HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaBandits ·H~ld fJp ~
Gr~eries; Two SA ' '
One Vi~ti01. ... Shot .
Nifty Snow Joh
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Danish actress Kitty S~an takes advantage ·Of rue.Rome s,nowWl
to aculpt snow statue on terrace of her apartment. Snow fell on
Italian capital Wednesday.
Bandits Rob 2 Grocers Plea Change
·In Santa A.na; One Shot Reports
Said Reason A pair of bandits Wednesday afternoon
held up two neighborhood grocery stom
and l!lbot one man in southwest Sanla
Two suspects were later captured.
Wounded was James Gordon, ~.owner
of Gordon 's Market, 1609 S. Greenville
5t. After shooting Gordon, the robber
then aimed bis revolver at Gordon's
wife, Martha but the weapon misfired.
Police said there was no provocaUon
for the shooting as Gordon had already
banded over the money in the cash
register, Jess than $100.
He suffered a superficial wound in
the left collarbOne and wu treated at
$16 Million Suit
On Jet Noise
Filed in County
Orange C.Ounty today was sued for
nearly $11 million by 515 Harbor Area
homeowners who claim that jet traffic
at Oran1e County Airport has drastically
slashed I.he value of property within
range of the flight path.
The bulky Superior C.ourt complalnt
-it adds up lo a total of 115.191,1119
-brings lo $27 ,&42,916.&S the omount
of damages sought by 905 homeowners.
No date few hearing of any of the
rour actions filed thus far bas yet been
tel by the.SUperiot Court.
'l'.od•y'1 claims, as in the three previ<>ul octicm, ,..... earlier denied
by county mipermora. All loor complaints call !or the sran·
Ung of an lnjuncUon ·whicll would bar
jet aln:rllt from °'"""' County Airport. Diamq.a listed 1n the actions are
a.......i !tom the dat.s that two jet
servicet ·commenced. operations at t.he
airport: Air West on Sept. 1, 11117, and
Air callfomi1 on May 1. 11111.
The -clllm that their
resldellcel ""' dlredl1 under. .. within oound' ol !llgl\t patha u...i by both
airllnea. And the to5 claimant.I ~e
that their p<Ol)trlies have been subjected
to "great Yil)r~tkins, deafening noise,
,misalon al. naoJeatlng smoke, vapors,
C\llt, IOOl ud oil"
Santa Ana Community Hospital and
Just a few minutes before, the same
baOOit pair held up Young"s Market
just a few blocks away at 202 S. Flower
St. There, 6'-year-old owner Ken Young
challenged the gunmen to shoot him.
"He looked like a scared kid," Young
told police. "I told him there was nothing
in the cash register and if he didn't
believe me to help himself."
Young turned bia back on the bandit
and the gunmen fled the store empty
Captured another few blocks away at
417 S. Diamond St. were Gary Keith
Quarals, 21, of 1214 S. Cubbon St. and
Arin Bodifru:d, 11, of 4.19 S. Sprute St.,
both of Santa Ana.
Santa Jtna police bad lmtltuled a block
by block eearch alter the lir1t holdup
and pl.alnclotbes Officert L a w r e n c e
Nemelka and Larry Conlelllon tpottad
the auspects' car 1t Willits and Dtamond
Slfeets. They pur&Ued the vehicle two
blocks lo l!>e m!dence of Gordon Ware,
!II, 417 s. Diamond.
The car slopped and one ol the llUl]lectl
got oot and atart.d rwmlllc. N..n<Ib
fired a single shot but ·mliled. 'Ille
suipect, ldentllied u Bodllord wu found
by the two officers hidlnr In a clothes
doset in the Ware residence.
Quarals offered no resistance and wu
arrested u be sat ln the car •. -
Tbe ts.year old 1lste.r of one of the
men wu 1n the car at the time of
the arrest. She WU quutioned and
Prince of Wales . Set, •
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The defenM
moved for a mistrial today In the Sirhan
Blshara Strhan murder trial bec2use of
a newspaper stocy saying he might plead
guilty to the murder of Sen. Robert
F. l{ennedy.
The motion was ip.troduced after a
lengthy conference between attorneys
and the judge ln the latter's chambers
that delayed the start of what were
expected to be openlnl statements and
the begjnnlng of testimony.
'Ille story, In the Loi Anidel Times
Wednelday, Aid there was a probability
Sirlian mlcbt plead guilty and hope (or
a aentence of life lmprilonment rather
than the death ptna!ty. After making
the motion, chief defense coaniel Grant
B. c_. began -Una evidence
In auppad ol IL
''The defendant, SlrliU Slthan, moves
foi a· miStrial," c.oopef told the judge,
"on P"\llnd.I of publldty by th• Loi
Aniella ' Times ol ,.isterdaY mornln1.
followed by a rsmtt on ' every radio
and lelev!Jlon utlon In the city,
r..WUng In publicity ·lo the aaturatlon
point J>rlor lo the oequestroUon ol the
jury." The jury Jn the case baa not so far
been sequestered -locked up -thus
wu upoted to news ICCOWlll of the
Times atory.
Cooper offered four edltiona of the
Times lato evtdenc:e and quoted the main
heamint.. 1"Slrtum. Quilty Plea-Ukely."
He also offefed. u evldeice copies of
iJ<oa<lcul' sto\ieo be .oaJd were aired
ol\er'publlcatlon of \be Tin/el ortlcle. For Cro""1in11 on TV one lirOodcut oceoun~ at noon over ., -e . JCNX rodlo. r<!erred lo the polllbllitz
LONDON (AP) -·Telmmn•vlewen ' of.-..· o1 ·p1 .. u ,a :~
tl!r'ooi)lout the world will ha .. the op-and wen! on lo Ill' the ~ .. , ..Id ~lo ... -J!llllabdhll!rlll ' lo -t" ud the .. ---00
hf:r ecn)a •P.rlnce-ol fr~.~~~ 1 1 ba-.e miide no deala." lttie juJy 1, the ~t ... cif Ne::= I ~ thio read liom a r<portf·?_! IOday. • · > ,---1111 .imeil,.. Bar ~latlon on ~
At a new• conlerende he estimated trfll and free pms. He neted that
the audience will 'Dumber about 500 nothtng lhoUkl reach jurof'I ean about
million people. It wlll be Brit.in'• moot the poaiblllty of a ~aln being made
elaboralo "'7al\cat1aon~,.u.c,. the cor-becaule tb1a could bo'prejudlclal to the
onation ol the queen In 153. doftlldanL
516 Million
.Suit ' -
.on ~ounty
Jet Noise
an torne
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Skid R·ow .Suspect
"''' ......... KILLED BY· GUNIMN· ·
Loren Silllphant
Held '• Ill ..
LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A resident
of a skid row hotel . today was charg~
with lhe murder of the teen-aged son
of television producer Stirling,Sl1Upha1't.
Otis Holley Hornes Jr., 38, who had
a prior record o( narcolics arrests, was
picked up shOrtly after midnight at the
downtown hotel where be lived. '
He was booked on suspicion of the
murder of Loren Sllll~nt, 18~ who was
shot to ~eatb in his Hollywood apartmen~
early Wednesday when he told an in--
truder h~ had no heroin for sale.
Detectives said a guest at Silllphant'1
hippie-style apartment was aeco&ted lo
the conrliior ·by a male Ne~ who
demanded to: know where he: coukl buy
drugs . The guest, Rlchanr Becter, 2.1,
led the sb"anger to Sllliphant's apart-
ment, where he barged In and shoved
Oil Slick Threatening
Coastline at Catalina
A ollct of crude oil, laced with llraw, ,11retdiinc 1boul five miles loog II drif.
Ung ~ ol a mi!e north of
C.talina lllond, a llW'dl by Newport
lleach olfldala revealed WednesdaJ
afternoon , ' • '
City ljarbor eoorilln•lol: Ge«ge Dawes
aiid Lifeguard Chief Robert Reed .led
a boat .earch Wednesday w,tilch turned
up u.e twt>-mlle-wlch 1lict conlpr~
ol "a thin film ol oD with heavier
&lolll. bknded· lD.11 •
OIWU oaJd lhe palch ol crude WU
'40'1o 46 mile. 1wa1 from the Orange :oo inovfnl under touthwestftlf wlnd1.
The pr....., of llraw in lhe 11ict
C<illftrmo that lhe oll'1 sourte II the
$aatac8arbara Channel wbert _bwldrecll
of workmen art spmdlng straw to IOal:
up the oil l1ong ~e llllrillM. '
"It's a toss uP "JVbether the oll wiJJ
move on t.bl outside of. the llland or
Into lhe channel. It . might nan oplil
'up around ~lallna/' Darill said. . , ¥ dllard. plines ire e.\>ecled 14
ftY,011l lo1.l!r flick~ If•ce'Jll 1r1vel.
MelnwJiee. as a p1 ecau~lonar1
measure, Orange -cowrt:y Harbormuttr
A\ Ober1 llUIOl1llCtd .plaJit lo bave toe
booml, both plutlc Ind ......... ready
1o -acroa ·111o mouUi"7°Newpor1 Har"" .1 ..... oD from Sonia -· drifts down.
He Slid that toe• "" available through
lhe E4lson Co. within th(ee houri ot
.tghUng a thr<alming 11ict. · A boom
could be alrtlched within elshl houri
·arter the deUvery of the lop.
Sillipbant· up against . a wall; mM(,
"gi ve me f(lme atuff." . • . . I ' •• When Silliphent told him he had no
heroil), the man' fired one· Shot into
his chest,' and the 1olfth stumped , tO
\be Qodr.' · ~ The man, wn!> had e&rlier' beelf· u . ,) ' . ' . urunv1ted guest at a "!ilpJ>:ie R-41'1'
meeting" in "another a~ent aown
the hall,. lert lhe room but r<lunieol
moments later to menace four pel10DI
gathefed arOOnd SllliP!>ant'• body wl1jl
a gun, sli)'lnc, "I thoullJI Mold nobody
to move." '
Officers aa1d '• plnUc bag full till
mafijuana, a ·pl~ u~,"to ·•~ ·OW
weed, add lewd picturta were ~
from Silliphant's 8J)ll'b:nent. They uif
incense was being banfed in the ~
metit · wheD police arrlved,1 lllPl"l'!tlJi
to cover the scent Qf.rnartJ"'1la. '
Oraaie ' '
' Weedier
Another nice· day ii on the way
Friday, wllb lair al)es and ,temP-
eratura edgln& up lnlo the JDld.
die alxtles along the 0..... Cooat.
Financial,'wrltrr Svh>l• Por~.
er todav uU. JM>\D quacb art
preying on m111Hffs "''"'"' hi c1 ~•m.n· ;.,,.11ng ·~•'of'l"I' ''magic cwres·~ on •PoQ• JS. .. ' ff.i: . .~ = . .:.: i . " .............. =-::... '~ ~~J" : ~ ~ " """ --,.,. l:::'"''lCr -;;::;;asl T ...:; · ~ IMP == : =:·· J. 4-_........,. ,, ~ ..... . ......, ........... ....
Crash Victims Found
' Scouu, Soldiers Help Bring Out 7 Bodies
Lawmen, Gii, and Scooia forfeiting
a 1~day fought tangled ,brUlll• mud
8111 IOI W-'1 brtncJnt _.. lflYY
I flltn' -iilll el---and cn!Vlctl Wblro lbeY dW hlltantly
Authorities at Los AlamJlol Naval Air
StlUoo at the same Ume gave names
Jotht---·-SP1E Neptune patrol bomber slammed
lnlo Sanllago Peak In a fireball the
nlald be! ....
Vlleran Nardo and -SQ1lad mom· lilro .... 1arnmv wllb llnal Mndllng
al tbooe wllo .no vloltnllJ, but for _.
Jbplorer -who v-.....i, It -1rl11rand .-lllnc duly. 1'li ordaal and tlie lilbtl on Ille mJa1.
·-llde al -itl>ock -d -t Oil lbalt minds u will u Jhelr. bocllll.
Some of lh~ victims' remain&· we.re
· hardly Tecognliable u hwpan in plastic
tiags and sheets, while the job of getting
them out of the rugged, manzanlta~bok
ed ,wlldlrneu wu seelJlinCly inhwn&D
ID Hoer. 'In.-IJri trllli w Ihm looked llk'e
tbl Old Janna Rdedi'i aaid Officer Dick ~al the Co ... Meu ~lice Swcb
aDdBtlCm:Team. , •.iJl We were 1olnl uplill1, we knew Wlo 'Wn IOJns ID ihl rllbt dlredioft,"
Ill iddo!I. •1t•1 alriineiy rqged !main.
And a foe -rolled ..., and cut vlilblllty down to Jess than 200 feet."
Reservists frun Twin CiUes Naval Air
Station at Minneapolis-SL Paul flew into
Loo Alamllos NAS 1ut Suoday for two
wee.kl' annual tralnlnc and these are
lhe,.... ping home aarly:
DEAD Ul'l'l!D
"l have an Ide•." uld Officer Bersch,
who helped brinJ oul the bodies along
with lour oUl• March and , telCUI
worW., plul e!pl boy• from ihl un11o
o~ Ezplors Seoul POii iii, COiia
Melt. i
VislbWty was sharply limited and U .
Cmdr. Dolven had radioed moments
before to the El Toro control tower
lhat be could no longer Oy visuall)'
and wou1d switch to instruments.
The r<servo squadron -llCfUll'>med
Jo mo!lly Oat ....,1ry, but -flylnC
oul of the El Toro fldllty on nlibl
trainlng missions, due to Ieu air trafila
than in Los Alamitos-Long Beach stlel.
Servicemen in Saigon -.
Told to l\.eep Off Streets
SAIGON (UP1) -The U.S. mllltary
command .warned Amer}can servlcemen
· loday-to Iii)' oil tho ,llreell of SaJaon
ountn fUrtblr notke"· becauae · of the
poutblllty of Communist terrOrlsm dllr·
Ing the approaching Tet holiday season.
Tel, the lunar new year, officially
begln1 Monday and lasts unUl Wednesday
ol next week. The Communists who
have proposed Tet cease-firer. this year
used the truces la st year to mounl
their biggest offensive of the war -
a costly attack that carried them intG
dozens of cities and towns.
All luvu were cancelled for South
Vle.tnamfte troops for two week1 and
a ''warnln& for cauUon" advllory was
placed In U.S. bW.11 ind mllltary offlct1
throughout tbe c1pltal mllltary dlllrlct.
It iugested any U.S. aervicemen mov-
ing throu&b Ibo capital In tbol perl"1
carry arms.
to bomb two of them.
In recent w~ U.S. and 5outll VIII-name~ forces have captured thflu1tM1
ol pouhda ol lllllDunlUon aJiplnal!J
-stockpiled for aome sort of Ttt offlDliv1
·and U.S. forces today battlM to amuh
a guerrilla build up lhreatenlng 111ch
an offensive.
The communists shot down four
American helicopters in the flebll but
Jost n men in battle while attacklnl
three allied bases.
Judge Knows Now
Where Cruz Is
HI lft RllCUI -Hllllllngtoo llNch Pollce Sgt.
llobert Morrllon holdl Gary Depue, 5, u boy's
pudfa1ller J. o. Depue (rlgbt) lllb wllh th• lad
rescued Wednesday. Pilot John Crawtonl Oeft)
flew the city helicopter in its first rucue actiOD.·
over HunUngtoo Beach.
-Lit. Cmdr. Robert F. Cted, 38, oC
Whlll Bear Lal<•, lllnn.. pliol ol the ~•lie! anillllbmarint patrol bomber.
-Lt. Crodr. Beal Q, DolYe, 31, of
Mlnnlapolili co-pUoL ..
Commanders at the huge Tan Son
Nhut airbue ouUkle S1l1on recom-
mended that U.S. porlonnel lllck c:looo
to the l>ue durinl the holiday. Blli<Ja
Jn SaJaoa polilcl JlOllC!tl ursJng Amer!·
cans to travel in pi1n U the1 mU1I traffl
It took nearly three ye.an lo 1et Joe
Mestas Cf'\11 ~.P before tht bench and
il wasn't surpri.ilng t.ttat whlmdeal
Superior Court Judge Robert G.,._
wanted to know, with a l'ln, just Wllot
Joe bad been doinl all that llmt.
Cruz, 19, wanled for the buraJar7 of
a Wutrnlnlter shoe store in earlJ 1*,
Jold lhe judge that he'd beon llvJns
with his lamlly and workinl ID Loo
Angeles. U he seemed a lltUe IUl'prilld
al the queaUon, Judge Gll'dner llllftld
even more patently IUl'prlllld that Joe
hadn~ been traced by lnvutlpU,.. ol·
• -Pttly Officer l/C Harris R. al night. ·
Lost Boy's, Grandi ather
Thanks Beach Helicops
Sch111itz -urges
State Campus
Safety Board
Henrlebll, 47, Mlnl'le1pol11.
-Petty Officer l/C Walter R. Jacob-
1etn, 40, of St. Paul.
-Lt. Cmdr. Olver B. Walley, 34,
Menominee, Wh1.
-Ltt. Jon E. Slmtt, age unknown,
training officer base<l al the Twin Cities
air facility.
-Petty Officer 1/C JoU E. Han1t11,
31, of Rochester, Minn. .
Only an occaaional man In uniform
could be aeen on , the streeta tooight
and almOlt all westerner• te.en were
In clvillan dreu. Bar girls stared
v1canU7• from deaerted clubs echoing
with folk rock music. Nonnally aucb
blra are J~ Wltb 1ervlctme~.
In contralt, tbt Saigon marke.& places
were filled with tboulands of Vlelnlmete
purcbuJns food and glfll for the new
year's holiday. Millie blared from
Joudapeaktta aDd traffic was thick.
Tbt judge will know wbere Joe i..
for at lent the next 45 d1y1 -fn
Orange County Jail where he committed
him. And he'll have a pretty 1ood idea
of his whe.reabouta for thrte years after
that -cnn will bt Oil probaUon for
that length of lime.
The grmll11her el a Ji.year<>ld boy
IOll for ..-al bo<n Tueaday today
esireaa..i hll crautude 1o 111e ~
Beach Police Departmmt for fmdlng
the child •
.. I'd Uk:e to give my wannest thanks
Jo the police deperlmffl~" said J .O.
Depue, 1211 Yorktown Ave., HunUncton
Beach. ''They jull couldn't do Joo much
to help !Ind my graodlon."
IJWe bJue.eyed, blond Gary Depue
disappeared from In lnlnl al bla baby
siUer'• houae drl1 Tultday mGnllng
oetilng oil a aeaidl 111 U police units
and the department'• new p o I t c e
H.B. Eye, the <:rime chopper, pllyed
a key part In llndlni Gary u he was
algbi<d llandlng aoaklng wet next to
a swampy area west of Beach Boulevard
Wayne Rests Up
After Rihs Hurt
o1 Newport Bead! ttturned from the lo-
cation site of his new movie in Durango,
Mex., for four days rest following rib ~ -durinl .. action ...
1'Tbey told me I bad four days off,
10 WbJ not p home and rest.'' W1:1De.
H• eblrtertd a plane and returned
earlier ttlil week. A family member
aald Jhl lnJUI')' WU no( connecl<d with
tht aclor'I aper1Um for ilml cancer
mon Iha lour yean ago.
Wayne laid bt will return Jo lllr
tn °'I'be lnYlnclbltl" nat week.
DAILY PILOT .....,.,. .............. ..... ---·----INIA
··~ "· w ••• ''"*"' .... ""*"'-
J.,k It. C11rl•1 "* ll'ftsl*tlt..,.. ~ .... "'"'
Tli•••' K•••il ....
n.. ••• A. .... ,.ai ... MMMl,,.f:lfl ....
,, .. Hin••
DlrKls -
and norlh ol Garlleld Avenue.
Jolm Crawford ol World Alaocialts
piloted the craft with police sergeant
Robert Morrison serving as oblerver.
Morrison reported that when they were
called in Long Beach Jo bring the
helicopter in for the search, weather
was so bad special pennission was need-
"1 Jo take off.
WJth dearer weather over lftmtingtan
Belch Crawford and Morrison be1an maldnC long sweeps across hlllside area
from Yorktown Avenue to Adams Avenue
east of Beach Boulevard.
The pair new over hills, awamps and
marshes, while ground units swept
through the city streeis.
When the fint search failed to provide
any clues u the boy's whereabouts,
a description of Gary was broadcast
from H.B. Eye over rooftops asking
for nelgbbon lo help In tht search.
After two hours in the air and with
the fuel supply running low, Crawford
tpotted 1 small boy in a wl'Ute t·llhirt
standing next to a large swamp.
An unidentified citizen· approached the
boy on tht ground aod aller llltlng
to him aJa!>al"1 tht helicopler to land,
poli<t laid.
Gary told police be had removed his
sweat.er, shirt and shoes to let them
dry after falling in the water near where
he was playing.
He was flown back to waiting ground
units and quick)y wrapped in a warm
blanket and returned to his grandfather.
When the H.B. Eye returned Jo Long
Beach lnternaUonal Airport, Crawford
and Morrbon found they had less than
ts minutes worth of fuel left. They
had been in the air more than two
Todl)' Gary 11 In good health, desplle
bll cold dip In the water Tuolday.
Depue uplalned that Gsry'1 parenll
are divortfJd aod the boy has been
In the care of bill grandparent.I for
the put eight moolhl.
G&rJ'• father li•es in Colorado Springs ,
Colo., and bia mother, Sllllron, lives
1t llll07 lard St., Sunset Beach.
Tbe Neptune, jammed with electronlcs
gear slammed Into the rugged Orange
SACRAM ENTO {UPl)-A five-member Couzrty landmark at the l,'*l foot level
campus safety commission with powers at t :23 p.m. Tuelday, moments after
to fire state unlvertl.ty or college takeoff fnm El Toro Marine Corpe Air
chancellors and presidents would be station. Cranston Supportin' g created by legislation med today by The exact moment was flx"1 by jet
All shuttle buse1 carrylna: American
servicemen. ·in Saigon today had armed
escorta. Wednelday two buses were the
tarsti.t ol llrT<lrllta wbo tried but failed
Sen. John G. Schmitz (R-Tustin), pilots who saw the fireball mushroom D f p
Committee members would be ... from 30 000 feet above the site, ... the epartment 0 eace
pointed by tbe governor to four-year •haltered wreckage plunged down into Ex-Secretary Ailing
tenns with full authority to invutigate slopes and pllles ot Harding canyon. , 1 LOS ANGELES (TJPI) -sen. Alan
all campus distrubances. COLUMBIA, s.C. (AP) -Former Cranston baa joined 1uppart.en ot llilala-
"This commilslon would bold hearings ON mE SCENE Secretary of State James F. Byrnes tion which would set up a cabinet-level
on every act of force and violence oc-Military lnvestigalon are Ol1 the acene remained hospitalized today with what Department of Peace.
curring on camp.is ln order to determine today, attempti ng to determirle What hJ.!I doctor called an "indisposing lllne!!ls." Ctaru1ton, a Democrat, told a news
who had committed those acts and io caused the jet and piston .. ngine-powered South Carolina's elder statesman was conference Wednesday t h e pf'OpOlitd
remove all such persons," Schmitz said. Neptune to fly blindly into the side placed in the intensive care unit o£ department would seek peace throucb
He said if faculty membefs were found of the 4,050 foot peak, Baptist Hospital Tuesday. the llmitatlon and control or weapons.
guilty their dismissal Would be !.======'========='==='===='================='===• permanent and students who were ex-
pelled could not return to 9Chool for
three years.
"~ commission would also be em-
powered to dlsmlaa c a m p u 1 ad-
mlnlstraton who do not UJe their authori-
ty effectively to keep the peace," the
lawmaker llld, adding that includes
presldenla, cllanclllon, de1n1 and other
• officers.
Neither University of Calilornl~ rqent.s
nor Slate Collep lru!teel wOWd have
any autborlty to interfere with the com-
milalcm, Sclunlll said.
"Ila own authority would bt llrlcUy
limited to deallnt with 1cta of" force
and violence, and would not enend to
any academic adivtty," he 1aid.
Trade Deficit Drops
To New Britain Low
LONDON (AP) -Brltaln'1 loreJin
trade dellclt dropped to *'4 mllllon In
January, •toa mlllloo less than the deficit
in December, the Board of Trade an-
nounced loday.
The deficit was the lowest since the
pound wu devalued in November, tts?.
It appeared to support predlcUonJ by
government leaden that Britain would
tum the comer and btlance ita fortign
trade boob in 1919.
al _JJ. J. (Jarrell~
Church Hippie Tee11s Take
Crusade to Lagu11a Beach
Of 1'IM JI.fl" Pllft ltalf
Samnhat lll:e 1venatn1 1nael1, • con·
Ungent of Hunllqtoa Beach's Teen1 for
01riJt nooped down on IA.guna Beach
Wedntadl)' carryln( placanb. wearing
Undwlch 11ps, ...! tclmoollhlns 111 to
follow God'• wont
Laguna BtlCb pollct r e p o r l e d n-calls !ram lhockad clU..ns
cornplainlftC about the ' ' h I p p i e 1 ' ' mm'chlnl up Ind down tho min city streeta at about t p.m. No Incident.I
..... repon.d. PoUct eltllmated thot !IO Jo 70 al the
1t11«1le4 Chrlltlan IYioll made the
Lapn1 ltU. The l""'P ....,ed to con-
sre1111 at the Mllltlc Arla World, l'IO
s . Coast Jligbway following their arrival
In the city from HIDIUnll<Jn Besch.
SllM the -memben carrlad ~ claimed ''America 11 Doomed," 11J11W1
h••i'' "Puce," "He 11 the Llght"
and ''Dtg God." u well u many Btbllcal
The group's leader, the Rev. Dave
Berg, was not with the Laguna marehers,
a member sald. Berg rtportedly r&o
main~ ln the group's blldquu11rt,
Llghl Chm, In Huntington Buch.
The reactlonl ol LaJunam ""' mixad. Miil)' ol the elderly vlew"1 the marchln'
missionary attempts with disdain.
"Why doo't you creeps take tbole
paper 1111111 olf and go Jo churtll,"
one woman ecreamed at the TltM aa
1111 paued by In her car .
A marcbe.r abouted back," God never
told WO lo build cburcha." .
Som< clllwos accepi<d the l'OllP'I
rtllgious tracta or qa1ed. mtmben
ol the ltCI in debeta.
'lbe taens havci Yisited numeroua
orange County churches where their
unconvtnUonal garb and manntr hu
lllrred 1tvaral con1r•1•t-
P'rf!quffltly, however, the group bu
been walcomad by churcbel and ln•lild
to attend services.
6'46-0275 646-0216
. -
' I'
Huntington Bea~h T .. ay's Fl•al
N.Y. Stedi• EDIT I ON
. ' -
YO[. 62, NO. 38, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES .
' Cleanu.p · Ends SUnset Fight With Land Fi.fill
Hµn tington Harbour Removes Fence Debris
Of "" 0-llY P11M Stiff
Small groups ol•residents oi 'he l'un:-et
Beach island oil the Ramora Channel
•tood by this morning nervo!JSly watching
as workmen from the Huntington
H.mour _·corp. removed tre debris
restilting rrom two days or w!rfare over
location of a property line. ,
The action today was one of cleanup
in contrast to the pushing and shoving
or Wednesday whi.cb ended with the
corporaUon halting its attempts to fence
property It claims as ill own unUl the
matter is decided by the courts.
Residents stood by today behind a
line of survey stakes driven into the
groUnd where the corporation feels it!
fence should go. Giant bulldozers com·
pleted cleanup of the strip of land which
comprises about one third of the island.
The skirmish which could end up as
a full scale war in court began Tuesday
when workmen appeared and began tear-
ing down fences belonginC to ho!pes
along Bayview Drive.
Elmer E. Tague, top man of the
Hunlington Harbour 9cJrp. and an Officer
in the parent Chri&Uana Oil Corp., said
that the company has UUe to""the land
in question. ··
The land is the .slPip of clear:~ pro-
(See FENCE, P11e I
Less Tlian Mile Away
Oil Licks Catalina Shore
A slick of crude oil, laced with straw,
ltretchlng about five miles Jong is drif-
tllll three-quarters of a mile north of
C&tallna Island, a search by Newport
Beach officials revealed Wedne!day
City Harbor Coordinator George Dawes
and Lifeguard Chief Robert Reed led
a boat search Wednesday which turned
up the· two.mile-wide slick comprised
of "a thin film vf oil with heavier
globs blended in.''
Dawes sa..id the patch of crude was
40 to 4S miles away from the Orange
Coast moving under southwesttrly winds.
Dingwall Slated
To End Citizens
' Committee Role
Rd>erl E. Dingwall, chairman ol the
Cltfiens Committee on Full School u,.
of Ille ljlmUngton Beach Union lllgh
&!boot. lllltrict, II expecled lo ann®DCe
bli resil?lation froD1 the group at
tonfiht'1 meeting at Fa;untain Valley
High School.
The committee meets at 7:45 p.m.
at the school, Bushard Street north of
Talbert Avenue, for an inspect.ion of
the facilities and a business meeting.
Dingwall is expected to announce that
ht is resigning frvm the committee to
make a bid for a seat on the governing
board or the district.
His vice chairman, Bartletta Suter of
Westminster, already has filed the papers
putting her into the race for one of
three trustee seals.
Dingwall is ex.peeled to announce that
h 11 decision to r un for the board is
butd on his belief that a change of
trustees is needed before voters will
approve more funds for the district.
He claims that refusal of the voters
to approve bond issues and refusal to
grant tax increases are an incticalion
of a lack of confidence in the trustees
and administration.
As he leaves the l'Ommittee which
was formed to look closely at1(lperation
of schools to determine if they could
bl better used by the community which
pays for them, Dingwall is issuing a
plea for more citizens to join the com-
Those interested can attend the session
tmlgbt, or contact the district office
•t 63S-93S1 for informal.ion on being ap-
pointed to the committee.
The presence of straw in the alick
confinnl that the oil's source ii the
Santa Barbara Channel where hundred!
of workmen are spreading straw to soak
up the oil along the shoreline.
"It's a toss up whether the oil will
move on the outside of the island or
into the channel. It might even split
up around Catalina," Dawes said.
Coast Guard planes are expected to
fly out to the slick to trace its travel.
Meanwhile, as a preca u tionary
measure, Orange County Harbonnaster
Al Oberg announced plans to have log
booms, both plastic and wooden, ready
lo ltrtlch ..,... Ille mouth al Newport
Harbor Ill cue oil from Santi Barbaro
drift& down.
He •aid that logs are available through
the Edison Co. wilhln three boun ol
sighting a threatening aUck. A 'boom
could be strelched within eight hours
after the delivery of the Jogs.
As an added safety measure to the
harbor's thousands of small craft, Oberg
said, a Long Beach marine surveying
firm will have available a plastic Jog
boom of long floats , plastic foam and
skirts which could be strung out in
quieter waters near the harbor entrance.
Crash Victims ' Bodies
Carried 0 -ut of Canyon
' • p ..... ' • ' ' • ' ' ,'(
Lawmen, Gis, o¢ Scoull ,forfeiting
1 holiday !ought tingled brush, mud
and fog Wednesday brlqing se:ren NaYJ
ruers• remains out of mouniaiu canyoitt
aOd crevices where the'y died iruitantly
Authorities at Los Alamitos Naval Air
Station at the same time ~ave names
to the seven Minnesota reservists, whose
SP2E Neptune patrol bomber slammed
into Santiago Peak in a fireball the
night before.
··veteran search and rescue squad mem-
bers are familiar with final handling
of those who die violenUy, but for some
Explorer Scouts who volunteered, it Willi
grim and gruelling duty.
The ordeal and the sights on the mm.
drenched side of Saddleback would wock
on their minds as well as their bodies.
Some of the victims' remains were
hardly recognizable a.s human In plastic
hags and sheets, while the job of getting
them out of the rugged, manzanita-chok·
ed wilderness was seemingly inhuman
in itseU.
"Those fire trails up there looked like
the old Burma Road, 11 1aid Officer Dick
Bersch, of the C:Osta Mesa Police Search
and Rescue Team.
"If we were going uphill, we knew
we were going in the right direction,"
be added, "it's extremely rugged terrain,
and a fog bank rolled over and cut
visibility down to less than 200 feet."
Reservist& from Twin Cities Naval Air
si.uon at 1'6lnae!lpolll-SL Paul Bew Into
Loi Alimitot N~ ~ Sunday for lw•
weekl' onnuot. lijluin; onb lheae ire
the seven '°"" IM!mf w!J:
-Lt. cmdr. Roberi F. Coot, 118, of
White Bear Lake, Minn., pilot of the
ill-fated anti!lubmarine patrol bomber.
-Lt. Cmclr. Beal G. Dolven, 36, of
Minneapolis, co-pUot.
-Petty Officer I/C Barris R.
IJenrlckson, 47, Minneapolis.
-Petty Officer l/C Walter R. Jacob-
sen, 40, of St. Paul.
-Lt. Cmdr. Olver , B. Walley, 34,
Menominee, Wis.
Lt. Jon E. Samtt, age unknown,
training officer buerl at the Twin Cities
air facility. -~
-Petty Officer t/C John E. Hamen,
31, of 1lochester, Minn.
The Neptune, jammed with electronics
gear, slammed into the rugged Orange
County landmark at the 3,000 foot level
at 8:23 p.m. Tuesday, moments after
takeoff from E1 Toro Marine Corps Air
The exact moment was fixed by jet
pilots who saw the fireball mushroom
from 30,000 feet above the .site, aa the
shattered wreckage plunged down into
slopes and gulll .. ol Hardln1 Canyon.
MWtary tnveatigaton are ()l'J the scene
today, attempting to detennlne what
cau.oed the jel llld pllto....,..,..powered
Neplune lo Oy blindly Into lbe aide
of the 1,050 fool peak.
' DAM.Y PUT 8Mlf ,._.
· Clll..,. Prott1I and Bullden'-Madlln0iy Claw1 al F1ric1 R'ublilt
Police Seek
Robber Foiled
In Kidnap Try
Guilty Plea Report
Sirhan Mistrial Asked
Police -today are searching for a man
who robbed a HunUngton Beach bar
Over Newspaper Story
of $250 and tried lo kidnap the barmald LOS ANGELES (AP) -The delense
l lhia · moved for a mistrial today in the Sirhan ear Y moming. · Blshara Sirhan murder. trial. because of
.Joyce Gridley, an employe of the a.newspaper 1t0ry Saying he might plead
Waller Bar, 1506 Pacific Coast: Klchway, guilty; to the murder of Sen. Robert
t.old police a strange~ walked in the F. Kennedy.
bar 1 a~t ·l:f?.a~m.: today "a;nd beian The rno\ion wu l!ltr~uc,d aft.t{ •·
,!111Jii1!11iJ'i1llfl!.ollll'!.lw· 'I ; !Ji"' . ~-<1'~.;~l . L .. ) 'Wbeiltbt~ ~er le.ft; lb! aal , 'i and Ufe judge tn thi~'lifti!t's~ . ~·
the _,....., ·sr-.i lier, W {JWl!led lbat ·delayed : the start . of whai were
ii -her boct. llld a&ld,. ''Thi• ls ·~ lo 'bo openlnc. •ltl'Jll~la ;lnil ' a' robbery..... 1 1 · · tht ,btjlilftlnCiO!·teatfinitr. 1 , -:. ,f.. 1
H _,,,.., h to the ab ... , 'Ille -,, In the LOi Ang<Je1 Tlni<s . e .,......... er over ca re ..... er, w .. .r ............ y, sal" there was a ....nbabllity em plied it, then forced the barinald '""'"'_...,. ~ t" w outside With him, police Wd.-Sirhan migJlt plead gullty .and hope . for
Miss Gridley escaped from his hold a sentence of life imprisonment rather
when he tried to force her into his than the death pen~Jty. After making
the motion, chief defense counsel Grant ca~he ran to her home at 219 15tll B. Cooper began presenting evidence
St., and called the police, s a id Sgt in support of it.
Monty ·McKennon. Detective Gil Veine "The defendant, Sirhan Sirhan, moves
i.11 leading the search for the man. for a mistrial /' Cooper told the judge,
Charges or robbery and kidnaplng will "on ground.s or publicity by 1he Los
be sought against .him, said Sgt. McKen· Angeles !!'Imes of yesterday morning,
· followed by a resume on every radio
-th . and television stfotion in e city,
resulting in publicity to• the llturatlon
point prior to the .sequeslration or 'the
jyry." . .
Ttie jury in the · case1 bas not ·so far
been ieque!ltered -· locked 'Up -thUI waS .exposed to news acconnta · Clf• the
TitrH!S" &tory. •
·~ offere{ ,lour edl.Uon» DI .,.
'l'lme1 tnfo evidence uid cjuolel th< llllln ~eadllne, "Sirhan· Guilty Plu Ulroly.~
He oho offered as evld.-cOpleo ol bi.lidcUI ~ 1'* . Nld .... ' olrid
antt' P!i~Ucal!On o1 ~ 'l'lmes article:
One broadwl ·-~ al ,_, 'Over KNX rsdlo, referiel!. to the pOailllllly
of a ·diance of plea as a.. ~or" and went. on to say the defense ••rt.fuaed
to comment" and the prosecuUon aaid
"we have made no deals.':'
Cooper then read from a report of
the American Bar AssociaUon ·on fair
lrial and free presa . He ~ ,that
Mthing should reach jtp"Orl W'I ,.bout
lb• po8!1blllly of a bar1a\n bf!'!'& )!lade
because this could be prejudidll t6 the
defendant. ·
Y outl1 Collapses
After Wine Bout
Lost Boy's Grandfat~r
A d·ay of wine and "reds'.' cau!Cd
a 20-year-old Huntington Beach youth
to collapSe in a vacant Jot at 2nd and
Olive Streets Wednesday morning, police
11aid t.oday.
Robert Charles Shelby, 20, of 211 2nd
. St ., was rushed to Huntington Jntercom-
munity Hospital after he was found by
police pasSed out in the vacant field.
At the hospital Police said Shelby told
a doctor he had been using wi ne and
reds (nickname for the drug seconal)
that morning.
Doctors pumpe(I his stomach, to clear
the barbiturate. and bring him bacll to
. '
Thanks Beach Helic(Jps ·
The gr andfather of a 5-year~ld boy '
lost for !leveral hours Tuesday tod ay
expressed his gratitude to the Huntington
Beach Police Department for finding
the child.
, "I'd like to give my warm~t thaJJks
to Qie ,police department," said J .O.
Depue, 8211 Yorktown Ave., Huntington
Beach. "They just couldn't do too much
to help find·my grandson."
from Yorktown Avenue to"Adims AVeriue
east of BeaCh Bouh!vard:
The pair flew over hllla, swampa and
marshes, while ground units· Jwept
through the city streets.
When the first !earch li!lled,to pmlde
any clues u the boy'• whereabouts.
a descripUon of Gary was broadcast
from H.B. Eye over · rooftops aaking
for neighbors to help in the aearch. •
Ex-Beach M ..
an on Peru Hot Seat
Little bluHyed, blond Gary Depue
disa ppeared from in front of ' his1 baby .
sitter's house early Tuesday morning
setting off a search by 12 police units
and the department's new p o I' I c e
After two hour• in the iir and with
the fuel supply nmnlnc low, Crawford
oipotled a small boy lll •a Wblie· t-oblrl
standing next to a large rwunp;
An unidenWied citrien approached the
boy .. the ' ground and . afllr. lalltilg
to him signaled the helicopter to land,
"''' ....... MAH· WITH A MISSION
HUntlt'1l•1'1 Slrec:u111
Of thf D•llr "lltt Steff
LlMA, Peru -Ernest Siracusa, former
Huntington Beach surfer, scholar and
grid hero, today is a man here with
a mission.
He is, in fact, Bitting on the second
hottest U.S. dlplomaUc seat in all of
South America:
Siracusa ts a caretr diplomat. He
is deputy chief of mission for the U.S.
Embassy 1n Peru. It's no tea-and-cakes
chore these days.
U.S.·PenMan relations have steadily
worsened alnei a milltary juntl abruptly
to~ out the government of President
Fernando Belaunde Terry. Then on Oct.
9, 11161. I he Junta sieud a U.S. o!llleld
and refinery operated by InternaUonal
Petroleum Coi;npany, a subsidiary qr
Standard Oil of New Jersey.
Now the Peruvian junta Is cl.emandina
"back payment" of $690 million for oll
the company pumped from 11$ field Ill
Peru. And the U.S. government, in turn,
is threatening to cut CJlJ. aSd to Peru
and prtferential sugar purchuts which
total about $80 million annually.
Against thig backdrop, Siracusa and
hla emb ... y collealllfS -k In .. elfbn
to llOlllehow ll1IOOlh rolallqnl between
their coontry and Peru.
The only man on a hotter seat lhaft
----------~ ---~-~------
Siracusa's 11 hit boss, U.S. Ambas!lador two months vacationing In Balboa. His
to Peru J . Wetley Jones. daughters, Noni, JS, and KrlsUn , 11,
In ~nt weeks, however, J~nes has remained for several mon~ some been in Wuhington conferring on the crisis with President Nixon. 1bat leaves "Hometown USA" school experience in
Siracusa oUr min in chaige of. the U.S. Huntington Beach. Sfracusa and his wife,
mission here ln the Peruvian capital. Jaq, also have a son, Jerry, 23, who
Siracusa cannot, of course, dl!cuaa II allendlng 'UC Santi Barf>ar,. The
the inner complniUei of his dealln&• Slracusas baVe ail!lo purchased a home with the now-ruling military junta la Lima. He only commenll, "We are mak· ln .Hllllllllalon. l!arbow; which Ibey hope
lll1 every ellort to work dut tt.\J mott ao11u1day to '"'PY· .
dllficult and compln problem." . The Oraqe County: d I P.l.o ma I' 1.
And the Orange Cout naUve -1 ~ II u lmpmslve aa the Job
1 on g way from home -gt Yet you tbe he now tAces in Peru. . . , .
clear tmpr....., tbat U anyboc!J can ·HO 'w11 gradilaled Iron" HUn!ln~
pull II off, he can: Beodl 1,11811 9chocli In· 1111(1. where lie ·
As one of Ille U.S. dlplomlllc aldu. wu .!ludenl body prelldenl •. He was ·
commented, "You watch thla man a1aP lludent bocb' presider\t wbfn, .he
Siracusa -you're going to here a JM graduated trOm Fullerton Junior Colfae-
more al him Ill the yean ahfad •.. " Ii> 1911.
Siracusa ts 48, blue-eyed, an·Wy con· Then In lH01 be. wu graduated from
versaUonallst with a qulct t1111h, bullt Slanlord University u • Phi .Btto K1ppo.
like a halfback (which he wu) and W h 11 e 11 Fullerton. Slrac:uaa .ployed
llporlin( a rudd)' tin on his hllh forehead halfback on ibe Hornet roolhall team .
like a surfer (wblcb he II). unl1l blJ.pllytna day• were ended •hen
"! don'i 1pl ·Ill much :=ke tie 'liillerect 1 broken beck Ill a pme
In the old days at Llgunl, H qliml Rltenlde. .
Beodl or Cotono del Mar," he . S!rlCUIA eQlered fcirelp auvlce al
"But I me mnembtr tbal old our! .op 11. He hu sptl\I ll)e lul l'/.yem
brtalt at.Bia Coroaa beloni Ibo jitly." I _u , ao_em!IAIY ol bis ""'111'>', Poo!s
SlrlCUll llld blJ lomlly did .....,., have locludod duty In Malco City,
to pl home tn 11167 when bl openl (Set 8111ACUSA. r.,. ll
H.B. Eye, the crime chopper, played
a key part in finding Gary as he was
sighted standing soaking wet .next to
a swampy area west of Beach Boulevard
and noI1h of Garfield Avenue.
John Crawford of World 'Associates
piloted the craft wJth police sergu.nt..
Robert Morrison serving as·observer.
Morrison reported that w'&en tAeY were .
calll!d In Long Beach lo liri\>I : the ,
helicopter Ill far the · awcb, weather
was 11<1 bad special pennl>sion wil ·~ .
ed to take.(lff. , ; J • • 1 (
Wllb clwt.r, weather over. lllmllJigjon
Beach Cl'awlord and MOtrleo!>, :btPD ,
mating lob& -lO'Oll tiUilde oru r ' ' ·: I • . '
I J ' I I • ' ' ; '
Baby_ 'Dies ~~n ·
' ' ' ' I
Bi:ea~g .St~ps·
, A seven·week-old bob~ died ....i7 lhfl
morntna deqlle ellona ol HunllDgl«l ,
Belch llr<men lo itvlve Ibo chl)d irllb
moulb to mou~n..icltalloa. ·
lll:tle ''l'llclnfiol.>. .. ·Enalaod SI.I
WU ~ dead OD &rrlval I 1
Halllinlloo lrilen:ormnuallY Hqapltll 11
1:111 1.m. '!'lie bobf'• ~4d Mn.' Vickie ~,"aid ~ bad 6etn lllll<rtnc lrmn,anemta llld 1'her-'
n1a ""' lh'"f ..... b . .
police said. · 1
Gary told police be. had removed hiJ
(See THANKll, Pip I) •
Police Say
Beach Heist . '
Story False
An aUepd muWnl and robbery •f
a Loi Angeles ...,... Monday In Ille
HuntlJlllGn Center ~ lot WU a
lala ...,, pollce tmkaled loday.
1'a orldlm, Mn. Debra Lynn McLean
d Loo Angeles, wu brutally uaaulled
ln a quarrtl among four couples Monday
In a J1m111nC1oa Beach -e. police
Ronald ~-Jappe, a, o1 Loo
AJllOlel, --todaJ Oii ..,.,...
"' -wllb a doadlr-followiDC luriher pollce IDftMlpllao ol the aJllpd
-tald J-apparonllY -
Mn. 11.:i:---,_.. ............. dlopM--
coaplM ID the ~ d Mra. Jam
walker; 1• BartJell IAne, ~
Fear d nprllal may have -the ...... tor Mn. llcLean'• muatnl ....,.,
esplalaed SCI-Monty McKamon today.
---lssWllnserioul ....
dillao al HuntlJlllGn In~. HGlllilal 1lrilh faclal cuts and .....,.i
""""' -. holpltal nlllciall reported;
Tbo -had flnl told pollce lbal
&be had ---In lht HUJllinllOa C-. porldDc lot by a DWI and .......
trytnc to tab lier-· tn...ilpllqolllctn lhougbl llslrllll•
lhal D:ll u IDdden1 OlUld occur In
the mlddle "' the .--uy wUnr•
From P .. e 1
perty bnrdmd by the l\amora Clllm>el
oo the north and the rear of bomts
m Bayview Drive on the ocean side.
Broadway Street ii on the JOUtbeut
and water oo the northwest near
Admiralty Drive.
Tague mainlainl Ille corporation has
tiU• to tbeJand and bu aold the propei ly
for l'Olideotial ~I subjecl In
buildlnl a llump •-ftnce alOOI the piopeily line.
Resk!t!!ts claim Ibey have -lllinl
tbl prupatJ for u loo& u • 1eara
and claim .... lhlp -under the
lbeory of advene poaes!l<m, wbkb
generally Is conslnlod to meu lbal
i:oc11 1sioa and lJll!nten.tnce cl property
for more than five years can be in-
tspreled .. ...-Jp.
On Tuelday and W_.oy the
reoi-and ... -puobed and .... ed .. altempla ..... made to lnotall a cbaln link ,,__ "Ille all<mpta, and
the near vloleoce bu otopped today
as the sceoe d battle lhlfll lo Superior
Court where Allnmey Edwin P. Martin,
c:nwise1 fer tbe piopei ty "'""" WI
he ..m Ille a ~ for a temporary
reolralnlng ordor today.
11w: corpontiOft ,. r I u e 1 that
to 30 feet -Its property, a lllO-lool
wide llrip nl wal<rfrnnl.
A-30 lots abut the cnrporaUon
lend and tha cnrporaUon clalma thal
four bulldlnp 'F"""cb m lbe lllO-lool
Corporalinn ollldals uld they asked
, the homeownen to remove fences and
paUos claimed to be encroacbin( by
the company. The request wu ln the
form of a 1eUer mailed Jan. 31 to
remo .. the lt<ma by Feb. 10.
Tague said that "we art nol 1oinc
In destroy their Jl"'P"ty. Ar.y fence
torn down by us will be put bact al
our expense, but on their land, not
"Because of the fence problems I
bave withdrawn the crews. The 1ltqatJon
apparently will have to be resolved ln
the courts.''
Both &ides appeared ready and anxious
to Ille the malllr lo court today.
DAil! PllOT
leM..t N. 'We•I """*"" .... Pullliltoef'
J,e1, 11. c.,1.,
Viet 1"'"*°" .ne o-t11 "'-"' lit.,.,., tc ..... .....
Tti.M•1 A. M11rplii11• ,.,......., Elllilw
AU111I W, l1ltt Willie'" •••'
AUK .. lt ~ .... l ... IOft 9t«ll
fd<1'W City E•ilot
................ °""9
l" ltlt '"''' Mtili11t ""'''''" 1.0, a.. 7•o. •2,41 --"-'.._..:mt 'lilfilll .. ..,. ~· ca .. Mn11 m _.... ...,. ...
W orklng Togetlaer
5 Coast Cities
Vow Fight on Oil
Of ... '*If' ,..let '""
Mayor• IDd city manaa:en of five
oranp CCU! dtlea agreed wedn...i.,,
nlghl lo work In ooncerl agaln&t the
tbHal of off-. oil pollution.
Tbe agreeinent was reached at an
Informal dinner meeting In San Clemen-
The c:onseaaus of the group was that
the federal government should ricognize
the state oil sanctuary created off the
county coastline 10Uth of the Sant.a Ana
River by not pern)llUng 1 ... ing of ad·
jacent federal waten.
Among thOle paTucil'l'Ung In the
discussion at Omar's Rest..a11r111t were
Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Manball
and City Manager Harvey L. HtD'lburt;
HunUngtoh Beach Councilman Te d
Bartlett and City Administrator Doyle
Miller; Seal Beach Mayor Lloyd Gum-
mere and City Manager Lee Risner;
San Clemente Mayor Wade Lower ;
Schmitz Urges
State Campus
Safety Board
Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn Veddt.r and
City Manager Jame1 D. Wheaton.
The sessloo bad been origlMJb:
ocbedUled for ""'t month, l>ul waa ad·
vanced as a result of the Santa Barbara
oil disaster.
Also attending was Fifth Dlstrlct
Supuvisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna
Beach. He told the gatherin& that the
county already i.s working on legislaUve
proposals that would affect the State
Lands Commlsaioo, which rules on oil
drilling and exploration in state waters.
Among suggestions brought up and
generally agreed on was the need for
the Lands Commission to conduct bur-.
inp in tbo6e areas .involved in oil fn.
Newi>orl Mayor Manball pointed cut
that U this bad been Ille procedure
when tbe Lands Commission recently
. gave the Shell Oil Co. permi.a&ioo to
sink a test core hole off Newport Harbor •
the action would not have come u
such a belated surprise to Newport.
Seal Beach and Huntington Beach
representatives, whose communities are
not included in the state 's oil sanctuary,
indicated doubt that the prcvbiom of
the Shell-Cunningham Act could be ex·
tended north of lbe Santa Anl River.
The Shell-Olnningham Act created the
sanctuary south oI the river a dozen
years ago.
Observers al the meeting in Su
Clemente said the Seal Beach llld Hun-
HB EYE RESCUE -Huntington Beach Police Sgt.
Robert Morrison holda Gary Depue, 5, as boy's
grandfather J. O. Depue (ri1ht) talks with the lad
rescued Wednesday. Pilot John Crawford (left)
flew the city helicopter in its first rescue action
over Huntington Beach.
SACRAMENTO (UPI)-A five-member tingtan Beach attitude appeared to be
campua iiafety commission with powers that "oil is there now and it's belnc
to fire state university or college developed, so they'll have to live with
chancellors and president! would be it."
created by legislation flied today by Seal Beach's delegation noted tbal Uleir
Sen. John G. Schmitz CR-Tustin), city, unlike Newport, has no jurisdic:Uoo
Committee members would be ap-over any tidelands. And Utls, they uid,
pointed by the governor to four-year created a special problem in that they
term.a with full authority to investigate are stuck with the expense of cteantne
all campus distrubances. · be b I •-· "This commWion Would hold hearinas up "mmor spills" w n t ey ap a-16
Church Hippie Teens Take From Page 1
.. -e the beachfront. Such ciUes now recelve on every aci of force and vialence OC· sweater, shirt and shoes to let them curring on campus in order to determine I percent of offshore oil revenue to
dry after falling in the water near where who had committed those acts and 10 defray these costs, but it isn't enough,
he was playing. . remove all auch person.1," Schmitz said. according to the Seal Beach spokesmen.
He was flown back to waiting ground He said if faculty members were found The r~venue share should be increued,
Crusade to Laguna Beach
Of tM O.llr Plllt Stitt
Somewhat like avenging angels, a con·
tingent of Huntington Beach's Teena for
Christ swooped down on Laguna Beach
Wednesday carrying placards, wearing
sandwich signs, and admonishlnl all to
follow God's word.
Laguna Beach police r e po r t e d
numerowi calls from ahoeked citizem:
complaining about the "b Ip p I es' '
marcblng up and do,.. the main city
.treets at about 4 p.m. No incidents
were reported. Police estimated that SO to 70 of the
self-styled ChrisUan zealots made the
Lquna.trek. The group seemed to con-
gregat.e at the MU!tic Arts World, '670
S. Coast Highway following their arrival
In the clly from Hunllnglna 1leach.
Sips the oect memben carried pro-
claimed "'America ls Doomed," "Jesus
Saves." "Peace," "He ia the Light"
and "Dig God," as well a.s many Blbllcal
guilty their dismisaal would b e they said.
Tbe group's leader, the Rev. Dave units and quickly wrapped in a warm permanent and students who were ex-Long Deacy Deputy City Attorney
Berg, wu not wttb tbe Laguna marchen. blanket and returned l.o his grandfather. peUed could not return to school for Peter Lingo spoke briefly to the group,
a member uid. Berg reportedly re-When the H.B. Eye returned to Long three years. indicating agreement with Seal Beach's
Beach International Airp<rt, Crawford ''The commission would also be em-position and that of other coastal com-mained in the group's headquarters, powered to dlamhs c a m p u s ad-munities that state, as well as federal,
Llgb( Club, in Huntington Beach. and Morrilon found they bad less than mlnlstrators who do not use their authori-drilling regulations should be tig&tened,
The react.ions of IAgunans were mlltd. 15 minules worth of fuel left. They ty effectively lo keep the peace," the
Milly of the elderly viewed \he marcher!' had hf:er in the air more ihan two lawmaker said, adding that includes SEEK FACTS
miSll.onary attempts with disdain. houn. presidents, chancellors, deans and other It was· decided by the delegata at
"Why don't you creeps take tbose Today Gary is in 1ood health, despite oHJcers. the meeting that further information m
paper algna: of! and go to church," hilcolddipln&bew1ter~y. · NeltherUniveraityofCaliforniaregents federal and state lea.sing pracUces, and
one woman screamed at the Teem 1s Depue exp1alned that• G'U)''• parents nor Slate College trustees would have the consequeoces of such practletl.
she paaed by in her car. are divorced and the boy hu been any authority to Interfere with the com-should be sought by each of tbe fiv.
A marcher shouted back," God never in the care of his grandparents for mis.!l.on, Schmitz said. cities prior to the presentation of ap-
told us to build churches." the put eight montbl. "Its own authority would be strictly propriate resolutlons to the city couucll1.
Some citizens accepted the group's Gary'a father lives Jn Colorado Springs, limited to dealing with acts of force The resolutlons would then be directed
religious tracts or engaged members Colo., and his mother, Sharon, lives and viole nce, and would not extend to to state and federal representativu for
of the sect in debate. at 16507 %3rd St., Sunset Beach. any academic activity," he said. legislative action .
The teens have visited nwnwous I~;;;;;;;;;;;:===;;;;;;;;===;;;;:::=::::::::::::::::::::::::-:-:-:-:-:-=.:::;;:;:::::::;:=======::::;;;;;;
Orange County churches where their
unconventional garb and manner has
stirred several congregaUona.
Frequently, however, the group has
been welcomed by churches and invited
to attend services.
al .JJ. J. (}arrell~
Guatemala. Buenos Aires and Rome.
Tocqy, the Slracuaas live in an im-
pressive Peruvian home with guest house
and swimming pool where they do much
entertaining on behaU of the U.S.
Mission. It is in Lima '1 finest residential
ma and at one time the home served
as the original school for U.S. students
in Peru.
Now there is a modern campus for
U.S. students, named for Franklin D.
While Siracuaa works t hr o u & h
* * * Pem to Turn
To Communists?
LIMA, Peru (UPI) -"Ille poulb\\lly
that Peru mlghl turn to the C«nmunbl
world tor its trade becat11e of • worsen-
ing dispute with the United Slates loomed
here today.
PtrUVlan President Juan Velasco
Alvarado said Wedneaday that if the
United States forces hll hand owr Peru'•
selzure of American oil holdings, he
could "rechannel" its foreign trade.
Peru established dlplomaUc relatMw
with the Soviet Union Feb. I and a Soviet
trade missim is now in Lima. A J>ero.
vtu mlsalon is en route to Ccmmunist
China to ...,. rice.
Veloco uld Peru waa f1" to "adopt
t h e measures sees fit" iri. the f a c e
ol U. s. economic pressure, I.hough he
dooblecl Waallinllon .,..Id riJk such coo-
aeqoeocoo. Argentina Wednesday \uUed
a statement of toUdarity with Peru.
Velaaco llld Foreign MinlJler Edg11'1o
Mercado Jartin, bath 1onerall In the
junta, Wd Pttu would not give in and
WU~ to "rechanntl" it.I forti&n
trad<. ,...,.~ ..,.._.,..·beresaid
they fear 80Cb pollible ftprilala as
dlacrlmlnalor7 -and .. end to dollar rem111ance1 to home o11m.
Aabd wb<lber tho u .s. adapllan nl
"""""1c punlabment mwurea would
-ti lb such counlmnwurel, Mm:ado
rtplled, 11nem uk a 1ener1l when,
wbm or bow he ii 1olnl lo allack."
diplomatic channels, his wife hu aho
been bl.II)' on behalf of the U.S. lmqe
in Peru. Mrs. Siracusa often works in
Indian affairs and has spent considerable
time in the Amazon River region, belpin&
the natives.
Siracusa sUll has relativtl alon& the
Orange Coast, including Pete Siracusa,
well-known surfer and part owner of
the Ancient P.fariner Restaurant in
Here several thousand miles from
home, it's fairly easy to turn Ernie
Siracusa to conversation of surfing and
his native Orange County coastline. But
ask him to compare Orange eoui and
Peruvian surf and it comes out
something like : "Well, the breat is
further out in Peru. But I wouldn't
say one is bettu than the other. It'•
just different."
1'1us once again you hear the diplomat
Even in troubled times, it sort of
gives you confidence in the U.S. Mission
in Lima, Peru.
U.S., S. Viets
Eying War Pause
W ASffiNGTON (UPI) -The Uniled
St.ates and South Vietnam art eonaidertng
I ceue-flre durin& the Tel holiday olart·
Ing Mondoy, the Slat< Deparlmenl qid
today. Ii llld the Saigon..,.........,. bad
indicated it would agree to a ih«t
Bui press officer Roborl J. McCloUey
saJd no ICtOrd had been reached on
possible tlmlna and duratJon of such
a mllillry 1tandown. "Any decision will
reflect the cartful auessment of the
mllllary capablllty and movemtnt of
the enemy,•• he said.
McCloskey added that the Slate
Department m., have been In touch
.wllb S.n. John J. Sparlmlan (0.Ala.),
on lbe deslrablllt1 ol a Tet ......cir..
Sparkman said m Capitol Hill taday
thal he would be "&lad to aee an
armlsUce ca1Jed" In the Vietnam flgbUng
during the bollday. ·
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"tl'll -IAllOA aft. "'*'°" lilACM
ly .John Miles
By Gus Arriola ___ ,..
ly MeD ·----·
' '. . . . . .. '· ...
OLD ACQUAINTANCE -Sally Field meets an old
friend while on a much needed vacation from the
convenL Dwayne Hickman, shown above with Sally,
plays the pert ol the old flame •. Others 'in' the aeg·
ment, titled "Tjle Boyfrleod," are Marge Rldmond,
Madeleine Sherwood, Ale1andro Rey and Sllelley
Morrison .
ABC Longshot
l!OLLYWOOD (UPI) -Wheo ABC.TV caDceled
its controversial new series, "Turn-on," it pomted
up the paradox and problem of the network, small·
eel of the three major broadcasting orgamzatl\)Ds •
The situation is that, as the underdog network,
ABC-TV tries to break dowo the programming pal·
terns of its two larger competitors, ~BS-TV and
NBC-TV, because it cannot compete with 1hem on
their OW\' terms. Jn order to achieve this breakdown, ABC-TV
frequently takes a gamble with longshot program-
ming-hoping a way-ou~ show can turn mto a v_ery
hot fad that shakes things up, and draws attention,
and money, to the network.
''BATMAN,'' though short-lived, was a succes-
ful gamble. So was "Shindig," a youth-0riented mu-
sic show. This season , ABC-TV tried the Don Rickles ser-
ies, built around the comedian's insults. It tried
''The Ugliest Girl in Town," ,about a boy who
dresses as a female model. It tried "The Outcasts,"
about two cowboys, one black, the other white, with
friction between them. At midseason, it tried "Tum-
on " with its fast topical Jtumor and double entendre.
' What we have here, upon examination, ii .the
paradox that arises from ABC-TV'• underdog prob-
lem.' And this ts the fact that the network, in lrylng
to chop down CBS-TV and NBC-TV, is going agalnat
the grain of the programming pattern that hu
made its·competitors rich, and is a proved success.
THIS PATTERN, basically, is that you do as
little as possible to disturb the comforting nattµ'e
of most regular series for viewers-and save your
excitement and shak~it-up programming for spe-
cials. NBC.TV may have "Laugh-in," and CBS-TV
may have the Smothers brothers, but, otherwise,
they essentially follow the success pattern.
ABC.TV, on the other hand, has come up with
a number of series that-for better or worse , arti.s·
tically-have caused discomfort among viewer•
who don't like to be sllllken up as they sink bliss-
fully into their regular shows. ~ a result, the aeries
are mating more waves than the specials cunently
-and while this may be satisfying on som• counts,
it defies the commen:tal axiom: Don't disturb the
regular audience.
BUT, YOU may ask, in regard to ABC-TV's
''Turn-on": What about NBC.TV1a "Laugh-in" and
CBS-TV's Sm.others Brothers?
The d!Herence is that both NBC·TV and CBS-
TV, in addition to being bigger and therefore more
confident, have had considerable more experience
in handling this kind of controversial programming,
and dealing with reaction.
THE SMALLER ABC.TV, attempting to follow
the success of "Laugh-in" and the Smothers broth·
ers, aimed to shake up its regular series viewers
again last week when it introduced. two new topical
humor shows: "Turn-on" and "What's It All About,
WorJd?,,-and the shakeup succeeded, then back-
Af an Indication of ABC.TV's plunge Into con·
troveny, both these new shows, plus a third mid·
11eaaon premiere last week, the Tom Jones Hour,
had--On three successive nights-.atirlcal barbs In
which the Catholic Church was the target.
Deianis tlae Menace
~'-'-~~----'"'''--...... ""~·"'"'"''"'--=-··'""--"·'-'""'""""""''""'""='-'===_,,... .... .,,,.,..-~::c.~""'-" ~""-'""""'""~~""'-""'~=~==-:--===,...~---------------------·--------------t .. 1111
Fountain Valley
I •
T ... y's Fblal
N.Y. Sioek.8 • •
Cleanup Ends Sunset Fight With Land Firm ,
Huntington Ha rbour R emoves Fence Debris
Of 1119 Deir ''* Stiff
Small groups of residents of the Sun.~et
Beach island off the Ramora Channel
1tood by this morning nervously watching
as workmen from the Huntington
Harbour Corp. removed tJ-e dt bris
resulUng from two days of-warfare over
locaUon of a property line.
The action today was one of cleanup
in contrast to the pushing and shoving
of Wednesday which ended with the
corporation halting its attempts to fence
property It clalms as ill own until the
' matter ls decided by the courts.
Residents stood by today behind a
line of survey stakes driven into the
ground where the corporation feels its
fence should go. Giant bulldozers ~
pleted cleanup of the strlp of land whlC:lr-
comprises about one third of the island.
The skirmish which could end up 1s
a full 11<ale "war In court bqon Tue!day
when workmen appeared and began t.elr-
ing down fencea belon1loc to homes
along Bayview Drive,
Elmer E. Tague, top rilan of the
Hunllngtoo Harbour Corp. and on olflctr
in the pmnt Christiana OU Corp., Mid
that the company bu UUe to the .land
in question.
'Ille land la the ltrip " deand ~
(See PENCE, Pqo I
Less T han Mile Away
Oil Licks Catalina Sh·ore
A slick of crude oil, laced with straw,
stretching about five miles long is drif·
ting three-quarters of a mile north of
Catalina Island, a search by Newport
Beach officials revealed Wednesday
City Harbor Coordinator George Dawes
and IJfeguard Chief Robert Reed led
a boat search Wednesday which turned
up the twi>mile-wide slick comprised
d "a thin film of oil with heavier
globs blended in."
Dawes said the patch or crude was
40 to 45 miles away from the Orange
Coast moving under .soutbwestl!'rly winds.
Dingwall Sla ted
To End Citizens
·Committee Role
Robert E. Dingwall, chairman of the
Citizetm Corilmittee on Full School Use
of the Huntington Beach Union High
school District, is expected \o announce
bis resl(nation from the group at
tt.u,bt•1 meetin& at Fountain Valley
l!lgh School
The committee meets at 7:45 p.m.
at the school, Bushard Street north of
Talbert Avenue, for an inspection of
the facilities and a business meeting.
Dingwall is expected to annoul'!ce that
be is resigning from the committee . to
make a bid for a seat on the governing
board of the district.
His vice chairman, Bartletta Suter of
Westminster, already has filed the papers
py.ttlng her into the race for one of
three trustee seats.
Dingwall is eipected to announce th~t
ht 1 decision to r u n for the board 1s
based on his belief that a change of trustees is needed before voters will
approve more funds for the district.
He claims that refusal of the voters
to approve bond issues and ~ef~. to
grant tax increases are an indication
of a lack of conlidenct!: in the truStees
and administration.
A3. he leaves the commJtlee which
was formed to look closely at operaUon
of schools to determine if they could
be better used by the community which
pays for them, Dingwall is issuing a
plea for more citizens to join the com-
'lbose interested can attend the session
tonight, or contact the district office
at ~9331 for information on being ap-
pointed to the committee.
Tbe presence of straw in the slick
confirms that the oil's source is the
Santa Barbara Channel where hundreds
of workmen are spreadin1; straw to aoai
up the oil along the shoreline.
"It's a toss up whether the oil wUI
move on t,be outside of the island or
into the chaMel. It might even split
up around Catalina," Dawes said.
Coast Guard planes are expected to
fly out to the slick to trace it.! travel.
Meanwhlle, as a precautionary
measure, Orange County Harbormaster
Al Oberg announced plans to have log
booms, both plutic and wooden, ready
to atretch acrosa the mouth ol Newport
Harbor in case oil from Santa Barbara
drifts down.
He said that logs are available· through
the Edison r.o. within three hours ol.
sigbUng a threatening illck. A boom
could be stretched within eight houri
after the delivery of the logs.
As an added safety measure to the
harbor's thousands of small craft, Oberg
said, a Long Beach marine aurveyfng
firm will have available a plastic log
boom of tong fioats, plastic foam and
skirts which could be strung out in
quieter waters near the harbor entranct:.
Crash Victims ' Bodies
Carried Out of Canyon
LaW111en, GI•, and S\;ooll ·1or1eltil!(
a holiday f00ghl tangYed brullh, mUd
and {QC Wednesday bringina: seven Navy
fliers' remains out of mountainl caq,yom
and crevices where they died ,lnatant!y
Authorjties at Los Alamitos Naval Air
Slation at the same time gave names
to the seven Minnesota reservists, whose
SP2E Neptune patrol bomber slammed
into Santiago Peak in a firtball the
night before.
Veteran search and rescue squad mem-
bers are familiar with final handling
of those who die violenUy, but for some
Explorer Scouts who volunteered, it was
grim and gruelling duty.
The ordeal and the sights on the mist·
drenched !Ide of Saddleback would wort
on their minds as well as their bod.Jes.
Some of the victims' remains were
hardly recogniiable as human ln plasUc
bags and sheet.!, while the job of getting
them out ol the rugged, manzanlta-cliok·
ed wilderness was seemingly inhuman
in itseU.
''Those fire trails up there looked like
the old Burma Rold,0 said Offlcer Dick
Bersch, ol the Costa Mesa Police Search
and Rescue Team.
"If we were going uphill, we knew
we were going in the right direction,"
he added, "Jt'1 extremely rugged terrain.
a.nd a fog bank rolled over and eut
visibility down to less than 200 feet."
Reservist.a from Twin Cities Naval Air
sealioft at Minneapolla.3~ Paul n"' ln\41
Loa Al8!Jlitoa NAS Lui Sunday !<Jr twd
weeka' anmifl trllinln& and these are
the ..... Fl!ll -"°"'' ' . ' D&AD LllTllD~
-Lt. Cmdr, Reberi 1'. Coad, 11, cl
White Bear Lake, Minn., plJot of the
ill-fated anUsubmarine patrol bomber.
-LL Cmdr. Beal G. Dolven, 31, of
Minneapolis, co-pilot.
-Petty Officer vc Barris ll
Benrlcbon, 47, Minneapollt.
-Petty Officer l/C Walter R. Ja<ob-
1en, 40, of St. Paul.
-LL Cmdr. Olvu B. WaDey, 34,
Menominee, Wla.
U. JO!' E. Surr•tt, age unknown,
training olficor bale< at the Twin Cltiea
air facility.
-Petty Officer l/C Job E. BtnMD,
31, or Rochester, Mlnn.
The Neptune, jammed with electronics
gear, slammed into the rugged Orqe
County landmark at the S,000 foot level
at 8:23 p.m. Tuesday, moments after
takeoff fmn El Toro Marine Corpa Air
The ezact moment wu flJed by jet
pilot.a who saw the fireball muhroorn
from 30,000 feet abovt the site, a1 the
shattered wreckage plunged down into
11-and guJllel ol llardlnl Clllyon.
Military lnmllpinra are CID the 1Ct11e
today, attemptlni to determine what
cauaod the jet and -wered
Neptune to Dy blindly lnlo the side
" the 4,050 loot peak.
' . ' DAILY PILOT IMfl ""'
Cltliona Prolelt and Bulldera' Machlnary Claw• at Fenca Rubble ·
Police Seek
Robber Foiled
In Kidnap Try
Police todaa&searcblng for a man
who robbed a .u,,ngton Beach bar
of $250 and · to itymap the barmaid
earlY. ~ momina:. ·
loyee, Gridley, an employe of the
Walller Bar, l~Paclll!'.= Coast, Highway,
told police a stranger w~ in the
bar about 1-:;7 a.m. today !ind ~gan
~ we>! --ber. ' ---~~~~ It behind ber baci<' .,:r~;~
a ,.,bery." •
lie pulled lit!!' ..... to the~ ...,.;.w. ........... 111111-Pi''baimald
-wftlr'11m. police aaJd.. Miaa Grldle7 eacaped bom his hold
when he tried to force her into his
She ran to her . home at 219 lilb.
St., and called the police, s a i d Sgt.
Monty . McKennon. Detective Gil . Veine
is leading the sevch for the mBn.
Charge! of robbery and trlclnaplng will ht &ought against him, sald,Sgt. McKen·
Youth Collapses
After Wine Bout
A 4af of Wine and "reds'' cauSed
a 20-year-old HunUngton Beach youth
to collapse-in a vacant lot at 2nd and
otl•e Streets Wednesday morning, pollcti
lald today. Robert Charles Shelby, 20,.of 211 2nd
St., wu ru!hed to HuntlniJton lntereom-
munlty H01pltal alter he wu round by
pOllCe passed out in the vacant field~
At the hospital police aald Shelby told
a doctor be had been using wine and
""' (rilckDanie fe< the • drug StCdll
that momlng:
Doctol'1I pumped bis stomach, to clear
the borblturates and bring him back io
consc.loumeu. '
Gall~ ~lea Report
Sirhan Mistrial Asked
Over Newspaper Story
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The defense
moved for a mistrial today In the Sirhan
Blshara Sirhan murder trial' because of
a newspaper story sayirig be might plead
gallty to Uie murder of Sen. , Robert
F. Kennedy.
The Dlotion .v.·u 1ntrodUced after a.
lep.gtby. Confe,rence ~lw,ee'n.tOrneys, ::.~ t.~f~:e l¥?~;1 . • i ' ' .
exiJctedLf'.'tb\e opening sta~mehis d"
the beginl\lllg ol tes(imooy. °" "
The 11!'>11·~ u... i... AJJnles 'ff!!le•' ·~7.. d"theit 'rii.OOnll lllf!ly sirtiiii nil«fi · plead guilty .00~ for.
I: senteooe of; life lmpr1'ciptnept ialbtr
than the death penalty. Alter making
lhe motion, 'chief defense ~~ Grant
B. Cooper beaan preseo~g. evidence
in BUpport of JL
''The defendant, Sirhan ,Sirhan, moves.
for a mistrial,'' Cooper told the judge,
"on grounds ol publicity by ·the Los
Angeles .Tim~s of yesterday ,morning,
followed , by a resume on every 11adlo
and television slftion in. the clty1•
resulting In publlclty to the saturation
point prior to the aequestratlon ol the
jury." .
The 'jury in the case hat not ., far
been sequestered -locked up -Urul
was ezpoaed to news act:tWtta cl the
Times storj. ·
· cOoper 6ffeled four ed!UOn! al the
'li{nei lrito evld._ l\n<I ~!~ 11\0ln
)ie8dl1'oi "Slrlllul 'Olillly IP.liili :!Jhly.•
lie also offered as evidence <»plea of
llroadcaol -be ·saJd ..... --..... -."'Ille n-arlida. . °"" --·al ·--KNX ,radiV, -·to tho ,...illlltty ot • chanle of Jfiea ·a • l'rwnor''
and went on to say· the def~ '.'.ref~
to comrn.enl!' and ·the ~Uon aa1d
..we hive made no dea1s."
Cooper then read from a report of
the American Bar A!sociattoo on fair
trial and free Presa. He ~ that
oothing should reach jurors ean about
the possibiUty of a bargain being ~
because fhis could be prejudicial to the
Lost Boy's Grandfather
' .
Thanks ·Beach Helicops
T!\e gr&ndfather of• ar 5-ytar~ld boy
Jost for sever\) hours Ti.iesday \Oday
expressed bis ghtitude' to the Hunt~gton
Beach POUce Department for 0flndin·a:.
\he child. • 1
. "lid like to ·gi1te my warmest that1k1 ·
to the pc;ilice department." said. J.0.-
DepUe, 1211 YorttoWn ·Ave., Huntington
Beach. "They just couldn't .do too much
to help find my grandson."
Crom Yorktown Avenue to.Adami Avenue
eaSt ef Beach Boulevard.
, Tlie pair ne,v ov.er hills, ,swamps and'
marshes, while grourld unit.! nep&
through tfie city streets.
When the'(il'St S.a'rch falled in ~ .
any . clues as the boy't wbereabiMI.
a desrilpt!Ori of 1 Gary was brDdcm
from H:b. Eye aver · rooftops J aakin&
for neighbors to help in the eeareh.
Ex-Beach Man on Peru Hot Seat
lJtUe blue-eyed, blond Gary Depue
disappeared from 1n· front of his )>Jlby.
sitter't1 house early Tuesday morrung
setting oU ,a search by 12 police units
and tht department's new' p o l l c e ·
helicoiur. ·
After two hours Jn the air and with
the fuel supply fUl!llinl low, crawford
1polted a small boj ID a wNto t-ablrl
standing neJ:t to a lirge IWIJllp.
' An unidentified citizen approached the
boy Oil the . grt>und· ud. alter: -· to him signaled the beli<oPter in land,
UPIT .........
_,. Huntfnttan't Sir.cute
• 'I
Of .. °""" ...........
LIMA, Peru -Ernest SlraCUll, former
llunllngton Beach aurler, llCholar and
grid hero, todiy II a man bett with
a miaslon.
He Is, In fact, sitting on the ACUld
hottest U.S. dlplomalic ... t In all of
South America.
Siracusa is a career diplomat. He
Is deputy chief of mission for the U.S.
Embassy Jn Peru. It's no tea-and-cake:s
chore thie9e days.
U.S.-Peruvtan relali<m have lteadlly
wononed lhice a military Junta abruptly
tooaed oot the government ol Praldent
Fernando Belaunde Terry. Then on Oct.
9, 11161, I h e jWlta 1ieud a U.S. olllleld
and re!lnery operated by lntematiaoa!
Petroleum Company' • 1Uboid1ar7 of
lllandanl Oil ol New Jeney.
Now the Peruvian Jum. ii demandina
"back payment" of -mWJon for on
the company pumped from !ta Deld In
Peru. Am the U.S. government, 1n turn,
la threalening to cut oil aid to Peru
and prefe"'111at """' puttlluea willch total •bout llO mUllon annoally.
Against tbia backdrop, Slracuaa and
his emb...,. colleagues ....t In .. elfort
to IDl!leliow llDOOlh re!atlona belw ...
their oountry and Pent.
The only man on a hotter seat than
• •
-~· SlraCuu'a la his bosl, U.S. Ambaaador
to Peru J. Wealey J-.
In reCent weeD, J»wever, Jones bu
been In Wubflwinn "'°'errlni cm the criaia with Prealdeal Niaooi. 'lllat 1 .. vu
Slracuaa oor man In <Up ol the u.s.
miaalon here In the P....m capital.
Stracuaa cannot, ol ...,,.., dlacuaa
the Inner <omplesitiea ol bis duJlnp
with the now·rulin& military J-ln
Um.8. He oaJy comments, "We an m.U-
lng ""1' dfort to wcrk out tll'I ..,..
difficult and compk!J: prob&em.''
And the Orang• CoOlt --a long,..,. from --11,.,... the
clear fqiJl"euioo tbU if aybody CID
pull Jt ott, be Can.
A> one ol the U.S. dlplomallc alda
commented, "You wat.cb WI man
Slracu111 -,...'re 1olng in bere a lot
more ol Jlhn In the yeara abaod • , • "
Stracuaa II 41. ~ed..aa.., eoo-
•enatlonalllt with a quiet ....,,, built
Jib • halfback (wbldl "' . n) and
oportlnc a ruddy laA OD hla 1111)11 -!ID a aurfer (wblch be la).
"I ddni pl In mlJCh ~ lllc1
Jn the old daya at 1-llllnllocton Beach or Qnna del MG'," be cwetlet
"But I .... ttmelllb!< that lld. aurf malt at Bl& Corona bi!l<ft tllo fetl>'."
SlracuH and bia I~ ·did .......
in pl home Jn 11187 ''""' .. apent .
two maiilha vacatlonlq In Balboa.• Ula
d•qhten, Noni, 11, and Kriltln, 11, remamea for aeveral moot.bl for some
"Hometown VSA" ICboot e:s:perlence· in
Huntlngtan Beach. Slracma and 1111 wife,
Jaq, ala:I have a son, Jerry, 23, who
la attmcllq ·UC Sanla Barbari. The ' -have aiao purchaaed a hqme
In Jluntln&IM Harbour which they hope aomadQ' lo ltlijoy. '
'J1lf Ontita.. Colm!Y, d Ip lo 1)1 at' a -.-·•a linjiaoi.,. u1be JOb ...... _. ........ , .• 1
Ila WM ~,from ' Bntlnct<>a
!lead> lllah ~ In -11• iwban he wu -t body pnaident. He wu .
aiao --body ~ When ba cn<IOat..i from Jl'ulkrion 'Jublor OoJeio-
ln ua
'l'ban Jn ll40, ... w.u ,,.adualed """' -on! Unlvoinlty a a Phi Btla Kappa. ·
W b 11 e al 1'Uller1jJo, Slr:1tllY'!d hatlback on. the H-i f ' "-
1111111 Illa ploylnc daya ...,...""'8d when
be aallered a broltea beck In a game
aplnat Jllnnlde.
·--fcrelin -•• ... II. Ile Ilia apent the Lut :rl yeara
.. .. anllAry " hb countrJ. Poota 111ve 1nc1uded duty 1n Mexico City,
(aft SlllACIJM, Pap I)
H.B. EJ.e, the crime c;hqpper, played
a key PJft in f~ Gary as he waa, i!Cl>ted ,tllandlnc''sbaklng wet '.n~. lo a awam:py. area west of Beach Boti!tVcd
and north of Garfleld A venue. , Jol>n .cr,w1on1 of World ·A1aocta1es '
pUQted ·the craft with polic( mgeali\ ~ Morriaon serving u Qboelver.
Monl.ooo<eporled that when \hey fml
called Jn 1.oni 'BOadl !<> · brini ' l)>e
helkoi>l<f .In fnr ll!e · search, l'••tber · wu ao bad opeclal permiaalon wu 'l"9""
ed to take off. . ~
Wllil ~J weal"'• over, illmllniton Beacb cmJ .Jd' Morrllon beion ,
maJdot Iona..._ a<roa biUllde area
' I ' '
li!thy Dies When ·
. . .
Breathi~g Stops
' ' . A ,.....-i...Sd bab7 died early thb
morning despite effonl of Huntb\gton
Beach littma to revive the chlld with
mouth .to mouth -'l!IUOn. ·
Jackie 'lbnm-.. -F.acland St., ..U · prOllCIUD<Od dud on lrrlval al
HW!tJqtoa ~ HQllpltal al
I :» a.in. 'Ille baby'• ~" Jira. Vlcldo 'lbnm-. aid the cnud had been aufler111( from anemia and a he~
nlalor threo weeb.
police said. . I
Gary told police he.' bad ~eel hil •
(Set:·TRANKB, ·Pip I)'
Another nice d•l"ll on the way
Friday. with fair Ill .. and temi'
eratum edging up Into the mid-
dle muea aloag the Orange coaat.
Financial toriur suima Port-
er .tcldau t•lll' h010 quac:lct ""'
pr•¢•g on art/lrilir l'Uff~<n Ill
a colunm 1:q>OfinQ tome of tll•
"~gic cure.s" on Paoe 26. ' ...... ,.
"'""""" j ,......,.., .... ==... : °""" ,....... 11 :=.~ ,... ': _ .. ·-...., , ... ,... 11
-11 -~ ,, ... .,. .
e Mll.Y PILOT H .
Police Say
Beach Heist
. ~ .. ' ' • I '
Story False
An alltged muuln& and robbery of
a Loo Angeles ,..... Monday in th•
H~ Center parJdns lot WU I
ralie ""7. polloe bidlcalld llday.
,,,. q,t1m. Mn. l)tbra Lpm McLean
m Loi ADgeles, was brutally uuulted
In a quarrel amoog four couples Monday
In • ilUJrtlllCIOO Boach boml, police
-James Jappe, ;t, ol Loi
AIJllla; wu booluld today on ebarpa
el a.all Willl a dtadlj> WIQOll followlnl
-·po11c11n .. 11111!1oo ol 1111 allapd
robblr7 liddanl -
l Pollce aa1d Jappe appartnll7 lllcked
.C:· Un. Mcteaa 11Yorol llmM lollowlq
· ;;;;;·undlacloM•f' dlapoto. -four· "'""1• ID 1111 ,..-, e1 Mia. Joan
Wa!Dr, 11111 Bartlelt Lue, 111!1!t1J111on
J'aor el reprlaal may bave -tho _,..Mn. McLeaa'a mUQIDI ttory,
~ 811-M..,ty ll<K._ today.
ilra. Mel-la allll In urial!I -dldon al / HUDt1altm ~rmml~
J!oapUal wiUI faclal cu1I and -~ -· bolpllal ollklala roporltid. ,,,. -bad llnt told pollcl that
... bad --ullld In tho lluDtln&too c.-lllrldn& lot bf a mao and -trylnc tO tUe Der puno.
Invllllptlq ollloen lbooghl tt ttr~e
that such an lncidenl eould occur m
the middle ol th• allemooll wltbout IOI
From Pqe l
PfrlY hardfftd by the llamora Channel
on the north and the nar of homes
on Bayview Drive on. the ocean side.
Broadway Street ii en the 101Jtbeut
and water on the north.weal near
Admlratty Drive.
Tague malntaina the corporatioo baa
title to the land and baa aold the property
I« mldlllllal clovel-aot oubjacl to
bulldlOI a alump Ilona 1 .... aloO( tho
~ty line.
Rellld-claim they bave been ullln11
the pfoperty I~ u 100( u IO yaora
and claim ownenbip now Wider the
theory of adverse ~ which
pnerally la COllllnled lo meao that
_.. • .., and -ol pl'<llVIJ for more than five yun can be in-
terpreted u ownertlhip.
On Tueaday aod Wodlleldly Iha
residall aod --~ and "'°"' ed u attemptl were made to imtall
a 'cbaln link lence. 'Ille attempla, and
the Dell' vfolenco baa atoppod today
u the scene of bltUe lhiftl to SuperJor
Court when All«ney Edwin P. Martin,
coumel for the p1operty ownen 1ald
be will me a requeot for a temporary
reotralnlO( order llda1.
The corporation a r g u t 1 that
bcxneownen have encroaebed some 15
to :io leet onlo Ill property, a !!Moot
wide strip ol waterlront.
About 30 lots abut the ccrporation
land and the corporation clahns that
four buildings encroach oo the l~foot
Corpon.Uoo ol!lclal• Aid they aalled
the homeowners to remove fences and
paUos claimed to be encroaching by
the company. The request was 1n tbe
lorm ol a letter malled Jan. 31 to
remove the 1101111 by Feb. 10.
Tague said that "we are not going
to destro~ their properly. Any fence
-down by ua will be put hack at
our expense, but cm their land, not ......
••BecaUll of the fence proble1111 I
have withdrawn tbe crew1. The lltuatton
appanntlj> will bavo to be molved in
tba courts."
--appeartcl rudy and amlou1 to tUe the mau.r to coon llday.
fllllAlrfGI CO.UT rtlll..IStU ... COM,AH't
..... ,. N. W°••'
'r11lcleftt '"" MlllM•
J•1&i I. C•rl•Y Viu ,,,..._. •I'S 0-11 AAtlllttl
n.111•• "•••ii lidHor n.11111 A. M•rplii~•
Al"•'' w. '•'•• w ;tn •• k••' ..,_It.. tl..,,.IW..IGll 8Htlt
EdllW Clly f&l!(lr
.............. Offtle
JOI lttl Str11I
).(1ililtf ~'''"" P.O. 11• 7•o, •Z6"41 --,.......... lffO; VII WKI ............ .,. CMM Mttlt m Wiii .... ln.t
Working Together
, : -4
. 5 Coast Cities
Vow Fight on Oil
Of 11tt P.11' Pllft lllfl'
May()f'I and city mtn11ers of five
Orllll(e Caul dUOI agreed Wedneaday
nlgbl to work \n eooc<rt againBI the
threat of 'offshore oU pollution.
'lbe agreement was rtached at an
intonnal diMer meeting In San Clemen-
The COftleDIUI cf the group WU that
the federal government should recognize
the state oil aanctuary created off the
county coastline south of the Santa Ana
River by not permilllnJ leJSing ol ad·
jacent federal waters. -
Amon11 U.-partlcipallng in the
1 dJJcuaslon at Omar's Restaurant were
Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Mal'$hall
and Clt.Y Manaaer f4rv•Y L. Hurlburt:
HW1tlngton Beach . Counclbnan T e d
Bartlell and City Administrator Doyle
Miller; Seal Beach Mayor Lloyd Gum·
mere and City Manager Lee Risner;
San Clemente Mayor Wade Lower;
Schmitz Urges
State Campus
Safety Board
Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn Vedder IJld
City Manager James D. WhtatoD.
Tha aemon had been .~,,
scheduled for nen month, but wa1 ad-
vanced as a result of the Santa Barbara
· oH disaster. Also attending . was Fifth D1atriet
Supervlaor Alton E. Alleo ol LallJllll
Beach. He to1d the gathering that the
COWltY already is working on .legislative
proposals that would affect the State
Lands Commission, which rules on cil
drilling and exploraUoa in state waten.
Among &UggesUons )irooghl up and
generally agreed on was the need for
the Lands Commission to conduct hear-
ing1, 1n ~e areas involved in oil in-
dustry matters.
Newport Mayor Marshall pcinted out
that if thiS had ~ been tbe procedure
when the Lands Commission recenUy
aave the Shell Oil Co. permiaaicn ta
sink a test core hole off Newport Harbor,
the action would not have come aa
such a belated surprise to Newport.
Seal Beach and Huntlngton Beacll
representatives,' whose communities are
not included in the state'• oil sanctuary,
indicated doubt that the provi!icna of
the Shell-Cunningham Act could be ex·
tended north of the Santa Ana River.
The Shell-Omningham Act created the
sanctuary south of the river a dOHD
years ago.
HB EYE RESCUE -Huntington Beach Police Sgt.
Robert Morrl!on holds Gary Depue, 5, as boy's
grandlather J. 0. Depue (right) talks with the lad
rescued Wednesday. Pilot Jahn Crawford {left)
flew the cjty helicopter in ill first rescue action
over Huntington Beach.
SACRAMENTO (UPl)-A five-member
campus 1afety commiuion with pcwers
to fire "state university or college
chancellors and presidents would be
created by leJllalaUon flied llday hy
Sen. John G. Schmitz (R·Tu.Un),
Observers at the meeting ln Sin
Clemente said the Seal Beach and Hun-
tington Beach attitude appeared to be
that "oil is there now and tt•a be1nC
developed, so they'll have to live with
Church Hippie Teens Take
Crusade to Laguna Beach
Of l'k Dtllr Plllll 1tltt
Somewhat like avenging an1et1, a con·
Ungent of Huntington Beach's Tetn.1 for
Ctuist swooped down on Laguna Beach
Wednesday carrying placards, wearing
sandwich signs, and •dmonlJhing •Ii to
follow G<>d's word.
Laguna ~ach police reported
numerowi calla from shocked citizens
COQ:lPlaiDing about the • ' b i p p I e 1 ' '
llW'dllq up and down the main city
etreets at about 4 p.m. No incidents
were reported.
Police estimated that 50 to 70 of the
aelf-atyled Christian zealots made the
Laluna trek. The group seemed to CGn-
gregate at the Mustic Arts World, 870
S. Coast Highway following their aniv.al
tn the city from Huntington Beach.
Slgnl the aect membera carried pro--
claimed "America 11 Doomed/' 0 Jesus
Saves," "Peaet," "He la the Llght"
and "Dig God,11 as well as many Biblical
The group's leader, the Rev. Dave
Berg, was not with the Laguna marchers,
a member said. Berg reportedly re-
mained in the group'• headquarters,
Li~ Club, in Huntington Beach.
The reactions cf Lagunans were mixed.
Many of the elderly viewed the marchers'
ml1slonary attempts with dlJdaln.
"Why don't you creeps take those
paper signa: off and go to church,"
one woman 1ettamed 1t the Tfenl .aa
she puaed b)' in her car.
A marcher shouted back," God never
told UJ to build churches."
Some cltiun1 1ccepted the group's
religious tracts or engaged members
of the 1ect In debate.
The teens have visited numerous
OrlJlge County churches where their
unconventional garb and manner has
1Urred aeveral congregations.
FrequenUy. however, the group has
been welcomed by churches and invited
to attend services.
From Page l
Guatemala, Buenos Aires and Rome.
Today, the Siracueaa live in an Im·
pressive Peruvian home with guest house
and swimming pool where they do much
entertalnjng on bebaU of the U.S.
Million. It la in Llma'1 finest residential
area and at one time the home served
as the orl&inal school for U.S . students
in Peru.
Now there is a modern camp.ii for
U.S. atudentl, named for Franklin D.
While SiracUJa workl t bro u i h
* * * Peru to Turn
To Communists?
LIMA, Peru (UPI) -The possihlUty
that Peru might tum to tho Communist
world for Its trade becaUMJ ol a WOT'$en·
Ing dispute with the United Stales loomed
here llday.
Peruvian President Juan Velasco
Alvaredo aald Wednesday that il the
United States forces h1a hand over Peru'•
sdlurt ol American oll hoidinp, he
could ''reclwmel" Ila lortlgn trade.
Pel\I established diplomatic relations
with the Soviet Uoion Feb. I and • Soviet
trade mblloo b now in Lima . A Peru·
vlan mJsalon ii en route to Communist
China to ""1 rice.
Vtlaaco said Peru was free to "adopt
the measures sees ril" in the f a c e
ol U. S. economic pressure, thOllJlh he d\\Ubtad Wubinglon WOllld risk such con-
aequenc:u. Argentina Wedneaday luued
a statement of solidarity with Peru.
Vclalco and Foreign Mlnlatar Ed&ordo
Mercado Janin, both 1eneral1 In the
junta. aakl Peru would not give in and
wu inpved to .,rechanntJ " it• foreign
Some American bullneumen here tald
they !ear ouch pooatbl• npriaal1 u
dl1Cri.mln1tory t111Uon and an end to
dollar nmlllancea to horn• olflcea.
Alked whether the U.S. adopt!'"' ol
economic punbihment me1surea would
result 111 1uch countermwures, Mercado
repUed, "never uk a eeneral when.
whtre or how ht ls going to attaclt ''
diplomatic channela, his wife hu also
been buiy on behall cf the U.S. imagt
in Peru. Mra. Slra~a often workl in
Indian affaira and baa apent cons.iderable
time in the Amaion River region, helping
the natives.
Siracuu. still bu relatives alona the
Oran1e Cout, including Pete Siracut1,
well-known aurfer and part cwner cf
the Apcient Mariner Restaurant in
Here several thousand miles from
home, it's fairly easy to turn Ernie
Slracuaa to converntion cf surfln& and
his native Oran1e County coastline. But
ask him to compare Oranae Coast and
Peruvian surf and it comes out
something like : "Well, the break is
further out in Peru. But I wouldn't
say one is better than the other. It11
just different."
Thus once again you hear the diplomat
Even in troubled limes. it sort of
&ives you confidence in the U.S. Mis&icn
in Lima, Peru.
U.S., S. Viets
Eyii{g War Pause
States and South Vietnam a.rt (Onlidering
a ct11 .... fite cluriq the Tel holiday atart.
Ing Mooday, the State Departmoot 11ld
today. It aald the Saigon pvenunent had
indicated it would airee to a 1hort
But prua olflcer Robert J, McCloskey
said no accord had been reached on
posslhlo timl1111 and duniU.., ol ouch
a military 1tandown. "Any dec~lon wlll
reflect the cartful UMUmtl'll of the
military capablUtt ud movement of
the enemy,'' he said.
McCloskey added that the State
Department may have been iJI touch
with Sen. Jobn J. Sporkman {!>-Ala.),
on the dolirahiilly ol a Tel cea»llrt.
Sparkman said on Capitol Hill llday
that he would be "alad to 1tt an
armlsUce called" in tht Vlalnam fil!l>llnl
during the bGlld1y.
From P .. e l
sweater, shirt and shoes to let them
dry after falling in the water near where
he was playing.
He was ~ back to waiUn1 ground
units and quickly wrapped in a warm
blanket and returned to his grandfather.
When the H.B. Eye returned to Long
Beach International Airport, Crawford
and MorrlllO!l found they ha~ less than
15 minutes worth of fuel left. They
had beer in the air more than two
Today Gary is in good hea1tb, despite
hi• cold dJp in the wa:ter Tuuday.
Depue explained that Gary'• parenta
are divorced and the boy ~ been
in the care of hia grandparents for
tht past eight monlhl.
Gary's father livea in Colorado Sprin&s,
Colo., and hia mother, Sharon, lives
at 16507 23rd St., Sunset Beach.
Committee members would be ap-
pointed by the governor to four·)'ear
terms wllh full authority to tnveatigate
all campu.1 dlalrubanees.
11'Ibll commiulcn would hold hearings on every act of force and violence oc-
curring on campus in order to detennlne
who had committed those acts and t'o
remove all such persom:, '' Schmitz said.
He laid if facuJty members were found
guilty their dismiosal would h e
permanent and students who were ex·
pelled could not return to school for
three years.
"The commillion would also be em-
pcwered to d1smlsa c a m p u s ad·
ministrators who do not use their autbori·
ty effectively to , keep the peace," the
lawmaker said, adding that includes
prestdent.s, chancellors, deans and other
Neither University of Callforllla rnentl nor State COUe1e trultfta would have
any authority to interfere with the com-
misslon, Schmitz said.
.. Its own authority would be strictly
limited to deaUng with acta or force
and violence, and would not extend to
any academic activity," he said.
Seal Beach's delegation noted that their
city, unlike Newport, hu no jurild.lction
over any tidelands. And this, they said.
created a special problem ·in that the,'
are stuck with the ei:pense of cleanint
up "minor spills" when they lap alone
the beachfront. Such cities now receive
1 percent of offshore oil revenue to
defray these costs, but it isn't enough.
according to the Seal Beach spokesmen.
The revenue share should be increased,
they said.
Long Beacy Deputy City Attarnty
Peter Lingo spoke briefly to the group,
indicating agreement with Seal Beach'•
position and that of other coastal com·
munltiea that state, u wdl u federal.
drilling regulations should be tightened.
It was decided by the deleaates at
the meeting that further information on
federal and state leasing practices, and
the consequ,ences of such practleu.,
should be sought by each of the five
cities prior to the pr111entation of ap-
propriate resolutions to the city couoclla.
The resolutions would then be directed
to state and federal repreaentativu for
legislative act.ion.
.)J. J. (Jarrell~
l .
l • r
6-46-0275 6-46-0176
Laguna· Beaeh Today'• Fhaal
VOL:. •2, N0. 38, 3 SECTIONS .. 36 PAGES ORANGE COUN1Y, ~IA . THURSDAY, ~RUARY 13, '1969 .TEN (;ENfS
. " . '
Coast Cities to 'Gang Up' on Oil · Pollution
CM llMI Dllltr l'tlM Slltt
Mayon and city managers of five
Orange Coul cilles agreed Wednesday nlibl to wort in coocert against the
thrul ol oflahon oil pollution.
'Jbe qreement was reached at an
intorma1 ·dinner meeting in San Clemen-
te. n.e comensU11 of the group wu that
the federal 1overnment should recognize
-the lllalO oil aanctuary created oil the
• I
Plea Made
For Sirhan
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The defense
moved for a mmrlal today in the Sirhan
Bishara Sirhan murder trial because of
a newspaper story saying he might plead
guilty to the murder of Sen. Robert
F. Kennedy.
The motion was introduced after a
lengthy conference between attorneys
and the judge in the latter'• chambers
that delayed the start of what wen
apected to be opening statements and
the beglnnlnc of tesUmnny.
The story, in the Los Angeles Times
WednNdly, said then was 1 probability
8lrban ml&bl plead guilty and bope for i. 1entence of life lmprisonme!lt rather
than !be death penalty. Aller making
the motion , chief defense counsel Grant
B. COOper began presenting evidence
la support of it.
''The defendant, Sirhan Sirhan, moves
for a mistrial,'' Cooper told the judge,
"m grounds of publicity by the Los
Angele!: Times of yesterday morning,
followed by a resume on every radio
and television 1Uotion in the city,
mu:lting in publicity to the saturation
point prior to the sequestration of the
The jury in the case has not so far
been 1equestered -locked up -thus
wa.s exposed to news accowtts of the
Times story.
Cooper offered four editions of lhe
Times into evidence and quoted the main
headline, "Sir ban Guilty Plea Llkely."
He also offered as evidence copies of
broadcast stories he said were aired
after publication of lhe Times article.
One broadcast account, at noon over
KNX radio, referrec! to the possibility
ol a change of plea as a "rumor"
ahd went on to aay the defense "refusl!d
to comment" and the prosecuUon 1aid
"We have made no deals."
Festival Eying
New 'Watchdog'
For Equipment
The Festival of Arts may buy an
electronic watchdog to help guard lls
goodies which include $10,000 worth of
aouod equipment at Irvine Bowl.
J'!le Festival bnlrd of diredon Tues-dai watched a demoruitration of a space-aae sensor that sniffs out Intruden wltb
101' frequency radio wavea.
Tbe electronic Fido wouJd then beep
the polie<,ajaUnn telling them an Intruder
bad dlsturbed its wave pattern.
Dovid Clark, -ting Specially
Eng1beerini en .. demonstrated Seco-lert
to Uie board. The cost wouJd be lll90
to pr'olect !be llage building and oflle<1.
He oild tile protecllon could be exponded
to Otlier mu of !be Feltlval.
~ Stuort Durkee warned tile
~lblt loa of IOWld equipment could
m4an no Pageant or tht Muters. Dincton agreed conditionally to the
put<Jwe. Festlvol officials will check
on ezperlenco of users of !be ayllem
and on olber burglar systems.
N~ YORK (AP) -'Ille llOck market cl-mhed leday alter another -""
laa ~nd loclcluster .... ton. (See quota·
It....; P•IU llH?).
.. ),
county coasUlne IOtlth of the Santa Ana
River by not ptnnlttlng lea&lJI& of ad·
jacent federal waters.
Amoog tboee parliclpatlng In the
discu.saloa at Omar's .Rataurant Wert
Newporl Belcb M8Yl>" ~ Manball
and City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt;
Huntington Beach Councilman T e d
Bartlett · and City Admlnlst;ator Doyle
Miller i Seal ~a~h Mayor. Lloyd Gum-
mere and City . Manager Lee Risner ;
San Clemente Maytr Wide Lower;
• Lqun• Belch llf.ly• Glbl Vedder IJ\d
City Manapr JllllU D. ~too.
'Ille -bad -arlcinall:J schedllled I• nut 1DOllll>. hut w11 ad-
vanced II I mull ol ·tlil Sula Blrbaia
oil dlllller.
Als<i •tlendinc wu. Fllih Dlsbict
Supehoisor Alton E. • Alfeil ol. LHun•
Budi. lie lold the t•therJnc lluit '!he
county ahudy la w~ on JqillltJve
~ that would lffect the Slate'
Linda Commiaoion, wblch rulea no oil
. ' . ; . ' drilling and tiplor1Uon In state waters.
MlO'll sUpesUOl)S · broogh\ ~P lll)d
a'nerally •greed qzt wu lihe need for
tbe Lands Commlulon to condllCf bear·
inp in. thole areu ·Involved .Jn oU in-
dustry !natter~. · .
Newporl Mayor Marlihall po\llted• out
tba! .ll 1 U)ls ,had been the F.00'9ore
when lhe.~ds ~ recently
pve ,the Sjlell Oil ,'Co. !>'~-to link I ~ ~ bole off NeW]l!lrt·lfarb...,
tl'le acUon wQUld not have come u.
such a be\11,.i ourprlle to N<wporl.
Seal Beach and Hunllnglon Be1cb representa.Uvea, whole c:ommmtUea an '!GI lnclucled in tjle 111111'• oil llllduuy,
lndlcated ·doubt that the pnMaloria o!
the Shell-Omnlnilwn Act could be ex·
i.nded north ol the Santa .\DI River.
'Ille Sbell-Olnnlnglwll ~·mated the
~ary south of the rivtrJ a dORO
yean ago. . . ·"!<
Obaerven al the _,,, in Sin
Clemente 'lald Ille 'Sell Beocll and llW>
tlnglon . Belch 1!Uludt appured to Ill
that "oil Is then now and It'• bllall
developed, ao they'll have CO UYI wtti
Seal Belcb'• ddog1tkln noled lbll lbllt
city, unlike N_., baa DO jurtldldloD
over any Udelancll. And lllll, U..,. Ilk!,
mated a 8peclal ·problem in tbat 11111
are stuck with !be Ul"flll ol cleaninl
up "minor opills" wben they lip a1ooiC
the beachfroot. SUch cltlet now recetYe
(See ClTIBB, .l'lp J),
• IC ear1n ... ~a :a 1na
UPIT ........
Loran Sllliphant
Skid Row Man
Held in Slaying
Of Writer's Son
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A resident
of a skid row hotel today was charged
with the murder of the teen-aged son
of television producer Stirling Silllphant.
Otis Holley Hornes Jr., 38, who had
a prior record of narcotics arrests, was
picked up shortly after midnight at the
downtown hotel where be lived.
He wu booted on au1plclon oI the
murder of Loren Sllliphant, 11, who was
shot to death in bis Hollywood apartment
early Wednesday when be told an in-
truder be had no heroin for sale.
DetecUves said a guest at Slllipbant's
hippie-style apartment was accosted in
the corridor by a male Negro wbo
demanded to know wbere be could buy
drug•. 'Ille guest, Richard Becker, 13,
led the stranger to Sillipbant's apart-
ment, where be barged in and shoved
Sillipbant up against a wall, asking,
"give me aome stuff."
Wben Sllliphant told him be bid no
heroin, the man fired one shot into
his -~ and the yOQth •lumped to
the floor.
Scouts, Gls
Recover 7
Crash Dead
Lawmen, GI.s, and Scouts forfeiting
a holiday fought . tangled , brulh. mud
and fog Wednesday bpog{Qg seven Navy'
fliers' re.mains out of cDOuntains canyona
and crevices where theY died inltanUy
Authorltie! at Los Alamttol Naval Air
Station at the aame time 1ave names
to. !be seven Minneaoll rqerviola, l'ljoae
SP2E Neptune patrol' bomber slammed·
Into Sanllaio. Peak in · 'a fireball the nitlbt btlore. . · , ;. " ,. , · • t,
Veteran 1earcb and rUcue squad meni· ..
bera are famijiar 1liUa. flDa1 hendling
of -who di, .-111. !>al,... -· E>plonr--~fl ....
frlm and gnJeDtor dulJ.
The ordeal and tlJe apu on the mist-
drencbed tide c:J s.ddleback would work
on the.lr mlnda u well a Ule1r bod.lea.
Some of the victims' · remal.nl were
hardly recognizable u bum.an in plaatic
bags and sheets, while the job of getting
them oot of !be rugged, manzanlll.cJiok-
ed wilderness was seemingly inhuman
in itself.
"Those fire trails up there looked like·
the old Bunna Road," 1a1d Officer Dick
Bersch, of the Costa Mesi Police Search
and Rescue Team.
"If we were going uphill, we knew
we were going in· the right direction,"
he added, "It's extremely rugged terrain,
and a fog bank rolled over and cUt
visibility down to leu: than 200 feet."
Reaervl!ts from Twin CIUes Navll Air
Station at MiMeapolil-St. Paul fiew Into
Loo Alamllol NAS Jul Sunday for two
weeks' annual training and these are
the seven going home early:
-Lt. Cmdr. Robert F. Coad, SB, of
White Bear Lake, Minn., fllot of the
ill.fated anUsubmarlne patro bomber.
-Lt. Cmdr. Beal G. Dolve1, 36, of
Minneapolis, c<>j>llol.
-Petty Officer t'C Barris R.
DearlckMt, 47, M.lnneapolla.
-Petty Offlcer l/C Walter R. J1cob-
1e11, 40, of St. Paul.
-Lt. Cmdr. Olver B. WaUey, 34,
Menominee, Wil.
-U. Joa E. S11rratt, age unknown,
1ra1n1n1 offfetr bale< 11 tile Twin cm ..
air faclllty.
-Petty Clfficer l/C J* E. lllmell,
31, of Rocbester, M1nn.
o I .
Barnyard Baddies
Sally, a 11).poqnd Hampshire piglet, gets welcoming sniff from Mr.
Ed, a pen;nanent resident of Laguna Beach J)umane Society's bam·
Yard; .. Animal .altendant Frank Marko . makes introductions. Salty
was 1giveo to Humane SQcjety by family .who lives .in' resi~entia~.·aru
not ,®pdw:ive lo ·best interest• of a rapidly ·1r0wlng 'plgle\. ' ' ·
2 Films 011 Commm1ism
OK'd for Laguna Scho·ols
Two inspect film1 about Communl!m
were not found objectionable by trustees
of Laguna Beach Unified School District
al a special lhowlni Wednesday nlght.
The fllmg, ·''Face of Red China" and
"China Under CommwUsm" are among
lhole Oii tile Orin(• County School
Board's special treatment list.
They cannot be simply ordered by
a teacher as can other teaching
materials. They mU!t flnt be approved
by, !be scbool board ol a dlslricl
Trwlteee: Larry Taylor, Dr. Anlhony
Orlandella and William Wilcoxen uw
the two -movies during a public showing.
Dryer Bought for Pag~ant "I don't see why they were banned,"
llld Taylor. He nnl<d that !be films
were about 10 years old but II.Id be
felt they alill would have IOmt value
for a high acbool senior.
No More Airing Out Co$tumes in Or~.hestra Pit
The FesUval of Arts hope1 to have
the costumes out of the orchestra pit
by aummer. They're buyJnc 1 clothes
In an airing of the Pageant's toiled
laundry, director David Young confided
to fellow board members TUesday that
eostwnes for the art spectacular were
being dried In !be on:hlltra pit.
Pageant producer Don Wllllamt0n had
plunkl!d down a $5. deposlt at a chain
store to hold the sate price on a dryer
In hopes !be board would spring for
ll .
Y Oltlll llld !be dryer could be bad
for 1141 (likely without permanent P"al
or fluff dry capabllillel).
'Ille board bad no sooner oellled tile
Jaundrying of costumes with a ya vote
than the1 fol into tbelr CT<IUoo and
YOWi( 11ld !be Pageant bad been ullng,
!be oewlnc macblne of !be -· miltreu for yean:. 4'The machine ii
getting Ured,'' he Ille!.
He recommended purclLa1e ol two sew· Inc macblne•, both he1vy dut1. and one
with extra devices, for '311. Tiie boltd
agreed. I
In other bullnell, the bnlrd 1
-Debated bat agreed le poy ""' ball
($27.50) an advertisement in "Add-Oae",
the Orqe County Preu Club lllllllal
publication which supportl pnu club
acbolanbip1, frffdom ol lnfonnaUon and
bindlcapped chlldrel1. ·
-Apprll'led I'm for an automatic
-Delayed f« 1 month •l\J' declaloo
on the name for the thf:attr now under
COOllnlctlon on the Fest!Yol """""'· -APJll"'Ved the cbambet ol co11111111rce
request far IOll Ucl:tll to the P•aunl
preview1 at UJe annual chamber mem·
benlllp cllnner. .
, --\ulltorl"l'!!Ule ot·tbe grou11j11 May
u, U ond .JI In< a ..,.,..... ,.1ile
to be~ by SL C.~ne'1 School
~ !bit 1' declllon ,ln"Qi• ouit
1gafllll • Uie F•Uval · by ar1lll' CliarlU
Be1uY1ll 11 lllU pencllna,
AIDd u. c11y to man 1V1111bte u
parkJna -to replace -loll to cnn!Jnldi<'!I of the IA-){OQlton
PlaJboiiie and heard an lndlclillon from
the mayor that they wW have the gpacea.
Heard a auggest.lon from dll'ec:tor
Verner Beck that next year'• board
cotlllder tearinf out ~;91!r~nce to
Irvine Bowl Ind ttplld!I' tt with ...,.~ mo!. ortlsllc~ , . ,
-Went Into execuUve .... ion to dllcu.q
I ~ft"l'or Mn. Cll'I (Luelle)' ,Gllbei;t,
former FerUval cmploye. ,
Taylor llld !be films were a history
of CommWllll acUv!Ues lilcl projecllont
of wbal '"1ght bappen.
·Taylar · llld Commenlllar Waller
cniotlte wu lo one of the lllml. 'f1le
-111c1 !be 011m ...... 1n 1r1..iocue 1tyll olmlllr lo fllDll lbowo pn;telmolon.
"IJI ill ol -.Wnp lt ll ltDpoNnt
how • tucber <U..11 Ult ma~ll . l"l!
I htye ".'Pldence ' in our ' ~."
Tayll!: ll!d. ,
Dr. OrllndeDa ll!d, •1 -DOlltlnl that In aay ,..,. would lnflnence kldl
lo loek Oii CommW1lsm M I dellrlblt
way of life." He II.Id te didn't Wiik
!be films ,... up to date. HI ll!d
lhey sbowl!d Communism u a movement
of a great many people but a fallurt. ·
Wilcoxen wu not lrnmedt1tet1
av.U,ble to . comment todly, bu I
r<porudly , •hared tile • 1-.i· view ol
the other two trustees.
Two addJUonal film• are to be lbown
Ii> ~ "bolrd intmbeil Monday. 'Ille
showing WW 111ln be publi<. ' '
Ooze Within
One Mile
Of Island
Of ... D911r .. , ........
A slick of crude oil, laced with ttraw,
stretching about live mDn Jone 11 drU•
ting three-quarters of a milt north of
Catalina tsland, a search bJ Newport
Beach offlclals revealed Wednadl7.
City Harbor Coordinator George Daftl
and Lifeguard Chief Robert Reed led
a boat search Wednesday whlc?l turned
QP the Jw0opijle-wl.de slick c6mprlMd
of "a thin 'flifn of ' oil lfhh bea:ritl'
globs blended in." .'
Dawes aald the patch of ~ wu
• ~ _;i 40 to .Cs mile' away from the ~P
'-: ~'wi~-':t¥~.r-tlff.•
· contlrm.t tbat the oil'• IOUl't'I JI tbl
Santa Barbara· C!wulef wke "'"*""' of workmen are 1~ itrl.w t. IOU
up the oil aJoq ·tbe ~ • •
"Jt'1 ·a toa up wbe~ 'i&e oil , will
move on the outslde of the Island ot
into the chaMel. • It mlgbt evU IPlff
up around Catalina," Daw• aJd. .
. COast Guard planes are apeded lo
Dy out to the 1llck t.o trace its.travel.
Meanwhile, a1 a pr.e,c•u ti •••r1 -
measllre, Orange County HarbormMLlr
Al Oberg anno~ plln.s lo !Jave lotl
boolll!I, ·both plulk and wooden, l'tldJ
to stretch acrou the mouth of Newport
Harbor In cue oil fnim Slnll B~bpl
drlfta down.
He Rid that Jogs are available tbroaah
the Edi,.. Co. within three boura ol
sighting a threatening 1llck. A -.
could be. stretched within elj:ht boun:
after the delivery of the logs.
As an . added nfety measure to the
barbor11 tbouJands ol amall craft. Oberr
said, a Long Beach marine sun.,tnc
firm will have avallable a plutlc: kit"
boom of lolfg floats, plutle IDllll and
skirts which could be atnmf Ott! in
quieter waters near the harbor entrUCL
Saigon to Free 149
In Amnesty for Tet
SAIGON (UPI) -'!be Saigon rovern-
ment today aMOUJ1Ced it '"1l free 141
convlcl<d prisonen in -ol the Toi,
the lunar new year boUct.J which be&illl
Feb. 17. ,
The government Vletnan:; Prell Alenc1
said 411 other prltoners would be sranted
other f o r m s of ~y for Tet. ie-
cluding the reducllon ol ... 1enceo kr
373 of them .
or ... ge
wea-.~r . 1
Another nl<e d<Y lo Cll tho "11
Frldoy. with lair ,1;1., .... lamp-
erlture. ed&1ng up inlo tbe mtd!
die lislla alone the OranP C-.
Financial writer S~lvia Pon.
er todor ltJll how qva.cb art
prcr/i•o °" arlhndo lflf/,,..... to.
a columft czpoling itiml o/ cM
"maQic cvre1,. on PoQ• M . =.. l~ :::;" .. : ca. ... •• fl-» '*""' .,..r •
c-ic. ................ " °""' ....., ll =---= = :=-i.:· ...._ '"' I ~· .. ~=· I »~ :..w -= • ... (... It ,....... • .......... , . ...., '
"-....... H ~.,...·. ...... . .............
. .
• ., .•.• , · 11 TOM·~ . , , /
, . ~· \ ·~ !; t j. ~ J
ON11 OF OUR SOCIETY'S most .s_. hlncUPt Wll Wullrat..i to mWkm of televiaioo vJewera the other
nlPt. Maybe you uw IL Telecast on KNBC,
tllo -IY _.. Involved five
-la hooted dilcUMIOll over lb
•11on. Tbe Ad reality does not concern the
topic dlnctly. It ls tho fact that no
teem were involved ln the ciiscl.wJon.
Bee-ol lhll, any "'nclllllon lhey
-II, to ..... ·-~ lnvll!d. Tiie -ol the ptOlr&ID WU to decide wbethtr aa education should be
....... la tllo -.,..,.. Wb1le ... -lion dlroctly Ill-teenagen, .... wen m tbe program to offer opinkm.
'lllat'a the majorlllqup. When~
.-p11 to -alter • acbool
IJllem, more -than not teens are
"""" uked far their oplnlOll. And 1'e! It'• 1be t.ni&en' llvel that are going to be changed.
LocaDy, that problem isa't quite as
,. . ' great, althougb tt allll eallta. Students
at Laguna Belch HlCh School m cloeply
involved 1n chanalnr preaent currkuJum
and innovating new studie&. •
At this time, a numb.r of students
are reviewing Spanlah te1tbooks, and
oCferinc any new ·kleu that may improve
the l)'llem. Earlier this year, students
were' asked to suggest any new atudlea
that might be added to the curriculum
in the years to come.
ThiB involvement la good; teens m
being lllowecl to give their vieW)!Olnt.s
on topiu tbal d!Ject!y alfect !!>em. l\NBC
lac.keel this tmaginaUon, this initiative,
to involve youth .
In civic affairs, Laguna teena are
voting members of the L 1 g u n 1
Coordinating Council, the c1t.lten1'
Advlaory COuncll (which ii forming lhll
. city's master plan), and the YMCA.
But there afe aUll areas where the
youth are nOt being heard, and perhaps
Ibey should be.
CommunicaUon cou1d be greatly In-
crtased if a teen liaison man between
the atty Council and teen community
could be initialed. Presently, the only
way a teen can be heard ii through
letters and persooaJ appearances at CJty
Councll meetings. It's a bapbuard way
ol keeping In touch with youth.
The htgh school is a IOCiety Within
itself. And the school board ls the govern-
ing body ol thal eoclety. Al lhla time, teens aren't dJ.rect.ly represented; qaiD.
they have to resort to 1etten.
Altholigb ma.cy ol this town's elder
citizens might not agree, I think 11
might be I wise mcive if the IChool
board wu locreased, to allow a student
to sit in.
'lbe. school hoard, althoogh not u
dramatically, sometimes •eta like the
KNBC sex debate. The lives of t.eenJ
are being clbcqued, while teens aren't
being dirlCUy represented. lt'a a hangup
·that should. be deal! with.
If my life is going to be changed,
1 want to be in on the plarming.
Laguna, C'-etnenw Highs Summer Session
Plans Aband-Oned
Plan Own 'Dating Game' Saddlebact College trustees have
discarded the idea of holding a summer
seMion this year because they found
no pra,:ti.cal place to bold ooe.
Olpld will be letting I lltllt. alra
belp lhll yt!ar from the studenil of
Laguna Beach and San Clemnte high
scbooll, albeit a day late for Valentine's
A Dating Game between the two
ICbooll has been organized by Student
Body vtce-president Tom Tabor. lt will
be b<ld Saturday at San CI...-'1
IYlll· Tbe game, a lake-oft on the television
program will involve aeven boys and
flvt glril from both achoola. Participants
were cboaen Jut Friday when San
Clemeote Judiea picked 12 Lagunaoa
and Laguna Judiea aelected 12 San
Cltmllllle atudeota.
Laguna partldpenll are aenlorr RIU
Reynolda and Lee PayllOll; Junlon
Charlie Ware, John Slonky, Jill Miller,
Judi Vanpan, Cbr1a Bowman. aod BID
Brown; IClpbomort• Steve Cbamben,
Margot Qiather, and Bart Tabor; and
-Lentil JlloltermJn, "'Ibis is bonnd to Iminv• Laguna.San
Clemente relaUons," quipped partlclpant
Candidate Quits
Race for Board
Of Saddkback
Mrs. Joanne Dound1, one of the two
candidates who had filed for the Sad-
dlebact College board of trustees; his
wltlldmm from the race.
Mn. Doudna, o1 rn ca11e Del Paclllco,
San Cltm<nto, a lnlltee ol the Clplltrano
UnHled School Dilt:r1ct. WU not available
to MTUDl!ld: • her reuoo fer with-
A apolteaman !cir the Orange County
IChoola office aald l5he had filed a letter
~that her candidacy be dropped
but had not stated a re.aeon. No reason
ii roqulrtd.
Tbe ctloG left ,.. cmlldale, ilmlald
s , an attorney rMid1nC at H*l
Villa I Mar, cai>lalrano BUch.
1Wo aata: are open on the board.
'lboJ' are pmenlly held by Hana w.
Vapl ol Sante Ana and Patrick J.
Bockul ol Ilona Polnl. Tbe elecUon will
be held April II with about 81,IOO eligtble
to 't'ot.e. '
Tbe Oedgllni: distrlct was formed by
a vote cl the electorate on Valentine's n.1 urr and 11 ..,. conducUq cw...
at tta temporary campus 1n Mission
DAil! PllOT
l•Ml'f H. W°••' .. ,. .......... ~
J•c.• •• c..1 • .,
Vkt l"rftldirolt .... G!M<'.ti ,..,..Mr
11. ...... k, • .,a
U."'11 A. M11r,.1rti"• ~[4111«
Jic.li•rll P. H1fl P111I Ni•Hll LffUM IMC.II ' "'"""•tlll.,.
· (llY 1:411tot Ol<K""
........... Ofnc.
21l .... "t Aw•,
M1Hi11f M,,..., PJ:J. ••• '''-91•5~ --Cntlo MtM! DI Wnt • .., t1i,.e1 f.....-t ~! 7211 WHI &1iball &Ollle¥flt•
...... 4111 ...,.I • ltfl...... ~
Charlie ware.
After rdlecllon, th"'lh. be added, "I'm
not,.... wliat my girlfriend wW .. , ...
'!be llllln( Game will begin at I
p.m. and a Valentine's Dance wlll follow.
Acllvillea end at midnight. Admt.sslon
is $1 with a student OOdy card aad
IUO wi1hout one.
All California •
Show Gets Cash
From Festival
Laguna's mod All California Show wiU
again hive Festival of Arts backing
to lbe bme o114 ,ooo.
Festival dtrectcn with one disaenUng
vote approved ff,000 to back the summer
juried exhibit at Laguna Beach Ari
Aslociatlon 1.Uery. Director Richard
Brooks voted no.
Directer Helen Keeley reported on a
meeting of the All Calllomia Show com-
She laid the group felt that the show
should be ""'1lnued becauae Its art '
-It the ari being teught Jn acbooil.
-Is contemporary and Js the art being
shown in metropolitan art galleries.
-ls dillerent and more advanced than
art shown in 1:1 local galleries.
-Is the onJy cornprehenaive show of
lhla type In the viclntty.
-Is needed for the prestige ol. Laguna
Beach u an art center,
Mrs. Keeley aa1d the purcbue awards
which tbe Festival finances are valuable
becaU8e jt bullda a permanent art col-
lectloo for the Festival
The Festival receives the prize winning
worts. Mrs. KeeJey said it was estimated
the Festival collection, now on loan,
bas a value of $5,250.
Director Stuart Durkee agreed with
supplying $4,000 and helping the art
show with publicity and a tram stop.
However, be wanted ticket 1ales to the
show and Festival handled separately:
1'Tbey run their Bhow and we run ours."
Director David Young offered the suc-
cessful motion.
Jtfuter• File
Sch<i>l bulldinp in ... .. the Interim
campus now wW be reloclted during
the summer months to the permanent
campus. Workmen simpy can't move
the buildings with cllSltl in them .
And additional building on the new
permanent campus won't be available
jn time.
Saddleback officials said they inquired
of ltjgh schools in the district about
using their buildings, but they are all
take n for the high schools' own aummer
A survey of Saddleback students show-
ed 339 Interested in a aummer 1 aesslon,
enough to justify one, but alas there
was no suitable location.
So Saddleback trustees acted this week
on the recommendation of Supt. Fred
Bremer to not bold summer school this
Laguna Burglar
Gets $3,175 Haul
The theft of $3, 175 worth of property
including a color TV·!lereo combinaUon
console was reported Wednesday by
Rlcbard ~en May, 32:, ol 2810 AJrxl:
Road, La_guna BeaCh. ,
The bl.U'glary occurred at May's 1-
dence whlle he was away at work Wed-
nesda~ Police Lt. John Zelko said. There
was no sign of forceable entry.
The theft aso included a short wave
radio, su.lt cases. stereo speakers, and
a coin collection. May told officers that
upon returnng from work at 6 p.m.,
he noticed a s1ld1na: glass door to the
home WU open.
He noted that when the huge TV
console was bought it took four men
to move it into the house.
Ex.Secretary Ailing
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -Fonner
Secretary of State James F. Byrnes
remained tiospitalJzed today with what
his doctor called 4,tlYlndi!poaing illnw."
South Carolina's elder statesman was
placed in the intensive care unit o!
Baptist Hospital Tuesday. ,
Irma Harpor, admln!straUve 8'!lstant for Festival cl Ari&, sorts
licket appllcaUons for Pageant of the Masters. Requests for 1969
Pageant already have come from 34 states and six foreign countries.
Master Uckets go on sale to members March I and to general public
April I by mall only, Box office opens May 15. Festival is sel for July
II through Aug. 2!.
• DAILY •ILOT lllff ......
Controversfal Sect Sffk.1 Out the .Wicked Along Art Colony's Main Drag -'.~~~--''--~~~~-
Church Hippie Teens Take
Crusade to Laguna Beach
OI .... Dellr •1111 lllfl
Somewhat like avenging angels, a con-
tingent of Huntington Beach's Teens for
Christ swooped down on Laguna Beach
Wedne&day cattying placards, wearing
sandwich signs, and admonishing all to
follow l".iod's word.
Laguna Beach police r e p o r t e d
numerowi calls from shocked ciUzens
complaining about the ' ' h I pp i e s ' '
marching up and down the main city
streets at about 4 p.m. No incidents
were reported.
Police estimated thal 50 to 70 of the
self·styled Christian zealots made the
Cranston Supporting
Department of Peace
Cranston ha joined aupporten cl leeiala-
tlon whi.ch would aet up • e1bJntt:tevel
Department of Peace.
Cranston, a Democrat, told a news
conference Wednesday th e proposed
department would seek peace through
the llmitaUon and control of weapons.
Laguna trek . The group seemed to con·
gregate at the Mustlc Arts World, 670
S. Coast Highway following ~ arrival
in the city from HunUngton Beath.
SigrtJ the sect members carried pro-
claimed "America is Doomed,'' "Jesus
Saves," "Peace;" "He is the Light"
and "Dig God," as well u many Biblical
The group's leader, the Rev. Dave
Berg, was not with the Laguna marchers,
a member said. Berg reportedly re-
mained in the group's headquarters, Llgh( Club, In Huntington Beach.
'nle reactions of Lagunans were mixed.
Many of the elderly viewed the marchers'
missionary attempts with disdain.
"Why don't you creeps take those
paper signs off and go to church,"
one woman screamed at the Teens as
she pas.oed .by In her car.
A marcher shouted back," God never
told u.s to build churches."
Some citizens accepted the group's
religious tracts or engaged members
of the sect in debate.
The teens have visited numerous
Orange County churches where their
unconvenUonal garb and manner has
stirred several congregations.
Frequently, however, the group has
been welcomed by churches and invited
to attend services.
Frotn Page 1
J percent of offshore oil revenue to
defray these costs, but it im't mou&b.
according to the Seal Beach spokesmen.
The revenue share should be increased',
they said.
Long Beacy Deputy City Attcrney:
Peter Lingo spoke briefly to the group.
indicatinr; agreement with Seal Beach'I
position and that of other coastal com·
munities that state, as well as federal.
drilling regulations should be Ughteoed.
·It was decided by the delegates at
the meeting that further information on
federal and state leasing practices, and
the consequences oC such pracUcu,
should be sought by each of the five
cities prior to the presentaUon of •Po
propriale resolutions to the city counclls.
The resoluUons would then be directed
lo state and federal representatives for
legis lative action.
Trade Deficit Drops
To New Britain Low
LONDON (AP) -Britain's foreign
trade deficit dropped to $24 million in.
January, $108 million less than the deficit
in December, the Board of Trade an-
nounced today. ·
The deficit was the lowest aince tM
pound was devalued in November, 1957.
It appeared to support predictions by
government leaders that Brilain would
turn the corner and balance its forelp
trade books in 1969.
al _jJ. J. (Jarrell ~
\ (
6•6·0275 ••6-027'
Inside, • Former Or•nv• Countian Strugglts .With the Mounting Crisis
Coast Man on 'Hot Seat'
Beacli's Siracusa Heu Tough Mission in Pe ru
()f fll• DIMY Plltl 51.tt
• LIMA, Peru -Ernest Siracusa. former
Huntington Beach surfer, scholar and
grid hero, today is a man here with
a mission. ':\..._ ·
He is, in fact:'Sltti5e second hottest U.S. diplomatic sea ·n all o{
South America. ·
Siracusa is a career diploma . He
is deputy chief -0f mis!ion for the U.S.
Embassy in Peru. It's no tea-and-cakes
chore these days. .
U.S.-Peruvian relations have stefldily
worsened since a military junta abruptly
to.ssed out the government of President
Fernando Belaunde Terry. Then on Oct.
9, 1968, the junta siezed a U.S. oilfield
and r~finery operated by International
Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of
Standard Oil of New Jersey.
Now the Peruvian junta is demanding
"back payment" of $690 million for ail
the company pumped tram its field in
Peru. And the U.S. government, in turn,
is threatening ta cut aff aid to Peru
and p"relerentlal sugar purchases which
total about $80 million annually.
Against this backdrop, Siracusa and
his embassy colleagues work in an eUort
to somehow smOOth relations between
their country and Peru. ,
.11ie only· man on a hotter seat than
Slracusa's i1 his bos,s, U.S. Atpbassador
to Peru J. Wesley Jones. ·
In recent weeks, however, Jones ha!
been in Washington conferring on the
crisis with President Nixon. That leaves
Siracusa our man in charge of the U.S.
mi ssion here in the Peruvian capital.
Siracusa cannot, of course, discuss
the inner complexities of his dealiogs
with the now -ruling military junta in
Lima. He only comments, "We are mak·
iog every effort to work out ti,\; most
dliticult and complex problem ."
And the Otange Coast native -a
1 on g way from home -gives you the
clear impression that if anybody can
pull it off, he can.
As one of the U.S. diplomatic aides
commented, "You watch this man
Siracusa -you're going to here a lot
more of him in the years ahead • . . .,
Siracusa is 43, blue~yeci, an easy con-
versationalist with a quick laugh. built
like a halfback (which he waa) and
sporting a ruddy tan on his high forehead
like a surfer (which he is).
"r don't get in much surfing like
In the aid day.s at Laguna, Huntington
Beach or Corona del Mar," he concedes.
"But I sure remember that old surf
break at Big Corona before the jetty."
Si racusa and his family did manage
'Stay 011 Streets'
Huntington's Siracusa
to get home Jn 1007 when he spent
two,, months vacationing in Balboa. His
daughters, Noni, 15, and Kristin, I I,
remained for several month$ for some
"Hometown USA" school e1perience in
Huntington Beach. Siracusa and his wife,
Jaq, also have a son, Jerry, 23, who
is attending UC Santa Barbara. The
Siracusas have also purchased a home
in Huntington Harbour which they hope
someday to enjoy.
The Orange County dip I o mat's
background is as impressive as the job
he now faces in Peru.
He was graduated from Huntington
Beach High School in 1936 where he
was student body president. He was
also stuc!ent body president when he
graduated from 'Fullerton Junior Colege-
in 1938.
Then in 194'0, he was graduated from
Slanford University as a P~ Beta Kappa .
W h 11 .e at Fullerton, Siracusa playio:d
halfback on the Hornet football team
until his playing days were ended when
he suffered a broken back in a game
against Riverside.
Siracusa entered foreign service at
age 21. He has spent the last %7 yeats
Possible Terror ,Brings
Warning for U.S. Gls
SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. military
command warned American servictmen
today to stay off the strte:ts of Saigon
"until further notice" because of the
possibility of Communist terrorism dur·
lng the approaching Tet holiday season.
Tet, the lunar l'!ew year, officially
htglns Monda,y and lasts until Wednesday
of tiext week. The Communists who
hive proposed Tet cease-firer this year
used the Lruces last year to mounl
tqeit biggest offensive of the war -
a costly attack that carried them into
dOzios of cities and towns. All leaves were cancelled for South
vieLname5e troops for two weeks and
11 "warning for caution" 'advisory 'l'as
placed in U.S. billets and military offices
throughout the capital military district.
Jl suggested any U.S. servicemen mov-
ing through the capital 'in that period
carry arma.
Commanders at the huge Tan Son
Nhut airba&t outside Saigon recom-
mended that U.S. personnel stick close
to the base dur.ing the holiday. Billets'
ln Beigon pooled noticto· urging Amer"
cans lo travel in pairs il they mu st tfavet
al night.
Only an occasional man In unilonn
could be seen on the streets tonithl
and almost all westerners seen were
in civilian dresa. Bar girls stared
vacaotly from deserted clubs echoing
with folk rock music. Normally such
bars are jammed with servicemen.
In contrast, the Saigon market places
were filled with thousands of Vietnamese
purchasing food and gifts for the new
year's holiday. Music blared from
loudspeakers and traffic was thick .
AJ1 1huttle..,. buse11 csrrying American
servicemen in Saigon toda~ bad anned
eScorls. Wedne!lday two buseS were the
targets of terrorists who trie(i but failed·
to bomb tw~ of the1n.
In recent weeks U.S. and South Vitt-'
name!e forces ha ve ca ptured tboosands
of pounds of ammunition apparetf\ly
atockpiled for some sort Ol Tel OffenslVt
and U-&. ftlrcea: today battled lo i01Nh
a guerrilla build up threatening sl.lCh
an offensive, •
The communists shot dollfn four
American helicopters in ·the fights but
loit Q2 mM--in ,baUle wh.lle aU.acklng
three allied bases. ,,
as an emissary of his country. F1.1sts
have included duty in Mexico City,
Guatemala, Buenos Aires and Rome.
Today, tbe Siracusas live in an. im-
pressive PeruVian heme wiui guest house
and swirr.ming pool Where they do much
entertaining on behalf of the U.S.
Mission. It is in Lima's finest residential
area and at one time the home served
as the original school for U.S. stud en Ls
in Peru.
Now there is a modern campus for
U.S. students, named for Franklin D.
While Siracusa works t h r '> u g h
diplomatic chaMels, his wife has also
been btisy on behalf of the U.S. image
in Peru. Mrs. Slracuaa often works In
Indian affairs and has spent considerable
time in the Amazon River region, helping
the natives.
Siracusa still has relatives along the
Otenge Coast, including Pete Siracusa,
well-known surfer and part owner cf
the Ancient Mariner Restaurant in
Here several thousand miles from
home, it's fairly easy to turn Ernie
Siracusa to conversation of surfing and
his native Orange CouDty coastline. But
ask him lo compare Orange Coast and
Peruvian surf and it comes out
something like: "We ll, th e break is
further out .in Peru. But I wouldn't
say one is better than the other. It's
just differenl."
Thus once again you hear the diplomat
Even in troubled limes. it sort of
gives you confidence in the U.S. Mission
in Lima, Peru.
* * * Peru May Trade
V.S. for Reds
In Oil Seizure
LIMA, Peru (UPI) -The possi bility
th&t Peru might turn to the Communist
world for its trade becaUAe of a worsen-
ing dispute with the United States loomeci
here today;
Peruvian "President Juan Velasco
Alvarado said Wednesday that if the
United States forces his hand over Peru's
seizure of American oil Jwldings, he
cpuld "rechannel" Its fpreign trade.
Peru established diplomatic relations
with the Soviet Union Feb. 1 and a Soviet
trade mission is now in Lima. A Peru-
vian mission is en route to Communist
China to buy rice.
Velasco said Peru was free to "adopt
th e measures sees fit" in the f a c e
of U. S. economic pressure, though he
dO'qbted Washington would risk such con-
sequences. Argentina Wednesday issued
a'statement of solidarity with Peru.
Velasco and Foreign Mlnilter Edgardo
Mercado J arrin, both generals in the
junta, said Peru wou1d not give in and
was prepared to "rechannel" its fo reign
Some American businessmen here said
they fear , :>uch possible reprlaals as
diacriminatory taxf!,t.ion and an end to
dollar remittances to home offices.
Asked whether the U.S. adopUon of
economic punishment measures would
result in such count'ermeuurea, Mercado
replied, "never ask a general when,
where or how tie is ioing to attack."
Wayne Rests Up
·After Ribs Hurt
of Newport Beach returned from the I~
cation si~·of hi.I new movie In Durqo,
Mei., for four days rest following rib
injuries suat.atned durmg tn a.ction te-
qlll!nct. ' "They told me r had four dty1 otf,
to why riot go home and rest," Wtynt
aakl. , • ue chartered a plane i nd returned
•prlltr lhb week. A family nt<mbtr
said the tnjUry was not connicted wtth
the actor's operaUon fOr Jung cancer
more Uuul foW" years aao.
TOund•>'. Ftbruiry lJ, 1969 ' .
glcissw~!nittkes .
your table
Crystal clear or smartly shaded ••. Colony glassware makes any table
setting a little brighter. This beautiful collection contains a variety
of sels lo fit every serving need. They'll make your next party shine!
a. 7 p iece cordial sel including hand-
some decanter and 6 matching glasses.
AmbaT, green or blue, 5.99 •
c. 12 piece dessert aet including ail:
b. 24. p18ce a ll puJ'p()te ~bler ~L 8 plat .. and six" matching cups. Choose
each highballs, old fashioned, Wlflf!J/ olive or gold, $,ft \
juice. Olive or gold. S.99
. ' ' ,
: I
may ~gl"'"""'• J 26
Rose Point
Grand Barooue
eave 30.00 to 100.00 on
Wallace sterling 1ervice1
for 4, 8 or 12
Lovely Wallace sterling in the beau ti·
ful pdlterns you've grown to lave •..
now at savings to accommodate any
budget. Clmose a service for 4 and
save ~o.oo; a service for a,and, """e
65,0Q, or a ilj!rvj.ce for 12 <;m!'{. scive "
100.00. All sels include knives, forks,
salad forks and teaspoons. Only a
lew of the patterns are shown.
1'¢tte1n »o1rv1c• ~p .. ~ ~"""' for -4. '°'' lor ~
Roo& Pol:ll IH.00 317.00 141.AIO
Miehe lo 213.AIO 411.00 18.00
Spanisl) Lace 21t.OtI 411.00 Ul.AIO
Dawn Mist 211.JID 4.31.00 8".oo
Graiid BOroque 221.00 44'.00 llUO
'"' Oil Mar eo·.· .u.,.. clW> plcm. No . down· payment, no carrymg
charge, no interest, up to 24 months
lo pay.
1T11"JY .co silverware 4G
may co IOlllll cocl.at pl-. NII cllfto fwy at bristol, c;.t. w; 546-tJZ1'.
shop m~clay tllrouth aaturclay 10 a.m. to t:JO. p;m •..
' '•
-------------~ --
' When someone gives hlm a pre,..
ent, Ohio's Sleflhen y_-ill· care-
ful It doesn't compromlle bit poll-
tion as a United States senaU>r.
t•I've got a $5 limit on all gifts,"
says Young. Someone recenUy
gave him a case of co~Uy scotch
whiskies and the venerable Demo-
crat returned all but~ bottle. "I
appraised it, .. he. aald,( 0 8t ...... " ••
~' '
_BQoa for Btu Bt'ldlle~• . .
'No Pr09re1s'
Vietnam Talks-
Still Deadlocked
lted Lewkrs
M'eeting . Over
Berlin Travel
Lodp and Xuan 'llluJ, head ol tho
Hanoi cleltptloll, emerpd ~ tho
meetin( place at the Fr-" .P<nl&n
Mlnlltr1'1 lal:imaUonal c o D f e r e a c e
Center and ,.ported: 11N'o P'<ICE'-.:·
Tiie Uqited -and Soulb Vflloan\
l(aln """' the (';Ip!-.. -to a lcal!ol down ol the flchllnl, and
the Hanoi and Vlei ·Cooi delecatlons
repeated their lnsllteoc:e that the. con-
lerence deal·wlth polllical llsuu first.
Lodge called on the Communlll ,side
to join the a111.. In 1n •\teml!t to
"find way• to separate tbe contendinl..
forces and arrange for the with drawal
of utemal elementa," meaning foreign
In 1n effort to begin -ting the ~ atmosphere for a pea·cerw
solution to the wsr, Lodge uJ4 the
· United Slates bad "made concrete pro-
posals regarding the demllllariud'zone,
mutual wilbdrawal of uternal forces
While Lilli/, Ga. rt!ridntl
1!qt burolar1 crept ~ ioiU&
-· them Jl,800 ._,w, """ mm:hancll« from a QeN1'GI
1tort ~ a QTOCef'Jl---tht toft'I
only commercial ntnpriu1.
"It """ the fifth time its floe years, .. ~ 1tore owner m.ocmtd.
"But it'1 hard to preDent mtl-
cltkf when alt our reaponrible
dttum are in bed bv 9 p.m."
, ' . . .
' '1Bubbles;".,tbe bus ·buney, drew~ of stares
f~ ~~era on a Toronto bus Wednesday as
-Ibo teajaj;a •sug'g~ made at the Canadian
Urban Transportation Conlerence that bus ~upnies·
be used to make public tranSJ)j)rtation more · ap-
lltRLJN (UPI) -Soviet bloc mlllWJ'
-held a top meeting 'In Eut Berlin ~ otily two doy1 before new
Comniufllll' Berlin travel. restrictions go
Into elf«t.· -the · Eut German nm
aerv1oe ADN~. ll'be meelln1rllllr·
red fears of a new Berlla crisis.
ADN said the Warsaw Pact military
cominanders met under Soviet Manha!
Ivan I.' YoJrubovlky. Present at the
meeting were olficers of the Eist
Germ.ah, Bulgarian; Hunt:arial:i, Poll!h,
Romanian and Czecboalovakian armed
apd prisooen of war.'' ·
1be chief U.S. netotlator told the Com-
munl.sts, "I hope your response (to these
proposals) wW he f>O'IUve." ... . .
• Mrs. Thomas McGoy ·of CinciJ>.
naU got her quarterly, city water
bill and blanched, The . U>taJ W8)1
i175.7S. Sh.e complained and City
Manager Richard Krabach sent
out an invesUgating team .which
di&ci>vered a leaky pipe beneath
her b!>sement floor. Krabach OI·
denid the Watetworks Department
to adjUJI fhe bill, 1aying there was
no way Mrs. McGoy could have
known about the leak short of rip-
ping np the basemerit floor.
. ~ ·~ . : ~ NiXon Taps Ike's
SQn .. f or · Belgiun:i
Ariiha~ado~ Post
Shaw Trial Judge Bans
Testimony on Hypoosis
AON Aid the meeting was held in
and mutual cooperation. But Western
officlals feared the east might be plan-
ning to harass West Berlin in retaliation
for the March i meeting here of the
West German electoral college to elect
a president.
'nlyy, wh.o spoJ<e alter.4>dge, ~ailed
that he Pad. "replied and rejected the
propo&als"•dUring last week's sessions.
His rejection today was just as emphatic.
Finch Cuts Aid
To 3 Southern
School Districts
• Mlcllael Kurivlal ·of· Chicago bu
won a divorce, but ',Was granted
daily visitation rilbts. Judge Hy·
man Feldman saiil Xurivlal could
visit his former wife every day to
wait "Dude," but he bu to pay
'5 a week extra to feed the 50-pouDd dog. •
Wlilte muatanQ1 with white ri<k-
toaU tires may ·not be news, but a
fouNtgged ~el ~ng a tire U
a bit odd. Tom Goodin, of Brwh PMk,
Ind., found thia .,Old Gray Mart" the
ptt'fect a~r to tromportiitg a
needed apart «rt from a &trvict sta·
tion back to hf.s farm. • A prisoner under life sentence in
AUanta, Ga. and a shapely, 25-
year-old brunette have wed in a
ceremony that involved nothing
more than signatures. The couple
married under an 1859 court deci-
sion that said mutual agreement
is the only essential requirement
for marriage, providing that no
other laws are broken.
" . .
WASlllNGTON .(UPI) -John S, D.
EiSenhower, Ion . ol former President
DwJgbt D. ElieDbo}T'er, will be nained
IOOD. by Preside:11t Nixon ·u ·ambassador
to Belgium. It WU learned today.
Eilenhowe-, 46, is a retired Army
col""-L He II upected to he appointed
before lllmt begins his eight-day trip
lo lltt Weolmt European capital.I,
otartlng, Feb. Z3. The first •lop will
be Bnmell, the Belgian capital.
~ wprked for Nixon during
the Utl campaign. His IOD DIYicf,
JO, ls·married to NUon'a daughter Julie,
Eisenhower is vacationing In the_
Bahamas and was unavailable for com-
ment It would be hb first diplomatic
post and first 1overnment job since
he served u a military assistant to
his father in the Wbite House In 11153-
He has written a boot abou\ World
War n and the action centering around
Belgium. If conftrmed by the Senate,
he would succeed Ridgeway B. KnJght,
a career forejgn eervice officer In
NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -Dist. Judge
F..dward A. Haggerty Jr. today banned
all medlcal testimotly by either side
about Peny Raymond ~·s hypnosiJ
sessions on hll st«y u.t Clay L. Shaw
conspir<d to munter•Pmldent John F.
The ruling .... ~ .. t the beg!nnlng
of 1e,ttmony mw, the ~·s 22nd witnesa
In the Shaw CU11pirllC)' trial -Dr. E&-
mbnd Fatter. 1be New Orleans doctor
h~ the ·state's star witness In
Mardi, 1117, before Jlllsso testified at
a pr.llmlnary belrlnJ. .
The def.-. had announced that It
intended to ell1 a naUonally known
speclallsl In. l\Ypnotlsm to show that
the hyp-· had ,'destroyed Russo's
credibilltr u a witness "by JmplanUng
in h1a: m1bd what the quesUoner wanted
there and What the quesUoner suggested
to him."
Haggerty u.ld "I will not allow
testimony" about the hypnotism sessiom
from any quarter.
Earlier, a f>O'tman tesuned he
delivered letters addressed to tbe •
rnysteriOUJ "Clay Bertrand" Jn 1966 u
·a .Pueblo ~ewmen Deny
All Secret Papers Burned
CORONADO· (UPI) -Eight enlllted
men who worked in the intelligence sec-
Uon of the U~ Pueblo have de.nied
the tesUmony of their superior, U . ·
Stephen Harris, that be ordered all secret
papen: and equipment destroyed before
Communlat North Korea captured the
The admlrall holding ar. inquiry into
the Pueblo's 1ehure on the high seas
off Nor1.b Korea Jan. 23, 1967, met
privately todly, apparently to .consider
the gap between Harris' statements and
tboee of his men.
There were indicaUons H&rrls and
some of hia aubordlnates might be recall·
ed for more queat.lonlng. , ·
Testimony by Jil: enlisted men who
worked 1n the Pueblo's intelligence
dlvialon -known u the "apoot unit"
-was released Wednesday. It backed
up the statements of two chief petty
officers that Harris never issued destruc--
lion orders for the Pueblo's secret papers
and devices.
Amoog the sJx was Communicail°'18
Tecbntclan IC Donald Peppard, who said
the Koreans may have obtained a com-
plete written report of the Pueblo's tn..
teWgence-gathering mlss1on off North
Peppard said there were two copies
of the report, and that he personally
destroyed one of them. He did not tnow
what becam e of the other.
Peppard and five other peUy officers
fir~ class who worked in lhe intelligence
unit of the Pueblo teliiild-tn seeret
Tuesday. PorUons of their testimony
were made public Wednesday.
Major Easter~ Roads Open
Subzero Temperatures From Minnesota to Iowa
c ... ,..
Sv""' •llCI ....,,.., ,,.. "'* c·~11
tldty """' m.,. " r.111 .., S.tvr'Mf.
Wlndl PIOl't'-!W1Y, It .. 11 llMll.
T-..,-, lllefl. II to 61,
V•lwdert ._.,.,_ t e fl I If
!'1P • flllfl ., "' ...... -... ~
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TMU ...... y
s.91111 111111 .. .. •:• 'Jn. '·' •1tlDot.T ,.,,,,. low ............... lt:~ ........ 1.1
''"" """' .......... ! ... 6!.U ........ , .. s.-.. .................. t:• '""" ·~ ...,. 111111 ........... t ;17 ,.lft. ,.,
-It .... •:17 •.m. .... till '·'"· .. .... ,,., 1.tn. ""'''" ........ ""' ,.,... 0. Piii! '-"' •• Alli. 'if ,... n ~t. A MM. 11
v.s. s ... _.,,
T.._..lur91 11'1 !tit 201 M11ef ~
lnle "" laulfl ,,...,. •• aMfhtf ..,.. "°"' 111111 Jlll'ftlUr. l'llllnl11fted I
clnlM!lot -mMt "' "'* IMlllM. I ii'! owrt1W.t Je1"ptnifvrft 11 tt..
""'"" llWl'tl Ir ..... ""' .,..... " dl'fttmt .._.him ._,,.,., 9flOUtll
lo """' "" ... fl -Ille! "''""" "-•-t C11111Jt t ncl Nllf'tllH1t ""'" fht Nit wwfttnd. Tiit Pnrw '--tllvns Wr1"' 11¥1 ftllM ...,. ceritlt'IH f9 Mlnnnolt,
""""' O...Olu. """"°"'' WI-In 11'1d llOrttl centr1I lllWt , boll l....,l"'f
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MUii 11 ll'w '-111 .-nc.w, of 0-Wll
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K.11111 City
l.11 V-LeeA ... llt
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Ml~ .. M-• ·--Nft' Vwll ...... Om"• l"hO ltobftl
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a temporary forwarding address for
Shaw, and that as soon as Shaw canceled
the forwarding address, the Bertrand
letters al!o slppfl<d.
James Hardiman. a b i g soft-spoken
Negro mail carrier, told Shaw's con-
spiracy trial "quite a ·f e w" letters to
"Bertrand" came to 1'14. Chartres Street
in New Orleans during the time Shaw
had designated It as· a temporary
forwarding address.
In 1!164, a legal secretary told the
Warren Commission "Clay Bertrand" is
the man who called to try to arrange
a lawyer for Lee Harvey Oswald the
day after the Nov. 2Z, 1963, assassination
of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas.
The Warren Commission never found
Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison says Bertrand
wu really Sbaw, who is on trial foe
conspiring wilb Oswald :and pilot David
W. Ferrie to assa.Wruite Kennedy.
E a s t German)' already w a s vowing
"decisive resistance" against the elec-
tions and Wd the Bonn government
Is dllturb!ng the peace'· of Europe by
scheduling the electlollll In West BerliJL
The East Germans already have ban-
ned land travel through East Gennany
to this outpost city.
The official Communist p a r t y
newspaper of East Genn.any, Neues
Deutscbland, uJd '"J1)e aggression ex-
pansJoa policy of West Gennan im·
perlalllm, the attempt to change the
status quo, will meet our decisive
"The aecurity ol Europe only can mt
on the recognlUon of the sta~ quo.
O\U' defenae of the · status quo of West
Berlin qalnst a provocaUve attack by
Boop k a defenae of the peace illteruts
of all European nations."
WASillNGTON (UPI) -The Depart·
ment of Health, Educalkln and WeUare
today cut off federal financial aid to
three more Southern school districts for
failure to desegregate in compliance with
the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The order, which becomes effective
March ,151 was announced by HEW Secretarf Robert-R Finch. It included
no provision for funds to be retrieved
retroactively should tbe districts decide
to desegregate.
1be districts affected were : Emmet
School District No. 13, Emmet, Ark.,
Greenwood County School District No.
52 at Ninetysix, S.C., and Chester County
Board of F..ducation at Henderson, Tenn.
Finch sent noUce of his cutoff order
to House and Senate committees.
' $
·SAVE 4000
' more
T~ ta.~~ ~ana 1"" IMlllle to an nming bf ~dlr)c. 'IV ·~ « full.bed napping ••• jllllt the
thiJlg IO e11r tbe teDdal:il of a busf" day • _ • the perfect
CIXllpu.ioD h cbp Died cumfnrt udnstful Jdantion.
~· BOit', ...ethinc new has beta added to Z..·Z·.Boy ~ • • • tM; ~ Sdcdor, an inYmtioo. tb1t pro.
'"i4m tbree-pmitka leg n:st (J)ID.(ort wiip er without
rtdi.nlng lhe. chair • • • aDd lhe med!.1ni&na c:aaiea a
Lifetime Warranty.•
see "'-l.a·Z.'.lo'J' lty1et t.t cur ICor'e tod;ay.
s-i6f' :LA• Z ··B
• Ph. 541-5131
Newport Barbor
• -
Business Fee Hike, ·utility Tax Eyed
Of .. Delly Plitt ll•tf
Newport. Beach city officials, fretting
about the revenue load on the property
tu rate, are intensifying studies of other
posaible sources of municipal ioCome. •
Among several revenue-raising plans
•r consideration, but unlikely to be
enllCled thi! .year, are "ikes in business
license fees and a tax on charges to
telephone, electricity and gas users.
Tbe utility tu-could ran1e from 1
percent to 4 percent. '
A boo.st in I.he building excise tax
-paid ·by builders to fmance new
libraries, parks and fire staUons -is
likely to win approval in time for in·
clusion in the 1&70 city budget.
"We're counting on Jt," ~ City
~anager Harvey L. Hurlburt.
The ei:cise tax ~ now $85 per structure.
Thal would be increased to $125, under
the' present· plan.
'l11e Income from this source ts now
$170,000 yearly. The R.vislon would p~
vlde a.not.her '901000.
Councilmen have decided to involve
the buainels community, which wooJd
be most affected by aome,of I.be propoled
me.uum, in upcomin& dbcu.uionl.
P'orrdal act1oit requf!SUng NeWpori
Harbor and, pruwnably Cor:>na del Mar,
Chamber of COmmerce &Mlstance In
the studiea is e1Pec~ ·at the cbuncll's
AI• atudy ...,Jon thll week, munlclplll
lawmakers ~Jly qreed thatJ!ieM
propolOla ~ be turned -to
chomber ollldab '" conalderatlon ;and poalble rtl-:
-Bualneaa J.leta•a: Replacement of
the pre1<11t !lat· f .. ·o1· 111 onmia11y
with • schedule baaed "' -ncelpta for most businesses, wJth v1rtatkms for
profe.ssiOpaJ services. Some 7 , 0 O O
ow Bo11d O.K Affe~ts You
School Tax Bill
nil Year
$20,000 home 120.l.50
llS,000 home 254.37
$30,000 horn• 305.25
::·ooo home 407.00
,000 home :...75
School T ax
Rates Listed
For 4 Y ears
Voter approval of Newport· Mes a
Unified School District's $15.9 million
bond Issue Tbe9day mearui property taxes
Me aoinc up ~ Barbor Area residents.
To give the reader an Idea of just
,_. much the DAILY PILOT prepared
Ille • b 0 • • chart. It projects
tcbool tax qtes ~ the next four years
for OW'Dlft ~ a bomt or commercial pupa ,tJ' •ahzed at $20,000 through -.ooo, ' ' ""'0oota· Mao M!dojlls will cootlnue to
p11 m.r. tlimi lJ,.,.; ol Newport Beach
oa' 'bond lsaues puled prior to unifica-
1t wUl be noted that school taxes
will lnerease for the next three years,
lbt.n begin to decline. Yearly payment
on· the bond issue will be less each
year after 1972-73 until the bonds are
paid off after 25 years.
Of course, it is not very likely that
school tu: actually will btgln lo decrease
four years from now. The chart only
reflects application of those factors
known now.
They are :
-The $15.9 million bond iss ue approved
-Final installment in 196t-70 of a
three-year tu override appi-oved by
voters in 1966. .
-A presumption based on current at-
titudes of school board members that
the operating tax rate will not be In-
creased for awhile.
Factors not taken into account are
th<se: -Pasi;age of another bond issue, a
request for which may come in two
and one-half years.
-Growth in tax base resulting from
increase in assessed valuation.
'The latter cannot be counted on to
reduce the tax rate, however because
all indications are a growing student
enrollment Will eat up any increase in
So there you have it -the best
sueu at this time of what school tu:
billa are going to look Uke for the
next aeveral years.
tMt.71 117•71 117t·72 . -ll'li.73
1210.00 1%3t.00 1211.50 1%32.50 1215.00 $2¥.00 1213.50 1234.50
2C.19 288.74 ISU7 290.62 261.74 294.119 2607 293.12
315.00 346.50 317.25 348.75 322.50 3$4.00 3I0.2S 35L75
00.00 4111.00 423.00 472.00 430.00 472.00 07.00 48.00
525.00 577.50 5211.75 561.:ZS 537.50 590.00 •l33.75 518.:ZS
Schools' Victory:
Back From Ashes
Of .... o.llr """ ,..,,
In just ll months, Newport-Mesa
Unified.School DWict officiall and Ill!>'
porters came back from a stinging bond
election Clefeat to scOre a convincing
vlcUxy. '
,This b the story ol how they did
iL '
Let'i look ~k to Oc\. 24, 1\187. A
IJ).r ·million bond proposil had just
been llOUlldly -· One of ,the aeven separate propOs.itions
rece.ived leas than 50 perCeut 8Pl¥'0Vaf,
a cot!ple others lltUe more. A relatively
insignificant proposition or only $185,000
was barely passed. The largest ($13.6
million) and most crucial proposition
for new classroom conslrucUon fell six
percent short of the two-thirds approval
Schools Supt. Leland Newcomer was
bitter. In anger, he censured the afilueot
electorate for not caring for the needs
of kida. Two weeks later be was to
resign and acc"ept a job offer he had
turned down before the bond election.
School supporters were disorganized
and dismayed. There were to be
reciminailons against the Newport Beach
City Council, Assemblyman Robert
Badham and others who they thought
had contributed to the defeal
Another scene Tuesday night. About
150 happy achoo! official! and election
workes held a victory party at the Balboa
Bay Club.
A $15.9 million bond Issue had passed
handily -not just with two-thirda but
three-fourths voter approval, Doable
sess.lans which followed the earlier defeat
were to tnd, and to stay away for
at Jeut four years. Joy for the bond
What happened In those 15 months?
What changed?
that many voters to change the.ir minds.
One in ten wbo had-voted "no" before
voted for the latest hood issue.
Tbe -ol the Tictor)' margin WU built be gdtlng new ''yes" voten out
to tbe polls.
Lonn Sllllphant
~1;;i .. 1npe~71o~= Skid Ro M
but 'tho measure b ilecepllve,,. ,,,.,._. ' · . W ~'t~ 1DOl'e Oil '· .•. •·1 ·l\ •••• j !=~fte11t~!Ntttt ·~Za ' ' .;
'l1le oc:t'ua1;Jitnnb.-of vOWI Jnc:ruJed ' by.-.tllojl~·!»olllgoojl.-Of· w-:• .. r's so·,.
to believe -el tbeM· n..I voten · ' """ ~ votea "yet." 11anJ e1.· them were
re<rulted for that JlUl'POI'!, apeclfk:ally,
900 parent.a registered by PT A workers
after the generaf election.
But the real trick was to get lhe
"yes" voters to the polls without getting
out the "no" voters. Th1a required a
new strategy Newport-Mesa mastenninds-
borrowed from Orange Coast Jun1or Col·
Iege District.
Wt fall Orange Coast came within
a whisker or pu1llng a major upset
. when • '7.:ZS million bond try loot by
only 11 votes. Two previous finance pro-
poaltloru: ~d failed to wbt even 50 per·
cent approval.
The junior college diatrid's tactic was
simple. Infonn parents about the bond
election , but no one else. In ahort, be
selective with publicity, and otherwise
keep quiet.
Newport-Mes8. dJd the same thing. PTA
workers and volunteer teachers made
a concerted effort to register all parents
and school personnel, sent each three
mailings, and made 10,000 telephone calls
reminding them to vote election day.
Tradltlonil, scattershot get-out-the-vote
tactlcs were dropped. 1'h1ll Ume there
were no bumper tticker1, newspaper
advertlaementa, JI'~ releues, or door·
lo<toor compainlng. It Wlllll't from the
school dlltrict that .. no" voters found
out about the bond elec:tton.
or a skid row hotel today was charged
with the murde'I--of the teen-aged son
or televii;ion producer Stirling Silliphant.
Otis Holley Hornes Jr., 38, \Vho had
a prior record of narcotics arrests, wrus
picked up shortly after midnight at the
downtown hotel whe~ he lived.
He Was book'ed ·on · susplciOn of Ole
murder of Loren SUQphant, 18, who was
shot to death in his Hollywood ·apartment
early Wednesday when he told an · in-
truder he had no heroin for sale .
Detectives said a guest at Silliphant's
hippie-style apartment was accoated in
the corridor by 1 male· Negro ·.who
demanded t.o know where he could buy
drugs. The guest, Richard Becker, 23,
led the stranger to SiWphant's apart-
ment, whett he barged in and shoved
Silliphant up against a wall, ·ask1ng,
"give me &0me stuff."
When Sl!Uphant told him he had no
heroin, the man flred one sho~ into
hls chest, and the youth slumped 'to
the floor.
The man, .who bad earlier been an
uninvited guest at a "hippie prayer
meeting" in another apartment down
the hall, left the room bu( returned
moments later to menace four persons
gathered around Sllllphant's body with
a IUJl., saying, "I tbooiht I told nobody to move." ·
• b1111neue1 wouJd be affected. Potential baled oa a ti per ~ mdt .,_.
oddiUonal .. v...,. la $171,lllO )'<art,. lllld alKwe Uio bua Ill m.._
Tlle'~ntlee 1-•les.!=,OOO. , -~buo!MU lJ<,euo chirp. -•
-OlmmerclDn Lo ad I• I Zollo Moll>' D.,_ would be ollected. 1ioipt I •
tenance F .. : None " DOW cllarseir'lt ' would not be hidaded. -o<ldMI 'I
11 llllilated by tbe dty Ital! tba1 ' II lncomt II IUCltl. ·
per lJneol loot be charged lot lwi<H-Tbe multiple dnWng let. ...,.,.._
year polntlll(. Estimated rtVmue la have qr<ed, llJould also be -ed
11,175. ' by the Board of Rulton. '
-Mu It Ip I e D we 111 n g UniLs: The business llcense fee revilioa ·rs
Establishment of a license fee schedule (See REVENUE, Pap Z)
4 0 Miles Fro1n NB
Oil Slick · Licks ·
Catalina Sands ·
By JOHN VALTEllZA Into the channel. It m1&bt ...,., spilt
Of n.. oenr ,.. 1Mt1 up around Ca~ ... Dawei aaJd..
A slick of crude oil, laced with straw, Cout Guard planes are upeded tD
slretchlng about five miles Jong it drif. fiy out to the alict to tract tta travel. ting three-quarters of a mile north of Catalina Island, a search by Newport Meanwhile, u a Pre ca u t Ion a r J
Beach ofrlclals revealed Wednesday measUre, Orange. County Harbmnuter
afternoon. Al Oberg announced plan1 to bave lol
City Harbor Coordinator George Dawes booms, both plasUc and wooden, rudJ
and Lifeguard Chief Robert Reed led to stretch across the mouth of Newport
a boat search Wednesday which turned Harbor in case oil from Santa Barbara
up the two-mile-wide slick comprised drifts down.
of "a thin film of oil with heavier He said that logs are available ~
globs blended in." the Edison Co. withln three houra ol
Dawea said the patch of crude was sighting a threatening allck. A boom
40 to 45 miles away from the Oranae could be slretched within eight hours
Coast moving und!!l' southweattrly ~-after the dellverJ ol the lop.·
The presence· of straw in. the 1Uct ,.. an added aafety measure. to the
confirms that the oil's SO\IT'Cf! la· the harbor's tbouaandl, of ID\8\1 craft. Ober&
Santa Barbar• Channel wbe" hundredl said,, ' Looi ~ch morlne "'"'11nc
o{ workmen are spreadini: Jtra,w, to ,oak ·firpt.°wltr.~v~ avallable.a,'p)utlc loc up the oil along the lhof•llnt. • • boOnl of .lq,~11, plaltli:, ,_ 'lllld
")t''-• .~ up ,wli.~f-1'.illll , aklrtl whlch • bt• ~ t!'! in
move on ~· out.1dt"li!flnf. ~ quleta'!aten ortho~•~'1*-, ' * * 'ft ~t '* *
Coast titie·s to 'Gang Up'
On ' Oil Pollution Threai
fl.1ayors and city manager:a of five
Orange Coast cities agreed· Wedqeaday
night lo work Jn con~rt again1t the
threat of offshore oil pollution.
' The agreement waa reached at an
informal diMer meeting in San Clemen-
The consensus of the , grpup was that
the federal government ahould recognize
the state oil sanctuary created off the
county coastline south of the Santa Ana
River by not permitting leasin1 of ad.
jacenl federal waters.
Among I.hose . participating In the
discussion at Omar's Restaurant were
Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall
and City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt;
Huntington Beach Councilman . T e d
Bartlett and City Adm!nistrator Doyle
Miller ; Seal Beach Mayor Lloyd Gam-
mere and City Mana1er Lee Risner;
San Clemente Mayor Wade Lower:
Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn Vedder and
City Manager James o. Wheaton.
Th• session had been orlilnaD1
acbeduled for next month. but wu .ad-
v~ 15 a result of the santa Barbara
oil dlaaster.
Abo attondlng -Filth lllltzld Supervlaor Allon E. Allm ol Lqmw
BeaclL He told tbe • p thtrinf tllal tho
county already ls working on legi!lattve
propanla that :would olfect tha ·Stato
Landi Ccimmialion, l"hlch rul~ oil oil.
drilling "111 .,.PloraU\111 1n atai. watm.
Arnone l\l(lelllOOI broogb~ up and
generally 1,reed on wu· \be need for.
the Landi Commiaslon to conduct -ings in those areaa involved in oil 1& •
dustry maUer&.
Newport Mayor Manhall . pointed out
that U thl• had been the pr-ure
wh•n tha Lando Ccinimlwo\> recoilily
gave the Shell Oil' CO. pmnliaillli to
sin~ a le~ core hole off Newport~.
the action would not hare · ~ u
such a belated surprise to NewpOrl
Steele llferfceu The annrer Js two-(old. There was
a change Jn community opinJon. And
lhere wu a cbinge in campaign strategy
-with Improved organizotion.
No. doubt the str°"ll' -ked. But In Onll onalylil, H it bad been the
only factor changed from tut elecllon
it probably only would have produced
a· very close vote u in the case of
Guilty Plea Report
Seal Beach lllld Huntington -rtJl"Wlltailvea, whole etmrrumftiM 8t9
not Included 1n the llalt'• oil .. ......,.,
Indicated doobl that tbe p:vvllloDI o1
the Sbell.cuniitngbom Ad ecald be U ·
iended north of the Santa Ani IUver.
The Shell-Omnlngham Ac( er'"ted tho
sanctuary eouth of the river a dO'zm
yeara ago.
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
closed mixed todly after another trend·
less and lackluster session. (See quota-
tions, Pages 26-27). .
Losses outnumbered gains in the final
minutes of trading but telective gains
by blue chips boosted the Dow Jones
Industrial average which rose 2.49 to
151.51 at I:J:I p.m.
To begin with, It lholjld be noted
the differance between solid defeat and
easy victory is not 11 great as it would
seem. To go from 11.5 percent approval
last time to 75-' percent approval thl!1
time requlrts conversion of only ooe
voter in aeven.
Actually, the bond puabero didn't get
Harbor Homeowners Sue
County for $16 Million
Orange County today wu l!Ued for
nearly SUI million by SJS Harbor Arta
homeowners who claim that jet traffi c
at Orange County Airport has draatJcally
1la.shed the value of property within
range ol the flight path.
The bulky Saperior Court complalnl
-it add! up to a total ot $15,996,m
-brlnp to 127,SC.941.15 the lmOUl1t
of damqu l<Jllibt by I05 homoownm.
No dolt for b•arlng ol any ol the
four octlonl filed thus far hos yet been
tel by the SUpttlor Court.
TodlY'• claims, u In the three
preriolll act.in. wm urlitt derUed Iii' county ouperV!aorl.
AD four complaints can for the gran·
ling of an fnfunctlon which would bar
jet alrcraft from Orange County Airport.
Damages listed Jn the actions are
as.wed !rom the doles that lwo lei
servicea commenced operations at tht
airport: Air West on Sepl. I, 11117, ond
Air CaUfonUa on May 1, Itel
Tbe bom--. claim tbal their
resldencts are di.redly under, or within
90Ulld " fllallt patha uoed by both airlineL And the IOS claimanll 1111qe
that their properties have been 111bjeded
to "pt vltnttom, deal"1lnl nalle,
emlulon ol ...,_ting smot" Vlpon,
dust, loot lllld oil"
Orange Coast Colleee. ·
1be larger margin ol victory must
be attributed to a change 1n community
opinion raultlng fn a rwltcl1 ol votea.
It aeema like every major community
group poulble endoned the last bond
elec:Uon. The time before, eodortementa
""" few, • couple ol city counc1Jmen from Newport Beaclt lent supporl to
opponents of the bond Issue, and
Assemblyman Badbam lllUed o lest mo-
ment prw rtlease thal mJiht have
had the elfect of llbotqing the bond -· Not long Iller the 1\187 bond deleot.
WOOI<ll from the Hat1>or View Scbool
Pro bepn JumDlnl 1111 over tho Newport
Beach City Ccilincll. """' thal -(S.0 ANALYllll, 1"oso l)
Newport Granted
Fund Exten'sion
Newport Btacb was aranted 1n ex-
tenalon ol tune in wblch to repay fandJ
uoed for _,...,,, aaed repl"1llhmtot
by the Boord ol SUpervilon tu..day.
Supervllor Alton E. Allen uplalned
that the dty upedl 'to, be reimbunod
by the federj] ....,-1or 1ba 117,116
looned by tht county. 'The -
WU to Sept. l . ... . .,, \
Sirhan ·Mj$trial Asked
Ove r N~spaper Stor y
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The del-
movecl~or • mlatrlal today In the l!bllon
Blihara Slr!WI murder bill beca..0 of
a llOWll!Oper rtory Sfying he mlPt plead
lullty to the murder ol sen. Robert t.~.
'Ille -WU lntrodU<Od Iller 0 lengthy c:onlirence betor... oUame)'I
md uiO Judi• 1n tho lan.r'I 'c:hamben
'that delayed the 1 start ol ~ .....
esped<d .to ~ openln1 llal<malb and
tbe be(Jnnlng ol --· -,,,. story, In the Los Angdu Times
Wednesday, IOld th ... "" o probo'blllty Sirhan mllfit pl•ad sullty and hope for
a aentence of life 1mprllqnn1tnt rather
than the death penalty. Alttr making
tho mollon, chief defense counoeJ Gront
B. Cooper bepn P'"""Uli& evidomce
in aupport ol IL
"'!'lie delendanL Slrliln Sll'ban. mov"
for a, m]atllal, • Cooper told tbe jlldp, .... ,..w.r. " pUbllclty by !&, Loi
Anl'lu Tlmu ol y~ lilornlnJ,
lollo....S by • ruume on ·evuy· fol!ID
tnd teletlsloa m~on In !be dty,
resulUng In pubiJcltr to the 11tur1Uon
point prior to the sequeitntlon ol tbe
jury." ' ·,
The Jury In the cue ha not .. far
been liqu<stered -tncbI1 •P -t1tu1 wu u_.i to news occoOnta ol the nm.. otory.
Cooper . olfmd lour ~ . ol tbe
Tlma 1nto evideoco lllld llUoled the mo1n
hodlln<, "'Slt!Ian' Gullty. PW Llktlj. •
He olao oflmd u evidence c:qples of
-11or1 .. he -..... olred ' after publication of the TlmOI ortlclt.
One broadcut 1CCOW1l1 at noon , ovtr
KNX rodln, rtfem<l to the poalbllllv
ol I change o[ plo at I 11l'\IJDOl'11
and went on to aay \he ddeDM "nlUMd
to conunenf • lllld . the -ll0n Uld
!'wt ha•e made oo deals."
Cooper tbeo rud from • rtporl ti
tlle Am<rlcon Bir A*dollon on lolr
trtll tnd tiff -lie lllPl ' thot nothlnf llhould ruch i_. .... obout
the portlblll\)' of • bar&lll/i belna ....,.
becallle thll could be projudli:W to the
Ob.servers at the meeting in Seti
Clemente said the Seal Beach and Buoo
o r .. ge
........ ' ' ' Another nice ., lo "' the 'rrrf FrtdoJ, wltli lalr akl• lllld ttll1P'
-edlllll up into tbt -die -.. the Orqt Coorl.
Fin4ttdal IDrit<r Svlt>lo Por~
., to<Jav tilla r.o.. qooca .,.
prtl/lnQ °" art/lrllil·""1.,... Iii
o. column. f.q:>ofing tomi· of CA1 "maoic c1're1" on Peg_. 26.
::::..... : ...... ,,_ . --.. --· ....... .,.,,.... .
...... ....., 1).\1 --:..::::-": -.
• '
• • ' =-=· ~ .. •
' • t
Sea Flexes Muscles, Helps Cleer Oceanfront Strands by Pu.titiag D1brJ1 Inland
From Page 1
came a move for a joillt cities-schools
meeting that led to a liaison committee
and eventually bond endorsementl by
both Newport and Colla Mesa ciO' ooun·
Meanwhile. chamber of C<Jmmtrce
leaden who badn 't known how to respond
when asked to endorse bond issues
Jamicbed an Investigation cl the ocbool
~ By their own later admlaion
they lnteaded to find where the dlltrlct
had spent too much on construcUon.
Bat in the end they were convinced
othenrile, JftVailed on Newport Harbor
and Cmta Mesa chamber directon to
endorse the bond issue. and thus voice
the support ol the busi:neu community.
Two concerned citbens, Jim Wood or
Costa Mesa and Richard Jennesa o(
Newport Beach, organized a Citizens
Forum on Schools that lent support to
the ICbool district for awhile before
the organization died ouL
Another big factor, ]ltObably wu the
cbana:e in mperintendents. N~comer wu blunt aod outspoken. He told
residents they were llm1l8 and Implied
they had cockeyed valu,.. He likely
lhamed many peno111 Into voting for
the bonds but ]ltObably atse Jelled the
opposition. •
Hts successor, William Cunningbam,
practiced the sort aeJL He spoke to
any audience be could £md, teDJng them
It k their sc:bools and be needs their
belp. .
Cunnlngbam and InfluenUal ccmmunity
Jeaders he enlisted allo were busy behind
the scene pulling the teeth or the op-
position. Tbey sought out former schoQI
detract.ors and eold them, on sitting out
or supporting this bond election.
There were no anU..t>ond groups form-
ed. There waa no last minute broadside.
There. simply, was no public opposition
this time. '!be final fact.or, and perhaps the m~t
decisive of all, was the advent of double
&eSSions. No longer was thil a future
threat; the educational lhm't change was
hm. All tecond graders -1,300 cbildcen
In an -went on double sessiOrtJ this ,_,
It was lncmgruoua in an area of
affluence. Maybe, everyt.btng e I 1 e
discussed let utde, that wu it. You
just-don't have double · aessions in an
aflluent area. It couldn't last.
Ex-Secretary Ailing
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP ) -Former
Se<nt.ry of Stale Jam.. F, Byrnes
remained hospitalized today with what
bis doctor called an "Indisposing mne..."
South Carolina's elder statesman was
placed in the intensive care unit of.
Bapltst Hospital Tuesday.
"•~''' N. Wt•l .-rt11!1t"t...,, """'*~
lh•1tt•• K••Yil
lh•mt1 /l.. Mvr,l.i11t
IM1111fn1 Editor
J1••1tt• F. C•llillJ P•vl Ni111n
~-rt Staci. ,11.d"'!rli••nv
Cltr Edli.t Ollf<l~t
........... Offk.
2111 W••I ltlH• l•1l1vtrd
>-ftit'tflt Ailf,11•1 P.O. l•r 1115, '2441 --c-.... -..1 -Wftl • .., , ......
l ..... ._.,I IJ.l ,_, """'-
Mllllllrltlllll hlehl ... Jiii '""'
T~des Make Beach Junk
More Easy to Ckan Vp
High tides and heavy surf during the
night moved piles of Newport Beach
shoreline debria· up to parking meters
and sldewalb at i;ome locations, but
city officlals 11a.id his morning that the
high-level flotsam will now be easier
to clean up.
City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said
the moving of the debris by the waves
brought the majority of the wood,
seaweed and cane shoots to the upper
ledge of sand, where beach cleaning
eq"uipment can clean it up easier.
Telephone poles and other heavy tin1-
ber wu among the driftwood that was
pushed hJgber up on the shore.
At the northernm06t corner of the
parking lot north of Newport Pier, two
long poles came to rest at the foot
of a palm tree planter a few feet from
the street pavement. •
High tides ate away more sand from
in front of the clty lifeguard headquarters
near the pier, threatening to undermine
a large planter nearby.
AJ an emergency measure the city
Is negotiaUng with private contractors
to select one to bring men and equipment
down to finaDy remove all the debris.
A decision should be made, wlthin the
next two or three days, Hurlburt sal,d,
with work beginning immediately a1~
The Clly Cooncil haa aulh«tsed the
spending of not more than JS,1111> for
lhe emergency cleanup.
Last Saturday the city was spared
an expense of at least 42,000 by 450
high school students who cleaned hun-
dreds of feet of beach ffont by hand .
Fifty city dump truck loads of wood
1vere carted off.
* * * Ailing Seal Sits
Out High Tides
Beach front residents no doubt fell
a little uncomfortable about the overnight
si ege of high tides, but one beachfront
dweller felt it the most.
A young seal, recovering from An
illness or fatigue under a trailer beneath
the lifeguard o!fice, had to rest in a
pool of water as junk and water surged
underneath the structure. '
He sat it out, however, awaiting the
regular handouts of spare fish from
dory fishermen's children nearby.
One !ishenna'n lamented, "Every time
we turn around a filet seems to be
From Page 1
expected to generate more controversy
than the other fee plans to be 11tudied
by the chamber.
It is doubtful. however, that counclJmen
will leave the present system unchanged.
The question Is the degree ol. change.
"There are obvious inequities in what
we have MW," explained Mayor Doreen
Councilman Robert Shelton strongly
agreed, pointing out that "Robinson's
at Fashion Island pays $Z5 yearly as
does the corner bootblack -if we had
Further controversy ls expected to
arise from the utility tax proposal, which
is in only the very earliest stages or
At present, the city levies no such
tu. It Is esUmated that al, one percent,
it would yield $90,000 annually. At four
percent, it would, of course, yield four
times that, or $360,000.
Twenty-three thousand utility users in
the city would be affected, according
to the city staff.
Hurlburt said several California cities
now have a uUlity lax. Among them,
and the amount of the tax, are: Oakland,
5 percent; San Bernardino. 5: Los
Angeles, 4; PacUic Grove, 3: Fresno,
2; and Sunnyvale, I.
Councilman Howard Rogers severa l
months ago first raised the posa:ibilit;Y
of a utility tax. When the city staff
returned with the figures this week he said: '
"Eventually we will be in on it. It's
~Y not, going to hurt to study
Jt further. It s an easy, painless way to 1et revenue."
He noted that the uUlity companies
themaelveo would add lhe tax to bUJs,
thus servJng u the city's collection agen-
M.,or Marshall, however, hwilcated
the council may be aplit on the issue.
oiMy pereonal lnclination b to leave
tb1s one on the back burner,., she said.
Vice Mayor I.Jndsley Parsons and Paul
Gruber Joined Rogers Jn asking that
it Ny on the "front burner."
"We can gtt the property tax down
by this other 50W"Cfl of revenue," said
•t'fhjs ts a re1Jef to the property
owner," said Gruber. ·
Hurlburt aa!d he would W1d out qu.,.
Uonnalres to other cities now charfing
the tu: "to Ond out the 11dvantage1
and dJudvantages.'•
ftfayor Manhall agreed to this.
Hurlburt said !at.er: "This will take
quite a bit of study, BO I don't anticipate
it being invoJved in lhe forthcoming
Honors Await
City Policemen
At Reagan Fete
The policeman of the year in Newport
Beach will be named at the Newport
Harbor Exchange Club's annual Crime
Prevention Week Banquet Friday at the
Newporter Inn.
Gov. Ronald Reagan will speak at
the affair.
The club, which sponsors the week
each year, will honor the peace officer
selected by his peers.
A police administrator of the year
also will be ~leeted and hooored.
Besides the banquet and awards the
club will s p on s o r some other crime
prevention activities u"Uring the ob-senance.
Members will sponsor a clinic to help
eliminate therti; off boats and recovery
of stolen articles.
Former Navy
Nm·se Succumbs
Lt. Cdr. KllUlerlne M. Murphy (USN·
Ret.) of Newport Beach, who served
23 years In the Navy Nunlng Corp&,
including both World War II and the
Kocean War, died Friday at San Dleio
Naval Hospital, It was lemied by frlenda
here todl)'. She was $1.
Memorial Requiem Mau was held for
Miss Murphy Monday at San Diego Naval
HospitaJ Chapel. Miss Murphy, who ma'de
her home at 4212 Hiiaria Way Jn
Newport, succumbed alter an Illness of
several monlbs.
After her reUttment from the Navy
five years aco, abe was employed by
Dr. Harty Stickler u a nur11e.
Survivors include ieven brothers and
sl.tters; lblph of l!;I Segµndo, Don and
Lloyd of Nebraska, Wayne of South
Dakola and Mn. George Maya or Saudi
Arabia. Mrs. Ershal Andenon of Olllo
and Min Josephine Murphy of Nebraska.
Interment will be in Manley, Nebruk1.
. ..
I ;
Scouts, Soldlel's Help Bring Out. 7, Bod,,ies
i.air-. OJI, ll1d lk<lull 1or1e111o&
• -., haCN tinclod btuah, mud
u,o\ fGC W-ay briallill ....., 19'1
fllen• Nll!llns clut cl mountalna canyoos
and" a*Vlcb' wheiO llity died lnatanUy
. Authorltiea ai Loo 'Alamilol Naval Air
SlaUoo at tht ymt time aave namea
ID Ibo ,. ... lllniiaolit ,_,,!all, whose
Sl'Z' Noplune ptjrol bomber slammed
into liaDlt.,. Ptak in a fireball thO
nlgbt before.
Veteran search •nd relfue squad mern·
hers are famWar with final handling
of thOM who die violently, but fer some
Explottr SCouts who volunteeredJ lt wu
grim and gruelling duty. ·
The. ordeal and the •tchta on the mi!t· •
Schmitz Urges
.State Campus
Safety Board
SACRAMENTO (UPl)-A five-member
campus safety commission with powers
to fire state university or college
chancellors and presidents would be
created by legislation filed today by
Sen. John G. Scbmilz (!\-Tustin),
CommJttee members would be a~
pointed by tht covemcr lo 1our.,.ear
terma with full authority to investigate
all cantjl\11 dislruhanoa.
"Thi., commlsalon would hold hearings
on every act of force and violence oc-
curring on campus ln order to detennine
who bad committed those acts and to
remove all such persons," Schmitz: slid.
He said if feculty members were found
guilty thejr 'dlsmitsal would b e
permanent and students who were ex-
pelled could not return to school for
three years.
"The commission would also be em·
powered to dismiss c a m p u s ad·
mJ.nistraton who do not use their authori·
ty effectively to keep the peace," the
lawmaker said, adding that includes
presidents, chancellors, l:ieans and other officers. ·
NeJther UnivenUy of California regents
nor State c.one,e trustea would have
any authority to interfere with the com-
m!JSion, Schmltr said.
County Gets Newport
Beach Fund Request
A request for '3,000 in mat.chine funds
by the Cily of Newport Beacll for beach
improvement wa Tueed11 referred to
the County Adminiltrative Officer by
the Board of Supervllon. .
The funds are used f« beach replenish--
ment around Balboa 18land. Payment
to the city ha.a been approved by the I County Harbor Commission.
. .
drenched aide or Sadd!eback woulc!._-k Los Alamllol NAS tsal Sunday for two
on the1r mlodl •well as Ulelr bodles: weeks• annual 1training and lheie are
Some of the victims' remaiDI. :'f~ .. the seven who ,were klll«!d,: , . 1 ~
hardly .._mzable u human Ill p!Otlc -LL Qndr. · -.; · r, Ctad, a, of
baga and abeeta, wblle the job cl ge111ng While Bear wb,. llllln., pilot of tht
Ulem out of the rugged, manzanlta.chok· lll·fated antisubmarine patrol bomber.
ed wildernesa wu seemingly inhuman -LL cmdr. Beal G. Oolva, 3t, of
In ltseU. Mlnneapolil, co-pilot. 1 "Those fire traits up th<(e look eel like -Peijy Offi1tr Ill; \!arib R.
the old Burma Road," said Olticer Dick lleulcbon, fJ, Mi.apoJil. -
Bersch, .of the Costa Mesa Police search -Petty Offietr l/C Walier llo J.-.
and Rescue Team. sen. 40, or St. Pall!. • ,_ •
"If we were going uphill, we knew -U. Cmdr. Olver B. Waller, M,
we were going in the right direction," Menominee, Wis.
he added, "it's ettremely rugged terrain, -Lt. Jon E. Surratt, age unknown.
and a log bank rolled over and cul training officer baset'. ac the Twill Cities
vblbl)lty d9wn to less than 200 feet." .air facility.
Reeervtst.s from TWin Citii!s Naval Air -Petty Officer J/C Job E. llultn,
Station at Minntapolla-St. Ptul flew into 31, of Rochester. Minn.
Church Hippie Teens T*e
Crusade to Laguna Beach
Of 1M O•llT 1'1111 lllft
Somewhat like avenging angels, a con·
tingent of Huntington Beach's Teens for
Christ swooped down on Laguna Beach
Wednesday carrying placards, wearing
sandwich signs, and admonishing all to
follow God's word.
Laguna Beach police r e p o r t e d
numerous calls from shocked citizens
complainJng about the ' ' h i p p I e s • •
marching up and down the ma.in city
streets at _about 4 p.m. No incidents
were reported.
Police estimated that 50 to 70 of the
self·styled Christian zealots made the
Laguna trek. The group seemed to con-
gregate at, the MusUc Arts World, 670
S. Coast Hfa:hway foHowing their arrival
in the city from Huntington Beach.
Signs the sect members carried pro-
claimed •'America is Doomed," "Jesus
Saves," "Peace," "He is the Light"
and "Dig God,'' as well as m8.ny Biblical
The group's leader, lhe Rev. Dave
Ber(, was not wilb the Laguna marchers,
a membe.r said. Berg reportedly re-
mained Jn the group's headquarters,
Ligh( Club, in Huntington Beach.
The reactions of Lagunans were mixed.
Many or the elderly viewed the marchers'
missionary attempts with disdain.
"·Yll;li diin.'t )'OU..: cfeeps ·take those
papli; algn& •oU and go ,to.,.c!Ji<!i."
one woman screamed at· the Teens as
she passed by in her car.
A marcher shouted back," Cod never
told us to bulld churches."
Some citizens accepted the group's
religious tracts or engaged members
of the sect in debate.
The teens have visiled numeroUJ
Orange County churches where tbetr
unconventional garb and manner has
stirred several ~ngregations.
Frtquently, however, the group has
been welcomed by churches and invited
to attend services.
Frotn Page 1
CITIES • • •
lington Beach attitude appeared to ~
that "oil is there now and tt'1 beinl
developed, so they'll have to live witb
it. "
Seal Beach's delegation noted that their
city, unlike Newport, has no juri8dictiOD
over any tidelands. And this, they said,
created a special problem in Lhat they
are stuck with the expense o! cleanina
up ';minor spills" when they lap aJong
the beachfront. Such ciUes now receive
1 percent · of offshore oil revenue to
defray these costs, but it isn't enough.
according to the Seal Beach spokeamen.
The revenue share should be increued,
they said.
Long B e a c h Deputy City Attorney
Peter Lingo spoke briefly to the croup.
indicating agreement with Seal Beacb'a
position and Ulat of other coasia1 cmn·
munities that state, as well as federal,
drilling regulations should be tightened.
It was decl4ed by the deles!'.tes at
the meeting . that furll)er informallon on
federal and state leasing practice!~ an(I
the consequences of such practices,
should be sought · by each of the ~Vt
cities prior to the presentation of ap-
propriate resolutions to the city councils.
The resolutions would then be directed
to state and federal representatives fot
legislative action.
646·0275 646·0176
' ..
Costa Mesa
Tot1ar'• n..1
N.Y. Steelul'
Riot at Fair grounds:
Of .. Dallt f'li.t Sltll
Marching behind a searing mist of
teargaa, baton-<:arrying Costa Mesa
police tactical squad members will soon
root a band o C slogan-screaming
hooligan s from the Orange County
Fairgrounds. -
Anarchy has not yet rea red its foul·
mouthed ·head, but it may be on the
way south via Berkeley, Pismo Beach
School Bond
~in: Back
From Ashes
01 the Dallt Plltl St•fl
In just 15 months, .Newpor.t-Mesa
Unified School District officials and sup-
porters came back from a stinging bond
61eclion defeat to score a convincing
This is the story of how they did
Let's look back to Oct. 24, 1967. A *· 7 million bond proposal had just
been soundly thfashed.
One of the seven separate proposiUons
recejved Jess than SO percent approval,
a couple others little more. A relatively
Insignificant proposition of only $18$,000
was barely passed. The largest C!IJ.6
~on) and most crucial proposltkn
hr new c_la&srO;Om constructicm fe1J Ill
perceJ).t lhort of the two-thirds ppproval
Schooll SupL Leland Newcomer wa1
bitter. In anger, he censured the afrtuent
electorate. for not carifli for the ntedi:
ol kids. Two weeks later he wU to ·
resign and accept a job offe.r ht had
turned down before the bond electi6n.
School supporters were disorganized
•nd dismayed. There were to be
reciminations against the Newport Be.a.ch
City Council, Assemblyman Robert
Badharn and others who they thought
had contributed to the defeat.
Another scene Tuesday night. About
150 happy school officials and election
workes held a victory party at the Balboa
Bay Club.
A $15.9 million bond issue had pa&Sed
!iandily -not just with two-thirds but
three-.fourths voter approval. Double
aessions which followed the earlier defeat
were to end, and to stay away for
at least four years. Joy for the bond
What happened in those IS months?
What changed?
The answer Is two-fold. There was
a change in community opinion. And
there was a change Jn campaign strategy
-with improved organization.
' To begin with, it should be noted
the differance between solid defeat and
easy victory is not as great as It would
Nern. To go from 61.5 percent approval
last time to 75.S percent approval this
time requires conversion of only one
voter in seven.
Actually, the bond pushers didn't get
that many voters to change their minds.
One in ten who had voted "rio" before
voted for the latest. bond issue.
Tbe rest of the victory margin was
built be getting new "yes" voters out
to the poUs.
Voter turnout in the two bond elections
dropped from 44 percent lo 41.5 percent,
but the measure is deceptive. There
were more registered voters on lhe rolls
this year because of the recent General
ElecUon. 1
The act\lal number of voten increased
by more lban 1,800. There is good nason
to believe most of these new voters
YOted "yes." Many. of them were
recruited for that purpose, specifically,
900 parents registered by PTA workers
llll<r the general eleclion.
But the NII trick was to get the
''yet" voten to the polls without geWng
GUI. the "no'~ voters. Thia required .a
ne1' 1tr1tegy Newport-Mesa masterminds
(See ANALYS18, Pop I)
and Fountain Valley, so t.be local gen·
darmes plan to be ready to read the
Riot Act to au ·comers.
"We're going to go out and storm·troop
around a Utile," quips Costa Mesa Police
Training Sgt. Ron Allen, whose men
Wednesday received official permission
to use the fairgrounds. 1 .. •
•DirectOrs of the 32nd Dist r i,c.l
Agricultural Association atta c h e-d
specifiC rules however, tO the ·dry·rUli.·
riot scen<U"iO; ,which will be fibned on
videotape tor ·fut~ c 1 a s s r o o m • a t·
mosphere training.
"We wanted to go the whole mule
with a shotgun shoot . and everythin:,"
Sgt. Allen explained Wednesday, "but
we haven't found a place yet where
we ·can do ft all."
Fai rgrolUlds Secrelary-Managu AU-red
Lut]eans told the Fair Board \Vednesday
he wanted to present.the. sch.ed;ullf.d!·riot
to them t.ilm giyfug·pofice the gO'ahead
to practice...oo each other.
DAILY PILOT U1ff .....
GOIN' FISHIN' -Dr. Carl Boswell (center), Mrs. Bo.<well and
Newport-Mesa school board President James W. "Bill" Peyton en·
joy gag as retiring Harbor Area schoolman accepts Huck Finn fish·
ing pole during testimonial dinner Wedne :Sday.
B~~well Praised ' .
School_ Chief Retires., Feted at Dinner
., ,., 01nr P1r.t 111tt
"One of the things that made Carl
a fine admlni~atqr and a great guy
to work for is his ability to listen -
to really listen to people and to un·
derstand their problems,"' said a ronner
Wednesday night, Dr. Carl Knox
Boswell, who is reUring after 12 years
with Harbor Area schools, listened again.
But this time he listened to people
who offered praise instead of problems.
The prajae:was for him.
It came· durinL a testimonial dinner
orlginallyplanned·u a small, inlomial
affair. Instead,.~ than 300 persona
:~d~ato C::;e:ui:m c~:b ~
a sPontaneous trffiute to Boswell as a
man who,. quieily and withcM,lt fanfare,
went about the many tasks or serving
his school system, his churcb and his
The ranks of those present ranged
from the high and the mighty to humble
clerks and a blind school teacher who
Boswell hired when no Other school ad·
Ex-Secretary Ailing
COLUMBIA, ·s.c. (AP) -Former
Secretary of State James F. Byrnes
remained hoopltalbed today with what
his doct« called an "lndlspoolng illness."
South Carolina's elder ltltesman wu
placed in the intenlive care~ unit ol
Baptist Hospital Tueaday.
minislrator in California would consider
hiring a teacher who could not see.
Dr. William Cunningham, superinten·
dent of the Newport-Mesa Unified School
District and Boswell's boss in recent
months, summed it up:
"Carl," said Cunningham, "the biggest
tribute to you that 1 can think of is
that more people than this room will
hold wanted to be here tonlgh~."
.The testimonial for the rormer Costa
Mesa elementary school chief was, in-
deed, a sell-<11lt.
Boswell, who has served , aS an ad -
ministrative assistant with the Newport-
Meaa district since Harbor Area school
systems were.merged almost three years
ago, was superintendeot of the old Costa
Mesa elementary district from 1957 to
I •. It was a period when the elemen·
tary district. suffered from the paiM
of growth and a slim pocfeibook.
Boswell, his wife, Alice, and members
of their family listened to the tributes
and received gifts characteristic or
retirement dinners.
The evening was not without its lighter
momentr.The most·memofable, perhaps,
came when Boswell, known' for his love
of fishing and fishing equipment, was
presented., with a Huck Finn--style fishing
At1 'the end, Boswell spoke and, with
characterisUc modesty, gave credit to
othera for many ol his successes.
Of the dinner, be said : "We are
grateful for the honors and the presents ..
but, most of 1U, we ll'e eratefta to
'all ol jo\J f'(' taldlig t1nie lo tum out
lor tll1s llOrl ol thing.'' '
Just ·Police Dry Run
'!be ant!clpated anarchy -In which
right ud qaniJed might ,.... lll<ely
to prnall -will be confined to the
camlval area and not visible to an
e~ populac<.
The fairgrounds ima1e la 1 thus not
;e<>pardized either. aaid Lutjeans, ex·
plaining that actual riots: occurred at
two San Joaquin Valley fairs last year,
shutting each down for one or, two days.
And then there was Tiny Tim and
the JOcal Unpleasantness ot last August,
In which a show ol I-by the C..ta
Mesa tactical aquad wu indeed required
to keep orde.r at tlmea. ·
-No date has been set for the new
confrontation, ~ Fair Board aPPl'.(IVal
was needed. but It will be held on
a Saturday withln the next month, Sgt.
Demonstrators screaming:. '1 Pigs ,
Pigs," a term now .in yogue amQllg,
certain social elements when µtty mean:
"Police, or Ofilcer, Sir," will be pelted
wttli old, weak teargas, u lhe·mllllnt
mob la dl!perlled.
Lutjeana 1"ld Falr Board .-a
the tactical exercise wlll both ""'"'h
the riot squad's training, 11 weH u
disposing of i»Jonger eUecUve 111 can-
isters at the same Ume.' 1.
TearP, ~}fas .-waY of going 1tale
on Suburbati Orw• . ~ty poJice
department shelves, like vintage PoWlly ..
Sirhan Mistrial?
Defense Cites News Reports on Pl00:
LOS ANGELES ·(AP) -The del~se
moved for a mistrial today In the SJrltan
Blshara Sirhan murder trial because of
a newspaper story saying he might plead
guilty to the murder of Sen. Robert
F. Kennedy.
The motion was introduced after a
lengthy conference between attorneys
and the judge in the latter's chambers
that delayed the start of what were
expected to be opening statements and
the beginning of testimony.
The story, in the Los Angeles Times
Fair Directors
Draft Plan for
~Sito· BJ&·
.Stin&ina .at the-preaence of an .enemy
•hose own aemi.prlv1te camp N pro-
tected, the Orange County Fair Board
Wednesday worked out a brui:ic platform
from ,whlch to begin negotiating for a
municipal court-regional library site.
Some dissension in the ranks became
evident when director Gordon H. Bisl\op
voted against the final resolution drafted
for the Orange · County Board of
Supervisors to start a deal for the 13-acre
Newport Beach AS!lstant City Manager
James DeChaine sat jotting detailed
notes on the proposal, as an .unwanted
erriissary ot the biggest 11ingle threat
to landing a court site in Costa Mesa.
"We were forced to negotiate In a
public tneeting, which 111 an impoaslble
situation," said Robert L. Humphreys,
chief of the 32nd Agricultural District's
building and grounds committee .
"How are you going to do it y;hen
the opposition sits listening to your every
move?" he said today, noting t!lat the
Orange County Fair and Exposition Panel
11 required by law k. meet openly.
Fair Board President Cecil Marks said
after the 5 to I vote on a resolution
drafted by Humphreys that It seemed
unfortunate to publlclze their plans when
Newport Beach officials can deal behind
closed doors.
"I am sure the New port Beach
representati,ve won't breach our con·
fidence," said Director Frank Remer.
DeChalne didn 't laugh u heartily as
the Fair Board members.
Newport Beach orflcials hope to woo
the county into a hJgh-rise 4.75-acre
c:ourt complex at Ne\\'Port Center, a
~ (See FAIR BOARD, Pqe !)
Wednesday, said there wu a probabllity
Sirhan might plead guilty and hope for
a sentence of life imprisonment r11thet
than the death penalty. After making
lbe motion, chief defense COWll!lel Grant
B. Cooper began presenUng evidence
in support or it. .
"The defendant , Sirhan Sirhan, moves
for a mistrial," Cooper told the judge,
"on grounds of publicity by the Los
Angeles Times of yesterday morning,
followed by a resume on every radio
and television stPtlon in the city.
.Jet Noise Hassle
resu!Ung In publicity to the aaturatlop
point prior to the sequestration of the
jury." .
The jury in the case has not ao far
been sequestered -locked up . -thus
was exposed to news accounts of tht
Times story.
Cooper offered four editions of ~
Times into evidence and quoted the matn
headline, "Sirhan Guilty Plea Likely ...
He also offered as evidence ropies of
broadcast stories he said were aired
after publicaUon of the Times article.
Harbor Homeowners Sue
• ' 1 ' •
' ' ' I
Cijiiney-f..f'-1 16 Million .
Orange County today was sued for
nearly $16 mUUon by 515 Harbor Area
homeowners who claim that jet traffic
at OrarlJe County Airport has drastically
slashed the value of property within
range of the flight path.
The bulky Superior Court romplalnt
-il adds up to a total of $15,696,979
-bring& to $27 ,642,945.65 the amount
of damages sought by 905 homeowners.
No date for hearing ol any of the
four actlons filed thus far has yet been
set by the Superior Court.
Today'.s claims, as. In the three
previous i.ctlons, were earlier denied
by County sup(!rvisor&. ·
All four com-Plaints call for thel aran·
ting of an injuqction which · wou d bar
jet aircraft from .Orange County Airport.
Damages listed In the actions are
assessed from the dates that two jet
services commenced operations at the
airport: Air West on Sept I, 1967, and
Air California on May l , 1968.
The homeowners claim that their
residences are directly urider , or within
Stock Markets ·
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
closed mixed today after another trend-
less and lackluster session. (See quota·
tions, Pages 26-27).
Losses outnumbered gains in the final
minuttt or trading but selective gains
by blue chJps boosted the Dow Jones
Industrial , average which rose 2.49 to
951.sa at 1 ;30 p.m.
"und IJI fllght patbl used by , llotli'
airlines. And the lo5 claimanla a11.,.
that their properties have been 1Ubje:cted
to "great vibrations, deafening nobe,
emisslon of nauseating smoke, vapon,
dust, soot and oil."
Five-mile Long
Oil Slick Nears
Catalina Island
Of t111 OlllJ Pli.t"li.ff
'A' slick of cnicfe oll, ·tlced with 9traw,
stretching about five mile! long is drif~
ting three-quarters of a mile north of
Catalina Island, a search by Newport
Beach officials revealed Wednesday
afternoon. '
City Harbor Coordinator George Dawes
and Lifeguard Chief Robert Reed led
a boat search Wednesday which turned
up the two-mile-wide slick comprised
of "a thin film or oil with heavier
j lobs blended ln."
Dawes said the patch of crude wal
441 to 45 miles away from the ~ge
Coast moving under southwesterly wiDd8,
The preaeoce of straw in the s~
confirms that the 01111 source is tht
Santa Barbara Channel· •her< hundredl
of workmen Ill'' spreadilli straw to aoat
up tbe oil a!Ong the shoreline. ·
New School Tax Rates
"It's a toss up' Whether the oil wiD
move on Uie outslde:of the island or
into the channel. Jt mi&ht even 1pllt
up around Catalina," Dawes said.
Coast Guard: plani:s are expected tt
fly out to the slick to trace it.s travel.
Shown for Homeowners
·Voter approval of Newport ·Mes a
tJnUied School District's f!U million fli>nd l.que Tuesday meana property tax ..
are eoin& up for Harbor Area resldentl. .To· ·gtve the ruder an idea ol jast
how much (be DAILY Pllm prepared Uie a<companylni chart. It ;projects
~hoot tu ralfl tor the next four years
for owner• of 1 home « commercial
property valued at IZ0,000 through
They are:
-'!be flJ.9 million bond Issue approved
Tueaday. .
~Final Installment In 1919,'lt ol a
three-year tax override approved by.
voters In 19111.
-A preswnpUon hued on current 1t-
litude.< of school board . Jl\<lllbers tliat
the operating tu: rate will not be in-
creued for awhile.
Another nice day ·is on tbe •WQ
Frldl3. wltli fill' akf.S and temp-
eratures edging · 111' Into t11e mld-
dla llrtles along t1ie Orange Cout.
I ~ Dow Bo11d OK Affe~ts You ,Costa Mesa residents will contlnu• to
pay more than those of Newport Beach
on bond issue11 palled prior to ·unlllca·
Faetor1 not taken Into account are
-Passage of another bond liaue, a
request lot which may come Jn two
and one·ha11 yeara.
Financial writer Syl1'io Por~ ir todat1 . tf U, hoi.o quaCks are
.. preJling on Mthritis au/J.,.1r1 in.
a cOlumn e:po1ing (~ o/ tile
"maotc curet'' on Paot 26. f l
School Tu 1BW
1'la Ye•
Pll.$0 $DUO 2su1 2'!.a
305.15 336.!S
<al.00 449.IO
1210.00 ••• ils.oo
1%11.50 1%32.50
264.37 290.62
3Ip$ m .75
4%S.IO 4?2.00
N& Oii
1211.00 $236.00
268.74 29U9
322.50 354.00
"10.00 4?2.00
It will be not..i that school ta••• ~11 hfmue. fa< the nert three ,_.,
1m.n -begin to 'decllnt. Yearly !!"fDIO"t NB tM on the . bond WU. will be 1.U uch
1%13.50 1234,50 year alter Im n until t1ie bonds m
268.87 29U~ paid' off after 25 l'Qrlnoi .
'120.25' m .75 <Of couree, It la vtry ll~ that
427.oo • oO ·~tax a~r wlll btlln 1!~1
'20,000 home
$15,000 horn<
$30,000 horn<
$40,000 home
$50.000 home SOl.75 Hl.25 528. 75 Sil.IS $37.50 590.00
m .50
577.50 133.75 516.1$ f.,.., years u~u now. 'l'he ~· Oil 1
· , nllecll appllcailoo " lbooe ~ ................................................................. ""°"""""·
-Growth In ta:r bate ruultinc from
lnereue Jn aaseaaed valuaUon'.
' The fatlt!\' ClllOol M COWlted OD to
reduce the tar ·rate, bqwever becal.lll
au lndle1tl0111 art . a arowin( lludtnt
airollment wtll eat 111' any lncr•h\ In menue. ·
So u..re you have It -the beat'
gueu at this time Of what llchool tu
bUla are IOlna to loolt like lot tlle
nut ••eral yelr1. •
__ . ..._ __ _
• '
• •
Crash Victims Found
,Scouts,_ Soldiers H'elp .Bring Oui i ,.B0.4~·
clm>ched tide If Saddloblcl: --k Los Alamilol ilAS Wt Suncll1 for iw• .Lt a-. . Gk. 11111 Scoull lorleUUrc-• • ballilor -.. llniled bniah, mud
and foC Wed-"1 brlncfnl ,.veo Navy
lllorl' -~Iii nloulilalno ..., ...
and c:revlcea wheio lbe)' died inalanUy
AuthoriUea at Los Alamitoe Naval Air
Slatton at the same t1IM aave names
to Uw •ven MlnnUota rtM!l'ViN. whole sru Neptune ~trol bomi>et slammed
into Bantlqo Pak In a llrtball the
night before.
Two Escape Bla%ltlfl ·Crash
Costa Mesa firemen prepare to wash gasoline off
pavement aft.er smothering blaze caused by rear·
end collision Wednesday at Vjctoria Street and Col·
lege Drive involving auto and Oreo Disposal Serv-
ice truck. Driver of car, Mrs. Hazel M. Brady, 35,
of 2135 College Drive, and truck driver, Mario S.
Riv~ra, 34, escaped Injury in crash. One fireman '
'vas injured, though not'setiously, when truck tire
exploded at height of blaze.
Cookie Makers Need Dough
Vietnam-bound Goodies Held Up by Mail Cost
A squad of Macaroon Millies and
Gingersnap Ginnies today ls organizing
a loglstlcal support program for Harbor
Area servicemen tn Vietnam, but you
can't mail cookies and popcorn for
Snowballing in momentum, Mrs. John
W. Olivez's drive to airlift a large ship-
ment of home-made cookies to the .war
zone is developing 'increasing related
needs with each batch of baking.
"We are appealing now to clubs and
organUations which would like lo con-
tribute postage," says Mrs. Oliver, of
3<Yl'7 Yukon Drive, Costa Mesa.
You can't fight City Hall, ~ut Costa
Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley declared
Wednesday that City Hall can help fight
the tendency to forget Ameriean Gls
in Vietnam.
Mn. Oliver said the mayor promised
lier cookielift command outfit use pf
the empty fourth ~ ol the Costa
Mesa Civic Center to pack cans and caraa ol Vletna.,.boond baked goods
Io the -a ahead.
"But we don't want to be faced with
Victim Remains
In Bad Shape
crates ol cookies all ready to go and
no postage to send them,'' Mrs. Oliver
1ald Wedneaday.
Under the poetal servlco'o-special PAL
rate, each carton of COokies packed by
the vobmteers is Down lo Vietnam for
$3 or less, which is airfare for 18 pounds,
or 216 cookies.
Each carton contains six, three-pound
cans, with the contents sealed in plastic
bags and cushioned by popcorn. which
makes the insulation edible as well.
Besides donations for postage. Mrs.
Oliver and her cookielift co-workers need
more two and three-pound cans with
tight lids, plus the addresses of Harbor
Area men to whose units they will be
"No names, just the addresses, so
we reach locai men first, then we 'll
ship to the others," says Mrs. Oliver.
who helped moblliu Rancho Cordova 's
40,000 residents in a cookielift last year.
"No one pound cam either,'' she rem in·
ded donors, "they are just too small
to wort.••
Mrs. Oliver went before the Costa
Mesa City Council last week to outline
the cookielift concept now carritd on
in seven western statu, a purely volun-
WT program which cu be 1p0Ued by
being professionalized.
'"This is a challenge to individual
ciUzens,'' she explains, "we doft't want
'sponsors', we want people who acx:ept
the challenge t.o do something for the
men over there."
Immediate response io Mrs. Oliver's
ene-woman bake-and-distribute mission
ror the thousands of men who make
the search·and-destroy missions indicates
an endless flow of cookies.·
She says the primary problem lo be
overcome now is assuring a steady sup-
ply or cans in which to pack the: cootJea
and a flow of funds lo get them flown
lo Vietnam while stlll fresh.
The cookie lift goods are mailed to
war zone hospitals u well at front..llne
and rear ecbt:lon unit&, addressed to
the company or unit commanders, who
distribute them. •
"We're lucky H each man aeta one
cookie,'' says Mrs. Oliver. ·
Odds are, those odds will get better
the way thinas are ahapinc up todJ;y.
Fr&tn Page 1
borrowed from Orange Coast Junior Col-
lege Di.strict.
the organization died cut.
Veteran search and rescue squad mem·
bers ate familiar with final handling
of thole who die violently, but for tome
Explortr Scouta who volunteered, it w ..
&rim and iMJelllng duty.
The ordul and the sf&bl> on Ille mist·
Schtnitz Urges
State Campus .
Safety Board
SACRAMENTO (UPl)-A flvHDtmber compua Nftl1 """1mJaalM willl powtrs
to ilrt otate unhmlty or College
·-and lftlldenll would be ~ by lell*l-llled today by sen. Jolin G. sebmHz (11-Tuatin),
COmmltlee --would be IP-
)lOiated bJ the ·-to four.,... terma with lull IUlhorlly to 1nv..uc11e aD--'"llllo --1d bald MulnP oa mrJ oct ol force and violence oo-CUJTb>C OD campua Jn onler to determllle
who had committed -acts and 10 ........ all aucb ~ .. Scbmllo aaid.
lit oald Ii locGlty mepil>On wm found
guilty lhtlr dll!nlaal would b e
permanent and · students who wtre ex-
pelled could not riturn to ochool r..-
three years.
"The commlsBlon would a1ao be em.
powered to dlsmils c a m p u 1 ad-
minlltraton who do not uae tbtlr authori-ty ell!cU.Oly to keep the peace," lbe
lawmaker oatcI. addtnc tbit 1'>clude.s
pmldenl>, chonCellon, deooa and olber
olllcen. Nilther Univenlty of calilornla rqenlo
nor SWe COlleae -would have -
aJJ'1 aulllority to lntorltn w!tb lbe com·
mlillcm, Scbmll> Aid.
Mink Really 'Stole'
At Mesa Plaza Store
A llioklni mJol: fancier atole a atole
from a Colla M-~I atore
Wedn114'¥, In a flit thall commllled
Wh.ilt OM flll' MCtiGD~ ...... .,.,. Wll Gii
• Juoeh -JICl)leo .... today. No one at all was: IND in the floor
orea at the M"1 Com~. 3333 S. Brlatol
St., wben the one-tlllrd length ~stel
shaded mink stole wu stolen, accordin&
to police reports.
on their m1ndl u well as their bodiet. weeks' anauaf~'tralnfng and these are
Some ol the vlctlm.s' remaiJ¥1 were the seven who .were killed;
bMdly ncopluble u human In plulic. -LL Qndr •• ~ r. Caod, 3t al
bop and oheel>, while lhe job of geWng White Bear Like, Minn., ~ilot of 1111
them Olll ol lbe rugged, ....,..nll&-ebol<· ill4ated ooU.Ubmarlne ~trol bomller.
ed wUdemeu was seemingly inhuman -LL Cmdr. Beal G. Dolve1, 31, of
in Jlself. _ Minneapolill, ~pilot.
*'Tboee fire trans up there looked like -Petty Officer l(C Barill a.
tbe okl Bunna Road," 8'id Officer Dick Btnrlcklon, 47, MinneaPolla. , Beracb, of the Colla Meaa Police Search ~PeUy Officer l/C Wlllel' R. J.-.
.and Re&cue Tum. tea, .o. of St. Paul.
"U we were going uphill, \\'e knew -Lt. Cmdr. Olver B. Walley, 34,
we were going in the right direction,'' f\.lenominee, Wis.
he added, "it's extremely rugged terrain, -Lt. Jon E. Surratt, age untnown.
and a fog bank rolled over and cut training officer basel at the Twin Cities
viaibllUy down \0 lesa than 200 feet." air facility.
ftelervlstl frcm Twin Cities Naval Air -Petty Officer 1/C JoU E. Banstn,
Station at Minneapoli.1-SL Paul Dew into 31, of Rochester, Mino.
From Page 1
$ato,000 de al which would furnish tl
courtrooms, but no llbrarY 1ile.
C01Ung about the same, an eight-acre
court and regional library site, plus
a five-acre perking area offerecl PY the
Fair Board at Arlington Drive and
Fairview Road could olfer broader
Time -to all three agencies dealing
tn the matter -ls of the essence.
and Robert J. Plinilin. -of lhe county'• real JRperlY aervices division.
had uted for a baalc Fair Board stand
"lt'1 unfortunate that we're In an
open meeting, but this Is the way we
have to do It," ll1d Remer. ~an
of the Fair Board's legll and IJtr80llll'I
committee. "The way Newport Beach ls going
after thla, we are going to have lo
negotiate a good deal," cmmnented
Director Kermit E. 0 Johnny" Johnson.
Newport Beach officials presented their
pitch to lbe board of supervisol'S last
month and the Fair Board will take
acUon nut Thursday on a fmal proposal
for the court-library site.
Overcrowded a n d architecturally
obsolete, lbe Current Harbor Diatrlct
Judicial Court building at 561 W. 18th st.. COsta Mesa, ii to be replaced as
aoon u possible, with $2.5 million already
bu4geted. The Fair Board would like some sort
of boaic aption agreement with Ille coun-
ty, but the queatlon Is bellll left open
to fur;tber eiplocatioo and gilldance by
county olflclala. .
M worded now, the Wedneiday revised
,..mtljln oilers eiP.t acrw .lor,a -t ~to. nve ac:m for P,lrtlnl. ~~-ad·
<UUooal land avallablif at °"'"' to
bi determ1ned by mutuat cOdrr.tair
Tbe land ii aptX"ailed at $40,000 per
acre. Humphreya said today that this Is
a particularly important clause as far
as be.i.ng worked out in any final agree.
ment on a deal, in which each tax-sup-
• porled agency will be liargalnlnl for
its publlc.
Talks 'bogged down Wednesday when
Director Bishop insisted he sees the
proposed deal as a moral and ethical
violation, based on current state law
""'ording. Any disposal of fairgrounds real pro-
perty mu.st be followed by plowing tbe
proceeds into new capital improvemen~.
ana Bishop main tained that a lease dial
would be improper.
He said it violates tbe spirit of the
la\v in hi& view and amoun\3 to a
"There is nothing very exotic about
a lease instead or a sale," countered
Remer, "il the legislature was afraid
of that being a loophole they would
have plugged it."
Other agricurtural districts have man-
aged such deals -including a 21>-year
lease fo r San Diego County's Del Mar
racetrack -but Bishop stuck lo hit
guns and voted against fellow board
Remer asked if an opinion from the
office of Attorney General Thomas C.
Lynch would satisfy Bishop's misgivings.
"That's a moot quest.ion," obaerved
Director Burr Williams, "if it is, we'll
hear about it real quick."
Any deal would have to be approved .
by the slate Fair and Exposition Board.
$15,000 Fire Sweeps
Santa Ana Classroom •
Fire of unknown origin did about
$15,000 damage to the Kenoetl'I E.
Mitcbell School, 3001 Harvard St., S-
Ana, Wednesday.
FJre offici~s said they were J.n.
vestigating the blaze which destroyed
o n e classroom and damaged aeveral
others. Because ol the Lincoln's BirtbdaY
holiday, no children were in atteodlDC9
at the special education school.
A Costa Mesa youth injured in 1
hroadllde collisioo Monday night sllil
remained fn bad shape today, while
his girl companion bas improved since
the accidenl
Last fall Orange Coast came within
a whisker of pulling a major upset
when a $7.25 million bond try lost by
only.11 votes. Two previous finance pro-
positions had failed to win even 50 per-
cent approval
Another big factor, probably was the
change in superintendents. Newcomer
was blunt and outspoken. He told
residents they were smug and implied
they had cock'eyed values. He likily
shamed many person• into voting for
the bonds but probably also jelled the
al _jJ. J. (Jarrell~
Frank D. Meader. 18, o( 257 Flower
SL, Is listed in guarded condiUon in
the Jnlem,ive Care Unit et cOsta Mesa
Memorial Hospital.
He suffered head injuries, lacerations
and a fractured elbow while riding on
the passenger aide QI a gm.all car which wu sUuck by another vehicle at a
busy intersect.ion.
Sasan L. Ellis, 16, of. 621 Begonia
Ave., Corona del Mar, was turning from
Fair Drive onto Fairview Road about
7 p.m., wben a car on the busier
thoroughfare collided with hers.
Miss Elli.I is listed in &atisfactory
condition today. with lacerations, while
the other lone driver, Ru6Sell 1A, Snyder.
16, of 2513 Littleton Place, Costa Mesa,
was treated for minor injuries and
011;.i."IGE COAST •Ull.WUN'G COMl",t.,"''
~•Mrt N. 'W••l
l"raidlnl ....i l"t,lbll-
J•c.k It, c.,,.,
Vk• "''''*"' atll Gl'fttt'el ,,_.~ ......
Th•m•• K••"il fdii.r
Th•"'•' A. ._.11rphi"• ~nff•nt Etilol' ' ,,1111 Ni'''"
,i.t""1f$1ftt'Oif f ' •o•
C-. ..... Offk•
)JO W•tf l•y Slrt•f
lJ1i1i"'I M•••t1 ,.o. In t••o. t!•?' --"'--' kid!! nn w.1 ••ll:IN ..,,,..., .... ....... ...-:mf-'A-...,..,.. IMd'll aot MI~
~11.V Pit.OT, wt"' wtoldl I\~ the ll;is l"s-lo. ......,.,..,.. t•~Y t•t•I S.U.
...... "' -~ Mll!iol'o;, ..... ..._ lftdl. ,.__. atlf.fl, CDll• WM. ...... ........
.. _. -11~•111 v1l1t7, •*" w1tt1 • ~ ~·•· 0r-c-• 1'1*"'""9 c-e. _...., .....,,, .,., ., nn ..,..
........ .jyd,, "'-' lHcJI, .. Jlill
WUt 1.., l •rttt. Cto111 ""'.,.·
t•ftt• f114t '41-4J21
Cl ...... M:alMil Ml•l•Jt
c~ ,..., Or..-i• CM11 ..,........,..,.
,_,, ... -.... in. ·~"·~ dlWltl lllltttt ,,,. ................. ,.,...
-flt .~.. ..tttltUt -* ....,.. ,,..... • C#'l'rilM -'· 1«.• C.lt• _.... N\11 ................. ..,. C..11 .... (el,..._, 5*Uill'*' -~ &tt•• 11.n .....,,, ., -11 u_. ........,,
IJllllWY •llll'l•fl11'11. •1.n ~.
The junior college district's tactic was
simple. Inform parents about the bond
election, but no one else. In short, be
selective with publicity, and otherwise
keep quiet.
NOW]lC>rt·Meoa did Ille $8111e Illing. PT A
workers and vohmleer teachers made
a concerted effort lo regl!tet all parents
and school personnel, sent each three
maillngs,.and made 10,000 telephone calls
reminding them lo vote election day.
Traditional, scattersbot get-out-the-vote
tactics were dropped. This time there
were no bumper stickers, newspaper
advertisements, press releases, or door-
UH:loor campaining. It wasn't from the
school district that "no" voters found
out about the bond election.
No doubt the strategy worked. But
in final analysis, if it had been the
only factor changed from last election
it probably only would have produced
a very close vote as in the case of
Orange Coast College.
The larger margin of victory must
be attributed to a change in community
opinion resulting in a switch of votes.
It seems like every major community
group possible endorsed the last bond
election. The time before, endorsements
were few, a couple of city councllrnen
from Newport Beach lent support to
opponents of the bond issue. and
Assemblyman Badham issued a last mo-
ment press release that might have
had the illect of sabotaging the bond
vote. .
Not long after the 1967 bond defeat,
women from the Harbor View School
PFO began jumping all over the Ne'ifPQrt
Beach City COtlocil From that attack
came a move for a joint cities-schools
meeUng tbat kd to a liaison commJttee
and ..-Uy bond endorsements by
both Newport and Cost.a Mesa city coun-
Meamrtillt, chamber of commerce
leaden wba badn~ known how to respond
when asked to endor5e bond Issues
launched an lnvesUgatlon of the school
district. By their own later admission
Ibey Jnltnded to !Ind where the district
bad spent too much on COO$trucUon.
But tn the end they were convinttd
otherwise, P"tVailed ori Newport Harbor
fnd Colla M-chmlber dlrocton lo
Mdone the bond luue, and lhlll voice
tht aupport of the buslnw community.
TWo coacerntd cltbell, Jim Wood of
Colla Mm and Richard Jenness of
Newport Beach, orpnized a Cili.Jens
Farum on Scitools that leot &Upporl to
the school dllllricl for awhila beloro
His &uccessor, William Cun Bingham,
practiced the soft sell. He apoka to
any audience he could find, telling \hem
it is their schools and he needs their
Cunningham and influential community
leader1 he enlisted also were busy behind
the !!Ci!ne pulling the teeth of the op-
position. They sought out former school
detractors and sold them on &l.lting out
or supporting this bond elecUon.
There were no anti-bond groups form-
ed. There was no last minute brMdside.
There, simply, was no pub Uc opposition
this lime.
The linal factor, and perhaps the most
decisive of all, was the advent of double
sessions. No longer was thls a future
threat: the educational short change was
here. All second grade.rs -1,300 chlldrtn
in all -went on double &eSSiona thia
IL v.•as incongruous in an area of
affluence. Maybe, everythi!'lg e 11 e
discussed set aside, that was it. You
just don't have double sessions in an
anluent area. It couldn't last.
Frorn Page 1
Fuisse' in a Polack pantry.
But one formidable, potential foe -
capable of conquering a grluled cop
with a glance or making a hoodlum
homesick for Century City and Chlc•10
-remained to be utiafled •
She Is tbe dedicated, professional
animal-lover,~ mother of milllanl>.
"Besides the horses, there are many
Jack rabhlls, groom oqulmls and wlld
cats out there," Lutjeans said Wed·
nesday, verbllly Uptoelng up on the
"There are a number of ladietl who
•.. " he continued.
"Wear tennis shoee?" quipped aome-
"No. no, who have the tJme, COO·
olderaUon and table ocrapo to feed these
1trays and alao bold lhem In arut
esteem." he contlnued, u the meuaae
There would be trwble right here
In River City il al(yooe llM>uld be
suapected of tut-pains· our fouMaed
frttnda, oiooa with -dmnlnc """"" God'• Creatum wbo walk tNCt.
' -
Your /OllOrite i•ltri<>i' ~ 1Di11 bo hGppr to .,,;,1 I/OU • , •
'46-0275 646.Ql16
RMCls •••
In the Wind
Dwyer School qn Palm Avenue
and 17th Street is under fire by
parents of the Huntington Beach
City School district because of a
plan being diSCU!sed for · sending
sixUJ graders to school there along
\Vilh seventh and eighth g~ders.
The objecting parents have a lot
of complaints to cite and generally
they are right about the old school.
It was built in 1933 and certainly
the two story, concrete building
atop a hill was a beauty then only
In the eye of ,its builder.
Yet since 19ss children from the
l:luntingtori-Valley area have gone
lo school there, including my own
children. A couple of years ago
It wa s decided that the gym-swim-
ming pool building was unsafe as
:lefined under the state Field Act
and the building along with the
cafeteria was closed.
* 'fhis means that the children
have no shower facilities, nor hoi
lunch facilities al D w y e r
Intermediate proper. and generally
t he old school is typical of an old
school .
Interestingly enough, w h i I e
parents object to sending their
sixth graders to the old school.
iew complain about Huntington
Beach High School to which many
.of the Dwyer graduates go after
8th grade.
It is a much older school, but
its architectural style gives it
character and the facilities are not
only complete. but modern. Dwyer,
is ancient anQ lacks the charm
of the high school as well as the
modern conv~niences .
* All of this is no surprise to the
trustees. The school is not their
idea of the perfect modern plant,
but it is all they have right now.
They'd gladly sell the whole mess
JC it were marketable.
This does not mean that the
citizens cannot do something about
the old school. Turning out at
school board meetings to find out
what the troubles might .be in the
distri ct is a start. .
Turning out at the 'polls on Feb.
25 to support the district's tax rate
and bond proposjtions is another
Way to contribute. Insisting that
the trustees do a s much as the
People a re willing to pay for takes
not onl.v the trustees. but the people
as well. I'm sure you will be
wel comed at all trustee meetings.
Trip Sclieduled
To Marineland
A tri"p to Marineland 0£ the Pacific
lhis Saturday begins a series of trips
planned for children in the Title I pro.
gram at Oak View Scl)ool.
Members of the Ocean View School
District Boanf ot Trustees approved a
long list of trips Monday night for the
Oak View youngsters.
Future trips include Marineland of the
Pacific (second time), Feb. 15.
I Out ol J)btrlet
C·olleg~ T:rustee's .
House Costs. Joh . . .
By THOMAS FORTUNE ot .. O.W, .... ....,
J . O'Hara Smith lost his seat
on lbe Oranp eo,st Junior O>lle1e
District board befOre he ever sot a
chance to run for it.
Smith tried Co file to run in the April
15 truatee election and .wu notifie,! he
now lives 200 feet beyond the junior
colleee district boundary. He was a~
poipted last SWMJer to sU<leetd WaJter
A special meeting hu been called
tonight far the f o u r remal.ninc
~ to decide whether to ·oppo1nt
a successor to Smith. The board still
has a list of persons who wen inttrested
in filling the vacant Newport Bel.eh
area . seat Smith wu appointed to last
However, the trustee election looms
jU!t over two months away IO board
members may decide not to appoint
SmJth finds him.sell out of a job
because he reeenUy moved a mile and
one:-ha1f from a home ln Harbor View
Hilla to a home in Harbor View Homes,
Beach School
Previews Set
Previe:ws of all the candidates running
for local school board po1itions will be
presented by the HunUngton Beach
League 0£ Women Voters beginning
March 26,
The Voters Service Committee of the
League ls cumenUy seekinj: hel.P from
other Huntington Beach or1aniuUons in
arranging for the public to meet the
LocaUons haven't been named £or the
meetings, but dates for meetini school
board candidates are March 28, Seal
Beach schooJ board ; March rt, Fountain
Valley school board; April I,
We.stm.i.n.mr school board; April t , Ocean
View school board, and April 10, Hun-
tingtoh Beach school board.
Trustee candidatea for the Hutltington
Beach Union Jfigh School Di!trlct will
be present al all five meetings.
School board elections are lchodul~
for April 15.
Other organizationS that would like
to help in planning: the candidate
previews may contact Mrf. Kenneth
Katz, 847-3493.
Help is needed in plaMinJ, publicizing
and hosting the meeting, according to
the League. No financial obligation is
Planning Aides
Sought in Beach
Huntington Beach reside.Ills with an
' Interest in city planning: are invited to
apply for the voluntary po5ltion of plan·
ning commissioner.
A vacancy on the seven-man com-
miss.ion exisls with the rtsignatJon of
Charles Lane. Applicant.a: are to be m.
terviewed by the councilmen aDd one
will be chosen to nu the poaition. Other
applicants will be co!Wdered for openings
in the future.
Applications should be sent in writin&
to the city adminiltrator, P.O. Bo1: Ito,
HunUneton Beach.
" both deVelo~ .. Ill tbe hllll overloo.k· lnl Conqa deUW.
Sqpt. N...W. ·W~ llld he ...
the bqlftl wll! .llllke ID a~t II
the ~ toaf&l>t. lie lDdlcated ·-:u:.-ii~ glvm llroq <"":
Onace c0ut Boord l'relldenl Worth
Keene -'!I. bowevtr, the meettnc will .:.
be to --to •ct lJJunocllololy on a IUl"CtUll .. <r.to-watt.
"!'DI """' '""re 1oto.< to klcl: arOUlld all alternaUves," be said. .
Keene said there were sil other ·~ phcants lut July besides Smith , wJio
still ~ be coasidered. He llld there
are no plans at present to interview
additional applic1nt.. .
Keene said' .the boanl lw io clays
within which to make an appoi.ntn1ent.
County schools officials notified Smilh
h!? Js ineligible last Friday, 68 days
before the April 15 trustee election. Deputy County Couon! Ragnar Enae-
bretsen confirmed that the educatfon
code uys the board shall appoint within
60 days. If it fails to do so, the county
Board of Education shall then make the
appointment, he said.
He said he d,idn't know what the
county board might do in lhe remaining
eight days if Orange Coa!t didn't act.
"If they ask us we'll tell they should
appoint because the cOOe says 'shall,' "
Engebretsen said. "But µitre are 1 lo\,
of areas where the code :says sllall. As
a practical matter t h-e y probably
couldn't make the appointment in that
Smith's new addre:s:: aUll is in the
City of Newport Beach and 1Wl is ln
Newport·Me1& Unllltd School Dl!trlct.
But it no longer is .in Orance Cout
Junior College District.
He bas become a reaident o£ Siddle-
back Junior College District.
The boundary line, drawn belore any
homts were built in the artAi now etJts
diagonally 8Cf08! I lleW 500-bome devel-
When it becam\; koown where the
homes were ·to be built Newpoct..Meaa
schools worked out an aareement with
'I'U5tin aru school dlltrictf to rtdraw
the line. Orange Coast Supt. Watson said
his district tried to do the same but Sacl-
dleback junior college trustees objected.
Wataon said Smith ~ "one of UK>k vie.
Ums of a freak circUmatmce."
Smith'• reaction to Jou of his aut on
the board ii one d disappointment. 1be 38-~ar-old banker said hid be-known
be would have cholen another bou.le
among those be looked at in the tract.
Fountain :Valley
Schedul~ Girls'
Softball Signups
Registration ot· girls 9 through 15 for
' the Fountain Valley Bobby Sox Softball
League will be held at Talbert Avenue
and Magnolia Street ' from 11 a.m. to
2 p.m. for the nezt three Saturdays.
Ellgible are girls W'ho will ' have their
oth birthday before Sept. I, but. will
not be 11 until after Aug. 31. RepltraUon
r ee is '6 per girl for the fint 1n the
family, 13 foe the IOCOlld lllCl · II
thereafter. The fee coven iMaance,
unifonn1 ud other benefits.
A l<ntral -1ing of the p-ts lllCl
their parents will be held at Foonlain
VaUey School Monday at 7:30 p.m. Forms
will be available for partnll who mlJhl
like to be Coaches or managers.
Full information on the leap may
be obtained by calling Mr1 •. Wllli11111
Roberts, 147.-; R. D._ Lewll, l4U308;
Jim Ully, SQ..2811; or A. B. Holllndtn,
lieUroe. ·
Siinging the Whale '-''IT ........
One of lhree killer whales at Marineland of the
Pacific on Palos Verde• Peninsula is boiltA!d to-
-,ward ne\v tank. Giant c rap~ \\·as used to
tran&fer whales to new home. Smallest of lite trio
weigb1 ln at a,eoo pound1 and la 15 feet, i incbe1 long. '1 ! v
' ..
.. -'
., ., •
' •
! .. ·•
"' •
. '·
glassware makes
your table
Crystal clear or smartly shaded ... Colony glassware makes dny table
setting a little brighter. This beautiful collection contains a variety
al sets to fit every serving need. They'll make your ne;ict party shine!
a. 7 piece cdrclial set including hand·
some daconterand 6 matching glasses.
Amber, green or blue, 5.18
l : , t • l~i
,\ 'J \ \ Ii
. ·' l _ '
Ir\.:::.._~ ... ' ( ,. ,,.. ' ..l\ ' ••• . -I
b. 21 piece 1131 purpooe tumbler set. B
oach highhOll>, old !mblonod. -•/
c. 12 p iece deslert Mt hx:ludina lix
plates and six matching cups. Choose
oliveorgold, 5.M •
juic•. Olive or gold. $.n .may co glatsware l 26 '
... .
Rose Point '
,. Grand Barooue
' ; save 30.00 to 100.00 on
~ . Wallace sterling services
• for 4, 8 or 12 .. .= :d :;;
Lovely Wallace sterling in the beaull·
ful patterns you've grown to love •..
now al savings lo accommodate any
r. budget. Choose" a service for 4 aiid
save 30.00. a service for 8 and me
65.00. or a service for 12 and save
~ 100.00. All sets include knives. lorb.
.s salad forlr:s · and teaspoons. Oilly a
l few of !he patterns are shown.
~ .. r~·Ke ""'"" ••tvU -a'l!:.i br 4 '"'. for l~
Ro&e Pcint lit.Oii 317.00 S4IJIO
Michele 213.00 121.00 1211.QO
Spanish Lace 213.00 121.00 1211.00
Dawn Mi>t 211.00 131.00 -Grand Baroque 22.1.00 '41.00 -• Bar on May eo·,· .u.,., club plan.
I No down paymen~ no carrying
I charge, no interest, up to 24 months
to pay.
f"ll'l)' co aliverware ~:;
,,,., co south coast plaa, MR dleCJO fwy at bristol, Costa IMIGl 546-tllt
•P ~ ,.ro•th Mltllrdtty l 0 a.111. to 9:30 p.m.
. .
.. ~
When someone gives him a pru-
ent Ohio's Stephen Yount b car.,.
ful 'tt doesn't compromise his posi--
tton as a United States 1enator
"I've got a $5 limit on all gifts/'
says Young. Someone recenUy
gave him a case of cosily scotch
whiskies and the venerable Demo-
crat returned all but one botUe. 111
appraised it," be said, "at fllJ." •
\Vhilt LiUy, {;a. re.ri~fttr
sleyt burglars crept OtroJI toi"'
more tha.n $1,800 orocemt and
merchandise Jrom a oeuial
store and a groce,,,.._.thf! towrl'i
only commerdat en~11.
"It was the fifth time in fioe
year!," one store owner moaned.
"But it's hard to prevent mil·
chief when all our re.!J>Oflriblc citizens ara in bed by 9 p.m:"
• Mrs. Thomas McGoy of Cincin-
nati got her quarterly city water
bill and blanched. The total was
$175.75. She complained and Cily
Manager Richan! Krabach sent
out an investigating team which
discovered a leaky pipe beneath
her basement floor. Krabach or-
dered the Waterworks Department
to adjust the bill, saying there was
no way Mrs. McGoy could have
known about the leak short of rip-
ping up the basement floor.
I • -Michael Kwivlal of Chicago has
won a divorce, but, waa granted
daily visitation rights. Judge . Hy-
man Feldman said Kwivial could
visit his former wlfeJevery clay to
walk "Dude," bat he has to pay
$5 a week exlra to ·feed the SO.
pound dog. · • ---
Whit. mwtangs with whit< aid<·
wall. tiru mav not: be mws~ but a
fovr-leootd model sporting a tire is
a bit odd. Tom Goodin, of Brush Pork,
lnd., found this "Old Gra~ Mart" the
perfect amwer to transporting a
needed spart tirt from a service 1ta·
tio• back to his farm. • A prisoner under Jlie sentence in
Atlanta, Ga. and a shapely, 26-
year-old brunette have wed. in a
ceremony that involve4 nothing
more than signatures. The couple
married under an 1859 court deci+
sion that said mutual agreement
is the onJy essential requirement
for marriage, providing that no
other laws are broken.
{ . ., ,., . *'' ., •..•. .;..i . ·]!;~· .,. .... T-T~··
· "'t'Bllbblel," the -bm bunny, drew plel!IY of stares
from paslO}>sers on a Toronto bus Wo:dnesday as
she t~sted '-. suggeition made at . the Canadian
Urban Transportation Conference that bus bunnies
be used to make public transportation · more ap-
Ni,xon 'Taps Ike's
Son for Belgium
Ambassador Post
Eilenhower, IQll of fcrmer Pre:aldent
Dwlgbl D. Eiaenhow<r, will be named
900l1 by Presid• Nixon u ambassador
to Belgium, it Was learned today.
Eiselibower, ts, ii a retired Anny
colonel. H"u Hpoct.d to be appointed
belOl'e Nixon begins his elght.<lay trip
to qve Western European capitals,
startli!&· Feb. 23. The first otop will
be Brilsliels, tbe Belgian capital. · .
~er •Worked for· Nixon during
'lbe ....-ierntaJ camPJllgn. His aon David,
20, la\Jnlrried to Nixon's daughter .;rulie,
20. . .
EiJenhinm' is vacaUonlng in the , B4hamas and •u unavailable for ccm-
menl. II would be his first dlplomati<
post and firat government job since
he served as a military auistant to
. his lttber Ill tbe Whit. House In 1153-
1911. -
Ke hu ·written a · book about World
War n and tbe adion cent.ring aroiind
Beljlum. If confirnied by the Senato,
Ile woold lllCCeed Rldreway B. Knight,
a career .fcrdgD terVice ottlctr hr BruaaOJi.
Shaw Trial Judge Bans
Testimony on Hypnosis
NEW ORLEANS '(UPI) -Dist. Judge
Edward A. Haggerty Jr. today banned
all medical tesUmony by either side
about Perry Raymond Russo's hypnoals
aelllions on bis·story tbat·Clay-L. Shaw
conspired to' murder~sldent John F.
Kmmedy. . :; ~·
The ruling wu ...W·at the beginning
~ testiniany)by the .uite's 22nd wit~
lit the Sha"' CC1111J>iraCJ trial -Dr. Es-
'JllOlld Fatter., The Neyr Orleans doctor
hypnotized the at.ate'• star witnesa in
~ 1987, 'before Russo testified at
a ~bearing. The defense~ had announced lhat it
intended to ' call a nationally known specla11st~ in· ~ to sbow that
the hypnotism hall destroyed Russo's
creillblllty aa a ·wt-"by implanting
in bis 1mlz)d "'"bat the questioner wanted
theri and wllat tbe questioner 1Uggest<d
to blib." •
Hicgerty saJd "I will . not allow
tesUmony" al¥Jut the hypnotism sessions
from· any'quarter.
Earlier, a• postman testified he deli•ered.. le~ .............. to jbe myBterloUi-cliy ~·111 · I~ al
a temporary forwarding address for
Shaw, amt lbat u aoon .as Shaw canceled
'the · forwarding address, the Bertrand
lettas alao atopped.
· James Hardiman.· a b.J g soft-spoken
Negro m'ail carrier,, told Shaw's con-
spiracy trial "quite , a few" letten to
"Bertrand" came to 1414 Chartres Street
in New Orleans during the lime Shaw
had designated It · as a temporary
forwarding address..
In 1964, a legal oecrelary told the
Warren Cornmisllion ·"Clay Bertrand" is
the man who called to , try to arrange
a lawyer for Lee Haryey · ~ald the
day alter the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination
of President John F. Kenne:dy in Dallas.
'I1le Warren Cormnisslon 'never found him. .
Dist. Atty. Jlpt Gartjson saysjBertraod
w,as really Shaw, w)io ·is on trial Jor
compfr!ng with CMwljld · aod pilot David
W. Ferrie.to assas,lnate Kennedy.
8 Pueblo ,Crewmen Deny ;
All Secret Papers Burned
CORONADO (UPI) -Eight enlisted
men who worked tn the intelligence aec-
tion of the UM Pueblo have denied
the testimony of their superior, Lt.
Stephen Harris, that be ordered all secret
papen and equipment destroyed before
Communist North Korea captured the
The admirals holding ar. inquiry into
the Pueblo's seizure on the high seas
oH North Korea Jan. 23, 1967, met
privately today, apparenUy to consider
the gap between Harris' statements and
those of bis men.
There were indications Harris and
some of hi.a: 11Ubordlnates might be recall·
ed for more questioning.
Testimony by sis: enlisted men who
worked in the Puebt0'1 intelligence
division -known u the 1'1poot unit"
-was released Wednesday. lt backed
up the statements of two chief petty
officers that Harri! never Wu~ destruc·
Uon.orders.for the Pueblo's secret papUs
and devices.
Among the sit was Communications
Technician lC Donald Peppard, who said
the Koreans may have obtained a com-
plete written report of the Pueblo's ln-
telllgence-gathering yqission oil North
Peppard said there were two copies
of the report, and that he personally
destroyed one of them. He did not know
what became of the other.
Peppard and five other petty officers
first class who worked in the intelligence
unit of the Pueblo testified in secret
Tuesday. Portions of their tesUmony
were made public Wednesday.
• '
Vietnam .'ralks ;
StiI·I Dea'dlocked
PARIS (UPI) -The United siates
and North Vietnamese delegatlon 'leaden
to tbe Vletoam peace , lalU said Ibey
were unable today to break the deadloct
that . has marked tbe lalU alnce Ibey
a~ted four weeks ago.
Both u .s. Ambusador Hellr)' Cabol
Red Leaders
Me.eting Ove~
Berlin Travel
BEl\LIN (UPI) -Soviet bloc military
leaden held a top meeting in East
Berlin today only two days before new
Communist Berlin travel restrict.ions go
into effect, the East German \news
service AON reported. The meeting stir·
red fears of a new Berlin crbl!.
AON said the Warsaw Pact mWtary
commanders met under Soviet Marshal
Jvan l. Yakubovsky. Present at the
meeting were officers of the East
German, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Polish,
Romanian and Ciechoslovaldan anned
AD'N said the meeting_ was held , in
an atmosphere of comradeship 1n arms
and mutual cooperation. But Western
officials feared the east might be plan-
ning to harass West Berlln•in retaliation
for the March 5 meeting here of the
West German electoral college to eled
a president. ·
E a s t Germany already w a s vowing
""'decisive resistance" against the elec-
tions and said the Bonn government
h disturbing the peace of Europe by
scheduling the elections in West Berlin.
The East Germana already have ban-
ned land travel through East Germany
to this outpost city.
The· offlcial Communist p a r t y
newspaper of East Gennany, Neues
Deut.schland, said "'Ille aggression ex-
pansion policy of West German im-
perialism, the attempt to change the
status quo, will meet our decisive
"The security of Europe only can rest
on the recognition of the status quo.
Our defense of the status quo o( West
Berlin against a provocative attack by
Bonn ·is a dehme of the peace interests
of all European nations."
Lodi• and,. Xuan Thuy, bead . of the
Hanoi delegaUon, emerged from the
metllng place al the Frond> YOl'~n
Ministryfa JntematioOal Con f.e r1 e:ia e e
Center and rtported: "No progress."·
.The Uollecl state. and South VlelAam
ag4iD urged the C.OmmuniBts to agree
to a ocaling down al tbe n,tiUng, and
tbe Hanoi and Viet Cong dO!egaUons
repeated their inalstenct that the con-
ference deal wUh pallUcaJ issues first.
Lodi• ·called on tbe Communist atdo
to join the allieJ in an atteropt to
"find ways to . sepaute the contending
forces and arrange for 1he with drawal
of aternal elements," meaning ·foreign
In an effort. to begin creating the
necessary atmo.spbere for a peaceful
solution. to the war, Lodge aaid tho
United State& had "made concrete pro-
posals regarding tbe demili~ized ......
mutual withdrawal of external forces
and priSOl)er1 ol war."
The chief U.S. negoUator told the Com•
munista, "I hope your response (lo these
pro'posals) will be positive."
Thuy, who spoke after Lodge, recalled
that he had "replied ·and rejected the
proposals" during last week's seulons.
His rejection today was just as emphatic.
Finch Cuts Aid
To 3 Southern
School Districts
ment of Health, Education and Welfare
today cut off federal financial aid to
three more Southern school districts for
failure to desegregate in compliance with
the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The order, which becomes effective
March 16, was announced by HEW
Secretary Robert H. Finch. It included
no provision for funds to be retrieved
retroactively should the districts decid~
to desegregate.
'I1le districts affected were: Emmet
School District No. 13, Emmet, Ark.,
Greenwood C.ounty School District No.
52 at Nlnetysi:J:, s.c., and Chester County
Board of F..ducation at Henderson, Tenn.
Finch seiit notice of his cutoU order
to House and Senate committees.
Y~ 1.a-t-~ ~mmt:r '7"'l tioa.e to .ui. nming o1
reading, TV "1ewmg. or full-bed .Uppiog •• , j111t the
lhlng to Qtle the tcmka af a busy day , • , the perfect
O)lnpanion for deep IClted a:imfort and mlful l'duation.
ASK!, now, 801Dethinf new ha5 hmi added lo La·Z·:&y
~ai11 • • • tb.t ~ ~lcctor, 11n inve:ition lhat pro-,.,dm tlmc-powion kg nst mm.fort 1rith or without
m:llninr the chair ••• and lhc medwilicu. curies a
Lilttimc Wmaty.•
Stt thelc La-Z.JSar ~at om' lltft bhy.
Major Eastern Roads Open SAVE
Subzero Temperatures From Minnesota to Iowa
Ju""' akltl ~ .. 5-.iltler1!
c:.tlfonlle ..,...... but "*"-,,.. '°""'
........... d8udl---lfllom •rMI ....,.. ""''-· Therw _., localY 9u~IY wind• -
"-ITICIUfl!tlfll 9ftCI ...,..., II -· 1l1'tlttt' aoltr O¥W "tM _.,."' ' in.
....... tl!ll alltfltly "'""'"' olllw .,.. .. I.fl A-'11 W.I mot!~ WO'lf!Y follfW-1111 .. ,.,... ""'"'1 .. 'c:IMI*. Tiit !llell .,
h (IYlc Ctnfwt' _, .. Dlll'IH'" wl" ~I IM~"'"'"' wl ft, "'""" _,. ,,,.,.... -wt"' ,..., ...,.....lllm -r M.. W1ttr ~ __ ...
...... rMOlllM ., --·'" _,,.. _.. ... tlle .... -\llttllt llllfl dltllf1 ,., __ !ft,.. ....
...... """' w .............. """ldtd hi. todlY lnCMlt L-. IHctl '14 ....... Mfftlu tl41. •lll'kllk .......
Ml. WttMll l!Mol, ~•llnltf .. ~ aiv.
.,.... ...... ~·-....... 7MI. ... ............ 5Ml. Mii D .... '2-tl. Slr!lt --· LOI IJtOEl•S ANO VICINIT'l'-OIMl"IJIY .. Ir ~ ,rlM,, s .......... ..,_. ...... °""" .,,.,,.. -· u ...
""" l-"""""'' ........ ,rld<r¥ 111. (QUTAL AND tNT•llMfDIATIE
\l'ALl fYI -,.... ~ 'rldrt,
LIQI -"' -'II ft ~! w!lldl ,.,..,.,.,,..,.IM.....,_...~
J11oo1tt. .__ WIWlt • .. a. Hiflll
l"rldn • to n. MOUNTAIN Alll!AS -hlf ~
~"*"' wt111 alW!Hf WWll'lfF' ''"'"" --. Ol.l•tv --,. ...........
ilr:KJt'"' "'"· INTllllCMI ANO O ... f llf.OIONS ~•Ir "'""""' "'*"'· L.eef pty '*1fltrly W1Nt 1J te 1' """ 11 f!IMI. Jllftlffy c:ooltl' _, ...... ,....,.,,
"""' l'rW'I" ............. ., ,. 11 ,_. ¥tllWI. I.OWi ..... 'I
,. ,. ~ "''""' tJ ... ..... tM-11 ... ,._.. vtlltY'-
l4lfllry tM WWmlf ... flll ( ,,
...... wlltr cNllGI • ,..r., " Stf\lt'Ny.
WIMll Ml1tl••""'" ll .. 1• kl'IOtl. T....,..1 1\1111. a f. If,
Y .. .......,. • ..,_.,.,... rl 11•••
ftWl'I • ti• ...... llW ., .... 1 ... ..... ~ ,..,.. -"""' Tiit """ ~ WM P ,I ... -S•11, M-'J'Wes THVllSDAY
~ -·. . . •i• """· l.t -· Finl 11w ..... ,.., ....... 12:6' •,111. t.I
"'"' ................... l:J.S '""· t.J St<.oriii .................. 11• •·"'· , .. s.c..I ... ,. ............. ~ ,:27 •"'· u -.. , • ._ ~'7 '"" liift t :lf 1.m. IM ...... ftOa.m. ..... J1M1J11. ~ ""' e. M LIM O. lift.~•· , .. ,., ,Mtt"... """'· 11
v.s. s ... _.,,
T-..rttum Ill 1ttt lQa ... llM ~
kllo "" *"' ,...., .. ~ ..,.,.
.... , 111111 _,. trwllrltt!Md I
lkftll-_. ITllll OI tflt M f)M.
11111 -ltllt "'"-'nllltW 11 111t
frnrlllt """ If .,.._ """' promJM
of '-ftlmt ""-'-""'" .. m -"' '91M11111'9flllf-1'191~
!flt I:-c.... _, ~ '*"""' !flt ... , ...ii .....
Tiit wtlttr. '-•IYl'ft "'""-1'111 1111111 -. Olll4'tMti te MlnMt.ot1,
-""' Otltoln. ~ Wltaln•lll •nill' l'llW1ll a!!!nl ,_, ""' '""'"" """9tr1hlnt -_..,, 11 '9r
llflllll H tlle ...... ii-OI °"""" 11'11 Mlullli..I. Anotller II 1111N1 In 1111 ll'H ,,,.,....
Holl)'WlllW --"llMl!t ,.... llllllMlfl ~ .,.... lft btctf'l'll .....,.,,,
!Ml """"" Ill ... ,rw1111 """"' • ....... -. ..... ...
&at8"fle ..
ll!W!llrdl; ·-·~ ... "'""' C11>1:IJ1Mll
""""' Del Molntt. n.rron ,, ....
Fort Werlll ,_ ,_ -· ........
la1 v"n
L• """" Mltt!ll ltKfl
Ntw Orkto1'4
N-Yori! ....... ......
•uoll~ Pl'tlltdeld'llli ·-· ,_,,. .......
llWld CllY
• .. lllvn' ·-Stc:t•-•o II, l.eult .....
Sin Ltt1 Cl!Y ... -$111 f<rwlld-
Slnl• &t'*"r• s .. n1e =:, w-
.. " .Q 24 , • .. " " .. • • ~ " Al) t7 .DS 21 11 . " '' 16 ,,, .. ff .. .
" " • •• 11 .. " ...... .... " .. 14 SI
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" ·• " " " " .. .. n .11 !! ' .. , ....
" .. .. • ..
" " ,, ..... " .. JS .61 u .. ..
$209.50 ~:i'tE 516f' 'LA • Z • B 0 ...........
• P•;SM131
• . • Ul'1 Tt .... NN
Lit•rgical Bance
A novel liturgical dance is performed by Sister Ann Taylor· in the chapel of
Newton. College of the Sacred Heart at Newton, Mass. during concelebrated
mass for Siater Eleanor Kenny, foundress and first president of the college.
N. Korean 'Defector' Pope Urges
Firm Stand ' Arrested as Red Spy
For Czechs
NY School
Makes Giant
hemmed and hawed.
That made the CIA
suapicious. Who but a Com-
munist would nol lash Kim~
They began . tracking the
On Jan. "l:l Lee donned a
wig and a false mustache.
With a forged passport and
a man later identified as Bae
Kyong Ok, a relative of a
wife Lee had left behind in
North KQrea, Lee boarded a
plane at Seoul for Hong Kong.
The South Korean CIA mlss.-
ed him· here. But South
Korean officlals were waJUng
at Hon1 Kong's K a i t a k
Airport. They chaud him
through the wide corridors of
the British colony's airport.
Hong Kong police stepped in.
Pope Paul VI urged the people
of Czechoslovakia today to
stand firm in the race of
political stress.
"Act manfully, suffer like
strong men, retain a secure
calm, wait under the shield
of pure conscience until the
unleashed storms become light
gusls of wind," he said.
The Pope issued hia words
of encouragement aod support
in a nine-page episcopal letter
to the country's R om a n
Catholic conununity.
The letter was dated Feb.
2. It was released here u
part or the commemoration
of the 11th centennial of the
death of St. Cyril, aposUe of
the Slavs.
CALL . _... U1~4011
CRll.E CM,,, ~· c.,.. ... ,,,.,,, COMMUTlll
BaJl4'•1• Selzetl I ~ . . Stu~nts. Disrupt
W.~consin, Duke .
: I)'~ ~li!«N~ kllowla -out Ill ,Na~Dllll °"'fd"!'tn with <luard4moll Wodaoldat lo tlla. , rll!•!. llJllll 1o~or , I he l_r llral 111t al 1llllllla e al
-· IOo~ "" ,p • • l·• --Ill Ille' ..... Ol!llldo l/ntve-rllly al natnuadala•l•1roll}' :w-bulldlllfl .loday ......._ · • , , '
l'9ldy to bred up 111)'. ll!Jrun. TM· -tOoli IP · t1onb)'lfudintatr1Uiri.-~ t11a1r -.111 nt a1 ..,i.
' ,J()n aQOther ttrGubled cam· a halt · do.a c I a 11 r • o ii
'pu.t, N ..... lbldenll ·~ ~ tilorll1 bol'!t I ....
ding lllereued educaUooll • BIT. bad Ill -dmic
beoelill --the llnl llool' . -th 1•! r -*"• WWI al .wn l/nlveraUy'1· ad-lllol bllmota. ~ ...n ·equ1p-·
minlltrauon bulldlllg ·an d pad with pa muu. •
threatened to Ml llrt to the Tiii takeover at Dllft WU
achool'1 rocotdl • H poUce thi nnt lllCla dllplly al o . entered. deot power on a maj<r
The rebel!, elllmated at io· p r lmaril)'wlllto deep.South
to 'II, IMOWlced tlley ht:: . coll... campus. 'lherl haye .
renamed the Durham, ·N.C.. batn acati.red 1n11anct1 of
1Chool "Malcolm X Ll~auon COUtp bulldl!ll1 belnC •llod
School.'' They ordered 1t several Southern Nearo Jn.
1MCtttarlea out of tht bulldlni aUtuUcm In the put year.
and nailed the doors abut after The sudden takeover came
them. ' without warning at I a.m.
Rejects otter
OAll y '110T I
With lsrae ,
' 'CAIRO (llPI) -J-~ .... Tallioaal-
.i tqdlJ hla COllllr7 -
wlll ........ -llrul.
.. JCWUD wtD n•••r d
Wlllala'all)' 1111111 Mlddlf Elll
crlala • Ill' down far .,..... ' . u.. with taael," he uJd
at Ult ""' al three .,. of ••aatiiUctorJ" tllki" w 1 t b r.vci1a-= hla ,...
mln'M•, Abdul »mtfm IWll.
met with Ea!>tlu -l'Hlldml
GliDll AbdelN--and we,.
to take a perlODll rw.,.
lro mNaaer back to Jordan'• Kini Huuelll loda,y.
The Arab premier llld I
,.....,. from Huueln to
Nauer, which they dellvered1 arid Nauer'a reply wtrl aim-
ed al unlUng !h<lr naU<m'
pollclu on the -Mlddle Eul
~ cooperation among
Jordan, Syria and [rtq 1lso
I• proce.dlni aecordln1 lo
pion, Talhounl llld Wed·
nesday. He '.pralled Epptlaa
The Wl1conaln Guardsmen and by midday hundreds of
moved onlo the ctntral cam--white stucknll were holdlng
pus area where black and a "forum" outalde the bu114ln1
white student militants hive In support of the rebels. 11lere
blocked 11udenll and faculty are oomethlng over 1 O O Controvenlal University of Chicago sociology as-
from clusrooma, obttn:iet~ Negroes in the Duke student sistant professor Mrs. Marlene Dixon rests her
effort. toward thll goal ..
The Jordanlan'pmnler al!o
said Israeli "aggressions"·
against Jordln are an "ev~.;
day oc:Cui'rence and Jordan-
i1n1 i:ecetve reports of these
aggressions in the aame 1plrit
they nad the weather
trallle and scuffled with police body of a,ooo. . ,head on the back of a chair prior to rejecting the-most of the week. , Uniformed men of Duke's The Wlaconlln nbell were campus police · foree stood university's offer to -rehire her for one year. Her
demanClfng a black cunicuium ootside the ea 1 t door of the dismissal touched oft a 1wf>-week student sit-in at
and mere Negro fa cu It y bulldlng and directed students the administration building. Militant students occu-
members. Gov. W,arren to the west eotranct. pied the building for the 15th day today.
. ~ . . , ' -
( .. • ''· todc•,
The fabulous Golden·TOUCH &.SEW"
sewing machine by SJpgt~ In "COpenhegen" desk.
Save '?OW on this famo!Js Toup• l 8tw zig.zag MWfng ·• ·
machine with lhe exclutlve ball* pUeh.Outton bobblri Chit
w.inds inside U...maohlht. Hiiibullt-ln bUUonholerthlt
makes pe~ool buHonllol•-lty.
1Wo SINGER. vacuums
lj~nlltercleans iii:~ '!lld harcl-to-
got•at pf-comes
complot1 wllh live
acc111orl• for 111 •l..,,,ng Jolla. AND ' ..
Heavyduty,-onin• offabrloa.Oulef.emoMt , •I .,,.~ .... ,
sewing, forwent Ind,..,,.. ~..,:-ti 111
SJ:/l:.r ~dClbl hu triple 1conliratortod11p c111",-~1nd1lr· w,,.., carpMI and rug1.
... ,SO OFF=.-
• r. ' &if'HERWEIGH'T* · • ble 88Wlng mmchlne
' • :-,· ifll1111K Regularly'120"
~lgh~ only 11 a Polindf, MW to tote. lfllVJ duty,'
•Mon 11 types of fab<loo.
NOW•991a .
Getth••l •as
PUii DlltiOtJU IO "'Taul!IUMllT. . '
· 1'11at~w~lloicim11fut'l1 N Ol IU6cfql • • -~--==r.:---. ........... --· -SJ.NG·ER
I ,., .... ., ...............
.. lllllto_tlf..,.--,-lllCOllPAllY.
·~ .
Waiting to Sail
SnQw-covel-ed cargo lines Port Authority pier in
Brooklyn near stacked-up ships as the longshor&
men'• strike sailed through its 54th day Wednesday.
New York' a 22,000 dockets vote· Friday on new con· ·
~ termsqreed IO'by employer5'and union:
leailen. .
Venice Could Be Lost 80 Years • in
' •
• " ,\ I .
· ·.~.~~~tQ.pped ~ueh.~o ~. A~;
'" ,. Ir# -• I I "I ~ .~ 1 • ' • .. .. .. . . .. t .
Cale Pointi Up Limi$tion8 Imposed by Tr~•"·' .. ..., r ·~
, '!llt .Putblo~,~ only 'IDvol...i ..--before· ls ~ now lor quiiO Trealle!, Ulio,.·J!(lilf.,I
Ill ~ tlio ' U.S. Navy. lo landdng a nucie.r openlloo lllOlhor ftllGll -a. European ·United Sia~' la' the" .
,...,, Ill raJei o1· c'orw:t -allied bueL • !ear -that ·the United Stalol bet•-two .Gll-J,-~
bal.· 11' . ' Bui t11a t11p1 U.S.·-.Y mlgJit be reluctaal lo .,. Ill nion -!tar • the ~ •
·• ri.. .~ 1111~t~ .'~ <.cl -,,.1a1m FOiier Dulles, nuclear .-1 la delense ol !bat It will. acl .,,a 19!" !" • I .., • ..,.., ,.... - ' -· warned lbe European allles Europe. lbe alb« tbll II ~ 11111.· t, •=:ti~-: "tlle· Unlltd Slatos •. can't • • •• . ..., ... :r.-.... lo acb ...,.. •ta alllel, withqut . cil,........,. . .......,. mervallon. tbll t!JeY will be
:, A'· ........ i:-ot' fOtea agree-consu1ted before nuclear
·"'*!!> !1>$0oh 't_IJe Unltod '°!;:," .. ~ ,:t.r,:y coroe .state. ·~1 ·Japau'f' prevented la BUch a way that adequate J.,..,-U.S.,·~ .-i11at1on mlgJll be Jn.
.Jril!n •IOlqc lo ·the-Aid GI ,tlle adV!soble or impossible." • .J>ueWo ·when ' ltl WU ~ aeize4 Allied nervousneu b·a s
lln _.,,...,, ·· · dlnppeared In the lntarvenlng
~ .!:• =.:. 'd:' .,..... years and, the United Slat"! ,_ sm' piioo -_.m~
r8111Dlt',mlfidonta. U•D'C he d
•! fiom,ltl•IOU. ·: .. ' ~ .
Beca\me the J!nllilem .... ' inill'l9dlMe . add.' soda: coriient
~.aw~ i.a".;!::.;;\f P.1"'' sOcli . -8'iotuq;n~ · · f 'w~SnOt
even aerfously · c;onSlaered. · ·'
Tbe llmitaUons: on. w~t the
United States can do mllltarily
' from J apmi are 'closely tied
to the widespread av;.ersi911 to
war ln the onJy nation to
suffer the bormrs of nuclear
.Bttact. . . . ~
UndeE: other circumstancft,
the problem. bas ariseft before.
One such arose in the early
daYs· of the Northt AUantfc
Treaty OrianizaUon. ' 'l'bere
the -problem involved the
. possible use or n u c 1 e a r
Roo't leaking, other damage ·from
recent storms?. The expert Joan offi·
cers .at Mercury Savings and . Lo'an
Associati0n,understar1d all about such
Need a new room or patio?· Horoe'
improvement lo;tns, up to $5:@60
and eight yea~s to ~y. Low rates •••
small monthly payments. Call or visit
Mercury Savings now! .
MEllCURY SA'41.NQS,: .
weapom... Pa~ 011· -. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Valley that are subsiA; .... at it be saved?-pressure! which -support the The •United States assured Buena '"' ice: · K•• Office: 1814 Knott A-Bllliil rm . ·, -.. . •827·2320 . ·-Euge.Qio Mioui. beUe'(~ $he a rate as high as one foot Eugenio MJoui hope.s..ao~He city. · . \ • ':-' ~ • .. its·ner\rous,allles tbat it would • OnKnott.·•·LitcOI• · ~
. Md .. ~.·
--J·-• clly j v-•-one a year." has consuljed With Dr. Joiieph otbenrWe -.f1rewell.to1tbe be govemineats and \ not Hunti'ngton Beach Office· h:1C1ttrt0fficls: · · · , . . , ~ Ul ....... .., "But~-•·•-·-y-•-·~ p ~'"-' j "-U S i..:..&-" ..a ........;.."I. ' M.ercurvSrii··,,.euildint;Huntl. -.. -. ' ,,_,. ~ will , w--..._ -. r-M w -• • ••w~erlii( .,.ty w)llcb, lor • .,,.....,1-'decided where 540-4050 " ••• GI 111111'1 .,....-""'"' city or canal& and Ute Rlallo Geological lllllVOY aJl!I bas C<Dtarleo bU-!l<Vered by ... rwbeit,.to pWl ;the;ouclear Ac!asslramH.,Uniton "'" ' : " ~.!!;~· ... ~ ..... th' l!"y.!'.: and palaces . and llPleodld come up wlth 'IOllie ldeaa-: . :i.i'm~·~·kl~itd~··=u~. ~·"111e:'~~:· :'"'~:tp~gger~·~·~~~j· ~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~::'."r-::::1'-~:::.:-;; chui:ciJes; of gnat ~ -Cloae ill ~ w.U. In ·11te\sw.:• · ,JI atan pnxnlaed lo· comult ···' ~ ~ --Tiu.rt, Tintoretto, Gi<q!one, the area, •lop drilling lor gas , . . • ' ~
done·'°'"' lo 81Ve ii. Tjepolo, Caoalelto; ol 'pipona In the AitriaUc, -pump . wll/a ' • · ' ·
In °a· recent ·UPI dispatch. and St.•Maru, GI gondo&n back-lnlo the depleted,deptha ·-· • .,
Mioaf,_a v~ engineer, and........, ·.lnlrtgueT·,Can .to :reat<n .the ·w.rground
WU quoted II flfteldJng tbal!i";;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;i;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;..ii;;;;;;-.j.
by ~ A.D. the city . will
ha'" 1wU: .3U lnchel belO!I'
ita~tleveL And, aid Mloal, "that will
be the end." '
Venlee'1 -doom dranHitizel aometbing that is
goi!!I cmJn many-Giber places, thoilP with . poolttily i...
latelitJ and unltappy con-
~ -
~:JWtm Sclenif•• "' lbe u . s . GOolop:al SutYeY nler to it
al··~"« "'Albaidence.''
In tlU c:auntrr lli1blkMnce bu oc:citmd wbeli IUfface.<lwelJ.
in( .... ---Ibo<--him for eoal, oll, or wabS, especlaDy water.
--"""' towns hn~-1111'1ace damage ::....-....:i Giii~
CBVS'DI blft-Mllapsed.
Tlie-rec<lltly publlciRd slnbp .,._ have ,,.Wied,
however, froal man's tn-croufnl thlnl. According to
James B. Criner of the
g~ llll'Vef, heavy pum-
Pinc GI Wala' from natural
IUld<qrGul1d ~ bu
Cl1l1IOd m~ GI. the land
ln--1.nclonL "I.a· 'lioOatci." 'Criner said,
''Ille IQl'lace bu 8'!Dk .. much u four feet bl some
ploct& Tben .... pl.-In
CalifOrnia'a grqt Ce JI tr-a 1
<Jhl World
Spt;inish Furn,iture
Rocolvod c1ncollatlon o.1 $22,000.00 ·
Sf"'nlsh and Mol!Jtotranoan· ""rnlturo Al .... ,., o-atr .... ..__
1 ............... ~0..1..,..,_ .•
Items as follows: Georiieoua 8 fl custom
quilted sofa ~th separate looae ~illows with
heavy oat trim ,decor and matching chair, S
matchlng oat occasional ~bles, Cl) 58" tall
.~ , . decorajor. Ja-.~.,ingi.-;-lai!Jps, •.
m wroughf·lron; aJi 8 piece .ting slu·master ·
bedroom,sWte in pecan paoelled ·lllediterran·
· ean •1Y.le, with. top · quality 15 yr. warranty
.ting Blz8 mattresll 6: box springs. Spanish
decor dinini set etc .
.................... 1UU1
MUST SAC:llACI $' 698 ·oo FOR ONLY ·-----. e
Any PloMo Con Be Purchuod lndlvldiioliy
To""" Avallablo -Nowcl!!!'"rs to Calif. C~l··Appmod lmniOdlololy
f JI J,) F~rait•re
At Harbor ,Blvd. .
1844 Newpclrt llYd. ciata M...',oaiy
IE..-y night 'Iii 9 -Wed. Sat. a s-. 111 6.
. ' . . '
~· . '
' ...... . .
.. • • '"II . ~· _. -.·" .
l.ltlst win1111 ill Cllmel lsluti·' .. c.-Wlkl \'l!ikl Dllul: · ·.
C:.i.lpdaro w:w.n..
A."""""' J.C. .. .. _.., ,,__
' U.toffe
I J,L81n!ng 1_ ..... .._,,,.
. '
~··••r It li1111I"' .. .,_
•, ..
.. ' '. .
All Penney Stores Open Every Night Mondcry Through $aturdoy
r 'OAIDEN PATW, ow flower ....,.,........,,,_i.,.,..,.
to pol)"dW hfil.·bacbd wttft ._,..,,.__a-....
pink. blue ory.llaww1ibitiafionl.• .......... .. .. ...... 91NOW I
~._ ... ,...,,...
........ ...,. dlf/flon/ruyon on
Cl .............. .,tlwcn pot· .•
ter11-thcrt will delivht you and'
needa.only tumble drying, no
~ 111..0lgold. ......... 1• ••
... 17.HNDW -iit·J1l:IO~ ..... "+ .. ~
':i ..
; ' . :·· ·~~ :..
• ' ( !
., ..
• ;::.. ' ' IC',I' ~ , .... . -.. ~
' . . HUNiTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH:c ·:<:~ . ! . 'i,,;-
(l:!untington Center)
. . " ' (F•shioil hltnd) ' • " I .·~· .i ~~~
' ,
. . --. .. ~-.. __ ... -·-· •
I ~I •,'
The ol!IY ~g lhAt's ordinary about
:MILSIBAK is the prlcea. They're low! But
the steaks? Greatest ) ... -u'll ever have.
,--~Per!,... ecUy aged ·USDA CHOICE\ com-fed beer.
Family diJiing at iis beat.
2267 Fairview
Costa Mesa
' 642-0731 .
. . .
<'Private! Set.8 .
'Self · on Fire
tllstde otnes
r "'I t ' i . ' t ' '· 1 !
• I• ~ ' • . · ips· ANGELES . (UPl)~t '/? 'l\'lomoblle Ind putheil It
r The ....,. w!llCb. l>rOn.'~ ·-.: ~· ·tbn>ugb ~ cJialn ·~; ncon1.·Wt ~\trioith ~ rtink .;r~' center ctlVwer·aod
;,hi,ve ~ olf lMjl tlle1!0(\ .. ll\\<>.~ ;~te ~· Tbe
, .. ~Jepcr-:of IOQY, I~ ~'f.et Wlf D9l ioJ""4 •1 -~ :· ! l
.earth" .... lilch COlljjJl1lt!d to n "II w._,lllte ~the Cf<lt GQ90'WILLY SEZ:'
.. p1que·'"m 0J o.~ls ls· ,Ind ol·••fl•,'',..;d !"' .. llriver, • -~· •'--~..._ idl • . lodii :, • ""•~"' a: i-50 '" ·-t-· ~ ~"'· .. :~,;~_( .~~: ::'!11.:'Jt:~:... :. ';, .~ .• : i' •trail\6.e add experience ,....,..,.-, wav~·~)<.~~'JMll' ...... l '· .. , . ..,. ~ peopl9 ,:=:·~· .;jd.'!t6 .' ' ·"l ." :'. ' " "" :. 'Go~chilll'.,_.rln ,.,;· ' "''Clll>*ai<ls ol urth ·ult . :rJ -: ... ~. 1-...t ~·' -·. reli•blllt• mli!t"• . '.doiin f ->a ~g•sm or ,..,.,_.~ thoy .......
'1*;11im tjJe road sllorlli''J!O-· ; , " , · • Help ,~will )~Ip tho ~· the peak' rull> llo<j> ~ • " ,; . • IMndlc"""°"' :, ·
· nc~. ~·· . ·1w . ''E t~ tes '
blllild ·eli"u ,~ . f:I. una -JfO W1 lflh St., e are's were \1u-eare,n~ • • • ' . •
iiy ~des . w~ ,ga~ . . . c;-·Moio
,. -i slowly .cpOni!d ,m\il . Vl.!J.l.'....•>I• T' -'SS .
. ~ wider · by· ti\!. bOW. ,Jl-,J~ '.l:AJ ~n.f!\oft. thrci Fri. 9.9
AutboriUes said'IOIDe.·of'tbeih · · ·1" , • f J '~ ' wire aa,~eep as 15 fed. LO$. A)iGELES (AP) -Sat. t-till 5:30, • '46 2479
• · :ren Of .tbe homes ·:iv~j»; Fl«Mt~.'AtCallfGrnia •will
. · 1 ' ~ ~ • · t!. u,. T.....,.... HOUywo6d's . Laure) -~~,,.n.', top •.;mfiUon, 'bqt (lOQd Cu:I-' ' f
CITY· OFFICIAL LEAPS.'OVER FISlURE where elght famiµes were lrol projects kept the toll from Your Dollar
Cr•c:k1 E~•fttir M.ny Hl.sihl.'nd P•rk Homes ' evacuated by c'ty bµilding in-. mounting $1.4 billion higher, ' . , 1
spectors. Guards were posted says the coniressman beading · 'i.
Fuzzy ·Fnz~ ·
• I ·) ' • Hippies f-0 Jo,i'{l Force? ,
to ......... 11oot1ng.. . . • Bpecial '"P''Y te"". .eu·y· s 'More A crack in tl'e earth widen-The. esUmate came Wed-
ed !tu.dily iii · the,.._ Mt • -neaday ' from Rep. Jaines ~ '
W,ashlngton area nesr oi>dger' Wright, (l).fu.), leading a A·T• THE
Stadimn and parts of three 3G-m8n ·group from the House · .'· -; 1 ·
home1 began breaking loose .. Public WorksCommlttee 'GOODWILL
The groand seemed to come · assesaing the state's . two ?!-
alive. -. .. cent !liJaaten -i the~Janlary ·sy' oa· , E 'nle "earlhslide on t.b e floc:ld'.and'the·Santa Barbara BER!fELEY (UPI)
SAN .FRANCISCO (Uel) _ Fuzzy Fuzz in Berkeley?!
An Army private awaiting A group.known as the Belter
medical discharge d o u s e d Berkeley Council called on the
himself , with lighter fluid dur-city's hippies Wednesday to
ing a reveille formation, 8:pp1J; for 28'V¥,ancies ·oo the
-, UC·'graduate student, wearing
a policeman's hat and smiling
through bis h-andle-bar
moustache. His curly hair
style might beSt be described
Pomona Freeway swept up oil slick.
For every $1 of cost fiood
control Jnject! save ·'3 in
' struck a match and stood "at Police liepa'rtment.
perfect attention" Wednesday The co u n c i I distributed
while 'his clothing blazed. ' flyers near the Univeralty of
as "Shirley Temple, 1939." ' ~
c. llfri~ulum .. , : ·-d=•m!:!:•g•!:=·· ::!:wr=ight==estim=· =.•led"ll': _!tPECIALS • . • l.r\'(edjl!j'\1lY·) • , •f
Group Ri;ips . THIS WEEK!
B. ~-'l"g .:..·t t/1'
.. , ,LET'S.·Bl~FRIENQ~Yt
UQ ~ "-' ....,, \U Y<tll. hl!Y• n~ neigllh91'1
or know ot anyone movini
• 5
w• Ii ..i. MEN'S , . ¢
WORK PANTS .• '. . 55
"It would be a sacrifice for
many young people" to joift
the l"depart~t beCaoSe co~
have rocks 'thrbwn at . them·
by all sides," said the group's
chainnan, Al Silbowitz. SAN DIEGO (AP) -
• • -· ••
Other ~Is _ in the formation . caruorma cal)ipQs,pO{nting 'out
used tbetr field jackets to that "if hip people do not
smother tile flames which apply .and .go on to (ill ~ose envJI~ Pvt. John W. D. vacancies, iwe'll •i:et mare \Of
Brown, WeSt Pofilt, Miss. tbe.tsaine old .stuff arid .,have
Hospital officials at t h e the same old hassles."
Presidio said there was oo The flyer features a
The flyer called · far., ~embers of the Sta~ Cur~
"peacemen, not, policemen.".., ~ riculwn Co Jll·l:;l },~,~ 1,9 o ex~ P're.,.sed ·~ Wfl4-
to our area. please tell us
IO that we may extend a
-·welcome """ holp them ·~~ acquXµ{tect ;
'•r.· rJ·v··
!ollW.S, 19-· W,ORli: Sl!l!ITS ~. '· ,
evidence of serious burns. pho~grapb . of Gil Zicklin, a ' . , . , . • .neaday, w'!':D .. ;~ Giiv. : Three Erluines'' ·Rea11!1 ba4' ~ $1o.1 ,mi111on .. ''' ' ' ~· ' '
MtJLLEN l -J3LUET}f . . ' . .
. o ; , . fiom 1Pe ·~S!lon s $16.4
. Of C11ash· Found ::!i:"i!!~r$l!/"' new te.t·
, : .• T\le Q</Dll!llsslon, which ~
, LOS .·ANA.E\Lf,'!,. (UPI) -a 1w<>4Jy m,.tirig Thursday,
The ~.e:nglnes,# a ·United learned,·of the cut in a report
' . 'l!IL~SIS" 5
,, 191 .
Huntington Beith ·
VisiiOr ,, .
I! (Osll . Mesa . Visitor 111.iii-----.. GRODI:NB
, ,.
.. ,.
· ~r ~· trijet,,t!Jat cruhed from Pr. Ellsworth Chunn.
in the;Pacific JaJt,month have chief. of the Slate Bureau of.
been recovered from the Textbooks and PUbllc.i.ttons
ocean floor and will be taken Distfibution. ·
apart "piece by piece." '!be govemOr.11 'propoaal ts·
. A spokesman for the airline to spend $8.1 million ftr. new
said Wednesday a preliminary !.h8~atic8 1t e·x.t bo o:t 1 1 ewnmatioo ·~le ~ .• encines tl!!g. ,$U• mJllcin.,.for reveaj"1J~'1¥1' :odfori !i>dlcalion .;,ppiementary. mlh·--b
of anytbinf wrong, on, any ~of lfbich the comntf".'!oia b~·r~
the ·en,mes." . 1, · quested. ·.. . ·" 1 ,.
·~. .
' ' . . Hi.IMt .' W,~'.5
" " · , ·SWEA 'llRS . So. Coast, Visi!Or· . ' ' .. .'33' .. • ; • I '4f4'Q57f \
1 5 ,~·.~·,i ·;,l • . ..,r. • •
. " ' u ....... "'lsit . .
J. ~ :. , "" ""' •. ,, o.r ; '' .... ~ .,..,161 . ,_ .
' "
• 1 FINAL ...
•. • •
' ~· ~P.•1 ,);< •• '.
.: '' -5KiRU ·.
. .; ·.;.t.I. • ,..-._f.:
·,..,; ~ i12 .. ,s.
, ;"' 1
. • •. 'I
HAU: P.RIC.E ! .
' 1touc11011i: ' . llp1c1kt ·
"· ' ·, '
I; ' 'J.: . ' '11'6,f '1 O/fl Yf
.. .··au· ... . .
.. ·1 ' ' .
l1 · '·.. l ' springs,-.; :
and,· . " M.,... .. .,..,,._,ess
i '
3:1 :.9&~ir. '; J
., . .
~' •t SO•I• Ano f<Hw•y -AlojAH~IM
Jill lriatol lotS.n Dio90 Fwy.) -COSTA1MESA '-r
I I •• , ! Cluwte It!
• , f 1 t 1 t# I .._
I U1e ly°"f "
1 /tl&B,ACCOWll
I > I BO..k.4~
1 '
,-.,. Me1ter Clacrp
j ' I • i-1 i l I . .
Not limit Id ll'OllPS., 11)11,ewj, pa{r· of ~ aoes at thae fabUlous' sr.;nrs:
' That includes dmsy si,tes, ~~ $ty(es, ~. ill1¢rls and heirest liuc~e
sfyliS! save ,-,i!Mi befofe! Sllop;totl.y.~.~ seltctiolis!'. •
; , ' 'ft,/lfllY$~~ ol i n'' '" < No l~'Off' t' I. 1 , .
' )j.,, ,in-I-Ml~· "'" ·"' I . . ' . ·~ . ' . . . . . • ,.. ' ' I
; IRQ.i.DWAY ANt:HEIM CE,NTER . 1 SOUTH COAH PLAp., I , -·-·""· ) ,,,,. ___ ...,. ...... ....... l 't#.1 c=.-•' .•.
·. ' · ' it · . r PIA~ 115' lh.se· ~ ; ; .. ~ ....... .
~ffli Iii· :Your
. C•ll +4t-2~7'
!.."' P1ckup Sorvlco
' l • • • •
" .. •
. I
• (oA~Y Pan· EDrrOBlil PAGE I
Grand Jury Should
'Ju•t what. did you · want to ••• th• Presld•n!·
·Act . about; Mr.1Hlckel?' · :..··
Like a couple o. small boys cau1ht 1n a forbidden
act, t\vO memb6rs ol the Orana• County Board of Edu-
callon are usln1 a powerful IOI ol conflllin1 1111i11•1•
trylnl to find an alibi. In the procea1, truth jllll mllht
1et lost.
The act in lhl• ln•tance w11 their bannln1-wtth
the acquiescence of the other board· inembers--0! John
Hersey's 11Htroshima" apd thrM other boots from •
county library for juveniles on proballon.
, Ono ol the two caught ln the act Is Dr. DJ!e ~Ii·
ion, a Santa Ana d!nllst and member of the John Birch
Society. The olber is Clay Mitchell, board chainnab
and· rtl!red Air Eo ce offtcer of South Laguna . • Whan be •is first quellloned, !Wlloon. aald be was
oppo1ed to "Hl,ro1hbna" bei:ause It. didn't ju1tlly U. S.
use· of . \heJ1omb and "glvU sup119tt to .han-lh•bomb
mov.em~nts," (Heri~y:• book reports the bomb's ~Odo.
does noHleal with tlie pootures of either side In the
Wiii'.) ' . Rallloon's injecllon of bis political· point of view
Into: the 1electlon' or reject.ion of literature drew imm~
dlate ~llcl•\11 from Juvenile Court Judie Bruce· W.
SUmnef. · ~
"In 1cbools; of all placH, all .polnU of view •houJd
be exlllllfn~ and dl1cuS1ed," the judge said. "A free
ooclety iJ PHc11c4ted on the unobstructed flow of ideas.
'nle success ol this republic has, In a large part, been
tlue to tbe tolerance of our dtl1ens for the free expres-
' alon oi thoughts which differ from our own."
Rallison , in an •Pen lettor in reply to Judge Sum·
ner, coiitirmed bis il1tent While trying t<J justify bis ac-
He oald, ''During my campaign for this offtct, I
:repre1ented myself u a man who would lake an inter· est In the books selected .for use in our county acbools .
I prom11ed close superviolon and selection of those
boob which . would be the ltasl Inflammatory to the
'p .. cenllt' movtinanl, 1111 SI>S, IJICI the pew llbenUon
frcmt ll'OUPI·" ' '
llut In the -•lttto, ha f.,.. a,._,. fer U,p.·
Inf ~•DOok• ftila11h• allllvu.-'~·" J\.ollllOll.,.. 11\ed \llat the board. didn't have tunib to bU1 ·au ._, .
·books on the pan:luililla liJt. Tii• fact 11 tht lilillned
boob lotaltd '{oqr OUI ol Al bOob and th8'r coil Wll
about •11 out of a Iola!· -..i1t1 ol tl,000.
Than i!oerd fruld~ Mltcll~ ~· iJllo the delan1e
act. "II ('Hlroalilma'J wasn't• baililed," llJ. •aid,. "If ~~~!'tny value lb~ work It~·~ ~.at; ,
! • 'I' I • SOD, back OI' bil and ·'Nllrllall I ;
• of .def ae1 ukl;"I !Ion'! Wiik qaf acllqn iiar,1~~
,{ . 'Clll-ODll\'Utd 14 havln( any poli!ioal ~(.' SOin• 1 ,:
books ar-not ~i.ble for our purpo111 ailcl ari1ilpt ·,,
exacUy· 1eared ·to:' Ille reading. raqulramtliti ol 1Clitiol
I 'd I " • s u ens. · .) : · · . ~~}L~~ ,. And lllltchell.: "Qur· 1tudt11\4• would be'~ _, > ,.,.
off Teadlnf aboot 'Gen. DoUliaa'Ma~ui •. Gen. Clil''< ,
tis LeMay,and Capt. Eddi~ Rlck111badier." · .fll' · ·
And Mllcbell haclu the Jla\lilon altitude w~ .. , .
heart<idly. He said, "Dr. Rall!Jon J~, up IDIDY ~:;.ii ,
or hi• valuable time every weeli lo' clNNuy< ~·· ·~ ·• '
'theoebooks.,l amwithhlmllllhewoy." , . .
What neither Rallison nor lllltchail seem •bl•...{ or ,
willing -t<J compri>bend is lhal the 111ue iJ broader · than one particular book, although the Her11y bpok
-has been on recommended lists for school libraries lor
years. . • .
The issue is whether the1e, men are miau•int their '
public trust by lmr•lng their personal ppJ!Ucal Idec),
logical slant (an the bias or Rallloon's ptivatt,
~nonymous li!Ue book screening group) ori the opera•,
tion of a county·supervl1ed school. · . ,
Thil is an issue to which the Otani• County Grand
Jury can devote some attention, on behalf ot the ·wa'rds
or the county and on bohalf of all of us, ·, ·
Ott to a Strang Start, But • ••
Agonies Ahead for Nixon
Draw the Ire
More Women
WASlllNGTON -Presldenl Nixon Illa mild• a Ytr)' air ... lllrt. O.ltf Now
let .. -at ..... ol -Ullle pnb-leml which CID C8U19 I Prelldent areat
qooy In due .......
The Wblto -r!IX!ered Sea. John
I . WlllllJDI fumfaa 1Ud becaUle plaM
wtre announced for tax reform without
consultatJon with the senator ftom
Delaware who la the ranking ~bllcan
,..mber of the senate Flnaiitt com-
mittee. Sln~tor wtruams can ~use
Preside.t NIJon untold trouble In this
lleldHbe-lodolO. I
It WU limPl1 a cue of the yoµq
mbl at the While House nOt b>owlnc
where power u ... Another cu. ln·potm
"as President Nb:on's annouoced plan
lo all« the -vllem "' ]IOll!ftastera to mHt it le!I. pdlitical.
A group ol Rlpublican -men
no1aily voiced their objectk>ns, clalminl
they hadn't been' conaulted and tbe1r
1Dterests wete ovmidden.
Blount wu l1UllDlOlllld to Capilal Hill
to explain. He CID~ put lhroqh his
plan unlea C-changes the law
requiring coaflnnatlon of the al"
poinlment of poetmuters by the United
Slatu lltllate.
1be acony in Nlion11 early days is
amoog lllpubllcana who think their
,leg!Umate interfala srtn't b<lnf pr ..
t.ected, while tbe ecatuy is among
Democrats 1Dd Uberila who have
dia<ovend lhll NIJoD isn't ball u bad
as they~.
A Wae put of this la unavoldable
" ' ,. > -.
" \1 '.1
r-, • . ·;<, .'Ir . ' .~~ ... ; >t\,.~7 r~~ .. , /
so fsr u ~ Is concerned. eon.
tinUed DtmoctaUc COOtrol of Congre111
maku it essential tor Nb:on to have
construc:Uve relatlcmhlpa with t he
llo!uoct•tlc ...,,-a1 leadero. These
leldtra art pkylnc H VfJr/ mwl and
cqy. No wotd .of crttiellln of President
Nixon pwes lbe1r Ufll.
SENATE LEADllJI Mike Man81ield
pum conlellladly over the be~
mane by Pr..ident Nlx<ID. Tbe powerful
Wilbur A MWI, ch&innan al the HOUl;t
W111 and Me&n1 CGnlmltlff, ptl·alonJ
lint with President Nim!. Aflll<ovln1 murmur• even come from the chairmln
ol the FcnlJn Relatlolll Committee, Sen.
J, W.I Fulbrlrbt.
But BOtnt of tbe RepublicaM feel out
in the cold, rerfitmberina poaalbly their
foellnp <If rtjecllon durflil t he
Elianhower admlnlllraUilo when the con-
trol of Co....., paued lplo Democratic
Mild& ana Democr•Uc Majetlly Leader
Lyiidon B. JoblllOll bfsan his political
l<lve affair with the commanding general
in the White House.
The 'tuture · tetta will come not so
mueh cm the lara• questions such as
the nucltllr non-prollleation tr .. ty, but
on -vllal malllra wl!lch al!o<t the
--.. "' .,..,,._, ... Jn. l<reats wbloh ou[lflort tllem. AmoltJ !heal
are the Macbiuport free trade lilllt
In Milne, the lr-Paclllc air l'Olll"
cue1 import controll .On tutlles, the
"~ of choice" inttjratlOn of
IOUlhtrn public achllola, lo name °'111
a ftW•.PNIJltml io boOelusty ·~
as to ripe! 1enerll publlc lnteftsl.
THEN, OF COUBSlt, thlft. are tuch pi'oblems u the propooid b.n qi <li~et
adverttalna ·on raclil;>-TV, u well as th& ferment over FCC c:omm'lt'11·oner The black people in our aociety aeem
Nlchola1 Johnlon'1 ttUude to rtfoml -aimed at widening rather than 1ealing
the entire broadcutJni indullry to the over the wide f!Jlure that dlvid• the
detriment of the pioneers and entrenched integrationists from the separatists. The
interests. oldest -and far a 1long time the most
A Presidlnt can pt heavily lftvolved prestigious -of co or lf'OUpS, the Na-
tn matterl of this kind and Nb.on does tional A!sociatl.on tor the Advan cement
I have ' written abcM.lt th!t before, a
dozen year• aio, but the attuatlon is
now worse than it was then, and 1Ull
nothing much ha& been done. I refer
to the sborta&e of doctors in the U.S.,
and our provincial prejudice aplnlt
women in the medical profeuion.
Our country could use another quarter·
rnlllloo do~tors, but many young men
are not able to· 10 through the lengthy
and experllive parioCI. of medical educa·
tion; on the othtr hand , hundreds or
thousands of college-trained women could
take up the profession if they were
encouraged to do so.
not ahrink, from the exerclae of his of Colored People, la threatening to go
powers in thue fllld8 becaue bf, .knows · to court to prevent unlvenitfes from THE MAJORITY OJI' doctors art
bow vitll they are tn tbe real ICIM!me ' yielding to ··Mparatllt dtmandi for ·111-.. 1 womtn in Ruuia, and in the Scln-
ot tbin11 Jn .WaJhlqton. black stud.111 departmen·ts and "dltlavilln countrles and through o'ut
It can be pointed out qlin that Nixon dormitories oil colltp c-. Europe generally, ther~ are many tbnea
h the flrtt Republlcan poUUcian in tbt The subjed came up at tbe·80dJ annual more women doctors than we have in
White House in 40 years. He wishes corporate meeting of . tht NAACP in 1he U .s. I
to be. President of all the people _ New York in January, It probably will Male chauvinism does not run nearly
yes, of course. But the Republicans at be revived at this month's execuUve ,aa blgh in thoae countries as it doe11
the ClpJtol hope that their .RlpUblk!anlsm council session. here. Even female lawyers are ftowned
doea not entirely ~I.Ide them from ROY WU.KINS, execuUve d'.:..~ •• of upon in the U.S. (both inside and outside
th ...... 11. _. • ..i-. -""· tchln u.o'Ull" the legal profession), are paid leu, given ......... ~ ·--, uKr WI g so NAACP, said Oil Jan. II tbal bis people' • long the ben!ll't& ·-·•·1 to the'· h d ''suff ed ht more.. merua.l assignments, and rarel• -... ...., ... a er too many -~·-'·-··• I led ' De l. 11 d 1 UWIQlllll auu e eva to positions of anv real mocra 1c c 0 ea I u e ! ur ng shed too many .. ..-ttan and too much ~.billty in public service~ their Democratic presidencies of all the peo-blood in fl~:tbe evD of • ..,. ..... ~ I ..,.. ....1 • counterparts are.
P ~ to return jo l to the kmely and It m.~Y be .a plausible (thou.JR Dot, ·s is the seamier side of poUtical dispiriting cOllftlu of Its clemeanin& to me, per11.111lve) argument that women
life which crowds in on th~ irand design r. J:rison." Studan&I tbrouabout the COUntry tr.ct' tne toughness of fibre to ·make
of ~ presidency. ~rrwtciDI in _, whO are dtmlDflna 11p11ate radal fltat-rate lawyers; but surely no similar
CootrtU want a Repu Ileen ad-dormitoriu aad Autonom.OUJ racial arsument applies to their potential
mlnlstration, not '"'"· llllottd to the adioola within un!Y9nlllel, W1lklDs 11111, abUIUes as doctors. requlnmenta of the t>,mocrlUc con-are uktbl for 0 W'blt are, patently, Jim
atllliGnil msjorlty. Oow 1ehoola." . IN THE Flut ·PLACE, \vomen tend
to be n1Uvely more aympathetlc to
physical ailments than men; women are
more aware <>f their bodie!, more -
sensitive to biological processes ; more
emotionally engaged in the arts of nurs-
ing and nutrition and conservation of
Secondly, and just a!-important,
women have a naturally detper un.
deratandlni of psyobosotn1tlc ailments
-which are at the bot&om .of. lJKlre
than 50 percent of all cues affn by
doctors -becauae tbelr own mindt and
.bodies are ao intimately related, so
df'l'lcaWy ihterpenetrtttd by one.another.
AND, SO FAR aa the tethnlc1l skill!
of medicine are concemed, these can
be learned by any compeleftt and
ordinarily intelligent peraon of either
sex. What cb1ef1y dittin,w.shes a good
doctor from a mediocre one ii precisely
the area in which women ticel: tha
ability to Identify with the patient. to
commllllic1te and interact oa a level
beneath the merely verbll and in-
tellectual and clinical.
It 11 one of the acandalt: of our toeieJy
that we fall to extract the vut Potential
from our women1 and aUU condemn
them to second-clasa ci~nahtp Jn the
profusion that needs them most.
In Hawaii: Clubs and Race
The NAACP, Wilkins reported In
January, bu tQ,j, members, an in-cram ol 21,MO om Jut yesr. The
organilltaon'I ~ in llU WU almolt
$3.1 ndlllon .•
The NAACP collalalllltly hU -
extreme c:lvU dlaobtdlancl and violence,
RaJlison as a Censor
One does not want to pick on the
Elks Club, a plluant place with many
pleasant menil>en piMred Ibero Oii the
lbore by Dl&tnond He.ad benu.th an
American nae proudly flying 24 hours
a day.
still the Elb have a apecial problem
with radii dlacrimlilat!Oll which prevents
Orientals, :PWpinos or Negroes from
• becoming memban.
There are other vestiges of racial
dllcriminatioa lb Hawaii clubs. But tht
butlers hive gradually been Civlnc way.
For ..,. nollble uample, the -iln-portanl ol the old holilouta, Iha Paolllc
Club, hu made quiet atelldy _...
In lhe lut couple of yeirs.
LIKE Ol1lla\ auch «lanilaUCllll, the
local m. Club hu Ila lilltral DlllDben
who •cdd llk• to work for chance
llOft\ within. But the local la lltd to
• nallonll pollq that llrillll mombanhlp
to •-oo11. (BtilO Rawallm and part . Rawallana Ire --as ~-and to caa bleomt mem·
In hil visit here IJlla month, Edward
W. McCabe, Grand Eullld Ruler of
the -.ient and ~" Onler of llillll, • ... Cllldld enoqh to 11)1 be
Q1*la .. ch_ Jn llOlk&.
1iu1 be indloalld l! oialil be don•
al the anoual national convantloa or
TO 'IROP LOCAL .Elb who wonder
abCIUI whal lllDd of tacUc mlebt be
-"" IUQtll lookJn& blOI< onr 40
-· lo lht time whtn Ille natlooll Lkllio Club CODl!ttutloo al.lo rallrlcltd membtrlitlp lo wbltu onJ:y.
Wb111 a delcatloll ol ~ I.Jona
came here In Ila aeeldDJ lo uttnd
the orpnlaallon, Iha late Ortn E. Lona,
who w11 Iller GovtnlOf and U.S.
Senator, reportedly told Uatm : '1U Ill
our fritnda ~ not join, wt COU)d
not accept."
On the C•Worniaol' aua..ucn, a
Htwall reprts:entattn ftl tent to the
1131 UOlll InternoUonal convanlioa In
San Fr111ciRCO. JJ:e w• Co I b • r t Kurotna, then etecutlve le<relary ol
the Pan-Padlic Union.
A F ..u>l:D Advertia<r cllppinc from
lllf q-. him oo the nault
"At. tlte hif convention of many
WP•1•nc1t of Llw in Ian P'tancltoo,
al my requast aa rtpr-tlDJ the Pen·
Pacilio Club ol Honoluht,'lhe wwd 'wblte'
In the Nalltnal C<n!tltution ol the Lions'
Clubs WU drOpptd and I Wll made
to understand -thlt any Lion of any
color oombti: ftolft Hiwall would reeeive
a cordfll wtlcomt In llU' of the S,000
Llona' ~ dubt In Amerlca and
t h • y certainly ~ved it In my CIH."
Tbe Lioni hsva eone on from tJ\ere
around the world. Governor Burns once
suggested that the Llons endow a chair
at the University of Hawaii in the name
of Kurokawa, the man wht triJly 1n-
ternationalized their orcaniu.Uoll. '
THE HAWAll Ei.U haft \Oii( aone
a different and less demOcratic routt. suq ublw they re,ally waot to hlda
htb!Dd the barl{er ol a .-.i p611ty,
we 1"1Uld IU(ltsl llloy think about mak·
ing a ·~t at Qltir national convention
1n Dalfu 1n JlliY. ·
' Maa'•·,"r!pt lo ~· In F'· vate olub\J la rill esta611ah6d, ol course.
But ao should man'• tes~Ulty to hontlll7 ask hlmsell why h e
HODtlUIJ.Yi change will come. But t h e
d'1 iaaJ·' illo oome, if Jt has not already,
wbtb.locll l!lkl must ask which means
moN -,...., bound to ID or1ani1atlon
that -..111 raclslly against the maJor!IJ ol Hawall'I people (Including
ltl membln al Coqress) or moving
lor'liard with IOClal chan(e in our society.
... olala AdYtrtiler
I have a IOlulion for our trollbltd
collept evtl'J'Wl\ere. Ltt'a oto..e
them down "14 put thoit book worm.a out ol bulfn.a. Aflm' 111,
If Abl could fllCh lllmaell by the
firestde, to can wt! -C.J. B.
· let aloao the .wllolo OODCtpt ol "Black
Power." Thi '·AuociaUoo pridtt lbtlt
on h&vinf beln an Important factor In the rejactloo by the ovetwhtinllni ma·
jority of blacl: Amtt!Cllll ol Communilt iltemp~ to tollst N-
Ffil DlllllCl'Oll J. Eqar HooTor hu
said: "Equality, !rtldom, and tolaranco
are essential in a dlmocrlCJ. The
NAACP has done mucb to-· !hue
principles and to perpetuate the dulrea
of our foundlnt faihtrl."
Of the five big b3acl movements,
... observts New South, a pubJlcatkrl of
the Southern Reg!O!lal Council, two of
t~ three which wtrt "molt mWtant,
most activist" have "with lhllr Blatt
Power strategy and doema,1 Jxottn
iway." The referenct 11 to Uil :stUdenu
Nonviolent Coordlnatint Comm It tee
(SNCC) and the ~ • lllolai
Equality (CORE). "
Ironically, in view of the fiHure of
the C-Ommunis&s in rtcru!Una tbi Negro,
a Malcolm X group ol lllad< 'Mualims
wants to negotiate with the U.S, pvern·
ment to have fi~e IOUtherft ltatta ceded
to them as a Black Nation. Tht five
states auggested are Altbam&, Georgia,
Louisiana, Miullllwl Ud S o u t h
Cirollna. The new "Nqro state would
have ila MM 6mht11ldot1, wooid form
it& own alllancff/ and would hive a
1ovonunent with liparilloO of porira. .
W1Tll 'l1IE NAACP lftd the llall<mal
Urban Ltlflll on tht rfllll, or D>Olltratt
side, the WI la -~ )lrlneljlal!y
by SNCC and CORI. Dr. Marlin Lllllllr
King's Soutiilm Cllrl.uatl 1-flhbip
Conlerenct hla (tOlill atOrt mlUWll In
lone under the Rov. llalflh Dayld
Abernlth1. .
The rsr lelt ol N...,, toUvlam la
represmted by the c,urorn1a lllack
Panthtl'I and the Black Muol!ms.
Actually, lltt' llt(l'O pr«ast· la 10
ftacmented that an att<Jllpl to dtlint
tJ\e variouo oilldtl ol dllfennee wou1d
be -llnpltllblt.
To the Editor : .
In regard to the.· ~Vtriy over
Dr. Ratn .... t.._..lli~· llli ohn Hersey's "11~1)'..)nd ·tile" · letter of
Mt. Lee Mlltlr, .l _ 1 like to make amm1n1n16!7 .... ~. ~fell~ Mr. ~ i<Otive hi• . lrl\lllnltIA Moec0w.<·t ·tn•PtldnJ! Thole are' tbe : plteil ~f;,~t lril<onle
hi•, .. rV!: a, a ~'Wt'AD>'"•ccordlnt··\• the pr~· of Orlllft
Countj1'Qard <If E<iucallol[;;,;are tellibt
the value!i, of our coun!llY'.-.llortoos .. JIUI
of Righi•.' Jllld the ~ Wer oo.
d>nfint If !ht ,,prteepl/ "' uM. ....
Board of EdUCllU'l"1 1'fte "fil>t , the values . of ffeecl~ Of ')!\'QI ., ""''·lhe
freedom· to .. preu ollfi!IClll< •<~.
' ~ .,
IN SIMPLE pcycbolotf, ll -ti a known
fact that when OM 11 betftC dinitd from
exercising his rltht. 1n au likelihood,
he will rebOI. SOluUon la thus : give
him all the fl&bta according to the
precepts ol the teachlnas of our
forefathers, tbea te,ach, ·or guide him
to the pro"'° roaij. Sho" hlln trials
and lrfbolatlOna ol. mankind,. and let
him alone to raUoDallr.e.
,Life b nOI llmplo, and.• liter• are
no simpla IDIWUI. It baa been pro•ed
that a ereat . ~ambit ot lllM ....
fouod In "Das Jtapltal," Jn "Mtln
Kampf," in "Quotations of Chairman..
Ma~Tse--tung," and Jet us be educated,
fct the sake of comparative s\.Udf, that
wt lhall •-ell tbeoe, wrlt!Jlp --.
llittlli,totljo Ind tiach m&lurt COD• -.
rt SEEM8 'to me thet lo deny allJIOllt
reading "Hltos!iima" ii in effect, to
deny him under11tandhll' the necuattJ
for compassion for humani11
What hu caUHd eo man)' of ua m•kitli
l!nancial contriilllllC1111 to American
Clnctr SOclety? Simply, ll ·11· blaiUi6
wt h.avt too many of our Jovtd ones
1ulferln1 from that dlae811, and In ""'
Ltttcrs from readers arc welcome .
Normally writtrs .should convtr their
mt$sagt in 300 word• or U-11. Tht
righi to cO"ndemt ltttcr1 to fit tpace
or eliminate Hbtl ii rt1crvtd. All
letters must inch.u:fc rignoturt dnd
mailing addres1, but namer mar bt
with.htld on rtqutst if sufficient rea· son u apparent.
naked ey11, we wltncu them dyln& in
agonldn& and ualy manners.
Ptrbapa, to match Mr. Ralliaon'I way
<If lhlnklng, tJ\e American Medical
AuoclsUon •hould deer.. 111 l\llpe<:ts
of bllfta vletJma ol cancer be &ticked
aw17 from the ~rht of the public so
that American Cancer Society might
cease to function tor the lack ot funds ?
Reeder . Rosenkjar refers to Dr.
Dalt Ralhs<>n , Sana Ana dentitt and
member of the Orange Count11 Sc1iool
Board, who influenced tile board1t
dtddon not io lnclMdt Pulltltr Pritt
tDinfHng author John Htr•t1I'• "Hiro-
shima" mi tht libra1'1/ 1htJ011 of a
ntSD tplcflll 1ilgh 1chaol for Juvmile.,
o• probotlon. &1111"" 11 • """'"" •I th• Joh• lllrch Soci<lv. ISi• tclltor· 141 above.)
.u.-, OM., Herald -"Tht woman
who llxei up • Caty den lor her husband
11 lsr too opttmlatlc If •he Uptda him
to do all bis growUnc there."
ore ·
ore ....
so .....
~he •<• All
izt , ..
"' nd
.. . .
I • -
to Divorce Courts
' l •
NEW YORK (AP) -Jim ''ne k. have ~me ~ti and campouta." band. The man may begin couples often llve hundreds ot turn Inward to the f!hUdrtn, .,. and·1'~.lut4 bMtl,marrled a nucleut around which most 11 thls child.oriented IOcle-tof~morecomfortablea:otng miles from l~1e11 kin. may accenl_Ufltloa: the ,.chlld-cen-
'.._ ___ .;.,.;_;..; _ _._.,;~;..·;_.J· ' for ll y· ean.' 'l't9e!1-, ;worked acttfttMI revolve:1 There are ty, ~Ls begin to lpok more olf tomewhere with b J s be another factor, according tered Mme. tog-;.' nr,.·,tlle, chpdrtn -wpOola l<r' IChool, an( ,mo:re to their cll!JCltOI! YOUllJslm than with hb·wile, 'to Dr. Messer. Dw:ing dlW'llhip, Dr,
and ~ . the JOuNelt 1et for· ,mUlle ,&ijd. -.t leuonl, for sraUOcaUon ud ft pulJK* 0 What happens, then, wben In · Umes of stress, tbert Messer sugested, a eouple
Girls Called Laurie off (Or' ~n·..;....._,....,:,;. let off and for r•~tlc vactivt~; in Ufe. ' tbe children grow up and leave ·ls no relative to help, to act shou_ld ~trive to, fin~ out il
for the tJ1:~ there a r e 1 mpend4be-nigbt 01\e woman may begin to · the house? A void ensues." as a referee during a 1pat they can became a pail'
· parties. tbe,t ~ts must coot . ua: Grin for oer . The mobility of. American or go to the m,ovies with 1he withoot .depending esclu.sivtl1
Jim ~ ·Martba ~ar• part .ovenee;· ·and tbtre 1 are cblJdrm. rather' than her bu-' .society, a aociety wb.ete young ·wife. Instead, the spouses may orf Ute< ~' • · of stardust. of lhe.nellb>e '.'111-jur frlC••t•'--,-_;_--_:__;_..:;__:__:_;,;;::::.;::..:_::::_;:_;_..:;_..:;_ __ :::..:_.:_:::..:;__;_~__:__:_;_.:_ ___ _:_~--'-;,;___:::_::::..c::;::;o...:::_:.:;=_:_-'--
tafe,11 ~couples ,..bo atay ·~
toptliif'tJli'ou&h·lhe .cblldnn'•
._111111, the crilil ol tboli
IJrll daa.t.aild bearlaChel and ..
•Jiarjg i111!dQlll at ETA meetmgi
rea'ds as· follows : ••Ii'rom tbe 'Ud tben•ftie fOrtdivorce when
Gaoges to'.the Blofq&-Walk-~~ .. lesiuo F0 at lut "°""
. .
By L. M. BOYD '
HOW LONG does it take ed the Rajah 'every m~ eu. ,
you ·to get to work in1 the Ever ~W'""' 00 an. ·m11oria~ ''It la a"fa.cf of life today
momin&f mister?' Can you And.-ni'to.ithla,~~ lf~~~=-~
make ii in 17-minules! That's CtJSTOMEa llERVl~'l!:"Q:· -~ dlvor<O •llr. ,ulred ,
average, nat!Onwide ... FEB. uARE 'we· to understand that. ·,A.,. )( l is ·e ,; 'prc:ireuor.. rJ. 1
13, ltlt. In the United states, only one coople 1n elgbt 1lee1>1 ~liY ir-,..un1vet.i-
that's sometimes written 2-13-ln twin beds, air?"' A. SuCJt , tY ""*"~the Januar.y Jiiiie
69. Io Englaod; however; .!l's Ill the ~ -, .• , . ol "Ma61 l!y~." •'nitre ·
written 13-ui. Th\I ~ juat. Q, ·~JP 011DiN1 o1 Sail l!llld'to be a f~ lhat.lbe '
one more.thing we might have Fr~. ar.e catted San tonier 1:. ~e enduled,
lo lake · up with U '11lant or . Francllcaiil ·.and· clllzeps ol Ibo grel~ ; the c1Wfce u some~y" • · · NC!f ALL,' New · Yoi't an '~all.. N_ew Would ~Jerii· m·.dlvorce."
BUT ,AIMOST ALL mvenfors Yorkers, qat..ue citizens of. : .. '1 • ·
die broke, more'• the pity. Rio de Jll\elro called?!' A. N91 ~npE .
Like !adolph Saxe, the m~ Car~~·t'but J ·~·t, know. , · But ~ tnd clinlcll
who ·invented the saxophone wh)' , .I· •• Q. !'WICICe: OF evidence lboiT this ii no toaaer
... IT WAS THE q>N· THE ST.\H:S turns' oilt the true ._.,,tollr:M...-'a
TEN'l'JON Qf a scientific most gol<f1;,-~· SoUth-~ota. artk1e, · "'Diilol~ ol ·l.4mc-'
fellor named Yerkes that RAPID ~Y:. l[es,., slj', . ~<Ji!~~
mans only ~Uon,among I'd ·say tbe;,.rfemidlne ~uame Nearly a •quuter of the
the mammals ~ tbat ~ ~lone mo_st 0 f ten ··~ · ~r90nr, fJling· for d1VOl'Ct5 . in
shed}> tears. Can that be right? beuabouts lf Fattma. ' ~. ,., 1i63· ·bad -been manied for-
1 ijlo:~_t spls shed te~,. Your -11~ nd; · 1s jears-ormore.
too ,..,jrA OOIJ!!U:doesnt . , •• 91!':, 1 .• :!:.,_~ ·0r .. Meuer m• .. ests 1 pave a youqgster"1thin four men~ are we cv11~ ,ur_ .. .._ . ears after. their marriage will be uaed whtreii'tr~poa-number ·of•reuons! affluence, ~hances run 50-50 they'll neve; .stb,ie in.• "Checking· ;1'lJp." more ll~ll. attitudes andin-
Address mail ·W 1;: M. laws '. regardl.Da dlvort:e,
have any. Bcyd; in can •of i!i<'llAILY J!dequa_Je, courtsh!P, II years
HOW COME THEY don't PILOT· Box 1875 Newport ' eirll~-. home.s·,tbit .. are too
nickname 'the entertain\tlent Bea.en,~ Calif., 92643 . ~~::C~ and ·a verUcal
stars anymore? Remember ' " ; .( flmily uni.t ·. where aunts,
wl:len Hedy Lamarr was tmcles and · grandparents are
known as "'lbe Face"? And M G ' ' · -many miles away and fall
E:rank Sinstra was called "The·.. es.a r _QU_ ~s· to re-<nlorce Ibo coocepl ol
Voice"? Sometbing ought to _ , " ~-, family. -
lie done about thiS. Wby,·not Gi've' to". U'°'I "There can be no doubt that designate Marlo Thomas as \.A some of ilie long-standing
"The E;es"? And Linda marriages now terminating
Evans as ''The Hair"? And The Kiwariis Club of ·Colta were begun haphazardly dur-
Robert Morse as • .. Tb e Mesa and Costa Me s a -ina the : bleat daft of, the
Teeth"-? ·And Nancy . ..slPatra Ne-"" 'HarbOr Lions Club.· s.cood 'World War;" he said .•
as "The Boots"? And Emo ha;r ~ated -.• b . to i.ri the artlc}e; .
derusico as "The Accent''? UC Irvine .for ' student · NO'i"RELL\BLE
And Juliet Prowse as "The scholarships. . . . .. · ; Sta.tl s tlcs, he said, Legs"? And J ulie ChrisUe as Newport Harbor ~uet
"The Mate"? And Clarence Club has donated $2CJO. · . are ~unrell.We, but estimates
Williazri.s Ill as ·~The Hedge"? These are amo~ $'1,708 'in · indicate U.t in more than
These publicity boys of late gifts of aid to UCI itudents one-third ·.of toda,y's mar-
cetlainly lack imagination. announced tod~y by"". John rlages, U]e bride lJ prepant
Spear, dlrector of community as she walks down tbe ,allle.
A GIRL CAI.LED LAURIE, and alumni rtlat1ohs. . "~o ~ mai:ly IUcb mar-
says our Name Game m8n1 others were • "5~000 for riagc:s . are happy ai;Ml en-
does not tend to.be as brainy, medical student assistance d~;;., bot, in ~ in-: as lriclcy, parUcularly wbeo •--', '"·~•··. V. ;~·•d ·o stances.-a qpeslioo ·ma1 re-: -"·• 'th "• 'le "~' "~ ~ ~"~dn the ,._ of ·~ d.....,. WI -opposl seL Mem<>rlal\FµDd,.-l;ong . ; ,_ -
In· other words, in spite o• .1 $l,OOO f~. q\e"1ennis_ ~ •Pou-a~ ·'~· r#te ·'
the fact she rarely appears fr°'!' the Burn.s •FimlJJ.~·F°'* marriale '·Wtiuld 'bave l.taken
to be as bright u her daUon, Garden Grove and '500 place Jf there had been no
gentleman . fr ien d • she for the student loan fuDd 'from ~~ncy.
generally gets what she goes Alpha Lambda Delta ·Educa: 11SOme of these unions en-
after •.. SHORT NOTE -tlonal Foundation·, Los dare .oul .of a aeme of cullt
comes in from a Missourian Angeles. • . and obliptioa; and. once the
who claims to be a1 specialist cblldren,leaVe bome:tbll leille
on . I)', S. presidents. He ol resi>cmibIJity and guljl la
challenges me lo find a ques-Statue Denied relleVed ·and Ille .,....,.. toi:
tion concerning same that he cont1nuin& tbe .JUrrlaie JD11
can't answer .. All right, which LONDON (UPij -, Prime no looger.be the same." .
three presidents died on the Minister Harold Wilaon re-·-Dr. ~ suaests the
F<!UJ'llt or July ? jected a parllamentary wg-most llinHicant ~t Jn
ges\Ioo Tuesday · ' that' 'Ille the dlllaolutioo ol loq-standlng
OUR LANGUAGE MAN has government erect a statue to, matrli.g'es results from wtil.t
stated the tw.o word~ im-the late Sir Winston Churchill he ~ the "century of the ,
possible to rhyme are month in T Andoo chllCL;.
and orange. And be was ;tot.1 __ ~ ___ . -----~----------
the first to say s o .
Nooetheless, I've just received
three communications from
different clients. The first
says there's a river in India
called the Blorange. The se-
cond says a grubtb is an
anthology of sac'red writing
in the far east. And the third,
without explanatory comment,
put up
It's eme1in9 h•w meny
feers, big •nd small, seem
to plegue one's d1y. It
may be feer of los in9
one's job, of offending
someone, of effects from
certain foods, or more
seriously, of illness.
Fear seems to be the
result of circumst•nces.
But, •ctu1lly, it is often
the cause of pro blems,
even df ill heelth.
Feer can b• conquered,
You •nd your friends
are cordi•llY invited to
hear Gordon F. Campbell,
C.S.B., of The Christien
Science Boer~ of Lecture·
ship discuss how we c•n
rid ounelves of fear
and its effects.
Ch~i~tj11 n •
9,00 P.M. Fri., Feb. 14,
Fint Church of Christ,,
. '
' ' L ' '• 9 .99 'tee-11.110· : ' ..
'YALD'i'lllE'S DAY siltcfAi.! " .
This c11aie bas slltld..;'co1i.~ 1111 • . ..
lfltl •leews. A 'lllY .I ......... iaJ . ' ~ -
SIOIWide Wll!I 1'1'1111·1111 ... IItl!lo-cnf. .
10~ ." blbe. S.Y.L·iit-" ·
!Mfums"!lm'forWo;1111tiiei . . . ' .,
• • l
· Scientist
330! v;. Ud<>, N.1. Newpor'I Genier .
.. ,
. , "
•'· ..
' ..
• I
' ,•
l. I
! I •
, ..
~ :_ . . .. : ~ ..
':· ; .. ,. ' ' ,. 1.
·r . ... • •
• . •
• '
O.ur. bold .HartQg;'.\relou~s ,, .... I·• .. _
'. w,iJI. en~ your:_.:&~~:rch foi; a new ima_g i:':.I.•~::~;·~ ....
' f •. ,.. ' • . : ' ,., ,, • . '
. AS91l~ iQdividuality; ExJjerimilt fellrlesslyi Do ii with our colorfully stripe1l cdltbn velour-shirts. Chooie YOl!r
'-. '. tlr1111. ~. dlscoY!r'the sati~la~tjon of bein2 a little ~c0nventional. S-M-L•Xl. Store for Me~. all s~pres
... . .. . ,r ·'~i ; A. Short•sl1111'8d meek-turtle,, gold, 1ed °" blue .......... u.oa ". · • • •
B. Mew Apache-~carYed velour, pl ive or aold , .•••• ; , •• 21.~
C.lont-sl-d ITOCk turtle, p!O\ gold, blue o.':red , ••• 11.00
0. Cotton wlOiJr beach bags, carmel, green, gold,, blue, red,11.H
• •
' . . . . ~
.Mon., Thurs., Fii.10:00 till 9:30 Olher dafS 10:00 fill S:lo
11 Fa5'l1111 Island •
I ' I
.. "' "I-1 • 1
' .
. '
·'· ••• . -••
L .. ... , • ..
"\' --.. ,,
' ' -.
' .
. : ' ...
., ..
"'" " . • • • ...
···1':11 .. ~ .. -•
···~' . ...... • ""' ......
" ' " ..
" . " .i
"' -' ,._.
l I I
;1.f tWlY PILOT
For The Record ·Hospital
Cost Hike -• ..
BALTZ MOl\TVARIES · c... de! Mar.OR Miii
COiia lieu Ml U4U
MORTUARY 111 .......,.,, Colla MeA u M'1I
DIU>AY llllOTllEllS
~ VolllJ
1111::~~. Bw"":t'"mr-
MDIOIUAL PARK .,.,._,. . _,,,
Cllopel uel1Pmfle View Drive
Nnport -. CalllGrall -PEE1t FAMILY
lllllltllaAn. 11'--
llG'IB'!: MORTVAllY ·-SI. tjt'qCtt~ • i.s.-
~;'~"~'nr· ~-ir:t',~'"rr:nc1. ~'t ~~=If~ .. "' ....... Hr.: 1 !ht 'ff JIM U.11 Reported'
·~~ --w ...... Mr.:~1 .. ~11tr "• J1rnet ORANGE -Costs for pa· o..~r!' J:/,., ..,....._ M1r11 l(fif'I' tlents at the Orange County P1mt'lm 111t \'Ill vt lt'*911 W • .:l:tz •· ,,_ w .,.., o. '"'" Medical Center have gone up. Ell~""' Dl-i.ut ·1n.1111 "' E"-1 Jn a report to the county ..J,,.,.M.,,....,. w U.11• Mo!'Mdt
Oltlll oe •. ''""' YI • ..,. Ir• Board or Supervisors, Medical 8,0Wll z.l~,,::r' Shflr" vi Ectwlll Ch~ Center Administrator Robert
=-~:r~ ~~ V:..':fi: FV. Hn~..,. o. White says tbe cost of an ... rr. '\t. s .... .,. ...._. lAmtlc8 avera1e day at the boapiiaJ f/i£l... HOr~~ ~'h#t.~ "~ T. is now $M.26. ' ·
i::l°'!tl "'ct\:::: •n-L If. ~bars;:, '0;dd!Jddi~~ ii:{~-• .., .. p J-c111rtH average daily rate is f14.76. "~'Ii o. ... • ..,. "' '""*-""" •· White says the new rates wff~ Jetfl L1wrMCe Vll JllMI l.Awll are based OD state aQd federal L~;c;l.OCUT~ltY DIC•••• . rtlulations demanding lhet H~rrfett K. •WfW.tY _., eorwW 9· cJl4rge5 reOect. actual costs. f:I~~" I!-Jfl"fl.:l'lru..... The· new rates went ink> elfect 'l::CJ:. ';;;J.tHW \'a ~ :Jan. l. ~ tll'I:'.:: ':i:~"MW'll:rM . l!IQesl increases _were in >~~ ·"'·~~ n ,°lfriihMa..A\.,.. the burn and intensive care r;efi:· si. 'ifo;f,R r~ l-111 G: Unitl Where Charge& Went '\~~n M•r Grlffl" v. Jtutieri Erfltft, from $1%3.23 a day to $132. J~h1i. onY•• Y• 01r1111t G.v o.-.. , Obstetric fees are now $64 "'""" Koly Vol111t YI Melvfn oltlll , d ( J1nlc1 ~ -Gr•' Y1 Reutitn o.... a ay, up rom $58.50. o~V' 1. 1-... -Y1 0on11d G. Pediatric care is $64 daily 1111f'"J~= eo1tm1n Yt Ch1rits Clrl compared to $511.50 previ ously. P•~~'0.11 J<:11111to11 .., R111111 R. Some rates were not in-
etf£T°'1M. Hlll•lllllr "' Harelcll E. creased. They i n c 1 u d e 1*~~rc111 "'or..,·}.· cu• emergency room, $11. 70 ; men-
&ro1 '''" w """ RltNir11 taJ clinic visits M .. 75 and r • ' ....,, ' El .. c. A, SNIMm Yi Jtldll.,m other clinics, $9.SO. Jok~ 1-f YI Vlr•lnll ~flt P.t~tto. l.....,. w .,.,.,.. l.. l.llf'r ,,.~ IC. Met.,,, n Arttll.lr ~. Mtf:flt D'l1 I W1lt1r Mc:KIOll VS KlrM I Ubetll Mtic.t
au"' J~ ~ "' ArNld l!;:"r.1:i.""MH Mfliutn YS 00ue11S P'«r..t MlllMn H•~ ftUdeon YI •1nllmln F,
IE ~~,. Norrll v1 c.~n E.
County Orders
Road Widening
SANTA ANA -Improve-
ment of Adams A venue in
Costa Mesa at the approaches
to the Santa Aaa River bridge
has been ordered by the cou n-
ty Board of Supervisors.
Work on the four -l a ne
widening project will be car-
ried out in conjunction with
the widening of the bridge
planned Jater this year.
2 Shoplifters ·~~
'llANTA ANA -Two Lao
Allpl11 llltert ·-llhoplll,
ling lprff WU ended by
Newport Beach pol!Oe llavt
betn placed on probation for
one year by Superior Court
Judfe Robert Gardner.
Officers arrtsted Barbara
Marie and Coletha Lerene
Wll.!on 1n early January after
the two woriien were aCCUJed
ol presenting stDlen merchan-
dise at Robinson's department
store and ,attempUng t o
rece.lve cuh for them.
All the items o!lertd !or
e:rchange bad been stolen
from other stores, olficera
MW•flaa: tllt
·~rJ:'1"~-" <:omple¥ . _: .
. N ewp~~·t~ J1eJ?.e~ope .
( Ntat h S.v.n Dr"91 I ._, .t -
• ·Ge~ ·county OK
Reg. 4 7.95 to 65.9~ -NOW
Sizes for
regulars, shoi·t.•
and longs
11 to 5 •
ftl It lM St, OMla M.,. ..... • UNTIL 9 ,..M .. suNDA vs-1 Cosla Mesa, 1601 Newport Blvd. at 161h
~---. ' j . ,,
Gi ant, Fl ori"a Di sne ylan·d
MWll ~J:> -... · .. :.11. ~-lilt -~--!It -to Wilt ~ IOd ' lft __ 1111,_. Al C.0 -~ imJan Ila, 1111 <JI.
17 AFL·CIO C01111tUC1iG1 ~ .. a .. lttD 'cdl----oariim
..-T.-y 11.,.... oa ...,.,... -· ~IWIJ 'w>,ld !It --If 11111 11 agreement, nportecily I be lnin llll;:r:-AFL-CIO -..lloo, .......
larpsl ever for a private..,., -Ill dllpodt. 1be priol-<JI all II uni•
ject, 1o ..,.... labor -lhldlr ia., n o .,,,,... Ibo fld.
' ,
Old Bridge · Beeemes New
-.-. ·' The 30-ton-finf 1egment of new London Bridge is hoisted by crlll)e froQI barge
on River Th.ameS, to be placed in posiilon on the new bridge. 1'"e heayily re.
lnforced concrete box section is the first of 356 similar units wblch wW form
the new three arched bridge due to be cO!llpleted Id 1972. In bacaround a bus
pa!Ses over the old London Bridge, presently b•inf dismantlecl' for ablpment
lo the United States. · '
•oJd Days ~ Be~alled
R uss Fa rm ers Ignoring Ma rx Principles
where this time Jut
there WU unrest.
'Dll agreement coven U.
bulldlng " lbe 114111 mllllaa Wiii Dlmey World lourili 11-
traclilxl near Orlando.
1be qreemeot WU caJlod
.Ibo · 1arpot In Florida -
Ille -ol Cape -neq and allows -·--···· ... Fflft .. lllJ .. Of.
-mi .. Jiolial Will ....................
Cl4!: ••• DlillJllil. ........ ,.,;; ..... ~
Wwq -811 -.... .,.._ ..... ,..,.
pact Included wan .c.i .. hu-
ed on prevailing wage rates
in the Orlando area ranging
from $3 to '5 an hour for
the v a r i o u s construction
crafts. These flcures ln<luded
tht estimated Yalue of fringe
Tiie ..,......... .... signed
by I;. J. llqprty, J>""ident
of Die AFL-CIO Building and
Construction Trades Depart-ment, and Harry Hall, presi-
dent of Disney's general con-
tractor, Allen Con&racting Co.
Last year at this time a
dispute over the hirinc of non-
union labor at the comtruetlan
sililiiljed ground preporatloo
work. Two huodnd -Uri
•I Ille .tit -affected then. ThoutaJM!o will be employed
befon Ille -.Jed 1rn
oPeniJll --. At L "0 I O conslrucllon
worken thraqhout the state
Planned by
Harbor Y
Memories · o! the famed
JFK !IO-mlle hikes wlll be ,...
viewed an Waahington's Blrtbo
day, when 50 Harbor Area
MOSCOW (AP) -New sup-usually get about four-fdtbs general 'Ilkl,houaet, cars and youngsters xt out on the Or-
port bu been ~oiced for of an acre f<r their own use, bank a~b:. U ·pe!'SOllal ange Coast YMCA's benefit
fannln' UJe of prf\'ate plot.I, for planting or ~ e e pine subsidiary ~ private Walk-A-'Ibou event.
aften attacked here aa rem-liveltock. Tiiey can oOllaume !arming la lo ho pr<lhibilad, Somie ~ely In
nantai ot tht bad old days the products themselves, oiler then pri• prfpertr i n kinderprten tta. the
whlch 9hould be eliminated them at special free markets, general ibould b e coo-last 1* of. the h · prdi-
under commWlimi. or sell to the state. deinned." dent'1 ,,llfe, will attanpt a ..
The magazine V op r o s y The private plots, which The arUole aai4 the plots mDe Barbar Arn march ID
Ekonomlki (Questions a f make up . only 3.2 pereent of helped ste the rush from .the Feb. 12 event.
Economics), put out by the total acreage cultivated, ac-the farm ti the clUes In the Each Walk-A-'I1lon entrant
Academy of Sciences, carried count for 63 percent of the aearch for 1 bettlr standard will be spomored by • busi-
( ll -·· -bf"lbdlvl41ill """will do-11!1 article hailing the private output of potatoes and eggs, o ving. Ec ............ ally, it nate . $2 for each mile their p~ as useful for t h e 41 percent of the vegetables, aald1 tbeJ provWed truck cll)didate completee ln t b e
economy and good for the and 38 percent al the meat lanten ~ and other tun .but gruellln« competlUon farmer's working habits. and milk. agricultural podl with high 1 • "'Ibey help give people a Former Premier N i t i t a labor in~ that tllt regular y!,~ u:mwinni!:!': ~!
·-=71~1of~ .~·~~low~~~~ nol u ,well ~~."'!j iii
ill e~, .II ...U 91_' uid -The~ Tbe·arllcle malntatnod Uuil ·cl1""*8111 1. · , ~
.... ~ --In oplo · Ioadlhblp dfd OWIJ •wJla o Ille lllle, inolead <JI ~ f1ii -·aod nlnlblnl llalW,,,,, ..... ,. 1111 ~ ~ !I lllo ~·a I .. fUYO allllude, llhauld N' -II Iii -:
-··' ~. • ...... Wlit fir 11111-· l*fi' -' pri•lll I-· '1'flnat. 1ldet 11111 ...... It ·no1ec1 that the ploll yield fannm, which Tus sald Inf. will be provided at Y way-
tg.ricultural produt'ta which would cause them to lole in-It called for 1 nationwide stations and further informa-
are often not obtainable from ~ in raising crape '&Gd law to fl& the aire bf the tioo about the Walk-A-Thon
aovernment-controlled farms , livestock C11 their own. . plots, whltb now var l :! s may be obtained by callln1 the
or at bllt are scarce 1Dd But the ntw article, written haphawilJJ. Jt·• called for YMCA beadquartP.n.
of poor quality. hy L. Kaltnln0 maintained the IQols and paclllnlry oultahle Starling c!Uring eatly morn-
Tbt article contrasted plotl are reriilinlng "com· for this tJpe of CultivaUon tng hours, the Walk·A-Thon's
tharply with a commentary paraUvely atable.'' It denied to be prod'{eld on an adequate end b determined by the sta·
two years ago by the official that they conflict with the scale. ' mina of IO youngster•.
news agency Tass. This said basic principles of the Soviet A s~ rlcoh\IDendaUon
that private plots were on system. was fa.:' a 1m1ll tflctor that
the way out, and treated this ''They develop sri'ui.ll-prt>-~d tie uted: ftr discing.
u a good thine. prietor instincts no more and hauling, 4'a1Jn& .and other
Urxler the private plot no less than the private J)rG-jobs 00\f ""1t ~ entirely
system, collective farmeta perty <lf working peop1' ln by hand 1-l*
Is It Engli~h Duke ?
Who Owns S pain A rmada?
Duke of Argyll owns one of
the treasure ships of the
Spanish Armada but the troo-
ble is that it lie. too deep
under the silt tn Tobermory
Bay for effecUve sa1vage.
And, besidM, it may nol
be a treasure ship at all,
although the dulle hu spenl
1 fortune trying to prove it.
However, the duke ii 1t
least lucky in that the wreck
1peeifically beJongs to him.
The ministry of defense says
there are 12,000 other wrecllt
around the abora of Brltalll
and tn most cues It's flnt
come fin1 auved.
And this is worrying scien-
Ustl. For while -.ie ol ~
llhlps are of eommercial In-
t.mt -the German n .. 1
lllM Jn World War I, for
11ample -there are otheri
ti. consider1btt scientific i&
...... l
Wlllt lbe viii -iJI
popullrity of skin dlvlnf, there
II a1wl,)'I the chance that
mnateun, throulh tcnor•nce
' • cartl...ne... inlChl reach
• -...... tin\ .... .,.., -llilt JllltlII
Lecture Slated
On Milky Way
I See by Today 's
Want Ads
• lJelieve. f~.'or no t!· . ~ . . ~
Basehaj.l it, J°'t
Around the·,Col'ller. ' ' . . . ' .
Baseball Shoes . · t" ·i,; U" 16"
< laseball Mitt( & Gloves
,. 4" .. 42"
· Bows · Arrows ~'Quivers
' Armguards Ta~gets
Speedo & Ocean Champion
Swimsuits & Trunks
lase ball Caps .... : ................. 1" ,, Masks • Fins Snorkels .
' Duck Feet Fins ...................... 8" ,)
laMball Sanitary Sox, . 60-
Baseball Undershirts 1" & 1" ~ Floating Fins .................. 6"
' Baseball Bats ...... ; ......... i" .. 5" ~~':t:C 110 lb. Barbell Set 19'~ ,...
~~'.! Dwnbells • 1 lb. to 10 lbs. ·: Baseballs .......... 9k ·-14' 1". 2"
Baseball Posters ... , ...... : ........ 1" Door Bar -Gyms ........ 5" & 6 •t;
Tennis Dresses Rtductel 25°/o
NNNSYLUNIA T . laU 7" ..... •UTY enn1s s .......... .
::::::.,:"Tennis laueti 18"
Chest Pulls & Hand Grips . '
Raleigh Bikes & Parts
Bike Repair
R acket Stringing
From 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
-~ . ..
' .. ' -' • .
.. ..
•" .. • ••
' ·' ...• ,.
'7 ,HAYE YOUR ·llO'fER ·:
,.-lNSPEC'fElJ ·_ • •• •..
-~ · ...
(plu1 porh)
TRADE-IN SALE ~~ . ,. ~
Co nvertible
e TWO S P ll D
MOTOI 6tws 10~'---, e LAIM THlOW•
. -.. , ... -,,, .... _ .....
• au• ADJUITMINT ., ......... " .....
,., ""' ef .....,.., -
. .
e Dlil4-Mllla 7 9¢ e Up llghh
• H1fMllV1c, ttc .
e "6•ep-Cle1nin9" Ru9 Nonie.
t anv1rt1. Ee'illy.
• Lfti,twal9hl aod '•w•rf•I •
' '
' •
.. •• ... .. .. •• .. ... ••• ...
' ... .. .,
' '
' • ~ • • • •
• < YOU'LL
Cri•p cotto11 llloh, printotl
01pKlotl'f for lAm. 011d
trirnrnotl with tJoi11ty
lclclo loce ll'I 110...,./Whit o
or r.d/wh ito •• 1i101 5· I) ....• ],
I ·vernon s SK>llTSWEAll
' '
r L'< ' •,. 'r . . . . · •on:e-stop' shoppmg
: ' 1 ' ' "·
• . ; . a.t its f'inestJ
I •
~ ' \ ' . . . .
. .
' . • • ' ' j
, , "r. '
-So!t and
pale ·
Fem inine end Tovell.
Pletinum or Whit• uster,
't ' ,.
Ruffles ·
dream in
, ..
' 1'.'it~...j;L~· "7· '"--..... . hl~@ittsBOES-• YY,~ THI INTlll"/ ;,:MILT
' .
Newport: IMC• .. ' .
It's Fashionable to Wear
The Pa11ts i11 Your Family!
642-2444. 644-1700
' "
Wntetiif ,,.,.; •• lM , .... ....... ....... _,......
Be _)} Sweetheart/
' '
' ' ·.
' h
,_,..,., ,...._.,. u.1Ht 1 , .. u
Benefit Designed
. '
.· .... ·'C a pped 1
America a la Mode is the theme selected by· the
Woman's Auxiliary to the Orange County MediCal '
Association fof iti; annual White cap benefit. . .
The traditional luncheOn 8nd fashion show will ·be
presented Tuesday, March 4, in the Anaheim Conven-
tion Center which will be decorated in red, white and
blue carrying out-the motif. ·
The White Cap is the symOOl of the auxiliary's pro--
gram ·of support and scholarship aid to students plan~
ning careers in nursing and related medical fields. 'Phis
annual event is the main source of revenue for the pro-
Designs by Georgia Bullock will be paraded durinf
the show which is being coordinated by Bullocks, Santa
Ana. A grand prize of three ·dresses from the collection
will lend an added enticement to the record t~ut
expected at the event.
Benefit chairmen are Mrs. Robert Francis and Mrs.
David Romrne. Serving on their committee ate·. the
Mmes. John Davis, reservations; Roderick Silveira"and
Julian Freeman, invitations; Norman Myers, pro-
grams; Gerald Hays, door prizes; Fletcher Metten,
. student nurses; Fred Kay, publicity, and Frederick
Berkowitz, hostesses.
. (
. '
. '""' EXCELLENCE PROMISED -Reaching the halftra7) pOint .of
the annual Continuance Fund Drive, volunteers (I~ ,ri&ht) the
Mmes. Raymond Dosta, Jerry Butera and Harl')' Jlater'.nmlncl
AMERICA A LA MODE -Dressed In chic red, w!pte and blue
ensembles, designed by Georgia Bullock, are (left to rillbt) .Mrs .
Clifford Jordan and Mrs. J'ack Hagadorn who model numbers
' mule-lovers that doaor membership still can be purdwed d\ir-,
ing the nµt two weeks.
whiqh wil1 be included in the annual White Cap benefit luncheon
and fi\shion show March 4. The event is being sponsored by the
Woman's Auxiliary to the Orange County Medical As,sociatlon.
Fine Programs
To Be Continued
To insure excellence in programming of the world's
leading orchestras and musicians, Orange County Phil·
harmonic Society is accepting contributions to its an·
nual Continuance Fund Drive which is conducted year·
ly during February.
Because of the successful drives, the society also
has been able to keep the price of concert tickets at
reasonable rates.
Plans for the 1969-70 c~~!r:l s~son include.six con-certi by' the,.Lbs Aif(ele, P,~nic Oreqesti:a. with
Zubiit Mehta, nfusk!.J ilite<!$clr' ;kid· (ties~ collductol'I,'
Dapi'l Berenboinl:'' Ralier .Fhdibf!'.ck "de· ButjQs, ·.11ans •
Schmidt Isserstedt, and a concert by the Orchestra de
Paris with George Solti conducting. Among soloists en-
gaged are pianists Byron Janis and Andre Watts.
Besides assuring fine music during the concert sea·
son, funds also provide the society's annual series of
free youth concerts given by the Los Angeles Phil ..
harmonic Orchestra, Debut Orchestra of the Young
Musicians' Foundation and the California Chamber
Symphony. Now in its 11th year, the youth concert pro-
gram has reached l\D estimated 110,000 Orange County
students with 64 concerts.
In addition, the society presented its first free Pops
Concert this past summer. It is hoped that this will be-
come a tradition.
Heading the countywide campaign is John Vibert,
society first vice president, and· on his committee are
the Mmes. Andrew Dossett, J. Donald Ferguson, Cllf.
ford Hakes and Dana Latham. Chairman for the 23
women's committees is Mrs. Harry Baker, assisted by
Mrs. John Store.
Each contributiop enfiUes the donor to a contributor
membership in the society. Further information reg8fd.
ing meinbership and1the. concert season U: available at
the Pbllharmonic olticei 201 W. Coast Highway, New·
port Beach;.8*8411,
. '. '
Color Him Emba1rrassed When He's A·ble to--See to Read
sadist ot just plain stupid? Don't you
realize how much lrouble you cau.se
when you print JeUers that raise ques.
Uons about paternity?
I refer to your answer to the blue-eyed
daughter of brown-eyed parents. I don't
care what your so-called e1perts say,
there are u:ceptions lo every rule. My
mother'• eyes were IOrt of hazel. You
wooldn'l call them blue, but they .......,.,
brown eJlher. My lather had very dart
brown .yea. My ey.. are blue, lite
my materna1 grandmother's. r never
thought a Uling about It until your letter
My mother W&!!l a VUJ strait·laced
Ptraon and I'm sure abe was no swinger,
but all -"""'lite mlnt. l ~ -• --.. .,. color about all U-blilH7ad chlldi.. -la nlallea lo -..ity. M1 .-iy
browrt-qed ptrala. Whit .. • tau. ... • pi11tldll frtla tile Natltul
going to '"1 wheo·hil dllld -· "Allo --ti -lie .... M -Landen lllYI you can1 be rqy r.thW. tW '• _,._ .. _. ol 'li7a Sowboil!" _._, • .w __ _
Why don't you retire. 119 C.--~.
troublemaker? -DAVENPORT,1JOWA • Ntw, ._,&i, yoe ..Umed you 11tot
DEAR. DAVl:NPORTz TM ... 1'I . t11 :r-.-1
never Jeantetl &o rellll. Awldlt ._. · I
• I ••
woman who worn in this om .... vely
pregnant and not marriad. It Ii obvloyl
that she w addad at i.ut 11 "j>owlil&
She ii not wearlq malenlltf • clotheo;
jU8t larger Mea9ea. Yel ahe·bi1sn~ aald •
ooe word about bet C'OOdiUon.
Improved. lt'1 tmillle. TM wtmu Jut
· mlpl be marri<d. ta 111< meul19>e,
wby doa't J'9'I pt. take a brl* walk
d""'' lmd, • ..U llio noon .. poU• ·
Ille olOce _, Yoo .,..i to do
J ~ ll'J&.<filllractlul th8I Jhil'.-' Js allowed to· mDaln in' an citfW wbire 1 t DEAR ANN: 1 wu asktd to be an
lb: unmarried &iris are emp)dyed. • Glher at a friend '• wedding. I have
~ lilo ·bu ·~· 'lllf• )I.,, lo nnt ~ Im< and buy new shoes whlcb monthl, the 'bu' never 'u ' . ~ let me blc:t. a bundle. Now' I
to her ipa-. Slit ii Yf!rf '<•.in told the uJllm mllll ltlct In $41.110
about her IUe. What do you 'lilalte•·of ' -to pay 'for the orcheltra. Ian 1
thll? What lbMtld our tttltude ·be! -· • this going too ~far? Pleue 1dvlle. -
VEXED IN ,TEXAS • · · 1• 1 •" ,,INSUFFIClEN't FUNDS DEAR VEXr Yov atll-. ....... • DEAR IN1 Yeo, alloal $41.M's wwtlr.
' ... j) •• 0 h::: -·----... --~
TH orcHtlra llloald .. paid '1111e :
,._ ~ Ille bride. . .
Too many couplea go from matrimouy :
to acrimony. lloo'l lei Y"'r ~·;
ljop beJore ·It lelt llaria\L s-1 for :
Ann Landers' bootlet, ""Maniqe-What :
to Expect." Send yoor request to Ann :
Landen in care ot thi1 newspaper encl. :
1:nf 50 cents in coin and a Ion&, stamped. :
lell-addresled envelope. :
Aon Landera >rill be clad to help :
you with your probbnQ .llenoh Iha:
to her In care of the DAlLY -~cLOTJ ;
~n:clOl!lin& .. a self.addressed, ~ : envelope. +
.• --~
• •
PrttllaUac a duct to ralse
. a,.lanl, a J\ID1l>r allllllary
ol Newport -Juolor J:bollo. • ..
A -llDI Iheme 1i11 been
•'trted tar. PlrtJ, planed
... ,......,., Fob. 11, 1rOrn
I:• IO Ill• p.m. In Iha CW-.._ del Illar HIP Scbool -. ~ · , !llf:lilh'lnl !be •vtolnc will
lie --ol • •ting
mi -_...,to lllu N"!"'1-· ~ 11111 Pat IJllllpn II ..mg
-·---lllipecl to !be . -Mlid): lllllei; DliJm lllillth .... ' Betty ._. .
-let ducinll will be l1H'lldicl bJ lbe We U.._People lili!d. Ada)lulGn . ii II.II per
couplo with ABO Cordi end
II w1jboal.
-ol Ei)'liul are
!oln. Gury llhorl uc1 Mrs. Who Will Be Fairest? 'llmr181411ui>er1.
Ha'rbourites Wet Lines 'for Firff Fisliing Tourney :
Salad Menu
Representing the Huntington Be&cb City Council of Beta Sigma Phi at the an-
nual Valentine Ball Saturday, Feb. 15, will be (left to right) Mrs. Don Miller,
Mrs. KeMelh Sutton and Mrs. Robert Goff, members of Xi Mu Zeta, Delta
Beta Epsilon and Delta Alpha Phi chapters. A cocktail hour will begin festivi-
ties at 6 p.m. with dinner following at 8 p.rn., and climaxing the fonnal b~ll
will be the crowning of a princess from each chapter. Mrs. George Stewart 1s
chairman of the event. Teating the official weiglrin scales for the next
Huntington Harbour fishing tournament are (left to
right) Robert Heifer, yacht club commodore, and
Earle Colee, fishing club commodore, asllJted by
Mrs. Colee and Mrs. John Silver. The two group•
Delicious Ti me
Awaits Chapter
A cake walk will add to ·the Haatey, all of Huntington
tun oI the Va1entine party Beach ; Herben Bland, Don-
planned next Saturday even~ , -aid Snyde~1 Joel Tate, William
by the Lambda Zeta chapter Walters, Walter Quinlan and
o{ Sigma Phi Gamma interna-Lynn Shugarman, all of Costa
tional sorority. Mesa ; Murdock Payne, New-
Members and their bus-port Beach; Lawrence Rice,
bands have invited prosp;c-Long B e a c b, and Harold
tive members and th .e 1 . ..r, ·JOnes,. Tustin. ~pouses to . gather with them , Two delegates will iepre-
1n the Huntington Beach home. ·sent tbe cbipW: at the Chi
of Mr. and Mrs. Dale \\'.itche Pruvi.Dce meet.in( Feb. 22 •nd
,at a for the event. %.'J in the NeWpotier Inn, Mrs.
Mrs. Frank Pfeifer of _HunJ-Benedict, presideftt ·and Mrs.
Jngton Beach, IOcla1 c;bafrman, Tate, historian.
is making arrangements · tor Alternate delegates are Mrs.
the party. Walters of Costa Mesa, ways
Indicating that they will and means officer and Mrs.
attend are the Messr1. and Har61d Bland of Costa Mesa,
Mmes. Donald Benedict, Sam· chapter editor. Other chapter
uel Messer, Pfeifer, Kennan mtq1Mrl wUl attend •s
Tracht, Carl Marsh and Ray gu81ts.
Fiesta Mood Strikes
Association . Women
directed by Mrs. Opel Psr·
Lynetta Wilcox, • senior
from Buena Park. will do
Spanish ud Mexican dsnclng.
Brad Stanf1eld, 11, will play
' ~ ,_ < -will, lelt;lhlir'lndlv\dllal 1kJlli Satw:<)ay, Feti. 15.
Linea .will go In a.1·1 a.m. and be teeled In by 3 p.m.,
and conlhl winner• will be feted during !'OCiWll
and' dlJ!Der ·which will follow In the MHdowlark Country. Club. ·
Cupid -to Celebrate
Style Sca:ndinavian
A varlet)' ol aaiadl will be-----------------·!-========
on tbl hmcheGtn. meru when
Cbl Omtp . AliJmnae 0 f
~ Coanl7 -Thurs-day, Feb. llll In !be borne Card Party Calendared
~ WUQam JoiinlOn of A full caJendar of events refreshments I e n d i n g e:i:-
Mn. Arthur . · ZUlo of has been pl~ for the Co&ta cUement to Ule evening.
Mlillon Vltjo will prtllde at Mesa Grange for the coming Masters, lecturers a n d
the 101IO Lm. meetinc during year by the Committee of secrttaries will attend a con-~new mJr:i:, ';f~ :: Women's Acilvities, headed by ference March 1 in Garden
made for the Sprina Eleusi-Mrs. Lewis Bennett. Grove Grange Hall with State
nian obHrvlnc the IOtOrity's First on the list is a Valen-Master Chester Deavers of
1:11 •~·~
I \L \Cl:\11-:\T
I '01: ri: \IT . . . -
1'11411411 ,f{ \I'll\ ~x
1:1n1111 -111110 74th anniversary. tine Card Party next Saturday Sacramento pres id l n g .
Festivities for St. Valen.. will be performances by Any interested Chi Omega at 8 p.m. in the Grange Hall. Meetings will begin at 10 a.m.
Une'1 Day will have a Swedish Catherine Wall and lnp. Melin may call Mrs. Johnson, 526-Pinochle and canasta will be and lwicheon will be served
;.,.,, rn-111 11 .. 111 .•11,··
sound wh~ the Anchor Lodge of Orange at the piano and 3257. played with prizes and at noon by the host Grange.
of Vasa Order of America Erik Linder with hiJ guitar. 1--------------·-'----------'----=--------'--'---'--"
l'h ·,·:s-1; 11 ·~
ealhert next Saturday at a Members of the Jod&e will SJ~41"6.-•""'A p.m. in the Senior Citizens attend the Dbtrkt U con-. WI If lilf;W
Recreation Center, Newport vention Feb. 2& and March
Beach. 1 in El Cortez Hotel, San
Mrs. Elmer JohOIOll ol Diego, bolted by Gutta• $111 B e a u t y s a 1 0 n s
Garden Grove will relp over Lodp. Delqatll ·wm be ~
!~~ .. ~-:;.:!,~ ~~°!':/>:: CAPTIVATING CURLS ... CAPTIVATING COLOR ... INSTANTLY!
artist from Sweden, wUI pro-.• Ernst V. ~I of Anchor
vide entertainment. 1 Lodge wiO conduct t be
· ROWlding out the restlYIUes -ui meetillp. 1 The cblldrea'• sroup, '•
Pays Visit
To Bethel
Deputy Grand Gu ar dl • n
Mrs. James Common made
her official vi.sit to Newport
Beach Bethel 313 of Job's
Dau11hters last Tuesday. At
the same time, the Miues
I.Ori Botts, Peggy Hlru and
Patty O'Neil were initiated.
Honored Queen, L e 1 J le
Pickrel, is planning her Snow
Camp for Feb. 21·13 in
Lorenzen's Lodge, Crestline.
'~ths III throulb U. will
mee1 Muell 1 In !be Para
ud lllmationl beadqUrlen,
N:~ Bfach, tC) I llarn
Swediah sonp and dandts.
Change Date
The membenhlp .-Inc
pil.nned far Feb. rr by the
Candyotrlpen ol lloof Memo-
rial HOlpltal, i'Nlb71erlan.
hu been changed to 'lllurs-
day, ~eb. IO at S:JO p.m. in
the boopltal'• coolerence cen-
PrOtpective members and
their mothen are invHtd to
the tea and moetinf.
Curls to caress your head ... and instanteo&or to.
caress your curls with soft glowing beauty l
It's ou~ "Fanci-full" color; in rich, natural
looking hues to cover gray or refresh dull hair;
in soft pastels to tone lightened hair. No
peroxide, no after-rinse,1 no waiting: Fanci·full
works while our atylistaet.s your hair'~ $2Z5 , PLUS SHAMPOO "i
AND SET ...................... ,.-•
Mond•y thru Thursday
ilAlter 5 p.m, ·--·····-·· $l.IOI:
Fri., Sit., Sun. ·---········ ,l.00 . . .
A Fiesta Para ~15 will
be hosted by the American
Association of Un 1ver1 it y
Women, Ga'.rden G r o v e
branch, at a p.m. Saturday,
Feb. 15, in the Mercury Sav-
ings and Loan Association
building, Hun\lnitan Beach.
Entertainment wili be pro-
vided by the Talent Capers,
a young professi.Onat group
guitar end llnl Spanilb IOJIP,lji!~~~~====~=e=!!ii!!!!!!iiij and Linda Lei11h, a teniOrl
Topic Told
from Fullerton, will tap-dance
to LaUn rhytbma. Her a·
Deborah, 11, wlll present a
ventriloquist act and do Mex-
ican and South American dan-
'I1le Talent Capers have
played many benefib in-
cluding an •ppearance for the
Salvation Army Chrlatmas
"How to Make Yourself Funfit and have appe&red at
Miserable," is hardly a skill such e11;tertainment spots u
most individuals would want El Fortin Bandido.
lo acquire. However, it wiU Char1e fOJ'. the meetin1 will 1
be the topic of conversation be ~ per person for AAUW
when Riviera Club'• Book Sec-members and pests. )&1.
tion meet! nezt Monday at Paul Aske11on ls hl dtar1e
10 a.m. oftribtltcklngel!,I udtholhen con-
ActuaUy book buffs will be u o e procram include the Mmes. James hearing a review of a book Suddath and Richard Bushnell, by that title written by Dan 1 Greenburg during the eather-fel owshlp chairmen; Thomas
Ing In Mrs. Frank """1anl's Stroda, entertainmeot; W; C. Thr Arch Ba ho Barton, refreshments ; Warren ee y me. Van .de Veere, Everlst Mrs. N. E. Dupont will pve M . nd the review alter members ore.ira a Miss Margaret
fortify themselves with coffee. Byrd, decoraticw, and Roger
Mn:. Ed Reed, a e c t i o n __ Sb_a1_r_er_, _c1oor_-'P.'_i..... ___ _
chainnln, uld all 'IUvierans
.,.. Invited to attend Ind brlnf Kid* Like to guests. No reservations are ....... ry. Ask Andy
· Switch , Cra/t
1 =·• COIFFuRES ' '
1091 Baker, C.M .. s.t0-GJ41
lankAmtric1rd .. ,
M••f•r Ch1r9•
Dacron Knits-
on •11citing
atory In
wa1h and wear
told in flatter-
in6 pa1tel1.
.UpkHp by
mochin• a nd
' from $25.DO
~ ~lit'
1805 Newport, Cosll tife11 -
tt0Vtl1 t1Jt .... ,. 111• 111.-.
AhltJJ4Ch"••11 ............ , .......
Oro-, Coli!. Im~. Cllt-
PllOl'll ia-124'
. '
' CN11 ,,...., C11ll.
~IOO H•rtlof IJW, K·Mtrt l"l.ttl --· hnt1 An•, C11ll.
JM WMllftlllllW TOtll'I Cr111Nr ,_Al.,,.
' ' ' '
~r)::l , .. .
f..,nt1ln V1ll1y, Calif,
•mt M-tr•ll• vn1ttt CtMtr '"*" •••.
.. __ ...
-" .OM!• I'll.tr ,,
• r Aquarius: Cycle Appea .rs High
' 'fiAIDAY
JooUut ·r.r .-1M l>lrpln. IDllbada, -.0. Ym Pl 8Wd)o MIUAIUUI 111 ll!t*·
M6111t·aa..tni -a r a wllll'• -toc to )'OU. C,.la st ~; llot lllldM tM
avallallla If )'OU INI 1of*: ls hllft. Pul ~ -..... ,....,.... IJf •111111 rllllll( -· rt q • t 111 due. Ono OOllDodOd wllll la Jll8•aMo.' 11111 )'OU ..,
"Tiii wlM man OOllttoll,bio m::<;::;ea·(~~lb. lebool,lloopltal,.....,.l«I ... W .. lo MA lo _ .. ., =~· ' 'AstrolOl)I pollta
1111·_ .:.1•::.l::...N:.::•;..;:111141~!0;;.' ..;•;.;,il\-..~_._be_P.;.fie_ald..;.a..;' <J'O;,;,..:; ... • ;..IHl.;.;;:;,.rdl _ _. .... I_• _= ... ~-'"' ...... · ~ ... --=-~_._ .. _ .... _ AAn:s (llardl ll.,\prll lti:
Accent an wlaba, dah'tll
family harmony ll 11111ltll~
Don't ,l\lfllllt pride to .,,..
a crisis. -If -.. ol lmmwutabla \14. .....
that you Clll be • poi! ~
TAuaUI (April ifl.M11110):
Don't be dOcelvod bf Pl""'
sky pramlaos. 'lllert la. !'!'
portunlty "' lectttmato .... --·But -c1t.v of cne who appem to -all. Rolllt worth ol y«lr own
GEMINI• (May JI.June 10):
Be "in t.oucb" with one at
1 dllt•niCt. x. e 1 p 'com.
Just a Little More Heart· Will Do It
munlcaUan lines clHr. ·Colli; c:Oirtopondehce . a r e .,..
phulsed. l'ulllll obllptlolla.
Get papen tn order. ~
lion required ii on tllO wo:j.
CANCEll (Juoe IJ:.July U);
Jnveatmenll, "blddtn usetl"
are spotlighted.. Comp l t t •
transaction. Prottct 1 '9lMt·
Eq>and ~· •ll4\tlib out beyond cttmnt ~.
D111 leatum e!ptMIGll...--
Arranging appropri&.te decorations o~ hearts for
th e Valentine Dinner Dance next Saturday which
will benefit the Harbor Area Girls Club are (left to
right) the Mmes. George Cooney, Howard Dawson
and Gleam Mwphy. Sponsored by the Soroptimi•t
Club of Newport Harbor, the 7 p.m. event will be in
the Balboa Pavilion and will be made enjoyable
with music by the Retrogressive Five, decorations
by Mrs. E. J . Corner and De Muri Tosh Florist and
door prizes. A deserving gentleman ·in the Jtea,
chosen for dedication to service, wil1 be the recipient
of a blue garter. LEO (July U.Aq. U): A ..
ce:nt on ~bUc relatl•n•,
partnenlJlpl, ....,.....! lies.
contract which 111' ..,. in-
jact started la fa...-..1. Dani Spiritual Potential Analyzed The Tee
. attempt to bide from fac1f.
·'Divine' Message Noted
Be opilO and clarinc·
VIRGO (Aq, D&pt. D): common ...,. ab6ul dltt
work becomes your .,..i ailJ.
Impatience la,....-·
Matnt,;ln I~ Gtl By J\JDY HURST
• Of Ille D1Ur 'lltl 91tff
GetUng doWn to the nitly
gritty on Splrltu11l Potential
wa~ the as.signed task of Mrs.
Nancy Ferry at last Friday's
Se!alon ol Dimensions o(
Human Potential.
She proposed new ways or
thinking about religion during
the fUlh ln a series being
rponlOl'ed by the University
of CalUornia Ertension.
"Within the last aeveral
years I have been all mixed
up or di:ieocbanted about the
meaning of life. l have found
that l must accept myseU
before understanding y o u
(members of the audience).
If l don't wxlerstand myseU
t then I will be frJgbtened by
you," she analyzed. "But
through the work I'm doing
I ha ve found meaning within
me." ·r
Mrs. Ferry Is a psychiatric
social wor ker in private prac-
tice and is a marital, family,
individual and child counseler.
She alao Is senior psychiatric
social worker for t h e
California Department o f
~1entaJ Hygiene.
She continued, "God is In
each one of us. Through my
communion with others I have
found my relaUonship with
"I really believe that I you have and ~o." ...... _ •··'-Tbt h the hi b .rt · k of fEclllor'• 11Dtl: A. ~ml\ ot wom-n•1 ~·-. • reac g e pea my The medical cueworker · :'n11 °I::' "'-1-:L ~~\L~~r:; bl& Job wm take cart of ltlelf. existence In communion or noted, "To be human Is to 1c:otn for • ~ ' .... _ ,..,.11 • •-_.. (L"' -~ -) ta t 'th th 'them ta P. • aa 1 a" MtM. UIDl\A ......,... _._ .. : con c w1 ano er perl!On. be emoUonal. My feelings are T,,..,. must bt rec. b¥. r.1 A~ on -~•--
I tht · llVINI COAST .... --... '~ , • • "A part o s commuruon me and when 1 deny them LADIES' DAV -c1111 A, 111• Day r~· c"••e, -·-~ I · mmJtm I I Mmes. llaberf G1rt1111r, ltJ Cl1rk -...... "'-• s my co en o you. I deny mvulf. Emotions are somers. MJ1 D•_~ld 1111.ntrn1 1nc1 with v pe!'IGll ...... fortll --h '"• mmJtm t ,1,,.. • Eel lllcldlt, '*21 Cl11t~ I• ,LI J,. SOrll ' ¥• .... 11u uug '°'° co en you not decor1Uons to display our 111C1 ~il-ki-~'"'"' •11 ... '1· 1 F111, cruUv1 rtlOUtctl. G al n ,
and I become 'we'· Com-feellnp." t~"'l'lnu1n'Yirr. n~~~n ~~~11r. satlaflCtion Indicated UnutlJ
munity is what happens when Following Mr1. Ferry's Jee-~; P"ov1s.L~' ~r1u11W"=1.!'11!' chlldrtn. .
we share our lives with each ture a panel dllcusslon was lec.P~~~"u; 51:, 1 w. iiMI SCOllPIO (Oct. sa.Nov. 11):
other. Life is what .ii hap-presented. Jame! M. An-ANNUAL a'\M1i1~. cu, Give attention lo bome, pro..
pening when we struggle to deMIOll, clinical psycholo&ist, ~~lt~~~~r ridr.aiw::;-1 perty, Proinlle made tn put
love ourselvea and understand said, "A perm is worthy °"'1~1iff.'ShM"'t1~'i~"ft~ "' netdl to be fUlfUltd. You but
others. Our -penona1 life is because he elists. I value ~~T.,g_i:r:r:;!l~Tt .... .i:rt from older Individual wbo hU
characleriJed by love for each others." Mrs . Ferry said, b1c1. 'A~ F'~1}""'11 ,. ~'r: your inlm!lt at heart. X:noW
other • • · love tramcends "We're W<lrthy beeauae God ~~'aL,:' ~~1 ~., ~o;ir, thls and~ acc!Cll'dlnalY·
special distance and death. made us." F,~~1.I::; w=',.cec'.,.. ~=~ SAQ.,.,.WUS (NOY. zz.. · "! open to ~u (here m· Geoi"H K11111 Wn111m F n111r. na... •t)· ~-~ '--· aL .,¥ Folklwlng the panel tall!:~ J•'"" "°'*'· L'.',o. cafflrll. °'"" uv.;. ' • iXXll"l ,.,... .. , ,.-this auditorium} and you res-women In the audience met Hem. AM c.,,...,. EllMl!f '1U011 peara on qenda. Day·ftaturta
nd to e • SOn Ind J1rntt WllJtl. ..Jo • .: tr I ........ -po m as per -in lfOUps of 20.. . · u.wu1gt, avt , v-WG•,.
then we have reached com-Th DAILY PILOT blUtv b mi.w ... -.. ldUI munion. In the workshops this Dr. Davidtoo's group lmke e 8 < • ' ..--·
love or communion is Into two grou!>B or IO. Fiv~ 'Sf ks 'f f Y , ~ telictl~' zwaD.
tranacendent to more than , people c.hoae five others they -~~O~c~· ~,I ~.~O~O~U~-~1:!!91::_: ~Guard~~p~o~u~111f~on1~.~Be~an~I something juat between as. would like ~ .kn9w ~e~· 1-
We find 'reality JD t be these JO aat ID I ltnall inner rr================;~ I workshops. cin:le. 'On the out31de, the re-
"In my experiencing you _ ma1nlng 10 chose one pers~I)
the world around me takes to watc,h. They obse~ed thell'.
on a reality which even my woman s d I s ~ u s s I o n ' aP.-
church doesn't offer. pearanct, position and emo-
"Wlth your presence In the Uons.
audience I feel you and also After 10 minutes of observa-
feel refreshed • • • I find tlon, the 10 on the out.aide
hope and faith in your ind "became" the women 'they
my beinl. I feet better about watched.
giving you somethtni. You are Beautiful front.! were notic-
valuable to me beca~ of ed Jn the process ol becom1n&
yourteU not becaUle of .What aware.
........ ~.
·•·•·•·•·•·••·• DIUIU, SIUUS, PANTI,
TOH a SWUTlll .
(0,.,,,..,,, ,, ...... ,
NOW •10 to •31 ................
FROM FEI. 13 TO 21 suns, s~ coan,
H•Mu, :ann.s a MWlll
,.,, .... .,. ..... .ftNJ
e Ir your 4 yd. unit con1i1t1 of various ,rices, the Ith., I~ yd. ca11not
. extead the lowa1f pric e of the 4 Y'· unit.
Hartior C:911ter
2300 Harbor llvd.
Mesa Center
221 !. 17th Sr. •
NOW •21 to •121
·•·•·•·•·•·••• SNCIAL llUCllOH
ot COU'l'Ull FUHIOfll
·•·•·•·•••·•·• UIOITID IUOAlrr ftallUI
iH 'Ji11/tio1t
·•·•·•·•·••· ..... IUYll
HIMOtT llACN "4-llSI ·
Save 20% to 30%
on ·young designer f~r1
ftet 211i.m 111 IOlllJJO
No.y Buffums' brin9s you tho bill posslble ... !KliCltl
of young fur~! We've 9roupa<I our'enti,. colleciion ·
in our Newport store for th is th~y sale, Al
ere 10 excitingly styled. Mo~, ct!UJ.in, myllcrot,
mink 9ill1, sable pews, kid tnd lamb ,,. in th.
selection. Come oarly! Fur S.lon.
u '
• ..-..i ... olPM!"'I-o 14+9 • lloo.,11on..•oi.lllll .. iilll-.........
' • J
• . . .
. .
' )
' .
OM.Y l'lltT """".'"" ,......, 1J, 1'6t I I
Your Friendly Store'
Offers ·Bargains in, Quality!
S·E "SlllSllllE" DRYER Sllli•'8 .... ....,""',..., ""', ... ~ ... .
U •11:11 •••1 • FUll YQll ·--H 11••1
' ,
Jot ...
"' •d ..
.II. ..
"' ·ZI
est ...
ne ...
:he ,.
UC Staff
( . .
.Violeilce 'i
OAJl.Y '1LOT ..lT
Educators Stri.~dy .. ·~~gr~, _ .. Whi.te Abilities
LOS ANGELES '(AP) -Jle. -111 .6i the while clllldr1n .vani.,ed I; bµr sc1>oois, 1udt';: ~ a~,l!llO.ll!l'tbem t\I<:' ~;pt.&1 iearnsni.• • vintaged children lhould be
c«1t lludJea ol t• Necro and a•• r a 1 e d "llpiflcantly • as lh1 .,. ol &mputm>Od " ol>Jec!I," J1e 111a. ·-m.. whlll>. "ll\n' lllb<ational S)'ltem ta tauibt," he l&ld. , t• whlta cblldrtn In ireater abWty" to 1ra1p teachln( cionJolff whlc~ cblldrtnahondaillplllcanUy" 1.U..S. -..... ta' abslract "All children !hould lie
C.Wornia abow· "ebvlou dlf-abltraet c:onet~· 1n 1 1blll~Y, enable ~ teacher to· fit ·O~ ll"lter "abtllty to cost ltarnln1. The 1. Q. itstls taught in accordance -,viU\
r.--In Inborn mental bt cleacrltied u necesaary fer training progrom to the ·It •ctptuallse·the 8~ Iha di(-'prllliarlJy 1 -of their learning pattern ablllty,
abWty," u educator 111*· lnteUectual pursu.l..JI such as dlvjdual student's.abllJcy." ; fereoce be.inf ,_,ttr :wltb ._ , ibtfract cooetptual ability and this calls for a greater
"Jt ii 1 re a 1 o q able ICleDct Ud ~ng. H-' A 1poke1man for ·'t h ~ and wl~ the oumber eil: Umet and that1a: \rthy.Ne&rQ.cblldren number ol options for atudeQt
bypothelll thlt hereditary !ti<> ~ Nearo. ehlldttn 'are not auoclatlon laid it fs "the the obJeC:ta Weri lboWh. on an · ayerase JCOre lower and teacher than we now ha•e
. I
BBlllDLEY -The flCllllJ
at the Univerl!ty ol C&lllornla
Mre, by .an overwbelmlng
\rote, hu condemned the uae
of "force, vloleace, 1 a a d
dilruptklo cm the campus. 11
ton u well u environmental diGclent, however, in ~rote ·J.arielt fh \be United Sta~Si •A atronc mctt..,t,ton tbal U'I than w61fl cbUdren." .. in our schools."
\ fadon play a part in this learplna~ • · devoted to 'reaeareh In eduoa· d I f I e re ti c ,, · ~t &e · He.. $Aid tbe · nationaf av-~ensen said be does not
dlfferenee. 1be bulk ot the JeftteO, '1lere fqi' a sy~~ 't!Oh . He S4ld more· Ulan t.rO>,. gendJC&lly Du.cl C4JM "heOJ trace J'.Q • .'tor~ .,liittt t.t .100, believe It is oecessary lb
evidence 11 thlt three-fourth~ Poliwn, ~o? ''~ce and educators ·'til{&!j psfG~~ the re1ulta w~e c~, il1ainat M f!)l'1Nt&1:ou.1 "+M segreaale ,ICboolf' to provide
of. the variability. ol irf. ~IntelllgenC'e ' at th' annu I are attending sesslon1.l'n1two wilh a sl~.' liudY mad• the •difference , in tchOlaiUC different tralala& progrllM
' Ti!' oooJu!lon apfll;OVed at
a riceni lac:;i!IJ moetJnc can-
denuled phyalcal ---------"' cainpu.1 en~ances, dilrup-tbi' ol or lntm.-0 wllh
'claalel, tbrtata to and in-
tllllldlllan' . ol facuUy and
lludenll, and damqe to
Unl"'Jl11 lacllltlt1.
Tllo rllllOlutlon allo urse.t
f&clllty and -II to IUP'
1>0l'I efforts,. underway alnce 1ut year, by adm!nlatrltion,
faculty and student,,, t o
Ollatilllll by nelli laD a
Departmmt ol,Alro-Allierican
Sllldleo, ot poulbly a COU.ge
·ol.Ethnlo studlu.
Belote ·the vote, Chan<ellor
ftoler ""1Jt~ojilllned curren~
orderly -toward thole goala, deiplle attempts to
dlJrupl re"'1Jr Ca'8pul ..,.
Uvlllel. "l'heie attempll, be
.aid, bave Included llleaal
picketing, thrtall and ln-
timldailon and \Samii• 10
Univttalty bulldlnp.
Twenty...., lludenll, he
pointed out, have been cited
for ·disciplinary action for
alleged violations of campus
rules, 'and be warned that
future student violators will
be almilarly pE'Olecuted. In
conchlllon he llid:
·"After , . . an obvious,
predictable pattern or disrup-
tion and provocation, it as--
to.Inds me that there are some
·who ·.UU 1ee in this mainly
I P,tttern of. yoothfui-idealilm
and good works . What is really
definlUve of the c u r r en t
dimlpUon are its cynical op-
port u n l 1m1 and Crude
disregard for the rlghll of
cAAera. Honestly conatructive
atteniaUves for expression of
idealism and good works aboui'Mt fpr those who are
sincere. It is tiine we all join-
ed to f~ these alternatives.
I belil!ve the rtecrd thows
that we are makin& tbl! at-
~pt. ••
!: Offered
To Dr()po1,1.ts
'I' Vocati~nal ~s~llng tor
Harbor Area young people
Who bave di'Olljled out , '1.
IChoo1 or are contemplatlnc
such a deciaiOn is now
availlble in Costa Mesa.
To Youths?
SANTA llARBARA -Lung ..... ~.p
youthlul ctaarou. -u early u ... 11 and y.,_,
a llttdy ol 300 -II al
the Unlveralty of CaillGrnla,
Santa Barbara, bu dlaclooad.
Thll II one lntarlm lindlnf
ol a four-year-udl projO<t
begun In llltl by Dr. Wllfnd
T. Robblna, director ol-t
bea!th oervlces, and DI. w.
M. IJchlytar, a pllysiclan at
the UCSB student health
Finauced by U.S. Public
Health Service iranta, the
project evaluate.! the effects
ol clgaretlel Oii the lungs of
young smokers and me11 tlli!
evidence i n anti-smoking
educational programs.
Oae technique tried so far
ba1 been to have student
smokers ·view a slide ti ·ab-
nonnal bronch11l cells similar
lo their own.
"The re1ults have been
dilcourqlng," Dr. Robbin!
sald. ..Onlf a hand!ul of
student! have quit when ahown
such changes in their cells."
On. Robblna and IJclllyter
have found .abnorrnll cell
change:s in the bronchial
lining• of a slgnlflcanUy
greater percentage of ci&artt·
te smoking students thll]. non-
smoking 1tudenta.
Dr. Robbi.n8 1a.id cllan&es
in lung cella have long been
obNrVed amona: grOups of
older smokers, but the UCS8
research is the f Ir ll t
1ysternailc recording of such
effects among college.age sub-
YMCA Tells
Plans for
Annual Meet The Otlll(e County Youth Oppoilunity Center is openin1
a Thurlday afternoon office Fea~g a trio of college
at 2090 Harbor Blfd., at the and JI'<> football sruta, the
'Ibeodore RobW Ford a1ency. Orange Cout YMCA ls abctut
Couuellng will be available to sum up llltl In 111, IOtb
!nan 1:30 p.m. to 4,30 p.in. Amw>1 Mllllng procram and
each Thunday, accordlng to forge ahead into ltl Slit 1W't
IJlllan Teague, of t h e The Feb. 11 Sun4Q" Jll'Olflm
California State Employm<llt begins w11b a s,30 p.m. nl<iP-
Servk:e-sponso:ed agency. tion in the Corona del Mar
Th< YOC oervea people 18 High SCl>ool IJttle ,Th,eatar. 1 to 22 many of whom do not A special feature ol.1he 4
have' ~ansportaUon to otticts p.m. *l'Od• ,..iu be 'tbe ap-
at 1140 S. Bristol St., Santa pearance of Marlin Mc:~er,
Ana, a sltuaUon w h i c h Wa.shqlgton ftedlkln,s t
reaulted in planning the Costa end, Jim Lawrence,
Meo bri.aclr on'e: day etch flanker, and Rudy ; ~
t week. · '· ~ · Chicago Bell'I quarterback.
Young11tt1'1 ·are given voca-Master ·of ceremotdel O~ W.
tionat guidance, may receive "Dick" Richard will" prealde
literacy and aptitude test!, at the procram. wblch ln-
and m referred to emplOyers eludes bonorln1 the, YMCA
· who need ptrlOlll of .theif ~ : Man of tlle Year, elec:t1on of ;
terest and capabWUes. board members and th e
The state em p Io y men t president'• annual report.
•ervlce operltea 23 olflces in , Tbe *'Ill .Mnlial Meeting II
California , while 1J11D1 are for under chllrmanlhlp of Jl"red
. 7DO tb.J'ou&bout the naUon, to McMaster, wbo suigtsbl that
r serve an otimlted 1 mllllon reservations be lftade by
yOW1ptarl .with no jobl and J<lepbonlng 142-lllO, the YM'
di)n proopecll. CA heaclquarlen.
1Sa°f'e. First Latly
. ' ' ,
U.S .. Plane U'$e Defended • ..
i WASHINGTON (AP) -Pat · National Press Club along
. Nixon~,. pna tecrttary ll)'I with Mrs. Lyndon Johr_won's
"the rt'.nt t.ld,y" sbOu1d traft:l prm 1eor1 tar y, Lil
. of carpenter. by military plafte "8C&Ule Mn. Carpenter, whole boll
, !ht hijackln1 daniu ·and · U!ually traveled tourill clul
became it'• fret, on commercial planell, agreed
"Tbe Finl Lady i! the with Mn. Van c!er Heuval. ·
·1ovemmait'1 ireatat unpaid "Tben lln't 1f01111 to be
. forot, • Mn. OerrJ Vao d'1' any Finl Lady who' a ..... i!lilMI aa1d JrrkUy. to m;,,,. a military plan>
, "Why abe abould have to on eny private bullnea of
.,. out ol pocl<al -to btr own," uld M ra .
travel -the country 11 Carpenter. "And I think lt'a
a little bit rldlcuIDWI to begin aboolutely rldicu!OUI to n!Cnl·
~with." and-Oime thtm to death.'"
· "In the oecood place," llhe '1be IUbjecl came UP alter
: added. "In thll dl1 aod If!, Mn. Nixon Ull!d an Air Ftrtt
when planea are being hi· Jelltar IO *'•I to bir 16mlit
Jact.d, It's Jllll not we !or heme In Nw York thlo -k.
1 • Fll'lt IAdy to tJlvel in a Mrs. Van dtr Heuvtl .alflo
'commercial plane." had a bit of a lecture for
Mrs. Van .der •Heuvel •P' the press womtn on the Flrat
peared before the Women'• Lady'• privacy.
• I
telllgenee 11 accounted for bjr eon~Uon ct the Amerlciy, dowiitoWn'.h9~els. , ~earlier' .ot., .. ~n ~ Ne~ • i\edormaneci ts; coiDP,ariJtlei'' for NtlfOll ud wblt.es.
ctaeUc factors in our pre.sent · E cf u·c at I o n a'l Research Jensen Te~1 on• r. st~ chlldrta, wbe-~ ~ tcOHd he said. • · ' , • "A prom1lbta aknaUve, ..
IOclety,••· aakl Dr. ArtblH' R. . Aaloda"', told. a fl · 4'· he made or,7iio 1 w~~: .Mlt •.boUf 1 tbe' ·tiiM • a1 ti., . 0. tbe ~ ti b1I INdiet, he Mia, 0 11 ••• '• 111ilted
Jenaen, dlreotor o1 the tervt . • , I!O Negro !\hi~ ':at'!tl ,t;\O ., 'Amftlqn II..,.~ . Jeqoen ricomait!icltll cbatti• tr~, la-Ibo-am
lnatltute of Human Learning · "Our r,s~arch should be ''o la tbe·San ·:t··~ Jeuen l&ld hli ·and ~ · in 1'.S. acbool mtll>Ods. can be ~ IO Uie ltl-at the University of Calllornia ~t~ to capltAtlze oa Ole · area. ~ ~ ,.. ., · •· : studiet· ·have 'ltMlW 1 ' t be • "All tbe bulc learDinc Ullll dlvtdua.I .-..... la tllil w11
at Berkeley, where he ii a strenau:s .oc all segrnent:i 6t "Wt• ulted,.them . Tecall American tJegro dllld 11 ~. -the.~ "RI -l· 'W ·.'\)e role ...... cu be em--
prof es 1 or of educational our IOClety. We must find bet-a number of familiar objects deficient In rot'-Iearnlq, tU achieved by rote leamlai, and phl+et far ,.. and
PIYcboloiY· , tu wiys.. l~ help~ ,dlsa'f " ln toUr Wffetinl categoci~1 •. inat?stract -~e~~nd~ ·this ll"tbe :n1'mny ~ ·a~.Jw '3 lar others.,
Sea '69
• • • # . , . ... , . ~ . " ....... . ,.
. . •
. .
. .
. .
'·' . '.
•• ..,
'I . .-.
I .• ~ ~ ' ~.. ,.. :•
'·· • ' . .. ...
' .
• •
. . .
. •
. .
• " <
. -. ' ... •~d while you are visiting the FASHION ISLAND BOAT SHOW. take time out and
ieo what the 58 wo.nderful stores at Fashion [sland have to offer during t_hoir 4-dey solo.
Lincoln's Birthday 5ale Now Through Saturday, fashion Island, New!)ort Beach
. '
' ' .
. . . .. . -
( ,\
. . .
. •
• .l
' . ~~ .
•• I
. .. •
• • • • t
" •
• • {\ l ' .
-.; l • -~
I ~ l ' •..• . "'\. .--. .... -··~:.... 1··.'I'\·. .
· : .. ni ! '·' . t• -·i , .... , ..... : ...
1 . ,. • • ( '
,r··:··~ -··· I •' I',.,,
• • ..
~ .. -• •
• £,
,!,. ~ •
I ' .. .-.,_.\,,.
' . '
. ..
Driver's · Keepers
If· Bob Tripl~t's car is stolen again the police better start .looking for ·Hou-
dini. He keeps it chained to a uWity pole s~pport in the Ohio Bell Telephone
Co. repair~lot. "They're not getting this one,'.' .said the 2:6-year..ol.d driver •.
'Tobacco Solons Act
... · -~. · ' .Hope to K.eep Ban on Smoking Curbs . . -' '
.J,,, .. ••
\· .. f
. It took some doing, but Tam O'Shanter has .arrived.
He'.s on your main street today, part of his epic mareh
.''. :throqgh Southern California to bring .YOU the news
' \' · about tbe biggest bargain in. scotch ...
'.f81_11-O'Shanter blended scotch whisky-
now only $5.39 a fifth!
-$ ' ,. ...
~/5 ·qt.
' I . , i : ' .. '
' '
' . .
1'lll <1$-..i.r Bl~ $cotch. W!it.1:y./ 116 Proof /Golan Import Company, Beverfy Hfia, Celtfomla1
' '•
I ··· _«WlsmNGTON (AP) -Wllhout fanfare, 13 Senate companied the bills. Norie of
Tobacco. state congressmen, and House m em b e r s ' in-the c_ongressmen made public
after , an . initial burst of trOO.uced foiir identical bills statements abOut the inove.
out(a1e •• are moving quietly late Ia.st week after the FCC So quietly Were the bills
In ·their · efforts to continue annoµilceinent. The purpose of filed, an ai~e to orie cc;i°"
tbe,ptesent.ban against curbs each, is described as "to ex-gressman . vltaUy concernJ!(I
on ~cigarette advertising by tend public health protection with tobacco legiislation 54id
Jederal"regulatory akencies. with reSpeCt to cigarette he was not aware of the action. 'Ihe •ban imposed 'by a l965 smokina:.I' · • "It's a strategy," said an law is due to expire June The congressmen, 'fr o·m
,30 ·and the 'Federal Com-states suCh as Kentucky, aide to ·one of the~spo~•
mimlcations Commission an-Virginia, Gerogia, Florida and of the bills. rxiuiied last week that it pr<>-tbe CaiollnaJ; then went home "They were afraid stronger
· , ·. ·pORs to' prohibit: cigarette for , the week-long Ljncoln's legislation. would' be • iJl.
, ' ~ advertb:ing on radio and Birthday recess. troduced, '!'Hey . hoped !this
~ ·television. No· publicity releasea •c· might keep stronger bills from JF=;::='===:i:===;========,J · beiog.entere<I.'"
Involved is ·~ 1965 law re-
q~ a healtµ warning on
cig~e~te labels, which a~so
had the effect of · barring
federlal regulatory agencies
~oming February 15 , ,-
Family K'ee41y
• Could Bain Your Life ·
The Chairman of the Subcommittee on Fino11-
ciol Institutions reveals how a comp11ter error,
an unpaid $5 bill, or maliCious gOISip may ·re-
sult ~n harassment and serious problems for
the consumer.
. '1-
• HEii THREE LIVES -Samantha Eggar has
been a convent schoolgirl, a Chelsea swinger ,
and wife and mother. ·Thi! prolile of the a&ess
reveaJs which life she prefers.
e MAKE THEM LIKE IT -Not.d educators offer
parents lips on· bow to correct childrell's nega-
tive attitudes towanl rreading.
• WHO'S A HELPMATE? -PsycbologiOll. quiz
to test yuurself and find out bow much help
you really give your mate.
AU Coming Saturday in -flit
' ,1
· from imposing fes'trictions -on
cigarette' advertising.
ECC 'Cbairm8~ 'Rosel
' H. Hyde said · the .~ion
was giving notice to Congress
of the . actiOn· it proposes ta
take if allowed ta do Sa.
Members of the House com-
merce Committee were. rea.dy;
to introduce bills to extend
the 1965 law when the FCC
made its announcemehL
Surprised by the statement,
· · according to a source, tWm•
mlttee members "deCided ·to
draw back to see th! errect
of Ute FCC pro~.'' ·
The first bills to extend tJie
act were introduc'4 last week.
Word the bills. bad been filed
came from Earl C. Cletllents.-former senator from Kentucky
and now pr~ldent of the To-
bacco lnstltute, Inc .
Clementi declined to pr~ct
what action his org~Uon
would make on behalf of l:fle
tobacco interests, saying .. that
depends on the actions of
'lben he revealed that threo-
billi! bad been introduced Pro-
posing a re-enacbnent of' the
present law but without any
lime limil
. Rep. Jame! T,' Broyhill (R-
N.C,) filed .ooe . .i the blDs on behalf ciI m . RepQllueio
members of Ute House ~
merce ,Committee. ·Rep. David
E. Satterfield ill (D-Va.,) ·fil-
·ed Another bill for · foot
Democratic members of the
committee. And. two iclelltkal . biJ!s . were filed Jatet bJ: Reps.
. Carl Perkins. (l).le)o.) ,an d
. Don'Fllqua (Il-Fla.).; .. • ·
By passlog the I~ 'Jaw,
Congi'esa t o o t jurildidion
over the smoking and helJth
issue awa)' from · fh e
rqulatory agencla. The •key
sedlon Slates 1 th!it ·oo . state-
ment i:elatliir to· smotd0g and
health other than th9 state-
ment required by the Jiw ahaD
be required on any cigarette
pacbge or be required in ta.
advertlsiog of any cigirettet
which are labeled hi cbn-
formity with the law •
Who Can Read Just
One '.Peanuls'f '
'· n •
r .. • D
g • n
' •
" ~
I• • ,,
·I • e
• y
' I
.QUBll By Pflii lntfrtanill '
College,s Call Halt
. -. -....... ~
T9 ,R~'search Project
Nearly Everyone
to Landers
Pl lea
17185 Brookliiml • huntiin Valler
96·1.1i:34 . ~
(!fext te GIMCci) ,
Sound of
~range ·
Music I
103.1 FM ,.,..
' j '
. ---------~---~
JUST ARRIV~ ...,.-.-. ..,....A ' -· . SPECTACULAR" A~Y'.-Of THE, "
. -· .·-~ .. ·' .. ~ ,,,. \ ' ..... " •·~!~D, · ..
•· ROsf:iioRM.
• PICOTiE, · ' .
. ·:49·· . ' 50 · 1 . 4 ... -" .. . .to ....
-:Ame · . . . . . .
" . .. .. . .. c *fM. 1,1,·Q' 'y '"' '• . \}. ~·, .. ;t: tr ~.· r,,. . ·
·~·-·-···-· MOiJAYI ,., . . MdMT~~~ " . TRo.-1clNA·.
BEW•'r~H~ .. : . .
DUn • I,, . '
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ANGEL FACE . . . . . .
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Bupp .1D~s No Love for. ·Individual· Stars
LEXINGTON, K7 (AP)-Yoa m•r
haw -• -· ••eeyllody'• blro Ud 'llt&HIW-bour II a llfP
-babtl>ll1 ~"· bul ...... you eel to KeduclQo, you're jull ooe
•Im. "'llley M1 .... ol the hanlest
lhlDO lo ........ Ill to eurtall Ute ...
dlllldual -In the -ol &emn ~." bt..,.. . °"" ol the pet J>OIYa ol the ...... ol the bcJ1I. •
"What • boy bu -....... be get. bare -·1 ........ ..... '*""" ..... lo the -Id lo Mine bio~ ..... nattve." Adolpll Rupp ""11-"lt'o GD]J wllal
be -an. be aeU .... 1111& ...... -ml dial lo a II lhauld be."
' ~ · ho uplw, when a
boy ''to lltow !ht lolb -be c:a11 _. and rora<ta the mi ol
the team.". Ropp bu no load-for lDdMdull
' .
-For Pick
Short breaths from laldna a lap around
the opotll beat '
WeDdell Pickem:, bueball coach at
Oi'Uc• Coast Colle(e foe IG yeors, will
be bGnored by lrie!ldl and lormtr players
at • special 1et to1ether nut month.
probably the !Ith.
Al a -Pickens protege Ken Moata aay1:
"Pick did a Jot fer UL • • .lt'a just
out way of abawilg -we •PPteclate it.
JI It hadn't have been for bJm I'd
pn>blbly never M°ve (!l!O Into coacblng.
Tiie i/afvenlty al -Colllonfa'•
belbtbllt taam lo 14 la Ha Frlif"1 n!PI P-I C'ollennee adlaL Bo-er,
11!1 TnJUI are W for tMJr BatmUy
n!pt clreaft -ten.
l1111llngton Beacb !Ugh'• bukttball
procrlm hll dtvetcpe4 into a macblne--
lllro otructure, prlmariJr becauae of e<· collonl coacblng on the nm> varsity lev•L
Clad>ts GIO!I! • Beckor, ff an t
Lelclltlrltd and Dave MoN ha•• llUlded
the jayve<1 (17-3), Bell (!!-!) """Cees
(IW) to a combined record o1 4M
' .. WHITE
thjl ,....., Add the var~ty mart al
21~ and the Oil City b 7H "' the campaign, . '
C.Mat t b e b\tlt playen from Run-
Marina, We1tmlmter and Foaa.
llllor ud Ille Huntlnstaa Beeck
-1d .. , toap to -· bl ~.n--..u-. I .,.., ................. _,.....
11111 .. Ille mo1t'---
C...a de! Mar lflcb alhltl!e Ron
Davll 11>oved lrom Gll!lilara Jn the nick
of time. ., :\. ,· \ .,
It ... ms that ·a1 lout ·.-.. jleq)e on the o1iett wbera Ill li..SD!!f.,f .yOar
or IO ago wu barleil ·Si &1 Ila al.
mud. •
Ofhle Ceunty'1 · .nitit ~ill pme
WU re1poa1ible for Baba Park High'•
lllVO Glbb1 to gtt a llckOlanlllp to UCLA. Glbltl wa1 aueek:ed bf cellese ICCMlts
--ftcallr -play. Jal .. did -a bu111p job bl die prop ,..., tliat
lJQlA ICOltl nc91l Ide .. dretllal
...... followln& tM pme and Dave llioitnt a Bniln. '
MW a ytilr at Fulltrion JC he went
• to otart fer Ille Bralna for tllree
•lllPI NW lte'1 ettdilll UN Nd
la .. 1111 ........ al tllo _,,,.,. ......
"-lalflll Pma' list of All·Am•rlcan
traelt honor... for the USA 11 con-
llllcuoua by ... .,..,,.. ol Coota Mola
Willier, Brl• Offrton. , • • .llllctd
Olpe.! I almolt !argot. Overton hu
lorildclen me Im .... ualnl bis name
lnlhlacolumJ>. •
......... DAILY PILOT ..,..lllnl •
-..., -track • telllll • but.tball
.. plf ~ .. ft16111 eor••= --·ldf lo -..... Air, __ tralalq In"-
...,. """ ... tMt he'• c..-... •
•?$' t cwJd be IMdlt ti p ...... .0 tidlp a ~t II Abjected IL
Boo• fide member• of the 1111 U.S.
Ob'JQplc teNn ~ purchue a speelal rlDc wbkll wtD reveal their ac-•11....,_ .ol bavtac npreanted thla
W-wllll wUI beconMo ol Ovtrloa'a .... ,
~~~-t. ) -Soehomore ., · · llie llant of the U.S.
OJympic buketball tum . who brought
major atatua to the sport at the Universi·
ty of. Detroit th1a yw. 1lugged a referee
Wednesday night alter being ej«:ted rr.m a came qainst Toledo.
The referee, Gtcqe Strautbers of
Dayton. Ohio, said. however, he would
not file a report qainst Haywood, which
could jtopardbe bla future in college
"I won't make a report. U it were
a BJ& Ten· or any conference game,
Strike Threat
Gets 1st Test
On Friday
CllJCAGO (AP) -The fltlll WI· of
the thnatctd · inaJor leque buebill
players' . Btrik'i come• Friday morning
when balterymtl! or the Cblcop Wblto
Sm: are due to appeu in unlform at
the club'• Saruota. Fla., oprlng tralnin(
The PaJe Hole have the earliest
reportlni date among the majors' M
clubl 1;1-t!tltchers and catchers schedul-ed to In today and take the field
al Payne Park lo Sar-ta Friday. ,
Ed Short, Sol: vice pruldtnt IDd dlrec·
tor of player perllGllllti left bete by
plane Wtd-ay !or Saruola. Today Short will meet wltll fllld
manager Al Lopez to size up the aitaation
1 resuIUng from the player-owner squabble
over pension cootribuUon.
At least ~ ~e pild>ers IDd two
J>Ow -.: Yil'f, ·~q with the 111 t Players0 are ex·
peeled to show up ln~.Thuraday. Rdttf pHcber Don , up from
the Sot' alllllate at already
hu arrived iD Sarasota.
He ii expected to be joined bf pitchers Mi~ Abarbaliel, Paul E~son,
Danny 1-r, Jim Magnll!IOI, Dennill
O'Toolt, Frtd Rath. Soony 5'i:rlst and
Mlckty Vanilehey, and cat'1. Ed Herr· mann and Doug Adams.
· TM White Sox planned , . early start
to be ready for a Mexico.City goodwl1l
tour Match 2-5 whic!J MW faces can·
ctllatlon. All other 1111Jor league clubs
are due to start ;piing trainln( lli!Xt _..
' ..µ;'
Since bl towen over the national coJ..
lOlllte buketba~ llCl!llt, It'• not aurpria-
tn1 that UCLA 1 Lew Alclnd~r also
dominates latest Pac.Hie I 1taUst1cs.
The big Bruin has hit 1S3 points in
six ccntelta for a 25.i average. Stanford's
Don Grlflln baa ICOrld only !bur polnta
leu while playing one game more to
averace 21.S. Cal'1 Jackie Ridale is third
with. 11.4 lffrll'·
Alcindor and teammate John Vallely ha•• hit .113 from th~ floor IDd Alclndor
11 tht \op rtbounder with a 16.7 average.
OregOh'• Bill Drozdlal: h&I ~ 14
of 15 free throw! for a .m mart.
Cage Scores
Other ICltools tout IDdlvldual play-
n ~ AU.Amlrlcan booon, BO"'&
so far. u to ...S Oym oo tbe!r
&OCGa>pliab-11 to -and
other -wtJo mi,bl maU "" the Mlectlon boords.
·But no< Kentucl;y.
"We've never sent thole W. ou~pp l&ld In ID lotervlew, "but
1t '1 seem to mab much differ~
<lice. We've had our lbare iJI AU-
Ameriuns, haven1 wt?"
Slnoo 1111, ,.... Ketttuclc)' players
haft baa iwned to 'Ille Associated
!'rm All-American tum and one ol
them, Clllf ~ -the bojior
lq\lld tm. ' I
Oo !IUW'• 8'u,o4 lhla .. -. no-body .-the. 1\'!Ulhtiltun Confer-
•... lit Ill)' lllU.dul department,
but '11 tlv, atiltm are among the
Din laoiJ._ "l"«" ls lourth In the
cool.....,. In ICOrlng with IU pollda
a gome and third.In nbouadlna .wlfll
a 12.7 averqe.
Mike Prat~ 1-1, la 12th In ~
with 11.0 polnta a same IDd ninth In
nboundlq at I.I a 1ame.
Mike C-y' 11 lourth ill the oooler-ence In ualall with U a J&ml flld
haa the eighth be!! lret throw IOOot·
Ing averag&-a.t per cent.
Phil Argento,· f.Z, iJ loth in free
thtow sbooUng a.caJtacy at 79.1' per-
, ,ha~ge Mter Being Hit
. ' l'd have Haywood, who then 'walked off the Ooor a great future ahead of him," 1akl
probably be and into the dreulna: ~ Strauther11.
said Strauthers. A! tbe end of the game, which Detroit Detroit coach Bob Calihan said he
Strauthers, a veteran Big Teq official, won 92.90, Haywood went ovu to Jbake didn't know if be woUld disclpline
was at the scorer's table, explaining hands with the Toledo P.laym and a1JO :!8i!too:; ~~" "I'll certainly have
why he had ejected -~· '_Jhe met with sµ:~the.n. Mentioned I! an All-American can-
game, for figbUng wl, ·' . "He wu vtrf b11111ble and apologeUc:,'' didate lhll year, Haywood was ejected
when the 6-foot-8~ &bit uid t be referee. ,"It would be a shame · with 16:55 left to play after Strauthers
length of the court I .,-at tlle ' to ruin the tlof's career." said the Detrolter look a swing at Toleda
referee. ==ti) "=" l ;'11:._,1 •• He a,l 1o1ald the Univeralty of Toledo player Larry Smith.
One punch ~ .. qo lbe ~a&ked blm not to take any action. Momenta before, Haywood and Tole· hi~ aDlll. , &blt· lilct. II "He's a very fine kid and I don't doan Steve Mix became entangled while
a head. want anything to happen. I hope this fighting for the ball. Haywood clenched
Teammate Al Peake then grabbed will be a lesson to hlm &! he bu his fist but did not swing at Mix.
Tougla Decisiota to Make
Ken Spain, the great University of Houston basket..
ball star, is . 'weiCJUng his professional future be-
tween football and the cage sport. Spain was draft.
ed by the Detroit Lions. The 6-9, 230 ace was a
maillJtay on the 1968 U.S. Olympic gold medal
basketball team.
Lakers' Spurt
Grounds Sonic
Hopes, 109-92
SEA'ITLE (AP) -The Los Angel"
Lakers, trailing 50-49, scored eight
strai&bt point.I at the outlet of the second
hall Wednesday night to beat Seattle
1~92 in National Basketball Association
Seattle cut the margin to 57-56 on
a driving hook shot by Bob Rule with
8:19 left In tht tlilrd quarter, but the
Laker11 then popped In 11 consecutive
points to take command .
Los All&e!a' Wllt Ollmberlain pulled
down n ·rebounds and also led all scorers
with 32 points.
Rule was h J g h for SeatUe with 24
LOI AM:lll: T 111.f.~lE ,t f
l•rlOr ' .. 7 24 TfftWlftl I JI.I ..
CMmbef111fl 10 11·'1 ):I: M~ 4 W * c-i. 11 2.. 1• •~'41 lt f.2 1
tlt•n l w t ~-1 l..S l!"•lc•aen 2 u 1 141•••1 J J4 t HfWI" J 1·1 1 ICfOn 4 l·I t
Cr•WIOl'll l ·~ 4 M11tlltr J O·I I HIWlllrll 1 IH I Klr!Mfy I l·I I • Mdtr-I 1H I IC~n I .._~ N
C1r1y 0 0.0 D Kllr.tt ln I 14 I T1111i. 41 11.Q Ut T11!1l1 31 1"" fl lM Mo.its JO It lJ 17 '-lot a.tttt 21 n 11 n -n f'"w1'11 wt -s .. m.. M•,,.,.,.
Tot1I fwls -lot ""9tl• 20, s .. "'-:t. A.11tndolnc1 -n .211.
Sports In Brief
O.J. to Play in Coliseum
-If He Sigm With Bills
O.J. Simpson may be play Int' again
In the Los Angeles Coliseum sooner than
was anticipated.
The Rams announced thi& morning
they have scheduled .a pre-seuon game
Sept. S in the Colbeum with the Buffalo
Billa of the American Football League.
The Billa made Simpson their No. I
draft choice.
AI.so on the Bills' roster is John Pills
of Laguna &acb.
Simpson, however , is reported to be
encountering difficulty agreein1 to fin an·
claJ terms with the Bills and has even
mentioned the possibility of altting out
hil flrlt Y,W to become a free agent. ........
CINCINNATI -Tommie Smith, the
lJ .. S. runner who was ejected from the
M~ Olympics last year when he
\lied b11ck pdwer symbols, said he would
reptit hll action if he had it to do
over again.
Smith and John Carlos, both Negroes,
were lhrown out of the Games arter
they clenched their fisb while the U.S.
Natlooal Anll'lem was played. Smith, who
won the 200-nieler race at the Games,
spoke at church in nearby Lockland.
Smith, who starred at San Jose State,
said he hopes to play professional football
for the Loi Angeles Rams, who picked
him in their college dratt. .........
LAS VEGAS -O. J. Simpson says
there's a possibility he will alt out next
season if the Buffalo Bills don't "come
close" to a $600,000 contract.
However, University of Sou th e r n
California 's H e i s m a n trophy.winning
tailback added, ''l don 't anticip1te any
difficu lly in reaching agreement with
By sitting out a year, Simpson would
become a free agent. ........
INGLEWOOD -The Los Angel"
Kin1s, outscored 12-Z in tbelr Jut two
pmes, fate the New York Ranpn
In National Hockey League aCUOn at
lht Forum tonight. ........
Smith reportedly crabbed II Haywood,
who then rwn& with a punch. Strauthen:,
who jurqped in the midst, said Haywood
hit Smith on the body. Smith later said
he did not feel il
The referee ejected Haywood and call·
ed a twHhot technical foul
Both teams and several fans emptied
onto the Door after the incident, but
police quietly restored order. Extra
poUce were at the gime · after threats
of racial incidents by campus radical!.·
Haywood, who paced the U.S. buke~
ball learn to victory in the 1168 Summer
Olympics; had Z4 point! and 16 rebounds.
Arab Stai·
Tops LA Ace
In Net Event
SALISBURY, Md. (AP) -Ismael. El
ShafeJ, the giant-killer from the United
Arab RepubUc, faces another difficult
.wlanment today in the quarter-fintls
of the U.S. Natlorial Indoor Tennia Cham·
El Shafei, who ousted defenqing cham·
pion Clilf Richey, the No. 4 American
seed on the way to the round of eight,
wu matched against Englarid 's Mark
Cox, the No. Z foreign seed.
The other quarter-final involved Torben
Ulrich, the bearded Dane who is ~~
No. 4 among the foreign entrie1J, and
Ove Bengtson of Sweden.
Two more quarter-flnal ma_tcheS ire
slated. for Friday.
They will pit Clark Graeboer, th~ No.
2 domestic seed, against v e t e r a n
retriever Ron Holmberg, and Stan Smith.
the No. 3 American against Charlie
Pasarell, a two-time c.hampioil of .the
El Sbafei had hi.a hands full in We<J.
ne..sdly•a third round, struggling for near·
1y three hours before beating Tom
Edlefun of ·Lo~ Angeles 17·15; lG-12,
M .
Cox, meantime, came from behind to
beat Bob Lutz, an American Da•ls Cup.
ptr from Loa Angeles, u, M , M.
Ulrich, the 46-year-old crowd pleaser
with the nowing locks, easily dispatched
Jbn Osborne of Honolulu 6-Z, &-3, and
Bengtaon downed .(an Kodes of Ciecho-
slavakia 7-5, 9-11, 6-2. .
Puarell1 unseeded despite his tiUes
in 19M and 1987, scored . the upset of
the third round, eliminating Thomai
Koch, the No. l foreign seed from Brazil,
18·18, f.l.
Graebner. the No. 2 domestic seed
and favored since the wlth<lrawal of -top-
seeded Arlhur Ashe, sce>red his third
consecutive straight-Ht victory, topping
Bobby WlllOn or England M , 6-4.
Smith, the No. 3 American seed, rolled
over Yugoslavia's Zeljko Franulovic 6-3,
6-2, and Holmberg edged J an Kukal,
the Caech national c;hampion, ll-9, 6-8,
13-11, in another marathon which re-
quired almost three hours.
Gauchos Lose,
Test Anteater
Frosh Outfit
Saddlebact COUe1e'1 basketball te8'ht
h o 1 t 1 Uct thilJ even\ng to battle t .b e
Anteater f,.shman team lltef dropping
a It~ declaloo at Groum011t JC of
San llltBO Wtclneaday night
San Diego ......... eclines Purchase Off er NEW ORLEANS -The Los Angelu
Stars, beaten 13().12Z at home by the
HOUJton Maverlclll In their 18'1 awt,
mttt the Ntw Orleans Bua:IM«'I
Gaucho centlr Marc Hardy ICOfed 29
polnll foe Saddleback but w1111't belped
much by bit teammate!. The elub'!
highest xorer, Bill Noon, wu 'beld
poinUeu by a 1hJIUng Groumont
Game time tonllltt II I.
Noon may be In f0< more ""'Ill BO!ng l<!nllbt. In the lut mfftlns betwten
the two clubs, UCI held Noon to seven
polnll while the ~taatero won by 8<-14. ~.::.;:) -The ""'''°" Poll UN Wed Bin Ktm<r belia!i to
.., the Saa DMco Rocktta of the !IJliloo.
ll lloobtbaU -llon and movo tlllm
• lloulton. ... ,.,,flit ownar of the -.., lbe club 1'11 not for ule.
...,..., the" lonner SL Loull f;lawu•
-· promolad ... . ......... ft, !ti ,..,_:;;.&...,.;
'Ille Roclltll played tlto Boolon c.tdca
Kanter ltld the Ptat I""" bll SL
Louil ..... that be had Informed
-· -Bob llNl!blnl al bl• cl«lift and had cooducted preliminary
talb with Breitbanf but neither party ' Ice.
Aid "the club 111 not ror sale ."'
"However, Ben wants to wt to me
and u an old friend J am wlWng to
Uaten," the POil quoted Breltbard as
Houston presently Is the home of the
Mavericks or the American Basketball
11Mir2P.:. =
pe~ted lo bt moved to that state ntxl
team because of poor attendanct here.
The 1'tavtrlck1 are averqing about
400 fan& a game .
"Wbetbrar Hourtco is a ruccess or
failure as an ABA city dOMD't affec t
its future as an NBA member," Kerne r
"Penonall11 I'm IOld 0n tho city and
I fotl ll'a reaar for NBA butotball.
GCYI'EBORG, Sweden -Sonny Litton.
and Buster ~tathis are te meet in a
hea vyweight match in Sweden Lhls Aprtl,
hopeful Swedish ptOmOttts said w~
Ex-world heavywft&ht c b a m p l o n
Ingemar Jobanuon, Md co-promoter
Bertil Knutaaoo have booked the Jo1n.-
neshov tee Stadium In Stockholm for
Salurday, April ze.
Soddlobact trailed by 44..11 at halrtlma
qalnlt the OrUflna.
* * *
........... -. .......... -. .... ~-----~------1&.a----... -=:.:a;;-=---------------.... -=:=i ....... ~.~-~~--
I •
·~ er
m· ...
lo. ..
"" 12,
'" of
'" til,
ird •g
~. ...
" ng
en .. ..
Ip • • s ~ . a1nngs · et
. . ' 1 • • ... • ~
.for Bay Club
;Net Tourney
flfl1np ban been meased for the
.Bilboa Boy Club'• !Ith annual in-
vl\lllooal. ~ tournament Feb. lf).:IJ. 21'21 ••
All competing play... from the·United
Slala Davis Cup team -first round
byel l!ld wllJ begin play on Friday,
Feb.'.ii, qalnal Thuraclay'•·fint round
· Divis. Cuppers to be on &and lnclu<te
Bob WtJ, · Art . Ashe, Charles Pasartll
8M Ste Smith.
T1le starting field Includes seven
playen from UCLA and four from USC.
Natton1J.. Public Parka champion Gary
Johns'"1 Is also in the fiold, . ., Is Dick
Leach; Dav,is Cup junior coach.
· -director Hugb Stewart aaict • few m box seats are lelt for
tht toum.menl
Tbe palrlng>:
* * * Februory II
(al lbe Bay Clab)
Noon -Mike _ Macbette vs. Gary
1 p.m. -Jeff Atlltln vs. John Allg*
2 p.m. -George Taylor vs. -St~ve
l p.m. -Pete Vasquez vs. Richard
4 p.m. -Jay VanLlnge vs. Tito
(at tbe Racquet Club)
1 p.m. -Glenn Turnbull vs. Jeff
2 p.m. -Ron Bohrnstedt vs. Tom
Leonard and ' Roy Bartbes vs. Dick
a p.m. -Bob Kreiss vi. Brian Chaney,
and Mike Kreiss vs. Steve Avoyer.
f .p.m. -Steve Tidball vs. Bill Young
February 21
(Seeded players and matcll times)
ILm. -&bLuti
10 a.m; -Art Ashe
11 a.m. -Charles Pasarell
Noon -Stan Smith
Bue Swimmers
Fall to UCLA
In Dual Meet
WF.Sl'WOOD -UCLA's freshman
swinlmlng team p<>.ned victories in 12
Gt IS events to easily down Orange
Coast College hert Wednesday afternoon, na.
Only Doug Schaumberg's victory in
Pie 50-yard freestyle race prevented the
Plrltes fl'OQl being shut out in first place
Iinlsbes in thelr first dual meet of the
Schaumberg covered the sprinter;s
distance in 22.1 seconds, the fourth fastest time in Orange Coast history.
His clocking was eight-tenths of a second
off Hank Thayer's 22-flat record set
in 1966 and equaled last season by Dee
ClostBt race of the meet was the
final 400 freestyle relay, which UCLA
won by the touch. The Brubabes were
clocked in 3:26.1 while Orange Coast
reeordeci'a 3:.26.2 effort. a Mtldlrtr NIW-UCLA Time: (:l)A.,,
10DCI F~I. J.ntb (UCLA) 2. Wiison (0CC) 1
lrwlri 1occ1. nrne: 10:1t.1.
200 ,,~1. ltemMY {UCLA) 2. Al!brllllt (OCCJ, a.~ COCCI, Timi: 1:-.1: • JO F'""""'; SCll8umbtrl (0CC) 2. Tllam11 (UCLA!
·1, !a~"(~~" Tm9d~i1"z. p._ (OCCJ I.
tt Jol!MWI !9CCI, Time: 2:11.0.
1~ Dlvl-1. 8•1tnt IUCLAl 2. 0.vfl'll'lt
(OCCJ I. lrtl'!Clt (UCLA), Pcllnh: lH.95 • lllO F~l. $111\IR (UCLA) L PIKM (0CC) nD
•tfl!rd, T""': 2:10.1. ' too ,,.._,, TllorrMit (UCLAJ L Allbrllht (OCCJ.
3. Sdll~ COCCI, Time: Sl.O. 200 lhd:-1. ltwn., (UC~) L H111htli COCCI
l. I(, Jlihlution (OCCJ, Tlmll: 2:11.5. .
500 ,,.._,, V•ncl_,,.... !UCL.A) t. WI"°"
i(OCCI &. 8•,.._rt IOCG:), TllM: J:-.6.
200 .,....,_,, i.-Mlrt {UCL.A) L Leow !UCLA)
I. Miii! !DCC), Tim.: 2:37.4. 1 ~ DIYlnf-1. lhttnl !UCL.A) 2. lr1rtdl
IVCLAI, l. O.umm IOCCJ. Polnh: l:M.65. a Frtt Rtll'f-UCLA Time: J:J6.I.
Filllll laft1 UCl..A Ff'Otlt 7', Ottl'IH COQI 311.
· .
' ..
• ' Y ole . Stars1 ··t .OlJ
Ex-CdM Ace Co-captaiU# Bot>mers
NORMA!!, Okla. -Oklahoma buke~
ball hopes are look.Ing up. T,be reaso.nt
A fine freshman team, pa<ed by Newport
Beach co-eaptain John Yule.
Yule, H l!ld 210 pounds, was OU.cIF
and all-Orqe County while at Corona
del Mar Hlgb. His IOljderahlp at
Oklahoma bas netted him the honor
of eo<aptain of the talented freshman
team, a squad depended uJiOn to bring
up tbe basketball fortunes of Soonerland.
Playing tlgbUy under the llMket ed
directing traffic by· shouting instructions
to his teammates, Yule. has lfl!:I the
Boomers to a 5-2 record agaimt top.notch
midwest competition. Of the two teams
which del .. ted lbem, Tu ls a ed St.
Gregory's JC, the fro6h have beaten
both at other times during the· season. •
Yule has averaged 12.1 points.per-game
for ' the bot-shooting freshmen, wblle
leading the team by bringing down I 1.3
rebounds a contest. Against St. Gregory 's
Satunlay night, he botiled up !ht middl<
on defense and ~i:ought down 14 caroms
to pace the Boomers to an 'exciting
61-M victory.
The Boomers, coached by Ray Thur-
mond, have four players averaging in
double fl8ures. Yule ranks third in scor-
ing. His hJgb was 19 big scores against
the freshmen of Wichita State. His game
high of lS rebounds came. In Ult l~
John Yule to Tulsa.
Watch Goldfish
Readers Object to Slam
Directed at W aier Polo
From the mailbag:
"In the arUcle 'Jaycee sports rate
a zero on basia of area support' you
stated ' .•• and nothing could be more
boring to watch on the tube than a
wa~r polo match except an instant
replay of the 1961 major league baseball ........
"Now don't you think that that state-
ment resembles the h o u s e w i f e
sportswriters complaint about, who
watches in bewilderment (or ignorance)
as her husband sits in front of the
tube on Sundays, fascinated by the game
of football.
"\Ve ~.JPOf'ISWl'iters cannot know
****" ... **A..••·~·· .. · JOEi:. ·
'SCHWARZ ....... , ......... .
everything about all sports, but we can
expect you to conilne your statements
to sports you profess lo understand.
'4Since It is only logical th a t
sportswriters are sports :enthu!iasts we
suggest that next season you take in
a couple of champion1h.ip water polo
games. Funny thing that right now the
l>Mt high school, junior . college and
university water polo in the country
ill played here in the Newport area.
"We would be glad to accept your
Bill Leach
Mason Philpot
Two UCl Students
This colulll11 never questioned tbe
quality of water polo played in the
Orange Coast area. After all NewPort
Har;bQr High won the CIF championship_.
Orange Coast College was the state
junior college Utlist and UCI recorded
a 25-2 record with help from Le a c h
ed Philpot. . '
M for watching water polo, this
reporter covered four or five matches
last season aild the quality ol play was
good. ·As a spectator sport, however,
water polo probably has ~ limited future.
Too much of the acUon that really mat·
ters happem under the water and out
ol view.
On television, water polo players pro-
bably would look no bigger than goldfiBb
splashing around in a washing machine.
And somehow. I think it might be mor.e
exciting to watch goldfish in that washing
machine than a televised water· polo
* * * Wiien jllD.lor eollege '·aUiJ.etlc officlalt
tit down to dilcul1 ,11f1e: ,cbaa1" for
nut season., tbere?a Ole, ri.Oaer · polnde11
ngulatloa that· !l>ooJd l!e ·~g<d. It'•
the matla" of wlllallfli( Ji!M.diad when
a pllyer m.--ii: .. a · f9a1 'aoc and
the ball pD1Ii the .-1 • .lo ,the' rim.
This i:eporler .bl -the ball bloW11
detd nearly . It timet tllt1 . leU9Jl Gil
such occuloai, often u not, spolllng
a fast break .Opportwaity . for the other
Certainly a couple atraDdl e( Ute net-
tlng OD the rim lrtn't going to ereveat
the ball from going In lbe basket aad
the net wlll· fall properly on tbe next
1u.cce11ful 1hot. .
The only jwstlficatloa. for stopping play
and pulling tbe •' down. ls .to enforce
goalteadlq rule1. A player can't toacll
the net without being charged wttb
goalteadlng 19d certainly If' ibe net 11
out of tbe way on die rl01:, 1oaltendlng
can't be called for that particular ia-
However, la more 6aD 21 pmet
thl• season, thia reporter ba1 ooly seen
that type of IOll!endJng call oace.
Officials cp. ud do llow up)>ukethaR
enoqh u It wlihout ·hnlng to resort
to bolsenem chores. Tbl clelrln&-tbe.
net · nle doe111't • ldd a thing to the
game and shOnld be' taken off the bookl,
* *
'{~~ -~~... ·~es,
Win JJertlis ....
'lllundlY, Pl&tlary n. 19M -I c f ' l ' , ' '
F~llltles R~vamr.tJ
.'. ··Nt> H~riw llee_is. at M . ' J ~ . ~ . ... In '."Shrine· Tilt • f; a~: Out «;f Control ', . . ' . '.' '.
Two' O\'MB• 'Coast . area 'high sch9(>1
atandoula have been selected' to ~lay in California's most prestigigus pfep au.
star game, ~Shrine North-SOuth classic
at the Col!se!m> J!llY 23.
The two are I,.agwia ' B~ach Hlgb's
Steve KJostennan, a, ~!. 115-pound
center, .a~ Westminster running bick
D"1')'1 !\erg, 6-1 ~ 190.
Klosterman and Berg join three other
Orlinge, <;ounty players' selected by
coaches Malcolm Eaton of We~ Covina
and Ja~ Math!~ of ~· Park fQr ~ 21;,me So~th teem. ,
Kloltehruui was an all-Orange . Coist
area tineman for the Artists last season
as Laguna went two gam'es into the
ClF playoffs. Berg ·was the CIF.'s play,er
of tbe year last .campaign. '
ENDS -~sk,. Simpson, G&IY
Nespllth, West Covtna ; Gerald
Richardson, El Centro: 1 Steve RCJl.'k, .
Falisadea, Chris Velfa1·NOtre Dame'.
TACKLES -Avery Clarie, Morse; Pete
FraJsse, Blair; Gr.eg Horto~ Redlands;
Jack . O'Brien, Santa Monica,. and E;d
Va,ugban, Corona. · ~
'GUARDS, -Richard Saska, Caison:
John 'Frlnklin, St. Paul; Tom Knudson,
Lakewood: Larry Lennert, Clevelaiid. '
CENTERS -KIOfltermab, Dan Brick,
Bishop ·Anl8t.
Rancho, Steve Murray, Azua:a.
HALFBACKS -Berg, l\od McNeil!,
Baldwin Park, Manfred Moore, San
Fernando. •·
FULLBACKS -Bob Adams, Canoga
Park, Sam Cunningham, Santa Barbara.
' '
!~············ .i. 'ROGER · " . . ·CARLSON
' ··············~
new trfcJC1 'football field and baseball
diamond. .
Coach Bob 1 Wigmore and his squad
will thus be unable to claim the most
miserable.baseball diamond in the coun-,
' ty:
Mater Del backers are hopeful that
the football field will be ready for sp:ing
'drills. .
Meanwhile Wigmore's nine works out
daUy on the asphalt with tennis Shoes.
* *· * The 1Uu1do,_ at Estancia lllgll School'•
butetball eonfJnes ls clearly out of bud
wilb.' YOGl!l'ten running rampan& at
, '
..... _ ..
'=rt°J~''' ·,l!e".,:i ' ' ~r!Mded. ' • I / I
'• -toqh Tar.,. rab]ler odd> ·-Ill to the bocb' and milu lb. the trud ;
•MOH tliU e,ooO iitpphi1 tf!an 11,Ve ~
1ood tn.ctloa te 1tut !"" '1top -
nln or .1bin111 • f
•Modena wn.p-1r(iarid•trei.d providel
..,.. ata.pna ~-ol 1h the turns
_. ... " JllCl lffD ... •TU al $1ZBWI
GWC Tennis -Improves
Orange Coast College wrestling coach
and assistant football mentor Jack Fait
is recovering from a serious case of
hepatitis. Fair is out of bed, but 11
only able to apend a limited amount
of Ume at school each day. He's eJ~"'Cted
to return to , full-t.ime tiachbtg and
coaching in about a month.
* * *
Encouraged by the presence of tw'o
returning Jettermen and four former high
a:bool Ital's,· Goklen West tennis coach
Dao Rowe thinu !ht RusUen will be
more lonnidable on the court thJs year
atterlrinnlng only two matches in 1968. •
The Rustlers open 1 schedule of 15
matcbea Friday at Long Beach City
'Back in the fold for Golden West
are 'Gary Rabin ed Lony Jenkins, who
1rtft. the Ruatlen' No. 3 and 6 singles
playm·lall 10or
T<I\ -Include Rich Thompooo _,
of La Quinla, Jim Grey of Foantaln
Valley and the Weatminster doubles com·
bination or Dan BerkoU and John
Valenzuela. All four played No. 1 on
their high achoo! leams in 1968.
Rounding out the Rustlers aquad are
Jeff Keane from HunUngton Beach, Tom
Tunstall, Who WU in the service, and
two Golden West students who didn't
play tennis last year, Mike Clltfurd and
John Overstreet. ,
Rabin, Greyed Thompson are battling
for the No. l ain&Jea spot on the team.
Goldea Weat'• l#jloaocL wnatler
Kat..jl' Nerio la llardq lo ra GUI.
of compeUllon In jular ctllop etntle1,
Nerio It udefeated In Eallml Con-'
ference compedUoa ud ,,_ a1z a&raipt
matehel in the Naval Tralalnc Center
invt&atlOlal tournament hi San l>Jego
before geltlsg a CGKhlns .._ latt
weekend. -
Tbe l<tsoa WU 1applled by Bdiham
Yoaq Uaiverilly wmW.g coach Mike _ v-., .... jut llappeoa lo be tlNI
Pan AJll!tleaa Gamel cbampl-. Yp1,
llowever, ceoldn't pla Nerte aacl Ud
to 1ettle for a decllloa.
4-WH!EL .
R ... $1.lt.,
"'1V.L ..... ' ot•-" ........ _.., ,...., .......
We remove front \v"h,iell, cleott and m.,... filinl 'l!lilMI boarlql, fii.
1pect greuo teals, add brake fluid If •ncjod (naatrt clwp), •~Ju1t -
braku on ill'4 ii.hNJl€te,t. App1~·yo0.r hrak,a• wJth c:pnfld,aetl
. .' t•lc•.vfiur *'r wlHHw 0.. •xpwf• .,., ; · Baseball Tops ·JC Agenda
1n a 10 a.m. game Gory Dunkelberger Saddleback mak .. 11& debut at~.... SERVING ALL· SOUTHER"~·C' A1 1lf0. '. 1RN.IA ~· .. ' .
The Eallem Coolettnee bueball
ll>urnamenl at Mt. Se Antotllo hlgbUghta
1 l!mJ ....tend 'of jiloior College
atblitlcl. ' Ooldoo w .. t l!ld Orange Coaat both
drew ,,,.. today in tht !Heam tourna-
ment tnd open action in the three.day
event Friday. · • • <iol6oo Wat ed Seta Ana have
._....i to "'1 lbelr pme on the
-len' -1natead of trl'feling lo wliiiul f« !he contett. It will get
-way al 1:11 e.m. Gory Maro iill1 slart oo-Uil inowld 1'"" the Rustlen.
Oranp ClMlt, meanwhile. travels to
'!_alnul Friel>¥ to take on Mt. SAC
Is the lll:ely .atarler for OCC. Both meets are llCheduled IOI; ' P,m. • ft" • lo • .
U the area teaml win they will resume Orange Coast's swim team, which
adloo Saturdai in lbe ling!< elimination finished """'"'1 in the Eutua Con· YOUNG LA 1596 NEWPORT · '
toumamenl Tbe cbamplonsbiP. game is lerence Relsys Tuelllay,-. i .. 's..ta ' -& -NE . TIRE co. -f'i..,.o, ~..,,.,' COSTA MESA 9Cbeduled Sunday. Monica Friday afternoon far a tbtee-way' r,. • ,• , •
.Saddlobeclc . College, wlficb has loot all meet with Santa Monica Cl~ CoDege
three of It& lweball games In 1969, and Se Fernando Valley State <;<>liege. · ' ' '
hopell to get lnlo !ht wlp column against Tho meet 11arts at I. JOU NG & 1ANE !'IRE '0. 4t2 OCfAN AVf. ' · LAGUNA" the Cypmo 1"roob. on the Chargers' The PJrate1 alJO. are .lmoolvtd In ,,_ ,\j, Pi.-494-6666 ,
· dlOmood Iii a l:IO pme. Friday'• lone g0llin( •Vent. a l :IO , , , :Other weekend sports activity includes Eastern· Conference match qainlt Rio ~::.zo= .. ':r'-... :~ • ~;:.:,..eo:..i~..=llti:'~est · THEODORE ROBIN·S ·FORD =-H~;.:1~ BLVD. cost& 'M·· ESA. In track ·11!1tf field, Orange Coast playing hi>ol 'to Long· Beach City Coll 'ge ~
tnovels lo G1'9"1Don( for dual meet while -In • 1'11,DlrlDllCh. -"":"-1~~~~---~---~llll·'!'~~~:i-~~~--~~!"~~~~~~ .. -~~ {i -1· !; ~. ' r ". . ' -r.
. I
\ .
.. -.. .. ' . ' ..
TIMlday, '"'""" "· 1'69 ' ' I
Checking Out Coast Area Spike~S
by Deke Hou/gate
'!be opeaktr -Carroll Shelby. The qu..U.. wu, "Who
11 the nut new driver you. will p\llh lnto the aukt racing
blg tlrne?"
0 Wtll. I hive my eye OD a fellow who could bt IJ'Ul,
Don Ptudbommt.'' Sbelby aald. "l'd like to try him drJvlng
a Trana-Am Muatlng. ''
The convtn1Uon took place four mon'lbl qo, when P.nJdhom..
.... top fut( drapter carried Shelby'• name on the side
and WAI powtred by I Ford enatne. Conditions have changed
•Ince then, llld ll Is doubllul that Prudhomme will Ill ill
a Mustang this yur. But when we uked the qOeJtlon last October, we 1ben
asked Shelby lo explain why ho wu Interested In Prudhomme
as a road racer.
"He's aot great reaction. He bu mecban1cal 1e111e. He
is a great ~petltor. And above all, he 's smart," Shelby said: ''1'ult'1 the moat bDpottant thing a driver mmt hatie,
• pod mind." Shelby'• favorJte driver of all time wu one of tbe moet '
tntelllgent men who ever aaw a r~ce track, Ken Milts.
Shelby's current stable lncludei: Pete Revson and Horst Kwecb,
both ol. whom are well above averaae In the brain department.
Prudhomme, Well«n kins ol drag racing. falla In Ille
same slot. He owns and maintainl his own Dodge-powered
drapter. He books hll own dates f<l' a national ·tour that
will bollln In April. Ho manog'" h1I own flnanclal lflalr•
and looU after his own public relatlonl image almO!t without
help. A!oog with Big Daddy Don Garlits and ChrlJ Kamneolnel,
-eplloml,.. the lop pro1 ... 1onal ol the 1porl which
has Ila appeal rooi.d In blazing, d<!ath-defylng drama played
out 7 secondt at a time.
Coro11a 4el Jtfer
Coach Jolm Blair ol co..na
del Mii' HJih forseea I ll>rte-
way balUe for thlr<I pliat In
the Lrv1ne IMau• with hlo
track taam bllllilll Colla
Meta and Estancia for the
Loara and Fow>taln V alloy
loom u the major powera:
acoordlJll lo Blair.
Blair bu •lght relurnlq let-
termen b&ct wllh J I m
Alllcroft ill the 100 llld long
jump, Charle> Beard In the
2·mllt1 Norm JobnsOn ift the
shot pu~ dllcus llld high
hllrfllil and Steve Leech In
the hill> jump.
Leech doubles up on the
bueball team. Others are
Greg MeeU and Rick Naber•
In the mile, Ray Burton In
the S-mllo llld Barry Sloflles
In the llO, 440 and 880.
Up fror;n las~ year's Bee
team are Dave Dunlap,· Kevin
Barnett, Jim Hay, Tim O'Neil,
Nick Role, Paul Sansone and
Dave Terry.
John Haramla Jeada five Cee
performers. Haramla won tbe
ClF cla111 Cee hieh jump
champloru1h!p with a l-0 effort.
Weak apota for Corona are :
long jump, pole vaull llld the
"Nooooo speed.''
In what 1111111 be dOICr!bed
W1lal d-~mo 111111< ahoal Illa ponlloWly el 1lrU-u tho moll p e 11Im11 I I c
d!nJ eol 1o1o road ndq1 · outlook In memory by coacb
'1'vo always wulecl le tie IL I WU It woold be fua, Brian Sprillpr o1 Colla ·Meoa
and I 111111< I eeold do ...U II IL Yeo, S1lalby ... I talked a-High School's track arid field
II -. 1"" 1MMll o1 u get boy dtlq other tlllop, ud ~ team, thal's the summation
ever came el IL ' o( the Mustang bola for this
'l)(J prtlllem ll Ume, not n• If tt te 1et •r car year's edition.
pnpond ud bop It aollll and AID le 11111 •P -l!owever, Springer d o u
adlfltJ." · have 8'vtn returning l'aralty
nere have btea many llltueel la --,....., ...... lettermen, • dozen Bee and
... ncen laal'e tamed to otber forms of automeblle com-cee monogram winner• aftd
peUdel, bat ltW • •fn&le oae m wtd9 aa ntab~ al.Ir other candldales.
ol Illa ~-strip 1w -ed Ill --11,.n. The vanity returnees are ·.-i lmon enmplol: MlcU7 ~. n.· -Goor1e Davll, hurcllel; Gerry
Is ajlorll ear ridq I• a-boltre lllnlng Illa ootlrt 11el11y, dllcul; 1WrY Noooan,
altoldloo lo 1111 nddlnl--880, mile llld mile reliy;
Dully Ollpfl, wbo tlroYO U lldJ Cl1' llrlefly f« Mickey RlchaJd Prieal, mile llld S-
aal! aurly -e a euulty -illt car enPI fire mile; Ralph Deln,' MO, 1811
at Hufonl, CIUf., • )'UI' ap. cral& BreedlOft, • bu and Mile relay; Dave DJea,
appeared In a low boll ncn ud Ua tuea lnalnlcllta al hlCh jump; and Eric Frlslead,
Illa nm 8-'l neo,odlool. . hlch jump and long jump.
-r atar el dra1 !"d1I. Toa7 Naocy, II cmnlly Slated lo fill boles left by
maldq plul lo pl .. p bolo t11a l1at.tmrin1 aporl el dao graduAUon 'ft Sieve Lefever,
baf11 radq 11 a CMlrlver and bullneu partner wltll actor Dave Davll, Joe Socha, Bruce
SteYO M-. Endsley, Ed EDllgo, Howard
Prleo~ \l&rl' ::Oburn, Tom ru.. 11t1~• s1911111eaa1 VIall. 0a .. Bry'°" 111c1 Jo1m
Mlchlpn Internlllooal SpeodWay, which made ,,..... ill Manis.
• .-. way lul week by acqlllrtng tho 1arft11 alnJI• block Oll>arl llfUl'lni In Springer'•
ol stock In Rlvonld• Internallollal Ra<nay, will lnaUIU'&le pllDi are Gary Steele, Hick
Ila road oouno In May wllh the lllOll ucltlng Trana-American llllmtl, Doug Macl.eln, Jolm
race ever s!sged. _ Ollwq llld.Tom Olawang.
Auto racing'• baby giant corporl\Uon has been picked lo l"ountaln Valley llld Loaf•
open tho '69 ....on for Tr11111-Am Hdanl oo May 11 with :::J., 'Tn l;"aguthe-~~f
the tint four-factory controntaUon. · 111 e -.won or
A hint ol thlnp lo come w,o tho third-place flnlah ol M '
Jorry Tiius and Joh Ward ill a 'II Flreblrd at the Daytona Eatcnela
24-l>oUr earlier this mooth. Tiius and h1I 1'1rebinl team had
no1 been considered lo be In the wne loacue with Mlllleng,
Camaro and Javelin teams preparln& f« the Michigan race. Flnlahlnll third ill a yW'Old lldan behind two Lola Cbovys
and ahead ol Ford GT•, Porache prclotypell, Corvellel and
other uaorled can 11 almool like winning the Daytona llOO
with a Caterpillar tractor. Tibia' 19111 model Flreblrd la atlll a·INlldlng In Tanana,
''I don't think anfOll.e in
the lrvjno Leque can boat
U1 in the field events. U we
can slay within 11 points In
the running eventl w e
lhouldn't have any trouble."
Coach Tom Fllhtr " back-ing that statement with a 1olld
nucleua of mainltlyl return-
lnJ lnlll WI )llll"s ..... . eol\lln&llit. .... ~
'lbree IN vaulltrs ..:... Lea
Huter, Cral& Namura and
MJb Slalllnp load Ibo field
Otblrl are Dave Louftll: In
Ille dllalll, llld f"" to.loot
plus lq Jwnper1.
The qllll'lot, haadtd by
Geor1• Barnell, lndud• TooJi
Swill, Mite Sb.win and Dan Neuman.
Allo apected lo score In
meela ara Shwln In Iha 100
yard duh, Charlie Hoyt, a
4:30 miler, Barnell· and TGoy
Bakken In tho hlP jump and
Rich Wood In the hl&h
Tbo ffO and llO appear lo
be tho wnk 1poll Jn tho Eql• armor.
Fiabor lliYI perhapa Ibo key
lo the ,Eqlea' succou II the
ability ol Barnell lo produce
IJ lo 15 polnll per meet ill
field eveatl.
Fotintoln V.rle11
Founlaln Valley High Is t'.he
P"'SOISOD pick by many lo
walk away with the Irvlbe
League champlonablp llld ooe
ol the big reuooa II a oolld
group of Rlllrnlnc lettermen
back lo lll"'t coach Mall
Despite a couple of setbacks
that Leonard waan'I counting
on, be hal Steve Cbrllilano
In tho nine, Tim Funk In
the S-1!111<, Doui -In the fff, c.rl Hardin In the
llO, Tim Hulme Iii the . WJ
llld nillt relay, B r u c e
McAllllter In the fff ~ mile
relay, Dan lloark In tho loog
jump and Kevin Wlilllma ill
the z.mlle.
From that .1111 11'1 Our lo
,.. why 1-11 11s!s middle
-· ·-u Illa trump card, blll the Barooa lland
lo be hurllnc -rally In th•
field events with the excepUon
or the long jump.
Two athlete. with jumpa ol
21-3 lo their endil In that
eveot are Roark llld Bob Newlled. .
Leonard lllbod Newalod, a
seo1or. ool ol physical educ•·
tlon cla.sa.
Others lo help: Phil Maas
111c1 Brady Moore ill the
duhtl: Both have done 10.!s
In the 100.
Huntington Beaeh
'!be Individual lllnd'"'I al
Hunllncto• Beach that has
prevailed the put two years
with Paul WllllaDIJ l'UllDini
Top Wrestlers
At Newport
Defending .champion
Newport Harbor High School
will host the Sunael League
w re st 1 l n I champlonahlpa
Saturday at noon.
Finl and oecond rounds
commence at U with the
championship llnala slated for
I p.m. In the Sallon' IYID·
JC, Prep
~ t•l I') 0. .... Wnt
111-~Win trl' wttlt
The Greatest New
Cars ,Attract The
Greatest Trades!
ltl -c,,_ w ..., ftlrft"
l. -\..,,,fttff (Cl dee. H1rTll
cowr.;l •
111-NtN-IOWCI fw. "** ICI
'"' -a.-W'I" 11¥ llrftll 1• -V."9111M IOWCI ,..,...cc>
,. -........ , (OWC,), •• c.
LA""""'"' (Cl
lfJ' -llelt.,. !Cl ,.,..., MnW'llt
171 -c.... .... "" tomlt
1" -~ CCI "'"""° 01.,._
tGWCl '
HV -111,._ IC) 11INIM JOrM
(OWCJ ......
'""" Dt'llllt. '"""' ...... """ ""'"'"' .... "'" "'*· •""Y _,.,.. •"" illn .... llllilll'Y ... ..,..1 ... """* ~ ........... '""" .... ~ tlMlfl(I, Lk. lllt .. . $2195
..................... """" lilfll'ltr, ,.,. IMttc ff'll* II llfb ........ ....,, ,._ 1tw-llll• ....... ~ ...,... •tr ,, .... 111llM.
&MlllllPllMI. U.... ........ WlaD' $3095
'67 CADILLAC ,........ ........ ""'....,,...... ......... .., .... " ..... ...,... ... t•ll """"* ... .... ...... *'· fllk flM ........ u. .. ....... ... ...,, ·::. ..... "'" ,..., ., = ............. llf I Ill< Nil/.,,. ..... -:1:1111 ....... wMtl. a.flfMtk .,. ... ...... ..., ..... fl•,....... .... """9J .................. , .... ~ 1'• .... -•• ....,." ... u~ $4995
..... DtVlllt. ltaVttflll 9f1o1r11 M.. tlllflll W1111 _..... ...... '""""· ........ "'"' '" .. tlll•" ,.....,..., ""'· tt9M.. Ut4, l"S. "'· l"W. Mrty ..... ,::: ... c,.ry llr ...... tk. MttlC•'"' ==·.. lllly .... ........ ........ I.le.
'6' CONTININTAL . .... ~=· ft!Wtff ........ ..,." IVfitMltlt trlfl• , l"Mlf tN lllllitr, '" .... .,......, Hfl
:.:: .: ... ., .... ' •• , -·· tilt .........
LllllLI uimillTAL • IHI m • llHl lY •111111
• -..
wild In the -dlallllct races ill gone but the Oilers
could be 11r«41er thil year
1ltcaUH ol bollef overall
RtlurnlNr letiennen are
TOm • .McGl ... y CW bl&h Jumper), Kurt Clomnl (IM
abol po!Wr), Vlclqt Martinez,
Mike Mlllor llld Bob Wllclom.
Up from tho Beel are Joo
Stubblnt wblle two lrllllfen
dOI tho 1111 ol CfDdldlla.
Tom Mullaly from Ora11i• couJd turn ool lo be the bell
Otltr Qll'lnler and an llO can-
didate II ~It Krog" from
North Carollna.
Othon coach Paul Wood II hanklnf on are Mike Blair,
Jack P.UO llld J o h n
McQuown Wal lecond ln
SWllOI Leap cro11 counb'y
ill tho fall alter. relurnlog lo
Hunllqloo. Ho WU In Ohio
u a Jwilor.
,,_,_ Beaeh
<>aly II athlolea have lumad
out for track and field at
Laguna Beach High fOr varsl·
ty, Bi:e and Cee .competition.
but coach Jack L)'thioe got
some talent in th!t total.
Doug Schmltz, Jim Kuhn,
Brian Bagley, Tom Jones,
Gene Molway and Mike Abbey
are among the candidates and
U those names sound familiar,
they ought lo.
That was a major portion
of the roll call of the diam·
pl.onshlp football team that
Poeted an overall 10-1 mark
in the fall.
others counted on to help
oot Jn crestvlew League var1I·
tyJ meets ar~ Dave HUJtwlck
in the 880, Chris Lambert in
the mile and 2-mile, Rocco
Prock In tho long jump, Brlao
Ottmer in the pole vault and
Pbll CUnnln&hfm, a transfer
from Northern Ca!Uomla.
Cunningham carriea creden.·
tlals of I:J.<I in the pole vault,
(Ml) In the hl1h jump and
10.! In the 100.
Hurdles and distance races
appear to be the weakest link
for Lythgoe 'a crew.
Schmltz, Kuhn and Cun-
ningham form a solid nucleus
for the 440 relay.
Speed, and plenty ol it In
the sprints, dominate• the
outlook al Marina High School
where coach Jack Rowan's
team readies Itself for the
upcoming aprJ.n« aealOn.
Four of Rowan'• athletes
have done 10.2 « better in
the 100 yard dash headed by
Dave Lacy's 10 flat.
Another plus factor for
Marina 11 In the hlj)h jump
where the Vlkes have two can-
dldatu with 6-2 under their
They're Bob Childs and Bob
In all, the Vlkes have eight
varsity lettermen bac.k for the
'69 saason.
Beaides Lacy, Lemon,
Child1 and Tony Ventiml.glla
they have Jim G1U1han, Dave
Lockman, Dennis MoC.,,fgfit
ond Bob Whatltr.
Others expected to fill some
of the hotu vacated by Chuck
Lockhart (12.(1 \1 lo11i jump!
and Dan Stark (ll-11 lhot pull
"la graduaUon ate up from
the Bee team.
Steve O'Hare, Tom Rich-
mond , Joe ViftUm.ialla, Tim
Blaine, John Jura and Dean
Kitano are a few of the
athletea counted on by Rowan.
The dlltance races and shot
are the big quetilon marks ·
for Marina. U those everits
can be filled c1pably the Vlkea
could threaten for second
place Jn tbe Sunset League.
No one will touch Santa Ana.
Mater Del
with Mike Van Brunt and Jln1 varsity returnees along with
Erquart. , Brad Winlon and Bob Blacker.
Also returnln& are Mark Jlieuiport Barbor 11eumann. em Allen and Mita
A Junlor·studdee field of Colt to the fold.
track candidates are a t Others expected to help out
Newport Harbor, prompting are Tony Plowden in the 220,
coach Bob Hailey to remark Mark Garcia in the 100 and
that ht 1 team may fnish se· George Meler, a tr anal' er from
cond ln the Sunset League Montana.
bthltld perennial power Santa Ray Ezzell and C 1 a Y
Ana. He goes on to say his Anderson add depth to the
t ould In · u .,. distance races. eam c w it a ne.... 1'he TrllOll! appear short tn
year. 440 and weight events. El
overall depth is the major Modtna is favored for the plus for Hailey's forces with a solid corps of juniors. league crown hands down.
Returning varsity lettermen We•ttnlntter
are Danel B 1 o o d in the sprints, Stu Aldrich in the The parade of talept that
shot put, discua and mile went by in the fall for
relay, Bob Adams in the Jong Westminster Hia:h's chazn.
jwnp and 440, Dave Eccles pion.ship cross country team
Mater Del's track team in the bur:,dles and high jump, will be back en masse thJJ
takes to the roa' thla year Bruce Marllil in Uie shot put. spring on the track and field
·with aU meets away because Martin bad a 50·9 effort 18.!t team to give roach Jact
of the renovaUon ol the track year. Hedges' outfit an 1mprtsslve
and football field. Others are Rick Pierce in credenti.al -particularly In
Coach Mark Mulkerin calls the 2·mile and Chr is BenUey the 880, mile and 2·mile races.
1969 a rebuilding year for the in the mile and 2-mlle. Among that group are Don
Monarchll after they finished Dave Jaffe, John Styll, Scott Di1ton, Wayne Altiyama, John
last in · the Angelus League Wild and ltevl11 Butler are Nichols, Steve Varga and John
in '68. alao due to help the Tars' Kilpatrick. ,
The Monarch coach says his caW1e. The Lions could surprise in
best sprinters are St an The latter two have been other events with lettermen
Jackson (IO.S) an<l Mark Dunn cred ited wlth 13·foot pale Charlie Buckland and Darryl
(10.7). va~dts;1.ch, holder of the school BeD rg ret.ullrnin~ forththe ~~~rlntsd.
Howev er, observers who • ave T1 ett in e """ an viewed Dunn in football gear record in the discus with a 880, Greg McCance in the shot
would be prone to say the fgz-5 mark, is working out put and Ron Shepherd in the
Mater Del halfback Is more at that mark now and is ex· high hurdles.
in the clasa of lOJ. or l0.1. pected to near the 18(1..foot Others expected to fill holes
However, the tract and field mark during the campaign. are Dan Ames and Craig pie~ at MD is not bright. San Clenaente: Dunlap in the hurdles, Steve
Ron Dixon returns in the Seyler in the 880, Matt Han·
4"6 and Paul Muldoon and San Clemente High School's nan •in the high jump, Walt
Rick Jennings .i.re set for 880 track team, with good' overall Mat!bcks in the long jump
action. balance, is expected to find and 440 and John McLaughlin
The mlle could be the a niche 11;1 the upper division and Chuck Suter in the shot
M.onarchs' strongest p o i n t of Crestview League standings put.
with Mark Dowling, Mike before the season is over. Westminster coaches are ex·
Moad and Steve Horestmeyer Coach Don Jelsy hasn't the pecting McCance to up b1s
running. outstanding individual on his shot best to over ~ feet.
Terry McKeon :3 slated for squad this year as in the Despite the power in the
the 2-mile but the field events paat but several a b o v e distances and some good
sttuaUon is very poor. average . returning lettermen times on band in the sprints, make the Triton.s a threat. the Lions don't figure in
Jtfbalon Viejo Craig SUrllng, Rick Geddes SW1Set League ch"!Dpiooahlp
and Bob Lineback lead the plans. ·
Track and field fortunes atJli ========~=~~:::=======:; M1ssion Viejo don't appear
parUcularly bright for the
Olablos in Crestview League
action with the prospect of
no returning lettermen oU a
team that failed to win a
single varsity league meet in
Small in size and with ,no
varalty e xperience the
DlabJos will be banking 'their
chances on Mike Becker in
the shot put; Barry Atwood
ln the pole vault; Eric
Heuskinveld, hurdles; Bruce
McDonald, hJjh jump and long
jump; Mike Rattrey, mile;
Ray Perez, 2-mlle; JI m
V.anCott, 440; Becker and Ed
Gray in the discus; Chuck
Norwood and Chuck Jehle in
the. sprinta; and Atwood in
the 880.
With Bob Opp sin c e
graduated. coach Paul Shen·
num will be seeking someone
who can take in the slack.
Opp competed In the 100, 220,
44<1, pole vault, long jump and
hurdles .
Another versaWe athlete,
Mark Toombs is gone along
Test drive a car
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Rancho's START YOUR ENGINES Bee, Cee Pre-war Types
(CGalllold ,_ Pa&• lj) ,
C.111., and will probably be tested """"U7 tl1ll weekend or
In the nut few day1. Going Into the tell,. W. ll how Tit111 •-ae• his. oppoa!Uon on the Tr-Am trail:
Basketball HST .Funny Cars
"We worry the .-about (lloier) -·• Camaroe.
0Ur 1'trtblrd II Utile more than a <lamato with I -I
oulllde lkln , and alter drlvmc • P'lroblrd I can ... Just
how e1a7 a job Mark Donohue bod •lnninl the aerill Jul year.
To Run at
"We th!nl:' we will have u pod a llllP'!lllOn l1llem
.Elvin Woods and Jim Young aa anybody and u pod a brakfn& 117atem:, but the Ptlllke
lead aft.r the flnt raund of engine may •llll have a hor,.power advantage.
gott at Rancho San Joaquin Tltlll, wbo UIOd to be the No. I faclOty driver f0< Muatang.
In a beat ball of partners doean~ worry loo much about the Ford Motor Co. eflort
• '8-bole event with 5t. escept for the dr!Ylng Kill ol PameJJJ Jonea.
'· Tied for third we.re Ken
Page and Ben Burleson and
Eddie McBrien and h i s
alternate at 61.
A four-way tie at fourth
esllted with Dave White and
Bill Ball sharing the place
· wiUl Stan Shivata and Jack·
Gangwere, Bill Bitting and E.
P •. ·eomtasste and Dud Eller
and Larry Jacobs at II.
-Dante Teramo ICOred a
boie-in-one on the ninth hole
Wltb a seven-iron recently.
With Teramo was Grant
Mesa l'erde
Richard Murtau gh and Joe
Ywta teamed for a 61 at
Mela Verde Saturday in a
partners best-ball ev~nt In
men'& club action.
Second place, two strokes
hack. wu captured "1 }obn
Adams and AndJ'. Lohman
along with the duo of Dave
Hellman and Vlc Campbell.
Joe and Lila· Yurka and
Pearl and May Bible won the
SUnday event at Mesa Verde
In a best ball of mixed
foursome with a 56.
Second place went to Del
and ' Betty Hamre and Dr.
Joseph Maries with a net 57.
'l1ed for third at 59 with
Wllllam and Molly Dawson
and Frank and Lucille Pad-
dock tying the quartet of Bob
and Shirley Kinder and John
and Julllane Adam! .
. Paul 'llrnwn eqled Ute lft.
yard par.four ninth hole Fri·
day. The junior golfer used
a driver and a seven.Iron.
New officers were elected
to the women's club.
Pr esident is Kathy
Bransford ; secretary -Kitty
Mullen ; treasurer -Patti
Newhouse; handicap chainnan
-;-Florence Baker; tooma-
~t chairman - Kathy ;wnbur.
Monthly low net trophies
Were WGD by Kathy Wilbur Jn class A, PatU Newhouse
In class B and Mary Gregory
In clus C .
. · . Costa llle1e
' J Qu alification rounds !or the
itnmJll men's club President's
'tup championships a r e
• icbeduled Saturday through ~s. -
I Over 9:IO golfers are ex-
Sleeled to compete . with Russ
' 11.anon returning to defend his
title. t
~ BOb Darnell and Jack
~a1"5ek_ 'shared low gross
· '1onori cmr the --In )Den's club action with 76s.
Low net was tied between
Dtan McClanahan (83-lJ..70) arid John Chapman (84-14-70)
followed by Lyle Graham i79-
1Ml) and Neal llick:man (tl-10-
Allo Don Attreds (11$.IS.?2),
E._'... !I· Edwards (11$.IS.?2),
l'Tillll'. SL Pierre (88-16-'12) and
Jolm Pacheco (11$.11-12).
'Joyce Caplis and Nadine
·~ took, first flight honors l'ridaY hi women's club play
on the LUe Course in a best
ball of pat{ners event. 1 Elise Stipes and Dorothy
O'Leary won the second Oiaht. IR>e· third fllcht WU copped "1 Martha Ciampa a n d
!larflara Weber.
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~Personal Relations
:,.\ ~,: By MEillUMAN. SMJTB Iii WASHINGTON -Eight
,~ yffl'I U vice pl'fllldent during
~ the Eilenhowe:r admint.tration '~ may not have given President
•• Nixon full reallzaUon of how ~ much !train the presidency ~ would produce in personal
·~o friendships. He is beginning
a~ ta find oot now. ~ One of Nixon's closer
~ personal pals for well over Jt~ a decade has been a rather 'ii.• sell..i!aclng llMJth Floridian of 1li! Qiblll parentage, Charles G.
' ' •iBebe" Rel)ozo. ~ iJ
"l) Nixon'• next-door neighbor OD !lJ Key Biscayne, Fla., and thus
i.lij far, a relatively frequent
vilitor at the White Bouae.
Every relatively re e e n t
. Pruldent bas bad bII Rebozo ~ ot reasonable fae1imile .~ thereof -an utterly
;;:}'i truatworthy pmona1 friend ?:! ootmde government -CfJllid ~ be trusted to hear or see
;,,; virtually anything with no ff: danger of the event or the
.,,, words going any ~·
~ Other desriptions of the s e ~ typical pab have ~ leis ~: kind -sounding board, whip-t:,• ping .boy, resident gossip. ~ Labe)Ung aside, every chie.f
~: executlve seems to need some-
~ one outside his staff or ~ for that matter, out.ride hI.s
~ family -before whom he ~ may blow his 1tack, complain
® or · lllmply engage In small
talk rar removed from. serious
problems which dommate a ~ President's working hours.
:;,: MAKE CONNECl'ION ~ Because of Rebozo's ~ closeness to Nixon, particular· ~ ly in Florida, il Bebe .now
~ so much as buys a full tank "'°' ol gas for his Lincoln Con-::f' tinental, there are some who
~~ will coonect this 1n some in-:1'£ vldious way with the preaiden·
· ~ ey. U Rebozo is present at ~ Key BIJCayne when Niion is
I'°' dllculsing affairs ol state, ·certain antennae shoot up for
any 1Ugbt signal of a lituation
wbieh . m!gbt lend it.ell to
ailiclsm of Nixon and-or
in the Middle East and Nixon's
forthcoming trlp to Europe
with Secretary of S t at e
William P. Rogers and Dr.
Henry A. Kissinger, assistant
to the Pres.ident for national
security matters. There was
a certain arriount ol eyebrow·
r.lising in some non· ad·
ministration quarters about
The fact that Rebozo may
bave been privy to ~-guard
discus,,ion of s e r i o u 1 In-
ternational problems should be
viewed in context . of what
went before. Former Pre$i·
dent Lyndon B. Jobrison often
talked over serious world af.
fairs with one of his close?
Tens pals, Judge A. W.
Moursand. The Jate Prealdent
John F. Kennedy enjoyed the
constant attendance of an old
schoolmate and New York
advertising man , L. K. "Lem"
Billings. Billings accompanied
Kennedy on moat of hil major
foreign trips and had free ac-
cess to lhe White House during
such tense periods as the
Cuban missile crisi!:.
The list goes back through
history, and the presidency
seems to have suffered little
from a· chief executive having
orle or two personal friends
who could provide some, relief
from the tedium of official
History, however, does not
seem to slUl ~ent critlclsm. Rebozo now figures In a possi--
ble eoogressional investigation
of tbe relationship of.the Small
B u s i n e s s Administration
(SBA) to a Miami shopping
center jn which Nixon's friend
has a big stake. Diseu.ssiori
of Rebozo and the shopping
center often ignores the fact
that financial arrangements
with the government were
made more than two years
ago. Nixon, then a New York
lawyer, was not in a position
Lo throw much weight around
SBA even if he had so desired .
Even Don Quixote was en·
titled to his Sancho Panza,
but historically, there always
seem's to be a certain number
of Americans who want their
President to live in something
of a personal vacuum .
it During Nixon's moat recent
~ weekend in south Florida,
i!-Rebozo wu at the dinner table I where the President talked ~ ovtr NATO, the tense situation I Bantu Style.
~ Doctor Advues New Moms '
An obltetriclan advises preg·
Dint women and their physi·
, ciallll ta emulllle th< upectant l molben ol Africa's Bantu , tribe. They deliver their
-: babies wblle sltting up.
. Dr. Frans G. Geldenbuys
of the University or Pretoria,
~ South Africa, 1aid that unW
,,_ 100 ywo ago all babies
._ were delivered 1n an upright
" ~ even in sophlJticated . • 1lfldical c:mten.
: . But 1ince then a number « . ~cal practices were
)If cleftloped wbicb had the effect
:;; of pJacllJI the mother oo ber
bock (or delivery.
the mothers at least have the
basics correct.
If a mother is upright, she
can press down better during
delivery and use hennuscles
more efficiently to e • s e
passage of the baby, he said.
One possible disadvantage of
U1e on-the-back posltlon is the
danger that the weight of the
baby can constrict large blood
Vtlleil In the mother wbleh
supply It with blood lmd OX·
ygen •
This hllPP<M under on!y
certain conditions, and
Cif:ldtnhuys said he has no
evidence that llJll'i«!lt born
babitl have 1.., chanc< of bfaln dam,lle tb8ll those bfJrn
conventionally. • 'Dr. Geldenbuyo said !hit
-evorytblng to the delivecy
ftlCllD ls let Up IO the mother
• -deliver the baby while SoCal College •• her back.'
, _,.,,e·masl·do"it-lflr·practicll-"''--.il'Ge•"' p -t -. • be said, •'iolikib 11 urau "' os
a plly bkaust It ...,Id 'be Soojlblrn California Colltg•
a eOiid lbinc il the delivery *dl!ll lllcbanl.Pbilllpo, who
wore In 111 upriabt po&llloo." '· ...-iid mid-year In social
Ho taltl • out In the Alrlcan ....._, bas b H n com-
bulb, ....... docton are JOO -u .a ,2nd. Lt. Jn 1!11111 _,, inothen do It Ille U.S. Marino CfJrpl.
Ille -II lhould be -: PtiUDpo, Iii, bod been In the
11.! ~· .,..Wng. -while •ltendlnc the I I Al tht delivery prac-con.,. in Costa M.... He I U.. ol • Jll!mltJ,. pooplea wu commissioned In a recent
!aft madt le~ be desired Cettlllflll3""" <tllltpul bf C.pt .
....... ..,. Geldlttbey1 •aid, lloberl E. L1ue1ang.
N;yet~, Stalin ~ .,t B~i~g Rehahil\tated
MOSCOW (UPI) -,U ~ rmoi.try_ P'es& spoklllDWI, In review by in.-mllitiry : wai . a . coq>Petot 111pr<me 1-ld · t. 1! "" 1 h n e v , ai!-the bloody purgt.S of tile mld-
191Gs, the prewar declmatlaD
of the officer COl'J>l1 the
wholesale banishment of
minorities -has b t e D
late Soviet dictator Joeef v ; 111 Interview wllb'UPI. , writer. , , , , : . , . &inmilidtr. · · · . dreaslng ·the "Supreme sevfet
Stalin, accused of disastrous A popular book publisbed The review by Dr1 Yev~ . Zllukov :eiiplod<d the legend (Parliament) ·In November,
errors and common crfmts,' ~-Un!Venlty re~-BotUn· In ~t, tiie . cz:eaU<1 byilOIMbcbev iln•hil 1181, 1refemd favorably to
""'•• rehabllitaltd ~--·"y · of the thesta'~~.'!"'"ty cuu""tt publication •(\lb• €oi!(munjst · "......r', spff!:h to the 20th Stllln'• mllilary. lea<i<t'.~!'; ......., I .---llll ,...._ Central Comiilttee, ownmed . P,oi:ty ~ •I. a ~tllln But •he ~e (or, four·-·
and pol tlcaliy! at the 20th C.mmunlst Party up ·a• oerles ~ .~<;iuoln ·or so ~ and carelea abfJUt on lb• 50th llimlversary °'· TI.\"· &oper • la Y~ •• ac-c.np.111.1111M1. . . .lley ·Sol/let . MiDe • ..n,. , inlllta1';\~.tbalbt lo1lo'f-. .the .Bflis!Jexlk r.• v.o l,u .1,1o9
coromg .to wl~ad re~ .. ~ 'bfJok • alao 1 .repub~ inandera written since the ed devF)'!Pmenls .at the tr.ot . Y1ilhout 111<~tl<>1ilpg .Staliil • 36:
"stalln'• nam1e is billtory,"
Ambassador Zamyatin told bis
comspo11dent, "and he must
be restored to bis historic
ab~d. · pha r the. Jetu;t kaown t-.S .. Soviet owiter of Premier Ni.kl.ta S. on a icbOolboy.'1 map of 'the year rule. .
ut an em tic ·"Nyetp• t f~ .r~# VJ~ -J ~v ·ln 1964. world. · No 'ohe from Zhuk,ov to
(No) comesmm a high Sovtet t..ePm:1 •llait 1ill abcf testa: ~· Pioneer of the 1 ~s wls ZlilkoV's' ta~ wu' cOn-'Brtdu\eV, ' trOm •KOnev to
official, l<(JecUng ti1e oplnloo men~" .wbfch ~' s~ . the country's !eadlng wartime finned by Stalin's cJooest Yakl>vlev made· the sllgbte~t
of aut'1of!tallve clrcles ~.. to be ~for,Cllfict. · . berfJ,'lonner delenoe minister military Colllboraton, ·some eMin to rebabilltate Stalin 10
"However" the Soviet
spokesman emphasized. ··thls
does not mean we approve
tbe., mistakes Stalin made or
we .rewrite the history of the
"'lbere is nothing in~ A rasti'1 0f ·~tJon ·on Georgl ·Zhukov, wbo, althoulh ··of · whom · lite· M·a r·1h a·J" .any other way.: '°' 'the rebabllita!lon o't Stalin hu Ileen pttdpltatea · .&abblly treated by Stalin · KonstanUn ,Rola>ssoVlkJ bllf '. Nooe .of the . deadly Items
Stalin,'" s "a id AinbassadOr abr,ad with . the rec eat after the ·Wif, was .th1?· first 'been imprlsqned by Stalln. in Khnlllbcbev'a catalogue "Of
Leonld_ZamyaUn, cbiel lo~gn publicaUnn here of ·a "°'* ,,to,odmib In prinl tbal S.tallo · . Communist ,PF!Y. ~ , ~talin'1 !fllljleeds -,such as
2666 HA.I ·~YD.
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turn o4 tli1'di1I. Fih it1nd1rd
r•e•pt1cl1, no 1p•c.i1I "'iri11g or
plrmif 1111d1d. (Ju1t be 1wr• to
p1y.th• llght -blll.1
Nici ,unit. for r1pl1c1m.nt or
for tll1t n•"' b1th yo11 j1ut
1dd1d for your
moth1r·in·l1 ..... CNoliody told
yo11 1h1 w11 e•min9, did
th1y71 lnclud11 1tool 111d
w1tor elo,.t,
Thi f11tesl 1111clog9•r In th1
W11I unl111 you got lilt
••P•ntiY• plumbing •qvipm1~t.
Cli11nit•llY formul1t1d·to be
11f1 t. pipes liut dt 'flie job.
77c 9r.
U1• •te\lnfd windows. 4•or,
• c"illllijj, Ti!fiil'l"ifi y"i• t•r
• u1,tb o,.l~1ft11hh1t•.' A
llttf1 dont no"' mi9ht ''"' •1tco•li~e w•ter d11i11t• wh1A
n•lrt It r1IA1. IW lt wlll.)
fits tf1A4itd e11111'rl119 tun.
period.'' -
f'H1·s -.<Will , T.ICKLE
Tlet::LES ME
The•• 1rt .... ild ind lie111tif11!, doien diff•r•nt
1h•p•• ind eolor• k h1tmo11ii• or blind wit\ '•llY
d•eor; M1l1 1n 1rtiitie e1nt1rpi1e1 for t1bl1, Ill•.,
..... ti pl1nt1r type thing, f11hion 1m1ll bo11qu1I fir
b1th or bo'<ldoir, oh, you'll"h•v• such fun m11iint
1round .... ith tllllt nov•I floweri, th1t you'll tlirow
111 yoyr tr1nquilii1rs 1w1y 111d julf cr••t•, ct11te\ c,...,.. '
"Adv•rth1d',;.ci1l1 good tlirw F1bru1ry> I 9, 1969 I 111d do you l-111"' ~ow to
le•p •·h•1d eold from going dow11 into your ch.1t1 Ti•• b1.t i11 y11ur 11oek.I . . ' ' ' .
2 1!1p lit wor•1 1qu1lly wtll
on pr1viouily p1int1d
1urf•c11, 11nflnhh1d, or n1w
"'ood.;ttllciw th.• .••JY
dirilclio111 ';nd y•u Wuld
"'irid u'p wifh 1 pi•co of junk
"'drlli tho1111nd1. M111y ' ·
colo"n. '
·3' V2 INCH............. Ft,
. 4' ~. INCH ............ · FT.
' Continuou1 f•1d'dj1poi1r b
practic1Uy trovbl• fr11
"'hich i• .... hy ·they giv•
lif1tlmt eorro1lon "'1rr1nty
•nd ,5 Y••r ptrl1 prot1clion.
llvt "'h•t "'ould 1nyon1 wh•
fool1 1rovnd ..,.ifh 11rb19•
N••t "''" h1ndl11
on • 111 of f1ur 1m1rt
fondu• for.ii•. 61t
1h1rp little tin11 t1
. •P••r th1t fr111cli ·
br.1d In cli11ui ~r
tfi1t chocol1t1
.......... 1tr1 ... beny.
ll ,plict kit f11tui11 Fury
j4 incl! drlll No. f.f,.
,1tetl knch , .. nil, fitt.4
-,l·.ercii• i nd 111ort~
'•~ding diuc. drill liih
nd 1uch.
Whit-•11 tM boyi 111 tM liit
offic11 uptown ord•r.for
th1ir priv1t1 offic•1 wh1111
th1y git • promotion,
l11utjfljl 1tuff, Y·groovod,
•nd pr•fi11i1b.d for
ilFl,lnidi•t• ln1t1ll•tt.11. 2•1
Rustic. Pio""' ·641'. . Hickory· P•n.Uns.-~ '
Big 4 cyCft d•1I, lrigg1 1:
Str•ffon.motor, 11•11 d'ffk.
ofh1t .... 1it1l1 for clo••
mo..,.ing. R•coil 1t1rltr,
chrom• "U'' typ1 h1ndl•
will! mount1d tingle 111gin•
'5" ROTARY G~:;i CATtHEI--.. ·-··--··--·-.
#'!~7!/J Six foot pl11tic ru9 rvnn1r is
•w•ll for k11pint big drips ftll'JI
miking big ugly tpoh 011 th•
r11g, IWho you c1lling 1 drip?)
C•n b1 rolled up out of tho w1y .
.,.h•n tli1 pr11c.htr comu.
Com• t. tt: •. ~l•r• tlii1"''•k•nd·Cor1oon•r If you Ju1l 9ot
p1idf, '" ou.-.cf•o111tr1tlon of fo114u• cooki119, t11f• tho
d•llelou1 rtMlh. thin cho011 from IYoc14o, er1n91, or t•l4
1nd tah on1 hoin•-(--h•"• 1om• n11f"r1eipt1 Worki4 up
.fw JO'I to ·t.:lio 110119 toe) 111111 1u1prlt1 yovr .,.if•. (Yo•',.
fl~t t11•nl1d, 10 1orprli1 your moth1r,I
f ~\IAA't '!'" l 16th
' I
• I
I • • ' '
• '
Fire&lrd H•rcHop Co11p•. 2iit
' . c:u. i11. ~1rh1ed ~'"' •i;igin ... I bvc.ket .,.t1, Ef0,.14 'wld•
.OY•I tire1, he1t.r, b•c:k-111'
Ut.1, winchhi1ld w11hen.
S1riel No •• 22lJ79L606196.
'. I .. , .
. , .QIAL .
YO.U orr ·••oM ao• i L~NOPRE
. '• . • -I' . . \.
' . \i ' . . ~· ,. •.• ' .
" 196.8 ,¢ATAU(.IA
. STATION WAG. • . •. 'IO:O
) '111t: 9 ~~•n91r, fill '
pow•r~inc:l1lllliri9 6 power
•.wiftd~5-L•J" mjl11g_1
.\ 'ind-full ~ll'ltilli~lff~c:to'ry
w1rr111ty. Only 0111 of
1ri1r1!· "61: P0:11tiic: w19•
_..-,1. Lic: .. .IWS l 11
. .
"PRICI POWEli~A VINGS"· .. \;.' c • • • ,., ••
~tL aei:.ow FA<=r.oav '11\1vo11:~
• ..
Orange County's Finest
Sel~lion ol Qualify
Ponliacs ·
. Bonneil~es .l! l•l•JilliJ . ClteYrolet · · ·
l111P11G.i"& Bel-Airs
Ford C0urilry Sqliires
'!W Buie~
65'.s •· 66's
67's • 68's
Most wilh Factory Air,
6 ·i. ,,,a~':811l8'•· .. ,. · 'too-wliifTo liift ~~
'YI, Ndio,.lle1t1r, p-lf 1fHrlnt, ,.w1r'"r~b., p1w1r wi11d1w11
,,_, ·111t, p1w1t vut wh111low1, fK .. !'Y elr c:111Jiti111l11f, wire
whMll, Nmlillint f1ctery Wlj.r1nty. U~ UVV 006
. 1966 l)OD$.J.(1AMPER
, SELF CONT t~•P . ' .. ~V.t, ·~•tic tr111Mtlt1lo11, r1ill1,, h9i-tw, tl1ftd 1l1u. V1ry
. ..cl1111 1-'<t11dy•for ""'""'' fw11 -cOnv•rts t• '.10 p111. ••t•n, ~-'Lie. SY'T"47l \
' ~L sz395~.-' ... -·
1967 CHEYll,01.ET li11°TON PICKUP
."l27" Vl,_1u+.1\11tk\ c .. t.mi cert>, <1Jjr•1t1• trill1 I l,urn,er, , • ..,
·1111il11, ••ry·cl1•11, Ne. '49l7~ ·. • ·
S2J95 ·
1966 M,UstANG
, YI. 4 1p1H. Popp1·r..f ~it\ w+·clt ffll!'I. Lie. SLO S•4
I s1795, ..
' .
. VI, 111t1m1tlc tr1t11111b1lo11,lr1dio, h11t1r, p•-r 1t11ri11f, p•w•r
b111k11, pow1r wlnd~ws, 0111 •'!'ll~r, 1h,rp. Lie. DAI 117
1 2 Dier h1rdtop. VI, 1uto1111tic fr•111111b1i111, full p1w1r, f1ctory
\ 1ir condillonin,. ,C.h•1"P•tn1 wltlt bl•ck c1rdoY1 top· l bl1c~
.·""ck1t 111t1. Ltc. UIS 1·14
"· '-1967 ·nYMOUTH · · ....... · · . .
4 D11f, l•w low 111l11f, fl ll'Jli11i119 f1ctory t111r111!11. btr1 cle1n.
Lie, UUK 11•
OHN 7 DAYS ,. ,, ' . Memley th(U S•tur4iy. t :ot A.M. till 9,.:00 P.M.
. . Sund•y t :OO ,A.M. till 6:00 ,.M, '' . .
., -. -·-
-> . ~-
y.....,,F~U,lM DAILY PILOT . . -~ ' I
. . .
1963 CADI~. C
Ev1ty 'conc1i,1bl1 option. lm1111cul1t• thru out, 111111f be 111n,
2 Door. Auto1111tic tr1n1111i1tl011,1 full ,o..,1r. Thi1 q11t1t111din11 I
ewn•r 1utO h11 only 22 ,000 cfu•I' rriil41. M111t IJ1 11111. Llc. lZA014 -· ·, : ,•·, ·'
. :'" "S . VICE & Tl~E DEPT. I .· ·~
. '.', ~d•y 7 A.M. tiU .. 9:,00 P.M. .
Tuud•y lhrv·Frldey 7:00 A:M, till 6:00 .p,M, s;rrt'C• ~P~rtment ,rc~··~'<S1t,., ancl.).un.
' ' -•'JC
• • If.
J ZG> ·~
' . ' .. . . -.
-, . ' . -~; t j~1 Self~
$;~· ~.
il i Me .... ~ IS ·holdlng e
,, : ; Keogh Retirement Fonim , -' ·"-. _., _,. . ' . -,
; . ... . .
f~ .. '". ,· ... •: ,,._.
' -' .. ,_ ,.
• • i I • ... -. . ' . .,._ !
.:e.:. ~
.. -"· -. . -. ,. -.. •• ._ t'
'...-+.· ' -::t.: !: ' . ·"'-. .. -" .. -•' . -... -. •' -•' . ,. . -. ~: i ;.
•"t .. •' . , . _,, ..•..
~·-' :'.: ~ .. ~ " . . ,,_ .. . ·-•' . " ,. -. •t· ·--1' 17 ; ,......_,. .. ~ .-"' .~ ~~~ I ·~ ' ~·-· . . .
I I •' ··~. .. ' ·-~· 1' -r< .....
' HoW. Wdlik! Vau like to learn about
a plan-~ic,wtna you to pick your ·own
serurities .... tllrliugh which you can
build a.retirenient fund for yourself and
yoor empl.-? The money'you put in
is deductlblt for federal 'income tax
purposes. ~ divid!!nds receiwd and
realized capital gains are reinvested
and are not tu9d at the time of receipt.
Then,. after you retire, you are taxed
year by year on .only the monies with·
drawn .. you receive them.
Un~ 1111 Keoji Ac:t, Congress pro·
vided a meins for self-employed indi·
viduals .to put aside tax-deductible
funds ear-marked for retirement.
t,lerrill L.y1ic:ll Can now help )'!ill with a ·
program dll'llC!ed solely to this pur-
· Cost? This plan, with a custom-made
portfolio, is yours at a cost considerably
below most other Keogh plans. And, an-
other unu5ual feature of this plan is that
you can combine its investment In se-
curities aspect with your own Insurance
program, splitting your contributions
as you desire .
Want more details about this pro-
1ram? Come to our-
Keogh Retirement Forum
Thursdoy evonlOf, l'ebruory 20
llolboo lloy Club, Nowport llHch
(In the First Cobio -l
1221 W11t Coost Hlghwoy
stortl"' ot 7::IO PM ahorp
!"---~ 1JJ f At our forum:
.-f. • You'U le1m 1bout ttM K .... Ad -.H ~~ " · llMI how H can help to protec(,.., tuture. 1 ~l
i ' ..... " -== ..... -····, • Wo'Mt•ll,..__ ,...... ·-· ' ..... Id!,........... -·-.#~ ii' WW ::;i.1~ tlwtor~-,_,-,..,...lftd , ... ' Met ,_. own 1n•wtwwweta. .... + ~-~ •
._ • You'M pt lnfonftotlaa __ .,,.ti .. _ -llorrllll.Jlldl __ _
~ ' .-1'.forJOUrplrtk .... llnlndle,,....... ;-;~ . :; .. ; ; Just telephone today-or mail in the
~ ~: coupon below-to reserve seats for
;: ;: :· what -may well prove one of the most
~ ~ • important meetings of your Ille. If you ~ f can't attend the forum, call or write for ;: ~ i Keogh information. No charge « obli·
,; ;;. • ption, of course. i; ~; CaU Mn. LavUh at 541·1212. "1·1••· "~-----------------------------------~--------· )•7. '
• 'i: ,.,,....t Forum, Thursday, l'Hruary 11 at 8al-t ~,,;-tM roM••• ...... auh for yovr Kooth R.. i
.~.~ ,. lay Club, NawpOrt Beach, :
'~'-•--· I ' """" . . I • 1: !~ ~~Add .... •------------~ ~~ Otr•statt•----------L••---...
' ' :
' ' ' ' : ' :.t r-. ' f:-.potlon ------------. .._,. ~ ,.,, ... '
i: ~IERC•,
: :f. 1•1 NOllTH IJllOADWAY, SANTA ANA n7ll . ,1· '"•fl• 11 : 141·7171 l
f ~. ,_, ... IAUI 'r I f/f .. ,.IMI _,. ...... II ..... ..., i t_,...,,..._ ..... _"'."I"'-.. "-'
VOii~ MORef'•'WortJa
Arthritis. v· ti 1c ms
Gross State Product
Product.ion of goods and
services in CalHornla the
groas state product increased
6.9 percent in a year's time
to '97.71 billion in Januaey,
ace«dJni lo I report blued
today by The Bank o f
Personal and government
spendlna: showed a 1npt ad-
vance in the month, while
bualneu &pt.nd.lnJ for fixed in·
vestment decllned.
The output <lf the com-
modity producing industries,
which include manufacturing,
conatrucUon, agrlcu1ture, and
mlnin&, and actount for one
third of totol productlo.n, In-
creased 4.t percent in a year
,: .. ...................... , .... ~. ---*"--"' ..... .._._ No4topoll--ft•-........
1-~·~-------• --·--------·" tlchl, IUT-to -llitetrM pololl,
8ln -.. _ ... -• .-or . ..,
.,,. """"' "°"!\, -")'II. . ~·Nearty Everyone 'Listens' to landers PSA glws ,.0.. a Hit._
I '
' ,.
Wo~n-Offered Eqtial Pay ·A· '
.... (.\Ill -,. ... ~-.. pllt ... -•
llrlt Ibo II Br111i11 ~ I 7 7, Pb doll'* .-17 ti~ .. •IW, -__ elha(.,_ •.--.......... -~
1'81:. -......... ,... ., .... --... ' 'C.t•&..; ;,..JI. _,.... ............... ___ -
-...... ,... JI-. ,.,_..... •
co. • .. ..... .II:.. • -..
ID~ ~--mm•IDQ.ftar' '••a .... ,__ ••• , ! ... lar -wtll -"" ...
this.-. .. -. ·~~
Mut.ial ·Funds
W • S.luto Our
Loodor of tho Month
<a~ 01 lrtont,htJ . ,. 6e11orol Atont
Mt Iii. .,,._. llionlt ._., °'-· c•. .
C...••e+lc•t M•t.•I Uft
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=·~ =li i1
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~·-'-''~ t.
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=1tt • ~ltt ... -" !11 -a t~ :'; u
+·i.i -~ !~ ... . _ .. -· -· -s 1'1:
i-t ~
l~ -11 f.11 -11
' =\t
!J -· =9 !I
"'" "''"'
f I I
-~ I., W e.dnesday's -Closllig
" ....,_._c-. ..... ----------· ... -llil
Stock Exchange · List
.. -\~~ i11·ii; '~·i1aiibi;;
v.~ :i. ... ~ · e · llist ~'eWJJtg •I
I I.' "" I . • ·
~ I
llAllV ¥
• • . '
~ iioiw.D O'CONNOR :o>"ti NDf TIME/NEW TIME
.-· .. e:::--Ill (II).., r--••• Zs•'"" A (Jo)
' ·-.. -(Cl (10) .. .....~C-.·AllRI ..... Cllll ~· ........... .,... ....
" .
" . .
•liEllV G!!'f.tiN~pw * NEW.TllllE/N~llME ......... ici(IJ)
......... ~QO) __ , ...... ..,
11:11•-.......... ~
f:::•O ·---eaoo111•--111 ·-.... 1.My·-(ii'llN) •40 -· ci. ford. Rtt ·-· an.rnm...,...,111 ...... '""
-· ..... ...._. (-tdy)
•u ••--" .. -(-)'16-llolC. -• iilYTIME MOVID z.a---l
·· ~·•tct••rPtrtn(-*"> '48-0ll! '"": rntdt ...-. ' ~ ........ ___ uoow,... (-) -:!'•-.... 1111" (--...... -._
11 ~
,,. --... """" ...... -illr (od-11) ...
lllit11 .... -..... -· t -·-''"'" .::!:::.:~~!:
. ;
' • 4 .
' ' . . .
°"*» .. lltllllll:lln. ...... MISS PEACH
Qoonty "'"'"-' ~.W. s-M> . ' I ,.,Nf'I ...... ~ .. ,~
By Tom K. Ryan
By Al Smith
By Gn Arriola ... --....
By Mel ·----
OLD ACQU1'1NTANCE -Sally Field meets an old
friend while on a much needed vacation from th•
convent. Dwayne Hi~, sb~wn above :"1th Sally,
plays the .. parf'of the bid fiar.Je. Others m the 'aeg-
ment1 titled: ''The-Boyfrlend,0 are M~e Jledmond,
· Madeleine Sherwood, Al endro Rey and Shelley
Morrisoo .
ABC l..ongshot
HOLLVWOOD (UPI) -When ~'r.-1. c~ed its controversial new series, 'iTurn-on, 1t pointed
up the paradox end problem of the network, small-
est of the three major broedcasting orgaruzations.
The situation is that, as the underdog network,
' ABC·TV tries to break down the programming pat-
. lemB of its two larger competitors, CBS-TV 'and
NBC-TV, because ii cannot compete with the1D· on
their own terms. -' · .
In order to achieve this breakdown, ABC-TV
frequently lakes a gamble with longshol program-
ming,hoping a way-out show can turn into a ·very
hot fad that shakes things up, and draws attention,
and money, to the network.
''BATMAN,'' though short-lived, was .a 1ucce&-
ful gamble. So was "Shindig," a youth-oriented mu-
sic show. · This season, ABC·TV tried the Don Rickles aer·
ies, built aroWtd the comedian's insults. It tried
"The Uglleat Girl in Town/' about a boy who
dresses aa a female model. It triec:i''The Outcasll,"
about two cowboys, one black, the other white,: with
friction between them. At midseaaon , it tried "Turn-
on," with its fast topical humor end double entendre.
What wt have here, upon examination, ia tbe
paradox that an.es from ABC-TV's underdog prob-
lem. And this is the fact that the network, in lo'lnll
to chop down CBS-TV and NBC-TV, is going agawt
tho ·V.ain of the programming pattern that .has
made Its competitors rich, and Is a proved success.
~ THIS PATTERN, basically, Is that you do as
little u possible to cllsturb the comforting nature
of molt regular aeries for viewers-and save your
excitement end shake-it-up programming for spe-
cials. NBC-TV may have "Laugh-in," and CBS-TV
may have the Smothers brothers, bu~, otherwise,
they essentially follow the succes• pattern.
ABC-TV; on the other bend, has come up with
a number of series that-for better or worse, artiJ...
tlcally-have caused discomfort among viewers
who ~on't like to be shaken up as they sink bliss-
fully into their regular shows. As a result, the aeries
are making more waves than the specials curtenUy
-and while this may be satisfying on some counts,
II defies the commercial axiom : Don't disturb the
regular aud.lence.
BUT, YOU may ask, In regard to ABC-TV's
''Tum-on": What about NBC·TV's "Laugh-in" and
. CBS-TV's Smothers Brothers?
The dllierence 1' that both NBC-TV and CBS-
TV, In addition to being bigger and therefore more
confident, have bad considerable more experience
in handling this kind of controversial programming,
and dealing with reaction.
THE SMALLER ABC-TV, attempting to follow
the success of "Laugh-in" and the Smothers broth--
era, aimed to shake µp its regular series viewers
•lain last week when it introduced two new topical
humor shows: "Turn-on" and "What's It Alf About,
World ?"-<111d the ahakeup succeeded, then back·
As an indication of ABC-TV's plunge into COl>-
trovere:y, both these new shows, plus a third mtd-
seaaon premiere list week, the Tom Jones HOur,
had-on three successive nights-satirical barbs In
which the Catholic Church was the target.
Dennis tlae Memu!e
--; --=---~-----.. _.: .. ,------riil;;;r;.:.;;;;~;o;,;-~·,;;;=;;;..;;._..;._,. ~ ... ' . .. ............. .
:········-... ··-·-······-·· : NOW FOR THE nRST TIME, ; CllNTINDOUS P£RFORMAMa
! . :. '::: ~~~~-~.~~·'·~~~ .. y • ;;,,-.~ 'j)•:!!t~ ,.,..._,
llrdrlf wltolt laaUy!
Wiii DAYS AT 7 AND f :40
..... 111 ... .,.......,,
Omlr Sher\f e COLOR e '
,, " ·, .
·-n: ...... P# Wtll -°"" (o\al'tln 11$ Mitt H.tm '"THI WllCKINa
CUW" e COLO!!; e
Rory Cll'-e COLOR e
•o.t.nON'S DIYILS'"
EUZabetti Taylllr Mia Farro"'
.. Secret eer.-111"
Clint EeatwDod e COLOR e ·c...-· ... .,,.. ___ .. _.__ -• 847.Jlll
Rtl:MllMllHll fw .Adllltll
, Frint $l11atr1 • COLOR •
'TM D9ttcthe•
lt<Xlert W.lktr e COLOR e
"111'"5 .,... ..
·-11\ITll!llll .......... ,. .. , 0.11 M1rtl11 •I Mitt Httm
"1\11 WrMV., Ctn"
Rory Ctlhovfl e COLOR e "hft9•'• hwtt1•
REGULAR 'RICES .. -. "DOCTOR l;IO~ITTLli" -----...........
"Johnny Appl1111d"
cl 'l ,., .... ... ,, .. ......
·-· Ri01AllP CHAMBBlWN
'"44i --·-ONI SHOWING EACH nl
PlrULIA ... 7 CA.MILOT 1:41
Carson McCullers'
searching and sensitive
story of innoce~Ce Jost that
has become an ".enduring ..
-·' plus
•-'h•s• i.1ialians
-..VllllNA Ult ,.,,lfll _____ _ ---
Grand Reopening:
~bruary 14, 15, 16 •• , 5:30 • 10 p.m.
Tue" -R-c_, Rib of IHI ··-·--·--------------·----2.75
Wed . -lorltecuod Spare Rlba H-ali. .......... .%.50
Thun~Veal Scalloplnl ........................................ .%.75
Fri. -fr.,,, Fhll I• s-____ (Alli Woltnul
Set. --of Chlchoo 111 .. ----·----·-·----·---·----J.H Roast L09 of Lomb .................................... .1.H
Entrtss lnel\1111 Soup or TOlsed Grftn S.lld, 1'111111, V""lim
Roll, 81111W 11111 Btwtra;t.
Suodoy Mfot-1.95 ••• S..od 1Z to I p.m.
c.i1t1r .. -I .JS
CHll.DRIN'S ~Tl I 12 •nd undorl 1.75
Special New Yortc Steak ..... -. . 3.25,
1"'119111 Slrlllln ,..
PRIME CHOPl'ED SIRLOIN ................................. .1.65
OnlDrl ltlf!ot
CHICKEN ··----··-----............................................... .1.7S
Pen l"ttld, Dls!Oln!W
HEADED VEAL CUTLET .................................... 2.95
$P9(tliltt1 MlllMMI
( ROAST rllME Rll of IEEF .. (Ml .................. _ ... J.75
EXTlA CUT ............. " ............................... -............ 4.25
JUMIO PRAWNS ............. -.................. : ............. 1.H
~ Frlell wll!I COdilllll S.uct
TOI' SIRLOIN STEAK ................ _ ................... -... 4.75
l1'9fled U.S. CMkt
SIRLOIN STEAK -·----·--·--·----------·--·----------..-5.15 1'911111 New YW'A, .....,.,.,,.
AUSTIALIAN LOISTll TAIL -"·--·---_:__5,95 °""" kltW ! STEAK _, LOISTll COMIO ----,---·-.J...'-H
1701 ~ COU_Sl .DllVI -COSTA 1111¥ . . .
1 ....... Felrvl.., H ........ 1-~oe
./ •• I
. . I
Sax .Man .~K.tihi~· Top ·Soloist
"DAZILIN .. l 1011c1 YM 11~ It, 'rt•'ll 11.y11 •t•l11.,I••
h1r1 'R.011110 I Jull1t' ~•\ff tt.1 ••Y y11 .Ii.I 1Mf1rel"
-UPI ' ... ....,,, PK"ftllD,_;. ·--. ...
No ord~nary JbYe story .... ·
lrom Moni.be!lo Jll&b, with C<lola _.., .Killer School
wlnninl I b o lnlermedlate
category .
Now in Our Family:
Family Weekly
Crossword Puzzle
ACROSS 41 Klloc:t
4Z VmtlM
IOllfCI 43 El'llllie:ate •5-~,.Dmt 4t:C::
5D Hljluld ti••· 53 WJOf's
54111h-: 2 ..... 51 Swveyaf's
61 Fl11 •••• 1113/H
6Z ..... frot U Site of 40 Kind of
., Excesslvt famtd crap.,.,
enthusl11• colltfl• 42 E1Jtlnt
64 1111111.11 13 Crust 44 Slclll11t t•ll!'• 19 lnqulffd l11111dtllrt nick••• Zl llMt of 46 8ulldtf 65 Birds articles cf Glz•·
6' Elllu•y 2S .;._ A11at1es Prf1914 ,, Glllfnt• 2' Atvre1t 47 Eu,.,.. len;1t1: swan•
DOltf 1 words 49 Stllt
.27 Kry tnin· 50 Site of 1 P11Jldllt Ing group WW-ti
2 •=. .21 Vl1fonary b1ttlr.
' I of... n Mold 2 wonk 4 K ct• 30 Poetic 51 Expr•lllt J Ytllltlt pteposltlon of rtlltf
6 Pnw 31 Xlrid of 52 AcUI lt1km c.-go SJ N1U01MI ,,....__ YfSStl sy111bol
7, oatcltt , 32 C•e 55 Spoke• a AcclaT• ~ogether 56 fonn of ·t Stllitt _... n satiated '°-..IC:ltiol
11 •a•U 35 CfW!berry 57 Noirl •dint
llOJor •· • 59 T -lltW• "lll·bttd s:#fl'
Sni,m If ,..n 60 Sn If ow'
' ' I
Saturday and Sunday Open
.._..,...... __
,.,-._,.I WWW
i"'Wl .. 9a ... ' u a
. -.·-·-KAQUt:L Wt'LCH
---I ~· . • "' . --~Y D,a.y .roday_ •
. ..
e created and delivered anotlier fresli .edifipn ol. TTie Df(tLY PILOT . .
, ..
' .
llAND6 place lines or type, 1111 and cull i1!ie ;.,w ptatei \lied •.
picturea) into page forms as the daf• pri)duct beginl to
. VOLUME ii ~ ·~•hilt tbe Copy Deak. DAIL y ~!LOT Copy Desk 'Chier
Normon Andenan (right) aided by Tom Titus (blctgrpund) and other
copyruderl every ~day alfts, checks and edits mQre wire reports from
worldwide news . MrVicel 'than the. ayer age. wF'kly news mqilme pul>-
U!hea. Editors: IClll enough telephotos ta ·waIJpaw a living room every :u hwn .. ~poed, bcrn of ..perlence, helpo them·keep It all lrtsh, too.
• •
THE WORDS are ready. h1arjorie Jackson feeds them into a $25,ooo
computer, a DAILY PILOT investment In speed and accuracy, which~
a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the r81~. of
1,000 a secclld and punclles a new tape which will activate another m~e
for automatlcally setting type at high 1peed. The machines can set type
at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour.
MACIHNES hasten the processes or preparing p1aiea for 'prinllii( tho
pages of the newspeper. Here, Charles Haubrick (lorqrolmd) and Ed·
ward Quinn operate a casting machine which mokls curved P.1l&el to fit 1 onto high speed presses. The DAILY PILOT keeps in atock niOn than 4D
~dbapt. Compositor Arden Mala bury is· only one of a platoon of
: • wbo '1>uild" the newa pages under Jft!11Uft of deadllne1, work·
. iaa ~ tbe clock to bring readers the latest available Wormation tn tons or type meta.I which is Uled, melted down .. and u.ect apln in the ~
: :edit.ion during the day. · ·
Dil.M:BY of the -aaper ii I ..,... 9"111. ..... Cooftyor • corry
IJlrou&b the mllilroom wi.,, lllO)' .,. autom1UCl!ly Ued io
ol 50 and t<med to waJUng dr<ulation dlatrlct manogen (Uke
Boberts, shown here, r ight) who 'speed them via a 40-yetdcle
to carriers for delivery. Mailroom foreman George Araw: Oen )
lill crew can move 20,000 newspepen an hour.
continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day,
il!ODERN equipment l!eJpo, the icco<mUng department keep up with the
"ldday" pace at the DAILY PILOT. Even as lhe day's newspaper is
betng sped to its readers, Bonnie Chauvin begins reeding rlgures into a
computronic bookkeepin1 machine that helps keep lrac.k oC billings for
Adi and sub9criP.1ions. The machine, forerunner of a brace of computers
IOCM'I to be added, handJCs 5,000 account'! a monUa. .
' •
IJe •Now' \;Newspaper for All The· Co . .. '
f The ~~-Wing · Orange Coast '·· ·
' '
• .
. ..... ;_..,: ll'-'14\J-~-~ '
RAPID communicatioo is the name of the game. Supervisor Juanita Friy
and her crew Of 1•ackil0n" handle 1,000 transactions a week by phone,
resulting in publicalim of 5,000 claMlfled ads -words which help people
buy,. sell, rent or lease , •. even Hnd. lost dogs . Many of the DAILY
PILOT'S 1SO phone lines are plugged in here, the clas.illied advertising de-
partment, borne of "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines.
PICTURES, too, get fhe benefit of skilled , efficient handling by master
craftamen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images tQ a
sen.sitized metal plat.es which are used to reproduce lhe photos as read•
el'3 wlll see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a realty
close look at a negative which will be used to etch the image · on the
metal plate.
FINISHED PRODUCT ill checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chief,
even u high-speed presses continue lo roar at 60,000 impressions per hour
completing the day's run on press units which represent an invest ment of
SS.5 million. Eleven-man press crew \viii feed into tl1c5c machines the
equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long in
printing the DAILY PILOT this year.
ALM06T before tbe iok is dry, the product of oor busy dly LI lolled
deftly on your lawn or porch by one of our 7tlO newspaperboys who are
important ll.nks tn the chain of people it takes to bring you today's iitw3
and features today in the DAILY PILOT. And as our youn1 independent
~ts, Uke John Melton here. make their deliverlc11, we 're eearing
up tot IJlotber busy day -all 1,<XXI of us.
I I I I unities •
tiOUSiS '°' Sll~I HOUW l'OR SALi
I.;;..=====-':--...... ..._."':'.--===~ l~~~;;;;dl~OIM~O~Ooo~-~'"~r•~I ;;~;;~!I00~·~\1~0.0~-~,.,~1~1 ~~~~1tl~D-i01w~•i..i~~· ~· ~~' ~12000~ N"!P"" llMoll , . 1• ...... ,_,.....,.. l:IOO H. :.; HARBOn v""' 11111o • ..-: . . ' Hwl AO •Di~ '"bh, ..,..~A l~lbllful ~ir0iii1t' j•• avie.:.r ... ~i.i-·o..w 'MINl·CUTI. "AMlk\'•ll•
......... • ··-............ """-·-Doll -"' ,.nWula w1 .. llWtdllf •• a..;i-: • -Ywr Mllmo lo · . •lnlllc roqm. iamu; -po1n1; ---, -•wllllllamlo111*1a RANCHO L4 CUt:STA at Broolth111'1t le: ,.t-,.,,.,.,. lawldr>, room. ud a b1111 baUw. &aplo..•, ..... -.c-i.t;.
OOPS!! '
Jania. in Hunijngton Bach. we· lh~ we ~ Ja j " Yard !\111'1 W)dlcaPld. ·1:o-... ,,.. ..,_ Nnr ..,.._ ~ ....,. . lo
bad all OUf new ~OIDIO ll!lld but -at Out • ~ • ttU... Location '"' Wbllt no1 ud pu1o11c beo<:b. A -··°"1 lll:tllt· 16th t. Tuatin -Co1t1 Ml,. buyers bas been lrllllferred le: we m~ell · tn · if e· SaU. Way. Ml.IOO. ,_ Je .. .i . ..,...,. l<0.200. '°""•-.nu •v
Excellent locaUon, near schools, shopping this home immedlatel7. This San el -tot ..,·c • o.... llt a Svn .. 1-5 , ., ... ~,...., ~
and beach. Only a few left. Buy now while model ls a beautllul 2 slOl)I home lea 1 : O'IN ~OUll DAl~Y 1t t• ·p,M. Tho llllfh 2)21 Mire""' o... an. Ulll· ... EWo.,Ullple
interest rates are only ~ --4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, formal ~g 101-105 LIM1 Iola Drift. Now"°" ... ch "LINDA" IUIUt.WHl'JE, ""'* Y"'llf ftw••' fa.;,,;
7'1• wlfh 211'/o down -7V:i% with 111'/. Dn. room, laniilyroom with a real fireplace, al°"' . · ' Showft ~ '"""""""' s BR. 2 Ball» On ..,.. '°°1 N•'7"' Bl.d., NJl. -l !'!I! I~ ~
no 2nd-no poinfl-29 yrs on boionc• Irle built-In jtiteben, luxurious · green lbaC 'apvo .11• •'TY -belt ~d ..,., .,,._ a: ... .a.2253 -:....l ~l "-.•, carpets thiougbout. Tllo outside includei · • ~ • •--·" · ~~ ' -. · 3 llR S ball!" l""•'!I "' Prl~ed from $30,850 to $33,950 shake roof & concrete driveway. Gr••lous 3621 1 • .c..ot Hwy., C4M ' l1W"9 Many exlru. Shown "'a> . trpie; bl!Arw 16' ' -l!l!!!!!!!I!!!!!!! I polntment. , •--L Leo¥ down l .. wnt E I • ... liv~· for onl~.$31,800 with 10% dowti: Jm. Ownor • ...,111 ,. ........ .•. ,._h °""'"" ·~• """' . xc us1ve '""tllent • · • t Call rwu1 """"' -- ---..._ ··-....,... ,,.., m e occupancy. ·--•• or ..,.. . . Coote Mo.1 11.. IEAUTIFUL • Fii.Of U...., ,,;.... •.. • "' . ' p. a. palmer incorporated 1338 any day from lO to 8· . · · · VALt:HTJNJ QUALITY NOMI 1"al)ll;baacl\r L11i>leuln1 T!IADIW!~Dt•lltft ;.
3377 VIA LIDO . 1 1 ' """' .............. 1n 11111 Talios Time ' ' 9" ~ Fam ""'"~ aa. s liR -.;... Ille..,, ..,_ ·: SPACIOUS.CUSTOM· MME COMM' lJ1ID 'n1ceNewpo.-tHeiahi.home. xtnl ...._ ~ lUOt! """llllt•llttle.1'!£,~ '"THll ·IClft'i " ,. Tra ct Ph : 540-5113 From L.A. Colt MA s.aoS4 nm; s bedroomo, -"""1. lo-. ud ,...'U -U> Ow nu. ~ OPl:N ",...i lll!>Olllll ~-q · "'I . •
FOUR BEDROOM, tw0 bath -. • .patio ~ entertalnlnc your )'OU? hlu1 1o tbt cheery HOUSE'SAT'A IUN •. , ' · ~ rfPt, And ~tiod. ii a-Shike root bffuc:Y. JarM.~ ~;:
lack Boy Monslon
Five bedi-ooms, three baths,
Dream home built for a dis-
criminating executive and
his deserving fllfllily. De-
lighUul decor. Large living
room. huge family room.
Landtcaped with an e)·c
to"·ards beauty arid easy
maintenance. Located on
quiet cul-de-sac :ilreet. I!
YoU can aflord a $36,000
Dream home, you'd better
see this today. G.J. NO
DOWN! I Submit yoW" small-
er home on our guarantee
a.I@ plan.
Walker & Lee
2043 Westcliff Dr.
646-ml Open Eves.
Easy access for boat or trail-
er, 3 BR 2 bath, hardwood
fl:oora:. VA or FHA $187 per
tDo PllYI all.
Newport ,,
:lxceplional View
3 Bedroom
An oulstanding split • level
home rid!ly appointed with
Jarte wet bar. Bayside pat·
lo. lmmediat@ occupancy.
.................... $47,500
Walter Haase
CA!ldwell, Buker & Co.
1111 .. c.... ""'"''' ............ caf'*-11
Kl N»l ~-
125 ....
lePIJ'S.ll! dlnirv room home 132" fnlnta,ie on~ Blvd. aue•tt ott of. Jcltct)en &nd IA wumth ol tltia 3 BR. home. LOVELY 2 bdmL boltl~ ... OllJ ~ptlonal. -ner k>l. ~3_~Ptt;,.. ,
with B/I Electric kitchen. in Huntlnaton &Keh. Prime Overalzed double ,uilp. l::ldft. ~ includes tile 6 blocks from tbe waJer. 'Ult' WHITI, lte•ttor :~~~"&,7Q ~-= 'll'r
Beautiful pane~, carpetl location with Iota of room Walle to .choolll. $43,500. tnt171hf"cai."Petinallarle Out ot town owner ...,.all ~Newport,mvd .• N1f', hOme 0_f.r ""''lrl01. GI .ti. J..,.
and drapes tbnHJut eorpu for paridn& for &l\Y com-makes thla unklut .tamil,y ~·Pl-: ft>r .~ !ti-quick aale. Nlce .)lard A 67J.4AI lye •• A7J.:olst l'JlA te;:_, i .. • . · . P &I.•
lot, breeze way, detached mtrclal endeaYOl", home yours. IUi:e ,,... ad . ....,,SOO IU'IP· only ~~~O!... K8ull P•ul JIMI It'.. II 'II.I" Charming 3 bedroom or 2
bedroom le. den. 1%. baths.
'fireplace, carpets &: drapt3,
built·in &: fl:lrttd. air heat.
This weli landscaped home
can be fouM on a huge R2
lot with a very large fenc-
ct'. back yard, with room ror
R boat, camper, or build a
rental unit! It h'.al a. paYed
alley. eatraoce for euy ao.
cess. Location ill twit about
perfect, l'Ai blks to 'Newport
grade scbool, and only 2 blb
to new city park, Ea.st 11th
street and Westclill sbo~
p~ and two other scboala
within walkillc distance. For
appointment to tiee. write:
'""''udeuya=ufrom $92,500• 29•/o • ..._. ~ Co .. llealton. -• 1<7·1"' Evn 141 nr•
•""'•ir.et10,.uyanl.Thll . d ~ TY 3 BR. H""' lam nn. l!I Ll4e ltla US11::=:::...-..::.;;:.::..;.:.;.:
horn• i. ld"llY looaled ;,, OWll ·-• _ -· . BA. Nr Marlnen Padr, -· VA• ..... .Jo':W1' , '
EASTSIDE OOSTA MESA Mewport R E A L T Y MU Eul Coast Hwy. \r ntcllft· Plua. Ex cillnd;· • '"'
.,..,. Wood!.,,. Elm<nl.,,., 2020 \V. Balboa Blvd., J<.B. o.-ooa dd. MM ""'7'5 lenoed ,.,,.. 0 wn e r. 2 losf lllJI er ;...,,.,. 00. K~ 'JiA: .I..
Kaber Junior High and St. 67.s.4000 . 646-8731 4 "Bedrooml, with 2'bathl. a. BR,~~' fU'll\e ~. 1· Joachim Catholic Olurch ._ _, s BR W -v. a · ~ ---ARE "!"£',f:ol !Iv· • ·-. ..... ..,..; lot, -"" ""'m. hd ·no.... I ~C:=~=1.be80! WTSID£ BEAUTY il1'.ma. Maislve t '1tory Baloo.. Covea. J.to,.ooo . \aratft.mU,andP9(!1.0nb' ~.newJy·patn1~ . ··a ~ Ow will bOnle with tormaI dinUls Prefer trade for acrtlO or • $59,500 • aood tcnna . !)Ut, ~.;..ea-~ , , , , . ~ sum..... ntr carry a . . room, family ,room. d®ble wW conJlder othv •. IG;Tm. , _ .. · .B~ ;r''·
2ndT.D.tor qualiliedbuyer. Amuatl!:l.we.Tri-leve1,3 BR ftr t pla ce,awq..roµnd •BAY VIEW I'• w ti'-3 'Bdrma +'Maldl ':Rm &: 847..a531 ', · _ :Us:iJ~1~J>~}~~ + tamll,y room, 2~i b&thl, drive &: ov,~ tol, A x 195• ,vi pla111. \lf,900. }lathl~tree.abad~!oUthPa-ll~· . .i •. ~ .f
fireplue, O.o u b • e padol. Utile bit ol evecytJl,lna" 1for Owner ~72G. ·sa-Qrr · tlo, newly dec:Orated • nn-•r-v•
"'"'·""· .,.,..., .......... "'·""'·CALL AL. BUCK ' mec1i.topoaeulonor1'uel .. $"5·$1t' ~ §.'
1. 4rvea, automatlc,prqe srns1 Herltqe !teal Newport Helthts 1211 optieri. ' · '. · -4 BR, ~A 2 1 ~"ft' j
door ' optnet 1£ ,sp~ers Eltate $60,600 ·· tood ·U!rms 1«S0·111 ft, te U50tfll 1'lw '
tnml • ... ,,Coll..,.. tn ..e. <XX>L POOL • TWO STORY. y __ lllvlfotf : """ ''"""""' • paint. V ...... QoPlll ' $32 500' Wor < BR home .. hua• 01 -• ~ °' >.-67>'41'1 ,m. • , Private Party
""' P6l2 Dally Pilot
Fee 1imple ~ eP;r chan-
nel a ~an. rfod• attrac-
tive '°"'l?Uc&o,1 3 bed-
room•, 2 baths dM:tt uniL
Forced air bn.t, Jlrtplaces,
electric ldtchinsl $49,500.
220! 11\a' llMlll Coll tor "'" ~ u>d
"!i!iiE!i!""ii'·iiCal!iii• .... Mi!miiiii 1 .,
,1. 10
• BONUS ROOM. . rill I to wped lhl• """' ol>]a • . -• . HArFDAL Riiy Ne~ cirpeled 11Unl:en l ·lv0IJ\I home2BRltden,1%ba~ . W,9ft14m8tj ..
.. ,....... room, all buUt-lmi ' In ex-kitchen bJ.t·lU. .Jarae l1<ie Qnwtoiy, Bernlud& like ,
WHAT A BUY cAUio sAsm it
Vtcltrla ..
celltnt residential 8: re a. trptc. Summer ta ~ mme. 3 Bd';"'"3 ba,.1 Pier/aiJ.p, _.;;.o .... --'....;;.; ·-~
Walk to 11chools Ir. shoppln&. and thia already has a ~ GorzMUI Ba,)' te~lce a: beau
Prl<.'t'd_ tor lrnmediatt ~e $28,500 ' ·private prden, 1245,000
11 $35,750. CALL 546-llfil ... R. 'C GllEEJ\, Jteally '
• (open eves) Herttare Real A. ¥11-' . ~ Vta Ulfo. S\dte 21:»
FabulOWI new View Home outs~ 3 BR 2 bath In beautiful Cameo Sh~• R E A L 1 y
home -with beautiful 3 Bedrooms, 3 baths 2(rJ5 W. Balboa vd., N.B.
Palos \'erdt! stone lire-includlnt spa.ciom 67
place l:'pinelled walied mutt!T SUit@
-----"7"-Eot&le r.-""'' LldO i!Ulldirc . ~
Cozy Ii 'WAllM -· Va,. 1111 Near NB ':,!,A ~,r !..-(£1,, £...;.JE.J livin& room. Has GI 19.fl:e view famil,y nn
loan With Sll-4 per with bar and !iteplace m~tb paymenu:. Full 1unn,y light kitchen
price $22, 750. sprinklered )'ard 'vi th pool
COATS rcf.riieralor. wasber, dryer
& and auto/garage door
WALLAC! included at SllS,!XXI
REAL TORS Call Kent Kinpley
. S4M141-Res: 540-8812
COpen Enn;n9'l HAl'l•Ol'I
john macnab
Exquisite Dover S ho re s ThrH Wishes
home, l Bedrooms, family · rm Lanai nn beautiful in-It peace, comfort location ~-1 . • 1 1 _ _.__ are important to )'OU, look te,..,,, ex eltSlve Y anu.:K:ap-thl1 over. Convenient to
cd, room for pool, Sunken N -• H . h 1 -~
. . h 1 .1 @w_,. e 1 a s _. ...... Ml!£: rm, uge mas er sw c. school. and all ho izw 2 Priced $115,00'.l. blka to new :.JP o;ey
$ZS,500; and all these "plus"
ii this 2 BR, home nett
Newport ll@la:hll M lbort -
r~ traffic 1tre@t. Good 1ize
R·2 lot fOf tuture poU!ntlal.
* OPEN HOUSE • Lowly Spack>ul 2 Bil, 'i ba homei '" -
S BR. 2 BA, fam rm. New Thbl OM Hu modern Spaniah decor,.JP UJUM IMd. fl;)
lhaa crpt'a: bltn1. Beaut INDMDUALJTYI 11teluded. corner lclt ,$61,500 1'o1t · Th •1 ~ 1•1•
ln4lcpd w/ 1pmklr aya; s Br. 2 Ba. New crpt1, drps, LIDO AIALTY, INC. bUYft-\\.'e ha.Je~ J.1.Ulii ,~.
boat ator. ~.900. Owner. bltns. 1400 aq n. Forced S400 Vto."LklO -6TJ..mo Jtoyaie ·Pentmu.'~--,,;. * 546-2830 air ht'r. Ott. dbl Ill' t.quna. DcCorate4 W·'l.' 1 ....
BARGAIN PRICED! w/ele< openrr, alley ... loyfrlftt Du-'-·-H. -S"'bdt:ni. ,, /d·
J Hup BR, 2 ~ca. Only ce115• By Owner $34,5m. SJ.~000 • 2-~~ priced at fl'S,000. ~1$'1~ t ,•
$3000, u1ume 811'% loan. Prine only. 642--e167 $115;000. 3 BR I Two BR'• dear. Owner 'will
Total pymnt '190 mo, full 1215 "'Ith Ftreolaces carrytn& lit fNlt,6"d. Oii: price ;2-1,500. o \V n er , lelboa Covu Walk1r· leatty . Je.tt, ...,. J_. l\llSfio,
Near NB Poet O!e. 648-241-4 5t>TB22 BAYFRONT with bolt lltp. Ull Via Lido '• ttl5G)O ~ 2G01 "; ~ ...... :· 1 l !!!O!l!!!!!O'!"~!!!!!!!!O'!"'•l•!l!l~j!"~~:;;'!;"'_. DELIGHTFUL 3 BR, 2 BA. large 4 bdrm ,J bl,. .,,C. , N.B. ~ "" ' ~ .:~
This Valentine A tam. A.seume 5%% loan min. dwn $2(0). 52S-l10D ' BY Owntr 2 br. I ba. trplc. lttame Utllh -j.,
ffia.y just 1urprlse· her! Give or T By O\~. 5f&..1170 --· · · •. 1.... bit'"~ Playrm. ,I: bl.. Beal
H~lp;ll S.-felt 1 ~:-
Ne S I h her red country club atmo• ...,--· -.-!!!!hore1 ... Udo bUy. $44$. Loe. en oe.lwld4 crf·Jtw71 .• wpo 111n s ..,. .. In MHa v ..... A OM _,.rt llach 1200 . OWNER • . :;..m•l 6l>li023 JIO, ydi '""' lla<I!. , .... ~ ' I 1tory, bl& 4 BA, 3 b&th. din-• B'r ··", • if Lot-$47,JOI AJ)t. unlti', ''needs ·~··~;·
Landscaped,:' 2239 llQ. ft. in&' room and fa"muy n::iom If •I 3 Bdr1n. 2 Ba. Bean1ed cell· Small, QCat "3 Br, 1 "-Ba. rood pntn.J. clfl:JIUP..r-JO! '
home on~' c6mer lot. '"'"'rise-PGol 1lic yam•"•• A9t __ h. lngs, lr; enclosed patio. "' '-'• n... 1~--~ .........,.,., iuco•""••W'Y'. ' .. · ..,._ 1111~ F' ' d al he t' 2 rtvlie •1e1f • ..., ,.--.,ner. ·~ ,.,....., .. _w, ,,~· ::..:;,,:-;; 4 bdrm, I · ,nn, ele~. two tireplacea, new 1Uih av. ---, oiec r a a. P., 1 • . CEEDINGSlO,OIXtN"f'"'_, • ..
kitchen. ciwtom lt@reo l: ocado deep 1hq carpetiJW. J bC!acl~~· $35,900. LY' ,Price tlt.9li0 '
vacuum sylfem throughout It' rtadY for tM most dil-IJN 2':...a Crestvl!!IY Dr. Hunt1n~ 1Mch'1400 · · • · · ... '::
home. CrptJ,'dt111 complet@, «'~nlni: buytT. Priced . al ~ ,, ,, Ma-2987 for appointment·< GJ.W'N~I $itJi Dn.; -~o:,.~~ ' ~ !•
near all~· $00.000 $40,950.00 -J~ down. The J/Uu;,.._... 1240 Jlo0m¥ .3 BR 1'6 baths, FA LOWER i ~llfY ••
Own!!r. \i ~aJ.stattr1 • 646-nn, r_W#_;.,. lack lay , !:!'te L-:, ;, ~g; ~tr!\..,~·
• 11 ; ' Hoo Cash 11-, " $17,71 room • lhe ldlehto ta a <le-oceon vltw tot; Jlo\lt
(714) 642-8235 features. 3 bedrooms, 2
'Who Likes Children? 881 Dover Drive, Suite 101 bBths, fireplace, cptil. and
Nearly everyone. So if your l\1"acco Realty Co. 'Bldg. drapes, double garage, con.
future is tied to the kids Newport Beacl-• '!!'!!~I crele drive, large f@~
convenicru.'t!, & protection, ==!! ~ back yan:i on 50xll0 Fr. R·2
here'~ a 3 bedroom home W Id Y Bel' ·LOT, There Is not to much
on eastilide Costa Mesa, only OU OU leYe available in this part of l~~ blks to Newport Heiants caal.lld@ c .M. Hurry. OWN-
grade school. Large fenced It's imPoaSible • onJy $25.900 ER, &17-4980.
back yard with alley en. for this modem 4 BR 2 [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
2 BR DUPLEX tnnce. Fireplace, built-ins, bath home. Has built-ins.
cptJ &: drapes, 11,( bath&-For fireplace. avocado gt'ftA
appointment l.o see \\'/'v carpets, fine drapes,
HARRY BOGGS c:overed aJuminum pallo ~e 900 IQ ft units with m-
roont for boal VA I F1-1A closed 1arages & in @xccl-
REALTY 1emia. lent condition. C:Orncr loca-
171.99 Brookhurst lion near schools .& sho~
96U631 968-35<li pln1. 0wl'W!r a.sking I'\ I t • \\ 111 1 I .,,.,j \1/\\11 \\ Extro Spoclcil $24,000
)l ' ' I l ' < '1 ~ly brlaht and cheerful
kitchen with satin \\YX>d fin-1003 Bakef. C.M. ~
ished cabinets. 3 queen sized ...,,....,,,....,. ...... ...,,..[
bedroom1 plus 1 14 baths. A
wall of gl&as over loo~
your own covtred gard@n
palio. Larae park like comer
lot. Best of all only $21. 750.
P E l=ll=lDN
Colesworthy & Co.
1904 Harbor Blvd.
C.M; 64'J.7777
Open Eves.
Move ln tomom>W-now vtl.•
cant. Priced for nnmedlate
aale At $29,500 -name YoUr
tenn11. Immaculate condition
double patio, \v/1v carpets,
family room. all built-iris &
qultt residential area. CALL
J.ACK 11.MtMONO 540-1151
(open eves) Heritage RClll
Pretty Pool Home
N1wport -$21,500.
0\1.nnllll livlna room wUh 1.
complete wa.11 of Ul'ltd brick
f~plaoe ~ klna silled
bedrooml, dinll!I, 2 teP&Rle
balhl. ' llttpla"'9, famlly
mom, built.in appliances.
N@ar \-V@stcliU tboppitw".
TARB!LL 2'55 HtrbOr
an 3 tota. AdJ•cmt to ~
..... 1155.000.
lllboo 11111 111111 Ct.
700 E. Balboa Wvd., BaJboa
Harbor Highlands ·.1, ....... , ~~·.
Newpolt Booch * 642.1n1 AnY!lme *
-4 BR 2~ baths, huge Uvlnz
room with fireplace, all Move In
buut.1n ldtcb@n, hardwood T morTO· w
floors, completely Carpi!!~ 0
& dt'llped, dble aaraa:e. f>ric-Hua:e 2 1ty .·Cape Cod. 11
Ready for you. 3 Jarie bed-
rooms, den or nunpm room.
Excellent tenns -with 20%
dn. only $2'Z5/mo. Priced tor
cd to sell .fa.st!
Rltr. 646.3928 or 642--0185
-CAPE--000--CH--.. ~-n-I action al 138,000,
'u'"'"'""""" .. f'il1p" ,~,m=·. ;;.'ll,.m .= 1!~ SPRING
IMXne. Deluxe k-1 t c h en 911' ...,,,..,. AT ""'
ovcrlookirig ~utlfW 1 ... 1\JW\.IJ!'
WO v ' "a•"~.-H i:-arden, Jluge llX16' Rr. •u'mr
SHOP. ExceDent~ locallon 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M.
adjacent Dover Shortt. li'ee
flimpiC k>t 90x128. $69,500.
Jean Smith Realtor HlllJO llumpus
400 E. 17lh s"'"' lloom
Coslll Mr.sa, TI4: 646-3%>5 4 BR home 1'6. batb1 hard-
Do You WOftdtr?-"'Ood ~ doublt Praae.
which area ii just r:l&bt. It $25,000.
might be HaMcrelt in thi1
neat, bright and W1'1 clean W1ll.,.McC1rdJe, Rltra.
3 BR big family home. Jusl UlO Newport Blvd., C.M.
freshly painted lnllde and 548-1129 Ewa. 644-0684
out. Priced at ody $2-4,llO.OO
F1exlblc ''""'-The Real DOVER SHORES
Eltaters, 54&.ZSU, &46-ttn. Oelflned &: built by ·IVAN
WELLS. u-for """' Seashore D..iox ... •el-. VIEW. 4
Excellent for lfkXlml 1; Bttrm&. 3 bah, atrium.
wrt......r. Roy J . Wtnl ~·· 137,950 • S(.toOO c!owo Ulayetal Ollloil •
Geora• WlllNimoon JIG -Dr. 646-~ Rctltor OWNER anxioull,._ Make: of.
-----·-----. 6'3-4140
1.,. .. !!!!l!--B!!!!l!!t!!' [ 2 LAND Mf•O-. -deal t• In town. r
Evt!a. 673-1584 fer. Nt Back 817, ~
3 ~ 1l ha, fam rm. Qul@t
alrctt. Asaume 5~% loan.
2D Redlands
DAILY PlLOTWANT ADST + &l&DO -t-Rltr -Ml :J.2222
I ·, '
Ho 'Iii I om• r-· -/ • lllh• w11> built.In' ~ ,.;,in-~~~ mo, .. , ftC Wantl two homea on one lot Charm1~ 2 BR. olde'r Mme. d'-... ···"""" •-M .!:".:'''::..=
2 blocka"~pan ·wtth qul@t Easlltd@ o.taJdtu: Frple.~'twlwoed tlOon.-mod-.::·a ·o;~~~·~-= -• ~ . ,
oil well ~l!Ul' back: yard, f'Rll !VALUATION rfilt';;,.,.r , err. kitchen, Larrc wooded these term•,., call now. Lltvftll! f'1 l
tlett1ric Ydl ~ per month rl;,J co1'nt!r loL -' ,...., :::i"~~w: ica;::.·~rt -c IGollll J ~!t -.!,:;;: ""' lovell '2 BR + ..,,,., ' · . ........ I M 12"' "' exc!"'1vl .....,,... .• 2 baths. plaster, hdwd nn. R1 .._. , C•rona ff ar -.mt• «lllU~~ , . \tfHtdlff Vint ,. .....,
·-""'· lllllO .... w!lh "'1joy ti~ ""'"' View Income ,,_.,,,, CUL DE SAC waler "'"'"" •i-i:w, -'U $5800 potel)tial yearly In-14J lrMCf~ 645-0111 -r--doors; 1 yr. new. J2114 ,
come. Price $3!),500, pJusc Eves... 646-457' from the bal<.'Ony of thil 2 ~R Home, frplc i: 1 BR ~~~,.,.,,.,on·:: ~ "4%. kd:1 ~hiii-'9.f .'_,
caU Kermit ruw with Far-4 ._ ... _ _,:. $2l --iv• .. "tcllll"""""H~ !'Urn Un.It., $4519:· . 1Me, J'cna:~ , -.:W. "l'li;',. t •~"".t1· ~1 row ReaJty ~·-11• ~ .~n '"" Orante Ce11t r-ropetty Uy rwm. Ne1rJy carpeted. · fi;J;# n
&4&-449f or MG-2759 ·~~:~ iu:~:: b~~o~a;e~!4u:!, J.12 Aflf'IU'rllc, C4M I~ ~<IJOOOU.S wanll oft. "cJ,iatreP*ifiii-"'\Ji ~i~ · •~ ,_ N er NOW. $21,IOO. '~
Fl •-~ tio in pneroUI ,,_. Yard. .111 ewport'• tinl!st ll"t!a. IUftJt.1 WHITI, 'Reettw D\1Pl.!:X 1t-1~ >'
vo ..... rooms boat ""'"· ~t120 """'"' """""""' "' NOW'S . THE ' , m e. tin<', tee. co.iiii.il! •· ""'
6'wllfw Ba'"'''"'' bom• TARIELL.2155 Herber '""'""'' landxaplnz .~';';"'l'!o"'Ml':m1 c6mo. RMIW'M~
wllh !0••'1 pool. I """" • lnclOOJrc pine~ palm-· Tl"1E FOil ' -... ' ~~'I '41 ::
'"!table for ,..;··· room. Coot ~-1100 u wdJ •• .wtmm"'f pool "'UICK "ASH . 116 ,.-.r. VON"t JUm, .... .:., ,.;. ' ; D-cdlent Ant.Jaut. Way ~ • n-.. and recreation area • ""' , .,. IM'K "'-'-·· ;---:..-i
cation. Don't miss this one. $36,.500 THllOUAM A .... ,.. ID ~ · .. •
&. frnd' ~-~llo• "'-ft· (ll~t w 4 BR l'' ba. "' ~·-ital-. , , . !ind pl ...., !J! ... A ,... __ .,. _.,. . ,.. . · ,......, 41.)'.) o,111JDM! .,...._ 1 t rno,. -er nolhlhfu,..,; preter, -DAILY PILOT · .......i -.,. ••d °""' · ; •.
388 E. 17th St., C.M. 1-are a qulllftld vetln.n. ~ $21,500. U F1hllncln ... J • [!LU. .. ~~ t
Realt<n 646-7755 l\al1 neat, laip • • 1am l'llOl'SllTI• WANT AD II. D. ILATIS1 Rlfr. • •· · ".
mt, walJdrw distance to the (tlt)·tJMlll, ~J 9 , ~t1~ Wl-1389 ~«1. ~
DAVIDSON lloalty :~P",..!~~~: ,,_1•:::;:.w.,~~::1..; O.nerol :ioooo-,,1 o.l.erU.-:=:;::i;~ l STORY -~ "• " . 1 s 1111o , -1azp 1.., + ""' pr1ce iz. l!t!. I• . •41 -___..., ' I [ i-H:., :':;,,.~'.""-"' 1&_;,s:=.:..,. ~llTISTIC DUO ·, d~-o J11,a.i 1 ~~~~-:,._r_-
ru1r. mo -m. Cit GI ~u Smail •'!Pin °"' ~ 111 p~ J.'lltl ~J. ~ (/' _ f:
-• £w, '545ila w1111 .-,1q,match.,..., Solw •SimpleScroi"bW .'ll'oTc P,.iilf'for lleli!c4i•_1
OUptn Wlffllile ooa • ......,. .," n11act '--1--~
2 Bdrmo ...,.,_ ·w.. ... w. ' 11usnc . cHAlM ......... .,_ .... ~00·•· ,..,,,., .I ~ · J. ~:"-~.,;~"it!.500
Tllllef ... -..r.o,ba~ =~'t.,,::,"',:.m:;, ,.,.':"~ f ~;n=: l,_ .i .~~-i_..i II'~ ~·-:•-:r _, am..,,-ftio1n. t-wu _., Oct!an arid mkll. $35.000. R 11T11 NI , t I --· to "''°"" "'" ...,...., _, ~ IURI! WHITI llHltir . "' " .. · ..J.... -.:... Pinc •"' • • ·• •• • $15,950 non\leally prleed It ti1,950." ~..... N.B. ·t:lil~ GEHCO REAL'!'!' 642"""' OPIN SAT a SUM 2I01 Newport s:~ ...
4 IOd....,.. ...! $21,750 I· S .,,M. '1~ "°"' 17Ulff
a..Jt Ulce monthlY Pll)'ment! ... hMte, C.M. o.rxo.1 2 ballt. !ormal dinl'>I room. IURR WHiTE, llHt'
captlitd. spart.IH llht! a 2901 Nrwport !SMI. N l ,;t• _.... "pm" $40-177{1 " ... .,_.. -" TAl!ll!LL.nSS Hubor 67~ 1,,.._ 67Mlff FOUR BEDROOM -T•O •t . , ' ~ r,~ ~~~~=~~~ll•l!l:Zllll:lllifc:l==1. :-:.:~-""'..!: · JIT,UL •• Jf •' I< polltldin h ·lt l !OIW !._;· A~A ,r 21/2 ACRES M· 1 FllEI :llNT meat"'" .... bolruclltl-"!"° m~koo atoat__,,..,, " r u'
C.M. dole IO oertn. $160,IXX> Thit. ""lledroom houae plw o/. octan. Ooat 19 IOOd -. and WhO'I 1 afwayl · rtady • ~
cmb. Pltue c.lt Kmnlt duplex. lkw Urls and kt ~ Leuehokl $M,ODO. ,19y clown - -~ hll ...., ' , J 1 ltlal~ ,..,_Really "'" CU'l7 Iha food. Near IUl!ll WHITl, l!Hitw IHOYJCIC 1!'Y· ~·:• ~~.;.:,.;:~ ~.:::~~-= ·-«•=".""& ., ·.1 :1 "' ,r.t .~r.$!.z,;z;.:"'·11 ,
::"" ... ~ ~ ":' ~: ru·~ WHIT•. """"" CASUAL LIV• • mw.~= r r , r .r: r r. r r 1
......... MOllll .. l<l,900. ~il1'1""" 81.d .. ,11.B. CAN "' ...... In .. -• I °""""""' -m; '7 . ·-~~ .... A--,... + ·-UNICP~ rQIJI I I I 0 • 11 I I I JIR. 6 -D. A. Pt.,. ltnry '°"dad. -''I • • • • --.. •
-bave j ... _pteled IMMACULATE 3 bdrml. 1% r: :::":".' ~ ... .,.__, __ , :,~n!!~e':i"t: ~·=-~~ fl?~ !-!,t.t.l!J · 'scu..._~:.;.,ANSW81 IN CLAn .. tATIOll Jalml. VA ......... -----: . .,.. .. ,.
I i
p,eat location in Huntlng-
.., Beach on HamiJtonAve.
between Brookhurst and
Bushard -close to tbl! .......
Quality 3. + 4..bedrooml, , .• '! 1letbi. ...n obe st>ry
'.---K. From H'>,400, Month-~' ,....... -i; ..,,...... """' 12311.n -·~lnaP&I.,._~U>
l'f'alker I: Lee, salN Aaenla
; · •· Open 10 'til dUlk lally ..
,. . • -·· . •' ,· r
,, '
• r ..
Appoor in WMk1t1d Edition Only
(Dollvored Sltvrd1yo)
: -~DIME-A-LINE 2 LINES ................ 2 DIMES
~~: t _ 3 LINES .••..••..••••••• I DIMES, Etc. .. -
CLEAN Bachelor Apts.
All utll incl $75 up
31S E. Balboa Blvd.
BALBOA 673-9945
Huntington Bffch 4400
• Decorator tumi1hed, &hag
carpetlfl&:, sell cJnninl' OV•
en, rec facWdea & health
club e $17~ 1'1 BR. 2 BA. e Live the Callf.ornia We as
1t should be lived at
Brookhurst-N. of Adams
(TI4) 962-2981
l--No Item For ~Sale Over $25 * '=-; o1':::'°~"'/~
·'CASH ltA TE -Enclose your 41-, doll1n, chock or money order with
yourod. ~
per month. Water pd., no
pets, no chlldrtn, 816 Main
St., HB .. ApL 2 or 536--6347
-Fw your 1d to quollfy tho DIME·A·LINE rote, yeu MUST Include L19un1 lffch 4705
price In "For Sile" .t1 btcauM lnclOdlng prices lncNIMI mutts. . 2 BR. 2 Ba. Nicely dee.
Sor • I fl k i. of thl I I ~ Patio/Gar. Clo.w ;n. 1165 r-ry, commerc11 rm1 m1y not t1 ,• 1 .... 1nt1~ .. I spec• r.... mo, util pd. 538--2095 aft
.:... You m1y run " m11ny lines 11 you wish: If the coupon tfoH not 9lv1 :'..!•::m:,,..,.,-,,-----
:.\ •mple !lplct, print or type your ad on 1 piece of paper and mill It, to-Kt NT AL$
· ... hor with poymont In full (Or bring II In). Count 20 letten ind 1p1cn Atots-Unfurnllhod
. to .. ch llne and encloM • &me for eech llne. · ,,___ 1 5000 ~ . . ' ::~.:::1::r.:1:_ ___ .:;:.;;
Corona del Mar 5250 SINGLE garage with elecl:tlc
& water. Rent $25 mo. er
~ .,, will work out exchange for ~ dock , .. .,.. 1015 w. Bay Industrial R1t1t1I 6090
·"· Ave. 67J..4303 FOR lea¥ Lquna Nlpel, GARAGE. Single sW!. cen-ot! San Dleao }'Ny at Crown
ON TEN ACRD tra1 Eut 19th St. location. Valley, new commercial A:
1 1: 2 BR. Furn • Unfum Avail l.mmed. $18/010. call industrial units. Delta Elec-
!'C'plCll I Prt I Patioll I Jim Wood 546-5990 tric. Days • 831-1400.. Eves •
Pool&. Tennla • C.OOtDl'I Bk· 6000 c<::""1911:::.:::=:..· __ ---~ hL 9 hole Putt/Grffn. Income Pro~rty 3000 SQ ft warehouse 6: office
900 ... Lane, OIM ,.._>ID * EXCHANGE + 6000 "I tt pawd & """"'
(M'at!Artbv nr. O:iast Hwyl HAVE: 13 newer unit• $'Tl,OCX'.I yard. 1855 lquna Canyon
--------equity. WANT: la nd vacant Rd. (714) 49f-80li6 or (714)
Corolldo Apts. R.J Oraog• """"lv. .:,.._::...:""°~=~--=
2 BR. unfurn. Penthouua--* 16 Unit1 e $175,000 NOW LEASING • New M-1
street Jewla-atudlos. AD elPC. Annual gl'OSll $24,600 .. Near Induatrlal 1150 *f t C •
kitch, dlshwuhers; some Euclid & B.1U, Annhein1. Sl.55/mo. A&ent 642-1485
1rp1cs, w/w carp. Ir: drapes. * I Units • $n,soo NEW Indurtrial Re at·• 11
2 car carport. Pool. $170 to $8,000 down, 30% return. \Vill Near Harbor l Baktt. 1160
$200. Children 0.1{. 673-3318 exchange, Call Mr. Kraute~ Sq. Ft. l up. 540-4429
4102 E, C.oast Hwy, CdM or Mr. Fel'fUIOll. Investment N'Pl' Bch M·l warehou.es
FOR SALE OR LEASE CHANNEL Rttf 1 )T be DepL546 2313 450-1,000 911· It. for am.
Channel RHf $600 mo. 2 Br, 2 ba, • tractors. Reu. 642-2809
Penthousa Apta. Waterfront, boat slip. H.
u .. one space for 11ch ltttw, 1p(Ntctvlfion m1rk er space.
No Alllinvl1tlon1 * •• ..
$550 per mo. to rtliable par-~ 6'J5.-Ml3 1 .. +-4-l-+-+-ll--+--+-ll---l-+-4-+-+-l-l-+-4-I-ti~ only. Oet Sallabury =========I
. l-,+4-1-+-+~~+--+-~-l--+-l--l--+-l-l-+-+--1-1 Realtor. m.moo B.lbo. 5300
•! 1135; 1 BDRM.. mna ..
• w/w; UUlitiel paid •
Broker 534-69Sl ·lo.-.l--l--i--1--1~-+-+-l-l--h--h-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-'-=====:o===== .. ,~
BUSIEST m.ute'tplace In
C•1..tfted ll!dkrl. San
tnm'7, UJM-. effort. Look
Fun1r1l1 6412
Mortu1ry & C1motery .
Complete fun1r1l1
from $245
<:1m1tery lob
from $150
Includes Endowment Cir(
Ev9')'tblna; in one beautitul
place means lea cost.
No traffic problemL
lt801 Beacb., W~.er
531-1'1'25 m.2121
" '·
' '
' ;
' < .
' r
. • •
I •
' ' ..
' 9 . •
I '
Thundltr, ,-, U. 1
Sll VICI DIUCTOIY Sl lVICI DllllCTOllY JOIS a Uu'LO'!MIHJ JOU a 1 ¥1'1.0YMINT JOU a IMPl.OY ~~~~~~~~~~
o ..... ~ . '"'° llMllnt • ff50 Help W....W, 'MM 7200 I'"'' WllllM, -noo ~ Want.. . . '
J •lnOll Go....... llOOJ'ING REP.Ill!. ' ( ' -7400 _ 7400 ~:.=.~-· "'~..":a,.aman' ,J:='1tf · J Miintenance UNIGARI 1MMlb1A.TE •
a..>:AN-UP ~I ....... Snrl "'° M 1 ... .,.._ G..., Ol"INING ~ ~~odd~l!Pt -~-ila.Mlt',.,..irs •• ~tLONG LADY M ANA G ER, . . ':;;'
YAllD ,Claanup . '!'Ne -on a.ma u....,.1_ Groqp ta Celho ~:. EXjltrl-Artist ,.,' -· ...., law•i, *"*-* *I UPl'IRS ·• __ ._,...._ lllCe-111.,... service
,.., .. ..,-.~ Altoraff-Mt.St45 "-"' --~-... NII?.-• ,.....,_..,,.....llltl'Oll"""' -ry. Call hr op-' "'
.;....-'-""'"'---· _ f:erred. 0impetattw..... d!!m maintmanct. eom. Ol>tnlnc ·~ t/15/'tl • •m • 111• •m or 2 pm. ,..._ _ _,..,_ Gonorel Sotv'-1 l6a N•~ ._.,., "',,.. ..,. """'b. ~-;;_ :':...t..""'= !: 1or our now d!vlllon amc. ,.10:111-i..tw ... II ~~-v-:1::.~:.!!:S
CRYSTAL JAt!JTOlllAL a J ILi, c....ic 6'74 u. outatandllw -ta ...,. benollta and a.... H""""""" Seldl, !mt .a. 4 p.m. onl)r: Warren ,.. .._lodp ,
WhNdy1 Want? Whaddy1 Gel? Window a...ii.. O>mpl """"'"-proftl -· llltw'a !Or lbe rtihl .,.. lbe San Olllo 1"'1. Tllool DonlL 644-1700 l'm!ianent:
Sl'I CIAl. CLASS IF ICATION FOR joDitorlal ouvie.. ....... *'Verne. "'" Tile !ll.ul * son. pnoitlonl wlll roqWrl •-' :.:1' NATURAL IORN SWAl'PI RS .....,.. .. ........_ nw CUit.-. lllllall a_.... APPLY IN PERSON tralnln& period or ' ....,IN THE '4Mn1 or S.111!1>
S-111 R~ ........ 5IMTlt No lob "'° ....U. Ptamr 1l4oo. Frl 10 am te I pm •-I ~ In ""' Loo """'" ol!lce, "llf -• ~ ·~ P&ICI>. Laoldnr ••••or , . . ..,.,. ~ •• ..,... 1be ...,,.., -NEWPORTE R INN ' "' '.,. ,i' s Ll:.':.;:s_:i:-;;.;,~.:W ';.ET~"= nootr. 11'1-lllSl-6990 J, (, mY CO. Porsonntl Offlc. ;!,: ,.,. durina .... Newport loocll a.>;RK ~'~
~~"':.... ...... .: ... ":.... ~:::. :-..:,c HOme Sn'9k:e ·• Repair Up~,...,, U S D1"ven ··' ......oTHINo •C*·IAl.e-Tuo .. ONLY• ~ arwttme. 24 Fishlon llllnd . • • 1ftftlll\Bftauru i f
l'HON I 642-5671 HEATING I Alr Cond. 8'rv CZYKOSKJ 'S Clllltom An-··' .. ~~ Co Imm .. ··~ ........ ,_ In vrrv1uun11 t.;; To Pl-Yeur Tr·'·J1 Par·~,. •• U .......... Euro.pean ~=......=.:-v mpany ~•• ..,... .... 1 ''. __..-: _, -~ repair, allo Wathlr 6 Cr• ft• man• b I p. 100"-_,,__ the fellow Ing •N.11• RM' S -l YI' S
dl?er n,alr. •M br _,.. ~--'-. --·. ~-ta • Top "'"·----n t e 4._t CONTllACl'OR'Slleldol!loe M>-1231,.11'1.-·--•~ -•I--====::-::--~·~
-top c:olld., walnllt HAULJNG, ....._ __ ··--....... IG-1.SC.. llJl flllllBDl6 & 3323 w. w-er COD.NG Allies clerk In ...... 11caa:: paneled Interior, cupeM. _......,. __ ...., Newport mwd., CM. .lfllrrln •11• Elcperienoed or trainte in mdJe,. WUl train !"
11,0llO v11ut, -.., • • = ~ .... Jim .ioas • '""1>~o~MEN1 nuaVl116 Santa A1111 .,. w .. cunaley ........ SunlHe Colon1·11' .. ....... N•'"'~ w;bat baw 10Q. f m.am m.u n cal ~. Matti aptitude manntl'I am 11--i
Want omailer car w/.,,. 6 a ... oot Ganao/Yull Jab Wontod, Lffy 7020 -"' eoual -I>· --..,.. Wi:. ==,ai TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. N bf..
Bnut. appt'd. Priv. patio.
pOol. clole to pay. Val,
faet alr. T!ad< '64, .. 01.. .Ll~,! ~. POSITION Of o· ""' I Oranp °""'"' employ<r ConY1l-ent u ... ·•• ~' .. ~~ -31,
w1.,,.a1&otalr.+t10ii0 1-===-==== · ' """ 0 A-l4aDullclutft ACCOUNTING ...,. '·"'"' --~
.. tn JU acre nr Palm 1 • Nun1n& in ~ca.re Ap. Hu openirw tar a tab-11..1-""-·---.. 1 a u. ,(OJ., low dn. or' T.D.,
~ or t Owner 646.fi65t Sp......, B&ton. land SSB5. US H•uH,. · .. · · t7aG proved . Cor..,,.ale1een clwse t>'Pe individual 1a SERVICE Sta. Attendant. ~ •o to 50' aocunttty. rww VWJW1r-90 p ,..""'
--Hospital. RN C3 yr ~) their ab.lppi. atld reccivlnc Mtt:h. exp. nee. Salary + Some ~rience or ~t\lde ~ement. Top starting
~le! $26.~ hm. 2 It)'
I BR, 2 BA. patio, bl•tna.
Corner k>t nr Fairview A
mo. 5J6.ll31 YARD, Pl'· ~ ~ with Colleae •tbacq:rowxl. department Must baw re-. mtnm. Vil!. W/f!t83 aft ht with fiiure• helptul. Usbt-P•y. All ahJft1. · "
HOUSE Trailer~ pod trees, tvJ', truh, 'Slmnps, Experit:DCed u Dirtcn of cent exp• rt, 1 et. Send yr. RaY• Phllllpe 96. l90 customer contect. at-0440
Ba!mr. '"'· $2500 ...... for ' p...er.-
GE Electric ctothea Dry.
... Wre Qe'W tbrQ.ou.l Pink..
trade for Gu Cothes
~ in liJoe CGbdlticn. Call -Beach f bdrm borne
Century Inbrd., bu all
~ C.G. •PP· equip. + SIS RT. &Id new l1'00. 1wtnt .. price S<l91i. Trada
smaller boat 54&-9872
f'.';l,I. • Buick "82 in Stude. Power-apeed, Oean. For,
'!TW • Sand BtaY * WaJk. in
van GI' Roadsta-or f U582
Newpart Aw, 8.A. 5"-1591
ool bar: wbh took A..J. cond,
.~lf!d Qpr'QX $300. Tnde
for amall economJca) trans-
-890 Governor SL, C.M.
2 Fan Palml, approx lti °'
'111 Bond-Del. I: planted.
~ for boat, new toob:, rues. stereo or ? Palm.I I:
, De1iv<ry l'Oll val KI ""° 6.
* *
conll.; 3 bedroalu: mond grade, tr'mch., cXC&vate. Nuntnr. Pkue pboae rnume and aa1ary r1-S. O:lut Blvd, l.Agtma Bch
, only once; trade Jn)' eqtzi'1 962-8145. 5C8-&9'16 quirements to Box MA11 EXPERIENCED 0 NL Y ;
for -What have )'OU? Ha~ Cleanups GENER.AL Houlewotk. Ex-The Dalb' Pilot. SUrfboard J&Inn.ton, and
-Trlnlllidpa,Ti;.LReu. ......... RJ5. hr. pllaa SUrlboard -Apply
San Qemente Income 2 BIG JOHN • M2-4030 tramportatlon. l*-039 DAY 1916 Placentia, c.M.
stores • 2 lots 2 offtoel 2 UTE Haullnr a: de&nu.p. NURSE. Prtvate duty. DI.ya 1 b 2 or 3 Piece band. Must
Apia • Wm talle 1'0'1 °' ftqoooable. ""1 ana. only. Drive excellent Rel. US oys be 21. PAPA JOE'S 1184
smaller property. Make ott-~· ~1 Call eve1. 926-6054 Newport mvd. C.M. Set
er. Call . 4N-D52 Rueben
Ftnut 11ereo • Mannis 7, ~lunln9 6735 Domoaflc Hol, 7035 APPLY IN PERSON !:. ":lN-r ~.~:.: ~ HOJ1SECLEANING By the Georoe Alla B,.1uc! Aieney REUBEN'S "-<loo, Women 7300
tape, '611 RIDchml. day "" "-· Exp 6 -l'Jl>I F,. e KIYPUNCH e -··~ * reliable, own trallS • m . 100-8 E. lStb, SA 547..m95 COCO'S * --6G<ll38. • Cb1neoe -lnl. a.emu1 OPERATORS
HAVE:· • hw BR wtlta, 6 * APT. QJCANING * Permanent. EXperient'fld 1555 w. AUms Experienced Alpha I Num.
pnpl, 8 yn old: Room for Fut A tharou&b MUl.64 Far Eaat AeeDeY HM703 Cost• Mei• Loo&: t.mn ullsmnehta. more, $55,lm fuD price. WILLIAM.S OU1'llDI" SUV. d9311. Lorw Beach ana. Free WANT:-~ot1t1"bmlt RBERGW PLUG -· Bob otioh Rltr. 5*<i5110 Diocoul>t Oea•I., -Hoto W•ntecf. Mon noo KELLY SERVICES INC.
Coldapot R.etrtserator like Apt. • Carpets • Upholatery 230 E. 3td Street
• Fut Service 539--1'56 • & MOLD BUILDERS Lone Stach. callt. now, Gaa Ranp · w/""11. HOUSECitilillm. """'" POLICEMEN "13) <lUl9l ~~ ~ :: and dependahlt. $13.00 a $667 l o $10f_ ptl' mo. with experience tn bolts and Equal opportunity em;>loytt
HAVE: Improved C2 lot 11.:...-'T' IX 6740 AGE: 21-31. up to 35 with a~ See "Rick" at 2135 Canyon newpOrt . ;;dtamood;;:;:.,"':;..':.~:=.,::;,....,~ I=.,=· =llC-=mJ.=·°'"'==""'=· =·= Clll"ll. Mil.It have own toola. il
C.M. Value $30,0llO cloar. '" ,._.i expe""1ce. HEIGHT: Drive, Coota M ... or all nefSOOOei
WANT: Industrial hid&. th1I H. K. C.1 a r II: Acct& Serv. 5'8" minimum. WEIGHT: in 1, ... =-=====,.,..,~~ r ..... Will-. . -.... -............. tobeighl PHYS. PROFESSION AL Sal• agency
Dant.a RMlt:r O>. &Ct560 buaiDNa, )'tlUl' borne or ofc. ICAL REQUIREMENTS: Carter· Se&l'Chh:w tor man Profe11ion•I Service BAY1'RONT a...__""· .,,_, 21 yn ap, 1oc ftnn. ffiP IChool. pduate, Vllld to learn our bulinea and -.............; 2 .DU• gc...g]83 Or 145-a'lC eve• CaUt operatan littnle, U.S. handk u1n executive poai-for the employer
boa Com!, NB; eq. $52,«xl. citizen. Flle application at lion. 'I'ralnirv income pro. •nd the •ppllc•nt
'["""1for 'J'.-D.'•,..':.:.2~ or BE A Satisfied ctent with City Hall, 8200 Weatminlter vlded. College, l&le1 or 833 Dover Dr., N.B.
eue option. .......... """"I to HaJN Tax Serv\ce. 9th yr. Avt., Wntminlter, Calif.; busineu exp. M arr I e d . 642-3170 549-2743
broken. 675-4.331. locally, Avail. 12 mos. lllT 28th 1969 I ~~~~~~-=-· J.•--::-;;:~;:::"":~"' 33' Oirls. Exp, '56 . nr1nl Ro o a eve It Ws;y, Ol bdDre FebrUary ' 'I ·542-.5623. Ext. 321.
New survey, Al-Dbl Plank "Mack'' 5G-Znl. P·(·n•> ~ ext ~ e FRY COOK e See Betty Bruct at
MAH, DF; SIS outrta, dock e THE TAX ADVISORS WANTID m fl
etc. $75,000 or .Trd R..Ej Year round ofc. 328 No. I '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IQdfee Shop. D&Y lhttt 7 to 3 i~6 C..xec
Eqty, motor home, .? Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reu! p.m., 6 day week. Med.ttlna. Ag-for Career Girl!
64<.2>7< Call ......... .., appl c ·ma alt 30 ..... $211. lhl to ~--, A ~-~ ••111t be•·~ ... t and '10 W. O>ut Hwy .. N. B. SK,OUSEN TAX SERVICE ...... ai. .._..., What do you have to tr.de?
Liii It .... -In °"""
<l>cmlY'• -......... ... pool-... maloo . 4'al.
y.., b o m • • ReaoonOblo. OPPORTUNITY! ablo to ...... COIL Call By appoint &16-3939 ~ Norman M a n a Join tnd&)'I futelt lf'O"lnl 89:J.6815, 10 am to 2 pm onl.y. I "'!!!!l!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' .....,,. -·-I'm! aa!a Yount Mon Tr..,.I * 1J'H YEAR* No expertmee 11tcsm ,,.. 11 to 24 * A·l BI'ENO We train • Id _. pat time NEED three boys to travel
HARBOR SllOP'G amt. Mulvll l'und -_.., '8 atatn and return. Tram-* *
Help Wanted w-7400
m~ -appt. 56m!1 Inc. -lion tumlabod, $.100 "°' '@RVIC!lr OtRECTORT RY ••-"' lhto ~ ..ibeabl l ~-.._.--'""-""'...;.;c;..;.;..;.._ I•=.;..;.;=..;;;==="-IPERSONALIZED, exp• rt Npt B. i• Wlltdltt St2-M22 mon 1 m e
11 to 24
'. •IPnlHlnt 6550 Cement, Concrete f600 .Tu. .erv. Year round ofc., S.A. m:c~.U:,roadwQ ~.te;ve Eda'~=~ National concern needs tlve
• ··YSITTING -.-BESl'---IN-~-N~;_-_'--I ..... 64&-3712 II)'.': Ba.Yalde o.., NB., JO yoono'ladloa. Free to trawl
UAD ........ ....__...:. Walter It Fabnnhoh P.A. am· 4 pm. · eut cout and midwat re-
.In ~ home. Near MapNla Walks, pool decb, Boon. l.S Brm.dway, a.ta Mesa ( & sort lth chaperoned
and -st., w-Pat1og, PbonO 61US14 ..,_ "' !16-13!11 ,.. lmptf BUSBOYS I anu w be b1e
: ter. Fenced yard, bot meala e CONCRETE wmc, all DISHWASHERS poop. Must penona ~ .... --IN~METAXSERVICE and~---~ · ~ ~-··-...... """ -• -~ Motor Home ruli tlm• °"' 18 &fi7•7187 can 548-U24 Federal and State APPLY IN PERSON cation not required but must
Experienced or trainee, ltat·
Ing our pollcla requires .a
.... malhQt!tud•6.,...
sant pbone penonality.
For Details and App't.
Call Collect
12131 384-1213
Apply In peraon
Tuel thru Fri
2141 W. Coait Hwy.
Newport Bemc:h
'525 McArthur Blvd.
Newport Beach
F.qual opportunlt¥ employer -'-i°"'""'=~~=-~ I ·-1000 d -•~t be .Wtrv to learn. Expen-MOTHER deltrea cbild care * CONau:I'E wcdt. BOnded ......... 93 or 'U&" ltfl -1.1 while in -1..1..... -------,--
.ill .., ..,,.. Mnaa Vadl •Lbmo!.C.....ta • ...,. •PROFESSIONAL TAX BUILDERS BOl'S 810 IOY w..ki;"-... sim-;h:. ADMINISTRATIVE -uea. $15 WHk1y bdore 5. PbilJ.11* c.mmt, SCM.180 SERV. Home-quick accurate. -NEEDED IN AU. phuei l5f E. 17th St. "5&-JM8 $16. O:imp1ete!! 968-3403 of auembl.)o I: productlom. Coata M61. FrilW9 bemfltl. For tntu--SECRETARY 9CUSI'OM . PATIOSe Muat have the experience 1. =-=====--:-,. Ww lee Mr. J. Edge, Villa
BABYSITI'ING, day o r coocrete •Wine 6: retnOYa1 J?i"<;GMF; Tax•• prtpUed own tooll. See "Rick" at e INSTRUCTORS -Full Marina, llJ'Jl Bayside Dr., ;5.36. to $631.
lwin&: lhlft. Near MainoUa State Uc. • IC-lOJO )'CKir home, lona: form com-2135 _Canyon Drive, Costa ar/and part,~. Neat ap-NB., 10 am. 4 pm. Requiremmt.: U.S. citlien-
1: Wemer FV. M,y bome, bbled. $15. 494-3'22 Mesa, or call so..9758 pea!'IJ)Ct. MU11 be able to LAD'""'=JES=-, "'FREE=""'JE\VELR===y ship, five )'tart aecretarlal
80-<m Chlld Caro 6610 Gordon N. Warran, PA -p-.-rt'"'T-1m-.. -'-o-'-1-111-.-,'-lhe-r-1 :::-..:.. -:,. ~lbA;; ... 6 CUPS OF COFFEE =~Ii)=;;
BABYSITI'ING m,y Balboa 11th yur. Appl. 175--3345 w-.-1-"'-~" -•· In Holld u--. 540-6695 53).J.fO'l 1 .... !!O wpm. •-ly at: ·--, --U··-Exp1r. COSTA Mesa ---'--.' ~ .. -.... WO ~ ...... ~r 2 per.on, IY ~ ........ ",..,,... -..~130 •• ~· ::h.,~ Ales 2 -I. o;;"'i,';5 LandlClplftf 6110 p.m. -.., apply In Spa. '300 Hari>or Bl>d., -·· 1546-7!22 -Wollmln1tar to 5•<5 PM Plumed pro-__ _,,__,,.____ penon C.M. 1 ~==-----Scllool Ol1trlct Babyal~ my home, 510-8103 SPRINKLERS VILLA ROMA ME MATURE dental -~ Ulll CEDARWOOD week days. Pa ularino gram. REST•UD.au N ovtr 25, chair aide &. front .School artL ~78 CHILD Cue my home. Dl,)'I A Sod La1PUL Lie A Bonded "' """'"T Learn I: e-.m '1»$2!0 per desk exp. Send resume to WESnflNSTER . 1 <===-""~,__,.5 .., .. ---_-..,-,_ 6 n!lea. N.B. ana. Lrr ~ ~ 445NN. Ne~~~vd. ,...k pl111. No -nee p_ o. -211, So. t.quna iilliiiiio;;; .. iiOiiOiiiiiiii'
\...nUA.J' \..&11!, ys ~. lwe w/fncdyrd&, ~ COMMERC1AL6 ·reSidential ewport wi necesaa r y.Profeuional
hot lllllCb; vi<. or Bach Gard...., " 1.m,...p1nc, tnlnina in ""'""' work. Nd HOUSEKEEPER. !Ive In, PBX OPWJOR
& Hell, H.B. 11'1-1<69 Conlr-.0 J .. Corral !lilM'l64 • CABINET MAKERS door -.., ""' cuato-Sp. apeaJdna OK. Pft!er
All Shll"
(lflrl . Friday) ....... '
-· phone '>Pino ...... public
Sectttary to Dept\ hNd. lions. 661080
Must .. ....,,, -Ill. I
-.,, 100, mlnlnlum l SOUTH. uou"1 !
)'Hts exper. Ad•anctm.ent ,
opportunities poop tnsur-~ , ance plan a:' paid vacation, Attractive, weu a·ro om.d'
lick leave etc. Box p «IT lady for otfSce :7ii
De.Uy Pilot i:m~U:.."" 1n -
SECRETARY• 5 -min. Oii. -~~ current work exp. Ecp. in will train. J'or,app•l
elec typ (50 wpm), die-(1) 496-12.U ~
tapbone, calc &: mimeo. ·
Sharp at ttiurH. stat repta WORKING ~ .
I: oH procedures. Neat, l\EJ..IA8LE b a~• _ , r
personable I: outzoing, S-t. 'I'UesdQs ·I: po•IJ.IOJ'
M-F. 1-sirl ott. Work ·wedne1day1 'I~
w/commlmitY leaders. Pu1 WestJide CJd. area.=· yoUf time It talent into home preferably. :r .....
service for othml. HB Com· ages 3% (.bOy) ,I l~.
munUy Olnt si.25 hr, 646-0836 a.ft 5 .PM•
Beain 2-11. 8C-ZiOO BOOKKEIPIR-
RN LYN lo• Yacht 6 Sblp ' 1"
• N~lln(b 3 to a• u to 1 Sblfbl ~ . .,,.,.~ ·1::x...uent
Now ~ bolpl I , i., .a aalarJ'. ·
to open 2nd week in ,.. tact-Mn:. ~
393 Hotpltal Rd:, N.11. I 6wli'l1 .Y<11 cu...,.£
' 1ACF* from Hoai HOS(!) 11'!""1 In """ ,,_ ,,:,,,;.;,::..;:;""'="'=-~-'-l as a VANDA BEA !'ECRETARY --GJf 1ce COUNSELOR. We
Manapr far 011 A Gaa Co. m.-3962 & 5f6-1765 Ii
Good ........... •Jl.lc"""'"i~~~~E;~~~~I '1d11a requlro<I, top 'aalary, TYPE I
For Interview appt, phone SECRET AltY tor
541)...8435, or send resum1 tic __ De ta! --to Cameo ~1C:O. 4500 ~. n v...._
Campua Drive, Suite M4 ~= n ° t
NJI. Monlcurl1t W SECRETARIAL Beau1Y s.ion.
SIRVICI : ::!::: • 1
Would you1 lllce to operat. Jobi · Men, WOM.!7Jaft
your Own bUllnla ! Un1lm.-:,;::
'"" 1nooma te ...,..u. "" ODef'ClfOn ~ ,.1ary,; Salary ....,....,., • l>rfll p,..._ ~
Built·iri dlentellt. Call Kr. \.
Nattn• ld-14115 Calta Mea • Debuttl1'19 • General AIHmlllili
HC>.'lPITALITY llOBl'ESS Is e Mo-i!A .. ::'"f
looking lat mature women Appl.Y between a;,c t !:. =:.:,•:="" .. ~ .. ~RM4U1"£.$ --·..,,and...... 111 Ii. 16fh,$t.
dlble. Apply 2111 E. Main. Colle -~· 'llllUn· Call!. *DRIVERS ======== ..;_.;.;...;.=.;;...--66=20:.;o men call UI. For appL Call IOR1e D&:L Lido I s I e .
Brick, MIMnry, .... ADDmONS. REPAIR P1porltantl111 wtlb -In -tie 9,30 lo 12, !126-6616 G~·:. u.n., ... ,.,. • ~:~ ·11~ ~11':. ~.: "i!:~ ..;an,:-~ NoN ~~
· 6560 REMODELING P•lntlnt 6150 halpea. cam.pen A motor Two Men needed tor aell window lhades. Wi some Automotive 8-6:30, 5 clilldren. 4 in K~.J
BUILD "'--'-' 'D--1.. . Dellplnc I: PknnJn& homes, Mut have OWD tooll. Janitorial Dept. ._,R "··to ••• , ~ Bookkeeping. IChool. Salary open, F.V. Mull have clttn ~ Brick..~~ c ;;;;, Kltchenl-Bathl, etc. tnt•rlor P•lntln9 See "Rldt:" at 2135 Canyon Prefer under 45. , U<LUJ. ~ m ~e "'"'!'• area. Call m-m an 6 <\living reoofd . A~-100% J'irllndnc-Free .-t. Apbl. or boU1H by job or Drive, C:.ta Mesa or call Night Shift 8 PM-3:30 AM 3635 Eut Clout Hwy, CdM. pm.. Yl!LLOW CAI C ~~.;..'."~ aman. Uc'46Bo"1ed n>0m.Lbwott .. uonntn. 642-9758 eontactGeneL&ney,AM w~, Agreulve. •1• Roy (al'Ytr P'onfllC ARE YOU HAPPY WITH !16E.1Blha.
A a B C:ONSTRUCl"lON 6f5..105& GOOD MAN OVER «I for DAILY PILOT ficlent, experl!nced, Front YOU! A put tinw carftr O.ta M .. ...,.
IUtl-Senleo 6562 llJI Pa-C.M. PAPER RANGING lhorl trips """"""'"' 3311 W. &y, Costa M... desk lflrl IDr llonlal oll~ Kl 6-4444 in tub!on and ......... can I I •~ * M5-4Ml * PAINTING Beach Citie1 area. Man we ..,..D ISHWASHER"' 89i-8lll2 brina: xJpt. earnUWa and a ... , If~ .--.
!XPERT T)rplnc 6 Dictation Addltlonl * Remodel!zrs 6'15-3M3 want 11 worth up to $15,500 GALS, I have an Idea! Small challqina career 675-6195 Men & WOIMft~ ·,.Eao.,~~J!,~PI.·.~ -~IL Gerwick.* .!;!<-21_ • fi1ri. EXT, ANY SIZE in year, plW. M"W car u EXPERIENCED houlecleanlncb u 1ine••· 2 Qualified Women or 96Z-J910 · Exiia4 ~~~~ .. ~ .,.•
--S""~ v ... ••.ruuu. ~ "' JOB. Xlnt w«k. ftf:a, free bonua. A1rmall N.H. Sean, No Phone Calls Let'• pt our bead• Could )'OU spazw ten houri a ope .... _ a
Hn 9-6. ...... by appt. 1'NI. American Llli.t ta SUR• I 0 .... lberl &C-21112 _. U "°" ...,. ,,.i.i 165-LADIES II ., IO ....., 11onb 1lconled men 6 ...-..:1 Jll. 507 A .. !.am N.B. 61(.:1641 Ca,.... CIMnl 6625 aat JOC ...__, ~ .. ~' 8o. "" r .llRL IN for !tT U ao. c:aD lln. lle1> eowntry -6 aD atant Income 6 ~Mt !.::======·=·==:= ~ "' PAINTING tntitr.-mmor -''*1 '11,.DQ1tm.Ohio5930pacificCoul ffW)'.,N.B. •MANAGER* drix,~·betnea21: fteUOft jewelry fa!lblona, Cardner.lprl nc ' • Ca,,.nlerlnt 6590 PROFESSIONAL 1""' 6 Stato Ile.\ • bondod. Frff i . ' Jr. -ohop, Bal bl. < tor tntame abmllltely m ,_,tm•nt 540424 -Uphot""7 ""'-· Top mimatn. llC-tl2ll . FINISHED SALESMEN Exp'd. Clolhlna oaleo """ . .,..._, w. •• train. 11'1-JS61 or SEVI N N Tl "''lty -·--"'~ __ ,,. . MU.It be 1fe•Av, reliable, can 613-8222,evet. f« appt. * _,_,..,....ARY * ''"" ....... "-"",~Do--. R •wo; .... ·.·.-~--·----=. p .............. ,..... CARPE ..... RS -~· -~--·-COIFl'U I S CARPINTRY --~·--· ,. nu: lull !Ima ooly. Apply in MANAGER -Small m.11 Competont In typi,. & SH LADIES 11 te 70 ..,. ""' ,
>IINOR REPAIRS. No Job -...... ...-·~~* ,.,.., • PLUMBERS ......... ulc 1or -...... °"" 35. --Roqulre -,,.,... 1o noo "" • , eaw w ... -"" Too SmaD. Olbtmt in Pl"" CARPET A 1'll'n. .dealltnl; CR.ANT'S .SURPUJS SIORE sai. exp. SIMT38 ewt. wl.tb ~liattve. Of It r I 1Jrwer1e. F.qua.I o Pp t y w/~ Top
.. otber cabbta. .__ 1 •·--.a --11 .... VET'Sllorlktdi:"•ln tJ ns. ~E."w~•~st.lnc. 1150 N1wjiortmvd .. ·ex. R-Jams: n ... ~tta med-lteady, 1tcurt ciploym.m -wo-... t--No .-....n eond •• eo.«5 A M • -._,, _..,,_ ,_v FrH est. ~ b Sm.all -_,.........--·---_,.. with'·~-_,., con-.... _,_, GPD9!=· .... ua J'or Interview
561171. tt "' .,.... leave -..rk. CID Stmlblir for . 642-0in Santa Ana Car W-L H..i.. ,. by --Bal ''"" s;;:;;0i·---"'10 am'"'._._ -2'0I .., .. Cl . -
-at 1*'3'12. IL ·o. --1 -joba-. ..... .... bl.area.Callalt5.m..01131 ' GENERAL -1111~~-~~:;-;a-::.~.
ADderlon HOUSE PliiittiW. Quality at ~~ S:,O!"~~ Full time or Wbnds. GDU3 "'°' em (dr Ute WOMAN pene:loner W&Oled to days a wk, Mon, Wed: Fri. APT Manqv. It . •
th .... "1 66IO ~1!1'° :sirs F'f9 fft. ~ -I •··-a -• •··ta Min IP U. llPl1 tn penon dettv.y. Mf. G 1 r nett ltl.Y with Mother cl wor1dnl I to L Ref'• only Own ~ BNeb Nm "'!!'.'"-I ~··~ ....... "' ~ ••• -· ~. -· LIIlO ---WASH -• -no -~· ---· m·~ N°• • °""' ...... "!1 -""" ";b;"""'i\e':.f.ree nt. Call ANTHoNY'S PAINTING, PaptttJts 16 yn AM Cowltr1Oub5f5..'7280 C81 E l1th ~Colla Mea Private· ruom ·A' boaf • ... ___.i .. ,... , ....,,., '°' . Uvi,ln. Rdl, delind. pal
8U..fOS5 G•rclen Service tnHarbor&ft&.LJclbond-PERM. PARTTIMECX>OK, • HOUSf:S:EEPER, Own rm., furnilhed. Nlo-2611 , -or ~~ -~~:•p. ...
Bil Jolln l!l,S21l, 646-1'41 ... Rel>..,,_ ec.e& ""1>'d. ooly, ......-.,. ClVIL & M~ lloalp TV. I """"°' ... eh!ldn"' 54U210 · · BABY~IDiid f<i STUDENTS Ill 1 A
eve BUDGET LANDSCAPING Prmowi fnlHtutional aper Draftlrotn tor Oran1e full dudee, ~? 'fl OPER.ATORs * l~ yr old slrl. 4 days per women. $10-i111*?-. ~~:=t.-::; Prum ••. ~..:.:..:......~ Pl........,., 1.,.1r 6UO bt1pfbl but not nee. ~1223 ='1~ 2 ~ ~ MANianusT, ~ ': Spr;wUwur. J'Ull « pt time. ~r..n after 5 pm. p/~. W..tbml ; r t~ tr 1 MonthJ.1 _,.__...... EXP -1·~ ~--· tamty tn new -Top l'Q', no lq<ltt:I. m Your tn, ,.,.._.._Iii .
ar Olollo<I ---e PAT'S ....._ AP SET·UP I LEADMAN S....,. ..... phone TIM7'ltl Call alt 3, """350. I G. Bircl>, H.B., 1 b11t. E. PHYSICAL Tbenpilt, pan Pb. t-12 .:m. .. -;·
, MAS'l'D cfatpeoM, t4 pel' ClrtAFAae£an t,ype1. Free ..Umalf:, t.n bJilutlclmo1dlnsabop FULL I part time help MAIDS WANTED or O.C. e1rp:lrt. tlmr, monUp fCt Hun-HAIRBTYU8T Olllltr. , =-~d_.,.. :::'m.~ -Call546-\l'ltltmml..,..om :"~mt~-2:' N~~lnBlvd .. Costa Ta l;pilOllO reception~-Of!IOI'. ..,,........,,;...,_ ,
TIONS "~ -l'llLL TIME -StaUOll METRO CAR WASH .... ~ ,...... -~ $1.'5 hr. Full tlnM Nu II s" I\ y i6iiidilit ...... ""' -~ ·~~ .... job. JAPANESE -Gardoaar. mu wtlb -.icaJ abltt-:t9liO -819'1 CM. GIRL J'IU!'AY, oen o!l"f I pa rt tlnM• Cell Mr. ,...tecl. iblcllt -6 all<r Spmm• _
. ~ . . -..ml O:lmpMtt I. r" I c. . Er· PLUMBING REPAIR t)I. Appl. ' 1ST Placentia • Alm> TRIMMER • work. LOca1 TV ltcft. K•tthl• S..20M. ~ ..... c.n f« llOI'EL "anus. '
: , -~~ ~.~~~ No.~":8 ,:: --.,.. -. ~-.... _ .. ~"'8".'?!:°..:..... iiouma:-~• a dilld 80'!.!.!.'!!!ns."·t_c~i~ .g_i>,t~~ ' ' =No.,. rw~~~ °"""'""''"' .. Jobi •. -__ PL'~lNG •• hr -~ K -~ -·-•-rww ~...--. r"' _,. "iiii; m .,.,.r. ad....._.... -· -~ o.M MMJ• -wn nw !"'C'-.--.. vmo "" lft'f. M• Unbl St at Ion , Beach. S36-«181. can:, LIVE-IN, P.R. I: S.. App1)': JA~ MAR. INC. meta:; pert.US. to start, .. °"'~·
1 -trwAdmaa~~-~~~~= l'~ANewport,C.M. BUS boy/DWt'trNM to t50,a-..M.MM212 2901 S. OU. Santa Me. I 25-f.$. APP11: b!an ~MEDrrATOR ::tri rl : c.-.t, C:....C• MOO JAPANESE v......,..,,.., mm-· OLDER Man who tnJo1a 1'Uk da)ot!,me. See Mr. U.'Zi HR,, lltl c It an l 1 C to 3 Pld. Pies. 1510 Bipr. C. M. only, Allla tt ,, ( _.
pH.tit )'&7'd eerorice. he Remodttl R I 6MO talld1w tu peopile to ltll Sdl;e.l'tdd Mr S11U. mT n..ytron\ trlr. 2 Half•dl.Y'I CURTAIN A draper y WANTED bOysfttn mr bourl'tarm11~ttklll !di.
t CEMENT wm1r. no lob 100 .......... 6111-IJ!i " Ofll r, • ftlall .--l'•irvltw ft.. Coat.--. wk. Own traro. ~'Du • ...,adlea: "'P·:-Frl. homo 1)1 lbN '!WI. di» -m~ &
wD. ·-bk. Fu• JAPANESE1l~, Pro! IF Y<RI ....S ,remodolms, T!ilE &ANGER. Fllll CO. O.ERK TYPl(f w/o>rnf l/Utti. U io 2 pm. 114oU'' only, ;J:15 lo &.311. I ' PAllT
nttm:.H.Scutllck.5tM815 Ma l at.1.1nd19 aplnil ~-Cr ft'Jl9h'w, 0.0 btntftta. pct vac. Aflply, DAILYPI1Dl'WAZt'l'Al)S1 ~~ord-llCWDi:l'ilnilhbwlO:a.;a,. ~ J,"IC!tmol-' •l' ;~ .......
Wblta -bT Clnmp. 131-<l!ISt Dlelr. &0-11'1 1911, N ....... BIW. C.M. BRING llEIULTSI Plf. l7Mei2 or -Oout Plea ,C.ll. -· ·-I V-..... ~
' • I I I
.. •
$SCJ11 .... $59.95
One of our M1ny Bargains!
New Showroom Samples
Will Soll Any Piece lndivlduelly
8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's chair or
love seal 5 Pc Octagon. dark oak dlli set w I
black ar avocado framed chairi; 8 p< BR sel
911 Mr. & Mrs. dreliser, lg mirror, 2 com·
moeles, decorative headboard in Spanl!h oak
design with matching box springs, mattress &
ONLY $529.95
1$1095.95 Value!
or TERMS es low as $4.66 Week
UM our ttor1..,cher99 plen or benk financing • •
Approved Furniture
{No Fenty Front -BUT Qu•lity V•lues Inside}
2159 Harbor Blvd., Coot• Mesi 541·9660
Open 9.9 D11Jy-Sund1y 11 ·5
12 Veers Hml locetlon--seme owners
....,.. Nes • • • • • •• •• • S600
Trainee •••••••••• S?l:5 Fumllvre. 8000 Furniture 1000
SALi AND :rRADI r SALi AND TIADI! SAlJI 'AJlll .TRADI SALi AND '1IADI Sollboolw 9010 T1'11Cb . , ,950t ,
An!¥-1110 Ptu. I OipM ' 11JO Mi...itonuao ' MOOMl..ilruu• MOO Ouok llldls Soop *Sl'OR'l'st!IENS VAN'.i °"* °""'1>'• .. ~ .. '!' * TRUCKS * , Am'IQUE-udldO:.
,...,.... ... a... -""' --c. poliJt. s.. Antonio w. lilt tz'an)e; Mex.-
ICM curc:Ubc. 1 m a 11 ,
prlm.IUve w,' inlet mh:ron;
-11th C. tllumlnat'ed
parchments; tin palntlnp.
s.n.lbl> priced "' .,..,..,,..
ior good nautbl anUqllel.
Wheeler Trading Polit
408 E. Balboa. Blvd
Leather Beads Fun:
VA.Sr· stock Arr8 &: Dir
fum le clocks. L ll r r y
Morpn Antiques. 2 -4 2 8
Newport Blvd., C. M.
1968 SINGER. toucbo-matic
compl wtthWll ca'b. lllneu
forces repo $.19.50 full price
or i-1-75 mo. AutoJD&tic, zig
z a g, button holes, blind
hems, overcasts, aome ~
cy stitches etc. No ' attacb..
.needed. GUlll'8lllee rood·. 52IH6l6 •
SINGER 1968 touciHMnatlc,
does evecything. Leaving
sta'te '-must aeU! $31.50
or 7 pymnta of $5.74. Dealer
guarantee OK Call 526-6617
before 5 PM.
cON:.'·=:..s * 2 DAY. AUCTION * ""':.":u ~!: :: ....... -"""" .... o-a ' l NEW I: U:)t.JJ .. ~-------Sa.Dir. .FLout tqUlpmebt Rnd.Y-fbr tmmcdtalt WURLrml THUUDA Y RllDA Y " oonc!it!on. -_,, .. .....,.
PIANOS " ORGANS FEI. 14tli ow.er m.im BEACH CITY
Son/I> F10or Models FEI. 13tli 1WW1A !eJliQs -· 11' DO""'° · R<Jltall,e Strvke e T...,. '-__;;:,.0---.--..,....J ~-------'! oC beautlllll -~ ' PL<N~ ~~ 1.111 7:30 P.l\i. =-·="'1ss. ·.~ ,.,.,~ (llwy.'9)
ORGANS from •••• : ••• ~ 56-i«ll'-~ Huntqton Beach
Gould. Music Cempony UNCLAIMED STORAGE: Dlshpaks cartoos, NEW ,.,,._ O.oo· ;,, 1"" """'7 Vao,
2<K5 N. Main, Santa Ana Bedroom se~. bunk beds, divans, ~s~wlng Nnrpart. Carohaao ·1Woo5. A:1 ;qofld. 1995,
So. of Freeway. 5'7--0681 macblne1, chests, VICU\Un&, dlnini.ro.opi seb, eor 254$5., ar Sf.$16,995. ·• 546:19t6'•
Mon " Fri 'Ill • SUn IN buffets, blcycles, p0rtable TV'*' i ~4 r e o •· Save ssoo -Slip Avail. ,49 °""" II Tbn. ,.;Iii Used Or S,I Like new •Motorola Color TV. Dinettes, ,mlr-Open nite• Ill " 645-0810 "SS °"'"' .,,.,.., oood . 8~D I rors. Coldawt ~ost·fl'ee :e,rtgerato;; 18 cai '5. i yr'old. -. $250 • .,._
cu. It. with lee maker. Washers, M04iterran· * $6,1'0 " · = "i;;.,51>:~ :: ean ,tglid sta~ 1 t ere o & MUCH, MUCH Call 64>-0n Ill I,.. i:';";l";;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;95;;1;,0
1 Hammond AlOI Conoole $lllOO MORI 11 C I 9020 I•
Hammond RT-2 Coocm with Power "'"" 1967 BRONCO '
IDt 40 ................ 11895 --COME BROWSE AROUl'ID ->Y DRAKE cabm cruiser. ..WHEEL DRIVE
Hammond Cl A PR .. """ w1·N· DY'S AUCT_l.ON Fl>in& brid... ,,_ HanllDp. ...... ., wblte loQ. Gulbrarwen Premier only 6 ~-Sacrilice $ f 9 0 0 • 6-cyl. R/H, IHI' -t..
months old •••••••••••• $3395 833-5237 seat belts, skid plate. aean:
ALL PIANOS ......... "··· 2075~ NEWPORT BOULEVARD $2000. ,,._ !Fuli.non) 20% or more Savings! I SpMd Sid Boats 9030 _. Open Mon & Fri evn. ...IMI T•11y'1 lldt. M•t'l1.
HAMMOND ·C,0$Tt\ MESA -646-1616 16' mboezd ,..,cll>oat approx C1mpe'1 9520
In OORON,\ DEL MAR OP~N DAIL.Y 9 to 4 . 4 yn old omU> '7 Chev V.g
2854 E. Coa4t Hwy., 673-3930 160 hp with velvrt flow in/ 10' EL Dorado. Top· Qual.i~,
·out tram le trlr. $600 aale chauis mount on -:..
Hl·Fi & Ste
======·-64&-3413. T. Reliable Big g Chev .
1500 Mltcell9MOUI l600 Tested extra equipmmt
. ·--
BROWNING over under 3:1
gage. Loader Paclfic VL
250: Wlncbe1ter Mod 70, 300
HH mag., Cuat. Weal lad·
POOL 1--------·= Top Condition. Tmnl arrgd ~t Slip Mooring '9036 tor more complete info.
FoR · Relit Balboa -146" ..:64&-9197.::..;~====-o-~'-; TABLES x 38 U slip, 4 woy ti<, 1959 GMC P/U. ll·T..f.~
$100 mo. Agt 673-6880 I)lreamer Camper, 8 , 1
------,...-:-: -STEREO 19611 50lld state con-
Muaic1I ln1t. 8125 role. N'ever used $85. Also
--·------·--6 ' walnut AM/FJ<.f
New slate $695 val Now $29S dmetteoeabover. Sip& '4-¥'
23 Models to cboolie t:rom $59 Mobile Homes 9200 ~,pm. 642-W30 "
up. 213: 692-4167, 692-21.at
Cotti Mesa's
Year Round
Mobile Home Stk>w
16'·20'-Zl'·24' & 34 wides
From $6995
Ceinper ·Rentals .. 951
COACH • TRAlLEJ\ ·., Gultlf Headqu1rter1 e NEW and USED e
F ender • Vox • Standel e GIBSON e P.IARTIN e WILSON • YAMAHA
muJtiplex, 8 speaker audio
ll)'stern. Normally aellll for
$489.95, sacrifice -S250.
Credit Dept 535-7289
Little used 9/0
Jo'IN·NO~ Reel $350. * 544-6831 •.
SurfbolJ'd1 W1ntedl-
POOL tble. $45; dinette .et
& buffet $40; secUonel
$7.50: boat & mtr. $40; apt.
{efrig. $10: port. stereo S30;
millc. Items 642-3778
It's none too early to malle
reservations for ~ Hol-
idays! . :
i;.;pi s.c ( .... l ••.... $6lO ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -°"" ........ to $500 MAHOGANY -litAHOOANY Drum Headquarters
C1mer11·& Equip. 1300 i--~~-""-""--*--Misc. Wanted -----·-CA?.1ERA Petri FT .SLR. 135
mn1 telephoto, 28 mm wide
angle 2 x Exten, lens
adapter, 5' tripod,• $225.
&IS-7468 aft 6 PM
40' ..43' -45' -5(,' -M' -1(1' -64'
From $J995
You can pay more
-Arch. DrfWnn .. 1'11'1 SPAlllSll 6ROUPS ~(Free) •• $1300
tMgr, ............ Sl250 20 Pc "Madrid" Mes ••....••........ to $800
: • ooME FREE 3 Room Group
.. ... SOME FEE From Model Home .i~rchants Personnel includet: Quilted sofa &
· 2&B -Westcliff Drive chair, 2 end tables, coffee
":-... Lobby Office table, 2 lamps, dresser, mlr· c.i~-Q:>rner 17th &: Irvine ror, headboard, quilt box
;. Newport Beach IPt'll &: niattr. 5 Pc Dining
j 66-2770 -545-5685 room table & 4 Hi · Back t~~~~~~~~~ I chain. IHnttructlon 7400 Comp•re 1t $749.95
... CCESSi=UL ?I Complete group
rib or ti= ,....., bn"1> $399
~ .. DtaY be all YoU need to
~ improve your IN·
,Q)UE _ ~ Your OUTLOOK!
-:~School of Bu1ine11
:~ 8S3 Dover Dr .. N.B.
1; 64M153
P1y only $16 per
· 21 Pc
King Size
From A Large Estate e NEW and USED e
A fine sclecticin o! complete LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO
full size bedrootn s e t . Large selection with nc\v 4
Dining room set, table & pc. sets and cymbals stal"I·
6 chairs, china, bullet, ing at $189. Pedals, hi·hats
custom niade Mlfa chair, and sets repaired. All small
mahog. coffee & large tables parts, acces~ries ,t, cyn1bals
w-lealher tops. 2 twin ma-in i;tock.
hog. bdrm. sets. DullCan.
Phyfe labl.e & 6 chairs.
MW>t se!J aU im111ed. at a
sacrH.ice. Terna on good
credit. ,
AOK .Warehouse Lucated At
17'22 Garden Grove Blvd .,
1 Block \\', or Beach
oil G.G, 1-'rwy.
Open 10 to 9 Sun. ID-U
B2ach Music Center
1-~actory Authorized
Sates & Service
Daily 12 .noon 'lil 9, Sat S-5
11404 Beach Blvd., (HV.'Y 39)
Huntington Beach 847-8536
HASSELBLAD SOO.C. 1~~ yrs old, $400 incl metal case,
filters. Call J. Hardy
544-4ll0(days)673 -8799
eves 'til 9 p.m.
• WANTED • but you can't • ., better
Furniture e Appll•nces P&•ks a~la.ble in all areas. Dune Bugglff
Color TVs e Pianos B1y 'Harbor 1966
JTC Mobile Home Show DUNE BUll!:f!Y KHlmD FABRICS
Mise1ll1MOU1 1600
"FOR SALE Cash ·1n 11'2 hour 1425 Baker st. UV Remnants. iamples I: 1\1111 %: block East of Harbor Wvd.
ends Sal. Only 8 (l.m. to 2 541-4531 on Baker
p.m. 929 Balter, Costa Mesa. I ~""''""~".!!!~~~!!" Costa 1'1esa ITI4) 540-9470
DINEITE S e t-Hotpoint w-A N T E~ D SEE the Dual Wide Road.
refrig. Chll\ll cabinet, trunk, liner Pan American, Para·
mattre~Box 1iprlng1i,· bead-we need quality (DO junk mount. Elite and General
board, 1amp1, chest please). Furniture, Co Io r mobUe homes now •t
...... n. tabl .. • mac. 1V'•, '""""-.. -Dual Wide Sales ORGANIC Fertilizer, •&ed 646-9152. ·
horse manure combined ~===~~~-~ tools and office equipm~l Clapman Mobile Homes Inc. with wood ghavinp. Good 5 PIECE dinette set s;ro. TOP CASH IN 30 Mlnuteal 520 N. Herbor, S.A.
muJch. 8J3.53J2 or 5464931 Hawthorne~" girl's bicycle 531-1212 * 893-0055 531.e571
MORE CASH betw 8 & 5 Mon thru 8wl~u.trainera~hairwbahttl>by forbuggy$8. ATTENTION s x 36, 1 sDRM, A-1 cond. 71 to Fri 2128 .. ,.., -... EX NAVYMEN ·54t.010J-6 .11 RICKENBACKER e I e c . $.S. 8921 C.Omet Circle, • F'urnished, to be relocated. 1 f70 Hli.lllOI ILYD.
guitar, $175. Orig price $325. LllA.SO Apso • Poodles. Wesbninster. 847-7187 Clean out the old sea-bag $1750. 536-167( CO~A MIU
St. George Amplilier, $50. Matching pair ot lovable 7 and help out a good came.1========.==ol==~~:.;~=='I
-·" afte month old female. ••.,nnies, 4 BR. Houseful of tuntlture Give your old unilonnll IOU· Motor-IH 9300 I -~ Autoo 96CJ!J ~~=used, ....,. r Free to good 00~ .. ';,ith for sale. Bedg, ref rig, leers&: Enlisted) to the Sea-_,_ mpoi-iwu
children, 8J3.'2266 2n4 washer, dinette •t. dishes, Scouts. Need blues, whi tes, HONDA 90 Scrambler, good e Spot Cash far 1mporb
ST. George iUitar &: linen11, pots I: P a n s • sea-bags, etc. 642-5769 cond. Bit.up frame & knob-\Ve nav more 1ot IU\Y impofot amplifier, also 3 pc. drum GERMAN short hair Pointer, everything ps! ggi Vic-by tire 00 rear $250 ~ _,..., ... IME Gitt, typewrittnr. ~n. grandchildren, or
f9Ul'Self! Individually tutor-
'M Qµlcoat 10 lessons typing
'tllhool. 173 Del Mar, CM, ,[>j!I-,.,,.
3 Room Group
Old World Elegance
includ~: Quilted sora &
Ioveseat with pillow backs,
2 massive lamp tables, cof·
fee table. 2-42'' lamps. King
me master bedroom with
quilted ma.ttr & box sprgs,
large dresser, mirror, 2
stands, headboard. 6 Pc
swivel chair dinette set.
Compere 1t $1299.95
Colored TV's, Pi•nos
Appli•nce1, Antiques
I Piece or
-t. ••• '525 eves. female. 1 yr. old. Needs .._._. Sl CM .,A., ,,.o• BUYING Silver Colnll lOo/1 67., cO"! • • regardle!! ol year, --
"" ....,,... home &: lots of love. Good wolll ' '.,..,,......,., o/face. Dlrs-;1.70, Silver _...,o or condition. 1ry m lwf<re -
MELODY GUITAR w I c hi I d re n . &46-7583 Kirby vacuwii cleaner w/at. nlck1es $3.51'.1 roll COSTA '68 KAWASAKI Bushwhacker yoo sell. ELM C\.R t
~Jture 8000
·~· 1'1%. Spanioh qu!llEd
aMa &: love seat, 3 oak living ~ tables, 2 living room ·¥P. & Spam.h palntl.,..
' lU J?residente k i n g s i z e
~"6oom suite, oak triple
'(llie'aer le mirror, king
.... dboerd. 2 commodes.
mattres& &: bxt
2 boudoir lamps.
...... -wn>ugbt I olining set Only $467.
down A: $4..50 weekly,
' 11eparately. Euy credit.
'IN, Westminster A 'f' e • ,
'1!Vfstm.iii&ter. 89M4M daily ;us: ,a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat.
'Ml! a.m. to 6 p.m.. Sun.
"tfgp.m. to 5 p.m.
iiwmture returned trom dis-;L-modol """"• d ton cancellation.
&6:iilb It Meditert'anf:a.a etc
Complete lfOUP
-, .$699.
P1y only $21 per mo.
000 w. 4th St.
Santa Ana 547-5731
Hours: Dally 9 to 9
Sat 9' &: Sun 11-6
New gears &: slrings $20 Eves. l/l( tachments. Take over small COINS 837 W. 19th SL CM. 175 cc. Only 1500 mi. Under MOTORS, 15300 &llclt Wv4.
_ _.:c67J.4c:..::15::1:..::0rc.:;64Z-0022::..::.;...._ 1 pymnts or pay ott balance 646-1445 warranty. $470. 54&-am. Westminster. l9f-332'l..
11 Our Specialty! PETER Rabbit 6 mo old. of $36.12. Credit Dept. ELECT R 0 NI C s•·•-t HOND 160 63, •620 1130 Checkered giant b.lck & KE ~7289 ,......,n -A
24 HOUR SERVICE Pianos & Org1n1 !amlly pet, permanent home ==..,.,-=-,_.'=,....,,-= desires,"not workirig" T.V.s Good condition DATSUN ' • wanted, mu.!t have ,.,,_, TENT &' Poles '$30, 2 cots Can't pay much. 673-4380 '?":WO.. m..9367 BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS ........ ~ ....: 2 I · ~~--r-
wlll,d<ll""r .. .,..2445 •~· ',.P"'tl --PETS ind LIVESTOCK lll65 HONDA 2'0 Scramblof. • DOT • '
Office Furniture BOiO • New Pianos •1 ~WE="sr"IN:..G"'H"'o"'u"'s°'E~C:..o_m~bo ~~ ~~1.rc'~~~t~ , <Value $215) Trade for 90
:::-:--C..-'--'..;c..;;.__:.;c-"' WURLlTZER & BRADBURY ''" ...,her/dcyer, Io r Vktoria, CM. Dogs 1125 Honda trail. 642-9506 DA TSl,J N
VERY good Rem l n gt on All i;tyles & linislies, all haulln g away, work i. -45-RP-M-.-·----~.~, .-.t -30~ I PUPPIES '66 • 90 CC. Good condition AUTHORIZED DEALER , Typewriter -Standard, $60, American made, 8S ·note, del 67l-5169 aft 5 p:m. ~viu ~ $125. (1 .
•64&.1037* w-bench & tuned.,,,..,. •tm. dayi "ttleue 9c 'ea. LP's· II Shephenl, 1' Samoyed 8'7~169 HUNTINGTO"i
---~-~-__ __ ing at $499. 1 YR~1~· tblk long ~ SOc. Big names! Dues 25c Cute! Sharp! 240 E. 151h.1=--="'-'"'-"'"""~-Go0dc-c. .
Offi ce Equipment BOT I pt d e P pomeran mo. P.O. Box 10872. SA CM ~-"'~ti?NDA .'~. CCU. h BEACH ;
ELEC 10 key adding
machine w/ credit bal.
$39 .50 . Royal elec
typewriter $40. Very nice
standard typewriter SJ7.50.
Printing calculator, elec,
works good $69.50. 6f2.-5143
Ger1ge Sale 8022
GARAGE sale 314 Diamond
Ave, Balboa Island. Box
trailer, SlOO. Elec stove. $40.
Jo~luor. litei;, c abinets,
diabes, paddle board, child's
aid boots, other odM &
ends. 67l-3898
\sale, furniture, C!assware,
~ya, bunk 0041 & miscl.
2SOO Heather Lane. N.B. Sat
& Sun. Feb 15th & 16th.
HOUSEFULL Oi f urn .
wlStereo console, stove &:
retrtg &. baby furn. 646-2244
5 A DIME We, junktlques,
glass, bric-a-brac; Declees,
2544 Newport Blv. &U-5407
N s. n e "' home ' 92711 MINIATURE Poodl~ pups, '-'UllU.I on. """· u g Wurlitzer Organs 548-2147 2114 AKC Reg. 4 males, 2 Hutson, Ua--5530 New end U~ed C~r'
• NEW & USED • 2 -7 mo old k.ittem nd • VACUUMS • females. '67 Honda 305 Scrambler Complete Service & Parts
Tremendous savings on '68 special adult home. Raised SlO up. Repairs l parts. 5J6..1M4 eves. Like ne+... Make offer. 18835 BEACH BL\'O.
models and rent return!. together. 540-6183. t 2o
-1l1 =~~:·c~t~i: WANTED 8 good home for * 545-7992 * 8Jo42-7
1 -
Beach Music Center
Factory Authorized
Sales & Service
Daily 12 noon 'tit 9, Sat s.5
11404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39)
Huntington Beach 847-8536
pm. ~~~'--.-.,---,,, a pretty black female Poo-•55 -HONDA 250 Scrambler, u1t m1 •1 o. 1n "IJ•
MALE miniature German Set of American a En-dle, 1 )T. Adults only $350. 500) mi. Call airer Fwy. incl iu1t 1 few minutet'
Shepherd. Good watch dog. cyclopedias, 54s..-05M mornings only. 6 pm 675-65'l'T North of Acl1m1
Free lo oood horn•. ~~!;''" GreatoanePU,.,lawn7 1960 BSA '63 DATSUN
S4H552 2/14 weeks, ARC. Show qua]lty 650cc, $425. 673-..3960
VALENTINE'S Day present QUA L 1 TY kitlJ bed with pet temperamenl I=;:=;;·===== Pickup camper. Extreme&
-Mixed terrier/beagle pup. wlqUUted mat~~ comp. * !146-9132 * Motor1Coof.r1 9350 sharp with tonneau cover I:
P.,,,, 6 ~ks o l d . ~~';~.,.,\lied $98, ~ $250. -----1 (HSA7'19) ~ AKC Silkey Terrier pups. LAMBR.ttrA xlnt nd camper.
962s2l58 2113 6'3"' Hun Standards with Males $150 Fem.ale! $200 nOO co . $895 -:=--.,..-=--.--I FREE 1tDa11 mixed btted N~it. toe ~ .\V!)D1BJl'a 67S-52G1 962.-1440 Grand Opening pupPy, blond & w b t. ski boots, site a. $25. \VIR,~ Hair Fox terrier pups. ATLA' S
Female. 6 wka: Vuy friend-.,A., --. .... er 4 · AKC. $50. Must s e 11 , Auto Servi-Our new organ department ly. 546-9463 2/15 --'-=-~'-·---~ 640 9988 645-'""7 .... ' is now open featuring Fabric. Fabric, N&Wlc. or or ........, & P1rts 9400 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH•
THOMAS ORGANS % LAB Puppy • female, 6 Factory remnant saJt Sat. 2929 Harbor Blvd.
with the excluaive Color-Clo mo, Dark gold c 0 1 0 r · 9 AM to 3 PM. l8Z Hor'" 8830 '62 OLDS, for part&, good Costa Mesa 546-1934 •
and Playmate. Lovable. 675--262.t aft211~ Monrovia, Coeta Mesa. -REFORD t sacid( eng.; '58, 352. Ford engine. Open 'til 10 p.m.
FREE pm. HE W~!l em e '56 PLY. Eng. Best otter. '67 DATSUN TO GOOD home, Part SONY 500 Stereo ta Pe $300 new, askin& $150. Ex· Call: &tS-9003 Alt. 5 PM
Lawrence Welk family music German Shepherd male, l% recorder, complete with cellent corxl. 838-6237. Owned by little 'ole retired
course, a iloo value, free yrs, shota A: lie. Loveg kids. speakers & mikes. First TRANSPORTATION Trailer, Travel 9425 man in Capistrano, ~
with every Thomu Organ. 962-2&11. 2113 1 ,c$18S~-ta~•-••_· _54_,..~13~~~ meter reada 13,txX> nu. Rt·
Prices start at $595. 5 NEAR new 700-13 6 ply BOits & Yachts 9000 13' TRAD.."ER, Like new, dio, heater, auto, 96 hp tni. Coast Music LOVABLE Yg male part col· commercial tires .l rims, --------Sips 4, or .s. Great tor cazn. cream ext., dlr, xlnt concl.
r aD FURNITURE iil'W Newport Blvd, CM
I q every nltbt tll 9
'"'P·· s..t. .1: Sun. ·tn ' t:.Drif .eat SSO. 8' med 10fa,
' lpp · seat. coffee .l end ta· , lilts. lam.Pl, 5 pc dinette 1et,
~ ai2e Spaniab BR •t. tlU than 2 mo. old. Must
..... ~ ..... _. Wftk. Prv prl)i.
A fine a.election of complete
~ Brand names,
klngsize bedrooms, beautifUI
'1 pc. dining roorru, chinas.
butches. cuatom quality ao-
fas I: low seab, double door -ton. w""""' ..,..App -~l_l•_n_<•_, ___ 1_1_00
d CM lie tri crl. 2 yrs. S3> each or make otter. SCR·AM-LETS plngtfi. ... -$975. 50-1255_ . sgr; cash dels Ol'· will . 1139 Newport Blv • HOUJebroken. Love children. 842-41S4 ..... prtv prty. L.B. UJC 9'l5.
Corner of Newport & Harbor 8.16-4493 2113
646.0271 FIREWOOD FOR SALE ANSWERS Trucks 9500 Jim · 494-97'13 or FREE Daily dof. Fem. 6 -•-Eu-"-141'0 ers, color TV'• (all guaran-
iMd) wDI aacrifioe. Sell all
G room set made in or pu-t. Terms on IQOd. cred-
• SPECIAL PURCHASE • mos. old, Id home omlh w~.u• A ~,1u1. · '65 DODGE FERRARI ·-~-rat·-ul·-·tlc WE'RE In our new stott:. 1._ ..... ·--' .,~,, _ 2114 crd, $25 % crd. Delivered '"""'" .. ,." ..... , a ... ,_ Our fantastic aale of Pianos Cfll.-.. ,._u '"6"'•uu. I: Wk'd tree. (1 ) 688-()846 Untrue -Oxide -Flute -
' table. marble aiding. • it ~ l!leaves. J..arxe buffet I AOK WAREHOUSE =:.o~~~:!;; &OrgansnowcooHnuesat TWO Hatt car bodlea 2 WAY RADIO flockeY._"':"YO.URLlFE A·l00piekuptruck.V8engine FERRARI .
at .fantastic diacounts! No Orange County'• only piano partWly t!quipped. "2-2800 611 w•tt hue A: mobile A politician .is a fellow who radlo and heater. (R37655) Newport Impotta Ltd. pr.. ,.boards, both with I1lUI-LOCATED AT ~~ 8 dWn. Cost 1122 Garden Grow mvt1., ·~ wm l!lell for sim. l Bkk wttt.of Beach Blvd.,
Do W _, •-t &. orgAQ "1t1per ma.rltet''. 2/lS ........ ....... makes great speeches, •nd $'95 ange County'• oaJy aud:lbf.., wn, e se1-v1ce. ~a : stationl ~' ho' -~-.. ady ,_ .... F'OSTER'S PiaJIO!!I from $195. 0rgam PUPPY ' w I ..... ...,.1 re w ....,. ized dealu. ,
1---kh Vall from $195 10 wk. female Mobile TeJephonet down YOUR LIFE tor his SALES. SER.VICE. PART5
I • ot1 G.G. Fnoy, ilJtEiiAL l'OOll\I of. walnut ~ 10 to 9 SUn 10.'
•J.Oi.I °""" urst. Ftn ey WARD'S BALD. WIN STUDIO ' -·-" •-ATLAS 3100 W ~---(So Of W•-) ~·-• caJI 8<"1362 2/15 ~ue"' ~ roun.,. . ~Hwy. ,
. ... ,.,.. .,_.....,.. 1819 Newport. c.M. &Q..MM FEM. 8 mos. dachahund I .,-=-=-*=83Ml30=,-,,-*,,..._,, Ne'MIOl't Bead! • ._ ..... mnd. l ,.... old, !~ ....... ......,....,..., REPOSSWIC*S KENMORE p 0 rt. b le PIANOS a ORGANS mixed, ...... --.... x ID PATIO timber., II INVENTORY CHRYl\LER·PLYMOtrrH 612.$115 ....,~ dishwasher, 1 year old, ex· 2929 HatbOr mvd. Authorized. MG Detler •
1'flhC must .ti. -..ms I ' ' PK Jn uoelfent <OOC!it1on. like '4fl'l:E twin -. box now. Beaut quUIEd sofa $89. i~ .... -, nlabt -$49, l pc:. -$99.
oel coril. bronze w It b Wurlitzer • Knabe e Flscher lofts childftn. 893-2653 2114 price. Reed l bamboo fen. SALE Costa Me• . M6-l9l4
formka top. $100. 546-4531 Oranae County'• l&r;est 5 FRUIT ~ cing. 837-008 NEWPORT ~·s Open •Hi 10 p.m. FIAT. a.ft 4:30 PM mule dealer·········· you dig & tl'aJsplanl About 2 HAND . O'ocheted double
.WALLICHS 10· tan ~ 2113 bed spreadl, 1wn thread SilPl'I tncluded ;66 Ford Pkkup
• r'ld; 11 dra'ftl' dftaRr IOfa " ~ teat $179, 5 pc.
OOUBLE oven. f'rlgidai.re,
bu.Ut-in. Like oew. Stainless
1tffl, .U coo.&ola. Al90 mat-
MUSIC CITY 9 ADORABLE ni•nn\es pt $75. each. 64&-75(1 eves, 1 e PAClFIC YAOIT SALES• Lorw: .,bed ~cab. V-8, dlr, '67 Fl.at 850 Spkler
3400 So. Bristol, Costa Mesa .. -.. ,. Kettenburz' Dealer bumper, pearl~ exterior. 18,000 mi. Xlnt cond,
~cool< .... Sa.-:.. I "If mtmr .. alnt CICllDI!.; dinette tet $)f,, 5 pc bednn.
j cn..4IW5 aet $89, bo1 apra It matta HAMMOND. ~1-.. y8•
• 540-3l'5 • Bealge, 6 wkl. -weaned. REFRIGERATOR .l Miac 3446 Via Opx1o. Newport Xlnt ocnt. Take forei&n car •64&-7910•
646-0163 2/1-4 furniture. ReaaoJ11.ble! ~ Hour Phone , •• , 0-1510 Ir trade « ias cash deb.
' 'A' LIT Y ~-bed (all W..J $11. e1. Kina lhe ···~ .... ,. $25 Seb all part. WESTINGHOUSE Automatic maba • new I: \lied pi&nol i --;~n:.~OO::: ~Kw~ :'ioo~7~01d.Ukenew1 ~.i1Tr~~~~oo,.
LOCATED AT KENMORE Gu Drytt, Late SClOODT n.uSIC ·• ..,_. Pnw 1907 11. Main, chilJierobe I: 1 yr: ~ Garden Grove Blvd., model. c~t cond. Santa Ara .~ -~-u..... 1 Blod< w. " .....,. Blvd.. 165. • 8<7 .. 1151 =:=-7.==::...:;::=--=
--~ -G G F CONN Minuet Organ, q, · SJM new: m_ 9G-<1G4. .... • • f'WY. MAYTAG Waabu &: Dryer. ;,;;;;,:::;;~:::..;:::..:=:1OP.en10 tot p.m. am. lCM ExcellHlt condition. $!$ $1500; beaul oond.; .U for
---· ••• ~.. • ...:,l10I~. ,:Call;;:::,' :':67!Hl!l69~~ ....... * $29.44 * ~~· ,. 3 Pleet Braided KONAROI El~ Ranp, auto Eltey Splntt P'8.no. $475.
• OV SET Hammond 0rsan 1100. Al. RUG e own, .new. newr med. * 5J5.2131 * lj)'km blond, .......sblo. * 962-3911 *
Brown, eoppertoat, a:reftl.. Harn.mood FJectrle ()Jpn
SI••" 1x10. 2 x.!I. 2 •I Anti•-1110 Donlili J<eyboanl. $600.
AL'5 UNUSUAL > -• m'.9212 * ~URNITURI AN'l1Qtn:S A CLOCKS I PRIVATE PARTY ll!i!!~~~: J l'll&I. Stach Blvd. FOSTER'S ANTIQU&s: Wantl1to buy piano :I 1Dll llnn-8-b IO..f<6I W.rnl e 1903 ......,.,, CM IOT Cub. 21.H!T-1035
i. t '
7 a I -. 32 .. 'T I !-·
IUX:IPE -m..1=~"""""541).61.1~:=':_,,~= ~"!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~Pl wm fine ""' ""'· L.B. JAG~ collection. l•ke all. RCA Vlclot Color TV 24", lt Fl'. Pencrma •. lalandflr P35.181Cal1Jim -494-a773or ----.;.,.;.:..;;.:--.I
6'J5.-2.US 2113 $375. 3 pc bdrm aet. Sl'lS. Ce luxe mo'del (all ~. '67 , L.:,...
LABRADOR/ Settu pup, 'I' !JI Mlnlill 5'9-1280 .tt 6. r I be r 1 I • 1 1 ) cutboar 1963 CHEVY % ton Pick __,' ~ ,, ~ •• ~., f I SX Oistom a.p down COYt'I'. ' • Coupe, deep ~t bhi!
mo&. s ....., .... : e m• e . AWMINUM Plltlo cover 1 Bi& whttl lilt trailer. $100 up w/camper. Loaded with with plwib COii~ le&t.-
&42-1329 2/14 17 Near new Qm S450 Sac! phone M,__ after '1 pm. ~ Musi sell Nso. er lnlet1or. Qiwne wtfti.
LDV ABLE female cat, creY $.150. 6'2-4517. ll' OIR.LSCRAFr utility I AM!nf, etc. Qnly lf.llJ)
ii 'While, part • n & or • . HOLJDA y llet.llh Spa. 20 mo pleasure. lOO bp, 6 eyl lnbd. '55 _INTERN AT l 0 NA L e11re(\il,_ milei. , Cb0dUion hi ~ 2113 coritra:cl for 2. make oiler. Lai-lrake conrtrucOon. P\clcup truck. lfOOd. cood. th.la Jalit1m~., ,
SI-IORT haln!d lemale. C!ll 645-2793. Xlnt cond thruoul NJ fJ50. 237 Woodland Dr, t
Xlnt w/cbildm. &Bluffs. -.-V-ERS--U----t-p-i.-...,-l!iO= price P,-450. ~l+tO aft 6 Laaum 8e&cb
N.B. &44-1D96 2/13 Gu dryer, m PM DODGE 1Ai m. 'It pidl-up:
FREE to a &ood homt. Pet Sl).2101 Sl:lARP lS' boat w/cr:rve.n. dtan: I ft. bed: 1-owner.
J~i'lll~ .l.'
.111 1Jli111 i" whl~ rabbits. ~2/U ---. -----swlv~I aee.ta. 40 bp motor S4.000 Ml S:UfiO 548-5750
·J RABBITS with Cqe DON'T JU!'1 WISR lot IOme-I: U.Uer. flSO. 64l-«li7 '69 GMC ;tu. " l HY)' duty ll""' m "'··-~·ll •
-al 2 2/ • -to --bome 1-...,,,,=====,.--4(l(lo .... 8'!ll/tJ1I :»-w , .. ~· ''" • ttr p.m. 14 .• , • ftnd PHI: b!,JYI la t~ SKIPPER nntt: {!art 40, Uubt. llJ..'J909 Newport Beatt\, "
Af.IXED LU pu,ppy. 1 wks. d1,J'1 0•"'"*1 Ads. time work. ~ SQ..94(& '51>-l'IJ'I
loYtl kWa. 541--lilt 2/15 leav-e tlltlM#· DAILY Pnm WAN? ADS! Au~rta!d MG Dtdlr ,
I I•
' ThwtdoY, ,......, "· 1 'lf!'l
TIWISf'OlTATION (l'IANSPOlTATION • TUNSPC?RTA TION TUNSl'ORTA1ION 1,TUNJ"'-'.-o-POR..-_To;,;A;,;.TION=..._i _TllAH;.;,;;..;;.;;;.;SPO..;;.;;RT.;,,;A.;,,;T~ION,;..;;;...~T;.:IANc=S.;..;PO:;,;R;.;T;.:AT;.:l;o;,:._ !iml~:i:~~~~2
! .. ~ ..... A-HOO I~~· HOO ·---HOO -Wenlod mo _u_ .. ;;;~ !ic...iiniiiti;i;"'°;"""''~~~~iiiiiii:iiiiiiii~~iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii"'°~ Uood c.. '900 ICAIMANN fiHIA l'OUCHI! VOLISWAGl!N 1: c!=' CHIYIOUT ' OLDSMOBILE
GIUS ~!.&..u!!!. " -
. til·t:~· ~~-:-= FINEST SELEa10..,·· ·· IMEISITY 2 :11'• 'f . blod< ,...,..., AM I FM. Pri• S,.Clela H. -ft. ·-M ·tuOM.;;:''X:-. n SAL~· lllllflc. I
' ... --ttru, etc., ..... '60 Bur ... ... .. ..... 119 --, • -dell• -fo>nlcn LAST OF ~
1 'II ' Jl,lllO lotlo1 mllol; -'61 -; ....... V'"' .. Ail!' ...... Ci.la. NII -.. -WIU ... ..... ' OF '· AD extra lhatp. all with ra-• mrtk:uk>ul ~ '63 Bup •••• , ••• : ••• :. $91 ..:..-... _A ¢:1 L.B. TXJ4U. Mk 1or ' dklll:~tenmtone witb ''BUI ••.•••••••••.••• ,_1"5 ...... ..-.2n.rdoon: Jlm..tM.sm or ~
air coodl-. 'fl Sllni>oam A1plno ~ -wttll,atu., 1 -·
, ""'<l!t•t *,.,... .. 61411 ~~ "'":.i: '.t".·~ ·~ ~ ~ PREVIOUSLY 0 ~ . -·di-·• 1111111 • .... R/Jj, SJ.Ill. CUii,.. -~ 1 luu. Set ol back IMl:t tor Golden West Auto Centtr,
, 11~.~ Coalt..,1lWY· °" ~ v.w. -Pbooe SINU1 1980 Ne..,.. Blvd, C.M, OWNED ' -t11>1"' H.B, Alie .., 8111.· , _ ..,ao...::' .. ====== I o~ ' Aulhorlud MG Dealer . ~. ' Auto L..i.. 9110 Ch'iYSLElt .
' ',61 PORSCHE 912-19,tw mi 'wL. A -
.. ,..,., ,;"''"' . ~/;:.':!.::"::'~.~ · . '\I' *AUTO IWIG* '65 CilRYSllR '68 1t711HAllOI ILYI. Drl.ys. 525-1183 , Nll:b.ll 14MllJ-t~11tt I , t
COf!All!IA 61S-4l23 1m-llLYI, I~~ NewY-.VI ............ '!"~~=-·::: ·;.r=~:~ ..,_~.:'"'ik".; ... t>m c;:~~~ .. :~";'"'2·t= CA 1 ILLACS or lama._ Golden West Auto ,..,_. tif-3(166 aft 5:30 , I mo. bW~ ttn., Newport ·leech fGM40 wtndOwt, -"'i... hea1ft 1o14.
c.oi.r, -Newport Bl"'· '65 Porsche "C" -w!llt., nblt '"' by , -ed. c,,,W.,7.ii' ' CM. -. -...... -f.., ...... DOW U~ C... 9900
= .• ==Lo=TU=s== ~11u;;r~'!>= ~>;.,.~t'==" liullfMlllJATlOI $1795 IN. SO. CALIFORNIA
'67 ·LOTUS -· . low ,mlleaae, must ttD : ~
mldlately! &U-ll73 a.l'ttt
4:11) p.m..
1.ow m11 .... this .. -u;·""' vw s.,w."'c1r. ,oooo ·-ATLAS ' :~ ~ti>Oo -ool. like ... w. RJH.,:11is • w' s· · .. E . 4 Do. OR' -2 DOO• . . i . · .n..h or terma:. Golde'lf.West . · llK OIR.YSLER-PLYM:otml [.ft
" Auto Center, 1984 Newport a Harbor Blvd. _1~1 \liJllll f
-1l111p1111 •.
Blvd., C.M~ 6U-MIO Credit problemT See UI fer Coltl. Mia 51&-1934 El Do' do c I I
MUST ..U :88 vw, "'°"""· !JllWot delivery, 1 ... "'"'°' Clptlt 'tll 10 p.m. • fl S • 11 S .
AM/FM, auto. xlnt care, eat)' tamt. We decide on '62 IMl'llllAL •
12,lixl ml Iott on ...._ty. ,.... credit Ctl\ or COIDe °""" bu.ltop, whl1<, Ill • Coupe de VIUes • Sedan de . Vllles
3100 w. Cout Hwy. $1800., 8'-Wl or gl.863., in today. . · ' orl&"· Interior. NI pwr., tlct
Newport Betch uk.,. ""1 Archibt!d 540'43'1 air, dlr, pwr. -115 PRJCED FROM $4995 642-S411i 5'<).11&1 J"61 vw Sedan, Riii. < . ILUE CHIP Cu!l dtll c< tab ,...Ip . .
Authorized MG Dealer speed, very clean, U495. AUTO SALES ear In tradt. WW. fine prvt
caah or term.1. Gol<Mn Weit 2145 Harbor, Costa Mesa prt;y. L.B. liSC 1118. 4ltf.l7TS.
A!uo Ceoter, 1184 Newport WI PAY 'CASH FOR .... l4$"83t '
Bl•d.C.M.6U-IMO YOUll CAR, PAID ========I
1969 SUBARU '65 vw deluxe . oo.. Top FOR OR NOTI CONllNfNT'&L
shape. Oen. Good tires. MEDIANICS' SPJ:CI.ALS "
AR Carry Mew Car
5 YMr or 50,000 mllt"Waminty . .
• from $1297; 66 MPG Prjvate -· $L1'IS ...,.. ONLY 10 c.uts LEJT P/b. p/a. auto trant. air-Complete foreign car arrvice 548-7413 Ont to Each CUstomer '64 CONT. fUll pwr lthr int,
'62 OLDS F -35, new trans. •
!:.. ~'. :_~m .,,.. : LEFT OVER$1:
PLYMOUTH •we M"'t Claar Thml'
'67 PLYMOUTH : ~:~~ .j l
J\tr> DI 4 Door-· VI a '196' lxoc. Can )• ;
qtoe,au.,...llctlsnlmll-• i"
odon, 1"doly air --a 1'61 Dtmonllroton • -
""'· '°"' -· -• HU,GE • -and beater. (NNB299) -~ •
$1895 :
292t Ha:rbor Blvd. • . \..--:: ·Qiata-Mf.1114 ~ Open .,tU 10 p.di. • • • 119 PLY. ""1 111: hdtp., ) •
fact. alr, pwr,, RAH; owner • 4
mlllt ..U, take over p)1ts. • DIS(OUlrfB) ·
Low am't. dn. 54&-6314 •
'88 PONTIA~ ~ : AS
::~ !':i~ .. c:::lry -• s1500 Ford w...,.. Ewr>tlolnl. • -
SC.1136 -• ' . •
STATION Wason. '62 Poo> • On T ..... leautll11C -
tt&c: Pwr. •leer. A bnlln: '61 MODEL-. . a.tr-cond., xlnt lht,pe. New 8
tires, new trans. J1ne fa.I» •
ooncL Xlnt cond. M"'' ..u, Kosta Kustom Kan oWNER Dut1t ""' 1966 vw $25. l50. $11. l100. u ..., ...... llm. pvt . =:.n.sacrU!ict. Eve a . M5 ~r, C.M. 540-5915 ~Xnlt Mid. Radki &: ~IJ'U.. plu. tu:&: Uc. .:1'.llii:3LN Cont., IOw
"";;;.;-;;;,.,=;:;r;i::-"::;-25,000 ml. Ben otter. Ct1t llWPORTER MOTORS
Jy car. $650. s.u.-u49 • llfyitr11 •.Electru:· :.;,. =. T;r." ..:~ 'L• Stbns -Wildca '" ,...,,.."! • & Skylarks I •
•tf 230 SL Me Benz. 56-2944 after 7 p.m. milts, Yttf clean. $1795.
t.liht blue w/..,,.,., bl '°'t SUNBEAM '65 VW ....,.bid< Statloo _; u-~-Bl 714' ....,..,. Palm Dt-'62 TEMPEST, good cond. a
ID!. Go... hick East •
March 5. Evn. 64li-mf •
top; all extras Waaon. New tires. xlnl -...,, ;w _Yd. '67 LINCOLN, 23,001 Mi. Red
xlnt oonc!. -SUNBEAM TIGER cond. $1395. ~ = i:: ~Loaded OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC
MG ·:.ll.!2 =. 11,i.,w~ :,_Vll'"-PMXtn~"\'~i :zi: · IUICK ------1 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY
------Shoclm,...., '"""'·well u,.,..J.·m.7!9o COit...... LAGUNA BEACH
lllll PONTIAC lloMiYllle 2 •
<tr, pwr "'''•:aim•• R/H, ii DOWN A . ·~. ":. "'"<Wi\ion. • . ';'Ii .•
MG malntatned by local owna\ _.,.... FOR Silo 1966 Bulclt Rl\'kn ••' I"'
. l2l95 673-6653 . 'II VW-BUS xlot oond. lo -· pvt -,----'---149 .. 1084 • . r .. 7 3103' -\ · · . "6, ~Al 1,;. fine body, ''"" ...,i, clean. puty. ~ 61 Conette 'T' . ~ •
. Salee,\sorvf'co, Pertl good Olhat>e> ;!fki'. ' -.61S-ll<lll7 '65 WILOCAT 4 dr, hd top 4 ........ .....,..ble ,...11,
Take · owr pa.ymentl." 'AU. • ,,_ k _, U.... ... ;
$m. 21.lt c:ontlnentai, CM • Af!Jr'"4 'Cri*. •MA ·
~-·t..w MG inventor)' can 9111-~4 ·• 67 V.W. SQUAREBACK rtd/ttd int. nw titts full finilhed in ellUillte dark
Iii ~ '*f' :Anltin AJnoica -~.~ .. -----EY.CELLENT OONDITIONI J>Wi'. Air $1895, 540-0126 fvy ll'ffn with black inter-
e 1981 FIJtEBIRD 350 Rtl. •• ... Pfl11il .. • ,·.
wh!l.,Sonf!r.$2400 ;_,;· ·
...... ' l!lo1¥1' . ·• 518-""' e '63 • BLUE l!i.ier., Full !or. Nb' equipped lnclud... . Ct1t 11!&-ua& • -· POOLE'S FINF
USED CARS .' TOJOTA '85 VW bnM>t. 50,00I mi. ..,...., air, 1 °"""• lc1ol powor -AM I FM, • ltA!\otlLElt : _l~Ll~IPL1l I
_11111pu1 t~,
IUD W. tout Hwy.
Nowport Beach
·-5'<).1764 Aut:bcl'lud MG Dealer
JWstr, .MUk m, 4 IPd. dlr,
ace1lent nmnill& cond. Wire
wbeell, cnua white body,
--Int. Ori-by little 'o1t man b'Oftl Lapua.
.. CUb dell; ..m 11oc· pnrt.
prty, 1' 8. UOF '8!, 48U773 .. -MGB 'fl, Riii, 'Y"! wbe<il,
...,i condition. -$22(11. LDW miles. 64J....l6'1
--'--=--~--White/ IOOd condltlo•. cond. llJ95, ~11 = ... l tlno, et.., tie. 'Q FORD 67 MUSTANG, pwr ..... air --~ . •. '69 TOYOTA HJ !900. *· 64U1'8 •·'66 BRUICX -lull ,,.., mile•,· tactoey Station W•-cood. Mtny extru, tad. NEW ·a """hltr. Full &be
1965 VW e.,., new -· equipped. linimcu!ate -~· •ho""'°"' """"' Excollent cooc!lt!on."&-P..,, waJT.-JU.. new 540-11'11, oil -l20l3 + tax aJ>d a '57 OLDSMOllLf ' , · MANY EXTRAS radio. $1350. dltion. Call "'"4f4I Country Sed., dlr, $85 cub I pm call 962.-9566. Uc. w"tl" 4 tl•or. C.t.LH•t4". , ;
EXEC CAP *can ~· '62 . BUia< Spec. Power, dellven. Take PY,mta of MUSfANG 1965, aria owner a Yov ''" l:teliov• thl1 ,,r.e ill 1
SAVE ISlQ. '68 VW SU. 7 pau, lOnt auto, good cond. A -. "9M mo. WIU ltoc prvt top cond. only 113115, <11149. I .,;,• f :
All Model1 Fr. $1nO · '°"4. AM-FM. "" prty. $525. -prty. L.11. · UEV434.' Cxll * m.3:l8f * iilJ •
I •-!. !2500. 6U-1037, 837411 CADILLAC ....,, u. 491-9773 or 56-0634 '68 l(USTANG, alr-cond., lull '66 TOllONADO . \.: fall Lf.ll1U ·~ .=.:..i"·= 3100 W. Cout Hwy. JA VEUN pwr., '""'1 top. mi 1111. :hi! ,,.,., 1"'"" i".ti; :
lunl"\DT'C: $650 Cub. aft 6 '68 CADIU.lC Coupe De Newport Beach T.O.P. Pvt Pty. 673-8904 '42"'°2J cond, ISINllJI ::1'4; .
""""'" 'fl vw Sedan dlx. Low ml. Vile"°'"'· Xlllt cond. Prlo--l>IQ.1"' 1AVEIJN SST '88. P/S, '811 MUSTANG lldtp. Bir•: • $2995 .... ~ r .
TOYOT,,.VOLVO """" extru. O rl1!n1i ed.,. qulclc ale llllXIO. Au-MG Dtolor P/B. l2«lO, IAavlng r... auto., !WI: lady owner. T·liRD • .1
1966 Harbor, CM. . 6*93tl! ....,.., $1495. --Tl CORVETl'E, BursundY H1nll. -111195. M4-2ll51Alter6 PM ' a '61 ft •~:a J :
'67 TOYOTO '64 vw &m -. Riii. 1 ~ = x1nt cond. OLDSMOBILE 1965 T-eIRD lull _,., "'"· c.., .. ·.-..,,., • .. tf,.~·; · lie ....,,...,._ owner, $850. Good tire•, CHEVIOLIT-Ml!JlCUltY clotn, all extru, $17Sd. Ct1t t• ,,..i. I .;;.,.,, tUCIP'll 1:
Corona. automa reblt erw. 644--0136 S Sat aft 12 or Sun, Week-da.Y.I .a•Ol I 1 ..... • ~ ::.";. ~:t~. • .. ., VOLK!WAGEN. '64 ctivROl(f COUGAR , 'H coLoNY PARK '66 OlD Cutlass .62alt. ·~--. a1r •. Xlnt,, '.' f 1495 :",. _ ·
• $1475 $200 under Blue Book 1967 COUG"v ty ty W. Station Wacon· blue with r..... -8 -•• , • • 9b-8956 Malibu Super Sport, V8, auto-new, air .... ..,c!"oo, Pp / 8 , matchin& vinyl, Inter. in xlnt .......... v ' automatic, ¥-0• cond. Good ttrn.'$615. ,.· ' • '6'i 1CHIY S.S..:-· ""°" Ull1G v1-·l. Xlnl $995. Daya and heater, PQwer stetring, .a ... , •••1611, -t •-, e·-trans.; power brakes, ateer-brakts, landau top. CSLU '56 T BIKO 1Convert:lb1e .••tllo, lio•tor, '1110" p~ 1
M• LIJntil '64 VW, SUNROOF, ndlo, matic tr,.ns:mtulon, , radio AM I FM, W I 0 Ttre1. Wk-cond.; air • corx!., auto. heater, poW1!r ateerfrw and • 87}31122 a . . . • ,· . :
•o b-• win-~ .....,... .. ,. ~ ~" 889) ,,_. • .,_ ,,._.,.__: P.I. lmmocul•f• condltl1n~ 494-8571, eve1 494-2976 power ...... es, power I wk~ndl 613-2218 or in& &: rear window; radio, s~ See at ~' _.., ....
• '58 MGA Red hrdtp "" IMf'ORTS .. 60 .. v. w. VAN dow•, ladory air coodltloo> fB-2244 beater: rood w/w tireo: 0.,... $1695 Dr., Co.ta MelL 518-71183 • $2295 ·
R/H Good mech, • &ood tim TOYOTA•YOLYO New trant . ...i •nrU>e Ing, loaded. (KJJ658) ,61 COUG.<-... foam· filled nAUihioyde '&l T·BIRD w~ • '.!'•
ll50.!lfMOOG. IB66l!Ubot,c.•L . 64&t30S mo•643-51S1 $1195 ,. ...i1or ...... dec1<Cldn!tor ATLAS 1...--,.b(;;U.a '6711.CAMINO"' .:
'W MGA-lliOQ TOYOTA WANTED: '81 Var la n t . Lime wtdl black~ top. ~hbdnn when travefuw.) otter . .rr.JtP3 • •C •,• t •,. plck11p. R.•~
top cond. $800. • sunroof· pnter li&ht color ATLAS 1.-dld ud air~. M lJctftlld. Ideal family CHRYSLER-PLYMOlml ,88 T·BDU> 4, Dr. Landau •hMttr, 11110., PS. IV1701)_ * 1136-'731 * .. , . . . 1136-ioiir....,, 6 PM . QOO. !!. -1G-1881, car, lall1y priced at $995. 2821-BIYd. P/w " aiMOiid. l'vl cond. a . t112•95 ·.~ • .' HEADQUARTERS OIRYSLER·PLY"MQUTH Ewa. IG-1Cl6 fG-3589 Aft. 1 PM. Coata Meta MS-lJU Must lelll utM ~2433 ¥ .. .. MG. ELMORE '82 VW Bua, new eng, A-1 , ,...,, '8S OOLO Open 'tll 10 pm U'A~ . · nce!Pte to,.... 2821 Harbor Bl"'. 88 ~:JAi\ XRT 6000 mlln I<? Park. 9 ..... · . • ,67 COUGAll ..
fB2.-6329 · Calta Mesa 546-1934 Prlced•b'bmnedaalel Call 25,000 mlla. Big engine~ '1962 OLDS Starnre, all ex." y&, NT • ·
lt66 , MGB Roadster, wire 15300 Beadt. .Bhd.. Wlb:llnltr Open 'til 10 p.in. '97-J.SS2 power everytb,Jng. Heavy tl'U, U75. "!I ho I ea a I e . -· II\. -· •R.IH, •wlo,. rs, eir condf,
wheels, R/H, lo~ mUe_s. Pbane IM-332'J -duty lhocks, primlum tns. 5JS..n48 aft 5. vALiANT ,614.Dr. CS). PIS. tlonh•t· I •-· IUCX-~
Sflll, belo• •• e ..... retail, t VOLVO Dl!SOTO "'"'°· Ct1t aft 5 pm. '81 0' ns 98 Full A ' ·= ' -1•-•"11 , .. $1115. cub or tenn.o. Golden B"'' ~ M ·A EY '141-17tlt! ~ · ..,...., "'°" ·~··" "'!" ., _ ' $2695 :,,Ji '· W~ A to ~ t ·~· u .. a.._ ,,11~ air cond. $300. . U/ho ~.,$!~ ~ -· u ~n "· --.. -'68 VOLVO z ·DO. MUST ..u immldllte1y1 1959 SOCK rr.,,, 'EMt Ct1t a1t s '4&-3'85 ott.r'"""" 13'1-'362 "i · = Bl•d, c. M. 111n1vrx1yIA'I •• DtSoh>, rood cond. $DI. • • . • '66 OLDS .. ,.. .. , •
• 1ii11 ~.. ~ 5&-W7 CJ '*'mT UMCI C.rs 9900 Uted Cars '900Ulied C1ri ·9900 L11nrJ 4 Joor. Fllll "lt•wtt, 11111 llACH BLVD. MANY EXT.RAS ' ~1 ....... 1 .. 1su•111t ~ MORRIS . Hunt. INch 147'15" EXEJ;i"" DODCll • e2495 ·~ l·--1'17-W_Mlnor_V_lcto-l':-.-.~-.;-.'"-.·13m1N.otO...tHwy.onl!ch "fall 1.-!. • '67 .DODG£ DART IT 7 s A FA c T : '66 :STANG iz~ii
See anytime. ' TRIUMPH LfJl1U aF•ctory air, 4 ., • .4, r•dio ·--ltflOR'TS 270~.H.T.V-l,autcaattc. ·h••l•r. IRSW2161 :z•
, __ ,_O_ltS_C_H_E_·_1 '64 Trlumpll totOT•·•.91.•0 '88 EL ComJno 3116 -· nd1o. hlator, '°"'....,.. THESE CARS ARE FULLY RECONDITIONED, AND ARE a $1 A95 '
1-Spitfire. British racing creen 1966 ttarbor c.M. 646-&m lftl, lllr condltlonfni. Q)m. -.
* POUCHE '65. c, R«i, wtth black 1n1er1or. P<Tl<cl ' 4 ...... lll<k oblfl. $1TOO. ..,.., ITGXllOJ BEIN& OF.FERED AT OR NEAR WHOLESALE PRICJSI 1 a 8Jack Int. Chrm. wh11., condltion bi'ewrydetail. '65 122 S lOlmaculate. RI,)' ~Chevron Sta., $1618 • '65 OLDS Delta .. f' AM·nl~ radio. 'Very $J2tS AM/FM radio.~ I trade OOf S. Hwy, Laguna. 4 ~. t;t.T. R.IH,-•11t•., ~ .
'rood cond. Pr 1J1V S32$. &eteo, 'frhlte wa111, mint 4if..n«I 19Q THUNDERBIRD $975 ••ir co1111itlo11i111. IMO •
54MZ4 cond. 61400. ~"' rc.n 1.96'1 EL CA!iINO 4 ipeed. ATLAS Full power, factory air condlUon. • '"' • · ~·
l9tll PORSCHE Cabrlolet help -I • pe cl at ....,;....,...._ CHRY~\'IdOtml Whit. with black Interior. 1Ylj4S7 a $1695
Riii, ,.. c!utdo, 11'15. ........,.....,.----·!Bliek . ..-"'· . ..,. 21121 P..W Bl,.,, 1.--..,_._. ---~~I
cub « 1em11. Goldeo Wnt f.utW y/-9700 tltt•, lot ctu. coodltlon. a.to -S<l-1111 BIA~~ Cenc .... ~'...~Newport w "-~ H -PAY $2100. 675-2:126 ()pm 'tU 10 p.rn.
""• .m. • ....--.. 3100 • ....,..., wy, "'""' • · • '80 CHEV statloo waion·
'63 PORSCHE ~ xlnt cont, Newport Bea.ch CASH V-S, auto'., pv.ir. steer. i. 'M PO~ 4-Dr., ,,'/f!~ all new equip. Best offer, 6'U405 ~17&1 brkl. AlJ'.cond, Xlntl :;erLitza~.-un1•m,
--' .A•thorlzed MC\ Deller 64>-21G , ==m=. =·==;===
Lis YICllS YICllloa a DAYS & 2 NIGHTS
No P1r•NM MtcMMry
15)00 --llYd. Wesllliinsler
tor -..,. • truc1oo I"" lll6l OiEVY CoaWrt. -PALCON ..nu1i..-..-t·.· ~~.~~'= -------n.Mu l'UIVMlrl' after 5. '62 J"aJcoa !P-tian Wason.
UllVln WlloJllVu;I 1=--===~"""'---1 aqtomatic, 4 door, ndlo A ~-'-40_: ~ u---•a an;v ImPlla bardtup Mi.tu,,,.. tins, e.o:io ._
.n.a ---·· conv. &xctllent cond. R A 1 ... 1 .... 1 -n ..... 8• --U211 lltach Bl.... H, pr atrr. flOll. MS-1748 ••-••-'••-.. ~·--~-~ Ire 1410.00. Call-· ~· ~ &!)": 2 PM
Kl t=i 6S CHEV. Impala 301 VOite FOltD
WE PAY WH .... ill ..,1. Map. Jndyt ---·--..-.-
lllO. 546.0ITI · 'G FORD lW OOrwt.' A-1 ii CHEVY rn'ij;OJa; 4 1pd, Sbarpt II iello. ll an FOR YOUR w -....... !900. McGboe, 141-taU, ,..
"3-356!1 1!3--0ailOm#!I
',15 CHEVY Coupe, 1111 FA.IJU..ANE lq11lrt
ntomatlc, 4 oew tlm. ID!. W-. V-f, -· P/I, air, * 54&3765 * Srd IM\ SlKJO. 8i8J..!215
'59 lMPAl.4 New ...... ...,.. rotd E 2» Super Vu.
l!OO. or bet! °""'· 1M7-f1Jf ...... v ... !000 ml. -
WID ... ..~Ciro(. -.. , 'a CHtf!i n s1o1>m w....,·1 '·e=-=ro=RD"""w:--.=-,Alr...,,.., "'P111"'.
f V-~ MOO. 445 Eu! 11th St, P/" traltr ......... !l&IO.
tar • ~-a.ta u.. ID-«JO :. =. ~ '= Ptiol fer 'Ol OiEVY '-la V..S. 2 I '•14~JOllD,,,,;;,,__,,..,.~. -, ~,-,Cir~.
-~ 11-Dr. HT. Aom, P/I, R/11. r ... Good ---•l<oJf~ Y• c.n aft 5, •t• 8T3--3Sl3 r.• • wtmdl.
1141!! IKIM>DCIVL op. i 0
'•0> CiiEVi' iMl'ALA. OOl'FOllD 4 DR.
---.... -Xlnt cond. ... Town -. Oood -· ... :~·-QoattltdAdi. ""111111jtlpm., 1001 QIU Dr. N.8. -:;:;;; --* tD ''Bt..._ Op-'55 Of:tVY, 1""" Jo r '!II F.AIRLANE. fWl pw 6
DOt&allltlls" Notti letnaitr . f75. Call a.l'ttt 5 automatic%~ ttm A can.
pm $t&.;35l5 dlHcJD. $21(1. ga..a
The Fastback model with power steering and
brakes and factory air condltlon. 10zl67
1"6 COMll 4-DOOR CAPRI ' .
Vol, auto., power steering, factory air contlltlonJ..
new Ures and completely recontl!Uoned. RRTI;g ' -. -,
Vol, auto. -.ieer., power brakes, fac. alr cond. Florentine gold w /match. Interior. HON MS ~1575
1"6 MlllCURY 4-l>OOll PARKLANl-"Thi leet(' S2095' !>"'I' melalllc maroon with blact lllldau roof. .
Power steer, power brakes, fie. air COlltl. XSSU8 •
1t67 MUSTANG COUPI G.T. . $2175 Vol 4 •peed, pow. 1 ... r., pwr. braku1 facl air,
wlde-oval ures, dark blue w/malch. mter. TNH~
1'65 OLDSMOBILE ,.,.. '4-00011 HARDTPf' ~ $1'675 Full power, factory air condition. Ermine whit.
with prider blue Interior. NBRm
• 1941 HAltlOI IOUUYAID , •
c6STA MESA • . '42°70,0
H DAILY PILOT Thunda1, Frbniaty 13, 19"
• •
,, "1
If you are seeki119 11 better home for your family,. be sur.e to c•ll for en eppoi~tm~nt to in~pect· '.:
one or more of the ettlective family ,homes listed below end ciffered by the area's< feeding real· ' .
I I l
. l .
estate brokers. < '
I ..
B/B , i/B
For You·r Va·lenti1ie! . . .
2 large Bedrooms, dining nn, spacious living rm, w/stone
firepl-.• Many extras including additiona\ 600 sq. ft. -
. $32~. Mfll1t exch:.ng. equity for larger home In Or•nge County
plus some ·c1sh.
Cupid's 'Not StupUl
'\.le knows a "Sweetheart '
· when he sees one . . .
and yo1l'U agree with Cupi~ when you see this . Oceanfront
Home. 3 BR, lge ·brick .fireplace -could add 2nd unit:
Excellonl looch -$56,500
"The Red Carpet Treatment"
3109 Now port Blvd .. Nowpcwl llMch 673-4350 (1 . . (Marklf Basket Pl111)
The Look of Love
Will be in your eyes when you see the lights of the bay &
Catalina at sunrise & sunsel
Spacious unusual adult home with 40' living rm & pool -
a joy to see-
incl only $48,500
3250 E. c .. 11 . Hlghw1y
orona del Mar 673·2222
Slte'U Love-this 01ie
Jut lllted Baycr.,l hoid'<in qulel tree-lined street. S Bed·
rooma, 214 batlla, format dlnlng room, panelled famlly room
with wet bar & boot sh"1vet. BeautlfUUy landscaped yard
"Ith expensive masonry -separate children's yard.
$63,950 .
Colli Jock Scrot11Y -RH: 644-225
'8411. Co11t Hlw1y, Coron1 dOI Mar •
. ' -·' "
. { '-. UHUTIVE HOM O" THE WAIER _· . · .
.. o'JINTASTIC 61»,% .,-'$0 yr loan available. Maenlfice~tly
decorated. Just ~lip.~ inside' It out, new wall p8per,~n~":
kitchen floor tile, luSCious new honey co!or w/w carf>etini
Your own 40' BOAT SLIP off the patio, 3 llrge l!dJ'ml, 3
baths, over 2600 sq. ft,. huge family rm & living .nn with wet
bar & ~uliful '!lew Ill •baY, modetn all electric ki~ben, ex-
quafte-C:/YsW 'chandelier. Full price· ,88,500. · ·
For Your Pleuure Open Thurs./Frl. NMn 'tll 5aG P..M.
DireCttons: Pacific Cout Highway , r-,
to Admiralty, turn in north aC1'(16s V
the bridge to 3301 in Huntington '
,..... Beach or call (714) 772-9530. •. ~
CJQC) 0 Uo .
. (),·CJ()O
BIG Sweetheart
First on the market! 5 bdnns, 3 batlla, plus huge famlly room
& formal dJntng area. Over 2600 sq. fl in all! Price !Jlcludes
shag carpets, quality . drapea. oofl wl!U, door opener ind
central garden atrium. Sweetheart of a house -holMJy of a
buy. . .
· JU.I listed 11 $49:000.
Pete f5a1·rell leaf ft;
pr11611n'6 . "
AL1;-l'RE5HENED UPI New pain~ clean Wpell, vacant,
ready to move in. Wonderful f<lT _large family -near Mari·
ners School & Park. Arrange roolns to suite your needs -
3, 4 or 5 bdrms with family rm fl,/or dining rm. Harbor lligh·
OFFICE OPEN Saturday Ir 5undayt
() (] 'ewport Beach 642·520r
(Jo j ·oQo~~ .. "J
Happy 1·969 l:1 a.lentine
Our New Offices at
901 Dover Drive, Suite 120
""l.v..tao a11:1t. a H ....... HI"'"" ""*
VOff DEXTEll £LAYN• IVIO.aM llltT Fl"HREN TOM TUllNllt •
l!L.LIN GlKCIOHI c:utu .. •t WOllKIHO
J• ohn macnab
.. ' •• •
. ' '
8/1 B/8
. Lov.e at First Sig lit
•• ' J....~ ' •
i B.etter than new 4,iJdrm, 21h blth·"Chancellor home" with
qver ,7,000 in extras le decilrattng. ,
. · · $36,950 wltli ... um1ble 5~ '/, loin
. .
fl , HIDE-A-WAY . i el.. over J • · . . . ~ ' Treat your favorite Valentine to a 3 JtR 2 bath hide-a.:py . r
cottage. No down VA -$187 month pays ·.an. Luge yal'd '
and neapcbools. · ·
Price $21,990
•t Newport at Victoria
• 646-881~.
I ·~.
4Bedroom .
3 Baths .;3 Car Garage
Furnished Models -Adams at Albatrou
Republlc Home1 Mes• Verde
Phone: 546-1077
· Irvine Cove ••
. Laguna -B~flifi · . .
· An arcbltectutal triumph! Dramatic contemporaJ1
'boll)t with classic flavor. Extra high callings thruout)
.radiant heat -even in patio. Marble Door entry. DinJna.
oom for 12. Teat cabinets in kitchen, large family room
with fireplace 3 BR, 3 ba., beautiful views of .
Beach and •W'f -fl.65,0ll!l. • TURNER ASSOCIATES
•WTOlll ...... c.. ..... .__
494·1177 •
( ,