HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• ' i l' l • . , " < • • :rv1ne. ' ' :;:Orf& ... g~ l;811;nty ~ . , . . '~,.. -. --.. --· -) . ' . . liieketl. Off Power ~ . . ' .· ... ' .... . . . • :: ........ . ' : ./ ., ,. •• ID ' r • • ew., • • ID Defiant . . (' j • Aet ,. ~ ' I Cap~nre,I .PUehlo . - .. .' Nemport Co~~·~i:l~.P••h:@• Extended. C,9,,_j,..ht ,.•• Oi• · : 1 • 1' ' ... :::::J .. .: ·•~"'i' -.... I .. • ! • • •I --'"?.I ·• -~-· -·-~-• -• ' ~ t • •I I .,. .. " t • , -··~~::tl:"J::! :r'~<'-·,.:-....... ~ .... _ . ' .1;. ~-... !\ .•• _, -. .,,,,~-, 'l".r"f_,. ... .,.,~,.. .. __ .... -· _....,,_,_....__ ......... fhiit~StiiltJf Nor.tla ~at SA River·, , . ( •· " .. l -~ ... • ... ~ ..... ..,. -< .. ~ " I 'I. • '17.j;kJ-;._J cA ... ~.·.':' ·N·~Wfln. ..... C·o'uncil w· ants .n:"-~.·~e:« ~ .. ;,,,. ·~ ···'r"'·.1. i; ~·I ~-!~ \·~(. · .... ;: ; ~·· 1', • .:1 ' ~ · · ' tk:.;11ia ·tl ··nts ·1 ,~··. , : · .: . ~-. · g :· .. · Oil S,anctuary Extended ~~~i/c;~,:._ A ·Npy• career man ~,.,?*~ ~xecuUoo to ~ ~~l'l"t6f'-North Kcrean By JEROME 'F. COWNS not HunUn,ton Beach's," said Coun Piii!! ~ eked the USS .k Pueblo's . , °' '" D••IY ~""' st•ff ~an Robert Shelton, _'_'that would !W JfCfiUrig syStem ot.it or coinniission 'while .Newport Beach city councilmen decld-' be ' an accomplishment. Half a loaf · i5 held ai .... ~Mint, he saidMonday. ed Monday 'to •sqund out 4t1D1Ungton better than none.'' ,._.,.... Beach and Seal Beach on the possibWty u the t north t c1·· , Enginem8n :vc Ru$el J .. Blansett of ~extendmg the Orange Coast's oil • wo em coun Y "~ go Jr~, 35, of f.818 AnC.hor Sl., . was called drilling sanctuary north of ~e Spta·. ~l~ng with the p~, said Newport ~f· totestlfyb:t:foreaN a:9'Boardoflnqulry,. Ana Rjver .. ,.. ; ·r; :.. f1cial!, the countys representaUves 1n U: tAeir ~be.Jnto_lfuL spy-Ship .ea~;: : qt 8ctifitY'-1s .no' baMed. in state Sacramento , would then .presumably. ~ mn,;.Ji rinum-'";,, "..i.1h•1111 ... 1. .. ;n! Of ~~-~ wamrs South, 6t: ~e r1yer ,t.o ·the Mexican asked to draw up the required legislation, :----.,..-. ........... ~··~·-··· '". . • l><itdu. ~ "'"C\~ary vfas e>tllbll!hed a · •· ~ .. ·tllll>''I'• !iJian<j:i::"-1~;,;;;;:..;,.,j';~ ~~ ·~; b~I • •• by tho s,heU;Cuon)i1~ -'~t. ·.· '. i. . , •• ~~~Id be doni. ai.;;,t ·und~s!a ' •t~ ........ ~ .... , ·"' . S.!>'.1: 1 Newpo~ c(,luncllme~,· alarmed .by,the . wells -;now in operation ·north of the t;avyi.fJ)Usie<t1map g .for 10 .I 'San~Barbara oil pollulioq,disaster,.-aaJd river iBut there would be no further . . ........... = ' 'f .... ~, . \-tilt ........ ~, ~"""""" . ' I ~wt!r~;~· ~ r. ~ • ~ h'1.."L:..J:W ~i1· r.-~;,i?~a.ctivitj. . . ! <11: ~qu!ciaf,Ti . · · · ... a~!!< ·i _.;c.:J.· .. ~t-~'.'::l ~-"~' , , '"""' ; 'IJ. Par"'os underscored the need for ::wilt ,it~ -r'l·I~ m-!JG ' . · . ' """""'"' ll!:lll!llll"""~ ~' ~•-li<Uon I by pointing out that last f~ll SQ • ~-· • ~ .• • ·• ~~·J ;~J., At~.;~: ··~~e .~ ·~e,-:· fPe:·~. . ;-.~the s~te •said lt would · consider bi<ls M •" · ; ~~·.!~~· .. ~;ly:lltlopled'a t~sbluPoo .cal.. :,.I'.l"-•Bcfitiooal drUIJng in waters oU Hun· t · · .~;;w.a. . ~.:n:an! jtist nowr for , a · tf.rohil>i~n agaipst .drilUDg ~, Uhgton. Beach. 00 • elJ.lit)ils .»)'eaf''Naty'~teef;. ~,. f~Bt ~wa~rs be~ .. the' SlM;J:~ . , I · . Bl =· '!·and Chl.i.Engine:f' ·Monrot ·~Act's thret>rnil• offshore.limits. VERYJC(\NCERNED · " · • • • -• · _,i-· ter' .;. 1 " • •· '°' f . "i'm very concerned about this, he Q I -.we 6 QI: lmm~at m e~. ~ll:..,-...,T ' ~ · " · t• • 'd lAll ' eed · to •-· .-..i J • N " cto bdard· · llld!o~\."'ii'" .... ._..~ . . • . . i. "SlU • we n 1s • uave-. a ruce :'..Nth ue 0. · • • · ~ O> •, • .. ;jil.!'J!b· or;~ -P'!l'"l•t pr~ oil Isl od ·rlah~·oul there by tlje river. "' ' ,, . " -.H. 'n'! ·1.~Qi · il-i'O llUMiqtcn ch ·'n;"iol{\iit be 'in Huntington S.•ch but '11f~u ~101d•i~i~d.:M ·1n<iu;rY. ,,QI·~ · . l~n1the:Clti'S"fflht aganist it-Wpwfl wreCk our'vi~w." '. whi t ocCurredt &ftei'lie•~tJy kicked ~.~at ?f .01! pollutlon. . . . The ~'~,oo.ol!-.o_per•~~. ·i the UghU 1enerator at & as marehed I ~ it JUSt may be that lf~Untton in 1;d~rat .. Watera was ~ ~· ~e . fr:om tht ~ ~m at gunpoin1' by Beach s character has ~ed, he tx· county's Congressional delegaUon, ;.o 'N ... " KOr · ard plained. •:1t wed. to be an oil o;imml:lfllty. Senators Cranston and Murphy, a.;d to a 11~ ~~ il'gtits to ,go out," But it may not be nolf." ' · Interiof ~tai'y Wafter IDckeL he I '·"" ~··~Uy "but 1 had p ty, MIQ!ag~ Harv~y L. Hurlburt was It dectan,J : ' 1 exp,~t?·''"'.-i;; The' wanted · the .qti!ck to ._. •".! bave . the feeUog "Tbe'couddl -~It·~ t!'IJI ~ .. ""'"' back •0. '-Y --that" they might be more receptive now the proteclloo agalps\ oil drll/lnc-lllfordld Talking · .,fue tones Blansett told to extension of the Shell~ by the Shell~ Act be eneodld of being :Jek"'. and ~ten ~y North Acl t)ian. they were a few weeks ~o. to probibiC i>IJ• drllltol• operatlonl oo the K ~7 !wlio assumed he was Mayor Doreen Marshall added, I know federally coatroUed water beyood the ore~ ca • · eroom due to Seal Mach would be receptive, 'lbey'rt three-mile llmll." ~~ ~ge . ~~e ~ Chief 1GoJdman very unhappy with the sl~Uon." i It urged -tiJit "immedllte stei>s'' be 111 r · · B .. lll§llils:~ rk'jaCket Hurlburt' said most cibea that have taken to · ~blllh L ltpl1 restrictlons W~~i>':htd -W~e around, from one oil production in thetr tiff Shore. waters against ap offahQre ~ ·aloog tbe piece· of equQwnerit• to• another , try~· "get a , very sm~ 1 retarn for their Orange and San Diego Count,y coaatllfte ~ • • I ' I Ea'ger ooloo~ers gathered In. 'l'.okyo today to watch·\ll'O young men try to undress unidenllfied girls with aid;of Slick handJ pro\l'UdlDg through' transparent' box on bljSy street'CObter: Unusual competition was held in connection with' P\lbllclty canlp"aign for, movie current- ly showing in ·Tokyo. ' • · • • " • Over Pr~rve Bv TOM BARLEY .... Diii' ......... Ranch heiress Joan Irvine smith today has on file a new lawsuit c:ha1leng1n1 the rlil!I of the Irvine ComPoJ!Y to set uide1 more than 60,000 adel of Its lind u ..,.qncultural-pr'eserve. Mn. Smith claimx in her suit in Los Anaeles rec1era1 Coor! that the com· pany'a action ·"will resWt in great flnao- clal lols·and damage" to her and would Jmmedlately devalue her 180 abares of , ltock jn-~ glapt lapd ~· •1.,'\_,,v~~~ti!J:;·frfpilJ~...aC .. tho capital ~of the lrvillt" Company. · The Irvine heiress deacribes the com- pany.'s.,.80,CllO .ICl"el of ... land Jn Orarce County "as potenUilly tbe1most valaable piec:e 61 • lalld under' atngle ownenbip in the. World 'today • , r with an estimated market.valuerof •1 bllllon." . She states • that • the area· about , to become an agricultural ~e1 bu a preaerit market value of $209 million. ' . C<iunty aopervlaon lul wedn bacbd ' t.beit planning commissbt's recom- n\endatii>n·that the '62,85 acres ol lrrine territory be granted pnM!l'Ve status. , 'I]>e, act!i>• 1eala Q!! the acreage ~- ' any uae ot!ier than ilg:rlcultural for the, '1':t!t.mr'~,'"ui.t'tlie .a..:.; to place llUd! ...,_. leis in an ' RgricUltural pr!IL Wi il!I a•fnmd·nol anlJJ oii tile' IrljJle> ComJll!llY l\"f 'ill mhalty f ) (Boe IRVINE llUIT•P ... I) " ' . " " ' Oruge I ' ' Weadler I i I 'J . Never one to becfte 001.afbelt tbt to 1.i me to ·telh lbem ·-t they ,wite troub\es.," , . and that' tough heir standardJ be nd ho'if they' worked ,. 'Blan9ett told He said he would'diicusl1tbe eztemaon developed ,for oU activities bl·.U federal .. . . I :\,. i.ne1 :,i hlall-....kllig naval officers. proposal with Huotingtol/ Beach and. Seal waters. , , , Weatherman• M)li ! there's & 100 i p«eenl chance of rain' toolcl>~ fol, I lowed by .... ""'"'"" Oii w-day. lllerauy ~ wUl·remaln "Tiley, ~~~i bu_t 1 ~:::~1:ri:.i,~=y~ · . . · , Ne'UT Sto.rm·N·e:ar .. , ... m •. · ·g,. ~·oa'··s' : .... <s.e , ... , ' ' ·; · • J · : · .-'. · , Piloi to -R.roiiiile ,, ·.. ·"" · ... < · · • • · · , 1 : · 1 "~ 1 ••• ~· ~ ··, \vig ,; f. •ips;~~ . 'J1()~~i ¥~;; "~·~ebJ I Rmsirig"' '.Peril of ·oii ,·slick' ; • . ,.. ; .. ~1 DAILY PILOT wfil .~-. is I I ~· •• t. . I ~ ·~ .1.i,' l' C • b h c I l sWllchboard ape!1 tooigbt to pnr9de Call• ' • ', '. ' ... Roper '!, m, . .s. '· e lir . ,· ers <with up-t<>the-mllllfle "'J!Ultl of I h. SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -A new Control AdnilnJ!tratioo 'who Is ~. NeW)lO!'t'Mesa Unllled,Scbllol Dbtrict r'alnltonn movOd iow8rd •the sOutheril Ute cltin' up taa1<;1111I moot 'of the . I A:.!.4.utor Steve Roper w11 ·a~t ~ be""1' for• ·, ncailon ·'"T:ie~io-i'!I .._;!he ,licopra .. , Cl'"!ernla c••:•Moday,~l!og f~l!'•I' oU hu.11.ibed ubcft., · • . 1 f,,.:l·~ng hi' i:;~~dilll. ~'=~~'1.~ ~ · of't aoiLlO:IO p.m. to·fdlJOwitii proirm, the mnnonts o! a buao oU •lick may ' Boil ~ of' u./ ·-. thin 'Jlt;iioo ~)ng hi .,.r· rt-~'l iooll the Jam: . o( the vote talb'. -addttlooal -· goilooll o( oll •·lllot • loUe<l fmn :an· ' , Uooal '.P<' and bnlnet on ' The llChool dlatrict alio wlD supply -.io""" rtw<t to~ mirlnu • ofllltcn well ~ flWI -to-filur '• Se< )'j)W Roper comlio the curia ..-a.id checb the footprints on the election ruults. Their number Is~-In Loo Angeles County from )llidlol, )nlles oil• a•......., -·of ~ l>Ca«t -to find out whll makes Dodie nm lollf•piltode cumnlly,under way The l!Oclal hall at Newport Hlrbor of crude "11 which~ roporlod .Ills oo both -o! Smla ~· • ;,tv~ ~·new¢~ ~Ip in the D y PILCT. I~,lllarls today on :.::..~= i:i= ~~ m:,inm:~~ _.Y~ or · .:..:~-Iii\!'~' Ding llioul I:• pJD. · ~ the F->Jr iild' Wotw Pollulloa (.. ..... I) -~ .f ,t, .. .. \ ~ .. ., _..., -'""-----·----·-~--~~'-----------~ aidyilb. . l ! I INSmE· TOlfAY I The New Yor~ Pro M"'ico'r 1 .Wt to UC /n>lne ncl 1114 .,.,.. I fClll ProductWilofl/leSantaAWG Community Plat/fl'• are ftvicto. I td tOcfav, s.. Entlrtaf11mcnl, Paoe 20. , ....... • fil'MtNI • I "-· , \ -!".'! • c.....,.. ·•n ......... .._ .... 1 .. c:Mlkt 11' or.. __,.. M "< • ,,....,.,.. ........ ...,, .. ,o...-... ' ....... , .. ,. OMfeit ' ..... ,.. .. ............ ' .............. " •MMe• es: I• M T....._ • ,..... ,..,, ,,....... -,.,.c... ' ..... • -....... 1& ........... .. -. u.e.. 1a ... .... M --· ' j ··I DAILY PILOT s tV enezuelan ( ' . Plane Sent • ' To Havana CARACAS (UPI) -A VtneZUellft IJDftmment-owned Jetlioer c a r r y i n I 'II penons, omq 1holn two U.S. busl- MM uecutives and three Venuuelan l!lllllory olflcen. was hijacked to CUba lodly closplte strict HCW1ty mwum a-.i -Ubolf lt<im MllBCllbo. llaraoal>o Alrporl ........,..i the DCI, 111'11 v ...... .i.n aircraft hijacked lhla J'.°!.i and the third aloce March lllM. al Sanllqo De CUba lnatead d Ill "°"'""l""' of llalqud.a. on board ...,. two o!llclalt of tbe Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Director T. M. H&nington and Treasurer Paul Wellhorn. acCordinf to a bulleUn lasued by L1-Aeropoolal v.....i..a (1'AVJ, lbe •tat.owned v-1an airline. The puienger 1111 allo lllddded Venezuelin mUJtary olllcen Capt. Lilli Nieto ilo•Ula, IMaj. lllulee ad Lt. 1'rm> -.lsco K«illo, and Lala lf<rino GGCna. FUI dlttctor of the Creole Pe-~. (E.SSOJ .ln Maracaibo. The U.S. Embaeey In Caracu· WU unable to give further detalll Cll ~ble U·S. cllhens aboanl the hijacked plane. The hijack took place despite stringent airport measures to prevent such oc- currence1, .includin1 National Guard and police ,..,cbea of all pa11engen and their Juuqe before boanling "' ' ls- lornailooal and nallanal flights. • TodaY'• blJocklnr, llth of the year lo CUba, look pllce againat a blCkdrop oi lleldily woraening rdallonJ between Fidel Caatro and the Caracu ,.,..,.. menL Ta ol the COllUl1lDde<red aircraft have been American, lncludJ.nc 'an Eutern Alr Llnee DCI Moodly with 119 petaom aboard. * * * Cuba Will Allow Planes to Carry Passengers Baek WAlllllNGTON (UPI) -The United Siiia lodiJ aDnOllDCed an agraement with CUba under wblch puRDlll"I · on bljlCked American airliner• will be permitted to conUnue their flight aboanl &be aame planea. A State Department 1 p o ~ e 1 m a n , -J. McCloob!', Aid the Unllad States wu graUfled by the agreement but pointed out that it did not solve the principal problem -hoW le ·11111 or dlmlniab the nUlllber of hlj1....., McClwikey saJd of the new 0 un- derstandlnl," which was worked out through the s .. 1aa Embuly In lllvana, ••we welcome thll more expedttlaul and more convenient method ot returning pas1engen lo Miami OD Ille aame plane that bu been hijacked." McClolkey l1ao revealed that the Fidel ca.stro government bad abown 10me P,.. terest In an AmerlCID propoul to lend back to the Communllt-rulod lllMd "publlc CUbana In the , Unltad SllW who .... lo go home. The U-Staltl lat yer llUfPllod that CUbana wllhlng to go home be Down aboard aircraft of the "freedom. alr!Hl" which return empty to CUba after brJnilng refugeea dilly to Florido. UnW Monday, the CUbana had perml~ ted only the crew of an airliner lon:ed to U.vana to fly bock to the Unllad Statea. The puoen-had to wait to be picked up by aircraft clwttt by lhe airline on whole plane they were Oying wJi<n It WU hijacked. The flnl tangible mull of the new 1u1denitandlng came ·Monday when an Eutem Alrllna DCI, diverted to H1vana during 1 flight fmn San Juon to Miami, was permitted to continue on to Florlda with 'all the puleD&f!l"I who had been aboanl with the ""pllon of the hijacker. State Depertmenl olfldall Aid the limited agroement ,..u hw1enlni but poinlad out that It clld nothing to reeolve the main problem, which II to find ways to deter hijackers. DAILY PILOT .......... " .............. --_,..., c ........... CAUPOINIA CNlAHGt: COASt f'Ull.llM1NG COM,A*t'f' 91•1.ttt H. Wtt4 f'rtW"'111 Mil hllllthlr J.,. a. c,,i,., Votl f'a.IOMI Mll c;.Mttll: Mini"~ Tt.111111 IC11nl .... • Th1111•t A. M1'1hi'" Ma""'"' lllJw P••I Nlu11 ...... '""-....... -Cetlt .... w: m WW l tY '''"' N......,, kin!: :l't11 #ttl l•lllol hlliw.r. u-. .. Id!? m FwH1 ..,.,._ HllllllllllM ... : • "" ...... I r.....,, ,,_, U.1M Euy Pickin'• , .,,_ Invader• E•eape ,. Reds Slam Camp On Supply Route SAIGON (UPI) -Two C4malllllllt rocket buragea hammered a U.S. camp utride guerrilla infiltration routes from Cambodia to Salgoo, wounding 19 penona, lj of them Am¢1cana, llead- qurten Aid today. Allied mortarmen at the camp eent I IOl).l'OOJld COUlllorbarr1p toward the guerrilla rocketeers and U.S. helicopters carried 200 soldiers to the Red. tiring site. But there was no sign of the Commun Id&, Tbe eight-round · •al.., lite Mond1y and early Tuesday Into :be U.S. 25th Oivlalon camp 51 miles northwest of Safion also damaged a mess hall. Three V!elnameae dvlllana and two Fillploo ~ were among the wounded. The U.S. ruction force Hported seeing the MCond barra1e leave the rocket Jaun~ ~· but could not catch the men who fli:!<' IL Tiie top U.S. n.,.U.tor In Patil, Heal, cabol Lildp, baa proposed demllltlrlzlnjj the DMZ u I firll lllep toward pN4i 'in Vietnam. But the Comm.uni.Ill " rar have rejected the plin.. Clam lovers and sea gulls have had a field day along three-mile stretch of beach near Watsonville, Calif., where freak tide washed ashore thOlll8llds of clams, crabs and starfish. Thousands o( clams went into chowder pots and the stomachs of sea gulls. The rest died high iJn the dry beach. Within Howitzer range of Cambodia, the camp attea: lie amld part of the 40,0lllknan Commlllllat. buildup that ls apeded to launch heavy attacks toward Saigon neit week during the Tet lunar. new year holidays. In Saigon, where U·S. Intelligence ex· peels a Tet terror wave, three Viet Cong bombings and attack! on civil de£ense officea Monday illled one person and wounded lh:, South · Vietnamese spokesmen said. Russo Admits He Never F,.._ P.,e 1 I RAINSTORM •• Government Marines who uncovered 10 tons ·of Communlat arms over .the weekend reported unearthing three more tons of guerrilla suppllet' 80 mlle11 north of Saigon in a labyrinth at tunnels. The new discovery included 80 Jong-range rockets, possibly Intended for use during Tel. FILES NEW LAWSUIT JNn lrvlne Smllh Heard . Plot 4greement In the oamo posllloo, bat winds from the new storm could move the oil to the south later in the week. . "Winds accompanying the new stonn will be out of the -ut Ill finl."' a U.S. Weather Bureau forecaster said. "That would tend to push the slick back up the coast toward Santa Barbara. U.S. Intelligence officers have said the expected Red offensive would be a Com-Frmn Page 1 • NEW ORLEANS (AP) -A key &late wltneu at Clay Shaw'• conspiracy trial who teltlfled earlier he overheard Shaw and otheD plol to kill Prelldenl John JI'. K~ Aid today be never heard an actual 0 agnement" to carry out the plot. Perry Raymond Rusao, under cros.wx- amlnaUon b . the second day, testified be OV~ SbaW. Lee Harvey OlwaJd and David W. Ferrie plolllnl but "'I don't -If Ibey qreed." Rusao, 27, a dark-haired New Orleans boot salesman, said he WU In and out of the room during the party \,at Ferrle'a --t wbere. be Aid ""' •IJ11 f"MUOn Wll_ dileu8sed in September 1113. ·"You beiird COJly portlolll.!'f ~~ of the converaaUon since you were 1n and out of the room!"' &Sited clefenae lawyer F. lrvlne Dymond. "'That's rlfbL They tallted. I don't know H Ibey agreed," Ruuo replied. Rullo came under further quutionlng about the l,IOO-word memorandum of hLs first ofllclaf lnlorvlrw In February, 1116'7 with AuL Dill. Alfy. Andrew Sclll!lbro. He uid the memo wu lncomplete and wrona "' 111111J potota. SAW TllllD TIMES "'I told Sclambr1 lhl 11nt llmll that I had oeen Sbaw Ill Naabvllle Wharf, then at a gu staUon, and that then I had seen b1m at Ferrie'• apartment," the dark-bllred book .. _.Aid. Sclambra'1 3,600-word memorandum to DllL Atty. Jim Glll'rllon GO hla Wk 'with Ruuo made no mention of the party where RUllO · uld he overheard Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald :and David W. Ferrie plot to kill Kennedy. It quoted Ruuo u ll)'blr he hod 1een Shaw twtce -not three Umea -first at a aervlct ltation operated by Ferrie, next at Nashville Wharf. Pointing out the mistakes as detailed by Russo, defense lawyer F. Irvin Dy- mond asked "Are you sure tt WU Sclam- bra you talked with at Baton Rou1e1" Russo's emphatic, "Yes slrf11 was nearly drowned out by a burst of laughter from newsmen and spectators crowding Judge Edward A. Haggerty'• heavily guarded crlmlnal diltrlct court. Asst. Dist. Atty. Jame1 L. Alcock. with Sciambra slumped beside him a( the prosecutor's table, brought up the memorandum as soon as Russo finished telling how he overheard the plotters at a party ln Ferrie'• apartment. in September, 19&3. NOT IN DETAIL "Did you-relate to Sclamtn what you have told this Jury about what happened Jn David Ferrie'• apartment?" aaked Alcock. "Nol In great dellll but In ..,..ce. yea," replied Russo. "How long did you talk to him?'' "Two houri, two and a half houri." ••old he take notes? "He had a legal pad and he made a few acrlbblea but no notes, no," said Ru3SO. In addition to the om1ll1on Uiere were discreplllcte11 1!' added. He pointed them out -2t by aeaenae count. Sclambra'• memorandum fell into the hands of newsmen early during Gar- rison's two-year-old probe. It wu one of the thln1• that b'lggered the !Int reporta criUcal of the lnv'81igaUOll. Carrison charged Shaw, a ~year-old retired New Orleans businessman, with conspiring with OSWald and Ferrie to murder Kennedy. The President waa ala1n ln Dallas Nov. 22, 18&3. The Warren Commiu!on named O.Wald the killer wUh no credible evidence of a ccmplracy. "However, after the main front ha1 paued; ~ wlnda wtll back up toward the northwest, perhaps on Wednesday. Tb1I would tend to push the oil down the cout to the southeast." It was the shifUng winds which at first kept the slick away from the coulline but then puabed It onto 30 miles of white beaches and Into· barbor1 'last week. Authorities were hoping the remnanta of the slick either would be carried out to aea or pushed onto beaches already poll11ted whera men and equipment w~ available to clean It up. munlst attempt to show battlefield strength during the Paris negotlaUons IR''JNE SUIT for peace_. , f -. • • In ~ •llQOUltCelntl'll perUneri&:. to ~ ' <, c;.'-' . . ' "' J -/~: 6:'' I peace talkl, the U:S. ~ lald" '.i~ 'biikliJ.o : I ~' Nortli Vietnamese liildien lnllde ~ o1·dr ~~· " ' \" ' border ilemilitarlud .... (~) llrOif;.:. Sh::~ iiiat· tlii :JnaJor ... : . oo a U.S. spotter planl Mondq, dr1w1Jlc fit t1Jt jiert .. m "renoaJn:~ ~ U.ll. 1rilllw .. :01111teral\l<k lhet lrl&· ·l'-...... ~ t Y dl"u · •.. ~ ~:-w~ •• ~ Ove 11-i.An. . • , ( ..,. .......... vacan eon on uucwl • .~~ '."·~·· ,, ,. i· are w.lod of~ ~1ura1 H d Pr,d·s·~·· ~ \~ .... ·:~ ·~··'·\ , . . aryar UA · ' u~ · _.,. ·'' ' ' ..-.,;~<cidi8ct . -' , ' , \ I .,.. .. ~~ .,....._. - Harvard W llcbool' Pnlleuor cl., bel!J'Md. Iroill''llllf,._.,, ....,. "ii!!• Psychiatry Seymour Kely will speak on be nullified pendffig a bearliig by the "Biogenlc Amines and Behavior" on the United States Supreme Court of a petition UC Irvine campus at 3:30 p.m. Wednes-In whlcb she seekl court: support of day in 104 Physical Sclen~. There will her argument that the James Irvine be no admission charge. trust be declared invalid. NINGSERV1 t ~ .......... ~~ BE OUR GUEST! ,....... .... 15% Bottle: 17% Case REDUCTIONS FOR FU. AND MARCH .--------: BOURBON-6 yr. old KENTUCKY STRAIGHT $429 FOR DEUYERY $4995 FIFTH SAVE ••• CASE PLUS TAX TIME & MONEY FIFTHS PLUS TAX $529 CALL 548-9314 FREE DWYERY 9UART IN ORANGE COUNTY CASE From P.,e 1 $61 95 QUARTS PLUS TAX FOR CASE ORDERS PLUS TAX DIAR PUILIC: CREWMAN ••• could tell lhll limo whit they wented," he le9lilled. '1What did yw tell them?" uted the Novy que1tiolltr. "I told tbem nothing," Ald Blanaett. Chlll Goldman thee look the lllnd to ·IJl)taln that lllbotage by hlmlell or l)laneelt would "'" Clulld 1holn lo be 1bol Immediately. belore the job could be ICCOID~ !.'Four or five of Umn came down," Goldman Aid. "They ,... uklnr for aomelhlnl in Konon, · but I couldn't undeniancl them. one cl thmn' hit Blan- tett in the comer of the mouth. "'They noticed a flrst-claal crew nUng insignia on his arm. I had my work jacket on, and they pulled down my jacket to aee If I bad one. "I clldn'~ so they hit him In the 1tom- ach uu a couple\l tbn11. ". Most of the Ume, Goldman Aid, the North Koreana staUoned """ guord In the ""1ne room with a IUD. Dfl!ABLE ENGINES "'Did the ~blllt1 enter your mind of dlubHDI the eqtJiee!" ulled C&pL Wllllem N-CClllllll l<r the courl. "Yes, alt, but I know I would have only gotten lltlrled. • .before be ahol ua." "If yoa hlKt hid a 'forluttoui' qlne faiilft, -""' 111 .. llCllltJJ llhol!" "Yes 1lr. I'm t1zrt I wtiuld have gotten the blame." "'In hlndllfbl," ukod Rear Adm. Manball Wbita, 1 member ol the court, "'Do !"" wllh )"Oll'd b'lod to °'""°"er him! 11U we'd tried," Goldman replied quiet- ly, "I'm M"t: we'd hllve 1otten killed. H• keol hla fUD tr11ned on myaell or Blultlt or U. otbet inan." NEVEi\ aaN TOLD · Goldman oald lit never had ...... told the Pueblo"• --and ..... ... tho lhlp WU ~ ........,..pblc research. "You never aeriolllly conaldered lhe possibility of having to 1cutUe an oceanographic lhlp?" asked New101De. "No air.'' Another englneman, Peter Bandera of . Carson City, Nev., 1ald tome of the Pueblo's claaalfled papers were eo soaked In blood they wouldn't burn. Bandera aJd he diJcovered thJa when he b'led to d"lroY the aecret paper1 near the 1pot when: another crewman, Duane Hodges, 21, of Creswtll, Ore,. lay mortally wounded. "Weren't you surprised no effort was being made to defend the Pueblo?" asked Vice Adm. Harold G. Bowen, president ol the court. ''Yea sir," Bandera replied. Trailer Accident Fatal to Worker Worker John V. Carter wu kilted Monday wben he allpped from 1 trailer loaded with metal pipe In 1 field 11 SunCJowe.r Avenue and Bear Street in Santa: Ana. Carter, 61, of Santa Ana, wu dead on arTlval 1t Orange County Mtdlcal center. We at HI-TIMI are happy to 1nnounc• new s • v i n g 1 on qu11ity brands. In lc11plng with our firm'• b11l1f, 1'th1t you get whit you pay for," we shall continue to w1ad out inf1ror pre>& ducts. .... _of ....... ....._-.,,....~ ew c.t•1.. for Hl- nMI 11•• ~r11• splrttl.we ......... fe offer lh poblfc 11% .. -.. --:117% ..... PalN•r ...iM-l-Y11- -flflM .. .... ............ , .... .... or NA• to fll•--. For tho1t who hav•n't tuled HJ.nMn f•m· OUI spirits, Wt ha'f'• , •• duc•d their ptic• for two months on 1ln9le bottle purchases. SCOTCH - 6 year old -UGHTEST OF BLENDS $485 CHARGE $5495 FIFTH CASE FlfTHS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX ACCOUNTS $585 $65 95 9UART AVAILABLE CASI! QUARTS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX VODKA - 1 00°/o Grain Spirits -Cllarcoal Flltencl $319 FIFTH DELI $36 95 ERY CASE FIFTHS v PLUS TAX HO URS P.lUS TAX $399 lOAM 9UART '1.US TAX 10 PM $46 95 CAR QUARTS 'l.US TAX to SMART, CLEAR HALF GALLONS PLASTIC GLASSES f EB. SPECIALS 30% IN'(INTORY CLl!ARANCI ~~D i9~; :111 ....... . ,...,.,. IUNNYllOOK m. IOUUON '9" PUllCHMAIUf'S •IN Hl•TIMI •r -IA DIWAl'S '15" SCOTCH ... ....... Police reported that Cllrler ""nm HI-TIME OYtr by the tralltt which WU belnj: pulled by a tractor. The .......,,., o111ce 1a1d he may "'" GOURMET FOODS & SPlllm . !::e1ov':.:m: 1h~1.:!~·~,: 459 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 548-9314 ol death wu to be;normod today, L..:::==;:=====:_..:_:...::._.,.. ____ :.::_:.:_..:_..:_:.:.:.~,::=:..:..::.:..::..:::J I I t I ,. Unn i ·uM.oD lieae - I ~(. • EDIT IO N ~ voe. 62, NO. 36, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ' . ORANGE COUNJ'f,, CAllfORNIA ' ' . . ' . -•· 11 I ti r I ' . ' ,TEN CENTS ' • ' , , , . r t Ban. Urg:ed on Oil · Drilling ·Off . ·1100tin gtOil.j I ' •' By .J~'!?~w ~i-~~ Newport Beach city councl.lmen decid- ed M_ooday to sound out Hantington Beach and Seal Beach on the possibility of extending the Orange Coast's oil milling sanctualy north or lh• Santa Ana River. Oil acllvll>" Is now banned In slate waters south of the river to the Mexican. border. The llanctuary waa · ostabll!hed by the Sbell-Cw\!11n8ham Act. • Newporl councllmen "1lnn<d by the Santa Barbara oil poll~ dlsaawr, said they want the sanctuary's llmltl ahoved farther north because "oil slicks don't respect poliUcal bou!Jdarles." Al lbe same llole, lbe eow>dl unanimously adopted a resolu~oo calling for a prohlblUon against drilling .in . federal watera Myond the Sllel:~u.p., nlngham Act's lhrff.mlle olllbor6 llllilis! · Vice Mayor Lindsley Panoo1 siroPQsed seekJDi Ille ..,ppoi1 ol·HunUngton·Beaeh ,, ' -. .. and Seal Beach In tile city's fi&bt qalnst the Ihnat of cil pollution. <"I lhllll< II jmt may be lhal Huntlngton Beach'1 ·cbaracter Au·cbanpd,'~ be eJ:• plalned. "It Uaed to be m oU commmUy, &JI ll may not be-·" · Clly lfana&tr ilsrvef L. ffarlburl WU quiet . lo ..,.._ "I ·11sve tile. foel!ng Iha! tbey mlght be mare· lOCOJll!ve. now to~olthe~ Act thlll they were a~ weeb qo." ~ -!Joreen ~·lllcleii. '1 know Seal Beach·would ,lie recepllve. '!11ey'ro very unhappy with tbe altuation." Hurlburl,sald moot cJu.s • Qlat 'ba>e oil prod)JClkin In th.ii olfllhore . \fat.rs "l!t a very small retwn for their trOublel." . : He said h• would dlscuas the.- propoul wllh Hunllngton ~ and Seal Beach au11..-1u .. In the next few days. . 0 U we aet Seal Beach'• support ancL not HllDtlnaton Beach's," aald ·Coon cllman llobert Shelton, ".that would itll. • a1n n ·cre·ases "IC 'Super' Plan Aired Beach Hears Overseeing_ Proposal ~y WIWAM REED ., Of tlM DallY l"Utt Stitt A &)'item using a sort of "super depart- ment liead" to oversee planning and development ftmctions in city govern- ment ·was ouUined Monday night for the ·HunUnglon Beach aty · Council by Alsn G. Orsborn, Anabelm's city director of developmental services. Orsborn, who wu ·mayor .of Pomona at the . time. that city was involved in building a.new -mall >n<I parting lot, .. .. :..l.o4 ·~. ........ 2~7:5 has been . with Anaheim for the past four years. He said the Anaheim system is one or consolldaUng 3.ll c I t y departments whlch might be involved with zoning and development. Consolidated are planning, zoning, building, code enforcement and pro- moti.on'1 activities as they are involVtd In development of the dty, be told the Council. · '"nle success cf the program tn Anabelm is rather aelf«iident,., be ~d. Ocean View Schools Set Date for Tax Hike Vote Ttu:nees of Ocean Vjew School District In Hunllnglon Beitch Monday &el May· Ii as the date of a apecial election to ask the voters to approve a tu hike ol 11.25. It was the unanimous decision of the ' lnlstees that" thi district must increase ita tu rate for operaUon from the present Sl.50 pei •too asseued v•luation to 1175 for two years in order to Qlise the district from ~ bottom ·of ~ List ol per ,P1pil spending for edUCjlUon. "We've tried to eliminate the red tape for the developer because too often a lack or communication is the rial culprit in red tape and we can elimipate that." ·Willi his syllem, develiipers or poten. tial developers can ~ city help in working through the mue ·of lawa govemlng developing hliluatrlal, com- ml!rdal or residential de~ .. -... bl taken and --(Ste pLANNJNG!""Plge 1)1 · , ..:..< ~ .... -"·Ml~IW>i Sen. Cl~n\. . . . l .i r. . . Urges Speedup ' . . Of N µcl~a:P-· Plant A speedup in construCtion of the 'Bolsa Island nuclear desalting plant off the · . coart of Huntington ,: Beach has' been ur~ed.by Sen. Alan Cranston. ·Speaking in ·Sacramento Monday, Cranston said '"the project should·• have "top priority" in plans lo develop W•ler 80!.lrces to aid in solving the future water problems of Sout.bern California. Bolsa Island ls back in the1 plannl.Jig slage after having been shelved for a time becawe of.J>i&b Cost 'estlmates. Directors cf the Metropolitan Water Qlslrict (MjVI)) decided lhat the plant &houkl be built and set the early 1970'1 as a target for start ~·constz:iicUon. ' ' .. ' r ·e· :a·; . ' ' . . ' ' . ' 0. ·More Sands 'Ma .' -Get-Oil . . Y ..... . ' . ' ' · After 'Sterin Beach Voters Face Decisions On Taxes, Bonds Trustees · said that· children · in ihe · Ocean View District might be at a disadvantage as they move on through high school and college in competing with students from other elemenalry school districta which spend more money educating their chlldren. District Supt. ClattDCe Hall polnled out that the district presently Is 44lh on a list of 44 comparable school districts with lls spendlng of $425.511 per student. Cranston bas joined other state officials in p u s b i n g for development cf the desalinization plant with the aid of federal funds. The plans for a combination wa~r desalting planr and an electrical power planl had been Sctapped when the cost esUmates lncreased from '444 mllUon to about $765 million. Into Cit y of 1,0:0,0 .' I .. Lakes· Voters In the Huntington Beach City School District will decide in two weeks whether the district's tu rate should be increased and whether the di strict should sell som~ $4.75 million in boncb. The school finance elecUon is scheduled for Feb. 25 in the district, which stret· ches across the loWi!r half of Huntington Beach. Polls wi}l be open from 7 a.m. lo II p.m. ' The tax increase proposal asks for a rive.cent increase each year for three years. U approved, the rate would be 11.40 In 11189-?0, II.IS in ll?0-71 and Sl.50 in 1971-72. u the measure ls not approved, the district's tax ; rate ' wW fall to the statutory 90. cenls per SlOO assessed valuation .. The second baltot measure involves a requirement· lhai the district remain bonded to ~ percent of its capacity if It is to take advantage of state building loans already approved by vot· ers. ·• Distrlcl officials say, at its present rate of gi'owth, the district needs to build two addiUonal elementary schools per year and a new lntennediate school every four years. He said that the average tax rate of lhe 44 districts is '1.80 more than the present rate in Ocean View District. Octan View district voters rejected a 90-cent increase three years ago and the district has J>een operating on· what trusteet have called "bare bones flnan· cing'' since. Members Sought For Thunderbirds Westminster's Thunderblrds a.re look· Ing f<r members to rm the ranks or the award winning majorettes, color guards, baton corps and drum corps, The l!lO!!P hu beOn organised just tv.·o ye a r s, but alre,ady"lras wo.n more than JOO trophies. In June the· color guirds Pl.aced' St.a"'I in' the Atnerican Legion state champiOnsltlps . while the · baton corps won a third place. lnfonnaUon on the organlzaUon may be obtalned-tiji c:alll/ii Mn. Ann Brewer at 772-«55. • • Private utility C<lmpanies and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power dropped oot of the project leaving the. MWD alone. MWD directors would like the federal government to continue to assu're at least the ·f12 million already voted for the project, a 40-aC!'f: man made island off 801.sa Chica State Beach, and perhaps lo Increase Its partiClpatlon. City of a thousand ·Jakes Would be an appropriate description of ~un~ington Beach sfnce the reeent heavy rains left their mark of puddles, lagoons and ~~~. . "Rain lakes are a perennJal problem here," explained Jim Wheeler, director of public works. · ''This year was as bad 'as I've seen," he added. Near 1'eCOrd rains have dotted the city with sometimes buuWul, some_Umes Beach Hiring _ Appraiser To,(:~eck Out .Parking Lot • The Huntington Beach City Council , involved ln a new 'Parking Authority ls hiring an appraiser to help· Jt C:leck!e project ... whether a municipal parking Jot pro~ In addlUon, ttie council officially ask~ far the lnland side ol Coast 'Highway ~ Huntfi:iaton,.,. Beacb-~~D ~alley between Ith· and . Loke' .sir.eta -woWcl Doud of ~ora to ·sppr'l" ,th• pr<> be worth the effort and ~ l pertJ as "a 4 aort of chieck." on the . !land Aj,quililion SerVlce o1 Santa Ana,; ·~·"·' aated ol Land A-""Uon •hkh baa· been hanilllDg ~· Of !he , ~r ~ .,..-:: ...,_ "'city'• •l'l'l'aisal ·-'for •the i.st _.. -'. ' : . elJl!>l Y..,., wu.~.-ay' lo The 'offer was msde by ' lloafd of" look at the 107 lots "whlCh.mlgh\,be , ReJlton '~~ 'Who· • · r ;·-... , ' I , 1 • fokl the' c.lh!n· -~l -~ ;i...<_,j__ ·-c•.::'· .. ·c· • .. l. ir1 . ...,.'lril11¢il~•{•u•·,..·" "'~Y.¥1 . ~!'}' ·, ~~ ~~;1 f ... :~~-~~. :·~· dangerous, lake-size· puddles. "Po0r drainage is the cause of the problein," said Wheeler, "and tiec'aUMJ the lakes are all on private prope\ty tl'le city cari't dci anything abotl(U." ' .. The worst part of the city tor drainage ls located ·north of Adams Avenue between· H1ghway 39 and a short dlitance ' west of Ma.in Street 1 Wheeler ~ys the cltY, bas a sotll&n f o r the dttlnage problem ltl th~ .area but. it wu· defeated by the prapenf owners. · . ... "Under lbe Jill, lmjJl'.OV"'f'Ol'I Act ... could" eskbllsll !1 d'rahiage dlstr!Ct and. pay off the cost of drainage ~on by bo,ndlng property In the · are'a," ~e erpJained. · , • 1'Cost of· the Project Would have been about $2.600.000 with 15-20 year bonds," cOntinued Wheeler. ' ' . Whi!n the prooosal was brought before We'lt6er-. tfte. city C1'.M;UJCil abOut four1 y,eara qO, . ,• • ~ , 1 , propettv owners ralRd a tiue lind ~ Nevei one. to ~-,oq a'tbet._ t,lN : that quickly defdte'.d tile plan: · · wea~al\,~11 flM:re:'•. a l~ • Rain lakes: aren't new to H'Untington percent cbanqe. ot,raiz\1~ fW.: Beach, lhls Is just on .. of th• · wor;t • lowed by moro ~ on J(edl!eo- 'years. : ·r · tf · · day. Mereui7 ...iidliip ,.W•i:omMD ' "The po9r' dtlltiiae If~· t cl' llxtylsh. ' .rJand 1devt1..i:~ ... t, Wlthf'"·t-r6r ' dralnage;~·-.i;: .. _of IN~~...!; .~AY 1 homes were built here on land• that '1'1" Nt10 .Yorio Pro Jltllf<a'a ......... corrtlnOalb'-W.ler.'!: • • Wil to ·pc 1..-tnlll•tJre -HunUnl!lon>llM<h.~ onlJ 1wo.i1111n1 , .. fproatltt'9>l of. tire, s-JA .. lakn, H~· miti ~~~ <;om!)lunllV'·P.lafl!h,'orr ·'r~ • . ~ , ~ , I ed todaV• s.. fl~ki4'd-~ ' . Jl 'JO ·; ~,-,',t...'_ ;(, r\ ~ ,.;:, • :.. ~ •4 • . <i-•••"l..-.J '..: ' Ace editor Steve Roper was about to hit the beach for a restfut vacation at Surf's Inn when Dodie Swift, a jtl eetter wl&b a comertlblt wl1 allowed up, moving In and out ol his Ille In her dual ldettUty aJ blonde darling of lhe In· temaUonal &et and brunette rackttlllllr'a mtU GD the lam. For Bask~tha.U ·~aDJe . ~ cr~r"~, Gymnastlca .. at founl1l2'VaDey . ,II ~I"'~ High School have ·i-; ~eii..lilnllht) ; 1'llt l'l"PC'. ta.:1 tt ~-,.. ... ,. .... ... 'th' ~ ' •• ' ....,. ., • i c~. )!!,· ,.....\. • Us .,.... """" : --1........ :;: See how Roper cmtbt the curls -snd dM!ets the footprints oo th• beach -to find oul w1!ft malt., Dodie runjn the"""""• ~tq,,.,der way in si.ve Roper, -cmtlc strip In the DAltY PILDT. 11.•searts today 9'1 Page 20. I I I bc<:auae or a .. ~1' bum. r 11chechiled In uiti·bm1'' , '·; r' .... ~· * ·• ' ' ' ' The lcia-,.\if 1'0~1 l S" eveniJIC u il!liil~ .11 lord, -parl:s and recnallon dlroctor. ' ,. • ::=; p._ • ; .............. , .............. ---. .,,.....,,. ·•n 4,_.. ... PINC .. f '_. ,-4 • -_..i.-.. -..., .. =-... ........ , •i.: ·-.. ...... ~,, t ' ' . ' . " ._ __ _ DAILY PILOT H I 0-year Plan ~ The prop»ed 10-year Fountain Valley CinandaJ plan was endorsed by the city's Parks and Recreation Commi> 1ion at 1 special meeUna Mondl.y ntahL Commluloners recomm'8decf c rt , council approved of the plan u it Po- llins to the parka and ncnatlop deput. ment. Parka and recreation commis!:ionen prabe\t the financial propoaal and Wei 11 wu an "'excelltnt" plan. The commission also made three c:hanges In the parka eltment of the city's master plan. River Park. a twc»cre site located at Ellis ·Avenue and Euclld Street, wu added to the plan. Located on land leased from the Orange County Sanilallon Districl, River Park ~ to be developed tbrouP. volun- teer labor and donated materiabl u a camping """1Dds only. Two parb sites were officially dropped from the mast.er plan by the commission. A proposed park site near the Green Acres condominium was eliminated be- cause a JO.acre park already exists in the condominium. ---Another park site. near Ellis Avemae and Ward Stnet was also eliminated because of '° alreed,y existing park. The next regular meeting of the com-- mission will be at 8 p.m., March 12. The Feb. 26 meeting was canceled because . of a parks and recreation conference in San Francisco that week. Prom Pqe 1 PLANNING .•. lnl"""'lad .. needed, Or1born upialoed. The main object of the aystem is lo make everything as easy as possible for the developer, he expialned, pollltlnc out that "lt makes for good budoea all along the line". Onborn sald Iha! he Is dlrecUy responsible to the city manager and haa under him an asaistant who handles planning and the heads of !he zonlni, building and ~orcement secUons. "We don 't act as a czar of zoning but we do have a Jot of latitude. We have a vuy happy attuaUon, developers get prompt 1cUon and in m06t cases the thing ceaR! to be a problem the quicker we can act on it," he uplalned. Admitting tl\al when lhe ll)'SlnD WU first instituted "we did have 80Me ponoanel problems" he upialned that the penonnel probl<ml dlsslpalad qolclUy "when people found out that the new system helped !hem do their jobo belltr." HunUngton Beach offidala have been considering a similar reorganiuUon with Planning Director Kenneth Reynolds pro- minently mentioned ·to head up an ex- panded development.al position. Presumably present department heads would remain in charae of their present zection much as they are now but report directly to lhe new "super department head". C. E. "Bill" Wood, pre$1enl of the Chamber of COmmerce, aaid Monday night Ula! the chamber hu just formed an economic development dlvlalon doing many of the same jobs as outlined by Onborn. "In many waya: what Bill Back, the economic development coor&nator, is doing la the same u outlined by Orsborn. I would bope that !hey (!he city council) will give our operaUon a chance for a whUe." Bombay Police Fire On Rioting Mohs BOMBAY (AP) -Police 11"" on rlol· ln& mobs today tn seven different areas of Bombay u lootus look advantage ol the facUonal violence between language groupe thal h 1 s killed st least 30 per· &Oftl and Injured nearly 500 in five days. Aulhorttles aaid thieves, boollgaM and slumdwelJm now pose a bigger threat than the ethnic fa cllom, looting shops and factories in the confus ion. DAllY PllOT ClllAl<IGI COA!.f P\llLl!.HIHQ. COM,.AH't' l.•lil•rl N. w, ... ......... ""' il'ubll~ J1dr ... c •• 1.,. \lic.1 Pml«nt -~nt•lll .V..Nttr T~•ni•t K11•il f_lf1lor Th•""'' A. Mvq1 hi•1 Ml~IfJIW Alli1•I W, l1t11 WlUi1"' •••• A•oct1llc H\11'111119!0<' lhlC.l'I Cd•"' Cl"r f,;tor H 111tlllfh• IM& .. Offlu 10' Ith Str11t M1ili~, "'"''": r.o. ••• ,,o, ,,, .. , OtW OHie .. Nt .... r! I~..:~: 1,11 Wftl l•llllM .......... ,. C.•1 M.111~ l» Wett l•Y S ..... U"IT .......... Eu11 Pickin's SAIGON (UPI) -Two Communist rocket barrages hammered a U.S. camp ' astride guerrilla lnllltraUon routes from p.mbodla to Salp, woundina 19 penom, tc of them Americans, head-- quarlerl said today, Allied mortarmen at the camp sent Veneman Move Makes Room For Burke ' Jugllng of California Amlllbly com· mlttee positions to fill posts held by Nixon Admlnlstration appointee John G. Veneman has put one Orange, county legblator in a new Sacramento job. a flOO.round counterbarrage toward the guerrilla rocketeers and U.S· helicopters carried 200 soldiers to !he Red llrillg aite. But there was no alp or the Communllls. The e.igbl·round salvos late Monday and early Tuesday into the U.S. 25th Division camp 57 miles northwest or Saigon also damaged a mesa ball. Three Vietnamese civlllans and two Filipino &1ld.iers were among the wounded. The U.S. reaction force reported seting lhe &eCODd barrage leave the rocket laun- chers but could not catch tbe men who find It. • Within Howitzer range of Cambodia, the camp sites Ue amid part of the 40,ClOO-man Communist buildup that is expected to launch heavy attacks toward Saigon next week during the Tet lunar new year holidays. Clam lovers and sea gulls have had a field day along thr~mile stretch of beach near Watsonville, Calif., where freak tide washed ashore thousands of clams, crabs and 1tarfisb. Thou111ndi of clams went into chowder pols and the stomachs of sea gulls. The rest died high on the dry btach. Ammblyman Robert Burke (R·HUO• tin.a too Beach) wlll aucceed Aslemblyman Wadle Deddeh CD-Chula VJata) as vice chaJrman of the TranaportaUon Committee. In Saigon, where U·S. intelligence u- pects a Tet terror wave, three Viet Cong. bombings and attacks on civil defense offices Monday killed one penon and wounded sis:, South Vletnameae 1pokesmen said. Government Marines who uncovered 10 tons of Communist arm! over the wee kend reported unearthing three more tons o! guerrilla supplies 60 miles north of Saigon in a labyrinth of tunnels. The new discovery included 60 long-range rockets, possibly intended for use during Tel. Cuba Will Allow Planes to Carry · Passengers Back Beach Suspect Labeled Dangerous Sex Off ender Venem~~ has not actually resigned yet to JOln Republican C1:1Jleagues in Washington, b u t Assembly Speaker Robert T. Monagan (R-Tracy ) has begun kiclclng other chainnen upstairs. Appointed Friday, Veneman will be top aide of Health, Educallon and \\'el- fare Secretary Robert H. Finch former Callfomla lieutenant governor. ' Monagan named William T. Bagley (ft.San Anaelmo) u chairman of the Revenue and Tuation Committee, a post held by Veneman. U.S. intelligence office rs have said the expected Red offensive would be a Com- munist attempt to show battlefield strength during the Paris negotiations for peace. lD an announcement pertinent to the peace talks, the U.S. command aaid North Vietnamese soldiers inside the border demilitari:"ed zone CDMZ) fired on a U.S. spotter plane 1.-fonday, drawing a U.S. arUllery counterattack that trig· gered five fireballs. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The United Slate. today lllDOun«d an qreemenl with Cuba under wbJch pauengen on hijacked American airliners will be pennilled to cooUnue !heir flight aboard the llJl)e planes. A State Department a poke am an, Robert J. McClolksy, said the United Statea wu graUfled by the agreement but pointed out that it did not solve the principal problem -bow lo ball or dimlnhih the nmnber of hljacltlnga. McClouey said of the new ''1Jn. dentandin&1" whicb wu worked out lhfOUlb !he 8'rlA Embuly. In Havana, "\II• welcome lbla more aped!UOlll and more convenient method of returning PauencerB to Miami on the same plane lbal hu been hijacked." )lcCloUoJ alao~ thll Ibo l'ldol •. Cu1ro government liod aboWn ..-oe In. terea:t In an American proposal to send ;b: C:.na~~~ = who want to Co home. The United Stales last year BUggesled !bat CUbana wlshllli to go home be fiown aboard aircraft of the "freedom · airWt" which return empty to Cuba after bringing ref11,11ees dally lo Florida. Until Monday, the Cubans bad permit· ted only the crew of an airliner forced to Havana to fly back to the United Stale.!. The passengers bad to wall to be picked up by alrtrlfl charter by the 'lh'Une on whose plane they were flying when it waa hljacked. The first tangible result of the new understanding came Monday when an Eastern Airlines DC8, diverted to Havana during a fight rrom San Juan to Miam i, was pennitted lo continue on to Florida with all the passengers who had been aboard with the eiception of tbe hijacker. State Department oUlclals aald the limited agreement was heartening but pointed out that it did nothing to resolve the main problem, which is to find ways to deter hijackers. Scout Campsite Goes on Display A complete campsite of 21 tents, grub boxes for six patrols and cooking facllltles will be put on dlsplay Wed- ne!day at Lamb School by Boy Scout Troop 317. The display will be set up for the public from I a.tn. to 4 p.m. on the school ground!: at Ul251 Yorktown Ave., Huntington Beach. A first-aid tent manned by scouts who have paued the Drst-,Jd lelt for the rank of Finl Class Seoul will be Included In the display. Boy Scouta throughout Huntington Be.acb are C'Urrently celebrating Boy Scout Week, Feb. 1-lt A Huntington Beaeb mlD orreslad after be allegedly waullad a Balboa Jaland woman Is back from a -month study &eS5ion at Atascadero State Hospital with a report that deecrlbes him as "a dangerous, mentally dlaordered sei: of- fender." Superior C.Ourt Judge Robert Gardner has set March 3 u the date on which he will study the report filed on Charles John Trautwein, 31, of 20292 Craimer by Judge William Speirs when be withdrew pteaa of innocent and pleaded guilty to uuull wllh tolenl to rape. Trautwein was proeecuted followina a Grand Jury Indictment which alleged Ula! he attempted last A11,11. 2 to rape a Balboa 1llalld woman. Beach Jaycees toOkfug Ahead Lincoln'• Birthday may not have ar~--' fived as yet and Memorial Day still is montha away, but members of the Huntington Beach Jaycees are already thinking of the Fourth of July. "California mstory" Is the theme for the 65th running of the huge July 4 parade through the streets of downtown and for the third year the event will be run by the Jaycees. The theme c<lmmemorat~ the 200th anni\'ersary of the first setUement in the state. Entries in all sections including theme division will be judged and win· ners will be awarded trophies. The parade route will be the same A~ last year's t.B miles. Entry blanks wlll be available on March 8 and the Jaycee Parade Chairman Tom l.Jvengood said that he expected the entries lo come in early and in volume as they have in past years. From Page 1 DRILLING. • • In federal waters was directed to the county's Congressional delegation, to Senators Cranston and Murphy, and to Interior Secretary Walter Hickel. It declared: "The council CQnslders it e.!sential that the protection against oil drilling afforded by the Shell-Cun ningham Act be extended lo prohibit oil drilling operations on the federally controlled water b~yond the three-mile limit" It urged that "immediate steps" be taken to establish legal restrictions against all offshore drUUn1 alone the Orange and San Diego County coutllne and that tough new standard.! be developed for oil activities in all led.era! "'aters. * * * Seal Beach Talies Steps On Planned Oil Operation The Seal Beach City Council ii lakl111 llepo to assure Iba! !be city will nol be banned by • drll1lnll and pumping openUoa planned by ihe C.Ollnenlal Oil Company jUJt outside !be beach community. Clt1 Manager Leo Rllller uplalned that Contlnenta1"1 well ls just out.aide !be dty In county la!Tllory. "But It will tap the gu and oil merves under Old Town and other areaa of the city.'' Tut marb have been att up In se-c- lion& of the city lo kHp tra<k ol posolble AUbsidenct due to oU operationa and under terms. ol a ,,.,. ordinance just pwed by the coancll !he dly will lake the oil company to court t! the land ls •inklni· «· The ol>Jed would be to get !he com-P""l' to begin repres=tsalion ol the land, pumpillg ... waler lntO the earth to compensate for oil and 1as re.moved by the ·proclucUon wells. The c1ty manager pointed out that the city cannot force the drillers to 1\nk reprossurlullon W<lls and Iba! !he spokesmen for the oil companies have diJcounled lhe poulbllily of subsld...,.. "But we have done everything we can to protect Seal Beach from P9S1lble ill effect&." ' lllc rtnl drill slle II off Bay Boul .. V.rd near • l!llAll pmduelng Oeld nortll of Seal Beach. Two othu site• have been desllnattd as on the Naval Weapon1 5laUoa land. <!"· Police said screams by the girl's room- Lane. Trautwein was sent to Atascadero mate scared Trautwein into escaping via the second story patio. Offlcen said Trautwein left his f.roos· ers ln the bedroom. Bail was subsequently set by Judge Wllllam Speirs at $250,000. Trautweln's wealthy father brought that amount in cash slashed in mallbags to the courtroom. ~ The Atascadero report states that Trautwein ii "not ameDable to treat- ment and is a danger to the health and safely of other•." Atascadero docton diagnosed Traut- wein as "soclopathlc personality disturb- ance, saual deviation (aggreglve suu- allty, rape)." Monagan a1ao said As.wmblyman William Campbell CR-Hacienda Heights), will replace Alex Garcia ( D -L o s Angeles), as vice chairman of the new Urban Affairs and Housing Committee. . Garcia, the only Mexican-American legislator, quit as vice chairman saying he believed his ~leclion wa~ an ''af. terthought" designed to placate minoril)' groups. · In a series of other changes prompted by Veneman's departure, Monagan an· nounced : -Assemblyman Robert Beverly (R· Manhattan Beach), replaces Bagley as chairman of the Finance and Insurance Committee. and Assemblyman Henry Arklin CR·Pacoima l replaces Veneman as a member. The top U.S. nego\lator in Paris, Henry Cabot Lodge, has proposed demilitarizing the DMZ as a first step toward peace in Vietnam. But the Communists so far have rejected the plan . Harvard Prof Speaks Harvard Medical School ProfesllO? of Psychiatry Seymour Kety will apealc: on "Biogenic Amines and Behavior" on the UC Irvine campus at 3:30 p.m. Wednes- day in 104 Phy.!ical Sciences. There will be no admission charge. ~1NGSERV1 t ~~~=-li..c~., BE OUR GUEST! 15% Bottle: 17% Case REDUCnoNS FOR FB. AND MARCH -~~~~~~~- DU.R PUILIC; We et HI-TIMI are heppy to ennounc• ne'N' s • v i n g 1 on quelity bre nd1 . In k•eping with our firm 's btll •f. "thtt you g•t wh•t you p•y for," w1 1htll continue to w1•d out inferor pro· duct1. · ..... ef .... .,... m..._ acctpto11ce by _. caata• .. for HI· nMI •••• llire1tl ................... .. _ ... paMlc 15% .............. _ 117% ..... --· --1-Y .. _ _..., ffM. or qtiarts -' --"°"· 9la, er ....... ffll •COM. For tl'to1e who hew-en't taated Hl-TIMrs 1.,,.. 0tn tpLrih, w1 haw-a , .. tJucM their ptic• for fwe 1notrtf.1 Oii tingle "°""' ,..,.i.. .... BOUR B ON-6 yr. old KENTUCKY STRAIGHT $429 l'OR DEUVERY $49'5 SAVE ••• FIFTH CASE TIME & MONEY FIFTttS ,LUS TAX PLUS TAX CALL 548·9314 $529 FREE DEUVERY $61~RTS lj)UART JN ORANGE COUNTY PLUS TAX FOR CASE ORDERS PLUS TAX SCOTCH -6 year old -UGH'ltST OF BLENDS $485 CHARGE s5495 FIFTH CASE FIFTHS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX $585 ACCOUNTS $65~~TS 9UART AVAILABLE ~us TAX PLUS TAX ' VODKA -100°/e Grain Spirits -Charcoal Filtered $3::!nt DELIV ERY $36~rm PLUS TAX RS HOU 10 AM to f'WS TAX 10 PM $46 95 CASE QUARTS $399 9UART PLUS TAA PLUS TAX SMART, CLEAR HALF GALLQNS PLASTIC GLASSES FEB. SPECIALS IUHNfllOOI AL ICMlllOtl T' RllSCHIUHN'S .... 30% INVINTORY CLEARAHCE HI-BALL Ht-TIMI $r ...... _ .... 515" ........ ..,..._ ... ;OL 111 ..... ,...,, .. 21 HI-TIME GOURMET FOODS & SPIRITS 459 E. 17th, Costa M~sa 548-9314 r, - For the Record Hal Sander talks at;out • • • basic reasons for leasing from Johnson & Son. YOU CAM SAVI MOHR IT LIASIN •• Ye1 ce1t often le1M car• 1t ret.1 Ml-the ,,.,,,,. CHf .t ewi1hllt I cer, Thf1 11 11t1J 1 pcu tible by th• lew rat.1 et whidi we cen be"-c1,1t1I, vo/1111'11 .lh&Mnt" elMI tfMi 111t1rel economic• of f11et ty,. e,.,etle111, When le<11i119, y.-pay .,.ly for th. 1tNlco1 01 you r1co!vo ffloft'I, LIAllN• IUWINAm NIW CAI IHOPPINS AND USID CAI DllPOSAL PIOILIMS. Tlie bothor10'" ordeol of ••ppin1 for yo11r elimlnot.d when yo11 l11n from 111. NO CASH INYISTMINT II uquran. IMW llf IM J l1pe1lllf ef JOllt l iff Cit ii People who b11y ffiolr eor1 pr.poy fot their trontportotlon OYet' tho .. ,., life cycle, Who11 l111i119, yoo poy only for tho 1o~l1to1 •• '" rocol•o fMM. Thi• fr oo1 the cepltt l yo11 woold he•• i11•01t.d 111 cot ow11ordilp for Income prod11cln9 1pp.rtv11ltio .. LU.SIN• SIMPllPID TOUI TAI llC:OIDS. Allowoblo ••• dod11etl6ft1 •r• 001ilv comp11tod ofld .!0111m•11tod 011 lo••• c•r.. Mo11y -"''" •hip co•h which •r• oft111 o'lorloo••d ort 011to1M1!1collr h1c l114M 111 ro•r dotl11riioflt. FREE MAINTENANCE Wo offer yo1 • M1l11to1111teo CCH1 po11 look which CO?On n tryHil11t frofl'I 11i1110°11,. ot'MI •H cht fl91• 1t roct1'1molldod l11t."1l1 to tfl1 ,.plocomo11t of wt•Jilol4 wiper \ilo4 tt 0114 tolllltH INIM. All yo• tlo h toko ""' cor to •It'( owtfiorintl UMt l11-M ... ct1r1t O..lw ,....,.,...,. t1 tho COllfltry, h1llfl li!1t1 .,..., COW"" ofl<I lip ffto ,.,.w '""' , • • ltO f.u , , • 110 r.4 .. ,.. Aft4 WI COfl 1-'9fl4 tiwo fill ltOW 1.tr w1n -.11ty Ill U11colt1.MtrCllf'f ,,H1i11h 11' ft 60,000 MlllL There are many lease plans to choose from So come In and ask for me ••• Hal Sanller1 ••• today. Lo t u1 1how you the many Mvlnllfl• of IH1I .. from Joh._ & Son. Job.DSOD•SOD LllCILI umlEITIL • I UI DI · IEICllY. IDIUI .... ..._ ...,...,CDnA .... •••••••• ' _Tlltidq--"-, ,_.......,. _ _,_1-'1,;...l_'Wl ________ iw_LY l'JLOT • ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~--~~~~~--~~~-~~~-~-~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-· ' I f I I t ' ' I • Dr. Ashley Joins hvine Your Money's Worth ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. Dr. Thom., J, Ashley, formtr senior associate of Economl clil R esea rch Assoclales, Los Angeles, has joined the Irvine Co. as dif'ec. j tor of development strategy planning. Richard A. Reese. vic.'t president, p1anning, announced Or. AshJey's appointment lo the new position created to strengthen 1he company's long rarige planning skill. JOINS IRVINE CO.' Thomas J. Ashley Self· employed? Merrill Lynch is holding a Keogh Retirement Forum How would you like to learn abou t a plan -allowing you to pick your own securities-through which you car. build a retirement fund for yourself anc your employees? The money you put ir, is deductible for federal income tax purposes. Also, dividends received anc realized capital gains are reinvested and are not taxed at the time of receipt. Then, after you retire, you are taxed year by year on only the mon ies with· drawn as you receive them. Under the Keogh Act, Congress pro- vided a means for self.employed indi· viduals to put aside tax-deductible funds ear·marked for retirement. Merrill Lynch can now help you with a program directed solely to this pur- pose. Cost? This plan , with a custom·made portfolio, is yours at a cost considerably below most other Keogh plans. And , an· other unusual feature of this plan is that you can combine its investment in se· curities aspect with your own insurance program, splitting your contributions as you desire. Want more details about this pro· gram? Come to our- Keogh Retirement Forum Thursday evening, February, 20 B•lboa Bay Club, Newport Btach (in the First Cabin Room) 1221 West Coast Highway starting at 7:30 PM sharp At our forum: • You'll team about th• Keoch Act itaelf and how it can help to p~ecl your tutuN. • We'll tell you about this special plan under which you make ·tax-cleductible contribu· tions for yourHtf and your emptoyees and select your own investments. • You•n get information about what type of securities Merrill Lynch would now recom· mend foryourparticipation in the procram. Just telephone today-or mail in the coupon below -to reserve seats for what may well prove one of the most important meetings of your life. If you can 't attend the forum, call or write for Keogh information . No charge or obl i· gatioo , of course. Call Mrs. Lavish at 547-7272. Please reserve ...... seats for your Keogh R• tirement Forum, Thursday, February 20 at Bal· boa Bay Club, Newport Beach. Name ___________________ _ Address'------------------ City & State'------------ZiP•--- Pl1on••------------~----- : Occupation -----------------~ ' ' :5 MERRILL LYNCH, : PIERCE, . i FENNER & SMITH INC i \ 1001 NORTH BROADWAY, SANTA ANA 92702 : TtlephoH: 547·7172 • ,., the cen.,,•nlenc1 el' infflton our office Is open chilly : fr.in 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Satunl•Y• from 7 a.m. te 12 nOOft I AUTO LEASING AH Makes 1 ... ...,1., 1969 Thunderbird 4 Dr. Landau S1l9.00 per -11ttt CORT FOX LEASING 224 D-W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach, Calif. 642·8440 F•t4 A11lhoriitd lt•1in1 Sy1ft lfl ASSETS OVER $<4 25,000,000.00 HEAD OFFICE 315 Ea•t Cotor•do BouS.Vlt P9Mdlna, C.llfomi• 111ot" I Two beach stabilization bar· ricades, each COll!tructed of Bethlehem Steel Corporation's steel sheet piling under a U.S. Corps of Engineers contract, are helping win the battl e between sea and sand at Newport Beach. The first installation was completed early last year after storms in the fall of 1967 had caused severe beach erosion. T b i s necessitated emergency work by state, city and county to save beach-front homes in the area. The second barricade bas We are pleased to anrt0un ce JACK W. ANDREWS recently beefi completed. J. L. Denio, Inc., Bakersfield, is general contractor and J . L. Meek Construction Co. oi Wilmington is piling sub- contractor. The groin is designed to retain, or slo\v down, an alongshore move- ment of sand caused by unusual surf action resulting from seasonal storms off the coast of lower California . According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, steel sheet piling was selected because of its ease of in- stallation is now asJociated with our firm as an ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE in our Lacuna Beach Off ice LAGUNA BEACH • 2111 Forni Avenue 92651 • 17141 494-8041 SAN OtlCO • lOS AHG(US • ,ALM Sf'lllHCS • IC'IElllY HILLS CSCOlllOIDO • u.GIJMA BEACH • U ,IOLU • YlJMA • !l(W YO~tl. • INGS • OTHER BRANCH Ol'l'1CES :Jl'.1""'1~ W•ct Arcech • Covfnti Glend•'9 •/ __ , _____ ----~-------- f I I "*' Hit (lllb,) Hit • L.tw C• CQ. -C- I I Tlladq, ,..., 11, 1'69 H O.AILY I'll.OT J l Tuesday's Oosing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange IJs! c=:-Mwo.t~ l~~~ii~l -· ...... -"". ,_,._ ... _""' .... .... ... 1 'Nit ",,_ ................ "' ... ~ ...... ~ ...... lllllk111 t 1• MM 1°"" -1 Wflt• Jt I 11• 1m, llN -.. ~ f' lf\'Ji It 1N -"' WWllbcr •• • tM JM J:l .. •I "'"1 l '° "" II" ll!l-tt5~'·" 'U'll~lfti!I• tll! ., ' -" Ill f' h "" t'; 9~ 1.• ·~ iii ·H II: ::;·ii ' ';ill ,, I I ·--.... ia DAIL V I'll.OT Despite Bard Llae • ' . ~ . ' <\' • ,.. \ ii v. \. . Chines~~.'it~lntions '• ~ , , I I ., . • 1r Nixon Planning·. New · .Try, at, ... Red • ' . '' i "1JASlllNGTON (AP) -livlni tog<lher In peace. Tiie Slates and ' poolh,ty other Nixon adml..a.u-..,. .• ccbi,.y wlllltl! tp go ·wi ol hll.wlY. to upoet ' Tile \Jlllted Slataftt1 'Issue may have declined Despite )he hard 1!>!< he laid Uolted Slates and China have countries. authorities woodU wholher • r6cliro<al<. the ·Soyietl by .maklle over-posed lhal the · -~what In urgency· .down on Red China policy ~td uoolflclal mee"·-for In tlle W·-·, m "·· P""'•• ~" -·• full anl: But·the '--·-are farm.:... ·~~•-· · · • · · ' ' • 11ie key questioo which the last week, Preslder!t Nbon '""" ""'&~ --ee ...... ,; ~ ww iSlN •· "' , --"'~ tuies to nciu ~ ~ ~ .. the .. -tiixon administraUon appears plans to start a new •vera1 years iD Wana'if, therefore,1(U.S.-.1;Amhassador •mh-_•ldor to Warsaw in CCl'ftpllcated ··than that: 'nle Yet there are preuures on torte m·~:M!ttl . f! 1•tO be intent 00 probing novt diplomatic probe later this Poland. Walter Sloeuel,' Jr. probably time for the Feb. 1.0 sesaioo 1 UnUed Sta&el bu llMl.f ... been ... tk ~nt from ~111 ~·~ ~ 'Cblfiese, ili:tft. ~ ls 'whether in spite ol these moatll Into the possibility of Prelident Nqon was 8'ked """1 ··"' au'1iot\zed to 1uggest or will · the job oil,-· aa bsue ol bi)ter OOlllrovqiy to'3t ~ e;rplore l!!e JJO!Slblh • lbi that ioliP«>acll; ~;i v •1 two Issues -Formosa a~d bnprovlnf U.S.-Peklng rela-••t-.hll'"'!)'S ~erenc;e a'!~ I a ·towerhig, oi;lr1vt1 barrlen tatioo to a 1.... r.inllng I belweeo Red Cbtna and the ty of . opening up contracts, •c!Om~~~t .t!J• oP."!~ Vietnam -the leadership ID liolls. ago '8b0ut bli ~plans • for lni-ai>d in Wine " timilations dlplomat. ' : ' SoYiot Uriloo. and. mly move will> rna!"'"Rd China alter ,., Slatu'_a~~«!IJe Na..,,..!&t Peking may have arrived at ·Nixon is considering p~ proving relations with _Com· on other ~ of , com-At the las't·previ~· meetjng .. W~ ··~w ii bouod yian of~ total separcitiori. :retbM an-a ·P.orJJXU to them. a point where it is prepared poslnj: to the Chinese regime munilt Cblna. He bnmediately municaUon. Jan. 8, 1918, Chen :ruq, 1 -~· l;le. reg~ .suSptctously · -. rn· recent\yem ttbO costly to begin slowly to ease ·that as a first step the two dee~ opposi\ion · to ad-. , · cbar1e d'Jffairs • tn . Wariaw m Mo..cow .as well ,as Pe~ CENTL\L"'D18Pt11'E and ~ding war ln ¥i~ tensions and open means cf , countries relax travtl and milting the country to the Cbma 1 ambassador Io spoke for the Peking Teglme. Thul' a) a time when Nixoo Throogl>out this time the baa been' aootlier ..W )>loclt commuo!Oailon. communicatiot11 b a r r i e r 1 United Natiom under present Waraaw baa been ~nt for BASIC POUCY . hOpes to get acUve and .sue· central dispute b et we ea in·· · tfie ~aY ,of ~' .acom-The ambassadorial talks somewhat Easing ol the U.S. ·clrcumstances. He aJso said morethanayear,haV1n1been cessful cooperation ,with Washington and Peking has modallgnll.'Wilh the~f have run up a totaJ of 134 embargo on trade with the be saw no prospect of any called ~ presumably in 'lbe Nlxo9 adminiStration's MoscoW 1n making peace 1n been over the t'hinese Na-the tiomb\nl ol Nort!i . ' meetings since lbey wen: 01biese mainland might follow change 1n U.S. policy "until coonectioo with P o It t l c •.1 basic PolicY in this tituation t tbe Middle • Eut and 1n tionalist Government ol. Prtsl· last oetob«. boWever, ' the started at Geneva, Switzerland evenblally. some changes occur on their turmoil atlslng from the civil is said to be ooe ol ..-limllll)g dei>loyjnent ol nuclear dent Cblan(•Kal"!belt on the ~ of .the Paris . .. in 1955. Since 1958 they have Some State Department ol· side." strife in hb country. for "friendly relaUoos," with misallU: he ~~ not lliely ,to island of"Formosa. talks iqto la new phase,..\trus been held In Warsaw. ficials believe there is an NIXON INTERESTED wiside chance the Peking Despite this public posture, regime may be shifting its the President-and l;lis advisers policy from a high degree of are reported actively in- 1solation lo a more ~e.s:lble lerested in fiOOing out whether YW11:ition. •-the Chinese may In f"!'t be LIMITED ROPE at a point of exploring new 1be very limited hope held relations wilb the United by some experts is based on the fact that ColTlll1Ullist China Itself proposed Jut November . 4th Book· that the next roond of diplomatM: talki with the ·uru1ec1 s1a1es lhoold be bud · Plan Slated Feb. 20 -a month after the Nixon administration took cf· fie<;. The date, which the State Deparbnent accepted ' b y agreement with President• elect Nixon's advisers at the time, was coupled with a Chinese proposal wh\cb some officlals here considered bopefuJ That the two countries make an agreement 4'on the five princlples for peaceful coexiltence." Preparations are b e I n g made for the fourth annual Adolph A. K r o c h un- dergraduate student book col· lection contest at UC Irvine. The contest is to encoorage book collecling anct reading amcng students. Prizes cf $150, S75 and $25 are awarded to wlnnen. Tile princlples I n c I u d e rtBpeCt for territorial in- t e g r l t y , n o naggression. noninterference, equality and Sponsored by the Friends cl the UCJ Library, the con- test is named in honor of Dr. Krocb, resident of Laguna Beach who is the retired founder of a welJ·known bookstore chain in Chicago. LUNCH AT MR. STEAK HOT SANDWICHES: BIG DADDY STEAK SAN S.n-tcl •" • ~ riill .. ith fr•11i:h ' ffie1. THE "DUKE" BURGER I /l lb. ckopptd 1irfoin. frtnch fri••· THE "DUKE" BURGER WITH CHEESE S1v1 ti •bovt with m1lt1d Americ1n ch1e11 toppin9. RDAST BEEF ON A BUN Sliced thin for t e1!1. fr111ch fri11. CRAzy DOG Foot lon9 hot do9, Co111y hl1nd 1 .. uc1, potelo chip1. CONTINENTAL ler91 h1mbur91r on ry•, filled with Swhs che111 end mushrooms. French fri11 . COLD SANDWICHES: ITALIAN HOAGIE Ch••••, bolo1111, 11ltmi, "''"· to1111to11 •IMI l1ttuc• 011 • roll. Pot1to ch1pt. MR STEAK CLUB DELIGHT Combination "•con, l1tf11c.., to111ato, cold ehic\1n on +et.te4 hr11d. Polito c:hip1 or colt 1l1w. .99 1~04 l.10 .90 1.20 1.25 1.30 The followina sandwicltes are served with pickles and choice of potato chips or cole slaw. BACON, LETIUCE, TOMATO _ ................... 95 SLICED COLD CHICKEN .. ·-···-------.85 GRILLED CHEESE -.................... --.--.. -.50 .HAM & AMERICAN CHEESE ------.95 COLD ROAST BEEF ·-·----.95 TUNA SALAD -·--------.75 ' ' SOUP. OF THE DAY (cup) .20 CHILI .50 We are also serving our famous line of USDA C.HOICE STEAK DINNERS and many other dinner specials at any time of day, Dessert menu, too. OPEN 11 AM to 9 PM 2267 FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA • Who Cari Read Just' One 'Peanuts'? ,I ' • ...,.., ' . - -' r' .. .. ,.. Sea '69 ..• and while you are visiting the FASHION ISLAN D BOAT SHOW •. take time out and see what the 58 wonderful stores at Fashion Island have to offer during their· .f.day sale'.. Lincoln's Birthday Sale Starts Wednesday, Feb. 12, fashion Island, Newp0rt Center I ,, ( -----~--_: --------..... -' ' I ' < I I Valley , EDITIOtt VO[ 62, NO. 36, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUt{TY, Q~IA ' 'tU~Y. ~llY ! r, lM TEN cam 1 . , .. ~ Ban Urg~d ·on Oil Drilli~g Off Hu~tingtoll • • ~ ~ t • By JEROME F. coi.iJNs Of Ille DllB' Phi! SI.ti Newport Beach city councilmen decid- ed Monday to llOW1d out Huntington Beach and Seal Beach on the possibility of ~~l'!I the Orange Coast's oil drilllQg sanctuary north of the Santa Ana 'River.' '.I Oll ,pe1i.,)jty ls ntw banQed in • slate wite(I souijJ.of the river to the Mexican ttQrder. Tbr....Jianctuary w~ establi!bed 1!l' lbe SbolJ-Omnin&ham Act . • Newport councilmen, alarmed by the Santa ~a oil poUulloo dlsasteJ, said they want the sanctuary's llmJts shoved farther north because "oil slickll don:t respect eqlitical boundaries." , At tM same time, the OOUncil unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a prohlbiUog against · drilling in federal waters beyond the SMll..Qm. n.ingham Act's three-mile offsbo~lhnits. Vice Mayor LindaJey Parsons proposed seWog the '""port al HunlinPD Beach .. and Seal llelCb ln·tbe clly'1 llght qalnat Seal BeaCh would '10 ....,ii~ 'l:b'l''re ~ an 'lccompllJhmenL Hair 1. Jool Is the threlt of oU pollution. very unhappy ·with-tbtJltllaUo(I." _ betlfr than~none." · ' • "I thlnt It just may be thal H~on Hurlburt aaid mcJf1 cttfeaJ li1t hive U tbe two norlbern C!!UJllY. cttlel go BeaCh's character 1111 chaoged," be ex-oil pO'OdacUon In their oflllhore .waters aJooa .with the ~. AW Newport al· plained.'' It used to be an oil community. •'get 1· very SQIOll •ntum for their liciala,. tbe county's n;rtlllllltiv• In But it may not be .op.'' troublea." • · Sacramento 1fOUkt. '=="MNJ be City Manqer Harvey L. Hurlburt was Ha aid h< would dtlcila tbe eXtonslon uted to draw up tbe rod Joil!la!IOO. quick to qree. "!'hive the feetlng ,, propoial wtlb HunUngtoo lliacb-.nd ¥ lt...;wu CGlllldorld ullJlbli thet that Ibey might be m<n """P.llva. now Beach autborlUOl-m.thl nut few:chlta-any!'W>J """1d be dooe ·iliGU1'-. .. utai>lon of the Sbell.Qinnlngham "ll we pt Seal Beach'•' aup;i>rl and wellil • ..,. In °operiUoo,""'11i-'<ll ·lbe Acttbanlheywereafewweebqo." not H~ Belch'i."-Ukl Coun • rlftr. But there nuld '·l».ioo further ~·Doreen llanball lltied, •I lm!?w cllman Robeil ~. "tha1 wOuld llil acQrity. -. • : _ a1n ·ncrease_s- • • • 'Super' Plan Aired ,Beach Hears Overseeing Proposal By WILIJAM REED OI IM DaHy Plllf Slaff A system using a sort of "super depart· ment bead" to oversee planning and development functions in city govern- ment wu ouUined Monday night for tho HunUngtoo -Beach· City Council by Alan G. Orsborn, Anaheim's city dlr<ctor ot developmental sen"ices. Oniborn, wbo was mayor of Pomona at the time that cify was involTed in building a new mall and parting Jot. s1~so to s2~Ta has been with Anaheim for the past four years. He said the Anaheim system is one of consolidatii:ig all · c i t y departments which might be involved with ·zoning and development. Consolidated are planning, zoning.- building, code enforcement and pro- motional activities as they are involved In development of the city, he told the cooncil. "'lbe success of the program in Anaheim ,b rather self~vident." be said. ' Ocean View Schools Set Date for Tax Hike V·ote Trustm of Ocean View School District In Hwitjngton Bea~h Monday aet May 6 as .the date of a special. elecu9n to ask the voters to approve a tu hike of Sl.25. It was the unanimous decision o( the Beach Voters Face Decisions On Taxes, Bonds Voters in the Hilntington Beach City School District wili decide in two weeks whether the di5ttict's tu rate should be increased and whether the district should sell somt: $4.75 million in bonds. The school fina,oce election is scheduled for Feb. 25 in the district, whlch stret- ches across the lower half of Huntingtoh JJ4!ach. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to a p.m. ,. The tax increase proposal ·asks fw a five-<:ent increase each year for thtee yura. U apprOved, the rate would be 11.40 In 11189-10, 11.45 In tf!0-71 and 11.so 1n 1111-n. If the measure is not approved, the district's tax rate wlll fall to the statutory 90 cents per 1100 assessed valuaUon., The second ballot measure involves a require.ffient that the district remain bonded to 5 percent of Its capacity lf it is to take advantage of state building loans alr:eady approved by vol· ers. , District oUlcials ~. at• its present rate of "'growth, the ' .district needs to build two.. addlUoi:uU tlementary schools per year 'and a new bttermediate scbbol every foar .Yeats. trustees that the dialrict must lncrea!e its tax rate for operation from the present SI.SO per $JOO aSlleSsed valuation to $2. 75 for two years in order to raise the district from the bottom of the list of per pupil spending for educ.ation. Trustees said that children in the Ocean View District might be at a disadvantage as they move on through high school and college in competing with students from other elemenatry school districts whlch spend more money educaUng their children. - District Supt. Clarence Hall pointed out that the district presently i3 44th on a list of « comparable school districts with tis spending of $C25.5a per student. He said that the average tax rate of the 44 districts is $1.80 more than the present rate In Ocean View District. Ocean View district voters rejected a 90-cent increase three years ago and the district has been operating on what trustees have called "bare bones finan- cing" since. Members Sought For Thunderbirds Westminster's Thunderbirds are look- in& Jor members to fill the ranU of the award winning majorettes, color a;uard.s, baton corps and drum corps. Tbe lf"OUP has been organized just two y e a r s, but already has won more than JOO trophies. rn June the color guards placed st.:1 In the American Legion state champiOnships while the baton corps won a third place. lnfonnaUon on the organization may be obtained by calling Mrs. Ann Brewer at 77%-4-l55. ~· .. •· . Roper _ Cof!l~~ ~i~ _Curl ·Kt_ . . ' .. • 'l • ·-.. 1 Ace ettitor Steve Roper wu abotlt to hit the beech ((Ir ·a ~ul Yl&!.lkm 1 at SUrf'a Inn when Dodie Switt, a jet tetter with ' convertible wig showed up, ' moving In and out al f11! Wo In ber du! ldent!ty _u blonde darling al the in- ternatiooal set and fJruMtte rac• !leer'• moll m the tan\.. , See how Roper -tbe curls -and c:becl:a !hi footprlnla on the beach -to find out whit IJlllUs Dodie nm In !hi epllode cumntly under ••Y in SteY< Roper, iiewOll coiblc lltrlp In the DAILY PILOr. It lllarbl today on Page al. \ I I "We've tried to eliminate the red l!pe for the developer became too often a lack of communication ts tbe real culsrit in red tape and we can eliminate -tbal" With his system, developers or Pot.en-' tial di!velopers can find city. help in working through t.be maze of laws 1overiilnl developing . industrial, coin- -or restdenttal clevelopmeilbl. ' . Sllartcula ... be taken and --(See PLANNING.Jl'.lil:• '•' ·, '.rt 4 ·...:...: ..... ~ .: -s~~:' &ansl,on I Urges .Spe-edup Of _Nuclear Plant . . A speedup in construction of the Bolsa Island nuclear desalUng plant oft' the coast or Huntington Beach has been urged .by Sen. Alan Cranston. Speaking In Sacramento Monday. Cranstm said the project should have "top priority" in plans to develop water source! to aid in sol\'.ing the future waler probletru1 of Southern California. Bolsa Island is back in tbe planning staj:e after having betn shelved for a time because of high cost eattmates. Directors of the Metropolitan Water Distrid (MWD) decided that the plant should be built and set the early 1970's as a target for start of construcUon. Cranston has joined other state officials in pus h I n g for development of the desalinizaUon plant with the aid of federal funds. The plans for a combination water desalting plant and an eleet.rlcal power plant had been scrap~ when the cost estimates Increased from $444 million to about f165 million. Private uUlity companies aod the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power dropped out or 'the project leaving the MWD alone. MWD directors would like the federal government to continue lo 8.SIUJ'e at least the f72 million already voted for the project, a 40-acre man made •island off Bolsa Chica Slate BeaCh, and perhaps to -tbl parUClpatkn. , t • , · 1 •• • • • 1 , 1 ·1 J . ' O.'\Y Pll#I"""' ""''". '...,.,.f;/r)t1.·1',•I . ..,, BOYS EYE ONE Of· CITY'S. ;w.r.TER'H~QS. , . Rolils Mako Huntlft9!M 'Cl,.. of, A1~!0fld 1Lllku' I . ' l ..... , I -' ' ' ' ',.. ~ ....,~ •• • . .11 , ·:,.•,\.1-1 ,,r,.1,, ·> .. , ,lr, ' ' ' ~ ' ' f .; 'It• 1•1 r J ). '"I 1 J ', • R«ins Turn 8uniington .. Into City of 1,0~0 .Lakes·· City •of ' a1 thousand lakes would be an appropriate description of Huntington Beach sJ'nce the recent heavy 'r-alna left thelr mark of puddles, lagoons and ... ._. "Rain .Jskes are a perennial problem here," e1plained Jim Wheeler, director of public works. ''Thbl year was as bad as I've seen," he added. Near record rains have dotted the city with aom~ beautiful, aometimes Beach Hiring Appraiser · To Check Out Parking Lot . ' Par&0ns underlCOfld tbe need. for twltt acUon by pointing out that last fall the. atate said It would corWder bida for additional drilling in waters off Hm- Ungtoo B<ach. "J'm very concerned about this,'* he sal~. "AU "I• ~,ls to hl•e I nice oil Island right out iMre by tbe river. It might be In HunUnglon llea'ch, but it would wreck our view." • The councll resi>lutlon on oil operalions (See DRILLING, Pap J) rea . ' More Sands_ l • . J'iililii1 -at ~ Air ad .,,.. l'ollallOll . ~I~ II )il-- flii• .dan up lul:, salil JD<ilt of lbt .ii lid 'wlahed ui-. : BUI ·globs ot-tho more than :131,GUO I pllona al oil that leaked from In ollsbo<e well floated from me to lour miles of! a 40-mile stretch of coasl on both sides of santa Barbara. A combination of winds and iPCflR currents tePt the major concenlraUon in the same. poslUon, but winds from the neW storm could move the oil to th~ llOUtb later tn tbe week. "Wtods accompanying the new storm will be out ·or the southeast at nm." a U.S. Weather Bureau forecaster said. "That would tend to push the allct bid: up thJ! c;ci~ toward Santa Barbara. "HQ1'ever, after the main front has ~. tbe wind& will bact up toward .th• J!Otthwest, perhaps uo Wednesday. 'Ibis would tend to jlU.111 tbe oU down the coast to the southeast." It was the shilling winds which at first kept the sUck away Crom the coUIJlne , but tben pushed It onto 30 miles of white beaches and into harbors last week. Authorities were hoping the remnants Of the slick either woW.d be carried out to sea or pushed onto beacbe!: ~1 polluted where men and equipment were avallable·to clean it up. About 1,500 men were working on beaches and tn harbors mopping up the oily mess. The Union Oil Co. well was sealed Friday nlgbt afler it leaked for 11 days. The l!""°"ous petroleum had !bl greatest effect on shore birds whOse feathers, eyea and beaka were fouled with th< acrid crude oil A total of 1,099 blrdl bid --by alato fuh and game olllclaltl by Mondi)' nlgbt. Of these, 539 were dead c:n arrival or died .. alter they _. treated with chemical baths. Orufe . C.u& ' 'Weatlaer • % o.<llY "LOT M Parks Group · ~Ks Valley I 0-year Plan Tho propo8td 10-yur Fountain Vailey financial plan was endorsed by the city's Parks and Recreation Ccmml&- 1.ion at a special meeting Monday ntgbl. Commill1-I -unaided e ft 1 .....,U oppnwed of tbe plan • I pel' Wiii to tbe parlll ""' nir'eotloa dft>li'I' rncnt. Parks and recreatlon comml'51oners praised the financial proposal and said U WU Jn '4acelleai" plan. ,, ~ The cmunil.sion allo made three • cUng.. Jn tbe porb element of Uii, elty'• master plan. River Park, a two-acrt aite located at Ellis Avenue and FAeclid Street, was -to tbe plan. Localed ... land Jeued fl'Glll tho Orange County Santt11Jon Di.11.rict, RJver Park Ls to be developed throuib volun- teer labof and dom.ted materlall u a camp~ooly. Two 11Jtes were officlaDy dro d from master plan by the commissl>f:i. A proposed park site near the Green Acre.s condominium was eliminated be- cause 1 a>-acre park already exists in the cOndomlnlwn. Another park alle DW' EUls Av...,. and Ward street wu also eliminated b:ecause of an atre.dy exlsUna' part. The non ttlUlar 'l!l<dJni of !he oom- mission will be at I p.m., March 12. 11le Feb. 26 meeting was canceled because of a parks and recreation conference tn San Francisco that week. p...,,. Pqe 1 PLANNING ••• Interpreted ........... Orsborn npfalned. The main object of the system is to make everything &! easy as pogsible for the developer, be explained, pointing cut that "it makes for good bulinea all°"" tbe line". Orsborn said that he is directly responsible lo the city manager and haa under him an auiatant who handles planning and !he headll of !he zonJng. building and onforcement teeliON. "We don't act u • czar of mdng but we do have a Jot of latitude. We have a very happy aituaUon, developers get prompt ad.loo and In moo! cues tbe 1h1ng .,._ to be a problem the quieter we can act on tt," he l!Xplained. Admltllng 1hat when the system .... first inltituted '"we ·did have some penonnel problems" be oplalned that tbe penonnel pcob1'ms dlalpalnd quickly "when people found out that the new l!)'lllem belped them do their jobs better." Huntington Beach officials have been considering a aim.liar reorg•njratlon wltft Planning Director Kenneth Reynoldl pro- mloently mentiooed lo bead up an U:· paneled developmental posiUon. Presumably present department heads would remain in charge of their present 5eciion much u they are now but report dlrtdly to the new "super department head". ' C. E. ''Bill'' Wood, preside¢ of the Chamber of Commerce, said MODday night that !he chamber baa just formed an ecooomic development dlvlal\'D ·doing many of !he same jobs as outll!led by Orsborn. "In many ways what Bill Back, the economic development coon:Unator, is doing It tbe same as ooUlned by Orsborn. I would hope that Ibey (the clly c:oondl) will give our operaUon a chance for a while." Bombay Police Fire On Rioting Mobs BOMl!AY (AP) -Police !lreil on riot· Ing mobs today In aeven dilferent areu of Bombay as looters took advantage of the factional violence between language groups that h a a killed &t leut SI per· sons and injured nu.rly 500 in five days, Authorities said thieves, hooligans and slumdwe.llers now J>OSfi • bigger threat than the ethnic f&ctlons, looting sho~ and factories in the confusion. OAllY PllOI tlllAHGE COA$T PU.LJ$HING (OMMNY ll•\i.e rl N. W••• ,.,,,;.unr end ~11blldllr J.tcli: 11. c,,1.y "''' ,,,,i.tnt 11111 <;,,..., .. Mll!fffr Th•"''' k••~il l:tilw l~•,..•I A. Myr,kinl MIN9fflt E•Hw Alb,,1 w. 1.1,, wan .. ,., •••~ .._,_,•le M""l"'-IOl'I •1.ut Ca11or c11r t:lllttll' H•1N11~11 IHCll Oftke lOt Ith Strtet Mt<lj"'f -'~411111 P.O. lew 7'11 ttMI 0--,,.,..,..,,, k•c~: 7211 wttl ..... ..,.,, .,. lD>I• Mt»: llO Wt" .... ....... • • Eufl Pickin's Invader• Escape Reds SlaID Camp ' On Supply Route SAIGON (UPI) -Two Communist rocket barrages hammered a U.S. camp aatrlde guerrilla infiltration routes from Cantbqdla to Salion, woundlnl 11 penon1, 14 of them Americans, head· quart.era 1ald today. Allled mortarmen at the camp ment Veneman Move Makes Room For Burke Juggling of Callfomta Aaaembly com· mlttee posiUons lo fill posts held by Nixon Administration appointee John G. Veneman has put one Orange County legislator In a new Sacramento job. a 600-round counterbarrage toward the guerrilla racketeers and U.S· helicopters carried 200 soldier1 to tbe Red firing site. But there was no slgn of the Communisls. The eight-round salvos late Monday and early Tuesday into the U.S. 2Slh Division camp $7 miles northwest of Saigon also damaged a meu hall .. i:~ee Vietnamese civllians and two F1hp1no soldiers were among the wounded. The U.S. reacUon force reported seeing the second barrage leave the rocket laun· chm but could not catch the men who fired iL Within Howitzer range of Cambodia, the camp sit.ea lie amid part of the 40,000..man Communist buildup that is expected to launch heavy attacks toward Saigon ne1t week during the Tet lunar: new year holidays. Clam !oven and sea gulls have had a field day along three-mile stretch of beach near Watsonville, Calif., where freak tide washed ashore thousands of clams , crabs and •starfish. Thousands of clams went into chowder pots and the stomachs of sea gulls. The rest died high on Ute dry beach. Assemblyman Robert Burke (R·Hun- t l n gt on Beach) will succeed Assemblyman Wadie Deddeb (D-Chula Viata) as vice chalnnan of the TransportaUon Committee. In Saigon, where U·S. Intelligence ex· peels a Tet terror wave, thrff Viet Cong bombings and attacks on civil defense offices Monday killed one person and wounded sir, South Vietnamese spokesmen said. Government Marines who uncovered 10 tons d. Communist arms over the weekend reported uneartlilng three more tons of guerrilla supplies 60 miles north of Saigon in a labyrinth of tunnels. The new discovery included 60 long-range rockets, possibly intended for use during Tet. Cuba Will Allow Planes to Carry Pas8engers Back Beach Suspect Labeled Venem~ has not. actually resigned yet to join Republican colleagues in Washington , but Assembly Speaker R.o~rt T. Monagan (R·Tracy) has begun kicking other chairmen upstairs. Appointed Friday, Veneman will be top aide of Health, Education and Wel- fare Secretary Robert H. Finch former California lieutenant governor. ' U.S. intelligence officers have said the expeeted Red offensive would be a Com- munist attempt lo show battlefield strength during the Paris negotiations for peace. Dangerous Sex Off ender Monagan namt.d William T. Bagley (R-San Anaelmo) as chairman of the Revenue and Tautioo Committee, a post held by Veneman. In an announcement pertinent to the peace talks, the U.S. command said North Vietnamese soldiers Inside the border demilitari:ed zone (DMZ) fired on a U.S. spotter plane Monday, drawing a U.S. artillery counterattack that trig· gered five fireballs. WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Tho Unlled states todlJ 8llDOUllCOd an ..,...,..t wllh Cuba under whlcb pauenpn on hijacted American lllrlin<rl Will be permllled to """Unue their filcbt abol(d tbe wnepi.nu. A State Department 1 p o k e 1 m a n , Roberl J. McCioaUy, aaJd the United Slala wu grallfled by the agreemeot but polnled out that ft did, not 10!ve tbe pr1nclpol problem -•bow to bait or dlmlnllh1be nmnber of bl~p. McClotiU'y aid of. the MW "un- derstandinc:' wbk:b WU worked out through tho SWlu Embul!)' In' l!Avima, "We wekomo tbla more osped!UQa. -'-1"!. more convenient method of. ~J pauengen: to Mlam.l on tbe aame 'jliill. that bal been bijacbd. It M~ -m:ealed thot the Fidel ~f>vm>men:abad, """"')n- u.;(L')i ... -.le, -baclr • Iii . Ifie bland • republic Cubans Jn tbe United Slalel who want to Co bome. Tbe Unlltcl Stata !alt yur llUQUtod that Cuban> wishing to -10 home be flown aboard aircraft or the "freedom airlift" whlch return empty to Cuba alter brlnglna refugees dally to Florida. UnW llooday, !he Cuban> had perm!~ led ooly tbe crew of an lllrlln<r for<:<d to Havana to fly back to !he Unll<d Stalel. Tbe puoengen had to wait to be plcted up by aircraft charter by' the airline on whose plane they were flylng when it was hijacked. The first tangible result of the new understanding came Monday when an Eastern Airlines OC8, diverted t.o Havana during a flight from San Juan lo Miami, was permitted lo conllnue on to Florida with all the passengers who had hffi1 aboard with the e1ception of the hijacker. Stale Department o!fleJalt said !he limited agreement WM heartening but pointed out that it did nothing to resol ve the main proble1n, which iJ to find waya to deter hijackers. Scout Campsite Goes on Display A complete campsite of 22 tenla, grub boxes for six patrols and cooking facilities will be put on display Wed· ne.1day at Lamb School by Boy ScO'Jt Troop 317. The display will be set up for the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the school grounds at 10251 Yorktown Ave., Huntington Beach. A first-aid tent m&Med by acoots who have p.....i !he firMld test for !he rant of Flnt Class ScO'Jt wW be Included in tile display. Boy ScO'Jls lhroughout Huntington Beach are currently ce.lebratlna Boy Scout Week, Feb. 7·13. A Huntington Beach man arrested alter he allegedly assaulted a Balboa IJland woman 11 back from a three-month study seuloo at Atascadero Slale Hospital wllh a report that describes him u ••a dangeroui, mentally disordered IM!J: of. fender." Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner has aet March 3 as the date on which he wW study tbe rtport filed on Cbarlea John Trautwein, 31, of 2lll9I Cralmer by Judge Wl!llam Speln when he wlihdrew pleaa of lnnocent and pleaded gullly to usault with lnlent to npe. Traulftln WU pcooeculed follow1ng ~ Grand Jury lndlctment which alleged that be attempted last Aug. 2 to npe a Balboa Wand woman. Beach Jaycees "':-:'~ ·~-~ W<>~g Ahead Lincoln's Birthday may not have ar· rived u yet and Memorial Day still ls monthl away, but members of the Huntington Beach Jaycees are already thlnklng of !he Fourth of July. "Callrornla HJstory" is the theme for the 65lh nmnlng of the huge July ! parade through the streets of downtown and for the. third yelr the event wlfl be run by the Jaycees. T h e theme commemorate! the 200th anniversary or the first settlement Jn the state. Entries In all seclions including theme division will be judged and win· ners will be awarded trophies. The parade route will be the same as last year's 1.8 miles. Entry blanks will be available on March 8 and the Jaycee Parade Chairman Tom Uvengood said that he expected the entries to come in early and in volume as they have In past years. From Page 1 DRILLING. •• In federal waters was directed to the county's Congressional delegation, to Senators Cranston and Murphy, and lo Interior Secretary Walter Hickel. It declared : "The council consJders it essential that the protection against oil drilling afforded by the Shell-Cunningham Act be extended lo prohibit oil drilling operaUonJ on the federaUy conlrolled water beyond the three-mile limit." It urged that ''Immediate steps" be taken to establish legal restrictions against all ofl.sWe dri1llng along !he Orange and San Diego County coutllne and that tough new standards be developed for oil activities in all federal waters. * * * Seal Beach Takes Steps .. On Planned Oil Operation Th< Stal Bach City Council Is tUln( llepl to IUIUl'e that tbe elly wlll not be banned by a clrtlling and pumplnl operation planned by !he Cootlnental OU Compuy jun oulslde !he beach conununlly. City Manager Lee Risner expl1lned that Contlnental's well iJ just out.aide: the clty In county territory. "But It' wtJI tap the au and oU raerves under Old Town and other areu ol tbe city." Test markl have bttn aet up ln sec- tions of the elty to bop !tack of possible subsidence due to oU operations and under terms of a new ordinance just poued by tbe .....U !he .Clly ,.111 !aka !he oil """Plll1 to court U Iha land It alnklns. The object would be to get the com· pany to beJ!n repmswizatlon of the land, pump111g sea water lm'o the earth to compemate for oil and gas nmoved by the production wells. The eJty manager pointed oot that the city cannot force the drlllm lo 1ink reprmurizatioo wells and that lhe apoteamen for the oil companies · bave discounted !he posslbillly of subsldenc<. "But we hive done everything we can lo prot<Ct Stal Beach from posatble 111 effects." The first drill sile Is olf Bay Boole- vard near a small producing neld north of Seal Beach. Two other 111<1 have been dtalpm.I u oo !he N.,al Wea- 61auoo land. - Police said scrtamJ by the girl's room· Lane. Trautwein WM sent to Atascadero mate licafed Trautwein into escaping via the second story paUo. Officers said Trautwein Jeft his trous· ers in the bedroom. Bail was subsequently set by Judge Willlam Speirs at '25(1,000. Trautwein's wealthy father brought that amowit in cash stashed In mailbags to the courtroom. The Atucadero report states that Trautwein ii ••not amenable to treat· ment and la a danger to the health and safety of others." Atucadero doctors diagnosed Traut- weln u "aoclopathic personality dish.tr!). a.nee, sexual deviation (aggressive sau- allty, rape)." • ~?nagan also said Assemblyman W.1lliam Campbell (R·Haclenda Heights). will replace Alex Garcia ( D -L o s Angeles), as vice chainnan of the new Urban Affairs and HouaJng Committee. Garcia, the only Mexican-American legislator, quit as vice chainnan saying he believed his selection was an "af· tt:rthought" designed to placate minorilt groups. In a aeries of other changes prompted by Veneman's departure, Monagan an- nounced: -Assemblyman Robert Beverly (R· Manhattan Beach), replaces Bagley as chairman of tbe Floance and lnJurance Committee, and Aw!mblyman Henry Arklln (R·Pacoima) replaces Veneman as a member. The top U.S. negoli.ator in Paris, Henry Cabot Lodge, has proposed demilitarizing the DMZ as a first step toward peace in Vietnam. But the Communists so far have rejected the plan. Harvard Prof Speaks Harvard Medical School Professor cf Psychiatry Seymour Kety will !!peak on "Blogenic Amines and Behavior" on the UC Irvine campus at 3:00 p.m. Wednes· day in 104. Physical Sciences. Tllere will oe no admission charge. ~1NGSERV1 t BE OUR GUEST! 15% Bottle: 17% Case REDUCTIONS FOR FEB. AND MARCH ------- DIAR PUM.IC: W• •t Hl·T1MI •r• h•ppy to •nnounce new s •vi n 9 1 on quel ity br•nd1. In keepin9 with our firm '• belief, "th•t you 9et wh•t you p•y for," w• 1h•ll continu• to weed out inf•ror pro-. ducts. ···~ .. of ... tr.. .,...._ ecc 1p1we ttr ow • l1a11r1 hr HI- TIMI •••• llr•1tl .,.,.... ....... .... "' offer ... pooMlc 15% -er.. ,., ••• - ,!17% ..... ,..._, _.Mardi1-r .. --"'"" .. _.. ef ICOfdt. ....... .... .,..._,.,.•cme. For tho•• who h•'Hn't t•1ted Ht-nMn 1 • .,.. OUI •pirih, .,,. hav• , ... duceod their prlc• fot two,........ • 1i119J. bottle ,...,,. __ ' BOURBON-6 yr. old KENTUCKY STRAIGHT $429 FOR DEUYERY $49~s RFIH SAVE ••• TIME & MONEY PLUS TAX PLUS TAX CALL 548-9314 $529 FttEE DBJYERY $61 95 QUART IN ORANGE COUNTY CASE QUARTS PLUS TAX FOR CASE ORDERS PLUS TAX SCOTCH -6 y-old -LIGHTEST OF BLENDS $485 CHARGE $54 95 FIFTH CASE FIFTHS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX $585 ACCOUNTS $65 95 QUART AVAILABLE CASE QUARTS n.UJ TAX rLUS TAX VODKA -100°/o Grain 5p1i·1 I 1-Charcoal Fi1t 9C1 " $.319 RFTH PLUS TAX . ERY DELIV HOU RS $36~~5 PLUS TAX $399 ' QUART 10 AM to 10 PM $46~~ PLUS TAX 1 rLUS TAX SMART, CLEAR HAU' GALLONS PLAS.TIC GLASSES ' FEB~ SPECIAU :J0% !NVINTORY CLIARAHCI OLD FASHION ;; 69¢ Hl·IALL ;GL 111 .... .... "'' ... MtlMnaGOI ftl. IOUllON "" fllLllSCHlllAlllrl .... HJ.TIMI sr YOOU. HW&n s15" llCOTCH -.. ..... HI-TIME GOURMET FOODS " SP1Rm I 459 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 548-9314 l-:========--=-:.-=-.:..:..=~=-:~::._::::::~·~I \ I I· I .. • ' LagOna .. Beaeh ~'•Flaal • t • N.Y •. Steek.8 EDITIO N • voi:. 62, NO. 36, 2 SECTIONS, 26 P>,GES ORANGE CO,UNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 'If.' '.1969 TEN CENTS ' ' Ambulance Man Claims City Costs.-Hini Cash II)' RICHARD P. NALL OI "" D.ilf •1111 StlM An irate Laguna Beach ambulance service Owner feels the city rw con- tributed to bis business woes by.licehlfug oompetilon and tailing to pay lllfflclent subsidy for~his emergency service. Robert Mudge, owner of Marty's Am· bulance Service, said be loet $5;033 in 1968 in uneollectable ·emergency trips made for UM 'city. .., Mudge iald he has lost bis two am· • bulancea as . weD but Is operallng the business with an ambulance from another service and trying to get back on his feet ecopmllcally. The dly jl8ld Mudge !200. monthly as a subsidy for tiis company provkllng an in-city ambulance service. Mudge maintain< lhal the figure should be !Pl to $1,000 per month to .. 1t1Stain an am- bulaoce~service. " • He po!ols DUI lhal Ume Ji If the essence "When human agony ·and We ,are involved. , Councilmen last wetk licensed La Paz Ambulance Service w bandle city can. until a stable ~angemtnt ls· reached. Tbe service haS one ambulauce ta. the L$Jre World area and ·another in Sin Clemente. ' • City Manager James D. Wheaton is to report back to councllinen with pro- posals of other ambulance eom~ "I told . Wheaton I 'COWd not, alrord lo run U>e &ervlce on What they were paying," said Mudge. "lnsleed of trying lo ·figure out a way w eDrrecl I~ he called La Pu and asked them il they would cover." Mudge a&ld tbe county pays for emefgency tripe: that cannot be collected within 45 daj>I. He 'feels the city lhDuld have a lllmllor arf...,.....L Mudge abo reets the cltT abDuld help him with his uncollectable·t• 1CCOUDts receivable for Ill ernerpney rallll Mudge al>o• .,...,Ins • lhar licellling ~-,_.. •h " . -~ ambulances services nOt located In Laguoe has the pos!Uve ~ect or making it impossible for a Laxuna servipe to survive because of mt J>usiness. Asked about the conaeouoo, City Maoager Wbealon aald:llle mailer <oWd be argued both Woy> ~ said, "I would be the tut -"' ..... ~ "' the couiicll lhal It restrain Ille workingl DI the mamt place (eompejilloo)." Wheelon said , Mudge bl calcljlating ~ emerpncy cOll ~ bi 111111 would a1n nc·reases IC To. Block· Preserve• Irvine Heiress Files New Suit FILES NEW LAWS I Joan I rvlne Smith Schools, P arents Again to Seek Traffic Signal Laguna Beach schOOI officials a1id Pfll'enta may begin lhe wooing or the Slate Highway De'partment again this year in the attempt to gel a traffic slgnal on Coast Highway at El !\iorro School. The State Division of Highways last year turned down Laguna Sea.ch pleas for a light at the school entrance. But parents and school chief.a plan to try again, fearful of a fatal accident. . In a letter to the school board meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock, attorney James F. Penny expresses concern about the transportation proced~ on Coast Highway, noting that 1n tbree weeks, he has seen three near·mi!lSU between school busu and other vehicles. Dr. William Ullom, district superin· tendent. said the district will begin renegotiating with the state £or the light. Stock M•rketa , NEW YORK (AP) -'llte stock market 11.ruggled to a small gain today In a ses· sion cut to three hours because ol New York Oty's snow emergency. (Set quota· Uops, Pages 10-11). By TOM BARLEY ot -. DaUY r1i.1 ,,.,. ·Ranch heiress Joan Irvine Smith today has on file a new lawsuit challenging the right of the Irvine Company to set aside more than eo,000 acres of ifs land u an agricultural preserve. Mrs. Smilh claims in her suit in Los Angeles Federal COurt that the com· P,'1"1'• acliDn "will mu11 in -,1 tin..,.. dal km and damage" ,to her and wouli! immedlatily devalue lier llO· aharu of stock; In the giant land coocem. Mrs. Smith owns 21.1 percent of the capital stock of the Irvine Company. The Irvine heiress describes the com- pany's 80,000 acres of land in Orange County "as potentially the most vaJuable piece of land under single ownership in the workl today_ .•. with an estimated n)3l'ket value Of $1 btllioa." She states that the area about to become an agricultural preserve has a ~t market value of $200 million. ~ty supervisors last week backed their planning commlasio•'• ........ mendation that the a ,1195 acres of Irvine territory be granted preserve status. The action seals olf the acreage from any use other than agricultural for the next 10 fears. ' Mrs. Smith argues 1'that the scheme to place sucb valuable lands in an r.gricultural preserve is a fraud not only l·n the Irvine Company and its minority stockholders but also on lhe taxpayers of Orange County." She contends that the major portion of the property "will remain in its present vacant condition during the en- tire period· of the agricultural preserve agreement." Mrs. Smith asks that the contract between Irvine and county supervisors be nullified pending a hearing by the United States Supreme Court of a petition in which she seeks court support of her argument 'that the James Irvine trust 'be declared Invalid. Previously rejected at the appellate level, her suit seeks the recovery "for James Irvine's bein at law" ol. more lhan 1811,900 In ....i.; Including 459 shares of the Irvine Company stock. Mrs. Smith claims that the shares are "Illegally beld" and alto dernar.ck more than $13 million in dividends and capital gains received by the James Irvine Foundation. Named as defendants bf Mn. Smith in her new legal action are : The Irvine Company; the James Irvine Foundation; Wllliam R. Mason of Newport Blach, company president and director; Charles s. Wheeler' COJ;f!pany secretary or Corona del Mar; N. Loyall McLaren, chairman o( the lrvine board and Foundation pres!· dent; Mark R. Sullivan Foundallon trustee and company director and John v. Newman, Foundation trustee and com- pattf dlreclor. Wig Flips R oper Com bs the Curl Att editor lleve Roper was about to hit the beach tor a restful vacatlOn al Surf's Inn when Dodie Swift, a jet letter with 1 convertfble wig showed up, movl~ in and out of his 11.fe in her dual idenUty 11 blpnde: darling of the In· tcmaUonal set and brunette racketeer'• moll ti'! the lam. See how Roper combo the curls -i.nct checks the footprinta on the beach -to find out what makea, DocUe run ln lbe epiaioCte currently under way in stcve Roper, newest comic atrlp In. the DAILY PILOT. It ttarU todl1 Gn Pqe 20. ,( ) Full Coast Ban Asked On Drilling By JEROME F. COWNS Of ""' Oaltr Piiat Sltff Newport Beach city councilmen decid· ed Monday w llOUl1d DUI Hunllnglon Beach and Seal Beach on the pol&lblllty of extending the Orange Coast's oU drilling sanctuary north of the Santa Ana River. I ' Oil activity ts now banned in It.ate waters south of tbe ri:ver to the Mexican border. The sanctuary was establilbed ~y, ll!o ~L(>•qni•I~ ¥!-.,,.,. •. -Newport ~ ~1>1 the • Santa Batb8ta oil PoTuitioD ~.said J ~....- they want the sanctuary'• .limltl1tboved farther north -"oll slick& don't respect pollUcal boundlries." At the same time, the council unanimously adOpted ·a r,aolution calling for a probiblUon agel<l!t drilling In federal walen beyDDd the Sholl.CW.· ningham Act's•fhree.mlle ollihore liriiits. Vice Mayor Lindaley Parsons proposed seeking the support of Huntington Beach and Seal Beach in the city's fight against tbeJ.hreal of oil pollution. "I think it just mey be th.al Huntington Beach's character bas changed," he ex~ plained. "It used to be an oil community. (See Dl\ILLING, Page %) Y essiree, That's Exactly What You Saw-Snakes Don't go on the wagon just yet. What you thought you saw on the Newport Freeway at three this morning was for real. Yes sir. That big baby with his eyes glowing red in your headlights was a boa constrictor, all 55 pounds of him . The shorter one doing an the rattling was exactly what he cracks up lo be and the one flapping his bead and doing the snake basket bit was a cobra. And the guys walking around as if they were treading on bot coals were California Highway patrolmen. But shortly alter you tell ·In li!ICb a big hurry they had them ah loaded back in their car and headed for Laguna Beach. • Nightclub dancer Carol G r 1 h am Cybu~ld lost b<r pets. which she """ In her act when her car rolled over on the southbound 17th Street offrarlip between TUstin and Santa Ana. The :JO.year-aid entertainer suffered only culs and bndses in the crash, CHP officers said. ' I " • ' ' Cr~t'll Approach i • • ' •• ) , I .• Lag)llU! craftan,>an John Wood bangs ,lign·~~.J>eMiqg·oi(,8!11• mlsunderstalldlng on Frank Interlandl cartoon • adoqiing feoce. at construction site of Lag\Jlla Moulton Playhouse adjacent . to· l\'eslivl! grounds .. Laguna Craft Guild is preparing to move"onto grounds for JO days dll.ling Laguna's •Winter F .. tival which' starts Feb .. 21. • ' . 4 in Race With Wilcoxen For 3 School Board Seats Laguna Beach's ambling e1ection to fill three school board posts turned Into a race today with the disclosure that two women plan to join tbe fray. Mn. Jane Boyd,,current PTA council president and wife of City Councilman Charllon Boyd, and Mrs. Calherlno MacQuarrle ol Emerald Bay have taken out nomination papers. However, neither woman bas returned the forms yet. ~rs. ~a~arrie said In an lntervlew today that ahe definitely is a candidate. Mrs. Boyd was unavailable for comment. The women join a fleki of two ofDclaJly declared candidates and one incumbent who hu Indicated he I!: a candidate. William Wilcoxen wl.ll be a candidate for re-election to the Laguna Beach Unified boar<!. • ; Wilcos:en'a ·decision to seek r«lecUon nielnl two tncumbentl wijl be· running as candjdalµ !Or ~ three vacancles w be filled at lheApril,LI elecUon. . Dr. Norman Browpe, board president, alreally bu filed hll paper• or candidacy. So bu Mn. Shirley McCalla, a !"'ldent of Laguna Beach for 11 years. Wilcoxen, a 36-year:-old .attoroey, bas served one four.year tenn on the school OOard and ii a past president of the board. ·He ii a graduate of Laguna Beach High School. have w deduct the $2400 the cily paid for the service. He added tnat MUdgo bad made S540 in 1967 from city"busine.as. The ,city manager said the Mudge service had operated elllclenlly. Mudge has 1968 letters .l(gjJt Wheal<ID, the mayor, police chief and hospital officiall that undertcore this fact. __ Wheaton said he will have pro~als from three ambulance services to glve (See AMBULANCE, Pa10 IJ • rea More Sands May Get Oil After Storm SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -A new rainstorm moved toward the Southern California coast today, raising lean that the remnants of a huge ell alict may, contaminate additional beaches. Booms were rigged to protect. marinas In LDe Angtles County from palch'9 of crude oil which were reported aix miles DOrlh.Df Malibu MDDday nigh~ Paul de Falco, regtooal director of the Federal ,Air and Water PolluUon l •Control AdmlnlstraUon wbo Is headlnc the clean up taak, said most of the !Iii Ml washed aa1iore, Bui glob& of the more than 231,000 gallons of oil that leaked from an offabore well floated from one to four miles. off a 40-mile stretch of coast on:both sides of Santa Barbara. .A combination of winds and ocean cui'rents kept the major concentration 1n ,the same position, but winds from the. new stonn could move the oil to the south later in. the week. "Winds acoompanying the new storm will be out of the southeast at ffnt," a, U.S. Weather Bureau forecaattt said. 1"I'hat would tend to push the slick back up the coast toward Santa Barbara. "However, alter the main front ha5 passed, the winds will back up towlJ'd the northwest, perhaps oo Wednetday. This would !<nd w push the oU dowD the coast to the southeast." II was the ahiltlng winds which at first kept the slick away from the coastline bot then pushed It onto .» miles of white beaches and low tiarbora last week. Authorities were hoping the remnants cf the slick either would be canied out to sea or pushed oi:tto beaches already polluted where men and equ1pment were available to clean it up. About 1,500 men were working on beaches and in harbors mopping up the oJly mess. The Union on Co. well was sealed Friday night after Jt leaked for 11 days. The poisonoos petroleum had lta greatest effect on shore birds whose feathers, eyea and beaks were fouled with tbe acrid crude otl. A tDlal of 1,089 birds had been treated by state fish and game officials by Mcalay night. Of these, 539 were dead on mrlval or died after '""\hey were treated with chemical baths. ·Orange Weather Never One to hedge on a bet, the weatherman sayt there's a IOQ percent chance of rain tonlpt,1 lot. lowed by more ahowera on Wednes- day. Mercury readlnp will remain slxtylsh. INSm E TOD~Y The N11D York Pro MU$k:a'1 visit tq UC ·lrviM cmd the cur· rent production of tht Santa Ana Community Player• art reoif1o. ! · ed rkldo11. Stt Entertainmc11t, 1',og17.0. I ' • .• , ..... ' ~ Cl..... ..,. -.. =~ ~ -. ......... _ 4 ........ I I • -~;:: ''"" ... . .. ... .._ .. '~U.....t • ' . . ="·· .. ,... __ .. Or .... ,..., ... ·--" IKi.I ..... 1>11 -.... llMll ....... tt-U ·-" --"_,, 4 ·--" --.. • -I ; GAILY ~ILOT L . • Conntian Risked Life •• JD 1Pueblo A~tion SAN DllGO -A Navy career man """' Jlr-. -rilklDi eu<lllloll lo ..... [ '!&ill fer Nctlt g:.,.. plralea -klckOd the bss PuOblo's lighting sy!tem out of commission whilo bekt at aunpoint, he said Monday. Tman l/C Rusbel J. Blanaet( Jr~: Of 2111 Anchor St., was called to testify be:fort a Navy Board of Inquiry, as· their probe into the spy ship capture moved dOwn the ship's chain ol com· mand . Defiant aatlslacUoft was all the burlY, 1&-year Navy tnllsttd man got for his footwork sabotage. bec•u.se captors fore. ed him to quickly repair the mischief. "I tripped the main DC generator," uid lhe mild·volctd Blansett durmg Council Okays 2 Home Parks In Capistrano Two proposed San Juan Capistrano mobile home parks carried to the city council by appeala from former planning commlsalon decisions were elven the councilmen's stamp of approval Mondlf. The go.ahead involved a tum-about by Mayor Ed Chermak, fonnerly opposed to trailer park development. Both proposed mobile home parks are on the Ortega Highway. H. J. Giddings' development a half mile east of the San Diego Freeway includes t&kpaces. Hla was baned down by a split planning commission vote. James Holbert's proposal for a 142-unit trailer park a mile east of the San Diego Freeway was under appeal by property owners. II had won planning commisidon approval. The COUDCil upheld the planners' decision. Mayor Chermak Mted the parks could 1 be of considerable economic benefit to the city by raising the assessed valuaUon end by bringing in residents who would !ipend money in town. Dead1ine Nears For Entrants in Winter F esti.val .. • ! • lloadlJ''1 llMrinp, Wllldt aJa f...... ~ ....... N IN' l"MI .. WU tollla""IJ' Ill' at•' wood ..a )tot... la ......... tho ,..S-dlle lo <"' plftllcldt.,_ 118'7-. 1111111111 bdp's. -Cblll Gr",_ Bl•-.-. Cblll ...._....... .w.-11lill wnJM1111o • 0. a.MmD ... " ........ -· . """ .......... ..,..... ,,. .. and value lo North K ... ans who board-p1,.. of equipment lo lllOlher '•tryb\g ed the Puoblo IS mootha .,._ • lo 1et me lo Jell 1hem whal they were Blansett told the Board of lnqutry and how they worked," Blansett told what occumd after he defiantl1 kicked the panel of hlgh-ranklnf naval offfctrs. the lighUng generator •• be as marched l '~ey were speaking Korean, but I from the eoglneroom al gunpoint by d>Uld Jell thlJ thne wlllll they w1111td," a North KOl'Wl guard. be lestllled. "llUo coused the IJPts lo go oat," "Wbal did Y<JU tell jhem!" uQd the be explalned nonchallllUy, "but I' had NaVy qoeslloaer. to put them back on. 'Mley wanted lbe '!I told them nothing," uld BlanseU. lights." Chief Goldman then took the stond Talking in gentle tones, Blansett told to explain that aabotage by himself or ot being kicked and beaten by .. North Blanutt would ~ve caused them to The deadline Is approacblng for Laguna area art1sta to sign up for the Winter ~=k .:t'1,ix!.ow-auction and ~ ,, ~~b" ~~k, . ... . .. -::,. ... Deadline for reglatration ;., Feb. II. Eager onlookers gathered In Tokyo today lo watch two young men The art llhow .. oclloo ·will be held at try to µndress \lllldenWi5..!j' J!l.fll ajd,¢ JUck hand• protruding the Hotel Laguna March 2 with Cow!-. ,Utrough trampah nt box Ori litreet corner. Unul!l8! compeUUon cUman Richard Goldberg acting u auo-held 1n· U Ith cit · f vl t ti,...... The sidewalk art show will be wu • connec on w · pu y campmgn or mo e curren • on Park Avenue by the cllamber on -'IY.-. _sh_o_winl_;;.,ln_Toky_,;.,..o. ________________ _ Feb. 21, Winter Festival opening day. Artists may tJJler f I v e ;pa1nttngs in the art llhow·allction. Only 100 may et- hlbll The palntlnp will be sold lo the hlgbtat bidden. They will be dtspllyed from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Tbe auc:tion runs from noon-unUI IS p.m. There will ' be room for 40 att1st5 at the sidewalk art ·lhow. Entry fee Is II. ReglstraUon ts al the chamber, 280 Park Ave. Boys' Ouh Sets Signup DeadJine Members of the Boys' Club of Lquna Beach have unW the end of February to sign up for their day at Dlaneyland March 15. The annual event ii held In honor of all Southern Picl!ic Re(lon Boyl' Clubs. Special discount tickets are available and all rides ln the park will be free for the first hour. Tickets are available through the Boy&' Club as are free parking perm.lls. Qub Direct.or Mike Hoff has requested that parenU who are able to give rides call him at the club, 494-2535. DAllY PILO T 0-MIOt: .(OMT l'UILllHINCi (OMl'ANY l•"rl N, w,,4 '"'*"' ...ii l"Wl\Nf J•c~ t . c •• 1 • ., Yu ""'"*"' ...0 G.....,., ~"'"' l i. ... ,, l(,,.a ..... ,~ ...... A. ..... ,~ .... ~, .. ,. l •tlo•.,f '· Ni ll ,.,,I Nin•n ~~· ......,.lltlnt Cl~ ltl... Olr«lclt Le,9M IHcll Offlu 111 F•••ll A••· M•1n111 M•••u: r.o. ••• •••. 11•11 --<•I• -..: Ji1 Wttl llY l~I H.-t -..ell: 1'11 Wnt l •IWll ........... ,.. ~ ktth~ >Of Jotll Sl'l'Ml < Mesan Guilty in Assault On Laguna Officer's Wife A Costa Mesa cook originally accused of kidnaping and attacking a Laguna Beach policeman's wife has pleaded guilty ln Superior Court to auault with a deadly weapon. Judge Robert Gardner ordered Marvin E. Alexander, 29, of 2700 Peterson Way, to return to court for probaUon hetring U.S. Approves Bank P.urchase Orangt County Bank, in San Juan Capistrano. may be purchased as plan- ned by a San Diego financial institution, since the $9 million organization needs to be strengthened, federal officials ruled Monday. Sale of the south county bank to Southern California First NaUonal Bank of Sin Diego wu approved Monday in WuhJngton D.C. by Wllllam B. Camp. U.S. comptroller of currency. Purchase of assets and usumpllon ol llablUUes by the 50-Umu-st.ronger San DI.ego bank will expand Orange County Bank services and make it a tougher compeUtor ln the financial field, Camp &aid. He noted that the San Juan Capistrano bank has no( experienced erowth in pro- portion to the booming lncrtase in Orange County population as a whole. Dentist Reports $356 Theft Loss Motorcycle ports and tools valuod 1t $356 ...,. stolen from the home of • Lo...,. Buch dentllt, polJce llld lod17. . Offlcln lald the thief tntored In unlocltod stonroom at Ille !Uldenco of Ronald Miii'. 12'11 CUii Dr1vo. In the rtport of a lea )11Cr1Uve thel4 J111tt Blllr, IT of Ill N-• Raid, Colla Mna, told police that her w11let with ldenUncaitton. and n ettls wa1 1tolen from 1 parked car ln the ISOO block of CUii Drive. She said a dollsr bill WU JUen fmn the Uh tr17. · L<nke Palutl\Y, 1oeo N. Co 11 t Hl&hWIJI, reported the theft of 111 oriental "'""' "" worth sao ·from • lot 1t the resr of her resld<nce. ' and sentenctna: on March 13. He facea a possible sentence of 1 lo 10 ye a r s in siate prison. Alexander wu arrested after hls alleg- ed abduction Jut Jan. 4 of Mrs. Diane Carter, 28, from her home at 533 Victoria St., Costa Mesa to bis own home. He was earller accused of attacking Mni. Carter after dragging her into his residence. Officers wbo raced to the scene were held off for more than an hour at gunpoint before the cook finally sur- rendered. · Officers said Alexan der struck Mrs. carter, the wire of Laguna Beach police officer Kenneth Carter. with the barrel of hla gun and choked a neighbor who had been staying with the officer's wife. From Page 1 AMBULANCE •• councilmen at the next meeting. A&ked iJ they would Include the re- quirement that an ambulance be sla· tioned In Laguna, Wheaton lndlcated he v;ould so recommend. The city manager also conceded that the situation has the potenUal of cosUna: the clty more than ambulance service ha:1 coSt in the past. He said he understood that the county pays about m for emergency calla that cannot be collected plus extras such as oxygen use. "Most of the cities in Los AnJ:OO County, are in an emeraency prosrarn,1• he said. "The coun\y handled the whole. lblng ; poys on the uncollectablll; - an audit to see that they tried to coll«t and periodically bills the clUes fa< their "'""· "This ts probebly the moro· '1Jlical way that ambulance aervlces are covered." February Listed As 'Heart Month' The month of February has been pro. cleJmed "He11rt Month" In Laguna Beach by Mayor Glenn E. Vedder who orpcl all citizens to soppori the OrlllC< COtmlY Heart AnoclaUon. Vedder 11$0 proclaimed the week of Jl'eb. IT throltCh Ftb. 21 u Heart Sundq Week. ( llt lbat t di'oey, be/ore the Joti .-Abar 11aldwd.. l~ . ..,,_ .... ., ......... -·· OQU • Ill&. ..,,,., were uklnl for 'll?:'!i ID'....... bul I CC>OJd,1 u them. Oae of them hll BilJI. sett la the ....... " the moulb. '"?'bey notktd a ftrtklul crew r1tin1 lnllgnla on hit arm. I Md m)' wort lacket on, Ind. they pulled down my acl<et lo 1M U I bad -· "I -·~ IO they hb him In the stom-tocll area a couple of times." Moel of the time, GoJllJnan aald, the Norlb Koreans llllUoaod one plrd la the encJne room with • ""'· "Did the poalbUlly enter yoor mind of dlsabllni the engines?" wed capt. ,.,,_ P .. e l DRILLING ..• But it may not be now." Cll7 ~ Harvey L. Hurlburt WU quick to agree. "I have the teeuni that they 1111"'1 be more -ptlv• now lo atemlon of the 'Sbell-Omnlagham Ad than they were a few weeka ago." Mayor Doreen Maishall added, "I know SW Beacb woold be receptive. They're very unblppy with the allttalloa." Hurlburt lald -cities that have oll producUon In their offshore waters ••get I very small rtturn for their troubles." He said he would disc115S the ei:tenaion proJ>O'al with HWlllngtoo Beach and Seal Beach authoritiet in the nut few d~s. "U we p t SW Beach's support and not Huntington Beach's," said Coun- cilman Robert Shelton. "that would still be an ace<n:npllahmenL Half a loaf 11 better than none." If tbt two northern county cities go along with the plan, aald Newport of· flclals, the county's representatives in Sacramento would then ~ably be uked to draw up the required legislation. It wu c<l!llldered unllkeb' that anything could be do!¥ about undersea wella now in operation north of the river. But there would be no further activity. Parsons underscored the need for swift acUon by 'l>olhtfhg out that last fall the stile said it would consider bids for addlUonal drllllnt in water1 off Hun· lln&too Beach. "I'm very concerned about this," he said. "All we need is to have a nice oil Island ri&ht out the.re by the river. It might be In Hontlngtoo Beach, but it would wreck our view." WllU1111 NtWIOme, COOll!d for the court "Ytl, alr1 bUt l know l would have ·~ ...... -•• -. bo tbot a..•-' . ··11 yo• had bad. a 'fortwto\1S' ':1f1i"" failure, would yoa have aotten shot?' "Yes sir. I'm sure l would have gotttn the blame." "In hind&lgbl," uked Rear Adm. Mmhall WhJte, a member of the court, "Do you wish you'd lrted to overpower him?" "U we'd trtld," Goldman replied qu k:k· Jy, "I'm sure we'd bave aotteq tUled. He kepi his gun tralaed on myseU Or Blanaett or the other tflfll." Goldmsn said be never had been told the Pueblo's miaion -am! U1Wned the ship WU cooductiti& oceatl"l'BPbiC research. · · ''You never 6trlowty cons~ered the pnNlbillb' .Of havll>J , ~ IClllllo n OCMnOll'•phlc thlpT'' Una NeWIOllte. ,;No sir.'' Another englnernan, Peter Bander11 oC c.rson .City, Nev., said some of the Pueblo's claasllied papers were so soaked in blood they wouldn't burn. Bandera said he discovered thls when he tried to destroy the secret papers near tbe spot where another crewman, Duane Hodges, 21, of Creswell, Ore,. lay mortally wounded. ''Weren't you surprised no effort wl!I belnl made to defend the Pueblo?" asked Vice Adm. Harold G. Bowen, presfdent of the court. "Yes air," Bandera replied. Laguna Surfer Recor~ 3rd Rescue in 2 .years A IS.year.old Laguna wrfer has counted up his third successful rescue in the past two years. Earl Wellsfry, 140 Crescent Bay Drive, bra v e d 10 to IUoot atorm IUl'f to bring the stricken swlmme.· to shore last Thursday. Wellsfry towed the man he thlnks was 28 or 30 years old from the water after hearing cries for help while he was body surting. "I couldn't quite get my arms around him, he was pretty big, so I just kind of pushed him and pulled him," Wellsfry said. The man was never identified . The rescue was the youth's third In the last two years. Wellsfry is a junior lifeguard, having received training during the summer. He attends Laguna Beach High School and i.! a swimmer on the Laguna Beach Swimming Team, specializing in the 200 Nixon Names Military Ad visbr for Ta lks \VASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon today named Anny Lt. Gen . Frederick C. Weyand, a decorated veteran of the Vletnam war, to be chief U.S. military adviser at thl Paris peace talks. Weyand will represent the Joint Chiefs of Staff and advise U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. the chief U.S. negotiator, on milit'ary matters. The posi· lion is a new one created by Nixon. and 400 yard freestyle events. Lt. Lifeguard Craig Lockwood lauded the youth's efforts and noted that the department was veiy fortunate to have such a responsible group of beachgoing teenagers. "The lifeguard department considers the local beach kids and su rfers a para· lifeguard department. f.1any limes by lhe lime a lifeguard has arrived on a call, the \•ictim has already befn rescued by the kids," Lock1vc;od said. "We are very fortunate to have such a resource," he concluded. Two S. La gunans Arrested for 'Pot' Two young South Laguna mem were arrested by police ~1onday night on mari- juana possession charges. Officer Neil Purcell arrested George Sidney Brignell, 22 of 31590 JcY;cJ St. and Lionell Ray f.Iytingcr. 23 or 31963 10th Ave. Poli ce Sgt. Dave Brown alleged Purcell found two bags containi ng about three ounces o( marijuana in Mytinger's trouser pockets. The officer said Purttll stopped the car because there was oo light at the rear license plate. Brignell was released on $2,500 ball and Mytinger was released on $1,000 ball. Both are to appear in municipal court on Feb. 29. ~.I NG SERVI t ~~~~o.!'~ BE OUR GUEST! ~ 15% Bottle: 17% Case REDUCTIONS FOR FD. AND MARCH --~~~~-~- DIAR PUILIC: W• •t Hl·TIMI •re h•ppy t o •nnounGe new • e vi n 9 1 on quelity br•nds. In k•eping with our firm'1 b•li •f, "th•t you 9et whe t you pey for," w• ah•ll eontlnu• to w•ed out inf'•ror pro- duct1. . ... ., ... .,., ... .....•.. ,,... .. , _. c f11a .. fw HI- TIMI •••• ltr•14 """'" .... --.. -... ,.WC .11% •c.e,. .... _ flf% ..... -Wr __ ,_y __ BOUR B ON-6 yr. old KENTUCKY STRAIGHT --- $429 POR DEUYERY $49 95 FIFTH SAVE ••• CASE TIME & MONEY FIFTHS ,lUS TAX PlUS TAX CALL 548-9314 $529 FREE DELIVERY $61~~TS Cj)UART IN ORANGE COUNTY 'LUS TAX FOR CASE ORDERS PLUS TAX SCOTCH -6 year old -LIGHTEST OF BUNDS $485 CHARGE $54 95 FIFTH CAS E FIFTHS 'LUS TAX PLUS TAX $585 ACCOUNTS $65 95 9UART AVAILABLE CASE QUARTS PLUS TAX nus TAX VODKA -100°/o Grain Spirits -.Charcoal Rltertd $319 PIPl'H DELIV ERY $36~s PLUS TAX HOU RS PLUS TAX --.. _.. ., ....... --· ,1., ......... ca.. $399 9UART PLUS TAX 10 AM to 10 PM $46 95 CASE QUARTS PLUS TAX .) Fot ...... who h•ven't •••tod Hl-TIMrs ,.,,.. ..,. •P.itff•, .... h • .,. , •• tfwcM tklr prieo for two MMtht ... 1hual• i..tffe ........ '"· SMART, CLEAR HALF GALLONS PLASTIC GLASSES FEB. SPECIALS I UNNYl l OOIC ITI. IOUllOM '9" RlllCHMANN'I •IN M'-TIMI '8" YODIA. DIW.t.l'S '15" SCOTCH ,,_ ... .., S0% INVINTORY CLEARANCI OLD FASHION ~OL 69¢ Hl·IALL :OL 119 •• HI-TIME GOURMEI' FOODS • SPIRn'S 459 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 548-9314 ( l I ) I I Driftwood Playhouse Weekend beachcombers mixed talents for art, ar- chitecture and bits of imagination to build play- house out of flotsam ana jetsam currently littering Orange Coast beaches. Imaginative effort to cre- ate beauty from trash obviously caught the fancy of eight-year-olds Scott Douglas and David Ber- tholomey (white shirt), who found driftwood castle a swell place to play tag. It stands on beach at 42nd Street and Ocean Front in Newport. Red Rockets Hit U.S. Camp 19 Wounded in Position Near Infiltration Routes SAIGON (UPI) -Two Communist rocket barrages hammered a U.S. camp aslride guerrilla infiltration routes from Cambodia to Saigon, wounding 19 persons, 14 of them Americans, head- quarters said today. Allied martarmen at the camp sent a 600-round counterbarrage toward the guerrilla rocketeers and U.S· helicopters carried 200 soldiers to the Red firing site. But there was no sjgn or the Communists. The eight-round salvos late Monday and early Tuesday into the U.S. 25th Division camp 57 miles northwest o( Saigon also damaged a mess ball. Three Vietnamese civilians and two Filipino soldiers were among the wounded. The U.S. reaction force reported 11eelng the Drugs at second barrage leave the rocket laun. chers but could not catch the men who fired it. Within howitzer range of Cambodia, the camp sites lit amid part of the 40,000.man Communist buildup that is expected to launch heavy attacks toward Saigon next week during the Tet lunar new year holidays. In Saiion, where U·S. intelligence ex· peels a· Tet terror wave, three Viet Cong bombings and attacks on civil defense offices Monday killed one person and wounded siJ:, South Vietnamese spokesmen said. Government Mari.ti.es who uncovered 10 torui . of Communist. arms over the weekend reported unearthing three more tons of guerrilla supplies 60 miles north ol Saigon in a labyrinth of tunnels. ' Border San, Diego Faces Growing Teen Vse SAN DIEGO (AP) -Juvenile use or drugs, a minor problem before the onset of the Swinging Sixties, has developed during the past five years mi. . a phenomenon that has panicked parents, puzzled police and s e n t educators groping for a solution. San Diego's proximity to the Mexican border makes it one of ~e prime trouble areas of the state for narcotics, authorities say, but the problem is. widespread throughout Californiil. There was little concern shown in 1965 when 60 juveniles were arrested tn the San Diego area for use of iUega1 drugs. The state total was 2,689. In 1968, the San Diego arrest figure was 159 and 5,735 were nabbed in the 11tate. But when 1,080 kids were arrested ln the San Diego area in 1967 and 14,800 across the state, the public eye blinked open. Then came 1968. 'lbere were 2,463 juvenile drug arrests In San Dieao County and 35,000 in Caliloroia. Scboo1 administrators and governing boards throughout the state are using variow: approaches in efforts to fight Ille drug problem. The San Diego achoo;) district, second largest in the state· with more th·an 52,000 junior and senior high school students, has a fle:tibie program ror drug offenders. Students a r e warned, suspended, transferred or ei:pelled-depending on the extent of their involvement. Scott C. Gray, director or guldance lel'Vices, says that only · one student Trailer Accident Fatal to Worker Worker John v. Cart.er WU killed Monday whtn be slipped from a i,ailer loaded with metal pipe In a field st Sunflower Avenue and Bear Street in Santa Ana. Carter, 51, of Santa Ana, was dud Gil arrival at Orange County Medic.a! Center. Police reported that Carter waa run over by the trailer which was being pull!d .by a tractor. The ooroner'1· office sakl he may have been the vicUm of a be.art attack. An autopsy to dflcrmlne t h e er &et cause ol dea th was to be performed today. I .-a girl who was _pushing drup ·on the campus -has been expelled. Since the problem fi rSt exploded in 1963, Gray estimates that 25 percent of the clty.'s high school students have to some extent become involved. In Los Angeles, wbere the senior and junior high Schoot·population totals near· ly 290,000 students, the district has had to reVamp its drug control• program beeause of the Increase in the problem. Or. WllsOn Jordan secondary division administrative coordinator, said that in the past, students were sus~nded and then usually transferred to another school in the district. "But beeause the problem has become more common in all of our school!, this transfer approach doesn't work as well as ronnerly and we are trying to find other answers internally," Jordan said. Students who supply drugs to other students are expelled, he said. .On the preventive side, the Lo:s Angeles city schools require students to take two semesters of health education. One unit in each o( the courses is a study ol nattoUcs. In Riverside, the punitive "J>Olicy is the same as in Los Angeles. The cliatrict also bas embarked on the development Of 8. preVentive program that will start in the fourth grade. · The Oakl,and scbool system does nol automatically' expel students -even if they are selling drugs on campus. ''We haven't oveqeacted like 'some other districts," said Dr. William Mahan, director of individual guidance and at· terxlance, ''even though we art up to our ears in pot. We treat it pretty much as we do liquor." San Francisco is unique in its ap- proaches. ·Eugene Huber, coordinator of the plan tor the district, 1aid ' that student.& who seek it can obtain help from community agencies without their parenll or the police being brought into · the picture. "If the family, refuses, Police a.re notified and tbe caSe ma:y go to ,JuVtnile hall. We dOn'.t · atisperid or kick ' llids out. Our purpose ls to educate then\ and ·belp them through thla overwhelming q abuse problem," Huber aa)d. 6n the inventive tide, San • Fnnclsco schoolJ art d.eveloplng 1 pn>gram which will utilize '?!formed drug URn as assistants at drug Wonnatlon centers in the schoo1s. · Authortlles are not optlmJstic about Ondl!ll a quick solution to Ille drug ~bltm. · The State Bumu of Norcolla predi<U that es,100 per1an1 under 11 "ill be arrtated In 19711 for lnvo1vemfllt with drugs, cooipan:d to the 1911 fill""' of 35,000. "Very frankly, we can ate no end t.o It at the present Ume, '' a JpOkeaman llld. • The new discovery Included SO.long-range rockets, possibly intended for we during Tel. . . U.S. Intelligence officers have said the expected Red offensive would be a Com- munist attempt to show battlefield strength during the Paris negotiations for peace. In an ·announcement pertinent to the peace talks, the U.S. command said North Vietnamese soldiers inside the border demllltari':ed zone (DMZ) fired on a U.S. spotter plane Monday, drawini a U.S. artillery counterattack that trJg. gered five fireballs.. The top U.S. negotiator in Paris, Henry cabal Lodge, has proposed demllltarhing the DMZ as a first step toward peace in Vietnam. But the · Cotrimttntsts aa far have rejected the plan. No 'Agreement' On JFK Plot, Admits Russo ' NEW ORLEANS (APJ - A key st.ate witness at Clay Shaw's conspiracy trial who testified earlier he overheard Shaw and others plot to klll President John F. Kennedy said today he never heard an actual "agreement" to carry out the plot Perry Raymond Russo, under cross-ex· amination for the second day, testifitd he overheard Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and David W. Ferrie plotting but "I don't know if they agreed." Russo, 27, a dark-haired New Orleans book salesman, said be was lo and out of lhe room during the party at Ferrie's apartment where he said the assassination was discussed in Septembtr 1963. "You heard only portions of fragments ol the conversation since you were In ancl out or the room ?" asked defense lawyer F. Irvine Dymond. "That's right They talked. I don't know if they agreed," Russo replied: Russo came under further questioning about the 3,~word memorandum of his firat official interview in February, 1967 with Asst. Di.st. Atty. Andrew Sclambra. He said the memo wes incomplete and wrong on many points. "I told Sclambra the liral Ume that I had seen Shaw at Nashville Wharf, then at a gas station, and that then I had seen·hlm. at Ferrle'1 apartment," the dark·haired book salesman said. Sclambra's 3,~word·memorandum to Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison on his talk with Russo made no mehUon of the party where Rus.w said ht overheard Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and David W. Ferrie ?.lot to kW Kennedy .. It quoted Russo as saying he had seen Shaw twice -not. three' timea -fir11t at ·a service station operated by Ferrie, next at Nashville Wharf. Pointing out the mistakes as detailed by RU&90, defense lawyer F. Irvin Dy- mond asked "Are you de it was Sclam- bra you talked with-at Baton Rouge?" Ruuo'• emphatic, "Yes . slrl" w11 nearly drowned out by a burst of laughter . from newsmen and spectaton croWdlng Judge Edwanl A. Haggerty'! heavily guanled criminal dillrjcl coort. A.st. Dbl. Atty. James L. Alcock, with Sciambra slumped beside him at the prosecutor's tabfe, brought up the memorandum as soon u Ruuo finished telling how he overheard the plottei'I at a party In Fenie'I 1,partment in September, 1963.. ''Oki you relate to Sclambra what you ha ve told this jury •bout what happened In David Ferrie'• apartment!" asked Atcock. . "Nol In g<est dellU bul tn .._ )'ti,.. ttplied Rusio. 1'ffow long did you talk to htmt " "Two hours, two and a half boun." I T~, r..._ U, 1'169 DAILY mcrr ' Venezuelan Jet Hijacked to ·cuha CARACAS (UPI) - A Venezuelan governmtnt-owoed jetllntt c a r r y t n 1 73 perlOllS, among them two U.S. bull- ness executive. and thrte Veoezuelan mltttary olficen, wu hijacked to CUba today despite strict !l'CU'llY measur<s imposed before takeoff from Maracaibo. Maracaibo Alrporl announced the DC9, first Venezuelan aircraft . hijacked this Year and the third since Marth 1968, landed at Sanliago {\e CUba instead of Its destination of Melqueta. On board were two officials of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Director T. M. Harrington· and Treasurer Paul Wellborn, aceordlng t.o a bulletin Issued by Linea Aeropoe:tal Vene.zolana (LAV), the state-owned Venezuelan airline. The pas1<!l1ger list also included Venezuelan military offlcers Capt Luis Nieto RevWa, Maj. Soul,. and Ll Fran- cisco Morillo, and Lub: Moreno Gomez, press dlrector of the Cr«>le Petroleum Corp, (~) in Maracaibo. The U.S. Embassy in Caracu was unable to give further details on possible U·S. clUzens aboard 'tbe bl jacked plane. The hijack toot place despite stringent airport measures to prevent such oc- currencts, including NaUonal Guard and police searches of an pauengers and their luggage before boarding on ts- temaUoo¢ and naUonal fllghlJ. Today's hijacking, 15th of lhe year to Cuba, took place qalnst a backdrop oE steadily wonenlng relations between Fidel CUtro and the Caracas govern· ment. Ten of the commandeered aircraft have been American, including an Eastern Air Lines DCI Monday with 119 persons aboard. Nationalists Reject 2-China Recognition TAIPEI (UPI) -Nationalist China is ready to break diplomatic rtlaUoos .with Canada If Ottawa recognites Petlng diplomaUcally, informed sources said to- day. ~ President Otiang Kai.check recently rea1flrmed his opposition to any two.. ChJna policfin any form, meaning that his government will not have any official relations with a country which rect1gnizes both Comm unist China and Natlooall!t China. • U.S., Cuba OK Hijcreking Return Plan WASHINGTON (UPIJ -The lhltt.d Stites today announced an agreeineat with CUba unC!er wblcll _.,. m hijacked , American alrllnen will b& perm1u .. r to continue tbell' ru,ht a1x1on1 the aame planes. A State .Department a p o 1: e 1 m a n 1 Robert J. M~ey, aaJd Ibo United Stat .. WU gratlfled by the -I but pointed out tMi jt did not aolve the principal problem -how ill bait or diminish the number ol hijackings. McCloskey llld of the new "un- derstanding," ~ wu W<rked out through the Swi.v Eml>wy In Havana. "We welcome lhil more expeditloul and more conven.lent method of returntni paSW1gera to r,tlunl on lhe same plane . !hat hu been hijacked ."· McCt,.key also revealed thal lhe Fidel Caslro government 'bad shown some In--, ter.est in an American proposal to Mid back to the Communist-ruled llland republic Cubans In Ille United litotes who,w_ant to go home. The United States last year sugplled that Cubarui · wishing to go home be. flown aboard aircraft of the .. freedom airlift" which return empty to Cuba after bringing refugees daily ill Flo<lda. Until Monday, the CUbana had pennlt- ted only the crew of an airliner ftreed to Havana to fly back to the Untted States. mp's J ~·1 7£ .. :Be a Salenlhie wH1J. Baa de ~p'a ~faverftea~ ''''Special Prices Mon.-Fri., Feb. 10-14 '''' Fe< that _,. apocial on Volentlne's Day, add exfro.enloymeot lo your fun with Von de Komp's ~I ~91entino pc:wty ICM>rites. Be a Volentine by gMng Fino Asaorled Chocolates In gift....,.opped Heart.shaped boxes. Enjoy o fancy Volentine two- loyer Coke-one white foyer, one pink wllh pink creamy frosting wtth tendw coconut on ttie sid9s and four candy hearts Oft lop. Sel\'e Volentine Cookies ( ' . ~·r . . .. ' Vol!lflflne Heart loxes " ':I ;<!' ' ,ffe , .. - •. :· ff'-69c l•L 99c 14.fi, $1 "/9 Chocolate M•n•••ll9w Hearts rte. of I 39c F1il 11r1ftft1 ' .. • •• ' '• . . ' "-' .. " ' ~ , .. ' ...... ""' ...................................... 59' c,. • ..,, .. ,,.. orAao'thok-~ ~ "'J33• Cliocol ____ Cn4y ""'···Oloo •!>ol59< \ ' ·, l and CUp Cokes.And lreal~lo Va11 do~ Volenttne Hearts, 11odo with dellclcuo chocolate coo1ed monhmollow ond lndlviduolly wrapped hi aporlding red foil. You couldn' ""f, #Happy Valen- tine's bay" better than with Von de Komp's fine quality Volentine IOYOritmf And they're GJI .pociallf priced right riow ot all "''oded marbb ....... yw see Von do Komp'• BtuE WINOMIU. . .· v ........ , Cake 2"""' $1:19 lY•lll SUll Valentine Valentine· Cooklea Cup Cakes I'll-Ill 45c (Yalallc) C•b ef th ... tlM Qauaf ,_Illes ........ ')• ' ~-:..;!=..~-~-"-·· .. ..,'I" """''"·-··-.. -........... _',, ...... •···· ...... ...359 (ke er-. ................ --.~ We bake the. way you would. If you had the time. v~~!~!'ts 1 =:-:... ---··--- T_,, ,....., U.1969 • New York Digging Out (C..W " ,.. Oallr ,. .. ...,, Gerold 0. Brittle had a good lhillg going for a while. Jailed on bad check charges, last week Brit- tle tunneled out of his Van Buren county Jail cell twice to burglarize Clinton. Ark. busineSses, then re- turned to stash tho loot In blJ mat· tress. While~llce Investigated the breeldnJ, Bnttle would spend the day safely in his ce!L But finally be was caught in the middle of an- other burglary, and She.riff Jako Wllllemi bad him transferred to a speClal steel cell • The new telephone directory of Russell, a central Kansas town of 6,!00 lilts only 10 Browns, 9 Smiths and 6 Joneses. But there are 30 Boxbergers, 29 Dwnlers, 26 Ehr- lichsea, 25 Krugs, 23 Mais and 21 Benders. •• .. Da Gall of Dat Guy" too.! the first prize toinMr in a mow statue cuntest at Michtgan Technologi.ccl Univers· ity's Winter Camiool at Houghton. A tooman and her daughter admire the 21·foot statue which portrays Gt?teral DeGaulle towing the Statue of Liber· tv beck to Franee. Theta Tau Fratern-- itu dcrigned the tDinntr. • Th' Neoada Council of Churches announced it tDill suport legislation to eZfmiftaU: the wedding ceremonv GI a ye- quiremtnt for marriag~ en®~ ing couples to toed by merely aigrdng their tDtdding licemt1. The clergfllllC!I raid U..U llop<d thi1 would nd the "paeudo- yeligioua" atmosphere of Nt• wda'1 tn.stant wedding chapell. • Over the j>Blt two years, 23 members of Walnut Creek'• 53o man police force became fathers- nery ol!spring a son. The spell was broken when officer Sherwood Smith'• wife gave birth to a · 7· pound, 12oounc1 daughter last weektlld. • A Yately, England town council· !or bas snggutod 111 on-oft switch be placed on the stand8rd of a new street lamp in a local lovers' lane. Loven annoyed at the light had smashed the bulb 12 times In the last few weeks. Berlin Leftists Planning 1To Protest Against Nixon BERlJN (UPI) -LdUtl 1tudenta In West Berlin !Oday denounced President Ni.Ion as a 1'rtactlonary" and aald they would demonstrate when be comes here Feb. 27 OD his European tour. The lbldent thrutl coincided with str.adll.J mounting concern that a new Berlin crlslJ mJght be ID the making Allies Staging Strategy Meet On Paris Tallis · PARIS (UPI) -American and South Vietnamese delegates held a strategy BeSSl.on today ln the wake ol a North Vietnamese warning the allies must ac- cept IUl<"1dlllooally "all the lqlUmate 'c:lemanda" put forward by the Com- munists. Chief American negotiator Henry Cabot Lodge and bis saigoa counterpart Pbam Dang Lam met for 30 .minutes at the U.S. Embassy lo prepare for Tbunday'I negoUaUng aession wilh Hanoi and Viet Coog negotiators. The allies are expected to make new attempt.I to unlock the deadlOcked VietDim peace talks Thurs- day. The ouUook for an early compromise appured dim, though Amt r ~can negotiators had vowed to abow paUence. Lodge and Lam met 24 hour• after Nban Din, newspaper of the North Viet· nam.,. Workers (Communist) Party, served notice that tht Americans and their Satgon allies must accept un· condlUonally North Vietnam's four-point, and the Viet Cong's five-point program for a solution of the conflict. The American delegation already bas rejected the demsnd as an lnvitaUcm to "abandon and surrender.'" and that It wruld concern Communist hara.mnent of land routes to th1a city 110 miles inside Eut: Germany. Western oUiclala said they believed there was no connection between lhe Yakubovsky vi!it and the bao on travel of electoral college members. But they said if new steps against West Berlin were being planned the Warsaw Pact commander would have to be consulted. 1iitajor fean that t b e Communists might be planning a new Berlin squeeze were voiced Monday ln Bonn by govern- ment JPOke&man Guenter Diehl Diehl tndlcated the government thought the move against the electoral college might be a c.vverup for aomething more serlOU!. He warned of the possibility BoM might withdraw trade and economic con- ceulom ii a new squeeze is imposed. Information Bureau West, a aeml.ofli· clal German Intelligence agency in West Berlin said a German language broad· cast 00 Moscow Radio Monday night warned of poatble new harassment. The broadcast aid "other measures" wouJd fallow -anaounced Sunday U West Germany continues its "adventurous CO\lfl!." The extmnlst students action brought more headaches to Allied officials. The main threat c a m e from the Free Unlversity Student Council, the ei:ecutive body of the student "parliament" in West Berlin. It called Nixon "an agent of the reactionary wtng of the American bourgeoisie." Jill St. John Ends Marriage to Singer HONOLULU (AP) -Singer Jack Jones and actress Jill St. John are ending t h e I r one and a halt y e a r marriage. Jones said Monday nigh~ The couple 'WU married Ocl 14, 1967 at producer William Dozier's Beverly Hills home. It was Miss St. John's third marriage and Jones' -· Nation Basks • Ill Sunshine Northwest Digging Out of Two Feet of Snow Cout.I s ..... ..... A-...w ·-"'*''• •tt~fltlf 911m11'Cl ..... IM ... .,,,_ Cl~l"r11ft Clev'4•,.,., .... _ ....... _ ..... ·-· '°"' w~ ·--·-.. ._ .. ._ °"' ..... _ ..... _ .... " " .. ., ,. ,. " . ... • .ft )J " ·" n " .. " n " " " " " " .. '3 " .1• " .. " ., .... " n " " " n .... .... .... " " CllMIY ef'llll • .,...,. toelY wltfl .... ~ Ill r1lfl "'II int-. Wll!h ......,,,., 11 RI ZS _...... TeNY'• flWlo __ ... TattNrl"• ~tu,_ r I ft t 1 d f,_.. I llltt'I "' 6t fe I io. of 4'. lf'o MN! '-'"---1¥1'• ... -, .. , " fO AS. Thlo Mlfl' ~htl'll wt• U .. .... Mott .. !tit rw!WI ...... 111 Ml!lllllN ,.., Wflllt ,. ... 11111 -.rw ~ .. ,.. ._ ..... ,tclfk tltl'tl • "" """'*"' •n1e1. ,.,,. ._...., .....,....,,, whldl ..,,_. Mltml 11M>ct1 Mllwtul!M MlllMie"'ll' _.._ N,w YOO'k ...... ...... ·--,,_.... 1' 1J .11 u " .... ~ " ... " n .... Stut, Mfftt, '.l'Wes TUl•DA't' ~ ~ .. l !07t.m.J,) .... ... ..1t:••,1n.t.J ......... y t'lr.f 6-.............. •;•1.11t. S,P , ....................... tt1• ··""· •.• 11ocft llilll ............. P:n~m.u ........................ 11:4' ..,,., u M-. .... ttJS 1,11'1. I• ll:M t .1¥1. ... ·-•1.i '·'"' ... " J:a.l •·""· o• ,. "'"' ""' .. -Ill ftlt Norm. H it f lmlllltlled tfld fl'MIYed _., ft"Ol'fl "'9 l!ttf °"''· T1'le .,..,.., ,,_,.11 tr• """"9lt ti Wt~ N.'4., """'-...,.. -,. lndltt "" .. ·-· ldlolll .. •1l'Hl'h t!ld ,,,.. Ill J4tw Yft City ,...,..111t11 cloltCI .... , .. "" Htw Yerk ...ii ~ tt«t •• ~ ....... ,, for .. tint tlnw .... -OCC.•""'' n.tit lll'IOW ci.wklNll Ktolll "" ....... Gm! ....... ,...llfl. Miki ........... ""'''"'" '" ,,,,,_ .,,. tt. ...,, ~ wllll .. rn.r ._ttllr .,, .... It..., MIMlfll!I •'•'" ,,,. ITlllC~ of ""' l!lll. ~,,,. Plttsburtll ........ ltffld City lttll Ill/ff ·-SWt,,,..,1'1 SI. l.OUlt s.11,,., S.11 Lill.• Cltv ... _ ''" r.r1~bco ..... , ....... '"""'' w • ..,.,.""' I " " ... " " .CJ • J t •1 ,, $6 S1 ... .. " '' 11 M " " 6J '8 Al .... u " u " ... SI U • .U M " ,Ool n -• n Soowstonn Causes 82 Deaths in Northeast NEW YORK (UPI) -M.IJJlom o! com- muters llruUied lo find & WI'/ lo .... t today and -of _ ... ... ma!ned llruded ..-delayed at a1rpor11. nlhrl'J ll1U0111 and but depota lu the aftennalh of the went aloml lo bit the Northeut ID elPI yun. One lnnlporlallon official said the best WI'/ lo descrlbo the travel aitualloa ~u "sporadic." Kennedy, LaGuardla a n d Newark airporta which combined handle an average ol nearly a mWton paueagen a day in the New York metropolitan area were el~ operating on a limited bsala ... .uu dlQinc out. Kennedy o!· ficla1I reported ooe ninway wu open for departing fillhla only, Newart bed one nmway opa1 fer both incom1na and out&olng fllgbta and LaGuardla <OUld promile not more thu partial -by nlgbU.U. lnBooton's Lopn Allpori had one nmway operllloo by Monday night and said all runways lbouJd be clear for opera • UOlll later today. eoon.ctlcut's Brldley Airport opened today. At least 82 people died ID slortn-coo- nected deaths -eo in New England. 20 In New York and two in Pennsylvania. Police today Identified three persons found dead Monday in a car stalled near a Kennedy Airport. parking lot. They had apparently died of carbon. monoxide polloning • Thousands of passengers in terminals were still 1tranded waiting for airports to resume normal operations, railroad tracks to be cleared and highways to be plowed so buses could roll. The ~e New York Thruway was cloeed at it.a southern end, between New Ycrk City and Soffern, N.Y. lo speed t.be work of snow removal. '11\e closing al8o applied lo a road linking ~thruway in New York with the Connecticut Turnpike tn Greenwich, c.onn.. and another short aide road link1ng the thruway with the Berkshirts. The New Yori: and American Stock Exchanges, closed Monday, opened at 11 a.m. today, one bout later than usual Stranded cars sun blocked major highways and many schools and some colleges 1n suburban or rural areaa: re- mained cl<>Sed today, elthough most big city scboola were open. The New York CUy Sanitation Depart· ment, responsible for clearing the city's otreels, lsaued an appeal today to private coolractors for large bulldours and other beavy equlpm<nt to help with 11110W removal Most businesses In New York roopened today and absenteeism, reported u high as 70 percent at the firm!I which did open Monday, wu reported not nearly: 8.1 high tod11y. . Commuter ran lines were crippled by the storm, and many subway liDes were Unemployment Rate Remains At 15-year Low WASHINGTON (UPI) -The nation's unemployment rate remained at a 15 year low of 3.3 percent in January, tbe Labor Department reported today and officials aaid the job picture gives no Indication of a cooling off 1n the economy. The department's Bureau of Labor Stati!Ucs said the Janusry jobless rate was unchanged from December, which had matched a 15 year low in employ- ment 11tatistics. A breakdown !bowed the jobless rates for adu1t men and all full-time workers were up 11Ugbtly but the rate for teen-ears :was down. Harold Goldstein, deputy commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was asked If he thought the employment picture for January reflected any cooling off tn the economy. "I don't see it," he replied. "It's "(the economy) just as warm as it bas been for aeveral month!!." Humphrey Lauds Chicago's Daley · CHICAGO (UPI) -Hubert H • Jlumpbr<y ended a :JO.minute clty b.U vi~t today by praising Rlcbud J. Daley n "one of the truly oulstanding mayors of the nation." . The former vice president came to OUcago alter a apeecll at Springfield, Ill., Monday night. During the speech Humphrey, the defeated Democratic presidential candidate last year. sald he Intended to be the leader of the party. The Springlleld speech waa sponsored by Illinois Democrata conslder<d lo be Jesa than entbusluUc about Daley'• posl· lion at party loder. Reporters wanted to know 11 Humphrey <ame to Dat.y u a peace mater. 11I'vt never bad any war~' Humphrey said at llaley'1 door. . l'ony Cortis Marries Model for 2nd Time SANTA MONICA (AP ) -Actor Tony Curtis and model Leslie Allen got mar· rled !or th• second time Mqnday. CurtiJ and Miss Allen were married the lint ttma In Lis Veges lut spring but Calllomla woulclu't rocogniJe the actor's Mexican divorce from Chrlatlne KaufmaM. Curtis declded lo remart')' In C.IUornla when the llate llllClioned tbe divorce alter a wallq period. I h • actor'• lawyer 11\d. - UPI Te...,_ STRANDED MOTORIST SIGNALS FOR HELP Auto Bee.me Snowbound on Rovt• 93 at Woburn, M•••· lnoperaUve in New Yori:. Most rail lines repotted near nonnal service, although 50llle lines could promlle only periodic servic•o. Helicopters""" prmed lnlo emergen- cy service In some places -to fly food into and stranded _ ... out ol Kennedy Airport, and lo fl7 an Jm. minent mother in Peabody, Maaa., from her home to a sbopplng ceoter where a police car wu waiting to rush her to a hospital. In New York, a policeman and a trained nurse delivered a baby ll'ilh the mother's doctor supervlsing by telephone. nie near-blinard that took shape off tbe Vtrginla capes Saturday dumped eight to 3S inches of anow along the eastern seaboard, from Virginia to Maine, before it moved out to sea tarlY, Monday. A 15-inch blanket of snow all but smothered the New York metropolitan area. It wu the heaviest fall 1ince February, 19111, when a storm dropped nearly 18 inches of snow on the northeast. Canada Moves to Open Talks With Red Chinese <:rrTAWA (AP) -Tbe canadlan government bas notllled Red China It is prepared to open talb on establlab- ment of diplomaUc relatlom. Foreign Minister Mltobell Sharp told the House of Commons Monday the Cana· dlan Embasly ID Stockholm WU ordered to approach the lied Cbln.,. embassy with a proooul ftl' ta.lb "to be held at a muiually convenient time and place 1n the near future." Sharp told llOVIBIMll tha United Statel ''and our other friends" 'Were told of the declslon in advance "ao they would not be taken by surprise." -There was no tmmedlate uaction from Washington, but State Department of· ficlala were expected to be unhappy with the Canadian move, u they 'Were when Italy anoounced Jan. H that Ibey planned to recognize lied CblnL Sharp first announced Canada'• rn. tentlon to recognbe lied China Jan. 2, wbicb prompted a protest from Na· tionalilt China. lU1 speech Monday brought a IOCOlld protelt lrom Fonnoaa'• ambessador in Otlawa, Hsuelt YIM:bi, who said: "It ta lllll the hope of my government that the c.anactlan pvern-- ment wW reconsider. "Tbe Canadlao actloa Is tantamount to giving encouragement and support to the tynnnlcal rule ol the Cblnue Communlll ncime and -....... Wilson to Visit :W. Berlin Despite l'ravel Tensions LONDON (AP) -Prime Minllter HMO!d Willon w1D vtalt West Berlin Friday de1plte terlllcn there over new travel rellrlctiool Im~ bJ the Eu1 G«man ... ....,...~ aldal said today. Spotttm80 at No. II DownlOI Blreel would not -t dinlCll7 on a report in Iha soviet ...-1 -per Irveatla dtlaiblnf Wlln:l'1 vlllt aa a deliberate prvvocatlon. But be said: "Tile prime mlnlater ii going ahud with bi1 vtalt and wUl not be dttem:d by whalevtt oppocltlon 11 ml'J .,_ from certain quarters. .. Wilson w11 to leave London for Bonn loter todl'J. lit will vlllt Wut Berlin alter two dl'JI o! taJb with Olanctllor Kurt Gtorg IClMlo&<r· Informed -ca said one o! the cbltf topl<1 will be p sslble tut.re arran1omenta to olllft Britain'• fortlgn ucblDP cost.a ol main- taining troops in w~.i Germany. blow to the 700 ·million Otlnese people in their struggle for freedom," 1ald Hsueh. Sharp acknowledged thal Canada's reJa. ticm with Nationalist China are "bound to be affected." But he denied tha t Canada is allowing these relalions to ''go down the drain," indicating ottav.·a would like to hive a two-China policy. Israeli Premier Repels Attempt At Overtlu:ow While Israeli troops fought duels with Jordanian soldiers along a 250-mile stretch of the ceue-fire line Israeli Premier Levi Eshkol today beat back an attempt by poliUcal enemies to overthrow bb: "naUonal unity" coalition government. Tbt small Free Center Group In- troduced a motion of no confidence In parliament on grounds Eshkol was selling oot to the Arabi by agreeing to hand back occupied territory on the west bank of the Jordan River. Eshkol defeated the attempt before it even came to a vote. The premier and Qeputy Premier Yig1l Allon met wilh the leaden of the two major coalition partners and they an· nounced they were backing Eahkol. Thi1 meant the rightwing attempt to Un.!ieat him had fallen flat. The ceue-fire line skinnishes ranged from the Sea o! Galli,. lo Iha city of Aqaba 110 miles lo the aoulb. Jonlao said lsraeli jot fit)iter-bomben attacked four ttma Monday nlghl and tod1y but tsrael did not confirntthe 11tacu . Soldiers Help Unload Mail Mter Strike NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe nr11 co1111o- ge:nt of IOldien hu an1ved to unload • t:rtmendOUJ backlog of loose bulk mall from about 45 vmeb slranded in the harl>or b«ause o1 the 53-<lay Eut and GuU COis! dock strU... 1be mall includes many Chrbtmt! l)llCb.let meant fot" aerv~men that were abccd ahtPI when the walkout M- pn Dee. IO, tnd ol a TalCRartley ... ' juncllon. \ 1. 1 • • • " • .... . .. ·-·-· • • • Golf Club Red Baran, May ~ Be ·seen • ,. · A Flying Nun,. a Bloody Red.Baron and perhaps even a NapoJ. eon ~·or two will be headed for San Clemente Municipal Gou Club when night falls nut Saturd8y. · '"'1ring thl$ exollc ~ and others like them to the club is a Mardi.Gru Dinner Dance, ·a.c:ootume affair sponsored by Coral Key to the Child Guldani:e Center of Orange County. ' Festivities', beglmlb>g with a 7,30 p.m. cocktail .hour and fol· lowed by cll1111er.and clanc:tng Iii n\µsjc of the Moonglows, will be high- lighted tiy 111e.crownlilg•of a lrlng _and queen to reign over the group's first Mlirdi ·Gras. • . . Mrs. David Kawasaki ls chairman of the gala, and balloons and masks are ~art of the decorations plaDDed by Mrs. Wi)llam Moffatt. · Others assistil)g Mrs. Kawasaki are the Mmes. Samuel Besse, reservations; Gene ,Llewellyn, menu; James Manning, publicity; Tru· man Benedict, costume prizes, and Gene Bowers, script tick~s. . ·Coral Key, originally known as the San Clemente Auxiliary to Child Guidance Center, was established in 1962 and since bas con· tributed a total of $21, 75l·to. the center. . ' Under the leadership of Mts. Gordon Anderson, president, the 79 members in the organization are divided into three groups. There are 39 participants In the Thrift Shop, 532 N. El Camino, San Clemente, primary SJlllfCe of income for Coral Key .. The shop is ~from lo: a.m. to.:2 p.m. Jn.the winier and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in -the summer and.1mtmbers 'bllve donated more Qian 10,000 hours to this project. Five women, the Mmes. C. A. Harry, Truman Benedict, Tom Stamp, ~ohn Robbins and Dean Milligan have contributed one-third of these hours. ' SpeciaJ-projects, including the aDDual fall International Dance, weekly bridge club meetings and the Mardi Gras, are coordinated by 20 members. In addition, Coral Key is supported by 20 associate mem- bers. . The center. offers diagnosis and treatment to emotionally dis. turbed cl1ildren and adolescents at a low fee . ' ' ' ' . ' 'IF THE C.~QWN FITS -Mrs. David Kawasaki, chairman of th.e . 'irll~'Will . ii)> ~·tmi· ap<t.qn~ .are jnem~rs'. '.Mrs.;Gprcfo~· .. fll'St Mardi.,Gras:•Dinner Dance given. by Coral Key to the Child · Md.ersfin;.presldlmt ·(center), and Mrs .. Ja;ffies 1il81lhln_g.,p~blipty Guidance Center of Orange C«?unty, tnes on the c~,w~~;'~,, ~~)µI~· · - be present~. at ~e ball's queen next Saturday tufht; :Wonderµig , , , . . i .· ' -;r .-.. .Q~.cl?,~ati8o , .. '. S ~bj :ect ,~i )'• .. ·~~ ·'l~..;f' ' .. '·'.~ -.' :: .,··~-. . ·A:cutawi:Jor'Knott's Berry Farm'i ~dtnc• Hall and .Colonial Resea~'<;ente~ wi!f,peak before the W~''"Club of~ JU"!! Capis· tr-.· :during a rejillllr luncheonctn~1 in lb• clullhws~ Tuesday, F$_,l8. '!1 ... ,_ -A:-1 ,1.. . . .. .'. ·, ' , '~~. J~. Giv~ iS,'"cba4'Jn&ft· of~lhe.luncbeon~ to be s~rv~ 8t 12:30 p.m. a®f9110\Ved~t 1:30 by th~ program featuring the Rev. Clatide Bunzel • . Tfie· D~cliU"ation ·of Independence-:.... Why? willJ be the tOpic-qf Rev. Bunzel's :~~,_~!P9rt~ Mrs. Keittl Huttbt::ns, president ,of the~,cJ~~· . A wi$in:-c!(tfie George Washingio)i!ijonor M~alfron:rth.,·F~oms Foundation aJ.,:.y~ey Forge, he was...i'~gni~.for .s~rmons on oui':Clfris-- tian Constitution and Why There'ls an A'merica. · · . . A minister sinte 1945, be Ioined th~_KnQt:t1i:serry.F:arm staff:m 1965 to help prepare the pi;1triotic program in the farm's lndependence"Hall and to gather books for Colonial Reseal'th Library: ' Activities in recent 'y~ars· ~lude ·.writing three:books and two Ieng· thy series of radio scripts for Armed Fore~ Radii>-an<l Tel~vi~ion ~~ry~e. Assisting Mrs. Given with uie· tUncheon~ are committee members the Mmes. Carl Romer, Paul Esslinger, W. C. Hatfield, T. G. Seba.ti.Wecker,' Robert Major, William Crow, Helen Murray, C. R. Brown, Harry Ro'ger ·1 and Thomas Forster. Upcoming dates antic;jpated by the membership Include March 15 when clubwomen join eflorts with San Juan Capistrano Rotary Club mem .. bers in sponsoring a Swallows Day Fiesta Breakfast. Mrs. Jerry Sheets is coordinating distaff participation. She is work .. ing with Fred Newhart and Bill Speer, Rotary Club ,represen\lltives,,on 111• venture. " . . :--. Also . keeping members· bus7 are the various section m~s plaDDed. Women -in the arts and crilfts group 'traveled to Los ~g,,ies .ll!is iliorning where they purCbased .supP!les for upcoming projej:ts. . -~ . . . Mission Vieio Wofl1en Follow the Ball JEAN COX, --Twlltn • ...........,, .!L 1M L ..... 11 Canasta players will' meet next Thursday at 12 :30 p.m. in Uie club-- ~-0use. al so the destination for bridge· players at 12::)0 p1m. Tuesday, Feb. 25. Chipping onto the first gr:-~n are leaders ol the newly formed Mission Viejo Women's-Golf Club '(left to right) Mrs. Anne Amus- ,sen , vice president and Mrs. Donald Blackstone, president. They are coached by Jaclt Fleck, director· of golf at Mission Viejo, Golf Club. Otber officers are the Mmes . J. Robert Ramsay, treasurer·; F1eck, treasurer, and Wade Thompsob, nine-tiole fligtit repre. senlatlve. • • Physici·ans'· Wi ,v.es DEAR ANN LANDERS: Tbe Jetter from the MD'a wile was eltremelj ' revealing·. 'Ibe woman was obvi;ously attempting to defend the medlcal,pro- fet1&ion against the accu.v,Uon that aome of the Great Healen make passes at women in the examining rooms. She &ried to put the blame on the patients bY tel1ing about the various types who have propositioned her spouse. "Ibis woman's husband may be gentle end compasllooatc as she desc;!ihed him - a man in whom a woman'! would llnd It easy to coolide -but he llso • a very big mouth. A dJCtor who. cots hOme and tells h_~ wife about the patients who propos1Uoned him In !lie olllca ia vlollting the ethics ol .his pro!ession. I can tell you from experience that the docton' wives at our club are cha~ ing but t~ey drink' a ~ol 1nd. they talk loo much. 1f the bUsband& ol theae women art taktng their professional secret.I home, 1 feel sorry for their patientl. -ANrlcl'..ATTERTRAP DEAR ANT: I'm ... at aU 1Vt tUt Have 1 . . . . . " wtvn If ~'i drtllk a;*t thaa wlm o1 l•W}Oi'I ., popertiucer1, bot '!"' potat abolt keeping confideoce:1 is well tallea, ..... I llwlJt JOO !tr maktog ft.I • DEAR ANN LAfiDERS : Joy and I have ~n going totetber for two years. Next week ht ii drfvlna me to Loulsville to meet bis 'lllC!tl\O(: He'hu liked lhat . . . I License t' tell 'her I am 27 instead of 30. Alao, ' he'd appreciate it U I didn't mention my preylqus marriage. H religion comea up' I'm to say I'm .an Episcopalian (I'm really a Baptist). And oh y01, he lhlnks she would be more favorably impressed U I said I la1J8)1t sdlool rather than admit to belnt a hairdresser. According lo Jay, these art not lies, they ate smaJI distorUons designed lo make an old lady happy. What do you <ltunk? -ZAPPED . DEAi\ ZAPPED : Tell Joy lo ,..,..! yoa .. )'ti are or you'te '°' cota1 -ln wbk:• cue lte cu Had '1mleH , u E~ilu scaoo1tea0tr, about l'1 years Gld, wllo bu llld .. ,......, marrt11e. r to T a,lk 'Patiently' DEAR ANN LANDi!RS; s;W ' hor· rifled tO read of tW ' ~ ~-1 who ~ • ' J toot it upon t>err1f to U)e bola and 1ttligbt<n U<lWld ~ dell: drawer. One morn1na: she ran · into pornography that kepi lier blushing until five o'clock. Ttlat secretary ·must be new in lhe wort world or sbe would have ~ about the unwritten law :· Thi Doti'• Desk Drawers Are Jnviq!Ue. How -iii she llke it U the bola ~ to tUrprile her and ttrlightm ll'GUnd her pone? -NO SNOOP SECRETARY DEAR NO SNOOP:,,.. .,.aa .. wn b "mprbe." Nt ~ -lob ' ' . II ap OI llenell lo' lhlptn ....... lier btu'• dell: -U!eu Ille ... 1111 permlalto. oO ... -....... .., ... "' my 11 --i.· ... -.. •trllPte• ll'tud t111 ... dtalc dratm1 ..., dlno tley -lo dt It. I appndalo abarp peoCUi, a welloftocad paper eUp box 11111 peu &bit write. Ann, Landers' new• book, "Truth ts Stranger ..• ," is available·ln booklkns OVOl')'WbOrt for ff'.9$, , . Ano Landen will be glad to lielp yoo with yoor problelnl. Send ll1em to her In care ol Ibo DAILY PILOT enclollng a stamped, tell-di 1a ed envelope. · ' . ···--~ . ' \ ' J bl Ue CO! Cl' tlil '" b• djt ~. otl W1 a i • Rl 6,1 ~ llci Be •)) pr! at i'11' tDO 27·J Del tu I ity J mJ "'" w4 = we I !or be str IA OD! la• • .. ,. "' W• -... c YA '"' = .. ... . CJ ... .J, ;I' .. ' ~J4 DAILY PILOT 20 Years of Competition Mrs. Clifford W. Hepburn (right) of Newport Beach, bake-off finalist in the Pillsbury..General Elecbic contest in Atlanta, helps Miss Georgia , Burma Ann Davis blow out 20 candles in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the contest. Horoscope Cancer: Be Practical - ' - Christmas in Westminster Yule Gifts Exchanged ~ ' Cbrlstmas ln February? Beginning, lls second session represented the club durh;ig JI Will be !or lnemberJ ol at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. the dl>trlcl's Fine Ar ts the WHtmirattt W 0 m1 n '1 14, will be atorytlple in Festival, and on Saturday, cthlb ·1bo~.; pl~..,1111 A Westminster County Library. F.eb. 15, the section wUl -tour S .. -"'"' ~-'~--Gill pa-Sponsored by the woman's .HMunarlnotlngto. n libraries In San .,...... ...-... 1.11u-•• club, thl.s session will continue ly at 7:10p;m; 'l'b!lnda1;Feb. unW the end of May with CUOlllel aecUOo Is plannln1 13, 1n ~ drie center. · a charge of 50 cents accepted a trip to see ""1nnY Girl'' lhnrant.i C b r I tel m a s for the purchase of small u Its annual ill&hl out mi pr--too 1orae or loo Items for the c b.11 d re n ' s Friday, Feb. 28. . 1111111 -wUI be offered for libraey. The first day of spring, · sale with Pit! of !be proceedJ Storytime will beiin ' with Mareb 2D; has been· aelected ddlpiled to !be Peonies for a Valenllue party and then by Mrs. Tbeodore Bmrer, Ari ICbolanbip p r e a e n I e d the 1bunday and Friday chairman of Mannequl!ll, for through Orange Di 1 tr Jct , sessions will consist oC several the club's faabion s bow . Ca!Uornla Federation o f stories and show anll tell time. Tickets !or A Portrait In Women'• Clubs. Children 3-to-S-years-old may · Fubion wUI go on sale Moo- C4nt1m1lng the art. theme, register in the cblldren's sec-day, Feb. 17, and all proceeds the club will participate Ill' lion of the library. will benefit the scholarship Westmlnater Cultural Week Many acUviUea have been fund. March 2t tbrougb Z9 by , reparted by secUon chairman. Modelin1 durin& the dessert spomorlng an ubibtt for art Chairman of arts and crafts, , show, taking place in the Peek s tudents attending Mrs. Edwin Altxander, has .FamUy ·Coionlal Terrace Westminster High ScboOI. announced that eight entries Room, will be the Mmes. • Junior Ebe/ls Art Contest Selected by Newport Beach JuniOr Eben. u thi!ir Hallmark Art contest winner is Miss Donna Saunders who entered a collage u a J n g natural materials. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Saunders of Costa ?i.lesa, the 17-year-old winner is a senior at Corona del Mar lllgb School Her work will be entered in Orange District, callfcrnla FederaUon of Women'• Clubs, Junior Memberahlp compeUUon. Wort.a of other entrants compriae· · -an exhibit at Mariners Llbraey du r In g February. Emblem Club Select Winner Emory Clifton, Edward Hyatt, John Wagner and James White. Qt.her future activities in. elude a May rummage sale, according to Mn. Frank Miller, ways and m e a n a chairman. • Daughters Host · Party Mrs. Rei Turner, new presl· dent of the King's Daughters of the Wea:tmitlster Seventb- day Adventiat .Church, wUI host the groi.ip .. 1 Valentine party and meeting at 8 p.m. Tbursday, Feb. U, in her San- ta Ana home. . Elected to serve with Mn. Turner, are Mrs. Ben Cb1nn, vice preaident; Mn. ReQie Calender, lre""!'er, ljnd Mn. -D&vkfManaen, secretary. Mrs. Turner will appoint committee chairmen for the fiscal year and names will WEDNESDAY FEaRUARY 12 By SYDNEY OMAJ\R The Elks Lodge ls the set-be d·raWh for secret pals. Pro- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 23): Debts are p a l d, collected. ting for meetings of the jects for the year also will May be conflict of interest. Emphasis on what you own. Emblem Club 201 of Laguna be discussed. ' Loved one could make ex· ExplC?it tmique abilities. Beach. Members gather the HALLMARK WINNER The nonprofit v olunteer cesslve demands. But job, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. first and third Tuesday at organization workJ to serve 8 Donna Saund1r1 th h ch d ••--· ed other tasks require your at-19): You are aware of ;..,_Jj;;;;;;;;p;;;;.m;;;;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiOciOuriiiiiiOaniiiii"iiiii~Oi•OimiOniOemji.I "Tbe wise man controls his .. ,-,. delUny .•. Astroloav points the tention. Base actions on logic. flue nee you have on others. way." a.1 Be patient and persistent. Maintain steady pace. Stan •o= (March 21 A il 191 LIB~ (Sept. 1.3-0ct. 22): rather than finish; means get ~ · pr : Avoid showdown at home. going on project which claims Wise to keep business pro-Realize some close to you to-your interest. Be inventive, apects in mind.· Don't dilute day are supersensitive. Accent original . . , di-G<t routine tasks out • of way. Don't overlook essen-on ab~ty to recognize money-. AQUARWS (Jan. 20-Feb. , tials. Il alert, you gain ~ makJ.ng o!trtunity. Check 18): ,Catch up on rest·~ jective. career advances. property v ues.' right to privacy. Be discreet. l TAURUS (April 20-:u..... SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): One who confides in you ,._. :r Don't try to be everywhere deserves consideraUon. React 20): Good lunar aspect today at once. Accent' on short lrips, iil mature manner. Don't cast coincides with ability to P~ messages. Hunch proves ac-first stone. ject, express and convince. curate. Follow through on in· p~ (Feb. 1g..March 20): Meant you can picture plans ner feeling. Keep promise 1, tention to in-and help lhem b·e come made to relative. Q-.ye at career, realiUes. Have faith in your come potential. Confide in futur. SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22-family member. Adv Ice own · Dec. 21): Day features tenden-received can be put to pro- GEMINI (May 21-June 20): cy to be careless with fitable use. Some of our hopes Displte over finances can be possessions. Guard interests. come closer to realities. resolved. Make gesture of ---------~---------11 reconciliaUoo to f a m 11 y m e m b e r • Intelligent con- ceaalon can result in gain. Know tbil -act accordingly. CANCER (June 21.July 22): s~ wil1inpss to accept truth. Others are anxious to be In apotlf&bt. Don't block them. Wl8e ~to play waiting game. Avo\d teeing' situaUon in ... ldeOliatlc • lisht. Be prac:\lca1, LEO (J)lly,13'Aug. 22): Find out bow to save time. effort. Means: be aware of what's causing waste, lo&S. G<t job done. 'l1len you can relas:. You milflt receive news from relative in transit. Wine-tasting Party Beckons Newport Harbor Alumnae of Delta Delta Delta and their husbands will travel to the V1tlnp Four, Faahlon Island for I ,.;ne.tasting party and Jeclure nezl Wednesday, Feb. JI. . A ,alate. al. officers for the corning year. also will be presented durmg the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Jr the new cleaners explode dirl- what masl lhey do , I• y .. r hands? I Traclltional hand lotions are little protection again1t modern killer dean en . 1 • New Vedra with Aloe, the desert'• moitturising plant, 111a1 formulated ex- preuly to offset the deva- stating effec&a or h)lrsh cleaners. It 1oothe1, llftOOt}u, helpe rtttore a 1oft texture to h1nd1. Vedra Lolion, 1 .00, Cram, l .SO. Only ~•"•w••• Remember Valentine's Day February 14th has the soft lo.ok of "Feminique'' ! ' It's the new kind of soft"5elCY dressi na undemeath- il-all. The Renoir• bra-a demi-cup underwi~ in >0ft 0)4on crepe lined with flbetfill and lacey straps that curve around, under, uPI The half-slip- Antrone nv!onwith deep lined lace hem and applJ.. quu. In fashion oolors with misty belae: lace, · 6r.a 4)17. BC l2-l8, S1, 0, SI H.alf·Sllp In demi ,arw;I short P·S<M. wv. s.M.t. S6 J7J7 I . c.-H..y., C4M ...... 67J·1 tl0 e l •11.,1111•ric•td e M•ri•r Ch•rt• to v •• ,. 111 s.111. loc••io" ey als! FINAL 2 DAYS OF OUR. ONCE -A -.YEAR WED. & THURS. ONLY DRESSES Yalu11to $10 • $15 PANTY HOSE $50.00 PANTSUITS-All Fabrics WHILE THEY LAST sl!P VALUES TO $60.00 ..•..••.•.. -.................. now $15.00 SKIRTS -All Fabrics -Leathers -Furs -Suedes VALUES TO $50.00 ... -.......................... . now $10.00 PANTS-All Fabrics VALUES TO $20.00.................................... now $5.00 SHIRTS & TOPS -Cottons , Crepes, Satins, Etc. VALUES TO $20.00........... now $5.00 BOOTS-Short & Tall VALUES TO $30.00 .. _................................ now $5.00 Above mentioned items available in si1es 5 to 11 Sale Definitely Ends Thurs., 6 P.M. 11te l.,ool.- FASHION ISLAND SHOP ONLY 33 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT IEACH .. . .. ~. . . ' • ' ,• RESOLVE ' NOW to REDUCE Become healthier, happie~, thinner at Holiday ·Health Spas If you'i:e sensitive about being over· weight ••• • ESCAPE to the private luxury of the Holiday Health Spo, where sophisticated weig~t reducing methods make embarrassing pounds vanish quickly end gently. WE JUST ADDED A BEAUTIFUl HEATED YEAR-AROUND LUXURIOUS SWIMMING POOL FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT AND PLEASURE \ JOIN TODAY - ENJOY 1111111 CIUI fACIUTIU IT llO El1ll COST • , • • DANISH COLD PLUNGE •HOT WMIRLPOOL IATHS • FINNISH ROCK SAUNAS • ROMAN STEAM ROOMS • SWISS FACIAL MAOllHIS • FlORIDA SUN TAN •ULTRA MODDN CONDalONING FACILITIES • PLUS MUCH, MUCH MORI ... ..... IUI YOUNG AGAIN ..... LOOK SUM llllN ...... nlM llllN LUXURIOUS FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN CALL OR STOP BY TODAY FOR FREE TOUR NO OBLIGATION EVER! OPIN .10 'Tl~ I 0 7 DAYI A WllK COITA MUA 14 .. ,, •• 1100 HARIOl 111. ...... --· AllAllllM 826-Nl1 StO S. llACH __,,., ----· ~ ~ OllANGI ~P.2441 622 t UTIUA ' .. ____ C.h"leM IHt lttl._, "-lotl , _____ .. • • . . ~ ' . I NeWport Barbor: .. _1'1MY'• ..... • • • • :VO~. 62. NO. 36, 2 SECTIONS, 2• PA'GES '" • ' ' TEN CENTS • ~ . . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . .. . ~ .. . . ' ' ·--., 1' ..... City Seeks to Sprea;d Oil Sa:IlCtllary :.· UpcoaSt ' By JEROME F. COWNS Of ttie Dlltr Pu.t Steff Newport Beach city councilmen decid- ed Monday to sound out Huntington B~cb and Seal Beach on the possibility ol extending 'the Orange eo..t's oil drilling sanctuary north of the Santa Ana River. Oil ~vity is now banned in state waters south of the river to the Mexican border. 'f'tte~sm;duary, was est1~ by Uie Shell-OmiiJn&bam Act. •• Newport cooncllmen, alarmed by the Santa Barbara oil pollulion disaster, said they want the sanctuary's limits shoved farther north because "oil slicks don't respect ·poliUcal boundaries," At tbe same time, the council unanimously adopted a reSolution calling for a prohibition against drilling in federal waters beyond the Sbell-Om- ningbam.Act's tbz'ee..mile offsho~ Um.its. :Vice'M!')'or Limjsley P~ P.J'Oposed sce~king the support of Huntlil&ton Beach • . -.. . .. . ' ·. : :! . and Seal Beach In the city'• fight against the threat o( oil pollution. "I think it just may be that Hunllngton Beach's character bu changed," be ex- plained. "It used to be an oil community. But it may not be now."~ ·ctty Manager "tryey L Hurlburt was quick to agree. "I '\Jave the leellni that Ibey mllbl;j>e.mote recepli .. ,;.,. to extension of the Sbell-Omnlngham Act than .they_ were a few weeks.~." Maror Dore~1i.lllarsllall _added,,"~ know seat Beach would be receptive. They're very unhappy with the situation." llurlburt said most cities that llave oil producUon in ·their offshore· waters · "get a very small return for their trQuble;s. ti P,::;.:tdw~'7:~~:i. ~~ Beach alilholl!Jis In the next f.W days.. ••If· we pt .:Seat Beach's support ana nOt HlinUngton lliach's)'' said-CoUn-cllman llobOii Shelton, "lhat would •till . . . be an aCcomplJshm~nt. Half a loaf Is better than none." If the two northern county cities go al9ng wllh the ,plan, llald· Newport ol• ficials, the county'• representatlvea: in Sacramento would then , fftS'!'D&blY be asked to draw up the required teglalaUoo.· • It was • COlllldered unlikely • that anythllig could be done ·about undersea wells now in operapoa., north of tlie tiver. But there 'would be no further a~Uvlty. Parsons underscored the need for'awitt action by poinllni oul that tut !all the state said It would consider bids for addltjonal drlllinC 1n waters off Htzn.. lington Beach. "I'm very concerned a~t thia," be said. "All we need, .ii to have a nice oil island right out there by'the river .. It might he In HiilltbJl!on ~ bat Jt would wreck our view." . The council resol1i1Uon on oil operations (SeO DBILLING, P ... I) . a. ·111·· ..• .,_, • < .ncrease.s re- To . Block Preserves ' Irvine Heiress Files By TOM BARLEY Of fM DellY ,lllf Sttff New Ranch heireSs Joan Irvine SmiUt today has on file· a new lawsuit challenging the right of the Irvine Company to set aslde ·more ~than · 60,00()' acre.s of its_ land as an · agricultural p~serve. Suit Light Vote Turiwut For Bonds .. A spc.l check of represent all v 'e precincts before noon today indicated a light turnout for the $15.9. milliorl Newport-Mesa Unified school bond elec- tion. In lhe losing bol:J:d election 15 months ago the voter turnout was 44 percent. Voting patterns lhlll mornjng Indicated Election Day Chairman Jim Wood ouglit to be about right wltb bis eatlmate . oi ' u:.:;.;..,.,... .... ~.-:-:-... .._ .,. __ \ ' ';, ~bii..t""'Y" ,: ' ... --~ --... -' " • +,f> .... '•';; More Sands May Get Oil- After Storm SANTA BARBARA (UPI) - A -rainstorm moved toward the Southern Caillornia coast today, raising lean that the remnants of a huge oil slick may contaminate additional beaches. Booms were rigged to protect marinas In Los Angel.. County lrom pati:hea of crude oil which were reported lix mllea noith of Malibu Monday night Paul de Falco, reglooa} di?ector of the Federal Air and Water Pollution ContrOI AdmJrilatralion who IS ~ Ibo ·clean up .task, · •aid moot of Ibo . .u'Jl8't\rphed .... . ~ --., Bui globs of the more than 111,lat Mrs. Smith claims in her suit in Los 'Angeles · Federal Court that the com· pany's action "will result in great finan- cia1 I~ and damale" to her. 'aod would .lmmedlately ilf> ... il!n .......... ,uick in the glalll laDd C!lftctm. Mrs. Smith owns ·21.1 percent of Uie. capital stock of the Irvine Company. 00-:e.v«. do :i.t Iii~~ pel1od oi "' he&vieii ~. lnfo.thO. evening houl'I ' \ before 'f,01ls close 11 a p,m. P.i>ll workers In ·tr(ldlUonal pro and anll-bood neijhborboods r.ported lesa voter activity t4an last ... time when a $20. 1. mllllol! bood request !alled. to get • 'pllool of oil thal, loUecl from an Olfme wen floated fninl one to r..,,. miles of! .a 4G-mlla slrelch of coast on bolh sides of Santa Barbara. 'i?ie Irvine hf!lress describes the corp- pany's 80,000 acres of J~ ¥t Orange C-0~9" '.'Is potenUally the most valUable piece of. land under single ownership in the world .today ... with an estimated _ market value of $1 billion." ··o She states ·that the area about to become an ;agricultur~ ~e has !l present market vaj.pe of $200 million. County supervisors, last week backed their planning commission's m:om- mendatioo that the G,890 acres of Irvine telritory . be gr:anted preserve statuS. Ttie action seatS off . the acreage .from any use other' than agricultural for the next 10 yeats. Mrs. Smith argues "that the scheme to place · such valuable lands in an r.gricultural preserve is a fraud not only ti\ .the lrvine Company and its minority · sti>Ckholders but also on the taxpayers of Orange County." She contends that the major portion of the I' property "will remain in its present' vacant condition during the eir tire period of · the agricultural preserve aiteement." Mrs. Smith asks that the contract betWeen Irvine and cOunty supervisors be nullified pending a hearing by the united States Supreme Court of a petition in: which she seeks court support of her argument that the James Irvine · ttuil be declared invalid. Named as defendants by Mrs. Srnitll ln:-her new legal action are: The Irvine Company;· the James Irvine Foundation ; William -R. Mason of Newport Beach, company president and director; Charles S. Wheeler, company secretary of Corona de! Mar; N. Loyall McLar~, chalrnlan of the Irvine board and FoundaUon prejl- delrt · Mark R. Sullivan Foundation trust'ee and company ,dtredor and John V, 'Newman1_ FoundatiOn trustee and com- pany director. ' · ';i'w•s ltEw LAwsul:i; ,, .' :i";J1l1n Irvine Smith. .. , . ,,,_ . ·-I . ' ' Newport Soldiet . . Ordered Expelled From Sweden A Newport Beach military deserter and a companion released from prilion in Sweden after doing time for narcotics peddling and theft today 'lost appeal! against expulsion. Joseph_E. Norwood, 20, and John J. Dowling, 21, of San Diego, were ordered etpelled from the neutral nation by its Aliens Commisson u undesirables. They ba'!'f their , appeaJ · on lbe liketiho04;lbat they will be court martllil· ed ·'and' itriprisOned if returned to the United States; after deaertlng to protest the Vietnam War. , • ·Both -were stenericed to two months in prison in Malmoe City Cwrt last year f.or their meUtods of supp:irtlng themselves in a nation where many U .s. deeerters must go on welfare assistance. . . ._,,__ ~­... Roper Combs tlie Curl k.: . Ac. ~tor Steve Roper waa about to hlt the beach !or a r.stlul vaealion at Surf's Inn when Dodie Swift, a' jet ~tter f,Jth a convertible wig showed up, movlng'ln' and ool of hill ll!e in her dual ldenilly ., b!OIMle darling of.ti in- • ternaUOnal set and brunette racll:eteer's moll• on the lam. ... .... ~ SO. how Roper• e<>mbs the curia -and checka the. !ootirilu """~ beaCh -to find out what makes Dodie run in tJie.eJ>isode currenUy,under Wey .Jn Steve Roper, newest a>mlc atrlp In the, DAILY PILOT. It~ \o9•1 oo ;Page 20. I ' · . ' .. , ~ .. .. ' ' I ~ .• c.> .• -... --.. ----- the tequired majority. ' The most Cn.Jclal ballot measure in that· multiple election -$13.6 million for new classrooms -received 61 per· ~nt approval, short of the two-thirds needed. The heaviest early turnout today was ~ ill pro-bond areas. Leadlug the march to~ , polls were perapns who cast ballots 1at Corona del M:a'r High School, Mariners and Mesa Verde elementary schools. ' Here is what the spot check before DOOn showed: · · . Corona del ,Mar High -208 voted out of , 1,951 registered. Last time at the same hour: 252 out of 1,473. Precinct went 5 to 1 for bonds. Newport Elementary -'II voted out of 1,600. Last time: 86 out o( 1,000. Voted• to 3 against bonds last Ume. Lindbergh School -76 voted out cf 805. Lruit time: 143 out of 1,019. Voted •to 3 for bonds ; not enough to pass. Canyon School -54 voted out of 910. Last time: 60 out of 894. Gave bonds a be.re majority; not enough to pass. Mariners School -106 voted out of 963. Last time: 157 out of 889. Voted 2'h to 1 for bond1. Mesa Verde School -104 vot¢ out or 1,075. Last time: 11& out of 1,049. Voted 21h to 1 for bonds. Pilot to Provide Bond Vow Report ...._ _._ ~ The DAILY PILOT will .k~p its swilchboara open tonight to provide call· ers with uJ):-to-th&mfnute results of th e Newporl·Mua Ul\l(ied School Dlltricl bond el~tlon. Te)epbone &42-t12t be\ween 'the houl'I oft ind 10:30 ,p.m. to ronow the progress of the vote tally. The school district also will suppl)' election result.I. Their munber ia 14$--0600. The social ·hall at' Newport Harbor Hlgh1 School ts the place· for Jn-ptogre13 observatiol'IB of election returns, begin- ning about 8:30 p.m. '· .. . 1 • DAILY,~~l.OJ',laltt ....... • " ! ' t, VOTER TAGS GO ,BEGGING IN ~U;HT ,TURNOUT' $15.t Miiiion In :school Bond• ·on · B•lli.t • · ·~,-l~lons ~,P~ved ' 1· , • • t I I .j • N~port: Couneil fi~lth ' . On 'ToughParki~g Law Face:d wfth an upr11mg frbm tbe busines1 commwUty, Newport Beach city cwncllmen Monday night unanimously agreed · te ease up on . some of the restrictions in a tough new off-street pa'rkinf ordinance. They struck from the measure : the event of expansion of a. firm's flOor ..... but ~d he did object stro~gly to the other provJslons. They would, he slid, -"inhibit a businessinan from upgrading his' pro- per!, " y. . ''We sbould"be permitted •to do what we want . with our property as ,Jong as ·w~ dpn't ~·floor space ~ contribute tp.!QO parldng,prqblem." lll&.mnaru lrili•red .1req.,..t bursts A combination of winds and ocean currents kept the major concentraUo!t Jn the same position, but winds from the new storm could move the oil to the south. later in the week. "Winds accompanying the new etarm will be out of the southeaet at f.tnt,0 (See RAINSTORM, Page I) Yachtsman Sees :U.rge Oil Slick Newport Beach yachtsman Howard Fisher BBid this monming he afghted a large-slick of crude oil five miles out to ~ of! the Newpori' Beach pier. Checks of Harbor area m a r I n e authorJties yielded no conflrmation of the slick, but lifeguards said a boat would be dispatched to verHy tlie •lghtlng. Work crews are 'sWI hard at work on the Southern CallfOrnia coast between · Santa Barbara and Ventura cleaning the be$ches of thousands of gallon! of crude oil which· gushed Into tbe channel from a leak below a Union Oil Co. drllllnr platfonn. Orange ;_A requireniel'lt:that off•street parking spaces be provided if a commetclal bulldlni la remodeled cby . more than 25 percent .of" its ~arket·.value ·in apy one ·year. . · · -of . applaule-i from apectfton. 1 Mayor • , Doreen· Mmhall"finally bad M gavel· th4m down; • . . •. -A· requirelnent. ·that ·parking ,•papes he pro~l~ed.il.a Dullaing ,that ~·d~oyed by . fire or other cata.lfoi>he jo replaced by one equal ·to W')>ertent of the original structure's mai'ket value. Left· intact, however, w e re re- quirements compelling on-site parking faclJltie1 in Ute event of expansion - as opposed to remodeling -of ei:isting buildings. ' • Tlie._requirements call for one parking space for each 250 feet of groa1 floor area, with variations depending , on the type of buotn.U: . The council'• action, on a motion by Howard l19gen, concluded·• hejlted two- bour publlc be.,-ing. , , AB written, the law was a "bad law," Haapa Hid. He pointed out that coun- cilmen thmnleMa bad cqncec{ed it woulii · be unedforcuble 1f applled1 "to ,emt.fng properties along Marine Avenue on Balboa Island. Many of the shopo on that street. he a'1d, are 'on 30-fQOt'Jots, leaving no room for on-1ite parking. Told Qlat the . ordinance 1included a (8ee'PAIWNG, Pap I) 6 Alternates Chosen For Trial o{ Sirhan Weadle:r · Never one to hedge on a bfit, the weatherman says., tbere'a: a 100 percent chance of rain toalght; ro~ lowed by more &bowen on Wedne&o day. Merairy readings will remain sWyisb. INSWE TODAY' The New York Pro Mudca'• visit to . UC Irvine and the cu,.. rent production of the Santa Ana Community Plat/ers are review. ed todav. SeC Entertainment, Page 20. The Cowlcll ChOmbers were packed LOS. ANGELES (AP) :... Tbrt< men with ' UnhipPy merchants and other and thrte women were choten today ••""• • Mttt11111 • buatnesamen'wbo'w<iUld be affected by as·alternite JurM for;tbe· rDurder trial ~ -.ri :=., """ 1'4'l the new•ordlna-. of Sirhan Bilhara Sirhan and .-!nor C-k• '' Of-. Cwlltr •• ....... t..-::--::r.·:::-· c.......... " fyMfl,....., •• J1rlpclP,81 apok~· · apipst . t be argume!ntl were ~Wl;nr ~)'. DMllll Nttkitt • """ ..... ,,.,, remodeling Md .fe~ aect.lons ot , ll1Qrl$tg .. · • ;-.---~r · "' · . ,;:,:: ,... : :.",...... :::~ the · pto~ 'Jaw was Ar\rp Haapa, Th!•alternatee: Will stt·Wtih·tM '~\ar'.· :;=..,...., ., .. r., =~ 1,J: p<ibllober of'tlie Newport·JWl>ot !lMlan · Juiy OI · eiillt · n\eh) ,an,d roar 'woti!<n · '. ., .. -, -, 11W.,...,,.ft.·,.,,:_:.· , .. f·,.•.,.;/ .. \~:iJier,~wtb;~: ~~~ •. =-=.,. ;;1 ;::: ~· 11 JJc.lndicatedhe1\aa.•J>O 'llllll~-""'. ,,.,;~,.,il ,'IJ,,~:·. ra;.~: ; ,--.,~. , . , I ~~ to !!qa;~g ,off,at(4't·;f1f~bi!: ~ ....... ~· •. '. °"".Y.l\. • il ~J . ~~I , . ._.._._"._.".._"...,'."_.•·...,• ·"•" .. :-·-."-'-·...,.._.. ! •.,...,. I • 7 • o ' • 'I ' t ' \~ ' I ". ' ' I> ' 1 ' 't \ •j ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 > I I • ' ' .,, II . ,.. 'I;~• ·'.·:; ·-~~ ''IJ'. '·~:: til : I a · " g ; ~· ·P' ; ,eo· .. (, ' 1.' '.:D' : _;, ; . . ,.v, .· Q .~/' l •. .4.1.-. 1 _1 11 ' I ' ··~ ' I ,. ,( • '..J • ,.·,i ! •• •' • •, '' .. • ' : • 1!~,.,. • ?' ~·I ~,., •11". i ...... _.<_,l} -t, ... J .f, I J\~. Tt 'I " ' I':.> 01 • ' " 1 ··--·· ... \~\\, .. 8pm • \-;. 1 J DAA.Y ~ILOT N . Countian Risked Life· ·in P.uehlo A~tion SAN t>mGO -A N•'l' coretr man -an. -rlllml -·to -· ~ "' 1"!\111 -pirates -ldcted the USS Pueblo"s lighting system out ol commlulon while held at IUJIP(llnt, be said Monday. Enltnemoo II<; Rushel J. Blansett Jt., !5t ol. 281& Anchor St.1 WU called to testify before o Navy Board of Inquiry, u their pn:ibe lnto the spy ahlp capture moved down the ship'a chain of com· mand. Dtfllnt llltlsfacUon wu all the burlY. !&-year Navy eollltod man gol for bb .fciol-k sabotage, 'because 04pton forc- ed him to quickly repair the mbchief. "l tripped the main DC generator.'' l!lid lhe mlld·voiced Blansett durloi Hippie Teens Moving Into Harbor Area .Harbor Area schools have become part oi the territory for Teens for Chrl!:t, out elf Huntington Beach. Seventeen of the hippie teens picketed In front of Rea Intermediate, in Costa M'eia, Monday afternoon, carrying sand- wich-board signs and quot1ng the gospel. In recent weeks they have picketed aeveral other schools in the area, includ- ing Estancia High •. Wilson Elementary, Newport Harbor Higb and Enslgo Inter- mediate. A vice principal and police asked them lo leave Rea School Monday but the 1.eens refused. Police left ain<:i! the group was legally picketing on tbe sidewalk. Paul Berg, 21, a Teens for Chrl!t leader, said they will continue to dem- onstrate at schools because "Jesus aaid IUffer the litUe children to come unto me." Berg added, "Jesus told us to come here and preach lhe gospel. Who are we go.in& to obey, God or man?,. From Page I PARKING ••• ' . Mondl1'1 "-hill, -allt ,...... ~ ... , .. ·-__ ,_ _.......,. ... .,.. "'"'-' ·-... Qllf ,.. •• - 0 . .cloldm8I .... ol ·-· ........ and value to North KottaM who board- •d the Pueblo IJ DIOlllba qo. • · Blansett told the Board of Inquiry what """"""1 a1t<r be deltanlly ldcked lhe llghtlng generalol' u be 11 marched from the englneroom al IUllPolDI b,y a North Korean guard. •'This caused the li&bta to 10 out." he erplalntd noncbalantJy, "~t I bad to pul them back oo. They wanted tllo lights." Talking In gentle tones, BlanaeU told of being kicked and beaten by North • ·J Korllli, .,.,..., J'llD .... -.. WU la dlarp' al lbit . ..,._ ... lo I* lllfltl ~ irbllo, Cldlf o+IN•., ,...._aallllwn~ · . ''lllo1..,_ .... ----·-· piece of equipment io another , trying ta get me to tell them what they were and how they worked,.. Blansett told the panel al high-ranking naval omcen. "They were speaking Korean, but I could tell this time wha\ the1 wanted/' be testlJlod. ••What dJd you tell them?" aaktd the Navy questlooer. · "I told them nothing," said Blanietl Chief Goldman then took t?ie iitand to explain that sabotage by himself or Blansett would have cawed them to DAILY PILOT ttefl' """ 1u1e pennit procedure that could lead p Pia · lo waiving ol the restricUoD!, be replied., Gppfl nterS "that's too expenalve." Hupa then ratUed off a 1lst of cost Three members of N~ Girl Scout Troop 1342 sprinkle !Stlmalu Involved in use permit pro-poppy aee<IJ along Jamli6t';e''Jl6aa cen~v!der in beauti11catlon reedlnga. Application, arcllitectural U<i project involving more than: 20 members of the troop. From Jett are 1ttomey fees, he said, wilillll ranfi' from Troop President Dee DeMott 17; Pat SeWell; 16, and Cheryl Klnney, ISOO lo ft,ooo. "And we could still wind 16 • .Harbor Atta youngsters ha~e been active lately in beautification 1p with nothing," he declared. .. · o.:.:.:;. Sah•~ ,_ "'-·d ... • ed d~ · ~ b b "lmtead of spending all this mooey _w_•..c'"'-·--'--"'"-":.Y•:._ __ ..,_u_en_u __ •an ___ ~_n_•_u_=_e_a_c_es_. __ _ lor a use permit," he said, "perhaps we should put it in one big pot. and lake you to court to fight this law ... ~O ATrACK "Mr .. Haapa," snapped c.ouncilman Paul Gruber, ••are.you placing yourself It the posiUon of threatening thta COUil· til?" "No," Haapa retorted. "I'm not at.- tacking anyone. I'm here bf self-defense." Vic• Mayor Lindsley Parsons was first IO speal! favorably for the merchants' point of view. "f think all wt should be concerned with," he said, "is freeilng the existing 1ses. When the use is changed or in- oensified, then the property-owner ahould :onform to the parking requirementl." Parsons spent several minutes arguing Ole point with his colleagues, who all we eventually won over. Rogers was olth him from tllo beginning. . Councilman Robert Shelton ,said he IPrould ·prefer ·a toUgher ordlnance, but raid he agreed with planning consultant Ernest Mayer Jr. who had stated earlier, , •you have to learn to crawl before fou can walk." Shelton said the ordinance, without !he remodeling and rebuilding provisions, •·ould be a good beginning. Councilmen wi11 give the revised ordinance a first reading on Feb. 24 and a second and final reading on Mao;,h tlO. DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST fOU•LISH1 MG COMPANY "•b•il N. w ••• Prtsldtnl •"' Pullll11icr J11k l . Cwrl1y Vlu l"tftlclenl •ftd ~nrr•I ~111ttf Th'"''' X11vil Edilff" Th1M1t A, Mw•p~i111 Mt"'91"' Edltw J1r1111• F-. C1lli111 Ptul Nl11•11. N~w-1 SHtll. A .. f•llt l .... (llr Ed!lt( Oltoc!w tMwpMt ..... Oftlff 2111 Wist l•ll~•• l•ul•v1ul M•ili111 Atlt1•1111 P.O. I•• 1171, !2641 --COlll MUI : UI WtJI Sir fl~f t....-ktcfl; m F-1 .... ,,.....,. """'lfntleo'I 8tttfll .. Jiii SltHI Seal Beach Takes Steps On Planned Oil Operation The Seal Beach City Council ls taking steps to assure that the city will not be harmed by a drilling and pumping operaUon planned by the Continental Oil Company just outside the beach community. City Manager Lee Risner explained that Continental's well is just outside the city in county territory. "But it will tap the gas and oil reserves under Old Town and other areas of the city." Test marks have been set up in sec- tions of the city to keep track of possible subsidence due to oil operations and under tenns of a new ordinance just passed by the council the city will take the oil company to court if the land is sinking. The object would be to get the com· pany to begin repressurization of the land pumping sea water into the earth to C:,mpensate for oil and g8.s re.moved by the production wells. The city manager pointed out that the city cannot force the drillers to sink repressurization wells and that the spokesm·en for the oil companies have discounted the poulbility of subsidence. "But we have done everything we can lo protect Seal Beach from possible ill Yessiree, That's Exactly What You Saw-Snakes Don't go on the wagon Just yet. What you thought you saw on the Newport Freeway at three this morning was for real Yes sir. That big baby with his eyes glowing red in your headlightl wu a boa constrictor, all 55 pounds of him. The shorter one doing all the rattling wu eracUy what be cracks up to be and the one flipping his bead and doilJi the 6llake basket bit was a cobra. And the guya wolldng aroond •• If they _.. lmdlng OD bot coals were Calllomla !Dg)lway patrolmen. But 1ll>ortly alter you left in 1111Ch • big hurry Ibey had them au loaded back In their car and beaded for Laguna Beach. Night.club danotr carol Gr a h a m Cybulakl 106! her pell which lhe uses In her .ct when her car ro11ed over .., the southbound 17th Street alframp . between TutUn and Santa Ana. Tbe 30--year-old entertalntr auffered only cuts and brulsu in lhe craah, CllP olJlcen llid. etfects.'' 'Ille first drill site Is oil Bay Boule- vard near a small producing field north of Seal Beach. Two other sites have been designated as on the Naval Weapons Station land. From P.,,e 1 DRILLING ••• In federal waters was directed to the county's Congressional delegation, to Senators Cranston and Murphy, and to Interior Secretary Walter Hickel. It declaffil: "The council considers it essential that the protection against oil drilling afforded by lbe Shell-cunn!ngliam Act be extended to prohibit oil drilling operaUon1 on the federally controlled water beyond the three-mile limll '' It urged that "immediate stepa" be taken to establish legal restrictions against all offshore clrllll!ll along the Orange and San Diego County coasWne and that tough new standard.a be developed for oil acUvities in all federal \\'ate rs. Area Boys' Club Selling Flag Kits American Flag ktU, including • miniature Calllornla otale f1q u 1 bonus, are being oflertd for sale this month by the Boys• Club of tb9 Harbor Area. Sale of the flap ls keyed to two 0 patrioUc" birthday• this month - Abraham IJncoln'a birthday Wedneoday and Georee WasiM&ton'1 anniversary oa Saturday, Feb. 22. The flag kill, each of which Includes a 3 by &-loot flag, &-root •tiff. halyard, metal mounting bracktta and 1crews all packed in a self-storage bor, are offered q , a public service of the Boys' Club at 13.111 each. KJts can be picked up in pmon at eithtt or the club's two branches or wUI be dellvtred by Boys' Club memben, but only to buyen In the Harbor Area. •. . . :... "': :=:: belora the . job • ....... "·""., -.......... ~ OoMmp ~ !'""7 were uklnc for, ..,....,_ ii ir.r..n, but I couldo'f undtrlWld them. One ol lht!n hil Bia,., eelt In the corner ol lhe mouth. "Tbey llOUcod 1 Onl-<W. crow rating lnstpllr on his arm. I had my work jacket on, and Ibey pulled down my jacket lo ... if I had one. "I clidll'~ oo lhey hll blnl In the atom- ach ar.a.a couJ*; ol. tlmm." Most of the time, Goldmin Aid, the North 1Corean1 alaUoned ona guard In the ..,.me room wlth a gun. "Did the possibility enter your mlod of dliabllng lhe eJlilW!" ~ Capt. Council Lauds T~ens' Cleanup Of Beachfront Newport Beach city councilmen had high praise Moo.day fot the "community e!fort'' involved in Saturday's beach cleanup by hWld!eda ol Newport-Mesa hl1h school lluclentl. After bearlnc a · report from City Man•ger Harvey L. Hurlburt, the council directed Mayor Doreen Marshall to send letters of graUtude to the city of Costa Mesa, which donated men and equipment to the scl>ool district, which gathered up the volunteer "anny" and to several private ftrm that donated food for 1 beach plCllJc later In the day Saturday. "I know aome of the Jdds bad a lot of fun,'' said Mayor Marshall, "but J also know they all worked very hard. What I ttµnk is so remarkable is that it was a total community effort." The students . cleaned up mOBt of the storm-tossed debris from the beach art:a eaJt of the Newport Pier. , Councilmen decided Monday to have the rest Of the beachfront cleared of debris by a prlvate·contractor. Hurlburt was authorlztd to negotiate a · contract for a sum not to exceed $8,500. HW'lburt said he had received eight bids ranging from $4,400 to 127,000. Harvard Prof Speaks Harvard Medical School Professor of Psychiatry Seymour Kety will speak on "Btoeenlc Amines and Behavior'' on the UC Irvine campua at 3:30 p.m. Wednes· day in lot Pbysica). Sciences. There will be no admlsaicm charge. DU.a PUii.iC: We at HJ..TIMI a,. happy te aftnounce n1w 1 a., i ft g • on quality br1nd1. In keeping with our firm'• b.lief, "that you pt what you pty for," we shall continue to weed ovt inferor pr• ducts. WUlJam Newsome. COW\Sel for the court. "Yet, .W, but I know I would have ,. .-~ j ·'1efon be _abol "If you had· bid 1 'fortuitous' .,,.tne 'failure, would yob<have 1otten lbot?" "Yes sir. t•m sure I WOUid have gotten the blame." "ln hindalght.'1 u ked Rear Adm. Mar~ White, a member of the court, "Do )'du wish you'd b'led to overpower him!" "If we'd tried," Goldman replied quick~ Jy, "I'm ~ we'd have &Otten tWed. He kept his ·lllll trained oa myaelf or Dla!lSttt or the other man." ' Goldman said he never had been told the Pueblo's mission -anc! assumed lhe ship wu conducting oceanoetlj)bic re1earch. . . "You never aeriousl,Y considered the poulbUlly of bavlni to sculUe an oceanoeraphlc Jhlp!" asked Newsome. "No sir." Another engineman, Peler Bandera of Carson City, Nev., said some of the Pueblo's dualfied papers were so soaked in blood they wouldn't burn. Bandera l8id he discovered this when he tried to destroy the secret papers near the spot .where another crewman, Duane Hodges, 21, of Creswell, Ore,. Jay mortally wounded. ''Weren't you surprised no effort waa beine made to defend the Pueblo?" asked Vice Adm. Harold G. Bowen, president ol the court. "Yes alt," Bandera replied. Beach Suspect Labeled Dangerous Sex Off ender · A Huntington Beacb man arrested after he allegedly assaulted a Balboa lsland woman is back from a three-month study &e~on at Atascadero State .Hospital with a report that describes him aa: "a dangerous, mentally disordered sex of· fender." Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner has set March 3 as the date on which he will study the report filed on Charles John Trautwein, 31, of 20292 Craimer by Judge William Speirs when be withdrew pleas of innocent and pleaded Reagan to Visit At Harbor High Gov. Ronald Reagan's visit to the Harbor area Friday will Include a ques- tion.answer session with students of Newport Harbor High School, his aides said today. The governor, scheduled to appear at the annual Crime Prevention week luncheon of the Newport Harbor Ex· change Club, will arrive at Orange Coun- ty Airport at 10:30 a.m. The Juncheon will begin at noon at the Newport.er Inn's Jamboree Room. The bfgb ICbool vi.!lit will follow his speech at the banquel Reagan la due to leave for Santa Monica at 2:50 p.m. The luncheon marks the club's annual erfort to stress crime prevention. Several other activitJes are planned nut week. £Uilty to assault with intent lo rape. Trautwein was prosecuted following a Grand Jury indictment which alleged that he attempted last Aug .. 2 to rape a Balboa Jsland woman. Police said ~reams by the girl's room- Lane. Trautwein was sent to Atascadero mate scared Trautwein into escaping via the second story patio. Officers said Trautwein left his trous· en in the bedroom. Bail was subsequently set by Judge William Speirs at $250,000. Trautwein'! wea1tby father brought that amount in cash stashed in mailbags to the courtroom. The Atascadero reporl states that Trautwein is "not amenable to trea t- ment and is a danger to the health and safety of others." Atascadero doctors diagnosed Traut· wein as "sociopathic personality disturb- ance, sexual deviation (aggressive seru· ality, rape)." .From Pa9e I RAINSTORM •. a U.S. Weather Bureau forecaster said. "That would tend to push the slick back up the coast toward Santa Barbara. _"However, after the main front has passed, the winds will back up toward the northwest, perhaps on Wednesday. This would tend to push the oil down the coast to the southeast." $429 POI D£UVERY $49~~s . RFl'H SAVE , •• TIME & MONt!Y PLUS TAX PLUS TAX $529 CAU 548-9314 FtlEE DELIVERY $61 95 9UART IN ORANGE COUlfTY CASE FOR CASE ORDERS QUARTS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX SCOTCH - 6 yes old -UGHlUT OF BLENDS $485 CHARGE $54 95 RFl'H CASE FIFTHS PLUS TAX ltUS TAX $585 ACCOUNTS $65 95 9UAIT AVAIWLE CASE QUARTS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX ~··{-..... tte-•••••• •••J.IWt• '1: .. 111 I ... fw HI-VODKA -100°/o Grain Spblls -Charcoal Fili.reel .TIMI •••• lt•••4 ........ __ _ ..... ,..,....11% • ~ rw la11 -,117% ..-. __ , __ ,_, __ -flllk --.................. --.. ··-Fw tlto11 who hnen't IHtocl Hl-TJMrs l1m. eus spirit1, we ha•e , ... ducM tft1ir price for two MH.... Oft tl1t9le bottle purch.1 ... • ' $,319 . RFl'H DEL IV OU ERY $36~s PLUS TAX H RS PLUS TAX $399 , 9UART lOAM to 10 PM $46~m PLUS TAX PLUS TAX' SMART, CLEAi HALF GALLONS ·PLASTIC GLASSES FEB.-SPECIALS 30% fNVINTORY CLEARAHCE ~~D {~~; :BAi~~ IUNllTllOOI STI. IOUllON '9" PLlllCHllLUN'S •IN ""'" .. '12' -_ .... $15" SCOTCH ,__., HI-TIME GOURMET FOODS Ir SPlllT5 459 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 548-9314 I ii I I ' ol·-· ._.,. . ._....._..... ..... ___ , ...,._. ' • 1 --• 6e(GJ " ' B~A ANDERSON, Edllor • """""""· p.,_, 11. .. ~ • , .. ,, • • • ,. h . b" I S. ow···1z Attracts Toes are tapping and tunes are being hummed as Newport Harbor . Business and Professional Women shed their workday dresses for colorful costumes. They are preparing for the variety show which will climax the awards dinner at their annual Bosses Night Friday, Feb. 21 , in the Villa Marina. A closely guarded secret is the name of the man or woman who will be named Boss.of..ute-Year that night. Candidates' names haVe been submitted to a scr~ning committee, and the final choice will ~be up to BPW members. Those who have received the coveted honor so far are &>b Murphy, the first winner, a former Balboa businessman, and Fred Schoepe, last year's winner, manager of Newport's Bank of America. BPW members all are hoping that they will be the one to receive the other coveted award, Girl-of-the-year honor given for outstanding service to the club. After presentation of awards, frivolity will reign with the staging of the variety show, Martian He>liday, a BPW original. Mrs. Barbara Ritchie and Mrs. Orville Schlueter have exchanged thelr desks tOr director's chairs. Their cast includes the Mmes. J. C. Sutherland, Marion Le- Bus, W. A. Roseiifeld, Mabel Beltz, Charles Hunt, H. J. Swanson1 George Lymburn, C. R. Chamberlin, H. R. . Hope, Dick Riopelle, Deigh Boyd, Virg Oakden, D. w,. Fisher, Shawn McCarty, Harold Trapp, Don· South~ \\'Orth, Arnold Naegeli, and the Misse.s Maude-Ellen . Chill cost and Nettie ·Wise. r \ . ' . ... ' . ; ~ '.' MAR:rlAN HOLIDAY -The· spoUigbt ·will be "1'·~ Business and Pr:otessiOnaI .WolJ\en as, th~y s~·ge · ,.,Iar~n Holiday·to climax their anDuBl Bos'ses · . ' . , . \ Rehearsing their toles are (!en to righ!) , C.R. Chamberlain and Shawn McCarty. the Mmes. H. R. ., Eveh'ts Launched ' By SchoJarship Benefit Helping students further their education is the goal of Newport Beach Ebells who will present their annual scholarship benefit Des.sett Bridge Party. The event is scheduled to begin at I p.;n. 'Thursday, Feb. 20, in the clubhouse, and highlighting the afternoon will be a parade' of spring stylei1 by Lido Fashions. Member models are the MmeS. John Colby, Ernest K. Hartman, , Robert Stabler,•Frank Hughes, Charle! Edwards and Robert Pittenger. Mrs. Freeman W. Fisher Is moderator. Aceording to Mrs. Herbert Puterbaugh, chainnan, a lucky-ticket holder will receive a corsage, laced with dollar bills. Tickets, at $2, may be purchased fro·m any member. SECl'ION ACTIVITIES Varied activities also are scheduled by sections. An exciting day at the San'.a Anita Races is planned for the Travel section tomorrow, with departure f r'O m We Costa Mesa Theiler aet at ed ·events for Thursday, Feb. 13. Book Section One will meet at the home of Mrs. G. W. Rjtchie of Corona del Mar at 1 p.m. for a book review by Mrs .• H. B. Baetz. She will • be r tntroduced by Mrs. Charles Dewey, chainnan, and i»hostesses wilf be Mrs. Louise Arndt and Mrs. J. A. Gant. Book Section Four will gather ln lhe borne of Mrs. Elvin WUSon, Corona de1 Mar, for a dessert luncheon. Mrs. John Jakos'ky , chairman of Book Section Five, has asked members to meet at 12:30 p.m. in the Corona del Mar home of Mrs. Earl Ratley. Mrs. J. Bert Webb will present the review. A salad luncheon and day of cards also ha·s been an- nounced for Feb. 13 in the home of Mrs. Frank Cum- mings, Corona de! Mar. BRIDGE PLAYERS On Friday, Feb. I 4, members of Goren Counters will meet at noon in the clubhouse for sandwiches and col!ee, ..,ollowed by bridge. will model for the 1;30 p.m. show and proceeds will be given to needy students In nursing and music. Book Section ~ix will enjoy a talk by Miss Dorothy Shields on Friday, Feb. 21 when mem· hers meet in the Balboa home of Mrs. Lou Wightman. _ Former Ebe11 member Mra. Graeme Smith; now of San Diego, will ·show C91or slides ol her ttlp to Africa when members of Boolr1 Sectlon ·Luckf. 7 'meet . in th~_oorDe of Mrs. Joseph Cralego GO Monday, Feb. 24, at llOOIJ.. Home and Garden Section niembers will have as their guests when they m e e t Wednesday, Feb. 26 · at noon in the clubhouse Mr. and Mrs. Joe lJtUefield 1of, P.asadeoa . Littlefield will present a travel tour of 1ardens around the world. · Junior meoibers wiD honor seniOr members at their 10 a.m. meeting Thursday, Feb. rt. Luncheon will he followe<t by a progam from the F,oun~ daUon for the Junior Blind. SPRING FLOWERS ANQ FASHIONS -Ready to deliver decor· 'ations and luggage filled with new spring s.tyles are (left to right) the Mmes. Frank Hughes, Herbert Puterbaugh, Robert Pittenger and Clayton Thompson, members of Newport Beach Ebells who Will sponsor a scholarship benefit Thursday, Feb. ·:w, in' the club- house:. 10 a.m. · Four secUoaa have IChedul- Thursday, Feb. 20 will Re a scholarship benefit in the clubhouse, with a fashion show from Lido Fashiolt!l. Members Concludlnii lhe list II !lie club"s newest section, tbe G<ill Sec!ioo, which bas sche4lled several 9 1.m. events. Physicians' Wives Have No License I tell her r am 27 iMtead ol 30. Also, JlEAR •ANN LANDERS: The leller \ htm the MD's wife was extremely revealing. Tbt woman was obviously attempting to derend the medical pro- fessk>n against the accusa.Uon that 101ne «. the Grut Healers make paues at women In the examining rooms . She tried lo put the blame on lhe ptUenla. by telling about the various types who ~ve ~Uooed htr spouee. ANN LANDERS [il ' he'd ~iple it • it I didn't mention ra1 privious man:fage. If rellgjoo C1'.lmes up I'm fo say ~I'm an Eplscopallan (I'm really a Baptilt). And oh Y"· he thinka she would be more favorably .impr<s8ed U I said I taughl llChool This wom.-a '• buaband may be sent.le and compa51ionate u she deicribed him -a man in whom a woman would find it ea!)' to confkfe -but be also U s a very big mouth. A dJCtor who aoes home and tells his wjfe about U>e paUents who propositioned him in :11• olllce 11 vlollling lhe ethics or bis • ------- profession. . I can tell you from experience that the dockn' wives at our club ~ charm- ing bul lhey drink a lot and Ibey fall< too much. U the husbands ot these women are lak!JC their profesSonal secrets home, t feel sorry for tbelt patients. -ANTICLA'ITERTllAP DEAR ANT: I'• IO& at aU am that wivea of Mir.a drlU mere thu wlm rather than admit to beiA& a•halrdresser. According to Jay, these are not lies, of lawyen or pape~, "9t 11V they are small distortions desiped to poblt abolt keepiag cotf'41tDm: 11 well make an old lady happy. What do you 'lde1, ml • I -)"' fir mUlag think? --' ZAPPED . , It. · ' bE.AR ZAPPED: Tell Jay \o 'ptt11tnt .DEAR AWj LANDERS: Jay ind I have betn going together for two year1. Next week be is driving me to ~l1v-llle lo meel bis ·molhet. He lull \ked !hit JOI u YM are tr you're aot 10La11 -la w~cl:I cqe be cu find '1mstll .. 11 Epltc9pa1111 1cl:lo0Ueacber, altoat t7 yoan old, wilt bas had DO Jll"vleu mantage. • to Tal.k 'Patiently' DEAR ANN LANDEi!lll I .i.11 bor- rliled lo read o1 the. ~titr, who look lt upon herfell to llll]lrile the boss and lltrailhten lnlWld his • - drawer. One ~ng ahe ran into pomograph)' that kepi her bllllhinl unW five o'clock. 'Iba! aecretary must be new In lhe work world or she would have known aboul the unwriUen law: The · Bosl's Desk Drawers Art Inviolate. How would she like U Ir lhe bolll dtclded to ourprile her and ltraighten around her p.irse ! _.NO SNOOP SECRETARY DEAR NO SNOOP: The operative wml IJ "•arprbe." Nt ttere&uy .-W take k 1p '" htneH lo l1ra!Pfu ....... t.er boa'• deat drawer aleu •lie U. Illa ,ermlilion. 1 OI 'die odler laud,' U1 _.,my 11....-.11..- lo ~· ...U.. my detk draw,en lhy llioe .., w•io do '°' I appnela~ sh2rp peacU., a nlHtocled ,.,.. dip bos ud -tMI wriie. Ann Landen' new tibok, 1'Tnlth, ts Slranpr •• ., " II available in ~ •'!'l'J'hm for f(,16. Ann Landers will he. glad to l>elt> yoo Wllh yoor problems. Sood theOI to her in care ol the ' DAii> Y PIWI' enclosing a slamped, setf-acldre9al l'nvelope . II ti ,C< c II: tr b: ell b• oi 1'j a • " " i ~ i • • I I ..... . ... 20 Years of Competition Mn. Cliliord W. Hepburn (right) of Newport Beach, balt~ finalist in the !IBlabury-General Electric cootest in Atlanta, helps Miss Georgia, Burma ~ Davis blow out 20 c.andles in celebration of the 20th annivenary of the cootesl Horoscope .. ' . . . . . Christmas in Westmin~ter ••. t Yule Gifts Exchanged ' ' \ Cllrillma In Fel!ruary7 · llwWbeior~ol tbie ·w..tmmner ~ 0 m. n •• . ClulJ wbO Ue PlamilD& A Bwapplnc Clirlalmu Gilt par· ly 11 7: 10 p.m. 'lbunclly, Feb. IJ, In Ille cMc' coliter. Unwanted Christma s , presenla -loo large ,.. loo mnall -will be olftred for sale with part of Ille proceeds clellpaled lo Ille Pennies for Art acboW'lbip presented lhrougb Orange D it I r 1 c I , Callfornil Federation o f Women'a Clubs. Continuing the arl Iheme, the club will participate In W..tmlmter Cultural Week ,Moreb 14 through 29 by sponsorlllf en Hhlblt for arl students attending Wealminster High School. ·,11e..-. Ila MCOllll-lon at IO :IO a.in. l'rldlf, Feb. l'-·Will be llloeytlme In We.tmlnster Coonti' L!bfary. Spom<irtd by lbe · woman 's club, this aeaion wUl conUnue until 'ttii end of May · with a cliar1e ol 50 cenla accepted for ·lhe purclwe ol small items for the' children's library. Slorytlme will bes!n with a V alentlne • par))' and 1b<n the Thursday aJld . ~Y aeaslons wUl consiat of several slori .. and show and lell time. Chlldl'<!n 3-1!>5-ye&'l-Old may re~ in the children's sec- tion ol the library. P4aDY activities have been reparted by section chairman. Chairman of arts and crafts, Mr1. Edwin, Alexander, has announced that eight entries Junior Ebe/ls Select-. Art Contest Winner Stlected by Newport Beach Junior Ebella as the i r llallmert Art conteat winner la: Miu Donna Saunder• who entered a collage us l'n g natural materials. The daughter of Mr. and Mn. Donald Saundm of Colla Men, the 17-year-old winner Js a senior at Corona de1 Mar H1gb School. Her wort will be entered In Orange District, Calllornia Federation o f Women's Clubs, Ju n i or Memberohip compelilion. · Workl of other entrants comprise an elhibit a t Mariners Library du r i n g Jl'ebruary. represented lhe club durlna the dlstricl'• Fine Art 1 Festival, and on Sllut'd.a1, Feb. 15, lhe secllon 'w1ll jour Huntington llbrirleo In San Marino. Carousel section is planning a trip to see "Funny Girl" as its annual night out on Friday, Feb. 28. The first day of spring, March 2(), has been selected by Mrs. Theodore Brewer, chairman of Mannequins, for the club's fashion s b ow . Tickets for A Porj.rait in , Fashion will go on sale Morr day, Feb. 17, and all proceeds will benefit the scholarship fWld. Modeling during the dessert show, taking place in the Peek Family Colonial Terr ace Room, will be the Mmes. Emory Clifton, Edward Hyatt, John Wagner and James White. other future activities in- clude a May rummage sale, according to Mn. Frank Miller, ways and mean s chainnan. Daughters Host Party Mrs. Rex Turner, new presl· dent of the King's Daughters of the Westminster Seventh- day Adventist Church, will host the group's Valentine party and meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13, in her San· ta Ana home. Elected to serve with Mrs. Turner are Mrs. Ben Chinn, vice president; Mrs. Reggie Calender, treasurer, and Mrs . David Mansen, secretary. c . B p ti I Mrs. Turner will appoint WEO~~ycer:VmGO (A:~pt. ~)r~~·abf.~ coll~~ u:•Ef;~~~~; ~t, ~1T~~~;e~~~[4* FEBRUARY 12 May be conflict of interest. Emphasis on what you own. EtnbJem Club 201 of Laguna be discussed. Loved one could make ex· Exploit unique abilities. ~each. Members gather the HALLMARK WINNER The nonprofit volunteer By SYDNEY OMARR cessive demands. But job, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan •. ftrsl and third Tuesday at organization works to serve other tasks require your at-19)·. You are aware of m· • 1,p,m. Donna Saunders the church and those in need. "The wise man C{)Dtrols his ·'>O;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;il d . • -tr 1 · ts th tention: Base actiofl:' on logic. fluence you have on others.11 -esliny • · .=i o ogy pom e Be patient a d pers le t way." n 1.s n · Maintain steady pace. Start UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): rather than finish; means get ARIES (March 2l·AprU 19): Avoid showdown at home. going on project which claims Wise to keep business pro-Realize some close lo you to-your interest. Be invenUve, spects in mind. Don't dilute day are supersensitive. Accent oriainal. efforts. Get rouUne tasks out D-., of way. Don't overlook essen-on ability to recognize money..1 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. ''tials: U alert, you gain ob-making opportunity. Check 18): Catch up on rest-guard jective. Career advances. property values. right to Jrivacy. Be discreet. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): One who confides in you TAURUS (April 20-Mary Don't try to be everywhere deserves consideration. React 20): Good 1JUl8J' aspect today at once. Accent on short trips, in mature manner. Don't cast coincides wiib ability to pro-messages. Hunch proves ac· first stone. l·ect, express and convince. le F n lhro""" · lans cura · o ow '"&'' on lll-PISCF.S (Feb. 19-March 20): Means you can picture P ner feeling. Keep promise Give att!nt.icn to career, in· and help them become d lo 1 t' · ma e re a 1ve. come potential. Confide in realities. Have faith in your own future. SAGITrARWS (Nov. 22· family member. Adv l c e Dec. 21): Day features tenden· received can be put to pro- GEMINI (May 21-June 20): cy to be c!'llreless with Citable use. Some of our hopes Dispute over finances can be possessions. Guard intere!lts. come closer to realities. resolved. Make gesture of------------------ reconciliation lo f."' 11 y m e m b e r • Intelligent con. cession can result in gain. Kmw WI -acl eccordillgly. CANCER (June 21.July 22): sires wtUtncneu 1o accept troth. others are anxious to be in spoUiibt Don't block them. 'Wile: to play waiting game. Avoid seeing situation In loo idealisUc a light. Be practjcll. LEO (July 23-,\.ua. ~): Find cut how to save tiine, effort. Means· be aware of what's caualng waate, loss. Get job · done. ' Then you can relax. You might t'tceive neW!· from relaUve in transJL Wine-tasting Party Beckons Newport Harbor Alumnae of Delta Delta Delta and their husbands will travel to the Vlkinp Four, Faahioo Wand for a wine-tasting party and lecture.next Wednesday, Feb. 11. ! A slate of officers for the comiOg year also will be pmented during the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Jr the aew cleaners explcMlt llirl- wHt ••st tbey do to y•r hands'! Traditional hand lolions 1re Jittle protection :c!,':~. mod~rn k~ller New Vedra •·ith Aloe, the de.en'• moiBluri&ing pl1nt, wu lonnulilled ex· pre11l1 to ·offaet the deva- atating efictta of har.h cle1ner1. 1 t 1oothe11 . •ooths. hdpa ratore a .-'! , · aoft texture to hand1. 1 Vedra Lotion, 1.00,1 ! Cream, t.50. Only ~ ........ . Remember Valentine's Day February 14th has the soft look of "feminique" ! It's the new kind of soft-sexv dressing undefne:ath- it..,,\I. The Renoir• bra-a demi<UP undefWire in !.>Oft nylon crepe lined with flberlill 1nd lac:ey straps that curve around, under. upl The half~slip­ AntrOn• nylon with deep lined lace hem and 1ppll~ ques. Jn fashion colors with misty beige lace,' 8r1. 4Jl7, 8C 32-38. 11. O, ti Half•Sfip in demi and "1ort P.5-M. S\'. s.M-l, S6 J7J7 I. c.-Hwy., C41M ""' ,, .. ,,., e ''"ii•Pflt ri t1r' e Mtlltr Ch•r9t . 20 Y1tr1 I" S''"' Ltc1ll11" ,Hey Gals! FINAL 2 DAYS OF OUR ONCE ·A -YEAR WED. & THURS. ONL ¥---. DRESSES ¥111111110 $10 & $15 PANTY HOSE $50.00 PANTSUITS-All Fabrics , WHILE THIY LAST $1«1.~ VALUES TO $60.00............................... now $15.00 SKIRTS -All Fabrics -leathers . Furs . Suedes VALUES TO $50.00 ............................... . now $10.00 PANTS-All Fabrics VALUES TO $20.00.................................... now $5.00 SHIRTS & TOPS -Cottons , Crepes, Satins, Etc . VALUES TO $20.00.......... ... . . ... . .... now $5.00 BOOTS-Short & Tall VALUES TO $30.00 .................................... now $5.00 Above mentioned items a_vailable in sites S to 11 Sa.le Definitely Ends Thurs., 6 P aM. 11telpo~ FASHION ISLAND SHOP ONLY 33 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER N!WPORT BEACH . . . ... . . RES'OLVE NOW to REDUCE Become healthier, happier, thinner at Holiday Health Spas If you're sensitive about being over- weight •• , ESCAPE to the-private luxury of the Holiday Health Spa, where sophisticated weight reducing methods make embarrassing pounds vani5h quickly and gently. WE JUST ADDED A BEAUTIFUL HEATED YEAR-AROUND LUXURIOUS SWIMMING POOL FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT AND PLEASURE 'JOIN TODAY WOT lllTill CLUI FACIUTDS AT KO llru COST, .. • DANISH COLD '1.UNGI • HOT W!tntLPOOl IATltS • FINNISH IOCK SAUJUS • IOMAN STEAM IOOMS • SWISS FAClAL MADtlNES • n.otltDA SUN TAN • ULTRA MOOllH CONDITIONING FAC!lmES • PLUS MUCH, MUCH MOR! ... V" Fl.IL TOUllG AGAIN V" LOOI! SUM AGAIN V" II TllM AIAlll LUXURIOUS FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN CAll OR STOP BY TODAY FOR FREE TOUR NO OBLIGATION EVER! OPIN .10 'TIL 10 7 DAYI A WllK COITA MaA 14NMI 1100 MARIOI IL - AIWlllM llt-0311 SID I. llACM Ill! .... ., Jtl ......... ,._,,,,... c-I ClaANOI 6:1f·M41 •UL UT!U.1 .......... ... _'- .. ____ c..""'"' ,,, .... , .... """· '-""' ____ .. J ,. ·Costa Mesa ...~ .. . ........ • • . I . • \ I - vot: . .:'62,_ ~o; )6i_ i SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE• cou~. CALIFO,RNIA TUESDA¥,,FEIAU4Y 11, 1969 TEN CENTS ,....-·-.;·'."'."'i"'"'"-...;.·,....,....,......~ ..... ...._ ..... ,....~·,....__;-~.,.,.. ..... ,....,.....,....,.....,...,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,.......;.,....,.......:..__;,....,....~,....,....,....,....,......,..,.... ..... ,....~·,....,....,.... .............. ,....~ .......... ,....,....,....,....~..,..,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,...._'_·_1 DAILY PILOT llltf l'Mtl VOTl;;R· TAGS GO BEGGING IN LIGl:fT TURNOU T . $15.9 Million In SchooJ Bands on Ballot Spot Checl\: of Preci11cts Shows Bond Voting Light A spot check of represent atl v e \)l'ecincts before noon today inc}icated a light turnout for the $15.9 million Newport·M~. Unified school bond e1ec· ti on. Jn the losing bond ·election 15 months ago the voter turnout was 44 percent. Voting patterns thi3 morning indicaJed El!ciigo ~-~,(Im )l'ood 'GIJ&hl to be about right .., wilh bb, _!$Urnate of a ~_.,n llhOO~ P...dicUOiis bued on early voliJlg, however; do not include the period .of heaviest voUng, in the evening hours before poll.! c105e at 8 p.m. 1 Poll woriers in traditional pro and a.nti...OOnd neighborhoods reported less voter activity lb.an last Ume when a $20.7 million bond request failed to get the required majority. The most crucial ballot measure in that multiple election -$13.6 million tor new classrooms -received 61 per· cent approval, short of the two-thirds needed~ The heaviest early turnout today was in pro-bond areas. Leading the march to the polls were persons who cast ballots at Corona del Mar High School, Mlriners and Mesa 1 Verde elementary schools. · , Here is what the spot check before noon showed : Corona del Mar Higb -208 voted «rt of 1,951 registered. Last time at the same hour : 2S2 out of 1,473. Preeinct "'ent 5 to t for bonds. * Pilot to Provide 8ond V ot,e Repor t • The DAILY PILOT will k<ep Its ~wltchboard open tonight lo provide call· ~ with up-to-the-minute results of t ~ e Newport-Mesa Unified School District bond elecUoo. Telephone &C-4321 between the hours ot'9 and 10:30 p.m. to follow the progress of the vote tally. The school district also will supply election results. Their number is 645-0600. The S()Cial ball' at Ne\fpOrt Harbor High School' ii the place for in·progrl'.55 obserVatlom o( election -returns. begm- nihl: about t!'30 p.m. . Newport Elementary -97 voted out of 1,600. Last . time: 86 out of 1,000. Voted 4 to 3 against bonds last Ume. Lindbergh School -7&., v~ted out of 805. Lut time: 143 out of li019. Voted 4 to 3 (or boods; not enough to pass. Can)'Oll School -54 voted out of 91Q. W ,lime, 60-0ljL .• •LaSl. C:a.ve bciffdt"'t~ nJAl~!Y' not enough to pass. . Mariners ~ ~ IOI voted ool of !Mii. Lui time ' i57 ool. of fl9· V<Ked z~ to l for bonds. . MW Verde School -104 voted out of I,075. Last time : 118 out or 1,049. Voted 2lh to 1 for bonds. Newport Sold,ier Ordered Expelled ' From Sweden A Newport Beach military deserter and a companion released from prison b{ Sweden after doutg time for narcotics peddling and theft · today lost appeals against expulsion. Ji>seph E. Norwood. 20, and John J. Dowling, 21 , of San Diego, were ordered e1pelled from the neutral nation by its Aliens Commissoa as unde.sirables. They based their appeal on the likelihood that ttiey will be court martial· ed and imprisoned if returned to the United States, after deserting to protest the Vietnam War. Both were stenenced to two months in prison in Malmoe City Court last year for their methods of auppo~ themselves in a nation where many U.S. deserters must go on welfare assistance . One other American deserter, David B.ruce, 22, of Palo Alto, was lbe 1'19tt\ Gl to be grJmted politica! asyh.trp by the Allens Commission todly, while a fourth proleater was ordered expelled'. S toek M•rkeu NEW YORK (AP) -"The stock market struggled to a small gain today in a ses· sion cut to three hours because of New York City's soow emergency. (See quota· lions, Pages 10.11). • -wtg Flips ·8oper Combs the Cui: Ace, editor SleVe Roper wu·aboul to 1111 ihe belcb lot ~ lwlful vacation , al Surl'e Inn "be1dlodle SWiii, a jet setter with a canvertl~ wta slloWed up, : mavll>l In and ou1. of.bis Ille bl her dUal ·ldentlly 11 blonde darlillc0li11he l!J- tematlO.af aet and -ncteteer'1 moll .., Ille lam. ·· · • · • See bow Roper combo the curls -and cbeCkr lhe f-.;trOlf"thr beach -to find out what makes Dodie nm in the eplaode cutrentJy uode: WI)' In Steve Row. newe.ot comic strip bl Ille ·DAILY PILOT. 11 llarls today on Pqel>. , I • Storln BoostS Oil . Threat . ' . .. . ' ' ., I ~ l '· ,. . ' Booms Rigged to Protect Mo i:e IJ.eaches From Slick,. ' ' # I SANTA .BAIU!ARA (UP!) - A new !he clean up wk, said moat of Ille rainstorm moved toward the Soutliern oil has wBlhed uhore. , Calllornla coast today, raising fears Iha! But gi6bs of Ille more !ban< 131,aaO the remnants of a buge oil slick may gallons of oil · that leaked from In coTitarBlnaLe addiUonaL buchq. offabore· well fiolted from, one · to !aur Booms were rigged-to protect marinas · mntsr.oft a tG-inne strttcb of 'cout · Lo.. An el Count f •·• on bdlh'atdea.of Santa e.ibilra. in g es y rom paiu1es A ~-"--Uon· -.•, ~~-.. and" -an , of· crude oil which were reported sil \NtllUN.. ... wUJQll -. .. miles. north of Malibu Monday nigbt. , currents k,ept.. the . major ~tr'alk>n • Paul 9e Falco, regional director of il'I the sirrie p0sltlori, bUt 1 wll)ds from the Federal Air and Water PolluUon the new 8'orm could move the oil to ' · Control Administration who is heading tbe 9bqth later In the wetk. ., Blow to Sto«!Jet 4'Wiods accompanylnc . the new storm wlll be_ out of the aoutbt8§f. ~•t flnt,'' a U.S:W~ IMUu"l~.said. "'Iba! would lend lo push Ille allck back up th6 dJofl towanl·Slnta:Blrbora.. · '1laiweftrt • aftier "lbt nwn front 1 tsu puoed0 ·Ille wtndi 'wll 'i>OCk ~p towanl lhe north-, Jl'1rhaP! on Wednesday.· Thia ' wo.ilol, linil ·to' pWih · tJie oil down Uie cOast'to'l.M 'soulbea&t." \ ·It was the sbltung winds ·which at flrsl kepi Ille • lllck away · from !he Bigger Oil Limit Sought By Newport Irvine· Heir.ess Fileg .Suit • To Bloek .Preserve ~Ian ' ' ' . By JEROME F. COU.INS Of _,.. 0.llt' Pl• Slefl' \ Newport Beach city councilmen decld-By TO~ BARLEY ed Monday to sound out Huntington or ... Mttr ,..., • ...,. Beach and Seal Beach on the possibilltr. Ranch heiress Joan Irvine Smith today of extending the Orange Coast's oil has 9fl file a new law!luit challenging drill ing sanctuary north of the Santa the right of . the Irvine Company to Ana River. ' set a.dde more lha,n 60,QOO acres of Oil activity is now banned in st.ate \Yaters south of the river to the Mexican its land as' an agrlcullW'al ~- border. The sanctuary was establi!hed Mn. Smith claims in her suit in Los by tbe Shell-0.mningham Act. Angeles Federal Court that the com· NeWJ>Orl councilmen, alarmed by the pany's acUon "will result iii great· flrian- Santa Barbara oil polluUon disaster, said cial loss and damage" to her and woill,d they want the sanctuary's limits shoved irQmedlat.ely devalue Iler .180 shares of farther north because "oil slli::ks don't Stock in'tbe giant land concern. 1 respect political boundaries." ·Mrs. Smtthr owrui 21.l percent of the At Ille same time,. Ille council cap!Ja\slock of Ille Irvine Compa111. unanimously adopted a resolution calling 'The lrviD9 Mi..._~ dell:rtbel 1"' com- lor a problbiUon agall!sl drilling In pany'', 11!!.!l!lD ~ Of lanil In °"""' federal waters beyond. lhe Sbell-Om· . Colm\y"'aa·poleollally 111e·mo.it~ble ninahanl~'•·..,_.~~lli•• ~Jo41..Jui l!"'!<r ~···Ill!"' vice Mayor L1Dc1ste;.'l'ifaons projloseil rn tha ...rta.toda1 •.. "111\'"""·1/tid setk11'18' lbe support of lb:lntingto«1; Beach .. ~rket vat~·g· , bllllon;J -i ~ and S.al Beach In lbe'dty'I fight agallisl • Slit .-Iha · ' ~ the threal of oil pphUon. ~ an ~ !lira!. -"' 1111 • "1 lhink ii just may be that Huntlnglon present market valU. o1!2Gli muuon. Beach's character has changed.'' he ex· CoWlty 111pervisors last week backed plained. "It used to.be an oil community. their plannin& .eorom.i.ton.'!I recom· Bui II may no! be.now." mendatlon Iha! W 1z.-:~ ol ir:vii\e City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt was territory ~ ~anUid IJ>IU're .!latu!I. quick to agree. "I have. the feeling The acUon sealJ off lhe aefea:ge Crom I.hat· they might be more receptive now an)' use other than agricultural for the to extension of the Shell-Omningbam nen 10 years. . - Acl than the}r~were a few weeks ago." ·Mrs. SmJth ar£ues "that the ichem~ Mayor Doreen Marshall added, "I know to place such valaable lands in an Seal Beach woajd be recepUve. Th~y're ngricultural .~eM'\ie la a frat.11 not ,~Y very ul)happy with the situation.·• tn the Irvine Cotnp1oy and lts mlnbrfty Hurlburt said most cities that have atoekholders but i llO On tbt tupayers oil production in their off1hore waters of Orange Cdun&y •. '\ "get a very small return ror their She · contends thlt the IDIJ9f portion troubles." of the property "will remain in its He said he woold ~ the extension r)me11t v&cant obndltion ~ the en. proposal with Hu11Ungtoo ~ach and Seal tire periOcf°~ Ult alrlt'lllWtal Jl'IZCS}t' Beach authorities in the nm few d~ys'. agreement." ~ 1 "ll we get Seal Beach's support and · Mn. ·Smith asks that' the' contract not Huntington Beach's," said Coon· between IrVine and county ;supe~ cllman Robert Shelton, ~'that would still be nullified pendlhg a ·hearing by the . be an accomplishment. Hal! a loaf ts United States SuPreme Court of a petition · better than none ." in whfth sht teeis court ·support of . If the two northern county cities go (See DRILLING, Page !) * * * Newport Council Plnnners Tabl,e, Con#nJJe Praises . Students In Beach €1.eanup Newport Beach city councilmen had high praise Monday for the "community 1 erfort"' iiivolved 'In Saturday's beach cleanup by· hundreds of Newport·Mesa . ' high school ttudents. After hearing a report . from ctty Manager Harvey L Hurlburt, the COUJ¥!il directed Mayor Doreen'Mlrshall tO send letters of ·~aUtude to.the cltj 0( Costa Mesa, which ~ mm aud equipm~t to the '°'1ool district, which .gatheted up the voJunteer "army" and to sevefal private firm that donated food for' a beach picnic later In Ille <i"Y Saturday. "I tnoW some or Ole kids bad a 1o1 of fwr, • said Mayor Manhall, "but I also know Iller, all WOl"ked very bald. What l UUnk is IO remutable is ll\at it was a total ·~ flfOrt." The atudenls cl~ up, moat .of lhe I alorm·toded debris froril Ille, beacli area1 east of the Newporl Pier. · C9uncllmen decided Mooday to . have Ille rest of the beacbfrool cluJ;ed of delitls bf'l--prlvate contra-. HurlbUrt was authOriZed to negoijate a contract for a tum oot to exceed '8.~. Hurlburt said he had received eiatll bids ranging from li,IOO lo fZ7,000. . ' . . ' Pkas, Zip ThroughMeet . ' '1:,bllhg . and; icoiillnulnc a number . •I to the~ct om'!i>llldrl1 Newport Bw:h 1chfduted iteml to fUture meetinp, the .J,41 _f.bi. IN,, wlciUM ale M·i _. ls Colla MeSI Planninl, Commlplm brW-" flnalli&elnc &l"ve!Oped u iiiduatrlal pro- ed through a four·l'IP. aienda M""'"· perly. . . ih I ... than.one~. . : JRlcommeiJdiif .for .City Council ap- . A rezoning•petiUOn lo chanl•. I lar1e" ..m.a1' ·..:.....••!'-"-".'--Una M~"y . parcel ol. land near the Civic Center. t'.... uuo .... VIC aU\ll"l .. ._-,.. ......... from comm1rcl1I to· inaUtuUo.nal aod _,ere theSe variou'I ileml: · recreaUonaf n u waa tabled for Ille olxth .,.~. ftryl 'phase o/ Obsla Mesa's time -tpis ij;e lndefin!lely, blcycle-lrall ~pt, loeiiteci In 1he M..;. The property ~ by Fair Drive, Verde •rt• ~ &eal'!d to Jndlcate ,haw Vanguard Way. the Newport Freeway ~ -pbues UJrouihoul lhe ~lly wW right-of-way and the. Southern Caillornta work. Coll... campwi Is beinl engineered -A toot • ucepllon perml\ to llkrir toww..OWW o1 pibllc me. • sunablao C-mnnlly N......,,' lld!ool, . 11 would 1Upplom,.1 Ille· Colla Meaa 11'111 BaJier t!I.,• to <l'ilt~_,~_!.l!On Civic Ctn!« and Po~ Facill!J In that fl,. 0 ci1J1 W*'1 for 45 1W.....;• In ~•well u tbe ,adpcent ~--chUrCli cl11Poama. · County l'alrgrvunds, llOISlble site of 1· -A -• ....i.;u.. pirmlt for G«rp · municipal. coort -p!a and .rq\onal c. W~ Jr., Ii 1• Placentia A'IO .• ••r • • ~ -k ~,.,'I 11-ll~~ mtaorateur 1llu Diilman'•. up!!. ~ ~ a rm Wlllon ' /N~int 'tlacute dell f« on Ii-lot st., IJJ-a iMlifi>IO _._-. r ,i;girfamlty hon\e subdivision on. ,..:.w,_ .. _ ili!>lf«'Wtlllam.• ~:!u:\.':ae.olai.!,~b:'."t aiid Whittler t.e:."io 'tV:. ~:;~.:;:; . 'Ille· remUnc P.dltlon, tental!Ve lracl Avt..Di· _,el -· Stlool bdo -maps and .... \iictptlon penn111o bWld 1o1a. · • • , • In the manufacturing ZOlle wm be up -::..\ liilo --.ion permll" for Don nezl week fot stlllty ....ion !alb belate Sp!illllt, Ii ~ S..111< Ave'., ~' • final aCtion a .... t later. · · to bOild 11 aparlmolll 11111t .., IH P'9" Some ~!If.'! Is ~ ·pnerltid· pertJ II WI Vlelorla .SL, Colla-' coastline bul then pushed 11 onto 30 milea of white beiocbea and Into harbon last week. Authorities were ·bof>inl the ~ts · of Ille slick eithp irOOld ~ ~ out tO sea or pulbeid onto ~-alreldy polluled wtiue .men .and equipment were available to clean it up. ·About 1,500 men were workln& on beaches and . In harbof' mopping up the oily mess. The Union Oil O>.' Wt1f 'l'.41. seoled Friday night after II leaUd for 11 days. ·Big-b.ellied Bandit Robs 2'nd C"leaners ' A big·hellled bandit alruck al a second . Coota Mesa· cleaning llhop al· clGolnc lime Monday, taking $150 In cub from a clerk. HeJen. J. Van Vianeo, 17, employed by the Martlrtlzing Cleaners, 2300 Harbor Blvd., gave Patrolman George Wilson an excellent description o{ the robber. Costa Mesa Police LL Glenn Walker said today be ls obvious1y the same man who robbed clerk Freda D. st. Clair . oi l29il Ju. 31 at the Orbil Cleaners, one block away from Monday'a job. _ Miu Van,Vlanen ·Said the-'bl(, ll'l:f .... ~~~her u.:·,=··li:J . big, "domandlnf • !hat me JIO\ all" Ibo ~~··...,,i~ .. ~~'.bli!dli lilmulated "a ·lun In ~t.r:~·~~~~ ....... Wiltl lfii . llllii . lllO· ri>bl>er ' ~ the ' vlellin" lo gJ to • lilt • ....,., Gt the eimi!n. Be -lied out Ille --dOOf, head)ng porth at a briak. walk.' 'Mi!li Van •vJ~,uld be. wu.aboUt sl<-leet, tbr<e-lriches tall, WelP!ntrabout 260 ·poUDdl, with a rather Jlrge. protruct.. iqg 11obdomen and a twt>day &rowth of bemL" . ' . The ·Observant clerk said he wore a blue 1turtJenect neater. · .No . getaway car was aetn· « beard, bu! 1 wllness to. lhe Jan. JI holdup saUI be saw· the ·probable· 8U8pect roar ont:<i the busy ilbojlplnl·· C<JJter In & car driven by a woman. 6 . Nternates Chosen For Trial of Sirhan LOS ANGELES (AP) -Three men and , three women were cbolm today as aJtemate juron for the murder trial of Sirhan Biahara Sirhan and ~ argumenll were acbeduled for Thurllday morning. . The ~tea will sll with the ~ jury of ellhl . men ape! four women . anfbe called In lake part.In .the trial allould 'IDY juror be Incapacitated at: conlroot4d by acula peraooal prolMms. Never one to bedp on a bet, the wealherman sa)'i · ibere11 a 100 pera:n1 chance <i ra1n 1on1gbl; 1•~ ' lowed by more lbowers on Wecfnes.. day. Men:ury ttldlnp will remain slltylsb. INSWE TOD-'"Y TM Ntw Yor1t Pro Murico's Wit to qc' 11"11ine and 1tM cur- repl produdlo'! of 11\t Santa Ano• Community Pla111r1 art r~ew­ td todou. Set hi.noln...,.~. PQfe ao. ' -. • I • ' , " ,. ; I , J ' ' Cast ,lo .: ,,.·-.. •• • Yoitr µond Vo~; '.PO~JS,. ()p~n. pntµ 8 ' . ·' pm : ' \ . • ~ a .. • ~ L II ' I ' I 'I ' . l ' ----·---... --------~-a• --••r -----·-·····---------·---------~ ------. - . . . WI lllBOO -.l N"'1 .... man It I ?()'I.,_. lltildt lllO i....,. .... ~ -........... l .,.., llQ' ". ""' haodiDID ... -•1• . .. _. .... ·:oo ......... 71711._.N.'7im-·' pji.111 -~ tbe Ull5 Pvob?o'I • ' '! -Ql?ol ...... ....., lJPllnc sy1ttm out of """mission wlllle o.'-. ... .t ........ ...... bold at aunpoilll, he said Mondly. llld' value to NcrUI Korealll wbo board-• Eo11nemU VC lluahe7 J. B?welC ed the Pueblo ti moolm qo. . .tr., 11, of 1111 Ancllor SL, wu called e1 .... 11 told the Board ot' Jnqlllry 1o teat11y before a Navy Board of Inquiry, whit -alter bl dellanUy Jdcbd u lhtlr probe lnlo the •PY &hip caplllte the lllhllni 1_,a\<I< · aa he u marched movod down the ship's chain ol com· lrolll the enai._.. at aunpolnt by l1Wld. a North KorMn ........ fu Pueblo I X... ·dilirl wlio' .,-"" .. .,. lie 1111!1 h ul•'Or. he!oro· the job WllUIDI New-. collllld !or the coutL ~ =" llio .. ., ............... ?]ii ..... • • .:..."fia; fir,~!}""'!~"'~ 1:.: lill ''lp'o _ . ....., 0~111 n: • ..,_ ~ _. - -"-• ::-t 'FUm ,_,_.. • • 'I'--' ·~~~ mt ~ ~ a 'l!'~ .. •J:M..,· · Gn"PL ~ wm uklnC llr • '11 you ha<Mlild·a 'fortuitous'~ . • .._. Ira -· r rt I l .. llnan, but I coukll't faihtre, would JOO have gotten shot?" pllee of lqulpnienl to anok' ltyihg undel'lland'°*'>. One ol them bit Blan-"Yea air. I'm iure I would have eotten to pt me to tell them what they were MU ln the-eomer of the mouth. the blame." and how they worked," Blanaett told "Thly nollc<d a llnt-clua mw nting "In blndslgh~" asked Rear Adm. lllt pone! of hllh-nnld!ll naval officen. lnalgnJa oo bla arm. I had 11>1 work Manhall White, a member ol the court, H1bey 'W'ere speaking Koreu. but I jacket on, and they pulled down my "Do you wish you'd tried to overpower could tell this Ume what they wanled," jacket to lie II I bad one. blm?:' ht lealilJed. "I dldn'~ ,. they bit blm in the stom· "U n'd tried."~ replied qulc._ A~iion resemb. _ '1You never Mrlou'1) COlllJdered tht ~Jlly of havllic lo 't<Ulllt IO oceauographlc lhlp1" asked Newsome. "No llr.'' Another en&lrteman, Peter Bandera o! Car50n CUy, Nev., said so1ne of the Pueblo's claWfied papers were so soaked in blood they wouldn't.burn. Bandera said he discovered lhls when he tried to destroy the secret papert near the spot where another crewman, Duane Hodges, 21, ot Creswell. Ore,. Defiant saUsfaction was Ill the burly, "This callltd tbe Ughta to gG out/' 1'-year Navy enlllled man gol far his he explained nonchalantly,· "but I had 1-k 11balage, becaUM caplon fore-to put .. lhem badt on. 'Ibey wanted lhe "What did you tell them?" asked the ach area a c:ouple: of .t.lmea." M011t of tbe Jy, "I'm aure we'd have: aotten killed. , Navy q-r. Ume, Goldman said, the' North KorunJ He kept bis aun· ,trlllled oo m,,.u or . "I told lhell\ nothing," salc?.Blanaett. 1taUoaed one guard In the Olllioe room Blanlltt or the otber -." Jay mortally wounded. ' • 1~eren't you surprlled no effort was being made lo defend the Pueblo!" asked Vile Adm. Harold G. Bowen0 l""ident id him to quickly repair the mltthlel. ltghta. "I tripped the main DC generator," Talking in genUe tones, Blaneett told Cblel Goldman then took the 1tand with a gun. Goldman aid bl never bad been told to explain that aabotagl by' himself or "Did tbe J)OJSibllitr enter your mind the Putbl011 mlNion -at' QIUJJltd of the court. " said the mlld·Volced Blanaetl durin& ol being l!icked and ~lien by North· Blansett would have caused them to of di11ablln1 the engloes?" asked Capt. tile ah!p wu conductlag oceanogr1phJc "Yu air," Bandera repUed. -' Hippie Teens Moving Into Harbor Area Hart>or ~ achoola have btcome port ol the te!Tltory for Teens for Cbn.t, out of Huntlngtoo Beach. Seventeen of the hippie teens picketed in front of Rea Intermediate, in Costa Mesa, Monday afternoon, carrying sand· wich-board signs and quot.lng the gospel. In recent weeb they bave piclo!led several other schools tn the are&i includ- ing Estancia High, Wilson Elementary. Newport Harbor High tnd Enlign Intu- mediate. A vice principal and police uked them to leave Rea School Monday but the te<n& reiuaed. Pollce left since the IJ:OUP was legally picketing on tbe sidewalk: Paul Berg, 31, a Teena loc Christ leader, said they wm conUnue to -. onstrate at schools hecauR "Jeaus Aid oufler the lilUe childml to come unlo me." Berg added, "Jesus told us to come beno aod preach tbe gospel. Wbo are we going to obey, God or man?" Mesa Detectives Probe Woman's Kidnap Story coeta Mesa detectlvea today are pro- bing a tale by a woman w]lo told Moncl'1 of being cboked unc:onsclous, kldnapi\I, and foreed to commit .. xua1 lndlpllles . durlni a rambltog ride toward Melico aod back.-. The victim tqld police the ordeal II!:· a8Ted Friday nigh~ when she wu ..,. cooled in the parl!(ng lgl of a ~I Joung:e on Placentia Aven1,1e by a hulking man too bli to figbL · She isaid she went to the blr alter making a leg!ti1111te appointment to meet someone to talk over an jmportant matter. . Forced over from behind the ~1 of her car, the victim told investlp.tota, she was choked until 1he blacked out, at which time her abductor droVe on to remote O'Neill Park. There, she said, she wu forced to engage in diltaaleful relatiOOI after being threatened with death. The victim said the lddnaper then heJlded for Mexico, but she was able to convince him police would have been notified by her family and they wwld never get aCl'088 the international border. She Aid •be tslked him Into returning to Costa Mesa, where she was released without being harmed further and reJKll:lt:d the case as 800'! as she could. Bombay Police Fire BOMBAY CAP) -Police !Ired on riot· jng mobs today in seven different areas of Bombay as looters took advantage of the factional violence between language groups that h as killed at least :.'.I per· sons and Injured nearly 500 in five days. DAi i V Pll OI Ol.AJiGIE co ... sT PUILISMIMG COi•""'"'" f Roltert N. Wool Pruldent 1"11 ,u,11$1\tir J•ir;lt I . Cwrloy \'ltt "'·~ Ind 0-rel ~nattt Th•11111 ic,,.,a •lfltw Tho ... 11 A. Uwrj1hi111 Mlor\Hlllf f:•Ltor " '•wl Hlu1'11 A .... trUtlflt Dl<tttor c..te ..... o ..... 2JO w,,, loy Sh••'· M1ili111'M•r1111 P.O. IN llM, t!61' ,. -- ' ' ' Sna~ey Sight Three Harbor Students Hurt In Mesa Crash Mesan Guilty in Assault Dancer Loses Petl in Accident On Laguna Officer's Wife Doo 't ., oo the wagcm j1ill )'el. What you lhouglit you aaw oo the Newport Freeway at three thLI morning wu for real Cllllomia l!i(Jnray patrolmen.. Bui oll«lly alUr you left In 111<!> a big hurry they had them all loaded back In their cor and . beaded for: Laguna Beach. Nlahtclub dancer Clrol G r a b a m CybulskJ loll her pell wbicb she .,.. Jn her act wl)en her· car rolled over on the aouthbound 17th Street offramp A CO.ta M.,. cook originally accused A apectacular broadlide coll~lon at ol l!idnaplng and attacking a Laguna a Coots Meaa lntmtctlon Monday night Beach policeman's wife has pleaded lnjurod three Horbor Area high achoo! guilty In Superior Court to a&SBull wl!h students, two of whom remain bospitailz. a deadly wupon. Judie Robert Girdner ordered Marvin officer Kenneth Carter, with the barrel of hit IUD and choked a neighbor who had bten staying with the officer's wife. .Yea &tr. Thal big baby with his eytl glowing -red in your beadlllbta wu a boa comtrlctor, all 15 pounds of him. The shorter one doing all the rattllng was euc:Uy what be cracks up to be and the one flapping bis bud and doing the snake basket bit was a cobra. And the guys walking around as if they were treading on hot coals were ' between Tustin and Santa Ana. The 30-yearo()Jd entertainer suffered only cuts and bruises In the cruh, CHI> olflcen ed today. E. Alexander, 29, of 2700 Peterson Way, Frank D. Meader, 18, ol 257 Flower to.return to court for probation hearing St, Costa Mesa, is in serious condition 'and sentencing on March 13. He faces . today in the Costa Mea1 Memorial a possible sentence of t to 10 y e a r s 'Bonnie, f.Jyde' Team Broken Up By· Jail Terms said. ~ Hospital inteniive care unlt. in state prison. Aleiander was arrested after bis alleg· Beach Suspect Labeled Dangerous Sex Offender Swan L. ElliJ, 16, ol 621 Begonia ed abduoUon Jaat Jan. 4 of Mr•. Diane Ave., Conma. dd Mar, is listed in good Carter, 28, from her home at 533 Victoria condition, with laceratlooa lllffered when st .. Cotta Meu to hia own borne.' He Final dissolution of Costa Mesa's "Bon· bet compact car wu amaabtd broadside. was earlier accused of attacking Mrs: nie aod Clyde" Partnership was carried R....... s d al .1-.... 1.... h · to bis out in Superior Court today with the ~A. DY er, lt, of 2Sl3 Little.ton . Carter ter w•H"'I& er m sentencing of Carol Crist on armed rob· Place, CQ1ta Mesa, wu treated and residence. h,,,.., charges. releued to hla parents in a semi· . Officers who ractd to the scene were .,.... , hysterical state after the 8:50 p.m. crash held off for more than an houi at Rejecting a plea for probati oii. Judge at FairView Road and ll'air Drive. gunpoint before the cook fln1Ily sur· Robert Gardner ordered Mrs. Crist, 15. -Meader wu &'puaenaer In a sedan rendered. of·441 Newport Blvd., to serve not less A lllmlingtolt Beach DWI amoted alter he allqecllJ -led a Balboa Island woman la back !tom 'a lbrtHi!cmth study ·selllloo at AtallCadero State ilnlpllaJ with a rep«t .that deacrlbel him u "a dangerous, mentslly dlsont.red .,. of. fender." Superior Court ,Judie Robert Gardner has set Mardi 3 u the date on wh!Cb he will llludJ the report filed on Ctiarlu Jolin Tn!llweln, 31, of 2029S Crabner by . Juclp Wllllam Speirs when he withdrew pleu of Innocent and plelded guilli'\o -with Intent to .... ' Tra-.... prooecuted ro-.. • Grand JVf1 lndlctmenl -allepcl that he llllmpted Jut Aug. S to rape a BaJboa IUand woman. driven eouth on Fafrvlew Road by young Officers said Alexander struck Mrs. -than five years in the Frontera Prison Police uld IC?Uml by the &irl'a room-Snyder, when it struck Miu Ellis' little Carter, the wife of LaRUna Beach poliee for Women. Lane. Trautwein wu aent to Atascadero car ., lhe turned rl&bt onto Fairview "And l hope that you will use your mate seared Trautwein into escaping Road from Fair Drive. N Mil " time there to some good purpose and via the second story patio. He Wll knocked unconscious by the Nixon ames 1tary take ad,antage or this opportunity !or Officers aald Trautwein Ifft his truus-impact, suffering a concu11ton, elbow Advi'ser for Talks rehabilitation," he told the sli1n. dark· er• in the bedroom. fracture and multiple lacerations, ac-haired half of the bandit duo. Ball wu subsequently set by Judge cordlng to police. WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Bonnie's husband, Eugene Albert Crist. Wllliam Speirs at $2ti0,000. Trautwein'• "The Volkswagen turned a complete Nixon today named Army Lt. Gen. 29, is presenlly serving an identical wealthy father brought that amount 1n spin and glau shattered, then all of Frederick c, Weyand, a decorated sentence in t he state's Chino prison. cuh stashed in mailbags to the a sudden the girl's head fell out the veteran or the Vietnam war, to be chief l:le was ·sentel)ced three wee ks ago . courtroom. window," said witneu Ruth Guffey, 11, U.S. military adviser at the Paris peace The Crists pleaded guilty to the armed The Atascadero report state! that J 1-S'"-..... St Fountain v·"·y ta!•· robbery last December of the Royal Tr.utw.m. ls "not ·-enable to treat· " ......... i..ai.s •• o.m: • ""°· .... No cltatlOlll were iuued and traffic Weyand will represent the Joint Chil!lfs Crest Lounge, 1700 Placentia Ave. They meat and is a danpr to the health patrolmen are conUnulng an investia.tion oI Staff and advise U.S. Ambassador burst into the bar wielding a sawed-off and safety of others." -e-sho into what Ktually caused the two-car Henry Cabot Lodge, ·the chief U.S. tgun, tied up the. bar owner and Atuc.1~1~ ..!'.,~~d~~ amubup. negotiator, on miliWy matters. The posi· took $200. Wlin·U soc-.-•-,...-~ty ~~~ -~-'-~~~~-~~~---"""-""-'-~--''-~~--''-----------­ance, aGuaJ clevlailoo (_...Ive ,. ... allty, rape) ... f ' •' , .~ • ~ I .. l ' woman "to Mobilize Mesa For Viet Cookie Airlift ~I NG SE·RV'1 t ~~~~, BE OUR GUEST! A Costa Mesa woman who helped mobilize a city of 40,000 into staging a Vietnam popcorn and cookie airlift · is beginning a limilar campaign 1n the l!Mbor Area. Mrs. John W. OU..,, ol 3077 Yukon Ave., went before the Cost.a Meaa City Council fut week IQ appeal for help by any agenclea or _. Interested. in joining her coafecdonary war effort. "I want to atve the public a chance to get in.volved -but I'm @:~I to need a 10t of help/' Mrs. Oliver an· nounced, explaining the magnitude of the last campaign. Married to an aerospace executive. Mrs. Oliver was an energeUc cookie FHln POfe 1 DRILLING •.. along with the plan, said Newport of• llctols, the county's ropreaeotaUvu In Sacramento -.Id then _.bly be uked to draw up the reqllired legialation. It was coll!idered unllllely that anytblng could be clone about Wldenta wells now in operaUon north of the river. But there would be no fUl1her activity. Parsons underscored the need for IWift aellon by polnllna out ·that Jut 1111 the slate aald It would COOllder bids !or additional drlUlng in waters elf Hun· tington Beacb. "I'm very concttned about this," he said. "All we need la to have a nice oil island right out there by the river. It might be in Huntington Beach. but it would wreck our view." The council reeoluUon on oil operatlona In federal waters was directed to the county'• COngrel&ional ·delt1aUoo, to Senators Cnnston and Murphy, .and to Interior Secretary Walter Hickel. It declmd: . "The council COllllders It ._IW that the protectton agtlnlt oll clrlllinc llfordod by the Shell-Cunningham Act bl Gltnded to prohibit ot1 drilling oporaUom Gii the federally controlled water beyond the thrM-mlJe UmlL'' . It urged that ''immedltte st.ept" be taken to estsblllh l03al rettrlctlona aplnBl all offlllo"' clrlllinc al.:'lllil:: Orange and San Dlt10 Com>IY and that toolh new atandarda be de\•elop<d !or oil aellvlU .. in all federal watm. Harvard. Prof ,Speaks ~ Medical School ProlMw o1 P1J<:M.atry Seymour Ktly wlD ~· on "Blocftllc Amt ... and BebaV!or' oo tho vc frvlne campua at S:IO p.m. W-. day in 104 Physical Scltncol. 'l1>!t9 will bl DO adrnlalon Char(<. < lift worker in Rancho Cordova, near sacramento, before a job transfer brought the Wnlty 1o Q>sta MeL A total ol 800 caaea ol home-baked cookies, culbloned for their Southeast Alia trip by popcorn, were airlifted to South Vietnam at Cbriltmu, 1987, and last Valentine's Day. She and a lrlend baked and shipped seven cues this put Cbriatmu on their own. ''We got the 800 cues over th,ere -they had lreah cool!ies in Khe San last March -and the thank• were overwhelming, but· the men'• re-. sponse wu: More!," Mrs. OUver told the council. "We're lucky if each man gets one cookie though," she said , "I ship to the commanding oUlctr and h e distributes them to \he units." "J think we have a challenge here to citizens wbo want to do something for lhe boys," declared Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, whose son-In-law 11 a Marine major now with a Vietnam aviaUon un· it. City Attorney Roy JU11e noted it would be. leaal for council'1!en to pus a resolu- tion ccmmeJ!(iina Mn. Ollver for her )VOl'k if they io cno.e. Mr•. OUrer Mid llbe hu already run Into one young man In Costa Mesa, a city of 71,000, who may be of help. He ii • GJ home from Vietnam and working at htr neighborhood service sta- tion, who aetldenllally learned of Mrs. Oliver's Rancho COrdova cooklellft con· nection, wbJch brought Boodles to his con1b1l unit last year. · Basket Weaver's Burial Scheduled A Costa M-man who bullt'buket& In wblch hot-air baUoonllll soared Into the ol!lea will be committed to the earth ln Florida, thla ,...\ following bl& death Jut Saturday. Emtat Beatty, 'It, of 18$ w. lllh SL, died al Hoag Memorial lloopltal. He wu the weaver of buketa for Harbor Area hot air ballooo·bulldtt Don Plcanl, w-products and cham· plwhlp racing are known throughout the naUon, Funeral llOl'Vlet1 wlll be held Wed· neaday at 2 p.m. In Bell-Broadway Mortuary, w!Lb interment to fotlo'lf In FlorldL SUrvlvors include bla Wilt Wlnlfred; -· Franc!&, Manhall and E¥lott; a daughter , Mrs. Sarah Moore; brothen, Fred, Curlil •nd Dowd, and allltn, Mrs. Susan Cherral and Miut1 Nancy and Eunice Beatty. < ~ 15% Bottle; 17% Case REDUCTIONS FOR FEB. AND MARCH -~--~~~~- DIAR PUii.iC: W• •t HI-TIME •r• hippy to an11ou11c• new aavin9s on quality brt~ds. In keeping with our fi"TI'• belief, "that yeu 9.t whtit you ,.y for," w• ahlill c:entinua to waM out fftf.,... pt-.. d.ct •. •••t• ef ... ,,.. ••••au-••''";' lay _. I lfl src fw Ht.. nMI •••• ltr•14 ........... __ .. -......... 15% -C8e ....... - 117'.0 ...... --. __ ,_, __ --·-" ., ....... ~ca\11 .... , --.. 11'·- fot thott wlte IMi.,..,.."t t11ta4 HI-TIMI'S 111•- "' tP,lrih. ......... , .. dvce4 tlioir ,.lco '°' twe ......th1 M 1h1,te ...... ,.,.i.. .... \' BOUR B ON-6 yr. old l(ENTUCKY STRAIGHT $429 POR DEUYERY $49~s SAVE ••• , RFTH TIME & MONEY Jiit.US TAX PLUS TAX CAU 548-9314 $529 FREE DEUYIRY $61 95 9UART IN ORANGE COUNTY CASE FOR CASE ORDERS QUARTS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX SCOTCH -6 y-old -LIGHTEST OF BLENDS $485 CHARGE $54 95 RFTH CASE FIFTHS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX $585 ACCOUNTh $65 95 9UART AVAILABLE CASE QUARTS PLUS TAX . . PLUS TAX VODKA -100°/o Grain Spirits -Charcoal Filtered $319 RFTH PLUS. TAX DELIV HOU ERY RS $36 95 CASE FIFTHS PLUS TAX $399 . 9UART 10 AM to 10 PM $46 95 CASE QUARTS PLUS TAX PLUS TAX SMART, CIEH HALF GALLONS PLASTIC GLASSES FEB. SPECIALS llMNTllOOI STL IOUllON T H.lllCHMAllN'l ~N H1-nw1 $12' ....... DIWAn $15" ICOlCH ..... ...... -INVliNTORY CLEAllAHCI OLD FASH?ON ~OL 69¢ Hl-llALL ;GL 11• ..... Hl ~.TIME GOUltMIT FOODS Ii SPIRITS 459 E~ 117th, Costa Mesa 548-9314 I -' --.-----------"'=c..:...;:...;;.;:..;;;:.;;======.--......... ---..-. .................... __________ -' BY WIL~IAM REED Reeds ••• In the Wind 0 Up, up, and away with Y~CA, '' is the word today as ~ Huntmgton Beach YMCA · branch begins the 1969 membership campaign. The YMCA began its annual beating o! the bushes last night at Mercury Savings Building. . . Telling of the need in the area were ..Mrs. Frank S. Edw8rds, Senior Citizens Club president; Mrs. Alice Medina, Community Center coordinator; Zana Dye, Huntington Beach High School Jun· ior, and Dick Hager, deputy proba~ tion officer. They explained why the YMCA must be ready to serve the youth of the area and pointed _Qut that the goal of 800 members . will be . needed to support the· YMCA prn- . gram. * Division leaders for the cam· paign are Larry Lake, Mrs. Michael McCleary, Mrs. James Mewes Dave Phillips and Mrs. David 'Barnes. Al ding them will be the new executive director Dolph H. Grolock Jr. who will be active in developing new programs for the YMCA. Last year the group had a total of 1 200 members who participated 18 oOo times in 73 different groups. This year the program . is to be bigger and stronger to include a full range of programs f o r grownups and the youngsters. Support your local YMCA, as the saying goes, and call 89~11 to find out how you can become a part of your dynamic YMCA for 1969. The youngsters you will sup-- port likely are your own. * Got a note from Mrs. W. S. Ebert in the Pacific Trailer Park about aome of the more ridiculous of complaints about oil companie~. She is not a great fan <>f the oil companies, but points _out that in all fairness that the oil company in Santa Barbara did n o t deliberately start pumping oil into the channel. ' Her point is that those who ad~ vocate card ·burnings and such would be better advised to become ~onservationisis all year around and aim their attacks at those who are in a position to see that the public is protected from "ac~ cidents" of all kinds and who fail lo do so, Mrs. Ebert drives an electric cart and can't be accuse;d of having any interests in oil companies. Drivers Sought . For Hospital The Volunteer Bureau of West Orange County'today issued a call for volunteer drivers to provide transportation for pa- , tients unable to drive to hospital! or · rehabilitation centers for outpatient care. Also needed, according to 'Spokesmen t for the bureau, are receptionists to man the local United Fund building. Interested parties should contact the Volunteer Bureau between. JO a.m. and 3 p.m.t Monday through Thursday. Offices are located at 1111.2 Stanford Ave., Garden Grove, telephone 530-2370. Sweet Music · ·Drugs · aJi , Border .. San Diego Faces Growing Teen Use I . SAN DIEGO ·(AP) -Juvenile use then usually translemd to another 1ebool of drugs, a minor problem before the In the district. . . . onset of the Swinging Slxlies has "Bui because the jlroblem has be<Ome developed 'durl.ng the ~t, five' years more common .in all of our 'scboola:, . · · llib transfer apj>roadl doesn1 wort u mto a phenomenon that has panicked well as formerly and we are trying parents, puzzled police and a en t to find other answers hlternally,11·Jordan educators groping for a soluU011. said.! Students who -.upply drugs to other San Diego's prozimity to the Mexican students are expelled, be ,aaid, border makes ii one of the prime trouble On the ·preV<nUve aide, the Los Angeles areas of the state foi: na.rcoUcs, city acbools require students ·to taktf authodlies say, but the problem ls two semesters of health' education. Ont wid~pread throughout California. unit in each of the courses is a 1tuay 'lbere was litUe concern shown in of narcotics. · 196S when 60 juvetliles were arrested In Riverside, the punitive policy ts. in the San Diego aria for use of illegal the same as in Los Angeles. The district drugs. The state total was 2,689. also 11'8 . embarked on the development Jn 1966, the San Diego arrest figure of .a-preventi1,'.e program .that wW start was 159 and 5,735 were nabbed in the in the fourth grade. state. 11le Oakland school system does not But when 1,080 kids were arrested automatically expel· students -even if in the San Diego area jo 1967 and they are selling drugs on·campus. 14,800 across the state, the public eye "We~ haven't ioverreacttd Uke abme blinked open. other districts," said Or. William Mahan, Then came 1968. direct.or of individual · guidance and al· There were 2,463 Juvenile drug )ll'resls in San Diego County and 35,000 in California. School administrators and governing boards throughout the state are using various approaches in efforts to fight the drug problem. The San Diego school district, second largest in the state with more than 52,000 junior and senior high school students, has a flexible program for drug offenders. Students are warned, suspended, transferred or expelled-depending on the extent of their involvement. Scott C. Gray, director of guidance services, says that only one student - a girl who was pushing drugs on the campus -has been expelled. Since the problem first exploded in 1966, Gray estimates that 25 percent of the city's high school students have to some extent become involved. In Los Angeles, where the senior and junior high school population totals near· ly 290,000 students, the district has had to revamp its drug control program because of the increase in the problem. Dr. Wilson Jordan secondary divi.Sion administrative coordinator, ·said that in the past, students were suspended and Lost Family tendance, "even Uiougb 'l!l'e are up to our ears in pot. We treat it pretty much as we do liquor.'! San Fr~ it unique in its ap- proaches. Eugene Huber, coordinator of the plan for the district, said .fhat students who seek it can obtain help from community agencies witpout their parents or the police being brought Into the picture. "If the family refuses, police are notified and the case may go to juvenile hall. We don't suspend or kick kids out. Our purpose is to educate them and help them through this overwhelmlng drug abuse problem," Huber said. On the preventive side, San Francisco schools are developing a program which will uUlize reformed drug users as assistants at drug information centers in the schools. Authorities are not optimisUc about finding a quick solution to the drug problem. The State Bure.au of NarcoUcs predicts that 66, 700 persons under 18 will be arrested in 1970 for involvement with drugs, compared to the 1968 figure of 3&,000. "Very frankly, we can see no end to it at the present lime," a spokesman said. Nightmare Haunts Mom With Each Skyjacking MIAMI, Fla. (AP). -With every airplane hijacking, the nightmare returns for Osiris Martinez. The men with guns. The fear. The crash. The pain. The wife and children lost forever. He ls one of the three persons who survived the first sky piracy in 1958. Martinez survived when five gunmen hijacked a Cubana Airlines plane on Nov. 1, 1958. But his ·wife and three children were among 17 persons killed when the plane crashed into the Atlantic, a bare 150 yards from the CUban coast. "It was a nightmare and everytime I hear there's been another plane hi· jacked, I wonder ii the nightmare will repeat itself/' the 42--year-old Miami plastic plant supervisor said Sunday •. Martinez said he left his native Cuba In 1950, · found work in Chattanooga. Tenn., and moved his family there. He returned to his homeland in 1008 aDd got a job there. He said he was escorting his family on a flight from Miami to their new home in Cuba when five sup- porters of Fidel Castro struck. It was during the Batista regime. "Suddenly a man jumped up from his seat," Martinez said. "He pointed a gun at us. Four other men did the same thing. "Nobody knew what was happening untll the five men opened.a small Juggage compartment on the floor and pulled out fatigue-type uniforms and macbine guns." "Some of the hijackers went into the cockpit. Later we were told that the pilot, Capt. Ruskin Medrano, had refuaed ro change the course of the aircraft and had been.hit over the he.ad." Martinez said a hijacker toot the con· trots and new the Viscount toward J~ ding strips in Oriente Province, near Castro's mountain stronghold. But, he said, darkness fell and the pllot was unable to land the plane on the small, unlighted strips. 0 The plane repeatedly juggled up Md Down as time after time we couldn't land. lt was like a madhouse. Everybody was screaming and vomiting. The lug· gage twnbled over our heads," be recall-- ed. "Suddenly one oC the hijackers rushed out of the cockpit and jumped into a seat, bracing himself for a crash. "Then we hit. If was indescribable. Everything went blank arid I don't recall What happened unUI l found myself under water struggling to aurface. I was bleeding profusely from the mouth, gashes on my head. J bad several crack· ed ribs and my feet were torn. I couldn't move." "I frantically shouted for my family, but they bad all gone down amid the debris.· I hung on to something, an object floating on · the water. I heard shouts from the two other survivora. Then all was silent." Martinez spent two months recovering from bi1 injuries. He left Cuba for good In 1980 and eventually settled in Miami. Jn the intervening years, he ha1 remar· ried. He now has a 10n and daugbler. And a recurring nightmare. "It gives me the Idea that one of these days one of these hijacten is going to cause an accident jUlt like this one," he said. "ll I would get in a plane, I would feel very ap- prehensive." New .. Officers Start Semester At Marina High The second semester of school at Marina High IJ under Wl'f WUll.. the guidance of a new set of student officers. New officers who will decide policies and plan activities for Marina's sprfns .....,ter include Mike TinJley, preoi· dent; Lorri Edwan!J, vice president; Loren Roblnlon, .ecrtlary:· C hr l 1 Pickford, treasurer. and Mite Mictlaul!I, California Aasoda.Uon of Student Council!: representative. Beth Dwm, GlrlJ' League prealdent, and Jim Bronmlleld, Boys' League presi- den~ will also be on the lludent council. Kathy Herte and Fred Pascoe practice on two cellos provided !or Founlaill V~Uey .School orchestra by s~ool's Parent-Teacher Or- ' ganlzalion (PTO). Sale of Identification bracelets, fashion show and other council pooillonl will be filled by Tim Peteraon, campus commlalloner; Laura DeNucclo, fine ar1I commlalloneri Jean Warren, pep commisaioner, and Joel Drtw, public re I at 1on1 com- missioner. -:-share of proceeds from ballet,~ l>roduction paid for instrumen' Driftwood Playhouse Weekend beachcombers mixed talents for art, ar· cbltecture and bits of Imagination to build play- house out of flotsam and jetsam currently littering Orange Coast beaches. Imaginative effort to ere. Me beauty from trash ob·;lously caught the fancy '. of eight-year..,lds Scott Douglas a1"I David. Ber- thnlomey (white shirt), who found driftwood ~e a swell place to play tag. II stand• on beach at 42nd Street and Ocean Front in Newport. mp's '?; o .... :5;;1 ;:q ··: I •ea Saleldine ' wiUJ. Sam de ~P• ~favorilee t\ ••••Special Prices Mon.-Fri., Feb. 10-14 ~''' For that -· opecial on Valenttno's Day, add extra-enjoyment to your w• with Van do Kamp's special Valentine party f<M>rilel. Be a Valentine by giving Fine A--.! Chocolates 'in gift-wrapped Hearkhaped boxes. Enjoy a fancy Valentine twa- loyer Colee-OM whtte loyer, cne pink with. pink creamy frosting wtth tender coconut on .the sides and four candy heam c• lop. SeMt Valentine Cockies Valentin• Heart loxes 4-at. 69c l .. L98C 14"1.$1 79 Chocolate Mlorah••ll- Hearts Pk(. If I 39c FollWnppd w .......... __ ,.., ............. "'149' ...... N .. 1.-f ,.._,,,, .••••••.••••••.•. (119..691$5S):' , ............ •Alo't h•k-~""" • ..,33• Cll1111 ... ., ......... .,.C•ffr '"-···CW..d91:l59C . and tup.Cabo. And lrwal ft!"YONlo Van de lranlp'a Volenttne Heam,. made with delldcus diacoJat- ccated manhmallow and Individually wrapped la sparkling red foiL Yau c:ouldn~ "1'f, "Happy Valeno ttno'• bay" better than with Van de Komp'• fine qualily Valentine favoritosl And they're cill spodally priced right now at all •lotted marbta "'-yool see Van de Komp'•. 8WE WINOMIU. I Valentin• Cup •Ir Cakes . Pl(. 111 , .45c (fol• lie) Valenti• Cake 2.io,n $J29 1"111$1.11 Va1ent111ej Coaldel ' ....... 45c . ., Cob ..... -·· C .. rry •-•-.-fl• Clleny ,_.. c-a fl"' ~Gal. ............ __ ................. ,.,_ .. _,.., .. ., Pll'f .............. -....... ~.-........ -.·-··--.. ,,. (le8 °""' .foMoblt "' ... v.. • ~ ..... We bake the way you would. If you had the time. Van d'e Kam p's~ i:a .. llllllilll& A P!VlSION Of .GrNB.'1 HOST, INC. r • • " • .- I ' •• " ' l ·~ i • ' I J I l l J 1 ' Gor11d 0. Brittt. had a good tidJll going for a while. Jailed on bad check charges, last week Brit- tle tunneled out ot his Van Buren county Jail cell twice to burglarize Cllntou, Art. bu.slnMses, theA r&- tumed to .llaJh' lllO loot In his mat· tnlu. While police Investigated the breekW Brittle would opend lhe day 18jii.Y In his cell. But finally he was caught In' the middle of .,.. oCher burglary, and 5horlff J1ko Wllll1ms had. him transferred to a special steel cell. • Tho new telephone clJrectory of Russell, a central Kansas town of 6,300 lists only 10 Browns. 9 Smiths and 6 Joneses. But there are 30 Boxbergers, 29 Dumlen, 26 Ehr· lichses, 25 Krugs, 2S Mall and 21 Benders. • ••va Gall of Dat Guy" 'lLW tht first prize winner in a mow statut curr.test at Michigan Technological Untvers· ity'1 Winter Carnival at Houghton, A woman and her daughter admire the 21·/oot statue which portrays Gemral DeGauUt towing tht Statut of Libtf'o ty bock to France. Theta Tau Fratern- ity designed tht winner. • Th t Net'Jtlda Council o/ Churches announced it wiU ruporl ltgi!laU01& to cllmiflatc tht wedding ceremony a a re• quirement for marriage, mob£. ing couples to wed by mueI11 signing their u>tdding licmies. Th< ci<TQV71Mft ..id lll<tl ·llopcd this IOOUld nd t1Mr "pt~ f'eligious" atn&orphtrc of Nt• oada's l!l.Jlant wtddlng chop<!<. • Over the past two years, 23 memben of Walnut Creek'• 53- man police force became tether.... every offspring a son. The spell was broken when officer Sherwood Smith'• wife gave birth to a 7· pound, J.2.oonce ilaugbter last weekend. • A Yately, Englapcl. IOWll .council- lor has suggested.an oo-off switch be placed on the standard of a new street lamp In a local lovers' lane. Lovers annoyed at the llgbt had smashed the bulb U limes in the last few weeks. ~ UPI T•lnMi. CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES MIRED IN NORTHEAST SNOWSTORM Aerl•I View 11 of Route 121 •t W1lth1m, Mi111. Berlin Leftists Pmnning 1To Protest Against Nixon BERLIN (UPI) -Lelllst atudents In West BerUn today deoounced Pr<s!dent Nixon as a 0reacUonary" and aa1d. they would demoutrate when be comes here Feb. 27 on hll Eoropoan tour. The otudent lbrutl coincided with steadily mounting concttn that a new Berlin crials mlgbl be In the mUlni Allies Staging, ~trategy Meet On Paris Ta1ks PARIS (UPI) -AmerlClll llld South Vietnam,.. delegsl<I held a strategy aesston today in the wake al. a Ncrt.h Vietnamese warning the allles must ac- cept uncondiUOllllly "all the lepUmatl demand.I" put forward by &lie Com- munists. Chief American negotiator Henry Cabot Lodge and bis Saigon counterpart Pham Dang i.m met for 30 minutes at the U.S. EmJuo.ay lo propan for Thur!dJly's negoUaUq oeaslon with Hanoi Ind Viet Cong negotiators. The allies are expected to make new attempll to unlock the deadlocked Vletllam peace !alb '!burs· dily. The ouUoot for an early compromise appeared dim, though Am e r I c a o neptlat«I had vowed to show paUeoce. Lodge and Lim met H boon after Nhan Dan, newspaper of the Nor1h Viet· namese Wcrten (Cbmmunlstl Party, served noUce that the American• and their satgon allies must accept un· conditionally North Vietnam'• four·point, and the Viet Cong's live-point program for a soluUon of the conO.lct. The American delegaUoo alttady hu r<Jecled the demand as: an lnvitaUoo to "abandon and surrender." and that It would concern Communist haraasment of land routes to this city 110 miles iilslde Ea.st Germany. Western ollicials said they believed there was no connecUon between the Yakubovsky visit and the ban on travel of electoral college members. But they said lf new steps against West Berlin were being planned the Warsaw Pact C{)mmander would have to be coiuulted. l.1ajor fears 1 Plat th e Communists: might be ~ a new Berlin squeeze were voiced Monday In Bonn by govern- ment tp0kemum Guenter Diehl. Diehl lndlcated the government thought the move q:llDlt the electoral college might be a cotaup fer nnethlng mort RJ'ious. He warned of the ~ibility Bonn might withdraw trade and economic coo- ceulona U a new squeeze is imposed. lnfonnadan Bureau We!t, a semi-offi. cial Germm Intelligence agency in West Berlin said a Guman language broad· cast ~n MOICtlw Radio Monday night warned of possible ne'llt' harassment. The: broadcast llld "other meuures" would follow -llllllOUllCtd Sunday U West Germany continues Its "adventurous course." The extremist students action brought more headaches to Allied officials. The rnaln thrtat c a m e from the Free University Student Council, the executive body of the student "parliament" in West Berlin. lt called Nlxon ''an agent of the nacUooary wine of the American bourgeoisie." Jill St. John Ends Marriage to Singer HONOLULU (AP) -Singer Jsct Jones and actress Jlll St. John are ending the tr one and a half ye a r marriage, Jones said Monday n!Mht. The couple was married Oct. 14, 1967 at producer Wllllam Doiler'1 Beverly Hills home. It was Miss St. John 's third marriage and Jmes' second. Nation Sunshine Basks • Ill °"""' 4111111 ... ...., Miit ... cN.-"' ,... ... .,,.......,, w ... ..-.rtr. 1f .. ti ...... 1 ... ,. •• 11111'1. .... :.:..,-. """"'9fUlft r I" t f 4 ,,_ .... If " ... low -' It/ .,... 19111111 ""'"""""' "'"" ...... " to .u. Tilt --.._..f\trt wtt J7 ci. ·-s-. •-. TUe• T\IQDAY .....,. ...... . .. 1~•1 "'"' l.t ~ .... Jt:• •·'"· ,,, --y ,.'"' ..... • .....•••• "" J:• '·"" •. , .. .,... .................. 11:• ··""'·' """"" lllM ............. ri• '·"" M ...... ,.. ............. 11 :4' •.11'1. , .. Ml9 .... l:U •.n'I· Im IJ:O. •in. ·-.... f !'4 •.~ ""' 1:13 •·"'- I I s11111-"" Mclllt If h Nll9ft ...... Ill WMlllN tod9Y 9'11" n11M •IMI -_,..., ~ .. ,., ,,..... tlW ""ll'lc .,.,.. " .... ~ lt«Jl.lti. Trlt tlMV'f lt!OWl!erlft ""ktt ..,,,.... t1• fot tw. frlltt fl -Ill tt.. Norftlo "'' dlll'llrlt ..... •11111 _... ....., '""' t!1t E•it CM1t, Tti. '""'"' .,..i1M w.. '"""°'"" •I W......._ N,H., ~ Tlltf'e -M llldlM Clll IM ....... kl'IMI• •1"*11 .... ,...., "' .._. Vll'k '"" FWl'ltlMll cloML wtlllao IM Ntw Y_,. d NMtkffl ttocll ti• cN!ltft --'I tot .. tlrtl tl!M ftllt .... Ocatlllltf ""'' .... .. .... klHd •MIM !tie ...., OfW LMff '"*· Miki _,..., W'tlnlMI "' "''-tftlf tilt w.. '"""" wl#I -..,..nwr Ill flw ltodl:Y Mourllt!n tft"4 •"' mvdl If ""-a •• ,. 4 • • .. • •-4!!W!:lL:!f: -c. -<-=c:c. ___ ------- Tetnpet-•t11res """ t. .. PP'9C. ·-~ .. " ·-" " Afttnl• • ., ltktmlllf .. .. 11-ra " • 11.1 ... .. " . .. ..... " " .u "-" .. Clnc:l11Mlt .. .. Cllwl1""' " .. .... , .. " D11 Mol'* " ~ ....... • " ....... .. ~ . .. "°" WarWI " " ·~N " ., ..... .. " HllM!lullt " " ·~"" " " K1nse1 City .. .. .... -.. .. ,. 1.0I Ar!Mlw .. .. Mlilml htCI\ .. .. ......... " .. MllWIMMlll .. .. Al H• Or1Nn11 .. .. -y .. • " O.k .. nf " " ., """" " n ·--.. .. ,.,.n.,.1'fli. .. " PllOtllll( n .. Pllbbllrtfrl .. .. Pllttlillllll " .. ,, ll•kl Cl~ .. .. It .. '""" • .. ·" ·-ll " --~ " " ... It. t.oult .. n ...... .. .. Al s.11 1.1te CllY .. " S.ft D'-i .. " $111 "'tllCIKO .. .. ·" S..1tti. .. .. ... SllOl<tl'lf • " . .. ""'"'" n -W•.rtlrltton .. ft New York Digging Out .. Srwwstotm Causes 82 Deaths in Northeast NJ!:W YORK (UPI) -Mllllons of com- muters struggled to llnd a way la wrt loday and thouaands ol pauengers re- mained atranded or delayed at airports, railway &taUons Ind boa depots In the aftermath of the wont llorm to hit the Northeast In eight years. One tranaportatlon olliclaf lafd the best. way to de:scribe the travel situation )t'U "sporadic." Kennedy, LaGuardla and Newark airport.. which combined band.Ie an average of nearly a million passengers a day in the New York metropolitan area were either operating oo a llm!ted. baaia or still digging out. Kennedy of- ficials nported one runway wu open for departing flights only, Newark hed one runway open for botb incoming and outgoing flights and LaGuardia could promise not more than partlal service by nighUall. Boston's Logan Airport bad one runway in operaUon by Monday night and said all nmways should be clear for opera .. lions later today. ConoecUcut's Bradley Airport opened today. At least 82 people died In stor~­ nected deaths -60 In New England, 20 in New York and two in Pennsylvania. Police today ¥tentilied three persons found dead Monday In a car stalled near a Kennedy Airport parking lot. They had apparenUy died of carbon mono.xide poisoning . Thousands of passengers in terminals were sUll stranded waiting for airport& to resume normal operations, railroad tracks to be cleared and highway• to be plowed so buses could roll The 400-mlle New York Thruway was closed at ita southern end, between New York City and Suffern, N.Y. to speed the work of snow removaL The closing also applied to a road linking the thruway in New York with the Connecticut Turnpike in Greenwich, Conn., and another short side road linking the thruway with the Berkshires. The New York and American Stock Exchanges, closed Monday, opened at ll a.m. today, one hour later than usual. Stranded cars still blocked major highways and many schools and some coUeges in suburban or rural areas re- mained closed today, although most big city schools were open. The New York City Sanitation Depart- ment, responsible for clearing lhe city 's streets, issued an appeal today to private contractors for large bulldozers and other heavy equipment to help with snow removal. Most businesses in New York reopened today and absenteeism, reported as high as 70 percent at the firms which did open Monday, was reported not nearly. as high today. Commuter rail lines were crippled by the storm, and many subway lines were Unemployment . ' Rate Remains At 15-year Low • WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe nation's unemployment rate remained at a 15 )'ear low of 3.3 percent In January, the Labor Deparbnent reported today and officials sald the job picture gives no indication of a cooling off in the eeonomy. The department's Bureau of Labor Statistics said lhe January jobless rate was unchanged from December, which had matched a 15 year low in employ- ment statistics. A breakdown showed the Jobless rates for adult men and all full-time workers were up BlighUy but the rate for teen-ears was down. Harold Goldstein, deputy commissioner of the Bureau of LabcR' Statistics, was asked 1£ he thought lhe employment picture for January reflected any cooling off in the economy. ''I don't see it," he replied. "It's '(the economy) just as warm .as it has been for 1everal months." Humphrey Lauds Chicago's Daley ' CIIlCAGO (Ul'I) -Hubert H • Humphrey ended a 20-minute city hall visit today by praising Richard J. Daley as "one of the truly outstandin.g mayors of the nation." The former vice president came to Chicago alter a speech at Springfield, Ill., Monday night. During the speech Humphrey, the defeated Democratic preside ntial candidate last year, said he intended to be the leader of the party. The Springfield speech was spomored by Illinois Democrats considered to be less than enthusiastic about Daley 's posi- tion as party leader. Reporters wanted to know If Humphrey came to Daley as a peace maker. "I've never had any war.'' Humphrey old at Daley's door . rfony Curtis Marries Model for 2nd Time SANTA MONICA (AP) -Aclor Tony Curt.ls and model Leslie Allen got mar~ ri@d for the seeond time Monday. CUrtl.s and Miu Allen were married the nrst Ume ln Las Vegas IA.!1 spring but C4llfomla wouldn't recognlr.e the 11dof's Molcan divorce from Christine Kaufmann, CUrtls decided to remany Jn CAIUomla when the 1tAte sanctioned the divorce after a walling period, t h e actor's lawyer sald. I •I STRANDED. MOTORIST SIGNALS FOR HELP Auto Beci1mt Snowbound on Route 93 at Woburn, Mass. inoperative fn New York. Most rail lines reported near nonnal service, although 'some lines could promise only periodic service. · Helicopters were pre!Sed into emergen· cy service in some places -to fly food into and stranded passenger• out of Kennedy Airport, and to Dy an im- minent mother in Peabody, Mass., from her home to a shopping center where a police car was waiting to rush he' to a hospital. In New York, a policeman and a trained nurse delivered a baby witb the mother's doctor supervising by telephone. 'The near·bliua~ that took shape off the Virginia Cap€s Saturday dumped eight to 35 Inches of snow along the eastern seaboard, from Virginia to Maine, before It moved out to sea earlY. Monday. A I>inch blanket of snow all but 1mothered lhe New York metropolitan area. lt was the heaviest fall since February, 1961, when a storm dropped nearlJ II lncbea: of mow on the northea!t, Canada Moves to Open Talks With Red Chinese OTI'AWA (AP) -The Canadian government has noUfied Red China it is prepared to open talks on establish- ment of diplomatic relations. Foreign Minister Mitchell Sharp told the House of Commons Monday the Cana· dian Embassy in Stockholm was ordered to approach the Red Chinese emball.!iy with a proposal for talks "to be held .at a mutually convenient time and place in the near future." Sharp told newsmen the United States ''and our other friends" were told of the decision in advance "so they would not be taken by surprise." ..There was no immediate reacUon from Washington, but State Department of- ficials were expected to be unhappy with the Canadian move, as they were when Italy announced Jan. 24 that they planned to recognlu Red China. Sharp first announced Canada's In- tention to recognize Red China Jan. 2, which prompted a protest from Na· tionalist China. His speech Monday brought a second protest from Formosa'.s ambassador in Ottawa, Hsueh Yu-Clu, who said: "It U ltlll the hope of my government that the Canadian govern- ment will rec.on.sider. "The Canadian action b tantamount to giving encouragement and support to the tyrannical rule of lhe Chinese Communist regime and deals a 1evere Wilson to Visit W. Berlin Despite Travel Tensions LONDON (AP) -Prime Mlnlsttt Harold Wilson will visit West Berlin Friday despite tension there over new tr•vel restrlcllllllll hnposed by the Easl German government, aides said today. Spckesman at No. 10 DoWnlftc Strett would not comment dlrectly on a report in the Soviet government newspaper livest!• describing Wiison'• "1slt .. • deliberate provocaUon. But he said: une prime minister ls (Jdµ\g ahead with hia villt Ind will nol bO deterred by whatever opposition it may arouse from certain quart.en." Wlllon wu to leave London for Bonn lattr tc:xtay. He will visit West Bulin After l1'o d1ys o( talks with Chancellor Kurt ~rg Kiesinger. Informed sources said one of the chlel topics wilt be r ·ssJble future arrangements to offset Britain's foreign exchange cosll of maln- lainina troops 1n West Germany. I blow to the '100 million Chinese people • in their struggle for fttedom," 1aid Hsueh. Sharp acknowledged that Canada's rela~ lions with Nationalist China are "bound to be affected." But he denied that Canada ls allowing these relations to "go down the draln," indicating ottaw.t would like to have a two-China policy, Israeli Premier Repels Attempt At Overtlu:ow While lsraell troops fought duels witti Jordanian soldiers along a ~mile stretch of the cease-fire line Israeli Premier Levi Eshkol today beat back' an attempt by political enemies to overthrow his "national unity" coaUUon government The small Free Center Group In· troduced a motion of no confidence in parliament on grounds Eshkol wu selling out lo the Arabs by agreeing lo hand back occupied territory on the west bank of the Jordan River. Eshkol defeated the attempt before it even came to a vote. The premier and Deputy Premier Yigal Jsllon met wllh the leaders of the two major coaUUoo partners and they an- nounced tbey were backing Eshkol. This meant the rlghtwlng attempt to unseat him had ranen nat. The ........0.. line skirmishes ranged from the Sea of Galilee to the city of Aqaba 210 miles to Ule south. Jordan lafd lsraelJ lei llgbter-bomben attacked lour times Mondoy nlll>t and loday but Israel did not conllnn the attoc:u • Soldiers Help Unload Mail Mter Strike NEW YORJC (AP) -The Ont contu.. gent ot solcllen has arrived to unload a trtmend<>ls backloc of loose bulk md from about 4$ vessels stranded In the harbor becallse ol !he 13-day East and Gull coast dock strike. The mall Includes many Chris"""" packages meant for servlcemen that ""' aboard ahlPo when the wo lkout be- gan Dec. 20, r.nd of a Taft-Hartley ln- junctlon. ------'-----· -~----~ - ,.,..,..,, ,.,,,.., 11, 1-wt GAILY P'JLOT Ii : . CHPRoufs . • 'Man Holds Girl Hostage 10-H9~rs • • • Berk~ley • Protesters ... Sbddtnly, the itrl 1 .. p1 boo hind a counter and police abot MuUIN, killing him on t h e Spot. 'Ibo Ill\ ,,.. not b\JUrtd. Mondly . Deputy Pollce Otlef S. N . 11ld thett 1inllht be othtn... .1 BERKELl!JY (AP) -Some l:IO demonstrators tried WJIUC-- tt!sfully Monday to bloct main enlrances to the University of Callfornia cam- pus. MESQUITE, Tex. (UPll - Ranch foreman C. L. Lewls took bis Western.style hat from hil balding heod and closed his eyes briefly ln pray- er. A few yards away, a man police said was a parole vl~ lator sat in a cafeteria point- ing a gun at LewiJ' 17-yu.r- old daughter Janice. She duhod from tho car .. ttrla alter the lint buntl of gunfw and screamed, "Mam- mie" in the paU1t bet.re I second group of lholl were fired. Mulllnl drew·a iun and ran Into a cafeteria, pulled t h e blonde Forney. Tex., High 8ehooJ leftlor from 1 line ol lbout 15 -and aid, "You come with me. I'm 10-lnl tQ kill you." Hun~ of pmons flocked to the cafeteria ln a lbopplni ceotor ol this Dallu oUJiurli to Wltcll. Wlboo said Mullins 1 a I d about t:• p.m .. "I'm Jeav- ln(." Al he got up. Mlu Mui· Um jumped behind • counter In t1Jt ca!eteril, le1vlng Mull· "He never sot olf a &bot.,. WllJon said. · A doctot and 1 lawyer also talked With llUiJltll eullcr In tho dO)I and Ifie dOctor was al- lowed lo g1.., tho girl a seda- tive after abe hid been h e I d captive about Dve• houn. lie said Mulllm laoked over all the drugs he hid in t b e l . ' • • • . ' California Highway PatJ:ol members moved the ~ tors away peacefully, although student atrikera m a r c bed singing and chantini between 1 corridor forme1(by olflcers at Sather Gate. For 10 hours, the l\lllDlln. •identified as Freddie Robert Mullins, 21, aat ·raclng Janice whom he had seized from the cafeteria title Monday w h e n police stopped him. Mis.s Lewia' parenta I n d Mullinl' mother -the tense. drama. MUllinl and another !1\111 were -by Polloe S I t. B. C. Tl'dWeU and Olfictr J.B. Warren shortly aller II 1.m. Policemen talked with the luglUve Ill afternoon and Into tho nigh!. Some ofltcen ut 11 cloee u at feet from the p. mon and bb hostage. ~3i: (Leooord) Llmmer bH hbn three times with a .a caliber nivolver," Willon aafd. "She jumped behind • serving <OW!tor and the chlef lot him." Fire cruer James Lewis, saJd he examined the m a n 's boey and found two bullet ·hol· ea directly over tbe heart. He big. "He knew a lot about drugs," the doctor aaid. "Ha didn't want me to Cth e r 1 ~ 1nything !hat would her. < out.'' .. Two persons were taken into CUltody without lncldeot. One was released after ques- tioning. Nixon Sets Transpacific 'Blackout' Fincli Backs Cigarette TV Ad Ban Old World Mediurranean Spanish Furniture The demonstration began with a noOn rally that at. tracted about 400. Tbe 'lbird World Liberation F r o n t started a strike lut month to press its demands for counes delllng with 11\d com- pletely controlled by minority groups. Strike leader James Solis declared at the r. a J I y that a meeting with Berkeley Chancellor -Rog.-Hey n s "d1dn't accomp&h a damn thing." * * * SF Teachers' Rehiring Date Passes SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The deadline for striking teachers to apply for rehiring at troubled San Francisco State College passed Mooday, but offlcials said it would take several days to determine how many responded . Acting President S. I • Hayakawa recently sent let-. ters to 199 faculty members and nine administrators in- forming them of the deadline. They either went on strike with the American Federation of Teachers Jan. 6 or refused tG crC>SI the union's picket line. Meanwhile, security precau- tions on the 18,ootktudent campus were tightened as in- coming freshmen arrived to prepare for the opening or the spring semester next Mon- day. The school bas been in turm<>il u a result of the teachers' strike and a walkout by minority groups which began Nov. 6. JET fe ~ :7 ··-. NOISE By Joan Today Ille County Board of Supervisors will hear a report on aircraft noises and tbeir effects on residential areas in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa by the airport director, Robert J . Bresnahan. The report cost the taxpayer $7,000 and will no doubt be very professional. Included, we un- derstand, will be a forecast on the noise problem if the current number of jet landings and take offs TRIPLE! Mr. Bresnahan said lo the press that, "We waftt to know if jet noises are bad enough to Influence property vaJua and if dMy'tt not. bow much traffic we coald handle before *My dJd.,, No kidd ing. That's a direct quote. We could, of course, i"ell the e:zpe.rts not only bow bad the jet landings and lake offs will be-but bow bad they are now. Our answer lo the ques- tioo of "will the jet noise! in- fluence property values," is already well put forth in the $10 million worth of suits flied by haruled property o w n e r s against the County! • • • Barbara Becker of the West- <"liff area, called In to tell us about the big jet fJylng so low over her bouae that she couldn't Identity iL "It WU IO low, all t couJd see was it.s huge belly," she tells us. • • •• Ul"IT ........ FATHER PRAYS FOR OAUGHTER'S SAFETY C. l . lewis, Father of Girl Held Host•ge 10 Hours Merger Control Plan Heads for Opposition WASHINGTON (UPI) -A Nil:oo adminmrailon plan to regulate banks, their mergers and outside business activities appeared headed today for stiff opposition from Con- gressmen who are more con- cerned about the holding com- panies wb.ich increasingly con- trol banks. Out of this polential con- frontation could come new legislation to slow a national trend toward economic con- centration in which big banks have been buying up small companies· and large cor- porations have been taking over small banks. many holding companie s ;cirefully buy Jess than that amoUnt to avoid fed er a I registration and regulation. \V ASHINGTON (UPI) President Nixon, trying to rlecide on a controversial case involving expanded a I r 11 n e service across the Pacific, has told the airlines and Congresa to stand back and give him room. Ni x:on announced through a spokesman he will • 1 n o t receive communications from any souree on the subject of the Transpacific case." The annbuncement was seen as a move to try to lift political pressures which have built up over the case. The Transpacific case has been entangled in politics and diplomacy ever since former President Lyndon B. Johnson gave five airllnu -Con- tinental, BranUf, Trans World, Northwest and Flying Tiger -permission to expand their services to Hawaii and across the Pacific to Asia. Ray Defense Refuses Photo Offer WASHINGTON (UPI) - Llghtlng a cigarette as he spoke, HeaJth Secretary Robert H. Finch said Monday be favors the Federal Com- munlcaUon Commission's pro- posed ban of cigarette ad- vertising on rad.lo a n d television, "Yes," Finch told a group of newsmen, "I think it Js a good idea.'' Finch emphasized that he was speaking ror hlmaelf. He s a i d that as secretary of health, education and welfare, he has no power to regulate televlslon commercials. But hls opinion. perhaps would have influence on Prui- MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -dent Nii:on, who aald last week The defense in the James Earl he will reveal his own feellngs Ray case Monday refused an on the matter after evaluating offer by the sheriff that · an it. U. · 1 ..s. Finch said be did not go o 1c1a .,..otogr apher take pie-along with the argument that • Rocolvod c1ncoll1tlon of $22,000.00 Splnl1h •nd Medlterr1M11n Fumiture AllNewt.,~ .... "-hc• ..... Dt... H-Olt D...., Items as follows: Georgeous 8 fl custom taullted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matchlng chair, 3 matching oak occ3!innal tables, (2) ~8" tall decoratnr lamps, banging chain swig lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom aulte in pecm ponelled Mediterran· ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dinin.r set. etc. Wlielt "-"1 .. ,...,.._ SI SH.ff ::~::~~.·~~~--··-····---·-· $698.00 Any Ploce Cen lie Purchuod lndlvldu11ly Terms Av1ilable -Ntwcomen to Caltf. C.-,.tlt Approvod lmmodl1tely l"""'I'""' ' I Ftwniture At Harbor Blvd. tufes of Ray for distributi'on a product. that can be used to all news media. legally 1 b o u J d necelllrily 1 ~ Newport lllYd. Costa Mesa only Percy Foreman of HoU!too,, -hl~vo~th~e~ri~gh=t_:lo_:ld~v=ertlae=~=='="=°'='="~lgh~t='=tt=I ='=-=W=""=·=Sat=·=&=S=un.=='111=6=.=~ the lawyer defendin1 Rayl· 00 television. agalnat a murder chafse stemming from the death of · Dr. l,lartln Luther King ·~r .. said since 1 judge bu denied the defense.permlsalon lo IUe f!:Sclwlve photos' for aale tO·.a . • ... ' • l • j • • ;1 ?-:t '• •• ~ ., I: ~ ~ , • ' , • Treasury Department of. ficlals saJd Monday the ad- min!stration would send Con- gress a bill Feb. 20 requiring "one-bank holding companies" -firms holding stock in only one bank -to register wilh the government. Regulation responsibilities, said Ute officials, would be u"' T•leMlef9 spilt among thtte federal ag-Murder Suspert encies-the Federal Reserve Board, the Ct>mptroller of the David Ervin Beagles, Currency and the Federal De-convicted 10 years ago posit Insurance Corporation. of participating in mass Each wou?d be charged with rape of Negro coed, drawing up guidelines on was charged Monday bank-related activities which with murder of Negro a holding company could con-woman ifi Tallahassee, tinue to offer. Currently, only those firms Fla., Beagles, 28, was which hold more than 25 per---'P_•_rol_ed_in_l_965_. __ _ cent cf the stock of two or more banks att required by 'fhe' Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 to register and their activities are regulated by lhe FederaJ Reserve Board The routes were highly priz- ed by all of the airlines which had been competing for them and the awards w e r e estimated to be worth up to $50 million in the first year alone in revenue for the win- ners. But Nixon pulled back the awards for a review shortly after he entered the White House. Robert F. Ellsworth, a presidential assist.ant, said the only recOmmendations Nli:on will listen fo in the case will be those from the State and Defen.. Departmenll and his National Security adv!Jers. Those posts were not included In the lobbying "blackout" order. national maguine, none Will be taken' at all. '' · ".I'll 'tell my client of ;h ro • sheriff's offer but I'H oppose Renovate . your~ wife with· I ~ ··a -home 1 it u loog u my client will," said Foreman. Ray, 1cheduled lo go on trial Marclt 3, hu only been photographed once •Ince hil extradition to the U n I t e d States from Lood<m Jut IUDlo mer. said since hJa extradition to the United Statea Crom London last summer. 1 improvement ! I Joan. ' alone. Opponents of t h e ad- ministration's plan, w h i c h allows banks more leeway in their nonbank business deal- ings and might exempt firms already controlling one bank, contend it is not tough enough. Scientists Sail \V ASffiNGTON !UPI I - Scientists from the United States, Great Bita in and West Germany are drifting across the Atlantic Ocean north of the equator in a study or the wind and sea. Four ships began the drift Monday 850 miles west or Dakar, beaded In a SSG-mile journey toward Brazil. Steelworkers Voting Today PITI'SBURGH Members of the (AP) United Steelworkers Union vote for a president today in an elec- tion that could a[fect the en- tire labor movement. The stee1\riorkers cast their ballots at mill gates and unicn halls in 3,700 locals throughout the United Slates, Canada and Puerto Rico. They choose between the union's current iresldent, I. w. Abel, eo, a soft-spoken former nUU worker, and Emil Na.rick, &2, a cnwcut union lawyer and fonner football player who hopes to follow Abel in becoming the second man in union history to unseat an incumbent Crilics object specifically le> the administration's failure to .------------------------------1 after the 1956 Jaw so that it would apply to firms holding less than 25 percent of a bank's stock. They claim Why put up with fear? It's amaiing haw many fears, big and small, seem to plegue one's dey. It mey be fear of losing one's job, of offendin9 someone, of •ffects from certein foods , or more 1erioutly, of illne1s. Feer seems to be the result of circum1tences. But, ectuelly, it i1 often the ceuse of problems, evenTnlif htelth. F••r can be conquered, howeW. You end your fr iends ere cordielly invited to h1ar Gordon f. Cempball, C.S.B., of The Christian Science Boerd of Lectur1• ship discuss how we cen rid ourselves. cf fear -~-"~~· .", . ~i · lltest wia•rs ia CHml lsllall's ,P. c. And•non Wiki Wlkl Dolllrs: a. a,._ . ·. G. Bennett J. C. Oranvhte R. H. Lyon H. Hahn G. Brown A. OrOI C. P. McCellum I . Hlndlll1r9 E. C.mpo1 D. Gomer A. L M.... M. Nilton W. C•rwn L Hart I . Modlrt K. Nllftlno G. Clymer M. Hawn D. Mooner J. Olilen B. Cohen J. Hlnea J. J. Mot1ef C. Peirce S. Cox W. Hlnet C.R. O'NMI J. POfttlua N. Doano R. 11. Hoyt D. T. 0-J. Price M. Du1n11a L IC. Jones R. J. hntlll M. Aobfnlon G. Duwal S. M. Joyce R. D. Penigm W. Roa L Ertch1t0n G. Johnson N. Rankin JIL flutllnd E. f1llenb1rg J, ~ R. Rulr J. lever A woman who's unhappy with her kitchen is an unhappywomm..With 1 a noticeable tendency to complain. For huabanduobunlcned, First Western Bank.offers the wife improve- ment loan. Cook aplClllletbiDll with our money.Afaat $3,000 can do wooden I for any wife's kitchen. And you can take as long as eight years to repay, in little imtallmenta of$47 a month. In fac:t, our loans come in all sita, up to $7,500. For one over $2,000 the clwge is only $6.00 per $100 per year. We've imptoved home i111provement loam. By doing away with involved rdinancing and red tape. We think a home improvement loan should be aa aimple as a cu loan. And llO it is. Call us. We'll quote paymenta that will help make your home sweeter and more valuable. Wemaybea$900mil· Home lion bank, but we're very JmproveaneJJt We'll close with the recom· mended candidate of "Nolle- mabr of the Wttk." The vote , .. to !hat Loc~eed Jet Star thai belonp t.o a private firm tnd took off 1t 1:55, Frldly morning. Januuy II. end its effects. 1.-11.K..i A.11- A.E.Lono P.F.- C. L .LAar, Jr. W. lc:ltnl ..... handy around the house. Loan • • • Wi11 see you next F11lday. Alrpori Nol.sf Abottmimt CommlU«f Christi en Science Lecture 1,00 P.M. Fr;.. Fo~. 14, First Church of Christ, Scientist llOl Vii lido, N.I. · O.UP!lfncoll 1.- T. Loft E. N.- Wil Wild WDtl llollln 11-mt St1nll1nl Sbtloa • putlclpetilg ~ llllllrs Ulh!Wfi P.wtomlll! 18022 Cuiftr Ddte, Ima. fllO P!Jlff:M.Uf lllCllWT • llClll'llD OIMIS <tf'LY • \'OJO hOC "'°"lllTb If &Air , ..... f'*tl ..... ..._ 11, I• f 1 •• ~o.-.""""'==---=~--=:.-=-=:~_:.=====~--=--=--~------:=--~===========~==================~=..:==-=:::...:::-:~~---~~---,~-·..,..,,,r l I • ·' l c i • I • ! ' ) r r • • I • l ~- l • ': ., 't , j •• ! • , , ~ . • :t ... . • ... .. ... ,. :;, ... -· . .. I o.\u.y PILOT ~JTOBL\L PAGE I They Earned Applause Any dollbt lbat our hlgh achools are populated by teen"'"" al least as well motivated and as wllllng to work a& tbOle of earlier generations. was elfecUvely. challenged on the Orange Coast last , Saturday. Some 450 boys and glrlll from Newport Beach and COiia Mesa.responded to an appeal to help ·clean up the debris wuhed ooto the sand at Newport Beach easl of the pier. Jn four hours, Ibey cl.eaned up three-and·•· ball miles of ocean lroot,•enougb'fot' 50 dump truck· loads. _ In saving taxpayers at least '2,000. in clean-up costs, their only rew.ards were In !be feeling of satis- faction in mBkll\g • civic contribution and in ~e l~ncb­ eon donated ,afterward by appreciative local firms. Plus quite a few free mo-vie tickets. Whlle memory of the recent protracted rainstorm ls still vivid , it's certainly ln order to salute lhe many good citizens, young and old, wlio illd all Ibey could to minimize sufierlng at the height bf lbe floods. A few examples typify lbe many who worked bard without \bought of •Pl"'ial'reward, Marines from Et Toro went all out, even flying re- placement bridges by helicopter to remote stricken areas . County and city employes, aided by many .volunteer citizens, did yeoman work. · The 15 teen·age members of the Laguna Beach Search and Rescue Post earned community applause for their outstanding work. Over three days of school liemester break; they didn't go to parties or relax. In· •lead, they unclogged drains, sandbagged threatened homes, directed traffic before the police arrived, shov- eled mud off lbe highway ln Laguna Canyon, pulled out mired cars, helped at the scene of a fatal auto crash and joined the search at .the Santa Ana River for a 1&-year-old boy who had been swept away in the torrents . Young people up and down the Orange Coast, as well as the many adult volunteers, public employes and ' ' aervlce men deserve 11>0> appreciation of all reoldenta .. Their work during an4 •alnce Ibo. recent rav!Jhlng by · storm was out.stanc!lng. The-Credit Card Burning A group of presumably weU·meanlng Orange Cout residents, bitter over lhl oil diJ:uter at Santa Barbara, has called for a burning of Union Oil Co, credit cards and boycott of that company's products. The anger ls unilerstan~able. But the action es- poused reflects. only the. unbappy ,blindness of anger. Burning of s~Js.4igns, flags, draft cards, lit· erature, credit cards or whatever-is a flamboyant but usually unproductive means of impressing opponents or gaining adherents. Boycotts are simply another method of arguing an issue by force rather than by uasoo and fact. U !be credit card ·burning or boycott were to have any effect, it would be primarily to reduce the income of local ind.!viduals 'tfbo_:make 'ijleir living owning or operating the oil stations. Penalizing-them for an ac- cident for which they are in no way responsible seems unreasonable: As for Union OU, it bas not been charged with an illegal act; .much less ~onvicted. Its drilling operation presumably complied wtth federal regulations. Wbetb· er there was negllgeDce "ts yet to be determined. The company did m,ake a massive effort to stop the oil seep- age a~ quickly as possible. , Vlb.ile the oil company must bear its full share of responsibility for the damage, the real target for ire and action in this unhappy affair should be the U. S. Department of the Interior, which failed to require drilling safeguards as effective as those of the State of California. It is in Washington and Sacramento-not at the gasoline station-that the pressure for corrective ac· tion can most productively be applied . 1 'Telling It Draft Rules May Be Changed 1 ~Like It Is ' i Dear Gloomy Gus: More Postgraduate Deferments? l Not Enough The Orange County Board of Edu· cation iays it banned "Hlro!tfuna'1 becauae of concern for the tax· payers. 1 am a taxpayer. I ap- preciated the board's saving me $4.95 . ('9 centa paperback). But 1 still think the kJds should read "Hiroshima." So I· have ·sent the board my copy. You might do the ' l i : The most tiresome piea! of cant in 1 the last couple of years is the phrase, i "Telling it like it is." Apart from being r ungrammatical, it ii unpbllosopbical as ' well : The idea behind It ls a po(1'1 one. same. -V. A. tMI "'""" nfllK1I .....,. ,,.... Ml __,,., ...... Ille ..... -. s... ,..._,.. ...... -· ... °'* ...... Before we can handle reality, -W• have to describe it accurately. We need to tnow the natun of the disease before dentandi.ng more than we do about the we attemPt a cure. And ~ nature o! .man. It means. aolng beyond reaJity ,lo fl~our aell~ ia'IUrely oloj(ans. aiid ...,..,., and adlon1 bued mett1 most prevalent 'etrol'. ; blf'--'"-"~:7° en1m~ Jt But, tOo often, "Tellinl 'If like it ls" • 00 _.~ m1K1 m , ""'~-. m~ has rome to mean merely replacing utilizing • wbat. our scholars a.nd one haU-truth with another ball-truth. researchers nave learned about ~1al , ,. . systems and psychology and the distr1bu· IT HAS COME TO mean 111~ 1 tion of income and effective ways to the slogans of revolt for the 1JoPns learn and all the multiple 'disciplines · of smugness. And then ~ for that can help bring us into the light, changea ._ often badly needed cbangea H tllat ear morality ls u produeslve -by llhlftlng power from ooe .,..,P u oar madllHry. · to ancAher, rather than dl.ltributlng the rr JS NOT ENOUGH to be •••'"•l power-hue 'mono brnodly aad equitably. ,..--, Besides, ''Telling it like It is" ls not It never has been. We muat·knOW what enough. It must be accompanied by wP. are for, what all people are for, telling it • It altoakl bt. And this what society is for, what the world d "-"ght ture alu ii for. We may not agree on details, demands eep ..,,.,.. • ma v e-or on means, but if we develop a genuine judgments, aad a sound !mowledJ!• ol the hiltoric consequepcea of revolution. 1t1t1e of community, our disagreements · will not prevent us from moving toward MAN MUST BAVB a 'rialte, not juat a world we can all enjoy. . a gripe. Man must have a prescription I agree With the modem dissenters that wcrks to alleviate the i1ll of all, that our society bu not provided us not just a grudge against the lnequltiea ,wjth a H~ ol community; indeed, of our present society, Otherwise, what tt bas oft~ impeded and frwitrated begins as a nobJe and humanitarian that sense. We n~ radical ' change, movement ends 11 a c:Uage of muten but only wtthin a p h 11o1 op h \..c.a·I more th8n a change of heart and spirit. framework that can create rilore than TeWac It u K ~ be meaM un. it can destroy. 'An Act of lg.oorance' To the Editor: To ban or not to boo. that II the question. 1be "bannlnc" of Heney'• book ••Hiroshima'' appears to me to be an act of f1rst class ignorance ot what freedom of the press ls all aboul "Let the people know" ii the pledge of a free press. Those who would sUOe: this information are the prudes aad the polltictans. THE PRUDES, becaU3e d their lg· norance of ·aei.. and tbe politicltns because of their one-wsy direction whlcb they wish their conatJtuenta to go, are unmlndlul of nature ltsell. · Mr. Hcraey'1 book needs ·to be rea~, and not censortd. He may be telling us som"elhing that fl vita] to our llfe on this planet. and he , may not be wrong ln hls appralul ol tbe future If we continue to value the dollar more than Ille ltseU. MILT BASHAM Uttotrl fl'olft ~ --NllnMllY wrn.n .r.ould '*""" tt..Jr ,,_._ It\ D wwofl ., 11!11. TM n.hf le ~ llntrt to fff -tll ., eUfM. ,..,. llbel .. AMrVtd. All 1ettt111 must lnduO. eJt-rMturt .,... ""nir. 11Mrtt1. but 111mft _., "' Wlfflheld Ol'I rtllueill ff lllftlCllfll ~ It ....,.m. • ol Leary. ' Appar<ntly the DAILY PILOT, In its God~lik:e wisdom, wishes to decide for individuals what they I1UJI or may not bear by sUDlni freedom d speecb, jut ' as have other great into 'like iUUl!l' and Stalin In the past. ' Wbo are you or anJOtJe else to decide what's l'*1 or bid ror -mef lt'1,peop1e like you ·who are lhl real cfan&er to .... ietr. noi Tim Lear7. DANIEL MOfilER l.c•Jll dtclczrtd, "Th<rc Is tao <Vi· d<nc:• lllat · ailu pqc11edel1c dr11g 1s P'f1Cllol0¢<ollf or blologloaUu dang•" oui .•. the onlv danger u it imperit, Ta the Edi!«: that pan of ''"" mind co"41«oMd 'l!lll llUer ll In rqard to your edltcrlll to , Ille r.,..ro./all•rt mt ...,.,• The oo Tim Lury a !.., cia1I ago. DAILY PILOT <diCOrial bnmd<d lh< It ~ me that a suPDOlllllJ stattment HcnuJlv false," Cited avail· retf'~ piper 11 ~w. wwldolOOld-ad-abWtv of ct*lfnce oi ncarbv MlpitaLs, --a !lqnnt VlolaU... , · alld c:onchulcd: rillila. Wbot ls al llaU JlCft II DOl "Dr Bmjamln Spock mid olllc<1 w6al a mM aayt, but whelber he bu toCrt J)rO'ecated fOY ~Uordng Vo""l1 Ibo ri,iit to sar IL You dalm be -1 J>«>Pic IO perf-IU<gal acts. Wt bec1P1t be 11y1 lhlflll wtlh which YOll · crre mootd io wonder 'I Worv ahould :'!:."': !. .... tile ~1n .r::r~ ,.,, 1a11 into lh• ..... bracket. JnqulllUoa Mlaht -rillJI. ' •p,,,. his Cldllkc-llOisted .. it is- WASHINGTON -Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of Selective Service, is telling -local officials that President Nitcn',-.NMtnnal Security Council may be-UUil"l'1ilisider. military draft defer- ~.graduate students. He SIYSt•tliert are unspecified "in--die~ an effort will be made to b~ iruch a Security Council review. a~·s views are being passed aloog , to' ~ draft' boards and other ,.lerll,\tt • offi<:ials In a monthly bulleUI~ Dellberi o( the Na,liooal Security Council, as constituted under President Johnson, led: to. tbe ·.present exeeuUve order which provides postgraduate defer· ment only for students of medicine and deart.l.stry. Local boards have been ex· erclslng some discreUon -under tha.t order,, but educators have strongly pro- tested the current regulaUons. HERSHEY TAKES the vjew that rears about a wholesale grab of students from graduate schools "have not y e t ma\erialized. '' He suggests that public anxiety, in that regard, reSutts from ''projection of questionable estimated statistics." "This does not preclude the possibility that the Sel~ve Service System will face the problem of the graduate student in 1969. There are indications that meaM may be tried to persuade a new National Security Council that there is a n e e d for deferment of at least some graduate students in 1969," lbe draft director reports. He adds that he does not .know how graduate students could be deferred "selectively." He says he bas bad no recommendation on bow some students could be called from the graduate schools while others remained if deferments should go beyond the medical fields. "SHOULD CHANGES be sough!, the one practieal necessity whlch will be r~uired will be a method of selectivity," says Hershey. In his eltravagantJy worded, .signed article Hershey also stresses problems of enforcing the draft law. In Uie process he takes a jab or two at the courts and at attorneys who hand1e draft cases. He expresses the hope that a heretofore "silent majority"· of citizens will become aroused and compel measures to ensure the law's enforcement. That, Hershey says, might include pressures on What he calls t.he ''irresponsible discontented" to keep their dissent within legal limits. IN ADDmoN, he says, those few Individuals who have tried to destroy the selective servJce law might indicate that they will "endure what cannot be changed by legal means." That would include less use of . the courts by at· torneys who, according to the draft di.rec- tor, always seem to be available to press court acti~ against induction, "no matter how hopeless." "Let us hope that tbe citizeru; of our natl.on will remember the many things they share in common and will suspend actions on the few areas oI differences. If this comes to pass the members of the Selective Service System will find satisfaction in less illegal actions perpetrated on a claim of constitutional right. "IT IS NOT TOO much to hope that harassment or local board members will cease. That courts will assume their responsibility ol enforcing the military selective service act and that, generally, responsible citizensbip will replace the permissiveness now granted to the in· dlvlduals and will be succeeded by con- sideration of the right of all our citizens," the draft director says. Hershey, now 75, and head or t he military draft since 1941, bas been rebuf· fed by the courts in his recent efforts to use the induction process as a means of disciplining unruly dissenters. He has had beUer success in fighting court ac· lions aimed at opening loopholes in the law. IN DECEMBER the Supreme Court, ruling against Hershey, held that a d.lvlni· ty student, exempt by law from mHltary service, could fight in federal courts when reclassified T·A before being ordered into service. The divinity student in question bad been classed l·A after turning in his draft card to protest the Vietnam war. The Supreme Court supported Hershey, however, in ruling tha t a conscientious objector, classified l·A by a local board, could NOT bring a federal court action before he w a s inducted or refused to report for military service. The draft law provides for court review of draft classifications at that . point in the in· ductioo process. HE:RsHEY HAD argued that a reversal of that ·review provision would open the way for a flood of timMonsnming pre-induction court protests against draft classiCications handed out by local draft boards. In January the Supreme Court again upheld the review proc«iure incltlded in the draft law. ·The ·c0urt. ruled that four young Negroes c<1uld not bring a pre-induction court challenge against classifications of a local board unless, like divinity students, they were exempt by law. Their protest was based on a claim that deferment of college students discrinl!_nat.es against yo1.1ng people who are too poor to go to c<11lege. By Robert S. Allee and Jolul A. Golcbmltll Nixon Trip Is of ·'Working' Nature WASHINGTON -A new President does not casually pack his bags a few weeks after taking office for a trip to Europe. He does so because be does nol wish to lose any time setUng in motion those forces whicb might lead to great events in foreign aHain. lt is reasonable to deduee therefore, that when • President Nixon h a s reestablished working contacts with the leaders of our western allies he will move on to explore better working ar- rangements with the leaden of the Soviet Union. Some rather rash conclusions are being reached, however, on some kind or a new era in diplomacy which will restore Europe as America's primary interest to the exclusion of President Johnson's dfeam of "the promise of tbe new Asia." Nothing In Nixon's record would sug· gest that be bas any such idea in mind, nor was-tt ·a sound judgment that Presi· denl Johnson had forgotten all about EUrope in his preoccupation with the Vietnam War. THE EMPHASIS AT the Whl1" House is all on the "working" nature of the trip to · Paris, London, Bonn and 8 11 George ---• Dear George : My boss has rather a tasteless approaeb to humor and Is alway1 telling 'me and the other girls In the office 1 lot of traveling ulesman jokes. some of which are rathe< lhoclting. Should I tell my husband! MAYBELLE Dear Maybelle: He's probably heard them. Why don't you just watch 'Lau.gh--tn' together! elsewhere, DOI on ~y great new schemes to restore the Westera Alliance to its Churchillian grandeur and its anti-Soviet posture. Those days are· gone. Despite Czechoslovakli, Europe no I o n g e r trembles at Russia's door.ltep, nor looks supplicatingly to Ameriq as its saviour, But it may be possible to restore the mutual confidence and trust which was scattered by differences over the Viet. narn War and dif(ering concepts on the Common Market, the politicJil Shape ol =d ~ar 'r; lt;~t d~e:. burdens The judgmeot of what some of Presi- dent Johnson's advisers thought would face the new President ls also relevant to Nixon's journey. A new president, some of these advisera thought, would ha~·e to faa1 squarely before his term was over drawing a considerable portion ol American forces out or Europe. CZECHOS14lV AKlA b-hl that kind or discussion_ to an end, at least for the lime being, but the more time that passes the nearer the day when lh1s subject can be dl.scussed again. A more optimistic foresight wu that the Nixon administration might well see Tradition such an Improvement ln the political climate of Europe that Britain would be admitted to the Common Market. Such hopeful prescienei! does not carry much conviction at the moment but there ls at least a basis for a new start in trying to pull the interests of Europe and America back together. Moving on to better w o r k i n g anangements with the Soviet Union is also desirable for Nixon if only for the rtason that distrust of the President has lingered too long in Russian political C1lnsciousness. Russians remember Nb:· on 's anU.COmmunlst past and his dialogue -nay, quanel -with Premier Khrushchev. The lmaglnatln! former Premier once boasted he caused John F. Kennedy's defeat of Nixon in 1960. BUT THE PROBLEMS of 1961 In the Mideast and Vietnam are not likely to be quickly solved without a greater degree of cooperaUon between the United States and the Soviet Union than in the past. Khrushchev is no longer premier aod Nixon is no longer a member of the House Committee on Unamerican Activities. Better working arrangements with the western allies ls a good end in Itself, but the payoff cannot come unW there ill a helter working mangement betwttn all parties and the Soviet Union. Johnson to go to Russia . If so, there is reported to be still standing in Siberia a special dacha erected for President Eisenhower but never occupied by him. Quotes Robert Monagan, Stocktcm, A11tmbl1 Speaker -"It is my hope the AssemblJ will be remembered, not for dimestort speeches and partisan debates, but rather for quiet efficiency and the quality or the legislative product." Gen. Carlo1 P. Romulo, statt:sman, Pres., U. ol Pbllippines, on Callf. tour -"ln Washington, the secret of social succe~s is being able to yawn without opening your mouth." Jobn A. Allcb, S.F. -"Those who protest police on campus are in reatlty protesting the fact that police are In~ terfering with their efforts to ri ot, create disorder and destroy the best educational system in the world." ----Tuesday, February 11 , 11169 . am do for more "1HmaU harm to a YOU TRDi ADO llllull to ildll'1 ill uo•ng mind t"4n am a jail ICnltm:e • )UltlfylO( )'Ollt' flnt U1ecJ111i1 by bJ>. fo,r • -V0~"'1 ,,,.. tollo follow<d Dr. (Do you haye more worrll!s than you can handle? Send your atr1 wtirrlea lo Gforge -It takes his mind ofthls own truubl ... ) Rotholt, S.C., Revl•w: "Our Oag has a glorious tradition of wtucb all can be proud, and aµ 1hould be proud. This is the n11 Franctt ' Scott Key AW that morning in 1814 flying above Fort McHenry afltr a long day and night of tlege. 'Wbat to · iC'OOdJy we ti ailed ... • he penned in lhOse memorable llne5. This ls the nag loO, that a minority ol misguJd!d people in this country he.ve put to the torch in their demoostra· tions of Pff:"L" NIXON JS THUS taking up about wti.re President Eisenhower left off when Kbnuhcbev stormed angrily out of Paris aftt11 Eisenhower laughed in his face 10 )'<'an qo at tile time ol the U-1 lncldeot. Ellenhcrwer had made hit Journey1 lo Ganeva, to Rome and Paris aad l!oM. lie had laid hit foundation well for the Paris tummH to be followed liter by • pn>ject<d lrlp to Russia, a carefully erected diplomatic structure which came o-= down wtlh the U-1 lncldei1l K could not pyt It together again, nor could JOhn.oii, and now It Is mton•a turn. It 11 likely to be a lq proc<ss but perhaps at lb end Nixon win realize the ~g d both Ebenhower and TM cdftorta1 pap• 01 the OcUJ Paol 111kl to inform and 1firi.. Watt rtadtr1 "' presenting thD ....,spiipcr'1 opm;..., and - 111CT1taJ11 °" toplu of lnttrat mid llgnifiamu. bu """*""" a ,.,,.,. for U.. •"P'•uion of our f'tadn1' opin:fOtlf. and bw pre1rntin17 the dtvtrs1 W• point.a oJ fnform1d ob1erwn mid tpOkt....., .,. topics of <Ill dau. ~ pqq that people -1-Gllirt _.. Spoclc'• odoicc on the dmfL • ~ pro1oc1 lhniilelva ~the Una -\ -Editor Robert N. Weed, PubUsbe<t 17 ' ' • I ' ' • ' f '· ' J I • ' • 1! .. ~-J .......... ~.---- '!MILY' 1'11.0T l He and She Switch Strikers · Up in Air Oun.Mf , ly Phll lnltrlcmdf Reinecke Blasts '• Veneman's Move SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -about the manner· ID . wblch Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke has ac-Chancelloc. Roger W. Heyns bl bandied student dmlOnltrl"" .............. . AITOITIS? " " Sides of the Bed- SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -• San Franc~ State, Colleile sUU doesn't know if, or bow many ol, Its 199 striking teachers will resume classes when the -spring· semester starts Feb. 17. .. eused Modesto Aasem YD!an tlOlll ·oo tbe Unlveralt)' of JQhn G. Venemao of abowiilg ~ Call'fo_rola CllDl,>\!I! In "a high degree of disloyalty0 -~'Btt~';t~· e~l•!Y·:_ ___ :_-·-~====:;:;;=~==~ to the Republican Party by1 - Dr. s .. J. Hayakawa, acting ·• president, gave strikers until . ... ·,. i 5 p.in. Monday to apply for By I. M. BOYD. to. "lO a doclOr. Well., I Jusl "'hiring, but results will not WHEN I SAID most .. wll(es found · ~t ~·· ~g be made public unUI enough sleep on tile;, ~usbands' .Jell, • Wllll11l' wilh , him· at ·~· What time has. elapsed for mailed I meant the wives of 'fat»up>:. be has~ doing every Dight applications to arrlve. sleepers. Most wives of .face-ls brloglot' h~rpe two :~ Under ~I.ate law, a 11 down sleepers are on ~--the ; of· w~ which he hides. m members of the Aaterican · all Sho ,. •· · lhe waier. clooet tank to drink -•--" ol -•·· right, t\atur y. utr ... ve.._ .th.. next d Wh -t:; relief'" F~aupn Tea~s, AFlr accepling a high poat In the Nixon admlniatratioo. Reinecke said he based his criticism on the poasibJllty that Veneman's·departure for Washington may cause the Republicans to lose 'their slim majority in the St ate Assembly. made that clearer. Anyhow, .,.., ay. 8 8 • CIO, w.)lo missed five days how a husband and wife start ·~ M.Y, ~Y. POE'l'S are crop-of school ,without an excuse out their matrim-ooial life in p~g up all pver. submits an are classed as ha·v,ing this matter is ge-nei8Hy what 'Ohio subsc,ribef n~ Ed aulomaticatly resigned. 1-------.2'~:;::=.!:==.::;..::,::;,.:;:::,;;;;;,;:::::J they stick to. That is why-Rey~lds: "~Ith grace~] fee_t, Dr. J'.'rank Dollard, an aide · A majority of tegister«I voters in Veneman'a Modesto district are Democrats, and if the Democratic candidate wins the special elecUoo to choose his succesaor the Assembly would be ,nillt 40-40. the following report from a a m~de~ sweet . · · ' Did trip to Hayakawa, "said he had •41 1!'-Y keep right on going·· • •,. California lady is so unusual. the hght fantastic · · · When heard an the strikers would --------------------- Reinecke said V i n em 1 n should have rejecte:d his ap- pointment as undersecretary of Health, Education and Welfare under HEW ~tary Robert H. Finch, who •etigoed as California's Lieutenant , GOvernor to accep_t the post, Writes she: "In 26 years of she su<!2enly tore for the sign applications, but added : marriage to a navy man with p-essln~m door • · • '¥~ "We' don 't know bow many travel incident thereto, I have JW!lt can t trust. elJSUc. ").. will be on the job when the slept to his left in sevea homes .,! .. WRITESPt B °":'.BAI~~. J?,hn1. ~ semester begins." Ethics Committee Due and to his right in six." That 0 • arrow,. · D ,•"We're assuming they' 11 is the only instance in·.our my .14 .years north ot, 'the.· si"gn the agrtement in good Love and War n\an's extensive Arctic ctrcle, I have yef' to filth" he> dded files of a bUsband and wife meet in Eskimo who di~'t . 1..tth,,.,,,ba p i ttnn the -have a cold. Further, Eskimo --~':'re roes '"" To Hear Burns Case Reinecke made his remarks Monday during hi! first visit to the San Francisco Bay area as lieutenant governor. He resigned from Congress alter Gov. Ronald Reagan appointed him to the Nov. 2 post to who switch sides of the ·bed girls do l)ot rub noses. 1'.beY state ~18•·· AFT o~clals ad .. ~~~~enc~ey ,take., '1P -.~ew ~ juStJlke..other girl$." vised meu>.bers to Sign. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tbe, two-year~ld Joint Legislative Ethics Corrimittee -called on to inv~gale the business dealings of its chairman, Sen. Hugh M. Burns -his never held a meeting or beard a case ... ' · CU~R SERVICE: Q. ADVISES Dr. Joseph ~eek: "DQ.' yoU 'have any brpthers: "Most women have ii'asty · Or , sisters, old boy?"' A. No spells. If your wife does, don't' brothers, 'but one s Is t er . beat her. Just give her the Highly talented girl, too. Ao Impression y o u will, if s h e &rtisl Prob8bly one of the doesn 't pipe down." · · · OUR 'best portrait painters in the NAME GAME MAN contends country., I'd say. lads called Gary tend to be Unfortunately, she lives· in most wlnerable to the roman-New York City wh~ not tic attractions of. short blue-much ticks anymore. Say, now eyed blondes who talk a lot. that it h a s come up, do ·you ... IS YOUR HOUSE worth know where the national' $20,000? If so, better keep it mainspring really is? Not in in good shape. The money Manhattan. And not i n men say a new house worth Hollywood , either. They're that much now will cost about just the hands on the face. $42,000 in ahother 30 years. Freeways and phon~s and ·Legislative GOP Control hi Danger? · That was the report today. ol two members of ~ body created ln 1967 to check on SACRAMENTO (AP) -One reports of legislative im- Republican assemblyman has propriety. It was part or a dropped out of the race for package of· conflict of interest a vacant congressional seat, laws promised the voters but another refuses to do so when they approved boosting even though it imperils Gov. lawmakers' pay from $6,000 ·Reagan's legislative program. to ,161000 ?~~ear in 1966., Burns brushed aside a de- mand that he step down as chairman. Sen. A n t b on y Beilenson (!),Beverly Hills), said such an action would permit ihe committee to probe disclosures that Burns and a prominent insurance lobbyist were partners in an insurance succeed Finch. Like Reagan, Reinecke said he had "certain misgivings" Case Continued firm While the senator was LOS ANGELF.S (UPI) - pushing legislaUon dealing A super_ior court judge bas With credit insurance. -: . ; continutd until March 17 the "Let . hµn put his ino~y arraignrilent of :& at~ents of where his mouth is;" lJtins San Fernando \!Qu.,,. State ..... ~ .. , said. College on charges stemming • .-· • iocKETS ••• TO CARRY YOUR VALENTINE . . MESSAGE .. .... " WOULD YOU s A y planes and TV have changed things. If you wal'!t to find <the real m echa ni sm nowadays, go ·down around Tuls,a, or check out Great Falls, or Visit Virginia, or come to Seattle, or try Sac ramento , or, well, wherever is still uncluttered. That's where the works of the clock is now. Did I change the subject? Expect so. "Mange" rhymes with "orange"? Can't hear that. Orange bas no rh yme, although mange c·o mes closest, claims our Language man .... NUMEROUS ffiSTORIANS still believe the burst on the Japanese fl~g was not meant originally to portray the rising sun, but was supposed to represent a chrysantheqium. Assemblyman Patrick D. Both: Assemblymen Frank McGee (R-Van Nuys), said he Lanterm'an (R-La .canada),1 will not follow the lead of and eaTVey Johnson (0-El Assemblyman Newton R ~ Monte), ,Sa.id there have been' Russell (R-Tujunga), in quit-no meetings of the group since ting the race for the 27th its formation.because no casest District seat vacated when have bee, • ri ,brought before it. .t' "~t him present the proper from seizure of the campus aU:thorit.i,~ ·With such eyid,ence . adlp.!nlstraUon . 'quildlng last as he hli.s.-Don't~-w<>itfr"He•' -yeaf. All are_ m~Ders of' the won't ~use-he tiasn'-t'~y~· '-eQlitge's B~~s~ent Union. • ;;;:;::;;;;;:F-t=::==;-~. 1J1• CHARLES R ~AltR A MONTANA MATRON reports: "I've been worried sick about my husband's health. We're retired. And for about five years now he has visited the bathroom almost every hour. But he has refused Your questions and com· ments are welcomed and Will be used wherever pos· sibte in "Checking Up." 14.ddress mail to L .M. Boyd, in' care of DAILY PILOT, Bai 1875; Newr)ort Beach, Calif. 9U63 . Whale Ousted Sick Mammal Likes Harbor LONG BEACH (UPI) -A hannless whale s o m e b o d y shot for no. apparent reason tried all day Monday to turn Long Beach Harbor into his personal hospital room before consenting to be 'towed out to sea. The mammal's big eyes looked sad to would-be help- ers, and city officials v~i--wed him with a mixture of s . a- thy and vexation. Fearful e might die ori their beach, they planned to destroy him today, if he didn't lea ve. Dead whales have a way of smelling awful in a warm place like Southern California, and it's hard to move them once they're securely beached. On their sixth try Monday night, lifeguards got a line around the whale's tail, and towed it three miles out to sea. This time it didn't come back. The California pilot whale, believed to weigh about 1,500 pounds, barged into the harbor Monday morning. Lifeguard Lt. Bill Ward said inspection revealed the animal had a bullet wound about 12 inches behind his blowhole . "We're still kind of wishful think.log he may be only tem- porarily sick," Ward said. "We would like to see him go on his way after recovering. It's just like a pet dog." R'ep. ~ Reinecke became They , ic o-m men t e d in lieutenant governor. respoi:\Se· tO~questions as new Asked if he still is in the controv, .rw swirle<t a. roitnd: race even thoUgh Russell is "!° ~~ out, McGee said "Heavens, the COO)gtlttee and Chairman, yes: I will run all the hardftr.t•1 __ e_urn_•.,;.U>-c_F_reo:... _ao_J. ___ __; Russell noted that l h e Assembly now is only 41-39 Republican, but could wind up 41-39 Democratic if two events took place: J . A Republican assemblyman -he or McGee -was elected to Congress, and a Democrat .captured' the vacant Assembly ·.eat in ·the special election the governor would have to call .. 1, A Democrat. wirts the seat being vacated by tht resigna- tion of Assemblyman John G. Veneman of Modesto, a Republican Who·is joining the N i x o n administration jn Washington. Kidnap Charge Motio:Q Refused SANTA MONICA (UPI) - The trial of Robert Lee Dacy, 38, on a charge of lddnaplng the 4-year-old son of. a wealthy banker opened Monday with Superior Cowj Judge Lawrence J. Ritterband r~ jecting a defense motion for dismissal of the charge. Selection of a jlµ"y was scheduled tO begin today. Wfioll~ Buaeamole ! -. . " '. I I• ' " .. . .. •• " ' ' ·nFBUBIN._· . I Enjoy enticing enchiladas ... tantalizing tacos ... robust relleno .•. tasty tamales ... and other authentic South -of-the-Border specia lties, served amid the colorful atmosphere of old Mex- ico. Delightful wine cocktail~ and beer, too. Even if you 're not Everything . 1• On 'Sdle!! . ' . ' . '• • an aficionado of Mexican cui- si ne, you're sure to like our Norte Americ.ano favorites . Have lunch or dinner at Amigos •.. the West's most beautiful Mexican restaurants. Lunches from 95¢ Dinners S1SO toSJSO Pronto Ta.ke-Homt Food, too . -· anuc;t0S FAMILY RESTAURANTS COSTA MESA-428 Wt171h51./'42-42'1 Also in Wheirn • Clendale • Mlrin1 del ley • TonlftCll • WtStCcMnl ' ••• • Q~F,;.:B.~G~L~R,. PRl~E~ .,· Marian !s --' . 14. MSl1IOll ISLAND lllWPOlf Clli!ll • ' IYERYTHINO MUST GOI '· . ' . ... _. " • ' . ' • • • ' ' I l • j I ,, f . " 8 llAll.V PIUT Tutfdq, ,.._, 11, 196' For The Record Are Calb --t :tl a.I'll. MonUr. mMIClll 1iid. "" c.-Or!w t :ll .. -.. •• -..., 09 Vt. LIM SM •:IJ 1.11'1. T-.MY, lfttH .... t nr., Ill"' ~·'· ......... l :5S "·"" ~"' u r 11 ... lOI Al .. .,II• •oulr.r1NI l'IOrt!! llf Un oie,. ·-· W•llNMIW ll:U 1.m. "'-'Ny, lPKl91 i.e"ICI. ,.... ltobln ~ 1t:SI "''"~ Ut' f'lre. 6121 WettmNM, Aw. S:?J '·"'·· nwtl!c.I 1111, 14lU GeloMn Wut • S:Sol •·"'·· """lul 11d. 71.ft Fenw1'1' l•n 1.m .. 1r11fri rlrt. r•1r d noo l olw ............ Mdl ''"' '""' Mondel'. public 1ql1t. 7H1 T1lblirf A¥9, t :ll ....... medial 11d, 11111 p-.111e Ceell Hl1llW1Y, Rm. l:r2 11 ::17 '·'"·• 1truct1,1rt 11 ... , ••n vi. .,...... 11:57 1.m.. mHlut 1ld, ll'C'1 si.n- ..,._, .t#t. c t :u "·"'·· wtahcloMI. 1nn Be1ct1 llvd. !:5' 1.m., ur fire, leK~ 1no Pacific C•tl Hlto!IWIY 1:• p,m., lr1t11 fire, l1-t P1rt DEATH NOTICES SAWYER M.or!ori. Y-SaWY9'1'. ~ T- '"'· H11ntl1111tan a .. Cfl. Daft fl/ ,...ti!. Febnluy t. Slln-IV'td bl' ...... bend. lt-ri molllllr, Mr1, l fltr ~n; bn>tll11" ltoberl TIIOflllllon. S.nolcu were hetd 1od1y. luttd1y, 11 AM, Dll- d1y Bro!...,., HunllnR!ofl ·V•lltY Mor- tuary. lnt&rl'Mflt, Good ~ c- ele'<V. Dilday Brothen. "2·ml. Di- rect"". HUGllFS Ed111 Hu11\n. :1031 E. 41'h SI., l- lk1ch. Dalt fl/ dNlll, 1'9flrv1N" t, Su,..,1¥911 bl' Hn9, Elmer 11111 O.n1 d1ueh1«. Mrs. Grtot Hln-1 •l•!otr, NIIMI Ell9r1 11• 1J'fJ'ldchlld1911 11id ·-.... , .. r1Mdllld~. $11"1/lut; _,.. Mid ~y, ,:llll AM. 11 Melt· '9111 0.•I Ill l-•Hdl. DI .... ,,, Dtid9y l rotti.n HUllll"llOll \11llely Mor1ul,,,, I0-7771. ' llAllRIBON Mon.I Vlrtlni. H1l'l'llOft. nut Dll Mon~ Dr~ s..1 e .. dl. 0.11 of dMlll. F.orut,,, I. kirvl'ltd bl' flulbelid, WHb1rT1 -. lliotna11 btofhtn. W1yne lr'ld Jdift k'f'TI 1ltlH', Jff/I Gl'vbll and nw:itfMt', Mn.. MIN' T. Mc~. Slrvleft Ind "'"""""' wilt bl !Mii lot = =,.:.~."~ ':i'!~ lo mall.1 ""~' conlrlbuttona. ,...,.. contritlut1 Ill t11t Elltlle Datllny E''fl Fou~llO/I, LOI Al\991ft. Dlldly Jn:illl- en Morlu1N". &0·7171, Dtl'l(lon. McCARTY si..-11:-McC:.rtv. AH S, of ?flff Pembe Dr1YI, Colf1 Miu. Died F• ,......,. I. su,..,lwd by .,.,enb, Mr. 1nd Mrs. ll:oberl L. McC111Y1 i.even bto!h. en 1nd 1l1ten, !lllty, Sh.aran. G'"°rv' Mk:hlli., ltabln, C.tll' 1nd Clrmel. MIU fl/ TIM ""9111, Wednllclloy, 12 Haen. SI. John 11'>11 t1plftf Clltlollc Crtun;h. ln"1'rnent, Good Sl'lellherd C_..,.,, F1mt11' ~h I"'-wlsft. lne To m1k1 memori.1 tenlrlbo.ltlonl. '4•111 conlr1bute It tllt Mlrdl fl/ Dll'MI. !l1rtz Mortulry, 17•1 Su•rlot, ea.11 Meq, Dll'Kton. LOWE Jolin Hamer Lowe, 2112 Mete DtM, H"""'1 ·~ Dlte ot ae.tti. Febtv-...., f , SU1"11¥'1111 try WHt, Ruby KH•r l-1 lhl"ll qwh""" Mn. Therew K.ttl, Klrlrlc.I lftclll Ml• Cllrl1!l"' L-. Dtnvl'I', ind MIH K1t~lttfl ~. NtwPorT teldi1 10•1'• Al l- l r'ld Jdln Holnl.r L-Ill, boll! al H-' ... chi lflll ll!ree tt1nddlll-drtl\. 11: .. ,.,,, Wednondly, 1:311 PM. lt-.oltftl AWU. llluNdey, t AM. both 11 II, Jolctllm'1 C.tthotlc Cllllrdl. lfl>, ,._,, Hot)' S.Ulcfltr C.mettrv. Dl- •KIW bw 911~ Mort111,,,, 11•1 SUH t• !w, Cotti MIN. BEATl'Y Er1111t l•ttv. fM W. 111Pt SI., COlll Mesi. SUrvtVld bl' Will, Wlnllredl 1~,... -Fr111ell. Mll'INltl 11W El- liott, 111 al "'°""'' ........,, ,M,. S.r1Pt ~ Flol1dl1 .,_ llrlllMn, FrW. C11rtl1 lftlll 0..... 1n flll Norlll 11:n •·""' IM'd!UI •llf, •HI.I......,_ SP. 1'1 '"'"-•:SJ••'"· Monday, WllllOOlm. f l l,.,,"lfw 1r4 F1lr Drl .... 111• .,...... ..,.H"*"' 11n. na 1 w. '"' St. Youth Given ~tence in Drug Case SANTA ANA -A Los Al>jjeles yooth booked by c..ta Meta police on drug charges after being arrested for 1 traf· lie infraction has been seo- tenced to 35 days in Oranie Counly Jail, Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner also ordered that Steven J. Cantell, 19, sent three years Probation. Cantell withdrew ·ht s earlier plea of innocent before the same judge and asked for im- mediate sentencing. Costa Mesa officers halted Cantell last Jan. 16 for a traffic violation after following the youth as he drove away from 288 Victoria St, a residence described by of- ficers as a communal pad lot hippies. Cantell was booked for possession of marijuana when the drug and other narcotics were found on hia person dur- ing a search. 2 Teen-agers Sent to Jail SANTA ANA -Jail terJM have been ordered for two Loi AJamitos teenagers who pleaded guilty in Superior Court to possmion ol mari- juana. Judge Robert. Gard ner sentenced Donald Lewia De Witt, 18, of 10741 Chestnut St. to 90 adys in Orqe Coun- ty Jail and three years' pro- bation. He sent Douglas Keith Hagee, 18, same address, to jail for n day1 and ordered an Identical Jl<Obatlon term. Poll<e meited the pair dur- ing a raid on the Chestnut Street home. Officers con- fiscated marijuana, and a variety of narootiq pills dur- lnc lhelr IW<h·o1 Ille-.... co. C1rdln11 1imn.:• Mn. IUllfl ChMTet --~~-------1"'1 Ml-N.lllCY 1fld !'llfllct IMf!Y. Servlc"' w.&nndly, 2 PM. a.II Bn>Mlwu ~. lntennent wtll Ill htld In flilrlll9 If Dullld ClmifWY. Directed•.,, htl Bl'MCtwlr Mll'lv.N'1 HI '"*'""" Colli M9e. PIERRO Allred l'tef'n AH $2, al 2510 H"""- l""'on. H11lllllWtGn BllCh. Diie of dNlt!, Fftnlll'Y tO. N1tlv. at H11nl· 1"91on tMdl. 51.11"'11'H4 b'I' wH1. Allc.1 1ewn cftlldnll. ~1, Frink. Mlt' 1119, ~ Geo,.., llr,,, Ind J...nl"ll ,..,. fht.n. E1¥lr1, LlrL lllll1n. Mlrloerlt 111d Dolor'M. ltOM,,,, Wtdl'IMCll'I', I PM. Smllt!I CMMI. RMUieom ~ n 1111•'1d•I'· ' AM. SS Simon a. J* (altloUc Churdl. tnl'l'I'- _,, Good SftlllMnl (MM!ttl'. Smltfll MortuerY, DINdors. TREECE loul1 '1'r....::e. 112 B Chic-Huntrno- ton 1-.dl. Oft ol detllll, Fell. ID. Servkft ..,..ill'lll 11 Smllll1 Morlul,,,. MATHIEU ....,rlllrt Mlttli.u, sr. "'" n, ot 1021 Yel1rol0. H""tlratton Bffdl. 0.le fl/ deelll, ""'"'91"1' '· su,..,lved b'f 1()11, H«111rt. Jr.r *""Ptter, ,,...,. IMrton; two brof!Wn. ltll'mond 11'\d Alllh M1t111t111 ll:IW, Laul111 Fl1hl11Y, 11"111 -1rtfllk:tllld. Se,..,lul ptlldlne 11 lmlt111 ~rv. WESTALL It•• w .. 11111. l7'l1 E. Cl'l1-n. Or-•nte. AM \71 dlte of clfflh, Febl"lll,.., I. SurYIYld by "'"'"' Roblrt 1nd Ruth w..,111 ••t.r1. Rtlll<X:I lttl'· nol01. o""""' 111C1 R011 llf'd Johfa. Bons1!1, C..llr.J ,_ brallwr1, Roblr1 E. We1t1t1, U.S. N1...,,, 11111 lt. ..... 11 N. wn"ll, Vlftnem, s~ ~ 1111 11 W•tellft. FOERSTER Florenu Foenttf. llMO Fllldllrl !toed. :S..1! tMdl. Diii ot dt1t11, Fib. ll. s11,..,lved bl' h\llMllCI, Artllur s. FOlr- tllr. Stl'Ykll Incl. lnlerl'Mlll Wiii bl twld In Olllo. DlldlY Bro!Mn H\111'1\• !Ofl \11111Y Memll,..,, 14l.777'1, ,_.,.. ..... llllrfclloo- BALTZ MORTUARllll C.... ... Mar.OR~ Colll-MIMG4 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 llr'l9dwaJ, CoM Mea. uwm DILDAY BllO'rmcRS Hullll"" Vlllq M.....,. 17111-lllfd. llutlll .... -IC-7171 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK c.m-,. • M-.ry Cloapel -Pldfie Vkw Drive N...,.n -· Calilonla llU71t PER Fillll.V 00L0NW. FUNERA!. --. .... A,e. W:sl 1' lM ~ SMD'll'I! MORTUARY Ill ... llL a :Y.41._. WISl'IUPF *-1t18Y "1&111181.,~-- .I BUT DO IT SAf.ELY. r • ..th cliU:.. ,,_ ;,,.,,.,,_ ~ LDoo.'tmm St:ttetl er h.igtnnp wbilcByingkia:s. 2.DoD.'c!1akite witb mm.I io the f~arDil. 3.Doo't ........ ming, W. or ""7 iwincwidameul ia. it. .. 4.Doo't!yakitc ~TV or 11dio ......... ~.Doo'tftyakito ---lilla ml daa't ..,. IO ftUlnie a lite all,lllt IA J10w« -6. Doo't Sy a !cite iAlhealo. -.. , Life Save Honor Goes To Deputy County Get,s 'Dress R eh~rsal' Trial ... SANTA ANA -An OrlJlie County deputy sberlil .... hoaored loday for saving the Ille ol J bee •Uni vJct1m. Deputy Joe Ward ol El Tm> wu praented a certiftcate of merit ln>m the American Red Crou. at today'• meeUng of the Counti Board of Superviaoli. Pele Biman!, lint aid tnd Lll'ESAVER HONORED waler 11lety dlncW ol the Shorlff'• D•pvty Word Orani• County Chapter ol the--------- Red Croos pmenled !he award at the invitation of Fifth Di.strict Supervisor AJton Allen whose district Ward lives in. Last July 20, while on patrol in the Leisure World area, Ward spotted Jacl< B. Spencer, 57, Orange, leaning qainst his car. Spencer told the deputy be had just been .tung by a bee a n d was iteeling' funny . Within a few minutes the stricken man lapsed into un- coDlclausness. Ward, pltced Spencer ln h~ patrol unit and bunied to the Lei&ure World Medical Cen!er. Five minutes after the of .. ficer had fint contacted Spencer, the Orange resident had !!<>.Pped breathing and h~ heart bad stopped. Ward began artificial respiration and closed heart. massage while calling for medical persooneJ iD the reUrement commun it y medical center. A doctor arrived and said, If it had not been for Deputy Ward'• immediate response in transporting and ad· ministering fll'lt aid, Spencer would have died. Mesans Face $2 Million SANT A ANA -A Costa .t Mesa manufacturer or sophisticated lighting equip- ment and two of its employes I are being sued for a total of $2 mlllion in a SUpeiior Court complaint which alleges, among several charges, that lhe two executives were lured away from a compeUng firm. Named as defendant.s in the action are Giannini·Voltex, 205 Paularino Ave .. with Richard Gordon McCarty and Delbert C. Van Omum. Both men were formerly employed by the plaintiff, Geotel Inc. of Santa Ana, as engineering manager and scientist, respectively. Geotel blames the two men for its failure to win a big order with the Chrysler Corp. 1 Action Filed OCJC Holds I Meeting The Orange Coast Junior College District board of trustees wW hold a single meeting this month. The board will meet Feb. 19 at a p.m. in the board room of the Orange Coast Co l le1e AdminLstratlon Building. The board normally meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays or the month. It will resume this schedule in March with meetings March 12 and 26. Coast Youths On Dean's List · Spencer gave Ward credit for saving his life and said the bee sting must have hit a blood vessel. Five students from the Against Four 0range eo..t area have been named to the dean's honor Lo 1 N SANTA ANA -Wtltmlns!er list for academic excellence yo a Otes 'Community Hospital and three In UCLA's College of Letters Honor Group p~ysicians who u.. the faclllty andThSclen~:,_ . . ~ve been sued for 'lOD,000 ey lnc1iruc Joan S. Bryan, Six student.s from the by a former patient who 819 St. James Road, Newport all ·" during Beach; Peter S. Ouyan, 1418 Orange Coast area have been tges negugence an ' " led to furth · Santiago Drive, N e w po r t named to the. dean's honor 0~11o1on er pam .,. -·" Ing Beach; William D. Havert, roll at Loyola University cl ~itULler · 1808 Toyon Lane, Newport The btotbers. both members of the militant organizaUon US (II> slogan Is "Them Not Ue") also ficed murder charen In Loi Angeles. "nley are accuRd of lhe •lt)'inl ol two members of the Black Pant.her organiza- Uon on the UCLA campu1 last Jan. 11 durlng a dllpute about wbo mild be named director ol an Afro.American studies center at the uniYersity. A motion Monday by the SUner1' attorney for the con- • I tlnuance ol ball !or the broth· up b1 -Ill's depuU.s. en: wu quickly ~ 61 The flgbU.ng, clawing womtn .,. Judge Samuel Drlezen. were idenUfled aJ members Both men were free Oii 131,2!0 ol oppo1ing laetlooJ involvod baH each when they allegedly in the Los Angeles shooting guMed down the two victims DI which the SUners are also 00 the Westwood campus. accu.sed -the Black Panthers While the Stt.oer brOlhets and US . were awating lb~ start of tbtlr No decision wac reached In courtroom batUe Monday, two the brief scuffle. "But this unld.,.Wied wunen opened a is one courthou.se action that less 1onna1 diJCUUion of the will not be continued,'' • issue in courthouse corridor breathless deputy a s s u r e d proceedings that wer~ bto~k~e·;;;~o~nl~oo;;k=ers:=:.:=::=::=::=::=::=:; STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fash ion Island, Newport Beach Los Angeles for academic Nmned · aa defendant& by Beach; Lawrence c. Triplett, achievemenll during the 1981 Margaret ,Clapper, 13386 21122 Surfwood Lane, Hun-1--------------------------------- Iall term. Goldenwest St., Westminster, tington Beach, and John A. They are: Manuel De Ponte are Drs. C.R. Bi.shop, 7632 McGinley, 15730 Canna Way, Jr., 15471 Canterbury Circle 21st St., Westminster, Joseph Westminater WeatmlnatOr; Poul Clarke: · L. Schwartz, 1551 ~ Ave.,-----·----- 2911 )!llean.,. Ave., c..ta kuntlnalm·· Bucb, · Leon Kids Like to Mesa; lllcbael Braymer, Ill Forman of Garden Grove and Magellan St., Costa Mesa. the hospital. Ask Andy ~~~--~~-~~~-N:. I SEL~. A,-~RA !ING ~ I Mr. L1n~oln s Birthday I Buy Yourself a Valentlne and SAVE MONEY! 5.99 ~~ ~~ DISCONTINUED STYLES -BARBIZON ~ PAJAMAS ............................ ,... now ~ PAJAMAS .. ... ········••· .... now ~ SHORTT GOWNS _ ••· ''·'° now fl; SLEEP COATS ............ 1.00 now '-t BED JACKETS . ... ..: . . now I :::: ~ 5.99 ~ 4.99 $3~ ~ if ~ DISCONTINUED STYLES --VASSARE TTE _, n· -rr ·--•-=--",,. •=---.a-ag---& •'F"CEa-..•• - • FREE SILVERPLATE I ' I " .. • offer ends February IS. I : LAST CHANCEi Today-lrade in your stored-up Si lver Cenificates , •. redeem them by February 15, 1969 .•• and com- plete your silver service at only $2. 75 (including sales tax) per place setting! Of course, !here's stiH time to slart or add to your United States National Bank ,1 savings account with a SSO deposit and receive a 5-plece place setting of beau- tifUI silverplalo FREE I Slop in now al any of our 52 F ult Serv- . ice offices, make your $50 deposi t and take home your FREE silverplate sta r1er set ... or tum in those U.S. Nalional Silver Certificates and complete your set fo r mere pemles. 81/T Hl/RllV I THIS OF1ER EXPIRES FEI RllARY 15 1N9 • • 51. Full StrYkt 01'lc. Serrlrtg Tht FM Ma/ol Oount/e4 ot Southern C.l/lotnle' A FUt.L SERVICE BANK i UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK r j =·-~·3x::,. a -rl"Ti• • • ' • .. • ,. • • ' • • ' • • • • ' • • ' ' ' • • • For· the Record lf.feeilngs • TV•IDAY lllOll•l"f Club et .....,_.•lboe, lrYlnt1 C_..,..,. CM!, 1611 ~ C-1 H ......... y, c...-Ml"'-"• •1• •.m. l1N•flN1t.,.. CIUl:I, l?OF, 1(1,_1 T•ble t•t.1•11rant, W•tmll'lttw. • P.m. COii• ~_, .._,,._ L'°"- Cll*. ~ V...... COVl!try Club, COlll• MIN, 114$ P.11'1. l•I~ • .., l'-CluCI, Vllle Mllrl"', 1ws llmklt Drl\'t, N-1 ... tll. 1 p,11\. le•! 8eKll ,.MlhM•IHi Club. 101 ltltodl Hcluu, 1'00 l'Klll(; C:0.1! Hl8hwlY. S..I IMdl, 1 ,,fl\. HUftflll!llon ~ •lkl L_, Elkl Club, IOof ac.... Av•~ Hut1l!nvloll 11.-<:ll. 1:'° "·"'· Soci•tv hlr tht l'l'ftefV•llon lolld E11COUre;amt11t Df ltf'bar "- Q1111rtel .Sl11t1IM tn A,.,...la, Cotta #MM d!111ter, Colleoe l"trll Scnool. lJeO Notre 0-, C.r. Mew. 7:• • 11.rn. .. 1.0.0.M. ,,.,_ Ko.. IUI, .CS E 1m .s1 .. ev.11 Mff9, •:is'·""· : Of'•-C.0.Jf 1'11111 l 'rtlll ,,,..,., ~. T"""'t. S"-tM. tl1 W, ~llfon., ,,.,, Mey, 1:15 •·'"· Wl!DHISM.Y Blue Fleme T011111'1'\u1ws Club, M119 Verde Country C!UD, eo.f• ..,,_, 1 e.m. r Cnta M•e.Qftllff COlltl LION C-. O\'lle'1 Cott.. Sl!oll, 21t E. 1711'1 SI., Co1t1 Mn.9, 1 t,m, • Hunllll!llOl'I e&Kh Exctw.llH Cl11b, .Sl>ertlon llndl 11111, Huntington Setdl, 12 -.. . Wt•lmln1!1r Optoml1t Club, Klrlt's T1t>le Rt'$llur1nt, Wntmllll!lr, 12 -" Co111 MH1 OPt!mlll Club, CO.la MeM Golf I nd Counlry Club. 170! Golf CourM Orlv1, COlll MIU, IJ 1100n COlll Mffl ROlll'Y Club, C01t1 MeM Golf 1nd Country Clut>, eo.1• Mtu, ,,_ Wedmln1t1r 1Exch111111 Club, H1'P'"llY Inn, 1.io.1 81adl llvd., Wntmlnt'*'• ,,,,_,,_ Hunttng!Oll BNd'I Lkinf CllJb..Morftl, Me1dowlark Country CJut>. HunllMfOn Beach, 11:1$ p.m. Newport Harbor l1r Group, VIII• M1rlnt, lG-U B1nlOI Orlv1, NeWPOrt 811ch, 1~:1!1 p.m. Fountain Vallev Exd .. 11111! Club, F,..,.. coli' Rtst1ur1nf, 11151 e .. ch 11vc1,. Huntlntton 8e1t11, U:U P.m. We•lmln1ter 1e1 .... anl1 Cklb, Ha'P..,n., Inn, !«Ml BH(h Blvd~ WntrnlM!er, 12:U p.m. Births HOACJ MEMOIUAL HOSPITAi. JllMlll'l' ,. Mr. Ind Mr1. Brl1n C. W"'r' 1901 w. W1shlntton St' $11111 An1, DOY M<. ind Mr1. Riibfft P11"111burn, .t2A Stv lie Ave., B1!b0il,"C1tlfoml1, t lrl Mr. I nd Mrs. Ger1ld Doblon, 7'27 Rundell Downey, bov Jllll,lll"Y ts Mr. Ind Mrl Roti.rt llerwld. lSUO Br<>Dkhurst, W11tmln1ter, !'" Mt. Ind Mn. Lts11t R. rltts. ... MeildD\wlart: Or., llt\IN 81adl, boy Mr. 1nd Mn. David Hiii, 2df Mencloz1 Dr., Cosll Mesa, t !rl JllMll.,..,,. M•. Ind Mn. D1vl([ M. Aldrldlw 1511 W11h!ntfon, MldWl!Y (!ty, boy ' Mr. Ind Mr1. O.nnf1 R. Dison, 111 E. SI. Gertrude SI., S1nt1 Ane, 9)rl Mr. and Mn. Glorot Mft'tl"I. 111 C.Olh>n St., Newport lleadl, t1rl Mr. Ind M... JffJln l'Yl!'f~ 1tl0 T1huna Teraru. Car-oei Mir. alrl J111V11"Y " Ml'. Ind Mr1. A~rT Msrs. 112 • 2811'1 51., Newpnrt lltld\. Mr. I nd MrL DIMlcl Ht• • l.tll Queens l•M No. 1, Hunnnston Buch1 t lrl Mr. lftl Mr1.,~ Hllrhcoct. tun c-r St., m1nt1neton 1 .. cfl. ilwl' Mr. 11!d' Mr1. G 11, 11M '-~· 6.W"t St., f\lo. ~. Mna. Mr. 1tid Mn. Ma11 Tiit, ~ Martie Av1 .. No. 1. Cothl ~ J"" Mr. 11111 Mn. Rlchanl ""'°"' 12J Jllh St., N-il'Ort llHdl. bao1o Mr. Ind Mn. TI!am11 GI,..,..,, 221, Donnl1, N-rt lllKh, 1111 J11W,ff'f :n Mr. Ind Mrs. JarnH V. C1rl, 1'51! Elm Clrc:.le, Fou~ht V,1!11Y, boY lor1t11 Or., i•11t1 111, 1 r Mr. 1nd Mrt Wlr.r., 1l71t Mr. Ind Mr1. Donl LM th:, 1t'11 ~It A.,.,, Ca.1119""' Mr. Ind MrJ. 911 CJ. Mar111< 101'1 Ku Kut Him ,.... IHch;. "" Mr. •nd Mn. H•rrY WllnlfTllOft. ,.,, Vlola P1 .. '1'!c,,...~t .. 1r1 Mr. 1nd Mn. Ttm" lmltl\, 1J1S Coro llftdlf, eo.11 "'"'· tlrl Mr. Ind Mn. P'rlCI 0. lest. mf, Rut'llll'I Or .. '°"' Mnl. ,1rr Mr. Ind Mn. pr,..nk J. DllOll, 1117 k't!l!e, 111bol, t lrl Mr. -"" Mr1. w1rn1m J. •~. 19041 Ntwllnd SI., Hunlll'lttorl IQd'I, l'WlM • lxw.•1rl /I.Ir. llftd Mr1. ~• Mlntzorol, 1"1 Anet.Im Avt., Cotti N.111, tlrl ,IW'llff't I Mr . .-.d Mn. u:g.;cullo. fll tcnax $1,. Cllll MIML ' Mr. 1rid Mr1. 111 I. IO'l'd1, 111 w. illl'I St .. No, C, COlhl -· "" Mr. Ind Mrt. ll:Clbtrt C. P1yne, tm Twtln Av1., COii• MIMI, 1lrl Mr. 1rid MrJ. J1m11 Corraltsl 7'1-A W, J1mn St., C11t1 Mnl, 11r Mr. 1nd Mn. J1mn E. MurOock, 111 MlrttUWltl A.Vfl., COrlnl dfl Mir. boY Mr. ind Mrt. ltou E. Mc:.Elf,_, "' Ctn1w $1., Cot.+t MIN, 1trl , ...... "'. Mr, 1nd Mrt. J_,., Cnn. 7'12 .,,mltloll St., COiii Mesa,_., Mr. 1r>d Mn. Clllrln w1rrtr11 _~605-I. $o, GrtenYllll A.VI .. Sl!lt1 """'' boor Mr. 1rid Mn. l!d'wrd W1.r.k" 20fYI E. 11., Av1., ll1fbool, boy Mr. erwl Mrt. Gwlld H-*llllton. '11 Cl1Y St .. Huntll>O'foll 11,..(h, t lr1 FllHv11"Y J Mr. end Mn. M1rt: Mltdllll, ~ E. 1111'1 st., Colli Mell, boy Mr. and Mfl. Jim HlllR1v, !J)Ot P1mt11 ICa'I' LI,,., An1helm, C1Hfornl1, .bo'i' Mr. end Mrt, Thome1 Ktl1"• 1112 So. B1mbel St .. S1nl1 Ant, t lrl Mt. Ind M... AntlalV Grl!ter. '3Jt ~·~"~;.~=·,Itt,~fQ ~.1.111 l\'tl .• P'01.1n111n viii;;: _, Mr. 1111111 Mra. 11::i wa. 11n INblt'd i.-, Hunt nQIOft lhlch, tlrt , ....... ,.,. M<~ "'HI Mra. Johl'I C. ~dlllndl. •n ~1 • No. J. Hvntin.ton ..... Mr. •nd P•ul I . Smlfh, 1"1 °'-Ji·• u"lll'l91'1n IHdl, 1lrl Mr, •~d rs. OltNll E. Stu~llld• 25" No. ., Ort"" AVI , Glrl Mr. Ind rt. Arll'lur 11nui1mw.._ 17'21 SUU HM'bor Uni, Hunfolnllol> IHIKll.. "' Mr. 111d Mr1. S1tl'lltv J. Sdlone1t ltA Govlrftll' St., Cotll Miu, 1lrl Marriages Licenses Mt'GAHA-GOOO -,. .. 1. lwd ltl'I McG11N1, ts. of C•l1 Mne, end Dlldr1 J11n Good, tt. of L1W11dlll. tfARTl:....,.,.$1 -Fii>. 1, l'IUI W, Nwtz. 21, Ind LYNN L.IW"-M11r. ~. bcr111 flf Cotti ~ FRISHHOl..t.MclCINNEY -fib. 1, Mldll.i Thlml• Fl'tl.hlllll.r, 2t, 1r4 Tft'rl Ann MctclNwt, lt, both of Hurltlnttan llMdl. JOHNSON-ltOllERT -Feb. 1, 0t1" II. Jall-.., 41. 1nd lleY~IV H, ll:obHf, ... llolll " ~Ill eiec:l'I. lOVl!LL-HlllMAN -FM!. 1, W1-L1RC1¥ L-11, If, al Feunl1l11 V1l19V, Ind 1mll Jtl,,.,.. Hll1m111, 11. of l1 H1br1 . pr111ce:-aovD -Feb. 1. J1rnt1 M.. Prkf, "2. 1nd llfl't'I' LDll lovd, st. bo111 of N~ lllec:n. JAN, :H CAU--CONLON, JtlTlll T., 20, of 929' D11.n' Ave. Ind D!1r11 J., If, of '713 0.l!ll' A.... bofll flf f OUl'lllln V1lltV, C.vMll:ERA<OltONAOO, Al'llortlo C .. 1f, of 516.f. 8efYl1rd SI., COlll MtM Ind R1chlt Y.; 11. d IOf E, Mii St., S.nt1 An1. JAN. 21 MUNkOE-l!llRNIE, J1rrw1 E., d. of 1400 S. Bil' Front, lltltloli l1iln4I Ind Dorothy II.,. Al, flf 111$ V1llt't' MllClaW Ortw, 0.-vltw, Vtr1!. -L1MMOW·llONO, Edw1nl J .. 71, flf :rXIC AVlllld1 Cllllllti 11'1d Elltlbttlt C.. JV, of 7!1"1A Annldl Mlloru. Mtll Of Llllvftl Hlll1. ,..,.eASKllL·WYLEMEl(I, w1111r J., ,4, flf 71t Hellolrope end N1nt'I' J., 'JI, ot 71t Hlllotr-. bolh flf c.,._ del Mir. llEAG-SCHNEIOER, Jtflrll' E., 1f, of 11.S E. Wllsol'I Ind NIMM M., 20. of 1U E, WlllOn. boll'! of COlll ...... IMll:TIN-9Ull:N!TT, Tl'arlls 0., U. d 17553 Slnla Mof11u Clrde 1nd Chll"YI E., 20, of 17553 Slnll MonlCI Clrcll, bolll of Fount1l11 V•lltv. MtllRIOE·LEONARO, J-1'1 W., !t. ol' 11 Wnl AY"'11M Junlpero •rid M91'Y I;., 21, of 10 W. Av.nldl Junl-. llotl\ of SI" Clemtrlt1. STJtOTMAN.+rEUSTED, R-ld H., SI, d 1'22 Tr1P:. Wtlfmlrt1t1r 1rid EVI c .. JI, of 1110 Ot-1111111. ~­ GJtANADOs-GAMINO. Ju1n L , ,2, of fl12 McF1ddefl. Westm!n11tr 11\d Mlrhl A., 16, of 22ff Pllctnlll, C11t1 """8. HARDY·ROSERTS. Clll'l!nct, ll, of "6 s.nm St. md M•rlorll. 41, of ffl Slnlte St., bolll of C~ll M1t1. ADRIAN-GJIASHAM. R-ld A., 30, of ~ L1 c...... Ortv1, H1c1tlld1 Htl1l'lll 111111 Mlt'I' K., 27, ef 1D11 Col!Jrnbll u..... HVnl~ IMc:h. PLOn..STll:AYEll:, ll:lckl'I' D., 20. crf 13U1 1-1 St. Ind Mlf'lllret M., 1', of "12 Watt, bot!! of Wntmln.t1r. MONTGOMERYl-CHISM.AN, Jldr; T., lf, ef 711 lqwthoml, Loi A.Molin Ind LYl'lll A., 1o4. flf n21' Vllll OI Sll'I C"'"9rlte, lollt1'I L1111111. ITILWELL·Tll.l.GEll, 0.,,"11 L., ,,, flf 11232 Chtllrllll, W•tml11•llr IN! G'"nt1!, 22, of $17 Ctr1ter st .. ,llCll'ltll . MAGUIRE.COLLINS. J1""" II:., 21, (1' •1 c.m.r St., COiii M1M •rid Mlt'I' E.. If, of 2a L 0-1 SI., Or111t1t. Ull:IAN-CHll:ISTIANSEN, J1y "·• lf, of '311 1'9P'I' Cln:ll Ind Jull1nn. 1,, of 1715 El Ll9o. bolll d Fount1111 V1llt'I'. Divorces Dr¥0ttlf PIL•D C::lrvln C. 9IT'MI YI Dlwlr l1rnn. Jr. - JUAN PWl'.r T11Wtr1 w •edlll Oc:hol T1i.wni •kf'llN S. Jutrdit w Con1111lll M. JU1rdt l'IUllM Lott\t hrT'I wt J-Alllfl ""~ Con1"nw M. W1mtr w si.lllft IC. w1mw Alln J. Elh"Mll 'II IUN" •itrlCll Vlvlln M. Hllllltorl YI H1rti.rf J, ....... "•ull Lii 5't'l'lfl'llln YI l'hllll' Anll'lony Slt"tlnnln "'llC'f l.ov1M y_, 'II 0.Yld Atlln ,_ l'tlrldt 01¥1'11 lwwl 'n C"l'nlllll .01rllr!I swwt Aflnefl9 Sl'lurnPll1 yt JI'" Kelll!ll .,,..,_, lkllko V. Mllvllnl VI Oonlld S. MU""'" JN-s. Janll" "' w11111m L. Jarell" C.lllfilnt 5"11(1 VI llllV JOI 5-1 l.orll'I A. Toft 'II J1me WIHl1m T .. Yollfldl ,,IUhl\9 ~II l.twll YI frlCIM'ld< LN11 Doroftl'I fl"ln Doarnbot YI Do!llld Alllll o--nbol ,...., lt1111ll11 VI 0-.. Sf11c:l1lr R1nkl11 Doloflt Mlr1e AllllM " Hormln lla'l'cl AUlton Ctrol w. U1111ton n Ortn fuwtlll l11111slol'I llolllrl1 Mn Wrltl'lt YI Wlllllm LM Wrltht V1r1 Rvltl WhMltr YI Cl1rt: K•r Wl'lltltr EVll"tn lntrlm vs C-11 II:. lntrlm Dorathy l. Viner VI H1rry Vl111r LH Rufr lrlld'ltr VI K1t1nelh w. Br1k!Wr Hal Sander talks abaut • . • basic reasons for leasing from Johnson & Son. YOU CAN SA.YI MONEY IT LUSIN•. You c111 oft•" l11t1 c:.1r1 at r1t1t li1low th• 1¥•r•t• ce1t •f ••nint • Cit. Th t1 ii 1111d1 P•ttibl1 by ff11 low 11!1• at which Wt c111 kuow r.1pi11I, velum• J i1cou11h, o n .. th1 n1tur1I 1conomict 1f f111t ty,. op•r1tion1, When leotl119, y111 p1y 0111y for tho 10,.ic:.11 11 yow roc1iv1 th1m. LDSIN• IUMINATIS NIW CAI SHO,,IN• AND USID CAI DISPOSAL PIOILIMS.. Thi b1th•t1om1 ord1•I of d1oppln9 for your 11lmln1tM wh.11 .,.. I•••• fr•m vt. NO CASH INYISTMINT IS U9UIUD. P1opl• who btty th1ir c•,. pt1p1y for th1lr t t•n1p0tt1tion OYOr th1 c•r't lrf1 cycle. Wh111 l111i11t. yo11 p1y 011ly for th1 11"ico1 11 y11 r1c1lvo th1m. Tlli1 frtet th• c1,Ht1I y11111 w•114 h1v1 i11Y11t1d 111 c:.1r own1r1hlp for l11c:.omo prff~clnt opportll11ltl11. UASIN• SIMPLIPID YOUR TAI llCOlDS. Allowoblo fol" 4MeetiM11 1t11. Htlly comp11t1d end docum1"t.d on 11111 ctr-. M1ny O*ftlr- 1hlp cot!• wlil1:h 1ro oft.11 O'l'orl .. k"4 or1 111torn1tlc1lly lnel11d1d in yo11r d1d11c:.tlon1. FREE MAINTENANCE Wo off1r yM • M1int.111nce eo.,.11 loolt ""llich c1vor1 ••t,.,+hlnt fro111 1'1111•111" 1MI oil c:.h1nft'• 11 r1corn-nl!l-4 lf1 .. f'f1l1 to tt.1 rtpl1c1"11nt of wlnchhl1lcl .,..,,., l:tl1d11 1"4 t1illl9ht b(.1b1. All y111 do h to~1 your c:.tr to 1ny •11thoria1d Linc1l",Morcurp D11l1r 1nywh1ro 111 #lo lt111ntry, h1111I hi111 your c:.oirpon ind tltn th• r1p1\r erd1r •• , no f1111 , •• 111 rid t1po. An~ w1 c:.1n 111t111d the full fllW cir Wtn'111ty 011 U11c:.oln-M1rcury pr.ducit1 u,. t• 10,000 mll11. ' There are many lease plans to choose from Let So come In •nd ••k for me ••• Hal S•nder1 ••• today, us show yMi tho rMny odvont1ges of leHl"tl from Johnson t. Son. Johnson.son LIHILI llllTllEITlt • IHlm • ll UCllY •llllH IHlllUlel ..... AB,cosrAm.t •••••••• , , Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l 81ct talk: lllfOr'9ll 5 fort OC1 TY fll• t Walle wltft 14 !'!t:I.""' ~·sr~t.-" ~c .. "'• resift 511 .. turl· t'IClslftl•,. ... v..., SC Walked l1!11trtlr -.... 51 l•PGrtml from •": tlulc: 2 wotde fndu1trr IS Give up, 11 62 lhlllP•J:: 16 D"!\lf«r. 6J UJ ... I t 111m1 n M Certain covwlnt 1prlngbl .. 17 Capllile Of llto •Ytnll! ln11 rentct.t 2 •Otd• 19 Ar1walcan 66 Enif. unit ll)dl•n of weltht of old 671. Hmls-20 Lovr. IL ohtrOOlllOO 21 Jord or Id 61 1'1rt Of letters tho bocft l) RepudlaBoa 69 Pulled 2S Rlvw of 70 kind of Europe aoU .., .. , 26 Cliolf coart• 71 Obtal1tt f•tuf• 21N ... U,. OOIN ohrur. 2 iranf• 10 o,..a fld 4! :is' llArUl111 Q the "'"" 44 ,. ' 12 Glrl'1 Mml 46 Wmd«w IJ K~d of 47 fi°'''"'" llg~n;., ···'a f~1"J .. ,.. lZ , •• 22 Ltnltft mlt 5J i:'~tzr. zc a.tr,. z - lnrtelltlt '' ,r:J• 'l1 E•ll I• control ... .,, ,..,,. lttt• 56 OM Ill J2 Pleet or lft• ttrsectlott S7 Dart-blue celor1n1: 2'F•oos ~Ill 2 ~;~·~ lO t:i;~ •lllf: 57 tt umltsn J Stowe SIMI st, .... CClllb. lom '8 AfJltan naUon: AblW. JI Claude-: Nolid lllghny111n uc. ... -. ttSlillnlstab 4l lt•OIY proaptlno ftvlces charadtf n c ... •Ila ot'f•t 4 Rye. bocutlol', JZ U11 *'"I 5t ''h •• •• ar'!, etc. 11...-111: 11uvt11"· 5 u.~. oort. Slang 1 wof4• 1g1ncy: )) Pto •••• 60 kllP 111 Abbr, lf 1t·un1.u rH .. 6 otillglll• cltr •1 Qui• J luy PtrlOO :ll ••• lolle •••• f• I Dtt1tl1t'1 ,. lttlnr Wiit binl cot1c'"' «t Cola of IS ,_ ol 9 Vft'f wlded Earope: A•• .....,......,,_,,--, • . ... I LEGAL NOT!Cll LEGAL NOTlCE LF.GAL NOTlCE • It' ·--------·------.. ' I I t I I c t I I • I I • J I I JI DAJl.Y PILDT Dr. Ashley Joins Irvine .. Dr. Thomas J. Ashley, formu aenlor associate or Economics Research Associates, Los Angeles, has joined the Irvine Co. as difec.. tor of development strategy planning. Richard A. Reese, vice president, plannlng, llllllOWlCed Dr. Ashley's appointment to the new po3ition crealed to strengthen the company's long JOINS IRVINE CO. ra111e planning skill. Thomas J. Ashley Self·· employed? 1 Merrill Lynch is holding a Keogh Retirem~t Forum 1 How would you like to learn about a plan-allowing you to pick your own I securities-through which you can build a retirement fund for yourself and your employees? The money you put in is deductible for federal income tax purposes. Also, dividends received and realized capital gains are reinvested and are not taxed at the time of receipt. Then, after you retire, you are taxed year by year on only the monies with- drawn as you receive them. Under the Keogh Act, Congress pro- vided a means for self.employed indi- viduals to put aside·· tax-deductible fun ds ear-marked for retirement. Merrill Lynch can now help you with a program directed solely to th is pur- pose. Cost? Jhis plan , with a custom-made · portfOJio, isyours at a co5t considerably below most other Keogh plans. And, an· i other unusual feature of this plan is !hilt \ you can combine its investment in se-I curities aspect.with.your own insurance · 1 program, splitting your contributions \ as you desire. -. Want more details . .abo\Jt this pro· • : gram? Come to our-· K1oS1h Reti~ment F,orum Thursd•y evening, FebruaTy 20 Balboti a.·y Club, Newport Beach (in the First Cabin Room) 1221 West C~s!' HtQhw1y starting at '7:30 PM .sharp At our forum: ·, • You'I lum -tho KOOlh A<I ttMll Mid how It can ~Ip to:~ yaur futurw. • w.•n ten,-.. about this spect.1 plan under which JOU mall:• tu:-dlductibM contribu· lions for younetf and JOI.Ir emplo)'MI and Miid JOUI' .own inwstmtats.. • You•il 'pt infonnation aboUt what type of MCUritMll Merrill Lynch woukl now recom· • _ .... ,.., portjcipllloft "'tho pl llCI .... Just telephone today-or mail in the \ coupon below-to reserve seats for i what may well prove one of the most ·important meetings of your life. If you can 't attend the forum, call or write for Keogh information. No charge or obli- gation, of course. Call MYs. Lavish at 541-7272, • • : PIHH reHrv• . . . . . . seats for your Keogh Re-I : tiAment Forum, Thursday, February 20 at Ba.. : : boe Bay Club, Newport Beach. J • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • Name Address City & State Zip Phone Occus-tion MERRILL LYNCH,. PIERCE, • , , 1 FENNER & SMITH INC 1001 NORTH BROADWAY, SANTA ANA '2702 Tolopflooo: 547°7272 P« tM cennnl.,.c• of lnfflten •r effk• '4 .,.., 4ally ....... 7 e.m. h S "''"' •M S•tuN•n fNftl 7 a.M. te 12 MM Your Money's Worth Savings IJ~nd Ne~ds Saving .. By SYLVIA PORTER come tax on It unUI you ac-deadly pace. Woukln't you th1nt: l t lually ca!h the boDd and it THE FA.er 11 that you are disgracefully unfair if 1 needy Js also exempt trom stale and borrower a.grted to pay more local taxes ; an enormous ad-being blatantly shrugged oU: th.an 6~ percent for a loan vantage to the discipline of if the Treasury hadn't offered from the so;>hlstlcated banker aystemaUc saving vla the the new marketable t '4s and on your corner b u' t payroll deductlon plan. 6¥. t b i s week. It wouldn't simultaneously tried to get LET ME AU<> make it be so obvious. B u t lhe you, a reJaUve innocent in clear that l th1nk the Trtasury gap between Savings Bonds finance, to lend it your cash , must not compete on rates and the market has been wid· at no more than 414 percent? • to the degree where It draws ening for a long time. You .bet you would. funds away from private in· The ,fact is that lhe superb Wouldn't you be indignant stituUon.s and undermines the features o.f the U.S. Savings and resentful lI you found, out marketplace.• And finally, I Bond are beln$ deplorably that the needy borrower wu am fully aware · that the ot>scured by' the inequitable not a bitter, biased sklnfl.int Treasury is inhlbitei:I in Its rate . ·schedule. · This i s but the great U.S. TreasUrJ acUoas by the 41/4 percent particularly r egret tab I e itself (all for one, one for legal ceiling on new U.S. bond because the bond could be aJI )? You bet you would. issues -an anachronistic, playing a key role in flgbtisig • BROKER-LECTURE William L. O'liryon YET, 11IIS JS precisel;y the h~ ~angover from th~ inDa~i~. situ~tion being dramatized dead'dllys of World ~.ar t. The best solution would be · with paJnful clarity this week In ~rt'. Ii ~ neither _ ~n-congresslonat ellmin'atlon ·of -and it has reached the LagorustiC, ignorant nor u,nfarr. 'the' 41A percent bond ceiling point wh'ere I am no longer But, I' stllr hold there is no. s~ the . 'l,'reasw:y · c o u .1 d willing to bury thii story at defense -~~~t: wba~.ver .overhaul the whole program. the end ol a column on the -for promot1!18. Savmgs TreasW'f, secrelary Kennedy interest rate upsurge: It war-Bonds '? ~~public at 4Yt ls studying this right now and rants top billing and I'm going percent.m ~1.s era! Nixon has asked that it· be to give it jlist that today. The f1ac.t ts that~ of today, given ~p priority, . O'Bryon SetS Investment Series Again To 'be specifiC: when you buy _a Savmgs ~· THE TREASURY a 1 s o The U.S. Treasury this·week you are buyu1g a negative might ·swlt.Ch the savings Boitd sold two new 1.0 .U.'s to rate .of return. The 4Vt percent to .Savings Notes; pay a fair owners (mostly·"°1aD·medium maximum you .can get .over rate oq..these and bypass the size banks) of $1(.5 billion seven y~ars .will not cover bond ceilµig. . or its obligations mat'uring the er?s1on 1:1l . your return \Vhatever the· answet', there Feb. 15. One was 3 l)ew 15-~rom higher livmg costs and shouJd be · an answer -and month note with 1 coupon of me~~~ taxes .. And I a~ ~ot as soo_Jl as possible. The situa· fi percent, priced to return expecting th~ ;<:05t of liv1~ tion as it stands now is the buyer 6.U percent. The ~k_ee-'p_o_n_r_1S1_ng-'-_a1_1_968_s_s_ham_e1_u_1_. ------ other was a new seven-year note with a coupon of filft percent, priced to return th e buyer 6.295 percent On this first financing of the Nixon Administration, the Treasury committed itself to pay the highest coupon in- terest since 186&-104 years. And even at these awesome rates, the Treasury's. offer was far from a rip-roaring success. You can btiy plenty . of these notes at favorable prices in the "after-market" right now. NOW MEANWHILE, the U.S. Treasury has conpnued to offer its Savings Bonds to millions of individuaJs -and .about. IO million buy the bonds regularly. These bonds cany a muimum rate of 4-1ii . per· , cent, if held to maturlt, in seven years. Even the 414-year Freedom, Shares bear a mai:· im1Dn ·rste of on1y 5 percent. By coincidence, just prior .Lw the Trusiiry's sale of me historic 6¥ts and 6%s, the Sav. ings Bond staff held a · pep luncheon in New York to kict off its 1969 drive of the 4y, percent Savings Bonds to workers across the land. Let me submit my cred'n- Uals oo Savings Bonds right here. I helped create and was among . the first booster of this bond. I have been proud of my long association with the bond and boast of its excellent features. To summarize: the boild is norunarketable, which protects the bolder from any loss in the marketplace ; you can ~tpone , paling Federal in- AUTO LEASING AU Makes fn•1111ti.I 1969 Thunderbird 4 Dr. Landau S1Jt.OD ,er ..11tti CORT FOX llASING 224 D· W. Co11t Hwy. Newport Beach, Calif, 642-84-40 ~ Awfhorittd L•asint Sy&t• STEEL GROIN SLOWS SAND MOVEMENT S..rricad1 one' of Two •t Newport &each Two Newport Groins Made of Sheet Steel Two beach stabilization bar- ricades, each constructed of Bethlehem Steel Corporation's steel sheet piling under a U.S. Corps of Engineers contract, are helping win the battle between sea and sand at Newport Beach. The first installation was completed early last year after storms in ij)e fall of 1967 had caused severe beach erosion. T h i s necessitated emergency work by slate, city and county to save beach-front homes in the area. The second banicade has We are pleased to announce JACK W. ANDREWS recently been completed . J. L. Denio. Inc.. Bakersfield, is general contractor and J . L. Meek Construction Co. of Wilmington is piling sub- contractor. The groin is designed to retain, or slow down, an alongshore move- ment of sand caused by unusual surf action resulting from seasonal storms off the coast of lower California. According to lhe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, steel sheet piling was selected because of its ease o( in- stallation is now asJOCiated with our firm IS 10 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE in our La1un1 Beach Office I SQ~~lt.T.~:.S£Q!! ~, ~.9.::Tf'fg: ••Oc• ••c .. • .. D•• • C•o~Al;ll;I 10••0 o• t••OI LAGUNA BEACH• 218 Forest Avel'lle' 92651 • 17141494-&041 SAii Olli:Q • lOI ANmEs • 'AlM SffllN'5 • •EV(itlT NlllS £SCONOJ00 • 1.A'UNA IEACll • lA lll\.lA • 'f'UMA • !l(llt TORK Are we headed ror mo're inflation? Or a se r io us recess ion? Whlther i'the prices of. stocks and/or bonds. , 1 These and other ''5pe<:ls ,of the securities market. itnd the econoiny itself will' be discuss- ed in depth at the course in investments -now in Its 19th consecutive · year -which is being offered again as a community service by the adult education division of Orange Coast College. It will be given by Wllllam L. O'Bryon, originator of the course. A lecturer and in· vestment, comultant, he is owner of Wm. L. (O'Bryon & Co., securities brokers of Newport Beach. ;The course serves as an introd11-c~ion io the basic fun· damentals. of investing in cor- JKl[ate stoc!'S, bonds, mutuaJ funds, mun1dpal and govern- ment bonds, and building and loan associations. The purpose is to give a practical knowledge of investments, as well as explaining in detail how a stock exc hange operates. The lectures will be held this year at the Mariners School, 2100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beach. The course will consist of five lectures beginning Feb. 17, and subse- quent Monday .evenings throogh March 17, from 7:30 to t :30 p.m. ·Theft is no tuition or ad- mission charge. Registration will be made at the lecture. NSC Reports Record Year National Systems Corpora- tion (ASE), Newport Beach, today reported record sales and earnings for the year end· ed Dec. 31. Sales for the period in- creased to $4,556,891, up from $3,024,376 for the like 1967 period, a 51 percent increase. Before tax earnings amounted to $1.508,375, compared to $3.50,138, a 77 percent Im- provement over the prior year. After a provision f o r Federal Income Taxes of $795,500, including the 10 per- cent surcharge, net income amounted to $712,875, a 51 percent increase. For the like 1967 pericxl Federal income taxes amounted to $399,000, resulting in net income of $451,138. Per share earnings increased to 92 cents in 1968 from 68 cents in 1967, a gain of 35 percent .. Whittaker Expanding Whittaker C o r p • , Los Angeles, has acquired Ket- tenburg Marine, a privately held company located in San Diego. Kettenburg is engated in the manufa cture, sale and recon· ditioning of sailing and power craft. and is a majo r d is l r ibulor of marine hardware and supplies. Kettenburg will be operated under present management as a subsidiary member of Whittaker's Marine a n d Le.isure Time Products Group. :M:UTU INGS "ASSETS OVER ,µzs,000.000.00 H~DOFFlCE 315 Ent ColonKto Boulrni Paudene. Cafffornl• 91109 n=Gh' . n . ·e ., • -• a• • Who Reads tlie Stars For the Stars? .(~ .. '..l It's Sydney Omarr An·d now thi s llrticulate writer who has been called the "astrologer's astrologe r'' reads the stars for you. Sydney Om arr 1 longtime personal astr ologer to many of Hollywood's ond the literory world's most famous stars, is a DA ILY PILOT columnis t. Omarr's record for accuracy of predictions ba sed on astrological analysis is amozing . Whethe r you read astrological foreca sts for fun or as a serious stu.dent of star-gazing, you'll enioy Sydney Omorr 's do ily column in the ' DAILY PILOT fl111.ut '*II llllMrlWll 111 lunds llll 3 .... ti ....... ICtOunt rt- ..... nlil ..... send •. • .. ···-· ~~~-~~-~~.,.--~~--:-~,...--~~~--,,---.-.,..,,.---:~-,----~------~-~ • • • ' ' • • • ' • • • . . • • . . • • . • • . . ' ' . . . . • ' . • • • • . • . • • .• ' . ' • • • . • • ' • • ' • • • • • • ' • • • • . ' • • ' ' . . . . • • . • -- " WHAT'S ·YOUR HAN(iUP? j If mounlaln climbing is your lhing, we can'I help you much. Bui if your real "hangpp" is looking lot a broad view of lhe news Iha! includes a good, hard look al what's happening al home, the DAILY PILOT has lhe line you should grab. We give you a broader view of the world than you can gel even 12,000 feel above Chamonix in the Alps. Mont Blanc, over there in the background, is the highest peak In Europe, which reminds us ••• • .. • Our local coverage 1.s hard lo lop. When ii comes lo piling up Information about local schools, sporls, social evenls, entertainment or crime and calamily, we're king of l~e mounlain. We're:your homelown newspaper. We make keeping up wilh the world, the nalion, the stale, the counly, your lown and your school a lot easier than climbing a mountain. Just grab our line. No more hangup. The DAILY PILOT will lake you where you can see the view from the top. ,. , ~ .. ~ . . . ------·--------------~----------------------~ t ! ·\ ' 11 \I ,\ ' I ' 1· 12 DAILY PILOT Deqrite Hard Line ; NixQn Plann.ing ·New · 'frx. •t· ~ed Chinese .. ·~~l~~lons WASHINGTON (AP) living together In peace. 1be Slates and Jl""'lbl,y other llesplto the hard line be laid United Slates and China have countries. 'dowa oe Red-<lial Policy held uoofficlal ~ for In lhe Warsaw meeting, ~ ~ !;:l&~t ~~': several yean in Warsaw, therefore, U.S. Ambassador ,dlplomallc probe later !bis Poland. Wallar Stoessel Jr. probably :month Into the possibility of Prtlldent 11r...: '!IS uked will be •u1jlorlud to suggest :Improving U.S.-Peklng rela-.,at biJ news conference a week a lowering of· travel barrien .-tions. ·ago about 1bls "plam" for ~lm-and an easm, ot limitations Nixon ls COll.'!liderlng pro-proving relatlonl with Com- , pooing to the Chinese regime munlsl China. He Immediately that as a first step lhe two declared oppositioo .... to ad· ·countries relax travel and ·mitting the. country to tbe 'communicatioils b a r r l er s United Nations · under present -haL Ealing of the U.S. circumstance" He ailo said , embargo on trade with the be saw no prospect of a11y 'Chinele mainland might follow change in U.S. policy "unW eventually. some changes occur on their . Some State Department of. side." flCials believe there is an NIXON INl'EBESTED outside cl?abee the Peking 1 Despite this public posture, regime may be ahlllin« Its De Pr"8identcand his advilers on other mell'll of com- munication. Chloa's ambassador lo Wanaw ·hal been a11oet!i fw mnn!tlwiayar,havtnc- called home pmnmlh1y Jn coonecijon -po 11 tic a.I turmoil arlslag from the cl"1 atrlle In his country. · •• policy from a high degree of> .. reported iidively" -lit · bota~on to a more flexible ~ i.Q.finding out wbetbei ·! pmltion. the Chinese may in fact be UMITED HOPE at a point of exploring new The very llmlted hope he1d relations with the United · by some eiperts is based on the fact that Communist Oiina llseU propooed last November , that the next round · of diplomatic taU:s with the . United Stales ahould be held Feb. 20 -a month after the · Nixon administr8Uon toot of. flee. · The date, which the State Department accepted b y agreement with President• elect Nixon's advisers at the time, was coupled wilh a Chinese proposal which some officials here c o.n 1 l de red hopeful That the two countries make an agreement "on the five principles for peaceful coexistence." The principles i n c I u d e respect for tenitorial in- t e ' r i t y , n o naggresaion, '.norunterference, equality and ! ' 4th Book Plan Slated PrepaJ'.allons ·are> be 1 n g , m.ie fclr the fourth anmzl.l Adolph A. K r o c b un- dergraduate student book col- lection contest at UC Irvine. The contest is to encourage book colledlng and reading among students. Prizes of ,150, 1'15 and 125 are awanled to winnen.. Spoo8ored . by the Friends ol the UC! Library, the cao- test is named in honor of Dr. Klocb, resident ol Laguna Beach who is the retired founder of a we.11-tnown bookstore chain llj Chicago . . ' LUNCH Al · MR •. STEAK· s.,...,4 on •• ~"""rwltli fr•ncA fri•1: . THE "DUKE" BURGER ' .. . I /l lb. chop~ 1irloi1, fr•nc:h fri•l. . ' ~. THE "DUKE" BURGER WITH .CHl-.SE S1"• •• •bon wltli fllelt.4 ·lf, Am•tic•n chHM teppl119, . , • . . ' ROAST BEEF ON A BUN " ;, .. Slicod thin f.r t•;t.. J French frl••· CRAZY DOG Foot lon9 het 409, Con•y ·lsl•nll Ml'!t•, pot1to chip•. ~ CONTINENTAL Lorg• ho111b1r;.r •11 'Y•• f!llN .,,Ttli Swi11 ch••M eMI 111111lu-001•11, fNftefi,ffi"! . ·, ••• COLD SANDWICHES: .. ITALIAN HOAGIE Ch••••• bolo9111, 1•l1ml, him, tom•toos end lottuce 011 • roll. Polite chips. MR STEAK CLUB DELIGHT ··, . Combl111flo11 bece11, l•ttuc:•, tom•lo, cold chick1t1 011 1011'94 br••d. Poteto chipl or col• 1l•w, 1.25 1.30 Tht following sandwiches art served with pickles and choict of potato chips or colt slaw. BACON, LETTUCE, TOMATO ---···--.95 SLICED COLD CHICKEN .85 GRIUED CHEESE _ _ .so HAM & AMERICAN CHEESE ----.95 COLD ROAST BEEF -·----.95 TUNA SALAD __ .75 sou~ OF THE DA y (cup) .20 CHILI .50 Soup or chili ••f"f'•d witli .,:rock•r b11k1t. We are also serving our famous line of USDA CHOICE STEAK DINNERS and many ~tber dinner specials at 1ny tiine of day. Deuert mMiu, too. OPEN .11 AM to 9 PM 2267 FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA ' . • I I . ! N 1 :i o n a d m1 l ~aUon • .:iy' ~~ wlllin1g ' t o· ~ out ol his way · tO upset nie U~ted Sta'tes !has pro: ~1 ril~~· bive declined authoriUes wonder whether reciprocate. the SaVSets by making over-pc;lled that the mainlaod ~what lb urgtocy. P·••·· ill ' , 'l,'he key 'qa..UO. which the -.. w· send a fllll 1aok But the issues are far more tures to.Red'Cbina. ~ renounce the use of Nlloo administration appears ambassador to Warsaw in complicated than ~t. The Yet thetei are pressures qn fo~ jn·seeklng ~~t of .to be ,inieQ_t on probing now time for the Feb. XI te8llon United Stales has itseU been the Preli.dent from ~ ·'the lMue. 1be ·~e..~ is" w~r Pi spite of these or will the job .of reP.resen-an Issue of bitter controversy toatlealtexploretbeposilbll· µ!g that "ppl'Ol;te~, hJ.ve two issues -Formosa and tatioo to a low" ranking between Red Ch1na ·and the ty. or , 0peDlng up cdntracts , CleJNu;ided that the <.urut~ Vietnam -the Jeadefshlp in diplomat. Soviet UDiofl., and 8.ny move with mab)land aitna ua. :m, st@_~ abandon the.Nationalist Peking may have anived at At the last prettoUs·meet.ing Washlngtoo makes is bound years or near total separation. regtibe and Formosa to them. a point where it Ls prepared Jan. a, 1968, Cheo Twig, to be regarded suspiciously .J .. In recene-. years .:~ costly to begin slowly to ease charge d'afiairs in Waraaw . in M~ as well<as Peking. CENl'RAl(DISPUTE. . . ''and expanding, war:io Vietnam tensions .and open meaflJ of spoke for the Pekhie..i:egime. Thw at a time when Nixon ~t Utls time the .hAs been another major block communJcaUon. . ~ 'r4 ,,.... • hopes to ~~J!, ud ™" central . diajute ,b.etweel( :in the m:· of ,JCOIJJ.· The amb,ss~dorlal talks BASIC POUCY • -1 . l' w I ii> Washln ... IOd ,Pelilng , bu modlllcm rWJl!l Ille end ol have nm up a Iola! of 131 1bejll;son ~·,··-In~ pei<e ,in been om the .Olloele Na· the~"fk<11iVletnam 1 meetlnp,...,., they were ......, polley In thla .-Uilo the Middle ' f;ut ·anc1 •In tlooalJsl Govmunenl ol Pml-las\ Ottoblr, ._,..,ilid the afarlec!al Gpleva, llwilurland ii said to he..,. ol r<adlw Uml~dlip1oymen1 of'nucleir ' ok!!ll Cbiq Kakbel: on the e11>1.....,,Gf.,11ie il'lrl»-IM.lll&. Slni:o.11111 they have !or "lrleodly ftlallom;" wilh • milolles; he ,~' not ntely ~ is~ol·~ormoOa.,;, • -talllf 'lalo'~ lJO'I' Phale,'.tms been-beld!n1'araw. . . ' . .. . • -. " ··-""'. .. • , . ' ' • , .. / Sea '69 .... ·• . / o Can Read Just One 'Peanuts'? 1 • ••• and while you are visiting the FASHION ISLAND BOAT SHOW, take time out and see what the 58 wonderful stores at Fashion Island have to offer during their -4-day sale. Lincoln's Birthday Sale ·starts Wednesday, Feb. 12, Fashion Island, Newport Center , -• ,. ' •• -,.., . .,. .. ,,..'-';,...,;; ,,. , • ' ~~~ ·~-~· ,, .• , •.:ii' ' ' -' > '· 1 f ., ' " I ,; ' ' • \ • t ~ ... • • • •• ·' • • ' J00UN HASTINGS, -· ,_.• ,.._, 11t ... I ,_. U Hearts A-flutter . League · f et es " . . . Sweethea irts . · Lois of special events to keep things lively are·promised when mem- bers of the Assistance League of Huntington Beach honor their husbands during a Valentine dinner dance in the Meedowiark Country.Club Friday, Feb. 14. . ·· Frilly hearts will abound when members and guests· gather al 7 p.m. for a happy hour lo be followed by an I p.m. buffet. Dancing lo the 'music of the-Hy Tones will round out the festive eveniog. for partygoen. During the course of the evening several 1iick.y ~ will b~ award· ed special Valentine prizes according lo /.!rs. Jack Colvin, cbauman of the annual party. · · · Assisting her with' preparations for the event are··the Mmes. Floyd . ·Hair, Vernon Langenbeck,-JameS Sayer, Norman Wari:ier and John Wyatt, ~who also will serye -~s hostesses for th~ evening. . 0.1 The party for )lusbands is planned as a special thank you for !hell' ":'Patience and understanding which makes it possible for league members .otto participate in time-consuming volunteer work for the benefit of the •t ~ ' y. . stalnin d . I 1 to ,.,i are provisional, active, su g, an assocta e . -. ' -~ . ) ' . - C,UPl,D INVITED -Speciat Valentines -htishands .-will be honored·)!hllli members ol the Assistance . . ~ l . • ( . charge of· arran_g_e}llf:nts fo.r th8 tfestt'viti.es-are (left., to• ;rigliti Mts. ~ydc1!air,·8iul · ¥,rs', J'Jfk Colvin, · r · ' l;t Silver Anchor Auxiliary serving in the Hunting- , Ital. , sing events being plaq>ed by lea111e·mem_.,,-• · wbii:h will late place·Jietweeh .10 a:m: llil<I 4 f!li. . <I. H1ilillngton Beach sponsor a dinner danee .' · ,;l'eh, U,, in the Meadowlark Country. Glu\> .. . 8d on the· committee of .. sweethearts'• in .)..~ ·' . ..,.. ., ·.~ ' ·~ • .1' ·". Here's iQ9r t~~ :· , , .. . ' " • . . ~ ~ ·AA· ~· :~ ~---~· '"1-t1t' ... ,.~.· ,. .. :~"-' .. i..; ..... . ' l l ' ' -,~- ' . ~ '(. -., ' . (, :·. ' ! . . ~ ••• : .... "" P L-1· 1'. 1 I uo ic· -to .. ,l1o>·ur .; . ~ ' •. , '\ 1 ~ , , >" .. , ~· I teainJnc','.:~ .t :•." MembeQ .• -tbeir·/~t>an&i;· town Wiii ' ... , ~!ri.!lif' and. all otMt~ com- HunlJ""'8 ~ Brani:li.-. manity mefoberw; wili )atJioi Amerlean. · ~ 0!1 •at ~0:30 ... im: 1•' ibei clYIC r Unlver"4!1 ~ ·· ~ ceater on.~.>'ll'tb. 15:, . . ' ' " F 1 d 11' I "'I • ~ : oy . ~ :l>r o, .u·· • . •.... ~ ~tlie' .c. I •'l u\ trim ~ If ·~· · ·. · ·lhe'dty -~ Jrn -· S:e • : .'l.·p· '.' 0 lhe . l!i\r ,M 'and Pft*I · a br!tf.hlltiiey .ri· our iresent ... cMc center and plans !or • future cirii: ·aSiq!:-' tiilll~ Course; Set andni::::u~ 11 e.re Is ;11 -·~!nil· llie -·, : I Clllf • , Tuchinl area reaidentl to major .a~,.to .J;ie ·~, help tbemHIV.es lo. a·dlsaster are·paft · ittef. "beedl· ~. llltuatlon II t!>e aoal ol the cify _,.,.aiJd;lileas· !er Rwtlqton Beach Jun i o r future ~· · .. . ' Woman•a·Club~ Followlnl..a ~811'1,in the'· The Junlon wW sponsor a Fisherman restaurailt, ~ medical lelf-Mlp program on cent 'MOorel\ouse; -dlfettor of'' couecutive ~ys begin-Harbor, ~chea ap:l!l>t~elorr Billl Thu~.' reb. 13, in menl, will lead ·a,walking tour the· clubhc:tulit· D loth St., through adjaCent' b "e a c h HUntlqton· Beech. facilities follonl • by: a 1 IDltruction WW be presented discussion eoocerning opeia- bilWeeft 7:• ..i 10 p.m. by lion! and future ·plal\ning <If V¥ia CoOllr ,' illector 1of the beach reaoeatloii "" ~· Chll ~-Deporl-'!be remainder ol ·the twr ment. , , .will be motirMI. • ArraaP>c '·ilio procram Is _Norman !Vorlhy, director 'of 1.,;...-r:;:..,.,_ Mn. WWlam'.McCcmrl, safety J>aru and Jle<r,.tloa, will c:lllinllln le< 1111-Junlon, and cooduct a ~ lecture. 'l1le UlistlN irlD 'Jio111f1. E<lw~ route· Will take tile concerned Bemilpo. ·' an d lntecesti!d conununlty To be dilCall9d will be citizenl by park sites and "' r.-fol!Out ml lheltu, uDdeveloped areas, and lie will healthful llTing, 8.r t i. f 1 c i, a l odtUne future r e c r c a t i o n reoP!l!lllo!I. ~ and ban-plahs. ~' ~ """""' care and c.st Ii the' twr will be ,._."""' ""°'.-J ddldlllrlb. ·~ · •1 per perion .ftr trans!>orl'- duiliman of the .event.~ Aiso invited az:~, members . r O(~b Silver AnChor-Auillary wbich s_eives )fw\(..:. ' · ·ington lnter~nimunil)l;:Hbspital. • . _ ~ -• ' \ I , and the group'a 14th annual·Spring Fling taking · · Glub. in May • ........... Speak Out , Interests \ E)(amined Dotna their lhlna wlll be members of Lu O I' a 1 r...-1re1ses wbell· they begin Speaking Out lot Special Interests at 7:30 p.m. tomor- row In the Mercury Savlnp and 1-BuildiJJg. Mn. Paul B-will ,aene u toutmiltrns for the ' evening and will ll"""t Mn. . Joya Sa!Dn, Mn. Rollo Wen and Mn. Ralph Almgien who will describe lhelr bobbies or opeclal-. Mn. Hiil Herman! will present her Icebreaker, a n d table topics will bo ·conducted by Mrs; Tbonw Burrows. Evalbator for the evenlnfl· . ' . wµI be Mn. Walter SlnnnoM, Garden Grove Tou1mlltras Club. Mn. Slmmonl lw been an llCtiYe toutmiltrns llnce 1!114 and II pmident Ii the West 0r..,.· c.u.ty 9-d " Realtors.: ' ' Prestdlnl al their. Orsi meettiJg will be -offlcm lncluclln( the Mma. Gary GllOlf, prsldenl; William Vellulfnl and Ro 11 o West, vice pnsidenll; Hal Hennui, treasurer; Marie Fouts, club represa>tallve; CahU. ~ parlllmentarian; Pbllllp BUI-: jqlOll, blltorian, ' ud M!Js Joyce Satoe, rec.ordtac aecreiley • ' A ' biiCll1Dllle -111 obtallied tlon · and 12.IO for tunCb. · · "1 calllng l\IJI. Humpn al ReservauOns 'may ·be maile INTERESTING PURSU,ITS -Las Olas Toastmistresses wlll be llW$H.. Tb< -11 open by calling' ,..._ v f'n c e 0 t Speaking Oqt·for Specljl Interests when they meet tomorrow at · 1o !lie publlC . and, 111ore · is Dalslmer, 430-21111, ... Mh .. 7:30 p.m. in the l\lercury ,Savings and Loan Building . Presiding l!o ·.q1t for alllDd!nl· Da\'ld SU!lMi!'• .MS-mo. for the first tinie will be new officers who were i nstalled ·1ast month including (left to rjght) the Mmes. Marie Fouts, club rep. resentative; Rollo West, 1econd' vice president; G'1}' Gils , presi- dent, and Miss Joya Sexton, secretary. TbeToulm~­ tl open to Ill area women : 1 and addltlonal infarmatioll may be oblllned by calllnc Mn. Olcott, 147·1111. ' . • • Ph. • • I --ys1c1a ·ns Wives ' ,. '' ,profealon. I can tell you froGl experience that the dodan' .tvea at ~ club are charm- ing but Oii)' drink I lot and they, taJ~ too much. If the, hUsbandJ or tJiese women are tok~ ~Utetr proremonll secrets. home, I fetl sony for lhelr potloab..-ANTICl.A'M'ERTRAP DEAR ANT: l'• ... , aU I Urt tut . . Ha.ve . . No ... License " wtvf1 ti MD'• -man Ulu wit'• or la..,.. or _.....,, Ml .,_ · polat aboot keeplog collllcleoces II well ~11 Md l &bank JOI for mak11& IL , • ' . DEAR ANN LANDERS: Jay ahd I have been going logelher for two yean. Nht weet ho Iii driving me to Loulsvli!C to meet his mother. He has asked that ' ' • ' ' . I tell her I am 27 Instead o1 ·30, Also, he'd~te it .if 1·dldn't mention m1 lllllriqe. U reUgloo comes up 'm ltt say I'm an Epilcopalian (I'm reslly a BapUst). And oh yes, he thinU she would be more faYOrably imprwed il I 1akf I taug!Jt school rather than admit to beinl a balnfresser. According to Jay, tbeoe are llOI lie>, they are small dlstorllona dellpied to 'make an okl lady happy. What do you Utinl<t ~.ZAPJ'~ , : D!i:All ZAPl'Sll: TeU Jay It .,,...at JOll 11 .,.._ st or you're ..t: 101111 -In whk:lt e111 lie can flld IWlliaeH 111 ~IW tcllloolleaclter, ai.ot t7 yean ol4; wbio 1111 llad H Jll'l•kNll · marTla1e. J ' .... DEAR ANN liAllD°":' I Wu· tim- rifi<d to reod Oi the ~.'who' took It upon -to llUl'prbe the boll and lltlallblen -bll -drawer. One mornl:nc lhe nn Imo pornography that kept her l)ln•hlna until five o'c}bck. ·Thal leCl'Olary -"" -·la !be work "l"'kl or lbe -1d -·-abOut the umn1tten law: Thi Boli't' Desk Driilm Are lnvlolaio. --ohe Ilk• It tt the'bool ~ to ~ he< and lttalghlen .-ha punof -NO SNOOP SECRETAllY · , DEAit NO SNOOP: 1"' eperalift W.. Is 0 1..,.f11." Nt teen1uj ....... &Me . .... -.. ..__...-. "" ......... lnni -.... ... • 1111 ,......_ Oi ..• ..., -. .. .. ti •11 u ,-a•lti .... .,, ... ' . ... ICn!!Pta' -., -...... ,.,, * llley-" ..... '"''~ l1llip ~ a ,.. .... w -... ... --... -. ' '~ ' l ' l JJ • • ~Linden·, --;·blit, '~JS 'Str . • .J.,U JI •YIUlblli in l1;' ar,_. e\'er'YW'.bere 1 roe $4.tl. , I . Au .. Lll1<\ei'I ,wlll be ,IJod lo, !i!1J ou' with ,.... ~. """ tWri, ' to hr' la ..,.. " tho DAit y ' mm enttO.lnc • alampld, ........ d envelope. '\ . ' ! l I .1 I I { .. .. . . . ' . ·~·· . ·~ ~. OAll.V PILOT T11tsday, ftbt\1117 11, 1969 - •I' • . . . . .. .. . .. •\"- Christmas in Westminster Yule Gifts Cbrtstmu In Febnlary! u jtl1 bn for --. of the Westmlnlter W om an ' 1 Club who are pl•nnlnc A BelfM!ni Ila ......i ~ ,...,._ the club durlnc at lO :IO a.m. Friday, Feb. tile diltrlct'a Fine Art 1 H, will be aloeytlme In J'al!HI, aitd on SllurdlJ1 Weatrnlnlter County Library., Fib. II, Ute -wU1 S-red by tho woman'a· •lltmtlncton Ubrarles In Ian Swapplog Cbrlatmu Gill par· club, thla ...,100 will cottllnue Marino. ty al 7,30 p.rn. 'l'bundq,:Feb.' t1111ll the end of May with Carouool -ii 11famtb1c 13, in the civic center. a cbarse of IO cenla accepled a trip to ·.. "Jlmny · Glri" ! Unwanted Ch r II t ma 1 lot the purdtue of IDtall u Ila ammo! nlCht out cm presents -too large or too items for the ch t 1drea'1 l'rlday, J'tb. JI. , small -will be ollered !or library. 'Ille lint day of l!lrinl, sale with part of the proceecla Storytlme will boR)n with Marcil ii, bu been ltlectecl designated to tho P<onles for a Valontlne party and then by Mn. ,,_.. -· Art scllolarsblp p r e 1 e n le d the 'lburlday and Friday cltalrmao of Mmmequliii, for through Orange D 11tr1 ct , lelllom will conlllt of aeveral tbe club'• fubloo 1 how • California Federation of atorta and s1-and illl time. 'l'lcbla for /o. Portrait · In Women'• Ciulla. a.udr<n M<>6-ye&l'H!d lllal' Fllblm wU1 io .on aalo MoQ. Contlnulng the art theme, reglsilr In the chlldren'1 aec-day, Feb. 17, and all proceedo ' r . RESOLVE ' NOW to ·REDUCE • the club will partlclpail in Uon of the library. will benefit the acbolanhlp Westminster Cullunl Week Macy. actMttea have been !und. ..--- 20 Years of Competition Mn. Cliliord W. Hepburn (right) of Newport Beach, bake-off finalist in Lbe Pillsbury-General Electric contest in AUant.a, helps Miss Georgia, Burma Ann Davis blow out 20 candles in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the contest. Horoscope March %4 throogh 2t by reported by aecUon chairman. Modellog clurilll the douerl sponsoring an emtblt for art Chairman of aria and cnfta, soo... taking place In thol'eelt s tudents attending Mn. Edwin Alexander, bu Family Colonlal Terrace Westminster High SCbooL lllDOWlCed that eight entries Rootp, wUl bn the Mma. Junior Ebe/ls Art Contest Selected by Newport Beach Junior Ebells as the i r Hallmark Art contest winner Js Miss Donna Saundm who entered a colla1e u a In g natural materlala. The daughter of Mr. and Mn. Donald Slunden of Colla Mesa, the 17-year-old winner is a senior at Corona del Mar High School. Her worlr: will be entered in Orange Diltrlet. Cillfomia FederaUon or Women's CJubs, Junior Membership competition. Works of other entrants comprise an eihlbit a t Mariners Library du r in 1 .. ~•\lt'WU'Y· Select Winner &tary Cllltoa, Edward Hyatt, John Wasner and · James ~·. -· Other future 1ctlvltle1 In- clude I MaJ l'lll1UlllP iaJe, accordlna to Mra. l"l'ult Mlller. Wl)'I and m e • D I chairman. Daughters . Host Party Mrs. 1'el: Turner, new preai- deot of the King'•. 0.ugbten of the Wutmlnlter Seventh- day Adventllt Church, will hoot tilt group'• Valentina party and meeting at I p.m. Tltunday, Peb. 13, In her san- ta Ana !tome. Elected to aerve with Mra. Cancer: Be Practtcal , ,,,.E:!:':ge~~: .. ~ WEDNESDAY VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22), Debts are ' ~ai d, collect..j. ting ' for meetlnp of the Turner are Mrs. Ben ChlM, vice presldant; Mra. R<Qle Calender, tnaaurer, and Mr1. David Maneen, secretary. Mr1. Turner will appoil)l commJttee chairmen for the fiaca1 year and namu will be drawn for secret pill. Pro- jecla for the year alao will be dlacuaed. FEBRUARY 12 May be conflict of interest. Emphuis on what you own. Emblem Club 201 of Laguna Loved one could make ex-Exploit unique abilities. Beach. Members' gather the By SYDNEY OM.ARR cessive demands. Bul job, CAPRla>RN (Dec. 22-Jan., fir~ and third Tuesday at HALLMARK WINNER DcNtna Saunders The nonprofit v o I u nt eer organlzaUon works to aer:ve the cburcll and -In need. "1be wile man controls bis other tasks require your at-19): You are aware of. lo-I p.m. __, 1 . th tenil<>n: Base actions on logic. Ouenci! you have on othen.lpo;ij;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I :~Y· • ..Astro ogy pomts e ~ papent and P!"istent. Maintain 1teady pace.. Start , ,1 ARIES ("--' 21 A-' II) ' LDdU. (Sept. 2S-Oct. 21): rather than tinilb; mUlll pt ,,1it " -~· • ,.. ' Avo!d SOO..down at !tome. golog on projecl,w,,...'.claiml ey Gals! Wise to keop buaineSll pro-n-•~ -•-•-•-jJ--~ n.i.!:......_ ~. In . d Do 'I dll le .__ ICJl1l9 ~ w you -your inc•--•· ULC WY111UU.•11;:, • '', •.-.-mm · n u day are 111perMmldve. Acc:enl orlfllttaL ' . efforts. Get routine tasks out •"''" .... to 1 , of way. Don't overlook essen-on _...., recap re money-AQUARIUS {Jan. »Feb. . tiala. II alert, you gain ob-maltbic . .._wntty. Clteck II)' Catch up on reA-au&ni property -right to privacy. lie -jectlve. c.,...,. advances. SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov. Zl): One ,mo ,.,.,...,. In 1lll TAURUS .(April 20-Mory Don't try to be OVVJWhen dlaeml CGlllldmlloa. ll&lcl :1!.i~ ~b~to ~~ II OllCe. Aoceiil Ga -lrtpo, ln.mabn llWDier, Don't cul jecl, upreaa and conVlnce. ....._. ll1mcb pnm11 ac-lint stone. Meam you can picture plans curat.. Follow lhn"lb 00 Jn. PISCES (Feb. Jt.Mardt :111)' and help them become ner feeUnc. Keep promiae' ·Give 8UlnUal;t to 1careir, ln- realWN. Have faith in your made to reJa!l~-come pote;nUal. ·c.onftde 1n future llAGl'ITAllllJll (Nov. ZZ. family member. Ad v l c e Ollll • Dec. 21)' Dar features ltnden-rectlvtd can be put to pro-GEMJNI (May 21-June 20)' cy to bn ~. w l th lllable WI<. Some of our bopao =v':.i.°'~~:.' 1:r---~--· _a_uan1 __ 1ntereita_,. __ • _come __ c1_ooer_to_rea11_11ea_. __ recooclllallon to fa m II y m e m b e r • Intelll&eat. con- -can result in gain. Know thla -act accordingly. CANCER (June 21-July 22)' Simi wUllniJleis to accept truth. others are anxious to be In apoutcht. Don't block them. Wile . to play waiting , -Avoid aeolog situatioo in too Jdull•Ue .a light. Be ptiCll<ll. L!!O (Joly ZS.Aug. 22): Find out·bow to sa•.e ume, effort. Means' be aware of what's causing :wute, loss. Get job dooo. Then you can relal. Y(ll might receive news from nllUve in trwlt. Wine-tasting Patty Beckons Newport Harbor Alumnae of Delta Delta . Delta and U..ir hulbaridJ . wi\l travel to tilt Vltlnp Four. Fuhion lshlnd for a wine-ta.ling j>arty and lecture nut Wednesday, Feb. 11. • A 11ate of officen for tht coming year 1190 will be presented during the 7:30 p.m. medlnl· ................... rr lhe new cleaners eiplocle clirl- wliat ··~· thez do · to yo111 hands? 'Jndiriooal hand lot;ona are little protectioD -r'l:ia1t modern killer ..... New Vedta with AJoe, tbe deeert'• moittufiting plut, waa lormulated o<· ,._Jr to offact the dev°' .U.g effe<la ol haroh ct•·aner1. It 11oothe1. -i...helpo-a r ! ,90ft .es.lure· to h1nd1. t I l'•dra Lot;on, l.00, ' . 0-. 1.50 .• Only ,. .... woo• Remember .. • Valenl,lne'a Day February 14th has the soft look of "Feminique''! It'$ the MW kind of 90ft4eXY dressint underne~t.. it.all. The Renotre bJ01-• demi-cup undtrwire in !Oft ~on crepe lined with fiberfill and lacev straps that curve arourid, under, upl The half~llp­ Antron• nylon with deep lined lace hem and appl i- ques,. In fa.\hlon oolon with miny beiee lace, 8tJI 'lJ7, BC 32·38. 17. 0, ti HaK-sno In demi Ind thot't l'SM • ..,, s.Ml. S4 J7J7 I, C... Hwy., ClfM ..... ,, .. ,,,. 8 l•n~•iMrlc•r~ e M••t•r Chtrt• to Ye•t• In s.,,., loc•tl•" ... FINAL 2 DAYS OF OUR ONCE ·A -YEAR WED. & THURS. ONLY DRESSES PANTY HOSE v ....... s10 ,s15 $50.00 PANTSUITS-All Fabrics WHILI THIY LAST $1,oJ~ .. VALUES TO $60.00................................ now $15.00 SKIRTS -All Fabrics -Leathers . Furs -Suedes VALUES TO $60.00 .............................. .. now $10.00 PANTS-All Fabrics VALUES TO $20.00 ............................. --now $5.00 SHIRTS & TOPS -Cottons , Crepes, Satins, Etc. VALUES TO $20.00...................... ............ now $5.00 BOOTS-Short & Tall VALUES TO $30.00 ................................... . now $5.00 Abov9 mentioned items avail•ble in sizes 5 to 11 Sa.le Definitely Ends Thurs., 6 P .M. 'rlteipo~ FASHION ISLAND SHOP ONLY 33 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER Become healthier, happier, thinner at Holiday Health Spas If you're Hnsltlvo about being over· weight ••• ESOOE to tho privato luxury of tho Holiday .Health Spa, where sophisticated w1.ight reducing methods make embarrassing pounds vanish quickly and gonlly. WE JUST ADDED A BEAUTIFUL HEATED YEAR-AROUND LUXURIOUS SWIMMING POOL FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT AND PLEASURE JOiN ' TODAY' .. ,.,. .. CLll FACIUTIU Al IO D1IA COIT ... • DANISH COLD PUIM • HOT Wttal10CIL UIMS • JllflSH IOCI SAllUS • IOMAH STWI IOOMS • SWlSS IACIAL MAatlNll • ROllOA SUN T AH • ULTU MOOllll CONDrrlONING fACIUTllS • PLUS MUCH, MUCH MOii ... ,.... Fill YOM AIAIN ,.... LOOI SUM A•AIN ,..... niM AUIN LUXURIOUS FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN CAIL OR STOP· BY TODAY FOR FREE TOUR NO OBLIGATION EVER! OPIN · .10 'TIL 10 7 DAYI A WMk COIT& M11A Mt.a au HOINAllOllL AIUllllM IH-Nlt 510 I. llAOI _ .. , Ollllll At-M4t '22 t UTIUl -__ , ...,...... .... ..... ...,,... .. , ....... c-. ' ;.'--------NEWl'ORT IEACH .. ____ Ca~, ....... ..., llMll• ... ____ .. '·.::;:.------"1 • ·I • . • • A Hairstyle to 'Curl Your Toes' This versatile hairdo can be worn with tunics, pants, spangled separates or specihl cocktail dre~ses. It is a style which will not di stract from your total look. Hair is drawn back straight and sleek and bound to stay. A few tendrils have escaped to frame the face and curtain the nape of the neck. Styled at Joseph Magnin's in South Coast Plaza. · Sound of Cash Register Boosts Cause of Music ••Rumniagc ior Sale,""'a cry lo L3guna Beach Elks Club shouted repeatedly in the next Friday and, Siturday, the area, · doesn't· ·sounc1 very ' Lyric Opera Association of musitaf. ' ·Orange Co.uiitY~ ·a· .. v e ( y However, if this cry lures musical ca\ISe., wilJ ~fit.. a sufficient amount of buyers '$pooi0red by .the Opera League, the sale, under the leadership of Mn. Rohen Lawson, will take· place froµ\ 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ~tur· day. ' Distaff Ma rines Mork Da te The OrlJ1l!• County Chapter ot the Women Marines Association will be 21 years old next Thursdoy and wlll mark the occaalon with a din- ner in the ltf;vere Hoose, Tustin. Maj. ~n. Arthur H. Ada!m, commanding general of the Third Marine Aircraft Wing, has been invited to speak for the 1:30 p.m. galherln&. Anyone W1Shin,g further in- formation may call Mrs. Joe Campbell at 116&-171<. Flpra I Art is t Styles Bloom s Affectio nately Lovin' Bloom will be the theme · followed by Mn. J . R. Kilpartick when she ar- ranges flowers before Lag.;;na Beach Garden Club duJina a meeting at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, in Laguna Beach Woman's Clubhouse. , "Mrs. Kilpatrick is recom- mended by Califomia Gardeil Clubs, Inc. as one of the outstanding floral artisll lo the state,.. said ~ Harry G. Busby, publicity chalnnan. Mrs. J. Orvllle CbWon wlll serve tea at the conclusion o[ the meetinR wttb the help of ber commllleo. Women seeking information about memberablp In the group may call Mn. Reginald W. Ketteringham, 49H<U. 'Sew Many 'f'\-.J1' 12\t~ 9111 . , Mrs. Lawson, ways and ·K · M kC mean.ochairmanlorthe1 rt z · e.e n . ere-mo n y . groop. , " :a..;s1ec1 by Mi.. • ' · William Hinwood, president. . d An assortment of clothes, In Lyn woo accessories and household . goods will be sold, and~yers may refresh themselves lfith Performed At home In Lynwood are Miss Judy 1,'leenk, sister of Cree coffee. newlyweds ,Mr. and Mrs. Allen the bride, was maid <1f honor In charge of var I 0 us . and bridesmaids were the departments are the Mmes. K. Kris who repeated Uleir ·Misses Arlene Kriz, Evelyn Charles E. Hirsch, men's vows in Trinity Foursquare Maxwell, Jeanne Meenk and clothing; William H. Brug- Church, Lynwood, in an af-SuZanne Porter. gere, women's c Io thing ; ternoon ceremony performed Flower girl was Ann-M arie Anthony Orlandella, children's by the kev, ·William C: Peterson and ring bearer was clothing; John C. Nichols, Burnett. Thomas Peterson. linguie and sportswear; C. The bride, the former Janice John Carlson served as best Sidney Johnston, accessories; Meenk, is the daughter of Mrs. man and ushers were Bill Stanley Eichstaedt, jewelry; -Mildred Meenk . of, Lynwood Meenk, Dick Courtney, Jot DeWayne Hurst, toys and and Bill B. , Mee.nit, and the BeUezzo and Bob Cohen. games and Bernhard G • bridegfoom is 'the son of Mr. A buffet dinner followed the Ander 8 0 n • linens and d M Arth K . . B 1 Hall . materials. an rs. ur r 1 z , ceremony ID a eman , in others are the Mmes. John Newport Beach. Lynwood. The. cou~e lelt for Bermel, art goods, books and A long white peau de soie a ho~eymoo~ m ArWlna after . records; Theodore Be a 0 e , gown accented .with chantilly greeting the1r guests.. furniture, and Kenneth Bloom, lace and mantilla veil of net Th.e new . Mrs: Kriz ls at-houseware and bric-a-brac. and lace were chosen by the tendmg Calllorrua Slate Col-Member1 a 5 8 i s t i n g in bride. Her · bouquet was a lege at Long Beach. Her hu s-various deparbnents will be cluster of lilies and pine band, a~ alumnus of CSCLB, the Mmes. Ross McClure, needles. teacbes in Lynwood. .Jacob w. Onstott, Wales Seacliff Club Chosen Wallace, H.A. Vineyard, George Cunningham, J a y O'Pyle, George H.K. Bryant, Thomas Armstrong, William Whittman, Donald M o o r e , Florence Berkson, Elizabeth Hanes and Josephine McCullom. l ,,,, 11f .. ;_ 11f""-f- BASIS of a beautHul, 52- week wardrobe. Sew this easy princess as a dress or jumper -sew one, two right up to nine different versions. Printe4 Pattern 9111: Half Sizes 12Y.i, 14 'f.i, 18~, lllf.z , 20, 22 !.f.I. Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS I " Red Cross Volunteer Chairman Visits Mrs. Francis Hildebrand (center) of Washington, D.C., new American National Red Cross chairman of. volunteers, is welcomed in her first visit to South- ern California by Mrs. Louis MacMillan of Mission Viejo (left}, chairman of volunteers for Orange County Red Cross: Mrs . Richard Sloss of San Fran- Women Stere'ofyped as 'Sexless'? cisco, Western area chairman of volunteers, accom· panied M.rs. Hildebrand. The area chairman is now involved in orientation of Red Cross fund campaign volunteers who will seek next month $136,000 of the ' half million dollars needed by the Red Cross for it.I work in Orange County each year. Ads 'Hindering' Housewives NEW YORK (UPI) ~ Me munications. you as sexless as the NOt so with movie makers. "~ife" portrayed in ads? Ccnvention aside, it's the era If you are, you ustfllfY go of bate bosoms, naked couples ~ in a little cotton dress in bed, words and language and sport a hairdo tha,~'s abolt unthinkable a decade ago. out of atyle. Advertisen taking Dichter's ' nUs slf!eotyped f r u m p advice will scuttle ads ad- lacta so mu& sez ~ that vancing a puppy love appeal. no man lt,pinl-to look at :nie boy-meets-girl episodes her and 'be romantically in-are childish. Teenagers and Don't expect more nudity ln ads. Flesh alone no longer surprises. What is needed? "Something beyond nudity ," Dichter and company said. Just what is meant by · that you may figure out. . In their seard\ for a sexier housewife image advertisers probably will put a plunging neckline on that little cotton housedress. When she's cast ln a bedroom scene by t h • shirtmakers of America , gooct. ness knows ho--· ''le sex appeal will be portrayed. See-through nighties won 't do. The children may be ~ ing through the keyh<lle. And what will tlae neighbors say when a housewife wearing that kind of things pub the cat·oot! spired. adult!: consider them a joke. Dr. Ernest Dicbter and staff ---------'----------------------- at the Institute for Motiva-' tional Research, CrotoJH>n- Hudson, New York, thinks the ad-makers ought to make their "housewive1" sexier . In "findings," I n s t i t u t e Newsletter, ad people are reminded -"luckily, sex doesn't stop with marriage nor does the desire to have sex appeal." lt's perfectly natural, ac- cording to the Motivational Researchers, for m a r r i e d women to wiah to be at- tractive looking to the opposite sex -without courting adultery. Advertisers were advised to take more advantage of this approach and not just with young hou1ewives and husbands. The older adults, you see, aren't as· suless as admen portray them. "Why should their 'love• be treated as maudlin sentiment as it usually is in ads," the researchers said. The Motivational people said ad people tend to be old fashioned about sex and how to use it in their com- &9..'lt'IJ 1°"' 1/~ Z>aif ••• FINE GIFTS TQ ,HINT FOR ••• Dinner Meeting Site ~1embers of the Southern Section o[ San Oreo District of National Federation of Bminess a n d Professional Women's Clubs will converge on the Huntington Seacliff Country Club next Thursday for a dinner meeting. Mrs. Georgia Ste phens. legislation, and 1t1iss Alma r.1aler, world affairs, and workshops conducted b y various chairmen. coins for each pattern -add .15 cents for each pattern for first-dass mailing and special handlng ; otherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Moos e Group New po rt Bethel Martin, the DAILY PILOT, The Huntington Beach club will host the gathering with Mrs. A.E. Naegfli oC the Newport H a r b o r club presiding. Mrs. J.A. Sumbera of the Laguna Beach club _will se~ as program chairman for the evening. . Included on the agenda will be t.alkl b.1 :d\$lJ'lct chairmen Mrs. A.W. Cornelius. dis trict membership chairman, and Mrs. B e r n i c e Schoonover. district personal develcpment chairman, will present sum- maries. A new chairman will be selected for the district by presidents of the Newport Harbor, Buena Park, Garden Gnive, Huntington B e a c.h , Marina of Seal Beach. Laguna Beach, Orange, San Clemente and Santa Ana clubs. ' ' Lagun a Nigue l GOPs Inauguration Highli·ghted Laguna Niguel Republican Women's Club Federated'• ,program ne.rt ·Thursday is hued on the premise that hearing about it b next best 'to being al a presidential in- 'a\131.U'ation. • During the 11thering In the Monarch Bay Beach Club. Mn:. Robert F. Beaver of Fullerton, who attended the l..UvlU.., fW "tell all." A' member of Republican State Centfal 'Committee. !he also will d&cuits t b e Republican party operatloo and organization on the ~bite and national level. f\.1rs. Robert M. Thomas, club president, said a I I ntwcomers to Laguna Niguel and Its eqvirons are invited to attend. Ccffee will be serv- ed at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting will begin at 10. Baby- sitting services will be pro- •l<i,111 !or pr<llehoolers. 442, Pattern Dept., m West Women of the Moose, 1158, Young women affiliated wilh lath St., New York, N. Y. assemble the first and third New p 0 rt Beach Job's 10011. Print NAME, A~ Thursday of each month for Daughters .. Bethel 157 gather DRESS with ZlP, SIZE and meetings In ~ooae Home, the second and fourth Mon-STYLE NUMBEIL Costa Mesa. The programs days at 7:30 p.rn. The Maaon ic Spring Send-off! More fresh, begin a1 I p.m. and Mrs. Temple is the setting for young, euy..sew sty lea in Wllllam Calloway, 646-4241, meetings. I n f 0 r m at I 0 n Spring-Summer P a t t e r n may be called for further in- regarding membership is ~ catalog. Free pattern coupon. formaUon regarding mem- tainable by calling M r s • i•SO;ocen;;;;;;o";o· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;be;or;oabl~p.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~Oijl Walter Tuz, 545-1755. LET'S BE FRIENDtY It you have new nelebbcn or know ot anyone movln& to our area. please tell UI so that we tnQ extend a friendly welcome and belp them to become acquainted In their new SWTOUDC1ln.p. Hunlinaton Belch Visitor HMM9 Cost1 MeSil Visitor I Hl-4M9 So. COilsl Yisffor 494-0579 Harbor Visffor 494-9361 I I See by Today's Want Ads e A SOLUTION AT LAST! Someone hu an idea about hou&edeantrw -namely a omalJ bouaocleanllW nm b7 the pis. u lnteretted, call todQ: ''IN'• pt our heada tosether." e Delk:ate Nunery. Beautttul tor YoW' .,..,, lit· tie cirt: • canopy ertb and ma~. and: dttlllU', in whit~ Frencli ProvinCia1. $50 each. e oozy A 2 bedroom house, with a fireplace. Haa larJe bed- rmu, and a p.n.re ii in- cluded • • • $165 month. in Corona del Mar. e JIELP!I A llnl8ll bla~k and bcown Tmier puppy l8 IOll, and In need of medication , •. muter, a child, IA heart. broken • , • plttlf! ttturn. Ar hnneys Special low Prices A. PIERCED W1trNt 1-AJI sizes, shapet. and stylu ••• .Id they're •II Jn 1l11mins l§'tlOfdl The perfect &ift for h•r ta l'l!Mm· """"" b>'I · Yovf Choice 4;91 I. l.D. IRACELETS-lhty match! Buy ona for yourself 111d one tor 'f04!"" wry 1IYOl'ite pit Whit betttf way can )'00 say, ''fl• my Valentine!" 4.95 Each C. CHARM IAACELlT-lhis ctcx,ble link 14K said bracelet II tc-~~~=ire hull~ ctwm .•• a 9atentlnt sift 19.95 D. llRTHITONE• RINC~,. from OU' fabu k>us selection of buutltul 14K 1tna:s ••• 111 with the stone ot her month! MIRy dif-ferent t.b'I•• and shapes. A Valentine speciall Your Choice 10.95 ..,._ - CHA llOE 11 Al YOUll 'fNNfT'S "HI JEWI LAY Df,AlJ'MIN1' s..,, .......... llM DMIMfMh. FULLERTON Or•t19tf•lr C•t'lttr H11l:tar •• Or•"l•tha"• D~ a.-.,-NI • W•tdt.r . ............... HUNTINGTON BEACH-NEWPORT BEAOf H11t1tl11ftl~ ~11t•r F•thi•11 hlt114 Wl11gmt" •I S•11 Di•1• Fwy. M1tArth11r 11 '•c, C1•, Hwy; ' I I f ' • . . .... ' . . ... . . ... . . -............. ·~ . . . .. ,J111fa...;llol::;ill:=Y:..Ptl.OT::::· =:., _____ T;.;.-,..;.;.:.•-'~-11, l"' ' ~ip, Zip Zip-And ._Serv~'s foes Were _ Falling ' ' .., .. Relief in Sight Snow Paralyzes ,. Sports Schedul~s By THE ASSOCIATED PR!ll8 71en, arr!Yld In J'lllloWJa, bot tht Crippled ~lion facllltitl in the lwln blll WU pul off and a, -dote soo_._N_eanllmlldtaNI _,__ · -lllt -·· oporll odlldlllt today, -..u.,. eotllall alao hll Ylellm bUI .-W WU In olflil for llrandld to the -·· ~ llllOI'! tbD -and DWD lw allkl. Ibo-HIJl.ll. ..... --llblll ; Jlldle -..-al un!ll in'lllo lollddla 111111 al 011111, N.Y. II -~ li!ant!c ad New England 111111 -lo a lallr dall whoo tbt Yllllfl!I Slljla al dolrll>C airport runway•, ran bedl Hall taam -~· mlilo ...-tloiJI and higbwaya, two race tracks remained out of New York. abut down for the aecond successive The Iona-BJ1dCrpart. M err l m a ti,k • illy. . Lowell Tlcll ond l!'alrlolcb ~ ·Officials at Lincoln Downs, R.l., plan--American University 1am11 allo' ftra meet to reopen the thoroughbred track anowed oul w-y and harness racing at Two winier bulblll ga-mp N.W Yonkers, N.Y., was eipected to reswne York, a ]>reu coafetenel fer Mitt Wednesday nlpt. , . ManalW GU Hodpo and a ,.._ jol. The lrackl eanoelad thelt Mondq and to&llhlr with new C«mnlulonlr .. ~•· Tuesday cards after the 1~11 inch Kulm, were oet -from Monday t.o mowtall blocked acceu roads and left Tburlday blcauae of the 1 D o w • bU(e drlfll' liong Ibo Hclftl llri[ll. trwporlalloa 11o<lp. 'Melllwblle. t b I Natllllll Buklll>ID Tbrtl Ntw York llanglrl playm, -tloll llopad to pick up Ill llChadull llrandad In the -oa tbt Wrf lo !ollowlal tht pno-ol a Moodly the city 81lndr/ night. mllHd the N• Jllpt aoubl.i-ltr a t Pblladllpllll lloaal Jloeby Lui1ll -againll -1 w o ol th• lour llubt w 1 r • Phlladllpbla -aoly about Olll third ~bl• to arrlvo nn llml. ol t b £ boldln lhond up ' .. Tb• lloltAln CllUCI and Pblladelpbla -bllt arrlYld all a.m., Monda)'. }f!r1, who playad In Booton Sunday, Olbar ' . . ll in Ibo llOrm ana ~'l ltl Ollt of that dty by air Mondrf ntpi IDc1udad a -or· rail Tbe San DllfO Rocketa, who Hill IWlnunlnl meet and pnUminary W&e to meet the Ctltlcl, and lbe CID-bo•ts In the Now Yort Gofden Glovea ciilnaU Royall, who ""' to play Ibo TOlll'llllDlllL No One Wants In :·:Sunset's llot Reputation .; :: Set Up , Current Woes ... ,., .. ,, ......... . " ,. WHITE WASH track uld -bill) ..... oqll1lablo bull. So when Valley pl the ...... Ught l<> awitcb l<> the lrvlDt !Alp, the SUt\aet circle was reduced to seven members. • ilnll lhal'• the WI'/ the --1*11•1be county reJequ!ng group ..... unable to oome up with a victim. IO ......... the FalC<lOI. [Mra, the only loCl<al candldlM lo -Ille potent -· hid behind tht AaaNhn DI.strict'• request that no more 11i1in two ol Ill ocbools be In any ooe ~ ..-ed phl1aqlly W a I Q,.. honored and since Analleim 811c1 Wllttnl ol Anabelm are -............ Loara WU f!Vfll 1 liq of H· ..... Ito odler Orange COllnl)' ICllCd woald have a.t::,"' In the -football ........... ~ IOlhe ............. .._ ---quo. '"t'im ,._ ..... manber a bye nell ...... a llagered wakJy balll , : : a1s"'pW some poor devil bu a -.1111111-oltheco-lp. .,,. -i.·n 111.. o1 lllUol 11. .. ~ """".L~ llltinl, -.,.. .. .. ..... wan:, -8unlll .. runnins into a bla/ik Wall "* ......, l<> -fou for ....... . ., evtn wone. M~ ~-......... ~ bla two bylt.,. .. FrldlJ nJchlL Tlli couniJ' nllqulni P'OllP DIHl8 -lnootb lo dlt-1nl the lllup for 1rJO.n. And the-·~ will hlv1 1"""'1llcllvt llnpn <n>llld lhal Ill unbappy lltulU.. will i. rllllldled at lhal tlml. Perbapo Mlrina wou14 drop out 11 i-a •annal i. admllled and lhal way HeouldllndalooplnwlllcbHeould -c:ampoll -tlpid.U, In loolblll. * * * 8tUe1 Strlefcett Afal• MuwaU llUM, •wlJ adW DAILY PILOT .,.._ ..... oh!, lu qala - ....-wttll • -.. 111 -u4 .. wtll 1111 "8 Hie II wrlll apla 1.t 1111111--1111. Mu, fl la llleomllll', lu 1111 ftvo ,_ ..... ~ .. fto -Moaka lllllYI ......... -"" ...... lllP .. 1111 ... -II -1...-llllJ for 1111 Ill-,-· .... _. llll••- ........... -1111 ..... ·-· -II 1111 _., 1Hll lroell u4 ..,, Jtwl ... ll:llL lllo dtvlldoa II 1111 Ir ... II l"oliab!Y lllt .. ... ,.... lit'• Mck isl ~ Mpllal. lie --llltlnl4-wllli ...... au.et • Deolmbtr bat weet hck .. wrffll& II Juury, apoti Ml reltaM _ ......... 1-Mu wt tfftr .., hit wlsbts fw 1 ...-, recov1ey. C.&ge Rankings AP. Pell Guard. He remained In 1ervlct uotO.' Ja!A! In Ill.I and when he camo OUI WeUJ IOI hbn a ohot al the welt...llPI . """° worn then by Preddlo Coclrae. · To pt the flihl, WeDI bad to guar- Oocbrane 11(1,000. ~o tlatltn1d Cochrane In lour rounds and hll -J'Ol' winning the title came to .. ,.. He turned ti all over to Cocbra uld 11111 owed Ibo esoehamp 811,oot more. 8o be actually f.<JI notl1inf lor wWilnl the champlonol!lp . .In order to 1e1 the addlllonal 814,000 lo pay Oocbrane, servo agreed to .. almOll immtdllte ....utla bolll wtlb Rocky Grutano who, II the limo. w 1 • tougher, fiercer and meaner than Bomlle and Clyde ever weft pl.it toa:etheJ', Many piopl• felt Servo was ~ a mistake taking the fight with Grlllani> but he was bent on pa)'in1 off COChrane. So two months after winniJll Ibo No Boll About lit ·- ATTACK IN RIVIRSE -Apprentice matador Fidel San Justo Jooka like be'• reedy to try another way of making a peoeta as be per- lonns a retrograde movement against this wounded bull during lights in Madrid. THEY MAY DISAGREE -Two Spanish soccer players seem to have found a poi.nt of disagreement during a match between Real Mndrid and the El Es1W10I learn at Barcelona. T~e ai?(/'essor, Jose Louil Lopez Peina.do, 'Won the light but was expelled lrol\l the field. • 1 f Wives of Jockeys Nix Girl Jockeys' -It's Too Rough . MIAMI (AP) -Wlvu of jeekey1 rldln& at IDaleah dnn~ think much ol clrll competing qainlt men on tbl race track -too daqenllll, they uy, "I know how a.ick my husband reta when. be aees another feUow set hurt 1n a race," said Evelyn Adams, wUe of jockey Larry Adams. "He'd feel IO much worse about a girl . ~'There'• nothlna wrona with strll rac-lna •.• aglllnll other gtrl jockey1." Sandy Boland, wOO.. lnuband William, b president of the Jockey's union, says it's too rough tor girlJi. . "Pericrtally, I think a 1f'omu· lbould be a wnmail and a motbor and eveeylhlng that goes with it This bus1nels II rough; . It'• not for a woman." Th• Boland•' dau&J!!en, Cindy, II, and Sharl, I, now ride tor fllD and Cindy wants to ride in compeUtton wbm lbe gets older. Her mother dllqreea. "! don't feel lll<e girls 1bould eompete with men,'' Sandy aald. "It's very dangerous. "I think there's a great movement wltb. women .trying to -peto with men• In all IJtldl-I tbl11l1. lhtl II ,lull another field they want to get Into." Evelyn Ad11111 1 .. 11 that women don't Sports In Brief eompeta with men In bulblll, - .and buketball, so why should Ibey ...,._ pet1 In racing! ''There have been 10 m1DJ accldem.."' lhe polnll out. "My husband broke bla collarbone last Nov. 29 and was out two months. It'• equally u dancerous for 1irla." "Raclnl Is not u slmpll u II loob fron1. the 1tandl/' the wives of Boland and Adams agree. Both said the word for the scene at the starUng gatt Js "frl~tenfng." .... 1•1 ve watched them caml out d tblte yellinl like a b • n • b ol ComllldMI," Mrs. Adams said. 11It'1 pretty danlerous at the pte." oald Mrs. Boll!ld. "Thi borlel act up al Um.. and they're In prlli1 Hgbl quarters. They y.U and 11'1 pnll)' frtgblenln&." The two wlveo lee! lllOll -II think racing II a game. uniey think it's easy for a Joe.key -he's on a horse and they'n off and two minutes later, it'• all ovtt," Sandy Boland uld. "It's not that way at all. The public doesn't realize how tough it 1'." Laver Thumps Pancho; Maravich Collects 66 ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -Rod Laver of Corona del Mar overcame an earJy lead by Pancho Gonzalez of 1"I An&eleo and won t-7, 1-2 in the f1nt roand ol 113,000 lnvltaUonal proleulonal tennll tournament Monday. A-allon Ken llo5ewalt stopped NeW]lO<t Belci>'I Roy Emeronn M, f.3 In the other first-round match. Laver wlll play Ro1twall Tueaday for flrlll place ill the evenl In doubles play, Laver and Emenon defeated Gonzalez and Rosewall 6-4, 6-1. 66 for Maratlleh NEW ORLEANS -Pistol P e t I Maravlch 1boi up Tulane but when the emoke bad cleared, it was Louisiana State that came out full of bullet holu. Maravtch tet a Southealtml Con- ference scoring record Monday night, pumping in 66 point.I but TUiane overcame the oneman 1how tor a llo-94 victory. F•t NHL Flnu MONTREAL -Dale Rolfe ol the Loo AnieleJ Kln(I and Bill Woke of the Oakland Sealo are a pair ol IWinllnl hockey playaro. Bui they're the poonr for ll NaUonel Hockey League prealdent Clearence Clmpbell fined Ro~• and ID.eke '300 in automaUc flna for parUclpaUng In a lllicffwln&tna lllddlllt UCI Invades Loyola Tonight LOS ANGELES -Two former team· motes and Jong.Um1 coaching rivals will be on oppoalta ondl of Ille 9COl'll"1 table . klllgbl wl>eD UC!'1 b11WNJI ltlm lrlvelt to Loyola Ullt..ralt)', An*ter coach Dick Davl8 piutd AAU bulctlball with La)'ola'1 Dick Biker In IMS wttb the Kirby -team and WU head coach at Glendale BIJ:b whtn Baker waJ eoochlnJ rtvll Ml Carmi!. But this wUI be no ...W ..U for Davis. His club 1 II 1'-6 and hlah17 motivated to pad that record. trvJne II In quut of .. lnvHIUon lo lbe NCAA'• ..ut1e dlvlslnn ftllonal• nut month and Davl8 figures at »win -will wrap_ lblngs up. UCI hll lilt gallllS to 1<>. Loyola seems vulnerable with a t-11 record blll no u am hll over found U euy ta ~ lbl Lloal In their 1,-t crackerbox. durln& a Feb. t pme ind •11111~ Rolle an addltlonll PIO lo r lllarllna the fight. Qulefc 1'noelcout ST. LOUIS -Welllrwalihl ebampicn Curtll Cokeo ol DaUu lmoeked out bon Cobbl o1 St. Loull In two mllllllel, II oecond1 ol the flrll round In a nonlHle bollt Monday nigh• Cokel caught Cobbs ducking undtr and connected with a right chopping d<nrn at Cobbs head. It was the first IOlld pwich In the abort flibl V.S. Vletorle1 SALISBURY, Md. -Favorite Clark Graebner and defendln1 cbampdl CUff Richey led a field of II Into. the - round or the 66th National Indoor Tmilil Champlonih!Jll, , The 1econdolffded Graebner, ot New York, lavorl!A! linco tbt withdrawal ol tap seeded Arthur Alhe, eulJy -·lid Hunrary's Ulvan Glllyu w, H In Ibo first round lllond1y. Richey, ol San Anl<1o. Tu., GUllld G,..k chsmplon Nield kilo M, H. Pool BlfWfg1'U LOS ANGELEll -Jimmy Moen of Albuquerque, N.M., put toptber 1'11111 o1 te and a baUo 1n def11Unc 1lldlle FloteDce, Tcrraoce, Cl.UI., 1111-111 and Piii MarJ01 Union City, N.J., -LGlll !&land I Mlcbaol Eufemia 9"1f1 M~ n!fllt In the World'1 ln•-Pocktl B11liarcta Ownploaoblpo. The en-leaden ol the tourney -JOI Balsis of Mlnemille, Pa.; and Ed 1to11;J of Las Vegas, Nev., and Ronnie Allen ol Burbank, Calif., all with 1-1 .-0 -were ldl1 lo!OlldaJ. . · PREP SCORES 66 IN 116-52 WIN LOS ANGELES -Bud 1"1blan, N- Damt !Up kboal forward, -.•. polnll In Tu..taJ nllhl'1 UMI Noire Dame bulwll>all victorJ -catheftl. Ile ooored II In Ibo final q-. to pOll the lourlh blJbell llinlll ...... tolal In Clll' blatary. 'nit -to ,.., br Nick Tennerlello of Colbert lul '*' 'Ille Orilll< COOttl1 .-.I II 14, belil by Golden Wiii Colltp -•lhlD - Dick Slrlcldln for Hunllnllon Btaeb Hiib In 1111. Jl'ablan hit II of II """ --H fl II field pl allemplL ' \ . ,_ -\ _____ ._,;,..J-_.__....__. __ ..._ ______ .__ ......... ______ _. ........ ____ lililliiliii __ ..., __ ilii ______ iiiiiiiii;ll;l;oiil;;;;;l\I ,. Tlltsdlr, '""""' II, 1'16t Goddard~·s Pro Wages of ·~37-5500 By. EAJIL OUSTKEY otllleo.Mr .......... lllttory 1111!' record the giant -abelled oul to c:olle1e football lllan In the mld·l980'• u the b1Pwa1er· mark In football finance. Joo Namath signed for $400,000. And Donlly Anderson, they say, !or l'IG0,000. But Ed. Goddard, the alhlellc director at Westminster High School, remembers the big money of anolher day. When he ptayed for the Cleveland Rama in 1937 and '38, Goddard was paid !500 per game aod he received no bonus to sign. Still, it was big money. ••1 can remember bow envious we were of Sammy Baugh making 110,000 wilh the Redskins In those days," God· like o. J. Simpsoe, he was a worllhone. dard ....u.. 1n ract, lhe use football proa book Goddard was the NaUonal Football credib Goddard wtlh havlnli carried the League's No. I drall choice In 1937 ball more against use In one game out .of. Waabington si.te. He Wb a than Anv other pl""er -36 Wries aecood team ,aJl.pro defensive back in -v ~ bis rookie year. But because of serious in 1935. , injuries he ptayed only one more year He played In the 1931 East-West Shrine of pro football. game in San Francisco and was • Goddard's distinguished football career member of \be first 1 Chicago COllego · began at Eecondido High School where All.Star team to beat tHe pros in 1937. he was an all.San Dff!go fullback ln "We beat Green Bay that summer, 1933. lmpreased, Washington State gave 6--0. Bud Wllkimon wu • a guard aod him a football scholarship and Goddard blocking back on that team and wa became an All~American. bad Sammy Baugh, too.'' During his three-year varsity career After the All.Star game, Goddard went at Pullman, Wash., Goddard was the to camp with the Rams for what was Northwest's fmest running back. And, ' to be a brief yet successful pro career. When the medicJ told Goddard his football days were over, he lurned to baseball. He had ucelled at the game at Wasblngtoo Stale. "1 ployed two yeara In the Yankees' chain In the Tt-League. The Yankees were pretty much of a cloaed shop In lhe late 19111'1 oo I started thinking about flOlnli bacl< to ICbool." Goddard quit pro sports aod obtained a Mlllm degree from USC In 1940. His first coachlng aulgnment was the head foolball job al Fullerton Junior College. That vacancy was created when Wendell Pickens, currenUy AD at Orange Cout Colleae, moved from Fullerton to Prather, 6-9 Question Mark, May Have Ended Big Slump Oil City Five Loses Ground In CIF Poll By JOEL SCHWARZ or t11e D111Y PHM 11att A I-foot 9-inch question mark hangs over tonight's Eastern Conference basketbali game at Orange Coast College between Golden West and Sanla Ana cOUege. That question mark is center Dave Prather of Golden West who is finally showing signs of coming out of a pro- longed alump that stretched through the first u conference games. An aggressive Prather could tum what looks like a tossup into an easy RusUer win this evening when play starts at 8 o'clock. · Prather. before he came dowri with the Ou at the end of Golden West's RASTl:llH CON•llllNCI Huntlngtoo Beach High School, despite racking up wins No. 19 and ·20 in con. vinclng style over Santa · Ana and 'Anahebn, dropped to seventh place in the top 10 poll ot AA.AA ClF schools this week. The Oilers trampled tlleir nearest rival, 'Anaheim, by 15 points but fell out of their tie with North Torrance for sixth place. North Torrance enjoys a nine-point lead over the Oilers. Compton continues to lead the parade with all 17 first P.lace votes. The Tarbabes, with a 2i.!O mark, have a chance to break the CIF mark of 53 straight today when tbe; host Domin· guez. I -Muir (second) aod• l,'pleoa, (!iflh) of the Foothill Leaguf! remaln in the top five. while Ven~a. winner ol .20 Newport Harbor ~ Goddard ~ at Fullerton for 10 years, moYlng to Hunllngton Beach High itt 1950, where, among ot&er1, be coached lhe 8-ell lwina -Bill aod Bob. Bill is now Goddard'• head loolbaJI coach at Westminster. In 1161, Goddard received the ocare of bis life. He was stricken with cancer and It wasn't until a year had 1ooe by lhat he knew he'd licked. It. He gave up hla head coachinl job at Huntingtoo durlnl hla Ulnesa aod became the head of lhe school's physical education department. In 1959, be was named athletic dirtctot at Westminster. For Ed. Goddard, it'a been an eventful life, to be ture., GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Coast Area Teams Take . . ' Fultt'rtan Ch1ff1y Gokltn ·WfSI Slnlll Ana Ml. Slin Antonio Rlv1r11chi Cypr1!$l W I.. Pl' PA l:t OJDOI• ' ' 1067 102' ,,,..,,31 1 5 ,,. 17J 7't42M 7 ' lOOt 1011 straight lS third. \ V~tura lost to Notrt;i1Dame • (204) 1n its first outing of ttie yw. Troy and Sunny lfiib are nlnlh aod :Ufi'.derdog Role Or•nllt' Co.ut Rio HOndo San 8arnardlno Cltru, ,71-17'*1 s • 107, 1099 ' • '91 llUl 2 11 ,,, 1051 2 11 '"' 1151 Mend1y'1 s.u ... $1nl1 /IM fl, $1111 B1trn1rdlll0 7• T"'lt~t'I 9-met Soni• Ana VI. Golden Wat 11 OCC Cyprtts 111 Rlv1rsk11 Cllrvt If Ml. S.n Antonio Full1rfwl 11 Ch1ffey Rio Hondo •t S.n 81m1rdlM pre-conference schedule, led the high· acoring Rustlers to a 7-2 record. In conference action, his play was badly hampered by the after-effects of the flu throughout the entire first round of play. However, Friday night Prather ex· ploded for 30 points against Rio Hondo and did a fine job on ttie boards. If Prather can come close to matching that perfonnance tonight against Santa Ana the Rustlers should have an easy time of it. 11te Dons 'are without the services of their flI'st two pivo~men. Starter Mike Thomas, (6-7) who sprain· ed an · ankle against Orange Coast a month ago, still isn't ready to play. And reserve center Jim Cole1nan quit the team to :iOin the army. Santa Ana chalked up a 78-67 victory over Golden West in its own gym during the first round, but the Dons had the services of Thomas during that game. Don coach Bob Speidel has shllted forward Randy Lance (6-4) into the pivot to fill Santa Ana's biggest problem. Joining him in the starting Don lineup will be forwards Terry Butcher and Steve Gerjeb aod guards Lanny Mitchell and Jim Huckstein. Golden Wes\ stll1 will be without the services of forward Brian Ambrozich, the club's top scorer in conference play. Ambroiich, still hasn't taken a makeup eXam and is scholastically ineligible. Rustler coach Dick Stricklin isn't sure who he'll start tonight along with Prather. Dave Harding, Paul Kordik and Allan Robinson are candidates for the forward posts while Oillle Martin has one of the guard jobs naUed down. Either Mark Miller or Randy Olson will take the other backcourt position. New Dragster Creates Stir Los Angeles' Sush Matsubara will unveil hil revolutionary fuel altered machine at Orange County International llaceway Sunday afternoon. The track record holder at OCIR ln the fuel •altered c1ass, Matsubara will show up Sunday with a machine con- structed from the wheeb up. 1be new car features an automatic lransmilsion aod full suspension, similar to a funn)r car. And ins~d of a push starting his car, Matsubara will ttart it with the key and begin a series of traction improving burnouts as be approaches the starting line. Matauhara aod 20 otller alter!ds will be on hand Sunday for a race at the 11,000 pune. LThe ml GI lhe nclng program will "" rounded oul by Jl.iu aupertharged ~pea aod IOdana and Chuck Poole's aupercharged dual oogined wheelslander. . Quallll'tni bqinl al 1:111 a.m. aod ellmlntllDlll at,C p.m. An elapoed Ume ol 7.75 llOCOnlb was 11<1ulred to quallly for .the finals of 1111 8undoy'1 oeulon of the 113,000 All- Fro ..n.. 11 ocm. . '!bl winner w11 Larry Dixon ol Rae.la, who defeated Tom McEwen, pave Beet;e and Steve Carbone. Di1on'1 1 lime was 7.lf aod he hit 220.0I mph. ~r "' FLYING HIGH -Golden West center Dave Prather (35) leap~ high to grab rebound in recent game. Rustlers hope the 6-9 center has snapped out of long slump and will be ready for anot)ler big game tonight against Santa Ana College. Prather scored 3() points last time out against Rio Hondo. No. 53 for Rustlers is forward Brian Ambnr zich. Pirates Dump Gauchos, 94 Orange Coast College's fann team ex· plocted fqr five runs in the bottom of the seventh inning and went on to down Saddleback College's baseball team, 9-4, on t.he Gauc)lo diamond Monday. Ed Washto's bases-loaded triple was the big hit ol the seventh inning for the Pirates, which erased a 4-2 Gaucho • lead. Orange Coast went on to score two more runs in the eighth and last inning of the game which was halted by darkness. Dave Burkholder went two for th~ for Saddleback, and chased in two ruM in the top oi the seventh with a single. ' 10th In the poll. • Only two Orange CoUntY. te~ ue In the AAA rankings, wlUi'Garden Grove rated first and Foothill ninth. Magnolia · and Corona deJ Mar each received votes but not enough to qualify for the top 10. ..... PIM• THm Pe;nt1 1. Compton 121.0) 11G !, MUlf (2)-2) 1'4 3. V1ntur1 !2°'!1 13.t 1: ~~~~2~~3) ~ 6. North Torr1nc1 lt1·2l 13 1. Huntfnll!On lltaell l::IO--tl 7, .•• Holrl b-(:IO-<IJ " t. Tnw (l .. U lot 10. SUnnY Hlll1 ,(1 .. 2) . , . 24 OtMr•: Al'Clldl1 7, Covl,.. &. Mornlnasldt S. Ge'r!ltnni.91 3, P•tlflc 1, ~-I• V•Uer 1. '*' Tlllll P1lnftl ~;·~ra.n Gl'OVI! (22.0) HS 2. IM•mont 12).0l 1SI 3. 1nt1 M11r!11 (21·1) l:H: 4. 81¥etl)' Hiiis tZM) 121 S, Avl•flOll OIJ..•) tS I. L11uen 'l'"'l n • N091I~ l!J. ) 61 I. GlllM 17-'J 50 t. Foe>lhll j lJ.S) 2• to. CO!k>n ( ~) 1a Olhtr•: Nori~ A:l.,.r.ldt ·'' Mlenoll• 1. c11ron• cltl Mir 4 Bllhilll Arnet 4, C111no 2. CdM, Colony Fall in County Top 10 Poll Orange County'• top IO prep basketball rankings remained virtually unchanged this week. Only two teams, Corona del Mar and Anaheim, lost ground because of defeats last week. Corona del Mar, upset vicUm to Loara, 52-51, fell from fifth to eighth while Anaheim dropped two notches to ninth after losing to Huntington Beach, M-49. Garden Grove remains in first place after narrowly averting an upset by Santiago in Garden Grove League action Friday nlgbt, 4M.l. The · Argonauts trailed by u many as seven before finally pulling out the win. Huntington Beach continued its rom· ping ways in the Sunset. League to hold second place by a decisive edge. An early defeat to Garden Grove con- tinues to plague the Oilers in their drive to the top. Katella, with a 19-3 mark in the AA Orange Leaguf, moved into fiftli place while Loara and Magnolia picked up enough v o t • s to put lhem ·~ and seventh in t1le pell. · Pllct T.-'°' l• 1. Gel'lltn Groft (2Hl 2. HUflllntlon BNdl (20-IJ ). Trw fl .. 2) '· SUMY Hlllf llMI s. ic:111u• 11•·:1> '· LG9•• \'~'' 7, M11"°4 I f, l f: i:el'>I• 1r:r ou) 10, l'oorfllll UNI 0111«•: vui. P1r111, M•t• ~1 1. P1i11t1 n " " ~ :1 " " • • Or;mee Coast area buitetball teams ~· ~td~ µnderdog! id"tonight'a prep attlOli... . Qnly Mission Viejo iJ a narrow favorite ln its trek to Orange in Crestview loop play. , The 'other six night gamea all show the area teams as underdogs. All games are at 8. Costa Mesa plays host to Magnolia and Estancia is ·at Loara in Irvine League ~on while Newport Harbor travels to Western in the Sunset League. . Mater Dei m~ journey to Bishop Amat In La Puente in lhe topJJy.tui'VY Angelus League. In Crestview acUoo San Clemente faces host Villa Park and Laguna Beach is at league-leading Foothill. Mater Dei, which upset St. Anthony Friday night by five; jg In third place in the Angelus circuit with a 3-3 mar~ one· game bt:bind St. A.fithony and Pius x. . . The .Lancers of Bishop Amat are tied with the Monarch! in second after losing their first three league 'games. ' Costa Meaa and Estancia are in deep with the Anaheim ·representaU\tea in the Irvine circuit, both toeing to tonight's foes in first round action by 20 points or more. Newport Harbor, on a four.game win streak in Sunset action, is a slight choice to lose to host Western after the Pioneers took it' on the chin from Westrnln5ter Friday night, aul. San Clemente ia in a do-or-die lltuation at Villa Park after losing unexpectedly to El Modena Friday by 88-87 margin. The Tritons trail second place Villa Park by a game and Foothill by two. Foothill is an odds-on favorite to hand Laguna Beach its ninth s t r a i 1 b & Crestview loss. The Artists of Laguna have not been able to capture a victory since upsetting El Modena in the first game of the opening round, SS.54. Foothill's Kn!gbts, meanwhile, are &-1 In loop actlon. Marina, Oil.ers Square Off Tonight By ROGER CARLSON Of t1111 o.ltr P'lllt Stitt HJt'1 been a dlsappoinUng season. ll we could get this one It woold tend lo brighten lhlngs up." That's the feellngs or coach Lute Olson of Marina High School as his vanity buketall team, currently holding a 3-7 Sunset League record, readies lt&elf for the · final confrontatlon with HunUngton Beach tontght at a in Marina's gym. The Olien of Huntington are breezing wltll a 1~0 mark In loop· play, hold a three-game lead over their nearest Mval with four gamea 1ert on th agenda and are on 1 37-game league win,nine ttreak, dating back to the 1967 season. But lhe Viklnga of . Marina teem to have something going .for them against traditional rival Huntington. Twice the Vlkes defeated Huntlngt.on In the Oilers' drive to the CIF cham- pionship finals last year aod'lhey turned • around and did It again to lhe Oilers UliJ seuon Jn tournament action. That 5M9 defeat In lhe fOth annual Huntln(lon Beach lnvltaUonal proved lo be the last Ume anyone ha" beaten the Oilers. Coach Elmq Comba" crew haa since run off 14 inJ 1 row without • gnat deal or tlforl Olson aaya hli chaps wlll'he employing the same olfenalve aod defem.ive tacUcs lhat they have uaed all year foog, addlnli he hopes hi• quint.I can simpl:y perform them better. It's no ......i lhe VitM have dlaap- pointed wilh• poor llloollng elforb from the free throw ... aod have lacked ablllly to clear the boardl on aevual occulon1. · Five of their aeven Jouu bavt been by eight polnll ar leas In leaau• play. Combs, despite tiie brilliant llJ.2 overall record his team "1 racked up, Is hil uaual peoalmiallc aell. The Ohngt Cout area coach "' the year fn . IMI n!uaa to .......S. hla team anylhlnll, polnlllll out Ibo abllllY Marilla aeema to -when the two team> meet. "I lhink lhey'U he up !or the pme. They alw"l'f piay wtll qalnst .111," Combo aald. Mlriu 6-1 Moll F' M Me· P' M Baird C &-tt Moen -c 6-1 Mosier t: C: ....--Wallen f.2 ConlNnl H llJlllr 14 Bonwtil l-0 Whltneld l-0 O.lllY PllOT J7 r Ed Goddard Lose Tonight And We're Done-Bloom ..i Corona del Mar High School basketball coach Bill Bloom makes no bones a~ it when discussJng tonight's crucial~ FoUntain Valley jn the game of night In Irvine League action. Ti is at 8 o'clock. "We _have to win tonighl U we don't we're through. Loara's not going to lose again unW it plays Magnolia and• I don't think Magnolia will lose again ... 1,. 4'Jt's a must win for us," Blo«Mi repeats. ,,rt, Asked il he thought lhe league milWt well end up in a three-way tie at :f-J. with Corona del Mar, Loara ~ Magnolia sharing the title, Bloom sald..f ~·it looks very pr.obable. ;;~ "B11t it will still be tough for jg to get it. We've got to beat Fount;m. Valley and Costa Mesa at· their ~ in order to do it." -··ff Bloom says now that Fountain V~ Is out of it for a title shot with ~ mart. the Barons stand . to pJay it l~. and easy with nothing to lose. , 1, .... Last time around the Barons droppN. a 43-40 ·decision to host Corona in. 2 game that Bloom described as one· of the worst Fountain Valley has layed during the year. "~t "We were both terribl , " s s ~ Sea Kings~ mentor. '~ A3 for tonight's cruci , Bloom ~S his team may have run a lltU. more than be likes of Foulilibi Valley's ability to zone esi OD defenst; Baron coach John Kasser concet3es his ~am may zone preSI !iut adds th<1~ the tactic has lost some of its e!· fecUveneu recently. · 0 We may just· resort to .a man p~• says Kasser. ~ , "There's no pressure on us now 10 maybe we'll come through with a good effort," says~· Kasser has shook up hiS backcowi after seeing bis team swamped by Magnolia Friday night, 96-49. Corona del Mar Foun&aia Valley &-3 Leech F Valbueria M 6-1 Wilbrecht F Hammer H 6-1 Thompson c Diffi~ M 6-2 McWllliams G Veach. .&-0 S.10 Wiese G Arledge 5'11 .~f!t\ )11~ Top Baseball, '.t: ~-·£·'..! Grid Figures :~ '• In Goll Te st .~"' ,.q RANCHO LA COSTA -By any stin. dard of measure, the third annul:t American Airlln<!• Astrojet golf toumil ment will provide for sportl fans 'l:til greatest collect:Jon of football aftf bueball llF' ever galbered in one place. As actor James Garner put it:,.., 0 It's like my bubble gum card collecUon bad suddenly come to life." The fonnat for the Thursday lhroagh Sunday event teams football aod baseball star. from the aame city in the best ball iournamenL Fifteen two-man teqis from lS ciUes (New Yort bas hio) will make up part of lhe field. The Los Angeles entry, for il>•laJ¥i.t,. !time Don Drysdale of the llOdlllfi. and Deacon Jones of the Rams. ••! First prif< in the '30,ooo ~·~ la $10,000. .'lH: Vince Lombardi jg the tatest. celebdlf to ll&n up. . '.'I~:' Tbe entries, by city : .. r,1 • = ANGELES -Don Drysdale 'I'll· Deacon Jones. . ... I SAN FRANCJSCO -Willie Mays '"4. John Brodie. ' ,n"' OAKLAND -Joe DIMqgio aprlj D~~ ~ca. -Joe Namath ·4K Mickey !olanU., aod Tllcker Fnd~. aod Jerry Koomttn. ·• . .~, DETROIT -lltney mcLalll and ~ F~: LOUIS -Bob 01-and' ~ Harl. ...J~ CHICAGO -Ernie BaNa . and Af!ii.'I> ButJcua. . ... Ji.." CLEVELAND -Leroy Kt~ 'and N'W Dark. ,.,, WASHINGTON -Otto Orahlm ... Ken McMullell. . • ' B06TQl'I -Olno CapptJJetU 'aod Jill Lonbor(.. ..;d iw.:rlMou -BrooU Rollf-.,,. Wllllt Jljcllonloon, '--.b. A 1UNT A -Joe "Torre· and .• """"l!; Nobla. • • ... ;.. . EAPOLlS -Bob' Allilott .. ~ ·~ -~;. -~ ' ,,. I , I I I I DAJh Pn.Or J6 Orange Coast Area Roundup Ll:GAL NorlCE LEGAL NOTJCB aA•1Mr •OTICI Ofl TIUSTI:"' SAL• NOTICI TO tllOITOl.I -. D lltn Checking Swim IUl'lllOI COUIT OI' T.. °" Mllrdl 4 IM, • l 1W .. cllldt STATI 0.. CM.11' .... IA... "'JroO... •t Wit aw111 .,.,,, """'-of TM• COl.IMTY Of'..._. .. ~ ~ ~ ..... ... ..... ,. -... -llllc*; ..... $Id! ,.,.., ... 1 ..... MTHUll: t. McCIDL.LUM. It ..... ..... ('""""' SICUlltiV --IC· IS Hl!ll:l!IY GIVIEl'i tit lhf l"ACIFI( NATIONM. IANIC.. 11 -~ •-"tlfd .......... llNW ... o.M ol crMlliWt OI ftlf 1b0¥e IMtnell ~ '"'°'' Cltftll DKwnbtr 1t 1Nl. 1M4111 "'-1 1!1 WMlll l'Mlv"-1! cW.lmt ... !Ml llY FlllAN(l!I I!, SMITH• ,._.... °"' •-~ -•• wj•• a ~ll U flMI uld dlUdenl -recwlrM to flit o.c..ntier ff, ltu. '• tloot •"• .... Outlook • ' 61•••• Reoulll cl peadln& CIF and ._Irvlnll Leque -llnli• m 11111 up In the air concernln1 8<a Kini ••immfnl fO< the 'IMt. aeuon, but aside from Ibale mulls, here'• a look at Corona del M1r'1 ~ apocla: TllO defendin( leape dlam- 'plooa are loaded qalo will! •n abundance of. talent. eo.cb Dave Millovkb UJl Jl'• pn>bably the belt bllanced leam that be'• had at the school lilnce Jolninl the Sea Kings two 9eUOOll qo. 'I'hrtt: All·Amerlc•n returnees from a 400 yard free relay team art back to tbolster Millovich'a squad along with Dve other vanJty let· termen and a host of Bees thal are upecl@d to· help out. The relay leam of Eric Curt.is. Bruce Black, Tim ,McGill and Mike Allbright is 1n'8cl, with the exception of 'the latter who bu moved on 1" Oraqe Coast College. Nick Arm.strong and Brook Cron alao graduated but the remainlna: r~ are Iormldable. Included in the returnees destined to haont league foes are st.eve Schwer. Jim Brad- burn, Jim stoner, Bo b McClellan and Jeff. Hillman aioq with the AIJ.Ajnerlcan lrio. Eipected lo till """' 11o1 ... ftom lut year's Bee team '1'e Scott Newcomb, John BoaPey, Bill Slenebejem, Roger Hughes, Dave ~Brett Bernard, M.vk Olio, Bill Lofll and Tom Hom. Another eounted on by ~ ii Paul Farr. The Sea King coach aay1 Ei'ancl• and Colla Mesa are the belt bell lo live hil learn lmlble In league action. • Lui year C«ona del Mar loll only two dual meets - lo Anabelm and Downey - while "1ml1ng 10 and the Irvine tiUe. Coat• Me•• niree senior lettermen. in- cluding a 1•yml butUrlly chamPioa fn CIF Bee circles, Jann ·the nucleUI o( a potent flGola M-mp School aw1m 1'am. Coocb Don Oller w 111 pnaent me cl the best swim teams In the hislDry cl the -with the help " a lot of Bee lllent from 1ul year. i.ftding the parade ill Chris Gammon. the Colt& Meu atblele who blitzed the CIF standard with a 65.C in tbe Bee Dy. • And Dave Whitaker fl back !0< the aprlnll aloq with Jell Roy. Whitaker excels in the 100 and ZOO freestyles with a 1 : 51 mark 1n the 200 and cio.. to so Dal in the 100 to his credll Up from the Bees are JaJ SponasJe fn lhe breast, who lias Ueody -... the ochool reconf In MU meell during the summer: Randy King, a baclr.strolr.er: another ba~ -Ron Mf>olek; aod Jack Hall In the butlerfly. Sophomores "'J1<Cled to belp out are Rod Roll, Nell Richey, Kirk Price, Mike O'Brlon, Bill McAneney, Rod Kenyon. John Guevremoot. Loe Eqdahi, dotsn 't rule out Est.anciJ. Lasl year the MullaJIC1 were 3-.2, lol1ng to Corona del Mar and Etllncla. A brotblr comblnaUcxt waa lost via th• tran&ftr route lo Esllncla. The Bee and Cee exponent candklatel that went to Estlncia are Lany and Randy Blstt.rman. Eataada Estancio IDIJ)i'a awimming prognootlcalioo ls dolled with aeveral ifs, with inaperience the big problem foe the Eagles. Only five aenl.ors are on the list of 50 candidate& ror the three clas.ses of swim teams. Leading the cast cl relun> fog lett<rmen are lllvid DeGrasse in the bacbtrok:e; Greg Goodyear ln t be freestyle; Don Rand a II , another freeltyler; Dou 1 Weiler in the butterfly; Dan Hefferan In the Individual medley and breastatrokes; and Ed Clil!onf, a !reesLyler. Craig Davill, a transfer from Palm Springs, ill npected kl help the Eagles' cau.ae in the IIy and brtal. Kil Welltr ls anocher awlm- mer counted on 1n t b e breaststroke. Eipecled lo help out from the Bees are Steve Webster, Ward Saunders, M i I t o n Kawabe and Leonard Kawa.be. Coach Les Cutler aa}'I he doesn't expect his team to be any better than third or fourth In the league at the outset, but adds that be eJ· pecta his team to be able to stay with anyone by the time the CIF prellms roll around. Fountain Valleg Fountain Valley's awlmmlng fortunes in the powerful Irvine League rest a good deal on the progreu of ill younger IW'lmmers coming up rrom the Bee squad. Only two returning varsity lettermen are on hand to greet coach Henry Horton. Those are Harry Noah and Bob Wurster. WllfS\er Is used in the individual medJey, bacbtroke, bullerfly and freestyle wblle Noah ii a freestyler, specializin1 in the 100 and 200. Gooe from the vanity by way of graduation are Frank Pucoe, Fred Lawn, Gre& Hood and Jim Rufer. '11le Barons picked up one transfer -Russell Solt from Tustin -who will be used primarily in the back and freestyle strokes. Coming up from the Bee team to rm the holes are Gary Nellon in the breut; Fred Lammers, also in tbe breast; Larry Hughes In the back and freestyles; Bob Rice in the butterfly and individual medley; and Jeff Hanson in the back and rree. Major strength of th e Barons seems to c e n t e r around Noah who ls e<pecled ot fare well in any event be enters -whether it's tht 100, 200, 400 free or individual medley. Depth ts a glaring weakness at Fountain Valley. Huntington Beach Two reb,lrning varsity l!t· termen form the backbone of a sparse squad at Huntlngton Beacll IDIJ)i School fn awlm- mlllg. Lance NO<Tla, a JOO back and IOO Individual medley awlmmer, and Bob Schaer, a sprinter 1n the free races, are the llllly retumesa. u~ lo belp out from the Bee learn for coach John CreenDeld11 outfit 11 PhU Dur1ll, Dan Eddy, M l k e Moorhouse, Tom lJodu, BUI Rice and a Cee by the name of Gary Hill. Rlct WU the rJrat string goalie for the Oilers in the fall on the water polo team. He's ezpect.ed to Compete in the backstrokes and freestyles. Durall will be used in the dividual medley. Eddy and Llodas are figured by Greenfield !0< the freestyle races and Moorhouse is slattl:t for the 100, 200 free and Ur dtvtdual medley. IAlguna Beach Three brothers hlghllght the Laguna Beach High School swim team. The Ware brothl!fl are Charlie, Don and Amory. Am/Jry Ware Is expected to nim Bee claasiftcation while the other two are vanity. Leading the parade of can- didates for the Laguna 1quad are Tom Holmes, Tom Tabor, Bill Brawn, Tracy SUce, Earl Wellsfry, Mark Atwood, Jlm Orlausk.i, John Flowslr.i, Jim Warren, Dirk Van Deusen and the Ware brothers. Major strength cl coach George Caret'• team 11 e1- pecled bi the freestyle> wblle weaknHSes are predominate in the backstrokes. The ArtWts I.do not fl""' in the championship pkturi in the varsity division '.against ' Foothill and others, but could sprinc an ~ or two before the season c!oncludes. M•ri- Coacb Larry Angele) cl 1.tarl.na High School would have you believe that Marina will be another fairly tough swim team in the Sunset Leauge. In fact, the Vikes appear to have their strongest team ever. The nucleus of a varsity squad that finfabed in a tie for second in the Sunset circuit laJt year ls baclr. with vanity letterman in abun- dance. Leading the pack Is diver Brian Averyt, who finished se- cond in the league last year. , others are Keith Donaldson In the 50 and 100 free.styles ; Don Lippoldt, who did mo.st everything for the Vikes, in- cluding a 58.0 .in the 100 baclr..stroke: Greg Helland in the fly and freestyles ; John Remy in the distance races; Kevin Williams In t h e breaststroke; Lee Davidson in the backstroke and Mike O'Farrell in the distance events. Only blot on Viking chance! to date are with Helland, the Vlk.es' No. 1 butterfly swim· mer. Helland could be out for most of the season with a neck Injury. Up from the Bee team are Steve McConnaughey and Clay Evans, a freshman, who are expected to compete in varsity compeUtlon in several events. Donald.son plactd fourth In the 50 free in the CIF finals John Carpenler, David Bannon 1r-~:--:::---:----------­and Mike Beal. uu.r 11)'1 major stm>llh QoQ!iftg Wil' 1s the praence ., athlelea Id p I with good compeUllve ... rno a mer Tu meets hive &iven IOrlle of hls 1quamen aome valuable eaperlenc<. Lack cl ovt>nll cleplll ls hill major coocem. He comiden C«ona de! Mar the toupest obstacle for hlJ: team, and Bee Basketball cm.. at Mar (111 (4U .__. CllW'O'I' 111 , lltl Oolltl•• IC.lllllff OSI f' IOI .. ,.,., ~ 141 c U) Hurf'ln lirVll!' 001 G f7) Smlttl WtfM If) G COi llhodll kar1.. IUbl: Corvw clal Mllr- i......,. 11. L•,._...od1n111 '· l- llWI ''· • "8lrtl'IM -.: Cort1111 dfl( Mir lll, ...... .... , JI .... fUI CDI AllllflltM ll.it11ft U41 f' I)) l/'lol,9JI ...,.,... IMI ~ ltl 0...,. ...,_ (1f) c ()) Wl1 .... ,,,_ (61 G f') ~,.. ~ .. "' ~ Ill .illfttr ..._ ..-: ~ -EMvlt J, ' I ,n .... f""11 :I. HttlMlltW .I, -· . 7 ~ .............. Mo Mlhtrni ... • HElf'S ICNEE,AND·AIM POSmON AT ADDRESS The crouchecf po&itlon at ndcl- {No •. 1) ....,.._a lift;og o! the body and ilood ..-.! a ~roi !#- ..,;,. of tho 1cn .. duri ng the awing. Naturally, lhis produc• mit-hit thoh:. N ndcl.,.."'1ndwilh'f"'l'"- only sHijh1ly I.a ond your -hangh~ -iijht wllh no kd • th• •lbows(~. 2). Tho 1.~ - !l1!9cially should lie .,. .. .Jed. TI\is wlll giwyou, 0¥11r-Gll; a,. '"°"upright add re ts ~tion­ Y,,.,,bodywill be.,_.. ee I• the -positton et adchm !hat ii will -at llljiod. ,....~ ,,_ 1i1 -me"*"' .e111 ,.. ~ ~ 111 .. o1 Olfki.t 11:..,. "' ... 9lf\cll of 22.'7 durin& tbo aeuon. !:~mu:: h 11 c~ ~-= OI' ""COuntv lttclltdlr' ff Or•,.. e-r., •••elel t.I. f..-.tt.. ff1e W \'OUllMl't. ft ..... 1111-C.llforll1-. IW fU-fll Olftull Ill ..,. ~ 1111 u.. 8 .. ~,. ... ....._--~'!.... ... -_ --"'"""' or _..,_ ., ett~ I' ··----~ " .. ____ -· •• ...... -.. • _,.. tr.Htlt', • Noflc. ol °"""" '-'>1;: uu.a•.....,( re~-. M. w. 'l"9UflO,o a s.. """"' 11rwt. n e1itet1e11 • ,. .. VMlf' .,... " And be say1 the hl.a\tfe lul!ot t.,, U. ~ C.tllll:lttlll fOtU, T"'9t 11tv1,,. -. ~ .. .,....... balance of the team fot in-::".:..IMi..IM':: ~=~n= ::..:: '::,:: = ~ ~= dfyjduaf events Wfil be I I• flMI .. Ille of Ula H«idtnl, Wtttlln •Ill ... I It Mlle .vc!lon flt n. ,._... ••-• 1·--<. ••· yn. I hlul' l'Ml'llhl aft# tlw flral IP'lblluttoll bkfder for c;W!, ....... 111 ltowflll ........,. -.."''6 11\;Wlr UI Y.11111 JAtl "' 11>1• Ml\U, !If "" Uni,.. ,..,_ .. ~ It drive for the 8uaset UUe o.-. .,,_,,. "· 1"'' "-"' ult. wttt1ou1 COVtrMnt or •ltf' • N._ Anl'lllnltl llM ~ n:-..cl flt '"-111111 •• 1'a tn ... \..lllllft ..... ,., -....io. ., ~-... _,.,.,.. N-..--# Barllar co-t_';wir::"io. witt1 ni. <*'!...,.., • ,,. -.... .,., n ""°"" ..,_,.,_ • ., WHI It tfle IEfiU.te uld dellf o1 ll'Vll. • .... te .. ., n. .titw u'""9 ~ ~ 111 0t1,... c..r. s11i. • I.let ol. depth -tomething .. •· 't'OU.. Cil1lfwfll9, dHo'llllf •: N-' u • ...1..-m ........ _ .. _, • 1e. """"lll"lt .. ._. .. ""· Lot ,.. ., '""' ._.. .. -~ .. .. .,_. nalUW-........... OU1llUll .... ,,...... c......... .. ,. ,_.,. '" ... ,,, .... .,, " swim team followtrs have not Tell 1nn .,.... Mi.c.u.......,. MY• 111 111e ~ "' A,.., ......... , iMca h Retorder of Mid _,,,, had to contend with in recent '.111111111* Of'•• c .. t Dtl!Y ,,,.., s.1111 wi. w!H • nwo. .. ...,. .. Umes _ a-ars to be a ~ ~" 11. 11. u. '"" 1'7Mt llM1Hr1ont MCVred .,,. .. 1111 -.. ., ,.,.... '""" lnclUcfllr!t •ll ~ .... •1111 -jor problem for the Sallon LEG" NOTICE -o1 trwtw _, • w. trutt thi I-•I.£~-JI AM 0-..,.. 11'1' .. IC! 4lllid lff fnntl .. .S year 1U ~ cuOrts to "°"" U'Defldell ""'*' 11w lrtf"""" "' Bain a league var&ity tiUe for NOTIC• OI' T•U•T••'I SAL• Nici deed "' lrwt. not .,_ _,_ ... , T.$. "9. 1M6 Mid 15AU.J3 Nmeltlirw ~I .r .. the first time since llftO. °" ~ s. lfft •t 11 ·• o'c;IDdl nm ~ tr\' Mid dMd ot trwr, AM. et W. frMt office e:,,..,...c. to Wl'llh '"~e-.t trom ~Dw 1, "" However, some out.standing si.eurnr Tltit l'*"'•l'IC'I eom ... nr. m • 111 Mid P10hl •rov1614. lndlvid ·'· ·-"'d ll '"· T Noortll ll"*""1Y !ft Ille ClfY of s..n11 Di.-J1nu.rv u. l Nt u~ ~ pu UC ars AM SMN ot C1UIOMlll SECURITY se curUTY PACIFIC Into contention with Anaheim T1TL1! 1NSUAA1Ke coMPA'NY, • c;or. NATIDNAL BAJ(-< • POr1tl°"' '' TN•ltl undw .. Dffd for"""1Y SE<:\l.IT't P:UlST PAUL NEWMAN Director and Producer ...... __ _ racheL NdIJI and Manna. "' Tn.i• .. IC\rtlll "" JOYCI! M. MOLLI· NATIONAL aAHIC DAiY • wlcloW ,_,,.. .,_ 4, lMI •• TrwtM -, ___ ;;;r• Jeff Wilcox lea~ the 'small •• docvrn...t 1'IO. lllfS ln boall; '61t , Br LEWIS w. McMULLIM ·-----k of0 Imm -~·• '"is •-.!oN of Offlc;lal Recordt In tl'lt """''"' Tru1! - -pa_c SW era Wl\ll \I~ offlr.e of llM Recorder o! Or11>91 Coun1Y. Real E•l•le l'lllk'l• ALSO-Juli Christi• r g 0 -11 "PETULA" 2.11. t time in the 200 Jn· Calltorni., b'f '"'°" o7 default In !Ill > b !·•-• O *'!... e ic--ueOr e ~v d. "dual edl hi b peymenl or 1111orm1nc;a '11 ablltlttlon:1~~· ~1 -~~~,.~~~·~~;"~D~"~"~"~·~··1r=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;=i tvt m ey, w c was M<Urect 111ereb'f JMllldlP'ltl tt11 btlldl Ftbru•rt .t. 11, 11. lNt 1.., good for the ICbool record. Dr *71111t, llOl'IOI Df Wl'lldl WH ,_.., NOYlmblr .. ,,.. .. ~ PIO. LEG" NOTICE F--Bact.lng Wilcox in tbflS10t 11'1 1111o11 1m. ,.., :m o1 Mid zu..o lllDUI. o~SOUTHCOAST breaststroke and Jndlvldual omclal Rtc0rd•. w111 .. ,, at .wi1co1------------"NlRAl PLA-A TH-·-11Ktlon for c.11lll. wllhllllt warr1nty 11 •Ailt·UIS 1111: -.. --• --medley is Jim w i Is 0 n to tu11, -11on • .,.. .ncvmbtaM••· NoT1c1 To cR101ToR1 CORPOflATIOll San 0,.. 10 Freeway at 8,1,._.1 , 5"2711 (,u..oa--a Ille '"ttr11t con.,.v9d to .. kl TrllSlff IU,l!ltlOlt COUllT 0, THI! "' - UJ.MUl\."C events), Tom War."" Mid D11C1 o1 Tn.111 '" ,,._m 1TAT1 o~ cAL1~o•H1• Jo• OPEN DAILY 4:30 P.M. ren (bacbtroke), Doug Dovey ~:: ~ .t:. :i',t.N7'1.11= TH• co:n.w~:.,oUJM• (butterfly and indlvtdual MCT1bld JI !ht.fl rl l.l!NNll WILLIAM&. DlcMt-Unc.oln's Birthday Open 12 Noon medleth YJ:.!~ __ Bruce Johnson ,.,,.~ 1! :_ 1c~ ~"~~ 111NoT1ee 11 H!R1111v 01ve:N ,. "'-r.-n1ay d S d O 12 N 10 e wawwl."C race!. .. ....,. .... -ttMl'IOi' raan1111 U'ldltrors ., 111e •triov. """*' dec:edelll ~ an un ay pen oon J •-·· and Do tn bDllk S. -41 Ind 4 !hat al! ...-lllvlrw dllfN -IN! • M •~• vey are con-M• .. -... ~ ,_., " u•"" u• "'-'" _,.. • •• THE GREATEST ADVENTURE OF THE ALL si~er'fd the most cons!Jtent 1won::: ~~ "' ,..,.1 ...... INt .. ~., ... rt.'*::::."' of -::-r:i.r.!: W~J DISNEY'S wtnners ror coach BW Bar· --'"' ..... Otad ol Tnl:ll. entitled oivn. et .. ·~ hm. •lfll nett's -uatt °'* FebrulrY , .. 1Ht ,... ,_.,., ~ 1o rt. ..,. "'t • seCUltlTV TITLE 6"Mlnld ., !I'll otllctl "' lb Trwt Barnett says lack of depth INSURA~E COMP'ANY 0.•""'-'· ., NorWt Mein llTMt, s.1111 will ham-.,_ I e 8 m • , 11, J, •· AftdiltMft ""'· ca11tonii. f2701. '#Jlldl 11 t111 ,11ce ,.--U&.111 ~.itllnt \'ICl"'f'l'ft!Wnt Ill buslftMI ot till undtn.lrtMd In 111 chances for a tiUe and lists ,.,,.,.1111111 NIW!tOrt Hertior....,.... '""-,.,.".,. ...m111h111 fill .,,. ttt•l'I "' earnblMd wlffrl Oii,., 'llot, Nf'#lllr1 llkf ci.:.Hnt, wlttllll tour ,,_,,. •lltr Anaheim and M.art.na (In that a-di. C•lllllfftla. FIDnle17 n, 11. u. .,,. flrlt PV&lkal!Ofl o1 t1111 n11n ord<r) U ••• •••-· lo •··t lHf »Mt Dllad January 17, 1"t. W.IJ'" K4.llJ.ll 1,11C.11 BANI( Of< AMl!!•ICA NATIONAL for tbe cbamplonsh.lp. LEGAL N0'11CE TRUST AND SAV1MGs ASSOCIATION ltt---t Br M. II. Jo'f'ner, / • n · ...,~ e ,.., ..-""1''-"' Trwt Offlc.r • MOTICI Of' &ALI O• a&u. EllKUtor « tlll WUI ,,. bemente High School ••DP'••TY ~Tl1~·~"''1 W.I MUltWl;'z. "=u~ti:i'n 'TrlM~:''"' doesn't figure to set any ,. TM IU,lltlOlt COURT 0' ..... '""' records this year In varsity TH• ITAiT• 011 CALl,ORNIAi H• :=' ...... Cli .... , TNI COUNTY 0, LOS AMILll Atttr'llln "' ._,., competition with only two Bee 11~~~ rt. E•tm " LAUlt.A 'ublllrllid or.,.. c..t Dar tr ,110,, lettennen returning for the Notice 11s he,... •~ Hiit t111 -J1nuery. 21, » ""' Fmw,., 4, n, 'trftons d1tst.Md wlll wll •t 'tlY11" HW, 1Hf ICIMt • 10 tlll l'lllhat Ind .... , t>lcldilf', lubllCf Caacb Ben Cumminp .says kl awitlf'!llltlon "' Miii 1uP1t1ar court, LEGAL NOTICE h 'll be • . oat f his O<'I or tfllr tlll lstll Ar ol "*"""'··--~~-------11 e aeepmg m o '""'· et .,. .me. " cam w.,_,. DUBBets in the Cee d1"·•-•on 6Jt :9ovlll ..,.... MTMt. let .......... NOTIC9 INVrTIM llDI "~ COVlllY '11 Liii A11911n. Slatol 9f Notice k lltfftlY llwn fl'lel tlll llMrd with an eye toward the future callforlli.. al! t111 rt.Pit, mi. 111111 ,,...., ~ •• .,.'~-.... ~._,,.. 2'~ eo.11 .. !_~lor for ·ty "ti · the " Mid dft:Mlld 11 "" t11n1 " °".,, ..... ........ .. vo..,.. ..._,ty, vam 1..1 es m •nd 117 ..,. rllflt, t11i. and i:n11n1t ca111or~i., wrn rtca1ve -lld bids ..., Crestview League t11at rt. ..... ot MIC! l5tCNtld 111s to n.• """' Frldrl', Ftt1rv1,., "' • IAV!racl br' -"°" ..... et otl'lafWI•. ,,.,, ., tlM l"l.ltdllSllll Dft>t. "' Mid Scott Renfro and Jeff Locke other tllln or In ac111111on f'll bl flf ~ lll•trlct loctlM at ml Fairview '"" 1on l f .. 1e1 111cau1c1. ,, ltw """' "' dff"'-..... COiia Mela, ca11fwni., ., w111cti 2 Great D' H"ts T th are .,...... e re urnttS ram !ft and .. Ill rt. c.itln ,.. •• -"' rlma MIC! Mm wllt bl PvlllklY _...., 1sney I oge er the Bee team. 1Huatt11 1n Or1111t county, s111a • end ....... for: n_,_fr l •· the CIF Cee Ctllfllmla. Mrtlcviarf¥ cttserlbad • Chtmlltry end '"°''lei E11111IPntW1t. fllD filfll: TOMMY n.1;31 0 wen w follDwl. toow1t• All bkh ... "' DI In ICCOl'dt~ McMUIUY fi-AASON STllL Individual medley eliminations ut "' M.!11 s""' TrKt .. w with Condltlanl, l"'ln.ldlonl • n d lo . -,_... In kok " ,_ '° Spedfleatlonl Wflkfl ... -«I 1111 Wlth I bfllt « 1 :01.0 and in If MIKll!a-~ ,.-a at and IMt' bl _......, In rt. oll'lr.e the 50 back with time of Orlllfl C-1V. ol !I'll Plll"dllaml .... ol Nkl ldloDI THE HAPPIEST MILLIONAIRE 292 a --·--,--... .:=·-~· -· ..... I .• )···~ the Cee = ~:n-~~11:.'"'~ ,_.., blcl I _,.,.,. cMci'.. artlflftl dltck. TfCHNICOLOI nc uucu on squad o1 t111 un1hd si.t11 111 C01111rn11non er ~. llDNll 1n1C11 ,.,.b .. ,. 11111'-----------------------: n->-R·ft.t-•-ot 111t ., "" cat11 end Mllna Ol'dlf' fllf t11it Ori,... Cot11 Jr. cor1111err art .a~ &I.AUi (2:34 .&U ~ 11'1' PIOh llCU...cl by MorlM\11 Dlslrkt lo9rd ol Trus'-In an lll'IOUnl the 200 breast)· R a n d y or Tnlll DNll on !hi ~ .o "" -flllll flY1ll Mrunt U'll.I "' S "th I Mid Tiii .... Clllt Of tmOl.lnt bid 1111 -bid •• I 1u1r1nl11 11111 Ille nu ers (1:55 for the 200 to lit ..... 11• w1111 bld. bkldar w1u .,.,.r tnto t11a •~POtld free); Tim Springer (55.0 in wi~lclsbt ~~ !1 i':: ~,.,;:!.1~"'oJi~ ;~~':: :_ '::...r':.1 f!i1u;,w·~an1!: the 100 (ree) • and Joel 11 Inf tlmt 1111!' ll'lt flm P11bllc1tron Into wdl O>ntrac;t, tM Procted• flf Hartman in the 400 free h~~ 8:'11 bfi::-' .. ::110,°'Ji':u~~. Ifft. :-" c:t;ct'. -:..?-1111~lr"~v: ~~ (4 •15) MABEL 'OINOEXTER wrll DI fllrftltld lo Hid Khool dl1trlcl, The. • . Execvlrfll o7 Ille Etl•I• No bldcltr 1111r wtthclr1w 1'111 bid for Tr1tons won the Cee ot 11111 Dtudenl • ..,1oc1 « fortt..fl.... 1.u1 c1.1n after ham " hi " th Cr I CARYL WAiRNIR • ltte cl.lie Rf for llMt -1111 ll'ltrl'Of. c. .PIOllS p lll e estv ew nt lwfll IH"'9 """" 1'111 llMrd "' T1Vll'-~ "" CU'CWt last year and were Lii ..,_...., ca~ ,..1, prtvlllto• of nr.ct1rw •nr •nd 111 bhll Att.rllllr fir tblcll!r'lll' et kl -!YI •nr 1,...ui.rlll• or In-runners np in varsity com-Pvtitlillld 0r1,.. c.o.tt c11tr ,11111. '°""'n"" in '"' bid or 1n t111 blddl111. peli"on. Ftbniirv c.. 5, 11 lM llMt All m1terl11' provklld lhrovwll '1'111 w. ' bid' WU c;omptJ wllh Go"tmm•ut ca Westminster LEGAL NOTICE Sactions ~. ,,la, mn.s ""' -•1tv bt1111 1<1t11r, ,,."""ia w1n bt •lvlll I'll rt. torOdum 1nrw11,. """"'"" l------.--~,-----l 1urec1, or "'°"vcect In n... 11ei. af Westminster High School ls ct:•Tl,tU.T• 0, iusiN•ss c.11rorn111 •IKll rac1 mvst bt nolld th I b I · 'ICTIT!OUI lf.t.M• on Ille bid. on e verge 0 av ng its TH!!! UNOEllSIGNEO de! M•• urtltr NOllMAN !'. WATSOH best . I . ... ---· ~-SKty,, llM•d ot Tn.ta1"1 season ever In SW mmmg ll'9 ...,_..,, "' 1 vvslnn.1 ,11bnll'lld Or1111e C111rt 01111' PllDt with the brlght prospect of ~~1~11.0C::, i:.W::it1c1u1~lrm 9::; F.i.rw.,., 11, 11, ,,.. uwf ~':l!!ping all three places in rfuifH:.'°1c1MA~,_!;~:1t~~"NJ ~ LEGAL NarICE diving in nearly every meet 1o1lowllll. wi-11111111 •nd 111<1mt11d--~--------- th Li le . 1r1 • tollowl: ,..,.. e on.s compe 10. Sid"" W1lnblrt, aos Artlot' Road, IUPIRIOlt COU•T OJ THI Joel Penne a ....... M-ore LMt 11...cti. c.111om11 ._., H1•rv sTAiT• o, cAL1PoRH1• POR • ;"t'"-"''" s. c-n. SM OcHn Av.11111, 5"1 THI! COUNTY o~ o•AHOI and tenth place finisher in llNdl. Clllfom!• f07.01 MIK COOMn, NO. A •UJI the CIF last year, leads the r.fi.!::~i."'b Ortvt, Lont Buch, 01' :~~:.C~1tC:,=:,~ AiT diving corps with Larry DAiTl!!O: Thtt ld ... ,. ., Fetirvtry, P•IVATI Ul• H "di 1w.t. In Tht Mllthlr o7 Ille E1t1hl o7 e1 er and Chuck Set SldMY W•lnblrt ELIZABETH SHINE, D1ct111d . back.inO' him up. ~~tw"' .. ~:-~-MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN f1>1I """' ,...,_ ............, ~ U!l(llr111lM<1 wl17 Htl 11 t1r!Y1!1 f. The Llo~' divers ca~tured ~6ti~~Fc1~f'l~~r:Les 1 .. ::r.c1,,, "'tttt a!:r:=n~11111.,, ties~ b~= irst, third and seventh m the 011 thl• 111 d•Y "' F1i.ru.rr, '"'· 1ntrtltd ~tor court. 011 « •fl•• Sunset League finals in 1968 belO(I 1111. • No71rr PllbHc In 1nd 1tte 24111 d•• o1 i<lbrll1rr. '"'' 11 • for Nld Stale, ~rwntlf'I -rtd Sidney Ille flffl~ ol Pl,,TT & SHANMON. At-Only one swimmer departed wernbtrl. H1rry 1. c-•nd Mix tvrn.n •I L1w, 11111 ,_ Mtll w"'' from Jasl year's a•-gaUon -COOMn, k_,, to lnl lo Iii' ll'lt ""°"' Pom(ltll, C1llfoml1, tll ll'lt r!11ll, 1111•, It&"~ a namn are wt.crtbtd fl) tttt Ind lnllrllt fJf Hid dect11ad 11 tM via '"'aduatlon. ~""""', trstrvrnlftt 11111 ldtMwlldtt<I Hma fJf d9111h •11111 111 !!'It r1111t. t1111. W.th. ,,,. 11'11t' ••~ !!'It Mmt, 1...t In"'''' ll'let IM ntale' vr 11ld I Ross Coot rone. Al !DFP:ICIM. ll!!ALJ dl«INd ..... ICllU1rtd .,., -.!Ion "' RoJ"as st K be) JI JoM I. l" i.w M oll\erw!tt, of~ """ or tn , eve U , m Nolary l"ublk<1llfetn11 ectcfif!on ta !Mt ot 11111 Hcwoloed, ar Haselton, Ken Davis Chris "r1Ml111 OlllH .., """ "'"' of ljfftl'I. 1n and 1o 111 ~-J ff H be ' LOI l.llltlts Coullty lllftl urt1ln •e1t Pl'flPI..,., •llui!M In vml!, e a r, Bruce "'' COl'lllnLulort b:itll'ft 111e COl.llllt' d onnoe, s111e"' ea111omi., Gardner and RI.IS! Leeper •"'us' "' im lkt<rlbecl '" 1o1iow.: ....... .....OC , htlmlnir at 1 1111nt 111 !!'It Nor!Mt'ty return, .. ...,lllPlllll Or-Coast OtlJr ,,IOt, tlna '11 Loi "A" of Traci Ho. ..... .... D a H . f ... tbrvery 11• ,.. :u Ind Mlrcti "' In !!'It City 0( LiP""• Beed!. •• 1U:1U e n enrungson, ,..., "'-en • m1, lhlrtof, ..-Wd Duane W o 1 ting Todd LEG" NOTICE In book !5. P11e n, Ml1cell1NOU1 B a-'"-' n&. Miit. tec:on!s II llld Ortllte County , rau.iw.uan, Bruce Baron, Jim dl1t1111 111e,._ Sollltl S7" JI' w Clem-· and the thr .. dive-NOTIC• 01' UL• 01' •Ul Wffl 151 '"" from ll'lt moll ""'""""' "'"" '"· ,ROP•RTY AiT 'RIVAiT• SAL• cor~ o7 u ld Loi "A", Ind rvnnlne Only seven seniors are ,,.._ w1, un 111-. Sou"' sr 11• "°"' w"r ''°"' among the array of '"Jenl SU,ERIOR COURT Or' THE 11HI Narth"'l"tr lint, ,!O ""'/ ll'lellC't WI Stile of C1lltomlt .... II rlthl 1naln to lli<I II"" Norffrl greeting coach Walt Otto THE COUNTY 0' I.OS ANGELl!'I • 21' ur Wet!, 1Ql.1f fNI, mort . ,, ...... •-e·-··.... ()f ..... ". 11111 w!llcfl ...... 1i.r Major st-.... n. of the lJon! , "'1 r ' .... 1 1"' .._liklt wllfl and dl11611t 10!5.U 11e1 . . ....... 16... s. rice. DKNHCI. SCMl!heltter,., !Tom llM Soll!l!llllffty 1S in the f r e e s t y I e 1 Nolle• 11 l'ltr'ltW .,.,.... that Ille \11'1· 11.,. .,... 111e 5'\lttlwc1"'r" llftlll11t1n backslrokea nd di I I ' cteolantd w111 NII at pr!\1111 u11, on n..,...,i ol LOI "I " of TrKt No a V ng 8 ong or 1lt.r Ille lrlll di~ Of FlbNll'Y. 1ff. M 1hown 611 1 '""' tl'le<Wf, wlth a strong free relay team 1 .... " 1111 offle• "' Frn J, '""°"11111 r1COrt1ect 1n book • "'" u 11111 Ot . •nd All•n ci.111: Eklfr, 2J7 WllJhlre '' Mltaill•lltllll• M~IQ ra<:ordl "' to figures Marina and BIYd.. i.1111 MOrilca. cauntt oi Lot w'ld °"'"'' county, ~Id Loi "I " Newport •A llght 1"l OUl f Angelft, 11111 of C1trtorn11, to !I'll now lllfne kllDWll 11 Olk str1t11 w or l!lvM11 1nd bttt bldcllr, 111111 wbltc;I fllarlct NOrltl st• o.1· 1!'111 •lolll u ld ~ tiUe with his own club to conlt""•lkln ,,,. a.1111 SUP"'klf court. ..reii.t 11111. ,.. fief to , 1111111 tn . . Anahei Ill Ille rlvftt, 111\t 11'111 lntlf'llt II I nne Wflfch 11 ..........,tcUllf lo ""' g1v1ng m a battle for 11111 ~-'' "" 111111 111 1111111 Nort11w11ttr1r 11"' "' Let "A" 11 third in the Sunset League 1114 •11 1111 MtM, 111.. •nd lftffl'ftt Nkl Tr1ct No, ..,., 11 11'11 111101 • Prep Mat Summaries • ll'ltl llM ttllle Ill Nld Cl9Cffltlll lltt 11 .,..\Mina r thll\ct •lcw!t 11kl -- ICIYlrld 11'1' _,.,Ion o1 i.w or ll'Miwllo. cllcl.iltr ""' SOl.llfl n • w 11" "''' 111\tr ""-II or In acldlllon It Illa! d 101.n fftt to ll'lt POinl af betln11l11t. tlld ~ 11 11'11 llmt II dHltl, SUBJECT TO· In Incl l'I' 111 lhl c.11111 rtel _,.,. 1 Sloofld IM!1u,.,..,1 ol ti•" !or tl!¥11'1 tll 11'11 County II 0.1-Sl8hl ftta• nae.»! Y11r lffMt, lncludllll '1.•1 of C1lllwnll, Ptrtkvlartr clalcrlblll • --· PIWlffl l1 x, 1197,91.. folio... 19-wll : T-If 111t1 C1th lft 111WfVI ""'""° Lot 14.. 1'r.d 4611, llok 1• ,.,.. f11 It'll Unit.cl st11f1 111 (IOfrf(rTMlbl I'-IS, 11. 11 IN! 11 fll Mhc. No-. (II Mill. w pert r.tlll 11111 MIMct lltcatda of Mid C911111'1' ""'"""""" ... klll\eed .,,. llOtft iKVrM b., mor1t1M knnn " 1'311 P1111 L_, Hvnl""'°'" or lnllt *"' Oii l!lt ,._,..... '° ..,111 J11111W \1-ll'r lllCl'I. Calltomla. T111 ~ (1Cl"ll.I 11 11M 9"*"" bM Wfll'lltlnlltt IUI CPI MlfiM Tlf'nlS of slit c.,,., ill ltw!\11 ll'IOIWf le bl ._11'117 wtltl bid fl -!EtteUa !Ml ti....., CllDll: CW)1 .r !I'll Uftllfl:I Slltn 911 ClflflrtN!lon •Im or tllf"" fo blf In wrlllfll lllf .... " M1t. or WI cttll Mid bal-•1" bl rtctl'ftd II IM •"""'licl ""'°' !06 -Mtnlllrlia {W' dote. ll:tlfw IYidanud Irr PIOlt lllCll,... 11¥ Mlr'IOlol 11 tf1f "-'1fW 11'1t flr11 aublk•rtofl (Ml: M et Trv'9 °"""' 111 ll'lt ~">' .. ..,... .,... befota tlll cl.lie of 1111 IU -T. W11aYt (M) drW ,111111'1' Hid. Ten ..., C9'!I If 9"*'"' Mt1 o.tw flllt mi dn If 'HN1rr,'"6t. (W!l M It II ""°""" wllh lllll. • ..,. I(. Siii,., IJJ -'""° tWJ We;. hdl CMh II* et Offwn '9 Iii' !ft wrfl\ne 11'11 bt(Vlor fJf t1M Wiii .., Wiii bl ,_,.,.. ., "'-...,..If lftlce " .. ~ o.ic-1 ,. -Hart.I-CMI lllraw U.M• II ..,, t;,,,. lfltt !fit llf"Jf autllktlltiit ,IATT a. SH,,NNOH (Wll Ml ......... 11'111 belOl'I Nit fll 1118. •r Wlll111'11 V. ShlNwl, Jr. U6 -'Wlw (W) pinned Miit 011to11 J1n111rr Jl, lttl. Aitflllrnan tor lUC\llDr (M.)1 1:17 Tlltmt1 II. PTla Sutlt ~14 141 -MtAWftOldt (M) "'-,_., liOCUIOr lfllll Win l• """'-Mtl! W•t IWl/ fol flf .. Id OtCldanl P-1. C11lforlll1 flH6 1• -'"'-' !WI die. Gard1r .. n l'llAMIC J, IHOOVINA MIC ''°'" .... Sl'\AiNNOl'I (M)J :M Aili.AN Cl.ti•K ILOIR 111tl 41• IP -Wllbllr tWI ''" .... Harrllln m Wllthlre ...... _Mini ..... , .... ~ ......... IM)J l:.U ..... ~. Cli*"'""4 i::.::;• .. M1n Wft! ,.. -LMMk CWJ e.c. lfrllrt Aitltf'Mn fw ••1evtar c.t t1ui CM!I s.1 '4•oc """"""" cn•1 ~ In -lml!ll (W1 -.,,. torft!I lt\lbl1thtf Ot1,.. C...11 01ttt ,lie\ ~llllllct Ora"" (1111 hltr Pllol, __ .,.... ___ _,. Afttll;o11y 1'9rld• • T......, W.W DWAllDS" ___ ,_ __ Dean Martin l ~·~!r_t" MAQUEL W•LCH DAN BLOCKER -· -.. f.lll 1111111 IWJ 1W1 'DEAD'" •• -·-FAIL' "Matt Helm · The Wrcclcin Crew ••• 1 .. ""11 I Elke Sommer·Sharnn Tate-Nancy Kwan-Nigel Gimi·Tlna Louise ... ~--" .............. ,. ................... _ "-"'•..,-Oooclll .. ""..-...... ,_ IEDQl)I" I Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See It ,,. -Mt<I'. (Vil PIP!Mf RV!_. J lbrUlry 4 S. II, 1Ht ,.,..... ,.,,.,,. II. It, IL 1Mt :t»# CMJ1 !1' !----------..... ------------+ '~ .. ................. i... ............... 1 .... ·~i•.• C!""" .. ~r--. .... !le'~.~-'!'.::O. '!'.'!' .. :'":''!'.~.':-:'!.'1'.'!!~~-~.ft'~.~.~!'.!"!'!,."!.~. "!-!'""'!."!-M!'l"i'!'-..~.'!'. "!.~.~~. ~. -'!'. •.~.'!'. ~.-'!"l\'T: . .,,.,..,.,., ~.!!','!'. ~,,...,,..,._.,,_,..,.._ "'""'"'"'"',,.,....,....,......,......,....,..,.,,, •• .,., ..,,,,u~•n<<T>~. Ce<<~•· ~L~oro....,,,I JC •• 11s • ,...,,.,., -1: •• • •• • ., •··--· CAMEO STAR -Jimmy Stewart makes a cameo appearance on "Julia" tonight at 8:30 on. Chann~l 4 The show's star Diahann Carroll goes mto action when .she learns' her landlord bas disappeared. TELEVISION VIEWS Radio Takes Place of TV By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -The well ordered world of television where almost everything is taped or filmed in advance, suffered litUe disarray after the massive snow storm that on Sunday and Monday practically paralyzed the eastern seaboard from Virginia to New England. JUST ABOUT the only really noticeable changes were on NBC's "Today" and "Tonight" sh~ws. Today's Frank Blair was the only regular In sight. Hugh Downs, weekending in Ariz~n~, CC!uldn't make it back to New York since the etly s airports were closed. Ed Newman, NBC's competent man ?f all work took over on short notice and handled his as-sig~ent smoothly. Joe Garagiola and Barbara Walters were both away from the show, too, and none of the Tonight regulars made it. Arthur Godfrey, who usually flies back to Man- hattan from bis Virginia farm on Sundays and tapes a few of bis C:SS.radio shows, was also snowe<! out. In the emergency be filled bis half hour wtth a rambling monologue which he telephoned from bis southern bo~e. BUT ANY EMERGENCY -the East's crip- pling anow, the West's destructive rains, the power blackout of several years ago -serve to demon- strate the usefulness of 'fV's less glamorous sister, radio. TV may have sent bulletins about the storm crawling across its screen during scheduled pro- grams but it was radio that was the citizen's f!lend. While the falling snow on Sunday was still Just a nuisance, the local stations of New York's .metro- politan area -and presumably all through the af. flict.ed area -were on the job. They reported the Increasing driving hazards. They told of specific conditions and constantly predicted -too optlDlis- tically it turned out -the duration and size of the storm. AS CONDITIONS worsened, radio became our primary source of information through Monday. Radio told us what schools were closed, what roads were impassable, what trains were -or we.re not - nznning. It also gave us numbers to call m emer- gencies. . Since there is always a chance that electric power may be knocked out in a storm: a good .1~ resolution ls to be sure there is a transistor radio m good working order around the house as well as the wual flashligbts and candles. After hearing warnings all day about over.exer- tion from snow shoveling, ABC's excellent special, "Heart Attack" was especially timely. The program interestingly showed the most elaborate treatment for heart patients, and its point was to demonstrate the work of coronary care units in hospitals. These units are still not instaIJed in 70 percent of the nation's 7,000 hospitals. And the heart patient taken to a hospital without such a unit, said the program's narrator, E . G. Marshall, is 0 not bet- ter off than he was if he had had the attack 30 years ago." THE PROGRAM. filmed In the coronary care unit of Los Angeles Good Samaritan Hospital, fol· lowed four patients with various heart diseases through diagnosis and treatment. Shown, too. was open heart surgery as it was performed on one o! the men. Detanls the Menace J 0 . ' •• . . • • PERKINS JUDGE PARKER AAS IT !!<ON HARt> M/lklN<; A <SO OF IT IN "f~E 80,6.RE>lr.kr Ho05t: BUSINEiSS!fii L>.t>Y P. ? r • I J I I • TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH 1'1! eEEll COMIN6 :io 'llJJ ~G!U!TE SOl4f11ME NOil, M t llOll'T '1UJJ.. ~ fel. l\IAT fM 6ETTlll6 AN/ 11EmR a. "' ly C!Hirlfl M. Schull ly Saunders and 0.erlJC!'d BEl.OVEP-1JIE lll.'IS IS ~0.~lW ... IKlrTO ....,.., n 'TUE lllT!lSI I PIG- )00 THE MOsrj wril. 'IOll fl.OPE WITH ME p ~SU.VE, V~<N s: -- \ \I I ,,.. .. , " cc: .. -.. :: But none are m<n lnteraUnc than thoet he meets in the ep1eocte u Stove joins the DAILY PILOT comic page lineup. It's a Callfornla aett1ng for Steve -he's juat ar- rived In San Carlos. Thirty Jilin. utes oil the airplane and ••• ad- venture begins again! Join rugged Stove Roper In hi< lint Ca!Uornia adventure tomorrow. ly John Miies · By Harold Le Doux TO 0.U. MIS PMT'Wet5 .. SAY'S WE WA.MTS ME TO MEE\" THEM. TONIGHT' •• TMA.T t 5HOILP ta1. THEil l or£1PIP 10 MU tAV POWVTOWN PICftC1'Y ,I;',.,., 1'0 .,_,. Mar 1Mlll. ! ly Tom K. Ryon ly Al Smith o+\, NO? T+4EN \/MilITT;+IE TASTING ME FOR? ly Ga ·Arriola By MeH TUFSOllY fUlltWIT II ··= Iii -!Cl (Ill ""' • ·-iCl (10) 9 RICHF1ELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS VS. MONTREAL • ..... -!Cl (21\ "l na. McOonald ealll u. ~ lletwM11 t111 Klnp ind lihnttMI. 7;lt B CIS .... , -!Cl (30) W'"lftw Ctonkllt. a-·.,...., !Cl 1•~ m-!Cl (30) .... -.... (30) ............ Ill ('C) GB Tntfl • Clalll•a011 (t) uom-!Cl 130> ID """ -!Cl (!O) ..,,,...Orf .. ..a. ·--(30) QI not .... !Cl (30) -·· U91 llbJ." .. ,.,,. W11tw1 1111 Dr. Morriloll LlllPrt ll*f. llll CllllJllJ"' -To II Y-(C) llOfTblk with 1'™"'11 wM ~ dlrctM and tcW ht thllr on mcMt, "No Timi." Actw, ... '"'" -..... ""' """' thl Ant llptW. ai.t:i II °'"! 111ln1111t. IN ttMft """ tM fl!11t,I "No Timt. ~ wt.kl dells Witt\ tlltl twitrltioll pp Ind tllll Ill UftlllUj 1n7 sriPPln& story of I JIOU"I Miii who ftlll wtlll1 ~ bylq .. lltlp. IE,...,,_. ·--m-·-1-.., ..::::tfonrcl Duff, Ida Lupl111. IHl rn ID (I) 111-!Cl 1t:GIDIDCllmw.w Pr1•l1r1 ec rr ''-' ...... 1en1 CQ ilili:' (Q'" 1if ......... (IUS· _, ........... i:i=f:· Loli • '"" ........ lilt (C) , .. , -... . I Wyr!W ....... Olll T•. A pltllllldtft ,,......_., l'ltlmpt l:U m llMI: "Ed ,,., 11t Ml "' lllwrNr llil MlttrJ 11'111 ...... ~ (td·fl) '51-Hlllll .. .,. wM111 tllt """' -II lllW. lln, Mt Tl)'lot. • . 10Mi8(C) ....W nl I'' lt" (~r111111) '5.2:-SU.11 K.,..,., hi IOF)' '"" ' 1z:••.,•A11111 m11 ar <., hf)) •31 c.-.. ,..,.,,, ...... .. -(-) . ..__ -· . ............. ,,... <*'111) '53 J:MIJ(C)...., ....... (cf s twti -11111 ,_ AMI Y-. '&1 -'*-! Gttltcw, ..... -.. d ..... ., ..... CM•) ·a-..., • .. ;' I .. {.......-) ~1- ............ _ 1wt t.o.*. "'1 hit .lolo -I • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Qu1lltr Prllltlillf •" o.,.'"'1~1. s1m .. .... ..,. ..... QHrtw ... Ceistwy. -·· . ' t I .. ~---· --'-=--- •• DAILY P1LOT f!C Jrviae Cf»U=ert Pro Mnsi~a Recalls Middle Ages Charm L,\8i By TOM BARLEY Clf .. o.if¥ Nilf Ila" Tod1y'a makers of music dbplay 1 splendid desire and determlnaUon to retrace their m,,. blclt through tile mists of Ume and recapture for us. intact and glowing, Utt simple yet gloriously chorded music ol the Middle Ages. It is a IJfOWing trend that we enthusiastically applaud and encourage. For, u in no other artistic mediwn, our medieval music survives the lraitsition of five centuries to delisht iq today with its fresh, , llisom ouancts and an unclut· tered phroslng tlllt autkei our ears w I t h the clarity of a church bell. Tbe _number ol ensembles specializing lo tllb dellghUul renaissance of early music is fast growing and more power to them. But lhere is among their number a veritable giant that has been the undoubted master in this field for at least the past decade and will be for a loo.g time to come. We refer, or course, to the New York Pro Mustca and a concert Friday night at UC Irvine that brought home to us once more the great good 1 fortune of today's world of rduslc to have in its pe>sseasJOn the superb col- lection of 15th Century music tnat wa1 compiled by Petruc- ci; he was, ol. course, the flt!t printer of mUS.ic and the luinlnary to w b'o m we are indebted for the preservation of ~rU t h a t speak so elo- quently of that r e v e r e d Flemiah trad.Jtion. us, the jewel of 1 sptendJd evenlog. We would h a v e prl'feried ~t this ma~ve and upllftlng work . not be segregated in thia manner but Jts magnificent presentatkm quickly dismissed our feeble ............ __ .., __ ., protest!. Our singers ~t none of the richness and u nm at ch e d ot "NtmQua fue pena ma.ior." delivery in the SOIOlll with Perhaps Arthur Burrows' which we were regaled in the mOlt aJgfilficant contribution second hall of this fine pro-to a· wonderful airing of gram; couOterteoor Earnest medievaJ D!usic came with his Murphy particularly csughl "Se ma! per maraveglla" by our ear with a flutnt rendiUon Franci5cwl Bossinensis. His of Hayne van Ghlzeghem'a richbals-bari to newas "De tous biens playne." enhanced here by Christopher No J e s s pleasing w a s Williams' polished lute ac- Susan Signed ' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) S.... Slraibtrg will p II y 1 8UpporU.g rola lo Unlvenal~ "Marcus Welby, M.D.," star- rins Robert Young and Anne Ba.s:ler. ---·~ Teclll . 7 1t."""""°"'1l'lclln I MA ·--IOGW ml DA'111 llYBI Mfebce• A IWll·IWID 1'11111.CID • f.ob t., DI L• SMA SA's 'Biography' Plodding Comedy Adding luster to the ffi.. comprarable cr~l!inansbip of the Pro Muslca wu their use Ot so many of our medieval In 1 t ruments : krurnmborn, sackbut, rauschpfei!e, vielle and regal, to name but a few of the carefuUy re-created medieval music makers that were played so pleasingly in the Crawford.Hall concert. Elizabelh Humes' beautUully eompaoiment. 1~~~~~~~~~~~1 clear delivery , of the )ovely Medieval music as it was "O Maria, divina stella" by and should be played. It Innocentius DammonJs. Hers brought a comment from an is a sharp, finely formed interested o n I o o k e r im- soprano voice and it was mediately follo.,wing t.he con· heard to advantage In a duet cert to the effect: j'Ah, yes, with Murphy: "Mon pere m'a all very sweet and pretty and mariee", a praiseworthy ef· suited to the time but it fort lhat was superbly backed wouldn't put jam on your By TOM TITUS OI' fM O.llJ Plllf Sia" Watching the-Santa AAa Community P I a y e r s ' pro- duction of "Biography" is something like sampling a foreign food for lhe first time; you have to develop a , taste for it, and sometimes it takes a while. It takes quite a while - most of the first acl, in fact -before this S. N. Behrman "llOOllA .. KTu A Jtl•'f b'f 5. H. BehrrNft, d!rrctld lw llOM Cort>ll'I, ffdullul lllreclor Lft Moowl.,.IM, IOUl'lll 11'111 -l•I effldl 11¥' Johll T,.,.,,.., llthlnlnt b'f Allc.r W•lkrr 1...:I 8uddY Fort, -ftd b'f Ille S.111• ""' 'l:ommul'llf'f Plt'fer• Frld9'f• •"" $11tllrd•'f• rllroueh F.0. 1$ 11 11141 Pl.l'fen ThHNf'. 1020 W. 1111 SL. $1nl1 AM. THE CAST ,,..,loll Frooldr ...... , .•.. llvlh Gllll<lr Rldierd Ku•I ••..••.... LM Howl"91on Ltlnd&r Nol•" ......... wm11m C1rllen Orll'I K!Mlc;ott ......... How1rll Glllner Slide Kll'l"tCO!I ......... 8elly McClvrt Meldlloll "•v~k ........•. Rolllt't Sells G'" ~ , .............. 8...:ld'f Fo•I Ll11 ................... Mlrg•ret lloyier seriocomedy ever clearly sets out on a definite dramatic course, but once it does so. it is appealing and sometimes even appetizing. "Biography," which actually s h o u I d have been titled "Autobiography," centers around a lady portrait artist who has been around in every sense of the term, and whose Jife story -though she's only approaching 40 -is intriguing enough to warrant publlcalion. What could happen if and when she "tells all" is the foundation around which the play is rather loosely woven. But, thanks to some above average wformances in the principal roles, the shred or credibility remains intact. I Gabler demonstrates a fin e affinity for a Noel Coward- type heroine, unruffled and effervescent through a series of stick}' situations. The magazine e d i t o r , Richard Kurt , whose surname symbolizes his personally, is done a little too strongly by Lee Howington, wflo leaves liUle room for the change of character he eXperiences at the second &ct curtain. How ingtoo clingl to a basic surliness which contrasts with the play's developments. The strongesl member of the cast is William Carden as the would-be senator whose embryo political career totters on Miss Gabler'1 typewriter. Carden utilizes an excellent stage voice to deliver a com- pletely absorbing perormance as the stuffed shirt with a T-shirt past. Least effective of th e players are Robert Solis and Howard Glasser, both of whom .appear to have been made up with a paint ' brush. Solis is slow and plodding in lhe role of a sort o l s upernumerary whose presence adds little to the act.ion, while Classer's at- tempts to "age" for the role of an elderly industrialist are betrayed by a youthful voice and lack of mature man- nerism. ', As another in the long line of Lotharios, Buddy F o r t gives a flip, smooth account of the matinee idol, while Betty McClure is particularly en- joyable as the Tennessee heiress with a cotton candy coiffure. Margaret Boyer col- lects a good share of the laughter as the sharp-toogued maid. A n d our ancient penchant for the plaln9ong that provided such a glittering backdrop to thls era o! early music ls only ever fully satisfied by the glorious voices of the Pro Muslca. These gifted singers excelled themselves in lb.is concert with faultless deliveries of the Gregorian work of GullJaume Dufay and Joaquin des Prez. In f a c t, the Combination of Voices and instruments in the divided Missa ave maris stella by des Prez -Kyrte, Gloria and Credo in the first hall and Sanetus and Agnus DeJ in the sec1lnd -was, for (Ado IHWP'Olf'IUClt -..... -......... &W.-W. -Ol. Miff 3 A'CADEMY "Y'ARDS Alu "THE PAPER LION" WHk D1ys .. .,., u.. 0.. -6:50 c.-~ et 1:15 by the ensemble; bread in today's world." Tenor Ray DeVoll's inspired We feel that we'd settle for reacting of JosqUin des Prez's the world of Petrucci. "Comment peult haver joye" won solid support from the They didn't put oil on their Pro MwJca i.n.strumentation,1-;;;;be;;a;;c;;hes:;;;. ======~I as did mezzo.soprano Joanl1 Fuerstman with bet delivery ,., A.191 Arid• • -"THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER" ... "THE PRODUCERS" BALBOA 673-4048 Now, 1111111111p11Mor1 Omer Shtrlf e COLOR e "DOCTOR ZHIVAGO .. COiis Dey e COLOR • "WHEllE WSll:E YOU WHEN THI LIGHTS WENT OUTfH AU DltlYl·I" ITAlln -AT ... I._ Chll6.. \NM't2 FIHT ....J --_ ..... 54$.llll I ll-m""°'"" ,.., Adull11 Dun M1r1!n •• ~11 Htlm ,,.HI' Wll'CIUNCi CIEW'' e COLOR e Rory Callloi.in e COLOR e "DATION'S DEVILS" R9Ctlrnn.-ed for Adv,bt E ll~btlll Taylor Mla,F1rrow S.C..... C-mony" e·coLOR • j I Cllnt E111Wood e COLOR e "c._,..•, 1111ff" ---!;I <,~ ~ ·~~5[AlH ........ -· 147·lStl WARNER R9C:Omlnllldll lor Ac1t,1lht Oeiln Marlin II Mtll Htlm "Tlte Wreclil .. Crew,. e COLOR e However, the most polished professionals would be hard pressed to illuminate the first twe>-thirds of a most tedious first act · without s o m e judicious directorial scissor· ing. Thert are two characters in the show whose un- necessar) . presence o n I y serves as obvious padding for a slim story line, representing an apparent legion of former lovers. The dir~tion, by Ross Cor- bin, is at best unimaginative,J~~~~~~~~~~~ notably in the expository open- ing act where timing is almost completely absent. A fine ligb.ting effect is used to close the second act, but its repeti- tion in the finale dims its luster a bil. Rory C1l"°"'1 e COLOR e "Dayto•'• Dftlls'" ··················~·· Playing the central and am- biUOUJ role of the coquettish painting lady ls Ruth Gabler, whose bubbly, natural style is quite infectious and duly carries the initial act. Miss "Biography" closes t h i s weekend wilh final performan- ces Friday and Saturday even- ings at the Players Theater, I020 W. 8th St., Santa Ana. More than 50 Disneyland adventures and attraclfons for your enjoyment PLUS! A Special PARADE or CHARACTE :.~~.!h~~;~ ~:~:;~::rile Disney ch~~~ 3 PM Jlfrade. · ATTEND THE OPENING T ON IGHT! OF THE GRAND.EST CINEMA OF THEM ALL Located on a specially created plateau in Fashion Is~ land, overlooking Newport Harbor with a view of the Pacific, Edwards Newport Cinema, the Music Center Mediter- ranean . In style and in . IS the magnificent. ·motion most picture tradition, theatre . In the world! 1300 CHAIRS EVERY ONE A DIVAN LOGE 300 ARE SUPER LOGES! The Ultimate in Cinema Comfort and Luxury for You! EXCLUSIVE SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT ''It looks like "Romeo & Juliet0 as one of the year's 5 nominees for 'Best Pictu re' ond Franco Zeffirelli os 'Best Director'. -Jomes Bocon, L.A. Herald Examiner ''It is the sweetest. most contempor· ery romance on film th is yeor!" -Renoto Adler, N.Y. Times ''A singu lar end overwhelming cine- matic experience !11 -Ann Mosters, Chicago American ·' "DAZZUN8l oDce JOU see i~ you11 never again pictull! 'Romeo & Jlllilt' quite tile way yoa did before!" -UFE ---··-~bi 8oMf:.o 8'JUUE· IU\u .tary._ DAD4Y PILOT. WANT. ADS HOUSES FOii SALE Gener1I Home+ Investment 1000 Equals $f6,500 Income + Location. Location, Location. 2 br house Oil R·2 Lot. Will stll ta.st al on1Y ll'.500. Move In Tomomiw HUie 2 aty Cape Cod. Ts Ready tor yoo. 3 large tJed.. rooms, den or rumpus TOOm. Excellent tenns -with 20% dn. only $225/mo. Priced for action al $38,000. "ring" l!\sPRING ····~!.! 2629 Harbor, Blvd., C.M. You'll Adore Me I'm an Oceanfront Triplex with a really great location. Near neighborhood shop. ping, CaUfolic Cliurch and Bay swimming. I have an excellent Rental record-m vacancies. I think I'm worth Sll0,000. But just between you and me-submit all of· fers. I'm awful cute even tho' I am rather young in years. REDDdri · REALTORS Exceptional View 3 Bedroom An outstanding split -level home richly appointed with large Wt"l ba.r. Bayside pat- io. Immediate occupancy. •.••••••.•...•••••.• $47,500 Walter Haase ' -== -Who Likes Children? Nearly everyone. So i1 your futurt' is tied to the kids L'Onvenience, & protection. here 's a 3 bedroom home on eastsidc Costa Mesa, only l ¥.t blks to Newport Heights grade sehoo1. Large fenced back yard with alley en· trance. Fireplace, built-ins, cpts & dra~s, I~ baths. For appointment to see · HARRY BOGGS REALTY I 7199 Brookhurst 96u.637 968-3&15 john macnab HARBOR ISLAND The onJy available home on beautiful Harbor Island. 3 Bedrooms, Study. large liv- ing rm, pier & slip. Priced under cost for immediate sale -$175,00J. Shown by appt. only. 1714) 642-823S 881 Dover Drive, Suite IOI Macco Realty Co. Bldg. Nl'\vport Beach Basic Beach Beauty Walk lo Lido shops from this squeaky clean completely furnished 2 bedroom home on R·2 lot. Room to build on. Priced at $22,500. These are few & far between. BIDCilJPI REALTY 2Q25 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 67s.6000 POOL l\1ove in tomorrow -now va- cant. Priced for Immediate sale at $29,SOO -name your tenns. Immaculate condition double patio, w/w carpets. family room. all built-ins & quiet residential area. CAlL JACK HAMMOND 54().115I (open eves) Herl~ Real Estate Extra Speciol Lovely blight and cbeerfuJ kitchen Mth satin wood D.n- 1.sbed cabinets. 3 QUe'e'D sized bedrooms plus 1 i,s. baths. A wall of &lass over Jookinr your own covered garden Pfl.tio. Large park LIJre comer lot Sett of all only $21, 150. Colesworlhy & Co. 1904 Harbor Blvd. · C.M. 642-1777 Open Eves. ON 60lf COURSE "4 unit• 2 BR 1% bath, •tu- dlO!I, Out of town owner. Im. prove this & me.kr: money. "l TRADE" Bob Olson R.eaJtor St&.S8lfl 01a1 &cU.613 tor RESUr HOUSES FOii SAUi General 1000 NO DOWN UNCLE SAM will help aoma GI bey thit apaclout home. Three bedn!om• •. l % baths. Built-In kitchen includinc disbwaaher, fireplace, FIA heat. Fully carpeted over HARDWOOD FLOOR& A Bargain at only $26,500. NO OOWN- THAT'S RIGHT -G.I, - ACT NOW!! * * • * • * $1,650 DOWN TO ANYONE. THREE BED- ROOM, 1%. BATHS, Built-In electric range and oven, dish. wasber, forced air heat, at- tractive wall to wall e&rP,ets. ~'!) car garage, large lot, Iocited on a quiet cul -de .. sac street. Owner moving to San Diego and wants quick sale. The financing is all set. FULL PRICE ONLY $16.500. 211Ll~ Evenings Call 642-9192 .EAST SIDE OOSI'A MESA NEWPORT HGTs. AREA ALL THIS AND R2 $25,500 Qwming 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den. 1 %. baths. fireplace, carpets & drapes, built-in & foret!d air heat. This well landscaped home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a very large feoo- eC! back yard, with room for R boat, camper. or build a rental unit! It has a paved alley entrance for easy ac· cess. Location is just about perfect. l % blks to Newport grade school, and only 2 blks to new city park. East 17th street and WestcliU shop- ping and two other school.I withln walkingdistance. For appointment to see. write: Private Party Box '1'612 Dailv Pilot BAYCREST CUSTOM Z BR & POOL This lovely ho m e features beamed ceilings, intercom systems. raised hearth fire. place, c u s t o m cabinetry, sunken Roman bath, lush landscaping & much, much more. Call for appointment to see. flir-1-fj;J ~~- * 642.1n1 Anytime* Assume 5~% Interest $13,500 Totel'Prlce \Vith only lO'Ao down. This 7 year old, one bedroom town- house, boasts step saver kit· chen with built-ins, large bedroom and is NEAR THE BEACH. No maintenance landscaping! It even includes REFRIGERATOR WASH· ER & DRYER. Best of All? I Total Payments of $11XJ. in- cludes Truces & Everythinr WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545.9491 Open 'til 9 P.M. WHAT A BUY Oub:tandlng 3 BR 2 bath home with beautltul Palos Verde stone fi~ place & panelled walled living room. Has GI Joan with $114 per month payments. Full price $22, 7ri0. J6a... COATS ~WA~ACE REALTORS 546-4141- (0pon Eveni"I') 2 BR DUPLIX Large 900 &q fl units with en- clo&ed garq" & in excel- lent condition. Corner loca- tion near schools & ~ pU,,. °"""' -$24,000 " - PEl=lr:ION ... ;r, ......... ~, •• * 642-lnl Anytlmo *' :==::~~I 10 UNITS I on 3 lots. AdJacent to Ooeo.n- ttont. SJSS.<03-t B1lboa llNI E1t1t1 Co. 700 E. Bal)loe Blvd .• 1lalboa m.o111 I f'or Dally Pilot Wtnl Adi. Dlal &12-5679 for RESULTS HOUSIS FOR SA~I _,., -··•··· • • • -• • .. • • • • •• ,, • • • • • • ••• f _. ' ... . .... ... , . . . .... Tut!4.tr. ,tlntlty ll, 1969 HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES POR SALE HOUSES FOii SALE llOUSIS FOR SA I HOUSES FOR SAL "•"' • 1.Geo;;;,.;';•:;1 ::;;;;;;;;;;l;OOO;;;Geo;;;;,.;r;•l;:::;;;;;;;;;;lO;oCJ;;oCJ Newport Beach 1200 Corone dol Mar 1250 , ·--· N'--' !112?!5 ~ =~~="----":;;;,. -;;;;===;;;1.:--::::--~:::-=-_:'"': Goiiorot -Oops 11 library IOI DH! -· ' • o 2 Se111rlf, e Hoasese DELIJXI) a Br. t Ba.; 11!"" !2111 .JllM V,.,,. I BL RA~CHO" LA CUESTA a't ~~kburat ,.-At;' Pl .. ....u .. t -->ltch--·- 6 -t+J: 2 ... , ........ t':' 1"' m:V\I « u. 1~ efticlmcy oU ~ Both neat 1 clean. ~ ~ ID aduive MmW"Ch &w. allldrfa II pets c& • lanla in Huntington Beach. W• lhot1$ht we °"' !omlly t00111. Exclualve tor an addltlotlal T Uolb. ..,.ly oce .. view: •tilo, ;5.1;;';:11111=.,..l~__,,.--,-=I had all our new1home& sold out one of our llatiqJ-byappointmentonly. Savi?WJ • Loan ,.._ water atentr ••·pr. FOR ·~ f:XOPli...t, --i. buyers has been'ltallsferred ·~we must sell Dtl°'Real Estate 6'&"411 Btilld !or the IUtln, °""" -.; I >'" -· ~ ' BR; r ,iA -· HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALE TELL us 16tft & Tustin -c .. 11 Maso Excellent location, near schools, shopping and ~t;h Oiµy a few left. Buy now wblle ln· terest n tes are' only - -~ · this home immediate\)', This S n ~&Uel BEAUTIFUL paymentfinanciJWopen, WID w1111411•-owrfrf iJ to-·.....,.-. model ta a beaulilul Z story hOme featuring: QUALITY HOME ox-to• p-JD Po-49M1l8 ~ mo. TY:·• 1112 4 bedroom$; 3 bathrOOl(lS, for,.ma.l d1nine 2 Br. A Fam nn, 2~ Ba.. mona area. 5 BR. 3 Ba.: kty., ••· ,SJJO; 1 I i£ 2 ii. wtw. ' room, family rOom with a reat fireptace, etec-xtnt are&. Priced Right! Full PriCe fll1,:o:t • Bltnl. dhhwshr, c p t 9 d. blCn8-'Ctdldnn • pet OK. WHAT YOU WANT THI HOMI 0, , YOUlt. ORI.A.Ml MAY II RU.DY FOR OCCUPANCYI 5"-2313 • 646-7171 APPRAISED $22,250 No down to Vetl -lm- tMdiate po111ession. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath&, ha..s large Uvtng room w:lth fireplace, car pets and drapes -$1400· down to au. $22,250 gov'L a~ pnbed. NEAR WESTCLIFF Channing custom 3 bed· room and dining room in a picturesque east.side setting. Open beam ceU- inp, v;leaznl.ng hardwood noon. and used brick fireplace gjve1 the llv- imt room a .. coppel'. Ket- tle" sty I e. $26,lSOO - Terms are euy - QUIET HAVEN 3 Bedrooms. 2 bathe in a quiet non-traffic &treel -cozy living room with brick fireplace, kitchen with all electric built-int -a dandy buy at $26,900 with 10% down. Owner will consider trade for 3 or 4 units. 5 BEDROOMS rm Mesa Del Mar's nlc· est 5 bedroom 3 b a t h home. My ownen say rve &Otten too big for them. But for S38,500, I know rm just right for you. J'm warm & friend- ly and just love kids. Please ask for me. COLLEGE PARK 7% with 2q% down-7\.1'/, wilh 10'!. Dn. no 2nd -no 'polnts-29 yn on balance trlc buill·in kitchen, luxurious green shag 0 w n "· ""3219. OPEN LLOYD BARN ITT • $29,900. l3500 Dn. Ownor -~ •• carpets throughout. The out.aide includes HOUSE SAT" SUN. REALTOR . 673-5420 831-9139 . ,o1 l •'-'--. I I shake root &·concrete driveway, Gracious LOVELY 2·bdnn home, on1y 2333 E, O>ut HwY, CdM c.N -JIOO Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 llVing for only ~1,800 with 10% down. Im-s bCodm 1n>m the "!er. I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ C•elsttano _INch !7?5 Pl:llDING ~ Exclu.Jve Agent mediate occupancy. Call lle&-2929 or 968-Out ol town owner wanta lido Isle 1351 DUPLEX • $29,500. \C<>od l.luo:/optton 0< we th1a p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO 1338 any day from 10 to 8.~ quick ale. ,Nice yani I fine, loc, eonditioo l in-•;BR 2 bath hame. Im- garqe, ~ $16,000. Keseel STYLISH come. Realtor Jack IrCalit. rirdlate po,, e, 1 ton -r.o., ReJ.ltotJ. 545-8291· ~2455 I =o/ino. CAIL AL BLACK 3 BR Walfdroot No. 62 One slory contemporary 3 .~.. . 1 ALI f4l..llll. Herl~ R •a I ===-= -- Trad Ph: ~113 ''°"' L.A. Call MA MOM "Oh. What A Beallflhl Morllliigl" Balboa O>ves. S g 0 ' 0 0 0 . ~ plua 2 ht~ adorable How• Pvm~ -lllta=="=------ BAYADERE In exclusive Irvine Tetrace beautiful custom home 3 Bedrooms includit:W lavish muter suite family room with inlaid Door ·~pool! with water fountain bad.min.ton court "eloquent''· dog run a lot o.I' home in a. choice location $19,500 Call John Abell Res: 61.J.7365 HARBOit Pete Barrett Reilly Presents UDO Choice laige comer 3 Bdrm 2 baths, dining room. Most unusual tor Lido; 3 car garage plus parking. Lovely sunny patiom and maximum privacy. can to see. ~ lli05 Westclill Dr. NEWPORT BEACH ~... 642-5200 Four Bedrooms • $19,500 When Your Addreu Is Prefet trade for a--or kitchen w/bl.t.n. Lovely< -R d .,~ will cona1der 0~":5i,Tm So. patio. ~· lot, ~.000 8 ., ln. rm., an~ R. c. GREER, Realty Gonaral '~ ,.,...,., • ~lr'>t· ,,,,... BIG SWEETHEART First on the market! 5 -3 batjla. pl"' huge family room & formal dinlf'lll' area. Over 2600 sq ft In all! Price lncludes sba; carpets, quality dra- pe•, soft water, door opener & central gar- den atrium. Sweet- heart of a house - honey of a buy. Just listed at $49,<KXI. OPEN HOUSE DAILY 12·4 P.M. 103 -105 Linda Isle Drive. Nowoo•t Be•ch Shown by appolnlment · BO .YD ,REALTY 3629 E. Co11t Hwy,, CdM 615-5930 * BAY VIEW Fee lot BS' X 195' W/· ~ $34,00Q. Owntt 548--1249, 543-fJJT Newport Haig~ 1111 Y 011 are invited to inspect this rustic style home 2 BR &. den, 1 % baths, l!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!lll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I I kitchen bit-ins, large rustic 2 Story· Shake ldool Family Home "1>1c. Summer. i• roming Walt to beaches, · schools, and this already has a pool, Roof Rustic: ,,_1ng. Thm tmmaoulate $28,500. C05rA MESA, Fonnal slate preatftt 4 BR home wW in-A\. entry. Large living room stantly appeal to your taste ~~ .L •ML with brick loi: bunting fire-« poclretbook. Artistically ...,._..., place. Gigantic family room la.ndlcaped, fenced yml with l t 4 L T y with used brick fireplace + BBQ. A real deal at $26,950. bu, 0>arm1ng >ltchen with Ted Way Rlty. 536-257' bullt-ihs + disbwaaber. Din- ing ,,, .. a ... t maat., with REPOS Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 This 0: filS INDIVIDUALITY! private bath. Forced air $695. $895 DOWN 1 3 Br. 2 Ba. New crpts, drps, H and heating. 3 baths. L a r g e 4 BR, s~ &: 2 1tory -~ bltns. 1400 sq ft Forced OftM heated pool with diving: 1650 aq ft.' to 1850 aq ft, DeW a.ir ht'g. • Del dbl gar Guesthouse boafd.. Near schools,· shop-paint vacant. Quick move. w/elec opener, alley a<!- Great 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ping and beach. Only $36,950. in. cesa. By o;.-ner $34,500. home with ci. .. -; .... l bed-FOREST E. OLSON, JNC. HAFFDAL Rlty. ~ Prine D.1)1.y. 60-67S7 ·-·~ 541,/;312 room guest house for mother loiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiii .. in-law. Built-in electric kit. chen, including dishwa!ber. Wood burning: fireplace. Al- WTSIDE BEAUTY ley entrance for boat or A tnust to see. Tri-levd, 3 BR trailer. A rare 1ind -Onfy + farnlly room, 2% 'baths, $29.500. Submit your home fireplace, do u b I e patios, on our guarantee trade plan. built·ins, expensive carpets WE SELL A HOME & ~. automatic garage EVERY 31 MINUTES door .opener & sprinklers Walker & Lee -"$32~o to .... 2043 Westclilf Dr. 646-m.t Open Evea. OUTSTANDING 2 bdrm 1 ~ bath Townhou,,e. Many custom featW'es including w/w carpets. built·ins Ir. dishwasher. Newport ., Victoria 646-8811 Costa Meta 1100 One Dollar Down' 3355 Via Udo, SUite 2lli • W/W qitt, ........ ; ~; 613-9300 1185; 2 BDRMs., 1\1 bO-, $200 Mooth, audenel: pUL -======== I .,.,,.,.... Pado: """""' --.. """"· ~ ~ I REO,;;.;;:,,,:.ECp~RA=TED~, --~ .... ~ llayfront Duplew "Iii"-""" an.I 1 bidroom clUpla. Sllli.000 • Z.three BR'• Rent1l1 te· Shire' ta05 $125 mo. 54S-642$. 288 ~ W.S,000 • 3 BR I& Two BR's OM Wlth l .,,,_ •-' :::St=.,..:°':::.------wlth Fireplaces M C<llllU-.::>< wanoo • 2 BR hoine Eut&ld Walker Rulty to 1ind hom• to abut. Ex. ---to'.r e. = S336 Via Lido ...,,. i:OVV\ ref~ Btrx P659, DI.lb" ·Pilot, ~.;·, ....... 'RI' ~.,., ,,............., CM 1 ......,mo, tr.~ BY Owner 2 br. 1 ba. frplc. Costa u-11 2100 N--rt •--ch bit-ins Playnn. " ba. ·Belt I ::;;::;::..::-=::..._,,.,..::.:c ... • .... "': -:1200 Lido buy. $44,500. 2 BR. rum. Ctxceft bdrms.) (TI4) 675-50l2l Cple. W/1 ~ elilld 45' Lot-$47,500 '"''""'· 1110 .... GG<l46 Sm.all, neat 3 Br, l 'A. Ba. New kit. Owner. 6Th-264.1 Huntington Beach 1400 U you are a qualified Vet you can move in without one penny down ••• not even closln& COit&. 2 BDRM hou.te w/prap, frplc, llU'le bdnna, $115. Mo. 613-8472 Balboa BA YFRONT with boat alfp, large .. bdrm, 2 ba.. blt-iill. Walker Ir. Lff, sales Agents , .,;,1425::=;";;,•·;S29-8100:===== • Perfect {amily homt, 3 bedrooms 2 ba lbs and a large family room 2 fire- places, extra large pa tlo and service porch. $Z1,- 500 -Nothing down to Vets -$2450 to others. 646-7171 * 546-2313 Afove into this large family home today. Close to shop- ping, schools and churches. Just put on the market, this one won't last $1&3 per month includes taxes and insurance. ONLY -$700 DOWN total cash required!!! Full Prlca $21 ,500 HURRY! HURRY! SAN VISTA RLTY CO. lndustri•I Building 6800 sq ft, 3 years old Near Freeways & South Coa!t Plaza.: Income $8,268. Excel- lent tenant.I. FuH pr i c-e $57,5(.(1. -or nothing if yuu pre.fer, ii: are a qua)llied veteran. Real neat, large 3 It Jam nn, walking 1dtstanee to the "MESA VERDE"' gr .~ d 1 school A: the shopplb&' ceriter.. Full price $25, 750. Open 10 'til dusk t!aily 1 • 968 l)ftl)I! HuntlntfOit .-3400 -'1WQ FREE RENTAL BOOK BACK BAY ESTATE SIZE Big 75x245 Estate with custom-built 3 bedrooms, 2in baths. Beautifully carpeted It draped - Wide open bay view - $59,500 -Owner will help finance and will ac- cept trade. THE GRADUATE Just getting started. Will like this one. In Col- lege Park too! 3 BR -Family room, 2 baths -Extn sharp. Well landscaped -Assume 5%. % FHA IOan Sl~.00 per mo. Including taxes & ins. MESA VERDE POOL HOME Repainted. Redecorated shil'les like new, 5 bed- rooms 3 baths In the ·popular 2 story model. Completely fenced pool and concrete patio. $42,- 500 -10% down. Own- er may accept trade. MEREDITH GARDENS EXECUTIVE HOME Decorat~• dtllabt with 5 spacious bedroom• with closets galore. 3 luxurious baths. All plus pool with board and slld~l,900, a real ex- ecutive home • DOVER SHORES NEEDS OFFERS WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 20t3 Westclill Drive 646-nu Open Eves. 546-1210 Eves. 54o-a365 Above lhe Averqe 3 BR home in Mesa Verde bas nice family room, 2 baths. fireplace, w/w carpets & drapes, built-in kitchen. Only $25,950. I'\ l I • \\ 11111 ~1 \II\ \ll \\ ! 1 \ I I \ ' • 1093 Baker, C.M.l 546-5440 ERNIE;-.. CL.EVELAND RNltor 545·5810 (nut~ lhllbt) OUEGE llEALTY 1500,... at Hlrtlor,Cll 2400 SQUARE F'EET·ot ltv-143 Broadway 645-0111 ing area. Masalve 2 story Eves. 642-1453 646-4579 home with forinaf dining room, ramlly toom, double Three W-tshes 1 i re p I ace , swing:vound Corona fllcblands Home with.an Ocean View under $4<1,000 3 BR., llAI baths 10% doWn payment OK LLOYD BARNETT REALTOR 673·5420 3333 E. Coast Hwy, CdM U peace, comtort I-location drive & ovt!rsbed · k>t. A are important to YoU look little bit of everything forli:==:i=:i=:l=:i=:i=:i=:i=lor ·a.uume FHA 5'4 % loan. Urla over. ConY@nie•t to $41,500. CAU. AL BLACK Duplex--2 Yrs Nt~ ! BR, 18"13 .e~te ~ Newport .He 11 b t 1 eradf! 540-1151 Heritage Re a I One of COrona. del ... A_.1 fin. roam, bdwd t10on, cpta/ --•-• and -" ~-•-2 Estate · "'..... --, nowly --•-~ lnllde 6 au.JUV4, ..... •""'l'l'JNA· 1,;:=:======::. est custom-blt Duplexea. 3 .... .,. ,..... ..... ::soo~ .:::i C-.. J:r. Mn• Verde 1110 BR. 3 ha. Front houat plui ou~-REAL'IY $$ Save $$ r.ature& ' ........,,, 2 2 BR, 2 "" Apt, 162·500· 847= "°''· 918-1178 baths, fireplace, cpb:. am DELIGHTFUL 3 BR, 2 BA. Orange Coast Property Cavsa It's Dirty drapes, double prage, con. 1-fam. Assume. 5"-% loan 332 ,Marguertte: CdM rn.8550 ruu. PRICE $'11,995 for' a crete drive, large feneed 1,;0;,' ,:1 ;;8°'Y ;0""'=:;';,· ;;,,.._:11;10"'== I =:l=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i= Laguna Beach 1705 ""'"---'= SHERWOOD IDATU by the SEA Ow~r1 Attention I Do you have rental units? We have good tenants from previous yean: and need - SUMMER -WINTER • and ANNUAL rentals for them. Pleue call our rental dept. and let U1 afve you. the RED CARPET treatment -)'OU deo terve the best! RED CARPET Rlty Rental Dept 67J.366.1 2025 W. Balboa mvd., N.B. Drop in ind Orows• Sharp 4 bedroom, 2 Baths. Big yard 1Dr the kids. Mod- em Bu.llt ina, Owners tran. !erred but not too 'fat, be &a)'S rent or sell $1.85 per mo. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 842-4455 or 54Q.5140 . · Open Dally tll 8:30 FOR RENT. Oean 3 BR. built·lns, tarre comer lot. close to beach. $190/mo. 347-3919 4 BDRM bouae. Ira: Wn rm. 2 fr.pies, N' sch::loll 6: UJoi>. ping. ~TI74 Charm Galore 4+Family Room ?.IESA DEL MAR AREA OF COST A MESA. Plush form&! entry. Large living room with brick fireplace, Sliding glass doors leads to fl'tt form gardens. Large family room with beams. f.fotbers dream kitchen with built-ins plua: dishwasher, eating counter. 4 family bedrooms. Fantastic master with pri- vate bath. ~o=~~~~A~ ~-y~~nu~t~~~ con ... Park 1115 SOLID COMFORT ~er.T!e•ha~~r.a:: need -built·ins, double gar-available in thiJI part of 3 BDRM, llAI Ba, College 4511 Dorchester Royale Penthouse in So. age,paneled!ivingroomand eastskle C.M. Hurry. OWN-Park Home, fur sale by Cameo Highlandt Laguna. Dtcorat!d ' by J. ffiVINE TERR.ACE -2 BR • den. Fll11aati< View, ::M::;ld:;W:;a:iY_C:;i::;IY.__.;36=16 FOREST E. OLSON, INC. 541"314 comer lot. No down to vets ,ER.=...:612-0SO:=o;:~· =-,----500 64 OPEN SUN 1 -5 H. Biggel'll, 2 bdrm; 2 ba., -small down FHA -See•-STROLL ov.'ner, $24, · 2-98S4 5 BR _ $56,500 priced atJ_$75,ooo. Property this one! PLACE your WIDI. ad wbtte Delancy Real Estate clear. OJ'""' wUI consider beanWu.I conditlol: -$750 ~ BR. duplex: tncd. )'IU'd: ~rrno. warer paid; garage, $100 BEACON BAY - 2 · BR & Month. !m-19116 den, or 3 BR. Commimllf =========-beach, pier, tennis coot -L19un1. Nfgue.I 3707 $450 per mo. --''-~-=0-"-.,.;~ Furow Realty 293 E. 17th St. THE BEACH .,.,, In looldna -DAILY 67>J710 catTl'lllthl ll'tllt dffd. OOI: 64<>4494 1 ~PIWl'~:;,.;cl::;•::;:ut~ft~od;:.,:84::;:":;:·!6:;;78::;.,~=:=:i=:i=:i=:i=:l=:il;I Jell Brlrry, Jone1 • Really, Potentlal , .. t home. s;,,.,e1 .......................... 1 AT ·SUNSET Ii Jne. 2001 w. Balboa Blvrl., 1tory on large lot. Huge Brand SjMnklng New Thia Newport Beach 5 BR. 3 .:;N:::.•:::·.;'il-<l:::.::=21::.0_,,,..,,~- 6 Bedrooms J hnM bRe IN C NEW 4 BR 2 BA, !&m rm, 0·-, ~ ·~ o. cpt, dtp.11, pvt beach, l au golf club. $250. 495-6:i93 tamily room with fireplace Just completed -& just a bath. 7 year old family home income Units ~ +dining area. Blt-lns, FA short drive (for Palmer) to is one of a kind. Garden pa-NO MATIER Handyman Speclal1 heat, good Costa Mesa area, Mesa Verde'• 17th! Fabu-tio oU master BR. Large prl-· , Loe. on Oceamlde of Hwy, HOW'S THE 1 block to shopping. Only lous 2-level Custom home vale play yard fOI' children. 150 yds from Beach. 4 l&e TIME FOR $26.~. Good terms. now offered by builder at 2 car garage. Just pl.aced APt units, needs paint & JU". t;<&.3928 °' &l2-0158 "orlJJce. 4 + !am "'" wet "' the marlret 1" 138,950. w H AT aood .. ne"1 clemup. PO-fjlUICK CASH ' *LAC HEN MYER bu etc. Hurry now! Tho R<al Eotaten -646-n7l. T~ INC 0 ME EX-THROUGH, & 546 . 5110 546-23U Ci:EDING $10,00J ANNUAi, " Cozy • W'"RM , ___ l ~Y. Pnoe 169,950. DAILY PILOT .. .. LLEGE REALTY ON THE BEACH lollsSION REALTY '9W13I " ""' ' BR, home ...,. lllll ............ Cll Exel··"""~·-~-~--985 So. °"''· Lailrna WANT AD Newport. ~igbts on abort -......, .............. ""'"" ._.... • TAL no tramc ,...._ Good W. · yeu around living -b<st IT Is RENTALS R<N S R-2 tot tor future potential F •-..1--Harbor area. 2 BR. 2 Ba. HOUlll Furn....-HoUHI Furnished na""" ive ..urvvllll priced to Rll tut at -•m !iOO • • ll ,.....,,,7'N-Beautiful Ba,ycrnt home By appt only -. General 20000enef'll.' 2000 0_~ .. ~ w1th lovely poo1, 1 bdnn CORBIN·MARTIN .......... suitable tor maid'• room. REAL TORS I I A l t Y Excellent Antigua Way ~ 3036 E C H CdM J / YOU CAN Condominium .' 2 BDRM, 1" ba. blt-lnl. 20x21 nnnpu1 rm, \Ullt of pool, tennis crt. aorw.. etc. Complet.ly """' 6 <hpd. Must Re to appt"tdate. Lease •· 5Y-2514 m - Go-.ral . 2000 - cation. Don't rntu thlt one. • out wy, . 3100 ••. IL ol lwNt)'. .,N,.ear ..... NB ... Pos""t"'O"k"',"646-... 24 ... 11 Arnold & "--ud 675-1662 All cmtom constructed 11· rR 4 bedrooms, la>nlly room MOVE IN HARD TO BEAT I SELL IT WITH A S©~4\11A.-lG£~s· Solve• Slmp,ll Scramblld Won! Pu.ult far• Chu.ck!• and lonnal dlnlng room. Immediate posseulon AND YOU DON'T HAVE $23,500 with 10% down -Al!k-TO DO A TIUNG. 4 Bed-Muter a1xed bedrooml, den, in1'. $73,500. rooms and Family room. EASTSIDE C M 2 baths, itolated rear llvin& Be•utilul cupru • drapos. , • room with a"'8clive bride 100 MORE FROM $16,500 ,. $250,000 646-1171 ... 546-2313 We NtMI SalMIMftl OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 -' THE ~J E AL E .c:;·r ATER.'-; - --- - Sprinkle.rs, outdoor lilbW. Near churclft, 3 liR, 11' ha. fireplace, ovtrlookl tbe pool plUI lovd;Y enclosed 1anaJ $21. 750 CRV dud )'8J'd. Delightful pa.Ho. with flttplace. Wor*rtul Geof'll Willl1mt0n Luxury built -in kltcben. home for $58,500. Realtor QUalU;y conttrucdon. 5t0-1120 JEAN SMITH, RHltor I ;flM!IO!!iji~~~Ews!ii!!. ~m.~ll&lii!.lliTiiiA(R~BfE=jL~L;:29S5"fi:"Hof'"<j;bor~ 400 E. 17th. C.M. D.f/646-3256 1 ! MR. A Mn. O. A. Peo-DAVIDSON R= nJnrtonbavejU1tcomploftd Huge Rumpus Room 4 BR home, lil baths. hard- wood Ocon, double prqe. 125,000: Walls-McCanli., Rltrs. 1810 Newport Bl'Yd., C.M. 548-mt Eves. &44-0684 E · E HT a Bronze Medalllob Home N WPOllT H IG at 313 E. a.y ....., Balboa 3 ,,... BRI, dlnUW '°""" hland. blt-lnl. Alley acee91 tor boat l========"-R°:'tr~n:':bor.18, CM Costa Mesi 1100 546-S160 Ewa. 543-3584 $16l INCLUDES . ln1trrat, Dup .. x Wnttlde taxes A lnrurance. Aulane 2 Bdrms each. Like oew. 1 5J4 ~ bt.n -m io.n feea. blk to 1twp •••••••• m ,500 4 BR. 2 bath home ln u- 2 BR Cbtta,. Home ao:llent resk1ential are a • I CUh tallcll CALL 541)..1151 lllbo1 Pt. OcHn ront Werb.klt. l block to llhop-Copen evet) Heritage Real Ablolutel,y labWoul Vier. • ping •••• •• .. • • •• .. " • $1$,ZO Ettate J Bdnn Home wltb larp GENCO REALTY 80-4422 BY OWNER _ !Hkte S Br. Rumpua Rm A-extra puidnc SAL'ION Sea. Lot R«luced 2 Ba. Natural wood bltn Ll00$Sl.t:L TY Jl.000 tor qt:nck salt. Ne«! kitchen: utllity Po r c ti : !«XI Viti.Lido 6'3-8810 caah. MS-1591 alttt 4 pm crptl, -Qooo to IChla 11,.,,..., ... __ ...... ..Jliii!ii-i!liiii!!!!!!!!!!!iiiiii, I 01.<RGE -T' od -· 6 ....... 125.500. -• ----~-~ ------~------ DAILY PIL.OT WANT ~D For Fad Strvica Ii &pen Assistanco PIAL ~~78 l>IRECT IJUl~S ·11:t1 I . Doflnlllon of a U.ed '""' Ifs not what tt's - -to be. rlH""·A_T_C~.E-D---, • 2 -11 • 1· r 1 1· 1 . • f:1:: ~""'~ ~ -. -. . . . ""_,,,, ............. ,,......,,~ u. ' ' . I I . ' ~ ml':.s~~R!! r t r 1· . r. r r r I 6 ~~~'?'1 1.·1:.,,.3.1· .• ' 1 ·1 SCRAM·~ AN~~H e~lft~nON .. ' · l I f I ... .._. . . .. .... ~. ;:-.;.;;~:;;; . , .. ... , ~ .......... ,, . . . . Schools and Instructions I ' Maintenance Thia variety of fine schools could introduce you to anew tomorrow. For lurlf.tr lnlon111tlon '"ftrdtn1 tho Dolly Piiot S_c~ool1 A ln1tn.ctlen Plr.ctory CAU '42·5671, IXT. 325 Man ~============iii;::=::============~=============;;;iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiim;;;;;;;;;~ GJ .JJarref/ STUDIO of CHARM And MODELING -...-!llAlll .......... _ ... d-'""1411Wml .... chine -eo.n. pany benefttl and .. pad !u11n II< ... r1lbt Pl" ..... Af>ply .. PtrlOnnol Office Ua S. Divers Company 3323 W. Womer Santa Ana SAIESMAll Manager Trolnet for rttall luaa&e • leather -....... Saluy ..... Pit- APPLY IN PERSON Roottn's Lu9tC1ge S.CoastPlou Cott• Me111 LINE MECHANIC GM oxperiellCo .........,,, Apply: ALLEN Oldsmoblle-Cad!Ilac llSO So. Cout lll&fnny Lqvoa e.ach * Ol.lllM Mlcll<l\ll!OO- CAllElt OPPORTUNITY I JolotDda,)ol.futest- ~··d«Pllubllll'andl ... No apll1enca ,,.,....,.. W• tnJn • llll or put ttmt Mutvol Fund AftlMn, Inc. Npt B. 11111 W-mt- 1.A. 1212 N. -., Kl.f&U YOUNG MAN'S I I . COPRr b1Sid1 the blut w1t1rs of the PK!flc Don't,G1mblt with Your Child's Fulurt COPRE' SCHOOL Loca~ .on the Balboa Ptntntula beside the blue wa"'8 of the Padfl.c Ocean. Coeduca· Uonal college preparaotry. Balanced proiram of cultural 1nd 1<ademlc excellence. Llmlted D?bcr of opentn11 available for 19111M19 ocli!lol YMr In gradn 7·12 for both resident and day students. Tbe future of our counlry I• dependent upon the merit of !lie education of our youth. 710 Int~ Pron! loll101, C1lll., 92661 \ph. 673-1610 Chilcoot Tl/Ping scf.o.1 173 D1l Mar A1'intU c .. 14 MclO, Coltfornlo Dear Mitt ChUcoat: Dio'llC Louil• Duffl• 2121 StvUlt Avm,.. B<llboa, California l hove njoued tht11 le111m1 oery much. The "N~ tht Finger111 IVl\em b a fa.It and· et1o> jOJPblt way to learn to 1i'Pf. Compared to the 111um wed in 1c:hooll it ii ama:inolv fa&t. Thia 1y1tem "I think" 1would be a better mttllod for th< ttochlng of tVJ1lng than tit< nuthod that ia now wed n. 1chooll, 1oday. I am ootng to be a Freshmen. in Hfoh School uzt JlfM' 10 1 took these lfuon.a to htlp mt with tM tmttng of term ia,prra during my high 1chool yean. Thi.s 1111tJri madt me want lo proctic< b<CGUU ii ii fon, tlp<cfallU wll~ th• namer tht ltnom htlptd nw rtTMmbtr. Thtl• lc11on1 art tCUJI. I toiU rtmtmbtr all mu llft, and I went to thank '°ou veru much for teaching me lo 11/P<. Thank JIOU aocdn. Dia., D•ffl< DREAM •U•> A -~•UtMRNoJOllS & IMPLDYMINT II )'OU --:17 atJd llll< 1,11t=lp=W=111=1M,=:M:":":":ZOO::H:•:':•:W:111:ted::,:l:w:•:7'J:ZOO= talldnc .. slrlo. WI!¥ "" ... I· Plld lor It A -t!Joc pco. .,..., dtoll1W wilh - -lor .. .-.11rm1. Slut $400. to SI». mo. 111&ry dur-l"C-. Cllll I to & p.m. -SALts IXPIR • .,. NO 1969 EXl'IR. RIQUIRID f I1 )'OU can foDow ordtra JOU 0 ~write 1 order. di.)'. Your Year Independence I CAN OFl'ER YOU ./ $175 per week #Shovnper ... ./ BonUI Plan Apply at 800 So. El Clmtno Roal, Suitt 215, ... a.-... bttwffn 10 • 4 Mon. ttn. f\'t. Camper & Motor Home BUILDERS -NEEDED IN ALL -., ............. -. Must ha.VI the eXJ)9rlenot a O"fm took. See "JUdc" at 2135 Canyon Drift, Cocia Meta. or call 60t'r.lt IF you ue a recO!lt college aradu1te who&• liltun ii blocked becawe of the nature of bis wort or the size of the org1niJltlon OR a man now Hlllng who foela his work ta not aul11clenUy t:hallenctng or thlt II does not of- fer adequate Income or advancement pooalbl· lit!., or requlrel too much travel OR a Junior execuUYe, school teacher, engineer, bualneu owner, accountant or laY1Yer who bellevn he hos the ability to earn more THEN PboH for FREE Brochure OD. "SECRETS OP BEAUTY" C-N ... "°""lot HOWl:fo.m,lefp...,, Count t1J>P!'01l<d I "':" I bu th• . Calif. Supt. of Public. lnatr. *Mot1o11ot...iT- *C .... &P-IDn .... oot * Do.-r.....,._u..to 'lltootro * s,..w c-1er """-"" * c:.-Glrll l'LOUNCI SMALIS Dir.c&or of Ot&r Stott Licenaed llodcllng Aa<TICll Ult N. Malo, -AH 147-6'71 IHI 5-y c:n.t Dr, 15-y Hiit Vllot•I . ,..,,,. "7·1000 Academic Achievement e Small Claues e Individual Attention e Open Court Reading e Full Day Seuions e Extended Day Care e Transportation Fundamentel Christian Education FIRST BAPTIST DAY SCHOOL 30 I Magnolia Street Costa Mesa, California Telephone 548-1733 All-Day Cla1111 - Kindergarten lhru Btb Grade e . TEACHING THE t R's WITH PHONICS e. DOOR-TO.DOOR BUS SERVICE e .BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE Call or write today HAWTHORNE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS .. POUNl"AIN VAU..rf" 16835 Srookhurat Street Fot.a"ltein Valley, Calrtornia 92708 (71o4) ee:wa12 Anna's p,..schoor-1st Gred• ANNOUNCES F1cllltle1 for Enlarged Enrollment Register your lllUe ones for: • A Full (fun! Lumtn1 Progr1m •Music e Art • Danclftl • Creotl" Actlvltlos • Hot Lunchot & Snockt • AIOI 2 lhl'Gugh ht gredo 2110 Thurln Avo., Cnto Mou Ph: 646-1444 WOMIM MIN WHY WORK FOR l!o'INIMUM WAGES7 LEARN e IBM COMPUTER PROGRAMMING System • 360, Model 30. . Thi, 1dv1nc.d court• Inc I u d • • RP&, COIOL •ncl IAL Len91.1•1••· • IBM KEYPUNCH-ALL MACHINES MTI 11 THE School in Oran~• County 1uthorl11cl to use th1 1•m• te1chin9 m•fh· odt 11 llM Corporation. • SECRETARIAL-LEGAL-MEDICAL •SHORTHAND (from Lru1h·up to advencedl • PBX RECEPTIONIST • TYPING lfrom beginning fo 1.111cutiv1I DAY & IYINING CLAllll, NO WAITING ITUDINT LOAN,_,.11 PLACl"'INT AID APPROVED FOR VETERANS CALL WRrTI VISIT MTI Business College 2100 NORTH MAIN ITlllT, IAHTA ANA 541-2672 New Cl1ue1 Now Formlnt You Are Invited to investigate the profeuionel opportunities in PRACTICAL Nursing offered by NURSES TRAINING INSTITUTE OF ORANGE COUNTY Hospital Tr1ining -Institutional Homt Ciro -Doctor's Office Jab Pl1comont 4016 WEST COMMONWEALTH FULLE1UON, 92633 525-7521 Acl'06S &'om Fullerton Airport TAUGHT BY QUALIFllD REGISTERED NURSES Sta~ Boon! of Education Approved a IMl'LOYMINT rfelp Wonted, -7200 e FRY COOK e . ·---.. ------· --·~ ----~ ,, .. n~ a c1·1u"Lll Y iv1cr11·r JOIS & IMPLOYMINT Help W•ntlcl, Mon 7200 HolpWlfltod,-noo .IUtilt It kMPLOYMIN I Help Wonled, Mon ~200 JOBS & IMl'LOYMENT JDBS & IMPLOYMINf WANTED CalJte Shop. lla1 abllt 7 .. 3 p.m., I da, week. Med. int. alt 30 ...... $26. abllt to start. Must be fut, neat and able to control cart can &93al.5, 10 am to·2 pm OJQ'. Young Meri fr1vel II to 24 NEED thrte bo)'B to trawl 48 1tatea and return. Tra.na- pOrtatloo !umlabtd. l300 per mcmth to start, must be able to leave immediately. See Mr. J, F.dte. VJUa Marina, ltr.:. Ba)'alde Dr., NB., 10 am-4 pm. BUSBOYS & DISHWASHERS nn ttm._ Owr 18 APPLY IN PEMON J. c . Penney Co. Fuhlon Island Newport Bea..:h Hu full time optninl ~ *BUFFERS* Recent, tucceuful expe~ itnce in aD phases pre- fernd. Competative ...... ea, oubitandlng benefita including pront aharlrv • APPLY JN PERSON Mon • l'ti 10 am to 5 pm J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 F11hlon lslond Ao .. ual opport\lnll> empleyer Oran .. Couniy Aerospace Manufacturer · ATIENTION GIRLS H.u opon""' tor a w.. SOUTH LAGUNA II le 24 Stock STOCK CLERK charJe type individual In National concern needs five their shlppln& and receiving Attractive, well Ir o om e d youna: ladle&. Fl't'e to travd We have an immediate need departmenL Must have re-lady lor office '-IOmfl re-eut coast and rilldwe1t re- lor a brisht, ambitious man cent experience. Se n d ceptlonlst duties in Pacitlc IOrt areas with chaperoned with a minimum ol two reaume and salary re-Jaland Villaa:e, Laguna NI&-sroup. Muat be ptMIOnable years respon.atble stock room qulrements to Box M--616 uel Prefer experienced but IUld neaL HJah sc:m edu- experience, Knawledae of ~The=:i'Da::ll:=:y"'Pll=o=t=== will train. For app't. call cation not ~u.lttd but must el~tronlc component partA -(1) 4'6-12)4 . be w1lll.nr to learn. ~ is essentlal and a high school Agencle1, Women 1300 ATTRACTIVE woman to set paid while in tralnJn&. lifrree ia Pftlnnd. e KEYPUNCH e = ::ve fl= :,11:~ = :::::: fo~ i!:!: OPERATOllS to work with public. 4 hour view see Mr. J. Edat. Villa Your main rnponslbllity will t. to store, maintain and i... sue our electronic stock room supplleL Good atart1n1 rate plus ex- cellent benefit& inoludin& twelve day1 vacation durin& your fint year ol employ- Experienced Alpba I Num. day, $IM month apply OI Marina, 11121 Bayaide Dr., Lona tenn us1&nmenti, Pacltic Cout Hwy, Newport NB., 10 am -4 pm. d&y1. Lon& Beach area, Free Beach 1..;.=.o:..=..:..:=-- ~ S&RVICES INC. * OPERATORS * 230 E. 3rd Street Sporta~ar. Full or pt time. Lona: Beach Calli Top JJIY, no lay-ctta. 4001 (71.3) 4,surgi G. Blrch, N.B., 1 blk. E. Equal opportunity e~ of O.C. airport. PARTnME e COMMERCIAL e TILLER BDB'S BIG BOY Tolopi.-roctptlan 151 E. 17th St. Yll;sn dlfl ~ newport . work $1.6.1 hr. Full llmo mtnl UNITID CALIFORNIA BANK Costa Mesa .. ..; & p11rt time. C11tl Mr, • msmucroRS _ Full POLICEMEN personn.. Kotohts 540-21134. M/and part -· Neat ap-$667 lo $IQt por mo, m1chines BgBOcy SECRETARY, Aftunoon.. ptaranee. Must be able to P~tsl.onol S.rvlco Design office, reception, tnett and deal w:tlb the AGE : 21.Jl up to 35 wlth a~ A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY rvr• OOokkeepin&:, typln&, lite public. Sood fiiure. Apply proved experltnee. HEIGHT: fer the empJov•r shorthand, at tr a c t I v e . "525 Pi!cArU!ur Blvd. Newport Beach 541l-4124 Equal opportunity emplO)'tt In penon. Holidt¥ HeaJtb 5'8" minimum. WEIGHT: In 2722 Mtch1l1on Drive •nd the • .,,,1c1int 845-1335 lnv..Uca~ t=la op rtunli to qua!Uy for the Spa. m> Hatbor Blvd., proportion to llel&hl. PHYS. <AdJ. 0....,. Co. Airport) llJ Dovor br., N.B. S,;.E;;,;W::;l:;,N,.,G,...,M""'A°"c"'ll"1"'N=E el Ill t b .. _._ c.M. !CAL REQUIREMENTS' I rvlno, C1tlf, _,,. '42.Jl7D 549-2741 OPERATORS. ~enO<d . ... b .. t reoo lev 0 .. ., 0 -·eSS m •• --·-· _...... valid ··--~ .. witb u;perlence In mobile ._... d I JANIT<lR w-fUll time •-. ...,.._ ..... _ • An .. ual op-•nttv Appl1: JAY MAR, INC, • CABlllET MAKOS PBX OPfRATOR 1nd/,rofelllonal~UP1 Our ApUtu e Ana Y· -~ ca111 ... ,. ... Ike,.. us. ~ •• ~ s.. s.-snice •• 2!07 honM!I. campen A: motoir ""'-~_._..._ will ~·rmtne your Chan••· for nlthb. M\IJt h ., v e ex· , ... :_ Fil -u ... ' • t emplO)'ft' M·I" '"" s. Oak, Saftta. Ana a bcnMtL MUlt haw own toola. _.. J'•wau 'Cl"'l:I ~ per1entt in dee.nlnl amall c ~.. e avyuC8.uOn a m lx to 3 PM. se. •'Rick" at 2US ~ 11lcttsl ln our Field. If you q_uallly we will otrlcn. Opportunlt)t to work Cit)< Hall. 8200 Wtstml~ter !!lllll!!,.."""11111!!!!1 .. -I Clerk typhlt -arowini Drive, r.oata Mea or caD I': ~ou an attractive aalary wbUe you learn tnto aupm.imr. Btndita. Aw., WutmlN.ter, Calif.; cooo MAN OVER 40 ror iu 6C Mfr Co. Perm poolUon. Xlnt ~ --~-d I ~"'·n• unde u .. ~.,,. before February 21th. 1969, __ ..... 1 -·.... ucwin;96 an gan •xtt-"' .. e r' • 5Q......, p.m. short trip• ..... .,... .... na AaeneyforCareerGlrts benefit.. Advancement OPP . Work Jn c 1 u de 1 btavy typlne & s o m e Autom0Uv1 Bookkeeping. •. FINISHED ~on. Your Income pl'Olpect& will be well SALES P,,,mot1on M• .... r mll "3-45ll "'' 205 Beach CltlH ..... Mao we '10 w. Cout HwY .. N. e. Contact Mn. H 0 ••• n CARPENTIRS .. ftlutn. ;;,pot,i:.tlOn ... ":"':.79==1:•••• : ... ~.w::: '::..'" .:·~ ., appolnl -:,. 2701 :· H:::--.; :-: Roy Caner Pontl1c .... ___ .. 2-562', Ext. 321 OI' -tloM. --per hoous. Airmail N.11. StUI, 1 __ ,_,. ~ .. • ~ ... !.,~~E-U Inc. '':91e brief ..:rticul1rs to E~ ~~~=net, ~·~ ~~= _Ho_W:.;lp.;;.':.;;•.;;:••:;.nted_._....;1;..400;;; ;"rnU:: ~"i. i;;.,:•w.:;::; I '"'~~K!!!t~I .,41;,;1~1 .... -1 • 11y 1o ~-SHOE SAlfS & ~ ...... """""''-' eo .. s.. =MALLt!"s-wl\i's .. E. w-lit. 8or M-655, o. Pi t * MANAGER * O>ut Plua ,C.M. Sonia Ana SALESMEN M£1UIUK ~ •-• Hu_,,_, le< M Ill T I S 3 UUlft Jr. ·~·~-.ar-. Bal -GAU. I have ao "'"' Small Hair SiyUtts l itRVii!E ,.."°"a........ MIN aai:K11r PlUG Must ... ....,. ... llabl•. I ger r1ne1. Ei<p'd. Oothlnc Al ............ c1 • ...,,.••••••••· w"''°'w'•'"'"'"'"' MMC ..... e 1 per I enc:• Nit. .--:VliAI' f\d1 time only, APJ'lb in USED CAR Call 613--1222 evn. fOr a,ppt. Lei's gTt our head a c.n S4l44M Dtll. patawlent. XI n t lAUll 6 ..m ti»:-pl!' pel"IM, ut for Tom America's Latplt ret&Uers S&1ary Optn MANAOE1t • Small dre• toptMrl 6Q..2112 w.=~::_;::::=,.-~ --_...... Union -"""' ... ........... & MOlD BUILDERS GRANT'S SllRPLUS Sl'OllE o1 -··· -lilt WANTED, A.......... el· .. I I : • " ' ' • ' ' ' ., 1 I I I I oo.mz.1J111'il.C.M. necit11ary.Prefwlgnal 1750Newpart:Bl\'d.,C.M. RAY YIN~ ~~· ~-35;_Xlnt drea ADV. SALES ficlent, t)lperlenced, Front ~kl ,...up 'tl'Oft. No lffDS n. •• S Chrytler-P'lymouth ... ea exp, ..-4.111 fVtl. Hlab lncomt Potrntlal de1k llrl Jor Dental oftc. .1 lll2f .., -a.a c1tu-_ ..,. -· _ """" wtth ..,.no.a 1o """" aoa Car Wasli Help olllV'lll lore su.-'27.J:141 RELIABLE e.11ys1.., .-. -=-::..;;T,;:....,==-ol .......... ID bomn """cd .. rot-.. CID CUI. Mllat bt.vt own tool&. IERVict ,..._ A"--"·--ed .,,, ~ motht'I'; Bal HOUSEKEEPER, Own rm., -~IAlOS WANTED '!!:..8::..!.·!;_---3 l:IO lo 12. -· Sia "!Uck" at %111 Canyon .!;•II tlmoU ~~t. Sa. C-Plou MICll. .... ·;;., •• ::::::""f: Ill . .,.., Call att 5. m.ot18 TV. 2 ""°"' aaa Chlldrtn, 21'11 Newport Blvd., °"'" -. -.. ~,.. l>rtft, Calta Mt11. or uD "'n *If. • attr1 in penoo Cont11ct Mr. Phtlpt oomm. v..,, ,.,_-:-,:;. 1_. GENER.AL omce, put•tlmt:, f\111 dudes. *"""7 Mt11.. App\)t In pt1'IOl'I. lWCDY mu iliiiii "" PSNI. P~ TIMS COOK. -LlllO CAI\ WAS!! ~ ~· "' jftf'""" Sania Alla ho'lrl .ad)' a a..an -•' . PiWfllm • 411E.11th Cwt. Mta yr. ft.q's PhllllPI fl. &90 expe:r. ' MANla1RJST, IOOd tiPPor-GlRI. tRJOAY, lfn offt.ci. hui*ln V~ Otlf ltlbld1r ............ but 2 « 3 P1tet band. M,:! FULL A put time help SENIOR. Dr&flaman S.OlutB!vd,LlcunaBch ~~7TS3Tor>.ppt. tufttty ln new Mlon QfM, work. LoctJ TV itort, -.,., ...,. • not ..... Cllll -"' 2). PAPA JOE'S ~::: ~· ----· ~-••• ~~ an ~. ol ma COLF CLUB Sl'ORAGE • GlllLS with .... lor Ill• can alt~ -· 67$-1"6 ~ Nt"POft Blvd. C.M. _.., ...n~ .• .,., ~--~'~ .-.... ~-... vr . • RSPAJRMAJ( Wort 1:11,)4 dtltwry. Mt. Garnett• WAl'l'J\ESSiS; Part llmf. HOUIEKEE!'tA mothln .WOOL'O::~JJ:TI• ~=p~. llutlitn tor=~w.un ~m:=~on~~~~ pm.ldQ•awttk.Santa ~ O¥tr21 CaD helittr,matv.,U..lalell .... • .... 2072-. C.11. SOCK rr ro 'EM! -Harbor Blvd Clot !'bone IW>-mO -545-Mll5 1.1' °""'"' Oub 56-!:ltlO Whllo EleplwltlT -lltodl (%131 OE Ol.f41 r ' ' ' ,1 " ~ " . ., ·~ ., F ·; r . I " ·I I ' ' -----------------------,.------------------------------- I IOU & IMl'LOYMUft IOU I IMl'LOYMINT IOIS 1 IMPLOYMENT JOIS 1 IMPLOYMINt Purnltvre 11ei.w...... ~Mona . ~ W......, i · . · --· ·7400 w-· · 7HO Itel, W1n1M .,_ 7400 ' Womon 7400 SPAJBSll GROUPS 1MMtb1ATI UNllllD R ; ' MAID . 20 Pc: "Madrid'~ Ol'INING 1--.,_. 1 LAov MAN A• 11t, ~t UlMG • remter J'ull ~· dlyL ~ ohop. lxpor~ lllllpid -a... lo l'lllSONNIL l!XPlltllNCID 3 Roo111 Group Spanish From Model Home · 1nc100es: Quilted ..ia • Medlterraneqn ~ ID fOocl 1trv1ce .~~== AHNCY -ry. Coll fer'"' tor-·-=---,.-....,,_ 10 ......,. -. VIII'• Ill W L 17111 It, 1m• ll110 1m., 2 pm. ---. jail Iii! c..io -C p.m. only. Warr t n .,. 1u '*-.,.,,,, ~ _, Dill!L' M4-1790 :1'1:;'-izl-'" ~ -. ' • . . pirtOd ·at J ihoatla THE 111 our 1.o1 .i...-.-. ..u.u,,,,., -... -· lllloOp ,...,,.,~RTER INN ·wm 1>o ~ dl4inr 11111 ,....,.... lt...ii . ptrldd. llM L 1711111, --w ... n1 FEMALE lxcoll1nt lmployM a....flh APPLY PoraQlll!OI Office Third Floor The Bro1dw1y cha.Ir, 2 end tables, coffee Bovaht Menuf•dunr'a table, 2 lam»-. dresser, mJr. '69 Showroom Stm••-ror. bttd&oard, ®Ill 'bd>c "'·-.., ~ ,..,. • -6 mat1r. 5 Po Dllllnc " .... I....-... _._ ' I ' room !Ible a. • HJ • Bac1c 8' Wood carved arm dlvon, lg. mon'1 chair Now Opon to l'ubllc 9 to t ·I Svlid1y chain. or love seat & Pc Octa-on dart oat din' let • ~ L&q~ ho~ " m~rt than • 80 Compo re 11 S749. 95 w /bl act oi: avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc Bit large comignmenta wll1 be Ucjuld1ted Ill this Complete llWP set. 9-dr Mr. a. Mrs. dreaser, ta mirror, 2 auction. • Featurlilg ., • tine mll!ogony $399 commodOI. decorallve headboard ID Sp1nlsh 10 pc. d!J)lng ~m vi/corner chlnu • 7 Pay only $1' per mo. oak design with matching bos oprlnp, mat-pc. m•b"Pl!Y bedroom • 9 pc. maho&IDY 47 Courts of Fish Ion treu a. fl'•!!!•· , twin set'. •' J!~eriil tablts a. table Mii • ~ASHION l8LAND i'I Pc ltema. Sold lndlvldu111y All pl lbille ogany ptecee are exquhlte. Now'°" a...h "k-elona" Shop Around -lefore you lluy -USI ln\edl1i. Oiltnl"I• In Cllrk Typist SUO .An Equal Oppia1lltlltf •-VALUI SI095.9S -FULL PRICI '529.95 50-NIAi NIW RIPOSSISSID tM' f!llowl"I 1re1& One Y<V. uperionce, \>'Po ~ "King Sin or llt'ma H low IS $4.66 per-k · ~OLOll TV'• CODING Ing °"4'. 8lw'p • atttac-Jolal Mtr Wtm 7500 3 "100111 Group Use OUr Store Charge Plan or Bank Financing B&W • Portab~ a Stereoe • Combol ... 1 I RN's-LVl's' 41clas Sunlffe Colonl1I CoDY1lescenl Hosp. ttve.~ ' Old World El1t•ne• No F~cy Front -BUT Quality Valuee Inside ,,. All Style! ~~= = ~ J~~· ::1.!::' ..,~;!,., '°.::..! 1..,e_7•&•ia•te-m·od-el.;,•a-pp•U•an•cee-·a-Re-frl•g•er•a•ton--11 1111 fat a lharp lntelllaont Newport Beach 2 massive lamp tab!.,, <:Of· e Freelel'I •· Wiuhets e Drym e Ranges Now o.m.rshlp a Man- "'"''"'· Top lt•rtl"I P1y, All lllfftt. ' m.0440 MA.JOit CALll'ORNIA BANK aeeka .-1111oe1 tor trllll dept. Kuat tai. 'dSctation, ld1dat officer , eDJoY eu1tomer contact PennlDIDl e a r 1 • r op. portunltf lnr q •• I If t • d penoa. S a l a r y com. -ta with allllllll ""' -Oontad w. G. -N.,.port Contet Bnncb Securlb' Pacltlc Nat1. BIDie 5!50 Newport·Ctntar °'• Newportllffdt 'WARRESSES ' All Shfft• Den,ny' s R1sl1ur1nl 11M77 lltac:ft Blvd. H<mtlngton 8o1ch llo-e- SECltlTARV RN·LYN lto11611 .. TShllta w... c.nvatncorit boapltal to open 2nd WMk m l'eb- ruuy, . APPLY IN PEll!ON 181 l!Otpltal M., N .B. (Aao9 --Hoep.J ...,.tary 'wbo can '1Pe 60, ""' table. 2"'" lamps, K!nC • Bllllt-!M a D\shwuhen ' ACCOUN11NG tpee4wr1tsnr "' .-11u -for ::..d°!"ftr ~m.;: e Small Appliances for .... or ""' dlctl· -· -mirror 2 * NEW -NIAR NIW * phone. * COOK * •land• headbo.... 6' Pc . We Flnonco Wtth Good Credit Caal\ltr $325 Recent 1Ucceadul experience swivel chair dJnette set. 1~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! Mister Chir9' & lankAmerlcard No ...,........ .,..,....,,., In all phuo• ol fOOd ""'"'· Com,.,. 11 $!2'9.H Furnlturo IOOO Oor191 Solt 8022 ...., ... M1111 be 111>.rP • "" " required. 0orn .. '"""" CoaJ•1•1e lll'OUP A OK qommlsslon Gallery well aroomecL =··:~~" p 1 S~.' ,_E_X_Q_U_l_S_l_T_E...,,I ~um-::.~':,= 7722 GARDIN OROVI BLVD. · Acctt. P1y1bl1 l •Y on Y •-per mo. 115. Mllcl ll•ma. 1116-4193 1 Block Wesf of Beith Blvd., off G. G. Frwf. Poyroll WS "PPil' Ill - l600 w11111 older w exper!· M~,;·,;;.5~~ WELK'$ SPANISH Appl!••-. 1100 ---·-- encell '"""""who ... baotc Ma\m:ftlU 111£ 'N DELUXE RCA .. irlc . ......;., Pl•-a o;,.n. ·1130 M11e11l1MOUS Excellent free benefttl. up prtMD.t accountant. J ( PENllY (0 ii! WI I~ 19 cut fl No frost, auto Permanent, It. ad' Aceto. P1ytbl• a • • • r·urnitllre RETURNED FROM Ice maker, auto defll:loter. Grand Opening SCRAM-LE. TS wort. Our policy Aeelt Rtc1lv1bl1 24 1'1ahlo1" l1l1nd MODEL HOMES Allo de-Frtatdatrt dbl Our new orian 'department .promOUon tram wltJi.. • MART 1 1 oven & miae top, blt-ln ilnowopenfuturlre ANSWERS · in. Your future la d• to $450 An ~~ty ~=~ ectt~ ~:. ~ntroll, xlnt cond. 873--7334 THOM.AS ORGANS termined entlrly by Two Jet.rt experience ln au~ 600 w. 4tb St. kinp1ze btc!rooms, bat,utifuI KELVINATOR refrii, tee. wlth the lxcl.wve Colozl.Glo H-'-__ ,,__ _ J-·~.;;. you. New modem of-tomottve. Know lnluranCt' -ti;;;;;;;;;~~,;;;-· croa-top freezer and door and 'Dl•-•te .... acr .-iv..... ~ flee friendly plea1B11t bnnn& GM ..,... know!· Op-ton for Santa Ana . 547.S131 7 pc. dlnlns .-. chlnas, torap xtnt nd. l80 . • _ .. P-RE. E Detach -JACKED UP • ' Houra: pally I to 9 hutcht .. \~~ so-•Avail J._ ....... 00. ~.2902 • La . W lk •·-"·· .,.:..._ Oe:flnltlon of a u.eed car: It'• atmosphere. --fldre bel~ -. • Drlll, Pre1H1· s.1 • • ' L •• n " ras & iov. ""':i4kM b1e d _....,, '•"" _.,... wrenee • ... _.,,,. wm: -~ ..., • SJ471 oor .no~ what lt'a JACKED UP to Gtnerai Office to $433 • Dtburrlng refrigerator1, Wiibers, dry· KENMORE a " Io ma 1 l c COUl'le, a $100 value, tree !>fl , . For Detail• and App't. Call Collect PERSONNIL (2131 384-1213 UNI GARD INSURANCE GROUP ACCOU~TING SECRETARY MASTER SP£CIALTlf.S CO. 1640 Monrovl1 Ave. Colt• Mou 642-2427 Type 4S,. &MWl!l' phonea, • General A11embly !!!'~"!"'~~~~~I en, color TV'• (all cue.ran-washer, late model, xlnt with evvy Thomas Craan· -· ~==-=-=c-:--1 lnvolcinL order desk. • Mllnt1111nco Sl'AN!SH FURN ITURE teed) wll1 .. crlllce. Sell all cond. lit>. 84!-81l5 l'ri<ff •tar! at $595. MUST SELL! Sbal'p • ottrlct1ve, not AppJy be-• 14 RETURN E r. F RO M or patt. Tenol on IOOd ere<!. APMlRAL ll<lrtae"'"" ,,...,_ Coast Music Light Auburn F•ll mod. ARMAUTE ~D~~~=.:-=~ tt ACK W~OUSE :;'i. if.ood condition. 121. lilt NtwPort Blvd, CM Pal<l IUO, Sacrlllce 121> B1ck0fflcoto$450 1111!. UthSt. -·--~SoakUWW ux;.\T>;p·AT CornerotNeW!J01'16Harbor 54&4531attGpm. E~-eed 111 an ph.,,. Colt• Mota "'°"'table., I llvln& room m2 Garden G..,.. Blvd., NARCHElecRange,auto 646·0271 DINETl'E '. s.et-Hotpolnl A~--· lamps &: $pan1sh paintina. 1 Blek Wetl of Beaeh Blvd., 'Oven, new, nevu used. refri&. China cabtntt, trunk, of -otttco. mlnlmurn ol WRITER El Prelld•nte k In I •• , ... ., G.G. Frwy. * 9112-391! * Used Organ Sile ""''"' ....... -· ....... 2 years experience. To prepal'e copy for 50 :vr old bldtoom l\llta.. oU 1rtplt Open 10 to 9 s..J 10 . 6 :wEDGEWOOD Gas Stove, board, 1 am P s, cbnt DMV Contract Olrl $500 publJcatton: all cow dictat. d:rtm:er • mlrror, k1lll PRIVA'i'f' P1k,TY Double oven $50. Hammond 14o2 ~!net,. 1545 drawtl'I, tables • mile. Know all phuH DMV con--ed. Collep IJ'l,duate; major blldboard, 2 cmnmodee:, Must Sell complete boUlefull * 648-&&41 * Hammond M100-Bplnet $995 M6-9152. - 11 .. h -...i..... in Jou:rnallam or En&JJsh Jdngsize rnattre11S & box of decorator furniture ~ •. llamm.ond AlOO <:ontote·SIIOO 5 PIECE dloette set $3J, -1 v-~· pme:m. Experten<e In -3 boudoir lamps, medll!elyl 132... ,.,,._.,,, Antlq1111 . 8110 Hamrnontl RT-2 Concert With Hawthorne 21" girl's blcycl R 0 TYPI J to H20 ""'""" • ·-·-'°"'°'' 8 piece Spanllh ........ ~--" -~ -M-with !nine!' wbeela "" ~ •pr '' ~ de.;..'bie. s.J:;''isc(; .. ;; troa dinin& •t. om, $411 wtvet.ota-~IOld ,OOftee ANTIQUE Spe.nilh and Mex. ~·o·~'PR.'40 ii995 stroll-a-chair baby ""' Expertence, tJpe ttchnical mo, Call 66-0970 1or ap. $20. down & $4.50 weekly: ~: ~t.Kl~~·~= relig:lo':1' ut f:rm. 1m.all pvt.: Gulbranaen Premier only 8 $5. 8921 Com.et Circle, repmu, ....i .. tm.ent. sell sepan.felJ. Easy credit. dini' .~ All d icollec~. lltb C. paint. SID mon"· old 11<:1-Wetmlnster. 8(7-TI.87 1''"'' HAMILTON rtJRNIT\JRE ng nn .,,..,-'" en Nitonio w. gilt trame; Ma. U-Ut ''' ''''''''' ~ 81111"9 Clork$450 *DRIVERS * 111rn 1n -nd & 'lc.n ··-••· all ALL PIANOS ............. . Type 60, familiar with ad· ~ Weat:mlnlter ·Ave ·• black Q)pper tttl'la' wan pr1m1u;'°~ ·~; '20% or more Stvlngl!I •--···-ph machine, use No Ex,..rlence W~hnimiter. 894-4434 daily p•-•' e•-2298 • ...: ••• ,. 1 n-.. Mon&: Fri eves w-.:Bll<.>.... r-10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat. 23-,.·· ,:.. .. ~· •• _ .. NB~-. 17th C. 11 umtnated ... .,...., • ac1"""' .na.c111ne. N • s • ~MN• . run..,11• lid -· "'· , HAMMOND .. _,...._.~, · ececaa.v! 10 a.m. to 0 p.m.. un. ' .pare_ ' "'"'6s. tn CORONA DEL MAR ReceptlGftlst $375 Mutt have cI~-~mia 12 p.m. 10 II p.m. om;;-Eci!t;;;~tiOil ~rllSl~ P!:c!r := 285C E. O..t Hwy., 673-8930 ;i::., 50~'";:m!:'0:'.i ~1tLOW'cT.1'co. REPOSSESSIONS EI.EC 14 11ey adding 64>-1629 •Now Pl1no1 • able to mett public. 1815 E. l8th St. ~ rnac:hlne _ wl credit bal. CLOTHD A J' e I th• r a , WURLITZER A BRADBURY. Costa x... In excelleft!... condition, like $ 3 9 , 5 o. Ro 1 a I e I e c Leather, beadl A: tun. All •b'le• A: tlnllhel, all R1tlng Clerk to $450 new. Beaut quilted tofa 189: typewriter $40. Vert nice .Wheeler Tradinl Polt. a American made, 88 note, del Mlnlmurn 3 monthl e--'· Reil l1t1te S1l11 chair 549, 3 pc. led. $99, ,. _ __. .. _. .. __ 137 "" E. Balboa Blvd. w-bencb Ir tuned. Price ence in fire tnaunnce~i. Min & Womtn sofa <It love teat Slnl. 5 pc. Print;; ~~t;. ei~ VAKr •tock Amer 6 Eur •t&rUn& at '499. lnr, property ' packa.. -........ OUice # dinette ... 124• 5 pc bodrm. -....i $89.!IO. w.&43 furn .. cloc:ka. L. r r. Beach Music Center l'ltlnl. 4 openlnp available tor ae(aUt ~· bmc) iro IPI'£ rr~ .. ;:-18',1!!, Morgan Antiquea. 2 .f. 2 8 MOVING, must sell dryer, yr, old, xlnt cood, $85; K@nmott wa1h@r, worka i(IOd, $25. M&-4325 D.,.. Klrby vacuwn cleaner w/a ~ti. Tak• over pymntJ or pa)' off balance of $36.12. Credit Dept KE 5-1289 ' , e VACUUMS e $10 up. RA!pall'I " parts. . Reasonabt@. Cout Vacuum r 333 E. 17th, C.M., 612-IMO 1l<enoed men ol women. In-luH ~· ea. ·-• •-FREE '[Q . YOU .Newport Blvd .. C. Id. Dally 12 tlOoll Ill 9, Sal 9-5 --------J Sr. Cltrk to $350 atant 1nco1ne lo -·Mr 121 ea. Sell all or aey pat!. • ANTIQUES & CLOCKS lT<DI Beach Blvd, (Hwy 39) ~taJ ~-bl~' tot&k:.i= =· Sprlne Ree.lty, Te"!~K WAREHOUSE ORGANIC Fe.rtlllar, aaed FOSTER'S ANTIQUES 1~ oi1. So. San Dleao Frwy. FIREWOOD FOR SALE Walnut A Eucalyptus. $47.llll crd, 115 \I crd. ~ & stack'd free. Cl) -... Quality King.SU. Bed, • WARRESSU Lllnchffft Apply In pmon Tue• tbru :rrt STUFT SHIRT Restaurant 2241 w. Coon Hwy. Newport leoch cub orawer. =.,;:;'=~~==-LOCATED AT hOfle manurt combined 6(1.eJJI e 1903 hdlral. CM Hlmt!naton Beach &tl-3538 .,., SEVEN NATIONS m: Garden Grove Blvd., :u1~~":"'~ Come'! R1!9 Trnot .. -COIFFURES 1 Block w. "'Beach mw., betw I & 5 Mon °"" hwlnt Mech!-1120 T1lovltl~ 1205 ~:.:i': =:~;t """' ~;~ ~ -.::: ott G.G. Frwy. Fri-1"8 19!ll SINGER, • ....-matlc RENT TV $10 cond. 6o-65 &: 70% Comm. Open 10 to 9 p.m. Sun. lo.6 BLCK & Wbt ~ Beaut. a: com.pl· wttbwal cab. UU.. Nt Depolit •Free Delivery beauttful quilted mattrtu. • split foundation, bit-In : frame. Never used. '911. ; Worth $250. MU!IS8 I MALE For In ttrvlew ~ MORE CASH dorabat male 8 mo., cat to:clt npo "'·lib 1UD.,,prlce 534-0ln GI' 17'2-9110 a or Sfi ts mo AutomatSe~ RCA Victor Color TV 24", or 968-4622. need 1 r o o d b om e • ' • • BLACX A: White TV. Good $375. 3 pc bdrm let, $17$; REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't PAID FOR 9'8-.1100 2111 u 1' bllttoo bolls, condition. 121. All walnut ;<>-1280 att 6. r I E •950 )'OU be 1elllng the bottett F 't BEAUT. platinum t em. blma, overcutlt IOmt Jt.D. l464208 Dll gn "I'• H •~ n •• ~1 urn1 ure Cl' atil<hoe eto. No attach. -·· ALUMINUM Patio cowr Ul( fl: years experience, Civil atta untn......... ~ , German Shepherd • needs needed. Guarantee rp>Od •• Hl:l'I It Stereo 1210 11 Near new Coat: $0> Slel ··~-~-.. Sub dlViaion VUlage Real Estate 96J..44n -~ TV Pl new family. 8 n1 o •, 526-6616 •Mn ..... .,., .,.... ....... ~... or 546-8103 Color-'1, 1nos 1168-3109 2/11 · 9'AN· ._ • or pUblic work exp. Desret Appllencee, Antique• SINGER 1968 touch-o-matic, STEREO 1969 soU4 state con-H;i:O<';lJD~A"Y"H;;:e°'aJ"°lh"'S;:pa:-.-;;z;;-m::-.J EXP&RIENCID not requ1rtd. HAIRSI'YLIST, OP'Ptl to bet-1 Pit'9 or VALENTINE'S Day present does evel')l'th1rw. Leaving &0le. Never Uled $85. Also contract tcr 2, make otter:· S ter your tncome by renting f 11 •Mixed telTier/beaale pup-state _ mUlt aell! $37.50 6 ' walnut AM/FM !ECRETAll.Y • Office WAITRES Dr•ft•m•n to $4.25 hr. llP&Ce. New Shop CdM Call House u ples. 6 weeks 0 Id. or 1 pymnts of $5.74. Dealer multiplex, 8 speaker audio "'US.=219"'~"· =====::=:I MIDICft *"-OD l-Gu Co. 2 to 3 1ean minnnwn ex-after 3 pm m-0360. (18l..2158 2/13 iUU'MtH OK. Call 52f.e617 system. Normally teU. for ::-:: _ · Good. portMnll A dletatlon Apply In Penon perlence with Civil Enaf.no. STUDENTS, Servicemen & 11 Our Specl1ltyl LOVABLE 11 male part cot~ before 11 PM. $489.95, acrlttce • $250. Misc. W~nt.cl ;:1°111=•.::.-:= SURP a SIRLOIN ee"nreompany. "°"""· 110-1120 wk, 63th1620 lie 1r1 cir. 3 y rs. • Credit Dept~--·••tt _ oend ,. ..... 5930 P•c. Cot. Hwy. Pr·•. Optlclon$2.50hr p/ttme. Weitbend prl>Cluel" 24 HOUR SERVICE Hou,.brokon, t.ov. Mualc1l ln1t. 1125 S -.;:.~-... 00• e WANTED e , ~ P.troleo Co. dlO Nt~port Beach 2 .::. o--+1ca1 arlfldlnl ex· Your bl'I, work from home. BUYER ON Dtfl'Y 1 DAYS children. ~ 2/11 .,,---H • rlt . e eertln9 vvval 5 Furniture e Appll1nc ClmPll Drive. Bult. JU BUSINESS 11 Good I ~;.ce., ... not looldnl for Pb. t-l2 a.m. 49f.-5363 MA.DOO&NY-~ooANY TO GOOD botne, Pa~ t ru:w !ni,._ 1.1~ rl GIT READY • • • Color TV1 e Plan ' ' N.B. Jamaica Inn~ Medi eye gl~ Optornetmt ;.:;!_,~ NlO unltl • FromALara:eEatate Gennan0 .... ~ll~~ekt3dli LUDWIG,ROaERB.AlrRo for1ummer; build you: own ETC. 11'.CRITARIAL 1 or 2 mart maids; full ..._ .. na DCCM,:.ll ear ocean. A fine .election gf compJete yn:, ......... c. """Y\<! s. Lent l9ltctSon wltb DIW. 1urtbo1rdorb11lyboard e h I I' h SIRVICE .,, part time. Apply tn Lab Toeh A11lstant1 Older couple w/ exp. pre!. lull si>e bec1toom 1 et, 962'2&17. 2113 p6 1811 and .,..bat, ltarl· compteta. UN our abop: ,.. GI n 12 our ; Would )'Oa lfkt ... aperate person. 2101 E. O:laat Hwy, $537. Two Ytlll'I collel{f! Llw.~ Rm!' detlred. Call Dln1na roonl set. ta.bl@ & LOVABLE Yg male part col-mi at S189 Seti, pedala and supply Ill material A IUpil'· 541-4531 )'OU? own bultneMf Unllm· CdM Or call for app't 1clenc1, enlinffrlnl or IJ75.;.uui, aft pm. 6 chairs, china, buffet, lie trl crl. 2 yrs . hl-haf.I. ~AD~ vile 10ur wcrt; profeufo~ ..,. ... ...,...,11!!! ....... ~I tt14 tncome to lftll'l'ltle tee-673-8:13) math mtjor,-"lnclu~ MED?rATOR Experienced custom. ma&: IO!a chair, HoUJtebroken, Love children. parta, accesaorie• A eymbtll ally ahaptd blanb, bO:JC !Ina. w A N T E Di ntary. 8al&r)o ,uarantHd. 2 QualffW Women year chen\latry A only. Abl@ to meditate tor inahof. cottee A larae table• 836-4493 2/13 in ttoclc. &U-'1355 BW!t·ln cllelltalle, o.n Mr. Could """ spare ,.. ,_. • f450 to SS40. Blah ..,hoot hoUn for medical ,.....,... .,_ ...... , tope. 2 twin ,... 5 rnurr TREES B ch M I ( I 1--~Ll~ttta~....i-,'"'1"'10,__ We need qualley (no jlnt1i Na"'"' SO.l<IS Costa Me.a -k If ,.u were paid $85. ~~: '!d,~P~.:;Plf~ 83M393, .. 1188. boo. bdnn. ""' Duncan ""1 dig a. tramplant About ea US C en er FIN-NOR Reel llOO. pteueJ. Fumllu!o, c 0 10 ~ "' .... _ s e for ttf U ao. CID Mn. Hen-money for work exper!.ence. Phyte table A 6 cha1rl. 10' tall M8-#t5 2113' * 5"-8831. * · TV'a, ttereot, appll&neel; • s ....... • S Wix, 54f.Gtl3. _,. 2 " School•lnllrucllon 7600 !.!uat .. u all lmmed. at a 9 ADORABLE te ,.. Dally 12 noon Ill t, Sal M _ tooll and otllce -"l-nt WANTED _,,,.~.. llS3(), Reoearch Helper ---aacrillco Terrna on good pupp 1 .<' 17I04BeachBlvd.<HwyS9) Ml II ' l600 ~-i Ult be--4. for...,-~wmew. ~. IS unlll of college SUCCESll'UL ?I credil. . Bealge, 6 wtta. -"'"'"'"'· 1\1 ml So. San Dl&fo Fwy, Kl 1-. TOP CASH IN Sil Mln- w1.tb naupbyde. Appb lb COMBINATION, Sharp Bar che~1 phyttCI ' maUl, Two or three weekl broah-AOK Watthouae Located At 646--0163 2114 Hunttncton Beaeh 847-8536 POOL 53!.1212 * 9934165 · --• Go Go -rood pnyucal coOdltton. upe may be all you need to m2 Giiden G'""' Blvd., RECIPE -"· tuae RICKENBACKER el•, ATTIN'.i'ION ' J-A Onlslet*'• Top ...... $3.(1)-13.!IO to 1!1 etronl Ttch ndklally Improve your JN. G.G. 1 blck W. of !leach co ll e c 11 on , !&Ice all. guitar l1!5 Orig prtce 131!1 l;X·NAl('(MEN ' • w. Utll., N.B. ...,., Pit. ta. Int. -I ch COME • your OUTLOOK! Opea 14 to 9 llwt.14<1 615-2445 1/13 SL ~· Ampllfler, l!IO: TABLES 0-out t!le' Oki ,...1>q c.rner ol ........,. " 16th, 8A118r LAlllY, 2801 Harbor, to $4. r. NEWPORT t.OVABU: temata ca~ arey both eelclom used call ottar ... belJ> out a rood ......, "\EiYsiii'T'iiR"iwiiUl!acl,u;;;;r-ii!'1111 C.M. Unit • eafd teat IYlteml. School of Bu1lne11 '~·~s!.:.s.d· & white. part an & or a . 5:30 !M()..su3 ' New llatlt • ft! Now '285 · Give >'Wl' old w:dlonnl (0.ft. %.... 5 c1011 per wk. WOMAN -......, .. Check out dl.lltal unit&. 833 Dover Dr., N.B. e OVAL RUG SEl' e 54&-67!.! 2/13 Wurll"" E1ec1r1c PWta 13 llodelll .. chooee llom l!tl t~~ EnllltN_,_. ~J~ 'tf..!!°~ • M :30, 5 cllildftra. 4 In ltt.Y wtth Mother of wmkinl Pork Lift 646-015' Nylon blend. revmlbte, SHORT haired fttn,,Ie caL Xlnt com. $395. qp. 20: ·a.tllT, 691-2101 ....vu..,, ~ UHm!t. -.-....._ -llt1U7 open. F.V. woman, "' -nqutn4. Meehan!< to 112.lB hr. Ex-Lt!•Ome Gilt, typeWTI..... Brown. coppertone, ...... Xlnt w/Chlldm. ... Blllfla, I * e ON * .......... •tc. -. area. CaD 531-3115 aft I Prlvatll room • b 0 1 r 4 =@need or will train Children, IJ'&J)dchlldren, w SiJe1: 8 x 10. 2 x 3, 2 x 8 N.8. 6"-109S '7 2113 MS-7'155 aftltr PM AU Tl BUYING SUwr Colnl to'J{t pm. :::;:1-iws-.2511 or ck meehanlc. younelf!Indlvldually AL'S UNUSUAL FEM. cat . Abya,tnian a ~fan~l5!'1~ 1130 u;:':J1U:.01ti;" :{=;·.~ ~ e BUCK PRISSIR e Clolmo Adjutllr Trnff :;.":" :'.!"."l~ 140.~-= 1~~;. •M• .'[!t;J;;,;.te'!'"l.tiliavery 2;f;_ WE'RE In our now otore. Auctlbna "'1da1 ''IO P'"-COINS 13'1 W. l9tll St CM. _ _..,..Ill-· M~~ ~1: .. •~.;.i CM. ll48-285tl Hun-BMrn -MtSC. Pl&nll 6 -bl. Our tanwdo aaJe o! Planoe Windy's Auction Bern 646-Jll5 · •AY.n -c. haw lood drlvtn1 reoonl. MERCHANDISI FOR Fumllu!o """""" from di&-yoo die A move ·· away. " 0rgana now oontlnuea at Behind 'l'aov'• Bldr. llat1 Pm ;&j 1,IVISTOCK • ~ •"--l DI-'• SALi AND TRADI play itudloo, model.home' .....isl °"""" Coun\Y• only plan> :l075\I Nowport.OI-, ___ ...._._..,.. __ , llt71 So, Oalt. Santa Ana ..... rtltl"I •..-Y decoratort ..,..11a11on. N•-~ ~1i\'..m: tlPRIGHT _., all at-Doti · . ll2J u "'"° --""''Pl() ........ up Purnlturo IOOO lipanloll • MedltmaneM ... GERMAN Sh~ .... ,. ..... 11115 tadnll'L Liiie .. CbrtttWt 1----------·I _..,. Sprllw 6 all WAn1!Ell8Ell WANTED Must now dlaplaJ tuou~ RD FURNITURE female, I m..,lha old , iu.owJN STUDIO Sc: Boob. TN WNI Map. AXC SllbJ.Tlrrlar ,..,.. ' ""'1'l' -J>i...-...... With ..... up copy wrluns. QuaOty Kinr'81J» Bed, 675-lll< . 1112 WARD s IOO Ca!alllll,. lf.B. • . -$l!IO him ... !3ll -"° -A"'1Y to-Would u .. """"1 news-beaultllll quilled ma-1844 NnoPort Blvd., CM ~ MALE Puppi" 6 wka Part Jru Newport. C.M. -• -· ,. tnln. 14'1-llM or Bt.1111 DOLPlllN, 33:i5 Via paper ........... llPllt --bit-In ..,.,, night ta~ DobenHn. !ftort b&lr, block PIANOS I ORGANS UPHOl8rERING • fll.!O. 1 COCKER Spantel ·Plllllllea e "*loo' Danna UO.. N-lleotb. 1.-ory Control tftme. Never used. 191. Wed .. Sal A SUn. Ill 6 a. II• tlllz.1'1S 1112 Wurll-e l<l>abt e !'llcl>er po. ~ craft.omen) u old 125. eocl> Call $ I •12 -W°'"' $250. 84U53ll HID£.a bed """ used 1100 • 0rSnp OoUnty'I taraffl Fl'ee •I, de1; plairup. 115 -• l1cretar1 ~AYROLL am:. for lull uperv tor., ,,_-SEVERAL room1 °' walnut 8, llled IOfa. iovt et. cof,. FREE to a aOOCI borne. Pet mM1e deall!l'.......... M.alh, RB "~"'1'' _.... 1 i:6*:1851:=:=:att::::;,~===='I tldlll, ""°1 ottlGe op-national -· Pluab Tbc conventon ot a "'°"ual •-. excel cond. s -old. t.e & fnd, ta'~ lamps, white rabljlta., -1113 w• LL I CHS C X 14 PATIO timbers, II'° -.:::~· ..,_ Mmdlutl Ntwpett Blads oUlol .. tnventot)' control l)'ltem to """" e1•g "'"".. "' • H.,... '9 --a1t1rp pt. -., .sau. ........in. aa>t>llcaUon W h trlpool ,.trta/tnem-. 5 pc dinette •t, lllW ,.,. Gor1ti Sol 8022 MUSIC CITY price. Rtecl 6 -be!> ""' ----'Ml. r1~i~!J e 4 A )lcltnlcalll' -muat ..U. i5W13S lpanl&b BR •L Leto !hall o 141)1) So. Brt.tol, C..Ota MfA ctnc. !!!~ 1!llRE!'OtU> -MddJe U ., 'IO ,_ IZ -Ml4l'IO. 5IMlll5 q "'f' ::lthtnv:r'm alt. I PM 2 mot old. MUii .,u lhll LEAVlNO areal P'llml-. e 546-3165 e BABY Q1b; maQ .., l300 -· ...,_ sim. EIO Sl(l)wi1 ·w/e1ttanm PHONE· IOLIClTlNG ~ofdat&-MAJ'l.E llWW "'°"'NI, -.Prv....,.,..,_ --f3n, HAMMOND-Steinway y,. bed,cu .. ,.,p&ftct_ cellent-.- l!:Jroal 0 pp t 1 Ho ~ -....,, llnl taeltnlQUft. Employer maple bedroont •L maple e !ONG Siii top ma-mt. appliances. M I a c, ....... ""' 6 -ptanos dtllon. lltl&ollSIJ rflANljiQftlTii51i ~"r«· No .., -. can Holldq lloallh lit>& mt will pay fee for thll Job. ~!nett•, good cond, !400---' "'nd. leO. Call 837.Q!IW. • l5093 """nR'atn ot all rnaJooa. Bell 1IQ1l In 3' HAND a.ci.led double m am er M pm. --· Ootla M--or 51Mli0 5M-ll611 ltd.;tla\m& HUlL So. CalU. 111111 hire. bed opteada, linen !broad Botta I Ytchtl 9000 Dop wcrtt: nt t:ll*'· ~Poi I tlon, Beth fM lryifcat'lt CANOPY Qib &: mattNm FJ.CTO'Y CloleO'.ltl; • ltOUSDVt.L Of turn. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., 1'15. eadt.'-.VS08'e\ti. .-1 OON"'t JUST WISH tor1a1n. : -·time to •W'I. -. a u.ntnc, 1nd fM poW com-O..uer, white Ftenc~ llitllbed .. pt. 6 .,ate w/S~-· ·.-A 1001 N. -f PC. -131o Brollli lbllla .. --~ Apply; &mn Lynn private ll!ln•, C.M. Call pony poollfona. Pm. l!IO "ell. 54<-Mll · chain. RA!al b\t111 --., oaby tum. 11464244 Santa Iii. vtnyl couch ISO. Slide Prof. .... !Ind tl"•t b\ly1t to ., 1510 &ktt, C. M. &e-n62 Dial 64l-5678 for REffiJLTS DA.ll.Y PILOT WANT ADS! WbHe Elephants! DAILY PILOT WA.NT ADS! $8. 549-0055-day 's Classlned Ad! • .. 30 I • ' • DAILY PILOT TllHS~TAtfQli, TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION New C.ra 9500 Imported A-9600 imported -'-MOO PORSCHE *~RTSMINS VAN* '* TRUCKS * T"" Aro All Hore At FentHflc Dlscounta l\ead;y for imml!die.1' ' deli .... BEACH CITY DOPGE ll"."!!FT~.""!!0.....~""''!~'!"''!"'" 116515 S.acl> Blvd, (Uwy. 39) Racer, Blue Uld i:old. 5f0..2660 Trallt:r le boat trecb!Y lfuntiogton Beach '65 DOOOE painted . New whit• naua;ab1de . Upbolst~ ...... 16\0 h• Ownplon· ftlgines. O>mplele w Ith A·IOO pickup true){. V3 engine several fuel tanks, steering radio and heater. lR.376S5) ............. See al mi $995 Laf~tte. Newport Beach. t~!i~~-"~~ ATLAS tlbera:la1s) outboar o.tstom ma'p down cover. Ing wheel Wt trailer. $700 phone 6U-f98'.I aner 1 pm. 9010 OaMlc 'Racing Sloop Rl>od•• 33 HANAHULI No. 33 Sleek ra~ing Ba.Y It Ocean Sailer. Finest equipment .t: condition. Term& $5500. Chvner '673-1232 Schock Racing Sabota 2 New Sabota from $395 Includes Fiberglua ma.at ~ ,.;t CHRYSLER-PLYP.fOUTII 2929 llarbor Blvd. Costa MeE • 546-1934. Open 'tU 10 p.m. '6' Ford Pickup Long bed cust cab, V-8, dlr, bumper, pearl grey exterior. Xlnt cond. Take foreign car ir trade or $115 cash dels. "'ill fine prvt prly. L.B. P35187 cau Jim -494-9T1J or 545<£!4. '55INTE RNATIO N AL Pickup truck. good cond. $250. 237 Woodland Dr, Lquna Beach '66 ~ TON Chevy, 327 V-8, 4 spd, brand new tires, Schock Boata. sportllman Camper shell, 1)7~2050 all after 6, 644-1610 BAHAMA Sailing Dinghy. 11' OOJX;E % ton, '62 pick-ap; ot beautifu1 workmanship clean; 8 ft. bed; l...owner. glaas o/laminated h u 11 • 34,IXKI Mi. nmo 5'8-S750 New dacron. SS. $400. '62 CHEVY, 8' F1eet, 1Ai Ton,. 56-7404 V-8. auto, R/H, radial ply LIDO 1,. Xlnt cond. 2 set --=· ==:' =$695='=962-=9182=== sails. $Tl5. 116 Marine Ave. - l!al I!. 675-3360 JHps 9510 1'P.~ow=.=,=c= •• =1,.= .. ==902===0 ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ 30' DRAKE cabin cruiser. .Flying bridge, electronic gear. Sacrifice i 4. 9 O 0. 838-5237 Spood Ski Booll 9030 16' inbol.rd speedboat approx 4 yrs old witb '57 °'" v..a 100 hp-with velvet ftow in/ a.rt trans I: trtr. $600 64&-3413. ~le Home• 9200 1967 BRONCO 4-WHEEL DRIVE Hardtop. Red with white top . kyl. RJH. rear Rat, seat belts, skid plate. Oean! i2050. 879-0038 {Fullerton) 1952 MILITARY Jeep, Chev v~. Poe.itraction, new 1100 x 15 tires. CorYa.tr bucket seatl. Surrey top. 23 pl gas tank. Xlnt cond. See at Mesa UnKln Station Corn. Fairv}ew A Nev.rport. mvd. Campen 9520 Bi1y Hi1rhor Mobile Homes 10' EL Dorado .. Top Quality, 16'-20'·22'-24.' I: M wides safe cha.His mount on %. From $6995 T. Reliable Big 6 Chev. 12 WIDES Tested extra equipment 40°-t,1'-45'..SO'-SS'-&l'-64' Top Condition. Terms arrgd From $3995 for more complete info. Parka available in all areas. 646-9797 1425 Baker St '63 VW Factory Camper i,s block East of Harbor mvd. w/tent, Fridg. etc new on Baker Eng. w/guar. Xlnt cond. O:>Sta Mesa (714.) 540.sfm $1Dl. fi'lS-7729 DATSUN '67 PORSCHE 912-19,«m ml • DOT • Jl<d/blk lnL Qirome whla '13 V.W. bur, competitloD I -.Jmo.nowa..., AM/FM. Imm a c u at•, a • chroma wblt,, reWt ena-by DATSUN ~ 2 5 • 118 3. Ntahla • LAST Of • pro!. with 6 mo ll\IU. now AUTHORIZED DEALEll * PORSOIE '&$. C. Red. e • ~bbu)-~t =. ~ HUNTI NGTON Black Int. °""'" -.. • THE • * '56 VOU<.sWACEN *· BEACH AM-F111-sw radio. v..,. • • l200 w><ler mue Book -'°""· Pri ..... $3290. • • ~ Now •• d u .. d C•n -LEFT OVERS•· ====== Complole Service & p.,ft 1ll63 SOO, hlacl!ihlack. ,_ • • VOLVO 188!5 BEACH BLVD. whla, AM/FM. Nardi • -----..,.--- 842-7781 _ s•o·0442 Wbe<I. xlnt conc1. 13100. •wo Muot Cloer T-• '68 VOLVO 2 DR. Ju1t J .11 .. So. S•11 Dl•t• 64+-0638 a NEW 1961 • Fwy. •nd lu1t • fow mi11ufot 'tl5 P 0 RS CH E 356C, • N"" of Adomo • AM/FMC Chnn -· Wk • BUICKS --.,"6"3-D=A"TS"'U=N,---gm, ort& owner, $3295. • • MANY EXT RAS EXEC CAR' 12495 Pickup camper. Extremel,y :sharp with tonneau cover &: camper. (HSA779), $895 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa • 54&1934. Open 'lll 10 p .m. FERRARI FERRARI Newport lmport5 Ltd. Or- ange County's only autbor- 12ed dealer. SALES· SERVICE -PARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 Sf().1764 Authorized MG Dealer JAGUAR JAGUAR •67 XKE.: Xlnt shape. Lo mileL $37llO.:. 615-0llO KARMANN GHI~ GlllAS 2 '67'1 2 '66's 1 '63 All extra sharp, all Y.'ilh ra· dlos & healer& and one with air conditioning. 54f·OJOJ-47J-1 lf 0 1970 HAUOI ILYD. COSTA MISA 646-Gll5 • '1961 l xoc. Cora • '59 ,SUPER D Conv. New • 1961 Demonstri1tora: • top &: seats, chrome wheels. • • .~:;: ,:,•:..i. 1ow •NO MATIER• mileage, $4700 firm. OR a a take ..... ..,... """1121 • WHAT IT • • • ''065"'122;;,s;-1;-m"-=m:-a:-c:-u:-1;-a"t'7• • SUBARU a a AM/FM radio, & track TAKES I. • seteo, whlte walls, mint • • MANY !XTRAS • $199 • EXEC CAR • SAVE $300. • cond. $14.SO. 545-5783 <Can help finance) . Autot Wanted 971la CASH for used cars & trucks just call us for free estimate. GROTH CHEVROLET All Mod1l1 Fr. $1 770 • • Wt lllDU : DOWN : ---::w=m--=Buy--•ri .. Tn ft ~ ••• Your Volknraem or Ponche IMPORTS •• ,,..,.. cm•. &MAC • pay top clolluL Paid for OYOTA·VOLVO aw ._. ........ • or not. Call Ralpb 1966 Hamor, CM. 646-930.1 • • 673-1190 -=============. • TOYOTA • --------:-• . '67 TOYOTO • • c.orona. automatic transmia-e '57 OLDSMOllLE • slon, radio, healer, see &: a "91" 4 door. l~LHt~-4 1 drive today. Lie TYX217. .Yo11 c•n b•li•v• th11 pr1c1l• IMPORTS WANTED Oranle Counties TOP S BUYER BU.L MAXEY 'IUYOTA 18881 Beach mvd. H. Beach. Ph. MT-8555 $1475 • $49 : Antlq~, Cl111ico 9615 LI..,; I • 1 '36 Fon! grillo,2 "'"' doo" eQll UUIG a· ''6 TOIONADO • complete with glass, 1 hood F11ll pow1r, f1ctory •ir • slightly beat, 1 bell housing IMPORTS •cond. ISIN8121 • with rear end. l '40 Ford TOYOT .. YOLYO • $2995 hood dolwt0 & 1 grille do-1966 Harbor·, C.M. 646-9303 8 • luxe. Set of back seats for TOYOTA 'l{EADQUARTER" I • V. W. Bus. Phone 53&841.l '>1 OPEL • H,B. Ask for Bill 1 spt. Co~p•. R1dio, h1•f•r •• =========:= 14 1ptod, I own•r. IUOF· Auto Leising 9110 SEE th• Dual W>le Road-=====""".==::'.::: liner Pan American, Para-C1mper Rent1l1 9522 mount. Dite and General .;..;_CO..._A_CH_.-TRA=-c:n::rn=-- mobil• born.,. now at RENTALS LOTUS Dual Wide Sales 1t'• """' too •arly to ma•• i -------- Cbapman Mobile Homes Inc. reservations for Sprina: Hol-'67 LOTUS Europe, low ELMORE IOI J • -----"'---- : $1495 • *AUTO LEASING* 15300 Beach Blvd., WlltmDll:r I 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. idays! mileage, must sell im· 531 .. 571 WEEK·END OR WEEKLY mediately! 642-4173 after Pbooe """322 • '67 CHEV. 5.5. • I ALL MAKES I CO~IPETETIVE PRJCF.S Cort Fox Auto le11in9 224 W. Coast Highway TRAILER I< Cabana. 1 or I ====546-<l291====::;::=: I •=''='°='=·m==·==== ;..._ ~;';' 0~~,,..tJmJouL Dune Buggioa 9525 MERCEDES BENZ BILL MAXEY ... ;., ........ , ......... . I P.I. lmm•cul1to condition .• r::11:r.10~1v:7il§~l1""1A&ll : $2295 : Newport Beach 642-8440 8 x 36, 1 BDRM. A-1 cond. 1966 =~~; ... ,_.,... DUNE BUGG~ Motorcycl• 9300 HONDA 90 Scrambler, cood rood. Blt-up tr&me I:. knob- by tire on rear. ;250. 613-5810 168 ENDURO 250 cc Factory 'warranty. LlU new. $675. can ,...117'1 MG MG 18811 BEACH BLVD. • 'U TR4 _u_Md_c_._ .. ____ 9900_ Hunt, Belch 847-155$ •Ro1d1t1r. 4 1p11d, r•dio.: TRANSPORTATION 3m1N.ofCoast Hwy.on&h •h••f•r. IJJE417l VOLKSWAGEN : $1395 : CAR SALE vw I '65 OLDS Cutlass 1 Credit problem'! See us for .H.T. Cp1. RIH, •uto., PS,• instant delivery, Jow prices, •it i:ond. IPGP116 l I ea.sy tenns. \\'e decide on Price Speci1ls 1 $1595 I your credit. Call or come '60 Bua • •• ...... ••••• $399 • • in today. '.61 Bugg ••••••••••.•• ' S499 • ' 6 OLDS "'98" 54M39l 63 Bugg .............. $599 • 6 • BLUE CHIP ·c; Bull ................ S900 Lu11ury 4 door. F11ll pow•'·• AUTO SALES '67 Sunbeam Alpine Rdstr •f•ctory •ir. ISUP512 J '68 KAWASAKI Bushwhacker 175 cc::. Only 1500 tnl. Under , warranty. $470. 548-0'191. 14t .0JOJ-6J J.11to Sales, Service, P1rts 1 t 70 HAllOI ILVD. Complete new MG inventory Excellent, reduced •• $1499 • $2495 , •. 2145 Harbor, Costa ?tlesa WE PAY CASH FOR Motoracootors 9350 LAMBRErfA. xlnt '°""· noo ==:;C:;O;ST::•=M=' .. =""= See the new Austill America Imported Autoo 9600 Here Now! ~ : '66 MUSTANG 2+2• y~~~ ~~RN6~1I D c~ ·~so~ ::::::~~J.i~~odio,: """'"r"':i."'L"f:'°'1"'~°''ti,.~''°':=~°'~m"'7"'",,,-962-1440 Auto Service · & Porll "400 4 VW EMPI MAGS S75. 546-1856 Tr1il1r, Travel 9425 • Spot Cash lot Imports We pay more for any import regardleu or year, make or cooditkm. 1ry us before )'OU Rll. ELMORE MOTORS, l5JXI Beacll mvd. WestminstB". ~ CITROEN u· TRAILER. Like new. -------- ·Sipe 4. or 5. Great for cam-CITROEN Sta. \Vgn. ·61 Pin& tr:lpa. $975. MS-1255 w/'65 SU.per 83 eng. fJS. DIAL direct 64.2-5611, Charsa radio, etc. Xlnt c 0 D d. JOI.If ad, ~ lit b&ck lllld ~833-<505===--=:':"::.-::= Ulten to the 'lbcoe rinal CHARGE your want ad now. 9600 Imported Autos 9600 iiEll~ ELMORE MOTORS UJOO llACH aYD. wantlNSRI 04-l lll 4 1/2% l•11k li11•11cl11! ..... n.111. •11 t..~ll .,pro•• •f cr.dlt. FIEE-FREE us Veqas V ac1fion 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO Ho P•rch•"· Noc•Uff'F 15300 lelch BIYd. Westminster 89•·ll22 Ol'IN 7 DAYS J1rluport 3\inp o rts !100 W. c...st HWJ'. Newport S.acl> 60-!HIJ5 ~176t Authorized MG Dealer '67 MG MIDGET Rdlilr, Mark III, 4 5pd, dlr, e.x~llent running cond. Wirt wheels, cream whlte body, plush black int Driven by little 'ole man lrom Laguna. $85 Caah dels. will fine prvt. prty. I... e. UOF 593, 4.94-9713 or 545-0034 MGB '67, R/H, Wire wheels, good condition, asking $2aX). Low mlle1. Ml-1641 '67 MGS. British r11cing grftll. Ercd cond. Low miles. um. 673-4878 61 MG Midget ~llis • Al.I· FM. Best Offer! Orig. Owner. 675--0532 MGA e 'SI MCA Red hn:!Lp rpe R/H Good mecll. 5 iood Ures $'5<J, -· PORSCHE 1956 PORSOlE 1600 N. Bahama Yellow. Clean S1200 .a ~·; • $25. $50. $75. SlOO. ~.. dJJ' • "67 IUICK h5abro • pita tax & He. ,., I Cvtlom coup•. F•ctory •ir JIWPORTER MOTORS S4t OJ0~7J 1lfG .cond., po.,..1r •+-•r. IVIK· I • • 270 1 • 1'70 HAllOl ILYD. • $2695 2"15 H"bor Bhu. COSTA MISA • •• "'°'""'="'54S-'5,--,-17.l ,,-,--,,_ '55 VW. 2 door, sunroof. '51 CHEVY & ·56 Anglia, Great for dune buggy. $27S. • '66 DODGE MCNIKO • iood trans, must sell. 673-6674 C.d.?.I. • 4 Dr. H.T. 11.&H. •uto., • 67S-5300 days 673-9440 eve. '68 VW, 2 door sedan. green, • PS, •ir co11d. flPUOlJ I $1150. Corona d•I Mar. • $1995 • BUICK • 673--6674 • • -------- WELL Kopt '65 VW Convt. ... • ••••••• FOR Salo 1966 Bulcl< Rlvlora Mu.al see to believe! • xlnt cond. lo mileage, pvt ""1471 • JAGUAR • ..,,,,. ,. ...... '65 VW squarebllck Station • * '66 BRUICK Riviera, tun Wagon. N•w u,.... xlot • Ht 'DQUARJERS • "IUippod. lmmaculato .,,.. cond. $1395. 842--3079 • tA 8 difion. Call 64.4-2'W8 '6t vw But. Xlnt cond. Wk .. Compl•t• S1l•s . Serv·• '62 BUICK Spec. Power, days 9-5 PM 54.5-7400 Alt 1c:• ind P•rh Oep•rt-• auto. aood cond. A tireL 61: \\·k ends ~1190 •ment for JAGUARS. • ct;525:;:-=;,::::==== '63 VW BUS • St• n.. hcitlr19 • -LLAC line body, runs good, dean. • lt•t J19••r Tod•Y CADI '::" V~UAREBACK ......... : '68 CADILLAC Coo.. De EXCELli:Nr CONDmONI • VWe Coav. Xlnt cond. Prlo- • S48-2084 e • · ed for quick aale $5(0). 234 E. 17th ST. • ,,,,-~1·~=-=:: '65 vw Sunroof. 9J,00l mi. • White/ good condition. • $900. • 642-9168 • 1965 vw Bua. new WIW, • ndlo. $1350. •Call &44-0444* • • IMMAC! 1 owner '62 Sedan 548•7765: ~~~/~·to mil<L Mon·Frl 1:30 om to 9 pm S.1urd1y 1•30 om I "&4' SEO. DeVWe. Orig. owner. Xlnt cond. S1796. • Call 6#-0323 • tinn. 503 Acacia Oif.I • 673-9403 ·1; VW reblt ena;lne. Good • 'fill VW Bus 7 pass. Xlnt • cond. A.r.f-FM. Ptv prty. a $2500. 642-1037. 837-.4211 to 6 pm I CA MARO Sundl"fs 10 1m 1 • -68-CAM--A-R0-~---=,.--11-P. • 1967 P 0 R S C H E 912, tires, radio, good shape. AM/FM, ndiala. hdrslll. $650 Cuh. ~aft 6 • $4300 ct ~t oUer 6iJ..25o85 '67 vw Sedan cnx. Low ml., ~·~""~'==~~~--. 1 many exlras. 0 r I g I n a J '63 PORSCHE S. x.lnt conct. owner. S1495. 644-2956 all new tqUlp. Beat oller. ~ 1V\V Sun Root, RJH. l .f9'-323T alter I owner. $850. Good dfts. to 6 pm I spd. Xlnt cond. Must sell $2400. M7...JG4 CHmOLET 1i1•·------..,~ ... -----!R. OfARGE r Want ad now. tf:blf ei"C-64i-flt.'16 '83 CHEVY JI SllUon Wqon $fOD. fU Eut 17th SL, Colta l.fesa AND SAVE BRAND llfVt '69 RAMBLER FuU Size SllOts 6 128 H,P. $2043 Plu1 T I L--rdtr fe>cloy '66 COLONY ....... 9 -2S 000 miles. Bi& engine; ~wer everything. lleavy duty shOCkA, premlwn llrft. $2,600. Call aft 5 pm. 64>-l,,_ MUSTANG 1967 EL CAMINO. 4.. 15peed, Cpe v,.a. automatic, radio, s p e c I a I sU11pens1on-396. • t steenng· and Black, penional car, new heater, powe _,.. b-kc• •--·•nu ton. {SLU tires, ls! ell.Sii couultion. •" • lllJ""" :r moo. .,,,.,. ''" '6J CHEV Impala hardtop conv. Excellent cond. R &. H, pwr strg. $700. 66-1748 $1695 ATLAS after 2 P~t BRAND NEW ClfRYSLER-PLYMOUTH . '63 CHEVY Impala, 4 •pd, 2!l29 Harl>or Bl"'-'68 JAVELIN originalo~~ ca.ta """ 546-1934 Open 'tiJ 10 p.m. BIG ENGINE 1962 GREENBRIER Von. --"--,.,-,,==-- BIG SPACE ~i';,"1, $5l5 c8'h Ow""r UNIVERSITY SMALL PRICE l l~.SG:;::CHE~v""'= .... =.,.=..i•. o:thru:::,:::,. SALES & SERVICE $2386 llSO 0 ' ,.,~._-,:· OLDSMOBllf '60 CHEVY hnpala · V-8. 2 285{1 Harbor Blvd. Dr. HT. Auto, PIS, R/H. Costa Mesa Plu1 T & l-12799~9 BRAND NEW '69 REBEL THE PEOPLE CAR $2436 Plw1 Tl l-1175112 BRAND NEW '69 AMBASSADOR AIR COND·Y8 TINTED GLASS etc:., etc:., etc:. $3286 Plu1 T & L-Sll0219 Red • White & Blue SALE FREE-Car Rodio Power Brokes Vinyl Roof SPECIAL USED CAR VALUES "66 FORD SI•. W19. Co1111lry Squire. Auto. tr., pwt, 1!r, RPL2l7 $1995 '64 FORD Auto. tr., pwr. 1+1.,r. I brtk••· QSK 770 $945 Call aft 5, 53G-74fi6 540-9640 Used Cars 540-ml '59 IMPALA New engine. ,65 OLDS 88 2, Or. H.T. $300. or best after. S\7-9136 Original owner. Like new. or 847-9801 carot. t.1ust sell-beat oHer. Aft i, CHRYSLER '65 CHRYSLER 962-1782 '62 OLDS F-85. new tram. $650 or best oHer. Will con- sider trade. 6t&-2215 '1962 OLDS Starfire, all ex- Ncw Yorker. V8 engine, auto-tras, $475. who 1esa1 e. matic traru;mission, factory 536-TI48 aft 5. air conditioning, power steer. ='='='========I ;.,., •'"''' """'"· pow« PLYMOUTH · windows. radio, beater. load· 1---------1 ed. CPFW7'3J • 61 PLYMOUTH $1795 ATLAS OiRYSLER-PLY?<IOUTH 2929 llarbor Blvd. Costa ?t1esa 54&-1934 Open 'UI 10 p.m. Fury Ill 4 Door hardtop. V8 engine, automatic transmis- sion tactory air CODdition- ing:,' power steering, radio and heater. !NNB299J $1895 '62 IMPERIAL ero~ hat,,top, whli., aU ATLAS orig. interior. Full pwr., fact CHRYSLER-PLYM{)UTH air, dlr, pwr. "·indows. $85 2929 Harbor Blvd. Cash deb or take foreign "'~" ·-~ car in lrade. \\'ill fine prvl Costa Mesa ......,..a.o.n Open 'tU 10 p.m. prty. L.B. HSC 568, 49-t·9773, 1,,,~===~-.=::; or 545-0634 '66 BARRACUDA 4. speed, '!'J? O!RYSLER $225. Good V8, radio and heater, very ~,1. . -" 1 sharp, ~ ot factory C011w lOll, engme ...,...~ec · warranty, $1375. Will take Call Neal. 64:1-1081 trade fur old Pickup. Phone CORVAIR 871_,.16 ai"'' p.m. --------69 PLY. Fwy ill; hdtp .• '61 ?.lONZA, 4. :speed, very tact. air, pwr., R&H; owner clean S250. must sell, take over pyts. 675-3489 alt 6 PM Low am't. dn. 546-6374 COUGAR PONTIAC 1967 COUGAR, pvty pty, like '68 PONTIAC Firebi~ 350, ·new, air cond, p Is , PIS-P~B, po\11er wiMo~s. A?tI I F'?t1, W I 0 Tires. Wk· 8,000 mi. 67 Country Sq~in: days 833-1611, ext 1983, eve Fon:I \Vagon. Eveeythina. ,f wk-ends 673-2288 or ~"~""~1~636""'"=--,,;c-= 673-2244 STATION Wagon, '62 Pon- tiac; PY.T. steer. & btakff; air-cond., xlnt Ahape. New Lime with black padded top. tires, new trans. Fine fami- Loaded and air conditioning. Jy car. $650. ~1149 $2800. r1. Stotts 842·5581, c10.96~1-,Po-:--,1,,-.,-,...,Te::-m-..,=1 °"s1a;-. Eves. 962-7056 w lnunac 1395 Aft. • '68 COUGAR gn. . . .... DODGE * &14-2866 * '65 RAMBLER Cl• uic 4 dr. 1od. Air cond. ( I ·-:-::::--::-::::-=-:-:-=:- VI , ..... ''· WQG!l6 '67 DODGE DART 1965 GTO 2 DR. 4• SPEED, 3 . 2'g, Excellent cond. $1395 '64 VOLKSWAGEN R1dio. h••t•r, whit• w1tl1. HMR.549 $995 '64 RAMBLER Amoric111. Awfo. tr1n1., r•· dio, ho•I••· V1ry 11i~•. OSROll $995 '67 FORD 270 2·Dr. H.T. V.S, automatic, rddio, heater. power steer- * 642--8555 after 5 * '62 TEMPESl', good conrl . $200. Going back East March 5. Eves. 646-2194 ing, air conditioning. Com-I========;. I pare! ITGXWh $1688 ATLAS CJIRYSLER-PLYr.IOUTH m9 Harbor Blvd. Co11ta. Mesa 546-1934. Open 'Iii JO p.m. RAMBLER '64 RAMBLER Oa:ssic Sedan. 6 cyl., auto- matic, real clean. (SJLllO) f•i•J•11• 500. 1 door hotd• top, 011ly 14,000 mil11. In FORD OIRi'Sl..ER-PLYMOUTH w•rr•nty. YFWOJI \I----------1 $595 ATLAS $1895 '67 CNTRY S<d. Wag. 10 2!P.9 Ha">or Bl,.,, pass, 390 eng. AT. R/H. Costa l\.1csa 546-1934. '66 CHEVROLET Ps/pb, fac air. 23.000 on Open 'til 10 p.m. 1 eng. Lug racks. good tires. l-~'64'"RA7MB=L'°'E°"R,:'-;$300=.-Swp•r Sport. F1c:lory • r, $2475. or will trade. 837-{M58 pow•r 1t11r, SIP746 1 owner. $1895 '62 FORD XL Coovt. A-11===*=""'=""'=*== Sharp! at $650. 0 a n 1 · '64 DART McGhe<, 64 2-93 24 • or T •BIRD 2 d•o• h•rdtop. Awlo, }l;""""'°i,i;;:-.;;;c;-'i'' -,";;;"~;;;;v.;; 1----------1 tr•111., r•d;o, lio1tor. OML. '68!.i Forti E JX1 Super Van. 196.:> T·BIRD full power, 195 Auto-.J'.12 V-8. 8000 mi. ~7900. clean, all extras, SIT:iO. Call $117 5 >1&-16'1 Sa"""" Sun. w .. k-dayo l!rili l<'ORD 4 DR. aft 6· 5-19-3i02 CAMP~n SPECIAL Town !ledan. Good cond. '62, FULL pwr, air. Xlnt IA >JOI Cliff Or. N.B. 54'-07"7 ''""'·Good""'" $67~ 49., C-..0-1595 .56 FAIRLAN'E, full pwr &: l."'""=="6~J3._3622~-~~ hfty 9t11f,,,.M automatic. good tires & cm-'57 T-BtRD with portholes, 'U • e..-. '1775 dltion. $D>. 642...J956 leu enginr I. trans. Mab bfflt.t CMll. JI'==:==.::=::=;:=::== cUer. 497-1503 .. ....... ,...... MERCURY '63 T·BffiD. Full -" HOLIDAY Sales & Somu o,.. 1 .,.,.. ' 1 ..... ,., '"' c ..... feltcl 1969 lla rbor Blvd COSTA MESA 642-6023 air. l.ow mile!l. Very clean! '61 COLONY PARK 11.IOO. M:l-4834 &'tation Wagon; blue ~·Ith '1i8:;c--:;T-,-B"1n"o=-4~0r.-.-cw.la-,,-u-I match~ vlnyl inter. in xlnl P/w &: ai~nd. Perf cord. cond.: alr • cond., auto. Must 51!11! MlOO 644---2432 ~1U'lll.: pt)\1-'tr brakt:l. Sll!ef'-'56 T. BIR 0 Conwrtlble. 1ng A l't'ar "'indow; radk\ SJ.2SO. See' at 2197 Cal'l)'lm heater: a:ood w/w tires: cua. Dr., Costa P.t"8. 548-7083 tom roam. filled MIJl;hh,yde !========::: """ in.. ""'' ""'• <""'1 for VALIANT children whf!n traveling.) '69 Licensed Ideal famll.y -----car, fairly Priced al $995. VAUM'T '61 4 Dr. (6). P/S. 642-3589 Att. 7 PP.I. Auto. Rllt Low mtlu. ======;,-c=I U/F'ac Wltnnty, Sl1tl)..best ~~!!?~~~~ ...... ~·DAILY Pll.Dr WANT ADS! oner. E\."l'S..137-6362 • -· p....., n, 1169 , DAll.Y PliOr ~f· • RE~';,.~!lATE 11-:;,.~:tATI R~~YATI A~~~~c~~NTS SERVICE 'D1RECT'aoi'Rvfi111*iillillllli!4••11t•••ti-••;i-••ifl· ,llNTALI RENTALS -------1~------6590· 1_o._..,_•1 ____ 4000_ C..t1 -";iiiijiiiiSliiDOii Huntl•flhn ... ch 5400 1_1_1111..,... .... __ R_on_t_a1 __ 6060_ $ubdlvlalon Land _6~12 Loot RENT • EXCITING new """"'" In An'oRNEYM ... -••oPER~ · a• •101 IPll"bntAl !Mnr. SPanlih in lobby. , lleCl'itarl&l rooma. .... • •• 3 Rooma Furniture "" ' • --with )ush ..... -· s ..,,, .. ,.,., •I· WITH ' A VIEW sts Month , llEENS '""""· .... ,...,,.. adult u.. -... Godd loe&Uoo c.11. • 1,-,:,,,_,~~~~ FULL OP'nON TO But' ' ' •-, cloa to the beach. 5t8-ft6l . ,JI ACM la N°"'*" 0ruwe. LOST .. American Otihuahua ..,. High on a knoD; 'thls prop-&mall male, brown, 9 m lRtfrlceraton Available) BACHEl.OR. • UN!'µRN. UY. 0.. ,....11'-'-111_, u 11 ~ ~ai:o_!!bl.Yln ~~ erty r.oned 1Ji acre sitet and Old, 373-A West Wilson; No d-'t o.a.c. .i.....IB $l l0 ---· ·-..,., eat:dol -be cut wlth'a CM. 64l-8352 R<wud. '--i:'--:-;-:-::--""'.::. H,,.lt.C. nv ahoul4 i. ~ ,i Corona dol Mio loia-~view. Prleod at (;-i;====""=::. 1 · Furniture Rent1l1 • tnCl.1 .tit., Tbt CAlJlftallllll Call Hutchens, Tlf: ISMS11 Jitl,000 ~acre. For furtlltr , , female dark ~~D AtJto, Purnl"'* ~ Unfurnl ...... - • 517 w. 19th, CM. 548-MSl 1, .. l A J B)'.>J\1l. f . -· , ,.....,. 1· COMMEKC. -300 $Q. lt. 1n1onna&n, p I ea 1 e ell u,~., pet. Rewa · 1568 W. Incln, Anhm 77~'8tl0 ll"""' Poo~ ~~ 1..-iunt'.lollf _.... l •JNOUST. • 800 111. ll OllM "'lllomp"'n with _,...... f=:iii====::.~ HOLIDAY PLAZA 'Ce~i1.•:!'11!' ~ ;-., Adonia: iln19. 8ch. ..... 2130 • lckhoff .. Auoc. In&-COCkATIEL Lo<! Tues. 4th. c.Mllt Coi'ClllW ... DELUXE, spacious l·Bdrm. W t uA-(714) "2~2tl1 BWG. SO x 100, in heart 1818 W. Chapman Ave. Vic19~~~nealA6veP.MCo5ta ~ __..:-~·-1 nu Pl til 2700 Ptteraon ay, a •~· of downtown Oxta Mell!.. Orange Calli Mesa. vtir4"'1 • t ' * CX>NCIO'Jl'E -2 Jk:ro:~ "iifio PJ! :w: bot A Adami, C:O.ta Neaa. ,!,! .~r:!:. M8-M01 5t8-3210 ~ 5'1 .. E\w.~kndt ·5.18-rm l.ClST Blar.luA Gf'e)' Pmlan ~ ~i•tt_,...... .,, ~ . .1'.......,! 'W1ntt -t iilic!AL" d.UllPICI' POR1 NA TUllAL IOllH SW PIRS Heat~ pOol. Ample perlclJlc $46.0310 Ut> a: up. Cat. .W.·Vte l9th .. SUlta ps •' . ~ .. ..,. S~-1--5 bucb ' , No children.No pets: Fumisbed or unfuml.ahed OHie. Rtnt1I 6070 R E W fed 6240 Ana, C.M. 543-3041 e CUSTOM P411Dii 1965 Pomona, CM 642-5858 Excellent. park • like IW'-• , an WST: 1 mos. old apricot concrete sawing &: re~ "\• •ULll -M MUil INCl.VOE .....,. "' llMo to ""'-s-WMt YoV wtlt ... .,.... t f75; l ·BEDROOM roundino fJll' adultl nquir. 2 BDRM 2 BATH. LAGUNA BEACH 3 BR Home ln this area Alghan, fell'lale; vlc. Colt& State Lie. • 842·1010 1-YOUlt ~ •net/or .cldrftt. -S llMI of ....... ..... wtw. utilltlei paid in&~6: quiet. -Air Conditioned for exchange Jor 2 on lot MeSa. Reward. &o.-8908 CEMENT work, no job too I-NOTHING FO• ""'I! -TRACllEI OHLYI ,~r 53'..{i98() Utt tllll&I,"' ON FORES'.i.' AVENU£ nrdowntr;lwn lzldewood. Val MISSING Feb 3. wb it e mnall, rea!!Onable. Free PHON• "42.5671 ( To l'loco Y-T,..,,1 P1rodl11. Aid sui :iM:m:LoR APr. 't, ' • ~ ..... !' I TO ·.11• ..,...,.. Desk IP&Cet available In $30,!))), Now employed here. female poodle Monte Vllita eatrm. H. Stulick. 541H161$ 'l Utwt!~ Paid. ~ "1(1111~"' ~ *-• newelt of.Ger balldtq at Owner.,Jll: ft?--Slll St. C.M. Reward. MS-8587 8 BFSI' IN CONCREI'E Trade lT tt Perto&mtr ovt- . >}!loller 5M9ll • Mii'ftjjmi''. 11111 Ur£ prime loc•tlon·lll ........ wru. Buy Apt . ._., • wsr mini&.,,... brown .... waltcl, pool decU, !loon, boud. <.._> ""lull -'> ·~· ~ t ' !::' Beach.ted. ~-to 6 units tn Laguna Beach. dle, female, children'ii Pet. Patios. Phone SG8514 :,.= =~~ Co.tiMUI •100 ! . ·~~--· • 3kt' ' panen~l~;:: !?:r:.~.:_T•..,o CaUH>-1437 a.twardt548-4117eves. 6'lO t,.or.T1'6Co49$0atttpm -~,INTROD. ~CtNG e -.,.,Ail, ---· .+-·--·--BUSI.NESS ind REWARD! er. poppy, no l·C_h_ll_d_C_•_,. ____ ,. ;;=,...,,.=---.-=-u °'1m·n ~~A llS ~·· 1..11. A9a ~ ...... Form ATI., -i.•.. FINANCIAL tall, 1 bfue eye. 1 br .• ,. COSfA . M•q ·-· HAVE; 8 unl!J, pool, pme, /) ~ ' . _,. -. pt • ---. Mw>clpal ...-.... l50 . Vic. 33rd St. NB 6'l3-499'l ""' 2 -• o.,n ... 5 ...... C.M. Income !680/. q,CI J.) i4'1'!1.' MOVING FEB. 16 ~ •• "".~,,.' ~ '..:-..,. ~~ ';:,:"1"'1or°"!" Bus. Opporfllnltlu 6300 BLK/Brn terr1er pop, ndo ·to 5:'5 PM Pla..,.i.,,;.... ;".;.r,1;' ~-:·born• · '"" • ' and ()llNJll • • ..,. Cindy Supply Route med. attn. Child'• pet. Vic gram. 5'8-allll · , Bob Ollon Rltr. ·~ Ol:anp'' e;w.t)''I BeautiflJJ · NEWLY DECORATED pool, Nice IJ'U. M6-WS Businelt balft uiwerbrc I Part or tun Time) 13th & Bal, Bal. 6'JS-.6174 CHILD car. my home WHk 1---::-:----- NEW' Adult 11,m, ~ .2 BR. w/PI:·• ~: Lge fncd aervtce avao.hlt; .for $10. Excellent income for few .days. PI a y m a. t e ~. Nr HAVE: Improved C2 lot cuatmm·'furn or unfUrn.• , )"d. oU patio 1l1dmg door -L19Un1 leach 5705 All utnUiu JU!' UOllP hrs weekly work (days or Penonilt 6'05 Brookhurst & G • T 11 e1 d c.M. Value $30,000 clear. ~ • 1 BdnD,; 2 Bdilu dllposal. water pd. 100 CLIFP DRIVE telepbcme. . • , WANT: tnduatrial bide. thll • ~ Olltam 2228 Pla~ntia, Apt. D o.m.T·.Pnm eves.) nftlling and collect-WANI'ED on conalgnment. 962-0898 arta. Wlll uaume. Diefcn .. , , ' ' 8 636-4120 • LUXURYIVRNIUNFVRN 222 il),~· . :L:m~,~ ~ Ladles & lirls apparel: CHILD Care my home. D&yt DanlaReal~cO. &12.QiGO • ~ Gudens DELUXE 2 Bdrm. apt, YeW Leue. l I: 2 Bdrma. l.4AOt,JMA .. . .M•l j Jt fonnaJs, cocktalll, casuals, & nlte1. N.B. area. Lra • BubliUnj'eprlng &: brook adults over 50. $130. Near steps to SboN I; Shops Jtf ......... :i-:u.;..::.,11 ~~ hats, bags, shoes, COllt\lme bae w/fncd )Td1. 54&-8S73 Like new "PAYMASTER" • 42' Pool&: therapy bath mrkt. 263-265 16th Pl. See Oceanvlew from evuy Apt. * aillli V :Ofll' ii • 1~ ·~ ks jewelry, Labels preferred. c~ writer/protector for .Ac~"~ .. ---'~:ui~_,p from$150moup.leuo n wn•.~.llJMb' 'f.e.snac .l Call 10 am to s:30 pm Contracton 6620 &oodotticedelkandch&lr. "">< ~~-Mir· $2449 s; I -Air -· SJ.••11.81.J!O roqwr. ' -: ::,:.~_. ·, .J -. 2 BR., pclol. adultl. No pets. 1:!;;J'--. ...... 'td.1-~-rvlewln ~~2l~hru Sat. 544"-8311. ADDI"nONS •REPAIR Day or Ev. •. 10 ~I rnl form oew Jq. llrDilloilll,\lrpo>'tln Palm- ... tlfll 'for ~ ptt ..,..; « -tor~ ol eqao1,, .oi... 841-2019 - • HA VE: 'M Ford O>untry --Riii.PiS, P/B. 1-owaer. $225 val. WAl<T; PLAYEl\ ~O ll6:2290 r 0< bdrm, den· A dlnl>w room, 2 full ~ $29,900 value, no.ooo eituJty. mq Income;" W'llta, T.O. low' down, comm. 515 Irvf!, N.B. ~­ Trada 15100 eqully in large Two bedroom, 1~ baths, ~rtte condomi.DJum for tqUal va1ue in double ten or. more mobile ~ 646-5t1! .CONTRACTOR'S field oWce ·~·c llBQ! N•wcorp.;$125mo. Rontols W~n¥ 5990 """ot.·••itrariOO"... Oioii."'-":191!d'.,.c,ad-REMODELING • .......... ~-~a a•'--313 E. 11th Pl .. C-14. c. Rolort 11~-.\!re!'l(UdJllirll-b" to: LICENSED °"'""""' & Plannl>w Trade H°""' patient lift"" ~ P!-~ ...,.... s. F. COUPLE desire Npt. Zit a ·m ~ "~DJltAln'NENT" Spiritual Readinp, advice Kitchen&-Ba:thJI, etc. GE 1tereo for antiqlM;-.,Cll"' ~~':= 2:;-~~·~:· =· Bch.,.CdM, 2 Br. unfurn. CostaMM&ll''-, "to='!!!' ~P.O.-~ onallmattel'!l.108S.El 100%Ftnanclng~Freeest. lent.lnis-,oeccbr,Dl!whltn · ftlfer;-top cont:l4 walnut 1 .. ~ interior, carpeted. ~r. Adl~,nopeta.$145.'™183 rental, approx. March 15; L=L; . · ·( ~CIJl.92803 CaminoReal,SanClemente. Lic'dABonded dlbwr, dllpl. cirpentry, mi ........ of 642-8810 to $250. No pets; call~ col· ,. I, ~•'9tt· . -trruir ..... ,. Est b I 492-\Jl.36.;lo f.M·lO PM A • B OONSTRUcnON wirtns/pntlng. 546-9358 ev• $ Newport B11ch 5200 lect: 415: 461--0920. "Tile: ' ! Offll:'r' ! i. ~ C!ookit .. II' Oaatl.,1 vending SPEClAL'L RE.WINY ~.~· ;·?4. BAYF:RONT •dock; 2 Bal.. ZS Wk. Up 364 Bretano, Grecnbrae, ap .... 1iJD ....-11. ill macb•• -· 11'<1 2 bra • BACHEIUXll\ ...., In boa CO-. NB; eq, ISl,00). e Studio&:Ba(:bapts. B/B Calif. new~tif'Oruwe • ~. $900, 10 Ull!ts C.M. area~~bl~tlful~l35 Addi~··~ TradefwT.D.'10r.TT1'rit • Incl ~ .\ Phone lel'Y. WHO Wants a roommate'!' County Airport Available area. 675-3360 for ¥da~e ~p. Fre4.,~ Gerw1ck. lJc. leue/option. Courtesy to e MUI.~ ~·TV avail. TOWNHOUSES Femile,·age 23, looldnc for imnl~lately, 0 $325 mo. A'ITRAC11VE SALON FOR l11JGEN'I\..... ~ ' * 5f9-211I brolr.im. 675-4331 •·N-j;alo 6 Bat • ADULTS ONLY I place on Balboa . llland. 675-030 Bkr. SALE R<uonable. Call e BU<;9\'.':Q-,e. Cr--''Cl .. nlnt' . '625 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2% ha. 2118. N~ ~ SCl-9755 Available! ~lTOO ext 533, Mk for MEDICAL • Protealonal Glorl& tnterested ht'-rotffillll~1ly '.,.., Beaut. appt'd. Prtv. paHo. 2 Bit ~ew farnt cpts, drpa:. 2 bedrooms 2 baths Ja&nn after 6• S13-&Ul Suites for lease, CUstom 962-7232 dune ~Ui:R ~dub'!' Call PROFESSrONAL Rur • pool, c10le to bay, Val. Bet.in cell, blt-irui, pool. Newly decorated. WANT dbl. 1arage or remodellne avail 18112 WANTED: OH&le liquor 549-3521 .$11\1 ~ • ) trjtbol!fer)• Cleaninc· Top $32,000, low dn. or ~,D,, Adul!J. ~;;. ~ Mopte st. Now crupc~ thro""hout. autlable """" IM dean non-Main st.. Hwrt. S..ch . llccnaa "" Orange Counly 1 AID nq tqnge ~'\tit.hie ~f!:l\Y, gueruteed-...ul!J. Cer or t Owner - .,.,._ -$225/Mo. flammable storage 96.S-SUi1 ' (1-213) 435-8m CajJ: 6G311C9 for any debts "" '" lfmn :a~M&mtenance 646-a.1 MOVED TO HAWAll! I"' ~'CL. til dut 1 Two year lease preferred. lOAMto6PM EWPO CM'c ~· _ .... ., ....,. u1 "°Jtirk ornta642-3526 • De 11 ·~~bm.2 -.u;i ..... ~ u .; a ts. ALSO N RT """"~~~ • ..., ... n~~J•?"' ~ .. spera e -·.NV 1-.:r BR. rum., extra lge., extra Available March 1st EMPLOYED Lady needs 1 Offices .Wtable tor earn. lnv11tm1nt OppOr. 6310 Macintosh "\ T -CARPET T Furn. c1eanlna; 4 BR, 2 BA, patio, blt.lns, nice; 1ncct patio. U6 E. 3 bedroo-0 2 baths BR unfurn Apt,, beach area, rnercial, Med1cal. Dental. I AM -~1"pomible for 1 c1q terVIce & qu&llt)' Corner lot, nr Fa.itvlew • 22nd; ~.eo..12'tf ""' to $110. carport or praee Aif.alnd., crptl, elevator PAR~ Wanted to for 1111f# ... ""#hf!r than v."Ork qQ Sterlblr; for Baker. Trd. $2fiOO F.q, for t NEW 1 Br., lovtbr f\lm. All ~.~~ dn• 3~ ~~ nee. &d-(d6 aftJ5 p.m. From f/O., . ~cl pate in hi ably _pro-ID1 ~~l"ttrltlaton brightnesii . GO-l530 Owner, 5f6.1890/642.eot5 ·•--~ ,..~ ... • 11 4'"'-'-" ..... ....,.. e ~NDLORDS e 541..:i032 OR 615-24&4 fitable. real estate pro:iect ·----. . ~ _.et. "-"""""' pr. Alldna: $265/Mo.' · · Realty projeet is ready to L4J)IES~• ·~ ~· ~ CARPET." tundttlre .clean-GE _Electric Oothe1 Dry.. ~,_'1611._ 2'J20 ·.~n lay & Beach ~~ •••. ~ ... -~Via:: SMALL office on bu.I)' cor-commence&llnancing in\aru.., e~~}'ourkind ing, la)'in1 A .res-k'· Call. er,likenewtbru-out.Plnk. _..a.wa. · 0 "' ...,...,.... ner Costa Mesa. $M/month 'already obtained at 6.5% or excl . _Call 636-0361 Girouard carpet. 6Q..fl6!il Will trade.for Gu Oothes · ( Realty, Inc. • utilitie.!I included. 642-6560 tor 25 year!. Profit O!:t cash 1 AM 00 ~ re&pC!nai_!)le , Dryer in Uke condlUon. Call One ttJClm and Jdtcbenttte '$55 * lifl.ml' 1052 Palisades, C.M. Nice 2 bdrm duplex. carpeted, tll-9.SO. . Phone 549-0JD3 901 ?>over Dr., NB SUlte 221 looms for Rent 5995 hmsted wm. y_ ield double for any·~~ .. ,htl other than G1rdtrtMi '·' • 66IO 642-5818 MS.20oo Eves. 548-691i6 Industrial R1nt1I 6090 th • " · ROOM for working rnan minimum w1 in one year. my own.. H. swan ANTHONY'S \;" i.qWll. Beach 4 bdrm home share home, kit c be n FOR lease Laguna Niguel, Need $50,000-$100,000 cash ALCOHO~ f A,nonymous r k near by 10 acre oranae LEASE, Yrly.; oceanfront privilege&. Eaat Co It a o•• San D•"cgo ~ •• ,at Crown now! Qualified principals p•---;~ _; ''""'"-'" Garden S1rvlq .........,.., Want .. _____ ..., or unfurn. Contact: Jones Rlty, Mesa. 642--0326 J... " .. z ,only! Box M 703 Daily Pilot uuu• ---_,._ ,.. 646-1948 11·-T~ , ...... -.., ~.,.,.. ask for Anita. Stine Valley, new commercial &: P.O. 8°'1i»23 ~r llelll\. BUDGET LANDSCAPING apts, BKR 494-1330 1)73..QlO Days · HOME prfvllep:a, phone in industrial uni.Ul. Delta Elec-J40 room, ;...,,--. 1 a·d y tric. Da"". 831•1,M. ~." • R11I E1t1t1 Loans 6 F . I · . ••li Prune ..• Plant .. , Prepare * * Sl,CQ'.l Value, trade for •• ~What have you'!' l,lS-5582 ' wam:·amaller car w/pwr" faCt air. Trade '64. 98 Olds w(ytrt ·~ fact air + $1o00, eq in l "4. acre nr Palm · Spip Bal on lanili$895. ~ mo. 5.16-ll31 t HOUSE T.raller 20X50, good cond.: 3 bedrooms; moved onlf once; trade m,y equit:IJ for ;Whit have you'!' ~ 548-5425 . San Clemente Income i 1tom .. 2 lots 2 ~ttlce1 2 Aptl .. Wll1 take . TD'• or smollo•""'°""'" l4akc <>!!· V• Call -494-3262 I Finett-stereo • ~a 1. HK amp. C1>1St $1100 4 )'l'B !llO. WANT 23" oolor TV, tape, '61 Ranchero. * 499-1331 * HAVE: 8 two BR. units, 6 pncell, 8 yrs, old. Jtoom for more. $55,000 full. price. WANT: Duplex or submit., Bob Ollon rutr. 546-5580" * * UPPER Duplex,' Br. $160; .~ .. ~Call.~,,....... Anl\A.,.,..'~ ...,,, ~· . . 0 un ...... _.. ~~ Monthly Mii.intenaru:e l yr. leue. Adults, no pets. pru:.-eu. ~.i.m ™· . HOME L ANS Exp. Horticulturist ------. -------· HRVICE DIRECTORY '. 2 BR furniShed. Adult. only. Walk to Orange .Cout College. ~3997 Sccbyl'l'p'Lonly. PRIV. nn. & bath & care 3000SQll~i;ai;;i .. llQNEY AVAILABLE, WISTMINSTIR cut&EdpLawn Miss White 112-9150 for ambulatory per 1 on. + 6000 IQ:=,..., CaQ for .. Wlii on todays 1, , -Maintenance Liceliled Hw>t.Bcach&<h5105 yud. lllil' . ;~·Ni!! tor >laf',6 ,IJ>d TDs. MEMORIAL fl.ARK 5411-48<$/645-:isto .art 4 E•1t Bluff 5242 ROOM W/kitchen privileges, Rd. en•),, --~.<Tl,f) 'trQOfNp' Q;unty for Mo.+ou.ry & C1rTt.tery JAPANESE Gardener. N. port Bl.ch 4200 --• 1 ~ mont 8tl3 540-1680 ...... "· ~ JI !'.:..r ·: '·~ f I W uuue ony . ..,.,, , ',Ml Nl:I , ,__._·p, lne Complete' un1r11 Complete Service. Ex- 2 BR.: !mall ocean viow; Prestige Localio11 Govcrno•. C.M. .... 5289 N PT:: . A .... Ill-. J:; 1ni> . . ·'"""' $245 pcrl•noed. R'1labl•. ""'"" $USwpiter.173-11J.5 LARGE FUrn room A: large :-~~ ~"f •ow:r ~n. J.• • 1 545-0Sll ~ te~ry~1!ti : AL'S G~ening Servlce 3~W.Balb0a81vd. -~o~~~~%dei!a~eA~~1~: ~r!t~~lklto~an N:28f» ·.' .. JltW·ti ~·tr', 1 ~642-1157 1i1d .f~,~~:.~ ~~=t~~~en- Coroftl HI Mir 4250 ~:.~::~·dhl.e!ar~ ~ba. B~~Per ~:~ex.~ Indus~ 111 t t·: ,,. , TJl;'f ~ E+Pl:~:.:-~ JAPANES!:_. G~ner, ~ BACHLOR apt, clean A ol! kitch. Dlahwuhel", dbL entr-prage. 615-6139 • Sl55/mo. ~ -~. J •• ·HAVJ NO No tta'tllc , . ema. plete Yi:u-u 'f"" •• ce, '-\._ cheerful, Im rn ed. oc-oven, pool. Convenient to NEW Indllliiif· iiJ1I1' ~tit· m ort')', investor i480i B•~elbpb.er ' esUmatee. 546--1.132. c:upancy, 6 4 2-12 3 4 or sbop'g., scboo1a • recrea-Guest Momel 5nl Near Harbor &: lnft, 1Tt0 want. 'ti) bv'· ...,ned ht 531-l'n!i' . ·.'993-2471 JAPANESE Gardening, Pro! 540-2266 tion. Sq. Ft. & up. M0'.-4429 , · & 2nd TDs. Reuonable dis-M a I n t. La~ e cap Jn g LGE. Bac:h., So. Of Hwy. ONLY $325 MONTH PRIVATEbulROOM wlaidth 1V ~.count. . SERVlc;E: OIRECTOkT .Cleanup. 637 1 · Cpts, drps, bm. ceil; ref. 835 AMIGOS WAY for arn atory Y or Lots 6100 'Sattler 1.-tt>rtgai;e Co, Inc. J1p•n119-Gerdenet & h/plate only. 673-6904 Newport Be•ch if:~=~,~~ jJ.,000:.'ooWN • oit amall ltvel 642-2ln338 E. 17th StsGiJ..\' ~ltt1111 6l50 ~~ y~~ B Ibo 4300 '~ Mir. Apt. 9 1:· patio. Llcemed' 'botne. ~ew lot Laguna Eves 6n.T865 642-1157 BABYSITTING ,. • 1 • Avallnow.54S-5225 Beach. Balance $4,950, · Inmyhome.NearMagnolia YARD C ~eanup, Tree o.EAN Bachelor Apts. Coron• del Mir 5250 REST HOME foi' elderly payable $50 mo. including HAVE $30,000 T.~. 7%."k, and &linger St., We!tmins. service, i new lawns, All util .incl $15 uo ,1.d1..... 11 .. At intere1t. Owner. .< 7 14) secured by 116 urut ~~n ier. Fenced yard, hot meals iprinklel'!I, rototill. 646-0848 3:Jl '1~Bl11ill..'Jn-i."'· 1 -·..-'"-J' • -r.,_.. -..,.. '*"' 1 trl·1l10 · \ aptl. Owned f$; ~ ilcluded, Call abytime ""-' -~ ·~·._"'v/ olooo.., · ' ~ · """'p 1115,000 cub -."""7• .. B4Ml87 · Glnorol S.rvlcoo 6612 ~ ··~ iii. ..,. . Alf ' . • •too Wtil dllcount $10 000 tor . - 2 ~ •• )beacbe1 " shops. . M•l ee !I! . ] \ cub. OWner 5f0..233s \ ltlBYSI'ITING, My home, 38 CRYSTAL J~ .. $16011Pw mo., yrly. UtiL . j1 DOVf.N' • ~Plf montta, ANNOUNCEMENTS *8 old, reliable. Play area. Window Oeantnr. Comp! paid 'J38-3911; 67>51110 ON TEN ACRES ~ .;is, Aiu: pnC.. buyt 10 -ichool near by. $20 wk with janitorial service. Busin, '.' 1 & 2 BR. Furn a: untun. ID-= • ~ -)a lo. OUif. :i.. ind NOTICES als. ~1634 · residen or co111tru. Free L•!!!!• l11ch 470~ Frplc• I Pri / Padol 1 · ~llilw:f2Jt. .. 1W. , ~ St., Found (fl'M Ads) 6400. YSrrnNG My home, e1tlm11.te MM'T37 2 B( 2 Ba NiCf!ly dee Pool1. Tennls • Omtnt'I • ~ (2:1.1) = , --~ feek days, have 3 yr old GET it replaced, repaired Pa~O&t'. 6ose in. $165 (St. 9 bolt Putt/G~. ~ •. ..__,I ' 2 a j )(ALF a.;own •tandard ..... '.au gh t' r 'c. M. area. ·or .Jllltalled.. Call Scott's mo utll pd 533-2"9; alt 000 S.. Lane, OIM ~ ~ . ~ !!f!!"J .... P9'1dl• . Unclipped~ ~2158 Home Serv><... & R<palr 5 ~ . . !MacArthur nr. O>l=H l f:l"fe!l MClllLI ilCllENT ~liamm.tt; ~ lri•'•lll"-.o.:im liµYS!mNG my Balboa '68-2463 onytimo. . i~T~S • 'HOlil~~=,ICS,C,M.. ~)an.ll l•OoDdom!Qba ~ . : mo, woekdaya .EXP"· HJ;ATllfG•Airo..i.&irv I( ,.. u fu • hod Corobdo , ' 'l!llh·Jilei " • ~-.,. I. --. uuua; -'type dog, ' olh ... Call ._,, • repair, alao Waaber & · ... · n rnis 2 BR. WJ!um· Pentboullil-~ ~ • qJW; ~ 6 -._ '~ I: ~'· male. Call , . Babysit, my home, dryer ·Np&tr. 2' br· serv. Go~ni : 5oOQ xtrect leVOl!.!tud'°'. All""°' !::. -· mt::.~ ,'} ......i. ' Wrf. HIO --.I;• ....,. doyo, P •"I a' in o m.'1231"' 847...,1 :: -~ . :_. kltch, dilbwuhert; ._. ~ . , 1 • ·:x:fiU[T 'Wbllt Rabblt•tame, 'hool ~a. 545-M18 HAULING. Cleanup ~1, 1 SALE OR LEASE trptca, w/w cup, &.draJIL llbt.,,peti ~.iw.':· ' 1'tnt -"" A ff.,...,! Vie Wiit Center a: Pl&Oeno fiENDABU: day care. odd jobs etc. Free eat. Jim Chlf!ntl RHI 2 .,.,. carport. Pod. 1111 to ~.Jn!17 ,,,...,...._ ii~ -.. ~ Ila AV.. MMm fret. wkly car. ol 2-1 yn. 548-6325, lll)'flrne .,,itiou .. Apts. $200. Orlldren O.K. 613411. · ii ' · ·= . •• 11 11" fJi~.t.~E ,Seal _..NII, Lie. llrbr/ Bam. 54&-1539 Cl'8ll out Garap/Yard ~~~~1= i.::· Coa<t Hwy. 5!o 4:f.ilif!iff S~al;v b = Mf¥~ :tf ~ ~~IN~;._my ~~'. ;~~': . · ..,.._ ---.-·••··-..._ P~. Tan 6 wbt., IWtable. !148-1801 ll25·,2·1111o t bl. ·GllACtool ~ ~ J'clr-··mllt;'Y'J: -· ,.....,,--;,.-,., -VIC.~• 1n1 h H1ull!)! 6730 ~rtr .. '::-1:: A'lllJ . °*". S., view.-.-. ~...!"" ~-= -#'il~J -..11.s 111-4!10..mi ~~·~.~:my ~ YARD, pr. """'"PR..,,... ' I I · Ill!. 2 BA., -. It\ . ""11.or -..... Qaio!;W ...... ..,,. lllWoL -6 "b!lt .... ·F=-· -·· Ivy, ...... •tumpa, 1115: !1~..Jl!';l!' .~Ji:~•u!UUI ·-• ,6 -· , .. Dll M't111 -· a..• -i... Dlmt .,..., ..... Ill.mi lrlclc, Mooonry, ale. grado, tr<nch, excavole. cariitll. v--~~ Pool. !loll ... Tbo'-iltLiocj , '=•! · CIWIGS fM ' 656D 962-8'1'5. Bralllr ~ ... tlll&ntlo Su¥ln'Ullaa -I I ' t I I;;-=,.-=-------= . ~·j1!3) JM'4iil . .. I -:-. "I I Coota Mola ' ' 1100 ilA&.,llTAfL 'i"AR GA'ZE~.,~ ' · J 3 BR. 1~ btl. Orildren Gener1I !J-a.AY 1. POILAN---.-----1 wetoome. IJStl. Mir· 862 W. Huntl-'on IMch 5400 M r..;...,, _<Md. M • '""~ Center Apt 1 (10 am to •••• • -. V "'-"'"' lo 11t• Slott. V ~·" 4 ) «J,22 ' pm To dewlop mmog1 for Wednesday, NEW 2 BR., bitM. 1nc1. EXCLUSIVE ....,_.."""""'""""'°""""" di•M•u~:,... """'-.... ON·Tlil"·B" .. CH o1,....Zoc11oc•"'""""' &: prq.. $15l 2312 Santa n& 5111' I Utlbl •JI o.d9 Ana Aw., OI. &U-6257 2 & 2 lhcfroorn-Ap":.._ .• .~~·t n:= -3 BR 114 baths. Sl50/mo. Lmn1f7 llv1JW to . u"' •~now 34 1.,· WeJJs.McCardle Realtors 'Mlt dlacrlm.lnatln&· h~ i = ~ =-. $48-T721 available at 1a...i.. J7Ttt "'e H1nfl....ton ,:,:;--'!.'_ ·~~ .. , 2 BDRM. Apt. $UO; 1 ama1I 'II "111 .._......, ..., chlld OK. No P'll. !!fl::' :J ~ -g,.. W..nc!J. p 10 Q:0 ........ ..,, .. UI<ENEWIBr,.newcptx,. K C lli:-' ll1=:: .. + drps, blt..lqt: carport; no l60f . 46Ludl -pett. Adults. ~ '' w ,, r. · NEAR OCl!.1 J.arp 2 a t !:= t.,. 50 M"'I 2 BA. .. crptl.: .. ,, Tholo !~ ... --I w "°""""' ~u~·~· k:H~ I -°"' 'I.!"' ...,_ 1111 W ' ljO-WMnf. ~.~~-.; .. •• Li~ • Ill!.~ 2llJ -I ""' I -"' 'aL.Prt\t. pr. I: 1n4ey rm; ~ ........ 1 9t.ll ~'I 40Te ms""' -(1) 133-4411 a.1ca • F.d'-· Fn>ni ,.®..,. @.iJ- ,.. CHARGE )Ulf want ad rt0W. ~: GE 1..&796 QUALITY Rep&lra -Altera- -·New-. II)' - ... Coll1ract - StKVI~~ l)ll(l:~lORl ;.;l•:.;;-;;;m;;;•:....;,Tox;;;.;.. __ 6.;;;7,.;40.;; P11storln9, Ropo!r 6110 H. K. CI ark Acctg Serv. Income tax, peraonal or busine!ll, your home or ofc. 20 yrs exp, toe firm. e PAT'S PW-AD types. Free esttml.te. Call -I 6890 642-6183 or 645--0742 ..., l'luniltlng BE A Satllfted Client with ----~---1 Harrla Tax Service. 9th yr. PLUMBING 24 Jir serv: locally. Avail. ll r1'IOL 3117 Work quar, lie, lni, remod, Ro o1evelt Way, CM." reptjr, rooterserv.531-1566 "Mack" 5fO.»T1 : e 11iE TAX ADVISORS Year round ofc. 328 No. Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reas! Call 645;-0400 for appt. SKOUBENI T~ SERVICE Y cur h ll rn e , Reasonable. Eves. Norman M a n z 545-6328 * 1T!I YEAR *· Aol. STENO HARJlOR SHOP'G CNTR. eve/wlamd by appt. ~ PERSONALIZED, exp er t R-11., Rop1l~, 6940 PLUMBING REPAIR. . No job too mall J' ·=· . IF You need relbOdellng,: painting or rep&lrs• Call Dick. 642-1197 ~ 6950 ~~-~ar round ofc., !!!!t. . 696Q 8 PROf'ESSIONAL TAX .• ~-Alterations · SERV. Home-qujck accuratt. Special on Hema · $19; Cornpl! I £l68.3t03 * 646-6446 * Gqrdon N. W1rr1n, PA. Aft.rations--642..$845 18th year. Appt.. 675-33tlS Neat, accurate, 20 )In. exp. lronlnt 6755 TILl,,C.romlc ·' 6974 -IRONING 15c pc. You Iring :tn~n. 642°2058, I Upholstery 6990 L•ndac,plnt 6'10 c~sx1·s" °"""' S"RINKLERS u,.._.,.y. Eu 0 pea n ,. lf~afttman1blp.1001o 6 Sod 1.o ..... Lie 6 -l'lnaDclnr. Fum. boatx l * 642-2733 * ' iutD'L 642-145.f, I 18 3'\ (i)MMERCfAL a: mldtntlal *"-·Blvd., c.M. : ~c:!:,..~· '.io11 a EMPLO~MENT. I - ..... 1 I • l I I f ' I I ., • " .• ' • • r ·"~"'"°""'II; :H6t I " " .. ' . • • ' ' • .. l '" • • • ' ~RN :-QUAYTY • FAMILY PACK .SUCED . · :~-K LO~~ .. l~~ JOHN bit l.UER " ;;1.-'ICID ti-'CON-:·· '. .. . ' .. •' . . ' ~ . ! ' . . 1-LB. PACKAGE ' ' .. ·-· ~ "~~ # lf ","J ·1,~·· ,. ' .. 1 ,1 .... :,,.,, ... • 1 1· • " t • • -\ ,. --- l•t' ' . I : : ·. • • I ' . . I ' •• ... ,,. .: .. U~1D.A. CHOICE-STEAKS OT~ tEMOvill · ' l~O:NiE '. 911'' I ·PORTERHOUSE ' U:S.D.A. otOl(E • GOUIMET CUT EY·E OF . . " • ROUID ROAS1. .... .:ri:,·-1:~. {· .. , ' . . '; .. ... .. .. , . , " . , . . . ) . . " ' . I • > lb. ) I -, -.-.-, \">:i°; ... h .. ! ·. ' ' • just EVERYDAY LOW.; PllCU Jiii .4 ST.AR SPECllLS! · ~-;; :~.'.. . ' •. ,· : ., ..... ~-4--,--~---.. , , I liOLLYWOOO IA.lf,LOWE" ' . ·•aiiiiii& · 38' , STOREt HOURS • ,./, j DAllYIOA.M.-TO•l'.M.. \ !'j:.; ._SAT. &. SUN. IO<Aff',. TOJ. r.M. ,,..,·., ··, .. -1 •• .. . j' ~ri· ~·~LI • I '"' ' ,' a eXfro savmg• maft po1aible by tpecic:il pure~ f':°'" tM manufodurer and pouecf on to you ev•ry4aY. + . . . -. . • 'f!.~Wl l·_• . ....:;\ ... !.i i''' ' I •' ~ GENERAL !lfCIRIC o MINIATURE STYLING EASY TO READ' DIAL, WIND Sl'RITE MAlf·UP MIHOI o •·PIOCE$SED ·LAMPS• 2-SIDED MlllOR •REG. $1 i.n A~RM ·MooeL s2'' . v~ .. ITY ··. ·s1· '0" .,:; CLOC". ?.ll3 , -~1 .'' ; , :'' ~RRP.ll . . " >: {;tt<ERAL nttja1c-~ 2!~~ ~~HltO(>I! • ::-Mok,tOLO~' AV~DO, OWjGf. ~ow ' PIATED SHElt, 3-llli& •• t .r00t.coip '. . A ~~ • . .:;;-ULAI ~·.oo . Spray~ Steail1~s o•• . Al~lnu._ s4n DRY IRON . .. . . '• FONDUE I. . . . ' t. t . • .. • 4 1 4 ., th Iii ct to a A of .. I!' .. A ,, 8l .. w ,, SI st 8l "' A B c cl fl F Iii ol b I< b u a Ii s n