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1969-02-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
I - r : • I I k. I . ~~ . ·ant . . . . . . ~ . . . ' 't • -\ &tto,r. ~ ' "' ,, .. : ·_o:e.: :· Tli• 4 1 • p. · ·1:· · ' · • I ' ,, I Q ,e • • -, -- --- ---- - ------- ------~c---,-,-~~~--::------,--..... - • • ·s .. • • • ' II DAD. v I'll.OT I lloodaJ, F..., 10, 1'69 A Tearful · EareweJJ -.......:,.."~ Fo$ter Mother Distraught m 'Buddf Talien II)' .n;RllY COVIIU Of .. Dllr ,.... St8W With tears roUUtc down her cheeks, Mn, Alber\ Harl qi llunltolton Bn<h. llllled .. --baby "JilitdJ" -to lln11P OoallJ Adoption A.-, ..... llfly lllll --1n(. PuQalaolb' al 1<• .. m., two Y-. .........., aqdll workers arrived ol 1111 Hut ,._,.11!6'12 Fountain Lair, "' tw 1111 bobJ back to tbe agency. Jlln, lllrt 'IU ta DOif hysterics U • led BOOdJ a lul bottle of mill< and -u the pointed toward a toble full of baby It.ms '°' tbe agency w6rkera to take. l4r. Hart wu not so obviously emo- tional, but be felt the toss too. . llo -took his will and Buddy out In 'tbl t.cl: yard for a few momem. lbd atiOt -lut snapobotl ol Ille pair. LIO.AL AcrJON Lop! action may brln( Buddy blCk to tbe lfar1 borne, blil a definite coon. • l'OSTER MOTHlll OVlllCOME 'Goodbye 11""'1Y'. Star itness . Points Out Shaw ' NEW ORLEANS (UPl)-Perry llaY·. .mood Rusao, Dist. Atty. Jtm Gonilon'1 otar wltoen ta ·tbo cua aplhst ClaJ •i:,. Shaw, llltJlled loday ho wttneaed Shaw dlscunlng with Lee Harve7 Oswald llncl David W. Ferrie bOw to usushurta Pl'lllillat Jolol F, K111D1Ci1. Ht .us rerrto told llbow and Oswald It would bt .._,.,., Rullo, rt, I Baton "'ftouae, La., la- lllltlDCt IDIJl, uid bo attendtd a~ tn N"' . 0r11an1 • 1ew -· btfon the Nov. II Keontdy a•.-Utlon. ta Dallu, and beard the. plol --to dololl . Hi ll1d Ferrie wa oll•••d Wltb U..••llfllaUom ' ri• _.What he'• doing' •• lluJao uid Ferrlo propoood 1eographl"'l .Ubl• bl Mt .., f« .jho daJ ol lbe a .. Ml111U'""..,,,. ~I . uid be could go to lbe Wut q.1.1 for hll company." RuAo ufd. Ferrio uicl bl could maD a _,i, at a coll•1e. I billft al fft"11"4'd (LL ) or -plaol. ' A11t. Diii. Atty. J-L. Alcock --. "Wbat did OIWlld 111 about' ID allblftt "Ht didn't NT UJUdal," Rimi, Mid. -ujcl that llbow "ltlt Iha! Ferrio WD a wubockp pllot -lhat'I wbol ht .uJd rtlht. -.. Oowald told him to obut .p:ir- ol -l1all .not )'ti been decidod, ~· aecordJol to tbe1r la"10f; FrOtlt P .. e J Tbo 8arts have coalacted Harold "He paced bad< and btl tbot alPI whllo ..... kind of llponlab ~ Wll 1otns .. Oii ble -_...., lolllal how the pn>Jtded .. uo1natloa · -1<t be done.'' Rullo Aki. · · All:td -lht ........ ol -doflll tha mirdertlll. -..... Ibo p1aa w11 Iha! I'll !ltd to bl two or Kunsch, a Santa ).na altorney, and sLA· YING discussed the matter with him. • , , --... cQWnlonat)> tbal and two to lt1U, or ooo 4,..-, and ..,. DAILY PILOT lhlff '""" MllL HAllT POINTS TO BUDDY'S CLOTHING · I ·, 0.. Vo ... fl TNra, Jho Dli'K!t 16Clol W°"'ora . ~ C~~g· [!ivision Marching ' • ,l On Saigon for Off erisive WAI\ ZONE D, Vietnam (AP) -The Vlet Cong's 5~ Division, he a v 11 y beefed up with N or t h Vietnamese regulars, appears to be moving into poslUon for a key role in a possible coordinated offensive against Saigon. ,(War Story, Page 4) U.S. int.elllgeneJ: reports the iµ.ylslon -perhaps up to 10,000 men -.Upped through American batt.alloni pol!ltid .alona the cambodian border for a tnarch ol more than 50 miles to the matted ]unglea: of War Zone D northeast of Saigon. Forward elemeotl were b e 11 e v e d today to bt leu than 30 miles from the capital. Other unitl were reported to be closing fast on the greenery-screen- ed stasJng area. Two batlallon1 ol the U.S. lat Air Cavalry Division ruahed eouth from the · border afea 111 a new attempt to block and, if pOsslblt. to mub the ,Wmy outli~ 'l'here bu ... only lllht C()lltact so far. ·•• ,T ", SeNor nplitary Ocnclat. lnvo1Vec1 With attemptinil to1 prevent anrr Jlew assiUJt on Saigoo attacll !'l"Jor linpoitance to tbe 5th· Div!.<ioi'\'• progms: . From Page 1 TRAGEDY ••• backyard prior to disposing of the ap- pliance. Detective Gerry Thompson said the three-legged heater was sitting in fairly mol!t earth and fell over when It wu accidentally bumped by one of the McCarty children, rangin& from IS to 3 yeara old. Neighbors of the McCartys 1n the Mesa Verde area only a week ago criticized their large remodelling job in a hearing before the Coat.a Mesa City Council, and decision on a permit wu delayed. The . J)OJ'lion of the job involving the water heater, however, had · been ap- l'9JJ• lta State proved by the clt;r be.fort the second, controversial remodelling project. FuoenI aervtCft k>r the McCarty girl are being handled by B.111.z Mortuary with Mass of the Angels to be celebrated Wednesday at noop in St. John the Baptist C.Uiofic Church. · Survivon tnCludt ·her father, her mother, Mary Lou McCarty, plus brothers and alll&l'l1 Billy, 13, Sharon, II, Greg; f1 MlcheUe, 51 Robl~ 4, Carey, 3, and Carmel, 3, In addition to both sets of grandparents. The two oldest children were away when the accident occurrod. -. • Kunsch said today there are-two basic considerations in the case : 1. Was the adoption agency improper In ill actloos wben " opparenU, bnplted to the Harta that !be)' could oc1op1 "llud-dy''' I t What Is the aw.. ol t&e lllrtl u adoptive parenll? The problem bqan when tbt Hartl decided they would like to adopt ••Buddy" alltr nourishin& him to tlOOd health u foster parents for Dfl months. Mn. Hart says re~tatives of the agency led her to believe that chances were very good that she could adopt "Buddy" and she was told to go ahead and fill out the papers. The Harts 1pent $100 oa paperwork and sold a fl.800 !klt1ll in Iowa to prepare for tht adootion. But the agency p6ooed the Harts last ~eek and said Buddy was being placed 1n another home. REFUSED REVIEW Alfoney o!Ociall now nlule to rovlew the case becaiue they feel It would be a 11 reftectlon '' on the "profelll.onallsm" 0( thoH who first made tha deciltoD, oalll Luclllt Gothe, adoptloJI aervlcoo --· KUlllCb uid a oourl "'1ralnln& order could have prevented the agtncy from taking Buddy this moralnf, but the Hula felt ti would not bl In the belt lnlereals of the illlJI' to figbt ta that manner. 'l'hey caq, .however, aue in court to b4ve Ute adoption cue reviewed by a hlgber 'authority or the court ti.ell, ht "'ptllned. 1'he ·'Pflmary qutltlon In Mn. Hart'• miJu1 ts "Why can't the adoption agency give Buddy'• new family another baby (they hadn't specified any 1peclal one) and stvo the llarll a lalr c:hanct to adopt Buddy?'' But county adoption offlclall havt In- dicated that once a dedtion )!u bttn made It won't be changed. And so this morning Buddy went bock to the adoption agr.ncy for tranaferral to a new family. 7 Servicemen Injured By Bomb at Fort Ord FORT ORD CUP!) _; FBI ond Anny invelt.lgatora today searched for cluea in the terroriat-·style bomblna: whic~ in- jured seven servicemen In , the movie theater at lhil 1prawlin1 army post. One soldier, Pvt. Curt.ii Chiang, 24 of Pearl City, Hawaii, wu b01plta1ized in aerlOUI condJUon with the heel of hll left foot blown o!f. Tbe other victims were releuecl after treatment for m1Dor cuts. lA. Gov. Ed Reinecke (lei\) pmenta plaque to · Robert N. Weed, DAILY PILOT publisher, for one ~ &wo !!rat Place award1 won py.DAILY PILOT In caJ!forrua New•paper Publishers A1aoclallon an- nYlll Better New&p<1pers ContesL Weed accepted plaqu11 at CNPA convention in San FrancllCO Saturday for Beil Spot New• Photo, Best Editorial Pa1e and honorable mention award In BMI Front Page catego1')'. . I Palm Avenue after a minor traffic ac- cidei>t. !let. Rober! Rinehart llltiflocl Frld!Y al-that ho and anolhlr offlctr bed' , ... to the 8laoel •oortlil•nl 1111 J111. II tO fllveatlpte on allopd lmlle agbt la '\'l>lch 8tlOll WU IUppooed to liovt been woondld IO ~ly that· a friend bed to' ald ~ ta washiii, 'blOOll from hit clotbea. . . Rinehart tesfilled that Sianez had shown him a pair of pant:i and a pair of shoes on which were "specks which appeared to me to be dried blood." Jn additl<ll;I the detecUve said he aaw blood specks on a pocket knife which now b suspected of being the murder weapon. · All thiJ took place lhe early morntng houri of Jan. 11 while two other persons were 1n jall accuaed of the bruta1 knife slaying of Mrs .. Markee, an optometri:it's receptionist. DeL Rinehart said he had quesUooocl Stlnei about ti!• lmlle Ogbt. "Alter that I said I wanted to talk to him about a more aerlou.s problem, I aaked him if be knew what It wu and he said 'yes about Uie murdu of that woman'. "He became pale. Hla hands were shat1nf, water -teara -welled up in hit eye1 and be 1ppearocl rwly to cry. "I then arreoted hlm and advllocl him of hit rtgbta. .. Thi c!othel worn by the delend111tl .. 111<1 ·-In court, the clothal worn by Sianez on tbe night of the murder and the clothes pUed high in the ~ fl!Ul of a car driven by the · murdeied woman all have had lmpcrtant places 1n the lnvesUgatlon of the murder thus far. On Friday when the preliminary hear· Jng continues a Uny pocket knife 1.nd a sawed off shotgun both allegedly owned by Sianez will enter the judicial spotlight. From Page J SNOWFALL ••• 3:30 a.m., the Weather Buruu uid. It had originated off the Vlr&lnla Copes Saturday nlsht, and dum~_ five Inches of snow In portlon1 ot Vlr&lnll and Maryland. The near-blizzard moved from the metropolitan area into . New England. dumping 11 1nchel cl. anow at Scftua°" R.I., near Pnwtdence. MuncltUMtts, Malne and IOUthern New HamJ)lb.lre and Vermont also bore the brunl cl. the &tom:i • Power falluret, caused by lines col· lapsing under the wel_a:ht of let and snow, occurred 1poradically, chiefly 1n W"tcheater County, directly north o1 New 'York City. "He told aboul a trianauiatlon ol ~ f~e· Ht uid 000 of ·tbe wttoIPula would have to bl captured u a·ocapoprt or patsy. 11• uid au 1brtt would -but the nm ..... ho called Ibo dl....tooary -lba other two would sboot to •ldll ''Tbo dlvmlooary tbal -111 bl to attract attention. Tbo lut two would beto tµI. fired -lllmulla--1J." RullO WU the MCoad ·witneu .In SblW11 trial on chaqe1 ol CODIPlrfllc to ldll Kenoocly to 11y bl beard Sba" plottinl the murder. Bui bl allo uicl -u be had at Shaw'• prellmlnarJ hlatlnl in 1117 -that OlwaJd WU alao fben. Oswald, the ~al a .. 1111. ..,. cordlnl to the WllTlll CGmmloatoa, ti named aioaa: with J'mil u a "co-coo- aptrator." Both Olwald and Ferrio "' now dead. -Al _.,. ta the -dralt and IWTlled hit -frunlllar st«y while Sbaw flCl'fbbled nolel wltb a ball ocrtal pen on a yellow pad at the del1n11 COWllll'• toble 111 lronl ol him. "Ferrio carried iround a bunch ol cllpptop wtlh him wlU> Keonecly'• DllDt on them." Rullo llid. "Ferrie uld that II IOOft II the 8!111Nlnatkla WU performed, there could be I flljllt -to Brull or Cuba. If to Brull, there woold bavo to be a stop for fuel in Mexico. "Shaw objected that that wu not poul· ble -the Brull lllgbt," tasUfiec( Rullo. "OIWald told Bertrand: 1Sbut up! Fer· Weekend Traffic Claims 3 Lives; 2 Motorcyclists Three persoruJ were killed In weekend Orange County traffic accident. and a fourth died of injuriea received tll'ller. . Ktlltd Swrday WU a pecleltrtan, 'William F. Stump, Jr.1 IO, of c.ovina who wu ltruct by a car u be walked 19'1 County Tnfflc !Ml Ii Doi .. Toll 11 along Chapman Avenut near West Street in Garden Grove. . Stump dlocl Sunday al-at the Orange County Medical Center. Driver of the car, Ronald J. Richard, 35, Garde11 Grove, wu not cited. Jamea J, Pierce, 14, ol Buena Park was •tilled Saturday when his motorcycle collided with an autQmobile (ll Beach Boulevard near Knott's Bmy Farm ln Buena Park. Another cyclist, Jamu P. O'Shea, 11, of Santa Alli, wu klllocl Friday when he collided with a car at lat and Yorba •!reels tn Tustin. Martin ·Guardado Jr., f, dJed Friday of lnjuriea received Thursday tn a two- vehlclt crab In Placentia. ---- to tlll.'' -uidblwu-,to-as ''Clem Bertrud." ••He Wll bJc, l1r feet four.~_. flYI, wtlh wldl ~ -dlllfllcullbed ..... Ina.'" Ruud Nld. "And btl balrT" Alcock ·Nbd. "White," Rullo ripllld. •1Do you 111 blm blr'I ta C!!IUr'tt" 111 do." "Polnt ,. him, pleut,. AJcJs. aald. -quleklJ ...-tow'"1 -· woo 11t calmly, but blndlllll to hll llOlal OD the tobltt, Diplomatic Relatiom With Cambodia Seen JAKARTA (AP) -Clmboclla'1 forllP -ui4 toOla1 ~ --the Cambodian cbW of atltt, PriDcl Noroclom Sihanouk, Ila,. ndi4"l"I Joi. ter1 coacernlnf the lXfll!bllllJ ol .- In& dlplcxllltlc relaU... -lhtlt -'lbe miniMer, Prince Norodom Pburlssara, uid Prince S I b a n o n k 1111Wertd a letter from Ntloo oo tho matter. DAILY PILOT ""'"" ..................... ,_ __ v...., --CAUPOINIA OUHOE CO.UT f'UM.litU~ {RMPfAMY ........ N. \¥1t4 _ ... _ J., ... c.,,.., 9'ia ,, .. ._. MO Gfllcral ........ n'"''' 1 ... 11 .... th1m11 A. M111r,lii111 ~nttl.,. folllor P••I Ni11e11 ,,.,..ertlllne Dlr~i. -Catta ,,..., '" Wftf ,.., """* H~ lk1dl: nn """' u.-.. ...,....,. l-.. -0.: 1!1 fWHl Aw-HllnllMIOll IHClll »I tlfl lll'HI Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA 'tf AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE (al COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •ring• 1ized ond repaired • diemonds end precious stones remounted e pearls r11trung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY HARIOR SHOPPING CINTD UOO HAUOR M.YD. COSTA lrlllSA 14f.Hfl HU"""TON ClliiD mCHADllllD HUlm ... TON mGH lft.llOI . . , . . \ ' . ' . ~ . ' . ' . ,. ' .. ' 111 i ' I I I I I I 1 1 I ( t • r e .. ' ( • • s • .E r E c n I " • 11 n 11 : n E b it b tt d• ir ti b ~ II u Pi ~ p 'I --~····---~--.. -...---.-.....-~------~ - ·· lio,iiingion deaeh EDITION • .. _,,. ... _____ __ . -. ' ,. r.o. ··-~ - . i ••' ! ORANGE COUNTY, ·e>.LiFOllNIA • - 11 By WILLIAM llEED Unued In tbe Weal or..,. County . °' • '*" , .. ..., Municipal· Court ~ol -JUdie W a J•{ er Clolhlng b81 played an tmporlant role Charamu 11Dtfl 10 l .m. ~ , in the knife· slaying ol a . HunUftl\on Chancea· are aood !hit ,SlllJe!: wHI Beach grandmother and Ille caplute and appeor clrtlaed :In c:lolbos al the Oran,. preliminary hearing in <G!lrl ol those • Coul)ty, iill. whore be la· behtg beld acc:used of slashing ber ,to death on witbollt b 1•1 ~ and thlt HIJ'lf•" will Jan.' 12. • appear llllllly. ..-. Iii the -4lld ~~ h•ariJic• !or Henry L. Ue lrodl llllnllqtm Beach clty fall wliere Sumez, 25,. an oil field -ker and bis be·lalfeld.lflo WltbGut ball. ,-: ,teenage high school dropout buddy , "WI\\' ded't lliey lei mr.,.. •PRW Edward R. Hargrave, 11, baa been COO· befoie ·l&e cOOrt ditmi:d·"the · -~ as -. ' - /1 ~ixon Trip '0 'D . ,_~~ n · esp1te Red Threats. _. From Wire Services KEY BIBCA YNE, Fla.-TIJe Florida White House said flatly today President Nixon will go ahead with plans to visit West Berlin on his Euiopean trip despite : East German threats to disrupt West Germany's planned presidential election there. (Related story, Page~). Press Secretary RonaJd L. Ziegler, as~eq about the impact of Communist moY.es against the scheduled March S electiQ_n on Nixon's travel plans, said, "The. President will make the trip to west Berlin." Nixon is scheduled to go to the former German capital later Ibis month during a five-.nalion tour of Western Eµrope . Ziegler said Nixon "fully supports" a three pOwer statement by the United States, Great Britain and France which said there is no justificalion for the East Gennan announcement imposing resti'ictiona on ground travel to West Berlin. ~ Members of the West German electoral college are expected to fly to the Com· ~ocircled city to evade t1\i nq I r~. The c°"!Oge, b8I \_, l,q38 ' jl me Iii b e r's. '!be prj!sldelilW:··~ I seCrelary pointedly emplluijed ~ the . I lclMduled el<cUon In Well BerDn did not represent a new inlUativt of the Bonn g'overnment becauie s i m i 1 a r ballotingo, he said, had been beld there in 1954, 1959 and 1964. · . ' ' : ' "" I that ·Olher reli.W iilarsraV<l," COii> pliilhed· the .mother of• Sianez • Frl<lay ""Sbe.14t ,®tslcl<' Ille courtr-durilif i brief !fifes&. I -t t - --• _ _.,_ '"" 'urtroo' •• •"-bar' ,_ JPll'f~ , --~ cp m ._.,,e , with ~ : knife .,.,of "", 111fue &.~ ••'-' ,..,., ~I "' . ' ~~ , 55,. aa . &¥;drov~1 l)OJne ~ Y(~.~0•Jofl!eo. was dre.m<!J n ty*•I c 0 • • "'I:!" J@ . l "-·, .. ..~,, .• \Fril',a!'-he wore a'.gr ',tweatshltt _ With we. word< "Olingl! ·111a1n ~ -~ :~.n:i!D~l-f-1::, ~~ 011 __ _ The soviet government newspaper Izvestia said tonight in Moscow -president Nixon 's planned visit .to West Berlin would "further complicate" the. situalion lD the city. Adoption Agetiey Action ' Izvestia bailed the East German action and expressed "bewilderment" about We.stern support of the West German plails to elect their president in Bellin in March. "Western powers are pandering to the brazen claims of Borm leaden wbo reject the ·status of West Berlin as an in- d~dent political unit .hav.ing . nothing in ·common with West Germany and· this can't help but cause beWilderment," Izvestia said . "World public opinion judges the Ire· ql!-en.t trips of different top l~d~s of Weitern powers to West Berlin 1n the li'g!it' of Bonn's striving to complicate the situation in West Berlin. "Such reaction was caused here by p,ress repqrts about forthcoming visits ~ West Berlin· of Britain's Prime Mlniiter Harold Wilson and America's Prtsident Ni:J:on." SNOWF A.LL CLOSES ~ M,4.JOR MARKETS NEW YORK (AP) -'!be liew York ~erican stock exchanges Were clos- ed today because of the heavy snowfall. AD commodity markets were also clos- ed because of the weather. Coast •• ·weatller The liJi rolll back In Tuesday, and upstalra there'll he increasing cl'""1s with temjleratures in the middle Mi's along the Ol"lnge Co'ast. '-INSIDE TODAY . ' Bo b Johnson's Windward P°'sage broke a 1-year-old record to win tht 403 milt St. Petersburg race todav in the hig'hlight oJ htavv we:ektnd boating aetitritie1. Pagel 26-21 . • .1Mn1-LktMa n M<i~ll!lft n Mt--~" ,. Nc''::-tl """* f.I or·"• r c-tr n ~;a/ ,._ U.17 ~ fl·U SPK'. Mn9b If.II T........,.._, It n.l!tt '' ·-. • .... Mlt9 fl --.. Beach Pair Heartbroken • ... --.... .;.. --. . iiJ. BeA.ch· Murder :-c.ase-. . ' . . ~ . .. . . . ~ bl1le Jeolll, wlllte oocb m! rubber lhoncl. A canr coif pipe -from. a "tW: ~ u lie 11pl qulel!1 oext tO'hla,1H<ne1.. • . • , A I ... Uot....., a • ..:.. .. olt ,..._~ •• ~ ~r• .~u· • ,dll'I;.---lll!l,':11e and pollahed shoez: .Be ~ .,.,,., much-. ... be h ... beeo ~ _.. -like ·a.. '-'· lludent llOlilnllY awaiting 1n award !or llOldiiDlc.ldllO..ment. · 1'1 tried lwlee to .tfk*J um llOll)< nice --'~ -, .. Sn OW . .. •• ,t""' ;-\ •• Pllin A"""" lfter , m1ocr iioiiC' e i:ldeld... • ~ ---' ·-' .... -' ~ -....... -~ .~-. _ _... City Comes to Standstill A,fter Storm .; . . • i , ' • I . . ~ I'lEW YORK (AP)-New York was crippled and cut .off from Its suburbs this m~ in the wake of l atorm lhat 'dWbl>ed 11 in<:bez ·ol ·sn<ilv, 1>11¥ lnlo 'drills whlpPed by high willds ... The ·New Yorlt and American stock exchanges c!Osed. The Long'lslancl Rall Road ohut down, cutting att I0,000-commuters. The Penn Central 'and New Haven railroads dras- tically cut schedules, and buses were mired in huge _ traffic jams caused by stalled and deserted vehicles. The Siate 'Illruway was clo.sed from Albany to ·New York CUy-148 miles;- for ·the first time, in its history, and / ' more than t,000 cara were stranded·on the ,.TapP{lll ~ Bridie, a ttm.lway s~ acrosa.-.tbe Hui:lsob ·River at T~ own. ·Tlie;~W.· took shelte~ 1~y •. -SUJlways ·we're . rPnninf-neir· 1norDial. All public and parochial schools and colleges were closed. More than e,ooo persons were stranded.• at KeMed.Y, whtre ·food. supPUes were being1'1Pldly exhall!ted; Roadl to the afrport were blocked by stalled vehicles. One jetliner with S9 passengers was snowbound on a runway,.for. ::tine hours Sunday .before plows could . ~ee it. .. . Thirteen of New-· York City'i 15 inches fell SUnday,. a record for: a:: sihlle day. ' .. ¥ • • • W!iids gusiing lo more than 40 miles per hour wlCf temperatures In Ille '°5 complicated die anew ; remoffl fProtitem, 11-S city officials ~ .• .... emergency" ahd uried lnOtorlst.s tO· al!): at home. ' .. ~ .... Upstate New York ezcal>ed tjle !>!mil of the stonn and airllners1 Were 4iftned from ' Kennody to Montr<al ,and .Nlqara Falls. Northern New ·Jersey was ~~ crippled, but three cornmµter'-'trabi HDel into New Yoi'k City were ~ ID operatlon .•• Tbe Erie-L8ctatimlU."';Ra9. road saicUt.s eledrio-powtre<!~·were -operati!lg nonnally,:but diesel service • (Set; SNOWFALL,, Pqe Zj' . -~ ' '•. -. Mesa . c·hild 5 · Cru8hed:-. -...... , .. -. ·-· .. . . . . ' ~· . ---· .. -· -----~-~~~~-.____. _____ -- • • . . ToiU in State ' Lt •. Gov. Ed Reinecke (!ell) presents plaque to R®ert Nj Weed, DAILY PU.OT publllher, for one • ol l'llo ftot place awardl won by DAILY PILOT in c.Jlfomla Newspaper · Publllhen AJaoc:lation an- n)Ull Beller Newspepen:CofltM!. Wffc!:--accepled plaques at CNPA convention in San Francisco Saturday for Best Spot News Photo, Best Editorial Page and honorable mention award' in Best Front Page category. ' . --F~ P .. e l _ Co!"g ~ivi,sW.n Marc~ing StAYING ••• . . . ... ,t. \ I ·~ .. •<L:.C.<-• fnln.••J~ ~ ., .. :· .. llldlldi\.!:laatlfled thal SlaDOI had abolnl';llim':'.o'.i\alr ri pant& and • pair of ~~f!D "'cb were "specka wbJch On S-aigon for Off~nsive appeared .lo-1111' to be dried blood." WAR ZONE D Vietnam (AP) -The In addlt!on Uio ·~eteetlve aid hi llW .~Vlei :~·1 5th Dlvlllon,: h 11,v 11 y blood opecb "!~ pocbl l:nUe whlch '..~beele4. up · with North ..Y!eV!IJnese now la lllSptd<iil ~f being lhe munler • : regUlm, appears to be n)Oyjjig Into weapcm. -~ · posiUoo for a key role Jn a possible All thla toot ~;lhe early mcrnlng • ._..,_ • ofltmtva aplnst Slflon. boura ol Ju. :U 'tlllilo iwo olber penons (War SI«)', Pqe 4) · ,. -· brutal u s. tnte1llpnce report& lhe dlvillon w ... In Joli aoouaed of lhe l:nUe _ p.m.ps up to JO 000 men -slipped alaying of Mn. Markee, an oplometrist'• through American baitalloos pooled along receptlanllt. the cambodian herder for a march of Dot. lllnobarl said lie had queltiGned men tbao IO mn.. to the matted Jungles 5l11101 ab0ut lbe tnlfe fight. •A!birJbat of War .~ DJ•Ortbe~ll.of Saigon. I aid I wllDled to talk to hloi ~ ·· Fonrard · eleiileota were b e I le • eel a mare serious problem. l aakfld blln today ~ be lul than 30 miles ~ u be ltnew wilal It wu ind he Iii<! the captlal Other 111)11& ivere reporl,.i •y,. lhoul the .....rer o1 that waman'. to be cloal!itr fut oo lhe .,.....ry-ocreeo- "He became pale. Bii ~ . t ' " ~t , -l J. -1 ahUfnl ..... -tean: -~ .0:1 ~ tr;'n;~ f. : h f~f ·t '~ I(" ' 1n hll ey.. and be appeared readJ ., J"alle ..... · ndrori1:Jfteg' ~ . . .Y . . "1 lheD erttSled him and advlled him · of hll r1a111a .. s k H ·· ,,,. er~ worn by t11e de!endanta e~ · OMT8 as they appear In court, the clotbea ;:i .. byandSW: :0: =\i!11 ~-In Drill C°'ntest the rear seat of • car driven by the mordered womu oll hive had Important places In the Invelllgatloo of lhe murder thOI far. On Friday wben the pnlimlnary heat· Ing contlnuea a tiny pookel tnlfe and a 11wed off al1ofiun both alleiedlJ owned by Siaoea wtll eoter lbe Judlciil ~ . 7 Servicemen Injured By Bomb at Fort Ord The •'Jarmettes" drill team of Foun lain VallOy 111&1> School will conipete for natlonal honors Wednesday In the "Mia Dill TWll, U.S.A." contest. Competition will bqll at I p.m. I• lhe Santa -Qvlc Audil<irlmn. Eolaod In a lilllle comoelltlon la Linda 1.,. Peery. She will pedGrm '" prollmloary ·a1 I a.m. Wednesday, In the ....... 1• members of lhe "Baronettes'" wtll compete qainst aboot 60 other hlCh lcllool and collqe drill teams. ' ed staging area. : Two battallon1 of the U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Dlvill.oa IUlbed south from the border ma in ·a new attempt to block and, if possible, to mash the enemy outlil '.lllere bu beeD only light contact so far. Senior military rillclals Involved with attempting to prevent any new assault on Saigon attach· major importance to the 5th Division's pr~. They say the logical enemy battle plan would call for the 5Ul to move fin~ to be followed late by the Ith Divlaion. .UIJ on the Cambodian border ~ ol Saigon. 'the 1st Cavalry Division, with ill huge numbers o/. beJJcopte:n, la tbe best suUed "' "'° aDed dlvltlom'to operate In lhe thlcllly Jungled terrain, whett an)'lhlnc Jess than inltant reponse to intelligence can mean failure to catch the enemy. Both the 5th and 9th divblons, while non}J.nally Viet Cong, have up to 80 percent North Vietnamese In their ranks. Two North Vleinamese divisions, the 1st and '1th, also art in the Cambodian border area. Speculation about the next attack agaimt Saigon, if Jt is ever launched, works out something like this : The two North Vietnamese divisions would engage U.S. untta In beavy fighting almg the border, prevenUng their uae In the immediate area ol Saigon. The two·nomlnally Viet Cong dlvlsloos woold do moot of their 11,!btlng ll'IJWld Saigon, perhaps aendlng some unlta Into the city streets. U.S. off1ctn reason that the Com· muniat command wanta to make the point In Parb that the homegrown In- surgents have the muscle to penetrate the big AmerJcan and government screen protecting the capit,111. ' Winds ·ctearfug :Slick 30 Miles of C0astline Freed From Oil Goo I , SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Cllm ' ----"------'--~----~--:-~:-:-- wlnda povolled ' todiy ..... the . SUia Jlu'bira Ottnnel. where h°'e patches pl oU atr.q the ocun water and hun- dreds of men are delnlq the alhny_ coo from ID mIIea ri ceaallne. U!tiaaa Ille -COlldltl... clwlp radically, Oolal Gllinf ollldala aid, the sllct will not float eoutbward and foul more beaches. An undersea well that sent 2.ll,000 gallons of crude oil bubbling to the IW'face wu capped Saturday, aea1ed with mud and cemeot. But lhe huge sUct sun wollowa, broken allghllJ by wlnda, occulmaU1 stm aeeph1g to land. Crews are trying to sop ll up, along lhe edges nearest laod. with •-t straw. Alang the sandy beaches. more aophlallcated methoda are being used "' planned. More than 500 workmen from state c<ibtervatlon camps and lhe Unloo Oil Co., which drWed the well, have WC!Cked 11nce tlie aludp moved ....-1u1 week. Another 2:21 Inmates train c:onJtrVallon camps .Jr lhe CHWI ~l · · By weet 1,600 men, wtll be ""!king tlq lhe coul. The cleaDIJP la upe.;ted to nquire three .. -. . Moat ol the cleanup mm are _..iing straw on tbe oU u 1C nean the shore. They llict up lhe re!Ule alter it ta wuhed on beaobel. Other worbMn used llaam jet& to waab boulders aJoog lhe l!bcn. Plam .... made for a giant ........ .," to be telted Tuelday. ' The ........ ,. towtil by two tuo. lJ expected tO '-1 oil Into a pipe wedge, thaa to a'-where It will be p<DDped lnlo • ll~el ofl barge. Oil 11111 llOoiied In alreW and blobs oil Ille eoUI from Santa "Barbara aouthwan!. Althougb log booms were -to keep It Qff Los Angeles area beacltea llO .miles llOUth, the. Coast Guard said It ezpecta the sUck tG slay in _ DAILY l"ILOT ..,..,. "' llldlft KMNtr Santa Barbara harbor. Dragging ~ole Behind At oea, ahlps equipped with blowen covered ol1 jtltchts with straw u far 11 five mllel fnJm land Sunday. From P•e l SNOWFALL ... stopped by Costa Jl{eia Police Officer Pat Donohue early today with 3().{oi>t power pole already towed through major intersection,. Spanish-speaking cook Javier G. Saucedo, .20. merely shrugged bis shoulders in bewilderment. Patrolman Chano Camarillo, interpret· Ing for Officer Donohue; soon told Saucedo, 547 W. 19th St., that be was under arrest for suspicloo of drunk driving. Suspect got as tar as llMbor Boulevard aod West 19th Slreet, after earlier cruh al Newport Boulevard and Ford Road. wu subject to delays. Public ICbools in aevm Northern New Jeney CQUntles were closed, and m&D1 other areu reported parllal cJoalnp Tbe New Jeney Tllrnplb ,,.. ,lltut !nm New Bnmlwick io NNtrt. and other parkway> were piqued by desert· ed alifos. Arteries leading to New Yort City 'were Jammed and lllO\'lng llowly. Tbe stale lqlalatuno In rr.ntoo, N.J., and Albany1 N. Y~ e1noeled today's Yuk Freak Fair Finally Co~s Qff-43 Qays Late ~ CLOSED • ' Soundi of heavy musIC, 1lgb1& of kooky Connecticut commuten had it no bet· people and groovy clothes, plus a ter, u sections of lhe turnpike ·were cam1va1 atmosphere drew 13,400 persons closed and any secondary roads were to the KTBT Christmas Festival and impassable. A stalled train on the New Freak Fair Saturday, 43 days after the Haven Railroad further delayed the yuletide season. irregular schedules , "Things went real well,'' said KTBT Canaan, in northwestern CoMecticut, Statton MIDllU Glenn Adams, following reported 3$ inches of snow. the l()free at t h e Orange County In· One casualty of the stonn Sunday was ternaUonal Raceway, which drew the Northeast Ski Jump Championship, Establishmen overseers u well as the scheduled for Salisbury, CoM., which young. was canceled because ()f excessive snow Helmeted Orange County Sheriff's and wind. h · The st:onn center moved into the At· depuUes moved throug the rocking, ,. "I went to the control tower lo r;neet a couple ()f friends of mine," Aid t b e mayor. "They weren't there, but .. who did I meet but young Mr. Adams 1n his blue velvet suit." "He immediately asked me abouf the possibility of staging one here 1n the next couple of months, but I told h I m l had just arrived and hadn't dl.ade up my mind," the mayor added. "I still haven't," be said today. Janlic Ocean off Nantucket. Mass., at romping crowds: to mainLaln order, mak4 3:111 a.in., lhe weather Bureau aid. 1t Ing 17 meat& ln cormect1 .. with the Cycle Gang Member had originated off the Virginia Capes evenl 1 Saturday nigh~ and dumped five Inches Costa lllesa lllayor Al vin L. Pinkley Hunted 1"n Slaymg' of snow in portions of Virginia and and his married daughter al.so visited Marylaod. the a.hour event featurtnc 311 rock bands, Tbe near-blluard moved from lhe aampllng almospbere In cue another PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -Joeepb metropolitan area into New Eodand. should be planned in hil community. Dubolino, 25, of Marcus Hook, Pa., was dumping 11 inches of mow at Scliua~ "It wasn't very upllft.ing for the sought on a murder warrant today in R.l., near Providence. MusachUJetts, raceway, but then, I didn't see anything the death of a rival motorcycle gang =on~-==~"~~~~ part.lcuJarly bad eJther," the mayor said. member stabbed fatally in a gang peace FORT ORD (UPI) -FBI and Army fnvestlgaton today eearched· "for clues In lhe terrortat-ctyle -bing which ln- jurtd 9eVtn servicemen in .tbe' movie theater at this sprawling army post. One soldier, Pvt. Curtis Chiang, 24, of PearJ City, Hawaii, was hoePftali&ed in serious cond.IUon with the bed of his lell fool blown oil. The other 'fidlml were rtleued after trubnent for minor cuts. Mia Peery l5'one of f..,,. co-captains of tlie i'ouotaln Volley drill team. She was selected ,for indlvklual compeUUon by the 5' memba'a ri lhe tum. Twn memben participating In the second part of tbt competition include Debby Blackwood, Janie Booanco, J o y Dove, Linda Gteayer, Vera 'Kbun. Lynn Lafferty, Ciadj J.eedl, -lllurpby, Debbie Nelloo, Linda • Nelat. Vicki Nelsoo, Cyndi Riemer, Ann RowliDd and Becky SUllard. Original efforts to ll'tage the show at meeting whlch went aWry. Rohm. wood Sets '~'::er failures, caused by llnea col· the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa The victim, William Schneider, 17, was lapsing under the weight of lee and Mesa last December 'Were torpedoed by killed and four other persons were snow, occurred spora~.lcally, chle.f!y in the city council, whose majority feared wounded in stabbing and Bhootlng which D~ltY PllOI ,.c.:; .... Oll:•Hft cOA.sT .. urUSHlkO tOMl"AHY ': Reb•rt N. ""••• -;; ............. ...-.w.. • .. Huntington Trustees M~t Tuesday Night -ri Bonttngt.ii Beach Unloo 111&1> ---al 7:111 p.m. '!\..sq In Ille -ol dlllrlcl Ulll 17lb.SI. llll ol routine apnda :.:: ....... ~:}.:r.bJ.;: alder --._ ...... lot l!dlloo High khool wb!cb la to open In llep- l<!mber. 1 \ B h S Weatcheater County, d1rtcUy narth ()f a borrendoul Newport Pop Fe!Uval broke out during the alleged meeting ftSe all ignups rN~ew;;Y;ort;Cl;ty;. ;;;;;;;;repea;;l;peilrliionnance.•········of·mem··ben·of·four•dlH•erileniiitlclycle·g·ang=•· utile League "'-for the .............. F.I···•••tlMIMZI ur-n PllFIHRPB1-Z•1!F'L a Bcibinwood Lague will "° Conducted fmn Ii a.m. to S p.m. lhe nm,two Sallmlay1 at the corner ol F.dlnger Avenue and Graham Sa..t. Y°""' boys -8-11 are Invited to come to lhe slgnup uu, behind Marina llllh School. Bring hlllb ceriilicates. For !nljl'Dlallon on 001t. Ip and Ieque boundaries ellll lloblnwood Pres!· dtnt Bob Hanvey, -lfl.05l7, or player ....,1, Jobn Leckie, - Diplomatic· Relations ·With Cambodia Seen JAKARTA (AP) -cambodla'a fcrtlp minister .... llldaJ Pnoliient Nbon and the ~"l>dJan cb!el. ri •late, Prlnct N..-_..., liave ixrl!anpd lei- ten coocorning die pmlblllty ri ....tor- tnc dl~tlo -\etweeo lbelr ---'lbe m1n1lter, PriDri-N o r o d o m Ph~a, a.id~ 'Sihanouk wil"ed a· lllter -·Ntxoa oo lhe ma~. .. 4 ~tors Plan Meet Huntlngtoo Belch Board ol - ,, ICbecluled to heat -Fhmct, eaitulln 'f1ce pnoldenl of Monpp Guarantee lllllurance Corp. at the I a.m. · Wednelday me e t I n 1 at Sea cua COuntl'y CIUb, 3000 Pilm Ave. ' ' ' ' n OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE vi COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired e diamonds.and precious atones remounted • pearl• restrung WE CUSTOM DES16N l MANUFACTURE ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY HA.-SMOPPIH• Clllllll uoo~aYD. COSTA MBA 141 ..... • . :UNTIHTON CIH1U Ill.CH A ID- HUHTIN•TON Ill.CH "2-1501 I \ ' ) .~~~~~~~"":"'"~":'=::"-::~~~~""."'C---;-:-~~ ........ .,......._.-;"'~~~.,,..."r..-:W...,"'7:"""'::-::-:.1r.~r.-r-..~ .. ~~~~"r'J".......,.,,,...~ ...... """"" ..... ~---~--\ ~ -----.=.:=...;. --- Founiaio . . ' EDIIIO~ i •• (.I ~ •• ,_. .. • . VOL:. 62, NO. 35, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ' , ORAN&E COUNTY,:OALIFORNIA MONDAY, FEIRUAltY '10, '1919 JEN atm ~~~~~~~~~-:-~---~~.._.._"'"-=~'--..;:_L....::...__;_-,,-__..~~~---_:._:_~---~----~~:.....; •Clothes ~Play Ke'Y· Rdl~ in :Beilch Mllt!ciet·Ci.i~. • • :t¥ixon Trip ., '~~n' Despite Red Threats • From Wire Senlcel KEY BJSCA YNE, Fla.-The Florida White Hoose said OaUy today Praldent Nixon will go ahead with plam to viii! West Berlin on his European trip despite East Gennan threatS to disrupt West Germany's planned presidential election there. (Related story, Page 5). · Press Secretary Ronald L. Zltglu, asked about the impact. of CommuniJt moves against the . scheduled March 5 election on Nll:oti's travel plans, said, "The President will ma¥· the· ·trip to west Berlin." Nixon is scheduled to go to· ttie former Gorman capital tater this IDOllth during a fiV<Hllltlon tour of Western llllrope. Ziegler said Nixon "fully supports" a three power statement by the United States, Great Britain and France"Which aaid there is no ju5Ufic.at1on for the :!i~ ~~ i:"= Berlin. " • . Members ol the Weot Germon e1ectonl . . . .. • -·· : rj 4 • ·1: .;;:..;. ... City Comes to StandStitl Aiter_SW.~rii~_ NEW YORK (AP)-New York was crippled ~ cu( off from its ~uburbs this =· ln itbe wake ol a storm tbat dum . 15 incbes of snow, pll.id into drifts whlppell by high winds. The New. York aod American stock exchangM -cloaed. The Lo!>g bland Rail Rood fhut down, cultlni oli IO,llOO-commuten. The Penn Centri'l and Niw' Haven railroads dra&- ticaUy cut .scbeduleS, and buses were mired in fuJ.ae. traffic jams caused by stalled and deierted vehlclef.. • · The :su.te~ 'lbruway , wJ.a dosed from Atbally to ·New. )'ork City-148 .nu.,,._ !Dr·the·flrst.tlme .1n. l!S histOry, and . ·,·· . . . .... ~. . . ' ' : .. ,. ' ~ - . , ' I . more lhan 1,000 cars were stra.pded on the. Tavean Zee Brtdl<e, a th1uw11 ~ a~ ~ ~O<llon Rlv~r at ,'!'~ ~ ~ ~ shelter Joc*1J,y .. ~ ,. Subways were running nelr .normal. Alt pubtlc and parochial· schools. and colleges were closed. More .tbao 1,000 persom were . stranded. at ICenoed,y, where. food 'Olll>pilfs -being~ exhausted. Jloadl to the. -· ~ blocked by stalled vehicles •. C1De Jetllner with-39. pauengers was snowboUriCI .Qh a runway. for · Dine boun 'Sunday . before plows coiitd tree It. · Th.lrteen of New York·C1ty1s 1$ lncMa: · fel!:~Y; a.-.d for a .slqle ~· · --• I • 'I ~ --• •' . . . -. ~ -.. • Winds guoting to mcq ~ .e • per hour and temll!'•tures ln the lie complicated the ,_ .....ml' jJoblioii. u city. officials ~ , ••mo,r. emerrency" and Ulll'll ~,19'.!!v.• at home, · •. : -: ~ .z;.:. _:.~ Upotale 'New York escaped the brliat ol tho •tonn and ---·-from Keooecty to !ofanlnal ~ MIP'a FAib. Northern New. Jtrie7 ,-·-crlppl~ 'but threO ~ lralft"lllllit into Ne,.:Yor~ Cltf.Teh/ri(lorlllil'lil operatioii: The ~-11£ n>ld qjd Iii el~--...,. operating norniallyil'f., ~ Mmc:e (See SNOWF 'P ... I) -' ~ ' -·-. ' " .. -....--• . :1 • • • ··-.. l-r-• ai~r~~:P~p,ped .Me$a 'Child ,5; Cr~·fied:: · · For ,lin .. YUie · · '. '. ··:•'f·i : . :. :~":"·,--,~· college ""' ~ to fl:r to the Com-J1IUJ1llt-encirded city to evade lbe .... restrtcUons. The college • !Iii' 1,031 meriibers. The ~ ·prea · · ...,...1ary polnt.dly ernpbast...t that the &eheduled election jn West Berlin did -~~.~~l!G~~~ ...... ; ~, 'WaWl.·~·~1~r,, Tap:· pk~ H ~~'lfRi . W•~·\~ ~ 1 , ....,.~ •. 1 r, J ·'·· R ~ .,· .• ,1 11,, . .:~,W -t ? 1 ~1i1, ;_;1 l1 1 0 t1•1·i.··i:);ir1'1JJ·.~"J'·! .. , .. 1 ., . 11 ,._ Insufficient evlilenoe..,.ftal • tO ,.:Ulll . . ' 'I €.'.l I ' t '! ' I r) \ti.""' ~ . . • : ., -j . • dl•m1¥1!1 -ol ""'"-" •f~· u.... ~tumid"''"'......,,. •. , ·'"~--~·n· · · ~-!~ · · · · " Jar ··,Coitl1tM.-..1fam11u:satQl'IW~ 'fl" · ·~ W1' ~-µ~, ·'""'""'· . ,,yaJIQW!C go ~---and'"'-·~· =· f-""'"'' ·~·1 ·1 ·' 'l; '""-' EJ~~·m&n,.~fl:omaq ft' ODeOffJVewVWIC.IS iu.>wR ~J!lll'U ,WI~~.· r i'" -w" ed ~tljle sez b~ · . · a 120-poond water beater, which led P.~· , .. ., . . , . . .. not represent a new initii.tift or· the Bonn government because -. lm 11 a r ballotings, be said, had been beJ!l there ln lt54, 1959 and 1964. The soviet governme•t newBPMJtt Izvestia said tonight in Moecow preaident ·NiJon's plarined visit to West Berlin would "further complicate'• the aituatioll in the city. hvestia bailed the East German action and expressed "bewild~ent!• about Western support of the West German plans to elect their president ln Berlin in March. "Western powers are pandering to the brazen claims ol Bonn leaden who reject the statUJ of West Berlin a11 an in- dependent political unit bavin1 nothing in common with West Germany and this can't help but cause bewildennent," Izvestia said. "World public opinion judges the fre- quent trips of different top leaders of Western powers to West Berlin in the light· of Bonn's striving to complicate the-situation in West Berlin. "Such reaction wu caused here by P"'S' reports about forthcoming vlsita to West Berlin of Britain's Prime Minister Harold '.Wilson and America's President Nixon." SNOWFALL CLOSES MAJOR MARKETS llEW YORK (AP) -The New York and American stock exchanges were clos- ed today because of the heavy snowfall. AD cornmodtty ·markets were allo clos- ed becallle of the weather. . Orange - Welafller Th• "" rolls bock in Tueaday, ·and upolaln there'll be inc:ruaing clouds with temperatures in the . inlddle &O's along the ·Orange Coast. INSmE TODAY · B o b Johvon'.t Windward Pa.s10ge broM a 7~ar-old record to win Che 40I milt St. . Ptter1burg f'OCe todaw in tht hiQhlight of Mat1f '°''""1<1 boating adloitlc•. P.,.. 2/J.27, ' ' . AaOptio.., Agency Action · . . ' . . ' . : B~~ch "Pair llead.brAkeii . . ' ' . . . . ' ' A.s. Their '8uddy'.-T~keii Byot1J:R~1! ,~~E With lean rolling.· down her cheeks, Mrs. Aibert Hart ol Huntington Beacl!, turned htt little fOBter baby '"Buddy" over to Orange County Adoption A&encY officiall early this morning. ' Punctu.ally at 8:30 a.m., two young, well-drt!sSed social workers atrlvet! at the. Hatt ttstaence, 19872 toontaln Lane, to take the baby back to the·agency. Mrs.· ilart wu in near hysterics aa she.' ftid l!Udd1 a laat boltle ot milk and sobbed as she pointed toward a table .full of baby items for the agency worker• to ltlke. . ~ Mr. 'Hart wu .,not so obviously emo-' Uonal, bll\ be felt 'the Joos too. ' 'He took bf,' wife 'and Buddy-out 'In the back yard for a few momenta and lhot ---IOOpoholl ol U.,. pair. Legal act1cm may bring Buddy back to ~llffrl: ~. but a deftnite courae or ·aCtfoil ... hal Dot ·yet been·-Jcieclded, acootdlog,to ,thollflawyer., , ' ', Tiie' •llirtJAiiav. · tOntacted Harold KUlllCh, a luta Ma aU.;rney, IDd diJCUaaed the matter with him. Kuniclfiild'today Ibero_.,.. buic· . ' ' ·-• ·I' • : •• i- consi~aUQ!llln,the.caae:. • · o • •POS'T&R=llf.OVIRCOMJ:· t. -!he <Adoption -Improper { , , t (,. a...u..1 t , In Ila acUon1 when it apparenUy Implied . , ~1 , T Peter Buell: . n. had been , on the over and falali, ,Cl'lllbed ,ooe .. .Jlllle .,gtrl Delecllye, Gerry 1)1oti\-llld. Ille chal'.1es arraigatd in 1West Qrange Coun-against a cement.walkway. ., 1 , three:.JeQed heater 'wu lltt1nl ldlllr,17 ty J'ud1¢al Distitct :Cour:t, wei1tminster, Shawna I. McCarty, 5, 'daughter of ~oi~tearµi and f~ over when tt.."'1_11 Jn -.. with ,the all<ged Ohr!siriw Mr. and Mrs .. Robert IJ. ·M~Y1., of aCcldentally bumped by ,<lli6 o1 .the day maaa · rape ol an Allabeim girl 2949 Pemba Drive, ,....deid Cll c'trlval M<Par;IY,c!>lldren. ~.fmn,.Jl to in HunllQ&too BeaQb, but ls ~ flee: 1 at Costa Mesa Memorial HoepUal at J yeua o}d!, . , . -, -. , Two other sUlpeCla are &1111 In •ustody 5,06 p.m., with head.and chest ,lrllurles.-N,e~ of the M~lll'.ll'• ln 11/i MIN in the caae. . '. M o.u t h 4.-th relllie!t~tlcin ,' ~Y v~1! elj!Y • ~~ an · ¢.Ilda!!! 'A-17.year<Oid,(f>abeim·YoUthlJpending Patrolman Gtorge Wllaon and ozygen theh' , • r~Oljdjin( Jc\h'ln.a '""""' ~aring iP ·.Juvel)]Je• Hall, Orang1;, and admjbfstered ·if an ambulance en. r:oute before , , ~ M~ City .Q,QDdi1 John Souza, u, ol Fairhaven, Mass., to the hospital~ iOi rev~ve tbe 1Utpe a:nd1d~ Ori a permit wu .~. ~ iB b<Ing. held by police . lhere , on 1 a glr~ , " , ' . . · Tb< pOttlOn of the. jab 1Dvo1v1J1C Ille pr1,._ ~obOUon1vlolaUpn. , Police .said >he w~ p!J~An, the · ~atei:1 ~\et. howJ•!t', ~-been · ~P- The An&beim teenager was t>Icked up bacl<7a<d of . the; family 'llOll"',wlth .four prov.eel ·'7· the. city.,~ . the .-. in J•N .. ~ by, juvelille auU.Orltles ~ brotbea 11114 ,listers 111¢1y before 5 . 'f'llto~I r~'.pn>~ '...., ~·~ ' · · ' · -1be -~ QCCIU't'ed.. Fwieral oervtcea Jr..illii M.-..,..,, 111 .. a =:ffi>'~~riUe~ tbBt ~~i' 10 ~·en . P·~ .. told Olftc!r. wn.oo· be-w.-" ate "beliig: ·haJidled:~bytilltS.M~. sexually 1541\ifted · bU wbeii 1'b e In the houae 1When Cl1e , of1 hUi .IQl)I wllh Mass of the Angela lo. be ~e~~ mistakeni,-entered ·a ·ChrlstmU ·party burst tlu'OUgb 'tbe back·<leor, ·llfsleljcal, Wedne!dzy at noon ln St.. JOlni., the Jn a Huntington Beach teenqe hangout. to 1 a y the massive heater had, fallen Baptist Cat,holt< Church. , . , HunUngtoo Beach police are ttlll tfying on Shawna. Survlvon ¥~ ..her fa~, her to idenUfy It least &Ix: other men alleged-The distraught father, dialed 1 I mother, .~ l.()U;. llc:Cuty} ~. q involved. telephone operator, who relayed fn. brothers ind slaters, BllJY, lS, SbUWl1 Children Playing With Matches Came B.~a~h fir~ The old stOry, of chJ)dren playing 'with matches ran up $4,~ woi:th. f#' daipages Saturday lroni fir~ in •~hoU1e at le601 Simone Drive, Huntfnttcirl Bta~: 1 Two bedrooms and a hal"IY were damapd b1 $!!•ti Saturday mornhig, firemen satd. · ' The· fttt! began In a clOthet Clotet in t11e·of·the bedroaml where 7·year~d Donald SlaWIOO· was plar.lnl ' with' matchtll, fire inftstl~atora explained . About '3,000 1ri damife Wu done 1to the struct11n1 and another 11,500 worth of funUture was ruined. ,'l'beri-..:no mJumii, firemen aald. Two enginu, one aoorkel aQd rescue unit anJ"ered ,tbe 1:41 a.m. alarm.-. • ' . fonriltlon to ~ ·c 0 It a' Mela~ Police tt. preg, I,~· 5, ~ .. ~. Depenmenl ·and, McCarty ' met Offleer · 3, and .Cann<~ 3, in, addlllon· IQ,'. iliji!i Wlloon ,at the cµrb oulalde, ,while: the ,.11 ol grand-ta. The iwo;~ ambulance wu en.route:. . . . . . _ . , . , children . were •1'a1 when the aCr:ldeht He slid be had j-.1 recently removed occurred. • to the Hartl that they could·ad<ipt l 'Bu4· • ' ! t -r 1 ' •; dy;: 1 -· ~ -~· ~~ ·.f ,~ ff~ . ....;ptl•n:l'ma· """"'ifof. , : ! ~lan~ing Re~ew 8J ldoptift pareltl • ~ I ~.u «mt rattain&Ag onUr-• • • I ' I • Tlie ~-tuan· •bendha· Harla . ·cwld·ha•• -,u.. ii.ency,..... Be· fore· , "-uncil· -they wou11fllk0 to atloi>t ''Bu<l/ly" · taklni BiidaY ' 1"11 UiO ~ \..lU · after -..him lO j(>lci'bflllllt.. left lti '""""-.......,._lntertob ''" , ·.' footer~llft-, ollbehabytonptlnthetmaniier. '" A !review of · Ptannmg Depirtment' .. -·-~~ ""--;~• ~-m~·--~ ll!r lo-.. tlill ~ .. have,,llle ~ ""'JJ' Ql,,ttpe ,~enl,,11 on . the 1agenda ..-~ , 111111 • ..a adopt a hlcber ~ · 1 , fJJ<, the }!W1fil>....,_ 1Jutli ctty cooncu . If '•r;. ~ Wl,I tpk(te So aheld i:la· eiplalned.~ ;: , , r I i 'tonflht u I.:. • • l , • . ~ !': .::::-•... ~"" . .;:.:.~::.~•"" = ! ~~~met ~=:tJ.·:~: .,. llOlil a .... -ln·-I~ to it'll!' Buddy's new laiDIJy' lllOCber ~ ' Street and Pecan Avenue. jit119I ltr ,llla•ailoptloo. (111!7 hadn1 speclfted 11117 spOclal •) Councilmen are cOnsldering ·establlsh- lltll Ito 1110nt:J pliaaod llle llar1a lllt Ud llve the lllrla• ~'~ ~ lo menl.ol 'an' "!fl'-·p1analllg. '""~"' weelt IOd 111111 Jladd1 •• belna pilioed adopt Buddy!'" ' '·' . · 1 •nd ''the reuslprileot 'ol ·'iiiitle"en-111 --. But """1ly ad6ollOli ~-have. II>- 1 f~l. ,d1!11e1 • from .tJie ,, ,Buildll)I "----to"""' dlcated Util""" a'l--....bu -~totheptalmlngsec:Wn. the ... -Ibey feel It would mde !i;.,,..'1.l!e chlviPd, ,, -11 , ~'i!W! ooi·flrOireoO lo Olili....,:ae : bo a "reflection" oa the And10thle~~<lf ~~ 11 ~_fo1iloolil\IN>0Mhe~, "~" ,ol 11\oM wllo, fi!'ll to the _¥option agent)'~ '""8itl ; ne'W.cllJ,baDml llbr.ol:j a1ao II,~, mat1a 1111 doclaioo, aaJd Ludllt uotne, to a new famllr, Ii' ..,,..,..,, ~1 , • • , 11·• t ' ' ~ I ' " .. ~ . roit• t~ State Lt ,Gav. Ed Reinecke (left) presents plaque to Robert N. Weed, DAILY PILOT publisher. for one of' 1Wi> llht place awards won by DAILY PILOT, In Coll!omla Newspaper _Publlabers Association ·an- nual ,Better Newspapers Contest. Weed accepted plaques al CNPA convention in ·san Francisco Saturday for Best Spot News Pholo, Best Editorial Page and honorable mention award.in Best Front Page category. t \ •• ' . .._P .. el SLAYING ... " . lnlilhllclaCboL JllDeblfl lelWled lhll Slano1 had llbolit lltin •. 'pllr of pont. and • pair of .... eii wjdch were "~ which • ~ le mo to bl dried blood-'' Ill ..... _.the -llld be .... blood . ojilcb ... : • poctel lmil• wbkh . now II ~ .i being the murder weapon. .. , H~ All thll toot.plal:I! ,the early morning bllln of J.,;:l(~llo lwo alher persona wen In Jail ICCUlld of the brutal lmile m,ying of Mn. llarU<, ID optometrist's noeptlcmllt. Del. Rlnehlrl odd ~ had qQeltloned Slones ahoot the Jmile ftghL "Altlr that I 1111<1 I wanted to lalk to him about a .... --Jl'1ll>lem. 1 -~ biol . Ube-wllalllwaaalllllliald" ,.. -the mun!er of lhll ....... '. ''Ba be<ame pale. 1111 handS _.. WkhW. --lean -welled op In bla .,.. and be appeand ready to cry. "I then arreated him and ad\'lled him of bla rlablL" . The clotbeo warn by the defendant. u lbeJ -In court, the -warn bJ Siana on the night of the murder and tbe clotbea piled hlgb In the rur -of a car clrtmt by the murdlnd wvman all have had Important p1-In the lnvutlptloa of the murder lhua far. OD Fridl;1 w1>en the Jftl1mlnarY bear· Ing -a tJey poctet Jmile and a ......i oll mqun both allqedly owned by-w!D ..... the judldal ipcilllghL 7 Serviceinen Injured By Bomb at Fort Ord FORT 01\D (UPI) -FBI and Army lanltiplorl today oearcl>ed for clu,. In the tmorllt-ll)'le -bing wblch In- jured eeven eervtcemen in the movie theater at thll IJll"awllng army post. One eoldler, Pvl Curti!: Chiang. If. of Pearl City, HawaU, WU boopitall:ed lo -COlldlllon with the heel o! hla loll !Dal blown oil. The other victim.< """' -after trutment !ar millor cutL "AllY PllOl .. Cong Division Marching On Saigon for Offensive WAR llONIC D, Vietnam (AP) -The Vlei Coal'i 5111 D!vlllon, h e av 11 Y beefed up with Nor I h Vleloam.,. regulers, appears to be moving Into position for a key role 1n a polSl.ble · c:o<C!!lnated ol!enllve agalnsl Saigon. (War Sto<y. Pap 4) · "U.S. lnWllgence reports the division -perbapa up to 10,000 meo -slipped throutih Amerlcan battalions posted along the Cambodian bonier for a march of l1lDl'I than IO m1lel to the malled Junllt.S cl War Zone D nortbeUt of 8algon. Forward elements were b e 11 e' v e d today .. be !al than JO mllea fr<m ,11iw. copllal. Olller unlll . .,... npartad t0 !Jo cJolhrC fut CD the .,_,-- Valley Baronettes Seek Honors In Drill Contest Tbe 0Baronettes" driD team of F~ taln Valley High Scbool will compete for nafjhmal booors Wednesday ln the "Mia t>ruJ Team. U.S . .{" contelL Competillon will becln at • p.m. In the Santa Monica Clvlc·Audltorlum. Enltted In • aqie compellUon category ta Linda Joye Peery. She will speak and perform In prelimlnary elimlna.tkm at I 1.m. Wednesday. Ill the evening 14 members of the ''Baronette&" will compete q:ainst lbout 60 other bJih ocbool and college drill IWDL Illa Peery le one of four coaplalno of the FooolaJn Valley drill team. She WU eel<ded fot Individual compelltloo by the 54 members of the team. Team memben parlldpaU., In the second part of the c:ompeUUon include Debby Blackwood, Janie Booanco, Joy Dove, Linda Greayer. Vera Khun, Lynn Laf!«ty, Cindy Leeda, Sbaroa Muriihj, Ile-Neloon, Linda Neleon, Vicki Nelson, Cyndi Riemer, Ann Rowland and Becky sul!ard. · School Switching Questions Due? The llCllllble awttch of ohtb lfaden Into~ -may be qu ... Uoned ~ Tueaday nllbt when the H ""'Beach Clly School Dblr1cl boardof--. Board meeting beglnl at 7:30 p.m. In thl. Ubrar)' of JlwYer School, 1&03 Palm A ... Dia!rlcl oflldals Aid thll morning the propooed Fad< tranmr ii not on the a...,cta. bol ..-.I -hava In-dicated they have mare quesllonl on thl -awttelL '1be board meeting WU lilied with pannll I w o -&(ii who attended to ~---apliilned WU •ltlll only I "propoul" end not • dellnli.plan. Huntington Trustees Meet Tuesday Night ~ of HIDlu.cton Beach Unloo HIP School Diltzlc:t·me<t at 7:JO p.m. 1IMlllll:r In the --of dlstrlel beadqaal1a, 19'1 17111 SI. "-... 1111• ol ""1lln< qenda 1--wlll· !Jo Ibo amml report by the r...,,.:~,;so~ High School which la to open In Sep. tembe<. ed staging -· Two ballallool of the U.S. Ill Air Cavalry D!vlllon rulbed IOUlh from the border area in a new attempt to block and, if pos.slble, to mash the enemy outfit. There has been only light contact so far. . i Senior mllltary olnct.11 Involved with aUemptlng to prevent anr new assault on SaJgon attach maj<r importance to the 5th Divis.Ion's progress. They say the logical enemy battle plan would call for the 5th to move first, to bf followed later by the Ith DivJaion, sWl on the CB.mbodjan border norihftol .,, Saigon. 'Ille IJI Cavalry Division, with It. hu(e numben of helicopters. ta the belt IUlted of the alled dlvlaiolll to operate In the thickly Jungled tenaln, where anything !en than Instant -to lnteWgence can mean failure to catch the enemy. Both the 5th and ttb dlvialom, while nominally Viet Cong, have up to Ill percent North Vietnamese tn their ranb. Two North -dlvlllom, the IJI ud 7th, aieo are Jn the Cambodian border area. SpeculaUon about the nest atlacl: against Saigon, if it ta ever launched, workl out aomething like tbia: The two North Vietnamese dlvtslona """1d engage U.S. unlle In heavy ftghtlng along the border, pi:eventilJI their use in the immediate area of Sa.Jgon. The two namtnally Viet Conj divisions would do moot of their figlrtlJig around Saigon, perhaps sending 80lDe units into the city streets. U.S. oUlcen ""'°" that the Com· munJJt command want.a to mate the point In Part. tllat the homegrown In- surgent.a have the muscle to penetrate the big American and government screen protecting the caplU.1. Rohinwood Sets Baseball Signups lJttle · League slgnups !or th e Roblnwood Lagoe Wm tie conducted from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the nest two Salurdayl at the corner cl. Ed.lncer Avenue andGrahamstroel. Younc boya -a.11 are Invited to come to the slpup area, behind Marina High ScbooL Brine birth eerlJIIcatts. . For Jnfonnatloa on eool, qe and leque -call Roblnwood Preal- dent Bob Hanvay, -· ... player agenl, Jolm Lecl;le. ·- Diplomatic Relations With Cambodia Seen JAKARTA (AP) -Cambodia's !orelp minister Aid today Prealdelll Niun and the Cambodian chief of slate, Prince Ncrodom S!hlMIJk, bave exclwnpd let.- Itta c:onqrnJna the psiblllty of restor- ID( dlplamlUe relatlcm bet•,.. their -;li,o rnlnlM«, Prince Nor o d o m l'!lllrluara, llld Prince Sihanouk ....,._ a letlar f2ooni NllOll on the ma!W. Realtors Plan Meet Huntlngtal Beach Board of Realtors fa ocheduled to -Roberl Frend, ..-.. ---of Morl(ala Guaraatoe 1........,. Corp. at the I a.m. Wednelday me• t 111 c at Sta Cliff Country Club, !ooo Palm AV<. SAN'l'A ·BARBARA (AP) -Cahft wtoda prevailed today over the Santa Barbara Oiimlel, where bu&• paldlea of oU streak the ocean w,altt and hun- clreda of men aro dt'""1nl the 11imy ... "°"' JO mllel of coull1ne. ' Uolau ,)bl wtod , ccmdlUOlll dlange radically, co.at Guard offlciala llld, the · allck will not Coat touthward and foul more beaches. An undersea well lhat sent 231,000 gallona of aude oil bubblinl la the aurface wu capped Saturday, 1ealed w\tb mud and cement. But the hu&e 1Ilck lllll wallows, broken slighUy by w-. occulooally stUI seeping to lepd. Crews are trying to sop it up, alone the edge1 nqrell lend, with aboorbent straw. Along tbe sandy beaches, mare sophllllcated melhodl are being aaed or planned. More than 500 workmen from llate conltl'Vatioo cam111 and the Union OU Co. which drilled the well, have worked alnot the slull(e movwd -Jul woet.. -:m lnmala -_..u ... campa jolD jllt ...... IOnJal>I. By mldWeek 1,IOO .... will !Jo -kleC ~-the CDUL The deullp la upadad IO 1eq1111e lhieo w-. . ¥ool d !hf'~ .... ,,,...,.,_. otraw CD the.GU aa It naan the abon., 'l'he1 Jllct "op llie -after II' ta wilhed Ga b-i-Other wcatmm uBd -Jell to wub boulden iJaq the abon. Plam W.. made far. a &!ant ·-_..to bl lated Tlleaday. 'fbl U.....,I H ,towed by two tup, 'la elpaCled to -oU lnlo • p!pa wadp. then to a -where II will !Jo pmnped Into u II,-oll.::c- df oo.: !:ited,,:,, -~i: aonlbward. Altboqb Joe bomnl ..... encted to keep II off Loo Angelel area beocbel Ill -~ the Coul Guard llld It apaels the slick lo stay In Bania Barbora harbor. Al au, ~pa equipped with blow•n ..,._ Gil pild>el with llraw u !ar u llve mlla lrom land Sunday, Frem Pqe -J SNOWFALL .•. WU auhject to dela)'I. Publle achoola In ,.... N!'flhe!!I Naw Jeroey c•nnlles were clooed, and many alher ama reported partial· doolnp. The Naw Joney TUrnplb -shut from New Bnmawtcl: to Nawarlr, and other parforaya were piqaed by deleri- ad 11111oL Arterlel Jeadlna to New Y«k Ctty were J...-and l!IOVIDl alowly. 'l'ba-Iepla-111,.,....., 11.J. and AlbanJ, N. Y. ......lad today's -TURNPIKE CLOSED Connecticut commuters had ii no bet· ter, as &eetl.ons of the tumptke were closed and any secondary roads were !mpusable. A stalled train on the New Haven Railroad further delayed the irregular schedules. Canaan, in nortbwestenl Connecticut, reported SS inches of snow. One casualty of the 1tonn Sunday wu the Northeast Sid Jump Championship, scheduled f« Salisbury, Coon., which was canceled becawte of. excessive mow and wind. 'Ml.e st'orm center moved Into the At- lootle Ocean oil Nantuctel, Mui. at 3:30 a.m., tJ>e Weather Bureau ;;id. Jt had originated oil the Vlrllnle Capes Saturday night, and dumped,.five inches of 1now In portions of Virginia and MllJ')'lend. '1be near-l>llzzard movad from the melnlpolllan area Into New ~ -pins II lnebel of -atie; RJ., near Providlnce. Maa1cbn1ett1, Maine and IOlllbern New Hampalilre and v.,,...i a1eo 1>ore the brunl of the -Power faJJum, caused ·by lines col- lapalng under the welgbt ol Ice and ...... occurred aparadlcally, chJellJ In Wellcbelter County, dlnctl,y north of New Yark Clly. DAILY PILOT PMfl; _, aidllff KMllltr Drctgging Pole Behind stopped by Costa Mesa Police Officer Pat Donohue early today with »!oOI power polo &heady towed through major intersections • SpanlalHpealdng coot Javier G. saucedo, :ID, merely shrugged his shoulders In bewilderment Patrolman Chano Camarillo, interpret- ing for Officer Dooohue, soon told Saucedo, 547 W. 19th St., that he was under arrest for suspicion of drunk driving. Suspect got as far as Harbor Boulevard and West 19th Street, after earlier cr .. b at Newport Boulevard and Ford Road: Yule Fr-eak Fair Finally Comes Off-43 Days Laro Sounds of heavy muJ!e, olghts of kooky people. and groovy clot.bes, plus a camlva1 atmosphere drew 13,400 persons to the KTBT Ouiltma1 Festival and Freak Fair Saturday, 43 days after the yuletide season. "Tbl.ngs went real well," said KTBT staUOD Manager Glenn Adami, following the soiree -,t t b e Orange County ln- ternaUonal Raceway, which drew Eatablllbmen overseen as well u t h e young. Helmeted Orange County Sheriff's deputies moved through the rocking, romping crowds to maintain order, mak- ing :7 arresta in connection with the event Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley and his married daughter also visited the 12-bour event featuring 39 rock band!, sampling atmoephere 1n case another lbould be plooned In hla commwlity. "It wasn't very upllftl.ng for the raceway, but then, I d.Jdn't aee anythina: particularly bed either," the mafor aald. Original effort. to at.ge the &bow at the Orange County Falrilroundo Jn Costa M,.. lul Deeember were torpedoed by the city coundl, whole majority !eared a homndoul Newport Pop Felllvaf repe.I performance. "I went to the control tower to meet 1 couple of friends of mine," said the mayor. "They weren't \here, but who did I meet ~ut )'01lD8 Mr. Adams In bis blue velvet lull" "He immediately asked me about the possibility of staging one here In the next couple of month!, but J told b I m J had just arrived and hadn't !nade up my mind," the mayor added. "l &Ull haven't," he 81id today. Cycle Gang Member Hunted in Slaying PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -JOl<pb Dubollno, 25, of Marcus Hook, Pa., was llOUght on a murder warrant today hi the death of a rival motorcycle gang member !tabbed fatally in a gang peace meeting which went awry. The vtcUm, Wlillam Schneider, 17, Wai!I killed and four other persons were wounded Jn slabbing and sbootlng whidi broke out during the alleged meetmC ol memben of. four different qcle gangs, :J.in11 Walck & Jewel"! f<epair 0 OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA ~ I AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE Ill COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired e diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN I MANUFACTURE ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY -SllOPPINe ~ 2lat HillOI ..... COITAlmA MINA ; IUN11NeTON Clll11I llACH & IDINea HutnllteTON llACH , lft.1181 0,.. -.. ,,__ M. Tll ' ..... ............... M .......... I I I l • I I r .·.·Lag • .. ~ . -·----.. -.. EDITION DAl{V l'lllOT l'Mf9 '°J Ri.Mnl ......... Dragging _Pok Behitiff, · Stopped by Costa Mesa Police Officer Pat Donohue early today with 30-foot power pole already. towed through major interaections, Spaniah-speaking cook Javier G. Sauceito. 29, merely shrugged his Sl!oulders in bewildennent •. Patrolman. Chano c8marlllo, interpret- ing for Officer Donohue, .soon told Saucedo, 547..W. 19th St., that he was under arrest for suspicion of drunk driving. Suspect got as far as Harbor Boulevard' and \Yest 19th Street, 1 after eatlier crub at Newport Boulevard and ·Ford Road. . .. ~ba.Wv~l~iilt~.$~t.·:~i~-; Tells al Pariy D~cmstJ~ NEW ORLEANS (UPl)-Perry .RaY· mond Russo, Dist. Atty. Jim GaiTlson's &tar witness in the case alaiMt Clay L. Shaw, testified today he witnessed Shaw discussing with Lee Harvey Osw~ and David W. Ferrie bow to usa•inate President John F: Kennedy. He said Ferrie told Shaw aDd Oswald bl• -tho)rui) lliih~" ie~)l!lss9. "Oswald toid Bertrand: •'Shqt up! Fer- rie knows what he'•' doing'. "' Russo-said Ferrie prop o.s e d geocrapbical aliJ>ls be l!?t up fCl'I \be day of the uauslnatlqn. "The del~t said be cOuld . fO to the West Coast for bis company," Ruslo l&ld. Ferr.ie said ~ could make, a speech at .a c.ollege. I believe at Hammond 1t would be "easy." . (La. ) or spme place. · Riwo. 21, a Baton ·Rouge, 1 La.,r in-A8st. Dist Atty. James L. Alcock sUrance man, said he attended •a party aSked Russo, "What dJd Oswald · say In ...... 'ew Orleans -• few weeks before about ari 1allbi ?" · . : · 1' .. He·didn't say ~ng,'' Russo.said. th! Nov. 22 Kennedy assassination in Russo said 'that Shaw "felt that Ferrie Dallas, and heard the plot discussed was a waahed-up pllot -thatl1 what in detail. he said right btfort Oswald told liim He said Ferrie was obsessed with to shut op." 1 • the assassination. Astt.d about the numbtt · of penons ''lie paced back and forU that night doing the murdering, · Ruaao . said the while some kind of Spanish speech was plan was that "it had .to be hiro or going on on bis record rnachioe, telling Uirie ~ one dl'ftl"!k:lft&ry shot and two how. the projected assassination would to kUI, or one diversionary and one be d,Qne," Rlisso said. to kill.'' ••He told about a triangulation ·of cross RUsso sald-he was introduced to Shaw fire. He said one of the participants as ':Clem Bertrand..'' would have to be captured as a scapegoat "He was big, ·11x ·feet fOur or fivt, or patsy. He said all three would sbOol with wide aboulders -distinguished look· bur the first shot he called the ing," Russo_.,, divetsionary ~ 'lbe other two would "And hll lalir?" Alcock Wed. shoo( to kill. "White," Rua~ replied. ' . ~ J ' • i' • • J I . • 1 • • Nixon Berlin • I I -o6 f l ' J , ; visit' -~o~. 13,400 Persons Attend 43-day Late Y~le F~t.i~ • . \ J • J D·.·. •n •. <> ,,n. '*.···,",~""': n; 1 .·'".':' ·.n,· .· l.. Sounds ol belvy music, sights of kooky and his married dauahter, abo vjllted ru. blue velve! lull'" . " . " ; : ~rll~ fl.Jiu;_ people aad IJ'OOvy clothes, plus a thel:l-hourevelil·lea~~rockbU!dl, "H•·lnim!diatdy 4!keil 1)le,.-:.the . ~. ~ . ...: .·'· . . camlval atmosphere drew 11.400 peraons sampling almospbere iii case anolber pl)lllblllty ol ltagjnf ,pno ~ \n flit ,_ w~ ---to the KTBT Christmaa FOltlval and -couple of DlOll\bl; but I.told b~m KEY BISCAYNE, Fla.'-,,,} ·riiriaa fl'.iak Fair Siturday, 43 days .after ibe ihouJd be plamied Iii bis community. I had jult "!"lved . "J>d• bodl!'t · mlilt . . • 1. ' ~ ............... ,-. "Itw,un't v-upWi-t ..... for the upmvmlnd,"tbemayoraddedo.·,· • Wblto 11auae aald. •·•'-...... ,-~·-• ,__ ra-"ay·, but·~:::,' 1 ·dldn'I":!.. an-'"ng ·~ .......,. ,..._,, .. -,~ ""'l'tifnCs went rUl well," aal.d KTBT ...... utcc11 ace ,..... ·"1· lllU bfi•en't," be aaicl ~y. _. • NIJ:on •:II• llJ. ahead. with 1plenl to '11rit StaUan Mat\lger GleM Adams, following parUcularly bad elther.'' the i;nayor aald. "I th1nki if Y04 COfll!llder one.~·M1 west 'Berlin on h1I Ewtlpiwi trip dupti the solrtt at t b e Orange County In· Original efforts to stage the &how at tq the. remote locatiqn al th!' fracewpif_, East German threats ·t0 dlsnipt ·West tema'Uonal . Ra<:tWay, . which drew the Orange Oiunty Fa1rgraunds in4Co8ta you're talking ab!;>ut maybe 50,000 ~ Germany's p11Med PresldehUal e1ecuOO ~llaruOen over!eers as well as the Mesa last December were tor~ by and the 'crowd I aaw WMf about 15 · youilg. the 't!lty councll, whose majority feared percent wider 18," he said. 1 there. (Relate4 ~. fqe·5}. Helmeted Orange County Sheriff's a horrendous Newport Pop f:estlval ·"l ·kept· lliletllng that; ~rahle. Press Secretary Ronald L,. 1Jeiler, deputles moved throuch the rocking, repeat performance. . mi.Jerable .• ·.incense," he continued, asked about the ·impact' of• Commurilat roai.JdD& o-owdl·to~ order, mak· "I went to the cOntrol lO'Ner'to meet groping . for the word1 "I, doa't ~ moves against the scheduled March S int 17 arrall in cOanecUon with tbe a couple of friends of mine," said the wlrat that wu for, but ·u .. there _1'• elect.Jon on Nllon's travel plans, a.aid, e'!,e&t. ~ mayor. "They wereQ't .there, bl.it who a11y pot there yOu couldn't have. tmellod ''The Preliilent will uiaU 111' trip .to to&fa."""'M.o.YCJ Alvin i..:~J did l ,meet,!'11 )'O<llli •l\fr. Ada!!Js ·ln il" : • , '.;. '--~- West Berlin." :-: :.. • • ·' . . ~J::.;,:t~~ I .a"11 "a. Playho .. use .R. eport · ~at:-B .... lfrg .. :"1~--~~".' :tiealar" iikf: Nian ·'Yi~.. ~~ . · . · . :. , ' · Sow, "e·. 'P.,..,,,h :w~ ... 1.·=·"J....· a ltbne1~ ,it1tellntl1bf!&bl.Umted ' • I • . ' . . I VluJ w, •. nue : F:1!5~ira ·, Sfttiws EvP1-VttiUf~?si•lfjl" . ~·, bl ''b.'' ~.; 't s•-i·~ I I:' ' --,., f"ou'!d 1m11 1o wa1 . · ... • l" ."' ... J .. , , ~· ::. .. t:,,_ ~unans i.e.ep ~lo1 ~"~:,~. :!!~ . ..:...; •.. :·..;. .wci.nctip11. 1UI ~ nJ uie 1..ilt ; .. eillN '••z.:,:r,:,'111 to..,."" •·fllt.lbeO.... . =-~-.:--', -~· -· ••~ '"" ol lbe _,, ~ .. •·'-·•~ ... •cc:;. ·'-L, '."°. .'•,·I ~ -tv • ._..wnw .._ . uum aau •• r.wynwac ~ ADii ua m.ucp o( cub .tpl ... from. ~tlrtai . ~' ,..... , . °"" neW ' ·--· Moultda ~ "Swee Cbarlty•: was ,the sei:ond -vlctlqll, po)lce, ..Id li>daf. l ' . ....tricllomb · · ~-~,.!...~ r; p•== odlcoi•• .....,...; to the succiUlul mlwcai. 1· · . · ' Paiil M. Glwon, 2515 m....,,. st.1 m •m er••· ·-· "'.,..,.,...-· _,_: ~ ,.,..."'° -Hean! a su'• ..... •on rom. Dr ... ....,.. reported the theft of .119.'-, bli .wanet:.· IOCl'Otary po1n1~ ... em~ lhll · membm'lhlf doiriilc the annual meeting .. -, • .,...,. •-' '\".l:' ""'"'· JCheduled e~ ln Wesi 'Berlin did JMld at the pia,l)oule. ~ent G<orge Nl>on , that tha, ~ conalder·•bavlng 1i::""-· """~·CUI ,to .,.er~·~ not repraent a new lnltlaUve ol the Gide sa/~:lt ."~ t)!e orpnlJallon'• ¥tli ao Jnclependen~ audit , lnnually lor tho g Inna , ; ·am, ms ~ \ ~; llooa• 1ov-, Jwr.o•oe •lmlhr year ol·esl~. :;"tf.\:'4be :::..~~!~, :i;:~ ~-~thdt of 11.frim\,ber ~-· ' ballotlnp, be aald, bad' bien.btld there Geo11ftf Rlka', ~ p r OJ I d e·n t , •uau• Lou ered wind ed .... ln l!IM, 1169 and llM. . . . ... 1·.. repaftod tbat the :,,.., piayi1<>Uae is H budpt, I ' V. ' • OWi ...... ~· . .-' ~. ~. ~ ··•......-1"1'*11 con1p1ete. eompletloo r1. the• •m' .PLe.ornod10Y"' ci!' :~!:.~ ..... ~-~J1~ ;.;;:c .. ~~, """faed Izvestla181dtonlptlnM011COW ,pnsldent aeaf'tbeater 11 espected by June I, ~ ~rY,~~ ln~tllelt'OfJllfl!: , . N1Jron'1 pl...,,i vtall ·.to· Weit ~ he said. It w!Q opep In the' fall, ho e<j. , . : ' .,>P•""' .-"~.at -nn stolea·fnlm. wolild f'furtbtr complicate" tbe altuaUoa · · J ' 1 .' ~ • , r r •· ,...("" ~ "'" . the 11 · · I said. • · ' ' · a IJl!>li>n:Yc!lelowned !If.~ . .M, La!liflam. lni._...U:b..u..t tJ\e ·E~ ~ a<tiq. "ft Is a plaot ~t 'will have noddpeerln 5 ,w4e, ·ens''. , ,l ·..:,· es"tep': 411 ~ Bay, while It waa , ilr a , and expresltd "bewllderm6nt'' ·~ • on the West~ aaid Riker, a g, ·1 · iu:r 1atac-·1t1J11f Alta~: . :1:1 Welltemi suppcrt. of';the"•We$ GenMp 0 T,hll. ,J> ! "°-J'~~ID;Pl\lhmentl• _tbat no I ') : I r ; ! ,. . ~eanne;M. Rapoporj, 914 Par~ ~Id" plana lo' elect lbe;r prealdent In Berlin other eommwvty Jill atllleved. ' . ~ ' ; ' . < ~mo ......... 1n Marcl1 • in oilier builneas, players: On' :tiquor '_Stote· w1i'f\i. ;~1 •• ,,. ~~8c. ~ "Western powen are ,paod'flng to the -Alpei>ded'by)aWJ and artlili:J of' In· · · the thert Of ·15 ~ ldtntlllcalR•f pijlll'I br ... claJmJ cl.Bonn leaden wbo nject corporatloii lncreubC tbiboaid di dlrec-Hel.8' 't' ·m•:. :· T,_ ~ ~g· ~ ..... ~ from a car lotated at IOlll l!l<Yllilellrift.• lhe llatua rl. Wat ·B..-lln' u an In-tDrs from nine to 1J peraona and .l"'1 uu. • ~..:. tr ifued ·1 a.-iliil d<pendent political DDit havlnl oothlnl unanlmooaly elected as director• William , a Chi.a",,";; ,:..Joi ,,S:~r6e. In -with West G<noany and Harcum of , Laiuna B • a c h, Tulley Five .!lladena 1ee..,rr.a :wen art.ted • from Mary • MilweU'i. ,.,...... . Clielt ~~P but cauae bewIJdermenl;" Brown of MolllJ'Ch Bl!Y ahd . Moote · Sunday, lll(ht. for •the robbery Of GIU'• · shop; fill s. dlut mpay: , > Izv 'lie · r* NoMJllen ol Emerald.Bay. · · liquor ltoreln Laguna BeadL -Fraiiell x . BoUcber, CSI Ha-.. ''World pub opinion Judlea the '...He~ from Betsy Rose, _.my, Police Lt. J'rank Scbope1r ,said ar .zz SI., rel'iirted the ttieft of 200 ·feel' bf quenl: trl~ ~· dlffmnt ·top .kaden of that 11;ooo peraona bad attended plays automaUc' l!eld; by one "O( Ille )'QllU!a sisal rQPe'froni ~ llQclJ Sllli Co Wialehl, powen .. to · Wiil Betlln In the ·m t~ old theater· during •1119 It was dlocharged Into the fJOlll; ...., the fool 28Zi'biesi Ave. lt'y' u va!UOd ifli'J." '.!'. ~if~~ 1~i~~~u!" compllcf\e .. ~l\<f atlendance .lp the.,,; !healer of •.Jtrk, Donald N. Hiiiman, -·P.alo -EiitrY '.ifaa 1 Jotfid .1nio· \Jte::~ a '"' " · will ~ch 45,000 annually. · All!>, pana·Po\nJi.<l.urJni·lhe IOlibeiY·~ of. M.C; .F,J~; 1'f.1,· ~ (f1. It -Heird frOm trqsurer Blll Salyer 1be ffve were arre8led in We.tmlnlter ·was flDlllC~r b;tA t ~· ~1 ~ not ~ • ' that the openitlng budget is about 15,000 about t p.m. by • Callf~ay avallabl• to deteiinlne U lliefl .bill· l!C' Irish Strikes Spread ahead of expoctaU0111 and that he hopes Patrol oIJJcen after a . ,_by curred. . to cloee the' f1scal year with a amall ~ ~li~~bed , the Y~ and r- surplua. Schopen said three of lhe group entered Airman-Geta Sentence "~ diversionary shot woold be to ••0o you see hbn here in court?" att~&ct attention. The last two would "I do." · . DUBLIN .. JttlaDd ·(AP) --The 1rlah r · If Im · uba I " • Republlc moved tmrant l1du1trtal beto k1l , ired a ost sun neous y. "PoiJJt, to hlm,,pl-," Alcock Aid. • ~ijjllil ..!ML nusaowasthesecondwltnesslnSbaw's nusao quickly &<stur.d toward Shaw, li'yl\istoa.;;;.:-:i:=~ trial "" charges of ·consplrlng·•to kill lfho' o::t cafnlly, but bending to his a biwod' i<tO·lJilbUll aad otbe? Kenn_edy to say he heard Shaw plotUng potes on the tablet cities. · L :. f. J • ljle lnurder. But he aJao aald -u I he had at Shaw's preliminary ;h~lng . , . • . \ . , , , . • - Jn l~ -that 06wald was allo thieie. • M · . . G'" • • . B ._. / Oswald, the presidenUal ...... in .... om Olftd o-....... cording to the : Warren. Cormnis!lon,. is • • · · @9 ~ ~ . ~ -named along with Ferrie as a "co-con-.. --- -~ -: _.. splrator." Both Oswald and Ferrie are - -· -- DOW dead. Suzie's ·M~ther R~tJ£r1J.3 to Viet -Learned .from Inna No fz I g er• the store about S:CS p.m. One placed 'HAMILTOll AFB, "(UPI )--~ manifer, IJ!at·memben!IJp In 1119 WU a (Ua agalllot Hlllman'I back and IOlted u\nh-1 . R. ~' 11,.at-l!an. l- IU7 11: <O!Dpared lo · 1141 the .previous 111111' hilo I ojatero0m. · .. • • , h,-~ .e\ittncOd 'lo : a· ,or at'·bint I year. She aaJd .. the pllY\IOUI< will .try '"All ,rlght' wh<re is It! PIO,. qt cool," I~ by an l\lr .. ·FJll'CJI· court matttal for i709 1111blcrlber1 for the new Hllbnan· waa told. /JJJ ooe of the young bOard for •porllelpatlnc· la anttwar ! playboule and will hope to lncreaae this men bent to reach under the coonter dtmona:traUons,ln, If~. 1 eventually to 2,0IO. · · for th, store cub. about MOO .. the JUD· She repoiled that "The' Od<H»uple" f~ed flllo' tbe:flOor. •& )lotlli of iini' aad. clgarett .. were aJao ~ : , . Schopeil said the five .were returned l Oraiqe r .Ha~line Reques.t ~~~":U~vldence and transferred . . .. ..... --.... .. ~. Russo sal calmly in the witness chair and narrated his now famlllir story while Shaw acrlbbled notes with a ball point pen on a yellow pad a~ the defense counsel's table in front of him. .Before i'lanners· I ,£, . . St . -;~er Le Thi Lan has made a choice that, YOl•ed ln. 'fill!itnc • dUJ'lng . his wile's , , fi ant ops The log· "'111 <ba<ll in Tueeday, • shes a YB. "only a mother would truly aboence,llbe Mid today. "It Is Hme . ·A -I· by VaiaUoo Village owner . , " 1 aJld 'upllla)n,...,.1UIO ~: "Ferrie can1ed around a bunch ol c:fipplnp wi~ him with Kemedy's name elf 1bem." RUIBO said. , •Terrie said that as soon u the assaulnation wu performed, there could be a flight -to Brazil or Cuba. tf lO Brull, there would bn• to be a stop for· fuel· in M~ ., "Shaw objcctef lhilt M -not JIO'Sl· SNOWF ..4LL CLOSES µ..4JOR MARKE.TS 'NEW YORK (AP) -The New York and American stoek ud>a-werecJoa. ed todlO)' because ol the heavy Snowfall. AR caaunodlty markets """' •lao ciof. ed becauR ol the weather. ' undn:_rs="attracttve mother of Su.ti•, '::i" ~;:.;::JC hd~::ghl<~ .. i:~ ~Haneline, for apf>n>Val ol • coveied .. Br~ill iug· .. Lives' :-w:: i:•t::' ~ l::,.V:'"t;J'!fd ~ to.;..':i~ , :: ::.i~tll ·!'~ 'le ~ home,~ ~-; .. ~ .:r~on a°!.:c~= : ;\"tllrli'~~~ ti;y~ r~I·~~ eioit,. • • ~ • '.' . , ' Cl!llClr"1SBotp11allllOlnibiCit-bac1r Le,,,. Lan will 'llJ to SiJcon on 11e1111 ~.for the Laguna BeaCh echt of loWa wbO a(lllirllllly '~t · 'INlmE TODAY lo VI~~-''° ..,. --'l'bundaJ, She wl1I ... mil In the South Pll!u>lnl -. lludy . meeting bi;eathlnl "!!I!< ,aJ>olrd .• .14 ~ B 0 b Joh ...... ~ Willdtoml a n d ~,.,...... -al tMlr Da flllll V-capllol •llf"111' • .Jlouclu H.,,. ,~;..,. It T;liin cify Hill bciund, ~!.~! ·• ~_,!'>'f , P"""O• f>rotl' 4, ~ T·l/Hf'Old home. • nlil«. the NaYJIJlil! ........ fto -511.i. ..,..,. · · • • · br'ouPI lllc•1o '~.'. .......... " record 'to tol!I tho "'1 mlll St ·She Will loo,. -N...,.. 'IV 't: le OrinJe Com!!r lflll.1160 """· Hineline'-belAied commisalon •P-IOdly at Orirllio'oCountfllle4icll'Oiilfr, t P'il.rl6uict " .~,Iii IA<' Ph-.. c<ilple)e ~ .... clt!d .. : IC II Hpecl'if, 11111 -· lllzie ..... Jl"OYal qi ... '*"· Jie · )llltalled al , hoalth . The lnl'!'I'• motbe~ Mn,.' -. h!Qhlfall! of.'hlGPI!' -icmi: v.-1n Oriol• C<iantJ, TIIO Dloteo her...,.~ .,.,.111 fly d~..-nt' dlrectlon' ·between tbe ~,.id tbf....,., •• b0o11-ailiwU.. .. PllOt• #fl.' II -Ilic .fllom• a IOfiaao J4t ,lmie In the compoll)' 'ol Cid-· ~· "lliii "itlcheii iM ·Nlii,.ra> . ,' •"""'l!lellr W " . ·~ , , , . . · . ........... -In lbe .... " lilr llalj>Ual llUl'll Linda lilnafnl. ll!t.tl".a ~ . '" '' . '" , . :'tllo ·~t"=l..· ~ '~ --~ril cheat 1'0lmd. · i • ;tl thtNavy JJe~ ... ·1 •" · · • · · • • waa ' • .'l -., ~·· ' . .,, 1 .. a:='•," t1!1 . .1.e '1'111 Laa.~ -,w Qio'ot i.ew7i1J';i..i~, .j!O'~ ..i.;;u ~ to, b .~1.ld =.......,;:.:,..~~.. fot . :=.;,."• ·.,. .,~ ~ leave lbe ciilM -""'"" .0 • la Oranp CoulllJ' Will lit al a "victOl7 an -to1an oUldopr bar. · ;Iljo~·,,hii bad !IUMi ~: I --" ;;;;; ~ ,.., that .iheiluboenawlO)'lnlmber~ the Balboo Ba, Club. "Al who haYt lLiiRl.."amlopm<nt' are~ to ~ the~-·., ' '=-·..: . '-=~ llpelli a cliticoI •' dlrl. l!!iDl&d . out puty" acbedalod I« ~1 nlP,t at n.preMnt.u;e,. ol the P~ r i«-r'ID • lllJ • at' ix.. ~ lliter - -" M~ ::. "dunnc a rt~ 1 -th In 011 r playtd a 11&jai' part •1'>~ ol fai!PJ;: r~ to, i.ltid Ptokes to 'Iii* .~ JllDil!1' • i'llialiltic . Z' i::\' . :: ~.;;; .. ~; 1am11J atlatn. • • \tneor;i_ iJit.inh, , Smle will lit dhlfnl tWf '• Pail . ha:-if the' ~ Jai .' , t<>.. IOlill' =-· lln''. lllllioo 1 ftl 1lifii .._,_ , u ~ _,, ,...-, .,H:!.ti,~~ be~ .j,. bl-~~re:-;;::~• o~pttal · =-~,_ I .. ~ ~i i• ~~:r,~'<f;'.;..,'r'l~i ~; -: , :,,.', ~ }'-,': ~ '"_.,. • ... ---.. ~-• • • • ;'I ~I ' 't-:-=::~====:::==i 4 J•t•. ;u .. .:..4.1.;,,l'l ... 1 t ... _1:.l '_, .... _, • I • I j I y jl • • I I • J l!AILY I'll.OT L • ~~Yfim~f· : ,Accident . ~ .. .. ·~ ···Kills Girl SNOWFALL •• ~ IJAllV PllOT OltANGI ~ • ruat.: OMP4MY ~ a.Mrt ... w .... Pk....,. ... ,..... . . • Jo.l I. c..t., ''. ~.......--~ ...... .., ne1111tJ •••• n .... n''"'' A. ultf,•r~. ,,...., ..... J.lslit,. P. Nall Pttf NI'''" ~ IM(I\• Al\'t011tlfl9 (llY 1.•1w ~-" Lep ........... . ,,, ....... "'" .. Malfl•f M4t.tt.t tA l;t• 6M. t:t611 --~MNr :utWMt ....... , .....,. -..ct11 nu """'' .. ...._ ..,..,., •"'!".'-... f. """"'"' DAil Y 'IL.OT Steff Pllelff MRS. HART POINTS TO BUDDY'S CLOTHING On Vert• of TNr1, Sht Direct• Socl1I Workers ' AiJopiion ~ Aetioa ·Beach Pair Heartbroken } As Their 'Buddy' Taken FOSTER MOTHER OVERCOME 'Goodbye Buddy' made the dtclaion, said Lucille Gothe, adoption services supervisor. Kunsch said a court restr~ order could have prevented the agency from taking Buddy this morning, but the Harts felt la would not be in the best iilterests of the baby to flibl In Iba! manner. 1bey can, however, sue in court to have the adopUon caR reviewed br. a higher authority or the court ltsel • h• 0%plained. The primary question in Mrs. Hart's mind ls 1'Wby can't the adoption agency give Buddy'• new famlly another baby (they hodn't speolfled any apeclal ooe) and give the Harts a fair clWJCe to adopt Buddyl" Bui countf acfoi>tJo!1 '!fllclals have In-dicated lba ooce a diCJalon has been made lt woo 't be changed. Convicred Killer Wins Delay in Penalty Trial •· Convrcted killer Frederick Saterfield was on his way back to death r6w today after winning a fotir-montb deliy ~~~)Gets Appeal "For'MobileHomes .. or a new penalty trial. Saterfield, 511 was granted a con- 'Unuance to June 2~ b1 SUperlor Court Judge l\oblri Gardner on the llttngth -of an appeal involving his earlier trial nol ,.t baving been heard by the U.S. S-Court. 'l1lal a-1 b ldentlcll to appea!J lll..ivln& ..,,. 30 occvpeob ol death ..... n -t11a1 the Jlenalty p11uo of' tlle -trial Which Jed to -· clootb -·two yeu qo WU .-.itJtutJoool ·bec-U clJd DOI spocll1 -by wbf<:b, Juron could ~y.,....... Sai.tllelcl'• gu!lt. O!le!'lllpaty llbtrtcl' lltnrn<y Jlmfl Enr1&ht Ald'1od1y be pla no lppOl!Uoo to Sellrtleld'• I-.Qllt the Su-preme Court rule on the cUrrerrt appeal beln be b retired. "We are as anxious u he b to have the proceedings on this matter RI out In 1lloct and white before "' p ahead," Enright llkl ' Saterfield was coovk:t.ed. of lhe mlll'den ol hll commoo law wife and her clauabter In thelr Sanla ADI home. He had 0... paroled alter """"" alx yean ot a life sentence impelled for I murder be c:ommlttocf in 1950. ~Winds ·Glearing~ ,·Slick . . ., .. I I ' 30 Miles of Ci>astline Freed FrQm Oil Goo . ' . . . SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Calm • the ocf&ti n-land. with allaori>enl ~ lftYallld loQ1 '""'" tbe Sanla 1 atraw. A1'mg tbe llnd1 ~-· -. < Barbar• Cllannel, wbe!O huge palcl\ea aophlltlcated metboda are beinl U!td of>olf atrul: the OCHD water and hun--or·pllomed. • dredl ol meo ate •teanlne the allmy Moro . than llllt -fnlm mt• goo from ID miles o! .-iinL . COlllSYatloo •-ml lbe Ulllon Oil u.1... the •inf -llllc••• change Co., 1llllcll drilled lbe ..n. Ila•• w..tied f..ucally, Coal! Gurd -llld, the •Ince tbe lhldle -.-1111-. IUct-wlD not ~ aq!itbri'd ml foul Anolber m ~ froiD _._ _. bea<l>H. • · • camps=llll cnw ...._ An 'llllitend .... o lbet ""'' 131 ,000 81 t• -..... ,wnm, pllons ol crude oil lxlbblln& to the •IOlll -. Tiii ""°'"" " ~ .lllrlace wu capped Saturday, sealed torequjretlno ,-. with -and cemooL Bui the huge MOii cl lbe ...... -.,. ......... allck 11111 Wallowl, -.0 aliJJ>tly by l\rlW Gil lbe CllJ•)I ii _. 1111 lllln. winds, occulooally lllll seeping to land. '!'bey pick ap 1111 -all« ii ll Crews are try!nl to sop II up, along wuhecl ao -Otlls --- -Jell to •wllll boulden aloog the ahcn. ""----IDlde for ,. pnl "tea IW'e&P'' to bi tested Tuelday. De "nreep.'' towed by two tup:, 11 ~ to I~ oll Into a pipe wedge, ~ to a acoop w!Jol:e H 1!111 be pumped Into .. 11,lllM>lml oil blrae. OU ldlU ~ In lllrelb and J>lobo oil lbe coisl -SIDla Berbar• ... tlnllld. AltbouP kc -. were ....Cod to keep II alt Loa Ancelel ma -• --· lbe Coul Guard said ii apecll lbe -to 1111 In SIDla -barbell'. Al .... lblpo lqQipped with· blowert -end oil ........ wllll lllr1w u far U ftHmilel_Jud __,, Schoo~ YMCA Fight to Save Kidney Victim 5-day Live-in at UC/ Ends to Avoid Arres~ Laguna Beach High School and the South Orange County Y Cooncll are trylnf to hilp oave lbe life ol 1 ·11.,...._ old Villa Park girl Susan Mtme.ll ocbedulod to undergo a lifesaving kidney tramplant in •veral w e e k s. The operaUon -the · first in its type in Orange County history - is esUmated to coot $1!1,C!Oa. ' • . j .• Botb the lcbool and y Council pledpd $50 to the Susan Mazze Fund Drive, being handled by Laguna F'!'l<ral Savlnga and Loan. Since the drive. bepn. private ciURlll bave come lorlb with donaUoar. An appeat.bu cone out to mmm•mtty orpnizltiom: to ualat in the drive. "But, to date. we have lell than $1)1) pledged to the fund. Thal hardly dents the zequfred '40,000. We don't upecl to raise the fUU amount: there ii a drive in Villa Park allo. But we hope to IOUdt at Jeut $2,000," llkl Y Council Prealdenl Rob Kromnan. Teen-ager Held In Narco Case Clinton Scall Bron, II ol (IS SL Ann'a Drive, Laguna Belcb, WU llnllod by police SalurdaJ en IUl]llclm cl marl-JUIDI. pol! !Ilion. -;=-, Police iald -WU amoted In the 700 bloc!; cl <i"vlola -alter , •'llllQllcloua .,u .. ".ca.,.i.l lbe 1ttent1on o(otilcer Neil p.;n,.n. omcen Aid Brown had "a lld" of marijuana, about two .ounces. Police ~ day were .eeklng a complaint from the dJstrtct attorney. A juvenile with Brown WU not held. 2 Non·paying Guests Add Insult to Injury Two non-guest. at Laguna's Vacation Village plied IOJUll oo injury when onlered from the owlmmlng pool Sun- day. Both ltruck usiltant manager Har· ard D. Bruce. Bruce told police the two then Oed. He said the two men otlyod In the pool unUl he asked them several times to leave. When they finally left the water at the motel pool, 1547 S. Coast Highway, one made an lnrultlng remark and both struck Bruce, be told offlcera. Senator in Biafra UMUAllIA, Blalra (AP) -Sen. Charlea E. Goodell (Jl.N.Y.) got caught in ari air raid Sunday during bl!: private fact-finding misslon to Blafra. ' plu a campilp tO lnwlve more -II, lbe apMMna• said. • -1ald tbey wue advllod by a famlly member be pllllllocf lo ·a I e the WrtUnr Center for a clMa today, Thol could bave p:oduced .• "'°""""" ' -poaible mesta. oarw11cr Daniel G. Aldrich hlld tutn tbe pii!Uoo faculty members would determine whethtr their programs are I) -. "Wbe:n oae cbooees to take a dua In (tbe lounge) we'll find DUI whether the ltodenta are obstructine," be nJd.· Obltnlciloo. rJ. the orderly proccsret of the anlftl'lity b Ulepl ••d ,.....,. dolnc IO are tubject to arrest a n d • r, uni-, ngulatlooa. Jail Clothing Under Fire In Huntington Death Case • • llJ WIUWI BEED OI ... DMW Plllf SM Clolblng bu playod 1n ~ rol1 In the knife llaylng of a Huntington Beach grllldmotber and the capture and prelimlnarJ bearinl In mat ol -a~ ef N•hlng htr &o deatb m Jan. u. Prdlmlnary bearings for Henry L. Sianes. JS, an oU field worker and bia leenq• hllh ICbool ~· -y. Edward R. Harsrave, 18, bu beat con· linued In the West Orange County MunJcipal Court of Judge W a 1 t e r Cbaranua until 10 a.m. Friday • Chances are good lhlt Sianez will appeir -In clntbea of the Orange County jall where be ls being held without b II~ and that Hargrave will appear naWly 1tltrod In the aull and tie from Hunllnglon Beach dty Jall when> ho II held allO wltboul ball "Why doni they Jet my -1ppear before the court drMsed the Ame as that other fellow (Hargrave)," com- plalnod the mother ol Siana Frtdl)' u abe aat out.Pde the ooarboom during a brief recea. Inside the coorlroom Sianez, charged with the knife 1llylng ol Hesler S. Markee, 55, u ahe drove home from Wubing clolbel, WU dreued in typical jall clothe!. Friday he wore a gray swutAhlrt with the wordJ ''Oranie Co. Main Jail" and the number "I" atencUed on the back, blue Joana, white IOClls and rubber thoqs. A corn oob . pipe mended from a ..., pocket u be oat qulotly next to hla attorney. A f~ feet away Har&rave sat wearing a dark gray-green lull, Ile and pollabed .00... He appeared vary much u be has bHn described belore -like an bmor student patienUy awaitinl an award for academic acbievtmenL tll tried twice to take him some nice clothes but they won't let him have them,•. complainod Mrs. Sianez quiet!~ and dr1-<Yod u abe bu been lbroagl\oal two lorig dlys ol preliminary bearing. ''I don't understand how all things can be equal before the court lite this.',' ·Perhaps inore important than '·the clotbel being worn by the · two accused murderen are the clothes alleged to be J o n g to Sianez on t h e night Mrs. Markee was killed on 17th Street near Palm Avenue al~ a minor traffic ac- cident. Det. Robert Rinehart testified Friday afternoon that be and another offic.er had gone to the Sianez apartment " on Jan. 18 1o tnveatJgate an alleged knife fighl In which Siana wu auppooed to have been wounded. IO badly that a friend bad to aid him In washing bfood from his cloth ... Rinehart testified that Sianet had •hoWn him • pair ol panll and • pair of shoes on which were "specb wbicli appeared to me to be dried. bloc:ll:." In addiUon the detective said he law blood specks on a pocket knife which now is 8U8peCted of. being the murder weapon. AU thls took place the early morning houn of Jan. 16 while two other persons were in jail accused of the brutal knife slaying of Mrs. Markee, an optometrist's receptktlist. Del Rinehart II.id be had questioned Sianez about the knife fight. 11After that I aaid I wanted to talk to him 1bout a more aeriou1 problem. I asked bhn if be knew wbat it was and be said 'yea: lbout the murder of that woman•. • • • • • • • .. ! • • • • • • .. • • ' • , • • • Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR • rin91 1ized end repaired • diamond1 end preciou1 atones remounted e ·peerl1 reatrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN I MANUFACTURE AU TYPES OF JEWELRY HAUOI SHOPl'IN• Clll'lll noo HAllOI •YD. COSTA NISA 141 Mii HUNTIN•TON CINTQ .... CH • IDll .. ll HU~TON .... CH ltWIOl •, ~·. ·. •' .·. ' , .... ' ' . l '' ' .. ---. -i • ' • ........,,.,.._, !k_tNf_I. , ... _u _ Cupiq-Catches . . -. Annual Ball ' ' •· ~ .__. -- ' . Brllllant colors, festive mu•lc and all the .l)!lendor1wblell· goes. along· with ~·*-Valentine's Ball seem far removed from lhe long and silent corr!-· dors of a h()6Jlltal. -· "t ' . ' > Hl)wever one particular St, Valentine's Day celebreUon to take place next Friday ls, and for the'past JO .years bas been, a .financial boon to the medic8J ·.cause. · 1 • · The ball is an annual 'gala sponsored by South Coast Community Hos- pital Aqxillary. Its purpose; in addition to providing ·an el)joyable evening of dining . and dancing, is help the auxiliary meet an ainbiUous $100,000 pledge to the hospital. ' ' Mrs. Hendersbotte Denison, ball chairman,. Said for the gafa hearta and flowers will adorn the ballroom of the Newportar Inn where fesUvities will begin at 7:30 p.m. In addition to dramatizing the.theme of the evening,·• hearts also will serve to punctuate the purpose of; the event -support for- a ''Hospital With a Heart." : ' · , • Hostesses for the seas'onal event, led py· Mn: Jack M. Lyons,. are .the Mmes. Arthur E. Briggs, Gertrude Carroll, OScar A.1 Hoffman, ZaclMlry T. Malaby, Don Seal, WiUiam· L. Tracy, Mont E. McMlllen, V. R. Spitalerl and Leland Peart. · . . . . Others assisting Mrs.•Denison .witb the auxiliafY's: sole social event ol the year are the Mmes~ Violet· Adams, treasurer;.~W.llliam .E. Imhoff, reservations; Donald H. Teetor, patrons, and Thomas J. F1etcher, publi~ city. 1 ' .:AUXILIARY Wl:rtf'AEART·~·What. IJOtt,,r date · · than St Valentiiie:• D~:ooulcM1e;ciwsjm.for a gala dance to suPmrt. !I. "H01Pital;W11Ji.a Heert.'" Hos- tesses, geting'1n "tiie.FPJ>er-frameiot'mllld ·for ·the .ainiuai.benefit."Are (left to right) the Mmes, Leland P~ Gertrilde'~ll, ZaclJary T. Malaby, Jack M. t.yons and V, )t'. ~pltalerl. Also working behind :Uie scenes are Miss ·Fem RandOfph .and ·Mrs: Sam Garst, entertainment; and the Mmes. ·Malaby, secretary; Ray Marsh Fox, programs; Leonard G. Davi.S, doot"'prizes; Tandy.R. Coleman, tables and seaUng;,and Joseph Lademan, invitallons.. , . . -:-' . . ·--·~~: to Travel Down Mexico Woy ' ' 'Plans for a chartered sight-seeing trip to Mexi~o ~will be revealed during the next luncheon me~ing l of Mesa Harbor Club, planned for 10:30 a.m. Thu;~· 1 day, Feb. 13, in the Sheraton-Beach Inn, Hunting· . l ton Beach. ln a south-of-the.border mood for·· the I •sojourn is Mrs . Hillold ·~ who:~samilon to be her mode of'transp<>rr8.tion'.1f·§ifu lnlsses 1he flight. Also on tbe.tun_cheon age!'jla ivill be a fash- ion review entitled, History Through a Looking Glass by Miss Marjorie Leland Lyte. I· I • I Don't Stay • ) !llEAR ANN LANDERS: May I ask oman who complained about being ed to a "dead battery" for 20 if she believes batteries go dead al of a sudden or does someone turn ~the switch? ow manj' married women ·are so adylike" that they wouldn 't dream of ltUing their husbands know they are not only lntere!led but eager? How many wives believe it is vulgar to be an active participant? And the sorriest ones of all are the passive numbers who are afraid to demonstrate any degree ~ expertise ~ fear their huaban~ will thlnt tbe}"ve been praelicing. Any '"""an who describes her huabsnd :is a dead battery must accept some ANN LANDERS ril responsibility for the loS! of current. l'lease tell lhe gtrla there @'t two poles -.1 DEAR ANN LANDERS: We are a lo every battery and bolli must,fUncUon 'jroup of higb school 1tudenll Who re.1pecl or the power goes oil ..... ~TOPEKA your opiniob '.and want &o1'know .if we DEAR TOPEltA: Yta ape.at -Ute n•; are wrong. lail1 ......;., ud I llllUllt Jt9 are a A. member of our clasS dJed,last week ...., ud 110t a s-t. NI lllt aboGI and we all jelt very ssd about !t A , lbe , ..,.rtlse WU Ille• Upiill. I ilope gro<Jp of ... went lo the ' irll!cJpal'~ '""' letter .. lpo to "-'"' a few office and asked \0 he UCUS!d from lllouud ballulu annd lbe CG1U1try. IChool an hour earlf. lo attend the The Ray Nova! Orcbeitra will provide dance mus!c. ... ' ' ' ;• . . ' ' Vc;rlentiQ.! Tea Honors · League Pof'r.ott .. ss•s • ' 1 ·, t . ;c , . ,Newport Harbor Spestic League honored petronl!S-Langllle, teli~cbainnarl (1'1! to right). DecoraUons , ses 8uring a Vlli•ntine theme tea1Yedn..iay in the were'provided ~thti YDwlg Adult Group• at.·111• Shorecliff home. of Mrs. William Flaber, le a g ¥ e United Cer,i>ral ·Palsy COlll!>r, SaJ!la Alia,.one •4f president. ,Welt!omlng· Mrs. Bertrum C., Coffey Jr., the· · beileficlarles of the •league'• pblliintmoPr. a patroness are Mrs. Ruth Hill and· Mrs. Donald Junds. . I . . funeral. Tiie principal told ua ·It w• up to the Board ol Educ.aUon to grsnt ouch permlsaioo and lllat be ' bod no auch authority. We called the Board of ~ocaUon and spoke with the Superintendent of SChools. He told 111 the dec:lllon rests. with the head of the administralion of the school -In other w...i., . the prin- cipal. That same week several students were di.smilSed eArly to oee a play downtown. lt'a'a pretty rotten world when ltudents can't leave school to attend funeral ~ces for a friend,-but can l!t excuaed to(llff a play. What do you think of thb, Ann Lsnden! -DISGRUNTLED STUDENTS , -~ ---·----~---- i If DolllV ,llOT A 'HEARTY' WELCOME-Mrs. Richard Larzelere o! Lido Isle, Orange County Alpba Pbl\faahlon show chairman, and Mrs. Dou~ Gorrie of Santa Ana Oelt to right)·-\ H~ l')ll!d',Qu""1' .Sharon Virtue of Costa lfoaa, Prjace Joel •Allen Of Santa .. Alpha Phis Aid Heart .Association Ana and Princess Laura Carney of Huntington Beach. Mrs. Lanelere offered a preview ~ her group'! upcoming Antique Costume Fashion Show for the Heart Association's royal family. Horoscope T.aurus: Study Papers TUESDAY Emphull 11 oa bow you reiate FEBRUARY 11 :::::..·~~~ ~ 11 IYDNEY OIWIR dominate. Gain comt1 throqJI "Tiie wtae irlan caotroll hll di=Uly :a.Au(.' l:I): Ac· deltlny •• Allroloi1 pOlnll the cent .. '°""-1e11 .... WAJ.'!· ' prtlllGn. Set pencm, altua. AJlill:ll (March SI-April Ii): 11oo1 lo ...n.t1c llchl-El .. Yoo in able lo perceive lreocl """t cl 10U-<leceptloe II cl -., Go with tide.' Shake -L Pleaaure Indicated. ell ~ tow ar d In-But don't be plded by Im- ---· pulae. Koep <OllUDUlllcaUon JI n 11 , VIRGO (Aug. '3-SepL l:I): -. Read, write -accent H<me, oecurlty dominate day. ~catloo. You muot attend •lo bulc ..._TAURUS (April ID-May Ill): respomlbll!Uel. Laler, you can • 'J a a n e 1 al upectl of relax. Firlt, check details. Not ' ,fiAemmll "" opoWghted-· wlle lo deleaate duties, Be ltu.-1 lecat paper•, awareofdetalla. 111 ~ta. Protect What You UBBA (Sept. D-O&c. II): '' ~ <;el nperl advice. Some Streu lndicated where reJa. "f flattery in effort to bave Uons with relaUves are con- ,.,, P1Y Uuwih the"""· cemed. Habil pattern is broke. GBMINI (!lay :11.Jmie Ill): · Could create bruised feeJlniS. .kcoDI oo partnenblp, mar-.Rullte that you m\l.!t 1top rfqe -pullllc ruction lo acatlirlq l«ces. your .i!Orll. lie per<epllve. IOORPIO (Ocl :a.Nov. 11): Make ,,_.....,. cbaqa. Be New ·-ch could IOlVO uiiobtnulve. Ne<elA!')' to be flnJnclal iluemma. K'1 II lo -' aworeorlegalrequjrements. act In original manner. Old CANCEi\ (June :II.July D): way1 may .llOI lllffice. Obtain Improve relaUOlll w Ith h!nt !rom LIBRA meaaage. neigbbora, eo-wortera. Breat·trom the old -1trive for new be&lm>iJlp. IAGrlTARIUS (Nov. ZS. Doc. :11): Cycle caotlouel bJ&h; clrcumJtanca llrD ID your fiver. Your requatl are likely lo be fuUlifed. Glw 1poclal attention Io •P. pearance. You ma1 be called upon lo opeak. CAPIUCORN '(Dec. 1W1n. 11): Su~ beblnd the ,,._ contlnlld. Llghl toueh II ad- vocated. Mellll doll~ try lo push. fore< viewL Quiel ac- commodaUOD 11 Indicated. Fine for dlnilli out tonight • JANET KEEFER AU9Ull Doto Nuptial Date Set AQUARIUS (J111. »Feb. 11): Speak up about hopea and wiabu. Acquaintanca to- day CID pul you in contact with peopJe who can iid. Social activity II desirable. Sprud. lnlluenc. e; turn on charm Steve Dowd of Newport PJllCES (Feb. tt-lf!arch 20): Beach will claim J a n e t ~y -devotion to older Jn. Keefer, daUJhter of Mr. and dJvidul.I, parent. • GJve . at. Mrs. Harry Keefer o f teoUc:n fo carftr, upiratiom. Anabei,m,. u bla bride during Be WiJV.ul. '9 ~ voice of Aug .. 23 ceremonies in St. experience. GAID ah ·o w n Boniface Catbollc Ch u r c h , throu&h wrltteo word. AnalitlM. IF . TODAY.·' IS YOUR M'ISS Keefer, a SOj:iology major at, California Stale BmTBpAY ')'OUl' interests are College at 'Long Be~h, an- cOMldered "far. -out" by many. nounced her eugagemtqt to d b You certainly do not fit lnto h Al ha p~1 Jt sJsl M V L• any pigeonhole. Your in-er p ¥" aoror y ers esa . er e I rary tet1ectue1 curlol1ty is sreat: during the tradit1ona1 candle You are concm>ed wit b ttremony. She is a graduate o! Anabdm High Scbool Ind iiatrology, the social aclencts. Fullerton JunJor College. Sh A I• w k Travel Ind publlsblng in-,.____ of Dowd OWS cry IC or S dicatedaayw:prosre.,... ..!l"~~:'zm!~rman. , GENERAL TENDENCJE'l: both or Newport Beach, i! Mrs. Robert Gray of. Foun-Art Assoclation. Cycle high for SAGin'ARIUS, a graduate of Corona del Mar taln Valley II artllt ol the · Mrs. Gray bas lhown her CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS. High School Presently stu- montb for February at Mesa work In juried ahlbill In San Special word to L E O : dying. buJiness at CSCLB, he . Verde lJbrary and will have Mateo, Newport Beach, San r.o man c e dominate.. as attended Orqe Coast College her wen. Jn m:yllc cm dlaplay P1ancllco Art Museum, San personal magneUsm soars. and San Diego State College. durtni regular library hours. Diego, Natlorml Orange ShoW.------------------ Cllrrently repreaented In a In San Bemardino, Tower ·juried lbow at 'Bowe.rs Gallery tn Los Angete·s , Muaeum Jn Santa Ana, Mrs. Downey Muaeum. of Art and Gray recently received P'l Liguna Art Gallery. Miladies · Mode"ling for honorable mention award at Her education hu Included an exhibit at the Lasuna ·:'·Jdy at Cleveland School of Beach Art Gallery. Art In Obio, Choulnard Jn Los A charter member of the Angeles, San . Mateo Junior Co.ta. Mesa Art League, she College, San Francisco State also Is a member of Torana College, Fullerton Junior Col- show. Setting for the affair Art League, Whittler Art lege and Orange Coast Col· Money :Jrtmiering a fashion show ol majeatlc antique costumes tram a eollection origlnally owned by the 1 'Hone7'' ~.the par"111 oi Mn. Joaeph Kennedy or Hyan- nll Port. are membera or Onmp COanty Alpha Pbi Alumni AJP>C'1atim. Alumnae memben w 111 model the atalll,y '°""' nen Wednaday at noon in the Colla Meaa GoU Ind Cowitry Club. Coltumet, ~ m<ire -Ill, will 6e modeled by Spring fea . club members. The turn-<>f. the-century gowns "°" belong lo Mrs. J. Woilh Alexander of Newport Beach who will narrate Ille bme!ll ohow aloog wltk Mn. Raymood 'lllompoon of Fullerton. FestiviUes will commence at !OolO a.m. with gamu of bridge, lllld the luncheon wlll follow at noon. Tickets are '4 per person. ReservatlonJ may be made with Mrs. Macy Janes of Newport Beach. 673--0639; Mrs. Maraflall Pattixt. Lai u n • Beach. 49H3M; Mn. Arthur Friends Host ,.Author The Newport Beocjl home " Mr~ Alall' s-.. will be the llterarJ Halal -membera ol . the 1'ewport Beach Frtendl ol the Lilirar,: ptber al I p.in. Feb. II, to heir Mn. Leon t DaDln -her ..... In IDUlk: and Joan>.ell>ll!. . Rewvatlollli for the tea 111'1 be made·• tho ll!inry, ll'IJ.I.,, Mn. I J-'Dowty, preAdent, amwanced t h a t Mn. lltanloy LeIJnN. -· II.A. PM(, lira. Richard -lllld Mn. Peter Dobhl wlll Mirve aa hoiteuu. AJ a journalllt L711D Dallln covered everJll!lnl f r o m boob lllld lllUllc lo drama lllld the courl beaL She WU a bolteu to lnternaUonal celebrlUeo lllld II the wlla or a compoler, caoductor and -Tbo Jllllor Frtendl wlll have a ~ 1n1t In Marlnen IJbnry ""Uncoln'1 Blrlhday. Tbo '1iieiter Guild .. llqlnc a p!q, cllerlol two mqvla '- JOURNALIST Mrs. L-Dallln Workshops to Examine Questions on Change A series of four workshops wlll be p.....,,ted beginning Feb. 11 by Women Assoc.lates ol the UC! Interfaith FOOJlda. !kin on the topic or Living With a Changing World. To be concfucted OD comec-- uUYO n.adQI al IO a.m., the wwblqil will leaturt a ooted mats_. cobrmnlst, collep .. -.Jud&<. cl--and umveralty facull1 nwrAtn. Art llelclenlioum, Cllllomla cullarl columnllt !or the Los Miolel ,_, wlll be ire- "'"" Jn the !Int -opaoidlW .., n.. Challenge lo have as guest speaker Jud~e Bruce Sumner, with the topic to be Methods of EffecUve Change, and the frnal !iesslon will be directed by Rabbi Mor- ion C. Fltrman, ,,..r.,..r of education at Calllamia State College al Fullerton, on Rell· &l°'P ~ to Revolu- tlonlry Chnge. A opec1a1 fearure IJI the Ona! -will bt • perform-ance by the Watts Dineen, a l'OOP wUh It blgh lchool lllu- denll wbich waa formed dur· Inf the awnmer Youth p«>-gram Inaugurated afler the 1111111 rtoc.s. Fetter!lng, Co.Ill Mesa, 54(). 3701; Mrs. Edwin Ro se, Mission Viejo, 544-1364, and Mrs. Glenn Ware, Huntington Beach, 147-5258. Benefiting from the showing is the Orange County Heart Association. Alpha Phis have made "heart" their sole philanthropy on a national bas11 far the past 20 years. They have· contributed more than $1 million 1o Heart Research, Education an d Community Services. was the Lido Isle home of Association and the Anaheim lege. the Richard Larzeleres. r----------~~~~~~~'~;;;;~-~~1======== i:=~E.'5 7 lklif}'V"dtl Mesa High School sophomore; "'I 1be Heart Auoclation's royal family were honored recently during a preview performance of the fuhloo Three Events Capers on J\11\ior members of the Wed- nesday Morning Club or eo.ta Mesa wlll gather Wednesday, Princess Laura . Carney of Huntington Beach, 3\0, Ind Prince Joel Allen ol Santi ~a.6. These three children have ' suffered fram heart defect& whlch would have been fatal a decade ago. All have been .helpe<I through surgical ~ ceduru made pos.alble by research dOllars auch u those cootrlbuted by the Alpba Phis. Calendar MMM·M~M Goodl Glycine, one of the truly great Swiss watches. Leff to right: $425. $300. $350. Each goa be1uUfuUy with 1Y1rythlng from aoup to nut ... Yo•r Ch•tt• Accou11t I• WolcoM• ••• l•11kA111orlctnl, Modtr Ch1rgo, too SLAVICK'S Jewelefl Since 1817 18 F11hlo" l1l1nd ) Newport 811ch-644-IJIO Beauty Salons ON OUR NEW "CAROUSEL!' CUT .•• topped with your CUSTOM·CREATED COLOR I " -"-· ~ . -'. ""' , •. t. • CREME HAIR TINT Thanks to ingenious Roux, our new push-button dispenaer lets us create a literal kaleidoscope of hair colors-so we achieve precisely the shade you want. And then keep it unchanged, retouch after retouch I The perfect finish to our style artistry in creating a softer looking, younger looking you. COMPLETE N~ltach, Collf, Coota Meta, Calif. Colla Moo:iJallf. Jiii lhlll. 1'7•.lM ..... .... -Mttt:" le.-t Siwlf"t M...,.lr (..,. k-Mtlt '""' "'-&I'S.Nit ,_......, ,__ Artoala, Call!. Oro~, Calif. S1nt1 An1, C1Uf. =:---IJ:lll .CM-, .. _.. ........... ..... ,_ ........... T-C.. --· -D1- Colla Meta, C11if. 7M w. ltlfrl llrut '"'""' '42..nM Santa Ani, Calif. 2111'""""'""' .... "''""-(tf!IW ,._.....,, With Shampoo 51& And Sot Fountain Valley, Cal!f. lml ..... """. Vlllefol ("""' ,..... M•I Fountain Valley, Calif, .., .. ......, •t l\1\1 .. Vt l"" C... -D1- °"""" A pone! moderated 111 tho ftn, Edward P. Allan, uanll•• cha plain. Is -for Ille Feb. Z5 -ai. C11 Yoall>'• Sw<b lot Mt . t W ID Cange. ,,,. --Ubop will All ..,.;om will take plae< In the UC! Interfaith Center 1...,... l!:nrotlmenl 1' open (0 tYeryoD8 and a fee of ff will be CIJmled. Regtstntlons an be"'4 aCcepted at thl center, GO! Cllllpus Drive. Irvine, lllldb7telepbonenl!U!9L '-~~--~~_,.~-,...-~~~~,;,,;;;,.--11-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • ' I I ' I : • ·: , t Newppn Barhor. .. EDITl()N . •• l I voi:. ~2. ,No .. 3~ .... SEplONS. '!O.,PA~S ow;i~~ c_ovi;irr.~~~l~~~A· • -.. . DAILY PILOT P1111t W ...,_ VWltn• SURF UP, SUN OUT AND BACKS BENT TO TASK OF CLEARING DEBRIS FROM BEACHES Student Volunteers Produced Far Beyond Expectations, Says City M1n19er Surf Up-Students Too • .. . . . ' l .. - Snow Crlpptes ... -NY '-- ·City Comes to Standstill After Storm j ·' -•• ~ . • • .: ;._ ... NEW YORK (AP)-New York was the Norlllust Ski Jump Champloo!hlp, crippled Ind cu( olf !tom· Its IUl>Urbs sdleduled !or Sallobury, Com., whlcll UUs. ~ 1n tbl' wake of a st.Orm wu canceled because ol eJCUlive IDOW that ~ped 15 lncbel o( mow. plied · ·and wind. • . lnto IJ;rlfb whlpped, by b.ilb winds. Tbe slbrm center moved .ln&o. the At.- The New York 'and ,Mterlcao stock lantlc Oct.,i off Nantucket: Mau., at. exchanges Clo.led., 3:30 a.m., the Weather Bureau said. ·IL The.Long'11Jand·Rail Raad shut down, had originated oll the VlilinJa <;apes cuttllla off 80,GOO commuten. The Penn Saturday night, and dumped ,five ~ Central and New Haven raill'Olds dras-of snow In portiona of Virginia an(! Ucally cut ICbedules, and buses were Maryland. mired in buge traffic jams caused by 'lbe near-blizzard moved lrom lbe _ stalled and deserted vehicles. The State Thruway wu closed from Albany to New York City-148 miles- for the flrst Ume in its history, and more than 1,000 cars were stranded on the Tappan Zee Bridae, a thruway span across the Hudsoa Rlver at Tarrytown. 'lbe passengm took shelter locally. Mesa Child, 5, Crus~4-· . ' Subways were running near normal. All publJc .and oarochW -and colleges were closed. More than 6,000 persons were stranded a( Kennedy, where food supplies were being rapidly As Water Hearer Topp~s exha115!ed. Roa<ls to tho airpol't wm PiayUme turned Into tn&edY !or a blocked by· stalled. vehicles. One. jetliner Iirge Costa Mesa family Saw:rday wben with 39 passengers was snowbound on a one of five brothers and sisters bumped runway for !tine hours Sunday before a 120-pound water heater, which ti:>ppled plows could free It. over and fatally cruahed one little girl Thirteen of New York City's IS inches against a cement M'alkway. !ell Sunday, a record for a single day. Shawna I. McCarty, S, daughter of Winds gusting to more than 40 miles Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McCarty, of per hour and temperatures in the 20s 2949 Pemba J?rlve, was dea~ on anival complicated die snow removal problem , at Costa Mesa Memorial Hoapltal at as city officials declared a "snow c 06 Ith •· d d -•~ lnj I ,, and ed t . ts t .,: p.m., w 11cl an t;UCM ur es. emergency urg mo oris o stay M.'o u t b .to-mouth l'ellllcltaUon . ~ at home. . U~te New York1 escaped the brunt Patrolman Gecqe Wlllon and.1uycen line di -~-· admlntslmd In .. ambWanca .. route of e storm 8.f!d air .n were Va i.eu to the .._.. .. 1 failed to revive the Uttle from Kennedy to Montreal and Niagara _,._ . . - the watet beater Ind npllced II durln1 • ~illng job; .then put It In Ibo backyard prior to dbposlng ol Ibo •P' pUance. • Detective· Gerry Thompeon said Ibo thre .. legged beater'was sitting In lalrl1 moist earth and fell O'{.Cf when it wu accidentally burri.ped ~ ~ one of .the McCarty children, rangln& from 1J jto 3 years· old. · · . .. ... Nelglil>on of the i.li:CariJt In .Ifie Miia Verde irea onl)' a·•!'-ala trltk:iled their tug• remodellliti foll ,In a "lloirlnii before the Costa Mm' 11)1' ·~ and de¢1.si0n·on Ii Per#U* •'~ Falls. Norlhe<n N•w Jeney was equally girl. Harbor Youths Cle Sto D b ' F · B · h crippled, but thrt< commuter IJ'aln llnes Police 111c1 ohe wu pllylnc In the ar . -rm e ris rom . eac into N"' Ywk City ,,.,. rmrted 111 1>a<111an1 of 'the ram11y home w1111..,., ' · • · · · · ' ' · -atio\i. 'liie ErliLackawlmia Rail· brothers and a1Btm obortly before · 5 The portion ol Ibo job" !lriolvbtc tlje water· buter, IMnmer, bad · beeij ..;. proved l1y the dty beloN ' l!W: llecildd, -'-"-~-··~' ..... By JEljOME ci>UJNS Of ........ "" ,..., The surf was up and the stin was out8a-y. . ' Ba -ail ' iurp!Wai!r -hunllted. a1 NewportiM'eaa ltudonti blf ~.' .Jlllt wbat did they do? Tb!y worked. Hard. An estimated 450 or .u.em. And wheo they were finiabed, four boara later, a • 311.r-mile stretch of buchlront east ol the Newport Pier had been cleared ol 50 dump truc;k-loads ol storm debris. Operation Beach Clean Up, elated.city and achool offlclab safd today, waa a huge success. ."Tbe kids really produced for !>e1oixJ ..... -!Jtiooa," llld City M._,- Barvey L. .Hwiburt. "We were all ama> ed. Even the glrla pilclled in, without letting up." voWNTARY EFFORT · -n.. strictly .. 1untary ellcirt, sugg'1ted ~lier in the week . by the student.S ~ves. resulted m the Temoval of .atXJUt two-thirds of the driftWood, bam-'6oo 'shoots and assorted flotsam cougtied ui> along the beach in Balboa by the santa Ana River during recent storms. j'he students sOOwed up at 10 a.m. It Jooked like a big beach party was Ut the making. "But the kids meant btl.!iness," said a school official. "They went right to work. It was kind of diSorganlr.ed. But it was wonderfully dlaotic." : "City aides estimated that if the shovel· fi!i. scraping >lid hand>plcldng of the ~rts had been contractid' out, tt would haft cost "at the Vtty lelst"·'2,000. BilaT OF PIER •!ftte cleanup area wai lbnited to ent Of the pier, down to the PeninsUla Point b89cb. Mounds of debril west of \he pier, it was explllned, will 'bave to be-hauled aw.,-later by pr;ivate .con- h'lttors. "There's just too much of it,'' dd Hurburt. ' With the sun Wnin& and the surf up; the task was made doubly difficult for the many, surfers in the "volunteer anny," observers noted. "It was painful watchin& J,hem," aaid orie adult who joined in the project. "They'd stop -~ to lool: long· lngy at those big bre en, but they kept righl on WO£klng." One miadlwa:ed woman, astonished at -all tbe activity, asked a school olficial out to. the cOunty dutn"p arong with the road s,t!;d l~ ,el~·J>Qwered ~8.lns'wlo:re p.m., wbtn the tragedy occurred. at the acene: debris." ' : . · · · oper~a ' norin¢Jy, ~· ditSeL 5erviet McCarty told Officer WU.00 be was "Ia thia ~ private party? Or , is It · At z.'o'cloc~. the project was completed was' aUb ict'to dtlafa. -in the h!Kne when one of hll MJllS open IA) l\lf~?" : , · , W -'llle' IJuci<bt.'!ie~'s<hool bus • ~ll:b<>iil-IA·@\1 N Y • ilalll~~ck ..... ~ . Tukl i\ \l'plll'I ~-she ,PfOr(IPUy luMl '~'<a,r'I\"' el'i.taf'I . ~""7 .. ~.·~l'd!loed,.. . ... lfi>''••r·~ .. W 'tild "l-bqm> plberin& .up pieces of p>\I tq main ~ !Or•an· ~ .luncheon' Olhil' iil'Ni r<ii1iiiolfallj'tlal cl ~· · m-Shliwna. . add. to Iha debrb · being piled . .up by With~ d~ <11 • . " ' The 11!~ 1~mty' -'!Uiiipike'. waS iljU! The diltnullll I~ dialed ~ a the y~ '.. • , . Among ihe maoir 1~ !"'lllribljl!ni ~~-Nn._!~lcl: ~~·-·edNewbyudest; "",} tel~ ,.,,....,., wbo. "'"11d,.,tn-ShoYdl ind ,other band looli -a to the ... ~ wm:'llripiri'Ban!Utlop · -~ par ••• ,. ,..,..,,._. . w l"!'ll•ll4n lo Ibo co 1 I• llUla J'iJICe ~ ol l!O -were IUpPlie<l the lludents Co., equipment; Pepii ·COia: 'l!Oda pop ; ed ~utOI. -laadlii •.•'New York Depirlnwilt Uid Mc:Ciriy 11111 otaili' by the city. •1wt .p · mo.!t of them Alpha Beta and.BaJ..Port UQuon , btJlla;. City were Jammed and moving 510"3.· Wilaon at the curb outalde, wblle t1it ba~ ~."said Qeneriil Service Director Burger Corp. franitiuters·' Mcrkinald's The state legislatures in Tre~, ·~·· ambulance Wll en route. Jake Mynderse. "Only a dozen were Hamburgers 'hamburger U~kets · Laura and .Albany, N. Y.., canceled todays He said be bad just.recenUy removed · · ' · . • session. miss.ing, and l suspect they were carried (See CLEANUP, Pa1e ~) Connecticut commuters had it no bet· wuuv•~-pro,_,.· · Funei-J!I aervtces far Mceirt,. .'llrl are belnl handled'bf' Biltz Mat-·, with Mu. cir tbO Angela to 110 .ei.l*:Js t . .. ' J ...... 'lllio ' ~.....'.~· 'l"'lll ' ~ "': i'.' • _ ...... II; ••.• . !lllrV!)'!IH "1nci~ie' be!-"f~,; .... 'lnolt!lr. -fofU1 ,. McClrlJ'i'i i:: lir«lwil, ...,,,....., 11, lletlri ..... -., ... ·'i ~ s, Aail:Clilmel, ... m ' . ~J.J.111 , · seta ol:' ~. ' 'tr'~ o chlldteli I.ere : • ...,-wh<n tM a.d4eol occurr~. .. 53,561 Voters Eligible ter, as sections of the turnpike were closed and any secondary roada . were im pmable. A stalled train on the New Haven Rallroad r further delayed the irregular schedules . Nixon West Berlin Vi-sit To Decide Fate of Bonds . . Thert m 53,561 registered {Harbor Area voters eligible to \tOte Tuesday on Newport-MO.a Unllied School D~trict's $15.9 million school bond propOsal. Two-thirds approval is needed for paSsage. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until I p.m. The bond proposal · 1s to purchase portable cla.wooms to end double ses· sions nut. fall and to build schools and addlUons ,to take care of addltlonal classroom needs for a four-year period. Scbool ,aulhoritiea a:Umate bond pass-•i• wliu\d aoot Ill•· owner ol a $30,000 home ID extra •• 75" ln tues 1 nen )'ear 1 ~ f.o a maximum of $17 .25 . in Une · ·decriulDa tberelfter for the 25-=itl· of the 1ionds. A first use of the bond mooey would be purchase, of 40 portaple clusrooms to end doublt sessiom nm fall. Most of the remainder would -co for permanen( classroom constructl6n, In- AN ~DITOHI,AL eluding conversion of tw0:-yeat interme- diate schools to three-year middle schools, sixth through elgbth grade. . ' Smaller amounts are included for pur· chase of· an Eastbluff ·elerilentary school site, $t00,000, and consol,idatlon of bus arages and construction of a ·ware.- house, $172,500. The enrollment projectiOQ· school offi. c.ia.ls feel 1tbey have•i9 Jacoommodale is 4,700 students over the ~t ~MS in the nut four years. _ , With all available classrooms nqw used, each new'lltudint wlll. lorco 'J>Ut- ting of two students on double sessions, ' they say. . Then are. l,300--·aeoood ' gnde!: \cur· renUy on di:JUble le:ISIOOI. lf,the bond • itSue Wis !he nUlllber is upect.d 19 )>e 2,11111 oeA !all. .- Canasi, in northwestern Connecticut, re~ '3S inches of snow. Orie ' casu'alty of the atorm Sunday was 3 ·Dead, 18 Hurt In Freak 'Spear' Train Accident SAN BRU NO (AP) -Thr" persons were killed and· at least 11 injured today when a 50-foot length oC pipe accidentally speared thr.ough a Jammed Southern Pacific commuter train · he for San Francisco. The elght·lnch dla ettr · "t the double-9eck"1' car j t 'back of the center doors, went Uu,>u a lower window -at head level apd came out an upper w w tpe other. sjde. IdentUica of the dead and · injured was not.quickly available. · The incident happened at a a.m. as the traiil -Southern Pacific J27 - mov.ed. throoih• San BnmO towud San Francfshi frOJtl its stflrtin& palDt. at San JoSe. Pennies for Ful.l Classes . . . . ' r • \ 'On' Despite R~d· 'f hreais . . . . ' . ' . "Western powers are panderlnc to the . br~ clabm of ,Bonµ~ wbo.!'~ U,. status. of Wut Berlin u an tn- depeodei)j poliUcal 1'Jllt havlnc notlillg in commog with West Germany and thi& can't help but ca"'5t! bewilderment," Izvestia-aaid. '.'l\'C<ld jiubl!C opinion iuilln tbo fre- quent trips ol dlllereot top 1-. .. ol Western powen to Welt Berlin in the light of BoM'• strtvtna: to compUcate the slluatlon In Weal Berlin. - 11Sucb ~aetiOn WU caUlld her. by pre11 'retiorta about fort!x:Oinloi'Ylatt. to . West. Berlin ol Brltain'I 1Prlme MJnllter Harold Wllaon and Am<rlci'i President ~NiJ:ori. "1 Irish Strike! Sp~adi DUBLll(, ife'"'"' '(Al\)! -'llle. Irbh Republic moved '°'iiiwifil h II i I r l a I para)ysia IOOay with oquabbllnl uoiom trying to exterid 1tr1t.e>'tliaf hive btiiiilit a bread !amine ·to DubJID and oilier cities. · Oraage C...• .._, ' • I ·~-·-•,-=-----... --..1 ' • • Tops in State Lt. Gov. iEd Reinecke (left) presents plaque to Rl>berl N. Weed, DAILY PILOT publisher, for one of two l!rst place awards won by DAILY PILOT in californla Newspaper Publisher& Auoc:lation an- plaques al CNPA convention in San Fr.,ncisco Saturday for Best Spot News Pholo, Best Editorial Page and honorable mention award in Best Front Page category. . D;Ul Boller Newspapers Contest. Weed aotepted .. . .~ • A Tearful Farewell . ·' .. ,.,. ·-" .~. Foster Mother Distraught as 'Bwldy' Taken . Ill' TJiruiy COVILLE Of flli ;o.llY P1191 Sletf With tean rOlllng down her cheeks, Mn. Albert Hui .of Huntington Beach, . turuec1 11er nw. IA>ster baby "Buddy" -to <>rqe:c;owilJ Adoption Apocy :, allldu ur11 tlill""""'1Dg. • ~ it lilt LTD., l1lo YOOll(, Ibo Birt ....=.::r...:;:,1'!.:: agency Jed her to· believe that cbances were very good that she could adopt "Buddy'' and 8be was told to gG ahead and fill out lhe papers. The Harts spent $100 on paperwork and sold a IZ;IOO house In Iowo to prepare fa< the adoption. Bui Ibo -phoned lhe Herta lut yeel: and sold Buddy WIS belni placed .. tsa Ibo boll!'~ to Ibo·~· In -""""' ~ o(Hdals now refuse to review Mrt. Bart WU la' Dell' tlMterb U • lid Blldd7 a !IA· lxiclla" of m1lli and -u ..,. polDled :~a llhle fall of babJ ltanl lo( tl1f~- ,.,. ..... to take. ..:.~ •. • Mr. Bart wu not to Ouv__,-·tllDDJ• •r, tlonal, but be fell the Jou too. Ibo caae because they feel it would be a '1 reflectlon'' on the 1'profeislonallsm" of those wbo first made Ille decision, said Lucille Gothe, i iMa;dOa 1ervicu supervisor. He tool< bll wile and Buddy Oji! to Ibo bact .W far a ,..,, momenta and llbol IOlllO lat lll&Jllball ol lbe pair. ' Lepl action may bring Buddy -· lo Ille Hut home, but a deflnlto coono of -bas not yet been decided, accordlna lo tbelr lawyer. · · The Harta have contacted H&r0ld Kunsch, a 8anla Ana attorney, and discussed Ibo matter wilh him. • Kumcb said today there are lwo bule ~lnlheeue: I. Wu the adoption agency Improper In ill actions when it apparenUy Implied lo the Herta tbal they could adopt "Bud· dy"? 2. Wbel lo Ibo olllua of Ibo Herta u iidopll .. ...,-t The problem bepn when the Herta decidecf they would lib to adopt "BuddJ.'" FOSTER MOTHER OVERCOME 'Gooclbyo Buddy' after noarloldnc hbn to good health .. foster pe:ents fer five months. Mrs. Hut uya repraentaUm of lhe KulllCb said a court restraining order could have prevented the agency from ta.ting Buddy thla mornlna. but lhe Herta fell lo would ool be In Ibo bat lntorall ol.IM baby to fight In Iha! manner. They can, however, sue in court to have the adoption cue reviewed by a h1gber authority or the court ltseU, he explained. The primary question In Mrs. Hart's mind 11 ''Why can't the adoption agency give Buddy's new family another baby (lhey hadn't specified ony specW one) and give the Ham a fair chance to adopt Buddy?" But county adoption offidall have in- dicated that once a declston. bu been made It won't be changed. And ao this morning Buddy went back to the adoption agency for transferral lo ..... fami13'. Yule Freak Fair Finally Comes Off-43 Days Late 2 Mesans Suffer Severe Injuries In Oiff Crash 5oundl of boavy music, slghta of lloolly people and '"""1 clolhoo, plUI a ctmlval atmoopllere drow IS,400 penona to lhe ltTBT a.rlolm11 Festival and nut Fair S&lm'day, U doyo after lhe yuletlde ....... 1'1binp went real wen," aald KTBT ... DAii¥ P:IOT ~ COAST PUl!..tMUNG ,CQM,AMY l•Mrf N. 'W11I A car carrying two Costa Mesa men Station Manager Glenn Adams, following plunged 60 feet off the dead end of the soiree at th• Orange COUnty In. Superior Avenue in county territory near tornational Raceway, which d r • w Newport Bead> Saturday nlgbl Bolh Establi!hmen overseers as well u t b e iUffered severe tnJurt&, · 1'JU!lg. The California ifiCbWay P a I r o I Helmeted Orange Coonty Sberlff'1 !"flOrled Iba! Ibo pair, Dallas E. Mead, depull'" moved 1broogb Ille rocking, 112, and Ronald ' Poul llacklemon, l8, rom•••• crowds to malnlaln on!er, mak· bolh of 710. W. !Ith ~ Colla Mesa, ...... iufler.d multiple fractum In the spec. Ing Z7 meslo In coonedion with lhe tacuiar a-uh. . evenl The accldent cxx:mted at 1:31 p.m. Costa Meu M19"r AMn L. Pinkley Firemen were ealled lo. lhe scene lo "· marri .... ·•-vl"led mcue Ille. trapped vidlms, but "'ports ond ~ ed da ..... tor ~ " said Newport Beocb J>Olice, first on lhe the 12--bow' event featuring 39 rock bands, scene, removed the injured men from sampling atmosphere 1n case another the wreckage. should be planned In bis community. , H1ck1etnan wai In serioua cood.ilion "It wasn't very opli!Ung ror the : ln Hoag Ml!morial Hospital's inten~ve , ... i.i • care unJL Mead was also in senOUs race~ay, but then., I dldn t see an11.1ung • condition at Veteran'• HoapltaJ In Long particularly bad either," the mayor sald. Beach. Orilfnal •~oris lo olege the show al Highway patrolmen said II wu not lhe Orange Comity· Falrgrowxls to Cosla lmmedlatdy known who was driving. Mesa las\ December were lol!>edoed by lhe el!J eoondl, . ..-maj«lly feued a homodOul Newport Pop Ftlll•al repeaf jiorform.- "I -lo lhe conlro1 lower lo meet a couple ol ~of mine," said I he mayor. "l'boJ ......,, there, bill who did I meel bul )'OWll Mr. Adams In 'hll bllle -Mill ff "He lmmed!Jtdy uked me oboul lhe flO"'lblUIJ of steg1ng one here In the next couple " mcrltM, b..it I told h I m J had just anived and hadn't made up my mind," the mayor added. "I sWl haven't," be said today. ''I think it )'OU comilter one here, due to the remote locaUon of the racewJy, you're lalklnc oboul maybe I0,000 people, and the crowd I "" w11 about 85 percen~ w>der II," be said. .. I b1* 1melllng tbat miM:rable, m1Mrable, I .lncena," be conUnued, groplnJ for lho wen!, "I don't - what lbal WU for, but If Ihm WH &JIY pot lhert you couldn1 baYO 1tnelled tt." CLEANUP ••• -and BeD JlroJld, Polalo dllps: and . lhe White llono· Inn, wblcb did alllhe~. Thi 0wnen o1 t11e Meu and Lido lheoton also puoed out movie puse_, lodosenlof-ntl. • Coordinating all the dmationa wu the Newp<rl llart>or Junior Clamber of Com- merce. Former Boxing Champ Succumbs to Cancer PUEBLO, Colo. (UPI) -MartJ Senoo, ,.._. wellonrelcbl champion who tool< Oii _... of all . -ml ·"1apeo, died of cancer &mday al Ille age of 41. ( .. ds Clearing Slick 30 ·Mila ot ' SAiftA MllAaA (AP) - wlndl pmolled todar ewer Ibo • Sala Barl>F• Channel, wbeno buae {ltldlel ol oil .treat tbe ocean water and hun- drodo of men are deu1nr Ille lllmy fOO fmn :JO ml1eo of eoutllne. Unlal Ibo wind cond!U... chanp radlcallJ, coait Gaar'1 oflldala said, die slick wm nol lloal ooulhward and f11Ut -..beocbeo All undorMa well lllal sonl :111,000 11111om of ttllde' oil bubbllnc to lhe surfoce wu eopped S&lun!af, IWod with mud and ...,..1. Bui the bilge allck llllll wallows, broten sli&blll' by winds, .... -111 llllll ~·lo land. Cmro ..... lr)'lna lo .... tt op, aJoni Ibo edaoo -land. wftll -straw. Alq lbe Wldy beacbel, ...-e oopblltlcaled iiielhoclo are beln& Uled ... ~500-'-llalo comervallon cimpo and Ille· tr-Oil Co., which drilled lbe well, ha~e ~ olnee the aludp moved -. Iut week. Another :m tomateo lmn comervallon c&mPI JoJn the crews tol\llhL By mldweel: 1,500 men will be working alona the ceut. Tbe ctoonop.11 -led . to "CJWre three weeks. . Moat of the cleanup men are .Jpl't8dl.ng straw on tbe oil N 11 nean the . lbcr'e. They plek up Ille TefuJe after U II wubed on beedw Otber workmen used steam jell lo wub bouldon aloatl Ibo llhlft. Plana wn made for a . &i&nl .. ,.. sweep" lo be leoled'Tueodl;f. 'Live-in' Ends As UCI Students A void Attests A five-day "live-in" at a UC Irvine Engltsti Department lounge ended Sunday wltti dissident students leaving in order to avoid possible arrest today. They decided better to walk away and protelt again another day. The lounge, known as lhe Wrllln& Center, was left clean, a campus !OUl'Ce said.I Nearly 100 students oppoo<d lo dismis- sal of three Ullslant professon attended lhe stralegf meetlng Sunday. A student ipOl;esman said many of Ille -WON wlIIJng lo be -. but wanted to wait until there ii a broader bue of atudenU IO a COO. frootallm will havo mora Impact. They ~Ian a -polp lo lnvol!" more student.s, Ibo opotesmon ald. . Students 1 a I d Ibey were advlled by a facultX meJJ>bet 1.be planned to u 1 e lhe WrillJI( Cent.r for a duo today. Thal could have jirnduced a showdown with possible armts. . Cbancellor Daniel G. Aldrich had taken the position faculty members would determJne whelher the1r programs are obstructed. "When one chooses to take a class In (ttie lounge) we'll find out whether the studenll are obstructing," he aid. Qb>trucllon of Ille orderly proce11es of the university ii lllepl a n d persons doing so are subjM to arrest u n d e r university regulations. Newport Band Wins in Parade The N.,.,,..t Harbcr lllib School Sailor Band led by 10 majoretleo carryJng dty flaga won second place Saturday in the Hermosa Bead> Boy Seoul Parade. The group wu one 9f 90 musical agiregaUona in the parade, heralded as the largest of ita kind ln the natJon. 'lbe band'1 drum majoreUe, Vicki Haig, won lhlrd place In lhe drum major compeUUon. The bml'• nest appearance will be In Ibo T-le Clly Camellia Feallval Parade Feb. n. ' . Shaw Trial Star Witness -. Tells of Party Discitssion NEW ORLEANI (UPl)-Peny Ray. mond -· Diii. IJJiJ, J1lll Garriloo'• star wllntu In Ibo .... oplml Clay L. Sbaw, l..wled ~ ... ·wll" •! Shaw dlocualnl rib Lee Haifty Onald and David W. Fente bow lo"1uo11lnata Prealdent John F. Iteruiedy. ' He aald Ferrie told Shaw arxl Oswald It would be "euy/' Ruslt, r7, a Baton Rouge, La., ln- sura.nc\: man, saJd he attem:ed a party in New' Orleanl a few weeks before the N9Y. 22 Kennedy ususlnaUon la Dallul and beard lhe plot d1lcuued In delall. He aid Ferrie wu -.llOd wllh the 1a1alnatlon. "He paced -ad lca11 Iba! Dllbl whllo -kind ol lponlsh ~ WU pine '*' an bfa reoonl mil<:hl•, lalllnC bow tbl pro)lcMcl 111 I datttaa woaJd be-·-a111. "Hetold.-a~ol- llro. He aid -of tbe porllclpall would baft lo be captured ua -I ... pa!JJ. Ht aid.all ---but lhe first -be ealled Ille diversionary tme. Tbe other two would sbool lo ldlL ·-dlftnloaary Ibo! -be lo atlNCI ou.&n The 1ut l1lo wonld )lelO ldl1, --idmulla-1J •• Raao wu tbie leCODd witness Jn Shaw's lrlal on cbarps of complring lo kilt Kennedy lo say be beord Shaw plotting tbe murder. But he also said -as he bad at Shaw's preliminary hearing in 1967 -that Oswald was also there. Oswald, the presidential uaauin ac~ conllni to Ibo Warren Commlaslon, is named along with Ferrie as a "co-con· aplrator." Both Oswald and Ferrie art: now dead. Russo 1111 calmly In lhe witness chair and DIJTated hll now famUlar story while Shaw acrlbbled nota wllh • ball DOinl pea cm a ytlknr pad at the defense -1'1 lable ln lrool of him. "Fente c:uried around a -of dlppinp wllb him wllb Kenned;(• ..... Oil them, .. Rullo Aid. "Ferrie aid Iba! u .... u . Ibo amalnation wu performed, lbso could be a fllgbt ·-lo Brull a< CUbL II to Brull, there would have to be • atop for fuel in Mexico." Jail Clothing Under Fire In Huntington Death Case By WllUAM BEED Of .. _ .......... ClolblnC hu ~ .. Imporlanl role In tho lmlle ala1tna of a Jlunllnllon Beach gr-and Ibo coplure and prellmlnary bearJng In -1 of -acaised of aluldnl bOr lb dea1b on Jon.12. Pn1tmlnary bear1np •fOf'' Heory L. Sianez, :15, an oll •ftlld -ft hll teenage )il&b scbool . dropout buddy, Edward R. Hargrove, It l\P been con- tinued to Ibo West Orona• County Munldpal Court of Judge 'II' a II • r tbaramza until lit a.m. Friday • Cbanc:et are good Iba! Sianez wiU appear dressed in clothes ol the Orange County ja!I where be Ii being held wilhoul b a I ~ aDd tbal llargra,. wilt •PJlt&t' naWly a!Ured In Ibo oul1 and tie irOm Hunl!Jl&lon Beach ~Jill where he Is held also wilhoul ball . "Why doo' they let my son appear before tbl CKll't dttSled the ~ u that other tell.ow (Hlqrave)," com- plained the -of -Friday as Ille sot outalde Ibo courtroom during a brld recoa. -tbe .. __ k,._ .. -. eberaed with Ibo lmll• ol&1inl of -s. Morbe, 16, u lbe , dme home from Wasbina clolbes, WU dreaed In lypicaJ ja!I clothes. Friday he wore a cray neatshlrt with the words "Orange Co. Maln Jail" and the mnnbet "I" ltencDed on the back, blue jeans, white socks and rubber lhoogs. A corn cob pipe extended from a rear pocket u he sat quietly nm to hll attorney. A few feet away Hargrave· ut wearlng a dark grey.green su!L lie and polished aboeo. Ho appeued •err mueb u be bas been described before· -like on hoDor 1tude:nt paUe:ntly awaitln& an award fer academic achievement. "I tried 1wico lo lako blm onme nice clotta but they woo't let hlm havt lhem," complslned Mn!. Sianea qule!IJ and dry .. yed u Ille baa been lhrougboul two 1oog days of fftllmlnary bearlng •. ··1 don' understand bow ail lblngs can bo equal before Ibo court like W.." Perhaps more Important thmi the clolh~ being worn by the two accused murderers are the clothes alleged to be Ion g to Sianez on the night 'Mrs. Markee waa killed on 17th Street near Palm Avenue after a minor traffic ac- cident. Det. Robert Rinehart testified Friday afternoon that he and another olflcer had gone to the Sianez apartment on Jan. 16 to investigate an alleged bile fight tn which Sianez was suppoeed-to have been wounded so badly that a friend had lo aid him In washing blood from hll clothes. Rinehart leotified Iba! Sianes , bad lhown blm a pair of pants and a pair « lbotl on which were "specks wbkh appeared to me to be dried blood." In addition the detective Aid be aaw blood lpeCb on a pocket lmlle which now II IUlpeded ot1ielng Ibo murder weapon. All this took place the early morning hours of Jan. 16 while two other persons were in jail amised of the brul.al kniI e 11aylng of Mrs. Markee, an optometrist's recept.ioniJt. Det. Rinehart said he had questioned Sianez about the knife fight. "After that l said I -wanted to talk to him about a more aerioui problem. I asked him ll be knew wbal II was and ba aid •yes about tbe murder ol that VJUD.!lU.'. " :Jiru Wale~ & Jewel,,, f<epair 0 oMEGA-AccurRoN-suLovA "'I AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE (il COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rin9s sized end repaired • diemonds and precious stone• remounted e pearls redNn9 WE CUSTOM DESl&N I MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HA-SHOl'PIHe wma -~&YD. COl'IA NISA 145oMll HUNTIH•TON Cllma llACH I IDIN- HUNTIN9TOll lllACH ltNIOl °"" ............ M.,., .... I .. I I ' I I 'BECAUSE l'M A PARENT' Bond Boottor Shelton Di.&YMOT ......... 'DOWNHILL CURVI HARD TO REVERSE' Prtfote Clflqn u .... c-rnoc1 About ·-·Y • . . BEHIND TH,E VOTE I • Two Ex-City 'Mflnagers Pull the Oars, Tell Why They Think Bond Issue ls Vital Q. Flnt olf, why art you In this! · Uqu: I'm in it because I'm a private citizen more than just a litue bit con- cerned. about what's been going on. Tbt effect oC the school! on the economy cl. the community is 10mething most people don't W'lderstaod. If you don't .. . go forward, you go down. And a downhill curve is such a hard thing to rtverse. Sbdlon: I got inte....ted u a parent .whose family has an invemnent of over 40 child years in local achools. I'm concerned that the quality of education is in danger of taking a plunge. Q. You, then, dllnk the Harbor Area Ii o.n tbe brink of rolng do,rahill? · Unger: Frankly, 1 know of 1at least one industry, and maybe there are .others I don't know of, that didn't bring their plant here because of double sessions. > • Sbelton: This thing tends'to .snowball. We run the risk ol establishing a reputa4 lion and a stigma. We can't allow that ~ happen. The community deserves a ~ter fate than that. I'm optimistic. but when I think of failure the third tlfDe around on anything as sensible as thJs bond issut .• .It would be tragic. Q. Just how does Wt Jou •£ ladutry iffect tie tujmyer? Uqer1 For every 1nduStriiI jQb there · -·are l.S'T other jobs fnvolvM ·With ule bl goods and services. ·Thli 'meUJJ ' everyone from stock clerks to typists. Sbelton i For the businessman it mUn, more people with paychecks in their wallets. But let's take a n:tired couple Uving in Corona del Mar. Their tax bill u directly affected by the industrial tax base. Good schools attract good industry which brings a ba1anced tu base and results in relatively less tax to the little guy. Q. What might the cost of • bond failure be? Unger1 I would gueM that ii this bond Jssue fails it could take 10 years and cost $10 million before the coo- -1equences of all this are overcome. I don't want to pay that kind of tax bill. Q. Bat WGl't •e1Hd nllaall9 • creue to &Ive the 9Cboel dlltrid IDll'e money! - Slleltoa: You can't build classrooms with increased assessed valuation. 1be only way you can build claasrooms is with a bond Jssue. It'J a matter of law. Assessed valuation is used for , . operating expense!ll and the schools need every. penny ol iL CJUea: have a ~V many more revenue IOlll'ce& Schools . are limited to the • PfOper\f tu: and 1 share of the state sales tas. Q. 11 there co odaer way tlaa .a bond luae to raise tbe money? . Uopr: W& ml&ht get an -'lo O; lamp and IW turns rubbing IL : . -: Al a practlcal mailer there :·fs no other way. U ft hid to do : ~it on a pay-as-you.go bub: we'd fall ·IO far behind we'd never get the ~ ·done. Q. And )'Oii feel JM time fs HW? ,;I'hl• boad Luae bas to pus1 . Slleltoa: It's false economy if it doesn't Voting it down doesn't solve the problem. .... Jt just postpones it, and it becomes more expensive to solve next time around. Q, How mucb more espensive? Voten in Newport-Meta Unified School Dirtriet wUl decide 7'11<•· da11 the outconu · cf 115.9 mil- lion 1chool bo1od prOJlO'(ll, pla .. md to take ·-•ff doubl< seufon.! and mtet e:ptt;ted clauroom medl for the m:tt four 11ean. 'i'p get at rome of· the i.ti1"1 of the bond program -and somt of the issuts fac- ing the commvnit11· at large - th< DAILY PILOT qu<&tioned former Costa Mesa city mana- ger Robert Unger and council,. man and.jormer Newport Beach city manager Robert Shelton, co-chairmen of the Citizens Bond Information Cmnmittee. This is the Te1ult of that inter· view. -· Sbeltoa: The coat of coDStruction is going up eight to 10 ~ per year. So If you're talking about . a '!$ mi!Don bond Issue )'l)U're talking 1boul a mlllloo and a halt per year. • · 1 • · Umpr: Tbe. cost ·of mooey ii more expensive today and there are. no in· ~-ii will l!e loss. Q. Do yoil agree wltll Ille l!U mlllloa amount uted ., tlte tcbotl dtltrlct? Shelton: It loots as· U the achool ad· ministration· hu stretched the dollar as far as they can stretch it. 'Ibey've squeezed in as many as they can unless the f stretch the walls. rm satisfied the people l'llJllili>i this O!Chool diatrlct know · their busineu. This appean to be solidly supported by a businessman's committee that spent the lut Iii: montm scrutinizing tbeJr operaUon. Uoger: I knew -very tittle about school operatiom: when I went into this. I started uking ~ like, 'Why do YOU eiDb think )'<lU need tjUs money? How come? Ia there another way?' Q. You're ~ U. elauroom sltortlp la as aerloa as Uley 11y? Sllelta: 'n8': c1usrooma irm't made of nibbef. It'• a odmple ariihmetical and ·phyidcal !act. . U-1 Yooi CQ\ lood ~any more Wide!< llato law. I think the relocatable is the answer to the rubber classroom. Yoo CID shift it .. the family life ol the community rhiftl. . Q. Bow IOod .... porlalole ar nlteatal>le .-.. ... 1 . ' 'u"'*: You bow, Oiey're dim 1ood. They realb' ..._ I'm ain,1 amutd . wh6n I 10 ln one. . SllelColl: They are very l!Dlible and workable. Kids like them. Teacher• like --'" Q. u ..., .......... ..., -·t .... ___ _,,........? Uqlr: The eowamic needs ar. very comples. In· each -Ibo thlnr that will do the jo& best WU telected.' It was decided to build IOUI! new ICbook. append to other llCbooll, and bu)' .. me relocatabies to tUe core of Ibo lll'OWth as it moves in w1ve1. acrtm our com. munity, I Qi Bow mac• Wdl tM bolMI ltaue cost me, die &axpeyer? 8'elton: Not eriough to matter. Il's an investment )'OU, ,lbould, be happy to . . . •' :;Convicood Killer Wins Delay in Pena(ty Trial QoaYlcted -~ 8*MI 'ipM:lb'-by ..iiido ,..,,.. <Guld was on hls W'l1 back to dutb "°"' ·.., ICallatieb meua1,..,.fllk1'1pllt. today aflu winning 1 1"""110llth deliiy Clllel llopaty Dlltrlct oltomeY JQIOS ol a new penalty trial . Enrlilht said today he. pialll"no ojipos!tloo Saterfield, 51 , was granted a COftoo to Saterfield'• tnsi!tence that ihe Su- tinuance to June 27 by Superior Court preme Court rule 911 the cug"Ut-appe.al Judge Robert Gardner on the ltftngth beftJre he· ii retired. "WI ate II' 1nilOCJ1 of an appeal irtYolving hlll earlier tnal as he ia to have lhe proceedlnp on tbis not yet having~ heard by the U.S. ~tter set out in btaCk'and white before Supreme Court. we eo ~" Enright uid. · That appeil Is ldentlcaJ lo appeals Saterfield wu convicted of the . Involving some 30 . occup&nt.s of death murden of. hiJ commoo In wife and ""'. It cmtend1 that the penalty pbde ii« dalllht«. tn their sania Ano home. nf the murder trial wblcb led to He bad been pvoled after aervtng six Saterfield'• death sentence two yeu ac,o yun of a life aentenct lmpoerid for •.WIS --'-·It did not I murder ha C«Mlltled In !llO. • make whether or not you have children. People are always giving these com· pariaons, which gel tiring. B u t presumably you can forego o n e reStaurant meal in the year. Uqer: What is the amount, Bob? Nine cents a week ne:rt year for the owner ol a lll!,DOO home. Twenty-three cents in the year of heaviest tu. Q, How does thla compare wl~ ou.tt school dimlcts? Sheltoa: The cost of the construction in t bi s district is below the average statewide and the cost of the educational program is above t h e average a n d I think that is just fine. It ought to stay that way. But remember this bond issue is for construction WlUch is below the state average. Let, me add something here. It is unconscionable for voters to penalize local kids because they are unhappy with what ts happening at San Francisco State or Columbia. Uqer: You know, you touched on IO!!lethin(, Bob. Do you thlDk it's ·poaible thee kids afe atting up becall5e we don't spend eooQp Urrie 'wiill them in tile local cpmmulllty .' Shelton : It's possible. That's what aome of. the judges are saying. If we dilute the time we spend with them -give them Jess than a full. com· prehensive education -this is the kind of skimping ttiat has consequences for our society. Unger: Double sessions is another way of saying they get another yt>ar and a haH ol standing on t Ii e street corner thinking of ways to get Into mischief. Q. l\'hat. exacUy 11 meant by doable aeuloa? Sftltoa: There are more children than classrooms to hok:I them. They have to share a classroom -one clau in the morning and <me in the afternoon. Tb e ...wt ls a -learning day. It'• a poor situation for teachers too. Our competitive Position in recruitlrlg lea<!Jtrs lllfler},. and there ;. always a abionap of hiiti qilallty t.acher1. Q. Yoar'f botll d.,. to city govern- ment, la It tr formerly a part ti JL Wiiy did Ille Newport Jleacll · .... Ceila Meta dty ---tile bead b • . Ae._ ' Dtlloot• "Councilmen rOC08Jl]lad the ...W ~ ICClllOm1<: Impact ol not having an adeql1ate ~ ldlool oytem. Tiley see ICbool and city 1ovemment have a com. mon interest. Uqu: I think the cities are coming o1 qe and becoming aware of Ille need for cooperation. Waves ol growth c:an't l>o llii(lell oaL_.;. -they .,. In· lerWov!m, Jntertwlned. Q. Ii.I ~·t city -... ...,.i ....... m.em ctmPetlac tw ~ same tu dlllar? . lbelloo: Ah huh, Ibey .... And l .think U is · doUbly slilnlflcant that the city · coiinciJI In eflect gave joriority to ·"tile ~ of schools for that dollar. ' • j •"' • Q. ~ about the .,,.._1 SheltGI: It seems to be. le!~ tban before. The 'no' argument on the official ballot deals with school. operaUOJ11, not . the bulldlQI program. It ii lrTelevant, but the lncreaae In operatJnc -Is .IOlnethJna . for which Ibo llchdol ad- minlllralkon makes no llPOlc!lloL They've 1.....-. Iha qa.Uty of "Oducatloa. To the ·l!"lnl la that the -ol building 1ou:-i... than the lllateWtde annce. •. lllpr: We ~ -the pGltlioo ·ol the retlnd -Cll -Inceme. It b a tremendoua ...-,. And .... ,-...... -Who ... a built.In 'no' ~ Our appeol :t• to Ibo poi-a mi,ht vote but liiven'I paid enoUlh attenUon to the economic affairs ol Ibo iommunity. We're telling them the cosl if the bond issue passes ii much less than if it doesn 'l. The added cost in inflation, cost or materials, loss of efficiency, loss of good teachers, IMl clas.voom ·time for youngsters. Q. Tbat la tbe mala llaue? Slaelklli: Yes, our main point la that It will -more nof to pw Ibo boncb. These things Bob listed are very hard to pt back. We'd have to PQ I premJum for them. \ •':!1-Y PILOT ::f -·-. .. .. 3 Ki,Ied -on ,Co~l)ty Ro~ds ,.· f ~ .. , ,_ -wwe killed In w .. kend Orange County l(edleal Center. llri~ ,Orango Cc!mty' lrllfl!: aCcl!!enlsand a of Ibo car,~ J. Rlchon!, 35, Gatdeo fourth died ci Injuries received earlier, Grove, WU not. tjted. ' Killed Sund11 'WU a ~' William F. Stump, Jr,. ZO, Of Cbvlla wbb ll'M ~ bY 'a' cat • Ne wll.Ud ~iQll-Avenue Dior Well SJnot ! JnGioidei>Grove; siu/np diod SUnday afternoon at the , .. 15 James J •• ~ 11; ol Butna.Park. WU klllod SaturdOy wben hla ~II col!lded with an automobll• m Beach Now you can come to B~ffums' for professional tennis equipip:ent ·COMPLETE ' . REST'RINGING ' •' . .. .... . • v .. •. . . ~ . Sp11tsman's Silo~, D. ·La Haln U- .• "" '21.m ••• ua. • , lfg. 25.00 ... 12.11 ' • ' . .. j , ,, .. Newpdrt rl Fashim Island Newport C111tere 644-2200 •Mon., Thurs., Ftl. 10:00 fitr9:30 qtt11d.,s1~00 \m:5:9I .. ' • I -· ,.....,., 10, 196t Cc....lllC 11W .. O.flr P41lit tt•m A 25-year-<>ld New York draft re.sister Dunc•n Cooper, tore his Army tiiducUon notice lo shredJ aJld tossed the plec., into the seal pond at the Central Park zoo. The aWs s:wam to the debris, 1niffld, foliod ii wasn't food, turned up ~r ll06es and swam away. _ c:«>per was arrested' for littering. -. . .. /laly's ma&icianJ went on strike complaining the 10Yomm•nt has refused to recoSDize them as pr.,. fessiona1s. • Mike JOM1, 18, and' Rose: Lee , Stinnett. 19, both of Richmond, · ·Va ., wert in love and wanted to get married. But tlut1 deci- ded to IDllit until he fulfilled his military 1~ice.s. Then Rosa figured •t Mike wcu going to wear a uniform she might GI · ~u too. Three day1 ofter Mike .got to Lacklm&d Air Force StlH at San. Antonio M aggravckd an old hJp injvrv. Now he'1 back hmM toith a med~ dtacharge. Rosa? S"4'1• still fn ~ train- ing in Tt%GI, witA ,marlr tour more 11eari to a:erce cm Mr en- li.s~nt. • Japanese housewives, seam· stres&es and tailors will bury their bent and broken needles in cool &oybean curd in an aMual Budd· hist ceremony said to dale back 16,000 years. • The student news paper at Cen- tralia Community College In Wash· ington published this notice: "At· teotion students: Pl•Mlng for the year's Apathy Day has been can- celed due to a general lack of in· terest." • Emplo1111 of o Na&hvilk, Tnn., advtrtbing firm put the finiahing touchts on a dt· lightful ;ob. They painttd profti:rion- ol modtl Lara Cala as port of a cam- paign for a cloth· fng ma.nufactur.er. 1/ Lara doem't htlp sales, one W01ldert what toiU. • Athens police arrested V•11llios Ka..rakoataa for letting his 70 sheep graze on a lot near the Hilton Hotel, Violating a Jaw that prohibits graz· Ing inside the city limits. • At Jacksonville, F1a ., state pri- son convict filed a writ of com· plaint written on five feet of toilet paper. The complaint, filed by l•wr.enc:e Conklin with the U.S. District Court, said prison officials had mused to provide staUonary for writing legal motions. ' .Bombers. Attack "' . . . . --• ~~emy» ,. SAIGON CUPO -Waves o! U.S. 1152 bombers splau.r.d too Iona ol bombe toto suapected 1 "C<ltnmunt&t hldeoula .,.,..... s.tp tod>,)' fol\_OWb>I !be dlocovery ol llonl prrllla lll'll1& cochll on the cipltal11 docx'atep. Tiie otratolortress raids qalnlt ln- liltrat!oo routes -b ol Saigon llOfVtd u a reminder that u.~. lntelli&fnce expects another Tet lunar new year offensive next week. Senior American officer• uid the Com· munists' drive would aim against pro. vihdal capitals and Saigon'• suburb! Key Harwi /Tiil"lf,s Envoy Flying Home · PARIS (UPI} -The key member ot North Vietnam's delegation to the Vietnam peace conference flew home to Hanoi today amidst 1peculatlon he WU Carrying secret Ameriean proposals to break Ule deadlocked talb. Le Due Tbo, Ule ... .,,lb-ranked Hanoi p0Utburo memtier who ls cooaldered the real power in ill delegaUon hen:, left Paris' Le Bourget Airport on a Soviet Aerollo( flioht. He will llop In Moocow and PetJoe beltn arrlvlq In Hanoi. Tbo ooqbt tO llllll speeulallon about the lmpo<tance ol bla trip and told newsmen at the airport he visits were "routine." Political observers noted that each time Tho had returned to Paril since th< talks on Vtetllam opened IU! May, there had been perceptible shill! in Hanol'1 ltand. · lltl-dijiiiliii'i-follows the conttnnatloo la!t week ·that North Vjetnam and the United State! are in secret contact out.side the Jramework of the mueh- publlclud four.p.rty cooference. The white-haired Vtetmmese diplomat expreued pnslmlirm, however, about the current la!.ts. ..::.u:,,, -=.::' 1ntb'::tr!:'~ aeuions 'of the full.scale negotiations, Tboioplled bluntly_"No." ·~ M. Nhoe ii lolJow-. Ing Ule -policy u bla pndeceuor, Lyndca 3olm8cn." he Aid. '"lberefore, tbm'e·ltal been DO~" ' ' Iiid~~uts '· • and -hit the city llMtl Wttl\ terrotlot aquada. "It would be foolllb both potttlcally and militarily (for Ule Conummill&) to tty anything more than lerror!am Inside ~" a bigb-raoklna intelligence of· IJcer ta Ule U.S. command said. '1111 air .trikes a mllea north ol the capital ...,. designed to knock out posl· tlonl 1r<f11 which Ule Qimmunl.sta could launch a1new major ottenslve,· military •poi<ermm ald. On the &n>\IDd artund Saigon, allied troops fO!JDCf ~-ol a nwslve Col!>- muolst buildup when tlley unoovered 40 torui of stockpiled weapons, uniforms and food Sunday. One ol the caches wu the largest Coramuni!L store of heavy weapon& captured in the war, spokeamen said. · The dllcovery by South Vietnamese troops IO mu.. nortbweat of Saigon in- cluded dozens of rarely ueed but power(i.11 210rwn rocket. .the Communlsta bad pul ta an underground tunnel complex: The cache, weighing about 10 tom, also contained 2,000 North VJetnn:rnese army uniforms, 500 back packs, 9,000 pounds of rict, 333 rifles, 15 antiaircraft machlne guns, 39 mortar rounds and numerous other arms and munitions, military officials said. Another ar,nored patrol located a buried 1tockp0e 24 miles northwest of Saigon !bat Included 71 mixed rocket round!, 45 l2mm mortara, SS rocket· grenades, 860 pounds of e~va and seven cases of Chinese-mW:le band greuad,.1 · spokmneo :nported. Car ·Quality Hurt By Wo1;k Orders? WASHINGTON (AP) -The United Auto Workers told the Feceral Trade Commission tod3y that many cars lea ve factories unfinished because af work speed-ups ordered by management. Leonard Woodcock, UAW vice presi- dent, said qualit) is often sacrificed to volume and speed. AJ a comequence, Woodcock said, the car owner receives a defective product for which manufacturers olte:n evade respona1bt1ity because o( w a r r a n t y dlsclaimen. 1be UAW olficiaI, testifying at an rrc hearing on auto -· defend-ed union members against charges Iba! defective cars result from sloppy workman!hJp. ' Good for Party '.Hundreds Line Up as Bunny Bait CIIlCAGO (UPI) -'fwo.hundred-fU!y girls in his place and a long line of lovelies stretching down the block, waiting in the falling 1now, is the 10rt ol !bing moot men would dream or but perhaps only one guy could pull off. ''Thil." that man said Saturday, "is my idea of a aood ratio for a party." The man WU Hugh Hefner, publisher ol Plllyboy mqulne. -of (iris had come to Hefner's mansion-pad on North Stale Pmway Satunioy In ....,er to new.paper adl ·about a hunt for new "bunnl<S" for Hefner'a P"'1boy Clubs. .. I'm overwhelmed by the turnout," said Hefner to !be ISO (irb, the first of three ahlfta. Outside, -., girls lined up for a hall a block down the street, •landing in lightly lalllng MOW ·and slightly shlverina in thelr best coats and pallty tftsatl. Bunny Mirty, one of 28 buMies who live in Hefner'• mansion, watched from the sidelines in a brown plald dress. "I think It's very nice," she 58.id. '"l think the girl:! will be telling everybody from here to Los Angeles about the excitement of life as a bunny and wliat kind of person Hugh Hefner is. I think a lot of girls think he's a snob. He's really a very, very down-tD- earth person." "He sort of takes a fatherly attitude towards the bunnies living here," Bunny Marty said. Hefner, meanwhile, was smiling be- nignly at blondai, brunettes and redheads -all the races of man 11eemed to be represented -and spilling his drink (boorbon and coke) on his Edwardian checked suit and then dropping his pipe but not his cool. Hefner's cool wasn't even touched when a girl from a group known as women's liberaUon started distributing flyers depicting a woman's body divided Into sections like steers. labeled "chuck," i"rib,'' "loin," "rump" and "round." "We feel th1t Playboy makes women fit into a ce.rtatn image," she said, refusing to give bet name. "There are a lot of women who don't ·nt into that imqe who a1ao N"e bN.utifal." Light Snow Dusts Dakotas Morning Fog, Afternoon Clouds Along Coast To'morrow '-.J,..c-"'~n .. ~ .. ~~ I ~IO tPtWllTMll FOTOtllftl • \' \ .... ••t .. -OOl r:.s. S11mm•r11 'l'emperct11re• "'~· Al'ldl-"' Allef!ll l1k•"IJ114 ll[lJNlrd\ l ohe l13ton ClllQIO Clnci-11 '""""' """" ... ,.._ ....... ·-· .......... ·-...... ·-· ...... M .. lAW I'~. .. ff " . '' ts •s At " . ~ :t5 .113 )J :I<! '-00 " " " .. " " .. ,. .ll 15 " " .... " " .. .. Jt 11 .M " n .• " n .. " " " .. ft .. " """tty -Witt. ....... llttfl dWofl fllll •ftt-. WIMI -Wiit, I le tJ m .. JI. Toffl"• Ill.it. • • Q. Yn"'1tal"1 ""'-'tuPW r•11••• Wl'llil "" -"'"' ,_llllrch ., "" N tllll lfllen mild 111e1U1tr, it-,..,.. .. tt It Cl'WIN lrl" 1111 wnt .....- ~ "" elttlt .... ,... Ollllt Cl!Y ... -. l•A"""* Mteml htdl M-M"--11' _y ... ...... ...... " ft " " IJ t4 M " .. ,. ffllrll •Pll!llldlJ"'• ... ., •• ~ ltlld ~·""'-,_ .. " " ... "'-_..,. -~ ._.,... ... , ., .. -S1111, /Ileen. 'l'IU• MOHDAY ltcoN """ ...... , ... ~ l:tl '·"'· 1.1 '8coM low , l ;M '·"'· 1.• TUllDl'T 'Int 1'11111 .......... ,,;,J;,.1.m.U ,..,. .................. 11:• •.nt. f.J "°"" tllM ............ 1:07 '·"'· J.t .tfCllllW'llW -:-............. 10ll0 ,...,, t.1 -a.1:1'•""· left .......... . .. . .. ,,. '·"'' -•:• '·"" .................. ,. .. F• It 11-. II '"-n Ml,, ' Clt1" ,,. bvt"lelf bV ,, _,.., ff ...,. fWt Ill -n 111111.:. 9f'ICI 11r 1...-111111111 .,. .......... 1111. ....... ,.. . ......,., .... "'"" _ .... ..., ,,..,.llH J11 "*' 111• s-M Mlfttwtll lltllt .,_ ..,.._,, from ,,,.,,.. Dl~O'll te _.,.,..,.., WlllC-111. °"""" '"""'11•111111 ..... ........ • ... .,... "'°"'" l'..:lflc t"Mll. 0wmt • J~ ,,_ ....... Htly • cltY, 1' ll'ldlft of lltW lllllJ" wtl clUITWIM .. ltumfr9r•, Mfi .. bl'l""I"" 1111 -.,. to rt¥t ""· W ...... N,M .. "4lldl •IM 1114 II lfldl9 M 1 tilt flOIW -*I, ,.._.. • ~ "' -....... 1"'1ftd. l'•M ltollln 1'11!1.-et.-flle p,,....,. P11t1bll...ii ........ "'"141 Cr.ot ·-~Cl'lffte..te St, lwls J1!1-S.lt lib Clf'f .... o_ Sll'I Fr.rw:Jtc1 111111 htblr• ..... ---W•llllM1911 ' " . 3t " I'll •• • :tt 11 .GI 0 ll ·'' .. .. .. ~ .. " ,\5 " ,. .... 31 lJ .. ., » SJ ,02 .... " " .. , . .. " 0 ,, Ul'ITI ...... WORLD'S 'LARGEST COMMERCl~L JITUttER ~KES MAIDEN FLIGHT ' Boeing 747.f1'•kH F-N ChoH Plana Look L i'it l'lff During l'llght 0.ar· Puga! Sound '· 14 Cities Make 3-part Appeal For Slick Aid REDONDO !EACH (UPI) -A tbree- part request for aid from Ule slate and federal governments wu d;rawn up Sunday by coundtmen from 14 Soulbern Calllornla ciil01 to obtain govemmental help ta coping wttb Ule mualve oil slick In the Pllciflc near Sante llarbara. The councilmen urged Gov. Rona1d Reagan and President RJchard M. Nixon to take all possible measures to destroy the slick; supply men and materials to work on cleaning ~p stricken beaches: and to provide funds for the removal of the oil slick from coastal waters. The group, tn a special ·meeting here; also urged the federal government to reevaluate the desirability of offshore wells; adopt strong drilling standards; malnlaln a ban on tideland drillings until standards are detennJned; and develop a federal-state plan for "Similar emergencies in the future. Meantime, the Sierra Club ended a two-day meeting in San Franci&co Sundly with a call for a halt to all offshore oil operatioos. The C0Jl5er\!aUonist. organization urged a "thorough investigation" 'rtf state and congressiooat autborlil,. ol the huge nil slick oH Soutbem Callfomla. The resoiuUon pa.ued by the club demanded a moratOrium on the drilling .. unW assurances can be given that no repeUt!on of the Santa Barbara Channel disuter can occur." The Coast Guard reported the alick -spread in pools over a vaat area -showed no lndicaUona of drifUng south of Pt. Mugu. ' Boeing 747 Called Ideal After First Test Flight EVERE'IT, \\'.Sib. CAP) -'!be huge Boeiog 747 jet airliner dOligned lo wry up . to 490 puaengert flew fer the fint time &mday and but fOr a single Daw Ila pilot called Ule test b1p "aboolutaly ideal. II "It's a pilot'• dream ••• It flies like an arrow," declared pllot Jack Waddell, 45, as he stepped from the cockpit of the $20 million, 355-toa prototype of the new Deet of superjets. The Daw -an lmpi'operly aligned wing flap -forced the jet to return to Paine Field hert! after 1 hour, 15 minutes of a scheduled 21At-hour flight. The trouble was discovered 34 minutes into the flight. The faulty flap -termed later by Waddell as a ''minor discrepancy" - was discovered by Flight Engineer Jess Wallick at about the same time Waddell radioed feeling "a bump" during tests of the wing cootrol ayltem. Waddell said be hoped the second flight could be held within a day or two. The 747 is about 2'12 times larger than the biggest jetlinm now m aervice, capable of Dying 6,000 miles non.!top aL a cruialng speed of US miles per hour. lts dimensiOJlll are massive -tipped on end It equals a lktory boildlng -and tta lwr ,iant jet eoglnel are amatingly quiet 1n;d smoke-free. As Waddell applied conaervJt.ive throt- tle, !be jet appeared to lumber painfully along Ule runway lookiog deceptively 1iow for 1111 takeoff speed ol 111 m.p.h. On takeoff and lsndinf ii appeared ST.lMD.vtD Of TWE WOllUI to hover gracefully like a kite rather than 1treak through the air as do JU: Boeing predec"'°", the 'lf11 and 'l'IT. "If future rughts are like thiJ one," Waddell quipped at a news conference, "Jt really won't be much of a cbalienp." 119 Passengers From San Juan Hijacked to Cuba MIAMI (AP) -A Sa1;1 Juan-to Miami jeltiner with 119 people aboard was hi- jacked to Cuba today alter the pilot radioed :. "We've got a man in the back with a gun on a stewardess." Capt. Wjlliam Latimer was some 350 miles northwest of San Juan when he reported to the Miami Air Traffic Control Center he was going to Havana, o!ficialJ said. · Aboard the craft -14.th of the year to be pirated to Cuba -were 111 itassengen ''and eight crew members. lt was the sixth Eastern plane to make the ·Unscheduled CUba run sJnct Jan. l. ' The plane, EAL Flight 950, left San Juan at 8:30 a.m. EST. The DC8 11tretch jet touched down in Havana at 11 :07. In the past. crews of hijacked planes had been allowed to bring tbe craft to Miami within a few hours of land.inf In Havana. The cars for people who believe (hat style never aoes' out of style. Whan the cOMerNdoe turn1 to caf'I , • Cadill.c ow net S. ••ldMI ' a lttlo•. · .. a11abi~1uo· power 1tH ri111 and other ttftoementa tia .. 11ktd the 9MMhl and 1•r of the Of'lt hi! driftt. The rect dl1t h• CHt\J ttetntl7 becotlto •'•il•ble on some lt,ser c1rs. driYts the ci r of c1n ii 1utld ent For • Cadill1c, rtaardl• of A frMt •••1\1te•111odei, Pf1:YtouJl1·ow11ed Cadilllcs .1lso hl"fl Ill 1e•r, 11 the MO«t enl..,..117 dtJlred of •II •otor c1ra. • Jiit 111d t1l•1Cope 11eerin1 wheel i nd Autom•tlc Cllmite Th\1 I• blce1n• tht *•tr, cn.ttaaan,hlp.11111117 1fld ,.,to.... Co11tro.I. for• rlchlJ rew1tdln1 ·lnye1tme:nt In inotorin1 ~ ·~•, lnhemtt hi • CedillK It*"' IO oot of at,\ .. Ac.,. tn poiM .......... ,. '°"' a\lthorli.ct C.dlll•c de1ler'1 1ttr1rt1Y1 r.u Is tht 1966 •ode! •ho•• •bo•e. lb T11rbo H1dra· .. dc trll!IWI· Mlledol al •tw ltd P!'f¥I0111l1-owned C•dlll•c• 1od11. 1111 c...... ..... a.oi.w..-·- • - I l -. ' .Mesa EDITION . . .. ... YewB• ae1wa • I I . ' . . ' . • ' ..-..4.--t"',. l ~l. 62, NO. 35, 4 SECTIONS, 40 'RAwiS.i·' :. ~~N~E ·99,0~; C!-LIFORNIA • MONDAY, F~RUARY 10, Ifft • Fun in Sun? 450 Youths • . Clear Beach By JERO,IE COUJNS ' ot flMI O.llJ ~lltr Std · ·The surf was up a.id the sun was oul Saturday. · SO -not · s\J.rprisi ngly -hundreds of Newport·li-1esa students hit the beach. · ,But what did they do? '. .They worked. Hard. An estimated 4[;0 or them. ·And when they were finished, four liours later, a 31,1,;-mile ltretch or )Jeachfront east of the Newp<rl PJer ~d been cleared or 50 dump truck-loads ol '"""' debr1'. . Operation Beach Clean Up, elated city and scbool·officials sai'd today, wa! a huge suceees. ''The kids really produce(! far beyond our e~tions1'' said City Manager Harvfy· L: Hurlliurl. "We were all· amaz- ed. Even the girls pitc~ in, wlthout lelUng up." · VOLUNT ARV EFFORT • ~ y • ! , .. ' .. • I I • -· ' . .. Snow Cripples NY > ' City ,.C,qmes ·to Starul;still ·After ·swrm·· . . " . . .. J':IEW YORI: (AP)-New York was Thirteen o[ N"" York Cill''! 15 Inches road llliflll tiecirlc-pOwend tralaa-.Rft crlpplOd alld cul oil from Its suburbs fell Sunday, • recor<t (or• 111111Ie day. --normall)'.bul -- lhls ~'in the wake o/'. ··~ Wlndl guaU111 lo mort than IO miles WU ~ lo cltla)o•. • that dlJmi>Oil ti Inches ol snow, Pl(ed' per ,hour and temperatures In th< !Os Public .~:...,. in -u-~· u,_ into cjrlltl whlooal by bigll winds. compllca!ed the snow removal pi:Oblem, ~-, --· •w• 'I1lie New·...-Yorif and ,Amerlcan s.tock 'as ' city olflclals declared a J"snow Jersey couDt1es were cDld;~~~ exchange. ~-• emergency" and urged motorists to stay olber areas reported pUtlal clailiflL The Long Jiland Rall Road shut down, at home. The N"' Jeney 1'unipib -~"1ill cu1ttna'oll to,OOO commuters. The Penn Upstate New York eacaped th• brunt !tom .New Bnwirlek tO N....rt; ~ Cenlr~ aild lie" Haven railroads clras-or ll)e storm and alrlinm were diverted olher''P<!_klWI were i>lqued·bY ~ tically cut acbedules, and buses were front K!:!nnedy to Montrul and Nlapra eel autos., Ai1e.rlet leldi.Di to NtW Ycrk mired In huge traffic jams caustd by Falls. N6rtbem l!ow Jeney' wu equally CI(9 ,,.... }anuiied and movinc lloirlY. stalled and deserted vehicles. crippled, but three commuler train lines 1be state legislatures in Trentoo. N.J., The State Thruway wA!l closed from into New York City were rtparted tn and Albany, N. Y., canceled ..... ~1 Albany to New York Clty-148 miles-operation. The Erie-Lackawanna Rall-session. ' .. ' . for the first Ume in its hlstozy, and more than 1,000 can were stranded on the Tappan Zee Brktfe, a thruway span across the Hudson R1ver 1t Tarrytown . The passengers took shelter JocaUy. Subwars were tuMing near noroial. Mesa. Child, 5, <;rus~~~. As Water Heater Tnpples The strictly voluntary effort, suggested earlier in the week by the students themselves, resulted in ·the removal ol about two-lhi(ds of the driftwood, barn· .../ boo shoots and aaorted flotsam toughed • OAILY PILOT'"'"' IN lllk~lnl Koe!lllr ' DRIVER PULLED OVER FOR TOO.LONG LOAD -Cook Shrut! Shoulders At Presence of Pole All public and· parochial schools and colleges were cl~. More than 6,000 persons were stranded at Kennedy, where food supplies were beifll npidly exhausted. ROads to tbt airport' were blocked by stalled vehicles. One jetliner with 39 passengers was snowbound on a runway for !line hou rs Sunday before plows could free U. 53,561 Voters May Have Say On School Cash Playtime turned Into tragedy for a large Costa ~tesa family Saturday when one of five brothers and sisters bumped a 120-paund water heater, which toppled over and fitally ~rush~ One l~ttle girl against a cement walkway. ' ShaWna I. McCarty, 5, daughter of Mr. .net. Mrs. Robert L. . McCarty, ol 2949 Pemba Drive, was dead on arrival at · Costa Mesa Memorial~ Hoapltal . at 5,11& p,m., with head and cboal·in)iirtea, doing so are subject to arrest u n de r univen:it.Y regulatiom: controversial remodelling project. · Funeral services for the ~ceuty &lrl are being handled by ~ll~ 'Mor1uary, 'vi th Mass of the Angell to be a~brated Wedne!diy at n~n in. St: John· tile Baptist Calholic Chun:h. up aloqg the ~ach in _Balboa by t~e Santa Ana River diiring recent stonns. The student& showed up at 10 a.m. lt" k>oted like a big beaclt party wu In the making. "Bu.t the kids, ~t busineS!," said a school official. '"Ibey went right to work. It was kind of dJsorg~. But il WU wondeduJly chaotic.' City aides eslimat~ that if ~e shovel· Ing, sCraplng arid hahd-plcklng_ ol the debris had been tontrac\ed out, 1t would 'ltlv•cpst "at the very least" $1,000. !WT llF tlEli . The clfanup are. Wat ~ -to east of. the pier, down to the Peninlula Point bOch. Mounds of debris welt « the plet, it was e1plained, will have to be. hauled away later by private con- tractors. "There's just too much of it," said Hurburl With lbe sun shining and the swi up,· the: task was made doubly difficult for the many surfers in the "volunteer army," Observers noted. "lt wall painful watching them,'' said ore adult who joined in the project. '"llley'd stop occasioll8lly lo look long· tngy at thoie~ big breakers, but they kept right on working." One middle-aged woman, astonished tS.. CLEANllP, .Pl(e I) President Nixon Reaffirms Plan To Visit Berlin · From Win: Services KEY BISCAYNE, Fla.-The Florida Wb.lte House said natty today President Ntion wili go ahead with plilns to • visit West Berlin On his European trip despite ~ast Gennan threats to disrupt West Gernumy's plarined presidential ell;ction t~ere. (Related story, Page 5). ·p,ess Secretary R<l!ald L. Ziegler, u£ed about the Imped ol Communist niOVes against the sc·heduled March 5 el«!Uon on Nixon's travel plans, said, •"fiie President will make the ' trip to WeSt Berlin." Nixon is scheduled to go to the former German capital later this month during 1 Hve-nat.loo tour of We.Mm Europe. Ziegler said Nixon "fully supports" • three power llatement by the United Slates, Great Brilain and France which .u.ld there is no jusUfication for the Eut Gmnan announcement Imposing ratridioos on ground travel to West Berlin. Members of the West German electoral college are upected lo. fly lo the Com- muobt-ircled dcy' lo evade . the new restrlctlons. The college bu !,Oii me m b e r a. 1bt pr.identlal press .....wy gotntedly emphllized that the scbeduled flectlon In West Berlin did nOt repre1ent a new tniUaUft ol. the Bonn 1overnment bec.au.te 1 I m·i i • T ballotlngs, he Mid, bad been -there in tllM, li151 and 11161. 1'he soviet government newspaper IPestil said tonlpt In i,..:ow president Ntlon's planned visit to West Be:rl1n WCllld "further complicate" the situaUon in the city. " livest.la hlillll tbe Eut German acUon and expressed "bewilderment" abdat Western -of the W"' Gamao plans lo elect their puldenl In BerllD in Moreb. . "Western p:rwers are panderlnc to the br.-i claims of Bonn leaden who reject the ttatua of West BerUn as an in.- dependent polllical unit ll&vinc notblng In """mon with Wett Germany and this...,, help but CllllO ~~. Tzvutla Aid. ·One Pole!' :to Go ,. . Cook Clobbers It, Takes It Along . . Rookie Cost.a ·Mma ·Police office( Pat Donobue 1has made. several am:stl lince jo~ .. We ''°""' 'retently, ·slim< atter chccki1W out laitftJy ~piciou:P drcum- stance.i. 'I'here was nothing faintly suspicious about Javier G. Saucedo, 20, of 547 W. 19th St., as he drove south on Harbor Boulevard shortly after ~ a.m'. today. SuspiciOU5 yes, ·but not falritly. A :JO.foot Edi.son Company pole clung to the mashed convertible top of h I s. smashed-up car,, bwnping and scraping along the paveme11t behind -without eyen a ffil ,na, waJ')ling or a long load. Saucedo · spiab no ~lllb. Officer Don0hu!3 discovered, bµt understal)ds the internationai language of the red light and sir,ri, 'whoSe order W8.'l1 heeded at HarbOr .Boulevard and West ·19th Street. ·Officer Donohue •s&ld Saucedo got out and apProached U'le police car a bit un- steadily~ shrugaipg his shoulder9· in be· wJTderm~t about 'the w!iole affafr. Subsequent investigation revealed an F.dison Co. j>o1e had been missing for a few minutes from Newport Boulevard and Ford Road, less than a mile away. A hubcap was left iii exchange. Offlcer Chano Camarillo interpreted for OfOcer Donollue and explained to Saucedo that he was under arrest on susplcian of drunk driving. Police ire also. considering a hlt·and·: SNO.WFAtL CLOSES • • -' I M1./QR. MARKETS NEW YORK (AP) -The New York and Americ&n stock ~~es were clo.s- ed today becaUse pf the hea\ay snowfall. Al~ commodity mark~ts were also clos- ed because of the weather. <'.iN EDITORIAL nm complaint .against-. the Mexican ra. tauraol cOOi. In •oddillo!! 'lo ~Y °111fr violations wb1cb mi&ht~1pPlytta tie~. . . . Motorl.\ts are also eenerallY billed .. for . . . stree.t lamp ~1 powei;,,oJ;ea and any other cuulllito "' their arr1'(; .. well, investigators. noted. 2 Mesans Suffer Severe Injuries In Cliff Crash A car carrying two Costa 1'1esa men plunged «i· [eel o!I the dead end o[ Superior Avenue in counly territory near NeWpoit Beacll Saturday night. Both suffered severe injuries. The California Highway P a t r o I reported that the pair, Dallas E. Mead, 22, and Ronald Paul Hacklero&n, 21, both of 710 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa, suffered multiple fractures in the spec· tacular crash, The accident occurred at 9:30 p.m. ~iremen were called to the scene to rescue the trapped' victims, but reports. si.!d Newport Beac'h police. firit on the ~ene. r~moved lh:e injured men from the wreckage. • Hackleman · was in. Serious condition In Hoeg Memorial HOspltal's Intensive care unit. Mead was also In serious condilion ~ Veteran'.s Hospital in Long Beach. . HJihw•Y pollnlmen' laid ll was not iriunedlateq "°""" who was cbiYlng. There are 53,561 f.e'gistered Harbor Area voters ,eligible to vote Tuesday on Newport·Mesa Unified School Districl's 115.t million schOOI bood propcl!ll!> • ~ .. illlrdl ·•~ll Is ~· ;r..- passa.ge. PoU. will be qpcn from 7 a.m. until a p,m. The bond prOposal ls to putehi.se portable clusrooms to end double ses- sions next fall and to build schools and WHY THE BOND VOTE? SEE ANALYSIS: PAGE 3 addltlohs to tab care or 1ddiliooal classroom needs for 1 four-year period. School authorities estimate bond pass- age' would cost the owner of a $30,000 home an extra '6.76 in taxes nezt year, increasing to a muimum of flT.25 in thi'ef! yea.rs, decreasing thereafter for tbe 2S-year life of the bonds. A first use of the bond money would be purchase of 40 portable classrooms to end double sessions next fal l. llfost of the remainder would go for permanen( claS&room construction, in- cluding conversLoo of lw<>--year interme- diate schools to three-year middle schools, sixth through eighth grade. Smaller amounts are included !or pur- chase of an Eastbluff elementary school site, $400,000, and consolidation or bus garages a n d construction of a ware- house, $172,500. The enrollment ·proJtction School offi- cials feel they have .to accomri:lodalt ii 4,700 students over the present 26,446 in the nezt four years. · With all available classrooms now used, 'each · new student will force put· ting of two students on double· sessions, they say. , There are l,300 secood grades cur- rently on double sessions .. u the bond iS!lle fails the'. number is expected to be 2,100 nexl fall. Mou th ·lo-mouth ~talion by Patrolman George Wil19n and DIYl'O adit\lnlatered ta an ambulance e.n route lo the bolpllal failed lo revive the Uttle glrl. . Police aakl she was playinl in the back,yard or the family home ·with roor -ind llilen shortly w... i P.'I':, ,rhea Ibo jrqedy ~· . 11.c.:tr lold .CIHcer WllooD, lie .... In .the . - -... of hll ·--tllnouP Ibo bock.-.~. lo 1 a y the ..-.. hNlar llid fallen do lbaWU. ~ ... The ills!riqbt ra.Iber -. 1 telephone ~. ·'!bo ~ In- formation to the Co 1 ta Mela Police Deportment and McCarty met Ollioer Wlllon al Ille curb oulalde, while the ambulance WU ID route. ' He Mid ha bad jµll -..tly removed the .,..i.r helter and repllced tt durlni a """odeWnc jpb, then Jllll tt 1J1 the backyard PfiQr to dl1posing of tbe ap- pliance. · DetecUve Gerry Thompson said the three-J~gg~ heS:~ wa.e sittl(ll in faJrly moi!t eartb and 'fell over when It was accidenlally. bumped by one of the McCarty children, rim1iJ>I . !tom )3 t.o 3 year1 old. ... Neighbors of the McCartys in the Mesa Verde area only a week ago-crltictzed their large mnodeillng job In a hearin~ before the Costa Mesa City Council, and decision on a permit was delayed. The porUon of the job involving the water heater, however, had been ap- proved by the city before lhe second, 'Live-in' End~ As UCI Students Avoid Ai:rests A five-day 0 11ve-lri" at a UC Irvine English Department kruhge ended Sunday with dissident 1tudents leaving in order to avoid possible 8rri!st today. They decided better to walk away and protest again another day.· The lounge, known as the Writing Center, was left clean, a campus source said. , Nearly 100 students opposed to dismis- sal of three a.salstant professors attended P . . . f · F II Cl th·~alegy~Sunday. ... ~n~les , o~, (U. . . as~es t~t~~~~;.7i ,\ TW'erity' i!ertts' a week. · · · · '· · · · io.ey Newport ~ell and Costa .Mesa city councilman , !<0ntatiori wW bava more ·lm~ct. They , , It'll buy four packrW;es .61 ~ t coqpl+ °''=·~· 1 says y~ sboUld v«e, ")'~." • · • 1 , pla~ 1 •. cam~ .'to 1 J/ivolv«! ~ le<, .a c)·~· 01>; l (11\1,da(! ~llOa OI\ I« our chi • . , " \ So ~ the cMrector1 'ol the Costa M.,a, Newport Harbor 'li£:'d~ts~':f:e:r~ J:::: l ..L ••• b)I . Jaat ID Ce!ils<a -~. nial•11ttie<-to the tairilly•llilll and COrQna del Mor <hambei-1 of comm~. , r;:-L1J" • annid Pio""'• · ti~~ in a ll0,000 home ll Newport·M-•l/J!llled ~ gi.. ' And the OJrec!on of the NewpOrt . Harbor.COSla Mesa a$,f'w:{t!:~terher!' a c1~.S t:i{1~ lroal a, llU million. bond, lllUe. "'5'I" 1'1/"'1JIY• ·' • • • · •· · llolrct of lleallan ' · I cCulcf bawi ._.uced a oHoWddin 'l'llal's lhe 'mu!lilam, lrhidM""''l be,...ched unffi 'll11·' • ·AU ben .,· ·~ ecutive ~-~of. the Harbor •-a · ,. "'~ 7%, Thi coat wtU. ... then ~ -, mem l.U'l: Q WCUU • n.r'C h pa!lsibhi •rfUl$, I • Twenty ceola a -u you own 1 llO 000 hou,. Forty Coonfinallng Coundl. So, too the Horbor ·Council PrA . . . Chancellor Daniel G. Aldricli had taken ' ' · and CHART Colla Mesa . , , and Women'• Cjvjc Leogue ol the po;ft10n laCuJty members woula cen~ =:It~ ':i,~ home or bus.lneM property. , ~Harbor ... and 1.1eaa Verd~ Hom(Ownen AJaocla-~=:.Whether thelt procrams are Fer ~ al~,• YoUnPen next fall it will buy an Badham ho ailed "When one chootes to take a elm _, -In scl>ool _-• ruu school day with tbe And area .W.mblyman Robert E. • w ~L In (the lounge) we'll !Ind out .whether Joidilr k a ''businesallke proposition." AUemblyman Robert ourke lhe iluclenls are ollitructln(," ha llld. Without II mort aJld men chlldra will be oenl home laid the iJsue ls "crlllcal," In endonlq the ""411. . Obstruction ol-the ~ procsr• ol ...., lo clear the ~ !or aoothor clw. It's called lftdeel, lids bond 1aue hu no publle enemiea_. Which ii ••· ..•• eni~ ls m ..... o , d • -'"'"•· n· ... ---........ almoll onbel111 ol for the -.,... ~ -· ., ,,..... • -· aot.-.1111y -1d -be mt d>.;ed, the ...,. ' • .. ~ -the auppci!Un ""' many'wbo·hlvo be.a · · • ~ .. ' .. "' mllllllJ -.iii ,.. atlllar II"" llborl bf DOI~ thlJ IiOOa r. ~ or Mn """""~ ""?°1 ~ In !he past., Aaem~ly. Airman Gets Sen•eia....:-' lolDe. IDID Jladbam lil!f ol the dty ""'11Cllmen, eitfedilly. . . . . . •. To~ na ectlnoloio ~ al. the Hatbor Arta 11 iied lo aectini . • ~~ o1 111e1r tel!l'ta\IMJ u tu wa1<h<jog1.: · ilmn:rQN .'An, rOPil -·Al ·~ the oClooal..,_ haCt oa tollcl footing. New lndu1lr)' comtS r .. be till ii" Woltll f, few moo\o cet.,.·•'11«,N 1; Michael /.I-~. )l. Ct Santa, e,' "'-Uier. .......... -II. ,t brlnp new tu.lfn,.... glu a !\lll clay In ,cho91. f. IOt Ii( J><!o\\le \fho • baa --'""~ 1o,a .1eor -i' · ln(--•:,\U ·bul'dell._ . 1 , hive tllten a loOlii!i"thlo llc!tl '....,'!Olblnli io.· labllr·b)'"an Air."°""" ·Comf ' 'Mlit'i ji)ir°UU1 'l!oi\cf)Aue~ auc11 IOllO wppol'l lrom ll<Jw aboo! 16u · fiili ~ottt llie IDl)<Ull,al-_~,..,.11 · board ior ..,...._,"( In •'l'h'F· l ....,. )IOollliii -..!Ir _,i,alloD. : "cl>Ud'I ~ ii a'illnl till' !illt diallOt la ieilodl! I .' de/n~uoMin'.~. ' ; l. • .-• ~ I , ! f 1 f', • • • • • l ~ I ' , t • Surv,vOrs inc!Ude her ta:tber, btr mother, Mary Lou McCarty, ~ brothers and ·aJstm, ·am;, 1S,1 ~l II, Gr<g; &,:Michell•, 5/ Rlll>bl, f;<·earey, 3 . and· Carnie! s In' acJdltloll lo -· ' -. ' . sets of grandparents. The 'WO ·-· children weld Baj Jilien tbd' aG:ild: Ocl:ufred. . J . 1 • • • t •. .. 3 ne d 1 ~ ff~ • I~ '1 ,, +tt ' I ( Ip ~~eti_k, '~peAr' . TiainA~t ,' s;ui ~RUNO (i\P) ...! 'i'li(.«.,,._ were killed and at,le.,i ti Iojureii'lodll' when a W:loqt lengtb ot; plpa,~ spear.a llirough . a « j~ loidbem P.acillc coinmuter train be.d"1 for San ~~~~-tncli ~r. ~'.~~~ doubie<l"'w car just bad.or ihe ~ doora;, went. lhroylb a loWer ~ -af Mead 1evel .....: aha Caine out an upper.wjndaw on the ,.,_,side. · raeilllllcatio0 br o.;Tea<1· apc1 Iojutec( was netA'l'cjcly avlfil!bli. 1 , The' 1ncldent llaj)pened 1r, I a.m. U the' tr.iln · ~ Soulhem Picfflc JZT - moved through San Bruno toward San Francioco !torn ila atartlng point at Sa'n Joae.' ' An estimated 1,000 persons were al.oard. · AmbUlances arrived at lhe scene from several communities. The dead IDd .in- jured were taken to Peninsula Ho!lplW. in Burlingame and Mary's ·HeJp Hofpttal· at Daly City. . ... An.SP spokeam'n said the pipe,, which was being Installeil near Uie trac.k .for railroad ust, was being handled by a tractor or crane of the A:R.B. Co', "Tl)c [ootboard o[ the engine •Upped the pipe . and spun •ll ' aroond ·and ll pi~ the · 1ea~ passenger car;•• the spokcsma_ri said. • ' Irish Strike§: Spjeaa DUBLIN, Jttland IAP) -The Irlah' Republic. moved toward I n d ~ 1 tr 1 a I paralysla today with ICJUlbbllq """"1a trying to extend strikes U!lt ~VI lrtiulht a bread famine to Dublin and other cities. Oraage -- • 1 • • t .. • ToJs fn State Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke (left) presents plaque to Robert N. Weed, DAILY p!LOT publiaher, fDr. one o( .two ftnl place awanU won by DAILY.PILOT in CalilonllA New1p4per Publtsben AJllOdatlm an- 111181 ·Better Newspapers Contest. Weed accepted plaques at CNPA convention in S&JJ Francla:co Saturday for Best Spot New1 Photo, Belt Editorial Page and hooorable mtiltion award in' Best Front Page catagory. ·A Tearful Farewell,'· Foster Mother Distraught as 'Buddy' Taken . BY Tl!IRRY COVILLE or .,.. ·ca11Y ''"' s11tt With ~ rolllng down her cheek!, Mrs. Albert Hart -0f Huntington Beach, • Uaned her ·Hiiie .~ baby "Buddy" •.• ..,. lo Orup ~ AdopUon Aief!I:'/ olllcl•• ... ,, !1111 JDOr!llng. PuDctuaDJ a&1 l:JG a.m., two )'l)Ullg, --· Wiii'~ orrlved at tbs --.... ~-·Foullllln 1-lollb tbs babf bo<k-!D lhi.-.; .· Mn. Hart was lo 1IW bptericl u oho led Buddy a Jul bottle· of mllll: ml oobbed u she pointed 'lowlrd • table lull of babf Items for the -"orter1 to take. . ~ .. Mr. Hart waa not ao obvtaaaly emt>o"' tiooal, but be fell the 1 ... loo. He loot bll wile 11111 Buddy out In the back ylnj J.<r. a ,.., moments ml lhol aome Jail 1111psboll of the pair. Lela! ·-.may bring Buddy bocli lo the Birt home, bot • definite """"'' of action bu not yet hem decided, acconllng In their lawyer. · The Hartl have contacted Harold KUDtd!, a Santa Ana attorney, and dfaculsed the matter wlUt him. Kunsch WI today lbeno are two '1ufc COllliderallOOI In the WO: I. Wu the adoption ._ Improper 1n 111--tt _ .. u, Implied lo tbs 11ar1a lhol Utey could lldopl "Bod· dy"? FOSTllt,'MOTHER OVERCOME 'Goodbya Buddy' 2. Whal la the tlalm of the Harta u ldopt1ft parenllT The problem beoan Willn the llarll decided' they would !Jke lo adopt "Buddy" after llllUrbblng him to good bea!Ut .. lotter parOnta for five months. ' . Mn. Hart ~ ropro.ntou .... o1 the ' ngency led her to .. believe that chances ·were very good that she could adopt "Buddy" and she was told to go ahead and fill out the papers. The Hartl spent $100 on paperwork and sold a $2,500 house in Iowa to prepare for the adoption. But the'-phopOd Utt Harl& Jul week aoll .Wd .llalldy WU beJnc placed lnanoUterbome. Aienr::r Cllflc:lal> now relu!e lo review the ca. becauae they feel lt would be • ••reflection'' on the ''proffllbiaUsm" of those who flrat macle Ille deciaion, WI Ludlle Gothe, l!foptioO aervlcu supervisor. Kunsch said a coUrl nstralnlng ordt.r could have prevented the agency from taking Buddy this morning, but the Hartl felt is would not be in the best interesb of•the baby lo light In Utat manner. · Tht.y . can, however,-sue in court to have the adopUon cue reviewed . by · a higher authority or the court itselr, he explalnt.d. The primary question in Mrs. Hart's mind Is "Why can't the adoption agency give Buddy's new family another baby (they hadn't tpeclfled any •peclal one) and give the Hans a fair cbance lo adopt Buddy?" But countJ adoption official!: have in· dicated that once a declaioa bu been made It won' be changed. And to U1ia morning Buddy went back to the adopUon agency for transferral to a new family. Cycle Gang Member Hunted in Slaying PHILADELPHI,\ (UPI) -Joseph Dubollno, 2$, of ~arcua Hook. -Pa., was &OUght on a murder warrant today in the death of a rtval motorcycle gang member atabbed falaIJy In a gaog peace meetma: which went awry. Yule Freak Fair Finally Comes Off-43 Days Late 'Ibo victim, WIDlam Sdmelcler, 11, WU ldl1'd ml four other pet10111 wm -..led In afahhl•1 ml lbooUng whicll broke ool during the alleged meellng ol memba'I of. four different cycle gangs. .... .. • " t 0.1111 Pilot I otiUAGI COMf ""4.1 ... nMINCJ CQM.~,t.'°'y ~. -, 1 1tMe1t N. Weel • l'rti.lftfll etlOll l'wMI,.,..,_ . ;.i.· -~- 1 Sounds of heavy music, sights of kooky people and groovy clothes, plus a camlval·obnotpben! clttw 13,400 peraons to the KTBT Otrlstmas Festival and Freak Fair Saturday,•t:1 days after the fll:letide aeasoa. "Things went real well," sa.Jd KTBT Station Manager Glenn Adam!, loil<>wing the solrtt al t h e Orange County ln- temaUon.al Raceway, which drew Establishmen overseers as wtl1 as t b e young. Helmeted Orange County Sherlrf's depuUa moved through the rocking, romping~! to mallltain order, m•k· ing f1 arrests in connection with the evenL Cosla Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley and his man1ed dau1hter also vlalted the lJ.boor event featuring 39 rock bands, sampling atmosphere in case another ai>ould be planned In his community. '11 wiisn'\ •"7 upUftJiii for the r...,,,.,, bot tben1_1 didn't -IJl7lhlng particillarlf bad-.· the...,.. aald. Qic1oa1 eflarta to atage tbs llhow at the ~ (:ounty Fair~ In c..ta M.,. !ail December were torpedoed by • Ute dl1 OOODCll, -major!IJ fearod a 1Mic1eudoos Newport Pop Featlval repeat· performance. "I ;went td the control tower to meet a c:OOple ol friends d mine," said t h e m1yor. "They weren't there, but who did l meet tN~ young Mr. Adams in his blue velvet .attll ,. "He lmmediatety ukfd me about the poulbllily ol ataging ooe here In UM! next COllPla ol mooUts; but I told h I m J bad jwt arrived and hadn't made up my mind," the mayor added. OJ IW.I baftD1l. ft be llJd today. ••1 tblet If )'OU consider one here, due to tbe1 remOte )ocaUon ~ the raceway, ;ioo'rt tAltlng about maybo llO,llOll people, and tbe crowd 1 11w . WIS about IS petcml m>der II," be aaid. '"I kel!I m!Jlllng lllot mberable, mlaerablt. • .Incense, tt be condnt1ed, groping for the word, "I don't know what that wu for, but tf there wu any pot there you couldn't have smelled It." ' "MOii cl Ute y-people looUd llte U..y """ trying lo outdo each oilier in WI1<J cl<>Uting," the mayor cootlnuecl, "it WIS acmewfiat Ub. Mardi Gras.'' 'nle mayor aaid Ile had planned to wander as unobtru!lveTy as poealble through the crowd clrculaUn1 from one end of the ract+way to the other, as three bands played at separate locations. "l no sooner left the tower than the P.A. system announced ti1at they were happy to welcome Mayor Pinkley," he said today, "so my effectiveness was ruined." "He didn't say too much, he just sort o£ drllted aw11 ... KTBT Manager Adams aald today, Mayor Pinkley bas larply been blamed In SouUtland youUt circles after the Olrtslmu Faltfai -pootponed fnlm Ill Dec:. 11 dale, ,_ ......U,. ill Utt cumnl Lot Allploa'Fraa !'rm. "I -'°" coald Illy l'n flnaD;f ll1aclt II.~ ho quipped. MOii cl 1ho fl amsta at Ute fair l...tved lnlmlcalloo lllld _..i..i ol marijuana and clnlp, · •"""'1lnl lo shertlf'1 Copt. J-Bioadbelt. Moyor Pinkley aald the -~ on the wbole, 5eemed orderly. .. ,.,.... ,. .. e 1 CLEANUP •. I al all the actlvl\Y, llhd a llOhool ol!ldal at the tctne: "!1 Utll a prfvata p.vV! Or la tt open to M)"Onl?" . Told " .... , prlvale, oha prompUy . bean Ptbe!!oc up )llacs ol wood ti> add lo tbs clebrlo ...-. piled up .,,. the )'OU!lgSt<ri. ( , Winds Clear~~g Slick . . .. . ' . 30 Mila of Coastline Freed From Oil G® SANTA IWl8AltA (AP) -Calm ' wln4> P<1\'alled lodq ovor tbs Santa Barbara awmeI. who!o lwge patd>oa ol oil atreak the ocein water and bun. dredl ol moo m cleaning Ute llllmy , .. from !O mllea ol coutllae. Unleu Ute wind cood!U<111 chaOp radically, Coul Gllll'd ollldala WI, Utt allck wlD not flolt l!'Ull•anl and fool more be1ehn An anclenea well il>al Ult 131,000 pllam ol cruda oil ~ .to lbt ....,_ WU cappe<I' -...,,, Mled with -· llDd --lilit .... bup -11111 waDon, ·--dlbU:t "" -. -nr 1111! lllPi"l !<> JiDd. Cmn ... "1!os lo lllP li up, uw Utt edpa oearat land, with aboo!beot 1b'aw. Alen& the oandy beaches, -· aophlstJcaled 'meUtoda are belog uaed O< planned. . More lhao 500 workmen from state conservaUon camps and the Union 011 Co., which drilled the well, have worked since the lludj:e moved ashore Jut week. Another 225 lnm1;te1 from ~atJon camps join the crews tonight. By midweek 1,500 men will be working a!Ollll the coast. The eleanup la expected ID requlro three wetb. MOii ol the cleaoup mei are spreading atraw GD tbe oil U ii: Delll tM abort. ~~: ..... a::..~ -jdl to wub baulclen aiaic lbt abon. Pl-. ..... made far .I gianl ...... ..,~ to bl tll&ed ra.117. Brµised Burglar Sought in Mesa Equipment Heist A bruised burglar who blundered tnto a parked truck while looting a Costa Mesa ornamental ironworks of $2,020 in equipment is aooght today, aJong with companlona who helped In the big job. Employo David A. Shllllo, of 20071 S. W, Cyprea Ave., 5anta Ana Heights, ~ered the burglary ol Bradfield Malalfacturing Co., 1612 Supericr Ave., wben be arrived for wort Saturday. Offkwr l1avtd Hayes aid the lntraclelw apparently pried a cloor lo gain entry, Uten -• a rear gatt lock lo drive a,lr\lck Inside the °'""pany °'""pouod aild 1oacl up the loot. oftteltl iriach£nery, hand toot., power saws; a emnera, -and other eqnipment belonging lo owner Robert J. PotUt, 611 Lido Park Drive, Newport 'Beach, and Russell G. Blnau. 118\0 Rochester St., Newport Beach, were taken. Patrolman Hayes said one adding mac:hlne wu dropped and broktn, ap- parently when one of the fut,.working burglars banged agairuit a company truck. The machine was left bebind. Would-be Robber Looks, Then Runs A Cotta Mou teenager waiting for her girlfriend lo drop by Utonghl oothlng of it when someone entered the house u she lay snu1gled tn bed for a Slblr· day morning tleep-ln. Connie M. Davia, 11, of 1829 Baku SL, began to wonder, however, when her friend's movements made it setm she had foreotten her way around the Davis home. Steps came down the hallway finally ml the vltltor peered Into the bedroom. "BoUt parlles were equally surprlaed," npon.d Ppllc< Officer George Wilton, wbo tald Miis Davis huddled under lbt coven ·whUe a black·jlCteted would-be burglar hurriedly left Ute houtt. ' The ·-·" towed bJ lwa tup; ii erec:tacl ''"bop II ~ Loi AogelOt area upeclacl Ill -oil Into a plpa~ beocbeo IO ..U., llGllUt, the .Cout Guard then ID • ~ Wilen 11 will 'bt JUDpad ' Aid II~ opectl the allcl:· Ill otay In lnlO.ao,11,~ ol1 barp. Santa Barbara barbor. OU •till fioaled In llmb ml bi<>bt Al ,.., sh!Jll equipped wlUt blowers off the cout from. Saata Blrj)lra covtdd oil natches with straw 1s far souUtwltd. AllbouP !"' booma were as five ml)es from land SUnday. Shaw Trial Star . Witness ' 7 1· ... Tells .o~ P':'rty .D~c~si9n ' , ' . . NEW ORLEAlls ~· llaY- mood ~ Diii. Alff, Jim OO!Tiloo'• ...... wl-In tbs -aplmt Cla~ L. Shaw, tOllllloc! lodq !it wliDeaed · Sbaw diacuaaill( wllil Lat llarVe7 Oawald ml David W. ·Ferrie -lo Ullllinate President J.ollb F. Kennedy. He said Ferrie told Shaw and Oswald it would be "easy." Ruqo 27, a Baton· ftouie, La., fn.. surance man, uid he aHenrled 1 party in New Orleans a few weeks before the Nov. 22 Kennedy aaualnation In Dallas, ml heard the plOI diaculsed In delall. He Aid Fmte WIS obsessed with Utt ... -tJm. "lie paced bad< and loltl lhol l>IPI Whllo -·-cl llploiob _..WU ....... bill ............. telllnl mw tbaJ:oJocliil Ill'~ -1d be-. -.Aid. . •iae klld about a trtquJatlon ot el'OIS llrt. He Aid -ol tbs part1dpaata would,jlave lo be captured u •-pqotl or palay. Bt aa1d all tine ...,ld lllool but lilt lint abol be called the dlvendooary ooe. 'nle other two would -lokill. "The diveniooary shot would be lo attract atten.Uon. The lut two would beto kill, fired almool sim~neously." Russo was the second wttnesa in Shaw's trial on charges of conspiring to kill Kennedy to say he heard Shaw plotting the murder. But he also said -as he had at Shaw's prelimlnary hearing in 1967 -that Oswald was also there. Oswald, the presideni.ial assassin ac· cording to the Warren Commission, is named along with Ferrie as a "co-con· spirator." Both Oswald and Ferrie are now dead. Russo sat calmly in the witnes.s chait' and narnted his now famlliar story whlle Shaw llCribbled notes wlUt a hall point pea oo a yellow pad al tbs de!..,. ......ra.tablo la l!ool ol him. "Fmle carried around a bunch of cllpplop wltb him with Kemledy'i -· (ll them, tt Rauo aid. ''Ferrie uid that u IOOft u the a111alnaUon wu performed, there could be a flight -lo Brazil or Cuba. U to Brazil, there would have to be a stop for fuel in Mexico." Jail Clothing Under Fire In Huntington Death Case . ~·-' By WILLIAM llEED °""'"-'"""" ..... Clotlllns 1111 pla1'lf ao Important role In the knife llaJinc of a HunUngi9n Beach grand-ml the captur< and pel1m1nary beninl In court ol thooe accuaed of alas~ her lo deatb IE Jan. u. -~ Pr.ellminary hearings for Ilenry L: Sianei, 25, an Qil ,Uekl worker and his teenage high achoo! dropout buddy, Edward R. Hargrave, 11, bu been con· tlnued in the Wut Orange County Municipal Court of Judge W a I t e r Charamza until JO a.m. Friday .. Chances are good that Sianez will appear dressed in clolhea of the Orange County Jail Wilen ho la being held wlUtoul b a I~ ml lhol Hargra,. will appear nalWy attired In the IAlil and Ue from Buotlngloo Beach city Jill wben be " hold al80 -ball. ''Why d ... , they let rey ... appear before the COUl1 dretted the tame u that other fellow (Hargrave)," ccm:t- pialned the -ol Slanel Friday .. """ aat -Ille courtroom during • brief rtOltl. lnalda the courtroom Slane., charged wiUt the knife slaying of Heater S. Markee, 15, u &he drove borne from waablng clothes, wu dreaaed In typical Jail cloUte!. · Jl'rid1y ~ wore a cr•Y swealahlrt with the wordl: ••Orange Co. Main Jail" and the number "8" ltendled on the back, blue joint, whlta aockl and rubber tllbngl. A corn cob pipe utended from a rear pocket u be aat quieUy next 1o his ottornty. ~ A few feet away Hargrave sat wearing a dark IP'IY._., IAli~ Ue ~ pollllled .-_ llo a_..s V"f mycll U be bu been ddcribed before . -_like an honor slodent pallenlly awalllnC an award far acaclemi< achlevemeut. "I b'ied twlco lo take blm toml nlca clothes bat they woo't let him havo them ," complained Mrs. Siana quletlJ: and dry.eyed as she has ~ lhl<>ugboot two long days ol pn11mlnary bearing. "I· doa'l · undentand how ~ Utingg can be equal before Ute court like this." Perhap:1 more important than the clothes being worn by the two accmed murderers are the clothes alleged to b e I o n g to Sianez on t h e night ·Mrs. Markee was killed on 17th Street near Palm Avenue after a minor traffic ac· cldenl Del Robert Rinehart \estilled Friday afternoon that he and aoother of£1cer had gone lo the Sianez aparlmenl on Jan. 11 lo lnvestlgale ID alleged lmift fighl In Which S1aoez WU tuppoted lo have been wounded so badly that a friend bad lo aid him In washing blood from hlsclotbet. Rinehart testified that Slane1 had shown him a pair of pants and a pair ot shots oo whfeh were "specks which appeared lo me lo be dried blood." Jn addition the detective said he saw blood specb on a pocket knife which now 1B auapected of being the murder weapon. All this took. place the early morning hours of Jan. 11 while two other person.! were in jail accused of the brutal knife slaying of Mrs. Markee, an optometrist's receptioniat. Del Rinehart said he had questioned Sianez about Ute lmife fighl "AIU!r that I aa.id 1 wanled to talk to him about a more serious problem. J aaked him if be tnew whal it WU Ind he said 7't about the murder ol that wmian•. " r•2111·m•z11-•·11n:am,-1r1r •nrm WllllMFFZ;lb IQI 0 oMEGA _ AccurRoN 5 euLov A "' I AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ~ COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized •nd rep1ired e diamonds end precious s+on11 remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DES16'N I MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY ~'"-· c:ama uoe 11.UIOl_ .. VD. COITA llllllA .... ,... I HUNTIN4HON CINTU llAClt & IDINOll NUNTllMTOll llACH lfNlll ,_.... 5 • ·I ; I .) I ' j ; ' .. ,, ,j' I ; .~ I I I I' 'I I (SI DAILV PILOf :t UC Scientjsts Ph.otograph. 'Mystery'· ' ,' ·' ·' . Sayng A hh With F e eling Tony, the Milwaukee' Zoo's male hippopotamus, surfaced and opened wide for an apple tossed into his mouth by a keeper. Not much of a meal by hippo standards. The p a i r at the zoo arc fed eight bushels of cut hay, three boxes of lettuce, five pails of grain and 24 loaves of bread. • City Hall Last to Learn Of Citizens' Police Force REDDING (UPI) -This Northern California city has a 13-man band of gun-toting, badg~arrying. pr iv a_t e citizens with police authority, but it 's all news to city hall. Police Chief George Vanderpool said he has given the group full police powers. but word of the force and. the extent of its authority has come a complete surprise to Mayor George K. Motty, the city council and City Manager Robert W. Cowden. ' "It smacks of old Western vigilan- tism," said one city o£ficial, who asked not to be named. A1embirs of the force, many of whom are small businessmen, ride on JXllice Bli11d Learning Art of Mak eup, Beauty Secrets NEW YORK (AP) -For the first time in her life, Ruth Askenas, blind since the age of 3, applied makeup with a sable brush. By touch, the same way she learned to read, Miss Askenas, knew just the right amount of rouge to give her freck.1· eel cheeks a rosy glow. patrols, carry guns and badges, and have the power of arresl. But they do not wear uniforms. The powers and gun-carrying authority are not limited to when they are in the company of regular officers. .Redding, a community of 17;0<!0. is the seat of Shasta county and has a regular police force oj 35 men. "They:'ve all had irearnis training,·• Vandcri)ooJ. said of the special force. "I wouldn't let anybody ride or carry a gun at all until they did have firearms training " Vanderpool said he has issued badges and JXllice identification cards to the 1nen, and they ride with regular officers to "back them up." But Cowden wa s displeased, "I knew we had a left-handed auxiliary, but I thought it died a-borning, This is a surprise to me that they are carryi ng guns. This l was unaware of. 1·m not happy with this situation. l 'm going into this in detail." REPORT TO CITY . He said he would investigate and report to the city council. A JXllice.. auxiliary group has been known to be in existence for a year or longer, but it was not known to . haye police powers. One of the men 'has 6elonged to the.auxiliary group since 1949. Police Capt. Harold Snow said the group in its present form has been developing "step by step" since Van- derpool became chief in 1966. Nature of the group was dim:overed when one of its members was seen walking in plain clothes with two officers, wearing a pistol under his jacket. Motty was also critical. ~'How's that?" the grey-haired woman asked her makeup teachers. The teachers -volunteers at a new beauty training center which opened 'l'IIesday, in the New York Association for the Blind. the Lighthouse -gave their approval ', and the tiny, blind woman slid oot of : · the swivel chair, smiling brightly. "Carrying a gun with a per1nil and as a special officer are two different things in my mind," he said, "because they are uruter the cloak of the Police, and that is not right in my mind." · • "You wonder if you are presentable," • SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -\lnlvtralty or California astronomere haYe.i'UOCMded Jn pholograt>h1ng a pul~r_, -e of science's newest mysteries in the act of flashing Us beam o( light n'iore brightly than 50,.auns. One memb:er of the staff at university's Lick observatory called the achievement "a· little as though a biPlogist bad ac- tually seen a real live unicorn JOO asked .his colleagues to explain. it." Pulsars have been stirring tbe·curiosity and lmaginatiQll of scientists lince their disc.oveey in 1967 by radio astronomers at Cambridge Universi'ty in Englan.i. Since that lime 27 similar objects have been discovered in various parts of th~ milky•way. CHARACl'ERJSTICS Their outstanding characteristic ls the precision with which they flash their light on 'and. off; Some flash every few hundredths of a second· and some Oash more slowly, but the regularity of the flashes is,rilore accurat~ than any clock devised by man. Pulsars· are also thought to be among the most densely packed objects ir. the universe. A spoonful of such a star could weigh millions of tons. One of the most widely held theories on the orig:in of pulsars is that they arc ''neutron stars" -the remnants of ordinary stars that exploded in monstrous bursts of energy eons ago. The pulsar photograpi1~ by the UC staff is located in the Crab Nebula, some 6.500 lights years away. 1'he scientists, headed by Dr. E. Joseph Pickpockets l1i for Miami 'SurpriS'e' ' l\11AMI BEAC~I (AP) -Pickpockets who come south with the birds in winter used to fi nd Miami Beach a warm and profitable place in whic!! to ply the light-fingered trade. Now it's getting too hot for them, thanks to a 63·year-old policewoman who can spot a "dip'' by instinct and a 33-year·old policeman who poses as her ' son. "They do a fantastic job," said Police Chief Rocl.-y Pomerance. ''They're really cleaning the place out." Gracie Weichelt has been sizing up pickpockets for 12 years. Sgt, Bill Lamb has been working with her only a few months. "She's the teacher, and the best in Uie country. I'm the student," Lamb :;aid. Most of the pickpockets are Latins, preponderantly Colombians, billed as best in the world at their business -some graduates of a three-month training course given in Bogota, Pomerance said. "After 12 years." Gracie said, "I can tell a dip instinctively. There is something about his mannerisms that tips me off in1mediately. The trick is not to !el hin1 know you are observing him. A pickpocket is very sensitive aboul people. watching him." Lamb and Gracie cruise 5\owly down the streets of l\liami Beach, each sc~ ning one sidewalk. They look for a well.<fressed Lalin standing near a bus bench carrying a package. \Vearing one or many wigs fiom her shopping basket , Gracie follows the suspec.ted dip aboard the bus and watch· es as he surveys prospects, takes .a seat beside a likely victim, and ll!lder cover of the package relieves him o! his wallet. When she spots a hit, Gracie waves a handkerchief at BUI who is following in his car, and he stops the bus and makes the arrest. Pickpockets who once were promptly deported now are being held from 30 to 60 days in jail for processing alti sometimes get up to two years in federal prison before being kicked out of the country again . · • she explained. "I live alone. I have : .no one to ask and of course, I-can't : see the mirror." Like most women, Miss Askenas has · a curiosity to try the new products ; she hears advertisied and she wants : :to spruce u·p her simple pixie hair cut.. : a seemingly ineVitable style for the blind. . Until the training center opened, Miss Veneman M oving Askenas could go to a beauty salon : to have her hair or make up done ~ but she had no way of learning how · to do it herself. . Where the training will be especially . helpful is with the partially blind or : ·those wbo have lost their sight most : ·recently and find themselves suddenly · unable to apply makeup competeptly · .nnd feel their coiffures are dated. · "My ~n waked in one day and said, 'Ma, you look like a clown,''' recalled '. -a woman who began losing her sight ; 'five years ago. '!So I stOpped using rouge -by the time I could see it, ~it was too much." Now with her viskm· reduced to only blurred outline, the woman. Catherine . di Frrnze, a Queens housewife, is learn- • ing to use rouge and eye makeup again . by touch . Mrs. di Frenze can maneuver well enough that her sightlessness goes un.. detected but she is self~ious about : her hairstyle. . "I'm of the old school with the pin· • curls," said Mrs. di Frenze, "I never learned how to'put ln rollers. "I don't know If I will go totally : blind, but you have to be self·sufficient,'' : she said reaching for a roller, "I tblnk · J can do it. myself now." I Peach Grower Joins Finch in HEW SACRAMENTO (AP) -John G, Veneman's official biography lists his occupation as "peach grower,'' but he has become known as \he foremost Republican expert on state laxes and weUare in lbe California Assembly. Veneman, nominated today by Presi- dent Nixon as under-secretary of health, education and welfare. Is known in Sacramento as an independent thinker and a man who practices the art of gentle persuasion in guiding legislative programs. The 43-y,ear-old Veneman served as 1966 campaign· • i:.nanaaer for HEW Secretary Robert Jl. Fine~ when Finch was running for lieutenant governor of caiifornla . His nomination ended weeks of specula· lion that Veneman would join Finch jo Washington even though his .departure leaves Republicans with only a 40-39 margin in the Assembly until a special election is held to fill the vacancy. · Paul Beck, Reagitn's press sccre:tary • commented, "The governor recognized this was a decision that both Mr. Veneman and Mr. Finch had to make. }{e's sorry to see Mr. Vencm:in leave Sacramenlo and wishes him well In hi:t new post." I> I Veneman, running in i he av i I y Democratic district, became the · first llepublican elected to the legislatute from his San Joaquin Valley rural district Iri 20 years at a apeclaJ election in 1962. He won ~Jection easily 1n succeeding ba:lloUng. . .. He was a atrong supJXlrter of much legislation opposed b)' those ID ll1e GOP who considered themselves true con- servatives, sucQ as Medi-Cal. Veneman and Gov. Reagan dlliered on a number of subjects anJ in their personal loyalties 'in politics. Reagan backed Barrf Goldwater for t be Republican presidential nomination in 1964. while Veneman campaigned for Nev; York Gov. -Nelson Rockefeller in the bitter California primary election won by Goldwater. \'eneman's most publicized disagree- ment with Reagan has been over w'llhholding of state persoilal income tax- es, which the assemblyman favors and Reagan opposes. Reagan once said he would sign a wlthholdin~ bill only if the irons were applied to his feet - so Vcneman's staff presented the ssscmblyman with a branding ,iron, which he displays. Wampler aad Dr. Jooepb S. Miller, a~ As Wampler llld MOier ~dlJd . tho lached a special image.Jntenslfying phenomenon, the pulsar IWhed on and tele_visloq camera, auppUed by the N1-off once every U tboulandtbs of a se- tiooal A er o n a u t I c • and SJ*e · cood. At Jts dimmest, the ~ was Admlnl>traUon, lo the -telescopo . ...... ·~~--, Al'"" '"'. at Lick obluvatory. 1 esseo"-'N' IU.-....we. · '"' JDf' mum To separate oul violia1 pulses from .llfla'"!l'IO'llmeamon~y. . sU!ady star Ughl, they uaod an Ingenious Neltheo Wampler not Miller predicted rotating disc Uko tho abutter on a what their unprecedented photographs strobo6coplc light device. w111· add la the opecullllon over pulsars, However, Ibey qree there .,II nothing In the pl<lum lo upoel the "neutroo star" tbeou' abool the pulsar'• orlglftl. Qr. Robert P. Kraft, ocllng· dlroctor ol Lick -.11ory, ll8ld tho pulsars are "new and cbalSeollnl .prol>Jema for pbyajcs; 1'bethw we'll have to invent a new PhYslce to esplalD lbem or whether the ofd · phyalcl wW do, remains lo be teen." Now you can come to B~ffums' for professional tennis equipment COMPLETE RESTRINGING • g. 16.50 Spaldifig "Dnls CUp" t!Jp Anstrafian l3111b gut Ille opening ol lllJlllms' new Pio Tennis Spprtsman't SliOP', D. La Halla · ••••• I.IS , reg.-'21.00 •• , U;tt reg. 25.00 ... 12.99 • • &.99 •• 1.11 Newport fl Fashioo Island Newport Center• 644-2200 •Mon., Thurs., Fri. 10:00 till 9:30 0111er days 10:001111 ·5:30 ·~ . > I I • Moodat, f....., 10, lM (~ llJ,"" !>illt' Pllll ltlftl 'A 25-year-old New York draft reUstett Dunc•n Cooper, tore h1s Airily ~duction notice to shreds allll tossed the pieces into1the seal ~ at the Ceotral Park zoo. The sqls swam to the debris, sn!Hed, fOtind it wasn't food , turned up tlieU noses and swam away. Cooper was arrested for Uttering. • Italy's magicians went on strike complaining the government has refused to recognize them as pro- f.SSiooals. · • Mike Jone1, 18, ond Rosa Lee Stinnett, 19, both of Richmond, Va., were in love and want1d to get manitd. But tMy deci· ded to toatt until he fulfilled hil , militarv 1enrlcts. Then Rosa figured. jf Mikt: WO& going to wear a uniform she might as welt too. Thr1e days after Mikt got to Lackland Air Force Baae at San Antonio he aggravated an old hip injuru. Now ht'• back home Mnth a medical discharge. Rosa1 Sht'• 1tilt in basic train· ing in Tezai, with nearlu four more uear1 to aerve on her en- .listmtnt. • Japanese hou a ew iv es, seam- stresses and tailors will bury their beht and broken needles in cool so:ybean curd In an annual Budd· hist ceremony raid to date back 16,000 years. • The student news paper at Cen- tralia Community College in Wash· ington published thll notice: "At· teotion students: Planning for the year's Apathy Day baa been can· celed due to a general lack o! in· terest.'' • Employe1 of a NtUhviUe, adt1tTtising put the . finishi _ touches on a de· Zightful job. They painted profession.·. al model Lara Caia as part of a· cam- paign for a cloth- ing manufacturer. If Lara doe.sn't • Athens police arrested Vassllios Kerako1te1 for letting his 70 sheep graze on a lot near the Hilton Hotel, violating a law that prohibits graz· Ing inside the city limits. • At Jacksonville, Fla., slate pri-. son convict filed a writ of com- plaint written on five feet of toilet paper. The complaint, filed by Lawrence Conklin with the U.S. District Court, said prison officials had refused to provide stationary for writing legal motions. A...,.. Cache ~s." " ( ~. . "' Bollill,ers .· ... Aitack . . . ' . -' ' ' •• Enemy :Hideouts · .SAIGON (UPI) -Wam ol U.S. Bii bombers IPl•tlmd 100 ton& ol bombe Into l)IS!'<Cled Communist hideouts around Saigon today !oUowtnr the dlacovery of pant cuerrWa lnJ!S cacheJ oo the capltll'• doanttp. Tbl atralol~ raldo aptnot In-· Ollrallan routeo norlb <i· 8aliaol -ed u a nmiJlder that U.S. lntolllpa' expeeta another Tel lunar -year offensive next week. Senior American officers said the Com- munisla' drive would aim against pro.- vlnclal capilals and Salgoo'a suburbe Key Harwi Talk$ Envoy Flying Home PARIS (UPI) -The key member of North Vietnam's delegation to the Vietnam peace conference flew home to Hanoi today amidst speculation he was carrying secret American proposals to break the deadlocked talks. Le Due Tho, lhe aeveffib.ranked Hanoi politburo member who II considered lhe real pqw.er in ltl: delepUon bere, left Paris' Le Bourget Airport on a Soviet Aerofio( flight. He will slop in Moscow and Peking before arriving in Hanoi. Tho sought to still speculation about the lmporlanee ol 'hil ·trip . and told newsmen at tbe airport be visits were 11rouUne." PoliUcal observers Doted that each time Tho had returned to Paris since the talks on Vietnam opened last May, there bad been perceptible shifts 1n Hanoi'• stand. • His departure follows the conllrmatloa. JUI weel: 1ba1 >North Vietnam and the United States FO In secret COl1lacl oulalde the [famework o! the mucl> pQblicl2ed fOUl'iJll'ly .cooference. 'Ille whlte-halrtd Vlelnarneee dlplamat expressed pesSimlsm, however, about the current talks. Asked whether bel lllooiht there bad heen ~Y progreu In lbe !Int three sessl~ of the full-scale oegotiaUona:, Tho replied bluntly "No." "{'raldent lllchant M. Nboo IJ fellow··· Ing lbe 1ame policy as 'hla predecOaor, Lyndon ,JQbnlon,", he utd .. "Tberefare. lbon llal -.. _...,. •• and WoWd bit the'dly Jllell' wltb fomrilt oquads. • "II would be foolllb bo<h pollt!Cally and militarily (!or the Communlsta) to try anything mono 'than· lerrorllm lnolde Saigon." a high-ranting tntelllgence of· acer In.the u .s. command said. ' Tbl air otrlkea 21 miles north ol the capll&l were designed to knock out poet. u..,. lrom, which the Communlsta could . ~ a -new major offensive, military spoicnmeo said. • Oft Iha ground around Saigon, allied IJ'OOl)I I-evidence ol a nwslve Com- munist buildup when they uncovered 40 tons of ftoCkp1led weapona, willorma and food · SUnday. Ont of the cacbe1 was the tarceat Communist st.ore of heavy weapona captured in the war, spokesmen said. . · The discovery by South Vietnamese troops 60 miles -61 Saigon in- cluded dozens of rarelJ Uled but powerful HOmm -the Communlltl bad put in an uaderground tunnel complex. -- The cache, welgbina about JO tons, alao cootained 2,000 Horth Vletnlfhese army uniforms, D back pacb, t ,00> pounds of rice, 333 rifles, 11 antlalrtraft, machine guns, 39 mortar rounds and numerous other arms and munltions, military officials said. Another armored patrol located a buried stockpile 21 mlleo northwest o! Salaon that included 72 ·mixed rocket rounds, 45 ' l2mm mortars, SS rocket· grenades, lllO pounds of ixplollves and seven cuts of Chineae-made band grenades, spokesmen reported. Car Q1;1.ality Hurt By Work Orders? WASllINGTON (AP).0:. The United Auto Workers told the Fecwal Trade Commission today that muy cars leave factories unfinished becauae of work speed-up!: ordettd by management. Leonard Woodcock, UAW vice presi- dent, aaid qualify II often sacrificed to volume and tpeed. AJ a conseqdence, Woodcock said, the car owner nceivea a defective-product for which manufacturers olten evade respona1hlllty becauae of w a r r a n t y diaclalmWI. 'l1M UA'f offlcia1, testifying at an ·rrc belrtnC' en auto warranties, defend· id union members against charg., that defective cars -reaull from sloppy -P· n '. I< Good for Party I I Hundreds Line Up as Bun1iy Bait CJUCAGO (UPI) -Two-bundrtd-ftfty everybody from 'here to Los Angeles &irll in hll place and a long line of about .the excitement of life as a bunny lovelies. atretchlq down the .block. and what kind of person Hugh Hefner waiting 1n the fallln& anow, 11 the sort U. I think a lot of girls think he's of thing moll men would dream of a snob. He's really a very, very down-to- but perhaPI only ooe guy coa1d plil1 :.irth person." off. "He sort of takes a fatherly attitude "'l'bil," that man aa1d Sllurdlf.• "ii towardl the bunnies living here/' Bunny my Idea o! a aoocJ nUo !or a party.' · Marty aild. The m~ w11 Huch Hefner, pUbliaher Hefner, meanwhile, was smiting be- of Playbdy mq:ulne. Jlundrtlda of gtrlt · ntgnly at blondes, brunettes and redheads had come to Hefner'• mansion-pad on -all the race1 of man seemed to North State Parkway Saturday in answer be represented -and spilling his drink to newspaper adl about a hum for new (bourboa and coke) on his Edwardian '.'bunnies" for Hefner'• Pll)'bOY Clubs. checked suit and then dropping his pipe "I'm overwbllmed by tbe . turnout," but not his cool. said ilefner to tbt 150 &lrll, ~ flr~ . · , Hefner's cool wasn't even touched when of three ablfta. OUtlldt, other glrll llned a girl from a group known as women 's up ,ot a ... ball a block down the street, · UberaUon atarted distributing flyers · staDcllni" ~In •lla:htly falllng ·sn0w · arid · deptctlni a woman's body divided into slightly ahtverlnl 1n their best coats sections like steers, labeled "chuck," and party dreUel. "rib," "loin," Hrump" and "round." Bunny Marty, one of 21 bunnies who "We feel that Playboy makes women live in Hefner'• mansion, watched from fit Jpto a certain image," she said, the sidelinel 1n a brown 'Plaid dress. refUJlna: to give her ·name. "There are "I think tt'a very nice," she said. a lot of women who don 't rit into that "l lhln1t the &lrll wW be telling imap who allo are beauWUI." Light Snow Dusts Dakotas ' Morning Fog, Afternoon Clouds Along ColUt Tomorrow • "·-~·~, .. 1r1 wl1TMll rDTOC1ne • \ .... .. ..... , .. --c-. Cout.i V.S. SwMtKar" ·--Afltnl1 ... _ .... ........ •• M ·~ ... Cl!klto Cl11elnnett c.....,.t•nd ''""" =:.--·-· .... _,,. ·-=" -llC•n11t City Nitti LIW f'rK, .. ,. " . ., t5 6S ... " ' " :is .n ll 31) 2.00 " " " " 11 ll " n . " '' ,, .. •l " " " .. 3t ,, ·"" 7' 71 .Ol " " .. " " .. " ~ " " ""°""" """"" wlttl --""" t"""'• thlt tlltl'llOOll, Wlnlh ......,,_., t .. II Wllllt tM Wftlern i-ltl!nh fl .._ NtlM "'IOV. mlld -II'«, ............ •If II erlpplld tw !tie _,,, .,.. "'"" .. .ttl'll ...... ,,. Lh V .... LnA ...... Mltml IMtll M!lw•vlltt .. ,_ -· .. ...... " .. JI l t " " m.P.11. Tod•'f'• Iii.ti, a .. A Y•!ff'lli'f'I ttmMl"ltlM r I II • I. fnlrn • l'lltl'I Ill u " ..... ., .... ·~ .. ,,.. """""''""-,...... -" .. ... Tht Wlftt ••• ""'""""" ... "·' ..,_ S••• Moon. l'Wa MOHDA't ~ l'lltfl , ............ •:M 1-""· L7 ~... ..... ..•:•,.,,,., ... T\lllDAY Ftn t 1'1111111 .............. I r• 1.1111, U First 11W .. ,, .. ,.,.,.,,.1hat.M. f.J Seahf 1'11111 ............ 7il7 """ I.I 5KO!Mll -.............. 1tl• -.m. ,, -. ..... l :IJ 1.m. kh .......... . ... • .... •1 .. '""' ""1111 .. .... ..... •. .... '"''.. ,,. "''· 10 ,. •• l• Fell, 21 Mir. • Cit.. 11"1 burled br It 1111"' II ..... "" of ·-.. lllrflet .... •It .,.,.....,.,,'°" lft ,, • 1l111dt!ll. I~, llltlllY Ind -tm WWtfir. «t M'llltlled In ITIOll 1t1lel. SolTll _....... 119111 -dtYe!o.td ,,_ Nw111 O.tol• to llOl1l'lfrn wi.c-111, OIMr' WKlrtff•llorl _... t-1ed 1lon9 "-ftWtll P.clfk C0111t. °"""' I ,r. Jlour W IOd .. m ... jfey, W 1ndlft of new .,_ wet .,..,.. "' lltwnfotcl, ,.,.., bflflllnl "" .,.., ~ to flv9 *"'· W°""'*"" N.N., WfrlcJI tlw JIM 1• , ...... "' • .,. '*'' ............. • lncMt "' t~ Ill tlll tttuncl. ="·"' ~ .......... -· ·-_,, 91:trtllf Cltr ·-$1Cl'lmtfl1'e It. LDUlt S.llnQ Sllf Litt City Jin OlffO Sift FrtndllCO $tflll ...... ,. SHttl1 == W-"lfl9flfl " .. ,. ,. .. " ,. " ... .. " " 17 ,01 .tS 3J ·'' ~ " . ,. j(I .. ,,, " " " ., 37 IS .. d " " .Ill " ., ... Ill .. , . " n -.. . WORLD'S LARGEST.COMMIRCIAL JITLINIR MAKll MAIDEN PLIGHT Boofnt '747 M1kH 1'46 Ch111 l'l1n1 Look L lka l'IN Durl111 l'litht Over Pupt Sovnd 14 Cities Make Boeing 747 Called Ideal 3~part Appeal For Slick Aid llEOONOO BEACH (UPI) ~ A thr,.· part request for ai4 frOm. the state and federal governments wu drawn op Sunday by cooncllmen from 14 Southern CaWomia citiu to Obtain gov~men\al help in coping with the muslve oil slick 1n·the Pacific near Santa llarbara .. The councilmen urged Gov. Rona1d Reagan and President RJchard M. NI.Ion to take all JX>SSlble meaaures to destroy the slick ; .supply men and materials to work on cl~anlng up stricken beaches; and to provide funds for the removal of the oil •Jkk from coutal .waters. The group, In.a spec!~ meet.Ing here, also urged the federal government to reevaluate the desirability of offshore welll; adopt Strong drilling standards; maintain a ban on tideland drlllings. until standards are determined; and deve\oP .a federal-state plan ror slinilar emergencies ·in the future. Meantime, the. Sierra Club ended a two-day meeUng In San FranciscO SundSy with a call for . a halt to all oUshore oil OperlltiDns. · The conservationist organization urged a '.'thorough invesUgailon" by·state and congesalonal authorities of the .huie oil. sUck off Solithem California. The resoJuUon passed by fhe club de.~ed a moratorium on th~ drilling "unUI UIUl"ances can be given that Ji.o · repet!Uon, o! the .Santa Barbara Channel disaster can occur." ·The Cout Guard reported the slick -sprtad in poolJ over a vast area -showed 110 indicatlo111 of driltlng south o! Pt. Mugu. After First Test Flight 1 EVERETI', Wuh. (AP) -The huge Boeing 747 jet airliner deaigned to wry up lo 490 pwengen flew !or the !Int time Sunilaf and but for a slncle flaw · its pilot called the test trip "ab8olutely · ideal." "It's a pilot's dream " •• It flies like an arrow," declared pilot Jack Waddell. 45, 11 he stepped !rom . the cookpit of the $20 million, 355-ton prototype of. the new fleet of superjets. The flaw -an improperly aligned wing nap -forced the jet to return to Paine Field bere aft.er l hCIW', JS minutes of a acheduled. ~%-hour fUgbt. The trouble was discovered M minutes into the flight. The faulty nap -termed later by Waddell u • "minor dilcrepaocy" - was discovered by Flight Engineer Jess. Wallick at about the same Ume Waddelt radioed feeling "a bump" during tests of the wing control 1y1tem. waddell a,ld he hoped the oecond fight could be held within a day or two. The 747 is about Ji,ti tllna larger than the biggest jeUinera now in terVice; capable .of flying' 1,000 mllea DOllltop at a cruialq speed ot \m mllet per !>our. . Ila dimensions are manlve -·tipped cln end it equl)o a IG-itory bulldlnl -' ind Ila lciUr' giant jtt ·en,m. are amazingly quiet one! •mok<>!ree. AJ Waddell opplled conaervsUve lhr<>I' Ile, the jet appeared to. lumber painfully along the runway looking dectpllvely slow 1 .. 111lakeo!!apeedol1111 m.p.h. On takeol! and landinr lt appeared to hover gracefully like a kite ralher thln 1tre1t through the air a1 d6' ita: Boeing predeceuora, the Ill! and 'l'IT, ''If future rughts are like this one," Waddell qUipped At 1 news confereiice, 11Jt really won't be much of a challenge." 119 Pas8engers . . . . . . From San Juan Hijacked to Cuba MIAMI (AP) - A San Juan-to Mlaml jeutner with 119 people aboard was hi- . jacked to Cuba today after the pilot radioed: "We've got a man in the back · with a gun on a stewardess.'' · Capt. William Latimer was some 350 mi.le"! MrlhWest of Sin Juan when he reported lo the Miami Air Tr.fie Control Center he was going to Havan~, oUicial5 laid. . Aboard the craft ,..· 14th of the year to be' pirated ·to Cuba -were 111 puaengera aDJ( eight crew membeis. It was the· aWb Eastern plane to make the lllllChe!luled O;ba run aince Jan. 1.. t . . . The plone, EAL Flight 950, left San Juan at 1:30 a.m. EST. The DC8 atretcb jet touched down to·Havana.at 11:07. In the pa(!. crews of hijacked planer had been allowed to .bring the craft to Mlaml within a few houri of landing In Havana. The cars for people who believe that style never aoes out of style . Wiien the tOll'ftfl.tltiOWI turn1 to ur1, • Cedillac owner ii ... cto. 11ktd UM lllOdel and JU.r ol th. Oftt be. dri..._ The lact M tit drf"'41 tbt car qt cm I• 11dlcltat. Por a Cadillac, rtpldltN of lb )'ttrr, •• tht 1llOlt 1tnl--•ll7 detlf9d of an llOtol' cart. Tlll• ll" b«auet th• beautJ, ~1fttman1hlp, lu••fJ lftd ,irfora.. IM'e lnh.mnt In • Cadtllec MT'tl' to out of •tJlt. A c ... ·ln J0411t It tflt 1966 llOdtl 1h0wn •hon. Ill Turbo ffJdra ... tk tnne• • ' ' .s..toa. ftr1a~pow• .... r1111nd other refinements fl•ft •IJ ,...., ~ •••ll•bl• on tom• les••r cars. A,,.... llM1 lMl·llOdtl, pre•rkxul7-owlttd C..dlllaa elt0 ha" • Tiit ud Tel•tope ftffrint wbftl ud Autoieatlc Cllm1ie Coritrol. Por a rkhlJ m.1rdln1 lnn1tment In 11otor1n1 [!] p1,...,.,'" pour .. udtorized Cadlllec ,dee.ltr'• ettradlYe 111 Mf.ctklt of MW etd pm10.1l7·0WMCI Cadlllaa today. ~ ..... Cll' Ol'IWlll -• " ' e, " l Ill <i- ot :t iO " ,, " Ir 11 .. te .. ·~ :b "' 11 tg t'••.:r PILOT 5 TravelBan'AllMoreR.eason' Jordan, 1lsrael Guns Duel~atn Cowboys' Sidekic~ . For .NiXon to Vi.sit Berlin , Gabby -H yes Dies WAsalNGToH (UPI) - East °'""""7'1 -dnl ban cm laDdl IDd ,......, travel to Wilt BtrllD ii .... the more rt11m" fw "-" dent Ni1on to.,,.,..... wlll his planned Feb. JI Tiii! II, lhe city, U.S. olficlall aid today. -·• The President "bu I rllibl to be there'' a1 leader cl · one of ' the W11ter:a allie11 holding joint N1-1bWIJ for t h e Communf1t-tUl'1'WDdld sector ol the cUy, oftlcllll 1ald. Their view wu lhared by Senate DemocraUc 1 t a d er Mike Mlllllfield, who old Ul&l • • cancellaUon of Nlnn'I Vi/!I lllJnrlell LuUloe to _West Berlin "woold lit' . M for '-"""' ib.t lht 'tftll ml1mt•snted" If a ·coo.. •Glrmlm 1inl;ll& 1•Wi•JJ111P" .... , •• to lhl Kiii a.-. ·1111 ~. ""'" ""' Easl Germ1117 ~ 111...a.Jd1~ t1i1i Wvuld ~ the travel bu, lftecUve Feb. 11u iaw'9 , _,. • • • a 15 "unUI further notice~' afttr' ~ IDOft." • lhe Wesl German elooloral ' ·c · coUege dllCloled plul to mtll -~~I\. Ill Wtsl Berllll March I 'to Lo!Jd . .Ail ,llund17: 'Tbli 11 vote 00 1 '""'""°"to l'lllrlllc 1 m'ii't IOr ~ Wiit Gennon West Gennan Pre 1 J dept &Offfliment • • • aot a matter . we are dlrecUy fJJvolved ln. If Uat&etl Prw ll••U 1 01 Tltlo WU I doclalon by lhe Wlde.prud llDll!fl WI I Well Gtnnan government to reporttd ~ ID ~ conduct their meeUng Ill cupl«I Jordon and Ibo Gua Berlln and II not 1 matter flrip, and Jonlan' rtPlirled a 8111 dlre<:lly Involves the MVen-bour artlUort tloll dur- lJltllod llates.'' In( the nlallt -lnlll fore. y J f'lld opmaed hope. el bolow tlie DIM IN. A llllp. tUI Ibo lllclorll college Inf lnotdeal ., Ibo bub ol -.._ lll IP!!td and lhe a.a Call ......sod ID llald !Ill ........ ID ~ tite Jmell aoldW. lftll ,.__ ..... .;" . ;0• Arab atudenta slap! noisy --~ "" dtmOllltrlllOQI ond 1tritln1 .,... Ill Ibo ~ " .. , l!ore<>wnOl'I bpi· their abut- .,. ~' ten down In major dUe1 of Ho aid-~ there Ibo OC<\IP&ld' ....i ·but' ol . tlllpt .. ~ de,...._, ill' River J~ II WU lhl -.. '""'* Bulln during -lb "" .,, ~ -· ~. ·wblcb coold pction ophiot the Israeli ... -·a ~ -pbere <upa!lon and lo demand the durtoc' Ilia. **II' college ~ ol d_...aton .,.. 1111111111·ultf)'t !ala'. rtsled earlltr by hr a a II ''nll Eu! Glrmal\ boil Is pclice. on rood raD PO ~ay A small aroup ol blah IC!tool travtl ~ -, Dot 'ilfect lludent. parldtd lhroulh the air tr~veL martet place of the okl city . .. . . of Jerualltm, llludenla trlOtad U.S. cilllclab slid --mateshilt burier• 1nd threw "aU the JPOl't reuon fl!t '1m stones at police in the Gu.a (llbOll) <to (O therl in the Strip, an0 there were abouta D(blollbil1U..ptto1brlllp. of "N....r1 NQltrl" Jn acctll to that df;J.'' Nablus and oUm clUes in ' Jordan. 11ov·s HIART llATS IN Gl~L'S BODY MlchH! l!lackar Donor; Chrl1tln1 Corhn, P1tltnl . Child Heart Patient Continues to Improve given the heart of William Becker, 7, of suburba n Loveiand, Saturday.., who died of car crash injuries. HOLLYWOOD (AP) -A· Ibo IP ol II, I veteron ol, burillque a n d vllldevtU., Glor .. i!ay• bison ~ 1111 irv1111 .. ·• i•bberiliCola mon. 'lbl. ilv!ni WU t::.. for ' H-,wtiol>tceme to m10'°"8 over the neJ:t H yean · u •JGabby" Hayes, sidekick to _,. '""'· . • "YG' du.rn tooiln" WU bi.I 111i>l1 to BUI Boyd, lhl Hopllooc Cauldy ol Wnkm miwle1 during lhl IMOI, ud to lloY Bogen, Gene Autry and othera. Hi)otl, arluled and 11'1\'ll· voiced to the end, died of a bu.rt ailment SUnday at St. JOMpb Hoopltal io ntarbJ Burblnk. Ht WU II, I widower alnct 1167. In 1tlO he rollrod from abow bn~neaa. Allhouill, generltlom lln,l" blm u the bulhy-burded pal of cowboy atraJghWbooters, kids lovea Gabby Hayes alone. His weekend mo rning television thow in the i,960t "WU I IUCC.. MOVIE VITIRAN . Oabby Hayn Dies . lrom home when he was, rn.: the eiehtb srade and joiDed a touring repertory company. . He and actress Dorothy Earle D\llrried and came-t& : Guidelines L~ird Hints Sentinel. -,.. . . . - In Tel Aviv, Defen1e Minister Moolto Doyon told a meet1n1 of the · Labor farty's IdeolotJcll Circle th1t o n e contributory caui to the unrest. wu the loll ol filth in Egyptian Pruklent Gama! ~el N~r's leadership. CINCINNATI (UPI) -Sia· year~ld Christine C o r h n , 4mertca'a fourth child be&rt transplant patlent, showed contluued Improvement today at CiU'ifren's Hospital, doctors llld. Th e y sald the girl wu In 1atbfactory eondTUon a n d ahowed no evidence or re- jection. • Robert W. Southw ick , hospital adm inistrator, told newa:men Sunday the itrl 11w11 awake and alert, follow-· inl with her eyes the mbve- ment of the special duty nur1e and· taking an intere1t In thingl." Boyd, Ill Palm Desert, Clllf., Hpr..,..i areat nant at Haye&' pustna. "We loved him very much," 11ld Mn. Boyd. Hollywood together in the t!&r· ·: ly days of talking pictures. ~ Said Hayet: "My wife talked me Into It." • ' For Credit Buys Slated W l1rk to Be Resumed . WAsHlNCITON (AP) - StcrUry of Def-Melvin WASHINGTON (UPI) -R. Laird, hinting work may The IOffl'llment hq, j~ be resumed OD the Sentinel a aet fJl guidelines dealgned 111umtssfJe system, says he to let Die buyer· tnow eudly hu aeen no evidence of 1 bet· how much interest, MrVlce ter prop»al to ddend·tbe DI· charge or other COila are: in-tion agaimt nuclear attack. eluded in those "low month1y C ~ n s t tu c .~ i on . of ~e payments" for purchases like Se_ntinel 'thin antiballistic hls used car or color television· 'miDile qstem,. under. fire aet. from critics in Congren, wa1 The so-called "truth in ten-~ed recenUy for further ding" guidelines, which go into ~.dy. effect July t were issued by There has been no slow- the Federal' Reserve Board down in research and develop- 11 the rtllllt of 1 law puatd menl," Laird emplutliled Sun- by Coqreu Jut year. day. "There baa been no alow- The regulaU~ cover a wide down as far as procurement range of acUvtUu where b CCll'lC~." credit ts extended including Re said the admfnJ.ltraUon bank loans a n d department position on the project will 1tore charge accounts, not to be made public n e· J: t month mention bills from doctors, with budget revillom. dentlat. and the neJ&hbarhood Laird appeared on the CBS plumber. teJnision-ndlo pro Ir am Bulcally, the ,Wdellne1 re-"Face the Nation." quire bulineues of.ft r Inc He char1ed the Soviet Union hid lll<llaled the &r1111 race during the put two yean. Lain! slid the Soviets 1lready have a defensive mluile , l)'altm .......i Moscow and are condnulnl missile defense ell<ittl, but he conceded their progress was not as great u had been estimated earlier by U.S. experts. 'lhe defense secretary also )>"dieted Red China wtU either fire or have the · capability of !iring an in- terconUnental blWstic mllllle ' by Hrly 11'111. .. Ht Hid iltJ!ala 11 OU1--dinJ the United Slata al a raUo ol •bout 7 to 1 for defemlve nuclear weapona. Conctrn1na tbt S e n t i n t 1 ay~m. Laird Aid lh1t whtn U • 8 .-Soviat arma-redilc:Uon ta1ta ore held, It will lie hn· portcl "f« \II to bl ln I •troai pooilioo. .. CHdll to cleorly "1'laln the term• of lhlvtredlt, Ir flct a l5,000 fine, a year in jail or b o t h. Credit is deflnei:l 11 any trauactlon in wb.1$:h the bill ls payable in more t h a n four installments. Al many as a million bu1lneate1 offering credlt will be covered. LBJ Vetoed Recapture Of Pueblo, Says Time . The guidelines even lo ao far u to require that 'all numbers an d percentages listed on bills and cradlt agreements be printed at leut In 11).polnt type -1Ughtly larger than the ·averqe type size used Jn most new1paper columrui. HEW Post For Farmer? DE KALB, · m. (UPI) - Jar;nes L. Farmer, the. form- er head ~ the Congreu of Ra· cial Equality (CORE), said Sunday he was "seriously considering" an offer to serve II uD'denecRtary of Health EducaUon and Welfare Jn the Nfxon admintatratlon. Farmer twU at Northern TI· 11nota Unlvenlty to deliver a lecture. He 11td he had talked with HEW Secre tary Robert H. Finch about the po1t, but that any further announ<:eJ!!ents would come from Wahington "within a week or 10 days." Famed Jewels Back on Display NEW YORK (AP) -The Star of lodla and the DeLong star ruby, two of the jewela stolen from the American Musewn of Natura l Hiat«y four yean aa:o, have 1ooe back on elhlblUon. NEW YORK (UPI) -fmi· dent Johnlon vetoed a plan for the forcible recapture of the lntelli1ence ablp Pueblo early last yw because he "clidn\ Wlllt another war," according to Time mq:ulne. Time reported thil week that Rear Admr, Georlt L. CuaeIJ, former oper.Uou of. lioer ol the Pacffic Flee~ to)ll the Pueblo inquiry that the destroyers Trmtao an d IDal>tt were ordered I o w ..... -alter the Com-munlsti seized the Pueblo and took it .t(, that North Korean pert. n.e inquinl said Cautll • told I .-oeulGa ol the inquiry iii Coronado, that the Higbee, under heavy air ~ver and backed by a U , S • ultima~ to North Korea, wu to aaD Into the horbor and. eJCorHhe l'utblo to. aafe- 1)'. Cauell aald the plan was vetoed by "bllher aatborJty" and Time 11ld the hl&her authority wu Johmon. Tht maculne said the destroyers were alrtadJ en route to Wonaan when the Pruident called 1 C<llferenc::e ol hll top IDilllarJ Ind fO(lllft attain adviien to review the plan. '1'hl advice Johnloa receiv- ed~ simply: 'Don't do it,'" Time said. ''Johnson .. h 0 lebeirfAdly OOllCWT9d. Said he: 'ldon't want lnothU war.'" .' 1bl . m•iulne . q1IOletl ooe partidpant Jn the conference 11 saying there was no dlaqreement about th e docllloo. Attorney'• De1erlpdon '1 'On this one there were no hawk• or dove1. It wu unanimous,' " be w11 quottd as uyin(. . Tlmt uid that beaJde the rbk of war, "It wa1 c:6v10U1 to the Prllldlnt and bi• 1d-vl1111 that the rucue attempt wwld almoat ctrlalnly rmtlt In the lmmedl1te d111h ol Pueblo'• crew." Satellite To Aid War? CAPE KENNEDY, F I a . (AP) -The moot poworful conununicatiON spacecraft yot devllopld by the W•tm! . wor!d hovered hllh over t h t P1clllc Ocan today, the bor· ald for 1 nn era when smiJI ccmblt unltl on front Hnu can lpeed meaaaes via utel· Ute. Tito 1J11 mllll<n et)>Orlmer> 111 crlft, cllled TACCOMSAT for T1ctlc1I ConunW!lcalionl SlleU!ta, mllht lie UMd ~y U.S. f...., ID lloulheut Alla Uil-•llllPl'<JlfllDOX· ~tolltl.MVtrllmontbl. . Tito I,~ ·poylold rncteted 1top I pcworful Ti- tan 3C rocket Sw)day tnto i spot 22,IOO milae om' the equ_. off 111• west c:ou1 ot llouth America. At that llU• tudt, the aatelUte'• M'bftal apeed ma~ tbe earth'• ~ taUon to keep lllo payload In a 11tmlngly 1l1Uonary poe:l- tl<n over the Galapagos ll· lllldl. Sirhan Labewd 'Sick Man' LOS ANGELES (AP) - "We've got a sick man there," veteran criminal attornq Ruaell E. PllnO<ll Aid ol his client, Sirhan Blabar1 Sirhan. ''I trut h1m u aicb." An obltmr hardl7 1IOllld guw the punt YoWll Jordlh- Ian la on trial ftir his llle. privlle, jolce. His dirtliw bro•• -lp-pra)Je mbUaitrtld JWWINUllNn and odttr ... .._. vllll«I. To 1 defense investigator vW. ltiol bla ceJl he upressed the wi!li lhlt I )lltllCltl1rl7 ltrlt. in( blonde -1IOllld linlle It him 1mid "Ill lhnoe deadJ)U fa*.'' n.. 11111 -!ti lillh ..... lodA1. 8tltcllon ol ala lllarnlll Jun>n la elpOOted to bt -plalld, followed by o p e n I • I orlJUl!lOl1!.I and llUJICbinr ol lho ·-11on·1 -Sirhan amllld 1t • cuwt. roam lllilt'• -ol him, rellyld lh""'1t lbt ll1Mlli1•· Chri1tlne, bom with an tn- curabla heart detect, wu Hayts WU the IOD of • Well1ville, N.Y., hotel man who wanted him to join Ibo famllf buainm. Ht ran away Jn 19'9 he was costarred ~ with Boyd tn an early "I HopalOllg Cas1,ldy movie a11d -~ stayed around for doiens oc . Westerns. · · t ; ,. . • Trade all those bills for 9ne easy payment '. ~use our money! . . ' That's what Morris Plan money is for. You may bomni! from $100 to $5,000, or more, for bill consolidation, taxes, medical e~pensea, any good reason. Payments scheduled io'.111 your income. You may have your money the day you apply-with no repayment tor 45 days. · · · SAMPLE LOAN , SCHEDULES YOlJRCASH $ 453.93 $1,018.57 $1,518.99 $2,122.38 Credit llfe llld d111bnlly Insurance avaRable. , · MONTlf.Y PAYMENTS $24 $53 $56 $76 NO. OF MONTHS 24 24 38 36 Morris Plan 6'73-3700 Newport Beach--3700 Newport Boulevard !" ., " . ., . • .. •.' .. ' • .. .. "· ~ ' .. , . ..f.~· . .... . ~ . .,, ' ... I , .•. .. -: • r, : . I ... .., .. .... " I • .. .,_ .. ... • • .. ! • .. · In court, charnd with mur-. derin( Sen. Ro6erl r . K"" nedy, he often amilet u thoogh dellihted with IOMt °Ke UkeJ all women," U)'I the JnvaU11tor, Mlcbltl Mc> Cowan. "Ht hu 1 v.q healthy attttude." O>r. Durln( I ,_, ho wilt. Uldulto111111'1111ltCllrlly • rooiilllllJolnitlllho...n. ·~---------------------------------------,-.,--,-------------------------'--------------~ .. '' \ . ' . • ' • . . • " il While on .the subject of t11e ·naUon'1 postal atrvice- 1, In today's Mailbox , on. this piige,. reader 'Ray ·K. './ ·:·~·Elstad.4isCmses thlfdl claU;~aD.ed ''Jutlt:-"mall,'' veA-· .. , .• .,second <:Jass; He w,s,promptod "1·••1:>AILY ;PILOT editorial -Oii the ··subject.-· · . , , h ;, . , '!:Ii•. pollcy of transporting 'news perlodieals1(maga- :i .dn~ ·and·newspapen)ibrough the U.S. malls at specW l!: • ;~M ... •o •P••"'• Oppo•ition to Peacetime Dr11ft Shift to · Volu:nteer _.Army? W ASlllllll'.ti>Ni-l'o .some top eiperts :here: believe \ht belt. six to 12 months could see one ol ·those .auddee and .aometimn: my~ous . cbangea in . the .. ' • Kremlin bilh,.~r;ut . ' . Such .a Wt!i:l' ~ would, or co~ •. , ' . . . ·have reverberatloos ~.over .~ world. , here and abrolfl; have not been notably AmooJ ol"1' lhtnp, ii would gnaUy succesoful in the put in calllng the complicate -ol the planned foreign turn on Soviet poller strugles. policy tniilati'o'es· al the new NIJ:on . -AdmlnlstraUon. NEVERTllELW, n ls bnportanl lhal "In mating lheJr long-rqe forecaatJ, some U.S. tsPort\•W.•"see tho)>OtenUal Kremllnologlsta have a good deal in for a ahi.ft W~' ~ remove Alexei common With the wtathennan. Based Kosygin and Leonid Brtdlnev from their •on carelul and sysltmaUc analysis · o1 pivotal positions In the K,r<mlln hlerachy. 'the belt available dala, they make "!bat would mean 8: cJwige in control 1"<1cmenls which can .• be nulllfled· by of.the politburo of tho Comm1llllsl party's ~lure! events. . . ·' central committee. In tbll contex\ 11 .OOUld be qo1eQ Tbe old'llW'! group ol Kosygin, that free ""'Id jnld!Jg~ aulborlt!ea, Breibnev and .NlkolOl Podion>Y hive · · controlled u.. party awarallll llnct the • ,, detbronenitnt of Nikita S. XbrDlhchev ., • ., • ln 19M. F« • number (If reuons, ~ ... __ analysll bele th/ht It may 'lie lime ·'..' ;-. I • ' t for a cban&e.' • • This. W&lsal tolnclclea with similar vlen ...,veyeo1 to U.S. ·olllclals recenUy Monday, February 10, 1969 .. ,..,. KnmUn ~abroad and prevloul- ly rej>ortoo!'ID thll'column. While .eiperts here acknowledge lhai . there have ·been no surface signs of disunity In recent months, there ts a leellni that Ille true plclUI'< ls ~ ol RuallD ldidon cloolnc rankl eltsr the Ru11,lan-led Invasion o( 'Czeclloolovalila.lut )'Ur. be cli-Onicilly . troubled '"°· Economic gl'Ol'lh ·1'1 vlel>'.<c! u UUlfUifactory by ana11s11 liere. and -a1 in the uo11ed :slates· . ....: ·;!ovltl , plannOn Ip b> crWlrii1Y b'">y 'mllifaey, deliia!ICli. Br;zbilev ls'tboQlht•IObii)iorl!Cularly vulnerablo ill the wake ol the lnvulon ol ~1'!11¢'alda. By ''"'IOI! of his party reapoaallilllUes, he WU the archllecl ol lhe IUemlln'a pollclu there. II 1'I 'belitved Jiere Iba~ Kremlin deo1'1i : ~ltbllanclll>i. Kosygin ., may well have been .w dlll'lnJ u.. ·...ent -.. ~··his··._, from , parly functlonl .wu '~lainecl TbUt Ui"'a leellni·~ XOonln. now llS, ·may ·be I~~ !JUYy pr.....,.. ol a denian-dln( ,..,_, • -. BJ Rol>elt s. Allea .. ....J ... A.GOIUmldo Dear Gloomy GU.; ", 1 tm •·llnlll m11e, ai• 20. l have -·4llfllc.ft< four y ....... and I ·ha,,. .;.i to run •croa • ·&lrl ,-broth mnells u repulllve u • tho llngvlni odor o1· sev- eral 1n0otbwubel commonly 'used to -bat bad breath. --0-Pbantom ""' ...... ~ ~·--... ---.... ""'=-............. _, ........ '"THAT AIN'f NQ .$1R.+.W; ME~Vrf.l.'' /lllot.o.l~l . . ' :~Subscribers: J I ' • -' ' . . 'S~uM :f ~y .:. F_ull Posttige~ "H·uma1l: .. ·8ody Is · ' ' ' I ' " j • ' " '; • ' Not ·.Obscene • · The word .. obscet1e"·fa'eans "tendi.Dg · to ~'a'Use seiU.il ei:cil~t or .lllst."' I .. don't know w4y tbia ·abou11Lbe .coo- aldered a ... thirig' by soelety,. but , ' · eveo gtanUng that lt.$0\lld, wljat.w.I< .. · To tho Editor: . . •.. naked body "~1". . , : . ' ' In jaar nCent edJtorlar Y,ou brought · "TWti U~ve?slty, of ~· ~.eu.LI . 1 totally· upselC-ConaciouS ; _ and af~r ~ up the point· of public suDsldy ol third last .,fall. were lndlcl!'d do obsc<nlty hour or so ol recopd!Uoning I became CJau mall.' ·. o· I 1 , : .. ~gfia ·.(Jater· Wi°*'a~ W~ ~;Wit• .. 'jllit·al unaware Of their nakedn~ .. It ti seldom mentioned, !but .~· 1·, n.~. ~·be f~). .for .J>e;l:foi'Jninl '. EVerJone tnow11 thi,t a •00\an ,.-earing be, that the · most prtVUea~ , cllu ·.of . iii a_ ntide v~on .of 'Peter Pan" at ~o. . ·~~tion~us "g~ents . that t™e and mail , ii: not third · clus « ao-called performancea of the musical production; pronilie and cODCeal as much u they i•junk", mail,' but . secmd clus, wbJch , I didn't see· the performance, but I disclose ls 10 tim¥. more "lllurlng" as yoo laioW la that cottrlng liew1p11pers. Ila=."" ~ ls-=b?°'1'"~~~Uc~Y-· are. , than ·a stark . qaked WOOl>ll prancing and rmguines. · · ' • 1 ,., •• i , • . _ ~ · ,.a::....n,-~ . .-~ ~ ~ ·&round. lt. ia: ,her· a'ttit-Ude that makes I'm' *2rt You ·mow the ' ridiculoulJy. ' -. .er-~ ~~has evn" W. "obaceoe" .or not· 'it ii not . her ..... Ii ..... '"" .__. . . hn~ me as oo..c.ne In lllY..... -·• ---· Aad " . 'th ·w· •'•-ol pnia..u-_ee ,..... · ... ~ 'NJC )IUbUJbers on of the "1Pll'4. · • . ~ ... p~ ..... .,...., 11 ... e. • ~· thia:mau:-1 ... • c.·· ~-. .· . ' .... , ~-. "'\ .· ... , .. ~ ·-~.not·tbefact-ofnudityj£seif ... 1 KNOW Full. W.~ yo;.'wm c;al~' :.~J4cr liN'Bl!:o~e'ne:·a;,~~ .. ~imcl!:Nn.Y I SAW~ r~ord -albwn that the 1econd clasa man mta a ~ted can be ~· but a ~Y per_ .se. cover of t~o young·.singers, tOtauy naked ~ is a 'proper aublldy, bulin rtali~,' · cannot · be. It · 11 ~ a ditty mind. · in front-face,.as it were. The photograph if _we are 'to strive towarti ~g ihe · that .cu see. dlrt m. a ·~ ~y; Wu amusing because it was so utterly P.O:'l '<lffice department 'self-~g. to the .(upconscl<>41ly) ,unpure, al!~; '\lilerotic; they both look¢ ll~~ sad sacks, 1t·1 would· seem loglCal fer ·tboae' 'Who are imp~e. . · , ·sta.ndinR: there smillhg-foolishly at the with to subacribe to Whattver newSpaper . 'I1MI · plain ~~ facl i;i : tl\at: · ·world, 1o~· no parUcular reason. It wu or maguine they wia:h ·toi 'be billed' a naked.bod): ~.about as ~!Jlt(uJ,.and · tn'oughto-driveamanintoamonastery for the tull amoutlt of the poatage alld · uneiciting,in ~tseU as f plucked cbtt:ten. A~lly, the rn _ore nakedness, the not forci ·UM! rest··of the population Mati1Yearsago •. ~atel)l?rter,Icovered leas sexuality ; the more we 'take the iohelpsbouldertheo:ist. -. . (ot '1JD~v~) .• tUl~t Co/l\'.eIJ.tiQn,, body .for granted, the Je Ss -we feel RAY .K. ELSTAD ,which ~~ .8~ .tlle: .. mQflt _Puritan con· .promP,ted to fumble for forbidden fruiL Ste editorial. · Aal....Z Birth Coatrol To 12'9 Editor: , · · .• -· I wu appalled to read receotfy that &ome 90 m1Illon dogs and cab are killed yearly .In.our -......ia and abellerl. for. i.he "crime" ol being surplus and un-- Wllllld ..... ~ n.. .... Ille lnP> ..._.... ol hldJscrtmlila(e "'b&Ck )'&rd" b....ilng, ol lnd!Uereqce. end Ii· ~ .Wlth •pupples and~ belq born at the rate ol llO a minute. 10,IOO per bour, lbele simply m not and never could be enoqb homes for tbem elL SO I WAS GLAD lo learn, and thoulht yoor readers might also, ol a One &u. mane o<pnlzaUQO. The Animal Pn>tec- tioo Institute ol America, wbiCh 11 !Dftt· Ing this orobltm In a dlroct add]in.UCOI f,uhloo. 'Ibey .,. planning loW-ooot ,,.,.. Ing cllnlcl In major cities thniuibooi Ille country, to encourage the spayiog ol Ptls ~ discourage careleu breeding. venilon l ba'd ever~tetided m my lite. It is I.he false aura of mystery that tpvesi. the body with a meretricious BBCi\USE;nlE m~beripf,W.Mdtst · glJmor. Japan, ~here men and WOiften grottp ~d~'\ J'.eill:"d 'their.,~U;· ~ at · ff.~ly .bathe togeth~; has fewer rape t1lat tiine, tn that plitt -as prqvocative cases m a year than the U.S. in one or $ntiblic of sexuaUty; they' :wen day. ..... ' . ' Husbands, Doghouses . ' .. . . . '· ' ~ . . . ' . Jumping to conclu~ons o Huliancls olten·dwell'in do&boultl for long periods of Ume. Wives rarely do. Why ii this? 'l'1le reason is that when a man la Wl'Olll :-ht rtalizes it, ~eels .. gul]ty and therefore •lhioQ 11.oo1y fair that he ~ punished .. ..\ w~an, •n the. in one place directing tr:itffic. ·The cbief other band; rarely'' admits she is ·totally police , occupational ailments seem tO . Wf.CIQI' about anything and lee& DO·l'eUOD ' 1..-. • ' ' • -"'.hy abe thould lllhmit to being sentenced be 1>8ckacnC a~ kidney pr,oblems from . to tile marital doghouse. . JOunclng around !pr eight bours.in:pslrol ~ng back ,over their lives, mo'1 cars.· . men U)lnt they reached the gokten prhne The more time a fellow spends boasting ol' manboixVal"Ole age-o1 25. Moot ol his · ancestry, the less time be has women. hbw~er. feel they were at their to do. ~methtng that h,is .PPmr#J will bell •dllririg lheJr· bigb ~scbool or C:Ouege be able to !>rag abouL )'tll'L · · You 'can bet that • an •eitc\IUve··who • ' · ,. la so busy he carries · two brtetcaaes Surely IUcll an organlaaUoa -... lhe belp end support ol •• .., deCinl, h!lllllDHlllnded perlOll In the coun!r7. Should -wllb lurtber lnlonnailon lboul this procram, they can drop a -« portcard to API, Bo% P, Sacra-mento, Ca!Uomla 15113. AP! also flghls to pl'Olecl all animals. THE · ·NIGHT CLUB business 1n home from the . office each night ·will · Manhattan Is In the deepening doldruml. -never be board cbalrman. ol his Orm. Pa~· lj>Pf!'t!btly bffel .d~ed '·it t·it , He'll be a heart attack case hirDJe1f no f~ beina:'.m~ed-on the wl.y ·me .. tietore . he's old enough ~ be eligible ' alter" belqg robbed in the nlg~t club for the job. . · ol,thelr.cliolce. · ' · · ' MRS. IRVING VAN BRUNT FlallllCW Gealtu Tb111< appear's tO be no enti to violence PANHANDLP;RS a,U,.y many ·p0ople . . , I• our time. A pet shop proprietor reporia · but I 'always leer sorry · 1or them, no To'tbt F.dltor: • . lhat some people now are buying savage matter what cbeap .bums they may ·be. Zowle, that Ronald Reagan bi snme · plraolia flab· Jun 1.., the pl~uure ,al I led .lhat lf. yoo could read . betw ... kind ol a llnanciel genius. Finl . he . seeing. them attacl< and eat all ... other lhe Wrlnl)es In !ht lltort o1 1n1 'man raises tu:ea by a bllUon dollan the. small ' .i-1.. in .. _ .. home aqu-,,.1...... who. boldt ·hi• palm out for help you hard way ("taxea ahoold hurl'~· and ~· ~ w-ldn't · ' ·• ts &I •--• · Whal kind· GI ~at..i mlncl· ---"' -fmd , cou . escape wanUng to """" bim .... wan to . ve ua ~ 100 •~. ·~ ·-a hundr~ doll · •••d or ;r .... F .... ·IUCIJ.asoene~r , ~ ars ms,.-we ~ed or tbia gestun we are ~ 'to . A 1-'tlon qo,marljuaoa wu wlilely quarter that' makes you a 'twO.bil jump and cUct our heels. '" " . used by Jm.mlllldana who felt -"'·· pbllautbropisl. ' This nmlnda me ol the IM' wh<i -.. elwaya buys his sboel two m ioo' ·reolera. speeded up their perceptiona arid amall because It feds ao a<i>d .me.· made. them.~· belief. Moot found oo,~ ht tatea tbem oil. , , · hew~. tliot tljls Jll'~t\<e dulled. ralher DALI!: R. SMITu ll>a_n ,llelped ~. Mflonnanct. Todl1 .. . moil. muslclsill Wok pol )I a paatlma · · '. lor. JuvenUt ~eoli. L1tt1n from rcadtn er• t0tlc0mc. -. · • ' . NonM!lv writer• should <••1'tflflirir IT IS A oqob polley ne,ver to lead tntJICQt in 100 wordl or leu. TM money to a IU1 ."11o wean dic&tblped right to ....,..,, lcltm to flt ~· cul!llolla. ' · w elimlnotc UbfJ la ,.,.,,;,a; llU One qi the r.uOos a ~lceman'i lot --t.uen mull in<:lud< -'---'-• ""' ldnnqfy Wlla not a llappy one was • ..,.~, ... -btcaute' ol Ille. corns and callusel ht malling addrua, but """'" mav k 1cqu1.,.i while pounding . his boa~ T!ie · IOIUlhcld °" rcquc1t I/ 11i/Jidf!ih.~;,. !"ly ... ·~"'ff fl!Ol .ttqublt a~'* ..... ls_ ~~m-~ . _ _ an U-wlio get lallcn' arch••. stin<tlrig , . . , ,\ • Dea George: , , l'!p alck and Ured ol you. loodt· goodJ advlct columnisls coming . : out aB•lml people llavlng a M u"" alld u XoU _ wl~t 19 be '° . b~ and pm;ltaiilcal, o.t, bi.1 do you have 'to •IOlst oll """ nar- rowmindedn,.. on everybodJ else!· How.do'you 'J..uty !bat! , . INl!IVll!UAL ' De~ !Od]vldual: I must haV. been drinking. , rig od ., I" ng •• .. of '" eel ph cly "• lie as ,. lie he ~· lit. iit .. .. pe "" iel to Im rol ng , .. au •ho ~· •Ill m. ell bk • Q ' .. ' im . led bit , • !.. ' \ ------·--------------------~------------------------- .. . . REALTORS FOR SCHOOL BONDS . •'' ----A voluntary or9ani11tion of Newport 811ch.costo· M110· Rt1ltors'formed to·u'9• ·•·YES vefe: in• tomorrow'• School Bond Election. . . . . . . . . . . ; .. The R"ltors fisti.& below know fwst honlf ;!he effect t~at 9i.od, schook hove upon ·ti..-commuoity• These Realtors also recogniie 'that ti.. citiitns of tomorrow's Ameriuwil require o•fui days'.edii-· cation today. Therefore, these RHlton, 70 of.tham, hove paid for this. ~dvertisemont·to urge you: to-vol• 'YES tommorrow. · ' ' · Voto, an<! vole YES. lt's·t!i. future you're voting on! ·~ARNOLD & FREUD .REALTORS BARCUS INVESTMENT CO., INC. PETE BARRETT REALTY ERNIE CLEVELAND, REALTOR COATS & WALLACE REAL TORS C. f. COLESWORTHY l CO. COLLE6E REALTY DAVIDSON REALTY FREDERICK REALTY HERITA6E REAL ESTATE IRUCE. HOWEY, REALTOR COSTA MUA . DON HUDDLlSTON, REALTOR FRANK KIN6MRD, IU.lTOll LolORDE AEAL· ESTATE' LACHENMYER REALT'I'. MESA VERDE REAL lY. · P,i.UL, WI-llTE,_CARNAHAN PERRON REALTY CO, · THE REAL ESTATERS . ·· ED RIDDLE REALTORS SPRIN6 REALTY. I . • . ,_ NlwPORT •EACH P. 6 . BALA TON, REALTOR BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES PETE BARRETT REALTY BAY l BEACH REAln', INC. CAP BLACKBURN, REALTOR BOYD REA~TY. . CHEVRON REALTY COAST PRO~ERTIES CO • CORBIN.MAii.TiN, INC. .DAVIS REALTY ·DELANCY REAt ESTATE OOHS l COMPANY DOVER REALTY CORP. CHARLES DREYER, REALTOR EASTILUff .REAl'IY, INC. Bill FARNSWORTH, REALTOR FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. FOX ·COMPANY' WARREN W. 61HONS CO. GOOSSEN t. CLARK ASSOCIATES HARtOR INVESTMENT CQ •. HARBOR MANA6EMENT CO. "FllANCIS J. HORVATH, REALTOR CLARENCE C. HUMPHRIES • JONES REAtTY, INC. LIDO REALTY0 INC. JOHN MACNAB REAL TY ·NEWPORT HACH REALTY . • ~ ORAN6E ·COAST PROP.ER TY. HAL PINCHlft ' ~.,OCIATES . PROPERTIES"WEST , . PYRAMID EXCHAN6ER · RED-CARPET REALTY RICHARDSON REALTY 6 . ROIEllTSON , REALTOR C.•L.. ROllNETT, REALTOR SCfNIC .PROPERTIES JOHN• SEMPLE, REAi.TOR· Cl:AUDE SHIFFER, •REAtTOR , STEPHENSON REALTY R. SfRICKLER, REAtfOR p, STUART REAL ESTATE THE V06El COMPANY FA REL WALKER. REAL TOR· WARD · INVESTMENT CO. ROY · .t. WARD CO. " • IURR WHITE. REALTOR 6 . W1tllAMSON; RE>';~TOR _,. .. : W. 'WINTON, REAL ·ESTATE '. " ' • I t > • • • I f Co.etlAIRMAN1 JOHN SIMPll, ,,... u..io· leil!f, C:.111 ... ~ , , • , .• 'JIM WOOD, M ... ,_. '"""'· ·e-M-' ,""!'\"' " ' • ·~ . . . -·-~ ..,._ ...... _ J -----·· f ~· I • • .. . ., ' ' ' \ I• ' • ·-----~-· ' . . .... .,. . . •·,; .. ,• I ~ ,. ' .J • ..,. ~ f1.. '. ' !..I .f• I '." a., t ·~1;. ', --~~ • " -.,,,,, dud<' ' ~ ,...._ ...... ·1w ~.;.. .. ........... -........ ....... ... .. w.dt .......... , ........ ... 'Allili di • 't ... ! ....... ,..... ..... • • < .: .... "' ;.~~99 "\ ··~ ".: 1i ·t;;i, ,. ' . .. . .. · : .... . ' ·' \ ' . '' ·, . . . -~ \ " .. ··.!..:. :;, .·• " ... ''•'.\", ' . ' " ' , ' . • ·''"·· ... '•'(\ .,. .. ", , t : • 1 ' . " . ~· ~J ·.•1 " ' .. ' ., '.J .• ,....., -.. 1 ' I.' • t , r NEWPQ~T .B~Cl:f..~. I 1 F1i~it. l1lor\41 I ; 1._ , j ., ' t Rehiring Deadline Set Today SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Todly i& the deadline acting President S. I. Hayakawa has aet for 199 striking San Fran- cilCO State CODe.ce tuchen lo apply lor nblrinf -a deadline they llY bu no , 'an! I me ng. I Last Thursday Hayakawa i said he had sent letters urging j teachers to aign up for the . .same poaitiOlll at the same I pay le< the spriq term bqlo- \ nJng Feb. 17. I Bui the American Fedoro- ' lloo ol Todlan Uni<ln Iller ' dilPU!od Ha)oaUw•'• Blond thl1 ander ltltl law members I loal lbltr Jobi lor bein( abaenl I fift days widaout uama. Unloe olflclall adviled the 11n 1o alp up, but promised teachers will not be on hand ; for work unleas the governor · alloW1 stile College Trultet1 and the local achoo! ad· ministration to settle the dispute involving instructors I and students. Teachers went on strike · Jan. & for union recognition, I better wages and working C<ln- ditions and in support of .stu- ' dent demands jnvolvlng minority groups. · Hayabwatoldstriklng teacben they should also ap- ply to the State Personnel ~ fer full relnJtatement .. that teom'a . llld ac- cumulated .sabbatical leave lime could lie realored. . ' . ' . \ ~ Airstrip Buy Decision Due . . . Lcis Aj!G~ (AP) - Les AqiJel Cou•ly fl ~ lo mm • final dec:iiba WI week on ae- Qllirtn& a pivile Ban Fernan- \, do Volley alrltrlp and llling "-., an a:ijacent public park to r exp.Ind Jf, to th• displeasure of conservationists. The Board of Supervisors had announced It will buy Whiteman Airpark in Pacoima on the basis of an A viatian I Advll<ry Commission rec:cl'D- mendalion, and may uplDd ft into adjacent Roter Jeaup Park. AJlboui!l the ltrlp II mU!nl a profi~ MarYln E. Wbltem_. oald -!ram bl1 manufadmlnl ~ have forced blm lo oell. Bui be said lhal 'If boushl on UM open market the airfield would undoobladly be replaced wlU1 warehouses ber:1UH cl. nearby railroad spurs. The aviation coounlarion said there would be "aerloua 11afety problem.a in th e ainpac:e over the San ll'erando I Valley" if the field were cl• ed. ConserVaUcmltts arpe there b already a lhorlale ol parka in the county and have taken their pleas to the county Parks and Recreation CommlAlon which will ma.kt a JuWHch ' effort to ,chan&~ 1Uperviaor1' minds. Can Vi.olence Be Avoided? LOS ANGELES (AP) - Much campus violence could be avoided if collep ad- ministrators were. prepared to m e. e l it, says Chlef Deputy Atty. Gen. Charles A. O'Brien. O'Brien told newsmen some radicals hive been publicly ....... lllelr aim& lot mott dl.,ruptm lctlvltJea In the next fw months. ''We can atcp this disruptlon lf we can learn from our mllt;1Us," the -olflcl.tl uld Salunlay. -.,, ,.._, 10, 1 ... Ne Apreenaeat Yet ' Commission Still Seeks Tax Reform· SACIWIEN'IO (AP) -The belbinlnc to heir' ~ _,.iujon formed lo oiler on -majjr..bllla. ao.. 11aqan a loniftnle Thi . Auambly'• Rev..,. ' .. -ol ~'a IU Ind Tuatloa Commlilaa WU l1w1 11111 bull~ quod · an due lo 1el a new cbaJrman; a reform plan, Slate Control· r<placlnc Aaembl)'!IWI Jahn ler lloulloo I. Floumoy 11 t d G. Ven-{l\.lo!odel\O), Who t~~ ~ lo. 111 H lo Ille qui! lo beCome ~ 1ovemor m 10 day• to two ot be a l t h Edue1tioa , and w..U," r Io urn o y, tbe weUare. The malt lltaU cbalmum, uld In u in-choice : Allemblyman WUlWQ -· T. Bq"1 (Min Amtlmo.) But lie Wei oae more rtourDOJ 1 a I d hia comt , . ---- • • ,. - • i J Jobs ,. • • 1 I , • ~ierra~ fBu~k~ SAN 'FRANCISCO (AP) ~ fd Feb. :II' II Dil llcla ~ Club ~est, 1111 Voml Tllo · ·-•u.inlll Siena l,y Falrgroooda, ~ City Servlce\oald 11 W!Mlld COOlldef Clld> ;J_.,11 111.soo 1crea of lii!d Fe~. 27 al WeiMalt Hl!J, ~ In ...__ el lhl _ DlUollll I-In Slaldycm and Sl.iklyou County P'alrjjiluncls, area, which Includes 98,IOO • , . "·· Yrdla. acres In Slaldyw County and D;I Narte ®'Dl.... clusllle4 ~ tho 1lull ol i-. Sierra ·11,IXll In Del Norte. • u ~·~ ..... 1>u1,tbo,,,; ;;;;;;~----~~· ~~;;;;;i:;;;;;;;;;F;;;;;;;;;;9i u. Jl ..... Ill' Service 1117' l,"6'1* may ~ .. itQe. l'o,... offlcl1il lllld tlunday .. Ille acilo• would •lllillDllt op, f>OllµnlUes for "6T mllts• ol Olil World ~ .• ~ ~ 98,CIOO vllltot ~ per )llr of ...... uon l"'j--~-.'.J;'...'.....t.-~ u. tDd a ·major, roM wved =--•,•' h 1,k h41evatloo 'rocreaUonal Mediterranean Spanuf, Furniture llacel...i uncetlation of $22,000.00 Spanlith '"" Medlterrenetn Furniture ' .. . .. ' cwnpln,_" ' .,,,. 514tt• Clul> lild "' -pol1nc the wllderne11 ~Uon In IDQ lhal a recr.1tiaoal area of much Potential ' .1 UN: would b e ~~ . ' ,,. .... , ............. " ... ••• 3 ............ .._ Otl Dll,I., meeting of the 1 0 • m a n mluion will not prqduce· a Advisory Commission on Tax complete t.u: eystem for thl Refonn ls needed to come !Ute of CaUfornla Ufn· ~ up with a program. As,ked sense thlt we WU1 be flndlna % .. ".• how extensive it would be,. new 80\U'eel of nvenUu .or ~==========~=:;:======="'-::! The aelion wl)ll)d, prohibit road& in the llrta. 1It alao wouJd ellmlnate Job! .ind payrolls of 1ome $12.5 mfll:_ton per ~ar, said George Flournoy oald "Iba oom· J •··•·• . . bu ~ d·J•J ho rt\'O uUoaary WIJI ~ -......... m1woa --w thin&• that are already·taed much to~" . now," be Aid. . 'lbt Jecillalur<, meaowbile, lnit.ad, be . lncllcaied, the hllan tho &ixlh .week of tbe commlallon w 111 fen<rally 1• ,,....,, wHll commllleel ... ru. waya ol tutnr eslstlnf C • ' p z d A. Craig, secretary-manager onservatives e ge ~~:~~Lumber Manufac· Items as followa: Georieous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with ,separate loose ~Wows with heavy ~· tri111 decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" ta)! decorator lampa, bangi)!g cha!µ swag lampa In ·wrought Iron an 8 piece king si!e m.aster bedroom suite ;/, pecln panelled Mediterran- ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish , decor dinln2 sel etc. . ........................ Sl 111.00 Hollywood Man Jumps To Death revenue IOUrct.I. A commlasion consulllnt alrer.dy bu reoommended wlthboldinJ ol 1llle penonal income taxes, but ' 'th a t -~ lndleate 111e com-m.lulon Will recommend Jt, 11 Fournoy Aid. Ru1an oppooea wllhhold1"1. · ~ l ·.. By limitinf aooes1, a May Open GOP 'Feuln · ;-:::f:'J·~ ;;;~d.::b SACRAMENTO (AP) -A volunteer l'<>UP determined lo elect atrona: conaervattves in Republican primary electjONI carriad the po«enUal today I« a renenl <JI the bltler lnlemal Differences wtll be the .. ~~ P.wer,ciontl!'!llllll l Pf'i;'~'li ~f ~e:"~i' schedul· the drawing of dialricts. t. UROC, which claims CW.. 1o 10,000 mtm1>en, ooted 1n Nearly Everyone revealln& it.s primary eleetion plaJI tb1& 1 politician "always 'Listens' ::-:,:t~lfl~········ ..... $698.00 Any Piece C11n Be Purch111td lndlvldu1lly T1rm1 Av11lleble -N1wcom1r1 to C11lf. Cradlt Approved lmmadl1t1ly J JI J] F~rniture At Harbor Blvd. feuding ab1ent from the GOP needs funds, a d d i t i o n a I in recent elecli~ knowledge and pre c 1 n ct 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa only SAN FRANCISCO CUP!) - A Hollywood man, -told 1 CalUarnla l!lihWIY Plllrof offlctr be wu ju.It waitin.I for his children 1t the IOUtfi tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, is the span's 3$9th Jlupn II COUlltinl beavtty on the commisdon for the looltm>I• tax nform he hu promiled. "I haven't 1een It at all," he said of tht com- miulon'1 work, "but I want sweeping tu reform." The potenUal wa! raised workers -and UROC has to Landers . Enry night 'til 9 ~Wed., S•t. & Sun. 'til 6. SUnday wlien the ·un11ed -~aU~of!_!the~"=·''.'..' ------~~-=:::.:.=:::.::_-'-~==~~===~=========~ Republicans o f California known suiClde. San Matoo Man Elected· The victim. Sam Rosenberg, about 50, spent an hour stan- ding on a bridge sidewalk Saturday looking out over the ·bay. When a suspicious patrolman stopped to question Rosenberg's intentions, the SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - man said that be had been J. Hart Clinton, publisher of walking across the bridge with the San Mateo Times, has his children but became tired been elected president of the and decided to wait for their C a l l'f o I' n 1 a N t w1pape.r return. ~~abers Mlociatlon kl' the Board of Governors voted for a "pinpoint power" plln to be started In GOP primary elections iD 1970 with a tl0.J90 campaign chest, 'Ibo bolid ulil tta . aim Is to elect avowed CCNeJ'TltlvM, and It will elect at Just three Assembly or Senate se1t.s in the crucial 1970 elec- tion. The plan applies only to the legislature. which will lie rtapportloned 'In 1971 wilh About a hall hour later, ,conung year. ~rg calmly removed , Clinton, wbo 1 u c: c e e d I bll hat Ind coal, cUmbed up George D. MIUJlby Jr. ol Ille on tJie Ult railing and drop-Manteca Bulletm. wu elected ped :ZOO feet lo his daalh while u lhe aasoclltlon clORd Ill a tem --qed ~ rider wai.. ll1t annual meetin& th1a ched: ' weekend. . ' I . . Pasadena's Oldest and Largest Savings ind Loan Association STATEMENT OF CONOITION DECEMBER 31, 1968 ASSETS . Cllh Md Unhld Slit• GOHmment Obliption1 • , • , , .$ 32,0tl,OIO Firrt Molttlll ..... frt1t1 Loans ••••••••••• , , • , 384,217,321 LMnS °"A ... E1t9tt' o-.td for o-lopment • , •. •· , 701,273 L091'11 to Fldlhltt Slltt of Rial Ert'11 , • , , , , , , , , , ll,t2t.•22 Contrctl of s• of 11'1•1 E1t1t• ••..•••••••• , , • , 381, 79A Contf'ICt of Salt of Hnd Office 8uildlJ'lf to Affilltlt, , , , 4,0j•,217 Lo1n1 CHI S.inlf Accounts· ••• , • , ••• , •• , •• , , • • 4 4, 123 Fe>d~tl Homl Lotn BR Stock • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 3,389,700 Off'Q Buildi19 Pd Equlpmt-rit •••••• , •••• , • . . • 626,296 A..i Estatl OMl9d , •••• , .•••.. , , ••••••• , . , 14,619,626 A.otrutd lntwfft on lo.ns .-id lrw1stment.,1 •• , , •• , , • 1,400,114 Prtp11id Federel S & L lnturlf'ICI Pr11"1ium •• , •• ,,,,, 4,111,196 Misc.lltnlOUt ••• , , , ••• , •• , , • , ••• , , , , , • , • 274,210 TOTAL ••••••.••••••••••••••• S4411?!1ti17 LIABILITIES s...,..,. Aocountw, .•..•••.•..........••••. $343,217,400 E1Ct'ows8"dL ... lnProc•.·········•••••··· 11,112,477 Adv9"Cft frOM 1M fldlf'tl Home Lotn Bink , • • • . • • • 38,210,000 A.dvtnet: Payment• by lbrrDMn. • . • • • . • . . . • • • . • 605,572 Atcoun11 Paylbl1 ••••••• , ••• , , , , , , , • • • • • • • 4,021,984 No111 P1Ylbl1 ••• , .. , •• , • , ..••.... , , . • • • • 1,960,314 0.ftn'ld lncomill ••••• '· •••••••••• '........ 2,124.370 SOKilic l• ftMNI , , , , ••••..... , ..... , • , . 231,014 TOTAL ••••• , •••••.•••. , •.••• 5401,413113! CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND RESERVES GtMl'tl "llll'WI ..cl Undi¥ldld Profitl • , •• , , , , , , , . $ 46,21 J,086 Gu•11n• CIPltlll Md Surplut , , , , .• , . , , , , , , • , , 100,000 Tc>itl Cllpitll,Surplu1 ll'ld A~ , , . , , , 45,313,C* TOTAL ...... , .......• , .. , ... s.we.?1!.211 MUTUAL SAVINGS AND L.OAN ASSOCIAT ON e PASADENA ~. . 315 £.Colorado 81¥<1. Pasadena, Cllif. 91109 ~JJJ!l~ lelepllone: '49·2345 OletN'' ..... ,,. ......... ,., ... --' 1IO "9rttl Cicr9I A ...... ', W9T MCAIM OMa ..OW•O-Wa_, All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Luxuriou1 nylon satin sllps ... a feminine gift in any length! White nylon sotin tricot 1weetheort 1tyle il'I o full length slip, )hort 32-38 or o~erogt 32..14. Whit• nylon satin hicot holf 11!p. lotl trimr!'lld, in thort •Of cr.raige fwsth In llTIGll, rtt.dium °' lorve. Ruffly nylon culoflH .•• sha'd love them ••. you will, toot Young 'in' 1le1pweor 11'1 yummy colort ••• coral, pink, yellow Of' aqua h1 1ii.11 P.$.M.l Jfli... « }t.mi°": TINE'S AY IFTS Visca straw or rattan handbags A pwfect Vollntil'll's Doy gift that N11 lfljoy oH )'IOr ••• °"" cittroctM impomd Wm _.,. bogs "1 white, natural crid c.ostuml colon: ••. or • 1""k looklng "'+= twd rvlklft wttti nrwhWe trim In whffre or nahnt. Shl'd low -1 •. ' Parfad lit in lina quality stretch hose.,, the perfad gift <M' fil'll Connc.• seorn- ~SI strltch hoa. in ploin,, mHh or nude hllf styli, foshion ihad11, ,4..9.c;.D (S.A,l). 3/2.95 Ag;lon panty host, Mow.. for p1rf1ct fit In fashiu .hodlt, ilztt Ml-EL p.,. fed f« short 1kirhl n uuvau" .,~NEY CARBE 11--- ACCDUNT TODAY I Pins and earrin11 for regular or pierced ears in the newest lookl Choo11 from ovr n1w11t look In lnOml lecl and°"*"" 1tyM1 ift pink, bl"', Of'Of9I,, y1ltow or ;r11n, She'll ............ ~· l ' ~ .. DO 1d llood,y, F<llN"1 10, 1969 V en-etians SlowlJi ~ ,r ·- Goi~g, V~r Sea j, FREE SAEE DEPOSIT BOX FOR ·-: ~MAINTAINING $•,.SAVINGS ACCOUNT • VENICE (AP)'-Aa-llallan AdriatiC Sea near aovmllllOlll ~ uld should be forbidden. Tu...tq Ven!Ce • wlO b e -No works sbould be all'"t deltroyed by blab Udeo In lO ed along the Brenta and Pia"' )'flll'I um.a ill lqoon la rivers without s tu d 1 ea 1 partilJly ilralned. determining their effecl op ·To avert tbe dllUter Ibo, Venice, 'JO.member ....,,;o1m bu -Water should be pumpill -Jl!:Qllf>led' an eJcbl-polal .Pl'O' uodor.....,..i, in Ille lagOoij, lfam. ,,. The ,.venunent should graQt Prof. Antonio Franco, head subsidies to , veneuans whD cl the ·oomro1111nn1 said want to repair their buUdlnp! Venice sank -four In--It also should finance lhO dlel bet-• !IOI and 196%, construcUon of a scale mod61 then 11..1bmeried another two ot Venice and the lagoon tit lncha from,1952'to lMt. test the effects of tides and He pr«iicted the city of gon· underwater streams. dolas would sink 1nother eight Franco said the dredgin& inches by lllllO, Wbile Ille W-of I Canal belw<>en Ille 1J> level would r1le four ir.cbes dultrial centtl'I on t ~ e in lhe.aame perlo4. J\lalnland and Ille ... would 1bll would Cll'I')' Venice nol cbange Ille level of the under allt·foot hl"1 lldeo, com-lagoon waten. pletely rulnlni .!Is bulldlnp, Many have ·expressed fear aaid Franco. that the cQ.11 and the ac- • • .,. j Houn: 9:30 o.m. te 9:3!1 p.m.; S.t. 10 o.m. f! f it·"': l Franco reported that five UvlUea of the 1nduJtrie1 en groups of eiperts bad the mainland Jn.l&ht · cause .. t: established tho. program to. ~dam~a!ge~to~Venl~ce:_. __ _!:;:::=======================·" , . ~ve the city. 1- It calls for: , . I : Sh e's Boar d 's l' alentine ; 1'lrs. Angela Townsend, art student from Mission Viejo. seems to be popping '.out of valentine she designed for Saddleback College's second anniversary on ·Valentine's Day, Feb. 14 when open house will be hel d IO a.m. to noon. Eying : the valentine are Saddleback board m embers (from left) Patrick Backus, Dana Point," Michael Collins, L'aguna Hills, and Lou Zitnik, Laguna Beach. • Free consultatlont -The lmmedJate con- struction of an aqueduct to supply industries (!Jl t he mainland. -Revision of the clty'a water 1ystems. -All artesian wells In the lagoon should be cloeed within two yean. -All oil drillings in the • No obligation! CALL COLLECT (71'4) 523"'6511 -·'' For a limited time only! R -E U I • • • • •• • • • •• •i Save. 15~ on custom draperie~ ·sl'ipcovers a11d reupholster.yl Fabric and labor· includec:ll • f • I ' ' ' ' • ••••• , ••••••••.. I at El Rancho: the super.market ·.··· where the price -= is righ't ! ' ' I Instant __.,....Lighting - \ No Kindling . . •, ... ~ ... Bunis Briskly ... 2 to 3 Hours ' First of the week grocery value~! Del Monte Catsup ............ 25', Hydrox Cookies ................... 59' Save 6c on the bjg 20 ounce aize ! Sunshine .•. save lOc on b1g 24 oz. package!. Stewed Tomatoes ......... 4 '" '1 Ovaltine .................. : .. : ...... : .. :59' Del Monte .. , No, 308 cans .•. you save 16c l . \ Delicious.,. healthful ! Save toe on 12~z:: j ar! ' ' Beavtiful custom draperies, slipccwert Ot reVpholstery mode just for you ! We'll bring samples to your home so yoo moy select harmoni zirlg color and fabrics under your own lights. Our tntirw line of Fothion Niottor fobria hos been temf'O"lrlly ..duc.d ·a huge 15%, along, with our .expert cu1tom workrnon,hip that includo1 measuring, tool Service available. in greater Lot Angeles, Orange and Ventura Caunti• , " " f Upton Casseroles ................ 69 ' Jiffy, Pop ............................. 25' Fun io PoP .: .. more fun to cat! , .. save 4c ! Main diehea in minutes. Your choice/ Save.'19c ! ' . ' Meal Maker S]iecials in all Depa rtme nts! -'/ ! i ; ' ' L d B ·1 ' $J29 on on ro1 ................. ~...... · · ·•· . . . U.S.D.A. Choice bee! ... all the hearty goodness you appreciate ... at a pricc ·geared for savings ! Cube Steaks .............. : .... '1.29 •. .. neady to enjoy ... in just a matter of minu tea! Beef Kabobs ................... '.:., 69~ · · Tender cubes already skewed .•• 8 oujices e&chl · Pr-ice& in tffe"ct 1'lcm.1 Tues., Wed .• , Feb. 10, 11 , ll .... No aa.lu to dealera ! • ' ' Banana Squash .................... 3~ Golde n meat. that bakes to perfection! I . Mozzarella Balls .................. : 45 '- 111e1t.s smOOthJy ! •1 •• Precious Brand • , • 8 oz. N£WPOllT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. •nd 2555 E•stbluff Or. I Eestside Vill191 Center I HUHTiNGTON BEAClf: . ' ~· -----------···I ~ , ., : • ' ' ~ ~ l I . .' . . ' . I ' • t. > .0 l ... ll • .• J ."' I• I ··• I e 111r1 -~'& t .'ljj t ,I . .... •lh ~~\ ····' . ·' •1 ' ./. •• e l ' , .. , ..... '. . ., •" •': •• .,• • '" ' ' ' (~ ! ;, ' '' I .,, J .. ,, " ... ... ,, •• "" '" ~ •• ... ,,. ' •' Jt DAll.Y PILOT 0 31 520 C' .._, ~ .., ~ I 17" 52' 30" CDM REFUGE -.This is Newport Beach Marine Lile Refuge established by IOSS Legislature. It extends 200 feet sea ward from mean high tide mark be- tween eastern lloundary ol city and Poppy Avenue in Corona del Mar. Law establishing three new refuges in Orange County went into effect last Nov. 13. Areas are being posted by the county. LAGUNA REFUGE -'l1lis is ooe of two Marine Ufe refuges established by lOSS Legislature in La- guna area. It ext.ends seaward 600 feet from mean high tide maric between Two Rock Point above Crescent Bay and beginning of Main Beach below old Victor Hugo Inn. In all tlrree new Orange Coun- ty refug06, Oll!y abalone, lobster, booita, rockfish, mackerel, pereh, kelp bass, sand bass, spotted bass, · corbina, croaker and halibut may be taken under au1horlty of sport fislllng license. -- MUI I EN c\BLUETT 618.t Valentine Value/ Heart's De li ght Ro bes 11.97 ·Love and be loved February 14th. SUr· prise herwlth a robe from our very specialty priced hearktannlng colleetlon. Shown: luxurious quilted satin In collared duslllr style and dramatic three- quarter length Mandarin coat. mi.-rcboo regularly $18. Now 8.97; reg1>- 1111r a Now 15.97 -•-•rr . ...................... ---·--llOADWAY ANAHEIM CENTER hclll lif l•llf• A"' fwy, A111h.i~ GR.OJJI:NS I SOUTH COAST PLAZA l rl•fol 1114 S111 011 .. Fwy. Cotlt M111 I Borman in Holland THE HAGUE (UPI) -Col. Frank Bomwl, tbe com- -ol lhe U. S. Apollo a moomhlp. arrived by 1ra1n from Bruaell lodaJ on his w..wn European aoodwill trip. "--welcoming hlm was u. Si ambuu~ to Hollud, WIDlam L. Tyler. Borman said be had felt slck tarller ID !be day becauie ol !ntl!Stlnal lmlble, but be felt ''much betltr now." Borman would have arrived In Amster<lam by air a r.-, hours earlier, but his plaoe Could not take off fron1 Brussel• airport becauoe It wu snow-boupd. I See by Today· s Want Ads e GENUINE GARAGE SALE: This ODC!'S tor the men: AC light plant, 3KW; power winch. po11t bole di&:- eer. cement mixer, pool table, and 4~" jointer. For lhr ha.rxl)rman 1n yoUr life. SOUTH LAGUNA REFUGE -This is third Marine Life Refuge established in Orange County by IOSS Legislature. It extends about on&-half mile down- coest from .Camel Point south of Aliso Creek to Table Rock. All forms of aquatic life e,xcept those cited above are pr'Mected and cannot be taken without wtitten .permission from the state Department of Fish and Game. Those that can be taken legally must be talten under the authority of a sport fishing li~se. · ' e AGGRESSIVE! Then this ill the job for you: an apartment manager is needed in the beach area. He will receive a free apartment, free phone, ex- penses plwi bonus. Who could uJr r or anything mo.re! •BARGAIN HUNTERS: FCC Plans to Check TV Stations Owners How'd :you like to own a custom bargain ? This one is only two years old, with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, fam- ily and dlnlng room, and in the beautiful beach city oI Newport, •. call today. WASHING TON im-i+-- The Federal COmmwUcations Commission (FCC) plans to investigate the ownership of radio and television stations by "conglomerates" businesses engaged ill other non ~ broadcasting pursujts such as newspaper publishing. The inquiry might result in new FCC regulations covering such enterprises. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday THRU SAT. ONLY! I • Penneys · Mediterranean ' Style Furniture 1>, Save $20-72'' sofa Reg. $199 '179 fabric or vinyl NOW fay GS little OS $8 per ftK>nlft Save $10-Makhing Reg. $105 s95 high back chair NOW Poyen little as $5.50 per montk Save $13-Rcicker, Reg.~~~ '11 2 fabric or vinyl Pay os little as $6 per R'IOntlt Save $4 on the Reg. $35 '31 matching ottoman NOW Poy as little as $5 per month Save $5-End table Reg. $50 '45 in dark oak NOW Pay at little os $5 p« montlt Save $3-Bunch Reg. $31 '28 table in dark oak NOW Poy as little di $!1 per month Save $6-0ctagonal Reg . $60 '54 table-dark oak NOW Pay as little a1 $5 ptt MOnth • Hardwood frames of Spanish oak • Cushions are 5" zippered, reversible Polyuret hane foam • No sag spring base constru cticn NO DOWN PAYMENT ••• USE PfNNEYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN PRlOS INCLUDE DELIVERY WITHIN OUR LOCAL DELIVERY AREA CUSTOM ORDER CONVERTIBLE SOFAS IN MODERN, EARLY AMERICAN, TRADITIONAL ••. REDUCED! 20% NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (Foshian lslond) (Huntington Center) ) .( ' r , I T ell .. be ed 'I' .. 'Dl It For The 'Record Meetings MONDAY C.tfNltttrt Toe•t1J1111tis. Corel lllfff ll•l•11r1nt, 2445 Hlrbor 81....:1., C..t. Melfi, 1 p.m. IDIDnlt kovl$. l 1111;oct: ElfdronlCt. l••Jot•r Pod No. lN, l•llcort ltd""'IQ, S5l11 Klrbor Btvd., C•I• Mite, 7:U p.m. DtMlll1, Hllflflneton llffdl Clllpler, ,.._le TtrnPll, 7IM L1k1 .-.~, .. "1.llltlnllian Illich. l :lO p.m. ~In V1llly Junlo!' Clllmto.r of ~. "°"""" !Mn'lto.rlll!p, Cltv • Hell, 10200 S1•tef' ""''.. Fou11!1ln v~n,.,, 7:)0 p.m. · Ori"" COit! Colfl Cklb. Mlrlner1 1.lbfery, 200f Dovtr Drt,..., N.......ort klell, 7:30 p.m. c.t1 MfH H1rmof1'f ~ No. 2'1 Odd Ftllowf Htll, 2•76 NtWPIITT ltvd .. Cos!I Nlftl, I P.m, VIW No, 1361. VFW Hall, YOrlnO'lll!I A\111\ue, Hunllnt'lon S.1t/\, I p.m. TUl!SOAY (Mt1 M.... City Emp!cw11, COiorllll ICltchtn, 512 W. 19111 5{., CMll Miii, 7 •.m. (WWII dtl Mir Elldll"M Cl11b, JOltf'I llHllllr_.,t, 2171 E. Coiiit Hl111Wf't't " C--oel Mir, 12 noon. C.te Me" E•cMntl Club, Corti! l ief, 2'45 H1rbor BIY,j., Cosll MtM, 11-. ff11fltln1ton llffctt North l'°"* Club, Mledowllrk Country Club, H1U Or'llPllm. Huntington lffcll, II flOOfl c.t1 MtU Rct1ry Cl11b-North, CO.ti Ml.-Golf Ind Country Cl~to. 1101 OcH Course Prive, Cos!1 """•• lt:lO p.m. c.ran. del Mir Klw1nl1 Clllll. vm1 SWlden, lSl6 E, C:0.11 Hllhwty, eoron. dtl Mir, U:JO P.m. tw11llneton BIKh Rot1rr Cllfll.Nortll, l'wr Winds Rut1unont, 1'Q1 klM Cl'llc:•. Huntington Be1ch, 12:15 f ,m, Huntington hid! Klw1nl• Clutl. H~• tl1111llln S.1cllN Country Club, IOOll "'lrn .-.v1., Huntl1111ton tltCfl. 11:11 p,m. W-rt H1rbor Op!Jmlsl Cid, \1111• M1rln1, 1045 81y11d1 Drl'll. NIWNl't JHdo, 12:15 p,m. ~· Nies.I Klw1nl1 Cl111t, CW,. Mltl OOH '"" COllnlrr Club. c.t1 MIN, 11:15 p.m. Fire Calls 13 Candidates Seek Council Seats in SA SANTA ANA -Thirteen candidates have tued for four Santa Ana' city council Riis to be conteai.d In Ille April I municipal e!ec!Jon. Mn. Janloe Boer It Ille ooly woman In competlUon with a dozen mea. Mrs. Boer describes he....U as an indu1trtal com· municationa ei:ecutlve. She la seeking the Ward$ poall!Orl. Ward I candidates are Har- ry J. Fensler, U.S. NaUonaJ Bank vice preside.ct; Delbert C. CoMer, ·senior lftltem analyst for Master SpeclaJUea Co., Costa M ... ; Jorry ~a~ terson, attorney, and Patrick Duggan attorney. · the _post now held by James Bolh Dugan and Mn. Boer Carlson who is not s eeking wtre candidate• for the Flrat reelection 8l'l! Raymond Villa, Dlalrlct Supervilorial Dltlrict seat Jut year and both~ ran in!urance agent; Walter Cooks for city council four years Jr., a minister; EI i as · Aceveda, book at.ore owner, .... d Mrs Boer Cblllenclnl Vice Ma Yo r anComp0llng ,;,Ith Incumbent Wade ~n. who 11 numtna: Walter Brooks for the Ward for ., --' term In Ward 7 seat are Delbert W. Michael, S II PWderlck Hopper, aJ.. tor?)ey aad fonQer dty police · a tool design engineer ·for ptaln Douglas Aircraft in Long ca Wird: 1 candidates setkina Beach, and John E. Hoff, • automoUve psrts man. Lang Heads Historical County Unit FULLERTON -W. H•rold Lang of Fullerton hu been M1111tl..,tl1t 1eMt1 tt:JS 1.m. Satur<#W, IMllllCll 11<1, named to bead the Qrange au1 1...:11•n•P011• CoQntv Hlltorlcal Socletv for t :U: •.m., rftaie, 161111 Clltn11tl "I 1 •1N 1.m .. m~ fir., ""°' 111.,1-1919. Jle IUCeeedl Superior Drive Court J d t :11 1.m., fir. klvtlltlHtl.,, tu 11111 u ge Raym ond ~1~,. P.m., "*'"' •lei', 1,361 'lbompson, also of Fullerton. 1rocit:tiun1, s.. •• Serving with Lang will be 11# 11.m., r1Ku., 161'2 Or111e!Ji J•--,8Joe-of Jlo)v . JJm , 1;41 p.m.. 1tr\ld11r• fltt. 3GS 10th .,._ ..-/ f1~;· ''"'" ~. ~ tne1 or Wlcklow Canyon, _vice pruldent;_ Mrs. •:• 11.111 •• -i1u1 ild. an cti1nao1< Mildred McGee of Wl:iltUer, 11:.: ... ~l'ICI,:,-'•' t1re 1nvnt11at1on, aecretary; Eldon G. McNeil . 1t:M •""· McJMI.,, 1trlldurt fl~,..._ of Santa-Ana,-trea.surer-afid · • ••lflut ~~· Mtsa Mn. D. Manley Knlgbi of f::W 11-M. a.turHy, tr••h flrt, ffJ Fullerton curator SCOUT OPFJCJAL D11n R •. crlifton MlulOll ·Drlw • • 11.a 11.m., talM 1larm. 2ht •!Id Miu Dolorea Hernandez.of I::~, 8::'r!v1~1rm, 2300 Harbor Fullerton Will be hoapftaJity 11Vd. hosteu, Mra:. E JI z abet h Explorers' Helm Goes .To Crafton Fnllf•ln Viii" 1:1• 1.m. s.111rc1ev. 11re 1nves11e111on, Fortter of San J ua n t100 L• c.,..u.. Ca pi 1 tr an o, program t:•. ,,m., 1lruclurw fire, IMSt Cfdar DEAl'B NOl'ICES GRANT M ... H1 MI W. Gr1n1. BtlOWd wift of Mt. Jemn Gr1nt1 mottoer of Mr. Whit· M'f J, Gr'llnt tnd Mn. N1nc:v G. 1i.-11o:1. .-.1so 1urvlllld by five ~lklNll. Prl111t1 MrV!cH WltY fllH tcidly, Mondar, FPrlll Lewn M• IMrlal P1rt1. F-1 Llwr1, Glendale, <BEATl'Y I - I~ e..tt't'. tu W. ltth 1$1., Coste "'-· Slrllces ~11111. Sltfl ll'Dllclw&y Mwtu1ry, 110 Bro.d'wlr. C01f9 Mell. CLARK NtWll L. C11rt. Age olf, of '141 llunll fllltt, Cotti Mesi, Survived by llu .. 1111~• Atbll'f L. Cl1rlc1 dauth""", H .. 1 l. CllrilJ th~ brv11'111'1, Bob Ctifll«ln, Drvll Cllholln Incl H11dle Cti--1 two s.lst.n, One Thomes Ind' ...,..It Worntll. Sv.<lces, Tllfsday, J '""' P1Clf1C View Ctllpel, With Cl\&P. 11111 kin ClrlllOfl offlci1llnv. tnfffmenl, ltedf1c VllW Memorl1I P1rk. Dlrecied W, 8111 8ro11clw1y Mort111rr, COl!I -· CENTONI llllldMI M. Centonl. "" 7t.. of 165 tM. Drive, Calle Mffa, SUl'\llYed by Ul/lflt.r, Mrs. Bettv Mfli.tf, .Casie MIMI fllrte 1l11tn, Mrs. rr.oe Mldlff. 111 Ml'1. llbbl1 N1Nor1, 11\d Mrs. 11919 S!t-IWI: fllrw '"""''°"' 1nd two fl'Ht-11rendd!l1dr91, SftYICM, Wtd- llllf&y, 11 AM. &ell Broedwar Chapel, '"""""''' F1lr1'11....., M«norlll P1rk, Clrwcted by eeu 6rooidwa1 Mor1111rr. WF.STAIL ""'W"t1ll. 3701 E. Ch.IPtY11n; Onof>M, Diii of del!l'I, Febrv•rv '· Services ppdlnv, Wft!Cllff Chel>t'I MOfhMlrY, ........ OWSLEY V• 0..ltr. 252!1 Denn 81\/d., API. •• CCR!ll dtl Mir. 01\e' ol' dffth, ,-. f . Survived by wife', Helen; two ••'-'"-Jel'll Schntlde.-, EN:lno1 1nd .. I~ 0..lty, Ntw!>Prt Be.ch; end ....,, 9r1ndelllld~. ServlctS will be MIC T~y, 1 PM, P1cl1lc View ~. with John ,.,,11ey CJ1f1cl1t11111. hi1'tr'lnl'lnt, P1cmc: View Memorl•I P'wl1l, OlrKlrd b't' P1cHk: View M«· ,,,.ry. WOLCOTI' t,u.111 C. Wolcott, 150» Cclumblt Lllll• Hun!lntton lleecll. Sijrvlvl'd b~ two d1'1111krs, JNnne F. 5ch\l(ll, end Jldlle M. Eddi'/ 1111111', FrUI<" IC. CWlltri ind five ererdc~lldren, 5'rv· -. Wwdnesdf\I, l PM. Pttk F1mlfy ~ltol F11rotral Home. chalnnan, and Leo J. Fri~ of Anaheim, edltor of the 1oclety'1 newsletter. DEA'l'B NOl'ICES GUARDADO M.11:/11 I . O!Nrdldo. Jr • .fl,3 W. 9olN A,,.,, knll .-.111. Survlwcl b't' P9'911h. Mt, ll'd Mri. Mll11:1n E, G\11,._. Sr.1 lwtottllr, Dotnlnk;k J, Gl,lfl'fMo1 .,.,..rWlh. Mr. Ind Mrs, ·••"""" OV.nlldo, •!Id Mrs. Julll Yblo~ ••rv, l\lltdly, I PM, Pffit" P:1111lly Colonl1I '"'*'' Ho,,.,.., 11• "411-fl! Miu.' W.....,., 10 ... M, er...., SIC:Nlnllll c.t!iollc Cllu~~. Watrnl1111tw. Clnctld l!y Ptek F11nl1Y co1«1i.1 FUJWl'91 ~. GOVLD Th<lrrll9 A. Oouftl, ll052 COl'Tlttl • D, ., Hunll"8'1on ... di. S11r111't'W b't' wJi1, F'rlll(lllf ..,,, T6dd1 H11thltr, Jllllt Nanc:y1 breftll(, 11.oblrf, 11-rv. T11"' d1y. 1::111 ""'· """"'" fMa. w.d,.... d1r, t:a AM. bot11 el It, "Ill• )(, (lfflo olle Olul'dl, Slnt1 1'1 SoHnl' °' ~ b't' 'Mil 1'111111'1' Coltn IJ Fu-ncnol Hom1. ' RECKO M9rlrl C. 11.tdlo. 4'10 WntHl'k P1tc1. wes""l"'ltr. 5urv!YICI w neol'llW, WIU11rn t1r1n111n1 tlfllO n1Kn, Murlll Whll1 1nd Dort1 LOl'tllll. Roqrv, Monclly, tonlgM, I ,.M. Pft'k F11nl1Y Colanlrl 'uneol HOITM, 11."ulom Miu, T~r. f "M. l'"*td S.cno~I Cel!lollc C'llurdl, DI~ br ,. .. F•rnllY Cllonl1I FUllll'll Home. BLACKMON Edger 1 ... c Bledl.mon . ..,,. 6f, er M>1 Clerk Orlw, H11nll"911111 lffell, Sit,.. Ylvtd br wlft, .-.na; IOll, llov; H UI)\. l!lfl', Mn. LucUle Mfll'9r 11111 'Mr11. Jo'f(I Tlllmfl'I bro!Mr, Ctltf°"'' 1nd four vr•nddolldren. c,,.,.i ..,...!<• •nd Prhl1te tnl«mtnl, I PM, Tuetd1v, Explorer .Scouts in the Orange Emplre Area COuncll are now under the leader.lhJp cf a new director, Dean R. 'Craftoq: Crafton toot over as direc-tor of Exploring In the Orang! Empire lhJa week. He · wa1 formerly Dl!trlct Scout ExecuUve of the Cen· tinella Dlatrlct of the Loe Angeles Area Council. Tlie neW scout e1etUUve la a gra.duate of ~ Valley C911egc In Marahall , Mo. His responslblllUes w I 11 cover the vocational Interest Explorer and Sea Explorer programs wllh an enrollment of about 2,000 high school age youth. The council covers acoutin1 programa ln Huntlna:t on Beach, Ntwport Beach, Seal Beach, Laguna Beach, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, TusUn, Orange and San Clemente . Weslmlns!Pr ~i.I P•rl!. Morl111ry ... '-·~·uoLMS Soviets Learn H1rry c. Holm•. '°9J Trier W1't', Co:U• Meu. Del• of Oetth, Feb. 7. Of N' T . .survived by wlf9, Dorolll't', Cott• Me,11 lXOil rlp son, L1urw.ce J, Hllll~•· H11nt!ll!Jlon eue111 da11ellter, llllf'YI A11x1ndtr, Port11nc11 "''" 111ttr1. MN. 11!'.dwtNI MOSCOW (AP ) -Pravda r=re9'c~:.1 ::: "'~~.!::~: published brieny and without .s111 01"°1 1114 °"' 1r11ndton. l"11t11r11 comment today a report on HrVlces ~ ~ 11 AM todf't', l"!r1t Mffhod111 c11u~11. Cotti ,......, w1111 President Nixon's plans to Re11. J1mn Lldltf'WO!lll ottrc1111n1. vlai't five Western En.........,An tnrenn.nt, Hl'11or 11:•1 M-1•1 '•'*• ... "r- Dlttdld br a.tt1 Monu1rv. I"' 1..,. countries beginning Feb .. 13. perl«, i:os11 "'"'· A Tass dispatch ln the McC,\RTY st11-. Rent McC.rtv. AH s, o1 "4' soviet Communist p a r t y Pembt om., eoat. MtM. °''• ot new1paper quoted Nixon a1 BALTZ MORTUARIES d~1th. Febrv1ry 1, l vrYfved b'f ,,r. th I ~--del Mar.OR ... 50 111111, Mr. '"" Mrs. 11•rt L. Mc. 1aying that after cse ta k1 ....,._ .,.n c1r1Y1 1e"" brolhlrt •I'll 1111ar1, he intended "to conduct ex· ~--ta M MI &-MU am.,., Sheron. o""°"'' Mlchtllt, ll:Obo """' Ha in, Clrer end C•riNI. Miu o1 1111 ,.,,.. ploratory talks at various oe11, 12 Noon, Wednesd•'f· It. Jofln levels" to see if a U.S.-SOVlet BELL BRO•hwAY 1'he BIPllJI (llhl)llc Cll11rdo. lll!trmtfll. M.11 Good s~ c~. a11tt M~ 1ummit meeting could take MORTUARY tu1ry, 17•1 SUl"rlor, Cosll Mttl, DI-,AA ""~• p-e. Ut Broadway, Costa Mesa li -""'-'---------;::::::;::::::::----------IJ l-3j3S Adv1rti.tm.n! DILDAY BROTHERS Huatillpa Valley Mortuuy 17111 Beacb Blvd. Jlulllillgloa Beach SU.7771 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Ci<meler7 e Mortuary Chapel 1$81 Paclnc View Drive Newport Belch, California 14f.%10I PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERA:. 4 BOMB '1111 llotu Ave. we1tmhil1er m.ms SJlllTH'I! MORTUARY ll7 Mata SL Dullq!Go- LE MAI Wlfl'CUn MOllTUAllY a1' E. 17tb St., Col&a Mesa - \ ' l The only.medication that Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now! Most complete 3-way relief! This important deve lopment In hemorrhoid treatment comes to you 11ter five years of $Cientific ind clinical testing. Hot only does Counternoid• work by lessening pain fist, ind by coatinf, soothing, 1nd prottctint injured ti111.11 ••• but unllkl n1ry ott11r l'llmonhold product Ccuntemoid also W(lfk$ 1 thirdW'lty. thanks to 1n exclusive formu11 with OSSao "' only Count1rnoid ,ets to 1 major cause of hlmor· rhOids: P1lnful hatd constipttion. Without lrrllaling l1ution 1ff1et. Here's hoWI In hospital X-ray test• doctor• have dtmon1tt1t1d ttr1t Ute rtmatbbl• Countemoid formu·. i1tlon with DSS:10 penetrates in mlnultt to the top of the· rect1r area to soften the stool and ease the bowel movement. It is this unique action that dots so much to make natur1I healinc po11iblt. Sor If .,au Uvt wlttl the l)lln and fear of recurring minor hemorrhoid troubles. get temporary 1eliel with medlcally·tested Counternold. Actually, used as directed, Coun· ltrnold olfen the most complete 3.way relief .,au can pt without 1 prescripUon or witllOut surgefJ, In 1tainte11 cre1m OJ su~itorles. At 111 drug countl fl. . .......... it of tlol!'"•""·~lt-1- " I ------~----... -Monlfll, PCIVll'Y 10, 1969 Edison Taxed Most Pacific T el, Irvine Next in County ' •Prcparw for 1 .. the ftitvrc : : ; ' ti Toda¥!" ''We Have A Stock from iach NOTICI: In keeping wfth ..,. "°*1q .. offer onty the' ftne$t In· 'trumenh avallable, we ore pleated to •nM•nce' thClt we have boon appolntod fACTOllY0 DltllCT 1homa1 o.._ -..1 Hear the Thomas Demonstration Today! l-. Ill ,...,. fk nio.-0....,.. kldottlty ....... a. ... k .. ~ , , • "" t1xcl111N1 w!ltl Tit-1 II }""' ..-W "-Ill ..... lllt' ......... ~'8 0-""' te ''°' Ill• Thomo1, Tiie ·~ ilghhl 'vp .,,._ !Hid-"·.,. lndofrflr lhoW' ,_ J'"t whet aot.1 to ''°''· l•"•" o'~ ond JOI! l1tl .... tlw ....,,. with "'-WO .~I .,.clol collor·•qM 1h11I mu1ic. Col0<·Glo •• , • bright W.. ,.... n.ci.-1 -' . . THE PLAYMATE ••• 15 RHYTHMS AUTOMATICALLY! Now,'"'• tltl ...... ftl"fl Ol'llClllilt -""1 llfl le 15 111uolly dlffit11U rh)'lll .. 1 •lofltolicolly wllfl lh9 .&f -· .it ..,lid·•lo•• ,,...,_,,. by n.-11 TM '1oy1119t1 nt. n.-1 Eledruni.: Orgon1 o:nd a.ol• ... n ouo111pot1l-nt 9lld pedal rllyth1111 a11loMCrtlcotly. FREE! $100 VALUE! • ' Thomas lxcluilvt Used Organ Department! THOMAI ORGAN 2 Mat1ual $245°0 wu1u1n.-. o~GAN . $~9500 HAMMOND lil3 BAND BOX Thi l-Welt·l...._ e>r,.. Mif•lc Pt.-~ • C0111pl9h .. llJIC: ,.,...... ..... _., .......... Ille fellly, Hund....r1ef ...... ._,..1~111 di ..... ,,._. •w..; • I ' ) ''' Tti. n.-.i Boftd , ... -;,.,,....,.,..., $ ·. 00 , ' . .. 695.,., ' -!_,.,. ""' .... ,...,w. """ wtll "'' ........ kf ' ,. ,..U• .,.... • .-1H_,,, ~\ .. 11 ........ ~...,. . .._., .,.0. .. PLUS: Tow Cltolce $25.00. ' c,.w't llfKti. c:i.-s. ~ nr.... . .. II Drv111 loll , • , tfN ~jNtltilty ll~f 1'9'a!Ui9ol in•lrv,..•nts 1't ... ""''k )'911 ploy, ·, "-lwilMOllD fd (ii./LWll•"f ..... ;) ' . •249500 Orf• SMot Mutlcl • ' . . CLOSEOUT ':::GRANDS .... °"' OllAND s495 ManhallaWemlellGr. Sf95 ... leM ... II ........... w.f,,,,., .. ,., Wllll1 .. G•l4 lwl1 XV, 11295 V1! ......•....•. , s;:... .. .. · . •695 ~~'~!'~'!!~,,!.~~~' s1295 Ci'IA£.11.m-u;1ow.···· •71s ~~~~~-!~~el11t .•. ,. l\69S •10;, ~"°'' -..... ..1:'° ......... _.N ... D... , t945 ~~~~~~ .. ,~~_!«.~, . . , 52295 llAl.DWll ---. . ..,, MANT, MANY MOH TO CHOOSI FROM INCIUDINO SUCH r. .. ,. ... ,..,. ........ .,..,.11• ;;;.:; ... , ............ ., .... ., ........... ,.,;';;'";;'ii ... iciiiii""•'•';;;';.';;";;';;";;w;c"•';o';o'"ow010:•·o;'""'*'*'il'c.""''""•' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . •' . • • .: D~UM l : DEPARTMENT · : •• • ' :, SPECIALS! : • • • : •.............................•.. : INVENTORY CLEARANCE ALL INSTllUMINTS OUAUNTDD NIW INmtUMlllTI Rlt. WI""'° atclrlc 6 St~og ...... $49.50 WIMM It Oa•k .•••• , ..... $21.50 K_, Domtc ....... , ••••••• $135.00 ,_ Ciani< .............. $79.50 SALi $29.50 $14.95 $19.SO $59,50 USED INITllUMINTS -SPICIAU Vox Electric 12 String W/Cllt .... ' ..... $16t.50 Rickenb1cker Eactric 12 String w/cast .. $249.50 Hofn1r 11tttric 8111 w/cast ....••..... $224.50 Fender Str1doc11ttr .•.... , ...•..•... $189.50 St. Georg• Electric , .......... , .. , .•.•. $29.50 Fendtr Coron1do II w/ca11 ..•..••.•... $249.50 Gund Electric Starflrt Ill ., ...••....... $2J9.50 Gibson 330 T.D. w/c11e .. , ...•....... $229.50 Gllu!" ES 120T ..................... $124.50 ACClllOltY SPICIALS Pklu (l ... 1/1.l<l .•.•.• ' ........... 2 hr !Oc Colorlll Ootll tln)oo (l ... $ltS) .•.. , .... $4.45 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! ... ~.~~~.~~~!£'~~,~~t~.~.!· ALL LP's AT FULL DISCOUNT ALL Roconfi 1t1 FIRST CUTS & ToP ubo)r $1.98 & up ALL 45 RPM !Now & Old) Reg. $1 .00 ... ·!111 llc $10,000.00 worth of Top Hih & •OfdfH" In shqt & books ................ I» Tho Uoll<I MCI •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i BAND INSTRUMINTS • i • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CLARINETS * nuns * SAXOPHONIS TRUMPfTS *' TROMIONll * TUIAI Ampllfy your bind lnstnrmenh ll Dls,lar modelt of Conn-S.lmtr~ib1onll .. , .. SAVE 20% NOWI Roods (By Tho loX) •••.•....... SAVI 20% NoW I 'Reeds .............. Buy 4 & rtcetYe ONE FRiii HOHNER HARMONICASJJ SP"IALSI Vest Pocket ........•.••••• , .•.. $1.00 t1ch Old Standby , ..•••••.•.•• ;', •• , .$1.25 each VllYt Oii, Reg. "60c ........ ' ..•. ''.' .•• ' .40c Cork Grease, Rig. 2Sc ..... ,', .... , . ~, ..... 15c Guaranteed U1td Top Ouaffty Bani lnstrvmtntsl (They pl11 from Bach to .Jlockl .. , .' ... $34 .50 vpl • U1fd_·iurt Drums . , ... , , ... , , ... .',. .$29.'50 up N71on Tip Prum Sticks, Re11• 1.so, .... Sift 75c pr • H Hal So~ !Compl1t1J Rig. $42.50 ... S1J1 '29.50 Cymbal! .......................... $6.00 & ., IUNOIRLAND DRUM CLOA OUTI RIG, 3 Only-14"xl5" Floor Tomt ... $94,SO 4 Ooly-20"x22" l1u Drumo .. $13$.00 2 O.,ly..:1111 longo Drums (Pair) $66.00 S Only-Proft11lon1I loan -.............. $92.00 4 Onlr-.,u Tom·Tomr ...... $74,00 CAMCO SALi • $42.SO $71.$0 $33.00 $54.50 $44.SO 4 Pc. Set. Proft11f~, ntw. Whitt '"''- R19, $463,Qq; Clo11 Out Prk1 ......••. $341.50 ' . ' \ ...... , ...•••.•....••.••..••...... : '·CLOD OUT SALE ON : : · : A PAMoUS NAME BRAND ! : IN A/ft Cf-: FM RADIOS, ETC. : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• REG. SALi AM~M Ster.o . . . .. ..... $125.00 $94.50 MHM Phono ............... $79.95 $59.95 AM~M locor41r ......... _. .$125.00 $94.50 PM·AM Rodloo ............... $44.95 429.95 AM. Radlt1 ... • .............. $24.9$ $11.91 AM Rld)M ................. $29.95 $17.95 AM Radio• ................. IH.:!5 __ 18.88 Phono Needles 101~11 5S.95 1839 Newport Bl. at Harbor COSTA MESA • 646·0271 OPEN DAILY 10-6 • RIDAY 'TIL 9 •SUNDAY 12,.6 ., ' . I ,!I DAll.Y PILOT MOftd.11, F.....,, 10. 1969 e-year Dehate Alcatraz Fate ... In Hanils of SE SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - :Abtru. once Amerlca:s moit dreeded prison, rtmams up for oale loday alter the city 1 bu debated ror nearly siX ' )'Ul'l -lo do about it. ' A ~ declsloa may.)i• '-' made tbil weet at a bolrd ' of tuperviflon meeting. It may ' decide lo buy iL ' "The Rock" -22 acres of · 'deoolate cllffs aod crumbling prlson buildings rising like_ a moth-balled battJeship in ' tne bay -was abandoned by the government as a muimum ' .ecurity prison lo 1963. The government ha! declarf.d Alcatraz surplus .Pro- perty, no kmger 15 e r v I n•g military or civil needs after ~ more than 100 years of federal ! ownership. Only one ~overn- ment agency has an tnterest I In the !slaod -the Coast ; Guard wtllcb: maintaias . • 1 llgbtbou9e there. llPANISll NAME Tbe Island wilb !Is SPilnlsh name (meaning pelican) bolds bist«ie interest. but it was •a muimum secur ity peoltentialy set up !a 1934 for the nation's m o 11 t dangerous feloos that thl>won! I .. Alcatraz" became DCJtoriOUI ~ aroond the world. It had bGUS- ed more than 1,500 fekm before it was abandoned. The men imprisoned~ on "The Rock" gave it chilling fame. Men like Al Capone, beer baroo aod gangland cbief;' AIY!n (Old Cre<py) KarpiJ, tldnaper aod bank robber: George ( M a e ft-in e.., Gun) Kelly, Basil (The Owl) Banghart and Floyd G • HamUton.. a member d. the -. Parker aod Clyde Bar• row gang. None, so--tar as ts known, escaped alive. A government commission was created in 1963 to make an !nv..ilgation and study possible uses for the aha~ done.cl island. This commWion finally made it.s nport and recommendations in August; 1964.. I t----·· NO EXPLOITATION ••under no circum11tances, .. the co m m l sslon recom- mended, usbould anyone be allowed t.o use the island to glarify !lit crimlnal eels wblcb brought men to Alcatraz or to expki.t the human misery 8S90ciated wjf.b crimf. Jt I Tbe "°""'"""'"' aald tba olte should be u<ed !or a monument commemorating the founding ol the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945 u a symbol ·of. peace. The design woold be selected through international architec- tural competition. Tb e s e recommendations were torpedoed by the state department. "Tell me," said one State department ofifcial, "would yoo put up a peace monument on Devil's island? • • .we think that tt would be a\ least 100 years before this con- notatioo about Alcatraz as a prison - a prison for the most hardened, most desperate criminals -will pass from the scene." BRING RIDICULE • The official said sucb a memorial to the UN "would be subject to ridicule, to snide remarks and to cartoons in newspapers throuebout the world." Olher poalble uses !or Ille deaeried isl,and have been made. 'l'be government com- misllon said oub!de ol Ille ••substl.ntial" ~ for a statue cl SL Francill as a peace. monument, Ille second largest groilp ol suggritiona proposed "'lbe Rock" be open- ed to the public as a prison museum. Others suggested some sort o( park. playground: o r marina, a candy store, a nudist metropolis, a school for Indians, a gambling casino, an apartment development, .or . an anchor foe another eventual bay bridge. Then, came a bid by Tens oil millionaire Lamar Hunt Jr., who proposed a towering "Torch of Liberty." His pro- posal in 1961, envlsqed a monument as tall as any ez:- isling lowers, includlng the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor and the EUfel Tower in Paris. ENDORSED IDEA At tbat time, Mayor Jooepb L. Alioto ol San Franclaco endoned the proposal. "Let'1 pound our guns into plowsbares and prisons inin symbois al liberty.'' be said. Bui Mortimer Fleishbaeter Jr., a mfilnber of the city planning commlulGll, cau- tioned that the-Island llhould oot be turned into. • 1'wbtte elepbanl" . "Let's leave it alone;" Fleishbacker said. ''I've ·been looking at it to years and it doesn't bother nie . at all • • • we don't need a new ch.amber of barran or an in- accessible park. We could spend all that money on the San ~rancisco park system. I don't want a Texas statue -we've got a lighthouse there already." GET FAIR PRICE Alioto appointed J ack Tolan, deputy for development, to represent the city in negotia- tions aimed at putUng a fair price tag on the prison island. Costs of CQrultrucUon on the island will be formidable. In the government report of 1964, il was estimated it would cost at least $1.5 million to demol· isb pr:esent crumbllna struc- tl1nll' Md another •t.i tnlllioD to haul the rubbish away if it were not dumped in the bay. In addition, It would cost $105,000 to run an electric line to the island and $235,000 for a submarine waterline and booster pump to furnish city water. The island never has had a water supply of its own. All its water has been supplied by barges from the mainland -l'h: miles away. Also needed woold be a new sewage system or treabnent plant, a new electrical system and f15,000 for improvements in the present water distrlbu· tion complei:. Hearings by the supervisors on creation of the proposed new commission have been scheduled for 2 p.m. Feb. 11 under the su p ervisors governmental services com- mittee whose chairman is supervisor Roger Boas. SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS 11BDAY NIBHT ONLY· 5 ta B Includes 88/1111 ... ohdoe at dressing, IOI Md blllW, bs••• s12s W.. .. 8190 Ml'Vi"IJ our famous ltne cl USDA CHOICE STEAKS and otMr ftM dtnnerL We offel' a complete aandwich --OPE'N 11 AM TO I PM .i'. ·- 2267 F1lnlew Costa Me11 ,,2.0732 ..... ..... • - SALE! ' ' . ' 0NE WEEK ONLY .. . ' Maybro.oie "l/ool suits ' 79.QO r~arly 90.00 · Shaped, forward-fashion or conventional deluxe model suits carefully tailored from fine woolen fabrics. Each suit carries the wool mark g\larantee of excellerp!; Enjoy savings this week only on brisker solids.arid patterns in blue, brown, ·grey and olive colors. men's suits 21"-all 17 stores including the new May Co Carlsbad MacPhergus dress .shirts 3 .'3 9 regularly 5.!JO Permanently pressed Dacron• polyester and cotlon short sleeve style shirts with our own label. Wear wrinkle-free, never need ironing! Maize, blue, pewter, white. Sizes 14'h to 17. men's !Umishings &-all 17 stores including the new May Co Carlsbad famous make. sweaters 10.99 reqularly 14.0()-18.00 Cardigan and pullo'ler styles in classic and fancy designs. Some all wool, some machine .washable. Many colors to wear from now in- Io summer's balmy days. Sizes S, M. L, XL. men's sportswear 8~11 17 stores including the new May Co Carlsbad • . . ' .,. \;J) • ' XIV 1 S S?ORB " ; ;1 may co . south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol costa mesa; shop monday through saturda y, 10 am to 9:30 pm \ .J, ' • ~ -· • • • 546-9321- .I .. ' ' ' JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 ...... ,, ..... ,,. 1 .. 1Mt I Pffl IJ ·sauce Steams For Supper Ciao (pronounced chow) ·means "hello" in Italian, and planning to be saying it frequently · are members of the Huntington Beach Police \Vives' Guild. They are sponsoring a spaghetti dinner to which the public is invited between 5 and 7 p~m. Thursday, Feb. 13, in the Method· ist Church, 6662 Heil Ave. Dinners will include spaghetti with a rich, mealy sauce, salad and French bread. Each guild member also will bring either a cake or pie, and desserts may be purchased separately. Dinners will be $1 for .adults and 50 cents for children and all proceeds will be used to send delegates to the Peace Officers' Wives of California's convention in San Bernardino April 15 and 16. Delegates from the Huntington Beach guild are the Mmes. Gil Coerper, Stephen Balloch, Jack Williwns and Chuck Hollingsworth, who will be in charge of the dinner. Additional information regarding the funding event may be ob- tained by calling Mrs. Kenneth Grant, 962-2896, or Mrs. John Smith, 847-8919. The guild, also known as the Badgebackers, began in April of 1964 under the direction o~ Mrs. Jim Cauldwell, its first president . Be- gun as a social club, it later, became interested in welfare and com- m11pity projects. One of its annual fund-raising events is the Fourth of July soft- drink. and. refreshment booth m81U1ed by members. It also helps to support the Boys' Club of Huntington Beach, and last year raised funds for tumbling mats and 11ssisted at various bake sales for the youth group. RECIPES SCANNED -Spaghetti sauce with clams or meat, cakes, pies and other good things to eat ere occupying the minds of members of the HWltington Beach Police Wives' Guild (left to right), Mrs. Kenneth Grant, Mrs. James Walker and Mrs. Gil Coerper. The guild is sponsoring a fund-raising spaghetti supper to which the public is invited on Thursday, Feb. 13 , in the Meth· odlst Church. Tickets will be· $1 for adults and 50 cents for child· ren and proceeds will defray their delegates' expenses to a con- vention in April. Surf Sounds Hoff mans In the Air By JODEAN HASTINGS Of Ille DllllY ~llot 51111 It was quite a sendoff! J'riend·s and neighbors of Mick and Julie Hoffman galhered in the Huntington Harbour home of Dal and Joanne Moran to wish them bon voyage before they departed on a two-• month trip which will take them around the world. Enjoying cocktai l s , a delicious buffet supper and Mick's hilarious comments whHe opening al'!. assortment of presents containing such things as survival kits and Insect repellent were Jane and Dr. Don King, Clem and IJllian Sampson, Claude Cohn (minw Nita who was suffering from a reaction to one of the shots she took in prepara- tion for their trip to the Orlen~ next month), George and . Estrella Armstrong, Milne and Bob Helfer, Sut and Bill Ekberg, Ora and Dr. Bill Boucher, Harry and LeMae Steven Mary Jane and Ross Dorsett, and Jerry and Amber Baca. Husbands Honored With Special Program Consultant Speaks LSD Examined For Auxiliary LSD ..!.. Heaven or llell will be the topic dis- cussed by Dr. Robert W. Earle when Golden Key Auxiliary of the Child Guidance Center of Orange County meets Thursday, Feb.13. Members will gather at 9:30 a.m. for coffee in lhe Mercury Savings and Loan Building, and follow· ing the discussion on drugs, Mrs. James Hughes will preside at a regul,ar business meeting. Dr. Earle is sfnior lecturer at the College of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology at U C I , and also lectures at California State College, Los Angeles, in the Police Science Department. He is a special consultant on drugs and narcotics. The auxiliary recenUy made another $1000 con· tribution to the center from proceeds received through the thrift shop and genera! funds. The second Thursday of each month. was ap- proved. as the group's new meeting day, and Mrs. Fredric Forster, ways 31,1d means chainnan, has announced plans for a buffet dinner which will in- clude husbands. The social event for members and guests will take place April 12, and serving as chairman will be Mrs. Robert Mackie. Other future activities will include a Day at the Races tentatively scheduled for May, the installa· lion of new officers in June, and staffing a refresh· ment booth during the Fourth of July parade. A fashion show and bazaar were approved for 11ext fall. Prospective members will be invited to attend a men1 bership coffee being pl81U1ed for the. Marcb- rneeting under the direction of Mrs. Dale Dunn, membership chairman. The Bacas, daughter and son-in-Jaw of the Morans, are looking forward ' to t h e christening of their daughter Autumn AI£ronte, which will take place Sunday, Feb. 19, in Christ Presbyterian Church, Lakewood. Following the ceremony the Morana: again will host a buf- fet for all those aUending the services. Pampering husbands will be the aim of members o.f the Women's Club of Huntington Beach when the ·club sponsors its annual Hus- bands N i g h t tomorrow in the clubhouse. Encouraging Arnold Podsade to relax and enjoy the special program planned are (left to right) Mrs. Arnold Podsade and Mrs. Norman Lamoreaux. Following d potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m., members and guests will be enertained by the· sophisticated song styling of Jon and Sondra Steele. Mrs. LeRoy Benson is serving as chairman of the event which will be hosted by board officers, In addition to an informative presentallon re-- garding the activities of the center within the ~ munily members will present a Thrift Shop fashion show. Mrs. William Hanna, thrift shop chairman, urged members to secure and ·refurbish as much merchandise as possible for the new shop located at 223 Main St. Don't S.tay • the Dark, Connect the Battery Current DEAR ANN LANDERS: May J ask the woman who complained about being married to a "dead battery'' for 20 years if she believes batteries l<I dead all t:A a sudden or does someone turn off the switch! How many married women are so "ladylike" that they wouldn't dream of letting their husbands know they are not only interested but eager? How many wives believe it is vulgar to be an actlve participant! And the IDniest ones of all are the passive numbers woo are afraid lo demonstrate any degree of expert!R for fear thetr hwbancb will think they've been practicing. Any woman who describes her husband u a dead battery must accept some 1 • ANN LANDERS responsibility for the loss o( current. Pleue tell the &irll there are' two poles to eveey battery and both must funcUon or the power goes off. -TOPEKA DEAR TOPEKA: Yoa 1ptak tbe tratll, LadJ -, and I usu.me yoa ire a lady ud not I CelL Tb\ bit about the ezpertlte was tbe Upoff. I llope your letter belpt lo char1e 1 few thOUllDd batteries arvund tbe coantry. • I I --• DEAR ANN LANDERS: We are a group ol high school student. who.respect your opinion and want to kDow if we are wrong, A member of our class died last. week . and we all telt very sad' about It. A group of us went to the prlnclpaJ'a office and asked to be excused lrom acbool an bout wly to attend the funeral. 11le principal told us it wu up to the Board ol EdllcaUon to grant &Uch pennlssion and that he had no such authority. We called the Board of F.c:lucation and spoke with the superintendent of School~. He told us the decision rests with the head of the administration of the school -in other words, lbe prin· clpal. That same wee.k several students were disatisse<I ~ly to see a play downtown. It's a pretty rotten world when students can't leave school to attend funeral scrttlces for a friend,, but can be excused to aee a play. Whal do you think of this, Ann Landers? -DISGRUNTLED STUDENTS DEAR STUDENTS: I'm abocked ud 1usplclous. Your letter comes from Baf. falo. Wben I vlaited Buffalo a few yean ago I wu lmprt1sed wU• mot Olly tbe st11dents but the faClllty nd Mo m.iniJtraUon of tbe hJgb .cbooll I vt1lted. You do not aay whether yoa went bid to the principal and reported yovr eoa- vtnaUon with the 1upertntenden~, IOI' do ycxa say whether or aot yoa flaaUJ attended \he tervlcts. Send me lbc name ot year ttltool. and the principal. It will add crtdibw~ lo your 11.ory. CONFIDENTIAL TO QUO VADIS: It's bod enough to allow a fool to k1sa you, but yoo allowed a kiss to loo! you. I admire your lofty standards, but please don't usume that everyone at- tacbea that much Importance to a t!ss. U Y.. bave -bl• 1ott1111 a1oq wltl >""l' ,....... ' • • . µ ,.. -~ pl tbtm. &o let yoa live yoa.r ewn.. me. ltDd for Ami Landen' boootlet, t•Baqef by Pventa? ROW' &o Get More Freedom." Stlld 51 cenll la cola wl~ yocsr nqcted ud. • loag, 1tam.ped, lt!ll-addrened .......... . . Au Landjn wlD lie . &fod to .... )'OQ with your problema. Sud aka to bu la .... or Ibo DAILY PILOT eaclotlag a slam~, 1tU«ldralld, envelope. · r i • .t • , :· - \ I I • J4 DAILY PILOT t • ......... ~~~~~-"~~ A 'HEARTY' WE LCOME-Mrs. Richard Larzelere · of Lido Isle, Orange County Alpha Phi flisbion show chairman, and Mrs. Douglas Gorrle ot ~\a Ana (left to right) ·greet Heart Fund Queen ;Sharon Virtue of Costa t Mesa, Prince Joel Allen p_f Santa Alpha Ph is Aid ljeart Association Ana and' Princess Laura Carney of Huntington Beach. Mrs. Larzelere offered a preview of her group's upcoming Antique Costwne Fashion Show for the Heart Association's royal family. Ho roscope Taurus : Study Papers TUESDAY FEBRUARY I f By SYDNEY OMAJiJ1 "The wlM -cootro!s his desUny •• .Aatroloa polnll the way." AlllEI (March il·AprU 19): You are able to perceive trend of future. Go with tide. Shake oU tendency t o w a r d in· decillon. Broaden horizons. Keep commlllllcatioa 11 n e a open. Read, write -accent eommuntcaUon. TAURUS (April »May 111): F1nanclal aspects of agreements are spotlighted. Study legal pipers, documents. Protect what you own. Get expert advice. Some trJ. llsttery In •ffort to have you pay through the nose. GEMINI (May 2t.June 20): ' A~t on partnership, mar- rlige • -pub Uc reaction to your erfort.s: Be perceptive. . Mike necessary· chaq:es. Be unobtrusive. Necessary to be aware of legal requirements. CANCER (June 2t.July 22): Improve relations w I t b neighbors, co-workers. Emplwla ii on how you relate to those who share daily ex- periences. Don't attempt to dominate. Gain comes tbrollgb diplomacy. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22); Ac- cent on romance, self-ex· presslon. See persons, situa- tions in reallstlc light. Ele-- ment of self-deception Is present. Pleasure Indicated. But don't be guided by im· pulse. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): Home, security dominate day. You muat attend to basic responaibiliUes. Later, you can relax. Finl, check details. Not wise to delegate duties. Be awan of details. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0tc. 22): Slres.1 indicated where rela- tions with relatives are con- cerned. Habit pattern ls broke. Could create bruised feelings. Realize that you must stop scattering forces. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): New approach could solve financial dilemma. Key is to act in original manner. Old ways may not suffice. Obtain hint from LIBRA message. Break from the old -strive Mesa Verde Library Shows Acrylic Works for new be&fnnings. SAGm.UUUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Cycle conUnues high; circumstance1 turn 1n your favor . Your requests are likely to be fu.lfilled. Give speclal attention t o ap- pearance. You may be called upon to speak. , CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Support behind the scenes continues. Light touch is ad- vocated. Means don 't {ry to pUf!h, force views. Quiet ac- commodation i s indicated. Fine for dining out tonight. JANET KEEFER August Date Nupt ial Date Set AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Speak up about hopes and wishes . Acquaintances to- day can put you in contact with people who can a.id. Social activity is desirable. Spread influence; turn on chann. Steve 0o¥.'d of Newport PISCES (Feb. 1&--March 20): Beach will claim Janet Display devotion to older in-Keefer, daughter of Mr. and dividua1, parent. Give at.-Mrs. Harry Keefer of tentlon to career, aspirations. Anaheim, as his bride during Be willing to heed voice of Aug. 23 ceremonies in St. experience. Gain shown Boniface Catholic Church, lb.rough written word. Anaheim . , Miss Keefer, a sociology IF TODAY IS YOUR major at California State BIRTBDA Y your interests are College at Long Beach, an- considered "far.out" by many. nounced her engagement to You certainly do not fit into her Alpha Phi sorority sisters any pigeonhole. Your in· tellectual curiosity is great; during the traditional candle you are concerned with ceremony. She is a graduate astrology, the social sciences. of Anaheim High School and Travel and publl.shing in· Fullerton Jun:ior College. dicated as year progresses. Her fiance, son or Ira Dowd and Mrs. Ralph Zimmennan, GENERAL TENDENCIES: both of Newport Beach, is Mrs. Robert Gray of Foun· Art Asaoclation. Cycle high for SAGI'M'ARfUS, a graduate of Corona del Mar tain Valley is artist of the Mrs. Gray has shown her CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS. High School. Presently stu. month for February at Mesa work in juried exhibits in San Special word to L E o : dying business at CSCLB, he Verde Library and will have Mateo, Newport Beach, San romance dominates as attended Orange Coast College her work! in acrylic on display Francisco Art Museum, San personal magnetism soars. and San Diego State College. during re~ library hours. Diego, National Orange Show.-------''-----------...::.----''-'- Currently represented in a in San Bernardino, Tower juried show at Bowers Gallery in Los Angeles, Museum in Santa Ana, Mrs. Downey Museum or Art and Gray recently received Jl'l Laguna Art Gallery. Miladies Modeling for honorable mention award at Her education has included an exhibit at the Laguna · ··1dy at Cleveland School of Beach Art Gallery. Art in Ohio, Chouin ard In Los A charter member of the Angeles, San Mateo Junior Costa Mesa Art League, she College, San Francisco State also is a member of Torana College, Fullerton Junior Col· show. SetUng for the affair Art League, Whittier Art lege and Orange Coast Col· Money Premiering a fashion sho~ of majestic antique costumes from a collection originally owned by the :''Honey'' Fitzgeralds, the parents of Mrs. J oseph Kennedy of Hyan· - nis Port, are members of Orange County Alpha Phi Alumni Association. club members. The turn-of- the-century gowns now belong to Mrs. J. Worth Alexpider of Newpprt Beach who will narrate the benefit show along with Mrs. Raymond Thompson of Fullerton. Fetterling, Costa Mesa, 540- 3701: Mrs. Edwin Ro se , Mi~ion Viejo, 54U364, and Mrs. Glenn Ware, Huntington Beach, 847-5258. was the Lido Isle home o11_:AJJ::'.'.soc'.::'.i'.'.:at:'.'.io'.'.'.n_a'.'.:n~d'._".th'."e_An~a"'h'.:eun"'· :'__."'''!g'.'':_· --------~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Richard Larzeleres. r w:Sre~~~~~~r~dr ~~fre;~~~ SJ~.f!JSM #4. rJ,r/ Benefiting £rom the showing is the Orange County Heart Association. Alpha Phis have made "heart" their sole philanthropy on a national basis for the past 20 years. They have contributed more than $1 million to Heart Research, Education a n d Community Services. Queen Sharon Virtue, a Costa fl ·.,, 6f'4 Mesa High School sophomore; Festivities will commence at 10:30 a.m. with games of bridge, and the luncheon will follow at noon. Tickets are $4 per person. Princess Laura Carney of Huntington Beach, 31\, and B e a u t y s a 1 0 n s Prince Joel Allen of Santa Alumnae members w i I l model the stately gowns next Wednesday at noon in the Costa Mesa Golt and Country Club. Costumes. numbering more than 20, will be modeled by Spring Tea Reservations may be made with Mrs. MaCy Janes of Newport Beach, 673--0539; Mrs. M0.rshall Patton, Lag 11 n a Beach, 494-7364; Mrs. Arthur I Friends Host Author The Newport Beach home of Mn. Alan Stoneman will be the literary setting when. members of the Ne'wport Beach Friends of the Library gather at 1 p.m. Feb, 13, to hear Mrs .. Leon Dallin discuss her career In music and journalism. .. Reservations for the tea may be rTiade at the library, 673-1480. Mrs. Jame& Dowty, president, announced th a t Mrs. Stanley LeLievre, Mrs. R.A. Pang, Mrs. Richard Bertea and Mrs. Peter Dobbs will serve as hostesses. As a journalist Lynn Dallin covered everything f r o m books and music to drama and the court beat. She was a hostess to . international celebriUes and ls the wile or a composer, conductor and violinist. J OURNALIST Mrs. Leon Dallln The H e a r t Association's royal family were honored recently during a preview performance of the fashion Three Events Capers on Junior members of the Wed· nesday Morning Club of Costa Mesa will gather Wednesday, British Form New Chapter Ana, 6. These thr~ children have suffered from heart defectJ which would have been fatal a decade a,go. All have been helped through surgical pr~ cedures made pos!ible by research dollars such as those contributed by the Alpha Phis. Calendar Feb. 12, for a coUee-social and business meeUng in the home of Mrs. William Geohegan of Newport Beach. :r.trs. David Forge will be co-hostess and Mrs. Marshall Sta mper, hospi t ality chairman, will w e I com e members. Women of British ancestry On Feb. JS a progressive residing In the Mission Viejo dinner, CUpid's Capers, is and Laguna Hills area are planned for members and invited to the second meeting their husbands. Cocktails and or Brig O Doon Chapter, hors d'oeuvru will be served Daughters of the British in the home of Mr. and Mrs . Empire at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Rex Riggs, salads a[e being Mrs. R.T. Statham, regent prepared by Mr. and Mn. of the newly formed group, Robert Thomas and the enlree will host the gathering in her will be enjoyed In the home :P.lission Viejo home. of Mr. and Mrs. William Further infonnation about Gardner. The Junior Friends will have a special treat ·in P.1ariners Library on Lincoln's Birthday. The Theater GUiid is staging a play, oUering two movies the gathering may be obtained Junior bridge for the month by calling Mrs. Statham, 830-will be Thursday, Feb. 27 at and a magic show. 2129 or l\trs. H.E. Wray, 544-8 p.m. in the home of Mn. On l\farch 22 at 10 a.m. 80'l2. David Forge. there will be a special bus rir=;;;;;;;;;:~~;,;;;;;;;;,~~~~~~~;;;;;;~;JI trip from l\tariners to NBC studios. Work shops to Examine Questions on Change A aeries of four work.shops wUl be presented begiMing Feb. 18 by Women Associates of the UCI Interfaith Founda· Uon oo the topic of Living With a Changing World. have as guest speaker Judge Bruce Sumner, with the topic to be Methods of Effective Change, and the final session will be directed by Rabbi 1.1or· ton C. Fierman, professor of education at C&lifomia State College at Fullerton, on Rell· gious Response to Revolu· Uonary Change. ~i~' ~. ON OUR NEW "CAROUSEL:' CUT ... topped with your CUSTOM-CREATED COLOR I .. i ! i ' l >!' , 't , ,. • CREME HAIR TINT f ' ! l To be conducted on con.sec- uUve TuesdaY• at 10 a.m., the wait::lbos-will feature a noted newlPQtt columnist, college p~. Judie, clergyman, studintl and university fa culty ......... A special fearure of the fmal program w\11 be a perfonn· anct? by the Watts Dancers, a group with 14 high echoo1 stu· dents which was formed dur- ing the summer )'Ollth pro- gram inaugurated after the 1965 riots. MMM·MMM Goodl Thanks w ingenious Roux, our new push-button dispenser lets us create a literal kaleidoscope of hair colors -so we achieve predsely th e shade you want. And then keep it unchanged, retouch after rewuch ! The perfect finish to our style artistry in creating a softer looking, younger looking you. COMPLETE Art Slidenbaum, California cullln colwnnlst for lhe r.o. ~ 'l'tmes, wW be pre-llliltid in lbe Ont session, ~ oo 'The Qi.allenge to Owl(e. A paod moder1 tcd by tbil Rev. li:dward P •• AJ!an, UCI Eplacopallan dl1pWn, ts ocl>e*IJed far the Feb. IS .... aim 111 Youth'• SWCh far M.....,,, In Qiange. '!be llllnl workihop wiU " (; AU sessions will take plact ln the UCI Interfaith Center lounge. Enrollment is open (o ever)'one and a fee of $4 will be charged. RegistralloM arc being accepted at the center, •201 Campus Drive, Irvine, and by telephone at 833-0891, Glycine, one of the truly great Swiss watches. Lelt to right: $425. $300. $350. Each goes beautilully with everything from soup to nutti. I Yovr Ch1r91 Acc ownf h W1lcom•.,. l1n1i:Am1ric1rd, M11ter Ch1r91, fo• S LAV ICK'S Jeweler& Since 1917 18 Fash ion Island Newport Bee ch-644-11 80 Nowi::.., lo1Ch, Coll!. :t111 """· Cotto MoM, C1lll. H7 I!, 17'111 lt!'wt ~" e.lllft """" Ml'rf91r Clllflr 1"1*11 '''"'". ,,.,, ..... , Artffl1, C.llf. Oro,., Coll!. 1011 "'""""" 15" . O'lt-Mll'llll IMh'I C......-_.,. .... --· \ Cotti Meta~ Calif. noe i-Mrbor • • IC-NM! 1'11•1 _ ... .,, S1nt1 Ana, Calif. 1 .... Wa""ln1ll'I' T"""" c...,... ,.._. Dl·-nill ... } I Cotti Mna, C11if. 1• YI/ , .. ~ SI'"°' --- Santa An•, C1Uf. 22" HO. l'llf'I .... f•---( ...... ""°"' '3W01 1 r With Sh1mpoo 51& And Set Fount1tn ValleJ, Cant. ,,,,. fM"""'9 • Vlll<I" C.,.1-tt "'-..,.., Fountain V1lley, Caltf. JC7 Edl""r 1t ll.ldllll V1ll1y CMllr l'llD!lf SU·206' ' • •• " ...... T EW" .................................. ~-------··-..... =-"""---'-'-~==---..,==---· i ; • OAll Y PllOT l IS Weddings, Tr.oths Survey Shows Fai ·r Sex Not So Fair as Bosses By LOUISE COOK NEW YORK (AP) -Work Pilot's Deadlines PsytbolotY. The ....... """' 'lbe girls on Ulls aide ol All<ed u lbe'd Ille IO work I c b 0 0 u. I c b. r. -· AnUloe1 ol WblUler, I Wed '.trilo !My prtlerred lhe ocean qr<ed, allhou&h for I WOllllll, Joyce Covin, McDonild, IS. bouleWU1. "11'1 I rll'I woman To help !Ul requirements on both wed· dlng and engagement s.tories, forms are avail-- able in all of tbe DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staU mem~rs at 6424321 or 494-9466. for a woman? Never! workinl for and wbo they lhtte wue a• few who opted ~· a .:retar, at .Tuu A teleph<me comp a a y wbo ca be bonMt." That's lhe answer 0 f lboll"'t wporlor -meo or for 1 dlsllff director. lodualrle1 loc. ID Dallll, 1Upervilor In Ohio -wbo Ilk· ""-Iha ......, '.trilo women "I -'er 1 -·· u ~--. _,..,, "Ob •---no. I •·•· ~ no1 •· ... ....... ••1"' .11 •• -AA _.. .. 1"'-......._ Americ1n girl.I who were ask· More' ••·· 911 -·• ol .,..... ..,.... UUINI ... .,._.... ~ .,._ ~ w PB namicu --· ...._. .... "'wt "11111 111,,... •• ,. ed. b)' The Associated Press ..._., ,...... ... _., They're eaa!er_ to get aJoog women -to work for Qllt, "My 111pervilor la a woman wu a IJUlt Rock, An., if they agreed with BrlUsh the BtlUsh women 1aid men with •.• A man wJll tell ls. 'nlelr dllmandl are . ·no1 and I wtab I bad a man. houlewUit. 111 don't prf/.flr a Women who responded to a make better boaee Md nurly you what be wants done and construcUve llU men's:'' A woman Is sterner. A man man u a boa. I doa't thlak . To avmd disappointment, prospective brides· are reminded to have their wedd.ino stories with blaCk and white gJosSy photO:. graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the • 0 1 t i 0 0 w i de P&Ychologicill one-lhlrd admitted t be y let you do lt," aald Rlta Strehl, ' 11Mtd can do evel'Ythinl bet. 11 men wxlentaiiding." men are auperkr," the ..W. study bf lurning thwnbs down thought men superior In a Burlingame• secretary wbo ter than women eXcept Mve ''Women are too back biting A•lrrof whv, • lhe reon.t, on I.he idea _of. a woman boss. general. ooce ·worked for a woman. chlldren," aald a New Orleana and devlOul," said Mlfae "I'm married to a ma" "I wouldn't be caugbt deadi----------------------'--....:..:...;..:...;.:.;;;....::....:=....::...::.::........::=....::::==-..:.::..::::.::=.::..::==--- wedding. · · For· engagement announcements it is suggested that the story. also accompanied by a black and whjte glossy pi ct u re. be submitted e~rly. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo 'vill be ac-cepted. working for a woman," said Diana Frankland, 30, a Boston brokerage ~retary. "They're impossible as bos.ses." "Women always .· seem to . have a bone to pick," said another secretary -Joyce Forgette, 33, of Albuquerque. Mrs. Forgette said women are "just too bossy. P..1en are much more considerate." The British s.urvey was ean- 1lucted by the National Institute of Industrial Glittering Dress up quiet basics and dazzle everyone. with spark.l- ing, jewel-lit accessories. Fashion's on a gold rush -crochet glittery bib. belts, necklace, ring with pearls, gold beads. Coots pennies. Pat- tern 7048: directions. FIFTY CENTS (coins) for eacll pattern -add 15 cents tor each pattern for first-class mailing and speciaJ handling; otherwise th.ird-class deljvery will take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks, The DAILY PILOT. '105 Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N. Y. 10011. Print Name, Addre55, Zip, Pattern Number. Giant, new 1969 Needlttrart Catalog -over 200 designs to choose, thrlie free patterns printed inside. Send SO cents now. NEW! "SO INSTANT GIFTS" -fabulous fashions, toys, decorator accessories. Make it today, give it tomorrow! Ideal for all oc· casions. SO cents. "11 Jiffy Rugs" to knit, crochet, weave, sew. hook. l~rrn~riiiiirn ' Elizabeth Arden face treatment is much more than just a facial An Elizabeth Arden expert in Buffums' Red Oooi Treatment Rocim will help ynu discover delightful beauty secrets. You'll have a face treatment and emerge with a lllllllrious new ijakeup as well as a radiant feeling. Complete trealmen~ with makeup,lG.Di Beauty Studio, 0-l!lll!ltlill Bead!, POl!IOll!,lltwtKrt,LaHabla Buffums· 50 cents. ~ ~ •l raaloll bland • 64+-2200 • Book of 1% Prize Afgbam. '-====-=-=..,='Frl.=1='"'=""='"'=-==°'::,"='="°'=· ="="="'°====.! Bargain! Quilt Book 1 has 1,.; SO cents. DIMES TO DOLLARS Mate.um QuU& Book % - patterns for 12 superb qu,i)ls. so cents. Book 3 .. 1jQulU1 for Today'• Uvhl1." 15 pa.Uem.!. 50 cents. Sp•nd dim•t, m1)• doll1rs. C1!1 6"'1-5671 fo r h•lp with '" in. •.-p111si.,.•, 111re.fir• DAILY PILOT Dirr1•·•·lin• 1d. " <·-• er FEBRUARY INVENTORY CLEAR·ANCE! C?=~•@7®~ ~ !Jusf in tim• for V•lentint. Gifting for THE man in your lifel) ~ * Select Group' Of Famous Name PIPES ~ * Table & ,Pocket LIGHTERS . * Humidors -Pipe Racks -Ash Troys 10°/o To 15°/o OFF! Sl'ICIAL OFFll: 2-o:r.. Pocket Pouch S•mpler ••. Your Choic• of ! •ny one of our I 0 cusfom blinds ••• fllE with purchase of • Pip•! For Cl!J•I' AfidaK..r.s • • • le Sw• To Visit Ow "l(fALl·IN HUMIDOR" 100•1 of Ate Imports te Ch111• '"'9. 493 E. 17th St. -at Irvine -Costa Mesa Adj1cont to Ht· TIME FOODS & SPIRITS -6.0-1717 L _________ _ ~· .. u mS' RemetraberValenlin•'• Dl,y Frida.J. P'abnwy 1Ctb. AN ·NU AL SALE Stock up on Van ~aalte ·.Sheerio panties Buy three and save tomorrow· through Feb. 22·nd van Raalles' own exclusive,. fine q~ality panties are • li;tt, smooth and comfortable. Fine quality nylon never clings OI binds. All have ell(losed, replaceable waist elastic for snug fit; In.pink or white, stock up now! Briefs, sizes 4 to 7, reg. l.50 •••••••••••• S for S,JI Briefs, sizes 8 to.9, reg. 1.85 •••••••••• S for 4.ll Trunks, sizes .5 to 7, reg. 2.00 •••• , ••. , a for l.11 Trunks, sizes 8 to 9, reg. 2.sO • ' •••••••.• a for .I.II Tifdlt Med. Leg, sizes 5 to 7, ree. 2.50 • , •• a .for 1.n· Ti;tt Med. Leg, sizes 8 to 9, rer. 3.00 , , • , a for JJI. Flare leg,. sizes 6 lo 7, reg. 3.00 •••• , ••• a ftr l.11. Flare leg, sizes 8 lo 9, ree. 3.50 •••••• : .a for 1.21· Li119erie • I ) I . . - ll ·DAll.v 1'11.llT Double Ring Ceremony · ..... "414\11 I I ll Weeks -Delaney ;i·t~~~~; , • Beverly Hebert Wed·s Nuptials Read peeks~ w h 111 c~rrflftlh4muml, 11Adloll and --Iha Illar ol lht 'Pleil JlllllU1 Weddl"l Chipcl whtn -11 June Heber\ Jnd' 1Awll I\. BW.ham, bolh o! HwitlaP>n Buch, nchan1ed . wedl!W. VOWI durllli I doubll rllli car1moo1" i...,..,.;;• The newlyweds are the daughter and son or Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hebert and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bingham, all of Huntington Beach. Given in m..arriage by her father, the bride selected a ful1 length peau de soie gown accented with embroidered lace and seed pearls. A·Une, the gown was styled with long Bleeves, and the full length veil also repeated beaded ap- pllques. Mrs. Byron Olcott o f Midway City, matron of honor, wu aowned In 1Jeevel111 1reen lee• and holdlna her short. veil waa • flit bow. She carried a bouquet of whlte carnations. Id en tic a 11 y .gow ned bridesmaids were M i s 1 Barbara Rabenaldt and Mia Klthy Gonsalves, both of Hun- Un,ltOn Beach. The bridegroom asked Der.- nil Jones of Huntington Beach to aerve as best man, and seaUn1 guests -were Mike Mulllnl and Jim Reach, both • A~ lrlp to Ctrmel foll.....r lhl woddlnl of Gall Ann Del-y, dlu&hlet ol Mn. Bernice Delanoy ol Colla MOii, and Jolin Joeeph Weelcl UI, 10o ol Mr. and Mn. J.J. Wetkl Jr. ol Orange, llho Hchanied weddlq VOWS at the alllr ol lhe Community Prethyteriln C h u re b In ~ Laguna BeaCh. The evenln1 rtte1 were read by the Rev. Dr. Dallu TUmer. Given in marrta1e by her uncle, Milton Allen of LaJllnl Beach, thl bride wore a Vic· i tor1an atyle peau de aole iOWD with alencon lace bodice, flt· ted sleeves and high neck of Jl'rtnch rufntn1, dealgn!d and made by her mother. Her elbow length Ulusion veil , held by a single rose surrounded by t(fty pearls, also was designed by lier mother. Miss ~a Jean Delaney attended her alster at. matd " ol honor, and brldetrnaids were Carol Oglubee Jnd Sue Wasserman, both of Cost.a Mesa, They wore matching pink moire taffeta A-line . 1Dwt11 with rutnu around the high peckllnn and fitted 1leevet, alto · designed by the bride'• mother. The maid of honor --,_,and "' .....,... •••••• the attendanll tacb hid 1 •lnl!le ptnlt ..... Per!ormln• the cluUOI ol best mn wu Steve 'l\lmer Galher areund • croup of o1 · p-and .-ti lttendl .... ~ .... you wen! anted by Eric Stonn, wW hear a lot of coaveruUon Santa Ana. ~ J'ry, Oranp, about moviN, Mo•la aich 11 and Rick Combe, Anlhelm. C I m e I t I, """ Llto, 11le Guest book attendant was Heart b A Loady Huter, T!te the bride '• cousin, Patti Producen and l>Qetor DtMllltlle. Delaney or TuJUo, oraanl1t was ~lleo l\'rlll!J, oocl ooloilt was Jeanene Anderton. Thete are the people you will The bride, • traduate al Sff, when you ao to the New- Newport Harbor Hip khool, port Lido or the Men lo enjoy attended Oran1e C 0 1 1 t such fine films. The Lido right College. Her husband, an . alumnus ov\iilla Park High now presents a doot;le bill that Sch0ol, att"11ds F u 11 e rt o n includes Camelot plus Piper Junior Col)ege. Lloa. The latter ls that funny They ~e established the.Ir show about a sports writer who home in ~ardcn Grove. Joined the Detroit LiMI football Secretoriu prm to obtaln authentic back- ground for a story on pro foot- b1ll. The bumps and lumpa ar1 At.8:30 p.m. every aeco~d for real and the show ti fun for Thuredly women of Bahia all. Cha p ter of Nation al SecretarlN' A11oclaflon International auemble in dlf· lettnt location• to 1ttend meetln11. Mf1. Sallie Fleming at 87Mseo may be telephoned for add1Uonal 1nt.ormation. of Hmitlnlf.On Beach. C1rmtl Honeymoon Follotvlnl the ceremony the -------------------! couple areet.ed guests during PIANOS • ORGANS FAMOUS BRANDS a re ception in Huntington Beach Moose Lodge. They will make ·their home in Seal Beach. Trips Lure Chapter The newlyweds w e r e Travel thoughts will intrigue a program on Nature. COMPETITIVE PRIC!S RENT A PIANO No time limit! No obligation to buy. , , we'll meet all prices!) CAREFULLY RECONDITIONED USED PIANOS , 1raduated from Marina High Clothing and toys will be School and the bridegroom l.!1 m~mben of Mu UP 5 i 1 0 n collected as a service project Camelot is a Panavtlion and a craduate or Golden We!\ chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, for distribution to the leper M's Technlcolor production acllpted credit U you do . COiiege. when they meet tonight in colony in Guam. Directing the NIW A. N KR U USIP /or the motion picture acreen N lht Garden Grove home or proi·ect is Mrs. Robert 2064 S. MAIN -SANTA ANA e 546-4IOO from ••-t !av•~ mutlcal "-t early Everyone Mro. Ralph Wozniak. Monsell , servie< cha~man. . 701 s. HARBOR -PULLIRTON • 871-4326 A I a ."~Jiy i:r,,. .. ,,_;;;t Cl's""'-Mr1. Wozniak will present Refreshments will be served 11 YIAU IN IANT,\ AHA MRs.~~~.'i,~·J~~~~N~~~H~AM:_ ____ ~·~Li~sf~e~n~s·~1o~La~n~d~e~r:s_J:S;.~~J~ill1~a~3~~"~Tr~;~~·t1~.F~,e~r J~~1n~~;_m~~~nc1~11n~·;~.1oo:_~0'~th~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I::~ ·~ 8=:1 := ---------.·~ Arthur In lhil popular lamlly Mothers Bid to Tea Bl ue Birds, Camp Fire Girls and Hor1Jon Club members will be joined by their mothers for a fashion tea at 2, 4 and 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, in Montgomery Ward, Hun- tington Center. The girls comprise an four program levels ill the Camp Fire organizations in Hun· lingt.on Valley, and with their mothers, will be modeling fashions from the 1tore. Com· mentating will be Mlu Wendy Ward. Assisting Mrs. F r a n k Conway, chairman, with ar- rangements are tbt Mmes. Paul Pulasky, Willllm Drudy, John Carter, Jack Brine and Jon Kaae. Ticftt lnfonnatlon· may be obtained by calling Mrs. Conway, 147"**· Prizes, donated bf the firm, will be awarded durlnc each presentaUon. DG Chairman To Be Speaker , Guest speaker for t h e meeting Tuesday Feb. 18 or Santa Ana·Newport Harbor Alumnae chapter of Delta Gamma will be Mrs. S. Lynch Riegel, Province 17 Alumnae chairman. Mra. John M. Thomas of Santa Ana will open her home for the a p.m. gathering. Assisting het with hostess duties will be the Mmu. Charles R. Curry, David Peasley and Larry Whitesides. AH Delta Gammas are welcome and may call Mrs. Curry at 5«$58 for in· formaUon. FUN WITH -fflTS • • STITOIERY KITS e Bird• • Her••• e fn>lt e Lion e Tiger ldh tMlfftr F1lts, Ytrttt, l11t· .. ,. t M 1111tr11cfl111J. • s5oo P•AMll AVAIL.AaLS THI J<n;i-Wt SOUTH COAST PLAZA JUI .-TOI. -Hl•tl Wby Is GLORIA MARSHALL No. 1 .{ BecallS8 you'll be more inches llDCl pounds b lem nmey than through llllY other Program, lllJW)lere. .f Special machines 3?1! deligned to banish every correctiihla figure fault. t/ No disrpbing. We are not a gym. ./ Free child care. Cell n_ow for a free S&mple visit, where Yoll actually lllMl the tpeCial macbinel for reducing and electrooic Facial Con- t.ouzing. No charge.,. no obligations. Q. Can you really reduce in a gym? A. While gyms build muscles, the strenuous exercise in many cases build appetites too. Thu s, jnstea d of losin l! weight the patron often gains weight. Q. ls it necessary to buy a year's membership to go to Gloria Marshall's? .. .A. Of course not. The length of time any patron needs depends upon the the amount of inches they need to lose. In fact in weeks they may have the results they want in our salons. Q, How long does it take the average patron to lose t he desired weight and do you guarantee results? .A. Our records show the average patron, within the first 10 visits, lose a total of 1 O inches from waist, hips, thighs, tummy and upper arms. In fact, we guarantee results in writing. J ust tell us the drel!S size you want to wear, and we will tell you how many visits it will take and guaran- tee in writing, that you wHI reach your goal . , , So absolutely. positive a:re we that you will obtain your. objective, that, as stated in our guar- antee, we will even let you have FREE OF CHARGE. ANY AND ALL FURTHER VISITS, until you do reach your goal. It's p01ltive assurance that we back up our Guarantee lOOo/o- Thia week, at no additional charge, with each and every program of weight reduction , you receive 12 visits for Facial Contouring, using Gloria Marshall's m:llllive electronic equipment, designed to elimi- nate wrinkles and age Jin"" ... giving you that youthful ••• smooth ... pampered look. Come in thi• week FIGtJBE CONTROL SALONS Doi~ M, Sat M • llltllM1riqrf ..,r -.... WI- . NEWPORT BEACH-430 Pacific Coast Highwayr ...... 642-3630 2 -.,, lat of -.. lay Chob SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street-543-9457 fllm. Vanessa Redar1ve It hil q~een. The setting ls Jn the lovely .!I pot called ''Camelot," "''here it never r1lns before sundown. Flowers do grow In bouquetl. · Kini Arthur,. tired of wars, pro- po.!IU all the warrlnc klr11s anemble and try to settle their quarrel• hy l1yln1 doi.n their arms and gatherlnc about a Round Table for dl.acuulon! The Heart II A Looely Hull!' stan Alan Arkin a1 • 1entlt delf mute who wend.I hll 10Und- le.11 way through life, pravidtnl. help 1nd encouragement to hi1 many fellow men who are In poue!sion of their own speech and bearing facllltle1. Here ill a tender, touchlna interlude In Ille. Zero Moslel '"'" In The Produetn u a l\J)' who makes money out o! st.age fiops ralher tha n successes. That'.!I lhe way he hu It-planned. Bui, alu end alack, he 1iwnblet onto 1 1UC- ct1sful stage 1how that retum to nop. So, he stands to lOle. lt'I all in fun and &ive1 wilh Iota of laughs 1s T'ae Producen 1how1 on the big, wide Meu mereen along with Tbe Heart h A Looel7 Hulet. MESA MATINEE will be the lhowcue for the forthcoming: new feature Doctor DooUUJe. Ra Hermon has establllhed his role as the animal-loving medical man. This lovely mus· lcal fantasy ;., loved by children and adult.I alike. Don't miss Doctor Doollltle, =,to the M-lhll neXI 1V . The lftlmom performance opeu at I o'clocl< with lree refresh-ment,s. FREE PASSES to the Meea ... the Lido will he malled todal' to Gretchen Hodgins, 300 E. Say, Balboa, A.. T. Hayu, 741 Au'ligos Way, Newport Beach, Barbara Rholda, 2717 Cibola. Colla Mesa lllCI GtorP Martin, 100 lee Lane, CorOna c1t1 Mer. SALONS AUO IN : ANAHEIM, IMILV HILU. COYINA. CllNSHAW, DOWNl1', GoLIHDALI. U.KIWOOD, LON• II.I.CH, NIWPOIT .... CH, NORTH Ev1•'l'~~~na about: toe HOU 1'WOOD, ONTAllO, PASADENA, SAN DllGoO, SANTA ANA, SANTA I.I.HAU, SUNLAND. TAIZANA. TOIUNCI, WISTCHUTO, WHm111 ... ~od: f u;'iu~ a founome ALSO FllSNO, SAN JOSI, SACUMINTO, SUNN1'VALI AND WALNUT, CALll'OINIA. -• , ·~-,, •-tt ,, C • l"!'Plct o< p •-.. 'waa ,!!!'to" q,,0,,,.,,,11t 1181 Gwrw m4"1n:u• lfffL t. 1Ae. ) W'fl etu. e ·~ !ff your name in print hert one Yeek real to0n . I I t r ' ) I . . • r d d n ,, It y •• !I. t.' ,. :a ir ir a II' le :!- " it In :h 1' In " " I)' Id c- " •• of " 1n A ,. 1g •• ?d 1g •· "' SS ,. "' at h- .. lo y, " •• ,. .. " •• ti to •• \ I)' ----· UllY Ill.OT U, Be .. Styl~ W~se ·in Separates This Sprin4 Separata IJICI tl?linc -the . two are comln&' up together this year. The -le look pro- -to bt bli fO< the warmer rnonthl, JO lkirll and b!OllMI In cool frothy labrlci wlll bt wta fllhiOI\ cholcet. At far left, I dalnty V11ile lhirl Ill ~ with· a mint aldrt of pjtrlwlnkle blue, 1Utclh ed with white, c11led. Carnival: At lelt, the look la a Im~ looldn& tide wnp alllrl In counlry spun rayon teamed with a pallley voile klrctuet lhlrl. • For a more ll!l~ ~ • pink tweed lleavelea Jackel tops a matching lldrt, with. 11teen blOUll In pa1eot pink (at rilht). At far n,bl, the. sprlns vest suit ls a very. lmpottant look. c hoc o (at• brown prettlly acenllo a nubby. · white Crtim subtle tweed.aklrt and vest. 'Itle chocolate tuffly. ucot shirt of .textured Dacil>n and cotton accents the detail stitching on skirt and top nice- ly . All coordinates are by Coun- try Set. Tovhrand Gown . Bids Countians for 'Cruise' Peering Around A hoot of Or11J11e Coot resident• we.re amon1 those boarding the SS llyodom, Chapman College's flOJUng campus, for a buffet dinner hoated by Chipman'• Town Ind Gown. - The ship, wltlch hou1e1 the c0Uege'1 World Camp,11 Afloat pro1ram, wu Jn the Port of Loe An1ele1 between lhe fall and 1prln1 aeme1ter voyagei. Greetina: aueat1 at the se- cond annu{l1 ahlpboard dinner were Dr. John L. Davil, pre1I· den< of Chapmao College: Mr1. Kenneth Reafmyder Qf Newport Beach, vice preaident of Town IJICI Gown, IJICI Capt. H. B. WMll'I, of the Holland- American Llnt. captlln o( the Ryndam. Mrs. ReoltaJder wu hoste111 in ·the absence of Town and Gown prealdlnt, Mn. Robert W. Hit\ now fill- in& a Cablnet poat in W11hlni!· and Mrs. Netter Worthington,· to~ Cihe buffet dinner, Laguna Beach, and Mrs. ""'""""'""'""'""'""",__ aueJts enjoyed a performanc e Lewta F. Moulton, South of the "Ryndam Revue ," a Le1una. ~'li\NO and vocal 1tudents talent show preaented by From Newport Beach, the of Mrs. David Nasby were alumni of , World Campus ~1essrs. and Mmes. Art Aga-presented in a recital in her AUoat. Tour1 of the vusel janian, W. Edward Crane, Costa Mesa Home. Students concluded the eveninl. J,.yman H. Farwell, Rolla Hays performina were Forrest Met· Takin& part Jn the fe1tivitles Jr., H. W. Llnt.on, Real1nyder, call, Adele Olivia, Paula were Mr1. Maureen F. Curtis Edward Sharp, E. H. Skinner Copenhaver, t>ebble Thomas and Mr. and Mr1. Lyle Finley and E. Morris Sm:Jth. ~11·1 Jill Doyle. of Balboa ; Mr. and Mrs. John Iii!~~-~~~-~~~· H. Scudder, Balboa J1land ; Dr, and Mr1. Arnold 0. Beckman, Mr. and Mr1. RI.chard Bertea and Mr. and Mr1. John Hamilton, Corona do) Mar. Also, Mr. and Mrs. James Qlbson, Mr. and Mr1. Harry W. Jordan, Huotinctan Beach; Mr. IJICI. Mrl. Victor C. An- drew1, Jtn Clon, Mrs. Mer· rette Ireland, Dr. and Mrs. . Roi>ert W. Roper, sod M« THE BEAUTY SALON ._ / PRESENTS DUART AND THE LOOKS OF '69 'Alice in ' Wonderland' Turns Into Musical Toke o po rt, odd soft woves ond curls ..• there you hove it: the '69 look. Duo rt keeps it femin ine end carefree with the control wave, Now specially pri ced for you. Solon Spod ol , 8.75; Studio Speciol, 14.SO. Bot h complete with style ond cul. Appointments not always necesseiry. Ph one your nearest Broadwa y: from Newport, 6«-12 12 , from Hunt ington Beach. 892-3331 , from Anaheim, 535-812 1. The 8eouty Solon . 60 I. Childhood rriemorle1 will come aJJvc for member• of the Children'• Theater Guild when they hur of the new mu1ic1l play, "Half-Put Late In Wonderland" now beina: readied by the guild for a late March prue:ntaUon. • Rtporlt on the play will be 1tven nelt Thurlday in the home or Mr1. Kalman SpelleUch Jr. of Corona del Mar at 10 a.m. Based on the ftmil iar storiu ol "Allee in Won- derland" and "Throu&h the Lookln' Glap, 1 the play it authored by Mr1. William Stainforth and ht• music by Mrs. Stuart Wllson. In the ca1t are guild member• and children from the worklbop clu1e1 now being conducted 1t IUiJd M&d· Who Can Read Just One 'Peanuts'! STEREO SENSATION! Tiie coloirrul sound of _ ~ Onn1e County Music .. ~ RADIO KOCM. 103.1 FM From Fashion Island. Newi;>ort Beach • quarters. Songs such as "Oh My Ears, Oh My Whiskers" will be 1una by Alice, Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee, the Mad Hatter and all the other character1. Alao on Th1.1rJ<Lay'1 a11enda is a talk by New 'Jori dlrector Herbert MactliJ, whG presently is guest director at UCl. Husbands Valentines Orange Coa1t Molhel'I of Twins will honor th e I r hu s band s durln1 a Sweetheart'• N 11 ht Wed· nesday, Feb. 12, In Sam'• S e a f o o d re1taurant, Hun- tington Beach. Social hour -will be1ln · at 7 p.m. an4 dlMer will be s!rved at 8. , A Carpetb11 Collection by Goodwlll lndu.!trtea will be presented by . Jeff Jones u the .program fpr ~ evenin1. 1 Many 1t.em1 in the carpetbq that win be. 1hown dlte baci 1 more than 100 ytan. Any putnll ol t~inl in the Oranp Cout are1 ere invited lo atlend IJICI may make re1en1Uon1 by clllln1 Mrs.1 I Richard C!Uton, llWOll. Luncheon To Attract Art• homemaker• ar.e ln· vlled by the College of Re1entl committee of Women of the M-, Co111 M,.. ch1pter llll, to • luncheon next Saturday at l p.m. In the Costa Mesa Moose Lodg.e. 'Ibe luncheon menu will fet.Wte 1lrloln Upi, soup, aalad. veptlble, r o I I 1 , btveral' IJICI claaaort, IJICI door prtua will bt livtn. Mrs. Beny <iollpo l t cllllrman of the committee planning the event, a n d lltlltlng llor IA tho Mma. ::~al~=: J1<k V111ghlll. AndY GallUAO and Vic Pllger. Tlcilallo 11'1 11.IO and are 1vallablc from any commlltee member or at lht MDOlf: !.Odae • - • ., • • I 'OUR FUN -COIF CUT: IT STAYS WHILE YOU PlAY- Hlt the surf, trot the turf, or s·Ning O'l the llnks! With our run-cotrcut, .... .- you,.. halr st~ys in place, play as you rnayl The sec,..t 1• lri the actas orlng ••. our OYt'n unique technique of super-styling to glve you,.. hafr-bullt•ln s hape .. Tho cut, 5.00. Shampoo a nd set, 550. fun--col' wave, 15.00. · EVENT : HUMAN.HAii STRETCH -WIG , CUSTOM-STYLID, '45.00 Your "other hair-do'' ls always at hand ln this human hair at,...tch-wlg ••• styled just for" you tn your own shade, Or" ln a change-or-pace colo,... Jn blondes, brunettes , lrosteds, greys, See the othel' wlggery styllnga IFI our collect!Or:I: -cascades, wiglets , long end medium r.11s. eea ... ty Salon. • Roblnson' s Newport Center"' • Fashion Island • Phone 644-2800 ;'\ , ' )" ·- l~~.....:..-'-~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-L..-'~~~~~--'~~~~~~-..l~......;..;....:..:...,___c£!..j I I }8 DAILY Plldr . 'H .. , a wan • :-star' Has _, ~ ~Two Lives ·-:: By VERNON SC01T HOLLYWOOD (UPI) !james MacArthur ia learning lo liv~ two lives as the: co-star •of "Hawaii Five-0'' -in- :IOl'Jllally in Hawaii and tn· • 'Jttq6enlly in the San Feman- ~o valley. !".. MacArt.hur, son of actress ::tlelen Hayes, spent nine of ~ past 12 month! in Hooolulu ::J!faying a cop for the CBS-TV w.1tties. .. .. I felt preUy conspicuous ;Gver there," he says. ''The ··lrtemben; of our cast are the ~ly ones wbo wear suits and neckties in the Islands." When be wasn't working the youthful actor could be foond wearing shorts, sandals and aloha shirts. But he was !'ihooting m days a week fr~m 6 a.m. unµl 7 p.m_,, leavmg . .,him little time for relaxation •or enjoying his hobby --dat· : ing pretty girls. ; Back on the mainland, Jim • lives in an enormous pre- : \Vorld 11 home in the hills. : Made of concrete and field Persuasi.on ; stone Lhe house has 19-inch •thick' walls and contains five Charles Hutchins d,:iVes his hapless slave, Stephen ! bathrooms and five bedrooms. Nisbet, with 3 whip end a reStraining rope in this '1t is situated on an. acre and scene from ''Waiting for Godot," the current pro- ; ~ ~~~f b~~uslate~~~~ duction of the Irvine Repertory Company, giving ming pool. . final performances Thursday through Saturday at Divorced, Jim finds himself ..:t::h•::...:U..:C_I_Stu_d_io_Th_ea_t_er_. _________ _ rattling around the house ex-- ·· Long Beach Light ,Opera Great ~Oklahoma', on 'Stage By TOM TITVS Of .... Dflll1 l"llOI tlflf "Oklahoma "· in the en-' thuslastic hands of the Long Beach Civic Ught Opera, ls much more than just OK, it's a ri~roaring, daisy-fresh, ex· hilarating revival that Rodg.: en and Hammerstein would have l>een proud to have seen on the New York stage. Even after .vieWing tn· numerable productions of this fir st in a Jong line of R & R classics, one finds a spark.I-· "OKLA MOMA" .,.... A 111\flk•I by Roaoeu •nd Hlom·· metJftfn. <llreettd tiv Rabtrl NICC1m1n, mutbl c:U rtdlon bV J.,:k ICTon..., •• ~r•Phv bi Au<lrey Slier•. •n<I· P-c1111e, 111111"" -bl' 'Wltll.rn c. Whitt, """""td Tllu'*'t' ftlrvuoti sun- (lfl't'' b't' "11 L-Sncti Cfvlc Llgl!t Oper• •I 111t L0"9 81!6d! Nlllflld"J A\ldltorlum. THI CAST Cltrll' ................ Stew NIV.n<lr~w Lt~rel' .....•. ,., ••••.... t.Vrtl Roll>!! Wiii P1rter ••• , ••• , ., .. Wt,,.,.. DYllrak Ado A11111-•• \, •• , •• ,, •• Llll<lu¥ J_, <Juel FrY ...... , ..... ,.., Didi; JOll11$011. Aufll EllW ; • .,: ......... Ctrof G'l!llnn All 1+11tlm • ... " ....... Frink Donllnle Gertll (umml"'• ••••• Kath¥ Amtztn Ar.drew C1mn ........ \llc!or l(unk!t- ing sense of immediacy in this excellent rendition, im- aginatively st a g e d and brilliantly choreographed to give full utilization to the facilities of Long Beach's Jarge ·municipal auditorium. Though a qu'arter of a cen- tury old, and now becoming recognized as the grandaddy of modern mu sical s, • My dreams," whlch gives way number. Miss Jones scores to a superlative dream ballet, blghly In the lamenting "I beautifully staged by Audrey Cain't $ay No," as do e s S~~c secondary roles, are Johnson with his bitter ~·i.one well handled by Wayne Dvorak ly Room," though he fights as Will Parker and Lindsay the orchestra to be heard. Jones as Ado Annie. Dvorak The title number near the reflects immense energy in finale, as might be expected, th"' ·show-stealing ''Kansas is an ap)>ropriate rouser. ' Altogether, "Oklahoma" ls City" production nu m b e r , whlle Miss Jones _ a far a musical triumph, a produc- cty,.li'om. .ber "Anybody's" in tion of extraordinary merit "West Side Story"-pla~s the and. proving that such is vacillating vixen on th e possible, a fresh look at, one threshbOld of. womanhood with o( the theater's most revered a sweet and ~ueaky style modem classics . that ls both fresh .and big~y, ;::;::F~our==mo=re='pe~rf;::onn=a;::nces=.11 .enjoyable. . IF The finest portrayal of the 1 villainous J ·u d ~Fry In this ••lilli writer's memory is delivered by Dick Johnson, w h o s e slender figure contrasts with the Rod Steigerish perfonners o{. the -'Pl¢i. 'but wl:lo 'brings a . diafuailc , !Ji>t~ .Jo the i'Oklahoma" possesseS a· sort r~l~ 'of 1tliii suftfi'·fatmb~ of freshly scrubbed, eternal w¥ is low· on brains but higJi quality -and while the ·cOrn °~~T1:'~f~c scores a 'OKLAHOMA' STAR Mesa's Steve McAndrew LAST TIME TONIGHT may very well be high as comedic coup as t h e an elephant's eye, and the peripatetic peddler, 'A Ii story incredibly simple by Hakim, with an accent: t.hat today's standards, it is an borders on Jewish and a ·sense "lhe Bo~ton Strangler" & "TH BLISS of MRS. BLOSSOM" enduring and, in the Long ef razor-sharp comic tfriling. STARTS TOMORROW Beach production. even vital And Carol Gwenn is fine as AT S P.M. piece of musical theater. the~understanding Aunt Eller. WALT DISNEY'S Robert McCaman·s direction Most memorable of the ''SWISS FAMILY is noth ing short of inspired. songs which make up probably ft ls his imaginative staging. Broadway's most fa mi I i a r n.nBINSON" coupled with the s u p e r b score is tbe second act opener, KV , choreography of Audrey Share "The Farmer and t h e & are scheduled, Tb u i's da y through Saturday evenings at 8:30 p .. m. and a 2:30 matinee oo Sunday at the Long J;leacll Municipal Auditorium. Pu t this one on your "must" list. -~ cMii1. 11 'GieCffeart isa'Lonely 'Hunter' 0 TtctHCOlOk· •. A11d For Cornffy "'-··~·-ZERO MOSTEL "the producers" and Pepper Clyde, that make Cowman," which sets off the ''THE HAPPIEST this the finest Long Beach evening's best production Ev• Show Storts 1 p.m. cept for weekends wh.en he ls visited by his children, Charles, 8, and Mary, 3. Dur- ing their visits he hires help for preparing meals and assisting with the children. He frequently takes the youngsters to the beach. horse·back riding and to slot- cai racing. TiomkinPays Tchaikowsky WithMovieAboutComposer CLO production since its ---''-----'----M!UIONAJRC" II Cont. Sat. froni 5 Sv•. from J •·west Side Story" of a couple c~o1tt1u1 'Acme c~sr 111C11WAY ~ ST.II :;:o:::;~~~~~·~~~O::::O::::~~~~~~~~~~~ seasons back. And J a c k . ~ 1; Kroesen's orchestra has never '~:d been in better form, returning ----'---• ---1Nntl!:wt:S'tM1NSTl!RCE'H'tt" PeterUstinOv.MaggieSmlth A long-time friend has m~v ed in with Jim and remains at the house when MatArtbur HOLLYWOOD (AP)-"I've pion," "Lost Horizons," "The ·· Th gb Alamo," "The Guns o f is working in Hawau. e ac· been stealing long enou tor's pet German s~e~herd. from Tchaikowsky; it's time Navarone," etc., etc.). His Timmy, is a p r o f 1 c 1 e n t repayment is on an epic scale. watchdog. I paid him back." He is helping the Russians Jim has furnished the house The man speaking -in to spend $18 million fn fi.lming with French. English and ear· semifractured English that is "Tchailtowsky." ly American antiques t 0 difficult tG translate into print "The filming Js going nice· match .the general atmosphe~e -was Russian-born Dimitri ly," be reported while here of the architecture. He is Tiomkiri. veterav Hollywood to confer with W a r n e r particularly proud of the composer and now executive Brothers-Seven Arts, which is California walnut pegged producer of the first Russian-ri!leasing the film on this side floors and Idaho knotty, pine A m e r i c a n co production, of the Iron Curtain. paneling through much of the ''Tchaikowsky ." "We started shooting last house. Bald, puckish Tiomkin is the June, and J expect the film MacArthur often cooks for man who delighted the l!IM will be completed next June. himself when he 's in Southern Academy Award audience It is a big picture, and it California. But in Hawaii, he when be accepted his Oscar reqilires ' all four seasons to frequents Japanese. Chinese for ~ ~."The ff!gh and picture the diversity of and Portuguese restaurants, the Mighty. Fol~owmg the Tchaikowsky's music. enjoying exotic dishes. usual parade or winners w~o "So far the Russians have as it does to the sho1v which PQTo.rtl'l:Ue$"'-ts ' Kar1 Malden introduced the Long Beach l Wiiiiam castle.PRODUCTION .._. conductor some 28 productions R<>sal"a'Y'S · • • Tiomkin seeks to help in ag;.he cast. to a n1aH . is ·first Bally' -""' ___ ,, __ _ that regard. He has advised rate. beginning in particular NOW THRU MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 T~PtrlmaunlPicWll SMA on how to make the script with young Steve McAndrew .,~_. more palatable to Western as Curly -a role which DEBORAH KERR OAVJD RIVEi tastes and he himself is started the Costa Mesa actor PtV4eJrce supervising the scoring. Som e on a musical career as a ...rft..°tr. 332 hours of the Tchaikowsky junior in Newport 11arbor High dller.11:1 School. ri.1cAndre\v is as fine A KAHN·llARPfll PRCOOCTK!H . Cob" bv Oelll:le repertoire must somehow be an actor as he is a singer, SMA cut down and fitted into a and he uses both talents to three-hour film . full advantage as the ';goodlf~:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:=:=:=:=::;'ff "The Russians like their guy" cowpoke. · LIOA films to be somewhat monoto-Marti Rolph's wist f u I , • BA nous, especially if they carry ca1>ricious Laurey i~ a pure · • . · 6 73-4048 some kind of cultural content." delight. It is she V.'ho sets • • OPE::m· said TiGlllkin. "But of course the romantic mood of the 6.45 • American audiences won 't put show and carries it so cred-709 !. l•lboa · · .... up with that. So J am trying itably through her numbe rs B11lbw P•nln1ul11 • to make the film more in ·'People Will Say \Ve're ln l'------ keeping with Am eric a ni:{Lo=;:':e':' ~~:nd::e:spe::co:·a=lly::':'O':u:'l ;::oifil Now thru Tuetday needs." Open 6:45 His mission to Moscow has ~ "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS'~ G l,D.I PINAVISIOll lllD MRROCOlOR EID S,.clal P.T.A. Sat11nlay Motfnee "THE PATSY" -12:30 -All Setm 50¢ Congratulations and hit WW-1 to th1 Fabulo1s All N1w arid lffutlh.I EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA Fcidlion lllond -Newport C.111m E. Coo$t Highway at Mac:Artllar lh.d. GRAND OPENING, TUESDAY, FEIRUARY 11 -7:00 p.111. Openlnt Picture -fl'O'nto Ieffrelli"1 "lolllltO aH J11liet" illfllnl'IUMOlllOl'T u"1!11RA 111:.-.m ... •.MUKA Altthony hrkh1,. THldGy W•ll EDWARDS" . ,.,..ClllT..,111.-1u.ua:-- Unlike some actors who find thanked· everyone .from their . put up all the money. But the lure of the i s I a n d s hairdressers to lbetr mothers, we alsq need sequences, in 0 v e rwbelming, ft1acArthur the composer cracked: "I ,Venice, Florence, Paris and hasn't made up his mind about want to th~k my. coworkers Cambrid&e, all of which establishing a permanent who made this possJble : Bach, Te ha i k ow sky vi sited. home there. claiming prices Beethov~n, ~ozart · • ·" . Naturally the Russians will are high and the 50th state Tiomkin hints that a bit of not want to spend dollars in is a bit too remote from the Tehaiko~sky has inva~ed his Europe, so I suppose Warner 1nainstream of American life. many film scores ( Cham-Brothers will have to assume ~~~~~s lfo~:i~~· ~;c~!~~ ~1mmo li~"',r i·-- then retreats lo his London " ',, ~1 ',k:" headquarters or to Hollywood. ·:;-"'4)_•'f)~!!,.&' ---------------------the expense." Satuf'dl;fs Paule Sohed: Tiomkin added that the His "secret weapon " in deal· ing with the Russians is hi s ability to speak their language like a native. which be is. That helps explain why other producers have long failed in attempts to arrange coproduc· ACRO SS 51 Converts into ltath'' 1 Jostlt 53 Code word 6 Nat. A'>S. of for .. n'' Securities 54 Amer. Dealers.: Standards Abbr. Assoc.; 10 -of the Abbr .. Woods 57 Soak in 14 Strike and 59 Dr,ss rebound desi~er's 15 Actress concern Chase 61 -acid lt. Prtposltion 64 Convlcttd 17 Mountain criminal ridge 67 Goll 18 Biblical son grouping l'J Encircled 68 Repetition 20 Very angry 69 Westem person U.S. cit:/ 21 City of 70 James-~ Ontalio U.S. 23 Church auttior accessory 71 John, iri 25 Rough wattt Cwdiff 26 Joyous 72 Regardtd 21 Examine wilh cartfully hostility 29 Expletive 73 Opening 31 Clear away 74 Proof 33 Relating teadtr's to the ear mark. 35 Ericompassed 75 Surgical by lnstrum!nl 31 Poker play6S' wonl ~ "''"' publh:i?td pl!ffonner 4? Ii ajestic 44 Tearo ,.5 Kind of druo , 47 California • valley '•8-1cUon '49 Item of ~: 1ockey's • gear DOWN 1 C\111 2 ·-tlri: Form of suicide ) sarrm resident 4 Elector S COllle Into existent• 6 Tom, Diet and H1rry, e.9. t ' 1 SOllet ••ta la ..... 8 Humorous acts 9 NaUvt or Northern 10 Winter Ol)'fllplCS .... t 11 Copying 12 Former Asian klngdoe 13 Ve;.stlbult 22 Preclpl· lation fol'll 24 C!llnn. gelatin 27 •••• accountant 28 Mr. Harbach 30 Toe 32 Flit rotnt object 34 Card 9111e: Cotloq. 36 N1tlYe ol l Sytian cl~ )8 U.S. Stilt ·- Z/1111'9 lt TlloagM 40 lu11erlca1 sqfflx OHome--·, concern 41> Credit.card 1ltematfve SO Ifni OR ....... 5Z Graceful WOlltA 54''· -Is Born": Z words 55 An onward rush 56 one or 1nothM "" 58 Demonstrat• 60 System of navigallon 62 Kind of writ ti' &l Italian: Abbr. 65 Anon'• compmlOfl 66 Tl'IVtnld brwllld• Russians had no great concern about getting their money back. He pointed out that Tchalkowsky is a great na- tional hero and the Soviet Union has 32,000 m o v i e theaters (vs ... 8,000 in the U.S.). tions. Tiomkin is hoping for a November release of the film. He expects that subtitles will be used. rather than dubbing the Ru ssian voices i n t o English -"because all suc- cessful foreign-language films have had subtitles." "Besides, the Russians are terribly ans:ious to have a hit movie in the United States and in Europe," he remarked. t \ Frtox Filraary 14.1961 B Piii to 11\111 ............ Sim: -LOU Rlll.S 1111.0SSOllS mMMOm mwrlOll: JHf CICIMAlES, LID. n Tit[ n)MQllROWIJJlll TUtRACE. THE COWSILLS tlnuehwt ~Mid: ~EGENERATION GAP THE ROYAL TAHITIANS THE SANDS OF TIME THE GOLDEN HORSESHOE REVUE Enjoy: Unl1m1ted Use of all Disneyland Adventuf"eS and Attractions (•~~·-inc ........... , • Plus: A Spectacular Fireworks Show Tickets on Sale February 14 at Disneyland Box Office only• $7.50 • Tickets available at: ~liallichs Music City Stores, All Desmond's StOfes. Bank of America Branches (with BankAmericard) end Disneyland Box Office. Disnenl'!~~ ., ~ .... \ -. -· . __ -' l<llW~OU l fA(ll -•I !lo•°"''""'" .. l•O•lo•> lid• hi• •· O~. l-l llD 3 ACADEMY AWARDS ~~IX\i!.®if ~Al&l~·RrOGRAVt·NHfo Also "l'liE PAPER LION" Week Days PolM' Uo" Cl11ce ot ':SO CGme/ot et 8:15 --II.ta flll fCNt i..1 .... C.O.~ RosemalY's Baby _JohnCassaveles TEICJnC>Jl.Y A F'lnfr(lu'I Pon ~lol .... ~ Also M.lllll'1--·"'11ilJM!IMI PANAVISIOlt • lEDll:OlDR' !!!ii ·, m\'l~t.~f- 1 ~ THEATEI i ~~"' tiuTcom~'I j COl.C)NA OI~ MAii 1/-Ul ~ PAUL I NEWMAN Director •nd Producer of Rachel, Rachel 0 [.-mi•--1•· 1 nmicu••-.•-a1111111 ALSO-Julie Christle-George Scott "PETULA" ' I • !: ' ' -~....O.a ____ .__ -I FIRST SHOWING 20JHem...foP!!S001 FRANK SINATRA "UDY IN CEMENT" RAQUEL WD.Cll RIDIARO MARTIN LAINIE PAT ... ,. N BLOCKER _.mNTE ~~BEL ~ HENRY ....... •liioi uA AAIOl llmi&·IUD)j !XULIS·IUR.tl II IWl..JG m ~,:.1 ·-.. __.,..._'"""*llllllllll• SMAO Congratulations and Best Wishes t r tht Fabulous all new beautiful EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA Fashion lslond -Newport Center E. Coast Highway ot MacArthur Blwd. GRAND OPENING TUESDAY FflRUARY 11 -7:00 P.M. Opening Picture -Fr11nco Zeffirelli's "ROMEO AND JULIET" ....... . Mfg . • • •UCH•l .ATl!LLI. • t~~ HUNTINGTON •UCM • 847·980f SECOND GllAT WEEKI "A BEAUTIFUL FILM"-rhe New~Y•'**'. SEE" IT . WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE , I fUI II Cl.Ila: IM.DI • • ~ •mtla It "10 ~ CONliRATUU.TIONS AND llSJ WISHES TO THI fAIULOUS ALL NIW llAUTIFUL IDWAlDI NEWPORT CINEMA FASHION ISl.AND-NlWPOIT CfNTlR I . COAST HIClHWAY AT MdtTHUR ILYD. GRAND OPINING TUlSDAY, FlllUAaY 11-7100 P.M. O'INING PICTURE-FIA.NCO UFFIRl!LLl'S "IOMIO AND JULllT" I • • ' ,y at .. ;h I I ' • _____ ....,., ___ _ MONDAY .....,,. .. , 10 • ' I TUE SD AY DAmME MOVIES U:JOID 'fH•JHt1" ,.,.._,, 'C7- Do~al111 Mo11tp111«J, ......., ~-(-'ll-lllofl. ,,. Cltltclft. .":' . e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Quanty Pri11tiR9 •11• Otpenlltbl. s.,,.1"' fM 1110,. th•11 • Q1i1•rftr of • Ctntury. -· tJ:t1 WIST U.UOA ILYD. NIWPOIT IUCM 1 GORDO I ' I ! .. --- UH •. HOWCIO I GET AN APPOINTMENT? " r By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith FIRST' '>t>U 1!EIU' '1>16 LIVING DAY· LIGHT OUT OF ME AND"TllEN~,. OON'T KNOW...,, )t)U Dli:I IT/ By MeD l DO HOT! ------c-...,... .. •MUSICAL TRE;AT -Nan<y Wilson; shown abov~ with Carol' Burnett, will be ·one of the guest stars on the "Carol Burnett Show" tonight at '10 on Cbanriet 2.":Awearillg ·on the show with them will be Lucille 11all, Eddie Albert and Vicki Lawrence. TELEVISION , VIEWS Firsf Outing Ends Show By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -"Turn-On," a new ABC-TV series attacked as "dirty," has been shelved after one performance. · The sponsor, the networ.k and some dissatis-- fied stations put the clamps Sunday on the half· hour topical coinedy show that had its premiere only last Wednesday. It was produced by the same company that. turns put the nation's tQp--rated series, "Rowan and Martin's Laugb--In." The move jolted Hollywood practitioners of television's so-called 11new frankness ," as exem .. "' plified by "Laugh-In" and the Smothers Brothen show. · IT WAS CONSIDERED in these circles a signi·· ficant step after several years in which riaque and: controversial material had suddenly deluged tel.,. vision, from talk shows to specials to regular series. Stations in Cleveland, Denver and Little Rock, Ark., canceled 11Turn·On" last week. One station . manager wrote ABC : "II you naughty little boys have to write dirty. words on walls, please don't use our walls. It's all right to be racy, but this is just plain dirty." George SChlatter, executive producer of" "Laugh·In'' and "Turn-On " said Tom and Dick Smothers, Nancy Sinatra Md Tony Newley Were''. among peHormers who volunteered to be on the . new show. "TURN-ON" using double entendre and barbs about bot subjects, was hosted by a computer, and einployed electronlc distortion, graphics and ani-' matibn in 'emphasizing impersonality in modern1 life. It moved at a furiously fast pace. Schlatter said the spow was a "bold step,'' and . that he bad "nothing. but respect" for ABC.TV and the sponsor for trying it. But be .said: "I'm shocked and disappointed. I can't believe they'd take it off the air." He added : 11We just felt the public was ready for the approaches tl)ey have already accepted in other art forms." An Aa!C-TV statement Sunday did not say fiat· Jy "Tuffi:Pn" was canceled, but sources indicated it definitely appeared so. THE . STATEMENT SAID: "ABC understands that Bristol-Myers has sent: a wire to tile Scblatter-Friendiy Procjuction Com-, pany, producers of 'Turn-On' stating that the 1h9ws are unacceptable to Bristol·Myers and instructing. them . to cease production immediately. ' ·- "The •.• wire also said that ABC has advised Bristol-Mr.e;s that the programs are unacceptable . to the network." · Last Friday, ABC-TV said it was pre-empting this Wednesday's "Turn-On" broadcast to determ· ine the shpw's fufure . direction. But Sunday's statement said the network was:· "in disc1;1~sion with Bristol-Myers to determine fu. ture programming" for the half-hour time period. SCHLATTER SAID he was told meetings about "Turn-On" would be held this week. Sources said,· however, that the main purpose of meetings, at this point, Is to arrive at ·a financial settlement. 10 0 -• • J f -" • ' . I DAllY PILOT · . . : "; ','lN'I T ....... It's Here Someplace Forget a few items on your shopping list? Well a good place to replenish depleted. supplies ts this sidewalk. black market shop in Saigon just one block from the National Assembly building. Johnson Sees Change In Demo Convention WASHINGTON (UPI) - The violence and bloodshed that accompa n ied the Democratic N a t i on a 1 Con- vention in Chicago in August was a "tragic, horrible thing," but it may have opened the door to reform in the con· vention and election system, according to former President Lyndon B. Job.fJson. "At the out se t, l sym· pathh:ed with the objectives on both sides of the con- fi-ontation," Johnson r~alled in an interview ~o be published in the March edition of True Magazine. ';The violent confrontation that occurred is a sad lesson in what happens when decent people on both sides abandon rtstraint and understanding and confront one another with raw emotions rather than reason," Johnson said. TRAGIC, HORRIBLE "Without question, t h e bloodshed and terror in the streets was a tragic, horrible thing," he added. "Yet what we saw in&ide the conveption Itself • .' • may represent the beginning of a fundamental reform in both the convention system and the Electoral Col· lege system. Math Classes Slated by Y If too much confusion, plus too little assistance makes four times more difficulty in )'our youngster's arithmetical education, maybe the Boys Club of the Harbor Area can subtract from his woes. M a l hematics instruclion under the tutorship of Ed Lockwood is available at the club's Upper Bay Branch, 2131 'I\tstiD Ave., Costa Mesa, from I p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays. Deer Shipped OSLO (UPI) -A herd of lt Norwegian reindeer left Fornebu Airfield outside Oslo today in a transport plane bound for Canada. The reindeer will be transplanted to Canda 's Arctic north . "U a political syst~ cannot renew itself, it will die. What we saw in 1968 is the begin- ning of that renewal," he said. Johnson said hia ove'rall relations with the youth . of . the nation were high in effort but low in effectiveness. And he said young people often felt t h e democratic channels were not adequ'ate f or their ezpressioos about the Vietnam war. NOT ENOUGH "Pertiaps we spent so much time in trying to bring about the peace we so deeply deaired th.at we didn't spend enough time making sure the public undentood t h e reasotis f o r our decisions," he said. Johnson in turn asked the youth of the nation how ef- fective their methods were: "Yes, it is true that each unruly demonstration made it more and more difficult for members ol tbe ad- ministration to even com· municate with the -campuses . Yes, it is true that threats ol violence aad outbreak fre.. quenUy confined the President's travels. Yes, it is true that draft card burnings made page one in all the pap- ers while attempts to ezplain policies were pushed in the background. Yes, it Is true that the alienation of youth serious l y hurt Hubert Humphrey's candidacy. Yes. it is true that a new President was elected amidst a public demand for law and order. WAS TIIlS GOAL? "But is this what the young people hoped to accomplish?" Johnson also said his pro- blem cf communications with young peole ·would ha ve ex· isled, even if the Vielnam war had not been an issue. "I think that the. young peo- µJe feel the establishment is too frozen to the status quo," he said. "The young people themselves did not feel that they were getting reform and correction quick enough .. "But he said, "l really think the kids are better than they were when I was a kid. I think they are better behaved and better trained. I think they are smarter. I really think they are wiser.'' ·Slides Eyed UCLA Can Predict Tliem LOS ANGELES -A method for gauging a major cause o( Southern California landslides has bee.n developed by a UCLA engineering pro- fessor. using coastal areas of Los Angeles as a field Jaboralory. Landslides. explains Prof. Awtar Singh, are frequently triggered in the Los Angeles , area by creep, the slow move- ment of soil on the surface of the earth and just beneath il. Mostly the creep movement ii imperceptible, but OC· cask>nally it shows up quite clearly in wandering fences and tilted homes, as on the hillaides of the P a c i f i c Palisades a n d Portuguese Bend areu of Los An geles. Unhappy homeowners , with uad:iac or sliding houses, it a er a IJ y blame tht1r milb'toDa on poor drainq:e ayt&eml and water seepage. posed to constant stress. "We have generally measured soil strength by analyzing the stress-strain relationship b e t w e e n a building or other heavy load and its supporting soil," says Dr. Singh. "Now we must also take into consideration the third dimension of lime." The UCLA engineer. a native of India. distinguishes among three different types or soil: The !Int, including some types cl ahale, Is weakened by strels In the long run. A secood kind, such as compacted aoU, ls actually strengthened by stress. A third kind, such as sandy toll, shows no change under stress. Through a comblnaUon of lengthy laboratory teW and mathematical analysis, Dr. Singh has now developed a acale to determine the pot.en· tlaJ for creep moVement.s in dilferent soils. The scale, he believes, will allow builders to predict mat.hematlca\ly the eventuaJ c h a n c e !II !or On~ Man Alone Where 3 Men Were .. • I ' By .,_L ROSSITER JR. surface. · launch tnto earth orbit Feb. After thoroughly checking Uct Space Wrtter Fer-Apollo 9, McDivltt aOO Z8 and all three crewmen will the Apollo t lunar module for 'Bethpage, N.Y. (VPI) Schweickart will fly up to 100 ride into space in a command four days In orbit. spare For six boun during the up-miles away from their ~m· mOdule ldent.lcal to I.be Olle veteran Mc Div it t and coming Apollo 9 spaceflight, mand module and Scot~ mu.$t the three Apollo 9 astronauts Scbweickart, wbo will be mU· astronaut .Davld R. Scott will be ready i;it all times to flew around lhe moon in ing his first flight, will break be alone at the control! o( maneuver to their rescue ti Decembei. ' their link with the commaod a ship normally nown by three the lunar module landing craft The four-legged 1 u n a r ship and fly off using the men. • . were disabled. module will be carried aloft lunar,module'a lal)ding engine. Hil fellow cr.ewmen, Jp,m es "He has to be ready at in a tapered shell between "Jim and 1 will be 'leaving A. McDivltt and Russell L. any time to take· over in case the eommand craft and the · • Dave in a t h r e e · m a n Schwekkart, will be away ~we have problems ,' and rescue top atage of Apollo t's Sliturn spacectaft that takes· three piloting a, moon landing craft Us,'' Schweic.kart said at a S rocket Once orbit is achlev· men to run," Schweickart for Uie first Ume in a crucial news briefing last week at ed, the pilots will turn their said', not.lng that Scott ·must earth orbital rehearsal of the Grumman A l r c r a f t command module around and monitor the c o D} m a n d D)oonfiigtit r e n d e z y o u s · Engineering Corp., p 1 a n t hqok up to the lunar mOOule. module's sytems while con- maneu.vers. where the lunar module was It will mirk the first time stantly preparini to speed to On later moon missions, the built.. . the , complete, t a n d e m lhe lunar module's rescue._ Apollo command ship will be "Dave will be bush:r than ~acec~aft will be together in • For each maneuver the fiown sbigle--handedly for a the p'rov~bial o n e -a r m e d space. Onfy one lunar ·module lUnar module makes, ScOtt day in lunar orbit while two paper hange r." hJ:IS Oown in orbit and it went will be ready to fly the com· men explDrf: the moo n ' s Apollo 9 is sched uled for up alone and unmanned. mand shlp along a mirror Un-~-'-·_:.~-:.·~~~~~"-~~~~~~~~ ,..., •• 11 NoW through saturdaY Feb. 16th· 011 the -"?Aall· • ' Sea '69 • ' .. - . •. and while you are visiting the FASHION ISLA ND BOAT SHOW, take time out an d see what the 58 wonderfu l stores at Fas hion Island have to offer du ri ng t heir 4-day sale, ORAFFTTI " .. ,• .,..,. rommand shjp to get home, ~ ~le has the beat shield and7 that's added incentive to qef back," Schweickart quipped. .. ' ' " • '. .. ••• '" Lincoln's Birthday Sale Starts Wednesday, Feb. 12, Fashion Island, Newport Center However. even relatively ~ toD can deform under ~ stress exerted by t.bt ~ of a building. Dr. 8'nch utMt this effect to the IUddeo l.Uure of a met.al ex· landslidts accord In& to the soil l":=:Z:::i types cl the area. [I (' . ' ' . -... rn.OT .!J OCC 's W e·tz el_ tc» Retire .at ··season's 1 End ? ' Bob WM1'1 qilarllil, h!Jhly - ful ........... Orl!IP c.ut Coll••· bu- Ulblll ...... wtlf, "' """'lhl lo a coo--at Jllo ad of the current hoop Jpalp. the -UW at&tement bu 1o llllo the cal<IOrY GI h!Jhly Informed opklloo bec1use Wefsel It publldy c1eny. inl sucb ,a QIOVe will tramplre. <lie A)'I: "l(ol true. I ain . thlnldng only about the -... ven -ll1d of all the lalant I'll bave comin( back nut ~ We'll have five nua:ets return. in1 and I'm looklnc forward lo coaching them apln," be lold thla column. However, wbtn ~ ICl'Utlnlze 'that talent and the Wklapread ........, of We\zel'• mlrem«rt lnlallloos, 100 bave to eonclude that Bob liq Indeed decJdOd ti/step ---The IS-ye&Mld former Newport Har- Laver • Ill PlllLADELPHIA (AP) -Corona del Mar!a ·Rod Laver, stroking the ball with the power ll1d preclllon !bat bu made him the world'1 lop tennll player, oand a 7-6, l;t. · M, victory over Austnllari Tony Roel'!' SUDday lo Win the '31,000 Phlladelpbla lntenatlooal indoor - tennll tournament. Laver completed the tour o am 1 n t without lollng a Rt u be ran through France'• PJerre Barthel, Earl Buchbcib: of SL Louil, Cllarles p...,.en GI San- turce, Puerto Rico, ll1d Auatrallu Ken Rooewall. The 30-y e a r-old Laver wu 1 l ow starlln( u be fell behind 4-1, In the flnt oet, but once be polled loietber Sweep his 1pectacular au.....ind """'· be simply oulttroked the tough Roche. Laver earned fl ,000 first prize money as he began his bld to repeat u the iwo tennll tour'• leading money winner. The a>Utbpaw led all1 Jll'OI last. year with 170,361 u be wan 77 GI fl 'l"'tches. '!be victory wun•t eaoy d"plte the score 11 Roche uhl.bJted the sensational brand GI tennll !bat baJ earned him recognlUon u Laver'• chief contend~ for No. ~t boncn. 'lbe 21;-year-old Roche a.pg e a r e d deprmed u the match conUnued while Laver went about his job in a coot. confident manner. · . Rat<.! No. I lasl year ~ the . , ~ bH a INool lbot at the - to link OOC, -· • Bob callJ that hil --.... In the three -he'• -the Redcoltt. • Wetail'1 """"1 Pirate rndudN>a alto baaed the clrcull ..,,,.. the following YtU', r1pp1na l'llllenao 1n tho 1a11 pm• (-) .. clinch the uu.. ' WH ITE WASH He ealll Jbat Ille lllOll lmporlanl vi<> tory GI his C.,..r. But be aay1 tho moist excltinc win came the pro'1oul .year • • when OOC topped Fullerton. 111-11111, ****''*********' -c.det-. Utle with Rlvenlde, Ihm loll~ ~ ot.YGlf pme for the ri,111 to ....,._. !he; !lC In the state tournament when Rlveralde's Teddy coming lrom II poinla behind u Jolln Vallely acored IS pointa the lall hall. Vallely, Ed Babluch, Cra1't Falooaer, Bart Carrldo, Tom Read, Billcb llolllns, Georce Yule, Bruce Oiapman _.. the -stara of thole teaina. 'Ibey lived up . to Wetal'a run and ahoot 1111e "' play and they bad a t7~ of Tourney Foes tourli)g pros, Roche played ...,, GI the best tennis of h1a career in reaching ·ll)e 11JW of, thla flnl .1" ld'1 .u.i-open •• 'l ,~, He "defeated Pancho Segura, Marty Rlweo, Pancho Gomale1 end Tom Ok· ker '!ltboat loll 9f a tet. , .., , ~ ~ u J lf ,he was. eoing to handle Laver ror the third Ume in their la.st four meetinp. ... Down MO In uzne. one of the . first sel, ~ .cljl\• 1~ to wlo.\lle lost the lllCOlld pm. ""· • ~ IP by Laver but toot the next thtee 1ames for a 4-1 lead. Laver, however, suddenly found his game. He tOprr· tbe'Jtihb. 1ariie wlthobt • ,, J •.• Jou GI a point and 1'111 off the oext two to ile8dlock tjle. IOI. It went to M, ·before Laver broke Roche1a· auvice wJth a placement to mate It 1--5 and then won the let · In the next game when Roche failed to return a serve. Laver ·broke throuch Roche in the first came ot the ~ aet, but Roche "'ened it with a &ehand drive ln the fourth 1ame. Laver tool< the final oet by breaking Roche In the ninth pme wl1h a -Ing shot thOI the )'OWller Aussie bartly 1ot bla racket on. · He won in the next game on four match point. with a drop shot that cauabt Roche flaUooted. . , retc>rd !Cl' -.--the t1J9'ye..--perlocf. ' Wetiel, twice named .......cla ti Ille year in the EC, same 1crou the rlreel from Costa Mesa High to assist Al Saw- yer u Pirate COKh. , Bob served as 11Slltaot fot two ~ before • Sawyer 1« tired GI ulejn lad spending so much time away from hla family. Wetzel then too11,over. ' No"' ii~ ho wlll be •retirjlig, even th · at this time he 1JiU not publicly a t It. r And his SUcceJAOI' would lie anyt>Od):'s guess. ·But, there m IOme floe ~ in the area· and tt would be 1 abarDe not to choose one of them let the poaltloa BUI Blooln, Elmer" COmbs and l:4itd Olson all have Jinoe records • .pr,ep coaches at Cor-de! Mar, Hunllngtoo B""'11 and Maria • Here Comes Casper Aga~n Sleepy-eyed -Bags First ,69 Tri~~·p~ Wilt Erupts; ~··,·w'"."' ' · West Hurt Final Round 66 Beats Hope Field By Three Strokes PALM SPRINGS (AP) _:: BJiiY Cupoi; . finally pt off" the )awlcblha ,... - onto the ~:)land.· A pootlli"' .lie occupl......,, ttm.JI! ...,.In lNI.' · ,:~~Nzfm~;- to ~ the $122,000 Bob Hope~ ClaDle 8!MIY at the pat J&.31-.11 lndlan Well.I Cowitry Club. . . 1b• 37-yell'-<lld CalllCll!llan pocbted ~.ooo -• nice start 1n • b!d to repeat 11 the. c~·· leadfnc money winner. lie wu ~ with l20i,IOO las! year. : . A last-n>und. 11ix-<mdtl' par fl. for I 91).h 0 le """' "' 34$-11 uador,pr , ... the maratbcia. -wu three ibata la /root of Dave lilll'1 Ml last·l<IU!ld II. lllll, from Eveicreen, iColo., W... hla aecood larlesl -II .~. Such stara u ~endinc dwnplon Arnokl Palmer, 1 ~ wiqnlr, Jack Nlctlaus, u well u U.S. Open cPmplon. Lee Trevino, did not fare wen '!ft the. bright and lllMY day. · · Never aerious threats. ·~ua bad· a final eo Io r ~ ll1d 11.llO, Trevino 11 for 353 and It.Pl ll1d Palmtf 70 for 354 ll1d 1755-· c._ and the sent!meoW favorila ()( the ahow, Art Wall Jr., rounded the , turn Into the final nine bola all even. Wall, the 1951 Muten cb.tmpion and one of the tiiera GI the 508, bqao to wUt ll1d Cuper virtually ..tlled It all with an ea11e S on the 471-yard !Ith hole. BUly b It a No. 4 wood ZS f..,i from the cup-i aank It. lt wu a breeze on in but Casper, a 4etennintd guy, w e n t fOI' another e• 3 on the last gl'ffn from 45 1.tl. The ball layed up short three feet aDd he cJOIOd out with I bltdJe. I , .. 12-10-11.......,. 1'1Mt-7447·70-4IJ =~·:;,::::: n.-11•1~ 7'"'7*'"'*-311 .,.,...__.., ,_,,.,._,., n.n.fUH,_., 71·19-J't.71·~ _,..,,..._,., frl.-.n-11-11-m ,..,,_,._.,, •1Nt·n-1>-4D "'*"".J~ .,.,...,.,...,.-Uil J0.11-11·~ 71311 M II SS4 , .. ,,,."~ n.n-r••• .. ,.,,,,._ UPI·,...... KI R-PLUNKI -Billy' Casper breaks into a grin as be watchM his 3().foot putt drop into. the.cup.on the fourth gi;een during Sunday's final 'round of the Bob' Hope Desert Goll Classic at Palm Springs. Playing partner Orvtlle MOody (left) watcbes, Casper shot a final round 66 and won the '20,000 first place check. Recuperated Shoemaker ' ' I I Ready to · J{ide Again LOS ANGELES (AP) -A bit :more than a year lfter being aidellned ·with ' a broken· leg, Bill S~maker says M's readi to return to the saddJe this week, U the Slnta Anita track LI fut. "I. feel great now," the 37-ye&Mld Shoemaker sa1il ,Sunday. "The lq baJ healed.aiid I'm ready to ,o." of my goals, bu t It DOthin& happens, I~ pt it." Shoemaker, n, aid he plam to cam- palp UuooP the s..ta Anita ll1d Hollywood Part tneetlnil In Calllomla, then traft! to Cblcafo ID late llWDl!ler. 11It11I been · a good year. I trijoyed It," he 1 11ta ol hit efdorced vacaUon. "l lhlnk •lt Mu •given me a better ·~ preclatloo of the Jpori In pneral ... • • LOS t.NGELES (AP) -It wasn't a typlcal ·dJy lor Wilt Clwnberlain, but he'd probably take a lot men ui>lyplcal • • 1 • day1 if they tu:rbed out abbut the same. ' '!be moscular Los An«iel• Laker center scored 16 point., grabbed :II re- boundl end evon bad four uailll SwJdaY night al th.! Nlu6oal liaitelball Allocla' tlon'1 Wiiiem Dlvlsloo leaderl' turh!d llacl~ 13f111,Sal\lrday DICht. ' ; l!li'Wllt\'~ a. ll.j>Oin\I.' ..s.iid. Ito ,'EiaJn Baylor's ID: u · the Iiabn ...... t!1e Stms ID-IOI In 'th e lint •holl' GI the lane-ancHiome weekeod ierie1.-, . " Chaiiibertain couldri1 sleep Salurday nI,irt '-'"I liave trouble aleeplng wbeo we're between gamu" -and be got up s~~ fllblinl a l>ead cold. With 'ill hit problema,.wni ·managed ti> hit • GI !S 'shots. from' the' Door. Hit _.,,.by Periods: 17, 17, = end 10. Meanwhile. Baylor, on<e the moot pro- llfic ICOrel' in town. wu relegated to aasilUng \he 7.foot-1 Chamberlain. But even ID thlt, "El&" abowed he'1 Valuable. He wu credited with 11 auists for a career hlfh-He a!Jo got 23 polnla. ''Our delertle wu horrible," said Laker coach BW van Breda Kolff after the ,...,_ ••0ur defmM kept them in the game." The. coach ~a.Lsed Baylor. "He geta the b a 11 in to Wilt u well u anyone 111 the team:" Jerry.We.t, who relnjured I hamatrlng mucle Saturdly night. wu reported out for "at least 1 week." West nllued hi 1 loeth ·NBA pme in his eight-year pro career; The Laters have two days' rest.. Ulen take on the SuperSonics in Suttle next WedrieJdJJ'. * 20,000.seat Gym? Univeralty of New Mexico, which boaat.s a bread new 15,®"eat Odd house , la teriou.sly conslderlnt increasing the capacity to 20,000 -which would make It the Iar1est campua basketball palace in the naUon. l!!!l!~~!tf.0:.~ .. ~Y"~'F'i .. ~0,~,.._ ,.., "" '"•"" TO LEAVE POS T? -Orange,Coast College basketball coach Bob Wetzel is rumored to be vacating his post at the end of· the current season. Wetzel, 33, is a graduale of Newport Harbor High, OCC and Cal State (Long Beach). Here, he's seen in sideline conference with guard Tim Salyer. Be Clears 17·6· Seagren Edges Closer To Elusive 18 Feet LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pole v8ult champion Bob Seagren, with a new world Indoor record of 17 feet 6 inches, con· tinues to aim at 18 feet and note!, ''The more times I get ti) jump at It, the better chance I've got." Seagren cleared the 17-6 at Saturday nlght's Times Indoor Games in Los Angeles. "My first goal was to set the record,.'' he said. "A f t e r that I shot the works trying for 18. I reaUy didn't have any good jumps at it though." · · · After 'this coming weekenii, Olympic champion Seagren, who has cleared 17·9 . outdoors,· plans to compete in about five other indoor meet!. He was voted the outstanding athlete In the Times meet before 13,736 at The Forum on a night when Australia 's Ralph Doubell ran the second fastest indoof 1,000 meters ever. The Aussie led all the way to post a 2:08.S, second on1y to Peter Snell's 2:06, a race run by the New Zealander In 1962. West Germany's Jurgen May, on the comeback trail, won the mile but In comparativeJy slow time or 4;05.8. Poland's Hendryk Sr.ordykowski finished second in 4:06.7. George Young, the 31-year-old school teacher from Casa Grande, Ariz., ran his unbeaten strlng of indoor race.s to 16 when he outlegged Australia's Kerry O'Brien in the two-mile. The indefatigable Young won in 8:42.4 as he surged ahead with two laps to go. O'Brien couldn't catch him and wound up at 8:43:0 followed by early pace setter Ole Oleson of Southern C8iJornia in i :45. , Willie Davenport of tht aouston- Striders equalled, the world record in the 60-yard lwrdles for the second straight night with a 1.8 clocking. Like Seagren, he had competed at Ft. Worth. Petite Barbara Ferrell turned in the night's only double victory and both Umes she beat Olympic 7.00-meter cham· pion Irena Szewinska of Pob.nd. In the 60 it was Miu F~ell ln 6.7 and Mrs. s'zewinska in I.SI for second place. In the 300, Barbara won in 36.2 but Lois Drinkwater of Phoenix, Ariz., took second in 36.3 with the Polish gal third in 36.6. ,..,..,.,..,....., .,.,..,..._.,. 79-7Mt-1'-1'14B ,.,...,_ ,,......,._ ,.,.,..,. ...... 1•11-1~ ...,,,,_,._.,, And after a year'• layoff Shoemaker aaid be wei,hl 103 poundl, two or three over ' bla normal ridlnC weilht dO.pte • ~ oieel IOd embedded In bla riChl femur to aid heallnl· Lombardi :Breaks Down at Farewell ' ., ...,.,.,......., ...... _... lmlim • l!Bm' mm ,.,..,.....,.,._., 11-n.1>11·1~ J>J>.11-n.n-.1 ,.,.,.,.._ If -the tract 11 rllht Shoemaker will accept a mount one afternoon thla week. It will lie bla !Int aince Jae. 23, 1111 at Santa Anita when Bel Bush went down In the far tum for the flnt acddtnt cf.'tbe Shoe'• mqnlflceiit career. He plant to east back In slowly, takiDC two moomll a d1y lot the !Int -k at leut. Sboeqlaker bu rlcjdeo 1,711 wlnnm In bla •year thorouChbred nclns cmcr, but ay1 allhoufh "It would be nk:e to hlvtt'' M lm't really 'f'OlnUn& towardl tho an.um. mart GI · l,Oll ' Y1I> kiri• by Jolm Loncdtn. '"I'm not ftally Mttinc thal al ont •' MILWAUKEE, Wla. (AP) -"I Jiave had dlfftCult uatgnrnenll lo my life/' Vince. Lombu<ll ·aJd Sunday nip~ "but t.b.1-ta my IDOlt dlfflcuh." The former colch' ond 1-al DWllF GI the G.-!lay Packen waa 11Y1nt ..,o6ye to Paek• 11111 at the 1lllconltn cb<pler'I !Int annual Pro ·Football Wrlten-. ' '1 bad l!y far the best job la football,• ~ Mid GI • I 1 Gfom J1a1 DOii. "Bui I WI01Dlbappy oOtoJcoochlnl.J .... Lomberdlreolpldlall-tobecome eooch, execuUve vloo prtlldtnt and port ownet'tl the WllShlftilon Rldaklnl.. I More than 700 pel'ICl'll were on hand u Lombardi'• famed loulhn"' broke wblle lie talked •bout leaving Green Bay • "I think I'm allowed that,• he l&ld alter atoppln( momentarily to wipe bla eyea. Lombardi became htad coacb and 1-al maeqer GI the Pactm· 10 yean q:o. In ntne fW'I u bead coach, he led Green Bay to 11ve National Football Lellue cbamp!Onohlpe, the last three iii I row, and two conHCUUVI Super Bowl ......... Lui year, with Phll Bengtaon at tho coachina reins and Lom~41 as general manager only, the Packers slipped to &-7-1, their worst retord aJnce the Lom- bardi era began. '*Thia la a rather aad night," Lombardi Wd as he b:plalnOO hJs rtuona for leaving Gr e en Bay a n d going to Washington. "l choao yoor coach, aod r lee! tho future of lbe Packenr is 1n good hands. And, I will 111, Utt Pack will be back," he aald. °Footbl:R la not 1ust a game,'' . tM new R«lskin coach satd, "but a way ol. life. ll'I 1 1ame ol courage, atamlna ' I and coordinated erriclency, of sacritlce, dedioaUon, aelf-denial and love," "U you think the ,,.....,. of !Oline is difficult," be aaid, "the prtUW'fl ol. 'finning ii even more so. No leader Cl.ll Cootlnut to lead unlell be Wini battles." Lombardi l&ld he ., .. -to ba'9 an award named for him, "wpedallr one that's given for dedlcaUoo to 1-.. ball." Doug AUtlnl, delenalve end GI tho New Orleans Saint&, rec<lved the J.om. banll trophy. ·A .. toran of 11 NF!; campaigns, AWN revealed he win PllY another ytll. ',,I ' I ------------------- _OC~GWC !..J • • I ... Enter EC .... 7 ::: Relay · Test ..... ' Qr-C..S and Gold .. W~ IWlln-.. · mlal -. Jack Fullenoo and Tom Hernwtld wlU h 1 v e • good Idea h o w thtlr -stac1: J p.m. '1'lleldtl' when "lb! ta ocMola compete In lhe annual · !1 .. zn. OQnfennce Relay• at Santa Ana . Collft. •All u CGafertnee schools are entered _ a.,. f'lll¥1, ...i defendina !:<: c:twnJ>lon f' I; tM Junior! CoU~~ must be rated u the pre-meet avonw. ~ COUI and Golden Well both • · ..... Ml! I -rtlurnina Jett.rm.a, boi a.. Pnta hive conslderlbly more .... *' -the list of returnln& Piratea .,. r.r All-Americans -Paul Hucbea, Nib ll1lsoo, BW IAltber and Brod Smith. • · ~ bowever, b the only one of · ·1111 tour who eemed All-Amertcon honon iA a t.dlvidual event last aeuon. ~ Coast hu a fine crop of t7 . fnl'r'"' Including another quart.I who ......i blgh school llJJ.Americon r111nt11. Bl& opin Ill lour -Doug Schamnberg, Mlb Allbflg!lt, Gary Thomp>on and Mlke · °""""""'"' -picked up !heir honors · aa sienben of nlay teams. Tiii Pirllel IJnlabed aecond In the s.....·,n Conference: tut aeuon and a1xth ta tlllt llllte, but hive loot eeveral top C:-men like All American freeatyler 1telfro and Bob Dake, a backltrote ...i "botterfly All-Amerlcon. "11'e _. to be fairly atrona In the f-'!'le, but It look• like we Diiy have -probleina In the backltroke, bu~ tt191 and breUtltroll:e," Fullerton aaid. "A\krOUnd, I don't think we're 11 strong as 1llt year." 0... 11 Golden Well, Hermatad hu a _.i ol IS awlmmen, six ol them rUOLtCI'• winnerl, whlch could develop i• Ule 8ultlm' belt-ever tum. ....... "' .... •, JNl'll ftrW . kh91bi.utr, dllttl!C•I 111:1(11 mlcldlt flll""'11fl 0.IY Dnint, "' kYlll• Otwfl....1:! Tllflll1, W-•=•I kl ~'lit''liU"'1~ aMCfl •• ,nm.1 """' ... di. tloldlim*•· c.=-.: ~il:"l-w .. ,,,,. """"&''~· ~·~ I Wrll JdlMOtl, •• Al:ftd> 1 rlne m ... _, ~ , •:31:J. ~ ... ., .... v.,.. v111w":V. ..,,., t:r= •. '" ·-· '5! M -I r;Ut!,~tlll..i !Mii~ :=,ir:: '· .,,,lfttt, r.ranm:1~•iv""· .• f;::i..=' ~J~~"""'' e;;; ~ ... !"'!!!... ",..;\ • , '"" Q·=:rito:"~:s:~=:r~;:; dlYlrl .... ttRI{, I.I Qulllfl.W..."'"*•iilii'i.w.tt, C.... HI 'Mr, l**atnlll .. fltflM*l1lnict.llflNttll. ~=.... t':t1ne't.''lnd~=---rw.-~~~~ C"'9 #IHI, fl•I•~· l'rt'* I"•-· I' fl n Valll'I', IN:ll\t!MI ~ ltMwlM, C I brtlli111tro111 l.f'l'lbufw, '°'°"" *' ~ """"11' m • . °'""' .. _ .1".-' R...W It!'"°"' H , Mcbll'tll'll GI t )' T""""°"' NIWll'Wt. nt.. Gauchos Few, But Talented For Track By JOl!L ICllWAllZ Of tlllt 0.llY ~ $1Mf C9aclt Ray . Roelen .jjgurea to ba ve aome pretty tired athletes on h i s hands this season after each Saddleback College track and field meet. The Gaucho squad Is now preparing for its first meet Friday at Cypress College, but Roele!l ~ bas a handful of athletea on hand, 14 to be exact. "We're tbln," Boeltn' admitl:, "but a lot of schools we'll go against are in the same boat. They usually only have teams of 20 or so. "Our kids are Coln& to have to do a lot of doubling and tripling up th1a season." While the turnout may be skimpy in numbers, Roele11 has some pretty fair lalent on hand. . John Dauss. a mldd!e·and long distance runner from San Clemente High School ' ran a ;4!25 mile Jut year and 'Jl'oothUI teamm1tee Gary ~an and Paul Cox dld H 'lild D-10 In the high jump and Iona: jump last season. A third Foothill athlete, Ed Jarrell tiirned a 49.8 +tO last year and Mater Del pole vaulter Tim Diamcmd had a 13 foot vault to his credit. Also on hand are a pair of 10-0at ~printers -Jerry Blackmon from TusUn and Jim Yunt from Mater Dei. Here's-the Saddltback roster ! John Dauss, Sin Clemente, 880, mile, 2-ntlle; John JohMon, 440, at, mile, 2-mlle; Jerry Blackmon, Tu!Un, sprints, 440 rmy; Tim Olernond, Mater Del, pc]e vault, 880; Pat Lambert, Laguna Be1ch, bunllet, !IO, high jump. Gres P<lel'son, MIJslon Viejo, hlg!l hurdles; Chria: Hector, San Clemettte; hJih bun11 .. ; Ed Jarrell, l'oothllI, sprints, 440, long jump, triple jump, 440 re!IJ. Tom Hawklns, San Clemente, hurdle•: VARSlt:Y CANDIDATI -BW Moore, former 'Marlpa i1!1ih siar now Pliylng for l:ICl'1 freshman team, Is regarded as a •ti0n¥ candi-~ for' a v,&r•ltr forward •eot npt season. Here, !he .6-5 l\)fJ"ard ~.ves for a score against Sadclleback College. , Sports in Briel . , ' Vallely (23) Paces UCLA In Alcindor's Absence -. r . L<w Alctndor had lhe heldache, but I\ wu the Wuhlngton Stele Collpra who fall Ill<• taking ilplrlnl ·S.turdly nllhl . Alciodor ployed only 10 minutes, ·--Jng 10 po 1 n t 11 but five other BruJns scored In dou)lle fllUftl -beaded by the 23 for former Orong1 Cout Coll•1• whiz John Vlllely -u the top.ronkad team put on one of ltl best performances of the season in r acJnJ to a JOMO victory. · In other Pacific.I 1ame1, SOUthern Ca!Uomla ripped Weablnpln IH6, Oregon •tunned CallfOmt• ,...'IS . and Oree•• Stele dropped Steillord deeper ln the cellar with a 83-82 victory. · Villanova was the only member of the top 10 to fall. Saturday.· The seventh- Santa Barbara Next for Irvine After Aztec Loss UCI's swimming team trains its sight! on UC Santa Barb8ra Friday after l011- ing a spirited 59-52 decision to visiting San Diego State Saturday. The Anteaters Jost the meet on the fin-- al event, the 400-yard freeltyle relay. UC! out-lint placed the Aiteca, 13-8, but lost the meet anyway. Mike Martin and Rich Eason w e r e UCI's only double winners. M~ won the 500 and 1,000-yard freestyle events and Eason the 100 and 200 frets; Steve Fanner won the 50 free. Results: I•~ Dltfe IJl1 .. It VCI JI C10 .....i. r11i.y-1. .. " 0 1..., $1111. Tlllll - 3:<1f.t 1.cl!IO '"9-1, M1rtln tUCll 2. Hol'fl'MI\ ISO) :t. COll!tl ISDJ Time -IO:IO 200 h-1. ••-IUCll I. l'rltnf (IDJ I. H1tltnd {SD) Time -1:50 • l,..._1. 1'1r-tUCO 2. 1!1 btlwttfl ThllYIH' tUCll Incl Wll!lem$ (SD) Time -:lt.t 200 Incl, l'llld.-1. H1!11nd (ID) :l. Stunk1nl !SDI J. IUrtll'I cucn Time -t :Oll l·"lfltr dlvlftsl-1. Wllllllll (IOI t. Fr-11 CID! 200 tl'f-1. H1ll1NI llDI 1. DIMll IUCU :t. F•tll" ISDl Ho tlm• 100 rr-1. l!llOll (UCll t. Firmer IUCI) I. Fri-(SO) Time -ff.I JOCI bide:-!. O.ko !UCll 1 truce CSDJ :t. HOllfton (SOJ Tlll'll -t:IO too rr-1. Mlrtll'I OJCll l. Coutts ISO) I. Hoffll'lll\ ($01 TllTll -4: .. HO w.11-1, smrfll 1101 1. Coe• even a. llrvcM•rl ($0) Tlll'll 1:24 ).mtltr cllv~I. Wllllllo CUCll t. Fr-11 !SDJ «It l•tt l'll•r-1. "" 01191, Tlrne -J:lO.'- rinked Wlldcots boWed 71-87 to nlnth- r Inked LISalle. . In oibir.S.turdoy·r-1. No.. l ·lforth Carolin! Jumbled FIOrlila ofl'"··I-; No. 3 sMi1 Ciiia whfjjpld" ~. IMO; No. CKentucty ·~~. IOM8;.'N~. f St. Jobn'I . .,.,.,,.. Army, M-a; No. 6 Davidson beol Gtor1e Wuhlqton, LIMI; No. I llllnolodaimld Iowa, IMt; No. 10 ~ .. edled Oklahoma, M-9. Sfcatlff Champ'4>iw OAKLAND -. July S<hwmntrer and J amea. Sladl<1. porlorm ·lhe dm:e In figure 1kaUn1, and thet'1 like lllarrlng for the UCLA wnotllnc team whllo Lew Alclndor pby1 for the ocllool't bukothlll team. , At the North American Flgun SkilUnl Cbamplonahlpa they were upset by Bruce Lennie Ind Donn• T1ylor ol TOronto. Tim Wood, not lhowlnfr the tffadl of a loo.degree temperature from a cold, received flrat-place votea from tll seven Judps in free 1k1Unc to take the men'• title over Jay Humphry of Vancouver, 8.C. Tiny Janet Lynn, 15, of Rockford, Ill. narrowly defeated Kuen Ma-. II, of Vancouvert 1n the women'l l1nl:lu Friday nJghl · · Ronald Kauffman, 22, abd hfl alaler, Cyntbla, 20, of Seattle, eaall1 defendad their North Amerlc111 title In the pain. R11un in E .. 11 Rutt EAST LASNING -In his first outing since the Olympics, Jim Ryun of Kansas scored a Jellurely victory tn t h e mile with 1 time of c,ou at the !Sth onnual M!chla:an State Relayt. Rindt Witu R11ee SYDNEY, Austr.Ua -Au t tr I a' 1 Jochen Rlndt dro~ 1 Lotwi Ford VI to victory in the Warwlch Farm Int.em• lional 100 mile auto race with an 1verace speed or 77.73 m.p.h. Buena Parle Man Wina HANFORD, Calit -Bob Hosle of lluena Park, se.lzed the lead when Johnny P1rson1 Jr. Ind Walt Rtlff 1JM1 out and won the flnt J. C. Al•Janlan 100- mlle aupermodlfled ond cqed oprlnf champtorublpa Sundly. Hogle, defencllri1 aeuon cbamplon ol the 87-lap car race at Hanford Speed'tltay, ---------------- .UCI . Ye ·arlings-Stand By To Supply Varsity Talent By B.lllL GIJll1EY .... ....,, .. ...., - U 11U PfOliobll> I bul<otbalJ cOlch who mlnlod U.. pbrul: •'We'll pta, 'em one at a tlmt." Bui, lhat'1 .DOI · qullo Iba ')'bolo 1!«J· 'fllb lbl a..,..w cqo mt1!1or. U ho his '!DI IYt oo Iba -dlte ao hfl lldlldlilt, JOU 'CID bt ..... ho.bu Ibo --.... 111-. . •So II b with lbl UC! cOoch, Dick D&W. lie b .....mJy lloldflll·tbe lllGll blented tum .ln the· school'• four ........ Bui, (ll<)IPICll for 111it 1•1t 11uon may not be u rosy. The Anteaters Will lose two key front line atarter1 after ,thtl ae.uon -Mike Heckmon and Nick Stnden. n-two ah occGUnllnl l!r clooe to :JO polnte per -.,..,,._ th•.now. · The juniors who will be probable starters nut year are guards Mike Barnes Ind Steve Sabina 111d ·the team's . . F'lilhert11 Ca .. • 32 top ....... , fOfl!!lld.JeU Cmminfrbam, O.vil, filurlnl bli F,ime needl are II fo!w.,i Ind conter, !1 w1lchln1 the UC! lroob teani (11•1) very cloael1 thtle doj>I. ""'° coach Tim Tift· 1111 'be ~ lour player, who llllnd coocl ..... of ~ Iba vlrlilY next year. One who mlPl.llll the bW II Sanden'a fcrwlrd llPOI b BW Moore, lhe H f"!ormll' from Mlrlnl HJsh. Another , 10 BW Gtorlt, who, 11 1-7 and 110, mtsht w I a d. up Ill UC1'1 center n e • t seuoa., A guard condldate wm be G~ Fox, the leading frelhm&n scorer at 20 per game. Fox is an aggressive driver and ha.s an accurate touch within the 18-foot range. "Foa ""8'11 be better at going to the bucUt than anyone we have in school," ·Tlft uys. . Tift and · Davis also like the looks of Steve White, a 6-6 rebounder fr om Pirates Rally to Trip Rio Hondo Five, 89-87 ' Orlnft Coul Colllft'I hopes of I first division fl.nilh in the East.em Conference basketball race are still alive after the Pirates eked out an BH7 vle$Cl'J over.vlliUncrRio·Hondo Saturday ~ victory · on1bled the Plralel to leaofrog o v e r · the Roadrunners into eighth place in the confuence standings with a 5-8 record. Rio Hondo n~ is . ..,. . Jn·downlnl 'llfo llondO Jor the second limo thb 7ur, Oranp COalt ralled Oil lbe coolflilld hot 9bootlng of Mike Fiallerty Ind I01lle clutdl points by Tim Saly<r ... JJtn Klndllao In lhe cloaln( 11 .. =-ol DlaY. . FlalMrly· bad &fl --~alg!ll 11me ol IO · ar _. points, p!Jllpinfr In II * * *· \ •AITlllN CONt,lllfC&,., l'A , .. ~ ,II • kO .~ o""" . ' 4 *' .... .. lllwl •W•t I 4 '4t .. .... "'. '. 1" '" Mf. llfl Anllnll 1 • M ... AIWni.t 1 6 HW 1111 ~ .,..,. -. -I I 117' IOft ... ....... 4 • "' 114 .... ....,,..,,."" I 'I ... .. C!JIW •· !II HJllH :~~n:-,.:.•., ··-t..~ .. e,.:,,~\':".:~ .. ,,,. """ ¥1. ...... • occ ey.,.. .. lllWtl ... Cltrv. If Mt. $In Antlltt. ' , l'vlllrtln 11 CMtfrl · IUe ...... et lift terMrlflrM .• •!..; _,\'• ,! ,, ~ l ' field JoalJ and 4 free throws for a total !2 markers against the Roadrun- ners. In the last three games, the ft.ll sharpshooter ti,.. potted 28, 30 and 32 poi!> ts. . • "nlie Pirttei trailed Rio Hondo ·almost all the way, but pulled even for the first time at 76-all with 4:50 to go and then went ahead to stay 84-82 on a jumper by ~indelon from the top of the key with Jess than two minufts remaining. . . Klndelon increased the margin to 85-12 with just 48 seconds left on a free throw. Alter that Rio Hondo wu forced. to IOul 'tht.Plrlbl lrytoc to 1ei 'the ball Ind loor chlrlly 'lollu, l\l'O · each by Salyer. and Fl~. In tbe cloatnc 18 -Jced the 11m•. ·• .. Jn trYfn& to f~ . oil Rio Hondo's Jut.minute foultn( flclfca COid> Bob Wotzal qllln• -to hfl l!raleJY ol tekfng a dell-tecbnfcil. foul and cubad It In wbon .the Plrlbl 'cpn- troled Iba enlU!q U[><>ff 11 ~ Earlier In the•-· Rio Hondo enjoyid I first-ball buJ&e of 2J.I. ... MtMt (PJ 01'11• CMlf (") .""""' ,.,.,. .. ... ,1,~ 'I'' •1• tJorcttfl ! • •u ' ' ,, .. ilk:kelll'llllr 1 :t .. 4 tllUlll'itr 2441 J: I I 6 I'!~'"" 1• • 0 '2 T I 1 I ICl!Mltlon 1 S 1 11 lfJtMeC.rttl\ •112 H11'f1,,_¥, 4 I I 10 h(fll'tl ,,,, 2 Turltr o o I o Tolll1 JI H 11 17 Toi.II ~ 21 2t ff H•lfllll'll ~f: lllo Hondo 4 Or..,. CO.ti 17. Ba~~tliall Sb.\lldings ., -~ EX-CHAMP SERVO LOSES TO CANCER PUEBLO, Colo. -Hoity S.,:.., ~er w o r Id welterwelg!lt lidxlnfr cbamplon, died Sunday after a Jong bout with cancer which kept. him bedridden the latt year ol hJs Ute. He wu 41. For llx yem, he baltled concor but grimly conceded It wil I iollnl fig!lt. In 1 telephone · . ...,.....,uon lut November Servo aid: ' "Thfl b -I'm aofn1 to r-. Whel1 you feel thfl it1y, you hlvo lo die . .. Did )'OU think ·tho dq 'tfould ..... e whln I would 1dmlt dtfell to ID)'llllnc!" .... It. Anll*ly Mlfw Del 811"°11' Amit Strv!le II. P111t Covino who wu a prep all.ctF selection last aeaaon. T4• aleeper on· )he !rplh teem b John Slrock, wbo· at la.st meaaW'ement hici reached Mii. He'• still .,.wing tnd Davia bope1 he'll approach seven feel. Current plan• call for the 220-pound Strock .t.O alt out next season and develop more 'coordlna~on. Tilt aay1 Ul1s )'ear's Jrosh outfit ls the best UCI hu S\Uted up. .In between games and workout•, Davis is seeing as many junior college games as he can. It is no accident that he watches JC quints which have big cen- t2rs. High on hi.I Jlst of possibilities ts qave Prather, the f.9 Golden Weit pivot- man . Others are O'scar Foiiter (8-6) of San Diego City CoUege and Cerritos' Bob Horn (6-9). .. GLENN ·WHm Sports Editor Night . Games Take Over Prep Scene Night baeketball takes over TuesdaJ in Orange Coast area prep circles with t day off for students in observance ofJ..!9GQln'1 birthday the following day. so· fiistead of ,the usual die t of day games, only one Ult ii Jn the afternoon. · WeatminBter travels ' to Santa Ana Valley in the Sunset League for a 3: 15 lllnlggle. All otbert involving Orange Coast area teams are slated for 8 p,m. In th'.e'Sunset League it wlll be Marina hosUna league-leading Huntington Beach and Newport Harbor at Western. Crettview hostilities inclu'de ~Laguna Bea~ at Foothill, Mission Viejo at Orange and San Clemente at Villa Park while Mater Del travels to Bishop Amat in Angelus League. play. The Irvine League teams, nonnally fighting it out on Wednesdays, m o v e up a day because of the holiday. Corona del Mar ls In a clutch situation at Fountain VaOey 8fter tasting defeat for the flrlt Ume in 20 straight league game!I. And, Estancia Is at Loara and MagnOlla at Costa Mesa in other Irvine Ulta. Wesbnlnster's Lions could move out of a tie for fourth pl ace in the Sunset League with Newport Harbor if the Lions can get past Santa Ana Valley. Newport, also with a 5-5 mark, and winner of four league games in a row, ia the underdog at Western . It'll be a last ditch chance for San Clemente Jn its efforts for a title Jn the Crestview League. Upset by El Modena Friday by one point, the Triton1 trail Villa Park by a gatne and league-leading Foothill by two notches. A I o s s to Villa Park 'I'uea:day would all but seat the Trltons' fate for a shot at the title or at best a second place fin ish for a berth in the upcoming CIF playoffs. Saddleback Idle Until Wednesday After 80-60 Loss Jim Yunt. Mater Del, lpfintl, 440, long jump, triple jump; Jeff Virden, Tustin, shot pu~ discus; Gary Rossman, FoothW, hi&h jump ; Paul ~. Foothill, long jump, triple jump, 440 relay : Bill Noon, SIVIDU. 440. llO, milt. Blind Mechanic Keeps '.em Running SAN DIEGO -Saddleback College's basketball team is idle until Wednesday night after dropping its third straljiht game to a San Diego area school In four days, this one San Diego Mua College here Saturday nigtit, 80-60. The Gauchos, now 8-15 on the year, begin the final five games on th et r schedule at home Wednesday against. sUll another San Diego area team, Gr011t- mon• Calendar l!a&ketball -UCI al Loyol1, Coronl do! Mar at Founteln Valley, Mqnolla ~ Co111 ·MIN, Eatenda II l:.oora, lfun. llnP>o Beldl · at IWiN, Miier Doi 11 lllobop Amit, Mlam Viejo at Onoce. • -Alla II Golden W•~ Newport Her-tidr II Welllem, Laaun1 Belch 1t Fool·· blD (all II I). ; ~ ...... u -Ventura at Saddlebllck, : J.A llarbor at o....,. Colll (bot b at : l. .. ; --UC! It Oraaie Cout (Z:!l). : W111 SJ -Santa Ana tt San Clemonfe m . Orange Coalll·ll Cbafley, c,pr ... al Golden West (both at 7 :~). PllILADELPlilA (AP) -N o r m Smiler II blind, but It hun 't slopped him from dotna • job mod men would normally find dUflcult -bulldJn& midget ' race can. • 11Sometlmt1 the wort ii more than hard, but U I ca.n't drive them, I.hen the nest beat thin& is workinr on can," 11y1 the IDWinl 118-year-old Smlur, who liveo In nelg!lborlnfr Delllr, N.J. Smtur -•Ume1 1pendl II hours 1 day rebuilding lntrtcate motors for three. quarter ~daet cart in • 1ara1e un- derneath hlJ home. He doea ill llla llne m......,,,, with a braille mJcrometer, which waa obt.athed l l for him by the New Jersey Foundation far the "Blind. Smtzer aomttlm,. baa help from Dour CraJg, a Levitt.own, Pl., Industrial con· tractor, who driv• thr#<[umer midget can 11 1 hobby. 11111 mony dof• Smiler Js alone. "Thl1 la my We Ind I jult love i~" 11y1 Smlzer. "The only trouble now It that help ii bard to find '° I bava to do most ol the wort my..U.11 SmJ&er WU I •killed driver •* raceway• in New Jeney a n d Pennsylvania before a blzam mlahap <1uled total bllndnea i.111 M1y. Already blind In hlJ right eye after 4 • -· ------~-~---------~----+--- a catanct operatJon 10 yem qo, Smiw developed 1 cold ~ hfl body II Indllnlpolll lut year. The medle1Uon ho received Iller relunilns boma WU 1ppmnlif too llroq, and It mullod fa I cletscbed rellnl In the other, ca1111n(. total bllndnea. . If on)'lbln(, lhe lrqedy JIVI hlm more courap. With the help ., Craig, -tooi1 hb own In bis worbhop, where he hu ab and M4acli lathes, mUilnf maclllnOI, band 11w1, rear ,.u.r. and drill P'""'· MOii ., the nclq mo«n In the lhree-quirter mklgets ire powered by ' --.. -· Ctoaley and Chevy II engine.., Smlur aald, althouah he:'1 "now workln& on a Volb' eneine." He b'O'I them second hand, then rtbullda them from top to bottom. Cr~ his betn driving Smlur built can for five years, and he say1 he alwaya feels 18ft, 11Ncrm know1 hJ1 business," Cral1 u ld a1W a mldtet race at Atlantic CJty, N.J., Convention Hall, ·~1 wouldn't feel safe 1f Norm wun't in the pita direcUna thlnp. He ll::now1 the intiant the motor turna over whether it 11 runnln1 properly or not." r "We just went out fl at againat MW," said coach Roy Stevens. "Our starttne five couldn't a:et started and our reterVes did even worse when I tried to abake up the club." The Gauchos couldn't hit from the floor during the first six minute. qalntt Mesa, and found themselvet on the sliOr1 end of a 14-t 5eore. .... llMdl (Ml " " ,. " fevd 11 1 :a l.lwfWIClf • :a J 11 l •ft '""' Mtll •• Sllmoel ·1 ~ 'J ~ B•f'flft 11 j I 2t He,.., 10 2 J n Mln'IQ 20)4 H°'" '''11 s ...... !00, s111tnr o o J o Mtl.All\ I t I " lrktolt r I ! II tCr&r'llfl' 1 I • • Doi..,,,. 1 1 t Ha,,_ ! t I I IC!rkptlrkll I • I ! Tett1t H.t1fll,,,_ ~(II ~1. tc 11 1• to Tot1t1 · • I If N !IQ,.._: 5-11 DlllllO MIM "' 1,,.,;i., 1 . I I I I • d p • • ' • ,. • :· l 1 h e y • .s • • h • • t k •t y • n .1 • d • .t :t • d " n n • y y d • d g • y ~ • I r .1 ' • I • • • t t ~ • ·• • • • • : ' JV, Bee CeeCage Summaries Muntl ...... (14) C1rli.on (lJ) J' o.lrltt811 ft) F H1"'1l (141 C Mon> 111) G WlM {J) G .... _ IWilL-rt.. Utl AN:llfW! Hll lubl: McCord 10. Drllt.f' 4. ''"" t. I•) TMll f•l , ... ,,.'" (I) ~mtt ·-. H1Ntlmt: Munt111111ort 1-.dl JI, AMMtlrl 17, M1rllll l"J UO Sllttl A111 y, ..... 8111 122) G 1111 Mee:\lllirl' M11lle!IY C11) G 1111 Kullch'l'f Tllorna If) c (HJ Me'*'-ld McGulrw 1141 ,.. 1111 OllYer Ktu11em.tMr flt) P 01 L.tro M1r111e oeotl,,. 111bs -WlrM J, ,._ L kudlcti: 2. Ct'allcllrt S. Kl~ 2, 8Mdun 2.. S.n11 AM V1tlfY-.(llton t. Yount 1. fladr'-r 2. Otis t. H11ftt1n9 tan1 Mlrl1111 46, Slnt1 Ana v11i.y 41, COi'-.,_. Mir 4') C»J Leen Go.llh. (101 F fJI Nlc:tlolloft Adlll!'ll fl) I' (Ill W!Mtltr L1nrioff Ill C (II S-11 Grlnby (11) G (21 Wtbll Holle'!Oer ((} G 1121 Sl1ndltoy Scorl"" aubl: Corot1e -JCllll1n 11, le-rw I. Lur-aonsa-la f, Dnil11. tt.tltlmt .un: Loer1 20, cor-dll Mir 11. W..ltr11 "11 1741 WntmlMI" l1lnl'lllkll1 (11) F (I) P~U:)'I ,_,., I.SI " l'l P · ·.--, Wlli.ort II) C Ill 'Tllom~1 Gu11i.. !21 G (2) a1ne Schubert (111 G {2) Nt«r- korlne 111111: Wnt'"' -Gr.,IMltlO 1t. Hu11 I. WH!mll'll~r -Minn '' Melencloon :io, Ntwllotn. 14. Bee ............ KlrW f .. l Otl Sallfa ..... Moran (J) F ft) Hans ... Crippin Cl) F (121 A.it.la II.Id! fJl C {2) P- TKl!man 12) c 17) GMsalH 8 l11anlletl1 16) G 1'1 9.,.,. Scor!ll9 111b1: N-rt-k1""lr 4. Hou 7, Forll&n 11, Sdlvndtr .(, ~ ~11111 2. S1nt. Ane-Alrll $. Halltlm11: Nl!'NPOrt lJ, San!1 Ant U. Cee N-ltlrf Hirt.or 00 (:bl S1nlt Alll McEMrY (DI F (0 l&rttrt lawman !ID) F (0) ·11..-.t Tudr.ff fl) C {11) Florn Clln. (4l G UI Mormo Kalrri.btd'I 121 G ($} PllllllP:I korlnt 1ubl: He-1-ll1ynold1 1. McKlllMY J. Htltllme: Newport 15, S.nta Ana 11.. #111•1 ... \11111 Ut) IJ.41 P:11t11IN Hl>tmn (S) F (I) l !sdl Prn1wood (7) F (l I Slrff'I' Mlco (I) c [0) McBH Tolti.rt [l) G (10) G&o11bl111 Haw. (2) G (HI little Sc:orlllo JUbl! Ml11lon \lltlo.-H1rb- ler 4. FOO'lhltl-Lem!uit 1, Cllrlll 1. CoMn s. c-er 1. Hellllmt: Ml11lon \lleJo U. Foothill , . Pro Cage Standings ... 1!11tw11 Dl¥11 ... Wiii Lilt Poet ..... l!Mll t11n1mor1 42 16 .n• N-Yort: a 21 M7 11.'J Plll'-dell'l'll1 :II 11 M7 3Yi BOlloft u n -'OJ 1 Clnelnnell lt 17 ..su 11 ~roll 2' 3$ .MR 111'1 M l1W1uke. 17 4 ..2ll :N- Wntenl Ol'f'11illl , Loi Antelft 411 20 .'67 Atl1nr1 l1 '' .t47 Jl'I Sin F .. nc!Ko '' l2 .441 11 S..i 0 1'90 26 :w ..CJ 14 ChlclOO 2' l7 .Jtl l'V. .S.Uttil' :n olO .us 1t Pl!Qenllf 13 4 .220 in\> S1turd1r'1 lit_,,,, Detroit 12', S111 or-!lt. overtime New York IDll. 81lrlmore no LOI Al!lll'lfl 122. P'-1~ TG4 "'"'"'' lot., Chlai111 n Clncln,..tr 117, "n Fr•nc.hico TIC Ortly ,,,.,., 1chedulld SuM•r'• tr:"utt. lostan 122, Phll1delllhl1 117 l1!1!moJ"f '°"· Atl11'1l1 JOI Mltw.uk" 117, Sin oreoo lot Sil'I F .. MIKo 12T. Sffttl1 120 LOI AntlilK JM, Pttolnbi: 116 Only "'""' tcftedultd T.Ur'1 01- 51., Ole9o "" 8C111tan 11 l'hlr.dtl[llll1 C!nc:lflfl&H 11 Phllad!'lphla Diiiy """' ildl«luled ,_,.,_ "llllldellltlla ""-ClnclM1tl 11 Clr'f't>. ... 81lttmore 11 ChlcHe Sin l' .. Mhce 11 At11nt1 Only ""'" 1clllotuled ... In,.,_ Dlwlli.. .... Liii h i. hlillllll M1....._1, 27 Joi .m lridl1n1 )Cl 17 .m Kentucky " u .no M!iml U J' .510 New Yorit 1' :11 .271 W11"'11 o r.W. 0.klll'ld ,,.,_ Hl!'W OriHl'll Los A>lfflll 0.lla• Hou1lvlt «I 1 .&fl Sl 12 .511 " 26 .500 22 27 ...., 21 26 ·"'' IS » .11, h!Wf'flr'I IHll!i O.klal'ld llL 1ndl1n1 1«1 • 1 " " "" " " "" Dtnvw nt. Hew '!'Ort: HS. ...,.,11me OnlY ..-tdllllulld SlllllkY"I lit-"' Hfllllllln 117. Olllland !JI lndllNI 11t. Ml"""°'' 111 H-Yertc 11 IClfltdY ,pe1., llMW Mlelnl 115, Hlw OrlHl'll !O OJllJ' ,.!Tift l(Mdvllll T•r'I .. _ Ml1m1 11 Lii Anltlft C)nly .. ~ M:MdUIM _ .. _ 0.11•• ... ,,..,,, on-.. ,, Menrot • "· Moullarl t i Oekl....t Ke!lfUdcl' 11 Mi....t.ole lndillwl 11 HfW Yerti: NJ1rn1 11 °"'..., SHARP If y1u're • 1h1rp tr•4tt, ... tfle DAILY PILOT'S fe1t11•1 Dlrn1·A-LJ.,, cl1t1lflM •'• Set- llt'd1p. M•~• • ~.tt.r '••I . , , •h•tlt•r Y••'t• liuyl•t ., 1enl11f . . Qo~l~g Wlll rn Id Palmer ' Hf!11NG THE INTENT.IONAL fADE Ti.... Ji ...i, to H IOld. la fo· -•rahlghfodo--'iohot. Thio shot ..,,.. 1lfthtly '-let to ri8"it1 ·floeta ...... onto the -n t •ti I H ·vary ,.ilcltly . JC Nines Hoping for Dry Spell I ~ thegr ... ore hard o·rwt..n the puttlna ... r1oc. ;, .. !sod J,, 1r th.,. 11 <i willd al yout bade, the high bl• ...... ch, ..tilch ... l!Ogonoxecvt•••-•rfully, ls welh•••h b,a¥1no lnY"'•••-1. . ' •• TohltthllJhot, oddro11 tho. ball with your fut, hlp1 ....,. •houlcle• .n tyr••d· 1llghllyto. tho loft -IM with 1'1"' dW- faco °'Ill i..tdnt ot tho . torwot. Tho odd-pooltlOll -• YG'ir cl..O to cut-the ball olight- ly; p..i.c:l,. the W.. ''-..,. Alto, ploy the ball forward farthort...,_l In,...._ (illlM!"""" ,I), ...... ~ lolth•I. Thlswlll glva1'1Ur~ ... ,. hoight. . Fl .. lly, lin.,. lhatY"llr kght. hand dollnat c ... your let dur- ;ngoroho•lyd•rl•~ (Ill .. • 1 .. u.., 121. Such ·-'no·- -1c1 clcllo the clubraco...., ..... aa lowpull-hoolcto t~o lelt. & C INt NA.lt. No-."""° ·Hockey Standings NATIOMAL L•AM• LOI Allfflft II Mont'fNI .... .._ c11rc..o 11 hlton W -L T ..... •P: SA °"'' .. ,.,.. KMdulef ·-~ 32 •9 12 ,, 210 1• /5.~ .. :!:~!,~gs MontrNI 31 lS • 70 llO 150 NIW l'ort: , ... $ 6l 1Sl "' """"' '"' • " 174 1ff T_,. ti 17 11 SI 155 1'1 Cllluoo .. " s JI ,,, 171 Wtst Dl'f'llhm St. Loul1 ,, ,, 12 .. , . "' A D'1'111111 O.ki.nd "" • .. '" '" w ' la. Allte'lls "M • ~ '" "' H!Mlft Automotive • • Phllfdellihl1 12 ,. ,, • "' 1~ 11wi.w e11e1ron1a • ' Mlnnewt1 un ' .. '" "' Pllbburtll '"' . ,, ,. •• E'"c. lndnlrlel ' • S.fwlll' ... _,.. labcvd: l!IK!nnlCJ • ' ~ .. rr.11 .. Ml-.otl S Goldin Anclwr ' • 'Ollll&nd 4 T-to 1 P:1lrvlr# "°"'"'' • • Ne'W' Yllr'k 2, 51. LOU1' t 8Cll1Dll 4. Pllli.de1Ph11 $ SOIWl*9 LOI Altlfles ... PltftbuW! 2 Dllroll J, Chi-1 .w ' u•ra ••n. ·MSC • ' Mont~! .(, $1. llVll 4 (Ill) N1nnc1 • ' Ton:into S. OlkHo I 0.0.'1 • ' Phlleclelphlll l. New Yori! l. t114!1 M&rll'llll ' 1 Olkl&l'ld J, Bolton l . {lie) Colli,_ • , Detroit 5, LOI A,...11-1 I South C111t • ' MIMn011 J. Pltbburtll 1 St. Alldl'IWI ' • _,.._ ... ' ' MoN~~llll ·-1 • ,_,...._ 0.M ..... • • t\nne111 AUT8CENTER ls that t -th.111> lllder the hood the generator? Maybe it is • Maybe it isn't. And maybe It's kind of foolish to let the local garage spend a lot of time (and a lot of your money), trying to find out. Drive into Penney• Auto Diagnostic Testing Center. In less than one hour, we put your car through a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that pinpoint any existing problems -and wam of potential onet. Steering. Englne;Brakel. Transmission. Electrlcal and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems. Expert analysts of everythlng from headlights to tailpipe • You watch the results come out on an electronlc typewriter. A skilled diagnostician goes over l"':~f;J the report with YoU· If you wish, he'li give YoU an estimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problems now, before they develop Into big problems costing big money. And; ti you wish, PeMeys Will make the re pal~ quickly, accurately, economlcatly. Repairs that could prevent a need!• highway breakdown. If you prefer, you can take the report anywhere you like. The cost? Only 9.88. Pretty reuonlble for an anatyat, thel8 days. Charge It! \ -"'-'-'~-''-' _•ob<u_lf'J-'-1-0_, _196_9 _____ ,. ~Y_!l~_ll A.rea Wrestling Roundup ~agles Seventh at Holtville ,. . 1 .. -8111}W IMJ difc. SChl1-CWlt H • ll_S -W~ (W) dK. DvMIMJ' !Mil f.I IU -M. Wllc'lrt IM) dlt. A .. molO (WJ1 •• 1JI -Gffllart CM) dK. "KUf'lt IW)i .. I 1:W -Mc0..,"°111 IMI df(. Ertl (W)I 4-2 10 -Hllln !Ml ifrtW McN•uolllon \"NII 2·1 141 -M. Q..,-rlloll {M) tinned Meir•.,.,. rwl1 1:13 IS1 -111'-(W) elf<. O, Gtrrlfon (Mli N Ut -Jlfln!fllt !Ml 4«. Me!Mfl .. (WJJ tw 111 -C11fm111 {W) dee. Or1k1 IMli 11-f '"' ' -Sflfllflj,., (W) 0tC. A*lt CMll 1M NV -kttr (WI WOii .... fror1elt -·-• ....,. \lllllY Utl Ill C.-Ml -N -Sm•ll l'YI d«. landel ICdMll J·f IM -!CAio l'"'I tlN'ielf All'l'll ICdMli 1:07 11$ -JC. Sona IFV) _, 11'1 fol'lltl( ID -0t¥1d-IFVI -. Cllrllnd CCdMh 1U I» -Comll {FVI llltnM C .. 11'1111 ICdM)J l~M Rangers Get Forfeit Win The Coast Rangers stayed In first place the easy way Sunday as they took a forfeit victory rrom Sparta in Pacific Soccer League play when the latter was unable to field a full team. IM -GN.We (FY} ....... lll ... fClfMli •:I) UI -fo• !FYI dee. H*il'I fc,,IM)f .. I• -0, Lerkhl (l'"VI lie, Gf"IMlt (Ct!M}i IM 151 -MC'Gr.lntl'1 lP:V) llK. St1t.,&111r !CitMll ... 161 -\'1_l1Mne (FV) •llwlif Mcecri:ll CCdMll l:U 111 -C1n•Ol1 (FV) •lnnlll ~Ill' (CdMl# S:IO lM -Otl'l'IMltl (FVI _, tw forftll HV -no lnlkh llewNrt II.,... CHI U•I 1 ... 11111• ..... tt -Joa-IHI) lllMM Mrf'W. INHli l:fl ,J:,, -,.. 0tt1. fHllJ Ht. Hwld\1,_ llS -·-CHll dK. A"'"""" INHl1 H 1n -SI. Ci.Ir (NIO die. F_., IHl)t IH · 1• -aniwn (NHI OK. lo<ittff IHll1 f.I u• -Gr-tNHI Ilk. l"llffft (Hllll +-I 1'1 ... IMl!'IU tNHI dtlW Dlrl1I IHlh :l-2 '"' -Crlfufwlll t.N"I -. C.11 CHiii l-1 ' !SJ -P1n.1t CNHJ Ille. ...._lff (Hll1 l:M IM -OWIM .INHI Ge. L-IHIJ; :J.I ,,_ -lit~ .. r INHI OK. Twtn CHB )J 4-0 IHI~. M °""'" (Hiil die. ~~' HV~i.l'I' CNHl .,. .. bl' M1tft E1laMll ff1J (fl ~ ~Berner (El He. 11.-ldl ILi, .. 1116--Ho't IE) WOii ht !omit IU-l"lol'd IEI '<!'llfl ht tort.It 12)-Freeland CEJ plnMO F!Vnn (t). 2;50 l»-Tr1dway Cl!I dtc. I11tr CL!, ., 13'-"TodO IEI won bf fomrlt l·O-Buxllll'l"f (l) d•t. Golml fl!), ... 14-$411 .. IE) lllC. Lovell ILi, M H7-F1l1 (El dtt. Cr11oft (LI, M l~W1llrJ111 (LI ptnMCI MDrri. Cl!), 7:40 • 17'--S...,.rt <El WOii ht florf9lt lt4-8,._ IE) -b1 frorfwlt ' HV-AveY IEI -bV forfllt All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday AUTO CENTER USBYQUR ENNEY CHARGE ACCOUNT TDDAYJ '57·'62 Chevrolet 283, exchange Engines to fit most Ameri·can cars at similar low prices s339 Pay as little as $12 per month Exchang• HERE'S WHAT YOU GET • Brand new valves, guides, lifters, valve rockers, pushrods • Brand new pistons, rings and wr ist pins • Blocks are mognofl uxed and pressure tested to assure perfectior • Blocks re-bored to precision factory tolerances • All new main and rod bearings and bush in gs • Crankshaft and camshaft re.ground to precision tolerances EXPERT INSTALLATION 17so• • Removal of old engine; installation of new engine • Comp lete Foremost tune-up • New oil filter, air filter and fuel filter (where applicab le) • New thermostat and gasket • FREE oil filter and ·oil change at 1,000 check • FREE Pit Boss safety check and Power Team check Pay as little as $5 per month •Add $5 installation price, if vehkle it· equipped' with outomotie transmission •Add $30 to in1tollotion pri" lf vehicle It equipped with air conditk>ning - include• evocuoti~ and Ncharging 1ystem, rtplocernent df dry•r "8 cylinder engine \ Expert wheel balancing including weights • A 'must' for longer tire life o A necessity for •ven tire wear o. We balan.:9 all .4 whHls HUNTINGTON BEACH Huntington Center I ' ONLY9tc NEWPORT BEACH Fuhion Island 1' -----:--=-'-="'T ----~ -.l ... ..,..-:=,::-----.,,,-~-=..,~~=------~·-.---""'---..,~=~------"---------------------------'-----------·'-- If DAll.Y l'ILGT l , Write lo Uncle Len . . Beach Finn lnMerge.r Of Brokers Slap to Speak Joseph K. Slap, senior pro- gram tpeci~~t at Phllco- Ford11 Aerobutronic Division, Newport Beach, is one of tt)f! gueot speakers for t h ~ American Management Association '.s five day seminar, Feb. 1~14 at the Loa A n g e I e s Ambassador l!otel. • \ ---~~;::--:·::<·"-,_ -------------- ------ In lllgh ' S .. ~.rt Engines: AM Puts New Entry in Spo~ts Field .By CARL_CAR8flNSEN located below ' the front Chevrolet was selected to fill • bumPir seCUon •. The front-DeLorean's poet at Poiiliac. American Motor• ha an-located radiatcr would be Estes has been GM ol nounced the' "9llllni cl I -mounted In a -·~borlzDlltal Cbevt'o!et since I~ and prior "dream"~Clt~llle . ~ .1........ , --.. 1._ car, pos!U~ 10 ,air . would. enter to that was GM of Pontiac. ~-.. ·~ frcln beneath and M e1-Del.«ea.n wu chief -..;--r d_,_, to ,..._.. a . •'-r-~--.,..,_ ~-..--bauted thrOugb MllC !win hood at Pontiac under Estes and midabl~mounted engine; will ventl aBIUmed the GM spqt when haVe ita'.first showID~ .. ~ Air.' for engine ... operation Estes went to Chevrolet. Chicago Auto Show in ~ woUld entef through aide McDonald started hia: 1$ Presldemt Wllllaln Lunebm'g : scoopo. Joc,ated jlist aft .of !lie career at the General Mo!Dr• deterfbed ~ AMX·2 ,_., an -aide ~.a.·, . , . institute in 1940. and bas be1d "ucltlng e.1 a mp l t of The AMX·2 rides on extra-'key positions at both Pontiac Amercian Moton' de 1 J 1 n., .lfid9 Metlon·Goodyeai raclrig and Chevrolet prior to his cai-bllitlel." ,. pr~ with the froot aet ·latest promotion. The car, which 18 ilDly '3 mounted on is x a.~h * * * lncbei h!Jlh,, bu • -erous magneoilll)I· wboel!, and tl)e ....... ON FORD twin , featurel,.-such, 11· twin rear.1on 15 x 9.5-ioch whe~Js. AND RACING .•••.• bood v..U and lwln bldllla. Power will be furnished by Talk. about -••-·. which • -!yr 'the ''S" a mlHhiP mounted ·AMC V-3 ·~-· in u;e .DllDI· ' engine al. Advanced, design. While c o n v er s j n I with neWamen prior to both the ~ 1 ~-;S1s ·a~ ~t * * * Riverside 500 and drag rac- .-. made poulblo !if the M9RE. NEW MODE!.'i ing's Wlntmiationals, Ford mid...,.,. deolgn, ""'1•• BlfOOlilJllG IUW.rl'V Division's general merchai> IOOtbJy wUh • teVeriy rU:-,,.. ... ~ • diliJJI manager said, 11Ford eel wiad!llield and rootllne to M ... ""° ll\Qllell are c:om-• DMi1on will be 1 I r I v I n g form a gracelul, oweeplng log· off the clmrintl boardl throughout 1969 to mate ·me outline that endl ln a railed each d_aY ~Ith some becoming that the name Ford is •Jioilei' 11eUoa at tbe rear. a reality 1n the near future. performance.,, OVerall lengtb of the AMX·2 With Ford's sulH:ompact com-. b 171.S nlchel. WbeeJbue Js ing in April it gets the new Gordon MacKenzie told tbe 105 incbel. 'l'be car Ja about name and model game.rolJin&. &l;'?UP,K~~ed at the PolllOlll five Inches ,_ overall W h th t Chemtol'• Pl"ic, Srtp for a 'drag tat e ear a of ~ newest Torino Cobra than the 190 AMX production · newest luxury model call~ Md · Mustang Mach I that, model whlle tb8 wbeelbue the Chaparral will preview m, "l'e are playing this game ii eight incbel Ioncer. Tread the fall and a n~w Che':' 10 Wfu .::_ not only on the 11 SI lncbea front, and IO truck to c:om~e with J!ord J ... &acts but in the dealerships;" Inches rear. Bronco wtll first show tn the 1be fiberglass prototype car late spring. Jt might be called S. painted an i ride Ice n t the Blazer. copper-orange, except far the It's also been said that rear dec::kand twin hood vent American Motors ' oew aub- aecUona which are finiahed in compact coming later this flat black. Black r a c i n g year wiU be called the Clyalier stripes aplD the lower body tut latest repOrts refer to it between the wheel cutouts and as the Hornet. just above the rocker panel. The new Dart Challenger, Concealed headlamps are will come with the 1970 in· located in the front fender troductions. It is to be a small forms. Charger. Rumor has it that Side windows are lo thre next year's new models wlll sections. A moveable center also see a sub-compact for section divides two amaller, Mercury can.I the Cott. fiJed windows, wltb the It can go on and on. . foremost featuring a racing . . . . Later in 1970 comes mirror. Chevrolet's sub-compaet and Air for engine cooling and possibly in a couple of years interior ventilation would he they'll be showing sut>-s·Jb taken in through a wide scoop compacts. . . . . In fact, See our full-J183e ad in this week's they too will become a reality. * * * GM ANNOUNCES KEY CHANGES Now Possible To Shrink Painful Hemorrhoids MacKell1ie ad d e d , "ob- viously Ford Division ls in -the performance market ror one reason -to 1tll cars. The 1969 performance oi "muscle market" is estimated at I00,000 buyers which ii aboot 7 percent of Ibo market." · He also said that Ford uses racing as a tecbnlcJ.I laboratory and . that one of the other prime benefits of winning was the good ad- vertising a n d promotional copy, MacKenzie 11ld 1 ••performance customer& are the mOBt demanding car buyer.S around . They know e1· adly what they want tn an automobile and . to this type of person action speaks louder than worda.'' A.few days later MacKenzie watched Ford Torlnol go 1·2-3 in the gruelKng Rlvenide race and post Vflr/ lmpri11lve time• at the WinternaUonals. * ' * * ....... ON DAYTONA AND RACING ...... While Ford Wll winnlna handfly here, they and the famed fact«)' racing team from Pcrsche wtre latinf II on the chin at the Daytona 24-haur marathon . However. Pcr-1Cbe11 popular 9ll's, all privately owned, did finish 4th, Sth, 8th, 9th, and 10th. Alan JollllJoo ol ,Carooo de! Mor ·co<lr!Vin& with Bari Everett of , PtMl)'lvanta llnlsh<d Ith only tito llpo behlM I 4th place Poncbe. They completed 581 laps dur- ing the 24 hour period. THE NEEDtE IS MIGHTIER THAN iHE PEN I ' And , the m rl'f! •• tcPtO lfflow1 ;iut how to turn the phrG1e to get the most ow of the borb. is IJ,\ILY PILQT col'"""' ill Syduu Hm'rll. Hr has • b"" call<d 1114 modern • dat1 H e n r fl Mencken. I/ llO"'rt f'tady for hli we of th1 acid odj~ctive and t' h o u g h t -provoking . proae to ofve 11ou the uedlt .•. I/ uou wanl lo firul somelhlng to think about in t.ohat you read ••• lf u'ou have a .sense of humor, you • b e J o n g tolth f'eaders toho delight in telling others what .. SJJd .acid" tn one of the natf&K't m01t • quoted cotumm. Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris: "Ont of tho hl91iut poid Jobi In Amorita conslsfl of 1t1ndlng Up in front of 1 mic· 1'9phone, MpiFltlng the good records from the bid ona -ind pl•ying th• bM ont1/' 11It11 sad . but tnie that while alcoholics are the best argument for abstinence, so many abstainen are equally effective ar· gument for a little drink' now and then." "Most of the so-callld 'incomp1itlbllity' In marriage springs from the ·f1ct th1t to most .,,..,, .. x is 1n act; while to 111 ·Wemen, it is 1n emotion. And thls differ· ence in 1ttltude c1n be bridged only by lev1." "The sole difference between a 'dedica- ted auaader' and a 'nosy reformer' con. 1istil ln our agreement or disagreement with bil objectives.'' "The most explosive combination In the werld consists of sincerity i1ddtd to l9nor1nc1." 0 Whenever I am the recipient of an ex· ~easlvely hearty handshake, I suspect Mr. Muscles Is trying to sell something, bide 60mething. or prove something." Check ·The Editorial . Page For This Signature Help You Find Lal~st Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- A Regular Feature . of It'll umn, the The DAILY PILOT . Your H<l-own Dilly Ntw1p1por Loogsbot winDert M a r k lloaObue and aiuct Parm1 in the LCla-Chevy ran 5M laps Oil the 1.11 mll• coune. Along with the Porsche U!em, the heav!ly faVGnd Fan! GT~'• 1.n by the wllJlldt. A 1111<P<ise ~ place fliils:ber was the Pmlll< Flreblrd drt,.n by CailfGnlilD!' 1f!Tf Tltul and J<11 Ward. But for Porsche, whose racing entries art always dominant. Jt was a tough day even With S rinishers in the lop ten. lit--------------------' " .. I I I --- -----,-- , • • . ' • 1 • ,\. I • '" \ • • • • I\ J~l ·r I\: I I• news ph~to of the year • t • ,, J I and other state honors _. For DAILY PILOT Stoff Photogropher Richord Koehler, tho Fourth of July fireworks stort- . ed early-about 3:30 in the morning on Independence Doy, 1q68. He shot pictures while teer gos bombs popped end two doz~n policemen flushed o 19-yoor-ol d ormod robber from his cer after they had blockaded it in e residential section of Anaheim. The DAILY PILOT dis ployod one picture prominently on Pogo I of the holidoy oi:lition. Soturdoy, judges in ttie California Newspaper Publishars Associ at ion's Better News- popers Contest disploye d it oven mcro prominently. They selected it os the Best Spot News Photo of 1968 in the Stole of Colifornie. Eorlier, the some picture won first piece in tho Best News Photo cotegcry of the Oronge County Press Club's Annuol Awords Contest. • Tho stole judges else recognized tho efforts cl DAILY PILOT Editoriol Pogo Editoc Albert W,, Batos . .by doclari~g his.oditqri01 pogos tho bast in tho state. And tho D~ILY PILO_T olso won -on honOrfbl~~~tion 'n fho Best Front Pege cotogor'f qi the stole ' . . I . WINNING PHOTOGRAPHER contest. '!Ji• three DAILY Pl't'.OT . prizes ~ore tho only ones brought home from Son . Fr6ftcisco by any br6nqo Cour.ty ,~_ewspoi:ier. Needless to soy, the DAILY PILOT is proud of these honors and of tho, efforts of tho m•ny staff members which oamod EDITORIAL PAOI IDITCMt : ·Rlih1nl Kool\'* them . · · ·' · Albort W. •m• . - ' . ~he judgef ·said ' f ,• ' . . I " l ! ) -. ... ' ' . • . " ·'' ..... . ' - . ' ' ' IDT Sl'OT NfN~ l'ICTURE "-"This.~. a, trJl!'•nd-ip;ot ;.. .. plctwfe that lncorpo1u11il an of tfie 1lt1M11ls of a Ii.inner In this category. Impact, • ,. y • ' Jr. • . .. 'I . . clerity, technical quality, attlon and drama wer9 shown .,. pi. tliere ,,as ·an "'m•nt of da1NJ•r lnYolYl!lt the phefOtrupller hl111111f. A itrc!INJ se- : l • lec~on . ; I . • -I r . ' . a ) llST IDITORIA'I; l'AM -"This~ had the best 11Mll11" of 1 •Y: ,. .. j1clpd. The typCMJrupliy we oalstomll11t. E .......... 'epill'OllS P11 ,. ... of hlth - lecal .. p1al were j11l9ecl hi lie lf•owt .W well exprlSHCI." •: I ··-~ • I llST FR()NT~fiJ:el (.._ble Mi.iH111J _-''There Is 0111actlvu laywtwn4 9aed lli.i.nce, wltll t11CM{p1cturet1"t""nttllotwoinintre•ciarac1.,..., ~·; ~-·· ~ .,civ.1 are, consistent in quality aid ,. ... .,... \ ' ' · · • ', J t ' -. ~ . . . ' \ .. f ., I 1 I • • ... . .. . . '· . ~· ... ... ,,, ,. • '. - •.. ·, ,, ; ·. '· f ' ... ~. ' ' ' " ....... --. ... . , " . " . . .. . ' ,., . ~' " ' .. I.'_ · ••• ' • ~ J:.· ' .. ,·.·. " .. · .·~ -... . . r·· • •. " ._ - '" .. ... .. . • ,_ I'' ' .. ,l, .. • • ' -. ,. . .. ". -' • ' ---·----··= •••• ----_-·:r-:.:'.'"'.":"!'"--: ...... ~.,._.---...... ==--..l!=====-"-'===~'===-:.::-=-:.::-=-::..:--"-'--'"=~------~.L-_; I • \ At EIC9C\ltivt Cir , L ... inf you ' can . ttlt '4triw .., ·nft: 1969 • c1r..o...fof two)'9lrs-wlChlllt......_ ~IT~B'°"' pick of·l"':"hal'' 69'11,Gro,ncl Prix., ... ~""'" . . • ~ ............ ""' ...... tt.•EntutMi Cir l.Oislllf:t.H• them 111 •• ' from Codll\p to .cornpoct&I 0n1y.~u11w · ofhrs )'OU the unlqut "let.I'• L•11 lhlt'1 Ilka 1 2·)'91rttst d.rlve .,. • ONLY BETT£RI llocouM )OU l'l'tho p<Oflt If I"' etriNrktt is up at ...... n . Or·lf·the rn1rbtil down,,_ · 'IUfl "Y~'thlnkl,for.thoJldo•.-.ancl Wik oioy'flit-' •"Y obHptionf Remtmber<-;JOU~don.'t .nt1efla•trtcft.lp. -', llut:i{JOU hlw oni, Exec:llt:lwwUI 1iv.youthi hl1hnt~ r for it ••• io you stlrt·pur 2·y.tr tut drfYI with 1xtr1 clitJt ·In your packet! C.11 Exec:utlw -y.for tM full'llory, T_, '· , · -E:,f-.fcCU~E-1~ ;· .. · . Ol\BLEAsING ·p~ e 2202 E11t. l1t .$tr1tf, Senta An• 1" """ veii.r· Kl 7 30 11 1" L• ""'''-.• IT~ ·-• OL ...... . , .. ·~.-#"'.,'"""I • ' --,--.. ! "-...,.-., ,;,il(I.: I ' I._ t ' Whiidw$rd· Pa.ssage .J.;ead!liM ) '• ·, _, I ' ' 5ff 111 and cut auto lnHrance as ·11111Ch a 25°/o Bob Paley 1ndAIMcl1teo INSURANCE • J . ' 474 'E. 17th· St. COSTA MESA 642~6500 j • • ';' Pf!QNE ~3 646-4421 ... .. . . ,, ' .A TIRE FO-ING NEED! FU -LL 4~PLY NYlON CORD MOST SIDS I Nl8W LONG AtJi.ER I I .$. 'FoR ' -I 6.lel:)I &.1117 ... 11 ' ... 2 i..$26'5 :::.~· 2 i..$J8'5 i~l . •.$15.tl·h.. . ... ,,, .. , h .'' ', . ~. 2 $3,295 ::::.~ fer utri• 7.1b:1J Llk!J 2 i.. $36'5 L:i:ll' 1.lfxll ' ....... ., s11.1l·1c. ... $21 .91111. WHEEL ALIGNMENT .¥FREE With purch ... of .2 tires * .JOl'i!ES flRE * ~UAIANTlll 10.IH .MILi$ 01 I YU.IS MOST CARS WHEE·L. 9·9' BA'LANCE · · · -· .. INCLUDIH Wll•tm }JEAV)'. DUTY PICKUP . TRUCK TIRES NYLON 6 PL'!'. $i495 l $ii• &.lh1• 7.00.11 . $1CJ96 ~411 ..... J.JJ .. J.lt •• ,, ···: ............ ·No .. MONEY DOWN ' ' e OUR OWM .IUD,GET PLAN e • BankAIMl'icard • ~ster Charge! .OPUt. 8 eim t• 9 pm . MOltDAY TH~OUOH BIDAY SATURDAY a.· a111 to' 5 p111 . ,.,,._ 540-4343 '646 4411 I --, . - ·~ .. ' .. .. ' . • .,. . ' . ,, ' . ,.• ... ··.· ' . , . ' ' . " . '" •) .. .. · .. • ' ' " ' • ,. . ' • • , " ) . i aclitsJQen: O\AOI.--·..... -r. • t'1~ • = · .New > ., ~ijl . tJwt· .. .. , • ·~ " . , . _, .. , Weleeae AIMNlrtl ".·Neu;, Entry.· ·1n ·Cup Race G~-~-oa1i·ng' ... , ,. . ~ . . , , _,..,," , :L----·,,. , I • -; .,. ·-----·~ FOR FlSTI FAsTI CAll DAILY PILOT cws- ·IRED DEPT. ' ·D , .1 · A l D I R E. c T. - 6 4 2 . ----- , . • • • • . • • -----· - "Oh." What A lealllfflll Monl119I" Whon Your Acid.... II OPEN HOUSE DAILY 12 • 4 P.M. 103 . 105 Lind• lslo Drive, Nooport llooch Sh.,.. by -lntmont BOYD R!ALTY 3629 E. ~ Hwy., CdM ------------------. - I I I t -· \ · J, ~ . ~46 -5990 ----· , .. I ?HE BUN NEYDl IJ.'TS • °'..,..... ICtfal .... ... -..... u .... P., clodl. dlal NNm. ' ON TENA~ 1 A 2 BR. Furn A Untum Frplce I Prl I Patios I Pool&. Temrll • Coatnt'l Bk- flrt. t bole l"utt/Gnen. 900 s.o Lane, Qlll Mf.Xll <MaeAttbur nr. o..t Hwyl -----· --Corolldo Apts. 2 BR. unfum. Penlhouset- street levelHtudJoa. All el~. kltch,, dlthwuben; lame trpb. w/w carp. A-drapes. 2 car carport. Pool. '1111 to $:!00. Otlldr<n O.K. 61l.J31I 41112 E. Cbut litf)", ow ' I• ·-----~-=--- 7ll Ocean Aw., H.ll. (114) 53&-1487 . PRIVATE ROOM with TV for ambulatory lady or gentleman. Good food, home like atmospbett, large yud &: patio. Llcrnl{td home. Avail now. 548-5225 RESI' JtOME tor dderly · • ladies, R&B, ll&ht care. close in. -494-2425, THE ~E AJ , E S TATEP •· I • •• , Businns Property 6050 A'n'ORNEYs-5 .ep roomt. lobby, 3 settetuial rooms. bltns, 2 re1troom., at. tractive. Good b:atlon C.M. .....,61 SMALL~ priced Store Bul1dtnp in but O:irona del Mar locatlo.n1 Call Hutchent, U4: K3Mi511 1 <X>MME!<C. • 300 Sq. It. 1 INDUST. -8)J Ill· tt. · ..... 2130 . BLDG. 50 x 100, In heart of downtown Coata J.feaa. SIS.340! -Ewa. HuntlnglOll -5400 Ofllco Ront1I w .. 1 Prlvocyt Now! ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN 1132 mo ($14T Flzrnl ....... 2111 • 14111. ~UIJ m.1184 I MEDICAL -Pnlt••kMml SUltes for lease, natom ftmodefuw avail. 11 712 Main St., Hunt. Beach Cl-213) 43.>82:M r " . " N'$W Industrial R e n t a I ' Near Harbor & Baker. 1760 ~· Ft. & up. 540-4429 ~oh 6100 ANNOUNCEMENTS . 1nd NOTICES $1,00o. DOWN. on &mall level Oceanview lot Lag u n a Found (FrM Ads) 6400 tJ,each. Balance $ 4 , 9 5 O , - )t8Yable $50 mo. including HALF grown standard male int(.rest. Owner. ( 714 ) poodle'!' Unclipped otf·whlte ~9'.1-121.D extremely friendly. 642--2215 alt 6. ~cre11• 6200 LARGE hUJ!ky type dog, black & while male, Call $8 'boWN, $8 per month, 839--0542 $195 full price, buys 10 l so=y~·s,.-,c'"" .... -.---.-te-,-. -.,-.. Acres in So. Calif. L. Sonora Shcool, after 5:30, Stiewfelt, 326 W. 3rd St., 545-7817 CARPENTRY Trade Hoyer patient lift or MINOR REPAIRS. No Job GE stereo for antiques, or. Too Small. Cabinet ln 1ar-iental rug, oce chr, new blbl ages & ot her cabinets. dshwr, displ, carpentry. 545-8175, U no answer leave wtrlng/pnfin&'~ 546-9358 evelC msg at 646-237:1. IL 0. BAYFRONT A:: dock; 2.Balo Anderson boa Cove1, NB; eq. $52,000. Trade. tor T.0.'1 or ?.1 '! or CARPENTER. maater i.t lease/optloii. Courtesy to clus Reas. Free est. Call brokers. 675-4331 Big John 838-3217, 842-4005 Huntington Harbour 3 BR 3 eve BA, wet bar, butlers pantey, QUALITY Repain -'Altera-din rm, 60' boat .Up @ tions -New const. by hour $130,000w/$49,IXX>eqt. Want· 3 MO. Gmnan Shepherd _ or Contract 646-3442 lncoroe, Mr Irwin Bkr. 646- Rkort Property 6205 lemale. Brown w/blk -· REPAlRS, ALTERATIONS 9661 L.A. (213) 62$-5102 • -FoundBalboalal.675--1144 CABINETS, ADy 817.e job. l-·--td_o_yo_u_ha_v_e_to_tra-..,-, :r0R RENT Fum Mamou.th ~ exper 543-6713 MoQ.ntaln ComomJnium Lost 6401 ~ • te $4 per List It here -in Orange itef!pg 8. 540-2130 ---------~n r, c.ounty'1 largnt rtad trad-L05r Feinalt! G.e rm an hour. Remodeling· Repairs. aL Mount. & 0...rt 6210 Shepherd, 8 mo1. 642-M09or536-39DO Wg.post-~makeade Black/Ian. Vk:. Victoria & A-1 * * -* 5··A NR Hemet Xlnt view. Placentia. 548-1318 Carpentry, any lbe job! :isoo r el. Wtr, game, $6,000 I ·s=M~P~/~P~oodl~-e,"m'-a~l-e,~lt. Call Gordon 847-6745 !00 dn. 033-mos-10 a.m. agt. beige, 4 yn old. Has coll.,., C t C ~ ·~ SERVICE DIRECTORY tags, leash. Vic Santa •men ' oncre,. uuvv siJbdlvlslon Lind 6212 Isabel. CM. 646-8080 * roNCRETE work. Bonded Industrial Prop. 6080 . . Your Year. ~ ~1 • • I l I! • of fndep13mknc · Ir"""· are a NCellt colJep oaduate •l!ooe ~ .. blocUti bOcatllf of tbe llllure of ldl ~~ <If ·tile Ille of the org..U..tloo r J. c~ PEmY co. '1 241"~ .... ~J An. eq1W oppdrtunlty ~ * LAGUNA * llloofl=;.;..;;;"l.._ __ _:·_;"=SO --~----- 4 /unitl nr beach. $65,(Jl) 1 clear. Want an.all bo1.11e or unimproved ·lot. Bkr. "4-1330 CO STAL INDUSTRIES NOW HIRINQ 10 acre. 5 ml form mw, I.rt-Sewlf19 6960 ruu. TIME t•rnatlonalAirpor!inPaJm. ··~llrl!IOno SWING SHD"I' . OR a m111 DOW ..wns wllo feell 1111 -"*'II 11ot rniffldeDtly ch•lfcll"' or 1111111 dliU. Doi of• fer !ldequate Income or ad•111c:emeol i-B>!- Utlea or requl:es too much !ravel OR a. jui>ior ~ocullve, ·'!!'boot teacbe1', enP!eer. bl&lfoeu owner, ~Wit or laWyei' wbo bellevu ht bu the. ability to earn mere' ' • ! ! ' ! • ! • J .. ' • THEN j dale, sell for $!000. per Special on Hems PART TIME l :JO.U PM acre, or trade for anyth1na * 6t6-644S • New company needl t) men 11 of equal value. M6-20U on all lbiftl. No"experte'!C' 1n:s!f te~~muu~ to-",_ for the '' HAVE: ... Ford eow.-Alteroffom '42-5145 ---. --~ .. -• op . ..~,~ ... -I -· N • te, --· -blgh nco level 0 oelllDI to ........... , Squire wagon. RIK. PIS. e1, . ....,. ~ yn. up. Pllll' tJ:IJllllW. IV• wlll PIY and prof-.! grotlJNI 0Ur Aptlltl4e Analy-. 1 ;,;:;.,1-;;:::;~~o TlLI, Ceramic 6'74 ~ ~ "::'.:,, ".: all 5ystem wW aetormlne your cblll~ .tor· : 6464290 * Vome, 1111 Tiil lilln * !ride. IUCC .. ID our Field. U you qualify llfe will ' • , bdrm, d•n ,. dlnfnc ....._ CUii. -ic. 1o11a11 6 l'tlllln-CALL fi.IY ~ an attractive aa1ary wlille you team j 2 tu11 lob, 129.800 value, No Job .... IOllll Plalm .. ., NELSON , e ulloea and gain uperienc!_,~~~ ""u .1• 110,000 oqu!ty. TRD Income; patch. LeUinr 1 ho,, er """ perv!lfoo. Your Income procpecta ww ""we nnlta, T.D, low down, conim. repair. M'l·1951J&M..OM SA,TUR.DAY t A.K. to I P.M. 1 lnto flve fllU.tee. · ·• 545 Irvine, N.B. 87M5l'.I MONDAY I A.M. to IP.JI. · · ' " . ~ Trade moo eqµ1ty 1n tuvo·j-·~Ue!!!!!!'!!!!at!!!•!!:!Yb--!691!:!9~0 I •-•llO;iiii:l!D4;;;.._.1 Phone 542-5623, Ext. 321 "' l Two bedroom, 1\1 batM, CZYKOSKl'S ~-wtltl brief p1rticul1,rt to l earefree condomln.lwn for ...... "'"' l eqwtl volue in double ten or Upholotery. Euro P • 1 n POUCIMEN Box M-655, D1ily Pilot '• moremobllebom&.&16-Ml.1 Cratt~mansblp,1009' ""'7 to•MA-me.. 1 _______ _:_··-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ' Ftnanelnr· Furn. boobl· 6 ... ..., r•· , CONTRACTOR'S field oUice autn'1. 6U-14M., •· 1131 " trailer; top cond., walnut Newport Blvd., C.111. AGE: 21-31upto15 with~ CITY 01' Stock l p1ane1ed interior, carpeted. .:.;;;===...:;;;::...._.I ~~=: ~ NIWPORT BIACH STOCK CLERK 1'. I .ooo v.i..,, trade tor • , JOIS a EMPLOYMENT what have youT mlW f~~.'e.,== REFUSE , CREWMAN want smaller ear w/pwr A. Job W1nted, Udy 7020 ·~ We have an .fmrnecHate .-1 ., fait ah'. Trade '64, 98 Old• High -sn<fulte, ..ud $416 $81 p1r mo. tor 1 briChl. ombl--I MATURE )'OlmC moth er cal.if. operaton Ucenae, U.S. __..._ 1 -•~-um _,, two w/pwt & fact air + Slid dell:rel put.time ~ ... ..-.... don t w•111 uuuuu ..... • .eq in 1%, acre nr Palm cltixn. J'Ue ..,_ 1 J"llllT!mtPmnanent~ )'t:anresp:mllbleltp:rocin • meot, ....,. .... ..ild, etc. City llall. m> W-c:y tar.,.. in ~nt pey.. experience. ~ " ' ~~~n land• $15 Able to handle heavY PBX. Ave., Wntminater, C:all!.: k:1J eondldon to dpW .am eJectroalc compOD!Dt pa11 ! Light typing. Allo euhl<r before re-.., 28111, OOI, !old -padr loldert. 11_,.tlal...S1 b111> oe11oo1 HOUSE Trailer 20X50, 1ood training. Profer CM, NB. p.m. ~ m -!Ill ~ ....... II prelerrod. cond,; 3 bedrooms; moVed FY' areu. 5f9.<181' (TI4) l9M5l1 at 205 enc:e pertormq bea•)'. , , l ~~• ;:t = ~~ty 2 ho=. :eUft ·~~te::. '91!1!!!!!! ... --....... •I ~ ~d ~c.::: ~~ :::=i:.w: I= MB-5425 All wortc by Job. c.n 1 ...,. P •RT TIME driver'• -· --. .,,. our --! San Cemeete '""°""' 2 til 9 p,m. !Ill.em .. '°""" ~: 01¥ llall. 3300 room mpplleo. store• • 2 tot. 2 otlk:u , 1,H~O~U~SEW=oi,RK.;,,,..~$2~.z;=hr-pluo~ HILP "WANTID N.,.port Blvd, Newport ; Apts. WW take TD'• or $l fortnwportadon56-N21, WENEEDS5"M!:Nl'Ol\ Beach. eam. Goad tt:arttnc nte Jib ... '1 smaller property. Make aff. Ext. 22. : ~~~WORK cellent beneflta ind~ ! er. Call ~ 494-3262 • SALES T.YPC WORK tWtlve dl1i Vacation 'durlal ' MOVED TO HAWAlll o......tlc'H•le 7035 CAlJ. ON OOMPANY ,.... tint )'qr al ......... ·~ Desperate! '26,500 home. 2 APPOINTMENT$ menl 1 otocy, • BR, 2 BA, patio, G<ol'l9 Allen 8Yllnd Apncy CA1J. ON ClQMPANY Ma...,.... Tral • bit-ins. Comer tot nr FaJ>. E-!'&YI FM • CUSTOJIJ:RS ·--.·· -Ylffall dlfl ' view'~ Balcer. Trade 1Zi011 lJll.B E.18UI, 8A 547-0!811 $300. PIR ~TH tor ntaJI -A leather l equity · for ! 0 w n er. :::h1neM U\l'HJls. Cb6edll 1:30 PM TO 10:10 PM soodl It.an. Sllu1 open. • 5'6-1890-Pmnanent. Ellplrieneod For in-elll Mr. J..,. Pie.- Finest '1ereo • Marana 7, J'or EM!"-·MU70S 774-72$1 APPLY. IN PERSON HK amp, COil $1700 C )'l'I MONDAY 9.g0. WANT 23" eo1ca' TV, l;i·-------1 . H1lp W1ntad, -7200 RllONll'I Lu.-tape, '68 Railchero. ,.,,_,.-* 499-1331 * · · SHOE ~ 11 rr & s. CNlt Plue * * Mainte'nance'' M ~, 1 3 co11. Mel• * -·--·--.. - SERVICE DtlltECTORY lncoma Tix 6740 · Man 1n1aer ranees· 1 ..... -_... .......... America'• t.uirm ntallm LINE of women's 1hoet. maddnei ' l .. • A VARIAN SUBSIDwrt: • I 27.12 Mich•'-DrlV9 • " (Adj. Ora..-°'· Airport): j · lrvlnl, C1llf, t2'6t ' ... _._.-. I emploJler 11.r, • I • • ! ~'J ., " •~ PROPERTY :WITH A VIEW FEMALE -Dark Choe & Licensed. Concrete sawing ANTHONY'S SKOUSEN' TAX SERVICE Siameae, (friendly), Vic Phillipa Qement. 548-6380 Garde" Service Y~ b om e. Reuonable. lfEDS Shoe Sf ore MECHANIC ITT .JABSCO • • 26 Acres in Northem Orange. High on a knoll; this prop- erty toned % acre sJtes and ea.c!l lot could be cut with a magnificent view. Priced at $ls.ooo per acre. For further information. p I e a 11 ~ call c;1enn Thompson with Eckhoff & A11oc., lne. 1818. w. Q\apman Ave. Orange, Calif. 541-2621, Eves-wknds 533-6727 Windward. Ave. CBa)'crest) e CUSTOM PATIOSe 646-1948 Eves. Norman Man 1 NB. 642-2917 concrete sawin& &: removal BUDGET LANDSCAPING S4S-6328 SMALL male Yorkshire Ter· State Uc. e 842-1010 Prune.,, Plant , •• Prepare Walter lL Fahrenhob P.A. tier in vie ol Slater a: Mag-CONCRETE work, all types. Monthly Maintenance 145 Btoadwa)', Cocta M~ nolia F.V, Silver. Reward Pool declcl Ir C\lltom. Call Exp. Horticulturist 642-6204 or ~1398 ew S46-6100 54S-1.324 cut & Edge Lawn * ffii YEAR * · LOOT female dark liamese CEMENT work, no job too Maintenance. Licensed . A-1 SI'ENO child's pet. Reward. Call small. reuoqable. Free S48-4808/645-2310 a.ft 4 HARBOR SHOP'G CNTR. 541425a. eatim. H. Stufllck. 548-8615 YARD C I ea nu p : Tree eve/wken1f by appt. ~ LOST Bag of tools 1: invoices e BEST IN CONCRETE 1UVice, new la w.n a, INCOME TAX SERVICE vie penney1 C.M. Reward. Walks, pool declcl, floor5. aprinklen, rototill. 646-5848 Federal and State (213) 698-UOl. Patios. Phone 642-3.514 646-7000 day or nlgbt COCKATIEL Lost Tues. 4lb. Gener1f Servlm 6682 PERSONALIZED, expert Vic 19th & Irvine Av!. Costa ,C;.;•;:n::.l•;..;•;:;clo=rs;;... __ ;;.66oc2;c.OI GET .t la....,. _.::::; Tax serv. Year. round <itc., _ i rep ""'"'· reya.u.-. reu &f6..87l2 It E. W1nted 6240 Mesa. 646-2977 aft 6 PM ADDITIONS -REPAIR or installed. Call Scott's =-'=·.,:,;..:,,----~-------OUR Smiling Irish Setter REMODELING Home Service & Repair INCOME Taxes prepared Apply .. Personnel Office U. S. Divers Company 33%3 W. Wamer Santa Ana So. c-P'l•l!I GJ/I --_ _,,, .;..c .... .,,' .... ....,'M.r. 9 P'•ho•lp1-IApplyi ALLEN . CARDI OPP.ORTUNfl'YI Join __ _,,,, fMec+ne.ow!IDV . U1IO l!o. o.ut Hilhw1l1 Llpnl lleldl * -Alllfot111111~ •. ,. pru1-l'Gnd ala e FINISHID No _ _.,. w~ tra11-e.n .r..,. -· . CARPE~ Mutuol l'untl ~. e PLUMBERS 1 ... N)t B. 160S WeoteltlllG-CG2 lllaodlr ~ -toe. B.A. uiJ N. s.-., 8111 E. W-st. 147.ass! -- TOOL a DIE • MAKER l , ' -onlf-• tool . bUl!dlng . fir mWf ' ' pump-' Ap .. -' ...... GGed -IDd •I • ---• • APPLY TO ' • PER!K>NNJ:L DEPT, ,, • Anequll-'11' . ' • ...,..... ' ' • 18 Dile Way, Costa ,,_ '., -' • 3; BR Home Jn this area Molly. Ill. tags. Huntington Designing & Planning 968-2463 anytime. your borne, lone form com- for exchange for 2 on lol Harbour. Reward. 846-058.1 KHchen&-Batha, etc. · HEATING &-Air Cond. Serv blned, $l5. 494-3422 lodr and Fender On.awe ~ • (lrdowntovmlnglewood. Val LOST Black I: Grey Persian 100% Financing-Free est. & repair, also Washer & • PROFESSIONAL TAX An equal opportunity SALES Man · u~-~. fib. '1 $00,000. Now employed here. Cat, male Vic 19th -Santa Llc'd & Bonded dryer repair. 24 -hr serv •. SERV. Hom1 ~.~re. employer EXPER. or NO . . . -=.,_ .._ ~~-• •-_ Owner. 213' 64>513! Ana, C.M. 548-30<1 A & B OONSrRUCTION '42-7237 or 847-5681 $13. Comp I! ----=~==--IXPllt. RIQUIRID Bed¥ lhop helper,"'°",_,, .'tr;;~-~~ :i"~.:'.: ! Will.. Buy Apt Howes; 4 '1.0=sr~,~7-mo-s-. -o~ld-ap-rl-cot 1122 Pauiartno, C.M. Oean out G·--IYard Gordon N. W1rren, PA FULL TIMI! If you can 1.oUow ordert )'VU pod'benelH1 at Dean l.twts ,__...... i tti 6 ·UJ'l.lts in Laguna Beach. Afghan, female; vie. Coata * S45-49U * Light u;-ufu; 18th year. Appt 675-33«5 AND w : write l order a dQ', J·· -:mt&. 186& Harbor. CJL departJMnl Mt.t lll .. flt. call54>-H.l1 Mesa. Reward.~ Additiona * Remodelln& e 540-4348 e PART TIMI I CAN 01'1'.lt YOU 646-93111 ' =-~~·~ ·i BllSINESS ind P1rson1l1 6405 ~ H. c;rw1ck,,:;:::i110 HAULING. Cl••""P ......... Ironing_ .675! REXAIR INC. : rl!.:'-.!'... • INSl'R,.~ ~.= N ,rau _ .... to llox IUl6 ~ • l'INANCIAL --------=======:::::£-! odd lo"' ek:. F>ff ut. Jim <' ANAHEIM DIV. { Bonuo J>!:""' :;;,::-i.r..t j,. :i., ":; TJ>t Dilly Pilot . I &iii; Opportunillll 6300 LICENSED C1rpot Cl11nlng 6625 ~. anytime ~io::~~=l!~ ~... NOW HIRING Apply 11 800 So. El c.mn -...S ..... wltll a. · BUSBOYS l •• Spiritual ll<ading•, advice • Rell, &lit. 215, s.. Cllmenlo pab11e. ..... 11gmw. APl'V DISHWASHIRS .: :•·FRIGIDAIRE onallmatten.llllS.El PROFESSIONAL Rur A H1ullng 6730 642·2051, 1 NEWBRANCHEXPAJ!D!NG betft<nlOA 411on..tllruJ'd. 11 --llelltll J'ulltlme 0-•ll , Camino Real, San Clemente. Upholatery Cleaning. Top•I---------IRONING IN MY HOME TO ORANGE COUNTY lpa, 2300 Hirbor Blvd., APPLY IN PER50I( . JET ACTION 49'Z-9l.16. 10 AM·lO PM quality ouaranteod ..esu!i.. YARD, pr. cloanu> Remove lOc 4' lSc PIF.C!:. . Top St1rtlng yt .. 11. MEN • CM. · · • Beautiful renewed Laundry. SPECIAL $2 READING Allen's Maintenance 646-4063 trees, Ivy, traal'i, ltlD:npt:, 645-1035 OPENINGS FOR 35 MEN Leant A Mm. '1IJ0.'250 per ANJTOR Work, Adi Uml IOI'$ 110 IOY 28 washers, 11 dryen. 3:1 lb. • BACltERLOR new in ot eves 6(2-3526 • grade, trench, exct.vate.IRO ·-NIN~~G_;dc;one:.=Jn::c...my_bome--. TRAINEES week pl111. No experlncs Dlcbta. , MUlt b ave ..., 151 E. 17th St. WI.sher. $18,000 yr. Kl'DBI area seeks beautiful girl 35 CARPE:l' & Furn. cleanJna; 1"'96U7'="~'"5·~-----Expert . work. Reuonable. NO EXP'ElWCNCE ' n •ct • • • r 7, PJ•ftaafo:W ~ in dMnq lm&11 eo.ta M• ~ ~ out bow euy it 11 tor dates A: companiom.bip. far t day le?Vice If quality CLEAN lotJ-prages etc, Phone SC-1816 WONECESSARRK WITHY tra.ID1nl in Jftltlll work. No , olk!M-Oppa twdtt to ,1'0rlc BD,II-lt.etiftd Dl.'aftlmaa ·1.r , OM , URGENT • .....-work, call Ster11'11 "" 1ne '""""'· dump llklp\:::;:::=:::;::=::=== . UIPMEllT door -our.-llllt _..,, _,,, 111!1 to lull time""'-. Coin· • atiC I Am no longer responsible hrla:htne•! 64).8520 backhoe, fill grade. 962-87'5 L1ncftc1plng 6110 ~~ RAPID men call ua. l'or Qpt. CID ._. tn..No. H.S. u-. ea .... ' . £~~mont, Inc. Jor ,...., debts other than WAIL TO WALL Carpet Ha.ullng-Oarqe Oeanup1 NEW B · • · 9:30 to 12. &»«11 -• Trim H~-~ ft. SPRINKLEllS ADVANCEMENT TO KEY ,.,; W. Volencla my own. Michael IUrk Cleaning .. expor1 _ .. , u=•·~"· POSmONS. Car Wash Help Fulle<ton 114 , 525-7833 .Macintosh upbob....,. cl>anJn&. 64&.s780 • me JOHN. -• Sod ~':i:~ .... -"' ACCEPr!NG APPLIOA· Fulltlmo .. Wk ........ ·Cindy Supply Route I AM no longer responsible CARPET A flamture clean-UTE Ha.ulh!& I: cleanup. TIONS MOJ'I. •TUES. Min aae 11. appl)t In petlOll ; .-(Part or )'ull Time) for t.n)' debta other than ing, laying 6 repair. CaD Reuonable. Arri area. COMMERCIAL Ir rnklenu.l 774-7251 IJJJO ~·• --, Exoellent Income for lew my own. Dennla Fe-Girouard C&rpel 6U-Q6!l6 Clll 6'2-:lili'I Clardenlne • LondlcaPllr, ~ ~· ~. w<ekly work (d• ... or Joe C.ornJ. 982-f'JM s.ie1 411 E. 17lb Colla Mea uni, "3V I AM no longer rer:ponaible 1.==::==:=====I ~-0..•l ,.!llllng and oolleet-tor ..,. debts other !ban Gordonlng 66IO Hou1t<lunln1 6735 YOUNQ MAN'S SER\llCE llltlon •·•-~m~~ ~ln C:. myown.AlfredH.Swan JAPANE.5E 01rden~r . •APT.a..EANJNG* ~:r:~~nglnt 6150 DRIAM =~t~al~~ Mlllll and surmundln& area. AL(X)HOLU . .!t -ADonymowi Complete Ser v '1 c e • El~ Fast • thorotlgb 6G8l&t I ---"----.....;-WlllidrW ciltldlttom. Union No· welllne· (Handles name Phone 54.2-1217 or write to perlenced. Reliable. 6G"'889 WllJJAMS Qeauills Sen. Interior P1lntln1 U you are under 27 ud l9le OIL aaa E. 17th It. CJlf. ~nuxl candy and snaclai) P.O. Box 1223 0>sta Mell. JAPANESE Gardenhw, Prof Apt&. or ~· by job or iaw.,. to ctri&. wbJ' not pt PE1U4. PART TDrlE (DOK, $1,650to$6,150 cashrequlr-. :Malnt.. Land1c1pta1 lncome Tu 6740 room.Lowott•uonrato. paJdforlt.A~P ,.........,. PNfloGI b ~::r&1:=::::!::"! F-111 6412 Cleanup. 637.Q51 I~ K. Cluk Ace1g Scrv. . 645-10!8 :.':'ror~1'::..~ !'.','"~ .. ~'.?:!.~ 11111 AL'S GvdenlrW Service Income tax, penona1 or PAPER HANGJNG •.1M,to~-1 ... -dUflo INl •--.• '---~:'~ t~~; WESTMINSTER Lawo malntonance, prd... boAinOu, ,_. bome or Olo. PAIN'l1NG b; ..... c.n ;';'j f.m. MEN tor-Lm. "'1i""l' ; P.O. Box 3846 MEMORIAL PARK ""'' e1 ... ups. 8'lh162t ?.>. ~ ~· .... ~ nrm. • INT -EXT .. _ SIZE ·-==L=-----°'H s-rv .,...to._-. ' •.AN.beirn, Calif. 92803 JAPANESE Gardener, com--~or "'1"\llW eve• .. • Al~ :i. -•• , •• Mortv1ry a Cemetery plelo ,....i ...-vice, -BE A Sattslled alent with JOB. Xlnt work, rel.!, -PART 'J1MI ""'<1"1· ...,..,, \l ELDIN G Bu• 1ne1 s Complete fvner1lt ntlmate1. 5fi0.U32 Hanis Tax Serv\ce. ttb yr. e.t. JUI. IG-486t, 646-37~ W• have a top ..._ job HANDY man 1IMW llW ~=. :.f.. ;!1..,.=:; f""" ~5 NOW'S THE 1oca111. Avail. U """'· ru1 PAINTING a..--· 1"' """ ij ,,.,. • .,. not"-~ hour 1 -AK. 1-....... Cemetery 1oh · Ro o • e • e It Way, Cd. rtaBOnable, · 25 )'fl exp. ldled with )'Olll' prnlllt ID-Fount.all VtDly 0o1 f. !::~"to~ S~L~ from $150 TIME FOR "Mad<" 540-2971 nterenceo. 1141-1322 eome. Work &.11p.m.Mll>1 ..;•~U;:•:,,._ __ ....,.,,_. lletslled Into. 5.1&-1833 tnel-Endowmeet C.. QUICK CASH • TiiE TAX ADVlSORS PAINTING, inlor •• -lmum -»"!' "' WOOL -· ,..,._ MU111' ....wcei E It b I Ev"7tllble II -balltlllll THROU"-H & , Year round o!~ 328 No.. State lie •• bond«!. Frto $300. pet' lllO. 0.-dol )llr pook!e • candy ""°""-..... _,., '--. • .. Nwpt Bl9d, N.B. n,ul ..Umale( -OAU. !lilt RED> l1MllO er M-1111 rnoehJne route. Req 2 hn No tra!Jlc l)n>blemL D •1LY PILOT Clll -tot •PPl EXT-INT. """"'-C.lfuw SATURDAY t AM to I PM EXP'D dllliriii6ilR wkly. $900. 10 unlll C.M. lA80l BtlCll, W--.. 1HE QUICKER YOU CALL. Lie. lllL 1T yn. Exp. Free MONDAY t AM int PM * 011='.'1\1'1 * .,. .. rn-3360 sn.1m 193-Jal WANT AD n<E QIJICKER vou BEIL rot. ><&.&21 -am c.1t =::...:..::...c.---- '( _ ~ .... -~,.,.... . . . - . ' • " TECHNICAL WRITER I ELECTRONIC I c.tffonl1 c.p.ter PN .. dsr lie. .. N. Mioller, ~ C.llhnilit,.., Aft IQIJil.-twlt~ ........ I l • i • • • ! • • • • ! ' ' ! • DAILY PILOT .o111i • W\.OYNN1 .ioas • EMPLOYMllCT .ION I IMl'LOYMINT JOIS I IMl'LOYMIN1 JOBS I IMPLOYMINT MllCMANDISI POR MlltcHAHDISI FOR MERCHANDISE POR MERCHANDISE FOR --· -~ "9ondel, w-7300 Howlp'W-,_ Help.:::.-......... w-noo 1-:-:$A:=Lc:E-;.AN.;;,.;.;:D~T;.:R,&:.:'°;.,:'~1....:SAL::;:::::•..:AN:::::D:...:.T::;RA::D:::l:_..:S=:A~L;::E_;AN::;:::D:...!.TRA::::D::1!::..1 • ..:S::;A:::L::.E .;.;A:;.;N::D • ...;T.;.;RA;..;...;Dl;;;_I l . • YOUNG SWINGERS e KEYPONCH e --W• 7400 Jobo 'Mm. W-7500 Fumltur., -umltur. 8000 AnllquH 1110 ' OPERATORS M... Jl . ANT!QtJES. a.ocKS • to bo traWd al ...,,..-"" OX• E><pori<noed Atpha / Num. WAITR"fCf Alll • newpon . J. c. """"' Co. .. 1. nlSTER'S ANTIQtJES ~ pam ta ~t hleh.CfJ.~ u.rw: term Ulil:nm6tt5. ~ ftAl'tQM~ 1'ublon )a1and W" 6V-il38 • 1D Federal. 0.1 bu, -pO'Oduct 1n ce, ..,..1-Beach aru. ,,,,,. L•-c:heon r · Newport --: .... poaldon. ll you m I patld... ••• 1'lolJ lllil•, .i.,.. -agency -Spanish -Sowing Mac hlnH I i2o I ..., ,.........,...., .. olfcr KELLY SERVICES INC. ,Im DOVER DRlVll Hu opeoq lo< .. • ~ , 23/J E. 3"' Sttt<t •• .., 1n .,..... EXPE ll lENtED M-.. lterron-n 1968 s>NGER Zir·Zaa touch- ... $75e MO. GUARR. i...,. Belch. Qilll. ru.1 Jhno Fri NEWPORT BEACH * COOK * .., •w ....,.Ile, walowt cabin<! In-~ (2131 432-8191 ExceUent EmployM 6'2..ss70 Bought M-nuf1durer'1 eluded. Divorce a e t Ion i~ rncenttw boom ptogram off. Equal oppori\lnit)' e~ STUFT SHIRT a.n.fltt Our 1peclal pl 11 to ~~t =~ == . '69 Showroom $.amples =ere;::9!. ~to~ ·•, .,. _..iun!IY lot "'" Iii:-RUTH RYAN R-urant holp aoch lndlvlduol •-· "-·•~. Competa·•·-At T-'""-' ._ ... _ ..._,. •· bl'nd •·ms ,. ure ir>oome. Xlnt advance-AGENCY ~,,. APPL y ....a.1 ho "'" .. ~., ............ u u.... 8' Wood d di I ' ch Ir bolea. overcas ... , i ,.., -' ment in ......... aement lnlln· 2241 W C 1 H Pirsonnel Office '"""eve r apeclat wa&es, outstandtna benefits • carve arm . van, g. nian s a etc. Without attach . • ··--.. fi F /C Bkkpr .••••..•••. • $540. • Ht wy. pl. Pt .... t1lk to u1 lncl\ldina profit sbarin&· or love seat. ~ Pc Octagon dark oak din set Guarantee OK .Call 526--8616 • ~~~~:tic! Secretary ••••••••.•..•• ;:· Newport Beach Third Floor about the followf"I w/black or avocado framed chairs; 8.1~c BR Music•I ln•::t· __ ..;;8c;.l2:;S;i ?, pttallutlon. Girl Friday .......... " • .,; The BrOldw1y opportun111... Many Apply 1n penson set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, ~ nurror, 2· ~ In 8 h. call Gen office Trnc ••••• ••• -1r• t.e Id b tL-10 A.M. to S P.M. comrnod•• deco alive headboar 1·n Spanish '• Newport ea c MedicaJ.Sec · •·•• ·•••·· · S400. PART TIME ' Pl 'I ne M nday thru Po.IAa.. ....,, r ~ &IJ.5110. In Westminster l\fANY OTHER usrINGS 47 Court• of Fuhlon employer some e re 0 ~·nuv oak de.11tgn with matching box springs, ma't· • .,.., call 89UAJ1. Both"' pruo1 & '" pos;t>ons e COMMERCIAL e FASIUON ISLAND fff j>ald by the appll· tress & ll'ame. ; CAREER 1793 N•wport. CM, ......,.. TELLER Nawport a .. ci. cant, you may choose. J, C. PfNflY CO. ltoma Sold Individually • OPPORTUNITY 17931 Beach, H.B. 847-9617 An Equal OpPot1Jlnlly Shop Around -Boforo you buy -USI :· ll""or"" '"'"""",,.... 1042 w. 17th. S.A. 541-6481 UNITED CALIFORNIA 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;Em;;;;;iptoy.;;;;i;;;;i;';;;;;= NEWPORT 24 Fashion Island VALUE $1095.95-FULL PRICE $529.95 ~ ey ia )ooking for men to be-T BEA°tH AREA • BANK I' BEACH An equal opportunity or term• II low •t $4.66 per week t come members of lb finan-Gen. Office, type •••••• S350 emplqyer Use Our Store Charge Pf an or Bank Financing cial services team. We are Jr. job l yr exp, o.K Em· 4525 McArthur Blvd. RN's-LVM'S Sedy $500 -.,....===~--No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values Inside ; 1ooldnK' for sales oriented ployer pays ~ fee. Newport Buch Escrow bac~nd * DRIVERS * people, oollege backgroUDd Girl Friday Mfg •••••••• $500 Aides would be hel to • prefened. No experlen:ce Steno or dictapbone. Em· 540-4424 work with a ynamic No Experience necKSIU'Y· We will train. plo""r "'"'S fee. young executive. nu.~. satari«I """ ..,.._ 'i'EE'Joss ALSO S IH C I • I Necessary! •, tion with an opportunity•for J . R. Pierce Assoc. Agency F.qua.I opportunlt;y employer Un I 0 0Rli Secty $475 Must have clean CaUfom1a 1 unlimited future earnings, 1885 Ne"rport C.M, &42-6120 SECRETARY: S yrs. min. Excellent opportunl~ driving record. Apply • All ...... confid•olial. Call • cumml woO'k exp. Exp. in Conv1lescenl Hosp ~.~~~ir'h:!;'d YELLOW CAB co. ' or write Thomas Doyle &: Sl;,CRETARY elec typ (50 wPm), die-· • ' A: typlng skills. Knowl-186 E. 16th st. :, Assoc. 1500 Adams, Costa Shorthand It typing. one year ta~ne, calc 6 tnim«>. New Owne. rshlp & Ma n-edge of constru,::tlon Costa Mesa • Mtsa or M&-7371). general olrice experience. ~ Sharp at fiiuras, &IAt repta and or architecture. • to 4 Years education in sci-& oH procedures. Nea.t, a9em1nt. Top starting Reil Est1te Sal11 ., GOOD MAN OVER 40 for ence {med or chem) to ass.isl personable &: outgoing. $.1, Pay. All 1hlft1. ' General Office $450 Men & Women • •hort t r i p s surrounding: e-•••• Sha I I Ith ood PHO in research for an ex-M-F. 1-eltl oft Work ..,,._ . rp g1r w g Expanding again. Office # : Beach Cities area. Man we cellent company in Newport w/communlty leaders. Put ~~~~~~~~~ general business back· 4 open.Inga a~ble for want is worth up to $1&,500 Beach. to $550. Split fee. your Ume &: talent into -eround will learn In-licensed ·men a: women. In. • Furniture SPAJISH GROUPS in year, plus new car as EXEC AGENCY 1 MAJO!t surance business. tan . . ; bonus. Airmail N.H. Sears, MISS serv ce for others. HB Com· CAlJFORNIA BANK Must type 60 wpm. 11 t lllCOme & training. Mr " Pres., American Lubricants 410. C.oast Hwy, N.B. munlty Cleat. $2.25 hr. seek& steno/tyl~t for truat St1n-r•ph9r ., .. "" Gardner, SP r in & Realty, 20 Pc ''Madrid'' : Co., Bo• 76, n ....... ,.. Ohio 646-3939 Begin 2-17, 642.-2500 1 dept. Must take dictation, -~ 540-4824 3 R G ... ...,...,,...,... Work for sev'"'"al A oom roup .. • • 45'101 -H 1 W i-~ assist office r , enjoy bright young men,""' In partment Manag•r F Mod 1 H e p 1n '"' customer contact a busy, fascinating of-Free apartment, free phone, rom • om1 MECHANIC Women 7400 PBX OPERATOR P'""""nt ca"" op. fie" '"""""' pl"' hon"' '°' ag. includ"' Qulltod "''a & USED CAR Salary Open RAY VINES Chrysler-Plymouth portunity for q u a l i f i e d gressive apartment Manager chair, 2 end tables, coffee Telephone reception Work inc 1 0 d e s person. sat a r y com-Mlrketina Secty in Orange County beach table, 2 lamps, dresser, mir- work $1 .65 hr. Full time mensurate with ability and $500 area. Write Mr. Rife, 170 E. ror, headboard. quilt box & par t t ime. Call Mr. heavy tX P ing .. & experience. Contact w. c. :ri.tust be oriented in 17th St., Costa Mesa. sprgs &: mattr. 5 Pc Dining Katthis 540-2034. so rn e utomotive Presanall eng1ntcrtn~ field. KEAL ESI'ATE. ... ........... _., roo~ table & 4 Hi -Back Bookkeeping. Ne--...+ Center Branch Short hand of coun;e. .,. ............ , ch81I'S SECRETARY, Afternoons. .. ....,. ' you be selling the hottest . Design office, reception. Security Pacilic Nat'L Bank Teletype Trainee area Huntnigton Beach? Compare at $749.95 • BUDGETS .......... Jun~' -....... typing, lit• Roy .Caner Pontiac 5511 N<wport C<nter Dv. $350 Vill ... "'" ,,. .... 962-44n ...... Pay $16 por mo • AeooUntant. help maintain shorthand, att ract t v e . Newport Beach ThiJ company will or 546-8103 $399 543-6663 5ZT·2341 ; blldget control over multiple 645-1335 Kl 6-4444 ' R d" T-'-hon train an intelligent HAl i leisure t Im e operations. Q 10• .... p • girl who Is interested RSTYLIST, oppty to bet- : Must be willini to grow GENERAL housekeeping for!""""'""'""'""',;,,..,..,..,, I D" t h G•rl in Jearnln)? the brok-· ter your income by renting 21 Pc i &: assume responsibilities. elderly couple, no children. 1Spa C I erage bu!Ilness. Must space. New Shoe CdM Call ''Barcelona'' 646-T 5 day week, 9:30 to 5:30 SECRETARY 25 or over. Mll!lt know local type re wpm min. alter 3 pm 833-0350 . • 1 ;:;:::::138~· --,-...,...--,-.,. 0 n Ba I b 0 a Is I and area .. Apply in person King s1·1e FULL & part tim• "''' "'1eron"'· 673-8264 YELLOW CAB CO. COSTA MESA STUDENTS, S.Nirem•n & wanted. Top wages, chance s E w ING MA c H I NE $450-$550 186 E. 16th St. . wo,,i:ien. wutobe-Sdl 2rodo· wk, 3 Room Group "-advancement E e Se ty $650 p lme. es n p uctll. Old W Id El ...,.. OPERATORS. Experienced. Costa Mesa x c c Ycur hrs work from home or eganc1 ~HarborCARBl·~ASllCM. Appl.Y: JAY MAR, INC. Secretary to Dept heed. 1--.-s-E_A_MS~=--E-S_S_e_ A top management Ph. 9-12 ~.m. 494-5363 . includes: Qlliltecl sofa & '"'""" ~u MIJSt be sharp, type 60, '"" position with local J ill ba l"';;;:_;;:;;;~====d 2907 S. Oak, Santa Ana 8 shorthand 100, minimum 3 WANTED electronlc firm. Skills, AfT Manager. 10 units • oveseat with p· ow clcs, I W 7300 to 3 PM. Must be evnarie--" wo•king attitude, grooming & '·-·na Beach N•ar ocean. 2 massive lamp ta.hies, col'-'.; Agenc et, omen years exper. Advancement ~.,.. •n;cu • ~u f tabl 2 A"" J • HOUSEKEEPER; Own rm., opportunities, gT'OUp -Jnsur-with naugahyde. ~pply in work record must be Older couple·w/ exp. preL ee e, """' amps. King ' TV. 2 __ ,_, .., chil•-n. pe-"" extra special. Li In size masler bedroom with , nolUUL """" ance plan &: ipe.ld vacation, • _,,, ve · Refs desired. Call u111·• tlr & box . MISS me Ar.nary full duties, 548-4447 Johansen & Oui&tensen K p h 615-1071 alt 6 q ..... ma .sprgs, UUll. sick leave etc. Box P &)7 898 W 161h N 8 rt unc -:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::p=m.:0::;:;:;:;=l large dresser, mirror, 2 ' J\fANICURlST, good oppor-Daily Pilot. · ·• · · Oper•tor to $476 -stands, headboard. 6 Pc ·~ Fu Paid tunity in new salon CdM . .:..:.;:.._c=. _____ I Comer of Monrovia & 16th. Daytime position with Agencies, Men & swivel chair dinetle set. ·, Sedy/Sales .......... to $563 Call aft 3, &J.3..0350. RN• LYN N E E D 1xptirienced IBM equipment relat-Women 7550 Compare a t $1299.95 Payroll (spHU .......... $550 HOUSEKEEPER Live in. 3 toll & ll to T Shilts home fishing rod wraJ> s1net°y~~~:~u~e~: --------1 _ ..... Pay $28 per mo. •; SecJ'Personnel ••···• to $500 \Voman alone. noo per mo. New Convalescent hospital pers. Apply Seven meric experience. ..SERVING FOR 39 YEARS" $699 '~ Secn!tary .............. $500 C.M. area. 642-2732 to open 2nd week in Feb-Strand Tackle Co., WE CAN FIND THE 1 Dictaphone Sedy···· to $500 WAITRESSES. Part time. ruaz'pPLY IN PERSON 14799 Chestnut St., Exec 5ecty $600 RI~~s~ i~~?U • • Accti Qerk (l;pllt) •.•• $500 OVc• 21 Call Wostmlnstor or •ell Mmt have front office -· ~"-.. ,. • 393 HospUal Rd NB ... appear&.1\tt & corpor· "IT·s KNOW HOW" •-. Gene ... vU><.-.: •••••• to...... 1 ;;r;;;r.:;-'54>-"-";;"";;;;;;;;;w;;;;;;;,l .C:(A~"°"~~from~~H~Oll<~"~H~;,,.~·:!_·) 197-1066. ate experience plus ex-. • Key punch verifier • ••• $494 I ' -"°~,-,.,..--~-cellent skills FEMALE DIVISION--~ : Purch Secty (split) •••• $450 ~fD:>lCAL Tranacriptioni.st ..,ECRETARY O If . Cleric typist -growing · Sec. Fee Neg ••.••••••• ~ WELK'S . ; .... Quallty King.sue ""'· beautiful quilted mattress, gpllt foundation, blt·in frame. Never used. $98. Worth $250. 842-6536 Office Equipment 8011 ELEC 10 key adding machine w/ credit bal. $39.50 . Royal elec typewriter $40. Very nice standard typewriter m.so. Printing calculator, elec, works good $69.50. 642-S143 Ga rage Sale 8022 LEAVING area! Furniture, motorcycles, window fan, sm. appliances. M i s c . 837-0458, 25093 Champlain Rd., Laguna Hills. ::-A:'::p,p_lc.i•"n"c"ea'-·--..:.81 ~ DELUXE RCA refrig-Freezer ~9 cut ft. No frost, auto ice maker, auto defroster. Also deluxe Frigidaire dbl oven &: range top, blt·in controls, xlnt rond. 673-7334 KELVINATOR refrig. Lge. CI'OS.!1-lop freezer and door storage; xlnt cond. $80. Avail. March 5th. 644-2902 FRIGIDAIRE up rig h I freezer $85. Frigidaire frost proof relrig. $110. 355 Costa Mesa St. C.M. alt 4 P?tl \VESTINGHOUSE Washer, good condition, p~h button deluxe. $35. 673-1551 \VESTINGHOUSE Electric clothes dryer, ex~llent con- dition. $50. 536-3903 MONAROI Electric range, new; never used, white; e GUITA.R , IJEADQUARTERS e New and Used Fender • VfJX • Standet e GIBSON e MARTIN ·• e WTl-SON e YAMAHA. e Factory aulhorl!ed ·, ~es &: service EVERYTHING IN MUSJC Beach Music Center Daily 12 noon till 9, Sat ;..s 17404 Beach mvd. (Hwy 39) 1~ mL So. San Diego Frwy. 841-8536 1-lunlina;ton Beach RICKENBACKER e I e c guitar, $175. Orig price $.125. St. Geo~ Ampliller, $50. both seldom used, call alter 5:30 540-3193 euo PIANOS -&- ORGANS Our entire inventory ol nne pianos and organs bas been slashed for immediate sa,Je! No re.ser .. ations. You will never see prices this low again! Here are some tiJli· cal examples: Fremont Grand ..... , $195 ?t1ason Grand ......... $695 Baldwin ?.tK Grand •..• $899 Knabe Grand ........ $1695 Closing out famous brand: decorator consolettes -+ Mediterranean, TrarliUon- al, French Provinc'81· V'4 ues to $988, NOW .$599. ORGAN SPECIALS Thomas Organ (2-manl.) $~5 Wurlitzer ............. , $399 Hammond Ml .......... $695 H.ammond B3 (with Lesli~ speaker) .............. $2495 J\1ANY MORE TO CHOOSE f'ROM Of>Cn Sunday 12 to 6 ' COAST MUSIC 1839 Newport Blvd., CM Corner of Newport & Harbor 646-0271 Grand Opening Our new organ department is now open featuring ; THOMAS ORGANS with the exclusive. Color-Glo and Playmate. 0ig ome:r Ok (split) •• $400 Mature, froot ofe exper req. "'M r for oii & Gui~e Mfr Co. Perm position. Xlnt SOUTH Teller Trainee .......... $325 Girl Friday (split) •• to $400 :.,N:.:<WPO=::":,.;:Bc.:h:;..:64Ul84==~-I ~hortha.nd &: dlctatio~ benefits. Advancement opp. Legal See (free) , ..... $650 • Recep/clerk typ (split) . $350 MANAGER • Small dress skills required, top salary. ConlAct Mrs. Ho b a on SANTA ANA Payroll Oerk •••••... to $500 • Applicant Pays Fee shop. Over 35. Xlnt dress For interview appt, phone 549--0343..2701 S. Halladay, SA MALE DMSION Furniture MART ·~ ... ·--MALLIE S WIGS Cost Acct .. Clerk Senior An::I\. Drftsmn •• $780 Exec Secty ........... , .,.,.,.. ...... es exp. ;uu-o1;iu eves. 54-0-3435, or 11end resume ' • ';,. Tech Illustrator (Fee RELIABLE Babysitter need-to Cameo Petroleo Co. 4500 !las openings for to $500 Programmer (Free) ••· $1300 600 W. 4th St. '• retmbuned ............ $600 ed by working .mother; Bal Campus Drive, Suite ut }fair Stylists &: Four yeal'9 cost eJCper· Audit Mgr ............. $1250 Santa Ana 547-5731 auto oven, $2'75. 962-3914 ===""=~..;,;.c::.:,...-1Lawrence Welk family muslc WEDGEWOOD Gas Stove, rourse, a $l00 value, free double oven $50. with every Thomas oriatJ. ===-&JS.~&1~4!-~--I Prices star! at $595. SEARS 16 cu ft refrig/freezer Coast Music FREE .. Exec Sedy ............ $500 Isl. area. Call aft 5. 673-5636 l·'-'N:.:.B".=====,.,.--Wig &/or wiglet r;tylists. ience in manufactur· Sales ................ to $800 llours: Dally 9 to 9 • •-1 .,~ Call ~•JAAr lng preferred. SOME FREE Sat 9-6 & Sun ll-6 .. ~~.~ .............. ~~ GENERAL Office. part-time, SECRETARIAL .._.. ~ SOME FEE w/auto ice maker 1 yr o]d, $200. 540-8377 ' ~.,._..., .............. _.., exper. preferrfd. Santa Ana SERVICE PIE Shop work; no vrper. S.cret1ry $476 ,. lnventoey r.ontrol •• to $450 area. 540--TI33 For Appl Would you like to OJ)C!rate necess.: partotime to start, 90 wpm short hand, 75 MERCHANTS KENMORE automatic washer, late mode.I, xlnt rond. $80. 847-8115 •, Accta Payable • ..... to ~ GIRLS with cars for lite your own busine&S 1 Unlim· 25-45. Apply: Susan Lynn wf,'p"'m' wtypo•lkn•,x!,l~11'c·,.! PfRSONNfl ~ Secretary • · · .. • · • • • • .. • __. Pie 1510 Baker C M • ""' .... '"" • H·--·~·-• 1 ~r;n deliwry. Mr. Garnett, ited Income to energetic sec-s, • · · n ph&rma~utlcal or PTu:i=.Dd.I"' ········ 2,-br 549-0051 retary. Salary guaranteed. MAIDS WANTED related background. :!Ml Westclitl Drive SCR·AM-LETS ANSWERS ADMIRAL Refrigerator Creez.. er, good condition. $25 . 675-5786 • , ~,.tary ••· .. ' • • ...,, Built-In clientelle. Call Mr. 2301 Newport Blvd., Costa Lobby Office ,· 410 w. Coast Highway ~CE~--:~ o7iLT Nattress &12·1485 ~ta ?tfesa Me&a. Apply in person. SANTA ANA/ Corner 17th & Irvine ' Newport Beach 646-3939 PD.Or damified! 642"'56TS EXPERIENCED --ORANGE Newport Beach Intact -Plush -Mocha - Help Want..t, Men 7200 ' • rtelD Wanted, Men 7200 .. 1 :ENGINEERS , .. ·, WE CHALLENGE YOU TO CHECK OUR RECORD! We know you'll find an atmosphere and growth pattern that a!ford5 the creative engineer an opportunity to ... • Express individual initiative and ac- tion. • Engage in sta'te-<>f·the-art design and development of commercial digital comtiuter systems. • Attain a sense of accompfishmenl by undertaking projects from design to operating hardware. U this cllallenge interes'ts you, \\'e want to talk to you! CRT Dnlgn Engineers To perform 6ystems design and develo!>' ment o.f X-Y deflection omplifiers (mag- netic) for cathode-ray tube display. Re- quires BS or M~ in EE and 2 years ex· pericnce In analog feedback ampWier design and development. WAITRESS Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 ==M>-=2TI0::-:=540-568S====ITalk" -STUCK w;th tT GI I d $'5 --Catty remark about a wo-ANTIQUE Spanish and Ml'X. r Fri ay ~ 0 Schoofs.lnstruction 7600 man's loyalty: "She's loyalty religious art fnn . small pvt . Antiques 8110 o..==:...... __ _ Apply In Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. Newport Beach BUSINESS ls Good! Jamaica lnn Hotel needs 1 or 2 more malds: full or part time. Apply in penon. 2101 E. Coo.al Hwy, CdM Or call lor app't. fi73-8UO 2 Quallfled Women Could you lipate ten hours a week it you were paid $65. for it? If so, call Mrs, llen- drix, 544-6252 -between 2 & 4, for personal interview. COf.tBINATION, Sharp Bar Maid! & Go Co Dancers. Top wages $3.00--$3.50 to start. Ph. for inl 545-9983 SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, C.M. WOMAN pensioner wanted to stay with Moth!!r of working woman, oo ce.1-e required. Private room & boa rd furnished. 64&-2516 o r 54&-6230 e BUCK PRESSER e Experienced In sportswear. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR GRAVEYARD SH1FT One year industrial experience SECRETARY FOR DEPARTMENT HEAD Mature. five years e.xperi· ence, Shorthand 80, type 50, IBM electric. ClfRKS Opening available In neerlng records and puter room. engi· com· COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 JamborH Rood Newport B1t1ch Jtandle all address·O· . . personllied. She reached an collection. 18th c. paint. San graph functions. Must l .1fetime Gilt, typewriting .... she liked ,...,, "'and Antonio w. gilt frame·, Mex· have good typing for Otll"'--...1 .small congenial office. w-.:n, ,. ......... children. or bas STUCK with IT." ican curcili.x. s ma 11, yourself! Individually ~I-~===~==-primitive w. inset mirrors; Account•nt $700 tored Chilcoat 10 lessons PRIVATE PARTY 17th C. i I Ju rn in ate d Prefer a degree with typing llC'hool. 173 Del Mar, ?ttust Sell complete housefull parchments; tin paintings. some working back-CM, 548-2859 of decorator furniture im· Sensibly priced or exchange ground. Wiii work di· mediately! 132" Antique for good nautical antiques. rectly with controller. MERCHANDISE FOR velvet sofa. Rnd gold couee 64s,.2629 Personnel A11lst•nt SALE AND TRADE tble • King sized Spanish CLOTHES & Feather .s. to $500 RR .set. Solid oak Spanish • _ h Furniture 8000 dining rm 6C!t -All den ...:at er, beads & furs. ExJ'l('rlence require<'!. furn in stunning red & \'Vheeler Trading Po.st. 408 Good typing plus SH SPANISH FURNITURE Co E. Balboa Blvd. &: dlctaphone plus a black. pper ref:rig, wall I ""°';-:::=,;-i=.,,--o--,,-vcry mature attitude. RETURN Er. FR 0 M pieceg, etc. 2298 Redlands, VAST stock Arr.er & Eur MODEL H'JMES. SA VIN GS 23rd & Redlands, NB furn &: ciocks. La r r y Full Ch•rge TO 80%. Spanish quiltedl..=:::c;.:29:,::;:44;:::;::1 =;.:.:.::___ Morgan Antiques. 2 4 2 s Bookk .. por $500 sofa&. love seat, 3 oak living S · on y, for · · · N .. -1 3 Piece Braided c ........... B vd., C. flt. Hospital background room tables, 2 living room -.: heJ pful. Heavy A/P & lamps &: Spanish paintiJ1a. e OVAL RUG SET • A/R. El Presidente king 1 i z e Nylon blend, reversible, """"°m sw"-oak ~ 1 Brown. coppertone, green. Matertal Control dresser & .... ~. u:n: Slies: 8 x 10, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 Clerk headboard, 2 commodes. AL'S UNUSUAL Inventory control exp kingsize mattress & box FURNITURE plus typing, 65 wpm. springt. 2 boudoir lamps 17881 Beach Blvd. Excellent OPllOrtunlty 6 piece S .. no.iri. .......,, .. hf Huntington Beach 842..i464 with good $$$$. _.....,., ... v...., iron dining set Only $467. Furniture returned from dl.s- P1yroll Clerk SM. down &: $4.50 weekly, play &tudios. model homes, t.o $425 sell sep&rateQ>. Easy credit decorators cancellation. \Vork with sham, llAMil...1UN FURNITURE Spanish & Mediterranean etc young l"OUP. 1YP< 65 5948 w .. 1m1n>1or A••:• RD FURNITURE wpm with payrOU ex· Westm1rwer. 894-4434 daily perlen~. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat. 1844 Newport Blvd., CM FREE TO YOU BLUE eyes, fluffy \\'hi!<':, 'i grown male kitten; tortoise sl'IE'IJ young female. perf. marking. ?.fixture of other nice cats, all .sizes. color & .such. TI4: 847-6551 12 noon to 8 p.m. 2110 ORGANIC Fertilizer. aged horse manure combined wi!h wood ~havillgli. Good mulch. l!lJ.5332 or 546-4931 betw 8 le 5 lofon thn.i Fri. 2/~ . 1839 Newport Blvd, ,CM Corner of Newport & HarbQr 646-0271 Used Organ Sale J-lammond l'o1·2 Spinet •• $5-15 Hammond MlOO Spinet $995 Hammond AlOO Console $1800 Hammond RT-2 Concert with 1-IR 40 ................ $18115 Hammond C3 & PR 40 $1995 Gulbransen Premier only 6 months old ....•... , .. , $3395 /ILL PIAl\/OS , ............ . 20% or more Savings!! Open J\fon & Fri eve!. HAMl\10ND In CORONA DEL MAR 2854 E. Coast Hwy., fin.8930 e NE\V & USED e . e \V URLI TZER ORGANS e Tremendous savings on 'lis models and rent return~. , Beach Music: Center· Daily 12 noon till 9, Sat. 9-5 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 31,) 1 ~ mi. So. San Dlego Frwy. 847-8536 lfuntington Beach \VE'RE Jn our new &ton!. Our fanta~tic sale of Piano!'S & Organs now continues 4t Orange County's only piano & organ "~per market". Pianos lrom $195. Organs lrom $195. \\'ARD'S BALD\VIN STUDIO 1819 Newport, C.hf. 6"t2-3t84 P IANOS & ORGANS \\1urlitzer • Knabe • :f'ilcber Oro.nge County•11 largest music dealer.......... • WALLICHS . MUSIC CITY SysrerM E111Jineers To pertor1n systems design or Inlerface equipment to adapt CalComp plotting equipment to the new generation .of com· puters. Must have experience in digital logic and circuit design of computer sys- tems and 1/0 equipment. Requires BS ar MS In EE. Apply JAY-MAR, INC. All applicants reviewed on merit with no biu toward Race, Color, Creed or Sex. St St t T • t 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sun. ever.; night U1 9 en· I yp11 12 p.m. to s. p.m. Wed., Sal & Sun. 'Iii 6 $350 HIDE..a·bed never used $100. 8' med &0fa, lovi!! seat. cof. fee & end rabies, lamps, 5 pc dinelle set, lmg sitt Spanish BR &et. Less than 2 moll old. •lotUllt !!ell thb week. Prv prt;y. 539-0046 APT furniture: Co u c h , ma tchln& chair $75. 5 piece Bedroom set (Including bmr: sprinO, maltn!sa, Ir framel $50. Mucb more!· 646--0319 BLCK & adorable net' tis 961J..3109 \Vht • Beaut. & '.l·lOO So. Rri~tol, Cos la Mesa, male 8 n1011. cai e 540-3165 e Sr. Mechanical EnginHn BS or MS in ME with 5 or more years er· perien'te in mechanisms design analysis of peripheral computer equipmeo~ I.e., magnetic tape transports, printers, plot· ten, etc~ To .,,,..... Interview appointment all or '°"" dolallod lottor.,. ,...ma to: M r. M. E. Smith (714) 635 6501 or 6502 ~ JOS N. ~lier, Anehelm, Calif. 92803 ©®©e@<W® Callfomll c:.m,utor Pl'Oducta, Inc. Ao eq~ opportunity em~loyer .,..... ____ II!!!!!!!!_ r Z90T So. Oak, Santa Ana 18to3PMI SOMEONE TO LOVE : J IOflleilmes love•ble chil~ ren, qeg 8, 10-12, rrom 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Mon. Fri. Call 547-9377 or 646-2Ul8 aft. 5. WAITRESSES WANTED Ex,ert.noed only. ApPly In penon BLUE DOLPHIN, 3355 Vla Udo, Newport Beach. PHONE OOLICITINC No upttfenc. nece .. ry. Holiday Health Spa 2300 Harbor, Colt.a Mesa PERMANENT Po 1 It lo n, hou.tecleanI,. &: ironlna, private home, C.M. Call !14>-n62 fl'OUSEKE!PER mothers hel~r, maturt, live In Seal ecedl <2131 GE 01-646 OiARGE your want sd now. ' I Operaton for • Drill Pr111e1 • O.burrl"l • General 11embly • M.lnt1n11nce Apply between M AR MAUTE Ill E. !Ith St. Costa Men 'WRmR To prepare copy for SO yr cld publication:, all copy dictat- ed. College graduate; ft'lljor In Journalism or Enrll$h p~ferred. Experience in wrltlne & prootlnr hlghly de1irabll!'. Salary $500 ~r mo. Call 64l).(J970 for •P- pointment. DllLY PILOT WANT ADS! Will train bright youngster with good typing sklll & short~ hand. We h • v • many mor• fin• 8e1ch • r • 1 opportunl- ti11 too numerous to list. Telephon e inquiries 1r1 w1!0 com ed. 642-3870 newport . personn ei agency TEMPORARY DIVISION for the Cllp&ble wom11.n Interested In top ~ytng loclll temporary Jobi!. MORE CASH PAID FDR Furniture Colonel TV's, Pianos Appliances, Antiques 1 Piece or Housefull 11 Our Spocialtyl l:O:c;..M:. =---,,.---,-636-3620 SEVERAL. rcoma of waJnut 24 HOUR SERVICE tum. """'' oond. 3 yn old. BUYER ON DlTl'Y T DAYS W h irlpool retrtg/fref:1e.r. HEYWOOD Wakefield Bdrm Moving must .ell. ~ Set. 2 single beds. 2 end I ;:att.::o•;,P;,,M~-=--,..- ta.bles, 1 dresser, 1 nlte FACI'OkY Qoee.outs; un- stand. CUrved sectiona.1, 3 finished .... capt. I: m 11. t e pcs. w-bolster 1-ck, good chain. Rea1 bu,yal-64S-tS91 oond. 2 l'nd tablt', cher-HEAVY SoUd French Walnul rywood, sliding gl!lY doo!-dln'g rm aet w/6 chn & A fnune. Rederorating. best 2 ex!: BuHet $150. SU..:a:IZ ofl!!r! Csll 54S-3270 For D1tlly Pilot Want Ads. OiARGE your want ed now. Dit1l 64™73 for RESULTS I g o o d h o m e . I ;;-=;,;,=c:..;::.::~:_~. 2111 1-JAt.ThfONO • Stelnw/\y Ya~ BEAUT. platinunt f e m. German Shepherd • needs new family. 8 mos. 96&.-3109 2/ll LOVABLE yg male part col- lie tri cir. 2 yrs . Jl e u sebroken . J.m.-e children. 856-4493 2/11 COlJ.IE mixed puppies 6 wks old. Adorable &15-1358 alt ~ p.m. 2/10 FEM. Cal • Abyginlan & Tabby, lfll\)'ed, very af- fecUonate. 646-7349 2/ll GERMAN Shepherd pum. f<!male, 3 lnOllths old 675-1144 2112 2 MALE Puppies 6 lll'ks Part Doberman, Short Mir, blad< & tan 962-763.l 2112 1 BlK rrthhll \\ ilh cag" 2S lb, food. 612-7169 2/10 I l maha • new & used planoB of all makes. Bert buys ·Ill So. Calif. right here. SCH~fTOT MUSIC CO.. ' 1907 N. ?\fain, Santa Ana Talevi&ion 12PS ·--_;;..:1 RENT TV $10 .. Nt. Deposit • rl'ff Delivery S.l4-01n or 'Tn-9110 Jicathk ii Color T.V. 18" J ye;;ir old, s:m. . * r,.~n *' H;::l::·F:::I ::&..:S..:l•..:"=..o ~l~210 STl-;REO 1969 50Jtr, ~!A1e c:;. ~le. Nr11tr u~ $a.5. Alll:l 6 w11Jnu1 At.f/FM mu)Uplr)I, R Afl"A.ktt llU~ A)'Jflrm. Norm11 lly 11ell~ for S·IR!l.'l\ ~111 ·rlflcc • $250 f rru11 n.-111 5J..,_7m ' ~. L ·. . ' '. . -------L- i ... I j j Nl.Y l'ILOT Mis . ~ SIOil ;Showing ·Lincoln • Old . -San Lui• Rey Dear Oceanakle, will celebrate J.Janln'I B1rtbdaJ with I ~ of documents, the r.....i of which la the original, ligned by Alrlham IJncoln, livin& San Lull &y MilslOll hack to tbe Franciscan Padres. Other documents deal with hll ass••sfnation and all Will be Hhlblted !rom t : 30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. 12. The s1.,,.ture la unusual. MOii ol Llncoln '1 presldenUal papen were li&ned by biJ oerc<tary. ·but tbiJ documenl bean bis own authenticated algnature. Further, it ill one of the few be aJgned wilb bJa full name, "Abraham lJn.. (Oln", rather than almply "A. l:Jncoln". A lltUe known fact in the Lincoinlan ut.efature la the 10- tenUon Prestdent Llncoln ex- presaed of. villtlng California, and perbapi 1ettllng pennaneotly In the area. A certain Noah Brookl ex- preaed 1Jncoln11 tJtoughts in an article In the 1871 Wiie of Scribner'• Mag¢1<. According to Brooks: ••• "he fii:ed bis eyes oo California u a place of pennanent residence. He thought the COWll:ry offered better op- portllllity !or biJ two boya than the older states. 'When we leave WI place', be said one day, 'we aba1l have enough, I think to talro care ol us old -le. I guea mother will be aUal.fed wJtb six months or IO of Europe. After the~ I ll!iould really like to go to California and tate a look at the PacHlc Coast'." ' The document voided . the sale ol San Lull Rey Mhslon by Govemor Pio Pico In 1146. The Mexican governor had IOlcl the mlaalno to biJ brother Joee, and to Jose A. Cot, !er _. cub and $437.50 In ~wing the Mexican War In 1116, the U.S. Coogr"' establiabed a Land Com- mission to ..W. prlvale land c1aima ht the new ata.te of Ca1ilarnl&. Thll Commlaaloo rendered • decision in 1115' that the llt1ea of all the Old MJaalom ol Calllomla, with atjolnini cemeteries a n d prdena, lhould belong to th6 Catholic Church. In dfect, the U.S. cornmllolonen an'd iudl• applied the Mexican law• Whlc:h placed Church pro- perlJ In • IJl"dal C8"'80IY for lt1 uae ln ieUltous -· 'lbe formal process took aevenl more years. On March 11, l115, tbree weeks before hll 1u1nlmUon, the patent """"'1z!nr the propr1e1ary rlpta of the Church to Mlllioo San Lull ~ came to the Preskteot's attention. Then, with the Civil War all but ended, the Pmldenl sign- ed the palenL It restored 22.1 acres to the Church. SUhlequenlly, the Old Mlaslon ohlalned neighboring lands and J>l:Oll'Ot holdings amount \o •UihUY more than IOocru. VO!dln( the sale of the Old Mhslon Chur<h bulldlnga could not reverse the temporary !ale of San Lull &y Mhslon. ,.tfrr Jta eale, the mission served aa temporary quartefs of the U.S. Almy. ()n occasion, during the 1116-1891 period, pad,rel from MlsslOM San bl.ego and San J u a n Capl.atrano conducted religious oervlcea In the crumbling ruins. Helen Hunt Jackson, the lamtd author of "Ramona", writes ol • aoUtary Indian car<takcr liVlil( nearby In the 1-. Only In 1111 did the Francllcan padres r e t u r n permanlDily. . With the help ol lniereated citlaenl, the padres have reitored -ol the old ltnlc-tures am! aet up a public mueum of Old • Mlsalon ob-~ · d'ar( In wjllch the Lln- p>in llocwi!<nt ,and rehled documentl of, biJ uuaalnalion will "baft p:'ide ol place OD Febritary 12. Nearly 7111 pagea of Old Mbllon documents, pertaining to Mialoa San Lula Rey, have been obialned lrom . 0 I d M1ukln Santa Barb a r a .-dllves. They allo wW be -~ dllplay. : The Old Mlakm'I ample :pm1c p-otDI lacllldes are· • imllable to vlslton ,,ithoul ~~i.no1U..m.-nn ......... Old -Clmcb, -quint prdm and ancltal CllllderJ .. -by "Jl'rand«_.... ...... Hom 'ol loin .. -1:• a.m. "to l :IO p.m. ~ c!larP la 11 cenll lar -; • collla r tor cbildra flffll 11,..,. O~i fl •• fir 1 SOS Pa.&lldl ............... ,.,.... ·u.11111•n't••• -the Old ...... ... !Ma.,..,. ....... ~ .. ~,~ ... -of Ocmaftlt, '} -~. ftbnlaly 10, 196' . ' , • Alw;ays • Sati'sfaction ·~arant ed l or ••• ' ' ' ·v o~r :.'M'oney·. ·Back ,'.Sears #1;9 t. 'a Cbe"f • Lifetime Tread. 0 Guiraittee . Allstate Full 4.Plr Ny1tin l Crusader· Tires ' . . 'fubeless' 8 95 Plu 1.11, ¥ed. b .'Tu ••d 01• 21N' Tn.de·la ..... ,., 6.ISOxl3 e:es 7.15xJ4. ll.95 .... 3.%5Xl4 1%.&5 .... 1.15xlS l J.95 Ul FREE AU~1t<1 Tiff Mo1ntln1 .. 6.50x13 Tu'\)efes8 'Blackwall ·88 . ' ·Every !)ears Passenger . Tire Purchase Includes: FREE FREE !"ll«k of \'<1gr Wiloel Allta•i!ll .AU•late Tire Retatl111 F.•·cry 5.01141 Ill.In Allstate Pa.ssenge.r Tire Guarantee TrMd Lile Guan.DU. G•UUteed A1ala.C : All fal\111'M of the tire re- •ulUllg from 11orftlal ro.4 buardil or defecU ia material or •Orkmanllhlp. 1·or How i.•1t : r or the 11!11 of tti..ortchial, trud. "'hat Sn" \\'Il l n o: Repe.lr n•ll pW1Ctvru al no chJrge. ID cue oC fallW"ll!, In c~e for th• -tirt. rep1-tt cl\&rclnr OlllJ tbe".proPortlo11. or current regular •e'lllnc price pl1.111 J'edcral Kll-d..., TIX th&t nptU6Dla lrtld. WM!d, Tread Woar Oui: Guarantee f:uara11teed A1:1.l•1I: Tread wear'-out: . t'or U•w Loni: The 11umber of month• 1pec:lfled. \\'h•I SOrt \\'ill D•: Jn e1teh1.n111 for· the tire, r~nlace It eh•rll'lnll' th~ current rein;lar 11elU11g price plu~ Feder..i EzcJse T11 1~1!9 th1 !ollow!q allowance: ~lonth1 Guaraot.ee 1% to 24. J7 tO 89 Allowance 10% %0% SIZE j·~~j·etuh Tubeleos Bla<l<walls I ' 11,li I 1.•1 1.$0xlS 1.S,sl4. II.SI 1.•1 1.15•lf 11.u ..... l.Jllsl4. JI.AIL •• 1.11sll ..... Tube!'"" , Whitewallo 1.soxtS I II.II I l,,, 1.Slh:l4 ... ··'' l.1511:11 ..... ••• t.tl:lUI u.11 . I 1.1llxlt tl.•I ·" 1.111:11 • • .ti 1.11:1 5 ts.ts ••• 1.151:11 11 ... ·" 3 Big Patented Life.Protecting Features: Patnl•d le-lerltoeki111 Tnacl. ueli ,199 •rlP •• read fin Ht-1•• lnocllea 1tari a 1tep 1•lekl7. · · P~te1\ef ..... , '~ ·"!£' .... _, ... . . laft]I, tf , •• _, .... 28o/0 to 48% Longer Wear with Guardsman ' Guardsman (N?'lon) w~ars longert~n,.the 4_major ne!' car~ after 20,000 . miles of 1dentICl\l testing on :pur grueling ;I'etjii!, T<!xas -track. • · 4:pJy Nylon Tires are 4-Ways Better t. llloL111"' D1m-ai11 ..• repeb mols- t ure trorn r.ta "' , .. .,..,, uteauanl1 your ti,.. c11rd. t . TU. Slrata1 . · • turll.!I a.nd auddi!n Jtops&reflnnl71up- norted with T\lft"ed 11yl!111. Sears has a battery . for every car, every budretl CHARGE IT ·on Sears Revolving Charge ·. , .12-Month Guarantee Fits most 6-volt Cars 6 99 No.I< Wltll~ . • ·Fits the Following Cars:· JS-Month G11arant.ee 'ft to 'IS"D6clt"d. r1rmouth 'tt to 'Sf PonU.. -88 ..... 't1 ~-D, °'""'"' . 'Ill t. 'GI FMci'., Ootuet 'fl kl 'ff Mfln!IU'J Fita many 12-volt Cars 9 ~~ No. 19 "' 'U' te ... ~ Valiant '60 to '65 Ford .. ]lon't pmble your life with a leaky muffler ... the deadly, odorless ras from a. worn-out muffler is even more danrerous during the winter when 7ou drive with your windows closed . Come to Sears lor a FREE muffler mapection. Each INSTA,LLED No Money Down :~ ~~~.~·1 J.1 "-~~~~~~~~:....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....J ·: / • ~-------------------------------------------------MIHA pJ.11.. TA l-«00, 521-4530 IL MOHTl Gf 3·3911 LONG 1EACH HE 5.0121 PICO WE 8--4262 ° SANTA fE ftlNG5 .9-48011 Wl.Nf) 915-t9Z7 ' I (,tH)GI. r.w: U>-0661 Q&IOALt ot .s.:1004, a .C-4611 a.YMl'IC • JOTo AN s-521 1 POMOHA ED 2-11"5, NA 9'..S16f, 'tU ~.51 IAHl'A MOMCA EX 4.6711 'fAMft '° 3-M61 fM.22'20 I .• :~'HE 6.2511,' NE 2 '76l HOUYWOOo HO 9-,9-41 · ou.NG£ 637·2100 51.Ht.A. ANA Kl?-41311 ' sovnt COAST ru.zA s.w..3133 'nlMDMr.PL f..1'1•1 .1 -H6:o611 mEWOODOl.8-2521 , '""""""MU 1-3211, El 5-12 11 -542-1511 ' '---------~------~--------------------~--~~, -, · "SalbfacliollGuaranteedorYourMoneyBack" ......,_....,... Shop6N19'*Maaclay111t..,,.S••ttiJJNOA.M.111,..30t.M. . . i i •• ' " I . . " I I t ....... ,. .. ... i. ___ .. ____ .. ------~---- oo ~·.· c: m~ .~ . ~ · .. i-l : ... ~ tR '· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I .. . .. lntenniaion Is our cue. Our •ct is 1s old 11 Y~ MCI as new ts Edw1rd1' ""4:1•m Newport Cinema. It is the pause th.t re. ,,_.....from the world's finest, most modern -.d bMutihl Nfreshment center ever tMcle and instalecl anywhe,... Best of luck, . from SINCROPE I SONS, Inc., 1124 Wesfmins. I " -...... f*-Y 'lO, 1969 -DAILY PILOT 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . ... .. ' I I l I ' I I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a •. hr IW.. Al.ambra. Tel: 283-5131. . . : . • • • • . -.. • • • • .... •• • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • •• . . ·• • • • • ' I • • • t. • •I oio • 1 .................................... ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. . . . . . . ' ·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • ··• • • • ~ ~ .• • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • ~ • ~ • • • • • • • • ' • • •• •.•I • • •• • • • • . . . ·-. •. . .. . '• ·-".. . . . . -"'-.• . . . .: • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : Popcorn Kas •lwiys l*n ., rnuc:li 1 1*f : • Signs, whether ·• m.-qvee of old f 1shton.d : • of the mcwies 11 the mcm. dlll tt.em.t-.-. a • li9ht bulbs or the modern 9low of neon ar• • • • • the supreme mark of Khievement for , • .,.. • • Charlie, Brad incl Al Lugo of L: I L CON-• • lets and st111 ... It Is a p1e ..... to " • • CESSIONS .,. plNsecl to serv• movie fOlll • : •ssoci1ted with the dwelopment of Ed. : :: at Edwards bNvtiful new thNtre. lest I • w1rd1 Newport. For clslirdive electric.I • • wishes from L I L CONCESSIONS, 1700 • • signs encl den ~ r o n t mod.,...., c1I • . : w. W•shincJtotl Blvcl. :Tel: 731-0981. : : HEATH I CO., 3225 Ltcy St. Ttl: 223-41~1, : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: lw••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••, t I• ._,,,.ement te DAil Y ;.LOT luppl"' ..... 1-'................ ····---· ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..... . .. • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • [ .. ~ . • • • • E'. •• • • • I I •• • • . ,, . . . • . • • • • .. . • • • • • • • • EDWARDS HUNTINGTON CINEMA : : • • EDWARDS· CINEMI{ .C • BEACH • EWS -HUNTINGTON IEACH . • • HARBOR AND ADAMS · ~ ............................................ rf"-1. • ..................... •'• " •••• ......•...•...•..•••••.•.•... ~ .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . .. • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :JR• WELCOME TO FA SH ION ISLAND • • I .. TO OLJR NEW ~ I Fashion Island in Newport Center is more than just a place to shop... : : it's an exciting experience -especially for the newcomer. • • • NEIGHBORS Visitors will discover an architectural wonderland alive with exquisite • • • Jandscapng, flowing fountains and lily ponds, lofty sculpture, a c~ildren's • • • play. park, covered walkways, an Island House for com.muhity events and • • • JN a Stage Court for center e\'ents. A theatre, medical and financial office • 8 buildings and apartment buildings surround Fashion Island's 15 acres of • • • &tores. • • • NEWPORT Shopping•s most rewarding moments are provided by the 58 merchants in • • • ' Fashion Island offering selective quality merchandise presented by courteous • • 8 sales people in a pleasant shopping atmosphere. Conveniently located res-• ' ~ taurants specialize in good food and refreshments. · • • : CENTER Fa~on Island in Newport Beach is located on Pacific Coast Highway be-.• ;: • tween Jamboree and MacArthur Blvd ...• just freeway minutes away. 9 Fr~ parking close by all stores. • : ( T c c a F t E ~ p q t 1 ~ 1 ' c C· ~/ • I • L. • • ..•..••..........................................................• ~··· ' I ~ luppltmlftf .. MILY MOT MOfldat, Febt111rJ 10, 1969 DAILY PUr I •••a a••~~•.•••• •·I••••., ••••a a a a a•••••••·•• a• a •WI I I* I I 8 I WI WI I I I a I I I I - ) I •. • . • • t • c •• \ • • • • . ... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . -• • • • • • . " • • ~ ,COST~ MESA :. 'i • COSTA~ a : ······~············· .............. . Come to the Grandest Cinema of Them All. • • • ED.WARDS NEWPORT CINEMA OPENS TOMMORROW! Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30 P.M., will see the opening of Orange County's largHt conventional first-run cinema. Edwards Newport Cinema can boast 1252 divan loge seats, 300 of which are super-lounger, a dju stable-back loges designed to fit the contours of each patron's body. Fifteenth in the Edwards Theatres Circuit chain of indoor theatres, and the fourth Orange County theatre to be built by the Edwards chain, Edwards Newport Cinema is an elegant and luxurious Mediterranean:style building that commands a magnificent view of Newport Harbor anq the Pa cific Ocean. Twenty-three thousand, two hundred square feet of rich gold Rovana Verel fabric woven for UH In the draperies for the audi- torium alone. These draperies extend from floor 'fO ceiling. The auditorium carpeting was sfecially de•ittted ind woven for the New· port Cinema and is • blend o rich orantt-recl-gold colors. The foyer carpet was specially woven In wool for the theatre end con- sists of thrH circles Ht in terrezo, the largest carpet being 2S feet in diameter. The foyer chandelier is custom built and designed, and is 10 feat In diameter. The ultra-modern snack bar is enhanced by an illuminated stained gfau b"k bar, which was desiged speci4lly for this tlieatr• by the intern•tlon· •lly-known designer, Ben Meyer. More than three years in the plannin9 stages, the Newport Cinema fea- turH two separate concourses leading to the auditorium from the foyer. At the front of the building is a porte cochere, the columns of which rise out of a fountain. This porte cochere provl~es • drive·t~roughjo th• front ...+rence for-th• loacfin9 ucf unloadin9 of patrons. The 1pacf04's parking ..... providft Jots for "4o0 cen on the theetre ground1. Pett ef .... 9rendeur of th• buHcllng 11 1tt.111ed by the Wt of f2 1peclelly designed columns rising 24 feet high. A Grecian-style porch ud monu- , mentel columns 1urround th• building, COAST HIGHWAY At MacARTHUR BLVD. e PASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT CINT!R \ DOORS OPEN 7:00 7:30 REE POPCORN -HOT DOGS -CANDY SOFT DRINKS FOR ALL TOMORROW NIGHTI • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • I • • • • • '• • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• L •••••••••••••••• ............................ , . ' ' I -------------------.........,;,---....;.. __ ....;._-:..-..;;.;..;.. ....... _;,_~-------.... _,-iiliiilllll ............. _ ... _.. ·I ~ 0 u • 'Old «Italy' Lives A.gairi ., opening Niglit Filiii 1Il Finding ''old Baly" amid '!be the9t« ~ ,....._ a ' ,,_.,. ln&lc *1 tf ti 'fueanl•, la the heart of the handsome tllree..story Pie· Pat* ,..._. were ..,_,.,. all the growth ml pn>lpelity in Fublllt lllliid w It ii ._. f11iA W ._ Jll8ce. 6e EtrulclD country colom.lnl Pa&ace, now oJ)erated durtal 1lle Olllftld of today's "new ltaly" "• "Romeo IDll Jalel" • Ml II tldlrJ a ....... ·mp. wtllwllt tf Rema. D la here as a museum. 1be structure Ta fDm ._ YWml *-' · one of the blggmt problems f1nt featme. ftl tDm .. ..a.a ~. ,.,.. tllmed am l'rilr Lwwww weds the waa built bttween 1459 and fl&ID .... .._ Wwec Ill to be overccne by movie made tn Plmm, 'hlcaaJ, tor tlll ....._ _. ti 11111 • eaaple. a the Jdill altar of 1462 by Pope PU Il to honor rital '0 ' P _. C11 1'rt director Franco ZefflreD1 in Umbria, Verw. o.tallll .a lllm to h d a ,-...., tbe dmrda, wlllda 1'f tradition the vlllage of Ms brith. f•mDIM, · tbe . m z DJ - the f1lm1ng of ''Romeo and Siena, _. • .. ' P Ml of ._ ftl beea bJ W Deodora Its apadlua rooms, cor-!DOftlll a llWI fm1ller wit. " ~ Juliet." The n-. ..,... ,._. -.._. wlllcll ...,. ..... .. ID tbe 1'lrd Celllary, and coo-ridors, formal garden and to tbe Umllrta ton tf 69- How well he mcceeded in boot 1maces tf .... ... JllOe mee 6e mid-wt. cm-tlaaed ta tbe 11th and llth courtyard lel'Ve In the film blo. w ol Blln bel&- his quest for rilagea and dotted w111a wla -••W t.J. c:eDlaalea. as the dwelJIDc of the prn Nd wi1111t dlllL land.sc.apes which IWl loot lite v11lages .......... ClllJM. :rar rm Laaw'• cell ft'CD bere tbe tompany Capulets. 'nine baa brought Zefllnll dllllle tile . -- they are In the mld-lsth cen-And It w m Gill ~ 8lld · c:lmn*, ~ plc8I trnelell to P1ema, another little chaJlll to the palace, be.ea a 1 e J \ 1 .la 1 tl •I tury wW be clear to of Italy tblt. tlll ....._ IDll Ill,_,, n "'dlmda tf lliD tlnJ ton w Siena, sur-except for ICU'S from German mom••..,a wen Mire ... moviegoers who attend the Juliet" *6J ftl ncardell • PllD. -a W'nd -. ,_.. bJ nlllnc bills fertile artillery fire ulng World abed tb9 ame tlnl9 tlllll opening of the new Edwards film. IDlllt, w!lklt Ja ••tlll • wD ~ elft Ol'dmds and War II. M!neulously, neither ~ were • ...._ Newport Cinema. Because Verw, w la• r • t. Gilllllllta ti a. .W .... .tae)a& Bert t!leJ rented the 15th ceatury eatbedral nor thr ........ Daly. · •••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • .... . . . . ' . . ~ .• • • • • • • • • • • were · : • • . . . ,, .. ?HE N~OR1i CIN~~ IS THE -.; .. SOUTHLAND'S MO.ST MODERN MOTION PICTURE . THEATRE. WE JOIN WITH EDWARDS 1HEATRES IN INYITIN& .. YOU TO THE OPENING ~.OMORROW! • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·• ·• ·~ • • • • WE'RE PROUD TO HAVE ·HAD A MAJOR PART IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS THEATRE ,,, .. ., .. . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ::i H. KAP N, Co. ..;·~~, i : . INDUSTIUAL 'GENERAL: CON-TRACTORS COMMElcrAr : • •• : 5200 VENICE BLVD~ LOS' ~NGELES (213), 931'~'1164 ; .• I .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .· ••••••••••••••••• Ill! 1 -•• • • • • • •• •• • • •• • •• •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • Ii • • I • • • • • •• • • • • • I • I • • I • • • • •• • I • • I • • I . • I • I • • I • • • • • I • I • • I • I • -I • • • •• •ci YlOlll!let'n.iN off 8t 10 .. ~1.111111 • ,.ce tHt,... ..,.._ · e.c• .. , t~ ,5111 .... 1 .. •1 clutlc hr • --~11•ce nc.pffv- Wi• of W ... SW. s..ry.• 1•1.tiftll, IVric.t. a.,at1111 wl,irN- ,,..uiv.t, ro191.tic p&r,.d witfl pure c&rc.1961 ,...a.I" , . . -ft.A YIOY . . . J\i• 1111..tiful m. is ·~ fuul111 ......._ ' Jedtlte~a....w.t..limwo~·Mttitia .. •atep " ... ... ,., ~ ..... U.Hlt wry •• ..,,...,...,. ......... ... ........................... ,... ......... yfrle. ,.,,.. . ' ...... LIRI'• .... .Me ....................... ,.. t• .. ,...... \ . ~AH ....... # - .. .................. ~ Z.Mr•· ..... ef 1ttalty, ... .................. ~ .. ., """'· My .... ........ ..., ..... .,.. ........ ~ .. ----_.;;...__ ___ . . .. . Qect1iciff. . • • • the Msh f-. ·our. mOClent .......... ii~ tnm.cla• force. To utlza this electricll ••9Y .HedMly Wes ... periwe .... mow-.\ow. w. hive Dpt pRe with . ...,.. ~·, .•cflbl clemwls wl ~..._We CM effectMfy kincle your ca:u"'•cW and lncludrW' -.ft .-.I as .. did for this ... Newport~ Just . Coll AUOW ~co .. f~ Nottli s.bina, Alt ... : 774-5~ ' /. of • s......-. ................. ... --------to ......... ..... .... If, ........ ltr.ctw.. M-r .. ........., ....... ..., ........ .... ... ................................ ~ • • ..,. ,.. ............ NaWpoit a-. •• ·-·~'*"to tod.Y• -of ... ,_ .. :.-... • lft ., • .w ..... of. ............. S. it, .._~SAM H • S1'ROJCH, y.,.. .... MefWI. eo.trador • :t 169 Auguste, Costa ~; 545-tJ 16. . , ,.Ji ... ..... I ,.. ..................... ~ ·~· ., .......... - - . IEIUTRU Th entirt film ls a ~of youllj, lava ancl violence ... a Renaissance recapitulation of 'West Side Story'playid With pure 1988 passion!" -P ¥ SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING ··STUDENT MATINEE ST ARTS FEBRUARY 22nd AT 10 A.M. ALL SEA TS $1.25 Tickets may be purchased tllroUCJh your school or at th• Box Office. Only capacity of the tfteatr• win be sold. • .. (1 \. K iJ' / • • sA ttt4 s JfghU held En Jr.., to~ L'I tl: IJ),OVf ~· ~ f oOtv ed~lJi ~ :ru OOlll) Bli <t'G and ed ti ~ what the I f rorn a Ne "'I he e top llghf Ta of t .. __ _