HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-14 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. . .
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r .. -. . St. Valentine's Day, or no, Ji!Ue Joiln Fos!.¥.,<,2 Jq\ows a,.gqocl 11\illl'
when he sees it. In•tbis case, it :wail a'traillttonal'•bOx' ofb\)n-bollJ '
jneant for his mother. Mom is ldii J\ussell Foster of Costa 'Mesa .
.' ~appy Valentine's Day, Mom. •'---·
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Mafia Chieftain Gellov.ese Dies
' . .
Heart Failure _Fells 'UnderworM Leader in Fethral Prison
-SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (UPI) -Vito all lbe time bot wu alert ......,. lul G<novese served the early yeara of He wu lined 11),000 and sentenced to
-·· Ille llllfor undenrnrld llgun nlgbl lo ,_. them -Ibey CllM h1a oenlen<t a1 U., lederll penllenUary I& ytan wl~I probe~. m lbeUolled slalM and nputod-ln,"O<:contald. ' •in Allanta, bot lllte aU u.nber1 of Gmovae,adGtrardo"Jft)'"C.teoa,
.,, Ille Malla, died In !Iii sleep today GtDov ..... ~ lo have ...,....... . Ille Malla WU -lreiiuoollJ within Oil lmpropor .~I!'.,• .. labor ., ·~ management npunm Gtoovese hid In a I-prlloo. He wu 71. (Rllatod lbe noloria Apolochln, N. Y, meetlo( 'the federal prison system1 ·lo prevent amused a farbD ol p0 'mllllon. A
.lll!!r1. PIP I) GI Mafia -. Nov. II, 11117, lo him from bulldJDC a power"11111. • federal P"-may _.e hJa · bOOov-died or conpstlvt bear! lllllOWICt ..... IQlng over the co.. suu, Genovese ..... said 14 ba .. ma1.. fortune or put u in trust during h1a ~ a1 lhe medical ct0lu for federal Nottra. lained control ol 1111 N" 'York division lncatteration.
......... wber1 i. wu ncelved Jao. He 11 &Deced lo hava ~aoall:r -called a "Colla N'*" limlly" -of Newark, N. J., wen ldonllfied by
JQ. lie wu .. rnn, a 1$-yOF JW<»llcs anlered 111t ..,,..,lllM -attmipl and Ille entire olganizatloa !nJm behind lmprlaoned Informer Ja&llill Valacl>l
mnuallng: sentence. OD Frank Coetello, alOce deported. mid prison bats. ~ u two of the 12 "commJIS{Oners" who
Dr. P. J . Ciccone, dired.or, said the killing of tyndicate ei:ecu.Uoner Genovese, called "king of the run organized crime operations in the
Genoveae wu tranedrred to the medical Albert An•st•s!• in a New York City racketeers" by former Gov. 'Ibomu E. United States for the Costa Nostra. Of '*1ter from the federal prison at barber shop. Dewey of New York1 succeeded Cbarlea the 12, five were frpm New York where
1.oa...,..arth, Kan., because of a cbronie CooleDo, c""'1derod u "In retirement" ''LlletT"~--cleplftool'lo • Gme•eie m111e ~· ' .
heart condition Wt was not conaidered since the uD8UOCellful 1ttt.m~ on his hl.J native Italy after serving Ume for Valachl, now in La Tuna, Tes., Prison,
'""·~ w "'*'1 MoDlllJ. . .\ill.:<s~ la,~ white slavery-rompulsory ll"*ltution. turned informer after tilling a fellow
Ji1jo ....:..-W1drrC11, Wft jiltli Be ..... . · iq U. S. Dillrict ·Coor! in New York Atlanta in lllG. Valacbl uid tho man
/. 1 Ir ww, a> ian Gd a· ....... --tillW ·1imla '·, ~Genovae was eentenced AprD.17, 1969, ~hunata at the federal penitentiary in
llb-·bedled. . ,--~II' . -. lilng wltb. 11 cMhen lndlctod In an had -dealinatod by G<noveae lo
.;!91:.• _.*...,,,.-nat-,-be<a--oompltlel1-f,---_..,p-'"--111::;...-:~"'°1;~ft.i!1~.._.t c >_' _•_' __ ._ .• _-_.~ ".,,'°'7i-'-: ;' i:Uonal_ •arcotl<1 smuggllnf ring. · klll him.
.. • -· .. • •• ,.
~· ,. .. •• ... ,.,....,. •.
~ ., •
Bn>thor Munir E1<orll Mother of Aecusod •: ... .. .. From P .. e l ~ ..
i-dud of a sick, dl-...d mind and
; peraonality.
•. "Al the adual momenl of shooUng
· •. he was out of contact with reality,
"In a lnllce In wblch be bad no volunlary · cootiol over h1a will, h1a Judimen~ hlJ
feellnp or bll action ...
Berman said lhe d<leme wlD hack
up hla argumenta: "throug'b great men
In tho field of psycbialry or psycbology,
by tesll Iha! run Ille 1amut of hypDOlis,
Interviews and lm<rwn and accepted
psychological testl:."
Tbeae wt-wlD irove, Berman
llld, "Sirhan did not have the mental
capoclty lo have lhe mau4I slales thal
are the euentla1 elements of murder:
Namely, lo malur<ly and meanlnglully
• premedUlta, dellberala oc rdled on Ille
· gravity GI lhe lad, nor form an lntenl
• lo lclll nor harbor maJJce ilcrethooght
· u tbMa an defined by tbl laws of
•. , ..
~ ,•
DAILY PILOT "........... . .. "' ............ i,.,_....... ....., .....
MANCtl: COAlT l'Ull.l~\NG COMl'ANT
lt•li•rt H. 'Wt•4
.. ,.~ Mil ............
Jac lr. I. C11tl•r
Yb l'r ....... 111111 GtM,tl MMwttl
Tli•••• Ktt't'il ·-'"'•"''' A. M11tplii11• """""'9 E•ltat
Peru Gunboat
Fires on U.S.
Fishing Vessels
LIMA. Peru (AP) -A Peruvian JUI!'
boat fired on five Amerlcan fi!hinl
.....is loday and apparently baa taken
al leul one of lhem lnlo cuslody, hlghly
placed sources reported.
Reporb: were scanty owing to com-
municatiom difficultles but the other
American fishing boats appear to have
eacaped into :Ecuadorean waters.
Unofficial reports said the incident
took place In what lhe United Sta.es
regards as international waten 25 to 30
mlleis off the Peruvian coasUhle. Peru,
Ecuador and CbUe claim jurlsdldloo
over waters 200 mlles offshore.
It ,.., not lmmedlataly clear whether
lbe Peruvian gunboal fired at lhe
American filhennen or whether the shots
were acrooa Ille bow lo llop lhem.
There also were DO reporta: whether
any of the American crewmen may have
been injured. Washlnglon reporll said
the captured boat WU the Mariner.
This is the lltest of a series of incldents
-Amertcu llma liabenn<n, m...t-ly lrom California, and autboriUes of the
three west coast South American coun-
A Penaviau RIV)' 1pnkesm1n aid "we
are trylnc to cont.act our naval
aut.horitiea in the north." But he had
no dlrecl lnlormallon.
Beach Slaying Trial
• • '•
Attorneys today began quesUonlng
circum8lanei!s of the seliure of a sawed-
off shotgun by Huntington Beach detec-
tives who amsted one of two murder
~ .. !heir jtlinl preliminary hear-
ing entered Ila oecond day.
Proceedinp against the pair charged
From· Page l
Santa Ana denUlt argued. "Aod lsn't
one progrm much the same u-"
"It is 1n no way 'Identical," Cook
said. "I think thal If you wlll talie
the trouble to examine the summary
of our classes that is before you and
compare it with the Swedish system,
you will find a vast difference."
But Rallison, urging that the 40 to
50,000 parents affected by the sex in-
strucllon course should be "carefully
questioned" about HI impact on their
chlldren. tokl Cook: :."If what you're
teaching lhou1d ca~ one child to have
mental problems for the rest of his
life, then your whole program should
>be abandoned ."
The obviously lncredulO<ll Conk asked'
''The whole program?"
•0 Ye1;11 said Rallisort: '!'1Jla1's · how I
feel about JL" _. t ,
"Tben you're going lo ha .. lo lhnnr
out jull about the entire IChool program
apart from SU instrucllon, 11 Cook said,
"if you're going to charge it as uselea
becauae of one failure."
Trustee Clay Mitchell's defense of
Rallison led him into a wrangle with
lnuitee A.E. "Pat" Arnold before board
member Don Jordan stepped In to end
dlscmsion of the Cook presentation .
"Dr, Cook came here to give us a
full and extremely interesting outline
of bis district's program," be reminded
board members. "It wu never intended.
that this should develop into a debate."
Cook told trustees that his district's
program bad become a catalyst for many
school districts acro6S the United States
and thal Ille r...Wll reported by other
areas "all reflect a high degree of soo-
He deplored the failure or churches
to support bis program and argued that
sex instruction throughout the schools
under his jurisdiction would have become
"even more meaningful wilh the solid
support of the churches in our area.
"But only a few have shown any
Interest in a course that pretty well
demands interest at the level of reUgton. ''
he said. "We hope that that attitude
may change in the future ."
No less successful, q>ok said, ~as
an aduh program that offers limilar
courses -films, dialogue, literature,
suggested reading -for adults. ''They
take a %7-bour course for nine weeks
at three hours a week," he explained,
"and we've found it to be a highly
successful prorgam.
"But our great success," Cook said,
"has been our contribuUon to com-
munication within the family by what
we teach these yOU11Sgten -p<rhaps
this has been our greatest triumph.
"Many parenla, psrllcularly mothen •
have written to me to let me know
that as the re.sutt of our program they
have been able to ~ly discuss thole
personal mallerl that bave heen hedged
aside in the past," Cook said.
with lhe Jan. 11 throa~sla!h &laying
of a 55--year-old widow were expected
to be ccncluded by late afternoon.
Henry L. Sianez, 25, ol. 312 Clay SL,
and Edward R. Hargrave. 18, of 17392
Marken Lane, both Huntlngtoa Beach
addreuea:, appeared before Judge Walter
Charamza In Weal Orange County
Judicial District Court
The hearing in the murder of Mrs.
Hester S. Markee, of lsi:.I Olive Ave.,
began a week ago, with virtually all
the attention fecuaed on Sianez, while
hia teenage buddy wu Ignored.
Sianez' defenae attorney, Lloyd Nocke:r,
opened today's aesslon by questioning
Detective Sgt. Robert Rinehart about
aelzure of the shotgun and other evidence
Jan. 18 at the suspect's home.
Bloody clothing, spattered shoes and
a small pen knife taken from Sianez'
apartment are also expected to come
under close scrutiny as the case unfold&
Sianez and Hargrave were arrested
at their homes after detectlveis pressing
a continuing bunt for details in the
savage slaying turned up a cab driver
with a hot story lo tell.
A Huntington Beach woman and her
male frieod had already been formally
charged with Mrs. Markee's murder,
since the female suspect's abandoned
car was the central point Jn the cue.
Margareta Dinger, 38, al llOI Delaware
St., and Norman Coatney, 41, of 12581
Actor, Wife Split
PARIS (AP) -Film star Alain Delon
and h1a actress wife Nathalie, lwo figures
in the Investigation of the murder of
Delon's bodviniard, Were ctlv(ll"cf'ff trv>:ov.
... ,.......
M1fl1~1 Vito ~•n
Foster Raad, Los Alamitos, were unable
at the Um.e to gtve satisfactory accoont.s
about the missing car.
It wu found near the murder scene
-smeared with Mrs. Markee's blood
and carrying a paint scrape from her
car -obviously having collided with
Ille ,vldim'• aulo.
A cab driver Informed poilce atfer
a public appeal foc polenUal wllnesses
thal early on Jao. 13, he bad picked
up a bloodied man Dear the nµirder
scene, who bragged of having heen in
a flghL
During teBllm&;y WI Friday, a friend
of Sianez -the cabble'1 fare in question
-lold of lhe ollOeld worker visiting
hi! aparlmenl Jan. 12, beavUy lnloxlcatod
on drugs, bloody, and boasting of a
llghL ,
Carefully framing their quesliOll!,
detecUves who dug up the Increasing .
evidence 1ga1n1t Sianez broogbt up the
flghl story In an interview with blm,
then sprung Ille topic of murder.
Sianez IDd Hargrave have been
formally charged with possesaion of a
sawed-off lhotgun ud auto theft as
a result of tbe cue built up both before
Ille In-COQ(lie ....... -and after. Tmorltl polnl ao far lo a joyride
by llupecb 1n a stolen car UDder the lnfiuence GI drup, followed by· a minor
-bol tragic -ferider bender cruh,
and 'I f1tll confrontation. ·
The aCcldenl occumxl al Main . and
17th Sll<els, and lhe vldlm wu found
lying on 17th Street near Olivie Avenue
about 1 block from .the coll1aion point,
with her throat 11uhed .
·reamsWork .
1To Plug 2nd
Oil Leak
' SANTA BARl!AllA (UPI) -Wcrtmen
on an offshor'e.olJ wtll platform 1trualed
today lo contalll a freah ltat thal lnrmed
a new slick GI crude oil elChl miles
long off lhe Southern Calllomla coul .
The now of oU fn>m °'8llres in the
ocean bottom wu a fractloo ol u earlier
leak which spewed more than 230,000
gallons of oil to the surface where winds
puslicd it onlo 30 ml1ea ol beaches.
•llPil -.fl llii ni.· "" n;o;..fl!}n
the new le.at varied · between 2,100 iDd
llO gall= dally, depending on wbelher
1 state offidil or Utlion Oil Co.
spokeamao wu questioned. 1,
Oilworker1 today ieadled a huge d.r'J¥11
which • they planned lo lower on li>p
of the major portion of the Jealdag
fissures. The leaking oil would be sucied
up through a hose inserted through lie
lop of lhe drum and pumped into barlea
for disposal. ~
The proceu wu likened to a i•revei1:e
funnel" which would prevent additldJ!lll
oil escaping on the surface of the Padiic
where it could pollute more mlleslSof
betcbel. • , !f•K t; '• \ "•°' o Tugboala.diigged a CQntrapUon fi>rmed
from two 800-foot Jong boom3 lashed
together in a V-sbape which wou1d llkim
the slick from the surface, weather
The prevailing winds today tended ta
push the new slick towards the shore
but the Coast Guard said there were
no conf1tmed reports that the new oil
bad coritamlnated any beaches as yeL
O'eWI were sUll spreading straw and
chemicals on the sand on both sides
of Santa Barbara lo sop up Ille gummy
meu from tbe earlier, 12-day leak wblch
was thought aealed a week ago.
A spokesman for Union OU. whlcli
operate.! the p1aUonn aiz miles off the
cout, aald the new leak wu "residual
oil and gu coming up from the fonna·
tion" which was the source of the origl.nal
leak. It was "expected to wort Itself
out," said the spokesman.
From Page 1
up the -bole in the event any oil or
gas are encountered."
Be added that the sole state approval
for the exact locations of the drilllng
will c o· m e from tbe engineer aboard
Besides SbeO. the oil firm s col·
IaboraUng in the exploration m CtUes
Service Oil C:O., Teuco, Inc., Gulf Oil
Co., American Petrollna Ezplorailcm C-0.,
Pennzoil United, Inc., Continental Oil
C-0., 'and Ille Getly Oil C-0.
Union Oil Co,. whose offshore well
went afoul and caUled the 1D851lve oil
slick off Santa Barbara, is not amona
the firms named.
:: ·. Ptvl Niut111 .........
ClltfC ...
Agnew to Head
Relations Office
"Many parents have told me that their
only prevlOUI knowledge of tennlnolOIY
which could be applied lo ...uaJ rela-
tionships was of crude, unacceptable
Anglo-Saxon words that o b v t o u s 1 y
prevented any such discuss.ion," he said.
WABlllNGl'ON (AP) -Pftsldenl Nb· on todly a-ted 1 new "olfkt of
Interiovemn>' ta! IWaUons" In charge
GI Vici l'nll,' Spiro T. AIJ-, Nix-
on aU!pd I job GI "~
Coder&!. llale a local r<lallonL"
'Ille Presl<lli lilned an aecuUve
order In lhe~ """"' with Acn<w alonplda. oe lhe new agency.
"By tbiJ 1 the vice pruident
will become ,.. dlroclly and vitally
involved in our • to mon 1overn--
menl -lo ~ le and lo 'mue it mon respcmlvt will.'' NIRID
uid In • atatemenl
Former Go•. " Aboe or Soulll
Dakota, a Repuhllcan1 WU Mined dJreo. tor of the new office. · .-
. -
''Througll lhe car.M sludy ol medical
deflnitiool applied . to this whole area
ol, study we-nave been 1ble ta atve
both parenla and 1lndmta a rre. •i>
proach and unembarraD!d atUtude In
the dllcusslon of whal ao obviously should
be dbcusaed ln lhe borne •• Ooot said.
uy ounpt.en," the .uperlntendtat aaid,
"are not UQClloed wltb the au act
Ill such and our detractcn can't lftll\
lo fl'UP thla lao:t. Whit concems lhem
.. popularlly, being accepted, being lov-
ed, being undenlood -the sea act
Is '(<'Y much lo lhe bacqround GI
Ille pl<ture.
1'We feel we've made a tremendous
adVUICt ID thll field.'' Coot uid. "And
we feel thal we're obtalnlnl( resulta from
parenla and sludenla allb thal wtll
lallly lo the elledl...,... and wltdom
of our course."
345 North Coast Hwy.
Prof.,.ion•I Interior
1n1 Wootellff Dr, 642..2050
OPIN AllAY "'I'll. t onN NIDAY 'fll. '
...... , ........ " Ot.p c...., .... 116J
I ii' \.'
1' I
I ,Ii
• .
• •
. . r -,..,
D~~i°*gton Bea ' Top~ . . . , .
DAILY P'ILOT ,...,_ ... if. l"I.,._
Saint Who?
St: Valenflne's Day, or no, litUe John Foster, 2, knows a good thing
when he sees it .. In this case, it was a traditional box of bon boos.
meant. for his mother.' Mom is Mrs. Russell Foster of Co.sta Mesa.
Happy Valen!ine's l)ay, Mom.
Cjtjz#ens Laµnch · First Step
• ' • ' -' • j •
To ll,pgr~~¢B~a0,tJ:·~~ls
' ., !· ' ',,' ' I
St., I hal"bee1.-Jaunched.
~'•r: not . a rocket but it m,y roar'
t11rou11i,· 11ie llwlli!llf4m Beadi Unlon.
High sdiool Diotrlcl with a .~ of
~ and teCOllllllelldations the
nm few months.
Step 1 is the Initial plan ol acllon
for a thon>ugh study and meotth Into
methods for improving the local high
achool educational ,system and meeting
the needs of the student.
It was originated, and Thursday night
given the go-ahead, by the Citizens Ad·
visory Committee on Muimum tJse of
School Facilities.
The cltiZens advisory committee was
set up a few mootm ago to help with
the school bond WI.le and bas since
continued, in a somewhat revolutionary
faahlon, as a study group.
Under the leadership of chairman
Robert E. Dingwall, who mlped
Wpinesday to run for one of three"tnmtee
pOslHons on the school board, the com-
mittee is beginning a major program
tJµit may produce several interestlng
resulLs over the next year.
Step 1 is the first In five steps designed
to lead nine sul>-committees through a
precess of examining individual '8!peCts
of high school education in order~ ·to
recommend improvements. . ·
Step t consists of formlnC the SU~
committees and recndting int.erelted
personnel. , ~
Step 2 is an e:zaminatlon by . each
subcommittee of the eDltibl p:uarw
in the schools for eacb1 ,mibcwnmtttft
topic. • ,
Step 3 is an eumi.pltion of the. ef-
''· 'Year....md or 4-quatlerPJI!\. Eld<n ':{'bayer1 cbai,rmaD. ' 1' I
'I. ~ll:OUP ~··Rev, ~ !J<.tsW , . ' chafrma1' ' Now that· Sl,ep t )lu, bien 1!aUnched
loinmittee member& are ·searchlDg for
interested reslderits "to help nu· the ....
Aboul tO penons attended Wednaday'1
meeting al Fountain Valley High School.
~ Motorists Held
For Taking S~ots .. . . ~
Two Long ~aCh men wen arrested
at 4 . 1.ni. today on charges of , pOt
. ' stioU with a small pistol al a ~
wldhl speeding aloog.-Pacilic , Coul
lilP,way In H1Dltto;loo Beach. ,
Fnnl< G. Miller, 30, was boOkid ,Into
Hllllttoitoo Beach City Jail on cbargu
of ahoollng at· , ao inhabited ~.
JXll!'tlSinl .~.t coocealed weapm' .and
dnn)ten driving, ponce .said. 1
·Mer1e T. Anderson, 30, w1s bOOted
on charges ol sheoUn& at an inhabited
dwellln&, s6ooling a eun on a blgbway
and being drunk In pqblic. • ·
Police said a pitrol 1unit spotted MUJ er
and Andenon u they ,lhot a seznl.com-
merclaf buikl"I ¥d rMkleoce ill PllCJflc
Coul Highway and BeacJi· Boulevard.
No Injuries 0< --wen· nported from .the·ahoollng incld<DL A .• ca11i.
·-piltol· -conflacated •from . the men. i •
' ' .
I ' ·' I jf, • t ? • ax -· '" .,;.l~... ... I '~ " • '
' -. I
Sirhan .. !fa,p;tasies :Told
. .
• ' . . '
. .
New Oil Slick · Sunset · Grari:ied
B.ubbl,es Up
In ·Chan~l F erice In j:1qij~ti~n
' ' 1 • •. . ~
' • ~ • ' --,~ ' I
' Bel'man r,afd Slrl1~1>' lloulllf 11111 ~
.,;., lix l1IOOtha belGri ' Ille' J... ..
......lniiiOo Cl~ 16-r.r!PC'n
aD,r foun4"1hlt· iliooi!ni • ..,. . blnr ••
struae ....... af 'nJelllii.... . .. . .
-,oaJd ....... ~ ....... ud
tov,d"' '""""· • . "'lben came .-lliol,.,, llermaA
said. "In early Juno .~ ~ Sen. Km-
~' ' ... Id In .,_,.,. Uiat If be ....
· ·(IM'tllJlllAN, Pip I)
Beach Mu·rder
Questionro ·
• . t ·' "i-.-.· I , ... • , . SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -Workmen · · ,' -: ., · · , AttorneyJ today beian quatl<laflc
oo an offshore oil w~Il.plaUonn llruJgled By "1u.t\M 1IEEi> la -In~· a· '.<;o111pletloo ~ ol the" HIJure ol a Aril-
today to conta1n a ·fresh 1eak tiiaflormad ., .. _.,__ otbef·~• .. ~'to ~~.ore · oil abotcun by Huntington Beach deloc-. Happy m1denll ol t1a,;view Drive· in. -· -a oew slick ol crude oil eight mlles SunaetBeacbThurayliOl!idtheilluan-Lui Tiieodaf ' ~-iniin the tives who arrested one ol two manler
long off thei!outhern Calflonil1 cout. ce of a reatralnlng·omr by the Superl\Jr harbor ~. dev<lol)On ol the" Jlllpects 11 !belr Joinl prtllinlnuy bear•
The. flow of 'oil from fimlra' ln the Court holdl\ll up conalrucUon o1 • fence plulil marlila "'"-"unity ol.Jlmdlniton 1n1 eh~ Iii second day,
ocean bottom was a fracUon, of .an.earlier :::te;;:,.=..,~~~~i :J: llarboar, mOv,oll OJ1to the ·olflp to nlll!'V• Proceedlnp agatoat the pair ch....,r
leak whlch .spewed more than 2111,000 people bave bad their day in court. . ~= :.=.. ·=: == wllli the Jan. 12· lhrool·stUh atarlnr
gii.Uons of oil to the sUrrace where winds A •--__._.1 .. 1.... .-1-qi , of a 56--yeaklld "1dow were G)lldl:d ~uponry ·---.. ··~ .... prope • .. . in be coocludad by late -
pushed It onto 30 miles ol beaches. lsaued and ""."ad 00 "°'-llandinl -......... ~to ...... 1lenu L. Sianez 25 ol m aa 81 Esllmote. ol the ra. le of 11ow ·1rom ,on the lllrlp ol waterfront property.-tbe Vllll llli...,. 111!1, palloi beinl •"" 1i.twm1 II. .; • ...:.., 11 ill11..;: -~u.q clallhl'la·QI,-¥·•!deb tora ·<!9wn.: i.lllnc al llraly. i ~pveri! -... '"" . ·-... ,, ' .·-the new leak ·varled. between 1,100 and '·has'~ -.for JIJl'I.• .~anli tbe l1ol14'win·-milln&·)bll!''.!Oll Marl\'ft Larle, both llaildnstoa !~,,.-~
120 gallons ci&by, depending on w~ther f!" hOJl>es <m llay>lew Drive. o1-.0Dd p111oa. • -· ' ·add!Oaes, •PPoOttd befllft.Judp .....,.
a state official or Union Oil Co. The day In caurl la . ael for nut TM aall oplaal the ~tloa ~ =~~ ~ ~ ~·
apokesman was q11..Uooed. , 'lburaday tn -lbe eourtroom ol Juqe =~ """'1' ff had 'Ille bel!rlnr· lo' the murder ol Mrs. OUWotkerslodafrudied1h~drum ~~·~~v:~j!t1;!: ~ ..;j>~":;~u:'; 1lesler 111 .lbrkee, ol HGi OU.. Aye.
wblch they planned . to lower .... top alcx!c the Canal fO< lhan v, " ... • • ' . bepn ~· ..... .... -. "rirWlllJ all ~.~o~~,;~::= IO ::::~about= :\'i,=··a"'~·~--;; :;:;:::-~J···;.::.-o wld1e ,.: ...... OiW .. ' . ib 'llli . . . . '~ if" . ...., -. ::z~apd '~-· ~~"7i>i~:;'t~~ ·~~:i?E .-..• ~ ... a ='A~· · '""-~ w}H..JI~ tO i "~~~ · · :d~~fied · iiiDn bD ~ iJGr tbt •-~--.... ..,.: ._ "rt -.a ... wlil!'h, • ~I ill · .. =~·11'>'•~; i.~ . ~-=:v .,...:t; Mll!1" ·• ....,.c:liT....,.. .,....
;u eocaplilgill! ...., ... ·11 lbi P.tlil4 , 'lb;_. ~llli aa1 _U.., hove In ._ ti the fmce 11111' joolll . Ja If al Uia llllpacl'1· home. bu~t ~ piil!U!e , more Innes ol UUe tO l1ie to,.i ~ ,~ Uia .J1io11er11 """'"1-. ~: ! l . 'a =~1 rfioaln-.:i
tupO.ta·llnU<d a eontr1jitlon formed 1t ' 'ft * . * * 1:r . •~Ill are a1lo aoecled, ~ como from itwcfl llG'foOf Iooli booms laihid , · · · ' ' ·· · ...,._,~'•erulln>"• t!Je.C... anfolila.
together ... V-illipe wblch would •klni u· ·b . . Fil· · O . A . . • , . '81 .... , ind ·JWlnvel -..m.ted the •lick from the IUrlace, weather • ' n-P our . es . ••fh· ' . cttnn ttcjIMli> ........ ane. -peaalng ~ . , .~ , · . n µ .· " ~ a-imlnuliig .bunt,1 !0< OMwi, ln',1he
The prevlillng wind1 today teoded to . · .• . · . ....,. "lllJlni tumecl llP.a 1cab drfyer
push the new 1llck towards the lbore __ . -with-1 hot ·story to tell. • --·
but the Cout Guard aald there 'were A . -. '. . s . R • d A Huntington Beach woman and .her
no cooflnned reports !hit the new' oil gain st unset es1 en ts =~thbad ~~ f= bad contaminated any beaches as yet. •. .... • . .,, 1 • ..1A_ t •"-1_.:__'--·~' / ..... ~ Crews were sWl spn:a~ straw and , ... ~. . ....... ..., ~ 11:1upc• .....,-..1 -~
chenlicals on the 1and ·on both sides cir Wat~ centra.i Point in tbe cue. ·
of Santa Barbara to sop up the gummy Huilllntton ,Harbour Corporation . Died Wedn..it1y, when the wan. came tumbl· Mar'8reta Dinger, 31, of *2 Delaware_
mw from 111< earlier, 12-day leak whlch 1 fU mllltoo .ct1111tenutt in Or1nce Inc down, • · . •· ·.:.;;i;:i~om1i:,:.= ~:'1m1:!
was thought iealed a week ago. County SuperiOr Court today •pillll i '!be ·~ .Harbour ~ It. l!!e ' . . ... °'ft, aa•hi..-..l., .d.' ait.i ~oup of Sunael J!tach,mlden. ii w1-'•• ~ ID tiij~-~'!':" ll)e)lo"ll!I . . r ~ """"' .. ..,,. Beach colony W1CJC1WDOa' ~ for about the milling car.
Marijuana Fomid
At Beach School
About $80 of marl)Ulna was found
'J1;tursday on .the school ground! of Eader
School tn Huntington Beach by the ICbool
Albert Federico told police he fourxl
sii -pluUc baggiea conlainera with marl·
Juanf.llb 111mtance stashed on top1 of
a .pte into a storage area behind the
actiool. afe&erta. 1
Tbe "bap of :narljuana were In ~
Tllw ol aJ1YO!l' walking In the area
Aid P'ederlco. No'<lµel to ownenblp
of the rW1Juana bu been dlacoverOcl,
' pol1Ce Aid todlly. . • .
• hatUe ovs-a squatter's npla land . a reatralnlng.Of!ler.
dispute, Corp>r1tloa olliolail wore nol avallal>le
The filht involves ownership of 1 por· ~ COJ1lJ'MJlt ao~Uaeir counter-maneuver
Uon of R<mora Ch¥ael bland property, th!• morning.
whlcb lot owners claim to have U3ed
and maintained for 20 ~.
Workmen for the cOrpiiration thls week
began tearinl down fences the residents
had built to 1<11 off their backyaidl,
ertcte\d m property the co!-poiatlon
claims to own.
Swtse( Btacb people Involved In the
strt1gle filed a ltllt Tbunday Jn Superior
Couttt . to o~.taln a reltratntn1 order to
hllt the corpdrat)on'1 developmental IC·
lions.. ·
T11ey )••P('to Uµi. ·the. dlsjiute . ·10
~ •. b!JI . Craft,.,. CoQnly . ~rift'·
depuUe11 .llood l>J In ..,. · ol violence ' .
Picture Taking . . .
Slated onBeach's
60th Birthda · ·:. '·-·. . . : .. Y
MOi.iay .la the IOlh iilrtbctay Of the
city of Huntington llellch and the city
llaH .and -City Co)lncll wtn celebrate
Wl!h bulinea .u uiual.
BLOOD"~ED .. ,,, ,
It WU fouM near tbe murder acene -· Wed' With 1'fia. Mmee11 1ilood jJ"' cairyuig" a paint CICUpe lr.m lier eor -o)MouslJ Mvtnc .,,mded ·w1111
the victim,'s auto. 1 •.,,
A cab . .dfiVer Jnrolmed ,'Police aUer
a pubiic appeal· for 1 pot!nttal ~tnesies
th.it e;u:ly oo J.an. II,' 11! bad 1111'~
UP 1 bloodied J!lln neat , 11\0 "!1irJ!er ocene; wlw\ braaed ol hriln• ,boepJ n • fight. r : I • 1...;r ,
During teifimony tut Frldiy, a Iii~
of Sianez -tbe .-·1 ,_,.. ~-told ol tbe oilfield .._er vialllili
hi! 1.-n-Ja.12,!laa.t!iinto.lcaleil
... dru(I, -,, and boutinc of. i
'Oghl , ., , • . . . .;
ficiency of each program. . ' s , · .~t~ .. ~ .. cl.~-=·· ..... ·0
' e·x-·Ed,u· · ·eat·1·on Step 5 consists of recomlDelX!ations , _ , Defended
On Feb, 17, 190!.,Mayor'Ed !"•nnlllll
1ounc1 hlmlt~ tllf, ,..yar o1 ., di!' o1
400 population Wilen M pmont . voled
for. 1--lloo! u a city• and 25 voled
qainat the propocdtlon. . ,
clreluuy ' fr~tl!tli Qileit , delecilvu Wbo ' .' "-• t1ici lncnaid!il
evidence aialnat : "''~up~
fight l\O!'l.. In In In~, wtth
(Ste ~l!i!; i:.p I) . '
to the board of trustees. '' · ·
A time schedule of 60 • J;.ys.. each.. bas , , r · ,...__ ----'-_
been set up for compl!tiorv-of M<:h.....:....1--'1;%,i",~';ubcommitiees .s1abuobed Anaheim School Chi.ef Says Family Life Clas• 'Successful'
and their subjects ·ihclude : ' , . ,
I. City recreatfOn and scbOol activitleS, By TOM ~ARLEY struction clauel u being "abJoluttly "by thil type Of proaram in Sweden."
George Walton, chairman. . .,:_~_\".. · · . ·. -ot"" .n..."t '"'~ '"~.. , . vital if we are tb protect the intertita "I'm aware of the problems • .._.have 2 U of' schools in day/night,·l,JOIWJQ · Allabel.m Union IUgh Scbool-.Diltrtct's of our chUdrea in an '"'e when lex .,._,
-i.A•-A • .. • "" -1n Sweden," Cook _,, ....... -.1r-..1, •.·~·· ,~n~n. . .. • •, l!jJP,OTlnte!)dent delended '.bb l dJltilH•1 ,'.,-:.«Jather, the glorifi~tloo ol the ,__. ,..,..... -
3.1 .Patterns ol campus. ~Uoo --•died, "Family•Llfe andrSez' """""'" 1 ,.. ,act -r"': la.Jiammered at them }>Y tbe)',.ic., bava Ilda iypa·ol l'rifan.•
for inltntcllon. rucliard #llktenlorh · ij~.o }>rograin 81·'.:j~~~;..: .. ~·-maYles,te1Mlion,boobandplaf1o 1 "ltt1 mon ·ot-Jell:;~ 'aame,"'the ~an. . · ·--cWfUl" Thiii-acla -~-""""'i""-"'"' · "It~ a·doably 1llmiCIDc' ~ when Santa Ana clentlal .... "And .. , c!Ju.e~l sates~ Mrs;1Wllllam_ COUntJ,Boantati'.ct~-~~,. '"! reallle ·&hit more than to percent oue~Daebtbew-.._.. .
5.. iv and other ....,,. ol home in proy~ ~ to be l\r00il1, ~ • ol °"' fOW>I ~111<. ~ -"!!b' mJltn. "It 11 In no wn Identical," Cook
stnictlm MlckeySlecaJ;'chiilrman. '~on the 'ol the rt...i.tiaiillj"Mz• finllad "'aez, COcJt,llld. Our pro-Slld."'l ·lbtolr lhit1 If'°" w1D tUe
I PopUJation projections, Joe llallJky, Instruction coon<!. lfllD ii ~ to the bone,I, ·-the ·UW1>1e to •aiinlne the iilunn\iiy h~ Dr. Paul Cook told the bollnl · that esta~otcommunlcolloo a of..., -ti. lo·•Mfon,.. and ~ 1. Coll~ge and vocational imtructlon, theln Pn>Cralil, launcheol; foor years qo ~~ ~and ••-~•~ .,~{ comparo II with Uii .s,edlab .,.mn,
Sa hair . 21 Jlllll<r all( -high ICbo!*.' --.a.. ind --~ "'wlll~-flll:I . " . Jury pp, c • man. _had '-' ''fully ...,.,....., \>1 ,.... -prolllam in an •~of-· 1 ~ • • r, ~-'the 'At' to
.. •• ··-ol. percent ol die ~.llOI ·-Pllllr .... maluaJ lnllt.~ . ' ·~·· . ' l!i'f'" .... , ..,,. · Steck ... ar .. e.. volved. , , 1 • . But what had been llllJec!;'U a ."l'O !J · · ; · ·~~~1
. . "U's a purely voluntar:J F.Olf•m," que1Uon1 IMormaUon ... ,, becadie 1 · · ·on 1tw.1.
MEW YORK (AP) ~The atock,c~i\tl the blunt, forctM -.olfldal uld. . • lll'Olo!lled quallol!l~: qr. ' I Chtlililla,-ld. . . ·-µ w~l ~ .-,,. irregular patten at""' clole . "An.Y ()ll<nt wflo lili 'doubta abOal the DIJi'E:W o1u. . ''-io& ' ' ·~e·~ 'ta blW
Fr*J<. (See qeolatiom, P.,.. 11>-U).. · wladilil • of ~bb thud • ~ t '"" • Ralli..i..: ·~-. by wbal 'l'm.tfal , ~ !lit ·...; p( -IU
-chlpo lmpr""-1 eOoqll lo'ilff ....ioo. has on!)' to iclibe" 111 ol fbJt b916i'"mlpj be the amin1eip,nl , ' ._.,.,ibolid
the Dow Jones lnduatri&l 1ver1ge a amallz ~ .tbe "'CMld ·wllh'-11111 r1c1apr t o1. undue aaaa1 nlltlanlbtpl" (# • ' . -v;~'): .1 I 1.1.
rile ot .Ol ,at Jl61.7' • hall hour before parllclpate." •t ol 11111 coano) ... u!<ed Coot If '. , ' · 'Cooir•~
the flnll be!!. ' Coot -. def~' the RX In· bt,.u ...an ol lbe pitMeiu. cruter.~-., , , ·~II , ' ·;
··I' . { .... • : :; .., ~A.,,.; . '-I ...q:
~-'• " t
" . Monday M1y0r Alvin M. Coen opens
the~-.ul'tbo conndl a1 ·1:20 p.m.
in COOllCll chaiDberS' ol Memorial Hall,
ilh Street 11111 .Pecan Avenue, 11 the
top, eleated 1reprnentaUve d about
107,000 residents.
F:oQowtng the ~el the council
tackles .. 'l21>act ....... aad
, CouDdlmen, ......... bi.ft' lnlbudlil
tbe ' Pollce .DojlodnleQI I --pllotop1pber 'to lib' 1'ld>*'" ., , ..
member& ol the CGUllCfl .., ·a c Dlilk
aftlle '~i 11 •''I' ' .
., .
, I
• • • I
' • •
• Ies
·• ~ ~ .... :~raegij Failure. F.eU. U · -~LJ Leader .in -Federal Priso
I '• t f ~ •• I t
Mafl•'1 Vito GMovue
> SPllJllGFllLl), Mo. (UPI) -Vito , II lllo· -'a "I' ~ . lilt l O&!fS ~ ~ .., -ct Bo - -.... and aenlen<ed' lo ':q..-. ,lhl ~ underworld figure nllf>I to ~\le !l'I"! wllm ,lllq ~· his senleoee at !he r.deral penlteotlary II YWI wlllloul probaUoo. '
"" Ibo 11n11111 -and repuUJd leader In," Clccoae llld.. ' • In Ati1nta, but lite all member1 of Geno-lgd (ltrardo "Jmy" Cateoa. ' • ~-· •· •·• .. •· .. _ .... -•••·• .... wl m. lm]l<Qf>" acti>lllel ID labor or .;if Ibo -. died In bis lleep today -• ftPll-r _ .. ...,.---ta wu --.... uenuy lhiil m1n110/nint reportOil Genovese bad ,;t, a feiloral trf1aa. He wu 71. (Relalad the notorious Apalachln, N. Y • lllOeUng !he federal prllon sysleml to prevent amassed 1 fortune ol l30 million. A ·~atoty. Pfce" 4) ' of Malla. mobltst Nov. lf. 1917, to him from bulld1ng •power but. federal prisoner 1n1'Y con.serve h1I 'l: ~. died of conieltlve hurt announce be wu tat1ng over tb1 C... SUU, Geno~ wM said to have main-fortune ar put it In trwt durlng his .~b!Uo •Ibo ......i center for federal Noojn.) · · lllDed eon1ro1 iii Jill New York ·dl9111on lncar<eraUoa. • :~.,, ... Ill wu ncelvod J... He~· al1epl to ba'° --c.u.t a "Oosla Nostra !~In of Newut, N . .J., !rm' ldentilled by :"-11e-~a151ur.,....UCS onleroillhe--~af?io4 ~--~tioofrlla d Jmprllooed ~ Joaepb Vaiachi ·l!ID'IUllDI ...,__ oo Fruit Cootello, aloce deported, ind . prinl ban. as 1 ... of !he JJ "cotmnlls!ooen" who
::. Dr. P. J. Ckcone, dlNctor, slid !he tilling o1 1)'1ldlcite executioner Genaveae, called "king of I be run orguhed crinle operations in lb<
··~ wu lmlefl'red to !he medical Albert Anastasia In a New York City ncketeen" by fonner Gov. '!11omu E. · United Stalea far !he Costa Nostn. Of
;__. trem tbe fedtnl llrlaon at · barber abop. Dewey of New York, succeeded Cbarlu: the 12, fiVfl were from New York wbere p~ xaa.. beet• fl a dnDic QlMIUo, ccwWeRd a "in itttrm1ttnt1' 14LucQ!~ Ladlin, who Wll deported to Genovese wu $bf most~ -~~ """9tloa bot WU nol ---Ibo --altA!mpl .bn hls hls -Italy liter .. Intl 1111"1 ft< 'Valadtl, now ID La Tuna, Tez., Prison. ~~w.M~ a brother, :·:f:1::.,:;C°i!,M=: "~~.:_~;=i:r~~~::: =:1.1:.°':."f~~t:U"f...T~o~
..... irtlYOd -w-11. --wtlh He occasi~ otlepdl prize lightl and Ill u. s. Djslrtcl Court ID Neir York Atlanta in 1111. Valachl llld !he man
-..,. wtien bodied. other sportlq evenll at Madlaon Squm along wtlh 14 otbefl lndlcted ID 1n had been dellpaled by Genovese to
•111.had not -~ -Garden. 1ntenJatloaal narcotlca omuallng ring. kill him.
" •niroshi1na~ Wins .Out
~' ,,. . ·.
. .
.'· ?.-~ .....
'•: ;-. ;t!
~ •.. ,. -,.. ~ b.: ft: V'I~ g; J,egla• Bero Honored
~:: JOMph A. Carbonaro of Neteong, N.J., admires bronze star medal
'"· pinned Clll ~!al garb of his Marine s~. Michael, Lance Cpl.
.•.· Carbonaro wu wounded durtng mortar barrage in Quang Tri Pro-~: vlnce, Vietnam, but placed evacuation of otb'er casualties ahead of
•· his own. He II recuperating at Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, Oakland.
Four of Five Trustees Reverse Opposition .Votes
I ~ •
John Hersey's "Hiroshima" will soon
be on the library shelves of the Rio
ConUguo School. .
The bitter· coatroveray that began with
the Orange County Board of F.ducatlon's
banning of the Pulitzer Prize winning
novel ended Thursday with four of lbe
!Ive trustees votiug to reverse theJr earlier stand.
"--them WU Clay Mitchell of
S..lh Laguna, who had earlier con-
demned the book as "biased, not
parti<:ularly lulled lo !he l)'pe of classes tt ls earmarted for" and "valueless."
But Dr. Dile E. llalllloo matntalned
hla oppolltloa to "lllroahJma" and voled
aplDal Ill aoqulsitlon.
Tbe Santa Ana denUst •lu-.ily delln-
ded h1I atUtude aa "beJiig in the best interests of all concerned."
Only .. Slegmund Freud" of the five
boob of originally banned remained on
the rejection llot. Trullees ageecf to
bey !he 1hree teclmlcal volumes !hat
were also earlier removed from the
library aelectlon U..L
The board's earlier decision to ban
the books -particularly "Hiroshima"
-raised a bowl of protest j;n Ute county.
Superior co.rt Judp Bruce Sumner ol
Laguna llooch olfefed to bey !he book
in !he light of !he ezplanatlon !hat it
was cut from the list on the grounds
Tbe boltd lived nurly ·115 . wbe!I il
omitted the five volmna from 1 library
order !hat totaled nearly 13,000.
But a new baWe seemed to be in
the mating today. 'l'ru.ltets lace a "rags
to riches" ailuatloo ID which Ibey must
decide who, of several donors, will have
!he prMlece of pl1clng "Hiroohlma"
Sumet Duplex Proposal
Denied by County Board
~ ,A ~ d_edsloo denying ·~ pOled-t l~ts in the one:mlfe.1orig
PldDe Electric right.of.way in S1naet
Beach ..U reached Thunday whe~ !he eooai, ......, com-votod .,
to I agllnal tbe -.
The question boil lleen helore !he plan-
tters for more than one year.
Planned were '/$ two and three story
duplezes on the long narrow strip in
the heart of the community. The proejct
wu .tgiroooly oppooed by re~denll of
!he areL They Wini !he !11*1 lPKe
tumed into a parking lot for !heir aim
use and that of beach visitors.
helcn !he Local A&f!lr/ Fmmatica Com-mission (I.AFC) this al1ernooo.
Seal Beach bas prolts1ed Hunt!qlm
Beacb.'1 onnat1!Xi of • strip of land
on '!he east end of simset 8eocb which
would aee1 o/I !he rich Bolaa Land
Co. property,
Seal lloach will a&t Ille I.AFC to
fon:e Hunilngton Beach to combine !he
merger proposal with another which
takea in mool ol Sum« Beach.
on !lie !lrary obelveo.. ·
FA Cray, ]Mlbllcatlons direci« of ihe
American Cf.ti !Jbertles Union, woUld
like to put It !here. He sent a ttlegram to !he . board Tbunday protesting !he
ban on Hersey's novel and offering to
make good the deficit.
Trustee l.yle Guijn would lite to.
become tnown u !he man wllo boogbt
1'Hlrolbbna"· for .the ICboo1 llbnry. It
WU not noted al 'J'bunday'l meeting
that Guipn wu !he man who "'°""· -oeconded by Dr. Rallison, lcr-deletloa
of ''lllrooldma" from !he library 1lst.
And Trustea lliln Jordan ·...Wd lite
his name to 10 In tbe l'1!COl'da u !he
donor of "Hlonhhna." He offered daring
Thursday's meeting to contribute hLs
own copy fll tbe novel to the library.
And Judge Sumner today was still
willing to provide a copy of• the con-
troversial novel.
From Page J
!hen -!he topic of murder. Slanel and Hargrave have been
formally charged wilh posswion of a
aawtd-off shotgun and auto thdl as
P. result ol the case bailt up both before
!he lnnocenl eoufle """' !'""1 and lfler.
11Jeorles point so far to a joyride
by suspects 1n • stolen car I.Eder the
influence of druga, followed by a minor
-but tragic -fender bender crash,
and a fatal conlrontatioo.
Tbe accident -II Malo and 171h Streets, and !he .tctim wu found
lying on 17th Street near Olive Avenue
about • block from the colli11lon point,
wilh her throat liashed.
: s 2 a
Shot Man .,
~ Santa Ana !DID who WU -In
!he 1tomacll during !he holdup ol !he
llalladOy Inn ID lllal c11J .-,.... ...
• told ID Superior Ooarl 'l'!lmldl1r Jio-
hla recopltion ol Gecqo ltlllll' u .,.
of !he 1hree holdup -IOd ~ 1hl
lhoollng. . -ti.
Qarla BJallnano. SI, tbe ~··
major wttoeu, !old Ibo court lllOt bl
wu coaviDold Uiat h1I 11a•lllnt wu
!he elder Stiner bn>1her ''weartq a
1"llWl'l llJ'loa lloctlng over !di face.
"Be WU pretty well cnrnd up but
not to lhe_¢enl lhal I couldn1 tell
tt,wu him." the now-rtcCl'Vfl'ed Btqn.no
He told the court 1hal be -
lhe b!r abotily hel<n !he -• boor • ..-., and WU "'wtll pJa<:e!I to ...
thlnp'' when •!he three blDll!ta raahed
; Into tbt lnn. ' '
BisigNM'I statmient ended the-first
d1y ol teatlmmy ID !he trtaL Juda•
8ytQD K. McMillan called 1 tflrei day
,_ and onlered !he pr0olcull'"1 lo
,.....; le8llntoay oo Monday. ' ~
George, 21, and LalT)' suner, 21. ar•·
i:~ of attempted · mmder, armed
robbery and bufllary. It la alleged !hat
they are two of the three bandjts who
toot f4,000 from !he popular Santa Ana
Tbe brotbers, both members of !he
Negro natlonallst oraanizatlon US (Ill
l1ogan la ''Tbem Not Us), also f1oa
murder charg" ID 1"s Angel ...
Tiiey must evenlllally return !here to
face allegallons that Ibey lhol two
memben ol lhe Blaclt Pantber orpn1za.
t.ion on. the UCLA campaa lut Jan.
1J. The shooting ended I dlsputa lboul
who should be named director of an
Afr~American study center at the
From Page 1
President that he would send so Phantom
jets to Israel.
'"That did it!"
Berman aaid "Sirhan will tell you.
him3e1f from this wltneu lland lhal
he never thought he ever would kill
Kennedy but tt.at through hia mystic
mind power he could fantasize about
II and relieve that feeling iii emptiness
inside him ...
"We have told you that from the
beginning that he: did In fact fire the
ahot that killed Sen. Kennedy/' Be'iman
"The killing was unplanned and un·
deliberate, impulsive and w l th o u t
premeditation or mallet:, totally • pro-
duct of • sick, di.seasesd mind and personality.
• 0
The matter now goes before the Board
of Supervildn for final decision. • .VJfu~ ··~~~~~~~-'-~--''--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~: (
1_Seal Beach Youth Guilty
:~In Death of Anaheim Man ~ ' . . . • .
: .;; Wiiliam Leroy Fltqsald iii l5eol Beach
·;·WU convicted of lnTolantary
·:: maml•uctu• Tlmndlf and Gl'dered tO :'return to Suplrior Court ,. 211 !O<
:~ "'.;~ CGrfmln of Newport
.•. Beocb -• two-day ,trial by llnd1ng
: :. !he s..I Beadl yoolh cuilty ol lhe a1aylng
of -Olleman. 21, ol Anaheim. • l"!(lprald, 17, iii IDOi Oceln Aft., faces
;, poillble commltmel!I in the Calllomla
:i ..-~~~~~~~~-.
. ...,
leMrt N. W-' ..,......,. .. ~
JHk l. c-lw Vlcit ,.,....... .... o-tl MINtn' .
T\..etlC...U ·-n.111111 A. M1r,hlH
M91119lflf Edlfw
Albtirt W. l1k1 Wtlllt111 Riff .. _,,.. """'1111• IMd'I
l:1Uttr City !llttw
Hultetlea ..... °""9
Jot Ith Stffft
M1ili111 MbMu P.O. a.. 1'0, '2HI ...... _
......, llMll1 •11 w..t ............. I'll c.... .,.., -..., .., ......
L8lllN IMll4 -...... ~
Youth Authority for an lnde!lnlte term.
The youth WU arrMled Jut Jan. 1
following the shooting of· Otteman In
the parting lot or a Fullerton medical
Fllllerloo Police slid a quarrel be<Ween
the two men over Otteman'• former
girlfriend, Mrs. Manuel Cervantes, 28,
ol Qie Ocean Avenue ad~, sparked
Ibo lhoollng. .
Police slid Fitzgerald fired three shots
from a .SI caliber weapon brto otteman'a
chest. Officers aid the youth WU stan-
ding quleUy beside !he body when Ibey
arri...S al !he actne. •
Apparent Suicide
Victim Found
Shot in Camper
Costa Meaa resldent Jerold W.
Christm.an WU found dead Tbunday
In !he back ol his camper truck parted
along~de Paclflc Coul lllChway ID Hiil>
tington Beach,~• parent llllclde vio-llme, pol!ce rt · today.
The body of , llD OiarleslM
SL, WU dlacofffld •t 7:JO 1 .m. bJ
J.... Frank Clool<, 111111 Da'11 St .•
a Huntfqlm Beacb all-auploye
wllo WU Ill hls way to ....t. A rifle
aJooplde tbe body.
The camf>" truck had~ -ported along Coul Highway two mlla
west. of 23rd Street for about hfo daya.
Deputies ol !he Orange C o u n I 1
Coroner's Office filed Christman'• time
of dealh u appnmim1lely 7 p.m. w-.,. An auloply WU acheduled
today. No note wu found.
FmMnl ..,.._...,11 ""' pending at
-~la Colla Mm.
Actor, Wife Split
PARll (AP) -Jl'llm -Alain Dtlcn
end hlo -wlte Nllballe, two llpno
ID Ibo llrmtfaallill fJf Ibo ·-ct Delon'• bodypwd, wn dhmced today.
Cvll<n Bullden of Beverly 11111' WIOts
to build the apartmenta on land owned
by the Southern Pacific Co.
Artbur C. Edmunds, representing !he
bulldera slid, "'Ille P'll'Ol zoning ano;.,
.. to put 141 unita !here without your
permission and !he S..lhem Pacilic -do it."
In the meantime, an annexaUon baWe
between Hunlington lloach and Seal
Beach over Sunset Beach was to come
From PAfle J
"The whole PJ'OIJ'am?"
"Yes," said Rallison. "That's how I
feel about it."
"Then you're going to have to throw
out just about the enlire school program
apart from aez. instruction," Cook aald,
"ll you 're going to char(e lt u welea
becawie of one failure."
Truatee Oay Mi~'a delenae of
Rallison led him into a wrangle wllh
trustee A.E. "Pat" Arnold before board
member Don Jord1n stepped in to end
discussion of the Cook presentation •
"Dr. Cook came here to give us a
full and extremely IDlereltlng outline
of hiJ dbtrict'1 procram,11 be .reminded
board membera. "U wu never lntended
that this should develop into a debate."
Cook told trustees that his district's
program had become 1 catalyst for many
school districts acrou the United State.!
and !hat !he results reported by o1her
areas "all reflect a high degrte: of iUC-
Hµntington PO
To Sell Trncks
There "'" more lblDp fer lale today
at \be: HuntbwtGo Bed Post Office 1t
r71l -! ... thu J\111 stamps and envelopes..
PoslmaJler Pete OO'ablo lllllOW"*1
!hat one-ton vans and lhroe-whetled
mall lrUcb will be Ill llale at !he veblcle
maintenance facility on 1 bid basis.
'Ille vehlcl" may be Inspected ADJ'
day !mm I a.m. to I p.m. ., .. pl oo sunctm and bid fon111 u..avlllable at
!he sile. Bldt mast be -by l"tb.
II and wlD be opeDld OD Fib. IO. '""'_ ..... __ _
plua -... iii ._ ~k:al -aw.. and .tbe pollq ft nplf&f ...
hlcleo -.,_ ndol.
1727 Wntcilff Dr. 642.lOSO __ , .... ,
'""''''°"'' ............ Dell ..... Anl~ID
KS North Cew Hwy. --·"""' _,.. __ ,, ___ , ... 4916551
· I
... ,
'rklay, '•bturt 14, 1969 . " QUEENIE 'Fly-hy-~ight' By Phll lnterlandl M~il Taking Heavy ··Toll ·~
1.GOMPl.lllllN .. al
" ••
• ..
• • • . • •
• • • I ' : ~lnanelng Foreign Ads
' • : .USDA in Smoking Problem
' ' : 1\'ASllINGTON (UPI) -
1 Tht Federal Communications
: COmmisslon (FCC) wanls to
• ban cliarette advertising on
: radlo and television, and soon
• the Agriculture department · ! must decide whether to stop
, financing it abroad. ' • Agriculture Secretary Clif-
: ford M. Hardin must decide
•whether his department will
: coQf.iiiue spending $230,000 a
'yea? to help finance ad-
; v~g campajgns f o r
• clgirettes in Japan, Austria
; and' 'I1lailand, and cigars in
• The government-subsidized
promotion program for the
fiscal year ending June 30
includes $80,000 for advertising
in Japan, $75,000 in Thailand,
$55,000 in Austria and $20,000
for the German cigar project.
An additional $10,000 is used
to pay for tours: of U.S. lobar:-
co marketing areas by foreign
In another development, the
American Tobacco InsUtute
and eight tobacco companies
told the Supreme Court -the
FCC requirement that broad-
casters must ai: anti.!mok.ing
messages if they c a r r y
cigarette advertising, raises
"substantial" free sp eech
1be Supreme Court is con--
sidetint the tobacco industry's
appeal from t h e 1987 rec
or'der. Ii e tobacco i'lmUtute
said there was no law which
authorizes the FCC to require
antismoking messages.
Agriculture department of-
ficials said that in reci!nt
years, the decision on renew-
ing the advertising program
abroad has been made ·early
in the caJendar. year for the
following fiscal · year. If the
pattern is· continued, Hardin's
deClslon on extending the pro-
gram for the fiscal year begin-
ning July J, 1969, would be
due this month or next.
A spokesman said, however ,
the matter bad not yet been
moved up through department
channels for Hardin'si>ttsonal
Hugh C. Kiger, heel~ of the
tobacco division in t b e
department's foreign
agricultural service (FAS);
sald 1the overseas advertising
campaign, which dates back
to the mid-1950s, is one o(
the smallest o( a series of
government-backed e :r po r t
promotion programs for U.S.
farm products. Government
funds used in these programs
are foreign currencies receiv-
ed for fann products ship-
ments abroad under the food
for pe.ace program.
What are the Bulls-Eye BQs of the week?
Every Dodge D11ler hn lllln llllhoriztd to olflr a sp1ci1l Nrglia pri1:1 11ch
-k on llltctld Dodge llOdtls. Yaa'I git ..._ milgs 01 m 11111 1nlcb ...
-Dod .. W11i11 H1tSpeli1h ..... incllded. Slit lillilld. Hurryl
ling slzld po!farm111e1
"Ith 1 pint sin Jllfe1 durln1
llo411'Bllis-Eyl llJL ._,, 11::J.@
Wlllln SPllll 11*111,
........ prlcld fir
lhll 1111 Illy ..... _ ....
...... llMJI..,..
I 2 'If:
Match yourseir lip with Bonus Savings!
16555 ~CH BLVD. (HWJ. 39)
IUITlllGTOll BUCH-147·9'31
·'=:!.:..-E"-= = =~--...
2111 HARBOR Bl.YD.
COSTA MESA·-~t-111
, CHOICE . I of ygur fll'IOrito
1 decorator color.;:
I edged ll'IOCado,
1 edged ccpper
i or white.
~ NO EXTRA ,, CHARGE!,; ..... ___ ...
QualltyWhlrtpool automatic washer features new super
SURGllATOR agitalor, 5 cycle selections and 2 speeds.
Magic Clean self ·cleaning filter and automatic bleach
dispenser. Matching 5.cycle, 5·heat selection dryer
has Tumble Press Control and drying rack for s-ers
and sneakers. Both have special cool-down action
for Pennanent Press fabrics.
Washer LTA·8800 Dryer LT'f-8800
Handsome 14-pc.
refrigerator bowi and
cover set with
purchase of
EST·15PM only.
Regrigerator-Freezer W'rth lceMagic'I ·
15.1 cu. ft. of frost.free storage spaceWiih half·width
adjustable shetves, large storage door, much more 1
Includes aut<>matic lceMagie" lee maker,
pon:elain twin crispers and meat pan.
Alwlys frll fnlllJfllion ottWhlrlpoor lceMa&IC" Refri&nlllrs!
At ...
TOVA n's
· AlitOniiltic WaSher.has 3·
cycle selections, 2 speeds.
agitator, exclusive Magic
Mix filter. Matching 5-cycle
dryer has 3 drying heats,
fast drying system
and extra large drum. Both
have·special cookklwn
care for Pennanent ,f>ress
fabries. Buy,nowand'save!
Supreme Slim-look
Automatic Dish-'1er Autoinatic pushbuttlln cantrol
with 4 cyci.s, automatic
rins&<:Onditioner dispenser,
dualswing·up raclcs for easy·
loading. Special -flow
featu re for normal faucot -
while dishwasher Is running.
"Never Touc~ Jt" seltcleanfng
filter. Rated highest by
consumer:magazines. Help
Stamp out Male dishwashers
FOR $2 :~. 0995
Olean up on Wkirlpobl ioO'fk-saving applwtWeS at •••
' TOVA TT·' 5 Also~ ••
Sprl111tlale • ' DOWNTOWN 401 MAIN STR anti m,lln1•r HUNTINCHON RACH . . . . 192-4443 TONY TOVATT S36·7•6t .. ' I ' . .
. . ' . , , . • • . • . • • • • • ~ •
. •
• . • • • • • • • • • I I • •
.le DAllY Pll.OT H Ftfday, Ftbnlovf 14, 1'6t
Catch That Tax Mistake
" . I
• •
' '
Friday's _ Closing
• ..
i .
• I ' . • . •
I !
I •
I ' •
..... ' ltOMld Bar1r1m ~. U. 1!1<1
JOHPhlM Ann Howe. 22. both of
HvnllNIGn Be•ch Robert N. Opfer, tt, of Llk~,
11id lln<lt Annen. Will11nv. 22.
of Hunt1111ton 8Hdl , ....
Roger W1v,,. C.nut1, 27, 1llCI AdrlffW'lll
SW Sn~, 19, bolll fll C•tf Meu
Ra,..ld 0<!111 GlbM>n. :., of Hun'1111klft
a..dl, 1nd /Mry Gr.a llrMIY, 21,
o1 Gletldlle Tl'orlrrlu E1rl Am-, 11, 1 t westmlnstw, 111d $alldrt J•111 PIW'I'•
19, of Or-···' esar P_, n. 1nc1 lrwne t.ee, :is
bot11 of Hllntlntton Bffdl ... ..
Robtrt Thomes RUIMll, 2'l. 1ftd Robifl E. Dt11IJ. 11. bot11 el Hunll ....
ON"' HerscMI l . Roberts. 37, d Loni
a.acti, 1od Mlldr'W H. PK:klrd,
31, o1 W""1'nl•iw John It, Uwlffl, 31, ef H1111t1ngloft
Be&ch, Ind ·s.nc1r1 lee JKt111$. 14.
of H~ BHcfl Eric Gordon T1rr, 31, Ind PIUlllW!
Kay 81'ff', 33. both "' '"""'°'"' ''"" f'ffll e. w1 ... m1ker, n. of s..n
Clemente, Ind HlftM A, lellrNM•
72, DI laflUntl Hilts
.-.nc1re L Proulll, "· Ind Jlobe<U D, Klrltwcod, "9, both of WfftmlMt.lr °':'1s: ~~\l·bo:· .;nc1 .. u!~.:! ..... Jim• AMrwood Ltt. SS, of Tor1nce,
Ind Te\lp(l(lferanl llf'llt Flores, :n. d""' ..... RDtltrr Jlldi:Jon, 21. '°' Cost• ft\eH, Ind P1tr1tl1 Ann Murphy, ll, al
G1rdtrl Grove
Fire Calls
P:oullt1ln VllllY
12:ol! p.m .. Thvrlld1y, Wlihdown, SI•·
ter & Wini
S:C11 •.m. Thu,..dll', mfdk:•l lid, '1S7fl
Bllllllrd l :lt p.m .. 5lruciur1, 9612 M1dl'Klft,
Apt. :t
1:41 1>.m., bl1ekaul, Edw1rds Ind ·--t :25 jr.M., rfte119, 11 tfle Clvi< cenlll'
MINltillfftll hKll
I :27 p.m. TIN.Ir~.,. cer fire. m1
Edll!llW J:l'I p.m., $1T\KtUN, T1lblrt bllWtlit
Gotllen:l end Gol<*I W1$1 s::as ,._m., wr fl,., H 8 Surftlde
10:1• •.m.. ... Jetk. 171$ Liit•
Rl<Mrd Strlbtr. 241 VkfOl'll St., Cotle
Meq. ~IC"lll perdf119, Bell BroedWIY
Martvery, 110 Bro.dW1'f, Cotle Mesa.
Rlc,,.rd J. ~ttnev. n«I Jtt1nettt SI.,
Cost• Mew. SUrvlved by mDlher, Mn. !Wien G.ffn&YI Three bn;iltteon, Hll9h'1
Genld Ind Thoml1; five slsten, Mn.
A1>11u1t1 Coon, Ml!li Flori GaffMY, bolh or Whittler; Mrs. Mllry Winburn.
Mrs. Mllrlorie We-eke. 1111v. 11'111 Ml•
krbln GlffMY. Services pend1111.
l!l.W l!lrmdwev Mortvanr. 110 lr01d-
w11, Coll• MM.I.
MltY J. H1nie!1. 2060 NeWPOl"'t Blvd.,
CO$" Mn.ti. SUrv1'19d bY sh!Pda1>11hft!r, Mr'I. Blr'blr. Slllw, P1i!0 Rabin, 1rld
two slmn.. Sen1Ctl pendnl9. BtCI
8rotdwlY Mortuary, l10 BrMlttlrlY,
l"tlKllt 1. Feulknlr. 4112 s.t!Wf9 Wey,
·lrv!M. o.ie Ill de9ftl, Ftb. 13. survlwd 11¥ wit«, Cllr11 cilllehttf", Mn. °'11111•
K.nll1'onl Pl 11'1 llw, Chlllf W1n"1nt
OfflClll'" CIYde W. KM>l110!I, Sanft AM,
end fires 11r1nddllldren. Memorl1I ,_lolls, SetwdlY. 11 AM, P1<Hic
vi.ow c~. wr111 Re11. Jahn ROll'llr
o.vi. oflk:l1tltlo. lnumment. Mluso-~ of Ille P1<1fk, P1clflc Vil"#
Mo!n'IONI P1i11:, Dlrecttd by P1<lfic
View Mor1\tlry.
Georve W. Dile!'. BelovM husblf\d or
H&len £. :W•1 bl'o1'hef of Mn. Lul<I
Ml'f ~. Stnk;es.. 12 Noon, S.ll<r·
d1Y, ti the Chvr'd'I « Our F11!Mn.
Fcnst Uwn """"°"'' Par1l. CYPreU. Dlree:ftd Fal"ISI Lewn Mcll'tull'l'·
CGrtu del Mar.OR Miii
Calla 11... Ml WlU
111 Broadway, Celia Mt111 uwm
llDllDgla Volley
CemduJ • '.._.,, CUpel
--View Dltft New,.1Budt,~ -PEEK FAMILY
W•tmlmltt ltWSIS
117 Mm SI. ---LEMAt
Wlll10DT llORTU.UY
Ill & 1a SI., Coola•MMI
' -
• ·1
Ffld111 ftbr\llr'J 14, 1969
8 Applleatloos
Baker Gets
State Post
County Supervisor David L.
Baker, 50,.-a Republican from
Garden Gtov~. thursday waS ·" If
named by Governor Reagan
to head the new state En·
vironmental _Quality Study
Council created by the 1968
Five other council members
also Were appointed by the
Governor. They are:
-Chester Morris , 3 6 ,
Marysville attorney, a
Republican. •
-Arthur F. Pillsbury, 64,
or Los Angeles, a Republican
and director of the Water
Resources Center at UCLA.
-Frank J. Tysen, 36, Santa
Monica, a Democrat, program
director for tbe University or
Southern California's Institute
of Urban Ecoloy.
-Helen B. Reynolds, San
Francisco, a Democrat, presi-
dent of the Califor n ia
Road!ide Council.
-Samuel A. Egigian, 47,
Whittier, a RepubJlcan, presi-
dent of the Refuse Removal
Council's southern district.
Park Work
Nears End
SANTA ANA -Completion
is expected by summer on a
$459,000 improvement pro..
gram ordered by cotmt)' sup-
ervisors fOl' Featherly Region-
al Park near the Orange-RJv.
erside County line,
The part, formerly l:nowp
as Sycamore Flats Regional
Park, lies along both banks of
the Santa Ana River In Santa·
Ana Canyon .
The improvement program
"'ill provide 650 overnight
camp sites and facilities for
1,700 day vislton on 64 acres.
It will be paid for by $229,500
in federal funds and an equal
amount of county mOoey.
In New Place
portraits ol J5 fonn<r u. s.
postmutm, Including Benja·
min Frantlln and Junes A,
Farley, have been taken out
of storage and gtven to th e
Smithsonian Imtitution.
Postmaster General Winton
M. Blount said there was no
space In hll department to
properly dlsp1'J' the portraits,
They will bO hung In the lnstl·
lotion'• pOltal hbtory hall.
TV WEBC Tells it
Like It'll be
•6'* YaLI Plutic
Jumbo 32 Gallon
Trash Cans
s4,95 Val. Detede
Bathroom Scales
~~ttmc!e ' 2' lt'&J• .io choiot, ef $ 3 bet:11tifol. bathroom
'29.95 layette·
llectrlc Maillcwlst ,., .......... $)9'5 :,.~···lt'1
sn.t5 Mhrtr
=~ $16'-
'14.95 Value! Folding Bed
.. WITH 'MA$99f
Thitt, CDll:lo-
fomlik 1~~
••ttittl Dll.f 9111Nrah1111t.
111111 fta••· loldl COii!•
I lm'99' ....
Bed Pillows \,f3~
<Sbrtclded · o I
foam fi!f.# ....... ~ cotto!' tfttiac. . ;-=,;
·1"Yai.l·J ....
Ga ·d1at1
HO!dt 14 ·~ 9.7C ~U:r ~ ."-f«ieit. .... ,1. ' hoob. f .11 1ee,stb .. . , .. '·"
.,. c.k• ., Pie
C.ver and Tray
Oear plastic IO'ftr ltt 13c choice of 1iacsfot «Ire
Ol pie. '
Ltuly Schick
Electric Shaver
~ Pdud. A
'"'" G;h •• .f0< $a•• JOQt" VUmt111t.
--· ........ _iiiii!i
69'ttL•C.•!ry =-. ..... : .. ,2 .. 1
, U1°"!'T~iei lewl Cllim1n ••• • 38' ""-""= -441 .llfl laYOff -..... , ................ ..
lri ~W1&111#.iliilllli 561 7f Dew hi .. ••• Cl••• • ••••••
•• 111111 _. 1'1" Glery
.. Pellels ... ci ••• , •1•1
•"Mo--59~ .. °"""'
-~·.· ·~ .... ...... ....
j: "..~.
~· ~iE.t=
R ' '$1. '' . eg. .
Panty llO,se
_,.. . . 3'1'C
-;5tt Vlckf Ya~rur. •. ,. .... : . . . . 1 _ (1._................... ..!,.' .
,,;,., lifl] '
. .;:t.. •..
~·" "' $349
'11 ... 5··..-·5 , 11.. G I 88' ~: ~ :~) §~ ._ 'I•. Ill .•..........
loft Sldo
.Lanolin Plus r
Reg. 59' ·
8 Ounce
Men's All Nylon ..• ,,.. .. 1, .. . ...... , ..... , . ...... , ... .
Jackets ~··
........ ......... .,,.... --2"''3 ..
Zippt t opm~ eesp.
CllllJ' ~ llndlu. ix. d ... __ _ ......... ".
~ -· . -~( • ilit ..,,. ·-·
All Y-Pntaiptltms Te llwlftr
,_, -. -'-'-... fully ......
_., ,., I Mp, ,...,,. an4 ,....., • • ' _, ..........
' I
I. ..
' l<
~ .. .. • ' • IS • " lo ~
t • ' '
• ' i ·
I '
t y ... 62, NO. 39, :. SECTIONS, '40 PAGES / "
' ' Lt" ' '
' ('
r 1
" Ted.,,..,._
.• EDITlON N.Y. ~teelm
(, .
~ l "' 1 '
• . Sirliall . 'Fi,Ottlsies Told .
• f • ~ ' '
Defeme Says Accust:d lJ~d 'Na Con·tr~l~ in STwo~rig
LOS ANG~ (AP)-Sirhan Biahara recorded byo hiltorj ii the man who
Sirhan'• defenders claimed 1 today that triggered off the lut war."
at the moment Sen. Robert F. Keniiedy . Emili Zoll Blumln, one (I three at-
was shot, Sirh@I "was out or contart torneys defending Sirhan o~ a charge
with reality, in a trance i~ whlch he he mbrder.ed Kennedy, told the .jury
hac!·DO-,voluntary ~trot over his will, iri ·~penlng .ar1"4ent1 thl.t ,Sirban .bad
hll jtlcipnenl, hll leellnp pr hll actioo." • fantuiel Jn• wliich "ho wu olten a
'Tbe 11:-YOFOid Jor<i.PJvi·wgs pictgr•<f i1tl'O (Uld avjor 'll. lhl people."
as 1'an hnm1ture, emoUoD.alli disturbed 0In the re1UUes of Ufe, hoWever, he
and mentally W" youth whc wrote in wu. small, helpless, isolated, contused
a memorandum at the Ume of ·the 1967· and bewi14ered by emoUona over Which
Aral>1"aell wi.r that. "he wants to be hl'b4d t\6 'cOiillOL 'lie (\ru unable to
" ' plan or think clearly, unable io;malntain
any meaningful direction ·to 1111 life,"
the attorney aaJd.
Thus Berman set the atqe !Qr ·a
defe)lSe utat will not deny that 'Sirhan
shot Kennedy but will rtlf'oo poycbiatrlc
tesuIDooy to plead a deleme of
"diminished re1po111il>llity." ·
In California, dtmlnlabed 11if0811bUity
recogn1ua that a delendur mar be
legally .. ., yet not lull1 ieapoaalble
for h1a actions.
Suns.et ·,. Granted ·· New, Oil Slick
·• -~
Fence : .. In i:~p;ctio~· Bubbles Up
In Cha.nnel
' Berman oaid Sirhad boalbl Ille dlllh
llUll sia monlltl befiJre the :r-' I
uusslftatlon of Kemiedy to .,.. for spi,rt
and found thtt 1boi0tlng .. 11ve him a
strqe 111111 ol releue."
Belman aid .Blrhu ".amirea and
loved" Ke:anedf.
"Then .--lllol," Berman
aalcl. "In ~ly ~ ... ol. -8'n. .Ken-nedy .•• oald in ....... '!bit ii be were
(lee lllUWI, Pip II
. .
Beach Murder
Slwtgun· Find
SANTA B~ARA (UPI) -Workmen
on an off.shore oil well platform struggled
today to contain a fresh leak that foi-m~
a· new sllct of crude ou: eight 11)11es
long off the Southern California ccaal
• I Attorneys today _ bepn questioning
By WJWAM REED -· is liow in · -... altq compJ.eUon drCUDlBl.uicel of the aellln,of a uwed-
·ot"' -''"' -· ' ol a· fe\>00 a!o\>l.\bl•ll<WJ1Y; llne &.lore . .a. shotllW> by llantln$D Jleoch -lflJIP!" reskleoll of .Blyvlew Drive In lhe.lllW _,. bqlq tcillilllil-. u • SGnMt!llUCh Tburld&Tbliled the ......O-'Lut • ..,_,.1, -~· lm!i ·the vta whiJ arruted one of two murder
ce ol a .restrainlD& oril"' by the-&!iJ<rlO< Jw:bilr ~ ~ -of the lqlpecll u their join! .... tmm\7' i.or.
Court boldlng up CCNtnlction of Ii fence philh ~ oammunlif el --aton Ing entmd ill -daJ.
' Saint Wlao:
The flow of oil from fiuures in, the
ocean bottom was a fracUon of an earlier
leak which spewed more , than 230,()00
gallons of oil to the surface where winds
pushed it onto 30 miles of beaches.
belween · their property and !hat ol tJ>< H.-, DlOYed ooto the ltrtp, to~· Proceedlnp agalllll· the pair clll?pd
giant HunUngton Harbour Corp: until the feoca and ,patioo which tbe corporauon with the Jan. 12 throat·aluh. alaylng
people have hid their day In court. clalml encroacb1ed onto, L6e c:orporaUon of a ~year~ ·widow were upeded
St. Valentine's Day, or no , litUe John Foster, 2, knows a good thing
when be sees it. Jn this case, it was a traditional box of hon hons
meant for bis, mother. Mom is Mrs. Russell Foster of Costa Mesa.
Happy Valentine's Day, Mom.
A temporary restraining order was pr9Pftty, • to be coocluded by late aner-. ~~ ~Pserv. of ~a~.:~~~-~y :: v~ ~ ~to:, Henry L. Sianez, ·25, of 112 Clay st., Estimates of the rate of flow from
the new leak varied betweeit 2,100 and
120 gallon! dally, d~ndlng on whether
a state official or Union Oil Co.
spokesman wu quutioned.
,...,... • ,_..., and F.dwll'd R. Hargrave, II, ol 17191 corporaUoo ciaiml II Ill ~-llut.whidl tom dowo, lallilll :II llrll to ~vent Marken Lane, bo!b lllmlhlitoa Jleoch ll"f been,used foc .yeara .. blekyarda the buUdolen ~·~their toil -appeareilbeloreJildgeWllter for boliles on Bayview Drive. ol -and ~ • • . ~--: · In w-~ .-.. ~--'~
Cit~ens Latin ch .f ·. · : S~ep
!. To Upgr~d~ Beac~~-sat~
'!'lie clay In court 11 .aet for next The 111111; aJDll'Uie ~· slatea ---• -v·-·· ~., --• I .__ -~ J ,,.,. ~ ~"!..... •-• .. Judicial Dlrtrk:t Court. ·~-ay n. ~ -·-~ J-.e that -.. .,.....,:--"" The hearing in the murdor o1 Mn. =~w~~~:$ ~= :i)~f.l/\:.~~iti"· ~~ f a~k~ol: .~8:.J':n ouwcrlren to11a1 readied· ail wbicb ilioy r ~~··lt,.,loW m'
ol the major ~-.ll~l!iio le · .
fimuU. Tbe.leakln& oil'wOulii"be
~ ~.: ... ~=·tn~hlirati
~·~~·c 1or ·t""r ri: jlij""*"~-~ · \dlfl!llll> .1......i on 51..,.; wllil•
l-'r.'!1---.11.!IJl!itltl!. '. . -~ ~8 '"'*' ·-..;.~' .,.....p.1c11~~ lllii1~ ~ ~.r.., -·· ., ' . Q-
poaaeaalon, ~-' 04, the1 ,·had ezpectecl . I I ~·u.a. not Siana' del-lllamey. Uo7d -· own<n~J11 ·11>e,•.._. ~:Im; . ..,.......,,_~·~ -* ~ -.bJ qUutiOnlng ..ma? in11Dt1ijit;'.w · lllan J'fi:,i.r ~ ........ ~.~ llllOcli'9'. . )jibs! 111ao1iir1 •""'• IM'w'-1 "' .,.-'"'~1 -• -"' . ..._...,._ aelzwot,ol ...___.,.._~ n,:-·· 111oh J1icWi up iii! '~.e in _.iv~ o1"'.~ fence and polio Jan. II at ·Ille~·, home.
for dlspoaal i.... ·
The ~ was ~ tiO' Ii •~revene
Step 1 hi. been launched. 8. Yeal'<Cllmd or · f.quarter plan, ~. IUllMl"· whlcibtWOtlll .we-tddldoall
_, .
liUe toT iaed &Di! thal lbi ~ removof. ,, • BloodJ: clqt!oing, spattered,sqoes aed
-"' ..._. .A: _,_ _,_ _,_ 1 mlall"pea tnile'. IUeo Im Slimol'
cbainn o11 o1captnt"'" ult lltliilooe 'ol 'lllt Pldnc It'll not a rocket but it may roar Thayer, an. where it could pollute more milel of
through the HunUngton Beach Union 9. Minority . group education, Rev.
Roger Betsworth chairman be.achet. i . ' · High School District with a thunder of • · Tu1boat1 dr ..... .-..: a contrapUon formed
A-.i-• the Now that Step I has been launched .... _. ._1;. proposals and recommt:uw1llOM committee rrieinbers are. searching !Or from two 8004'.oot. ""ll booms lashed
w H x w x i..r apartment are also expected to come under cJOie> ICnltln)' u tile ciue ,untolcls.
Harbour Files :own Action :t:t~~!~~~ nut few months. interested residents lo help fill the sub-together in a V-ahape which would sklln
Step 1 is the initial plan or action committees. the slick from the surface, weather
for a thorough study and reaurch into About 40 penons attended Wedneld~'s ~~~ailing :wlndi today tended to
methods for improving the local high meeting at Fountain Valley High School. push the new slick towardt the ahore
school educational syst"em and meeting but the Coast Guard aaid there •ere
the needs of the student. 2 M • H. }d no confirmed reports that \he new oil
It was originated, and Thursday night OtOnsts . e had contam)nated any beaches as yeL
given the go-ahead, by the Citizens Ad-Crews were still si:nad.ing straw ind
Against Sunset Resid~nts
vtiory Committee on Maximum Uae of F' or Taking s·~ots chemlca!J .. the sai1d on both lides Hun"·"'-Harbour, Corporation liled school Facilities. of Santa Barbar1 lo sop up the gummy ... .__ .. .The cltizenS advisory committee was mess from the earlier, lJ.day leak wbl~h a , $1.I · mllllon, countenult ia <>rinct Two Long Beach men were arrested was lhoUght sealed 1 wetk ago. ' Comity .Supericir~.ClJUrt .today ·ai.inst "•
sdi-up a few months ago to help with at 4 a.m. today on charges of , .... ,. f S t Be cb 'dents :.i ..
t.. school bond issue arxl has since ~ ~up o unse a rea1 Wlpul ·~ shots wllh a small pistol at a residence batU u • I h'· land COllUnued, in a somewhat revolutionary M " F d a e over a squa er s r g .. while speeding alo11og Pacific Coast anJ Ualla OUll · fashion, as a study group. Hl&hw•Y in HunUngton Beach. , dupute.
tinder the leadership of chairman Fr •• G .,,,,_ booked into Tbe fight involves ownership of a por-~:sda~·to :'~a!:;. :rh~res=-Him:;;;;,.,' B:d:' cf!f ~::1 oo char..., At Beach School Uon of R<mora Cbsnnei ulaod property,
positions on the school board, the com-of shooting at an inhabited dwellirc. which lot ownen clalm to have used
mlttee Is begirming a major progr•m pnnealng • concealed weapon · and and au.lntalnr<i for*> yean.
that may produce several interesting drunkeli ·driving, police aaid. About '60 of marl}Uana was found '?forkmtn for the corporation this week
reiults over the next year. · Merle T. Anderson, ·30, was booked ScboolTJwndfyHon the school grounds of Effschooer began tearlna: down fences the realdents
step t is the first in five steps designed on char&es of .OOOUna: at an inhabited n untlngton Beach by the 1 had built to seal off their ·backyards,
to lead nine sub-committees through a dwelllD&, shooting a gun on a highway ~anFederico told police be fwnd erected OQ prqputy the corporatton
procesa of examining Individual aspects ancf belni ~ in publit. ~ m:· plutlc baggies cootal.nen with mari· claims to own.
of high school education in order to Police aald a patrol unit spot~ Miller jtJ&Da-Uke IUbltance stashed on top of SI.Imel: Beacli. people involved In the
recommend improvements. . and Andenon 11 thty s~ a aemf-com. . a p&e Into • sto,raie area behind the rtruggle flled a suit Tbursday·ln Superk>r
Wednesday, when the walls came tumbl·
inl-Aow.n.. . .. ·' ' . ,The. Huntbictea """"" 'COUJltmuil
uu an lnJUncUon agalnxt the tSwlsel
Beach colony landowner•' request for
a restraining order.
CorporaUon official1 were not available
for commtnt on 'their COWlter~maneuver
this morning. ·
Picture Taking '
Slated onBeach's
60tliBirthd~y Step I consists of forming ·the sub' mercla.I bui1dDc and, teaidtnce at Pacific school· ea1.u.,..i a. , Court to obtain .a restraining order to
committees and recruiting intereated ·Coesl Hl ... wa•ilnd•Beacb-. 'or<!. 'T: •-•t ,._ · Uon' d' --• I
I ..,, ,. Tbe hip of :narijuana were in plain •wu ...x; corpora 1 t:YIC.lopmtnta ac-Monday Is the 99th bbthday of the personne · . No lnNdet: oi' iSlma8et were ,~ view a1 •nvo -11.1.... · the tiona. Step 2 is an examination by each fiom ~ .~ ... lndden~ A .25 cillbet ..., _, oe .......... 16 tn area city of Hunllngton Beach and the cJty
sutiCommittee of the ex1stinl ~ ........._. said Nerico. No clues to ownership They hope to aettle the ' dispute In stal( and City Council will celebr•le
I f h boom 1J au,tomaUc piitoI wu iicaled from of the marijuana hu 'been discovered, court, but Oran.. Cow!, ly· 1herilf'1
aavqe•allyUig Wnled up ~·cBb driver
with a-hot llory to-teiL .
A Huntinp>n Beach woman and her
male lr~nd had already been lonna!Jy
cbarged witb Mn.' ~ .... iuanlir,
.me. the·~ ll"Ptd'• ·~ car W'll the central point in the·C..." 1
Margl.n!ta Dinger, 39, of 2«t2 Delaware
SL, and Norman Col.lney, 411 of 12511 'FoSfer Road, LOs.AJamJtot,-nre unribCe
at the fuil• lo Cive.~tbiacto,Y a&ori!U • ~ ' I I ._ -• about the mW:lng car.
lt was found near ~ mlJJ'ifU scene
~ smeared with Mn. Martee's bJood·
and carryinl • 'paint icrape froril ber
car -obviously having collided irltb
the vJcUm's auto.
A cab c!fiver into/med police .atlet a public appeal for potentlal wjtneaet
that early on Jan. 13, be had ~t"1
up a bloodied man near the 'mllldtr
scene, who bragged of having been ia
a fight. , i
Duriifg testimony laSt Frif:taf, a' friend
of Sianez -&be cabbie~ '-"' in queaUOJl'I
-told of ·the oilllellt' -vialtine
hll apartment l an. 12, haYllf lnto:dcated
on drup, bloody, and bouting ol a
in• the IChoo 5 or eac tu m va ~ rbtn. .\ ~ · • pOdct aid today. deputies stobd by in case ·of vlo1mct with bu&loea; as usual.
totp 3 is an examination of -~ ef, , On Feb. 17, 19119, MayO< Ed MalpdD1
f!Ciency oJ each program. • found hilmett the mayor ol •. cilt pt
SteP 4 is a delttminlllmi of , s . Ed · t• D ·f d d 400 populalion wbea 14 --alternatives to each program. . ex . ' uca· IO n e· e· n . e for incorporatloo IS. clly lnd·JS ·~
Carefully framing their I quesUONJ,
detecUves wtio dug ' up Ille, inCreulng .
evidence agalnxt Sianez brtoCl>t up tbl
!lgbt xtory. In an lnierv\ew , witb him,
(9" MURDER, Pip I)
Step 5 consists of recommend•tiO!ll . , . • · , · agahat the propoetUon.
to the board of trustees. 1 , Al ' A Ume schedule of eo ciaY• each 1w ·· . Mon4oy Mal""'' . vin M. Coen opens
been set up for completion of uch ' 1 '° the 1e11lon .ol. the ClDUncil at ·4:Jt p.m. •t~ in ,s,.;er;.boommittees established Anaheim School .Chief Says Family Lil~ Cla$s. 'Successful' t ~ ~·~~~
and,tMir subjects include: , . . . . top elec:ted repraentaUve ol 1tiout 1 City recreation and school activ1Ues, By TOM BARLEY strucUoo cluaea as beina: "abaolutely "by this type of program Jn Sweden,'' 107,<0J realdents. · .
ee0rge Walton, chairman. ' -, °'tilt o.11Y "1111 ,~.,, ' • vital if we are to protect the lntere& "l'qt aware ol the problem1 they have ta~~tng·tbe ~f:;el the tDUDci1
.. Of scbooi' ... da y/ni ... .,t, .Donald Ariaheim Union' Hl ... '° 'Bcboot District's· of. our children in an a-when .ti: ~ a JJ.pqe •--'• and 61' .., .~ in Sweden," Cook quickly -...i:-i, "but '-~~i-1....-.._ ....... -;chairman. · supertnten?ent defeDJSed bis dilbict'• -'OC' rather, the &)orificaUan of the ... ~ a two-pqe ~·1 mtmc.. •
Patterns of camQUS organiialion ·ucized "Family Lil and Sex &I .ael ,acl -u hammered at tbem by lheydon\havetblslypealprocram." . Coomc(lmen,.lltl,,.W., boYe ,1-ed
foa· instrUction, Richard DiakenlOD.. ~1 ,, 1 ,, e . .~-m;ovtea, teJerill011 , booU m:I plays, 1'It11 more or Jeu tbe same,''· the I.he Potlce ~ idlliDtlllcatlo
hainnan bon program as treme"4!ou~ly ~~ -.!.!.Jtl1 a doubly dam·.i-1---4-when Santa Ana derttist ar~ uAJid llll't P.h>iter''pbm to tab' 1JICtunt: ol fall c · 1 _ • ..:1 ·ie .. _ WUUam cesslul" Thursday before an Orange .... _,..., ·I, · · · . memben ·ol the cooncll u a mart. . ...._~ ~ SI S, l'lll•• County .Qqard of EducaUon ~that.• Wt. ftalize, that more than to percent one propml much me 111be ~''1, . of the•«...,_ , , ~. · proved !ti truiliel lo be ~ d!Vtded of ,..., young peopl< are wodoily mlllr> "II II In no way ldenticll " Coot · · · • ~.a;t:SI<&~~ m-.., the'niirill of.Ibo nvohiiiorioiy' ,.., l~u .. _'!!:'.:·'i:*111eaald~ iX'>' aald. ·"I tb(ok that 1H· ,..,-.,;ill tale , . . u Jectio J Hallsty instruction course. gram •~-......., -the trouble Ae eumloe the IUlilmary Hunf'l.;.mnn Ch--'"'-ch~ror,:ia "'pro ns, oe ' Dr. Paul Coot ,tolcl •tbe j>oanf that ~Dllllllolcom'!:.::nicttirp• ol qur ciaues that II .before raa' ud ., ~~.,..,.. , , , ~r .
1, College and vocational insfruollon, the program, launched four yeara ago ...:; ~ ~ .,"'!&,:,>'. 1 compare ii with Ille Sndilh IJllem,• SI •--· U , 11.r 1 '.J:. Sa chalrm -In II junior and -1cir higb ~ . , Jl!Uwilillml ••iilldlflil.._''. ,-. jl...--~"'eei ul!IO .. moV:"
Jerry pp, an. hid been "ridlJ ~ecP'' bJ ~ cent Jll'obllml In an ·~·of !'!\'" · \ ;But. blHri;. 'Wiiiia~ the ~•{to' : • ", ' ,' ""' 1 ·-i 1 • ~ t
. . . of. per.-ol the l,OOll otl>dltlll'lo-...., ... iqtll!lllnllt. 1' 1 11•··~.J~;i;f ~·*linJ .Dlrec:t.i ol 1111<1· ... ~ Blocti
Stffl< M•rl<eU voived. ' , • .B<4·11hal 1114 _.,b!Ued u • ''l\O -··-'~ :IRi' •camuuy1 Cbombtr ol~~lll'l ;;;;t;ai·-
------------"II'• • poireif '•cit.niary program," que1Uona lnlomlltion ""1crt''. 'bee•• qlllltidnod" •JiooA '_ftt lth~ .n lllell ~'al rim'• ~ ~ m:w YORK (AP) -The atock marut, the biun~ lorcdul achoo! olliclal aaid. a Pl'l""!~ .. ~~O!linl , ol CoOI< .11y It· 1 ~ told Cook'j;•u \lllal yoo're '1 cin. 'J>adllt! Coes1 ~~ I« a rqidar
showed an irregular patt<rn al the cJM. "Any parent irho hao dotibll about the Dale& . ........, oltJ!l'lilloOI board., -• ~ """11£huae.one :~to¥."! ~·....p.., . · " . r;• •
Friday: (See-<juotationl, Pages 10.U). wiodom ol ,hil , dilld att..alnc our Rolillon, -~ dllllid><ll .~~-lmentlif (lnJbi<h!I far ,thc,JCot Of ·\"If· '.~ itOina''lllclud<"-Don I
Blue chips improvld enoocb lt fll1< -haa <Jftlrto -ua ol that he aakl "intlbl t*i •tbo'__,..... life,~~··~~-~ "-·.io. lor'1U.· .!Mt-· ti
theDow Jonesinduotriala""ageaomall . --and ,the c1'ld .wlll,no ~ 1ol -aemal -~·_._(~a ~~~· ·.~ ;; ~· 1 • .·~-,r...,ai, !f "~"~'-'1 .. ,
ri.. elLill •t 111.11 a hall hour before parUcipote." rtlUll ol Iba coune) •1ked.' .._.ii I .Tiii. ' _ '•";· t=,pl,i,to,llN liii1,,,..i:•1
the finll bell. :Coat -<lcftndel° lbo -m 'JO. bo'wliW-oltlllo .. -"""·lad ' ''lfli• , 1 ."':,I •--.:..-.... -.... -·~ ' ~-• r •. • ' ' , ,. ' • .........,...--...., , . , ,• I ... < tci" ~ ..._ ,
I '""' ),°' ' . I , • .... :. _,, .. c ...... ;,
. . 1 --
I DAii. V PllGT H Ftl4q, F*Wr 14. l 96'
Mafia Chi ftain Genovese Dies Shot Man
. . •
Heart Ftiilure .Fel&·U~rworLl Leader in Fe&ral Prison
4 J • ; ~
~· . ... , . .. ... ,,
•' :~ ,•
• !t~. ~~p
~ :J!: .. -~· -~· ·?<
....... ·-~---·l!iil nlabl to .....,..._ tllem -tllq came in," acco.I UJd.. • . ' '
a-." "Pll*I to ba ..... .-
tbt notorious Apal .. hln, N. Y., m,.tlng
ol Milla m-. Nov. 14, 1117, to
annotmce be wu takln& over the COia
NOltn:~ .
Hr11 'lllepd lo ban oubelquenUy
ordond lbe !IJll-.J JDUl'du-pt
oo ll'rlnt Colteilo, idnce deporiod, and
the ldlllng of 1)'1ldicate executioner
Albert Anas\qla In a Now York Cllj'
barber lbop.
ColWUo, ccmidtr14.u 1'1n retirement"
since lbe m-ce11ful allnlpt on 1111
life, malntalnl an apartment In Manha~
tan and a country home on IAb( llland.
He occaalonally -prise fipil and other~ .... 11 al ii-Squaro
U~IT....._ ~: . ii Leglas Hero Honored ·Jr Jooeph A. Carbonaro of Netcong, N.J., admires bronze star medal : l'I pinned on hospital garb of his Marine SOil, Michael, Lance Cpl. :~: Carbonaro was wounded during mortar. barrage in Quang Tri Pro-
'. vince, Vietnam, but placed evacuation of other casualties ah ead of
: •; bis own. He Is recuperating at Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, Oakland. . , ..
~~~Seal Beach Youth Guilty
~: ~In Death of Anaheim Man
''"' ~~· '"' i:': Willlllll Leroy F11-ald of Seal Buch
L=wa. ccmlcted of involuntary
;:::man11aag111<r Tbund01 and ordered to :Z: return to Superior Court Feb. 28 for
.., • ...,le!lclng. :!:· Judge RDberl Corfman of Newport
,:. Belch ended a lw<><ll,y trW by flndln& ~-: lbe SesHleoch 70lrth guilty of the llaytns 'ii;. ol Vincent Otteman, 22, of Anlltelm. lt:~ U, of IOOI OCean Ave., !sees
., •. poellbl• commitment to the Cslifomla
~: ~:
m a;·
i ~ ~ ~ :~
O~llY PilOT
9toMrt N. WH4 ,.,.i.m •nlll l"llOlflfltr
Jou O. c..i...
VIOi "'-i.N Ind a.-J MIMW
IlH1•• K...,11 ·-l\oM•t A. M•r,lilM
ManMl119 '"'"" A.lat.rt W. 11._ Willl1111 •••• All'Ocit.. HI.oft!""'°" IMdt llfli... Clly ••Ill•
J Ot lt\t $M•t
M•lli"I A4•,.••• P.O. I•• 7tO, 926'41 --
Youth Antl>«lty for an hJddlnito t.rm.
The yooth wu arrultd last Jan. 2
following the shooting of O!Wnan In
the parklng lot of a Fullerton medical
center .
Fullerton ,J>Oll« said a quarrel bet'ween
the two men over Otteman'• fonner
girlfriend, Mn. Manuel Cervanles, 28.
of the Ocean Avenue addreu, sparked
the oboollng.
Police said Fitzgerald fired ~ shots
from a .32 c&llber wupon into ottcman'1
chest Officers aald Ult youth wu stan-
ding quietly beside the bocfY wh<n they
arrived at the 1eene.
Apparent Suicide
Victim Found
Shot in Camper
Costa M.,. rell<l<nt J.,.ld W .
Christman "u found dead Tbunday
In the bact ol 1111 caml'<" truct perked
alongside Padllc Cout HlgbwlJ In Hun-
tington Beach, an a-suicide vlc-
tlme. police reported today.
The body of Chrlltman, 1121 Ci.rleaton
Sl, wu diacovered at 7:30 a.m. by
Jesse ll'rlnt C..Ok, llll02 Davia SI.,
a Huntington Beach oil company employe
who wu on bbl n:y to wort. A rille
WU found . In back ol the camper
aloopfde lbe body.
The camper truck bad a_.mly been
parked along Coast lllab•ll!' two miles
wtSt ol 23rd Si...t for ehout two days.
Depatles ol the Orup c 0. n I 1
Ciotooer'1 Office find Cbrtstman'1 Ume
of doalb as appmlmar.lJ 7 p.m.
W-.,Y. An au1-WU ochodftled
toc111. No note'wu found .
Funeral amnpmenil .,. ponding al
Bolll J11>111W7 In Costa Mesa.
Actor, Wife Split
PAIUI !AP) -Pilm o1ar Alsla Dafon
and 1111-wife Nl1llalle, two fllul'a
In the lnftltlp.tm ol the mtrder ol
Delon'• bodylUlfd, .... cltYOited today.
Ow1• -IJO -t-,_. Ill
hij oenlea<e at the foderal penfleoilary
In Atlanta. bu1 like all membon o1
the ¥.a. -·oliffted lrequenllJ within
the federll prlaon mtcms to preveot
him from bddfns•• power base.
sun, -... uld to bave malr>-lalned -.i ol Ila N.,. York dlfllloa
-callld a ''Coafa Noltra tpillJ" -
and the aillr< orpnliailon 4'1111 IJlblnd prleoo ban.
Genoveae, called "klni of the
racketeers" by former Gov. Thomu E.
Dewey of New York, llUCceoded <Jllarlea
"Lucl<J"' [)Jdano, -wu degorlejf to bis native Italy .after oervtna lime .for
white llavery -complllaory proollJuUon.
Genovese WU leDtenced April 17, ll~St,
In U. S. lllslrict Ooart In N.,. Ycrk
along with H olbers lndlcted In an
lntemailonal IWO>llct omuaJiol rtna-
•---..andoenleocedlo II y..,. without )'l'Ol>aUcn ·
-... and.iltnrdO "Jerrt' ca-. .. lm()l'Ol!Or actl.W. ht labor or.
manaaomt11t reported Genov.,. 1lad
am.used a fortune ol Pl mlllfon. A
federal prltoner may couervo bis
fortuoe or put It In lrull during bis
lncan:erotlcn •
ol Newut, N. J., -ldeotuled by
lmpdlooed lllonnlr J-Valachl as two of the 12 "oommlaslOnera" who
run organizod crtmo -•Uons In the
United States for the Costa Noatra. Of
the 12, five were from New York where
Genovue ,... lbe lllClll ,._fuL
Valacbl, now ta i.. ~ Tes., Prt.in,
turned Informer afl<r ldlllng a fellow
Inmate at the lederll penftanilary in
Atlanta In 1112. Valaclll uld the man
bad -deslpal>d by --to kl1I blm.
. ..,_
M.fle~i Vito OencweM
Suspect . \
A Santa Ana man who wu oho! fli
Ille -during the holdup ol, Ilia
llaJladll)' Ina In lbal dtr .... ,....: ...
told In ~perlor Ooart 'l'burld01 -
bis racopltioa W a....p stlner u -
ol the UuM holdup mea led to tile
Charles BlsJinano, Mt the prol8C'Utloa'1
major -· told the court thal ba wu conviuoed th.It his Ullllant was
the •!du Stlnor -''nari!JI •
woman'~Q !doct1t11 onr hll i.te.
"He pretty well eowred QP but
no1 to eJl<nl that I couldni tell
tt WU him,"' the now-recoftr'fld Bla!IMDO
'Biroshi-111a'·. Wins Out
He told the court that he en!md
the bar lho.-117 before the -boor
robbery and WU "wt~ placed to ...
lhlngi" wben the three bandlll l'lllhed
Into the Inn. .
Four of Five Trustees Reverse Opposition Votes
Jlisi&naoo's llalement ended the first
day of lesllmolly In the lrlaL -.!.i/dl•
llyroo K. McMillan called a l!R"e ,daY
recess and ordered the prooeco11_, to
John Hersey's "Hiroshima" will aoon
be on the library shelves oC the JU.o
Conilguo School
Th• 'biller cootrovmy that began with
the Orangt County Board of FAucaUon's
banning of the Pulitzer Prize winning
novel ended Thursday with four of the
five' trustees votbq: to. reverse their
earUer stand.
AmOng them was t;lay Mitchell of
South Laguna, who had earlier con--
demned the book as "blued, not
particularly suited to the type of classu
it is earmarked for" and 0 valueless."
But Dr. Dale E. Ralliloo maintained
hi8 opposlUon to ''Hlroahlma11 and voted
a1a1nst !ta acqulsltioo.
The Santa Ana denUst 1tubbomly dtfin-
decl bia . atUtude u "being tn the belt
lntereltl of au concerned."
Only "&ecmUDd Frtud" of the live
boob of originally binned remained on
the rejection llat. Truatees qreed lo
buy the three teclmlcal volumes that
were also earlier removed from the
library select1oit U.l
Tbe board'• earlier decisjon to ban
the . boob -particularly "Hir06hima"
-raised a howl of protest in the county.
Superior Com1 Jodie Bruce Stunner of
Laguna Buch offered to buy tho boo!<
in the IJa:ht of the explanation that it
WU cut from the list on tht &rounds
The board saved nearly $15 whtn it
omitted the five volumes from a library
order that totaled nearly $3,000.
But a new battle seemed lo be Jn
the making today. Trustees face a "rags to riches" aUuaHon in which they muat
decide who, of several donors, will have
the prlvUege of placing "Hiroshima"
on the library lbelvis. ' , . Ed Crq, publlcallons dlreclar of the
American Civil !Jbertles Union, would
like to pol It there. He· ""t a t.lqram
to the board Thursdq prolealln( the
ban on :Hersey'• novel and offering to
make IOOcf the deficit
nuatee Lyle Gulpre would like to
become known u the man who bought
"Hiroshima" for the achool library. It
wu not noted at Thurad1Y'• meeting
that Gulpre wu the man who moved,
seconded by Dr. Ralllaon, for deleiloo
of "lllnlehlma" from the library llat.
And ~ Don Jordan would like
bis name Id I' In. lbe reoords u the
donor ,ol. "Blorablma." Re offered during
11mrlday'1 meeUng to contribute his
own copy of the novel to the library.
And Judge Sumner today was still
willing to provide a copy o[ the con-
troversial novel.
reoume testlmooy on Monday. • •
George, Z2, aod Larry Stiner, 21, are
accused of allempted murder, armed
robbery and burilary. It Is alleged that
they 8n! two of th~ three band.It!: who
took $4,000 from the popular Sanil Ana
The brothers, bolb members of the N•aro nauonau.t orgaolzallon us (Its
slogan is "Them Not Ua), a1IO face
murder charges In Los An&eles.
They mu!t eventually return there to
face allegatiom that tbey shot two
membm ol the Black Panther orgaolza•
tion on the UCLA campus last Jan.
It. The shooting ended a dfspule abool
who should be named director of am
Afrt>-American study center at the
Fron• Page I
Sunset Duplex Proposal
Denied by County Board
From PflfJe I
then sprung the topic of mufder.
Siana and Hargrave have been
formally charged with possession of a
&awed~U sbo~gun and auto theft as
ft. I'fSU).t of the case built up both before
the ipnocent couple were freed and after.
President that be would :send :iO Phantom
jets to Israel.
''That did it!"
Berman said "Sb't.an will tell you
himself from thi3 witness stand that
he never though t he ever would kill
Kennedy but tr.at through hi:s mystic
mind power he c<iuld fantasize about
it and relieve that feeling of emptiness
inside him."
A loar""1ayeil dlCillon «mylnc ,jJro.
PoHd apartments-Jn the one..mJle-Jong
Pactftc Electric right.of.way in Sunut
Btocb ,... reached Thursday when the
Coani, P.llanlnJ Conuntaaion voled f
to 0 aplnsl the request.
The qaesllon bad been before the plan-ners for more than one year.
Planned were 75 two and three gtory
duplexes on the Jong narrow strip in
the heart of the community. The proejct
was vta:orously opp:>sed by resident!: of
the ·areL They want the open tptee
tumed into a parking lot for their own
use and that of beach visitors.
The matter now goes before the Board
of Supenisora for final deciaion.
Carltcn Bulldera of Beverly HIU. wants
to build the apartments on land owned
by the Southern Pacific Co.
Arthur C. Edmunds, representing the
bullden said, "The present zoning allows
UI to put 145 units there without )'OUr
pennlsllon and the Southern Pacific may
do Jt."
In the meantime, an anne1:aUon battle
between Huntington Beach and Seal
Beach over Sunset Beach was to come
f'o,>m Page l
"The whole pf'Oll'am?"
"Yes," said Rallison. "That's how I
feel about it."
"Then you're l'Inr lo have to throw
out just about the entire school program
•oarl fn>m ... lnslructioo," Cook said. "lf you're eolng to charge it u useless
becauee of one failure."
Truateo Cloy Mitchell'• defense of
RaWaoa lecl b1m lnto a wrangle with
trustee A.E. "Pal" Arnold before board
member Don Jordan stepped in to end
discussion of the Cook presentation.
"Dr. Cook came here to give us a
full and w..mtly lnlerostlng ou1llne
of h1a diltrict'1 procram," be reminded
bMrd mtmben. "ll wu never lnt1r1ded
that thls ahou1d develop lnto a debate."
Cool< told trustees that hi• district'•
program bad become a catalyst for many
school diltrlcls -the Uni1'd Slates
and thal the result.. reported by other
art.as "all reflect a hlgb degrtt of suc-
Huntington PO
To Sell Trucks
There .,. ..... lhlnp hr ale todll)'
al Ille llttnllnrUJn Beach 1'1>11 omco al
17111 Warna-/.vo. than J\lll llamPI and ... ~
Postmaster P!te Dlrablo nwmced
that -.... and --ed mail lrucb will bt.., sale al the "111d1
maintenance facWty oo a bid balla.
The vehicles may be lnlpected ..,
day from I a.m. to 4 p.m. a:cep( on
Sundays and bid fonnJ are avallalile at
the site. Bid> must ba rtWroed by Feb.
II and will be O(>elled on Jl'eb. JO,
The -ha•• been --plus because · ol Oji<. ...,.banftal .,....
dlUon and the poUey of nplacl"' ..-
hicles under depOrtment role&
before the Local Agency ,..,.,.,_ Com·
mlssloo (LAJl'C) this aflemooo.
Seal Beach has prole!ted Huntington
Beach'• uneu.Uon of a ttrip of land
on the eul end ol -t Beach which
woold oeal oU the rich Bo1sa Land
Co. pn>perty,
Seal Beach will ask the I.AFC to
force Huntington Beach to combine the
merger proposal with another wbich
takes in most of Sunset Beach.
Theories point so far to a joyride
by mspects in a stolen car urxler the
Influence of drugs, followed by a minor
-bul tragic -fender bender crasb,
and a fatal confrontation.
The accident occurred at Main and
17th Slr<ets, and the vlcilm was found
Jylng on 17th Street near Olive Avenue
about a block from the collision point,
with her throat ala.shed.
s a
"We have told you that from the
beginning that he did In fact fire the
shot that killed Sen. Kennedy," Berman
"The killing was unplanned and un-
deliberate, lmpul.s.lve and w Ith o u t
premeditaUon or malice, tot.aJly a pro-
duct of a 1ick, dlseasesd mind and personality.
1721 WOlfclllf Dr. 642.2050 °"" ..... , .,.., '
Profeaalonal lnt.rlor Doll.-.
AvallaWa Al~ID
:MS Not1li Coalll Hwy.
OP111 lltDAT 'l'lt. t
I 1
Ill ,.
"' ..
,., ..
11' ..
:0 ..
0 •
• • •
• 0 ..
" 4 • •
• l a
' • e • ..
• j
• •
Laguna . Bea~ft :. Teday'•n.al
' . ' . -~·~··· ·~ ' • ' I ~1 ' VOL 62, NO. 39, 4 SECTIONS. 40 PA6£S .' 6RANGE' COuNTY, CALJFORNIA f°AIDA Y, F£1MJA1ti I~; ~969 1 1 I • TEN CENTS
' ' •.
' '
.. • t..-• • J ..-o I t ,
Sttmaer'· :Spurs :Lo~ei-ilii :'YQ tjng · Age
' .
SACRAMENTo (AP) -'!ii. C3lj(.riia
c:omtftuUon Revi!ion CommissJon voted
today tO ?!commend ldwerina: lhe voting
age to 11 after commission chairman
~ruce "*'·Sumner of Laguna Beach broke
•·-tie vote. ·
In an initial v.ote on the question
by a show of hands, 11 menibeni favor!d'
the motion and 20 o_.i It.• A roll'
• tr
I ' > , I
call Vote WU then r<q°'8t>C!, and the
Wlttilriiod oilt.lo be : 1141 '~ with
obe at)itenUon and 11 ableotees. •·
Sumner, with a •mllei tbta cut the
decidlJlg vote~~tenraro, be said tho
decision COllld not be chaUenged and
add~, "I'm delighted."
The comm.1saion i1 workipc on the
third and llnal piwe of lia revision
' ol the ·bulky &late COMtllution.
The lut phise will cover reeom-
mendalkw on 111Ch things u the voting
age, hlglle< 1 educatlOO,' harbon, the oath ol-affice and revenue and taiaUon.
Sumner, an Orange County Superior
Court Jud(e, bu &aid the f:0!1lliliWon
will have it.I recommendatiooa rtady
tor preaentaUoo tb lhl vcMers at tM: , ' -•.
• ••
1970 aeneral eleCtion. • As~ed how he lhougbt ·tho legislature
would react to the voUrc . age recom-
mendaUon; SwnDernplled, ... th1ht we
stand a better cbanc.e .with... our. recom· .
merxlatlon. for a cbanp: -bUt il's rather
hard to ~tt • I h ~
Simm«, who ceo1ilhored a ilmlja!' llfl'"
polO!I CODllltut!-1 . .....an. -·~ ... ~ . -; . •· . _, . -'· ~ ,._,.. .... •
he W.s ·a-'meftibet"ol ·tho leglilatur•t
said the dOlie \lote tOday WU 0qu'7J
repr-laUve d the state' .feeling -
which is· very elilt."
Alvin J. Gruhn, president ol lhe
California Labor FederaUOn who •in-
lloduced the .....iu11qn ··t t!>eoll\eellnl, was elated· a the · out:Co~ e•'"llld
young people' "are geared 1a lldlclOf lo -, ..:.. ~. ,. ' . '
be'~la .. -.;..~
actlvlfy, It'• a1w111 dlllurbod me lo
have t.blJ three-year pp." '.
Attomey Jolin A. Sproul, -ol Ibo
major -II d Ibo ....... ajd
he would vote •lalall ""1 --ment. "On the ..-ti -V ad
judgma>4 l'm not ...... _.... ...
U/' be laid. ' . . -
' ' . ' . ' -. (' . -~ .,
. ranee · a1me.-' l n . ' ' -
/ . . -
' . . ' .... .,..
. . l .•. 1 •
.." . ~·
,,,_ ',, ••
• '
Plan Flayed Air
Uawy~~ S'ay~
'• I ;
RFK .PKilli ri g
·,flilltop Opposes El Toro Expansion
' '
i lnvolµn~.
I\.. ' .
The lllDlop Homeownen Assoclatioo, Edwaro Glotfelty said, cturlni tho wocl-members "'.iU be ptt,..ted to the Cit,
wrucb_ represents 400 Laguna Bea.eh atioP.'1 q\Jlr(erly •meeUng: of Laguna Beach.
LOs 'MIGELES (AP).._ Slrban·lllihar&,
s1rhati's defenders claimed lodllJI "t!iOI -, , .
residents, tiu gone on record opposing · Bresnah:an bad commented on the in· ln other action, the asaociation et·
any expansJon : ol El Toro Marine Air · . pressed opposltiOn to the extension of
at ,the ·mo~e~t Se~. R~·r, ~
.-. w~ aho~ ~lrban "w~ _out of ~
' with r~~\lt.y, in 11! .trance ,in 1';hlclr ht Station for-commercial aircraft QSe. q~ requirements of the .county for Canyon Acres Drive · to Alta · Laguna
IQ. doing ·so, the" ~ssocia*'n joined alfport sPace and 00~ "you can't atop Boulevard.
with ~ Mission Viejo HO~eo~ progress. The group o:>PQlld tbe move because
and Lemire World residents in protesting 'Let'• face it. ·the average· homeowner it claimed &nfftc woUld increase in the
) hail no. yoluntary ~trol'•oVerJ~• will,
1 hll·jddgment, bi's feefin11 or bii *timl ~
• The 24-year.old Jonianlanj HA J>lc:lta'!d··
· as; ·~an tmJnature, ~fJftlllY, dlltur,bed:
·and mentally ill" youth· who wrote 1irl~ any proposed civilian development of turns over hi1 home every three' years, area of tbe tw'o mrnainil.ty schools.
the military base. what will he car 20 years from now "We' want to avoid any accidents at
The association's action WU prompted if we do or don't locate in El 1'oro;" our schoola," Mn. Friel said.
by a recenUy published interview with he .said. • ~ u1d a)Jo that any extension of
a -nclwn at .the,lllile ol, the Ufr
J I .\rAl).Jar~el) l'lr' ~t.'"~.-~ ~I~
I • r<\'Ord,ed_ by h1it0rf aJ ,the man --Orange County Aviation Dirt:ctor Robert Tbe homeowners have previously ~ the road should be done at land ,. triggered.oil !ll• 1°"·'0ar.'' · · · · J Bremahan tested to El Toro'•· COmmand.er · about . d"'•'-' ·-and not th e
"nie -poi.. Administrator 'saia El aircraft noile 'and the IUDDber ·ol IOW esta~ ~'. · · Enlili 7.0la' rl~!m. Orie ~ 1~· , \.
Toro wll the ''J!losl. l_oaical''. ·site. for j n..1.. ..... 1-. ' L-n~ -'---1.1 1'lltl! he •. D" •'J'""'l6lr-<'· : . : ' . - . :·.&. UlllllMllJ" ~...,..u . . ' lt.-4f IC!fS .~ future a!rportdevi!lopm>nt. · · , A._; paialioJ·oot' Ille lal>AlibllitJ aJeN oo .,.._~ p11-wit!! a '
·.1. torneys deft:ndln1·· Sirhan 1o:i ~\· ~-Ur • • ..... .. .-dared K.,,.....,.,. -·.,-,
"After all, ff ;;·O\ll'~pr"opat; C'.ln the of the El Toro lite for civinan jet ~she Aid.
tag.ft UU..blll ll)at -i>e·laun!'~llill!tlll...,.li!'--.-*"""."*lll'lll&l"•••lll•..:>llJ' IC'1'Mllll.~LC"' 1111i~t,.,-"1Nf!_lllli!llllllr",ot :ale"" mmraim1t+.omnTs•neirn-
affected by any more planes goin& '1iez, 11soclltfon a~ lild! .~ .w:ill be by ~announcement,
overhead," Asaoctation Pr es 1 a·e n t lvl!lti .,..p1ete11; ttiOdll'·~y·WO.litlon Mrs.' 1"ria ufd. · ' ·
' ' in -~-' irgumonia ~ Slriian ·""d t~ru ... :...,.· ·wblchj. '·'be 'wu ~·-. .~µ . ' ~ hero-r&mr of the ·pei>pl•." , , ·
* * * ,
Viejo Revs Up
To Defend Homes
Against Big Jets
Jilission Viejo residents don't want big
airjlanes to make their planned com-
muptty another "tragedy of Playa del
Rey." Undaunted Thursday night by can-
cdlaUon of a scheduled taUi by Robert
Bresnahan. Orange County Avlation
Director, the group revved up for the
defense of their homes. · The upshot may be an am•lpmaUon
of south county homeowner group1 to
pt'taW'e county supervisor! agalmt ue
of 'El Toro Marine Corps Air Bue for
commercial flighll.
lladore Schnelder, vict president of.
the Univenlty Community Assoclatlcm.
118.l(I the homeowners of Play a del . ~
were first seduced with promises thlt
Loll Angeles International Airport would
not: affect them. ,
''n\en they were raped," hi ·llkL
'"nn!lr homes were condemned to"lBtte wi'/~for large planes. Don't Jet· lldl
ba-· in Orange County."
£eider, an ex-Marine oftk:er, WU
crtUcaJ of Bresnahan who Wd be ''was
coDsplcuous by his absence."
Schneider pushed for tbe oft~
airport concept which be llld the Ptdei'll
Aviation Agency (FM) looked -with
tam. He spoke of a $1 billion off!hare a1rport
' (See Allll'ORT, Pap I) . '
San Clemente
Ne w Home for ·
j ungle Beasts? . . hito the seaside community of ' San
Clemente, there may in future nibntl15
CO?.· wild beasts of all mlDD• -:-and
they" Won't be Easter Week faUlll, either.
'ijle city's Chamber o1 lloininer<e bu
received a letter from Jim Shlplro.
owwer of Uncle Jbn'a Jungle, now located
ln Los Angeles.
"llelp. We've had It wt1b -. ...,. 1 flllii)n and amog. We want oat," llapiro
. . . 1 ! • ' :
·~tit , '.Hinu~ of -li/'' JJO.wever, Jie
' wu, 1 helpltss, lso~led, conlus'ed
' and beWfJiltred by emoUoos over wfilcb
he ha~ ao. control He was ,unable lo.
plan '"' fhlnt clear!jr, unable to lniinlaln
'"1 m~ut dlridion 'lo h1i Ille,• , Stnte Admits Offshore the attorney 'said. · •1 •
Newport Drilling 'Error' . , ,,
Br JORN y~~ The source, • Soulheril Calilornia ... Saint wli.-: '' ' ',' . ')'" . f
Thµs· Berman set, the slage for a
delenae. that will not deny that Sirhan
, 1hot'Kem1Midf but will rely, on psychiatric
testimoliy to plead , 'a defense of
1'dim1nIShed · mponslbilltY. ••
In Callforn\11. dlminlshed resp0oslbillty
(Soc SlllllAN, Pace I) , ' . .... DI*'""""" ecutive of the State Lands Division, r • · ' ' •'' • • ' • M ' • •J · . , · ; , .. • .·
A declaleo lo keep quiet the Jan. said that projecll involvin( drilling by St. Valentine's Day, or no,'.ij\tle ~olui Foil!!r,'2;,l<D~ws &<J~:l!\iD&, Y ·
I approval of test drllllag a mile . off oil firms 11 "geological uploraUon only" · JNhen hB ·-. jl., In this, ~ase, ,It WAI :a.trllClitiQDl!t"l\Ox "1,}b9Ji ( lJOil!,· o'ung T , -·gun· · a' D
Nflrport,Beacb by a,....,p ol oU firms are usuall• kept secret because of 'meant-for 1hjJ. ll'Pllle,. !<foil' ta, !l(n:·l\u5'ell :Foal& .of Co~1 liJ!l!f!I• ' . I.Al -' . --u "an -·-·-·~u--,"'I an· e•· ' . Ha v.a1 "· ' D M . , . ~;r , . t .. tlULUUUai.r• '" ~•vo "general policy" of the divialon. ppy., . _en~e, s · ay,; qin. '.' 1 . J-' •· 1,J:·~ ') · · '.>..•1 : ·
ttulive 10UrCe in the State Division of · Cl 'd ·n . ' The admWion of emir came on the •• ' ' ' '. .. .. • " eare ' on ' rug· Ludlldmlttedtoda1. heels of an announcement by the Shell j . i • • '. 'i; :~ , ', ~ -,; , '1. ! :: :.
Oil"Companythattheproposedtestdrllt w 1 .. ~ R X!~ . ' ',H. ·~1~· \ V~it()l" R~ports
Theft -0f Stocks
-· ,,_ $!0,000 and property nm.t. at $1.500 w e.r e reported stolen
·Tburlday from the car of Jam<J Roy
Fugate, YI, of Late Oswego, Ori., while
the vehicle . wu parted Jn the lot of.
Lquna'I SUrf a D d Band Hotel, J.115 $.
Cooit Highway. , • .
',Tbe,bqlary waa dlocovered Tbunday wlloll Fupte fopad 1hat h1i c:ar'a lloVe
""' and been:~ open and Ibo ltualt
.,...i b7't h. --dminc ·~-' T!ae alo!ea .atoots -lie -la tho -" lhio"9, Alcl ~ Zhalt; "Lquao'• Mltdua\, J-. Tmiplelon IDc., office. ~
~ talion -11,llO c •• h,
'"'"1 't'l'""'i'" -and penobaJ ~-'1,IOt, : l'ugale and h1i wife had been reclst'red 'at the Surf and Sand for
two day~ lie left Laguna lleach for
Ore ... Thurld11.
~:~thii:b!:"'w~~ ~.: ~n;1~l . ()rhil~e.·~ · .11~1~.·.1 ·g·. 'JP·.: ;·~ .. t Pos .. se8sion ~'!P '.
proposed along the Southern California · •
coutline w!Utln the three-mile in-· , 1 • • • • • A drag polllellion case· apimt a· i•
ternational limit. N'' s· ~t,Q B· .. L ·::.: h' L. '·ak: .' . '~7.:;.La=~~ ~ie:~ u:e~~e!=~~~l~sw~~~v:d ·ew -8.11~· ' ~..,jlifq ' ... e-.-.· r ·i'y !1~ :n~:t~d~~-=
JID.2· . .1 .' • '··: 1'. •, f • ! "1,•_: • reported'4>day. . I 1 , ~
Drilling on the first of the eight pro-,,_ r' · The case Involving Joeepb •Zailrt .ft jedl started Jan. 3 ofi Malibu. Wort SANTA BARBARA \url -Workmen up thrOtJgh a hose Inserted tbrougb ·the throwo oot by Judge lllJ:hard pani111<>1
bl canttnuint. and . the hole la expected on an offshore oil weY)latfonn slrugled top of the drum and pumped into barges of SaD ,Clement! M~ Court-W~ to~ drilled to a depth Of 1,000 feet. today to contain a fiesh leak that formed for di.spouJ ,' the atate '.s criminalist who 1teltelj !-"htte.
The State Landa CommlBalon, whose a new slick of efude oil eight miles Th~ J!:1:.0CW: was llk,ened to a "revets~ powder ~leved to be ~uo cool~ not
mtimben ... are Contz'oller H o u s t o n long off the c ..... ,l!:ern California coast. rUrlnel'~ ·wl'-h wJUid ·--~~ idctttfonal teaUfy. lhat Uie amount tnv~ved wu l'IOataoy, Lieutenaaf Governor Ed ~..-· · , · 'I"' , <r•., a u.sable "-·-
Jtmecke and ·State F~ Director The flow ,, oil from nuUreS in the Oil esc~"plng C'.ID the aurfiet of lhe_:p_aclfic'° Under -It~ ~n found thlt I = Wtinberget, approved the test ocea~~ttpfiwas~Ira~onff:an ,t¥ller whet~ it·c,ouldi pC>llldo.:mote 1tnllu of : the powder wu ID LSl>dlrtfttlve. Itl JiD. 2. No fanDlll announce,ment lea,k"t; ·h apewed .more UUlJI 230,000 ...... L-L· ' r f r ' • ' • .....:. .. ....., --·1.1 mot be ·~-·-~ ..... n · of o111o 'the' sur11ce · lleie ·i>cta · -·-· • · .....,,., '~ ~-·~· ... d the '*"al WU made. p 0 .. " WI 'ru' linlii. a;. ·ril;J I lliy>I!' i ' iii crlmlnallst said. 'ibat Upect, •mane othen, has drawn ~it Onto 30 milei of btliches: f"' • g i . a i !a -~ 'on ~} ~ defense . of the young Lagunan t
aaaulta fnlm Newport Beach and 0r.,, Estimates of· the ·nte ·of' flow frOl!1· from 11\'o ,-ioot Jooc ~ · lu!>Od wu by. Georce Chula and :J1obert Law, 1 C9an17'oll!clals. the• ne11· leak ·varied ~· :2,!11!1 111\'1 Jocether In a V-abapo wl>loh •wocild Jklm ~Ina! 1awyer1 · lronr• Slnta Ana wbo ~ ICIUl'Ce far the itate agency ,s,aid, 120 gallops .dally~ depeq:U.111 'ou JVhelber the 'sllct · trom the tstimtcf;: :#dthtr for cash and 7 ln I
hI-Peu we'll send a Jetter out soon." 1 wtate oUi~lal 'or~ .UJWwi 1 Oil Co. mjtH .'f"! ·.W -.1• 1 • j• 1,
CUSS .1, wbkh will have abo.Jrd an spokesroan Wai questioned~ · PfTl' :ng;, . , ·1.J f-"•,2.l ... ~i 1'' ~ : 0 II
.... _..!Or the stala ageocy/IUX]l<Cled Ollw ... ker• today readied a• hUlle drum .~ Pflll'li1'11fl -~ M"J~·~ • r aa e
lo drUI bolea ·oll Newport, San Onofre, which lheJ planlled to lower on· ~oP ' pwlt 'the -·11tc~.lQ-lbe,lllolle
Oc:tdaide, Enclnltis and· La Jolla. Tbe of the .major portion of the luklnl • bat •lhe COut G-".aaill lhore ,.....
( .. OIL TEl'r~l'llp I) fliMes. Tbe teutng·o!l -ia be Jlld<ed no conllnned 'repofta tluot ilio',.OW oil
/ .1 • ' · " ll:::t:c " •-1'
' , c::o..n
• .,
, • • 11 nadcon~ted..,-.~;u ;~ Weadlier
'M' • ' c ·. •.I c · · · .cr.,n.,_e lllll·-'"''-',~w.,and ' ' ' · · t · ' t .,. _ _... -nie wd-anlvte 'jqlt'ln l
' .. r1.ca on:1'1ng 0 ·.o. ·u,·,· .. D. ·.Y·.·. ~~11Ba~~1oa::::~ Umefortho.w-1wlthshow-.f!r..1.A •--'"· li ~-, _ _.._._,cb era, tootpt and~· lo11.·llie.Tan1111p.'
lljesl ~.· .~ e¥ "'. •.-~, • ""'· -·-·" . , i I erat.urm • .--. •,
, · · '· , , I· ~~t aeal~ ~ W~M.. , ·1 • level alon( the coast. Irvin~ O ~:X~; plm(S fvr J;~guna <;a1iyo.1t ·.Are.a', ZQJ>: r ~J;~~.e.:!'iot':~= TINh• ~~!~'!"-•!: .....
-aild tilo -·--~ _.....,..,,._ N _, Freeway near Laguna Canyon Road. It pr......, ~ve been ""1lt 11 Palm·lfacb , fill and gu ~ up fnlm the-· dtalh of llui "lfiolO of /lack•·
;, llChedaled for ccmpletloo by F!O./HOUaiid aild"lllililri 11J lfio'com-UO."wllldlwutbO-.oiflMorllllial I tenl''. mav """ --" ·u.. ~~. aid David Euley, 1"lne paify .. · ' . I . • · •• · • ' leal. IJ ;;.·.-~ .. ta ,_ ·111e1r 1 liw• '•f ma•v o/ hll <M!llln. /' ~=-:Pr ti ,.....at lalet and leulng. , C'LiOn .c.iuntry wGi •belt' lit a pi... oil!," Aid Ibo ~~ ' I 1 ,. Pilgl 4
DfltleDllrl"lllflllff • The wild llCi"Wll d • terrified ,Janlle
: ·~ ... Id he'd be<• thlnklnl of maklnl
Siln Clemente home for the monkeya, q ocell>ta, • and other • ·c:realaf" ol bl>
• mlidature IOO.>
-. loll·l!Oillllill " • •lllld!tl' llaoiii
.tthe .......... dhl~d
lie 0raase C-,. -a Utfld
bit of Alrfc.a la x. here th1i year. • .
the -ot the -·of caJ>'!l!IY.""atd llobT~· ·, ;o 1 '•'! "t ••·;tii'[i ,,,....., · · ' I mare a.n ~• aa1rna1a mauctlD& ~ I ~ ~..._ ~O,.~· at'll9::1JAlM ... , ... ct .. ..J_lf_ !t C S i't~ , t 1 ~~ • .. 11
, ~-::. .: • i ~
-'-'fM at.r.a..nt• u-. ·crocodllei d'J~ ·s.iith~: •.11 . . ~IC .,J , .'f).• ~ .... 111-..,=1 , ... , i·J ~
..--',-..,-,:"'....,., ·-'.•-j ' I ~· ' ..... ~>Llo•'"IOJ' ""'-• I ' ' -.. ·l ,.,,4'1\.~ .. ,. ''· and ."tilpPopotami ww i'.'f'•~r D II l•-m• , ,_,,.....,,llm' UIJ"I fA'fU"• .... ;_.I hi #tQ ,•P,AJUf !~! ..... 3: Oo••••·-~ ---~_,..,,....
n at7 M1DA1er Kenneth CarT = bil<ii. though. City eow>cll II< WGU!d• probably be neceaary before tho
ol uottc antmal.I could ..ute dowo Ill San
ra Clemente. ht said. ..
Lion Coonley ' , ,a ,mlllU,.mtlllon
.dollar "drive UitO'! IOO ha rece.lved
the approval· Ill • the Irvm, Colni>¥Y
board d dlncliin. -wlll llMI lil·lour ....
'1111 ~ wild iotmal _ .. wtD
be bodil !mt wt d the San DI"°
Alrl-""'~'""'·•"1 • . '-1 0! i .. of.itlhnll1;\>:lllilildl •• (. Nl;ll!YOR~~""·i)ial<lc:ilt~1 =.~. ~-:r-"' •: !#.;'....,. ,.,.1:, Huinu vtatton to tbe·s>iri~ salari . •Thf1~ldpeoi >th0l -i-·jQmion •ho~.., 1 :ll!l"!"•f} ~ ~'°"' , ..... ,. ., -· .... _ tbniul!l~-"latllefr1 oblJOo JIO!llllea,....wtD.vll;lt ~,.rv''~ '•I FtldQ'. (Jet ~JI.¥).,-·, .~, '" "" .. :; ii::-,.,., wl>lloirinOclS-wiMD"""":~ ·\fi·Qi'"'"'·1o.,_ t 111, ~·,.....,-lUllt dlP "fl!IP ~,ll·•r ...,. " -"'
ft alrmll. · .. ~ wit I SINetl=-·-·. Ibo·-' ac+,aW" i.f·· •ll = " ~ tlioDnloellatbatdN~l-elluh .,riMltt ' ', ~ lilli6:i-'rlie <t.• aW•lll:IJ 1\lllrlrl ...... , ._:, =I""' .::
tnc., a l1arlda eocpw~·'.Jlmlltt. ~r~· ~ it::;\~. Ult.l\tlll lldl.t: ~.~· ·~ · ~--r·:).., lL~~~=:~..::::::..2~~
f\'! t~, ·tl.?~ ~~ J "\ ..... ;.,,...~ :'·"' ..... , .. )! ~h, . .;.:.l>\ t .. ,.w ~ ' r 1 ~ '¥< ·., • V:·I#-..,~• , !>J "1• ._ . J . . ' " ;J ~.. •• ' ' • • ......... f ~ • • ~ "'4~~· _, ..... \t ...,,,.. -····· -.,. ~
' 1
• ,. ____ .... ---~ .. __ .. __
"'"""*'' . ;·--. -... ---, __ ·_-:--::::::'::-:::-:::-:;;;;:;;::=:r:
DAK.'I" PILOT..., .......
Lomo Duck Dohlbortl
Front PGfle I
._,... that • dtlendanl may be
kpD,y -yet not fully rupomlble
Bemwl aaJd Slrbu bought the dull!
gun di moalha before the J11111 I .... -u.m it KomledJ to 111t for sport
and -Ilia! -.. "Ill" him •
. atn.nce --"' ~-" . Berman Aid Slrhln Hldmlrtd and
loved" Kennedy.
_ ''Thtn came another ahot/' Beman
said. "In early Jiii¥' d llU Sen. 11'.u-
MC!J ••• aald to --Ilia! u be .....
: l'l<lldenl llial be would llOl!d IO Plw!tom
jet& to llnel. .. •-n.at did lt 1"
.-.Bermon aaJd "Sirhan will toll ,..
:hlmMu· from lbll wt--that ~!it-D8ft!' thought be ever would k01
;~ but Ital tlin>oP hit ll!1llle
;IQ!nd power be could -oboul ;It and nU.V. Ilia! leelJni d mpllneu ~eblm." :; :••we have told you tblt from the
:li>&lnnl•g Ilia! h< did In lid Ore llie ;~ llial killed Sen. Kennei!y," Berm.m
~!~--;. : "'11>• tilling .... UDJllanned end un-:iltllbenl<, lmpulalve and w 11 ho u I
:p.moctllotion or malice, ~ a p:o-
ldJJcl d • Bick, dlleueod mind and
;~ty. r:·.~.u-u;. actual moment ol shooting
.. a,e WUI oat of contact with ·rtality, ;b a trance In which be had no voluntary
;~ o...-hla will, hla judgment, hla :r'.eellnia "' hla action. .. ... ·'·
:J,aguna Man Charged
.in Assault, Battery '· '· ·~zz. .. Id Laguna s-h man WIS . ':'..1:\1.: will! amull and be~ • • . and amat today lollowlq
!Ila amat early lbll momln( outalde :Ille home d hla estranpd wUe.
"'-AJrnd :Rantln, 4S$ Anita St., WU lf'o _ftot.d ol l:IO a.m. lollowlnc u aDec.i
• wit!> 0 llOllce olllcera called to llio bJ Ids wUe. lie WU ICl>edultd
orTajplnllll .. the charpl lodq
. LocliM -Manldpal Court. r • I
' ~
' r
R•Mrt H. w,,.
""''~ .... """' ....
J·~· .. c.,,.., YIClt ,,...,.,. .... Gtiirr.i ,,.,._,
11.,,.,., 11: .... u ....
n. ...... A. ....... 11; .. , -·-l lt.t."4.P. Htl P11I Hi11111
~ 9H<ll• .-.~-"" Clly afllw Oltedw --OlllM 2ZI f,,,,f A••·
Meth., ~ .. u t .O. 1 .. "'-,1,IJ --c.t• -.~ -Wed .. ., ltrwt
"'""' INdll "" .. , ............... ~ .............. , .... .......
,,., .... a.. ...
Political Ror·ces Out for School Rule?
Mafia Chief
·Vito Genovese
Dies· in Prison
SPIUNGnf:LD, Mo. (lWI) -Vito
~ llie major U!lderwotld flaure
In the United Slotes and reputed lead<r
ci llie Molia, died In his sleep today
In a federal prlaon. He was 71. (Rellled
atory, Pap f)
-. diad ol _...... lioart
lailln ol llio modlcll -!Gt lidii'al
pri-.; wbero he \ru roco!Yed Ju.
IO. He -"""" a U.,ur mrcodca .......... -.
Dr. P. J. Clccooo, -· aald Geno¥• -tr..,trnd to llio -lctl
center -llio lednl Jlriloo at Leavm••tb. Kan., bleaue ol a chronic
bell't •R-th bat WU not CGnlldertd aer1oa11r m un111 -.y.
A cloaPler, a -and a brolber,
who arrived here Wednelclq, wen wllli
him ...... he died.
''He had !IOI -ocxnpletely Ollllcloal all lh_e time but .... alert iooolli lul
nlghl to '*"'Ill* llMln when llioy came
in," accoae aid.
-II repuled to have conv.ned the notorbal Apeltddn, N. Y., mMtlnc
ol llolla -· Nov. H, 1111, to
annCJ!Dd be wu taklnl over 11ie Cola
He II allepd to have 1Ublequenlly orderm llie ... -11111u1 mun11r a11emp1
OD Frank Coltallo, llnce deporltd, and
llie killing ol ayndlcate .....u-
Albat Aaa1t1"1 in a New York City
-~ Co1teDo ccaldlred u •·m rtUrement" aiftCtthl' UDIDOC 111 fld ahrlpt Cll hil
Ille, -.. __ In-~
tan and a eounlrJ -.. ~ lllud. He occolkNDJ .-prue'flCht& 'and
oilier opartlq nmt& al M-Square
Geilovwe wved lliO early yeara ol
his -al 11io lmaral penl~Uary
In Allanlo, hat on all meniheta of
llie 11o11a -lhlllod !requenUy within
llie. fldenl pilOI! Qlleml to pHVMI
him tn>m building. power bue.
swi. -WD aald to have main·
talned -of hla N"' Yott dlvilloa -Cllled a ''Costa Noltra family" -
and llie enllre orpnhaUon from behind
priloo bars.
Genoveae, called "klng of t h e
ncteteen" by !Omier Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey d New York, llUOCftded Charles
.,LucQ" Lnd1m, who WU deported to
his nalho Italy after ~ Ume for
while alm<y -com""'8orY prootlblUon.
Gen.ovue WU l!lttenced: }pril 17, 19&9,
In U. S. Dlatrlcl Coor! In New Vork
alone will! u olben lndlcled In an
lolmlaUonal nan:otlca 1111UQllni rlnC·
He WU lined ll0,000 and oentenced to
15 yeara wllhout _prohaUon.
Genovese and Gerardo ''Jerry'' Catena,
or. improper aetlvlUes In labor or
manqement reported Genovete had
ama1aed a fortune of 430 mUUon. A
federal priaonu may conserve his
fortune or put II In tnl!I during his
educaUon in this general area," he aaJd.
"Forces art at work that are bringing
polWca1 upecta into pu!>JJc edncat!OJL _
1bere ii an effort to confuse the issuea."
Speaking ol the contenUon of aome
thtt pusonalities entered into the elec-
tJon defeab, Dahlber1 aald, ''If I've
been a Pl'Oblfm, I've removed ll\)'lelf ... '° Ifie problem is no Ioncer lhere." . He appealed for setting a s l d e
personalities in the interest. of the
Asked to elaborate on the remark
about p>llUcs, Dahlherg said he would
he happy In on July I alter leaving
. '
elk& O&blr' Pllll ~ JWobllml II &M ""'* d= • &Jae baerd. , he--'""" ' 'h\f I l!afl .. _lllllo
. ~-llo '°""'* _,.unity ldenUty Ill ~~le •:r.:: Cal~-ol
Ibo ICbool -Dahiberl aaJd he WU aahamed ol
-No common lhre•~ o I com-llie dlatrlcl'1 truaportaU.. ,IYl\'ID-
munlcauon: "' Re/mini to llie "rq ·taaled -P
-No.common elememary Alatrlct&.__ ci 1m...,·:..he.lllld..Jbu11110llJ1ua 'WJI
He said tbe Tuatln people resented a 18 model and aald IODle bad more
the building of Foollilll High School and lliao ll0,000 mllea on them ·•we aaJd
the Foothill people resented L building three ye.rl •IO tbty were' rtadJ to
of Mbalon Viejo HJch Scbool. foll 111"'1,'' Dahlberc aid.
Dahlher1 aald Ilia! llie fl.JO tu rai. l'ni4Jcllnl a lnln •• ti slalf ii
now. exlsllng had 1en the dlltrict will! lho.Oft!Tide -Id fall, lllhlber1 aaid
it's reserves "virtually dtlncl" the staff ~ t.ucben would hive to
"In 196& lliey were told by eQerts he reduced by 4' teacberl despite ad
you can do it on fl.20. We uid we incrtw of IOO or 70t lludeal1.
couldn't," the ruperin&endent llid. Re He l&ld tnmporiatloa, athletlCI tnd
said Jt wu easy for the pteUdo es:perta saJary tnc:rea• wouJd hive to be
to say it could be done and then leave eliminated at • oen&a.
Sumner Sees
Constitution •
Change by '70
Onnp County Superlcr Coor! Judie
Bruce W. Sumner at.Id Thursday In
Sacramtnto that he bopts the California
coosUtuUm can be updated by 1970,
despite a setback by voters last year.
Speaking at a Sacramento r.ews con-
ference, the Laguna Beach resident laid
llie ll~lated Propooillon One will he re-
submitted lo llie eleclorai. nut year,
possibly In two separate portions •
Judge Sumner, who presides Jn county
juvenile court matters, Ja chairman of
the State Constltuiloa Revision Com-
Voten last November rejected Prop.
One, ·the second phase of the com-
mi3sion'a work to streamline the lengthy
Stai. ConaliblUon.
The package may be dtfidfd Joto one
prop<ll!UOI! containing ....-1
it.ems and another covering the manner
In which llie stai. auperlni.odenl of
public lnlb'uctJon la chosen.
Sumner aald the section on the state
superintendent apparenUy touebed off llie
molt oppoaltJon laat year. Aa revised
by the legislature, it would have permit,..
ted the legislature to determine -
through pasuge of a law -whether
to change the port from an elected
one to an appointed one.
C'lae~h~ng P~ress
' '
Sumner llid wort on tbe third and
Wt phase of the revi.slon started five
years aco, will be done nm year in
time for the legislature to cons.idtt
whether to put It on the lrtt election
hollol. Mrs: Lew!J Moulton (center), largest single contributor to new La-
guna playhOuse which bears her name, tours construction site of
$1SO,OOO theater with foreman George Quinn and Mrs. Irma Nof-
ziger, playhouse manager. The 350-seat Laguna-Moulton Playhouse
is to be completed in June, with a grand opening scheduled for
·From Page J
Newport project is slated to begin within
three or four weeks .
"Oil is not the immediate target of
the drilling," the state sourCt said. "'Ibe
drilllng la for core samples only, and
the tlrms have been ordered to plug
up the bole in the event any oil or
gas art encountered."
He added that the sole state approval
for the exact locations of the drllling
will c o m e from the engineer aboard
'1Jea}des Shell, the oil f i r m s col-
Itbaratlng in the exploration are Cities Servi~ Oil Co., Teiilco, Inc., Gulf Oil
Co., Alhtrlcan Petrofina Exploration Co.,
PeMzoil United. Inc., Conlinental Oil
Co., and llie G<tty Oil Co.
Included In llie lhlrd phase are art1cle1
covering higher education, harbors, the
oath of office, revenue and taxation and
the voting aie.
Sumner said th! comm1S8ion f robably would make a f i n a I propl)al on the
voting age at a meeting Friday.
lie aaJd the dlllrlct -he ~Ill • lloclM!' ~ ,..._ 11111 '
heca\l.90 ol the Wiknowo outcome ol
elecUoo. He reflrred to a lllJ>lllcanl
faculty cir•;• .. erosion tl>al had ,oJ. -1 ' T ....,_ .. , .
A woman in the audkmce uld Iha
thought teachers made enough money.
Dahlberg said the dlatrlcl c"f'""'b'
11 paying aalarlea be would ra\e i.M,1111
adequate and pod wllh • mla' llhe
• tl>al Is ... ol llie largell ln llie COUDty •
Nm year, he sald, salaries -Id
he lnadequai. eompared to j:I~
Laguna, Newporl-M,.. « Jl'Ullerton. Ho
predicted tucher aallrlea will rise
s!pilkaotly In llie comlnC year In
"'Teachers in tbe state have formed
an alliance (Calilomio Teacben ~la
t.loo) among thamelvt1 and wUI a:ert
a great deal more power and influence
than ever befoie," the educator aaid,
adding that he does not agree wllh
most of llie llilngs Cl' A ts doing•
'Il>e superintendent aald 11 '°'ii the
district '8IO annually to educate 41 stu-
denL He Aid the owner of a "9,000
home would poy fUO at llie fUll rato
and 110meone bad to pay the remainder.
Ten years .ago, be said, the cll.sttidt
tupayen paid 50 percent and ihe
st.ate paid the other hall. He said the
distrlct tupayer.s now pay 69 percent
and the state pays 31 percent.
Dahlberg ..;d llie dlslrlcl~ had 4!0
students in 1956 and now has 5700 to
5800 and next year will have 6300 to
6400. He said the growth for the 10-year
period is the greatest of any Orange
County high school district.
The speaker said the district had been
accused or spending $30 per square foot
to build Mission Viejo High School Tho
actual cost, he .said, was about $18.
He said there were complaints about
tile rod. He aald llie Mbltoa Viejo Co.
had requ.,ted ihis but had g1,.. nine
ac:res .and a football stadiwn and had
sol dthe district land for $14,000 an acre
including underground ullllUes, ltreets,
sewers and gutters.
He said the district bad payed 8 per-
cent architect fees for the Mission Viejo
Higb sebool but had an arrangement
witb the architect whereby the .same
plan.s, with minor modlficatJon, w~d
be used aa a University Park ID&b
School The fee w!U be 4 percenL
Passage of the override, t h t
superintendent said, would:
-Allow continuation of the current
-Allow temporary facilities al Tuatift
and Foothill rugb .schools operation for
one year.
-Provide funda for a year's operation
of high school QIDT!ber lour.
-Add about 1114,000 to cootlnaenci
Dahlberg a&Jd, "June 30 will be my
last day in thl! achool dl!/dct. We're
not kidding; we're putting It on the
line. We're trying to aell you on rup.
porting your own children.''
He said, "I'm not banking on It:
the kids are."
• a
From P .. e 1
propoeoJ to he locoted on Lake Erle
a mile -. from Clemand. He
crltJclaed ~ plllllllng for Loi ~ff"' y~ and Qtlcqo airports. ......_.,......,. quarreled will! Brunalian'a
1311 mllUoo llpre on airport coot. He
aald II could -mi111ona to 1 .. a1 11ie
San Jooquln Jlllll lor u airport.
He aald tt 1"iold Ille al leul flOll mllUoo to build • "Ilona! land airport
In ~ County and aald llie olllhoro
alrp>rt could, he ·~ for llie aarne amounl He aaJd llie DalJu.Forl
W<rlli Airport will COii ffllO mlllloo
wtllioat land aoqull!Uon COiia.
-called"" a -tllorl of homeowner -lo 1et llpatum by 111o lboatandl for pmeotaU.. to
~=-=committee chalmwl
for llie -Vltjo -· AaodiUoo, lpob ol an old FM report
to Ille Qrap County ~ Com-
--nol>ody -to be ahlo to llnd.. mm. Aid be talked w111i Ille FM
-d llie report. He aaJd b --C"! ... Ilia! ~ Counl;J ~ol~~llied~ -.
Silna Aid alrporl PD"lbllflla that are
........ 11111 ---.., llio COWll)' lndude IApia 111111, an off-ahore airport pnNbb' ..,.......,. aoulli ol
1-,_, llil --and El
Torn -ladJ!l1. He -that : Ille lloi1M °"111 11 quite oppooed lo llie El Ton ,.. u
are llrge property mien d llio area.
Simi llld runway re-alignment at El
Toro for commercial UM! would •P..
parenUy necessitate a runway ~el
the Santa Ana Freeway with plants
making a tight left tum In llie vicinity
of the old lighter than air staUon.
Sims spoke of conflicting informaUon
from various sources be had contacted
end 11ld part ci llie dJllJrulty ii ferreUug
out accurate infonnaUon for the usocla-
Perry Snell, former Westchester resi-
dent, sald he was four miles from Los
Angeles International Airport and still
had a struggle selling hia home. He
said between January and June there
wen D area homes on the markeC
and onI1 two sales.
"We hear there's a fool bom every
minute but there aren 't that many fools.
Nobody wanted to buy 1n," he llid.
He advlled Ille groap to go lo Pl>,\la
de! Rey and look at llie chimneys when
1111.000 -00<0 -· He Aid -llien wen 1113 bomea. In
Westcblltt.r condemned thlt wtrt under
llio fllPl pollen!. •lie called It "kind
of a mefey' killlnc·" I
Bob MVUlich, -presldont,
aald tt -that llio hoard of ouporvlaon ii tryinl to shelve llie illue
for awblJe to let it cool .
He and Simi called 10< llie P..,P
to press on for a county aupervilon
c:unmllmenl that llio El Toro lacllll)'
would ool be ueed for eommerdal !light&.
Mlnlllch aaJd of llie problem, "thore'a
10 much we don't )mow: It's kind of
1717 Wootdilf Dr. 642.2050
oPIM ...... , ,,.. '
,, .................. .... o ....... .
Aftfl1tlil1 4"1D-o-Nl1D
MS "°"" CoOll Hwy. -SI
' ......... ., ""''
Friday, F!Nly 14, 1969 tLl
lt~s L~st Valentine for Honey1uoon Bo~~
Honeymoon Hidt11way Made Many Friends, Little Money
Roling Reversed
'Hiroshima' Gets County
Okay for School Library
John Hersey's "Hiroshima" will soon
be on the libr8.ry shelves of the Rio
Contiguo School.
The bitter controversy that began with
the Orange County Board of Education's
banning 0£ the Pulitzer Prize winning
novel ended Thursday with four of the
live trustees voting to reverse their
earlier stand.
Among them was Clay Mitchell or
South Laguna, who had earlier con-
demned the book as "blued, not
particularly suited to the type of classes
it is earmarked for" and "valueless."
But Dr. Dale E. Rallison maintained
hia opposition to "Hiroshima" and voted
against its acqui.!lition .
The Santa Ana dentist stubbornly defin-
ded his attitude as "being in Ule best
interests of all concerned."
Only "Siegmund Freud" of the five
books of originally banned remained on
the rejection list. Trustees agreed to buY the three technical volumes that
we.re also earlier removed from the
library selection list.
The board's earlier decision to bin
the books -particularly "Hiroshlm1"
-raised a howl of protest In the county.
Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner of
Laguna Beach offered to buy the book
in the llgbt of the exptanaUon th1t It
was cut from the list on the grounds
of economy.
The board saved nearly $15 when It
omitted the five volumes from a library
order that total'<! nearly $3,000.
But a new battle seemed to be in
the making today. Trustees face a "rags
to riches" situation in which they must
decide who, of several donors, will have
the privilege of placing "Hiroshima"
on the library shelves.
Ed Cray, publications director of the
'American Civil lJberties Union, would
' like to put It there, He sent a telegram
to' the boanl Thunday protesting Ille
ban on Hersey's novel and of!Bing to
make good the deficit.
Trustee Lyle Guipre would like to
become known as the man who bought
"IDroshima" for the school llbrary. It
was not noted at Thursday's meeting
that Gulpre was the man who mov'<f,
seconded by Dr. Rallison, for deletion
of "Hiroshima" from the library list.
And Trustee Don Jordan would like
his name to go in the records as the
jionor of "Hiorsblma." He offered during
Thursday's meeting to contribute his
own cop:r of the novel to the library.
And Judge Sumner today was atill
willing to provide a copy of the con-
troversiaJ novel.
117 TOM IWILEY ., .. ....,, .......
"At• vou dreamtno, ""'* hOU11, of
all OMt vCttlrdoW11 Of" do #015 Wltp
q1llcUv, mv Oll<I QfGCiotlr homt, for
aU that Q gone end am nwu be
again ••. 1"
ll•pffi Brooke
ToQy fl hor 1111 ValmUne'a Day.
Sooo abl'll be oo men, -wng
that DtVor uflled for the IWinp'I to
wbcm ·SL ValenUne'I Day fl nothing
morw 1111n a crur eanl, a quJQ tbs
...i .. box of candy.
And abl'll be jual a happy memory
to .-who rememblr a lovely. lady
In . her p1den heyda,y -.. era that
bepn on Valtntine11 Day, ldl, in a
blue of Pllbllcl\y that brou&hl a ..........
ol Cllllforola to join Orup County's
1'_., In an act ol clevolloo at btr
open door.
... Then lhe 1WU ehrfltenld ~ Ann's
IM, a noble qame 10< a ,..tely, aleamlnc
white hotel that stood out in what was
to .. M . Sipla, -Ana'• . clvtc center like
• Clltlerinl jewel In a queen'• diadem.
Slie wu, Ille dl!llngul.Wd assemblqo
agreed, the answer to a city's prayer. The fast-growing communtiy badly need·
ed a good hotel, a l!ltep up from the
seedy .ealll>llahmeota that 1tudded Ille
boomln( <Ollll1llD1ilJ' like blrna<:les on
• ahlp'•· bottom.
Santa Ana attorney Charles SwaMer,
Peru Gunboat
Fires on U.S.
Fishing Vessels
LIMA, Peru (AP) - A Peruvian sun'
boat fittd on five American filhlni
vessels today and •J>Parently hu takeft
at leut one of them Into Cllllody, biJblY
placed sources reported.
Reports were scmity owinc to cofrt
munlcatlona dlHlcuJUes but the other
American flshinf: boall appear to have
escaped into Ecuadorean waters.
Unofficial reports said the incident
took place In what lbe United S!at'es
regards u international waten ZS to SI
miles off the Peruvian couUine. P~
Ecuador and Chile claim juriadiction
over waters 200 miles offahore.
It wu not immediately clear whether
lbe Peruvian IUJlboal fired at Ille
American filhmnen or whether the: shots
were acroa the bow to ltop them.
There alao were M report& whether
an;y of the American crewmen may have
betn injured. Wuhlnaton reporla .Aid
the captured boat was the Mariner.
Tbia ii lbe lated of a aeriea of lncldenla
betWWt Americe tuna fllbermeo, JllOll-
Jy from California, and aulboritles of the
three west coast South American coun-
A Peruvian navy 1poke1man 1a1d 11we
are lryin1 to contact our naval
authoritlea Jn the north." But he had
no direct lnfonnaUon.
Sex Education Defended
'Anaheim School Chief Says Family Life Class 'Successful'
Anaheim Union Hi gh School Districl's
i;uperintendent defended his district's
criticized 11Family Life and Sex Educa·
tion" program as "tremendously sue·
cess!ul" Thursday before an Orange
County Board of Education meeting that
proved its trustees lo be strongly dividt«I
on the merit.s of the revolutionary aex
instruction C(lurse.
Dr. Paul Cook told the board that
the program , launched four years aa:o
io 23 junior and senior high schools,
had been "fully a~pted " by pannts
ol ti percent of the 3,000 students Uh
volved. .
' "It's a purely voluntary 11rogran\,''
the blunt, forceful acbool oUiclal Slid:
"Any parent who has doubts 1bout the
wisdom of his child attending our
aesslona has only to advise lll of that
d~ision and the child will no longer
Cook further defended the sex Jno
struclion classes as being "absolutel,y
vital if we are lo protect the interests
of our children in an age when JU
-or rather. the glorification of. the
JlleX act -Is hammered at them by
movies, television, books and plays.
"ll"s a doubly damaging impact when
v.•t> reallze that more lban 90 percent
of our young people are woefully misin-
formed on aei:," Cook said. "Our p~
gram is geared to the honest, open
cstnblishmenlo( c omm u n I ct t Ions
between youngsters and a cartfully
selected aduJt and discuuk>n of adoJu..
Clint problema in an atmosphere al aym-
pethy and mutual trust."
But what hid been blUtd II I "no
~esllons infonnation ~Ion" became
a 'prolonged quesUoNng of Coot by Dr.
Dale E. Ralll~ of the school boa.rd.
Ralll!on. obvk>usly disturbed by •h•t
he said "mlght be the encouragement
of undue .!lexutl relallonsh11>$" (ls t
rc~ult of the course) asked Cook if
he was aware of the problmui created
"by this type of program ln Sweden."
"I'm aware of the problem.11 they have
in Sweden," Cook quickly repli'<!, "but
they don 't have thi1 type of prOlftm."
"It's more or leis the same," the
Santa Alla · dentist ..arped. "And ise't
~e program much the 11.me u-"
"It is in no way identical," Cook
Aid. "I think · that ii you will take
the trouble to e1amine the aummary
of our classes that is before you and
compare it with the Sw .. efilsh S)'ltem.
you will find a vut difference."
But Ralliton, urc.lng that the' 40 to
50,000 pmnla lllected by lbe -ln-
1truct.lon course should be "carefully
quesUoned" about Its impact on theit
children, told Cook: "lf what you're
teaching thould cause one child to have
mental problems for the rest of hil
life, then your whole program should
be abandoned."
The obviously Incredulous Cook uked:
"The wbo!e program?"
"Ya," said Ralllaon, "That's how I
feel about It."
"Then you're 1oing to hive to throw
out just about the enUre school program
apart from au imtrucUon," Coot aald,
"ii you're golng to charge it 11 uae1eu
because of one failure.''
Tru1tee Clay Mitchell's defense of
Rallison led him into a wranale with
trustee A.E. "Pat" Arnold before board
member Don Jorde stepped in to end
dlacuJslon of Ille Cook pttlelrtaUon.
"Dr. Cook came here to &Ive us a
lull and utrtmely lnter"1lnl 011Ulne
of biJ district'• procnm," be nmloded
board members. "It WIS never Intended
that lhil should devek>p into a debate."
Cook \old trusttes that his dl1trlet'1
program hid become a cai.lyst for many
school dlstrlcll actOSI Ille United Slatea
and lbal Ille reaulll reportod by olber
&re:U "all reflect a hla:h degree or IUC-
fie deplored the fallbre of churcbe•
to support his program and argued that
sex instruction throughout the achools
under his jurisdiction would have become
"even mart meaninaful with the aolid
support of the churches in OW' area.
"But only a few have shown. any
lnterat in a coune that pretty well
demanda interest at the level of rellgttm,"
he uld. "We hope lbat that attitude
may c~ge in the futlD'e."
No less successful, Cook 11id, was
an adult proaram that oilers elmllar
COl.lrlf:I -f1lms, dlalorue, literature,
lllQNted readlni -for adulla. ''They
take a 27..Jlour course for nine weeks
at three hours a week," he eqUalned,
"and we've found it to be a hl1hly
aucceaalul prorfam.
"But our ereat IUCC.'tll," Coolr: aald1
1'has been eur contribution to com·
munication within the family by what
we teach thae yOWllJten -evoaps
this bu betn our OUklt triumph.
"Many pmnla, particularly mothen,
have Written ' to me to let me know
that aa the result of our procram thq
have been able to freely dlloua lbole
personal mallen that have been hodpl
aaide in the put, .. Coak llid.
"Many parents have told me that thllr
only prevlOOI lr:nowledc• of tennlnoJocy
which could be applied to 1m1al re1 ...
tlonlblpo wu of crude, unacceptable
Anglo.$u011 Wordl lbat ·0 b V I O U I 11
prevented any 1Uch dltcuallon," he Did.
"Throulh Ille carelul 1w<11 o1 medical
delinltloaa oppllnd to Ulla whole .,..
ol lludy we have been able to cl••
bolb -and atud.«111 a fno ap. proacli and unembarrwed attlluda In
lbe dlscuaslon of what oo obvloualy lbould
be dllcullled In Ille borne," Cook Aid:
"Younpten." the superintendent 11td,
"are not coneft'ned with the sex act
u auc.h and our detractors can't 'Mem
to erasp this fact. What conctrN tM:m
11 populul\y, btln( 1ccepltd, beln( lov·
ed1 being undmloOd -Ute tn act
la very much to Ille ba<Qround of
the. picturt.
a noted county hlalorlan, remembers
it well.·
"There wasn't a really good hotel
anywhere Jn the artai" he recall'<!,
"So a IJ'OUP of bullnoumen lol lolether,
bolJahl •tock, ...i Saint .\Im'• IM was
created. n • '
But the sweeping, fG.room hoteJ never ,.,11y paid oil for ber backers. There
were roceptlona and dinnen In her hqo
banquet room -Gov. Hiram JobnloQ
altended at lout one aparkllp( affair
-but abe never juatllled her oupporten'
hopea and the Soldao Clow sradually
lapsed into a sullen, red alteratow.
!!ADE FlllENDfi •
No one · could really be blamed fO<
the hotel'• IUbaequent failure, Swanner
fee!a. "JI. L. Risby, Ille ..... 1n.1aw of
Sanla Ana's founder. Willlam H.
Spurgeon, WIS manager at stlnt AM'S
Im at that thfte," be aaid, "but it
was no fault of hls that the hotel couldn't
mate money."
Saint Ann'• 'IM didn't 'make !Jloney
but abe made a lot of !ri'i!Q. They
rt10ember. her "11b tllectfo,n . to tbla '.day, putlcularly 6n ·vatenUoe'! I>ay,
'lbat anllual outPoW'ftlf o( devolji>n '11/0t .ts outdated only to' those who 1 have
never opened \lleif bea;! to a :prOtty
(irl. . . ' .
For ~ early )'ears of her . reign
·were years when you could ' take out
a marriage license . in .~ county
c:ourthoUle acrou BroJdway and ta\e
your blulhing bride over to SUnt Ann's
IM. She became known as the "haven
·for honeymooners", 0 1ast atop 'for the
lovelorn" and "the Gretna Green of
Orange County."
And . Gretna Green, if ye'v.e nae Sot
·• drop of decent Scots blood in your
body, Is the wee village just across
the English border where young couples
could defy lbe law and plndge !heir
troth ov!l' the blacksmith's anvil.
Veteran newaman Georae Hart recalls
how boneymoonen; in thoae days made
a major contrlbuUon to the guest list
at Sahit Ann's. And the man who married
them, Judge John Cor, is known to
this day aa "the.marryln& judge."
Let;end and Hart have it that many
a ~Uywood star could be seen in thOlle d~i, bound for Santa Ana, the good l e's chambera and a bappy -and
s uded -honeymoon in Saint Ann's Inn.
Walk around the old, crumbing
deserted inn today and you'll find it
hard to believe that matinee idol John
Gilbert once rot sotttud&--1:eeking Greta
Garbo as far as the courtboUH lawn
on a milsion that bad wedd!DCtiells
and Saint Ann's on its itinerary.
But Garbo, Hart will tell you, derided
at the last second, that Wle would'rather
DAr&.T Pll.DT ........ W &M .....
Wh•I A T•lt, II H•r Four Walls C0uld Only T•lk
be alone. And the slricken Gilbert (wbo
wouldn't be} had to drive her hick
to Hollywood.
Nemeals came to Saint Ann'• in 1927
in the form of lea:lslation that compelled
young couples to waJt three days from
the license date to exchange vows. It
took effect on July 1 right after a
glorious June in wbi~h the lovely hotel
had catered to fOO honeymoon couples
-a record for the Santa Ana showplace.
IL was· the death blow for a hotel
that already had too much red ink
In Its ledgers, She strug&led on for
three more years but was purchased
by the county in late 1930.
She became the home of the county's
probation department but most of her
40 rooms again became vacant lalt )'ell'
·when that county dlvision moved to Jts
new building on Manchester Avenue. • ·.
Today, 10me SO welfare de~
workers are using the hotel. But" UV1 wUI go before the end of the ~
and the wrectet'I will move Into ~ 1
with a giant wre,cklcig ball an era ~
beg~ with a governor'• ball ~
You get the feeling, as your foobrteps
echo in the dusty, deserted rooms, that
eomehow Saint Ann's Inn donn't ~
care. She began her 1ue on VaJenUni 1
Day and lhe devoted that llle, more
or less, to lovers and broulht honef·
mooners that special kind of hlppineu
that is reborn within us today. •
She isn't weeping quietly, l!ibe'1
laughlng softly. What a tale she'd tell
ua lf her four walls could mly tait..,o; •
NL 11· 1'
Color Pack Camera
I Regular 39 .881
Color Pack camera
with flash gun.
ON~Y $10997
IR9CJlllar 119.111
I , Jrui Say "Charge-It"
:... cc " . • Tho Summerville Exchange C;!!Ub; part ol. a national organiza.
tljlll apon$0rlng Nationll Crime
:Pievention Week, Invited law eo-torcement officials from the area
lb hmch In Augusta, Ga. The ~· tanch comments were d'layed
allablly when the club membWs
hail to borrow a podium. Some-
)lody bad stolen theirs. ,:. .
:J /\ Verona, Wis. high school stu-
aent shot an' arrow into a big l!l.ct bird that had made diving
tbii1 on teen-agers. T h e bird
tutaed out to be a large homed
6.rl with a wingspan of more than
!oar feet. The bird was being
checked for rabies.
' , •
A Ch1111!tr official IGld this wt" a CMvrolet dtoln named
"Fon!. had won top Cl1DOfd in th< auto ff1dumy1 highUIOfl 14/ety.
committll d<a!tr progrom, Brt
""' J. Nichols, Ch111.Zer CMfl.
vice prelident, annotiinced at
tht ·National Auto Dealers Con-
vention in Houston that GeM:
Ford, owner of Frontier Chev-
rolet Co., Fresno, waa the win-
• ·The young man with the chest-
! on g beard and flowing hair
j~ed a guitar while be and
!be girl with long hair and an Irr!·
descent dress, serenaded their cap.
tors for nearly two hours with a
medley of folk songs, The stage
was the Skaneateles, N.Y. police
station, the audience the police and
the "entertainers~· ·Were Peter A.
Parke, 25 and Norine Deury, 19,
both-of Boston, charged with pos·
session of marijuana. •
DenNr Patrol...,, Louis M. Veeehl-
artlU Q®C thi.r little 5 11ear old,
Ltigh G. Barron. a ;aywalkfng ticUt
a/Ur the bo, 100I tn;urtd in an acci-
dnt. TM patrolman held up the am-
bulance iaith the boy in it and wrote
tJut «cket Uigh suffered a broken
collarbont' and a disloccttd hip a/Wt
he was hit channg a friend 4C1"0$S
the 1treet and ran tnto tht path of o
.Inch an
fridly, fttlr\llry 14, 19"
Wibon Vldts Citf
Berlin 'Prepares
For Harassment
Hanoi Silent
OnClmha in
Border Areas
PARIS (UPI) ,.-Westorn diplomatic
ooun:es said today Norlb V1etiwn bu
refuaed to dlac1jla the ComimmJal uJl'i>-
lngs ln Laos and Camhodla al the Viet.
nam peace. tallcl. Tbe refuaal added
to the 1-1 that have deadlocked lhe
talkt for more ttian fom" week&
The war in VJetnam·bu lpllled over
the bonlen into Laos and cambodla
numel"OUI times and Soutb Vietnam ac-
euaed the Hanoi ,..ime ot lr\'b>I lo
.,port its. nvolulion to -· cOunlries too. Hanoi uy1 they an comp!mly
aepanfte "popullr utrlsin&s" and must
be dull -_..1e1y.
Westorn dlp!onW!e IKlllr<el said chle!
Hanoi ..,.uaw Xuan 'lbuy rejected
ellorll lo di!Jcual lhoae neighboring coun-
tries and that he clearly hoped to gi•e
tbe insurgent leaders in those countries
a chance to pose as independent
negotlaton at some future coD!erenct.
The Paril talD were BO deadlocked
that U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker
eooferred ln Saigon today wllb President
Nguyen Van Thieu on means of resolving
some of the issues. It was their first
conference since Vice President Nguyen
Cao Ky Oew home from Paris Sunday.
Subject of the Bunter-Thieu talks was
not known but Thieu told Vietnamese
army rangers and paratroops 1bursday
bis government would "make no con--
cessions" to the Communists but was
••ready to reserve for them an honorable
no and predlctod• Ruulan baraasmeol
"' the dty'• alt and land lrolfle.
Brilbb Prime -Harold Wlllon 'new Into lhla <Mpoel dty -cbart1n1 a
palb to be followed by PrWdeot Nixon
Feb. Z1 -and told Wat Berllnen: "I
<oUld DOI have picked a better-~ lo<
J!\Y .vloll Britain sta"'1s, ..... and ln Ibo
future, wllhoul alteaUoo o< revtxlon, by
111 !q..iandlng pledge to de!Olld Ibo
fi.edom o/ Berlin; Britbli lroopt will
remain here."
Iii Paril, President Cbarlea de GauJ·
le's 'French government. wbicb with
America. and Britain bolds Ibo power In
West Berlin under World War II rlgbll,
llWllDI In Wilh her parlnm. Aulborized
BOUrCe1 aaki France, in uncommon
Westorn unity, bad rejected .flatly an
East German DOie jlrOlatlng 1he West
-Berlin eleeUoo.
Mooeow'• newspaper proclaimed lhal
the March 5 w..i Berlin meeUog or
West Germany.'1 electoral college is
illegal, intolerable and endangering
peace .
"ln 1980 West Berlin will either be a
dead city with the capitalilt facade still
taklng ltseU to be an outpoel o/ lhe
West or it will have a flourishing afmos.
phere -but only if it rid.1 it.self of the
most foolish policy of the 20th ~tury-
anll-Oommunism," Moscow 's youth
newspaper KomsomoJskaya Pravda
In Bonn, West German apokesman
Guenter Diehl told newsmen that Ru.
lian ambassado< Semyoo Tsar1pkln
'lbursday night handed Chaocello< Kurt
Georg Kle1inger a DOie demanding Ibo
March 5 election be caneelled.
· "Of counie we cannot agree to cancel
the Federal Moemb!y meellni ln West
Berlin. We an consu1tin1 with our Allies
on bow to insure free accea to the
city'.. Diehl said.
"We are usuming that the Soviet
Union again· will attempt to burden Ibo
situaUon with military maneuven
aroond and near Berlin ••• We reckon
they may attempt to Interrupt overland
traffic and to harass air traffic to and
from Berlin," be Wd.
State tays Out Guidelines
On State Racial Imbalance
SAN DIEGO (UPI) -'111e first specille
deftn.ltion ol radal imbalance in tht
nalloo -adopted wwtimoua!y '.l'burl-
day by Ibo State Boord of EdueaUoo
In a move to force Jocal school diatrlcta:
to address lheD'llelves to the problem
ti solving de-facto eegregation.
Under the new policy, a school is
racially Imbalanced when its minority
atudent enrollment differs from the
percentage of minority youngsters wilhin
the school district by more than 15
Tbe action, adopted by a 9-0 vote,
left it up to local boards to come up
with plans for correcting the imbalance
U they find themselves in violation of
the-new guidelines.
"We are asking !bat local school boards
address themRivea to the (imbalance)
problem," said Tad Muaoka, past
chairman of the SI.ate E d u c a t i o n
Department'• C<immlssion oo Equal Op-
portun.IUea In educaUon, which offered
the imbalance proposal. Muaoka'1
remarks came during arguments before
the board prior to passqe.
The proposals were contained In two
amendments to the atate admlnl.straUve
code, which bas the force of law in
The code ii desiiJ>ed to imp!emeat
Hour • Ill
stabilto adopted bJ the !egblalure and
can bl .ebanged tnly by •ote of the
llato baud. 'llmnday'1 action, c:oo-
iequentJ1, pits new teeth Into CaHornJa's
ln!4r•tloa llw1.
The flnt ol. the two amendments called
on dl.atricts to "exert every effort lo
prevent and ellmlnate racial and eUmlc
Imbalance in pupil enrollment" and to
give such "prevenUoo and elimination
.. blgb priority ...
The aeconcl required local boards to
survey their districts for lmbaJance, for
estimates of populaUon c b a n g e s ,
as8essments of tbe effecta of altering
achoo! attendance and to compile pertifl.
ent statistics.
WASHINGTON (AP) -Good Grle!!
Linus is chucking his blanket and mar·
rylng Patty here today.
Unus is Mart Baker of Cumberland,
Md., and Patty is Patricia Britton of
Stuart, Fla. They star In the musical
comedy, "You're a Good Man, Charlie
Brown," based on the Charles M. Schull
comlc strip character.
But their wedding is for real -and
on Valentine's Day too.
Travelers Warnings Up From New Mexico to Missouri
U'IT ......
Students Alttmpttd to Block Str"'' Around University of Wisconsin C1mpu1 11 Mac!!son
Campus Di.sorders Mount
Students Battle Guardsme1i at Wisconsin, Duke
BJ Tbe: Auoclated Presa
Student protesters reswned picketing
of the University of Wiscomin today for
a fifth straight day as a midwinter coo-
tagi.on of student discontent gripped sev-
eral campuses acrou the nation.
National Guard.mien and police work-
ed to keep traffic moving within the busy
Madison campus. Governor Warren P.
Knowles sent in 1,000 more Guardsmen
to relieve 900 on duty. Sli: hundred police-
men were on hand.
"For every National Guardsman the
governor brings on campus, we have two
more students," Bernard FGrTester, a
freshman from New York told a ra11y
earlier in the day.
A battalion of 500 rial-trained guard~
men was billeted near the Durham, N.C.,
campus of Duke University where stu-
dent demonstrators clasbel:I with police
and state troopers Thursday.
At the University of California campus
In Berkeley police arrested 36 persons,
Including 22 students, after protesters
overturned tables in a cafeteria and
scattered catalogue cards in the mabl li-
A· detail of 50 troopers broke up a sit-
in demOnstration at the admtnistratlbn
building at the University of Massachu·
setts in Amherst, Thursday night, ar-
resting 34. They were protesting Dow
Chemical Co. recruiting.
At the University of Chicago student!!'
who seized the administration building
two weeks ago to protest the dismissal
of an instructor voted overwhelmingly
early today lo end their sit·in, unofficial
sources said.
In ltfadison. an estimated 10.000
marchers led by Negroes walked from
the campus to the state Capitol 'Thurs-
day night where they chanted freedon1
songs and sang "America ." The march
ended back on campus \\'ilhout incident.
In previous demonstrations, the ranks
of the protesters had never numbered
more than 5,000. "We gave the police
hell,'' Willie Edwards, a Negro leader
said afterward. "And we will come back
tomorrow and give the police hell again."
Earlier the protesters and law officers
clashed twice and police and guardsmen
used tear gas to break up pickets w h o
blocked one major thoroughfare. S i :c
students were arrested.
The demonstration began as an at-
tempt to force the 33,000-student univer-
sity to accept 13 Negro demands includ·
Ing establishment of a black studies
center. The Students for a Democratic
Society have sinct! joined in.
State legislators gave support to th e
school admlnislraUon Thursday and
Gov. Knowles told a news conference:
"There's something behind this whole
movement, from San Francisco College
to Columbia. It ts being directed by
someone who has different Ideologies
than we have."
Al Duke the demonstrators were back-
end to what they called the 8,000.student
f.>fethodist • supported university's "ra·
cist policies."
The clash between students and p<r
lice came after 30 to 40 of the school's
100 Negro students ended a 10-hour occu-
pation or the administration building.
Police fired tear gas to disperse t h e
protesters and 20 stude nts were treat·
ed later along with four policemen and
a trooper injured by rocks and missiles
pitched by the crowd.
Jn Berkelei Thursday's clash marked
a continuation of an e.ffort by a coali-
tion of minority student groups which
has been trying to close the campus for
more than a month. They demand a mi·
nority studies colleJle be established.
Apollo Landing on Moon
Last Giant Space Shot?
WAS!llNGTON (UP!) -The $2S billion
Apollo Project to land men on the moon
this year is the last giant U.S. space
enterprise for at Ie.ast another decade.
That is the way President Nixon's
science adviser, Dr. Lee A. Dubridge,
sees it. And the way Dubridge, 67-year-.
old former president of the California
Institute of Technology, sees thing3 may
well be the way they turn ouL
In a galloping 33-minute news con-
ference Thursday, Dubridge said his of-
fice and other federal agencies are stu·
dying recommendations for Nixon on
"a whole new space program" for
America in the decade a£ter Apollo.
The study may take months to com-
Meanwhile , Dubridge thinks a "halanc·
ed program," including practical and
scientific applicati_ons of s p a c e
technology, wouJd be "more appropriate"
for the post-Apollo decade than another
vast endeavor consuming•th·e lion's share
of space dollars.
Dubrldge sandwiched his first meeting
with Washington newsmen between two
sessions with Nixon. He and Nixon and
Vice President Spiro T. Agnew met in
the early afternoon with the 25 memben
of the National Science Board which
makes policy for the National Scientific
Foundation, the federal agency responsi-
ble for encouraging academic research.
According to Dubridge, Nixon and the
board members agreed on the Im·
portance of federal support o f
universities engaged in research and the
training of scientists. They agreed on
the importance of basic scientific studies
to nationaJ security.
Skiing Conditions
Termed Excellent
By United Press International
Excellent skiing ronditions exist at
all Southern California skiing resorts
for the weekend.
In the Sierras, 15 to 16 feet are
~ported at Mammoth Mountain with
both , packed and deep powder. June
Moun~ain has six to 25 feet with packed
and deep powder.
Here is a breakdown on local areas:
•lw 111"9: 7• lo 3' tnchn. Olte••lln9 d1llv. Otw11 Y1tlly: Two la !hr" le1t. 01>1r1lin1 $atu•d•Y 1nc1 S11r1dav. Halldlr Hiit: o"" to th~• ffflt. OP1r1tln11 d111v,
Kr1tk1 Rioto' 2~ to lO lnche1. ~•1lln9 dilly. Ml, W1llrfl'lln: Three lte!. °"9r1!1"9 dally.
S-flrHI : Twa to lh~e feet. 0P11'9fllll' $1turo:lfiy I nd SllndlY.
Snow s-h: One to nit.. IHI, 011«111"' d1!lr with nlan1 llll<llna $1lurd1Y.
Mo9ll 1111191: II la .)Ct ln~nn. 0Der1tln1 $.llllrd.ly ...., Su~Y.
Ml. ••~= Twa to l<lllr !ft!. OP1r11int S.turd1y end Slln61Y H t09d cll1rl'd 11 fl'.~~. Tllll Ml.: 11 to H lnche1, OP!"llllll $1!ulll•r 1nd Ma,..,,aw.
Mt. l'lllOI: Two to tllrt-e "'~'· Tobo91nnln7 1,..,, cr011..COUn4ry P.11"' Sllllrday l<ld Slrncllv.
Mafia •Believed"
Leader's Death Prevents Revenge
NEW YORK (UPI) -A eolleeU"
sigh went up from the underworld today.
Vito Genovese -Don Vito, the right
man, the squire of the highlands, Capo
Mafioso of the East -ls dead .
ing Negro demands for a black studies "~ L;' '~ program under Negroes' control and in
Sources in the New York Police
Department and the FBI said Genovese's
death today at the medical center for
federal prisoners in Springfield, Mo., was
greeted with relief by Iriend and foe
alike in the underworl(I..
For the uoderworkt feared that
Genovese·s failing health would cause
fed eral author ities to free the Mafia
ovcrklrd from prison. And U Genovese
were freed, the hoodlums reasoned, he
would move immediately against those
gangsters who questioned his lron-Usted
control -even from prison -of the
lucrative rackets which reputedly earned
Genovese $30 million during his lifetime
of crime.
But UU'OU'ghout those years, there have
been three names \\'hich continued to
come up as possi ble successors to the
gang lord : Thomas "Tommy Ryan''
Eboli, 57, of Engle\\'ood Cliffs, N.J.;
Gerald "Jerry" Catena, 66, of SoUth
Orange, N.J., and ?i-tichele "Mike"
Miranda, 72, of Forest Hilla. N.Y ..
' AU t b r e e hold the Mafia title of
"comigliere," counselor or e l.de r
statesman in the "family" of Genovese.
Eboli, who was said to be the acting
head of the family while Genovese was
Jn prison, and Miranda attended the
"little Apalachin" meeting of Casa
Nostra big shots in Queens Sept. 22,
Hlltl -"""' dludt dfftl"' to ... ~ ""*"" IMIM7 ..... .tltfllOOll .. ell)'. Wllldl ...,.,..,, I to II Moft..
, ................. 6$.
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" " .. " ,. ~· n "
SJSC Teachers
OK Strike End
SAN JOSE (UPI) -Arter 13 hours or bitter de~te, striking American
Federation of Teachers at San Jose State
CoUege voted 2 to I Thunday to end
lbtir 37~ay strike.
The vote came nearly one week after
Khoo! administrators announced can--
cellalion of 200 scheduled spring semester
courses taught by the 1triken.
Sevenly·six ol t h e school's 1,304
teachen started the strlk:e ln sympathy
With sb'iking AFT members at San Fran-
cisco State.
NY Strike End Seen
NEW YORK (UP!l -Some U,000
Longshoremen voted today on a contract
agreement which could end the 56-d.,.--old
dock. strike In New York and start the
unloadinl ol 200 llranded ships.
But Genovese, the young Italian im-
migrant who perverted the American
dream by rising from a poor 111rttt
boy lo tlngpin of Cosa Nostra crime,
died of congestive be.art failure. And
instead of a chain of vindictive kllllnp,
"There ls golng to be a tremendous
funeral for the guy."
Polite 80Ufces expecl the underworld
to tum out en masse fer the funeral ,
which pro~bly will be held in New
Who will take over Genovese'• crlmlrtal
Ever since Genovese went to prison
In 1960, law enforcement agencies have
been speculatlna: on his successor. But
lhe 1pecul8tion was unnecesgary since
Genovese ran tbisiga from his prison
All are "new breed" Mafiosi, men
with minor or no criminal recrirds whn
3re virtually unknown to the public at
Court Order Halts
Sales of Raw Milk
LOS ANG.ELES !UPI ) -A Supericr
Court judge has issued • temporary
restraining O'l"der halting &ale an41
dlstribullon of r a w milk by Alta-Dene
Dairy, of Commerce.
The dairy hu defied an order by
County Health Officer Dr. G.A. HeilJ..
bre€1er which prohibits sale of un--
pastcurized milk. The ban followed test•
indlcaUng milk of 28 CalUornia dairies
contained bacteria which could cause Q fever.
( °"? • _, ... , ·Board in .J!u;ebw llllJ.uiry
~ .
Inspects . ~ister 'Spy Ship
. idmirall cooductlnc the <Jnqtl!ty inlo tbo capture ol >1\!1". USS ~ made a h.,._
--. trip 'lo Vlralni• loclq lo ~ lllOtber Navr JJ> . tetlillnct lhlp. •
· '!'tit admlnla flew lo IJltle er~' Va.,. lo lour the UIS
Pihn Beacll -a -oilth~
lyl)upr lhl!I the ~lo. lt ·~.. tbe ..... tjiJe of •ilj>bla1i .. ted el-.....
the , CJIPUtred' 1'ueb14 ....
equlppocf with. \'-!lileb~ skipper Lloyd M. P~ wu "JecaDy ... uu,.i ,\0 . lijito 'the trip, bat ho
11oclllpd. Tho odmirall will
'""""' lo CClnmado Sllurday 'nlibt
> • A N'avy IPOkeaman aald tJie
thlld ~ of the hearing
.,,,.the. ,Cll'deal of the Pueblo
tl!ftW hi NOr;b Korea -may ..,.1. pt ·Wider wal UllUJ tho
: miqaie of ,..i week. lt bad '~ nod>echil<jl tO •tart 'lbun· 'day, but the admtrala still
were sorting conflictlng testi-
mony about the Pueblo's ~
Seizure of the ship by North
A man sent to prison three
years ago for the rape of
a UQivmity of Pennsylvania
profeum"s wife was freed
Thursday · afte.r his double,
serving a tenn for another
rape, confessed the crime.
Dist. Atty. Arlen Specter
said the conviction and 1en-
tencing of Gordan J. Ragan, ' .2%, was a 0 fantastic case of
mistaken identity."
Judge Alexander F.
Barbieri, who adjudged Ra1an
guilty in a trial without jury
April 29, 1966, said in !reeding
him: "It's a pity. I wish I
could undo it."
Specter .said the
' resemblance between Ragan
and F~ A. Conyers, also
2'Z, serving a two to l~year
t~rm in another rape, was
so strildng even Ragan's
relatives were unable to tell !flt difference.
. ..
Two Israeli •
Jets Strike j ..
.Arab Post . •
CUT RATE .. ..
) · ..
,'. "· ... ... -·-.....
·Blast Rips
, Montreal Miich lhlM ft1bn1111lnst whit cemp1tltlon 11Y11 you for 1111 ume kind of 1111t11J,
•nd you'll Ill•• I Hllw ldll wllJ 11111'1 people ... lluyln1 a .... 1111 epln WI JHr.
· Exchanges
-Montreal and Canadian stock
exchanges were closed today
after a .time bomb w,re:cked At the January meeting ·or the the tradmg floor and JDJU?ed Airport Commission It was rt-
27 persons. . vealed that plans are underway
The blast Th1;11'sday r1pP;td to modify the interior of the
, open walls, ceilings and wm-terminal build additional rest
: dows, showering 300 pel'BOnl rooms, ~nJlrge the rift shop,
. on the floor and 50 persool add a snack shop add fencing
in the viaitors gallery with and mOdify the telminat build-d~bris and ~h.attered g~ass. ing itself!
Five of the mJUted received Jane Her.berg, a suffering
serious cuts and were kept Newporter, wonders -since the
in the hospital. airport is said to be operaUng
Several minutes before the at a 30~ deficit -Where . will
exPloslon, wbJch o cc u r r e d the money come from for '\hi!
about 40 ·minutes before the further tllllnsion.
3 p.m. closing, police received we wonder too. All of the ex~
an anonymous tip that an ei:-perts, all of the reports say
plosive device had b e e n "We must move the airport to
planted In the 47-tlory bulldlng a lea populated arta" ... now
housing the exchange on Vic-10 more airlines have applied to
torta Square in the heart of uae the Orange County facility ·
.•the financlat' dJlitrict. •.• and the co~lon is plan·
It was the th1i"d exptosion nlnf 1:0 expand .
ln Montreal thil week and * * * the eighth till> year. During
similar incldentl teveral years Since our fit'8t column last
ago separatist arottPI aeetlna week we art already receiving
the 1 aecession o( Quebec from letten of encouraeement-and
'Canada usually tcrawled the with some . interesting com-
IeUers of their organlllllon ments. at the site, but there have Maurine C. Miller wr,lles, "So
betn DO such clues this year. glad you 8!t pur8UIDI this matter. We lived 2 miles North
<l. LA International I years ago
d and no one rea1lael how bad tt Hunt Pushe 1s until they have bad to ••• counter the s1tu1Uon pen~
ally. We simply bad to move.
For Bomber U lar&e jets art allowed , into
thll area. your homes will
· l'll11y depreciate. '!be Iara•
NELLIS AFB, Nev. (UPI) homes will be worthless. Many
_ '!lie aearch fer the cralh of our frtenda who livtd In
s It e of an FlllA l!gbtel" Playa c1e1 Ray limply lost their
bomber and its two pllotl lnYMtment.''
resumed at dawn today when * * * ti Air Force jets bej:an
sw,.ping a two-state arta. Tallr. lo atJy of the ptople-
'll>e II million jet failad to u we bave-who once lived In
retum Wednesday from a low-the aru around LA rnt.trna-.
level training minion during Uooal and you will get Mmte
which the pilots were to avoid frltbtening respon..es.
being teen. A daylon& tearch * * * · ovtr areas of Nevada and , .
•· Utah Thursday (ailed to locate It t not too late. We can 1tlll
'"lht plane atop fllllher eapanslon U wt
Both pilots were decorated band topther. Want to join In!
VI with :lllO stop by our headquarters up-vetArans of ellUlm stain at 4811 East17th St. (at -bat ml11tona. The pilot of Irvine) In Costa MML We netd
the twinl·Winl aircraft "11 •oJunteen, we need contribu· capt. Wllllam D. Fucblow, !O, Ilona ... we need Y'>J!
Ventur•. Callf. Copilot was CapL Robert Earl Jobe, 31, Airpor& N®e. AbotenlA&
Chicago. Commttttt
lullt.Jn "Pini rallt"
There'• a strong•~ built into
every door or every 1969 rice, Impala,
Bal Air, Biacayne, • owood Eatate
Wagon, Kingswood, nsman and
We call it a side guard beam, and it
looks like one or thoee guard railo ;,,;u ...
along the freeway.
That'• what it'• there for : To guard
you. To strengthen the door and put a
more oolid wall between you and tne
outalde world.
Not a g:lamoroUJ feature.
But you'll have to adllllt, worthwhile.
COlllPutlr·Hlected sprlnp
Maybe you'll order your new Cilevy
equipped to th• hilt.
Or maybe you'll order it with hardly
anything on It. .
Either way, you're going to get your
full measure of our renowned ride.
BecaUBe WI 10 to the trouble or pro-
gramming each car'• equipment load into
an electronic computer.
The computer then . tell• ue exactly
which aprinp to UIO, depondinr on the
car'• weight and the way it'• diltributed.
Chevrolet, the only"car in ita field With
computer-eelected 1prinp.
Fendtra Int!'• ftllldtrs
We could have Ripped thil. (The
other can in our field do.)
But we're u anxious ai you are to
keep your beautiful new Chevy iooklng
be111tiful and new.
Up inelde the re1ular renden w1 'v1
placed a HCOnd .. t." .
They do all the in-ftshting. Cat.ch all
the oplaahed-up rain, oluoh and road oalt.
Stop tne kicked-up stoneo.
While your "outers" just sit there
looking pretty.
Altro Vtntllltlon .
Ths other two can in .our field give
you air intakes down by the floor.
So do we.
We aha give you two up on the imtru~
ment panel.
And all four•of them are adjuotable ao
you can regulate the flow or air juot the
way you like it.
Even with all the window• closed,
you'll bi comfortable 'inside. You 1et air
without wind. Without nolle. · ·
Altro Ventilation ia 1tandard, now, on
all the bi{ Chevroleta.
llullb1r-cuthloned ride
At all points where the body
joins the frame, we uee our own elclu·
sive klnd of rubber mounta.
. They're double-cuehioned, oo aa to
ooak·up more than the ueual amount or
vibration. Uni"" you're m the habit
or taking your car apart, you'll
probably never -theee
little wonders. Sut
you'll know they're
there. Ju.t listen to
the quiet.
111• tlleft·thwll'ttr
On the 1teering
column there'• a lock •.
Only Chevrolet baa
it, in Chevrolet'• fiold.
You turn the key and
it locks three thinga:
Y.our ignition.
Your ltelrina 'Wh"!.
Your sbiCt lever.
When you own a car this t$mptinf,
you don't dare take chanCee.
110111 tblndard VI In our fltld
AJk any car enthUAiaat, he'll tell you:
Chevrolet builds great enginee. E•
pecially vs..
And this year there are aix great VS.
available for the big Chevrolet. Standard:
Our 235-hp 327-cubic-inch. Turbo-Fire.
Another thing: We've lowered the
price of eeveral or our bigger VS. alon1
with our automatic tranamiuione and
power dilc brakeo. Which makee it pooai-
ble for you to buy a '69 Chevrolet for even
1 ... mon.ey than you could laat year.
Show up for our Showdown.
You canrt-lOae.
Puttlns JDU first, klltll •I flnt.
Impala _Sport Coupe
.. ~
' .. ~
. . .. ..
.. ••
• •• .. . ,_
. •
'. • •
• .Surfing .. Set Take Note
Laguna Beach surfers have won a de.erved victory
with easement of the cl\y.!a strlllgent surlblg ordinance.
such as teacher salarlei, currfculum budcet. plant fm.
provement and where the moqey's coailn& trOm.
Surfers now wlll be allowed during the reatrlcUon
period ol summer to surf all day i.n th!!lr .. tabllahed areas. Three ol these areas are clearly delineated.
They will make value judgmanta and .shape import-
ant policy. . -•
For years they were forced to leave the water from
II a.m. to 5 p.m. Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan! h!m-
1.U a surfer, engineered the amendments. They lib-
eralize restrictions imposed in 1960 because of unruly
beach crowds. ·
The lnlrlees will have as their beevy reaponalblllly
a p~us commodity, youth and lta· education.
Laguna ls lorlunate to have public-spirited citizens
·willing to shoulder this burden.
There was prop~rty owner concern over the amend-
ments. But it was nothing like the opposl.llon that-would
have gathered in past years.
The surfing set should note UU.. They should be
cognizant ·of the fact that most 9f the adults involved
did want to bend to help them ..
The improved image ol .surfing bas helped build
this attitQde. Local surfefs can,pmtect the gains they
have made by self.policing and cooperation with auth·
orlties and property owners. ·
Laguna°'s Good Citiz ens
The April 15 biennial elecijon of school trustees is
.tihaping into a race in Laguna Beach Unified School
District where three seats are to be filled .
Several candidates have come forth. Others may
be contemplatirig the filing of candidacy papers. For
them the door will be ajar until Thursday, Feb. 20.
That's the deadline.
Whatever the final slate, the election is an import·
ant one. Trustees in their four-year terms will spend
long, unpaid hours in far·reaching problem solving and
decision making.
They will decide on important matters of finance
Special Meeting Better
Laguna Beach city councilmen at their tut session
started on Wednesday and finished on Thursday.
The council launched its 1Deeting at 7:30 p.m. as·
scheduled and finished at about 12:20 a.m.
It wasn't a r,ecOrd. The council has had longer
meetings. And as far as records for long meetings go,
th~y are probabl~ held by tpe schQOI. board: ..
There was an unfortunate ·aspect to the last long
council meeting, however. It began with two public
hearings. One was routine and quickly handled.
The other was a hearing on the assessment spread
of costs to property owners for an improvement dis·
trict. lt dragge<l on for a couple of hours.
Unfoftunately, the audience of about 100 persons
who had come about surfing ordinance changes or loca·
iion ·ot. a library site had to sit through the tedium of
assessment spreading.
Assessment spreading is traditionally time con·
surning and a hot potato whatever the city. It's import·
ant to those involved and dull to the rest.
The city should have set it for a special meeting
instead of putting it on an already overloaded agenda.
Birela S~ty Leader llp. to Old Tricks • Pre-adoptive
'Sex Education a Red Plot'-
TODA Y'S Bll\CHER. attacks on sex
AT LEA~" 5t PERCENT 'of the ni:.
lion's ~schools,· public and · pri•ate,
parochial and non-sectarian, now offer
some kind of ·sex education. Some pro-
gr&mll still are insipid, one-shot ex·
posllres to films or "lectures" by
teachers untrained for this important
job. But many are excellent.
Due to the strong Bircher influence
in Orange Coun,ty. led by CXX {Citizens
·Committee of California), Moms
(Mothers ·Or:ganized for Mocal Stability')
and Rev. Billy Hargis, most Or111ge
County schools have been reticent to
teach children anything about sex and ' .
family life.
THE ,OPPOSITION by the smaJ•
vociferolls minority has scared s,9me
sCboo1> .ti"oards and administrators. In
spite ol widespread public support . for
sex education in public schools, they
fear retaliatory sanctions when school
boDd electiG!lll come along.
The large majority of Orange Coun·
tians who see sex education as a
necessary means of guiding youth to
maturity must stand up and shout.
Otherwise our school boards will continue
fo be intimidated by the silly palaver
of Robert Welch and company, rather
than follow Anaheim's dynami c
Nowhere to Go But Down
\V ASHING TON -About 60 percent
or the people sampled by Dr. Gallup
think President Nixon has gotten oU
to a. good start. This may not. ~ ~
peak ol his popularity but gener_ally
speaking "when a president takes office,
he has nowhere to go but 'down.''
That rather sour judgment by Burns
Roper ol Roper Researeb Associates II
based upon a 5-year-HCOn! of ~
the uJ>I and down of pfesioenual
popularity. Nixon, unJess he reverses
the experience of his predecesaora,'WOUld
inevitably head downward to. a lower
level of public esteem after~ perhaps;·
soaring somewhat higher.
This is the bitterest fruit or the
presidency and the Nl:l<Hl .people -all about it. This ii the way they Lalk:
.. It's neceaary !0< Nino to get cdittnl
of the aoveniinntal macllinery rla!ll at the beginning. U be ts di..n.d lnxn
that by llltling up a lot or new prosr11111
he never will get coatrail. Then, irt-'tbe
rtrst blllllh of public approval, it ls also.
neceaary for Nlson to (let something
new IWUd befare smn,ner. Tbat'1 about
the way .it will wort out.'' •
tllIS CONTRASTS 1barply wilb what
SQP)e new presidents have done -in the
pjst, but l.( does not necessarily follow
1hlt they were right and Nlxon'is wrong.
By . this time Jn J1963, John F. Kennedy
had· proposed to Congress enactment or
'.M:ediWe, a big expanalon of federal
aid to educaUon and drew 'up the orders
creating the "'*"" Corp<, .and yet, fm racial tunnoU in ~IA'.K<Medy feij-)Qwest p;Wlt in public populari· · ·t; · ·before his aB!lu•ination. . .The etmosp~ of 19'9 is dillerent
lzuil Ill~ Ind in llOllM! respects a
rewrsa1 or that·~· tl1e GaUup
Poll would lndlc ... that Nino is respon-
ding to a public 1nood which approV<lS or a more stabJet.~1-the-road at-
mosphere in w.....,... .. u Iba elqlOrlence or other preskleall
1• ,,_"put 10 1eon la repeated,Nbtllo ini'!...... the .._.. ~ ..i 11 -!.~ '"""..... • .. IPll'OY wttblii a ..... o1 the , Oll!f _ ol, his ltnl ten!I;' ~ polnll, \\!!\, ...... .l"."llAfn
...... be alt.red· % ...... """"" out
ol ~ol-1* -. • -fn-
-~Jar ewnple. ~ . .
IN Tllll: llBGJ!jNlNG· ol· .. ...., io-
ternatlinal .c:riaM ~ l<nd to rallJ ~ arouDd Ubt. .. ~ . Inltiatl\'ti ln
iGrelp lllU., -u Nixon is -taklnc. t>ad Ill Incl-a pre..ldent's
popularll7 e.W lbollP 1111 alma may
be n!COll\lrod IS not quickly 't.all:uble.
But if the11e criles and lnlU..tlVtl Sttm
to lead nowhere or If the crises drog
oul, Ibo public tend! to hold the Pruldent
A prudtnt president aots ihertl""'
when he lhlnkl be will have tbt max·
imum publlc ~.and he dota not
wait untll lht liltvitable dog days of
--his-administration to undertake great
matters 1f Nlloo is tp hold publlc •t>-
proval he will have to do enough but
nol too much. ''What the public ap-
parently wants," says Roper, "is a presi-
dent strong enough to protect the nation
from foreign peril but not so strong
as to threaten its domestic liberty.'' .
Roper concludes that a president faces
"inherent patterns'' of public response.
"No matter how hard he''trles, he is
likely to face an erosk>n ·of. support
over time, and he stands to get blamed
£or misfortunes be did not bring about.
He can count orl lhe natlOn'll support
in an ,hour-ol cri&ill, but not necessarily
its graWude for a job dooe as well
as he is i~te during unpropitious times."
period seem to show that the public
rates one qualificaUon above all others,
simple convlnclng bone&ty on the part
of · the President as a repository of
lnl5t. Although the public may not
always agree with a president's' policy
It will support him, Roper finds, if
they have faith in him as: a man of
bonelty and character and as a leader
ol deciaiveneu and strength.
Dea r
Gloo my
Why couldn't the Capistrano City
Coullcil aUow the big bucket In
tit• 1ky by reqult!ng lila~.dt be
paken and moss covered wlU\ lhe
vlsage of the COl:onel wearing a
conqWstador 's helmet~ Th 1 l
would protect the m!Mlon'a lmqe.
-J.J. T.
'"" ,....... ""*"' ,.....,.. ..... ''" 9K9ll llfity ..... llf .. ........,.. "'"' -... -....... , ._ OllY •••
. . '
Child Under
Strict Rul.es .
To the Editor:
As a foster parent doing pre-;idoptive
care for Orange County Adoption Agency,
I feel I must write to you concerning
the articles carried on Friday, Feb.
7 and'Monday, Feb. 10 in your paper.
The article I ~ refmina to ii the
one where a flilily is upset •by the
moVal of a ~d~e. cblld thait
Ibey, /eJI' Ibey 7wi1Ulllt liioa • to" adopt t~ves. , { · ~. , • • . . ,.. .
I ALSO HAVE baclmimJ <lltlil'l,boJ!ies
which we came tO )OVt •. ~/Jjt
is the l>Olicy of the Or'lnge-Coullly • Adop-
tion Ag_ency that fOlter parenta are NOT,
I repeat, NOT, allowed to adopt cblld.rtn
~ in their care. If you .want to
ado~. you are encouraged to go through
the "front door" so to speak and appty.
like anyone else. It is neither fair tp
the agency nor the child to go against
the policy.
J FEEL YOU have hurt our adoption
agency's image by thls series of articles
and were very wrong in not li>oking
into the policy before prlnUng this.
Enclosed is a copy of an agreement
signed at the Ume of Ucenal.ug for,foeter
parent care,· staUng this more clearly.
If )'ou would like to do an artJcle· on
a happy foster mother Utat loves· all
her babies but adheres to the policy,
give me a.call.
The pre.adopUvt foiUr parent
agr~ement referred to reads QI /ol·
"Well understand th{lt if our1m11
home is used for pre-adopttpt-place--
mt'1it purposes, ihi1 repr11ent3 .an in.-
teri"' plan for ,the chUd so placed.
As pre-ad optive foster parntlparentl
well will be helping Ui.e Ora1ibe
County Department of Social ·wciJ..
fare evaluate the baby's progress aftd
needs until a permtlJlent a40P.'~
home is found for thi! chil.d. Well
further understand that prt.oddpUbt_
foster parents cannot be· @crj)J.tdl d:s
adoptive applicanu for the -1P1dfic
child/children so .Placed."
To the Editor:
The selection ol Bowle Kuhn by the
baseball owners to become the next
commiuianer of baleball is a studied
Insult lo the fw and to lht ~al
public. It is the . OWM1'11 declll'3lkm
that they inteoo tO run the aunt wttbOua.
interference.from otben.
Mr. Kuhn Is an "!11\lol" of the owneu
as was Gen. Eetttt. 'Dtli mlans ·Ui.a&
there is no re~Uoo Jar Ute Jili1ua
or for the tan.s. Mt. JSuho ~b;ly
will oot be a czar In the tmqe ol
KeMesaw Mountain LlndlJ.
Baseball hal wiool ·ptOblems, tome
of which can be partJally tolvtd by
a tough commlssiober. I with' the players
success in lbcir .endNYon... for ,men
money. I trust they will not caplhilate
as readily as some have.
ED WlU.s
Lcttcra from rtadtrs ort wtlcome.
Normall11 toriters thottld COfttJf)' Ut.tfr ~ssag1 in 300 to0rd.i or lcu. The
right to condemr lctur1 co fit rpacc
or eUmfnott Ubfi '' rtrt1'tlfd. All
lttter1 must lrn:hulc 1fgnat1'rc and
nl(lilittg address, buC ftOPnU tnaf f>t
withhtild on req11nt If suffldmt rec·
ion " apptrtni.
Ideas Bombard
Us Constantly
Even though I have been askl!d· tt
for more than 20 yean, it never fails
to surprise me that people MOUid want
to tnoW "bow do you come up with•
a different idea to write about · every
This is aln'l®l ! invariably th'e flJ'St
question :str~~.ask when they meet
me, and I'biv.e never found an adequate
reply·tbat would not 1ttm like a rebuke
or a pret!ning of self-satisfaction.
of fads and fan cies, all the weird and
exotic ephemera of a rich, insecure,
bored, hysterical and anxious society.
To separate these pa~ing sensations
from the new concepts that are relevant
for the present and prophetic for the
TUE PLAIN FACT of the matter is future is a far harder job than to · .. ilind .out a column every day nn a that the ·world is teeming with ideal, . dilfet,ent • aubject.. For it is ·distressingly
and never more sO than today. 1btre easy to become captivated by the cot.
an! on my desk · do2:ens of clippings qrful, the novel, the trivial, the vulgarly
and DOtati<m, all of ·them positively assertive, the epiphenomena of our
screaming to be written· about. '1'he real modern malaise. problem is hOw to deal with ,thein" ad~
quately, and how to eocompass them ST: THOMASS DEFINED intelligence
intelllge0uy within a few hundred words. aa ·mainly "the art of separating and
Almost everything we have grown used combining." He meant it consists in
to in the world requires rMumination separating different elements that seem
and revaluaUon today. TbeolQo .la:~·, similaf, and .in combining s i mi I a r
tng almost daily ; psycbOJod i1h Hf\iDg elemeq.ts that seem different. Anybody,
itself by its own bootstraf)!I; Political · .for instance, can harangue indJ8"nantly
economy wm1ld confound both M~ and aboot "law and order"; but it is merely
the classical 'economists; edilClbon. ii sound and fur)'· uruess Uie writer knows
experiencing a revolution; there is Dot bow these two words dlUer, and how
a single area or discipline of human they must · be combined -with the endeavor that is not being questioned, glue of jusUce.
changed, expanded, reshaped, analyzed. What should confound a journalist fu..
and being' extrapolated upon. day is that there is loo much to write
NO ONE HAS TO "think of'' ideas; ·
they bombard us constanUy, at such a rate and volume that the real task
is to sort out the significant ones from
· the' trlllllllent ones. Modem Jile is full
about, and too litUe time and space
in_ which to write it. The temptation
toward over.simplifying is enonnoua, but
it must be resisted as never before,
in this complex and contradictory world
of ours.
Exercising .Our Memory
· About the only exercise some people aet ii 'the exercille of their memory.
But it isn't a bad kind of e~en:ise,
w~n it isn't overdone. It may not build
bulgy muscles, but it does restore tba1
keystooe of bealtlt ~ the mind.
Memory also restorea our self.con-
fidence. For it tells us that if wt havt
weatbeted f,he ordeals of yesterday, we .
probably al!<> can survive the turmoils
of today and even the terrors of tomor-
~ Feel like ·a little exerciae right now?
Well, put on your thinking cap and ·See if YO!J can remember away back
THE ONLY WAY a man could retir.
faifly early in life wa8 to have . 10
ltrapping IOnl una.Vaid ol work. ; Ladies were supposed to noon, «
. grow faint when conf~ by emqen.
cles\ so they carried a amall botUe
of smellinll sallll in their punea -
just to revive them in CDfl·
During the heyday or tit• bobbed·
haired, short-skirted flapper during the
ll20s, glrll wore ltrand• or beadJ long
eflOlJP. lo UJe u a ciothesline or to
jump lope witlt.
Tbe po6lman not onlY knock.O hri<e.
but also deUvered the mall to yoor
home twice 1 day, monUrc •nd eveninp,
and a lirlt-daa letter couJd be malled
for a mere two cents.
W8EN A BOY got I job in a drugaloro
as a soda tqUirt, one of bit bl& moral
problema waa the fact that all t.6e other
kids promptly •IJIOC!ed him to put In,
a dime's worth ot lee crum whtn they
bought a flvMent cone.
II a chlld droppoct to the l1oor In
a acrumlng tantrum, tho lather dlda 't
make a bun1td caJI to a ~chNitrlst
for advice. He mmly got ~ pan . ol
water from the kitchen sink. 'ltid cilmly
duhed It into the Yf,wUnc chlkl"• face,
•nd )be ocreamo promptly "!bsided •
Maybe that's where the expression
"you're all wet" came from.
Animal pets generally ran free, ate
scraps, seldom saw a veterinarian, and
Jived only about two-thirds as long as ll>ey <jo '9<1ay. lllJI who oan tell whether
they enjoyed their lives more or less?
YOU COULD journey about a modern
city for ween on , end and never ace
• picket's sign. '~ a man was sick, he said "I
feel poorly." If he remained home rne'tt1y
because be bad • bad cold, ht could lose ' hl!i job. Nobody had heard of the
"one-day virus," and iI yoo told your
boss you had such an ailment be would
automaUcatly put you down as liar and
a goldbricker.
You eoUkl ten how long a woman
had bee1n_.. married by how worn her
Weddina liand lo\Jked .
Aller ttie frint World War, spiritualism
had a tttmendoos worldwide VOglle and
table-rappili& charlatans reaped foriune.,
fl"Ol?I: Qle gullible people yearning to
CORJ!Dunicate: with the spirits of their fanuly de11d.
, •• Georye--
Dear George :
Every Ume I start golne with
• otW · boy and introdUtt b:lm to
my but !Tien<! he quill daU111
me •od stma aotna out wltb my but !Tlend. Could you toll me
how to become mou popular!
.Deor Sue ' SUE
Have you tried double-dating with your belt enemy?
• •
~eWport _ .. ., ......
' ' • f
.VOL. 62, Ne;>. Jt, 4 SECTIONS, 4o ~,..~ES • , # ., ! . ' '
' . '
. \ .
TEN:~ . , '
< '
State Adfilits ,'se~~et' Dri}litfg :· OK "Wis . '
... 1 t ·i ....i...t-· ~ .;;:J
Erro~ ..
' -, I,
O! .... Dtlll"t 'll•t ~
,.A decision to keep quiet the J:a~.
.z.• approval of 1est drtp.ing a mile off
Newport Beach by a group ol oil firms
was "an administrative eavr," an ex•
ecutive source in the State Divialoo 11(
ipds admitted todax.,
The source. a Southern Califont.la ex·
ecutive of the 'state · Lands Division!
laid that proJ.Cts invOlvlng drilll11g by
ol) firml u "geological exploraUon only'f
~ounty Says
' Land Board • ' Broke Law
Of ltlt 0.llY P'li.t Sllff Oranee County supervi99rs Thursday
charged the state ~ ~Wion
w it b duplicity and said it violated State
13.w in the granting of a pemllt for
an exploratory oil well one mile off
Newpcirt Beach.
S1.1pervisors said the state's Shell-Cun·
ningham Act prohibits offshore oll opera·
lions south of the Santa Ana River
and vowed to seek cow1 action to in-
validate the 1commissioo's permit to the
Shell. Oil Co.
It was disclosed that the commission
had granted the ezploratory permit Jan. z without nolllylng eithor the COW!ly
or Newport Beach of its hlte:ntionll.
county Counsel Adrian Kuyper said
the county could seek an injunction
against the oil explotatklo. anlf could
sue the commialm to compel it to
mcind ils permll lo SheD Oil
'Ille county wW allcl ast !he 1,.;.1aiure
Ir&" a -law lo ,p-· the C,<1!1!111 pd
Ill oitl<I. , ·
'Ille lo~ w1q alli. be "UUd !P
otrengthen-tho penalty ta<. daln'iOI Iii
.... ol either fntenllooil or . aci:idental
spillage of on.
The present maxlmum line o1 ~
1'is ridiculowi" county suPrfvison: sal(l.
They think oU companies sbOOld be re-.
quired to pay actual cost of cleanup
in case of pollution through spillage.
Supervisors said such a law will be
a major aim of the county's legislative
prograni tbiJ year. '
Superv!Jor Alton E. Allen ol Laguna
Beach said he had been informed that
the core drills being made off Newport
Beach were not for wells but just to
detennine the locaUon of oil for slant
drilling from the shore.
* * * :Workers Struggle
.To Plug Second ,
Oil Well Leak
on an offshore oil weU plaUorm struggled
today to contain a fresh le~k that formed
a new slick of crude 011 elg6t mil~
Jong off the Southern California coast
The now of oil from _fissurts lD the
octan bottom WU a fracUlll of ID earlier
leak which spewed men than 230,000
gallons of oil to the surface wberl wiDdl
pushed it onto 30 miles of be~.
Estimates of the rate of flow frun
the new leak varied between itlOt and
1XI gallons daily, depending on whether
a state ollicial or Unlqp Oil Co.
&pokesman was questioned.
Oilworkers today readied a hUP; drum
which they planned to lower" on,,IDP
of . the major portion or u.e.~ leaking
fissures. The leaking oil would be sucked .
up through a hose inserted through the
top of the drum and pumped Into barges
for disposa I.
The process was likened to a "reverse
fuDRel" which would prevent additional
oil escaping on the surface ol the Pacific
where it could pollute more miles of
TugboaiJ dragged a cootraptlon formed
from two IOO-foot loog booml 1a:::
l<!(etber In a V-lhape which would
the slick from the surface, weather
tbe prevailing winds todaJ tended to
push the new slick towards the shore
but the Coast Guard said there were
no ct1nfirmed reports that. the new oil
had contaminated any beaches ~ JtL
Crews were still spreading straw and
chemicals on the sand on both. aides
of Santa Barbara to sop up tbe gummy
mess from the earlier, lJ.daJ leak which
wu t})Ougbt sealed a week qo.
A spokesman for Union OU. which
operates the platlonn ~x miles oil the
coat, aid the new leak wu "residual
oil and gas cmnlni 111! lrom the lorm•
lioo" which WU the_.,. It tho CJr\lloll
Jeat. It wu "eipected to wort ttsdf OU~" aald Ille .,.......
( (
·-'i•. . . are U1U1l1,)' kept secret because cf time implementing U<elr plans approved
~"pnei:il.,poUcy'' '~the :division. Jan. 2.
J'be "'"'''ffin <t "'* cupo .., the Drilling on the first ol the elght pro-
heelt _<t ,. •aoo==='" by' !lie Shdl jects started. Jtn." 3 "off Mallbo. Work .......,.... is conililul11g, end tlli J!o.le iJ ezpected
OU'Coinpaay lhll-tl!e pt6jJosed tMt drW· to be drUled to • deRth <if 1,000 feet: 1,tg.:t:j~'.v..i .cu~.~ ·i· ~"oil T!ie 'Slaie Lands CominlasI6n,'w~ Ne HarbOi· ·will, J>e .:DIWf eight merhberl ai'e \.Controller H o u a J on F.O~ a)origJUU/•9outhern · orni& Flournoy, Lieutenant Governot• •1 E'd
coiiUliie Wiffiiir 'ibe. lhree-mile 1n: Reinecke and State ' Finance Director
t·ernat1onal Unitt ~par Weinberger. approved Uie t'e:st
~ crews 'aboard CUSS...J..was~ no drlllina Jan. J.. .No ·rormal announcement • -'f-t, .... · ~~ .... '~-" i..j <;d~~ •·SJL •i-:·~
of the approval wu llllde. .
That aspect, .a.rnonc others; bu dr1wn
waulll 111"'! Newport Beach ud on.co
County olliclaia
The aouree·fcr the Ul1e qency .llil,
''J'guea "''ll lmd·a lettef oat aoon.'1
· CUSS I wblcli1 will have."abolld 111'
engineer ior:thl·llitil .p.ey, 11 erpacted
lo drill holea off Newport, San Ooolre,
Oceanside, Encinitas and La Jolla. The
Newport projoct Is.~ lo bejin wllllin
' .
' '
thrte Or rOur Weeks. r I
"011 ' ia aqt ' the lmmedfai.° tarc'et 'ol
the ~,.rthe state ~~·''The
cfrilllnc ii '"" -........ ooly, and tlio 11rms bave -.ordend • to p1ur
up tjle , ~ in tho event 1ay oil . or 1u are ·~tei'ed." · • .. ,
l He : add~ I tl\it the .Ole ·state approval.
for .the-exact,location<.ol the dr111illl
will c o m e from the engineer aboard CUSS I. .. ·
' . . '
Sirhan , 'In Trarice'·
Had No Control Over Actfun:· Defense
Saint Who~
St. Valentine's Day, or no, 1ittle John Foster, 2, knows a good Uting
when he sees it. In this case, it was a traditional box of bon hons
meant for his mother. Mom is Mrs. Russell Foster of Costa Mesa.
.Happy· Valentine's Day, Mom.
'El Cajoil's Wilson Selected
Newport· Planning Chief
~ ' Of !tit ~llJ' •li.t Stiff ~./Laurence, Wilson, .f2..year-otd· chief
plan¥.f for E1 Cajon1 C&Uf., today was
a~ _Newport Beach Planning
Dir~.' wllaoii, one-ttme' (19$51 president of
~ Callfornla lils,Utule oC Planners, su~
ceeds Ernest Ma~ Jr·., who lett
Newport for Long Beach last November.
Manied and. the father of two, Wilton
lopped a· field . ol '3 eandidates !or the
pl.tJln\ng job, ~to City Manager
Hahq. ~ wiiO ,.. the •P-pointmenl · · ,. ~
'Ille l 'l" plaoner •1'J milted his realgna•
U/Jn ;In, El' CaJoli tlili mornln&; JI! hl\d
beep !!Ith the cltf.Ence· 1982. ' . Before tb&t, ·u.e ,use public ad-~·Wll grpte wu employed 13,
years .as .-la!e planner ~ tralflc
""8!neS Jn San ~· Hls ~w 1job bas 'a starting salary.
·of ft5,000 ypr4'.1 , His El. Cajon pay
Wai about ll4,tQO,. ' ,
H9iill!n1 nqted that WlltOo had been
recommendeCI by at hr ee ·member
screening board. lls members were Seal
Beach CJty Manager Lee Rlsne;,
Anaheim Personnel Director Roy Heism-r
and Riverside 'pjann1JJg Director Thomas
·N. Brown,· • •·· ·· .. . ·
· "Ht! bal-1 "-ood background and' ex·
oellent1txperlence;'~ iaJd.Hurlburt. ''•od
isjhlllll1J l'Ol!mled,fn ·the ~Ion !or
hii iggfealVeiiea' 'aM'·pfOclucirvity. ·I
think he'll -carry oat wen the pro-grams
we\oe embarked on."
Chief among Uiese proirams,' slid the
city m1iilger~ is M!'wport ·Torridrrow,
the city-citizens' Jong.range goals study.
"I talked to him for two hours about
that." said Hurl burl
Newport Tomorrow, invqlvtn& the do
forts of close to 100 community leaders
and municipal officials. was put i.nto
motion last year by Mayer, at the request
of city ct1uncilmen,
Parsons' Home
H~t by Bm·glar
The· 'home Of Newport Beach Vice
Mayor .Lliidaley Parsons was burglarbed
of. '900 in jewelry 4nd cameras during
a· 1J.d1y span when painters were work·
inf1tMre, P1rsON;reported Thursday. n.' city councihnp told police that
bia Corona de! Mar home was being
paliited, by COlllracton: from Feb. 1 :o
11 -and that he dilcovered the loss cf
a '500 woman's wriStwatch and several
cameras after the painters left.
·The horn~ was not ransacked, police
.said, Tut can1eras were usually kept
in. a clORt M"the home at 186 Shorecllfr
Road. The witch was kept in a dressr r
· MC)vie of JFK Death
Shown at Shaw Trial
·NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The home
J moVie sho'tring the usasslnaUon of P'reai·
dent Jdtn P'. Kennedy was screened
again today 1111; the jury at Clay Shay's
corisplrac)' trial over !utile de.tense ob-
jectk>n& • • ~ '
"There is no reasonable basis for
reshowing this moviY. -it 's simply a
sta le attempt to accentuate a particular
part or evidence:," said defense attorney
."' F. Irvin Dymond. ..., I
LOS ANG~ CAP) -Sirhan Bisbara
Sirban"a defenders c!Olmed tod~y Iha!
al the momenl 5'4-Robert F. Kennedy
was shot, Sirhan "was out of contact
with reality, in a trance in which he
had no voluntary control over his will,
his judgment, his feelings or hls action."
The 24-year-old Jordanian was pictured
as "an immature, emoUonally disturbed
and mentally· ill " youth vt'ho wrote in
a memorandum at the time of the 1961
Key Vote ot1.
Vote Age· ·Dtc0p
' CllAliDmr l.\l') -'Illa r • .._... eon.uiut!Oti' IieYillOii eomnilasiT;;;j
tollty lo reoommend ~ the vollnef .if• lo 11. oti.. r;-t•al!>I\ ... ,_
Bruce w:Siblilt ~'lieidrlli*
a Ue vote. ,
In an initial vote ''" the .-UOn by a show of buds, 11 members!(avored
the motion and· » opposed ll A roll
call vote waa then requested, and the
tally turned out to be : 19-11 tie with
one abstention and 19 abaenteea.
Sumner, with 1 smile, then cast tbe
deciding vote. Alterwmt, be said the
decision coold not be challO!lged and
added, "I'm delighted." · ·
The commisSion Is working on the
third and fhi1l p~ of its rtvflkii
of tile bulky ft4te ·conltitutlon.
The , last 'phase will coVer reco.m-
mendatiooa; on 'such things U the 1'0tijig
"'" 'blgilef iducatiop, llarbor,1, .thl oOlh of offlce· aDd r;ev~ue and tuaUon. '
· Sumnet, . an Or&n1e c:Outliy ~J>erior
Court· Judge, bas said the commt...ion
will have Its recommendatlo!Ll ready
.for presentation to the voters at the
1970 general elef;Uoa. ·
Asked how be ~l the: legis[at_ure
would react to the voting agi' ~m·
mendation, Sumner replied, "I' thinX we
stand a better chance with our recom·
mendation for a change -but it's rather
hard to tell."
Sumner, who coauthored a. stmil:Jr. pto-
posed constittfUcinal amendment when
he was a member of the legislature,
said the close o:ote today wu "q\fll
repre5e0t.aUVe of ·the state's fee.Ung -
which is very cl(ille."
' . '
Embezzler ·Draws
Six-month Term --'
In County Jail
Convicted embezzler John Wilks today
was sentenced to six m,onths In Etringe
County Jail when a Superior Court !tJdge
rejected evidence which Wllka claimed
woul~ nulWy the earlier verdlcl ol ,Wlty.
. The, n-;yelr-old '~ 1 del Mar· man
was aloo jllaeed on !Iva yeara prollOUon ·
by Jud.,··~ K. McMillan "hf'• brief
court ·apPoflDCf!. · . ·
11<.lecled :liy .the Jude• .were Uncalled
cliecu. and bonlt rec<inll wblcl! proved,
Wllkl aatd,. that he did nol lildl an
esllmated ' !40,ooo tO f'I0,000 from tM
estate ol 1 Puadena.woman. · ( '
Wilk• was found aufUy ol liJO charges
last Dec. l~ lollowi!ll· his KCOnd trial
on the embezzlement count.
Wilks @.nd bis wUe, ~I. M., both
of 3200, OCeatt Blvd!, ftte Indicted by · · . • i -Oie Gtarid·J~· In ·M1r. 1111. Cbargci
GNP R. t R I ·or,eonal>Iruy ~&rand t1Mo1r-1 .... NEW YORK (AP) -,The stock market ISeS , .0 eCOlf~ 1lie 0couplo'1·illefed ~"mlloo <ti 'fund>
showed an lrregalar 11&tlern at the close WASHING TON (UPi) • -The ~ from the estate. ol Mrs. H8*1 "'Gronl
Friday. (S.. ~uotlittom, P..., 10-11). national prodllcl, 1116 JoWrnmont's iii--King, Or P~dena, te thel;~""'n":'
Blue cbqlo •-o+ed aollll lo give dlcator or !lie Mt!>ul' <t goo4a "4 ' I( ~u -·tl;iat Ml'I:. Wllbl ob-
tllo·Dow J.,,..1Jld¥ltrlll •'"!•. amall aervicea, ..... lo • "9ord ... , b(]b -thi ........... (j) ~'Kini
rile <t .GI al IU.'11 a hall hour btlin ' Jn 11161 the Commitce. n.n....-.t lhl'lulll' hlfr' actMloi lr~~to tPie Gnll Id. ' ~ reparted1·tadlJ. ~~-\ ....... ~ .~ : ·~11.
.. : " ,; ' . ' lf I11~1;. ,; l4.i t>j .. .. . .. '
' (
Dean of .OCC
Vetoes SDS ·
"A .proval'
>. • A ~ l!'Ol!I' ti _.., """' to ' • lonn a stUdenll for a ~alk: llitlety
(~) chapter ....:i W"'" c-t· ~ ~~-b)i~ ... -1 ,\I 1'wco to brifl]y I SD8 ..
·a· ~~ ~anliltlon wu . vetOed by
"' Dean o!'sludent Activities Joo!ph Kroll. rh a ...tno to· Porco and llludents
· ieeklng lo !Omi SDS, Kroll wrote'
APPOi°NTID TO JCJ l!Olltl.11" o .. , .. R..W. ·~· t " ·· ~ ~r~ . ~ . :' 'I.' .• t · ' . . ~ ......
R~da Appo~t~d
.To OCC's Board . . ~
ToFillOufTenn .. '
George RoddA Jr.' of ·Go~:dei.·Mar
was appointed Thund1y night to serve
out' tbe last four aQd one-ball moathl
of an une.xplred term on the Or'a.nge
Coul-Junior Coller• Dlatrlct boanf ol
trustees.. '
Re succeeds J. O'Hara · SmHli who
le&mea earlier tlUs •eek be liad ncited
tbP. J>ciard .eat ·by lnadvertentfy'niovJn1
juJI beyond · tlie Junior college 'dlitrlcl
bOundary. ' · '
.,,. Rodda'•. appointinent is tiritll :Jllne ):)
when the board seat expires. However,
he said he will file Immediately to ·run
lof reelection Aprll II.
Rodda, 38, of 941 Goldenrod Ave.,
Corona de\ Mar, sald.QflUs appointment:
''.The opport~Ues to serve are ""' tremendous, not only in an area of
need but. in °"' 9' changjng IOCia1 and
economic lhou1bL I'm klokfn& forward
·to It." ,
At a 1pecial·meetin&· Thuraday ·niaht,
the remaining four , board;· memben!
,aelected .-..· ltGm a lleld· <t ,....
candldatos 10< the. Nftport 'llelch·area
Mat. ' .~
' ·Ono ... ··-appileul; bul:Rodda and five othtn Wtn carrmap ~
dldai. .from a _.•appointment
:lut Jqly.j'lilll·il,.,... ·lln\Kh WU -
to ~ Walter, 1-; · wbo
Board President Worth K-· aald be
could bot rtleue. ·the~ iwpa.J fll1 the
other candldatos. · _
"W!ie!t -"are """)'••• will>\"-lt Who 'ioibri\ft-u;1 .. ;i.h;;."!.and l ... ~
!."~ •. u !! ' • ' ~... .ol, 'ep>· UU"l' ........... t ... 'IN! ,Ujcf "') • • • • . . .•
· 11Piiiiiitk1c1 tiiat, Snii!A , anc1 'l!bcld'
wtte" almoet,,~ · ~v,,. f'i <JUnl o1 t'hir:a Hean 1fait almlutt. · •
·11· tt ·~r
, ~-~li:22LW
lllio 1Ar!"W hai·*'1icl
'"• !is.i~-Sl 'I l ,1 1oa T\.--T-\l -f1'i;1~ . · .J 1.1
~ , r • -'. '
"Ti iS. ·'my understanding' tbat 'Al Porco
acting Jn his capacity. aa pi'eakleot ol
the Msoclated Sludenll bu given his
approval of tbe-Students !or a
Democratic Society to become 1n officlal
Orange Coast ~e org~.
Acllni Jn.my ca~ly a -<t t acllvltlel! I hereliY nto Ille· ill
the UIQclated student tiqdf president.'
"Tblt declllon may be appealed to
the pm4ient ol the ""'1qe." .
In ........ vfnl, sos ,,,,__,l)ad. 'iclid
In dell1!,; ol t» ~~wtdo!b
bad\ flJnied down -a SiJS' appw Ii tO
4. nie. appeal waa from an earlter 2S
to I vote of diaapproval .by tbe,Jnter..club
Council. ' '
Pifl'co said by ru1ihg ol 'the student
judiC£al boMd he was empowered. to
act in absence of a student cOuDcfl
Election o[ a new council for tbe
spring semester wu inv~ted· ht a
vote last month . because of ballot ·lblf·
ting. A new student C®ncil. will be
dected in balloling nut Wedneldly and
SA . Marine sergeant
Killed in Viemam i A Mart... Corpo llil!or1 :aeraunt
from San(a Ana bot· --tilled la Vietnam combat, the llelense Depart·
ment said 'l'hunday, llotiul lllm .....,
29 other battle casUlltles~
He was Gy/Sgt: W,allace C. BerJ·
1trom, who Jeavt1 lifa wtfe, Carol,· of
le20 W. Ninth St., Santa Ana.
f~, f'!t"'714·~~ ~ .
Mafia Chief~tain G ·no · ese.--l)ies
2 IWl.V PllDT H ' .
" ' F~ture':rau -:1:[~~rl4 ~.i t~~~~rci~,.P~n
SPRlNGFIELD, Mo. (UPl) -Vito I ~ ......... ft ..... _,.,, ...... MMr:ll*tlll ..... •1't••f@.... :~ . ... ' ' j ....
0..01111,.tllt major underworld l1gur< all 1118'~=~~ -Jul Ganlen. lo U. S. Dillrk:t CGurl to New York In 1tll0 uDilld Stala and reputed leader !lllht lo Wblll'tif 'came · Genov.,. eorved· lbe earfJ yan ol ' atooc wUb 11 -.· lridlctld lo u
ol the Malla, died lo his -llleop lodJy In," Cl-aald. , . -his --II the federal pentteotiary lntemattotuol nmo11cs 1111ugllng rmg.
lo a ledoral l'flaot>. He wu 71. (Related Geno!lll II ~ lo haw ""1Vtlled In Allanta, but llU aJI members or He wu fJned "1,000 and eenltnced to
1tory, P.,. t) the.ll0lol1oul ApilJacht'1, II. Y.111aelln( lbe Malta wu. llhllled ~ within II ywa without (lnlbaUoo. --.·cllod ol---bml· ol lilalla-. Nov. lf.'111'1, to lbe I-iirlooa·~ lo prlftDI ·c..iov ... and~"Jeny"C&-.
fallun al Ille moclltoJ ceter· I« lederil •-be ·wu tatina oftr lbe Cola him Mlm bod!dt"' a-_-. '" improper actMllea In labor or
1"lldna'I, w11ere· be wu received Jan. Noitra. · · · • • • SUD, ~ w .. aald lo have maJn. maoagement ,.ported Genoveee bad
311. He wu aerv!ni a !$.year nar<otlcs He II aJlqed to have oibeeqJIOllUy talned -ol his New York division amwed a fortune of 1311 million. A
smaaih>I eenteiice. ordered tbe WllUCCea!uI murder. aUempt -called a "Coeta .Nostra lamlly" -federal prisoner may conaerve his
llr .. P. J; Ciccone, ·-. aald on Frank Costello, '1nce ~·and and the enttn Ofll~tlon !tom beblnd forlune or put tt ·tn lrull ......... his Genoolt•e waa Vanaefmd to U. medical the · tnµng of &yndiclte aei:vuoner pr\son bars. . ..... ..,.
-"""' tbe federal , .prison at Al~ ~ Iii a New.':Vork City -· c.u.d "ldng ol the mcmeraUon. Lea,.warlll, xan., hocaale of a dm>nle barber lhop. · racketeers" by fonner Gov. 'rhomu E. Valachl, now In La Tuna, Tu., Prlaon, bou't eoOdltlao but wu not COlllldered Costello, CCl!>lldered as "In retl.-t" Dewey ol New York, succeeded Charla turned Informer after ldlllilg a fellow aerloUotlr lD -~. since Ille •NKCHBI ~ Cll his "Luc111" ~ whe WU deported lo inmate at lbe ,.al penitentiary in
A dauabter • .a ICID , and. a brother, life, maintains an ~~la·~ 1 bis naUve Ualy after lel'Ving time for Atlanta hi llll Valacbl Aid tbe man
who ..mm ·~ ~y, were with tan and a <OOntry bome an Loel llllnd. wblte ·111""1-campulaor]I' proeUtuUoo. bad been deoliJ!lted by Geooveae to bJm wtim be ill4'iL • · Ht oceoolmally .alfenda prlle flPla and ~ wu ..twed April 11, 11161, llllJ bJm. ..
~ . ..
El Toro Expansion Fl~ye~
. . -
' Laguna Group Opposes Commercial U1e -of Airpoi;t
. ' . ' . ... ' .
The Hilltop Homeownera Association, ptOCreU. • ,P~ oppjil.ition . to the extension of
which represents 400 Laguna Beach 'Let'• face lt, tbe average homeowner Canyon/:.~cra Dr1ve to Alta Laguna
residenta. has gone on record oppoeing tuma over hit home eTf!tY three )'WI, Boulevard. . .S.~ ' ,
aey upanaion of El Toro Marine Air what lffil be ear II :tun !rem llOIY Tbe group o!'P""ed the inove becads•
StaUon for commercial aircraft use. if we do or don't locate in El Tot~." it claimed tr~ 1!0Ukl tncreaae in. the . be said. . • area ol the two community llCboola. Jn dolng so, the auoclation jomed Tbe bomeownen have previously pr~ 0 we wuil to avotd .., accideqta at
with Ille Miaalon Viejo Homeowners leltecl lo El. Tero'• COllUIWlder about our acbllola,';'Mfa. FrlOI Aid.
and Leisure World realdenls in.,Jll'O!O•Unc aln:raft ni>IM and the aumw · ol .low She uid allD tbal aey -ol
ony Jiropoaed dvtlian devalopmi!nt of l'1lnl p1anu, the rood lbotald be clone at land
the mllltary base. A report polntlnc oul the lnfe..iblllty devalopen' -Ind not th e
Tbe auociation's action was prompted of the El Toro slte for clvllian jet established raldentl'.
by a recenUy publlMed lntu\>iew wllb UH 11 now beiq written, Mn. Ray 11A builder lhoukf baDd It u be goes
orange County AvlaUon Director lloberl FM. UllciaUon spokeswoman said. a1..., "' ,.. don't get IOCked with a J. Bre8{'1ahan. Wbrn compl~ted, the atudy by moclatioa bond for lt,'' abe said. ·
The outspoken Administrator said El members will be preaented to the City Notlftcatke of the lllOclation'• oe:rt
Toro was the "moat logical'' site for of Lquna. Belch. . meeting will be by ma.Ued. ami.ouncement,
future airport development. In other action, the associaUon e1-Mrs. Jl'riez llid.
"After all, It ls our property on the
top of this hill that would be immediately
affected by any more planea going
overhead," ASIOciation P r e a Id t a t
Edward Glotfelty aald, during the IUl>Ci·
ation'1 quan·erly !lleeting.
Bresnahan bad commented on the fn.
creaam,..?equtrementl of the county for
airport apace and noted, "you can't atop
'Bonnie, Clyde'
Mesan Guilty. in As~,ault
On Laguna Officer:S Wife
, ~·i,r .. ..., _ ..... '""t'"' f:~~-!Jrok~n U)>
;Slaarp Loa,..t 1 , 7-,,, • -1;-1' By J~il Terms ·"
A COiia Meu coot erlslnaJly -
of kldnaplng Ind _..., • Laamia
Bwll pollre>an'• wife baa. pleaded
IUilty In Superior Court to uaault with
a deadl1 weapon.
JIJdCe lloberl Gardner enlered Morvln
Carter, a, fran her home at 533 Victoria
SL, Cool& II~ lo his own hQme. He
Wll• earll .. ac:cuJed ol attacking Mra.
> carter after clraiging her Into his
. • Offlcen who rai:ed to the acene Were held off for nKire than an hour at
gunpoint before the cook r in a 11 y
surrendered. .Bactwanls bench lnslalled for bul stop al 17th street and Iri!ne•
Avenue, Costa Mesa, causes constenuatlon among u1en such as .,
Newport Harbor High School student& Cl!eryl Whetstine, Sue Mc-
Wain and Luc'ky Delaney (from left) wb!) demonstrate pooaible pos:'
tunis. City of Costa Meaa has installed 20 of them backwards, keep-
ing bus pa.,engers out of street and m!Dl-skJrt.allf"cted motorists'
eyeo oo the road. -' .
Final diuolutJon of Costa Mesa's "Bon-
nie and CJyde'' )>artnershjp has been
carried out In Superior Court with the
sentencing of Carol Crist on armed ro~
bery charges.
E. Aloundtt, :II, of l70D Petmon Way,
lo ,.tum to court for probotlon heorlng
and sentencing on March 13. He faces
a poss.Ible sentence or I to 10 years
in state prison.
Alexander was arrested after hia alleg-
ed abduction last Jan. 4 or Mra. Diane
Officers said Aln:IDder at.ruck Mrs.
Carter, the wife of 'Laguna Beach police
officer Kenneth Carter, with the barrel
cf his gun and choked 1 neighbor who
had been staying with the officer'• wife.
a a 22
Won't Seek
Board Seat
"Grandma Is IU!ng her bonnet out
ol tile ring."
Thal is helY Mn. Mildred Maihtw1
19day annoupct!l ll!e la wttbdrm.., !ri.n
the Newport,Meu llCheol board r~e.
Eatller shi had flied to oppoee lloard
member ·Roderick MacMlllian, who is
running for reelection April 15.
"I appreciate the «m.fidence my
friends placed in me asking me to run,
and I thank them,'' Mri. Mathews said.
1'Circumstance1 have come up that will
make ii lmpimible to gi•e the lime
lo do the job properly ii I'm elected."
Mn. Mathews, so, of 22:20 Pacific Ave .•
Costa Mesa, observed, ••Tbe-job of being
an the school board la a bani one
and a long one and tho8e on the present
one are to be commended.
"I will carry on in ! the background
and help wherever I earl," she said.
Mn. Mathews had been ur&ed to run
by members of the diltrict'1 non-teaching
school employes association. Retired
now, she formerly was transportation .
supervisor for the old Costa Mfsa Union
Elementary School District. Twenty·three
years earlier she was the first Jady
bus driver Jn Orange County.
From Page 1
eight years on the junior college dlslricl
Cidun1' Advisory Committee.
Rodda has been acUve in community
affairs. He has been president of Iha
Newport Beach United Fund and of
Orange Coast YMC.A'a Ye>uth for Christ.
He has been -secretary of the Orange
County Council of United Connnanity
Funds and Agencies, secretary of the
Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club, and
historian of the Newport Har b o r
Chamber er Commerce.
Jn 11182 he was finance chairman of
the Orange County Republican Party's
United Finance Coommittee and he is
c~founder of the Lincoln Club. He is
currenUy secretary of the Orange County
Council of YMCA.
Rodda h• a taught .industrial relations,
personnel admizli!lratiOn ~ public rela-
tions at tfsc wheie ~ received a
muter'• in education: His master'•
thesis was on drop outs from Paaadena
Junior College, which he previously at-
He served in the U.S. Navy from
1954 to 1956 and organized the Atomic,
lliological and Chemical School al Mare
Island Naval B~ in Vallejo.
Rodda and hi$ Wife, Madge, have three
daughters. One of them, Susan, is a
part-time student at OCC.
• 4
·Red Troops Near · Saigon
Bombed by U.S. B52s
Rejecting a plea for probation, Judge
Robert Gardner ordered Mra. Crist, 25,
of 441 Newport Blvd .• to serve oot ·1en
than five yus in the Frontera Priaon
for Women.
"And I hope that you will use . your
time there to some good purpose and
take advantage of this opportunity for
rehlbilitation,'' he told the allm, dark~
haired haJI oj tbe bandit duo.
-Bonnie's husband, Eugene Albert Crlst
29, i1 -lly sezylng an I~
sentence In the stale'• Cbino prtaon.
( '
' ,: .. . ,.
.. •
l ·
From Wln!Senlcet
SAIGON -In tbe heavies! bombing
of 1111, U.S. B5la dropped Z.5 million
paund& of bomhe Cll poeltlona ol .....
tG,000 Cotnmunlst troops !hreatenlng
Saipl, mllltary spokesmen aald lodJy.
'!be bombing tbe put ta boun struck u .-ilia llnlngbolda Ill tr.U. leading
lo lbe capllal wbere American and allied
troops have been mobilized to meet a
Communllt oUeaslve In the aurroundlng
11 prwhw.
Cw•;••Mt fortel ln South Vietnam
ltMrt N. w .. 1
f'..alftitt •<Ml l'vltllllltr
Jo1cli: l. C•rley
Vice rnaidenl '"'Gaw•• M•'lf~•
1h•111•• Kttvil
llfilef" Tfi,,.,,, ,_, M,r,hi11t ---J.,.-F. c.ru... '•111 N•n•• ,,,.._. h.C" M>ft'rlll l ...
Clh' lfltw Olt~ ..,... .... OHie ..
JJ 11 W11t l•ll~" 111111.,1'4
Mail .. U."'' P.O. In 1111, t26ll --a.e. ... I• W..t ~ ..... ............ 1122,_d,. ........
llll:idt: ....... di -Jn! .....
are scheduJed to open a week-long ewe.
fire Sa~ay mornioc in observance of
the Tet lunar new yr.ar bolklaya. ln-
formed South Vietnamese government
sources . said the allles probably . wtn
call a 34 to ta-boor truce. But the
Communists used last year's Tet for
the.ir greatest naUonwlde o f f e n 1 I v e
qalnat e!d., and allied lni.tllgence 11ld
they are planning to try again this
bollday ........
'!be Viet Cong's military command
lodJy onlered !Is tn>ope and gumiUu ,
In the lunar .new ,..,. llarllpc Monday
to "launch .... almulteneoul atlaCb,
-mllltary -Oii aJI frotlls, kill alD poclflcatlon teams, and liquidate
the crlmlnala and lralton that make
up the puppet regime."
CableVision Men
Win 'Solicit' OK
Four representaUvu of New po r t
Cablevision have won e!ty apJ!<OVal lo
solicit subacripllon.s door-Jo.door !or the
newly lnllalled i.levlllon cable aervlce
In Newport Beach.
Tbe council apprcmd Ille eollcillng,
but -the llrlct reptallaal -Ing Ille adMly, Including flngsprlntlac
and .-. clearance by the pollce
'!be r.... aalellnen are OU-'lllayer,
-FOiier, William l\lbb ud Donald Anold.
Winds, Tides, Rain
Lash Coast of Texas
BAYTOWN, Tu. (UPI) -Hurrlcaee-
IO<Ce windl, 11-locb rains and JllQllllroo.o
,.., -the wont l1nct Hurrlcatit Clrta
-punlllhod tbe Te.tu Gull Coell lodJy.
One -.... dead and -othen mJ11111. M<n thao toll were """"lela
Tbe . -dilmped. out ol tilt Ny In Ille' CGrpua ChrlaU area, a part of
the COUI hit bani by Carta In 1111
He waa sentenced three weeks ago. ·
The Crisis pleaded guUty to the an!led
robbery last December of the Rojoal
Crest Lounge, 1700 Placentia Ave. 'Ibey
burst Into the bar wielding a sawed-off
sbolgun, tied up the bar owner and
took $200. I
From Page 1
recognizes that a defendlllt may be
tegolly aane yet nol !uIIJ responalhla
for his acilons.
Berman said Sirhan bought tbe death
gun six months before the June 5
..,...lnalilln or Kennocly to UJt !or sport
and fobnd that shooting "gave him a
atrange sense of release."
Berman 11id Sirhan "admired and
loved" KeMedy.
"Then came another ahot," Berman
said. "In early June of 1981 Sen. ICen·
nedy ... said In essence that U he Were
President that be would eend IO Phantom
jell to tvael.
"That did ill"
Berman Aid "Sirhan will ttil you
himeell !rem this wlloess aland tbal
be never tbougbt he ever woold kill
K.....i, but C;at tbrouch bl1 myaUc
mind JMIWtl' be could fant11IM about
lt and relieve that feelinl of empt1nea
lukle blm."
"We have told you lbat from the
lllgiJ\nlnc that be did le fact fire ti:e
allot that killed Sen. Kennedy,'' Berman
''The killing .... unplanned and ...
deUberate. lmpulltve and w I t h 011 t
premeditation or malice, totally a pro-
duct ol a sick, dlaeuesd mind and
"At tbe actual motntnt of lhoollng
he was out ot contact with rullty,
in a tranct In wbic.b be had no volunLary
coolrol nver his will, bla Judplen4 his
r.ellnp cc bla acUoo."
Berman 111d lbe dtfenae wUI back
up bis argu-1" ''lill'aqh ltUl men
In the fielct of poyohlatry " Pl)'Cbolosy,
by l<oll that 1'111 the gamut of h)'llllOlil,
interviews and known and accepted
prycbologlcal tfllt.I."
\; \
1727 Weotcllff I><~ 642.2050 ........ , .,.,,
' Prof-..! lnlor
°""'*'· Anllollle AID-NSID
LAGUNA llACH :au North c.-Hwy. ...... ,..,.,, _,.--.. -~-·· ..
494 6551
Boar d· in-P-iµJblo ll@u,ry . .
' .,.
' Inspects . SiS't,er .,Spy ·Ship
CORONADO (UP I) -. The Kor<a Jan. Iii, 1168, ollk<r -nolhlog good ,
five ldmlrala CODductlng 'Ille subject of secood 1'-t nolhinc ,bsd." He said he had
loqulry . Into Ille c1ptun of of the u,, ... p11ase bearilJc. oerved ur.der Harris only 1Jl
tho USS ~o made a bar-•'--' dlJ's llld wasn't quslilled to tie¢ lrlp to • Virginia today Bucber UNI 'f'"'e Pueblo evaluate.him.
to iillpecl IDOlbu Navy In· • ll'llist.ed IJllO testified In an Bucber'.s hour of .testimony
tolllpnce lhlp. -_..,, TjlUtsdlJ' Which ~-covered 1 e v er a J T1ie admlr ... 'new• lo IJtUe induc!I! favlX'abk words for polall . on which tllt court er.et, YL, lo klilr die USS Lt. Stojlbm' !WN,' SI, Who 1011Cb1 cltrlflcatlon. ' J>.U. Belch -a -i' lll&l!t· ru the _,...,. enter o1 c'onfloatOd wltb atai......ts
11, Iarcer liwl the Puoblo. It ·the ~ • by· SillPalman w..u Leach,
.-the :; of Cb lo I • C •·~caUOl)I :M, O('liOUitGft tbaf ,tie nevtt ~llUcated • e' ..... Tadmlclia J-1'. Ktll, n ., '"'"tho Pueblo 111cnaJ the
the ·eapitred ~ "" ol HIJ'Ward. CaUI., retreated Koreaos lt wia In International equIJ>POd with. . from his , eorller atalemel\I waten, Buclier • uld Leach
Patblo ~ i.J?Yd · M. !bat be 6rderllL destruction -Dnllt be "conllPod " Bpd>e!' 11u any enUUod ol oecnl ~Whan Har-Be said the ~ ...,. to niate the p, bul be ri4 WJed fO do ·ao. ..ip.w flag Iba
declW The admlrala will Btlumlil lo eourt'in"what 'Piil/liO waaby iJo tile ., ... 1..:.
........ io Coronado Saturd1y tile, Navy .coiled a ·voluntar1 .. Uc! alaci tliat ft w~qifod ~· '_....., K~ ·slid be In a scitnt(ltc reowch. Laaeh I
A Navy 1potesman said the ,dllcuaed the !1f*r Wl~ Har-. 'hu 'aaSd ~ WU tlPIW'art of third phue or the hearing rta, i.ij lla!r11 tolcl him no botb 111pa1s • .
-.111e «<1w o1 the Pueblo """'lli4 been r:cetvec1.~m ~ ai.c\' •aid be bsd Ex•.l~-Ocean floor crew In Narth Korea _ DllY Buchel' on whit W'll ... 1om1 ~ ocCuional ~ Ith h1s . :r ":-:D'
Ul"I T...,,..,.
wUI test man 's ability to live and work under water
for two months. Sealab's support ship is in the
Two Israeli·
Jets .Strike : • • ' .. .
Arab Post
. By Tiie -late.I P!en
'l\oo !SrlOll jel ~ler•
struck I IUSpected Arlb guer-
rilla poel:et Inside Jordan to-
~ay. the I1ratl11 army 1rt-
Jaraeli ground troope backed
up tbl ~minute air assault
with llrlna scrou the border,
A spolta1Dan said tile guer-
rillu at tbe Qatef oul:poi!t,
inlide Jcrdan. just 90Uth ol
the Seo of Gllllee, had fired
bazookas ind small anm At
an army patrol.
~ laraeli patrol came
under li~t fire as it· moved . down a street Thursday night
In the OCOJpied town ol
Hebron, South of Jeio.salem.
The patrol returned the fire. ~~~ ~~~~~~ to~4to~~~~ on_ .. secoDd In .Cofl'IUlAnd~· ~t . Sealab III H~bitat is towed intO"position off San
bee llllCtiOdWed .lo start '111Un-hla •l!ll.tnlUaUve. Orclm:from . Edward R. ~urpby, St, of Clement.e lslaoct Tllursday ready for at~climent of
dii, liut .!lie idmirall still the bridge to.begin ctUtroying> .San Diego. However. be !ieilled ' the lll!lbilicals prior to mai;ing a ~foot dive to the
were sorting conflicting testl-secret papers and machines i CfueStion .~the court th~~ ocean floor 'thi s weekend . Five teams of aquanauts
mony about the Puel;do's cap-came two minutu later. h~ had a personality clash -"'°'--,-----------------------------------
ture. Kell al8o '1ritbdrew his judg-with Murphy: ,
The army 1ajd' tbere were
no Israeli Casualties in eithel"
Seizure of the ship by North ment of Harris u "an average Bucher said Murphy s di!-
. ferent "l"'rience In t h e Pope Talks Hidden Pay Ra~~s Bared_
I.srael'a second It r g e 1 i
poliUcal group, the Gshal par-
ty, voted early tqday ·tp "'
ma.in in the cqalitiOD aovem:-
'""nt beaded by Premier Le.,f
Eahl<ol, udlnf( three days ol
pollticaJ uacertalnty. :
service and his lack of
Jail · d 'Ra • ' F eed previous sea duty affected e p1st r ~~:~p~~·i.1:~~~ With.Prague
and Aid thlir relationship WASHINGTON (UPI} -who were not even mentioned Congress. Tbtir pay level& bad
As D obi U d wu '"not ~al" VATICAN CITY (AP) -The lal:payen, 1t seems, have in the pay raise order left previously been held to amax-0 . e ricovere havn: ~iz:...::..:tto ~~ Pope Paul VI disclosed today a bigger heart than aoyon< by fonner President Lyndon imum or $28,000 a year. That
the sbip from the engine room that the Vatican and suspected. Not only did B. Johnaon. "lid,. now goes to $30,239 a CUPID GOES , . PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -
A man sent to prison three
yean ago {or the l'ape or
a University of Pennsylvania
professor's wlfe was freed
Thuriday after his double,
serving a term for another
rape, confessed the crime.
A chance encounter between when it wu under attack, CzechoJJovakia's government members ,of Congress and But their raises -ranging year because or the raises
Conyers and Ragan'i relatives as suggested by one member have opened negotiations to other top federal officials. get from $14 to $2,239 a year at the top of the line. l;
at a police station heanng· of the court. This would have improve rtlaUons between the a $21.S million Valentlne's pay -were assured when the big The Johnson pay order, . ; CUT RATE
enabled. Bucher w get his Roman Catbolic Church and pay bike package became ef-iSSlled Jon.· 15, could have VIROQUA, Wis. (UPI) ~· on another matter in helmsman under cover from the Communl8t regtme in ·pay ralat today, but another feeUve because their salaries been vetoed by either house Valentine's Day "'1t: Mam"
Dtcembtr, 1H7, led to .reopen-Koiean gunfire. Prague. group of goveriiJnent workers are tied to executive branch or Congress In the following age licemes, half price.. .•
ing of the c"aSe:. He· Mted the Pueblo suf-The pontiff made l h e also bas gone along for the pay levels. 30 days. The Senate, in effect, Vernon County Clerk Jtocer
The relatives thought Con-fered 60 breakdowns. of its dilclosure in a special au-ride.· The civil servM:e workers voled to approve the ralJes Novy aald be was "bowtnc to
Dist. Atty. Arlen Specter
said the conviction and sen-
tencing of Gordan J. Ragan ,
22, was a "fantastic case of
mistaken identity.''
steering apparatus on l t 1 di~ for more than l,000 The '1hidden" pay raise! ...:. lnvol'Ved Include staff dirtc· by rejecting a· veto resolution. public daancis" ~ 1"Uld
yers was Ragan and they jourqey from San Diego to Roman catholics who came amounUilg-to another: $2 tors of House and Senate' com-Th~ Hou.st avoided the 1ssue i!Slle mmiage Uc ... f o r-
walked over to h'.im and asked Yokosuka, Japan. before its here on a. re~giowi pil1rimi!ge million a year -went to mittees to a handful Of other and never went on record with $2.25 instead of the_~tA.st:
what he was doing out of North Korea mission. from Czechoslovakia. 1,100 top civii service workers sub-<:hiefs · who work for a vote. today.. ~ jail . Conyers didn't know who _::.:::.;::..::.:::.:::..::::=::::.::_ __ _:;:=:_:;:.:::;:.::.:...::.:::.::_ ___ :_:__:_ ____ _.._ _______________________ :_ ______ _
Judge Alexander F.
Barbieri, who adjudged Ragan
guilty Jn a· trial without jury
April 29, 1966, said in freedlng
him: "It's a pity. I wish I
could undo it."
Specter said the
resemblance between Ragan
and Fred A. Conyen, aiJo
22, serving a two to 10-year
term 1n another rape, was
ao striking even Ragan's
relatives were unable to tell
the difference.
Blast Rips
Montreal and Canadian stock
exchanges were closed today
they were or what they were
talking about
The relatives sought an at-
torney who made a new in-
vestigation, interviewed
Ragan and· Conyers, and
presented the facts to Specter.
The victim of the rape,
now living in Van Nuya:, Calif.,
was flown here last week,
confronted ~gan and Con-
yttS, but couldn't tell the dif.
But Specter said Conyer's
confessiol)S described i n
details IS specific points of
the. crime which only the guilty person would know. He
said Conyen also toot a lie
detector test which indicated
tie was tellin1 the truth in
hi s confession.
JET ·~
; ·.~
after a .time bomb ~ked At the January meeting of the the tradmg floor and injured Airport Commission It wu re-
27 persons. . vealed that plans are underway
The blast Thursday ripped to modify the interior of the
open walls. ceilings and .win-terminal build · additional rut
dows, showering 300 persons rooms, ~nbrge the aift shop,
on the ~r and 50 persons add a sna~t Shop, add fencing
In the vis1ton gallery with and modify the ierminal bulld·
debris and shattered glass. Ing itself!
Fi\'e of the injured received Jane Hez:berg, a suffering
serious cuts and were kept Newporter, wonders -since the
in the hospital. airport is sai~ to be operatinJ!:
Several minutes before the at a SOo/o deficit -where will
ez:plosion, which o c c u r r e d the money come from for this
about 40 minutes before the further expansion.
3 p.m. closing, police received We wondi!r too. All of the ez:-
an anonymous tip that an ex· perts, all of the reporta say
ploaive devlcti" bad b e e n "We must move 1he airport to
planted Jn the 47..tory building • 1 ... pupulated area" ... now
houainl the exchange on vtc-10 more airlina have appUeci to
torla Square, in the heart of uae the Orange County facility
the finandal district. · : • and the ~ion ls plan-
Jt was the third ez:p10lioo Dl1\I' to ez:pand.
in Montreal this week and * * * the ei&hth thla year. During ·
similar incidents several years Since our first colwnn last" ~go, separatist lfOUPI lffkln& week we are already recei ving
the secession of Quebec from letteri or en~age~ent-and
Canada usually scrawled the with some mtereatrnc com-
letters of their organization ments. . .
At the site, but there have Maurine C. Miller wrlles, "So ~n no sucb clues lhil year, &lad you a.re pu~ing this mauer. We hved 2 miles North
ol LA JntemaUonal a years ago
P h d llld no one ,.allm bow bad It Hunt us e la unW they """ bsd to ... counter the situation person-
ally. We simply had to move.
For Bomber II larfle jets are allowed Into
thls area, your homes wUI
really deprecilte. The large NELLIS AFB, Nev. (UPI ) h«na will be wortbl,.s, Many
_ '11ie oean:b for Ille crub ti our friends who lived tn
s t t e of an F111A llg!lter-Pl17a del Illy almpl)' loot their
bomber and ill two pllotl iDVfllbnenL"
resumed at dawn today when * * * 16 Air Force jet.I begin
1weeplna a twCHtate are1. Talk to any of the people-
'11ie 111 millloa jet !ailed to u we hav,,_,.bo once lived In
refuin Wednesday from I low· the ll'e8 around LA Intema·
level training mission during lional a~ YOU will get some
which the pilots were to avoid frightening responses.
be.ing seen. A dayloag .earch ._ * •
over areas of Nevada and
Utah Thursday failed lo locate lt'1 not' too late. '!e can stm
the plane flop further expanmon tf wt
Both pilots were decorated band toðtt. Want to Join In'
of V. ••• Ith IOO Stop by ""' beadquarlel'I Uj> veterans . . iewuom " stain at 481 East 11th St. (at -bat mlJSIOll•. The pilot of Imne) In Coat& Mesa. We need
the swbl1·winl aircraft "11 volunteers we need contrlbu.
Capt. William D. Fuchlow. 30, dons ... M need you !
Ve.nlura Calif. Copilot wa1
~ -·-
' ' '
ue·· • • Miich Ille• f11ture1 apln1~ whli CO!ll,.lltlon ll•H you for the ume klntl et Money,
end 1ou'll .... • better ltl• why "'°" people ere llaytn1 Clltvrolets 1pln this '"'·
lullt.fn "IUllrd r1ll1"
There'• a 1trong 1teel beam built into
every door of every 1969 Caprice, Impala,
&I Air, Biacayne, Kingawood E1tate
Wason, Kincswood, Townsman and
We call it a Bide guard beam, and it
loou like one of thoae guard railo you see
along the freeway,
That'• what it's there for: To guard
you. To 1trengtb1n the door and put a
moN aolid wall bttween you and tne
oui.ide world.
Not a 1Iamorou.o feature.
But you'll hove to admit, worthwhile.
• CotnP1tt1r-Hltcted sprinp ·
M1ybt you'll order your new Chevy
equipped to the hilt. ·
Or maybe you'll order it with hardly
anything on it.
Either way, you're going to get your
full meuure of our renowned ride.
Becauoe we 10 to the trouble of pro-
gramlning each car'• equipment load into
an electronic computer.
The computer then tello u.o exactly
which aprinp to ,_, depending' on the
car'• weisht and tho way it'• di1tributed.
Chevrolet, the only car in it.I field with
computer-aelected 1prinp.
r....,. ....... tllllltn
Wo could have skipped thil. (The
other can in our field do.)
But we're u ansioua u you are to
k•p your beautiful now Chevy looking
betutiful and new. So: .
Up inoida the regular fandero we've
placid a oecond Mt.
They d<> all the in-firhtin1. Catch all
the 1plS1hod-up ~ain, olUBh and ro~d wt.
Stop tile kicked-up stoneo.
While your "outers" just sit there
looking pretty.
Astro Ventilation
The other two can in · our field giva
you air intakes down by the fl oor.
So do we.
We also give you two up on the illBtru·
ment panel.
And all four of them are adju.otable so
you can regulata the flow of air ju.ot the
way you like it.
Even with all the windows cloted,
you'll be comfortable inside. You get air
without wind. Without noile.
Altro Ventilation is 1tandard, now, on
all the big Clievrolet&. · ·
Rubber-cushioned ride
At all points wher.e th.e body
joina the frame, we UM our.own exclu-
sive kind of rubber mounts.
They're double-cu.hlonod, so as to
1aak up more than the uaual amount of
vibration. Unleea you're in the habit
of takin1 your car apart, you'll
probably never -these
little wonden. But~
you'll know they'rJ
there. Just liaten to
the quiet.
The theft-tlnrlrter
On the steering
colwp.n there'• a lock.
Only Chevrole\ l)u
it, in Chevrolet's field.
You turn the key and
it locu three things:
Your ignition.
Your 1teerin1 wheel.
Your lhift lever.
When you own a car this tenu>tinr,
you don't dare take chanCee.
Bluest sbncbrd VS In our field
Aak any car enthusiast, he'll tell you:
. Chevrolet builds great engineo. Es-
pecially VS..
And this year there are six great VS.
available for the big Chevrolet. Standard:
Our 235-hp 327-cubic-inch Turbo-Fire,
Another thing: We've lowered tJi-
price of aeveral of our bigger VS. alo111
with our automatic traMtniMjona and
power diac brak ... Which mak .. it poaai-
ble for you to buy a '69 Chevrolet for even
less money than yo11, could Jut year.
Show up for our Showdown .
You can't loee.
Puttln1 '°" first, kHpa us first.
Impala Sport Coupe
.. . . ,...
Clpt. iobert Esrt Jobe, SI, Airport Noiff Abct""r:nl
Chlca10. Comm1tkt •--------------------------------------·---------------------~ ,,
" "
'·· I •iPL:W PILOT ~~~ PAGE ,_
Hold Head s High Again
' .
, ..
Education In the Harbor Atta ls back on lhe track
Tbat 1s the single most l~~rtanl result of the dra-
matic victory for the '15.9 million school bond issue at
t.he polls last Tuesday. . 1
The result wu a broadly·bual community effort
to support our schools, in whlicb the buslnesi and dvlc
ldadershlp of 'our commWljty joined ,.u.~sUcally
with the traditionally school-oriented groupt. •
The most immediate result is that double sessions
wrucb affected 1.300 students t.bis year and threatened
to increase at lbe rate of abou\ 1,000 students per yeJir,
will be eliminated when Sc hools qpen next fall. Addi~
ti on al classrooms wiU be ready for elementary, junior
high school and senior ltigh school students as required
over the next four years.
The special thanks of the community ·are due many
·who helped:
There are .some other· very important, though less ,
easily~measured, values . .. .·, "' ·
The campaign wbeelhorses,, Robert Unger, Robert
Shelton and Jim Wood deserve particular thanks. Anne
Sorensen and each of her hundreds of PTA workers
worked long and bard.
: Dr. , William Cunningham, Newport-Mesa school
district superintendent, was an extremely effective
salesmen for the schools and for the bond program. He
had fine support from school board President William
Certainly one of the most important ts that JDO~e .. of.
the energies and talents of our schoolmen-adm1n1s--
tralors board members and specialists-can now be
devoted to the primary job of improvements and innt>
vations in the educational program.
• Peyton, the board members, adminl1trators and
The burdens of juggling students '6.Dd classrooms.,
and carrying on literally a continuing preparation for
bond elections wlticb have plagued lhe district almo•t
since its unification can,. to some degree, be laid aside.
Another of the very inlportant aspects of the bond
election is that the community s.uccessfully met what
President Nixon might describe .as· a· "crieds of spirit."
Here we were-residents of the attractive Harbor
Area envied by so many people, and our school system
was clearly in danger of deterioration. There was no
explaining it away.
Not only was our pride beginning to hurt, not only
were we aware that we \vere letting our children down,
but we sudden1y became aware of the fact that the fun-
damental civic and economic climate of our com·
munity was endangered.
Publicly and privately, Newport Beach an~ Costa
Mesa city councilmen worked for passage of the bonds.
So did 'the directors of all three Harbor area chambers
of commer<e, and the 'chamber school study commit·
tees. The leadership of the service clubs and civic
groups joined in the cause.
'Ibey saw and articulated what three out of four ..
voters came to see aitd to endorse; to ·have a good
community you have to have good citizens and a good·
economy. And you won't keep either for long without
good schools.
Now the school system is back on the track. The
new superintendent Jtas the assbrance that the com·
munlty.is behind good schools.
Our taxes will be a little higher. yes. But more im·
portant, we qn, as a community"' and as individuals,
hold our heads a lot higher.
And that porteni!s a lot of other good things for the
Harbor Area in the days ahead. N
Birch S~i.11 Leeder llp ·""!: Old Tricks Pre-adoptive
'Sex Education a Red· Plot::___ch.ild Under
By NORl\IAN NIXON, 1\1.D. family Ille.
Nowhere to Go But -Down
WASHINGTON -About 60 percent
()f the pe()ple sampled by Dr. Gallup
think President Nixon bu gotten · off ,· • ·
t() a good start. This may not be U:ie
peak o! his popularity but generally
speaking ''when a president takes office,
he haa; nowhere to 10 but down."
That rather sour jlldgmenl by B11m1
Roper of Roper ~eai<b Associate.! is
based upon a 30-ye.ar-record of measuring
the ups and down of presidential
popularity. Nixon, unless he reverses
the experience of bis predece.-n. woWd
inevitably head downward to a lowtt
level or public esteem . after. perhaps,
soaring somewhat~·
This i.! the bitterest (ruil of the
presidency and Lhe Nini people know
all about it. This is the' way they "talk :
"It's necessary for Ni.ml lo gel cootro1
nf the governmenll1 machinery right
at the beginning. If be ii diverted from
that by starting up a lot of new programs
he never will get control. Then, ln the
flrst blush ()f public approval, It is' also
necessary for Nixon to iet something
new started before summer. That'& aboUt
the way it will work out.''
----Frid a y, February H, Dell
'1'114 edltmiol PO!I< Of Ille Doll¥
PfloC .. ,,., lo inf"""· """ rffm.
ulol< -by ,,, • ..,.lillQ Cllll ' .. _., op""°'11 amt ..,,..
mntarsl cm topia of fntert1i
o1ld sigflf/icoflu. br protridlng a
fON<lft /Of th< <"11'.,,;o,. .Of
o•r m>d<n' opinJ..,. and bJ
prornll!IQ th< dtomc ""1o-
pollll< of &If°"""' ob1m>m
.,,.. rpo/<lrtMll on IOpicr of t11<
Robert N. Weed, Publisher
THIS CONTRABTS -ply With ·Wbal
some •new presidents have dooe in ,\be
past, but it does not necessarily foik>w
that they were rtghl and Nb:on bj Wf'OOJ·
By. lb!S time In 1963, John F.:Kennedy hat' proposed to Congress enacbnent of
Medicare, a big expansion . Of federal
aid lo educaUon ~nd drew up the orders
creating the Peace Co!W •. and yet,
following racial turmoil ln·l~.l<ennedy
fell In bis loweSt point In publlc popular I·
ty JUst befote. his assaJ!ilnatioQ.
The atmosphere ol lNt i! different
from 1961, and in some respects a
reversal ol that atmosphere. The Gallup
Poll would indicate that Nixon is respon-
ding lo a public mood which apprqves
or a more stable, middJe.of-the--road at-
JJl()l')phere ln Washin&ton.
U the txperience of other presidents
In the past 30 yurs is repealed N&on
will mch the krw..t ebb d aiioroval '
willlit • I"« or the ead o1 bli. nnt
lenn,' R..,., polntr out. Tbat pall<m
CGllld be al~ by evtJllr .-i,. GUI
ol anrol d lbi ~. -_Jn.
·-~lot u:ranplt.'
' ,IN nlE llEGINNIN(f of .. me Jn-teiiiatlooal alrel poOpll tend 1<1·hl!l
..-the pmldenl. lilllll\Ww Iii
lotflp ·aa.irs, lllCh u Ntxoo 11 t)l)w
laking, tend lo lftcttue a president's
DODUWlty lvtD tbouch bls alln!I may be. recognized u not quickly realluble.
But if these crlm and iniUatives 5eenl
to lead no11'bere or If the crlsts drq:
out, the public tends lo hold lhe Praident
. A prudent presldenl acts therelon!
when he lh1Dlm he will have the rnax-
·1mum public auPPort, and he does DOt
waJt unUI tht Inevitable dot·-4fey• a(
bis admlnl1tr1tion to undertake great
matterL II Nixon Is lo hold public •J>-
proval he will have to do enou~h but
not too much. "What the public ap.
parenUy wants," says Roper, "Is a presi·
dent strong enough to prOt.ect the nation
from '.foreign peril but not IO strong
as to threaten Its domestic libert)'."
RQper co~ludes that a president faces
"inherent patterns'• of -public response.
"No matter how hard ·fle tries, he l.!
likel,y to face an erosion of support
over: tiJpe, aDd he stands . to· aet blamed
for mW'ortunes be did .not bring about. ·
He can count on tbe natlOn's aupj,on
ill an ·hour of· crisis, but Dot necessarily
its Sratttude for a job. done as well as~ ~s able during unPr<>rr~ou,, Umes."
period seem lo show that. the public
rates ooe qualification abGve all otbtn,
simple convincing honesty on the part
of the President as a reposllory or
!rust. Although the publ!C may not
always agree with a presktent'I p-olicy
it will support him, Rope( finds, if
they have fai~ in him as a man of
hooe.sty and · character and as a leader
or dedsiveneSt aoct strength. ·
Thay lhouldh't give Cmdr. Bucher
a court-martial. They should give
him • Congr...ional Medal of
Honor .•
-R. J. 8,
Strict Rufus
~o the Editor :
As a foster parent doing pre-adoptive
care (or Orange County Adoption Agency,
I feel I must write. to you cona!rning
the articles carried on Friday, Feb.
7 and Monday, Feb.10 in your paper. ,
Tilt article I -amr refening,1o is tbe
one where a lamlly ls upael by Ille
removal of a...plffdopllve cldld !bat
Ibey Jell they -JIU lo adopt ~ r
-. ~ ~
I AIAO HAVEu1h'!l!'r ~ !¥<• ~~-.came.•~.-. it
i• lhe'policy of tllli ormit•t:«mt1 ·A'do1>-
tion A~ency ihat foittt pa.-are NOT,
I repeat, NOT,.'allowed to adopt children
already in their care. ll you want to
adOJi., you are' encooryed to go through
the "front door" so to Speak and apply
like anyone else. It la neither fair to
the. agency nor the child to go against
lhe policy.
I FEEL YOU have hurt our adoption
agency 's image by this series o! articles
and were very wrong in not looking
into the policy before printing this.
Enclosed is a copy ()f an agreement
~gned at Lhe ·time:of licensing for foster
parei;it care, stating this more clearly.
Jf you -would like to do an arUcle on
·a happy ;foster mother that loves all
her babies but adheres to the policy,
give me a call.
The pTe·adoptive foster Parent
agreement re/erred to rtad& as jot-.
"Well understand that if ou.,.tmv
home is used for pre-adoptive place·
TMni purpose1, thil ·rtpre1tnls-an ·i~
ttrim P.la~ for ~ cl_1fl;cf 10 placed.,
As P,t-odoptii>t fo1ttr parent/par~ts
.wt/I will be MlpinQ tht Orange
Covntv Department of Sodal Wtl-,
fart eValuate the bab1'1 ptogtesi·tm<J ·
needf. until a permanent a4optiw
home U found terr Uab child. Wttl
/1u:tlatr tindtr1tond that .pre~
/oskr parents cannot be acctP,ted, iJI
adoptWe· applicants for the -~ci1'c
child/children So ·p1actd." · · ··
. '
1 ... 111t t• Farv
To lhe Editor :
The selection of Bo'flf'le Kuhn· bJ the
baseball owners to , become lhe fltlt
commissioner of bueball is a studied
insult to 0-the faos and to the •eneral
public. It js the owners' 4eclaration
' that they intend to run the garM: wltboUt
interference from o\Mra.
lllr. Kuhn is an •{'lplpye of lhe ~
as WIS Gtn. Ecbi1. Tbil mtlDI that
there1L! no rtpr:aentallan for 1tbe plQa'I
or f0< the fans. Mr. Kubn Jll;O)>obly
will not be a car In the · lmlge 'of
Kennesaw Mountaiil Landb.
Baleball hu wloul .pniblOnll, oome
of which can he portlally oolvl'I by
a J,oUgh commissioner. J wlsb the pliyers
succeas in their endeav«1 tqt mere.
money. I trust thi& wiD not clpilillate
u rtadlly as &<>mt ha~·e.
Lelters from rtadrrs art wtlcomt.
Normally wrlttr1 1"°1lld ccmve11 tMir
mt.JJOOt in 300 100f'dt or lts1. The
right lo condtrue ltCffft to fU ipcsce
or eUmfnatt llbel ft rtsmJtd. A.Ji
letters mu.ti fncludt lignature and
mailing add.,.eu, btt; no.mc1 may be
1vlthhtld on rtquest if 1ujfident 7'eG·
ton U 0-ppartnC.
Ideas Bombard
Us Constantly
Even though I have been askt..'d · 11
for more than 20 years, it never fails
to surprise me that people should want
to know "how do you come up with
a different idea to write about every
day ?"
This is almost invariably the first
question strangers ask when they meet
me, and I have never found an adequate
reply that would pot seem like a rebuke
or a preening of; self·satisfaction.
TflE PLAIN FACT ol the matter is
that the world ts teeming with ideas,
and never .more so than today. There
are on my desk dozens of cUPl?ings
and ootatlom, all of them positively
~e~ lo be written about. 1be real
problem ll!I how, lo deal wilh ·them ade-
quately, and how to encompass them
intelligently within a few hundred words.
Almost everything we have grown used
lo in the world requires re-examination
and revaluation today. 'lbeolofry la cbang·
ing almost daily: po)'Cholocy Ill lifting
itself by lb own boots!rapo; political
economy W()uld confound both Man and
the ctaulcal economists; education is
experiencing a revolution; there is not
a single area or discipline ()f human
endeavor that is not being questioned,
changed, expanded, reshaped, analyzed,
and bei ng ei:trapolated upon.
NO ONE HAS TO "think of'' ideas •
they bombard us constantly, at such
a rate and volume that the real tuk
is to sort out the significant ones from
the transient ones. Modern life is full
of fads and fancies, all the weird and
exotic ephemera ()f a rich, insecure,
bored, hysterical and anx ious society,
To separate these pa ssing sensation$
from the new concepts that are relevant
for the present and prophetic for the
future is a far harder job than to
grind out a column every day oo a
different subject. For it is distressingly
easy to become captivated by the col·
orful, the novel, the trivial. the vulgarly
assertive, the epiphenomena ()f ()Uf
modern mal<$e. •
ST. THOMASS DEFINED intelligence
as mainly "the art ()f separating and
combining." He meant it consists in
separating different elements that seem
similar, and in combining s i mi I a r
elemenLs that seem different. Anybod y,
for In.stance, can harangue indignantly
about ··1aw and order"; but it is merely
sound ·and fury unless the writer knows
how these tv.·o words differ, and how
they must be combined -with the
glue of justice.
What should confound a journalist to-
day is that there is too mucb to write
about, and too little time and space
in which to write it. The temptation
toward over-simplifying is enormous, but
it must be re.sis~ as never before,
in this complex and contradictory world
of ours.
Exercising Our Memory
Atiout the only exercise aome ~pie
eel ts the exercise of their memory.
• But il Jsn't a bad tlnd of uercise,
when it isn't overdone. It may not build
bulgy mU8Cles. but it does restore that
keystone d health -the mind.
Memory all() restore. our self-con-
fidence .. For It tells us that if we have
weathered the ordeals .of yesterday, we
probably also can survive the turmoils
of today and even the terrors of tomor~
Fefl like a little uereise right now!
Well, put on your thlnking cap and
iee if yoo can remember away baci
THE ONLY WAY a man could retire
fairly early in life wu lo have 10
1lrapplng sons unafraid of work.
,Ladies were supposed to swoon or
grow faint when confronted by emergen-
cies, SCI they carried a small .botUe
of smelling salts In their purses -
JuRu~n~v~ ~~·the bobbed-
hair<d, •hort .. tirte4 0epper ttw;lna t!1"
1920s, girls wore· strands of ~ads lohs
enough to Ult u a clothesllne or to
jump 'rOpe with.
The pootman not oni, knockeci twit<,
but 1190 delivered the mail to )'(lit
home twice a day, monilng and evenlnp.
and a first-elm letter could be malled
for a mere two cents.
WHEN A BOY got a job In 1 drup!Ori
u a soda squirt. me of hiJ bl& moral
problems was the fact that all the otbtt
kids promptly expected him fo put In
a dime's worth of ice cream whtn \bey
bought a five-ttnt cone.
If a child dropjled Jo lhe lloor In
a screaming tantrum. tbe faOler dktn't
make a hurried call Lo" a psycNat.mt
for adYlce. Ke merely 1ot a pan ol.
water from the tltchell 1lnt;lllid.C1lmlJ
dMhefl it Into lhe yowling chHcf11 face1 and lite ,,, .. "" promptly sub:!ided.
Maybe that'& where the expression
"you're all wet" came rrom.
Animal peb generally ran free, ate
scraps, seldom· saw a veterinarian, and
lived 1nly about two-thirds as long as
they do today. But who can tell whether
they enjofed their lives more or less?
YOU COULD journey aboul a modern
city [or weeks on end and never see
a picket's sign.
When a man was sick. he said, "I
feel poorly." If he remained home merely
because he had a bad cold , he could
lose his job. Nobody had heard of the
"one-day virus," and if you I old your
boss you had such an ailment he would
automatically put you down as liar and
a goldbficker ..
. You , coo.ld .tell how long 1 woman
had been married by how Worn her
wedding \land looked.
After1he Ont World War, s!liiitualism
had a tremendous: worldwide vogue and
table-rapping charlataru: reaped· roriunes
· fri>m Uie gullible people yearning to
communicate with the spirits of lbelr
family dead.
B1 George ---.
Dear Geori<:
Every time I start going with
a new boy and inlrodua: him ie
my best friend he qu its dating
me and gtarts 11olng out Ydlh my
bnt rrltnd. Could you tell me
bow to become more popular?
SliE Dear .$\le:
Mavle you tried double-dating with
your but entmy?
. -
,V()t;. ol, No. 39, 4 .SEeTIONS, 4o rAGES
Saint Who?
' '
St. Valentine's Day, or no, little John Foster, 2-~ !rn-Qws a good. tbin_g
when he sees it. In tills case, it was a trad.itio~al .box of bon boos
meant for bis mother. Mom is Mrs. Russell· F.'oster of Costa Mesa.
Happy Vajentine's Day, Mom.
F o.ur Nabbed in Breakup,.
Of Costa Mesa LSb·.Rfltf.·iy· .... ·-' . '
Giggllng and trippy falk led Costa
Mesa pOlice to a backyard hut where
they broke up an ~D partj Thursday,
after an angry father took hi s
hallucinating 11-year-old son to a hospital
for treatment.
Four persons were taken into custody
-including a screaming 18-year-old girl
who had to be .hospilalized -and 11
tablets identified as LSD were con-
fiscated from the shack.
Officers Max Wilson and Norm Kutch
were sent to the Republic Homes
neighborhood address where the 11-year-
old boy said he had been given a dose
of the hallucinogenic acid at an evening
party. th • ' th t ... The 16-year-old _ YQU ~vmg at a
address ·was arrested on suspicion or
furni shing dangerous drugs to a mino r
and booked into Orange County Juvenile
derstand when, advised or . his con-
stitutional righ~ prior .to being placed
under arresL •
An 18-y~-ol,d girl who .alternated
between shrieks of horror and beaUtiful
descriptions of her p$ychedelii; trip wu
taken to ·Orange ·County· Medical Center
for psychiatric obsen'alion. ,
Another:-16-yeat-old was booked into
juvenile hall for probation violation and
a 1S-yl'fa1'<lld girl was sent al9ng with
him,:cbaiged with · lack fl. p8rental con--
tpolice directed to .the address knocked
at the front door' Of the primarY suspect's
home and were told they could find
him in the rear but where he1sleeps .
1'$1M1S · reaity-•way' out~''" satd <SOmeGne· -
(See LID RAID,. Page %)
Hall. ' .. "-'"' lnvestigators said he was too deeply 1 • •
under the influence or drugs to wr. -
Would-he Thief
Loses Nerve,
' Flees Market
A red~faced, would-be robber wbo killed
time, and apparently bis courage, with
a flood of nervous chatter finally fled
a busy Costa Mesa all~night grocery
Thursday, after trying for 10 minutes
to, pull a holdup.
..Paying customers come 1.lnrt ~at the
Tic Toe Market, 517 W. 1!'_llson St.,
and their cash stayed in me rqilter
where it belonged, police said~.
LCierk John M . .Steve'l'I! satd the Army·
jacketed suspect came into the store
1bortly before midnight and blqwllltd
around while ~veral people-ab9PPed and
were checked through the stand .-
.. How many other stores ,Jt.IJ open
aJl. night?" he asked.
,.'.·1 just came from the east and f
don't have any money. I haven't eaten
for three days," he rambled on. ·
''Can I get a job?" he continµed .
The last customer left and the ·men
were alone.
"Hey,-buddy, J have· a gun 'on 'you,"'
the bandit said, ~changing his con-
vWational tone.
Suddenly, another customer entered.
"Wail on him and no one will get
hurt," stammered the patient, but in·
e~rien~ highwayman, who kept one
hand in the jacket pocket where he •
clalmed to hold a gun.
sharp ~kO.t;
•• 1
' Today'•·
•, '
.,,.. . ' ·-
''Sirhan '.f .antitSieS · To1ti· ' '
.. , -' . -, ... • ' • '.! "' • • ' . ~ " '
•• • . .
Defeme Says Accused Had 'No .Co~i~~l':~.Sho~tiiig
• LOS -ANGELES (AP} ......, sptlu Bishara Arab-Jsraeit '*:tr that ~'he 'f.!fDbl to be
Sirhan's defenders ·Claimed J today that recorded by )li.st«y .u the -man -who
at the moment Sen. Robert F. Keruie(ty . trlggef9d off the Iui WIJ\'' ~
Emlle Zola Berman. one of three at-was sliot, Sirhan "was out of contact tofneys defending Sirhan o:i a charge
with reality, in a trance in which he he .murdered K~y. told the ,.Jury
had nol voluntary control '~Ver hL!i. !1f11i. in opening &rQmiillts-that Sirhan had·
his Jucilml!flt~ hiffOelifi'p er: hll lictiod." fanYasJes ln. whldr ;,he Wi'i olteti .a
Tb.e H-year-ol~ Jonl~an waa plc:tuted hei:o ·ancf s@v.totlof .~ people.'•· .... )~
as "an immature, emoUonally disturbed "In the realities of .lift, however, he
and mentally ill" youth who wrote in was small, helpleu, isolaled, confused
;:i memorandum at the time of the 1967 , and bewildered by emoUooa"'over which
' '. ... • I ' ·' C-
Ne~ Slic1¢ f'or11ls
Crews Working
' '
On Second Leak
on an offshore Oil well platform &tr~led
today to contam a fresh leak that (orm~
a,.new slick of crude oH el~lit mlles
long off the Southern California coa:it.
The flow or oil , from fissui-~ . in' the
ocean·bottom was a fracUon of an earlier
]eak wrucp spewed . more than 230,000
gallons of oil to the surface where winds
pushed it onto 30 mijes o~ beaches.
EsUmates 'Oi the rate 'of flow from
the new leak varied -between' S,100. and
120 gallons ·daily,. dtpendlng . on~ whether
.a state ·official or ., Union Oil -Co.
,sppkesman was qU~o~' · · ' . . , . '
Oilwlfrkers today readied, a,huge PftmJ
which they planned Ur :~Pwer :on ·top
<>f th~ ' ntajor I JIOl'li9o, pt:·,th!l·1~!ng
flaiuns, '.l'l>•"IWinl l'!l~.J>e'~!>I
up ~ a. i,... ~lh!Wlli lJ>e top of the drum' all!! ~ !nto"barae>
_fcu:, d!S~ •:.r.t..41-t-i_••.l:I ~ . . f 1'1!'
-The,proCea WiatlJteftiecl•to a ••reverse
funnel" which would preveht af:IWUOnal
oil escaping on the sutfaCe efithe Pidfic
where it' could Pollute tnore niiles of beaches. ' · · ·
Tugboats dragged a co"nlraption formed
fronl two soo:tciot long bOoms lashed
.1 togdber,.in a V-lhape•1'1Ucb -would skim
the slick from the surface, weather
The prevailing winds tOday tended to
push the new slick towards the shore
but the Coast Guard said there were
no confirmed repOrts that the new oil
had contaminaled any beaches as yet.
Crews were still spreading straw;i.-lnd
chemicals on the sand on both sides
of Santa Barbara to sop up the guminy
mess itom the· taf11er, 12-day leak which I ' ' . was thought sealed a week ago.
A spokesman for uruon on, which
operates the PlatfOi-m sh: miles off the
coast, said U;ie n~w . !f:ak ·'was: "resldu.al
oil and gas . cQllling· Up from the forma-
U0n" wh1Ch was1the source of the original
leak. It was ~·expected to woft ltseU
out," said the spokesman.
OCC ·Names '
R~placemept .
F.tir''smih·: . , /\~ ....... ' -_ '
" Ge.no. Badda;Jt, ,, Co1Wl1dt! Mu
was appointed Tludiay:.nfili!l.fo.< llOt.e
otit \the lUt ~ atid ·oae;ba1£ mqiths
or in unexpired ~ on Jbe-t9"ablf!
COut Juriior College' DiltrtCt1 1b6'1fd of
· He .. auceeed'.11.J. Q,!Hara ~mJ~ .. wbo
learned earlier tlliJ week he bad-:Vaclted
the board seat by inadVertentiy· m0vlni
just beyond the junior college dl!trl.ct
boundary. .
Rodda'! appointment is until June 30
when the board seat UJ!irea. Homei,
he said he will fi1e inuned!ately tO nin
for reelection •April 15.
. ROdda, .J8[ Of H9 Gold~·· Ave .. ,
Corona del Mar, said of his appointment:
"The op'portunities to -&erve are 'ftrf
treme~, ~ only Jn an ;ru Of
need but In orte of changing! &OClal and
econonUc tbougHl I'm· looking : fonfanl
toit.fi · , .. ·
At a special meeting Thursday hight;·
the remaining four board members
elected· Rodda frOm· a fide! of seven
candidates for the' Newport BP.Belt area seal '
One was ·a rie.W applicant, but Rod.da
and five others were catryover ean-
dldate1 from · a previous appointment
last July. That is when SmJth was named
to succeed Walter Lon&'moor, who
Board President Worth K~e said be'
could not releale the namea ol. tile othei'cand!dates.
"When you are dealing with people
who submit their names and are not
selected it is .. a IOW'c0 of , ~
barrusme_!t," he· UJ4 t .,_ ~ · 'I
He remarked U,.1 Smith and Rodda
were almost dead even in rating of
the applicants Jut IWlUner.
Rodda 11 . P,niident ot Man.,einent
Engineering Cor#atiOn, an Investment
11rm. In Corotia de! Mar. He bu aervtcl
eJabl Y•l\f•.on the '.Junior collqe dlatrtct Citlaena' Advllory Committee. .
ltodda bas ' been acUve in community
allalra. He bu been Jft<ident 6r lhe
Newport Beach Uni~ · Fund and ol Or-~YMCA'a Youth for Chrltt. He bu hem aecrttat)' o/ • the Or . .
Coui!ty C!>uncll of IJblted comm:.
Fuod> and Apnclet, secretarf di 'the
Newport Harbor XIWariU Club, 'an<i
hlltorian ot tire NnJ><irl ·' H •'rli'o'r Chamber o/ c.am;.,.., ' ' -' " '
In 1162 he wu .11nance·~~ ol
the Orange COunty' ~b!lcan 'Party's
Umted Finance ~·and he Ji
«>foubder ol !!>o _i:Jneoln ciUb, lie' ia
' ' -(~-~....... '. '
. S'ttt.e.,,, ....... ,
.,, j •
he bad no• ControJ. He waa unable , to
plan or fJdnk' clearly, uilable te 1balntam ' \• -' -. . any' meanlngfuJ directiOn to his life,''
lhe attorney said.
Thus , Berµlan &et the s~e fpr , . a
de!e ... ;lblt will~not~y\ ,mat;~n
al>o K~ !Jut;wtq ro!Y. oo jily<fd~tj'ic tesllmonyt ,to plead' d-pf
1'dim.lnlihed n.spons.ibllity ...
In CaWorrua, dlmin.ished respoJl!ibitity
r~og~#.,. that a defe_ndaDt may be . . ,,.._ '*
.-··1 1'1/I• J
legally lane yet not lull)" -iblo
for bis. actions. , , : 1
Berman sOid Skhan ·boulht<U.-death ·
gun siJ: months before ~ June. 5
assiassination Of~ to D98 for aport
and !"""'!· lhJt. ~·.;•pvo. lllm a • .strange sense of reieue;" .._
Bennon. '8ld,·Sk1Mo> "ldn>i<t!l-iln<I ,
loved' Kennedy._, '. ~ . I '( ./ l -~
''Then came another " Berman
said .. '!'II\ .•~ll'-~111"·°' ~ s,en. I!' .. '
' ' ' <S,. SllJIWii ,....\ . ~>. .: ' '
I 1:
:i :' W,,-~~.~ ",; 'I
The wet weather arrives just in
time for tht.;ftKend• With show-ers ·!'11iJ!.t, alidJsatura.y"O: r;m;i
eralurel"lllould idrop , to 1tbe eo
level along the coast.
The uwnfO!:kl II rtUt1'<d;
death of !/Ii ".fl1if of. !!Peke·
tte;ra" t'npJI .-hav1 ... 40-t1t4 v&ht.
l~Wa 'o/""Ttlm,IV tof. .. 1]is 1 ~c.s:oi
n.. .. t ·.f.. ~ ' . ·""" ' . ~>-,,.....,..., ... _ ===·,'~I := ... I
lJlte astonished customer ltartecl to
m.ke his purchase r,... st<...., fl
which time the constanUy-thwarted third
party seemed to relax blushing fUriowly. I '11 was only kidding," he ~.
flr:elng out into the ftigh~. . .. >.
Backwards bench in~talled· for bus stop at 17th Slreet and Irvine
Avenue, .Costa ~Mesa, causes consterpation amonc users such as
Newport Harbor High School stwlen(s Chery! Whetstine, Sue Mc.
Wain and Lucicy ~ane:r; (horn Iott) wbo denllila\fat.pbiilble po,.:
tures, City of Costa Mesa has installed 20 of them backwards, keep.
Ing bus passengers out Of slrftt "and mini-skirt·attracted motorists'
...... '""=·-'"' ~ t1 '1 Clilf; II
~ ...... .I II .... liblli »1' ~~ _,..,. ,_ = ::::::' 'ij" . ~-,. ~ .
stevens caned .police an4 .told ~{(jeer
Jim W~er he isn't IO rirtaln 1t .wu a ~ smce the gun-Ul¢bulge remained
when the auspect, in. bis twenties, took
the hidden band QUI oj,llJa J!OCl<ol.
eyes on Ule _toad. ""' , • --,. • ~ '""
l J
ww..__,.. ____ _,
0 '
f';·~i 1
, •• I 1 'Jokli -~ . I F"IN c•ff• 12 T_... .... ,.,,,, -"' """""' . ~ Mill ......... ,. ......... ~ • ,......, ·• ...,. ...,.. ..
• ......:...t..ll W I I If•
--' I
} -
I DAILY l'llOf C
Mafia ,
-,.,._ P-.e J
he wu my ldal," Brood aid In e
lnt•niew 'l'honill1. •.., tile day of hll
--Ibey bad ..... ....,,. and that'• Ute daJ I too became a
~-p. ....... laol boat and wwtlnl
up lo -.,.so -and .... -
-... -dnelopecl • unlquo
nplllb fer bolnl In tile • plw
and llllWl'Olll-· ar lllt--T
.. ....,, J:na1, ~. IDIJl1, .. be..,.,
when~·-hll lqoadlry am In.-... -blrthl, "lkd tt'•. pl a:perienoe," be addt.
"I Cllllld wrtla • -·-my pollcc
carm"," he added.
he-tbot--. ..... nolopon
·lo Ibo -In Ibo mll1tlrlClll ·blanda',..,.., '-n,ed followtd hll
·--Ibo Mlhllml 10 ye&rl .....
''But I -__. ftn.... blah
·ICbool, • he uld. aplalnlnc t11ain. '!"I
alllo lo join u\o Ooolll · -Po!lce ~ 11J ,...... Mi GED
~-J:d!~ Dmlopmml) -
CarOwlnl .. .,... pollco icodenlJ
~. 9Nld 1trndN Orup Coast con. 11111111 • d • fer ... 1'l'I.
·floallJ ........... rib ... -· " .Aria...,_ al'Gllcoldiaoo 1ao1J-
: "I'm ...., "'""' If I,• M -.
.. ,.. .... ,. -·-· iaJb =-alloiil:-.. -and,._. .u..w. ........ r:'''*'• · Z••>--. -,ipe <I Iba
)rloll cap, .. Illa ..... ~ ---In mloorily ........ --of
ll...., la-, but -·· wjll't bu ~ an unusual ethnic bolu.
: A milluro, of Hawaiian, P'Nnch, Irish
:and wbatnw -faint lrllca of an-;cestry one ·fbll In tho melting pol
,<JI the lalandl, he .UU rellJnl a al!Pt
. "I don' -aadly what It la,
·but poopla -Ille WOJ I wall; and :open up wltb me. 'Ibey tr'llll me," laYI
"Bniod -l!peecb II ... noticuble
:than -he joined lbe f ..... ' TD lbe illandl, pidgin II often tmn
... mart of joTlal -~ ·0ne "-bla prime cmcems II Harbor
Ana yaalb work and hi II a pllJslcal.
t:ducaUon' lnltrudor It SL J01chlm'1
'5dlool, pluo ~with oemJ.dellnquent
,-.., hll own tlme.
''I do it becai11e t love the kidl,"
he uplalnl, "I wllll lo help tbooe who
can he llralJblen<d CIQI wblle tbey'r<
oUll ,_, 11'1 jllll llODlethJns I'm doln(
on ID1 own." Ma11J ""'1 haven' 1 f11her ofllr which
lo peUera tbolr U.. like ,_ Roeooe
Bi.Id di-like Paul B!Uld, II, does
...,.. Coa.IT "'ILtlHI ... COMfl'AHY
••Mrt H. w.,. ,.,_llllN _. ll*ltlllr
Jeck l. C1rS.-, "* ,.... ......... ~ ......
n, .... , IC•••il .....
n1111•1 A. M11r,"i11t ...,....,. • .i.
P..i NhM11 --C.0--JJO W..t l•J SttHI U.lfhtt A4111r••11 ,.0, a.. 1160, •Z616 --..._.....,:nu..., ..... ..._..
........ lhec'lf nt ,..,,.., ·-............ '"'°"' ,.. -..,...
OMLV ll'fl.Of", ... '-"'ldl..\, ....... !flt C' , ...................... ................ L..-...... ~ .... c-te Mne ........
-,._.... VZltrJ', ..... "'"" • ....... '!'''= (WI ... -= ~ -.t ltll ....... hMtl. .,., .. ......... c..-...
tl:a:I 1n•1 MMll1 axi P 6'surt I a ....,. == ..... or.wt c... ............. ... .... ......... ... ".,.., =--=.. ...., •· .-1aflw1w d• IWfriil ... ·mr ...... ~,.,. .............. ................ 11.,.....,. ....
... (.aall -. ~-....,....,. .. ~ .... C::""*'.,.,,..,.., (II...,_, 11.fS -""'•
• . •
, ,
• 1es
. ,
Ill 11. S. Dlltrlcl Court Ill New York
..... with H -. Indicted Ill on
hrtornoUorlll lllmlllal llDDatlnc rinf.
He WU fJned IZ0,000 and HD!oncod lo
11 yem-wlthout pn>ballon.
Genovae ud Gtrardo "Jerry" Cltena,
,., Improper llCIMtlol In labor or
IDIDlitmellt r<ported c..ov... bad
amoaed a fortuoe of llO mlllioD. A
federal priaoner may comerve his
fortuoe « put it In trust duril1( bll
Valachl, now in LI nm. Tu., Prllon,
turned infonntr after tllllna a fellow
lnma,. at the federal peolteotiary tn
Atlaota In tta. Vllachl lald lbe !DID
bad beeo dellpted by C..Ovae lo
kill him.
... _
MllN't Vito o.nov ...
Won't Seek --. no~a ·seai
"Grandml II taking her boonel out
of the ring.''
That is how Mn. Mlldnd Matbewa
today announced Ille II wlthdrowlllg from
the Newport.MOii ICbool boon! ,_
Earli ... she hid filed lo -boon! member Roderick MacMllllan, who b 1'1llll1lni for ....iectlon Aprll 15. '
"I oppraclato the conlldeoce my
frlendl ploced In me utlna me lo run,
and I tbu.k' them," Mra. Mathew1 said.
''CircumllaJlca bave·come up that wtll
mob It lmpoalble lo give the Ume
lo do the jo~ properly H I'm electod."
Mn. Mathews, ao, of mo Pacll1c Av~ I
.COiia 11 ... , oblerved, "The joti of being
on the ICbool board is a hard one
and • lonl -and thole .. ·the pment ... .,. lo be commended.
"I w111 carry on In the beckgrowid
and help wherever J can." abe Aid.
B52s Pound Red Hideouts Dean of occ
Mrs. M11hew1 bod been urged lo run
by memberl of the dlltrlcl'• DOIHeocblog IChool employ11 UIOCiatloa. :n.tlred
-· lhe /orinerly WU lrllllportatlon supervisor f0< the old COiia 11 ... Uoloo
Elemtotary School Dlllrkt. Twenty-three
y!lrl earlier llhe was the nm lady
bul ctmer In Orqe County. Vetoes SDS
Stratoforu Make Heaviest Bombing of Year 'Approval' Apparent Suicide
Victim Found
Shot in Camper
From Wire Servicu bolidly lel!On.
SAIGON -ID the helvlell -bl111 The Viet Cong's mllllary command
al t•, U.S. Bi2I drvpped :1,1 mllUon today ordered its troops and guerrillas
pounda ol bombl on poaltlona cl IOIDe in the lunar new year ltarting Monday •,OOI Q.,mumtst troopa tbrelltenmg to "la• new 11multaneoua attacU,
8*Jaoa, mlUtary ~ Aid today. lncreue inlUtary pt'tllUl'O cm all livnts,
'!lie bom!llni !tie put • boan -kill alll l!lciflcotlon lelml, llld liquidate
II ruerrllla llroolboldl "' tralll ltodlng the crlmll1all and tralton !hit make
'lo ibe capital whir< American and aJlled up the puppet regime.''
troops have heel. 'moblllled to meet a The order, broadcast by the Viet
Communllt <lftenldve in the wrruunding Coo(1 Liberation Radio and rebroadcast
11 pr-. by Radio Hanoi, said the war effort
Commuq111 farceo 111 South . .VI-apinlt ihe U.S. and South Vietnam ...
are k'bedl11ed to open a week-Jenc eeue-forces "must be intensified to insure
flre 8aturdaJ mornlng Jn oi.ervuce fl that the new year lJ the IDOlt glorious
tbl Tit hmar new JUI' bolldayi. ·lft· • andmolt.victoriouainourbistory."
formed South -IOiil-The order called on Viet CO,,. units
.....,.. Aid lbe aDls prdlolllJ will to "smub. kill, wipe out and liquidate"
coll 1 II lo -truce. Bui the offlctall and admlolltrotors for !)le
Comlmmllla 1llOd Jut yur'1 Tel for Saigon aovemmenL
lbelr ll'ltal nationwide of f e DI t v e In the Cllllpalgo lo l!pOI and l1IWh
qalolt cm. and aDlod lntaWpnoe uld .the mual1roomlnl gumllla llllly, an
Ibey 11'1 plannlns lo 117 oplD thll Wlll'JllOd U.S. Army UH1 amblllance
State Admits Offshore
11J IOllN VALTlllZA ...............
. A declllal\ to wP ~ lhl la.
I _.,,a1 <I tool cltlillni a mile off
Newport Btach by 1 irouP of oil flnas
wu "an admlnlltraUve ernr," an ex-
ecutive aource in the State Division of
Lands admitted today.
The IOUl'Ce, a Southern Callfcrnia ex-
ecuUve of the State LmU Division,
Aid !hit projecll lnvolvlq drilling by
oil fln1ll tu ••1eologlcaJ exploration oaly'"
are mually tept eecrtt because of
"general policy" of the divWon.
The •dmlakm ol. error came m the
heell of an IDllOOJIOOIDellt by the Shell
Oil Company that the propoeed tell drill·
Ing by the --i CUSS I 1 mile off
Newport llart>or will he ..,. of eight
propooed aJoog the Soulhtro Callfarnla
COlllllne wHhln the lhtee-mlle In·
Tbe c:wn ·&hoard CUSS I waited no
tlmo lmplimentlllg their plus opJ>f11Ved
DrlUlntr .. tile flrll of the <ill>I pro-
jecll illarlOd JID. S oil Malibu. Work
II cmUoulDg, and tile bole II ezpected
lo be drilled lo. depth of l,Ollll feel
'nle State Landa Cxnmlql(ll, whose
memben are Controller Hou 1 t on
Flournoy, Lieutenant Governor Ed
:S.lnecke and State P'lnuce Director
Cuper Welnherl'r, opprovecl the wt
drllllng Jan. 2. No formal announctment
of the approval wu Jlllde, •
That upect. amq 6'thus, bas <lriwn
-idto·-Ntwporl B11cb ind Orqe
Coomt7 offlclala.
1lie lourct kr tile stale ogency •lid,
"I ruea wt'll md a letter out soon."
CUSS I, Which will have aboard an
engineer for the state agency, ls ei:pected
to drill bo!OI ofi Newport, San Oooln!,
Oce,anslde. Eoclnltu and La Jolla. The
Newport project ia slated to belln within
three or four weeb:.
From Pqe 1
~Uy _.iary of the Orange County
Couocll of YMCA.
Rodda bu taught indwtrill relations,
perBOD.Del admtniStration and public rela-
tlons at USC where be rectlved a
muter'a in education. Hil muter'•
thul.! was oa drop outs from Pasadena
Junkr Colle1e, which he previouslJ at~
tended. '
He served in the U.S. Navy fnlm
llM to 195& and organized the Atomic,
Biological and Chemical School at Mare
Ialand Naval Base in Vallejo.
Rodda and his wife, Madge, have three
daughters. One of them, Susan, ii a
part-time lludent II OCC.
Rash of Traffic Accidents
In Mesa Leaves 6 Injured
Six -lncludlnc • lllllall boy
mnalnilll In tl'I .. cmd!Uoo llftor being
struct by an eklerly woman'• car, were
lnjund Thundoy and today In a ruh
of COiia 11 ... trafllc 1ccldeota.
Only the child and ........ -car a1ammed Into a parted vehicle re-
main Jwpllali'*' today, •ecardlnc lo
Roger E. Boylet, I, of 21» Walllce
Ave., ii llated In poor cmdltloo today
at COit& M ... Memorlal HOlplta~ follow·
"" .... ...,. Tblll'ldly ntpt kr lat<la-
tlonl ond lntemal lnJllrial.
P-n lllcbanl 1'nderlUen Aid
the boy WU nmninl -llaml1lon 8lreet al Storllns Avenue In 1 IChool
JOM 'nlur8day when hit by a car drtvtn
by Mrl. Alpba H. Balloy, 70, of •t
Walllce A,.., COiia M111.
The occtdmt, which fhmc the .tc:11m
-cllltance, 1J lllJD under h> veot!ptlon.
Ellabelh MarleU, II, of 1115 p_,.
An., WU lilted In fair condtUon at
lloq llemortal lfoopltal today, after
her fonlp car knocked 1 paned
-le lledon 40 feet In 1 'llnlndl1
Illa Morletl ... CIQI of the -car and 11_...i lo 1 I~
the -with blood -accordlnc lo
a man who w11 following just bohlnd
her In the 100 block on Eut !Ith Strtot.
She told Officer Len Damennr the
..11nea· car bad pulled out behind her
from Oronse Avenue and she glanced
into the rear view mtrrar, after whlt.b
the com.ton 0tt-w1ed.
A Huntinatoo Beach houlewlfe and
• trucker ..,. Injured 'l'hurldly when
the woman•• staUon wa,on slammed
tnlo the cab ind trailer r1r on Brtllol
Street 1t the San Dlel!O ""°"'1 · ',
Mrt. Eley S. Boletkl. 41; of 11'12
J'lve llarbott Drive, Homttncton Bucb,
and Jkrhert W. Burte, II, of Belllloftr.
were trtlted 1t CoM· Mee.a Memoria1
Hoopllal ond ...-.
P.U.. Aid llurln! w_u just 1••c••<llnc
westbound oolo a;llbl Street ""'" tile treen,y atfrun~ when Mn. Balttb.11
1klddlng cor "'*"" Ibo ~on. A mtaunlnl ,,_ .llld a plumber
wm 1"jund ear!J l9dlJI when the
womtn'I Cat WU smubed from the
ree.r on Dnd Street II lhe wllted to
tum left °"lo Elden-A-. CMa M11a111 Sandra R. Keefer, 11,
of m ltll St., IUffer<d a nec11 1nJur1
and Robert !.. 0.-u, 41, of 2219
Sllllo ADI A"" hid fodal cut.I and
chipped teeth. -
Both lllid !hoy would 1et medlcll tru~ rntnt on tht1r own.
bellcoptor ..... allot down • mites
northwell of SaJcon, WOUDdlog two
crewmen. It was the l,Oloth U.S.
bll.lcopter downed over South Vietnam.
lnslde Saigon. where Gia oow go armed
even to meas balls, Viet Cong terrorists
' hand grenaded two South Vietnamese
offlcu.. They tried to blow up a U.S.
Navy compound power generator but an
alert guard spotted the bomb which
was safe1y removed .
1be office blasts Thursday killed . one
&K.itb Vietnamese civilian and wounded
four more. Commanders ordered Gls
to stay off the street unless on business
and to always carry guns.
The big bang came in the sur-
rotmdlng countryside where the elght.-earlne stratoforts' 1,250 tons of bombs
marked the createst such rl1ding since
llec.· II and IS. The B521 hit within
28 mlles ol Saigon. Windows raUled
tbnJU111ou1 lhl city.
Fl'OM Pqe 1
nedy .•• said in euence that if be were
President that he would stnd 50 Phantom
jell lo larael
"'Ibat did It!"
Berman aald "'Slrt.an will tell yoa
himself from this witness stand that
he never tbouaht be ever would tll1
Kennedy but !hit lhn>oP hll Dl)'lllc
mind power he coaJd flllluill •boot
It and relieve that feellllg al emptiness
lnalde him."
"We have told you that from the
begilmlng thet he did Ill fact flre the
•hot !hit killed Sen. Keonedy," BmnlD
lllid. .
A miaJJ pwp of -lrylns lo
form a Sludem1I !pr a DemOcroUc Society
(SDS) chapter ot O.:ooge Coul College
!oil another 1'0UDd 'lliunday. . .
An 1clloo by Student llod7 Penldeot
Al Porco lo hrlifJ;y 1 lqltlmlJe SDS u
a taDlPJ.!ll oiganif.atlon. WU vetqed by
Dell) !Jf Student Actlvlllu JOMph KroD.
ID 1 memo lo P°"" ,..i lludeoll
seek1nc lo form SDS, KroD wrote:
"'1111 my undentandlng. that Al Porto
actln( Ill hll copaclty u praidenl of
tile Auocialed Student. bu given bll
approval of the Students for a
Democratic Society to become an official
Orange Coast College organizaUon.
Aeling tn my capacity u dean of student
acUvitt~ I hereby veto the action of
the auoclated student body prealdent.
"Tb.la decision may be appea1ed to
the president of lhe college."
In approving SDS, Porco had acted
in defiance of the student council which
hid tamed down a SOS appeal 12 to
4. The appeal wu from an earlier 23
to 5 vote of disapproval by the Inter-Club
Porco aaid by ruling of the student
judicial board he was empowered to
act in absence of a student council.
Election of a new council for the
spring semester wu Invalidated In a
vote las:t month because of ballot Jtuf.
fint. A new student council will be
elected in balloting next Wednesday and
5 2
Costa Mesa resldent Jerold W ,
t'hrlatmao was found dead Thursday
in the back of hia camper truck parted
alongside Pacific Coast Highway in Hun-
tington Beach, an _ apparent suicide vic-
Ume, police repc>rr.d todoy.
Tile bocly of Cbristrilan, IL!.2 Charleston
SL. was discovered at 7:1> a.m. bJ:
Jesse Frank Crook, 16502 Davi.I St.,
a Huntington Beach oil company employe
who was on hls way to work. A rifle
was found in back of the camper.
alongside the body.
The camper truck had apparently been
parked along Coast Highway two mllet
west o( 23rd Street for about two days.
Deputies of the Orange C o u n t J;
Coroner's Office fixed Cbristman's lhne
of death as approximately 7 p.m.
Wednesday. An autopsy was scheduled
tOday. No note was found.
From Pqe 1
a.!I the officera approached the hut.
"This ii a beauutul trip," said another,
whose trip wa.s about to take on les$
attractive overtones as police broke up
the session. ·
The man who reported the narcotict
party toot his I.SO.stricken son to the
police station first, then to Costa Mesa
Memorial HOlpital where he was treated
and r<lell!led.
• a a
1121 w-n11 Dr. M~ ....... ,.,,.,,
IN'llllOIS ,,., .......... ......
Aft"1~t1 AID-NSK> ,._.,...,_ .... _,._.C-, .... IHJ
r rtday, "briwy 14, 1969 ($) OAltV Pit.Of ·§
It~s Last Valentine fo~ Doney1noon. Boie-. -
BJ TOM llA1ILIY .... °""" ........
•'Are WOW dreaming, l10fft Mu#, of
all 01" V"lfnl4Vll Or do 1IO" ID<<P
quieuv. m11 onc1 Ql"Odoul ~. for
all I/lat 18 o°"' and ..,. ,,,_ be
again ••• ?."
Rllpfrl Brooke
Toda!' Is hlr WI V-'• °"·
soon lhe11 be no more, ~
Uiat never alJled I« tile 1W1npn to
wboui · 5~ Vllenth)e'1 Oly 18 nothing
more thla a crazy card, a quiet kiss
and a box of candy.
And lbe'U be jU1t a happy rqemory
to those who remember a lovely lady
In Iler plden. he)'dl¥ -u era that
bepo on :va11DUDe•1 Day, 1'21, In a
blue"ol ~ty ~ broulhl a somnor
or ca1ilornla to. join Orup Coaal)'"s
1'adera In an act ol devotion al ber
open door.
Then abe WU christeoed 8alnt ArJD.\&
IM. a noble name for a lllai.ly, lltamlng
white hotel that stood out In what was
to be Santa Ana'a civic center like
a glittering jewel in a queen's diadem.
Honeymoon Hideaway Made Many Friends, Little Money
She was , the disUnguished assemblage
agreed, the answer to a city's prayer.
The fast-growing communUy badly need·
ed a good hotel, a step up from the
seedy eslablillunenll that studded tile
boorillOI community like barnacles on
a ship's bot19Jn.
Santa Ana attorney Charle:; Swanner,
Reeds ••• In the Wind
Debris has piled itself high along
the beaches the past few days as
a result of recent storms, but the
driftwood has slowly disappeared
into the fireplaces of many a home
in the area.
t wandered along Bolsa Chica
State Beach examining the flotsam
and jetsam and was surprised at
the amount of wood floatin g around
the seas. Although ~t ""as cold, the water
was full o~ surfers who seem to
be perpetuM.iy numb. There were
many persons just looking over
the supply of driftwood f o r
sculpture created by the best or
the sculptors, Mother Nature .
* Most of the 'vood along the
seaside is good for little more than
firewood . but here and there one
can find something really in·
teresting and one cannot help but
wonder where it all comes from.
Years ago I used to walk the
beaches of Washington State after
the big storm s looking for the glass
net floats used by Japanese
fishermen and there '"ere always
some to be found . ~ Of course one could 'valk !or
hours , too, 'vithout seei.ng another
person, something that just does
not happen on the local beaches.
\Vinter or summer. a \Valk along
the water's edge is a valuable ex·
perience and one which should
make a person r ealize what a
'vonderfuJ asset the seashore is..
* Tar always has been a problen1
ln areas where oil is found in the
earth below the bottom of the seas.
As the huge oil slick from the
Santa Barbara ·Channel. mov~s
slowly to,vard the southland, the
possibility of oil mixing with the
clean water and white send along
our shoreline becomes frightening
to contemplate. · '
Could it happen here? Could the
sands be blackened, the \Vildlife
destroyed and the driftwood soaked
with the brown and black goo?
Yes, it is possible. Citiuns who
feel strongly about preserving our
beaches should insist no'v that all
protective measures be taken to
prevent a repeat of the Santa
Barbara catastrophy here .
Progress Council
Meets Wednesday
Members of the Council for Community
Progress meet at 7:30 p.m. next Wed-
ntaday at Communily MethodiBt Church,
fi662 Heil Ave., Huntington Beach.
Numerous items concerned wilh the
food stamp program for lhe poor, housing
and other items of community welfare
are on the agenda, according to Mrs.
Hannah Alekounbides, chairman.
lnfonnaUon on the group may be ob-
lained by calling Mrs. Alekounbides 1t
f t ..
Judge Voices Approval
Of Guilty Plea Bargains
Supreme court justice St.aruey Mosk, a
former attorney general, talked Thursday
about some matters judges and pro-
secutors don't often discuss in public.
He gave his general approval . to
"bargaining'' by prosecutors seeking
guilty pleas, and he said district It·
torneys should not e_nforce all the laws.
These views were expressed in a major
address to the California District At·
torneys Association diBcussiDg fears that
10Ciety ls losing ils fight against crime.
The fean are not new, he said, for
every generation since the repub1ic's
founding considered itaelf facing a crime
crisis and blamed the situation on laxity
of the courts and prosecutors.
But he said when the public concludes
the system of justice is not working,
law loses its deterrent effect and weak
characters decide they 0 can get by with
In discussing the lengthy delays in
the criminal trial process, which un·
dermine public confidence, Mosk said
prasecutors lhould exercise more discre-
tion in selecting cases to be pressed.
''While some elements in the public
might deem prosecutorial discretion to
be impraper, lhe concept that every
violation of the law, however minute,
must be processed is wholly unrealistic,"
be said.
If laws were strictly enforced, be said
police officers would give their wives
Landing in Fog
traffic citations, arrest tbelr fathers for
family poker games and cite newlyweds
whose cars art trailed by clattering
tin cans.
Mosk suggested new ways should be
considered to facllllate plea barsainin&.
the pl'i>CeS8 by which proeecuton agree
to . reduce the charge& in et.change for
a guilty plea.
"We bave in the past been reluctant
to admit the et.i.ltence of p l e a
bargaining," be said. "Yet prORCUtors
lllllllt barsaln In oroer ID llay In
Such oegotlatlolls are vital ID the
court&, be llfd, becaUle tile l)'llem
"would grind to a hilt U ••err pending
case had ID be tried by I jury."
In numerous criminal cues, MOlk said,
lengthy appeals ttSU!t becaUle pro-
secutors, too easer for victory' fail to
point out legal mbtal<ea by the judges
and defense attorneys at the trial level.
As a result, the prosecutor wln1 a
conviction only to see it overturned by
an appellate court after Jong delays.
Mosk said the growing backlog of
pending criminal cases is making a
mockery of "speedy justice," and unleu
the number of California courts Is in-
creased, "we will be in serious trouble
very soon."
The cOurt Jyatem, he said, baa done
well -but not well enough for the
last third of the 20th Century. We bave
much bard work ahead."
$ 7 Million Claims Filed
In County Airport Crash
Claims totaling $7 million have been
filed by surviyors of two movie company
executives killed 2112 moolhs ago, when
·a commuter airliner crashed on a fog·
shrouded landing approach to Orange
County Alrporl
The pair of claims flied earlier lhls
week with the County Board of Supervi·
sors charge authorities with failure to
provide adequate safety systems for bad·
weather landinp at the facility.
Another $1 million suit was filed bn·
mediately alter the Nov. 23 Cable Con;i.4
. mllta' Airlines diluter, which killed nine
persons, including two from Costa Meaa
and thtte rrom Laguna Beach.
Orphaned In the di..suter, the children
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Van Mourick
Jr., of 228 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach,
a.re seeking a total of $S million.
Mark 12, and Llsa, 9, ask restituUon
for Joss of support and eamlng power,
the same thing aSked by Mrs. Nancy
C. Bums, 33, of 29932 Morongo Lane,
Laguna NigueJ.
Mrs. Bums seeks $2 m1Won for herself
and her r,hlldreo Gregory, 8, and
Heather, l, whole father, Clark R. Burns,
38, died In tile fiery crash.
Van Mourick was owner of lnterna..
tional Communications Films Inc., Santa
Ana, and B.urns was a top executive
of the firm who had accompanied tile
boss and his wlfe on a busineaa trip.
Mrs. Harriett Holland, 502 Sturgeon
Drive, Costa Mesa, widowed by the death
of her husband Murray, 42, flied a claim
for $1 million for beraell and sons Ronald
and Barry immediately after the crash.
Only II hours belcn the Ile!lavflfo.nd
Twin Otter plane craahed In cottony
log, Orange County Airport Dlroctot
Robert J. Bresnahan had is.wed a ...
publlshed appeal !or an Improved ln-
strwnent landing l)'llem.
Guided in by a radJo bffm l)'Btem
now ln 118e, Capt. Omen "Woody" Dubois, rt, of 12572 Barbara Ave., Garden Grove,
should have been flying at about 1,000
reet wMn the twtn-en,uie plane hlL
Supervisors Okay
Start to County
Operations Center
Approval was given Tueaday by the
Oralljfe i:ouotY Boanl of SUpervil«I for
start of construction on the county's
$10 million operation center. Authorized wu preclle plannirts for
purchasing deparlment ward>Qu9e and
office> for tile superintendent of 1Cbool1.
Coot or lhe !Int phan wu eJtlma(ed
at l&M.'IOO.
Site <J the -aUoo ceriler Is the
...,th....i comer al Gnll\I and McFad-
·den avenues and·eonalltl ol 11 ICl'tl.
Supervisors for !be IOCOlld Uma n-
lused IO approve the master plan ol the center, a · five-pbue comtructlon p~
They were concerned that there wtre
no recommendations on the dllpoaltion
of seve ral structures achedultd to be
vacated as the operatioo ,ceni'er ii built. supervisor Dlvld L. Bator pointed out
that buildings and 1ite1 that would be
v1cated Include the county'• valuable 20 oa• qrlculWrll building Illa oo Harbor
Boulevanl Jn Anlbelm, tile Frull SUMI
repair abopo In Saola Ana and acreqe
on Kat.Ila Avenut p1iiin<d I« Oood
control district use.. ..
a noted county historian, remembers
it well .
''Tbere wasn 't a really good hotel
anywhere in Ute area," he recalled.
"Sc/·-~ b-• got togelber. ~ afocl:, Ind 8aiot .\nit's Ion WIS
created." ·
But the sweeping, 46-room hotel never
rea11y pa1sf ol( for her back~. There
were receptloDI and dlnnere In Iler bugo
baoqutl room -Gov. Hiram Jobnaon
atlendad at leul ono oportllng lllair
-but lhe never justllied her auppcrtera'
hopes and the golden glow gradually
lapsed Into a oullen, red afterglow.
No one could really be blamed for
the hotel's subsequent failure, Swanner
feels. ".R. L. Risby, the aon-in·law of
Santa Ana's founder, WUliam H.
Sp.irgeon. was manq:er at Saint Ann's
Inn at that time," he said, "but it
was no loult of bis that tile hole! couldo'l
make money."
Saint Ann'• Inn didn't make m<iiey
but Ille made a lol of lrieods. They
rtmember ht.r with al!ection to this
day, particularly. on Valentine's Day,
that annual outpouring ot devotion that
, is outdated only to tliose who have
never opened their heart to a pretly
For thOie early years of her reign
~'ere years when you could take out
a marri•ge license in the county
courthouse across Broadway and take
your blushing brlde over to Saint Ann's
Inn. She became known as the "haven
for honeymooners", 0 Jast stop for the
love1om" and "the Gretna Green or
Orange County."
And Gretna Green, if ye've nae got
a drop of decent Scots blood in your
body, is the wee village just across
the English border where young couples
could defy the l•w and pledge their
troth over the blacksmith's anvil.
Veteran newaman George Hart reealls
how honeymooners in those days made
a major contribution to the guest list
at Salnt Ann'a. And the man who married
them, Judge John Cox, is known to
this day as "the mafrying judge."
Legend and Hart have it that many
a Hollywood star could be aeen in those
days, bound tor Santa Ana, the good
judge's chambers and a happy -and
secfuded -honeymoon in Saint Ann's
Walk around lhe old, crumbing
deserted inn today and you'll find it
hard to believe that matinee idol John
GUbert once got solitude-seeking Greta
Garbo 81 far 81 the courthouse lawn
on a mission that had wedding belb
and Saint Ann's on its itinerary.
But Garbo, Hart will tell you, dKided
at the last second, that she would rather
DAILY PILOT ...... ff U.· .. i-
What A Tait, If Har Four Wall• ·could Only Talk '
.be alone. And the stricken Gllbert (who
wouldn't be) had to drive her back
10 Hollywood.
Nemesis came to Saint Ann's In 1927
In the lonn of tegialatioo that compelled
young couples to wait three days from
the license date to exchange vows. It
.took elfect on July 1 right after a
glorious June in which the lovely hot~I
had catered to 400 honeymoon couple1>
- a record for the Santa Ana ~wplace.
It was the death blow for an hotel
that already had too much red ink
in its ledgers. She l!trugg:Jed' on for
three more _,years but was purchased
by the counf:Y in late 193tl.
She became the home of the county's
probation itepartment but m~t of her
40 rooms again became vacant ta.st J;ear
when that county division moved tp: its
.new building on Manchester Avenue.::
Today, some 5(1 welfare d,e~nt
workers are using the hotel •. BUt :ihe.y
.wilt go before the end of the m9nth
.and the wreckers will move 'into: '.'end
with a giant w·recking ball ~ era: that
began with a governor's ball. . : ~
You. get the feeling, as your foot.'§ep!
echo in the dusty, deserted rooms; lhat
somehow Saint Ann's IM doesn't really
'Care. She began ~er life on Valeii.Une's
Day and she devoted that life, '."tnore
or less, to lovers and brotJilit hbney·
mooners that special kind of hapl}iness
that is reborn within us today. :
She isn't weeping quietly, :she·s
laughing softly. What a tale she'd_ tell
us il her lour walls could only •talli. ••
FU. 15°16
Color Pack Camera
ONLY $3497
(Regular 39.881
Color Pack camera
with flash gun.
ONLY $10997
!Regular 119.881
I Just Say "Charge.It"
Frld"1, Ffl>11l11y 14, 1969
Wiboa Virit• Citt1
Berlin ·pr~pa:re·s.
For Harassment:
~ ..... Dlllfr ... S19IO
: The Summerville Exchange
Club, part of a natio~al organ.iza ..
'tlon sponsoring National Crone
Prevention Week. invited law en·
' forcement officials from the area
·loJuocb in Augusta, Ga. The after·
lunch comments were delayed
· slitihUy when the club members
)\ad to borrow a podium. Some-
bddy bad stolen theirs. ... .
1: ;\ Verona, Wis. high school stu· ·aent shot an arrow into a big
blllck tiird that bad made diving
runs· on teen-agers. T h e bird
turned out to be a large homed
~wl with a wingspan of more than
four feet. The bird was being
cbf)Cked for rabies.
• • _,, __ ...y..,..~~,--
A Chry1ler official said this
week a Chevrolet dealer named
Ford had won top award in the
auto industry'& highway safety
committee dtaler program. By.
ron J, Nichol$, Chrysler Corp.
'Vice prelident, announced at
• the National Auto Dealers Cun·
vention in Houston that Gene
Ford, owner of Frontier. Chev-
.rolet Co., Fresno, was the win-
• c The young man with the chest·
BERLIN (UPI) -BorUn today
Plllllied toward onolher Eall-Wut
c:rilla. Tbe Soviet Union demandtd West
Germany call off • prealdenllal tlectlon
in West Borlin. Tbe West ,Germau lild
Hanoi Silent
On Clashes in
Border Are"'~
PARIS (UPI) -Western diplomatic
sources said today North Vietnam bas
refused 1o discuss lhe Commtinut uPl'b-
ings in Laos and c;:ambodla at the Viet-
nam peace talks. The refusal added
to the issues that have deadlocked the
talks for more than (our week& ·
The war in Vietnam bu spilled Oftr
the bolilers into Laos · and Cambodia
numerous timea: and South Vietnam ac--
cused the Hanoi regime of trying to
export its revolution to thole countries
too. Hanoi says they are completely
separate· "popular uprtsinp'' and must
be dealt with separately.
Western diplomatic sources said chief
Hanoi negotiator Xuan Thuy rejected
efforts to discuss those neighboring coun~
tries and that he clearly hoped to give
the insurgent leaders in those countries
a chance to pose as independent
negotiators at some future conference.
The Paris talks were so deadlocked
that U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker
conferred in Saigon today with President
Nguyen Van Thieu on means of resolving
some of the imies. Jt was their first
conterence aince Vice President Nguyen
Cao Ky flew home from Paris Sunday.
Subject of the Bunker·Thieu talks was
not known but Thieu told Vietnamese
army rangers and paratroops Thqrsday
his government would "make no con-
cessions" to the Communists but was
"ready to reserve for them an honorable
no and lll'edicled Roulan haraumeot
of tbe .ctty'a air. and land lrllllc.
Brltllh Prime Mlnillor Harold Wila<ll new Into lhll outpoot c!tY -~I a
palh to be followed b)' Pmidmt Jillon
Feb. 27 ·-and told West Berllnen: "I
coold not have picked a beUer Ume for
rey viii!. Brltoin alandJ, now and in tho
future, without atteraUon or revision, by
lts Ioog..iandlnlc pledge lo defend the
freedom ol Berlin; Britlab lroopl wW
·remain here." ·
ln Paris, Preoid<nt Charles de Gaul-
le's Frel'lclt govermntnt, •hlch witJl
America and Britain bolds the Power in
West Borlin under World War II rfilrts,
S\YIO!fl in with her parbien. Authorized
sources laid France, in uncommoo
West.em unity, had rejected flaUy an
East Gmnan Mte proteaUng the West
Berlin election.
Moscow's newspaper proclaimed that
the March 5 West Berlin meeUng of
West Germany's electoral college is
Illegal, intolerable and endangering
"In 191> West Berlin will ellher be a
dead city wllh lbe capllallst facade still
taking it.sell to be an outpost of the
West or it will have a flourishing almOl--
pbere -but ooly U It rids Itself of the
most foolish policy of the 20th century-
anti.COmmunism," Moscow's youth
newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda
In Bonn, West German spokesman
Guenter Diehl told newsmen that Rus--
sian ambassador Semyon Taarapkin
Thuraday night banded Chancellor Kurt
Georg Kiesinger a note demanding the
March 5 election be cancelled.
"Of oourse we cannot agree to c~ncel
the Federal Assembly meeting in West
Berlin. We are consulUng with our AIUes
on how to insure free access to the
city," Diehl said.
"We are assuming that the Soviet
Union again will attempt ·to burden the
siluaUon wlth military maneuvers
around and near Berlin ..• We reckon
they may attempt to interrupt overland
traffic and to harass air traffic to and
from Berlin," he said.
I on g beard and flowing hair
'•lrummed a guitar while be and
the girl with long hair and an irri ..
descent dress, serenaded their cap-
tors for nearly two hours with a
medley of folk songs. The stage
was the Skaneateles, N.Y. police
station, the audience the police and
the "entertainers., were Peter A.
P•rke, 25 and Norine Deury, 19,
both of Boston, charged with pos·
session of marijuana. • State Lays Out Guidelines
On State Racial Imbalance
Dent1tr Patrolman Louis M. Vecchio
cirelU gave this little 5 year old,
Leigh G. Barron, a jaywalking ticket
after tht' boy was m;ured in an occi-
dent. The patrolman held up the am-
bulance with the boy in it and wrote
the ticket. Leigh suffered a broken
cotlaTbone and a dislocated hip after
he was hit chasing a friend across
the atreei and ran tnto tht path of a
SAN DIEGO (UP!) -The first specmc
definition ol. racial Imbalance in the
-nalion was adopted unanimously Thurs.
day by the State Board of Education
in a move to force local school districts
to address themselves. to the problem
of solving de-facto segregation.
Under the new j>olioy, a school is
racially imbalanctd when ita minority
student enrollment differs from the
percentage of minority youngsters within
the school district by more than 15
The action, adopted by a 9.(1 yote,
Jeft it up to local boards to come up
with plans for correcting the imbalance
if they find themselves in violation or
the new guidelines.
"We are asking that locaJ school boards
address themselves to the (imbalance)
problem,'' said Tad Masaoka, past
chairman of the State E d u c a t i o n
Department's Commission on Equal Op..
portuniUes in education, which offered
the Imbalance proposal. Masaoka's
remarks came during arguments before
the board prior to passage.
The proposals were contained in two
amendments to the state administrative
code, which has the force of law in
The code is designed to implement
statutes adopted by the legi!latw'e and
can be changed only by vote of the
state board. Thursday's . action, ~
sequently, pub new teeth into Caifornia's
integration laws.
The first or the two amendments called
on districts to "exert every effort to
prevent and elJminate racial and ethnic
imbalance in pupil enrollment" and to
give such "prevenUon and elimination
• • high prlority."
The second requlred local boards to
survey their districts for imbalance, for
estimates of population c h an g e s ,
assessments of the effects of altering
school attendance and to compile pertin-
ent statistics.
WASlliNGTON (AP) -Good Grief!
Linus is chucking his blanket and mar·
rying Patty litre today.
Llnus is Mark Baker of Cumberland,
Md., and Patty is Patricia Britton of
Stuart, Fla. They star in the musical
comedy, "You're a Good Man, Charlie
Brown," based on the Charles M. Schull
comic strip character.
But their wedding is for real -and
on Valentine's Day too.
Inch an Hour • Ill Nebraska
Travelers Warnings Up From New Mexico to Missouri
Southtrl't (etllOl'llll Nd hllr )~les
~,. •llti .ir"'11y cooltr hnlper11..,,u
I '" ttie -tem POrtlO!I,
Los A""les Incl ll'lcl"lly WIS t1lr.
""'' ilKA'lllllf tlowl!IMU hi ell~ t0111<fht 11\d S.tu~Y. T1..,...r1tvrn
I climbed 1l111PlllJ' lac:llY, Willl 711 IM
"11lllmum 11 lfll CIYlc: Centcl". Tiie Plillll
lllvndlY was t7. Tiie 10W t0nltPll will
.. 1rOlll'ld 511.
Thi Air l'olllllloft control dlslrld
~ flO -'" the bn!R ~ •• Tl'lt be9Cll ln!ll _,., ITIOlflY Wl'I""
""'"' """' -· ., Incl ~ ··~· MitnMAM'to 11 p ,
Thi -""' 1nd deMrl .... lont else 1W10Ff9f •"""'-~ fll IUftthJf\t -""" ... ~,., .. """'"''"' ._.., .,... dimblrtl i. .... ,. .. .
It --.. "" "" ., .... , fnlf!
n.lllen ..... In tM .... "' ." ""' ..... Cf' Vllln'f. TM U.S. w.tMr "1'"11 u n tl'ltnt h I ,,,._ « .....,. dlll"lllt "" --""" ""* .................... ,... ·-.. 1119 ... ,. ~I Wrklt !flt fll•I II~ fain. LOI ANQEL£1 AND VICINITY-C-
•""""" ~ ..,..... kf\1'111Y. Olefa d .......,_ S.futdlll'. Low to> fllfllt A Ultfltfy GOSllr lltur*y Wlrll
tlltl\ .. CfllfQ "' r1"'1 .. HIUl'lt hi> flllM .., • WClf'llt ....... ,..
I '\'AU.IY'l -~ <lolldl"'H llft#'lll7. Ollrl(.t f1f ~ S.l~r·
MY ...... frMllftt Al to il. Sli9~tlll' ...., ~ wflfl fllllflt Jf to "1.
MOIJMTAIN MEAS -Coll&lffr•blt
~ SIWl"dtV. Clllnot t/11 •-· ~ ..., ""' llfllf'dn wllll ·-liwf .._. ..... twt. Cotltr Slturfty ............ .,,flrle,
""9llf0fl MtP OfSIRT alOfOHS --< . . ... """ ,.... a.t¥NJ'. a... ff ,.., ........ .,. ,.......,
......,1 • ,. " .,....,. Mid ., 1o n lllilrWIM.U.lll'llllflt2f•• ......... ...., "''""'
Hltlt IMmll'll dclfft tltltlf!f lo Mo t-mo111Y .-., 1W Ilk,_ ... .i,,., WMclt ._,,.,..,, • fD 11 kl!oll..
TOdlV"t flllltl> '' to M. Y"..,..,.. f-tfllm r I 111 I Ill
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l1111nf ttmllilf'•lu"' , ....... , "to ..... ,.,_ •!or ......,...,,_ ... RA °" ·-s-, /ff-•. T'41e•
kOlllll -............. t:., '·""· 1.•
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l"lnl ... ··••• • ., ".,.,. f:IA A.t'll. 1.6
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Htttt L-,,_,
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Cl111;111M" ,, " Cle~ltr>d " " °"""' " " ...... _ " " ...... ,. ..
~uAk• " " .~ Fort Worfll 51 n ...
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S1¢rt fl'ttlllo " " SI. Louis .. " s.111111 .. ..
Stll i..lr;t Cltr .. " ltn Dllff " ..
1111 F"'l'C:IMI " .. ""'' .. ,..r, ~ • ..... " " ..... ~ • 10 T ..... O .. ..
WMflll'lftO!I " " '
Studonla Attempted lo Block Slrffla Around Unlvorslly of Wl1C0111ln Campus of Modi1on
Campus Disorders Mount
Students Battle Guardsmen at Wisconsin, Duke
By The As1oclated Pms
Student protesters resumed picketing
of the University of Wisconsin today for
a fifth straight day as a midwinter con·
tagion of student discontent gripped sev-
eral campuses 8Cl'OS! the nation.
end to what .they called the 8,oOO.student
r.·!ethodist -supported university's "ra-
cist policies."
The clash between students and po-
lice came after 30 to 40 of the school's
100 Negro students ended a 10-hour occu-
pation of the administration building.
Police fired tear gas to .disperse the
protesters and 20 students were treat-
ed later along with four policemen and
a trooper injured by rocks and missiles
pitched by the crowd.
In Berkeley Thursday's clash marked
a continuation of an effort by a coali-
tion of minority student groups which
has been trying to close the campus lot:
more than a month. They demand a mi·
nority studies college be established. National Guardsmen and police work·
ed to keep traffic moving within the busy
Madis.on campus. Governor Warren P.
Knowles sent in 1,000 more Guardsmen
to relieve 900 on duty. Six hundred police-
men were on hand.
Apollo Landing on Moon
"For every National Guardsman t h e
governor brings on campus, we have two
more student!," Bernard Forrester, a
freshman from New York told a rally
earlier in the day.
Last Giant Space Shot?
A battalion of 500 riot-trained guards.
men was billeted near the Durham, N.C.,
campus of Duke University where stu-
dent demonstrators clashed with police
and state troopers 'Thursday.
At the University of California campus
In Berkeley police arrested ~. persops,
including Z2 , student!, after protesters
overturned .tables in ·a cafeteria' and
scattered catalogue cards in the main ·Ji.
A detail of 50 troopers broke up a sit·
in demonstration at the administration
building at the University of Massachu-
setts in Amherst, Thursday night, ar·
resting 34. They were protesting Do\\'
Chemical Co. recruiting.
At the University of Chicago students
who seized the administration building
two weeks ago to protest the dis~issal
of an instructor voted over.vhelm1np:ly
early today to end their sit-in, unofficial
sources said.
Jn Madison, an estimated 10,000
marchers led by Negroes walked from
the campus to the state Capitol Thurs·
day night where they chanted freedom
songs and sang "America." 1be march
ended back on campus without incident.
tn previous demonstrations, the ranks
of the protesters had never numbered
more than 5,000. "We gave the police
hell.'' Willie Edwards, a Negro leader
said afterward. "And we will come back
tomorrow and givei'the police hell again."
WASHINGTON (UPI) -The $25 billion
Apollo project to land men on the moon
this year is the last giant U.S. space
enterprise for at least another decade.
That is the way President Nixon's
science adviser, Dr. Lee A. Dubridge,
sees it. And the way Dubridge. 67-year·
old former president of the California
Institute or Technology, sees things may
well be the way they turn out.
In a galloping $-minute news con·
ference Thursday, Dubridge said his of-
fice and other federal agencies are stu·
dying recommendations for Nixon on
"a whole new space program" for
America in the decade after Apollo.
The study may take months to com-
plete .
Meanwhile, Dubridge thinks a "balanc-
ed program," including practical and
scientific applicationS of s p a c e
technology, would be "more appropriate"
for the post-Apollo decade than another
vast endeavor consuming the lion's share
vl space dollars.
Dubridge sandwiched his first ·meeting
with Washington newsmen between two
sessions with Nixon. He and Nixon and
Vice President Spiro T. Agnew met in
the early afternoon with the 25 members
of the National Science Board which
makes policy for the National Scientific
Foundation, the federal agency responsi·
ble for encouraging academic research.
According to Dubridge, Nixon and the
board members agreed on the Im-
portance or federal support o f
universities engaged in research and the
training of scientists. They agreed on
the importance of basic scientific studies
to national security.
Skiing Conditions
Termed Excel'lent
By United Press International
Excellent skiing conditions exist at
all Southern California skiing resorts
for the weekend.
'In the Sierras. 15 to 16 feet are
reported at Mammoth Mountain with
both packed and deep powder. June
Mountain has six to 25 feet with packed
and deep powder.
Here is a breakdown on local areas:
•1111 •ldH: 1~ to J6 liw;tin, Op~a!ln11 dll!v. Gr-Vallrl: Two lo three h!tl. 0Mr1llnt S~tvrdav and Sunclav. Holi.t.1 Hiii: One to th~ tm. 011er1tlno daily, Kr11k1 ll;ldtt: 1~ lo :JO lnd~s. O!H>ra!ln9 dally, Ml. W1'9ml111: Three 1 .. 1, Oi>er•llnt d1l1Y. s..... Ftrest: Two to mree INI. Olll!rtllnt Saturday ar>d Sur>dav.
SllCIW SWl'lft'lll: Ofle lo lhrN IHI. Oper1t!nt dillv with n!~M .ic11ng S1turda1t, MOM lltldH: 11 lo 30 lll(hH. Ot>uall"I StlurdtY llnd s ... n11ay. Ml. llllfY: Two lo tour INI. Olll!ril111'11 $1lurd1y 11"' Sul\dllV ll r06d t~ar~ 11 •~Pl!C!ed. Ttble Mt.: U to lt l~c~t. O!>lra!ln9 Stl~rd•Y •rid Mol\dav. Ml. P'l!IOI: Two to ffl"l!• h!tl. Tobooennlnt
Ind trou-couritrv 1kllng Slll'urdtv """ Sunoev. Earlier the protesters and law officers
clashed twice and police and guardsmen
used tear gas to break up pickets w h o
blocked one major thorough(are. S i x:
students were arrested.
The demonstration began as an al·
tempt to force the 33,000-student univer-
sity to accept 13 Negro demands includ-
ing establishment· of a black studies
center. The Students for a Democratic
Society have· since joined in.
Mafia •Relieved~
Leader's Death, Prevents Revenge
State legislators gave support to t h e
school administration Thursday and
Gov. Knowles told a news conference:
"There's something behind this whole
movement. from San Francisco College
lo Columbia. It is being directed by
someone who has diflerent Jdeologies
than we have."
At Duke the demonstrators wen back-
ing Negro demands for a blaek studies
program un:der Negroes' control and an
SJSC Teachers
OK Strike End
NE\V YORK (UPI) -A collective
sigh went up from the underworld today.
Vito Genovese -Don Vito, the right
man. the squire of the highlands, Capo
Mafioso of the East -is dead.
Sources in the New York Police
Department and the FBI said Genovese·s
death today at the medical center for
federal prisoners in Springfield, Mo., was
gretted with relief by friend and foe
alike in the underworld. ·
For the underworld feared that
Genovese's failing healU:i would cause
federal authorities to free the Mafia
overlord from prison. And if Genovese
were freed. the hoodlwns reasooed, he
would move immediately against those
gangsters who questioned his Iron-fisted
control -even from prison -of the
SAN JOSE (UPI) -After 13 hours lucrative rackets which reputedly earned
of biUer debate. striking American Genovese $30 million during his lifetime
Federation of Teachers at San Jose State of crime.
College voted 2 to 1 Thursday to end But Genovese, the young Italian im·
their 37~ay strike. migrant who perverted the American
The vote came nearly one week' alter dream by risinr from a poor street
achoOI administraton announcfll can-boy to kingpin of Cosa Nostra crime,
cellaUon ol 200 scheduled sprln1 semester djed of congesUve heart failure. And
counes taught by the striken. · instead of a Chain of vindlcUve killings,
Sevenly·sil of t be school's t,a "There 11 going to be a tremendous
teachers started tile strike tn aympathr funeral for the guy."
with striking AFr member11 at San Fran. Police sources expeet the underworld
cisco State. "' to turn out en m~ for the funeral,
NY Strike End Seen
NEW YORK (UP!) -Som< 22,000
Lonphoremen voted today on a contract
agretment which could end the lf.day .. ld
dock strike In New York and start the
unloading of IGO stranded sblpo.
• ' .,
which probably Will be held in New
York .
Who will take over Genovcsc's criminal
Ever since G'novese went to prison
In lllftO. law enforcement agencies have
been speculating on his !UCCCSSOT. But
the speCulatlon was unnecessary s1nce -
Genovese ran thlngt from his prison
cell. .,
But throughout those years, there have
been three names which continued lo
come up as possible successors to the
gang lord: Thomas "TommY' Ryan·•
Eboli. 57, of Englewood Cliffs, N.J.;
Gerald "Jerry" Catena, 66, of South
Orange, N.J., and Michele "Mike"
Miranda, 72, of Forest Hills, N.Y .•
All th r e Ii hold the Mafia title of
"consigUere," counselor or e 1 de r
statesman in the "faffiily" of Genovese •
Eboli, who was said to be the acting
head of the family while Genovese was
in prison, and Miranda attended the
"liWe ApaLachin" meeting of Cosa
Nostra big shots in Queens Sept. 22,
All are "new breed" Mafiosi, men
with minor or no criminal records who
are virtually unknown to the public at
Court Order Halts
Sales of Raw Milk
LOS ANGELES (UP!) -A Superior
Court judge has issued a temporary
restraining order halting sale aM
distribution or r a w milk by Alla·Denl
Dairy, of Commerce .
The daJry has defied an order by
County Health Officer Dr. G.A. Htld·
bredtt which prohibit!i sale or u,,..
pasteurlr.ed milk. The ban lollowed tests
indicating milk of 2S C;Jlifomi"" dalrjes
contained baclerla whlch could cause
Q fever.
1 ·foord ;in·-~ueblo Inquiry
I J> { '
I ""...:: •
~lnspe~ts Sister 'Spy~ Ship
. . ..
• CQRONAOO (UPI) -..,.. K ..... Jan. 23, 1168, ls the 011., -nothing g 0 0 d. '~· admirall coodllClln& tr. subject of' Ille second Jilll, n bad.'' H'e said he bad !>)",into the capture ol ol the _..,._ hearint. ~.ved w\d .. :Hllrls. only 20
&.$ PutlJlo mode a bur-r"!""' d1Y•·and wun•t:_·quaJUled to
1• lied jtlp to '\'.Jrainla tndOJ Bucher and Ulree Pueblo evtlua!Ao him,
iO '1nlpict -Navy in-• .ialisted lll<ll intlfled in an BUcMr'1 hour of !alimony
telljcenco iblp. ~ hearing Thursday which ~ covered 1 e v e r a I
Ttie td!ninll new ""l,Jtlle . ~ la~ !ords f'!J'. J>Olnt4 "" which the ·court ~•nY!~l to 1-the USS -.<S!Ao""' · • 11. who ooupt '.clarlllcatioo.
. ..-~· -a vlilel llli!)t· ran the wlOIJlaerice ceoler o( Conl111DIAod with• statements ~d,~J°' th~ .!..~hi e"'fblo."t1t th~~o Co~unicatioas by Signlll!"an w•q 1-h.
., 0 '' , 26, of Roust.on that •he never sdphlsticated el c l~T Technician James F. Kell, 32, ~saw the Pueblo ;al&nal the
the Cl.PJtred ~blo· wu of. Haf":ard, Cal!f., retreated Korean'.I it WU in intematiMal eqUWPed with. _ from his earlier stat.e:m~t, ,at.er& • Bucher aaid ·teleh
Pu<blo skipper !.19yd M. that he .~ .destruction niuat ~ "coofu~," ·· ~ w:aa lea.Uy enUUed .°' ~ret ma!P'*ls'when Har-H*· said the Koreans .Were t)i i.ID&.~e the trip, but lie r111.qe<1, to ao so. . ·~ by 11ag thit the .....,.., The odmirall wllJ lletuntlll( to oour( JR wha~ Piiebl · the -... ·
""'"1' to Coronado Saturday th•· NaVy caued ·a vol.untaf'1 . ~~·a1s::.f'it W~~ ... ·~ nIPt. . a~ance, Kell said he • . _a.~-...
A Nayy spokesman said the' diaCulaed the order' with Har. in •. aclentific f!lfW'cb. Leach
lhlrd Phase of the hearlpg ris, _ but Harris tolcl him "" =:,, =:. 'llS unaware of
; ~ ordeal of the Pueblo word' bad been reeelvtd troin BudMt also said he bad E~ploriu o.-ean Floor crew 1n North Korea ~ may Buchtt on what .wu l?ing ~oioall dlHe,....,.. with bis ·"°I " . ~ot _get un~ wal until tbe to happen to Jhe PuebJ('). ~seContl in command Lt SeaJa.b III H-\/.'tat _is towed into position off San tilldd!~ bl nm week. It had · 'Kell Slid he then ~i:ted on ; · " ""' .
FridlJ, Ftbtur/ 14,.1969
will test man's ability to live and wo,rk under water
for two months. Sealab's support ship is in the
Two Israe •
' ·Jets Strik~ •
Arab Post ··
11J 1k 4-l•IAod Pren .•
Two: hraili' Jet lipteni
struck a :11U1pected Arab 111<"'
'rllJa , pocket lolldt Jordan to-
.day, the lltull annf: ~°'" nounced. . ~
Israeli ground traopo backed
up the 2S-rulmlte air auault
with firing across the ~~·
A spokesman l;aid the J."'!r•
rillu at the Qater outpost,
in1ide Jordan just soutlt ·,ot
the Sea ol GaWee, had firOd
bazookas and 1malJ arm! 'itt . an army patrol
Another IsraeU patrol ~ilfie
under Usbt fire as it m'o'ved
down a street Thursday night
In the occupied Iowa . a[
Hebron, South of Jerusalt:ni.
The ·patroJ returned the fire:.\ beet'~ to start -'Itiurs-.bU oWn lniUative. Ordtr1.trom J. F.dw~ R. Murphy, 31,. of Clemente Island~ Thursday ready for attachment of ,4a'J, bUI the 'admirals stlll the bridge .to begin destroying ! .San.DieJ<J. Hawever, he dewed the umbilical• p,ior.to making a 620-loot dive to the
were sorting confilctlng testi-aecret papers and machines · a-questiOn .~m the coW't th~~ ocean floor this weekend. Five teams of aquana.uts
mony about the Pueblo's cap-came two minutes later. he bad a personality club ----------------------------------------
lure. Kell allo withdrew his judg-with Murphy: , .
The army sald there were
no Israeli cuualtit11 in elthe\'
incident. ,
Seizure of the ship-by North meotof Hi.rris u ''an average Buc,t>er said Murp~y s dif-
ferent aperJence in the p T lk H.! ,Jd p R • B d IJrael'1 aecond J a r g e· S:t
political group, the Gahal par·
ty, voted ·'brly today to ~
main in '1le coaliUon govern-
ment headed by Premier Levt
Eshkol, ending three days Of
polilical uncertainly.
Jailed 'RQpist' Freed
As Double Uncovered
~~:~~·a~~ ~~y 1~rec1:.l ope a s ' Ill en ay aises are
their work. However, Bucher W • h p
ran the sbip ·througb Murphy It rague
and said Uteir relationship WASHINGTON (UPI) -who were not even mentioned Congress. Their pay levels had
was "not unuSual." VATICAN CITY (AP) -The taxpayers, It seems, have in the pay raise order left previously been held to a mu-----------
The skipper said it would Pope Paul VI disclosed today a bigger heart than anyone by former President Lyndon imum of $28,000 a year. That have been impractical to steer
the ship from the engine room that the Vatica n a n d suspected. Not only did B. Johnson. "lid" now goes to $30,239 a
A chance encounter between when it was under attack, Czeeho&lovakia's goverrunenl members of Congress and But their raisei -ranging year because ,of the raisu
CUT RATE · Conyers and Ragan's relatives as suggested by one member have opened negotiations to other top federal officials get from $14 to $2,239 a year at the top of the line. A man sent to prison three
years ago for the rape o{
a University of Pennsylvania
professor's wife was freed
Thursday after his double.
serving a term for another
rape, confessed the crime.
at a police station hearing of the court. This would have improve relations between the a $2!.5 million Valentin~'s Day -were assured when the big The Johnson pay order,
enabled Bucher to get his Roman Catholic Church and pay hike package became ef-issued Jan. 15, could have VIROQUA, Wis. (UPI) ~
on-another matter in helm.unan under e-0ver from the COD'lmun.i.st regime in pay raise today, but another · fective because their salaries been vetoed by either house Valentine's Day s8.le: Marrf.:
i;>ecember, 19:67, led to reopen-Korta11 gw:tlire. Prague. group of 'government workers are tied to executive branch of Congress in the following age licenses, half prict. · ..-
ing of the case. He noted the Pueblo sur-The pontiff made the also has gone along for the pay levels. 30 dayL The Senate, in effect, Vernon County Clerk Roser;
The relatives thought Con-fered 60 breakdowns of its diaclosun. in a special au-rid!!. , The civil service workers voted to approve the ra.lsea Novy said be was "bowlz:!c to
steering apparatus on Its dience for more than 1,000 . T,he "hidden'~ pay raises -Involved Include staff dirtc-by rejecting a veto resoluUon. public demands" and Would
yers was Ragan and they journey from San Diego to Roman Catholics who came amounting to anotber $2 tors of House and Senate e-0m· The House avoided the Issue Issue marriage llctnHI f or
walked over to him and asked Yokoauka, Japan, before its here on a rellgioua pilgrimige million a year -went to mittees to a handful of other and never went on record wiUt $2.25 instead of the usual ff.50
what be wu doing out of North Korea mission. from Czechoslovakia. 1,100 top civii service workers sub-clliefs who work for a vote. today. ·
Dist. Atty., Arlen Specter
said the conviction and sen·
tencing of Gordan J. Ragan,
2%, 'Was a "fantastic case of
mistake·n identity."
jail. Conyers didn't know who---------------~-------'-----------------------------------~..,.,;_
Judge Alexander F.
Barbieri, who adjudged Ragan
guilly In a trial without jury
April 29, 1968, said in freeding
him: 0 It's a pity. I wish I
could undo it."
Specter said the
resemblance between Ragan
and Fred >.. Conyers, also
• 22, serving • two to 10.year
term in another r~, was
so striking even Ragan's
relatives were unable to tell
the difference.
Blast Rips
Montreal and Canadian stock
exchanges were closed today
they were or what they were
talking about.
The relatives sought an at-
torney who made a new in-
ve1Ugation, lnt..erviewed
Ragan 81\.d Conyers, and
presented the facts to Specter.
The victim of the rape,
now living in Van Nuys, Calif.,
was flown here lut weet,
confronted Ragan and Con-
yers, but couldn't tell the dif •
But Specter said Conyer'•
confessions described i n
details 16 specific points of
the crime which on1y the
iullty person would know. He
said Conyers also took a lie
detector test which Indicated
he was telling the truth in
his confession.
JET •~ , J
. ,,.~
.. ·-NOISE
after a time bomb ~ked At the January meeting of the
the trading fioor sn~ injured Airport Conunission It was re-
a'IThperllObnslast. Th ., 'pped vealed that plans are underway e . ur:t1.1ay ri . to modify the interior of the
open walls, ceilings and w1~ terminal, build additional re.st
dows, showering 300 persons rooma enlarge the gift shop ~ the floor and 50 persons add a' snack shop, add renctni
1n the visitors gallery with and modify the terminal build·
debris and shattered glass. Ing itself!
Five of lhe injured received Jane Hexberg, a suffering
serious cuts and were kept Newporter, wonders"""'.' since the
in the hospital. airpOrt is said to be operating
Several minutes before the at a 30% deficit -where will
explosion, which occurred the money e-0me from for this
about 40 minutes before the further;e.i;panSion.
3 p.m. closing, police received We ltonder too. AH ol the ex-
an anonymous lip that an ex· p,erts. all of the re~rts say
plosive device had b e en We must move the a1.rport to
planted in the 47-story building a less populated aru." ••• now
housing the exchange on Vie-10 more airlines have applied to
torla Square, in the heart of use the Orange ~ty .facility
the financial disbict. · : · and the co~1on is plan-
lt was the third ei:plosion rung to expand.
in Montreal thiB week and * * r
the eighth this year. During
similar lncldents several years Since our first column las(
ago, separatist groups 1eeking week we are already rteelving
the seceaslon of Quebec from letters of e~rage~ent-and
Canada usually scrawled the with some 1nteruttng com·
letters of tbeir organization ments.
at the site, but there have Maurine C. MlUer wr_ltes, "~
been no such clues this year. glad you a_re pur1~1ng this matter. We hved 2 miles North
of LA International a years" ago
h d and no one reallies how bad it Hunt Pus e i.. until they have had to ... counter the situation person.
ally. We simply had to move.
For Bomhel• U large jets are allowed into
this area, your homes will
· really derreclate. The large
NELl..IS AFB, Nev. (UPI) homes wil be worthless. Many
_ The search for the crash of our friends who lived in
s It e o( an FlllA fighter· Pl1y1 del Rly simply lost their
bomber and its two pilota investment."
resumed at dawn today when * * *
16 AJr Force jell began •
sweeping a two-state area. T1lk to any of the ~Plt:-
Tbe se million jet failed to u we have-who once lived m
return Wednesday from a low· 'the area around LA Interna-
Jevel training mission during tlc_mal ~ you will gt:t some
which the pilots were to avoid frigbtenmg ruponses.
being seen. A daytong search • • •
over areas or Nevada and
Utah Thursday falltd to locate Tl's not' too late. ~e ca.n still th~-stop further exparunon 1f we
· ·1ots were decorated band together. Want to Join in?
P• Ith """"' Stop by our hesdquarters UJ> veterana: ~ Vietnam w _, st.ab-s al ca Eut 11th Sl (at
combat nuwono. The pilol of ll'vlnt) In Coota Meoa. We noed
the swlng·w1ng aircraft wu volunteers, we need contrlbu·
Capt. WllUam D. Fuchlow, 30, tloos ••• we need you!
Vt11lura, CIJif. C.Opilot WU . •
~ -·-
'-· .....
MltCll tllelo feabnl oplnst ""8t,compttltloa Jlyu JH for the 11me klntl .r money,
anti ,..11 hen 1 better Id• Qr more ,..,., an lluylq Cllemllets apfa 11111 Jiii'.
Bunt.Jn "IUlrd l'tlllS"
There'• a 1tronr •tee! beam built into
every door of every 1969 Caprice, Impala,
Bel Air, Biftcayne, Kingswoo<i Eirtate
Wagon, Kingswood, Townsman and
We call it a aide guard beam, and it
looka like one of those guard rails you see
along the freeway.
That's what it's there for: To guard
you. To atren(then the door and put a
more solid wall between you and the
outside world.
Not a glamoroWJ feature.
But you'll have to admit, worthwhile.
Colnput-locted sprlnp
Maybe you'll order your new Chevy
equipped to the hilt.
Or maybe you'll order it with hardly
anything on it.
Either way , you're going to get your
full measure of our renowned ride.
Because we go to· the trouble of pro·
gram.ming each car's equipment load into
an electronic computer.
The computer then telle WI exactly
which sprinp to 1119, depending on the
car's weirht and the way it'• dietributed.
Chevrolet, .the only car in its field with
computer-selected oprinp.
Fenders Inside fondtrs
We could have ekipped thi•. (The
other can in our field do.)
But we're u anxioua u you a.re to
keep your beautiful new Chevy looking
beautiful and new.
So: .
Up inside tha rerular fenders we've
placed a second oet.
They do all the in-fighting. Catch all
the splashed-up rain, liush and road oalt.
Stop tne kicked-up atones.
While your .. outers" just sit there
looking pretty. .
Astro Ventilation
The other two C9.!'11 in our field give
you air intakes down by the ftoor.
So do we'.
We also give you two up on the inatru4
ment panel.
And all four of them are adjustable so
you can regulate the ftow of air jWJt the
way you like it.
Even with all the windows closed,
you'll be comfortable inside. You get air
without wind. Without noise.
Aatro Ventil&tion .la 1tandard, now, on
all the big Chevri>lets. ·
Rubber-cushioned ride
At all points where the body
joina the frame, we U1e our own exclu·
eive kind of rubber mounts.
They're· double-Clllbloned, so as to
ooak up more than the usual amount of
vibr~tion. Unl ... you're in the habit
of taking your car apart, ypu'll
probably never see theoe
little wonders. But
you'll know they're
there. Just listen to
the quiet.
The theft·lhWlrhr
On the oteeririg
column there'• a lock.
Only Chevrolet baa
it, in Chevrolet's field.
you turn the key and
it locka three things:·
Your ignition.
Your oteering wheel.
Your shift lever.·
When you own a car this tempµn,,
you don't dare take chances:
Bluest standard va In our field
Ask any car enthusiast, he'll tell you:
Chevrolet build. great enginO.. Ea-
pecially vs •.
And this year there are six great VSa
available for the big Chevrolet. Standard:
Our 235-hp 327-cubic-inch Turbo-Fire.
Another thing: We've ' lowered th•
price of oeveral of our bigger VS. alone
with our automatic trammisaiom and
power di&C brakes. Which makeo it poeai-
ble for you to buy a '69 Chevrolet for even
1088 money than you could laat year.
Show up for our Showdown.
y O\l can'.t 1-
Puttl•J JOU flllt, k-ut flnt.
. '
' ... ~
"' ''
.. '• ., > :l.
.. •
Capt. Robert Earl Jobe. ·~ Airport N ..... Abol<mrnl
Chicago. Comm1ttet •------------------------------------------------------------,, ,, ..
' 1
' ,, I
• Time t·o ~ Cut Red Tape
• Proposed reorgaoiultion of the planning, zoning
and building departments in the Huntington Beach
city government along lines used succ~ss£ully tn .Af.IJJ.~
helm has a considerable merit and shol1!d be given full
on the job Ions enough'ior resulla to be tabulated,
II may be wise for tbe city to hire tbe "super d&o
partment head" outside the pr .. ent staff to obWn a
person qualllled In all phases of tbe planning and pu~lic
relaUons job which II to be done,
Basically, the proposal puts under a single 11super
department bead" many ot the functions now spread
through a half dozen section s.
There Is no doubt that any effort to cut red tape
In the clly government will be taken as an Indication
that the city \s serious about attracting industry,
The object of the organization ill! lo cut red tape to
the minimum so developers can get answers and action
from city ball, , Juarez Colony's Potential
Al>out hall of the land area of Huntington Beach is
yet t& be developed, About 90 percent of the Industrial
laod and much of the commercially zoned.property sfill
is to be developed.
In the past, developers have complained of red
tape, the need to go from department to ~ep_artment
seeking answers, and then to boards, comm1ss1ons and
Fountain Valley has shown another progressive
step with initiation of a $196,000 water, sewer and street ..
Improvement program for the old Juarez Colony
While other cities turn their backs on the older,
run..ctown portions, Fountain Valley is attempting to
face its problem and bring It up to standard,
The complaint has been loud that there is too much
red tape in Huntington Beach. Some payroll·producing
potential firms have moved on to cities, such as Ana·
heim, \Vhere the city government welcomes indus-
Citizens of Juarez Colony might aJso be conunend~
ed for their efforts in bringing their own problems to the attention of the city.
It was the people themselves who first said they
had run-down streets and poor septic tanks for sewage
The problem long has been recognized by the
Chamber of Commerce. Manager Dale Dunn and the
chamber directors worked out a partial solution to the
problem by formation of an economic development
section to the chamber.
disposal ·
Residents are currenUy engaged in their own clean~
up campaign to repaint and reconstruct houses in the
colony, situated within view of. the sparkling new city
hall complex,
Economic Director William Back now is at work
trying to attract industry and guide industrial develop-
ers through the maze of city red tape. Just how sue·
cessful he will be remains to be seen. He has not been
With the current cooperation among residents, city
gov.emment and federal government agencies, Juarez:
Colony promises to be a colorful asset in Fountain Val·
ley's !utur,e.
Birch Society Lealf,er Vp to Old Tricks
'Sex Education a Red Plot'·
Robert Welch, John Birch Society
founder and leader, ii up to his old
tricks. He and \his cohorts are now
declaring solemnly that , sex education
in lhe nation's public schools is a Com-
munist plot to destroy morals in our
youth. A few weeks ago Welch remarked
that President Nixon and his cabinet
are dangerously lacking in anti-Com-
munist attitudes, just as he contended
that Dwight Eisenhower was a Com·
munist at.Oo&e.. •
Eight years ago the Welch followers
In Orange County, under the aegis
"Freedom Forum," sponaored a
d~graceflll meeting at Ille Irvine Coast
Coonley Club with mental hoallh· the
target -jJarticularly the newly«gaaized
South Coasl Child Guidance Cljnic.
THE. BIRCHERS claimed . meat&!
health was a Communist plot to
brainwash the American people, railroad
political dissenten into mental ho3pilals
and banish them to Alaska. Quickly
the ,eneral public recognized their
ridiculous, preposterous ideas as pro-
paganda with a paranoid overlay.
Actually, the right-wing attacks on
mentaJ health led to wide-spread public
support for definitive action by federal,
stale and·local authorities in deve~oping
a comprehensive nationwide mental
health program. Even in Orange County
there has been considerable progress,
long past due.
TODAY'S BIRCHER altaelts on sex
' , .
family life.
HOWEVER, ANAHEDf, with one of
the best family life programs in the
United States, has been a notable ex-
ception. Students in the 7th through 12th
J 'i.iJ~i., grades take the five-week course each '~ f.R' year with subject matter geared to their
age and physical matlD'ity. In spite of
education -programs· in public schools recent vi triolic attacks, the Anaheim
are equally ridiculous. With t h e school board has just voted to continue
breakaway from Victorian morality and the district's voluntary program, now
the ~ling rise in teen-age promiscuity, in its fifth year; Since Us beginning,
venettl ' a~ ·aiicf oUt-ol-wedloct more than 90 percent of:A.naheim,pmnts
pregnancies·, schools must step ·Into the have enthusiastically. given permisaion
vacuum and provide a meaninaful pro-•.~ f&r their children -·to · partl~pate. · ·
gram of sex education. ' Even though ·a Harbor: COODcil PT A
Even thoogh s om e ~ntWi · 'l"'Cial commlliee lW prodded school
parents and religlous leaden ha'V,: bftn officials for eeveral years, there still
open and fr111t with children, CIMJtless is no sei education program in Newport
"sdpbisticated " adolescents still areiciuite. Beach and Costa Mesa schools. Nor
lgl'l(:ript ~t ·ael:. Almost alwiya a in Laguna Beach, or in most Orange
shy or ~nalvf:.went ,b behind the unin-County communities.
· formed teen-ager. ·
AT LEAs'J'1 $0 PERCENT of the na·
lion's , schpol.s, public and . private,
parochial and non-sectarian, now offer
some kind of sex education. Some pro--
grams still are insipid, one-shot ex-
posures to films or "lectures" by
teachers· untrained for this important
job. But many are excellent.
Due to the strong Bircher innuence
in Orange County,.led by CCC (Cilli.ens
Committee of California), Moms
(Mothers Organized for Moral Stabiijty)
and Rev. Billy Hargis, most Orallie
County schools have been r.eticent lo
teach childr!n -anyUtlng about sex and
THE OPPOSITION by the small,
vociferous minority has scared some
scboo1 boards and adnilnistrators. In
spite of widespread public support for
sex education in · public schools, they
fear retaliatory sanctions when school
bond elections come along.
The large majority of Orange Coun·
tians who see sex education as a
necessary means of guiding youth to
maturity must stand up and shout.
Otherwise our school boards will continue
to be intimidated by the silly palaver
of Robert Welch and company, rather
than . follow Anaheim's dynamic
Nowhere to Go But Down
W ASRINGTON -About 60 percent
of the people ~mp led by Dr. Gallup
think President Nixon .has gotten off
to a good start. This may not be the
peak of his popularity but generally
speaking "when a president takes office.
he has nowherf: lo go ~t down."·
Thal rather sour ·judgment by Burns
Roper of Roper Research Associates i11
based upon a JO.year·record of. measuring
the ups and down of presidential
popularity. Ni1on, unless he reverses
the u:perience of his predkesllors, would
inevitably head downward t.o a lower
level of public esteem after, perhaps,
soaring somewhat higher.
This is the bitterest fruit of the
presidency and lhe Nixon people know
all about it. ThJa ._ '1be way they talk:
"It's necessary for Nim:J to gtt oontrol
of the governmeot41 ~ rlcbl
at the beginning. If be,Ja diverted lrom
that by starting up a lot of new 1H'O&faml
he never will get cootrot. TheB, in the
first b1W1h or public 81JP'OVal, it is also
necelSll'Y for Nixon to get something
new started before summer. That's about
the way it will wo;·k out."
l"r!Qy, February 14, 1968
2'JIC fdUoriol -Of IM lloUV Pfll>I u1lu to loform o!ld ,_
ulotc rta<Urt bf prescntin11 th.fl
,.._,,.,-, oplftion,T and .,.,,.,
tnt'ftt.ar)' on tos*f of intff"e1f
""" lf9nl,_. f>v providltl{I • forvm for IM ,.pr,,.fcm at
our nodett' opinimtl. ol\d bJ ,,. • ..,.uno u.. -· m. ...
poit<ll of lflf°"""' '""'""" an4 IJ>O"'-01tcfol*I of th<
Robert N, Weed, J!ubU.b er
TIUS CONTRASTS sharply with wllat
some; new prtl8idents have done. in the
pakt,. bl#l. it d~ not nec~~y follow
th·at they ,were right and N11on IS wrong.
By this time tn · 1963, John F, l(ennedy
had .pcwosed to Congress enactment of
Medicafe, a big expansion of federal
aid to eduoaUon and drew up the orders
creatlnc the Peace Corps, and yet,
followtn.r ·racial tdrmoil in 1tU Kennedy ~D to bll l .... point in public populari-
ty just before biB assassination.
'lbe atmosphere of 1989 is different
from 1161, and ln some respects a
revenal ol that atmoopher<, '11te Gallup
Poll would 1nd.lcate that Nltoo 111 respon-
ding to a public mood which approves
of a more stable, middle-of·the-road at-
mosphere fu Washington.
tt the experience of other presidenL<J
in the past :IO years is repeoted NilOn
wUl ruch the lowest ebb Gf approval
within a '¥fM of the end Cll tiis first
Wm, RoPer point& out, That pattern
could be all<nd by events mostly out
ol coruoi ol the President, I 00W h> teraeUoaa1 erWs f« example. ,
IN 'l1IE Jlf)GJNNING ol aevon ln-
IA!rnallonal ~ people tend to rail¥
around Ille pnoldenl lnlUaUns In
fottlp al!alrl, IUcb 11 Nilon ii now
taldng, tend to• ina,ue a -!dent'•
popularity <Ven though bla aim• may
be recognized ii not quickly realizable.
But tr the11t crises and iniUaUves ~
to lead nowhere or lf the crises drag
out, the public tencis to hold the President
A prudent president act.1 thtttfore
when he thinks be wUI have the max-
lmum public support, and be does not
wait until the inevitable dog days of
·his administration to undertake great
matters. If Ni1on Is to hold public ap-
r ~
proval he will have to d-0 enough but
not too much. "What the public ap-
parenUy wants," says Roper, "is a presi-
dent ·strong enough to protect the nation
from foreign peril but not sO strong
as to threaten its ~omesLic libert)."
Roper ~onclu.des that a president faces
"inherent patter"ns" of public respo~.
"No matter how hard he tries, he is
likely to face .an . erosion of support
over Ume, and be stands to get blamed
for misfortunes he did not bring about.
He can count on the naUon's support
in an hour of ·crisis, but not necessarily
its gratitude for a job done a11 well
as he is able during unproplUous Umes. ''
period see.m to show that the public
rates one qualification above all others,
simple convincing honesty on the part
of the President as a repository of
trust. Although the public may not
always agree with a president's policy
it will support him , Roper flnd11, if
they have faith in him as a man of
honesty and character and as a leader
or decisiveneu and strength.
Some Huntin;ton Beach folk11
would ralher have kids rkle their
minibikes in the streets instead o(
finding a legal place.
,,... ... ,.,. m!t<" ,_.. ...... Mt
-•M4tr ....................... ,. ~ """" .. , -• °*"'' .... Dab "°"'"
Child Under
Strict Rules
To the Editor:
As a foster parent doing pre-adoptive
care for Orange County Adoption Agency,
1 feel 1 must write to you concerning
the . articles caqied on .. Friday, Feb.
7 an<t Monday, Feb. 10 in your paper.
. nle attk:Je' }"'-;.in ftrerrlnc to is the
one where a famlly ii upetl by the
removal of a pre-.adoptlve child that
they fett they . would like to adopt
themselves. ..
I ALSO HA VE had many darlinJ. babies
which we cmiie. \o 'IOve. H~,-{ it
is the-policy o! the Orange C<iunly''AdoP"
lion Agency that.foster parentaiare NOT,
I repeat, NCYr, :allowed to adopt children
already in· tbe.ir care. If you want to
adopt. you are encouraged te go through
the .. front door" so to speak and apply
like anyone else. It Is neither fair to
the agenq nor the child to go against
the policy.
l FEEL YOU have burl our adoption
agency's image by this series of articles
and were very wrong in not looking
into the policy befort. printing this.
Enclosed is a copy of an agreement
signed at the time of lict:Miog for foster
parent car~. stating thls more clearly.
If you wd{i}d like to do an article on
a happy foster mother that loves all
her babiea but adheres to the policy,
give me a ~I.
Tht prt-odoptivt fosttr partnt
agretmtnt rtftrred to reads os fol·
"Well understand that if our/my
ILome is used for pre-adoptive place·
ment purposes, this represtntl an in-
terim plan , f.or the child 10 pLaced.
As pre-adoptive /osteT par'mt/parents
well will be helping the Orange
Countu Department of Social lVel·
fare evaluate the babt1'1 progress atld
needs until a ~rmanent adoptive
ho1ne U found for thU child. Wt/I
further undtrstand tho& prt-adoptive
josttr parmtJ oa1t.not be accepted GS
adopaive appJicantt for the J?teific
ChildJchildren so placed:,,
ln .. alt te F•sss
To the Editor:
The selection of ·Bowie Kuhn by the
baseball owners to become the ne1t
commissi.ontr ol baseball it • studied
insult to the fans and to the general
public. Il ~ ' the owners' declaration
that they intend to run the game without
interference from others.
Mr. Kuhn is an employe of the owners
as was Oen. F..ckert. Thll muna that
there is no representation for the players
or for the fans. Mr. Kuhn probably wm not be a cw In the imqe of
Kennesaw Mountatn Landis.
Baseball bas serious problems, some
of which aui be parU11ly aol\'ed by
a toogh commission<r, I wW> the playen
l!i~SS ln lbeir endeavors to;r mort
money. t trust they will not capJtulate
'aa rtadlly as some have.
Lttttr1 from rtadlr• art wtlcome.
Normall11 writtr1 aho1dd convc., th.fir
mtuagt in 300 wordl or leis. The
right to condvue letter• to fit 1poct
or tlfmlna te libtl it re1erwd. AU
ltttcr1 mmt include .rlgna.Wrt and
mailbsg addrt11, but Mmfl!t ma.11 be
withheld on request (/ sufficiert.t Ml· '°" ii appartnC.
Ideas Bombard ' .
I' •
Us Constantly
Even though I have ~en asked It
for more than 2G years, it never fails
to !Urprise me that people shofild want
to know "how dO you come up with
a different idea to write about" .every
This is aJmost1 invariably the first ·
question strangerl' ast when "they meet: ·
me, and J have: never fonnd. an adequate
reply that would not lffri1 like a rebuke
or a preenmg· of 'aelf-aatJsfaction. ·
THE PLAIN F ~CT of the matw is
that the worJct · J.a teeming with .idea!,
and never more ao than today. There
are on my desk dozens or clippings
.and notations, all of . them positively
scnianUng..to be wriUen about.,~ :real
.ProbJem is how to deal with. them ade-.
quately,· and how to encompass them
intelligently within.a· few hundred words.
Almost everything we have · grown used
to in the world requitts re-a:amination
and revaluation today. Tbeo;k>gy µre~
ing aimoot '4&1y; P"YcbolOgy b Wtlrig
itaelf by its own bootltraps; political
economy wOuld confound botb Marx and
the claasical economists; ed-ucation ill
experiencing a revolutiOn;· there 'ia not
a single area or discipline Gf hum.in
endeavor that is not being questioned,
changed, expanded, reshaped, analyzed,
and being ·extrapolated upon.
NO ONE HAS TO "thirik of" ideas;
they bombard WI constantly, at such ·
a . rate and volume that the real -task
is to sort out the significant onea from
the transient ones. Modem life is full
of fads and . rlincies, all the w'eiid and
exotic tphemera of a rich, lnaeturt,
bored, hysterical and anxious society.
To &eparate these pUsing sennlions
lrom the new ,concepts.that ·are relevant
for the present and prophetic for the
future is a far harder job than to
grind out a column every day on a
difftient sµbjtct. For· i~ is distressingly
eilsY· to become captiv4lted by the col·
orful, the novel, the trivial, the vuia;arly
assertive, the eplpbenom~na of our
mod_ern malaise. ~
ST. THOMASS DEFINED intelligence
as mainly "the art of separat!ng .and
combining." He meant it conaisb in
separating different elementa that tetm
similar, and in combining 11 i m l I a r '
elements t114lt seem different. Anybody,
for instance, can harangue indignantly
~t "law and order"; but it is merely
Sound and fury unle§ the writer knows
how these two words . differ, and .how
they must be combined -with the
glue of justice.
What should confound a journallat to-
day is that there is too much to write
about, and too little time and apace
in Which to write it. The temptiUon
toward over·simplifying is enormous, but
it must be resisted as, never before,
in this complex and contradictory. world
of ours.
Exercising Our Memory
About. the only exercise some people
get is the exerci!e or their memory.
But it isn't a bad kind of exercise,
when it isn't overdone. It may not build
bulgy muscles, but it does restore. tha1
keystone of health -the mind. ·
Memory ·also restores our seH-con-
fidence. For it tells us that if we have
weathered the ordeals of yesterday, we
prolpbly also can survive the turmoil!!
or today and even the terrors of tomor·
Feel like· a little extrcist right now'!
Well, put on your thinking cap and
aee ~if you can remember away back
TRE ONLY WAY a man could reUrt
fairly early in lire was to have 10
&trapping sons unafr1ld ol work.
·Ladies were supposed to swoon or ·
grow f ainl when confronted by emergen·
cies: so they caJTied a small. bo{tle
of smelling salu In their purses -
just.ilo revive them in case.
During tbe heyday of the bobbed-
llaired, sbort-45kirted napper during the
192Gs, girls wore strands of beads long
enough to UJe as a clothesline or to
jump rope wilb.
The pootman l10I only knocked twice,
but al80 dellvered the mall 10 your
home twice a day, morninc and evenings.
and a fint-class letter could ~ malled
for a mere two caits.
WREN A BOY gol a job in a drugstore
1s a soda squlr1, one ol his b41; mor1I
problems wu the fact Uiat all the Mhtt
kids promptly e,....i.d him 10 put ·In
a dime's worth of ice cream when they
bought a five-cent cone.'
If I child dropped to the ~ in
11 screaming tantrum, tbe father dktn't
make a hurried call tG 'a psychletrlst
for advice. He merely sot a t>tn ti
wotu from the kitchen llnk, ml ~
dashed it into the yowllntl child'• foce,
and the screams procnpt!y subsided.
Maybe that's where the expression
"you're all wet'' came from.
Animal peta ge~ally ran free, ate scraps, 8eldom saw a veterinarian, and
lived only about tw1>thirds a.s .19DI 1:1
they do today. But who can tell wbethu'
"they enjoyed their lives more or leu?
volf cOuLo Journey about a rnodem
city for weeks on end and never set .
a picket's· &ign.
When a man was sick, he said, "I f~l.poorly." If he remained home.. merely ·-
because he hall a bad cold, he ~Id
lose · his job. Nobody had heard 'of tht
"one-day virus," and if you told your
boss you had Suell an ailment he would
automaticilly put you down as liar and
a goldbricker.
You cOwd tell how long a woman ·
bad been 111arried by how worn her
wedding'biJld looked,
Aftti" the tint World War, spiritualism
had a tremendous ·worldwide vogue, and
table-rapping ctwlata.m reaped rortunes
from the gullible people yearnlng to
communicate with lbe apirita: of their
family dead,
,-----Bu Georye ---
Dear Gtorgt: I ·
Evtty Umt J start aoing with
a new boy and introduce him ti
my )>e9t friend he quit& d1Un1
rrie and staN aotn1 out with ft\1
best friend. Coold you tell mt
hoW to becomt more popular?
SUE Dear Sue :
m" you trieCI doubi&daUng wtlll
your best enemy!
I •
., • .. " •• • •• •• ..
-·. -·-·---·------Nixon Faees Berlin Danger CHECKING , · · -.. · · . -
. ·:e UP .. · • City ·Under Tension Over E. German Threau to, Bonn
... __ .__....,.;..· ----' :•T•BD.mwaoM men1 "'n ,...,,, i..~ .aow lialioc --Ille...,.. "!' -.,.;. -· wblil they .,.,~ belfOr ' pi111o 1en1,
'Prelklelll..lano'a 'Fob. S7 ' than they-.wbal tbeY •lnl -vtr lbe ftmatlca ol
vi.ii to weoi Berlin 1a uped-r ... · , Ibo eeru. """' tliero 1a p1oa11
ed lo , Int , Olllf' aliout lour Nixon : Is DOI; one 1to : ~k ' ol -i..i--h~; but;tlje~.'caold be rour auc11 a coo1ronl&~i>, and ~ liners "'°""" tbelr appncJa--111e .. p11.11.u ~: ManTendsto :Silore ,,. . . ' ' ' bclua ol ....._, .. , •••._ ~ put ~· ID I.Ill, tioo lo lbe Wild .-,,WHh l'Dr N1xDn oa bJ1 !!uropun . ~~· 'T''"-: u vice pmldeni,•be anil Mn. wbld! •'-,..-..... to' ·~ ' ' ' · The .cl•~~ 111· :under Nltnn rin a ~~apltllne _,_ -Uillr. Tbe lad lhal Bruuell la
. . . ~ . ~-· ........ , .. ;..... . ·~ . . ..:
~-1\t~t in the~Wmtei-
,· . . '
. , ~ f "'. < ,. ....
tonilon ~1·111 Jlf-l!:ut Ger· I~ oL t o1u· Ille frOddeDI John F · IC«!-lint on tbe 11at o1 alopl 11 evl·
man a 'D.d·: 5'>11!1 <nprlaal .dim delilomtra~ \n 'Cara· nedy'a ._..,.,...,, '•Jell ...,.. ol the Importance be
thrtall ilalnlfjilinl.to ,name ', cu,, V~I•: ~In tin Beflln<r" durin(' a au.>bel to 1 revllalllocl
• " formally lbeN' l 'pi'eslc!ent ol , Al.WAYS NIJISANCE v~lt in aootber period' al-tell· Ni\TO.
' . II>' UL BOYi! .. complulons."f,J'u'sitllihavt w..i Geim&ny'oo M...tb 5. ' In BerHn tbe stuclenll have slon. t-osl oa tbe ·llil la Paris
' -••;.ft ; ·• ·,·.11 ... :tbe beol ~ Ii traveHng To aild .lo M '; ...... ;..,lous · been a ........ but bave How milcll lnfiuence Com·· wtiJl:h undoubtedly Is~ • -"~ "~ , '•alqm•• told llll \!>al •. Q. leltwin( 11...k:.i. ~!In's .-,cetved no w~ ,munlst 'East Gtmiaey<l>u DR tkularlJ pleulnB lo t ::i ~~~~l': ;:•,:.~~.:l: i;.. ~ .. \y bave;•P:oln-~~~ ::::..":~~vemlYU:: ::::;.:..._~i:t-:,:
:.bout Jilin. He was 'bit ~· lrimlill" A. ..W.. bed to "clenjonstra~· ·tplmt Presuinably !be danlin lo s1udentl bave ~ !be lll1!\& I« boldin( dowtl .Ille ~· .t1mity·lirll cblld .• UcT"Y.Umeantlie'ldeafspol Nlxm11'~-':ropr.-••·"' .lhel'i<olaentwer.comlitered ~ "eotobll:ihment"' ~ ol nlotlam be-"EvEll 8!:1! A HINDU itir !iT.Jo -t girl? 'lbal'ir the ·!~ ·Amencan but~· u ·an 11111vo\d-almoat aa roundly u Ibey ~ tht l'wo countriea.
_perl<Wm oa a fl ute! I have stlll~Francisci>,ofcourse. bourgeoisie." abteportolsbowinglbefll4 .. bave.theca~l\lliJ!s.. , .
.not, ~t -~ he plays .., .Q. ''ROW •LONG AGO was . Wt4(,BerJln morale "'-..wt• · \ ·
'.it w!U))>la ,_,. BNNml · it ~~pa1p started to ~··"::f'ibe . ...:..:,~ beavily .., ·lhe • ..w;~ . TBS'l1NG GllOUND .. : . · BOAT BOFFS
·SWARTZ of .Bath, England, ,elioilaate tbe ,yodd •'Obey' •• '11\<Y~, •• , .. _ -~------' ' Certalolylf1ht East G<r· •• ' I.Mb~ ...... ~ ".b L ... the other · I t• 1 a:nt • :• .. ~ u VWQa ,...-• . · man. Ind ·the ScW~want to "'"'" . _, _, ro.:e one .noe or · r 'm ne .ma.rr .. a1e who! ,'itur !Nile fonner 1be . United ~tea rni1n-ni.U:e Btrttnia test ...,......,. , Ml .tlftl• ketltit .ilit.
·'21 times by ·~ 17. If that's 'cereinOny?" A. All I can 'trim Vice , -~t HUJ:>ert H. ta1ns a handful of .Ai'Derfcan for NI.Joo they' could 00~;;-..... ., o.khlt .. ,.'_~~~,.,
• not lhe tec-1>.0wng record · tip on this mitt« Ill the fact H~· · ~ •·-t ·-In Berlin,' DOI ' bul • ,,.. -... "" ''" o( all Ume, Whit ts?. , .WHY. that' the Prqtestant Eplscopal 1 . v!..:.• . 1~.;.";',~ ... =.!"' .. -~.. -a~ !...ia -. But. i"!'~ far thd Soviets: have ctftl.t. .. ..,,,. ef ll1•t. or 4";""''" w111,uts, '~-· ..... -·~UJ:>"l'.IYl'Ct lndiCllt!Q they would like to "9·•"' y1ditl11f 'll .... h I
:.15 ~NORING SO: much more H~· of B~ps finally .voted They clll themselves Marz-diviaioas .but. 111 &"l)'lilbol of ?Peet Nlian half Wal:.oil bi! ·' · tN,lty f11hr1 1f th. DAILY
';prevalent In the wloter? A 16 lo Z'l lo·delete the .word •·•· -~ -r, to us determlnallon · ~-··-"-"·' would 'Ill.OT .c~-•-'c1alrill-•cb•··~, ·lhe •-....... ieiY!ce. in•,... ~..,.-,.,. .•·tolO"· '' •, ,own-·--· ', ' ..,_ .. .. -••• ,.,... ,..... ernmeot~-~ " . ..ial>lllh-Some 111 ml1llon 'W .. t Ber-like -.. lhe nego. :,Cue. , ."WHAT 'l1IJ!: -~ lllRS. JAi'(. 11. LONG .o11...:=:;::..,;::;:_:~;=:=--==:..::.:=:::..:;:;:::.::::...,.:=:.::;==:.=-=..:::!~======== . ...,,., lindentand that the iiCb • ~ 1:Wash., t.,1 Ways ·~.;.; • '·'
:ilo." ·~ &man· .. 'llho ·has ·· 1i.i<po. '9n· 'hot huabanib left, ' ·i-i 1!!>tb, "II-that I!· !S> just 'IlW·ls;, "* be lioa do!rn
. ._ dllftcuJt, to bmli 00\o $t face Up, ·n•1 bl!I rllllt, of :"'1lllC!ll .. lt Is lo cet if• in, course, 'wba! he turns o..r.
Ule !Jnl place.'' She esplainell it lo me pretty
_: HAVE YOU EV~ become cp<folly. Apln I esk you
·!lyaterlcal, yubng lady? U nol, how'• that for geltlng the
;ilnaybe you are panic·prool. lads? Make mention o1: 11
·'!be mri of science claim el· for the b<iielit ol lhal CaroJi.
8ctly IS out of every 100 nian who claiml this depart
· Wo!Mn can tie so described. ment prints nothing that can't
I don't mean to say they never be found in a set of simple rt .,,.ry. Tbey do. But ~y reference l!Pob. All n,ht. . don't JOiie ~ lempen, DOl ·let's .... him 'turn up the
·-~·'.Amonl'.IUCb sltll, for,~ · .JI> ·his old eJt' for ldlfinCe, none has ever cyclopedia. ·
been blown lo beat ber little DO YOU KNOW ANYBODY
. flall, .aplnst ber busband's named Henry? Doti be seem
cheat, apatter lean all over the oorl of fellow to .J>e taken JhO ~.·and __ ''You · in· by~ tmi1 Joaely ·hprta
· cin't treat me lJke · tbls!" advertise¥.ient? .. Reason I uk
Howft'tr, our Love and War is a ieseifCller, whtl bu made
man says he would not recom-a lengthy study of police bunco
mend a panic-proof woman reports, says Henry ls by far
to a bachelor io search of the commonest first name
a lifetime Iadyfriend. A panic-among those sad gentlemen
proof woman, be says, even-bilked by b a r d -h e a r l·e d
: tually tends to make a man females.
unsure of himJelf. Your questions and com-
CUSTOMER. SERVICE: Q. menu are welcomed and will
wrEXAS girls have t1le best be used wherever possible in
complexions, right?" A:· Not "Cbecting Up." Address mall
righl Tbose girl! who live to Li.I, Boyd,, In ~ qi DAI·
io tbe ll'ftOJ'al vicinity· ol the LY PILOT, Box 11'15, 'Newport
Grut Lakea bave· lhe best Beach, Calif. nsu. . . , , .. ,. '·"
ls P'hysical Ability.
Being Hurt by Smog?
longstinding concern w 1 t h
amog, little lnformaUon is at
hand to shoW whether air
pollution affects the body's
working ability.
A start in measuring the
relaUonshlp between alr pollu-
tion and human performance
was reported this' week, follow-
ing a series of test& at the
·UCLA Air PollaUon FacWty
where 14 student volunteers
pumped a liicycle for half an
hour undU moderate smoc
and 11nog-free condiUons.
At each atage ol the test,
the volunteer's heart rate,
.blood pressure, b re a t h I n g
capacity and reacUon tbnes
were mtasUted. by a ~
of inveatigators. Heading the
project ·were Dr1. Georle
Holland,· David. Benson and
Geo<ge Q, Rich ol tbe Human .
Performance Laboratory at
San Fernando Valley . State
College,'Professbr Albert Bush or the UCLA engineering
deparlmen~ and Robert P.
Under the test conditioos,
the volunteers showed no
aignificant reduction in human
motor performance, according
to the resurchera' report.
'Ibe immediate reSults of
the 'project, however; are Seu
sig:nlflcant than the · methods
developed and t b e i r ap-
pllcaUon to future and more
strlnttint tests ,·llfl Professor INah. -' '
' por annum on miniirium·ttrm
accounh in n.uttipl11 of
' '
.. • • --
• ~
...... ,_
•.. -... ·1"ii'li"iii"-iii"iii'"'ii"ii"i-iiiii"'ii-iiiii. "•···~-
····•l•?NQ .. IWt ...... ,.t .6~ .... ...,
' "
' I
Old World .
Sptiniah Furnitwe
._,.... cancollatlon of $22.000.00
Spanish and Madlterranoan Pumltvro
Ail -T'T.!:, ... - -··-···· ....-o.~ ' Itema as follows: G<oi:Reow 8 ·IL custom
quilted sofa with 'separaie,Jooiew.\'!"""'i with ' heaYJ oat lrim decor and· ml -g: <)llllr, 3
matching oalt occuional tables; (2)' 58" tall
decorator lamps, banging chain swig .lamps
In Wl'O<lllbl iron, an 8 piece ltiJig sl1,0.maater
bedroom suite in pecan panelle<t M<!ditfl!Tln·
ean atyle with top quality 15 yr. warranty ,
king -mattreas & bo• 1prinp. Spanish decor dlnln~ .. t. etc. · ·
----"~·· "' ='~~·. ··-·-· .$69f.00,
AftY -Can le .Pu"""'71 I~vi+eally . ·To""' A•tlltblt --.. to ~olH.
;..,;C;,;,j.-.it Appr-'l~lotoly •
. ' ' I .
• j ) I • •
.At Harbor Blv(l.· ·:
• ' I ' I •
1844 NeWpoit llYll· ~ ~ .,,,,.
1.-y nlfht 'Ill f -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'tll :+ .
8 DAil. Y PU.OT Frldq, Ftbnwy 14, 1969
Prize Love Story
• Student Pages Sweetheart Witl1. Valentine
This Is a love story j11i;t
for Valentine's Day. And here
IJ how It goes'
Once 11pon a time. not so
\tft"Y long ago, a tall . and
handsome college man wllh
close-cropped hair waited at
Soulh Coast Plaza for Kathy,
·the speciAl gjrl In his Ille,
to finl!h her day's work at
lhe Sears store .
The college man -his name
ls Bill Harlan and, at 20, he
has only about one year left
to go before he is graduated
from his special c~ of
training at Southern Ca1ifornia ~
College and commissiQDed jl second lieutenant . in t h e
Marine Corps -wblled &way
the lime. be :was. r· (!ting .tor
l<athy '-by v la it n g Con\·
He talked to•a pert brupetto
in the smart, blue unilorm
of an Orange Coast College
airline stewardesi·student.. ·
She was a hostess at the
DAiL Y PILOT ex.hi.bit. whlch
was set up in the Carousel ·
Court of Soi.Ith Coast Plaza
as pl.rt of a .. carnlval of com·.
munications'" co-sponsored by tne DAil.Y PILOT and Pacillc
Telephone Co. ,
She also. in the airline
.stewardess course at OCC,
y,·as the "little siste r" of Bill's
"Sign up for the prizes we're
gi ving way," she invited Bill.
He did sign up. And lie
·won. A full page in the DAILY
PILOT to fill anyway he
Printer Don Hohan1helt Operates Pi'Oof Pre11
Bill thought of his Kathy
. (Kathy Foster, the 20-year-old
stewardess student he had met
at Sears last summer when
they both worked there during
school vacation ).
And he thought 0£ Valen-
. tine's Day coming up soon.
So Bill told the DAILY
PILOT to make hls page into
a giant valentine, especially
for Kathy. It's on Page 28
Kathy will finish her
slewardess training in June.
Then she wants to fly with
Continental or Western air
Jines until Bill is graduated
in June, lt'IO, and gets his
Marine Corps commbaion.
:Mier that, Kathy and Bill
wlll get married and -with a gtan~ newspaper,page-ohed
· valentine puled ln ~r
scrapbook -prOotJrnably wlll
llH bappl)y ever alter.
1111'• K1lht
Gorge Widens, Threat
To LA Homes Increases
' : !,OS µ;GELES (UPI)
"Yoo ~an hear it move at
nflbt wl\en It's quiet ••• "
~·.speocer w" lalllif
t a ~e near blJ home
ch bP been weakened by
-heavy rf.lns and threatens to
P'tt!P' cf.own on four homes
ln the M~ Wasblngton area.
A horfeshoe shaped gorge
grows wider • a c h day. The
Jl!lVement on RalnboW A venue :Ii •uclded an~ the telephone
11<>lp :ii r ~ cMted in a cruy
. quilt pal!.f.11·
s~ 1 home w.•1 in 1111
lmmediAi. d_,,I"· Ht h11 llv·
ed on 1tatnbeW Avenue for
19 yean,
· "The flO~lll IMd Iba r1ln
caused I~ bill nobody really
·knows. Nhtlilng Uke this has
e,-er happened here before.
My home has been standing
Stranger Saves
Amputee in Fire
strtna:er dragged a double
amputee from his burning
ap.,-tment, then diJappeared
wit.hoot leaving his name.
Amputee Curtis Nunley, 42,
said he was unable to get
to hls arUticlaJ legs, which
firtmen 11ld apParenUy were
COOIUJTI.ed by lhe r I r e Thur.
day. Nunley was treated for
minor burn1.
hWI 1inoe about 1925."
Spencer Ukes the area bee••"' of t b e wildllie -
"bitd11 fores, quail, racoon,
everyt.hing" -in the middle
of the Los Angeles County.
"The engineer aay1 tt11
moving about one-half 1ncb an
hour down Into the canyon/'
Spencer said.
Nillo hamN IA Hollywood's
Laurel Canyon remained in
dll!ltr from slidet today. A
fill!lll'< on top ol the hlll
beblnd the hornet II Wi .....
Ail the h..-••••
been evacuated.
Type B Flu .
Hits State
new outbreak of tnflueftla,
with l)'lllploms vlrlually ldtn·
tical to those suffered tn the
Hone KOllg epidemic, was
reported 'llmroday by the ~liomla · Department o f
Ptibllc Hetllb. ·
"Unfortunately, the Type B
lnflueru.a vilus Js dUferent
from the ·Asian or the Hona:
Kong virus and therefore no
one i! immune just becauae
they alread)'. bave had tn·
fluenu vtrua'tlrll year," 1ald
Dr. Louis F. Saylor, tht state
ht1lth director.
I See by Today's
Went Ads
.Trull ........... .
11 .......... ...
ttque1, clau. china. &lid
.. pewter • • • m11 lit 'Ult
tht •cct.-olY )'Oil'" Jook.
tiw for. •flit.-: .
ldOYbw -..i• .. -1-. _,
Pay Increases
The pay of union wcrter1. In
lbe COD81rucUm tradea IJ>.
du.try averaged 15.27 en hour
dur!Jli JllllUll'Y, according to
lllt WbClr dspar1mal. 'Ille
ll&Urt II a 7 percent incnue
Ol'er PIJ ltvtll ol lbe prtVIOUI
Vote Age Choice on Ballot?
SACRAMENTO (AP) -three alternatives: to stale a neceiSlry. ~ the system arid denying them
8en. Gtorae Moecoee, (D-San speeUJc ase~ to Jet the The mo.st often-used argu· their rlgbt to have i voice
1'r1Ddaco). llYI that U the leglslaturt set the age, or to ment against lowering the in the government that affects them in such matters as the Senate doet not pau h1I bill ad: a range wllhln· which the voUng age ls that t h c draft.
to lower the voUng age to Jegi6lature would choose the youngsters are neJthef mature1~--;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;m;;i--=~"1
18 tbll year; he may take voting ,age. ~ouch nor respoM:i.ble·lnou&h ll LIT s1c1nAIY 111c11:1L "-laau Al-ho Moacooe's bill will go to ·{Otbl gi_yen the vote. Detra.e· KNOW WKAT YOU THINI
WEI e .... -...., to the publlc. the Senate's elecUons com· tors pililt to student unre~t
• MOICOJ>t, who introduced mlttee sometime next week. at the state's colleges as s,::~: ':: :~i!.,.
almllar leglllation 1n lte7 and He said be ezpecta it to get evidence of tbil. • Mrt. Wiii• o.;._
1988 Qnly to ,.. 11 voted down out of the commlttee and onto Bot -°Moacone aa1J •li!Q.ent 07 ,.,.. i... \
.. Se te ~ aald 1 the Ooor, but .wouldn't try uniest ii pittlf cause<! by N ....... .._., c.Jlf. Rafferty on "'e na uoor, n to predlct'lbe floor vote. keeping YOWlJ people oul of ~·
an interview ~Y that Moscone · said that ex-1.==="'=======;;;:::=
it's time the people were perience from the past two t ..... _, r , · .. COMPUTERIZED T'!" Sanl~
I Warns .of . allowed.toeipre14theirviews sessions h;ls shown thal few INCOME TAX SERVICE . .,; l0weril1( th\! vollitg: ii•· senators will speak against the . . · ·
. ; , ''Thi! yW," he aald, "we'll blll but they sUll vote again'! , ATLAS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS '
• . , . , . • 'J it Last year the vote was ills vs. Ud•/S•lh J04 _ N..,.• ,_, 'U' · ' ·' :be .ready: to ·•0 fr~ a ~eteat, 19 yes, 14 no, far short of nrest . • · U it comM , lo ·Illa~. to •,_:the~:'.tw~C>!binla~~·_'.:ma~jor'.'.;i'.!:ty:_:ol~2:'.:7 k=:H::.,:n:':': .. ,;'= .. = .... ~·p.y.=·;;,:· A=W:i"='·=·-=· :ly=A=ppt=. ="='=·l=tt:4=!
· • ; · ' · · · llatewf/le \n Ht,tt I \F<0~am·
SAN DIEGO (UPI)° -DI'. palgli. • . • .
ldax Ra.fferl;y, llate . Underlbe !MUaUV~, a.pro. superin~~t ot · public in-· poeed • censUtutibrial amend-
' ·~ Thunday .. ur-g·&d ment can be put oa the· ballot
, ·high ·school -1nlstrat0rs · ii 'elgbt : pOrcdnl · ollall ·'those
througb<Brt Cilifornli · Io , whi> ·~ted 1or IQVernor in
prepaM .for Student. :unrest · tlie lut'election aign:·a peti·
almllar to thal'now being .... ti.on: o·nce.on lbe •ballot, a
perieoced al colleges end . sunple . DllJorily lk needed to
univeralUes acrou tJie Dation. make it law. . ·
Rafferty'• I remarks came .· Tlie 'S·t. t e. ' ConatitUtion
before a state board· of educ a. Jlevl.!lon ·Commtssloo said 11
tion meeting here Thursday. would make a final proposal
•He told ttie ·boatd, "I have on the voting age question
ht . my ~hand documentary whep it meets today. It bas evidence , of .the c o m i n g
orglniled attempt to subvert
our.ca!ifprnJa high schools."
Rafferty called the material
a .. blueprint for' ·short term
anarchy and kmg t er m
fascism In our achoo ls," and
said it was being distributed
by the "so-called and badly
mis-named Students for a
Democratic Society."
He aaid the aymptoms of
the coming unrest would in.
elude demands !>l"'senled to
the principal for apeclal COW'·
HI i... tlhnic l'OOJll. lllud-
•nt particlpaUon In noraanl•
inl the currlculum, abOll,Uaa
~:.~=-~ Inc of ctrlala lnllruoton .... lbe blriq ., C!ltialll oUitrt.
Mrs. Johnson's
Plea Approved
The Federal Communications
Commission hu app~ved
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson'• re-
quest for lbe mum o1 1 b e
family broadcasl lnte....ia lo
her control
1be agency aald It would al-low control of llatiom KTBC-
TV, AM and FM, Aualln,.Tex.,
to return to the former First
Lody from the trustees who
had dptfated them while her
husblftd tlOCllpled the While
Houri: 9:30 1.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sit. lO 1.m. to 6 p.m.
'I "
' -.. I
' • -'
quoltt)' """"'loo"" All wool CU1tom made areen
.l tol4 .... ""' with Ja.rge tuaeiied end' I'd'
for $90; IO'xl2' whllo :,;,i
1uflt'd area rug w'9 J*f,
like new, $190; eOtree
1able. 5T'x39", b&lll paint..
Ing on top. -by art. ~· "Jluno'·, "'°' tarp teak cabinet 12'x:M", COfl.
talnlng space tor 1pttk·
~rs. record player, 1terto,
11nd TV, $50. AU ttemt u.
beauutully cam:! for and
Jn l!Xetllent condition.
If you forgot to send one of these-you can ·~
still tell her by telephone. We're here to help. ~ Pacific Telephone
I; I
" ,.
" QUEENIE By Phll lnttrlancll
• 'Fly-hy-N\ght' M~il Taki·ng .H·e~vy :Toll
' . . ,_ .. . ' ... ~..-'
''How do-they expect me to g<t,my dander up with .. creature like th&t?"
' . ' WASIDNGTON (AP) -·rbe Federal Av 1atI0 I\ Ad· Nearly one out ol every four Oyin&, bad two fat.al crashes 8s high, 8!\_ tpe' 2~9 r~t~ for equlpmtnt. But, there'• no
government'.s fly.by-night ef· n:ilnlstration for instrument of thf 38 firms listed as flying iQ , ,the · same .. et.Y ~ 1.-at all non-airline pilots in the quesUon aboUt U-thls Is r...i
fort to speed mail deliveries 111,ing, a top FA·A officfal ad-overnight mall roules.8tready ' Decenber. :A goyernment in-nation .l &·s't year. An d Ju husky Qying." j ' ·,
with small airplanes is rack· mita the niJots' _,exn•n•ience h ,_, 1 ~ , __ ,1 -1 ••· h ···---ru'•bt ni··•'-, av••·•••• I I Ide -,..,. ,._.. has' ad·a tauu·ci'ash. v.est J&tiQD, is •. •ay.,,. 1 -,• , coun u..,l'C eras 1.u~u ••n:: ~ 5"'~ -....-. ina: up a ata ace nt rate often tr· SROt•y. , ~ . ·1 led under ·""",-a .... ,. of•-croia twice as bad as that for the · One mail rian ln .North UsiJ\g the Poat Office'• own kil one man. on.,a,.mail Nn ._ fnoc:.'11 K:ll The Poet Office Department. · • --~ N 'k. ed f bod' •·· t "-average .piklt. · started the 8 h'o'r t :h...a·u r Carolina survived Uiree nights flight time ~tats ~~-L the at }\ed B<1.11A'. ·!"' last w~ rugg , ore ... r; err1.,,..
Safety experts aceuse the onrnJg~t fUl)lts abo:Ul e ·y~r last September before 8 ci'ash beginning ol the mall.~ Deputy Asst. Postmaster particularly in the West.
Post OUlce .Department ol a and a half ago, awarding con-·at Cbarloite kill6d two -men' in 1967 through £be -start or-: General. QiaOes A. Mcintyre Under p' o s ta 1 regutaUoas. mall-must-g~through attitude tracts on a loW-bid · basis to· and ended. service by the con-this month,' a goyer)lipent , s.a!d, "The onJy· explanation decisions on whether ·to .n1
that forces ·flying in the face private air taxi firms .to try· tractor, Air Time, a new com-safety ·e'XJ)ert ·computes. the we can give is• we ,have 100 in questionable weather. art
ol I.he storied daniers of snow, for one-day delivery · of· fir st-pany. fatal acci.dent· .rate at 5.7 per , percent of our operations at left up to lhe pilots ..
rain and the gloom Of nigltt. class mail throughout more Another air laJ.l ·outfit. also 100,000 bOOrs. • ' · .:. , night. We have ~ tightest U a· pilot doesn't fly, he
The Post Office Department of.America. a newcomer to' commercial , That's: ilini$t esacU:v-.ZtWlce standards ht safety and doesn't get paid. ·replies its s.\lety standards 1 ...::.::::::=:.:::~ _____ :_::.:::_:.:::_:::_..::_..:::=:=::...:_:=::..:.=:::..:=~:.:::.::.,,...::=:::.:::.....::L==.....:......:. ___ :_.:....,-..,..,.--=-
for hauling a bag of mail
are stiffer than requirements
for similar air taxi ouUits
that carry passengers.
In little more than a year, .
nine majl planr ~ have gone
do'Nll. killing 13 persons.
In tw~thirds of the crashes,
the pilots were Dying blind
in bad weatber~.-··relfihg on
cockpit instruments f o r
guidance •
Despite the fact the pilots
rpust be cerillied by the
. ' . • • .. • • '
.VSDA in Smoking Problem
' • • ,WASHINGTON (UPI) -t 1'he Federal Communications
--Commission (FCC) wants to
: t;a-n Cigarette advertising on
4 radio and" television, and soon
: the ·Agriculture departmen t
., must, decide whe ther to stop ! .financing it abroad.
~ · .Agi'.iculture Secretary Clif-
.. ford M. Hardin must decide
: whether his department will
·• continue spending '23(1,000 a
: year · to help finance ad-
·; verti.sing campaigns f o r
.. cigarettes in Japan, Austria
~ and Thailand, and cigars in
: The government-subsidized ·
promotion program for the
fiscal year ending June 30
includes $80,000 for advertising
in Japan, $75,000 in Thailand,
$55,000 in Austria and $20,000
for the German cigar project.
An additional $10,000 is used
tD pay for tours of U.S. tobac-
co marketing areas by foreign
In another deVelopment, lhe
American Tobacco Institute
and eight tobacco companies
told the Supreme Cour~ the
FCC ,requirement that broad-
casters must ai:-anti.smoking
me~sages if . they c a r r y
cigarette advertising, raises
"substantial" free s pee c h
The Supreme Court is con-
sidering the tobaceo industry 's
appeal from t b e 1967 FCC
order. b e tobacco iTnstitute
said there was no law which
authorir.es the FCC to require
anti.smoking messages.
Agriculture department of-
ficials said that in recent
years, the .decision on renew-
ing the advertising program
abroad has been made early
in the calendar year for the
following fiscal year. If the
pattern 1B continued, Haf4in's
decision on extending the pro-
gram for the fiscal year begin-
ning July 1, 1969, would· be
due this month or next.
A spokesman sald, however,
the .-natter had not yet been
moved. up through department
channels for Hardin's.personal
Hugh C. Kiger, head .of I.he
tobacco division in :t h e
department's · f.orelgn
agricultural service (FAS);
said the overseas adyertising
campaign, which data back
to the mid-1950s, is one of
the smallest of a series of
government-backed e x po r t
promotion programs for U.S.
farm products. Government
funds used in these programs
are foreign currencies receiv-
ed for farm products shi~
ments abroad under the food
for peace program .
What are the •u11s-Eye Bliys of the week?
Every Dodge D11llr bu bnn-autboriZld to offtr a ~cill ••ruain price each
-k on alectld Dodge lllOdelr. Yoa'I git bonus llVlllllS on can 11111 1nlcks .. ,
even Dodge Whitt Hit Sp!ICWr 11'11· indad1d.S111 Hmitld. Hurry!
11111111111 111111nnn.oa
wltlu pint~ ,,re. dvrlag
aodft'llllls.f!t BIJ~
W11le111 Sports Spocla~
daigllld 11111 prlood far
W.1111 HIJ. hw 11 ml pall!'
nl•-11111 a.._. llllt.f!t..;.. . . .
Matcll younelf'flPwltll Boaus Sav~•IS! -' ·™= ~,..~...,...
2111 HARBOI Bl YD. 16$55 BUCH BLVD. (Hwr •. 39) . .
-.&TOii BUCH -147·9631 COSTA MW-540-8111
. --
I •I yuur favorite
1 decorator ci>lor.;:
I edged avocado,
1 edged copper
\ or'whlte.
''-CHARG~! ,,, .... ___ ,,,,.
Qualit)'Whirfpool automatic washer features new super·
SURGILATOR agitator, 5 cycle selections and 2 speeds,
Magic Clean self-cleaning filter and automatic bleach
dispenser. Matching 5-cycle, 5-heat selection dryer
has Tumble Press Control and drying rackforswmters
and sneakers. Both have special cook!owri action
for Permanent Prass fabrics.
Washer l TA-8800 Dryer LTr-8800
Handsome 14-pc.
nfripntorbowl and ..,..,. s8t wfth
EST·15PM only. /
Regriglrator.freezer Wlth tCeMagjc9
· 15.1 cu. ft. olfrost.f"9 siorage s?ace~ Half.width
adjustable shelves, larae stange doi>r, rhiK:b more f
Includes automatic lceMagic" ICll maker, ·
p0roelain twin cr!s!"'rs•and meet pan. ·
Ahnys free insllllllion Dli'Whirlpool lceMqfc" Refriprllcn!
At •..
; :,1'bmpooJ
Automatic Washer ha5 3-
. cy~lj' Slllections, 2 speeds.
agitator, exclusive Magic
Mix filter. Matcliiog,5.cyde
c:liyer has 3 drying heats,
fast drying system
and extra large drum. Both
have special cool-down
care.for Permanent Press
fatirlcs. Buy now and save!
Supreme Slim·Look
Automatic: Dis'-her
Autamatic pughbuttt>n Con&!
wtth 4 cycles, autamalic
rinse.conditioner dispenser,
dual swing-up racM:foreasy
load ing. Special watvflow
feature for normal faucet use
While dishwasher is running.
"Never Touch It" selfcleaning .
filter. Rated highest hY .
cof1sumer1m1gazines. Help.
stamp Out Malo.ciishwashers
. 1 ··0 .y A ·I T '.5 Also~.' ....
Sprlnpalo ~
TONY TOYATT 5~6·7161 . ,. 892-4463 .
' l,
'I (S) F""7, FtbMrJ 14, 1%9
"' ••
·~ '• ..
• ,.
: . •• ' .;
'• -I " , .. .. '• .. '" •• ••• " h •• ,,
'• "' J ~:
~ ,,
'• " \ol •• " " " '• ,,
. " ,. ,,
'" • '·• "
+ '4 , ..
i1~ ,,
11 • ...
"' .. n:
'""" ~r. ... "
.1~ . " :i • . . ,. . , .. . " +; • ...
' "• -·· .. , •. ... ... •l''• . '·· ·i·· • i•-. . ,, . " ...
" ... ... ,, . ,, .. '• ...
" ' \4 ..... . .. . ~· . ,, ... . ,, ... ... , ..
'· " ,,,
'• '". '. \ ...
" " " " " ...
'• " ·I' ' ...
" ,,
'" " '• " •• " I '• '. " ". '• " .'• . :;
'• '• ·'' " ...
" "· .,
'" ' ... •
.. .. " .. ..
" " ,, .. " .. '• ..
l: -"
• • ;
' • ' '
Thursday's Closing
New York Stock Exchange List
American Stock Exch.ange List '
... •'• ~ ;..·· -· )
. ~:
ll OAll. y PILOT
• •
••• __ .. hrtf-Dabbs, "' ....
J-'ilM Mn ~' 22, ~ f/A
HvnllNfllll a.ach Roblrf N. Oltfet", 22, d lP.-d.
Ind t.lndt ... Mt!lt Wlllllmt. 22.
err Huntln11tan fl11c11 .....
RO!ltr WIVM C.nup. 27, tfld A.drlef!M
SW Snkll1', 1t, bllttl d CD!lll ~
lltonald Dean Glblon,. 10. of Hwitl!IVlllll
Bud!. 1nd Mary Grew flrldY. 21,
of Gllndele ""°"'91 Etrl AllltiOn, 11, If
Wll!mlnslw, 1IMI Undni J-Da.,..,,
,,, crf °'" ..... P•.' Osar p_, '1, 111d 1,._ l.ff, :IS
bofll at 1'1..,n1111111o11 ludl .......
Jl:obert Thor'MI 91-il, 23. 8fMI kllblll
E. Otvll. 16. tlDtll of Hvntr .. lwl -Hendlll L Rabwtl. :11, « L-. B..ct1. 111d Mlldnid H. P.unl. a e1 w ..... !Mtw Jatwt ll. Uw11t1a. 31, flf H~
11..ai. ~ Sandrt LM Jmcaba. 24 ·--Erk Gonlllft T1rr, 31, Ind PtullM
1<ay 11,....., 3'. llotll of N"""1ff
'""' Nell E. WIN!Nker, 7f, of S.11 Cltn'ltnte, Ind Hiima A. lel\rN...,,,
72,ol'~ Hll19 Alw:llre L Prouhl. ~1. tnd llebert1 0. ICI~ ..,, both ol Westml,.lwl'
~ F~ o.y, 30, Mid Jo """ Ml~ 2f, both ol Hunllnttoll .....
Jtll'lts Marwood L ... SS. of T«•nc1. and T-ltrtnl I~ Flor•, ?2,
of CO.fl Mesa Robtrt Jacbon, 2L of CDl!lt Mt ... ,
Ind P1"1cl1 Altft M11rphv, 11. ef
Fire Calls
P-tl\11 Vtlltt'
12:4.I 1.m .• TllllTM•Y· w1slll:ll:rwrl. st .. ttr It Ward
J•ll 1.m. Thurlclay, medkal 114, 15191 ....... ' l :lt ......... 1lnit'tv,_., ,.11 Mtidl1onj
Apt, ' • 1:41 iJ.m., bladcaut, Edw1rltf alld ·-t :2S •.m., !'ftalt. 11 ~ Civic Ctn~r
Mttlttl..-•••di I :tt ,,.,... Thursdey, car flrf , 1111
Ed Inter
2:'9 fl,/l'I., 1tnKtu~. T1tber1 bttwtet'I
Go!llard al'ld GalOen We-ti
!:SS p./l'I., c.r flrt, N 11 S11rlsld1
10:1• p.11'1~ Ht IMk, 1115 Llkt
lllctllrd Sa1b«. 2441 Vktor\11 St~ C•I•
Mtwo. Servk»I ptfldlrlt. Mii ar.-wff
~ry, 110 8ro.dw1y, C°"9 Mn1,
llldol"' J. GaffnlY". 21• .s-tttw st.,
C•1• l/tt!U. SUnlwd by "'°"""' M~. Helen GaftMVI ftnt brtil!Mn. Huth,
COer1ld alld TharMU fl"" sllltn. M"-
A.1r9u1Ja C-. Min FIDrl G.tftnrt,
bott1 elf Wlllttltr1 Mn. /!Mry Winburn. ~ /Mrlor1tl W•t. 1111'1', Inell Ml•
S.r!»n GlffMJ', setvka f*ICllN.
1111 •n.dw9Y Mortual'Y, no ••°""' ._y, C•i. Ml1.il. HANSEN
M,try J. HfillMfl, ~ Ne~ Blvd,,
(11111 """'· Survived bY ~111hhlr,
Ml'L .. rtiar• Sl\llW, Paso Aabl11, 1nd
two 1\Jfwn. Stnrlc" Htldl'lt . lltll
a,....,...Y ~. 110 llro.ctw•r.
(0511 """'· FAULKNER
PllUlll J. f"lllllc_... ~1a $enbllrt W1y,
1rv1nt. Dlt. of delltl, FID. 11. survtwd
by WKt\. Cll,..1 de\19"1tr. Mr&, CYnll'lll
ICm!bklo'I' -m 11w, Olllf w1rr.rit Offk»r CIYOt W. Kertlstan. Slnta ,1,.,.,
11!'1111 fl!,.. ar1nddllldl"8ft. ~I ~. S.turd1Y, II NA, l'KMlc view a-ti, wtllt llw. Joti1t R-r
DIYi. Gfllci.llnl. laum/1'11!'11, Mlou-Wn llf tN PIC.lfk. P~ V19W
IMmeltl91 1'11\'.. Oll'K1M by hdfk
VIN #lol1Wf'Y, ZEil.ER
~ w. %.llltr. ltlowld hu$lllnd fl ....... E. r.ilff'I brofhlr olf M,rs. \.ulll
MW .c..r. $1rtk:ft. n M-S.lllr-
....,, •I Illa Cllurdl of 0vr F111'1tr'&.
Forl'lt WWII Mtmwlll Pa~ CVPl'llL DI~ f0!'99t Lawn MOrtu.ry •
C-del loW.OR Miii Colla-MIWIH
llfBawdw*1, COICa Meu
B ¢' ..... VdeJ __.,
Bud .... lied
Cnlzil I) • Mll1Ur'J
--~llrl .. No .... ~ Colllrm
CXUf04L nnom.u -........
WMtsi' I --
ijiiiiB't llOB1'1AllY . "'_ .. 8 ,, .... ._.
WllllQ.U'F MOll'IVAllY
"' s. 1'1111111., CooM -.....
frldq, f......, 14, 1Wit
6 Appllcatlons
County Stalls
Preserve Action
Baker Gets
State Post
County Supervisor David L.
Baker, SO, a Repubbcan from
Ga'rden Grove. Thur.sclay was rlamect by Governor Reagan
to head the new state En·
vironmental Quality S t u d y
Council created by the 1968
Five other council members
also were appointed by the
Governor. They are:
-Chester Morris, 3 6 ,
Marysville attorney, a
-Arthur F. Pillsbury, &I,
of Los Angeles, a Republican
and director of the Water
Resources Center at UCLA.
-Frank J. Tysen, 36, Santa
Monica, a Democrat, program
director !or the Un1vers.ity of
Southern California's Institute
or Urban Ecoloy.
-Helen B. Reynolds, San
Francisco, a Democrat, presi·
dent of the California
Roadside Council.
-Samuel A. Egigian, 47,
Whittier, a Republican, presi-
dent ol the Refuse Remov3l
Council's southern district.
Park Work
Nears End
SANTA ANA -Completion
ls expected by summer on a
$459,000 improvement p~
gram ordered by county sup-
ervisors far Featherly Region-
al Park near the Orange-ruv.
enide County Jine.
The park, formerly known
u Sycamore Flats Regional
Park, li<s aloog both banks of
the Santa Ana River in Santa
Ana Canyon.
1be improvement program
will provide ~ overnight
camp Illes and facllltl.. f o r
J, 700 day vislton on IC ICl'U.
11 will be paid for by 12%1,500
in federal lunch and an equal
amount of county money.
In New Place
pcl'lraill " 15 fonDel' u' s. ~ iDcludlna Beaja-
mbi Franldln .... JllDOI A.
Farley, ba .. been takon out w ll<rap and liV"' lo th e
Smilh!oolu lnllltullon.
Poolmutw General Winton
M. Blount said there WO no
space in bis deparlm<f1t to
properly dilploy the portraits .
They 'litII be bung in the Insti-
tution'• postal blstory hall.
TV WEEK Tells it
Like' It'll be
' • • •
New! Nowelty
Shoe Toti lags
'"-~··-$14 lot-1 ~Ii~· 9 "*'·~ lft m1-.
Ufellk• , ..... lile
Nd'adl. lift.lib col-aa• 1111,;~rlO" '"' ~lClt~
'29.95 layette
Electric Mmllarlst
::;'...:'.~.~: $19'5
•29,95 Minor
*14.95 Value!
hiding ltd
n1ct.. com·
fortlblt JY.i"
••Utd1 on
11iuclr •h•i-
JUI• fRml. lohl1 co•· -·
~OO¥iJt~use riil,e on Di~play
· Sp0nilh La.rid. Grant Doc!'ment Pr.esented w Board
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S111.til ..
Sii , ••
Reg. s1"
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.... 47'.,
Tami• .. .... .....,
Reg •. 21:. Penetray
Panty Hose
'351 to*l"Yalue1!.
Hazel BishoD Light Bulbs
6ll er 1oo·w111 4:49c ......,s,.c1-i.
ttMY ........ 1111•" 87'
2 Qlltft llssalM•
19" VIL ..... , Set
~.....n..:.".$6" ..... _ ......
• .t.NeM ' ' , •••• -19 -. ._t; .............
•IMC. .... ~ ·~ig
,,,,, .. $349
Men's All Nylon
Lldi11 llylM
Ptt81 Scmves
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~,~_.33c ·-·---···"' • lrllMiil -* '~ ........ 411 ·~ .................. -··~'4 ~ "'*" ······ -•Qot........ . ......... all ·~ ...... 919 ............ JI• .~ . .,. .............. .. ilii-..... -............ 1 .. • ""' ........ c...... ... lie
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•1.15 C.lgate 100 ........... 66c
'139 Diistan Nasal Mist ..... 8r
'*t.fiMJJ'..iU!iofd .... ; .... s1~
._.._...,_..., I !~··'!" •i ·•• 99'
'1.$9 Ro'mllii' CF .. ~ ......... . ... 9(... . . ·. . . I . .,,. 9• 0· . D _.,,.. s1 n ~"'· • ne ·a-ay .rr......... .. . .. ·
...................... ' . . 1!
If( Sle~Eie mw~ .. ~ ........ 6t ;i a_................................ 7'")t •1.ot ~mo Stlbet......... ..,
ii:'Si:i..; Hair Spft.y·· · ····99'
"-...: ·/':'"'"' . . 1!8C ft: l!!!I!!!! ·~ ......... i1G •-s ,_...,,ac.., .. ..,
•1.1' Gillette Foamy : :::w. 66c
,:st;' :Vic~ ~aporu-..... ~ '. .... 3r
•.1a-&;::::iz.OH........ L •, •
'1.15 hp Styling Gel ... , ...... De
· .tr.'o7 Score Uq. llair -room 441
If" Y.U lottle Df 365
""~• lll'.1"'" •2 YU.l'l 5Uffl.\'f:
.... n•lin Plus
.... 59'
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IGG J.HAMJIOO • q.IMllJNSI .::::.::29-.. tbi.t ,.,.
' ....... , ~ .•.• !Id-~
DiK, pk,(. !!!"~~~
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March A gain ~f Hear t Disease
For more thin 15,000 volwlteen, Monday to Sunday, Feb. 17-23, will
be a period of achlng arches anC1 tired throats:
Durini this week an army of ·dedicated women will abandon their
household schedules, club meetinis and social gatherings.
Instead they will ·slip on thlir walking shoes and tnoclt <>n doors of
their 11eighbor. asking their help. in figbUng heart disease by contributing
to Orange County Heart Associlition. ·
DoubUess a few doors ..,m be slammed ln their faces. But not many.
Last year generous Orange Countians· gave more than fll,000 to 10,000
volunteers who participated. :;Jbls year, the Heart it~ Week goal is
$81,000. . •
The volunteers feel U is 1 worthy .cause.
Their Job·ls to con..i-• 119ilibbors of this
fact, as w"1 as Jeovhig tljem Wfth !niporlant
ilfe-savlnf lnfonilaUon 'Oil Heart 'di•-· ·
I • AmCng those who believe the result is
worth the effort is Mrs. Al DeLuciD,' wbo bas
taken · on the massive job of c;.ounty chairman
of Heart SUnday Week for the past elgbtyears.
Slie has a special reason for her devotion
to. the cause -her sou., who was born with a
congeni14J heart detect.: bas recovered. after
1 • ~uccessful open heart surgery.
. City. chairmen appointed to direct volunteers ln their area Include
"the Mmes. Nancy Fic.keo, Dana Point; Jim Wllbeim, F~tain Valley;
James C'l"'ey and Frank Whit~, Huntiljgton Beach; C)l~rles Mccalla, La-.
guna Beach; Wtlliam Creighton, Costa Mesa; Peg Hatch, Newport Beach;
James Green, Westminster; Fred' Newhart, $an Juan Cspistrano, and
Anna Marie Poncino, San Clemente.
Because heart disease is the cause of over 54 percent of aJI deaths,
donations received for heart research could well mean life or _death for
Money will go for research towards the prevention of heart disease
as well as for cures Bnd educatlonal and corruDllliity service programs.
• • ... 1.
. ' .
MONLTORING SYSTEM -Nurse Mrs. Wtlliam Zscboch~'
oi;ierates the .stratbam Monitoring System, a device which
records the electrocahllograph and heart rate of eight
.Pat\ents simultaneotisly on a 24-hour basis. It is used in the
c~ec care and shock units of Orange County Medical
Center. Dr. Fred Saller predicts in the near future hospitals
of 100 to 200 beds will have every bed moq.itored.
THE BRJlATHER -TbiJ simpJe-looklng device shown by Dr. Fred Saller provides
a life-saving service for severe heart patients having difficulty breathing. The re ..
pirator helps prevent canliac. arrests by breathing for the patient.
People · Train~d t~ Save Lives
Of r1M Dlltr .. Uel lttfl
Before the Card.Jo V~u1ar Training
center was opened in &nta Ana, an
array or new, highly, sophJsticat~
ultrasensitlve devices fol saving heart
victims had appeared on tile scene.
And before the establiahment of the
training center Aug. 1, 1985, an alarming
number of people died from heart at-
tacks, despite these devices.
In early 1965, one out or every 16
Orange Cow,lty resident. 1 suffered from
heart attacks. Fifty percent of them
di~, even if they lived to reach the
Why were these new machines unable
to st.and between the victims and death?
Becluse, without people who know how
to operate them, machines can save
no one.
And until August, 1965, Orange County
was without a medical school or training
center where thi& important knowledge
. could be Imparted.
Enter the Orange County Heart
Association, Orange County Medlcal
Center and Dr. Fred Satler or Fullerton.
Dr. Saller had long been involved in
biomedical work before Orange County
Medical Center, ·then Orange .County
General Hospilal, approached him about
beginning some sort of·trf.ining program.
It was a worthy challenge for the ·
tireless doctor. The center would be
unique in the United Stai.. because
It woold be privately funded, lltaffed
entirely by voiunteen aod would train
people· to care lot critl<al paUenll lJl
all cat.con...
With financial help from Orange Coun-
ty Heart Asaociation, which according
to Dr. Satler has contributed a total
ot $100,SOCI, facllities donated by the
medical center, and time contributed
by volunteers, the unique center beeame
a reality. .
While maintaining a busy practice in
Fullerton, Dr. Saller has cont'ributed well
over 3,000 volunteer hours as director
of the project. Because of this fact,
he was honored in 1968 by the Orange
County Prell! Club as Humanitarian of
the Year:
However Dr. Saller attributes a major
portion of the program's success io nurse
Mrs. William {Donna) Zschoche who
supervises the Intensive Care :Unit,
Coronart Care Unit and Shock Unit
in the medical center. Her leisure hours
are .11pent not in front of the television,
but teaclU~g at the Training Center
where she has put in well over 3,000
Since the program's inception, the
medical .staff conducUng the training
sessions have, without m on e t a r y
rewards, taught armies or nurses, doc-
tora, medical students, interns and
engineers o( electronic equipment.
After completing these c o u r s e s ,
graduates are qualified to work with
special can and cardlo vascular paUents.
using techniques and services equal to
those available anywhere.
Acconling to Dr. Saller, "keeping the
heart cues alive if they reach the
hospital," Is the principal object of the
·tra!niq: program. "We must have prop-
erly trained personnel to care tor the
patient before and after surgery," he
explained. ·
Burn cases, as well as those 1ufferina
from trauma and ahock, d e v e I op
pulmonary problems. Therefore, people
in the center are prepared to not just
work in the cardiac unit, but in . au
special care sections.
The results of the program speak for
them.selves. Since the center's inception,
death from heart diJeases in Orange
County hospitals have ~ over 35
At the medical Ct!Dter, where prior
to the training center's establishment,
deaths from heart dise&lle were running
over 55 percent, they curremty are
11 percent.
Presently, there ls not a single hoapital
In Orange County which has not had
some of its medical personnel trained
through the center. ·
This work will become increaaJ.ngly
important as the use of sophi!Ucat'ed
devices becomes even more wld!spread.
"The perimeters of pbysJological in-
formation have been available for a
long time. But they haven't been used
with the clinial patient, because there
was no one to adapt them," explained
Dr. Satler.
"ln the very near future, a hospital
or JOO to 200 beds will haVe every
bed monitcred the way the medical
center monitcrs its intensive care unit.
Therefore, a training course or thJa IOlt
will be necessary for every holpllal
with bver 100 beds," Dr. Sailer predbed.
Say Goodnight, Don't · Fight Bec~use Dreams' re . All Right
43, unmarried -aod I like It this
way. I've ·read lbat aleep is Important
., I try (o 1et at ~ ,.... boun
eVf!'J night, but I can't aleep.
'Jbil morning, after eight boun lJl
bed, I am uhausted. Several people
bave ul<ed H I wu out all olgbt. I
ioolt t.rrlbie aod I feel lousy. Do dreams
rob a penoo "" rest? I drum a lot
and f111 dreams always are full of action.
ls this why I'm tired so much ot the
llme! -MR. BLAH · DEAR MR.: II ,.a are .._.... yoa
.. 11e1pbla.M•t~lltefmere _..., ........
Wlls did ,.. lul (el • ...,_
.... kip? MaJlio ,.. ..... -..
" ........ -· ....... }llal-
lml.Get ......
the ieu.r lnlm the 21·yeAN>ld girl who
Is 50 pouodl ovr.nreigh~ hu never bad
a dale lJl her Ille, rduses to go to
IJI)' tn0n: docton, hu DO w!Jlpower,
eats hmtlf dck, crlet htntll to sleep
and bates _you becaUle you are 10 mean to fat people .
Your UIWU nl llftt .. But why d6dn'&
you leJJ her lboul '!OPS (Tlb Oii
Pow!ds Sensibly)!
'!OPS ii an lJllematlonal club for
overweight people. We b'.ave no magic
formula. We promise no mlracle1. We
meet rquiar\y, d1scuu oor problema
and have weekly wetp.lns. The member
who bu loot the moet wtlgbl winl a
prize. The member who hM (alnid tho
mo..i also winl 1 prize ...J. a piutic
Here is our pledp:"'I am an lJlteillgenl
ptrDI. I wtlf cooitiof lll1 emotions, not
let my emotlom eoolnll me. Evl!l7 lime
I am templed lo Alllly lll1 -
deslm, balld up my Injured llO "'
dull my aenees, I wtJl -thol even thoogb I owreel in private IJl1
excea poimdqe Is there for all -Ille
world to Bet. What a fool 1 bal'e been."
DEAR F: i 'Dew ti ,_ .... t,.t•
W 1m fnqnaell bec•e ,... • ..c .,.._ " ...... -.. -llOUeUe. A new Wt 11 nfUllg for
,.. -If ,.. wllll 11. .
DEAR ANN LANDERS: You drive ·me crazy. I hate you and I lcwe you. .
Your column Is llk1 a earcotlc. I am
bopelealy bool"d· n.r. are limes wh<n
)'OU mate . me 10 furioul, I swear I
wtJl never rtod anotller won! you write.
Tben I find .,,.elf sneaklng blclt the
nm da1 lo• ..... t you bave lo uy.
I marvel at yoor-tum of phrase aod
70'I' •bililJ to get to the bear! of
the ma!W. Eevry word rinp wt -
a tiue eomld.kn. You remind me of
my grlDdmotber Penelope. W ti e a
Graodp1 died the mlnlllter came w call .
He Wed II Graodp1 had any last "'""" Gt-PeDtiope replied, "~ cour. noL I WU with him to the
. DIWl .BANK : Y eb, I pl. It RJgbt
between Ute eyet. ADd M, • uul,
I'll llave ibe tut word. See ,.. -· -.. .
How tar should a t<eMp couple IOT
Can necking be safe! Wbeo does It
become loo hot to handle! Send for
Ann Lander•' booklet, "NeckinC and Pet.-
Ung -Whal Axe the IJmlll!" Nall
your requt!t to Ann Landen lJl -ol this newopaper encloalng .!W) -ia
in coin and a ion(, stamped, aeU..O.
dressed envelope.
Ann Landers will be aJad to help
you with your problems. Send than w her in care of the DAILY= encloalR( a oell·addre81td,
l 4 DAil V Pll.OT frldly, frbniJrt 14, 1969
A NEW YOU -Getting a new look is M?I. R. E.
Vickers, who tries on a wig with the help of Mrs.
Samuel J. Fulton (right) while Mrs. Malcolm Jolley
gives her approval. The three are members of the
P•lm Spri nt• Honeymoon
Colorful Reception
Vows Recited
The colorful breaking of a
Mexican plnala was t h e
hiahli&ht of the reception
which followed the wedding
or Vlrcinl• Mary Dale and
Robert Edwin Cr02.ler Jr.
After throwing her bridal
boUquet In the traditional
manner, the bride broke the
ptnata for her wedding i\)Clt.s'
children in her parent.a' home.
OUr Lady Queen of An1els
Calhollc Church In Newport
Beach wu the setting for the
afternoon double ring rites
read by the Rev. Raymond
S&plla for the dau1hler and
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
G. Dale of Newport Beach
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Edwin Crozier of Vi1ta.
Given ln marriage by her
father the MW Mr1. Crozie r . . . ielect.ed a modlf1ed empire
candlelight silk gown trimmed
In lice wlth a demure collar
and lCJnl aleevts. Her Door
length veil of lace enhanced
her gown, and she carried
a !act encircled noae&IY ol
mpllannlll and white and pink
Maid ol honor was Miss
SUdt Wdaober1. who wore a clJm1 pink short·ll .. ved
clreM wllh a hJ&h lace collar,
and brldamlldl, w • a r I n I
slmUar ,.,.mblea In lllJll pink
Wert the MialOI p;lJrabelh
Dale. •illlr ol the bride,
1""W"ie O'oll•, 1l!ter of lhe
brldtsroom J1cquellne
Palmer ,;;;/ TJ1111n Ellloll. ·weartni 1 miniature version
of the bridesm aids' attire wa s
Mary Josephine Dale, who
was her sister's flower 1irl.
Robert Elllolt performed the
dutles of best man and usher1
were Timothy Sharp, William
Farwell, Richard HUI and
Robert, Larry and Richard
Dale, brothers of the bride .
Miss Cathy Helperln of
Newport Beach circulated the
iUea:t book and Mil!! Sally
Leopold of Berkeley 11sl1ted
with servirl&.
After honeymooning Jn Palm
Springs, the newlyweds are
making their home in San
Dieio, where both attend San
Dlqo Stale Colle1e.
The former Miss Dale is
a graduate of San Carlos High
School and Orange Coast
Co lle1e. Her husband is a
gr1du1te of Vitti High School
Palomar Junior College and sosc.
Special guest at the weddina:
was Robert Dale, the bride's
brother, who 11 a 1tudent In
Stutt&art, Germany, under the
AFS AmericaOI Abrold pro-aram.
Newport Bethel
YOWlll women aUlllal<d with
ftewporl Buch ·Job '•
Dau1httrs, Bethel 157 gather
lhe second and fourth Mon·
da)1J at 7:30 p.m. The Muonlc
Temple iS the setUn& for
meeUngs. Informat ion
rcaarding membe~sh!p is ob·
taJnablt by call1n1 M r s .
Waller Tuz, 64H!l5.
Ofllcers Wives Club of Ei Toro and are taking to
heart the speaker's topic for the!!' Feb. 20 luncheon,
Wai stlin e Watche rs
Wives Choose
Weighty Topic
Members of the Officers
Wives Club of El Toro will
be watching their weight and
their waists when they meet
for luncheon in the Revere
House, Tustin, Thursday, Feb.
To help them with their
weighty problem, a prD-
fes!lional model from the J ohn
Robert Power1 Studio in Los
Angeles will speak on self-Im-
In keeping with the theme.
cleverly arranged w igs.
ringlets and faces inscribed
with dos and don 'ts of make·
up will enhance the tables,
From Page 13
and a red and white color
scheme will make the Jun·
cheon atmosphere 11:ay.
Hostesses from MACG.JS,
headed by Mrs. ltlalcolm
Jolley, will greet luncheon
guests at 11 :30 a.m. for a
socia l hour. Those on her ctim·
miltee are the Mmes. E.J.
Berger, D.M Douglas, F.L.
Harding, J.E. Kehr 1 e,
R. B. Bridies, Samuel J.
Fulton, R.G. Jessee, E.L.
:P.fachado, R. E. Vlckere:, and
Doug Stowell.
For reservalions. call Mrs.
Robert Jeppson, 544-8940 or
ll1rs. William Lundin, 544·7180.
• • • Heart Drama
Obvlou!lly, alt.hough the ed its "saturation point" as
far as putting the burden on
volunteers and industry.
Set Ball
HWltington Beach Rotarians
wW bolt tbelr "sweethearts"
at a ball 1dvi4Pled to take
place. tonl&hl. In the Seaclifr
Camtly Clizb. '
lllvil<d to join the felttvllies
have beeti mem""' of Hwr llJlll<ia Beacb Nor1h Rolery
Club and tbelr wives, ac.
cordlnl I" Al Hathcock Jr.,
who II oervlnl 11 chalrman.
A cocktall hour at l :!O p.m.
will be followed by a buffet
which will be served between
7:!0 IDd l :!O p.m.
A11l1tln1 with the iemttormal d1Mer dance will
bO Mr. and Mn. Scott
J11anag1n and Mr, and Mrs.
Dale Aleltine, decoratkins ;
Wlllle Otto II In charge or
.llcketa. whli:b .... 1$.50 per
penm. F I o r 1 I decorations centerlns the tables will be
matched by conaga for each
"neetbeart" attending the
Valentlot event.
Las Vegas
Will Come
To Count y
Husband• will be cuests for
a Swl111teak dinner and Make
Believe Night in Las Vegas
when the Women's Auxiliary
of the International
Brotherhood o l Eleelrical
Worker•, Local 441 hosts its
annual spouaes event next
The aMual affair will begin
at l :SO p.m. Jn the Union
Hall, Slnta Ana.
For further information on
the event contact Mrs. Warren
. Fergu11on, 5.17·1204: or Mrs.
Robert Hardman, 539-3337.
Artlclet for the April rum-
mage sale may be brought
to the dinner.
For Mail
Addresslna: and 1 t u ff 1 n g
6,000 Easter Seal envelopeai
were 21 Newport Beach JunJor
Ebells, under the direction of
Mrs. Roger Sherman, health
Volunteers are the Mmu.
Helen BraMen, Jame1 Cuey,
Stanley Chapman, L I on e I
daSilva, Cheri Fay, Warren
Fix , Allen Goody, Pa u I
Hadley, Michael Helin, Frank
Hughes. Eugene Kovach, Lar-
ry Mitchell, James Murar,
Roger Pille, Gary Rawlings,
Elaine Rieke, Garry Short,
Henry Stotaenberg, Edward
Whitehouse and Vincent Wood.
WOME N STAGE REVOLUTION Planning a Fashion Revolution are mem-
bers of the Monday Morning Club of Huntington Beach when they meet Mon-
day, Feb. 17. Displaying styles from mod to Martha are (left to right). Mrs.
Howard B. Bailly, Miss Candy Summerfield and Mrs. William Summerfield .
D isne y land
Ins p ires
Soror ity
It's a Small World will be
explored as a theme .when
newly formed Ch.i Province
of Sigma Phl Gamma in·
ternational sorority meets in
the Newporter Inn Feb. 22
and 23.
The hOll cllapter, Kappa Nu
of Anaheim ·wtn be joined by
1the other cbaptera in the pro-
vince, Bttl: Slg!pa of San
Diego; Kappa XI of U.t San
Diego'; Kappa· rulo, . Chula
Villa; lota UpsJlon, Garden
Grove, and the most recently
formed group, Lambda Zeta
of Newpart Beach.
Province Chi pre1ident Mrit.
Helen Herman, of Beta Sigma
chapter, will preside at the
meeting and special guest will
be Mrs. Margaret Heal of
Geneva , Ill., SPG lnternaUonal
weUare secretary.
Monday Club Plots
A Fashion Revolution \\'ill
take place in the Sheraton·
Beach Inn, Huntlng\on Beach
Monday. Feb .. 17.
Invited to witness the event
are members and guests o(
lhe ~1onday Morning Club who
will gather at 10:30 a.m. for
a IOCial hour followed by an
11 :JO a.m. buffet.
Commenting on fuhions
from Gene's, In H a r b o r
Center, Cosla Mesa, will be
Mrs. William Summerfield.
Models will include the ~·
Harold Hancock, N o r m a n
Mehl, Russell J. R ei 11 y,
Wllllam Russell, E d w a r d
Sullivan, John H. Waddell and
Charles White.
Pro\\·lers [rain the club will
tour Huntington L i b r a r y
Thursday, Feb. 20, and Mn.
~1artin Deery, chairman, hu
announced that the group wUI
leave at 10 a.m. and travel
to San Marino by car. She
may be called for reserva-
Other sections which meet
regularly lnclu.de the brid1e
group which meets the fint
Monday of each month, and
0te· Golf Section which tees
off each Tuesday at 9 a.m.
on an 1rea course. Mrs.
Tatsuo Kalo, chairman, may
be contacted for additional in-
tralni.ng center ls a success,
the drama is far from over.
ln fact, there are many bum·
py moments ln the future .
"Th is is a $250,000 program
being run on $30,000," observ-
ed Dr. Saller. "It's a tremen·
dous volunteer effort, but rm
afraid we've kind of overex·
tended ourselves.''
"There are many friends
I have to avoid when I go
to medical dinners. l may
have asked them to lend cer-
tain equipment to the trainlng
center a couple ot years ago,
and we still ha ve it now,"
he confided, adding, "lnduslry
hes been most generous." •
City of Hope Group
Providing background music
will be Mrs. Jack Colvln with
piano aelecllons , and dressing
the model1 will be Mrs.
Doua:lu Funderburk, Mn.
Geor1e Hoffer and Mn. John
Gera, who also is chairman
of the event.
Member1hlp In the club ts
open to all women in lhe
area, and addltlonal ifl.
ronnatlon may be obtained
by contacting Mr1. Wllllam
Bruce, membership chairman.
OI}C •••
The doctor Is worried that
the training center has reach·
Lea ders Visit
Adds Inte rest
Making their annual visit
to the Women's Auxiliary to
the Orange County Phar·
ma~utlcal Association Wtd·
ne!day, Feb. 19. will be Mrs.
James D. Smith of Fontana,
11 t a I e president and Mr!I.
Oougla1 Bailey of L o s
Angeles, state secretary.
Until recently, training wa!I
provided free to medic:il
personnel. However classes
became so large, the grant
could not cover the trcmen·
dous need for equipment and
supplies, so a fee of $50 was
placed on each course.
Therefore lhe t r a I n i n g
center, In addition to the
tremen<lou!I volunteer ma n·
power available, also ha! and
wtll conUnue to depend heavily
on financial support from the
Heart Association.
And to give this suppor t.
the Heart Alsociation is going
lo continue to depend on the
gener01ity of count11ns on
Heart Sunday.
Pre sents New Movie
"In Your Hands,'' a mov ie
narrated by Rlymond Burr
depicting lhe care a patient
receives in the City of Hope,
will be shown when the Hun·
tington Beach Gina Uhrlaub
chapter meell Monday, Feb.
17, in Lake View School, 17451
Zeider Lane.
The meetlng Is open to all
interested area residents . and
additional In f or m at Ion
regard ing member1hlp in the
recently formed organization
may be oblalned by calling
it!I president, Mrs. Edward
Uhrlaub, at 842-6331.
Other officers who were In·
!!tailed during a d I n n e r
meeting Jn the Meadowlark
Country Club 1 include the
Mmes . Frank White,
treasurer ; James Greave1,
Blue Bank ; Millard Plate,
publicity, and Miss Linda
The Gourmet Cooking Se<·
tlon 11 planning a special guest
night at 8:30 p.m. Sunday,
Feb. 23, lfl the Lake Park
Clubhouse, and chairman Mrs.
Donald Snyder urges those ,
plaMlng to attend to bring
silverware and cups In ad·
ditlon to either salad, bread
or dessert to serve 12, or
a main dish to serve 10.
White, 1ecretary.
Special lll"ts at the In· Moose Group
stallatlon meetlna: lncluded
Mr. and Mr1. Jack Green and Women of the Moose, 1158,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Baker. asaemble the flnl and lhlrd
Jnsta llina: officer was Ger1ld Thunday of each month for NB Auxiliary Rueben , coordinator for lhe: meetings In Moose Home, Cos-
. City of Hope, who alao spoke ta Mesi. The program.1 begln
\Ivan ti.
From lhe bea utiful new AvanU Collec tion: warm
14 klrat gold laced with dlamondt.
Conw.nlent Term•
U1~11111ton Enflfllld
ZAJJilS' J'lllWalLER8
H~t e..ac~
~1rs. Robert Adler of Santa
Ana will ho.!!t the luncheon
meeting , which will begi.n with
a 1oclal hour at 11 :30 a.m.
A11lsllng her will be Mr1.
Donald Smith of GRrden Grove
and Mrs. Paul Calhoun of San·
ta Ana .
Wilhout them, the Cardio
Vascular Trai ning Center
would neve r ha ve existed in
the first place.
The Ladles' Auxiliary of on U1e work being ac-at 8 p.m. and Mrs. \Villiam
Ney,·port Beach Fire Depart· compli!!hed there and the Callow1y, 846-4241, may be
1nent gathers the th Ir d number of Orange County pa-called for further information
\Vednesday of each 1nonth at rti~'e~n~ts~tr~e~at~ed~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~rc~g~ar~d~l2ng~m~e~m~be~n~h~ip~. j;ILi~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 8 p.m. in various locations;11 Information rega rding location NOW OPEN
Plan1 will be formulated
during the af ternoon r 0 r
Poison Preve ntion Week in Soroptimists
may be obtained by telephon-
ing Mrs T c. Dailey. 548-9835 Shoe Service
March. Brochures, posters and Soroptimist Club of Hun· L"b H
banner• will be dl11tributcd by tinjton Beach gather1 et lJ:l$ I rary our
the county auxiliary. p.m. the second and fourth Costa Me1a Library is the
ReservaUons may be made T"esda~ ,·n F r an co,. s r lib I h b II. M p 1 c lh " 1~ scene o a rary sory ou r 1 J+~~t;~g rs. '" a "'"·,~re~s~tajo,ran-t.~~~~-~~~·~''•cr~y-T~h~o.rsd_a_y~at·t-o-,30~a·.m~.
1: 111~1·:
I ' \ ll I'
I' 11 ' I I I II . I: \I 'I I\ ,\
1:1:111 11 -11 1110
' I I,• \ • "• ·"'
l 'I• • ,·, tol I'
COMPITITIYE PRICES •-e'll meet all rices!)
No time limit! No RECONDITIONED
obligation to buy. . . USED
crodlt ii you do. PIANOS
NIW AN KR u M ' 5 UllD
2064 S. MAIN -SANTA ANA e 546-4800
701 S. HARBOR -FULLIRTON e •71-4326
New Shop Ready to Serve You
Corona del Mar
Cotone d•I ~., , .. 673.4640 e Hll VIA LIDO
N•wport Be•ch . , . 673-8620 e 74 FASHION ISLAND
N•wport B1•ch ... 644-7551
11!fl 6 1,...JM -kl'!lt ti JC..midlw ''IM CPok'"' e 17th I Irvin• e Cr•1tvi•w
Coste Me'• . , . 548 -'4053
\ "
Restyle your old
1ho•s to the new
round look,
8rin9 u1 yo ur
problam •n,. we 'll
giv• your 1ho•1
• new look.
Art S.idenboum
United Fund Awards
Cardinal to Be Guest
His Eminence James Fran-
cis cardinal Mcintyre will pay
a visil to Orange County next
Tuesday when he is special
guest oC honor at lhe monthly
luncheon meeting o! l b e
Orange County Deanery.
The 1968 United Fund Drtve
will be reviewed and awards
will be presented by Cardinal
Mrs. Ray Mercado,
chairman or the day, also l!
Orange County De an er y
chairman cooperating wtth
Catholic charities and heacb
the Archdiocesan Cooncil of
Gloomy Gus Tells ii
As You See ii
catholic Women'• partlclpa·
lion in the counlys United
Fund and Community Cllest.
Sbaring In the dey11 pro-
gram will be the Rev. John
Keenan, director of t h e
Catholic Welfare Board in
Orange County and Mn.
J.,.pb Dysart. president ol
the Mcbclloceun Council ol
Catholic WOIDIO tn Lo I
Mn. 11<11 McElratb, presi-
dent ol the ~... County
DeanerJ, wll1 c:all lhe -· lo order at 11 a.m. in St.
Anthony Clattt parish hall,
Anaheim. ReglstraUon will
begin at 9:30 a.m.
Reservati-Onll may be made
by contacUng Mn. Rkbanf
B~by, 771-7607. ..
,old.,, ...... .., 14, 1969 . DAILY "LOT J§
. "' . ~(
SIMMONS HIDE·A·BED .•• :~ofa by 'day;. double bed
for lwll by night. Every honi, '. ~m compact apart·
ment to roomy estat~mes,~s an eXlra
guest room. Be able to conmt your 'family noom
or study into a spare room It a moment's notice.
Simmons craftsmen have built in their famous top
quality construction to this wel!'.!!Jlf,!I. traditional
sofa, covered in a quilted prin~i;;: 1ones. of autumn.
Its handsome appearance conceals this space·
saver's double purpose. Now i~ the time to buy
your Hide·A·Bed during Bigpr's Sale In February,
while it Is a Biggar's sale feature.
Specially priced with ·Simmons
"Regency" mattress ............. 289.00
Specielly priced with Simmons
"Beautyrest" mattress ........... 329.00
01h<r HUle-A.-BeJ1 from 219. 10 699.
SPRINGS SET ••• with exclusive Adjusto·Rest in·
nerspring construction, giving firm, comfortable
support from head to toe. Quilted floml conr.
See the "Annivmary" set It Bigpr's where you
can see Its appearance and try It for size ind fitm·
ness. You will know then why Simmons Is f1mous
for beddinr.
Specially priced:
Twin or Full size
mattress and box· spring, set ... 91.50
Queen size
mattress and box spring, set •. 139.50
King size mattrels
and dual boi springs, set .... 191.50
Ru&: Ctltr .. f 11 a •111t • P ..... : Ith I. el ltNy •lull la: ..... 1111
I t
DI.It y "1.0T Ftldoy, ,...., 14, IM·
DEADLINE PRESSURE -Ability to perlonn well Ip' a on .. hour time limit
won top Orange County JEA awards for (from ·left) Jody Harris, 17; Miko
Seely, 18; Sue Lichtenstein,. 17,' and Marcia Jaso; 16, in tough competition
against 200 other student ·reporters at Los Alamitos'lfigb School. Taller sweep-
stakes trophy went to Loara High School, ·Anaheim.
Beating Deadline
Youths in Journalism Cont;est
Facing strict deadlines and
complex topics, newspaper
men and women of tomorrow
tested their typewriter talents
In CJranie County·wlde COID•
peUUon . recently a1 ·Lo s
/Jam!W. High Sf:hool.
More than 200 students .from
Z3 schoc>ls par)lclpated In· the
annual Orana:e C o u n t y
Journall'Sm Education
Asso'ciation's On-The-Spot
Writing Conle!l.
Choosing a m ·o .n ·g four
categories from
spor!swr!Ung to editorial com-
mentary -the junior and
senior high school reporters
and editon worked on a strict,
one-hour dea~line basis.
Topics chosen were timely
and of broad Interest. ranging
from percentages of sb.Jdent
drug use. to amateur gym-
, nasties, the A.wllo Proj~ for
moon exploration ·Jnd campus
unml and rebellion.
Students who chose to 'enler
the news category found Joan
Delleney Case, president of
Opinion Research of
California, a fomildBble sub-
ject for press conference in-terview. ' · · '
Reporting on her talk in-
cluded weaving in stalistical
results or an opinion poll taken
earlier among c o n t e s t
participanl! on various ques-
tions about high school student
drul abuse, education and
"How am I going to make
a atory· out. of this stuff?,"
moaned one girl plaintively
u student newsmen left the
preu Conference.
One of the most enthralling Dorado; Mark Wigginton, and
presentations was the feature Richard Herzberg, both Los
category talk by S. I.· "lose" Alamilos High School.
Jimenez, member of a special Feature -Jody Harris, El
NASA press briefing team Do Dorado; Pam Lee, Valencia,
the awesome Apollo Project. , and David Grjgsby, Tustin
The I.a Habra resident arid High School.
»year Navy veteran show~ Editorial. -Sue' Llchten-coloc fU... of the lhfee Apollo
8 manned . .m 00 nf118 ht stein, Fullerton ; Bert Harher,
astronauts and their historic Loara, and Joy Mullen, La Habra High School. mission last December. Sports -MI k e See I y,
Students in the editorial Foothill; Bob ROhwer. Tustin
compeµtion heard r• dialogue and Jim Laube, Katella High
on the issues of campus unrest School.
fe&turing David Wamn, a CalUornia State College. Long HARBOR ENTltANrs
Beach political :science major, Corona del Mar High School
and Black student acUvist Ed studenta Lynn Odneal and Sue
Preston. · · Deamer were the only Harbor
Area entrapts to place, with
TOUGH CATEGORY a fourth by Miss Odneal in
Entries In this to u g h editorial and tenth by Miss
ca~g0;ry raijged tQe full spec-Deamer's feature:
trum. of viewpoiut, with· some Sweepstakes title "'·ent to
.!tudent jounialist.s s e e 1 n g · Loara High School o f
Viole~ as unfortunate, but . Anaheim, with 32 points, based
still. a tool to underline need on adding: up the pljlctment
for change •. while Qthers con-o( their individual winners on
dernned any form o( violence the scale of 1 through 10,
in "the harshest of terms. . out of an average of 30 entries
The sport.!Wlillng seminar in each cate~ory. .
featured Bud M 8 r q u e t t e , Los Alanutoa High Sch.ool
coach f the ·-4 0-m 'b was second and Valencia High 0 em e.r School plced third.
Southern California Acto~hc Judges included G J e n n
Team (SCATS), plus two 1968 White, Tom Barley and Art
0 l _y m P i ~ .gy~asUcs com-Vinsel, of The DAILY PILOT ;
J>t;l•tors, mcludmg c. a t h y Jeff Pryor, of Tiie Los Angeles
Rigby, 16, of Los Alamitos. Times Virginia Young and
Judges . frorit the Orange Georg~ Comroe, of the Santa
Cow_ity Press C1ub found ~me Ana Regi.ster; John Steln-
entnes were of professional bacher of the A n a h e i m
quality and many w e r e Bulleti~; Robert Benson and
separated on the basis of ex-Daze Cearley of Cal State
treme1y minor points, due to Fullerton. ' '
the still Competition. Seven journalism students
The top ~ winners in and advisors from Cypress
each category and their Junior College judged the
schools includ~: junior high school entries in
News -Man:la Jaso, El the halloday writing contest. ----
6 P.M.
.......................... !IC. .. ,. .. _ .................... .
.............. T.¥'1. Al .... .. --...... ,_ ............ ..
................ __ wftl .... -
I ..
' .
' • I
• • .. . .
• ' ... . . ........ ..
• •
. ..
' • .. ' ®
·Join the Slinksters in Celanese
Ar:ri.e1• triacetate jersey. You'll love
.our collection of gloriously-colored
prints. They flow. Slink; Stir w·ith
the sJightest breeze. From Ardee in
junior sizes 5-6 to 13-14.
CelmlllM •.Noel• trieoetate
u ms~
NewpO!t rl Fashioo lsla1wp01t Center •644<·2200 • Mon.,~uu., Fri. 10:00 till 9:30 Olhe1 da.f 10:00 till ·5:30
• . . , ....
------------~~--~~ -
Barge to Serve '
"' Harbor
Char Dan, a Parge ·capable of 'lifting 10 tops,
launched its career in Newport Harbor where it
wil) be used to service moorings, ·and buoys and re-
float sunken vessel~ •. Bl!ilders Gege Jer:r and
Winter Day in Newport
This unideDtified Young Sabpt skipper is a picture
of nonchalance as he lets boat steer itself during
a calm weekend. lt goes without saying that the
picture, taken by John Valterza of the DAILY
PILOT ,staff was snaP.ped before the recent attack
of inclement weatiler.'
Boq.iers ,.
Aid Transpae
~ \ ,f' W,h;,tney .· Series
Set . for Spr'i~g
DAii. v I'll.Of J 7.
• '
Cllt'1,IU;n MilllM tuttt•lot'::t _, TM•
•ICTtTJOYI MAMS • ITATI °" CAUNl.MA Ntt Tiit UM9nlt'*' 4-artl!V IMo .. TMI qJVlfTT °' .......
OllW«tf1111 • ....i-·• '111 Plemn. -. ....,... A-I.It. COi.. '°'"'' '-"'°""''*~ ""* NOT~I °' M..-1 ..... ,.,.,,_ !fie fldllloilt flrrn MIM _, Hl!ll(Ut,ll ,_. PlotATl\OP,"MU,L AMO "" FASTINl!lt CO, eM tfltt Milll-'firm ' LITTlltl Ofl •Ml ......... 'fM
If _.. .r tf\t 11o1i.wc.... ~ Wl'1t T•I_ WILL ~MID .;,
'WllMt ~''"' 'til f\111 1rfC Mttt "' ~ l!U.. et-Cl.;.UDICC O(.JiJT MAUOIMo 11•1•11 .... u •· .• • ~ I , llllUJI J. lAVl!NDI .. lM $1 ....... , NOTICE ~ It> HIAUY GIVIN ,Tl# I f .. Clm.. C.• MIN, Qlltwfl'9 ,_ :ll!Aff HA~lf ~ fllld ,..,.,_ t
D .. fftbf\lll'V S. 1* -"""" fw ~ " Wiii ..... W' llEltNI! J. LAVEHDflt luUliflCt •ti Utti1n flf MlniMfAit"""
lt•h et ca1w-i.. Ortn1t C-fY: wltli fht Win ..-~ ,...,_ te
Oil• flttwvuY t. 1Ntt, ....,,. -· • '<fif'oldl I• ~ at ~ ~ Los Angeles Yacht Club bas· ~ Pl.tine 111 ... ~ tor' Miii :su:M, .,.. "'-' tti. ti-..... Na " ""'"-··•·• I d Its "-Ix ,.._..llY • ..,..,... llltN'I J , file MrM Nf .._ "' w ~ a. .x:in:uu e tnwic S -race LAVtHOllt --• -to M tt11 '"' t t 1t r• • .-.. '"., .. ~ Of' Whitney Series .... ..i.... •'-· ,..,,. WflDlll Nll'M 111 11,1Mulbed " 0 • __ .., , -• -,, -..... W~ lfle wll!IM 1 ... trvmtnt '9IMI ..:ti __ _. '"" "" M ~·...:• ti months of March and April, ~ .-Mti111 ... M,,,•, "°· w. E1t11tri """'· '" .._ aw
it was ~d .by Ernest ll&ALJHlmo D ~-· ' = A;:,;!:~T-
• wch. _Bain Jr.,~ race cOmmlttee. ~·~~~~~:. ,,. c • ..;:;,,IE..: JOHN.~ c111t:
8ltman. , M•Y ,., 1m .., ..... .,. ort11t.
The Whlll><y Serles is ............ ftubllttled ,or...... ON•' D•llY l"IJot. ~ •· ""'"" ir.tw\rarY ,._ 21, 111 1ftd tMrdl '7, ~ ....., c.w. posed of siX "''"Mni sailboat lM llWf """ ~ • • ""'F"" ............ ~
races starting ·and finishlng' Ll~G.U•NOTI, rn1! l'vblW... Ortiwt com D•llY =· at Los AnJ:eles Harbor. · .. • • ~ ,.wu.,., 12, '",.. ,,..
The new sct\6dUI• will allaw · tlln'lffM:ATI' o. 1us1tm1 LEGAL NODCE
skippers who plan to take nii-11...::_~.:.,iou~ "":~ ht •• ---,.--::-=:=-----their boats in the TranspacifiC'· -.uct1111 , M""9·•• N"'"rt a..ct1. • ,...
Los """eles to Honolulu f8CO. , Cllhmla. ,llJ'!l!f, flllt fktttl-flail . •UATJ'!CA1'!: Oll•l.UMtlW ..,..'6 ff ''Sl!ltV~~.J'\llfUltllTEO'f'1111d , t ,lllr;MIOUt MAN. . to complete · tbe schedule .,aw firm ,, ......., "' "* ."'TM•__..... ,._ llffftf't, w •
be' the "! .-~• ' Mr#n, wj'IOlit fllrTte In l\.111 alW "'"" ~Jlis ~ "bWI..-: it • s..went 1ore Y eave. ' ' "rMfdllftCll 11 H "''°""": 11.*. ~ •t Mtr, Callfom1•. "*' In previous Honolulu race THOMAI H. "'"FEit, 11$7 ()om-tt11 'fl"Ct1t1M flnn """' .. MUNITIONS modtrt ltOMt, N.-rt I I• t::: Ill • SYSTEMf lifMI tlllt Mid fl'"" I• comc-M years sldppers who made the c111rorn1• nuo of "" flllO\Wlt ""°"' Whlll "'""' -'l'ranspac. ibid' tO ;miss one or D•tadT:r;:: ~Pt!ll ~.:!'. " ai-i ~ r.1w-" ...
more of the: Wbttne)6 rai::es 1 • Stewart ~ """"'"'"" Race 49 "*""" (eijfon\UI. ,,..._ ~"'1 , _, Mis,·wn ..,. .. .at ~· ,.....,
1:":-• · • ' .' ' -'"'Vi'''J' 1 Oft Jlf'l1111rv JI, "''( '""9 "'., (Of¥tl ~ ~r. Clllfornla.
J: ll :)t-1 fact of the Whttney miles March 29 1 Nolt,., Piibllc In 1t>d tor ...... It.It, o.tilll 'FMr\ll rY S, l'6t,
WI ill be the~fdldWlnter Catalini Sw; Nkolas tsiand Race 148 ;'Er:"~1:W:~ ~0:°''tt.~· ~ attN 11 ":!~0':°1a.'t!,.. cociritY: stand race, a 68-mile circuit . ' ~ nam• 11 svbtcrlbld to tt11 within °" ,. s. ,,., Mrora -· • Nfl•l'f
of the island starting March mSan!les, CA1pril 11. Island ~·r:m':' •Nt teknOWllcllld "" 1xtMt111 :=,c,.:r =:r ..,:r• ,ri:· :-•:.
1. emente Race, <OFl'1c1At.. sEAL) -to 111 ,.. ",., .1111'1iMe -125 miles April 25 J-11 E Dtvls 11 ~rlbed t11 tfll wllfltn I~ Ot.her races in the series: • · Not•rv .. ~bnc<1llfWnl1 •llCI "91..wl4dllll.,.. lncuHid ~...,. Santa Balbara Island Race LEGAL N-CE PrtndMI Olfk.I n coFFtCtAL S£ALJ • • V 11' Orlnlll COUllfY Of'lftllt M, Utt pj[ mUes, March 8. . MV Commlnlon EOlm NotlrY •f'l,lblk-(1llfott11• ~ I I d R I" mil NOTIC• TO caaDITOIU JuM 21. 1'10 l>rlnc!NI ·otflct 111 'l"l• s an ace, "" es, SU,lrtlo• COURT 0' Tiii: Pllbllthad Or•-CO.st Dilly l"llol, °''"" Co!Jnty ' March 21 STAT• 0, CALlll"OtlNIA ,o. J•-tY '1 IM FlbNlrv 7, 1•. 11. Mv •COIMllHINI ,.,.,. ,, TMI COUNTY O' OllloJfel lNt 17Wf Mlrdt 27" 1m I Ht • .Wlllt l'\lblltlied o.._,... C..t Daflr Piiot.
t Enat. of FLEMING L£E KlltTLEY.1---~l;EG~::AL:::~N;::<m:::CE::::_ __ l!·'c""';;.;.'c"'"';"~';•;'~J~, ~"':;:1"';;;;;;;;;--'1_.,.,_ 1lso knllWO'I as F!11nlnt L •. KlrtltY,
" ' Clarence Shannep say they will operate the barge
as part of servi~e to bo8t, owners which includes a
radio-dispatched emergency towing vessel, the
By C-·.Pl8ns ~~~i ,, HE•E•Y GIVEN '° "" C••'~' CA;:a: •u""'''' LEGAL.NOTICE crtdllo" el !111 1blwe l'll mtd deced9111 ITIOUI NAMI 11111 all N l10lls h1vl111 ~lm1 a91lnsl Tiie lldtnlllnld ck>oes url!fY Ill b IUPlltlOll CO\JltT 0, TMa ITATa
Ille said dltad1nl tre ,r9C1Ulrtd lo flit NI cflu Ml~s 11 m Newton 01' CALll'OINIA 11\em, wll!I lf'lt nec:-rv vouctt.n, 111 to u 1111 a I nd Ille •Olt TMI COIUtTY Of' OUN•• lti. offlee of thl clertc of "" allOvl W1v. C:mtl Mist, Calltorn •· " tr * ...Wtf tlllld flctltlOllf; fl'"" naml of NICHOLS AD-' "' . court, or le 11res1111 fttem, w1111 VANCEO Y04ICLE SYSTEMS ind thll NOTICI" Off MIARIM9 Olli •llTITIOJf Cool Aid. ' . ' For Races
" ·" '.. Tiit ,lllCfl$lfY VOUdlel"I, 11 tllt 111'1-Pill fi rm Is compand of th• followl... POR. PROUTI OP Wl!..L ANO ,.
! I· • ' . ' , r :· '.
Balboa Yacht Cl '5• .. ~ O"enl1Md •I L1w Offl'" "' ,Fr111kU11 -.1\ot• 1111m. In f\JH tlld Pl•C. LITTlltS TRITAMINTAlY ( •• u ,p annUBJ Ind Frtllklln, 107 E•sl 1e111 Stl'ffl, "'~ .... followw· IONOJ ! ~. race for D},,.At&-33 and PC Cost. MeM, C1llfornij, whldi .. "" of °'" Nldloll 111'2 G~•nwll An11'1'11r1. E91•1• of GEllTltUDIE TH01tN• ."'"'"YI" 1l1at of buslneH et !tie llt>dtnl•fl.cl ' m c ll!O I OISTEL Dtc:Mnd • yachts sailing ·"" Los .Angeles rn Ill m1tt.r1 Hrt1l11"'9 to '"" .. ,... "''°' Vil"llH l!•lt • I rn •. NOTtC°E IS HfltEllY GIVEN Tlllt
H bo ( · t" · SC y A of Mid ll1eo<feM, W!ltlln four mon!hl Dlftd Jinu•rv 13• 1"'· LOltA\NE D. LEFt.Elt. ai.e -.-H &r r 0(,. ue 1fMr IM flrtt "ubil(lllDl'I et ltll1 lllllln. Don N!dlall C LO"AIME OICICIE1t5QN LIEJ'U!~ lllN Midwinter ' Regatta wUI be Dal9cl J1nu•rv 2s, 1Hf. •1:= '.l'.~~rnl~: 0:;.~11 betouor":'\,11, 1 n1111 ~n w Nlllloll fW ..., ,.,
s"'~·lboats· /(;ttractio~
held Satur~ay. · t":~·;':-'~1111 :;:=.i&"~~~ .. ·~'°NiC::::,::; ~ .. ,::.4111,.,tor'° ~-:;:::, f,..: Other Wekend yachting 8(!--•• , 111• lbovll llllfllll Hudenl lo m• f9 bt 11\t "'llOll ~ lltofl'MI reftrmat )Cl Wllld'I It IMdf fw 1\1~
t. 'ti . N' wporl H bor ,U.NICt.;IN ..... ••ANICLIN 11 1ubKt1becl to .... ¥1'"'1111 ln1tru1• .. nt NrtlCUI•"' Ind ......... nme •nC.,111.ce IVI es m e ar are 1n ,..,, 11n1 1""' 11111 •ClttlfWliidlld "' __,,,, .. "" .,.nw. et lller1111 1111 · ... ""' , ..., 111.-i "' At March Boat Sho1v
Sailboats will be one of the
big attractions .at H. Werner
Buck's first ann ual Western
National Boat & Marine Show
set for March 8-16 at Ana·
heim Convention Center.
The entire floor of the Cen-
ter's sports arena will be fiJ!.
ed with sail boat s of various
sizes, including spme new
models from Columbia Y.acht
Corp.,, B.uck . announced.
Powerboats and telated ac-
.;..cess9rtes wt:lt c~.l~~y .. )411t ~._·the 100,0CX,1_.$,Q. ft.~~~hi~tt hli'~I, . ""1th booths)l!isplaying the la·
·-.}!¢ in-·mo'to~s taking up t ~ e
· a·tea eonnechng the two stiow
the Small Ketlboat Regatta c..t• Mtn. c • ...,. .. nm co,r:1c1AL SIEALI 1or ~·,., •· 1•, II· •:• a.in:) , T ... , Mt-nn IN K. HeNV 111 ... c:wm-.. °""'""""' Ila centers. sponsored by South Shore Sail· A"'"'", ... ,, ~-"'olxtc:_..,.___ 0 11 •no• Noir:,., Putino<1n1om11 1 et Ml" to11rt. '' 10t wtst .,.,.... • Cl b d N ff bo ""' 1''"' r'""' ....,.., 1 y ' p 1 Offl 1 Strttt In fhl CllY of I.Intl Ana. The latgest exhibitor at the 1ng u , an ewport ar r J111u.rv JI 1nd F11>ru1rt 1, u. 21, rll\CIH c :.,• " c11~11
marine expo will be· the Or· , Yacht Club's Harry Mann 1"' 1'°"" g,r.:"t:m.::=:1on Eulres D•"" February'·'"'
T b S • ( r ·'--Nov 24 1t7t PR4'-C ange County Milririe Dealers rop Y er1es or ~nan·l;B LEGAL NOTICE ,.u11nlfitd· o:..n.. cont P••tv l'llol, ~ ~~HN
Association. which has reseiv· and. Harry March Trophy ,..zun J1n11111'; 1" 31 11111 ,~,., 1. ~ tov••T AND cov••T
ed one-third of the space in the Series for the Kite Class. ci•T•'tcAT• o, 1vstN•ss 1• "' •1 ~ ~ .... -.u11v1rc
h'b h·' be ,ICTITIOVS NAM• LEGAL N011CE Sufi• N_.., 4M ex 1 it .,..I for its mem rs. Tll• i1ndln.lanec1 11o c•M!l"i 1 •m .... ., Caltlnoll Other booths of 1'nlerest to conduc11., 1 b1.111n1ss 1t co1111 M-·, Tll: 1n11 M1.e1n t2111 2u-t1n
U S -NOTICI TO CrtlDITOlll ,.,..,.,..,.. W P9'1n1Mr the ~oating public are tbOse • • to Share ;,-11!~~1:R:":~' ~0~ct'._1'J,°'i''N'~rrn,:r;,.~ 1u1"•.•10R couRT.•,•, T,•.•. P111111~ 0r11111• c .. ., D111Y P11ot. of fhe Coast Guard Auxiliary. TENANCE" 11\d tt..I Mid 11 ...... II com-ITAT °"' CALl,O N F~f"Y 7, •• 14, lHt 227"9
• ' PO!lld Clf Ille tollowll'l9 P1rl0fl, WllOMt TH• COUNTY "' OltANGI
U.S. Power Squadron and Moon Material namt In f~ll •nll "Ille~ of r111ftnc1 E1tll• of L...!'t~V~el. OftCNWd. IJEGAL N<mCE C3Jift>mia Sm3JI Craft Har· . Is •• IOUows. NOTICE IS HEREllY GIVEN M lilt
bors' ·'! oI which w"J·.·~,·load· TOR. ONTO (AP) .' T'b. II.OBERT l . SANFORD, m 1 "C" rrtdlto,.. "' !tie .~ n.m.,,, !i11C1d111t ltOTtcl OP TRUITll'I SM.I • ., u. I.I'll" • ·~f'ol.:-, , . 7"" • '· l"littnlll Avtn11t, CO.II M•••• 11111 all nr.-h•vlnt cl11mt ... inst T11...,,., . · ed With -1i~a'tl.ire on·tmr&:t.s'f!fe.: UrutJd ' .states · 1.f _ ·coi.ng to eantornl•. "'' Miii 111.c:eden1 ,,. rttUl•td to 1111 Notlcl 11 Mt9by '""'" 1111t .,. Ml~
f.V .aria. -•'"er niarine.1·1 itlonha-share••the m·-J.,;_r.-~ lslfO-D~llllJllJ1~1s7.N2iCJ~"'1t l~trn( wllll Ille nteali-tv VOltdMlrs, In>&,,'"'• at 11:• AJA~ "":~!! .... _v .. 1 at' l&I ., • • ltlt offle:a .,, h clettc " llM! 1t.v. COf11o(ttton. 1 c1tlfom11 """,..."' 11\1' ti~·;;;· r 1 ·i • ' · , nautiJtring ~ r,m· ~e Stile of Cilltomri. o.;,...,. C411nlY: 1ntn11c1 court ..-to pr111nt ''*"" Wllll •• Trust.. tlV M1btll1\lt1on bY 111 "" •• . ',. L,O•_'\I! ~ t• ...J "$..-! • , • . , • On Jaiw•rt 2t, lfft, blfDra me, 1 TM ,• ~ ti 1111 ·-stn.lmtld ,ln ·wrltlnt GINll J111111rt -.,
', j . is ''Wftl<Dir;a, :) .. \V of ma·· !11000 with 8 _' 1 1Ci'1l Nat1ry Publlc In Ind tor Mid l hltl, ~·~"',,.. efl'I ~ iltr ilferntv ,..,, rtCDtdlcl In ttie etftce flf ""9 • " rt' _,. · B k " · J 'tri ,. __ i;, P1rton1llY #P••1'911 "OIEllT t.. SAM-. • ce Cor.mlY 111;_...,. of Onntl c~. ]OJ! proDO 1~. uc · "'° ill severa coon es, a __.. FOllo known 1o· ""' to bt "'' l"ll'IM Wllll•m E. hit. k ilt Nu,,,blr au. c l!fcl 11 ""' Januart • 1,.. rn IOllll chu:ed. l''I'he Coovention Ce.n~ dian'physicist says. Prof.~-Wf!Q•• "''"' r1 1ubtcrlbH 1o 1ht w1111r11 ~11,;:!" ,,~;ft W:i:w'h :;--:;::, J.,,-"',iff ..,., ct oind.1' lt«:ior* e.t. 1n the heart of ''bpat coun-vid. Strangway of" tbe Uriivar~ ::":,'::.' '1111 •~llldMll 11t a 1e11i.ci °' 1iw1nm " '1111 111111.,..r1r1111 111 an of or-<:oun1Y. Mlldl ~,-~""=
Flllll. Sa1"lor , ... ; .... of("'" the .. perfect _set·. sity., .Toronto said the ........ (OFFICIAL SEAL) ml"'" Pft11lnt111 to th• esl•hl "' ;::...~ i:.1 (=n "= of Trwt "'7 -I' , • ...,..,..-Jos1Pll E Divis .. 111 drced•nl, wtttl1n tour ""°"""' tftlr !Ht.cl #Mrdl 21 l"6,. •ltlCllled by , ting with all exhibi ts indoors nauij'bope,to bringbe.ek about Nouirr Piiti11c-e1tlfom!• 1111 flr.t 1111111!catlon ef 1111• notl<•. ltlCHAltD A c'oolC •"" •ERHICt DoWn to Fourth in the multi-million dollar 50 pOupds of ~ar materlaJ, ~~~=·~~in Dit.aE=~-';:~. cooic.i"f~r '':oo..:wlflitJllCI,.'~ ll0b0u0!~ldin0';g;;· 0c0om;;;;p0le0.x0.~"~'.";;;~;;;;;:;;;~i~nc~I~Jli1Jng~· ;~r0oc~lis~.~~!"--.~ Mr comm1u1on Eo1res ~11=~:0:: ~'t1KMM1t :'
1bttic,11 ~,... 1~ ~ .=. : TAURANGA. New Zealand Ju ... 2l, 1no 1111 1t1COrdtr ., ·o .. ,.. C111nt • PubU111t11 Or•r111e Coatt DlllV llltot, :'.:ii~•: '·.;';;., c11110m11, wm Nit 1t lff,r&llc •ll(tlen (AP ) -Carl Van Duyne, DELTA SUPER QUALITY., · . > ·t J1"u'"' 24. 31 11111 Febr111ry 1. u. • ....,....,LM• """""' " 11111111, lllddlr tor a111 CHY•bll Olympic sailor from Newar!c, , , · ' · ~ · 1"' 111-ff ,. .... -. c.i.,.,,.i. t1111 11 ti,,,, fll 4111 "" 1awtu1 _.,. of
T• . c . t L I nit lllJI 44~ I"• llr!ll9cl 11•111) 1t the m1tn lflfnlna
N .J ., slipped to fourth place ires OS ess . " LEGAL N<mCE ....... .. ....... d ... -..... "~ "'"· '."" · th f' J la d' f th -e P'vbl1lhld Dr.,1111 Cont 01llr Piiot, N....--t l«l1tr1n1, NIWf'Orl llllCflo. Jn e Ina s D ings 0 e NOTICP: TO CRl'!OITOll5 F1bro1n< 1 14. 21 :it !Ht 221.ff c-IY .. Or•ntr•· $t&N "' C•llfornta.
N Z I d FJ·nn class com • COM LrTI LI • y IU.ILI • • ' • ' • ' Ill ''"''· "'.. Incl lnfWOlt ClO!nl!tV .. ew ea an -P N A A s~A; 1011 cou11T o, THI' LEGAL NOTICE to •'rill new ,..111 IW If uncr.,. ••kl petition Wednesday when his WIDE OVALS ._ IUl"lll l"lllMIUM -'0L'fl'STEll .. 0 ' CALl,ORNIA flOll 09M. of Trwt Ill ....., _,_"' tlMMd RADIAL IP'OllTS -SAND eUGOY -CAMPllt TH• C\Uu~TY~O•ANOI Jn lfll Countv (If Or1,..e, St1N .,,, craft capsized and he finished SlllECIAU -& .ILL Siii TltUCIC TllllS. es111e of Mitilo~" D.llLEY ,,.~ &Ul'•1t1011 COUltT a, TNE ITATI Cal~r •• ~~2~ .. ~.s: "' --
ninlh. IANIAtitllCAID MAST.II CHA.IOI ~now... es TILLIE OAILEY. Oecee1~. "" l'OR TNf'c~~~~~~l~ltANG• N~,~·1,.•;_, et Lei t "~ Bert DeTheir of New ~' -,N011CE IS 11EREtlY GIVEN to ttHt Ht. A.Utt• llladl:. 'C" f6 ' Tr•ct .... m ..• ,
Z al d 'd h Id BERG'S DELTA TIRES c ""!tors "' IM •bovl nimfd ll!Udanl NOTICI OP NEAltll>M CW PRTITIGN ~ .., •, ,,_ ~ Ill lllOk e an sa1 e wou use , ' Illa! •II persons hlVlnt d•lms •••Intl POlt ,.llOIATE OP WILL AND POlt u. "' M1tcelll-M.Nt. --his $1 ,200 first prize to .com· Ille Miii d11:e111tnt '"' l'tOlulrf'CI to Hit t..an•1t• Tl:ITAMINTAltY tlOND et 11111 Oran;. Ctufr1Y,1C.llfornt1. •
"°! 111111'1, wll!I tllf ntetu•rr llOUCh1rt. 111 WAIV•OI 51111 •ts Will Ill ""* ~ wfllloot pete in the -world cham· 141 E 17th St CO$' tauna· 64•2010 "'' offlc. o1"" cl11"k of"" •tiow Est•Nfllile•TJ.ALLIEN.D.c:HMll.' -".,""""•ntv.ex..rM.ar1•11.-. h' · B ud · Ia\er th'" ' 0 ' • • • '91 • · ·OI• inlltlf<I courl, or te Prttant "'1ln\-Wllll NOTICE IS HEREllY GIVEN Tll1I rft•l111111 n111,. ~ •r -p1ons Ip in enn a· "" o,,..ar. lel.. m. h.Y IM111CMS1rvvovcllert, tot11elll'ldl,.r1111d MARY JANE ALLEN hi• rue11 lllr•ln cumbr1n'c-. tu HY,.., u11P11d 1rt11e1-.1
, FllAHKLJN. 107 IEttt 1•111 StrMt, Colt1 for IDUlllCI of L•tllrl T~m1nt1ry et T<Ull, ~wit: SU.GI.Gd, wltll In ...... ijlyfie~a~r~·;;~~;~~~~~~:~:::~=F~~~~~~..,,~~~~~~~~~ri~;~t uw ottk:n "' "RANKLIN ANo • "'"'"" tor t1rob1tt of win •flll
111m • me N ... MUM ...,
°"" M1t1, C1tlfornl11 Wlllc:ti 11 ltll 1llc1 to l"tt111_, (I Clftd we111«1), rlflr1nc1 lherfflf .,,...,, Autu~t J, !Me. •t Ille
Loe. al Clubs Schedule of ~lllU of Ille uncl•rsl•l'llll In 111 tt·Wlllclt .. Mac:ll.., turtt* rill"lkUI•~ "" ii .,.J ,..,.,..,..,, .... llll! ..... l'l'lln-•TO Mrt1fnlng to !ti• 1151111! . of 11111 ,,,., tllt flml IHMI ·Pltc:I llf· l'ltirl"' prov! .. ....-Wllll ""-u~ • r 11rt1.111t111enl, wlll'!!n fOt!r' lfl'Jlllllr antr 1111 11 1 1111 bltn stt tor ...oru.rr 11w t.fmt' et 'Olld Dftd of Tn.lttt ·
The ·Greatest New -o::.i ~=~'~&!! ~ r: 11111rc.. =· :.:~~!r ~m .. ,•n,,,,.. .. ~"~,r. ~· :i:-1::, ·=·~":ii: .
3 Yachting Series
Three season-long yachting start wilh the San Clemente
series have been SJ:heduled by Island Ra~e April 25. Other
local yacht clubs.' The fea~e..<; races are the Ship Rock Race,
are Newport Hirhor Yacht ·J May 17; Huntington Tidelands
c1Ub1s Ahmanson s er ie s,. Race, June 7: Lon"g Point
Balboa Yacht Club's 66 Series Race, June 14; Coast Chann~J
and Voyagers Yacht Club'11 Race.. Aug. 23. and the
Lloyd Massey Series. Catalina Backwards Race,
Th Ah!n S . .11 Sept. 5.
e anson eries WI BYC's 66 ·series starts
GWC Hires
3 Teachers
Three teacher vacancies for
lhe spring semester at Golden
West Coµege have been filled.
New teachers are :
-Jerry A. Fardette, 28, of
Long Beach, is now teaching
English in tlie communica-
tions division. He is a gradu-
ate of California State College,
Long Beach.
March 22 with the Drilling
Islands Race. Other features:
Dana Point Race, April 12;
Huntington 20-Fathom, May
25; Huntington Go-Around,
June 28 ; Laguna Beach, July
19, and the Long Point, Aug.
VYC's Massey Series for
Pacific Handicap and Midget
Ocean Racing yachts starts
with the Ship Rock Race, April
27. Others in the s eries:
Laguna C, May 18; Long Point
&. Return , June 14-15; Newpor1
to Oceanside; June 21 ; Hun-
ington Fl ats. July !Q_; F a .. 11
Regatta, Oct. 11·12 ; 14-Mile
Bank Race, Nov. 8.
-John H. Land, 38, of Ful·l'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijill
Jerton , is an instructor . in II
social service in the social
sciences division. He is a
graduate: of_ the University of
St. Thomas in Houston, Tex.,
and earned a master's degree
at use.
-Fred R. Weber, 45, of
Anahelm, jolns lhe businesa:
division as coordinaior of a
new mid-management trliz>.
Ing program. He com.ts lo
Golden Wesl from Woodbury
College ot Los AngeJtt.
Th• DAILY lllLOT off•n 101111
1f #11 hid f.1:w11. b, actti•I
'""''' of , ............. a.bl• ill
•.n1 111w1p1'9r I~ tft1 "''''"·
AU Makes
196? Thunderbird
4 Dr. Landau
11 Jt .00 ,_ ... tli
224 [). W. Coast Hwy.
Newpo-rt S.•ch1 Callf.
~ Auth1rit1d l111i"t !'(1t1m ,.,
& $ON
4 tlOOr ll•rd!Ofl. ••rmllCll llllHI fMl•llk flfll•ll wltll 1Mklll119 inllr .. r. Tiii• rmperlll 1111 1111 ulll1Ml1 In
i.rury 9'1fUIPmtnl lnc:IUdl119 tin •'-Int wll1tl, Cf\llM conlTeJ, AM/FM ....... r..iill. II lln 11111
..,1y I -..... & 11 In ... llllh;1I cMllllll!I, Lie.
llTT 126
'66 CHRYSLER Nawport
AtlN-dift fllll tnUf Jntert.r Wllll 2 '-mltll~ illlrrlor, fl.tit a c;tmpr.t1 ,.wt~ 1o11vllltllll, IM:lullllllt t.c..,,. •Ir • •'"'''k ' w•r ,....,. Mtb. UC. SUV 2'I
Dll,,,.,.. btu. fln ltll wlllo t lldl vinyl lnlorltr. •VI .. ~k rrMIWlltUIM, rN .. 11111 l!Ntll'< ....,., ,._,..
""' .,OW.r disc brlllQ, llrlv""-lflly 17,oot 1111ln. 11111111(•1<1 ... Lkll!M N""*" WICW'
$3095 -
. ICIN K. SUEN II 700 Wilt IEl•hf' Strllt. In 1llt Cltv of Trutt.. . ;, • ' ..
ElttU!or of S1nl1 Ant, C11Ttern!1, Tiit l t!Wfl(lart brid-tr 11111 DMll rt! ot "'' •slste tlf D•tld "•k•u~'"" ,, l'"f T<111I, llr raison '11 IM bfffdl el" Ille lbove ~•ml'd <l~tnl W E ST JOHN dlf•111f lit-tll• obllllfloM sewred ~•by•
C A Th "ltANICLllf ANO f'ltANICLIN cOiintY Clerk lle!'lfllfol"I 'OJtlClltlli. tnll tlllJYtrld It· tt t 117 1: ... lltll StrMI Pit* llM '"'-'fllt "'' .... llMlr-19nld' • Vl'rlt!M ars . rac . e '"" -· '"'"m". ~... ,.... .. ....... 0"""""'':t ... ~·· .... "'""" ... . Allwllen ,.., IUCYt.r ,.., T --.Utwwll \ St ... ltd ltOllce " br .. dl '"" Pvbllllltcl Or1ng• C011! D11!1 l'llot, T.,,..:t'C.llflrftta ,..., 11«;11(16 fl!' eflnl tllt 111\Chf'sltl!Wd ..
Febrlllr/' U, n, 21 tnd Mtrdl ?. T .. i ll1Si :111"'111 1111 lflll •IPl'fY 10 1"l11Y 11ld oblll ..
G ' T d 1 1Mt ,2'7-6f AftwMY fer l'lllt!Mltr tloni. ~ ti.-~1r 'II OC!Dblr ts.. reatest ra es. """"" o~,., Coo• o.r• """ '"'· .. ·-'•"' n•"' "" ""'" LEGAL NOTICE F•brv1rt 7, 11 1-4 lfft J1Mf et •r•ICh Ind el E~ to ,.11 -----=--~-----l·--"-,;-;::;:-:c;-:;;=;;:;;---•1lo lllL/ttc»rfilld In .. 17 ........ IAll•ltn LEGAL NOTICE lQ, ef .. ,. ~· lhc«ll&. ... , '
Pt .. r WllllL Wllll IMICa NC:llll INll. lllfllftlllc "''"'·• ,._ *'"'I"" ..-M-111-. 1lr clllllll-llOnlltl. l"ff't•r,.,..nc• MMU.. ,.u.,., W1ff 1¥11 tll'tl. A .... , kllllJ'. TXSHS ·
IUP'llllOlt COURT •• TM• , ' ' THI LAOA1t.be:1co•PORA'TIO .. ~ 'ev:.t.uCINll PIYN • STAT• 01' CAL),OltNl.I POil NOTK• °" PVILM: Nl!Altl... • Aulflorr.I sr1111111r1
TNI COUNTY 01' OllANOE NOTICE IS HflilEllY GIVE N fllll , DATE: F8fu1ry•J. 1•
Nf. A"21M • 11ubll<: l'IHrlM w111 Ill Mid llY ~ !'VIJii"*:! Or1n11 Cca1! b1llY "llet,
.. ,oJ"1 :.:~ .. ~;A:":.~~ :.v~:· City ""'~' of ffll Cltv d Cotti M .. ,....,.,.,. '·'· .. ~rc;!t 7, 1Mt ltM9
LllTTIRS T•&TAM•NTAltY Oii MonclQ', Mlrdl 17, 1Hf, at ltM! 1
EIJtltt of SOPHIA II.OSI WAElL y llovr ot 7:• 1"<:1oct l".M •• " 11' '"" LEGAL NOTICE
Decfftld . 'flltl'MfW ·••"" fMtllr '"'" w "'""°'' NOftCE 1$ Hi:ll&IY GIVEN Tllat In lt!I COUIKtl Ol•mtier If .... c1n1 r·,-.-.-.-.. -... -,-.-... --.-.. -••• -.-.--.-.-...
IANIC o" AMElttCA NATIONAL TIUIST Kall 11 Filr Drr~. Cosl•. """'· IY (THI . COIT.A M•M : ,~ .......... ANb S.VINCI ASIOCl.AJ'ION, a NllloMI C•ll(tl,mli , Git 1 .,_.,. Onllnlnct -. COM,MllllOI! It 91!' ~ M"" ''Pl
l1n-l111t Assocl1ttq11 Ms filed hlr1Jn 111":_;., Olt~NANCE.. Oil· TM! CITV Pllfr Dl'IWi e.11 ·~ Cl~
• """on '°' ~" el Wiii Ind touNC~L OF THI! CITY 0, COSTA ... ~·1 ...,..., ':'-'"'· • for IMwnc. fll Llltltrs 1'.°fftlmanllrv #MU.. CALll"OltHIA, llil.ATING TO 111' l".M. ., .. ,_ a ,.......
to f'•lllletler, ,_,.l'll'al fl.J wttlcll ft THe: !:STAILISHMIENT • 0' ST'AN-..,..,...,, .......................
mffe !Or turtl\tr Nl'J'IClll•,.., Ind 11111 DAA:DI FOil TNl CONStltUCTION ·~• l •4 • 1111 t1'1<1• tM lllitc.e '11, Ml'rl!lt lflt 'ANO OPIEllATIOH Ofl AIJTOM<>*tLi!! I, Clll..,.I l1M """"' .... C..... Mmt , Pia• bltn tet fOr Mlrclt 7, 1Hf, ll!A:VICIE• ITATfOHSt ,CtECLAltlHG ~ for1 edl,,. ~ .n• $wltt
it '·311 a.m,, in #la COii"'""' of "tHIE N•Cl:Sll"tY fl"Olt SAID STAN· CO..f Hllflwty, • LH\ml I I 1 ~fl• Dt111'jmt11t No, I et .. 111 cturt, •I OAltdl· , l"ltOYIDING f!Olt TH£ C11tfwnl1 tor .-IMllll • .. 1llew ••
1W W. Ellllffl S~, In 1M CltY al Tltl!'AtMENT Oli' CL0$1ED Olt o\IAN· tfl'M .-.-1111 el ' "*""' .it ·C..,. Slt'lll M•. Clllfondl , DONl!O IEllrVfCI STATIONS: ANO drt~I , U,SI Plfmlt No, c+41· W ' Oitld FM!ruiry 11, 1tff. ltll;OVIDIHO l'"Olt PA:OCl!:DUll l!S IN _,,,.11Mn .. , ..... Mt J Im 11111
W, IE, IT JOHN. CEltTAIN C.UEI INVOl.VING l"Vll.lC '""""'*I• """""" Mi.tit •a ,CllllltY Clerti: NUIU.NC,I., '~ .r '• ltl-\ll'llt --. IAlltD.1. COPl'IN, ISO. NOTICI S F.UllTNl;ll GIVl!N ht ~.-In I Cl torit1 ..t fa • ............ SINef, 11 tM1 tJtnt W "plflu 1-.0VMMl'!flontcl, "'"' {I) t1fl'ltt. II W Sldloll ,.,.,;2,
U.-,kldt.r C:..,.,. "'51 l llY and tll ""°"' l11ttr11'*1 l'l'llW DI•. •XII •nit •~ twU.t et-~ T1h .,._, a"9111r and 111 hlenl ~ W11 City Councfl MullklMl' C. .. II• rtt~
A,..,.,. J9I' """'""' on Mid __ _. OMlln-. In I ~ -lloNll at 1111 'P.,!!N~ 0.-anv• CoM D•lly l"llot. C; IC, PllllST · ,.,.... Vfftlt 9""" a. Cldll ,,_.,
•-... •y 11.14, 20, 1'6t 27Hf ' City C .. ff !flt Clllfor11la. • ·• ~ •' CllY _,CW. Mt.-I. .C•ss:llf ...... Ult ...,.., .... 0....... ~ LIGAL N(n'ICZ P~ °""" 0.... D•llW l"flot. ..,........ fftr WlSl...V• 1-waooa.. · 11·-~---;:;:;;;"-----.''l~'-!:;::'."~'!1<~'JI'~--!':.... ___ ~ ·=·'="'~'VAv!: = .. llrv~ . •=• LJDGAL NOTICE <1111orni. tor """'""" t1; -1111111r1e
ClllTll'ICA111 M IUllNISS ~=:-la 1t1~1.:"'lllQ':.-;
JllCTITtOIH NAM.I P·lt4• 11'1 O A ce.t. -Tl'lt VMlr•lentd 00.. c:trtlfY llllt f'ie • URTt,~TI Ofl IUSINlll CltJ1orrtr::'" -· '
!1 ~ 1 bllslnet1 11 201 NOl'lll ,ICTITlot,11 NA.Ml! J. a-....... ..._ Ma. 31...,. "'' C11ir1 Stntt, S.ott1 Alll. CaNf\lmll, 1111C1rr Thi llfllltnlt.... dOM ctrtlfY 1w 19 fer F. I , llOAHE, 11'31 ~
"" frc1111ous """' __ fll .INDUSTlllAL 19'1d1.id!._. • M r""" " nu vra Udo. eou1 ..... n1, kl!M HM!'. HuntlnltM ITEAM COMl"ANY Ind tllirt tlllll fftn'I "'11t -. ~ ll"dl• C•llfWl""t1. ~ Clllftttlll fW -......... ..,, tt
I• ~ of 1111 foltowl"' -._ \ll'ldllf' 1111 fle!Wlout nm1 111m1 11 LIDO 1T1DW· COlf'lllot -...... ~ """'"-Wiiow flamt ll'I #VII 11111 Piao" '"fdlfq IUllDINO •!If lf\tt 11ld ffn'l'I II flilm'" ..i lol't I Ill~ #J, ,.,,.,,,,... ,,_ '1
It• ftl'llotnl1 • • ._..,,. "'°" flltai#lllt --. ..,,.,.,_ ,_ •-" ... ~_... I•) Lill .,_ 1 ~ O. Ml~ AO'll w.t !'Veld '*"' "' ,.II llfllll, 1111C8 et rnldlMt ---' • fl/II--..,,, '1tt -,..
ltrwt, Sllll• AM, 1;1llfotnll. • \t a fe,_...r "·' (b,.. let \w..._ .,, "" ~ °'"" Fl'brb1ry '-1'6t. Wn.L,tAM A.' IA'-.fHOLOMA!, Jlt., llf' wfflrl ffll 1ii.twt1111 Cll, Wit 1'!lomft G. Miiot ., VI• LIM. Sllltt .. ......,, ~-r n-'tlltl1<tl .,. •
ltttt .t C:.llfornll, Ol"ll'ltl c-fyi llHdl, C1llfetflt1. CW! "" "fncl MMI IC:I ti.. °"' fl*Vtrt " '"'· ..,,.,. -• Dttld JlflutfY u. 1Mt ...ibl9' o( .. Oil. ~ •kit __,, ~ PIMc 11'1 ..... .., .... ...,., WIL\.IAM ,., aAltTHOLOMAL • m!MlnUM .. , Ill it.. ....... ~-...... ~ ..... ,.. TllelMt 4, Mltot JI';. , •• _. ltrtc\tl Piii! MtR • .,.;,-fl'.J
'-~ --fa M 1111 MtMft ._ lflll ti( C111111rf1J1, Ortne_t: Colifttr1 I et 'lt!lt ••llClfloft Oii (1 Ml ~t W '"I .. file wlllllll lft. Oil JIF. n, JW, ....,... _,J I , ....... 11"""'1Y .... llll fll'I .... ..........._
'•'""""" '"' _.._ ....... Ill -.culld = •Ill ltllf W t1iJ ·111tt. '1 ... II' *"'"" h\lltn,._ -IW'' I """-I _,..,.. WILLIAM A. of 111-...118 lltMll, Corti ---fOF,lflAI..: llA~) IA T*"-CIMAI. Jlt. trJ'WIWl'I 10 Mt lb I t'>il\fll':fll~. , 1
IElollf J, HI'-• bl>.1'11 1~ wllot• n•tM I• •\~.,...1 Ftr !Ulfl'IRI' ll\flnNi)IOll 911 1111. ........ µ "°""' f"llbllt-C•l!ftrfill .. "'-wtiMrt I~ 11111 ldcno'lllieo. ~.,.n~t. "'"""-IS4.JN! w c1• P'rf~fNI Offk9 I• tf Ill~ tlll -•I ltll "''"ct •t fllf' p~I!"!lll 08trtl"fi •', ~IY flf Orll!ll t<.!F!llC IAI. SEAL) "~ 1t'C, 11 ~11r ~ ~ Johnson+ son
:~~~ bPlrfl :;:"*htl~lforlrla _ c. :"";r),~·~ Va,!• : . t,
, :\
v ... ·ftwlt*..., ...-. P!'lnC~I Otnt'o 111 ~ "'t • .ir ... { 'ir17·•11•••""N •
Afltl'Nld • O!-•f'IOI. Quriry' • ,,._ "l'fr, C:HAllWMN Jl• W.l #11 '1.,._ Mv Cemmt11·"' b11ru ~·· L. c.t.'•. , ...
._..All.Cl"""*mtl A..rll,ft, 1'111 1J rnd o ... ~"' .It Tiil {FM) tn ... I P\'lllWntf Or1noa 'Coal Dl!IW II"" "' 1 ~ Ofll'tt Ctltt o.h, Jerw••t '" Jf 1ftd F1tr111rv 1 • .. ~ C t•~ D:•:v lt1
FllillnlltT 1. 1.c. 2t,,., lHt re '1""4 ' • ,. -___ ,._ ~-
LiHH~ IHYiH ~T£L • UH~m • llEICllY •lllHI
Hl·H H
.. Ja D.11\.Y rt1.0T • New D.C. Shocker: Williams to Boss Senator·s
WASHINGTON IAP) -Tbe lowlf Wulllnlfoa Seoalon, wklol lo ...,,!er> ~ ~ ~ pame o1 1oo1blu·1 v~
Lombonll, hive. -up will\ a
lllmy!iook nam, ol their OWll and hired
hiadUM maldq aluUtt Tod WUUama .. ..._.
"I cannot lrnmedl1teJy deliver a new
loam, bul It la poalble lo -'t a llloryboot
manqer," aald Bob Shilrt, the Min-
neapolis mlUlj)tlllre who purchlaod the
team lut December and look IUll control
of. it two ween ap.
Wllllaml oooldll't ba reocbed for com-
'l'"!ll, bul a ...,.. -lo lbe .....
lold Tbe Aaodaled -Thul'lday olC!ll Willllnia' i!lnod • IGl>l-wm conlract •
a price · "Ile. ~ .-ldil't afford lo 1"rn
ltarUw, lbe IO,yur-oltl Wllllaml hid
coaljrmad he WU ~ Whit be
callOd "the ir,o« laataallc offer l'w
f:Ve!' recelV14. 1
Short told the Wublqlo!I Poat, "Tbon
hit not ;et t,een & maollq 'ol lllo
mlnda lhal could i, ·-.. •
wrlttnc." •
Tbe blrlng ol WUJioms WIS jUll U 1faotulic, Ind U abocidn( ,a the W~ Jle4Ufn1' rectlil· coup of sr•• Lombard!. A few ytari ago,
the lut ol buehlU'a .400 hllters hod alid, olyou couJdn!t Jtl1 me eoouth to
mange." ·
He WI then he hid !urned down
two ollera lo .....;.; prtl\llilably from
the· llollon 1\111 Soi. .
In BollO!>, wh;t:, . w!Ulama atlll la a
v I 11 president' ol I b t Md SO l!. the
.. Olympian Accepu Ver-diet
I l C ..
~aywood to Miss 2 Games
"' ·As ·Penalty for Slugging Ref
DETROIT (AP) -The U!llvenlly of
Detroit, olten accused thll ~n of
having a ooe-man buketball star, now
have the opportunity to irove otherwise
in their Dest two 11me1.
Spencer Haywood, lbe Moot.a center
who made sports h<adUnel by leading
lhe Unlled Stales lo lbe Olympic ba!ket-
ball title, WU II~ ThUf'lday by
~ Bob Callhln Iller slrlkln( a
ttl.,.. Wednuday al Toledo.
•Haywood struck referee Geo r 1 e
Slrauthera with a &landni blow alter
llelq lold he wu ejocted from lhe
E~-Gia•t Star
game for all'ledtY hlttln( Tolodo'1 LarTy
This reportadly_ occurred &lier I be y
tumbled lo the floor with Toledo'• Slove
Ml< dorblJ a t1LU!e for a rabound.
Delrall woo the pma -· "I Cllll' jultlfy whit I did," Haywood
erplaJ,ned Thursday at a new1 cm-
f erence. "l uked the other referee (Jim
Marillla) why 1 WJS thrown out and
be said it wu because J h1t a player.
"I dido~ think I hid 1\11 aayooe and
that'• when I lolt my temper." ..
CaUhln nld In a preporod stat.men!:
"Tbe unfveratty r e c o 11\ i 1 e 1 the
seriouaneu of tbt infraction. 1 made
:. Huff Leaves Retirement ...
·· To Play for Redskins
"WASHINGTON (AP) -Tile day Sam
Hvff bung up his jersey and retired,
fie sat in fl'ont of hil locker and sobbed
for lli mlnules. . .:roc1o7 the f1blod 8am Huff baa come
*k lo bis world ol violence, millln&
and ready to resume his fterct warfare
u a linebacker for the Wutuncton
ROdaklns alter ooJy a year In retlremenl
· ••it wu the wont year I've ever s'p en l in my life," s al d the rutleu
,,,vtnce Lombardi, the new coach and
part-owner of the Washington Redskina,
lured the Sf.year-old Huff out of retire·
mtnt to return a1 both player and ams.
tant eoacb on defense.
·Lombardi hailed Huff'a winning drive.
He u.J.d "every team needs leadership
abUJty and he's got th1t quality."
• In his dozen yean In the National
Football League, Hull helpod lead the
New York Giants to five conferttlct ti·
He was named to the all-NFL team
four llmea with the Glanll and onee
wtlh the lledalilna after being tradod
to Wubfncton In llM.
Huff playod in m atrli!lht 11mea
before an ankle Injury sldellned him
in his final RUOn for the RedJkins
In IM'I.
The jersey he hung up, No. 10, wu
sun watUn1 for him when be returned
Huff, who took a pay cut in anipplna:
hit rich bulineu ties with a clothing nrm. It.id he decided to come back
after watchlng a sales movie, Second
The busineu movie featured Lombardi
in a tali .ix.it ·wlnnlnc determination.
''Tbll Is my aecond ellort." slid Huff.
"We both came out 9f rettmnent the
same year," laugilod Lombanll.
Lomberdi cWded Greeo Bay to five
NFL chlmpl<>lllhlpa and the flrll two
Super Bowl victories within a seven-year
span before qulttlng coaching a year
The Redskin• made him part-owner
as well 11 executive vice prtBldent and
coach last week.
Huff wu the seventh assistant coach
chosen by Lombardi. It wu a reunion
not only wilh Lombardi, who wu an
assistant at New York when he broke
in · 11 a rookie in It.Se, but alto with
new Redsklrui' defensive cC¥;ch Harland
Svare, hll former te1mmate 1s Gl1nt1
Lombardi expressed confidence th1t
Huff, wbo aUl1 weigbl a trim, sturdy
m, wUl be 1blo to ploy with aU bis
old lerocUy even thoot)I he wUJ be SJ next fall. ·
0 Sam is still youni enough to play,"
Lombl?dl said. 11H1'1 in fine physical
cond.lUon. And we can UM hll wlMlnl
attitude more than anyth1n1 1111."
The Redltlnl haven't had a winnina
year alnct 1N5.
U.S. Faces Challenges
~y Foreign Net Stars
Ainericam who battle for two semWnal
l!>Drll In the U.S. N1Uonal Indoor Tennlt
Oiimpionlhlpa tonl!lhl wUl be hard pul
I~ the lntrllulq matciHlp cl
f~ llread)' In the round ol four.
In tbe all-forelp quarter.finals Thur•
dq nJib1-c!arkhane ilmael el Shale!
recordod anolh<s' atuMlnl upoet while
advlllCinl elonc with Torben Ulrlcla, the
bclrdod Dane. who beat El Shale!'•
flolher In Dovla CUp play II yem ....
El Sbalel, 11-,.,..-<>ld naUonal chlm-pl!li o1 the Ulll ... f Arab Republlc, pollab-
od on !flrll Cox. the number I lortlgn
aillld from Ehlland. H, 1-4.
WU btfan the First World War.,,
ll wu delennined that the year wu
Ulrich, who keepa his prH>lppla Ion&
loclu In place with 1 while hllrband,
rallled to beat I h e U.yeU'<lld· Benpton
aftu dropplnl the lirtl Ml by olllnlllinl . a lob In the net.
· In a balUe cl lafl.hlnden, El Shale!
bl'Oke Co& In Iha 11th 1ame of the
flnt Ml and then .... the ~ &lier
falling behind 4-S, u his aervlca provod
loo dlll!cull for Co& to handle.
thla recommendation and J feel lt'a a
fair recommeodaUon.
.. I'm not coDC«lled with whit other
JMltutlons woUld do. This · 1a our
decision." · He aetd be didn't wanl 1o make the
declllon ol whit lo do Wedneoday night.
"I conoldtred it all night and aU I
wu concerned with w11 what I woald
do with Spencer Haywood or ~.e
Ille on the team in a similar instance.''
H•YWood said he hoped there would
be no demomtratiom 11a1Mt CAl1han
over the suspemlon.
"II I thought lhe atudeol body would
do aometblng 11 k e th•~ I would t r y
to atop tt," be said, addln1, "l think
Jt'a I fair penalty."
The Rev. Cletus HartmlUll, S.J.,
chairman of the athletic -board at U.
of D. and NCAA faculty represeotaUve,
said loo many people hive IDflollsn
about the pressure that bu been on
Haywood ever alnce he wu ln the Olym-
"I don't thJnk we can punish him
far the rest of his Ufe for one incident
like th ls," Dr, Hartmann 1ald.
Haywood will miu Saturday nl&hl's
game at Xavier and TUesday'1 home
game with Baldwin-Wallace. The incident
also leaves Uncertain the Ti~' chance
ol taking their current l&-7 record to
any po1t-1euoo tournaments.
Slraulhm decllnad to ult the NCAA
for dioclplinory aclloo oa Haywood altar
the s.ioo1.ay, aopboroore star apolollud
lo him otter the lnddent.
At any r ate, the NCAA Ieava punish·
ment In IAICb cuu up lo the Individual
Stewart Tabs
Ashe, Smith
Net Favorites
How big ls next week'• tennlJ tourna·
ment 1t lhe Balboa Bay Club?
Pmly bil, sa11 BBC lonnil pro Hugh
"Thia la by fir the moot presll&IDlll
amateur tennis event em held iD Orqe
County," bt uys.
"We've got the Davia CUp loam ent<nil
and there buo'I ballll a wlnnllla Dovla
Cup loam In Ibis country In a .. 7em."
Stewart hit tabbed Arthur Ashe and
Stan Smith u co-favorites for the 15th
annual invitational clalllc.
"Ashe, from what l've: been reading,
has an inflamed elbow. I think Stiin
Smith ii just on the verge of becominl • rreat tennis playv -he could 1ive
Art a lot of trouble in our tournament."
Stewart aayt the ·Davi1 Cuppers will
be taking the Bay Club tournament quit.
"It'• sanctioned by the U.S. Lawn
Tennll A5*1aUon and ao lhe players'
national rantings Mil be affected by
whit they do bere."
'MK! four-day tournament atarta Thur1-
day. The Da'lis Cup entrantl -with
the exeeplion of Clark Graebfter -won't
play untJI rrtday afternoon. They'll play
wlnoers of Thursday's flnt-round match· ...
Stewart ll)'I the Davis players could
encounttr IOme difficulties in their fir1t
'"l'here're a lot of talented playn
ln tht tournament. Guy• like Steve Tkt·
ball, Roy Birth and Tom Leonard oould
upciet the 1pplecart. It's h1pp1Md
before." .,
' '
infm\ll>lad twice for .-~ ,..,. rif llfVICO U I Matfae pf!ol, WUliama
compllod a UlaUme baltlnl ....... ol
.ltf, 1\11 Ul boo>e 1'11111 and WOii the
Amm1cu ~ l>lltll>l lljle ... -.
hllllq .• In ltff.
He ·~ eJaet1c1 lo the Hall of Fame
_the llrit.,..... lie bdnie ellalbls. . TllfilAtn4 nllrad for lbe llrtt llme
altar Ilia ' l!f! ,..... bl!t came ·back
I lllOlltb Into the 11111 aeuoa and played
lhrqb IMO.
Ht lhoo devoted moat Ill . b11 Ume
lo bll llshlnl enterprllea, whlle 1!00
aarvinl u a hlttlna lnllntctor for the
Red So.L • His caieer wu marred by 1«1111 wl1'
fw and wrtten In Boalon. -
··He wu fined for aplltinJ lncldenl!
on the field and also made beadllne1
with bis blaall at "guUeu" draft boJrd•
and "phony" pollUc!W ~ his
recell lo acllve Mulne duty In Kora.
WUUIJDll rtpilcea Jim Lemon, who
plloted the 5eD1iorl lo I ~ llnlali
in the Amerlcaa League lul --.
UPITt .......
Ma111aetn on the lee
No, this Is not a scene al UC Berkeley. It's a oo-
holds-barred scuffle that erupted during Thursday
. night's Forum gB)Ile between the Klng1 and the
New York Rangers. There were no ip.juries report-
ed in the first period brawl. From left: Dave
Amadio (3), Dale Rolfe (6), Malcolm. Ashford (of·
flclal), Gordon Labossiere (12), Arnie Brown (4),
Ron Stewart (12), Brad Park (2) and Ted Irvine
(15). The Kings, by the way, won , 4-1.
Negroes Accept
Apology From
Irish Students
SOUTII !!END, Ind. (AP) -Five
Ullivertlty of Notre Dame Negro basket-
ball player• rejoined the tem for prac-
Uce Thursday afternoon after accepting
an 1potogy on behalf of the !tudent
body for being boood during 1 Tuesday
nJghl pme.
The Neiro players had said they
wouldn't practJce or play until they got
the_,apololY for an Incident during the
,..,. Notra Dame loll 71.at to M!chlgao
Sta!< Tueaday nl!lht.
They 11nt 1 letter to the campus
newtpaper saying, "We demand a public
apoloa !tom the 11udent body of lbe
Unlvmlty ol Notre Dame for their
booing wbtn there were five black
playen in the game •lainlt Mlchtgaa
Jay R. Rossi, student body prtsident,
apologized to the fi ve Negroes.
"The student bodY does not condone
thll acUon by studenta or other 1pec-
tatora," Roesi said.
"As the represmta.Uve 0£ the students,
I \flab to convey the apology of the
maJority ot the stµdenta for the booin&
and rudent11."
The Negro playm ere Dwlghl Murphy,
Aullln Carr, Sid CaUet4 Couts Jones
and Bob Whitmore.
Cage Scores
Nixon Heads List
21 White Sox Report
For Spring Training
SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) -A total of
21 players, includin1 veteran 'catcher
Ruas Nixon, were in untrorm Friday
a1 the ctllca10 White Sox opened sprin1
traininc in the face of a tbrtatened
big league player strike.
At the same time, Vice President Ed
Short aid he was Informed in a New
York call from John GWrln, In owner
negotiator In the current penlion dl.!pute,
that the player group thll weekend wa1
COMlderiDc what Gaherin termed a "very
generous settlement."
Manager Al LGpei sent a squad of
15 pitchers and tlx catchers, but in-
cluding only U restorod playera. throu!lh
a Uatrt morninl drfJI u the Whit.. Sox
became the first fl. the 24 major league
clubl to launch spring training.
A 1urpriH appearance was made by
Nixon, a 11-year--major league veteran,
who t11t Deetmber was drafted from
the Louisville J'Olter of the Bolton Red
"I talked to a number of veteran
play1r1," explained Nlxon. "None of
them fell I lhould jeopardize my ,,.,....
becaUH after all every year Is vital
after you serve tJ."
Nixon said he spent the winter doinc
carpenter work, 1ddin1, "You •ot to
keeo busy when you hive four kkls."
The only other establi&hed player to
report was pitch• Dan O.lnlkl, 1 former
Red Soi: ptaver who was acquired from
Hawaii last October.
Also among the roetered playen were
rookie pltchen Mlictey Abarbanel, Billy
Wynne, Don Socrlal, Mickey Vandehey.
Paul Edmudlon, Jim MllJ'UIOn and Frod
Amon)( the four rottered catcher1 were
Nixon, Ed Herm:iann, Dou( Adams and
Gail Hopkins, lalt le&90l1 I first
baseman-utility man.
Among the nonroltered playen wa1
Danny Murph)', a IW,000 bonua baby
with the Chicago Cuba in 1980, who
is trying to make lhe big league for
the ninth year. Originally an outfielder,
Murphy now is a pitcher and last year
had a J.-3 record as a reliever for
Short said in his long phone talk with
Gaherin that Marvin Miller, executive
director of the M1jor League Playm:
Association, wa1 expected to poll key
player representatives over the weekend
and submit a reply to tbe: owners on
"I am not at liberty to discuss points
or the proposed lleltlement, but Gaherin
expressed confidence that this was a
good offer," said Sb:>rt.
Short said he plaMed to confer with
Gary Peters, a pitcher who is the chief
spokesman for the White Sox veterans.
Sports Greats
Match Strokes !
At La Costa
What is the sport, fan s, when the
players include Willie Mays, Joe Namath,
Mickey Mantle, John Brodie Don
DrysdaJe, David "Deacon" Jon~s and
Bob Gibson?
It's lhe third a.Mu.al '30,000 American
Airlines Astrojet golf cleulc, palrlnli
a baseball player with a football player-
both profeuionals.
Ila prevtouo17 hid ellmlnated Clilf
llltblJ, the delandinl clwnpfon and No.
f Amtrlcan "'""· "!llrlch. who alolllhl off q-tlons about
bis .,., bul Is lielfeved to be fO or
41; nlUed lo beat Ove liobglloa ol
-U , M , M . Ulrich WU aeodod ,_ ._ 1ore1.,.... In the 18-maa
QCC, Golden West Collide Tonight
The first round today was over the
8,880-yard La Costa Country Club course
that plays to 38-3t-n par.
Fans woo't be able to compare football
players with baseball players as goUers·
however, beta use lhe tw<>-man team!
wU1 play 54 holes with scores computed
on a belt·ball basis.
draw. -
pi loll!Pt'• matcbeo, -
--Clark G<Mmer, pi.,. -!lat llolmberl and Stan Smith, the No. s.; ~ ....i, ta1te1 on CharU.
P-.11. who "'" Iha -lo llS 11111 Ill!.
Ulrldt llld ba loll to El Shala!, Illa
Silll-clll' aerolllnal r · Ille only u..•~m ,_
........ ~billlll "~ ,._,.a:. f11ber In 1'111 llnl DoY!s Qij olll f and btal him,'' t11rith
aafd. .PI ._ Ylsltal him In Coiro when
hi lokl • 'Y• mull come * 1111
Ulllt •.' -· I am ployinf galnll hit IOll.. ' r to II< I date, vi aalcl, "II
BJ JOEL SCllWAllJ .... _.p .......
Tbe Eullm Conference bukatban UUe
hll beta all but wr1ppad up bf Fulluloa
JUlllor CoU.,•. but m t.ama Jncludlna
Goldeo Woll Collqo are at!ll In the
n.olnl for the aocond spot In the 111111-
dinl•· With naarly three -u 11111 !tit on
the confereoca ac:hedule. lbe raca !or
......i la wlc!a opao -only two 1am11 -ratlltc lllt lwlll ba1Uln1 for the
rulltltntp (IOl!ttoo.
Goldatl Will, -tied 10< !bird with
•n M raeord, ball 11ame behind Cblfley
(M). opena !lo stretcll run 10< the No.
I llol loeltht aaalnst arch rival Onqa
The pme, which 1tarta at I o'clock
wUJ be playocl Jn , Oraqe Cout
tymnas.lum, but Jt'1 the Rustlers' home ·-· Golden Well coacb Dick Stricklin Is
boplq f0< the aame kind ol per!ormance
bis club tumtd in against Oran1e Cout
In the fttsl '°'""'· In that ooe, the Ruslltts scortd tblir
tlnHver victory over the PtratM, nctnc
lo a M-7$ win wblle aboollni I llDllnl
II.I perceat from Iha floor.
Actually that game WU I lot cloMr
than the !!Jiii score lndlcaled. despite
the Rustlen racing away t.e an early
IW lead.
Oran(J• Coaat twice whltllod bl& Golden
Welt leads and was only down by Mven
polnta, I0-71, with Ill mlnul., to go.
Theo the llualler1 uU!lxed their 1pecd
lo run oil II ltrll!lht polnls lo break
lbe contat epeo'j
Brian Ambroilch was the bif COi In
the Rustler 1ttack In that game, acorlq
21 points and grabbing ta rebound~
Howtvtr, the Rultkr1 at.ill will be
without the servicu of tbe tow-boded s-.s rorward tonighL He's atlll C111 the
scholasticall1 Ineligible lilt.
''The Joss of Ambrollch 11 bound lo
hurt them," says Bob Wetze:I, the Pirate
euich. "AnyUme you take a player of
his ability out ol the lineup It'• aolnc
to l\·eaken i team."
\Vel7.el, who aa111 his ouUit h u r t by
Golden WM!'• fut break lit Iba llrll
round 11ld he mlgbl hlvo his club olow
up lhe 1ction • blL
That' 1 on the aurprt1tn1 side becaUAt
the Pirates always ha•e been a run
and gun ouUlt under Welul and this
year·1 outtp Is tbt 1econd best oftensJve
team Jn the cooftm>et.
"Gold.. Wut hid good apeocl," be
said "and 1 don't know if we could •
run with them. They're '"' daep al
(llard witb lour aood oaea."
Slowinf the btll down 1galnll Golden
Well Ian'! lbal liad an Idea. Santa ADI
did jull tllat 1'llnda1 night and the
o!ower tampo bolbtred thl Ru111en. Dur-
ing one t in: mln\lll stmch of the aecond
half, Santa Ana 1hut out Golden West
enroute to• 71 .. ylc1ary.
()Tan .. C..t OeWtl W•t
M Jordan I' lllnlJq M
S.tf Flallerty F l>n!lk W
M Stkftlmeler C Prok M
11-1 Kl-(l Mullo I-If
. Some of the twosomu will represent
cities. others 11e juat buddies.
Amonc those from a metropolitan •rt•
Nam.oth and Menu. wUJ play on behalf
of New York, Drysdale and Jone1 for
Los Anttlea. Brodie and May1 fCW' San
Francla<o and Denny McLain and Mal Farr for Detroit. •
ID the llul. tho\llh, such combinaUona
haven't tared u well for eumple q
the team ol Paul Krause of the Min·
~ Vlld•r and Bm Mauroold o1 the Plttaburg Ptrataa.
That combination shot 18$, 31 strokes
under par, two years In llUcteszlon to
win the first two classica. Both Umes
Ibey split the 110,000 first prlie.
Play 11 throug~ Sundoy.
J.11 ryer G MWer M ' It11 bliUtr up. hike and fore!
I "
• wltl •
~· I bis
! for
· for
~ on
lleri11 ., a
I s I
') -
th. ••th. Don
i rlnli
· tho
lrtl •.
I for
Mal .
:, ..
Min-; ol
n to
• Fulle11on
Must Pick
Playoff Foe
Of .._ D..,,. l"llet SNM
Around t :U tonla:ht Fullerton Junior
Colle1e will make it official by cllnchlng
a tie for the Eastern Conference basket..
ball Utle, something which already bas
been conceded to the Hornets, with a
victory over last-place Citrwi.
The nes:t big challenge for Fullerton
wW be finding a berth in lbe state
ji.mior college playoffa, March 5-7 in
Fre1no. That'• because the Eastern
CODfertnct haan'\ been seeded a berth
in the play0Cf1 and Fulleton must
cballenge any of the four Southern
CJllfomia champions ' f r o m the
Metropolitan, Western State, Desert or
Paclflc Southwest conferences.
"I'm hesitant lo aay who we'll
challenge until we have a chance t.o
scou t all our possible opponents," says
Fullerton coach Moe Radovich.
Radovich indicates he w o u I d n ' t
challenge the eventual winner of the
Metro race. That conference is rar and
away the strongest in the state with
Cerrltoa and Pasadena (both 9-1) leadina:
Loni Beach (1-2) by a game.
· Thoae three teams, along with fourth
place Pierce, have a combined to-20
record this seaaon and nine of tboae
defuta: came In games against each
With the Metro eliminated, that leaves
&.n Die&o City College of the Pacific
Southwest Confereoce, Los Angeles City
Collese 01 the Western State and either
Imperial Valley (&-1), Collogo of the
Dewt (7-1) or Mt. San Jacinto (HI
of the Dem1 clrcult.
"Before we make a choice," Radovich
say1, "I want to have a loot at all
our possible opponeDt.s. I saw Imperial
Valley and Diea:o earlier this year and
both clubs are quick and have good
big men. Their speed and size scares
me a bit.''
San Diego rlgh. now 1ooks like the
team Fulleton will challenge on March
I for ill berth in the playoffs.
Radovich described the p a c i r i c
Southwest Conference as "not as toUjl1
as our league".
San Diego split a pair of non-eon!erence
gamn with Eastern Conference teams,
downing Mt. SAC, 7M91 and losing to
Chaffey, as.ea. Fullerton ha1 beaten Cbaf·
fey twice and Mt. SAC three times.
Fullerton will have several dlaad·
vanta1es in the challenge game. Fint,
the Hornell will have to play it the
niibl alt.r they dOle out their con-
f erence acbedule apinlt Golden W11t,
while their opponent will have two or
three daya rea:t.
Second, the eame will be played on
a neutral court, but one from the aame
conference of the challenged.champion.
Here's ho wthe state playot palrnlgs
look without Fullerton's challenge and
a pair of challenge·round games in
Northern California from the Coast and
Camino Norte conf.erences.
Upper bracket: Central (Hancock or
Porterville) v1. Metro and , Valley
<Fresno 01 College of the Sequois) vs.
Pacific Southwest Lowe. b r a c k e t :
Goldefl Valley (College of Sllklyou1} v.!I.
Desert and Golden Gate (City College
of San Francisco} vs. Western State.
Latest state rankings:
l. ~.,rllol UJ.Jl 2. 11 Fr1nc111eo 111-!I
•• ~Ill !I'"!' '· ~. "l'' Jl·l) $. 11 tl·l) •. 8tldl (~'} 1. ,,._ (~7) .. i .,,,,,.,191 (16-71 t . 11 JGllQUlll Dell1 11H) 1t. 11 HI C IJ-1 11. ~ 1111 ol~ltQllt~I OH )
n . 1-•lt l \lllllY CIM l l l. M«c_td C1M\"
H . ~M1'90 Cl4-l l lJ. 111 JOSI C14-ll
16. 11 Ol'r, Cll·f ~~: E. 1'1-1.:: 11ht 19. 1brll1o l!+.71 :io. 0111111 Gf 11\t Dt1tr1 111-11 "· r:·a;·" Cl, .. l ll. 1r 11 llt·OI 2l. tn r1 (1 I )
Slow Weekend
For TV Spor ts
Al T\t weekends 10, this one lln'l what you would call captivating for
J)Ol'tl entertatnment. In ot.he.r wonts,
mllbl bl the weekend for you to
Ill the can and clean Out the garage.
Uni•, of CO!.lr'le, you 're particularly
xclted about the Oregon State.CaW'omla
a11cttball 1am1, tho Kansaa City bowlinl
pen or the '6(1,000 San Luis Obispo
landle1p from Santa Anita on Saturday.
Saturday's hllh school bublball game
f the week on Channel 4 11 the Beverly
1111-Aviatlon tilt at noon.
1:. ,,, -llASKl!T8ALL -PrfP HIM of
Plf llfilll. 1110.1 Portrr, S&f'd¥' Kovlflr COYrttlllt
CUJ ff,... bttwM:Jl~H 111 11\0 Avltfltfl, 1 ctJC, -i -""Fl"M"'lf!l_"I l-1"'1"1flrtl " lftlllfrl 111 I ¥1fllllJ 1tTj~ '°"'?~i:~ -"1'lfJET9ALt, -0,_ "~\ JT~t ~':ctP'!~:t~-t~~f.r-:; "" ;.£)1111 "9tt119' ~~ cc.~ o;:U:..:,
,,,. ll'*tlCll fl '""""· . . ' ...... ., .. " -....... .. 'f"Z!'i!M~·:..Memt ~ P'tll P11tt11 ciWrblllli 1J: J.f!'I. l~>e!r~~llMG -ltllllll (l!Y -tM'1t kheftlllll I ll Wtlu mll<ISIOI, (:ii tJn. (4\Cl -NTA ANITA -uo.-...... _ Obi-H , 4-r•r-ol41 fllCI W ,~ """~"f,ra'~ 'OL~:s"~~.-:;..._ ••F Joe '"-' lft C•edo. S •Ml. 14: CF -WOlltLD OF GOLF -hrft1.fl!MI """ n. PGA PWtiontl ;tll C""" ,IJ!rfl ' ,.II', CtlCT -~OWLIMO -G .. owo -.in..,..
' e" .. l!i~~:~ --=~!~~~ ·= ~ ..:...0·~,'11~A-)11=:'°' ,~ ;.~~
jJ,~tNIF -"UT80L -4L11tht Cit WCC:W
S:'IOU. •• ~ !ll(;T -lll\.IAlllOS -Ml-'1
t;:.)~tf!l a~~~'yt 1!:, t\~!1\.,:t at. r ··~ t~tpr'-"nriAo -"""11~ ,,,.,.. I~~ . .,. '-'Jgj)'''· -IOXl!O -IA•rt0 It II
"'• iit MU1te.1
BACK IN ACTIPN -Fount§in Valley High's
dynamic duo of Steve Hatch (24) and Duane Diffie
will be Jeading the Barons against Loara, co-lead-
er of the Irvine League.~ All Coast area preps are
on the hardwoods tonight.
For Gymnastics
Sea Kings , Westminster
Boast Leading 'reams
Corona del Mar fortunes in gymnastics
have been bolstered .with the addition ol
two transfer studenll to the six returning
lettermen on hand for coach ~n Nichols. '
Brothers Jeff and Paul Walder from
' Iowa are the student• with Jeff, a 1enior,
a heavy contender for all·around CIF
championship laurels according t o
Returning lettermen are Cr1lg Black,
Rlck Fleming, Jay Fisher, Pat Mcintosh,
Ken Schofield and Rich Wilson.
Freshman Steve Graser is reported
to be tumbling as well as Gordon
McCollom, the since-,raduated Sea. Khig
Firming, a junior, won the SoC•I
Junior Olympic champiODlhlp in the sum·
mer but was stopped In the nationals
when nu kept him from competing.
Rope climb appears to be the major
weaknes1 of corona whije overall depth
and tumbling are the Sea Kings' strength.
Corona was second in the Oran1e Coun·
ty championshiPI la1t year to &ive CdM
a lhird place finish In the league.
Netc por t Barbor
Newporl Harbor High has four return·
ing lettermen back for the gymnastic.!!
learn but coach Morri e Adams calls
it a rebuilding year for the Saflors.
Returnina monogram winners are John
Beck, in the aidehone ; Paul Jacobson
on the rings and rope; Kent Hammeras,
aQ..around performer; and Jeff Smith
on the rlnp and rope climb.
List leiton's hithlight came when
the T1t1 upset rival Corona del Mar,
601! • Iii!.
The SaJlors will be compotld nt
sophomores and juniors in tbl1r third
competitive year.
Last year the Tan were W 1n Ieaaue
acUon and J.I overall.
Wu tmlmter
Nothina new 1t Weatmlnster. The 11mo
story prevails with the Lions loaded
with gymna.Ucs talent. .
Two retunllng Ctr individual cham-
pions form the mainstay of George
Beck.stead's ouUit.
Paul Ralston , who won the CIF rope
climb with a 3.3 tµn.Ing, returns along
with Jerry Iverson.
Iverson copped the ring event In the
CIF finals.
The Lion1 finished till.rd for the overall
CIF championship last year and aie
early favorites , along wit h Lakewood,
to take the title this time.
Outstanding candid ates for the team
are Jim McFaul, an all·around
performer; Jim Johnson on the high
bar; Don Mosseau, on the rings; and
Gene Johnson on the rings.
Westmbllter JOit Brian Anderson (run·
nerup bigh·point man in the Cl.F'), Chuck
Steller and Art Mulherin to graduation
causing Beckstead to claim only to be
"potentially as strong as last year."
Cunn ingham to
45 0-point Mark
For UCI Cl\gers
Jeff Cunningham, thanks to a 27·point
effort against Loyola Tuesd ay night, has
hiked his scoring average to J;0.7 to
lead lJtI individual basketball 1corlng
CWµUngham, a junior, should go over
the 46o-poiot mark Saturday night when
the Anteaters play Chapman at Crawford
Hall. Cunningham potted 25 in the team's
72-70 win over Chapman last month.
Tbrtt other UCI players are In double ficure.!J -Mike Heckman (15.6), Steve
Sabins (12.4) and Nick Sanden (11.1 ).
· Scoring leaden:
II U1 UO ~J4 I JU .M l10
:ID 9Sn11J
21 I] " 1:12 n " tO 1,•1 "H i!!3 n· ·1 1i ?:
J I 0 '
"·' is.• n.• 11.1 ··1 '· '. u ' ' " ... •••
Tars, Lions
In Feature
Cage Action
or "" o.nr l'ltlt stiff
Sole pol.!lealoo of th!td place in t h e
Sunset League Is at stake with Newport
Harbor, Westminster . and Western
going into tonight's action with identical
6-5 records in the rougl1 ind tumble
basketball circuit.
The former two teams collide 1t
Newport while Weltern is hosting
runaway Huntington Beacl1 (11-0).
M1rlna is at Santa Ana in other Sunset
All games are slated for 8 o'clock.
Corona del Mar High ls ln another
must alluaUon tonight when lhe Irvine
League co-leaders Invade Costa Mesa.
Loar1, allo with a.~1 mark in clrcutt
activity, plays ho1t to Fountain Valley
and -Magnolia ii 1t Eltancla.
Mater Del'a Angelua League cham-
plonahlp dre81111 became a bust alter
losing to Bishop Amat TU"'1ay night,
but 1Ull 4,l.. stake la a chance for one
bitter rival to 'beat the other when the
Monarchs invade rival Servlte. ,
Orange, upset winner over Mission
Viejo Tuesday. travels to San Clemente
In Crestview League competlUon while
Tustin is at Laguna Beach and Mission
Vlcjo In vades El Modena.
The Westmi nster-Newport Harbor clash
Is filled with ifs when contemplating
a possible second pace finish in the
Sun1et League and a CIF berth.
BOth teams trail Anaheim (8-3) by
twc. games. Anaheim has Santa Ana
Valley, Western and Newport Harbor
left on ill a1enda.
Newport, if it could def e il t
Westminster, would then be faeed with
mighty Huntington Beach and Anaheim.
The Tars would need to win them
all while Anaheim would also have to
stumble agalnst Wtatern or Valley.
We!Jtmlnster's chances hinge o n
defeating Newport and tben knocking
o{f Marina and Santa Ana -and if
Newport and We.stern or 1.'alley defeat
The Irvine League struggle for the
top is oot expected to chaqe tonight
with lhe three contender• -Corona
de! Mar (6-I J, Loara (&..I) and Magnolia
(~2) favored to continue the hot pace.
Sports in Br~f
OCC St ar Caro
In Tennis Upset ~
Mike caro ot Orange Cout Coll•&•
U!*i Santa Monica Clly Coiioge'1 blghty·
regarded John Forte in 1tralgbt IOts,
6'!, &-!, but the Plra(H droj>pod a ...,.
conference tennis match to the Cona1rs
Thursday on the Bue courts, 7-2.
Forte ls the SOUthorn Caloflmla junior
champk>n, but he met up wlth more
than he could handle lo Caro, who it
currenUy playtoe 11 Orana:e Coast's No.
2 man. -LI~• 11· ~'°''/· ••.••. c.r. c ""· cw . N. ... . -,.11 dtt, ,~ tSMI ... t. •I. """' ·-•w ~'~J,...,"'A'"'· 'g::=::· I t:· ~1!2!.!,';lflilll .1 ~t.
Mlf <SMJ 4J.'&ftiii. c«CJ~''-1, j4,
Llntltol""" Cu.II ~i.-c.r• lo«:), 6-1, "V,.,_.M ... tlll tSMI dlf. llw«tl1tl~ln!OCC!. 6-0, 6-4.
owe Grcpplera Win
Golden West College's wrestling team
scored its thlrd Eastern Conference
wrestling victory of tbe·aeaaon 1'rursday
night, downing Citrus, SS-15, on the
RUBtler mats in a forfeit-punctured
Bouts were only held in four weight
claul.ficaUon1, with tbl other seven
matcbes bol"ll forfeited by the two
iojury·rlddled tu1111.
Golden West won all of the contested
boul.!J, Including pins by Katsujl Nerio,
Mitch Valbuena and Bruce Gjertsen.
B ig E In LA
LOS ANGE~ -The San Diego
Rockets and theil'-gifted robkle -Elvin·
Haye. mate their final appearance of
the season at the Forum tonight against
the Loi Angeles Lakers.
Balal• Loses Lead
LOS ANGELES -O.Splte an opening
run of 511, Joe Blilia of Mlnenvtlle,
Pa., IOI! bla tead In the World'• Invita-
tional Pocket Billiards Champlonahlps
Thursday night as be was beaten by
Jimmie Moo~ of Albuquerque, N.M.,
Moore flred a &1 al Balsis, the U.S.·
Open champicn ind finally' ran out with ·
a 13 count.
The new leader in the 23-day fl8,000
tournament whlch winds up Feb. 22
11 Ed Kelly of Las Vegu, who ICOftd
a 150-51 victory over Michael Eufemia
of Long Island, N.Y.
Stc nle11 Namell
SAN JOSE -San Jose State College
Thursday announced the appolnl.ment of
Lang Stanley a11 assistant athletic direc-
tor .
Stanley, a San Jose State graduate,
was the sdlool'1 "athlete of the year"
in 1956 when Ile won the NCAA 880-yard
track title and set college 4W and 8M
yard records. He was selected a1 an
alternate on the 1956 U.S. Olymplc team.
Star s Try Again
NEW YORK -The Lo.!J Angeles Stars,
with starters Merv Jack.!JOn and Ed
Johnson out wlth lnjurle1, attempt to
snap a three-game losing streak in an
American Ba1ketball Aasociation en-
counter with tbe New York Nell tonight.
The Stan' record slipped to 22-31
Thunday night with a 116-100 lou to
C:IF Basketball
the New Orleana -In the lint of two n>ad gamea In two nflhtl. ·'
p..,.a Aetlelo .,,
BERKELEY -The "......t dlvlalon"
of the Paclllc.a will he lo action toollht
while the Uni dlvlslon tau. I lborl
pauae from the colloc• ball:othlll wan.
Oregon, rldlng tho era! ol a lw-
wionlng llreat, inv-Harmon Gym-
naalum at ~ to battle Callforntl'•
Golden lleart wblle Orqon Silla'•
Beaven, wbo own 1 Q:tory ovtr Stm-
lord, take on the IDd1am at Palo Alto. :-
UCLA'• lllulns, wbo letd the -fe....,., take oo leCOIJd.placo Wuhlncton
State and SOutbern Cal, fourth, ls holted
by thlnl-place WulJlniloa In SlturdlJ
Mater Dei
Tracksters ,,
In 78-36 Win :· ...
Mat.r Del thwnped the Lquna 11-H
Artists 71-38 in the t r a c k opener tlll
both 1 ch o o Is Thunday on the Artilt
oval. ·
Mark Dunn wu a double winner for
the Monarclla, liklng tho 10 and m
yard dashes. Hi.I tlme WBI I lmOMtr
10.7 for the 100 Ind :14.5 la< the :llO.
\IAll.SfTY . M-Del 01) 1111 UflfM .... ,•
IQt-1. ~ (MDI I. Jac:blll (,__0) a, ~ 1L1n Timi: 1e.1 , 1 ........ 1. D!,11111 CMOI l. J.a-!MD) i. ~ ILi TllN: IU u»-1. Dld!IM IMO) I. Huttwkt ILi ) a, J ..,"
.t1fn01 (M DI 'Tfflw: k.• N0-1. H111lwldl Ill) t. Jtmlntt !MDI J. ~
(MDI Tl..,..1 1:00.0 "
Ml1-1. ttor.tmrtw (MO) I. Dowllfll IMO) l. LI"'" btrt tLll TllM: 4:q .6
2-Mll-1. Mc'K-(MO) I. Dtvll (MO) '-LM ....
IMO) Time: lO:n .e Im HH-1. Llll'lll IMO) 2. ll:Md IMO) I. AIWI IMDl 1'11'11: It.I no LH-1, Grtllg9f' IMO! J. Molwtiy (Lii .. Kr......,-(MOJ Tlmt: 2l,5
... llt•l<lr-1. ""'"'Oil"'"'': .... J M ii• Rllly:--1. M1!9r Del Tl"": ~:«1.1 HJ-1. AlllMY ILll 2. MMaol (MDI t. ltVboN
(MO\ HtlOlll: S'a" LJ-1. Abtoty tLll) 2. lorit (MD) 2. llrr CLll 01111nce: ltV.'
•V-1. '""'*"Y (LI) Htlllhl: 12'6N •'-'
S-1. ,_ (Lii l. •1t1cklan:I CMOI >. l'T'ldl:
U.ll Df1l&11et: .ar '" ...
"'''"' Del 141) (tl) l .... ·--l~l. Fr110t (MOJ 2. J1d.lln (MO) l. Mcl(11n
IMD l TlrN: II.I ... 221i-·+, Frllot {MDI :l. Mc~ {Mt!) l. J~ CMD) Tl,...: 24.t t. ..0-1. O.k1 IL81 2. OIL.lmc:1lltttl (MDI l. S~ cltll (MO) TllN: l:ll.J -h
ll»-1. tyv,111 (MO) 2, HUllllr9 ILi) 1. O'MllltJ.
IMOl Tlrl\t! 11'1.S · •
120 HH-1, $d\lllt:z IMDl l. ltodll IMO) 'Tl"": D.I 1211 llf-1. lltldwlry {L8) 2. Llndlm,.,.,.,. {MDI a.
kfll/lU !MDI Tkne: llJ ' llD ••l•y-1. Mllfr Dtl 'Tl-: 1:0 .•
HJ-I. H1n1111'11n (MDI Height: S' LJ-1. l"lcl>ey (MDI l. McK-fMOJ J. Or#lllll
!MOJ Oltllnct: 11'~"
P\1-1. Sef(....., tl8) H'IQhl: 1'6" •
Sl"-1. G!~y CMOJ J. Sdwlll IMO) J. Llllll•fn" m.,..,-CMOJ Oltt111e1: 3"1" • Cl l ...
Lf1111111 •11Cll C•I ft!I Mii., Del , ,
lot-I. M1y1r IMD) 2. MlllllMOn (LllJ '-Hurlf!; IMDI Tlrnt: 11.7 l'°f~D~u;:~: (~~l 2. stepti-llll s. M•Y1(,
~I. Moore (Li l 2, MorrllClll flll ,_ AthM
(MOI Tims: I:• ..
lut-1. lMnr1 lMDJ 2. Mlll'pl'llM fU I .1. ...... ,
(MDI Tlnw; J:41.0 • .. UO LH-1. ·H1rrl0911 fMOJ 2, S....,..y (LI > 1.
Nonhwl ILll Tl""t lt.2 ,
HJ-I, 1..--Y Ill) Hlflll'll: 4'1t'" " ~l. Nortflalt (Lal 2. Mtnf!IM Clll 2. Hlll'lt1 IMDl DltllllCll: 1'.,..
P\1-1. I~ (ll) 2. ,,,._..,..., {MDI Ht!IM!._'_!'. SP-l. SI""*-Ill! 2. W911nt (MOI S. 1.....-CLIJ D1ti.nc1; it'
Leading Contenders
For Playoffs Listed • • •
W!Ut CJF b1.!Jketball playoUs comln1
up the end ot thia month and two
Orange Cout area poww1 (Hunlln"'°°
Buch and Corona del Mu) Uloo>lnl
to m a k e the coveted ellmiDltlonl, t b e
DAILY PILOI' bu 1un,.yod.olhar potli-
ble oolrantl from Oranc• County and
BecaUR the playoffs have been 11-
panded to AAA>. th!• year, more butbl
have been cre1ted in the various
divisions. Champlonl and runnerrup
automatically quality.
Thon the rtmalnlnl sis AMA poslUOlll
will be !Wed by quallllod onlrl• that
may have tied for second place.
Dttto for tho metllod of lllllog the
eight AAA playoff nelndel.
Here'• a look at the AAA>. section
leaguet and the leadln& playoff can-_
B17 -North (11.0), South (6'!), Mula
Costa (7-<).
Channel -Ventura (11.0), Clmlrllli, Omani and Santi Barbara (7-<). ·•
Citrus etlt -Chaffey (UH), Paclllc
(W), San Gor1onia (I.I).
Cout -Compton (6-0), C.ntennlal,
(&-2). . . " Del Rey -Notre Dame (6-0), Loyola. ..., ,,
( ). .. •. 1
Foothill -Muir (11.0), Puadeno (IO-
I), cr-ia (W). '
Freew17 -Troy (11.0), Sunny HllJI:.
(10-1). .• '
MOOll-Poty (7·1), Lakm>od (J.2). · •
PICific -Areadla (t-:1), SU Gabrfo(
(6'!), Arroyo (7-<).
San Gabriel -Bel~owor (7-0), Norwalk
(4-3). . . .;
Sierra -Covina (10-1), South Hlll4.
( .. :1). '
Anteater Frosh Top Gauchos, 78-62
Sky -· Morninplde (f.l), p.,o Pala!:
Verdel and Torrance (0-2). . ,
Wbltmont -WhlWtt (7.0), -
(5-1). ,..,,
Here's a rundown on the AAA 1...-~
and their Jeadlnf playoU candidates: •Jf".
BJ JOEL llCllW Alll
' Of ... .....,. ,lllt •tiff
Coming on olron( In tho final 11
minutes or ptly, UC lrvlnl't lrtallman
buhtball team brushed allde Sad·
dleback College for Iha -time
UU. ••son , 'IM2, Thllnd17 nllhl at Mlsllcn Viejo lll&J1 Scbool.
The Anteatm pooled Iha vtctorJ the
hord WI)', slvli1f up tho ball II Ur...
on 11 variety al turnovm and leUlng
the smaller Gauchos oot-nbowxt tblm
lllOll " the aloppll!' pl17od ...... Sllddleback wun't mud> better than
UCI In~ lbt ball. Thi Gouchol
committed II turnovtl'I al lbtlr own.
Tht .... dllltnnca In Iha ....... Wiii
UC1'1 shooUng, particularl!' In the second
·~ '
' hall. All<r hltllng on Juat 15 .,.rcent oi tbeir first hall attempts from the floor,
tbe Anteaters threw in 20 of 3S second-
ball lbott Ind wound up. with a 41
percent li&ure for tho night.
Saddleback. meenwblle only shot 31
perctnt from the floor In the game
and wu able onl1 to COMeCt on nine of
31 first ball lhots.
Tbe Gauchoa outplayed I.he Anteater•
In the opening. 20 minutes, but couldn't
find &he rent:e from the noor. After
leadlil.I muclt al the openlnt ball, Sad·
dlebact trailed at·lnt<rmllalon, 27'15.
UC! ltnl<:hed lta maflln to five polntl
urly In tho -nd hall, but a 100.R<Ond
Saddleback eurgo of four jump •il>ts
enabled the Gauchos to reclaim lhe lead,
The Anteaters quickly toot the lead
back on eight straight point.I, ail ot
them ln o n e mlmte by BW Moore and
never trailed again. ..
Alter Iha~ UC! hold a to.point J.,d
until the aeven-mlnute mark when lt
broke the game open with 10 straight
polntl In less than two mlnutu. Reserve
ltob Sagehorn scored seven or tboll
point.I which gave the Anteatera a JO.
point cuthlon, 17-47. .
Forward Steve White ol UCJ wa1 the
1ame11 leading scorer with 20 polnta,
!he majority of them comtDc on l"illlnl
layupt and bank shot.. S•f•horn and
Moore added 15 and 13 paints to the
UCI total.
Saddltback lorword Bill Noon, who
Is now finding the ol>!IOlltlon con-
ctnlntlng OD blm, WU. iimued. to lf
polntl by UC1'1 '°"" -· but he wu.tba Gauchos' top ICOttl'.
Maro Hanly, who played a One came
on the boards, and Rick Morrill ucb
had 11.
UCI ,l"ttlll 11'1 .... 1·~" -~ ·I· .. ..._.,.. I I ' , .. ~.,.
Htlfrl t f J 4 .......... . ' . . lllW ,,,, e-::"' ' 1 ! 'I
·.-1 •• lt"OCI. I I t I
1aw1it1a1 ... _ ..
f I f f I I 4 tt -e··
"""" t:.::·
• i ' 11 • t • ,. ' l ' I . . ' ' . ' .
l'l't'-I I I 1 , Tot~11 w :n n ,. Tett tt n 11 u a
Hl!IU,... 1t1n11 UCt lll'WI V. SHdltlMKt U..
Camino Real -1-(10-1), --~
(9-Z). "Ill
Garden Grove -Garden G,..,. (HI,
La Quinta and Rancbo Alamltoa (~
f.S ). .. (t
Golden League -Antillope ValltJ (f.,,
I ), Palmdale (W) and 11umaP (7~), n
Ivy -Colton and PolJ (W), Rubldoa ,
Mnntvtrw -N01al01 lllld-ilawlaod llo.
1),-(W). • ·"
Plooeer -Bevtrly H1lls (7.0), Avtallao,,
San Antonio -Claremont (11.0), Clllno,
Ind Ganeslla (both 1-1). • -
Santa Barbara -Santa -(Ml, ftltllolti Ind San M8-(both W). ""
Suburban -Glenn (f.I), Altoall 111111,,
La Mirada !both $.2 J. ··•
I .
, .
J! DAll Y PllOT FtidaJ, Ftbtuary 14, 1%9
Ski Bonanza Hits West
w·th · Excellent Conditions
•A Ml bonama 118' bll,)lle W ... St! area.s
-U., ICIUtlo, and eoJt lllli\"11daat gttal ....
dlll<a . ' ' "11).loil~I -u.i-aeem! to have decided 'lllay cokl enWgh to,make
.. anow rather thin rain. Areas aL.last feport
have snow all over the place.
· ~Operam at local mowrta.in areas call
their snow reporter and abe relays their
reports to you at (Zl3) AT 7·9711. ,
Skiers have a fO<MI stl bet in local moun-
lainl this weekend. RemeJ:nber to cany
cbalns in the mountains when driving is
apt to be Icy, and don\ forget antl-freeze,
Calling ahead to an area for road condi~
tion reports is a good idea U in doubt as to
snow clearance.
Local skiing Is within a two hour drive
for most Southern California entbusiasts.
Operators are eager to show off their fa·
cillties p well as the packs of snow.
1ofL Baldy, Snow Summit. Holiday Hill,
and Snow Valley skiers will see extensively
reshaped slopes with runs smoother,
straighter, and wider.
British Olympic skier "Bunny" Fields
Jias been added to the Soow · Summit ski
8Cboo.I staff. She'll coach the Big Bear Club
Junior Racers in the San Bernardino Coun·
ty ..Park and Recreatioo District ski training
Mowitalns near WrlJhtwood In the Big
Pines recreatlonal area lie Holiday Hill, Ta-
ble ·Mountain: and Blue ftidae, all within iblmiu. ()( each other. Hollda,y Hill ctlris-
tened Its new dooble chair llf(s lhil season
for a big boost to skiing pleasure at the
area. To lhe west , aJong Aogeles Crest Hlgh·
way, are located Kratka Ridge and Mt. Wa·
Lerman. Mt. Waterman has a new double
chair on the upper slope. which doubles tbe
· ski terrain there.
Newly developed Sequoia Crest ski area
is not quite local, but closer than "local"
Mammoth and Jwie Mountain. A four-bour
drive and 193 miles from Orange County,
the area is reached via Higbway 99 to
Bakersfield, Highway 65 to Porten"ille and
then Highway 190, through Springville and
to the ......
Once there the acLiviUes include rope
tow skiing on weekends. tQbagganing and ice
skating as a wee~end family winter . sports
package at Jordan Peak Ski Resort. The
area is a year·round mountain resort on ..
Ute western side of lhe High Sierra in Tu-
lare County.
The Ice skating rink is locafed at the ,
base of the ski run, which has been carved
out. of a grove of 2,000.year-old giant red·
wood trees-unique.
The Western High Sierra A$ociation in
Sequoia Crest bu information as to accom·
modatlons aod facilities. The toboggan slide
is fairly steep, safe, but thrilling, with rent·
al toboggans available.
Tobogganing, incidentally, can be devel·
oped to a hlgbly skilled sports activity, as
Winter Olympic enthusiasts are aware. Few
ski areas field teams, however.
... program as part of her duties.
Dave and Dan Platus at Snow Forest
offer a baby sitting service while parents
Ui the chair and Poma lift. Thi! is a friend·
ly area, formerly known as Lynn Lift, lo-
Olted just up the slopes in back cl. Big Bear
V).llage. U &igns in the village prove inade-
qiiate to direct you to the area, ask a shop-
~ in the center of the village.
Bear Valley, an innovator in several
ways, has done so.
• ·Moonridge, Rebel Ridge, and Green Val·
Ifx, along with Snow Forut, Soow Valley,
anld Snow Summit, are Salf Bernardino
Mountain ski areas, each with its own spe-
Bear Valley Ski School Director Rick
Carney says be plans to introduce luge rac--
ing, an exciting version o£ sled racing which
uses ~boggan runs, to skiers at the area
next season.
The National Alpine Ski ChampionshipJ
will be held at Bear Valley's Mt. Reba Ski
Area Feb. 21·23, the first time this interna-
tional competition has been held in Cali·
fomia in 14 years.
: -dal atmosphere and ski enthusiasts.
The 1968-89 Far West Ski Association Far
World Ski Club flight schedule includes
seven flights, the last leaving March 16.
t \ • .. 1f11.ey can be easily toured in a morning, II :. leaving skiing for the afternoon at the re-
'.,· duced balf-damil);' rate at one of the areas.
• Only 45 es from Orange County and
Skiers set for the trips who are interested
in seeing the world's most up-to-date tobog-
ganing track may do so at Koenigssee, near
Berchtesgaden, Germany.
• overlooking the towns of Upland and On·
I tario, Claremont and Pomona, Mt. Baldy on
The new 1,200 yard track, just being
completed for the 1969 World Tobagganing
Championships, is underlaid with cooling
pipes to prevent the sudden melting which
ha caused such disappointing delays and
J)OStponements in Olympic competition.
~ tbe south side of the San Gabriel Mountains I'
! .1\8.1 expert to beginner terrain, as well as
two ski jumps.
...... On the north slopes of the San Gabrie1
•• ..
'· ,,.
' '
. .
... ,.
. '
• t
' <
Prep Mat Results Coast Area
Cee Cage
., tUI S.R (,.,,.nit
CTI die.. ~ ISCJ;
1111--&111111 fl) pllll\ld ~ CSCh l:S!
11!1-Fllll• IT) dee, WllklllMlrl (SC)1 S.1
1U-HYOr1fl 111 pinned C•lldff csc11 5:12
l~1ln111llc.I fTJ dee:. V•lld'.Z.lnclt
fSCJ1 2-1
l:»-K__,1r fSC) pinned W•n (Tl/
1'11-Hi~toot ff/ de(, Her11111da CSC)I
l~uem•"" (SC) llK. lem1rll fTll ,,
151-l<"*rlOll CSC) dee:. WllsOfl CTJ1 ,,,
u.a. ... $evn IT! deot. SMft' (SCl: 2·1
111--Wlpple (T) Oto:. llr1wn ISC); 11·7
lN-Cti.nlotll CSCJ drew Fnintts ff)I ...
HY~u,,.mlntl ff) dee. Si.lnbll CSC)/
,.__s.._son (CMl ~lMell JtnrllOldl
ILi; 1;tl
l~WOOClll111 ICM) -. l7'f' fllrlell llS.--0. CCMI won l7'f' forfeit
12J-tlo m11'Cll
llO--lffef' (ll 6ec. HNfti. (CM>: a.7
13'-Co.t.!lo {CM) d,.._ Hunt (L)/ :W
1-1-Tomlln {CMJ pllln8(I F'" (L)I
l:tt l._WlUl1m1 {CM) dnw LClltllU (L)1 ..,
157--Cr•lftl IL) dee. c-11 (CM): 1-1
l~ mtfdl
111-Lowrv (CM) _, by tomfl
lt~orotft CCMI wvn by forfeit
HV-f!O "'41ltll
H11ntl11t1111 9Mdl lJtl
MC.N•'f' (I) F
Ctrf\Cll In F 81lcl'I ,,, c
T"--1 UJ G
Wlllle /3) G
SCorlnt 11/bi: Hunu.man -Whlf.
field 11, Wilker 2. !MrlM-lll'OOks 1.
Htlfllmt: Huntl1>11I011 •• ~rlN IS.
M11Rll11tlOll •ltd! (JI) OJI A1111hllm
McNtV CUI F 131 a.vleff
CtrllCtl Ul F Ill W•9"er
W1!1c!'f' l•l C Ill Wiison
Tllonlp50tl flt) G (41 KUil
Whitt (111 G 101 C.rter
11·! Hiiier V•nitf Final registration for the
Tnt11 110 nu 111 c..,,..,.,. Amer!can Girls Sport s
Scorin1 wbt: Huntlne!an -Wor'ltly
It. G1rloncl t, l-J.
H11n1me: Hu11t11111lon !I, Aftlhllm 1,
1::::!!"r:.:!' .i,_, RUlll isc>; 1'50 Association is Sal u rd a y LttllM ltttll (It) (U) """''"
11!1-hrt.er CTI 11-d K'-• csc11 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in
!:IJ f
S-l' (11) F (6} Zlldl
Oltmtr (II) F f') SlefflV'
1,,......._ 1r1 llK. 1t..001111 csci: s.i ront of Albertson'! Market
'L»-W11tw rT1 lllMed Mldlol• csc>; in Westminster.
M~mln 131 C (Ill lMMv
c-1" 15J c; C14l Llttlt
t :.Q Dues are $5 to join the 1~Kmzi. isci 11ee. ~ CT>i girls softball league and ap-
C~mbtrs 111 G {OJ Me llifl• S<:or'"9 wb1: L•1111,.. 8N~ld•ob t. l'OO!fllll-M(C.bt t, Ch•h l 2, CaMn
l. Plfl(f 1.
1.i-l..-1 1sc> olnned Turner cr11 plicanls must be ac--t ::tt
H11!1lme: L11111111 11, FOD!l'llll 16 .
Doub~ ov•rllme.
t4--PJoer 1sc1 dee. st••ln 1r11 J.4 companied by a parent or
151'-Hlll CT) o1Med G1111k~ CSCl : l:S' guardian, I~ (T) 011111911 Glklo (5()1 2:M M1wnrt H~ Clll
11S-Pt11111p1 CT> dee. 11r0er 1sc>i 1.0 Birth certificates are re-McNuney !O F
.. ~,..Lttt.rmen 1T1 111e. ~ ... 11c>1 quired. Girls must be age a.11m111 r1> F • Tud!.1r l9J C
Hv--N.oor9 (Tl dee. llomt,. 1sc11 "' nine as of May 1, 1969 for cnll(' t•> o
"''' 1161 V•nl~10 c•i. ~ the Minor league. Major and K:~::;~~h ,1:li.: :eiiern _ Selbe 9 •
...... wu111m• tll dee. Moore ccMJ; Senior leagues are also ,,,., l. vi...-. 1. NewPOff -ll1ynold• ,o..J:e\f~M Ill -by torte!! available far girls up to lS. 2' H~~:M:wo';:,~ .:.:u1er11 1,.
115-Grter (LI dee. Kll'll f(M); 2.0 "F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;i;;;;;i;;;;;i;;;;i;iiii;;i;~;;;;;;;;;;,1 12)....#~ll (CM) llllMMt Fll11 1Lli 11
1 :)I
1~ (LI dK. Ollf1 fCMlr 4-1 l~•n-CL) dK. DeeNn ICMJ1 •• 1•1-0Y (LJ dK. Gllkd'r CCMJ1 !~I
),~u~ (CMI .tee. lllrdlklutt>
1J:7-1t.i11y ICMl dK. Mayer IL); M
1111-Cotltllo CCMJ dK. W11klllt Clli ... j~dWllnll fCM) We. O•-• llh •• \~!lier !CMI •IMtd Sd'lllllll (Lii
J::W HY-GINMiii ICMI plnfled Scott lll1 ,u J_.., VenlfY
C ... MIN 4>'1 Otl Leer•
Pro Hockey
... ~ M9111tMI ..... Yd ....... , __ -11' 11• ,. 17'
1JI 1'1
111 Ht
1• ltJ ,,. "'
35 00 EA. PLUS 8.55115
4 FOR ggso PLUS
Bl 100% SAFE!
A Dl1 .. 1dlc c.t.. Test Wll S1Ntw Ya
fte beet Ca•lltt.. of YOlr C.I
w ...... ., • ., ·-J t.11
0 whllt -,,,. JMll <•t
I lO Yitel t.1h ho S ••
C•lif. '1 first ~
Dt•911odtc C.11ttr, J1149t
yMr c:er'• 1•f1ty •nJ ,.rf~e11ct f0t yo11r111f,
.......... "'"""~ ..... ·•·.i..Ll:J •.,·""'"' ·'""'"""'
Triton ,
y -Swimmers ' .• .
Wm, 77:13
Randy Smithen brouahi
home a double victory Ud
pae<d ·Jib Triton ·IUauilalel
to a Tl·Jl,~nquering of Tuatla
11\ursday In a swim meet held
in 'the San Clemente city pool
Smithers sw111m the 200
freestyle in 2:09.4 for a first
place finish and proceeded to
..thip orf a sa. 7 in the 100
free to nab the top spot in
that event. He also performed
for 'the Tritons 400 free relay
foursome lhal captured ftrJl
"'""" S..1 c.._.,. m1 1111 T11t11
211 McPciJev ••t.r-T. s.n Clenwntt
(!lrGIJVlllM, l 11rt b. SdlHle, ilolllfl) WIMlrle llme: t :.51.J * F ....... 1, •• S!llllhtn (SCJ l . llr;ll
fS(} :t. G. Stnltt..,. fSCJ, Wklnlnt llme: f:lt.4.
SO Frtt-1. t..coe !SC) J, S.b111 (SCI 1 Fltmlne (5(.) WIMl19 tin..: fl.l
200 lndlvlltw.t ~W..-1, MOrH11 (SCI
:t H1rln'lt11 (SCI l. E.dmonc!$oii CT)
WJ11111,.. lllllt: l:JS.l
190 FIY-1.' kntelt (SCJ J, Edtncwlcbcwl
ITI l. HJxlller IT) Wfllllfne \fl""'' 1p1~ .
100' F:n, -,1, ~. Srnllfttrs ISC! 'f
· Loeb fSCI l. s.bl11 fSCJ. Wlnni;,e
llmt: 51.t
100 llack-1. lbbtlloll iti t. l<WD,.,_ ton ($CJ J, Mort.,. ISC) Wlnnl111 tln>e: 1:10.0
>IOO Frte-1. Llowd (SCI !. H•nl .... 11
/SC) I. lltae .(SCI WIMll>I lltntt •:(l.D .
100 lre•sl-1. R1•111 (IC) J. lbrtll
ISC) l. Cox {Tl Winning time· I ·IOA
400 Fret llei.l'-1. 5111 Cimo.file' (It.
Sml111tt1, G. Smlthtrt. Lt.ml, Lodi•! ,_
'hltltl 011 f31J S.R C'-tolt.
200 Mledlty ltrll'f'-1. Tllifl11 fSdoler,
Spter, P•IJ~''°"' Kt01111Hnll wr.i. ,,;119 lfme; !:)I.I
MO Frtt-1. /Mltlts ($() t. Clfrrt. (T)
l. Tull CTI Wlnnlnt lltnll· !'4'
50 F,__I, K•-•1rd {T) .l. MJ11tr
(SC) J, G•r~t {SCI Winni-tJ-· .Q.O .... "''"
100 ll'ld"-'ldu11 MedltV-1. P•llffson fTI
2. HIUnl (5CJ Wlftrilnt tlmt: 1:57.1
JO Fly.....1. P•lhln.an {TJ Wlnnlnir time ,,, ..
100 F,__I, Kronennl !T) :t Mllltr
tSCI l. T111t IT) WlM"'-' !fmt: !:JO.I
9 BKlt-l. Vldl. (SCI J. Mllllon (SCI
3, SOttr IT ! W111nlnt llnw: Sl.7
50 8rft1l-1. H11.1n1 (SCI l. $Pter •
(T) l. #Jir-t IT) Wlnnlnt ti~· l :OOA ' '
200 Frtt lhl11"-l. S.n Clemtnlt. (HI""
. Wln:I, Miiier, Mlllh11, \'kk) Wlnnfnt
··-"· 7:1(.f
. For Basketball, Scorins . · l\~strali~ns
Triton· Ace Stlll ist ·.r1a}rat1T~1
~ • • • · • • The-IMne Rugby i.am will
merge · w1.dt tWo o l It e r
MUflTIMOTOM IUCtl C'f4) Llndt.ltldt ti ta JI' .-Southland teams W~. S.. ~ lllP School buut~ Eric Chril-....... coat to dominate
tl>o 0r .... Coaol ..... llCOfing
'ltatl wltli a JS.$ average alter ~1..-.
COlll,.,.. : : ';! J: :..":" ~: ~: :? ~ tO · pl~ ,a touring team "11
MU!er llll llJ " -QrHtllll ' ,. ,, M . 1M~-~ Al:-at UCI'•
WtomlMll n " f7 ua: Rttee 11 17 lt f ~ ~ o~Y· •Autt:r-. " ::= ~~ = ~ :~ ~~~Ill '! l~ "'! 1 ,..athletic field. J ,.
·~· :~ : ;: 1g ~='° : : ~. : The Southland tt.am ~u be Cllrilt._ leads his ·""8r-
est rival In tolal polnt'.8 by a
53M$7 margin over Mike eon..
treru ol Hunlinlton Beach:
~ ... ~ 1' *' J " IAH CL•M•WT• (IM) composed of eight lrvlne
.... , '1f 11 lJr O,.Gf'T Tl' • ( UC Sa ""'°*'' ' u ' • OM11~ 21 111 1112 S3' players, six rom n H•rrll!flllll • S 1 17 C
W•lkllf' 11 1 , ' i~ ~l 1: ~ : Diego and five from U
Ralph Cllandoo ()( Mater Dei
is third with S95 counters in
2S ooUoca.
JMbolt LA OU NA •IACM :1-1:1 1 I ==... ~ ;: r. : Riverside. Action starts \ at l
. Christensen's high point ef·
·fort of the year ls 41 against
8addleback High in preseason
::;: : :: : r.~ =:"" J: ~l ~; ;; p.m.
w1tlbtwtli.1 1• 11 • 1• 0ori11tlldlhol 1, 21 ,, ss Irvine will tuoe up for ' the
KIOlN.--n 11 " M llt Llrlltllrl 11 6 I 11
RllClok>tl 1• • u a. McOtftltlia l l ' • special match Saturday m~
Wiibur 17 • 11 11 Miier l 2 I ' • 'th co.rner t 11 ' 3' ..,.., 1 1 o t ina wUb a borne tar!f• WI
:::,.,i-rk : ·~ ~ '; W'bTMl•rTD ~1·;~" ,, the. Los Angeles Rugb~Club
CCNl:Otu. D•L MAii llU) l'Qftd'f t • • • ,_ ,, 130 Ill 371 beginning at 10 a.m. \
,_ • ,. • ..,. ,.,. MAllMA n>tt:I •rodtridl n 116 " m -.A_ are 30 playen th the n10t" • •"'"Tl' ~ n "" :m ,,....,,. •.
T""""°" 11 a. • tu ,,,_.,, -u 11' " "° ~ °'"' n 11 ., 111 Irvine Club team ~ has ~111i.-2t " " .. t'tlt llll 11f • .. StNIWOOll %1 S1. • 1 Sol • I last
wtlbrtcftl n " 4 1,. ••'"' '' " st ,.. ..,,: 11 JS • " a record of U-1. In i ~ti tit u n • .,, Moll ,, " • na Obtrt l , 11 » ,, M two outings the has Ntt)lft IS 11 • M Moelo '-21 SI J1 llJ W•li.t. U I 2' G ' d WllM ,.. n ,, » · D9vldlOll ' 14 o:t u " u-y ~ 1 s J , beaten UC Riverside, 42-t an ~ .. .., 1;~ ~ 1: = :;;:,:...'°'.:' ~: : n ~ ~Id : : ~ : the Long Beach l\ebs, ·~·
Flnlft' • 1 3 1 , ·it.ti. ' ., ' 1 ttoH;"' s 1 1 3 The head coach for Irvine
WtHl&llUI I I l I Gillooly 2 t I 4 Manl'loDn'ltrV. 1 1 o I
COSTA MIU. (6'1•1 ~~~.. J t • ' Sw•1' 3 1 0 ! is John Essei.:. t .-..... ! I I ,,_:::::L.----'--:._;_:._..:_ _________ ..,.-~
0 "q PT T,. • ~Wlld>er 2 I I I ·" O. ~,.. ..
·~: ... ., ..
!(•lhr A~ltrt .... ,.,
Corlell ,
AdtllOll ....
'°""'" .. ,
ZI 121 10 :t12 It If .• -DI MAT~R Dal (l+.tl ·~,::.: :: .Cfl.ncto.· ~r:r~.~· .,
11 2' )t 11 Aa.1 13 IOI SI tS'
'21 • iJJ 1• 16 W11k!'f' 11 4t "5 lU
'' 32 1,t n ·Gibert 21 51 .0 116
If 11 I' U McM9Nml11 Z) '2 JO lU
1s 1 1• ·• Mortt111 11 n u 13 11 ' 10 22 HiouPel'f 16 13 10 l6
•.S9ltHe1loli 111•12.1 •4Jn .~Frlh' 111 •1• ~JTAHCIA (t-IS) Lew·-$ 1 J , 0 "0 ",,.z.~ •ll6
Wll!l1mi n 123 Jl "' MISUON \'II.JO lll·tl 0uv O"•"TI' HjJ-1 71 Sol 13 ,,1 CO.rdmr ,. 1» u m n 10 ll 1111 Hltl-to ,. ·•n m
111,Metl 11 SI 52 15'1 l!~•l:z 10 6J SI 1n
°'1')tt 11 a lf ua wnt 1•. S7 20 1:u
,Hol'f 11 20 a U o:t1ter " 51 17 ISJ ShfvtlMU'I tl 16 •7 4'11 .... 11111 •~ 13 14 o10 \'1llHt 11 II IS tr V' Smllfl , ii , n lobshirMWI II 11 11 ll ,_, s ' • • O'Brlell l ' ' 16 Pylt l lf-Koskl 221J •O H cie.\lft' I 1 I 1 U TA.IN VALLJY (12•lll , Nl.Wl>OltT MAll•Oll en.II) .........
\'•lbutM H1ml'rllr
""'" ....
2l l:M JO 311 H•Wfl :n 11' 1!2 270
21 tt 0 26 HO!mn n Mrf 6ll al
20 St 3S 151 M.llllOlt 2t 14 11 !II
It '2 :M 1'1!1'-..,.----------~·'I ·u " :n. 1.0 i2:wsn
11 JI 11 14 112111'6
' • 7 t5
l 11 ' 2' ! J 0 6
Write to ,
Uncle Le11
Get Low Tire Cost
ae'if::a1 Kraftreads·
Kraftreads are General's
factory method retreads
applied to your tires or ' · · : . '
2 ~ 22 for rain or shine
Tremendous Special
775xl5 735xl5 845xl5
775xl4 825xl4 855xl4
Ph11 ltuppobM; Caln9 olttl F.l.T. SO~
Get New famous·
make Shock $
for safe car cont ml
and new car ride
The R1Pl4 Radial-
built for the roua:h spots-W<1Nf,
Greater cornering & tumlng ability.
CocH'f running, gTlllter stability.
The proven radial ti'9fotwetand dry.
(gntinental Radial RaP14lM
Original Equipment
s159s:.~~~. Tu
Since 1959 Stort Houn: D s ,~/, d 7,30 ..... lo 6:00 p.m. 0 n We11 Ill n r:-:CO~AST~G~EN~ERA~L __,·TIRE 646-5033
Houri: 7:30
to 6:00 Dilly
' ' I
~ ..
'n c
" st
" 1d ,.
• ' I
-. ------------------------
Frklq, Ft0<11117 i., 1969 em Y l'ltOT 2i
R •I
A Complete Guide ••• Wllere to go • •• Wllat to do • ••
... ,
Weekend Highlights
YAIZNTINE PARTY -Disneyland la holding It• annual Valentine
Party tordgbt from a p.m. to I a.m. with music and entertainment
sc:boduJed le< Ille entlrt park. Soul Binger Lou Rawls will perform on
the Tomorrowllnd stage and the llinglDg Conilla will be on the T ..
momnrland Terrace. Other attractions include the Chec-tes Ltd.,
The Jllooacms, The Spall, Tbe Generatlom Gap, The Royal Tahltlail!
and Golden Hcneshoe Revue. Tlcbll, f'/.10, Include all•atlractlons
and -·ucept the shooting galleries.
AlmBTl.COl!ICERT -The Sympl>ooy Orcbedra of Orange COunty, ~ .fbi -·,of Daniel· Lewll, II praentlnc music by Brahma,
.fl1d<jlt and'MlcliaJaky oo Feb. 15at1:30 p.lll) and Feb. IS, Ii S p.m.
lirtloi.Lltle"lbealer'ai Calif. state College at Fullerton, aoo No. State
o:iue,e Blvd., Fullerton. Tickets, Q.50 at the d~.
W!Li>w'E Toll'lt-A tw<>llour -of upper NeWj)ort Bly II scbed-
uled for Sat., Feb. IS atartlng Ii I un.,A twO-mile route will be fol·
lowed witbJecturel-,bY guides at various points '1ong the way. More
-~ JOO ~ of mlgratory.,binll and J¥DY' Jdncb of marine life
will be ieen. Toui' begtns at head ol bay qe&r Eistbluff Drive and
back bay off J'all\)>oroe Road. Sips will pciint the way for lhoae who
·wish to join. N~ cllarge.
See Galde to Fu, Pase II
Another 'Sub' Come_s Through
·Having • I.rouble d,cliling
whlft to go lhll '!Veekead? Check the Gulde to Fmi on
Page 22 where you'll ·find ~eeytbing from • w11d;ut1
. tour ·to a choice of COD!'W
, ' ,, ... _ ---!ht-ArlBxldllltl
Olli 'N' .... I ...,.._
Oalea *-_,,.,, ........
I . . .
him to tum ooit for opening nlcb~ but
the Rancho Community Players bave
President Nmon'a regreta: that he won't
be able to mab their produdiGO ol
"Night of January 18th'~ nm week.
'!be-MW ~ ·U noted in Ill
earlleo·Colmnn ;wben a; earlier produo-
lion of the Ayn· Rand drama was ope!>o
lng, once plafid the ~ att<rney, Fllnl. in a Wbltll.,. :College version of
Ever on their toes, the Rancho Play·
era Invited Nlloo to drop Jn · on their
~ ~ -tbe Preatdenl'• IJ>OCfal udslant replied Ilia! ''Tbe Presf.
dent . II indeed appredallve of the
lbooptlulness ol him and · certainly , lhla
'~ back IOI!!! memories, however •••
lie -not intldpate •a trip out to CaJl. romia this montb."
Ob. well, you can't blame them for trying. .
Back .Stage ·
A-i-lilf ,,_ Wrltw . ' HOLLJWOOD -Tbe deaUl lul wee~
1 Qf ,Boris Karloff removed 1~ Jn.
dellblo. f!gure of t h e movies' colorful
paat. 'l'bere aren't many lefL · ~
Karloff became a claaalc cbatacter, I
Uumu to hia playilJg of the l\10-
ln "Frankenstein," directed In 1931 Willi .
a fine barOque touch by Jimt. ~
For lhe remaining 31 years ol hls pro-
fessional lifetime -and be remaillf.d
acUve almost until bis death at. 11 Bi
London -he was identified with that
role. But unlike other actors· who felt
their careers overwhelmed by a sl.ng1«l
memorable role, Karloff bore no bit·
temess toward the monster.
"He WU the best friend I ever bad:•
Karloff once sal<(. , . .,
"Certainly I wu typed. But wbat Iii
typing? It Js a trademark, •· tnealll
by which the public recogniRI you.
Actors work all thelr Hves to achle_,ve:
that." ' ' -
Bela Lilgosl,, Who be-~ ,
came identified as Ora-~ cula at the same time .
a n d frequenUy ~
starred in ·scare mov· ·
les with Karloff, was ·
less pleased with hia
fate. He claimed lhe
varliplre bad blighted
his career, and he died
broke. aoa11 KA1t\.OI'•
"Poor Bela," Karlo(f once refiee\ed.
t•He ha'.d the · same break I ·did but
he never learned h1s · professfon.' Sad
to say, Bela was not a very good actor.'•
Bori5 Karloff waa. Born William Henry
Pratt, he trained ill repertory lbeatei:
and came up 1brougb the extra ranks
in filml. Even after his movie fam.,
he returned to the stage to plly the
klndly grandfather In "On ~
Time." He played Indians in "Uncon-
quei'ed" a n d "Ta p Roots," but most
of ·the time he was appearing in
something like '"I11e Maa Tbey Could
Not Hang" or "Abbott and Costello Metil
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." :
Dead," "Bedlam" -and bad -"Tbe
Raven," "The Ghost in the Inviaibie
~rom 'Harem'· to Holiday Bikini" -Karloff retaliled his aenao
of proportion. Ten years 8go; be wU
mating a futuristic "Franktnateln 1970"
at Warner Btotbera ~when the ttudio
was grinding out a half~ West.em
series for teleldaiao.. ·
Harvest End Marked by Famed Date Festival. A> he gazed around al the <mid
of handsome cunalin8ers in the studio
commissary ooe lunchUm.e, be com-
mented, "I hope these' cowbOys are 11v~
INDIO -Just a few year• before
the tum of the Century, a· hamn of
41 . female date palms, with a single
male sultan, tru set up 'in the"Coachella
Today lbe Coachella Valley -a narrow
valley: nmnina in length some 50 miles
from ' Palm Springs to the SaJton Sea
and centering tn Indio -is the bub
of the date industry for the Western
Date harvest. started late last Sep-
tember and is now moving into it.I clOl!ing
stages. Completion of the $1~m11Uon
harvest will be heralded by Ri versi.de
County's colorful National Date Festivil
to be beld at Indio, Feb. If through
23. The theme is "Arabian Nipta."
Nat.tonal Date Festival is really a
large county lair aet In an atmosphere
of old Bagdl\d 11 related by the original
~berlZllde In .ber' "Tale5 of A
Tboulllid Nlgb~ and A Night."
A modem SCberheraiade, Donna Ken-
nedy of eoatbella, wlll reign aver the
event with nine pi-inc;esses in the Queen
Scheherazade Court Of·Btauty. The queen
and her 'court live on the Festival
grounds and make frequent dally ap. ~ances weiring the elegant Arabian
Nilbts coatumes which have become
symbolic of the Dllte·Festival.
Arabian Nights Pageant is a musical
spectacular llaied free eacb evening
from a huge ltiJldocr stage patterned
after an old ArlblanlVUlap from the
Scbeherazade .llorlee. •
Heading · a cul X>l 150 costumed
performera ~ lllcbael"McCormacil, 11-
year~ld baritoDe from Garden Grove
and IOprlllO Barbara"Hemnan, ·
~ -atarted ber prolaalooal career In 1167 wben her performances
included tbe role of Dinah Murphy In
"South Pacific" at. Melodytand In
McCormack bas IUll( with lbe Laguna
Featlval of ()per8' and made 11Veral iW...iooat _., ..... at lbe·AnalMlm C<lnftntlooi C.Uter. • , '
"Tale of. the Encbanlecl ~" lo ti.! atory· of ,...... ·~ Who lo faced wllh tbe ~ of fanakinl bla llUe •
10ve to marry 11 crone with a dowry in types and even a white Brahma bull. tng their money." .. '
ortler to uve bit land from financial ruin. Many of these animals are used in Most of the TV cowpoke stars 800ll
A. corpa,Gl. bti ,and lltUe genies use a a processional scene in the Arabian fell into Jimbo, wblle Karloft1 aervtca
vule!y ol -t Arabian magic to bring Nights Pateant. remained In d.,,,.,,a, Wben lie. WU 13
the story to' . .lb tradiUopal happy eniiing Most Date FesUval a~vities are he returned to England 1t0''uve after.
in a fast-paced.·46-mlnute·.ihow. repeated dally. 50 years in Amerlci, · bat be· flew to
If the Arablan·1Nlg)its. Pageant Is the Sunday, Feb, 18, is Salute to Mexico Hollywood for wort Iii to eight times
most spectaeular way,iJ),whlch the theme Day with the Ballet Folklorico of Baja a year.
of the Natlooil _Da\e.FesPval ia ~arried Califomia,.a40-membertroupeappearing "Imagine at my•·" ·be aald WorJoo
out, the most hilarious is the Clumsy in native costumes heading the salute. deringly, "still active in my profeaion
C1assics camel and ostrich races. w the In the lndi and commuUng 12,oqG .miles to work!!
The tour event Clums). C1assics c~rd is Na~:W rDate Festiv~ ~ iJJ: I must. be the luckiest ·~ in the
p'resented each day 11 -an in~ion . tQ, winn.' Da)"time temJ>tl'atures in the _ world." . , at~~ of the Na~~I Horse. ~ow. rtµd-BO~s are cOmmont ' ¥d. . it "8 ~no\ , J s a w him for the last time a ye a 't ~~earetwocamel~.~~eba~. ·unusual for the' mercury to~sneU:.ilp or so ago when be came here· for os~ch race and one race wlth ·oitriebel to and a. utue · beyond 90. Once the "Targets." He bad trouble getting around
pulling sulkies. . sun. goes behind the mountain ~ because of an arthritic knee, but be
~ockeys for the Clumsy ClaUics ·are the mercury drops, so it's a good idea was as bright and clieery as ever. ·
volunteer lbldents, aervleemen, farmers, to take a ·wrap for the evening:·There "I am one of that very ~ famll)t
and even housewiv ... and senior citizens. are check atandli on the grounds and of 11\e human race who luippena lo
The NaUooal Hone>Sbow· Is Oie first free trlllll to and from the parking thoroughly enjoy bla work," be con\..
show on the California · circuit and ii lot, mating it conwn.lent to go prepared mented. "I have bad ao extraordinartl1,
one of . the outstandlng performance for warm days and cool nights. gratifying life." •
ahowl In 1the Uulted States.
Arabiad NIJbfs at111C>,1Pbere makea a
colorful aettlng for the Gem and Mineral .
sbOw whlcb II ooe of the three largelt
in the world and the ~ Jargert held with
an annual fair. Special this year wm
be a taw gold collectiOn by Bank' Of
America. 4
• •
-. '
I' AMJ·f,Y EVN iifttP '
Right ·T~~·.for Desert Domestic arts, floe arts, pbotognfpby,
floricullure, handicrahs1 and , a.-Jarie
Junior Fair and Livatock Show. Me' .
some of the major ratr,~
Mc<e than 31 varietlea ol dates, aloll( After all lhO ralft, and c:ool-tber a trip the whole lamlly wm ...
wilh dtnll and ether farm cropa. of joy 11 ooe lo tbe warmer dlmea ol Indio on the d-'. 11 11 1111\ a
lbe area, are shown in lavish aettingl couple of lioun drive aod bu mucb to olfor In the way of beaU\y -the
whlcb draw from the Arabian Ni/lhfs rains bave bml/lhl out an array o1 wild flowera In llXDI of tbe -
stories for such ~ ~ flying carpets, comnnmiUu.
magic limps, 111Ylt¢' llhlt>1 and . A Vhlt to , lbe NaUooal Dale Festlval (story etiewhere on ·Ws
animated mannequinl 'of IUI-. and me), will _prov!de a whole weeliend of diversion. There II """"'1111"
bamn .girls. ' • ' golll( on, ,all. 'tl!i ilme, evtty day of the i..tlval, but' MXDO clayl be>e
There Is a free show on tlie &.tor, heel\ aet islde tor opiclal entertalmnent. 'One ol ~ If' Stm., leb. !I.'
and culture of dates in llie United Stales when a "Salute to Mexloo" will take the 1polllp1. A ..,.ctal,..,.
and most exhibitors bave a aelectioo will be beld on '!Vuhiligton'a Blrthd.a)I, Sal., reb. n. • ·
of dale recipes which m pretl!llted Fro"! Orange eo.;,.1y for an all-treeway routa tUe u., liowport, '
at no charge. Freeway to lbe lliveralde Freeway and proceed to lll&hwlY Ill )n Rlwr-
Camel riding doem'I bave lo.i>e a side. Go out on II lo juoe!IGa .. wilh lnlmtale 10 at Beaumoiil. l4U lt -
purely apectator activity. There m ao-• 'the> f·'--~-'"""' lually camtl and elepbanl rldea,oo 'tbe lo -.. ......., In,..,..... •
mldwlJ. , Or 'U ODO pnfora lbe....mc .. take llJ&bway Ill abM It -
A wild animal ellhlbft on lhe ~. eal of' Ca-(off Rr--ay) and dri'8 lbroolb Plllm ~ llanw, alpacu, ~: . Sprtnp, It 11 .lllWI IJI ma. -Newport Blach. b
wbras, a hl_.wntu, IOVeral mowy ·---·--· ----··-·.,·-'' ------•l!ll!•ilJ!I .. -... . ..
n ..a.yl'ILIT
1t'1rlll l'l'9WI
Wax Fiddle
·+. l NO f ·.ddle?
1:-t•• ''\
. '·~ .,,... Ol~E
AssAU,'BAitAMAB -The tu fiddle In these
rum-and-drum• Islands Is something. Maybe worth
Ille trip to look Into. U.S. CO'l"'raUons or individuals
can do business with no income tax. No capital
1a1D1. No real elllate tu. No personal properly tax .
And if you want to sit down here in the sun 17
months, the U.S. wlll let you have your first '20,000
income tax free, no matter where you earned it
All Bahamas Developers Umited, Freeport Grand
Baluuna to send you a pamphlet. (That's the way
I read It. Or maybe I've got stars in my eyes.)
* Now the banks are backing your travel. Air Uckeu, hotels, a fa<elgn car bougbt to drive over·
1eas and shipped home to you. Pay it off over 42
* U yoo're thinking of driving Europe send right
now for Europe/69 from Open Road lntematlonal,
407 N. Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. A combine of
lo'liest air faret, plus rent cars and advance hotel
reservations wherever you drive. Very good prices.
But aa many optional addition• as there are ways
to play the dice table. Could run it up if you gel
carried away. ·
* "I know what liuropHn clllea I wlll be In but
not the hotels. So how ~n my f•mlly wrlhl m1?''
Nothing like "care of American Expre11/' the
Bi4 Mama for the American traveler. Now a lady
wntes me she was very burned that they wouldn't
even look in the box for her mail b e c a u s e she
wasn't using any American Express service -and
that is their rule. So you'd better have a few of their
travelers checks -even $50 -to show the mail-
* A correspondent and wife, trailering thro)lgh
Mexico the last 56 days, w r i t e me it COl.t them •u.liO per day. For eve~g, lncludlni some food
brought from the U.S., and Muican car inluranCe.
* • ''Couhl you •un••t things to buy on • tour ... ef
South Amerlc:a?"
I bought a tourmaline (like an emerald) ring
In Rio de Janeiro ...: very good for Brazlllan stones
and jewelry. A-pampas lion skin in Bueno. Aires.
(For a 50n's bedroom.) A very handsome wool
poncho, also in B.A. (For a teen-age daughter.)
* In Lima I bought llama skiD rugs. (For child·
ren'a rooma.) Two beautiful, heavy engraved silver
Zlppo lighter casee. (For friends.) A nice present
from Brazil is the figa -the little jewel charm of a
hand with the thumb thrust between two fingers.
It'&· Alrlcan and keeps off bad luck. Get them in
!'l'ything from carvad wood to pure gold. The best
come from Bahia, Ule black country In the north. * . '~• wUI be driving In Mexico and I am fNr·
ful °' '""'"' too hot food .... You don't run into as .much hot food In Mexico
u you do in San Antonio, Texas or other Mexican
notaurants In the U.S. The word for hot with pep-
per is "picante." (Hot with heat is "caliente" -
dm't confuse them.} So it you ask the waiter
.. ,'pcante!" with a question inflection, he'll tell You. (Of course sometimes what doesn't seem hot
to hlm will burn .a hole throqgh a boot. But this is
1lh, e best way I know to avoid the bot ·stuff.) . * ''Though we •r• not planning to go to Britian-
,ilntil next y11r, we woukf llkt to start reading •II r•cen ...
You want a $4.50 year'.s subscription to "ln·Bri-
tain.''· A fine infonnative and beautifu1 monthly
ltnagazine. Articles on all parts of Britain. How to
~et. there. Off-beat places. From British Travel,
'tlO Flttb Avenue, New York City.
* l . Same time ask for their free literature -"!nos
",pl. Britain," pamphlets OD casu .. -..d anything
else they heve. · . * ''Wh't riould bt tht ch11pe1t countri11 in' Eu·
, rope? Wt 1r1two1tud1nt1 ••. "
! Greece and Portugal for youj Be cautious about I France, Germany. Italy.
* ''We may buy a small tr1n1l1tor radio for
l~ropo. Would AM/PM be tho thing?"
I never could raise much FM in Europe. And
AM on those small transl!tors only get stations
cloee by. I'd make it AM and a short-wave band.
W\th that I always could get Voice of America and
Anned Service Radio.
•on. --Rdp Of Ila& Uba"
The worSd premiere of 1
ractime ml1Sk:a1 1 1 t I r e
tmploying mixed ID e d l a ,
Tburadays U1rooP Sumlay~
cloolng Feb. 15 al Soolh Coast
8'Perto<Y'• 11tlrd s l.e p
'ltlealer, llD7 Newport Blvd.,
Cool& Meaa. ReluYallona -
An Eqlllh drawq room
oomadJ, "Blosraphy" Will be
atqod lhroucl> Feb. II C11 Frl-daJI and Saturdays at tilt P1oJen Theater, IOI) W. Ith
a.. -Ana. RuunUOlll
--boob ll!d llil1I ""*'1111 vltloosfeinllllllo
--ii .. otqe Frl.-&in. ' al ,,. p.m. lhrGu&h r.i.r. I,
: el °"" End Tbeattt, 2111 VIDa ll'IJ, Newport Beach.
81 er8tlom -m.1120. •••11 ,.. GMor' s...r Bclrett'• av• car· • trllliooonld7 b Oii ..... ,. 11; a.Mrt JUvnot'• "The
'lldlll* -." Feb. 1~22
l Md .. la t11o UCI Studio
I .
'Mleater, 7601 Irvine Ave., Ir·
vine. Reservations· -13M817
11P'll·•elpld8 Bert I CGe"
An enchanting Irbb comedy
will be on sta&e at the Llauna
Plqhouse, llt Ocean Ave.,
LlllUM Buch, Wed thtough
Saturdays, ,Feb. ll-M11. 8. Raerv1tlooi -_,
•lfte MPt ti Juauy Ildl"
A coartr'\10Rl drama, which In·
volvts members of the audi·
ence as jurors. opens Feb. 20
to run Tbura. through Satur-
day, dlllinf on· Mu. I, at lhe
Miu!"' Viejo Hlch ICbool lltile
theater. lleaervtllono -1-117·
" ............ Park"
A CIOIDadr --l)'Wld lile
In I nJk-op --will be ...... II Iha Sa Clanento
c.aunlrit1 -· • A .. nlda cabrlllo. Saa o..nem..
Thun. thr«lcl> Sal clolhlg
Mu. I. RMS'Vltlaol -1-,.._
A romanUc dr11n1 Of mid-
-life will open at lh• Mucbntl>alor Center, Ill
-VIiia Dri ... Fullerton. ,..: II ta nm lhlou'1t Mu. I,
Fri. and Sat. o!"1ta. Rucrva-...., _ J _
Dual E~ibi ·~-
~t Newpor~ ·
L.B. ART AllOCIATJON-a'i Clllf Drive. LaguM ....
All --1>enblp 1111 -ii Oii Wilbll In Iha Main Gall.-y llOOll to I p.in. daily. No admlsalon charge for m~
berr. Qthen IO centa, • NAVY ~ EIBIBlT -lfunl1nitao Center, rm F.dlDo
g., A.._, llilltill&tm Beach. The Navy•a Combat It.rt Edilbfl,
depl<tiog Nevy llfe ll!d battles during World Wu fl, Korea
and VlelnalD wan. ii cumolly on diapJoy durinl rqular
buJlnua boun. No admlsaion chltge.
80. CALIF. FIRBr NAT'L BANI -17122 Beach Blvd.,
lflmtlriltoo Beach. On Wilbil during ,.gu1ar buslnw boors,
oil palnling8 by Maurice Grego~e.
Laguna E.rhlbit• Fan Colle~tl911
N.B. ART MUSEUM-Balboa PSYillon. 4!111 Main SL, Bal-
boa. OlmnUy on · Gblhll. ~vo allow ~ palnt.-btat aod graphic worb by Paul Brach and Miriam Schapiro.
BCU'lt! Wed. through Sun., I to 5 p.m.; Mon. fi to t p.m.
No ad!nlaalon charge. Nonn Moldenhauser, Laguna Beach Art AuociaUon member, hu oHerad his
antique Spanish Fan Collection for dl.tplay In East Gallery of l.ell\lllll Gallery
';!07 Clitt Drive, through Feb. 24. Some date back to 1870. . · '
CIVIC CENTER ART GALLERY -3300 W. Newport Blvd.,
Ntwpori Beach. Houn : Mon. throu&)i Fri., 1:30 a.m. to
S:IO p.m. CUrrenlly ,'oo Wilblt palnling8 and ICulpture by
Robert Krieger, C. Bruce Piner, Donna Sharkey, Edwltd
Biker, Ralph Tanian and Michael A. Niel, faculty ol lhe
Orange Cod College Art Department. I G~ide 1~ Fou l.
VALENTINE PARTY -Dlaneylaod la atagin& 1 1peclal
Valentine party from 8 p.m. lo 1 a.m. on Friday, Feb. t•.
in Tomorrowland. Soul singer Lou Rawls will pertorln on the
Tomorrow land stage and the ··Binging Cowsllla will be on the
Tomorrowlaod Terrace. Other attractions include Cbec)mate
Ltd., The Blouoms, The Spata,_ The Generation Gap, Golden
Horseaboe Revue and the Royal Tahitians. Advance ticket&,
le.GO, ln<lude unllJnlted ""'of Disneyland attractlona lll!l·all
special sbowa, en sale at Dimeyland, Wallichl Mualc atore
and with BantAmerlcard at all Bank of America braocbes.
Tickela Oii olibt ol """' will be $7.50. <
DATE FESTIVAL -The 23nl annual Date F..Uval opeos
In lndlo today to nm through Feb. 23 at lhe festival grounds.
Exhlblla Include a gem and mineral abow, fine Itta and
pbotagraP>.Y, dom..Uc artl, floriculture and a Junior Fair
ll!d livestock allow. Dally enltttalnment -tallooa.,.
a NaUonal Hone Show, ostrich race1, camel races and an
Arabian Nights mualcal extravaganza. Groundl admiu1on
ticketa, 11.25 for adulta ; children 6-11, 25 ceota, tots under
6, free.
MU8ICAL -The Lolli Beach Civic Light Opera Aalocla·
tion presen~ Rodg~ and Hammer11teln'1 musical comedy,
"Oklahoma" throu Feb. IS in the Alsoclation conctrt
hall, 518 E. Fourth s , Long Beach. Ttckw, 11 to· 15, pbone
HORSE RACES -Thoroughbred bone racing at Santa Anita
Park, 285 W. HunUngtoo Dr., Arcadia. Fi.rat POil 'time
......._ throo&b Sal, 12:30 p.m. Phone H213) 447-l)n. Sat.,
Feb. 15, $50,000 San LuiJ Obla:po Handicap. , •
N.8. WILDUFE TOUR -More than 100 species of migra·
tory bird.I and many klndJ of marine life wW be_ Beer) On a
wildllle tour of uppel' Newport .Bay, .Feb. ·15 ltartlni al 9
a.m. A two-mile route will be followed ·with lectures at lh
or more locations hy gu!des on the diltlnctJve environment
of lhe upper bay. Tour beglna al bead of bay neu lntmeo-
tion of Back Bay and Eutbluff drlvea:. Turn west onto East·
bluff from Jamboree: Road and watch for the signs. In case
of rain the tour will be postponed to a future date to be an-
ARTIBTSQ)NCERT -The Symphony Orcb .. lra « Oran&e
County, under the direction of Daniel LeWJ.s, wUI perform
works· by Brahmll, Dvor&k and MiChalsky on F!b. 15 at
11:30 p.m. and Feb. 18 at 3:00 p.m. In the Uttle Theater at
Calif. State College at Fullerton, 800 No. State College {\!vii.,
Fullerton. Tickets, $2.50, are available at the door. Phone
FEBRUARY 15-11 occ: BASKETBALL -Orange Coast College VI Rio Hondo
Sat., Feb. II, Santa Ana, Sat. Feb. 15 and San Bqnardino,
Tues., Feb. ta in the Orange Coast College gymnasium, 2701
Falrview Road, Costa ,Mesa. Game Ume, 8 p.m. ,.
TENNIS TOURNAMENT -Five members or tbe Davis Cup
twn will be llllOll8 lhe participanla In tilt lllh annual Bal-
boa Bay Club lnvltatlooal Teonll Toumainent to be ataged
at the club Feb. 20-23. The Davis CUp Team tm!mbtta who
will play are Arthur Ashe, Chutk Panrell, 'Bob Lutz, Stan
Smllh and Captain Donald IJell. The Davis cup will be on
display during the tournament which is sclieduled to start
at 1 p.m. on Feb. 20 ; 9 a.~. on Feb. 21 and ZZ, and 10 a.m.
for the flnah: on Feb. 23. Tic~etl are $3. per day or. $10. for
four day1 of tournament play. The Balboa Bay Club ii lo-
cated at 1221 West Cout lllibway, Newport Beach. Phone
NOON CONCERT -IJeder redial of worka by Brahms,
Schubert and Wagner. Vaneua Brown, soprano; Edward
Sch1ck, plane, on F~. St at noon in room 178 of the Fine
Art1 Bulldinl at UC!,' 7801 Irvine Ave., Irvine. No admission
. chltl•·
TRAVEL FILM -1be Newport Harber K.lwanil Club is
praeot.lnC uAndes to Amuon11 narrated by John Goddard,
Feb. 11 at I p.m. in the Orange Coast College Audltcrtum,
:l'Nll Fairview Rood, Colla Mesa. Tickela, 11.50 for adulta
and 75 call for student.I, available 1l the door. Phone
LAGUNA WINTER FESTIVAL -Men than 3$ even ta are
scheduled for lhe .sixth annual event set for Feb. Jl-Mar. 2
Including SJJOrtJng events, art shows, a tr1vel tum fatlval,
a play, a luau, flower ahow and artist'• ball. Admluton to
many of the events are free, others have a charge pmited.
Phcme lM-1011 for f~ lnfortnaUon.
SUPREMES t'ONCERT -Diana Rou and I.he Supremes
plut Bill Medley and lhe Watta lll!rd SL Jlbythm Band wlll
perform in coocert 1t the Anaheim ConvenUon Ctnter on
Sal, Feb. 22 at 1:30 p.m. Ttcketa, 14.IO to 16.IO. Phone
SAMMY DA VD JR. -Han)' Jama Md bit O«he&tra will
join 51mm1 De.ta Jr. In car-\ at llelodylaod Theatre,
Feb. 11 Md 21. Vocallata Joamdt O'Brlee and 5onQf Payne
will be beonl eilo II all fQJr Porfomwicea; 7 and 10 p.m.
Sal Md I and 1:30 pJD. &m. 'ncbtt, IUO to 11.1111. Phooe 1-m-1•.
UCI BAIUTBALL -UC rtvtne VI. San Diego Slate, TIJel ..
Feb. 2S al I : JS p.m. In Crawford Hall al UC!, 7801 !rflne
Ave., lrvtne. ~
FELICIANO CONCERT -Julius Wechttr and lhe Baja
Marimba Band wlll Joto Feliclliio u opedal flieol etars at
MelOllYland '111 .. tre Feb. 16-Mar. J. Performances et 1:30
11.m. •ec1. Utroogh Fri.; 7 and 10 p.m .. Sat., and I and 1:30
p.m. on Sun. Tickela, 13-50 to 16.50. Phone 1-77$-7110.
New Show ~ •
Sbow1 dealing with coo-
troveralal IUbjecta tend to tlir
up controvert)' themlelvn
ind "Judd for the Defeme"
Is no •ICepllon.
A receot e~. "Epitaph
OD I Computer Card, 11 dealinc
wJth aome ol. the Inherent evill
of compulerlaed credit wd
billlnf and c r • d It !n-
. ve1UgaUOG1 drew both cheers
and irJ .. of IJlflliob.
Stnator1 William Promlire
(D-Wbcolllin) WU 10 Im·
preued with the show that
he requested a script of the
%0th Century-Fox Televlaion
show and had Jt entered into
lhe ~I Record.
MazJ9· r ~ of the
dramaUUtion on bow the We
and ciretr of a man were
virtually rulaed by 1 computtt
Cl'f"D:l' paralleled a c t u a I
tel.Umony a few weeU earlier
btfore 1 Senate lavestliaUn&
ObjecUont to the treatment
accorded itJ Industry were
raised by lhe Nallonal Credit
AaaociaUon, which feH the
show was billed and the pro-
blem ovtntated.
While all of the man on
the show ia nqt in yet, a
vast majority of support ha s
sided with the people's pro-
blem1 caused by compute~s.
po13lbly beeauae there are 1Ull
more people \ban computers.
"Judd for the Defense,"
~ing Carl Betz a n d
Stephen Y~. airs ils COD-
lrovml•l and thought pro-
voking segments each Friday
ni&ht over Channel 7.
Mlll'IJAL llt.VINGS EXllUllT -21167 E. Coast lll&hway,
Corooa del Mar. CurreoUy on Wilblt .,. oU palnling8 of
laudacapu, seascapu, llilll, portralta ll!d clowna by Roae
Marte Jolly, during regular bualneu boun.
MAillNER'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport
Beach. Hqarian folk art by Mend Schont.al in oils and
encall8tlca, to lhe Jr. Ebell EU!lblt during regular library
NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive,
Newport Buch. CUrrenUy Oii Wilbil durinl rqu!M bualnm
bollrt, mixed media paintings and drawings by John Hack· forth. .
l1Cl GAIJ..ERY -Fine Art.I Buildin&, 7110l Irvine Ave.
Irv1DI. Hours: I to 5 p.m. Tues. through Sun., closed Mon.
Currenily on exhibit, a one-man e.xhlbit of geomebic JCUlp-
ture constructions by Tony DeLap from 1"3 to 1988. There
la DO admieioa chltp.· '
' C.M. ART LJl!AGVE GALLERY -513 Center St., Coata
M .... Hours: f)al. and SUn. I to 5 p.m. Conllnu..., eU!ibll
of ari work bi various media by Art League members. No
admiuion cbarp.
MESA VERDE LIBRARY -2989 Mesa Verde Drive East,
COlta Mesa. On exhtblt durlnt: regular library hours, 1crylic
paintings Including landscape!, portraits and still life by
by Kay Gray of Fountain Valley.
0CC ART GALLERY -Orange Coast College, 2701 Fair-
view Road, Costa Mesa. Hours : I a .m. to 4 p.m., Mon.
~qh Fri., 7 to 10 p.m. Wed. eveninp. On uhtbit draw·
lnp, sculpture and oil paintings by Walter Askin.
Santa Ana. Houra: Tues. thrqh Sal, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.;
Sun. l . to 5 p.m.; Wed and Thur1. ~enlncs, 7 to 9 p.m. No
admlas.i.on clu!rae. Currently on exblblt, "Wllahire Boule-
vltd: Arcbltectural study In PhotoJrapliS" by Stu Sb3lfer.~
Hans Brinker Due
An NBC project for the fall offered for correct aniwen):
of 1919 is i two-hour musical When was lh\1 story flnt a
special based on the Ion&· video 1peclal? Who starred ln
popular children's 1 tor y , it? Who wrote the adaptation?
"Hara Brinker, or the Sliver Who wu tbe comp o 1 er -
Skates" ·by Mary Mapes lyricist? On what veteran and
Dodge. Richard Basehart and still u.lstent drama seriel wu
Eleanor Parker already have it Presented, and on what
been cast. Veteran Broadway· network? If you can IDIWtr
Hollywood composer Moose thole questions, you have bet:'n
Charlap will do the score. around a while and have an
H~e'&: a . test for y o u r acute memory for television
television memory (no prizes eventl.
Samm11 Ihle
Sammy Davia, Jr. will
appear in concert Feb .
22 and 23 at Melody· land, Anaheim. Harry
James and orchestra
will guest star.
'Julia' Star
Cl.aims She's
"You could put me 'live'
on the cover of TV Week
and no one would recognize
me," claims Betty Beaird, the
distinctly talented comedienne
who bo~·ed this season as the
zany mother-next®' in
The series, starring Diahann
Carroll in the title role of·
the ~If-hour comedy created
by producer Hal Kanter , has
a spatt d toi>fllght_ arU.ls
as series regulars, including
the frequently staned Lloyd
Nolan, Marc Copage, L\D'eDe
Tuttle and Michael Link.
Each of the above men-
ti£D'd-bu .prnered I -· amount of fan mall arid tn.
stant recognition u a result
of the eriu wblcb lira every
Tuesday n1ght at 11:00 on
Channel 4.
But, according to Betty,
11I'm never recognized." lt'r
bad enough when I'm out In
public, but when visitors come
to the set and pass right by
without a nod of recogni tion,
I begin to wonder."
'lbue were Betty's sen-
timent untU she took her first
out-of·town lrip since "Ju·
lia'J" del!ul. last September.
"People did recognize me at
the airports and ln restaur-
ants. They'd say, "Look, therl
lot! what's-her-name?' " Bet-
ty laughtd.
*Newport Harbor Cruise*
Cameramen Largest Selection of
Tropical Fish &
Supplies In the area.
Daily CruiM-2 p.m.
S1turd1y & Sund1y
Eidt Hour -12 to 4
hllr N.-retN to Mlute Ct11M Arw•H rM WefW's
PIMlt T .. ltt Hirt... Doing Job 111w.'!~("s1M~~:i:.,,.
(Off P'llrvh Rd., J.41.JNI
11'7·0, Rtwnldt Dr. -HtwNl't lhe Fun Zone Boat Co.-BllboH73.0240 For Ghost ''"''"'"'-°'"u'.....,.
Some of Hollywood'• mostl~iiiii~iiiiiii_iiiiiii~==============~==== ;~"=cl:~~~ THANK-·You. COSTA MESA
;:~ .. and Mrs. Muir" ROTARY CLUB!
· tt'1 these apecial. eflactl
men who truly put the
"Ghost" in '1'he Ghoat and
Mrs. Muir" -or mate Jlhn
dluppear, u the cue· may
be. They also make .Mrtu
.atar Edward Muih&n appear
to walk through tolld objecta.
1 They ll't ruponalble for the
my11erlou1 no.u., obJecta
aeon around Gull Cotla&O and
. varlOUI houHhold i. that
aeem to hive 1 1plrlt of tbelr
The 1ete1t ch1Uen1e to be
!hurled 11 them by Stanley
Rubbl, producv of the hit
JIBC.TV· S.turday nl&)it *
1lll'"1o comlldy,·-·te mw
Scrulfy float ttuou&h IP""'·
Thi scene calla for an J.n..
vlalble C.pt. G-to carry
the w1ro-balred fos larrilr to
tilt -ol Gull Cottap and puttbopupoutalde.
AwlretU118WUcoottructed ta Jill Scruffy and ,..., b1m
to the doorway -u If
floalln&. The blaetl problem
wu to nt 1 l\ameu onto
Scruffy thal would be ,...
'detected by viewm. Thi dos'• . loni fur Itel~ tolve·tbll and contrary to everyona'• a.
pectaUon, th e eontrlnnct
worked perflCllly Iha f~tt time
they roU-ed lhl r:1mtr1s. -l • 1•
It w11 • r••I thrill to b• your 9u11t 1p11k1r at your meating l••t week. Your
m•mbers were mo1t complim1nt1ry, end I 1njoy1d it 11 much 11 thty did! Thty
showed thtir 1ppr1cl1t.lon l1t1r th1t 1ft1rnoon, by "luyin9 Us Out" of tho11
tiint 9r1p1fruit I t1lk1cl 1bout. Th1nk1 1g1in.
Ern11t Camp
OUR Ila THRO COUPON SPICIAU ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• OIANT 1111 • DlMAGOIO PAllMI • •1ANT 1111 ••
• MINIOLA IUNCH • A' d • Ta119erines • Carrots • voca os • • • ,. 11%1 •
: 1o•LI. • 10•1+ ..... 4 fOR 100
• • i UMIT -11 Lii. • LIMIT-S • LIMIT-4 • . WITH THll COUPON I Wint THll COUPON I WITH THll COU'°N • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COUPONS IXPtU FD. It, 1Ht
Tiits• flnt ~11t1ur1nt1 will not "cut tht quality," th1t'1 why they d1mind th•
ftn1stl Tllat • whL!~~ ft1tur1 NIWPOIT PIODUCI 1iclu1iv1lt.:;:t:'ize
thtml LU .... wfth c:aftttrlas In ~ ...... hrta, 1 ..
-. T• M-an~ Th -WINI, Hunllo9J.. lff<h.
°''• C..tf'• , ...... -.. ----Nth
r .......
Grand Reopening
Observed by a grand reopening tbiJI weekeDd..
February H, 15 and 16, the new dlnlni room at
the Costa Mesa Golf and Countcy Cll!b will ll8rl
serving dinner to the public again.
The club thereby return• to a )IQllcy in·
tetrupted by the October 11167 fire that d~yed
half of its origlllal building anF-ed the r&-mainder out of operation. Recon ction was c;oni-o
pjeted by spring last year, when but the upstairs
dining facility reopened. ·
When this part of the club finally resunied
business in late April, food service -while open
to everyone -was limited to luncheon only. For
s~veral weeks prior to the public. reopening, clinn~r
Qas been served on a trial basis to members of
the men's and wo~en's clubs 8nd their guests.
Principals in P.R.O. Enterprises, the
organi7.ation that took over management on the
COSta Mesa Golf and Country Club last June, ate
Frank Purcell, ex·PGA pl'o ; Ronnie Reif, director
of golf at the club, and Norman Oliver, fonner
manager of El Rancho Verde Country Cub.
In welcomin~ the public back to the club's
dining room for dinner, they'll be offering nightly
specials from 5:30 to JO p.m., Tuesday through
Saturday, and a Sunday buffet, .1.115, served from
noon to 8 p.m. · . . . . ·' "" '!be eveillng specials will i.tun &ucb ell~
as 'l!atbecued l)latO rib& Hawaiian, $2.iiO; roalt
prlrile rib of beef au jgs, '3.75; veal acallopinl, '2•75,
alid btea&t of chicken Kiev with ,zice pilaf, '3.11.
. .
011 the .regular· menu, customers will be able
to select ltema like · prune cbolJl)Od sirloin with Ollldn.ring•~ $2.65; breaded veal ciiOet with spagbeto
Exciting Entertainment
Three's Company
Pfttple &ft aJt11r:
"Superll ntertaitullllllt. , • •
"Gre1t t.Jmt llll9t ••• .,
•&st; new tt64ii,._ ..• "
En_iil_t ui to•'lt :~~
Friday· Saturday • Sunday
~r"··.,-~:.,.'.......... $175
tno •••• ......
s.i. ...
•tlt•••11dlp.11. -IAILf-............. ,...
DAIL V I'll.OT M, ~-
.. .
ABOUT 1 • .,,
W:e Get Letters ., .
From Mro. Clifford llul'cl•n ot Co&la Mola
comes the following confirmation ol 0 'N' A's Judi·
"We thoroughly enjl>yed ounel~& .J~st Friday
evening at the FWlennan Ill Hwl~ S,.Ch.
After a dallcioul ~ we went llllo Uie lauaie for
one drink llld found aunelvtl l!ileltY· captlvllell lly
Sob (Perplm), the pianll). Ne'41ff1 to iq, we
spOlit the tntlre eveolng.' Ilatonini llld d1ncl"' to
the music this talented youn& man ptovlded.
"I consider it an ·inju&tict that you hove 11.-ier
mentioned the Flahei11W1· in:· your column 11 it I&
one ol the bettar dblllat hOula& ~ tha.cout. An4.
I feel that if we want good loOcl and an~t
in the area, we &houlll do·'Wbat-we can to slapport
* As you no doubt noted, ifn. Burden, 11our Z.ttff
a.irived only a ftw daya k,_. ow nk>lt rtctnt oti1ting
t• IM Filhcrman lhol llrnOhl °" • J>rap of proilt.
A'lld ·~ mwt llaN tribod ~ "'""· ltlCIUillg tht large pic111re mMI ..ni.,vp. Gbbllt l'ttflrim.,
' ,,i;.a . .
~·.-. '.... . . . ... ~.. '
Emest G. w. sn...k of N..,,port llnch t•i!•·
tera the following grtev-e 'Willi Qui 'N' ~ As
THE MARINE ttrsrAUllANT * Exctllant M-..u * Fine Strvice
ltftetv•tiO.. ,. .. _oded
'44-17Mi lilt. 441
Wile YDll YouR. LlmNM ""° oAHel• •LWUii Nl•kTLT. PAOM lift P.M. hf
ru Ubt.tOVND
~-be "-In lllf .i:ale, we free}¥ ajr !Ill .com.
[ililllt i1lcl -er. bopefUllJ', I setlsfai;IOl1 -•r about thi cireumllaDc•• livinl rise to Iii& .,.at.al. . .
* · · "l>ut 111-:,:r Ill)' wjfe ml I were out'at Sooth
Coan 'Pita •. ' WO deci4ecl to Uy the .RI~•
Restaurant, basecl on your recommencllillon.
"WhtD we wellt!ld In abovt 11 :M 1.m. there
wtl'e·llO pm• la U. ""1aaraol. A -called
the maltre ·•, oil WO wed for a booih .. we ~ not bo Ill 1 drat! u we bad just recovered fronl the flu. · ·
''.Q'.e. asked for my name and if we bad a reaer·
vatlo!i. When I &aid we had not made a teserva·
tion be told· us we coald not have a booth as they
weno aU reserved-ihat w• would have to take a
table.. (He was looking at a list that bad no more
than 12 or H.oames on it).
''V(t wllked' out d!Jpoted with sucb trelltmenl.
"I 11111 -QI the opinion that the ownera ol the
Rivi.ta· abou1d state 'By reservation only' in their
ad llthls is their pollcy-aren'tyou!
"As )'Oil ara always prai&ing this mtaurant I
dQUbt ,.;.. wUl want lo publish tbiJI critical com-
meftl, but I am writing you just to get it off niy
* W•U, Mr. SUcock. on.-tht turfact it &POuld IPJ>'Gr
uou ,,.,,. • kgiUmati complaint bvt tali• it from out
"ll' 4be'4tfr tMt h4d an tht booths not bttn reaerved,
the mataaQtmtnt wovld mort ct114inlt1 hooe Hatd you
ot once.
Since .moct earl11 lMnchton reatrva.tiom are mode for
11 :41 or U noon, &Mrt would hat.it been iuvjfkient
timf" to' •aoe II*" before the partJ. ,who rt11t1"Nd the
booU. orriald. 2'111-!Uvilta dou not reqlllrt,...,.,..
tions but the rt&ta.urcnt'a patronage it IMth ffa vir·
t114Uv ·impoatlblt to be accommodated otherwile.
Yet, wt h4t1t Mohlr pndlcd the Riviera many
timf:1, and cu lono ., ft conthtufa to bt one of our
area's finiat· tdtil Probably oo on doing so. And we
Mor cltDOVJ potnttd out that reservations should be
"Vinca.s, non vincaa, amamu.s"
"Wi~ or lose, we loot you"
You'U wtn iahel& vou dtcltne to dine at ViUa ROfl'U1
end 10t'U·1b&th. lole if gov don't. Ltt w aholo rou ow
k>v< &r· dloHillg W IO gitlc ¥"" IA< vrfGlal m..Z
uau'w eou tottn. Try A mzt tim.t and_,ou'U agree! ·-· 65 dfl<elobll enltfu end ,...,, open from· 4 p.m.
dailr. cl0ic4 Tu<ldaf/•.
mod< -of II> ~""'-,.,, .... _ -
Givt iii< .1Uu1irG anolltt trJi. A~ --1
uo•'ll ulldcf~ "h' IA< crotDdl art ~ m.-,
and piaJiiog ii 14/t """' ,....-,, 11'• • ~
tht re1taura&1 opprldote •.
Chinese New Year
Tilo few ~e reau.e irs pocai~ 1o i:t1e,,,J. j
New Yaar'a more than once every 12 -.. OCb-
ers are tuned in to enjoYJng the !Un twice durtnC
the 18me·period by observing Chinese New Year's.
That fertlve occasion com11 up -1 -y, '
Feb. 17, but there'• M ·-Wil)' I! -'l be ac-
knowledged any time in the next lew <lqs with
some rite llko. dliiner at a Cllh)tle re.-...: '
Certainly !IDY civnhalloa ,., oid • ~ i;hinese, ·'J
and any·national -with sud! a ~l.~
all1y of ill own, callB for some ceremDIJ1 tit ~., • Ditioo. . • . "
• • '!'lie date ol Chlnile New Year's II ba&«I • ..
calendar that ai&ted'prlor to·China's adoption af,11\0 t
Gregorian calendar in 1912. In line with old tradlllo9, •
however, New Year's Day occun on the llrst new >
moon after the sun enten the sip of. Allu.8rius. ,
Hence, it ·never falls earlier tball Jan. 21 w later
than Feb. It.
If only for the sake ot cu&to~oot to --·'
a culinary treat-welcome the seccnd New Year
'Ol 1969 by the ritual of leaJl
Out ,'N' A.lx>llt bigljly . ~"!'OIJUDendl .~ 1* i
taurant& in the area for the rl~-or !or ~-mat-~
ter-any time you wllnt exeellant Cb1-cWe!M
They are: House of Hyun, 410 Brojid""' U.
guna Beach ; General Yen's, 1500 Acta&u ·-.(t.Y~ •.
Costa Mesa ; Lichee· Re&taU1'1111t, 1'1115 W-slal""
Ave., We&tminster ; Stag Chinese· catlno, Ul Jlit
Place, and Wu Bens, Bayside Drive • .Newport · 1 '
. Beach.
Continued ., ""'° 24
. ·valentine I I
to the
445 N01t1o N...,.,.-.. N ..... -. ~ ,;
. . . ' .
• CONtlNENTAL CUISINE . 1 If._. 2241 I/(. Coost Hl9hwoy (.! .. ''.
8 • ...... .a,: Now,...t k1eh -.:~ i c::ARIBE ROOM NIGHTLY • ........ Jll" M6-&os1 i • '
. : • . HOW APPIAitN• : ' ~· •+ 'A '•' '
JOHNNY VANELLI: ,~ 'ti>.,-" 1~• ~,!
AND THI : , _,J··· ;a' • .I , •• :t.
. ~K LAWllHCI TllO • .a J". °' ... A .JI -.-.A tr;
. ··~~----------~ .......................... ... c:=-:·• ..,.,...... ...-... .. · : I IATUllDAY .~1411 •
•• ,11, . ~nT. .~ Grand a .. penlillF '
. . •••••••••• -. •••••••
·*'~ :·~·1•1•. ~~=~¥,
•••••••••••••••••• . ·~ ' . . . .
D\1ilt· 11t• an Ote1n View . , . ' . surooDr mm • WT 11-rnm-*'. PROM $2.ts *
............... 11111 D1aclllf N1,ai1tr
li)O .. I :lO a.m.
HAYDIM ~um.~-. MlllPllfNI ' .
' ............. ,.. Dtee• ...,., ' . . .
IM~JACO ......... $1.IO
CHI.I LBIO lllCHILADA . . $1 Al ' t' aaitlllTf.'""'
-I. ... , .. fll M4' llll'!W,,_.. ,.,,11
Februclry 14, 15, 16 ••• 5:30'. 10 p.m •
W&EKLY SPECIALS TutL-1-C:-.. ef IHf _____ .. ___ __J.75
Wed. Plrll•.••• S,.. n. Hn.._ ;.... ___ uo
Thurs-Vool Scll!••!ll -·---·--·-·-·-·-·-_i75 Fri. _,, ....... It -_____ (Aslr ...:w1
Sot. --ef ~ llJft _.;._, . • i.ts ·-lot.,._ ··-........ -·--.----.. -._.Z.f5 I
..... lllcluM ...... T .... ~ ................... .... .....,............... '
. •, S•••rloflot-1.tS ... ~ IZte•-·
Qll6o.a -I.JI • ~.._,C~N~ILO""'l°'IN~~~·~l'Lln;;11:.-r1~12~.~ridTu-.~d.~,r1~1.=n..---
INTIBS · • • • ~I New Yoit S!ffk ........ J.25 --.m ... CHOPHD SllLOIN .............. " ............... .J.H
Onlrfn ...... ~
CHICUll ... -.... -.... ,_ ............................. -.......... 2.71 •
~"",.~tunn ................ _ ......... _ ........ .a,tS
,ltGAIT .......... - -i-..... ______ ... J.JI iXTIA CUT __ .................. ---·· __ ._.
Ml .. D PIAWllS ....... --· . ..&91 ,....., Ml9 ... c.clt911 ...
• ,. --SllAll -·--·--·-·---... 4.JI ....... -u.a. CMlct ,
lltl.OIN i1IAll .. ·-···---.. -·---~.us J .,,. ....... .,~ Mutlw...,..
AUSTULIAN L•la TAIL ·-·-.. --.S.H ~.....--i""-t' ' StlAK oo4 LOISm COMIO ,, ________ Lfl
, 1701 l°'1 couui lltlVI -COSTA MISA.
C ...... Mut•N11Pi .. t-...,_
' '
. '
\ I
.--------....,..--------------------~ . -------------------------------~---
Open ·11 :00 A.M. -Clo1td Mond1y
11151 BEACH BLVD. '42-1919
Denclng To
Of • ....., .... n
J SMW5 NlfMty ---Prime Bil» Petite Filet or
SU.Jc &: Lo••ter c-..... ' . . Compllte Dinner Mon. lhru , Sit. $3:95
18582 Beach at Ems
Hunli~lon Bo1ch (Town & Countrj) 962-6666
1ml ._ ""-tra.B11 •0.7.iL 1711l 11 1Mt9 AM
.... " IU tf llCI . $1 Ml-· M IOU -4 IUTill ...... , ............ , ~"1
• \'OP SIRLOIN STEAK . . • . . . $1.39
-4EW YORK STEAK ••.••.. $1.59
!iilcl11det a.trM ... fN~li FriM l'ot1tH1, Roll Ii lutter.
CMILDlltrS1POnlON v. l'llCI ru .... 12 '""'
: ll'lclitde• l1li:IMI~ of French fried Pot•to1i, Roll I lutt ....
.----Luncheon Specials---
11:00 .A.M. TO S:OO P.M.
~.._ __
= :!" ..::;. ~~ .. ~~~.~~-1 ~~···. 79c
s.r..11 .. S.S.• lell
... and kids like Mr Steak, too
One:• tft•y'.,,. been tli11r•, you won't find th• 1m1ll fry
dr1g9in9 their h11li wh•n you ftl•ntio11 having dinn•r lor
luncftl 1t Mr. St•1k. Th1y'll h1'1'1 their own 1p1ci1l men~
th1I tft1y un pund1 •111 to m1li• • Mr. 5111~ m11t 11'1
full for them end tft1ir little ft1nch will Iii bu1y while
they'~ w11itin9. A euri••t thlflt, mott p1r1nh l11v1 Mr.
Sho1k fe1lieg th1t thir w11 on11 broyg~t tMM out to 111! . ' ' lneid1nt1lly0 we don't un-1 llqlil.,,
Child'i 1ilo 1t11k 11r¥1d with R1ncft Ho1111
T 011t, fr11111th fri..d pol•lo••·
Thr11 pl1c11 of cftick1n l• tfti9h •nd two
win9 drwM•ff11l, p11eh 9•rni1h, l1neh How11
Toa1t, fr•-"' fri1d pot•toa1.
1lir11 l•rtJlf Shrimp, R1nch Hou1a T11ll,
Fr1ncft frild pot1to11.
Mr. St11\ hambur91t 1en<1d with t•ll•rou1
potfiMi ol f,.111Ch fti11 and, h•mbirr91r t•mi1h,
On1 "'''t ~.n. 1path1tti, roll I butt1r.
We Sene Portions for GrownuDs, Tool
. ' OPEN11 AMta9PM
2267 Fairview
Costa Mesa
. ' WE EB
. . ' . ,,-. . Contlnuod from P190 2) -'
Taco Box •
A talking. Taco .Box,, yo,u. say?. Well, yes, ~ul.
s,qch ,a ph~o.m~on obviously requires -a few words
o{expl~op. .
Actually, the proper introduction to this wholly
new method of selling Mexican food necessitates a
personal v.i,sit-and out 'n' abouter urges the earli-
est P.OSSible acquaip.tance by .dropping in1 or. driy·
ing thfough, s!nce the op_tion is yo~,s. : ; ,
Taco.Box has just made Us ·c"a!lrOrnia de~ul al
2858 Harbor Blvd . ., Costa Mesa, the first of others to
follow on the West Coast in the months ahea~ .. The
operation is nationally franchised from an El Paso,
Texas headquarters.
In the drive through process, automobiles pull
up a ramp to the ordermat where a two-way v.oice
box takes receipt of the requested food . The car
moves on to pick up and payment window ·and
presto, the occupants are under way munching
their Mexican delicacies.
For those who prefer to dine on the premises,
however, there's both inside table service and patio
On hand to welcome patrons during the Feb.
month-long grand opening observance in Costa
Mesa will be c<HJwner William Champney, co-
owner-manager John Swaim and Jim O'Don'l, as-
sistant manager.
In addition to the Taco Box establishments
DINNER Special s .• ,,,M,.
Mon.-RoAsT s1RL01N oF ••
Tues~srAGHITTI ·& MEAr 1Aus
' !~uir · 'N :ABOU .T
}>t&Med for oµt"tr ' Part& Of California, more are
scheduled lo open soon in New Mexico, Texas,
Florida, Colorado and Oregon.
Menu items Include tacos,, tapatillas, meat bur-
ritos, mexiJ>urgers, bean burritoa ,jllld chili and
beans, as well as soft drinks_ and ~off tie.
An idea of the quality products offered 'by Taco
Box is eviden! in the content and prepiration of a
meat butrito. ~te-size chunks of lean beef, ·diced
1.daho po~tQes, chopped red tomatoes, onions,
chowed "iree'ri chili and spices especially selected
for authentic Mexican flavor make up the ingredi-ents. ...._
This mixture ts served in a soft, warm flour
tortilla firmlY rolled to create a kind of south.-of-
the-border "sandwich.'' The result is nearly a com-
plete meal in itself.
, Amid the almost inc;redible growth of fran-
chised food operations nationally, it's interesting to
note. the large number that open their first Cali-
fornia location in Orange County.. ·
Like others, Taco Box obviously knows where
th~ action in this field rides the crest.
Royal English
Your take home fish and chips wrapped in a
copy of the London Chronicle? Well, not quite old
chap, but it does take a second glance to se~ the
beastly clever bag is really a·facsimile of the news-
paper -and the issue-of Wednesday, January 5,
i785, no less.
That's the way your order will be packaged by
Royal English Fish & Chips, a veritable touch of
London town transported to Costa Mesa at 488 E.
17th St., corner of Irvine.
Beyond the ring of authenticity provided by the
wrapping, proprietor J eff Collier offers a genuine
Dinners from $1.25 too
·-'~ Jh ••••
• ,.1Wftbanydlne-inor $}oF-v •
1: ; ~~~~o~:~c_h_a~~~... 0I. :
I OM,,., ta milr wifh th/1 CO(JPon durlnt fltnd t1in dars on/y. I
.I Ca/faheidfortake-homedlnners · · I II 428 East 17th Street I Costa Mesa I 642~62 I i AlSO: ANAHEIM ~WES1'·COVINA •MARINA DB. AEY ·GLENDALE· More Soon , _________________ .
British product that can't b6 topped In Shake-
speare's own "sceptred isle."
Further, Colller bas just been joined In the op-
eration by his1 father, Frank1 a venerable English ge~tleman newly arrived on these ~bores w~o'a as
much of a British institution in his own ngbt as
fish and chips.
Father a~d son are the ideal pair to turn out
wares under the label Royal English.
In fact, they're calling their commodity the
"Rolls Royce of fish and chips" -a not unlikely
designation since this side of th~ AUantic you'd tag
it Lincoln Continental or Cadillac. Only selected
Icelandic wbitefisb qualify for sucb transport.
Senior and junior Collier also claim a positive
benefit for Royal English Fish & Chips Namely
"fish is good for you! It contains lecithin, the brain
food and is loaded with vitamins A1 B, and C,
calcium and iodine."
Ask about dieting. They'll quickly counter that
fish is high in protein, low in calories and choles·
terol. With such profound advice there's obviously
another reason for enjoying their fare -it's good
for you.
For only $I per order, the American craze for
English fish and chips is bound to pick up speed
here. And don 't be surprised if a rush order from
Buckingham Palace arrives when you do. c
Continued on Page 25
lunches from 11 :30
01ily except Sund1y
Dinner from "4:30
Nightly except Sundey
His Songs end Guitar
2607 W. c-t Hlghw"1 -Newport -646.Q201
the V•
. I
ll£5T.AURANT i
Continental Cuisine
Luncheon and Dinner
-Monday through Saturdtq/.
Closed Sunday1 \> '
Open fO'I'
Private Parties Only
We ere lo cated next to,
the May Co. in South
Co1st Pla io.
JJJJ s. lrUtol ~
Con W... 541-JMI
I.I inner
Strvtd ill tht
Gr®d Mannt!r
$71 S. ~fAlN, ORANGE
l e.W;tv.._.: S42-3S9S
COottd Su•day)
COQ AU VIN ................................
VEAL CUTLETS Confo• '"' •• , , , , ••••••••• ,
PRIME RIBS OF BEEF •. ,.. ...... 4.95
Seafood Treasure Chest , ...... , 10.00
All MtYtcl with rell1h tray, soup or salad,
veg1table, choice ef potato or rite pllaff.
COMPLm DINNER ................... $275 PRIME RIIS OF BEEF .......... .
Bayside Dr. 675-0200 Newport Beach
Closed Monday
TV I A.cor.ilnt Vecall1t
Velvet Knight Room
Tues-Sun-9 p.m.·1:30 a.m.
~~-~~-----Every Sunday Ntght
Weekly Winning Couple $ZSO
Receives $25 and "" .. 14 becomes Eligible for W"MM 11 ::;' ,.
Grand Filial Award of .,..
1045 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach 675-o200
!'!!!i.llTY Sl!UBs O.PA'VitiO'N
• Ql ..... ..CGHl9
Sunday, Feb, 16 at 213<> pm
f 1 • f • Program includes: BEETHOVEN Sonata Op. 110, CHOPIN 24 Prell.Ides, OEBUSSY Poor la Piano, LISZT
BollO!tt No.~. Etudes 10& ll.t•'6YSi 1.-.s.S1,4.M.1.-. 2.tt, 1.•
Mall dltd, W adlt canl lnfoJNtftlll to Mu1lc Ctftllt lol Olllc•, 13$ No, CuM
""'•"·" ~• IOOIZ. Tlct.lb 1IM 111 lfflltlff-F• illlw•UOll IM-1211 ,,
Motor Hotel olMll ...._,..,
Complete Gourmet BUffet Dinntr
.flOM 6 TO 10 PM NISOM
"0R RBSERVATIOMS CALL en•) •:aua )1106 CNll Hlgflwey, M , U, ..
Ron Cameron at tile.
Piano Bar, W .... sua.
""" • Mory D1•. J•ck Lrnd• on Drums, . Mon. 1nd Tll9L
11 :30 a.m. to 2:00 a.m .
Oi~• •• •~WBrBR ....... 1 •• s: 49us14
• 'COCKTAIL LOUNGE DINING • South Co.st'1 newest, most elegant oceanfront
dining,. atop Towers Wing of Surf end S1nd Hotel
15SS Sooth•CoHI Hwy. ~iifun• .Beach, Calilorni•
Cantonese Food
eat her• or
t1ke homt.
111 21st pl., Newport Beach ORiolit 3·9S60
Ope11 r .. llo•IHll Dally 12-12 -Fri. nd s.t. 'tA J •·"'·
"Where It's Happening!"
,--------110 I. 17tll ~; COSTA 'MISA
Bill Mlrtini
For Your Dancing and
List~nlng Pl,a1urt
--·----· ----------------
Continued from Paga 24
Show Biz Booms
Each month finds Orange County looming ever
larger as a major entertainment area. The surge
of top caliber performers appearing locally is
enough to make.cartographers revise the nation's
show biz map.
A good example is the new policy just instituted
by the Town & Country Inn, 18582
Beach Blvd. at Ellis, Huntington
Beach (Town & Country Center ).
which promises a steady series of
star attractions.
On a basis of two show s a
night, six nights a week, the Inn . . will present some of the best
known entertainers in the amuse-
ment business. cMA1tL•s v1cK
. Kicko~ headliner for the new policy is Charles
Vick, musical comedy star, who just completed his
long-run leading role in the national touring com-
pany of "Camelot." Co-starring. with Kathryn
Grayson, he portrayed the part of Sir Lancelot.
Vick also co-starred with Mary Martin in "Hel-
lo Dolly" and appeared with her in the television
special, "Mary Martin at Eas~er'ume." At the re-
quest of President J ohn.Son, they toured Vietnam in
Yick al.so ~as n~merous television appearances
to his credit, including 14 weeks as guest artist on
the Art Linkletter show. His versatility in shifting
from musical comedy to popular standards can be
heard through tomorrow, Feb. 15.
Also on stage at T & C is the Fran O'Neil Trio
direct from a long engagement at the Silver Dolla;
Room of Harold's Club, Reno.
. Fran, who draws resounding chords from the
piano as well as. she sings in a rich, husky voice, is
abetted by the fine bass of Jim Wolf and Dick AI·
sego on drums. Dick and Fran team up for an occa-
sional joint vocal too.
Combining their individual talents the O'Neil
Trio likewise offers first-rate dance 1 music and
switches with conswnmate artistry to great jazz
and light rock.
Better add the Town & Country Inn to your list
of regular spots as every new act moves front and
Bacchus et Epicurus
Headquartered up Los Angeles way, but open to
residents an~here in Southern California, is an
organization of hon vivants who meet monthly for
an adventure in epicurean dining heightened by the
camaraderies of one another's company.
The group is La Societe de Bacchus et Epicurus
which, in a brief span of existence, has become so
popular it now generally requires two consecutive
evenings to accommodate each month's gathering
at a selected restaurant.
Two or three weeks in advance, Societe mem-
bers receive a newsletter ouUining the upcoming
program, a copy of the menu that will be served
and a return reservations card. Attendance is op.
tional but those taking part are asked to enclose
a check covering the cost of each person.
The tab is usually somewhere in the neighbor-
hood of $12.50 per head, tax and tip included.
In choosing restaurants the Societe endeavors
to vary the cuisine from one month to the next. A
French bill of fare may be followed by Italian then
German, and so on.
Tied to the dinner is a promotion of California
wines, with four or five top-rated varieties being
se rved throughout the evening's repast. Between
courses there's a pause for brief commentary by
the emcee on points of interest in the history or
origin of the di sh and/or wine,
A representative dine.and·wine outing by the
Societe was the recent visit to the Penthouse of the
International Hotel near Los Angeles International
Airport. The table d'hote got under way at 7:30 p.m.
with hors d'oeuvres and' the first wine.
As dinner proceeded, served in order were soup
consornme Celestin e, with fresh cheese straws;
poisson, scampi marinara, prawns from the Spanish
waters of the Mediterranean; sorbet au champagne;'
entree, supreme of golden neck pheasant, peeled
green grapes -Alsace-Lorraine, dauphin potato,
tomato Nicoise.
12 P.M. TO 4 P.M.
Finl! Di11in9 Sincl! 1965
3801 EAsr c.o.-.s-r HJGHWAY
PHON<: (714) 675-1374
. .
Then : salads lntematlonal, Belgian endive
with hearts ,of :Palm, Master Che! Anthony Sterle
special dressing: de ssert, chocolate moune glace
served with sauce Cbantily: fraindJ.leJ, petit fours,
espresso D'Italla1 demitasse, coUee.
The four wines · consisted of ultra dry allerry,
Buena Vista Vineyards; chablis, Christian Brothers
Winery; claret, Weibel Vineyards; port, Charles
Krug Winery.
The ~casion was1 as Soclete mastermind Al·
bert G.ans said in the'lypically IOfty r~eioric of bis
newsletter: "the exclting niagnificenCe of gourmet
eloquence all epicureans seek:, and the irDpeccable
sei:vice they expect.1' It's worth being·on the mail-
ing list just to receive bis flowery communicallons.
To do so, merely address Your, request jo: Ai·
bert K. GJins , La Societe de Bacchb.s et Epicurus,
11124 S. Glenville Drive, Los Angelea,~Callf. 90035.
· 1NCOME _·yg
No need to be sick
about1 tax. Get Big
Medicine. Sneok away
from reservation first
chance. Take lox to
BLOCK. Save you time,
worry • , • often much
wampum, too.
AND sun
... ,.., ............ GUAIAirlm ,
We t;1varontee accvrot• prepari:ttlon of ev.fy tax NfUm.
If we mi:tk• any errors that c.oit 'IOAI onr ,....,,.. or
Interest, we will pay the ii'"li''"' ll"m'll''•;'";;,· ___ ...
Amtrica'• Largut Tax s.mce with 0,., JOOO OfRc:el
COSTA MESA, 1875 Ha~bor 8mt., 642-6940
NEWPORT BEACH, 410 W. Coeat lfWy,, 642·7142
CORONA del MAR, 243S E. c .. at Hwy. 67U36Z
w .. 11: o.,. t e .... t , .•. : s.t., s...t ...,., , ...
CS: $3.00 OR OVER. g
~ CHINESE RESTAURANT *· , ~ ~ 1500 Adams Avenue • I g
&. Colhl ~ 540.1,J7 b
~ .. , ........ '"'· ~ ~ 0000 UNTIL FEBRUARY 17, 1969 b ~tftl w~a~ VALUABLE COUPON .
At Don .Jose Restaurant
The Hayden. Cause~ Trio_ is providing lively music in the lounge of Don Jose
Restaurant in Huntington Beach. This is a return -return engagement for this
group at this spot where the patrons s eem to have the welcome mat out for
them. Leader Causey plays guitar, Charlie Murchison is at the piano and Josie
de Castro handles the vocals and the drums.
1Bob lBuTI\$
Like Roast Lon9 lsli1ncl Duck -Tournedos
of Fllet Mi9non1 -Vei1l Osci1r7 -Rainbow
Trout? -Well, who doesr1'tlll
These and many othi1r enficit19 .,,., .. , i1re
sarved seven ni9hts ii week •t 8db Burns Rest·
All·MAll6RET .
Loci1ted in Fashion l1land, Bob Burns i1
more than just • "Steak i1nd l.ob1ter" restau·
rant. A selection of twenty carefully preper•d
entrees -accompenied by Bob Bumi f1mou1
Cream Ci1esar Si1 li1d -wiU 11ti1fy the most
di1cr imin1tin9 pl1te.
Open every night, Bob Burns does honor
telephone r11ervation1' for people "on the 90."
For those of you who ire out for i1 leisurely
evel'llng, lounge entertainment is p r·o v Id e d
FEB.13 ·MAR.12 FEB. 5 · FEB. 18
........ •vffwM ... ,.e,_
""""' fll•l'lllll"li 1111...,..,11&1M ......... ,.
-NII[ f IM JOlll,
wnN to1.rr1r"• HOT"PIZZl
N.Wport~leacll: Costa Mesa and llOW Hunthwjton hcici ....
N.Wport 1MacJi ..,d Coslio M-CaR 646-7136, 17 .. I Tillito
hr ,.a•"!' Huotlntton hach, CaH 147·1214, ... ell l 'H.U
TM cold""rr•u .. I sound or _ .l-...
Or•n9• County' Male .. ~·
RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM . .
From Fashion Island. Newport ·Beach -• • ! ··---
i • !
-..... ~
Steer Roper Now G••nman
Tltc hlendib\e ll<fOtl of Good Jl'illl
UBU :'1.•C~ Birds, Bees 'Acid Comedy Darwin w .• ia., llli &-!Oii·
' loch m.""""' ch*man. ol
... ct.rt c-11 -ol
Oimmlsaloners and • ,__
)ion rodeo aifft.ropu, will ........... 1111:., ..
ot a~ de1erl munlty ba brlnp warm1.h and good will. find an aoildote. •~• ,...,_nnaD niP TMllATltl-cosT• MP4-'*'11U ~ustandlng to thO&e around FAMILY /!:::=========::;::~~=:;;=~~7"=:
IWlen nr.e: Tale o I Doctor Dolltllt: Eocbanllng EXCLUSIVE AREA
Nwtf •WfWS .... ..
DAILY "LOf, ... _.._
11•w1,p•pet f•r ff111 • ,. ... , .. a.-,. a.... ·"-··--}!lilililo"! _ :;-~ ..
IEWPGIT IWM • • l'ft C-,. ...., ... Z ....
n. .... •r&ti'*l.31 ·a1 l.99.., &.-.----·--,Ii. -----a
-"" -
backwoods with the rum-run-ucuralon ror all NU lato
ner baltlln1 the ''feds" during the fanW)' world ol Dr. Dolio ENGAGEMENT
the post. World war 11 era Ue who prefers to com·
of low!es-a. Robert Waller munlca\e w I th lour.fooled •DULT animals ralber than t b e "' 't;:;..w ... v .. -.ne :an~ ~Rn~/..J.i•::::::! '""''" ENTERTAINMENT ~ts Went Oat? : The super 8 ve tlOJ lc;wr a...•
,,_ b1ockimt o1 November '';. •t:;.,i,.t _, IEC~U.$E OF 'tHE UNUSUAL ENDING =-::. ~~~ ~ D i s D e y musleal comedy NO ONI WIU u .uumlD DURING THI WT IJ MINml
_.... 11 111 beckground for about the eccentric
• ~ .-, with Doris P b I la d elphla mlUlooalre,
no. 1111f J1obert td · Anlbooy llreul Biddle, and .. • * 8ea'lt Ca I I P'Q: Kia Par-"':if orse as tls hili unconventional fa ml I y .
lW' md E!ipbeth T1ylor stli'a. Start Fred MacMurray, Tom-
ADULTS flllliro>' • coople ol slcW S\e I G G 'nit .... 'Die Bees Md ia tMI: biurte iaieUectual 'l'llNI AND ADULTS my e , _ reer arson, ·~ ~ · --" ••-' · Cl ~ • -•·• ti Geraldine Pue. -'_ : M acid Cll'llledf' )C!Y• ~ -11 neverr +: ~·-·· roman c, * -y. *
on tM .,._,..., ol Italia quile pieced klgttber. aad drmialically m 0 vi n g The lettn immediatlly
mauera 111111 IDGl'als BlOClC scree ftniOD ~ Lerner and a lltCUaa, of tbt upper crust MATURE TEENS Loewe musical retelling Lhe after the Hile inditate1 the
of the dty at Tri.rile iD AND ADtJLTI heroic legend cf K.irig Atthur rati~a given the pi'cture by
N~n .Ita!J'. Eb&fbb, sa~ llremtd: .\a un•a.-ory and the Knights of the . the Molion Picture Code.
Ulla · "!SI · 11 «mi• abwt an in-Rouod!able. Richard Hanis, The Motion Pie!ure Code
coog....-9df' fiHA>:·. ttl'lllltiiDnal jewel thief Vanessa Redgrave, J'k'anco And Raring Program may
Arizona s be r If f. CJb. .(lli«he'I ·Caine) who enlists N'ero ltar. bt' found on the motion
ENa11.,ilMSltttNcw;Yor• a lluaband-wUe ie:alJ. (Eric llelQPters (GJ: John picture page.
ft,.•~ °'t ";::!':: l:°':r i:.' ;~ ~ ~-"'": 1;I! i:dth~\i"'=========.I
gefa drawn Into gn>ap or drug ..,-, In SpOiD ., lnlrlcete oil weD M! control company. ~ts '.aefM• be complet" •Cory •l'l....., Dll hwe un-Tiie majesly and tenor ol
bis -folds ludfnc to the-on the fires, and the technical n. 0.1 elite (!!MA): • tlaltllne. -ololf...Uc:ootrolmako
lllrlorl me ima!lptioo of a Dr.I~: Slliry " youg the It«)' oecondary even
llnllal wwwd&, a dedicated --llld poet lbou8b tenderly roman ti<;. · C11Jsbt iD. Ms c:amtry'I revom-a o m e • ud J • 11 e t : ~~th=~ y= ttan.y upbaval with wbicb Shak:espeare'1 classic becomes
ccnpt lidt al •ban 1ffaits. be could not ldentify because vividly new wilh splendor, ex-
Fnat sa..tra llld Lee of • intense belief in the citement and the new. stag.Ing
Reaict aar. rigbtl and privilqes of Uie of the young lover's tragedy l.ad:r i. e.e..& (&): • iadlv~aL Omar Sb a r if, under Zeffirelli's fresh casting
Private eye Tq Ro m e Geraldine Chaplin, J a I l e and direction. L e o n a rd
(Frut Si.Datra) &di a bbxie Christie. Whiting and Olivia Hussey
eQl'ur.d in cmmit, .m cfrl Tbe Best ll a Loaely star.
lrlln! a1iD w ... ed In thla H~ A gentle lonely cl<al· -1'1 So B..i Aboat Feet-
talt ef rirleWe IDlf crime mute, sens!UveJy played by Ing Good?: in this satirican
pr1111 .. tt
M•rgaret Cowles
b 1ry Fri., Sit. & S11n,
Tiii M1rch 2
wft ....._. Wftdt.. Alan Arti.D, IDIYell into the farce, a viral infectlorl carried T\Q•" Av.a.* • 9tll Oltlce If' NtwPWI St.riMln ,& 1-tlf .., t. ])ie hame cl 1 crippled man ud by a tom:ao invades New York 2115 Villi1 Wi1y
It's titne lo SJl<ll of unspolm ~--.
.... ..a..r..-~\ _._..._....
Sift Diep frHW1y 1t Bristol • ifit2111
Saturday and Sunday Open 12 No0n
(Sii&)~ TOlllP cletectlft. ErK him teenage Muct*r, Sondra spreadhig I sense of well-be--N•wport 1 •• ,h 675-1120
llBlllll. lil*ll 1':.. IWIC CEllEI OPEil Wl =•lak; ..:..:r: ~~ ::C::.:.~":i. ~1oa1~ ~~.= b~"~ p~~~ili:.'Ji1=--_,=--=-=-=======11
1 c11J11e1111111111 FllKllCI IPEIA llll ~dofe~nd~•~l<d~udi.~-.. ~b~•""t'~""'~1r11~·~'°~-~"'~·~111e~ ...... ~r=:~:::==:::~lii;;m
-----'It.fl MOTION PICTUIE •111E•••1·H·•••n•-•mn z1s11 "---··ord · n_ __ 1e cODI AND 1Anll6
-baforelra&laAnPll -~w c Ila.I PIOGIAM _.an .,,., al a.mat-.. AIMlll1
taf.flllUtll 1,1 N • fM'.-7,IN Slutd. .... ,..!,,._,.Jons ........
W. ... a.J.N•!lt&NM'U.1,.
ClllClt -.mno ~ ....-ku .. il.,-QW
?SO.do -.. _ Th11 M.tio11 Picfur• ~od1 t nd
ltrii'"I M#il•i1tr•tio11 •ll'pli1s
th. f.tl-i119 r11ti1191 to fil1111
•li1triMtM i11 th. U.S..A. Pie·
hir•e 11t1tf 6, M or R iq111lify 5'1frdlclrv.I
llllllltltits 10 tnco111t ta11 '" .... c.4o ..... ~ 11---------·11 ................ , ........ ---C; ...... -. ..... ...-.-..... PllOa (Mart~. 12) IUrstwl (Mir. Jiili Ol VlrllA•, t11J11·.lllRt1 e, faldt
··-">·~= ... -... ,... ~· la
...... 121,tl'll.
Crtspln, lllo'n; Andt!SOI, ic.dllr. c-..c ......
'lft .... 21,l'~•Plf•NT.-....... Crnlll~. Kfllplo-. Ulllnl· -., lftnt, wnft•-ti WWl'r
:."' lf-1.1=:'~ 1'==· U Dnsnt. z-19 Bonr: c:-. ...
20 One •lssl04 ct• sing lit pl111t
21 Min's
• nlcknamt
?Z "P'f"' n• .. 2 g=.. .. _ -~~ -C::.... l=I "' ... != 36 Popuf• J JI="":.: 4 l~ .. ._:.
J 0 ..... 0"""'9R ff11Ut6n -===================J J9Tbh4-ll ......... , ,.. z·tt;r&; 1 xr;-..
"DA22LIH9i 0... ,_ .. a. ,.. .......... ,k-
twr11 'Ro1M91 & _..., ..... ....., .,.. .. --...r-
r ftl.\llOOPIT~ ·---FRAN001Dn1n11 -· Ro MEO cf.JULIEI'
• A. fllnl done 41na:
4J AlsHllf 2 wo•
l4 Did a)llfdst-. a H1vl11 a hi~~ • borW
Pie.hr•• r•tff X clo "' r11c1 iv1
t S.11. Tit. r11ti1111 •pply to
pichir111 ••l••NCI 11ft1r N0'1'1rn-
llw I, 1961. f'imni ... l11eff
IMfo,.~ tll1t d11t1 ,,. 4-Kritt-
ff II ft11YicHHly ( 4i9
1nd/1r SMA J.
Jiil-S1"11l1J for e&NllAL ·
IJ-S119t111t.cl f ... MATUll
•urU•11c111 I 11'1r1nt1I cll1o
, ... ti111 •"'led).
~au -'-nott• 11111dw 16 _. 9Cll111ittM,
1111/111 •cc•111p111iM by
p1t9fit or 11dwlt 9u1rcl•
~-,·ad ,,..._ ™6 .,. ,,.
1ttlcti•11 ••Y b. hifher
In c11rt11l11 tNtl. Ch1cli
tt..1tr1 ., 1cl•trlh l119.
" -' c' , •.
I tl/1{i.:1z
REGULAR PRICES ---"DOCTOR DOLITTI.E" -DlllleY Cttrtff• .........
H Johnny Appl .. eed,.
ColtTIMeos WM.s..t-S••
l :Jt , ...
..rching and sensitive
lloly of innocence lost that
has become an "cndurins
Jfalius ---.................. ------
.. ...,, , .,,,,.._ ..
*HEY K1os1 * .. ....... s. .. 1111 c.te•• c ...... ,,... ............. ,, ,, .. rw..,..-...
.................. 1
Ornft Shtrff • COlOll •
"'DOC101 ZHIYA.0"
D1W9' O.y e COi.Oil e
E.tkt...,.. T1y• Ml• F•rro.
"s.a.t C.-.y" e COLOR e
C*f'W...._. • C:Ol..OJI •
""'*··" -. 147·1111
·-""'9...,.,. ...,..,
l"t ..... Slnt!t• e COL.Oil e
"T\11 Dtt.ctfwe"
R'ttltl1 Wolk" e COL.Cit • ...........
JllE"-:."'•,.,,.+,.... ·,"'?-!~'II
I . .,, ~;;:: ~,~.. , ..........
Frid M«M\111'•' e COlOlt • -n. H ....... ........... ---.:;; --·-.,.__
..,. .....
iiiiew -. Dean Martin
A11tho11Y ......... 1.-.,. w.ld
llll> ___ ,~--
1"'1!fts9ft••c --.......
• /v\att Helm • • ~-TI.e Wreclc1n9 Crew
Elke So'"'1W·Sharon Tate·Nancy Kran·Nigef Green· f 1111 ~ .. _ ............. ...,. .... ,. .... """'""·"-·""'-,,,_ ............. lllli-.•--.o..• lfOINIOl.(f" ~
' •
-·-U.(C) Tllel t1' .... , ... Sltw.., lhttM« "llllll·r.tftt
t111 Kuf!llOll" and "Voocloo Is-
•~11 !,.(I)• ... _, ........
I"'~\:.-:. ... (g
''" i.li W.:..":"~.~ 111 DONALD O'CONNOR nt" " '
'"' II"" "' -(CJ (60) 1.,., Ill """" .... (C)
Dunphy. !:00 §!@ =r** <C> I Cl m HUatlef-ld11\i.r (C) (30) lllGrit: " (myalflY) e -Alln .. m (90) • me! Wildt, Pltrklfl l<nlthl
Phyllis Dill«, Jost Ft11c/1iio Ind M@ m ED~ .... (C)
J1nk1 Biker 111ut. Jact Lt UllM (C)
" Sll*vsh Tlllllrt •
D THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE Ill""'•• ,....,
* "DREAMBOAT " '''°I GfE •-r.=~ .. ~ tCJ
Clitton Webb @rn lr.-'""'(CJ AM Tll_,. (q •"fltf ToP"' O SU: O'OtQ Movit: "Dr11111· a~d "War Gods II 8abf1ort:"
bolt" (comttty) '52--0itttln Web!>, IE) C1itartas .... .. • ,,; . 1,,~'...,""ici (60) "'ao BJ,m n. - -(C) 1atm111 {C) (30) • {}) G *"" ti tM Cn-wura NIW? (30) 1W .. l'.itli Ct> Maltrn 5411 Amor • e-..: .,. .. N' • ,_.. (dl'll· ""° ,.., (Cl -.fMI~ PlttMOrt, l!onl An· dl!l'IOll.l' l:JO 0 ~IC N1WS1nk1 (C) {601 fJ1 httl"'• tk l.lvill1 m Yor1p to tlit Bottom ol fl) I.al &tnlla y Ulttd
SU (C) (60) Ill' ' ED Thi Absurd' Arb (30) 10:30 I (I) lltMan/SllPlrlll•I (C) ll!J (I) Ill !lJ Q) ''"I. (CJ ' ·(I) !lJ ...... (t) •1• : "Str1np fncl111tion" 7:00 IJ CBS EWtllln& Nm (C) (30) (f1r1t1syl '52-Huao H111, C!IO
Walter Cronkl~. ' Moore.
I wtwir1 Illy Lint? (Cl (301 ' Q (ij} (])a> F1ntntlc foll' (C)
Paawont (C) (JO) ~ , ft) iflble ~SWll'I
Wol!dlrtllf WorW 11 C11Udr111 , fr) Ci11elandi1
Uttlun Wast fC) • · ..__ Trwtll Ir c;o.., ...... tC) ll:uu D @OO m Sll)(Jbook S~111rn ' IC . Ptter Marshall hoslJ.
7:J0,9{1)TN Wiid, WIW';W. (C) @(])al Geor11 of 1111 Jun· · iD fFl(fl C*iparril ' fC) (IOJ (C)
lolt IR ~ (CJ (55j -I • A•ud' Tbutr1: "Alimon1."
( '~D~,1:.!_• l: f;;lt, 1(:30 I eii (I) Tiit Haraloids (C)
NIM)' Wil:son 1nd Mlrelna Mab.ltu ' , · @ @ m Unllmtd World (C) ·
IUtSL U Carey. O Co11111 Theet11: '111t Collt !i @(J) Q) hltric11 l111dstantl
Jutor" (romedy) '*-°'11"7 Kaye, CC) .. . , "D " ( ,. l 'SI Clynis Johns Basil Rlttlbotla An· 0 ,.0¥1t, r11110 w em
11 Lansbu;y. , , ' 1 ·-1 Jeff Chandler, Julie Loncltjn..
Trultl ar Con~1.(t) (la) 1 ' •
""1 M1111n (IJI
Cllltiln 6t II 'Rw (JD) •'
U1 A1tae1 111 If f aqe ,
t :oomHaz11 (C) (JO)~ .. , .l U:GO•l~~~llC••••I m R1!1bew Quest (60) f111nk W1t ;g:' w ... (C)
ner joins Pete Seeatr ln 90n11 from Cll Crwt Tutro
the Adirondacks. , flll Siturdlf Mlti1111 (C) a:i Nod!• di Estren1 • • l2illl R 9 m Jonnr Quest (C) 1:25 0 Wonderful Wo rld of Sport (Ct , MOvi: "Tiii How1rd1 If VJr.
l :JO 0 I (!l &omer Py!1 .(C) (30) 'alftl•" (idVllltl/fe) '.CO-tary G11nt. O ~ @D N1m1 ol tht li1m1 Mirth• Scott.
{C) 90) 'K~ep th1 Dodor AwJy." 11) ~ (lJ (D H1ppenin1 (C) The O Acr1u th1 Sevtn Se11 (C)(30) flrstEd1tion u1d the Bob ~ger
"Sundown In Sh1n1ri·l1." Systetn lll93t. stephn Youn1. Gary 0 @@ G) Gene11tlon Gip (C) l1wls. and Enzo Cfiulico are 1uest
(301 Dennis Wholey hcsl:s. , JUOps. '! En..,.ov1ck Rf!l«f (C)
Ill MERV GRIFFIN SHOW -lu• Ribbon Tht11rt: "The · oldih Gloyel Story.~
*NEW TIMEt NEW TIME 1,aoaam .... """ (Cl
Ill M 'riff {Cl (90) ' llowlt~ "1111 FRI• Tuai' (Id· '" •n venture) '47-Jfmas Cr1ir. Lyn• But tke Odds (C) {30) Btri.
t:OO 0 l3J (i) CBS FridtY Movie: (C} IJ MWit: "1..W. tilt Wiii$ 11
"Boys' Nratit Out" (romtd,I '62-f111H1 """" (dr1m1) ·st-Sine 11.im Novtk. J1mts Garntf, Tony (;Dchran. Dtvid Brian.
fllndall, HoWllrd Duff. m w.ic' ~ "'Cniell Dift" (dr•· O Pl.-,tiioy m. Diil (C) (60) ma) 'U-Trnmt Powlr, Ann• Bu ·
HuP Htfnw" welcomes Tony Ben· ter, ,
nett, Morpna King. Sltppenwolf. 09 01cN .....
Mil l Klflt9R. Prolemr Irwin Co1ey tJ) 111.v lrtflbl ·¢;
and Gmrae P1impton to th• pad. l:lO§Q!(l)Tlll.lll...., (C) 0 (f'1 (}) m Llt'1 Niki I Dnl , $itll1llr JlouMI futlfl lC) (!a) Monty Hill llosl5. ..... m R1111 for YIKlf lift (C) (60) ' Quell Ill' ' ton (C), m Sptc11l1tion (60) 2:00 tJ ~Cl) am:m, ~.
9:3tl Q @(l) a> The Guns of Will World (C) '.~""l'iilHiOUr color" ,1ho ..
Somwtt (Cl (30) "A town in ler· "coverin1 fish Jn1 exlltdltlon' br u-1 · l~h1ities In 1· v1riety1 of locltklns
TU Mll!.£;\','EECS ~·~~nc usl:o~ovit • '1he Blob" I in the ~ttlirn 1itf!l1tph1t1. ~ .1 ~n · QMovie: "f•nk llttalitrl" (Id·
, ($Cl·l1) 53--Sltve McQueen. venture) ··~ri Kiiiy, .'Mllfj(ifll ,._...,.----------...
tD:OO§!(i)msur TrK (CJ (60) Hellen. l"-A~m~ THE l.OTSA UJCK EXPRESS ,· Kiws {Cl (60) m Corontt Tlleah1: '$ectwltJ ~ · mm·i ... ·~ ... ... ,;,,.. . '• : LEF;/WITH MY NOTE ASKING-MY
fenSI (C) (60) '1he Holy' G1ound: m Holiday (C) TRUt LOVE TO El.OPE WITH ME, T(i)he~~t~P(~rt) ,'ti·~ r~~. 2:300 QJ@Plcifk • ••lbtNl.CCi llOORSAGO[ ... WHArax.x...o BE
. .. . 01e1on Stat• ws. tal Blf•elfr. fnnr KEEP!"" "l"'?_f "'"'"Sli''"DTHIS Art of Convtr1o1Uon. Milt l<amen Sims calls tile action. JV\7 M nio ........,.,, I Ml~
and Dorothy Sarnoff 111ul 0 Strlnp Talu HI ' ro RlD R"ilw (60) m SH tti• USA (C) \ ' a:l DlcM Rtblcl• J 3:00 0 IS (j) CIS '"' Cl111ic (C) 10:30 m NNI (C) {30) The second QUarter·fflllls mllth. EE Ctnll SIR Hidllril The compatilors will b1 lh1 winntr1
. --D -~ N (C) ltom Puerto Riro, Sin11por1 11\d ll.00 --~ ~ ews Jame!ca.
0 Altf9CI Hitdlcod: lll Cllill• (Cl m l.Jlrs Cub (C) Bul:etblll (t) l..o)iol1 11 Pep.
ffi MoYit: (Cl "fruit From Paris" perdiM.. .
(musical) '55 -Forrnt l \ICker. @m Dtstino 11 Clor11
Martha Hyer. m fNtart
@CJ.)~({) a) Nen (Cl 3:30 D @CII G} ~e Bowlers' TOllr jC) Cllris Schenkel ind Bill)' Wet•
ll:lO B Movie: (C) "R1ncllo Notorious" call the action lrom Kensaa City,
(myst1ry) '52-M11lene Dietrich. Missouri.
Arthur l<enntdy. a) I ll Plct11t1
0 QJ (IJ a) fon l&flt Sholl (C) 3:55 Q Newt (C)
O Movie: (Cl MMtn Witll Winp"
(1!Mnturt) '38-F1ed M1tMurr1)',
R1y Mlll&nd.
0 @ (}) a> Joey lisbop (C)
fJNews (C) m I l.O'lt L11t1
12:00 0 MIRll•I Dillon m 77 SuMlt Sllip
12:30 0 Novit: "Frlifrtt!!td City" (mJS·
tery) '62-Se1n Connel}', Yvonne
ID Action T1111lr1: "Blue, Wh ile
ind P1rftci." I
M 0 RN I N (,
l :DO I) 11111111 Su111111r Miiiet (C) , • m Mr. Wl1hbo111 (C)
7:JO ID Sunriu Se111tsttt (C)
0 Ca11p11S l'nliln
0 Mt~inl the Mat of Maturity
Q) Edvutkl111I F1atu11
7:45 m Sacred H"rt (C)
L .. 11 18(1) ..... '"'"' (C)
0 llJ (I] Ill -• (CJ D @Cll l!lC.W IC!
4:00 O Movlt: (Cl "Tiie P1lflfin6tr"
(adv!flture) '53 -Georr• Mon!·
gomery, Helena tartu.
I IOplinttr Futuret (C)
W1;aA Train (C)
THE WEEK -$50,000
San Luis Obispo Handica p 0 S1nt1 Anita bee (C) Tiit $50,·
000 San Luis ObisPO Handiup tl
a mile ind one·h•lf on ttle turf.
0 1\e Oltdoori1111n (Cl
GIOlltw U111its
S:OO 0 ID@ @D Shtll'1 WOl4ertll Worl~lt Coll (C) The nml·fll'l&I
m1tcll .1t the f'GA Natlorlll 8olf
!b, Ptlm Betch G1r-.111. Flmli:J#. Ql'Ts:t ' ..._ ~·(C)
1nn ·N-; •lid,Bo-Coo11tr ••· II JahMOri 1i* IOI jouph. • D llllCil l!lAIO• ........
of Sport& (Cl North Amt1ic1n n1-
ure·Sk11Jn1 Ch1mpionshlp liom 01k·
land, C.L
I Zotrl•• (C) lnllftltltnl (R)
'"""""' ''" 0 -.... (C) <•> 0 ..,.., -" (C) lu ho ..... -l .................... (C)
""' ,,.. UlllU (Cl McHIWa ffWJ
D•tW ""' (C) "'Waa"
ly Clialies M. Schulz
• • -----
NO .. I NO!lc,MT I'D GET
l'oOVING! I P2011<t5EO Mf
6ll1:L fl1:1ENP I'P ~TOI' &f
I l\ollS !vEJilOl!I !
' .
O'JOV! 0 BUSS I YEP. BACK! ;~ Nl'IOO ~ HEi< 'MISWER, .). (' t:
K. Ryan
By Gus Arriola
., Ii 't h ·• !i
A R8A~. HEA1'T i KRA
By Men
J '. OAllY '1LOI'-!!!._
QUEENIE By Phil lnlerfarwll
• ~ '~ ............................. _...
. -
\ I • ' . '
; ' ' Shows Look 1
' ~ood Again ,
I HOLLYWOOD '(UPI) -F.iri\ it was CBS' "The
Honeymooners,•• with J.icldt: Gleasdn and Art Car~
ney lhat came back to tO!evWOO. allel' a layoff. And
it was a success, as before~ ' '
Then it was NBC's.11.f>taghet," With Jack Webb
that made a vid.0 com•:~ ·"1d it, loo, has fared
consistenUy well m the \itiK•i~ ...
THERE ARE other) ~i'i'q ·&bows of the past •
that also seem to ~ve 1jl8 ~Ual lo return -I particularly if one C011sJdera !lie; current attempts
of the networks to play filOY.'11 violence.
"Naked City," 1for. U,s~ce, strikes. me as a l
dream of a series to rev.Ive~ ·under the story guid~
ance of Stirling SijliphB~pl "i\ may well have been (
the best weekly serie:...eve~.p~ on by a commercial
network In its reruns\ in' !Yndication, it surpasses
by far most of the , fulls Cale motion pictures that
television oilers: '
MORE THAN !hat. however, "Naked City"
setms especially a~ed to our times. Allhough a
police strie11, i' stres11ed. wonderful characteriza·
tion and human values in contrast to violence,
which was iJifrequenl and generally minor ln the
context of u(e .sto'ries.
Furthermore; the presentation of the police as
human beings -:. relating in positive ways to the
citizenry ~ il·)>reclsely lhe sort of thing that fits
in wJth the _yeey basic issues of today's cities.
ABC.TV, Which presented 11Naked City,'' cur-
rently._is offering "N.Y.P.D." (New York Police
Department), but th ere is simply no comparison in
the quality' of' the two shows. Although off the air
for lomt1 ttme now, "Naked City," even in reruns,
1.1,;i lFrnpc,ny hip piece of work.
.' A~01!1.ER SERIES !hat might be welcomed in
'a' ponlebac~ is "The Rogues," which I alwa ys
'.thougHt Was r ather overrated, but which had a
'. JoyDI following because of its droll tales about a
gfoup of sophisticated swindlers who only stole
from the bad guys.
In video's non-violent period {relatively speak-
ing), lhls NBC-TV show seems ideally suited for
what the medium could use more of in replacing
bang-t-"ng epics turned out on the sausage line.
Why ·rely tone down a series built for violence
when } ou can present one that neaUy eschews it?
WHILE I'm at it, I'd like to recall for you a
series that caused quite a fuss some years back :.
after a short run . It was called "It's a Man's
World,'' and NBC-TV aired it, and it dealt with
four boys living on a houseboat -on their own -
in a college town. And I guarantee that if you could
see it today, you would admire just how far ahead
of the game it was in putting its finger on the atti-
tudes of bright young persons in the modern world. ''
Deitnis the Jffenaee
• , I
I -.. ... . .. ..
• .1
.. ..
VOU HAVE GETS UPEARLll'ST !!;;;;============-. ISTIE
• n11
0111li ty p,1"11119 •~d D•P•"dtbl• S•,.,ic.•
for mot• th•" • Q••tf•' ol • C."t11ry.
! .
°™IS M~\NG/
DRESSED .• Complete Prlntln9 Service
Top Quality -Fast Service
642-4321 .............. . .
' I
. ' •
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. .
/ · ..........
.... -
• ..
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M~tomt ·£W
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• •
.G.rul., 'IW 011£ WM, mak .'WIL ~~
" .. -
. Att ~ & WOB y()UJ ~
GwL ~~ iD 'Vi . ~ 'l)OAJ
' .
" . ' ..
&t:~ ·~· ·~et¥L bu, k £xpteM
~.<WL aft ~ wto~
From Bill Harlan
' v
BiU Harlen is ·e 20.yeer-old military sluaent et So.them
C..lifomie :College in Coste Mose who expects to 9,.d.
uete in Juno, .1970, end be commissioned .a . HCOnd··r...,.
!anent iri the U.S. Merine-Corps. Bet-for today fie is editor
of this peo;je,.., prize he won when he attandod $Amlnuni-
Cemivel 1t~ .at ~ ·Coesh l'laui e ·Couple:ef w9Hs
. 890 by the. D.AiltY :PiL~I end, PaCific Tolephcne Go.·H. ,_,
. chose to fiU tho pogo with .... 9ieht va lentine edilmsed
lo"K~y Keslar, • student et Orengo Coast C~Ooge. So,·
'bere.it~s-·Bill!s poCJO'-just the way he we•tad it •
• ..
I '
. ·"
·. . ' .
. ..
? • • i • • • . . • • . • . .. • • ,
' I • • j , • t .
' ..
• • • •
• • • l
.· <! • .
' . . • . : . . ;. ·: .:
'• -~: . . :· .,; . •• .. ~ . ·:~ . ;: ,
" ~ ·.
· . •• :. ~ .:
" • .. .. •• ~ .. . -.. ,
> ~ ~
i ! i
' ... -.. . _........._ .. _~_ .. _,._,._, ·--~--··-.:.,..___ ___ _..~~----·-··--. ··----_,_._ .. ______ ·---·--.-·-·--··'-------·----_......,....
. • ' • •I •
i" •
' •
Crown 2-door hardtop, full and
complete power, fact air cond.,
radio & heater, leather interior,
Uc. WQS9~3.
1, Automatic transmisSion, power i steering, _factocy· air condition-
ing, radiO", heater, ·white wall
tires. Lie. UCY 901
. ' -. .65 1¥.~ '68 PLYMOUTH
' ·-· '· .
' . Lie . .., 4-door, automatic ·trana~.._ WOW a real cle8!1 .bug.,
RPX 207. Only :• .. ., radio and heater, white sid•!".~"
' ... " 'l,lc_ VWM219.
$1095 ,• . : .. ~·:~;~2195
. . ...
. ,...._ ., ..... . .. .
'64 RAMBLER ~ · .··.' ~···''6.6.flHEVY
Station wagon, V8, fl!dio & heat~ · :'.lie! Ar'81Ati\"l''IV,agon, ·V~, auto.
to Ii lransm. . Lie. mati.c trartsriilssi.00, rad 1 o and
er, au ma e 18fOOD, hea•;·{.P<>"'"t~·.te:e_Qng;-.factory
IIND53. air condUl~g.' .Ljc . SBB188.
$595 1595'',; .. ~
' ... ; ·'\.. i " .
•1.eove CAiis l'lua TAJC a llC.
;64 PONTIAC '&4·11yj TH
,·' statllin~w~gdn. ·'till~· ·~ice little 4 d"!lr.har~)op, automatic trans-·w~'CO!'?>enritlltadio, heater, ~DUssiQn, · f!ldio, beater,' air co&,-: ~ P9"'"';~, 1"!~r brakes & ilrui!Dirig. Lie. NMC 147 .: . W!dte w<l1li• ili'ii;. Lie. NqT 809 --~rea1 ·JNY :av · · $1·Dt-·I!:\ :):,'.; ;/ •• i:~ --1995· ' . _ fJ !i . • • ' •' . '
(l'-..J ••• ·,;·~ •• ··' • ' '\.· ••
. . '&l.1$-~E,:·:·<_, \,!''62 RAM8LE• ...
, .. / · ! . 1 • , . • •· Ambassador: Automatic trans .. :Mon~co ;~'.W•~:·f)lli,JICIW· 'IJi1ssion, ~adlo, heater, j>ower
er, _!aclo/Y, ail'~~nlng • .-low sjeering, power brakes, afr C<rl-.
1!Jille.1,illk rXE988. ,djtlonlng, white wall tires. Lie,.
.':. ~,: "r .!'···~ • TXT832 ,. $4ltA95 :!~ ·.1 ~i 4 £,"'f1 • '
I ',. !1 .,. . ~ / , I
' 1 ' •
19 =~l~~: . OPEN 7 D.A YS · .. _ ......... _ A WEEK .
-lOACI 1:30 AM. TO ·10 p .M. '" ............... .,~_. .................... . ' ' ' .
•· .·
j ·''
.. ' ,.
2-door hardtop, full power, fac-
tory air ~cOnditionirJ_g, radio aild he~ter, balance . of 'factory war·
ranty. Lie. 1K373. · ·
$2895 ' .. '
Automatic transmission, radio
· and heater; V8, bucket seats, etc. Lie SBD24S. . ' . $1395
ci ?: •
i r L .____ ______ _,.__., -'--=------------
9 I \ I
" \.
16th. & Tustin -CNll Me11
. • Excellent Jocatloo, near schools, shopping
: and beach. Only a few left .. Buy' now while
: : interest rates are only ---" . 1% with 20% down -7ll.t% with 10% Dn.
no 2nd -no points -2t yrs on b•lence .. ,. . Priced from $30,850 to $33,950
Exclusive Aeent
•• p. a. palmer incorporated
3377 VIA llDD
Trect Ph : 540-511S From L.A. Cell MA s.t034
Umpteen Ways In
". · Newport Heights
For this house to pll"ase ycu.
~Bedrooms plus gUHl houst,
cozy fireplace, beam ctll·
lnp, hard'N'l'.IOd ft()()l"S. do--
ightlul brealdast pa t I o,
forced air heat, kitdlen has
eating area. There's parkirw
to1· boat or trailer storage
·and umpteen more ... $27,!lll
Colesworthy & (o.
1904 Harbor Blvd.
CM. 642-7777
-Open Eves.
4 Older Units
Imo income. Lot 62x300'
'Owner must sell -.EZ
• tenns ........ , . , ... $29,5Ql
, •. 2 BR Colt ... Home
: ~de. 1 b1ock to abop-
. pmg ................ $15,950
Jlla1 6C2.5678 for RESULTS
lay Crest Fixer
Owners forced to sell this
palatial home on FEE
LAND. Price .slashed $6000
for paint and ca.rpeta. S
-family . "'""" pool, And ~at potential in
an area ot much more ex·
pensive hemes, Now alkl.rw
$51,950. J-lurry!
Just Listed-VA
Immaculate <f BR, pool sized
yard, t"-11 patios, large ex·
isling GI loan. 51.4%, loads
or cabinets. Don't Delay •
S29 Harbor Blvd., C.M.
JOIN tbe •ft2&&• ill the
DAILY Pil.Ol' ""Alfl' ADS!
TOOOGentr•I 1000
Coldwell, Banker
Dover Shores Waterfront
Spacious two-story 3 BR home. Formal en-
. try ball with circular stairway. Dining
room. Paneled den has fireplace. Pier le ,
Float . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . $1S5,000
: , Mrs. Raulston
View -Pool -Value
· · Exceptional custom home with unobstruc.
led jetty view. Extra lrg. garage W/work
'. shop area. Owner moving -must sell.
.......................... offer '82,500
Mrs. Harvey .
Udo -For Family Fun
· Short walk to private beaches, club house
· & boating. Lrg. 5 bdnn home w /sunny
south patio well landscaped -55' front,
· :Ir~'. H~n.ey · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '74•500
View Lot -Emerald Bay
Laguna Beach. A wonderful place to live.
Lot located near steps to beach. Plans for
... dreamy home available. Fee land. $35,000
Mrs. Rauls!Dn
Can You Top This??
custom 2 story Colonial 5 yr. old home. 2
~,he's, family rm. Brick frpl & lg. living
rm. Comer. Corona del Mar.
........................ Asking $69,500
; Mary Lou Marion .·
Baycrest -Choice Area
·Functional and charming. Spanish tile
~ 'roof, 4 bedrooms, 2'11. ba's. formal dining
room, paneled family room. Nicely land-
' scaped llOxllO lot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $56,500
, Mary Lou Ii-farion
Balboa 4 Plex -$52,500
"" Very Modern studio apts - 2 br, and bath + powder room. Close to bay & ocean -
~ $ Spendable income $ -May be seen by
Walter Haase
Irvine Terrace Exclusive
Located on Malabar Dr. this 3 br 2 ba res.
has Ji. lot: Av. 75'xl75' which backs to
Jrvine Park. Terrific for children. Huge
mstr. freshly paihted. Lowest price in Irv.
'Terr ......................... @ $37.500,
·Greg Wohl
Prime View Lots .
.. , 2 view Cor . del Ma r fee lots musl be sold
together, R·l , $30,000 each. l R·l Dover
Shores next to water & beach (no pi er)
... '· ........................... $31.5M
_ J . ClarbOn
Emerald Bay -lrvlne Cove
· Ocoanfront and oceanvtew homes I< lot>.
Private beach and recreational facll!Ues.
· Tennis els, swm. pis, volleyball ell. These
properties are shown by appmt. only.
Greg Wohl ,.
'Kl 9-'351
1000 Oeftlrel 1000 °"'""' 11ooa...r.1
• ., •.. FINER HOMES
' .;., The G1'9'test Peace
On l!artll II 'To .Own
A Piece Of TH Earth!
DDVIR SHORES -Now exclusive llsUnf
panoramic View home with 4 Bdrms, Mi
batht, fam rm with wet bar, all new carpet-tni, lllXU:rious window treatment. New Ail-
thOny Pool, Solar Flo outdoor heated. Ex·
~IAY &
~HACK .~~ ..,.,.mtR· ~
1o0ocw:; ... 1 1000
• J
Open Hou11 Sund1y 1 • 5 P.M.
606 W. Oceanfront ~ 1 ;
citing terrace on Bay side ......... $112,500 '
Call EU.een Hudson
llANCHO LA CUISTA al' Brookhurst & At·
lenta In HunliDlloa Beecli• has JUJt ()l\e home
UDIOld. This 3 bod:oom 2 bath borne features a. dining room ,.ra 2 atory high living room,
bhllt-ln electrit ranee. dishwasher, carpet·
ed. throughout in luxurious bronze shag. Full
price only '251800 & that includes shake roof
C 'd' & eGncrite dfiveway. As added incentive to
upt 1 get this last home sold we are Including at Attractive roomy 4 bedroom bome near
NeWJ19rt Harbor Yacht Club: High beamed
ceilings -used brick firepJ.lo<e. Handy
klt<>hen w /built-Ins. Extra large ~!er bed-
room. Oversize .. gar~ge. Home Is only 11
years old. Owner moving to northern Cali·
Not Stupid no additional cost the custom shag carpet
CAMID HIGHLANDS-Enjoy life in a park 11e knows a SWeethoart wbeo alread'.Y mentioned + solid vinyl kitchen
wlth Private beaches. Thll beitutilully dee-he ate• one • especially this floor & sliding wardrobe mirror doors. Im·
orated home with custom drapes & ,carpet-elepnUy d~rated 4 Bed-mediate J>OS!e!Sion with 10% down. Sales
ing. Hu 3 BtdrooDlll, fam roonl.1 Move-In roam 214 Bath home. Locat. office at Brookhurst & AUanta. Call 968-29'l9
concllUoii. Garden pro!ualonolly lalld.scaped od on°"""" de! Mar'• •"· or 968-1338 anyday from 10 ID 6. fomla ............................... 187,500
NEW! OCEAN FRONTI 4 bedrooms and
den. Lush carpets, electric built.ins. Manr.
extras -localed on Balboa Pebn. Potn •
with beautllul pool .......... asking fff.900 '" -. A""""l'o •. ln "',I !~~:· ~~~~~ C8lJ Dave Cook • • vine Tei;ract U. It ii srta
OPEN SAT & SUN 633 Cameo Highland.I Dr. 1"' ••-with 1t1 bule IJvtrw Rm.+ 16x27 FamJ4> PRISTIGE LIVING
Open D•lly 1-5 P .M. DDVE R SHOR IS :_ Beautllul 2-atory 3 Br Rm. at ... e.aoh
home with !am rm. Formal dinll>f nn, large Price roducod to ~.scio Newport Shores, NB
living rm, 304 baths. All eledrlc kitchen It'• Valentine'• * SPECIALS I *
••••••••••• t •• -. , • , ••.••.•.•• , • , •••• , •• $84,000 * "A" frame 3 BR, 2 ba,
1354 E. OcHnfront ... .' ............ $91,!00 .eacesclter, 4 bedroom, full
dining, 2 tile showel'I
new cupet, close
to the eounb7
built home w /two unusually lar1~~.
'.?baths. Spaclotis Uvlng ro0m w/-~
Jafge dliting area. Ovenlla 1...a-P.~{,
down and Owner will carry lit T.D. al 1~·"·
NO points. Leased ID March 23rd, 198f. Pull
price -$59,500. Shown by appointment only
and alter 11 A.M.
Call: Elain Svedeen ., Day 124,500 ,
OPEN SAT & SUN 1518 Antigua Way • • • Every Day! * A ""'"" 3 BR, '""""' Wht ~ ttdt apacioua 4 loaded w/extl'tl.! •• $33,400
WESTCLIFF -ln_lpressive Mediterranean ~:;' Bath home. Open * Like new 4 BR. 3 ba fam. MESA VERDE home. CUs~m quality thruout. Spacious llv-beamed ceili ngs in living Uy rm ••· •• ....... $35,750
ing nn with beam ceiling. Formal dinlhg area. All Elee. Blt . ins. * On the \Valer, 4 BR, 3
rm. 4-Bedroom, family rm with fl,eplace Heavy duty Central vacuum baths · · · · · · • · · · · · · $45.500
and wet bar. Beautiful master suite with syatem. 18x36 heated &: ru-Caywood Rlty. 541-1290
moving ill
Feb. Priced to sell
at $34,250. Brokers prot.
2807 Europa, ~3380 FIRST TIME LISTEOI Beautiful condomin-
ium! Three bedrooms. 2~ ~ths, carpeted
throughout including kitchen and patio. Fire-
place in large living r oom,· spacious dining
area. Doubfe garage. Owner• must leave
area due to business reasons. $250/month
covers taxes and ritaintenance. View of
Ocean from second fioor. 5 minutes to Bay
& Ocean. Fll!I price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33, 7!0
wall of mirrored wardrobes & separate . tered pooJ. You 0\\'11 the 6300 w. Coa.si lUway, N.B.
dressing rm. Sauna bath heated & filtered land. OPEN THURSDAY
pool ..................... : .......... $105,000 thru SUnday 1-5 PM (Take Do You Wonder?
Call ; Evelyn Gray Sandalwood o(f Santiago to \vhich area is just right. It OPEN DAILY
OPEN SUNDAY 1347 Hamn•h. ire Circle 17'20 Candlellticld might be Halecrest in_ this
. r-PRICE only $65,CX!O neat, bright and wry clean I """'"'"'"'""'"'"'!!!!"'"'"""I
BAYCREST -Beautl!ul 4 Bedtoom con-Have 'A Heart! 3BR bir1.unny home. Ju.i Pretty Pool Hom•
temporary home, 2~ baths plus powder rm. The family will kJVe you. for freshl,y painted Wide and Newport _ $28,500
Formal dining nn, all electrfc lr:itehen. Beau· thla fabulOUI VIEW! on the out. ~only $24,950.00 0wm1ng living room with a.
titully landscaped. Plush carpeting & draped. Bluif Jk!e of Ocean Blvd. 3 F'£xible tenns. The Real complete wall of used brick
HARBOit HIGHLANDS! Moving-must sell!'
3 J>e4ro:om· &r den home on corner lot. New
rugs & drapes in living room . . . . . . ~11~
645-2000 Eves. 67...,.79
Almost 3,000 sq. ft. An immaculate home. BD:R.MS + Den. 2 Bath&. Eatattrs, 54&-2ll3, 640-nn. tittplace area, king siz.t'd
Priced ............ , .. , ... , . , . , . . . . . . $85,000 Huge Living Rm. Split level OWNER anxious, ?i.fake of· bedrooms, dining, 2 separate
Call: Von Dexter no u. or lrontage. fer. Nr Back Bay, Spacious baths, 2 fireplaces, family
OPEN SAT & SUN 1320 Santiago Dr, You own the land. $110.IXXI S BR. 1% ba:, tam rm. Quiet room, built-in appliances,,
street. Aaaume 5%% loan. Near \VcstcliU shopping.
PE~INSULA PDINTI Cozy, well built cot-
tage, furnished. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths near
Bay and Ocean. Clear property, seller will
carry first Trust Deed .............. $41,500
645-2J)OO • Eves. 673--0479
Prlce ot-r '25,000 includes plans for 2 or 3
bedroom home.
' Opon Hou11 Sol, & Sun, 1 • S P.M. '
90l 'ChHmut Pl•<•, EASTBLUPFI
5 ~m home on large lot. Many extras,
vacant and available for immediate occu-
paney. Absentee owner. . . . . . . . . • . $43,500
BAYCREST -or-Beautifully cared for,hQme,.
4 Bedrooms 3 baths; family rm, fonnal •dJn'.-
ing rm. A11 new carpeting. Rear landscaping
done with use of brick & potted plants.
Ca)!: Barbara Aune
OPEN SAT & SUN -2107 Santiago Dr.
iohn macnab
901 Dowr Dr., Suite 120
Mocco l!Mlty Co. Bldg.
lay & Beach Realty, GARA&E & ' PCqJSIYE
~!Jover Drive, Sutt1 221 , Newport ~;t"' WORKSHOP 0P9I HOUSE
Bay & Beach
Re•lty, Inc.
2407 E. Const H\\'Y., OOf. 67~ j
.Euy acce• Im boat or trail-
er. 3 BR 2 bath. bardwood
floors. VA or FHA $187 per
mo pays all.
Aff~m•, 5~~ Interest
$13.590 Totel Price
With only -10% down. This 1
year old, one bedroom town--
1*ale, boutl llttp saver kit-
chen with tMJllt·inll, large
bedroom and fl NEAR THE
BEAClf. No maintenance
larihcaptng! It nen includf.os
ER I: DRYER. Best of All!!
Total Pa.ymeotl ot $1D.1. in-
cludn TaXes &: 'Everythin&
J LarJ:e doullle garqe, tool Bnt Baycreat lnYeitment at
4 0 LOOR abed, 2'' x 25' wori<lhop $46,000. (bdrm. -lu&• !am-' '==:i~=z N Tll F streued for second atory. Uy room. 2 fittplacea, pool r I """'""and •ocl""" paUo -17 x 31 with diving boanl INCOME UNITS
Bedl'OOIUI ~~,PLUS boat 1torage area from pay. m;1 pool equipment. P.atlo NEWPORT near BeaCh with
huge pane~ caf1M!ted ed alley. THREE BE[). + aide yarda. C.d.M. High partial Ocean View 2 two
family ~· 1 1 ant ROOM, TWO BATit HOME ScbooL h this at 1749 Sky. · .•
country !tyle .tttchen with extra SP AC IO U S laik S..t. ti Sun. 1 to 5, or BR homes I-Guest Umt. Db!
w Ith BREAKFAST MASTER BEDROOM AND call fDr appt. Jean Van Der gar, $34,SOO.
NOOK, ~ patio, PRIVATE BAnt Well kept Borden.
detaohoddoubl• ..,...., Jin>pmy m N~ Helihts Canyo1 Ytew
euy ac:cea for BOAT area. F\111 pnce 0 N L Y . or TRAILER. G r 1 a 1 Sl2 500 • CAIJ.. FOR AP· Immaeulate aplit level cus-
terms for FHA. VA no POiNTMENT tom built 4 bedroom and
down. You name it! * * · * * panelled family room. Lower
, FUU Pr t co 123.500. MESA VERDE ""' dock. """'' bal'""Y· EVERY 31 MINUTES
Walker &· l ·ee \VO\V! ! County Corridor Newport
Beach mallin& add~a. Ex·
<ellenl ..,. $j2.5CJO •
7790 Harbor mvd. al Adam s
Open 'Hl 9 P.!\f..
132' trontaa:e on Beach Blvd.
in Huntington Beach. Prime
location with IOts ct room
for parking for any com-
mercial endeavor.
$92,500 • 29°/o
COATS Busi.neg prequre f o r c e 1
A owner to sacrUice his bt:au-
W~LACI tlful, recenUy decorated
, 546 4141-BATII HOME. Newty imtall-f()pe.n .__, __ , ed quality carpets all roorru:
••-....., ~pt kitchen areL Forced
...................................... 1 air heat, large kitchen, a:u ------·---
1601 Bonnie Doone,
Irvine Terrace
-POOL & VllW-
3 BR, 2 ba, 7'A, bit-in p1
.kit. aerv p:irch, dbl a:ar: par-
quet 1ln. Low )f!ue-hold, 3G
day poa. Small. BUT bu
e~rything! Ul.500. Appoint·
mcnt only. , •
')J\<,t\:r,' I~ • ! '
built-In oven and ranee.
P'enctd front and rear yard
• completely landacaped. As.
Priced at $23,500 for qUicll
" ,..ey tor , ... -•o•. 2 N le .. spacKlus units • V&caDC7 bedroom + den or a bid-ftllOrt'D
factor nil with waitu.; lilt . room. 1"-bathl, 'fl/w car-. • mt m ......... UWw
exotlJt.nt c:n.tn loct.Uon • pet. drapn, larl' fenced room w\th tlrtplat::t, all
lnoome fl 705 per mo. • OU. rtar yard wt th alley. Good bullt·ln ldtchm. hardwood
property worthy of )'OU1' con.. Jocatlon on east aide Costa floora, cornpletety catptttd
aidtrw.lioft. For addltlonal Mesa, Zoned R2. Phone own. &: draped, dble pnae. Pric-
lnfo call : er ~ '25,500. ed to aell fut!
Fee Slmpl•
Corona del Mar
flledroonu,lba ... ,bar
and card room, dlnbv rooin.
I room " bath rue•t apt.,
~uded patio • pool, l'Ol!lt
prden. 1orseous view, U&x
140Jtl83xl51 lot. Immediate
In The Coziest
Room In Town
1100 111. ft. ~ re&ort living.
3 apacioul bfldrooms, 2 tiled
balhll, 100% r .. £on carpct:ing
throuahut. Pl111 np, family
room wttb open hearth (ire+
IJlaoe. Not to mention the 18
X 36 heated an41lltettd pool
N'ame your terms.
""""' -121,llO FHA • VA
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
n 1i• 1rac1ou& 2 aUWy 4 Mas-
ter SI• 8edroomJ. 3 Datha.
Bis Family Room. $33.500
F'uU. Plb can be )'Q'ft wilt:
$3.<m Down. ,... O\"fr nlA.
W ~ loan of $211 ptr month ... eom. owr l.1000 In built
up Cllplta A drt.pn. Hu:rry
on thll one.
Walker & lee
EASTSIDE C.M. • 8-one BR
Unita, U years old and well·
kept. Good Income of $6tiO
mo. $59,500 0, ,,~ ....
Who Llk11 ChlWren?
Nearly everyone: So if your
future la tied to the kkll
conwnience, I: prote<:tlon.
here's a 3 bedroom home
on eutside Costa Mesa, only
1~ blka to Newport Height&
grade school. l.af¥t fenced
back )'U'd with alley en-
trance. Firepla~. built-ins,
cpts & drapet, 1 %. baths. For
appointment to .-
l TI.9!1 Brookhurst
.. 96U637 ~
Move in tomorrow -now va·
cant. Priced for u:nmediate
sale at $29,500 -name )'OW'
terma, Immaculate conltitton
double patio, w/w carpeli,
Iamlb' n>om, all built-inl A
quiet residential atta. CAIL
(ope eves) Heritage Real
$$ SAVE $$
Cause It's Dirty
ruu. PRICE $22.005' for a
4 BEDROO!\f, 2 B AT H
HO?.fE~ ! ! Everything yuu
need buil+.-lns., double gar-
ap, paneled living room
and come1 kit. No down to
Vets. aman aowa mA -SH
thll one. Farrow Realty, 2ll1
E. 17th. C.M. MMOl
Five ledroa1111
Betutlf'UI ~ hOme
wtth lowty pool. I bdrm
IUltable tot makt'1 room.
Excellent AnUC-W13 Jo.
Cllion. Don't m1a -thla one.
Anold .. ""d
2 1..ANO u.lesmen, best deal
ln town.
2606 Redlanda . 540.1720
Rltr -MI 2-2222 TARBELL 2955 Harbor
Open Houses
11: .. p ' Hlh HINfy cllr«tory wltti YOll tlll1 Wff••
lilMI •a y0'-1 t• hou ... hunfl,.. All tM locattoM
llat• Ma.w .,. clncrlbtid In ,,..,.,. clet•ll :J
.... 111n61111aalw.rt In......,.., DAILY PIL "/I ANT A • Patrons ahowlnt1 open houM& for
NI• # to rettt .,,. ..,.. f9 Utt auch Informa-
tion la tt.la c .. UMlll Melt ,,....,.
(2 Br. & F•mily or DenJ
2518 Via Marina, Newport Beach
Jl4Z.3219 (Sat & Sun)
(3 BedroomJ * 1601 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Ter r.) CdM
642-6472 Eves: 673-3466 (Sun Aft/noon}
2121 lliramar Dr. (Balboa Pl.) Balboa
675-4630, Eves: 642-2253 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
405 Homwood, (Newport Heights) NB
67lHIOOO (Sun 14)
1129 Pembroke Lane (Weslc!ilf) NB
644-4044 . (Sun 1-4)
1901 Glenwood (Baycrest), NB
642-5200 (Sun 1-5)
ll Br. & Family or DenJ
866 Senate, Costa Mesa
(Sat & Sun 1-5)
2043 Calvert Ave., (l\1esa Verde) CM
546-3081 (OPEN DAILY)
1206 Pe1nbroke Lane, Newport Beach
642-4251 (Sun, 1-5)
*2256 Fordham Drive, Costa fl.1esa
548-0570 (Sat & Sun)
9141 Madeline Lane, Huntington Beach
546-4141 (Sun 1-5)
1014 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB
(7141 642-6235
1374 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores)
(714) 642-6235 (Open Daily)
1147 Glen Eagles Terrace, Costa l\1esa
540-1720 (Sun 1-5)
(4 Bedroom!
* 101 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB
(714) 642-6235 (Sat & Sun)
(4 Bedroom & Family Rooml * 1642 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores). NB
646-1550 (Open Daily 10-5)
1354 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Penn.
645-2000, eves 54M966 (Open Daily 1-5)
2607 Europa, Meoa Verde, C.M.
540-3360 (Open Daily)
1706 Highland (Wer!<:Uff) NB
642-5200 . '(Sat & Sun 1-5)
1417 Mariners Dr. (Harbor Highlands! NB
642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5
1608 Elm Ave, Mesa Verde, C.M.
540-9534 !Sat & Sun)
*1749 Skylark, Baycres~ NB
646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5 •
(S s.droom)
908 Cbeatnut Place (Eastbluff) NB
642-2000 Evu: 548 6Vlle (Sal & Sun 1-5)
(3 Bedroom & 2 '9droom)
220 34th SI., Newport Buch
573-5~5 !Sat & Sun 1-5)
(2-two Bedroom & Guest Units}
209 -33rd St., NowJiort Beach
64&-24.H (Sal & Sun I~)
*'"' ** w ...... .... ........ -........ " • 645--.0 * CHILT ROBINETT DAILY PllDl' WANr ADI Rttr. 6<&.1928 or t4Ull5
li!!REALl!!!!!!!:ronl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!646-0li!!!!!"!!i I _-'!lllUNG~~REl!t)I;~!!:'."'!!!'!_ *1ACHENMYEI ------
.. -1
~ ,-'• •
' I
' , Mlot. ''°""" 14, 1969 DAILY PILOT :fl
HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi! ~SES FOil SALi!. HOUSES FO• )SALi • HOUSES FOR SALi flOUSIS Ff.!~. ISAlE l.IOVS!S FOR SAL"'t,.-,-• '-"-... -.,~s .. '-»"""fo=R=5A-L~E~-t(-.-N-l_A_L_~_.;.-----:;,--'"',~
Genlr•I 1000 Gen•r•I IUOO • O..r•I 100Pl!:j1 . •· 1000 -· D.I Mor' 1105 Niwilort BN<h . 12GO Lido Ille 1351 Fount•l'I Volley 1410 HovH~ Un,.,mjtW'
-•. BEAUTIFUL 1;;;;;;;;;.;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;; ;;;~~~~;;;;;;;; 0-rol IOOO
Pi l • n tt //) JJL "Oh. WW-A ••!ftlllful MonilllC)I" •BR.Fam, 1%Bath 2 B~u:w..Y:..o~;Ba, 2 lest lvys Be~~~D~~~,,.1;;;;===;;;;;;;;; eie V.)arre --l<.eattu Wj.en Your: ........ 11 Pl . t'ed ...... ' -·-~-.1 Xlnt Ut'L Priced Rl'"ht! 4 Bedrooms, wllh 2 batha. bath f u rRVlNE TERRACE -,I. B1t ii ua ca.rpt: ,....,y tn\aUDO....i Owner. 6f2..3219. oPEN I~ comet lot. Room tor tara~ ~.':t-~ c: ' den. -nntutlc V\etlr.
J. !); ~ U x 30 Bonua Room. For HOUSE SAT iii SUN large family and pool. OnJ.y ,.,,_, PV ~--~pt·-. beaullM condlOor. -~
NEWLY LISTED! Beauliful 3 bdrm
2 bath home with all of the extr ..
you have asked for! Separate formal
dining room, buge panelled game
room with massive stone fi,replace,
well planned kitchen with large
breakfast area All on an oversized,
beautifully landscaped lot. Priced
to se ll at $53,500.
OPEN & SPACIOUS-take Comm ..
dore to Starlight Circle, turn right
1 block & park your car in the cir·
cular drive & we'll give you the full
tour of this 3 bdrm home with some
surprising & exciting features.
1901 Glenwood Open Sunday ·1-5
• j run. FatQtly, and Games • . $:)9 500 -aood tent\I M.. . ....... UR' ...... ptt mo. •; tn a ll e $32.500 rt!A, CL 3 Bil. """" tam m,_ 1% ' _ 11'4vy ....... root. 129,900. BEACON BAY • 2 ·BR '
LLOYD BARNETT BA. ~r Marint'rt Pttk, 3 Bdnn• + Maidt Rm 1: WOODWARD dtn, or 3 BR. Commun1b
REALTOR m-5420 WestchU Plaia. Ex cond; bath•, tree &haded South pa-Real Estate btach, pier, tennis cout~~
2333 E. Coast Hwy, CdM • "-"'*/ 1 patio. 0 w n e,. . Ho, newly decorated • Im-· 8843 A'darna..:...H~~nal~ Bch \$400 P'r mo, ; , OPEN HOUSE DAILY 12-4 P.M.
1D3 -105 llndo l•le Drive, Nowport Beoch ~ 3 n1e<lilte Po&Seulon or lease/ ...u-.-... .. JohJ'1 Mcnab-Rc&11y.co.,,
3 BR &. den, pool le palio. option. I~~~~~~"""""'""'"' . &U--!l1'JS · '~
1110 LR 32!Cl6. crpts, drJ>I;, $60,SOO .. good terma LARGE Tri-level 5 BR, 2% ~~~~:::!!!:::!!!:::!!!!!'!!!~:I $liown by oppolntment ·
362' E. Coo•t Hwy., CdM 615-5930 ---------beaut. land~J)E'd & trees, Shore' Properties BA home. All b I 1-1n1, .:; * OPEN HOUSE -Lovely llOCluded. rre tide. Rcu. G73-9060 or £vet. ~7,7 carpeted, draped, Large lot Costa Mesa 3100
3 BR. 2 BA, fain nn. New ~ A completrly fenced. Ckllle ---------· I
Many bonus extras in this
nice Newport Heights home.
l bedrooms, dlni?W room,
patio for entertalnin& yoUt
guests off of kitchen and LR.
Oversized double prage.
Walk kl schoola. $C,SOO.
makes thi& unique lamily
borne yours.
--shag crpt'g; bl.Ins. Beaut 3 BR Walf'riront No. 62ll·::i·:::::z=:=::;:::C:C::I to f'ountain Vji.lley HJ&h,
1100 IMscpd v.•/ spn1klr sys; Balboa Cove11. $ 6 O' O O O. A REA( IUY , grammar school, shoppipg -;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;~I boot stor. $25,000. Owner. P-I•• t-de 10.. , & treeway. S30,000. 842-2.142
Costa Mesa
• * ~2880 '" '" '.. • acreage or Juat brltc a paint brush and
will consider oth<!r. 54.1-Tm your check book. This 3 BR Lapuna leach Take Time to aee, and )IOU'll open up ~~~77~~ BftlA. t~tal O\VNER Sale-Duplex. Near 2 bath south patio on 35'
your heart lo the dftry a, tam iri )ow ~ r:tn ~n Bay I:. Ocean. $46.SOO. 220 lot can't last at $45,500.
warmth of this 3 BR ~me. Newly' painled. ~1U . lak~ 34th St., NB. 613--U Lff Schonek
Extra pleuure includes tllt 2nd $26,500 540-4722 * BAY VIEW Fee lot sr,· REALTOR
entry, new Cllr'J>etin& a: 1up BARGAIN PRICED! x 195' wl plans. $34,900.
covered patio (or t~ lei-! Huge BR, 2 frplcs, Only Owner 548-7249, 548-al7 67).35:15
sure day11 ahead. $28,500 $3000, 8llJIUmt' 6~<'.-t. loan. N H • h 2
13 Total pymnt $190 mo. full ewport •19 ts I 10 Lido's Lovely Plazu IJUfJl_. price $24,800. Owner. Spacious 2 BR, 2 ha home,
Lel\H'/option or sale thls
4. BR 2 bath home. tm-
ml!diate po ste111l on :-
$230/mo. CALL AL BLACK
~l 151 Heritage Re •I
EAS'TSJDE 2 bdrm, beam
ceilings thNOUt. " I n )it noon, overailed e,ncloaed
ga~. profe11iona;I
'landscaped. $ 14 O, $50
JUI" S<>-1822 OCEAN VIEW moo= """'"'h -... "''
R E A L 'T Y l4ll Easl Coast Hivy. BY O\VNER; 4 BR 1% BA. Nea.rl,y 180" Ocean View by L~ REAL~ ·~500 VALENTINE VALUE -Price re-
duction. An immaculate split level
home with a great floor plan. 4
bdr1ns 3 b a th s & a hu~e family
room with fireplace, formal dining
room, garage arranged for hobby.
Our Valentine value at $58,900.
20'lS W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Corona del Mar 675-l'745 lan1ily, trplc, Choice loca-Day & sparkhflR: lights by I . • C.
• ChannU.: home on street
to s!J'fft lot -3 BR J.*
Ba, fireplace, completely
modern. secluded patio It.
garden. otean vi r w ,
$49,500. *PAY $48 ,5 00
YES -if you want a line
old Spanish home on arr
eslaie sized lot With big
trees It. OCX!an view. Scf'
for yourself! B E TH K E
REAL TY 4M-28J8 I !!!!!!6!7!5!-6000!!!!!!!! 1:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:; I lion. \Valk to achls. Owner Ni.11:ht. J BR, 2Y.t baths. frple, 3-KXI Via Lido 673-8830 I; trans. Assunle 5%~: 1'1{A. hohby rm & Lriple ga1-age.
$27,200. ~tno t.lake oUer or $-10.000. Bayfront Duplexes Income Units
4 BR., din. rm.., kltch.
wJslove, & re.fli&. trpli;.
IW/W cpls. drti\; . prqo:
$250 Month, prdener JNr.·
540-1844 . ;
~ BR, W /W, drapes, refrtg:,
stove, patio $125. 548-lOSS.
May be retired parl·timf!
-Formal dining room, warm family
room with fireplace. 4 bclrms with
a sparkling pool for your enjoyment.
Freshly decorated -a delight to
SPOTLESS 4 bdrm with a fabulous
family kitchen. huge dining room.
Owner may consider a lease option
& immediate occupancy -\Vest·
cliff area.
1706 Highland Open Sat/Sun 1.5
clean carpets, vacant, re a d y to
move in. Wonderful for large fam·
ily -near Mariners School & Park.
Arrange rooms to .suite your needs
-3, 4 or 5 bdrn1s \Vith family rm &/
or dining rm . Harbor Highlands.
1417 Mariners Dr. Open Sit/Sun 1-5
Saturday & Sundays
Newport Beach 642·S2qq
Designed & bui11 by IV AN
\f E L L S. Unequalled for
quality construction on larg·
est view lots in Newport
Beach. Plan # 30'1, ready
for occupancy, is the model
with the elegant atriwn ..•
14' beamed ceiling. translu-
cent roof, all tiled floor &:
panelled walls. Beamed ceil·
ing in Jamily room w i t h
choice of hardwood parquet
or carpets. Unique luminus
celling behind decorative
beams in the all electric
view kitchen. 4 bdrms 3 ba,
3 car gar. See this pool-or·
iented elegant home today •
tt won't last Jong!
Roy J. Ward Co.
(Baycrest Office)
' . 1
Fabulous new View Home
in beautiful Cameo Shores
3 Bedrooms, 3 baths
including spacious
master Suite
Jai-ge view !amily rm
with bar and fireplace
sunny light kitchen
sprinklered yard with pool
refrigerator, washer, dryer
and autn/garage door
included al Sll!i,000
Call Kent Kingsley
Res: 540-8812
HA .. BO"
A must to see. Tri-level, 3 BR + !amity room. 2~ baths,,
fireplace, d o u b I e patios.
bullt-ins, expe1111lw carpets
&: drapes, automatic garage
door opener & sprinklers
tront &: rear. Call now to !ltt.
cozy & WARM 4 BR " Fam, 2 ba, patio, '="' Slffi,000. 2·three BR's Handymen Specia ls
is this 2 BR, home near blk/lence, dbl gar, Hi08 I}~ d"""" Sll5,000. 3 BR I: Two BR's Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy,
Newport llelabta on &hort _ Elm Ave. OPEN SAT & ~ ..., with Fireolaces 150 yds from Beach. 4 1ge
r., traUic atreet. Good aize SUN 541}-9!534 I f. A L t y Walker Realty Apt. unUa, needs paint &
R·2 lot for fUture poU!fltial. Open House Sat/Sun Near NB Posl Ote. 1)46.24.14 3336 Via Lido &75-5200 ~ general cleanup. ro.
;19,900. 3246 New York Av~. l"'""'~""'"""""'""'""'"""l:~~~"::"~~!!!!'l'."~ j ~IAL INC 0 ME EX-
Near NB Pot;t Ole. &16-2.t14
One Dollar Down
-or nothing if you prefer.
Jmmae. 3 Br. 2 Ba. & tam i'hls One Has BY 01Voer 2 br. l ha. frplc. EDING $10,0CX> ANNUAL-
nn. By owner. 54fr1170 INDIVIDUALITY! bit-ins Playrm. £: ba. Beat LY~ Price $69,950. Lid b $44 500 ?.USSION REALTY 494-0731
College Park 1115 3b?t~.2 f'o&00N: ~ts;.!':J 0 1fTI.4) 67~ 985 So. c.oa1t. Laguna
air ht'g. Det. dbl gar 45• Lot-$47,500 STAIRWAY to Beach, ~ J BDMf. 111 Ba, College
Park J{ome, for sale by
owner. $24,'fnJ. 642-9&54
w/elec opener, alley ac· Small, neat 3 Br, 1 % Ba. plex, 2 Br ea. lov.-er newJy
CCSI. By Owner $34,500. New kit. Owner. 6Th-2643 decorated, new kitcMn.
Prill(' only. 642-6767 $70,0CX> .
Newport Beach 1200 ===''=-==== H · B 1400 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;I Balboa Coves 1215 unt1n~ton e1ch mARIOH tnlLN~
& are a qualified velcran. ARTISTIC DUO BAYFRONT \Vith boat slip, ~ ....... ~~";'!~~~~·I Real neat. large 3 & lam Small duplex 011 small lot large 4 bdrm ,2 ba. $60,tXXI
Home & , Income rm, walking distance to the with pri~ to match. Tv."O, min. dwn $200l. 529-8100 KATELLA
618 South coast Hwy.
Laguna Beach 494-4764 "MESA VERDE" g r a d e one • bedroom apta reflect
2 blocks to ocean with quiet school k the shopping center, owners dtroratlve talent. Westcliff 1230
oil well in your back yard, Full price $2.5,'lSO: Cute-easily rented-immacu-Charming & Practical REALTY
netting you $150 per month ~ S.Ci·SISO late-well located, near bay, CUstom·blt 4 Bd 3 bath&
with 27% tax deduction. All {nurcil\eniathem) ocean and ml!,ts. $3.'i,000. brkfit rm, panelled den, con· is NOW PAYING
n1ineral rights included with UEGE REALTY BURR WHITE, Realtor temporary l-slory. Fully up to
this lovely 2 BR + family ISOOAdlmsit~rbor,CM. 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. insulated & landscaped. 80 %
2 batM. plaster, hdwd tlrs, -:=c::::=:z:=:::=:~ 67S-4630 eves. 67).6069 R. c. GREER. Rl'a1ty 00 shake roof, 1600 sq ft, with Iii Jiii;iiif!iiii,lijii:: $5800 potential yearly in. RUSTIC CHARM 3355 Via Lido, Suite 205
comr, Price $39,500. Please p • d I Pl Lido Buildin:::: 673-9300
4. BR, playroom, patio,
ci~ trees on large level
ocean view lot near beach
entrance. Private party.
Box M-7M Dally Pilot
• 4. BR & FAMILY R00~1
~w main!, built-ins. oil
Temple Hills, c a r p e t s ,
drapes. $34,950. 497-1642
eall Konn;t Rw w;th F .... Th...., ""'""""'· two bath•, nee 0 ease -w .. tcliff Peestig-. -Comm"1ss1"on R alty lamily room. heated pool, 3 hd 2 ba & r lagun• Niguel 1707 row e near grammar school. Eco-7 doors fron1 lhc Ckean this . n_n. ani ~rn.. II 847 ..------"----"'=
646--4494 orS46-2'15.~ oomically priced at S27,950. tidy Duplex gllmmers with ~aluli!ully de.~~d·~: & ••Ckafoe HA~MIORR t>ELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba.: pro-
This Valentine OPEN SAT & SUN pel"!IOnality. 2 Bdnn house 641~;:A!a, ....,,...,.,, . ·ress. IMscpd. &: decorated;
may just surprise
her! Give I. 5 P .M. on the front . 3 newly panel·i~========ol •in exclusive b1onarcll Bay; ~re~ coMuntcyvc~b aAtmos-166 Se nate, C.M. led Bdrms with 2 baths on Bick Biy 12401"'""'""""'"""'""""'""'"'"' lovely ocean view: auto.
., manager.
yard and 1 bedroom dupl~
$125 mo. 548-5425, 288 Knox
St., CM I •
2 BR, gar, patio, crpt3, drps;
stove, refrg. Tropical ~t
tlre. For adults. 1 blk; to
shops. $140 mo. 544-4780 • :
3 BDRM, l 1h ba, family nn,
2 child ok. no pets, AvaD
3/L $215. mo. 646-4780
LARGE 2 Br. Crpts, garag~
fenced yrd. SU5. ~~
_Maple St .. 642-'.7658 · -Mn• Verde 3110
3 BR. 2 BA. Fam rm. atJl '
frplc. Drps, bit-ins. Gardnr
incl. $250. l!t/Jast + dtfP; * M0-5293
Newport 11 .. ch
CHOICE 2 bdrm beach •
Luxurk>us carpeling 6
drapes. l yr lse. Must aee
10 o.pprec. 5201 River St,
Apt' B, N.B. or call m.5730
TOWNHOUSE 3 br, 21,!i; bia
w/w epls, drps, lencd, pit·
tio, Elec bH·ins 2 car g~
pool .$775. 642·Tn9.
3 BR. Den, 21~ BA. Le~·
S325. Pool,, prv patio. ~
pncre 1n esa en.oe. one BURR WHITE, Realtor the rear. Owner \Viii flnRnre MEADOW HOME 1water softener & elec. gar.
story, hi& 4 J;1R.. 3 bath,. din· 2901 Ne..,port Bl·~ NB -$6,00'.I down. $17 700 ' FORECLOSURE ,doors; 1 yr. ne\v. $59.500. N t H . ht 3"10
·og -m and family -m · ., · .. u., · · • c1~c1 in __!!_PD' "9-' "' . ·-·-67' ••30 E 67' ""'9 ,,,,. __ ,, "with 6% % loan. O\vner (1) ~---__ _ surpriie, Pool size )'&I'd plus -V9L ~ PROPERTIES WEST ,, 4 BR 3 bath, b11Ut-in range 499-419S
two fireplaces, new lush av-1028 Ba""ide Drive Charmin& 2 BR older home. &. oven, lite <'Ountcr tops, CHARMING 2 bedroom &: ,. ' .. _,_ l b' •• 3 old ' H ... F rn -... _... den, 2 bath homo. W/W ocado deep shag carpeting. FREE REMT Newport Beach Frplc .. hdwood Doors, mod· woui1u ca me ... ; years , , ou u 11,_ It's ready for the most dis-1}11 675-413'.0 err. ki1chen, Large VilOOded Double garage, shake rool, carpets. ,drapes, Eastalde
cerning t>eyer. Priced at Three bedroom house plus -====!!!:!l!!J corner Jot. EZ terms, block wall feOCf!. Must have Rentals to Share 2005 Costa ~tesa.Close to shop;
$40,950.00 • 10% down. The duplex. Buy this and let ten. Ill ====":=&;::;5630:;;""=== $3000 cash. Pina: & park. Ni c e'J )'
.?' ~NTED young lady to lamlscaped yard, covered
Real Estaters -646-TI71, ants carry t load, Near Owner W'1ll Fi n ~ share beach area home ! 54&-2313. scilools. churcbc!I. shop-na Ce E•stbluff 1242 ~!lt;t1-lm&lmJilJil 675-59'.I} a.t patio, very quie
ping .. In west.side Costa l1~~---~~~~~ -~mTSj 1wlsame. ter 5 neighborhood. $195 pr. ma. Have Cash Buyer Me&a. Protltable inveitment FOUR BEDROOM . TWO ,,,...,..,..,..,..,..,..,.., .. ±J"'~k~<17•_,Y7•·~-~-~-·I Available for imm!diate oe1o·
\Vanis two homes on one lot $43 ,500. BATH apartment and two I' \\i0~1AN lo share home cupancy, Write Box 612 c/&
Easts.ideCostaMesa. BURR WHITE, Ra•ltor bedroom -one bath apart· The Bluff$ CUL DE SAC w/molher & children; DaHyPilot~~=~-2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. ment wlth unobstr.ucled view jwesbnimler _area._'"'-181_4 A ni~ 3 Br. in Oi.flhaw.;
o.f·.ooean. Close to good surf. $26 580 I TY.'O story house on quiet · looking for responalble lone -.llERNIE-..
143 Broadway 645-0181
Eves. 642-1453 646-4.179
Real Eslale Office
675-4630 E vas 642.2253 Leasehold $44,000. !II.reef. Four bedroom.~. farn-S.lboa 2300 term adult tenants. $2'1'('
BURR WH.ITE I t • ily room. Newly carpeted. ;:;.::=:;:;:_ ____ ....:;:;.: Sre after ~tatth IBt Call:
2400 SQUARE FEET of liv-• Rea tor Cl . I · .. · Ill<' Ownt'r ANXIOUS wants oil· 2 BR. Duplex. Avail til July
ing area. Massive 2 story 2901 Ne\\•port Blvd., N .B. ~OLC{' "e~ units in 28 l!I $125 ·"="~""=::,"°':It". 'o=P:M'=-==tJ
home with formal dining 67s.4630 highly drs1rable Plaze com· e"uNRORWW. IHl,;ooTE. • Raaltor . n~S-4aio -munitY • the biggest little -=====~=== Corona del Mar 3250
room. family room, double """"'""""'""'"'"""""'""I house _ 3 Bdrm, !'Ai batha, 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. ' -----------•! Ii re PI a ce. swini-a.round SSS SAVE SSS 2-sklry, move-in fresh -low-67s.4630 Eves 642-1253 Laguna Beach 2705 2 BDRM w/yard, U40. MO:.
drive & oversized lot. A l•!!!!!!!]!!""!""!!!!!J!!!"!!!!'!""'"" I A"-"·bl · -"· I Call \Vestclill custom home by est leasehold available 2 BR '"m horn•, cl,_,. •-"'""' e 1mm ....... 1ate Y· little bit or eve-..... ing foe GE AD ' ~ w Miss 0'"-' "'·t 9 • $-11,SOO. CAU. Af.u'BLACK owner. 3 BR or 2 BR & den. DON'T MISS TlflS ONE! HU OED beaeh. 494-8145 or 494-1480 Dl-,en ""ween 4
~1151 Heritage Re a I Channing Ir, dr, lrg. kit. BONUS PLAN <FAMILY ROOM ~NTALS 5 lor appt. 642-lGai. I
Estate l\lany special features. Nr. For An Addltlona.I with Swedish fireplace. Pink H U 1 1 h-• schls It stoJ"el'l. Priced below & white farm style In model ; ousea n urn I wu Balboa · 33 '
Excellent CdM location COOL POOL -TWO SI'ORY · mrkt. Fee title land. Immed. $25,250'" condition. Corner lol, carpets
Three Wl·~1..-Large 4 BR home •• huge possession. throughout. Seeing ls be-~ Broker leaving area BONUS ROOM. F u I I OPEN HOUS 4 li O-' •~ ~~
M"'tiple L'·ti-available E SUN 1· you can pick up this sqoeaky eving • ... y ...,,900 -.,.,.......,
lM2 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 ------·-· Gener•I 3000
3 Br. fireplace, good view,' ........
If -•-romfort •··a..:--w 11> .... ,..,.....,ted sunken I i v i n • "' '""4 d & FH 1 .... ""'• """' ....,., Qif n..:-1 ~ r-u-a..-nn clean split-level 2 Bdrm 0\1'11 &Mume A oan. ·
are Important to you, look ..... ..,. room, all built·ina & in ex----p I J R I this over. Convenient to 675-3581 SJl.1324 eves. cellent residential are a. A Different Housel jcv•el • Prime gl"Ct!nbcll au ones •• ty
Newport He i I h Is grade Walk to schools Ir; shopping, Se' apart & distinct from View, ideal for a awing!~ 847. 1266 Eves. 536-n24
school, and all shopping. 2 4 Bedroom-$23,750 aPri1'eed$35,1SOfoe, i_TA~~~ aall5101 other houses In best Back =tl~ ;~:Ut.la~-= 51;4 to 53/4 0/0
blks lo ne\v park. Only Rent like monthly payment! ............ ~ Bay area. Exclusive list·
S25.500; and all these "pl111" 2 bath, formal dirtlq[ room. (open evesl Heritage Real ing. 6464414 plete paint job· It sparkles. Loans
features. 3 bedrooms, 2 carpeted, sparkles like a Eatate EASTBLUFF GI or FHA
baths, fireplace, cpls. and spotless "aem". 540-1720 Nice 1 bdrm. R·2 ZONE .Dtlt• 1'n\ £st•tt REAL TY Low monthly pymnts. $165 to
drapes, double garage, con-TARBELL 2955 Herbor VACANT. IMMED. POSS. 2414 y· De O $182 total. 4. BR or 3 widen,
cr-ete drive, large fenced * $12,500 Full Price ista 1 ro 1800 to 1900 911 It. Can be
back yard on Slld30 FT. &.2 21/2 ACRES M· 1 ;3000 dn. Owner will carry llARBOR View llUls • "Viith 644.I r;lw~:.~~311 3 llS!Umed. ACT QUICK!!
LOT. There is not lo much C.M. close lo ocean. $160,000 2M TD, Drive by 185 E. a VK!w -For Sale by 0wner HAFE1JAL Riiy 842-44(X')
a\.allable in this ""rt ol ca<h. Pl--·· •&It Kemu'! Wilaoo theo --•t· • 4 be'.droom.s, fiv1ng room, y /I
easlside C.M, Hurr{.-oWN-Riggs w1tt:'F~w Realty LOCKHAR'; REALTY dining room. family room, --acanf mmed Pos. "!::!!!! J cE~R;i';"';;;4;;"';,';;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I 64GM!K or 546-2'r.l9 646-2301 6U.m67 54&.2951 S(!perate ~undry r o o m • Corona del Mar 1251) ii • BY OWNER: Mesa Verde Yard fully landscaped. Ex· 3 BR 3 batha. 1600 sq ft,
$750 DOWN 2 BR Duplfx ~~"' ',."' 3boa8 t & trailer, Pacesetter. 3 BR. & Family celll!nt Location on \Vhite Income Property frplc, bit-ins & dishwasher.
.,., ... ...,., I. R. hd\\11 Ors. 6., ..._ 1 128 Sails \\'aY.. SA8:500. Phone 2 BR llome, frplc + 1 BR Low down&: ass~me existing
We urge you lo Inspect this WICSlltg In !iv. rm I. hall. 2043·eaic:';t A~'fnJ. ' <•• _1 646--0277 for appl Furn Units, s4S.900. loan. Owner will pay aJI
VA owned. vacanl 3 BR Large 900 sq It unit& with en-20m Spruce. Back Bay .roor.:a10 cost
h'ome in Costa Mesa Iha! closed garages & in excd· Atta. By owner, $22,000, IMMACULATE: bdrms, J ~ The Bluffs Orang• Coast Property TRADEWINOS RL TY
tias been con1pletely condi-Jeni condlUon. Comer \oca. 548-7677 .t 54.8-8029 ba, crptg, trplc, dlshy,.•asher, "LINDA'' 332 Margucrlle. CdM 67~ 842-5011 or 3'12-50i2
tloned in & out. Near all lion near schools I&: sho~ 4 Bedroom 41-$21,950 all extras. $24,!KXI. FHA It 3 BR. 2 Baths., On ":1ajor INVFSTORS Special 2 nice THIS IS IT
11Chools, lar&e lot renced. ping. Owner asking Huge family room, eleeant VA acceptable. &16-MO.l green belt. Crpt d, drp d -bles on. dbl k»t . s. of hwy.
Full prl~ only $17,$0 • $24,000 fin!place. larl:e covered pa-3 BR. lam rm, 26' LR, htd Many extra.I. Shown by ·~ $58 (OJ Owner 673-4lG9 · Shake roo[ beauty, large cor-
pymnbi $157/mo. tio in 1enerous alzed yard, pool. 2256 Fi:Jrdham Dr., pointment. ' ner lot. carpels, drapes, pro.
boat accesa. 540-1720 Open HOU!lf'. * 548-0570 Owner * 644-1798_ Bilbo• Penlnsuli 1300 fesalonally landllCllped. huge
l '\1 1 ·\\\llll
-<IH'l ll l ' " -----home only $24,750 • GI or
Qualllylng Vets can move
in immroiately,
Great location In Hunting-
1ton Beach on Hamilton Avr.
betv.-een Brookhurst and
Bushard -close to tM
Quality 3 &: 4. bedrooms,
2 l 3 bath&, all one story
homes. From $32,400. Month-
ly payments from ;lSB.21
includlflK P&.l, taxes & in-
lf you are a qualified Vet
you ca n move in without
one penny down • • , nol
even closing COl!ts.
Walker A Ltt, Sales Agents
Open 10 'til duak c:auy
BA YFRONT with boat slip.
large 4 bdrm, 2 ba, bit-ins.
S42S ~io. S2S-8100 "
Huntington BNch 3
Drop in and Br.owH :
Sharp 4 bedroom, 2 Baths.
Big yard ror the kids. M~
ern Built ins. Ownen ~
ferred but not too far, hi!
says rent or sell Sl85 pc(
Walker & Lee.
768'1 Edinger
842-4455 or 54{)..514.0
Open Daily til 8: 30
NE\V 4 BR. 2 Ba.,
dishwasher, 1rove: db I :
pr.; drapes. c: a r pet e d ;
Lease S250 Mo., water pd.;
3'12-5'193 :
3 BR. Small fned yd. $14&
yrly. ........ 3 Child, o.:
• ,... R I \1 L l '1> PERRON
lllll Baker, C.M.
.. .. ....... :~, .. !~A~R~B~E~L~L~2'~l~5~H~·~·~bo~e~u~AIL~Y~P~I~wr~~W~ANT~~AD~S~! ~~~CllA~~R~G~E~IT!g;;. ::1:~~~~~ffir~1 covered paUo. A real nice MINI• CUTE FHA lonn• .
Doll 11ou., 0, ,.";"'"1a Paul Jone• RHlty )HERWOOD ESTATB
point; thrff btdrooma, one 847-1266 Eves. 847-8919
J'lr. Beach Blv A Slater
17654 van Buftn 841-
l:=m~==m~I * 642.1n1 Anytl.m• *
Brand Spanking New
Just completed -& just a
!\hart drive (for Palmer) to
?o.lesa Verde'11 17th! Fabll-
lous 2-level CU1lon1 home
oow oUertd by builder al
i.:..criticr. 4 + fam rm, wet
bar etc. flurry now!
(Mii ci'llmltflltbt)
1207 DOMll•I Ploce
4 Bk I It bath, lug< lamll>·
la Jtalecrest. Vaea.nt. $26,(D)
&.lG-5460 E"°". M5-.'i142
ltUGE 2 story home with
tmi, room, fonn&! dUilic
room. 2400 1qU&r. feel It.. lne &reL if BR. l BA.
h'd~ S4CKXl 11' S11,500.
Owner-A1I. 6*-~
Newport Spanish
1,..and8C8ped, 2'l39 "IQ. ~I.
home on lge con¥r )ot,
4 bdnn, fAmtly rm, elec.
kitchen. custom stel'eo l
\'llCUUnl system throui;houl
home. Crpu, drps complete,
near all llChool.8. $56.0XI
Owfll!r. 549-0507
Huge Rumpn
4 DR hOme. 1\4. baths. hard.
wood noors, double prqe.
w .. i..Mceonlle, Rltrl.
UtO Nf'Wport Blvd., CM.
543-m9 t EWs. 644-06M
aiwl a hall balho. fireptooe. VA d b lh SEA L.aguno Beach 3705
Igo dblo • ., ... ,. N•ac ciw> no own y e GORGFXJUS view; m""l "'"' nel and publk: beach. A
Jl'wel. Askltia $40,250. or al!.Sume FHA 5~~ loan. i ::;==~zzz:=::I this Y.'ffk; 3 Br. 2 Ba.
Open Sit & Sun 1-S 3 BR. 18xl3 separate lamlly I' Owner-s Attention I lla.s 11lH $.1Z Alo. 646-2&98
'2121 M lram•r Dr. room, hdwd tloor.1, cpl!i/ Do you have rental unlit?
BURR WHIT E, Re•ltor dri,., IM'wl)' palnied hl8lde le w .. havt' good 1enanls h'om
2901. 'Newport B\vd .. N.B. 0019~~ REALTY prevlout years and ~ .. Nl."\V 4 BR 2 BA, tam nn.:
675-4630 Eves 642·22S3 S4T.3531 Eves. 9611-f1'78 SU}.1MER ~ Wll\'TFJl • and cpt, drps, pvt beach, 1 ml •
SPARKLING' BR, llre:plac:e,
Glen Mar home. FHA or GI
no down. Olive by;
9092 Gettysburg
ANNUAL rentala for them. golf club. $250. 495--&1
RellM! call our rent•! depl -.~ rt I AL$
and let us Cit1t m the RED Apta. Furnished
CARPET trtatmtnt • YoU de-1--''--"---..;...c..::...._
11erve t~ beat~ O.ner1t 4000 ~
RED CARPET Rily , Rental J>e.pt. 673-3663 HOLJOA Y PLAZA
'Jn?< W B&lboa Blvd B DELUXE, SJ>{lCloua l·Bdrm. ~ .,.... ' ., N. • Furn. apt. SJ35 Plus util. :
LUXURIOUS 3 Br. 2 a. 2 Br. I: dtn $1tiCI Plus uUl. •
borne. Fam rm, bid pool. HeaNttd ~~~Die p&rld11& ; child~ 9JlY a f ea , o ~-NQ pills •
Ca-6 POOi ""'""· tl6$ -CM 0Ga;g ' $310. lit Fountain Valley. $185: 2 BR .. 1~ bo.. W/W,
962-49l3 dn.Pf!I!. 3 >'"-olCI. Avail.
WATOf JOW' fV 1botr1 Oll l-"""-..·o;:-=-=-=-=-,_.,~~1 the Id )'IMJ find la tbt M.50: 2 RR. ~ If:
Oudfted Ads. Olf'Ct lht~ Uttlltits pa.kt. Pncd. yd1
Broker~ -'---""'" --------~ -
...... Unfundohod
°"'"'"' ----RIAL ISTATI
-II ~~~F=um=h=•·=·~~ Allh-Unfunlhllod A,tlo. Univ<,.,.,_ II -Coob -5100 lfst Bluff 5242 Slnto Arfo 56211 --Rentol -AaoMeo
Presti t •••'I Yl.1\Y clan 2 BR. 2 BL A'M'ClllllEYl-6 _, ,_ 'UNT aa-Fumlturo
: " $25 Mo.tit
!':'91.L OPrlON "ro BUY .~AYOllable>
1 :J,.. No ~ o.a.c. , H.,.lt.C. l , ,Fvrnlhft a-t1111
I 'w.191b.:c.M. ~ I ·IMl w. i-.. ... n"2800
1 ~-4100
.. "$25 Wk. Up
• Studio • Bach 1Pta.
I e Incl Udla 1-Phone serv.
e Maki Serrioe • TV avail.
• • New Cafe A Bar I .... N,,..,.,,n Blvd. 548-9735
1 GrKious Adult Llvlnt
A 2 BR., w/w cpt&, drapes,
Ii E. -C.M. 6U3474
··SR. $95. incl. util. Man
i erib'. lte.ferences. Open 2
, Plil· SUn. 213: EX 6-CJ005.
; .. aio Meadow Lark Lane, otf
•J.115 Santa Ana. C.M.
I BR.. Ntw furn, cpta, drpa.
' , Beam ceil, bit-ins, pool.
.wu,lts. $150. 2'172 Mapl(' St.
""""" NEW l Br.. lovely turn. AU
el.ec. Quiet. Clo.<!ed gar.
Adults $l!JO. .2220 Elden
.. un.91 01 Cardtn ........... -· "*"'· 3 --OUT pool. Nb aru.. Ml-~ blU.. I restrool'lll. at· Fer leue. dd1m1 18Sll IQ', U. ~ Good location CM.
• BR.. 211 ""· Apt. ~... S. Ano Holghts 5630 54H1l1
drapes. carpet&, wet baf, . •• I
priv. belconl<t: dbl. -· IUO MONTH: 2 Br., oow4' e( • OCI Island and
AWAY!!! BACllELOfromR .$U1NFllRNOO • oU ldtdl. DllbwUher, dbl. de""'""'' <Pl>. ,,,. .... °""'" "' ...... mo .. 111'.
O\'Ulr. pool. ConvtNtot to pr.1 Child OK. 6&-h JUtr, 6'2.«ilm.1 FROM
Al.SO AVAILABLE !lhop'c., achool. A ftC:Na.1=='~552~~0~RCHARD~~~=,l~;;::=;::;:;-:=:;;;;:I Hea~ ~=Caro ~Ly $325 MONTH L1fUn1 Blach 5705 Office bntol 6070 :~.
C..l<r, MJ, ID Sboppinc -135 AMIGOS WAY lOO CLIFF DRJVE LA_GUNA l~CH lroffi•
No .... -Nowport Illich LUXURY IVRN/UNFllRN Air Condltleriod nolso 1:', ~~ W~tM1:: Mgr. Apt. 9 YcarlY !Aw. 1 a 2 Btlr1M. oes'f:' :ai;:··.~:,s tn TO:
5t6-Q370 •te,s to ~ " Sbl:ipl newett offit"• bulldtn1 ·~ clun, dry •It Coron• '•I MM 52.SQ Cknnvtew t:rom every APL prime loc:aUon In downtown • · t
MOVING FEB. 21th iiiiiiiiii~~-~~,:~&om=~WO:'~mo~"~P~-lea:,.:::,! Laguna Bcat'h, ~ii condl-j.k•t': • quie 2 Bdrn::d;~'=e SUD. ..,: . 4M-2«9 ~~~ c=~:1n!'•~.1~~ fi":tlnt
Waltr 1 ~paid n,. c:\t -.., Dant Point 5740 aitranct•: Fnmtqe on swimmlnt
!Sn Ora1l(f Ave., Apt. B ("/~ 2 BR. ~ta, ~t-lns, ~~Y~~ =• ~ OTHER REWARDS : e 636-4120 • ON TEN A~ Pl"8&f', pnvatr pabo. No per month for tp1ce. Desk w .. kend rflrNt
2 BEDROOM, bu l·l t • I o 1 &: 2 BR. ruro A UMlrn ~n.. .~ ~ 33911 and chairs anlh.b!e tor ss. Land lnvntment
kitchen, w/w c • r Pet•• Frplca I .Prt / Patloa t ..,..., ... Ul". ~ BusiMQ boon: ~ Nut & 11prlc.ot 9rowint
draptS, pri\l!\te patio, Pool&.Temait~OGDt'l&-KEAL ESTATE aervice availUlle tor no. Flthr11lslnt1
::· orJ~ mto pe~= tst. I bole Pdtt/Green. GtrMrll All utllltiu paid except Alfalfa 9rowlng
900 SH. Lane, O:IM. 644-:mt Rt I ttlepl".ane. Parct1 of lend
Bkr. 642-!li65 tMacArthur nr. Cot.st Hwyl nta 1 Wanted 5990 DAILY Pll..Or 1111 your own
2 BR. Bllrul, new 1 y . · 222 FORES!' A vmuE Ow I k . decorated. Closed tar + C WANTED 400 sq ft m vie LAGUNA BEACH n your own I t
parking. 'll>I mo. Adults Ofoliclo Apts. of Dovor & C....t Hwy, IM l"-"GG
only. ~19 2 BR. Wlfum. Penthouses-storage Ii model stiop. Must -L&nd is sening • pc<iplc are
street levelwtUdiot. All clec. have_ power, water, iood * Modern Offices incttasinr1Y becoming aware DELUXE 2 Bdrm. a.pt, II ht & t I I the I tial . Silver adults over 50. $130. Near kitch, diahwa1hers;, 90me 6.~ ·inst \l'a er proo · Single or aWtes. Air cond-0 po en Jn
mrkt 263-265 Uillt PL See frplcs, w/w carp. lt drapes. ~~Lll'i. itioning, parking, secretarial Valley, 1S mi east ol Bar-
Mif'. 2 car carport. Pool. $170 10 WA~T dbl. garage or service. central location. stowW, CalHUY. WAIT?
$200, Children O.K. 613-3318 sui.able apace tor clean mn-C. Robert Nattress Realtor
u:sr • Rabllll, male I")' -°"" ponta, ~. lnuk. wh• 'bod)'. ?tteta
Vtt6t: ahtt.. Sad b o y ,
LOST, ~ lJ•b'h Sc!ttl"r, 9
mo Wd. Vic .sotaa Chica
" Warner. H.8. H.ewanl! can ~lJ af\tr 6 2P~lolla-k ·~ from 9ot block Park Av~. Lquna B e • c h. -LOST. Male A.la1k1n
htalmu~. pup. Flea collar
I bit mut(. Irvine area. IM-2735 .
LOST female park ldameae
chlld's pet. ~·ard. Call
CREY IE Wht m-Huaky
"Kim" Vrt'1 ud little Pi.
reward! 540-l701, ~
LOST; 7 mm. old apricot
Af&han. km&.le; vie. o.ta
Mea. Reward. &42-89
LOST miniature brown JIOI>"
die, temale, chlldrl:n'• pet.
Reward! 5tl;O]l7 eves.
Personal• 6405
\VANTED on' consia:nment.
Ladies A clrls apparel:
fonnal8. cocktails, casuals,
hall, bap, 81Klf!fl, CQlltume
jewelry. Ubela pcefetted.
Call 10 am to 5: 30 · pm,
* * * * *
""" Whaddyo Wont? Whaddyo Gott
Spoclal bto
5 Li--5 litMl -5 buci<o
1-Wlltl ~ lltft i. 1t1Ge, J-WIMll .,.., ""''"' In !rid&. >-YOU• ..._ .ntl ot 8Cldrl$a. -.S llnn '11 lllwtlitlllt-
~·NOl'HING FOlil IA.LE-fltADEI Offl.YI PHONE 642-5671
To Place Your Trader's Par1disa Ad
' TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2\~ ba,
Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio.
pool. close to bay, Val.
$32,000, low dn, or T.D ..
Car or '!' Owner &f&.6654
GE Electric Oothes ~Dry
er, like new thru-ou.t Pink.
Will trade tor Gu Oothcs
Dryer in like condition. call
Laiuna Beach 4 bdnn home
&: near by 10 at'J'C orange
irove. Want horse ranch or
apts. BKR 494-1330
HA VE: 6 two BR units, S
iarages. I yrs okl. Room lor
more. $55,000 full price.
WANT : Duplex or submit.
Bob Di.on Rltr, ~
Coldspot Refrircrator like
new, Gas Ranze w/&:rill
chalra, OllneR Oriental
Rug, t'O!fee tbl, trade for
diamond or ! 548-5425
HAVE: Improved C-2 Joi
C.t.1. Valu<' $30,000 clear.
\\ANT: lndu.<;trlal bldg, this
area. Will assume.
• Nuaau Palmll •
·,· l &: 2 BR.· Pool
1T7E.7h!St. ~
$1254CLEAN furn 1 BR cot·
tqi!, Bacli/onl), no pet&,
lrd utils. 548-U§22
3 BR. 1% ba. Children 410'l E. Coaat Hwy, CdM Oamrnable starq:e 9"-6161 230 E. 17th Street
welcome. $150. Mgr. 862 W. CHANNEL •--• 1 .,.. ,__ 10 AM to 6 PM C.OSta Mesa 642-1485 Ctnter Apt J; 10 AM • nee• ~· -=
• PM $600 mo. 2 B•", ' .... EMPLOYED Wy -1 ExKutlve
Get In before the real Tue! thru. Sat. 544-9311,
push -make moneytl 1_m_-12n-:-===..---CALL OWNER LICENSED
22' Century In~ .. has all
extras, C.G. app, equlp. + S/S RT. Sold new $7500.
Wint.er price $4295. Tracie
for smaller boat. S.f6.9872
Dania Realty Co. 642-6560
BA \'FRONT J: dock; 2 88.1·
boa Coves, NB; eq. $52.000.
Trade for T.D.'s or ? ! ? or
lease I option. Courte.5}' lo
brokers. 615-4331 =:;;--;;--=-=--,-,-I Waterfront, boat slip. H, BR ~.~beach area. Offi NEW 2 BR., bltna, incl. Rogers ~ to sno ......... .,..... or prqe Ce 847-6640 eves alter 6 PP..f Spiritual· Readioa:s, advice Have b'tt l clear property
to exchange for ?.fobile
Home Park.
dishwasher; sep. fncd. patio -. ntt. 642-0086 aftl5 p.m. approx '700 aq. ft. 1n
• gange. $155. 2312 Santo Balboa 5300 • LANDLORDS e ""' BWJdl<w by Onuve Rosort P-rty 6205 Ana Ave., CM. 64J..Q57 .n.. .. -ty ••-~ A·-"·ble ·-~ NICELY fumLsbed 1 BR apt.
prage &., paol, Water pd.
2344 Elden A Vf!.
$135. Furrlilhed 1 BR lo1.~1cr,
fresh paint. Par~ area.
Westside C.M. 67"..-5729
Newport Blach 4200
FREE RENTAL SERVICE ............ ~,....n. .. ....
3 BR 1~ baths. f150/mo. GRACIOUS Adult Uving. Broker 534-6982 ifnmcdialely, $325 mo.
Wells-McCard1t Realtors Ocean Ii Bay view. Spacious 675-4l30 Bkr.
543--77'2JJ '2 BR. 2 BA., walk in Rooms for ·Rent 5995 MF:DICAL • Professional
2 BR., pool, No pets. New cl0&e ts: beautiful carpels_ I: ;;;; With privale enll'ance' SUite.~ ~or least'. Custom
carp.: $125 mo. 642-8(99 draperies. Pool . Boal K11ps &., BA to mid d 1 e _a e d tt~OOehng avail. 13'I82
313 E. l'lth Pl., C.P.1. for tenants. SUb1crra:ican 1 ed .. ~·' Main SI Hwit Beach
parking. 613-3003 ~~~P~~;o person. ""3 mo ti~213) 4~ LIKE NEW 2 St., new cpta., .,...,.....,.,...,
drps, blt-lns; C8l'Jl0rt; no H ti gt -h .,.,.,.. EMPLOYED t.:Jen: MP.. en-NEWPORr. CIVIC CENTER
10 + ACRES. Choice PK
site or Investment on Fry
No. n off ramp. Riverside
Co. S3950 per Acre. Easy
Terms ot trade. ~.
FOR RENT Furn Mammoth
f-1 o u n t a J n Condominium
sleeps II. 675-4130
2 BR. Frpl. VERY NICE! pets. Adults. ~769 ;;;;u;;n;;n;;°":;;;;;:;;;;-;;;;;I Jtry~: ~qw~··~t:il~SO~&~l55~:M:-: OUlces suitable for Corn-=~inl.U:u1:C·x~ ;i1t NEAR oo.;. Lar&e 2 Br. (or weekly) 548-6986 mcrcial. Medical, Dental. Mount. & Desert 6210
about Feb. 25 'til June lS. 2 BA. Bltns, apta.: drpe. EXCLUSIVE HOME privileges, phone in AiN.uld.~tsfl~levator
Reuonabl•. 613-2123 $155 ... mo. 5!0-0336 ON• THE-BEACH room, ompl">'d lad Y 541-Stl32 OR 615-246< '"'"'°· .-:8::p:ol-::,.,:;o.lh,.-fit1re=p;:lace=,· l3 BDRM unfum for rent. preletred. C.all 646-1393 CJ5$ Inc. util. Garage. Adult 2 children ok, crpts, drpl. 2 & 3 hcfroom Apts. OFFICE on Coast Hwy,
.male only, 548-2394 after bit-ins. 545-0262. No pets! Luxury livl~ to plea.st !he Guest Homes 5991 across from Balboa 8a,y
'll\ost dlscrimlnatlni· ~O\" • Club. Approx 270 sq. ft. ti ·p.m. 2 BR, grdn apt. fpl, cpts, available at PRIVATE ROOM with "!V w I t'&binets !:: 2 entraoces.
FUN Cabin Ir 21' acres on
main road, $395. down. $35.
monthly, Bl'ecknott Realty,
on all matters. li8 S. ll
CamlDo Real, San Ot:mente.
492-9136.10 AM·lO PM
SPECIAL $2 READING Agent 646-2629 or
l • 213 • 4.34-5959 DON'T let anolhtt lonely 1-----~-~~
-wttkend go by! Succeed in P.1,J. • Buidl: '62 in Stude.
dalina without really trying. PoY.'er~. Clean. }~or,
Laguna Bch "94-4fJ9 VW • Sand Buggy . \\'alk in
e BUGGY OWNERS • van or Roadster or 7 11582
lnttrested in fonning family Newport Avt, S.A. 544-8591
d\111(' buggy club!' Call
l Am m longer rcsponalble
fDr any debts other than
my own. Michael Kirk
LADIES Arc you lonely, new
in area! We have yoUr kind
of excitement. Call li3&-036l
ALCOHOl.J~ A.nonymou8
Tool box with tools A-1 cond,
valued approx $300. Trade
for small economical ll'ans-
890 Governor St., C.~f.
10 acres S m1 trom new In-
ternational Airport in Palm-
dale, sell for $5000. per
acre, or trade for anything"
of equal value. 846.2019
33' Chris Exp, '55 Twim
New survey Al-Dbl Plank
t.lAH, OF, SIS outrig. dock
etc-. Trd R.E. Eqty, motor
home. ! 644-2374
2 Fan Palm1, appr. 16 & 20'
Boxed-()col. &: planted. Trad<!
for boat, tools, rugs, stereo
:ir ! Palms & Delivery $500
val. Kl S.0120 art 6.
Marantz 7 &: compotl('nls
Cinest stereo ouWt. Cost
11700 4 yrs ago. Want color
~nsole TV, 4 track tape rec
Jr '!'. 499-1331
l Br. 2 Ba., view + cub.
For N.B. to 50 rtf.
64&2229, 548-5527 Bkr.
DARLING Channel fronl apt, ~Ti~. !i;;ts. ri:·~ lhe Hunt1'ngf.•n ror ambulatory lady or Call days. 540-34n
1 ceuple only/otber ftQtals. :• gl"nll('n1an. Good food, home S~IALL Offict sultabh! con.
: Abbey Realty. 642-3840 BACHELOR'S retreal. 1 BR, like atn1osphcre, large yard salesman. Ulil, air cond.
den. patio, space. privacy. • , ~ ,t, patio. Licensed horn('. furn includt!d. $10 mo 19028
5 A NR Hemet. Xlnt view.
2800 ' el. \Vtr, game. $6,000
$60 dn. 633-mo ~10 /.m. agt.
~xch~~·~~~ .. ~~
Pbon• 542-7:!'.IT ot WTito ID * * * * * *
P.O. Box 1223 Cos1a l\le!la. ~!!fl!!!!!!!!!!!!![!!l'!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!!ll,!~~~~~~~~
SUD-$1.2""1. 548-8693 PiClflt Avail now. 548-522:1 Brookhur1t St 11.8. :.OI0-2.l29 TRADE your vacant for good 4250 ;.;;...===-'---·····---C1rpent1rlng 6590 Gardenin9 ____ 66_BO
AC H E L 0 R, Completely
jrivate, hot plate &. refri&.
AL mo. Util pd. 675-28111
•BDRM bacbe1or apt. with
fafllgaator. $1S.. 'Mo•
· IG-fi021 er aft I. stS-0301
e J)ecorator furnished , ahac
:arpct:ing', sell cleaning OV· ... . e $li0-$225 11.2 BR. 2 BA. ' e Lfve the California tile as
ft should be lived at
Brookhunt-N. of Adams
ITI4) 962·2981
UPPER 2 Br., elcc.bltns, Private room , reasonable SMALL oUiC't' on busy cor· payiflI: commett., indust. or ASTROLCX;Y Cass, rca:istra· --· cl---• g"" Adu!'• 20 apt. properties lion open until Feb l81h, <all ~--'6·• u.cu -.. ... DAYS FREE. ner Costa Mesa. $56/month
No pets. $125. 646-422f 711 ~ ~48J'1·8 548-3T:i2 utili~ included. 642-0560 Sullivan, Azf. 540-4429 675-2l40 CARPENTRY
2 BR, grdn apt fpl. cpa. uo.. Rontals 5999 R. E. Wanted 6240 F....,..h 6412 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job
-· bltns. -· pool. ~ Industrial Rontol +o90 I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Too --" ~b· t · Adil>."" pet>. $1'5. ~ PREVIEW SHOWING! . . PRIVATE,..,.,. will poy up I' -~ ""' m pr-
• SPANlllll ._.....,.. SINGLE prqe with c1ecbit" FOR ·iease Lquna Ni&Uel. to ~. •-G.T .... F.H.A. WESTMINSTER ases a Gt her cabinets. BACH'EJl>R apt, uttl pd,... oi ~i.ol:-4 -•-•·nt ~ mo ,... ......., ...,. .., .... 545-81.,,.; U DO &DS\\ler I.eave unfurn. $00. Furn. F.ubl:idt. e Shi& carped~. trl! dean-... <C6" • .,... -• "" oC San Difeo Fwy at Clown :Equity fOt" 3 bdrm + hose ,...,
SIM<ll u., .,.n. will wm1< out -'"' Valley, new <0mmen:la! & fantily nn.·-. MEMORIAL PARK =....::, ~-H. O.
• $1~ l I 2 BR. 2 BA ::: space. lD1S W. Bay in?ustria.1 uttltf. Delta Elec· I=='======= Mertulry & C01Mt•ry
•Live the California life u · 67J.4.t)3 tric. Da.ys • 831·1400· Eves • Reil Eltllte Loans 6340 Complete funer1lt
it should be lived al CAR.AGE. Single stall, cen· 499-4198. from $245
traJ East 19th St. lo('ation. 3<W SQ ft warehouse It. office PRIVATE Party will pa,y up ( te I tt
Nowport lloach S200
Jin1 Wood 546-5990 Equity for 3 bdnn + hUie f rom $150
CARPENTER. master lst
cl.ass Reas. Fret est. can
Big John 838-3217, 842·4065
·~ B/B The CAUfORHIAN Avail immecl. $18/mo. Call + 6000 sq ft paved & renced to snio. for G.I. Jor F.H.A. •me ry 0
TOWNHOUSE yard. 1855 Laguna CanYon Includes Endowment Cue
.. """ Rd. (7141 494-8066 or (7141 , ~lam=l7.ly~nn=·~63&---"°',-·---E ·-•" I QUALITY Repairs -Altera. Available March 1st Brookhurst-N. of Adam!! lnconi• Property -5'10-7680 . i BUSINESS and v"",,...;ni In one beautifu tions -New cons!. by bour
3 bedrooms 2 baths (TI4) 962-298l -·-~==---= place means less cost. or Contract 64.6-34'12 Carpets, drapes, built·ins * EXCHANGE NO\V ~ASING · New M-1 FINANCIAL No traliie problems.
Fireplace, 3 car carport WATERFRONT \VI'"' ,,., •. HAVE: 13 newer units $12,000 Industrial 1150 sq _ft · B O'rtu ---.,-. -6-3-00-14801 Beat"b, Westmim..t-r f.tAST'ER t'arpe.nter, S4 per ._,,,_ $265/ ...., • $15.5/mo Agent 642-1485 UI, ppo n1 I.. hour. Remodeling· Re""irs. Ba~·•& B mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo. in J-lun-equity, \VANT: land vat'anl · j :53!1!·!112!5!!!!~!!!!!!"~"3-!!"2!42l~ I 6"12-6409 or 536-3900 ..-y· each tington Marina. Extra Jge. R-3 Orange County. N'Pl' Bch P.l·l warehou!es ELECI'RICAL Contracting
R I I deck, garage&. carport. No * 16 Units e $175,000 Gl,000 sq. It. for cor; Buaineu tor sale. C·lO State C ta ty, nc, i:~ts. $3511 Mo. on lse. {2131 Annual gross S24,600. Near tractors. Reas. &12-2809 Lit'. \VIII R.M.E. Lie to M.mori1I P1rk1 6421 tment, Concrete 6600 901 Dover Dr., NB SUite 221. 645-2fXX) Eves. 548--6966 592-5918 Eves. Euclid & Ball, Anaheim. right peoplt-. 540-4673 alt
Want Privacy? Ntw l · * 8 Un its, e Sn.~. Lots 6100 6.
H O'N E Y M 0 0 N haven; ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN $8.000 down. 30 " retw;i. \Vill $1 ,000 00\VN on small level \VANTED : Otr-8ale liquor
dellgtitful duplex; smart $132 mo ($147 f'urn) garqc exchange. Cail Mr. Kraul('r Ckeanview lot La I: u n a Uttnse for Orange County
carpeting: view wit h 2(t" • 14th. 53&-1319 673.1184 or Mr. Ft>rguson. lnvesln\l'n1 Beach. Bala~ $ 4 , 9 5 0 , Call: 642-31.:l!t
fireplace, garage, adu115 on-DELUJ..-E studio, 2 BR, 2 [)('pt. payable $50 mo. including
2 CHOICE en tom bm c n t
space!I at Harbor Rest
llotemorial Park, CM. l..arge
discount by private ~
{2131 255-7900
Walka, pool decks, Doors,
Patloa.. Pt.one 642-8.Jl.4
e CONCRETE work, all
types. PooJ decks & custom.
<ill 543-1324
ly. SZ'L. call 548-2394 after BA, balcony, patio, hlt·\ns, 546 2313 inlei-esL Q\\ner. { 714 I Investment Oppor. 6310
· 2 bedroom Apt..1 ~'.;•~·m~. ~~----2 W~ to ocear •. Adults. • I 49'1-l210 PARTNER W 1 n t e d to
.mature or older people, $80 3 BR. l~J blk to ocean, 2 S150. 1401 Olive, H.B. or -cL"'o"1"vE"R"°"l-AR=CH=°"BA""Y-p1.rllclpate in highly pro-
Air Tr1n.1portation ~
NEED ride Wilson ·I:
* CONCRETE Y;ork. Bonded
&: Licensed. Concrete sa1,ing
Phillips Cement. 548-6380
CEr.tENT work, no job too
small, ftUOnable. Free
estim. H. Stufiick. 548-8615
Per month. Water pd .. m Ba, b 11 ·i ns, dishwasher, 2 B.DRM, crpla, drps, blt·ini 646-7171 L<lllt(' level ocean vie\v lot (itabi(' real estate projet"t.
pl& m children. 816 Main crpu. Adults, no pe~. $225 No pets. I child ok. Bolsa Tl('ar bcat'h e n t r a n c e . Realty project is ready to
St.. RB .. Apt. 2 or 5J&..6347 Yearly. 642-2752 Chica &. &linger. From $3.'"i,000. Private party. Box commen('e &: fin an c in I
ltliNTAL~ LEASE, Yrly.; oceanfront $145. 213: GE 1-8796 OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 l\f-704 Daily Pilot already obtained at 6.5%
,Apb. Unfurnished unfurn. Contact: Jones Rlty, l BR Townhouse. pools, t"lu b LAGUNA Beach, l con-for 1\ years. Profit on cub
ask for Anita Stine ho"•" 1 d uo· ti"'"'Ult vie\v Jots 30 x ss·. Invested will yield double I 5000 ""• W·W Cp S, fllS, pa , ..,.¥-
,. 673--4i210 Days All applianCf'!'. · S 120 . Near Ashton & Alexander. minimum within one year.
Falrvie\V fro1n Bay Sl. Cl\1.
P/up 1 pm-return 9 pm,
approx. Share exp. 642-4188
L!flal Notices 6450 ecuSTO:r..t PATIOS•
concrete sa\\•ing 8.: removal
State Li<'. e 842·1010
AL'S Gardening Servi t' e
Lav.'n maintenance, garden-
ing &: clean ups. 646-3629
JAPANFSE Gardtncr, com·
plete yard sen1ao, tree
estimates. 54~1332
Japanese Gardtner 1 Exper, compl yard service.
Free estimate. 548-7958
CLEAN-UP Specialillt! Mow·
ing, edging ,odd jobs, light
moving, Reas! 548-6955
YARD C l ea1Jup . Tree
service, ne"· I a \V ,.. s ,
sprinklers, rttlot!ll. 646-51148
General Strvicn
\Vindow Cleaning. Compl
janitorial scrvic<'. &mn,
res.Kl.en or coratru. Ftee
estimate 54.11-!1737
GET II replaced, ttpair'ed
or installed. Call Scott's
Home Serv1t'C t. Repair
968-2463 anytime.
HEATING I · Air Cond. Serv
&. repair, also \Vasher &.
dJjrer repair. 24 hr serv.
842-7237 or 847..Q681
HAULING. Cleanup garages,
odG jobs etc. Free est. Jim
548-5325, anytime
Clean out Garage/Yard
Light l{auling
• 540-4348 •
• J'OR SALE OR LEASE UPPER Duplex, 2 Br. $160; 54~1019 $5,000 ea. Brkr 644.2907 Need $50,0CJ0..$100,000 cash
l I Adu!" •· G<irn.<pt,Oi<!.'il _:=:=:~~=~=='.I now! Qualified principals
I WllJ.. not be responslble
for any debts other than
my own. A. H. Sine .
Child Caro 661 O Hauling 0730
.. · Chon-·' Rfff :Jr. ease. • no pe..... QUIET 1 bdrn1 apt, older SALTON SEA Lot. $2,500 -•--b •t uI 4 4 1 only! Box M 703 Daily Pilot
P -~---A t .x.:: Y PPP o Y· person or couple. Retired • • reduced $1,000 for quick ' · enmuuM P s. Miss White 772-9150 Ca h ~7591 per mo. to i:eliable par-. or sem_i·rct~re<I, util. furn . 4 ni t't' 2 BR apts sale. Need s .
( tis 0 n I y, Chet Sallsb\U'y 2 BR. 2 Ba., t'pls. dfllS. 914 Cal1fom1a, H.B. 4 the prier. of aft 4.
a.Itor. 673.QIOO bltru; adul1s only. $165 2 BR, I BA, crpl.s, Urps, I good hom<' and BY Owner, view lOt. Redhill
LeaSt', up. 673-2370 v.·kcnds 1 blk ocean. Sl.3& nlO. ram O\"rr 100.00 ""r nio. Rid&;e. Tuslin. $21,000. Aft 1 BDRM., rclrii., ~.2 Ano=. ,,.. 3 544-44.ll .,,,.._ Utilities paid. IS YOUK AD IN CLASSl· .,.. ......,.. Build equity fut and get pm.
BrokeT 534-69111 FIED'!' Someone .. 1n be 2 BR 2 baths. bulll·ins, \vlw lo~ of help on tax form
lnokin&" for it. Dlal 642-5671 drps, frc~hly pa In led #1040 . a terrific investment 1,R;;;•;";;';;;h;;°';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6;;15;-0 fl M9lll .5100 for quick, dficieat results. SUS/mo. r.1gt. 536-4488 in the best location. priced !•
I i BDRM, sun-deck, car~. DIAL dittci: 642-5671. char&e PLACE ywr w1t111 ad when> at 46,000.00 owner will trade. SAN TIMOTEO
1 :bilts'de. adul~. S"ll.'i. your ad, then sit back and 1:1:.ey an \ooklni: -DAILY The R('al Es1at<'rs ~n7l RANCH . * 540-4431 * listen to the phone rln&:I PIIDI' clusitled &t!-..'1673 ~>10.2313. 1;.._,,,.;~~;;;..;.,_==L:~===============;::;;;~=l-;1;-,;Nii1rci'E-:MW'oli5ii1i'Li'E,--u.o Ar re ranch. Buildin::s &
Gentr1I 4000Gen•ral ____ .4000 __ o._n_••_•_l _____ •_ooo_ 1 HOME PARKS, C.M. cquipm<'nt '\'orth approxi·
• . ..
0 lfii'):=l lfTTltS TO I L I I · I I I I
' ·-"'"---·-·""'"
1•.'ith nit't' owner's Uvq qlW'-n1ately Sll8,(0) wilh inven.
ters in each. Give Mom &: tory furnished. Some st're-
Pop !IOme incentive t: let age under Irrigation. Has
them manage + haw excel· l\'aler rights, v.·cll & pre!Sutt
Jent net spendable, too. system, Paved road front·
We.Uy McCoy Realty &g<'. Near Redlands in Riv·
~u.&487 Eves. ~ e1'Sklr ColUlty. Jo"'ull price
$360,000. Jo'or further in~or-
1n:itio11, pie~ call Glenn
Thonipsnn with Bu1in111 Property 6050
Eckhoff & Assoc .• Inc.
1818 \\'. 01apn1an Avt'.
Ontnge, Calif.
aJ\.2621 . EV('!·Wkn(b ri:l."-6117
RISE OFFICE SITE -==~~~~~ Outshu\lling 12;>x200' conl!'r 1-;...
6200 plua allty ntar the hctJ1 of Acr1191
Orana;t Cowicy·i Civic Cent· --"-. ------
er & financial district, Creal S8 ~\\ N, $3 ~ month,
CXJ>OIUl"t & lraffi(' flow. $7% fu.1.1 price, buys 10
s:2flC 000 AC'rtS In SO. Calif. L.
· Slte\\'lt>ll. 326 W. 3rd St.,
6ix2'1J' commcrc&al lol, \V. L.A. 1113) ti2.J..SI02
11th SI., booming acHvity I: 2 ae prirn" Nappa vic\v area
traffic .............. $49,j()Q nr t11.·11/1:Qlf c:ou~. \\'rite
Small ofJice buildlnr or stltt
17111 Sl, air cond .. crt•t trlf·
flt " parltifV, Only SJS.000.
SUID.llT TERMS It TltAf'lf..:S
1704 N, Roa! 7J4/M7"'i69
11 Your Ad ln uur ct1a:afftt'd11
SomfOfle will be looklni for
it. Dial 60.s6'11 ,.
0"11<'1", 20\.21 Muina Ln HB.
RNI ••tat• Lo•ns 6340
Call for deta.ill on today's
rates for 1st Ii 2nd TOs.
Servin&' Oranre County for
18 yeai'h. •
· SatU~r htortiage Co. lflC'.
336 E. 17th SI.
&1?·2171 54:'>--0011
Eves. 673-7865 &12·1157
Mortgogos, T.D.'t -~~
HAVE $60,000
Private m one y investor
want8 lo bey ll!uoned 1st
& 2nd TDa.-Reuonable dis-
Sattler r.tortga.irc Co. Inc.
336 E. 17th St.
6.f2.21n 5~5-0611
Eves. 673. '1865 &U-1157
Found lfrff .Adtl 6400
GIRL'S &hv..'inn Bibo, found
near Bushard I Banninc.
Huntington Btadl. Please """""· ,..__ FOUND; Fairview S tile
llospll&I, min. white male
Poodle 6: tnwn P.I I x •
Pon'ltfl.nian. 545-9331
FOUND: Man's wt.tch. vie.
HunUnrton Savillp • Loan
on Bristol., Costa Mea. Call
I identify, 545-4543
YOUNG blk female puppy
• oomer of Mira V mSe IE
Country Club. ~71
TAN CAT with whlte spots
vie. Newland AV<'. H.B.
FOUND Chlhu1hua doc' on
f.1dl'!n Ave. Pl~uc id('nti(y.
In my home. Near Maa-nolla
and Edinger St., \Vestmins-
ter. Fenced yard, hot meals
included. Call anytime.
CHILO CaJ'I", 5 days '"·eek.
hot lunch: vie. of Beach
& Heil, H.B. 847-1469,
LICENSED day t'IU~. Pref
"'kly 24 yrs. Hot lunches,
balanced at"livities. 546-1539
BABYSJTI'ING my horn;,
day1 or nites. \V. Newport, .....,.,,
LOVE to care for girl 2
to 4 yrs old. Near Fairvit'w
& Fair Or. 545--0&lG
e BABYSrrrING, my home
on Flov.'1lr, Costa Mesa.
Rel111ble, 548·7801
Infant care my home
Expcr Mothcl(. !">19--0126
Irick, Maaonry, etc.
6560 -------BUILD, Re:model, Repair
Brick, block, c on c rete ,
crpntey, no job too amall.
UcCootr. -•
llutl-So.vie• 6562
EXPER.T Typtna i Dictation
Exec IBM equip Sl./pg, dbl
IP or $5/hr PU-del 1vail
Hn g..s. wkend by sppl.
507 Ave Larro. N.B. 6+t-2641
C:.rp!nt1ri"t 6590
CA.BlNE:I'S. An:/ 1du job,
25 yn. exper. ~:r4.H713
Carpen11')'. aey tlze job!
Call Conk>r> 847-61'.fj
COSY' A Mesa pre-school.
Ages 2 thru 6. Open 6: 45
lo 5: 45 PM Planr.cd pro-
gram. 548-9803
Cl-IILD Care my hon1e. Days
& nites. N.B. area. Lrg
hsc ""/fncd )TdS. 548-8873
Contractor$ 6620
[)('si&ning & Planning
KltchentrBaths, etc.
100% Financing-Free t'St.
Lk'd a: Bonded
1122 'Paularino, C.P.1.
* 56-<941 *
Additions * Remodelina
Fred H. Gerwick, Lie.
673-$)Cl • 549-2110
C•rpM·Clffning 6625
Upholslery Cleaning. Top
qu11.lily, giuu·entf'ed results.
Allen's t.1aintenanct'
6-1&40&J (If C\"I'~ &12·J:'l26
CARPET ' Fum. cleanlna;;
for 1 day setvlcc & ~ty
wm1t, t'all Sterline for
hrirhinem! 6.fHSal
~i?9~ ___ 66IO_
Gonion S.rvl ..
Prune ... Plant ... Prepare
Monthly Mainlenanct
Exp. Horticulturist
world~ their Wa¥ thru col·
l~&t'· EXP'D. RE AS !
Qi.I & Edge Lawn
(I Maltllenant't'. Lk:tnsed
S43-m16'-\.1110,an -t
\'ARD. gar. cleanup Remove
lr{'('S, ivy, trash. stumps,
grade. lreuch. cxcavatC'.
Hauling-Garage: Cleanups
Trim Hedges, Trees. Reas.
BIG JOHN · 642-4030
LITE Hau.tin;: t. clee.nup,
Reu:mable. My area.
6735 Housacltaning
CARPETS, 'vindows, fin,
elt'. Residen. or Comc'L
Xlnl work Reas! Refa.
*" APT. Cl..EANING "*
F:ut & thuroup 64Ul.64
\VllJ..JAJ\IS Cleanlng Serv.
Discount Cleaning Service
Apts • Carpets • Uphol.ltcy
• Fut Service !139-1456 •
Income Tix 6740
H. K CI a r-k Acttg Scrv.
Income tax. penon&I or
business, your home or ofc.
20 )'ti exp, \or. ftrm.
642-6183 or 645-07.f:J eves
BE A Satisfied Oient with
Ha.ma; Tu Sn'\llce. 9th yr.
locally. Avail. U mos. 3U7
Roosevelt Way , CM.
"Mack" ~2911
e 1llE TAX ADVl9:>1\S
Year round ol'c. 3:18 No •
Nwpt 81\'d, N.B. Rt!u!
Call. 6'>-0400 tar •ppt.
Your 111 o m e • Rcuonab&e.
Etta. Norman 1'1aa1 -* m1 YEAR *"
eve/wkend by appt. s.G.&820
PmSONALIZEO, <' x p " r I
Tu t!n'. Year rourwf Gfr.,
tt;U. 646-3712
I ~
-. ' ,,,,,.,j no,,..; t•, 1W.•
DAllY I'll.OT ;-i§.
I-t u 674Q Job Woftfod, Lody 7020 Holp Wonlod, -7200 ==-'-· ...... ~. __ ....;.
Walter JL •h!ftnhoh r .A.
li5 Broad\IO&,Y,,.Colta MCA. 60Gl<ot-M
INCOME TM,. S'e'l'•ice,
Notary P\iblk.' 'Reuonable.
Eves onfy. 5&.-li«t'
' lN<Xl¥r.TAX SERVI«& ' ' 'Nl!ral and Sta~ '
J. c. Ptnney Co.
FWlloO lalancl
Newport Be&.:b
IN ur1nce Group
'Tm.ED 01'~ A LONG
Holp WtnlM Holp WonlM w-, 7400 w-n -=:.:--~1;;;===;;;1 1'tl't~l~~E Pix GPERATOR or
ColfM shop. Expor~
once In foOd service
JH1 Men, Worn. 7~
J. c. ......., OJ.
Fuhloil "land zi ....... ·Boa6
I tu: QPOninc for
* COOK *
SAL i AND • ;:::;,;a
Fumlhwo 111111
20 'fc "Madrid."
3 Room · Grat1p
646-'lCDI dqor ntgbt
INOOME T..xe1 prepared
your borne, Jeng fonn com.
btned, $15. '94-J4l2
Gordon N. Worron, PA
18th year. ~ppt. 675-3345
SERV. Home.quick accurate.
-$19. Complete! I 96&..3403
Hotel/Rest. Exp. Fin. Stmta.
Qtrly taxes: ~2794
NURSE, Private duty. Dayg
only. Drive. Excellent Ref.
Call eves, 92)...6064
* BUFF,ERS * Recent, succes&fUl exper-
kra In all phuet pre·
!erred, CompelaUve Wig·
es, outatandina: benefits
illcluding profit lharlnc.
G<nenJ, OYONll plAlil
p-perienoe r@Qulrtd. m.
........ buildlnc and ....
chine maintenance. ~
pany benefits and a good
future for the right pe,..
Urllprd lb.lllll'Ult'e Croup ii
now ht.tflv tnWJen or ~r-.
ltnced pcnoonel fQr poautor. necu11ry. C11ll fo,. ·~ • fur our MW dtvt.'loii omces pqlntment betwNn 10
opeNna-approx. 4115/'&9 1n ,am -11 :31 am o'r 2 Pf'no-
Huntinaton Beach, Jwit ott 4 p.m. only. Warren
tlieo San Diego Fwy, ~ Dentz. 644-1700
poslUuna will requlr\!: "· short
training period or 2 months
in our Los A~le1 office,
before the move, Mileage
wl.Q be paicl during lh1$
Security Pacific
ffitlonal ·Bank
Recent•succeuful' experience
ln all phaseil ot fOQd indua-
try 11 required. Competatlw
wages, outstanding benefits
including profit 1bartnc.
From Model Home.
fncludn: ' Quilted l!Qfa '
thalr, 2 end tab!N,
aable, 2 tamps, dreuer,
ror, headboan:I, quilt~ ~
llpl'J(I A maltr. 5 Pc
Domestic Help 7035 Mon -Fri 10 am to 5 pm
L1ftdoc1pl1111 6110
COMMERCIAL lr; residendal
Gardening le l..andicapina:,
Joe Corral 98Z-4'1&4
Pointing 61SO
Inte rior P1intin9
Apt.s. or houses by job or
room. Low oU se8.80ll rates. .... , ...
0..,.. Allen Bylapd """""' Employer Pays Fee
106-B E. 16th, SA 547-0395
Chinese live-ins. Q}eerful
PeimanenL Experienced
Far East Agency ~
$661 to $809 per mo.
__ P_AP_ER __ H_A_N_G_IN_G __ , AGE : 21-ll up to 35 with ap-
proved experience. HEIGHT: PAINTING 5.8" minimum. WEIGlIT: in
67S-3G43 proµortion to height. PHYS. e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE ICAL REQUIREMENTS:
J. C. PEllllEY CO.
24 Fashion l1l1nd
An equal opportunity
Prefer some eXperie~ tn
manufacturing 1acilities, op.
crate fork·lift, drives com·
pany truck. Good benefits
and working conditioDS.
App ly to
Per sonnel Office
U. S. Divers
3323 W. Wamer
Santa Ana
An equal opportunity
lmm•ll•te Openings fn
the following are1s,
Experienced or tra1nee In
fire &/or cuwtlty statisti·
cal coding. Math aptitude ...,,.,....,,,
Type .. 40 to 50 accurately.
Some experience or aptitude
with figures helpful. Light
cW1tomer contact.
Nowport BHch
PART time housewive1 have
YtlU ever aivt.n a jewelry
brunch at COOkware part)!!
Ever thoudit you'd like to?
Make more money 1howing
)'OW' friends the Tri·Dermal
Beauty Plan that works
with one demonstration.
Comrni&sions &: incentives
paid, Plus learn this fll!W
beauty ritual and get a
l o v e I I e r complexion
yourself. Contact P.O. Box
567 Sunset Beach, Calif.
.Positions available in area.
196 E. 17th SI.
Cost• Me ..
An Equal Oppnly EmpJoy.r.
bperienced in finished
wash and line. Layout ·and
pasteup kriowledge helpful .
Apply in person
10 A.M. to 5 P .M.
:&lQnday thnJ. Friday
• •
J. C. PEllllEY CO.
24 Fo1'11on l1l1nd
An equal opportunity
Payq A Re<:clvJne T.iter
with desire to learn other
-of banking, -ienoe~. '
Pleue apply In per&Ofl
252l Eutbluff Dr ...
Newport Beach
FULL Hmr " ,,...t time 642-4321 or 540-1220 SECURITY PACIFIC
cosmetologist or sa·to n Ext. 270 NATIONAL BANK
room table .t:. .( fli • Bae
Comporo 1~$749.95 -~
Complete fTOUP ·' '
$399 '• .:,
Poy only $1' por -
21 Pc .;~~~
''Barc.elowa'' ... : ,·
Ki119 Size .:. _:
3 Roam G .... ;
Old World Eiot•nW;"-
·1nc1w1 .. , Qullt"'! -~·-!Ii'' 11 Joveseat with J)llfow O! '
JOB. Xlnt work. rtfs, tree High school graduate, valid
est. JIM. 642-4ti69, 646-3749 Calif. operators license, U.S.
PAINTING, inter. exterior citizen. File applic.ation at
State lie. • bonded. Froe City Hall, 8200 Westminster
make-ttp beau Ii c i an , ==~~,_ ____ 1 RATING Pennanent posil.ion pro-CLERK Equal Opportunity Employer
Experienced or trainee. Ral· moting n e w Tri • Dennal 0 far
2 m&UIVe lamp ta~~
fee table, 2-4.21' lamp1. <.UC.
aize muter beHroom ..
quilted mattr 4 box ..-ii
Jari:e dresser, mirror,
atands, headboard. 6 ~.JI
swivel chair dlrieUe set.:.:'
Comporo at $1299.95.. ·
Complete group ·,
estimates. 642-0238 Ave., Westminster, C&lif.; An equal opµortunity
~ our policle1 requires a Beauty Plan that workl OPPOR11JNITY pei'ators
good math aptitude & plea. with one demonstration. • Drill Presses $699 : : ·~
Poy only $28 por !'l~ Paper ho.nigng, 45 years before February 28th, 1969, Night shi!l work. Apply
Industrial Clay Products
18765 Fiber Glass Rd.
sant phone per90nalif)'. You will be involved in • Deburrlng
traintJlg and organizing new • General Assembly WELK'S -~l experience. Call Fred! P·~n_ol) s:s:MSll ext :m
•548-4903• 1485 Dale Way, Costa Me!18
Excellent free benefits. personnel 4: selling the pro-Top pharmacy needs • Maintenance
Permanent, s t e 8 d y ducts. Base salary against clerk in comnetlcs • een. Apply between 8-4 Huntington Bee.ch, CaW. VET'S Bonded Pain 11 n g. """""""""""""""""" Free est. lie, ins. Small ---------k 0 li . comm. Send resume to Box mdse. Will train ,. Must ARMAUTE wor . ur po cy IS 567 Sunset Beach, Cal . be perm. Neatness, &
promotion from with-....................... _ manners and iince:rit)' 111 E. 16th St.
____ ,J,
furniture< 'I
MART _·· ~·1~
jobs welcome. 642-0127
HOUSE Painting. Quality at
a lair price! Free est. Call
Rick, 64>-2'175
Harbor area Insurance Agen.
c~y is looking for men to be-
come members of it& 'finan..
cial services tcan1, We are
looking for sales oriented
people, college background
preferred. No "'1Cpcrience
necessary. We will train.
This is a salaried sales posi-
tion wilh an opportunity for
unlimited future earnings,
All replies confidential Call
or write Thomas Doyle &
Assoc. 1500 Adams, Costa
Mesa or 546.7370.
RETIRED man as pa.rt time
Manager & Host in !he
friendliest & mosl deluxe
self service laundry in So.
CaliL Baker & Fairview,
C.M. Must be sober, depen-
dable, in good health & ac-
custonicd to mttling !he
public. Short hours, not
physically demanding. Work
Wed noon thru Sat. Modest
salary. See John or Betty
Briscoe at the ,;tore, or call
644-1307 alter 5
tn. Your future Is de-WAIJRESSES w;th people Unport. Lo-Costa Mell termined. entirely by eated Lklo-Bulld~ area.
Join todays fastest growing
profession-Mutual Fund sales
No experience necessary.
We train • full or part time
Mutu1I Fund Advisors,
You. New modem of-All replies confidential. All Shilt• *DRIVERS*
Na Experience
PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs
in Harbor area. Lie & bond-
ed. Reta furn. 642--2356
Pl•stering, Rep.air 6180
• PAT'S Plastering. /ill
types. F'rTe estimate. caJI
~l..:n;:.g ____ 6_B90_
No job too small
• 642-3128 •
PLUMBING 24 • hr serv.
Work quar, lie, lns, remod,
repaii-, rooter serv. 531-7566
Remodel., Repair, 6940
REMODELING ·ir Additions
ResidentiaJ Ir. Commerc.
Free plans 4: esL
American Conttruction Co.
532-5949 can day or night Li~ 'Bonded
IF You need ~modeling,
painting or repairs, Ca.II
Dick. 642-1'197
Npt B. 1603 WestcliU 64U4.22
S.A. lZl2 N. Broadwa)'
. Camper &
Motor Home
of assembly & prod'uctions.
Must have the experience &
own tools. See "Rick'" at
2135 Canyon Drive, Costa
Mesa, or call 642-97511
Part Time Dishwasher
Evening work. Call after 2
p .m. 646-4929 or apply in
445 N. Nowport Blvd.
Orange County
Aerospace Manufacturer
Has opening for a ta.ke-
eharge type Individual In
their shippi.ng·and receiving
department. MlWt have r&
eent experience. Send
resume Ii n d aalaiy re-
quirement& to Box M-616
The Dally Pilot,
Test Technician
To perform final test on
complex el~tronic equip.
mt:nl. Must be familiar with
operation of all types of
el~tronic test equipment
and be able to devise suit.
able test arrangements and
write test proceedure.
Call 646-9611
!ice, friendly, pleasant
For Details and App't.
Call Collect
1213) 384-1213
Apply in person
Tues tbru f'ri
2241 W. Coo1t Hwy.
NeWport Be•ch
* PART-tiME* Newport Beach
69so -.-c-'-'AB=INc.._ET-'M""A""KERS-1
Roofing DAV
SERVICE Station Attendant
Mechanical koow-how. Full-
tirrie. Salary commensurate
with experience. Apply only
if you are resPotisible. bon-
dable, personable. Excellent
·opportunity for b r i g h I
Juture. Contact 1-tUITay.
Safeway "66''. Bayside Dr.
& Marine Ave. NB. 673-9918
Need someone to assist in
my business, 2 hrs per day,
5 days wk. $6.5 per wk. For
oo leak too small! with experience ln mobile
*968-2362* homes, campers & motor
personal interview call Mrs.
Agencies, Women 7300 Miller, 54f.6252 between 2 . .. 1-=========0 I homes. Must have own tools.
S.wtn9 6960 See ''Rick" at 2135 Canyon ''°'•"-"""''-"-mald--ng--Al-t-,-,.-tio-,,.-I :_~Carta Mesa or call
Special on He~
e KEYPUNCH e l ·A~ITRA==cr=1=v~E-wo_m_an-...,.10
OPERATORS train all figure oounselor,
Experienced Alpba I Nwn. must have slim figure, like
Long term assignments, to work with public. 4 hour
days, Long Beach area. Free day, S.154 month apply 430
parking. Pacific Coast Hwy, Newport
KELLY SERVICES INC. _Be_ao_h_. "'---""'----
* 646-6446 * GOOD AtAN OVER 40 for l-~-C,..:""-"'-=-s~a"4"'s-I short t r i p s surrounding Alteri tions--642· Beach Cities area. Man we
.Neat accurate, 20 yrs. exp. \\ant is worth up to $16,500
TILE, Cer1mfc 6974
* Verne, the Tile Man *
Cust. work. lMtail Ii: repairs.
No job 10o small. Plaster
patch. Leaking S b 0 W e I'
..,,.... 847-1$7/846--0206
Upholstory 6990
Upholstery, European
Craftsman s b Ip, 100%
Financing. Furn. boats &
auto's. 642-1454. 1831
Newport Blvd., C.M.
, ... -= ... ,_
642-5&78 .
1555 W, Ad•ms
Coste Met• in year, plus new car as 1 _________ _
bonus. Ainnail N.H. Sears. FIBER"-' Ar PLUG
230 E. 3rd Street * WAITRE..'\SES * SNACK
Long Beach, Calif. BAR HELP *
""'" Amerloan Lubrloants VUU (213) 43U791 Over 21 . Apply in person,
Equal opportunity em;>loyer 1701 Golf Course Dr. O:wlta Co., Box 76, Dayton, Ohio
•5401 & MOLD BUILDERS e FRY COOK e newport .
Mesa, See Mr. Geo,
Coffee Shop. Day shift 7 to 3
p.m., 6 day week. Med. ins.
aft JO days, $26. shift to
slart. Must be fast, neat and
able to control cost. Call
with experience in boalt and
can. Must have own tools.
See "Rick" at 2135 Canyon
Drive, Costa Mesa or call
OPERATORS. Experienced.
Apply: JAY MAR, JNC.
2907 S. Oak, Santa Ana 8
to 3 PM.
893-5815, lO am to 2 pm only, PR 0 FESS I 0 NA L Sale
Profession•f Serv ice
for the employer
and the applic•nt
833 Dover Or., N.8 .
Good typist, varied duties.
Real estate experience de-
sirable. 642-3430
Career • Searching for man • INSTRUCTORS -Full to leam our business and
or/and part time. Neat ap-handle sales executlvr posi-
pearance. Murt be able to tion. Training Income pro.
meet and deal with the vided. College, sales or
public, good figure. Apply busineM exp, Ma r r i e d . In person. Holiday Hea1tb 542-5623
642-3870 549-2743
See Betty Bruce at
540-6695 5JO.l407
Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., I ..:c:....=;..·..:Ex:.;;;l..:321=·---mi66 Gxec
Agency !ot Career Girls
(10 w: O>e.st Hwy., N. B.
~ 962-3730
Learn &: earn Sl!j0-S250 pet
"-eek plus. No experience
n e c e s s a r y, Professklna.I
training in prestige work. No
door knocking, our custo-
mers call us. For appt. can
9:30 to 12, 526-fi616
Two Men needed for
Janitorial Dept.
Prefer under 45.
Night Shift 6 PM-2: 30 AM
Contact (;tone Laney, Mi
330 W. Bay, Costa Mesa
By appoint 646-3939
LJV&IN c~ for man bed-
pa.Uent. Wife workt. Private
room. CM area. Days
~ eves &IG-3047
G'i\i::s."1 have an idea! Small
Help W1nted housecleaning b,u a i n• s s.
men capable ot cleaning of·
fice building & bank In their
leisure hours. Write name,
and phone number lo Box I~-------
M-608 Dally Pilol
Women 7400 Lei's gel our heads s~c;XJ>. s!c. ~~~·~ .. --------f .,.:""'~·~' .. ='='=w. __ .,=1_,~....,.-
comm. Vac. w/ptcy aft Isl PART TIME MANAGER • Small dreu
yr. Ray's Philllpa 66, 890 shop. Over 35. Xlnt dress
s. Coast Blvd, Laguna Bch e COMMERCIAL e sales e>.11. 526-6736 eves.
CIVIL .1: Mechank:al Design TELLER RE' .IABLE Babysitter need-
~n lor o r a n g e ed by working mother: Bal
Olunty '"' San '™"'""° UNITED CALIFORNIA hi. ""'L Call &ft 5. m-5636
area. Min. 2 yrs experience. BANK MANlaJRlSf, good oppor-
Salary open. Phone 776-9'T70 tunlty In new talon CdM.
FUlL &. part time help 4()25 McArthur Blvd, Call alt 3, 833-0350.
wanted. Top wages, chabce Newport Beach GIRL FRIDAY, gen ornce
EXPERIENCED for advancement. ""ork. Local Tl/ store.
No Phone Calls METRO CAR WASJI 54()..4424 675-1455
SURF &.SIRLOIN 2950 Harb::Jr Blvd CM. HOUSEKEI-:PER g, child
5930 Pacific Cout 1-lwy., N.B. • AU1U TRU.fMER • Equal opportunity cmployrr c care, LIVE-IN. r.~ BC. Car Wash Help Experience-'°""""· $50. • wttk. 54<>-921!......:::::::,
Full time or Wk•nds. OcGuelle & Sons, HunUngton ADMINISTRNl'IYf $1.ti JIR, lilc ('I l'" n in g
·Reach. 5J6..656I SEC"ETARY 1 •-•-2 H·" ,_ .. M;o .., 18, •Pp\y In "'""" ll Bay ronl u u . ~ ~·
LIOO CAR WASH BUS boy/Dlsh"•asher t o \~:k. Own trans. ~733J ~ E. 17th C'oei!a Mcu work daytime. ~ ?.tr. $536. to $631. , CLERK TYPIST w/MJrM. Sch.ierhold, Mr, Steak. 2267 Requittments: U.S. c\Uzen-
PERM. PART TIME CDOK, Fairvn Rd. Colta Mesa. &hip, five yean aeci-etartal bookkeeping lnlnior or ex-
Exp'd. only, ron-«moker. --•-~ txperieoce, twu }'t'ara col· peT. m-«i62 or 673-6WO Previow1 institutional ........,. RETAIL Nllf'«'I')' ~u-'--_ .. _ _.._ __ .. 90 WPm -MAIDS W"~ .__,..,.,.but not 545-~ Perm. Gd ..ming conds. ""•""' ....... ~ 'vr-,...,£< ... ,.._ c·=-·=-·-::::;=; ... =·=-"' Holllltrr Ntftt!1')', 2&IO Har-q ~wpm. Apply at: 2l'.l1 Newport'"''B!Ya ., ..__ta EXP • WettminJter Meu. Apply 1n Penon.
N bor Blvd., C.M. ~ School DI I I SET-UP & LEADMA EXPERIENCID 0 NL y : sir c WAITRES.Y:S
for pLutkl moldtrw shop Surfboard lamlnatori, and lUZl CEDARWOOD Apply in Pmiori
Coll 546-3320 bt"11 I ....S pm &u:fboanl ,.io.-. Apply WESTMINSTER >133 w. OU Hwy. NB
FULL TIME St!t'Vlce Station 1916 Placentla, C.M. * SECREI'ARY * BABVSl'fttR ne:e:aed S AM
marl with mtclwlicl\I abW.. PAPA JOE'S :::N::;E::,EOS~~.· leompetent 1n typlnc .. ~ to :i PM ; F'ountaln Valley
t,y. Appl. 1697 Pi.ttntia aAND. Must be 21. App. ReQuln' responslbll! penon area. 5.lh'U.10 ·EW:a.
C.t.t. l'l84 Newport Blvd. C.M. with Initiative. Off t. r s WANTED UVll 1n bab19\t1er.
FUU. time man ~ed. Sec Rueben. aleady. secu~ employment Useit housc.-cltanltc.
S I with ftt.Sl•STflWln& m!g. t."'On-536-1018 Mtsa Ul\lon I • t o n • AUTO body/repairman & ccm. ~«>
Ftairvie" A: Newport. C;M, l!Afldtt, each should have ~.:;:,;.;:.-"''---~-BEAUTl:CIAN', 1ocaf j Ir l
OLDER Man wtio el'ljoys 1 yr"'~· 835-t867 Telephone rec.pl*' pretemod. m w. 19th SL,
talking to people to aell TIRE atANGER. Full Co. work $1 .'5 hr. Full time C.M. &tWMl.
"'"" ....... -berdlll, pd §F: """'· " port time. Coll 'l!'' M•nlcurl•i w.,,10d ~PIWl'WANT ADS! W6, N...,,.n 't"'' CM. Kot1hl1 J40,2A34, Beauty 8llOn. 60-!SlO
Apply in person
Denny's Restaurant
18477 S..ch Blvd.
Huntington Beach
Write details to: The
Daily Pilot. Box P-617
Must have clean Cal.itomla
driving record. Apply Slenographer-$450 YELLow cAB co.
186 E. 16th SL
600 W, 41h SI. ...M.:
Santa Ana 5'\,7
lloun: Daily 9 lo 0 : )
Sat 9-6 & sun 11.f ~· !1
General office dutiet Jor me-Costa Mesa SPANISH FU RN I T UJI.'
dlum size Corona del :Mar In-FULL time sales manager: R .E T URN E D 11, R·O
No Phone Calls Please suranoe office. Pleasant sur-Hire, train and set up MODEL HOMES. SAVIN
J'OWldinp, PaidJringe bene-dlatrlbution for skin care TO 80%. Spanish qutl
flts. 371h · hour week. No cosmetics. An excellent pro-sofa Ii: love seat, 3 oak · •
shorthand required, but iood duct with a dynamic sales mom tables, 2 living ·nx>·
typing a neceulty, E?Jcellent organization behind it Corn· lamps Ii: Spanish p8.1n11n
potentlAl !or ai:lvancement mission. Send resume to ~ Prealdente k In Ii: ... ,
Age range 30-50. Call Mrs. P.O. Box 567 Sunset Beach, bedroom suite, oak trlfll "'~--1 ~ ~o dresser I: mlnw, ..fliri
IJU\;IWU:: I ............ ,CaJ ·=;';.:'·~~--~--·~"""lei Secretary to Dept head. -I headboard, 2 oo
f\t ust be sharp, type 60. Rea Estate Siles kingsiz.e mattreM & ·.b;
shorthand 100 minimum 3 * RECENT dental grad or Men & Women fiprillgs, 2 boodolr lam
years exper, 'Advancement exper. 11.tust be outgo!zw Ir. Expa.ndi~ again. Office # 6 piece Spaniib ·
opportunities, group insur-use own initiative. -t operungs available for iron dining set •Onl,J
ance plan &: pa.id vacation, hnsed men & ~n. ~ UJ. down Ii: $4.50
sick leave etc. Box p 657 * DE N TAL ~ptionlst stant income I: trainiJV. Mr Ell separately'........F.asy Cftdi
Daily Pilot. (girl Friday). uper. Ll&ht Gardner. Sprtnr Realty, HAMILTON ~
bookkeeping, phone work, 546-4824 · · • 5948 Westminster A ••• RN• LYN 1yp1ng • eood publk reta-SEVEN NATIONS W..tmimter • ........,.:Giii
3to114: n t.o 7 SMta tions. COIFFURES 10 a.rn. to 9 p.m:, !atl
New Convalescent hospital 645.1060 We'rt looking for hain:tylists 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., •Sun'
to open 2nd week in Feb-W/Collowtng. Top· working c12::.!P:::·m::·;.;'°::.o'::.•::·m:::·----,l
ruary. SOUTH LAGUNA cond. 6().65 &: 70% Comm. .
APPLY IN PERSON For lntervJew 642--0844 'llORE CAS 393 Hospital Rd., N.B. Attractive~ weU g r oomed or 968-4622, \" . ~.,
(Across ~m Hoag Hosp.) lady lor office &: sOme re-p=ff~O~NE'-=-'-1::rom:__ho_m_e.-1~--PAID FOR ;1
tECREl'ARY -O f fice cept:lonlst duties In Pacific a night' 5 days a.' week lo ft1rn1"turA:~"~.' Manager far Oil & Gas Co. Island Village, ~guna Nlg-people who have received ~
Good lihorthatd & dictation u~l.. ~fer e:xpen~nced but pre-approached material.
skills required. top salary. will train, For app t. call $5(1/mo. g\larantee plus. Colored TV't, Pianoer
For interview appt, phone (I ) 496-1243 675-45'ro Appliancft, AntlqUM
540-8435, ar send resume WORKING Mother needs/====·===== 1 Piece or
1oeameoPetro1eoco.4500 REU••LE••!IY•""'A 1 Me,. Houseful!:,," Campus Drive. Suite :wt Tuesdays & i' 0 11 1 b 1 Y ,.nc ••• n
N.B. Wednesday s 8 -4:30. Womtn 7550 Is Our Specl1Jtyf
SECRETARIAL Whoestsld~• C.Mbl. a,..2 ~ .. !~r • FEMALE .DMSION 636-3620 ., ,
SERVICE m• •·~em y. c•~•• Olllce .................. 158' 24 HOUR SERVICE
\Vould you like to operate ages 3~ {boy) Ir. l~ (girl) Part Time Sec. ··•· S2. pr hr BUYER ON DUTY 7 Qi\Y~
your own busine$!I ! Unllin· ~ aft 5 PM Teller Trainee ••••••••• • $325
itedincometoenergeticsec-BOOKKEEPER FC Legal Sec (tree)······ $650 Fmntturerttumedfl'om
retary. Salary guaranteed. for Yacht Ir. Ship Broken In Pa,yroll Oerk ........ lo $500 play stumos, 'model·
Built-in clientelle. Call Mr. Newport Beach. 9 to S, 5 MALE DrvISION decoratun cancellation. "
Nattress 642-1485 Costa Mesa Day week. Excellent wurk-Admil>-trnee •..•. , • •• • $650 Spanish &: MedlteITanea!j:lft
HOSPITALITY HOSTESS is ing conditions&: salary.~ DtfWnn ••••••••••••.• $780
looking for mature women tact: lo.frs. Doucet 6'73-Gl50 Audi~ Mgr ............ • $1250 RD FURNITUR~
to "'elcome newcomers to H 0 US EWIVES, Students Credit Mgr, ..... •• •· ... $650 1844 Newport Blvd:f.~'
the community. Must have over 18. You can eam extra Some Fret<, Some f'tt ever; night til g', · •·
type"Titer-, car, and be bon-money in your spare time M~hants Perosonnel Wed.; sat. Ir. Sun. 'tit_ S
dable. Apply 285 E. Main, as a VANDA BEAUTY _..., WestcliU. rive
SUite 7, Tustin C a"i if . COUNSELOR. We train. Lobby Office LOVE Rat $80. 8' modraoMf 544-6925 675-3962 & 546-1165 Comer 17th & Irvine love seat, coUee & end ·ijil
N rt Be h hies, lamps, 5 pc dinetlci.'.ae BABYSITTElt Wanted, my MATURE, EXECUTIVE ~;roi ~~ kng slz.e Spanish BR se
home. 5 days per wk. TYPE RECEPTfONIST/ -Less than 2 mos old, Mw
8-5:30, 5 children, 4 In SECRETARY for ortbodon-sell this week, Prv ptt;j
school. Salary open. F.V. tic .ottlce. Dental oUice ex· School.,.lnstrvdion 7600 !lJS.9046 • ;.
area. Ca.II 531-3205• alt 6 penence no t necessary 1---------
pm. 64>-1530 SUCCESSFUL ?I
ARE YOU HAPPY wmt PART-Til.1E Secty. as Girt Two or three weeks brush-
YOU! A part time career Friday for retired atty. now up may be all yoo nee(! to
in fashion and glamour can In the. stk. rnkt. We reaearch, radically improve your IN-
bring" xlnt. earnings and a chart stocks. kcep records Ir <X>ME & your OUTLOOK~
challenging career. 6'5-5195 make money, It's fun. loo! NEWPORT
or 962-1910 546.-73.11 · School of Bu1iness
DINING room set ~7gilf Italy, table, marble s
3 leaves. Large buUet-·
sideboards. both with
bll' tops. 8 chain. ::-
Sl800. Will stll for i
~7 ';'".-"' ..
MAHOGANY 1eetttary, 'ar LADIES 18 to 60 show Sarah t.lATURE dental asslatanl, 833 Dover Dr., N.8. tlque rocker in red velw '+
Covenlry Spring & all over 25, chair llkle &: tront 646-0153 French dmmer, maho1;,:dfo
season ~'eb'y , fashions, desk exp. Send resume to Lff'ETl~1E Gift. typewriting. lea! tbl A: 4 chrl. ea.mDlxl
absolutely no 1nvestn"M!nl , P. 0 . Box 28, So. Laguna Children, grandchildren, or chest, 4 antique chrs a~
Wt! train. 8'17-1567 or GIRL rull lime, desiQ:n & yqursell! Individually tutor. 19501 Anteon Circle, 1-l.l
540-0614. A.'lk ror Donnn sell .,.,,indow shades. \Ve cd Chilcoat 10 lessons typing anyfune,
LADIES 19 10 70 earn S2S train. OJstom Shade Shop, schoOI. 173 Del Mar. CM, SACRIFICE, 7' fittlld map
to $100 wk w I Cattanni 363a East Coast Hwy, CdM. 548-3859 couch. $00 or best olfe
Llngl"rie. Ei.iuaJ OPP I Y WANTED: Aare111lvc. ct·l;TUTO;:,:""RIN=.,G,,-,-tn-,..-,--,-hom-e-1 8trdleye mapre dreS11er "
Employer. No exp nee. Call riclent, ex.perlenoed, Front by credentlaied lelichms. large mirror &: che11t 1
9-10 am or 4--6 pm. 968-2504 det!k girl for ~ntal ol1c. All subject&, gTades 1 to drawers, $25 rach or be
GENERAL housework, 31-'i ~12 g Call~ Ml-6702 Aft. 5 PM I ,.;0,,H;:;"'~·'"· -;:;c'=:'.'--~~-ll
days a wk, Mon. Wed, Fri. SLEEP in babyaltter, 1 a.m. ~--SEVERAL rooms or walnutl
9 to 1. Ref's only. D-wn unHt 10 a.m. for 1 chUd. MERCHANDISE FOR tum. ereel cond. 3 yn:. o1
transp. The Bluffs, N.B. 4 days a v.'eek. 536-"'8St1 SALE AND TRADE w h irlpoot ·refrig/l°;;";J~I
&M-0002 mominp. Moving mu~t tell. 91
8ABY.St1TER Wanted for -=========I Furniture 8000 alt. 6 PM
11.; yr old girl, 4 cla)-s per Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 BABYLINE French Pruv. ~LG;iEO,.~An::llquc;;:::::-'.w::ru;:;.::,,:--::cbul!=c-:il l
v.·k. Call after 5 prn. API' u .... -. lit units • crib A:·cbUferobe .t 6 .,,., antique hi-boy, dining rn 673-8458 ..... _". ~ • lt'!Vl'r & occuklnal lbl '
.Lquna. Beach Near ocean. mattreN: used only 18 moa. metal brkflt. tble. w ~!~=-= ()lck!r couple w/ qi, pm. Cost Sill new: $75. 962--0624 .. •;:;o;;;ld;;:;"'~""":.;::::lro;o·:c""'~.;;'1798::::...,-'ll
ttngton &ach off Ice. ~l~ ~·~ Can MOVINC: rum. appliances, MAPLE twin bed¥. bll
56-15l4 .. 1~ ... u . rnl8C. 1962 Chu.reh St. CM. IPrlno a: .tnattrftMS: nil:
Nu Rs ER y attendant REAL ESTATE. Sbouldn't 833-2nll ar 646--0623 ttt.nd; 11 draYrW' .di:.ni
wanted. Sunday momlna 4 )'OU be 1eWna . lbc bolte~ PAIR of '°°llCt' Chllii wfl&'e. mlmlr: xlnt cotcl. rur. llU'Vicel. Call for area HW>tnJatQn Bnch. mod lfkod wlni'btt.k, mim $150. 87J....CSe G.1. !;l;-7981 ~~ r.fote .......,, ...... 145 "ch. -1 ·FINEfiii~jlUnli~-;;.:-. lj;~iij
WANTED blbylitter m7 SAqUF1CE! Finl! .MallolanY ttqulslte ~top ~nc
home J"rl thru Tun, da.y, HAlRSTWST, ~ to bet· dlnirw table add chain $250. table. ptwi mlec::I ltiQms. &
onQr; 7:15 lo 5:30. 2 ltt )'OW' lnoome bf nntq 644-Ui79 I sun, 2.JOO Unlvenib' J)f
c::hlldttn, ' IChool a.re. lll)aee. New Shop OdM CaUl -',;;,..:A'°n°'11q~,-,~ .. -,_,~~ts~bl~e~ Newoort Beath. ,
S&l.$84. ~ &l'lt-r 3 pm 13.14'.l!iO. xlnt' oond. Sl40. GIRL.5 alnopy Br. ec
• OPERATORS .., • MOTEL ~. ~. * 833-1026 * fttnch provlnclal, whO~
Detter dreatet, top wage for Salary apt. For 30 unit TRADITIONAL IOftt,, p;d gold. Chee clrep ta.Ne •. '4
qua!Jty YiOl'k. La 1 u n a motel. No experie~ need-t!Qfld, uh dln1rw 1_1n • i ,;MJ.0288:;::;:;:;.,,.,,.--,,.,--~;il
Belch. Dct1 <9H118 ed. lnqulro -""'' """"· S3Wl65 Q u Al. 1 '1' Y ill'C . "' Wl\JiiU::SSES, Par\ time. PART-TIME . !"'OR aale • lffvbw aree. w/qullleld maltreu, ·~ °"'' jli Coll °"'*~-11 ..... " f\lrnl-"'r ~!"!l"'t~· Mi;lbJi"i, I -, 'I( .... ~. ~a • ~-~'!! ... !:.,?SG-!!;!191~2!,_-t~-·..!-~~----..!:.:.%::.:·
I '
r--..-...... ~~..,.,.~,,,.-~ .... ~ ....... ~··~·~·~·~·~y~~~~~~~........,,~.,...-...., .... ~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~ . ..... ~, ' ' . •\ . . . .
• . . •
.. . .. .. .. . ..
u :;DAD.v mor ,.....,, r....., 14, 196'1
[~ .. ~·~· ·~AND~;ruoe~·~!~IA~IL~l~Al~ND~TI~~~@~·~ SAi.i AHO TIADI IAl.I AND TIADI SALi AND TIADI SALi AND TltADI! ..... & .,....,. -Auto. s.rvt.. lmpOrted ---"'-"°'!""' 11ao .~n.~ •Mloe91t.-MOO Mbc.WlllllM NlO SKIPPER_..,. a"°"' MOO DATSUN
lime ~ -'C OLDS, il< pam, ..... 1--------·1 e New Plaiios e S~· Tu Llquldallclll -• WANTED • Jeaw-. eng.: 'lit, ""'Fon ..,.me. e DOT e
WIJRLl!'fDl•BIW>llllM OD!or TV/&, Ste"'°' & ApplllDCel Fumltvre • Appll•-S.llbull 9010 ~t~Ait.~\...ottcr. DATSUN Sp... AD ~ A e......, ID PUILIC ' Sol••• M1" - -Color TVo • Pl1noo'l;;;;~:;:-;:::;:::-:;~:.;;I:=:=::=:=::=::::: Anwlcu madt, • -do! , ,._JI, 6'M P.11. .... I~ toH P.M. ETC. Qallk -Sloop Tr•ller, Trnol 9425 •UIHOllUll DJAlfl
M1il1en..._ ~-.1>rtoo.-Co11154~_.~ hour ~Jt1 U' 'l'IWLEll. LIU -· HUNTINGTON
....... MIMl"<hnr'• 1 ................... • .......... 1 Na. II Slpo ... ~ """',.,..,.... • ., --......,... Wiritqr Oraa!!S Sleelc rac1qr s., • 0otaa .......... = *w BEACH
·' ,.,---...--.-•!On ausm~. w A N T E D Saller ........ equlpmut BOLES ...... 21· ...u .. u New end U1od c. .. ~:Mood Qrved. arm divan, lg. man's chair T1~11ebdoU1 11vtnp co 'S8 . ' . &. condltloll. Ttrml •. $5500. contained. A honey! $1250. Compl•t• Servic:• &. P1rt1 otl°'e ... lGPcOctagoodortoakdinoet tnod<ls ... ..,...,_ Wo llOld -(Jio lunk°"""' m.1232 6'15-<lu;0.7am1Dlpm • 18135 BEACH BLVD. "'la-~ ---• ~-ed halts 8 Pc BR Open Daily 9 lo 9 & SUnday for .,.,. In· .-1. Fllmll..,., • o Io r COLUMBIA Deleder 29'. 842-7711 -540-0442
•1 "' '"""or l .-U1.;AUO uaua c i EVERY'l'l:UNG 1N MUSIC =ion&: convenience. Eve....th1 ..... "mi.iit. oo 1V's. ·~ app1i,.,,...., alP1 6, 30 h.p. ioobard. Full Trucks 9500 J1nt J 111il" s.. St• Dl•t• ael l).dr Mr. & Mn. dresser, lg mlmlr, i ,,_.., • toola and oUlce equipment nclng g<ar& oxtru. D!ngl\y .
commod111, decoraUve headboard in Span1ah Beadl MISic Center OWU Th!J will be 1 CQmplete, thorough tax TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes! 1; 0 11 tb0 a rd. $12.850. *SPORTSMENS VAN* Fwy. •.;!,!:'~f· ;.;,,.~111't"
oak design with matching boJ: springs, ...... li<lutdeUo.11. . • = * ~ ....,.,., .. 494-7735. * TRUCKS * -~., .. 7~D~A~T~S~U"N~-I
tress & frame. -All-.(o PCS OF'TRUE FRENCH PROVINCIAL ELECTRONIC Sludent NEW Coronodo Ile...,. ;,, Thoy Are All H•r• At Ownod by Uttle 'o!e ntlrod
. ; I-Sold lndlvkluolly SU.• SeM:e Severo! Bedroom sets (beautiful cond.), mar· de,... "not-" T.v.. Now~t. Coronado ~. F•nl•stlc Dl1COunll mao ;,, cap~trano. Speedo.
• . 'Shop Al"9Und ~ Before Y°" buy ... USI Qli11 l2 noon 'ta t. Sat N ble top aide tables, commodes, pianos. Can't pay much. m-t.11:1 ear ~ eor 3'-$l6Jl9.5. meter reads lo, lo miles! ft&.
¥ALUE $1095.95-FULL PIUC'E $52'.ts !!40< Beacb Bl..!., <Hwy 19) Nl!W l NEAR NEW e 55 sets of new Liv PETS •nd LIVESTOCK Saw 1S<11 now! Slip AY&!I. Ready t.. lmme<liate dio. beater, auto, "bp"""'
• • -... -.. tow., $4.66 ""'·""" ~~So.::,,, m.pw":i Rm couchel & matdllng love 1Uts'(latest on Open nl!ntil •· '4>-08JD "'"""" .,. ... oxt., ""· lllnt cond. Ute oar Store ~e Plan or Bant ~-the market) e hid6'a-beds e recUnen e occ Dop 1125 CaJ os. 1 yr old. BEACH CITY I'" cash deJa °' w111 1!nc ~o :Faney J'roD1 -UT Quality Veluee I -"'G'"ra-ncl...,...,Opul=--.-llCJ--1 ~~:If::,,.~ ~:~1e:.:0~am:~: ".'f!;;. ~ s~~ "ft ean :Ji:'.,~ 6 pm DODGE ~ ~~ ~J~ean
Our new t:qan department sets e maple bunk beds e Westminster after s: 3 0 THISTI..E No. 1479, 17' 16555 Btac~~· OJwy. 3!1) 169 DATSUN
ia now opm fatmlrw I we e k . d a y s , aD dlQ' fiberglu, fully equip .• cover HuntinKton Beach Big sedan, 96 hp, overhead
THOMAS ORGANS Many Color TV's - B & W's -Stereos weekends. &: trailer. $1500. 548-2627 cam e.ng., dlr, 4 apd, radio,
with the exclulive Cokr-Glo & Combos - a complete Vox sound · system PUPPIES AQUA CAT w/rolllnc sailS '66 Ford Pickup heater, wN tires. loaded?
and ~te. ,.;. SbeJWnl, % Samoyed & trailer. $'150 or make ol· Lore bed cuat cab, V41, dlr, 1200 miles. under factory
FREE Retigerators, 1toves washers &: dryers. cute! Sharp! 240 E. 15th. fer. 494-7453 bumper, pearl &reY extErior. WBJTa.Dty, Bal Sl.825. Tatt
Lawrence Welk family mmic: We Finance With Good Credit CM 13' Sallboat 19' mut. Xlnt cond.. Take tottign car S75 cash dels or older car.
coune, a $100 Ylllue, tree ...__ CL-• LA--I rd MINIATURE n-.o•, -·... ti~. $165. ir. trade or $85 cash del&. L.B. YNWllfl, 494-977J w1~ -----,.._.. -110< ~r-'" B•n~r CS ,_ ~ Will line ~ -L.B. w .-·-, ...... .._ ..... _ -· AKC Rea:. 4 males, 2 * 545-5107 * "'~· .t"•v· 1100 F._,uriillvo;;. ·~,..c=...--11'-"l>"-"llO ~law '
ciJ; S1w::1p Maple DYB1 drop KENMORE p o t t a b 1 •
~~dbiliw table, .ea.ts 12. dlaba ±•r, 1 ,_,. aid. a-
2 IMves A table pads, 6 eel o:md. lnrm w 1 t b
chain and """"with ..... -.... '1811. -docri. Lib new! Sacrifice! aft f :30 PM
$SOO eomplei.! Dabun Can> I::=======
pii with beds S150. Brown Anti-
.. add print ..... --
SSO: ~ 1690 aft fi ANTIQUE 8panilb and Mex. * $2t.4' * -art !rm. ...... pvL .3 Pm -a>llectlon. UthC. ..... San
··ovAL RUG SET. Antoruow.enttrame; Mex·
Nylon blend, rewnlble, lean ~ amal l,
ll$ttl,, wppe.tbit peen. primitive w. iwt ml:m:n;
•Sizlr. 8 zl0.2xi.2x6 17th C. tllamlna't•d "~\.'S UNUSUAL .,.-, tto -. ·FURNITURE s. __ ,......,.._.
·• "l1181BeacbBl.d. far ----------===-===-=::-
Oift.;; Fumltvro IOIO
4111 E. Balboa Bl..!
Colthtng teao.er .Beads 1'un
Prices •tart •I $1il5. AOK Commission ·Gallery i.ma1... P35l8T ean J1m · ""'9713 "" Coast Miiiie 7722 GARDEN GROVE BL VD. SJ6.I044 ..... Power Cru ... rs 9020 54>-0634.
1 Bl(!ck West of Beach Blvd., off G. G. Frwy. wANTEii • ""°" born• '°" 30' DRAKE .. bm cruJRT. 19'3-0lEVY II too """ 1139 tMwport Btvd, CM a Jftft)' black female ~ ~ brjdp e1ectmr:dc up w/camper. Loaded witb
Comer ot. Newport 6 Harbor dle, 1 yr .. Adults onty geU. ~ s 4 9 o o. exuu. Must llel1 $1250. 646-0271 1.:::========== ,...._.,,,..._only. 838-5111 m."81
Ora.nee County's Televlllen l205Ml ·'-''-<9.._. l"-l•-"n'-',..-"'-Ul"---8'00-POODLE Puppy AK C , '551 NT ERNA TI 0 NA L
Leraat So1ect1on al RENT TV $10 MOVING• Exti:a longth kb!& ""°"ble !'hlte. male: 12 Speed-Ski Booh 9030 Pickup tnick, good cond.
CONN · ORGANS Ne -• hoe O.llvery size box •pringy, """"""· wla. old, ""I' "°""'brokon. 6 ~--~ ~ $250. 231 Woodland Dr, 534-0nl or m.9UD frame, custom upholstered 962..f183 1 ' UTUUlll"\l ~-t approx Laguna Bea.ch
NE$ A utED al.lo 21" ..,.._w ...__ •• TV, -· headboard I: • pre ad . BASENJI PUps AKC 4 yrs old with '57 Chev V41 '58 % T Che p u V41
WURUTZER ~ """'-"'""""" cneutral color). like Dew, shits. male " iemaie' 1£0 hp with velvet flow in/ vy I . I COIJd, beautiflll cabinet SUKI. ..,.., Tl03 • out tran& 11 trlr $600 standard, heater, camper,
· PIANOS Is ORGANS ~1' asking $125. ~ table * °"'. * "'A" '>A~.. • good cood. $675. 5@..9835 57"x39", hand painting on AKC Sllkey T ~ . Some ftJOt Modell top " signed by artist emer pups. * 14.' ~LASSED fish " ski OOpGE % ton, '62 pick-up;
Rentals e Service e Terms HI-Fl & St.No. 8210 "Duuo", $Zi0. Large teak Males $lSO ~emalea: $200 boat with tit{ trailer. $175. clean; 8 ft. bed; l~wner.
Qualified Teachers ---·------cabinet 12'x24" contalnnc 2 SC8-37SO * 34,<Xk> Ml. $llXiO 548-5750
PIANOS front •• • • . •• • $38& Sl'EREO U189 llllkl state con. large speaken. rec 0 rd AKC Dacha:bund Puppies, 8 '69 GMC p/u, '4 t. Hvy duty
ORGANS fnm •• • •• •• • UTl 9ole. Never used $85.. Ahlo player, stereo, st~ A weeb. ~ breed, wry a.t Slrp Moorfftl 9036 SWIP. 4CW mi Sell/trd JO. Ooulcl Music Comp1ny 5' w a In u t A MI F Ji TV space ;50. AD wool red. $m. Ml-S32"l 40' allbt. 91j2...'1009
20Cj N. Main. S.nta Ana multiples, I apeaker audio custom made green &: gold BROWN male 1Dy poodle, SLIPS FOR RENT 1964 0in-y Van,
So. ot J"reewQ, Kl.f81 l)'Stem. Normally een. for ana rug, large tassled I ~ $100. BAI.BOA PENINSULA A-1 cond. $995.
MM" Frt "tD I Sun JU $489..15,. s&crtftoe • $250. ends. 5'xr, l91J. 10'xlr, * 54&'l931 * * 53&4953· * * 5t6-1M6 *
WE'RE In our naw nn.1...;a.dl;;..:;;'-'t-'Dept.""--'-'-="-''1289=--Tiblte wool tuft!d area rug MALE, Samoyed, ·Jovet fu~ Rent Balboa • 146"1--,,49"°'C~hevy""'"ll""'T°"•n.-,.,~.lh~
VASr stock Amer " ,F.lll' Our fantutic aai. of Ptm:. with pad, $190 (like new} chlldttn. tnendly and good x 38 U .Up, 4 WQ tie, '55 Chevy engine, good
N ....... Im"°"' Lid. 0.. ange County't cnJ,y anlbor-
lzed dealer.
3100 W. eo..t Hwy •
642-!Htli 5«).1'76t
Authorited MG Dealer
furn 4 docb. Larry I: Orpnm aow cmtim• at CamerM & Equip. l300 Misc otherth ileF,..b. ~~ pet. 4 yean, $45. 531·7'636 'W,l mo. Alt m..fi880 cond, $250. &l6-fi020
-·-JUI °'"""" Cooot1'•....,...... 15th.,. .• -·-LABRAOOR Retrieve• -BOATSLIP~pto I======== '-=========I Office Equl_..t 8011 N ....... Blvd., C. IL • O&PD ....... mubt''. CAMERA Petri IT.sLR. US ,,,.., NB. 615-0690 black. 6 Wttks old. Dam \15 ,11. N.B. 5f8.53l3 JHpo 9510 1.
EL1!IC to bf addl•1 ~s•"°"'qUESs =-$1!15."""' $1!15. a...., =•~xto.~:,~;~ *AUCTION* •su.imported.838-<928 l;:~;::.-;:f====='i;,;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;~ JAGUAR
m-•I cn>dlt boL ·~·~ ANTI WARD'SBA1DWINSTUDIO u,...will..Ua<buy WlREHa1'Foxtem..pupe. BHt-Y•cl!t 1967 BRONCO
Ht·.50. Ro1s1 •l•• W61!1•tim!'edenl,C>1 lBlflNowpart.CM. ~ ::=·.,;·,:'J.""' 1225. oJveWlndy•"" AKc. !50. M"'' ••"·1_.;:c::h•::".:c•::•:.• __ _:903=' '67 Jag XKE
•~ V -ANTIQUE Oak Purilp· ,.__.,. Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. 642-9988 er 66-1!1!3 4-WHEEL DRIVE Cou d 'dnlght bl _., f!rY ..,.._. ... PRIVATE party would like HA.S6EUU.JJ) ~ 111._ CAL 24 for CHARTER Hardtop. Red with white top. pe, eep ml ue
llfal$rd. f;yp@wrtter '37.50. A·l condiHon witb llool amaD. madem upr!pt piano old, :WOO incl metal ~.1:. Windy's Auction Barn Hor• U30 $2!5 ~. $lSO wk.. &cyL R/H, rear seat, with plush contrasting lea~ Prtatbis calculator, elee,, $275.·Ml-61M with xlnt tone li&bt wood tilters. Call 1. Hardy Behind Tony's Bld&'. Mat1 •BC-7528• seat beltl, skid plate. Owl! er interior, Otrome wires.
wmb aood $81.50. MS-51G -1-A ~ eves. "'•• ,11,. (•···) • T 3 _ITO 9 20'lS't N--CM 646-8686 I y ~ P·-~ -,_ (-·•·•-) AM/FM, etc, Only 17,000 s-i,. --1120 ~-·-~ ~· ~ '"~' maro, r. --· 1· -9200 -· ••~ '~~ c:&ftM mile" Condition of Hiueihlld Gooch I020 eves 'tfl I p.ni. POOL WEIL tmd tel Muatang'I !"lobl~!!!!!•!,.!!. !!!!!!.!.....-~~ 1~~~~~~~~~ l-ttiia: Jag ts impecable.
1911 SINGER, tllacb+mak FREE TO YOU & opt free breeding incl. SEE the Dual Wlde Road-C """''· _,. •t $lD: RCA """'pl wlthwal ·cab. m... ""'" 545-ml liner Pim· Americao, Pua-I ::•::;m~po::n.:_ __ _;t:;S20::: r,,..,.,....,. cahlmt TV bees._ -tull ptoo SP!".!I,. Goods l500 TABLES HEREFORD """"' wldle .....,~ :EJr.· ml c-ai $3Sf .. lll3 . OI' $4."15 mo. Automatic. lie ORGANIC f'ertlliRr, a.pd 12 GAUGE BrowninC auto $300 new, uklng $iso. Ex· mobJle bOmft.now at ~ '69 .. ..._ H•" H ...
s: a c, b!Jttcm ....._ blind. bone manure combhll!d $75. 22 Sprtng:6eld eeint auto New slate $(195 val Nmr $295 cellent cond. 838-6237 D--' Wl..1-r-1_... Sa•• •rlr1 $ on our Tl'llck· ...... Sele I022 hems. overcuta. a:ne fan. with ~ sbavlnp. Good _ S>.ll rebuilt • ....,..., ""-~-•-...______ .__ 'Klll lftll US ~ Camp•r Price•. ·-7-cy ttltchtl etc. ff9 atta.c:a, mulch. m-6332 or 546-ml. • ...,. • 23 ~tou...-™-TRANSPORTATION OlapmanMoblleHcmes!DC. 1.9.11 Ft. MN•I., Cha••i•
a ... ~ tape pla~er, needed. Gaara.atee IQOd •• betw I 6 5 Mon thru ~ Calwrt Ave, CK. up. 2'13: 69Ml.6'7, enm. •--II & 'IK~ 9000 5~ N. Harbor, S.A. uMod•li. 11 s.C.rf Co11t1l111d Dibbir pllel I; reela,. waftr 526-8618 Fri. 21281,;:~;:;;=---~~ GIFT Shop aellltg out; an--nq 531.aJ171 11ih, A ... ,.r -Ace•'"
tlcl.. salt dubl. cameru,, SINGER l968 ~ GERiiXN lflit hair Pointer, BROWNING over ubder :I> tique trunks, statues, tm· tori•• lft Sloc:k. ~ bl.ndi.n.:~oft doea ~. Leavi118 female. 1 yr. okL Ne<edl ~W:er~~. ~ ~;e~?i!u~=: EGG HARBOR 37'
8~~~ ~co: _,c:9~:'~i~:c~,,
-• state mat .UI $37.!iO boml A lots of love Good HH CUat. W ,. .. "6" '69 Perkins dsl, dbl cab $1750. 536-157f Wi11d., Sc:of11111t1 •!'Id &old. ~ 1Adln dotbea (9-10) -of w I c b 11 d re n. M6..'l583 mag. est. Nd· brick display counter. an-EGG HARBOR 43' 1..:o.c.c...:.c....:=.____ 1111• mod•I• •t
•).welry Lab men· J069 er 7 pymnts mt SS.14.~ Evu. 2114 -'""-·--------Uque dWc. etc. 551 .W. 19th ,69 Spt Fhber &-n GM dalt 2 BDRM Mobile Home, in *II• DlSCOUNTS * ~ Rd <Meaa Vente> ~tee5 ~ CaD 6'3" HEAD standardl 'trilh ~•::Le.· .::CM::::_· 543-19==14.:....__ TROJAN qulet adult park 10x50. cau y
-. ~ -Ul:Wl'S ~-. PETER Rahbtt I mo .old. N-•· toe -W , -aft s. 548-8680. I 11t Fi11111eitlf 011 --Cbeclooled slut buck S ~--omao I Kiii ED FABRICS '15-25' A 28' SEA SKIFFS 1 ==:=;;;.;;;;:~==c l .,,....., C.Mit !lllli SOOUT Gonp Sale Mutlcol IMt. , 1125 familypet,ponnanentbome lkt boob, -~ $25. II 's.36' SEA VOYAGER Molo Homo. 9215 CAMPER RENJAlS 'F.iiiiibos..,.,.,. lor • """"' ·.;;;;=:.;..;;:;;.:;,__....:;.;;;;: wanted, mOI! haw ..... _.......,:.::..~,,::att;c..c•~~--"'FOR SALE •USED BOAT SALE• ' :·=:...-.:.=.:.: ~ "'-c:anet, come one will clel.M!r. 175--2445 Little uaed 9/0 Cub aaves 5% Feb 1~24 MOBll.E Home 2 bdrm S,.W ...... ,..., .._ C:QiPl'd ·~tor Guitlf' H.-dquart1ra WESl'INGHOUSE Combo FIN-NOR Reel $350. Remnants, umplel & MUl CHRIS CRAFT laundry rm.~«> cabana: yw-~tMoyl
evwyone, e NEW and USED e * 54U831 * ends Sat. Onl1 8 a..m. to 2 ROAMER '63 • 30' alum carpeted, 12x12 screened • -SA.T t.sl: 8UN l.S ...__._ • v-• ---~-• elec _ waaber/deytt, for _Su_rf_L----rd-,-w-.-•• -.,-1 p,m. 929 Baker, Cotta Mesa. twin 185 ~"-•kw.... patio ..,r;N\ 893--4 THEODORE AT 11312ls11321 Liu. Ln. ,,.,,.......,.. ..... aUIIJUel hauling aw!Q', worll:1. -.-.. 1 PIANO ..,...,.. 1 -1.. ...,11 . .,.. ,........,. •o• R b f d H.B. U'll.-e GIB.CDN e MARTIN 673-&69 aft 5 p.m. * 549-3758 * • ..,.,.,. mat""' Xlnt cond. Onty •• $1l.OOO 0 'ins or ~ __.....,. « M?-5512 e WILSON e YAMAHA bdrm set, 5 pai, $100. 1 CAVAIJER '65 • 33· Eledric Cars 9250 6iKMJt ..i. 314 Diamond 1 YR. Fem. blll: lone hair, --------maple harvest tbl, 4 ladder Twin 210 Olryslr, radio. I"-""-~_.:;;;..;. __ .;.,;;;:.;
:--blond. Box Drum Ho.i;;·,~·" pt _.., .. --II·-l600 -chn, $15. 2 '"""" Loaded. Only •• $12.000 MARKE.'J'EER, ..... """ "'°coHs•, .. o•,llVD. &i&ar;$1CD.Elecltow,$CL eNEWaJXt ,. • Nd1 . new home, --------chn. ~ each. 1 couch, TRIMARANTP3S dition. Lieen!e. Charger in-A t-4E A
lba'. l1fH, ca JI; ta et 11 LUDWIG, ROGERS. ASTftO 548--2147 2/14 I PIECE dinette Rt $3), aqua. $50. 1 coHee table, •68 Piwr 35• dsl awe, eluded. --::-=64;;;2 ... ;:;1,;'=~-~t1'11bet. pMIDI baud, chlld's , ·---•~ with ""' 4 1 • 1 mo o&d ldttmw nct . Stroll-e.-cbair baby buiRY $25 A milcl. 968-4644 _,, MS-2318 CAMPER SHELLS L-~•"' ~uuu ..:: ...... ,._ t ,,.._,_ itereo, ~ .... er reefing. & sleepers, :U" to 52" "1""'. :_:!;:=.,Wo_atbtr odd.I I: pc. aets and eyrrtbala start-mpecial adult home. Ra1a!d -...,...,. .....,me ......mo:, FRIGIDAIRE Wuher, Xlnt wrwy •. $19,<Xk> '"'6"
1>•-ll:v at SJ.89. ~ hl«ts together, 5&Q83. 1 a .3 Westminster. M7-1187 perfect coftd!Uon. $ 4 o. EGG HARBOR MotorcyclM '300 iJ'~~ =~ ~
CES. ""'·old and .... ,...-..AD ....ii pm. 2/11 e VACUUMS e Dlnlng rm .... $30. YACHT SALES l---'-''-·--..;.;.;;1222w. wn.onc>i 543-0343
• • copper Item&, odds ............ _,,.. . .__,_,,, MALE mlnillture German $10Up.Repaln&parts. Imported Weddlqt gown, -._..__,._ T.1--" n.. • HONDA • ~•·••Sun••~--~-• ~z·---~"--~~~·-~uo. 1959GMCP/U.!IT-4~
Wiiia. ...... .,...,, in rtock. Sbepberd. Good watch de&. F:e1IO"'bk. Cout Vacuum &be .., _. 11uou -..~,. San D!eeo 714: 22J.706S Dreamer Cam ....... s·.·";i;i; ~ Catalim Dr, Newport Free to sood b om e. 33S E. 17th, 'CM., 642-1560 ring 11et, $35. 540-6539 ..-.,., MINI BIKES dinette. <ab'"'"'· 81" .. Alt ~~. EVERYnlmG JN MUSIC 542-6552 2114 QUALITY king; bed FOR Sale: U,500 B.T.U., 5 64Z-OOJO ~~~D~~ Beach Music Center :.. ~~ ~ed ~ ~~~~~m~~ CO,:: ~rm:ets. a~sedco:~i:; SCR·AM-LETS 1969 '90' OR '65' '59p~ Dix. c.amper xlnt.
lb>". -beds • mi.er. F•male. 6 wkL Very friend. MH536 Y'"' SJ3S. ~nss. 11301 ANSWERS * $239 * Cond, now paint, tuned, :00 ,.!'",:" ~ ~ Sat Fa=:::::::' l.v. 546-9463 21150 -.-,.-. -H-EAD--s-tandudl---..,-.lh-~,.:' """" l02. Gan!en HERB FRIEDLANDER many oxtras. 1995· rn.7337
S1iiCi' frotn lift lbop· 0a.D:t 12 noon 'tfl t, Sat f.5 \I LAB Puppy • bale, 6 N"1lda toa $m .Woman's• ,:;BR.;;,:c;,H-_,-~ul~al~!umi~-= Hymnal -Swish-BuliY -ll750 IEACH ILVD. HW. lf Camper Rentelt 9522
...... tJuketl, patnttnP, 17f0t 8-ch. mw., (HwJ st) ·::..~ ~ c ~ 0 'g ~ ~ •.._lr.e I. $25. tor sale. Beds, r c ! r l I' Locale -CHASING 12 II Kb s •• G. GteH fwy.) OJAOl • TRAILER
J1 l'l11PL1il
}I 111 p Ll ll ''
31QO W. Cout H;.,.
Newport Beach
-541).11'! Authorized MG Dealer
1966 JAGUAR XKE, yellow
roadster. Excel. oond. Best
offer. 675--0896
2 '61'1
1967 KARMANN Ghia, abofto
average, R/H, $169.S. Cash
or terms. Golden West Auto
Center, 1984 Newport Blvd,
C.M. 60-8460
~ 6 hot pkt., 12'' Pit: 11Ai ml.&. San DieSo .,..,.,, pm. 211.._ ..:..:"'-"=;...""~~~~ wuber, dinette aet, dl.sbes, A lactatrvmance: lt11110uld MUsr aell l967·Yamahe. 100 RENTALS hlkie. In prap, 15th " Hnnttiwtna Beach &n-1536 Fabric, Fabric, Fabric. linens. pobl •. p. n a • make a rlrl very happy t:o be «iC shigle. With GYT kit, rr. none too early to mm LOTUS
,....,_, Nprt Htl Sat. 10-5 I~====~---MALE Rabbit Bla.ct. wit!I Factory munant sale, Sat. everyUdllg goes! 881 Vic-ptJmJed by tM man ll'le'a: 51 tooth sprocket, ban: A reservations for Sprin& Hol· ---------1
SI: DiiiE .ie, ~ RICKENBACKER el•c wtrlle collar t · mo. old. ~~toO:ls~ ~::... 112> torlaSt.,CM.Gt6-6484 CHASING. more. $300. 673-3572 ~! '67 LOTUS Europe, Jaw
;.-.. bric+bn.c; Dedees. pltar, $175. Orta: price $325. StS-3U6 _•_ll_? Kirby vacuum c1ttDer .,./at. HONDA 90 Scrambler, aood WEEK·END OR WEEKLY mileaee. must aeil Jm.
.zu·11ew.,.1 Btv. -SL Georp Ampllflel', l'O. 1 ONLY 6 mo. mal• P<1P SONY 500 sim.o 1 • P • tadunenlL Tm""" omall INVENTORY cond. 811..., framo & lm>b--mediately! 64Ul73 altu
both aldom wed, call afta' kms children. 5t8-6503 2 17 tl!COl'der, complete with pymnts or pay oU balance by tire on rear. sz;o, Dv 8 I 4:30 p.m. " t'rlluuft, ..... an-----· 119 West Balboa Blvd., Ba.
5,., 511)..!1'3 I opeakon ~ m-Fir.t al 13u 2. e>.dlt llepl SALE m.s870 no ugg M 9S25 .:;:=::=:;;;=====I
ST. Georp ,.ntu A FREE -utlll" lniltt. "$185;::=,;;W...=."'~"""'=-=~ KE S-'1289 NEWPORT 20'S MARUSHO '64 500 cc GI> 19'6 MERCEDES BENZ ·-·""°'• alao 3 pc. ..___ You haul. CaU Lockhart FIREWOOD FOR SALE SJiP< Included ........... · _ .. _, dri ~Mel 1100 ~ ~ evet. UI~ Realty. 648-2301 2117 Walnut I; Eucalypti.is. $4l.~ H~=~htpHt!, 921: t!n~ ePACIFIC YACHT SALESe U.:~ ~...,~ E"':' 1~h DUHE BUGGY
9 if:r!:aAL PUJlOIASE e N.,.~Y .. <::a~ -MALEabout ~yrtalled, -~-.i~ ~~ta'!·d~0)~ ~~Ill· '69: Pl Mo. Kettenburi: Dealer i,;:CM;;;,,~~--~~-·--• ... .._... -·-# ..,..... '"°'""'"" 3446 Via Oporto. Newport YOUR Cl>oice -'66 Honda ~ automatic m.4151 er eo.cxm '6-0137 2111 2 WAY RADIO ~="'------24 Hour Phone •••• 673-1570 ~ xlnt rond, -~ u.~ . ..... A albtr major ap-l'REE DIJly doc. fem. fi fiO ntt hue I: mobile POOL Ible. $45: d.lnttte aet -. .... .n ,u
pl--motlol -bun.I $111: -Col 28 lnbd Q,opper. S..t ott... -a Orpns llal ..... old, sd ..... -1.~,,.;;"";:"=";: .... :..;:-::;:::::,~-'t-"" . boat. mlr. $111: .... ... ...... $1~500 * -* ,t flDIUtiC dileountal No -!tnced yard IG-1VD 2/lf 2 HAND Cl'acbeted doubM pert W'eO $3()• N"'IJ(l!'ftt, must eeD $26,900 1i6 HONDA lSO '°"""' W•-· See alt PIANOS & ORGANS ~ n.-b d 1 " . ; ' ' Trojan TIS. 110 lln $10 1'0 • • l'OSJ'ER'S ~ "" ,.... ea o es b!d 11Pft*1a. l1Mn thread miilc. Items &U-3778 • • ' Scrambler, Low mllaap -acmmn ... nn v.ne, W\lrilbtr • Knabe • l'llctm pt.rlWl:t equipped. ~ m. each. • .,. nea. '=,;;;;;:..:;&::;;Polc;eac::..;;l30;;.-,~ ... ~tl ;;: = c!~1=ac$1J:: Tuned pi))H $275.
<-.'.al Warner) -.UU = =~.~ PUPPY W ALLOONUNPaUocowrl.5X ~:_.',.",~~."~Lan~ 38' Race Cr Sip, nice! $15.500 • 541'-3:1.SZ •
own, ....._.,., WALLICH5 17 Near.,... Coot I"" Sac! -~ ~ -DAVIO L. FRASER '68 KAWASAKI Buobwhocku
........_ LUce ""'· stalnla& MUSIC CITY M'fl~·temale , ... ., ~ 64l-4S47. $8.50. Sat • 1-5 only. 69t Call: Owck Avery 175 cc. Onb' 1500 ml. Undfr '
9tfll, all cmbda. .A19CI mat· 3400 So. Brtwtol, O:i1ta Mll!U. Call • ,..., HOLIDAY He&IUI Spa. 20 ma ~Vc:lct::"""=· '-,(=!•t:_. ----342>1 VI.a Oporto. N.B. warranty. $410. S4Ml291.
ch1aa: cook top. Strrtflce • s.-3165 • FEM. a JnOI. dachlhund contract !or 2, make olftt. ORNATE Ornamental iron 673-5252 * GW916 eve!. '66 HONDA 160 a:. Dirt. 149.0JIJ-67J·1 1H -wu mixed, ahota, houlebroken. gale• each ..._..,.116" w\de B'k 1 I nd $115 I lt70 HAUOl ILYD • .. ~-OND 64.5-7793 ..--17 FT'. Performer. •-'-K"•t 1 t' x n co . or o . HAMM • StciDn1 Y• Jcwi cbUdren. 8t:W8S3 2114 . by 78'n" high. U1 Via Lido YM;l•""' 1~~'::_'~!:~~~4!_ ____ 1---'c,,Oll::_~A:,.:M::;U::A:__ GPJ ~ dllhwulwr. maha • nn I; Ulld -""-* MINK STOLE-SllYU N~ , •• I I NB Deluxe model (all fiber-n:f'. "" peiu model with rim1 ol IJI mUliil. Best ..;,.--; I MOS. fem. CbcQpoo. bm. Good condition. $75 u'""' ...,.,,o 11 e, . &}assl outboard. Custom HONDA 160 Imported Autor 9600
.,_. •a and. f11U dr7hw" Qlo lo. ¢aUl ~ beN. • b 011 • ho u a e: I» role-e tt&.f1'06 NEAR new King We bed map do'tm CQftt. Big wh@tl Good condition .di: .. 5• aa SCJDID1I' MUSIC -.. 54M1UI S.17 tncludtl twtn box gprtno tilt tr.!Jer. ma or best off. m, 673-936'1' • Spot Cub for lmprb
Au...._de 1907 H ua&.. -f FEM. J)G(die; ICIOd. tempa"o BOX ,prq • mattress. Ml mattress a !nme m. er. Phone eo.GIO aftl!r 7 pm ~ HONDA 250 Scrambler. W• JV man b' aQ1 Jm.por1
1-.... m. lll!WI .... .....: ~ ment. krva: c h 1 ld re a " twin rm. Rdri& PS. 548>.am. ~ of_ ,_. !Dab .. MTG .-uwi. -.....,_ ,_11 2 delb: 6 mile.. 60-4610 ..:;;::..::=------11' aIJWiCRAlT, vWl't)' I CVlloe $215) Tnde lcr IO Oii cmditka 1 • '*-
-CONN -°"""' ..... tliONl'lfiilalOmOIO-MWr .... O>ldlpot Refris. Mol>llo IT•IOfll-~l!l5bp,..:~i.e. ~ ~ C:.-oondlttoo ... ..n. lL":.o~g ~~I --...... SllllO; boout. -.; 1111 lor pd With -..,_,, Twlll bed A box -..._ or ..U Xlnt -~-_,,, n~ llOTORs, 151111--"" · -..it -!100. Call:~ •• -"17 na--. ~ * ll3M030 * ·~• ,_ ~ w--IMISll
'67 ZOO SL Mercedes Dem.
Light blue wtnavy blue soft
top; all extras incl. air:
xlnt cond. $!5600. B-2111
~U~-~-::;~·:r-~ --Ptw, Uls.~ r fuR s.Jo. m Jlo!1day --,,s.t-,-al"'"'"Amerlcana-,----JI.GI. !&.lit! oft 6 847"1111' =
• llr>tt. Hom ..... -lllQ. ·-~ ~ llealll> Spa. <bwl S\l yn) l»c>clopedlu ,;;PM-=-------1!68 TC DI S •" ot ALFA ROMEO [;llljjjiiiicji-Olrt OIM4'f'1•, $!5 * 53&J'T3l. * ~ • 2114 se.a4 like new. 1(:J(I. 26' CH A RA CTE R'S Scn.mbler, 550 street mlles.1-----.;..;.;.:;:.::__ ~ ' PRIVATE PARTY RUGS fl) A ~ Oiifee la· •m.-eo4* Olaracttr Boll $150,003 ar $500. 963-0772 '61 ALFA J\omeoo Sprint: llii~~~~-~--~~-~5· Wuta io W1 -LABRADOR/ Setttr pup. 1 ble $20. ti.by thtrws $1-$5. ==~"""'"""=-,........, beat oiler OYtt ' 1 T 9 5 • 1.964 HONDA 250 oc. Good CouPt Xlnt l'Ofllf. New .,.., J fts. akl. & for Cub. zu..m..\o35 =-1329 Pk1M: fem a~. Drapea $1. Bed $10. 646:1842 ~ ~te~~~~ ~7!34 cmdition. $411), H a I b po.in!. Must aelll m-33.34 \ ' tn-• B.\LDWm AeftllOldc Spinet ROUTER w/stand 1)4 hp le 5 pm, or wknds SHARP 16' bolt w/~n, Hutton. SW D-ATSUN W::: tt::= ••lo ,__ .......__ 2 RABBITS wttb Cqe, 1,_ 0 ............ _11 • swivel IM!tll.· «> hp motor '61 Ho-•· -•-m"·r _,.-or• pwiu. rr.1-te •a r I 7, c:u wn. _....., Soll~ KOHLER llaht Sf:nt:ratar, ,..,. ._, ~a Un! -. mw • ..,.. -S. 96USll 545-M27 atttt 2 p.m. 2114 bac· Mab clf_tt. ~ uo " • m. Good for cabin 1 trailer. S75Q. 60-0267 Like .,.. Mab offtt. 1963 Pldc UP, ~n than * -1' im!:1Nif4y ~ Gftli4 lllXED-~ ~ a":'i' .. "'• 1 wlm. "°' '11 CH.EV. c.rnu. or mlsd. 67l-7349. '64 C.ntur,y Rea<tt • t.45-79ll2 • aJOO ml, lib .,w, Ml °"""" --~ -ptt, trano. bad. 11' .m»-m.3M7 INO ISA • -o "'""'• 11S10.
, • _____ OWIGi ___ ..,_-__ a11_-_._~ __ -. __ ~ ___ lllol __ -__ "'_Rmru __ :rs_l ... [L.._:r_Plli1f __ w_ANT_ADll ___ --.... ._r __ m..!llO ____ -_____ ~ ___ _ r •
\ -
.... ---..... --~--;.;;-·:::-;;-. -----:-~==:-.--· . . . .. . . . ... .
. ..,..,., .,....., IA, tW.. OA!l Y I'll.OT 4;!
u...ic.rs 9900 UMd Ca,. 990IUood Cars 9900 UMd C.rs ) 9900 UMd Can 990C Usod Cars 1'900 UMd Cars 9900 Uood C.rs 9900 Uood C.ro t90I
-' iiiiiiiiiiii'
-. .
Convertible~ automatic, power steer-
tnro RAH. ne white w/black vinyl interior. (NQ$4.78) ....
;66 CHEV. 'l:z.Ton
P1ckup. V-8 ena., auto. trans.. factory air cond., radio & heater, extra nice U~N~u5~·~5 .
Sport Fury convertible. \18., automatic,
power 1teer .. radio, heater. (NBVBS4J
Greenbriar wagon. Automatic, radio. heater. (IUB465 )
~ V-8, auli>on&Uo, \::" •= beater, tuxedo lack. S (JVG.1941 .
'67 FORD 1/2TON
Plclrup. V8, 1tick, radio. heater, Dover
white, 8' Styleside bed. (U298il)
"GTS" Spt. Cpe. V8 4 &pd, PS, fact. Alr,
green w/dark ~n landau roof. Ex·
ceptional. BI'8JI new red line tires.
Custom coupe. Full pOwer m:l factory
air conditioning. Radio and heater.
I , •••••••••••••••
• '66 FORD 3/• TON ·e
• .,... .. , Soedal. VS. autoo>ati~ Hi>. • • Nbbe,, •P~t mm, I~ mileege. Kampen; •
• Kabln 8' camper ..,..u<1e4-(U29379) •
: 52395 : • • • '64 IMPALA e
• 4 Door hardtop. VS. automatic, PS, P-•
• windows, factory air conditioning, radio, •
beater. {0TM122) ! 51095 !
: '63 IMPALA :
• 4 Door. V~ automatic, PS, radio, heat-•
• er, air conditioo!nc, Gold W/belge in-• ........ (PIW217) .
: 5695 : • • e '61 COMET I
•• Station Wagon. Automatic tran~mission, •
radio and hcA.tcr. (QMV922J •
'66 DODGE -
Polara 4 Door. Autorriatlc, ·air cond.,
Power 1teerlna. ndlo beater, &old With
belie Inter. Below wholelale: CSIN486J
51395 • •
Land 'Cnrlser. 4 wheel drlve, excellent
condl.tion. low mileage, (TRJ019)
Sharp with peppy VW engine and trans·
mission. Metallic blue. (DDU388)
Nova Station ~on. Automatic, power
1=3I· air co tlonlng, radio, heater,
( ) 5695 '.
~I Coup< .3Z7 V-8, AT, P~ W:~
--RAIL Muoon th blac interior. Lie. No. TUXe9
. '68 DODGI ' Deluxe 4 door 1tatlon wagon. V8, 1ub>-
matic. power 1tttring, radio, heater.
5249$_ ,.
~ DeVille. Full J>9Wef, fac':I air. o and .heater, Clean. 1ris1de out.
51395 •
'64 CHRYSLER 300
Hardtop Coope. Auto. trans., ~ 1tef!r .. factory alr concL Beige with pe.rdunent in-
\trlor, Uc. No. XEV911
. • •1
~: I .. f •
" : ·
5395 : .-------. e e '63 CHEVY 11 '62 CADILLAC
•. '63 PONT •. LEMANS • Coupec11·--·~.~~ ¥_-,,,,'i:,.~;t""' .... ,ft'm!· '65 DATSUN '65 DODGE
.&:"i Coronet H.T, Cou,pe VS. automatic, pow·
er steering, air cond.. RAH. Turquoise
w/whlte l&ridau to11-(NMJ328)
Pickup. Radio, Heater. Lie, No. N?sotwW
• 2 Door sedan. 6 cylinder, auwmatic, .._._. .. ......,. ua1o nicer. n..:xo-
-.-, . s795 I ~~~~7~f§95~ ~~ i -· ... ··;795~ 7M) • • s1295
....._._.___., ••••• _ ••..••• CHEVROLET J.
~!~~ 546•1203 -CARS 546•1200 ~1
Imported Aulot
MG Mon'il Minor 1000 Sta wq,
'67 MG MIDGET • '>8 MGA Red Judtp .cpe • rnw. Vlctarla, C!d-'68 Ponch' 912
Sain, Service, Pirtt Rdstr, Mark III, 4 1pd, dlr, R/H Good mech. 5 good Ure1 See anytime. Coupe, SUnburlt yeiJoW with ~ G excellent rururine cond. Wire $4.50. ~. black interior, AM /· nr. o...ump~te new M inventory wheels, cream whlte body, PORSCHE' ' ~ u-.. ~~ ....
S..thenew...-Amerka "'""'black !nl Drlvon by MGI -------1 11,°"'iocal~nill'..•~ Here Now! Utile 'ole man from Laguna '65 p h "C" -:: ; $85 Cash dels. will fine~ 1966 MGB Roadsttt, wire One e . meUCulous care.
prty. L.B. UOF 593, 494-9773 ~ R/li. low tnila, Coupe, Ruby red wtlh black
or 56ai34 $660. below average retail, interior. All Porsche extru. J1rtupot I
31111porrs MGA
$1495. cash OI' terms. Golden Low miles on this unusually
West Auto C.enter. 1984 clean car. 13 other Porschl!s
3100 W. tout Hwy. Newport Blvd, C . M . to choo6e from. 3100 W. Coast Hwy.
-. 540-1761 • Aathorized MG Dealer
'60 MGA-1600
top cond. $800. * 538-2731 *
For Daily Pilot Want AdL
Dlal 642-5678 tor RESULTS
Final Shipment of Brand New
1968 English Fords
s 9
E111llsh FOl'tl Outoollo All Othor Mobs In l111lantll
Mt WWle Sal11ttsl1 Ne Cr ;' .. , ·•
JIJllPLlrl :i
Newport Beach
642-9405 540-1164
Authorized MG Dealer
'67 PORSCHE 912-19,<m ,mf
Red/blk int. Cbiome wb1a
3100 W. c.out HWJ. AM/FM. I m mac u I ate ,
Newport Beach Da,ya. 5 2 5 • 11 8 3 • Nights
gc.34(5 54()..1764 673-4223
Authorized MG Dealer '59~SIJPER==-"°o""Conv=-N= I * PORSCHE '65, C, Red, top .l ea.ta, chrome ,;,hee:
Black Int. ~· whls., $1300. ~3066 aft S:l:l
AM-FM-SW radio. Very ~,,.....---==~=·
good '°""· p,; prty. $3295. 1964 -XLNT COND
540--0254 673--9339 & 675-5835
Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS . DAU..Y PILCn' WANT ADS!
New Cars 9800 Now C11'1 9800
'U OOID ITA. WAGON ·s1·995
Co1i111fry Sqr.iir•. ' p11••119•1. 1v+•.
~1111., ,,_, ,, •• ,.
''4 YOWWA<HN , " s995 l11ft•, He1t.r, whit• will. HMI 149
tta ~ cir. k1rdt•p, ••••· 111111,.
pw,, '''"· • br1k•t, blr1 cl1111
Cl1t1i• 770 o4 dr., 11d .• VI. •vi•.,
trant, f1ct. •Ir c:•nd. K:S fl I
'6' IAMUI ' ....... 2 ,, ... ,.,..,, •11 ... , tr1111,
h&bt ...... ,...,.,....,. r-419
''1POlllM'M*Mlll , .:....., ,..., 14,oot ...n-..
I• •••flfY· VN l)f 'U IAD M I lllr ... .,,,.., ........ tr1111., r1411,
i...m. OML ltl
'W POD ~ DOOi JDAN ... ~··· tr•~··· power tt11r. a br1\11 .•
QSK 770
• fl Dorados • Calais
• Coupe de Yilles • Sedan de Yllles
All Carry New Cor
5 Y eor or 50,000 mile Warrianty
494-1084 • 547-3103
Imported A-9600
SUIARU 1----....--1969 IUIARU
trom $12'71 .. MPG
P01U1CRE CUrta1tt, O••ualMI b9lp CU' m'5ct
Rllf, -c!olcb. $1111. losta l8ltom I(.,
c:utt « terD:ll. Colden Wett N5 Bakilr C.M. M)mJ
..... c.n .... !JM -====· ====-Blvd. c.t<. ~ SUNBEAM
'113 l'ORSCHE S. xlnt cond. ------all new equip. Beat oUer. 1962 SUNBEAM tt.oadater.
Imported Autw 9600 lmporlod Aulw . 9600 _;•j
------;~ , _S_U-NB_E_AM_T_IG_E_R_ ··7 TOYQTO ;:
'66 • 2 tops, alunl wbeelll, Corona, automatic traz:tam5I-1
radial tires. r I b. Koni 1\on, radio. beater• .e 6 J
Sbocltl. ·never raced. well drive today. Uc T!X:M'. ..:., main-"" ""'1 "'"''"· $147S . c.
=;;OTA ~~~r
1966 Harbor, C.ll. 646.a30I t, MANY EXTRAS u ~~ TOYOTA .1;
All Model• Fr. $ l·no HEADQUARTERS • lmifa ELMORE ;,
llfU( IS IS!OO ":.:!.. ~'-mf.,
OYbTA-VOLVO Fer Dally Plat Want Ads. :.
1916 Harbor, CM. -Diel --1;;:=~======~-=============I '
9900 UH<f Cars 9900 { ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj . <
' • --
AND A•I lllNG OF,lllD AT OR NI.lit ! J
1963 Thunderbird
Full power, factory air condition.
White with black Interior, IYE437 975 71
1964 Marc. Montclair 2-<fr. H.T. $975
The Fu tback model w/power steering
&: brakes A: factory air condition. 10x167 ' .. ;
1966 Comet 4-<lr. Capri $1475 V-8, auto., JlO!"ft' steerln2. factory air , cond.. new tira a: complietely recondi· • •
Uonat. RRY522
196.5 Marc. Colofty Park Sta. W• "575' \r-8, auto., • steer., . bnk~fac.. I air cond. Ffo':'Rttne go~/match. inter. ·
1966 Mere. 4-clr. P•rkt1ne
"The Best." Deep metallic m1roori
wtlb black landau.roof. Pwr. 1lffr.,
pwr. brake., fac. air cond. XSS516
1967 -... C:.Upo G.T. $2)75 v.s.•.-. Y"!i....,'"""'' lnkes. . fae. air, wide.on Uret. dadt blue wltti
--.. -. TNllOt56
.--. -·
' •
., .
Ha1laor lllYd. COAA
MllA -
Holiday Sales & Service 4.'IWZl'laltu& . Xlnt meoh•nlcal '°""·New
'62 PORSOIE Coupe,. Super, top l U.... $500. -• COSTA. MBA Mlo7llO '''' "AllOI, COSTA MESA xlnt -__.,..,, $33IO. llM iiiil&Oiil AJPiD;, I .... 023 -. ..... ....... __ __.-_ ... _..._ ____ .. rys..-.· c.n~. ·----... ---·
~~-~-~~~~~-~~~~~~ ...... ~ ...... ------------------.......................................................... ____ ....
• .. . . -... . ·-....... -.... .. .. -...... , ..... , ... . .. .. . . . . . . .... . . . ... -. . .
' F'rhLtY1 Ftbrii11114,196•: ~ 1 ·~ ,_1 • ·1·,:·1 .~ •• • . • i 1 •• ~-:;.:==::-=:.:-,9"'100""'"rRA=N;;:SPODniRf'iTiAT'ri1:rioN..-'-;';1'fiRAiAiNSl'ORTA_!l~N'" '" 'TRANSPOttTATIOH ,, TRANSl'ORTATIO!f TRANSPOl!tt'.f!O!I; 'TRANSPQRTATION
Imported Alltoo 9600 hnporttd. A-~ I~ A,-~ ,in.,ortod -9'00 1..,,ortool -• Hoo
~""~"'~'~"~""~"~-~~~9~600~ A-Wonted 9700 Auto Lonlnt 91~
• I(
~ t : .. . if .
'64 Triumph
1 Spitfire. British racing~
wlth black lnterior. Per*' 1 condiUon in every detail. • $129$ • • :-.: ;. THE . , .. ~.. .
6T V.W. SQU..\RF.UC1< '6S VW deluxt bus. Top -I ALL MAKES "' fj·~~NiFMDN•. ~!':i. '=· =·.:: · > vw i ~1~. 1~1 '68 Y01YO 2 DR. ~:~tt.:i!:!i~
•MS! • ,. 548--7473. " Good 2nd'car. MANY EXTRAS -~1or ,uaed•can " tnkkl just 2'U W. <but H.l&h~~;
'6S \iW Su:l&t SO:ro:>i ml. OWNER'~ust sell' • ~ • Price Sptcl•la • 163 VW $8'9 EXEC CAR , call us for tree est.tmate. Newport Stach ~
White/ eood oondiUon. -Xnlt cond. Racli<; A:· extras. JllO lNc • •• •• ·· · · · • · • • $399 Ori&lnal. Black $249.> 6ROJH nmmlllEJ ssoo. * 642-9l6S 20,000 ml. BHt offer. c.n :61 Bua• .............. ""' BILL MAXEY UI''"" Used Cars 99Clll
~ • LEFT OVERS!: ,~ w. eo..r ''""·
~ •We Must Clur Thut• .Nrwport Beach
3\!Jl lJ OrlS
196S vw s..... ·~w w•w, 56-29« ""' 7 p.m. ,63 ._ .............. "99 "'t411. ~ .. ~~ ::. ':i~' TRANSPORTA~;
ong ow"'" $1395. ,..._ ·~ vw VI tp'•"• "•-. Hunt. Beech 847.S555 1966 H.-, C.M. 646<1311! WE PAY. WJI '6'l CADILLAC 4 "°"' -
'68 vw au. 7 ,.... XJ"t .~. · ~ ;;,r;~!· ft~ , . of4 3 ml N, ol Coeal Hwy. on Bd> '65 1%1 S I mm• c u l at•. IDp, full powu, tactmy @',
·> • NEW 1968 • 642-,... .~1161 ,., Authorlz.ed MG' Mier
com. AM-FM. Prv prly. ',,.;w~ lsl:9'34 . ' ~ . MUST .cu •O/ vw \ )l<woo~ AM/FM rodlo, • ln\<:k FOR' YOUR r... a•>dlllo ............... $1911
$%M. 642-1037, 837~ •64 VW Bus. Xlnt coOO. Wk ' ~ AM/FM.' auto, Xlnt care, ae~. white walls, nMf UUl '59 T-BIRD Full paW'U' "' ,, • •1>==t=· r====="' ~ • BUICKS • .,( vw reblt e.ngtne, Good days s.s PM" 545-7400 Aft . ._ . 12,ro:> ml lett on warranty. cond. $1450. 545-87D (Cali CON. N' E' LL. ·so ·roRD Convertible. AiiJO.
tires, radio, good shape. 61: wlr: ends 67.J..7790 w' $1800. 49f..1191 or 497-1863, help financ;e ) matie, radio, heater -· .$'till !; • '1968 Exec. cars • VOLKSWAGEN $650 Cuh. 5'6-4128 aft 6 ' ... ""Gary Arehibald CHEVROLET '62 OLDSMOBILE F-'5~4 ~=~~~~-~ .. '6l, v.w "RtTS . ~ . • '65 vw ""~ Sta"--Autos W•nted 97CQ -••••• • •• ,.. • .... ;~ • 1968 Demonstrators •
• • :! : HUGE •• . SAVINGS
" . •: ••• '• 'J_ •
" .. . . 1:.
AS • • • I '·. . '.: On These Be•utiful • • • !; :'68 MODELS:
·~ • Rivieras· Electras -• (• · •Le Sabres· Wildcats•
II • I ~ & Skylarks ! . , .
I> • ••
• • • •. ' . 1. • • • ·f • i .• DOWN
~'•Pl• Ta ... ~ ... • I• •• ,,,._, Cne. GMAC• •• .,. ••'-k ... •c ....
I •I . •
• i~. .. . POOLE'S FINE
• • • r. • • ~· • '57 OLDSMOllLE • f. 1 ··91·• 4 doo1, !ALH9941 .
•• Yoll <•n b1li1v1 lhi1 pric1! .. . . ~·. $49 • ,. .
' • '66 TORONADO
•Full power, f1ctory 1ir• ~ l cond. ISBNll1 f 8
i·. $2995 I •-------•
I '67 OPEL I I a Spt. Cowp1. R1d io, h11te1,•
4 ,peed. I own1r. IUOF·1
•1011 I • ! : $1495 • •
' I : I '67 CHEV. S.S.
' I R1dio, he1t1•, 1wto., P.s .. 1
• 1P.I . lmmecwl1l1 condition .•
I... $2295 • • • i • '67 EL CAMINO •
• Cw• Io m pic h1p. R1dio,1
h1eler, ewto., PS. (Vl 7011 J a j·: $2395 • • i. • '67 COUGAR •
•A&H, 111!11., PS, 1ir condi-
lltio11in9. I owner, (UCX-• •'•1> •
'. $2695 • • • '66 OLDS "98" • •luxury -4 door. F11ll pow1r,
•fectory 1ir. ISUP5121 •
• $2495· • •• • • '66 MUSTANG 2+2•
, 1 Fectory 1ir, -4 1pe1d, r1dio .•
/ htel1•. lRSG2S6l •
. : $1495 •
I '65 OLDS D .... II•
•40r. H.T. R&H, 1wte., l'S,1
1 1ir cor.ditionin9. · IMOY-•
.1461 •
• $1695 •
•·66 DODCOE M-•
• 4 Or. H.T. RlH, 111ta.,.
•PS, 1ir cond. l"TPUOJ1 1
$1995 : • • ........ (
i: • llEADOUARTW : •• ~ ._Compl.+• Sal•s -S..-v.a
1 •c• and Parts Depart-1 ~ •ment for JAGUARS. •
• S11 T1ie Excit!119
• ~969 J1911er Todey • ~ ......... :
\~ .
2U E. 17111 ST. :
"r: 548-7765: •• Mon-Fri 8:30 am •
tefpm •
S.tu.U. 1:30 om •
to'pm I •
"60" V. W. VAN
New trans. and engine
$750 * 548-5151
'61 vw Sedan dlx. Low mt.&.1 rtriil b:idy··~· ~ dean. ,.tq\We-..,. ._, 2828 Harbor mvd. · ............ uca .... ,
many extras. Origi nal '*§.~.·.· ' ~~. ,r~~~=-~~~ Xlnt Will Buy Costa Meu~ ·~~wcx··2··~~:··~:
........ $14'6. .... '956 I l'4'ml!ill0 s.""""' radio, Ccm'A ...... -An· llquos, Classics 9615 ..... B .. LaUulOEmaCticH .. 1'p"' f49 '64 VW Sun Root, ~· l ~upha1/'tltts. ;n951 Orie .L.::.._.._ , VOLVO Your Volbwt.cfn ar Ponclw °"""'• $050. Good tu-.., owner ..... ,,.. l!63 •'\IV/ I F.,...;...,, .!~<Pl ---..-----· I .. P>1 top dollns. Pold for ,.bit •n& 644-0lJ6 ml, Uke """'· RJll. 11'195. ~" •• ,~ I ''6 Fon! grill•, 2 rear doo" AU'l'O SALES : · ... vw. x1n1 ani. Cash.,."""'· Cold"' w .. 1 * New Volvos * "'not. ~ ·-rompl•te with •"""· 1 """" • * '59 VOLKSWAGEN * $125(1. Auto Center, 1984 Newport ·GET A 673-1190 slightly beat, 1 bell housing 2145 Harbor mvd. •
S2Xl under mue Book * 642.2294 * Blvd., C.M. 642-8460 with rear ,end. 1 '40 Ford C.OSta Mesa :.
962--8956 ·~ V'li BUG-SH.IJW! 1967 'VW Sedan, R/H, -4 BETTER DEAL ~ ~~ hood deluxe & l grille de-642-9700 54o-d92
'64 V\Y, SUNROOF, radio, Radio, 6 tires. By owner speed, very clean, n495. Herb Friedlander TOP S BUYER luxe. Set ol back se~ts for MEOIANICS' SPEClAll
vinyl. Xlnt. "95. Days $850. Call 513-7161 cash or terms. Golden west 13750 Beach Blvd. (Hwy 39) BU.L MAXEY TOYOTA V.W. Bus. Phone 5JG.84ll ONLY 10 CARS LEFT"
494--8511, eves 494-2976 THE QtnCKER YOU CALL. Atuo Center, 1984 Newport 2 blka So. G.G. Fwy. 18881 Beach Blvd. H.B. Ask for Bill. One to Each CUstomei.
SOCK IT TO 'EM! THE QUICXER YOU SEU. Blvd, C.M.. 6f2..8460 89~'1566 537-6824 H. Beach. Ph. 847-8555 'White elephants! Dime-a-line $25. $50. $75. $100. t
plus tax & lie. :
9800New C1r1 9100 Now Cors 9800 New car. . 9800 New Can 9800 New Cars
'.B9en thinlcing •bout • sports c•r this 1e•r? Well,
·start thin,king •bout the Bre1lc Away J-irebird •..
Ponti•c's sportiest m1chlne. New f.or. J 969 is
Firebird's e.it.-rior sfy/ing, ·wit~ 3 exclµsi"ve colors
and 1 l other ~olor choices. Plus restyled Slimline
Strato-bucket ie•ts._Jt') yp to you to choose any-
thing from. 4111 .nifl-y, tbrif~.y OHC.6 up to • mov-
ing Firebrd -400 · Ram Air. And for other options
.•. well, just neme "em. Check out how little it
costs to own the Breek Away sports car of the
y~1r .
. I
F1milY w1'90", • cylin'9r, 11tomelic, riidio,·li••l•r,-c1tfip1r
1qwlpp1d. I TB I 000 I
'67 BUICK GS 400
Vt, ~hyd••ft\llic. p•wer , 11•-"!t, , l, 1 br•~••\· .r•dio, hot~l,r,
WSW. f•ctery eir vinyl tep, ITPY 5191
Stell.,, w19en, 6 cyli11de1, 11lle"'1tic, p-•• "e1rin9,.r•dio ..
k1•t1r, !TEI' I SO ) $1577
linp1l1 SS. VI, 111to1111tic, p•w•r 1t..rl11t. f1dl1, h1eler,
WSW. •i,.,.,I tep.16,47.5 mil••· INOY 1111 •
IRAND· NIW 'H FIHllRD 400 $394562 V1rGoro gr••n "W/9old •ln,.rior, 4
1p11d, 1e'f•-t-tr1c:k, AM -FM r1dio,
r1lly II wh11h, c:u1tom d11rin9
whe1I, con1ol1, r1lly 9•11911 & c:locli, pow1r 1t1erin9,
di,c "br1k11 front, Alll CONOfTIONING, H.D. •prin91 &
1hock1, P-70 i 14 r•d lin1 tlr11, lie1d r1d1, tint1d 9leH,
front floor m•h. 1b,olut1ly fully lo1d1d, S1ri1I 1111mb1r
113~794 11114. ~ic:i1l .'tlck1~ pric• _'14,619.]5
HAND NEW :H FIRDI~ $287816 E•pr1110 broWft with 9old i11t1rior, ]
$p11d 1lend1rd tr1n1mi11ion, deluxe
whe1I CDYIFI, d1IU•I lf1er1n'11 wh1el,
cu1lom trim pl1t11, wh11I op1nin9 mowldin91, pewer 1ie1r-
in9, whit1 1ide will tir••· Seri•I n11rf1b1r 11l]79l601 SS 7
IRAND NEW '6'• FlHllRD ' . V1rdo•o 9r11 n 1rl1rior, 1riometic
tr1n1miu io n, p111hb111tot r1die, d1.
lw111 wh11I di1c1, EZI 9la11, hied ••-
1lr1inh , wi d1 ov1l whit• 1id1 wi ll lire1 pl111 n'lllch mo••.
SHiel nufftb1r 12J11'tl601071
IRAND NEW •6' FIRHIRD 350 $349633 C1m10 ivory w/d1rli blu1 cordov1
top l blw1.int1rior. T11rbo-liydre-
1n1tic, ,+.r10 r1dio, d1lwx1 b1lh, dlx.
wh11f <over1, db .• 1t11rin9 whe•I, R1lly II wh11l1, con-
1ole, pow•r 1t11rin9, di•c br1ke•, front he1d re1h, EZI
91111, rid li11.e tir11, front floor mah, 1lc, 1lc. s • .:1.1 n11m-
bir" 21ll79ll 11986. Offic:i1I 1tic k•r pric1 $4062 .1 I
IRAND NEW '6f FIHllRD $278446
leeutif11I C1row11I R.1d 1utomobil1
•quipped with 1p1ci1I paint, B-70•
14 red li111 ti r•1, d1l11•1 wh11I 'DY•
err, d1lu11 ll11ri119 wh11I, wh1el op1nin9 mollldi1119•, cu1-
tom melel trim plele• and m11ch mor1. S1ri•l •Nurnb1•
· lllAflP NEW '6' FIREllRD 400 $399862 ·w~~k bl111 w/cordove top & blw•
inl.rior. Turbo hydr1m1lic, 1t1r10,
r1dio, d111I hor111, 11lly. II wh1el1,
con1ol1, power 1t11rin9, di•c br1k11 front, AIR CONDI-
TIONING, EZI 91111, cu1lo"' trim, h••' r11f1, d""1ie
wh1el cov1r1, d1IU•• 1leerin9 whe11, wh11I oponin9
mo11ldi119•, ft1•d re1h, front floor 1n1h, •fc, 1tc. S1ri1!
number 12ll79ll ll019. Official 1ticker prlc1 $4,71).80.
lenn•vill• conv1rtiltl1. Va, pow•f. 1t11ri119 l br1k•1. r1dio,
h11l1r, f1clory 1ir, WSW, pow1r window1, black w/bleck
top. ! RZA 45 I l
1Co11pl O.Vilt1. VI, lr,•••m1lic,• p•w•r ,i.1ri11g·br•~e .. win·
dow1-111I, f1ctory 1ir conditienii19, !VLF 1031
P1n1I pickup. R1dio, 4 'P"°' ITAV 41l t
l1M1n• 1 Dr, H.T. VI, ltydr1m1tlc, powltf 1te11ing, r1dio,
h1eter, WSW, f1 ctery air, IVRH 6141
2 Door h1rdtop. VI, hydr1m1llc, pow •r iteerin9 l brek1$,
redio, h11ter, WSW. fectory eir, vinyl roof, ll,497 rnil11.
IUWW 1911
Cemper eq11ipp1d, 1-edio, ti11~r, '4 1p~1~,
ISKO 27tl
l 9,1ol 4 mile s.
4 Or. Sed•n. Awlom1tic, pow1• •l11rinf, pow1r wi11dow1,
bl1ck w/rtd le•th1r i11!1rier. WSW, f•clory 1ir. !YAO 1141
'64 OLDS Dyn. 88
2 Dr. H.T, VI, hyd rtmttlc, pow1r 1i11rin9, redle, h11t1r,
wliit1 w11l1. ]0,7]] mil11. (OQE l]ll •
2035 Harbor mvd. ~
548-8511 •.
"65 EL CAMINO, •
283 eu in, &tick, SUXXI .~,
673.4383 -. ' , ____ _
'61 BUICK La Sabre, 2 dr.
hardtop. New red paint ~
& upholstery. R &. H. Powe1r
steering $400. ~ Pegasus.
S.A. Heights, 549--0449 ':
FOR Sale 1966 Buick R1\fl¢l'i.
xlnt cond. lo mileaie, pvt
party. 548-58(Xi ~
""" "'*
'58 BUICK Station wagon.
Very clean! P/s, b, R/11,
roof rack. Offers. 646-6700 ,
57 Buick Century. Good '
transportation car. ':_' n 75 • • • 548-0291 .... * '66 BRUICK Riviera., liJi
equipped. Immaculate ~
dilion. call 644-2448 ..,.
'62 BUICK Spec. Po\ftr,
auto, good cond. Ii ~
$525. 644-0088 .....
'67 SEDAN de Ville, ~~
windows, locks, 11eats, tilled
wheel, air, cruise ccmtJOl,
gold w/black vinyl it.p,
black leather. Imma.cultde..
$4250. 494--2469
'68 CADIILAC Coupe De
Ville Coav. Xlnt cood. Pric-
ed for quick sa1e S5(XXt,
'68 CAMARO 396-375 HP," 4
spd. XlJ)t cond. Must sell.
$2400. 847-2494
'66 EL Camino 396 enga,
4 speed stick shift. $1150.
Ray Carey Chevron S$..,
604 S. Coast Hwy, LaitJM . 494-TI40 . -
1967 EL CAM INO. 4 s~,
s p e c i a l suspension-:$6.
Black personal car, new
tires, t~t class conditioli-
$2100. 675-22'2ii
1967 2 [)(X)R lmpa.la, Vihyl
roof, fac. air. PIS. R/H,
low miles, $2500. Pvt. Pty.
'60 CHEV, Statioo wqon:
V-8. auto., pwr. steer. &
brks. Air<ond. X I n t !
'59 EL CAMINO. Top cond.
327 Corvelte eng, new int,
tires. air lood levelers, air-
cond. $650. 673-6036
1961 CHEVY Conve>i, -running 348 engine. Good
tires, 1st $275. Call 546-illS
after 5.
'62 CHEV Impala hardtop
conv. &cellent cood. R &
H. pwr 11trg. $700. 645-1748
aner 2 PM
'59 EL CAMINO, 283.. C brl.
carb, l..Daded w/extras, top
rood. 549-1746
63 CH.EV. Impala 301 Veile
eng.411 po.o;i. Ma.gs, l ndYll
$$0. 546-0078
'63 CHEVY Impala. 4 spd,
original owner. S900.
'63 IMP Al.A SS 327, 4 spd
$985 or im le UBUmt
p)'mta. 54&.9749 alt 5 p.m.
'SS CHEVY Couptl,
automatic, 4 new tires. $200. * ....,.., •
'63 CHEVY JI Station Wagon
$400. 46 EAst 17th St.,
CcMta Me511.
'60 CHEVY Impala V-S. t
Or. HT. Aulo, P/S, R/H.
Call alls. 536-7466
·&i OIEVY, &00d'7-.,..l .-,
tetM.gtt, $75. Call after 5
'57 OIEVY, good cond.
Colna: ln terVlef' .UK).
• 646-08lt5 • !'I
' • " !
' ' I i
' '
' .
' '
Ftlclay, ,....., 14, 1969
TRANSPORTATION TllANSf'OlTATION=-T::ltA=NS~l'O::;:ltT=A.:.:TION:.::;.::=-:T.;:.R:;;AN;::S:.:l'ORT=.:.:A;;;T:.;;ION:::.::::-'.Tlt~A;:NS;;;JIOll..:·;;.:T.:.;A;;;TION==::T~llAH==:=:''°=ll.:.;TA:;.TION:..:=::=:T~RANS=:;:jli():.=::R:..:T::AT;.:i:::OH~~=~::::.:~~~1 -C.ora --Cora HOO -Cora tlllO -Cora ,tlGONow Cora ttCIClllow Cora flOO-Cora ,__ C.fa
Now Cira 9800
' -' . ' '
1964 CADl~C
'4 Do., htrcltop fi'nilhod in Royal• lh1• eat.n.fi._,t:ll ''"tchint !.lut elott.
inforror. Ho• oH th• pop11lor Cfflllac ,_.,. ... im lncllldl119 ,.._,...
llotrin9, powtr '"••••• powor wiltdows, AM.FU rocllo, crui10 control 0114
much, much moro. IVHUltll
SALE 51444 PllCI
Thi pop11l1r S1d1n D1Vill1 f.ni1h.d In •rmlnt "White 111:t1rior with co11tr11t-
in1 blue doth i nd l11fher fnterior. H11 ·111 the popular C1dill1c power
t11i1h including 1l11rin9, brtk11, wh111low1, 1111, AM.FM radio 111cl C1dil·
1,,·, f1mou1 ftclory •ir conditionhi9. 16165)
51111 PllCI' •
-. 1.967 BUICK
Skyl1rk h1rdtop co11p1, Hill VI •a9in1, 111t•111otlc tr1Mmi11i111, ''w•r
1t11ri119, r1dio ind h•1:hir,~-hctory Air C1ndltl111lf19,•hlt1•1W1 well tlr11.
Thi1 1!1,tric blu1 cir h1i.t111h:hi119 111 ¥inyl inffri1r end Is 1 IM:el, 1111
own1r cir with only 9,700 mile1, '!'011 must ••• thk 0111, IVTUD601
•t lu11ury Soden. ,l 11utlf11I ~1tln 1if.,1r Oiftrior with bl1ck ¥inyl roof i nti
""lthi119 broc1do intorior. 'Pow•r 1te1rin9, power bi-ok1t, p1w1r window1,
po"w1r 1111, AM·FM r1dlo, tilt 1lo1rin'll w~1I, power vent window1, air
eonditionin9. Ab1olut1ly. 90f100IK. lltUL0901
D1Vill1 con¥1rtiblo. l1.111tit.I Ci'1t110 l:tol91 ~itlt ~tchint tip •114 l"tltor
interior. Thi1 low mil11g1 ~Ir it. u..,ti1n1lly ociuipp1tl with f0Cf1ty 1ir
conditionin9, power 1t~ofiftt, pow1r br1ko1, poww 101h, power win.l-1,
tilt tn4 t1li1copit wh"~• .Alwt·ft.t r1dio, IXSP•921
. 5:~:13999 PRICE
A "Of'f 1porty ltordtop t~ i1 fini11tff ,in .Jl.,•r with lll1ck oll vi~yl ~uck•f
•••t interior. Fully lo1cl1d includln9 lig VI •ngin1, tri·powtr 4 1pH4
tr1n1miuion, power 1tai rlnj, powor lw1k1.., ra41o 1.nd ho1t1r, f1ctory Air
c .. d1tf,,io9. y_, WO:;,··W~s2'' m33JU '"'3''°· (!M'90
• -~ .•, ? .
A Masterpiece from: .••
. . . The Master Craftsmen
01'! Display and Ready for O.llvety·Toclayl ..
De Ville
. ? .r ·". . ~: t=:J .fyj
.. i.. .... ~ ~ ""
: .
A M111tihil CNatnut llrown 1Mfofllo~llo wltt. M1Mllewff4 ,Ml.ci top ind m1tcbin1 clot!! &
l1riher irihriet. Ht1 111 tit~ p1p11l1r RIWlt f9tt.re1 lnch14111t 'ow1r ftHri111, p1w1r ~r1k11,
,_., '!ln41w1, ,.w1r 1•1t, f1d1ry tir c1Hltlonh1t plvs PNllll•rn ffr11. Titi1 loYely cir lt11
M .......... ~ •••• a .. "s 4999
• Sedan De Ville E·
· nil I..,.!). SHati D1V'lllo ho1 111· populw ......, u1i1h l11cl11.liwt ,,_,.et••~ .,..,.,, "'•~.~
,_._, wlWewt, ,_., -t oMI C.tllllK't f1111ott .f1ctory 1ir nn4itionll!t• Titk ~11wtif11I 1wf1'.·
"'"''• h¥ Nan "''Y uref.tly'.lrJ,111 11)411 1h1w1 onfr th fht11t of c1r1 lly lt't pr1.,io111 own1r1.
l+MIJ -
1 3999
1966 CADILLAC ,,
Sod111 DtYiHo tNt 11 ab1oh1ttly ..,·1i1111. Flnl1ho4 t11 Spa11i1h Sliver··~
m1khl"1 olotei I ,_...., litttrlor, fu fy power 1cc111ttcl with pow1rJ1tt1r•
lnt·!.toktt-Wtl ........ et..loor l1ck1, AM-FM r1cli, outo crvito control, '
'""''" wklto•UH ~: ""'3111''' ,;:~;=,;,,, IR6N1171
· . 1966 THUtiDERBIRD . -, ,
·TII• 1,.,tJ 2 4Mr li•"'t.p 11 fully •qulPpMI with power 1t•1rln9, powtr ~r1kea. ,._, wiiwfows. powtr 11at and F0 Fd'1 f1mou1 ftttory tit .:011•
ditl•11h19, A IH.ttful 11tln 1iho1r 11t.rlor with bl1ck ¥i11yl'inl1rlor. M•$1
b• "'" l 4rlv111t.fully1ppr1ci1t1l IRTUJJt). • •
• " . $~LE ·$= PRICE .
· , 1968 · iELl DORADO
T~1 '"'' pop!tll•r ll Dor1d1. FlnithM..;1f 1Miroqu1 9old with, Mf't1 p1ddff
,..f tlMI ,.i; h1 .. rf•t. Tiit wh••I, poWw .t••ring, pow•r br•k••, pow•r
•!'°lMlews, , ••• , Mlt, Pow•r v•nt wiiwlt;-t~ power trunk lid r•~••••· St~rtci
AM·fM tt.clJ., •M m111y m•r• l11I11ry flOWft fe1tur•1 in.eluding C1dill1c ,
f•itt.fJ •fr•1.Hftffti119, l•ff1r 91~·Mr• fir1t on thi1 le111ty. !VTLl~1)
• . 'SALi• ~ PRICID . .
Fle1tw11il lro119hlll'!"'i M1l11tlc tHll 1il¥1r with black padd1d lop i nd
bite Ii: t111e1try e11il lealher int1rior. Air power h1eludi119 1f11ri119 br1~11,
win.lows, ¥Int windows, trunk lid r•l1111. St1r10 r1dio, tilt ind t1le1copie
tl11rln9 wh11I ,1111 f1ctory 1ir c"on~itioning. IUKV-2191
Th• p11Jul1r •-'•• D1Vlll1. fl11l1hocl 1!!1 l•roqoo told nMrior wllh 11"11tch0
int 10!.1 l11tliw •IHll cloth lntorl•J· HaiK •R tit• popul1r C14il1oc h111ury
fo1twre1 lnclutllllf powor •M•rln9,· p-•r llf1k11, powor windtw1, power
11th, 1l9111I 110\ilnt r1tll1 111d of tOllffa C.dllloc f1tlory oir co!'ldltioni~9.
{71221 . . .• ' ..
S~LE $2,66 PRICE
1968 CADlt.LAC .
S1d111 D1Vil11 with l1roq11• ·told oxforlo~ ind ll/1ck p1dd1d top with
.m1tchlnt },lick cloth ind l11th1r Jntir1or. Al11olut•ly lo1tled with power
•t .. rl119, pow11 ~r1k11, p1w•r wi11dow1,r p.Jw1r 1wt, powor 'trunk lid ro·
l11H, AM·FM ra~lla, premium Vo9111 Tyr11 ind of co11r11~f.1ctory ,;, eon.
•lffinl119. Th1r1 1r1 II '61'1 lo 11l1ct from right "ow 11 N1btr1 CtdiU!c 1·1?1,~ ir.e.~,18:. . .. :~·--~s"".A"'L'''~"';D',.~ .. ·R' ·1cED-, ·~ -: , ,9!0d''»;);f.'ii, . .M. SATUR[)A Y ·~clj Y . • C' Ji
' ' ... I • •· .,.--
Your Factory Authorized Cadlllac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast:~arbor Area
FACTORY lqUIPMINT TIRO. i -s39· •s .
' -h
• •
2600 Harbor .. Blvd., Costa ~esa
_ .... ---.-
U :::;sod;:: • ..;C;::•:.:"0-,..c.0-9900c= Used Cars 990p T·BIR!> __ V_A_U-ANT~--, ...-....,, 9900 U•d C•r1 noo llMtl Cora 9900 UMd C1r1 ------Used Cars Uttd Coro
'65 Chtvy lmpal1
I-lardtop, factory air corxl,
Blr, pwr steerina;, new tires,
black landau top. Xlnt cond.
$85 cash dels or take foreign
car in trade. Will fine prvt
prty. L.B. TXJ484. Ask for
Jim 494-9773 or ~.
1966·CHEVE1LE El'C&mlno.
d1?l11Xe · model, 4 speed,
R/H, $149S. Cash or lerms.
Golden West Auto Center,
U184 Newt>Qfl Blvd, C.M. ...,... ..
. '68 Corvette oo couaM. pvty •'>· w.. new. air cond, P / s.
4 llPttd, removable panels, AM I FM, W I O Tires. Wk·
finie:hed ln exquisite dark day1 ~161), ext 198.1, ew
Ivy green with blac:k inter-I. \vk-endl 673-2288 or
St•tlon W•gon StaUon WqOO\ blue with
Excellent condition. 6 pus. matchlnJ: vin,vl inter. in xlrit.
'6& T-BJRD 4 0r: Landau
'68 PONTJA'C Flrebild 350. P/w & aif..conct.. Perl cond.
PIS. P/B, pooier wlnckllvs. Must sell! $4100·644-2432 8,CXXI ml. 67 Country Squire 1..0=;.;.;;:;;_;=;,;c.;..;;;;;;;.._
Fon! Waaon. Everytbl••· TEMPEsT
.... ___ ,
VALIANT 'rl'4'Dr. (6). P/~:
Auto, R/H. Low milet.
U/Fac warranty. $17(K)..best
offei'. Eves. 837~
'"'· j)llly oqulpp<d lnc!OOine ,613-2244=-========= power steering, AM I FM. ...
Countr)' Sed., dlr, $85 cash cond.: air • cond., auto.
de1lvers. Take ...,,.,ta of tram.; JX>Wft' brakes, steer. OLDSMOBllE 002-1636 1---DUN'T JUS'I, WISH lot ao~
t.hlni to fumlsh your hortilt
• ••. find great buys in ~
day's Classified Ads.
·63 .CHEVY Nova, xlnt coml.
R/H. Owner-ILftc.r 6 pm
wide oval tires, etc., etc. DESOTO Only 8,400 miles, factory
warranty. showroom condi-
$39.86 mo. wmr"fi~ prvt 'in&' &: rttr wfnao,v: radio, SJ'ATION Wagon, '62 Pon-
Jl1Y· L.B. UEV484. Call beater; 1oocfw/w tires; CUJ. 2850 Harbtr Blvd. U.c; PY.Ti .steer. &: brakes;
1lller U. ~· 911! """ ~~ tom foam -tilled na!Ji:hhyde Colla Mela alr-cond., xlnt lbajle. New _.... or ......,.,_... Jllld far reu deck (ldeaJ. tor 541).9640 Used Can sea tirhl, new trana. Fine faml.
J ~l"lllPlil I
~\ 111 p Ll ii~'
MUSf sell lmmediatelJ! 19151
DeSoto, good contl. $200.
548-1567 or 646-7757
'51 FORD Cnlry Sed Wag, children when travelina'.) '61 OLDS, 40. 2 dr bird ~i,,_car::::;·c:"'°=·'-!3>-=-ll::.:49c..._
r I: h, P' &: pb. Ope owner '69 Ucetlltd. Ideal family top, 4 speed. Mkinl&ht blue J.961 Pontiac Tempest Sta. ~ $250. 406 E. 2ht car, fabV Paicrd at $995. ext, black int. Air, PIS, Wif'. lmmac. $395. .Aft. 5.
' ' DO~GE 'ii"FO''RD;n--"'XL,..,Co~nvt~.~ •• , '42.,\589 A!l-,7 Pf>!. •"'~,OOO~mi~ .. ~-::::,;w~W..:::_:ID:;OO~. =""'i' ~·:'-~•:;:;*:== '86 COI..Oi'!Y Park, 9 pu1, ~71U
'"4 POLARA. 4-Dr.l 3S3 V-1. ~. ~42~3 24~•; 25,lm miles. Big e~ne: '65 OLDS 88 2 Dr. H.T. • IAMILEI
power & auto., Ml/FM, m..-0600 ext 2371 power everything. Heavy Original owner. Like new.I---------. ~lOO W, Cout Hwy. duty &hocks, ptt!m1um titts. Muat sell-best oner.• Aft I, NEW '99 Rambler. run lbe
''Newport Beach ;i=ow=m=;='™==·="°"'==650===l1116 FAIRLANE Squire $2.600. Call -~I 5 pm. 962--1782 compact, $200 +tax and CONTINENTAL 6'2-""'5 540-1164 Waaon, V...!, auto, PIS, air, 16-lm! Uc.
64 CONT full pwr lthr ""· co~~:;.,"".;a ;;;, 1 FALCON :! ';!.$1.'."':iio 9:!' van. MUSTANG PLYMOUTH
2..fi way Sl!ata, $16"/S. pvt 'Pd,'2 tops, power-·~ Falcon ·s~Uon , Wapn. Aukl-302 V~ 8000 ml. $2900. , 69 PLY. Fury' 111; Jdp.." ~•<> o ... ., ' autornatk, 4 door, radio 4 .... ·-· .., , .. ......,ANG trr air •-· air !WI pty. ~ AM.I FM. Really sharp. _..wr1 '" n•v~i , ~a , ~t. , pwr., ; __.
'64 LINCX>LN C.ont., low •· '$48-1489 heaj..i .. ':ir, nell w lireB 5• 60,cioo.~ '•WOODY, xlnt eond. Sell oond. Many extru, fact. must -:0. takie' OWi' fllL ,•
mlles, very clean. S17$, ... -m ea. Y owner. -.., trade klr pod atnd. Pick ~ warr. JI.kt new 54()..7877, att. Low amt dn. s.-e:s:rc
'"' 346-910! PaJm.n-rt • COUGAR '"' 14".oo. Call 139.1353. ; Up. m : 'f53.-01&S t""' call-·
.., ~n , .. ~---4 dr MUsrANG 11165, ~ owner'j;;;·~l!O~NllA~~C~~t=~'°~-411;J~:;== '67 UNCOLN, 23,(0)MI. Red I----..;_..;_..;,;...__ -·D .,. "..,......, .... ..,....., -• y
wHh black vm;.i top. Loaded •o 'COUGAR 1 __ ._,....;...:,=c_' _.._· ,·1 ~ • h. ·Good """';.;,,, 1625'. top~-~ . 1912 POlnW; --•T; ... · ..
S!900 cuh ~1*' Lime'.--~-""' '65 FORD W-. Air, P1' ~ ..... -. dr ' pwr llr~ . ~-!Aodldoadair~ P/1 -~ ~ '6' Ml18TAl'ru IWIJ, Ill( I; "'"'-· 'ia ...... ' T.aJRD 1111. -; CORVAIR -. 2}--'llliil'!', •••. ~ . _' _ ·_JAYEUN ..... : !WI: Jodj "'"""· w G-ro. rii1i CoMltlo&--.. .n,-..-<1111
'62 PONTIAC Tempest
Wagun; aut.o., air, rack;
xlnt cond. $495 • .Mf.-0288
lm .. rted AutOI 9600 lmptl'IN. Atilos 9600
15100 WCH II.YD. WISrMINSTEll lf4.J322
l1nlt fln1ncl11j 1¥11i•lti-fl on
Mink .1ppro¥I of ct1dit,
I.ls Veus Yallen
2 DAi'S & 2 NIGHTS
"""1""11M. , iiiMi'OJij) .,,_, C5C11ii!f17 $1095.-Allft4P11 .,._.. --= '9ola,ltl2or!lpL.Wt•tlQI
' '64 MONZA Dix. Cpe. Now '6'1 .Q>UGAll. ...... .......... . .-. • '"""" ~·,a .... ,IPAVJµN'/11. flll1J. m~w, p~ OLDSMOal . ...~· °"' 11~ 'loll -. . • Ures; ·Wf, ..... $351). o~ _ ~ .... ~·~ ~-· • """ --· 1""" a •• .a. •r..:.o . • ·5!9'3116 .,,. ~~ --~ -~ ..... r.,c -4 --'W POllTIAC °""" ' pwt, • _, __ 911'1
11,GQI ml Ex. cond. l',411$. ii 10PA!.SqWn11\iiiii: '1962 liUll ~'II ... SIAll tnl. Pwr. _, -.,Good-· lllil
No Pvreh.10 Hou111(f'
"67 OORVE'M'E. Buriuncly
• 427, low mile~. xlnt cond. sacruice. 548-8522
-...,. 'PIS, Piii.' RIB. net, IMl'EllAL ... ~·~ ............ -....... -'' -· ,.... • '68 (XjiJ'lA'\ XR7 6000 in... lift'. new. lltlll. -1. 5.16-n• llt 5. ' e iii fiiilliliil)' JS Q ii T • B I RD °'"""1tble. ""3JJ2 ~ bnmed ..,., pejl .. mi F.Oll'\~R. .. JMP., 4 4lr. , · '41 OU>ll ·!1-· ,r,uo """"' .mz:,,:' '"'~·~ !12!0. s.. at--mT ~ OP!N 7 ft/lr'(S
' ~ -,..,., 1"d&fto conif, " ·Alr"all ptr,• jll1Y air~·-' U ! Call -M ·Dr.,~ lli!L=-~-~· : i'-~'...;'~' ,.,,;.;;:·;...,p .... ,.;,;,;;,..1"•"'1!1!;.:. .. . IE ff! ' roo1-cna Dr. lit i4a<m1 • .:mi ... 564o!1 ~-c.a Ill 5, ~ • ·r 11'!!'! !!'"· I ' Wllite :;: • ' ,. • ' •
. ,
o ,,,•,,.,...._•, ', o ', ... •I••\. •'o'I '' • • ~" • I , , ,. • O"• :.I' ,t \. '""' .;.__ \. •" 't, I 1-':•.f >, .<::f•11 ,..,l'f,:;fi$i>C .,_.l f.''f'._-.-..._ .... .----...... ,--~~-~
NEW 1969
011.00. N~.,. .... '"" .. ~ .. , '. w1111• .,.II ' • • • ·
We h•.,• • huge selection of Must•n9s with opt ional
equipment in stock for immedi•t• del ivery. Still
Ametic•'s No. I .sellin9 sports c•r'. Get your special
Dunton deal tod•y!
v :~·.:.~·~:~.$1295 f1ctory 11r cond.,
r1 d i o , h11l1r.
( RPK 9101.
'60 OPEL
• tyllncltr. Elltt llent !IQOd
"'llH~ lrtnspor .. llon.
'64 FOlD $(}95 COUNT. SQUIRE t !'ASS.
, ... '""· "'""' ,,_ "M'" rtetloo 1111111". (OSC. 1'11)
:: .:~~t.~1~~ ·-·· $1895 raalo, llU!w, sport deck rNr Hel. /TVW 112)
6 cylinder, slitk
r~dio, h 11!1 r ,
whi!1w1ll Ii I I •,
linled g I 1 11.
!SFL 4141.
'66 GAU.XIE $1295 500 4 DOOR
y.1. 1uto. lrens'.. ltt;•Ol'Y 1lr conct .. rndlo. "9119'. !RPI( 9011
'67 L.T.D. $2395 4 DOOR HARDTOP ... ""· ... ~ .. '""" ,,, (Ond., "'· 11eer .. POWr <llK
lltlkts. r¥""· .,lnCIOWI. pwr • .. ,,., rldlo, 11Pt1r, vlnyt top,
tlnltd glla. (TAI( 7Dtl
'64 T
llRD • $1495 HARDTOP v-1, 1uro. rran1 .. 11crory 1lr
cond .• pwr. S!Nr., pwr, brl~H,
l)W<'. wlndCW•, pwr, ""'· radio, heater, llnll<I 1111u. (HGP 641
:~·~~~~·::~:;"$1·39 5 r•d i o, ·h1•l1r,
1port dick r11r
11 1 I , fTYW
t 11 ),
'66 OLDS Cutkns $1995 COUPE
V-4, 1u1t1. tr•ns .. llCIOI'\' tir
'""" '"'· •~•.' ~ .. a . rldlO, hu!tr, b!.d:1t -rs.
IRPL t«fl
• fyl, ''If!! 11!!1t, rll!llG, Plffltr, . wtilttw11ls !Im , tirltlid gl9u . (SFL •Hl
Y-1. •ul9. trtl\f., 11-Ctory 1lr
oond., ,... •. •twr~ pwr. brtklS,
rldlG, llllttr. IWIM 7Ull . ' .
48 MONTH FINANCING AVAILABLE illl approved credit throu9h Califomia Fundin9 I
• • j
Open 1:30 A.M.·9 P.M. Mon.·Frl. • Sil. lo S P.M.
'67 GALAXJE $1895 500 2 DR. HARDTOP
V·I. auto. lr1n1., lecrory 1lr
cond., pwr. Sitt•., pwr. bl't~n, r10ID, hHlfr, (TYV 9901
'66 MUSTANG $1495 CONVERTIBLE Y-1, 11,110, Ir-.. pwr SI-.,
radio, hui.r, wtil~•ll Tlru.
(SQY 211J
v.,~~~~~:.. $1795 f1clory •tr cond.,
pow1r 1.f••ring,
r•dio, h11!1r.
ITSN 922 !.
'64 ALFA $1295 ROMEO lluc~ll lfffl, rldlo Ind l'INltr.
(OPK 1111
2240 So. ftsiin at Warner , Santa Ana ' 546 7070 Uied Cars OPEN SUNDA y
) New Cars • . ·,, 1 O~O to SaOO
·--·------. _ _\, ________ _
• •
• .
. , .. . .
. '
' . • .
' . ' .
'. .
'U BllYEDlRE ·, ...
2 DOOR ' •
. . . .
NO. llUl•l tf i212t1
~ . . ..
I· -. ,
ON ENTll'E 1N\IENTORY , ~ ~ ,, .
. .
• ' -. ·-
'· . '
. . -.
mfff ~ DAY . .66 «e .
ON ANY OF ACHAHG:c . ·"' r-. ,hfllie soo·~";
_ _,P!Jfl ~D l THESE USED &; .,.., '°'"'· "1:1.'r: ,.,....,., :·
. , , HIS~~~. " _ •g· ' · -,..,.._ j,..,. ,,, '. ~ ... ~,;.,.,., . . • ~-~ .. · .• ,f .( -.. --... : " -, . 9S" ,
,.._ "" ""' ' /'-I 1 • · "°"""" I fl" •, ' • I $2 5 9 .. '"""' ... ...;,,,.,.,,_ .... . '67 Pf ... .--·~ . _.
, .rldlo & .T. V4 I " . U ll .. · . .. .... .;,.":";;:; .. ,..;,,:, · rr :. I: • : . / '. . . . . ·119 ... ""·, _..., -~·~.?!_llllll •Ho . . . ·. . . s ...
.., ""· .... '66 . -.: ·7·9• ''"""'.'"/•u,,., , .... _, Of.Df(utlas,s .. · 5 -'I'" ..'t-,;,';''' • ... Cou11a •• ISl.11 Mttr • .....,. ,f'V
'67 DA . '16· .. ·, ........ _., ..... "~~:11"'"-•ic Ir RT 270 2-d· ~-' ' s· "'· "" ....... "'" " ,,.;dlo · · · '· . """' II ... . '16 -........ .-... '67 RAH .
88 :;:,~~:;,:.,~:"' ... ~ Rebel rtt
•W/1/w ,,,....._ ""' . . .......;;•-. --· --•17 """''"··-...;,.· .!!/!.!~!~!lliW . 95 .
s.z9.5 '13 ,.,, .. ""' ~,, , , 64 CHEV . . fts . ..:-.:~ ..... ..: ... ~•l1Tiu ss ·7'. ...... .•. ._~ ........ . •11 '"""" -.......
• • ... '
'i ..
,. ,.
~ '
. -
·; I
J ,.
· ,_DENTS THE ALL. •El SHELBY . ; . ' . GT llOR 1'969! , ,'',
TWICE AS EXCmNG ~ -Af.IY pt<:TURll ~
• ..
This Is the one y0u've we:ittecl forJ America'• .....
exciting~ UNCOMMON high perfonnance 1ports earl
I . '
Witl! Ille Options You Wallt,
at llie Price You Want!
OF 1968
GT-350's GT-SOO's
~ unique '69's were specially bllilt to save . you money · on the most wanted 1969
ad.1us! Coma In, ~ !"-aillUlllng SGYllllJS we're afferint on s u t h ,optional equip-
-',as air COllClitlon1ng, E-28 wlilt....... ·?lnyl roofs, del1111e wheal coven, tape
ll!tlpas. ·bacly 1'iD .. dl11CJS,, etc~ ate. . IN
Tuck-A-'-Tll-wlth .... CHIYaOLIT PICKUP
SJ-2. ....... l"lfr1 ....... , •"*-·~ !m1w. ..., daWn or tr-. $1695 ~~ $54.::'.
FULL PRICE 30 Months
1UrM. 1uto.. PS, t lr. ll'IWl'llQll1M. IVHM JUJ _,., doWn .,_
$2195 ~~. $6C) ':!.:!
'67 Mustong H.T. Cpe. ~~~~~:;~~~~ '66 YolkswC14Jen '.
VI. W-. U.H, l"S. ~ 1lr. 11\111 8001t prl« '264 PUii)' ._.., ...... llLW '141 -doWll or frJd-. . 's"'"1~6. "'9"""5 ;.PIUICI $47 ..... _., 11 to choose from. 2 llloot o!ld '4 iloor $1 Aft5 PUPILILCI $39 ..... _ .. fllocl•l1, H1Nfop1 111d L111d1111. All with V7
oir condltl!llMllt ond full powor. Somo
with 1ter10 top11 "•l thr11 '•7 Model ..
'68 FORD CUSTOM .... ,.,., '67 Ambassador 990 H.T.
. '65 T-Blrd Landau ~ :=:-:·"'~· _.,, '"' cond111or11 .... <unCJi
Full'( 11<111i11Ptd, olr --i .. ,OWtr wirldo'ln . • $1. 89~ ~!*. . CA9 _ ... H -b. Blue 8001t ,,-ke ~. (OYG.-J »"'-~ '-~-...
-$· 1".;;;5 .... $48 ..; .. · . .• .
'68 CORVETTE . . . . i! 7 ,raoe1 . "0:-" '64 Meri. :Wafjon 10 Pens. ._.._______ '°""""' ,..,_, l'"Ull .....,., olr. (JIY nu. IO'll. c111w11 or
4 lllttd, 1PKl1t wtlftl1, MW •kll l"tlM. 2 tops, "16,0I» • trldl. • . '64 Che rolef' Malibu W . mlles. irdlc ""'''' w1111 blld: lnltflor""'"' .inc1owt. '64 THUNDERBIRD $1'095 JULL $38 ... II
..-. flui.r,:.. •Ntr1119. fOMJ1fn. '°"' !n9;. =.:.~'KM. •Ir condftlDnlnw. IVZWID11 'JO "' ctewn .or ~I~. •lr ~.•U<Jl7•l M dcwlt 11(,lr•~ . , PltCI . W.... -·$4395 °o".:::' $119 .::.:: $ .. . '!! PULi. CA5 ...... $895 p~~. $32 ::-.::. 129~ PllCI ... '{-1''63 ·MerclllY Col. Patti
II tO c.hoo.,. fro.n. "i" l ''I" cylirtd1ri,
' t,.-.cls, 111tom1tlc, Som1 with powtr
dMrii.g ind .tir conditioning. 1965 tfiru
lt'I fl'IOdtl" con¥1rtibl15, co11pes 11td
2-fll .f11tl,1it11i. D AMN
H.Ht.p Coupe. Fully 1q1ipped tWXS·
395) 201. down or tNid1. $195 p:.~. $31 ~ . .
'67 Ford Custom ·
• Or. VI, lvla., 111.&H. 11JS12171) 20'!I. Wwn w tr-.. $1295 p.~~. $36 ::-..::.
W._.n. r 1"..; l"ull l'OWW· 111' COllll. IVOf 7S21 ..,_ -a-95· PULi. $3~ hr 24 ~., PllCI ~~ .......
Full .,.,...,, 1tdory olr. (HPC1'3) 20'4 dOWll ., trldt.
$1595 :,~~~ $61~:"'...l! '64 FORD .SALE
I Transportation.Specials
New 1'f9rt 9in1 IS c•ri p•r .,.,.k th1t e•11
IM ret•il•' •t .,.hol•1•I• to th• p11blie.
l1•t tli• '••11r1 011 tM1e eld•r c•rl.
SAV•I ! !
' Doon. ' o--.. s ....... Hfll'dt<lltl. CO!lwrtlbla, w._., -wltti 1lr end POW 1t•rl119.
''4 PO•D •MAlll IH 4 DOOi
V ... 1!,l'IOrMllc, Ml)' -""'......_ ITWlt .Ql l. 2"'o
•-or tra. ' ' $695 Full Price. $23 per 30 ,,_, . .
' ~. 'I l P' . I
~ • . . )" .. '
DELIVEllzY,!. -
CL-;£ A'R A·l -C E ·
NEW 190.' . '
. ·$ .9 ... ~~~:J.
. : INVOICE . . .,.. t{ .,,,.,,.
NO D~t~Y-~ll<?ES · /.' . . \ · y.., ~ay'l)nty ,,. o,illaro ,
O.or Actuil'l'a<tiry lnv..lce .
-UMITD ·4 GT.' 4 ors:
70::; 6 Pt. 2. Drs.
• 8 'Dix. 2 Drs •
. ' ' t •
"""°" ·~·· 1 IHx. 4' Dr. THUi iU;I ,
, • 5 Sta. wago"-
Compare . Window Sticker
Price With Our Clearance
Price To Convert These
·Truly u-•al. 'Sitvlngs
-Into· A~ Dalian &. Cents
Engllsh·Ford outsells all otlfer lnak11
1 in .Engl~! Act while selections aloe
complete. . · -· , . . ' '
-,. •