =~e W....,.., '. Office Pho11e1 149°0521 i -.. Schoo.i Phon•i !54t-0561 l, • ,. U,NIVE""llTY BAP.TIST CHURCH ••on• • .. ..., ,.,.,.,_,,., • '"" 1' ·-,_ """" "" ·-1·1°""'~""""""""""""""'"""""'""""""""'"""""""""'~ -.. 2211 . ~ •• PAUSADll •D. ....., .. •••M. lJ15 Yte Ullo 1=;:::::::=================:11 . : . HUNTIN•TON -·c·" ' -· -.-=-..~ -··· :. SANTA ANA -.ffHHTS · r ·-,, ::'A'lf.~.":r.~ ... ·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.'.'~ ::::. I Newport ~~:.c~a:.c~~:~::~ c:,i=~Sciontlst 11 ' ' Flnt Assembly of God Church '" ,UNITED CHURCH OF ilEUGIOUS SCIENCE ! :;r::~11119w W:::i~~~ "Wi:iiN•i.DAY"'.::::::::::::::: .. ;,~ :::;:: CIMlrclt & lettfff Sdieel 10 A.M. 1 14' E. 22nd Stq C"t• Miu ."548-3761 420 10th St., Huntington 81ich WINlaM 1. ACftll. l'ttttr c1111rc11 '""" MS-M71 ...... li•M. 2161 I. C... "HWy. M. c. Cronlc, Pulor ' I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sv11ffy Merflhlt s.ntc.i" e11d Yetrt• Cli1~~1T :OO e.111, All are COrdlalJy invited to attend the church services 1 1 ••Y Nlckeion, Ml1tbf•r !f Youth 1:1 · W1dn11d1y EY•ni~t Study Group-7:30 P·"'· and enjoy the privileges of the Rea~e Rooms ' ICHIDUU OP 111vu:u : 1r....e rote, Minister l'lte11•1 1J6.2120 FIRST , llAPTlST CHUlCH ........... ,...., IA!Mtklll ltlltlll) 17411M....-., ... _..., ·CWN C.... Pt•,1•11 AT AU SDYICU :Victoria & PiacenUa Ave. 11~~~~:::;;~:::;;~~:::;;:::;;:::;;;;~~;:;;;:;;~ I S1111fff-C•l'N• llliMI , •••• , , ••••••• , ••••••• , , t :Jfl • .., h tMly Wetlfllp , ••••••••• 10:10 •·•· & 7;10 P·•· Chirrc~ Cl!elr-ShtrU P1u l1•n, Dlrei;tor 1~~ A Cordi1I Welcome from aw.DOM~ !1111,.-, Siiiheol , .• , ... 9130 AM M•r111litt Wor"ll' ,',,.,\l:OO ·AM <freyer S•rvlco· .J.,1. o 1JI P:tll Ev•nlnt Wor!~ll!_:··~· :1:11 PM "..,,...., ,, ............ , •• lonlcu ~7- ~·· • Costa Mesa It, JeMn t , "-'cf ....... De11I• HHtn YtulJI Mlnl"lf •.1r1Y WtrMI' • .. . . ...... l tMI 1.111. .,... ldlffl , "'""""' t1• l oll\. I Mfni.t W1nM11 ........ ll1fl 1.111.. Y•rwtll Ol'lllh ... ~ ............ ''·"" v-. .................... 7 ,,,.,, Nursery Care Provided I 141""4771 li41·~J41 I I Yl1tt.r. Wtlceme -N1rwry Att9"4tiit STA.Tl UCINSID Pll-SCHOO\.--P••I WllU.-. Dll"ICtw ,.._: '45·21U CHURCH OF CHRIST 11 217 w. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA IF:==============iil llTWllN ._.alOI -1 PAlaVllW SUNOAY .. O.NIN& ... u STUDY .................... AM ,, . 13 HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE SUNDAY MOR.HING woA,HIP & COMMUNION •• 10:<41 AM mfftlng It SUNDAY EVINING WOltSHIP' •.•...••••••••••••• 6100 P.M. St. J1mes &plscon.I Church WEDNESDAY EVENING l llLIE STUDY •••• ·•••••••• 7rt0 PM r- . NUUDY CAii PltOYID'llD . 3209 VII Lido, Newport B11ch .,.,. o. M..,..IO o. G. "'"' SAIBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS 'SCHOOL I We l•lit Y• '" Yo• . . . MWtkter • Aueclen Ml11lstff ~Ill llN UINOW l'Oll INl'OllMATIOlh CALL ''Wtd FIRST/ttfRISltAN , u~~l::~~~r 111\ ~~~~Ph~•~··~= ~54~1~-s1~1~1 ~D~ay~·~·~N~19~h~1 ~~il~t:~1~r\,~~~~~~C= d!URO:f 1' •21·.~·~~~~c~ .... ""' , -CORONA DEL MAR . G L A D T I D I N.' G S ! M•i• & ·~~•.;.~ s11,,1s ~ ,,,. ..... .646-46s2 I eie~Ni~~cH ! ASSEMBLY OF GOD , H"nlin91on Bt1<h , · U CH 1 15th & Monrovi1, Newport S.1ch Met11l119 Won>.fp ,.1110 10;<45 ! BAHA'IS l!o• •of· O,.. C\1i hdl w.t •""' .._.it11J 11~1• School , ••••• 9:JO PltOCLAIM ~ t:: II f' . -646-6620 Or 546-7166 Ye11th .... ,. •••• 6100 PM Ba ha' u' llah ~ ..,. , ...... _.. •• ,., ... MllW,-........ ---&."I"' W.,.M, ·,.1'°9 "' :1 /;; .~ '"' A.M. -h-...... .... ,,...,....,., ....... _,,.,.., I -1w1z1ns , • "'-11110.1.~w·-"",..,.,."..,, .. M.,.M••••'" Nlll"Hrf' Ct,.. l'twllfl!l tf .... llt\'fctll · ~1"he Promhetl ~" .,,,;''j.b,. of od I · Sirmen liy Ptiter . · ~;-~';-~~ .. O;";'·; .. ;· .. ~"'~· ·~ .. ;~~·g;;~;";';";";';M~l;'9;-2;0;"~~'i The r..ot1 of~ :;I -~ 7:01 ~.M. -''TM I"""-n.t h4 le AJ1M ,...,,. ' S•rrn on liy P1,tor The Powtr of the Hely Spirit , .... ~ ,.,+ M••· J:JI P.M. -Cett.t-PNyw MMtl111 c:.i1 '46·J7H I Sund.., SchoOI 9 AM .-\1 T .... f:JO P.M. -C.A. SenJt.e f j ,;1.Mottlllll Wcintilp ' •nd 10:30 AM ~S , 'I. , 1 • R1Y. Mtr~ Wlllitm' Sp,1kifll jl EY1ntfl1Servlai1PM_ • :r.,... '-. ._,,, 'A. Wff, 71JO P.M. -In. Mii s._,. I . ;] 'rlllltlllti" l !Dfl StWy . Jo....., .,...-. "lnCIAL MUSIC AT AU SIRVICiS I •l'ld ".,...,. 7 PM I .... ,,.M.~ ~ I Nu,,ery dutinl ffrvk.-t ... lll'~~·~=~'~"~Y•~•~M~o~ot~f,~1,~S~o~l ..... ~•Yg''~lO~A~.!"~===~ 1:1'1 A Ml Youlh p..,g.,m ' COMMUNITY II, ' 1.· .• . ~o AHliAlH SLEEI!. IN SUNDAY, MOR"IN~! THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ltlOe• l1l1nd COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 111 Ai1te 41s.0•10 1:1 S l~formtl Wetthip 9:JO Trtdition•I Wonhip &: Sund1y School Co1t1 M•~ FIRST UNIYED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St I Htrlior BIYd, Wer1hlp I Church School 91JOl l(AM •••·1121 Ce•f• Mei• North MESA YUDI · MITHODIST CHURCH M•111 V•r4e I l1k1r St. 14t.27 1t Wershlp a S:huuh Scheel . 9t00 I ~ 0:30 AM Auntingfan letch-North' COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Heil A'<'e .•• 142.•461 Worship I Church Schoof 9 I IO:JO AM lrYin-E•1t l luff UNIYIRSITY MITHODIST CHURCH Worship •••• 1:10 AM r IJJ.12JJ M11tint t•rnport rlly 111 St. M1rlr: Pr11byt1ri111 Church E1itbluff Dr. I J1mbor1e 1t•. l11u11e l•och LA~UNA llACH METHODIST CHURCH 216!2 W11l1y Dr I• So, l 19une Wenhlp 9:JO I 11 A.,_ Church School 9:30 AM 499.3011 Huntlntt•n. l•tch Newport l•tclt flRST· UNITED CHRIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH IY THE SEA 2121 17thSt .•••• 5l6-lil1 r•oo w, s.1001 l lYd. S•rvl~e1 -9:)0 & 11 '·"'· 67J.JI05 N11nery tiru 2".! 11r1d• • r I W•r1hip & Church Scheel '" cm.oro ... ae"1<123rcJ.sc ; HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF ·GOD. 1!1 • ,.,.. ... ~.:":CA""'· CONGREGATIONAL 740 W. Wlloon, c0.11 Mei1 · • Y. L HllTWICI, Pat9' CARL HNTRY Chur•h s;hoo/ -9:10 '·'"· 9:3 0 & 11 :00 AM '~~~~~~~ ; PRESaYTERIAN CHURCHES 1 OP NIWPOIT llA~IDIM.,._I ' "' ........ , .. ,.. .. ~ ..... ,.,, ..... I 411 I. 1M f;i,, ·CNN ..... · Church School -9:4S A.M. '. Worship -10:45 A.M.m "..., c.. ,,.,14M ' · --P~: '75-3915 · Hlo4704 ..,.,.,_ ef WM 611 HELlOTllOPI SUNOAY 11n1cls . w......-.... A.Iii. . ' Qli"' l1t I I 11111 A.M. 10:11 A.M.-" .. htt a.ct: .. """'" Or ...... &. .....,. ........-S1rm0fl .. r.. P11ter Mbt ....,. ...... D.C.L 6»-4000 S.velitli·Day ;\clYeiitflt · Clivches 7:00 P.M.-htl C....... ' M-.1os..A- .. CoSTA MISA CHAtmAN SCHOOL ...,.... _KW_,. -•• ,,,, •• , -CW.C... c..re ___ -· -·· '-"""' FIRST CHRISTIAM CHURCH 171 ... ,.... ...... • ... ,,,, .. I ... • 0 ' .... ~ .._ t"I , ..... J.M. rt.._. • .....,...), POUNTA.llt YAWT Jehn Shewlfltkt, Pttfet .,.. ..,.... C .... P~e11,1 541.6191· U711 er...,...,........,. UNI Flf.D SEkVICl • S11nlf1y S1h••I 9110-WO•SHIP • 10:,0 ...... khe1 ••.• 9ill ... A.. f . lttwt•ft, P11t.r w .mlp I y~~th 5'1'9UPt. 6:10 p.111. •• 'N11rt1ry ,., .... 1,H 1t 11! 1trvk •t f~~~~~~~-~·~~-~·~~~~~~~·~~~~~M~•~ .. ~~w~.....,~~·~·~1~>,..~>~M~1~,•~·~·~~~~·~·~"~4~1~1·~1t~1~•~~~~====~'~'""'~:""'~°"'~n~-~~~..._~"~..,~~·"'~·~"~"~*~""~:=:=~ . .... •••• 9.tl ... ,,.,. MMttrtt • W .. • 7111 PM ........ W .... •. 1 l :N AM \ ST. 1141.rrHEw LUTHERAN . CHURcH° -· Trinity ' ,--,.,,.1,. .. ,. s,...oo UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH! . idlnlster: Dr. D. W. McE!roy • ' • w\ft11,~, '' th• SHARP t•u ---... •UlffVlllllTY PAIU<.SCHOOf; . ·_: · 11 ............ ,,., .......... DAILY P!LOrs ....... DI~·· WORSHIP ANDMl!SSAGES S•11A11r9 of Me'"'"' bl U1114'.r11t; r;rl A-lfNf c.letllfl•d 1d1 S•hHlfl. M1•e • Mft• 4e1I • , • wlidk9' • ._., ......... -7&11 p.a. WOUHIP1 1t~I A.M. yee'11 li11i11 ., 1•1111• t61-f41J IH4M4 . Re•. H. Nlet,.ftA, •••• ., I JJ.121 1 "' l .... w. 1.11 ..... In 1 •• , ... 1 ur. trid P're .. ' · of-the Coastal Areas Cltrlst Cllurch ~.,.eian · ' ~ 20111il ...... 1...,;.·..,,., -_--I ; ... Allooq.~1--. ......, .......,, t~ AN Clllliiti W...11t..tl AM. 1 -~,ifl W .......... !fMMf I ; ' ~· of' ..... CotitllClllt J:tfO ........... C......... '.1 · Rw. Oon•W I. M1cl1111t., Interim Poit•f' 1 l ~ W......, I a.di S...1 91.Jt , ... ~t .. St. Andre.r's Prnbyterlan c;.!45 ... "· ·--· _,... -CHAILIS HlllllT DllllNPflLD, PAITOI .....,, • Chrdi khel: .. t :lG. ,, ..... 646-7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church c.,_ ,,...,_,.. I hltM.tf Dl1Ye, c ... " lrMI M• ............... k1rt. Pww • ....,, • a... s....a-11 ... ..... '"' ' Community Presbyterian · Church 411 ...._ ... ..._ tilt 2" lt.J &..fMe ..... , . DAl4$ TUIN ... ril•""fl· ~ • -j .. .,, • .,. 4ii' ....... II All I 1 •. ~ ... ,... .. --~-·--------------.---------------c-----·--~~-------·---' ---- PULPIT AND PEW ~p~t ·--.le artll• .... 11 ---•llnl -lhaljlfoU ...... ~ -0---Pr~., -mlOllJ 11-a.n,.11$ laZl'\8*DI, 4a E. 1ltll oBI., II a.m. 'file""""' la bued Apte A~,~~m::• c.itil(Ma, -<Madu ' Il 8'\ter en~ I : 'II-ti. y-dlair o.m. licoutri• ID ·-will• ... :0r. p, W. J . : will line at the 1:11 amlee. !be GocU 114..Cl<9tl11?.-. MCEiroy ..-... "The Most . Amotudr~' it.l lliO~'<lii1'ililloidllWtdti!tll EnC1ur!Jw Powtr 'In the An ur. d a Stand" wlU·be offeteil (or theservlcel. '. World:"•He'wlll1e o<ndu c l sffere · .od\llts II t :IS a.m. :~ -' t'!lililiJIClioOl'loi' rclUJili'en . worlh!P'~ aid celebrate . " · , ~' · · lbl<liiib•lhth cra<!e".llli" be ~ al 10:11 a.m. By LOUJll CABSELS . At lhe Uutllp<rl -held at t :30.a.m. Nunery c~ Church l<hool moeil at 9:11 Prayer is a trad!ilonal Uolte<t ,. ~ el JlellClorol " olso avail'able. · e.m. • feetufe ol ~~'i c!IVI ~' Ge ~en.th· .s~. &be Relocltioa ol the chlD'ch wlll ' '" tr., 1 J _:. '41 (\ • , <il.ilOlllf' \ "-• · c ·~ Rev. Emeal Pate. will dilcus be conaiitered at a ~ /' " '• ·' "~-'-r · . '•"'nle. Pathwartb Perfedbh,. __ .._;-..:1.:.. conference •p· Jolin -~' (dy imember Whemer we re lnauguratlnj .....,. .._ """'· ',,:'ii.L •! Ul\IVil'lllY ol C;illfornia at a new pmldent or opentng a Adu!tandyoutl111erv~.,, ..... ll, 10:45 a.m. {)r,.W....,. JrtJr;e .J!lll be .the , 11"5 d'!I' tr~. we feel better H ·\111111 at l~~'::';,"ill .be Pl'!!..-lf<,llobl!I, "'wln1!oodont cl1 ~.Ir · sun<!ayl-at s't•, ·a -<lier Js 'tol hand 141"' edby ~ -· ~IM91~4 Qae: ~ttier biaVfuJ ·of ,l&al~~,,1·u11 A.11 bleh' vOte .GOa'1 ... bJ6alins on the music. r \ ~ l\ ', t.Jnited M~Cb&ifch.1 will. ~a~ sm P•cillc occuton. _ , :, __ \ 1 1 -· \·F· /1 . Vlri Drive, coroila'itel Mw. Sot)lettmea tjle J>!Oacher, In • ",~, a JP~! )1: F~'" ~. ~.~ .. --, l ~ He wjlJ:Wk on a topic ·~a(ed ~I ·~ort··:·~ jitstlty his 4n_g~~!J!!·~et~~~(_:_U.#i.ol)-. . ·V:<>fe Of l~rs E~ourag~~nt ·•·· .' .. / ' .. ·•····· LONDON (AP) -Grau Pat1ee: ••AU on•' 1 en-by no mana'ftnal. 1'11 audaJ rQC>U ioUng in the Church COID'qementa in life are voles comt" Jul): I ID 1!11 ol EoCJai:ld show~ no clear relaUye. Bearing in mind that canterbury .and Yirk 0.. mandate for. a wllo_n wltll lhe ttim ire a pod many months vd<atlooe -.bodlta ~ Melhodlat Church m Britain 'befcn lhe final decllloo, 1 completely cl c1ero. bul the An&lkan Archbishop am encounied: I have seen The orclllblahop ""lf!rmod ol Caqterbury said Thunday ~ In oome that there-:-W .be eo be lflll 11 encouraged. "'""I' ._ed." changes in the tlmllablt , Tht CbUrth of, ;Eililand , II , Wiilie ulol ciloceaan voting agreed by lhe two·~ the mother church ol the gives auldln<e on the otate The Metltodllt ~ Prot<ostant Eplacopal Church of l!llnll . fl'!'VllJinl in the also DJ1kea Ill 11Da1 dlcllloQ ·In' lhe United states. lsta~'~lt:!at~~oi.u.w~~'<;lm<~~b;:_'.!it:..'.is~~Ju~ly~I.~.;.· ....,.,· -~--Volin( in.U ~con-, . , • ' ls the sermooltQplc f!!r'5ui1day '. <'WI>•~ •. a Day, Wbat. a to Black' History · Week at I Pf~.tte&\•l'.I• ~a!IY JI a.m. servioe &$ rlne ...... ·Dance! II the 5mpQO SUbJe_tt , and 9:30 am. seniceso · . trivl41 Qee~·"f.S tbOugb i$ uit Chqrd and bty School. f~ Sunday· serv1eeil; clo a.m! ( · We<1nts.l~y • evening. ·7:30 w.re • itlte 'fiinetat. '!1le most 301 Magnolia, Costa Meaa.·Dr. at ~ty ~ o'Cloc~. the ' aiilh !JI tho ~ '~ po~lolia ID- P. G., Neumann will deliver Cbrdl, 6U Heliotrope i Ave .• : aemirill"."teries ·"·Racilm' aba ~op ~eyer1helrd W'9 · · • the meosage. He will speak Corona !lei Mar .. Dr. Philip Us" will be"held Iii the parbh d9llvered . be!~ the •¥art of ,B,eflb.,. . \C-, "· e.,,.ee ' on "Where Will You Speod G. Murray will pr.each.~ hall. "wtiite ~'.ls~ tJ.ip •.SOO.~a~.r~. 1 • ~ (j_ -Eternltj?" al the ·evtntna: cart for, infants u. P"'?'vided _ topic with the Rev. Roger ·~Ooae'.'in·~!~1whlle,.some-Agelo • Maneni, Jr. fermca has ahown' that more thin 70 percent ol the' laymen and IO per-of the' clergy favW union. The' figures · fell short, boWever, of the 7S celit YtB ·vote Which the Church . of England ruled lt needs to go ahead. ~l {'' ' ftemon.t' " ·~·:· · .... own ·· · · ' . • • *· f -.j • .~-~~· '. ' • ,. . Tk SOldh,_,1 MM ~ i#f"'. • /lfn.o.;./I' I • ' • ~ ~-' ' . . . . . service, 7 o'clock. at 10 oclock as J.S Sunday Wood of an East'Ldl Aftpl~s _~:wtµ: qeu~·at, a publlc is the · Jlew,. ,di.strict · Nursery care is provided at school. church delivering the talk. occpsiOO ·.•·~ayer, ao swtabtt, s~sor fQr J.eJio-' . · arid ~1 obv1oUaly the iroduct vah's ·Wttnesses •iti. the both hours._ Co ·mmun'i on . 'will , be · • of'a deep per!OO.i fatih, ~t Harbor and .West First UBI~ MeOedlll =ed....::C.::~1{%! MIDEAST ,• ~ :.~:!i~;.:"!:~~;::.: ~un,%,;{,.";''b."~'.;'1~ Cbm:. •, 2'12,1 M\lenteenl!' ·St., . Ille ·Dtvtle. ,...,_._ Chrcb, from hil ~eart'to·hil Goil. • lb cir gton Be ch wtu hold "''""".,,,-· capactty at e. cwt ~keel bow he could be e&- couraged When two out · of every five church represen- ta~yes oppooed lhe propooed union,, lhe archblshpp, Dr; Michael. Ramsey, tokl a. news conference at Lambe t b • ~ • COll., .. ~·..... . • \ ~!TREES.of the'\VORW ·. ,_ . a.,....,, .. ~ ' . HunU~ . a 2043 o,1111e•A>e.1 Costa Mesa.· (Cootln•ed from Pqe 11 .sueti.a prayer;. .. delivered ass-bly . . scbedul"". worship services at 9:30 a1'I Amcfnfuipri:yl!rserviceWJll , , . .• recently at · the an·nual ...,... ~ 11 a.m. Sunday. p~vid Pitt· be held '"at •-9:30 o'cloc't. A at the bar of di~ine 1uaUce Pttsldentlal1PrayertBreakfaat Feb. 21•23 ·at We$lmin"'! in.an, yoqtb minister, w!JI SWlday school is also · held for ~e results :-· en--in Wat~i o:c. It w'u s ter High · Schoot ·He deliver a D}essage with an al thia hour; Nurseey. care couraging Arab nations tel coinpO*<I not;by a 'prtach(r will be· the principle ' . empliasla upon youth: is provided'. · · 'keep up their terrorism "until IiUt 0y a politlclllf.• . apeaker .. church school meets at 0:30 '. · ~-.. ,· a pain$ of no return baa·come· . Hri.is·tJw:pr_ayer dellveted. -~~------• d ' u" and t-i .. a.m. Nursery cart .is Duplicate worshlp services own upon us a · ·by( Sen. Ed!Mrld· S. Muskie, Talk on Fear provided. Other Sunday e~ehts at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Will be He aaid the "reCord ts (D-Mti.),, a i ~ Catholic incluOe Inq~s. Claas, 10:45 held for the congregation of cleV" that Israel hu con.. layman: -r a.m .. _and youth..,. &·r o u1p the Ffnt Uaited Metbod.11& • tinqa)ly , IOUgbt a negoUl.ted OuJJ.Fi.thet : meetings, 1:•.p.m. Cllurcli, ftO w. 19th St., Coste ~ acttng militarily , oitly• · W• ,..,.·i~ here this ' . ' '. . . .. ·, ~ · Ideas. The R<v. Rlchard J. to "stop.tmoristlcattacbby moriliilg',perplaed'anddeepty Chrill. Lu-u Cllardl, 7llO l>Jnlap will addr"' t h e deslioylng • the bases f1<>m trOoblld, • ' Sclieduled . ' . Victoria s1.;eos1a Meae, COD• gathering. Chu!d>'ichqol and wlilch -attacU ·on hel ' w~.,I\"' 11',lteful ' for the gregatlon will hear a mes-· nurseri: care att ~ provid'f' ·, peop}e ~.been launcbed." ', m~· bl~gs '. yob. bate Jn Ne " · rt by the R,eV. 'Lolhlr' T....., ·at both hours. ' Tbis .is ·a "rilbt ol .. u. '.bosloifed•upon•US -the great wpo entitled "'The. Word and lta Youth fellowship meets Sun-' .defeose. tp'anted ber under the .-i.:oes of dur.Iad and peo. . • . ' • : . Effect," sUridajr It IX>tb a:t5 day evening, 1:30 p.m., and u N charter .. he said ple·-·ihl ~m to _apply "'Why .P-ut Up With: Fear" I the young .adults group meets · · ' · . them ·tousesol.Out·ownchoo&-!s.·the Utle of a ta1k slated and 11 a.m. serv ces. 8:15 p.m. in ·lhe'church lounge. On the~ band, he UJd.. ir)g ,-the-1apccesaes . which at ' First t'hurch of Chriit, ·At· 9:30 a.m. the Sunday _ the Arab nations fOrnially h8ve ~led'~ et'lorts. &clenli!t, 3303. Via L i1d o , school and Adult Information "Heralds of ·God" La. the spuru _peaceful.,.negotlatlol'IS, 'fie afff , ~u:ed ·tba~ NeWpon . &each, Friday, 8 Class will be held. title of ' lbe oermoil>chcieen: aJl!I ~·~·Ari!>, radio drums nolwlthstaoiUhg !hese ' bless-. . by Pastor James -E .. Plercy,. a cOnstant theme •f "no tn11. we .11ave not· sui:ceect«t p;m. · · A· panel di~U&S1on b Y for Sund•Y. at Fini Cbrldlu peace" and .destruction-of il)e ·fh, makhuc ·~Ible a life of Gordon F. Campbell, C.S.B., ' . ................. 0.., .. .. ,. : , ....... ,.,., t. .. . ' OUR ClJRRE~T'ANNUALRATEoF.'s": EARNS 5.13% WHEN COMPOUNDED .:,.'. DAILY 8c HELD 1 YEA.R : : ... : , ,. .. "~,. USE THE HANDY .PASSBOOK "·11•• • ALWAYS.MOSTCQNVENIEN:J' . • • FOR YOUR. SAVINGS :ACCOi.JNT ""':••' e ·1NSURANCE TO s11.ooo·,.·FEDtRAtLY cHAllE1t1D·AND·SinlRV1sm·e · · WE PAY l:AlNIN6S ON .YOUR FuNDS. f'OM. OATE~~tcEfV.lD TO DA'i'E ~F • . · WITHDRAWAL •· FUl'IDS . RICEIVED o~. OR liFORE THI' 1ol'H•.01u /itN'l- MONTH EARN .fROM THE llST e'.SAVE-IY~MAIL.,Wf PAY: P0.STA61 .IOJH WAYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAVE. ' · ; · ; • llA" CDT1PICATD ltiuD·I~ .• VLftfUI ..... ~Nh .,.,~~ I ' .. SOUTHERN F E D E RAL SAVI N GS several ·Laguna ~en~ and ~·, 7ti Vidoria SL, Cos,la "Zionist eall?.r" in the Middle promise· 1oi: ! ·.n our ~ple ~uf ~S.:S ~eni:n!e~ one Synanont~den{ ~tie~ M";Sa.)Be ,WUJ, spell 'at' the East. ' _' · An<l"that gro,ring dfssatisfac· HTADomcrtJN3~h...,.....,.!ill....,._au.._ ... , .... ,iwp.-.--. ...... r held. _at the-Suriday. itlornin&. ... 1-:30 and 1':4Cf a.m. services. H~ said tliose who ·wanted· tiono ~Vision, a:nd dlttrust the idea that "Man can no vW. ~4 HVtmflOlOft ~\.~~·1 ~~ "r·*' ,. ' .. , e-'\ •• "' • ~ ~ service of the l}Dltart.a. During the vesper hour, 7 to "superimpose P.Uet on both ~at~ , oar . unlty and our more be ieJitrai,d ftoqt God's ... ', ·~ -: ~ t \ . J t • i, Y'r' • i Un lvenali1t Fellowslllp. ,; p.m., he will talk on parties by the Big FoUr ;01 progreas ··toward . peace and goodness than· a ray. Of. ligbt~-=:l===========~:====~====~t. "Playing. the Synanon c;;~ "lntitators of God." in the u:N~RU il both I.siael" ju.stJ~o' . _ . . . . cin be severed from ibl will ·hl!'gm at .10:3!) a.m. at · " -..... : ~ \ .,. • aDd ~ ·mb nations .were . ~:are ~tr troubled that aource." Campbell ts on lour t the Art AslooiaUon Ga1lery, "Sex .\I· Not.-Four-letter ectuai1y· re·calcit r!ilnt'1 ' we ·may.nof~ ~bte to agr~ ~ : .. ~~~!:°!;~ ~ BE'D· .'·C!. N~w .. ' · AYA·ll!A~B'l·.E1· ~-r Laguna Be~eh.. . . Word : The Cu~ for F~y displayed a "monstroui dOabJe Upob· Ute ·~~,~ ....,.. ..... _...., ~ V , ~ .. The pub1ic u invited. The IJle Education" is the wbJect standard .. . ~ the ~1s for m~al truat .Cburth of Christ,· :SclenUst , 1.. \ ··~·-··m~'-· .... been can· of·the Rev. DMef"T. Wall<•il . ' .. '.. . . ;, . . which 'are~· H "' "!• ~church in·Bos'ton. "-""" a "" .. • .•.. ·;;.-··..al . .... . . .,d";i,1.;;;,'."a .. board meetirlC . sermon Ila~ at. the .10 :• · He a11o, said be wu . ~. 14;o•;.me 0ur dlfllcultles,' ·A cradilatl!' o1 iJ,C ,tA',MLl"99';. 1¥¥ ¢.1.i'.\...p. .« ', 1 al the'-,bome of the Claire a.m. llel'Vice of :the to.ta ; palled at.the misinfo~ati~ Andso,<flurl'atber,welurn c.,mpbellbeCamean,authorlz· l'li · .. · •-. , · . ~ Wairiwtighll.!. ~ I• IC! Mfta, Ul:ttaila'.thdveraallst pandal~.,~~~H--ld· ·to~fer',,.,.,.~-.. 1' ed1.teecti)i·f!~C:~r·}1,t-lt•n ·• •1 1 •• ·t!:'l:&:·";;.·~;J:"~t'ff'. ,·, · .. ·: ... ·: ~ 1 _ Clllrei; 1J5i ·"Victoria st, ~an ·~~ ....... e:·~ .. ·· ·1'l'*Cb 'Ua't.to' UJten to one SclenCe Jn l11D!J· H~ ~-servea "'411 -1iMa , . · · r The Rev. J""'ph w. ~will follOw the · the}' bed· been c"~ andlher;'wlththekindof1t• asaCbrlatlanS<lencelecturer ·, . • ·~· ..... "~·· ·• McShane Will . deliver ii .ermon. · · to leave their hOmes': by Arab. i..~oo which is .-ptive to since 1111 excepl lot a three. •· Ml~~H .. · 09,, t14EDICAI( '. ....... . eermon, "Boys Are whit Men ~ · military,· leaders, and .kept f m othir )>oiati Of view, ·however Y.eat period while ~ wia F'j/st . ••• • , , . 4 • • 1 : , . . . Are Made Of" at 9 and 10:30 An iDuatrated , pttentation, ~ ~ps for . 20 Ytar1 "or ~rent. with·• healthy skep-Reader of 1he Cb r i 1·t i an , ... .,.. ·••Joi' i• x;,,;,i,. .. • . ~ . , .. o'cloCk morning oervtces' ior "The B a ck gr o u n d of po.!.!!~'!1 J;:"!""\I" purpooeo ticlsm U • to our ""° ID-l.JSc~l~enc~•-=M=other=-·~Cbltrtb='=-~in]~I ~IOIO=·~w~ •• ;W~MI::•~· :SAl~Nr;~Ol~Al~NA~· ~~Ui~ao~Y;o;,,;·~Phyo;· ~i.Ml;'.;"'~"';"~Our;'.;ST~Nf~. ~·!!·~';••;;11~·~·~'. ~ M,.. Verde Ullted Metlioditt Unitarianism," will ,be given _ a.,....... . . · fallll>Wty. · · Bolton. Clnad 1701 Baker St COsta by Mn. Lor~_ Cole Sunday In. contras~. he said, in Teach us :to understand one , . . . , , · ' · • · :'or· the ' at 10:31) Lm. at. the ~dip Israel iftJf in all other coun-~. -~ t;he kind of Mesa. I~ observance UJdtarlu U • I• e r .1 a 1 t ·1 t tries where there w e·t e senlltlvfty wblc}:I SJ?rinP f ~ ~v~':fcaofi:~ !:~ Fellowtblp,·20J;S·N.B~Bf· refugffs .after y.'orld War ~I. d~~_!ted, IYIDPlthJ and OU . ' . Santa Ana. Ctiurcb !IChoOI IS I they have been "productlvely ~!"F·Ofl.' ~ Boy ~ts parUcipatmg held at the Sime time. An · assimilated into pthe eConomy ·".l'eaCh us. to trust ~e tn both services. e1gbt week· aei'le. of Friday of the countries to.which they another, ,'l:!'.eyond mere evening discussions at the Oed." · toleran.ce. with • wllllnaness C o m m •a It y U • It e d church .wlU ·begjn Feb. 14. B t he. 'd .. d' 1 to. take a chance on tbe Metltodlit CbarcJI,' 6662 Heil -u 181 .a ivergen perfectlbWty of our fellow IDgion )le ch will policy" bad been puhued .by · :i~· =~ at 9 .!.i '10 :30 1 F~ V-alleyTall'relbe bA)'let· ·Arab codhtriea: which bed m~.;.ch us to help one ID~....,, rt ve., •"Amsel -·ted t b'e . . a.m. Sundliy with the Rev. will hold servtces at 11 a.m. ulll:' ~ .~-. . another, beyond charity, In the 11,.,..er G. Betsworth welcom-"th lhe Re Stanle -p Allen refupe problem by starting ktnd of mutual thvolvement i:g' all Boy: Scouts in honor ;':eaching ;-".The tuitauOn the' war. tn resistance to ,the which is essentiai u·a.-tree .• of Bof .Scout Sunday. Baptilm ol Jesus Chrial" Sunday 1948 U:N, ~uUon ·aettlnl ciety is to. wai'k ••• for infants and children will 9ehoot will begin at 1:45 a.m. up the·~~ of Isr~I. , We uk it in Jesµa'·nune. ' be administered at bot b Young People for Christ will-He said the ~ugee plight Amen. services. Church school and nursery care also are available at both hours. "The Architects," a class for adults, meet.s at 10:30 a:.m. in the church chapel. "Christ and Crises I n 1 Southeast A s i a ' ' continues Swtday eveniilg, 7 o'clock with 1 the community invited . hold ·•· meeting Sundey ..... WU• Ira~. but it. could only ing, 11 o'c~ E v en i n I lead to "tnore terrorLsm ahd .fellowatµp follows-the meetinc bloodshed'' if refueeea ·"train .. at. 7 p.m. with Paster Allen ed. to bate ·Israel" were leading . a lludy ol lhe ~ returned tO thll'country. lelftt ol the ApoeUe Jollll. ·~f we· .are 14 speak .of . -·•justice' ·tor. tbese refupes,'~ ··~be ,~~u-rch a nd . he added, "it must not be Formcaton. 11 the sermon at tsniel'a apense but '•t the 111b)ect se1'!cted by ~utor .,pen.. o1 U-who llarted Henty E. JOJltl to be de!ivered and 'who cOntlirue-to maintain at I and 10:30 a.m., worship these' wan. tile Ar ab I ' services at .. Cea~ BQlie' tbeina:elYes"' 2' ContestS Set ' Missionar}' P-n and """ Writillg Ori , a mlulon. theme -begin lbia -k II lhe warner A """e Bop<lll Church. .Wahler Avenue at Gothard Simi, Huntlnglon Beach, in conjUllctkln with the Fifth Anntlal M 111 ion a ry COblerence. ' Entrtes mut tie Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet at the same hour. emu,. .23rd Str .. t. a n d . . · orange Av~-Colla M .... "The Cballenge of Inner He will.<ontlbue.the ~ Space" ill the sermon .topic studles ·of the tBoo)>!Jf'f ~• ~n by the ·Rev. N~an .. Proci :of· tbe ReaurrecUoo" L. Brown for · Sunday . at lhe at tie' ev.en!DI servk!! •. 7 P 1 y mo • I -Qlopp-oc:k>ck. • Mti. lier !>er t CftarU. of NeW)Mlt Barb•" Burobem or ' the churdi will 326z Broad SL, N'ewport ··lhow ··.llldes 'taten·durfbg-·• Beach..·Worshlp ·servlcea end Vltlt lo:tbe JlolfLand. "'""oP""E_.N.,....,,su"'"N"'"o-A"'"v"'s Sanday school ·belin at 10 a.m. MJd.ftel: llCl!Tltlea. 14 be with beby1itting servtce pro-held 'll>rindiy, 7' p.m., ....tst vided. of Btble ltulfy, pr.• ye r 1 meetln(, PionOer Glrla · and Scout Sunday will be obserV· t'iirlsttob s.mce. Brlpde. · HAP!INESS ••. as lmiNG att.clfC ·· DQ '.YQU~ 1·NCOME . HOW GOOD Ji ~x :· . . 2Mtfllnlew CosflMeSI .. 642.0JJl ' . . 'w· ~-,,_, , ·~·. s , ,..,.. ..,.,...,,.., f .... ' ~ lerrlt•r CMrfNJ., llDaM' • ( •.••. ·•·1 ..... Alt . ..,, .... ,n..r,i_ ..... nn'·-' · .... ~--... -. '•. =' ... =~...: :' .•.:: ,. .. '°"'-"...,.. '• ... 11145. ' ~ r-====-·.-11111• We ....... ·~~' ' • .,, ~,~ ............ .... _,,..,... .... -,.. -· •. ~ ..... '""· ........ ,. ' ..... ·.'°'EB~ate~ 1 i I: •,I ' ~ .COSTA MESA; 1171 Ho,...llVil.,iMWMO NEWPO!tT ll'A¢l!,' flf w. (.Mot );1*1,,;.,,.11ct ;'c:ORONA ~l.~'R, ~·11 .ClMift1t~ .. ,17~ . . w ....... t ................ --. ........ ;-.• ~'n1w,.._... . .._......_ ... ,.,.,_ ..... 0Mllt-... "' __ , ... APPOINTMENT NtCldA"l.Jl!il' -· " Shopping new home devitldpments? · This Cl>lli.Pu!er.card.can lead you to newly• constnrcted :Medalllon Electric·Homes 'in · new. ho'uaing developments all· over Central and Soirtbem-California. All-the computer . needs.to ' f<T!ow is what kind · of home you ~ant. andJt will match you up. Thousands ~f', homes are listed by size, price and area. At Edison we call it pur SHE* program. SHE 1tanelll ·for Select-Homes-; Ele<:lrpnlcally. And SHEiiC_aii ~to _~rk fpr yiiu,rlgbt now. • . · • , Just'llll in the House-hunte11, Computer· input Form. In a few days JOU'll . recel'.!'._11•8 C,01111!Uter prJnt,Out bf.available•n9\)l'M~lkln tfoflltl-that llUlt ~ I ,·" requlrements •• AJso, ask yoiir·,local Realtor ti> 1how,you •hfa.eele.ctlort-Or Medal1lon1,H'ome1. " · Sure·beats driving all over.Southern California with a carfOll of,Jdds lftd: maps, doesn!tll? And this service Is free. Ci;)rripliments of Edison. r *T:11,...._). . . . ' ' (abSOlutety:.tree) • . • l ' • • • • . , . . . ' ... . ,,. • - - - - - -~·~ .. -~ •·•:•.• --~.~Iii. .. '# .. " . , . . , . . . '1· I.. ~t111Colnpul8r,fiijiut"-•' . · • · '. I , ,...,.,._,,.,--~co.,;.,: . OFFJCE.USEONLYOOO.O 'I " · I -' . ----o.· ii ' ' .,...,... I , , P.0. .. 111,1-Anoetel.c.llfomllltllllp · --• --.-·r· I · " I ,' ... i· iifti..,.,., ', ...... """"' , ,.._ :Cllf•~m . 1!· ..... Addrliel '< ... t ! , ~"~DINI 0 1 ,1,. ~i" . .....,o1...., .... 0 , I · I ' I C!r • ..... • ' ,ZipCode: 1tt1etof ........ --.,, ,, ' . . . ' "~ . ' . ' . ' " I ., • • •' " -' ' " ' -- " ~. " . : ~ • ' ,. .. • '• ,.......,,_, .. ' • • ' . ( • • ' • I • SINGLE ADOPTIONS r ,• ., '/ ' ' ... 1, ~ I • ~ ' •' ' ' . ·I , ' . j • • ,HI WONDllFUL WOIWt OF. BEN WI£KS • ..... ,•f. They Can Prqve Fulfilling Experiences. ' For Both .Longing farent, Unwanted Child By PlllLLIS GILBEllT Her b:m wun 1 shocked whtn Mias Thelma Palmer noquelled time ofJ for a maternity Juve ~y. Her co- worken eve.a aurprised her wUb a baby • lhowerl Fjo: JMm Palmer had been oelected by tlMl I.po AnceleJ Coonly Bureau of Adoptlw u the loorlh immarrted penon ~ lo adopt a child witboul h.avtng'~ol needl. SubAqllenUy, many more formaly "unadaptable" children -ha,Qdicapped or ol mlsed parentage -Ila~ been plocod with slngle people, 'Jbe results hive been happily en- couraging. WHILE CUDDLING her new dauaJiter on he lap, MIU Palmor aoid Ille bad "tat•care of kid• all 111Y !He, somebody else's ,)ids." Now, due to precedent4 breakilg chaqetl In stale adoption r~, Ille has a child ol her o ... lo lo'rf}and care for. Al• same Ume, Mn. Leatha Barber, a W.td War JI .widow who never _remar- ri<d, ;O<iopted, -Jacqueline. Jdeal17, UU. -bu a llea_d1 Income, Jnclud!N • ,....,._ peDllon, and _,, need lo w..t -ol the bome.:I I , QUAUFICATION: WVE Each ...,.. mother ii In bu urly 40s et each _. Ille major quallllcaUoo -a deep Jove l<r 6JlJdren. AlthrQfh, generally, qua!Wcatlona are ~-pe same u for manied couples' aJliiJylrig, there ls an added empbuil on chDd-care plans. They are not too speclllC or rlllcl, othenriae. Wolter Heath, director ol lhe lf""Y, d""'1bod bow aome appllcanll bave- turned down. "One woman I ,_.,,.,,, 1'lf • Vfll'1 lonelJ woman, II be aakL "Sha halod to "'"'° ...... al nlgllt becw bu --WU ao Jooely, We le~ Ille mJsb1 loon on the child, that Ille had ...-aomebody to ciu her a reason to Uva:." A STAND-BY BBL4TIVE "Most of the women wort," added Mr. Heath. "We lnllst that they bave I good and falrJy permanent plan of child care, not ooe Nby ittter thl1 ·week and' -the next, We are looting lor permanency and aecui1ty for tbe children." Alao CODl!dmd very dealrable from the ageoey'• )iolllt of View 11 the preaen<e In the family background of a aland-by "grandmolber," "uncle," or"~/' and a man . 10mtwbere to etve thi chDd lfgure...:cul..W ,oembjanco ol a lather These adopUona have taken about four mootha from appllcatlon to approval. The ageoey dlr<elor believes that UU. time period will ·-u alngle-partnt adopllona become m<re of a roulloe thing. The court procedura come later. Joseph IL Reid, -e dlnd« ol the Child WeUare League of ~. pointed oot,that mucb raemb la IOinl: into the subject, tracing the e!!eet OI chlldren 11<wln1 up In llq~t homes. Al ol now, the Leapt, which oetanalloul atandardal<r adoption, - not contemplate adoptlona by unmarried penona. It bu, boirever, put the IUbject on the apoda for lubn lllwly. . ' . ' An lnlertltint -In polnl <Ollld be that of Pol 111i1 .Jimmy KlnlD, _,... lister lllil -'llllo call Miu Pllrtda Kanan of Hollpood ~mother." The clb-:-l!ft --Kanan. a cloae nlallve, ....-17 ,_, ago. 'lbe late Judie Gecnla Bullock granted their adoplloo on Valeiltlne'• Day, 1161. ThouCh Miss Kanan -twice turned down by IOCilJ wortera Involved In the caae, blood relstionablp wu the wlonln& point In her'""'· ''Tbere 11 no trick In rlilln& a child," sold 111Jss Kanan ,;11o lllrtber c1escr1btl henelf u "an old:fuhl~ mother."· ''Tbel:e are only three thinp you can give a chlld' llOCllflty, dlsclpUne, and fove." Praently, Pol la enrolled In Mount St. Mary'• College, planning to become a lawyer. Jimmy bam't clellnllely cJecid. ed oa what he wants to do yet. • "l HA VE THE two most unsPoUed children in Loi Angela," beama Mi.JI Kanao. They abare • simple frame bunplow with her mother and • lllster. 'l1lere have been ample aland·by relaUveo '"' these children wblle they ~ .,.... ina: up. A brother even lives nut door, servlq as a subsllluje lather when need· ed, ' . "Mine have never lfven me one caute for bt:adacbe," · said · the gray-haired w.-. She further feels reluaUon of the laws aplnst &Ingle peraon1 ls "a step In the rigllt direction." · "I say •why not?' lt'1 true a chlld mlsaes a father's relationabip, but there are all those children who are reared Fresh Air No .Longer Free To Breathe,, Stay Alive We Must Pay the Price ·Once upon a llme, fruh.ait w11 lne.. bl& ~ Is determininc bow imich · mlibl. be •lopped on the hlgbw~ and But today we have ~ •· pilaf -are willing to llaCrlllc:e or glwn cilatlona il their can esceed . the, where relatively lruh air~~., cc COllljllOIDlse In order lo have ,-~ -level. Or they COll)d, bo J)UrCbali\d -and we ha._~. ilooldi -ly clean ail'." ,,_;~ '"'lubed 1to bave their can teNd hOw mucb we're w1lllag lij" P., !qr_ · 'llRil.E INDVSTRY la •-.ny ~, penocJkally al gpeclllc cbect polnla. The l~ gaya Or. S.ymour Calvert, Dl?ector ed 10< llhroudlng -the c11l11 ln ._, manpower and equipment to llart UU. ol the StllOwlde Air Po~ Relll!th Loll Aapfes altrlOOtes only about • P'Oll'lm would be COOUY.. Qenter at the Univenlly o(, Callfornla peroenl ol ils ~ amoc to THE ENGINEEll uq' beJlevea, more al Rivenlde. · indlllll'y • Thia figure mcludes hea:I; lludles are needed oo foc!li>lquei to t,.p Jn 'a(cllJ' the aJse ·of Lal Anples, aircraft . eperaUoo, power plaols, 01 , traffic mavlog steacrui aild·r"!'ldly. Stop. tho -.a malaial thal -Into the nlb>elies, cleam1111 ut&JiJlshmenls, the and-tlart' driving ls "'-'bl• ·for a air •~day la measured In lhouuhds chemical Industry, and even bomes that .,1 .... 111cant perct...+nne of air polluUon. burn fuel o1L Rolling stock -automobUes. -&1... "-& of tons, pq_int.s oul Comparable quan-trucks and buses -accounts for an "We may have to sacrifice IOID.e speed tilles of pollutants foul the air in other overwhelming 15 percent of LA. •1 air for a· car that operai.8 With Jess or large retropolltan areas such 8S poll ti . no gia011nt," A)'I' CIJ.veft. ''perhaps Cbicag New YJ"?k• and Washington. ··~eoo~ we can control automobile an all~ectric or steam car.''. Two pro. In fact. any dty wtlh a population above exhaust to 8 much greater degree than ducen: of. steam cars teatWed recenUy li0,000. ls apt lo have a signlllcant air ,.. do ri&bl -." Dr. Calvert ..,._ ~ the llnll!!d Sllle! SeoaJe thal pollution problem. "W• abould requ1no conilol cleVlcot to' their. al""' mode~ Jn ldJJtlc'!' to being DR. CALVERT gaya that alnce It bas be put en med can and older models. nearly nDl•Jess, would be luperlor In not been coocluslvely proved that -Obvtou>ly theoe vehicles belch 11111 more quallty and performance whlle produclq m kill people, the general public seems pollution than ne" ooea. ''t5 to II ~ barmlul emlqiom." to accept air polluticn u llttle mare "II people will Jet l(O'lmlftlenl and DR. CALVllRT di-•• the Idea of than dlacomlltting. Lal Anltles ..,._. ,lndQotry Jmow they are wJIUng lo pay borderlnr 1reew.,. -pov• of trees. to realize that It wu a nlturil trap fot -this devke 111 an investmenl In "It would only be a matter of time for air pollutants aro181 J950. ~ .. L.A:-hea11b .insuruce, then we wUl feel the unUl tbl llllOI couo~ the growth &mog" ii ~ the 1Ubjeet of maaJ JtM ' ,effect.I of tbe controls on new cars of the trees," be aafS ... M~lng the But there " notblnl IUDQY •-Uie five yeara from mw lnatead ol ten." air mecbaolcaDy with giant fans would 400 percent rile in the Callfomla death THERE ARE two bUic ways in which coat an e:iorbitant amount, u would rate from lung cancer and emphysema automobile e.tbaw;t can be controlled. tu Mela and suctim ducb." in the seven yean lollowlnl 1950. Tbe first placee the responalhlllty on II we adopt a policy ellmlnaUng all Dr. Calvert Is -o1 1J1teen men the maoulacturer. "Compllcated u it •""-"-lroln the air, the price would appointed lo advlae the Natlonal Center la to determine how mucli hydrocarbon be elllrernely h!ih, Calvert 11y1. He for Air Pollution Control on how to and other pollutants a particular car believes It ·mates more sense to determine the quality d. our air. He ia coin< to release," Dr. Calvert Points dete:nnlne an aceeptabi. level of air Is credited with Cleveland'• recent" adop-out., "t&il ii the direction in which wt purity and Jiil' the price to hold it tion of an AJr NluUoa Code. "We llhould continue to work." at that level. Fresh air b no longer have the technology to control jual about The second approech placea the free. any kind of polhit!Gn," be aayL "Tbe rapoo&ihlllty on the owner. Orivan • 'uc Newsletter Sn Power ,Dwi...Ui119 We Need an :Ocean Sputnik BJ CBARLJ:ll P'. ~ Navy Le-If Ille U.S. "Jt's high-Ume we stop talking about the men in the merchant marine and start gMng a positive American touch to our crvc1al situaUon at sea. Instead, we are tampering with the IOll&-lmn prosperity of thiJ naUon throu.lh ~ vacillaUon and nqled. Our fall movlq 20Ul ceAlury indulliy deperldl 1ncred1ngly on a t r • t e g I c materllk cmied. from ovtneas in ships. TllO borponlng trade alOf1i Ille -Id --aff<rda the moll lnY!llq -~-- Saturday, February 8, 19611 Tiie Comment Page of the Dlib' Pilot seeks to lnlonn ud 1Umulate readers by pruenlla,c a variety of com- maolarY OD¥!ics of Intel' -and cance liom iolonnecl trVUI 8 D d •poltemMlll. 1t•r1 N. 'W .... Pu•ll ..... i ' . posaibllily for -c ~ In our blstory. But Yl'J Ind I know WI now carry orily a fraction or eveo our own trade. REVERSE GOLD FLOW Frankly, I sec a lona·term buUish trend in the marJUme market. For u~ am.pie, an authotft1Uve 1tudy cmcluded that while carrying a fraction over 7 -ol our trade, the U.S. Avid a billion dollars yearly In Sold Dow from the revenue of thJ11 trade:. It doun1 t.Ue a math major to ae what .Ulla would mean toward gold ~ nvaraaJ If we cllTied 50 percent ol om-.... trade. Thia lantelbing fact bu not eacaped Mr. NIIOO. 'llll& ii fll'dlely why be bu made the nvlllllaallon ol the .....i...1 marine '• hlabelll priorilJ '"-n!e lull.' But wbile the J!rea1c1ent elecl -this economlc fact ol ill• few Amerlcllll do. And their !act of --ndlng and -.. lo my mind, la the chlel reuon w1t7 we are In MICh oetloul trouble. Tbe. problem bolled -to bosies la an edllClllaoal -. Whether tt wu alothM thlntlnJ. -odic lllrltu, the lndllf""'1Ce ol 11\e declsloo maken In our eovemmtnt, the !allure to comprtbond the viii! lm- pal'ianol of the mercillnt a. liroqht aboul the prmnt plJih~ Wbatrm II ' \, WN -and It WU many things - bold lmag11'ative plans are needed now. In terms of the Amer1cM touch, the almott flawless filght to within 60 miles of the moon by Apollo I shows there is aUll plenty of vitality in the American people -when they are pressed. llENSITIVE AMERICAN NERVE Who lll8K:hed Apollo_ I? 1 would say, 'unq...Uooably Sputnll.' The Soviet. touched a aenslUve American nerve - "' can, atand I oecood plact fl!llltlon. What we need now la Ille Ame son of abock Ina-lo INild our Metthanl Marine to the •Iron&. modem, com- peUU.. )IOlllloo WO<Jd COll<HUCN dlclate. Tl1ouCI> bardly aa dramatic u Sputnik, the uplodlnc SoYlet marlthne atttnith hu far more omJnoua pollllcal, _,.le and mllltary in1pllcatlclol. Focualng on the Rad moMJon 11 aea, the cenllol elgnitlcabce ol lhe com- petitive Mtt<hanl Marine Blanda out. How do ' we atack up! Four out of nve of our Mercbant ships art ol World Wat JI vintagt. BUL not Sovtet ahlpa -lour out of Ave of thelt ahlpe are leaa than 10 yepo old. While the' SOv!et Union build& belier thin 1,000,0llO lonl " merchant lhipa each )'W', 441 ships this ye.ar, f« ti· ample, we build 41. Jn 11161 lhe Sovltt 1overnment 1pent more than teoo million on mercbaot ship coostruclloo. Wa In- "" by widows and dJYOfttd puentl," lbl: wlded. 0 It can bl done. 0 , To • CIDCt borM"Mll liWe boy, Dr. Isabel V. ~ WllltUer, ollltelrlclan and IYDICOlolllt. ....... "Mamma ... lbla Ii~ Jna!--. alnaJo -·· adOl>tlol.,• clJlld bu worUd out well. Dr. Eltteda, now 471 came .to tills country !tom bu nalfve Plwlo lllco lour yeara ago. Prevloualy, she bad graduated lnll!I llarquetlo, University Madlcal 8cllool ln MUwlllbe' ind bas been • pliyalclae let • yeara. ' ; "Loa Anlolea bu been tlnd; to ,me. Loa Anl•lea lei me adopt Kenneth Wayne," aold the lllm, lltractlve phyaJ. clan. All this -even bel<re olllclal lepl ban1era had been relued. , The active two-year.old played with his two rocttoc boraea wblle bfa motlier recalled bow JI all come aboul "I wu taklnc care of another woman doctor's pracUQe whlle lhe wu gOne Jn the aummer ol llM, and a lawyer called and uted if we Dew of. anyone who would adopt a.baby W-'malber fell Ille couldn, take .,_ of blm. He WU born wtth a clnb foot, an lnftrted rlJhl fool, and • -aoct. "But the lawyer'• .aetarr bpi liyine, 'He'1 a lltde doll.' They wciadend II llllmebody -id wat him. I -to think and I aid, 'Well !' lt WU Joye II first ali!il What a Dtile lad ACk be WU." THE IUND-IIEAllTED doctor ..,.. cumbed. Bbe took beby Xtimetll lllto her bor\ie 'and eventually wu plmUtled to adopt blm Jo1aDy. "llecomJni I aJna1e parent \Yun't euy," she Aid. "I really weot lhnluch the mill "And now, Just. when my joints are ltlrtlni to creak," abe l11iafwd1 "I am rwmma: after Ws ooe." In due Ume and with the , benefit of tender, toYtnt cart, Kenneth's neck alralgbtened by 111ell. His lep and !eel were corTOCted by cull and , spec:iaJ ahoea. Fortuoately, be ii ablo .to nm quite well now. • Dr. -·· main problem, .. with '11111..q)e partnl ls to keep lnll!I apoll-lftf, her hedMme IOD. r 'lllo doctor lold me I --ro spant, him ~" alii Aid. "II WU the pediatrician telllD( the obstetrfclan 'Now la the time l<r a tittle dlaclpllne.' 5o, I have to keep him lr<lm runnlni Into the llll1et or geitlng too c1 ... lo the -·· 'bul be .Ieama lul Otherwise, be pta a lot ol lovJni." LIKE ANY DOTING P~, Ibo t.ope, KeMy might -madlclne l<r a Career. "When be comes to DlJ office be lltea lo wind my esamlnlng table up and down, and ho alwaya boada atrllcbl 10< my atelboocope. Ho aoema to me medicine already.'' Dr. EstrJ!Cla never martled. Bbe mum. ed to her home In Puerto lllco fir the major part ol bu practlce' before oeUllng here. "I pt ao Involved with medicine that I -w~ -years went." Dr. Eatrada'a -t fl demandlnJ: fre. 'queoUy Ille puJs lo a J2.bour day. Kenny i!: well cated for by two women relatlvea of the physician. Adoption officials hope thaL In the lutun, rnaoy more chlldrln will be plac- ed with slngle women. fiome alqle men have even applied. ONE BETl'EI\ TllAN NONE Director Heath, commenllq en the Dtw trend, said: "Of coutN, \fe think chlldrln abould have two parenla, bul one la better than nooe. Tbla la better -far better -than no home." Ht added that be bu *" many cblldret grow up in • IUCCesslon of ,_ homes lllil lllltltullona and !Mis "JI Ii dev-tJnr. • "Wben they .. to the army they have no place to come borne to," ~ aald. "We don1 want that happenln( to our tidl.. •• HNth'• "tkla" are about 250 Ne.,... and • M-an and mixed- race youth, plua -pbylllcally han-dicapped. Heath lttaael that tbe Bureau is cleaperalely loMfal for other alnCle parenll for thooe tlda, wbooe l1daNo othanrllo mJPt -mnalo -I -lM••a-.;.....,, ... ""' .... -... llrflll. .... ,..,....... ~· ............ -. ----, "'*" ·-)lctile ..... •r. Mt Ula II rlil-••.' ¥(¢ ' •J•'ft pt 1 11111 II ,_ dM I 1 D11f. ""1' Idealism tlae Ke, County College Chi,ef ; ' Views Campus Turmoil By WILLIAM II. LANGllDORP ~ Calllonlll 111111 Clllhp,- Many Ir!-of the Col!eae have es- oraaad ~ over the vJolence at liolh pob1lc and prlvale campuses throQahoat the naUon, and Jtave ulted &bout the.ituatlon al our Collefe. It la dllocult· In a few words lo ln- tetpftl the natlooal -t unreal. There have been other perloda o/ campua dlalurbence, -rece11Uy In the 1930'1. Bui never bel<re have the collO(tl been ao lari• or the number ol coUege stuckntl IO IJ'tlt (1even mllllon con.- truted wtth three million u re<enUy u il57); Nor haTe we prevtoualy con- tended with telev!sion'a lmpact In pro- vldln& both contagion and magnlllcatlon In the pa1lllc eye. WE NE£D to nallsa that student act1•1sm 1a not necesaar11y bad. The I.ul -·lion ol -.... critlched for beq too ocmplaoeot. Sbldtnt ac-- Uvlals Include at lull three dlftettnt -: • lamlly !arr• nmnber ol fdoallllla, a amaller -'"Win from -ty groupa, and ao even analler number ol pottnUal revolutlonarla. A Jarse number of loday'a young people are ldeallatlc, disturbed ...,. the •vi~ of war and the conlloulng !allure of a rich and materlallsUc Amerlcao aocloty to provide equal jullli<e and opportunity for a!L Youth loday are far better Jn.. formed than were their elder1 at the ame q:e. Yet they lack the means., thfOUlb the ballot, to erpreas their opt. 111-and tbua ... t other avenuee, perbapa even elvU -1ence foe wblcli ---provided tho llnl effective rnocJeL These nlatively ......... -oltea ' ldtlltlly with mlnotlty dtmanda, mil, u they -1oe-.-.. --by the aoelsl me!-. . TllE lllNOBmEI, ball ....,.....iec1 by the Blad" ~ Urdon, Met to :::;.. Jqliar educatlta made m<re IC- to -whe are culturalJy dlf-1""'11 lnll!I the wlllte mojOrlty' 111111 .n adQlad lo mlllllfily llleda, In ~r thai edacallea ..., -the ~ ,,... np141y lo aeldeve !111'1'"', and equll\J C.\lack ... brown -,. The third ~ls typically repmenled by the small Studeols, for a Democralie Society (l>ert>ape 30,000 nalionally), many (bul not all) of whom are ao tjnlcally dllUJadoned with pttsent society and education tllal they would d .. troy both and start from scratch unless they can take over control. m911Eil EDUCATION'S major pro- blem ts to provide sympatheUc un- dentandinJ: and needed reform to satWy the idealism of our young people and at the .same Ume to meet the just dem~ ol. the mlnorlliea. Some colleges have attained tbt1e objectlve:1; othel'I have noL At Fullerton we have tried both to anticipate and to saUafy reasonable demands. We have mAJ.ntal.ned good and continuing commtullcaUon with dudenta lhnlugh botb formal and informal chan- nels. Student representatives participate u members of administrative and lacully committees and counclla. The revme i:1 also true. AU groups have an opportunity to JIR'<ftt tholr ldeaa in lhe student newapaper, The Tl.tin, and through speaten Ibey bring to c..,. pus. Our eollege is an open forum for ideas. In addition, informal channell are ilvall1ble, including ·the b l w e e k I y Breakfast with the Bras:1, when any student who deslrts may joio the college , administraUon in breakfast conversaUon. DIE BLACK STUDENT UNION at Fullerton baa alway:1 bttn constructivt in it3 proPoUll, and the college bu Bound progrun o/ the pall three years, been able to meet theae. 1'le Upward and our New Educational lloriaonl pro-ll'am. under the dedicated and lm- alina:Uve leadmh.lp of Professor James Fleming, hi.ve demonttrated the cOm.· mltrnenl o/ lacully, llludenls, and ad- minilllntlon to the -.. of culturally dlllereil groupe. Each ol theoe elomenta of the coD11e comrnU!lity has Clven penooal financial sapport u wall u llme and ener17 through tutoring, COUnoellng, and in other Wayt. It II to be hoped that the clliun1 ol Orange County wUJ Join In this Individual and pe"onol effort, and will help to provide the additional financial and moral aup. port requln;J. ---------a...••"' s•• ~ --------- JJy Hook, But 'Not by. Crook !\. Olia TV 1111..,t la cliM:Jdlll the 1i1m ·1 "" lllllbeallcltJ. ' ' MY ITAllS: Harry Piste, tho ft11. ""°'"' Plblle!at, breakfasted at S..'1 In,,_ -thfl week, -bfl peJI'< lo the -. ~ WU well ~ to read: "All lip I-fer bolll IOdoI and flnanCilJ P'ftllla." By day's end, hls Car had uplred lo the tune ol • !200 engJno Job, bl! had hetlved I r<Jectlon 1llj> trom The New Yorktr on • piece they'd held foe twO months, IOd hla wife ol II YUll had Informed him Ille WM llllnc . for ~· Harry beclt at the Mt: "Oluld ... - W<rle. S-'1117 llpa llad been unltvarablet" ">-. ' ·~ ' '" ua ar pll •P ed ar NE he ye ar• ca a ' COi ve: an $5, en JX>, 80 bo: we of po! do $1~ m1 60, lie th1 we pl< inc A an ed he in an WO gir In! ca· Br• ••• ... E11. "" .. u I } I I 1 • • I I I I ' I . -·~·------------------------=-------- -. ' • Real .- Estate Quts!ions •nd Comment By Ro1ltor R1nd1n McC.rdt., Editor's Note: This is t1te eighth. iti a series of columru from Randall R. McCardtt dealing· with the real e'state lit· uation in various European countMe.t. , ITALY -a land of coni.rasts, colosseum!, c~rm, Capri, chapels, and Christianity. The Vatican, da Vinci, .Venice and vino! . It was here that the· Renaissance, the rebirth of art, and perhaps the rebirth of civilization itself -took place; and from hefe, Italian culture and learning .lipread to the rest of Europe. · Italy is a smaller country than I bad most itpagin, ed, Iielng quite a bit sinaller than Calfiomia with 'land! area of 116,370 square miles. It is roughly the size o7 New Mexico. Rome is sophisticated, noisy, Ll:tin and the moSt Americanized capital we visited •.. You would · fe.et right at home here. Lot! of Americans, almost tbo many. • ~ , . ·i1·, Real, e~ate prices are comparatively expelistv.e here in ~e. A friend here recently purchased a JI). year old apartment (condominium) in one of the bett,er areas of ~me for 21, 700,000 lira or about 35,000 Amefi· can dollars. It is roomy wiUJ three bedrooms, two batis. a dining room, and den -V'ery pleasant, but would Dot com,pare in· size or charm to ''The Village" in uni- versity Park for about $5,000 less. · Homes out of town in those charming litUe villa1•s are much less expensiye. Shelter housing will sell '1r $5,000 to $7,000; very basic, but a start. With theJr gov- ernment helping, more1 and more Italians are finding' it possible to own their own home. . . ~ Inciden~y. there are many ·condominiums here;• and in case you are thinking (as I-did) that the Italians borrowed our concept-there are townhouses here u.at were built and sold in. the 17th Century under a sysfem of ownership that approximates "our·~ condo concepL Some typical wages 1eamed in Nortb~m ltaly:•A policeman earns $200 per. ml>lith . (and believe me, Ibey do earn it!), a clerk will make about $135, a postman $175, a well-trained secretary $160, a foreman or Ie8.d- man commands $275, while he pays his men $200. l Acreage is availa,ble 1'l the .investor for as IitUe ·~' 60,000 lire an acre; about $100. However, the land that lies in tb.e path of progress will sell for 10 to 30 times ~ew Market . 1 0f[U;e Open ;_1 ni Newport Properties west, a new real estate markt:Una ora:anilatloo bu opened offices at lOll Bayside Drive. Properties West wiJJ uUlize newest teChnology and_ a wide array of unique services for their residential division, lint of a series of offices 'to open throughout the county, ac- cording to Dana H. Smith, preaident of the firm. The offices on Bays.I* Drive will concentrate on f i n e residential homes in Newport and will be the beadquarten for twelve top sales repreaen- tatives and a computerized reiearch deJ)artment. Morgan and Smith both bold advanced degrees ill buainea administraUon and are on the lecture staff of 0.. UC .Irvine. Morgan served as director ·of ,Export M>rketing and AI:- quialllO!ll. for Pure>; Corpora- tion and as Marketing Manager for Dua Steel Corp. He ~then was Director of Pacific Operations for Lewis Allen Associat·i on, in. temaUonal management con- suUanll. Smith spent several yean with lBM '1 computu division be£ore ~ e1ea1Uve assistant' Lo Ille president at Marina Federal Savings and Loan of Westcbeater. In ttlll ciipacity he WU retponsible !or flnancial planning, data proce11ln1 a n d marketing .-..earcl!. that price. , I I Nortllem and South~taly are two diflerent T _ · build worlds.. Jiotb interesting -exciting, but two con>-,. J..AJall• pletely different -culllues.. ern .ftaly being mor~ . . 1 • • industriall!ed and therefore rogressive and ambitiou~, Pa--.ership· A typical Southern Italian nlakes Perry Como look li!ie • LJ.,l · an athlete. They are just edy going, plain old.fashion· : 1 ' ed and proud of it! , BeneJicial Living on Lido, I just had to visit the original Lido here in Italy. Found that the two Lidos have very much in common ; in fact , I felt right. at home. The people are among the warmest and -friendliest people in tbe world; the Bay is right there; '\he street names all be- gin Via, and yes, . the streets ar~ narrow! · Lido here, just ~· bome is very quaint and charn;i- f ng and "supposeilJy" overpriced: I say supposedly be- cause the prices.here go up every year also, and peOple are still eager to purchase at the higher price. f'OITOR'S NOTE: Rlndl11 It. M(C•Nlt lt .. I""""*" •Mi1Vtf, """k!tnf "' tM Jl!ll flittters, I C:Ollttfl lettu"''' I dlrkfW of' ftll1C.11#11rn11 AUOcl9tlo" of ltNI Esi.tt TtM:hfra, •lllhot' of "l!••J l!HMt Ill Cllffot'nl1ff. ,.,,, y01,ir llUttllOM 11\d coml'l'ltl'l1'I to 111.tnd.il It. Mt;C1rdl" <Jo .,,. D11ly PllOt, Box 15'0> Cotti Mat. "'" McDonoug~ Named Pacesetter Corttroller Thomas McDonough, former management comultant with Arthur Young and CO., has been appointed controller !or Pacesetter Homes, John W. KJug, Pacesettu president, announced this week. McDonough will supervi!e . all accounting procedures for the ' Newport~ home building firm, as well as those . relating to the J. W. Klug Development Company and other J . W. KJUg enterprises. Hb imnledlate Pacesetter pro} ecta include developments at Cypress, Ventura l<:eyi and Tustin. His 15 years of real estate and construction rela~ ac- counting .management include associations as pl'Qject con- troller with Vlnnell Corp., • worldwide general engineering and. construction fiml, and u c ont r o 11 er ,with Heers Associates, consttuctlon firm. NEW CONTROLLER Thomad McDonough I t Many lnnqvaUOM in the borne constru~Uon p I c t u r e have originfted here I n Southein CaJilomia. Bµt one of the most recent .is one that could hfve a profound effect on home buU1;ling in the future, ; according t ~ GQrdon IW!"on, assistant vice presi~t of Newport Balboa SavfJ!la and Lolll AsSoclation. 1 , Thia II the particfpailon by a lending ag:~t. in this cue Newport Balbba Savings, with the project of. an outstandJnt home builder: tba builder In thil case beinl George D. Buecola, developer of Buccola Homes. In easence Newport Balboa Savings and 1 BuccOla bavt entered into a plan to further the sale and development of Buccola Homes Coata Mesa. one of Orange Co1Ulty'1 finest new residentlal are.a building project!. The terms 1re IUCh that the builder e n J o y 1 substantial financial~ criliOIUI and in turn is able to offer concea.lons to the home-buyer. '. In choosing ta experimtnl with tbla new type or loon .,,.......t, Newpcjrl Bllbol Savini• selected 'B..:t cc o 11 because • of w1 oullllndlill " achitvementl as a. ~ ~ builder. His !!nil hu won numerOlll a-.lrdl !or dealp · ., and comtriictloi ~cellence. Included amorig ' t• baVe been the Amor!. lnltitule or 'Architects aw ." for the ' 'Sherwood E " com~ munlty In Hun Beadl: the NaUonal Allicillion of Home Builders )if.ward ol Mel-il for Reaidenbl Pllinnlng' and 1Juiin : an& American Home Maguine' 11Callfornla CltatiOb Home" ward. The rellll Ip hbel"'Wl"'Ml'"ftOi Newport Bl S.vinp llld Buccola · ts old one , ., Saturdq, Febr\llry St 196f DAILY PILOT 1 ' ~iXon !Seen · .:Good for -~ Hp using.~.--- . ·' -, . ' WU! Pmidtmt Ntz.n be pod !or the hOUlfnc indUltry? stituUODJ will 'alwa)? '1!1verl be mt undtt l'r<old'1lt Nbon. tbe1r ,Iund• Lo Industry Ind "Contrary tij Presideot Ken-,...,...,..1 w\o ore wilJlng f nedy'1 goal of ,ilmulatlne tbe Lo PIY• tbO hfCbtr inlerell economy, and 'pt the coontry ralel, u oPpoMd tojbe hous--moving aaain,' Prefident Nix· Ing industry where . illlenll oo'• economic obj.a!ve1 1re rates Clll moncaces aft ' to bring lnflatJon unijer COQ.trol rela~vtly fnllwble. by reduclni the slie of the Ind should there be ' I duflrr • .. I 1IUlldl aJI of , rtetSSion \Vhtn tbe Vlei 1'1,,.. AIDeiiC1'1 ~' ' $ 'ibt llllftf fl I ruoundfnl "ya.,. ICC<r'dlnl to Sanfanl Goo!Wn.• Los AllpleH>ued rlll -ruwcll .... Jlllrketing """"'11ant, who predicts tbll 1111 pr .... t ld- milllltr1tlon wm "be FOd !or 200,000 men housJn& 111111 IDDUllly tban Wider pollcja promised by Mr. Humpllrey." fl&hLin& ls<over, tbe-. ,,~bf'llllrfllnl""'ll' , tnduatiy will be Mlrt ·lo ·of ·~~ f Looting back over tbe put live )'<Ira, Goodkin noted that lloullni hu been deprtlled b,cause ol lack of fund!, not di!mand. . In periods • f economic booms. ftn•nc'•' m. =•a CAURllllllA flDIUL .J!Mllll -- On tbe other hind, during .. lederai dellcit, slowmg th• period> of" lluQllb .......Uc ~wth of the money aupply acUvUy, tbe housJn& lnduitrf and permitting a alight rbe is flooded with money, and Iii the unemployment rate. this bu been repeated 1everal "In such a c I i m a t e , ' ' tlmes since the \ll!d of \VOlld . Goodiln rea.sons, "housing will War U, Goodkin remarted. have less trouble competing "G(ven tbeae conditions," he for funds. The Government aa.ld, "the real queaUon ls woold not be an Important what will the '!11ion'1 economy factc:r 1n the capital markets : receive additional 11Imul1· :·'· E bill• loMr; and tlon.t' · J,Uolerlbla rJ.Ina labor -·i Goodkin also recommended u wtD u unicll hlriDI ...i that the ' Pr.,ldent elllbUah . trllinlnc ptlctlcel. cor- a commlaslon to ' investigate 4· Revltw •cblie and and rectify the sortly .pl•~•td rupt pllllDfnl Incl bcdldlRJ · ..... -practices. houalng Industry, one of lhe 5. Prvvlde Id. I Io It Iv I several factors that can make anaw.er ·why and bnr pettoe: a ~I coatribuU~ ~ are created. . help ~e~te tile natkm s 1. Investlpt.e liow 1 ama1l«r social aild racial Uls. and smaller IOCl4o of tba· The commlaion would : bualnesa cmmumtty JI relping I. Ezplore tlle prohlems'ol the giant shire of tbe prollll gelling money Into th• Jn. Imo the houlin& lndmtrr, • Where~sbould a widow invest the money she can't afford to risk? • . '' ' ' ' -' .. ) In a California -Federal 525% Liquid Reserve Account. .. . . • Her huaband pro'rided well for her. She's inmted carefully, too. Good stocks. Bonds. Aild a Clllfomla.Federal. S.25% µquid lt~ account ~r the money sho t;lll't ~ord to ri&k. llccame her Liquid Relenb iJ safely backed by the strength of the nation's largest federal, sho keeps. a 'subltantial percemagc Of her .usets there. Per dollar invested, her account ofle!l yields· iDore than her rW; invtabbeDIL Liquid Re.serve accounts are for everyone. Shouldn't you open yours now? ai-frGDl tWo high iata ..• 5.259' Bonus Account: (AnHthle In maltlplei or'StOOO.) Earns 'A% 'bollul each ..,_ ..a,. rtf Jr pn took rat. w!Hll·hel4 3 years. . " . 5.139' Pallook Accomlt: 5.°"-1JielclOlllH edpusbook11t-•wllea . , t l . ' .. ' • J • . , . .. •' • , ,. .. ' , McDonough earned his BS and MA dell'ees in accounting and economic! from Catholic Univenlty of Am erica . Washington. n.c.. and at· tended I.Gyola University Law School, Los Angeles. He has been active· in the National AMociation of Accountants and the Building Industry Association of Ca!Uomia, Inc. although this II the lint . lender·builder ........ I of • 111..mp 11111 ...W.••• ....... 7m, If the 5" au1elt uiliial rate Is ....... Mil c..,emled dlDJ r .. • 1•·, ' . '' Insurance Bill lntrod~ced A..embfj'mlD John V • Br I g 11 (ft.Fullerton) In- troduced le1lll1Uon . Lo d a 1 guoranltelol the rlghl of I real eallte purch-Lo obllin Insurance trom the' Insurance aaent or broker of hll ch¢ce. Tbe bill provides OW "no penan whl> ielll real property, llh11l require, 11 I c:ondlUon precedent to makina the sale of 11och property, that the person buying the rtal pro-perlf negotiate any insurance or reneyal lhereof coverinC IUCb properly' tbroqh • partlculu-losurer, lnluranco qtnl, inlunnce broker, or insurance 10llcltct." Briggs .uld, "11 1 believe .. y real eslllt purdia...-ahou1d be able LO choote the .,.nl or broker he wantl. 'lllls bUI Wiii 11Ja'pn\tt I 'j\urCbuet'11 ·ri.lh• to · took at Vlrlous in- aurance cove:rqts on the market ,and buy' .at the btJI price. " jti: kind. f ' 11ie prime ' I\e WU I seiectloo of 1 ikin and Mn the)' have 1 hi Winner, II Lile comer of· 11th and , Tilllln Avenue In M-Prime lo overr w and cl... 14 everything -· <1..iru. Loe ·II a!w11>1 tba prime and ihe molt lmP9fllDI aontrlbullon Io _._.. I v~ ... The ba)' -lieneflll !\'om Ntwporl !boa S.vlap' U• petience I llnlnclD1 lo_, ol -lo horn• ioani over the · rt and the ~ coll u e In buildlDI over S homes · ln the' Orange ty trea. • ' California. F'eder81 savings _·;··~.:. , 1111of1-·AM<l1U1111018~·-.,_Sl.$J1911oa NATION'S LARGES1' FEDERAL· , . . . .. ANAHllM/ll!AIT OPFIClf;t 717 Ii!. li.INCOLN AVL : ~ ANAH~MIWUr OFFICI: 800 N. l!UCUD AV!.,-. TTe.2222 .cOITA MllA omcl!: 2100 tlARIOJf at.vo: • ~ ' Held0111Ce:&610WlllhlltBM1..LQIAngol•-. •• . ' AHi &' .. -.l.,tollS,tlOl,:.-r;io1mo..C.:~,.J,..x.o,aJ.o:-~,_...-oftlio1 lllll4-00iio•--I ~ ~· • • ' I I < • ;. • • -. • ! ' ~ ' • .... I • ' I y . -' ' • • ' ! • . ' • • ' . \ j j : ~t • I -~ t : 1 · I I • I' I I I •' . ,1 I I • }\:-,. " ., ... ...... -. . •' I· ~ .. . . .. ~ ........ -~t ,,.. ::,r . . ... . • .. .. .. .. . ... . -. '. .-. ,• ... ~ -.. .. . • .. • .. . • .. . ·~· ... .. .. , . . ,+, .. ' " • " ' ·' ' "' • • ·-..!. . . '· . . " ... " " " " '" ... • l· ; . ... • •';.-. ... ,., " . " • -" ; l.' .. , -,.;; • .. ' ... :r~: ·-' l°'l• ··~ r· " ... •! • " ... ... ..- • ' "' ,... .. ·-• ' i • I • • ,., _____ _ • • ~ • • .: ,. ' ·t 1. I DAILY PILOT .. ' Film .. Jflat!ks~ .Flair Fadbtg:. Today's Press Agents Take S~lves Too ·Ser'i.owly ... 0Arl.. Y PILOT lflff ...... By VERNON IKlOl'I' HOU.YWOOD (UPI) Mevie pn11 aaentrY bas !oat lta flalr. Pity! In Ille old days Lombard mlcbt walk down Sunset Boulev&ro with a pair of cheetahs on a leaah. A star1et might pkket a studio, paradinl outlide the main gate and removing an article of elothlnc each day unW she WU hired. One year the University of Southern caiilornia lhllll card secUoh WU tampered with in tbe Role Bowl for a blurb of "The Paradine Case." Studiol and proctucfr.1 hired fiaciu wbo could fiod free space in the media with a move capricious, unfair and ve~. He flied Suit against the' publlcaUOn as well as touch ol humor, by oiltraalal , :.~0~~,;: °'u..if = 'Pennypacker''Comedy .. stellation Orlon to spell out · · ltltcrder Weapon: "Going My Way." ' to!' ::::ii ~az;.:;0to~ ~Cast in Costa Mesa Di.strict Attorney Ron Filian (right) and defen•e Jawy•r James E·. Smith uamine the gun which may have been used in murder during a scene from "Night of January 16th," closing tonight at the Westmintter Community Theater. improbable atunll briJbtened dull newa day1 -for inatanct, the day a wild lion .supposedly broke Iooe and ran · amot at Universal. The beast wasn't "cap.. lured" until it had run throUgh evtry stage, allow;n, 'the publicity department to name all the ·stars and picturts shooting at the Jot lflat ter- rifying day. A large cist for the Liam Maurice Roland taking other O'Brien comedy 1 ' ' T h e featured rqles. Rem ark ab I e Mr. Pen-The Pennypacker children nypac.ker," which goes on will be portrayed by Tim stage next month, has been Flanagan.Valaree How, Kris announced by the Costa Mesa Lee, Toni Bergman, Cindy Civic Plafhouse. Van Atta, Bruce Cooper, Andy Oscar Nod Didn't Help Beah Richards' Career But the days of the stunt men jumpln& from diriilbles into flab ponds with the name Resident director P a t i Vircsik and Brad Ogden~ Tambellinl is staging the Gay Roµnding out the Costa Mesa Nineties play which focuses cast will be Bruce Campbell, . on a man who is the hud Kay Lynn Baugh and Leigb of two hou.stholds. Ron Fltian, Ann Baugh. who has played several roles "Th<! Remarkable Mr. Pen- In Huntington Beach and nypacker" wit be staged for Westminster, will make his four pertormatJces, March 21- CO.ta Mesa debut in Uie title 22 and 28 -29, at the com- . role. munity Center auditorium on HOILYWOOD (AP) Don't Wk to Btah Richards about Ille tllerlpeutic benefits towwsbonoredbytlleMo- tlon Picture AcadelDJ'. Lui year Miu llichards rectivtd an OiJcar noln.lnlUon for her sensitive portrayal of Sidney Poitier'• mother in "Cues& wM>. Comina to Din- ner." With fl1m and televiaion ~ucen .inoft aware of the lieed to jJarlray Ille N .... in toda1's America, you milbt think that Ille ·-W<>U!d have ruptd • number of roles.~ · "NQl.'9," she sa1' 1'ill a wry amlle. "MJI lint job in the indultry sioce 'Gtleu Who's Cominf lo Dinner" wu a role Jut week: in the taleviSian ltries 'Hawaii Five- 0.' ·Md tblt was a ~Y job~" Mils Richards made the obRrvaUon with no apparwit biUeme:ts. Her life h 11 oec:e&SlriJy been a series of a<ljustments; the lack of l'tJPOl'IM to her portrayal in a highly auccessful film is jual one of them. How does she explain it? •:J dilo'I ...Uy know what the nuon is, ucept that Hollywood haa alwaya been imap-mt""'4 Wbli.vtr Iha initial imqe, tt becomes permanent.'' Her imap, she tielleves, wu e1tabll1hed as matriarcbal, even thou1h she was macrW in tbe film to a stroqluihled husband - "A poibnan; that's almost middle clua!" The~ com· munity, aM C!ODtends, nbels .,.... belq eluted as a matrlardlal soclety. HlllCO she 15 ~I in a dilemm•-Belll llldlards is not the Premiere Of 'Partita' At Chapman The pranilft per!~ la Or-COunty " Iha nvllo eel "Partlta" for Oboe 4' -striae TtlO and StrlnC Orcbe11rt by Donal Mlcbah\y of a movie emblazoned on kind to sit around and fret their bociu ia ,..0. about tack of actiq jobl. Bom Or Ute tlme-worn world wide: and reared in MlaiaslpPi, she talent bunt -remembtr the has learned some lessons in safari ftr Scarlett O'Hara in survival. Her fariy llfe in the "Gone With the Wind?" South inclined her toward ac· In place-ol. the hm-loving, ting. She eiplained: . imag:iniUve flack we are ltuci "Actually I had to lead two with the_ bµtton~ mind of Jives: I could be myself public relaUons consultant.1 among black people, • wt I who are sUU no more, no would have to present a dU-less, Ull~ tom-tom beaters. ferent personality to the rest HJahlf paid totfn criers, back of the community. It wu thi5 slappen who laugh at the pro. duality that made acting come du~ti\jokei. Playing his ·~Wtfe and the the Orange County mother of one of bis broods F a i rgrow:ids. Reservations will be Pat Harp in her fifth , J1lay be made by calling the -COSta Meta appearance. Costa . Mesa Re c re a ti on Grandpa Pennypacker will be . Department at 834-5303 •.. played by Jack Murray, with!,-:::::::::========! Paul Gracey, Loia Wilson and easy to me. Also,· my father Today the aur.st public was a,. prucbtr, and therefore ret,\lonli oonsulWits file .law dealt a great deal in verbal suits or cry out aga:lnst imagery. I 1 earned the clDIOtshlp or otherwilt at· usef\llneas ot "i'Ords in com· tempt to edae into the ne:~1 municating feelin&." by pleading their ca1e1 in ·She-moved on to Broadway press conferences. , 8nct HoDY'rood, appearing in A rectnt ••new1'~CODfenince' IJle stqo . .and film versions found the prod""' of a iii ''The MirJcle Worm\'' in runaway hit' C!t)'iq loul "Hurry Subdown" on tht beeause his film wu ·rated tereen Uci "The Little Foxes" "X" by the Motion. Picture at l.Jncoln Center in New AslociaUon of Am e r I c a York. Bi.It often thm were a e c ~use it included a OP!N 6:4S HELD OVER ,. ~ ~" . IU4/1,1z -. '·~ INDS MONDAY Fr•11k Si11•tr• ''The L•dy in Cement'' Plul ''Pretty Poison" Tu1ld•y W•ld stretches of inactivity in llngerma aa scene., . belwffn. For five years she The poor llllY wu only striv· JUNIOR taujbl classls at a ·charm Ing for art, be pleaded.· -MA TIN EE school In New York. Lately Ads for the film, the title Sltlrtey MecLllt• shehUuaedhertimetoWrit~ of which eacapes me at the lld-4 Att9Uere•" SAT., 2 P.M. a play and a book of poems. moment, were ra&JTIUlled by 1• "S MILLION YEARS "I'd keep mysell busy, tll<-a Loo Ang<!es newopaper to "THE BLISS OF TO EARTH" ing part in the actlvltiu of adhere to its staDdlrdl of MRS. BLOSSOM" ALSO my community," she said. taste and Jll'oprltty. . ,. C•ler SHORT SUIJ!CTS "Right now I a~ llvin1 in Tbe producer called tbeJr:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::=:=::ll All S.•ts ~ a part of West Los Angeles STARTS WEDNESDAY that is a shetta are a , NA'TICINAL crNPAl. TT"TION populated by Orlen1a11, Mex-'Tom Jones' f0-1 .. :1118 -.... leans as well as hlaciu. I ~...=,: do what I can to help." • ..,.,,...., .. ....., • ...,1n1 Beab Richards " by no At Orange meam matriarchal iii person, looking more the age of Sidney Poltier's sister than h i s mother/ She has an enonnC1US· Jy a:pi'eSllve face and wars her balr in the natural, bushy style. She has been married ta: a painter. but added with a stnlle, "He sort of painted himself out of the picture. Oh, he's a lovely man and a great painter and I'd love to be with him, But I juit couldn't stand the strain." The Chapman College Great Films Guild will cooeludt its current winter Mries wltb two showinp of the British pro. duction. "Tom Jones," Feb. 12 and 13 at I p.m. in the Oranae Theater, 112 North Glassell Sb'eet. The cut includes Albert Finney, Suasnnab York, Hugh Griffth, Edith Evw. Joan Greenwoot, and Diane Cilento. At pruent she is appearing · ·French Entry u Lady MacBtth in a pro- dudlon of "Mac]jeth" by the HOU.YWOOD (UPI) OUR KIDDIE SHOW AT 1:00 P.M. James Stewart Richatd Widmark Carrol Baker in "CHEYENNE AUTUMN'' .......... 4:11, ... multiracial I a n er City "Don't Loi& Now"' will be Repertory '11Jeater. On Atiril France's official entry in tbt II she will appear in New competwon or an Academy York'o Carnegie Hall wlth · A•ard u Ille beat t-•-readlbp from her poetDI, "A "',...... Black woman speaks." ::-:::rrum~~"~-~i-.~~====~=~=====~ ~\s!: AH Seats soi ~r't.toptl1r L• e COLOlt e D,..,_ H• m.. Pre• "" ...... ll•llMY IS•kfl' # ""nie M• Wh flHl!y ..... ··---......... .... ,. N1'·l511 ._ .......... o\Wlhl 1'•111 Nl'fllrne.n • COLOtll: e · "C..1 H..il LHe" AIMl't l'lnnl'Y e COLOtll: e "T._ .......... . --..... ........ tll:IQM"""'"' I'• Alhlltll Tony Cur11• He11ry Fond• ''1\e lestn Strufltr" ecoL01te Otvk! NfvM e COLO• e .......... AMI TM Piii" $do1 11""911 llACll ...... --1 ......... llff ......... ~H'. 3 ACADEMY AWARDS AIM ·--~-· "THE PAPER LION" Wffk D1ys ,.,. u.. 0.. .. 6:11 C.•let et l :JI will tab Ille spolllgllt wbeil Iha S)'m~ Ortbellra of 0ranl' CGunly prtienla Ito third pair II CG11Certs II tho -F... 11 and II at Iha Chapman C t ii e I I Auditorium. r* HIY KIDSI +·1 INt ,.. .... T...., i 1M c.m.. c...... Pttw..t -_..,.a llooo1 P L U S ·· . EXCWSIVE AREA BIGA6EMENT The Saturday concert beliOI al 1:111 p.m., the SUllday al· -·-al) •. m. PAUL NEWMAN "One of the Ye1r's 10 Best Films" Olbor -poslti-by tho ~ Ordlulra. 'Danlll lAw!s eolduelinf, will be thO .....,., Aca4e111ic Festival Onriun and Ille ll'rorak: .,......., No. 8. T-lol .... I 11'1 I 'lhlo will be the second ~!""' .O-. Coun1J Compo11r _.. .. •1111 JlllllDIJd b)' Iha 87J11pboof ..... Ol•t 1n. Ill i• t h' I .,.. pirformanoe o1 lhe f.'ot I llliaJ lympbooy" by I 111-Wlli · llllil Ii DI loo l1'llS V•llM WU,.-. SILi Altorigine Caal .. Director and Producer of Rachol, Rachel ·--... I FRANCO ZEFFIREW ' I ....... ~ I ROMEO <?1JWET l\ToorotnarytO\leato --Mlllllnow ...... ~ ........ , • brifll•l'ttl .•• 11111!~11·• ··'"'"i'· deiy pilot pNMllh . Mer9eref Cowles "JUST BETWEEN US" E~•rv Ftl., $1t., I 51111• Till M•r'h 2 Tklt1l1 A¥1111111t II SI• Olflq ., N..,.,. ll•tl•M" 2115 Viii• W1y N1wport 1,1ch •7S.l 120 Ro••.~B*f _.loMC•IMMll ~ A,._,.l'W:t.N ...., ..... ~. Also ---···-- SHARP ·~ ~i 111. llcgie'ffeart isa'Londy 'Huntern -lletNCOlOfl• " A11d kr Co.Hy .... .. u .... -ZERO MOSTEL If Y•tJ'r• o Jh1rp tr1d1r, u1• tho DAILY PILOT'S f•mou• Dlm•·"-LI"' cl•nlfi1d 1cl1 Sit. •rd•ya. M1k1 , b•H1r d••I •.• wh1thw y•v'r• buyi"t Or 1•llin9. "the producen" ---Oic·~ .. ---·•'-""" Ive Show Shirts 1 p.111. C•11t. S•t. fre• 5 Su. fN111 2 ·.,nm !MW' .. "'''" CINTI'." Peter Ustinov. Magg4e Smith .. ·~ __ _... __ _ ~ NOW THRU MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Sped.I P.T.A. s.htr4ay Motl .... '"THI PATSr'-12:ll -All 5'atl SClf ~ ....... Wlsliet hi ... ,..,...,Alf .... -.... tlfll IDWAIDS NEWPORT CINIMA J..w.. 1 ..... -N...,.n C•11m I . CMllt Hft...., tit MacAttllilr llvd. GRAND OPININ•, TUISDAT, Fl!llUAIY 11 -7:(1(1 p.111. a,... f'ktil~ -Fni•i• Zeflrelll'1 .............. J1Het" --· .. -·Ullla:t~-·~· ~!!t_: Src·oND TOP 1u1uar . . FIRST SHOWING io.r.m..r • ...., flUKSIUTRl "UDY 11 CElllT" fli1111r1 lllrl 1111· WIAllO MARTIN LAINIE PAT DAr'mi" .... ~:~~.~~::..:'; ·-----~·--.... SMAO Con9r1ful1tions 11nd Best Wishes to th1 Febulous ell new b11utlful IDWAlDS NEWPORT CINEMA FeslalH lsa.d -Newport Ce11ter f. c-t H!pw<rr ot MacA.,hur llvd. GlAND OPININCO TUESDAY NllUAlY 11 -7:00 P.M. Openin?, Picture -Fr•nco Zeffir1ll i's 'lOMIO AHD JULIET" t,unFoe~ ........ !MFe • • •UCM • • T RI.Lie • • ~ICCVOQ. "·7'ic::llN1sc<::JIC" HUNTU .. toN •UCH • •47-•eot SICOND GlU.T WlllU •A BEAUTIFUL FILM"-r,,. Now Yorltt1 . ., SEE . IT . WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE ~~AN ~) ANdAWOMAN •f"•*-iam ··--·--ftl&Oellll CON•U.nlLATIONI AND IUt WISHU TO .1111 )AIULOUS AU N1W IUVflfUL IDWAIDS NEWPORT CINIMA FASHION llLANb-.NIWPOlT CINTtl I. COAST HtsHWAT AT M•AITHUI at.TD HAND OflNIN• TVDDAT, Plll.UAll 11-7100 P.Jtf. OftNIN• PICTU ....... IAHC:O ZlfflllLLl'S "IOMfO AND JULllT• '------~-------1.t * PRJZE WINNER * This week's contest winner ls Mary Beth Gustafson, · 21262 Burlington Lane, Huntington Beach I'M A VALENTINE I'm a valentine Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on ~iece of plain, white paper 5~ inch" wide and 4 inches deep. Use black inJc and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and addreas on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. So small and red, I'm given away today; J 'm treated wllh care And love everywhere; I'm shaped like a heart So nice and sweet, HONORABLE mention win· Caro· 16' Co~nlr ners in this week's art contest ----------.1 are: But best of all I'm good to eal -ClftfY .... -. 11. ..... , ....... IMclt ~AWmNE'S Jl,\'V A heart ftir you, A heart for me; You love me And t love you; Yoti're sugar and iipice, l'm dogs and cats; Some spice for you, Sugar for me. .Mike Taylor, Laguna Beach; Heidi van Riet, 9, Costa.Mesa; Sandra Lea Worrell, 9, Costa Mesa; Diane Menitt, 10, Costa Mesa; Patti .A5"hen· berg, 11, Co:ita Mesi&; Julie O'Brien, Costa Mesa; r Teresa Roley, 9lh, Westminstfr; Cin- dy Rowland, ~. Huntington Beach: Linda Crouch, 'r. Co!t8 Mesa; Llnda Aschenberg, 12, Costa Mesa, and Jeff O'Dell, 6, Costa Mesa. • VALENTINE'S DAY Valentine's day.is such a happy one With people passing out their~aids Of friendship , pas&1ng-0ut candy When they meet, cui.d exchanging cards: A smile of warmth grows across eech face. A 1t....., 11alf .. ,~ ..-..,. Clllf'f • ......,., n. am .,.. Drl'•• ,Hllflfltlt'°'I' l..m fw ni. wlllllllte tfltrt .. rlle _,.,., •IMI --"'I. Mtll "'9r ,._ .,. 1f9ry f9 UfllC .. Ltll, .... U•f CMt1 ,...._ C.111. St.I .,.., ........... Atlt Qly, ~ .. , .. ..._c.. .... -.... 1560, c.n Mele. Caltf. AfllllY _. 1 ~lumc -.et Ill ,,... -~ ..... ,c ...... ,. Cffr1 Schli., -11, tf StM• 11 ........ NN Ytrk, fw Pier -.11111911 : Why' are lill the kAncaroOs and klialu found In Aliltralla? Austritia and its , nearby islands have native animals all their own. These lands on the far side oi lhe globe are surrounded by wlde stretches of oce'11-Scientists agree that this is why the strange animals are there. They are differtnl because tbe ocean hall separated lhem from the animals of the rest of the world. The koalas and kangaroos are marsupial mammals that carry their infants in pouches. Dozens of other marsupials are naUve to Australia and Hs ne.igbboring islands. OUr only marsupial ls the opossom, a timid fellow with a tendency to fainting spells. Researchers in several scienctS put their heads together to learn why most marsupials live on the far side of the globe. Their answer is a bold interpretation of geography and vattous branches of bfology. Study a world map and notice the wide stretches of ocean that separate Australia and its nearby Wanda from lbe rest of the world Now n!gsnl all the major land miwes. Notice bow some shorelines suggest j I g ~ s a w pieces separated by· spans of ocean. ·The two sides of the Atlantic could fit n e a t I y together. Scientists surpect tllat ages ago all the land masses wtre fitted together In • one blg conUntnt. Later tht big land mus split · and the pl..,.. drl£1<d apart. But some eo mllUon · years ago, Australia WU linked to the land mau of Alla. This ancient aeol!J'lpby does no& see:m to expllln koalas and ll:angarooa. But remember, animals atao have cbanged through the .,... 11 Once upon a time. most of them' were dinosaurs. Before the last of these egg-laying repU)es departed, the !irst mammals arrived on the scene. They were mousey llt- ·11e creatures who gave . birth to live babies. Zoologi!it.s suspect Uiat the babes· ·M!re tiny and helpless. The mothers carTied them in pouches while they developed through the firat staget of Hie. Most likely nearly all lbe early mammals were marsupials. Later, the mothers carried their babies longer and gave blrtb when fully developed. P o u c h e s became unnecessary. Mean- time, the mammal tribe had introduced ieroclouS meat-· uten. Thef, prowled and pounced with fangs and claws. The gentle marsupials were helpless against them. Meantime, keep your eye on those drifting contlnenl3. Australia and lt1 islands drifted away when t h e marsupials were at their peak and before the mighty mea~ eaten , arrived.:' They were safely separated by vast stretches of oeean. No large carnivores reacbed . them or developed on ~ 1'!ancls. The mamiplals on the far side of lhe globe survived and thrived, iOlll afttr moot ol them in the res.t ol the world. were wiped out by fletcer animals. They con- U,..ec( to give birth to Uny, helplts~ infants an4 coddle them bi their pouches. When lluman settlen arrived then:,, they . found whopping kane•roos and cuddly koalas, wombats and wallablos and many other strange animals. Alm09t all of them ' were marsupials that do ndt elllt in other land&. • OUr opossurri Is an e1cepUon to the rule.· Jf It wlrt not lot hbn we cou]d 11y that the world's onlJ manuplala Jive on the far aide of the globe. RIDDLES AND JOKES * PRIZE WINNER Dad: .Well, Dan,, cjid yi>u make any mistakea ln ocbool today? Dan : Yes, l gave the tight answer alter Micky SUilivan gave the wrong answer. · Dad: But that wasn't a mistake. Dan: Yes it was. Aft.er school he socked .me. Dea r; carol: If a king ordered .his servants to bnhg bun three glas~o;s allll ~9 were filled, '1th;water, wbat was his naMe! :.: • ' l ' 'f'o!l'IJ<~cltll'lcl ,, ... _, _...... ....... 1"':...,.... .... Dear Caro!: What did the ca~~· say to the wall? · ~~. •("' . ·-4a1so1d 11.1 pu11 noA fO ·'"° >1::111.i:t e.iow MIO :.te••u¥ -Men Mii .......... ""'""'"" IMdl Dear Clll'!>l ~ what clld the man say after be came in Iron! the rain? tno.A pHU •• ue(fM .no4 1.111 e.11qM. 1&1NN :.11M1vy -C.., ......... IL"""'"",_.._., Crossword Puzzle 'ACR~ 50 Soft pulpy i Exrceu1on !Dill S4 Coat .. of ortdOM shttt lren • ar1~ht nah 55 --Ireton of ght Island 11 Stitt: Abbr. 56 Work . 14 Relating hl{lfOpttly: to sllttp 2 ..... 11. 15 llel1llon SI Of II• stars btlWftn 60 Pu.,l iclzt two thl11os 6l ll1Hng • 16 Mountllln: CO~Clt Comb. fot111 66 Fie 11 17 M1111111I ftl!Ure of Tlbei 67 Contr•dlct 18 Faclal 6.8 Full· f11tur1s· 1tr1ngltl 20 Scottish organic a11119rt plptnt 22 Bl1ck116te L9 Jilltlltrl111ds heroine city 23 Auth1ntlc 70 Can1llet11 zs Part or , and ••,r.;s a sOfto: nAn ... tn Coll0it. DbwN 2• 811r upon Ult p•I 29 lltlnt: ' 11-· Al*r. ' ... JO Rankin ~ 3•~·-3Z Up to tht 0 lndll !'"'·"". 4 llll'PfOo. r. ~~"r,. ll 1c=-. 41 Subswvllftt' •S•l~ 4J Fulln1s , l~r11ll 111ts of Simi 7 In tftl's 45 Nu•tric1I · ,.u .... " ·t I 11ld111I: 46 A.M.A. ca . .,,. . lltflbttS •zm 49 All1h, 10 L1~ln1 IO IOlff a• lblWI :111'1:1 -l llOilU 01 fll.'I • '.JJ.4 •J (f[JIUJ l~!.ll• l•L l.llll·J.(I C!l·!l~r4 rJnr,lJL· ".1-:t.:i r11-.111nr.i ~Jl~ltl .I C!J1jll•"Jlt IH·l014 'lr:lrl Ot!J l•lt l•!l~'•I : ~'1 :u•·4 l~t.1 1.l l ill I JLlfJ ~'114 l•Ji lll•t l·I lJl·l l ilJ ~J.'JIJ lll·ll'l\:H•J lJl.Jt;JLtll .11-J ··-1~11 1.t 111111 fl .-1'10 ll•.l t:.I UU~U ~lfl 7h~ t•llrl'lr"l l:JIJUU 11 ;i'l'l."1 •trtnn Litto n ·1 t !Jll t rl!Jiilrt !.1lJltQ i;.i ·.111 td Ultlllt 1•Ull lJ Z/l/it 11 Pee. 37 P111hlblt Nor1hwttt 38 Rtl1tlve 11l9olt: Vat. · Obacurilf 12 tlllln 11 40 Chllt for hot tty 41 ltun sutn:r ltlllll 44 Laytr lJ llact ll'Ki 47 Attacks ! ...... 411'1tlr1d: rtqutntly Albr. t• ••tlllll 50 "-Ltaf tl'P11Sr..· •c:; ~yMc1l llft 515 gto 2) iMI Iii .,, tillf ""' 5111111 2:4 frtlldt tlCIYllion .. _. SJ Cot1•1nd to 26 Qfttllll "''" ,,,., 5S P'owl 27 "'"'of S7 C011•tltutt1l "'o'i.1"' 59 Pro-3D M It 61 lnltrJtctlon 31 Cootie• 4Z law E1st » c .. °" "'"' conlracuon '" '""" "'""'".: n1•tcl •ttrm Oii '5 DOff[ 36 Bell soWMI "" ( PEANUTS GORDO MOON MUWttS TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEPF MISS PEACH Saturciay, ;tDruary d, 11)t.., ~.Y Pl\.OT JJ ly Charin M. Sdlala 1 ,..,......,--,..---..;.., . ·t-1-u~~~~ ,, .. ....... _ _,_...,. ... ' ly Gus Artlola By Ferd Johnson •Y Tom K. Ryu ••• By Al Smith ly Mel • l ' J i '. I I JI DAILY PILOT When Ma,seo1s Meet RIVALS MIX IT UP -~Shasta , the Houston Uni- versity cougar, takes a swipe at Beau Regard, the rival mascot from. the UnJversity of Nevada, Las Vegas, during a confrontation during a recent bas· ketball duel between the two schools. Shasta is for real. But Beau Regard is in reality Miss Chris · Pugh. Ob yes, Houston won the game, 118-97. Sports In Brief Group Buys 47 Percent Of Riverside Raceway DETROIT -The newly established 'Michigan International Speedway has : agreed to buy 47 percent oI California's Riverside International Raceway witb an option to acquire up to 65.~ percellt or the facility. Lawrence Lopatin, president of the Michigan track , localed in the Iri~h Hills west of Detroit, said Friday hill group had agreed to buy 600,000 shares of the california track al $2 per share. In addi.Uon, I.opal.in said, Michigan International Speedway would lend the JUverslde tracK $1.2 million in 7¥1 percent suOOrdinated not.es , convertible al $2 per share. New Additions Two leMis players from the UCLA freshman team -both international standoUts -are the latest to sign up for the Balboa Bay Club's 15th annual invitational tournament. Tournament director Hugh Stewart revealed Fridley that Haroon Rahim, junior champion of India, and ~ Smith, Australian junior champ. are 1n the 30-player field . Already in the fold for the Feb. 20-21·22· Flaherty (30) • Not Enough In 97 -94 Loss River.side City College's basketball team avenged a defeat on it.s home court to Orange Coast Friday night by nipping OCC, 97·94, In Basil H. Peterson Gymnasiwn. The Pirates had the game In control for most of tbe first half and had a 43-45 lead at intennlssion. Coach Bob Wetzel's team upped that margin to 6S-5t with 14:50 to play but IASTllUI COMPl-IHC• W L PP ,. .. , l'lolllertl!I --· ""' ... ienl1 AM Mt, IA(. """" ........ ··-Drl""9 Olli! SM tMrMl'CllM "'""' 11 • "' 1') • • tc "' .. -'" ' • 722 "' 1 J 111 1" ••1'1.IOt ''"1m • 1 l'O• 9$4 • I "' 1002 , . '" ... t " ll't 1051 witll t :• left. Rlvmldo had tied the aoore al 'IHS. 23 event ts the Davis Cup team. with the exception o! Clark Graebner. Stewart said 22 players have signed up and that entries for the remaining eight spots close Monday . Box seals for the event are nearly, sold uut. Cal, Oregon Win · Sophomore Leonard Jackson hit 14 points in a reserve role Friday night, leading Oregon to a 74-72 Pacific.a bask- etball victory over Stanford. California's 6-101h Bob Presley hit· Hi. points and held 7-(ool Vic Bartolome to seven poinls as California whipped Ore- gon Stale 69-S7 in a Pacific·& basketball game Friday night Jockey Sn•pended ARCADIA -Santa Anita's Board of Stewards suspended jockey J er r y Lambert for five days Friday because his mount caused int e rference in Thursday 's San Vicente Stakes. Lambert's suspension will run from Feb. ll·lS so he will be able to rid e t-.1ost Host in Saturday's $40,900 San Pasqual Handicap. Lover Triumpm PHILADELP111A -Three powerful Australians, Rod Laver, Ken Rosewall and Tony Roche, and a canny Dutchman from the Netherlends, Tom Okker, swept inlo the semifinal round of t h e Philadelphia International Indoor Open Tennis Tournament Friday night with comparatively easy victories. The top-seeded Laver, of Corona del Mar, led the way with a 6-1, 6-3 triumph over Charles Pasarell of Santurce, P.R., ranked No.· I amateur last year in the United States. Rosewall, seeded fourth in the original field of 32 pros and amateurs, defeated Andres Gimeno of Spain, &-3, 7-S. · Third-seeded Roche, last year's second leading money winner in his first season on the pro tour, disposed of 40-year-(lld Pancho Gonzales of Los Angeles, 6-3, .. ,. In the last of the quarter-final mat.chel, Okker routed amateur Jan Kodes of Czechoslovakia, 6-3, 6·1. Tennis Changes CLEARWATER, Fla. -The executi ve committee of the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association recommended d r a s t I c changes in the USLTA orgaiili&Uon Fri- day, including admission ot professionals and hirint or a cmnmissloner at fS0,000 a year. The report was from an ad hoc long range financial planning committee. Retlring USLTA Pre!ldent Robert J_ Ke11e11er· appointed tlfe pontl lalt Sep- tember to make a study ol the USLTA Walker Leads 76ers Over LA, 109-106 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Chet Walker capped a late rally with two quick bask· ets that put Philadelphia ahead of t h e Los Ang21es La.ken and the 76en went on to win their National Basketball b sociation game, 109-106. The. Li.kt;rB had led 11-4J and 23-10 ear· ly in the game and still bad a nine-point haUtlme lead. But. Philadelphia clawed back to within 81-79 a[ the end of three quarters. The 76ers trailed 101·98 before B i 11 Cunningham hit a jump shot· and Walk· er stlpJ)ed in his two buckets for a 'ta+ 101 lead. Jerry West of the Lakers led all scor· ers with 34 points, 19 in the first half. It was his first game In a week after suffer ing a hamstring muscle injury. l"lll&t .. 11'111• Cunlllm Wilker ""'" Gnier Jo•"l Cl111< Grttn G11ok11 Wiison To!1b. . . ' t '-ID H 7 _, :!O l }-I 11 lll-221 l 11-I 2 7 }-I lt 0 0--0 0 I 1-1 l 1 -0 ' .0 JS-.,)t lot lll Aftlllft 81vlor ttewill Cnmblln Wnl Erlcktort Counhl Cr1Wfotd E~1n Hawlt ..... Tet11l1 . . ' J 0--I & ' -J 11 • J-7 11 10 1'-16 "' ' 1-1 u 2 l>-1 ' 111-1• ' ,_ l t • I-. • "11-41 IOI Pttllld91phll 7• 1' 7t lO-lot Los Angeln JI :it tt U-106 lOlll fOu!l..-Pftllldflphlt 2'. L0$ An91tlw 2'. Prather's 30 · Paces Rustlers To 99-86 Will WHITTIER -Dave Prather, playing his finest game for Golden West College in two months, guided the Rustlers to a 99-86 victory over Rio Horxlo here Fri· day night in an Eastern Conference bask· etball match. Prather, a 8-9 center, had 2~ of his 30 points by haUtime and hekl Skip Ken. nady, Rio Hcplo's 6-8, 220-pounder, to IS points. . Golden West never trailed. The Rust- lers were lied at 14-14 in the early going but kept up the pressure for the dura- tion. Next outing far GWC is • Tuesday night game with Santa Ana al Orange Coast. Friday's win was a complete turnabout to Golden West's last game with R [ o Hondo. In that one, Prather scored only four points and Golden West lost by 87· 83. GI ..... W"I {"I '-"-'"' J I f S 11.lbnlloOll "••ltlff" Mlrlllt MIH~r "-' .... -H•Nrn. lot1l1 IJ • ' 30 • 7 J u ' 7 3 15 , ' • f > f I 6 , ' J" 1 1 I l l5H11 .. ltl1 " .... , .. , '9ft,. .. ' 0 J I • J l 11 J J J 15 .s •• 11 I I I J 4 I 1 t f t > I ' . , . )11ftlM Qulft!ll'I l'•rwvll• Ke""""' WI!"'"' Gr•""°' W11klnl Gr1.,,.r Tllltllll , .. , Ol~m:Pi<t Sfars,. Mesan :,Vie:T-Onight .at F,orum I ~ I LOil .QIGELD "" tm.J.t1"'1al field, lnclodlnc ""*"'"''• Ralpb Doubell in the 1,000.yard run and West Qennany'a ' Jurgen May In the mllo, compttea l<lllllbt In the Tlma' ._ Games at the of Poland and Amerlc,in ace B1rtJ1r1.. meter record in winning ao Olympic ;yefreu. . ... ,! lift., gold , mecta:l, faces Wade Bell of the Mn: l)eBUJk dOrealod Miu Femlf Oregon Tra1t Club, Herb Germann ol Forum. ' 1Ut month at th& LA IavltaUonal meet 1he New 'Yon Athletic Club and Josef at the Spiorta Anna. . l • • 1 PJaeby, , the 2 o. ye a r -o Id from 1bt Jll'Oll'UD ~ at ''1:30 o'clock. ClecboSlovakia. Alao competlq will be Colla Mesa's pert mother-runne:r-bousewifet D e e Oeilwlt. She will be up agalnlt Olympic 200 meter champ!<>" Irena Szewinlta with' the mile ruo IChedulod at 10:10, JDlepb Odlozil of CiechooloVatla, followed by !he clollntl even!, tile lw.. H..,eyt SllitdYtowski ol Poland and )lob mile rtlay. Day\and'' John Lawson of the United ~ who equaller:I the world .. Slatel;fact May in the mile .nm. . . Funseth • ID Lead F9r H.()pe .Classic PALM SPRINGS (AP) ·-·Black 1kie1 Capser and Trevino, and there was a turned cloudleaa blue in a turnaround huge tr;Jffic jam when compet1Uon ended of the weather Friday, Ind . personable at ~·at club as the gallery poured out in an directions. Rod Funseth .remained .in COID!l1and of Palmer gave his fans a chill on lhe the SIO-hold $122,000 Bob Hope Desert-411-yard 16th hole when be drove into Golf Class.ic with a 54-bolt score of the lake. He took a penalty stroke, 206. ~ reached the greeh and putted out to A man who would raij>er play ~ get biJ par 4 anyhow. pracUce goU, the S:.-year-old Funseth s-. .nw "" t111rd rounc1 Of "" 8ob HIP' turned in a one-wxier-par· n at Tamari.sk C£1ulc: Country Club and remained 0De stroke 11.0d Fl#IHltl in front of U.S. Open ch•mpion Lee ~'&:.~ Trivino. Ari w111 G-Lltllll' The two had started out 1·2 Friday 0rv1111 o'Madr --::t 8ob Clllrlb morning •uu -Trevino kept pace with 11111, c._,. a 71 at the La Quinta .Country Club, ~ .... ~· another Of the fQUr courses in actioa TOl'l'I N= at thia 10th annual event. · '=',".rt.uni. Funseth would have widened the :=iv;,,~~~ margin but he hlt' out of bounds on ~~ ~~';"'' the 17th hole and took a double bogey 111:., FIOl'd · · ., "71 ~·-..1 Gly 1tr1w.,. l lX ln a_.,,,.,. . IUUllU· E'11!'1I Vln11n1 Trevino made the trip in M-37-71 for Jottnnr "11tt '<• total of 20'I. Howl1 JClltnson IWI Bvnky H111rr The field of 136 professionals will be ~1~..fe;~'rme, trimmed to 70 and Ues after 8aturday'a ~I-JN ..,_.,_,l-Xl1 ........,,_,.. ~71-»t '1-1'-*-20t ,,_........_ .. 71~1-110 71-a-71-210 .,._72-1t-Jl 1 lt-7J-..lt--211 .....,._,,_,,, 7~0-10-211 ..... J1.-.:1'1-211 n-11-1&-Jll 76-72-4f.-.111 7G-61-74-Jll u-11-n-212 4t-7J-10-21J 70-11-11-212 7)-11-ff--11) n-.70-Tl-21> 70-7~21) 7)-111-71-JIJ .._72-7l-2U n-1)..-ff...214 round when the pro-amateur phase of the tournament ends. The pros go it alone Sunday. Pae-8 Basketball The (fortign contingent 18Jl't limited to the ·~OW8. West Germany's Heide Rosendahl runs the 60-yarJ burrll.; agam.t Chi Cheng or Formmi and Uncle Sam'• lusles, Jan Cloak and Janene Jaton. Aiao there's Mrs. Szew.inska. Olympic champion Bob Seagren, who boosted the .World indoor pole vault recOrd to 17 . feet S~f. inches at Albu· quirque last month, seeks to go even higher. · .Jumping .against him will be such stars as Dick Railsback, Jon Vaughn, John Penney and three from foreign countries. Kyoichiro Inoue is here from Japan while both Erkkl Mustakari of Finland a n d Chris Papanlcolau of Greece a r • studying in this country. Lee Evans of San Jose State and Jim Kemp, now in the Army, renew their rivalry in the 500-yard run, a race including Poland's And r z e j Badenski, who had the world's fastest indoor 400 clocking last year -47 seconds flat. The 600 includes Martin McGrady of Akron, Ohlo, who ran the distance in I :09 in 1966, a time which never hu been bettered. Much interest rests on the showing of May in the mile. A star in 196S. May escaped from East Germany and now resides in the West. "My first race was two ·weeks agr. in Philadelphia wh~n I was second,'' he said. "I · ~hope to get Into better condlUon -Uie condltlon of three years ago." Now 26, May says he may soon switch to the 5,000-meter dislance. The hoHbols ·of the field remained a bit further back but none can be counted out with 36 bolea remaining. Bill Cuper lhot a 71 Ice 210, Arnold Palmer Q for 214 and Jack Nicklaus 74 for %17. In the Plamer-NictJaus UCLA in 62-51 Win; rivalry, Amie came from two shots behind to pass Nicklaus. IncootrutW'I'bundly'lrlin,wind and bitter cold, the ftlther was ideal from atart lo flnlalt.lar the thir~ round. Tied at 20t were· Art Wall and Frank Beard, each with 71, and Gene Littler and Orville Moody, who had &as. Most of the name playf:rs performed at La Quinta, incluillna Palmer, Nicklaus, BRONCOS WHIP LION FIVE, 82.(;5 SAN JOSE (AP) -Unbealeo Santa Clara, wllh commanding cootrol ol the boards, surged to an a:us victory over Loyola or Loa Angles Friday night. The third·ranked Broneoi wen trailing 37-31 with 18:27 to go but Dtnnis Awtrey sank a follow.up a1lot that put Santa Clara ahead for keeps. The Broncos Outreboundecl Loyola 47· SJ. ' Awtrey and Ralpb ·Odgen scored 30 poinll apiece for the winners. The f.. foot-t Awtrey bad 19 reOOunds. • . . Gauchos Fade'- ln 2nd Half, Beaten by 76-58 POINT LOMA -Saddlebacl: College's Gaucbol, ahead hr almoit all of the !Im haU, iputlend badly In the oecond hall Friday night and mopped • 7WI game to the Cal Western freshman. Coach Ray Slevens' Jeam hid Jhlnp prelly much Ill way IDIW C a I Western tied the halftime score at 3$-35 just be- fore the midway buzzer. BUI Noon topped game scoren with 22 pulnta. Saddleback, g.14, playa at San Diego Mesa Junior College tonight. S~UI> t9ftl9f,. l • ' 11 1 I J 1' t • J ' 1 I I 2 • • t n I I J 7 I 1 J I 1 I I J ...,. l•-· HlrdY ~trrlH -....... -....... c• • ..,... ,.,.... l'6> fl " ..... E1t15lron'I .l J 2 I l'elt.dtY I 2 I I :)1rt111 ' t ' 14 ~Ulilrllln I 2 I It 011111 '''' Fullllwr I 4 I 4 ,. ..... 11f l \Ifft! t 0 I I McOontld ' 1 1 ' ......._. l ll:J ._,..., 1 1 I .t TIM• H to JI • T•l1 2' 11 11 7f Htlttllftt tatt; c.I WlslW!I ii. Slddlett9c* • Trojans Edged, 72-70 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Topranked UCLA. trailing at halftime for the first time in the history of Pauley Pavilion, ·rolled to a 62-51 PacWc-1 ba.sketbaU vie· tory Friday night over Washington. It ;was,: the Bruins' Ylth straight con- ference Victory -a Pac-I record. And hi !he nearby Sports Arena Ted Wierman ..U two free throws with five seconds lelt in ·overtime to give Washing· ton State a 72.-70 Pacific Eight Confer- ence victory over Southern Californ)a. Lew Alcitldol' led the Bruln.1 with 28 P\)lnl.s an<J trtpettd a sec:ond.ball 'JlUrl W!lh slolen puses. The Huskies assumed a 14-12 lead af· ter 5:'6 of the first haH with a well-dis-- ciplined offense. The margin went to Z9- 20 with 5:38 to play with George Irvine, who scored 21 points and Jay Bond hit- ting from Inside. The Bruins rallied on AJctndor'.s scor-ina: to trail on17 33-29 at halftime. UCLA .scored the ftrst. live points aft· e'r halftime and Washington's offeMe ap- peare<l to collapse under pressure of UCLA's zone press. The Cougars trailed throughout most ol the •econd hall. They scored seven points in a row, holding USC scoreless in the last f i v e minute1 of regu1ation time. Dennis Hogg tied it up with %:43 to go Davenport Glides To 6.8 in Hurdles FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP ) -Willie Davenport flashed to-a world r=nl· tyi.., U ""'°""" In the 60-yanl bJgh hurd1el and Tom Von Ruden beat the listed Amerlcan record in the 1,800-yard run to bigbligbt the ninth annual For1 Worth Coacbu lndoor Games Friday llight. A crowd of 7,156 watched the rirst running of the games in the new Tarrant County ConvenUon Center. Davenport'• victory wu his loth in a row indoors. 1be Olympic 110-meter hjp hurdles champion lied tbe mark held by Hayes Jones and E a r 1 McCullooch. . Voo Ruden, an Oklahoma Stale graduate who la in the Anny, turned la a 1:07.7 time to beat ·the llsted American ,_... of 2'1'7A held by l1UDltl'\)QS athletes. In regulation lime on an 8-foot b • n k shot. When USC lost the ball on a back· court violation with 2:05 left, the Cou· gars' stalled for two minutes until Hogg missed with a four.foot jump shot with four seconds to go, sending the game in- to overtime. Orange County, UCLA Cagers On TV Today Orange County makes it.s first ap- pearance on KNBC'.s weekend prep basketba11 coverage today with the Sunny Hllls-La Habra game being televised at noon from Fullerton Junior College . Sandy Koufax and Mike Kizzlah will call the action over Channel 4 at noon. Two West Coast college games will be telecast today-the Washington State- UCLA game ~t 2:30 over Channel S and the San Jose State-Pacific encounter at 3 p.m. on Channel 13. The weekend golf feature 1s the Bob Hope Desert Classic rrom Palm Springs. It starts at 3 today, and at 1:30 Sunday on Channel 4. The weekend menu : TODAY 12" fl)(L -8ASKElaALl ,., l1 H•br1 \IS SUIN!Y Hlll1. Mfllt -Klultt IM!t: kou1u aiurtsldl 11 l'ulllrlo!! J ,. ~.. l-1' 2·l0 •.11'1. 11JCF ..... c.-rle.. BNCI Dniiii ~~u~7"\S;fb,,-1f8: ~~fs~~C w.:.••k.,., C1ry Mlddll(Vft' f1'*•Jdl ,. , ron. s1.ie ti'"'vc{JICLI'-•ASK1El8.1.LL -W1Ml1111oto rmllo!I. L.A. r•nk 5tms tourttlOI it p...,..., ~p,~)Cl -"GA GOLF -111'2 ooe Bob m Cl1uJit. Jim SltnlltOn Pit. H ~·==~·:i .::ci~·~.~r: ~~ .. i:··Jr~ e? i:iincniip "-; ~KEl,:~Ll..,.;, un1v1rst1v hlr P1lt111 teo.nnkll! '-Moor1• 3:l0 p,m. lllCT ..:_ 80WLING Dt!tv w1"' Cllr Sdtrnlltl, 81111 Welu mlliiiidt tr 011t1t M~ ":;'· ''ICL -SANl.1. ANITA -Er~r. __ lo · ,,,..,. HIMln mllcnkk 11 Ar<.111'11 1or """ llUl'll r&a of fill Weelr Al~:::'· UICI' -OUT'ooo1u -"Sin Dir•• J P.rn. !4lCT -WOA.LO 01' GOLF -l'tllll! 8ffrd, Gardner Dldtl~son, Jullu• llarm Pllv 1111 C.Yfl!"" Goll •nd CC t'OUfW. Gtn. Jar•i .limrnY o.ni1rwt llnklldl I" KlnfHllll J1rn11<i In. .:. ·~n .. ".)CT -llOWLING -JClltn Gu.nit..r "'-ll:•lpll E.,.81\,, Jim St Jb' DJ P.~ncr -WIDE WDtll:LO -Wlftm'...ltloMi ln~t1oti11"lltl-Kr!ltl Jl>dtllll lrldttkll II I"-. Md<n • T !an 0t1rnMonP1lpj w1111 Jlrri ,.._"[ T..:.w: ~'u~=:.1· ••11i.r111111. Ntnon.1 k•ldt If SHll!t-" will! Dldt •ulteol Fi;.• lfl."'f:~ C:'\;,.11-f lLLIAtll:OI -M!-.11 'Ille ,..._. had the lesd, 'lt-74, wllh two mnMI to go. ocx; acored live polllta In the Jut 1J seconds to mate It dole. MIU Flal>erty scored :JJ poioll 10< Cout, -1noll1( 1\11 ..... bot ltrelL He potted " agaliiat Fvllerton ....-,. JIJll Klndeloa scored 21 I« the Plraln. History Made: Girl Jockey Rides I JI.It!, lllJCT -&bXING -C11uc1i Hull "'-tldl at Sllvl!' SllPl'll' In l .. V"ll. ..!:..:;""cie ~k..,-IOXEO -1.1.ttll tie 11 SUNDAY 111f~~~·~t~L~AiKIET•A\l -"lllltclll .. ll It 1o1tett GI tr, JKl _,...,,n ~hllll .Jl3! g·'"· C \;.L -MOCICEY l(lnft ~. lfl 1(11(.,~ 1111 M1t1r 1c11ltle-If Ot._.f; Joe llorpn -Rlvenlde c:oech BID MUlllpn'I biU.C threat wllh 25 polnll. .,.....,., ...... v--...2111 ,.,.,... 1111)5 <I-,,,,, ~ , ...... tt 1<.-m • • 4 1t ~--I 111 1 ~c....tCtO .... ,., "' I J i I " • j • lltlJ• 1 I 1 :J 1 ' j • , .. ,. 1 • 1 a ....,. ' ... .... • '. l ' ....-,,,, !!!!..-" 11 • ., loll'h "f'.._ ~ otC • l"'"lif' .t1 H '' tf ' MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -Pert and blushing Dia""" Crump rod<! the 5(1 lo I shol, Bridle 'N Bit, ill the seventh ract at Hlaleah Friday, !he 01'11 Um< In American parl-mutuel racin1 hiatcl-y a woman has rldcleri 1 hone race. "I thlnl< I did okay I« the flrsl time," said the mud-.sP1ltered JO-year-old ezetcist &iJi alter finJlhtlc ·IOlh In the field ol 12. "He bandied real good !or me." Using last-minute lips from jockey Cralg P<rm In !he No. I pool poo!Uon, Diane broke her horse from the aate In 8'CMCI place but dropped lo lut by !he n,.,,1 tum. She passed two hones In the back 1U.tch and held 10th roe the dlstani:e. Aa ahe relumed her horae to the paddock, !he crowd of 11711 cheered and applauded. Smf"', oh.! dl3mowlled and bepn wall:lng l!'af wltboul umad- dUna her hone I« lhe we11J>1n. "l wasn't nervous,"' she said. "I lot o!f and the)' )ult draaed mt away. I didn't (orset." Veteran jockey Manuel Ycua, w•t· cblng from the sldellnet under a flwe clay llUSptMiOll, 11\d ... Wll lmptt....i wllh the way DllM movedlltr ......_ ''She bl'J~ will, ktpt ber horae out al trouble and drove when she should have. I wouldn\ la1o1r what IOl!lebody elte c:oul4 have done with the horae_ '' Yaw said. The blonde, JIM pounder lrvm Wood-• lllOll~ Conn., aald : "I bad always heard !hat lOlnl Into the nm -11 whel'e the rlderi cua each other, but .-Y aa)d a word." "I 10t a UlUe tired lowarda the tnd of the ~. 1J11 ltp wm a UtUe weak." ~· rl.'$" -.l.UlO IV.CE -"Olrll1111!1" .;:,;,• '""" l•KL -"GA GOl..I' _ t\2'.00. "'" Dl"'1 CIH&k. Jim llMl>tlfl, Pit ~ Jlnrl McA""*r• JIY -11111911, C1ry Mlddlec~ ~-:... """'-ll'*11dt II llMllMt Wllll CC. ,.,,,,; c:. L""'.u \:l~' ,..;;;, ~1~:~1c:,.·=.~c·r.-1td1y~·"'· U>CI' -SKllHQ -Wlllt Jb!KI~ l JI:• la411' -'TO-OS -("ll11t di lorOI j ... ,.,..;.::= ... "'~ M .... ,.. Uc11t1. Mltuti :~""'Jll.1..'ftiicl -,~ .. V'\lc'i 0:: 'lllf'•lll'M ~=-"" -•I Mf'1m1-H1iuu -tie.I 1:11 •1!"'·. (ll}C1' -COMM.ENTAlllY A~ M•-Wllll llll:l 1Wec1t1t. -l1 -·..--*'"'"'-....-~-~--~--·---0--------------------------------------- o.t.n.y PILOT ...... ., alcMNI l(tlllllr OILER BRUCE WISE (22) JUMPS FOR A SHOT WHILE MATES LEE WALTERS {54), Mll<E CONTRERAS {30) AND ROY MILLER (52) ARE BETWEEN ANAHEIM DEFENDERS. -- ~-------------- Miscues Aid Vikes' Bonwell-led Oile,rs • Ill 64-49 Romp 82-57 Win By GLENN WIDTE Of tM Dtllr l'llol Si.ff and it gives them a 3·game cushion over Anaheim with fi ve circuit tilts re- Tony Bonwell is a standout football maio.ing., quarterback who usually takes a back Bonwell was magnificient. Although he scored only ~ht points, seat to a couple of All-ClFers when it he was fantastic on the floor. Bonwell comes to ,the Huntington Beach Jiigh plucked off rebounds, slole passes, School basketball team's press clippings. brought the ball down court and put By STEVE ANDREWS However, such was not the case Friday relentless pressure on Anaheim ball Of ,,.. o.iry "~ Slltt night as Bonwell put on an inspirational handlers .. A gross amount of fouls and turnov-show. to lead Huntington past Anaheim He seemed to be everywhere at once, ers marred the Marina-Santa Ana Val· Higb''s Colonists, 64-49, before 2,400 fan.s including.this writer's lap on one occasion Jey S~nset League .b~ketba1l clash F~l-in the Oil City institution's gym. when he crashed into the scoring table day rught as the Vdtings routed the vis-It was the 37th conseculiv~ league after being ,f.ouJed while pursuing an ltin~ Falcolls, 12-57.~ ~ -Victory for $08ch Elmer r:..h::.,. Oileks errant ball. , ·· A Iota! of 41 iurno'nrs <ii bylhe''Sanl -: -·"·'''--·"-+l·+r---'''--.--''>"" . .'-"~-''--------------­ ta Anans) and 40 fouls tu!ned the· game into a complete shambles. The contest was never in doubt after the opening minutes with the Vikings jwnplng out to a 10-0 lead before Valley could muster a bucket of ·any kind. Coach Lute Olson's Vikes shot an im· pressive 55 percent from the floor (35 for 63) en route to their third win in ten S u n s e t League outings. The Fal- cons could manage only a miserable 22 percent (12 for 57). Dave Neumann, Rick Mosier and Ray 'Stratford bliStered the Falcons'~efense from the outside, aiding the Vikings to their biggest lead of the encounter 7i. 34 at the conclusion of the third perjod. However, the blg man In the offense was Dick Ivie. The 6-5 senior forward handled the offensive boards well in the initial half and wound up tying for game scoring honors. He shared accolades with Steve Schaffer of Valley. S1nt1 Alll VtlttY 1171 f1 It '' '' 5 2 1 12 Serr1no MtYrer r,,nafttr F ltkl\er KCVtl Looei . ., 0 1 0 1 7 5 4 It 7 3 1 17 1 0 ' 2 0 1 3 l 1 I 3 $ MtrJlll 1121 Wilctwr 0 0 J t Moon 2014 Ntum1nn '.4 l 12 Motltr ' 3 1 15 Heutll 011 1 S!r11tord S 0 i 10 R1be 01]1 Moll 3 01' B1lrd 5 1211 lvle flt1' Soren1()11 1 0 0 t Tot1l1 22 U 1• J7 Tol1l1 SS 12 14 U lc•rt ~., Q111rttn S•nl• An• VtU•v i 1S 14 1l-S1 Mtrlnl 25 :U 25 lo-tl Westminster Nails 84-63 Upset Victory By LARRY DUNMIRE Of tllt DlllY Plitt Stiff \Vestminster drove Ule final nail into Western High's coffin as the Lions snuf- fed <>Ut whatever Utile chance the Pio- neers had for the Sunset League basket- ball championahip by rolling to an 84- 63 trlwnph Friday night. The loss leavea the Pioneer• four gam- es out of first with five to {llay. DAILY PILOT l'ltelt bl' Ptl O'hftlltll D"OWN ANO UNDER -Corona del Mar's Mike McWilliaml goes down and under the defensive ellorts of a Loara players Friday night Corona del Mar lost its first league game in two season5, 52-51: Bonwell's performance was all the more Impressive when you consider he had four fouls dangling over his head for most of the last hall. All-CIF returnee s Roy Miller and Mike Contreras took up the scoring slack, along with [ree throw expert Mark Whit· tied. Huntington never trailed. However, coach Brant C ow s e r ' s Colonists made their run at the Orange and Black, cutting the deficit to 35-34 with 3:03 to go in the third period. Then, as Cowser feared might happen, Huntington went on a tear. Contreras To Loara, 52·51 Jam!lled in a rebound shot, Miller 111\ked a layup, Bond Nichols hit an off-ba1ance shot from underneath the buc\l.et then Contreru potted a one-handed 16-footer to make it 43,34. It was all over at that point, although the Colonists were able to stay even for a few more moments. Then again came an Oiler explosion with Whitfield pauring four straight one- and~ne free throws through lhe nets to make it 51-38 with 3:27 to play. Miller led Hunlinlton with 11 while Contreras and Whitfield produced 1$ apiece. It Finally Happens- CdM Drops Loop Tilt By ROGER CARLSON 01 t11e Dally l'lltt Sllff It had to happen sooner or later, and Loara High School's basketball team finally turned the trick on Corona del Mar Friday night with a spine-tingling 52..Sl Irvine League victory, before a packed house. The loss, in the loser's gym, was the first league defeat for Corona del Mar's Sea Kings since Ule last game of the 1967 season. So, coach Bill Bloom and his b a n d of Sea Kings are now in a tie for the Ir· vine League lead with . their conquerors at 5-1 while dangerous Magnolia, the preseason title favorite, is a tick behind wlth a 4·2 mark. After the bitter one-point defeat, Bloom remarked, "we had so many ways to get them at the end." The final score was registered w I th sUll 1:35 left in the game and Corona in- deed had its chances to grab the vic- tory, But it wasn't In the cards as first a missed free throw -the thing Corona usually does.the belt in clutch situations -and then th< lhot with eight seconds to go lhal b11111ed o!f th< rim llld Into Loara'1 possession. • The game was lost, however, In the first half when Loara exploited the Sea Kings' defense for easy shots under· neath. Bloom's defensive adjustments setm· ed to pay off in the second hall with his quintet coming from behind to take a 38-M lead with 5: 17 to go In the third period. And the Sea Klnp led by u many u thrtt, 51-41, with 1:42 lell. But two !rte throw• and then a IS.loot- er by Ralph Redlnlton 1ave the SUonl a one-point lead with 1:35 left and that proved to be the end of the Sea Kings' 19-game league win streak. c:-111 lltl Mir ISlJ ft ff pf Ip I 2 I U , 0 • ' 0 2 2 2 3 2 1 I , ' 2 15 ,..,,_ '"" .,_ l•r1 (UI f1ft11lb ' ' ' 12 l 2 2 • Ri!'dlneton Boylts P1n1rell1 Brlslol Fr11111n ~llcholts Wllbruh! MCWllllt ms Coron1 L.otr1 17 11 14 JI To!1l1 Sc.rt •t Gvtrt1n dtl MIT I 17 11 u 2 0 ' • s 4 l 1• ' 1 l ' ' 1 ' ' 20 11 1• 52 II t-51 11 1H2 Quick Start Gives Newport 69-54 Decision 'By RON EVANS OI llM Diii' Plllll Jltff Lee Haven and Dan Llnd!tedt combin- ed to give Newport Harbor a seven- point advantage within the tint 90 sec· onds as the Tars coasted to a 19-54 vic- tory over Santa Ana In a Sunset League basketball clash on the victor's noor Friday night. ' Haven connected on a three-point play with the game only 13 seconds old, was followed by Lindstajt who hit on two shots from the free throw line, then came back with another bucket before Santa Ana could get off a shot of its own. Panesi Afaulo's .long shots kept the satnta: in the game for the first four min· utes u the visitors trailed by only four lM, with 3:22 rem11lnlng in the first period but Newport ran off a string of nine· consecuUve pOlnta to run out the frame. Jeff Powers, Dan Broderick and Randy Combs led the victorious bolla1 attack, combining f o r 84 {IOlnta, rnost of whicb came Jn tho deciding leCOlld hall. Westm!Ntu lbnw In 19 polnta in I he third quarter and then exploded for IO In th< Una! period. Playing catdl-up tho first half, but then run-away the second, the winners were behind the Pioneers, 16-13 at the end of eight mlnutel, CM Rallies · for 67-59 Win For the night, Newport made good on 4t percent of the ahols taken from the field but most of the devutaUon came aboot dopng the Orsi hall while th • Tars were rlflplng the neta at a 55 per· cent clip, sinking 20 of the II ~ ~· The Lions aetmed more at home th e SW>nd half, UUllzl.ng the fut-break to the utmost, at the wne Ume -holding Weltem score~ for four long minttte• to build up a 54-42 score as the third 9uarter endtd. W•""" If.JI '•"" ,. J 2 0 • $ 1 '10 O'IC."fe edwt nlJ Pett~ 'Nl'ttrd Rt fferty ,Otwll ' I ' ' 1 1 s 17 ' ' j 10 I t I J '""" .... ,_ .. ·-· l rl'lt llwoof .. ~ Ot1tn Wttl"11MW 04) ''"" ~ ' J • 11 J J 1 • • .. ~ "° ID 1 3'1 0 0 0 0 J ' , • 0 1 • l 1 •• 2 1122nu ltkltf" I• ' I• U Toltlt ,. ltttt tr Glllrttn ,, '' 11 D . ~~-­,, --r • By JOEL JICllW ARZ{ • 'Of ... °"" ,.... Iliff >;. Herb Livsey bu been waking up In the middle of night and looking at basketball movies. Jt's all tbe result or insomnia brought on by a five-game IO&ing streak. . But the long sleepless nights ended for the Costa Mesa basketball coach Friday night when his team roared' back from a seven-point deficlt in the. fourth quarter to blast Estancia, 67-59, in the Eagle&' gym. I . Thia victory wu Costa Mes111 first In Irvioe Le:acue play but ten the Mustangs tied ·for Jut place with Eatancla. Both clubs 11ow are 1.S. ~11 -For three periods it definitely looked as if· Livsey -was Jn for anoUier sleepless weekend. fi.is team was allooung a torrid 50 percent from the floor, but wu being outplayed in every ~her ph~. of the game by Bill Wetzel's Eagles. But in the last quarti?r the Muafings.put everythlng together, adding . iome ball· 1hawldqg defense ana rebounding to some even more sizzling shooting. · The Mustangs, who wound up the Jtight hitting 57 percent of their shot.t, ~t in 14 ol 15 fi<kl goal attempts in the final quarter rally. Estancia led by seven, tf-4S with just under seven minutes to go. But seven straight Mustang pOlnts evened the llCOl't, ' The Eagles led briefly, 1140, and U wu tied at 54-all, when Costa Mesa broke the game op en with some fine def..,., (NII Meil 01) ttnW~ J 1 I 1 ' I I 14 4 I • 11 I I 1 • ' 2 'u • 1 '11 tt11M11 (ff) 01v)t Kt11y Allfl'" SM!llflfYtf" Yerti;fy ~ ...... ' "'''" Hl'l ..... ll!IUNMl"f Ortm """' WUlll!l'lf ...... Tllllt k*rt •Y INrt.n ,, 11 tl.. 16 " I '-"., ... .. 1 J ' , s ' ' J I I I ' 0 • ' i l I It t J I lJ I 1· J ' 1:1 \J IS ff Haven and Afualo shared acorb)g bon-- 01'1 for the night, each hittlne for 14 polnta. S111t1 AN (Ml Nt'#Mrt Ki,_ lffl '-""ti ' 1 • ' I :t J 1) t • 1 4 ' ' , 1• J '· I II 1 • t t CuM1• "''~lo °'"'" Ltrl .. , WOtdtlfltll ·-..... .. ~ Ttlt lt ,. ti " '" t 1 ) J ' ' , ,, .. l s t t J 4 ' I t 1 It ~1 0 I I t 1 J I 1 I I :t • I t 1 t Mtl!l'IO!f """"' Grlfl!th "'""" Llfltfeltl ·-· """ ••• tccltl #ICAn!lll ,_ » I fl S-1 T•11 scm .., ._,..,. . " D " " " ' • • 4 I t 1 t J t 1 • I I f I 1 •.• l 2' lt IA ., But it was Bonwell's night to steal the press notices. Tuesday; Huritington returns to the · hardwoods for an 8 p.m. battle at Marina. An.o,..lm un HuntlnltlMI {"4\ It If tf .. It fl ,, •• Plllllll'l ' .. " C:ontru•i . , , " 5111'14'wn 1 ' 4 II Wtltt'1 ' ' ' • Lew!1 J 2 • 12 Miiier ' . ' " M.KKen1le ' ' ' ' 8onwtll ' ' . • R-ndNI ' ' ' ' Wlllttltlcl 4 1 l 1S fr1Mr . ' • ' Tot1li lt\114'9 Taltlt "23111S M Sc•tt ~v Q111rt1n Anllltlm Hun1me1on IMcl'I . ' 11 1~ 1$-olt lS 11 U "-'"' Basketball Standings SUNJIT lEAGUE W L I''" PA t111ntlnu!on 1111(.h 10 o m s11 An•ntlm 1 l ~I sst Wosltr" ' 4 'll SJ N1WJ>Ort Htrtlor 5 s "'9J m wes1mlr11l1r s s 671 '" Mtrllll l 1 'J1tJ S74 s1~11 Ant 1 • m '" Slnlt Mt Vlllty 2 I S4' 700 • ,.rlld1y'1 Sc•r• HunHO\OIOn 8MCll ,., Ana ... lm M Mlrlna U, ltnlf "'11 Y1lltY 51 Newi:iort H1rbor .,, S1nlt An• .5-1 WUllTl!Mlltf" 14. WHttrn '3 TWllltr't G•- Huntl!\Oton 8Hdl at Mtrlnl (J) NtWOO<I Htrbor ,, Wtsttrn (7) Wttlm!ni ltr •t !tnff Ant VtUrf An1h11m .11 S.nll ,,.,,,.. caeSTVllW LEAGU• FDOtnlll W L ,,. I I »7 ,. ' ... VUll Pi rie Sin Clomtnl• l!I Mocltnl • MIUll)n VltJO Oru1ut Tu.iln L.t11~n1 l11ch 7 2 51t . ' ... ' J .J1J • s .., ' ' .. 1 1 "' ' . "' .,.rld•y't Sc.ru Foo!hlll 24 Minion Vlelo \J • Vl!ll Perle '" La{IU!la 8:Mch " El Modena 61, hn C:ltmt11!1 67 Or1ngt i.e. Tuit!n " ' TW1t4.IV'I Gt,.,_ St" Cltmtnlt If Vllll P1rk L•uuna lltec!I 11 Foolhllt C11 Mlulan Vl'lla .If Or1119t (I) Tu1tln 11 El Mad- QAltOIM oaov• L&AGVS "' .... •• ., "' ... ... ' ' Glrcl.., Grav• R111e~a A19mllas LI Qulnl1 ''"'"'" lotu Grinde l'l(ilk:I W L ,.,. .... ' I m , :t 231 ' .... ' .... .. "' ,. M> ... ... "' . ... " ... "'ld•V'• Scom O•nlt11 Growi "· S.ntlloo 41 lt1ncha Alfim!IOf 71. PKfff(.I " LI Quint. RI lolM IPNnH .0 OIUNOI LIAOUI K1tell1 "H Lot Altmltos SllOdlt09c.k l!I oor•c10 ...... Vlltnell I.OJ AmlQOt '"' JurtnY Nlllt Lt HIDfl Kfftntcly low.ii lutnt l'tl'll SIVtnnl l'Wlltrtorl .... x Jt. Anl'hDlly Mt .. r Dtl 1 111\ao Arntt Sltvltt I t. Ptul W L " . 1 ' • • •• • • •• ' ' . " "" l'A "' .. 'II 145 llJ ---'1' .511 '11 '3S .. "' :::-:i: '- , 11 • -------------------~---~~---------....II ,, .... -~--,---.. ... . ---~---~-----------------------··---------------.. -· . Tri tons Ill 68-67 Rever sal IJ!XlAL NarlCll ...... ...... p .... CIJlfl~ O" ...:Sl"Ut Cll TI,tCAft =..:ru.tttolil 0111 Clfnl...J::·~r '"'l•ld TM Ufldtnltiltd ._ -"*' N 1' ....... ·PMm lOUI UMI llllCTtTIOU' •11tM NA.Ml fllfl*,ld'lllf 1 tlull ... ~•t•Ul.'I& W, Orellte THa UNOl!llllGHl,D *-llfr• TM .,,.,.I~"!'!.,.!'", ~MU~.:: M.. &tnll AM, Clllfor11kt. "'*" N --tMt 119 11 ~ne t ll•l tl\el hi It .. _.....Ml 111 fldtrl-firm llfrme ot OEW llTI htltt MIMM lrMllNd at ll•t Mllft. ltulll,,.. 11 .... ~, lnd=I rt.!," "~{=~ M,AINTINA!i(I tllrcl IMI .. ,. flffll II .... hlc:PI. or... '*"""'· c 1nrw1111. Coutll)'. c.1.-;.; .. OllANGEl.AND IN• ~ el tM fo!IOWIM """"' """'"' ~ ftle f~ flrM iwmt of DUI(£ flffll IMnM Id ti .._. Ill NU 1114 .. i.e. of , .. r..,. llEAP.;TY' AND ~VISTMENT COMPANY IUl\AHtE AOIN(Y 111d tti.t .. rm It .. ffl..,_.. Ind 1t'lft ult: , flMI 11 ~ ,tfl It COll'IHMill ot Ille followlfl9 ""'trio ~ Cl'lll'r.i ' Fl'ldrld! • Prlit. lat w • .,.. ftll9Wln9 ,.,..,, ....... IWrrlNI '" ...... -· In ttilf ,,.., l'ltCt .. r"ld.w:• 0....flH IW,. hl'llt Mf, Clllt, NII " 111l9cit .. .,_1111'11« II .. II ..... t .. -M.~~r \tOOJ F1111•11• . DiMd JI~ l&; 1Nt follOwt. -it; , Ill • 0..rlM Ft"l'fcll ,rll JOSEPH F. I OLOUC, 1'111 S. Ptc:li'I~ W1y, HIJl'flnltoll B .. Cll, C1llt9!'11l1. $TAT£ 0111' CAl.ll"OIUtlA. c..ar · Hiii! .. , lllnMt ae.dl. (•II• 011tc1 Ft0ru1ry f. 1..,. OltAHO! CQVHTY1 ' fll>r'flS. ' Gu•lirf M. Witllof"' Oii JI......,. If. Ifft ....,_ mt. • Wl'\'1'\li!SS """" ltll Ulll g STATE OF CALIFORNIA. } ""'" .. iMfc In W '.tor .. Id $Ille, et JINJlty 1:f \ 1 I' COUNTY Of' OAANGE ) A ~It, .,_,.. CbrMI ,,..,IC.It JOilPH. F IOlOOC On foebru1ry I. ltO, brfor• ""' I ,.r'IH ~ .. 11'11 It be Ille --STATl-OF (ALt;OllNIA ' l "91•"' l'IJClllC lft •llcl fw 1114 C-tr ....._ lll!M Ill ..-UlllM It f'le wll!!,fn COUNTY Of OlllAHGI \ I M 1.W $!Ille, ""'°""llY ••-reel G111t1f l!ltlN!Mnf MCI .a;,,...,... ht .-cutM Oii J...W9"' I. 1,_. be4\r9 ftl9 IM M. Wllllller .kflwln. to "" h .~ ~ .. 1111m-. • ' ...., "l'Mft wr-,..,,,. Is wtiscr..... ... COHklll 1991) "'*"lt,.,, • N91•,.., l"llMlc: Ill '"" 1119 w1"'1" tNtl'l.lmtnt, 1nd 1ektlowlfd1ed __JMry K. HtlltY• -:;,.,-r:~.n.a:=-::L~trjllJ i>f.--tfllt "9·..-CU19111-lllt WM. Ntl~'°ullll< • C1Jller11~ -ed JOSEPH F I OlDUC ~ WllMu 11'11' hind t lld Htl. ~~ = 111 It -to ... .,._ ~ _.... _... (OFFIC~r?!".':' Widen Ml' CO!'t'lrl\111111! E-9rts It 11111Kt1Wd r. ,,_ wl"'ln lnt..-t, Netlf'f l"llltllc-C1llfDml1 HO'<', :M. tf1t . IM 9Ck-!adted ·-tlllt IMI llllCytod Pri!IC1Hl ·Offlce I~ Publ'~ Or,.,.e Cwd D1ll'f Pllot, 11\1!1 ume. , Or11l1e County 1·•ulrY 11, tS •rid l"ebr~ry 1. I, Wl.TNF.5S""' 1111\d 111111 tfflcl1l,tti1I. ,.~ c~.,,,..· .. 1on E~111re1 IB' tUf O~rl•ne o;..~•rks \ OK. ,,, un tJ ""' Pu ·C•tuornlt I '' , " ·· r;••1·r sr Au1 Pr' ·c·pal C ··~ In ( 1 ... ' " • C'-~""'e r:...... •·r• ,. .•... ,., .• .. :-.· ~·., l"•:O...,.,•····i E~11ire1 . ri.-.,.t·• 1. 19;1 • 1T1:' (21lJ U!·IUI P·!2-~J Pub'•'l""' ()<··;t c··" 0• 1., i>l''l I ~~ .,h • e C~l!I l'•llY Pilol, l'l!llTIP!t:IT C.. l !ISlll"!S J -•arl'.ll, t.S 1...:1 "1e~ru•rv l I '>'l!UY8,1,,7'11ndM·r:~l.lfff 'l'l-1• F!cll'.IUI Ntm• 'Ifft ;1 l: • ~ The unaert!•M1 ~c.t! rr·• Iv ht !~ __ ,-------------- ".f!r>d•Jr Ing 1 ~·11'r!""• 1t IY.S f ~ar'·r,I -Co1t1 M•u, Caltfcrnlt, urv'.. l~e I'•. LEGAL NOTJC~ lollcu1 firm Nl'l"'e of ''ll(E TI C'!i-------------;------cc,,-,------ LEGAL NOTICE CHEVllON Ind Ill.II 11110 f'rm 11 r.o.,.,·1 P-lOUI E l Modena High S c h o o 1 -"' 01 tht to11o,1"' "°'rGn, '''ht~t. f'·JIH• . IAll·lllf . . n11!11 In fvll •rid •llot of rMlden,1 • aA_ll•l31t Cl!!•TIFICATE OF tU!tNE!S made a fantastic comeback In Is II follows: • • C!I Tll"ICATE :; o~!SCOHTINUANCI! ftCTITtOUS FlllM MAME the final 4(1 -..nnds to Upend Mld\•~I Tlee, f'1 .IOlnne, Codi Mesa, AHO/Oil AAllNDONMENT 01' Tilt bffllersltnt-d llO here~ ~lt!'f ...,vv C11!1orn.1 lh•t fl\ev ire cond11ct1ng • prcpert1 San Clemente Friday ni~t, Oiled J1nu1ry 1f, 1Ht TI-I~ u:o.i~1~~~1'b~\IESD NAME 11 d ·~1r.•Qen"eo1I busine5t !•• co-P~•l"•r·:I •• •7 j C l • 11 A ' • M!Chttl Tlo:t · " «•PO•• ens 011t 5IM wast Ch1pm1n Avenue DrEnt e b k (ball · th • ORANGE COUNTY· '''II tnd Oct. 1, 1N4 tespectlvelv, thev • · · "! " \IO"'V • n a res view ...cague,sTATe' OF 1°,.ALIFORNIA, he~~ t"trllf~ "'··· ~cliYt Mii' '· ;.-·-· • . ~~-r Ill• ,., ...... " ,:r.,.. •.. ~ as e game IR e Wm· On Jin l1 lHt ' bn 1 ,,.1 1 Nottrv eeised lo do builness under the flcflro~ ol l4 PLAZA INOUSTRIAL 1r.d th~f ner's confines. P11~llc In. ind tor' $.!Tel rsr-1e.' """nauv l'rm n1-e of u PL.o.iA. tNOU.<TP.l .. l l ~td tlrm r, tomPO~ a1 fll<! 1~11~ ... ·~· . •Pi>etrl!d Mlcheel Tiet known to ,,.e 11 $Col WK! Chipman Aver'l!Je, Orar.te, pen;o.i~-W';~~ n1mes In lu I • .~ Ed Jiminez capped the ral-to be the PtrSOll wllCM n1,....1 i1 su~rl~ C1Ufoml1. which buslneu w1s termer!)> Plt<e• of r~ dera dre •s !0110~1' lo·W• > • h ed l<l "'• wllhln l111trume'1I 1ncl t:lll'IP<>el!d of 11\1! tollcwlng cnroOrtllcM, VEl\NO N L. VALENT I.IE, 15 ll~r1" ,y Wll a Steal and pasS tO 10:nGwl""41!d he 1xeculld 11le $Im<!. Yl~I n1mes ln lull il\d p!~ce$ of bus;. Sh•lf·r. ~"11"1• (; ' I I f" r 11 'I • Da I C ) h t '( • (Oltlci1I SHU ness .,1 IS foHnws to-w't• JOSEPHIN~ E, VALENTINE. 915 No'1h . ry . St SOn, .w 0 pu I . lTI MIN IC.. Henry J.O. VAL co.:''iN(., 4lj'Eisl Chl1>m•n Shi ffer. Orar.ge. Ctllklrnla. JOHN G, \Vllh fJVe 8eCOndS remairung Ncl1ry Pu:>l!e. C1lilornl1 Ave.iue, Qr.,19e, (•lilornl1. V.O.LENTINF., l:JI!? ~omleros1, Apt. for the winning margin Prlnc:•tl Offt(e In DOUBL E V, INC., •lS East Cl\tpll\lln 11. S•n!e .O.na. C1hlorn11, • Ortnot Counho Av•iu,, Dtl"9e. CallforNi. 01!ed J1nuarY 1, Ifft, The Joss dropped San Cle· Ml' Comm;n1011 Elll'lru Cerlltlc1te tor tr1ns•t;1!~ of busln~! VERNON l. VALENTINE ts! ,._ , Nov. 2•, 1f'2 under Ille 1bove l!ctlt:ous n1me. tncl JOSEPMlNE E. V.O.LENTINE Isl mente in to a tie for third with Publlsllr!<I C1r1nge i:: .. st D111y p;101. 1tf!d1vlt ""' pub!lul'.en the••of, are on JOHN G. VA.Ll'•ITINE Is' El Mod t ., t J1nu1ry II, 25 lrld F1brUIN I, I, ""itl1e Jn !lw olfir.e of !ht Counl'f Cler~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ena a i>--WO games lt-6f Qf Or•n!ie Crunty, under the provi1ion' COUNTY OF 011..0.NGE I •• behind leading Foothill or ~..;t:r~ 24U of ll>t c:vu Code. On J1nu1rv 1, 19t9, before me, • · · · LEG" NOTICE WITNESS our hinds this 1!h cllY Nctarv Public In trod tor S•ld Ce~Mv Eric Christensen of t h e ~ or Jtnu''"'' !Ht. l • ...., s111e, perMintll'>' •00•1rt<:1 vERNOJof I h• h f th J.O. VAL CO .. I IC, l. VAL"'NTINE, JOSEPHINe' !', osers was 1g or e game • •·m6<1 11~: JOHN .G. V.O.LFNTINE It/ V.O.L ENTINE •rid JOHN G. VALENTINI!: \Vith 32 points Cl!!llTll"ICATI! O• l US11UlU JOHN G, VALENTINE known IQ m1 to be !hi Pltsonl wllr.>6• ' l'idllltus "''"I Pre1'd•nl ntmes ire iubscrJl>ed lo the with;n l,ll N CLEMENTI! .. ' ' • • 'The Undersltned dele\I certify he 1~ OOUl!LE V, INC.. Instrument, 1n<1 1ckr111wled•ed lo mt IUI ,1 1 con.ou.c:u,.. 1 busl111e 11 2100 Htrbor tv~ JIM Wllll"111S /1/ "''' ''"" el!etutf<l lhe 5amf • ~ 5 : a .... 1~1rd. CoU1 Me111. (1llfornl1. umlet JIM WILLI.I.MS WITNE:SS my h1ncl 1!\d i11I • the llctl!~us firm n1me of "MISTE:lt President N1nqr J. Thom•son 0 0 ,~ T" Ind !hit Slid firm I• comJ>OHcl DDHALO L DANU!U Noltrv P!Jbllc.Ctllforni• 1 $ of the fti!-!nt persan, "'"°u n1me .O.tlor,..l' Prlntli•ll Office In O 2 ~ in full ind pl101 of resifenee l! 1s n 1 liMI CM•rr1111 AV"11>1 Or111t• County · 1 J fol~Ws: · · • Or11111, C1llfWllla fU41J • Mr Comml11I011 E,,-plrtt NEWPORT BEACH DRIVER -Dwight Salisb ury, Nelvport Beach dragster driver, Y.•ill be at the whee.I of the Smothers Brothers' Beach Boy's top fuel dragster at Orange County International Raceway Sunday. He'll drive in the. $33;000 All-Pro Chainpion- ship series. ,1,1111~ OomenchlnJ Benl1ml~ Milc~ll Gouldtn ,,~,.,r Chrlst~nse" LombArdl TOflli ' • " ' ,. ! ! 3! T!;!111:"Ci~. ~o;\~J;,,~ 0111• AvMue, .,!~~h"1t. o~;,..!ndcut!bre:: 1~110:: DONALg~~~.':J'n 1, 26 17 D1ted J1ilu1rv 11, ltff ,,,, t6-6t an E, c11.1-"' .. .,._ El MODENA (61l •• • • • . ' • • . ' • • ' . 1J It • · Wlllllli'I T, ·'-1 Ol'l"9t, C111forftl1 STA'T~ OF CAL"'0AN IA,, LEGAL NOTICE Publlsht-d Or1nt1 Co.1! Dtlll' ~llot, Magnolia Runs Over FV , 96-49 Magnolia High School kept its Irvine League basketball title hopes alive Friday night by lhrashUlg visiting Foun.- tain Valley, 96-49, and set a school scoring record in the process. The Sentinels shot a sizzling 57 percent from the floor and blitzed Fountain Valley from the start. Jn the first two minutes ti1agnolia hit on four of five shots and three straight free throws to take an 11-2 lead and then never looked back. Dave Murray spar ked the Sentinels in tha t opening spree with six points and wound up as. the game's top scorer \\'iLh ~. Jan Adamson contributed 18 more Magnolia points and pulled down 18 rebounds. Gary Valbuena topped Foun- tain Valley with 13 markers. l"tunt•l11 V•Htr Clt! H1m""r Holch o;u;, ""'mond V1lbuu"' l(un!I l(,!I. V~och To111, Murrtl' ,,,,., .O.d1m•011 ''"" lon~ff Mtnrv l(ellef' .... , Totth M1tntll1 ,, tt ,, •• 0 0 I 0 I 1 5 I • 7 • lO j 0 ! 10 I l l ll J l ' l l ~ l I l 0 l 7 II IJ 7• 19 ,., ~ • " " • • ' " ' • • " • • ' " ' ' • ' • • • • ' " ' • • • ' ' ' • " • " • S<ort '' OU1rter. l'wnt1l11 V1Uer " " " ·~ ... l'lfl~ " • ~ ,,_. Gilbert Hero In 55-50 MD Victory Senior guard Bob Gibert made seven-of-nine free throws In the fourth quarter Frfday nighl to help preser,•e 1 55-60 Mater Del victory over visitine St. Anthony's. The vjctory evens Maltr Dej's Anjelus League record al 3-3 .• Gibert wound up 1s the game's ru,ti point man wilh 23 points. · Mater Del travels to Bishop Arna~ 1\Je.sday night. M.&Taa Dll IUI """"' -MtMet\t"'ln Ht11Per1 ,..., Tot•" ,. rt l'f " 5 O• 1 10 J ' ' J1 . ' ' . ' . . ' ,, ) 11 11 ., 17 lJ Jl'o ANTHOfllT'S UO t ft,.. I I I ~ 4 •'. \) ·-, I ' I I J ! Mi/11" ' ' t 'I I I · .. ~=~t 1 I t J • I• t 11 MW•• I t ' f I flffllt 11 f U. H l" : I ..-,.. "'...,..,.. ' ·~· TIV«11n ,., "' OlllANGE ·COllffTY: J1null'Y 11, 2! ind Febrwrv J, I, 5 16 On J111uary 1', lHt, befor• me, 1 1Ut ,.,..., I I Not1ry '°®!le In Incl fw .. Id $11!1, HOTIC• O" TllUSTl!l!'S S.O.Lt! Smothers' Dragster To Race at OCIR 76-49 Loss For Laguna Jahn.o~ L1Wr•nC• Ctrlton Jl..,.....r Tolllll k••• ,, Orrt ........ 3 ,, Jenotll llY IPPHtecl Wlll11m T. COllll T.I. He. tnt 3 12 knewn 19 "" to b9 llMI "1sen Wl\Ost On Febr111n-lt, Ifft Ill 11:1111 •'C~'>'!ll , 12 n1me Is 11.rbl<rlbld " the. w!ltl!n In-A.H._ 11, thl front effle. entr1nce tol------~------- ' 1, 1trvment Md 1cill'IO'fl'leffed 111 ex.cult<:! S.c11•1fl' Ttti. t115ur1nc• co....,nr, 1?5 T=46US 20 'I lhe1s.im1. N"""' 8!'Mdw1y, In 11141 C!ty of !.111!1 SUPElllOll COURT OP Tl'tE {Officl•l Set i) .O.n1, Slllle o1 C1llfel'lt1. !ECUlllTY Tl· ST.I.TE 01" CALIPOllHFA l'Oll JOSHh E. 0 .... 1. ":'L 'E . INSU!lKNCI!! COM!l'ANY •• ear-THI COUNTY o• ORANG• LEGAL NOTICE t!I Modenl It 11 JI 1'4a Pr!ncl111 Offlu In ~~t•lfe>n. ~s t:rvdff under 11\e r>erc: •NI. A4l1Jt Or1"9t County of l'.rusl t!IKUl..t br MARY SUE AHNE NOTIC• 01' "EARING O• l'ITITIO!f S•n Clal!IW1'9 II It n l....._.1 My Comm1UiOll' Explrff Mil<lA-llEV., I w!doW rl!<!"trclNI J11W ,Oil PllOBlTI! fl• WILL AND l"flll June 21. 1170 1.1 "" •• dlclm•~I "'· ,..,, ill beck ISJUANCI 01' L•n1uu T•ITAM•MT• The Sril o the r s Bl-others' Beach Boy's Special will make its first appearance a t Orange County International Raceway Sunday. Driver Dwight Salisbury will pilot the machine, also owned by N.ewporl Beach's Jim Busby:- 1'he occasion is the second round of OCIR 's $33,000 all All-Pro Championship series. Qualifying begins at JO a .m. and eliminations at 2 p.m . Sunday. The field is the larges t lop fuel and funny car aggregation in the history of OCIR. Over 90 drivers in · drag racing's Foothill Stops MV Stall,24-17 Not1rv l'ublle • C1llfomll 1917 11111 tl't Clf Dffkl1I llee.crds ln All't Ar P l"ubllshtcl Or~tt Cotst tltlll' Piiot, llMI eltlot of tilt fl.CO~der of Or1nt! Ei11te of ESTHER GARONER, DecN~ two most popular classes have Cold shooting Laguna B each J1nu1tY u, 1s •tld Fttru•N 1. t, C011nll', c.tllt.lrnlll, w re11011 of dr111u11 ed signed Up for competition. High dropped ,.,. e>'ghtb C rest· ea rep Ifft "-ff ffl !rte tll'menl el" Nrtorlninct ol ~b!li•· NOTICE IS HElll:BY GIVEN Tn1t ~ lions stcurod 11\erthr lnc:l:idlr'lt "'II' brf!ICf\ Jof,n F. G1td1Mr n11 II~ llertln • In the field will be Win-view League basketball game LEGAL NO'l1CE 0' cle,.ult. ftOllcll' t i whlcn wi~ recor!ll!d llC!ltion for Pro111r111 cl' wm 1n<1 for October 2':, .l'41 'tS document no. 19'" 1nu1nc:e ti Lette" T•!11nent1rv '" ternationa\s champion John in nine starts when the host w Ii In boot •J.U ~·.1• 110 of stld Offict11 111e HNtlonet, N!l'ere11ce to whTdl 11 M Ill I G d G lh Art',S'" fell ( (h v ·11 P k est ng P.JUM Records, wfH n11 II PUbllc tuc;!c" mt dt fw lwr!Mt Ptrf(GUltrs, Incl lftll U gan 0 ar en rove, e ~ 0 e I a ar r ClllTll'ICATI! OP •USINISI ' II'~. ush, wllheul 'Nllrr.,,ty 11 tD 11111, lhe llml i nd -!1c1 cl' n11rl11t tne fuel dragster top eiimirlator, S~rtans, 7649, Friday night. F1d 1111111 N.,,.• w.;se<sslcn, or e1'Cl/mbr1nces, ~•.lft!Pr•st ''"" h•• belft 111 '°' Febru1rv ,,, and Jun. L>'berman, , ·ng The Spartans roared to , Th• underslene<:i dOel. eerlltr n1. Is cenuey_ed 1e· 111ld Trus!H llY stod Off<! 1"'· 11 1,30 i .m .. In th e courtroom LN tollcle>dlnt I bu1IMU 11 n2f ltrdl of Tru,I In l>f-rt'r' l!fulle, ,In "'' of 0-rfrriefll No .• S of Hid court. Beach the funn" car wiMer 20-10 bulge after a quarter d V1rl.lty Strftf, New.art Bndl, f'Jut C1!lfornr1, Cltr 'ef ·cos11 Mtt• County et Dr1nee, •t 700 Wm tth s1r1tt In "'' Cltr ' " ' · • an l:ill M:I• 0 ,1 llf) I.Hr• unct~r lh1 tidltlout 'tlrm ,..,..._ cl Slllle flf Cll\feml1. de$Crlbed •t ,· of Santi Ani . Ct llreihlt . ' A late entry b two-time ( were ·never threatened. ti-Morr.or CE) d Wllfl•m• (L), WESTERN I UIL0Ell$ co ...... thtf U r.I L~t ·"· "'· Tr1ct Ht . 32~2. II Tile DA TEO: Abrullrr 7, 1H9 La tr. d h b I ec. 111"' 11 compe5~ of Ille folltw1"9 ltl'$Oll, Cltr of Cost. Me!it. ts $PlllWll en w. E. $T JOHt( world champion and winner guna 1mme t e U ge 5·~-Fost If) Noon•n fLl wMSt n1m1In1uu 1rld ,11ae1 rtsKllfKI • m•• Ille"°' ~d.,..-In bro>k 1~1. Coullfr cwt. of OCIR's $14,000 match race, to 32-21 in the third period on s.o dee. ' 11 1s fol!cWI: l'••t• 35 •!Id 36, M•sc1111neou1 M•~. ATl(INSON a G11soN Benny Osborn from Sand buckets by s~~ve Wiezbowski !:~1.S-Frullnd (E) •Inned Greer (L), L•~ld.!!·c11~~~H~~;,"~.i::11 W•I'· fwreQl~I :,,.::: ~'1::;!°'.'::fr11llofl' =~,~hc!l';':!,o;:-AV .. Vt> Spr.>ngs, Okla. a n d Rod Rudolph. But Villa 12~1ltr IL) •lnf1ff Felll' CE), D•t!ld J1nu1ry 17. Ifft Sl'curecr bl' s11d Oeed o1 Trust. T•h 1u: '"'1'11 J:lt OoNllcl o. Noel 01lt-d J1n111ry 23, lM AlfW~r• .ff.r •1t1tliMr. An area entrant Is n.t.,onai Park got back in gear quickly lJQ-!hermtn (L) dee. Drtkt CE), STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SECURITY TITLE Publl511t-d Or•Me Co111 Otilv PU!>!, t ff t th h t t·2 uR.o.Nne COUNTY· INSUllANCE COMPANY F*1.o1rv .. 10, u . lHt 2.o..I' top fuel r ecord holdef Hank 0 snu 0~ e t rea · 1Jf-Sw1n1en CLI 111ec. klmblll 1e1, on J1n~rv 11, 1Mt, M1e11 '"'' 1 N• !;,,~i.~i t'r'c!.~=•iclent - Westmor ela nd of N e w p 0 r l The Artists shot 33 percent 7·l 11ry Public 1n •11111 for .. 1d 511111, ",..,., Published o rint• Co••I OlllY Puct, LEGAL NOTICE Beach. from the floor. , •,•,1-Ho~ <LI P!nnad Schulti: CEl •llY '"'''" Oon1ld o. NM! kl'MIWl'I te"'.'':':":':~~"'..':'"::.,:'~"':::~:::~'...'."C:'~·c'~ff:•_.::•~:.:•:•;l:;;ooo-:--,co--o°""""""'-~~~ : . "" TO t>e t!I• Nrson W'flose 111me1 LAGUN,11 llACH Cd ) 148-Ntumiln (EJ dK. l1,,tenh1"'n lt IUDltrllled to 11\t wiltl1n lnttrument NOTIC• DI' PU&LIC H I: All IN Q S Mickey Thompson of Long Pt 11 11 '• tLL l·O 1,..,. 1t\now1ed9ec1 111 uecuttct ,.,, .. m•. LEGAL NOTICE •EF0•1 · TH E PLANNING coM- Beach has two new Mustangs w1e1bow5\1 •, ', , 21 1s1-..1,skln <El dee. evt ns CLl, 2-1 !01f1c111 S••O M1s110" o• TH• Cl'TY o'" l"OUNo Hefty • • 161-0ovlin IL) llK . S~yMr IE), Mi ry I(, Htnry f'·nsM TAIN VALL•T entered driven by Daony Gamer , 0 1 ' s.o Not11'Y Publlc. C1lifomi• Cl!llT!llllCAT@ 01' SUSIN•ss NOTICE IS HEllEI Y t!Vfll lhll Cll 1(1osltrm1n 1 1 ' ~ lT1-tr1nl (E) dee. Dr1per (l), •rlncll>t1 OffiC9 Ir! l'I~ Hll!I• W..t"""'"'· Febfviry If, 1f6f 11 7::i0 Ongais and Pat Foster. a1v1 f o o , o "' o c -•M > " c '' co " c lf'-Rt rmorld (El dee. (hoory (LI rt""' ...,n,, Tl\• ulldenkrnH de rerti!v we trl n e OYnc 1m rs, ltf Current series point leader R11<Solph • 11 ' 1G ' Ml' Clmm1sai1911 !••Ifft COl!du<tln• • bul1111$$ 11 noo Herber Hi n, 10200 Sl.ti1r Avenu1, l"oun1tj11 Jones l 1 • • '·1 1 Now. 24, lfn loulltVtrd, c0911 Mesi, ClllfGrnlt. ullcll!r V1!1el', C1lltor1111, ltlt Pl1nnlno Co,,.. Don Schumacher of Park Tot111 10 t lt 4t HV-Moulton un 11lnnl!d &coll IL · Publllhl!d or1n1• Colli Celb' l"ltet. tile nc'llTllUI firm n-m• et "THI! c o" mlsail011 wrtl l'Mlld e ubllc hHrln•• ort Ridge, Ill., tops the funny car VILLA PA"K,,c111. l :lO Jin. 11. u Ind FelJ. 1, 1. tHt 217).41 I LE R'S 1£NCH" 111111 ""' llld firm ..... lollow111t tppllutlon5: • 11 1' LEG" NOTICE It C'Orr!J>OHd ef the followlnt eu~ons 11) A"""'*"...t Mt.'""" ••u11t1IR field. J ess T yree of Fullerton Hfin 5 1 2 u A&. LEG .. NOTICE w11os1 n•l't'llS in tull 111111 •l1ees of V•Nw 0....,.11 Pi.. •..,.111on to In• I h · )' ltobtrlson 1 o J 2 Aa. r•ldHl<:t.,.. It ftlklw•• City Center POrllerl of "'• Lind u~ is a so in t e starting meup. Holltnd I • l ,' IUl'l lllOll COURT 01' T"• ITATI! Wt llcl• 'M. 9':uUl!tr •• LN N. llu1M11. Ellll'llf'I fJ/f 11\t Gt ne ... 1 Pltn •11111 Tom McEwen of Long ~.·,·.~.. ', •, I 1 Ofl C,llLll'OlllrtlA ClllTl,.ICAT• °" SUl lH•s• io::w Pr!1toltrrt Pita, Coi!I MeSI, •~r•I llJldlfl119 ol vorlou• perttont .. 3 4 l"Oll TH• COUNTY OP OllAH•I PICTITtoUS NAM• C1Uforn11 of"'' l t ncl U" Element. Beach and Anaheim's Dave C••~t • • o u Nt. A-4UH ,.,.. unc1or111nec1 111on <lffitr' ,... It 011e111 J1nutry 1s. .Ifft <21 <::M111ll'tett11 u .. ""''"" ""' 141 B c. 'II be . . both H~in 1 l I l NOTl(I 0 .. HllAlllNCJ 0 , P ETITIDlrt t;Onclll(f!,,. 1 buslnest ti •ff N. NewP<H't L" M. 1l11Uetl ~•llcillan submitted b¥' Founllll1t eeu.:: WI racing In O!"°" ; • J 12 l"Oll l'llO&ATll O" WILL AND POil Stvd., New-I 9•1~, C::1llfernl1, undlf' Wiol\d1 llussell VIiie\' School Oltlrfct flf' corrstruc!l~n divisions. McEwen, I 0 w PtrJ!t( 1 0 0 • LllTTl!llS T•STAMl!NTllllY C•ONO the flcltllout lltm """"' ol CltAWFOltO STATE 01" CALIFORNIA, ol Cc• Eteme11t1ry Sd'laol C>n PfOl>trlY • l(emPTOn· 1 0 ' 4 WAIVEOI ENTERPRISES 1nd that 111d firm ls ORANGE COUNTY: loclled NJ! et Los Jl rdlnes Elsi, qualifier In the funny car l(l"o l G 1 l €•Ille cl BEltT J. ALLEN. Deceised. comPOSecl ol thl tollowlnt ,...IOfl, Wlloff On J1nuuy 1$, lfff, llete•e me, 1 south ol Sliter .I.venue. d j vi s j 0 n al the \I/in· Tot••• 11 lt l• 76 NOTICE: IS Ht:RE:tY GIVEN Ttltl n•m• In full Incl ,1.u of l't'lidence Notary l"ubl!c In •rid ,.,, Slld Stile, P'~31 Zlfl9 •. Cll•llff Ht. 1~7 •11111 l'recl~ lc1r1 ~" •u1rl1n M.1.ltY JANE ALLEN lltS !fled h~~n It ts follows : s>e•SONllll' 1ppe1rt-d Wt ndl M, Russell .. n 1• llS APPOc•han submlnt!d ~lission Viejo·s basketball ternationats, will drive his Viii• "••• ~ u 16 11-16 , 11e1111en f(!J' orob11t of w!l1 •nd a r11n Crt wloid. "'' Mlbt• 5t., C4.lll 1!\d Let N. Russell ~~own to me !;' G. M1m1kl, et 11 rtQuest1,.. ch.Ing• team tried 3 •tall game Barracuda in the AA·F'C con-Lo1un• 10 11 t 1._., for is•u•nce e1 Leite~ 'Tes11ment1ry Mei1, c11itor1111. to be "'' """"'"s wlloo• n11fles 11e z0t1t "" orOPe•IY roe1tf<I •t the to Petlllcner flon<I w1lvt!CIJ. rtferenc:e Febru1rv '· Ifft. ~ubscrlbecl to the within tn1trumenl •rid northwest cf the lntetsecllcn of Werner against powerful Foolh.ill Fri-test and switch lo a Chrysler I• whkh ;, made fer turThM' o•rtlcullrf, llriln Crtwfctd trk""W~<IHI th•r e~euclld "'' s1me. :venue 11\d Br"!'~hurst 51•~1 from da" n·>ght but all ,.t could powered drag•ter lor the AA· Ha uge r• Play """ th•• the 11me '"ct •li e• e1 "'"r1"' s11i. ef c111tor11i1, Ot•ftll• County: !Offlcl11 5e•ll 1' Ge<1ettl A1rocu1rur11 Olstriet 111 " . 0 lht ~mt his ~ J..ff 101 Februtl"1 0.. l'tb. a, lfU, befort me, 1 Not1rv Mtry K. Henry Oi).(:1·10,0CO Loc1I 8uslness Dlstrlcl accomp!i&h was to keep the FD COm""lition. 11, lfft, ti f:lO 1.m .. !n tht coYrtroom ,llbllc In Incl tor Hid Sl11>t, •Ms0<11llv Nohl'Y '°ublk. C11i'9rnl1 :~ more restdcllut district. Precise 'I"-or Otplrtment Ne. 3 "' Hid eourt, 1ppe1red Brian Crtwlord kn·wn to l"'e •ri~t!ptl Dfflct Ir! b 1" tor 1 last fOCld rttl1u;1nl "·'' score down -way down. Beebe will pilot Nelson The Coast Rangers tackle at 100 west E!ohl Strtet, 111 "'' c11r r. be tti. 1Hrson whoi;e r.arnt is s11b$crl!). or1n1t Coun~ ;,.en submltte<:I In conlunc:t,on w1lh C > (T I ) t · I S rt S f cl Stnl• Ane. Cellro1ni• t<:1 lo !ht within lnstr"""'11 Ind My Commltsiell E••lres T ,s tone c~root, Foothlll preyailed, 24-17. arter s U sa na IO n a pa a unday a ternoon at D•led Ft•ru~..,. 1, 14"f •cknowledged he e•ecuttcl tlMI ''""· Nov. 2f, 1m • ~-m1n~rs •re t>elnt •-~ed record-holding Super Chief Newport Beach's Mariners w. E. ST JOHM (OFFlc1.o.L SE.o.L1 Published Or•l\f1 C0trt 0111,. Pilot, ~~;~11·~ to, ,,',"' ,•••,0n1~, L•ws c1 '~~ The hosts found -them.selves county c1erk M•rv I( Henn' J1"u•rv 11, 2s tflill Febru1ry 1. t, "' 1 orn • ov . cocie •s,ow ' ·n d>'ff>'culty from· the ou•·et Dodge Charger· against the Park in a Pacific Soccer Pit·»! Not1ry ioublk.Ci11tori111 "~' u.., •0','"·, '"" th1 Fount11n v111., zcn1n1 ~ f f ' j .. _ CYRIL A WALTON PrlriclpeJ Ofl'ltt Jn r l"tnct. TIM r-ch1noe will lnYolvt whoo they failed to score In unny car 1e d and hien takes League struggle. The forces 35" ,..,.,;....,, s.u•v•rd Or•n•i counfl' . LEGAL NOTICE •n 1menc1men1 111 s.c1ron11 01str1c1 M•• on the top fuelers in Ed Van collide at 2·30 following a Tur111<1. c111ttml• nHl Ml' eorn1111al9rl IEnl'*t }.:·S.lt. The z11111.,. OY01n1nce, ?on;,,. the first period and \railed · • T11· c11n 311..u1 Nov 2o1, 1tn 1'1• Pt9C1,, Pl'"' '"d Plot Pia.,. at the end of the open'•g Lue v en's (Torrance) 12 :30 preliminary between ... ,.;""' m Ptt~ Publhhld. orir.•• corost Diltr Plltl, IUPl!ll!Oll COURT OP TM• STA.ff ire '" 11r. In •~• P!1nn1ne oe111rtrnellf -Calilorni·a Charger. I b Publtshtd Or•11t• CMrt 0111, Pilot l"lbrv•,.., t. lS. b •11111 ""'"" T 1"' • O" CALll'OllNIA •net ••• 1w11l1b11 for eubllt intP&t!lon q uarter, 5--0. Both of F ootb'>il's cu reserves. F1bru1,.., 1, t, 11, 1"' ,,....; • 22.Mt ir:o TN• couN'Y o• ORAN•• 1"'4 e,,-1 ... 1netl011. , ',·-----------------------------'-'---'-_;,"-'-----"-'-"11------------== Ne. MfttJ Tl'loM llr.!lrl"• to testlfr In ft'ldr field goals came following Vie-NO'T•C• •• Ht!All rNo OP 1"1PT1T10N « In ~-111on to "'ew rec111e1ts 1n111 J·0 tu-vers. LEGAL NOTICE l'oa PllOMTE o• WILL AND POil Pl'OllO:lll1 wm lie etvtn •11 -th.mill' uiv LSTT•lll TatTAMINTAllY ( ti O Iii do .... II fur"'er lllform1!1en la It was 13-8 at the half. •o•Dr cl"lrtd, YOU m•r ron11ct tht Pl1nnln111 P4:111, EJ111-ef G!llTllUD f THORH! Dnotnmenl ti ff1'i'1' tnd rt!t r t• The Knights ·went to a slow· c ••T1P1ul'I: O• 1ut1Nn1 OISTl!L, DK"*· .o.m1ndm.ri1 Ne. 1 i. th• l"ounlllJn v111,, down game themselv .. with --PICTITIOUI MAM• NOTICE 1S 'Hl!lt EBY CTVEN Thtl G-•I l'lln, Condlllor:itl Use Permll ,.,. llllflH•ltned ... ~ff "9 h LORAIN! D. LEFLER, Ilse known 11 No. U 11\d l-Cht l'>e• No. 117 f'°1'1<1H three-and-a-half minutes to ~oxtlllf I Mlnftt ,, ltoff •rookhut1! LOllAINI!!: OICl(flt SON LE:FLE• fit s fllfl No. 125). S!rM!, Hu11ll"9toll INdl, C11!tornl1, flied lltreln • pellllon fw •l'Obflt of "l.O.NNtNG COMMISSION play. With a seven·point· lead lllllllr "" flcllll9v! """ IMIM ef •ILL'S wlU •nd for IUUl!>Ce of lltlt~ OF 'TME CITY OF ~t the time, they calmi• P""' MUNTINGTON VALLIY Sl>OllTINC T!!$fll!llflltry to ... 1111ener (NI lo!\dl, FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~ , ..,.. GOOOS tllcl tlllt uld firm h ~ refl!'l"enct le which ,1$ ,...elf tor fur11'1er 511"1tl' ll. ""•llJflrlcl. tected it until the buzzer. of "" follewl"' ll&fien. whost Nlrnt In ••rt1ev11rs. 111111 "'" Ill• 11m1 11\d 1111t' Pl1"n1"' r;irrec.Mr 1n<1 l"OOT"ILL nu " " .. • Hend~"on ' ' • • Grll'!lm ' • ' • ''"' ' ' ' • EG.,trd• ' ' • • H1ft~ • ' ' ' Toto ls ' ' • " MISSION \rllJO (Ill .. • .. " GorOnt< ' • ' •I Hot1n ' • • ii 11:r1t1 ' ' • Hol!'Mt ' • ' Mtlll!t'_, • ' • T(tlt lt ' ' ' " l f'll't ~ .. ·~·"'" ~"""'ll1 • ' ' ~,. Mlttlon V"111 • ' ' 7-U CM Runners Go Indoors Two Costs Mesa High School track athletes have been in· vlted to compete in the. U.S. Track and Field FederaUon- Herald E1aminn Invitational Indoor meet at the Sports Antia Sllmlay, Fol>. I&. ' Ralph Dtao will compete In 111t:UU mlle aod lllrry ,,,,.,... ... il•'enFlnl.,Polh seoic:n.>-'"' ,t'f/01 ~ ~·ViJ;ed ane-two on !he-Mul!IUl,Cl'OOI STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From: F~11hi qn ~slarid. Newpo rt Be.ach lull 1rld pltq of rnldlrcl Is 11 fGt!OWS: ot hH•ll'lt 111.tt Ul!W 1111 b~ s.et SKreltrv to tht Wllll.1.M J, l .0.11.0.:ZN&Y, ','21 ~llforc:I tor F•b..,...,. 21, 'Ifft, •t 9:30 1,111., Pl1nn1...., CommJull)!'I Dtlw,, Hunllftlllofl tatdl, Cllifwn•I. In ""' courtroom el t:IHtrtmenf Ne. Pub11$111!d Otlf19t CINJI Ot llf l'i!ol. Dt ted J1n111ry 16. 1Ht 3 If i.tld court, 11 1'1111 \'/~t Eithl~ Febr.,.rv 1, 1Ht ?•! .. , WILLIAM J. •RJ.?N'EY Sl'reet, in tht Cl!Y Of Slnlt A"1,:1 ---'-C::",,..,.~----_::::::; s1111 a1 c1tlfot111t, o"'"'' co11nty: c1111crn11. LEGAL NOTICE On J1"u1ry It, 1Pff, btfotll mt, t Otlt-d f'ebrvlry '· 1Ht Noli n' l'ubllc In Ind for Hlcl Sli fe, .... 711 llf:"'°"llll' ••ll>fl•red WILLIAM J, W. E. ST JOHN NOT!Cf: TO Clll!DITOllS 8 AA%NEY known fo mt 19 bl lftt H"Oll Count'>' Cr.rtt OP a ULK T•.O.N!l"l!ll wlleR fl•ml II llll>Ktlbld le lllt witll:n COVJj•T AMD COVlllT Nollet Is ~etr!'by •Ive~ to The Crellllto•s lnalrVlllenl 1!\d ldl'lllWladtt-d ht 1xKUted +ti North SrtM t tvlll'trf ol Atlh11r Andtr!O(I 1rld Mtrli" "· 1llt ''"''· S~lll ,,,_._, U4 AndtrlOll Clbt Miorl1n•i F 1 1 h ! • n t (OFFICIAL SEAL) 011.-.11; C1ltl9N1lll Trinslercrs. Wh<>se bu1l"tn 1ctctre!.S it Wlllltm W. 1(•111' T1I: (:tlJI Ml-417' UUJ ,'5 .. 111 Fi511iol'I hl111d, Ne"""°'1 Shetl>ll'IO Cente• Nof•fY' '°°"l!o:.(1t1toml1 AJN-fir P.t!~r Ston No. 14, Newpgrt 8Mdl, Ctlltorn1; •1lnclNI Olroee Ill •ublhlled Dr1ne• CNsl Otltr l'lklt, ~o'f"' ol Drtnfe, SIU1 cf C11lfornl1, Otl "'t Counf'lt Febt'\1411'1' t. I. 14 11"9 ' 221-6' 1 I butk lrtnsfer h 1bol!I to b• Mt ColrlmluJen EOll'll'WI =:· It Mlthttl J•c:<1uts. Trt~f. Aus. 2. lt70 LEGAL NO'l!ICE se butllllU •dlfrta 11 70i SOI/th l'u~llsMlll Or11191 c .. st DlllY Pllet,1-----------· ~~·---1 HUI Street, Les Melon,. Clllfonlll. c .... n.., l'c'c'c·c":...:'c'":...:'c"'::.c"c.::•_•:•:...:'":::.'--'"c"~'I suP•••o • cou•T o• '"' of~ ... "" 1 "· 11 •1e et C•11'°'"''· •"'" Proeerty 19 be tr911sf9f'rf!d 1, I TA T• 01' CALll'OllfUA POil JIKlt.111 ti 1'15/lle>n 1111"11, lrt--1 Shep. T ... COUNTY OP DAAM41 •1111 Cfflttt Store N I LEGAL NOTICE Mt. A'411d a"cti C n;.,.,,I O. -· N-rt 1----------.----INOTIC• 0111 MIAllllrt9 UPON PrrtTtON llltt;,, c:n11:1n11!' Ccuntr "' Ori,.. •• (lllTlllltCAT• OI' SVSINl51 POil LlAVa 1TQ LIU.SI lllAL l"llO. Miid '""""" 1i. d ! ... •ICTITIOVI WllMI Pl llTY' K ' flirty 1Kt In t l:ne•ll Ti. Vflilllftltll'led ..... ewtltr lit II cert-In ~ Mllftr of l!lt c_.,.,,1fl>tlhl, buiiNU r:-, _,_, ot tllet cer11111 duttlll9 • IMJ-,, 11ft l mltlt Or.. .. •ENJAMIH J . ... v 0 f TT I.. Ind klct!M no:';" ,.:i.r.~~~.::. ~llPl!ons NIWl'erf letcll, Ctlllomt1. ul'ldlt' ... c-'"· SheNll!e Ctnltr N ' -rt 11dllleus llrm Mllttl et SAPEWAV U Nollet It '*""" 11"'1'1 ltllf EOWAllD et Onl'ltt llit>t' tt = ~fldl, C.Ontr AUTOMOT1VI! Sl!RVIC! lf'ld 1lltt ulol I". Jl!:TTI!, 11 C011-l9r 91 fht E1t1lt Tiit blil,; tr.,lftr will ;: '· "''" " tom.,... Ill "" le!1'"'"" __,, 8' •1t11l•ni1n J, ~. COllSli'v11H, 91\ "' ll'ltr tl'll 1«11 d '""511"'"'11td Wflell 1'1111'1•.ln f\111 alllll Piia 'If .... ~ "91 fllM ....... II I .. tlttlOll fol' Lttvt 1fff, II 10 A.M ti U I I~ t of '""""ty I• I I tollowl: !<) "'" clrtllft , ... .nptrl'I' lec.llld Owl 7H So 111' H II non ....... EKNIW Mt...,lce Li.sat. 7S2i Hlll'l•hirlt ......... ti INS Monrovle ,1,-, Ce.ti Mt1.1, Cllll;;_nl9 C:.nty 1_, 'i'.'"1~ Lb A"fflts. lOf. Anttlel 9004' C1Utornl11 r ..... ,;c. to wMch Patlli.n ot Ct111or~1I °' nttltt, $}111 Otr.111 l"etwvlrv '· lNJ, It INdrl for Nrtlllr Hrtla.\trt ltld &o i.r ti k ,,.,.Utlot Ll•Mn llltl tile' llmt •11111 tlltl ti hH•ltlf t it Ml~ l'ICI""' le lftf T"l'ISlefft, Sltll el Clllfol'llll, Ol't"'I Cou ....... : 1111 ,11111 ,.., Nfn Hf tor •tb>rulf'I' br ltlt T~:n:;::;~ :;d tffreu1.1 UHtl °" ""· " '"'· btforf> """ • Hettt\' '1. IHt at ,l. A.M. Ill !!It Cwm""" 11$t I . I • tM """" YH"-1"11911c In t nlll for u ld Sl•h. ,.,_,!l'f ot OtNrtrnerrt ) of uld eowt 11 1ao 1a1.,;('..fttt!''s.., "":'11n t l"1ll'll011J, t• ,.,..,.., Mlurlcot L1"1orr k-h 1M Wnt Ith llnef 111 tM (llY 111 s.1119 (..,,. M ' ,,,..,Cl!,,., Ctlll'onlf .. to bl 1111 """'" ~!ol n111tt1 I• MtbKrlbo AIM. C1tlf6rllll, M1ri: •• , •• ~:,. ·~;r .. ,"lne, Ct l!foml•• till Ill 11'19 Wlll\1" lntlrvm.11 9nd Olfld: FlbtVln-1, 1ffl. ler ' · Clln Slrtet, It" Kt;_..,.. !It tMICllM Ill• UfT1>t. w, !. fT JOHN CIH':!:d/nt• COlmTI' et 5tft le•.,trdlnt. tOJllllC'IAl l&AL~ Clttk D n '· Min' K, l'ftrrry l'f Illy ...... lltllt lfMl l JlllUU'Y 1', lfff NOlllfl' PybH«)ilfttrtllt 1 ~. , Dwwty Cl9rll Ull MIUl"I Jlt'11tllft ~~!1>Cl•1I Ott!cit In • ootrcAlO W, ICllLIAM. Jll. Uf ~~Ill I~! ...,.,_. ~ . . Utt Ct -0rWt . U. A r., C: Mf Cenwnm 1911 e: ... 1..-' '~ .,....,.... .--. Cdltnlle r!Mf AM : . ~llffnill •11 N!frf,{:te. 1'7t., ,, \ T ....... , ~ I ' NCI All "' l'uMIJhld Ortntt ~ O•,. 1101, A~ w '-"•• -•· MWl..a4, INtw Oitil IS 11 11' 11-Jj S1~1111tof111"1 ' '' lt 1'-" l'M!vl,,. t. 'l,J. 't aftf' M.tfdl• lr 1 PvbH..... Or,_ . t-lsl Dtfly Plllf 111 mM • a .... '•W..O.ry •• 11, , .. 1N1 ,a...-t , ... ~u~ °''"" C11J1 D1ttr. l'llOI 1---------..l--..:::.C: ~ tobrWrY I, lffl 2.0.1~ I ) country tet.m last f~tl. r, f \ • ··------~--------~--~------------,,=-,----------~==----~~===;---,- ' Elimirmte AIQ:,,m, -Teens Disarm : . ' ' .. ., . DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please aay sometbhig about kids wbo walk 4i>Wll tho street witli tM1r azms wrapped around one another's waists 1>"" each other in -public and kiss In tlie school corrl}l;,rs, Yesterday· two couples were neckillJ up a stOnn on the back steps"and; a-lelCher ~.llrok11ier-neck when 1he tnpped over thmn: . _.._. --====-= My clooesl_ girlfriend laid me her steady threatened to Jim also made the point drop her Jlllless sbe allowed that ho is not In a veey good him _to •aras bef P1b1Jc1y. · humor In tho morning and He ~d. it wu hil way of we would both be better off adverlismg !heir relaUOllShlp if he sla ed behind lh so the other · IUJS would lay newspaper. '! e o~ • In my View he Is being . T you haveHANaDSn OoFpFI· selfish and Gbstlnate, Please ruon -comment: , · -T.T. DEAR OFF: Yu, ud r.. DEAi\ T.T.l J~ has told· •ureued 11 many lbnOI. yoa lwo lm,.rtul facls about PablJc dllplays .i alfecjloo hlmtell. (I)• lie. lw become c~eapeo • &Iii Qd !loJ ~~ ·--·to ·~ Ille do IDllCb for a f.U..._ e111ier. paper la i. -morilng. (I) Be TU amart strl· IUllCI tat la ntt maell· ti ·a mornin1 her hoylrlead keep Wa "9da commnalcator ud woald Ip: off when ~ . ..., ~ predate it If you'd leave him -tf ft doen t bow Wtter • alone with· Illa paper. So lay DIWI ANN . LANDERS: off, Lady. Jim and I are being mmled DEAR ANN LANDERS : Jn in four weeis. the past five years my 35- Last night I asked Jim to year-old brother has worked promJse .that there would be only one third of the' time. no reading of newspapers at He has never paid room or the breakfast table, He in· board. Mother Sji)'S we Should .; . _, "DAILY, 1~10 I • . •1. SUN.1 10·7 I ' " ' ., Grained Vinyl Casuals Our Reg. 3.27 Sundav Onl11 ? (\6 ... i...., sis~ that "be bad ALWAYS fOf'.give him -"lik~ good Tetn's and v.·omen'! vinyl !iiUJK>n caauala tn tan or bro"'ll read the newspaper a t Chrl.stian11." colors, in sizes 5 to 9. Kmart. bu casuals for the whole family breakfast, that it was a ritual I am 31, .unmarried pay .•• Buy them at savings, too, and for still more advantage ..• with hµn ·and I was asking the rent and grocery' bills. "Charge ll" loo much. My brother eata aQd Sleeps, UCR Hunts 30 Juniors - Thirty high school Juniors will be chosen to .attend the sixth summer tciepce ~training program at \he Univer1ify of Califflmia, Riverside. ' Working wilh UC s.\ientists, the st:Udents will spend )even weeb doing ruearob .j n biQlogical and ~P b y I i c a l sciences related to t b e agricultural .eiencea. Deadline for applications ia April I. They may be obtained by Writing la Dr. Glen B. Cannell, director of tho pro. tram. in c~ of U~R: DEA'l'B · NO'I'lCES . DORNES M•ttlitw F, Domh. 1141 Golden ftll" ROIG, l.tl111r1 wor!!I, s.11 e ... dl. s~rvrveo:i b'I' wife, Gertrudei -. Vlnet11t A. ClorM51 d1U.1!1tr, Eltll'IOr Cl. J-•I end flv• or1ndclllldrM1. Mtfnorl" Mrvlces wltl be held et Klrl\!81'111, Wnhlngton. l O(:ll IITTnge. mWlb bV Petk Family Colonl•I Funtrll Home. SMIT&· 1'1., ltrot Smltll. iU G A-~ Mlli.re., Leeu111 Hltlt. 0111 01 dfflll, Ftl:INlfY '-$Urvl...O try wife, Florlnd1. ll!'Ykn will 111 MN Moncfe)', 11 AM. P1c!llc View ChlPel, Wl!ll M1sonlc LOdtt offlclttlno. E,.. tomllm111t. ,..,.UIOltum of "'-Ptclllc, Ptclllc VltW MMlorlll f'11'11. Olrec- ffd bl' Paclflc ~ MortultY. lllf'"i L. 0-. 71D tfuritl111Mn Avt., H1111t1Ntoti ·11iKl'I. survived w wttt, &ffllt. .Str1ie.,. I f'M, Mand.Y, Sm!lhl' 0--1, wllll Eld« tle!illl• o.ltblUt ortlc11t1111. l"""'*lt, W•i. mln:atw M1rnar11I P1rk. lmltlll Mortual'Y, Dl..cton. TBURESON JOMP!l Tllu,.__ 17"1 Kllldo Avt., H11nt11111tn a,.dl. survlvtd try wli., P1trlcl11 moHMr,. Mn.· H .. 1 Thure- IMllll · dtulhMn.,Mn. ll•rll.•r• lllftctll, J11111t Lvn end Lois Thu,. _, tOn, ~ Jr.1 brotl'Mort, a.... Ind Frenk· Crlsl'lton1 filler Mr1. l1r- blr1 ""'"'*'' 1nd ,_ sr1ftlkhlld..,,,. l'loslrTt MDndlY, 1:JO PM, Smlthl Chtoel. ltMUltl'lt Min, Tu.d1y, 10 AM, U II""" • Judll' Cltt!OllC Churdl, Huntlntton· ltl'dl. lnl1rrn.nt. Geod $11..tltrd C1mellfY· Smllt!I Mortu1fl', Dlrecto,.. SQUIER lll'llk;e Adell• ~ul1r. A11 •~. ot "6 Vie Mlfldoni, Ugu!M Hills. D111 o! dllftl, Fttwv.fl' 7. Svn!vecl b1 ciauollt9r, Mr1, Pc!rlt "'""'• l.lfW\I Hlllll f'liM 1rltflCPonl<. Cliffe,._ H11111I, SltrN Mldrw, end H1rvn HlllM~ Wtsttrll SCorlNs, llllnob; •net t lJI ..._.,:,,..ndd'llldl'lft. l"u111rlt Ml'Vkn todrf, S.l'ln'ff'I', 1 PM. Lle\1111 lltilell Mortl/ll'J' Cl'>l,_I, wilt! RtY. Mlrlc Tnit!>fr effkl11!M. '""""""' LI Or.-ntt. lllll'ICI!'-·clrtetld bl' Lllll!I' IHdl Mom,r.trV. BALTli MOimJAIUllll. c-~~.oa..­costa Mesa Ml H4U BELL BllOAD'lf A Y MORTUARY ut lllOlldny, CWto M"' u W6A DILDAY Bl\OTBEIUI 0-.-Valley M-..., l'llU -m..J. Hll8llqtoa -111-'1'1'11 -PACIFIC VIEW MEMORL\L PAllll: Ctm•lerJ • M«mar1 CUpd silel'aclllc Yin Jlrlft NtwpGrt Bo.a, Calllonla --PDX FAMILY OOJ.O!'llAL~ 'Ill!_, ... !leal•-· - SM1Tll'e MORTIJAl\Y lfl -Ill. -----LEI-mt WESl'CUJ!1' MORTUAl\T 411 E. 171l Ill., ca.ta Meaa - criticizes, ·comp J a i n s and keeps me in a consi.nt state of turmoil. I have never been able to buy decent: clothes . or take •·trip allil!>ugh tmake an. exceUtrit salary. I have ·passed up ·· aome-, good op. portuntties' ~ date because my mother sap my first obliga- tion js to .':her. This means, "Come home after work and keep me company.," ' l don't tillnd supporting my .mother but I resent suppOrting my brother. My q.iends sa'.y I am crazy. A rJY al}. vice? ,. TIRED DEAi\ TIRED: Yonrfr)eod1 . ... r1ghl.1'• ••bslltnte "gull~ JR s· EAMLESS NYLONS rlddea" fetr "crazy" "1"tt it • Yoar molller u1 doiie a •plea· Our Reg. for t! adds op to Ille aam.e lhlnl-2 76 2 54c ·did Job " mppUn1 yoa 10 Sunday Onlv . for _ you'd never leave her. Now . . , ed . ._. al I 'el •-For the Junior Miss -scaml~s mesh nylon hou for amart J.OU D~ ~-es, oaa ~ P "" everYClay Wear. In .tbut versatile shades: mist tone, 1untonf', ~l:k ~~alilJ· ·tb;at . bl;Dd· cinnamon. btacic~~.t (off-bJa._ck) or brpwn misl Sizes 8~ to 10. f'ou. I hope yoa get .ft" soon ,,.-r -11 ., · -,, . , , add clear out ot that aqa.lr"'1 cage. Drlnkm1 mlY ~ "In" to: !lit kids' YOU rYn wltll -bl/I II ''" put YOU "out" for kt•"'· You o:iin cool II Ind llfY PoP~I••· R11d "looa I nd You -. For T-en111rs Ontt." $t-nd. lS ~•1 In coin and 1 loM. s•lf~cldrast'd, SllmPl:d ~v"°" With 't'O!I' ,.qynt. · ;\.nn .La~ wm be oi.d· to htlit vou wltti vour problllms. Strid them 'IO her In urt of Iha OAllY PILOT, 1ncletl11i1 1 111t~ddre:;1ed, sllmPtd tnYI'°", A~t Pushed By Murphy Sen. George Murphy (R· Calif.}, revealed t<14ay that he has asked the Nli:oil .id· mini.Stration to fund the Bi- ltngual Education Ac:'/ (tll87) to "the full amount.authoriz- ed·, ~·million" this year .. - Last year the Congress a1;>- propriaj.ed only $7.5 million of the Bilingual Act's full authorization. · Califorula, where one in every aeven elementary school children comes from a Spanish-speaking home, would be a major beneficiary Of more complete funding. .. ' Group Forme1l ' Sy Sclerosis Orange Coqnty ~stdents af- fiicted with multipJe: sclerosis are forming , e sbcial group' , !hat will enable th<m la ollare various · lnteresl.8. The in- form&! get-togethers will lake place on the second Sunday of each monlh .. al tho Beverfy Manor Convale'acent Hospital in Capistrano ·Beach. Those interested abouJd con.tact Paul Ditzenberger, telephone 495- 5647. I· HARDWP91) TRAY TABLES JOl,D FOR . ' STORAGE' WE . ·' Our Reg. 1.37 84-c Sundo11 Onlg Set of four. Hardwood tops re- sist stains, alcohol mars. 15x21'' with lustn brass 5/8" legs. Set. fo( ~or.ma/ or Casual Us~.: .. . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL . GUIDE 45-PC~. MELAMIN~ -:~ ......... M/li.;..n__.11....,Ess .... !IJl......,,,•1 FINI" D.INN.ERWARE Mell Uphillslery Uberty 8-4781 UM ;,IWPOlf l\YD • • 'J._ 8.88 r, • • C"4rfle,lt . Me.n1s ~).~stet-~.cotton / tt>Ort shirti fea'ture per· manent 1PieJU. ColOrfut, ~ •ab'is: !-'to XL. '•'. KOOAK CAROSR SUDE TUY Compare 2.29 1.88 S•••"'•11 onrv Kodak slide tray bolds 80 2x2 slides GIVE C~ND.Y BOX DOLLS °"":·.R~. 81., . 57c '$ualo;, On111 Two gifs In one -chi rm1hg e:• Vak!ntine doll plua 2% oz. box ot dellclous chocollte1p.rl4Je1! 20 gal PLASTIC TRASH CAN aeg. •z.et · · • 1 rt£ SulNlef o.111 •~ ' .. ' f • can II mck:i-• he•Vl' du\y plasU~ llO-pllon alae, 26' Ng~ x18"1'-.m,ter. -_ ... 1 DAll-Y l'llOf J/S . , . Lacy, Embroidered or Tailored. • • BRIEF . OR BIKINI NYLON PANTIES Our Re9.11'1e, 97r 3 Prs. 2.00 Sundav a.Iv • Briefs and bikinis in all nylon or nylon saUn. Tlnored styles plus atyles trimmed with lace or embroidery. In white, popular putel shades. Sizes 5 to 10_ Specially priced for thia 1$le • • • buy now at tavings and for convenience, just say, "Chaige IC'. TANK C.OVER SET, IN YOUR CHOIC~ OF SMART COLORS Our Reg. 5.44 3.94 WOMEN'S TWO· DIAMOND WATCH.;S Com pore 49.95 24.87 Nationally advertised watches at great savlllp now. Hurry! -.;..-'5 H99 IAlllNH •••• , • • • •, • , , , • , , , , , , ,, .••• •• • •• ""~ "fllll!t SAYINGS NOw! ON SPARK PLUGS 47c ' . . S.AVI ON AUTO UGHT IULIS '" · 27c • . ' I l I• DNLV PllOT •---r t .• I .... C#pr.cornJ Express I•;.:: ,..:-7..t Grati ·· · ·_: '. -:.. ' !!". .. .,. ~ SU DAY • .. FEBRUARY '9 ~-. 11J SYDNEY OMARR . . ... wise man controls his d., .... Astrology points the. way." . AJ\11!:8 (Marcli ·21,A,ru 111i: 4 • Yc:iu could solve p u z: z I e, m)'lls'y. Questlam .,..,....rung 'activity ol ...... ~ ore relOlftd. OU.-p e:ep.l e • 1 mOllO)' nil1'"'1iec\tijt 1 your ..._n,lllcy. 'Splrllual coun- 1el 1ll valid. TAURtJB (lprll-• :IO•ll!ay 20) : wi. , to )et ,other• set pace.-~ energy. Re- main'Oll famlllar ground. Gain gr up o( what Y,9U , want and why. Accent·oo relltklns With loved one. SmoiJth q;ver recent rnisw)llerstanding"..; GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Sett(o down. Pace. youmlf. Impl!Wtant today \0 be aware of pbfsiCal well -bein'g . RelaUves,. oUiers encourage you ;to be on the inove. Best lo 1 Med )'OU? I OWft ccunael. C.1,NCER~Jwie 21.July 22): BreO!hr~'.lndlcated; you get ftat-you netd. Key is tojirin& fQrf.b creative ........ ~-to children. ! l.90. (July-2'-~ 12): Be aware of apparent minor detalla. Some obstacles are ovem:me ~ paUence, perailtenee-Jlome ~f,ffain: re- quire penonal a t tl ' n t I o n . Family member talks about buying, aelllng. ;:.: vmoo (Aug. ~pl. -22>: Inclµde loved · ones }n special activity. Short jotirney ap- pears-on agenda. Stress d!s:ire for 1wm,ony .. Be ·diplomatic. Nolhlilg gained If you attempt to fiirce -R<opond ac-cordingly: Lm\A -(Sopl. l3-0c:L 22): Don'! 11\11. , tiil In poke. SpedflclllJ: t:beek~ •alues. Be concerned wJtb e a r n J n g s , potMtial. One wbo talb much ·-' pin ~-lack! capn.l. Dt(er deci6n on con- tract, agreeriieo.L • ; - SCORPIO'(Oct. :ZS.No,. 21): Thole with authority, power tend to back your position. Assert ycursell. Ezpress con· fldence. N e w approach is productive. Call upon past lessons. Use ~ledge. Be sure, direct' and d,namlc · SAGl'ITWUI ov. 22-o.;,: 21):' Sec:rell may be revea~e<l. You know more than you aid . 7esterdJr •. Question 'is how · to lltllbi th is iu-ledge -heeding words of splritualadvilerb one way. Anltber b to heed inner voice. WIW:oRN (Dec. !trJao. II) !]Ill may be pre!tnted · ~ 'One clolo 1'> • JOU. Open upf'0pm1 ~ gralltude. New •Ml)* di could wort wonders. G ... lollght to yourseU as "" )a others. Make thls a ~·day . ll!lllAllllJS (J•n-. 10-Feb. 111:,'lrhat Jll!Oi:· ant could be D·on~ filf er platter. 1hJc; Pln't, 1wear Dis~ are fuJlllled, = ·a,tPiratiOns. c,,,r• ls spotupted. l!llCD, M. lt-Ma>cb Ill: Dlf to perceive i·ap. er 1ai4o!tC01· 'r.-1alt ll!PIY .... 'ol ; ...... -iW-' I lAlll', Clfi:ll ',ap C8o -· .-d\Ji. ~­=-=---.~., •. ![a •. y·~···YOOa •iill~•:-••:v~~ law,~mediclne. CllCle indicate• ~lion for efforll . .,.,be~: • It !eoloced b y I io your ad- 39c .·. Macleans TOOTHPASlt . ;,f,.ify s1z1-·l1"" • s,.~i•t- ! \, I I '~•!fferin'' 'JAii.iTS IK FAST Plla .. fitf i . 11:. sac . ii ., I u11u•o., G ory' . RUG SHWOO "t"1w'altu•l•.l·.,,1ic1t1rs · 4111 • l 69 Site a ·.,. .... ,, ·._\ ~( ~).\·' ' Clloose f11111 lllllf assorttd styles and .. -.. ___ ...... 7~ wi111!91CAAw ·lids '" • real lmiol tool. IL IADIU' Clutch Wallets "'C1t••l11 Swi11H• -Assor1 ed styles witll many tea· 1 49 tures. ~-·an new Patent and Call colors. 11. • FOLDING Shoe Trees Wood CMsln<t"' ... •ho!s 79c will look better l i.st kin&· er. Adjustable ti s!Kle silt. Mop Head "'Mikt" -12 01. rayon IUlly 1ets tbt dirt oft lloors. RlllSeS out 69C aSi~ , • • wid &Nt Ion& smice. ----~ 60 :ft. Garden 'Hose. "Sipatlrt"-~/8 Bole ..• 'yirti~ 1ieen plastic 'fllltb full How helY'f ltr.s coupli11&s ••• _will 13 49 IOt cm:k. 11 Ytar Ganll:tt . •• • h'J4. lray of 12-pllf! milk cllocolalt, mrti-49c vidually wrap- ped 1a forl 4 tl. ~ _HEART B8X CHdcOUTE . • =~ f':.t'21''"3,,,,5" Hearts -m't cilOCO-tates. 1111. • Hilllaw C~OCO· ~- lite wilil smgar 2gc ~ candy 4ecora· 1IOll. 1 ~1L HEART BOX ,"1ART BOX lmbossed . foil topped wiltl rib- · · ·~~rsation Hearts CHOCOUTE Heart$. ::I.~\ ';"'12will6~5 lllft 'l -~ 2 29 '"""· -. . tolorc. 1 Ill. • I solt• h11rtc 1tstlH · w/1t4 • tllds.1 · • around decorJt. • i.. • ~.l:l:.'11oc~45c . . N IL ' , ·· -· · "Slliil-Rewer" Bai 1ucrs -Tiny SllRW hearts .... ~ 2gc flavors 11111 say. in is. I~ IL '' ' lkACll'S -Ass'l ·color boxes · Mellowcremes · 1iw:rs-ce1~ hli.o! as..n11111e111. o.t. 39c l Cu~d shape! it "*'I l Vanll~ '"°'"': :~·:: =-~ 4 75· wide ritlboo. 2111. • . 1 ~- 1/111. l/111. •/~ MINIATURE HEARTS White aOO r!d boxts filled witll assor\td delic111~s chocolaltt. "T1 My Yalenti'ae'' :· llWl 10111 HACN'S- Oetoraled, tss'I. col- 111 boJ.es lilltll with 59c ass't thocol~es. Ill Ill. 33c 69c SWJElET!HllEAflr.((iillm ''COntat'' (otlTIMl(OUS A<TION COLD ~SULES • ,: ~tl idl~ll Malc1~-htfmr!':. · 1.4! 9a·~ 1D's I \ . ''Cheer'' DmRGEtiT •i1' •tr• nit11i111nsct1 · Giut L.:A C . Size~-· "Softique" 8Al11 BE.IDS Add MW Rleaslie to your billl! Piii(( c "Beloved" • :~ir~o'l.::;•:e.:: l:flC . t .. TOIAIWI ' . °' COUJGI( ' "ftt !~'tr. Slit ..JiJ> -1 ' . I Jyp111r.er "ljffittran" -811 X 11" white -' -~ C/111lottla3 00 SJllJ llilt 4 50 --====· =· =::: fJ.-.i~ 2 IL Sbl JI SJ1t.Slz1 • t-·~i lond sh08ls. ll o• ci l 90 79c w "Sofskin'' .. ·"' ~····· .l;-'····· .. _ , ........ ·--· ......... sheets. • • Steno Books "'•ri-p1i1t" ... Gregg tllle ... ciloice 33 of while or C green paper, "Glu Bird" !:LUE ~J WILMOlD - f Qf an your 79 sclloo! rieefls. C I 11. Size I ~:!•:,~''" 11c "CUC" 11N ... Jhole, sidesp"~ Wito FIE! bouod Assort-50c l1lill ••• 39 ed col0<s. ;J-Ass 't <<1lor C . pens. fl.Pencillablet 11 . ·11141· _ax 111" .tlf· Filler ~er "' of 1sa 3')e "lrlo,.;.t"-1 lolt, ~rulel dteets. '1'" ' • '!1de or Siii'· BBC ...... !tlSltolJ Sllle! Pr11ec!lrS "";"',/4"1 3-bol• ;..,hod '"M IJ "Rtial" S13'1• 1 1/j . plastic ~iny1 ·, 1osmcM - • , / protec~ pa-29c W it~ ~,. cf 69C .,.., / ...L-'1 pers.1'1•1f5 1000 ~tap!es. •Alarm · Clock G Alarm Clock C1.,1ct "RH11-llalt" -in "'Nt,tl-1tt1''wit• li1llt1~ Dial .•• I!<;;;;~·"\ Antique whitt... Compacld&Slgni1 ·~ 1igwe dial. .,l. • •, White or bei1e. · • ·"··!, USJ to read full • aftractiteAntique: :~ ;·;· #llll 2. 79 . ' . #111111 4.29 • • '1Tang" Alarm Clock ~=~~:i::'J::.~ 4 29 Miif'Mite"orS!Uec91or. #1131 • RlinlA lUitllSTllN ., 'Heaven · Sent" .. EAU DE Partum 2 50 l ll. • LIU OE Partunt Mist 2 75· l* II. • Dusti111 Powder ·2 50 $ II. • YAIDllf "Red Roses" · ' ~ Colape llastJar PIRer ~-liilz ... siD2.25 11.11113.50 cm• "Intimate" of .Jleirloom crystal. A . [iopnl '~'·'""' .. ~ decanter wit.a the look 3.50 CLAflOL "Kindness 20" ~uA "Aniash" S,.-11 Cliollt ... 3 50 ' J fl. • NEWPORT •EACH ·~Garden 61a110ur" l 1021 ""-.............. · HUNTINGTON BEACH "'1•1••• •• .,., HUNTINGTON BEACH ; . \ .... , ......... \ ' ' • . ' ..... \' ll<lft 7gc N1Jst1rizi111Jti11-De licater1 sUll• "-• '.' ed, it soothes as it · ~-! smooth~ ··skin au o~er 2 ' eec .. }!lllf body. ' 0 ; ' ' l!c101LS1!1 I . - "Sea Br:eeze" " · awnsmie firit-Alll t1r tie J&:i• ••• Medicated lor s~n ancl com· ' plexion care, llioor cuts, 1 · 39 windburli. it<ii · tie: 1.H :f' tz. Sill 1 ' . ' ......... t ~ ;. .... -.. . ·' ' , ,.., ...,.,.,,,,r,.(l ,. ____ -_ .. _....,.= -==-·--'----"'-----·-----'-------------...;;;------==--..... ..::.0.0: ....... ===""'=='""'--------~-..... .-;z • , ULVIDIRI· · j 'I . ~· . ... NEWPOll l • ,.. llM:IW)' ........, ......,, ei-. W)Ji.9rt. lltfdtr ~ ft. ...... 2 ~ . ~ iMt Wtr. """"'"" '" ..... ' . HAUTOP • :Lii;p.U. ~ ,· -. \ · IMMIDIATI DJUVEl:t • P"ACTOIY LllT...,, CEmtel471t . &MMatltl DIUYEIY '. · • .fULl ·PllCI · , , . IMMIDIATI DILMU :$177 ::$.7:732 . s-2~·1·. l .. '. :.$,2. ·17· 7'· $1n ss~., --~~4· 7.7 sf77 S69 DN.,:. '.·1• .... ( ·-. .f .·L ' l ' I .. : ...• MO. • .a6. . DN. MO •• ~ · ; ~ ';),,c. ' · · • ' t{1 i•+.:.o,T:••. L,._ ,+::'* ~"""'' · · ' , I + T• .. L..... • , ' . ...,.._, r.: ' ~"1;&--. •"'-j<,'~tA.~'UJ'-"-· ' ' .......... ~..:a.,~-u.;.--· c .. t ' \ • -' I l ' .. l '8& "'"' .. v.w. '63 v.w . , c-' ll.,.., ,.,..,..., • .... •--'f.nt'J,,... .... I• 20. H -I 9". •W1' '1i Xll•nt, I $Sn "•·T~· S977 Ful $477 ~1"'! .. & Lie. ,,.,. & Uc. I $29-& $33-$160.W.l .$29 MOll!My $33 Mo . $16 MOll!My ' l • • ' ) --~----....-----------.,-----------,.-----:----,-:-:---·-·. I I I I l • ' • I • • ' 1 1 ( I . ' ' . ' ' l I ' 24 YEARS OF REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE " • ' 1000 . . , ..... ,WHEfJ SELLING. PROPERTYj think of P-W-C YOUR PAUL-WHITE-CARNAHAN AGENT . . . is a professional career man. He is trained as a represenla· tive of our finn to advise you in bow best to sell your .borne or other property. You may.have complete .confidence that your investment is in good hands. · ·' WHEN SEUING YOUR HOME YOUR AGENT. WILL , • • - 1. Give you an accurate ap- praiaal of what you can ex· pect for your home . 3. Maintain an Individual management file on your property & keep you con- stanUy advised as to tbe sales progress of your home. 2. Offer experienced advice relative Lo decorating and presenting your home in Ui:e , best possible manner. 4. Send out an 'Bltrective dJ. rect mail piece on your home and otherwise pro- ll)Ote its sale through tested media. 8 HOME V.ALUES Just Completed So hurry on down & see this vaca.Dt S BR home that has been redecorated & all new w/w carpets, 2 batbs. Love- ly landscaping, fenced yard. Only $22,500 -EZ tarmJ -. VA-FHA or low down. HURRY! NfQr Westcliff Shopping· Center Atfractive 3 BR home. Newport Beach , solidly built witb hardwood floors, spacious living room, fire- place, 2 baths. W /w car~ pets & drapes, nice service porch. Picnic in your own back yard with lovel y cov· ered patio. Price is only $28,500. See for sure. Oversized! Too Ilg! At1lrlctive 5 BDR-2 story home ideal for that large ' . family. 2% baths -extra large rooms-2 brick fire· places. Immaculate condi- tion -newly painted. All electric built-in kitchen + disbwaaber. Vacant -Move In today. Will sell at $34,950 with VA ot FHA financing. Fixer Upper This 3·BR & family room In College Park needs loving care, but what a bargain at $24,500. Paint & paper wlll do wonders . Has 1 ~ baths, large 25' living room wltb fireplace, built-in oven & range. A good b11y at this price. ' FHA Owned Only $ 1250 Down It's in spotless condition &:: only 2 blocks to Costa Mesa Center. 3 BR 1% baths, large sized BRs, expen1ive high pile olive green w/w carpet, has · fll'eplace too. Huge lot on corner. Price $21,450. HURRY! '' fncome Producer Want to make money? It's so easy when you receive these· rent checks each month from these always rented 16 units -1 BR furnished, in great location near shopping & freeways -10 garages. Price $135.· 000 -will trade. Call for particulars. Easy UvilKJ Beautiful 3 BR + family room 2 story Mediterran· ean with balcony off mas-- ~er bedroom overlooking UCI campus. 2'h batbs, ex- pensive w /w carpeting & drapes. Outstanding ltitch· en with built-in oven &. range -over 2200 sq ft or living area. Near pool, ten - nis court & golf course. A ~«oat value at only $36,040. Call now! lreathlngtaldng View of Catalina Channel, Ocean and Bay. Designed to de- light and .~uilt to endure-- is this 5 BDR-most UDUSU· al mansion in Corona del Mar. Impossible to repro. duce at this price. Radiant heating - 3 car garage - 3'h batbs -sliding glass d o o r s recessed into the wall. Perfect home for high level entertaining. Special- ly designed wet-bar -2 patios. over 4600 sq. feet. Price $139,500. Call for ap- pointment. Sales petition -I"' hr ""· r'91it qu•tl!i.d mon or womon IMkl"I o -•• with upon•ll"I cempony-tralnod If desired -prolll lhorlnt ploft. Coll 1..--1ld0ntlol lntervtfWo ~'Paul· White~ Carnahan -. REAL TY COMPANY 1093 IAl<EI. COSTA MESA f ~~. 5.46-.5440 1 HOUSH POR SALi HOUSES POR SALi HOUSU l'OR SALi HOUSIS POR SALi . -•I . 1000 Gono"'I 1000 Gonoral ,_,.,., . 1000 Pele /J~r~ll Reaft'! pre6enf4 ALL FRESHENID UPI New pain~ clean carpets, vacant, r e a d y to move in. Wonderful for large tam· ily -near Mariners SchoOI & Park. Artange rooma to Suite your needs ·3, 4 or 5 bdrml Wltb family rm &/ or dining rm. Harbor Highlands. 1417 Marlnors Dr. ()ptn Sol/Sun 1 ·S FANTASTIC VIEW :::_ with a Span· lsb flavor. Finl time offered by original owners -this tastefully decorated, adult occupied 4 txlrm home. Dinin& room & family f1)0m. Large center lslmd kitchen, Separ· ate maid's quarters. 31-!i beth<. 01! street parking & oversized double J?arage. Dover Shores. l 124 Stntl090 Dr. Open dtlly 1·5. ' ' IDEAL FAMILY HQME-near Mari· ners Park in. West.cliff Plaza. 3 bdrms, 2 baths, lar&e family room overlooking betutifully landscaped g a r d e n. Immaculate conclit1on. $43,900. OFFICE OPEN S.lun!•YI & Sun.i.r 1605 WESTCUFF DRIVE Newport lead! ~2·5200 Four lltdrooms • $19,500 Move Into this 1arte family home today. 0ose to shop- ping, schools and churchtl. Just put on the market, thia one won't lut. $l83 per month includes taxes and In. 1urance. ONLY $700 DOWN total cash required!!! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 4 BR-$23,950 NO DOWN YES, a veteru can move In tor $500--coltJ &: impounds, payments of $190 month include everything. Low down for FHA bu;yen, A real deal! /fSa,., COATS ~ wA.:'uce 2043 WeatcliU Dr. ~ llAL TORS ~-E -~5444,1-'4t141- I lf&.7711 ..,....,, \'P!l . 2 LAND u.lesmen, best deal , ,...,. 10,."""..,.,.1,.-... • .. .,..J!!!!! II in town. I' * M.5-2lli0 * atARGEm Gener ii 1000Gonertl Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Dover Shores -Water Front Custom Spanish design. Upstairs liv. rm. w/wet bar. Me.ster suite. Do\vnstalrs - Din. rm. 2 Br's -t-Sitting rm. Pier & Float ........................... $129,500 Mrs. Raulston Udo Luxury , Unusual custom home' built around tJ-e. mendollll patio + swimming pool. Com-=m red~rated ~/f~~'.t .. ~~.~ Mrs. Harvey 2 Good Lido luys 2 BR -53' Jot. Room to add. Corner Strada location. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $51,500 4 BR 2-story home. Located on Lido Nord. Furniture Available . , . . . . . . . . . $61 ,500 Mrs . Raulston Don't Go Buy-Go In & SH OPEN SUN 1 ·S 700 M.l1bar, Irvine Terr•ce, CdM 1 Atmosphere 'l'hich rings with pride. J BR & Den unique Home .. Fam Rm overlook- ing picturesque Pool & PaUo with view. ............................... ~.ooo Mary Lou Marion Enjoy laysliore leaches Private. gated ~!~a w /best boating & swimrrung facilities . Arch/remodeled. bome avail. W /H Bdrm . & extra lrg. lam. rm + nice patio. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,500 Mrs. Harvey ' Exceptional View-3 Br. An outstanding split-level h9me richly· ap- pointed, with large wet bar, bayslde patio. Immediate occupancy. . . . . . . . . . . $47,500 Walter Haase · Irvine Ttrrace $37 ,500 B Br w/largest rot: av. 7&1175. Room for tennis cl or pool. Fnobly t>afnted Inside & out. Parquet Ors. Lota of clOIOt opace. Greg Wohl . s-t lllttrior Unmatched for most wanted IOCllllon. I Bra, 2 Bes, large private walnut panelled den oU master suite. Beamed celling, 2 frplcs. Quiclc occupancy ......... $43,500 Mary Lou Marlon COLDWELL, IANKIR & CO. 2200 f , COAST Hl-AY NEWPORT IEACH Kl 9-3351 FINER HOMES OCEANFRONr...:Detiiuwy lbe.fi"'8t ocean front location iii Newport Beach, tvllh a com- manding View of the Harbor Entrmce, and a panoramic View from Point Fermin to Av· alon. S Bedrooms, dining nn, maid's rm, famlly_:nn. Luxuriollll marble bath nn & magnlllcent panelled Living rm. White wa· ter breaking on the beacb lielow -560Q sq. ft. Priced $250,000. Shown by appt. only. . . HARBOR ISLAND -Tbe. only available borne on bellhtiful llarboi: laland. 3 l!Od- rooms, Sttidy, lilrge Uvlng rm, pier & slip. Priced under cost !Dr Immediate sale .- '175,000. By appL·only.. · ' . BEACON IA Y -3 bedrooms, CUiiom built home, lots of glass, beautUUl patio, Bay View, community Beach, private pier, ten- nis court. ••tine ......... , ........... '69,500 SJlOWl,I by appt. '' • ELEGANT -ExQUfslte Dover Shores home, 3 BedJooms, family rm, Lanai rm, beautiful interior, extensively landscaped, room for pool. Sunken living rm, huge master suite. Priced $115,000. OPEN SAT "< SUN. 1363 Galaxy Drive. VIEW -Your last opportunity for a tremen- dous bargain Dover Shores -3 BR & maids rn1 , 3 Baths, powder rm, Ira:e View Living Rm, dining rm, Fam rm, breakfast rm, 2 fireplaces. AtrillJll. A Sacrifice at ... $95,000 OPEN DAILY -U74 Ga!fxy Dr. . . •!,)tj iohn mac:nab· Rql T·V COMPANY NI' 0..or Dr., Sult. 101 Mocco llAltlty Co. Bldg. ' 642 .. 235 .Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ~ • ' j ... ttk...., ..... ...., ... ,.. ............ . ,.. ............... All ................ ..... .. J ................ .., ......... ..... .... la .....,.. DAILY Pll.O'I WANT ADS. ,..,._ ....... .,. ... -. ................ ...... te lilt .UC W..,.;t. .. tWI eel•-Helli Fri..,. (2 . Bedroom & Oen) *2012 Commodore Rd. (Baycrest) NB 642-1771 (Sat lo Sun 1-5) 2518 Via Marina, Newport Beach 642-3219 (Sat & Sun) (3 Bodroom) 253S Crestview Dr. (Beyshores) NB 61.5-2987 , (Sat & Sun 12-5) *1601 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642·6472 Eves: 673-3468 (Sun Aft/noon) 8322 M11111ter Dr. (Pacific Sands) HB 644-2309 **106 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun IZ.5) 1954 Monrovia , Costa Mesa 541-5314 (Sun 1-5) 234 Palmer. CM 542-4980 (Sat 1·5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Oen) 700 Malabar (Irvine Terr.) CdM -675-2000 (Sun 1-5) 1518 AnUgua (Dover Sbores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sun) 2124 E . Ocean ffivd. (Balboa Penn.) 675-4031 (Sun 1-5) 1206 Pembroke Lane, Newport. Beach 642-1251 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1500 Vivian Lane, Newport Beach 673-:mD (Sat lo Sun 1-5) 2IMS Calvert Ave., (Mesa Verde) CM 546-SDBI (Dally) 4-061 Germainder Wy (University Pk) CM 64&-8811 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1374 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Sbores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Daily) 1014 Santiago (Dover Sboro•) NB . (714) 64U23S (Sunl 3246 New York Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 546-1170 -(Sat & Sun) 1147 Qlen.£agle Terrace, Costa Me .. 540-17211 (Sun 1-5) 31(! North Sla1 Lane (Dover Shores) NB llf&.7171, 5'6-2313 (Sun 1-5) 29.12 Alldrol (Mesa Verde) CM 645-7822 • (Sun 12-5) 25251 M•lnWI Dr., Dana Point Mz.2'23 (Dally 12-3) 912 Peaco ~ (Rancho Mesa) CM 5IO-tOff (Sat & Sun IZ.5) 107 Via Dijon (Lido !Jle) NB 675-3000 Eves: 67S-0554 (Sun 1-5) 232 Evening ~n (Shoreclills) CdM 675-8000 Eves : ~ (Sun l-5) 1761 Queensweatb, Irvine Vlllaae · . 675-SODD Eves: 6f6.6227 (Sun 1-5) 1528 Cornwall (Westcllff) NB 648-7171 • 546-2313 (Sal 1-5) :zoe Villanova (College Park) CM llf&.7171 • 546-2313 (Sl!J! 1-6) 8301 Admiralty Dr. (HuntlnglAJn Hbr) HB (714) 772-9530 (Sat & Sun Noon· 5:30) HOUSIS l'OR SALi lOOOGonorel 1000 11m RBAI. JISI:A:X&RB 2790 HARBOR -546-2113 17ilcl NBWPDR rl !4f.7171 . ' ' SAVE RENT! NO i;>OWN VA or FHA And have immediate pooseaion of thii 3 Bedroom, 2 botb beauty. Llvlng room wltb fireplace. C>rpeta and drapes. No down to Veta. $1400 down to all $22,250 govt, ap- prailed. . , CAVIAR ON STURGEON DR. Elpandallle.to 5 bedrooms -Mediterrmean design garden patio -Just 2'h years young. Elegant cl!'J)et -Iarg' quarry We entry- huge marf>le flreplace -a home of distinc· lion. $34,000. 10% down. HIGH .AND QllY This large 2·year old borne ·~ truly better than new. Private ~u?\yard ~n!n'.-: 3 !Ir - Super·slzed family toii~!llla a big bonus room. $32,liOO.OO; AISum~ a big' 6% GI loan • TRANSFERRED! MUST SELL In beautiful Westcliff. 3 Bedrooms, luxury baths, spacious open beam living room . $40,950 -10% down. 646·7171 • or.en Sunday • 546-2313 -51 esmen Needtcf - (4 Bedroom) 2211 Vista Hogar, (The Bluffs) NB 675-3433, 6#-0990 (Sat aft & Sun) (4 Bedroom & Family or Oen) 2138 Tustin Ave., Newport Beacb (714) ~ . (Sat & Sun) *1907 Holiday Rd (Baycrest) NB 54114598 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1530 Anita Lane, Newport Beach 543-7943 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2807 Europa (Mesa Verde) CM 540-3380 (Daily) *1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily 10.5) 1320 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) **!DI Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1415 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sun I~) 1917 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa 646-0555 • 646-1050 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) *429 Isabella Terr. or 407 Mendoza Terr.,CdM 646-3255 (Sun 1·5) 8142 Lambert Circle, Huntingtori Beach 646-4494 (Sun 12-4) 21812 Starfire Ln ., l:luntington Beach 646-4494 (Sat I~) *4221 Tustin, Costa Mesa 646-4494 (Sun 11~) 363 Vista Boya, (Back Bay) NB (714 ) 542-603 (Anytime) *1720 Candlestick Ln. (Baycrest) NB 675-3000, Eves: 543-lJ868 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2861 Beyshore Dr. (Bayshores) NB 675-3000 Eves: ~ (Sat & Sun 1-5) 822 Sanliago, (Mesa de! Mar) 540-!824 (Sat 1-5; Sun I-Dusk) (5 Bedroom) *2730 Albatross (Mesa Verde) 546-2313, 646-7171 (Sat Hi) (5 Bedroom & F1mITy or Oen) *20011 Crown Reef Ln. (oU Adams) HB 543-1168 (Sat & Sun 11 :30-4) 10041 Stoneybrook, Huntington Beacb 646-7171, 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) 340 Cherry Tree, Costa Mesa 541).4824 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1532 Highland (Beycrest) NB 54<M824 (Sun 1-5) 1067 Salvador (Mesa Verde) CM 54C).4824 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *.!997 Komat (Mesa Verde) CM 54Q.7171, 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) 2794 Lorent.0 (Mesa de! Mar) 646-7171, 546-2313 CONDOMINIUM (3 Bedroom) flS Teloucester Dr., Coste Mesa 541-5314 (Sat & Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (3 Bodroom) ' 1707 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach 644-0266 {Dally) ..... ___ ........... ........... , ... _ • -· - -----·---------:~~ ....... ;,· ..... v.:.. ···~· ..... ·~· •• ~ ..... ...;.·~-.;·..;·..;,-_..;.. ___ .... _;--.. ----.;-... 11....-..;..;.,-.;·,;;·,;-;.;;-,;·.;··· ·-.. -.. ----·-----.. -.--.,; ... ,,;;.;.,;; ...... -.--.. -.. ----.... -... ;;; .. -..;..,;,;;,;::;;;:;:11 HOUSI S llOR SALi HOUSIS l'OR SALi • ' "Oh. Gffic•: 511 San Juan 492-9211 or ~5-3413 , . ' .. • ' 16th ·i. Tustin -Coe!• Men ~ ~,.11\lflt 'location, near .schools, sl!oppjpg aqd ,beacb Only a few !ell Buy now while In· .. terest rates are only ---• • 7% wllli 20% down _ 7y,,-, with 10% Dn. •net 2nd-no polntt-29 yn on balanw Priced from $30,95P to $33,950 .. Exclu1iv. Agtnt p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO Tract Pl!: 540-SlU From L.A. C1ll MA S.ao34 Irreplaceable Linda Isle What A Beautiful Morning!"· When You r Addrt11 .Js oflnJa·· Jd/e - W. ;E. LACHEHMY.ER .R.L TR. • ' Open Sunday 12 · 5 106 Linda Isl• Drlvt OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1'2 • 4 'p,M, 103 • 105 Lindi l1Je Drive. N.wPort Beac h ShOwn by appointment • BOYD REALTY 36~9 E. Co11t Hwy., CdM 675-5930 Dl(OME $565/Mo. $47,500 6 real sharp. bread & butter units on Eastsidl'!. Newly painted outside. No vacancy factor. Pl'ice just reduced. Call ~w. Newport It . Victoria . 64U811 Heeded 3 CORONA DEL MAR lfOME + INc6ME • 2· bdrm. home, 1 bdnn. furn. apt. tile kitchens & baths, covered lanai, excellent location - LOW PRICED $37,500, BAYSHORES BAYSHORE :QRlVE -5 bd· rms. 4 baths, lge. Uv. rm. & din. i;m. Jge. sepacate ac- .U.qty 1'oom w/Drtplace. 6lt- Jn's, w/w & drapes. 3 car .g&rage. • **WE HAVE OTHERS** INC'Ot.IE NEWPORT, BEACH • 2 four plexes, eX'Cellent renfai area, only 3~ yeara old, w/w drapes, elecbic bltln's, diJi.. posals -PRICED Fu;GHT. "C" THOMAS REALTOR 224 W. Coast Hwy. 548-5527 Newport Beach Eve. 545-5643 Sales Personnel WESTCUFF. Newport Beach Realty HUGE ·LOT NEW LOCATION ExoeptloMI family ho rn • ' 2627 NewpOrt ~vd,' nestled. among towering Across from shade trees and beautiful El RancbO Market shrubs. A thick shake roof Lovely Ollice adds elegance and charm to Plenty of Pa~king this i;paciqus .home w i t h 67S..1642 huge back Y~.in a parl(- BAY CREST FIXEi Owners forced to sen this palatial home on fee llind. Price slalhed ~ for pab:lt and carpets.-5 bedrooms, family ro6m, pool and gttat ' potential ·in an area of much more expensive homes. Now asking $51,1'i4J. HWTY! HOr.,E + INVESTMENT EQUALS $16,500 Inooffie + ,ocation. Iocation, location. 2 br house on R-2 lot. Will sell fast at only $16.500. MOVE IN TOMORROW Huge 2 sty Cape -Cod 11 readY for you. 3 large bedrooms. den or rumpus room. Excel- lent tenns • with .20% dn. Only $225/mo:cfrlced for ac- tion at $38,0CO, JUST LISTED-VA Immaculate 4 br, pool &ired yard. two patios, large exial· ing GI loan • 5'~%. loads of cabinets. Don't delay ~ F11A/VA. P .S. - Is your family gaining on your home?. RS'{P, -"ring" il!\$P~ING .. -.REALTY . -· ".nvnm<" . 26'l9. ~.Blvd.,, C.M. i'~~~~~~~~l like atmosphere. 'Larp b@dl' · rooms, Queen Sized b!ths, MESA VERDE ~terrific all el~tric built-BAYCR~ CUSTOM 2 BR & POOL 5 BEDROOM I ''POOL:'' in kitchen. See today. $43,IXXI Submit your smaller home Exquisite executive home. on. OUJ' guarantee sale p1S:n. 2% baths. Fom1al dining WE SELL-A HOME •I room. Lovely 26 x 42 !rec EVERY 31 MINUTES fonn pool encircled by abu· daot decl<l••· L••• 1rop•oal Walker & Lee This lovely home. leaturea beamed ceilings, intercom syatem, l'Jlised hearth fire.. place, c u -s totn cabinetry, sunken Roman bath, lush landscaping & lnuch, much landscaping. A 11 electric kitchen. Truly a most dis- '( tinctive residence. Near schools & shopping. 540-1720 TARBELL 1955 Herbor 2043 Westclill Dr. • 646-ml Open Eves. STROLL THE BEACH AT SUNSET more: ' ' OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 2012 Commodore Rd. l I • OUTSfANDING 2 bclnn 1 ~ balh Townhouse. Many custom features incltiding w/w carpets, built·ins & dishwasher, Full Price $21 ,500 HURRY! llURRY? SAN VISTA RLT"l CO. 546-1210 Eves. 540-9365 This Newport Beach 5 BR. 3 balh, 7 year old family home is one of a kind, Garden pa- tio off master BR. Large pri- vate play yard for children. 2 car garage, Just placed or the market for $38,950. The Real Estaten. 64&-nn. 546-2313 Dupl•x W•1t1id• 2 bedrooms each. Like new. '":::::::::::::::::::I One block to &hopping •••• I• 123.500 Huge Rumpus Room -I BR home, l % balhs, hard- wood noors, double garage. $25,000. Wells-McC1rdle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.rtt Som-77!9 Eves. 644-0684 Hom• & Bu1in•11 Loe. EKcellent (or accountant. beauty saJon, antiques,. etc. Home inclUdes 4 BR 2 baths, double garage •••••• $23,SCXl GENCO REALTY 6424422 628 W. 19th Street, C.M. DAILY Pn.ar WANT ADS! Newport Buch ~ ---- PEl=ll=ION ·-J1 ... ~ ....... ~~~ ~ * 642-1711 Anytime * (TWO 5 BEDROOMS) l'h Miies to UCI Corner, & green belt loc. These sgle, tam. home& olfer elec. kltch. lam rma. Both vac. 6~% Fin. Out of town owners. Make offer. Immed. """' DOUGJOY.Agt. 833-0504 Open Sunday 1 ·5 223 FAIRWAY PLACE 2 BR home on large lot, alley access. '$19,950. DAVIDSON Recilty 546-5460 Eves. ~ Gfln•r•I 1000 General 1000 General 1000 S©ll~lA-l££trs· ·Solve a Simple Scran\bied Word Puzzle for ci Chuckle IRllVIE L I' I I' I IROPVEL ' I I I IMEENIR I I I IHEVZEW ·1 "He I I I , l I' I ceoned up .1 fo r· lune in aooked dough." I 'What is ho, anyhow. I l EIE V .A·c . • counterfeiter?" 1-... r-TI-,'. l,-T"".,,n:,-1_ "No, he -a -m1nv- ._...__.. _ _... ....... ._~ . .._. facturer.'' I I ~·' r.T~E~Y,._,M'-l-'S..-~~-1 0 Comploi. ''" <hud<le •"""" ~-'~'-' ~' ~'-·''~!__. you ::~1ro~ t, m:'J = . . ... ,,.....,..,_ .. • 8 r:w:.~•ERED 11 -I' I' I' I' I' I' ,. r I ~e t .... {~i ..... n·.....1l.....1l.....IJA I I .I I I I I I SCRAM.uls • A.MWER 1!'<1 -DIME-A·UNE .,..,_ . A Rare Find on Waterfront ~IAY &- ll"'BEACH ll"'BETTER ll"'BUYS Just completed, lavish 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, single story home, 52' IOt. Large spacious· rooms, Finnish sauna, walk in closets, fully carpeted, l•n~ped &: compl~te with uni· float concrete spp. Priced at only $100,000. LINDA ISLE DEVELOPMENT CO. SILL GRUNDY 675-3210 THE BWFFS DOVER SHORES Vista, Flora. 3 B<lrms. 2~~ BAY VIEW • SPANISH .. B a th s. Beautiful, broad bdnns 3'Ai ba. Dramatic high greenbelt locat1on. A stVn· ceilirv, Jnneratrium, tra.ns- ulatin&'. atmosphere for lucent. retractable r o o f. oi1ly $35.500 Family room-with unique corner fire:>].ace + 2J.x27' IRVINE TERRACE II An elepntly expanded Model home, With 4 Bedroom.I & 2~ Bltba. 16X2T Combination a:arne room over prage. Luxuriously carpeted, ilrap- ed "' landscaped. One of 'the most elegant homes in Dov- er Shores & priced right. Dining + Family Room. BAY.CREST Biautiful fireplace. Profes· · atonally designed. Oriental Want to build your awn! See gltdeaa complete with Pa-thia large, dee:ded lot at goda. · $28,500 on quiet cul4e«c. Excellent buy @ $58,500 Prestige adtiftS11. BACK BAY IRVIHf VlllAGf Do you want a better-than A cholte of two 3 Bedroom average 3 bdrm 2 ba home + FainuY·ROom Townhous-at.a 11tter • ~ -aver~ es. ;\ slngi story and a two price · See. this Provincial atory. Vacant • Quick Es-charmer with family room' crow. Both Priced & pool on large lot for only below market @ $27,250 $;40.~. Roy J, Ward Co. ('8aycre1t Otlice) Ill BWFFS 1842 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 Sp~t love! towiioo""'.' Bed-!'RIDE OF rooms. 2 baths. µpgraded """'1'1 " Jffw,: <;q_mp1. • OWNERSHIP Kit~niu-~. lmmed. Pos. This well pJilnnei:I cualom sessJOn. ~' •.• ..w. built split level· home, offers Pri~ ~ . .., with ~ Dn. space & country atmosphere. i Ji 4 bedroom, paneled recrea.. Bay & Beach tionaI room,_ lower dock and R•1lty, Inc. upper bUcoriy ove~ can- 2407 E. Coast Hwy., CdM yon. Excellent condition and '7>3000 area. .:YCREST J:~ ~~~~s, POO,L HOUSE Charming custom Home wilh Over 2000 sq. ft. 4 bedroom built • ins Beautiful d.8l)l & family room 37 fl pool A wood cabinets. Catpeted st~al at $46,500. Pie~ call throughout. Fireplace. Nice for ~pointment to see. Ex· . d bl clwnve with patio, """" OU • ..,... JEAN' SMl-TH with laundry room. Second home is a 1 bedroom. Ex· cellent rental. Lot 101 x 165 with room for 2 m"M-e units. too E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, Cttlif. 714-646-3255 /. terrific value. ONLY \-======== $29,500. Submit yOur hqme on our goarantee trade plan. WE SELL A HOMJ; . EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 Westcliff Drive 646-7711 Open E\>er;. 4 BEDROOM -1·BATH - PLUS BONUS ROOM $149 per month C>;vner IJ'an&ferred, muat 1ell this newly redecorated 2- atory home. New ·carpets thto~bout This 1850 sq, ft. of living space priced below market to 11ell for $27,900 rr'l'll'EM! * 2 story, 4 bdrm, pool, on the hill •••• $52,950 * 4 bdrm Pacesetter near park. Vac. $37,750 * 5 bdrm, 2 story, shag cpt. Imrnac ..• $36,900 * 3 + den, rustic, many extraa ••••.•.. $35,950 * 3 bdrms, large lam nn. Vacant •.• • ••• $26,500 * 3 bdrms, new cpts, <Ups. Will VA •• $23,500 ''l' '1-\ ·.,I, ~~ l ' • ..-1 ........... .. 546-5990 ~ - PEl=ll=ION ,Jl ... ---.~,--,.-,~. DOYER SHORES 6 BEDROOMS Potentlal rest home. Single story on large lot. Huge fam. Uy room with fireplace + dining area. Bit • ins, FA heat, good Costa Mesa area, 1 block to -·"'"· Only $26,500. Good terms. Rltr. &f6.3928 or 613-4571 *LAC HEN MYER OPEN SUN 1 -5. 2124 E. Ocean Blvd. Balboa Penln1ul1 3 Bedrooms, 3 baths • plua taful)y room RICHARDSON ~ tlie ~~to~:.w.ntry PJUO thb Ea.bide beauty will pleue. ·Double de- tached &art&e with Ille, 11CC811, COUDlry titcllen Willl breakfut area, formal dining room, large wood ,panelled Uring room, 2 large bedr09mi! _ 1fllh storage galore. Priced fl>r the iee:culator at a low $22,7!50. PROPERTY WIDE PRIVACY wlth an unsurpassed bay llljl ocel,ll ;panor· ama. T6lo CU!tom home ~ dil!ined'Jb"~ke full advantage of the View. 3 tiedrooms and 3 baths, pool, discriminating In every dm,il. ' $115,000. ' Col•sworthy & Co. 1904 Harbor Blvd., CM. ' 6'2-7777 Open .Ev ... ' " -----~=-....,,==----- OOPS-!! RANCHO LA. CUESTA at.Bl'O!lkhurst~ At· lanta in Huntington Beach. We, tholi;bl we had all our new homes eold DU~ one-Of our buy,ers.baa, been lransferred<li:·we must sell · .thls home Immediately .. This Ball' Mi~uel' . moo el ;, a beautiful 2 •story home featunng: '4> bedrooms, 3 batbroolll'!, formal dining room, family room with a real fireplace, elec· tric built·in kitchen, luxurious green .shag carpets tbrough ouL ThO outlilde · includes shake .J:Oof &: cqncrete driveway. Gracious living for· only $31,800 with io'6 down. lin· mediate occupancy, Call 968-2929 or 968- 1338 any day from IO to 6. WGE FAMILY 4bedrooms 21/2 bGttis $26,500 FHA-VA Owner wants to sell. J ust listed this tantutic lBOO IQ ft 5 )'tan -"Old. Hurry on thti orie. Will·Jdl.Ot leUe. 0 HARRY BOGGS UllMRSDY PARK C061 Ge11111lnde~. w., i + r.-""· P11me 1oc: • on Jge. greenbelt next to lldult pool Popular Edlnblq model. $31,500- 0PEN SAT/SUN l·S . -~port 11' Vlctwl1 '4Ull1 OPEN SUN AFT /NOON 1601 -8onrtit Doone, ' lrylne ·TfmK• SPECIAL 11 , ~POO~ & VIEW:i.... 3 BR, 2 ba, FA. blt.hl pi: kit. serv porch,. dbl gar: 'pu. quet flrs. Low leue-holt, SO day pou. Small, BUT bu everything! $4.3,500. Appoint. ment on]y. CURl DO~. Reallor ' ' ' -1730 11. Coast lli&hway 642-Mn EVES. ~ • OPEN DAILY Pacesetter, 4 bedroomf full I dining, 2 tile 1howen new carpet,. ctc.e to 'tbe coiilltry t1ub I MESA VERDE We're movife. in 1 Feb. Priced to teU at $3-1, 750. Broker.I F,Qt. 280! """'!"' 54001"' ' ' 3fil F.ut ~t Hwy. . Corona de! Mar 675-3745 C BR -$25,SOD • EASTSIDE corner Jot • Room for boat A: trailer e FHA-VA ot Conwntlonal Rlb'. 642-9730 EV.es. 5CS-01JO •-. kEMNEDY ' . ' ' ON GOlf.. COURSE; 4 units 2 BR 1% bath, itu- dios. Out of tow.n owner. na. REALTY pnm1""9' ol ...... -· 17199 Brook.bunt " "I TRADE'" •'. 96U637 -Bob Olaon Realtor ... JS YOUR AD IN a..\SSJ• PLACE ywr nt11: ad wfaen FIED! -will bt Ibey are --DAILY -lr ti. Dial ~ _ PILOr c!•uln.! IIC-sTt • • . I • I \ \ I .I I • ( .. I l i I I· I I -----~------··--------~--·--~-... , .. .. . .......... .. .. .......... . ..... ~ ... ~ ..... ~. ~· ,, .......... . •I• ' ' ·~·--··~·· • • .. • .. ' •• t . . . . . . ............................... --·-......... . . . . . . ...... HOUIU POR SALi HOUllS 'DR SALi HunH""°" ~!!"'" ~. 1705 • •14411 • Hei'!iilUr ·1405 ·--1usnc ::ta~Uf'OJ11 f'tDnlirJ 8, 196~ :!!~:!:~!!!~t!!~~J,:!·'l~~Sl!_!S~'°~lt!JSA!!!:L~I~· ~H~O~U!!!Sl~_POll SALii llOUSIS '°It SALi !CICIO -rel 1000-rel , , Jood HunH ...... H•tblur . , llNTALS lllNTALS ~-· Ulllurt1...._. Af1s. Pumlthttl, Gtnerei IOOO .o..er11 '4000 • 1r LO~K ·'* 'OPIN , 0 LEGE THIS EXECUIM .!fOIC • Tll WAllR REALTY WllKEND 1 • PANTASTIC 8~% -30 yr li>ao avalla~le. '. CHAIMIR ri'S J,.il<J: At,mJMl!I IN l<Ew' ENGIJAND, when )W flnt view ttrla Charmine AiMricon ltjlocl ....... lll- tallei! mtrior w 1. TWIN CABLED 11\0NT OF RED BR1CK, IN CAPE COD FASlUON,. weathefttd cedar ~ rooft~ iur. p1'> l;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;,;;,;;;;;~I HOUDAY Pt..UA *WHY, pay llBm nu.UxE; •<Jou< ~' a rum. apt. $135 P;li&I utlli S 81'. I den $160 Plu, \I~ Not ONE PENNY Down 11 .. ted pOOI. AmPI• patliilW C~119 I . Spilt-Level Magnificently decorated. Jlllt '-~"bllid• & out. new wall paper, ne\v ilt<heti floor tile, luscious new hon,y color w/'ff 'carpet- lnfl. Your own .fl)• BOAT SLIP off ~ pat!O', . S lltri• bd,rmJ, 3 btthl, over 2600 tq·f~ huge famuy rm & Uvlnf rm· wlth w•I Wr •oeautl- fuf view of the bay, modern-au electric ldt. chen, ·exquisite' crystal chandelier. Full pri"'I $88,~. , . Q~ ·Vet.I can move No c:hlldren-No· pell 8.\yttest 4 bdrm !tome Unuaaal ,4 1~ •lew with ~ toom, for-homo. Nice pool & patio. nlli tltlil!ic ·room & Vacant Good latn>s o brealdut room. B~m· qilght ·lease wllb option. ed celling · in living 2946 Maul ei·~· -· v_.. Buildet's clyseoul/Sactifi~• . -;. TWo !eve\ (not 2 story). Brand tiew custom In the 1olf course area • .24Sli sq fl Don't be sorry. See it now & make your ofier. --· in lnimediatdy. . 1965 Pomona. CM ~ Great location tn Hunttna:· ton Beach on Hamilton Aw. between Brookhunt · and Bushard -close to tbe Cott• Mnl 4100 e INTRODUONG e Val :JJ i"',.. room. Owner leaving area. wanu quick sale. Five lleclrooms 590 Pierpont Drive · (Sun PM Only) .wen ~ s BDRM. ' beach. FAM.• DEN FLOOR PLAN, "A'' 1e--__ Beautiful Baycrest home ,......,,_ with lovely pool. I bdrm A lovely• Del c.,.... home, '1lmply ·lmm1cul1te An oversized 3 & famlly room on 2 levels with dlning .Wm, wel bar, etc .. FOR YOUR PLEASURI OPIN SAT/SUN Noon 'Ill 5:30 PM 1n tlnelt New EQc1and farm. Quality 3 .i 4 bedrqoms, Ore¥ <:ount)''• BeautitUI style tradition. Larve parlor 2 & 3 be.thll, all one story NE\\' Adult livinc complex t)'pe UV, nn., feature) cu&-homes, From $32,400. Month-cu.tom turn or unturn. Westcliff 3 bdrm home suitable for m aid 1 s with pool & eitra large room. Excellent Antigua lot. This i,s tar the family Way location. Don't that likes ~he unusual 1 miss this one. . , , 1606 B•~•r Street (Open Sun. afternoons Only) Lovely 3 & famlly room In Mnl Verde offer· ed at no dow'n payroeot to veterans· or FHA terms. Really hard to beat 'this at 425,750. DlrecUons: Pacific Coast Highway to Admir· ally, turn In north acrosa the bridge to 3301 in Huntln(ton Beach or call (7141 772-9530. tOm DRAPERIES ff. W/W ly ~eni. from $288.21 &1na1t1·1 Bdnn. 2-8dnnl ·c A R p ET s THRU • OUT including P&:I, taxes ' m. • Contemporary CU!ltom HAU. A AU. 3 DORMS. A suranc:e. De1Jin BLUE KITO!EN IN PEN· e LuxurioW1 Gardens NSYLXANIA D\JTCH DE-U you are a quali!led Vet e Bubblini sprine It brook COR, HAS AU. BILT·IN you can MOVe bl without e G' Pool ~ therapy bath RANGE &. OVEN, DISH-one penn;y down .•• oot e.~ttvi~.roooVbiJliarda JERRY FREUD· CHARLIS ARNOLD MORTGAGI llRVICING ASSOCIATES 388 E. 17th Street, Realtors C.M. 646-7755 2970 Jive Rood 2970 Java Road -Another Masa Verde special. WSHR., GAR 8. "DISP., even clOI~ COlfJ. .• Sauna Bath BREAKFAST BAR, AND • Putti18 ereen ' FLOORS OJI' RED BllICK Walker I Lee, sale1 Acentl e OUtalde Gu 1mQs 1250 Huntinifen leich' 1400 TILE-.. Open 10 'tll duak daily •Encl. prages &: 1torqe eo.o .. dtl Mar ====-=-= "'---- OPBI HOWE C?:tottt new offerinp SUNDAY 1-5 p.m. Newport Heiihts: NEW 3 BR. Mediterranean style, choioe corner. $38,750 * 500 TUSTIN * Bi.ycrest: CM-•ner's nev.· home ready! $2000 reduction. 3 &: fam. Offer .................... $4300 dn. * 1131 Trod1wlnd• * Ce.meo Shoi-es: Plush 4 BR I: Fool. 3 car 1tarage, submit $10,000 dn. * 4539 FAIRFIELD * Your Present Home Considered in Exchange HAL PINCHIN AND ASSOCIAT_ES Phone 675-4392 anytime WlSIDE BEAUTY A must to aee. Tri-level, 3 BR + family room. 2% baths, fireplace, do u bl e patios, built-inll, expensive carpets 'I-drape1, automatic garage ,door opener & 1prlnklers 1ront & rear. Call now to see. $32,500 Newport ., Vlctori• 646-1111 Cotti Me11 llllO A Fun Room DESPERATE OWNER FACING POSSIB,LE · TRANSFER. Huge Colonial home, 1h block to golf course. Must be sold -'-.. ell oilers considered! 1500 ADAMS at HARBOR. CM . 546-SllO (ne1r Cln•m• T .... trel -------------------- Funi1y den ha1 OVER.POW-968 l)ftle CENTER ot town -between ERING OLD BRICK ~ -""'1V Bay Ii Ford/Harbor & New- GENl'S GIMS ,2. S.l!I .. r"8 .ffousese PG·1!'.'!: !E"wm00DwALLp·•J:.F ..... Orontje Coo.t Pr0porty · ·~ ~·-200P Panona. CM 642$11l o.n..Nervel~RHllw Both neal 4 clean, PIUs room LING .. • ....,.. to "'9ltored SHERWOOD £STATES $25 Wk. Up * * * * . for an additional 7 Unit.. patlo with bride deCka &: Duplex;z Yrs New :~~or~':°~~ =~~~n::: ;u!i~; by the SEA : :f~:.S:C:.::·.rv. OPEN HOUSE payment fihinclrw open. WW home ii ottered at the low e Maid Service • TV avail. SAT & SUN exchange for PfOperf;y in Po-prlce of • New Cafe & Bar Plus 4 BR. 2 ha, Mesa Del Mar home, located near end of a Oil de Sac street. FHA or Gl flnancl.rw OK. Bkn co- operation invited. LLOYD BARNETT Newport !leech 1200 Newport BHch 1200 1 "' 5 mona arta. $32,'50 F.ULL PRICE $180; 4 BR. 2 ba., w/w, 2376 Newport Blvd. 541-9'15.5 711 Mnltold, CdM NI ·Prlce 129.500 OFFER YOUR bltns. Chlldron • pol OK. NEW 1 Br., lbyely !um All REALTOR 673-54201-i:::=====~il 2Il3 E. Coal! Hwy, CdM 11-. •I 4 BDRM, 3 ba, famlly nn, ~ 3 car garage, bit-ins, crptg, J 1nlet"-COm, elee gar. dr & rAt6 sprinklers, Ill' golf c:ourse. 2680 sq ft, $44,500. by owner. ~ .. , -'-'---t.t.~...L' T:-ade income proper t )' JJ~ 675-<846 .~/ •• BY Owner: 3 BR. & den. ~ Nr. S. Cout Pla7.a. 2 yrs ,./ old. $3,600 dwn to 6% VA 7 loan. $27,200. 912 Peace Pl. (Rancho Mesa) 54G-1044 BY OWNER • E-slde 3 Br. 2 Ba. Natural wood bltn kitchen: uWlty porch ; crpts, drpc, Close to acbls A: shp'g. $25,500. 548-0Ut Mesi Verde 1110 -ATIENllON FOR Sale $10,CMXI on Ba.ytront One of Corona del Mar's fin. LLOYD BARNETT TERMS ·Broker 5M"69fK> -elec. Qllltt. Coled iar. attractlve l bdrm trlr k est custom-blt Duplexes. 3 REALTOR . . 673-5420 OWNER WU.L CONSIDER AduJts $150. 2220 Eldeo cabana. w / new c i pt g BR. 3 ba, front boU!le plus 2333 E. C.OUt H'o/)', CdM TRADES, T.0.'S OR ~_!,_e_rd_• ___ 3_1_1_0 645-1251 thruout. Refrig Ir: new stove, 2 Bit. 2 ba Apt. ~rr:~o~':ii1u;y 3 BR. 2 Ba. tam rm, 2 WESTSIDE 1 BR., hltns, J';!.=c:r ~facilities. * ~·~ * OPEN SUNDAY 1 ·5 985 So. Cout Hwy., Laguna =· ~12 mo. Owner ~~Ev~n:s only. $125 BY Owner; spacious living. Income Property 9453 Elll1 Ave., f.V. Phone (7l'i) 494-073)_ BAGardCHELOR, und$95; seclp. u~~l ' BR. 3 Ba., Igo. family 2 BR Homo, h'plc + 1 BR S BEDROOMS Ligunl Niguel 1707 Newport Beech 3200 ooer, a r,., -~ rm. May asaume 5*% loan. Furn Units, $45,900. -''---'~'----LOVELY 3 BR. 2 BA on I ,,-=°""'-646-~2ll8-,=._,.,.,,.1 Space for pool or boat. ~ Fonna.l dinhw room, cpta/ DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba.; pf'(>-Back 11 ... .,,_ •·~, l•-e 2 BR. New furn, cptl, Grpt. 548-1943 I drps, date entry, lots 'of """Jo ~u-.;p...., • -• Beam -il, blt·1... pool. "---. M .••• ~ b . feas, lndlcpd, A: decorated; yard. Lea)le .$250. 543-4674. .... .....,., 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 ~ ..,, :....~ ca inets. 2 years old. 6"'-% in exclUiive' Monarch Bay; · Adult!. $15.5. 2272 Maple St -·-•-interest cab be youra with 3 BR 2 batba + sWldW!:, 540-5666 • Balboa Covet. S 6 O • o O O • ,cub dovm -submit termt. lovell OCINP view; auto. 2 blocks trom be.a ch. Prefer trade for acreage or 332 Marguerite, CdM BRASH~R REAL TY watir IOftener • elee. pr. $250/per mo. Agt. 546-41.il 2 BR.; adultB, no pett. Clean. will conalder other. ~mt 67).1550 847-85.11 Eves. 5il·2"2 doon; 1 yr. new, $59,500. nicely furnished. $148.50 3::-.:;.ue~~ Rm~ WANT TO FARM? ~%loan. Owner (l) 2:~ ~Jdo C:.,1;;s.~ one room S:::tcbenette We1tclltt Plata, "' cond,.1;L;;l;do;;;il,;•l;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';";;I; l45x80xl.30x20xl'lxl.a; aized lot. 5 BR. 3 n• .., Monthly, lse; 548-5U2 ~« * ..,_ 1797 123 500 lull pr1' 3 BR 1% --.; ty., new. --...,,,... fenced patio, owner646-6131 ' bah '1 . :i In Bltns, diahwahr, cpted. -4 BR. 3 Ba. cpti, ~b' 1052 Palisades, C.M. * BAY VIEW Fee lot 85' S.yfront Duplex. ff t ' e ectric '"~-ranae $29,900. $3500 Dn. Owner bltna. Nr. .,:a;,h;_. 0 ' NE\V 1 br dplx. ,., by &: oven, carpeta1-....ycll, cov· 837..(1139 poola, t,etu')il. QI~'"" x '195• w/ plans. $3-4,900. $105,000 ~ 2-three BR's ered patio, double garaa:e, I:=:;:=::;:;====:=. I garages. Quiet, Adult.I, no 4 BR. fam/din nn. frplc, iNVESTORS r Owner 548-'1249, M8-42')1 $ll5,0C:1t113 ~r:e:iarr:: BR's fenced. GI or F1IA ~ aubmit Capl1tr1no le1ch 1725 Unlverti!X P1rk 3237 pets. 2468 EJden, 5'8-l02l 2 Ba. W/W cpts drps· panl ;your terms. LOVELY 2 Bf. llf., ba. & Boat space. ~r. Asswn~ RENTED DUPLEX I ;N~e~w~po;rtiiH~1Flg~h~l;•~l~2~1;0ii;;~W~1l~k;1~r !R!e!e~lty~;;: I ~ DUPLEX • $29,500. Good 3 BDRM, 2'11 be., Fam. rm, skle; pool, patio; 675-1393 FHA 6%. Below mrkt. Center of action • l block to 3336 Vla Lido 615-5260 41_1fil&Jll!\f!lll tine, Joe, condition &:. in-l )'?old, tennl1, pooLG, avail. 2310 Santa Ana 645-2933 M5-8Th4 Ocean, 'iS block to ahops, 2 OCEAN & BAY T'l"!n'113m-come. Realtor Jack Ingalls, ;:$300:::·.,-~55=U==;===:: 2 BR funliahed. Adulta only. -4 BR. lam/din rm f.ri>lc, Bdrms up • 2 Bdrm! lower. Vitw of nearly 180" l~L;ido;;;;ls;l;•;;;;;;;;;;;';l3;5;1; I -~~=====~ "=*=2455======:::: Cooona' .•-1 u.,· 3250 Walk to Orange Cout 2Ba.w/w <plA,.,,,;; pan!. llowNIAiro dining nn. .~CHECK THIS' --Coll .... 540-3991 Boat space. Owner. AsBwne Breakfast bar, 133,500 3 BR, 2% bath, d.lnlnn, frplc, .,.... D1n1 Point 17301---------=========I rnA i 9'ct. Below mrkt. (107-C) hobby nn &: triple a:ar, Make . n B. ' Lovely 4 BR 2% bath borne, I----------I UNFURN. 2 Br. &: den,ad~ts, N--'" leach 4200 5'5-8154 PRICED TO PLEASE ollor n! 140,00> on this £a. t hardwood !loon, carpelA & OPEN DAILY 12 to 3 drpo, re!. & stove; ts. ·-..-.· By OWNER·. M•sa Verde 7 doon from Ocean. 2 Bdrm tale sale. t!W eaU ';f• drapes tbrouabout. large S bdnns, den, 2 baths, pooJ, No pets. Yrly. Sl8 Avocado OCEANFRONT Rentali ho t t 3 Bdnn/2 e comer lot: Room for boat or 15 x 35. $35,000. 2525:1, Main-2 BR fum Me. Also i Br. Pacesetter. 3 BR. Ii Family use on ron • . . · ~ •' Under construction -"-. •··"·a.,._ ... ___ aail Dr. 642--2823 S.lbN 3300 I •-.. d pl Call 6,, % loin, -.soo. bath on rear. Owner will Im-• 3 _ 11 "oto ll . "llUC4'-""....., ..... ,.........., utTI wwt:r u ex. ~ Cal~ve. Sf6.3(j} ance -$6,000 down. ~~... 4~· v ryrV~m.g ~ OnJy $31,500 • usume old .<ie.ot IALi BAYFRONT with bolt lllp, Winifred, Abbey Realty. fJ.20.Cl I I! A l T Y • conve en. FHA loan. HoUlel Furnfahecl !up 4 bdrm, 2 ba. blt-i.tll. 642-3850 PACESEliER 4 8 ·R ' BALBOA DUPLEX baths, fam rm. din/mi, wet P1ul Jona Ra1ltj --=---.,;.;.'---! $425 Mo. S29-8lOO 2 BR. Frpl. VERY N'ICEfl din/rm, $34,750. Bkrs/prot. Sharp Units, convenient to Near NB Post Ofc. 646--W..f bar, 2 Frplca. Lee cot ltl'ada 847-1266 Eves. 536-1124 GeMrll 2000 "='"='"="====== Xlnt Peninsula Joe. no pets, 2807 Europa, CM. OPEN eay; Ocean A Sboppinc. 3 This One Has lot • plans at ottice, $9'J,500 Huntington ... ch ~ employed aduJts , Av a i I , DAILY -Bdrm • °""'" Unit with INDIVIDUALITY! Walker Realty Neat, Clean & Ready 1185; 2 BDRMS .• 11> ba.. ahout Feb. 25 'Ill June 15. 111ree Wishes •3 BR 2 Ba, tam rm, new ~ry 2 Bdrm Villa, $43,150. 3 Br. 2 Ba. New crpts, drps, Mrs. Naab 615-2676 ~e!.'*~ carpets, FREE RENTAL BOOK Reasonable 673-2123 tr peace, com.fort A location crpts; bltns, sprnklr sys. ClJ.5.CJ 1 bltns. 1400 sq ft. F~ Corona .Highlands Home ========= Drop in ind BrowH 1 BDRM tum apt, incl util .are important to you look Boat sp. $25,900. Ownr Dlstlnctloff l;)uplex: air ht'g. Det. dbl pr RARE LIDO GEM with an Ocean View Sharp 4 bedroom, 2 Baths. Sl75. mo yrly. 1 bdnn un- 'this over. Converrlent to 5'-2880 Charmin& newer Units. steps wtelec opl!ner, alley ac-70' No,,Beacb w/pier & slip under $40,000 R1nt1f1 to Shire 2005 Bl& yard for the kids. Mod-furn apt, incl utU, SlSO. mo Newport Height 1 arade 3Bll fam, pan/den, c & D. !rom Ba.Y·& ~an. 2 Bdrm/ cess. By Ownet', $34,500. Big 5 Br, 4 ba home plus Inc 3 BR, ll,i baths WORKING a:irl. 21, wishes ern Built in&. Ownen trans. yrty. Udo ~a. 644--1349 ,schoo,I, and all shopping. 2 Chynr. Assume ffiA $26,500, 1 ba front Umt with model Prine only. 66--6161 2 Bd AJit. Bay terr + pvt lO% down payment OK to s~ w/ame, ;your Bal. ~rred but not too far, hi: I 'LOOKIN°""""°"G"°"!or~a"'p'°ta-ce"T"°'From,,.-· I bib to new park. 0nJy wW take 2nd. stO-tT22 3 Bdrm/2 baths rear Unlt, arde 4 -., Nin LLOYD BARNETT •-•.""""_apt . ...,,. A~"" says rent or sell $185 ptl' •r:t\ 1.1 .. ~',500·. and all t•··-"plus" u1 soo B (L--C 1215 g n. car gar, -·\NII ... v• Q,..........., ,,....., wee....,: oceanfront. -•~ ~ a -OVll • R. C GREER, Realty nr. ·-mo e642-•-•• f.taturea. 3 bedrooms, 2 DELIGHTFUL 3 BR, 2 BA. cuic). u.<:J\LTOR 67S-"""" MAN to share home with WE SELL A HOME I=====~===::::! .,_I -and & tam Assume 5%% loan • BAYFRONT with boat lllp, 3~ Via Lido, Suite :I05 2.133 E. Coast Hwy, CdM pool in Newport Beach. Call ES 1· baths, ~<Pace, cp~. , . m 1170 CHANNEL FRONT Lido Build•·· 613-9300 EVERY 31 MINUT Coronl •-• u., 4250 dra-• dou••-1.,..._. _,,_ or . By owner. _... . J<>-4 bdnn ,2 ba, -.ooo .. ,.... 642-1313 & L -mo .-, "'"" --.-, ..__,.. .,;:;:;;======~!Enjoy your Waterfront Pier ,-~--~~~~~~~~~l!:;:;;:~~~~~::;!i~ w lk l-;...;.;..;_=c..c:c..._,;.:;.;.:1 :crete drtve, large fenced 1115 & Slip It F\oat. only sleps ::min. dwn $2000. ~100 -~ ~ -- - -ldMI F1n,lly Home a er ee BACHLOR apt, cleaft A ~->';::ii~ :r~~C __ ol_l19~•-P_1_rk __ Colle __ I ~1!m500spacioua View estate -N.Wpert Shores 1220 ---~ '!:ppi!;. ~he~r:~ Costa MeM 2100 7682 Edinger cheerful, I m me ci • oe- 1 ""'" t I 3 BDRM. l ':-1! Ba, ge -.., . ---------145'1ot.sou~hpatio,3BRm .,_•tlre -4.BRbomewillin-2BR.hlm.Cexceptbdnna.l 8'""55 -540-5140 cupancy, 642-1234 or avallab e in u.... par 0 Park Homo. for sale by (ll4-Cl a-·~ Cpl 11 all ~'d 'M'-rt .,. 54G--2266 ~eastslde C.M. Hurry. OWN· owner, $24,SOO. £;42...9S54 OCEAN FRONT A-Frame, walk to bch. 2 custom by Forbes. Can have atantly appeal to your taste e, w am "-nu Open Dally tll 8:30 •ER 6:G-.t980 sty, 3 Br. 2 Ba. on corner, fast escrow. I-pocketbook. Arti1Hcally preferttd. $110 mo. 62Ml46 PACIFIC Sands, 1 st)', 5 BACH. Apt., woman only; ;:1 ;;;;,.;_,;::;o._.=rtcc·~H~i~h~h-OPEN House By owner. 10 2 ELEGANCE $29,900 owner. 64 2-35-47 Call: Lee Schonek rut. landsca.ped,fencedyardwllh ......__ •-~ h 2200 "'-, 2 ba. p•---, gas I water pd. No pets. 3 BR}( bath. ~t ~m. ~~ ~~~.3.15 Prince-~~~~:~ ~~~ eves. -~ ~j· ~ rea1Rrtyal j~~~ ..,......port ~c ;;;~·. drps. blt-ins~·;pi·~. ~:21~0. Aval! March .l; ;wo. rksho\J, tlouble prate on .:;=======;! balcony, open beam celllnp _&.:..:. ·1225 B 1Y • NEWPORT Beach • Highly fence I alley. $175. lat le -._,, A~-·~·-· ho I -Bay ..... r11 y .awn.r 2 br. l ba lrplc. 3 or 4 IR w/DEN ·~bl• location, ocean luc $25. cl•••~. 962-1435 LGE. Bach., So. of Hwy .. '...,ey. _......... me or Newport Belch 1200 • $94,500. blt-lns Playnn, &: ba. Bfft ......... -.. ·• ~r Cpts, drps, bm. ceil; ret l'on1y $31,500. (101.Cl e BY OWNER e Lido buy. $44.500. 1800 sq ft with bar i 21Ai front 2vlbdrm, !plctutt win-LSE S360 4 BR. Meridith &: h/plate only. 673-6904 . ....,. 3 BdJin. 2 Ba. Bee.med ceil· <714) 675-5023 , baths:. 514 % GI loan at $173 dow ew o ocean • home. Fnnl dln'g rm, fa.m ERNIE•-• "RAIN QR SHIN£" lnp, 1rg •ncloled patio. tal ba baauti!ully !urnlshod, 1 yr nn, lodJcpd, gntnr incl. 2 BR apt with g......,. PROPERTIES WEST Forooi 8ir heat't. 2 private Ow~er Wiii Fln1nce per mo. to -cat1 ... lease, $200 mo. Call 6~1824 !162-2631 Upstairs. Nictly turniab~. CLEVELAND OPEN HOUSE (11') '75-4131 beache1. $35,900. ' Best Lido value. 3 Br.1% bl.. •Ht::F~lT.'REALTY 0."'='"r~'===....,.-,o-=-1.,::B::.D,::RM:::.-ho-,,,.-, -,,,.~,.-m-rm-, 673--0946 SAT & SUN 1·5 1021B11'1icWDriT• Open Sat&: Sun 12-5 Mod kit. 45' lot. S-47,500. 8740 Wamer 842-«0S 7101 SEASHORE; lge. -4 Br. 2 fr.pies, nr schools & sho~ Payments $143 mo. include• laJ1. -4 l.arse bedrotna. Sp!le- ~' ious liv. nn., 11,6 BA. large enced yard. Near scbooi! So. Coast PlaD. -I ate pouesglon. TIN R.E. · 548-atJ2 --------- · Belbo• Pt. Oce.nfront Ai:.otutely tabuloua. Vli!r. • ~~-~ 'Home with wee ~ Rm & extra parklna: ~ 184.500 LIDO REALTY Via Udo 87l-M30 -=-------- ~ • 10 UNITS S tou. Adjacent to Ocean· rOnt. ~.ooo. lelbol RMI Estele Co. Joo E. Balboa atvd., Balboa ! 6'1l-4140 Belboe N -Buh,"·"'-• 2535 Cl'estview Dr. 67?>2643 2 Ba. Nr. ~ach,· avail. til p'··. -n1< 601 St. Jame5 Pl. I"'""'°'' ' ~· "'J ..,.2981 lo• appolnbnont COZV, 2 BR unit. in adult July 1. $250 Month (213) 3 ·B~R ".:"Ba Condo. Cpts. Cli .... _Yen .,.. .:...,. -::c=====~-[Huntln-'on Buch 1400 condominium, !ully crptd & -···· (213) 624-9061 ·~ TT.,.. !~~~'!!_---------..!!~I;;;;;;;";;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I ,...,.....,,_...; .:i...... all elect. Pool, nr 4300 CLEAN Bachelor Apt.. All UW Incl $75 Up 315 E. Balboa Blvd. Spacious 4 Bdrm, 3 bath, dini~ nn, plus Iamily room. On big comer lot. Plenty of room fDt' pool, trailer camper. Walking dis!Mce to all schOo!s. Move in now. Ste this WH:k~nd. $47,950. or call: Mr. Robinson Davis Realty 642-7llllO WESTCLIFF • 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths •Fam Rm w/Frplc • Separate din/nn 8 Bil Lot for Boat &: Pool • Immac 'move-In' cond e Auume 5" % loan Reduced to $54,.500 h()(.l)ORO loweon JR. Westcllff 1230 drpd. with range, ro!rig, 1,.~E~N~T~A;,L~S~-----~ wuher &-dryer incl. $17,500 ~ beach. $200 lse. Agl 842-4405 * 11le llllfh * W1t!cllff Pr1ttlge 962-<332 Frt.S.t-Sun only. H..-Unfurnished a.EAN 2 BR. Sln&I• OPEN SAT A SUN 3 bdrm, 2 ba a: tam nn.. KATELLA $17,250-0WNER. GeMril 3000 house" Call !213) Tile popu1ar K plan 4 Br (3 beautifully decorated, priced 3 BR l% ba, blt·W. trplc, I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ==ED=='1='--040:55=:°';53&-;;=11=89= Br. i Den) 2 Ba. O'ptt, "'-I •~ ~ ~--""'ow area. -·NV· vwuo:r. dble gar. 832'l Munater Dr. drps, trplc. Brkfut area in 642-4251 REALTY Pacific Sands. 846-2309 OWnert Aff9ntlonl S.nt1 An1 Heights 3630 kit. 2 enclosed patios. Pools. Do you have rental unltl! cabana. Walk to 1tore1, U lvenlty p k 1217 5%.% WAN. Dutch Haven we ~w aood. tenantl from schla, tennia: club A park. n ,__i_r ___ •1 It NOW PAYING -4 BR. 2 Ba. bltns. newb' previou• years and oetd • $30,950. 675-3-433, 644-<$90. BY OWNER, 3 Br, 2'1) Ba. up te ftdeoor. Owner 8tlMI05 , SUMMER • WINTER • and -2 BDRM. unfum., w/eorral; water paid. Children OK $165 Month 546--0347 BALBOA 673-9945 PENINSULA POINT DUc. 2 SJ'. 2 Ba. Carport 1167.50 Yrty. 67~13S8 ' 1544 MIRAMAR DR. 2 BR. nr. baaches • lhope. '160 Per mo., )Tly, Util. pakl. SJ6.39U: 675-5810 fam room, has everyt:hina! 80% ANNUAL rentals for them. 4 BDRM + 5th or den, tarnt-Priced to eell! 833-0104 Feunt1lft V1Uey 1410 Please call out rental dept. Nl-• ..t 3-Lido Isle L:;5=un;;:•=•c:-.:;;'--"'-'"-' 4351 1: rm, 3 BA. Beautifully CUSTOM blt. 2 Y1' old BY OWNER Trualerring 4 and let us a:lve yoU. the RED t~ au;~.uz:w ~~ ~in~.~ BA. fam Commission ~: ~ba!rd. c:~~ rr: ;::;~ ~!!~ent-)'OU de-F=~1.=:ac~p~! Time clock • pr t n k 1 er• • I-======-='==== I be alS\mled, Apprai.lei RED CARPET Rlty parking. $27Stmo 1 h 0 rt at~ ... t~~·-~.r.aae .;E;'";;;;b;lu;ff;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;l;2;4;21 C1ll 147..6061 1.,:.125;:·;"":;;,· 962-:=:1'52==== Rental Dept 673-3i63 Condominium 3950 term or $350 yrty. Adults. s ..... .,. ...... _..,. '""""-« fOU & Ilk for HAL MOltlt 1 • 2025 w. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Owner M&-7568 or 642-SaXl own the IOt. An Ivan Welll Li-•ni ... ch 1705 2 BDRM, l'ni ba, blt-tns.1 ,~~~~~~~~~1 be).uty at s79.soo. 548-4598 LOCAnONI '--=--'--''-----°' ,. mvINE T-• 'CE -2 BR ~ rumpus rm, uae G RDEN ATRIUM 1..,.. __ !l!!!!!!!! __ FOR Th• diocrimina"-~~ t A 1= -• • don. Fantutlc View, pool, tannll crt, sauna, 'c. Ir:1maculate 3 BR, 2 ba borne NO GIMMICKS buyer, we have a t.aiuna __ .. , . ..,.,. Completely crptd k drpd. FLOOR PLAN with Mr 2400 on 1paclout cor lot. Bit-In This cnd9Ut 2 story 4 Ma> Royale Pentboule in So. beautiful \.vcNJl.iOr. -••w Muat tee to appreciate. Ill ft. Best back bay art• kitchen, carpeUng, drapes, ter Sia Bed:roo1n1. 3 Datha. Lquna. Decorated by J . per mo. . i.eue $2:1). 54-4-2514 or wtth view. 646-4414 $39,950. Drive by: Bl& Family Room. $33,50() H. Biaen. 2 bdrm, 2 ba, BEACON BAY .. 2 BJt I 544-G Huntington B11ch ~ UTILITIES PAID 2 BGl"m1. tum. Htd. pool 802 Knoxville, Apt D, H.B. • 536.2914 • U ~;~ J 2800 ~then call Full Prioe can be )'OUl'fl with priced at rrs.ooo. Property den, or 3 BR. Commun1!1 I ·,=s:;;D:;;RM;,... -.,~\l,_,ba-,-.,.-.1-va"'to Opon ht/Sun 11 :3M })1\tt JlnU!.tt~ D'1&ncy Rul EllAtc $S,OO> Down. Take owr 111A cloar. Ownu will codllder baach, plot, tenna ooul -patio, ...,. 1825 mo. 1100. JOOU ~ REEF LN. ~ - - --m.3770 644-2086 eves. WC;\. loan of $216 per mofttb C&l'tl'ilW lat ~deed. C&D: ;450 per mo. depollt. 644-1172 l!f""I 16ach Aeolf.OQ ---·-~ l>l<lllt·•,.. 4705 (otfAd&ma. HJ!,) w-~·-"·-"m . ' ... Bonul<M.r$3000"lnbullt Jett Briery, J~ Realty, JohnMc~~~b'Co. M ·L· NEW Bab "Jl'llel!m.~ .,,ett:y 5 BR. 'c..'.J'L..MU 1: ....., .. .., I l!~~~~~~~!t!I up c!rpeta " dl'l.J)el. Hurry Inc. .• W. BllbOa Blvd., ..,.__, "c...-1"' • • c . turn. apt. Utll. ~ ~-1·· pool •"'"" house, 2 bdr. 2% ba, I ; on thl• -N B -_,. ........ Furnlshld paid. Adulats. 2 Blk! to ~ ~,;;: ""' · 3 IR ·& Den ;Jo, etc """"'· encl dbl Corone •I Mar__!.~ WI! SELL A HOME .,;,0;•-:;; """• Pad!le DEHs10itAMIE~I = 4000 beach.195. 64'"4131; 491·1'68 00>1< o,,· 541,11611 OPEN SAT. I. SUN. """''· Oubhousc. S.un1. l!VIRY 31,MINUTIS Cou1llnt ...,. OU. com-Generel RENTALS I~~~~;,~~ l 5 pool. S..ut lndocpg. ui. SOUD COMFORT W lk & l -~ -• """'· $34.000 3 Br. 2 ba, cptd, d,.... !orcod RENT •-Unlurnls~• -' lloO 1SOO YIVµN '-'NE. N.B. ::..: = l~"l· 21:".'~ ~ 4521 ~-~-.~r a er ee n;;; _k "'1y. -1331 m "'at. Garb<!tsp, bl•Ins. ..,.,. -Nr. wttlditt Sbopptni Ortr. _..at9 .--. DIAL d1rect ii'iiii °"111 patio, 1araat. water tum. 3 Rooms fumltur1 General · S®O YOU!l TE R 11 s; •-corl~ ~.--i-On. ,_6&_1943-=,..°"""-:=-:lll1cr-,;;---C•mff Hlghl1nd1 1612 Edi.r .., ~ -~ Adults only, no P'"-• $25 M-....a. Owner do'll"ttl>. Trade .. ... "v.;;i c;-·~ . . 11le llufh OPEN SUN I. • $ 842~ .. 5'&6140 ,_ ad, -.. _ -RAT!': REASONABLE """' FOR SALE OR LEASE •ll. Now "a cant . Im-6)34'.r20 "LINDA" 5 BR • $5e,500 Open Dally 'til 8:30 U.ten to tbt JhcN rtrw1 Acroa from Colmlr)' Oub. FUU. OPTlON TO auY Channel R"' rnaculate J Bil pool home. Delincym-"l!loaJl'IOEd&te DAILY: ~ DJlCE.A,. m Mesa Dr. • Pb. 5l8-'TD8 (~No-· 1A ... val! ... 1bl•J Penthou1e Apts. "' 3 BR. 2 Bl.th.I. On major .-fUe'e y ..__ .... .,.,.,. -'IA lmtnedla'6 ~Won. Aak• ~,..._ oa ea ... _... $225; ,.tEs.\ Vtrde 3 BR. -Jltt -. to 1~ ble Pll"' ire $29,500. CALL ~ llA IFUL .,... bale Ct-pt'd, drp'd -... ~ ~-"' • ..,. Dial 2 ba. 2 l'rplos. w/w. H.F.lt.C. "" • n I y. O..t S.li&buJ7 c..,.. oval --ltoaJ QUALITY HOME M""" •x1ru. Shown by ap. ••VESl'OR'S Sl>KlaJ 2 nice WHY ·PAY 7~% INT --·• Clilli!ron • pell ok. Bier. Fumlture lt1nt1l1 Realtor . ..,.._ ~:.... • • ~-2 .. Ba polntment. hits on dbl loL s. Of h-. • 8 .... -.,---• .... A.,....... 5lT w. 19th, CM. 548-3411 ::1125=--2"""'a"R.~'""'---_,. " Br. • "'~ nn, n • ..... ~-* 644-1798 · ~# JMw ~5 Bdrm HMMt ~~ --·... ..,.,.._ 71• -; 1 be.. Stow, Priced o•-t• vwnu $51,000 OwMr. IB-4189 '°""' '1111 DAILY PD.OJ' 1,;,;.;,.;=------1S88 W. Lftcln, Anltm ...._,., ""'" I d ~~~ ~~Y ',::: :;'!:' • :':."" te=. OPEN NEW DUPLEX tlON'T JUST WJSH 0r ....... '~% ~~DANS 01,..... - s a,. ';o~R.n~t, ~=. ::; $100 • BACHELOI\ APT. :;;;.:-;.;:.: ~ Aval!. fatnU)' rooot. ~. dOle to HOUSE SAT I: SUN. Deltzxt Gold Medallion Du-\hlna to furalsb JO/II ~· GIU'f!eld betwn Beach A IDODlf .._. 6 .rbt. Leet to ocean, cablna dl.l.b. sn Utilities Jfakl Sill: 1-BR +plex. Drapes, tchook • *"1-Pricod for S M 1: dftl, plOI 1: l*lk>· pltx. ~ 3 BR. Unill • • ', • flnd l*I bUJI In to. Bniokbunt l'1 K.8. M9111 ' mo. n.t: 53(l..US2 Broftr 53M9IO carpets, buUt-lns. Util. paid. -talo al 138,IOO. LR 32x11. crpt1, drpo, w!Vlow n! Ocean l s.,, !\'I dey a Oaulllod JM 'llV 1MM196 rri ---iii" 2 BEDROOM -hod SlS; 1 ·BEDROOM Broktt - CALL AL llLACK M(J..ll5] beaut. land~• trffa. flnanctnc.irtattmm. Pt.ACE ·J'OQl'WW ld•n.t .-•ntltb:""'1 a.me hou11e.Newl;'dc corited w/w, otllltiet paid LIN&S. raa cq u. them _..,. -Jfotato ..ctadod. r .. UUc. Reu. 111!1 w. Balboo Blvd., NB tti.y ... _,.. -D.IIL! DAILY PILOT ·a·-1-t. -Qoota -.. -tor .. -..... Dial i1G41111 llr. J\DULTS ,,... * -* P1Wr dUllllod ~ rio. "' I MH& st!;. Rltr. ~mll , __ W1'1= .. ,...;;El;.;; ...... =::;:;..'--• --~------'! ~~~~----~------·---·------------------------------h-----~------··~-~--~--· -~ ....... -----~-------·-... .. .. ___ .,. .. ~ """ -· ""''-• .... ;. --..---.---·· """"1, rh, .. HM RINTALI> itlNTALI RIAL .lSTATi ltlAL ISTAn IUSINIU .... 1 SIRVICI OIUCTOllY. SllYICI DIUCTOl'f ~ ~ AllfL U""""--•I -•ol PINAMCIAL ~~~~~-~ Ceo11 Moo< 5100 C-Ml Mor 5250 Rontolt W.,;t..t 5'90 1uo1..,.. Pri;111y ilSo .... °"''""""* 6IOO IE l·iiiiii.jjiiijpiiiiiiiiiiill4c~o;r,,a;a.1..d;· Ja~;:--1 WANTED. Y'UV -°" 00~. Ci!Jdy .._.,,, !1""19 llHAR 01 . . ... .. pts. Lldo. s "' • bOnn • ,..,. ,... -• UDO l!q.11 ""!."'\ . (!'alt tjr tiia' 'l'loa01 2 BR. -!'<tllho<ti6-""· pt\oe optlL SlMU4 lloor llllQ. lDl!I ... ft --D<oalloat -... ... 1trwtlew1Htudio&. All elec. WANTED: Mattb 11. Unfum J lava, e&r1)t!LP15. Nttr hrl. neJd1 work ((Mn~• GREENS lcltcb, tlllbWUhen; '""" s Bo 2 Ba, 1no1 pr. !* -Bl"ll. Par1c1nJ -• --.1 roam. ond eolloct> ' ftplc .. w/w, CfJ'P. fl. draJ>H. per mo. 6"-m.15 A ~ar. ~nu. .~nn tnr money 1tn:11n ealA .,,_... BACH!:l.01!.. UNl"URN. ~~Chll--d Pool. 11111 to =======;::! Tho Real Eataltn o"4 I l\JOptt..... ta Colla ....._ $11 O -· ren O.K. 6734378 Room1 for ltont 5995 -oid-.., u.. "':::,;, utll. 4lll'l E. 0...t Hwy, CdM PRIV. Room A both !or lusl~ ltO'!'OI 6066 :;u:::a, ~,,,:: 1 • I a. 3 BDRM. Huntington looch 5400 employed ladY or 1iudon!. ATTORNEYS-,5 11P .....,._ $1,lllO IO $1,l!O Cllh "'! .... IT'S HOME IMPROVEMJNT TIME, • 11 .. m Additlon-ltepaln Htat.d ~. Child Care I-;;;;;:~~~~;;:;;; Colle~ P8*. 60-3683 lobby, 3 .ecretartat rooms. ed. J"or ~ 1nttmtw ln Center. AdJ. to ShoppifW: -I' W/W Crpta:, !Iv rm, reft'la, bltrui, 2 restn:ionu. &l· Costa· Meta: Send name, ado No pola allowed EXCLUSIVE semi pvt, 115. w .. k, 135 tractlwe..Good Jocotion C.M. d,.11 and pltoae nunibtr to: 1100 Petenon Way. ·at l!aJ'-846-33>9 '"RQUTE DICPAR.n!ENT" ~-•A•·-· Colla Meoa. ON.THE-BEACH Alber< Pl, C.M. 518"'61 , PO •·--~ ~ • -·~ BEDROOM in New &<>Id SMAU. -.. .. .., priced · • --D-·'g11lng Ir .._nnln" 5*-03111 2 & S Bedroom Apll. m"1alllon -· w/prl. hath. St<>,. Bulldln(s in· busy Anaheiln. Calli. 92803 ... • .., ., 1:====:;::::1';:.'? d~=--"'!: $1l.5()pe,wk,64&-:00 °'"""' de! Mar -lion. WELlftNl\'Bul'oiu1 Kitchens, hlh: I llomocloll11g WhiMYo Wint? Whodly1 Gett Sl!ICIAI. CLAISIPI~ TIQl4 POii NATURAL IDllN SWAiifilllS Spoclol 11419 ~ Ll--5 ff--5 llueb Excell...-........ • lDui qr-a·-"·ble at HOME -"vU-phone in Call Hutchens, 114: l3M5ll Complete WI all equip, Any room in home ttUU:S -All MUn lfK'LVD• ~ ~ ........ trMt, ......... ,.. ........... ..... ...,. v-...a _... ~.~... material.J, stock • cwitomer ~ ':' ~ .. -""e Hunt1' ""ltln room, •mployed I a d y I OOMMEl<C. -300 Sq. IL mntaola. NUsr s ELL ' I-YOU• ,_. .....U" ....... ....... .... el .....,.,.. ... ...... OTHIHO FO" IALr i.ll"°u OHL"' ...,. ... .--• .,_.. •n ''W prefel'ftd. Call 64&-1393 1 INOUST. -8(11)-aq. ft. moviic to AIUka. Call for PHONE 64 79 Dllcrimlnattv• Taiants ROOM For rent IO employed • &f&..2130 • detailed info. 5.15-113S 100% FINANCING To l'laco Your Tridor'1 Pol'llll• .M I, 2 AS BONI. APT& p 'fl [0 lady. Home • pool BLDG. 5() x UIJ, In bear! MEAT marl<et a Doll Nly POOL. NO a!ILDREN ICI C privi!...,, l50 mo . ..,_ of downtown OOsta M.... equip. ""t 6 yrs. Real bu,y ua1nNl'-'UE SC8-3401 scs.321ll Eves. .... ir---1-·-"'--..,.. T ' 'Guest Homos : 5991 '"' -· -· 1-~t """'llDEN am 7U Oceon ,,,..,. H.S Olfl ·-I ~10 Hwy, So. ---· "!',. . " • (!H J,6.la-1<17 PRIVATE ROOM with TV co ~ntl -496-338t lJtb 6 . santa Alla. C.M. for ambult.tory lady . or LAGUNA 1~ •CH 'MU=ST=-. "'•-q=!ftc<=!-· "'E"°•'°'.t'°'>"I Call MrL HmderMm ~ Went Priv•cy? Newl-mA c d wnd'-1m Saota, Ana. A.pt llS. C.M. ONE BR's ,.,,,. ... n nrro.,., eentleman. Good food, home Air Condltiontd • Cookie • n 1 ... ··~ <.A..£JU'I Hke atmosphere,~ yard ON FORtSt AVENUE machine route. Req 2 hrl fTff Eltlmatos Trade 17 ft ~bmu Olli· -· (-) lar tull OI' part'PQment Olli c&rllet ~ kbdira,piac, ~. i.i'tii-tT -att·T) .. Mo-tin .. Ftb. 2nd :2 -~~~~) = & patio. Licensed home. Desk Q.ces •va.llablf: In wkly. $900. 10 ' units C.M. •-. Avail now. 543-5225 newelC olace buUdiJI& at area. 6'l5-3360 2~:;.~~·2· ~-~ 2NBD~: ""'1 "•'Jld"""ok· b!Bot-~ REST HOME for elderty -.... ~ ln,{ltlwnlowl\ WOM.\N ···~ •• 1122 Paularll!Ol Costa Mesa l!!'PT. & ... ; older. com!y ' • ..., . ....,, '°""'uw.. 0 pe~. c · ._ ladles, R&B, 11 .. ht care, • ... -~ · Beach. A1r ~ moden.te murw for ;2'i4 f"laotntla. Apt D $115 Chica &: Edinger. From .. ._..... ni . t t hoUJe, 1 JJ:R. 2 Ba. Great 2176 Placentia, Apt, c $ll5 $l4S. 2lJ: GE L-879& close ln. 494-2425. timMd.' oarpeted. beUtifll1 new u que & par men loc. UO,OOO Equity, TRAOE ~-ldtoiil'eiiotama Dr. (elf Le lln>itl Lacuna s .. ch; btalld1nr ilntwtnp avail. fDr 3 BR. J ha. home allo w/vft. W3) 4U·13G A & B CONSTRUCTION 0 1136-4120 • goneled partt•-· Tw• "cvice ..,.,.,. Reply Dal-Phone 545-4941 lorlQOallnion)e;c:omm"". ' COZY 1 bdrm. fr.pie, a:arace Income Property 6000 intnncM: 'J'rontap en ly Pilot Box M-46B orvacant.,615-1811; 646-16'1'5 MODERN 2 Bit., l~ ba,, all patio. Privacy. Adults, no I UNITS Fcrtst A• ... rear ltadl to ATTRACl'IVE SA.LON FOR eitc., cpts, drps, G.E. kit., pets. $125. 842-SllW MuqcipaJ parldn& '°'8. ~ SALE Rtuonabl@. Ca I I WW trtde $8l:D equity in p&tio,encloseda:ar.,nr.bua. 30~ •. RETURN -month b-~ Dealc Gloria Llc'd & aonc1~, • U-nrt J ····r9ol a38Jt.~Beacb~ $140 Adults. S1nt1 An1 5620 $8,000 Down ~d chain ••allable kJr '5· 962-7232 .a n. ' _.,.. cunend,y ...... to June 15 Mar. 124 E. 20th, c.r.r. . 16 units e Pool Buline11 boan &MWfrih&: tor 22 ft or tarrer ..Uboat l::;;;""'-,---,~-,-,-.I VERY clean 2 BR. 2 Ba. N · ·-"·bl ... $10 ~~~'!plus? 4N-993T · ' NICE De I u x e Individual Garden Aptl!i. Priv. patio, Yearly gnll'ls Slll,600. ear service a,, .... e · 11 J . TwnMe, 2 Br. crpta, drp1, pool Nice ~a ~1525 Euclid & Ball, Anaheim. All at:Wtlei paid except 14 units Santa Ana. iDCOme frplc. Newly dee $140 mo. · ' $175,COJ. telepbone. -:---$1300. Prindpd Ii int pymts 543-"'8 La11un• looch 5705 Call 1.1r, Ferauson or DAILY PILOT Irle~ M.Mnry, etc. $470. Tr.Ile for Vista area -• Mr. Krau"' 222 FOREn' A VDruB '560 ... •·-· _ DELUXE 2 bdrm apt, adults LAGUNA BEA~ llCtt , .. """"'"""or••¥•~· awr SO. $130. nr mkt 100 CLIFF DRIVE Inveslment Dept. 546-2313 "'"" 64011 ·B-U-lLD-.-Re---.~--.----$40,000 eq. 54M5'l8 263-265, 16ta Place, AH LUXURY FURN/UNFURN OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 Gl..st6I ,,__.. .1.•IO ,,_~ ·-- 546-2313 .... 1111 * Modem Off!•-lnVOllmont w..,.... -OUR Smillntl lrllh s.ti.. Brtck. block. con ore te, &'l'UDIO ap1. 3 e.. 3 ea.. Mar. Yeart,y Leue. 1 Ii 2 Bdrm& ..... Molly. Ill. tap. Huntiflllon crpatry, no job too anaD. rum. or QDfurn.; Eut Loqr 3 Bit l'Ai ba. Cl)lldren stepa to Shore .Ir: Shops stzizle or suites. Air cond. PARTNER Want e 4 to Harbour. Reward. M6-«i83 Lie Oxrtr KMi9t5 Beach· value $20 Ull): trade Oceanv!. fro -A • ___ _. _ _._, .... ~cl te In 1.i .. 1.i.. ""---• ' ~-N.:__. ,.,_'..... ;___ welcame.. $150. )tar. 862 W. ew m '1V,,..J p.. ltlonin&, J>Ukinl, ..,.,..,.~JAi _.. .. Pf. ,.,.,..., ... .,... LOST Black Ii Grey Penlan _. .... _ •• ~ --- Ctnter A.pt 1 (10 . am to fnln $150 mo up. lease .ervke, central location. tit.able real estate project. Cat, male Vic 19th _ santa lull"911 Servkie 6562 ty. 548-4387 4 pm) ' -&9'-Uf9 c. Robert Nattress Real.hr Realty project ta ready to Ana, C.M. 5"-.'30fl --,-.,.----- NEW 2 mt, bltna. 1ncl. REAL ESTATE 230 E. 17tb Street commence ii: t In an c I n I EXPERT Typtnr a Dlctation HA.VE: 6 Uni.ta, Pool, pme d'·h h · ·-~ ti n. 1 ..,,_,..,..,..,,.,.,.leosta Meaa . ..:Z..1415 already obtained at 6~" LOST: 7 mor. old apricot Exec IBM equip $1./P&, dbl ~m. C.Mo , tneome '8801 &,,. :S~e::s::/.· 2'l'lt:~~l-:----:-":-0'-:•-:---:--= Money Makers NEWPORT CiViC CENTER for 25 years. Profit on cub Afaha.n, female; vtc. Costa sp 0r P/hr fU-dtl avail mo, prtce .-_ooo. Ana Ave., CM. 842-62.57 Rentals Wanted 5990 EASTS'IDE, C.M. OWce1 suitable 1 fai' Com-lnve1ted ~ yield 4<NbJe Mesa. Reward. MW908 Hrs 9--5, wkend by appt. Want: 3 ,or 4 BR. bomt. 8 Rental Units _ good cond. rnercia1, Memc.l, Dental. minimum within one year. '•rtenlll 6405 507 Ave L&rso, N.B. &44-2641 Bob en.on Rltr. 54&-5580 2 BR, lfdn apt. fpl, c:ptJ, WANTED by March lit ~" years old. Exe Income, Air-oond .. crpts, elevator Nno'eedw! -~'..~;oo.prlnclooo ~ SECRETA!UAL OY91'\oa4T HAVE: Im--' C2 lot drps, bltnl, pt.Uo, pool. Untun 3 bdrm & den or ....., From rm ~ _.. ..,.., • ...,. OONT JUST WISH tor IOftll!thlna lo furalsh,)'ulir -. ..• .llml .... t'""' '.Jn ~,C11M!"ed,Adlii •. Tl>de ·eottfb""' "' ClMVY P/U. Fae alt, P/b, P/a b: )lour «tutt:J' ta .. or W car. CID 5CIQ1 befr 1:30 , , pm. or MS-IM5•ift 5:30 pm • TOWNBODSE 3 Br. 211 k Beaut appt'd. Prlv-patio. 1 • pool. doee to tJe¥, VIL I ; $32,000, Jaw dn. « T.D., • Car or f Owner ..... •t J,.P. < WO., ilQdil cn:A, reoonclllloaed, extra fUb.. her, pod top I:~· """ !or vw -....... value $1000. ~ * LAGUNA * 4 unit• nr btach. •.om clear. Want mm!l halM • unimJJJ'OW(I lot I l ' Bkr. $1330 ' : 10acrn5mlbmnewbt-\ • term.tknl Airi.t ht Palln-' • dale. aell far ~ per acre, or tnde far ~ of---~ HAVE: ... J'md °""""" I :, ·Squin -Jiiii. P/1, PIB • .1-oner. $225 val. I WANT: PLAYER PIANO ·-l b&iii; den a -....., 2 lult "loll,. ---$10,0llJ ........ TRD ._,,., Wtlll, T.D. low dowrt;-. Adlts, no pets. $145. 546--5163 4 bdrm w/2 to 3 ba. f'rirer $660* mo. ~59,500:_. * 5tl-50Ji OR. "'f;"'ffi..24&4 only! Box M 103 Dall¥ Pilot LICINSID IBM Elec. typlnc. EtticMnt, c.M. Value '30.000 clear. ftl:DEC 2 Br. &: den, trplc, N. s. area. $300 mo yr T Splritual Rtadlnp, advice reliable. stS..1£119, 5'5--3122 WAl'ITW: lndm umial bldc, thla luie patio. Adults $150. 293-round. S7S..2038 a1t &. NEWPOR MEDICAL -Professional It.qi Elfete Loans 6MO on all matters. lOI S. El area. --..me:. . ~2798 Near Beach 3 Units, 2·two SUlle, tor leue •. CUatom Camino Real. ,San Oementt. C1rmnt1rt.. '6590 Dania Realty (b, "2-6560 COgleSt.C.M. WHO Wanta· a roommat!!? BR & Guest Apt. Dbl Gar, mno&!linc avail. 18182 HOME LOANS 49W136.10AM·lDPM ,..:._ --... _ .._ "PAYKABt'ER"' 54> Icvlne. NJI. me. I . Trad• IMOtl equl"' In -• Twobedromn.lllbatl>o.1: ................. -... 1 NEAR OCC. Large 2 Br. Femile, qe 22, looking tor $34,500. Main St., Hunt Beach MONEY AVAll..ABLE SPF.CIAL $2 READING L.IM! ...... 2 BA. Blln!, crp~.; ..,,._ place on ~boo 1'land. Graham R-lty (1-213) mm& Call 1., d.talla on today'• • BAalERLOR 1 CAltPENTllY oblck ""!er/protector ""' Sl.55 per mo. 54l).0336 644-1700 ext 533. ask fOl' -new n ~OR. R!PAIRS. No Job aood offtce detk and cla&ir. I-BR. w/,. ~-. •-, -" Joann after 6, 673-6421 Near N.B. Por;t Ole:. 640-2414 SP.1ALL office on bUsy .ear-n.ta for lit • 2DIS TOI. uu. stekl beautiful strt 35 Too SlmD. Cabinet 1n pr-646-9895 ~~ -~ -""!~~~~~~~'!'l ne:r ·Coata.Mesa.$55/month Serv\ne Oranre County tor flJltURGdaENTta.~~P. .... 6 other cabinet&. Day or Eve. elec. Prlv. p&tio: no ~ts EMPLOYED Lady needs 1 -:: utilities included. 642.GiO a years. -•-- or chD~n. $ll0. Ml-1322 BR unfurn Apt. beach area, Business Property 6050 It I <tAAA Sattler Mortpae O>. Inc. I Am no ~ nsponal.ble 5f5.&115., If no answer -.ve Trade Hoyer p&Uent lift or 3 BR 1%. baths. $150/rno. to $110. Carport or garage . lndvstNI Wit• .,._ 336 E, 11th St. ... _...... ttRr than mas at &a-2312. ll 0. GE attrto tor antiques, or- Welll-MeCardle Rtaltori nee. 642-0086 aft/5 p.m. OFFICE BLDG.·HB . W-nn 5GOn1 :. ~-:-"'Wcbae1 Kirk Anderson ientalq,occebr,newbltn ~17JO ELDERLY Cple., refined .&: 6CXX1 5Q. ft. 15 ottloes. Good FOR lease Lacuna NilUel, Eves. 675-1'.165 &G-il.5? Macintosh dsbwr, dilpl. ·i c;arpentry, · "llig t would ""-ho 10 ... Dr .. t.a .. ~•n -Sa .. i..... of! San DiegO Fwy at Crown_ CARPENTER. mUter lit -'"'-'pnHtw. M&.9351 eves 2 Bo""· Apt. ""·, 1 amall in en • Ul\C .me • ""1'" ........ ~-_....., .._ ....... ~GLEB ~--~· N-··- chlldQK. No.,;;;." to llhl,tt, nr. shoppm&. & Loan -Bank. 5 years aid. Vallty, new \;WJ.J.IU"L ...... -Mort.11 ... , T.D.'1 6145 h:'' ..,.,· ~..:,~ 0 ;; B~J"!!:.--"!::r ~ ~ BAYFRONT I: 4'ck; 'Bai- r-Co&ta Mesa Afta. 642..e!l24 Euy conversion. industrial uni.bl. Delt.a..IJre. ;...:..,; ,,_.!ICY .. """ __,, _........ boo ~-NB --5.18-9'62 Eves & Wketxh. · D &311.00 f; HAVE •~ 000 ~ it )'OUr pleasure. ' · --..-. : eq. --· • LANDLORDS. R. D. SLATES, Rltr. tric. BYI-• 1 · • .,_, eve' TradeforT.D,'•or !!?or U•=URN. 2 BR dupl••. 2 962 7369 ·-.,_ . I Pri•-to m one y •--1~r Call 636-0361 now "' -VICE 847-3519 Eve&. · ..............,, ' •• u•""' •u I AM -_ ... QU_ ALITY. Re-1--Alttl'I.· '--/-.M-. ,.._.-., to Ch·,1•-n OK. 1~ mo. ,...,,. FREE RENT~~~ •-to b uo-" ~--P""'" -""'....... .......__,, w.. iN ~ ~ IS YOUR AD Ih Q.ASSI· JlX) SQ ft warehouse ii: ~oe wan... uy le ·~ .&IJ\ DD dona -New const. b)' boor brolatra. 175431 Thurin, Apt c. 546-0956 ...,,,,.B:;:ro7••;:r;;F;;;-;;;-o;;;;; F1EDT Someone will be + 600) sq tt paved & l~ A 2nd TDs. Reuona.ble dis-for 0 anywn. ~~-otha than or Contract 648-3fC2 Hun" .. -. .. Harbour 3 . 8 R 3 LIKE NEW 2 ~r .. newrtcpts., 1i:i~pt..::_. o~t. ~ lookiJW for it. DlaJ 642-li67B yard. 1855 Laguna ~(71J~ ~u;1J~r M---Co. Inc. my ~ ~ REPAIRS. Al'liRITIONS BA, ;'eih:r, butJenpuitry, drpi;, bit-Ins:._ Cal'PO ; no 673-7014· or 543-9434 for quick. etficient results. ~·7680(Il4) 494-8066 or v 336 E.i?tb St. I AM no Ianatt responsible ~ Arri D job. d1n rm, IO' boat alln @I pets. Adults. 541-6769 l)ime.a line .,,.,,... ,,_ ,,171 5f.5.061l for 91' 1 dtbt.I other than 25 )'fl. exper, 54MTlJ SJ.J),CXXI w/Ut,IXJOeqt..•ant 2 BR. dupl••·, 2!!5 Maple DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS! White elephants! · N'PT ,,,_.. M·l wardXJIJ..es U"U-.< my own. Alfred R Swan ~-. .1-·r· '"" ~· Eves. 673-7865. 60-llST MABl'ER carpenter, M per income, Mr .14-wu• blu'. t. . ..-St. Priv. gar. It Jndry rm. . RENTALS 450-1.000 sq. ft. for con-ASTROLOGY aaae. Sp:in1 bour. e ... --.... .. 11-. lttpairL 1661 • $l2S Per month. (1) 838-4471 kENTALS I hod tractors Reas. Owner HAVE $30,000 T.D. 7%.,..., .emester, beglnrlen a: ad-~.~ OVED TO "'W'"' Apt&. Unfurnished Apt1. U11furn 1 642-2809 secured by ll8 unit prden vane-". -nu aft 1 M n-. IU£< 2 BR .• pool, adult,. No peta. apts. Owned by Doctor o:\,I QI.,. ..., 'A·l Delpmltel $21,500 home. 2 New carp.; $125mo. Huntln.+an Such 540QHunttnpton 811ch 5400 NOW LEASlNG· ·New M·l group $115,000 cub eqv:lb'. ALOOHOL&.c, ~ CUptntry, _,., dae job! •torr, 4 BR. 2 BA. p1.Uo. 313 E. 17th Pl., C.1.f. s;.::. lnduatria.J. 1l50 sq l t • Will dlsa>unt Slll.COJ for Pbont 50-ftlT or write to Call Gordon ~7~'5 b!t-lnl. Comer lot nr Fair- 2 BDRM. 2 ba, enclosed Sl55/mo. Aaent 642-l4&5 cash. Owner st0-2335 P;O. llox 12ZI Cott. Mua. view A Baku. ~ '2500 raragc, drps, crpts. $14.S. NEW Industrial Rental• INTS · c.m.nt,J c.icrtte 6'00 eq\llty far ! Owner. per Mo. ,.._7768 Nou llartxr 6 Bal<tt. 17'0 ANNOUNCIM Fononlt 6412 541-1!90- Before You Make Sq. Ft. 6 up. -ond NOTICll · * CONCRrrl: ..-l!Jmdod . Newport -5200 equalva!Dotadout>le .... .. more mobOe; btme. 1116'11 \ OONTRACTO!t'~tleld­ traller: top -cond., walnut pamledlnteriol';-- $1,0llJ Value. trodo lar •• what have )'OU! m«a Want snWler car .,,_ 6 tact &It". ,._ ~ ·--w/pftrr I: fact air + ~ eq in 1 '14 acre nr Plhn -Bal .. 1"'I .. 815 mo .. $36\ll31 San °"""''" ._ • ltorel • 2 Jott 2 clmcet: 2 Apts • Wiil tab TD'1 • -----er. Call • '94-Da Fintlt steno • Mtnntl T, HK amp. coat $1111D f Jn qo. WANT 23'' CDlar TV', tape, '61 Jtanchno. * -1311. * * * ' . 8/8 TOWNHOUSES ADULTS ONLY I Available! ..._ m· ::::::r • .....-. .,,,_,, ·-* * * Loll 6100 Fount! (frM Ml) ,.... W Mll'Qllll Pbllllpa c.ma.L --· -Your Move.. $1,0lll DOWN on •mall level :OO:Oi<A 'fype Fmal• .. ~ MEMORIAL PAllK ·ecusro~:=.; s1lvic1 DIUCTOllY ·-Ta '1 ' " CJ<unvl•w lot L • • •" • <G..,. • Wblte> hu ... Mortv•" a c-t_ o., ~ i:_ • 842-IOIO i-··~-1 -.. ~ ~~l:;'i[tin;;;d;;P:A~ I ----- 2 bedrooms 2 baths Newly decorated. New carpell thJ'oulhout. $225/Mo. Two year lease preferred ALSO Available March l :st 3 bedrooms 2 baths carpets, drapes, bullt·in1 Fireplace, 3 car caflM)rt Asking $2651?.fo. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dove:r Dr., NB Suite 221 "5-ro!Xt Ewa. 548-6966 UPPER Duplex, S Br. $160; 1 'Jr. leue. Adult&, na peta. See by 11pp'L only. Misl White 1T2-9lSO atANNEL Front.Upper 3 Br. l'iii Ba. YtarlY $2511. Adults, no pets: 675-2751 2 BR. 2 Ba. cpt., drpa. bltna. Adul ts, no pets. 1M: $165. Call Sat A Sun 673-237'0 Eost llluff 5242 Prestige location For lease, deluxe 188B aq. ft, 4 BR., 2'iii bl. Apt. Frplc., ~a. ca.riietao wet bat, prlv. balconW!t; dbl garage oU kitch. Dl•l~:nar,er, dbl. ovtn. pool. Onrrvtnif:nt to lhop'I ·· IChOo1a • reau- tlon. ONLY $H5 MONTH 135 AMIGOS WAY Now~~ ' Mt•·,ef·' ~~· ... ,. 5250 Bftch. Batanc< I• '5 0 oollar. Found 4 oc 5 .... ,.._ ltt L._ .. ....-·-.. "P' -Walllr II. 1'IJo bb P.A. "' bl •~ incl' ·~•-~ .... !71h 6 tmne. C.M. ......, •·::,. ,,. OONCRETE ~ all --U , pa.ya e ..,... mo. ........ fNfll ..,_,. --.. v..-. 1'5 Braidwa;y, Colla \;'l' interei;t Owner. (7 14) 54M1l3 Ce tel ..... Pooldeckllieuatom.Call YARD Cltanap,, Tree 1GGMit1t5ti-1*ew Jib ... 311-Sece .. Clllflmlln CellPlfilllty tat. fl .. llt ff tMI ucitlq HW HHl'1 In ..... 11Y111o Clllflllla·stJI• -ii "' ....... ,,.., 497-12W HALF lfOwn standard malt mery 541-Im Rrv1ce, new lawn1, *Tm YEAR* poodle! Unclipped otf..wh.lte frern $150 CEMENT \1IOl'k, no job too iprlnklen, rotDt1lL M&-684& 'A·l ln'DIO'' ,.. Rot0rt P-rty . 6205 FOR RENT Furn Mamouth M o u n t a I n Condom.lnlw:n 1>leeps 8. 540-2130 extremely friendly, '42--2215 ~ ~wm•= amaU, reuonahle. Free · HAR80R SBOP'G CMTft. aft 6. ptac< ,,,_ ,: _ ,..,._ H. Stutlldc. 54M11> Glnlrol Som-1612 .,,./wt<'"4 ,by 41¢ -, LARGE huoky type q, No tr&llle ,..-.e BEST IN OONCRF;TE GEr It. ttplaoed. ~ JNOOMBIJ'illEI\VICI: ,·; blacK ii: white male. Call ltlOl ...._ Wlltmfnater Walb, pool decb, floora. or inatall'ed. CaD !cott'a Federal and state : 839--054• m.JIZI -Petloo. i;ri= 6'U51< Home s.cvtce 6 Repair 64&-7UO!lda!'•-I; Mount. & O..rt 6210 00s!!. ~wt=~: 21Av1C' blllc;1otct Centrecten 6620 968-246:1 aeytfme. PERSONALIZED, expert ~ 5 A NR Hemet Xlnt view. 545-1117 HEATING A Air Omd. Srrv Tax ~·..?:• round ofc.. ! 18 011J :-;;,,,-====..:• lollyl!Hlne 6150 AM111o111 • 1tomot!e11D& • ,.pa1r, o1at1 w.-• ..... -~ , . :: ~ ~~ ~:'m. ~ S MO. Gmnan ·~ -.;;;;==;.;;.•c...--.;.;...; \ J'red H. Gmvidt, Uc. dryer repair. ,_ br .... XNCX>11E Tues fl s nd ' : female. Brown w noM. IAIYSlnlNG fn3..a)t1 * Ml--2170 gg...1237 or N7..-i ,.,ur mma, k1ar bm : Found Bal boo Id. 11>-µ4' In my horn•>. N-Mqnolla Clean out Garqo!Ytlld -$1S. - and -St.. W-Co,,.. Clooftlllt M2I Ll&l>l llU)q e fROl'ICSSICIW. TAX PllOPEltTY Loot 6401 tor. F-yud, ho!-PROP'E!SIONAL Rq • • -e sav ........ Mwi .... -Call anytlmn. Upbolatuy CloonllW. ,.,, UAUUNG. a.om. -Sit: OOllQ>llt -I . WITH A VIEW LOBf -MD<. FEIOIJ: NT-1'111 quallcy ....,._ '""'11L ado\ Jolt&..._ ,.,_-" la Gonion H. W--. PA : 26 ACftl In Nortltmf Dral>p. Sc:llllG-IWIYl!l'ITING, My-· !8 Allm'i __,,.. --o.;ttnio · 11th ,,__ """ ; Hl&h on a knoll; this ~ Salt I: ~ color -About )'J'I old, nillabll!. · PlaJ art&. or evn IC-U • 1 ,-• ......i 11 ..,. 111a and 2 ,.an old. A.....,. to lho !!cbool _. by. I» "" wttb Houllne l730 ,_.,.. 6711 ' . •v ··-of ••l:HJ.1TY." llluo meala. .... lt!4 CAIU'l:r A ram. -; , . ;;z • ...,;, lot OOllld be cut with• ·-·-llAllYSl1TING 11y home lar I t1ay -A qaalHf <LEAN -..._ IRONING lie pC. 'i : ==~~F~ ~~ : F:ti..~.!',:. week ~ haw S yr oid WOl1t. cell~ fQr tJff rernov, dump Utp Yev lrlftt .......... information, p I ease call uwe numll,y ewnllll. Jan-d au I ht t r. C. M. area. brt8htnelll . . backhoe, ftll lfl,de . ..,_,,CS 642-.2058, '46SS61 Glenn Thomplon wltb uary '®'a. C.ontaCt JI m 5'j..%l$8 • WA.LL ro WALL Cati* • RAUfiill-Guase Oe.DI'" IRONING m MY HOD Eckhoff & Auoc., Inc. Slrlckland.REWAJm. Dt,ya. MATURE Wotnln ._.111 Cleanin• 4 expert TtlmHedstt.,..... R6u. lOc I: lScpm:a:. 1811 w. Oiapman Aw. !541-<lll, E;vtn1-113M3S7 btlbyllt Fn. S.t. SUn !?Om upbolallty clftn1JW, tll&JllO BIG JOHN • M24030 "5-tll.IS i Oran&e, caut. I pm. Call lime daf'. ClRii1' I: turnltun dMno LITE Haullne Ir clffbup. IRONING done ln ftQ' ..._, MJ·2621, Evea.wkndl 5SM'T27 LOST: WbUe put..8lamtlt 673-1.0&f OWb cran.. $1.50 hr. lfil, lt.Yln& Ir rtpalr_. CID Rtuonable. All)' ""· -wart. ,._ ... • male.cat wlblue eyq: bl1te ....__ -a~ Carpet. ..... n l424l5'f I _,_ 11th • am.o can, my ·-~. -. -==~-"'==;"'"=~;;;!l=-~~so.~1111~===·,.,I collar w/belll; v.:..n-~ wetld.Y. Nr H. B. Ornte.r. --'.': -111. E. Won!M 6240 ~"".u:iDr .. CM. -~·· Copable -· 8'7-31JI Ga "' H-loonl!! 6715 .............. 6110 's BR ..,.,. In lhw aroa Ul6T r male a• r on e EXPER. babysitter, tiaya ANTHONY'S * J.Yr. i::LlwnNG. * . Sl'RINICLI.. . • tor exc~ for 2 en kJt • m or ntpt.. Co •ta MNL Gw4tft Service rut I: a.euo MMlU · -. nrdowntowntz.iewood. Val S•tpherd, I m.01. IG-l.MO, ..... lil7 646-lMI Wu.JJ•MI aem.·1ert. ASOdl.a* __ ....... - -000. Now·-~ bae. Btaclt/tan. vie. v-. ""~ . ·-·- Subdl•ltlon Lond 6212 o;;.. 2U: ~-Placentia. 54Wnl BA.BlitttlNG DU' --91Jl)GET -------dSAAMbL i 1 ,, r'1 n•"' -I 11 -· w11t1ays. Espu. Pnna •.•• PkM ... -1 ........ Ta '740 ..,.., , • 1,.,. , ._ IWIN81,...,_-'J WILL~ Af1t. Houas; 4 ~ r I • Jl\I t, motllfrQllm.tOIS Midbl1V.~* e·• '-•L • -D~· U·~ ' ., I unlto In...._ 11w11. ...... 4 1" ,old. Hu colllr, ""'Y..:.....,G In · -~~· 11. JC. Clo rl --· ,_ Oonol •"•I 1 a .. -tflll fUtastlc -'t list 1111 It ..., -loub. Via -llAll mH~ J111 --!OX. _ .,.1 .. ,....._ Call56-l-1 WOL.....ao ... WOI-mothlr. • 1a ~ ar ••• ,. ~)IOUI'•••· .... "':; ..... $141 All IP, flnllW Ull nflllln& 1u1lhiSS ont1 Dotie a.oe -. • -"'4lnl •u•1•0 • "" • ,.. -1oc -..........__ 6IR , Jlroml PINANCIAL ~ (-1 V1c DWWW4oJeoro. ,.--·-IMMllSooMM'tO-_ a ~ tt •·-..___._,:.....; 4* ~ Aw. ~> P1'11. wltl; OON d M ,... JAPAICl:sr: a........., ~ fti A 8M(aftod Qllnt Wfiil I-....... -· _ _ _ UL~ .-. _,.,.....,,..0 •-Na. gu..2111 tJc. ffrt:w/ Babr. $ti.id Miine. 1.aadaoapta1 Jtlll1I Ta 8ln'*. •.ix· ,.,._ Of '*-.., jali • l\O.;.;.;.....:.:--------,...==.....,-.,-=~·. .. • a.na,. at.-i T -1-W - -H ti a. h PlllGIDAlltE it.ACKi8il ,,.. Rl>blt O!!LD ...... .,_ • = . io.lly. A..U. ll --' un_ ngton •c wtllto.., _ • IML -Ntwlonl. -tbnl rrt. AL'S ........,. .,., •t eo Rosu ••It w.,, CK. = ='-== J JIT ACTION at .. v-Oo!l ' M!-411t WWD -· ...-•• _ .. -p,...... llANUlllU ' Brookhunt Ju8t north of Acl•IM Beautllul -•ed IA"""'. ...;;.., :.,. OOiliiili PARK·. Lll;llt: ... ti ---i Tili Ti'J[ ADVli6D p::m ,..4) ,..".2911 '11w~,UOllO!hyen.lOlb. COCKATftLLostTUM.4111. tin& tft1Y -£treollent JAPANiif Oiidit/ii • ...,.., y..,.,......,._,.11o; = ., ' -...-. ,w, yr. .,... VjC Hth a !Nlnt Ave Otlta ..,.. ~42 plato ,_.. -IN """ lllfd. N.B.'Mut • 00' • ....-r, ,\llY. ma :-.:xi out bOlf-llts MM&.146.-ltlTaftlPM e ~srrnNG.\_,, -~teo.,,._11!2 Coll -lar""" ~-vii..,_, a., 'Col-A ._._,_ lii\V.iJU)i 11r P'tm no on ,_., CDllti Mm. 6ii • ililii i.wa iiOOdN TAX apiCE .=3 I ...... ......, • .....,_ 1a11,1w .. .;. 1w.'• 11..,.,. ..... 1111 · -.1-Y-h'"•··~•••"' r ............ •-'l •a lqul-1,IOC. Vlo.-st.NB'1Mia fllfantea .. myhelftil S•-•mt oll f EN. -Ma pa 11 I rift. ~:JI& ==i~~ w. v~ """'-!'°"'· ~ Wiits ~"" 1• • • •• • -• ,- NOW R~NTING PROM $140. I I ( lll!lr':'""' ......... _.. ..... ~~...-----.... --------------~~----~ ..... ~--~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~~-...... ----· -... ., ... _ ..,.... .. ...~.,.._,.._~-~-~-........-. .. ~ .. , ...... , ..... ,,._ . ., .......................... *~-~-.--·-·---.. ~ ··-------................... 4 .. , ... , ........ ~ ......... ,\ • • 11A11.\"P11.0I ~. r""!-t,.l"9 , .. ~ Y .ION a .,...i.owm£rt! ~11~·& wl.OYMIKT ~ ~ D!"-OYMlfC! ,OU J. ~Ml"1, ~ &.IMl'Lq'f~NJ . .IOI$ & EMl'LOYMll'n JOU& iMl'\.OYM!NT FEATIJRES: =:tz·. .L ' ........ w .. w Min 72GO -~!"'"--* ~ """'=: w~-~ ft••••fml . lllloaua lM i..•""°" ; ·. . ~;:~. 7<400 ''"' Min. w-7500 -.,. .. -:-. -,. • · .. ·---; -, , ~ · -4. ... ).. ,.... ·• • .. ·I ~ ... , .... 7• ·: '\'(• . ..,.. u._.._ 'ID ··•· • 4 j ..... .. .. "'.:!,..-> f ·I\, ' ·~ • I ftr'-&•-"!• WllW • " • . • 8lOdc: .. ~.-A ,ii··~ ~· H a •' • .. : • ., . Lqta:la 8Mcb -Nttr Ol!leu. -......,,..--"·-----~ ·· J,-C.,....,.p.. • • Ii u.-••-' 1;, '''•v .t.111.'·" .~ "0.,t<·ti'plot--Oldtt'coopl8w/exp JftL • p.lllft'lllc. I\""·· -Mat"n•e· •a· Ice~ ~ l.llud · '· ...u..~ c1 "'" · • ·,,.;;;;:-r''"'-......, · "1r eo.· ,..,.. p.iu... ""'t u .. i.. !'-" t!Wre<i. c,n Stata--bc.'..~ ...... IN 11 Bea..b ~~-'?'"'~ t"G , hendii&t·AMmoemt.t ~ l'JS.1Q27aft6 prn """'" .... -. . M .. • , . .. ~·-~-. ~""~":::-. . . ~!!'.?.!' :14' ":~~·:~ ~. EXT..,.... -..... &1Uao . (11 · •·· time,....-.· •It&"°''" . . .....i . '' ...., ·: NI llnw.'~• . ......,..:mrus..Hon....,, -Apnc~, Mtn .& •· . ~=)TL .£ttp.,._.' '''.'.~ . ·'~ '',_1 ._~j&..•ltt!-Jt;: ~~='2~JS ,1Nr.1 ,,:;-,~· .. ~·D .'.,;·· .. ~~!l:J!S ..!!..._-7550 -=====..,,.=·=·"·I ,. r I "I '1llh '* )Wb..,..blestDctrtin< • .M ...... r ..... ~ -~........ .• . -_, -~Styllata A '"SERVINGFOR39YEARS" ' ~ -~ 45 ,::;' Geno.-.l., .......U planl .8'<e!I~ "'°'"l!l\tl.'1' .. " fXP''i'"''" KnoWJfdp or Lotw, ~ Exooll..,t • ..,i.y.. WI(, A/or wiglet •""'•"-WE c.<11 J1ljJ) t1W -.iµ.ew. ~~requf'n!d,in-~l"Jtnci·tiall~"~ l~~tpart& '.~ ~~~ '«f"' 1 BeMfttJ . .. ·ca1r~-' RIGHTSPO'I'FoR-Y6u * StS-«903 * . · dudinC buildh:\e: and ma--. ferred. Oompetativt WQ'• 11 eueDtlal and a bi&b IChool Equal Oppotttmlt)t ~ •'IT'S NOT LUCK'' VET'S Bonded p .. i D t. n I • chine m..tntemncc., C.om. ' es. outs~ bmlfitl!. ~. b: pttfemd. -... ,PL y LADIES lB '° r.o lhoW Sarab ··rrs KNOW HOW" . ....... est. Uc. __ ~,,. Snllll .,.,., beMJ!ta and I rood. , lndod1"" pl'O(lt -· Help Wlflled ' ' Po._f •OffiC1 Cown"1 • p rl •I I. .U FEMALE DMSION , jobl ~ t1U-UW1, 1 futUre for t;ht right per-Yout·main re1ponalbllity will Womtn ,7400 Third flloor 1n.100D Jewelry fuhlons, Sec. Ftie NeK .......... "'$600 APP. LY .u p'IC'nN'\u be to store, maintain and i.-, • • abeolutel)' no lnvelbnent we ....._,___ .... 111:: Plolfer'-, Ropoir 6UO ' "" u• ~· .U. ...,. eli<:tronlo otocl< 'II.a ·-~....... 1raln. "1-IS61 · Telle• •~ ..... ••••• -""' Mon -Fri 10 am iv 5 it,m. . • • lllV •-••r Lepl S@c (tree) , ..... $650 • 9 PAT'S Pluterinc. AD Apply to ' . ' f room ~· WAIJRESW , 'pIE Shop work; no uper. Ptyroll Clerk ........ to $500 I --· ....... emmato. Call Porson.el Olflc• J t "PENJIY co· ' . ' 47 C...m of F .. hlon ....... , part-time ID '""· MALE DIVISlON • \,· .~ Good •tartilW rate plus e.x-• -~n-'L--'n FASHION ISLAND 2>45. Apply: SUsan Lynh senlo• •-h. Drftsmn •• """"' cellent bonofito lndudlna ..., ...,_ Ne"<port ·llNch """' 1510 .._, C. M. ,,,,,,.,.;;;.;;., (Freo) •• 1ii00 . -" U S D1"vers 24.F.Wi1 ... 1o1olld , twei....,....,.~•winr An-~·-· MAIDS WANTED '""' Rem1d1~ 1.-ir;• 6940 • • An~ ~tr )'OClr ftnt yecr fl employ-'Apply in per10n . . .... n-....... ty Audit Mgr ............ . Employtr DJl Newport Blvd., Costa Sales ................ to $800 ' ~.,!.. "U:· i:.: Com pa l·Y · employer • ~ • ·Tuel t1tiu ":" • !!!'"' Apply in .. -. ~~E '= , = .. palr,rot>lerl<V . • COSTAL 1' Yarian data STUF-T-SHIRT lllt's-lVN.'s. Jobo Mon;wom. 7500 MEtCHANTS > • Pl,IJMBING REPAIR 3323 W • Wamer INDUSTRIES · -ltesta•ri!iit · na:1.r111Mt ~job loo unall Santa Ana NoW HIR iNG . madlines 2241 w. CoHI Hwy. Aides KEYP\llCH rPl.!lll'l'U. e 64~ e FULL TIME NewP.Ofi Beach 2043~WestcHU Drive • A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY J..obby-QWce · REP:!'. ·.,.'::?."EL An ~::1"""Y PAii~ rJf[1 i>li' .-· • , • Sanltte Colonill OPfRATOR Corner l1th ~ Irvine ~ * 536-36tl * New company rieedl Chmt:J\' '2122 Mlchtlson Drlve PART '~ Newport Be~ IT You -..,,,,,. .. Ing, FULL TIME . on all "'""· Ne· •xper\enf< (""'1J. °"""'' Co. Allport) . ' Conr.1lescent Ho•ll, GRAVEYARD .SHIFr 645-ml --- I polntlnc or .. pa1n. Call AND ·pany"""'~: •• ~/.""wm "'.t 1:·1~~~ • COMMTELEL• .• tRIAL • . .,. 'Indus.::~ School1·lnllructlon 7600 lllot.612-1197 P'RTTIME "~-• p1 MF • NowOwnorlhlp&i.I.,.. -t "" top starting waget to pim em oyer. · Tho u.wpor'I · REXAIR INC _,.,._ t --~-and.. .....,..,. Top 110111--' Roollnt 6950 . • ·-• 0 ~~ ~am°"' UNITED 'CALll'ORNIA Poy. All lhlfto. ·~ S<hool of Buoineu " ANAHEIM DIV. t '""'· BANK •Y ~·· SECRETARY _ROOFING REPAIR. CALL ' --- /,llRCHANDISI l'OR SALi AND TllADI REPOSSESSOIS ,. eueU.nt o:Onditloo. lib ~w. Beaut. quilted aofa $89. chair "'· 3 po. ..... • Pl. • -sofa a lo\'t 9eat $179, 5 Pc. dinette met $24. 5 pc bednn. 1tt $89., bole, IJPrs' ~ matts (..U 11m) $8. ea. Kirw 9i.ie S:S ea. Sell all or aqy part. Ternu. AOK WAREHOUSE LOCATED AT ~ Carden Grow Blvd., G.G. % Block West from the oorner of Beach Blvd., neu G.G. Ft-wy. Open 10 to 9 p.m. Sun. IM FACTORY Oose-oull; un. finished capt Ir m a t e cbairs. Real buyl! ~l HIDE a bed, never Used $100. (\\'Orth UlO), * 539-904S * ?.10VING: furn. applianc:es. misc. 1962 Church St. CM tJ33.2195 I" 646--0623 HEAVY Solid French Walnut din'g mt ¥!t w/S dlt'I l 2 ext; Buffet $1SO. ~2025 SIYB ~ASH! EI-·.,.."" . .,,. I~ Dklatlng equipment itodern office procech1res , .. __ Brosh up Gregg Shorthand Personal Developmenl · . (Ask about our special Feb- 1 • -"''leak loo mW!! · ·NOW HIRING MR NEUON ITT JABSCO <;,s MoArthur 81"1 ==~~==~lroR DEPARTMENT HEAD . •£168..2362fr NEW BRANCH EXPANDING • Newport Bea.ch MAJo:t Matutt, five years experi- TO ORANGE COUNTY SATURDAY 9 A.M. to ·& P.~f. CALIFORNIA BANK ence. Shnrthand 80, type 50, :<1 !!!!,IN . , 6960 Top St1rting Wafet ' MONDA, y 9 A.M. to 9 P:?f TOOL l DIE 5 ....... 24 " ~ks "ateno/tylpgt for trust IBM electric. f-=,. ~ e 'n--.. i.; ..... AJterations OPENINGS FOR 3S MEN • 5'1}.2034 · MAKER ' dept. ¥11Jf. take dictation, f"' .... ~.. TRAINEES Equal opportunity employer uthit of I re er' enjoy i--.: Special on Hems customer. contact .~ . * 6£6446 • NON~~ POLICEMEN i .Requires only comnlel'CiM 'SECRETARY: 5 yn. mill. Permanent c areer op. , • · _ Alteratlont-642-5145 WORK WITH tool buildinc for small ~t wark exp._.Exp. in porfurii~ ·tor <i u a I i (i@ d ~ .~ fieat, &eellflltt!, 20 )TS. exp. HYDRO EQUIPMENT $667 to $80t ,.r 'J'O~ ~':.P =· ::!n.~ ':; ~~ :e 7m~! :e~Je s .!t~ a !:mty ~ ;,..-TJL~ cetamJc 6974 NEW BRANOI .•. RAP~ AGE; 21-31 up lo 35 with a~ wOtkin& conditions. Sharp i.t, fl,cUret, 1ti.t repts ~· CorQct w .. G. t ... · •' ~ · ADVANCEMENT TO ~ ... proved experience. HE;IGHT:. 1:: oft procedures. Neat. Pressnall • r~. * Veme nle Tile Man * POSITlONS. ,; . I ··5'8" minimum. WEIGHT: in· APPLY TO penonable &: oUtgpin&:. S-1, Ne~ center Branch 1. Olst. work, 1n1taJJ &: repairs. 'Aa::EP'IJNG 'APP L·l ~A· "p~pQrtion to he.i&ht ~ PERSONNEL DEPT. M-F. }-girl ·oa. W,o r k, Sectirlty 'pac:Wc ·Nat•,1: Bank tr~ No jOb' tiJo mnan. P1asttt TlONS MON. & TUES. ·1cAL . REQ'trtiEMtN'TS! w/commuhlt)t leaders. Put 550 Newport ~nftt Dv.' I patch. Leaking • how e r . 77._7251 _ High Jdiool pidUati"° ftlid An equal opportunity )'OW' time I: . talent ' into NeWJ>Ol1 Beach t, ._. 1t1-l95'!-l'ART Tlllt'E , ~ .. ~'°':.=·;. emplO)'u = ""~ ~C.:. Rodlo-Tllephone tr UpholotO<J · 6990 HELP WAlo!TEt> , 91,,.H.., 8200 )Veslmins"'' 1485 Dal• w.,, Costa """ 11<am "'"· 642-2500 Dispatch Girt tff · · WE NEED 35 MEN FOR Ave. Westminst'er caw.· ~ 54S-8251 .. f!~fCZYK O SKI'S Qistom eOISPLAY ~W_ORK · ~Ftbruar:f28~-2a orover.Mustknow'local ., Uphol.mtuy, Eur opean e ADVERTISINGWORK pm ' .·, . PIX MltlltlJOR a1-e3. Apply in peDOll .:t Crat t•m•n ship..100% e SALESWX::WQRK,! 'tTI.f.\893-4511.ext~' ... CITYO.F vrUUI YELLOWCAICO. ·f Flnanc:ine. Furn. boa.ta &: CAIJ..'ON COMPANY . "• .-.. · ' 186 E. 16th St. auto's. 642-1454.. l 8 31 APPOlNTMENTS . , · NEWPOR.T BEA,CH Work inc J ·u de s Costa Mesa "" Newport Blvd .. c.M. • CAIJ.. ON COMPANY ' • · heavy t Y P In g· & e SEAMSTRESS e , •UbS a .EMPLOf MENl CUSTo"!ERS · . • · · · REFOS~ CREWMAN s o In e .. Automotlye WANTED ~ ·, · · ... $300, PER· MONTH SW\l SAW $416-$591 por mo. Bookkeeping. ""'' bo expertonoed woHdnc ~~:,Ob w.~, Lacty 7020 6:3GPM.TOlO':!OPM ~ & I \Vith naugahyde, Apply in , t • F"' in•enn.w ca11 M•. James . I . .3 FuU Time. P•nnane•t """'" Roy · Carver Ponf1'ac .. , ... ;; 14ATIJRE """"' m 0 " 114-1251 Ma111aer r11nees· cy '" mao 1n ""'uent ob,... JohaMe• & Christ ..... l~ = ~~w1~~ MOND~Y . . '. teal rondltio.n to drive and Kl 6-4444 898 w. 16th., N.B. ClfRKS Openifll: a\>ailable in Deerina: , records and puter raom. f!ngi· rom· . COLLINS RADIO ... CO. 19700 JomborN· Rffd Newpor't Beach Al! appllc&n~ revieV.'ed on mei;it with no bias toward Race, Color, Creecfor Sex. J. C. Penney C.O. Fashion Lsland Newport Beach Has openine for ~ .. A.ble to handle heavy PBX. Sales America's Largest retailen load refuse ~ck loaders. Comer of Monrovia I: 16th. 1 ~ Light typing. Alao cashier of 'women~i shoe!!. Requites aiJ!: ~qis'ex.peri· N E E 0 experlenced *, CO.OK. * i ~ ~·Prefer CM. NB, YOUNG MAN'S ' ence performing heav.y, RECEPTIONIST hon:!efishir?tro4wr:ap. RecentsuccessfWexperience /"' FV ....... 549-<l67< ·DRE~ .. l.EB)JSl!oe ·Jlore· ~~~c.C far ~utyaiudlp poro. Apply-.. S.ven ·ineH...,...olt,...tnd ... v. 2 women ap 4.7-48 wt.!ih • drivei'i license. Apply Per-Prefer licensed operator Strand T•ckle · Co try is required. Competative ?' houaework. ntusf. be steady. If you_ are under ·27· and like So. Coast P.JA~ sonne'J. OffiCe, City HaD, 3300 Excellent benefits. ~ · 14m ~.:.:<:.Cheatttut St:· .wages~ outs~ing ~nefitl ,::, All'work t;y jOb. Call 5 p.m. taUWir to &iris, why not get' Contact Mr. ~helps · Newport Blvd., Newport, Wei'fm'insfer·'l or c•lj includmg p~t aharma:. ~"' Iii 9 p.m.. 5C1-9'l21 paid lor it. A marketing Pto-b-a·.• "·'". • Apply Personnel Office H7 •; '-U ~ dealing with 111Wfe ~ cc ...... .._..... -. -Apply in penon f " PART-~e 0~ .or medical girl& f~r national tin'n-1-Start IUFFUM'S NEEQ;Gney?. im People? 10 A.M. to S P.M. ~ ,( receptiOnist posltion. Prefer $400 to $600 1ary dur:-• ' , :nW.~\C .hrs,-no canvusin:: ?.londay thru Friday (.' 9 All~:30 PM. 548-")38 all · · · Qill'" s CAREER · lllESMAN f hi Isla d · "'! ·W"<•. ·,no ... re-;'.' 3:30'PM . ~'!'!~in&-11<\ p.m, 0.1.TUN·ITY·. i "'I as. on . n quiremoot. Unlimited op. . A'ITRACl'IVE Orie.ntal ~ · ' OPP • Newport Beach ~~· with BEAUTY r:. ....... """" """"'""'.. 'I' ART TIME . Jolo today• --Mcmager Trainee COUNSELOR. F"' eppt. t ing~panion job tor rqan We have a top paying job protesdon-~utu~ P'Uni;l ~ fpr retail IUUl.P Ir-leather RN • LYN _....-,.,. ~-~~=-:~ ~ "'-over SI. 645-ll55 for you'}r you are ~~ sat-No expe1?ence n~ goOdS store. Salary open. 3 to UA llto 7 SN(ta Rec1ptlonlst/Typilt J. C. PENNEY . CO. 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity employel' \ 1 HOUSEWORK. $2.25 hr-plus Wied with' your P~l'!f. in-Wf. train· run or PM". ·' 'Please New ConvaleScent hosPltal Alinlmum or 58 wpm · acc. !.1 $llottn.nll>Ortatbi~!H28, ~me. W~,!ll.p.mf, Min-Mutu1I Fulndnc.Adv1son,. APPLY IN PERSON to open 2nd \\·eek in Feb-Married, nkc! phone vol~.1--------- 1 Ext. 22. 1111um sta ..... ,. pay o ; · •· ruary. Startin&: aaJ. $300. per mo. I s~oo Npt B. 1603 WHtcllft·.....,, ' APPLY IN PERSON Pl all ,._ M·· ~t· """ER. ·!'radical """'" ~ • per mo. ' S.A. 1212 N. BToadw•y Rooten's Lunnane .... ' ..... . -•we, ,,.·~ Haht bslgls. Good referenc. CALL ~IB R.£m. . 547-8331 '11":11 '21 393 Hospital Rd., N.8. 838-3593 for appt i ea. Live ~ 4.94-2272 SATIJRDA Y 9 AM to 6 PM $, Coast Pl•u {~crou ~ Hoq Hosp.) WOMAN pena:k>ner wanted to $; MONDAY9illto9PM ... Codi Mese SECREJ'ARY ~ Office sta:twt~Motherotworking --.. ?.• Demeatlc .HelD 7035 540-2034 SALES . · ·-Manaan lor Oil • Gu Co. \Wman, nO catt . required. ir.: · · -. BUSBO.fs a : t . ~. EXPER. or NO --Good shorthand ic diCtaUon Pi1vate_ room I: b o.ard HAIRSTYLIST With some Iollowin& il Possible, tor high ;rad-: beaut)' studio: Xlnt oppor- tunity for iood locome. Co~ beni!tits triclud- ins employe disq:iunt. U Ce&&,~ 8t:;::::"" ISISHWASHERS . EXPER. REQUIRED LINE skllh.requind, top aalary •• ~~hed0 . 64$-2516 o r. 1~ :taS.B E:,-iih. St\.,547.(139$ Full time · · Over 111 1f ~ ~ fallow orders )'OU For ·tnttrvlew appt, phme ,,__... Appl)I Personnel Office APPUY IN PEROON' r:-cai: Mite.I order a day. 54).1435, or aend ~ rnwne e BUCK PRESSER • •< .:in--CbttrfUI I 'CAN OFFER ·you MECllA' 'NIC to Cameo Petroleo, Co. 4500 Elperl•noed m ,,..,,......,, BUFFUM'S 4 Pfnnlnent. ~ BOB'S· BIG· BOY I $115 per week . n Campus Drive. Suite 344 Apply i:< Fnr Eut -"'E. 17th St. { s hours"" day N.B. JAY-MAR. INC. Fashlan 1s1a,d , • -. C..ta M {Bonus ·Plrut • SECRETARIAL 2007 So. OaJ<. Sanl3 Ana 'N llNch ·~ ~ H .. 11 Wanted, Men 7200 .~ . Apply at 800 So. EI CUnino OM experience necessary. SERVICE (8 to 3 PM) ewport - ·. • flNISHED .. Real, Sui1<'21S.~Oem•ri"' Apply: wowd you like 10 o .. ,..,., SOMEONE TO LOVE : ;' DESIGN CAR•ENTERS "'"'"" 10 & • . "· '""' Frt. ALLEN yo"' own bu-u T UnJJm. 3 "'""times loveablo ohlld-O'perators for ~ 'l ,,,_A iled income to energetic sec-e D Ill p •J • LU B S, Oldsmobilo-CadU..c ""-... , ' 1~ 12, lrom r ro1N1 ~~· P M ER · •.ayn. ENGINEER 1150 So. Coast Highqy retary. Wary gUl.?Uteed. 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm, Mon. • 0.burrlnt ';.. NGlllnltir Islander Motqi' Homes Inc. pies~, DJafUman. Lquba Beach * 49f..1cte Built-in clientelle. Call Mr. Fri. Call 547-9377 or 6f.6..2038 • ~---I A b l ! ~. I.ft lnulU 806 E. Wuhington St. E x p !I n d I n g · $at1 Juan Ask for Mike Sauntry 'Nattress 642-1485 Colla Alesa -ra ssem Y •.: _ Santa Ana. ~plStraoo_ develapm~nt. in-· · EXPERtl!NCED att, 5· • Maintenence . v~tes t!J&meer wl e:xper. WAITRESS OOMBJNATION, Sharp Bar Apply between 8-4 ' · ...,.._;ve am.., Colmty •ASSEMBLERS in map coloulatlon. billaid<: Maida l Go Go Danoen. ARMAUTE i" ~ of precWon • CARPENTERs gradin& de' i r-n , im· Oran&e Count)' Top wage, $3.(X).43.50 to ~·~ cio.e tolitranr.e airaaft and e PAINTERS . provement plah.'.Layout and AerQ8Pace f.fanufacturer A iwt. Ph. for inl 54&-99S3 111E.16th St. ,..,, aerocp&ee hardware com-Company ..benefits, tree tr.. dratting. DivenHl.td In-Has opening f~ a take--sU'l~y ~"srRLOi~ SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, Costa Mesa .i,, -· ..... -.... """"""· 'proflt"""""' .1 ....... oitlnfl. ~ .... ._,,_.. ,..,.. type Individual in ' c.M. wRmR ~ aip .....-n. Mec:MnWJ Jel'Mn Matibe <mp. ·Send Resume ..to The o.111 thelt'shlppinl and tteelviJW 5930 Pac. C•t. Hwy. I " e~ dtifte 'belpful 235 rtsbel'. C.M. · Pilot.BaxM-615 · depaf'tmeni. Mu.st have re---·Newport leech WAITRESSES W~ To1ftpel'ecopyf«!50yrold :; ~~.=.,~an Body and hfteier . MEN . :me~~~ei:.e~ BJUamalSINESSIMlaH~o-°!~! ~~· :~~i:j:d= = !~ """".'.--Ma , Leam Ii earn '$150-$250 , per: qulreme -U:11& ca .._.. ~s BUIE DOLPHIN .a355 Via in. Journalism or English ,.__., --nv ~•ts ~-· n • ..,_k plus. No ... ...-&...... , n..1~~Ptlotot Box 1 or 2 more mald1; full Lido N-heh UQl,JU ....... _..... _.ICU .... ...~~ -t""•"'•••"' 1be ~ or Rllrl time. Apply in • , ,.; .. .,.... · prefened. Experience in 1,; dmt&rw: pen.ion p1an. poop Body ahop helper, good· pay, n e c e 11 a r f. Pro!esa¥inal M·uuaull penon. 2101 E. Cbast Hwy, HOME Ass EMBLER s . writirc " proofinc highly t~ ~ llbenl bolidl.)'&. sood ~ti at Dean Leiril ~in Pttftiee work· No _ nnAftl\ CdM Or call for app'l Income opportunity. Send desirable. SaJary $500 per rua1')' otter which includes frte typing instruction.) 646-0153 J.ilctime Gift, typewriting. Children., grandchildreh, er yourself! Individually tu- tored Oillcoat 10 let50Jll typlna' school. 113 Del Mar, CM, 548-2859 FAILURE? May oot be student's fault. Individual attention.in high school that cares. Call Ano Gecltler. 116-3231 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE f.urnltur~ 8000 EXQUISITE SPANISH MB>ITBIRAllAN RETURJ~ED FROM . MODEL HOMES A fine selecUon ol complete Muselulli. Brand Mmes, king'size bedrooms, beautilul 7 pc. dinJng rooms, chinas, hutches, custom quality .,.. fas I: lave lll!ats, double door re1r1&eralots, washers, dry- ers, color TV's {all ~ teed) will sacrlfit"e. Sell all or part. Terms on a:ood cred- it AOK \V AREHOUSE LOCATED AT 77!2'J Garden ·Grove ·Blvd., G.G. '%block W~st froth the corner .of Beach )?Jvd., near 9.G. Frwy. Open 10 to 9 Sun. lG-6 SPANISH FURNITURE RETURNEU FROM MODEL H'.lMES. SA VIN GS TO 80%. Spanish quilted mota &: loft seat. 3 oe.k llvin& room tables, 2 livln&'. room lamps A SpanJah palntlnc. El Presidente kingsize bedroom suite, oak triple dresser & mirror, king headboard, 2 commodes, klngsl.U! mattress It: box springs. 2 boudoir lamps, 6 piece Spanish wrought iron dining set Only $467. $20. down &: $4.50 v1eekly, .U separately. Easy credit. ILUfiLTON FURNITIJRE 59t8 Westminster Ave •. Westminster. BM-4434 daily 10 Lm., to 9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sun . 12 pm. to, 5 p.m. MORE CASH PAID FOR Furniture ColoNd . TV'1, Plo- AppllOftc", Antlqun I Ploce or ·Houseful! ,.., vact,tlois.,' ete · ln'.ports, 1!166 Haibor, CM.' door Jmocldnr, 'ow Cilsto-673o-812I 11elf addttued. stamped mo. Call 645-0070 for ap-t ti . , 646-93m mer:' call us. For appl Call USED CAR T ......_ . Ion tnwlgpe to "HOME", P.O. pointment. Is Our Specltltyl i~ serid eompleto ,....,. •<th •INSTRUCTORS • Full 9,30 ID ll. 52&<1;16 Salary' Oi>on •....---rocopt 8""181. 0n..,.. CaJlL m;s M S * 636.:1620 I~ ..,.no-. aa1ary require-or/and part timo. Neat •P-JANITOR Wod<, liili llip< RA y VINES -k $1 .'5 hr. Full time , PHONE soi'..iCITlNG * Dlt R 24 HOUR SERVICE l : ment... etc. to pee.ranee. MUAt be .~ 1o nlj'.hts. Must b ave ex· I. 1Nrf time. Call Mr. No' ftpmence MceDIU'Y. N .,_ rl BUYER ON DUTY'? DAYS ! " The Daily Pilot,,Box M-614 mttt and deal with• the perience in clean!~ small . Chrysler-Plymouth ke .. hls 540-2034. · Holiday Health $1>9 2:1JO 0 5.ape ..,Ce HEYWOOD Wakefield Bdrm !• public. &ood fliun!. ·Apply offices. Opportunity to work ~ 52'1-23U SECR.EiARY, Aftenoon&.. Harbor;O,ta1Mtsa ·Nec.euary! Set, 2 slllQ:le beds, 2 end ~I Y OUNG SWINGERS in person. Holiday Health into -supervisor. Benefits. BUDGETS, budpts, Junior Detip otncr, reception. SlTl'ER 'ft-.nted _Afan thru. f.tmt have clean Ce.llfornla tables, I dresser, 1 nite I,, _. Spa. 2'» Harbor Blvd., 549-2425 AccGuntant, help maintain bookkttptns, typlne, Ute Fri. Pomona OJt Victoria driving ttcotd. Apoly stand. Cun'ed Sl'Ctional. 3 ~ ,. ~trawid,....:.•_cod:_~~-:VICE station· aitmM·nt Car Wash Help =~~eover~~ ~.at .tr .act ive. Sdidistriel 60--:lllS r YELLOW CAI CO. !:d. w2~ 18~ = -i ...,..., .~..... ... .. ~,. F II ti UA..0.-..1 Must be Willi .... to -645-l33S , HOUSEKEEPER Llve in.. 186 E. 16th St. --.....-ati.u,,_ ._ JaJW(ble product in car Must have ex perience . u . me or ,..-~ .. N.-. A usume ...;~ru;: ~i:RAL b>uaek:Hpinc for Wonian alone .. UOO per mo. a.ta Mesa .,, ......... , ..... ~ slass door ~ ,..,;. ~ lf )'OD DM.'el l>ajs, pttTnanent x I n.f,, Min • u. ~ ln penon I 64fr7«31. elderly ~I~. ~ cbildttn. C.M. artt. Gft...2233 Rffl llf•te Sales :~~oo ~Una. best ... _..,.. .... ,,. olll< -•:ondit-Union LIDO CAR ASH S tlay ....ic. 9,., to 5•30 & w· • , • Oij...,;s.J~.171hSlCM. :981E.l7Ui -0:.taMma CUSTODlANWORK. Sttldy on' Ba l boi··lal,and ~FSY'.8. Part~. ExpeM~ apln.~ # HIDE-a-bednevetu9ed$lll0. I-' -MD. OU~ ~ tif'IM. .-..m in bot .No ~vassinc .. 'A.ppt ~· ~,!l~: Of' Cle~ of· ~lerencea. m..8)64 . 54W863 4 openlnp avail&ble for 8' med sola, k>w llellt, cof- 1t. • •.~" aft4P*t ~ll:i94;lo Co DtU. ENct:lnlrTANNJC.,. .. ~· ~=inthelr SEWING MAC~INE L[VE..JN'HouldcM,..... -· Ji~·men.lwpmen.ln-~eepcAdi~~, .. ~~\~: i p , ..... ~ .U.. ..... ~ pleuant Newport B. 642rSllO and,_ ber .. ~ OPERA'IDRS. ~ ,....,,.,......__ ,._n r:.;._ I 9taDt iDcome • -.:1Ri-, Mr ,... ..... --...-lcr'llw II&· with )>Qlo(lt:. Ml< lor T<nJ. -_,.,, p0one ~ -w ~--u-·~ Spenbh 'Ill\ •l U. thao '-;-...~ ... •E.17thJiLc.M.., HANDY a\p wdMJ~ .MDDaily·Pilot ~~.·~=~Ci PM.~150.1 . =· Sprlna Rnlb', 2 mot old. Ml*St aiel.l this ~Ill~, .. ~ PERM. P~RT TIME COOK, hou '• wi.r AM:. lnqulr. n.1U. •·part time he.lp to 3 Pf.f. MEDICAL ~ •-·rtment IM ..... r week. PrY ~. $0046 .,...-~-.Otl .~ Prevloul! l!t-Foumaln Valley Golf. fthted.Topwl&el.chanceSHARP-1 txPf" food A M.l~fl'ontokexpernq.-.... AYr turnltuN: Coach. , .di ..-~ and hoe-ltltutloMI uper hdpful bui 961-1740 , tor advancwmenl coclrtan Wai~; apply N'""°1't .Bds &G'"64 Foret aJ)U'tn:frtnt, hit phont, matcmi.: chait S75. 5 pliM9 ............. _, · oot *-Call S46ol2l3 • 'll'OOL -· part-tlme :"° ~-:~. lo\ .. -. no W. 19th St., MiAGER ,. Sn1111 drna = ~..:.;:; = :~ at rlawpcwt D.!•C~. ~ D&TE2n'ION, Stud.r Halt ·' OJrona,'dl!IMar , COsta.P.lesa shop. 09et SS. Xlnt ctreu tn ara,. 'County beach $50 ... Kacb rmrell 6t&-Oia 1 ~ -=~,.trnt.t.iMI ~ Ol&!r rflall :.__:..~o or 5a-TU1 <A .. ncM, WMMn 7JOO PAR'l' Time llrl.. work t aales dp. 53S-ft36 ews. 1.rta. Write Mr. Rile, 17U E:. C.M. ...... lfttimd. $ m a 11 private TV ~did.,. w&tJted: ,4.l hn' daily, t;yplnc il gmen:J RWABLE Bab)tlltttt Offd.. lith St., a.ta Mea. SiViSiAL · laz IDv • ---', gualllf. Good ~. ttllloo. apply J..,..o Morine. ed by -"'°""" Bal REAL ESTATE. ....... t ""'"'i of walnut J ' ~pt eart.y a.m. dMlw_ry .~4 SM: 8ettJ BN!il It 235 FWter SL C.M. hi. are&. Call aft$.. ~ '°'1 be .Ulna tb1i hottelt ~ lt= ~1ke:.: ' 'irou. ftltlt of --ID homts SERVI& SfA~l~ A'IT. m• fl l'tma; lloolek,.pe>', In-!>ENERAL OUS.:., part.time, .... HuntnlatDn S..d>! Movtnr must oell. 96&-J73.5 1 -.. ,•'!"~• ..., ::;~.11., F.v ...... .,,.... _3 Doy ~ ,owr ii eo E. t64 ~~c c1001rc occaaloitaJ hobyat~ -· -·...,.""" Vlllqo RnI EaJate 9S2-Mn • att. •PM --"' w• !:,._lfMm 17thSl.Collall .... CaJ. • Armt!:rlarCareerGldi ttnr.-11.a,ana.~ .... ~im ·rcr....,. or54M113 ' wusr Sell • Rooms or ' • t MJNTERMAN . SEMl-ROtl>ttCQr>ftlmulor GOll'•°"!'ilw> NB. HOUSEKEEPER. 0-tm., GDWJ n 1ltl ·em lor ""' REAI.-1a.i-Goot1 lurnltun. Somt aotlqun. , LWil r1c8I AU'l'C>PARTS * part .. ~·-tlralfuw 8)'·~ ·~~ TV, 2 oohool ... -~·Mr. .Cornttt, ......_ a. 11ttor .-+ all """1 oondltloo. 962-3506. 1 y SID Via !.ltlo. t '°'.'J'lletntl .. C.M. In No. H._ ,.. ... ~ "'== lull dulles, 54M44T 1~ -·Qi,. PL 4""'94 14141 Dl-0!$ HB, .. .. ~ . ·- ~ 10 Read The ' • DAILY '1 ·PILOl c L A 5 5 I F I • E. • '" . •' -~~-· ,, . IBST llYS! ~ • .. ~ -... __ ..,. _______ ,;. ..... , .,.,._ ... ,_ .. ~-...... ----.. -.. -... -.. --"!·· .. -.. -.. -M-... -.. -... -.... ---.. -.... ______ ............ ___ .. _-~·---- ' !OUR CONVENllNT OFFICES . • Here'• Hew YM •C. U.. Ow F•nc• Di..· A· Uw TO SERVE YOU · · .• ...,. .............. _ ... ··~. -,., 1 llACH ----····-Ull ._ ...,_ e COSTA M-• ;:--, .. ~-., -4 "'' ·-.., 77 , ..,. ·-··-··· ·--lJI Wa,t ~ t .HUlfilNITON UACH ..:__ Hf Mt, -- • Me1••• ......... ..... .......... ...-~---.. ~ • l.AIUNA UACH -·"·-·-m ......... ,~ f $H. ,. -_ .. _ .. _,...,... ~·~tiw8!~ c:!~ MA~. twin •lie ~ W~ Cocm: PllPI. a amns"': Zt. F lncbea.' ~. 1:rurmtu:re load MAPU: .,.,.... ui• rouad, i.uvmc r'State . .mt ~ ..u 2 io·r A'S $11 1 fach REllINGTdK l:lee. AddUll B!bY car bed · $.1 BUDY. :.t~. ':..'~ ':5 perfect pe,t $1D. fti.:'1533 white tor ·cr-1 P-75 Q.Cb. ~: I t>rawer ~t drop teat. Goo4 'oondttkm <Ml' 500 ttems. 6riClnl1 Nauith1de recllnlfle chair M'acliloefJ$. Bunlc:Bedl .. Ji.Ke new S10 High chair Bfuise)1! Maple vanif)" BIG Collection Qt r.t:nen'• ~er ·_ ,, With~ Sl5-s· twin $25 ·ldap\e TV 1!Gtch ~; wall•~.oiL~ .$25-0Wlr·$5.Set·e.ndtabln GirUCPopy~$25..Dl!tk. U Fui' llole '10 Airline dresser $25. Matching toot ~a. baejldatel of SILY.ER ,lP'aY •9 dra\1.-er 'Readtioarda1.new, Ott White 2Mapfe boo~~ eacfi:' $5.' camera. . ...U.»prden. wUh , coteee table $20 work; belldJ $5'..eeciar 1'. qultar ~ 5'/J \nctoria, Apt and head b 0 a:r d $15 Mam-Gent-Nuqe\ Zc -dl"effN' $20 Ma~ head-N,a~· Gold FleCk tJ,5; Metal' 'TN "'9ild $2:'.c.ottee tllJ' aeceuxiet: Sl. to '$$. RefrS&eralOr $25. 2 twin Ja) •. car top' Curia' • E.645-00 Naugabydeaofa$150>f~ $1:~. ~, 6otml,double;))Mattttsa 2 Nlte Stands with one tatiles·$5ahdp0;.2dlneitte ~Wl:Ym .JUnk! ~ bedl _$15'e•ch. 2 larp ~, • , + GOOD pouble bed matlresa tabl~ $10 Boudoir chair $10. SQUABS.~Dre,sed "'·to 1 &: box springl, double $10 dra'ia' '$10. 2 ·Royal blue sets wi~'ch8'.irs $10' and t;ypewritft $12. 'custom~ drentr 1tt.J $12 each. 21" ." .• .._it 115-56-G&ll' 8'"'>ght """'chair $5. Queoo lb ..... JI. -'Plald ,,....,. .. 13-SIM!JIT bed ....... $5. Bedroom UO; Lampi n-•ach; M;etal ~ 1w!m *" IS. .llrp 1Y us. FM IU!>'f ""· 523 BOAT !,'In t:x-·-. REFR)GERA:TOR $25. Ex-pla&tic he ad b o a·r d $5 10 GAL aquarium with st.and, K ~ N M 0 RE 3 speed SllpJ?U cb&lr with Up obver lnlning boatd and o:mr •dnk . wt.th captains dWr Betnerd St. C.M. Inquire lb. Ca:rboft ~ ; SI). ercise blke • $25. · .. i..tbe• SUrfboard 9'7" $25. 549-2771 , 1.... ·11ft.1<11, -,_1 vadi~ cl e·a I\ er $lO $5. To ~ ~d as • kit. $2.50; M@tal file· d: Pie-$25. Cl'yital. 1llver, china, 1 Apt Ja.' 1 • Cenerator 1J Vdt' new *' Po ~ 1156 Paularino he. CM ...._.. "'4¥ ' &ra•-Custom drapes for n" win-6T3-6800 ·tutts .SO to $3; 5 -dra'lftr ~pieces talore $1 tJ 1 i ;Boat-Dollty\lo"'Wh9ela- 11i. hamlayper$5. · ~.t-a·crib l"Oclc5. ifilter, and ~re. aow $10. Slidl"'-dOdr 169~,, STINGRAY $20 3 • speed &runetitO; Bed trame1 $SSS. Spanish ·apd MQ1e ae-W. H. Re~tor 12' Kood J\Qll-eway-W•_..ood ... Cort~b~ =n W, CORNER and endtables tor -~~\.~new. $15. ·5@-~ $'». 541)1.l.W .. ,.. $3) Gil'l'.s 24", $10412.50 each; Dos bubt $2;•J •l9ar, ~119riet.· andque entr_y $Z.: Clap collte .table 36·-.f'-.Q ,10. ~ ftol.l:tJI: "Baby-te·ndU" tee<ling table living' ar family room. ~=',!''=,.,-,· =--,!-~ Ip , Girl'• 20", $J.2...$14. 9 x 12 B CUes.witb,moton: SS each. table, candletttcka $1 to $5. x 19 •$8-~ port·. T.V. 16 o:ven·_ new cOl!S . $$. • -• Matched, set>"' pt three. 12'· GENERAL "'»lec.trlc ~$5Chiekens$1 &vOca?>cbtniuecarpetrug maplechairJlO,~rO). newimporta.,SWedilhlter-U 12 so~ Work $10 to la.~ato ry ~ .. $5. ltiany maternity clothes, Popular fruilWood color, iefriNatOr ·wfth doSI' top Show , pigeons $(' Lovebirds $5. Brand' lllt\V •.Lady shOe re.~1 $1 Pott. pans ~ from 'fblwtn, Japan. $15. Bwlbeim.bair dryer S'1. tauclfta.-no ~ pOroel$ size 8• ~ ~ ContemPora,ry style quality freezer:~~~ St. $7. 642-3263 SUnbe..m." • 'sbaver $5. and dishes 10c to T>lC; 1V $1 ·to~$10, BB.:Q: wilh1.ae-l 2'1l'ICOl'\t 'pla)'en. ts S3 ~ '.whltil PO. Panel 1'11 ~, SEWING machine $15. 'IV flimihire, l ike~ n ew con-Api ·~.'MS-2529 ~t SNow , ~ ,studd@d 1.35 540-2847 .~ tray· aet Ji;· ·Bedspreads $1 cessorles aJW1 oven.$3. new $1. ~r sink faucet wltl\ pipe collar and ...., $LO •. 64~148T dition. Leu than <1ne third , x 14, · uitd ·once ~ each. REFRt6.ER:ATORS; Apt slie each plllows 500; (iris bike infant ••t $1.25, cwri-dDubllt iii I G.E. Alarm sUP paDel Perf9c.t-~ 4 SALE enclosed rack for ·<1tlglnal cost ~19.95 each. '54 00,D(:E.i~ $25 body, Paid $39. 962-lm Admlntl, KOO!! ~nditlon. a.qd boys racine · bike $15 tnaware T5c to $1.50, have doi:b $2 to $4. C.E. Cock Liaht 1 f'llrt\lret JfU: •• vw ~Rdap, uaed 0~ · $20. Unlversi.ty Parle. 833-2623 $25 eniiUie ·~· w,heels. Tire d06D•Ne~ and•Wl'l!d'clothea, ·ama11-r-ftte1:er ~ · ."Elec-and $25; Tools· lOc to $1.25; to~ to believe, ritr)'thiJla r.dlo. $f, 4 T.V. ltaodl P --" -$1.-Screa d O'fl' 545-7Q.~ cbanier, no. f9ols $20 64 Rup $2.50 to ,$25; Maple cle&ri. S&t. and Sin. 9-6 ti· $4. La"Wn mower $3. ~ Aluniliia1n w.· neW .. ' r . I " Chevcncine$;2$:_:• ....... $25_ slacks, shells, aults ai%e trolwt. gas,·apt me, aid, stools n.sO: Camp cots $2 6082Royall&tDr.H'.B. ·:.! .... pad 1" x ... ti>' 7• lrlll flO. C" x .,.. wb <1s.u..:E'4°pen.woodrackfor BARGA'INS.\Villdeliverfor Geperator=~same .. 61 J0.14 ~ ... c~ ·some but .. d~ and~ ~-Uch;Chr!S~·_.sr.str , , : · · ~ ri 't''.;,·$12.. M.iny tape doetl'$10.Drape(.Gold;' VW. sedan,. ~an original, ash. Mirt"ot 30 x « dresser Fa l CD n e n ~ l n e a.n d antique ar11.-a-ora_c $1-$5, Mll,P-,.580_ • Haxnlltoa st. Costa and IS.· tta . ..r... ---MOVING -B.• r c-a,I n·s •. ~--. . r'.,O, Floor polisher new 28' x 84" '\!'!"' . excellent cbnditlo'n $ 1 5 , or• Wan -$15. New bathroom "' 521 llth ·St ..,. ~ ~ -carpet, 5 x 6 beige trarusmissktn ~' 51 Chev • ' to. S5: I.nsJnltol:ator, ·~ "Froited"wlal~t $10. Une~ fr. w Remin&lon Electric Drapes, Beige, 21''1' $6 Vanity chair $3 Sho car, fair en&J,ne tis. 5' ·D~ ·Set I clia&s $15.. <Frilidaire> $25. OVUStuf-psldt Sl«J; · ~wnmowtr.. ~ $2. JewelJi">' ise. sMatt aO: aba~o:·.$2 to $4. 4. table -10" high $25-Foam rubl!ltt curtmNG: M4n'~ suits 1,;20-and window ~in seW:. Renault ti:~Ul ~ Metro set of 7. hea.Vf· ·aluminum. fed 'dttlr• $5. Flaor model and $8 El Paipo SUrfboa,td" pllanoesJ2. Rllcfl!m.aad.Je,tl 1amPi $2i and $3 3910%., 3' p\ttes 12" wtde q• $25. Slacks · $1-$4. Sp0rts blue poodle or green fish body $10' 60 f,P ly m,o u th pots $15. hia: 12 "x ~·· ll'ffn heat laltl.p, excellent con-$15 ·Alum -~. nW-oOn· 5" 15c. Bpoka »:~ Mtlmac $31 ~ ~.:N.B. 673-;1603 ; long 4" and 5" th1ck $ljlO Wcoa!en_.,117.-$1}1_~,~s .~ten,' $2 each, Blue· nylon 2-4 x tranmn4sion $20. Standard. $10, rotisserle broiler $5, ~" ditton $15. Lincoln 'coin set by 5" 76 sq. \t-SS: Se!"' G~~ , $10. Woman'• 8 x 10·PERSIAN WOOL RUG .:;"::;·~·· ______ ,_I :~7"-·"F -.-•JUWJ ,,_..., 40 fhrOw rii,g $2. Room 60 · Ford ~au to rii at i c -ceillng 4 l Jght ~ $3, portable (1941-·) $3. Heavy duty SeU s~E7 ij.wn rnoMr dothin&, she 14 and'.11 $1. $25. t 'pratn nkes'$2 each. , ~ s)(lrb $1..$5. Blouses rioc. darkeiting shades $3. each. tr3.nsxniaion $15 •• 1o·s2 p&ollne ~nerator ·$3), 12 storaa:e shelves on rollers rotacy double blade RS ! ionn&hr-·$2.50 'eadl. -8" 2 pair stilts $2.'palf 53&-l390 HARDWQOD Slfiwl ~ Swea1e?S $2. Alw .bedspread (52" x 43.. x S') all tie\\'. Palil&des, · Santa , An a volt , ~V!rberator SJ 5 , $25. 2805 LaSalle Ave., C;M. Empi wood ~~ wbetl B flhoel 50c. Ne'.\"· ~ta 8ftt:r 4 p.di. cl\all' · $S. tier ·table It s;. Sl~vcrs $4 and ~· Chair Pressure cooker 4 qt $5. Heights,· just' ott ol N:ewport motorey~ &hield $7, bread 545-2529 . ~15; Radio 3 band $12:. ·Alley, $2.50 ~a . oil paiJ!~ scffwnm Stingra.y' P> hair overstuffed chair ·.$12~ 1infe $3. 311% 36th, NB 675--2658 <.-........ betl>" •toamo• pot ' $2. and Bristol · ' ...__ .... _;_ "' 0 hilt EXERCYQ..E 18 Vacuum m rett-·ol 310 G<lldenrod,. $25. ,Briinette swtfCh $UI. _..,,.,..i .. -• bed complete $1~, book'.l· "'t""Q • """" """'"..,e · -oors cl'eaner , a.... attac"'-ft"'· Sat. ·Sun. and Moodty.· -dinner jacket, 38R $.l. J8',(J dryer· $4, --..,.-pump $8, rolind maple table g.~=~DA5!ic Schwinn =~:~th a;:~~!,~ COLOR TV $2). , 11 x '11 linkage. $5, barbecue ·~ve Sal. Roo,:i"" divid~u"~Si~ C.OOma del Mar. · • · Men's clothinc, tux~· iJ:id $2. ~ ~by -cmatr' $4, dOubte bed maple $25. cMilt . . , ··-~ tent ..ii:. <.-.. 111>•"' _hull ..ii::. $3, phone 846-9l4f .,. • ., • ...,2 -. y ... 1-""-: ""o 2 Hun~ tecoM chaniff Sl8. baby of ' dra'ftn •11 , 2 """'""I bike, -y ""'°""" 125. -n•-1 new •.t FA-i....,.,..,_ ~ ............,... •-......,....,,, LIVIN" Room c"'-t--.,..., .,.. •,; · t '"" -·• T ~ "·y'•"""·s·i .. -...... -.:.T.V. grid-.·dl~e $12.~ ... --~po·t·-n'. Sailfishsail$25.Stereo tape ADORABLE!'L.ong h alrd ' .... ·-_.. ~i.cbM7-3180'Sai&nd , ras ...... e ....... I &·IC O mirrorll $3 and $8, 4 ,,,,.., p.J l.UQ;J-11,J.,,,,, ' . ..ii:. • I I Gold and wlrlte single head~_.'_, . ~ te. leicO_Pe : m \·trunka $10, .... A,_ $10, 2 end_.,_~ ·(works) tJ.O. 546-177? ~sco ~tool chair $6. ~;1~b'i5~. =~w. •-=~~~~~~~1 be:: =e ~m_e~n·S8 :,u".'.?', ·tio.fd :$15.; F1!,ll \slat .hnd: Q)ROOlfAN M'~ ~lip! pendt;nt wa\_oh. new ~ ;';k'" chalnl ~ ~ 2. sFjrs of wood skis. with Washable linOO drapes, 40 KW XFMR $25. SW con-1142-81"-41 , ,\ . . coat, &ii.e 12 , ss·. Stand~. board $5. iµ• l'90Dt lamp ~~ ! 'tse : iU • .. $9. , Briaa and" ~«On i?owet , r9r $'1, cbeltd of dra bindhigg.!l se(Jor person ~21 beige floral $15. vertef $10 Auto~ $5. _BOX SI>iin& ··iid mattress •. ~· dryer ;2.50 CoHee ~ ~ btiine $25 . J OOBEa~ Pliischer ~carburator-work $5. ~Kenmore' wnlW!r.$5 , 'of a~ti!Jy. ~~" ar11t1 .G,,::;~::O..-----Ra'dlo tubes '~-POwer full &be ext;e'.Q.iqt Conditton • tallle, good condition J4, Chev ~nt ..i-.1. A ... '-...;.., . wUh papen· • .w.' Ml' ....... pupvy • "'""~A ~:..~~~ ~·-~ " 1 set , far pefton,;5"1". $15. AS range, apt slle $25. XFMRS $2 .. ?q\vefl suppllea $15, boys bike, aood con:-Round mirror, 30" diameter . , '"'v , ~ii'";'" ~··.... pl.,_. $25 ~ ~· ~T $25, .-chair ~ vv .. • ._..,.,_ ................... , · each. Sunday',.C!hly, going Clean548-3382 $5 •• fate~ ~., 2273 dition$18,536-8296 $3.50 . Kottee pots: New $5. Size T I skates, $7. motor, CO!ft~~1~:1on bar ltoob $5. record ta~ ,961--1559,_ 1950l• .lrrac ft skiing Saturday, 837-9505 Colpte, .cm. ~79 p~x. $1.75 (4 .cqp). Ex· 4 ~ ·hub caps $5. ove~vt ~~...-PJ $25. 1twin& basket chair Circle . Sauna facial $15 Red nylon CORD Dashboud $25, large presso $l 50 2 aluminum 646-8708 56 Font body SlC 58 Chevy 3 bedroom chain $ 1 . , negligee $15 Mexican pot-RMERA Sofa bed, •,.4. size power mower $2.5. hand 75c and si.sO Rabbit ·ears BLUE Chip stamp book• ~ '1410 V8 Ford ~ apiece, 5 Plebe'' end tab&e -2f' COtoRcPa tube all 50' EXTENSION cord $2.50 Argus C3 camera $20 Arvin Electric beater 1650 W. $10 Rubber hose %" x 75" $5. Alemite (rease gun $3. TI4% LarkspW", CdM SURFBOARD 8' x 11", ex- cellent condition with car- rier $25. 645-1701. Ask for l\fark. tery set $3. Wicker )>«skets· brown ~ $25. w/pole mower $1:'50, Sirigei sewing antenna 75c t,.adiea &hoe~ $3.00 646-4384. ' vy ~-oJtor parts Sl--'!rt. $15 apiece, walnut ~ ~cheek &CJ04.,.. 21" ,foke , $l Canister set $l Clothes., lamps $3 each. Baby swing machine-old but rood alze 9, new $5, cost. $25. BINOCULARS 7 x so with .. ~~°'i: automatic atliol$10,53&-0321 · converse~ UIJft\btY ;f! '~'t1;:· ~~use~,·~r~:: $2.962-3831 portable $20, T.V. monitor D9ublebed1pread.:,SS(green case. Ltihtwelght. $22.SO ber\ches ii:.::ds_~'mOR Automatic Glad~ ri;.~~ta1::·~tf; sweaters, suits, dre53es 25c-Cit 1st $10, ·marble· ala~ 3' :K 6' and'.~ fl~ patternj 646--4384 •. radios $3-45. Ford pick-up electrlc troDe!°• very goOd :;.~~~4 $25 s' and K SB Shoes, size S..25c pr. OOU $5 Kenmore can er $25, end table $4, 6 v $3 Trailer hitch for 67-68 or WHJR.LrOQL W~ber and parts $341.0 Lett 1 t de $UI, Student mk:rolcOpe Qf ~ tuti! check G ame• 11 to $3. Boxed vacuum SlO Speede-adder pair, 60 pipe nipples $1 and 69 Chev $5. Kodak camera dl"Yer 125 each. M&-6759 Porlcbe coupe door $5. 2586 to 450 X $2..!iQ, car top lug-_,,.,_. ndl ... A • ......:: ,, $ID 2 typewriters, 1 'Rem-$2, q.dlo stationery, Items with leather cue-$3.,Apolec . 'Surta ~ -c.M. Pae rack 'and tarp fl.50, .,.. ....... 00 uun -· Ct\riStmaf ~ 50c a box. ington portable, old but Sc' to $1. aJ)901' barbed wire tape recorder $5. 644--0581 , , G~"GF,,:-OIJpolt'l'. tn. Sink Ave. -1 quart tire extinlbiaher ~ portable tv excellent Christmas botes 25c box works good $7.50 Corner $4, malty ma g_a z i n e 1 , ~tor New $20. 891""14S LEADED Stained wtndoW $-0403 Hunt. Bebo dUion·S25. 893-74:19 • Party supplies, napkins, step table $4.50 filde table~ CHEST, 5 drawers· $ 2 0 ... 1 .... H x l&, Sl5 SUnbeani 0 -1 plates, dlips 15c: and 20 40"' by 17"· by ~" higb ·paperbaclu! and children's Oiest,4 drawers $15. Studio BOX Sprlrla a'nd w.ttre.as. ::;rt;matfc ~~ 1>0t p 5 NEARLY· new tires and oism.'f.ssE.o ~ ~~·' TablecloUis 20c and 30c $5. Bo~llng ball, bag a n d b 0 o k 8 IOc to $1. 2.'UG ~ with bolsters. piietta full siz.e ~cellent ,condition, . Electric broUtr $5 •. ea; "fhns ,hkitlles comm. ~Ui.. 23'; _·detp 31" acroe1 "' J .t No'~~Q!Tlm~~f!f.firms Centerpieces 35c. 2O171 shoes $10 Double lleepinr Delawaµ HB to · tleepen, ~-· lrOnrlte · ~~ ~ ~~ co!t", c:0611f_..PortableTV ~ lply$20. MM784 Jriih. Hu cutotsand e '° pri\lat• bUStness m•y ~~.~~ ~~~:; ~ !7d50 ;~~ ~~ rod 2!:~!:: ::u:~ ~ ~iut'ter:i~a! · S. C-~.·~1· ,.,: L·.E1• s' ~'1.arp~vaS2~~ ~ :i $3~ ~n:, =:1~ .. bar~. :• . .J'se these ColUm~s~ ANTIQUE irunk .$10 Formica tachmenta $5, 1b o o kc a a e 50-9187 · -, • . · chlldren'a ~ piano wt.lb $2. .Carry cue for Slides · recOrd& you flllDle ll "-· POTTED Olive tree, 6 ft, headboard $3. ~7-7017 R E FR I G E .R AT. o R $20 • ·~ ll!Vl!1'al muatc ro11a $15. n l',I\ Wat~1r1s and BedrOom chair . ~-P ~ .... ,c_ .. , c~ .-JIT c_u -.· fot dinette .. t wtth • ohairl -~--·-I'"""" 1-1 ° . • ·--..... M --~ M•U .......... "~ ~ ' ·-~· M 1a1-11o ·c~~ "'1 ra . :v ~od $15 Rollaway bed $10 Rock-"'$. ~b\'"=~";'i2!i: C:~-· SPRFB0~~·9'&" gtJ¢ con-;tYXwri~i; $3:1 LaWn mower ANSWERS Bowllnl ~'.,. ....... _.,. motor • ' Pool, like VF .,...... e ~ ll. 'ta .a .must e"'pnC -ing chair with 'ottotnlin $10 pert.Ohl! dOUble sink. new di1:ion $25.'~ '• $5. HIP cba.11' $4' Rug 1!0 • -. 'E.118th SL CM · i : new m, Gg1f Practice maJ bas IU11 J*d , we~ •o pr'1ce over $25. Mangle iro";"" mac~ 125-Go 118 (P ddl COCKER Puppies· they'tt Dishes $1 Waab tU:b $4 • · • · 'l'RIUMPH TR3 _.,,.: Block $3.-Bae and ·2 clubs $2.50 00\lft' $3. Medicine ca · n 548--2580 ·-.. $25. cart a e, . adOra'life~·~h-~breda Upriihtvacuuin $10. m. w, Virile-:-.~r-Ermine-with new bell'hil~ taky Double Electric plate $4. and rniz:ror $4. ~lutli: 3. DIME • A • LINE DISTRESSED Maple twin ~~~e:;t.:= ~· $10. 673-7533 ' • 3'.lthSt. C.M •. Saturdayonly, Wheezy -Qeave -Stymie cain $25 Starter pneratot 1 pair Wood cnttcbes $5. garden hcile $t5!)'iBeli.'lltiM cl. d MOBILE Transce lver -IS a PRETZEL $15 e ch. aUteh, compleie 2 pea 2'~ X 12'' wide -1 ban(! pa.inlecf h,u rrlcatl"e ~~b~hedlC:se~eunilq~e :c:c c;i~~.is~~:.·~ =~~~=~bike with C=IV!~S,; ~-~aithy )fiUtar;y Model TSC-9, con-m':O~::;tui;~;a fortune llO :ruel pump, ,op pump. x 12' ~ 1 x 16' $1. ft. 1:' w!i ':nemili!;bltef artificial fireplace logs basket $16 Zenith radio $5,. $15 Adult. weitiit-. set slitirig : or' C 0 t. .• : 46 1 5 9 "What ii he, aeyhow, a water pump.. distributor $S 494--3262 , . i :.. Oti1tt' Wnpt ·fibm . . service to ~ur patron$ $7.50. 54&-4917 · Small bike tor tot $5. 20011>:8.~nf!if.Jl.5.Back ~iwr~COL.-52245 counterfeiter!" eaclt.r540:0895 ' OIL ~intinp,, SOm(! valued er~ctrlc'mofori: S3:-·: ind thi'DAILY PILOT GIRL'S StingraY bicycle $15 ·646-3680 issues Aviatkm1''1'11aguines ~i .t'ter .$'25. and "No, he IS a PRETZEL WIG ~ Brown. medium at $150. Will sell '5 to $25-Ootbes 'M.mper $1. Bun6: reserves the right to Men's scll~wind watch $10 FOUR 9 x 15 x 15 polyester 15 at. $1 ea~h. MW234 $20 1500 'A -· Dynamot~ ~t11acturer." len;tb. ~ All are, ~ Sites 8 Lath $1 So&ker' hose 11. b Lik new ' wattle iron $9 nurow white stripe match-'SMALL Tropical O.Car fish, ' <I 12.IXXI KC, '~ MEN'S Suit& s1u 40 ~ x lO'to:)I x tf:ll tee.SCapes,· 5319 B~ce: Cr e Ice D\ rimit their pu lication ,~teet $1·546-4911 ed, set LinlXlln Continental bealtl\y $3.2S, Old luuea DC ~·.fine ~~ition. KI *~.~,;LAD o~.R Bae)( .iiayy, c~. ~Y '$5'. ~still Wes, t1s ~:~ • 613-657~. . .J.' to one d1y e1ch week., oru..'.Air-lamp $20. &12-316l tires $25. Four G70 x 14 l&fid Mdvl4l'ccfutlcf books Chairl' 15.00 ea.,·,An~ robw arttn sport coat, abe u ~~ unday , .wONPER Horse S1 Oil,.._ Goodyear white s tripe .50c42, 548-6234 SOUTHWIND Gasol i ne Stove Lamp $17.~.··Antique 1re ·is: Slacks. 34 walat $5. • · ttng ' $31 New wan:liOht DIME-A-LINE acle irl MAYTAG Washer, 2 speed, matched set . tires $25. BRIGGSAndStratt n ngine heater tor rig b]oat or andiron,c fl.50,, pultble. top 644--0244 COLONIAL crib with mat-doors 4• openin&' $.l • ttriCtly C1sh with copy. i.:t~!:rc~e~~:;! !;5~ 646-1095 ·2.s HP new taW: ~0\\·er ~~:~:·~: ~~~. ~~ ~d:°= WOMEN:S ~; all she :=ier$15 $6.H~ ~ ~ -'546--6299::>-~·=-~~=~,..;;..i Reader• .ar• orged to ,.._ Christmas present; never· MAPL~ Headboard and bed type $25. 54~ 24VDC ~ Controls $15 .. Kl Wall aconce: $12.$0. LampS 8· Quality, name. br;and Triqcle $5 Walker $ 2 FROST,ED wig S25 Red port promptly to th• sed.$25 549-1096 side table $10 Solid Maple GIRL'S Bike, 24 inch $10 5-3349 -. • $4·00 ... $25.oo. Vac cleantt ~~-~worn. 8athlonite card table and '6 ~ ccl:otnea S. • ')Att.Y PILOT Clauitte4 u . dlnlng table $20. 642-9988 545--1632 EACH Ite·m· •11 -n•--'-__ .. t;lo.00. 'n.1Qa.'ahd ~ ..... ...:..-All clean. ~.11!nt con-chatrs' PO GU< los set l20 ,645-1519 I ~pa.rtment· any .,olattOM FOAM rubber couch $25. 2 64~ 1803 -. ~ """" · ~""'·s , .--.. .... -.., dition. Dfta ram jick9t ~ All In -.... ,. condl-ot then D)me-A~t.tn .. rep &OU cart and bag COJ:Il· ~ a--ROUND Dinette table With , whi(e. with. draWtt-co·ffee 1 0 c -f T. 0,, .p l ct u re Sult& $1!i ta'~ Geilte knit ' ex · HIDE-a-BED $.25. Maple ·auons: , binatlon $6 and $1 O BPE, . ..,AUTIFULMothe"' ~t~ ~-leaf s:IJ). 6 matchin&: .chaJrs table S8 Set of 3 encf coffee fl.(11)..,W.00, ,,.,,J!~f!.:t· Ba 1 skirts. topt:ahcf ~ all :.;;ce PL ?*ta Mesa. "tee ~ 'Comblnatiori NOW.S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A Surfboard 8'11" $20 HO .... .,... ..--. $15 Shell-headboard Io r tables $8 Heavy duty 5 pl. $2.00, Eltc. ·:H1iu~:~.oo. t.ce ·matcblnc $5 to Sl5i Sliotl • \,,, . ~ tub $3 .. ~lain train aet $6 CoUee table dle, father unknown. $5 double bed s3 4-drawer water stor.age $8 Maple cream frtezer $3:00. Cant i.nd bai• $1. Black lace PLAfi'UL ~llreed puppy dry fub $2 •• Oater $1 Oothes, sltt 10 and 12, · ea'Ch. 56:4i619 . vanity and stool $25. Claul.c lei and a:nn chair with stool table J&:d),: IrOn bd. $3.00,' cocktail ~ $1 Black 2 beautiful Beagle, 1 monh: i:Upptr $15. ~ ~ • $2-$8 Pair 'of lamps $3. 55-fi& vw body parts: Right Lawson 'COllch, iood f9r . $8 (needs upholsterin1).R&t· Roto-broll $7.50, Roll-e.way poe cocktail~ fl~ old AKC regla~. bad all 15" BEAR'"'. riUll $1,SO, i •t Typewriter SlO Tape front fender·$15 Hood $15 reupholatuin& P l' Highest tan chalr $8 Rattan 2 foot bed._$6.~, ~ $2.!50. dress with matcbhia: coat abotl. Sl5. EJed:l;ic broom., nclntc ,~.wU .$5.U' recorder $7. 2618 Redlands, Trunk SU. 54S-Sl34 quality heavy braas an-table $8 Tree-type boy's Reoorda 35c ~··'~yr. 001• $15. Leather 1kirti $5. Wool ortginal qolt $29.95, ~crllloe &-6507 _ ·, 1Ji Costa Mesa. 54a:-~ dlronil $25 Matched ftreplace Bingle bedframe S8 Heavy ledion ff~, lt!IO, Mem .ac:trta $3. 1ona: '°1d broQde ftJr $15. Baby ~ table MXPLE fnd t9blta sz; ME REVERSIBLE braided \\'OOI CHILD'S Pedal push car . toola $25. 675-l466 weekends duty~ llench table 3.5 and Women s clothe~ . SlO Brown )wnper $6. Hl&h.cha!r $8. Nuraepr Leathi!!ri!tte cusbtonl.J;'l $2.50. 545-5134 or after 6 PM:'3W Alvarado by 2 rt. fUing -, .. $8 &-$1D.OO. All bulalnL aown __ .... 1 Jmlt top .., ehalr S3 El~ cooktop IS · rug, ·9 x 12, brown tone1 AM ... bo" Pl ,.._, .. ..,... can be teen from 11t:no to "1th ~nc •1• -<T'~'e .•---1 Six ~etal bed tram.es . · $25. Two 3• x 5• scatttt FO Couch .. ..., uoters . ouboa . Walnut ftCOfd bolder table 6:00 •nv day. 130 Amloos Wool top ~ IJdrt. llP,t loo-t· _ _.:", •• :n..':., ·.:--:; ''"·-tp.tberette cuah\OM ·f4 ......... white background, $17. 5 Ea:rty American bar cANAAIF.S. Pediifeed, AOft $8 Desk chair $8. Sllvertone W -·3 Bl ,, •• ...,.0 yellow p , S1tcb with toPs , c.i._. ..... ,. pw .., . ..,.,..... each. ~tm · , i;~; and lavender stripes ~ ~ Handsome Tony rollers wtth'papera S15. AllO TV SS a.totorola .. TV"-Hi-FJ ay No. ' uffa ~ SS' to ST. Jeweled l!'VftUnl bunt cloc:k f5. Small eJeo. , : ~ 14 .SO each or $T.50 pair. Lama We•tern boo~ $9 One ·.Red Cttlled warblers $15 eet $8. 1609 Baker St. CM. 1V Set {¥.'Orks\ llO. 2·01n1ng sweater whtte $10 644-0:M4 bic clock1$2. ~_.2707 TWIN siu ~ttreues ~~ heavy lined red t w ~ D Hem $2. 67&--2-445 545-9187 rn1 chain $4. ell 1111 · ' ' • Lorenzo CM S20. Box: spi'ln& fl.0. I!~ Light fixture $2. MS-295S bedspread $3. ·Chair to sbp-MOVIE Projector $25. Movie mabDpey table $5.' wbeei WOMAN'S Powder blue coat, GIRL'S 1 bedroom tidruture $4. lit;~ ~· Tal:ift,. AUTOMATIC ironer S 8 cover or :reupholster, cOm. ~GHTLY Used 66. Corva1r barttl 11 Bric a Brae 50c size ~. never · worn $7. -""' --.. ltlon 5 del ' tJ.50 ·to $1 Rua: and •t-moll 14 Double ble ,,__ ... ' cam and tlOlid Wten $18 sCreen $14 Maboa:any and · 6f4..Cd.M ......... ..,,..... : wer ttt.. 1ur Iron bed SLlib. Chrome er ~' • .J.: .J8o""s M;; &4.S-384a . f~ttc.~ .. $814: Loli<s•--~• ~704~ Malloy Dr. H.B. c~·s· Clothln&, .1 yr oip, ~~ .JanlNl!t,~ ~ ~ .. -. ~·ft 4h ~Golrplli.t· DAILY PILOT =:wi:~~~U::';~ Loma CM u~~ ARROWShitta A...a·ncollar ..,,...., .u-.uin:: uuu-· ..i--... ... 1 ..... clotbel and uu.a·•w.· -u.~:i.:.....,....., • .,, tu """eac ·1 • • ' · ".-~-•·,A-::, . F 0 u n fa l n • · · ~ . • ~ • couch $U. Sh:le rackl $4 Atrl'OMATIC Walher vtrf ~~-~ltJJ N'UJ each. 2!01 ~.,..,... ~. NB U."-1 ·MOP' bQcket .M iu ... ...,.... OVAL ~ ll x 11· loil8 ~M. ioo%· aan-Travent-roda S2 Camp goodocmditlon$25,Kenmore ~.-... ......... "'""""" 548-4885 ~'4i50.Eleetriepotjact WA'N' T AD Valley rmiltic:olOr,. ~ $10 5 'torh:ed ootton, llke 'new, 1 stocila $3' Hibachi· Japanell! electl1c dryer, very xood. FLAT Head 4 ey.J1ndtt"J~ UNPlNISHED 4 dr atuclent pttlir-$15. ~ cu•' · , 'TYPEWRITER Like new shutten.T ft ,ht&liaaroom ~~~ :a~-.a!! atOve • $U. White· kltctkp condltion$25,,"0penffoua:e", qint,,$15_.KJ~ ,., de)IC. formica top $20 f1.M.Btc~q.n1 rpner$2.&" , • Just rebuilt $25 .• 548-n65 dlvld~ 91' loJr wtndowa fr.50 , ...... 1 .,. radio '$2. Qodc radio $4.. alp, new $2. .pair. of. new REFRIGiii1'0K au. J.ot7-un11mafW1 t drl nightstand 3:1 Inch doorl. DftW. 64ll 56J·a L. P. StereO reOord albums. each. Old-rocktt'$7.li(I each. each •. ~ 1 ~ ler.ler. aldrtl for Ford '61 , Wt WJlton.'C.Y. . · m.~_a ~ 113 HP electric slaclil. sweattrs. ~--· f,.• · , 25c e~. Arbelette t~~ Small ~ aink .wtth BEo. Mattreu. bcx aprtng, 1;AMPS $4-$15, bookcalel $5,.&n-ms_, _ An ~' 4, :.,.,. top , ~$3.1Gan calmiet $25. . jamu, abon 25c to .. ,. , gun $9.• 40'.' straw ........ t at;t.achmi!h? fr Antlqµe lol ~~:·aood eOndltion $4--$1:1, Jove seat $7.&1, Chili SURFBOARI>i Heiden; aqoa: $25; OlnsOle !TV{SlO' MetlJ., ·~· ~~ 3' x 4', S1 ;ewelry. lQo.$1. Sawtun.t.• \ $10. 536-9903 "" 14 .Hilh ~!._rity.1 $7;cl, tabla $& ._115. old ooe. Fin~ ca1J """'°' S25; b<d 1.tnJn< $2. Utlllty Jablio •.,ch. iott Kill>borok. Qt Sprlncll<ld. CM. S-.--• PATROMS ARE URGED • TO REP9RT ANY DIME· A· LINE iR~ULARITIES THEY· FIND IN Pl\ICf~G OR ME~Ct1ANDISING 'TO THE DAILY PILOT ' bar· atoolJ $3.50 . 'Goll WASHING 'Machlne $X1 TV 11Cboo1 deskl_ 2 tor $25. lamp 548-239fr. after& p.m. $h Venetian· bllncfa, varioUI 540-;mB ' . ' , · WEDGEWOOD *"" ;tdl ~ :=: :;:,_t 0~ 125-Both aood · condloon. lbade• 13.. chlldl nil! ""' 2 BL.\CK'""°"' tabla, ..,.d ""'' )3. :1412 y-.; Dr. FILl\l ,..,, .... iill!D 11!>· Eiec-gr111t11<; d..n; -11ne chest $5. &.5n SeUbOre Dr. ~ desk S12. 1.x ·12 broadloom tops, $25. "·. Larae Co«ff • C:M. Kl--1112 ~ trlc mower $10. Headboard, $26. SinaD K e I " i &a t,e r NS . ~ . ~ , PLAYPEk.:p.~neral El~ ntg 125, llnena .»4.J..50. table $5. Wicker to)' chei( GIRL'S-Qothlnr., )'tU<"cld tfrin U.;.D, Pt~ fl!tinP, refrigerator, ftoe for..-.: MAPLE td davenpior\ sz;. tric ro¢ war:mer 12 .. 00 twin bed frames $3.50, king $t.o. Child~• ,mw1~ l'Oc!;kei: drets,. paiy&tbe? and •ta .Usht fixtlim. 00x $»5. 1V . rnent 125. m taw o1·,._ Chrome dinette .set $25. 2 stroher$10PJayl:exbottJes ~~~st=~·i:. JlO. Carpet,sweeper .$1.50 50c41.~. ~ t, parts.speebn,pro~ltes , rtOne• fOI' waDs, l bome unftnilhed windoW" ·'valance SC· ·each. l1sed · by 1 child bedli)ttl.d. ~. draPes Zenith Radio >..M F.Mj ELECTRIC Cdllna beater rea'4ton. ~ tnt~ Jl)c--J;;;.f/$ for &II, 10'J hldll. 5~~.tt x ·Ur•lt.-'$3. Baby :g:s5r~ =~t. $5, vac!\lwn dWitr $1.50, .~!ii~~~ :e~ ~ ia.·~-' :: ~Ille.~ 'rMn•1 ~::~.a: hltlh cl>atr ·15 .OU.me hlr """'' _.. 15_ .,., $18. TV ,$25; -"°"' $2. New w.P ~ llOc MilCJ!INISl' ~ b>oll •.~"-fl-Cl\111'!DU -ladlcl -1~ ~ ..... stool S3. 5'1-5'.168-a56 SG-1ft4 _ . lbadea. S3. papo: ~lture to .$2:-Brollft' 1 $1. , Sota ~ 1 ~ • 1 $S SUWrware cue1 P. aultt. exoellent Condttlli. -Dr. C.M. IW'LE l>o)l'1 twbt Wet"'" IS."°""' lam $3-fl, mall ptllowl %io-· to IL ToMlS T1J!>< -Cbo!Jll 11" $I Mlcroj>-15 ~ 1Qo,IC. ~ fk:ti>o boils GUN Md platol $5, ·s10 ' bed $25. Wqoq wheel appllanCes $3-$10. ,trame1 SL' Rae. nip 12. TraVUH 54YSUi ." : '10-315' Broadwa)',. CM ' ]J)c.ft:,0. 2103 Wallace. Cll:lfl:· $25. Spa1'iah Am erican Lounp chalr,$,35.,f ·drawtt ~ttprints rt::' .n rodt ~ 1 Q.Aeen al~~ ~!·~Cblp~~ot~•m:p~boo:=kl.~ll:1~$t8-.2lJ?~~=;;~~=i·~·~~~!lo~mll~lott,~~OJ.~;';;;;~I bU!;:kle .~ •. ~~ $10 chest •.$25.. \Buitsfly ·table _.-,w, PlPt' • ~ ---1101 ·Stalnlnl -. CavaJIYSWOrd ·SJ5:Gun ~ ·$25>0rnerlw>Qbt_ 1.-.... n lec100 .78 ~ .10-S>, .$twarete01.~Labti liqob $not Grtd""•ata:'_l .. ~ 1; ~ $8HOlstcrall·s&llUftatiell r--~ toya .1(1.$3,.elecbictralnael· ·Ns.~1 • , alnat lloolla --, Crlmpen 115 iot ·PoWder $25. 5 pl a..,arlmn $5.50. PO •. ~°"'"' blk< 15, lup 1 :~.VY ~. --' ~· u...i. I ~~~lff' 'IP-N E 111 horn U Ammo le rOund. Bill<ll .,_.....,. 12 ' 5 0. trike 15 ......... d!iln plpo ' blb~o l ~~,";' ...::i{ 416 ~ -~.,_ ~· • " es.--lt-'M. Hand e.tluclne bU.., belt SI esd>. -S5<: w!tb fttllllp $S, !'."'-".:"~-!.:'~ -.::;; iri>untl l,IO,l:lll) p.m. c,;b· , ' _., II ......,llh<n 13 -$15. 113M518 aponded metal .ot ' 11 .. s ... w, "™"'\ ~~ ~·M: ,... ,...,~=~-""'-='I , , · '·• ' P,) Qodc: $1 nlila SJ'ROu.ER: Pad(Std 1eat x I hollaW' ;:iot11e skied ISMOlf ~ tSia:ral Pm 'lb15 Wtll -• ' • I ~lb. $eytbt r;-,Meal and '~ck. Basket. 'tanOPJ' formlca · pantla Sa.JO HERNameta•'DtarAbby':, '#."•DfotU,·-.....-· o·' ,. t•' =..:.:. J.l .: ::.-::::-~ =~ .... -= .:::. ":!"'--= 1l:;... "':r.::.:.:: 7' .L-rl'..0•' -$5. JG.I Sat only, --coridltlott UO <Ult. Wnt. NJI. Sat.-8'm. Feb. haf Ill -«lliotl, --,-tiled' It It\.• ' 1S72 lndlla oU Santa Ana S46-626S I. 9, it .AM-5 PM, with htr °""" houft. tool q. wood anow ·** and' D Ille' A ... b<hlnd °""""' Club. WRINGER type -r u. n.tiORESCENT :rwtn bul~ m~ -tlf 'Ji!>* $1. •a ch, . ' ' T~ ~---~ ~~~":: ~ te.w 11mn • $25. '::. :..~ $3"'::.i 11~ CHROME:;::;.::-(_) 125. ;.r;. llO .:'~ 8~ , • , , t._ I il.dYOrtisina 'nOt confotmi-to our Dim• ~ IOo42 Ch a Ir• DOY'S 26" bl" 15 Good m>llaJ>o< teotet 121, -~ 1 ellah'I llfl'ttlb Oomftt cbeltta $1.!0. 11oa., 10;r 3:00 p· II. : I ,,r .; .. ,. 50c--$3 J'ortable "'"'° $2S aondJtkiA, M8434J_, ' bowlfrw ball W/bal ~ f1'ffl!!t9'd:W: .mattfw and c!liatn ~ .. A1St I ~ I • em. ·A-Line rtglllatioM ""'Y be i• viol.tlon . of Lampt 11~-'f»ewrtttt W" TV 125 each. 1-tabto ~ ~'$Jt'o,X:: ~ ...:·m:' = ~ll·~.inll ..:"1: ,,._ "' I WARMING!\ botli Clty ind St1te Bo.rd !>1 EquatiutlOn ~!,,soi~ :t, · TV._ 125-1!01 So._ Brlllol, and, lllmlt• etei:<M bWlt «rurl .. All<JI -. ·m "A" -., Qoola '1 r ' , ID' ., --•--•. I ~ . .,. -$2. M. ~395 . .. CIOflblt _ .... RS. -OIAA\ II: ...... Cl.ID. --/111tt • , ..,_. -21< C1uioa ""'10¢ LADlES dre--'$4, i1ie 12. llO. ~2511 5' tabla 15. lint 15. -*'6 l')I ...... lli 'Iii. • r~==;=~~==~=~=::;:::'I O.mea * Ice.llcatel, ... l::Oa"'1L -~ u. t l'ISll Net 11S: ll'V"1l ball ~·-,II·~ _.. .....,.. ·$11. ' ' • • •. '" L , 10. 12. _..,.. • " -$15 .. cli. ~11,. -~-o.n·11. t4M2l1 !~!!~_.:..::.· __.:~...J'I !114~,!:!""!!!..:.~~-i...:· ___ ,1r ~:!!:!!:!!!!ttit!:!~!tl!:ttimia:!:tlt!!er.rllti~ ! I I, I J l , I I I ' I • ,. ...... ·~;,'f"··· ;~·.·•;t•· .. .. -· -:..· -'----~ .. -..... ~ ..... ,., ... ... . .. . ........... .-..-__ .,. .. -·~· .. . lloutlhl Monul•ctv,..r's '69 Showt-• S•tftpleo . ,,,,_......,t __ _ f/ Wood carved anil divan;lg. man"• chair er love oeal 6 Pc Octagon dark oak tlln set !w /blaclt or avocado trained chlira; 8 Pc BR tel Mr Air, & Mra. dresser, lg mirror, 2 Commodes, decorative headboard In Spanish oak desJgn wltb matching box •prlngs, mat-. tress & frame. • ltoms Sold lndlvldu•lly Shop Atound-llefo,. yov buy -USI VALUE $1095.9~ \PULL PR ICf $529.95 .1 or ttrnt1 • 10W •• $4.66 per week OUr Store Charge Plan or llanl<"FinancinJ Piney ,Front -B . Quality Values ll!Jide nsr DRIVE THE MINI • • • • • • • • • • • • * 5Pl!CIAL * .. TON UTILITY • BRUTE * SPECIAL .._ . 50 Near new repo'o -color. Columbii 21 Utility bodY P 1 um be" • • TV' nw '\.. .. bl t , ~--·. rn~-~ e~-, friend. M4"ni72. • • s, ~ , po.~ es, • ereos. combos. (All -... -· ···~ $899 styles) to be 110ld al P.UBLIC AUCTION. pulpit • me -· Rad;o. •· •• JUST ARRIVED• ==':8!.11e= ~~_!~t!'.~~~ l'-----------....,..----....11 Boatc:it' ti.::' _\'!~"'00• '6 6 BEL AIR • • dltlon. ISO.~ Wllrlttzer ... ········r 1399 Late model relrlg's (spilt Iron~ & dble door) D.AVID L. FRAfi'R v _ s. power<llde. P 0 w" • ANOTHER BIG • MO=N"AROl=="'Electrlc=-.,..,--,....--.• Hammond .M3 •••••••••• $695 freezers, washers, dryers, stov.es, auto tooth~· 3424 via Oporto, N.S. at.eering, alr cond., tur· • SHIPMENT OF • new·. __ ... ~ ··••te·, Hammond 83 Cwith LetUe brushes. typewriters. 673-5252 * 4StJ916 EYeL qu'?iae with mate~ ln-• ........ ~ wni ........... ) ..,_ • tenor, rood value. RNA-8 ouro--.im.!la-391• ~~·i.ioii:;:;;:,~ Spanish • Mediterranean • Modem • 267 1969 • G. E. Relrl&ml ... • tteaer CHOOSE FROM Maple • Mahogany • couches. loveseals, INVENTORY GOOD VALUE USED CAR • • Xlnt coad. 1611. Open Sundey 12 1n & hide-a-beds. Din Rrn sets, chinas, buffets, SALE $1399 : • MON~~!,,.. euh> COAST MUSIC sets of china, dinettes (latest styles), custom NEWPORT lll'S OPELS • .,._, i:-=. ~ 1139 Newport Blvd., CM Bednn ::·~lnance with Good Cretllt ePA~~y~~~. ' 64, ~f LA ·: 8 Comer ol Newport I: Harbor Master Charge & BankAmericard Kettenburg Dealer V-8, Poweralide, _power • WITH AUTOMATIC • F.,..llure IOOO Fumlture IOOO WEQGEWOOD Gu s1nw. 646•0271 2446 "'l Oporto, N•wPOrt 1teertnr. afrj spr,rkllnr blue 8 • •-;;j~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1-------· cbible ""'n $50. . AOK Commlssio' n Gallery 24 Hour Phone •••• 673-1510 In colo,. u C'489. TltANSMISSION • I• WALNUT Triple diener ,;, 646-6441. 6tiiW8 Courity'a GOOD VALUE USED CAR • ....... 2 matclWg nlte SE4RS 16 ""It ..irla/tree..r Loram Selection of 77U •AaDIN ••on ILYD. * No Down $899 • .... Pc '~cidrlill' Rooilt Group Model Hom• c : Quilled IOfa A: · , 2 iend tablel, coUee , 2 lampt. dnaer, mil'- headboard, quilt box a mat&. s Pc Dlninc tabtit ·&: f Hi • Back poro •t $74'. 95 .. P•y $16 .per mo $399 21' re ·~~..C.lona'' Kint' Sile 100111 Group , . World Elog•.C. • ~~·: Quilted &Cfa &: at wtlh pillow l>ol:ka. ive lamp table., cot-table, ..., .. lampa. KlOK muter biedroom with tecl mattr I: box ttir'P,; dreaett, mtrror, 2 .. headboard. 6 Pc cha'.lr dbiette Rt. pore at $129'.'5 I •.... Poy $2' per mo. 1 · $699 WELK'S .,.,,.,, $15. ldsple dbl bed ~u~.:!"'-l11&kn l fr"!'· CQNN ORGANS l~~l!!B'!loc!"!!k!"W"!"!!t!!!ol!Besll!!!!!cli"""lBl!:vd.!:.!!olf'!!!G!!. G!::.!:!Frwy~.!!!!!!'! axnp1ete us.....,.....,,... ·-_,, I: Payment * '65 FORD buli:h. $45. CU.'°"' ~ NWEWUlRUUTZERSEP ""° Sportln• Goecls -Uoo Mlscoll•neovs l600 l30 month. Sharp !6', 40 hp CUSTOM 500 • bunk beds complete>; $15. AIJtl~ 1110 • A1erc., ha.rd to find manual Mtcytq: auto wuhtt, $55.: ' . 1 PIANOS Ji ORGANS Little used S/O atartina. bronze power prop V-8, 98.j0·~k~s~ee~1· • 642--6186 ~QUE Sl*Jlbb and Mu. Some Floor Modela FIN·NOR Ree.I $350. covers, WIS, del~e JWivei ~D VAL~E eusEric:R • OUR OPEL PR.ICES• f'lli&iow: art fmt. small pvt. Rentaia e Service e Terms * 544-683! * c:e=t.~~~E seats. Factory trailer. $150 $ • START AT • :ma:,·_• ~q·.~,~;,d~~; ~~t~:t ~E:.~ l: Mbcellanoous l600 'i.:m~:'.';8Q':.~= 1:?;{ ~ ~am .. ~o '65 FAl~~NE 500: s17 7 7 : -~--Id M·-· Com ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Hn: 8~30-4 p.m. •ton.Fri., • $ 3 9. 5 o. Ro'¥ a I e I e c pl1naitiw w. lntet mirraJ11: vvu -c: pany FASHION TRENDS Sat 10-2 Pm Trailer a: boat freshly 4. DOOR • typewriter $40. Very nice 17th C. t 11 amt n ate d 20f5 N. Main, Santa Ana 209 jiht St . Newport Shotts 1753 s. Ritchey, Sa.r°ita Ana p • l n t ehd .d Ne"..., whlte V-8, auto., p-steerlnl'., tac-• • itandard typewriter $37..50. plrchmentl; Un palnttrcB. So. of Freeway, 541-0681 F-.. ""-CUltom drea d~ 5fl-5011. n au g a y e . U.,..oister:v tory air. &'<Ceptional value • READY FOR 8 Printing calculator, elec. Selllibly priced ot nt:banp Mon &: Fri 'til 9 SUn ~ _...... Three 16% hp (bampton for the tr&n11portatlon 'Mrks sao4 $9.50. 60-5143 fir FOd nautical antiques. aigbe I: Qcitina: collection ot POO eatlnes. Complete · " 1 th minded person loaded with • IMMmlTAE • r ~~ =.,. '--'---'~ -Grand Openi119 roady-mades "" your every L """al fuel -""""• ··-and priced I~ low • ....._.. ~ • •~ UUJ. l.J'.!"S"''~ Our new orpn depe.rtment occa.&ioll. ,OPENING S..t Feb and control.I. See al 2808 for quick Mk. PES 3. DEUVERY with 1tand, re Centl7 ·~ A Fe• t her a• iJ now open featuring 8th. Stop by for coUee. TABLES La1ayttte, Newport Beach. GOOD VALUE USED CAR • overheuled. !SO· M&-3423 IAatber., beads • furl, 548-3881 $1199 • ======="'·-=·'I ~ltt Tradtnc Poat. 408 THOMAS ORGANS <Fonner'" SEAHORSE 17 FT. Pmonner. Ialandet (tlJIOOJJ • • • • • · E Bal~BI·"' • wttfl,tlleexclualveColor.Clo &J Ce lu xe model (al l•-~-~~~~~-1• C1ft, R•t1ur1nt· 801.. · ~ v ... , , BEACHWEAR) New slate $695 val Now $295 1 • ----. ~· _. _ VASr sloek AmU •Eur &l1dPla.Ymate. 23Modelah>choo1tfrom$59 llber1la11 ) outboar '63 CADILLAC • $199 8 * PUBLIC SALE_,... .tum •. c1ockl-Larry Lawrence :!t•,~ ... n .. muatc ****LEAVING stale. Up. ru: . 692-4167, 69'J-21!Jl ~ton:;1naJit = COWS!OOr. 4 DOOR • I All mlaurant ...-i··ll> l!OrPn Anttquet. 2' 28 1100-val·~ Selllng all furnlture, ap-* AUCTION * '" w er. P·Steerlnr. aui.., beautiful 8 'llulk. -~, defa•~tedc" 1111 N . ._ BJ·~ c .. coune, • ue, ft9e pl'----I phone 64>-49811 alln 7 pm. Satin Sllv" extertor w!lh • DOWN · ·-..,.. · .. !"'r-•• ...... '"'" wt• .. ewry ...._ ___ n-..... ...i .... ~ acce11ao r es • been duly nottaed by resflo , ANTIQUES I: a.ixxs Prt'' i•~ ..... _. Everything ahowroom new. ll you will 5ell or buy matching interior. Shows • tered maf1Jan.i27, lfl89. Sale FOSTER'S AN11QUES cet start at~ See from lO:AM -':PM any live Windy a try Sallbo1ts 9010 ~.~US\~:29sby former own-·~·~ ~--• .,:c•• ta be held l'eb. l!j 1189-:ilO 64J.Q38 . an J'@deral, CM Coast Music day. Eve1: by appt. 644--0'JlB AuctloM Friday 7:30 p.m. GOOD VALUE USED CAR •"'"'··--··-" • .... ""' aCalll.t 2C8 Palm Ave .. Bal-WOMAN'S Diamond bracelet 1139 NtWporf Blvd, CM 730 Aml.goes Way, No. 3 Windy's Auction Bern Schock Racing Sabots $l l 99 • • ._II ,._.,, • O'" Corner cl Newur-&: Harbor Newpt Bluff& Behlnd Tony's .,,.. "·t•J 2 w, Vtty v a I a able. .. .. ,...... .._...... """' New Sabota from $3:95 • • G.ra-Sale 8022 SacrlBce S'B-81!32 · .. 646-0211. Extr• long double Hol· 20751Ai Newport, CM 6f6..8686 Includes Flbrra:laM mast &: Groth Chevrolet b!lieves in 1 .;..;...-"~::.;._-=..--~-'-lywoocl bed, loom m•t. KHITTl:I\ FABRICS sail. the tndlvidual Bring your • REF'• ....... top $l5, 135. Sowing M•chlnft e120 Used Qr11•n Sale tress $30. 2 pl-Mot-llUI &hook ...... lndlvl du a I tronsportetion . • $45. 19" Port. TV w/ rolllna: r n•Yox 1teteo AM/FM 673-2050 problems to ua. • •57 OLDSMOllU • atand '" Steel offtee de-' 19111 SINGER zta-zar _,,_ u----nd M 2 Spinet ~· r •dlo In work!~ o-~, "FOR SALE BAHAMA._.,, Din ... '" NO DOWN PAY"ENT ..-. -o.matic, walnut cablntt ip. .--..uuu · -· ~ ··• ,.._ Remnant., Amples & Mill .311.Wng g,..,.. "-\ "" 1 "91" '4 deer. IAlH994l• . ::!!.!:.~ ~ ~ duded. DM>rce act t o n' ~ !'J1 .... 00=•t ~ $35. 475-4059 ends Sat Onl7 8 Lm. to 2 of beaullful . work.rnamhip PROBLEMS HERE a Yo1,1 c•n b•lit•t tlli1 pric•l• Hallicratten masole AM-1orees repo. $39..85. Cub or H::::d ftT-2 cancert ~ MAPLE love Rat .l mat-p.m. 9'J9 Balcer, Colta Mesa. ::: ~=~na~ b ~: ALL YOU NEED IS • $49 • FM 3 ~ recorrl ·•··-......, 14.!8 me. Bullnn HR 40 ··-<hlnr chair ........ lll<e new s PIECE ••--11 t ~ ••s-1••• YOUR GOOD CREDIT ___ ..;__""'."--.I ...... _.... holes, o.vercuts. blind hems '" • • ••• ·" • • • • • ~ $100. Ladln diamond ~ wuc e 1e .-. .... ...,.. • $35. 10 HP Wilcons1n IU etc. Without attach, Hammond 0 ti PR 40 $1995 ding ring, l'ii carats $f00, Hawtbil~ al" gfrl'a bicycle 23• ERICSON. Fu1lY equip. • '66 TOllONADO • eng $35. Rocldng chalr, Guarantee OK .Call 526-6616 Gulbn.naen Premier only e: Cocktail rlna: noo. 645-189'J with traioer whee.15 tor $8. 10 mos old, like new. Call GROTH f1,1U ptw1r, f1cfoty •Ir cushion netda cowrina $7. months old ............ $3395 Slroll..a:eJlair baby buggy 494-9333, 4M-6505 ask for l cond. IS!Nlli> • Furniture MART 1'fl1e tables, coucbea, record Musical Inst. 8125 AU. PIANOS ............. , MOVING, mu1t acll Pl $5. 8921 Comet Circle, J'tjike. • $2995 8 player, chain, I amp 1, __ -· 20% or more Savings!! dryv, yr. old, xlnt cond. Weatmin'iter. 847-7187 CHEVROLET .. dlshea $1 to $15. 1!i50 •Drum He.dqu1rttr1• OpenMon4Frleves. $85;,_Kenmore$25washer, 1 .HP electric air com-Shon!goerl;a~ingdinghy, 8 8 Superior Ave. CM. 6;46-9188, New and Uted HAMMOND wor1U1 good, • 546-4325 presaori wu air conditlon • • '67 OPIL I 4 eve• 642-58&&' LUDWlG, ROOERS Asmc> In CORONA DEL M.AR Days. unit, $75. Polaroid Camera •57>2335• 18211 Beach Blvd. •spt. Coup•. R•dio, llt1ltr,• GARAGE SALE Lar&e Hltctlon with new 4 28&1 E. Cout Hwy.,_ 673-8930 MUsr Sell, best oUer. 8' Model 240 w/a.ttachments, l3'm~!":i~.~~~ ~~ass. HUNTINGTON •410,1,1etlf, 1 owntt, IUOF·i ~ pc. aeta and eymbala atart. e New Pianos e ' zofa. 1lnale bed, 2 maple brand new,~· s.tf>-7616 12 .~:y ~~J'"..Tio10, Ins at $1S9. Seta, pedall. &l1d WIJRLlTZER l BRADBURY ;",!:=ii.,\~~~~~ MUSf· SELL! over S150. S<>Slfl! BEACH• • $1495 8 22 ~ aui;;~ti~ ottke hi·hats. rtpaired. All •m.D All afylea A t1nithe1, all misc. SU..7213 ............... ..., 20' KEEL Sloop In N.B. gllp, 847 6839 • • pa.rti. acctuorlt1 A: cymbm Amerlc.an made, 88 aote, del Light Auburn Fall $650. Offer or t rade. • • • deak. beriock algna. ladles 1n llo<:k. w-bench A tw>ed. Price Kirby vaouum """'' w/at-Peld 1120. S&<rllk• $25. 642-5759 o• 64:1-2623 545-8863 Ii "'7 CHIV. S.S. 8 aoU 1et, mucb mart. 546-3Qll BEACH •tartina: at $499. tachment&. Take over IJl'lall 548-4537 aft 6 pm. 1966 TARTAN 27• sk>op, in· R•dio, ll11ttr, •llto., P.S., tdaooAN'Y -MdOO&NY 200 Calvert Ave. IEACH pymnta or Pl.>' off b9lance REPRODUCTION Hutch or brd aux, ileeps 5. Fully OPEN 7 DAYS • p .I. lm111•c1,1l•ft co11dltl•~.1 A Large Eotate f>tese Venle) Cool& -MUSIC CENTER of $36.12. er.di! Dept dzy oink $75. King '"" bed, equ;pned. 675-233& "!'IL 9 P." 8 $2295 8 aoctlon of c:Da1Plete PHOTOGRAPHY eqwpment Dally 12 noon 11119 MUSIC CENTER KE >-72119 7 poa S>XI. Patio table $10. woo 14. Xlnt cood. 2 "' 8 ·size bedroom •et· only, including Beeaeler 4x5 Sat. 9 -5 p.m. Daily U tU 9, Sat $.:i p.m. 3 BEAUTIFUL Mink 1toleL Dining room table &: cha.in sails. $775. 1J6 l'tlarine Ave. Mobile Homes 9200 • '63 Tl4 • 10Dm •t. table • color he-• ··•·-· ..,13 174'M Beacb Blvd. CHwy 39> lTfCM Bet.ch Blvd. <H-39) Eltate Sale. Sac. Dressy $50. Call before 11 or aft Bal ls. 6~ Cost• u __ _,1 R d d ,. ~'~ ~'-· butt • llU """ ....... .,.. -., 8 a:~~ -~ • 01 1!1r. 4 1pt1 , t•••O•I u.JiUa, uw .. , e.., lens.AU-at:darkroam 11iiimlSo .. &mD~Fwy. l~mlSo.SanDieaoFrvq. dreaes. n 11).12 & Mother .~•00 h t IJJE417l --""-l!IDfa chalr0 ·~t"-" •-_.... ..___ , .... _. .. _ .... l uo2311 Ye1r Round • ••tr, 8 . u;uee " 1arp eqWpment. Brine cuh SUn. H~Beach '"'-0 .... ...., OUul ......... Misc. W1nttcf f.610 Power Crui .. rs 9020 Mobile Home Show $1395 H w-leather tops. 2 twin afternoon only. 1889 F Huntmlton Beach ROCKWELL 9" all steel l&'-~'.22 •• 24• '1 34 wides • • bdrm. aeta. Duncan Newsiort BI v d • C.M. RICKENBACXER e I e c WE'RE In our n11w 1tcre. table aaw &: stand; used From $6995 • mi'tl'f_e .. table a: 6 cha1ra. tJpataira tn rear. tit call auitar, $175. Orts price $325. Our fantutic tale of Piano• approx. 6 times. $10 0. • WANTED • 36' CRUISER Moorirqr line 12 WIDES • '65 OLDS Cutia., • =t sell all bllined. at between 6 &: 7:30 pm tor St. ~ AmplUler, $50. &: <>rpm now coaUnues at 540-2358 F I e A I' available. Ju&t hau1ed out 40'-43'-45'.S0'-55'-60'·S4' H.T. C1tt. ltlH. t uto., PS, t crifice, Terms on __. Info 646-7445 ext \It ' bQth leldoM Ullld, call after 0l'&JWe County'• only piano (3) 20 CUBIC fl pottery kilns urn tur• PP 11nce1 & majored. MWlt 1ell! After From $3995 ••ir cond. IPGP116l • •it. •-BABY Bathlnette • awtn& • 5:30 54G-&93 I: orpn .. super market", stoneware, $350 each. Color 'TVt • Plinoi 6 pm. 548--8691 You can pay more I $1595 • ACE warehoule Located At tntant seat (2)-wilker, pool -Piano& from $195. Orp.nt Terma:. Private party . ETC. Ma E 1 9035 but you can't buy bett!!r • Till Gardtn Gorve mvd., table, record player, al-Pl1nos & Orpn. 1130 from $195. 675-1511 eves. Cash in l/2 hour rlne qu P· Parka available In all areas. • ,66 OLDS "ti" 1 QiG. 11 bl<k w. or Beach bums, knlcl< nacl<s, broiler. WIJID'S BALDWIN STUDIO e VACUUMS e 541-4531 Boy Horbor l d . 11 Blrvd G 0 Frwy lawn mower, books, cloth-HAMMOND. Sie1.DwQ' Ya-lJl9 Newport, C.M. 6U-M84 l\IATOIED pr Ch r y & I er M bll H Sho • r,ixury 4 oor. Fu p•wtr,. #;i~~~· ::;.~ ~~ ~ ~ ..!1! ~~ ~ .,.:;:, ~~~ w~~o; !.?,.R;:!~ E~~~~'~;= W A N T E D !'::;:!;. 210~~~ n;~;: 11 ~k1i~';;,;~r:vd :'"'"'$2495 : 1rf$t Stll complete boutefull 545-2462 SCllMIDT MUSIC (X)., ~e County's larseat SCHWINN 10 &p & 5 ap. 673-3261 on Baker di det:nrator furniture lm· GIGANTIC 5 Fam11f Garqe 1901' N. Matn. music dealer.......... $30 We need qUallty Cno Junk 2 · 8' BOATS. xlnt cond. Coata M6a (Il4) 540-9470 . 166 MUSTANG 2+2• 1*iiat,e&.! 132" Antique Sale. Ind fumlturt, aportlna' Santa Ana WALL I CHS :. & Desk 3 ;r· ~~ ~)~~~~pPU~~ S60 each, 1967 6 hp outboard. SEE the Dual Wide Road-•F1ctory •ir, 4 1ptt4, r141•,I YI.vet 10ta-Rnd told cotfee goods, clothing, bunt:Uw A MUSIC CITY $18.50. 546-6207 toola and oU'lce equipment $130. 642-1138 liner Pl.n Am.erie&n, Para-•ll••t•r.$1RSG?l61 • tlte _:lKln&Solld~ ~ flahinK eou\p. Qua II I Y FREE TO YOU 340ll So. Bristol Colla Mess 2 DBL. Box . 'WP CMiH rN 30 >Dnoteal •--9036 moun~ Elle &l1d General • 1495 • Bft, 11.. ..,.. ._......, me:rchandlae • bar 1 • t n e 540-31'5 e ipnnp A mat-531•1212 * 893-«i5S -t Sllp Mooring mobile homes mw at • ~ rm •t . All den pricet:. Sat A Sun 9:30 • BLUE eyes. nutty white, 1iii =~~;; one ATTENTION Newport Slips far rent. Dual Wide Sales 8 '67 IUICK Le•~• ~ ln ·~ red I: 4 PM. 3m Campus Dr: pvtrm male tttten; tortolle Televlllon l205 new Bl& Bay $2.25 too ---. t6.ck. Cappel-~ wall N. B. (by a.irpott) llhtll )VWC t.!mUt, pert 837~7 EX-NAVYMEN 548-25.92 ~ 4~ eve! Cli1pman Mobil~ Homts Inc. •Cu1tom c.oup•. F•ct•ry ,1,1 ~ etc. 2298 R.e4J.t,bda. GARAGE SIJ,.E: !at a: am. markinc· J.Uxture ol other St.\RS OOLOR. Cmwo1e TV, UPHOI.SI'EIUNG -$79.50. 2 Cean i>llt the old sea.beg 520 N. Harbor, S.A. c.ond., power •t.tr. (VllC- lird & Jtedl•nda. NB 2Ui6 My Dr CJir 'AC nice cata. all thea, color 23"; 4 DlOI. me aien1ce. pc. (European cnttsmenl and help out a aood cause. 5"1.&571 •2101 • ! $29.44only,for ... Hahl planU:: 3'itw, Powa-I: web. 'llf: 147.&SSl 12 $195 !::i: R118t •• !~~$.!'r~~ ~~w~~~l ?_""'the~U· Bo.t S.rvfc" 9037 10 x 45 ?tfoblle Home. 2 • $2695 • S-3 Piece Braided winch, po1t hale dJaer, °"' noon tb ! p.m. 2/10 53S-8U2 u ....... ., ~·v ~ rucn. ~~ w --•-YACHT rrflnl11Uq. Haullna Br. 25' Alum awn. Stt up • Ile OVAL RUG t!E;T e ment mixer l/S )Td. Pool oRG·~c F .... n•-_ __. JlllNT TV e:1g FIREWOOD FOR SALE Scoot&. Netd bluei, whites, arr an a e d, experienced in Sp. 525 Fairfax Dr. CM. •'66 DODGI M-. • ayton blend, revtnlble, table. 41,4'' join.ta, ~-.;:~• ~---co'm~ Nt Depoait • Free •Delfvery Walnut 6: Eqoalyptul. $47.50 sea-bl.cs. etc. 642-5?69 ttliabl!!, Winter Ra I e SC. 548-2370 4 Dr. H.T. RIH, •ult., • Biown, coppertone, ~n. 5f8.-TI4.l with wood abavinls-Good su.otn or m..9110 crd, $25 % crd. Delivered BUYING Sliver Coins 10se 64~759 daytime 9275 •PS, •1$1" co,nd. rTPUOJ?I • tizea: Ix 10, 2 x 3, 2 xi DINING rocm aet S 5 0 • mulch. 8J3.5332 or MMtll Heathkit Colar T.V. 18" I: atack'd tree. 11) 688-0846 o/fa~. D~L70, Silver Mini Blk" 1995 AL'S UNUSUAL · ChUdren'a lkit. ncm:ts. betw I It 5 Moo thru 1 year old, $200. Quality !One-Sia Bed, nick.lei $3.50 roll CDSTA Boat-Yacht BONAN?A mini-bike, lie. & 8 • f FURNITURE books. mattre•••• le. Frf, 2128 * M0-8371 * beautiful quilled mattrea, 00645-rN14~"'837 W. 19th st. Of. Ch•rft'1 90J9 legal .for lilreet. Hvy. duty '•••••••( • 17881 Beach Blvd. tpri-, picture fram ... &otl -nt foonda.._ bit In '"" ..L.,,, _ _, 8'2-t464 .... BLCK 6 Wht • Beaut. A a1... ....,,., . CAL 24 for CHARTER frame &: tlreL Like new. • lf•w ... on Beed> of o<het' household ltema. adorable male a .-. cal HI-Pl ' Slereo e210 f>ame. Never ueed. 191. Mo hi 1700 $25 day. Sl.IO wk. 1125. 540-2358 • JAGUAR \TllRATOR Recliner chair 407 Snuc Harbor Rd., NB. n • e d • Io o d home . -Warth $250. 8'2-61536 c nery! etc. •142--7528* • $, 1 antlque high-boy ~n11 961.3109 2/11 STEREO 1969 tOIJd atate con-WOMAN'S Diamond bracelet WELDING Equip, Uncoln Motorcyclft 9300 •. HEADQUARTERS .• -..r~~?!, 14 ft. refrl&. GARAGE SALE -Sat A . ao1e. Nettr uaed SIS. Also Old, wry v a I u ab 1 e, z:zs a'mp Welder w/all &<> Bot $ 9048 ciou u;ip auto. defrost sun. Plus twin A dbl bdrm BEAUT. platinum f • rn -I• w a 1 nut AM IF M Sacrifice. 6734Jti32 ttl., new, f100. G&I Y.-eldlna t 1~!.?9 e HONDA • a.Complete Siles -Sarv.8 )'I' old $U5.. furniture, mau:lw p In e ~~~ • m":!~ =~~~ aud,! M1SCEJ..J..ANEOUS JeM:lry, equip. big co 11 e ct Ion, BOAT STORAGE -ice end P1rt1 Depart. •-~::w"M. 1-llooard a-· 2807 !161-!lot 2/11 $4111.95. aa<rlb _ $250. will .. u cl>eapl s.. In ap---_..._ ti ... S&ilor ... .,uph>lll",..,.,_ MINI BIKES •.m•nt for JAGUARS. •8 'l&.ac23 eve°7: p~= -~ CdM.n 1.4 ~~~ LOVABLE >'I male part col· Crtdlt Dept. 5$-1219 predate. m-8632 toe, all tor $100. 6T5-6:llS ~ .. ~ ~~lu~t Stt flit &clti119 ~·· =or:• ;;: Uii bj clr. 2 )'ra . ~ "RCA V1ctor <Nor TV '4", PITS and LIVESTOCK ~"Y 196t °'o' OR '61' • lt•9 J•9111r Tod•y • ,.,.~.. ..._,_ SA1' '" ~ 11· -.. • nou11~t.•'k••· 1.ove C-l lqulp. aoo im. •"" hdl'm .. ~ 11r.;. ..... m5 '!:,:i::' · * $239 * .. •••••••• .... ~--.,.._ IOlod -lineOI dilldrfn: -l/U ---...---· -All wahoJL 549'1210 a!U . ::;;r:: ~" •-'~·"s -tm "'""""'-,_ a ·--· 206!2 11AS!1D1.AD ltDc, 1....., = -~~·Y HERB FRIED' ••"'ER 8 ~ 6 _.....,_, otc Po-lAJoe. H.B. !Sboco-FDWZ ,.~ ~ 6 -flu/\ mlll3' "°" w>.UDfNG Gown A wll, lib Wl1lE llalr Fax tenitr pups. 1J39.D1 '""''" 8 23' E 17&. ST • ; ID FURNJ1'UIE ...,t olf.~-) llecla-1. ""*" ... Cl&O a • ce lw. SI llOll. ~ """· .,,. W ; --hie. AKC. $50. Muat oe 11. 117IOIV.CH •LVD. HW. " • 't • Ill • • IM4 NH .... .,.._ CM llOiiiLi bod j!O, 1 "4 s-a. .I """--211 l1Mioo Urwln> · 61l-6fl63 AA. & PM tM>-0088 or 64>-1803 Mobll• H-9200 12 ~"" s.. 5. 5,~ Fwy.I 541 776 ewr . ntcht ID 1 ~ klltGe HJ, Occ tbla YG. Gry. mtle 1»t. ttUtna LA.ROE, Old, -.oocl burn!t11 AKC. Mtniatu:re PoOO!ea TRAILER A Cat.No 1 or HONDA • .&nmbla', aood • • I • i-rW_ A $on. 'ID I ji •acb. l md du' l tb11 odblt bom1. Allond A shots Spo!tl"9 °""1 U00 ~G~ ... ~. ~ ~~*$$). : bedrooma, Xlnt -L ;:;"·:t·"i., ~~;::: Mon-Prt e:JO ..., 8 -=N v•-·~:..=... Mtae. 427 Iris Ave. • -· 211 GIT ltlADY Mab oflor. OR~ -·-' le f -8 • -v ·-•-CM; m.cJ610 COUJE mixed ""'"'" g • • • GlllL'S Sil-bicyde, AKC Sllk<y Te-pupa. "'~" .. • ~·· ,.._ .,wllod ~ .u •~bl •• nu tor -bUlld yo>r OW1I neflla fuH. Good condlllon. Melu 11511 Femal" µ;) 8 x '6. 1 BDRM. 4-1 ""'4. 'IS tiiD\iR6 2'0 cc Factory Setunl.., l :'O.., • •..i,111 bntltlon. bltAn L&A\l'ING: aftal FurilJturt, ...... --.. ,..,_. e _.._ surfboardorbtU,botrd · Pu:rn!ahfd fV•be relocated. • to 6 pm I I:,;;&. Kftft' Ulld. -~ window tan, au 5 p.m. 11!0 coms;lei.. UM our shop: Y,'f: nr.so. 673-0411 Evta. 675-S26l $1790. ~1674 wam.m,. t.uc. aew. -• L W«'lh-. Id.all am. ~nces. MI a c, rdi. Cat • .._~ A aippb-all mateNJ A ruper-HOBIE SUrrilOlrd 9' t' rd· AIREDALE Pups. 7 wkl. 1 BR. mobUe borne 1n quiet C..U 5t0-'18n Sund1~ 10 am I ilAt>rrION'Al/ 8Cl(a. &OOd m..-tllo93 Cham~ Tabby, tpl)'fld, vtr)' tJ. vllt )'OU,1' work; proftsa»n. concl. Oearw/2" bolse 1frin. AKC. Cbamp sired. 347 .. 2252 adul\ park. lllx50 Great ~ HONDA D &nm~ler. • to 6 pm I C Alh dllCllf "'°"' ..., Rd., ......., ,H111L flctlonlte. IM6-TMt :1111 ally Wl*I blslllil, box tins. pr. 141. 54Mlll H.B. La .. •. XJnt -· 5a-ltiiR :x'.!';t7.,...";;:· .Juat llU> """'" • FREE I cull mbced breed MJ.13111 Ko\YAK wllll oar, WENJf Pupa. borkieM A· r • --ICU Do 11o0 ~...._ -~-• -·• • f _ _. ~~Dl1\JC-L -01' y .. uuo 80, l300. •--~, in-m. < puppies 7 -old. QU fiiiil liUi ol ~ b .. ~ .. ..,. _,,.... •~• • ••~'-~· unu -""'bib "'-~ ±trn: . .s';lil: .a;, ••f0<matt41 9-31M I • 2'i ·.mot_.....,..,' tJI!, * 540-SltS * 837.rn:o dlleola:edtlOuldWAde. dirt ' iextru, $115 « ~I' o.M, ..... -• i.j,; -'. Uol BLK ~ "1tli .... !$ Oa-Adi-Dloilt'.''"I THE QUICXDl YOU CALL. J.•h $1iep PupplH $15 '11<ro -_ .. ·-177 ~ beat offer. 494-6!52 a.+--..WU>I •111.GJJ .. -lb.lood.~8 2110 to--"""""'fO"· TtlEQUl<m:ltYOl/m.L !: -.Call~12 -NOW! OtARGr:_mdif_.1 ________ 1, a>o W. 4th SL Ana 5'T-51Jl1 Houn: Dall,r 9 to 9 Sat M A: Sun ll-6 !}'~BUICK '"'' l l .,: ~ · r• ' COSTA Ml\A • - • • 1 ••• ~--------'-:-::-----------·--:-:c:-:-:::7.'.'."=:::--=:-:: ·-:;-:;c;;-;c;-=;-:-=:=;;:c,-,~::--.--~,,.---=:cc:;=-=,,,....,'=---'""!' ..... !""' .... ~...,._.,-, ....... ~ ..... ,._,. .. _....,, ....... -. ........ -. ....... ~ ......... ····~···· ~··"' --~···" •• ....... .... 4 ••• T~S~~TATION TllAN5PORTATION Auto Sorvloo. , Truckt . .. '-·--------'66 " TON Chevy, 327 V.S, l '31~1)ille. 2 .. ,.-...... -· ........... .,..,.,.... wtllo ~. I hood apon.m.n Camper wll, lll.l~tl:r beat. l bcll ,tioualrw all alter fl, 644-1610 with rear end:. 1 '40 Ford -;=-=c.-c,.-=~ hoOd deluxe 1c· l a:rine Qe.. 19111 Toyotit Scout P.U. tuxe. Set ol. badl aeata for ~~·PM v.w. l!Ua .• ""°"' 5.16-84U ==-======= H.B. ""' for BUI. JH 9510 C26 MOPAR Wedp-PoU..shed -;;;;;"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;. crank, TRW .Pi&tona, Enon • 9908, ported he•ca. ·w+H • 1967 BRONCO Di.It. All lrelh + f>uaJ 'l'or-'-WHEEL naM TRANSl'OU ATIOH FINEST SELECTION OF-. e OOT e DATSU.N. AUTHORIZIO DlAltll: HUNTINGTON BEACH·, I. ;....,:~,..:-~,.......;I !.<Ar.MANN GHIA New •"-d Utecl· C.n '·· !-~~~~~:_-Complete Servlct & P.1rts ,67 Fiat 850 Spider 188!5 BEACH BLVD. 1,2 771 ,0 1&,IXll mt. XJnt oond. 6lllAS queflyte. Alwn BllWng + Hatdtop. Red with white top. all ai:cess. $500 or oiler. &cyl. RJH, rear seat. &Jb "2-923i seat belta, akid plate. Cun! SNOW Tiree:, studded 7.35 $2000. 819-6<ll8 (Fullerton) PREVIOUSLY ·· OWNED • • I -5, ·0442. . * H>19U> * l9IJ Harbar, CM, 6M-8303 J.1t J •II•• S•. s • .-DI.,. -==;====== • fwy. '"' 1"' ' , .. "'""' • HILLMAN x 14,, used once r.a:I. each. ~~~"'!!'!~!!!!!!..,.PI pa.if! $39, 962-1711 195Z MD..ITARY Jeep. Chev 4 VW .EMi'I , .. GS v ... Po<!ltrullo", ·""" uoo """ x 15 tires. Corvan-bucket ·'68 CADILLACS CrTROEN -H•"' •• A<•M• 1-----~--~ 1968;...-~DA~'l'SUN~.;:;;; ... ~.~ ... ~w~ ...... ==c l -1'61-~H~!LLMAN,;;;.:;;;,:~H~ ..... =--s~-. crrR.OEN'· Sta. Wp. '81 ,~Honhdlo,Jow.mlle. tlon Wqon. Good nwlln1i w/'65 3.rper 13 efll'.. PIS. qe, $ZO and take over pay. condition. $550. n4: 525-67t10 , $75. 546-1856 • Rata. Surrey top. 23 p1 T-11 -T I 942S Pl tank. Xlt:lt cond. See r1 1r, rave at Mesa Union Station Corn. 15'Ai' ARISTOCRAT ,67 Gu Fairview&: Newpo.rt Blvd. refrlg. MonomaUc toilet. JEEP WAGONEER, Xlnt Sleeps 4. Extras inc, hllch. cond. radJo, etc. XJ.nt C O D d • menta, Phone 839-a35.3 · ..._ • '60 HIUJdAN Crmv. new FERRARI u... s.lt • .... ,,.., """ TSU owr $180. ~OT ~A N FERRARI '67 DATSUN Nowporl lmporu Ltd. °"-JAGUAR $1595. 540-4925 4 wheel drive, hubs, auto HARD top tent trailer, sleeps trans, ps I: pb. 673-5842 6. Stove, 1ink, ice box & 1945 MILITARY Jeep, 4 wh.I table. Xlnt cond. 536-9568 drive. $850. Firm. 646--0698, IN SO. CALIFORNIA Owned by little 'ole reUred anae County's onb' author-'61--3-AG_U_All __ Mk __ ll_'8 man in Cap.l!trano. ~ lied dealer. · meter read.113.000 ml. Ra-SALES . SERVICZ. PAJtTS Sedan, p/a Plb. chr ..tre dlo. beatf'r, auto, 96 hp enc. · 3100 W. Coast Hwy. wh, air CCJl?d. $915. 49W1Tll 14MJU--6'7J.11M ltJO HAllOI l&.YO. · ~ COSTA MISA 858 Victoria, C.M. Tr1ilori, Utility 9450 ======-= cream ext., dlr, xlnt cond. Newoiort Belch JAGUAR ~ XKE: Xlnt $85 caab.-dds or will fine 6G-!H05 540J.16t abe.pe. Lo miles. $3100. 1-----..,..-C1mpors 9520 UTILITY Box Trailer , - 4 DOOR -2 DOOR • El Dorados . • Calais .prtv prty. LB. u.rc mean· Authadled MG DeU"' mono enclosed $50. . CAMPER SH~ · 811-2546 & sleepera, 24" to 52'" high. No down pay,ment o.a.c. Trucks YSOO HATTON' CAMPER SALES t~-------2'22 W. Wilson CM 548-0343 *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* ,_ TON Do<1,e p;c k·up * TRUCKS * wlcamper unit; 11ide entry; TMy Are All Here At V-8, auto. trans. Hvy duty F1nt1stic Discounts equip. S2495. 546-4653 Ready fo: immcdia!e delivel')' BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 Beach Blvd., Ulwy. 39) .... ,... Huntington Beach ~-FOrd Pickup Long bed cust cab, V-8, dlr, bwnper, pearl &reY exterior. Xlnt cond. Take foreign car ii" trade or $85 cash dels. Will fine prvt prty. L.B. P35187 Call Jim . 49-1-9773 or 545--06:!4. '63 vw }'actory camper wltent, Fridg. etc new Eng. wlguar. XI.nt cond. $1200. 6T>1729 CAB HIGH CA?.f PER SHELL. 8 FOOT LONG. $65. 847~1863 C1mper Rent•ls 9522 OJACH -TRAILER RENTALS It'1 none too early to make tt!trvaUons for Sprin; Hol· ldays! WEEK-END OR WEEKLY 546-crl91 952S '50 CHEVY, 2 Ton cabover, =======- perfect thruo1.1t, 4 spd wl 2 Dune Buggies spd rear end. 16' Diamond plate bl'd. new $250. ·~ 1966 c,::.~u good cooo. 1100· DUNE BUGGY * '67 CHEV ~'2 T P /U, 8 cyl, Std trans, cus cab, pis, spod:lmai;i top. $ 1 8 5 O • 673-:l587,1ve11. '64 EL Camino, Aulo trans. Good condition. Call Jerry 548-3l19 or 642-6583 '69 GMC %. Ton pickup, auto trans. Muat sell! :Excellent condition. 962-7909 DAILY Pllm OIME·A- LJNm You cu u11e them ftr j\&st pennies a dq. Dial "2·5611 Re•dr ,. a. $ 699 14t.OJOJ--47J.t 190 1970 HAUOl ILYD. COSTA MISA. NewC1n 9800 New C1r1 . • Coupe de Yilles • Sedan de Yilles PRICED FROM $4995 All Carry New Car 5 Year or 50,000 mile Wa!Tanty ALLEN OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC 115P SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH 494-1084 • 547-3103 -----------~--- Dune Bunl•· 952S lmpcwtod A----·----VW DUNE BUGGY SHARP * $500 * '1J-4281 * NOW'S 'THE TIME F9R QUICK.CASH THROUGH A . DAILY PILOT WANT AD • Spot c."' ... !mportl We pay more tor MY import reprdle11 o! )'t&l'. mike or cond1tion. 1. T1 UI 1btfcn you Rll. E L M-(\ R E MOTORS, 15D1 Bndl 81"1 Weltmlntter.~ -ALFA ROMEO ... ____ ...,. __ '61 ALFA Romeo ' Sprint Coupe Xlnt oonll. 1 New paint. Must di fl'.5-:3334 9800 NewC1rs .~ 1 9tOO HOLIDAY RA .MBLE'R Invites You to Compare &'Save! BRAND NfW '69 RAMBLER BRAHD NfW '68 JAVELIN FULL SIZE, SEATS 6, 128 .H.P. um•t Ilg Engine • Ilg Space Ilg Windows· ..... ... Small Price ..,_ THE PEOPk!S CAR fll7fllJ ASK ABOUT OUR RED, WHITE & BLUE SALE FREE Ca.r radio.;Power brakes-Vinyl roof SPECIAL WEEKEND USED CAR VALUES 'H OOID STA. W .. ON $1995 ''4 OOH . DOOi ..... $945 '6I LlMan CLASSIC $1""5 C..Mrt s.1re. '....... I.ate ........... ,............ 4 ...... ......., • ~7 'fl'•_,.,,,,_,.,_...""'· aNJ7 .,...._ 9JK771 .• WMI .. n. ...._ .._, Wf!UI ' -:-_:~!!~!::. ..... $995 CAMPER SPECIAL ~~:=.,~·,~ ... s1895 HMaHt ...._ I• ••••Pr. YPWUI '64 uiiiiil sii.:WGN. $995 .,_ CAl.oYll s595 '" CHIY. SUPll llOIT '1895 a.k: • cwi,. _,., tiw.. ,...., ._,.,,,. ,..,... • ·' • ,_..,, *• ,...... lf'W, • ,... ......-. IAMJJ '66 IL CAMtNO s1775 llP74I iu UMUI AMliiCAN $995 lll•R••I ...... , •• , •• ,, , . I ;~"M"D'°'A"IT""•"'T;---.-=s=-1=-1=7=5 :"""\. ..... ,,......,.,.., 2 .. ...., ............ 1 r,~i .....,. ""'-..OSI":'. S.,1r1te or P•ckage ..... .....,_ OML1tl • RED Open 7 Days CARPET and Evttnlligl SERVLCE . FOR For Y,... YOUR CAR Conve11i111Ct SALES AND SIRVICE 191 ,HARIOR BLVD., COSTA · MESA 842-8123 Jim -4M-9'773 or 545-0634. DAJLYPILOTWANT.\DSI ~Em New~n 9800 Now c.,.. 9100 Now Cu~ 9IOO Now C1rs 9800 Now Ciro EXCLUSIVE · SHOWIN,(i THEODORE ROBINS FORD, ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY SHELBY AMERICAN DEALER, PROUDLY PRESENTS THE AL~ NEW SHELBY. GT 1969, TWICE AS EXCITING AS ANY PICTURE! . For . · IN OUR SHOWROOMS NOW! ~ . . . . This is the OM you 've waited for! America's most exciting, UNCOMMON high performance sports car! AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FINAL CLIARANCI OP 1961 GT.i50'S; OT-500'5, N!W -EXIC. CARS. LESS THAN A DOZIN LEFT AT '1'.HE GRIATEST SHELBY-AMERICAN DISCOUNTS IN OUR HISTORY! ........... 11 •Pris& t. lllll THUNDERBIRD SALE • lo cho111 from. 2 door 111d 4 door 11'1od1l11 HarJtop1 111d Lond1111. All with olr conditlonin9 i nd full power. So1T11 with •f1r1• f•p••· '6J thr11 '67 Med1l1. UAMPLI '65 T0 Bird Landau P11lly •qlllpped, 1lr c._rtd., power wlnd•wt • A 111t1, 11111 ll>Olt prl11. t2JJI, IOYW., 621) 20% clown or tracl1. $1395 ~t~. $48 :"..!:. '67 T·llrd Landau RAH, tllt whl., a11te., PS, Pl, P-wincl-1 I 11at, 1lr t oMcl. facf, w1rranty IVCKJl21 20% d-11 ., tr1cl1. $2995 ~~. $79 :-..::. 'TAX REFVND DUE7 'WHY WAm BUY NOW-PAY LATER EASY FINANCING AVAii.AiLi ' . . /,. GET RED .HOT SAVINGS ON SPECIALLY ,EQUIPPED MQSTANGS, FAIRLANES " ' ·& · GALAXIE •s These unique '69'i wor• ·spec:i1ly built lo 11ve you money on the most w1nt1d 1969 extr1sl Come in, Sff the 1m1z:ing 11vings we1r1 offering on such ope tionel equipment 1s 1ir conditioning, E-28 whitew1ls, vinyl roofs, dolwt1 whffl covors, tape stripes, body mouldings, etc., etc. UMITED OUANITllSI HURRY WHllf 1HEY wn , '64 FORD SALE 7 TO CHDOSE PllOM 2 Doer•, 4 Do9", S1d•11•, H1l1ltop1, Con· vert.lblo•, Wofo111, 1orn• with •1r 111111 pow· or 1tnrln1. EXAMPLE: ''4 fOID ·•Al.Alll 1H 4 DOOi v.1 111to1Mffc, f11lly 1q11lpp••· ITWI· 4Jtl. 25% clo-or trod•. $695 Full Prlco. $23 por 30 moo. '67 Mustang H.T. Cpe. VI 111fo., RIH, '5, foctory 1lr. lh11 a.olt ,r1c1 t24S4 IUJllJ71 20% .. 1w11 or tr1d1. $.1695 ~. $47 ':..::. • MUSTANG SALE I J to Choo .. ft.M, "6" & "1"1 cyllrtd•"• 4 1p1eds, 1if1M1tlc. Som. with power rf••d111 111d air co111Utlo11IP1t. lf61 ftnt lf6J llt~Oi,. C911V&rfl .. l&t, Clll,.I Olld 2+2 f11~cl.t-IXAMPLI ltd MUST.ute' Hardt•p CH,.. hlly -..1,M cwx~ Jtll 20% dowit w floo4o. $895 :~$31 ::.;~. ' ' . . ENGLISH l'ORD CLIAllANCE OLlNH COUtm'I ..._ INYINTOl'f NOW AT .... SAVINOs YOU WILL LOVll l"IUID J I 4 tool llDANI •TIA4- SIDA,NS STATION WAGONS IN YOUll CHOIU OP 4 SPD, Oi' AUTO. TIANI •AVETODAYI •• e 1H MtLD PD MOUi e 11 111111 Nl •.WON e DISC _ ....... us. .... e I TO M IN fl.t HCONl.I e Ul1f1'11Y tUAUrT ICITH IN• llH AMI OUT UHi CAI SAU PllCll DWClltl n MOUB 1111111 PlftlOUILY IOLI ALL PAYMINTI ftffUD Oii "'IOftl caDIT • OPEN SUNDAYS ::, ~~t PAlllLY CAio 1 i I . ' • ' • ' : . .. ' ·;.:· • • . ' • • ' ·1 '·. •' .. 't ·' " . ' • .. ., . • •' " J J • ' ., . ' ) ,,r f r . • . l i • . . ' ; ' . . ' • • ,I : ! 1 I. l ' I I f ' .. -~' TRANSPORTATION Utod C.rs 9900 'ORANGI ·CO!JNTY'S NO. 1 TRANSPORTATION .CENTER 1 • ' ·:~e .iRANSPOalAnON SPECIALS e ' ...... t'" .. • EVEN IF YOU HAVE BEEN iBANl<,UPT. ···EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO CREDIT • ' I WE CARRY OUR OWll COllTRACT • EVEN IF YOU .HAD · 4 REPOSSESStON • DIVORCED ,.. EVEN IF YOU ARE NEW IN AREA' , ... rlY'-DAY .f'AYMENTS ' ' • I • • ' ' OREDIT PIOILEIS • • E·Z BUDGET· TERMS .. , , •:.NO' RED TA'E NOW 2ND LOCATION 901 W •. RRST STREET,, SANTA ANA ~··········~········ • JUST A SAMPLE OF SPEOAl,S AT OUR LOT IN COSTA M!SA -I r .••••••••••••••••••• JUST A SAMPLE OF SPECIALS AT OUR LOT IN SANTA ANA I I ' '54 BUICK Cent. · '59 FORD '59 CHlV. IMPALA I I 'Dr. H.T. \l ... ~A.T. ILKM 2'21 ....... 4.T. HIV. '111 \14. "·'· (oct 5161 ._ I $49 !"':~.';~.. $49 !·~C::.'t~.. $49 ;·;:~ ~ri~~. I I '60 PLYMOUTH '58 OLDS 88 ' '59 VAUXHAU I I Flll)f" ,.aorv E""'°"9f, I _,.,.~H.T. A.T .. I~ ()l.UGJ) ¥4. A.'t.· l".I, !PMH 122) CCM.ll SO) • $49 " 1· I I '56 ~~~. ~~· :GN. '60 (~~:,~ .. ~· H.T. '55.'.0,~~ ~"Dr. I · ... · · $49 Tofal 'rice $49~ Totol Pri'° Totol Pri'° .. ·-'~ •-&• •-'~ • I I . ,.'.:9,.~l,'.~~~!.~IJ' '63 STUDE. I.Irk '6~,~~~;.~;~~la 'I · : $ 49 Totol Price $99 Totol p,1.. $99 Total P•I•• I . + Tax & Uc. + Tax & Uc. + Tax & Lie. I fFKG ml V ... A. T •• lt.l.H, CHVT "'91 I '99 ~ ... , ,nc. $19.9 $19 $19 $199 s19 $19 I . I + Tax & Uc. + l:':' l1ft_ _ o11. 1°P:!i,. Mi~. + l~" l1f~ o~.r~. M~,~~rnt. I ' I '60 FORD STA. WGN. '61 CHEV. Bel Air ' '63 MERC. Comet I I $199···-"~1~9r-s19 $1'99"'"'~$19~"·;l9 ,, ... "" ... I • '61 OLDS Super 88 '60 PONTIAC H.T. '62 FORD hlcon I I H.T .. v.a., A.T .. ,..s .. ,.,,.,.1J:az ,,,, v .. A.T •• 1'.!.. 1Nx1 11111 2 Or. 1ua. llll I 5299 Total Price I + f:•~'t.-Dll.rr~: ·M:~""-+ l:tl'tf:. · '~T~~.' ,..,i0Wm1. +Tax & Lie. · ·I '62 CHEV. 11 SIL· Wgn. · '~2 DODGE Dirt '65 CHEV. lmp1l1 'I I $199 $19 $19 $11.!! $!' $,!~ ~!;1.? ~i! ~,~!. 1 1 loltll l"rlCll To!1I Tot•t + •• .. lie. Dll. PYmt. Me. PY!nt, I + •• I. lie. D11. PVrnt. Mo. Pvlllt. '63 FORD G1lx. H.T. '62 CHEV. II I . '59 LINCOLN CONT. . \/ ... A.T-... t., l'.I~ ,.,W, {QU'IJ071 I $199 $19 $19 I lotll ,.rim Tot1t Tofil I . 1 $299 "$28 ~· S2S '$, 299 ,., w111. A.T .. lt&H.'IFYA 1711 '$6v~99A.T ... ~·: ... ~lM •• Alr f*"51> 1 1 ror.i ,,.,.. TD111 To1111 ' Total Prlc• Total Price • + t 111 a. lk. Dll. PYmt. Mo. "''"'· + Tax & Uc. + Tax & Uc. Y4. A.T,, l".L (Ol(M J.111 $~9 Totol Pri .. +Tax & Lie. STA. W4GOH AU!O CJPY OIOJ s399Total Price : + Tax & Lie . I I I + u: I. llt. Dft. ""'""'· Mo. Prmt. ' . ····~·· •••••••••••••••• • : > • i t • • ' ' • • ~~. 9600 lmportod Autos 9600 lmportod Autos 9600 Imported A-· 9600 lmportod, Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Autos W1ntod 9900 Used C1rs 9900 -------VOWWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE . MG WE PAY.,. VOLKSWAG.EN ·TOYOTA ' '64 PORSCHE C, A~f/FM I --""-----_.,,,. <hr whl•, fact .... disc '67 TOYOTo-:. MG 6C vW BUG. $HARP! vw Radio. S tittL BY oWner VW Bw; w1Reburit '62 eng. CASH . MECHANICS' SPECIALS ONLY 10 CARS LEIT One to Each C\18tomer Cl;IEVELLE brakes, '69 tags. Xlnt con<!. .lilee, Service, Parh Priv. party. $31SO or oiler. lete new MG inventoey 548-8972 the Dew Austl.o America -1963'~s.oo=.-bl-a_c_k/_blac_k_, -.--1 Here Now! • whls, A!of!FM, N "d I Whttl. xlnt cond. $3100. ~ '6f MG MIDGET -· Marl< m. • opd. ""· ~Ui!nt ruMing cond. Wire -'65 PORSCHE 356C, A?o.f/FM. Chnn whls, drk gm, nrii O\vner, .$3295. 646-6115 1956 PORSCHE 1600 N. BahamaYellow.OeanSraxl flrm. 503 Acacia CdM 673-9'03 1961 PORSCHE 912, AM/F?t1', radialg, hdntl. $4300 nr best otter 673-2585 .... '63 PORSCHE S, :drrt cond, all new equip. Best offtr. 4M-3237 alter & iD6C SC Porlche COGpe with air condition. New Pirelli ttrn. $2800. 675-2Sn '68 PORSCHE, xlnt o:>nd. low mlleap, $4100 firm. OR take over paytl 675--3723 ~ cream white body, ~ black inl Driven by 1iihe 'olo man .... La&una. SUIARU 115 C,.h -wlll fine pnot. i ------r--.111>~ UOF59J,......,.,, 1969 SUBARU £ · ' I · from '$1297; 66 MPG M C Bl/ G T '67, BRO, Complete torelsn car •rvic:9 e , w"" w h • •" • Kosta Kustom Kan ndlo. $2400. ,,.,., nlteA: 598-4648 l9llO Harbor Blvd. 646-6484 iliGB, . British ndna: • Excel cood. 1'°" .' SUNHAM . ~ ~--,....-~---- JCGA. IDOd .CJDDd.. cocoa .. 1914: SUnbnm Alpine, -......... 'Iii . cc:.~. ~---=;o:;o=====~== I'll. .Jlall = ·~: ....... ·_T..,.O,'-Y_O_TA __ .ti~-=:A . 'ff TOYOTA HT • MANY EXTRAS Jt *" -· 1 ""' .,, ltllL 141S. C'8 -·r ··~ EXEC CAR ~ SAVE $300. '411 Modoh Fr. $tno lrJJia Corona, automatic transmiA- sion, radio, heater. see A: drive today. Lie TYX217. $1475 .. · ulliniA IHPORTS T0:T0TA·YOL¥0 1966 -..... C.Mf . 646-9303 TOYO.TA BIµ M.U.EY. $885. Call' 54&-7161 Good tires. xlnt cond. $500. '55 vw. 2 door, sunroof. Price Special1 _.,_,..._n_o ____ .;__ Great for dune buggy, $715. '60 Bug • •••· ...... •• • $.199 * '59 VOLKS\VAGEN * 67H674 C.d.M. '61 Bugs ••••••.•••••.• $499 $200 under Blue Book 'Ga. VW, 2.door sedan, green. ~ Bugs .............. S599 , 962-8956 $17f:i0. Corona del Mar. ,r.. Bua ·········~'""' $999 '6S VW Bus rebuilt engine, • 673-6)'74 • 67 Sunbeam. A1p1ne Rdstr new brakes &: tires must 1969 vW. WSW, radio, pop Excellent, reduced •• $1499 sell. $1300. ~U20 ' out )Vndws. Straight stick, · ~ .Bhie. ""°mi s1B70. 644-4re9 VOLVO v:; !•:! !,;:, eonvt. C~ 0~ '68 VOlVO 2 DR. ... vw .::::ck Station 'o ~ MANEXECY EXCARTlµS Wagon~ New tires, xJnt ... ~ mnd. $1395. 84~ '-' $2495 R/H. $.l:iO or otter. 1t7d HAllOI ILVD. IW"' Pr! pi'ty. 675-3345 COSTA 'MH'A ... vw Bua. xw cond. Wk • 68 VW ' IHPORTS "'' vw. Rebuilt .,,.. ............. , .. , ,,. If,., ... L11DU· days 9-5 PM 567400 Aft TOTOTA·YOLYO IOIYIOITIAI 6 6 wk """ 673-11lltl """'" blu., """>'• many (T , . vctras, Like new! See and 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-~303 , 5 r68 ,,vw Bus 1 pau. Xlnt make offer. Llc. VSU&t. * New Volvos * 1Ull •BEACH .BLVD; cond. AM·FM. PN p•ty. "' LtmiA GET A Hunt. Bo1eh 147"555 642-1031 °' 831-4211 ..... 3 mt N. of eout Hw1. oo sq. '68 VW Sedan; boige, blk. WB BETIER DEAL N ...... _ ... .,,.,., 1 ... ,.. ,,,..,, m •• ' ' IHPORTS Herb Friedlander • F1nd tt with • want ad! headers. tach,. etc. 675-221.4 13T>JO Beach Bl~ (Hwy 39) , • , TOYOTA-VOLVO 2 blks So. G.G. Fwy. lmlloo:tod Auloo -lmpOrtod Autos 9600 1966.11.u"°', C.M. ......,, lm-7""'6 5.1'1-<824 $25. $50. $75. $100. '65 CiiEVELLE SS 327 4 plll!I tax .1 lie.. sp Ok. gr. Blk int. $1450. '°' """' cars & tnl<ks just flWPORTCR MOTORS o• otf". 2093 Thurin,. Apt call us for free estimate. . I&; RO H, 01 G TH CHEVROl!T = =~'Blvd. ==c =H=m=o=L=ET= Ask for Sales MaJlllier 18211 Beach mvd. Huntington Beach Kl 9-3331 Auto Leasing 9810 /·LEASE 'EM BUICK FOR Sale 1966 Buick Riviera xlnt cond. In mileage, pv1 party. 54S-5806 '62 BUICK Spec. Power, auto, good cond. &: tires. 4 SPEED SPECIALISTS HIGH PERf-ORMANCE CUSTOM CARS LARGEST '>FlfCTl01'' IN ORANf",f_ COUNTY Rates qnoted • 24 mo. lease _S525=·=-=:::===== '19 Mus-&, rad $76.14 mo • CADILLAC '69 Camaro VlB, air $89. mo Se lectod Aut o C enter I ll>L' Hr11L"'o, 81,11 ~)].16~6 '69 LTD new, air, $100.52 mn -------- '64 cad biV 43,000 mi S89 mo '67 T-Blrd, alr, 17,fXXrml .•• .................. $94.72 mo "411' lian'Y Willtamo So. CCNst Cir Leasing 300 W. Corult Highway Newport Beach 714: 64>21B2 '69 CADILLAC Sedan di Ville '65 Chevy Impale Lnaded-.. AM-FM, fact. air, Hardtop, factnry air cond, 'factory WIUT81IJY, low miles. dlr, pwr 11teering, new ti'l's, $6995 black landau tnp, Xlllt coi'ld. BOB LONGPRE SS5 cash dela nr lake foreign PONTIAC car in trade. Will line prvt AUTO IWING e 63&.2500 e prty. L.B. TXJ484. Ask for * * '00 ~ Conv. V•ey good Jim 494-9713 o• 545-0634. , I ALL MAKES copd. Blu • white top $550. 'f,6 EL Camioo 396 engine, I COMPETETIVE PRICES Can be seen at Unk>n Sta· 4 &peed !!lick shift. $1 750. Cort Fox Auto Leising' lion, Newport Blvd. al Ray Carey Chevron Sta., 224 W. C.out Ulnt..way Fa.lrview, C.M. OOf S. Coast Hwy, Laguna. '63 V.W. lsug, competition yeUow, 3 mo. new tires, chrome wills. reblt q by ,prof. with 6 mo IUD'· mw T wkl ol.d. New tra.naaiceL Xlnt bqy at S8Q). «M-Ofi77 • ._, 494-TI40 '65 122 S I m m a c u I at e . Newpcn1 Beach 64J..8f40 1969 CADILLAC Eldorado. ;;;--;;;:=-;:=;:-=,,- AM/FM radio, !' track AH opUons lncl. cruise con-'62 CHEV Impala hardtop aelco, whlte walls. mint Used Gan 9900 trol, leather, air, itereo. conv. Excellent cond. R & cand. $14.50. 545-0188 (Can $7,500. 645--2442. ~ H, pwr Slrg. $700. 64~1748 holp .,......., TRAJISPORTATIOH ,;.(!~-""""''·~~~-aft" 2 PM 1968 CADILLAC Sedan De 1960 CHEVY 6 auto, ps, CAR SAlf' VIU!. 13,000 ml, WMe RIH. 1395. 8"e fu ap. w/blue lnl Fully eqUtp, prec.iate. Ph. 536-1641 wkrx:ts VW, '&;, Futback. SAVE Autos Wint.Cf 9700 $100. Bluebook. AA 1 mech, llody, Int • """· -nltes CAMPER '63 VW, extra clwl. R 6 H, ·.n gtaa tinted. Bis motor, aood-rub- ...... A Beauty! IGJOOl ·54· VW &c. reblt erw .l l!!lllEE FREE tn.nl axle. Ne" brakn, l"ft • o .. b! Private -· $925 V-.&1.. or otter. sa-mt I.ls V~s -1nin 1·oo=-=vw~Bur.-'=..,,.--...... -. J DA VS & 2 NIQHTS ndlo. $13SO. FOR TWO •CaO &ff.-0444t N• hrcll ... N•c••••ry '63 VW CAMPER $900 0r- 15300 leac~ Blvd. Weslllllnsler IH-3322 Ol'IN.7 DAYS Bnt Offer 534-1751 W-nda 'C:. VW rt.bit engine. Good -radio, aood -· .. Caah. -aft. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET WiR Bay Your VoUmrqm • P<nc:he a .., .., tiouata. hid i... .. aot. Ca1l Ral~ 673-1190 $5295. Prv prty. S49--016S 1:: after S::ll. •57 FLEETWOOD Cadillac. '64 EL Camino. Autn trans. hit 53,.cro mJ rf on Good condition. Cl.ll Jerry 9:..~ e,,, '-Deo ' pe • g. 548-3179 nr 642-6583 ~~---p~ply.$595. ""'""""",:;:,,:::;=-.,.....~1 A/T .................... $99 '57 BUICK 4 Or. H.T. R&H. A/T, ••••• .............. $49 '59 PONTIAC 4 Dr. Rid{, PS, m-2825 163 OIEVY_. Impala, 4 apd, '62 OLDS F"'5 4 In. !WI, ==:,;::::;,_=~--~ -Bil. A/T ••••••••••••••••.••• $99 IMMACULATE? 1 Ownn' '62 owner. '59 FORD 2 Dr. R.&H, A/T, S!dan DeVJPe, All pnwer, 548.3569 P.S. ••••••••••••••••••• $199 Jow miles. Prv pr t y . '63 BEL AIR • Fa~ air 'SIT-BRO FU1l ~ $1490n ~· &C-3368::;,;:;;:=,,_,.....'="'..,... __ 1 oond_ Rad lo I He a I er '59 T·BRD Full pcrwr S1990n 'i2 CAD Coqpe. EAtatr sale. 64&..9223 -r Eves, wkendl . '60T-BIRDFullpower1J.990a Yellow, a!Nlond, R/lL Nu '63 CHEVY Nova. xlnt mnd. BLUE CH• ... L $650. 675-1000 R/11. Own<<'Aft" • pm AUTO SALES '6C SEO. DcVUle. Orig. '-"'ii*rt.;646-91194;-;;~*,-,,-.--I · tnmer. Xlnt cond. $11$. '54 CHEVY, 6 cyl, IUlo. 21"5 flarbor Blvd. c.µ fi44....CJ:m: RAH. 4 new tires. RW'll Cotta Mesa good. $150. 642-Qi.84 &42.$'100 '!1'<392 CAMARO 00 GREENBRIER Van, ·51 CHEVl' • .,. Anttlla, -----'"-'---I good eond, s.m cub. °""'' good -"""' ..U. '8 CAMARO ..,,.,, QP, 4 67l-9181 m..m days l1W4tO ~ spd. Xlnt cond. Mat aeU. ""''"'· QIEVY==.-:1"°1 "'sta"'t1on,...,...w~,..,.-,_ &iif1h0i-wut .Ada. Sid. MT-HM "'T' $«)(). 445 Eut 17th St., • Dial 542-56'71 White dephantll Dime-a-line Coata Meu , _______ _ -· . ----·----·------..... --·--~-------··--· - ~. f......, e, 1969 DAILY l'llOT rRANSPORTATI N TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ' TRANSPORTATION TR,t,NSPORTATION MooNiow~ TRANSPORT.ATION TRANSPORTATION ·:. TIWilPOlttlTION fllANSl'OltTATl&l· ' " •.• "9100NoW.Cors · -. fllllillo'!IC:.ro , •' "°" NoWciro ·.: •-· · ... · MNow Ciro 111111Now C.ro •• ... . .,_, ... C:.ro \. ' . ,. -" ; -.• --. ~, . CADILLAC fQr NI~fEE~' ,SJX"l:Y~. · , .. . 1964 CADILLAC 4 Doot 'htrdtop finbhed Iii ltoyele •Ive exkrl•r with ftltfcl!b11 blve cloth inkrlor. ~·• •II tl,e Pfpul1r Ctdlll1c pw1r e••l•ft lncl11dlnt p1w1r ••••rlnt, p-.r br•k11,' power window1, AM·FM r1clio, cn1i11 conffel ind much, m11ch in.ore. 1Vt-IUl98} , , SALi , 444 PllCE 1967 CADILLAC Thl1 lo1'el., Coup• Da Ville h11 all po-r ••1bt1 l"cluclint ,.w•r 1t1erin9, br1ke1, windows, 11et end C1dill1c'1 femou1 f1ctory eir COii• ditionln9; 1!1reo AM-FM, tllt wh11I, twili9ht-t1nt., Premh1m O.uble E1gl1 tir11 . l eeulif1,1I loc1Jly dri1'en fine 1utomobllt,· IYAX7111 SALE $3999 PRICE . 1966 BUICK Cuitom leS1bre 4 Door .h1rdtop. Sp1rldin9 t11I blue with m1tchint h1ter- ior •. Fectory eir conditioning, autom1tic tr1111miul9111,. '""' 1f11rlft9,. power breke .. r1dlo, ht•t.r, etc. Tri.1ly a fine 1ute111oblle thet mu1t be ••en artd drl..-111 to •pprocltle lh fin• "•Ivel CSIW4991 · 52222· SALE · · PRICE 1966 OLDSMOBILE 98 a...ury S1den. l1111tlful 11tin 1i11'1r int~rlor with bl1el: \'lnyl ,.of and ·- m1tchl119 brocade interior, Power af11rln9, pow1r br1k11, pow1r window .. pow•t 1111, AM-FM rodio, tilt 1t.erin9 wh11I, pow•r ¥ent wl11dow1, 1ir _condilioni119. Ab1ol11t1ly 9or910111, ·1RUL090) s ·. SALE 2333 PllCI 1967 CADILLAC OeVille conYetfible. leeutiful C.111eo Mitt 11!11~ inekhint to, end leather int1rior, Thlt low mile19e car It nc:1ptlonally oquippecl with fadory •ir co"ditionin9, pow1r tfeering, .power l»r•ke1, power 11at1, p1w1r wlndw1, tilt end tele1copic wheel, AM-FM raclio. IXSP6tll SALEs3999--~icii .: , -• ·;r 1968 TRUiMPH Gr•n Turi1imo co11pe. Thi1 lovely little t11tb1ck ha1 4'•peed fr1n1mi11io11, wiro w~eel1 ind II 1b10/1,1tely lik1 br~ .~w with only t,000 mil1t. Stun• nln9 M1nbur1t yellow exhrier with bla!k ,11 vi.YI lnt.rler. l111I I ownff 111tom6bile 1how1 ouht111din9 ~ere lr, 'reviou~_~Mr. Teke It ftr t shorf drl"' end you'll fill in 101'1 with if. CWVP4001, .. -· '292 .. 9. ~'.i '• ,.. " SALE 'I< • ·.,u , -·-·~·t ~-"' _,. VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SALES & SERVICE CENTIR • WE ALSO STOCK ALL ORIGllNAI. FACTOR\' 19UIPMI"' TIUS. 539':.U INCLUDIN• MOUNTIN-...u.ANCIH I DClll TAI •• FREE PICKUP AllD DEUVERY ; !\• -,. ' . • ' .. ' ,\ , ... tf1o ' ' I l ' f • ~ ' ; · ~ ~·A:·Ma$te,P,iec~ ·lrolii .~.~ :~ . ·. , The MaJter .trcl~smen ' ' . . .. . . / . . ~ ' . . On Display and lt8ocly for•Dellvery TodCiyl . ORDER YOUR -1969 CADlttAC NOW I · LEASE DIRECT e. FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE • :. ,;· LARGEST SELECllON . ~ . ' OF. LA TE MOO EL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY .. I 1968 Coupe De Ville • ' ... fit,3 Lo..-1ly ch•1tnut brown ••t.rlor with 11n41•wood padded top end m1tchl11t 1111cll-•'4 tll "•th1r interior. H11 1JI tho plW'•r '"Ith includint power br1•e1, pow1r 1te1rl119, pewer wlntlewt, pow• or 11tt, p-•r iioor locb, 1t1t10 AM-FM redio, pow~•' tr1111k lid t1lt111, f1ctory t fr c....ilffenlnt arid lt1nd ~1w Whitt 1ld1 wall tir11. tVRX8461 . 55333 1967 Sedan De ·Ville NABE:RS ·. ' ' • .. .. ,I · " 1965 CADILl,AC .'": I ~; Th• po,ular sM11. DtVllle. flnblrt.4 ht l1roef11e ..W uftrlor wltll Matc:h"· 1111 oold l11Ml.r •M clotl int1rlor. H•• ell tll• ,.,..1,f CaellUe1.tv.wy hahlr11 l11clu41119 powor 1f91rln" peww bfe•• .. ,..... wlnd-1t· pow•t 11eh, lignol 11elh,o r1dlo and •f '""*·C.dlll•c fathry air 10ftdltlonln9. 171221 ' J I SltLLL · · , SALE: 'ACUU PlllCl''.' " 1962 CADltLAC . Coupe DeYllle. This ma\ .. tlc tvff4•1Meft 'Ca411N•· Mftl...,. loatW llllt.rlor .tiu al111 .. •II· td; tho .Miu•• foatur11 th•t C1dlll1• 11 l•M .. fer hiclitill11t ,laww m.rlaf: .; ...... brak••• power 111t1 •nd power .t,lnclow1, Al10 h11 C.411\ec F1ctory •Jf cltf'dltlonlnt. Yo11 mud drfv• +1111 one. IJRHIJ21 ; r• ·! • ' ' ~~ 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa ~esa : .540 .. 9100 "' :ii:i.:' ' . ' J( . ' ·• . ~·· ~· /, ·'·' .. ' 9900 UNd Caro · 9i;ll u...i ~ · CHEVROLET, DODGE FORD ' I ·' '67 CORVETl'E, -y m. 1ow "'"'""· .int amc1. i--MU_ST_A_N_G-. -PLYMOUTH PONTIAC llAMILER '59 DODGE Wagon. new I ~n~':'>'-~'°".'_,. Hem! Engine Mr fl!. Tr PLnt011111 Fury 111; 'rF PONTIAC FIRl:BIRD I.;__._ __ -.;.,._ __ 1 · Sacrifice_ 548-8522 ( . $m Call 5fO-.D ;ii,, l · ~ ·~ ~2.: HT •:i '16 MUSrANG Oonvt V... t Dr. Mtp., .........,., oJr. Oonvt. Lo o>l. N"' Mld>elln 'ii·IWIBLl:R iBo .....0. -'::=:O;:;:::=:;;:=;;· '= • au • Pl. · red, ·all the utru ~ cood. full -. Ind. -1'dlala, P. ~ 400: _......,, ltlck. ,t •-h. .aJr. .-,,, i 1961 EL CAMINO, 4 opeed, s p e c i a I suspension-396. ~k. pel'IOnal CM, new tires. lat clUI condition, $2100. 615-2226 COUGAR '67 COUGAR • FORD = looded, wan ""1dltlon, be!t of!~ -., 1nt""du1>1 .-. '°"'°''·Adto~ 14'15C-51$-2111 · '. · · -"'5 , -cood. 9Ga2 AIL 196C l'ONTIAC , Le -'84 RAMBU:R W-: ..w 1..:;;;.;;,;.;;,r.;;,..,.---....- CHRYSLER '62 IMPERIAL crown hardtop, white, an oril-interior. Full pwr., fact air, dlr, pwr. windows. $85 Caah dels or take foreign car in trade. Will fine prvt prty. L.B. HSC 568, 4M-9773, or 54l>-0634 '61 CHRYSLER 4 dr hard top. air com; fUll pwr' 1 (lwntt, just recotilitioned, $450. firm. 673-5743 •57 diRYSLER $2'l0. GOOd coiidl-·-pulect. '61 OITRY Sed. w11• ,o IMPERIAL 19111 MUSTANG • ., .,,, s PM aut0, rib, x1n1 ....i. Good .... X1lrt oo00.1W1. s cy1., Hardtop, "Loaded", aufoma· paa, 3l>J eng. AT, R/11.1,... _______ hed toP A/T, alr, P/B, '16 BARRACUDA • l(llOd. -13'15. Call &'B-1511 -lhtlt.115);~'131T tic transmls&lon. i:ir condi-. Pe/pb, fac air, 23,.., an '1t85 IMPERIAL, 4 d P/S, $335. mler bOiX VI, n.tUo and beater, WJ'J · . . llMln&. power -· <Ille ena. Lur nckl, aood t1rH. Crown. Loather ' 56.eo!I -.., iu-GI 11ctory l!!'J"'~ Aytw 9'00 I~,...,.... A"'"° 9600_ I ,,;,.;;;:,,;:.=_;.;,,c...;;::,;;;. brakea, landau top, -HUJ'l')'I $2475. or will trade. 837-0458 pwr, pvt ·pt)'. Ms.~ ~ '67 Mustaris, pwr •lrJ', atr Wanut,f, SlS15. WW talDI -• ' Uc. UEIW. '66-9 passerwer Squire, air, 5, MS-4074 after 6 oond. Many extru. Fact =.:. ~ Phone $2595 ri.dkl. PIS. PIB. rack Im-wart. Like new. 540-'l87'1' p.m. L•...! • mac, loob new, 12lDQ. MERCURY llUSTANG 1965, otjc ....., fQll wiq 644-009l 1,;.-~:;;;:;~:.:;;.;__I top'°"'· only 11395.·, '8 FORD Fafl!ane Statlon '63 COLONY PARK * ~ * '&l TE>li'tST, ~ml .... IHPORTS Wqon, •i.andard. I cyt. 002 station Wqoo; blue with '68 MUSTANG;&IN.'Oft'i., full ex6ellent co d TOYOTA-Yot.TO ~In~;; ml ex cond. matchlqr_~ Inter. In xlnt pwr., vinyl top. 7500. JIL =~ulcol' ""=· n •' 1966 -· c.M. 646-8310 • c:ood.; -• c:ood., auto. T.O.P. Pvt Ply. m-91 ... to '"*Ford E DJ Qiper Van. 'tram.; _. -,_ =:-.. Au-v.a. 1GOO ml flllO. Ins "..., --OLDSMOll.I ·--ao. -~ -·-· 5Wrl694 • bet.tel'; pod w/w tlrM; ea---ll _ _,,. PON11AC I C&ll Neal ~1081 1967 OlUGAR, pvt;y pty, W. new, air eond, PI S . AM / l'M, W I 0 Tires. Wk- d.,i m-16ll. ext 1!18.1, .... &: wlr-endl 673-2288 or m-2244 'SS FOJID OJuntry -... -• --1--llMRSllY-----.. -. -.... 3 tPI ...... W u~ podlar...,d<dr.lldlolfor etc.a.op,.$f!11.-- , . • -. •W'" N---"""' -""") --jlolll~t•f•IG. !500. -·11 i,a-i. l4eol famll> SALES & • s11iv1c1 . ...,"5. .tt 11. • · ·51 MONZA.• op0e<1, very '68 COUGAR '57 FORD w-. '-· ""'· lald1 -at 1115-NU.-ne .-,. PONTI.IC -Ill!, clean !250. Ll!ne with bti padded top. Pe~:'~ _Alt.,Plot VUI-PIS-P/B. ,..... ....... 6"'3189 alt 6 PM Loaded and alr·-lllonl'1!• I-'::;::;;.:.:::;:=:::.:::.:::=-'s; CALIENl'E <Div low I l.000 pll. S'I O>ualrJ .• 128QO. !.!. Stotla •~«fl 00 GALAXY 500 hard top. -"'---~-• _. 23IO -Bl,;,. Ford w-. SN;flllms. CORVAIR Monz& 1S6L SJ>O. Eves. 962.7006 -P/S, fac olr, rad~. hePr ,.__ ._ ,...., .-C6ota Mi.a IG-Ull Needs •light woik. Good 833-'934 I!""-...., 6*-IOlil llltr ~ UIOd cin _,_ cir pe.lnt. ~45 17 COUGAR XR? Xlnt cond. ' "" 11 PONTIAC .• ,,._ IRa. e CORVAIR Monza Conv. Air P/S Dile radlal tira. '65 FORD, Gal.axle MO. 380 i1D 2 DR Montl!,.y J'l'W p/1 'C OLD:!! F-15. new t:raN. Wp. Jt.eblt "'1S. bl&YJ·dtto . 1966 '8,000 ml, 11000. See 546-0652.,,..,..Wknds v.a ena. • IPd trano. Alt •.,... -~@Ill $EO er--· WU!-·11 -otr cood. llllll toopproc.96M636 1-:::========'I 5 om.'4M43< cr 1'elt otter-:-' -~-'·-·--t11J..1t1..-. · DODGE 1$6 FORD' DR. -. .. (l:DI • Dr. Jtt itllr 'Cl 'l'DPrEl1'1 ..... - rown oec1an. Good cond.. MUST~9 •: . o.tr.. xim ... --.. 1DJ. 'Gal!il _. - '6' POLARA, :m v ... ..,_ ·2001 C?lfl Dr. N.B. ~ · $l;CID. f*.ISJ3 , -~ • auto. AM/FM. Top '51 F/JRLANE, 1011 pwr A 'Sf llUSTAl«l VI 1t1CL Lo '1111 OUl8 -llro, all a. 'Sf ~ conl · 1hape. Reduced tb $115. autnmatlc, Fad tlm A CIOfto ml. 6 n. 4*'111. Mait leDI tru. $415. W b 0leIa1 e • Hew ... ' W ... -dttton. !DJ. IJ42-39M 11& 51&-l56.l ' SM-nu a1t s. .'!Beft~-~~11' ~~~-.l:~:::::;::::::;;;:;;::o:z::=::;;;;:.::::;;r~~!;t;:;: 1 .=====~ CORYAIR CORVEllE ' t • • l I I : r . I • I • l . ' -··~·--·--~ ><•--~~-------~-,.,...~-.;:-•""-"-"'""""'-"""'"""'-"""'o"'"''""'"''°""'"'·"i!J'"''•"'"""'C.,..,.., ....,....,, .. ,.,,_,,,~a~™-•~soe~-----------.------;- ·~ I ~ ,,. ""' ,......, •• 1969 . . -. . .'61 · llUltAR HAltDIOJI . ··11r· ..... ._.. ,.... ........... ~ lk. AIOG4ll . SI ·7 ) 10rli.' $. -t'1 -.t,~·-s" I ~· m ... .. , -. 6ft.:W &:1Q=·· , , • iof"N,&~IC. ,~ . " , 1 "•) .. f ........... POI.AU~-°' tlll. M •/fecfwf 11r;""9' ...., .. 11n,:; wtt. t-.. Ull, s7· 8-8· 'ilf $2~6:. ;,;· s2· ,£.~ .... • ;f-TM & UC.: · f!l'JB. rV=· ~ . ~ ' ' • Al ...... Mc.lwl,All.pp1l•,._-• .,.l!JI ....,_,...,,_ ' .,....,,_.. ANOIHER :HARBOR ·DODGE FIRST ON ALL ADWRTISEO CA~NO NEED TO ' ORDER HERE! Southern Califor nia's Ch ar ger Headquarters WGEST SIUCTION Of CHARGERS To Chto11 From In s.. Cal~. • • I " . $62· $62 ·· ' . TOTAL DOWll fOTAL MTHLY. PAYMfNT PAYMENT '69 CHARGERS Bucket seats • Hideaway headlights •'full vinyl Interior • N.ylon carpeting • Rear deck spoiler •· full l.IC'in~ instrument1tion • Bumper guards ~ Ash tray light • H.D. springs • H.D. torsion' sway IM!r ••• Used, low mileage. (YPS286) TOTAL PRICE --; d~~ .1~69 -DART SWINGER 2-Door Hardtop s1 a·--8.8 Full fKIOly equipped •55 ' •55 ' . !Y'PSfsn U.ed, lciw milngo. TOTAi. DOWN TOTAL .-niLT TOTAL f'lllCE t,k't,,. . PATMINT PA-!MMIDIATE DELIVDY P•r-ta lrltl""tti1:.1--.1 ~-...p• .... ,•..,,.. ... -'lt ,' . 1969 -D,ODGi ·coRONET 2-Door :~5ou9p' •59 $-2· ·oa8 Full l1ct01y equipped CYCN7901 TOTAL DOWN TOTAL MOHTHIT PAYMENT PAYMENT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY used, low milta,ge. TOTAL PRICE +"' I UCUI~ 1969 DODGE POLARA V-8 2.-Door Hardtop $2·288 Fully foclOly equipped '66 '66. No. (YPS288) Used, low mileage. • TOTAL DOWN TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT PAYMENT I I ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST TRUCK, CAMPER & VAN HEADQUARTERS , NEW .TRUCKS USED TRUCKS CllY. '60 "'TOI PICllP I ft. -• ""· s1·6 =· s1 ·6· · ::r."""'1'81 w,!l nMT. "MT.• + W. · P>rllltl. ltd. lM.' FNQ ....... ,. _ ~ ... ~ ;: t • • ~ . . ·-CIDllll'l'I' N0 •. 1 WGdY YOW~DIA1 1R · IHAlllQ,I Clf MAG Ol lllllllL . ' : I I ~65 DODGI MON4CO llARDTOI! Y,l,,...~· ... ,_.,1lrCllK.,_,...,,...,.... •. ....._ . , -"-'! ..... """ ..... r,_,_ .... 'Pl'U'IJ s118'8· =-•4AD -s4· O'°''\ +wauc. · VM£ · · = .. '65 CHEYEW SEDAN' $688 . va.,,.....,.flc:. -..11"GIC7-l . -TOTAL IOTAl , TOTAL . ~!~~u!23 :.":~ 523 :.-;.:~· 'M DODOI DAit! 270 $4•1~~···$1' 6'"';-S""""16~1- +'TAI & UC.: "MT· nML VOLKSWAGEN CENTER '67 YOWWAGlll · """"" ...... ..t.t.i. ~ ' $988 ~.: . s3.'8: s3· 3' !!!!t 4-TAI l UC. -~ rYllt. ;;;a_• . . '64 YOWWAIEit ' . ......... llutW ...... tllCtGn $588 -·= s1~· s19""'l TTAllUC. 7mi = · · '62-YOWWHEN . . . ' Mlw .......... 'i-tpr._ n;itlDQ $488 ... : s16·= ·S16"'"'· ' +TA.I I lit. . nMT. =· . 160 YOWWAGEN PIC:IUP '1 ¥·f~ tlOt~n · s488 .. :E~ s16 !t s16!t·· (~ -... .. , ' • r. ' . . )• ' ' . • A NOTED LAWYER TELLS How Divorce Affects Musband and Wife .. , . DAILY ·PILOT SCUBA DIVING ADVENTURE Where and How to Find Sunken Treasure OllANR COUNTY, CAUPORHIA A DIET EXPERT1 S ADVICE It's Not What You Eat -It's When-You Eat , 1 ;. ,. , 4 . . , \; ' I r I: ~ I I I f ! ! • . Ask Them Yourself 'Oa HOF "1W LEA.RY, Police Col'lllrliuiour of Net11 York City ru. .. "8.e onpa o/ "8.e l.S,.,.,. poUee .i.rwa1- Wlll'•4 Fiorello, Brooli· &y.a, N.Y. e The original intentate-alann system for wanted peraons, stolen cars. and miuing penona bepn with the 13 atates in the Northeut. This haa been expanded until today a police alarm can be sent to the entire country or to Hrious groups of atate9, depending on the caae it.eelf. POR SEN. MILTON R. YOUNG o/ Nortla D.Jcot4 How ... ,.,. ii.a .,.,, •ie11 ..,.. "8.e J.M U.... aM PeJer•l bu,,,el ~ bal•nce4P-Mr1. A.rt Rfllar, O..U. IA114t, N.D. e Based on information contained in the Federal budget for fiscal year 1969, the budget bu been balanced 26 times since 1900. The last balanced ,budget waa in fiscal year 1960 in President Eisenhower's Adminiauation. POlt Bf'BLYN UNCOLN, pu10nol ucretary to tlte Lou PruiJmt Joltn F. Kenrutly Ma.I boua, partk•rly in politic•, caU IMir He· re,.,m• by fir•I na ...... I• ii ,,... Ila.I Ila. loi. Pre•i#URI altNY• .UraHfl yo. • "Mr1. Lineolla"P- Ma1ty Goyal, Roclt.11.er, N.Y. • Our late President always called me .. MU:" Lincoln. Although our relation· ship was ~bemely friendly, this lent a certain dignity to iL And. likewiae, I never called him "Jack" u &0 many of the members of his staff did. POR LELAND I'. DECK, pulO#IMl tlittC'tor, U~.Uy of Puubur1h. JobwlH, ~do .. 11 •'"' •laorl per1oru coMpare ft... ""lldoUyP--Ceor1e H~ s-w., .,, ··"· • A recent survey by the University of Pitt1burgh Placement Service of 1967 graduates gives this information. Men under six feet (the lower half of the group in terms of height) reported a monthly ealary averaging $701. The Bix·footers re· ported f719. The 6-foot, 1-inch men re· ceiftd u Herqe of $723. The 6-foot. 2- iltcla ~ who seemingly meet the Jteisht qaalificati~ns to become a corporation -rice president-~ived a mean monthly aalary of f799-a 12.4 percent ri9e O'fU the aalary uerage of men andu 6 feet. POR BRIC SEY AREJD, ~scuter r .. ,...,.., du.1 ,.. oace loolc • Hry '°"' flM M. prou QlllOe lrip. Tr-Mt -F. F. Ra~, Jr., s,,.,... ,.,.,,.,,, s.c. e ( took a long canoe trip in my youth which resulted in a book called .. Cuoe. ing with the Cree." I wrote the book when I wu 17 • it hu jut been re· issued. POR BONITA GIUNf'ILLE, «Cfeu A.re yott 4oU., •n1'1dA1 u. ............. note1- Laura AIMlfeno11, s.,... .01o, Pia. e I am married to Jack Wrather, head of the Wrather Corp. (owner and producer of "Laaeie"). and am one of the aaeoci· ate producers of that tv series. POR CA.RL l' .tSTRZEMSKI, 0111~elkr, Bcntora Red So" Do yoa llaUtlc a..1 ~ lo _,,erior ~' hW.. .eeNfa .al eondlule lo hop U. IM J-t-re1--l•re Sin«er, Te•~li, N.J. e As long as the umpires continue to ex- pand the strike zone, I think the. hitters will have difficulty. I believe that um· pires are more responsible for the de- cline in batting averages than pitchers. l 'OR LUCILLE BA.LL ""° ... ,,.. Ulde boy -"o ued lo pl.y your .on ill "l Lotle IAae.1''1- Marie D. Br0M1re, ltlo,.,. lrOH, Colo. e His name is Richard Keith. POR JERRI' LBFIS • Flay 4o you eHar t111"u .oelt on your '" pro- rra,,.1--Larry Bek, ..f ..... Un, Te•tU • Because my feet get cold if I don't wear them. I hate making decisions about what color to wear, so I just have a drawer filled with white socks and grab a pair when needed. POR PRANK GIFFORD, &lf/JOrtl~r Fut lefl• 414 10• pre- flid ...W _,,. llae NPL cla•wapuu•elaipP-IC. S., Greea B.y, Fu. • Prior to the atart of the 1968 football ~n. I picked tbe Dallas Cowboys. ,, ..... _. • ,.__ ,...... • .-.''°"' Y-~ .. _......_.. .... -... ..... -·n '" ._ ..-,,_ llN ,.._._., fN'"Otl ~-......... Se.I .-!Jee. Pftf-W1 -• , .,_. C1M4. .. ._. n.-Y-lf, Faalt1 w-ait1, 641 Lrd11tt-Aw:., N-Ywlr., N.Y. IMU. We «--' ~ ~to... l.•t 15 wlU M ,.w I• _.. --4. WHAT fitE WORLD! ......... Beyond the Fringe The U.S. Chamber of Commerce finds thcrt the overage employee gets $33.06 o wMk .,. fringe benefh1. Vocation-time cost to on employer overages $5.21 a person a week, pension $5.02, the various inauranc:e paytMnts $4.88 (up 179 percent since 1957). WMre does it all end? Fri• benefits are already 21 percent of 101M company poyrotft now-and the trend Is ner onward and upward. To Protect His Good Name Joe Garagiolo of the "Today Show" ha1 °'woy1 pronounced hit name gorj-i-o. la. Everyone elw, It seems, insists on garoge-f.o.lo. Hft started when I was In baMball," Joe soys, "with spomc:asters telling me how to pronounce it. I ought to know my own name, but they wouldn't listen. So t made it a game. Now when I fty, for Instance, the st.w· ardess will ask for the spelling. Slowly and "carefully, after the l , I toy, 'Then an 'a,' then a 'b,' then a 'c,' then a 'd,' then on '•'-until ahe catches on. I've gotten as high as 'h.'" Happy Annlvenory The loy Scoutt of America celebrate their 59th annl· venory this weelc but ore thinking rnostfy about Scouts yet unborn. With Sccwfl looking fotWarJ the birthday celebfotion comes a new long.-range growth plan-loypower 76 -aimed at yautft who will join the Scouts eight yeon hence. They will en- joy new Scout programs (s.poce and computers, for Instance) and partid· pate with girls in high-sc~~I Ex- plorer programs. Hopefully, one of flVery three boys will be a Scout then (now it's one in four), many drawn from underprivileged groups in the Inner city. Traveling-Man's Wife Here are some tips on how to live with a tnmtl· ing husband: 1) give him your best send..aff; 2) If things aren't okay be- tween you, don't WOfT'f about another woman; worry about soMng the prob- lems; 3) take sensible security meas- ures to protect yourself, your home, and children; 4) when you must make important decisions without him, Imag- ine the discussion you'd-have If he were there . D'C19on Hunter The Illustrious Order of Orogon Killers is prepafing for its annual cion- dave in New Yorit City next month, and all that's missing is a moscot. Albert Sadacco, founder of the orvanization and inventor of the Christmas-tree light (an invention that he par- layed Into a world-wide enterprise, which freed him for more knightfy pursuits), plam to pay a visit to Komodo Island In Indonesia, the home of the eorth's lost true dt090N, to bring back a live 12·foot-long ~men. A word of advice, Albert (see photo):. better bring olong some more weaponry. Dragon,,.,,,..;, Sodocco Famlly ~ ,.. ......... ,•a,.,.. Febn&Gf"W e. 1111 UIGll!a I.MW_. l't ·1-c .,.....'°*~ WAl.1IR c. _,,,. ...... c ...... -- •• PA81 'lllGI .. ON A'-tl ... DWMer ,._....I. WIW810 S..-.A~ II~ -._ L •ams ,,...,.. Ai-.W.. 11•-..r Yw .. inwited to •1 your q111Uons or comments lbout 1ny lrtlclt or ldftrtlselMnt tllat ...... In F..tlJ .... IJ. Yow titter will rea"' 1 prompt 1nsw.r. Write to Senice Editor, F•IJ WttklJ, 641 ~ -..., lllw Yew\, II. Y.10022. Just how Ion do you think wire going' to let You bre away With special savings on 13 specially equipped Wide-Tracks? ............... T~ WI~ Track famitr lor • ., Grand Prla, Bon,,.,,llle, B•O<IOham, E111euu ... eei.1111a. GTO, LeMant, Cutt°"' S, Tom~t and Flrrblrd. Ponllec Mellor OMslo<t Pontiac~ Great Break Away Sale can't last forever. Because when we decided to have a sale, we put special savings on some of our best sellers: Bonne- ville, Catalina, LeMans and Custom S. Every model (13 in all), except wagons and converts. And we equip them all with 10me of our most ~a­ lar options. Power steering. Power front disc brakes. Cordova top. Whitewalls, redlines or fiber-glass belted tires. Custom or wire wheel covers or mag- type wheels. And a remote-control, trunk-lid relea.e. That's what makes Pontiac's Great Break Away Sale so great. And it's why you should be in one great hurry to see your Pontiac dealer. Today. ~ I , ' t I i 1 ~ , • • • A POPULAil -misconception many persons have is that once they end an unhap- py marriage, everything will become rosy again. That's foolish. Thirty years as a divorce lawyer bas taught me other- wise. ·Whether he or she knows it or not, the newly divorced person faces critical adjustments to a new life- social, economic, sexual, and emo- tional. And this is no easy transition to make! Over the years, I've gathered con- siderable information on· the subject of postdivorce problems. and I'd like to share this information with you. Here are the general problems the divorced person faces-and what to do about them : What immediate emotional reac- tions does a divorced person usu- ally experl•nce? ~ He may rompletely reject the fact of divorce. This is enctly what hap- pened to a client of mine-he wanted to have his cake and eat it, t oo. In his case, he insisted on remaining married while philandering to his heart's content. Refusing to see it his way, his wife ett«f fOI' divoT'Ce, chaT'ging adultery. Aft.er the divorce was obtained the man refused to accept it. On~ of his favorite stunt! was to tele- phone his ex-wife at all hours of the night and plead for a reconcilia- tion. Other times, he would actuallv come to her apartment late at night while in an alcoholic stupor and put her in fear of her life. Terrified. the woman called her attorney, who phoned me, and we persuaded him to see a psych iatrist. He Is presently undergoing tber,apy. Others react dUTerentJy. Emotion- ally strong, they don't overreact to the trauma of divorce, but rather plunge into a new world of social and busineu activities. What Mxual odiustment will th• divorcH have to make? It all depends on the nature, depth, and quality of the ex-husband's and ex-wife's sexual drive, his or her conscience, and bow emancipated or conventional the individual is. In short, each individual has to work out his own sexual adjustment based on his personality, temperament, moral background, and the social climl\te in which he moves. After divorce, who i1 able to make ttt. better Mxual odiustment? The ex-husband. Studies indicate that the divorced male resumes an active sexual Hfe, with one or more partners, a short time after divorce. One reason for t his, of course, is that the male is the aggressor. Aft.er divorce, the average male can call up and date any one of a number of women, but the woman can't. It is a much more difficult adjustment for her, being less aggre88ive than the man. The result is that for many women sexual activity ceasee almost completely after divorce. What social adjustments have to be mode after divorce? One of the moat important is the need to make new friends. After di- vorce, former mutual friends often take sides, depending on which of the ex-mates was "guilty" and which was "innocent" in causing the di- vor ce. rt ia invariably the male, ·--~ --- How to Find A noted divorce lawyer examines By SAMUEL G. KUNG Avthor of ''TM Complet• Gvlde to Divorce" and ''lM Complete Gvlde to E:v.rydoy low" thou"-who ftnct.a himself bereft of old friends and woo hu to make the-- greater social adjustments. Every- one, in a word, feels sorry for the "helpless little woman"; she is usu- ally believed to be the "innocent party," no matter what her part in the divorce itself. T he lamentable fact is that it is the man who has to seek new friends and who develops feelings of Joneli: ness, anxiety, and insecurity. What economic odiustments have to be mode? These depend on the financial ar- rangements in the divorce decree- property settlement, alimony (if - awarded), custody of any children, and the like. Normally, the earning power of the man remains constant; the woman's changes drastically. If no alimony baa been awarded, she may have to return to her parents' home to live and return to work. If alimony is granted, it is the man who faces fi nancial trouble. In general, divorce reduces the Jiv- ing standard of both ex-spouses. A,. most divorced wivn still awarcled alimony? , No. Alimony is awarded to about one-third of all divorced women. What is a common IOlution to the problems of the divorcH? Remarriage. It provides compan- ionship for the lonely, an outlet for Aexual drive, aa well as economic se- curity for either the wife, husband, or both. Equally important, remar- riage offers status to two people who were more or less rootless and emo- tionally dislocated. What is the best way to manage the Arst few months ofter divorce? The first few months are the most difficult and trying. Keeping busy is the best solution. Clubs, dating, bowl- ing, social activities. movies-all these help one forget the past and prepare for the future. Shoutcl o divorcee move in with parents following d ivorce? Not unless the financial situation demands it. One of the signs of a relatively mature individual iB the ability to stand alone and cope with problems as they arise. Moving in with parents often presents more problems than it aolvea. How should you behave if you accidentally run into your ex-spouse? Unless the divorce ms bitter, with courtesy and reepect. I f seeing an ex-spouse becomes emotionally dis- turbing, then the wisest course is to make your apologies to your boat and and leave as soon as possible. Should you go into details about r.=•• divww·witla f1l1nd*1 No. The less said about the real reasons for your divorce, the better. A simple statement that you were incompatible should suffice. How vulnerable are "newly di- vorced people? They are vulnerable in the ex- treme. With few exceptions, the av- erage divorcee is lonely, despondent, and insecure. He needs companion- ship and, equally important, needs someone to restore faith in himself. to prop up his deflated ego. He thus tends to be drawn to anyone who shows him sympathy-a very dan- gerous move ! What are the risks involved when divorcees enter an affair rather than a second marriage? • A buty second marriage based on nothing more tangible than sexual attraction can be disastrous. In an affair, as in courtship, the tendency is to p~ one's best foot forward. Marriage is something elae again. In marriage, what is important are two relatively stable personalities who complement one another's emo- tional needs. If this is present, a sec- ond marriage is the best answer. For the woman, getting involved in an affair c11n be a serious disad- vantage since it removes the need Cor marriage. Many divorced men reason that if they can get what they want by means of an affair thev would be foolish to undertake·. s~­ ond marriage. An affair gives them the advantages of marriage with none of the reaponsibilitiea. ~~~ .................................................. l!:i==~~======:======:::;~~:;:=-==;;::::;.,111;;=-=a---------------------- Family weeldy/ Februar11 9, 1969 Happiness After Divorce the pr~blems and pitfalls divorcees face-and how to cope with them How long should a dlvorc" wolt before remarriage? A minimum of six months to a year. The divorcee needs time to re- gain hia compoeure, to reatore hia sense of balance as well as humor, and to allow himself the opportunity to meet as many different woman (or men) as possible 80 that he may choose more wisely the second time. Just how successful a,. second marriages? Available evidence suggeats that second marriages succeed far more often than is usually thought. It was believed. for example, that thOM who divorced were, by personality, di- vorce-prone and that they would de- stroy a second marriage as they de- stroyed the first. That's not true. There is the strong evidence that many divorced persons make a suc- cess of the second marriage. In one study, 87 percent of the remarried divorced wives maintained that their present married life wu much better than their former. What are the chances of marital 1U«en when both parties have been married twice Wore? Much depends on the individual. lf they are divorce-prone people, this third marriage is likely to end in the divorce courts. This is so largely because of the individual's tempera- ment, personality, and background. What are the chances of a succets- ful marriage for a divorced woman with dtilclren to a man who has no children? A great deal depends on the man's temperament, personality, and age, as weJI as that of the woman. A wid- ower or divorced male often marries a woman considerably younger than himself. Jn such a case, the children are apt to be young. Whether the man can accept having youngaten around him without their-getting on his nerves is something he will have to decide for himself. Moreover, there is always the con- sciousness that his-wife's children ~re not his children. And. too, there is the complication of the real fa- ther's visitation privileges, which may prove emban·a88ing to the new husband. All this and more may prove discouraginr. Yet. there are many men who make the tranaitlon with relative eue and whoee lives are enriched by the presence of chil- dren in the home. If the mother remarries, what ls the best arrangement for the father's visitation rights? Having the real father visit the home of his ex-spouse whenever he wishes can be embarrauinr both to the ex-wife and her new husband, as well u to the children. A good arrangement is to have the real fa- ther telephone well in advance of the time of his arrival to prevent embarrassing stituations. A good via. itation arrangement, if at all poui- ble, is to have the real father call for the children out.aide the home and on weekends. Does the mother have fvll respon- sibility for all dedsions concemf• the ct.lldren, or must she haw ,_.. mission from their father? If the mother waa awarded sole custody of the children, she has full responsibility and need not conault with her former spou.ae. If joint cus- tody has been awarded. the approval of both is needed. In cue of any serious conflict, the court will make the final decision. How do you explain the fact that you are "dating" to your children? It the children are too young to understand what a divorce means, no explanation is neceaasary. If they are old enough to understand. a straight! orward explanation should be given. As for the datinr, older children should be told that you are going out because you need enter- tainment and diversion. In any case, answer truthfully. How do you explaf11 to dtl.._. that you plan to remorry? Simply by telHng them the trutb- you have fallen in love with aome- one and that someone is in love with you; that the prospective husband wants to take care of them· u well uyou. Do most children adlust to divorce? Probably not completely. Recent studies indicate, however, that it ia cnot the divorce which leaves emo- tional scan but the conflict and hos: tility between the parents which led to the divol'Ce. In short. it ia the un- happy marriage itself that damages the child. Jn alm08t all cases, it is the mother who obtains custody of the youngster. Deprived of the steady- ing intluence of a father, the child's personality m.a.y be distorted and complicated by feelings of hostility and guilt. The hostility may be di- rected at one or both parentl. The feeling of guilt may be baaed on the fact that the child's loyaltiea are .now hopelessly djvided. The simple truth is that a child needa both parenta-&ince both have different set.a of skills and attitudes to give him. He needs both a father and mother to give him a feeling of emotional security-a sense of be- longing and of being loved. Losing this, a child often becomes confuaed. feels rejected and is demoralized, and often goes through life an em~ tional cripple. Are MCOnd manfagM succetlfvl when, for lnondol rnnM, lleth husboncl and wfN Must wOfk? Yes, if both parties are reasonably mature and are willing to make some sacri fteea. Marriage ia a putnership requir- ing the utmost cooperation. The hus- band, for example, ahould do every thing he can to ease the wife's bur- den by helping out aa much as he can around the house. The wife muet re- frain from belittling her husband's inability to support her on his own income. But the fact that each apouae is willing to work to support the houaehold is in itself an encouraging sign. + New Hope * OiV'OtCMI If dittM'e• lftMt H'IM, ii tlHd "ot torWk a Hf• /ore11..-. A J1loift..t4llmtg, /o~twJI book, "HO'MJ to Fhtd cs HtAdGfld Aft.r 4<J-.a11d B•/or•, Too." •1'.owe how di- 1101'C•H C01l dUt:Ot1W rfftl'1Ded tttarri.H "471ptH ... Mail 15.18 to F.W. Boob, D.,,i. I BA, Bos 101, Grottd CeJ&tral St.a~ N""' Ycwk, N .Y . 10011. fho~Oxt SouncJ1011 11oar. .. co.Id Ille l.!!-The real you. Giving vent to your inner feelings. Flipping the switch that turns on your Conn Organ and tunes out the rest of the world. Now's your chance to trade Lhe blahs of the day for some "Blues In The Night". To reminisce with the old show tunes and rock with the new ones. This is living. And the beauty of it is that you and a Conn Organ can make soul-satisfying music together ... even if you've never had a lesson in your life. How? With Conn's exclusive .. Show-Chord!" You play the melody and "Show-Chord" not only shows you the right chords: it plays them ou1omo1icolly. "Show..Chord" is available in a variety of'Conn·s home spinet organs, designed to fit any decor and budget. Sec them all at your Conn Organ dealer's. And ask him about Conn's new Electronic Pjpes. They may be in your future sooner than you think. Part of a whole new world waiting for you when you sit down to a Coon Organ. Sound inviting? CONN ORGANS/PIANOS fa, tM ha,,,. th•t M/O'I• ho,,,. /if• Made lly C. Q. eo..i Lid., Wlhl1t. Ind. Wol1d's 1111ul m11111fKIJ11tr ol bind and llRllHln1I lns4•11· ments ••. su1e1 1*16 i'"'-··········-·-··-----····· . --·· ... , . GET 80TH Pall: Olp t'WtlOll UNI aail toda1. . . 1. Reeord of cwp• •!Mic, "C':aiwiff C.pen II." i ! ::. New ~JtltuN", "Cun" Or,.• I 1>...-•1ot 11.ndbocll." l N1111e ________ _ i Ad~ l I C ity C4Mln1y __ ! i Sc11.e P--! I MAU. TO llll€rT. nr.1;, COl'N OllONI : L~.~~~~:.~~-~~~T .. ·~.~~ ..... ~~--J •• , ) ' t • ' • , • • 4 ' ' 4 COLUMBIA STEREO TAPE CLUB now offers you -- ANY& 7 .. REEL-TO·REEL Si EREO TAPES ~~~~695 H ,_ jlle Ole C ...... .i 1PM te,..... • fn H flw llMltieul •llctita .... ... c..i .. , ................. -· ... eff9rM JUST LOOK AT THE FANTASTIC SEUCTIOM of best-sellers the Columbia Stereo Tape Club is now offering new members! The 1reatest stars ... the bluest hits ... and all available in the incomparable stereo fidelity of 4-track reel-tCHeel tape! To introduce you to the Columbia Stereo Tape Club, you may select any 6 of the stereo tapes shown here, and we'll send them to you for only $6.95! That's riatlt ... 6 STEREO TAPES for only $6.95, and all you neea do is alfee to purchase H few as five tapes dwing the coming year at the regular Club price . NOW THE ClUI OPEIATES: Each month you'll receive your free copy of the Club's magazine which describes and dis- plays tapes for many different listening interests and from many different manufacturers. You may accept the regular selection-for the field of music in which you are primarily interested, or talle any of the scores of other tapes offered you, or talle·no tape at all that month . YOUI OWN CHAla ACCOUllT! UPGfl enrollmetit, the Club will open a charge account in your name. You'll pay for the tapes you want only after you've receiv~ them and are enjoying them. The tapes.you want will be mailed and billed to you at the regular Club price of $7.95 (occasional Ori1inal Cast recordings somewhat higher), plus a small mailing and handling charge. YOU CET FIEE TAPES! Once you've completed your enroll· ment a1reement, you'll ret a stereo tape of your choice FREE for every two tapes you purchase! SEND NO MONEY NOW! Just fill in and mail the coupon today! llltlt; AU lt lM'• olfHtd br IM C'lub mull be plt1~ llarll on ~·lrarll rttl ·IO·rtel •ltrfJO equlpmtnL. APO, FPO GddrtlffflfJ IOrl&e /or •pedal 01/tr COLUMBIA STEREO TAPE CLUB Terre Haute, Indiana 47808 COlUM .. A STUEO fAPf ClUI T~r• Havte, hulla-47IOI Pleue enroll me u a member o! the Club. l 'Ye tndJcated at the right the 6 tapes I W1ab \0 r~tve !or only N.95. r.•ua poet.age and bandltna. Include the eel -threading take-up reel P'RU. M7 maJn mu.teal tnt.ereet ta (checlc one): 0 CLASllCAl I 0 ~l'ULAa l agree to purchue eve eelecUona dun ng the com1o1 year ... and I may cancel member-ahlp at ao.y ttme thereafter. U I oonttnue, I am \0 recehe a atereo tape o! my cbotce PRD tor nery two add1Uona1 eelecttona I accept . ............................................................. c••-.,.,,.., ••-....... ••ltiat ~ - AMnu ..................... , .............................. . City ..•........•..•.........•...........•......•....... ... , •.•.•.•.....•...•........•...•..• l l11t •••...••.......•.•.• 452 .. IT2 ~-------------------------~ ·~-· -" , .. ___ ._ --· -:-"-~ Diet Tip: It's Not What You Eat-But When You Eat By Dr. HARVEY D. SMITH Founder aod Post-President, American Society of Boriotrics "B UT DOCTOR, I can't eat a thing for break- fast; then I get very hun- gry later in the day." This is typical of the many ex- cuses I hear from patients ex- plaining why they can't lose weight "no matter how they try." Most people eat practically noth- ing at breakfast-and then burn up the day's energy. At evening meals, they eat many calories, after which they sit around doing noth- ing. If they would reverse this procedure and eat more calories of the normal break1ast-type food in the morning and less in the eve· ning, 90 percent of overweight people would help themselves. In 20 years of medical practice and bariatrics-the specialization of treating the overweight-it's obvious to me that the average obese person is not really capable of assimilating carbohydrates properly. The heavier he gets, the more he craves carbohydrates- nnd, of course, the heavier he gets. For years we've discussed obe- si ty on the basis of total calorie intake, not the type of calories or the time they are consumed. I have many patients who eat only 800 or 900 calories, yet who are gain- ing weight. I can put them on 1,500 calories and have them lose weight with a more balanced diet, taking moat of the calories at breakfast and lunch. That's the secret of good dieting: to take in the same amount or more calories. yet lose weight-it depends large- ly on whm you eat. Breakfast should provide ap- proximately 40 percent of the ca- loric intake, balanced between car- bohydrates and protein; lunch, 40 percent; supper should not exceed 20 percent of the daily intake. A good breakfast would be two slices of crisp, drained bacon and two eggs, two pieces of toast, fruit -a half grapefruit or orange-- and coffee. If you just can't eat eggs, then beef patties or a small steak is a good substitute. Lunch should consist of meat and vege- table or a meat sandwich. A cheese- burger with lettuce, tomatoe8, pickles, and bun adds up to 400- plus calories and is pretty well balanced, fut, and filling. Five foods hlgh in carbohy- drates (20 percent) are corn, rice, potato, macaroni, and dried beans. Most vegetables have yery little carbohydrates and are excellent diet foods. Of course, every overweight person, before he enters any diet program, should be properly exam- ined by a physician to find out first whether there is any medical reason prohibiting his dieting. I would never prescribe for any pa- tient without first running a series of tests and learning to what ex· tent carbohydrates and fat m~ tabolism are involved. Some people feel that they are re.ally better off not thin. Some men and women, by being obese, find they are not required to take an active part in the community -or in marriage. Because of some quirk in their personalities, they prefer it that way. So a doctor should consider the psychological aspects of each ease, too. Other possible reasons for over- weight include environmental and cultural factors. Some ethnic groups (Italian, Jewish) tend to- ward overabundant tables. Yet there are Indians in Mexico-I've worked with a tribe for more than three years-who eat sparsely and yet have numerous cases of obe- sity. This is because their cultural eating pattern consists almost to- tally of carbohydrates-corn. wheat. potatoes, and beans. That's what's available, and that's all they eat. What it comes down to is this: many persons don't have to take diet pills, cba.nge their caloric in- take, or constantly visit the doc- tor's office to lose weight. All they need do is reverse daily eating habits as outlined above, avoid excess intake of cabohydrates-- and, in most cases, watch the pounds disappear. ,. Speci"1 Stunpk ~Offer ~ ••• at a speci"1 sample price J ELECTRO-PLATED* GOLD CAKE& PASTRY SERVER (imagiM! Mt cheap metal, not ordinary silverplate but 24-Kt. electroplated GOLD) NOW!$ .. 011111 !iii (hurry -limited time only/) PRIOR TO NATIONAL DISTRIBl/TION AT 110 This Cake and Pasrry Server has the regal eleaance that only pure gold can give to your table. Jta slim tapering lines are cl:wic in duign. It• golden beauty will make serving even the plaine$t cak~ a very special occasion. The versatility of this aJeam. ing server is boundless. It's per- fect for cutting and serving cakes, pastries, pies ..• as well u puddings, souffles, and jello molds. We believe that you will lose your bean to this golden server. A few months from today. this heavily electro.plated gold din- ing accessory. with solid stainless steel bue. will carry a SI 0 price ta,. UNPRECEDENTED LOWPRICEI Never before low price is our way or introducing you to our maanificent new line of golden flatware and holloware. We know once you see the heirloom quality of this fine piece. once you ace how the glitter or gold can transform a simple snack into a simply unforgettable event. you will want morel We're gamblinJ a fortune oo your Joa.. ina your heart to thas aoldtn eerver. ,--ofUIL ........ COWlll NI CAQ a PUftY SIMI--, QOLDbt WAiia. l".O. Bo11 1217, Anne11 8'allOll, Dept C·6. Provldenc., Rllode 111111c1 02I01 Pleue send 24-kt. dectro-plated Gold Cake and P111ry Servers. I enclose $2 for each. (Sorry -limit two per family.) My 11tlsfaction is gu11r1ntttd or you'U rftwld my money. Nam•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Addnu~~~~~~~~~--~~­ C/11--------------- Stalt Ip ____ _ L--------------------~ Understandably, only a limited number of 24-kt. electro-plated Gold Cake and Pastry Server have been set aside for this special sample offer. (Please -no more than two pu family.) To get your'S, mail the coupon with your remittance now. (This of/tr may not bt rtfNOltd again in tltis publica1lon.) The server will be rushed to you by in- sured postal delivery. GOLHNWAM P.O. Box 1297. Annex Statk>n, Dept. C-5, Providence, Rhode lallind 02901 l.~,......PwM­ combinetlon billfold and coin purse. Top 1raln leather In mustard or red, with white stripe. $5.00value, only $2.75 with welpt circle. . -...... a.lln'acta ... llet leash-fin· ..,tip control of any doc· Sin· ... push button allows leash to unreel, rewind or lock to any lenath up to 12 ft. $6.95 value, only $3.00 with weight circle. 6Blg loveable Purini Bargains 4. •-ntlNQS YOU LOVE"-10 popular hits performed by Capitol's top recording artists lncludlns: Jeck Jones, Nancy Wiison, The Lettermen, Net Kini Cole. $4.98 value, $1.25 wtth weipt circle. 5. J...erylnd41es1'111 ........ -1Qld·p&ated jewe4ry with tiny dolls inside. Set of three ... bracelet, pin, ring ... $3.87 value, only $2.25 with -•lht circle. """'-°"' c,.,,_,,,. •iflut ..,, •• , .. .,,_ ,,..., • rid, lltltri· tiM ,. ~.,,.,. ..... .,, ,.. -" ;, '"'9.,. 6. Le¥ea ... ht~. durable pleltic 3~· high x 9%• diameter. Extra-wide base prevents tipping. $2.50 value, only $1.00 with weight circle. r-~------------------------------------------, I TO: THING8 YOU LOVE I 8oa 9117 •·~Paul. Minn. &15177 I EndoM c:hecll or money order for the total amount plus a -&cht 1 ctrda tor_. hm. I ~OF~ Pune(•). $2.75 0 '~~~·•Hh(•) 1 1 ~M ..... ,.. a wtttt. a Reconl album<•> ~ S Red 6 whHe • $1.25 each I orrr..:"'-o~•,::::: L--~~~=-----!-=~=~~~~-~-.;_!~~. ..... ~ .. •ware of th• Doe I Warn.t.q to barglan: eltip oar Jaoaee And burgle easier plaea, UnleN "°" ea.a get the robbery OTet' Jn apite of oar faitlaful guardian Rover Lieltlng your hand.a and faee8. -Georfi. S1arbads C.lbrailla QUIPS ANO QUOTES Two elderly ladies checked into a sporty hotel in Miami Beach. The first thing1 they noticed was a little man circu- lating from gueat to guest in the lobby, talking in low tones and collecting money. They were informed that he was a bookie, a man who takes beta on horses. In vacation abandon, they impulsively decided to risk two dollars each. They lost. That night one of the ladies semed so unhappy that the other counseled her, ''Doris, you mustn't cry over spilt milk. After all, it was only two dollars." "It's not losing that's botheting me," Doris answered. "I was worrying about if we'd won. What would we have done with the horse?" -Dorotl~a Kent Real Accomplishment Any hmhand coldidere himeelf a su~eeae At a job such a1 building a ehelf When h e•s able to stall to the point where hi8 wife Geta disgusted and doea it heneH. -Rutla Claadtokk Little Susan was watching tv with her grandmother and asked, "What programs did you watch when you were a little girl?" "We didn't have tv when I was a little girl," Grandma replied. "Well, what did your mother turn off when you were naughty?" Susan asked. -Herm Albright The next thing they ought to teach those robot toys to do is to pick themselve1 up off the floor. -Anna Herbert A business executive put on so much weight that his doctor ordered him to go into the hospital. There he was put on a strict diet. When the man's office staff sent him a large' basket ·of ftowers, the-executive acknowledged it with a note that said : "Thanks for the flowers. They were delicious!" -Dan. B61lnett ''Not so fut. Watch out /01' th.at COf'Ker. EG811 °" &MH C1'f'11tB." • ' ' ' Custom fit for any dress You make guaranteed on this precision adjusting form or no Cost! Aristocrat of Drea Forms A professional pr«ision Mljusunent form (DuPont Neoprene givtt body material pat ftelli'-1 and holdin1 power). • ~..-: )'W --<-.ts .... -CIEQ ltr dip lodi-f-.__ YOU. • ~lo,.......,laalf-. ..• -.yqria.. ........ ( ............ s.). • fAda ................... E8Cla .... ft· ,_., cOlllnds, ....., ~ • w .... ...,._.., ...... ~ k...-.... H ... wWn._._,,......._. • Ulft ,_ ...... r<4llca ~ , __ _.., to~f-.11 ..,..-.., • Stro111 lffff stMCl---9 ,_ t8ke ...... ftlll)' ---_.,. .. *-wtt. . If you·rc without a dress form-just trying this one (at our risk) can change your life. This form guarantees a custom flt expensive look to each dress you alter or make-or no cost. Yet it savn you money so fast it often pays for itself the first or second time used. This custom flt form saves hours adjusting patterns and fining cloths-up to SO% of sewing time. Jt saves stru&&JinJ, twistiDJ, turning-trying to act the right flt . It saves rippina out seams for a simple alteration, or just because your skirt didn°t hang properly the first time. It's perfctt for beginners. Here is why all of this is so. THE SECRET Of CUSTOM FIT Would you like every dress you alter or make prois~d for its custom flt eApensive look.? While you smile-inside-at the money and time you·ve saved-at the end ot embarrassmau ot poor fit ~home made" clothes-or the success of your first dress makina attempt. The secret is custo"' adjusting of standard pat- terns 10 your differences (there's only one you). When you pin the pattern to an exact duplicate of you this adjustlng is simele and easy. And this custom flt life stz.c dress form becomes ~xactly YOU-with YOUR waist-YOUR sboul· ders-YOUR neck-YOUR bust line-YOUR liips. This is because in each body area an ingenious size computer "dials .. your measurements. A Tab (like a tape measure) slides thro"sh a slot under the area answer window. When yo({r measurements appe.ar in each window just clip lock in po5ition. Automatically rhe DUPONT NEOPRENE pro- cessed body marerial h•s already Mljusted-in tach body arf'a-to become YOU! Custom adjustin1 of patterns to you has become as easy a.s before it was difficult. A LIFE SAVER FOR BEGINNERS Because the hardest part of home sewina is mak· ing adjusimcnts-e.uc:tly what ADJUST-0-MATIC makes so simple. Wrtb it ber.innen easily mate hems-adjust._.. lines-make alterations so perfectly store bouaht clothes fit like made to order. You save the S3 to SS paid before to fi11 a shoulder line-shorten a hem -take in a waist line. You're more satisfied with the way your clothes flt. Fittiq in this form is so easy you quickly form ~ dresxs inco new. Too tight or too loole-too larac or too small druses fit apin. Youeuily alter, redesip, remodel your own drcsxs., coats, skirts., blouaes. YOU belln to make your OWD ample drntCs then more complicated ones. Later, you naa cleap your own ltJles, and all on this form. DOES MORE THAN ANY OTHER FORM This maaer pattern mater's form hu every possible profeaioaal dressmaker trifk and short cut built ri&hl' into it. Ifs unlike any other form. To adjust there's no maz.e of wire and bolts to stnaglc with. Sim_ply slide Mljust and clip loct. It's pinnable-tltro11gll0Mt. No PPI down front or side or around neck give difficulty. Scientifically placed 1uide linet let you tnow When yooT dress is perfectly centered on the form. The light steel stand is m adjustable, raileS or lowers prtci~ly to any _eoint 4' 2· to 5' 6" (add length of your head ft'o.n neck up to measurements of any form). It's handsome rubber til'f'ed Jives sceady support. It asxmbles. takes apan easily. The inventor has built a lifetime as master pattern maker for leadina pattern companies Into this form. All his life -he desiped dress forms -some of the world's most expensive -to give custom fit to the very rich. But he built this custom Wtet CEUA DRESS F'ORMS HeW U.S. l'et.Ms 129221"· #3140021. #Jl40Z2, #314002%. dtess form for )'OU -to edjust more precisely than any other -do many dressmaker tricks others can't -yet costs a fraction of the others. Wort wi1h rhis form anywhere. Lap. table. chair. Want to work on shouldcn-back-underarm scam -front-waist-hips? Presto! One hand lifts form off stand. Without ever ,cuing up from your chair you can take ADJUST-0-MATIC apart and worlc in sections. Every adjustment-each COfltour line-the height range-the anate of the darts-posture angle of 1he form-all have been checked and rechecked by fuhion fit leaders, home dress making authorities and fashion cditon. AMAZING NO RISK OFFER Instead of bulky, heavy cast iron framing and body, AOJUST-0-MATIC uses DUPONT NEO- PRENE processed tiocty-n\aterial. Shipped direct to you disassembled it costs a fraction of ordinary forms. There are several pans to each section- only IS in all. To assemble, adjust or take aparr ·each· st~ is-simple and-fun "Wtth cleaT can't go wrong d1rcdions. When you try it for 30 days withour obligations you'll realize why it's so amazin1. Full refund if not delighted. All AOJUST-0-MATIC co5ts is SU9 yet it has many features dress fonns COiling lix times more do not have. Try at our risk. Rc1erve yours 1oday. r;;a;L;;o-m o-;o;------1 tH Greenland Blclt., Miami, Florida 33147 1 1 Pluw rush revolullon.ary l'EllFEC1· FIT AOJUST- 0.MAT1C Orcu FOf'l'll 1ha1 1uara111ttt c:v.11om-fll· I tina ck>tha for the e111lr• fainlly for JO.day NO RISK I TRIAL U after tryifte l'E9'FECT FIT ADJUST· O.MATIC I ..., not ddlthtcd in evny way. I will I m11t11 It for tub refund. CllECI[ HEUs I 8"-9-!mCI to J0)9'eca a "4cd ii~ ii l0'"·40". I 1.ar9e1mc20~-50)lleca-..-i ii busc 1s ••~n· I e.cJoeec1 dlec* or·a .o. I Send me: _.Ilea. ADJUST-0-MATIC Oreq Fomw@ $$.49 I ---1.atll' ADJVST-0-MATIC Dretl Forms @ $7.49 I _Collapeible Seal Oma StaDda @ $U9 I al'Y ITATS ZIP __ _ I I I (Pie-11dd 115(' poo.la,e with ordert J p------------------ St111d r1com11ended for best resell ts .. ----------1 Sew witll PNfltlilul I I SUI-SAVE 181£! 1 D Check hef'9 to .-!we -"'• I fln .. t "Complete Book of I Sewlna.'' 321 bla hoW·t.o-do· I it P••"· Yelu•bl• Rem G•~• I FREEi Remit $5.95 e11tr. & miet &.,~ ~~·=-- - - --' ,, DUPONT Neoprene .,. ... ,"....., .... ,_..,.... 9fttl ... _. MTDfTIO RATUMS ........................... \ j I I I I J , NOWI lnllllnt asthma ra1111 stal'll In •ondsl New aerosol mist starts working almost instantly to help stop choking asthma attack. release air trapped in lungs, helps you breathe freely again. And it's so easy to use. At the fint sign of an asthma attack, just place the Bronkaid tip in your mouth, squeeze mouthpiece and bottle together, and inhale deeply. Bronkaid Mist's superfine particles of medicated mist speed directly to your lungs. In most instances, wheezing swiftly subsides; mucu.s-plu8fed air passages open, and air trapped in your lungs is released. In less than a minute, you are breathing freely and easily again . • kllll Pocket-Site. Only A Penny A Dou ! You can be sure of accurate dosage without measuring-~a use BRON~ MIST comes with a metered tip. At your local pharmacy. Drew Pharmacal Co .. Inc., N.Y., N .Y. 10016. NOWI Rid your home ot mice c ompletely with d·CON.- Mou•e·Prule. the amazln11 mouse killer that's- MOST UFlCTIVl ... has twice as much mou•e·kllling ln11redlent as other leadlna brands. It's an ln11redlent recommended by the U.S. Government. CllANUT AND USllST ... l\ISI pull tab-bait feed• au-·~matlcally. SAFlST ... r5 when used as I ' 1 directed, safe ' , around c hll· ..,===!I ~ dren and pets. :;t !If.I No wonder It I ""'°'·-··outsells a ll ,1::-..A.-' others com· -~ blned- d·CON MOUSE·PRUFE YOUR CHILD MAY HAYE PIN·WORMS 1 OUT OP a DOU -Fldnt:l.nc. loa of deep and a tormen~ inf lieh are often telltale sians of Pin-Worll\ll ... ugly paruites t hat medical expert:e IJAY infeet 1 out of every8pereonaex.smlned. Entirefam- illee may be victlma and not know IL Tocetrido( Pin-Worms. tbey muat be killed in the ls rae intestine where they lift and multiply. That's exactly >wba& J&,YM'• P..W tAbleta do ••• and bffe'a how they do it : Flm-a ecientiflc coatinJ carrin the tableta into t he bowels before they cU.olve. Then-Jayne's mod- era. medicall>'•pproved i nrrecUent roee richt to wwk-kllla Pin-Worms 4UlclttY. eufl,y. AM ... " pllertfWlel.f, Don't take c~ with danger-ous. bJrhly contutoua Pin-Worms which ID.red entinl lamilia. Gi!t sen- uioe Jayne·a P-W Vermirlll'! . . . amall e&q-to-take tablet.a •.. l!pecial me. ior cbflcbu and a.duha. BACKACHE Aching Muscles You Ions to ease those pains, even temOOf'arllyJ until the cause la cleared up. For palliative or temporary, pain relief.try DeWftt•s Pills. Famous for over 60 years DeWltt's PUis contain an anaraesic to reduce pain and a very mild diuretic to help eliminate retained fluids thus flushins out lrrltatlns pain causlns bladder wastes. OeWltt's Piiis often succHd where others fall. If pain persists always ... your doctor. Insist on OeWitt's Pills How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly ln Place Do your f11lse teeth annoy and em- barraa by ellpplng. dropping, or wob- bllnr when you eat, laugh or tal•? T hen sprinkles little PASTSrl'B on your plates. PA.STDTH holds den-tures llnne-r and more comfonablJ. Mak.es eatlns euln. It's allcallne-doean 't aour. No gummy, 1ooe1. puty taste or fffl. Helps cheek plate odor. Dentures that tit are ~ntlal to h .. A~·= Lour dentist rt11ularly. <>et P at •II drug counwn. When Yau Order By Mail Frem Family Weekly ... Plui.e •llow up 10 lour *ftts fat dtliwry. Thf ~s art plKtCI ~ ~alllt ~"•H. Tht 1tt ms •lld cop1 iltt thfcktcl for rtll· •blllt1 b1 ramt11 Wttkt1, loo. If you•n ilny QUtttiOll •bout rNil order, J<ist wrltt: Sff'l1ct Otp.irtmtnl, F1mll1 Wftlll1, 641 Lt1lt19ton A~nut, ~ York. N.Y. 10022. PHOTO CREDITS Cover: Dennis Hallinan for FPG. 'age 2: CIS; NIC; Wid. World. 'oge 4t F10y for Ff'G. 'oge 1: Grete Mannheim for OPI. 'oee 12: Florido Cypreu Gord.N. FAMILY WIULY COODOOK Chinue Beef oftd Pea Poda aef"tl•d witli rice brittg1 Orittttal /lair to party M' family meal ending with crisp f &rtune cookit1. • Of couree you knew that the Chineee New Year is Feh. Ii-the Year of lhe Rooeler. naturally. Maybe. though, you wondered· what lo serve. Here are eome appropriate meals blending the exdte· menl of traditional Chine11e cooking with the !'peed and eftkienC'y of American C'OD· venience products. Chinese Beef and Pea Pods to 2 tablespoou cooldng or salad oil 1 Yi lbs. ftank steak (1 or 2). thinly sliced diaJonaJly aerou grain 1 bunch green onion, chopped 1 or 2 pkgs. (7 oz. each) frozen Chinese pea poda. partially thawed to separate can (lOY, oz.) condensed consomme 3 tablespoons aoy sauce ~ teaspoon 1tround ginger ~ teaspoon Aeceat 2 tablespooNJ cold water 2 tablespoons cornatarch 1 can (1 lb.) bean 11prout11, drained and riued 1. Brown meat in hot oil in a large, heavy skillet. Remove and keep warm. 2. Put the chopped onions and pea pods into skillet. Stir in a mixture of con- somme, soy sauce, and ginger; sprinkle pea pods with Accent. Bring to boiling and cook covered about 2 min. 3. Mix a blend of water and cornstarch into boiling liquid in skillet. Stirring con- stantly, boil 2 to S min. Mix in browned mea t and bean sprouts; heat thoroughly. 4. Serve over cooked rice. 6 urvinga Chinese Sizzled Meatballs with Vegetables and Rice l lb. lean pork or beef round steak, ground J tuspoon salt Yi teaspoon crushed marjoram leans ~ teaspoon garlic powder 1 l'gg, fork beaten 2 tablHpoons bottled sweet nnd sour sauce 1 tablespoon peanut oil 2 pkge. (10 oz. each) frozH caulillower, cooked followinit pkg. dirl'CtiODl'I divider-pak can (2 lbs. 11 oz.) mushroom ehow mein or beef chop suey, heated, following label directions 2 cans (12 to 14 01. each) fried rice with meat,• healed following label directions t. Lightly and thoroughly mix meat with a blend of seRSonings, egg, and sweet and sour sauce. Gently shape into 1-in. balls. 2. Brown meatballs evenly on all sides in hot oil in a skillet. Cover while cooking. 3. To serve, turn hot fried rice onto a serving platter; add the cauliflower, sprinkle with Accent. drizzle with sweet a nd sour sauce or soy sauce, spoon on chow mein or chop suey, and top with the meatballs. 4. Garnish w ith parsley and orange fans made by cutting navel orances into 1A-in. slices, cutting each slice into thirds, and overlapping pieces to resemble open fnns. About 6 1ervi1lga •or use 2 pkgs. (10 oz. each) frozen fried rice with meat, heated, following label directions. Plus One To a three-letter word for the · shape in which a cake often is made on Lincoln's birthday, add a first letter and get what a wooden shoe is called. (See Amwer Box) Hidden in this sentence is the name of a card we associate with Feb. 14: The book Elva lent in ex- cellent condition was returned with the front cover missing. (See AnBWer Box) Minus One From a six-letter word for the kind of warm welcome you like to get when you go visiting, take away the la"8t letter and get a shape much used on Valentine's Day. (See Answer Box) Valentine Maze Can you trace which heart leads to which boy and girl? Answer Box: ·inaq-AµlraH :auo snu1w ·lJ01a-lJo'l :auo sn1d ·aunuat'8A :aw•N-8-apJff Let's Draw Animals Book Ann Davick>w hu publult~ 1'11.tUireM of fa.sciriating drawiJtf} uaaom for childt•en in a cULiglttfttU11 atimulating book. Tmis of tlwv.aa.n& sold at l!.50 itt hard co11w. For ro1'r oopy in. soft cover stnd otlly $1 pl1'8 t5( for ship- ping to "Let's Draw Animals," Dflpt. AI.U. Box 701, Grand C~tral Station, N e1u York, N.Y. 10011. Fantil11 w .. kly, F•brurw 9, 1111 " Let's Draw SwHthearts 811 Ann Dcwido10 A pair of bearta Make sweethearta SmiUng happily l With little ones, three, She sells Sunshine cards to her friends, neighbors a.nd relatives. She made new friends, met new acquaintances, bought a new sewing machine. with her earnings! It's easy-because attractive Sunshine cards practically aell them981vesl No experience needed -no financial risk inYOlved - -no set hours to work. Just fill out the coupon below and mall It -today. You'll receive a free catalog, sales tips and a selection of everyday box samples on approval. Earn $50, $100. or more In your spare time! If your P.T .A. or neighborhood organization can uee extrJ tunds, be sure to ask for Sunshine's sure-fire fund raising plan. ,. -----------, ...... , __ l I ~GMltlG 111 ... , •• YOURS FREE . . . I SUNSHINE ART STUDIOS, INC. ".....itll ._, I Jat ._ ..i111C .._.., Dept. FW-2, Sprinefleld, Mass. 01101 • ..... ,. ~~ii~~~.~~ .... ,. nr1111H1 I (west of Rockies, send to El Monte, Calif. I The MW Mmnga In Canada, send to 304 Fairall St., Ajax. Ontario) I that "tell It Hk8 It la" •.• big, 2"4 .. di_ .. , I I :';1= :!,,0 i.cS, f I would like to earn extra money. Please send free catllof. sales tips, everyday llefttwelght, yet sample boxes and other seasonal samples, on appronl, as they are available. I cfuteble l)IMtlc . . . I MCfl -with 8 UAU£ = :ci.ha I """' -----------------------I rw.~~.;'4.1.~::old~~ wor1dl 1 AOORESS 1 CllY STATE ZIP -- 1 O Check here for Orpnizatlon fund-raising t I Name of Organization I L _________________ I I "problem" . . _persp1rat1on solved .,.. ~ thusands who perspire ~tHHJ An antiperspirant that really worka! Solvea underarm A New Ma1uine about cats and kttte. created only for CAT OWNERS! problem• for many who bad • Full coklr -fulkizil .,.... ln despaired or effective help. 1.....-t ........ cat masazlne. Mitchum Antl-Perspirant keepa underarms abeolutely dey • Exdtlnc atortee. '*Pful arU- for thousand• or grateful users, des and pictures plore. with complete gentleneaa to e 6 buutiful 72 Piii" iM&MS per normal akin and clothing. Thia year -money bedl cuarant.e unuaual formula from a trust-tf not ple111d • worthy 56-year-old laboratory ia guaran teed to aatiafL or r MAil MO-alSa cowo. TOeAY l ::~rs:~!tr~~"U:::;: fOY..~=:~.~:W. tection of Mltebum An&l-P9r-EnelOMd 1s check or m.o. tor '--. ..,Uant,Llquidorcream.$3.00, ..... 00 I 90-dayaupply.Availableatyour 0 1 yr. $3.50 0 2 "JT'L ~ favontedrugortoiletrycounter. I O 3 yrs. $8.00 I -----------,I •• I THOSI HOUID I I •weathered brown _;: ~ on the surface --=.J ol 1our handa and ~ tell the !?:" ~ I ,__ ----;;.! FALSE TEITH KLUTCH holds them tlglal• ltLt1J'CB ...... ~ eu.lldoa; ... climtal ....... -_.. ....... ......, .... ,.._ ..... wai ... ...... ClllllllDrt-~ -~-..... .... u ...... Utaral ...... J[l .... .................... ra • didlls Ill* ... u ,... ~·t ...... Khltdl. ••t ~-bat...S•lOt .... -..m .ul ,_. ,__ tdal boa. lllfTCI CG .. 1a1 9811, o.ira, l. Y. 14112 world J'OU're Pttlac old-Derball9 .._ ___________ _ ::~~u~~~~ BACKACHE& ~f8=.mon ~ ~'"'.:J;,.-,,,.~! TENSION SIC.,.AIY TO -.hands look white and younc aaam. llDMY llllTATIOll Equally effective on the t.ce. neck Common KJdney or Bladder lrrlta-and arms. Not a cover-up. AcU lions make many men and women in the skin-not on it. Frapant, feel tense and nervous Crom frequent. jp"eUeles base for softenina. lubri-burning or llclllng urination nJtcht cat~skin u it clears up thoee and day. Secondarlly, fou ma,f low bl•m -. u ""U have thae ·--sleep and have H"-llacbe, Backache ~. -,,_ --and (eel oJdt'r, tired, depl'fflled. In reveallng brown spota, blotches, or such cUH, CYSTEX usuaJly brlnp if you want cleara', Uabter skin, ~laxlng comfort by curbing lnlta~ use ESOTERJCA. At your favo.ri~ Ing germs ln acid urine and qu.lckly dru1 and tolletty counter. $2.00. taalnr: pain.. Get CYST EX at druggl1u. When Dentures Don't Perform As Well As Natural Teeth, Do This. •• Use die ,&astic ere.. •••Y tlllt 11uakdi11izes ••stat .... iz1. For the first time science now of-holds dentures /irmt!r ... it holds fen a unique plastic c ream that them more ro'!'fortably. t.oo{ holda folu teeth almost like Na-FrxODENT 1s so elastic 1t ab- ture he.,..lf holds natural teeth. aorbs shock-lets you bite harder It forms an elastic membrane that I without pain. Helps you enjoy holda both "llJ>pers and lowen"' as steak, apples. com-on-the-rob. JMWer bftore. Just one application may Jut It'• called FIXODENT-lhe revo-'round-the-clock. Even resista hot lutionarydi9COvery fordailyhome I coffee. Dentures that fit are ~­ uae-. FrXODSNT is so amazingly aent.ial to health. See your dentist djffen-n& it's protech"<I by U.S . 1 regularly. Get F1xooENT at all Patent #3,003,988. It not only drug counte-rs. AMERICA'S LA'I'EST CRAZE: Scuba 'Diving for Sunken Treasure SPANISH BULLION! Pirate gold! Rare jewels J Sunken payrotJs ! These priceless treasures are be- ing scooped from the sea in 20th- century America's great.est under- water gold rush. Treasure diving wa11 once a sport re- served for rich men and professional deep- sea divers. But the introduction of rela- tively inexpensive scuba-diving equipment now has brought thousands of amateur divers into the water bunting sunken trea- sure ships. "You can start into scuba diving for as little as $5 and go up to $5.000." says Ray Levin, the New York diver who is now working at a ~ret site in the Bahamas. "I started with a $200 pLfrchase of used scuba gear, learned to dive at a YMCA, a nd found my ftrst Aunken wreck in Long Island Sound." So if your appetite for adventure iA whetted, here's what seasoned treasure hunters suggest you do. Check your near- est YMCA for advice on diving schools. &:uba~iving ships frequently offer classes. Some beginners save on equipment pur- chases by advertising in the ''want-ad" section of their local newApapers. Ne:iict, locate Y.our treasure. Start your search at your local Jibrary. Read up on treasure diving. select a sunken n1<nu•11 ship, and atart a file on po88ible sites. (Warning: Check the salvage laws in the states in which you plan to do your hunt· ing. In some states, you may need a pe1·- mit and often must divide your findings with the state.) Newspaper files and government rec- ords will aid in pinpointing ships thnt have gone down since 1850. The White Star line's Republic, for example, was be- ing towed to Boston on Jan. 23, 1909, when the vessel sank about 15 miles southea~t of Nantucket Is land. Some $3,000,000 in U.S. gold coins is still in the vault. You can also glean information from fishermen, boat captains, and diving clubs. One of the most lucrative finds in recent years occurred in Florida. Kip Wagner was beachcombing near Cape Kennedy one afternoon when he spott~ an ancient Spanish coin in the sand. Wagner con- cluded a galJeon had gone down nearby. After much research, he located it. Wagner and severa l friends launched the Real Eight Corporation, hired divers, .. Srubadi1.>ing : f un.ad11~11tur~n<l f'JTI une ! and ~tarted pulling minions from the u:~. The group has recovered an incredible $4,000.000 from four gold-filled galleons -nnd they have six more wrecks spotted, worth an estimated $14,000,000 ! ::)o if you are ready to try your luck in the wodd's most adventurous hobby, start by investigating these treasure-crammed sunken money ships: • The French Reine des Mers carried $200,000 in gold bars when she sank in 1875 during a storm off Brazos, Texas .. • A $250,000 Army payroll is in the wreck of the Brother Jonathan. which i\nnk in 1865. The disaster occurred at St. George's reef. near Eureka. Calif. • Five Spanish galleons disappeared in a hurricane in 1767 near the Bay of St. Bernard, Fla. They carried $10,000.000. • Cape Hatteras is called "the grave- yard of ships" by seamen. Seores of ships litter the bottom of these treacherous waters. They include four galleons which sank with millions aboard. • The world's wealthiest treasure s hip, the Grntrvenrw rammed a reef 300 miles south of Cape Vidal, Africa, in 1792. The ship's fabulous cargo included the "Pe:1- coc k Throne" owned by the Grand Mogul of India and valued at $35.000,000. The vessel aJso carried gold, silver, and gems, bringing its total value to a fantastic $45,000,000 ! Happy hunting! • Treasure Close to Your Homel If s11111k,.,. treancre wltat3 ymcr OJ>7Hfita, tll'1l di11c01Jftr Ura mo1111 treatture-lumtmg 0Pt><>rt- u1titiu 1tear or in your 0M.·1t ho-me. The -'''>- pog• book, "A Fortuna in tht1 Jtmk Pile," tells uou •~a<'tlll wlwt to look fo-r on.cl "'here! Gtddt1s your aearch foJ· valuablu thnt fatch irnat s1wia i-n today'11 antiqt«tJ market I Mail l5.9S to F'.W., Bonb, Dept. A134, Bor 707, Grand Ce11tral Sta., NtJVJ York, N .Y. 1'>011. PATT.E.JtNS Sew oil the. New Sidelines! By ROSALYN ABREV A YA MORE AND KORB silhouettes this season are focusing on side closings or detailing. They're meant to give a flattering line to the figure, add dash to a winter-weary ward- robe, or, depending on fa bric, to usher in a --fashionable spring. 'Rhe enchanting patterns here, in misses' sizes 8 to 16, can-be ordettd by filling out the coupon below. r--------------------------, I NtNfEO PATTONS 1M MfW MISS£$' SIUS I , 10, 12. 1'. 16. I ~~~MIA==·=~ ~f!Jm )tr fr fil ~~s fM ONLY $2.00. '* ro~ ill LJ ill "" -"510 Send to: fAMILY WHtclY '°"""'· loa 122 OW Chel-Stotioft, Hew Yor\. N. Y. 10011. IARGAIN OfFER-All 4 Pott.r"' ....... $2.00 CHKK c:::::J STATf Sllf 4530-frog-Closing A·liM ..............•......•.......• 65' C=:J 9166-Jocliet, lloone, Ponti, ~· . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65' l=:J 9071-Side·luttofted Coatdreu . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 65' c:::::J 9311-Side-Pleoted Skimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65' c::::J Add 2~ for Po1toge oftd Hoftdling. NAME'------------------- URffl~-----------------~ ""~---------------------~ UATf__ IP COOf----- Pt.EASf ....... T. Seftd Colh, C1-k ef Money Otdet. Meb All y-s.--. ..... -. ,,.. .......... n... c ........... ...... O World'• -" prodkal ctr.1 forwt-ched boa oftd eMJ. .. $.5.Af -f~ P~f.ct fit "Acf;vt .. ·Motk foMI." A4fu1table I to 20. lvU 55' po•fo9e· 0 s.ftCI $2.Af for ..... 1to1Ml. 0 a-l boa .. r-W. ...td's .._.. MwHlt ...... the 3,._,... "Co.· plete loot ef Sewi .. .'0 VoluoWe hetR •"99 lftdl did ftwl lltNt $5.95 ••'"' wllh coupotl. ~--------------------------J f · Quit sleep? • • Relieves simple nervous tension to bring sound, restful sleep. , • Contains no barbiturates, no narcotics. • Not habit forming. • No "morning after" drugged feeling. • Hundreds of sleep inducing granules in every Sominex capsule. • No prescription needed. ONE CAPSULE EQUALS A ~ NIGHT18 SLEEP. MAGNIFICENT HAMMERED IRON AMERICAN EAGLE PLAQUE Create the Ulti01ate Decorator Touch Over Your Fireplace -Mantle -Couch or Buff et W'ith thi& M~jestic Eagle Imagine decorating your home with this authentic Amer- _,tcan Eagle plaque. Long a decorating favorite, this emblem of our national spirit-proud, valiant, independ- ent-the Eagle graces many an American doorway and fireplace. Now captured In magnificent hammered iron, you bring new color and excitement to your home, office or den with this stunning masterpiece. This superb decorating piece Is a masterpiece of crafts- manship, too. The feathery plummage and handsome body Is exquisitely worked In delicately wrought, ham- mered metal and accented with flourishes of gold. The . total effect Is one of such breathtaking beauty, it will be the focal point of your home. Unfortunately It Is Impossi- ble to reproduce the full breadth of the three dimensional "sculptured" body from the small black and white illus- you fully appreciate the drama it brings to every setting. SPECIAL DECORATING NOTE: Because this decorating emblem is so appropriate in so many settings-modem, traditional, contemporary-we suggest you order more than one to help carry out a theme or motif throughout your entire decor or to give as a handsome gift. -----------------------. COLONIAL STUDIOS. DEPT. HE-8 2 0 a.nJc Street White Pi.Ins. New Y Ol'tl 1 0 fi 0 fi Please send me the American Eagle Wall Plaque for only $3.98 postpaid on full money back guarantee if I am not absolutely delighted. Enclosed Is S ............... . (Print Clearly) Name .................................... . Address .................................. . City ............... State ........ Zip ....... . OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED THIS SEASON We urge you to order your American Eagle Wall Plaque now, while the supply lasts. Hammered Iron Eagle plaques of this type sell for $9.00 to $20.00; however, because of our volume purchasing. we can offer this exquisite work to you for the amazing low price of only $3.98 postpaid on full money back guarantee if you are not absolutely delighted. The Eagle plaque is almost three feet wide. Hurry, order now, this offer will not be repeated this season In Family Weekly. • Co"'l&llt 1969, ColOlllal Stu41oa tration here. Only when you see It gracing your home can 0 SAVEi Spec:jal Offer: Order two sets of plaques J for only $6.95. EJitra Eagle makes a perfect gift. -----------------------...-'~------------------------------------======.::_...:...==---:::~ JET ROD FL-411B GVN Am.Ming ftame """ kUl8 weeds and melts ice matant- ly ! No costly t~i. ! pinu of kerosene gitJe $0 minutes of e<mti1'uous use. Light- weight, but powerful.. $!9.95 P'JJ<l. B&G Depot, Dept. !FW, ! First St., E . Nort/Xdk, Conn. 06880. HANDY CAl..BND,4R -S?Mll mont1U11 calendar attaolecl to your wotcAband telU the date aftytime. Start with a•11 month. Champagne-color metal, fit8 any band. Set of 1! calendars, $1 .50. 1! sets, llt Handy Calendar Dept. F W-!, Hand71 Bldg., Scott City, Kamas Weekend Shopper By SUSAN P AINH READ TINY PRINT easily with these half-frame magnifying glasses. Just "look over" for normal viewing. Be sure to spt!cify men's or women's black with silver thread ; brown with gold, black or brown tortoise. Handsome and so use- ful for closeup work. $6.95 ppd. Joy Optical, Dept. 870, 84 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10011. SEED AND NURSERY CATALOG -New en- larged 148-page catalog of Burpee seeds and everything for the garden. Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, house plants, roses, fruits, berries, nuts, trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers are offered. Burpee Co., Dept. FW, 255 Burpee Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 19132. FUR MAGIC -Tired of your old-fashioned, fading fur coat? Let Morton's expert fur- riers transform · it into a glamorous jacket, stole or .cape. Any of 45 styles all only $27.96. Includes new lining, interlining, monogram, cleaning, glazing. For free fur style book write to Morton's, Dept. B-55, Washington, D. C. 20004. EAR-WK.S keep eye-glasses from sliding. Elastic tabs fit easily over the ends of ear pieces making them invisible. They fit alJ plastic frames. Pair, 69¢; 2 pairs, $1 ppd. Dorsay, Dept. FW-2, 200 West 67th Street, New York, N. Y. 10019. RENASCENCE HONEY AND EGG FORMULA helps to make unsightly wrinkles vaniah from sight within seconds. Guaranteed formula starts working instanUy by tightening, drawing, flattening out lines and wrinkles around nose and mouth, crow's feet, pufftness under eyes. See dramatic results or your money wired ck immediately. Marvelous opportunity for all ladies 'nterested in their good looks! Three months supply, $3; ix months supply, $5 ppd. Elanco International, Depl 36, 200 East Ontario St.. Chicago, Ill. 60611. eek.end Shopper it-&mB are NOT advef"tisi?tg. If prodt«:t8 hown ar,. not availabk at stOf"U, order from sounu tuted. _j$5.ts WOllLD CO., 0.,,1 1' , 7 f •!II SI.. C -•&lh. Conn NEW PROnJN RINSE Safety CURLS, WAVES HAIR wttlllft ......... t .... So ••Un i-ittnlahl and bard 10 t11rl J'OVr hair 11. Ju•• -;: •Ii• '''"" '""""'"'' .... dl•-""'ffl' IUNSA KAMA l'IW· ., Tltl~ IUN.-r. In • al•~ (If • wal•r. C'oMh lh-llfl llolr. '1· Piil UP Oh ......... ~Hrttn llf l Just soft 1u11..,u1 .,. • .,., wa•"" i----------------4 Md n.rt. •I kw•JJ u MhlNI ~ PIM. O<f'"'llllrl i.lr ...... Ufl c-b :t: ~.:.· .. ~::.· ~"f.~'1~~ In DIOUtT "°"' 11anop or r•h•J' lb• •~lllu. )111lr hair •'->'• at neat and wacy llM< ;1h d&J• •• l.M llnrt.. 1\ln- dlll-drr hair. 11·• 1mat.1n1. Oua.,.,,ltt ••II#· = :IN~~-=.:,.:i.11 ,!';!!~.'°~ Jtlh>M. If l'.O.Jl. Phl•lf• ~Uta. \\"rile fo• llL'IAA RAM.A. f ......... Ct..,._ I·~ U7 W ....... Cllla.. IM.- SB'llCTlNKllOlan NOR111BL lleactlva- tor wort. to ke.p ..- de talak aod '*"POOi c:kao. A blcter&a c:oa.-ceatrate break.a ap IOlida .... .,... - worb to preftllt Oftr- low. llect-up, odors. PHOTO (.a l w~ z1j__ Resular aee c:aa aave.,_ _____________ ___. cottly pumpinc or d1--... Sllnply •ill .,. powdetlllwat« ...... dowa toilet. N~ 110D ~ • .MoeeJ btdt paruree ol •dtfKtioe. Si11 moadu 91lpply, $}.9~,' CK full ,_, •• .....,, _., '7.00, poecpaid. N09JMll. DISRllUJORS. PW.Z P.O .... 1191, M l ' .... -. ... ~ .. / ., , ,, ', ,, ... ' ' t . Florida HEARING AID C:f'ntf'r ,, . . . ' ' . . . . , . . .. . . . CAl•tM.• ... Mll·~· ..... JC.---tloa -.......... "' ol'lllM 11111 llOMail1ll --•·S. -~ •. tk ....... -· .. _, __ ......,.11 ___ .. ,p .. ,. ............ ~~-·---ell-..... . -~=,;'* ..... .............. 'J•INrilf fl&-af'll.lllotri-fla_, .. ttwt lllf-llf• -~ .. "4-llftM--ltolllr •1U ttwlt. lfnen., ~\w. &IAIM I a1•1a.. er .vto: , ........... -'''" rlJllll •• ,.. ,_ .. -__.,.,tr. . -, .. -•fad -...t II f0< •....i. ........ _ _.,.._, ........ ...,_ ..... , ' l t l · 1 t I I Naw ... riiive the battles whidl sha-. historY witli the••• them! l'M. Mma l911 .. ................ r.-. IU. TI-. mll~ .., ............. btf ,rln wl .. er euly1H eleven Wor,. War 11 ~•sn. .... M.$10 I The MILITARY IOOK CLU8, Dlpt. t2.fWC ..,_Ctly, N.Y. 11~ I '"'" _,. ,., 1pp11c1t1ot1 tor dlertlf .....,.,..., 111 u.. I MW MlllTAllY llOOt( ClUI ... lltld -"" 4 llootll wtloR I nllftlbe11 I lllw 11tl11tltl IMtloW. 1111 • ~ (pl111 MllPIMI Md 111!1(111111) for Ill 4 VOllftll. .. ...... New aelectlona Wiii IMt tlllct1llld ... advHce. A COMHIHt lorrn wtll •IWIJt bl ~ oa wetldl I MIJ m-•lectlolll I do llOl -t. I Mtcl tllle 0111J 4 ..-ttoM Of' altlrMtll Ill Ill• co1111n1 YIM 1t 1w.raee uwlllp 9f 311% llld 11111 l"lllp 111y tl1111 1ttar tNl ........ ..aAllTllt If llOl cllfllMtd wttll lfltrMllCtlNY 1111.- IMlll. I lllly return It 111 10 -IM IMlllilerlMll wtll ii CM-c:eled. t will owe 001111111- Mr • ....... MIM--------------~,~,,~ .. ::-:-,~~lllt)~ ~~~~--~-~-----~ ,. CltJ Stltl Zl----1 If...., ................ __________ _ I l ·M2 I ~" ....,_ _____________ _ I (Y_.....__._,._..,.._ ........................ . ....,.. _. te ..nr.1ea11 otttr ...... c.tl....., u.a.A. ~. L----------------------- 211. T• WT 1• MYS. 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I l ie $124A• On ~l"OVtd ~ a.«t Fee Or.IV » ~ h On epprwld ber.11 creel• ..... -CID Y• -. a•a I ..nc II ! ?11 ........... _..._ ........... ..... _, .. , ....... -. ........... ...... ..... _....,.., ......... ..... 1~:; Colar• 2 Dr. ~ ... ,. .. ,. ....... $2711* Full Mee+ Tea I Uc • CIO W .............. Ciiiis 9W ..... , _.. • lla••M Ill _.. ..., _, 1 t llN 1111&. ......... .......................................... --......... ,,..,. ............ Wfl/W .... ................ .., ................ .. ....... ,.., ............. ~ :•11•··-...... .._ ._ ........... .... ............... --:J.:=· , , ' 01 11 • ..._ _.. • Tu•1111 ...... .., ........................ ... ... 1111111 ............... ..., ... ~ ...,.. ............................. ~,.... .................... ..... -Ml?t,;1 ........ a ? SRPPI--. llAND NEW • ALL NIW CORTINA $17.* PULL ,.,c. ,._Ta• a Uc. IALU HPr. t ...... 10 , .•• 7 .,.,. DILUXI SIDAN SllYICI OPIN TMS. tin Ptt., I •·•· .. I P·•· Me:t., I•.-. .. t P·•· --r-C) Rt-' . ......___ . ' ' 7: 7 7 I I I I 9 g 9 10 • . REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY '.' (\ f? N I ~ C Hope l1n1e. end Glenn Ford. 0 lhvil: See Daytime Movies. 0) 11le Mlldtllftfts, (C) Wednesday 6:10 II Qin Us Thia Dar/News (C) only. 6:3011 s.• s...w (C) ''The Lit· 6 S.n11y TodQ (C) erature of En1land," a course by 10:30 Ci) Didi Yan o,te Show Dr. William E. Buckler et New • 00 m Hollymud Sqlllftl day, Wednesday and Friday. The Fro• U1e h11idt Oat (C) new course for Tuesday, Thursday Rebln Hoed and Saturday is "Contemporary 11:00 I Ci) !Mt of Lift (C) French literature In Translation," ' 00 m JeopehfJ (C) tauaht by Professor Thomas Bishop, C.li0piw1 CHnMt (C) Chairman of the French Department Grah1m Kerr. at W1shin&ton Squire Colle&• of I Sll«iff Jolla (C) Arts and Sciences and professor of ~ loo• (C) French and Comparative literature 111=!! I w CBS News (C) at New Yori( University. 1 :-Sa.a for TolHITOW (C) I EdllCltioft Exdlanp (C) · 6 m E,. C1111 (C) Ttadatr ln·Strtlce . Tiit Aanlvtrury Ca• (C) Al Educational ftaturts Himel hosts. Ttdlnical Comer IAllericl! (C) 7:00 ! Uncllntandinl Our WtKlcl (C) n::: . ~CL NIC News (C) . a oo m toc1ay Show <C> • ltiJ \.!!.I m u&h Downs hosts. I Eurdte Wltll Qloria (C) Mr. Wlsllbont (C) • Felix tM Cat (C) 12:00 11 loutiqat (C) Whitney Blake Co•MdltJ Report and Steve Dunne host. 1i r 1 r P '< n n • • 7:15 fB Stioct Marbt I~ m Hidden faca (C) 7:30 II CBS News (C) Joseph Benti. s (C); Coc*in& WiUI Cor· fJ Tiit Momin& Show (C) Ed Nel· ~ Wednesday. Ison =~I Mtdibtlon 8 ~ f ::=1 and Bob Tiit Fllatstones (C} Doman host. AdvtatllNS of Qumby (C) Im N... (C) 8:00 II a Ci). Captain Kanproo (C) '"" Barty, (C) Wednesday only. With Bob KHshan. Office of Ule Pmldtat · lit labpitter I l111klttttr Show (C) WindMll-MalMHlty Show (C) 12:30 ~As the World Tums (C) hcUt IDbill Htod (C) • 6 @D Days of Our U... 8:15 (3) Yldto Dlelll (C) ii Mac nald Carey stars. 8:25 ei°"••HitJ Bulletin Board (C) stillcnJ iC> 8:30 CartMns (C) @ Cl) Gi) fUllllJ You SIMMllcl Adventures et Qu•bJ (C) AM (C) Lloyd Thaxton hosts. Mi· CI) Webster Webfoot (C) chael Lendon, Marty Allen, Stu Gil· 9:00 Tiit hey Slltw (C) llam. Connie Stevens and Martha · Qj @ @D Sa11p Jld ... nt (C) Raye 1uest. Ed McMahon welcomes Eli Wallach ID Movie: See Daytime Movies. and Anne Jackson to the show this I Dillin& fer Dollars (C) week. Tedlnical Corner II Ltavt It to 8elVlf 12:55 (HJ (I) &> Chilclren's Doctor fJ Movie: See Daytime Movies. (C) luesdlyThursday. Lendon H. Jackie Joseph is hostess. Smit~h M.D. ' I lite R•I McCoys 1:00 II CJ) Lowe Is a Mtny Spltll· (ill CV Jeck la Linne (C) dtrtd in&~) Rocky 1nd . His frltncla ((C); 19 00 • Tiit Dodlfl (C) Bozo and Tiit Mudturtlts, (C) Natiollll tlYet Wedll8$day only. @ CI) 0) Drt1111 House (C) ®) (f) AaclJ Qriffith (C); Ann Mike Darow hosts. Qiitchf Sltow Friday only. I ComllOditY and Stock Rtpoft 9:25 D 0@ m NBC News (C) Nin· 1:30 ~(I) Tiit Quldiq Upt (C) ilDickerson. • OO m Anotlltr Wortd (C) 9:30 9 Ci) BtvtrtJ Hillbilllts . QOOs 9 Ci) m Concantration ( c) @ rn GE Let'• Mete a Dell Bob Clayton hosts. (g Monty Hall hosts. I M1rsllal Dillon 0) Wortd Adventu,., (C) Monday, Panoram1 (C) Friday; TrlVll Witb Don and Bet· Ecluatlonal fNtures; Rocky, tine, (C) Tuesday and Thursday; I Wednesday only. The Adda•• familJ, Wednesday. (3) tt.Jdtn's Happtni111 (C) 2:00 8 la Ci) Secret Stora (C) 10:00 Andy 8rlffltl (C) . · tD 00 ID Y• Dott't 9-1 (C) Qi Cl) @D Penonellty (C) Lar· Tom Kennedy hosts. Sally Ann ry Blyden hosts. Marty Allen, Rita Howes and Mel Torme 1uest. Moreno and Georae Jessel discuss II love Tlut lob the inner personalities of John For· fJ @ (}) GE Ntwfrwed 8an11 (C) sythe, Jane Wyman, Sid Caesar. Bob Eubanks hosts . Ol Mewit: See Daytime Movies: flM Miii.,., Wednesday only. 2:30 I a oo t11t * of Niettt <c> · u oo m TM Matdl '-• <C> Host Gene Rayburn welcomes Rita Moreno and Henny Youngman to this week's show. . D Fatlltr bowl 111t; Cookln& Aiou.cl Ule WtrW, (C) Wednesday. fJ ~ (j) 0) DaU..1 81• (C) Jim Lanie hos(s. ID Babutl, (t) Wednesday only. 2:55 D QI@ @D NIC News (C) Floyd Kalber. 3:00 II Tiit Linklttllf Sllow (C) On Tuesd1y, Art and Diane tr1vel to At11nta, Georala, to serve as hosts for the 20th Anniversary of the Pillsbury Bake·Off with 100 finalists from throu&hout the n1tlon com· petin& for $100,000 in prizes. • P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. Hjjllway Patrol @ CJ) GB C.•al Htspital (C) fella tllt Cat (C); Hobo Kelty, Wednesday only. W Matinee: Don Rodewald. Dillin& fer Dollars Mowit • ltintt: Don Wilton. 3:15 0 News (C) Ted Meyers. 3:30 II Lucky Pair (C) Geoff Edwards hosts. D MIU Do.,._ (C) Fr1nk Sln1tn Jr. co·hosts. I Divorce Court (C) @ Cl) m 0ne Uf• '' u.. <C> Mowlt: See Daytime Movies. MJ faworitl M1rtW1 Htbo KtltJ (C) 4:00 Mr. Ed; Movie: Set O.Jtlmt Movies, Tuesday ind ThumlaJ. Ozdt .... Harritt @ (1) EJ Dert Sltldows (C) Pay ~ (C) Art J1mes hosts. 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies. PltlSa Doa't Eat tllt Dlilitl (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. lattr!t Pub!•• Niwa~ Bozo's Ila Top ..,. ~GEMlb Doa ..... () ShaU(a Pizza P11tJ . °"" Talk (C) DIC NtwltrYlce (C) Im.A News (C) Tiit Qroowy Sbow (C) Tiit Adda• fa11111J E MJThOll ... $lltw LICJ Sllow (C) • • n @(I) UC Ntwa (C) Tiit Rat Patrtl (C) MIR Qriffil (C) ~ 8illlpn'1 lslllcl (C) 1'11 Dar 19&9 (C) News (C) Nancy Wilson (left), guest vocalist, and hostess Carol Burnett pair up for a duet on The Carol Burnett Show, Monday at 10 PM, In color on CBS. their best to Interfere, unaware that SATURDAY The Chief and Gina are usin1 the "romance" as a cover while Gina delivef$ a secret form ula. Alizia Gur auests. FEBRUARY 8 f V f NIN C 0 @@ CiD TIM Newlywed 81mt © (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. m Saturday Niiht Fipts (C) (2 hr) 6:00 1J The Bi& News (C) (60) I!) American West (C) (30) "Ort· 0 tD@ m HuntltJ·lrink.ley (C) gon's Magical Snow Country." (30) I NET Festival (C) (60) (R) 0 Grand Olt Opry (C) (30) Melba Nueva Cit.I Musical Montgomery, George Moraan, Geor1e 8:30 ~ 00 ~ Three Sons (C) (30) Jones. Cousin Jody and Tommy @@ W The Ghost 1nd Mrs. Jackson and The Square Dancers Muir (C) (30) "It's a Gift" Cap· are featured. tain Gregg's apology lo Mrs.. Muir fJ Boss City (C) (60) Sam Riddle takes the form of a gift that she hosts. labels '.1!_ote$que." I The lnvader1 (C) (60) I@ w m Lawrence Welk (C) 6:30 kNBC Newservice (C) (30) Bill Anderson Show (C) (30) MeloclJ Ranch (C) (60) The Aleirlas Adams Three Senores guest. 9:00 . ~ (j) Ho1an's Heroes (C) (30) I Rosey Grier (C) (30) Col. Klink asks Hogan for help lo I love Lucy (30) ward off the possible amorous ad· Pla1in1 tht Cuitar (30) (R) vances of his old flame Marlene £.nttrt1inment Specials (C) Schneider when she tu rns up at Qlrl From UNCLE (C) Stalag 13 with her very influential 7:00 ®; (j) CBS Evenin& News (C) and ~alous !lance. (30) Roger Mudd. 0 @ m NBC Saturday Mov· 0 llNBC Survey (C) (30) Bob le: ( ) ''Taras Bulba" (adventure) Wricht hosts. '63-Yul Brynner, Tony Curtis. 0 DEBUT The Anniversary G1me ID Stonem1n Family Show (C) (30) (C) (30) Al Hamel's daytime show fID Critique (C) (30) John Franken· goes ni&httime. heimer is the subject of this week's O Death Y1lle1 Days (C) (30) "Sol· program. He has directed such films omon's Glory." A boozing, beery as "The Fixer," "The Train," and has·been pulls together the 90-"The Manchurian Candidate." proof pieces ol what had once been @Iii Noctles T .,atias a 14-carat crusading journalist. Wil· 9:30 0 ~ (j) Pettico1t Junction (C) lard Sage. Louise Lewis, Linda Mei· O @@c:!)Hollywoocl Palace (C) klejohn and John Beck guest. (60) Robert Goulet hosts. m Buddy Greco's "funny Valen-I Newa (C) (30) tine" (C) (60) Buddy's guests on Esnest Tubb Show (C) (30) his musical hour are Jackie de • la Tormenta Shannon, Elaine Dunn. Sal Mineo, 9:55 Wonderful World of Sport (C) Teddy Neeley, Marie Wilson, and 10:00 ~ (i) Mannix (C) (60) When The Back Porch Majority. Peggy's boyfriend Gabe Johnson ID Wonders of the World (C) (30) (Yephet Kolto) disappears. Mannht "Roumanian Rhapsody." The link· looks for him only to learn that he ers travel through the most color-is an escapee from a prison road !ul parts of rural Roum.ania, film· gang and is determined not to re· mg spectacular monasteries. charm· turn at any cost. Ing ¥illages and exciting dances. 0 The Oefenden (60) I NET Journ1I (C) (60) (R) fJ Movie: "The Rest Is Silence" b itometro (drama) '60-Hardy Kruger. 7:30 ~ (j) Jackie Gleason (C) (60) News (C) (30) Jack E. Leonard, Georce Gobel and Cal's Corral (C) (30) The Lennon Sisters guest. : NET Playhoute (60) ( R) 0 @ @ m Adam-12 (C) (30) , Box de Mexico "You Blew II." Officer Malloy and 10:30 T.H.E. Cat (C) (30) Reed forget to "go by the book" Jot Pyne (C) (2 hr) when citing a traffic violator and Counby-Western Show (C) (30) later must tangle l#ith the same • Hollywood and the Stlr1 man atter learning he is a wanted 11:00 0 c:!) News (C) criminal. World Tomorrow (C) 0 Movie: "The Big Clock" (mys· The Empress (C) te,ry) . '48-Ray Milland, Maureen ll:lS 1J Fabulous 52 Movie: (C) "Gun· 0 Sullivan. man's Walk" (western) '58-Van 0 G1J 00. al The 01tln1 Game Heflin, Tab Hunter. James Darren. (C) (30) Jim Lan~e hosts. O Movie: (C) 0 Heminpay's Ad-0 Million $ Movre: (C) "C1ptaln ventures of a Youn& Man" (adven· ~oratlo Hornblower'' . ~a~venture) ture) '62-Richard Beymer. Diane 51-Gregory P~k. Vrr11nia Mayo. Baker. Corinne Calvet, Fred Clark. ID World of ~omen (C) (30) "!oY 11:30 0 m News (C) at Sea World. .Joy B~damo. assist· 0 Movie: ''Ride the Plnlr Horst" ant public rela!rons drrec1or at Sea (drama) '47 _Robert Montgomery World, takes viewers on. a. tour of g:, Teatro Familiar · the marine park in Mission Bay San Diego. ' 11:45 ID Movie: "Road House" (mystery) ~ Esttl1res Madero '48-Cornel Wiide, Ida Lupino. S:OO @ (6) er;, Get Smart (C) (30) 12:00 8 m Tonl~ht Show (C) ' sorb the Greek." The Chief • iftle: 'Hell to Ettrnity" (ad· "courts" a Greek beauty to the dis· venture) '60-Jeffrey Hunter. David may of the Smarts. Thinking The Janssen, Vic Damone. Chi~f has ~one slightly daft by 12:30 m 77 Sunset Strip takrn1 the n~k of romancin& pretty! ID Cinema Saturday (C) "The lion Gina Pappanikollna, the Smarts try, Has Wings." ..... 4 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 8, 1969 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 9 MORNING All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no- tice. Tiie Christophers The Bible Answers Give Us This Day/News (C) Tom and Jerry (C) Sunday Funnies (C) 7:30 Aquaman (C) Mormon T1bern1cle Choir (C) Face to Face (C) Day of Discovery 1 @ Ministlfiat Alliance 7:45 The Christophers 1:00 ~ 00 lamp Unto My Felt (C) m The Christophers (C) Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) Chalten1es Davey and Golillh (C) Wonderama (C) ~ @ Allen Revival Hour (C) God Is tlle AMWtf (C) a ID Report (C) 1:30 Look Up and llvt (C) "Agnon: Conversation in a Garden," Is the first of a two-part program on noted Israeli writer S. Y. Agnon. who was co·winner of the 1966 Nobel Prite for literature. I Profilt @ 00 CiD The Beatles (C) Movie: "Gun Sett" (western) ' -George Montgomery. ID Kathryn Kuhlman (C) ~ (i) Full Gospel Revival I ESCuela kMEX (C) The Answer (C) 9:00 Camera Thrte (C) My Favorite Stnnon (C) Dr. Gerhard Belgum, SL Timothy Lu· theran Church of Lakewood, cuests. i of DISCOVlfY (C) @ c:!)Unus (C) unby Music (C) 00 I Believe in Mlr1eles (C) Ci) To• 1nd Jerry (C) • lmp~s Musicales • New Testament and Min 9:30 Conversations Witt! 1 Psychla· tr st (C) Dr. Edward Stainbrook. 0 Aif iculture USA (C) 0 Movie: "River Lady'' (adven· ture) '48-Yvonne De Carlo. Dan Duryea. ~ (}) CiD Kinf Kong (C) Feature Aquaman (C) • Arriba El Norte • This Is tht Life (C) aero and the News (C) , Youth and Police (C) @ @ c:!) Bullwinkle (C) • Movi.: "Tariet Zero" (adven· ture) '55--Richard Conte. ; Robin Hood @Faith for Tocl1y (C) 00 Town Hall MHtlnc (C) @Iii 'ente Shi Historia m Wines to AdVenture (C) 10:30 I steps tAI lurnlng (C) '. 9 'l) m FIWIHer1 of flitll ( ) "Chrtstien Unity." Donald Barn· house interviews the Rev. Paul A. Crow, Jr., General Secretary of the Consultation on Church Union. 0 @@ c:!) Issues l Answen (C) Secy. of Labor Georee P . 10:! 11:• 11: 12: 12 1 J e n I, 6 r. J· $. n· an 1itll m· A. the tn P. Schultz guesls. IE Faith for TodlJ (C) ~ Ci) Ft1tufes 10:55 0 @ @ ffi NIA B11lletball (C) Philadelphia /6e~ vs. Boston Cel· tics at Boston. 11:00 I) Co111111itm1nt (C) Laraine Day is hostess. I This Is the life (C) Homebuym' Guide (C) Movie: "Kini Kon(' (horror) '33-Bruce Cabot. Fay Wray. I Church in tht Home (C) @ first B1pti1t Church ~ Picture (C) 11:30 Cl!! (j) NHL Hodley (C) LA Kings vs. Detroit Redwings. I lntern1tionaJ Zone Movie: (C) "Adventures In lndo· C na" (adventure) -Jean Gaven, Dominique Wilms. m Sunday Matinee AFTfRNOON 12:00 O Dialopes in Art (C) Bernie Casey guests. I Kiplin1« Features (C) lntelli1ent Parent · 00 feature film (C) "Against All Flags." I Cine en Su Casa 12:30 On Campus (C) Gene Autry TV Worship of the West (C) 1:00 m M"t the Prus (C) Eric Goldman, former consultant to Pres· ident Johnson, guests. O Movie: "Th• Exile" (romance) '48-0ouglas Fairbanks Jr., Maria Montez. 0 @ CV m Directions (C) "Deep River," the rlrst in a series of four telecasts concerning the black church in America, is devoted to the history of the black church. O Sports Special (C) "Darlington Southern 500." I Combat Revival Fires (C) 1:30 ~ (6) m Bob Hope Desert Classic (C) live coverage of the final rounds at the Indian Wells Country Club in Palm Springs, Calif. 0 @ (1) al Discovery (C) "Dis· covery Goes to Switzerland.'' Part I. A visit to the SWiss village of St. lmier and a close look at village and family life there. O William f. Budlley Show (C) "The Chicago Riots: The Walker Report." Buckley hosts New York Times Correspondent Sydney Zion and Congressman Donald Rumsfeld (R·lll.) in discussion of the Demo· cratic National Convention. IE Voice of Calvary (C) 2:00 B ~ (j) CBS Children's film festival (C) "The Luplnek Case." a Czechoslovakian motion picture about a boy suspect who tums sleuth in an attempt to locate soma stolen puppets. Martin Svehla stars as Barnabas. I Press Conference (C) Roller Otrby (C) (3) Car ind Track (C) Un Angel en el fan10 Merv Griffin (C) 2:30 Movie: (C) ''War Arrow" (west· ern) '54 -Jeff Chandler, Maureen O'Hara. O Million $ Movie: "Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid" (comedy) '48-- William Powell, Ann Blyth. @ (I) Sund1y Matinee: "Look in Any Window." Paul Anka stars. 3:00 B Face the N1tion (C) Secy. of Defense Melvin R. Laird guests. CJ Movie: (C) "The UllJ Am•I· can" (drama) '63-Marlon Brando, Arthur Hill. Pat Hingle. Tales of ttie Golden Watt Outer Limits Honey West 00 Charlie Chin (j) Wrestling (C) • Ensien O'Tool• 3:30 Insider-Outsider (C) "White Press, Black lmaee." IE Sunday Matinee: ''Two·Gun Lady." I RH Review (R) The Dakotas lnsldit (C) 4:00 V'ltWpoint (C) @ CV m The American 5port1- 111an (C) A study of the age.old sport of falconry, a seament on striped bass an1Hng with Curt Gowdy and fisherman Frank Wool· ner, and football star Daryle La· monica hunting black bear In the state of Washington. Man From UNCLE (C) ([) face the Nation (C) • Ventana Sohre los Hijos 4:30 Newsmaklrs (C) • News .(C) Bronco @ I Dream of Jeannie (C) : Misterocers' Nellflborhood (i) Pollll Parade (C) · ra1 Es la Vida • McKeev11 and the Colonel 4:55 Wonderful World of Sport (C) 5:00 News (C) Clete Roberts. Speak Up (C) Bill Leyden hosts. The Killy Style (C) Movie: (C) "First Men in tht Moon" (sci·fl) '65-Edward Judd, Lionel Jeffries. Martha Hyer. O Country Carousel (C) Kenny Price 111ests. m The Lucy Hour @ (})Seven Arts Theatre: "Cow· boy.'' (i) 1968 Indy 500 (C) . Whit's NIW? Toros • Rat Patrol (C) • Run for Your life (C) 5:30 9 (j) Amlt141r Hour (C) • News Conference (C) Polk• Parade (C) The Polka Parade Gang salutes "Valentine's Day." O ~lppy, ttie Bush Kan11roo (C) "Many Happy Returns." While on a birthday ride in a helicopter over Sydney Harbor, Sonny Hammond finds himself in trouble when his pilot blacks out at the controls. I McH1le's Navy @ Meet the Press (C) The City M1ke11 (C} (R) future EVENING 6:00 B ~ (j) The 21st C.ntvry (C) (30) "Stranger Than Science·Fic· lion." 0 Q) 00 m G.L Colle11 Bowl (C) (30) Goucher Colleae of Tow· son. Maryland is today's challenger. g John Gary (C) (90) Sharl lewis and Lambchop, Kurt Kasznar. Jack Cassidy, Jackie Kahane, Anne Jeff· ries and Roberta Sherwood guesl I Ciid11t (C) (30) PIJ Cards (C) (30) Portrait of a Star (60) "Lee Marvin" (R) El) Gospel of Christ (Continued) Meet a hero ••• He juat told his wife he ord•r•d her • 1up•rb Sylvenle St•r•o for St. v.1.ntin•'• D•y •.. •nd Hv•d $100 to boot. You c•n be • frug•I St. V•l•ntin•'s D•y hero, too. Devis· Brown h•s • r•ft of Sylveni• "Onc•-A·Y••r Sale" gifts to chooH from. Radios, r•cord players, portable t•levi- 1ion1, st•r•o radio/ record pla.y•rs, color tel•vi1ions end truly outstendln9 Sylvenie Home Ent•rtalnment Centersf M•n y avail•ble et big savings. Her• •re just • few H· ample&: '595 SAVE $100 SC2t6C -lltlpir..t ,,..,, .... tleslt• from the mid-18th c•ntury of physically distressed Chefty veneers •nd nlec+ wood 1olids. Authentic h.,dwart and rich l•++ice grill ... Dual I 015 Autometic T urnteble. I 00 Watt ( EIA) solid state amplifier. FM Stereo/FM/ AM tuner with d' Arsonval 1ign•I stren9th tuning meter. $650 SAVE $100 SC2tllT -..... a...lt XVI per1o4· 1tyl .. in physically distrened Butternut VHnw1 and Hlect wood solids. Myrtle Burl arched framH, c•rved end posh •nd full credenH base. Duel 1015 Automatic Turntable. 100 W•tt (EIAI solid state •mplifler. FM St•r•o/FM / AM tuner witft dArsonv.J signal 1trtn9th tuning meter. DAYIS·BROWN 21 Y .. rt o\ De~ablt• Service In tho Harbor Ar .. OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. -SAT. TILL 6 P.M. 411 East 17tlt 5,..Ht, Costa Mesa 646-1684 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 8, 1969 ~ D L--...:::::..-'-::::::~--J '-----J ~----. MID SUllDAY lETDOWll Take In a little LOHMAN & BARKLEY. With Just one application you'll feel wonderful, see stars, hear funny things. The Lohman·&·Barkley thing con~ains generous amounts of musical ingre- dient STAN WORTH. Apply once a week for guaranteed results. We'll never let you down. ~I -~. PRf MlfR[S SUNDAY 11:30o.m.-1:00 a.m. 9 SUNDAY (Continued) after 1 would·be murderer. m l lact Ptf'll*tiWt (30) (R) I Wallderlllt (C) ED .... F ... UNCLE (C) = ~~··HJ &:30 R Ralpll st.ry (C) (30) Proaram eutrt &as hra 1111 Mlm Sheds llaht on What's new in the 1:30 U 00 8) lllledwHi -llw (C) 1tow~ world of neon slans. ( ) "Void Where Prohibited bJ 0 QJ @ m Wild ll1,._ (C) In-Laws." The Hubbards end the (30) "Explorina the Llanos." A trip Buefls araue about their 1randchll· across the vast llanos (plains) of ren's future colleae and try to win Venezuela to the Junates at the scholarships for them. base of the Andes Mountains. I ne .a; Sllew (C) (30) 11 S,J (C) (60) World Temenw Hazel (C) (30) 9:00 tBJ Ci) I m ew. I "A M...._ Man1YH 22 •r Ni&td's 6(.-41 (C) (2'A hr) T1tt Fr.ctl Ctlef (30) Peter Hall directs the Royal Shakes- Ci) SliPPJ (C) ' pure Company's production of the 7:00 IJ a Ci) Laslie (C) (30) While famous play, st1rrin1 Diana Rig, Bob EriciSon works with the Coast David Warner and ten Holm. Guard to resolve 1 n1vi1ation 0 QJ @ m a.nanza (C) (60) problem lnvolvin1 submersed lop, "The Clarion." Ben helps 1 wid· Lassie becomes 1 victim of the owed newspaper publisher fllht an same hazardous situation. This epl· unscrupulous town boss. Phyllis sode, the first part of • two-part Thaxter. Simon Oakland 1uest. story. was filmed 1lon1 the Oreaon U (i1) Cl) &) ABC SuftcilJ Mevlt: coast durlna • storm at sea. ("C) "Sparbas" Part II (spectKU· 0 Q) Cil Hudi Finn (C) (30) tar) '60 -Kirk Douitas. Laurence ''The Strenae Experiment." The Olivier, Jun Simmons, Ch1r1ea younasters' balloon crashes In the Lauahton, Peter Ustinov. vicinity of 1 mysterious mansion m 1.1Rc161i I Valenti•'• 0., WHll inhabited by a sinister scientist frt kiitl Fi•llJ (C) (60) The KJn1 and his monster. Family portrays the meanlna of D SEE NORTH AMERICAN Valentine's Day in 1 P•au nt of * ROCKWELL'S SPECIAL stoty and music. "VIEW FROM SPACE" I= ~~ ... <30 > U @ (}) &> Man llCf His Uni· 9:30 News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. vene Spedal (C) (60) "The View Wertd If YOllUI (C) (30) From Spece." Proaram depicts s.adlJ LMll/M•IM r._ what men has seen of Earth and CotMJsatiNs WHll a.. leetlle beyond durin1 the first decade of ltlce (C) (30) "Issues of Our Tlme." space exploration. OJ La Ter•enta I Tnrtlt er Con1141uenca (C) (30) 10:00 D 9 @ m ·~u;:1P1;;<;w;:;1 Fr.I Aa- P-.ert te Traet (C) (30) titre Slaft (C) (60) A musical spe- Spealtltlon (60) (R) cill starrina Fred Astaire with Bar· De•inaos Herdu rie Chase, Simon & Garfunkel, Slf', 7:30 8 9 Ci) G•tle left (C) (30) 1io Mendes and Brasil '66, the Tom Wedloe is threatened by en Youn1·Holt Trio and The Gordian 1n1ry Everalades Indian but help Knot sin1in1 aroup. comes in the form of Mark and ! m News (C) (30) Ben. • MOwie: "Not As a S1r1npr" 0 QJ@ m Walt DIMIJ (C) r1m1) 'SS-Robert Mitchum. (60) "The Secret of Boyne Castle." 01 Joe DeSllv1'1 Laber Report (C) Part one of 1 motion picture pre· i!O) sented in three parts. Filmed in : David Sullkind (C) (2 hr) Ireland, the premiere ITIOYie stars CamNIMI MlllkaM Glenn Corbett, Kurt Russell and 10:30 Saecm S1ory (C) (30) Paddy Dawson in story of an Amer· lllf&llt (C) (30) lean boy studyina In Ireland and T1tt E•m (C) his Irish schoolmate, who 1c:dden· 10:45 @ (f) ED News (C) tally become Involved in esplonace Trw Advent.rt (C) (30) when 1 dylnc American 11ent re-11:00 • QI (i) m News (C) veals 1 secret messaae to one. Clilliihl of T...mw (C) 0 Million $ Merit: (C) "llMd Mlvil: (C) "T1tt Teat ef Ntw Mt(' (drama) '55-John Wayne, "9 (musical) 'so-Mario Lan· Lauren Bacall, Anita Ekber1. I u, Kathryn Grayson. I Merv Griffin (C) (90) ~-a Woedudf Predlda (C) ne. a.a11tna1nc Sea (C) (30) 11:15 9 Cl) News (C) lit Pidllre liiiwli: "Tlte ~ (drama) 1:00 • William Hartnell. IJ TONITE'S BEST BET! llG 5400 SECONDS OF * THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW * BLESSED RELIEF! 1J ta Ci) E.d S.llinl (C) (60) Leslie U111ms, Biii Dana and Bar· THE ALL NEW bera Eden 1uest. LOHMAN and BARKLEY 11 ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) TELEVISION SHOW * T·BIRDS vs. TEXAS D PREMIER£ Lollun a laRllJ 11 Roller 811H1 (C) (2 hr) J. (""C) Al Lohman and Ro1er Bar11llJ Birds vs. Texas. star In pro111m encompassln1 com· U FORD MOTOR COMPANY ~· ~u~-nd<~tervlews. * presents THE FBI 11:45 8 Mn: "Web et Evidence" (dra· fJ @ (I) ED Tiie Fii (C) (60) ma) '59-Van Johnson, Vera MlieL •i'fhe Maze." A hand·drawn map 12:00 I Wlfld TelMmlW (C) of 1 Callforni• Navy yard taken • Feabwt/Wtt1d If Yotltlt (C) from the body of a fuaitlve sends n Sunwt Strip Inspector Erskine and Arent ColbJ 12:30 Hurtbelt (C) . ~It ~11A .,,...._ ........ ,, s....ttlve, Accuree., & D1p11tll1~le ?9'' •• , illllW .......... 1 .... .................. !.: ¢11 .............. . =::.. ™' -=:::11.: ... 11'1• .............. ..., .... _ , ....... .... ._ ...... • • "'::.I ..._,._.. I .. .......... ., .. -. s.f9ty aM c.n ... .... fW the YechtllMll .. .. #fl_. AW tw .... ,............. ......... _,.._.. bda. Dlredlen ,,.., Per .._,_ Sure Ofhhor• ... v....._ • ..................... ..,wY. .............. __..... ........ . llP .-1c H t .......... AM• ..... . . ........ _ -- ---1::"~ AM_. .......... ... ..... ........., llP ---.-w ......... ....., .. • lr1fll P I .... ......,, ....,. _., ................ , .. ............... ._. ....... ................. ...... Accur ... Of ....... Nevttetl• ......... w.ru ............ ... ...... ._, .... a... n.r An ...., 1JtU1111 11 a ...., ... • o.-. 11 •••1r1111 a ....... ....................... ..-.-... -:n ......... . .. ..... ........ I ......... ........, ....,. News .......... Direct "'°"' ........ c.u.itrlel •.• le The Plrst To kltOW With A HMthldf9 ._.. wave I ... I FREE ] HEATHKlr --··--·- t e , .. ell Heatlililt llectrHle Ce1tter talie Hertler IM. h lal A". •••• •111 .. II • few .e..r+ ~lecb tt J It latf 111 er t.lle Ifft• A#ia ""••Y te Herlter Im.I., H...t.er ""4. te laH, • kw ...,. ............ , ... ,. i.e ... SALa & PAITI HUTMlrT 776-Hlt Ht IAIT IAU.. AMAHllM 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABEi $1.00 ........ ~ May be used on envelopes as return address tabels. Also very handy as identification labels for marking personal items such as books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on glass and may be used for marking home canned food items. An labels are printed with stylish Vogue type on fi ne quality white gummed paper and packed in reusable magic seal top container. Mn. Chrimne hwn 969 Post Ro.d Coste M.s., C.lif. 92626 r---------- I I I I Rll ht tlil1 ce•it•"· cllp •~ mail with $1 .00 to: Piiot Prl11htf, ubel DIY., ... 1175, New,.,t hech, Cellf. '2Hl -·····-·······-···········--------·-··········-·------- I -··--··-··················------·····------------------1 I ··························-·······----------····--··-·.-. I le 1vr• to WM yovr Zip Cod• , __ _ PILOT PRINTING L ...... ------..... ----FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE Will INCLUDE FIB SET OF PACKAGE MAILIN6 LABELS. ,. ......... *. ·-···· -- THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 8, 1989 ~ CLOSE -UP· ... PLAYBOY'S MIDAS MAN Few personalities have elicited as much interest among the general public in the last few years ~s Hugh ~iarston Hefner, Editor and Publisher of Playboy Magazme. president and founder of Playboy Clubs International, and now host of his second television show, Playboy After Dark (on KTLA, Channel S. Fridays, 9 PM). Much of the public curiosity about Hefner can be ascribed to the fact that his is an almost classic example of The American Success Story. Having founded Playboy Magazfoe some 16 years ago. Hefner has today welded the various Playboy enterprises into a multi-million-dollar empire. A slim, dark-haired man, slightly under six ~eet. who wears a perpetually inquisitive look and tends to speak m staccato bursts, Hefner possesses an amazing business acumen and his fortune has been made by making the right moves at the right time. Born in Chibigo on April 9. 1926, of German-Swedish descent. Hefner is the son of Glenn and Grace Swanson Hefner, who moved to Chicago from Nebraska farm country. At the age of 10 Hefner published a one-page newspaper that be sold for a penny. While attending Steinmetz H igh School be worked in a variety of jobs on student publications. Following a two-year stint in the army, Hefner enrolled at the University of Jllinois where his talents found outlets via the college humor magazine, Sha/ t , and the newspaper, The Daily Illini. He graduated in 1949 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He aJso married that same year and has a son and daughter from the 10-year union. Hefner was working for Esquire Magazine in 1952, but left there when the main offices were moved from Chicago to New York. With his feeling that the magazine field was ripe for a man's magazine aimed at the young man just making his mark-and that Esquire had limited its appeal to an older set-Hefner borrowed $600 and started Playboy. "I believed that it could be a success," says Hefner. "I felt th at a large, vital and previously overlooked audience was just waitmg for us. We were the first to see it. and we've managed to stay just ahead of a whole host of relatively unsuccessful imitators." Hefner opened the first Playboy Club ia Chicago in 1960. Since then the Playboy Clubs have increased to 19, including those in London and Montreal, and Club-Hotels in Jamaica and at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Since the founding of Playboy, Hefner bas k.ept on the move. His accomplishments include: the staging· of the world's largest jazz festival; Playboy Press, the book division of HMH Publishing Company; a chain of Playboy Theatres; and Playboy Products, which markets apparel, accessories and gifts. Hefner credits the sales of J1layboy Products to the same Playboy reader rapport that helped make the Playboy Clubs such a success. To date. customers have bought in excess of seven million dollars worth of full-color art reproductions, jazz albums, and such items as cuff links. ties, shirts, calendars and accessories marked in some manner with the famous Playboy Rabbit. "When the announcement was made that we were about to start production on Playboy After Dark," says Hefner. "there was an immediate assumption on the part of many people that the nation's living rooms wouJd soon be invaded by an electronic version of Playboy. "Quite obviously, TV is not ready for a literal exposition of Playboy's contents, but the viewer's receptivity to a greater degree of sophistication and televi ion·s attempts to present more so- phisticated programming is one of the major reasons why we chose to create Playboy After Dark at this time. ''The very substantial success of programs such as Rowan and ~artin'~ 1:3ugh-ln and The Smothers Brothers also aided greatly lO the t1m10g of our decision." I a f T j e 't N 's It d lt g st :e n :e e. 2 1g s. >y s. rs 1$ io II ID 1e ic of I MONDAY FEBRUARY 10 For morning and afternoon listings. please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change program,ming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O (C) "Watusi" (adventure) '59- George Montgomery, Taina Ehr. 9:30 O "ladJ From ChfJtnne" (adven· ture) '41 -Loretta Young, Robert Preston. 0:00 O ''Chicken Every Sunday" (com· edy '49-0an Dailey, Celeste Holm. .2:30 m "Eight O'Clodl Walk" (mystery) '53 -Richard Attenborough. "lady Chaser" (comedy) '45-Robert Low· ery. 2:00 Q) "Ladies of the Chorus" (musi· cal) '49 -Marilyn Monroe, Adele Jergens. 3:30 O ''This Side of Ille Law" (drama) 'SO:-Viveca Lindfors. Janis Paige. 4:30 1J "Tarun's Secret Adventure" (adventure) '41 -Jolinny Weismul· ler, Maureen O'Sullivan. EVENING 6:00 D Tiie Bi& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) O Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Abbe LC!ne. Bob Allen and Hedge and Donna guest. O Six O'Clock Movie: (C) ''Tiie World i n His Arms'' (adventure) '52 -Gregory Peck, Ann Blyth. In 1850 a su captain arrives in San Fran· c1sco with a fortune in pelts. and during a celebration with his crew he meets a Russian countess flee· ing a forced marriage to a prince. They decide to marry immediately, but on the eve of their wedding she is kldnaped, and he must ask for he'p from his bitter rival to aid In her rescue. 11 Spy (C) (60) Batman (C) (30) (I) Merv Griffin (C) What's New? (30) "Roaming the Smithsonian." A trip into the middle·class life of the American past. ii) Mujeres Sin Amor Ci) KPLM News (C) 6:30 O KNBC Newservice (C) (60) Cl) Voyaft lo tllt Bottom of the ~a (C) (60) Ci1 (i) Huntley·lrinlley (C) ED Ftature (C) (30) "The Last Frontier.'' A look at the 458 mil· lion acres of public land under the direction of the Bureau of Land Management. The film travels from Arizona deserts to Alaskan glaciers and tundra. 9(1)61) ma>Ntws (C) 7:00 IJ CBS Evtnin& News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 0 Whafa My Lint? (C) (30) Soupy Sales, Alan Alda and Ruta Lee are guest panelists. m huwofd (C) (30) Barbara Eden and Peter Lawford guest QJ Cl) MendaJ Mowk (C) "40 Pounds of Trouble.'' til) Linn Abierta (60) A special hour-long pro11ram broadcast llve from East Los An1eles. A panel of experts and concerned citizens dis. cuss employment and job opportuni· ties available to the Mexican·Amerl· can. Ed Moreno hosts. 9 00 fa"'ily Artair (C) I Cesar's World (C) Truth or Consequtnces (C) 7:30 ~ 00 Gunamokt (C) (60) "The Reprisal.'' Marshal Dillon seri· ously wounds a killer In self-de· rense and Doc must decide between staying to treat the injured outlaw or leaving to deliver a baby. Doc &aves the killer for hanging, but reaches Tom Butler's farm after his wife, Sara. has lost their baby. Buller blames Doc for the loss and vows vengeance. Jack Lambert. Joe Don Baker and Eunice Christopher are featured. 0 m I Dream of Jt1nnil (C) (30) "Jeannie, the Governor's Wife." Jeannie launches a campaign to make Tony Governor of Florida, despite NASA's threat to discharge him from the Air Force. 0 I Sl'ECtAL I Tht 8a1tball Writel'1 Annual Awards Dinner (C) (60) The 12th annual dinner. honoring the California Angels and the Los An· geles Dodgers is emceed by Pat Paulsen. Also featured are Glen Campbell and Pat Buttram. Special awards will be presented to In fielder Billy Sudakls, pitcher Bill Singer, catcher Tom Haller and Don Drysdale of the Dodgers; and to Andy Messersmith. Infielder Au ' relio Rodriguez, catcher Tom Satrl· ano and infielder Bobby Knoop of the Angels. 0 @ 00 Ci) The Avtngers (C) (60) "Take Me to Your Leader." Steed and Tara are assigned to trace the origin of an attache case that is being passed from agent to agent. They find that the trail leads directly to "Mother." O Million $ Movit: "Jump Into Heir' (adventure) '55 -Jacques Sernas, Kurt Kasznar. Paratroopers in I ndo·China risk their lives In gallcint attempt to drive out the rebel forces. I Truth or Con11quences (C) (30) Plfl'Y M11on (60) Un Anftl en el Feneo proud of her handsome date until for three months, he doesn't fo,.. she realizes that he is a profes· see thl adventures ahead. Cissy sional Jewel thief and dOtsn't want promptly meets a h1ndsom1 youna to leave her around as a witness, &uide and Uncle Biii Is attracted Cesar Romero guests. to the children's pretty Spanish O 8oldtn Voy11• (C) (30) "A teacher. Part I of three parts. Cruise on the Nile." I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 0 @ CI) ti!) Ptyton Plec. (C) Revlstl Mvslul (JO) Lew informs Vickie he intends 10:00 Cif) (j) Clrol lumett (C) (60) telling his father the truth: Jeff Lucille Ball, Eddi• Albert and Nan· tells Fred that Carolyn is Lew"s fJWllson guest (R) girl; Rod divul11es his college plans GJ NtwJ (C~ to Norman; Fred refuses to believe (11) 00 Ci)iQJ HNrt Al· Carolyn. tad! (C) (60) E. G. Marshall nar· m Donald O'Connor (C) (90) Guests rates a special filmed In Los All· are actor James Mason, currently geles that tells what medicine Is starrin1 in "The Seagull.'' based on doing in one U.S. hospital to lower Chekov's story; recording artist Jody the horrendous statistics on deaths "Queen of the Road" Miller; sing· from heart attacks, and to give er Dick Kallman; actress Lee Grant, hope lo potential victims. "Heart Emmy winner for her creation of Attaclt" is the dramatic, on·the· Anna Chernak on Peyton Place and scene story of the survival of cardl· currently s\arring in the motion ac patients and of tile life-saving picture ''Buona Sera, Mrs. Camp· skills of physicians and the staff at bell," and appearing in the Los An· the Hospital of the Good Samaritan geles production of "Plaza Suite"; in Los Angeles. and the comedt-team of Colvin & O Marshal Dillon (30) Wilder. Cl) That Show (C) (30) "When Q) But the Odds (C) (30) Hoover Invented the Vacuum, He ii) lV Musical Ossart Sure Cleaned Up!" 9:00 1J Mayberry RFD (C) (30) Mike fl'!) T?!• Grt~t W~r (30) "Endur· and his friend Harold have a boy· ance. The time ts July 16, 1916, hood argument, so the menfolk take to November}· ~?16. The British them on a camping trip to show launch their last great offensive them how adults get along. against the Western Well and fail 0 Q) Cl) m NBC Mond11 Movie: again. The Battle of Somme. (C) "leau Geste" (adventure) '66 ii) Oldl1 R~da -Guy Stockwell, Doug McClure, 10:30 G Movlt: "HiUer" (d.rama) '62- Leslie Nielsen Telly Savalas. Richard Basehart. Mana Emo. 0 George Jt~'s Here Come the ID Nns (~) (3{)) , Stars (C) (60) Glenn Ford is guest ED Innovations (30) 'The Slngina of honor. Featured are Edgar Bu· Flame.'' Two scientists discuss t.h• ch11nan, Jim Backus, Zsa Zsa Gabor, use of flam~ as a loudspeaker with Giselle Mackenzie, Jan Daley, Rich host Or. Richard Brenneman. Little. Pat McCormick, and Joey I Genta Sin Hlstorla Villa 11:00 0 ii) Ci) Ntn (C) 0 @ (j) Ci) Tile Outcasts (C) A!frtd Hitdlcodl (60) "Act of Faith." Earl and Jemal Liars Q!b (C) • ,, believe a murder suspect they've M,ovw. Man of Conllict (dra· captured and turned over to the ma) 53 -Edward Arnold. sheriff for his own protection is I~ m NN1 (C) innocent, and they set out to find Ntin the real killer. Ron Soble and 11:15 • @ it) Ntwt (C) Brock Peters guest. 11:30 Movl!: "Jet Ovtr Ult Atlantic" Q) Run for Your Ute (C) (60) {!rama). S~uy Madison. , ED NET Journal (60) ''The Sixth 0 Movie: "Tht Sun Ntvtf Stts' Paul.'' A man torn between tradi· (adventure) '39-Basll Rathbone, lion and the temper of the times. I@ 00 m Joey llshep (C) Pope Paul Vi is appraised by his I loft Lucy ecclesiastical colleagues as he 11:45 • ~ Ci) m Tonlcflt Show (C) wei1hs his birth control directive. 12:00 m 77 Sunset Strip I Ci) Man From UNa.E (C) 12:30 O Movlt: "Brain frtm Planet La Bnrja Maldlta Arous" (scl·fi) '58 -John Agar. 9:30 FamllJ Affair (C) (30) When Q) Action Tlltatn: ''Ftrne and tht Uncle Bill takes the family to Spain Devil.'' 1:00 B m Rowaa ' M1rtln Lau(h·lft (C) (60) Davy Jones. of The Mon· -------------------------kees, guests and the "Mod, Mod Wortd" segment salutes Valentine's Day. m Hazel (C) (30) Ell) I Sl'iCtAl I Films of Georae Mt· lies (60) E.Jlcerpts from the films and sketchbooks of the man who created. edited and Invented many of today's stock film techniques while experimenting as early as 1897. ii) Comlcos J Canciones 8:30 IJ ~ (j) Hete's Lucy (C) (30) Lucy is thrilled at being Invited to the social event of the season, but has trouble finding an eligible man to escort her to the party. When even Uncle Harry is unavail· able. Kim and Craig arrange for their mother to meet suave, debo· nalr Tony Rivera, who promptly asks her to tt.e party, Lucy ls very Roy Bulla's Stevens TY 1953 Newport llvd., Cotta MeMt AU MAUS.COLOR 01 ILACI • WHITI rE1 I ..._. 548-3494 ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "Smoke Sirnal" (adventure) ·s~ana Andrews. Piper Laurie. 9:3011 (~ ''Comtta K-225" (adven· ture) 43 -Randolph Scott, Ella Raines. 10:00 B "Top.Swet Affair'' (comedy) 'SJ-Kirk Douglas. Susan Hayward. 12:30 m "forbidden" (mystery) '47- Douglus Montgomery, "Bthlnd Lodled Doorl" (mystery) '48-Rlch· ard Car1son. 2:00 ~ "Air strike" (adventure) '55- Richard Denning, Gloria Jean. 3:30 O "Mara Marv'' (adventure) '52- Errol Flynn, Ruth Roman. 4:00 R (C) "Dru• l11t" (adventure) ·~tan Ladd. Audrey Dalton. FVF N ING 6:00 IJ The 111 Newt (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. B m HunU.,-lrinlllf (C) (30) 11 RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS VS. MONTREAL p IUnp Hodlq (C) (21/t hr) J1111 McDonald calls the action between the Kln1s and Montreal. fJ Six O'Qodi Mowie: (C) "Taza, SOii of Cedll•" (.1dventure) '54- Rock Hudson, Barbara Rush. 11 Spy (C) (60) l rt•an (C) (30) (3) Merv ;rlffl11 (C) fiat's New? (30) "Sports and the Profusor." A look at the fund&· mentals of baseball with the Chi· caao White SOx. The profe.ssor also looks at the principles of archl· lecture. I Mujeres Sin Amor KPlM News (C) 6:30 MIC NtwNrVlce (C) (60) V.,a1• to tbt lotto"' of Ute Sea ~) (60) Qj HuntleJ·Brin•Jer (C) Em eadi111 WltJt Your Cltlld (30) Marion Marshall, parent education teacher in the adult proaram of the Los An&eles City Schools, pro· vides guidelines for parents In help- ing their children form &ood read· i habits. CIJ m m m News <c> 7:00 C8S &t11ln1 News (C) (30) Iler Cronkite. • Whlf1 Mr U11t? (C) (30) Password (C) (30) Ci) Am•ica! (C) : The frtnch Chef (30) (i) Tiie Cood CllJI (C) . iilaluh In U.. San (C) · Truth or ConMqutnc:es (C) 7:301J 9 Ci) lancer (C) (60) Agin& fixit·manCharlie Win&ate aarees to NEW EXCLUSIVE RACK-EM-MA TI~ Fits all ball return tables-Automatically racks bolls foster-Saves wear & tear on bed cloth . Only $22.50. tmALLAn• suHm 111t1u You won't believe It tll you ... ltl llUHIWICK llWAID YAILll NOM I I 23 STYUS TO CHOOll ROM • AMf . ,_, , ..... • $!.tUaY-. -~ . _..._. • • • • • • 0,... 7 Days-11 rOO to 7 tOO Sun4ays 12:00 to 6100 CALL NOW 532· 1 H2 ..... 10 THE °"ILY PILOT, TV WED<, F'E.BRVARY I , lMJ build a badly needed Jail for Morro fJ EXCELLENT POLICE Coyo and the ass11nmen1 soon be-* ACTION MELODRAMA comes as Important to him as his own life. Frank McHu&h guests. 0 @ (j) Gf> N YP D (C) (30) B Qj 00 m JtrrJ ltwls (C) (60) "Candy Man." Part I of two parta. Soul sinaer James Brown and Nan· James Earl Jones, star of the Broad- ette Fabray 11uest. way hit. "The Great Whitt Hope," fJ @ (I) a> Mod Squid (C) (60) auests es Candy Lataon, director of "A Hint of Darkness, a Hint of the Phoenix House, a dru1 rehablli· light." Gloria Foster, wife of co-tation center operated by ex-addicts. star Clarence Williams Ill, guests In tonight's episode, Heinu, Ward as Jenny Wills, who was blind since end Corso investl1ate the r~bbery birth and protected from the IWOrfd's of a local arocery store and d*over ills by her companion-housekeeper, clues. that lead them to beli8Y8 the and who is almost killed by a mys· culprit may have been a resident terious assailant. Virginia Gre11 of the Phoenhc House. I plays Helen Caine. the housekeeper. INtws (C) (30) Ted Meyeri. \ 0 Million $ Mowie; (C) "Trad of · ~ the Cat" (we.stern) '54 -Robert 10:00 fa (i) W11e, Mat, Wlltft, Mitchum, Tab Hunter, Teresa Wri&ht. . "· .. Why? (C) (30) . "Danger! In Northern California of the Mines! A look at coal mining, the 1890's, brothers set out to capture! most unsafe business In America. a mountain lion that has been 8 m News (C) (60) ' destroying their cattle. @ m m nrt't Utt (C) C60) Trlrttt or ConMquences (C) (30) "What's He Got That I Haven'ttt• I ''"' Maaon (60) The sudden appearance of Glorl1'1 : Callclo!I de la Ran (30) old bcyfriend makes Bobby jqlous. • Un Anpl "' el F11110 Doug McClure and Totie fields 8:00 Hazel (C) (30) guest. : World Prtu (C) (60) fJ Mersll1f Dllloft (30) · he•itt Offeo11 Co~o m Tltlt Show (C) (30) '1Jrin1in1 1:30 9 (j) Rid SUiton (C) (60) Up Baby." Barbara Walteri and Bobby Rydell auests. Or. Morrison laugar1 guut. 0 ~ C6l m Jull1 (C) (30) "A tE I sJlclAC I No Tll'll• To It Yo11111 little ChlCken Soup Never Hurt (f) (60) A talk with teenaaers who Anybody." Actor James Stewart produced. directed and acted In plays a cameo role as an Aslro· their own movie, "No nme." Actor space employee as Julia goes into Roy Ewell talks with the group from action when her landlord Sol Cooper the First Baptist Church of Do· has disappeared. minguez, and then views the film, B Bruins in Action (C) (30) "No Time," which deals with the (iJ) CI> a> It Tales a n ltf (C) generation aap and tells an unusu· (60) "A Matter of Grey Matter." ally grippin& story. of a youn~ man Conclusion of two parts. Alw nder who f11ls while sincerely trying to Mundy checks out a hunch that a help. 12·year·old boy may be tht brain ti) Dk*a Robad1 behind the solid mlsslle fuel formu· lO:JO 11 MXT lteports (C) (30) "The l la he has been ordtf'ed to lllll. Siesta Is Over." An examination of Joey Heatherton 1uests u Dodie education of Mexican·Amerlcans in DuBois and Paul Lullat as Mutn· SOuthern California. "Reading, Writ· ster von Wolfg1n1. Ina and Racism" is title of the m Dollald O'CollftOf (C) (CWl\ final inlbllment of a thtee·J)lrt CE) hit Ult Oddi (C) (30J I study of Mexican-Americans In 9:00 0 Qj (j) m World Prt•lutl SOuthern Ca!ifornla., Movit· (Cf "Alfy SeceM ...... (su:s.-0 MMe: lllt&ar (drama) '5~ pense) '69-Stewirt Granltf, l ofs tdward G. Robin.son, Nina Foch . Nettleton, Joseph Campantlil, 01n1 OJ ~ (tuC) (30) Wynter, Katy JuradO, Tom Tully. A ~ ut.1 11 • re phi11nderin11 photographer's attempt • I Ctntt Sill Hlttorla to murder his wealthy wife badcflres 11.00 fi1 fJ ~ a> News (C) when the Wrong IWOman is killed. ll:r~ Cf~~~ 11 SHIRLEY BASSEY and M"it: "Jtn11ifer'' (mystery) '53 * Noel Harrison in the fin· -Howard Duff, Ida Lupino. est hour of pure enjoy· !Si tl5 en 00 m News (C) ment you 'll EVER see! 11:30 ii Movie: "The Advtntur11 of 11 Showcase 5 (C) (60) Shirley Marco Polo". (adventure) '38--Gary Bassey offers an hour of music and Cooper, Basil Rathbone . entertainment that features Noel R @ 00 m TOlllpt Show (C) Harrison and l aurindo Almeida. .Mo.le: ~ Taan .,.lb Ca· CE) Run for Your life (C) (60) l1mity Jane (western) 50-Eve· £1l) NET festival (C) (60) "Film and lyn Ankers, James Ellison. lhe Visual Arts." A study ol trends I ~ rnlm Joey Bishop (C) in 20th century painting and sculp· . ove UCJ • lure th~t have influenced araphic 12.00 n ~unset ~tnp designers to turn to film to ex· 12:15 • Mov11: "alm1 ;i11" (adven· press themselves. lure) '43--Gene n erney. • &) Cllucho Avtllantt 12:JO CE) Action Thertrt: "Oanaerous 9:301J fB (j) Doris DaJ (C) (30) An Journey." Air Force officer, Lt. Col. Carson 1:00 I fJ N"" (C) (Frank Aletter). bets lhe men in his CowlmunitJ l ullttln Bosd (C) squadron that he can make a di· Fro11 Ult lnMdt Out (C) reel hit on the heart of Doris 1:15 IJ Movie: "E•rtll vs.. the FIJlnl Martin. Although aware of the Saucera" (sci·fi) '5&-Huaft Mu- colone!'s "line," Doris accepts an lowe, Joan Taylor . Invitation to an Officers Club dance. venturess," "Crime by Nfeht." and (Rescheduled from Feb. 4) "Juke Gir1 '' f I. II y r e it I, ., e 2 I ~ I s. Is a d I tO n >r ,, >-n, It J· in :o ~~ l ln 1· te rt in h. of ry ... •· n· us C) •• Ir· nd W EDNESDAY l'DltUMY 12 for momlnc and afternoon Hstinp, pleaae see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for yow convenience. are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "Ttffor on a Train" (drama) '53 ~lenn Ford, Anne Vernon. 9:30 IJ "All My Sea" (drama) '48- Edward G. Robinson, Burt lanuster. 10:00 fJ (C) "David aDd la ..... " (drama) '52-Susan Hayward, Gr•· gory Peck. 12:30 ID "lntwnltieftal s.ttltMnf' (mys- tery) '38-Georae Sanders. "Op«• lion WartMlcl" (comedy) '64-Sean Connery. 3:30 0 (C) "lad Dfapn" (adventure) '6i -Stewart Granaer, Rosanna Schiaffino. 4:3011 '"S nplciN" (suspense) '41- Cary Grant. Joan Fontaine. FVEN I NG &:00 II TIN lif ..... (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. RAMPAGE Robert Mitchum, Elsa Martinelli and Jack Hawkins star on The Six O'Clock Movie. Wednesday in Color ~ D m HantteJ·lriolltey (C) (30) IJ Sivt Alllft .._ (C) {90) Louis Nye, Caroline Richter, Abbe Llne,1--.-Lolt--1-.. -._-_-(C)_(_S-5)-- and Ike Cole auut. .._. o Sil O'aec* Movie: <C> ...... "'•~<rn<m> ~. Gc...ooct "· o.~ Pll•" {adventure) '63 -Robert Cf ·~l ....,. Ull Mitchum, Jack Hawkins. serves Another." Lottie Is upttt 11 s,, (C) (60) when Matthew Muncey, 1n old a.t.111 (C) (30) flame and a eharmi111 con, arriwts CI) lltfV Criffin (C) In Seattle. Muncey courts Lotti• Mat's New? (30) "Marine Bi· while Clancey's Je•lolllf mounts. oloo." A trip throu11l the Gulf of Lew Ayres ruests as Muncey. Mexico with a U.S. Fish and Wild· 0 Mllliett $ MoN: ...,.., Mr. life Commission trawler in search UIKOln" (drama) '394itnry Fond1, of good fishing areas. Alice Brady. Story of Lincoln's earty @E Majlfll Sin AlllOr years, be1innina In 1832 when ht tii) KPl.M Ntw1 (C) starts out H I YoUnf lawyer. 6:30 D MIC ,..._,ice (C) (60) m Tnitll tr C..n•••c.s (C) (30) II) Vor111 to tlM lott ... t of tllt OJ ""1 Mnt11 (60) s.. m <60> ft\ ,.._ .... _ , 9 (1) HUfttlq-lri...., (C) w ..,.._ • la ltm (30) tJ!) Taa1 W'lth Parlftt1 (60) "Roots ta Cl) lest ef Helt)aud of Emotions." A series of Informal ti) U1 Anpl .. •I F...,. lectures by Anna Bina Arnold, l:OOl]"iii'Jlt (30) teacher cf pllrent education in the : HaPPJ Ii.....,, .., adult program for the Los Anaeles ( 0) A special salute to City Schools. UClA composer Roy Harris. and a 9 Cl) @E 6D fiE News (C) musical celebration of his birthday . 7:00 II CIS Eftnilt1 ..... (C) (30) @I) Mltrcoltl Malal Walter Cronkite. 1:25 9 I Wllet'1 My Une? (C) (30) • w..dtml Wertd tf Stltet (C) ,......,. (C) (30) 1:30 · ~ Y• AMI fir It 11 The GOOD GUYS, Comedy f.'= rJ;lbillits (C) * HIT OF THE SEASON!! Tnrtll « C..seqMMa (C) ti 1llt Coad c.,. (C) (30) Rufua 7:30 II TIN Cltn CamplMH Ceocftillll and Bert frantiCllly try to hide Hour (C) (60) Jose Feliciano, The $50,000 from two thu1s ehnlna a Clingers and Burns & Schreiber bookie who used Bert's Place as his auest. headquarters. B 0 CJ) m Tiie Ylf'linla11 (C) D Wltl Wltlt tilt st.. (C) (30) {§0) "Price Of love." A youn1 COW· Ruta lee and Stubby Ka,. ,...._ boy's aun leads to serious trouble 0 @ (}) ED T1n1.0. (C) (30) A for him and his benefactors when Visual, comeiirC, Mt1SOl'Y 1111ult In· he tries to repay past favors. Peter volvina all media techniques. Rob· Deuel and James Greaory 1uest. ert Culp and France Nuyen 1uest. • .._..O'Ctlw (C) (90) Don's -~ ....... ,..... .,. RQllf II•• of Tiit Saint: 10:30 a MIWlt: <Q ._. ..., _. rtc.oldlt1 ertllt Kint Weston; Me· (mY,!t•tY) ·~1.aoomo ~ Stu· c.n a ~· Utt "fu.i couple" of •rt. falMtnnt Diii. Vltlapn are tlltvltlon • la•tn: Londofl ntws con~ncecl that fl!Ylt•rious dllths ~._....t Jeny W1tl0ft; and art the work of aupematur11I forces. .... w:*'0.:";,"'(30> 1: ~ <:._. (f) \ft'ff'~ .::11= 10:40fJD Art .., ..... (30) "Enatlsh to .... ..... ~-Id Likes." Sir Ralph RicMt'dton nar· e'i':.;;!.-'· u wttfl mulic. rates I study of Enlflsh art dt- t:IO a._.., NM •n (C) (30) A r.k:.' many of GrHt Britain's biilldlftl IMf)tdor probes the atn11111ty U90rttd Jed Clampett Enterprises °" ttl• fifth floor of Oryt4ale's batltl bulldin1. &antler Dryldalt tries de9ptratlly to U.p Inspector Armstrona from Proll· cutin1 him for anowtn1 the HiN· bllli• to operate dttltel, heart· transplant and other 1ctMties with· out a lieeftM. Htltl Vlaraft auests. 9 HERB ALPERT SINGS * "TH'S GUY'S IN LOVE WITH YOU" on hfs album ''BEAT OF THE BRASS" !.!.~-C..~rc> (60) A musk:al special sterrins Hert> Alpert and Th• Tijuana Brisa. Pf'Olram was fUmed In Utt French Quarttr of New Orttana, Ells Is- land (New Y°"), Los Ansel• and on the Ditta Quten, a Mlaialppl riwtr1*t. Alpert sinp the Burt B.chradl-Hal Da¥1d sons. "This Guys In Love With You." (R) • ........ (C) (60) Didi UH is rt~. 0 ~{I) aJ AIC W1lll11ll1J lliwti! (C)-,,.. Gaar" (drama) '6&.-Steplten a.I. EIM 5o1n....,., Mitton Berte. T°"1 Bennett, El•nor Partcer. JU St Jotil, Joltph Cotten. An Oacar Awlrd eiltlt In Hollywood, the fevorite nomlMt Is watched br fritnda wt1o altld w1tt1 hhl. helped bim to Holtrwoo( and were lnld on in his flatrt for ltardom ind the Oscar. 8aMd on Rieftard Sale's noftl. ,..... ' ~ AirTJ"Httdleod I ... ,., v .. Lift <C> <60> 11:00 I am" ... <C> t-.JO ma()) lftta Acra (C) (30) I.Jan a. (C) TrYlna to 1rr1n11 Arnold the pia's Mewlt: .,._.,....._ tt.t" 1cc:eptanee br an airline for a flight (;nptery) '35-Anthony Steel, Jack to Watltlnaton, D.C., Ollwr and Warner. Lisa Doustas et1d up aoina alona 9 CiJ m ..... (C) for an unexpeettd trip, and the QI Cl) Nin stewardt• will aot let Arnold sit 11:15 8 @Cl) ED A1C ..._ (C) with the other pull"lfrs. 11:30 II MoM: ,.._ F,.. ElnltY" 0 ..... (C) (30) Ted Meyers. . (dr11ma) '56-Rod Stelter, Anita 10:t0 •a Cil....., Aft.O <C> <60> Dlbtt~ McGarrett lnvatipt.. th• death I (j) ID T•laM .._ (C) of a Y"'\I prizlflatder Who had : "Tit l.ewts tf Car-" bean bttbtd to ''fix" • flaht and (adventure) '48-Glenn Ford, Rita finds that the victim'• father and Hayworth. sirtfri•nd were deeply i!WOlved in GI I lMe LllCJ Mnts that Mt up th• trqedy. 11:.45 D Iii) (}) GB JMy ..., (C) r~::. DtKova. Jean Halt .,. fea· 12:00 GI n S.nMt Strip DUCIJtDlllt htllMr (C) lZ:lODMMt: ..... " Wm.t 1 ltclJ" {Y)) "Take the Key and Lock Him (liOrror) '57-Robtrt Hutton. Up." While lnmtiptiftf the mys· 12:30 In Actiofl Tlteatre: "Eaeape by terlous st1ootln1 of 1 prilontr in Nratrt." an allqed escape attempt, ~Id 1:00,..... (C) Ross ends up behind bars hlmseff C..-tt:r lilletM ... rd (C) and c:ontetnptltes his own bmk· • fre. tllt 1..W. Ollt (C) :..:r~~rry luatl H ftltow l:lS R Mewlt: '11le ,., ..... (mystery) I • .._ CC) (60) '57-0an Duryea, J1yn1 Mansfield. 11i1inMt -.. <30> D ~ (C) T1llt ... (C) (30) ''When 1:30 m AH-Nlpt SMr. ''It's a Pitas· ldrH Pll1 Wltli ~JOn." Char11•j ure," ''The Betrayal," ind '1'radl MllN and Harry Raybln auest. of the Vampire.':.. Pa1• 11 alentine's Day is Barbara Anderson's favorite holiday} so the pretty blonde miss took time out from her <:o·starring chores on NBC's Ironside (Thursdays, 8:30 PM) to remind one and aU that Ftbruary 14 is Saint Valentine's Day. 'SS ·.r, y. THURSDAY I FEBRUARY 13 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O (C) "Carousel" Part I (musical) '56-Gordon MacRae. Shirley Jones. 9:30 D "Deadline USA" (drama) '52- Humphrey Bogart. Kim Hunter. 10:00 O (C) "ladytiller" (drama) '33- James Cagney, Mae Clark. 12:30 m (C) "Honeychlle" (comedy) '51 Judy Canova, Eddie Foy Jr. 2:00 m ''TM DHdlittt Sin" (mystery) '5&-sldney Chaplin, Audrey Dalton. 3:30 O "Rldm tlD the Stars" (sci-fi) '54 -William Lundlgan, Herbert Marshall. 4:00 U (C) "The Ttnder Trap" (ro- mance) 'SS-Frank Sinatra, Debbie Reynolds. EVENING li:OO 6 The I ll News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) D steve Allen Show (C) (30) Johnny Carson, Anita Gandy, Chet Baker and Maureen Arthur guest. 0 Six O'Clodl Movie: (C) "Tiit Ctlalk Gtrden" (suspense) '64 - Hayley Mills, Deborah Kerr, John Mills. 0 I Spy (C) (60) ID Batman (C) (30) @ Cl) Merv Griffin (C) Ell) Whirs New? (30) "The Flicks.'' A review of the evolution of motion pictures, with snaps of early films and newsreels. 61) Mulern Sin A11or al KPl.M News (C) 6:30 0 KNBC Newserviu (C) (60) m Vo1a1• to the Bottom of Ult Sea (C) (60) ~ Ci) Huntley·BrlnltltJ (C) Ell) More for Your Money (30) "Read the Fine Print.'' Representa· tives of the District Attorney's Of· fice point out ways to protect your- self from the fraudulent sales per- son. ~(i)mmmNews <C> 7:00 6 CIS Evenlna Newt (C) Walter Cronkite. O What's Mr Lint? (C) (30) m Password (C) (30) @ Ci) Hip ind Wild (C) (30) Ell) Playin1 the Guitar (30) "Posl· lion and Tuning." Instructor Fred- erick Noad offers the first actual lesson in series one. He stresses proper tuning and positioning. I (j) McHale'1 Ntvy True Adveflturt (C) Trutti or Consequences (C) 7:30 R Q.!) 00 The Quttt1 and I (C) (JO) First Officer Nelson has dam aging evidence about Duffy's extra- curricular, profit-making schemes locked in his little black baa. Duffy plans to switch bags with Nelson before he goes ashore. 0 m Daniel Boone (C) (60) "Jo. nah." When Josh Clements' inherited slave refuses to fight, Josh becomes the reluctant opponent of a pro- fessional boxer. Jimmy Dean is featured, and Yaphet Kotto guests. B Lost in ~ace (C) (55) @ @ @ The flyinf Nun (C) (30) "The Boyf rlend." Sister Ber- trille, while on leave from the con- vent, runs into an old boyfriend who thinks he was the cause of Elsie Ethington beeominf Sister Bertrille. The boy sets out to woo her back. Dwayne Hickman, Bob Hastings and Cynthia Pepper guest. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "The En• Illy Below" (adventure) '57-Rob· ert Mitchum, Curt Jurgens. m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) ID Ptfry Mason (60) @j) Caneion de la Raza (30) ail Un Anrtl en el Fanao 8:00 6 ~ 00 Jonathan W'mtera (C) (60) The Mickey Finn Show, Paul Lynde and The Establishment. o @ rn m that Cir1 <c> c3o> 'There Was a Time Ann Met a Pitman." Ann takes 1 pie In the 0 (ii) CJ) t!) Wlllt'a It All Abeut. face on 1 show and finds It hu· iefldf (l!) (60) Marlo Thomas and mili1tlna-as does her father. Cart Reiner guest on the program m Hml (C) (30) that takes a satirical look at the Ell) NET Playhouse (90) "Talking WOfld. to a Stranger-Anytime You're ID Run for Your Uft (C) (60) Ready I'll Sparlde." The first in I 61) EJ Mundo Esta loco series of John Hopkin's quartet of 9:~" ~ ,... IT\ fc Draa~ (C) (30) dramas, each telling the same incl· -~ ~ ,,., dents In a family from different ' he Joy iders." Thrill-seeklnr points of view. This is the daugh-teenagers move from car steallnt ter's play. She visits her parents to more serious crimes before traa- for the weekend to force them and edy ends the game. herself to face up to their mutu1I O News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. self-deceits. m I Sfl(tAL I Du lridaw Coes to 61) fellclino! (C) Washiniton (C) (30) A tribute to 1:25 O Wonderful W0tld of Sport (C) Dr. Lee A. Ou Bridge, President of Caltech and Chairman of the Board 1:30 fil @ (6) m Ironside (C) (60) of KCET. Dr. Albert Hibbs talks 'A Worldof Jackals." The maid of with Du Bridge on the campus of a retired movie star sets Ironside Caltech and th~y talk of his new on the trail of a kidnapper and a po$! with the Nixon administration possible murderer. Ena Hartman as advisor for science and tech· and William Smithers guest. nology. 1J Bo~inc (C) (60) Dick Enberg 10:00 0 9 (j) m D1tn Mirtln (C) and Mickey Davies are ringside. (SO) Gina lollobrlgida, Phil Slivers. 0 @ (]) m Bewitched (C) (3~~ Norm Crosby and Milburn Stone ~rs. Stephens, Where Are You. auest Darrin's mother questions Serena · about Samantha's family back-D m News (C) (60) 1 rround, and Serena decides that the O Suspense Theatre (C) (60) old lady is "catty" and gives her D M1rshal Diiion (30) the shape to 10 with the idea. ID That Show (C) (30) ''I'll Never m Don11d O'Connor (C) (90) Forget What's His Name." Lesley ID ltlt the Odds (C) (30) Gore and Harry Lorayne guest 61) Muska y E.strtllu (C) @ Cl) The Kiity Style (C) 9:00 6 9 Ci) CIS Tl111nd1y Mowte: Ell) Theatre Int (30) Host Hal "Deld iliiaer'' (mystery) '64 -Marienthal looks at some scenes Bette Davis. Peter Lawford, Kart from "Or. Faustus" as performed Malden. A woman, embittered by by the Royal Shakespeare Company years of fail ul'I, murders her look-currently at the Ahm1nson Theatre. alike sister and takes over her 61) Diehl Robadi Identity and her wealth. m Pmport to Trtvtl (C) ------------------------10:30 D Movie: "Psycflo.59'' (dram•) H I M • 11 •64 -Patricia Neal, Samantha ay ey I s ~~~u~/~;~~ns. Ian B1nnen. (ii)(]) Sports lllYD-04copt (C) · Deborah Kerr Ell)Sacramento flit (30) fl) Gentt Sin Hlstoria m Twillcttt Zone The Chalk Garden Thursday in Color on The Six O'Clock Movie ~ 11:00 6 0 fJ el GE) News (C) D Alfred Hltdk:oct m liars aub (C) ID Movie: "Mad at tllt Wortd" (drama) 'SS-Frank Lovejoy, Keefe Brasulie. (j1) Cl) ID 00 m News (C) a!l (i)News 11:30 U Movie: "Tltt Sb'• the Un11t" (musical) '43-fred Astaire, Joan Leslie. 0 @ 00 m Tonlallt Show (C) 0 Movie: "The Udy In Question" (drama) '40 -Glenn Ford, Rita Hayworth. 0 (i1) (I) al lffJ lllhep (C) m I Love Lucy 12:00 m n Sunltt Strip 12:20 D Movie: "Manh11nt" (adventure) '41-George Sanders, Joan Bennett. 12:45 ID Action Theatre: "Mission In Morocco." 1:00 0 D NIWI (C) O Comntunlty Bulletin Board (C) m Fron1 tllt Inside Chit (C) 1:15 B Mevie: "Sttn1t Cetttar" (drama) '56-Bette Davit, Brian l<elth. 1:30 m AH·N!Jtlt sa.o.: "Easy Money," '7f'ilaht From Destiny," and "The Great Lie." ,.,. 13 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14 for mornln1 and afternoon liatincs, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change proaramming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D (C) "Cat...r P1rt II (muslc1I) '~rdon MacR1t, Shlrtey Jones. 9:3011 "Ni&M IN tllt CfV (mystery) '50-Rlchud Widman, Gent Tftmtr. 10:0011 (C) "'T11t TMrlJ·Nlnt ...... (mystery) '60-Ktnntth More. 12:30 m "'Heir MltrilMNI,.. (comedy) • U-Monty Woolley. "'Spolltn al Ille fONSt" (dr1m1) '56-Rod Ca· meron. 2:00 m ......... ........ (suspe1111) '«-Don Porter, patricl1 MorllOn. l:JO a ........ T,.,,. (dr1m1) ·~ Ernest Boranint, Bethel Leslie. 4:JO 11 (C) "CJ'orl 2017" (ac:i·fi) '66 -Michael Rennie, Wendell CortY, Karen Stttle. ! V f ~ I ~J (; tdo for a period westlm c:mtume, comedian Jack Carter plip a dt1· m1tic rolt ln tilt eplaode that his Jama West flftcMft1 thlt an ortal· nal meloctJ COlftPOlld by a fellow •aant Is tht clue he needs to ldtatlfJ a criminal who Is oper1t· Ina within Ult Sacnt Semca's tntlaiQI IChool at °'"""· Jtc:kie cit Sllannoft auats. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. FE9RUARY I, 1969 Carter tnd Duke that he has aone dote to • distast. Louise Sorel ind ltlitlnute In the mllthm1kln1·bY· Jlme.s Oily auest. computer business.. Sid Melton and IJ ID Ntws (C) (60) Maufffn Arthur 1Utst. (U) (})EB..... ,_ tl9I Dt-D 9 ()) 8' ,._ of tlM Cl• It• (C) (60} "The Holy Ground: CC> ~) "Keep tlM Doctor lwt1y." The Klllin1." P1rt I of two Plr1s. Jeff ..a proof th1t 1 famous so· Judd t1kes the dtfen• of the suru ciety doctor Is 1n Incompetent of a new reliaton. who Is dlarpd killer. Robert Goulet. Carol law· with the murder of his supposed rtnct ind Vet1 Miles flld. mistress. and uncovers aome a. II Ac.... tlM S... Seit (C)(30) toundinf facts in the man's past. "Sundown In Shanrrt-La." Jolnne Unvllle, John Dehner, Waltlr D lH1 (])GJ l111ratlM Clp (C) Brooke end Edw1rd BinM iuest. {30) Dennis Wholey hosts. m nit ... (C) (30) "Th• l.lwly I ......, O'c-(C) (90) Alt of Conversation." Milt Kamen lut lie Oddi (C) (30) and Dorothy Sarnoff auest. fl'l) RID lttwMw (60) "Computer· t:OO 8 QI (I) CIS frldlJ Mewit: (C) izin1 1 Distribution Indus•-." Twt ....,.. Nr&M Old" (comedy) '62-u~ Klm NCMk. Jimes Gimer, Tony experts involved In tht new tc:O· Randall. Howard Duff. Howard Mor· nomics of computerized "total dii- rls. A fun.filled comedy •bout 1 !rlbution plans" for the frozen food qu1rtet of euc:utives who, wantlni industry talk with Dr. Albert Hibbs. to ldd • little merriment tD their m DlcU Robida llvu, ,... an 1partment for their 10:30 m ..... (C) (30) lhenanlpns. llt &elltl Stn Hidlria • time to attend a swingin' 11:001'~., m """ (C) * party up in Hef's pad! Lian Cl~ Tony Bennett wows 'em! 11ow1e: (C) ..,,.. Fro• hril" Mitt Kamen, Prof. Corey musical) '55 -Forrest Tucker .•• Morpna King is great! Muth• ~r. · •....,.., After °"~ <C> <60> @ oo u oo m ..... CC> Hufh Htfntr welcomes Tony Ben· Qt(]) Ntws nett. Morpna Kini. Steppenwolf, 11:30 IJ ltlewle: (C) ..._. Noeerioa'' Milt Kamen, Professor Irwin Corey (mysltfY) '52 -M1r1ene Dittrich, ind Georp Plimpton to the pad. Arthur Kennedy. D ~(})O)ltt's Make 1 Diii DU@ IDT_.pt Sllew (C) CC-> {30) Monty Hill hosts. -IJ ltlewle: (C) ...... .._. Wiqs" Q) lua fer Yew Ufe (C) (60) (adve~ure) '38--Fred MacMurT1y, ':00 II Tiit Ill ...... (C) (60) Jeny m Sptcalatiew (60) Actor James Rly M1ll1nd. Dun~. Coburn coven • wide ran1e of his D @Cl) m Jety ''*' (C) 8 IE .... ...,........., (C) (30) ..... 11131 own interests and Ideas In I pro· a ..... (C) Stiftt Alte• Sllow (C) (90) vocative discussion with Dr. Keith m-. Ltwt llCJ Phyllis Diller, Jose Ftlicl1no 1nd TWO FA.MOOS SINCD' ... Btnri k Cob d Jan:ce Baker IU'"•t. en Go*t Md 1111 ..... c...a Law-Ith c • um eblils his work 12•00 0 Manllll Diltoft Sil O'Cloct Mn: "Ort•· • 1tle roles • "I-. his attempts to understand ygun1 ID 11 SallMt Str1p U ... ~ .._ ...._ .Diie w the Los A111eles Free Clinic. • beat" (comedy) '52-Clifton Webb, A'"'1" • N9Ca De adults, .•nd t~~ evolution of his 12:30 0 Movlt: ''Frf..w......r c-(mvs. Ginaer Roprs. N ... ol die ca.., ~ at 1'31 own 1ct1n1 abt11tv .... ·~ ' 11 s,, (C) (60) PM. e..a.t ..,._.,. • .. *°•Pe 'I· tery) '62--Sean Connery, Yvonne ...... (C) (30) ... tlottor ... Ma. LaWlftCC t:lO D @ (]) m T1le Suns of lflU Romtln. (J) Merv lrlffln (C) ,a.,. ae ... dC> lllCC9le ~ StnMtt (C) (30) "A town in Ter· ID Adlon Tllutr1: "Blue, White fiat's New? (30) "Where Do °' -*r. ror." Conclusion. Jett seeks revenge and Perfect." Get It?" on a trip to the East on the min wtlO claims he killed l:OO D U Ntws (C) Coast. Bill Smith finds out where II m -~ (C) (60) Jima. Jason Evers, Sean McCfory -U-'-.· "r-a...... ·--. L.-'•" oysters, crebs and salmon .,.. ·~ on a D11 in Sprtnc." Vic· ruat. .:a -,...... ~ -caufht and processed. tona, fetlina ltnorld. ltavtS htr O MilllH $ Movtt: '11lt llob" (mystery) '44-Ch1r1es Korvin, Ella @I) Muftm St. Mir hlllblnd, but finds little peac:e of (ac:l·fl) '58-Sten McQueen. Raines. &) KPlM News (C) mind at htr fllhtt"s t1nch when m Frt• tM l.W. O• (C) I JO I "" sht disco¥ers htr brother Ind fa· 10:00 n 9 @ ., st. Trek (C) (60) : • IC New1ttflce (C) (60) thtr are both rom1ntlcllly lnwolved ••Jfeciiif~m for Mettiu~l1h." A ma.n 1:15 IJ lllowit: "Uldahled" (drem•) SN '~':'(60~ tllt httlt• of tlM with tht sanit woman. Fr1nll SU· possessin1 eternal life places his 'SS-Elroy Hirsch, B11bar1 Hale. 9 H..U.,-lr!Mlty (C) vera ind Kathleen trowtty tutst. PrivlCY •bove the liva of all 1:30 ID AH-Ni-Sllew: "Front P11t m ~ Alta (30) "The Ab· I I.alt Ill st--(C) (55) •bo_ard the Enterp~. who .wi!I Story," ''Thi Bachelor Puty,'' ind surdity of Popul1r Music." Or. ~ CIHB 11111 ta T• ..... perish unless he provides •n ·anti· "The Gre1t Adventure." Cl1rence Sandtlln considers tht (60) Dlw7 Joaa. Rich llttlt.r------------------------aocial force ind 11sthttlc lmplie1· Nancy Wiboft and Mlftille Mathieu tlons of ~lar music. ~ a (J).., mm ...... <C> a c.1p11a n.11t: -. c..t 1:00 P.tt~c!:~ ..._ (C) (30) =:; 1:~1'R:"..:..Ka:: Wtaat's MJ UM? (C) (3C) pfe 1..ansburJ. Al •-cl1tus dowft -'"' (C) (30) joina a bafld of outlln atttMPt1n1 (i) a... S.tWcatl (C} "Tllt to oust the tJrlftt kfftl Ind rtpllCI mi Grtttest Sex.'' blm Wltll tht true kine. mwefldttf.i Wtltd of Cltl'*• Ir""., c .... ,_ ... <C> <30> ~) "Wonders In Your Yard." Mrs. ""1 a.-(60) Emmi Jiminez points out that Plr· c.dla dt la ltaD (30) ents can provide an lnttmtfna ad· U1 Alllll • ti F•lll'O venture In the wor1d Just outside 1:00 I Hant (C) (30) · lu:w m~x: cM~ ;5E'== r,.. ., c.11,•••• (C) 1:25 a ... .._. w..w of s.-t (C) 1:• •a Cll n. ... Wild wn1 <C> l:JO ea (I) ...., ,,.. <C> <30> (60) Shu~lnf his customary tux· Frltndty Frtddy convinces Gomer, ,.,. 14 Vlllm /OfTUTAHfllENT PLAYBOY AFTER DARK Hef's penthouse b1sh this week brings Singers To111 len11tt and Mor1an1 Kl11; comics Miit la•ln and Prof. Irwin Corey; "Paper Lion" Georp Plh11pto11; and Steppenwolf hard·rock combo together for a high-speed hour of entertainment. Tony and Morgana wow party guests with show·stopplng performances. FRIDAY 9:00 PM COLOR• KTLA 4 1969 and .... und: arts. l\lfU rltd OStd .. ?Ill alter It. Mly 1mtn utet· Two ICO· dis· food ibbs. ....... cker, _ .. rich, C) ..... my, mys· :>nnt lhite pilt" Ell• 1ma) t . >ap and !k Id In •" If a t. ts s. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 MOH~INr. 0 @ 00 aJ fantastic Voy1p (C) m AM Theltrt (C) "Aet Top" and "War Gods of Babylon.'' i 'uitarra 10:00 Qi) Cl) The Ardlit Sllow (C) @ 00 riD .lounttJ tD UM Cetl· ttr of tilt Elrtll (C) fJ Mow~: "M111 W'ltll 1 '""" (dra· ma) '58-l.ee Patterson, Rona An· 6:50 SIM Us Tiiis Day/News (C) derson . 7:00 Juliltl SuMfttf Miller (C) I Pattern for Livitl& Mr. Wisllbolle (C) Lu Estrtllas J Usttcl 7:30 Sunrise Se•ester (C) 10:30 a 00 Batll111/S11p1run (C) C111pt11 rroflla @ (:i) m Undtrclof (C) M1kin1 the Most of Maturity MOV1e: "Str1n11 1sdn.tion" Edwutional ftatllrt (fantasy) '52-Hueo Heas, Cleo 7:45 Slcrtd H•rt (C) Moore. l:OO ! ~ '°"'°. ,ophm (C) I @B.bleOOAnm F1nt1stic four (C) 6 m Sul* 6 (C) ! .swers &) Caper (C) · Cfnel1nd11 • KJ111bl, tllt Wllibl lion (C) ll:OO ' @@ m Storybook Squares T1l11 of Wells far1o ~) Peter Marshall hosts. Saturday M1tlntt: "Man·Eater U @ 00 a> 'IOl'&t of Ult Jun· of the Kumaon" and "Voodoo Is· i (C) land .. Aw1rd The1trt: "Alimony.'' 1:301J 9 Ci) Bup Bunny/Rold Run· ll:30 ~ 00 The Htrculoids (C) ntr Hottr (~ • . @ @ m Untlmtcl World (C) 19@ . Top Cit (C) Phil Ca~: Cl111ptt1 tilts ?, UZl ~ a> American Bandstand (i1) CI) m Qullivtr (C) (9 u-· ''O ,. ( st ) '57 Action fi111tr1· "City on 1 fJ ......... : r1nao we em Hunt." • -Jeff Chandler, Julie London. m Branded @!) Etcutla KMEl (C) l\FTFRNOON 9:00 Hg CIJ m flllltstH• <c> itvit: ''SlttcliHoof" (mystery) 12:00 1J a Ci) Sll1mn! (C) '4 mel Wilde, Patricia Knilht. 0 Hip Sdlool Buktti»•ll , ... of I (i1) (1) m Spldk Man (C) Ult Wiil (C) JIQ La la1M (C) @I) Cran Tutro ~ Tlltttrt a;, Saturday Mltintt (C) Est11dio RaltiP 12:301 a oo Jellny Qtttst <C> t.30 9 Ci) Wacly Ram (C) Movie: "Tiit How1nls of Vlr· @ (j) fD Banana Splits (C) litlil" (adventure) '40--Cary Grant. iill•·• ii tlte Week I SUNDAY, FURUAllY 9 9:00 D lm CJ) • ........,.. " ABC presents the conclusion of the sp.dKular mult&-Aeademy AWlrd·winner about pe&an Rome that stars Kll'k OoUlfn. Laurence Olivier; Jean Simmons. Charles LaUlfrton, PetJr Ustinov, Jofln Gavin and Tony Curtis. MONDAY, F'URUMY 10 9:00 D B (I) ......, ...._.. Walter Seitzer's film production of PercTval Chrlttopher Wren's novel stars Guy Stockwell, Ooua McClure, Leslie Nielsen and Telly Savalas. The story is 1bout the French Fenian Letlon. TUESDAY, R8RUMY 11 9:00 B B l'X) "Al8 8-ld Now." Stewart Granaer heeds the cast Of the "°f"'WortcJ PNmler9 t.brie" that is a suspense d,.me deallna with att8mDted murder. Starring with Granaer are Lois Nettleton, JoMph C.mpenella, Dana Wynter. Katy Jur8do and Tom Tully. WEDNESDAY, FDltUMY 12 9:00 a tHl CJ) • .,... O.C.." Th• 1966 drama stars Stephen Boyd, Elke Sciilmer, Mitton Berte. Tony Bennett. El•nor Paf'Mr, JIH St. John end JoMph Cotten. THURSDAY, ~ 11 9:00 8 8 (I) ""Died ....... " The 1964 mystery stars Bette Devil, Peter Lawford end Karl Malden In a story of murder, blackmail and deceit. FRIDAY, FUltUARY 14 9:00 8 B Cl) ••ec.,.• Nicht Gut:' The 1962 comedy stars Kfm Novik, Temes Gamer, Tony Rendall, Howard Duff and HOWlrd Morris. SATURDAY, FDllUMY 11 9:00 a • Cl) " ..... bUlh ..,. .. An action-packed war d,.ma. this fifm stars Hulh O'Brien. Mickey Rooney, James Mltehum and Tisa Chana. The 1966 United Artists release wn produced by Aubrey Schenck end H1I Klein. Marthe Scott. I @ Cl) El) ltapptnma (C) Ev1ns-Nondl Rtptrt (C) llut Rlbllon TllNtrt: "The Golden Glows Story." 1:00 8 a C1J ....., Diet <C> Me.it: "M• f,... TUii" (ed· venture) '47-James Cr1i1. Lynn Bui. 0 Movlt: Hlnsidt Ult Wiiis of Fol-Prilon" (dram•) 'SI-Steve Cochran, David Brian. m Movie: (C) "Crull Dive" (dr1· me) '43-Tyrone Power, Anne Bu· lter. = ,:•(C) 1:30 QI (j) Tiit Lone Raapr (C) Slturday Do11blt futllrt Quest for Advtltwt (C) 2:00 IJ QI (() I f ~<•AC I fi1lw111n'1 World (e} Au l·hour color show coverin1 fishln1 expeditions by c• lebrltles In a variety of l~tions In the Western Hemisphere. U Movie: "Tank Battalion" (ad· venture) '58-Don Kelly, Marjorie Hellen. m Coronet Thutrt: "Security Rrsk." 61':' Holiday (C) 2:30 0 Q) (j) hciflc I Buketball (C) Ore1on State vs. C.I Berkeley. Frenk Sims calls the action. fJ Stranp T1l11 a;, Set tlN USA (C) 3:00 1J la Cl) CIS 5olf Qmic (C) The second qu1rter·finals match. mQH!ar (C) m Babtball (C) Loyola at Pep· perdlne. Pete Peteltl and Monte Moore call the action. II) Dtstino la Qlorla !f11twt 3:30 (I) GI) Pre ..... rs' Tour ( ) 'ris Schenkel and Billy Welu call the action from Klnsas City, Missouri. 3:55 News (C) I Bit ,icturt 4:00 Movie: (C) "Tiit P1tMlnc*" (adventure) '53 -Geor1e Mont· 4:30 imery, Helen• Carter. Kipliapr futures (C) W1aon Train (C) lronco 0 SPORTS SPECIAL! *SANTA ANITA RACE OF THE WEEK -$50,000 San Luis Obispo Handicap D Sant• Anita Race (C) The $50,· 000 Sen Luis Obispo Handicap It a mile and ont·h.tlf on the turf. I Tiit Outdoonal111 (C) Outer U11lts 5:00 D 9 (i) a;, Slttll't Wondtt'ful World orsott (C) Tht seml·final match at the PGA National Golf Club, Palm Beach G1rdens, Aoridl. ' Ctl111~nslllp lowlln1 (C) ~ Cl) GI) Ale's Wlclt World Sperts (C) North Amtrlc1n Fl&· ure·Skatln1 Championship from Oak· land. Cll. I l.oofa11a (C) l11MVatiotl1 (R) f ltbtl-S41car 5:30 I Ralpli StDty (C) (R) Ctl•ltJ lilUlards (C) Zs1 Zs1 Gebor auests. I All-Alltrlan Colltp SIMw (C) Man frt111 UNCl.£ (C) McH1le'1 NIVJ Docnttllt.ary (C) "Waa." T\f !PORT! 11/tJlllllJ!IT! •NDAY, FElllWAltY I 10:58 AMI (J) NIA ••mtllell <C> Phil. 76ers at Boaton Celtics 11:.IO~ flAL .._..., (C) l,..A. l<lnp at o.trolt.Rectwlnp. 1:00 .,_... (C) "DerHnaton Southem IOO." 1:30 (I) lob Hopi Dllert Cl8Mlc (C) The final rounds of the •nnuel clauic ec>lf tournament, with• purM of $122,000, tef-=-t ftom lndiln Wells Country Club In Pllm SIPrinat. Calif. 4.-00 811! CJ) The Amertcen lpartlmen ~) A study of the 11.-old •Porf or falconry, • 111m•nt on striped bna •ftl1ln1 With Curt Gowdy •nd fisherman Frank Woolner, end footblll star 0.ryte Llmonk:a huntina black ~r In the state of Washlncton. l:009The U, Mft . Mall-GlllllMID\Y, fDRUMY 10 1:11e•ww• n.e ................ Annuli-.... Dinner <C> TUllMY. FDllUMY 11 e:OO a Klnll Halltll' tc) L.A. Ki"ll vs. Montreal Canadlens. WIDNlllMY. FUllUMY 12 l:IOB ....._ (C} Dick~ and Mickey Devtes .,.. nnatlde. M~Y. FDllUMY 15 2:00 e 8 Cl)~ ""*AW• Wertd (C) Qany Moore narr1tes ~-apeditionl by c:elebritiel. --·-~-... Col. l:OO eel ..., Cllllfc Staond querter-ftnell mltch. (QC.-at lne. S:JO ()) ,._ ........ Tour (C) he $60,000 Ebontte Open et 1-city, Miuourf. 4:30 B llnlll Anita ._. (C) The $50,000 San Lula Obispo Handl· ~ It 1 ~ on ttM turf. MO a 8 CI> Wondlltul _.. of ..., (C) TM eemt-ftnll matiifi if the PGA MMloMI Golf Club, ,.Im 8uch ca.nlenl. F1orlde. ' tll CJ) MC1 Wide Wlltd of .....,. (C) North AnMricln ure-tratlnc Champlonlhlpa. O.klend. C.llf.; World Flsu,. • 9lock C.r Thrill Race, ltllp New York. 1:00 I Klnp ....., (C) St. Louis ei'ues vs. L.A. Klnp at St. Louis. 1:00 llturMJ ~ FllfltA (C) -· e 1969 GARRARD AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE PLUS STEREO CAR- TRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS e 12" CO-AXIAL LANCEll' SPEAKER SYSTEM OILED WALNUT ENCLOSURES e 25 WATT SOLID STATE STEREO AMPLIFIER & PRE-AMP e 1969 GARRARD AUTO. MA TIC TURNTABLE PL~S STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS. e PANSONIC SOLID STATE AM-FM STEREO RE- CEIVER W ITH WALNUT CASE. e PANASONIC DYNAMIC SPEAKERS WITH WALNUT ENCLOSURES. e FISHER XPSSB FREE PISTON SPEAKER SYSTEM. WALNUT ENCLOSURES. REG. $109.00 PAIR. ·••H:•1 e 1969 GARRARD AUTOMATIC" TURNTABLE PLUS •STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS. e 40 WATT AM-FM SOLID STATE' STEREO RECEIVER f-1 ~ .. -... SALE PRICE 99.99 SALE PRICE 134.63 SALE PRICE 249.68 SONY 250A STEREO ONLY e STEREO PRE-AMP • 20 WATT AMP FOR A COMPLETE STEREO TAPE SYSTEM . SELEC- TOR SWITCH FOR REC- ORD OR PLAYBACK ON ITS OWN SPEAKE'R SYS- TEM . e 4 TRACK STEREO & MONO RECORD & PLA '\'BACK. VU METERS. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF. DIGITAL TAPE COUNTER 119.50 ONLY 229.50 f]: I 4;\1l·I·l. I I !J :t3A ;J!l ·l•f1 ! SPECIAL SALE -. ~ SAVE 28981 e NEW SHERWOOD SBBOOA, 200 WATT SOLID STATE FM STEREO RECEIVER. ex. CLUSIVE 3 YEAR WARRANTY! e LANCER SC-6 12 INCH 4 WAY OILED WALNUT SPEAKER SYSTEM. e DUAL 1019 AUTOMATIC ~ TURNTABLE WITH SHURE ELLIPTICAL CARTRIDGE, BASE AND DUST COVER.