HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' I • 1. r ·( ' • J • I -· -;:;. ~. ~iva(e Cid ·Bias.· == -' .. . ... ' . ... . . . . . ' ,,_. . -1-::. ... ~ ' -• ... • • -' ----~ "' ·-,..... ·---~ -... -... ...... -. :::::. ....:... . ., -· me~af; '~ays : .1}.~;. • ' •• ' l • ' ' c .¥,~Y-T~US,.~, .. • ' •• ""I '1' ! ... Trial .. . . -----·JltiK~.s~~ ... ~~a,s~·-; l\';o~d$.~ ' f • • " • • r • r ' . , ... • ' > ' ' . .. ' • " . ~- . ' --- -:: .. ' > • . :i . ' . DAILY PILOT • . ,. '.' •• l ·ll errorized Official · Not .· ._ . r ' ' ;SATURDAY, FEIRUAll.Y ·rs. '1969 _ \'OC..' "it. lfo. ~ .... saa;tottS. Jl PAllS 10' ·identified . l ~ • -.. . ~ • ' . . ~· . :"' .... ~. '· ... .-, .'! " ..... _H-.. ~. ·mJidtnothe r .. , ' . . ... . ,, ' ' .. , . . .. . •,' ' ' ' ' ' Plead_ed-. \ . ' to Kille.r . ~1 Jw. RE~D. ' · BeiicJi.i !llih ~ dropou~ was. bow· I °' "" ..., f'IMt..St .. • e'ftr. ~-over to SuperJ<r CoUrt .on "Oh my God, ybat are )'OU·doing to. . a .charge. ol. grflld theft' auto .bf Wm me! Stop! S!OJI!'' . Orango 'Cou!lll' Municipal· Collrt .Judie . 'l'll09e .,.... 11ie·4as1 •wcrdl'ol a ki$l!IJ' W.iltei'W. OlaraD!fJi also suggeJI· f/i:ey haired gfanimolher • u.,, O!ad. elf that' Har&?•F' • ~Ve been an oot for·her k!lll1'·1i> stop.dabPlill11""i to . accessoey after ·the !acl. dealh lld a c!artenlid -Jm. 12; ao-llll C<Hle!endant Remy L. 9lane2, 15, oordlng lo a y-t.,.bo polke said told was bclUnil' ever .to SuperlGr Court on oflleen be ,.w hef dle. ~ ol llnntqree murder, Ulegat rTbele words aDlf. the event! of the pJ'aeiiion of a sawed off diot SUD and Jut few moments of the life of. Mrs. grand theft auto. Hester ·S. Markee, 55, repcrtedly were Bail wu. tet for Hargr,ave al $5,000 tiJld tearfully to police ollictt Jack but Sianez will conUnue to be beld In Or- Rtnehola by Edward Hugrave, IS, wbo ange County JaU witbout bail. late Friday was -cleVed as a principal The 9f(!er of Judge Charamza came iA. the tnlfe slaying Of the woman. at the end of the third and perhaps most ·eargrave, belpecla<ied Huntington (See SIANEZ, Pqe Z) By .JOUN 'v A!, TERZA ' -,i,,.~'fi1t",; '!f!ff'!' "f' . ., ' ·-· ' !ill Jl'rldaf, In ll!'!m Qe1<$•1b11-~ ..., -rii'-~pl .... C~cimla Jilillft\iilon . onrallOd • ..U. d-wblle «ilbef -enll beJd Jmivea aHwr throal. 0 Tbirt,-ftve atudenta made up a lilt at 40 -1• Ibey wpled ldmltled and brought· It <o. d.e dean and..tood there wilh awitchbladea:· at bl5 throat until. he admitted tbem,11 said Reagan • The•govemor didn't name the people or institution be refei'red to, nor wou1d Paul Beck, his press secretary. Oft'iclali of the state'a college and uni- venjty ,Ystems said they knew noth4>1 of the report. · t- Reagan .made the statement at th e Newport Harbor Exchange Club meeUng in the Newpdrter IM, to demenstrate how the academjc community i!: unable to' deal with campus violenc!:. The governor spoke before a jammed audience of at least 700 persons and his speech wu frequenUy Interrupted by ap- plause. · He strolled into the packed Jamboree room to a standing OYa1ion of well wilh-- ers, after his plane ~ been .!!layed by bad weather in Sacramento. Reagan briskly blamed the increase in crime and disorder in the riatlon " ... on 1 • a s~cke¢ng system of pennisslveness." B h . t B ( . . ,_ .. ft· cans~ '.. ~ . . ~n·s first applause during his Us . o:x· ;O• ··et· Q lj'. , .q ., ' " speoc11JortlieNewport.Har.borExchangc . t • • • · 1 ~ • ~ C1··"!1 Crime Prevention Week kickoff . l · -. '\ ~ ' . ·-. •. )I ~ ', 1 ' • • • :t~ ~ ;-· . . ~". .: · ,. cam, when be. tore at the student · ~ i ; · dissidents on the state's campuses. H ·u· ' I~ BFK' . 'Ar, ' . ' "We cannot bave an orderly ..ctety e •e · ,. m , m·s . If that sodety II ton:ed to determine · . . itselC by threats of violence.·• • · · .'· •. • .; • • .'!': ~ i l ' i'.'.·..', .:. ·~ ·: 1 · ~ ·.' ~~~tterly assailed co~ge and • · . · 1 :-. · ... _ .,.. : ...... ..-·.~ 5 -. •. ~· ;••.·: .;·-• •• ~·" ~ty teachers and administrators LOS ANGEllES (AP) ,J .i.. ~I. # .~-iUW~·~:~')!'Jil,, • ~ \11lV~ ~n llP their pmonal beliefs Uc t mer Sen ~ F K Bttmaa oiid7lle• de!WOwl!i" j.resent and 'who bave coodcned lhe vlol<nce ma ~n · ·, m-~ ~ODY that "at lhe ac-under the guise of follo'lrinj: the buic nedy J'U Ibo!, a yoong bolboy cradled tuat mpment ol 1be· ahootinl be wu out phlloOopby o1 the \fllsidentl." \be senator'• bloody bead Iii blJf arms, of· cantact with reality, In a trance." "Wbat bu ba~ to the lfOO! cf ~ ~Jiai:f;'ment and placed • Tbe state i1 trylRg to prove Slrban (See NEWPoRTER, Pqe I) fOllJ'Y m • • killed Kennedy, June &,-1981 with malice "I uld the..Jirlt th1nl thal .came to ~~tile elemenll o1 my mind," Juan Romero ¥ld Ftldiy' , first 'detine. · Tbe defeme hopes to'the jury that la !eying· Sirhan Blabara to sbalr the tl1llng ;,,ipuklve, wltb- Blrban fe< Kcnnec!Y'• ·dealb. "I sate!, out ' pnilledltatlon « JDJlicO. loJI ·Ber- 'Come on Senator, you can make it.' man put 'Jt: "totally a prtlduct of a sick, Th<ll bll bead'dropped back.'! -mind and penonellty.", Entlle 7.ola Berman, ooe of, Sirhan'• Romero bad jone to the ~alli'oom to three d«ender1, said tn h11 opening hear Kennedy 1peak and preceded him Statement that "there is no doubt •. : to the _.Pantry area. Shortly after mid- that he, Sirhan, did, In fact~ flre tho night &omero aaw ~ coqllng ~ ' ward Kennedy. • • • 1 • BOLDEST THI EF GETS $35· FINE A • Newport Beach machlnic wbo deanted•bll apartment wllh -"Pollce Vehlclaa Only" oipl 1-beerl lined $15 and placed ..... year'• ..,.;. probation 'lo -Judicial .'Dlltrlcl court. ' ~Clim B. Joilnston, Ill, of tl4 flh St., was arrested by Coota Meaa · police followlnc his _.lllftU tn a Haloween party cootest. Party partldpaota.weed tbat the mecbanlc qualllled le< t¥ Ulle of "bi(gell r1'lc taker" when J~ removed the liina !rem .thl Coola',Meu i'olj<e Facility and -them home. '.lllay .,.. llOW back on lhe polica building wall (' "I lboaght it WIS I person who ccNiin•t wait to shake hl1 hand," U.Omero said with hil heaVJ Spanish accent. "I aeen the guy put a hand at the ""'""'' he.!. And::tbtn I llW a pa. '"lllen I -Sen. Kemedy stretched out In front ol me. I leaned down and plcbd·ap1lil!booldl' • ' . Romero said be lall<ed .to ' Kermed1 wben ••aomebodj, a pritst or M1ieti0dy," gave a ro&arJ )o 111111" and I put It In hil harit." " I ' At !bl! poln~ sllle'a atlorneyl •JI"> duced a plctute lhowtn1 Romero wtL~ the sehator. Tbe ·PICfure WU paaed t O the Juron wbo atudled It intenUy, aclme of lhem frowning. ,,-/' On c:rosa-eieminatlon, defenae attor· ney Ruuell•E. P--11 Ke,.. nedy -wbo died 15 houri later -said lliythlna. • "He said, 'II evet')'body all right! 11 everybody OUJ?' " Rontt!'o iMWereLf. l'wo ·More .Gl 's ·: . ' Decla~ed 'Guilty In Mutiny Trial SAN FRANCISCO ('AP) -Two more Army soldle;n have been found guilty of matiny and tbel.t. sentences were to be COlllldered today: • Tile verdict .... ~ Friday Jn the ca.sea of Private Louts Ocztplnsky ol Florida, and Larry . Reidel of Mect!ord, Ore. ' ' ' ' On Tbund~J" a liplllit• OOW'I martial aeni..Oed Pvt, Na· s ... co1 out,nd to 1$ yeon at,ban!~-l!t and II! .U.. er 111llltary ~ Ja · •lhe PruidJo rrtocllde ,..... ch~ed with mUllnl· for 1itUng down last Oc!· 14 and alngln1 "We Sball <>vm:ome" whoo ~ lo Co on . a work detail. They wm proleltlng the fatal slloot- lng ol another pNooer the Anny said wu.leying to..eacaJl<. • F'tldafl ~ _.-got under way late alter oonf-telepboned tha Jll'O' -manbOD'a•omai and threatened lo bomb lhe court. . . l :.. • I . ' • • . ' ' ' .... ,_!_ . ' -... • ... ' ' . .. ~ ' '. ... ' ,. ., . ~ . ... ~.;; -.. ~' ·" . ' .. ' '") • J I , .. ·~ .... : t: .l"'t.: - { ._ •' ,..,j I .. •""'1 ! ,-1• ~-.i..;...' • "' I I.I',' ~-• ·--.. -. ·. 1p-. ...... , , t . ' • • • • ' ' f"-• I '• I ' J .I •1 I i ~·i. '~· · ·u .. ~ · · · · ", u : · i.::1 · '··'~ .. · , ·· · ~{u· ,..,, .,.: ..... '.. ..v.e.c:-a r-: ailu••o· .ro: ·. ' o·~ :: : u· ·:tr~' r ~-· ..... ~· ' • l ~ °1 ~ ' . J "' , ·-I ,"T ~ ~ ~" .. _,.,_._ .. ' .• 1~ ..••.• '·"' ... ~ ·-1-·~·!t ... /f_t f --·j·"I..!', :t 11 To. HS Students · ... • .T ., .. ' -.· B,,ft!OMAI~;; ,, 4!' ... ..., "" ""!. P:npondlng to recurrent applaUle, 1Gov. Rooald Reaian sll)'ed I-tJlaii Ile w11' acbeduled al l!ewport llaibor High School P)'lday, , • ...,.erin( ·-.ms• quallclrur·lor 40 mlnutet. Alid be !lid ft o11 1be line: Ho .told the -..U they are ffilclr. · en•to take clnlP, that be 'oppootl t ti e vo!AI !or IS year olds; ,that Ile wanll to end' '2>e .. drall u IOOll 11 lbt wai ends and .,that ae1demldw are ill equipped to deal with comP\11 violence. · T b • 1,000 yootba w b o !lllOci Jmbor Hl&I! audlwrtum aeemed u dtllCbted u Principal Cbarlft CJodaball -said, "I rfiull admit ti II lat be)'oo4·my· upec- tatknt'' to have the pverlor .i lbe:lr achool. • TM pernor, for' bis put, 11p21nd ~~~lha-•w a 1 ~ -in( -..a. Ille>-. .... • pep ... o{llf.--al the Not>Uoo lle··wd"ll-~lb• .~ ....... 1 To aeal lbt aUacluntnl God&haD gave him a dlplotnl! mal:!a( blm an -ary, l''®li! of Newport Harbor High. . gov. Reag'!f' gavt•thO iludenta a dJf. ferenl than UtUal reuon. wby they lfbould. · n, take drop: •r know yoo•,. Inclined ta .., 'Tbat II . the older _.!loo Im~ I l 1 w1D .otr.oUr Uva,' "he ukt.-. "Bul who de .you tlllnlc la oeWnc drupl l'addllnl (Ill ILWIOR, P• I) ' ---W ... l ... llllPI ---- ' . ' c..11& • 1 r: .' . -. 14 ,.. ......... I •tt ... ...,. M .. -.. -·----. ,.,.. .... • -•• :~s See~ :,17 ,_.ts . ~~'r ... ·c ·~·· -. ~ .... . ... L. .. .. -;: ~:~1~0 . 0: . qs£c:l'4~.: . nt:.: ~-l!' ' . ~ ~ ·~;9,:P:;. ,. ' . . . , '\~ ·. 1 J •• .:.. • ~ -·-..... _,.. • • • • {,::.:: . .. .. r.-·~-· .-...--. ~ .. Of 13 .School Elections -. . . . ' , ,: ·:Shaw Attorney Protest,s •'' NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The 20-second movie filmed as a bulltl smas~ into Praldint'. J~ F. K"11*1Y'1 ·bead aet off an angry \>roteat Friday at Clay Shaw's conspiracy tilal. · 111be 1taLI'• aole object i& to·,i!ft:iU· dice the jury," shouted defen'8 lawyer Wllllam WegmlM when the movi~ w ~ s ecreened far the second time of th~ day -the -time •Ince JI wu inlniduc:<d TburldaJ, ' . ' , crtm1llll Di!!. Courl Judge Edward A. DAILY PILOT ··-- \, A. Laurence Wilson, •2, is the new . Planning Director . for City of Newport Beacli. He was selected from field of 43 'can- didates !or $16,000-a·Y•ar post Wilson, chief l>lamter for El Cajon since · 1962, !tarts new job In about six weeks. • I I Sylvia Por1<r, DAILY PILOT financial columnlll, apln thll ynar. olr.ra readers tJp11 }>rt bow to·· aave oo taxes which are not publllhed Jn aQy other medium made avllllable to tbe generlll public:. 'll>tl'a the ""I'd from tbe Researth JnaUtute of Amertca, recognized as one or the world's foremost authoriUes on taxes. The Rtse11rc:h Institute of America collaborated wttb Miss Porter in pro- ducing tbe 10.part ..n.. of columns which starta Monday on the flnlnce Pl&" of tbe DAILY PILOT. Sped.flee on wt.at the tUJlr&)'et can do and -sometimes even more Im· • ~I . ....l"... __ • - PortanUy -can't do In f1lurlng dedoc- Uons are included In the set ol columns. Wilh new forma, a new BUrtu and other changes In lncomfi tu computation and reporting going Into effect thll year, tbe wies II probably ·u Important u paper and pencil to tbe taxpayer fil'Dint his own taxes. The columns cite ob&cure Treasury Department ru~and court declaions .. proof of the allty of -.. many Wp&yon overlook.· The columns ire •rPect«I to be another' "clip and save" .mu by the naUooally famed llnandal writer. ·-• ' ... .Ji' • Results in Reading Must -Be -Reported SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -0...,.. II Jaws aowrntng pUbUc recordll now re- quire lhe t13te DepM'tmtnt of Educa\ion to report publicly th! rtaulta ol readinS tetll on a dlalrlcl-1>y-di.trict j>uta .. Atty, Geo. Thomu C. Lyoch ~ ed hla ded~oil .Ftld11 on roadq vttltr an<! altllls te.a li"'I' In the llr1t thtft rr•dQ Un<il'T !he 1111& Miller-Unruh Bille Readln& Acl. • • • 'Weekend: ~ ~----. • VOt •2, NO. 40, 4 SECTIONS, 74 P1'GES ' ~ .. ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY ·15, '1969' ' . '. • . . • •• TEA·CINIS Gov. Re_agag L~y~ _It . . . on . '-f~or· S,tudenls -.... ' ~... . Hits Dr.ug Ab~":V.o~, for 1~.-year-oLls BJ TBOMAll FllRTltNE . ... ,Iba! ~ are W equipped -the ~ be WI! lfWll ..:aw. I b e Of a. D911t' "" ...., to deal wltb c:wmpu vtollace.. auditarhl:n. ' -· Reapondlngto,..,,,,..hpplause, Gov. Th• J,1111 youtbs'wlio lllled 111,rbor To ...i tho ,......_t GodlllalJ ...,.. Ronald ~BID stayed looger than he lligb --II deltpted .. him I dq,loma mUlnc blm .. _.,, ••'-"'•~ · N groduale 'al Newport -mp. was --at ewporl Harbor High l'iinclJll) Charles GodsbaJJ wbo Aid, .. I Gov. Roqan_ 11 .. .tho .i.-t. 1 dll· School Friday, . answering st•4ents' must admit It ~ far beyond my espee. rerent'lban lllUll ituon wb;y ihey abould- questions for 40 minutes. tatiom," to have the 1ovemor 1t their • ...... ..,_,_ Aud be laJd . nt ..--...... . it on the line: school . , .. • '4.i bow~o.i're1 ~'to SIJ -rhat He told the students they are auek-n.e' a:overnor~ for !1la part, .appeared is u...... ·~~!in~ J ts ers to take drugs, that he opposes t h e highly pleued at the Welcome be w a ! will an our lives;' " he said. "But who vote for 18 year olds, that he wants to given by cheering studentl, the band, do )'G\U tJdnt is .aelllng itruaa? Peddllng end the draft as soon as the war ends and girl pep 1quads as be".l!flyed and at " (See BAIUIOR,)'qt I) . 'WJaat Are You Doing?'· NB Seeks -. HB Grandmother U~ty.un ' I . • . .• ·-...,. Pleaded to Killer Oil Stand By W!LUAM REED ot lfM h llY P'li.t s .. n "Ob my God, what are yoo doing to me! Stop! Stop!" Beach High School dropout, WU, bow· ever, bound over to Superior Court on a charge of grand theft auto by West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Walter W. Charamz.a, who also suggest- ed that Hargrave might haye .been an acceaaory after the facL By JEROME F. COLLINS Of .... hi" 'll•t ltlft Newport Beach belie'O'es In striking while the iron II hot. . . ' -. • r These Were the last words of a kindly grey haired grandmother as she cried out for her killer to stop stabbing her to death on a darkened street Jan. U, ac- conlin( to a youth who police said told ollicen he saw her die, Iii& CO<ldendant Remy L. Sian<2, 25, wu bound over to Supericr Court on charges ol !Int degree murder, Wegal poueuton ol a iawed oil abol gun and The city, de!Crlbed by long-time Laguna Beach oil foe Victor C. Andrews as the Orange Coast's "first ' line of de~ense" against petroleum pollution, Friday embarked Oil I cam(lllin to win mu!U-<OUDty 111pport al tougher ollJbon drilling restrictions. ' DAtLTPft.Ot ......... GOVERNOR WALKS, TALKS, SHAKES WITH Nf;WP.ORT S'l'UDENTS DURJNG WHIRLWIND TOult i These words and the events of the JUI · In oioments di the Iii• o! Mrs. Heater S.•Martee, ii, reporledly were told tartally lo' pOIJce dlicer Jock ~ l>y Edward e.,..,..ve; JI, wbo late Friday was cleared u a principal in the l:nlfe slaying of the woman. 111rV8 beopeclacled H111tlqton . " 'I. IP'.ond theft auto. ' Ball wu set fer Hargrave ·at $15,000 but Sllnes wW -to be held In Or- ange Coonty J lil without hall. The order of Judge Cbarllma came at the end o! the third and perhaps moot (See llIAiq:z. Pqe I) B~boy fto:1iJero Recalls .. He Held RFK in Arms LOS ANGELES (AP) -In the trau· ma tic moment after Sen. Robert F, Ken- nedy was lbot, a yowig bual!oy cradled the sena~·· bloody bead In !Iii arms, .whispered eocOID'agement and placed ,, rosary in his hands. ••1 said the first thing that came to my mind," Juan Romero said Friday lo the jury that is trying Sirhan Bisbara Sirhan for Kennedy'• death. "I Said, 'C.Ome on Senator, you tan make it.· Then his head dropped back." Emile Zola Berman, one of Sirhan 's Lemay Laws uit Asks $5 Mil lion LOS ANGELES (AP) -Retiied Air Force G<n. Curtis E. Lemay has !Ued an electronics company for $5.J; mu.. lion, saying be WU fired from his $50,· 000-..·yeat job because he ran for vice president on the American Independent party Ucket. Hil 11.1perior court suit Friday claimed that Networks FJectronlcs Corp OC SU· burban Cbaliworth breached its contract making him chainnan of the' board until he turns 65 in 1911. Tfle farmer Air Force chiel of staff says lit wu llred last 0 ct ob er, aboul two weeks after reeeiving a leave of ab- aence to campaign with former Alaba· ma GoY. George C. Wallace. The com- pony pn!lideol, Mihal Patrlchi, told him some ~lders dls&pproved or his eandidac1, Lemay said. The suit ..W IS mlllloll In puniUve damage& and about i:ao,ooo !or Jou of salary and stock options. three defenders, Aid In his opening statemeet that "there is no doubt ••• that be, Sirhan, <lid, In !act, lire the shot that killed Si!n. Kennedy." But, Berman said, the defense wW preatnl j>sychiltrlc testimony thlt "at the ac- tual moment of the shooUq: he wu out of contact with reality, in a trance." The state is trying to prove Sirhan killed Kennedy, June 5, 1988 wilb malice and premeditaUon -the elementll of first degree murder. The defense hopes to show the killing wu impulaive, with- out premeditation or malice. As Ber· man put It: "totally a product of a sick, obsessed mind ond personality." Romero had gooe to the ballroom to hear Kennedy spell; ond preceded him to the pontry area. Sbortiy after. mJd. night Romero saw someone cominc to- ward Keruledy. "I thought it WU a person who couldn't wait to lhake bis band.'" Romero aald wilb hll heavy Spanlah aece.nl "1 aeen the guy put a band at the aenator's head. And then I saw a gun. ''nen 1 saw Sen. Kennedy atrelcbed out in front of me. I leaned down and picked up hll head ... Roolero said be talked lo ~eMedy when "IOOlebodJ'", a prielt or somebody," ~ave a~ to ~·:,.agd l put.it in fils hand.'' ,. At this pOfnt, state's, attorneys pro- ducecl a piclure ahowinl Romero wiL'I the senator. The. plctlD'e wu palld t o tbe jurors who atudied lt iDtenUy, some of them !rownlng. · On ~lion, defense attor· n~y RusleD E. PIJ'.IODI uted if Ken. nedy -who died 25 houri later -1aid anything. . .. "He uld, 'Is everybody all ri&bt? Is evtrJbodJ obJ!' " Bomero amwtred. Newport City ~er Harvey L. Hurlburt dllclooed that elforU are biJnc made to mlllt Rnnl So u the rn Calllomia ._. m tho --o1 a ''milted liult" iplmt the thri!al al oil cootamlnation. . The agenc!H -1111 city cl .... . = .. ...... tho r..:i'5t~~ .......... l - . ..-. ....... ht .lioadilrn irbiltior or not 1111 aploiiitJon is . i>ermHlocr. wW be -to par'tldpole In tho ..._1,. Ill purpooe, laid Hurlbml, is to develop,. thraullt ,.......,. Oil -and ledorll p-...U, le!lillltlon that wW asaunt no repetition al the Santa Barbara oil diluter. He Aid Slllta Barbara Qty Manaaer Clllf Petri baa qreed to serve u 1 liaaon with Slllta Barbara Coonty of. ficials. "He'11 very pleased that we're moving ahead on the development of a united coutal approach,,. said Httrlburt. To kick the campolp off, Hurlburt Friday sent Newport -Coordlnator George Dawes, Lifeguard Chief Robert Reed and General Senices Director Jake Myndenie to Santa Barbara. They sat in on a bearing there before the State Water Pollution Control Board. "They alllo observed the methods Santa Barbara is using to protect and clean up their beaches and harbor," HID'lburt said •. "We want to learn all we can in cue we have to face problema like that In the Mun!." Newport's concern about oil pollution was lntenallled, Hurlburt e1plained, by dilclosures earner in the week that Shell Oil Compony ond aeven other firms plan to link an ezpJoratory con hole a mile southwest al the city's harbor entrance. Nixon Says Timt; For · Tax Reforms WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre1idenl Nix· on uys the time is ripe for tax reform and he wants the Trumry Department to "think in completely new terms" about It. Describing the _ curre~t tax .,.tern as something that · baa "!l'O"D like Topsy out of neeeulty,'" ·Nttca Mid ·J'riday thal .. _,.. ts -reooptive· to cbang!." For .lt.t1lnu1men, A Talk on Law Enforc1m1nt; For Students, Ad'llce on Drui-• • U.S. in Support oosut~.'~· 'fllh-·~;n~ee - WASlllNGTON .(AP) -A ~ Court -1 that could begin to crum- ble tbl Jut great citadel of dJscrimJ.na. tioo -plivate·clubs -hu won the po- tent support of the Justice Department. Movfp,g much u it did before atiother landmark ci9il rights decision a year ago; the government .-rtday ·jumped to the aasLstance of two Negro women who claimed they were' banned from a noml- nllly pl'iv•le om clu~ In AtkaJtsas, In the earUet Cue, a private Suit was elevated to a go.vernment 'c!'J118.de when the Justlce· Department backed a · plea brought bf • racially mlxed Sl Louis couple whO, were tmable to buy the house they warited. · The resuU was the monumental court decis.ion last June that more than 100 years ago Congress had prohibited racial discrimination in housing sales and ren· tats. The government is baaing its argu- ment In the current case on the same Jaw which gave Negroes freed in th e Civil War the right to "make and en- force contracts without d.iscrim.lnaUon." Tfle. wOmen, ,Mn.. Doris Daniel a n.d Mrs. Rosalyn Kyles, want to use La k e NlXo'n, 8 chzb 12 miles We.!lt Of IJUJe Rock that .Gtfm. swiµuning •• picnicking, boating, IUJ1 ball!lnl-and mtolatme goU. The club ch,lrges a memberahlp. lee of 25 cents, giving it a · private character beyond the reach, so far , of modem-day civil· rights law. -Entering the. cue u a "friend of the court" the Juaice .Department lnsilted the 1191 law "prohibits an ptjvate, ra· olally motivated conduct !'hlcb'denles or Interfetea With 'the Negroes' right to en- ter 1nto eontracta to purchase that which 11 ~ly aold to white clUsena. T.h e mem~p in the I.:ill:e Nb:on Club as a <Mractural Hlltlolllhlp can hardly be denied." ' The government uJd tM equal ac· coaunodltlGna -al the'1iM civil rlpt1i law lllo !Gml !Me Nison -ond -1 .. 11y.pr1m. claha like lt -to open tholr-4oon to-~._._.. ' ·_; ,· .. De~n Forced ~.Sign ·Up; ... " ..:, 1 • '.( • ' ' I : .,\f 4!J '.a~:~mijpoi11:t: ~~tµi 11 JORN VALTDZA Of ... ..,,,. "" .,.,. Gov. Reagan said Friday In Newport Beach that a dean of admlasion1 at a CaWornla lnaLitution enrolled 40 •tu· dents while other · .studenla held~ knives at his throat. '1'hirty.five students made up a list or 40 · peOple they wanted admitted and brought It to the dean and stood there with switchblades at his throat unW he admltted ·them,'" said Reagan. The governor dldn't'name tht; people or institution he referred to, nor would Paul Beck, his press secretary. Officials of the state's college· and unJ·- versity syrtema sakl they lcnew nothing of the report. Reagan made the statement at t h e Newport Harbor Exchange Club meeting in the Newporter Inn, to demonstrate how the academic community is unable to deal with camJX!S violence. The governor spoke•before a Jammed audience of at least 700 peraons ·and his speech was !rliquently lnterrupled by ap- plause. · · · He strolled-Into tho packed Jamboree room to a standing ovation· of·wtD.wbb--. . . . .. Two More GI's _ .· Declared Guil ty In Mutin y Trial SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Two more Army aoldien have been found guilty of mutiny and their aerrtences 'Were to be conaldered today. The Verdict wU reached.Ffida)' in the "-· '!' . Prlvat<> Looils ' ~P~ , of Florida, and ·l.arry .lloidel o! Medford, Ore.· · , , ' • • 1 ' en; after hla plane bad,_, dll.,.i 111, bad weather In ~to, · . Reqan brlaldy --tho Iner_ !ti aime and dilorder;Jn tbe:n.atbr ''I • •.oa • olckeblni .system• al pormlal-.. lleapp'a fin! _ applaule -~hll speech !or the Newport - Club's Crime l'ftveollm 1Weot came when he tore at the ' r d.Lssldents on the state's cam , "We cannot have an Orderly -aoclet1 If that aoclety is forced to ~ itself by lhrutl of. Violence." : He bitwly ••iled'=.t:i ... universtty teacbera and .. . Ad wbo "bave aJven up tbelr ~ bellelf and who hive condoned the -under the guise or loltoWlnj ·u......, philosophy of the diilddenll." ... -r .. What bu happened to the -1 ·ol (See NEWPORTEJI, Pqe I) BQLDEST THlEf GETS $35 FINE . ' ' I I ' A Newport Bach -.UC 'Wiii decorated· ·hll ·~· ·Wltll~ "Pollce VehlcHo. Oaly'' alp ba1: lined 135 and ptaeed ..... ,_., probation 'In -• J.~. courl. John B. Jobnaton, 20, of JU flUr: SI< was .mated by Costa Mela poll<:! !ollowlng hll lllCCell d D I llallonel party -· Party partJdpaots ...... that the mecba.olc qualllled !,.-= of 0 bigeat risk taker" when J. . · removed the alps from the Costa:- Pollce Facility ond toot them -· • Tbey are -bac1' on the pelicj building wall. ' Oi:uce .. Egg Is Fertilized Outside Od'.ThUnda:Y a· llmllar court inartlal sentoocod· ~ ·Numo. Sol>d or Oakland to Ji y.ar.·a~hanl !Uor:.He .anll It OU.. er mrntary, prl•!•ier( in.'. the PrilidJo atocUde were.~ecr. with' mutiny for a!Wng down 1u1 Cid: 1' *i!1 ~ "We Shall OvtrOlflle" • .,r... ot;dG'ed. tel. ao "II a wcrt·detall. · . __ .·~ ,J : .. · • They were pro-.bie la(a). slipo~ lnC 'of another prlsoner'•tho &ntJy ,oald LONDON (UPI) -Successful lertiliia· tion of a human egg outside a woman's body may have carried science a major step forwi.rd toward test tube depth. scienWlc experU said Frlday, Ttle dilckmu'e by three Cambridge ~entisti that they bad taken a human eg, rei:tllil:ed u with human sperm and (INl!ucedl the beginning al a !elUJ rn <irperlmeu&. ·could bold ruture hope for ....,. chlldlesa women, tho oxperta Aid. Tee l<lul .... destroyed liter. • 'l1lo ~ said the Camllrldte !er· W.uon l!(ethoiJ could no1 be ll9ed ,. a ~· acU. for tettral years. 'l!ie elperiment was wried out by ,.t Dr. Robert C. Edwanl1, Pro!. '""" Bav· isler and Patrick s~ lts resuiis were .-meed by 'Loodon Independent Televlalon 'J'Jlur1d,ay nllht and detailed In the current Jasue ol Na- tme Maaatoe, Pllbliobel! today. The experiment re..-..i 1 maJor ottP toward -ting .,... chlldJeu wo- m e n. The magazine article outlined how I female eti could be rmnoved from I ....... lorllllled, then r'1'lacod In tho womb. ' , Medl<ll aouriies Aid the ....,.men! ... Jil'belp :c a1·~·p;e..m.. ly unible to~ clti¥r'fn: ' The t.eJevtalca report aald the IUCCell ., WU trying lo escaJ!iC.• . 1 of tbe uwUnenl put llCienlfatll "in a 11ror esamp&e, there ls no IUlltlllon . . position no1 only tO rfpllce the lerllllled (In tho -"111111) that tho dml;pm.nt \ • eu 1n the mother'• bod1 11u1 to..oont1nue a1 -em_bry"" coo1o1 be·~ past N · s .. a ' to develop the !ertlliml eu·ar1111c1111y the point at.~~ real embryo.wOulcl · · ever · OD •· 11;11 8;f ond perhaps eveo producH -.,. baby derl•e Iii llOW'lilimeiitrrom a plaeenla," -• · • ' ' · • • without using I be mothOr'I boc17 q11o the article •Aid> • , 1 ST .. JOSEPH, Mo. (AP)'• . Prooecu~ at Ill." The esperimlot.t >I t 'Clnibrldp toot 'lng''·attdmey Hall> .lu &t>r-.today 11 ..... er, other autllorliles 8n'.Jba ._. -lri>ni the '°'trlOi •ol -Vol..,.· ipllCed· • ._..nJo la effect :whlcb be perlment u on\)' IDOlber step. toward teen 1 n d m!n4 lhem with' a Raid coil." il1opU: wlll ~ Ylo\atiooa ol the producjng hutlWI Ufe In I tat tulle. lll!\llw D\IJO ~ , \ • , 'the Sunday oalea ""'' It (tada:;• , The Nature-Ttmes N<WI SmlCe, )I 1 i'Vty:.i. ~-i'*e -and : "Unlll hirGm ..uce, lhi pr# '11111 ~ llrllcle la .todly'a .'I'lmll' ol tho ao1mt11!1 ~ thll JI mw Iii!< attorney'• d!llce ,.Iii' aol ""'""*' 1'ad 'Lcnlmi. ~ lllboiiP ~~~ !JClontly • 1#. be ~ed.. Tl!rtllliid ' &y ·~ eomlll*fi •-alllct Jr Jlld~ ~'"tt:k~·~:r~. ~;:-~~;:$.:br.r~ ~=-~·=::·= lleallud, · " .,. "'' ~ 11111--~ ·•'-•l « . " .11o11ra1 tlw'a.la)''-law." . · . .,...,~ ... i..t-,', ~ ... -. •' •. ' ~ .....,.,,~-·· ·.J ) • •' l ---------··--------------- ~I IWLY PG.OT ($) the beach a\ the -th <If !he rl""'. The contamination Is resdlly detectable, Slone &aid. · • ' "It's not U!e lliqd of ~or tl!!l one would associate wJth raw sewaa:e. It smells for all the world ,like a dairy lot allhoUih I thought I detected a ' '· " Supervisor B~r on Pollution Council ... . \' . ' t 's,+CIUIPITO (AP) -Clnnlnl up -cil\I ~. ~d Ofl\'l'e Cc!Jnty ;;...... -1DC1 l:elpillC II clwl -11. ~ fr0il>.Hunlh1atel\ 'BNdi,Oller J:::;::'. ·hi David L. 11Uer'1 mind as hll --Ill! by Gov. ~ lhl• , ' ' d the new Stile Ellvlornment-pall ~ , • , :·a1· .__, .stud)' Cooncll. ' 'V• .~~!!'F •1. doo~ ,lhlnt ;o• .o'howd "! fllfU ,.. will put emplwls on pol· wute .iliJ \htii, , . fu~ ._ «lr, water, and .solid wute," N~ B. LiYermotl Jr., Reqan's @9 Seek ;17 Po•ts ·- .: No Contests in ·Eight -aecretary, dlai.!Oled fllal. tht Pii'n<ii'• apjiOliitriianll to·ui1, councn drflillally were achlduled to hava been made 1everai monthl aao. The council, cre4ted bf the· 198' leg· islature, wa1 suppoeed to have made its f~I\ organluUOJial report by Feb. 1, said IJvermore, alao a counc11 ·mem.ber. It hu not yet met. Reogon announced llz · of hll .seven appollltmenll TburWclq with ooe le' 10. n.. other elpl tolllli ,aiemhin are on tha couilcll by vtrtue of lta\t alllcd they bold at by lealllaUYe ~ A number ol l\alo cfeplrllDtn~ In· volved fa mvlarmnenlal · MrVe Of 13 School Elections · ' • Wllll tlio lllJq dudllnt Cllly five days u 11011voUl>c memben. · · n0 Jqlllature ~ 'for I 'fuD caun- cll rlPOi't IDCI ~ "I' ac-. 1i<1a "to prwrvo'IDCI .,.,..,.. Ca!Uor· nla'1 natural ~iiit•. bY, J'.eh. I, 1970. . · ' af111 1111 c:aitiot bu yet devek>!>ed In "e'8bt of lJ Orange Cout ochool dfllrlcts , tl1al wlD be boldlni lnlltee election• J'.Ajll'!l 11. That could mean there will be no ·electloa in IOnle of these distrlcls. Under .. a new lliw, unieu there are more can- . . ;.illdltel lban ... ts to be fllled the elec- . tion Is caoceJed and thOle who have . 'tiled Ire declared elected. .... sdlaOI -where lhll wlD happen --candkl•lel Ille by Thunday .,. Oranp Cout IDCI Saddleback junior ~ Ocean v-. illmliqtoo lleach, Seal llelch IDCI San Jooquln elemen· !aria, Capistrano IJnJl!td and. 'l'll!Un High School . Races ha-. developed and an electlon ·i. .-for Newport.Meaa and L111ma Boacb tmllle4s, Huntlnpn IJeach lllah, :l"'~ Volley ~ Westminster So far there are 39 candidates for :n achool board !eats, 21 of them in- cumbentS. There are II olh<r incumbents !who ha" Ml flied, many of whom .; 'fin>l>obf.l'..W before deldlfne Tlmnday. · · The number of o&plrants is unevenly , . divided -between school districts. Jn . :wt.tmftiil<r Eleiiientary there are eight candJdates ff1l' three board seats. In HunlfJ>c1oo Qeacb City there are three '.':Mota to be eonteated but no Cllldldates. Z ..... -AD ICbool board tennJ are for four . ·!~, wtth I portion of tho board elected ~· ...... -yeor. .. ·;T 'j,i\, ore the Wldldates who have :IJled eo'flr: ':0'0,.-c.... ,....., ~ ti •fl·"" fllr ·' ·Yshaw Atwrrwy .Protests .:~JFK Assassination Film NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The W..econd movie filmed as a bullet Smashed into Preslckllt ,JOhn F. Kennedy's head .. t off on angry protest Friday at Clay Shaw's coosplracy trial "'The it.ate'• tole object· is to preju· dice the jury," abouted defense lawyer WUJlam Wegmann when the movie w a s ...-for tha .......i time d tho day -tho ·mt11 Ume l!fnce II wu Introduced Thunday. . . • Qimlnal Dist. Court Jndp Edward A. DAILY PILOT = .... c....~ ---. -·-CUllOINtA. ORIMOI QMl't ~ILllNINO COMltAk't ll•li•rt N. W"• ---J .. k I. c.rt., Yb,,..... .. o--11....., n.-1 ••..U -,._.. A. M.,.i.tl\r -·-.......... "==" ·' -c.-1:ntw..fW ..... """""' l•dll 2'11 ............... .....,..., .. ,rum,.....,.... Ht r lwa.tdl:•• .... ,, I Haggerty overruled him. But the defense shouted another protest when the pros- ecution stopped the film on the frame showing the President's head with a bloody hole. The vivid movie made by Abraham Zapruder, a Dalla.a dress maliufac:turer, ii one of 11ome 60 exhibits introduced by the prosecu.Uon . What tbe movie proves was a matter of dispute. The Warren Commission pour ed over It and reached one conclusion, Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison reached anoth er. "You will be able to see lhe President fall backwardl as the fatal shot strikes him from the fron t -not the back," Garrison told the jury in his openin~ statement FBI photographic expert Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt of Alexandria, Va., testified Friday that the study of the film con· firmed that, though the Presldent's hea d jerked backward, the spray of blood and tiuue from the bullet's impact went "forward and Up... • ~·an the th1rd abot his head eiploded and went ba:ck.'' teltlfled Mrs. Philip WllllJ of Dallas, who took the stand aft· er Shaneyfelt. "What was the direction of the mat· ter coming from the President's head!" aaked Asst. Dist. Atty. Alvin Oser. .. Back," aald Mrs. Wlllls. Then came BUJy Joe Martin, the 30th stat. witness called sine< dstlmony be- gan F•b. 6, to testify that he was rid- ing b1a motorcycle some 100 feet be- hind the presidential limousine and was splattered with blood and Ussue. Martin, a Dallas motorcycle policeman , w.as riding escort as the motorcade moved through Dealey Plau, in front of the Texas School Book Depository where Lee Harvey Onald worked. The WarTOJI Commlaslon sald all or the lholl that stnlck the President and aov. John B. Connolly were fired from a sixth Ooor wtndow of the depository by Olwald, acUnc alcme. II said It found no cndltable ovldence of consplncy. · Sha"' 1$, a reUred New Orleanl bul-ln-WU charged wjlil CONpitlnC with Olwald and others to murder Ktn- nedy. - Baker, a Republican and a clretr Jltlb- llc offlclal, noted that fornlir Secretary of Interior Stewart'L. Udall recenUy'aent him a photograph lnacrlbed: ,uT~ my kind of conae.rvationilt. 0 But he declin- ed to label himlelf 11 conaervatlonlst or otperwiae. "I, like any other clUzen, appreciate and admire open apace and the quality of air and water," Baker aald. He expects the council to tread on some toes and make some enemies as it tackles. the job. "I ouipect that any eouhcil of UllJ kind would encounter controversy sooner or later. M we take posltions, I suspect we'll be IUhjecl to ooma polltleal opposi: tion and opposition from vested interest groups.'" Marin~ Search For 2 El Toro ' ,,. . " Harbor Escapees LOS ANGELES (AP) -Police search· ed the Los Angeles Hi&rt>or area Friday and today for two Marine prl.sone.rs who Clverpowered their guards and es- caped while being taken to El Toro Ma- rine Air Station • The escapees were identified 11 Lance Cpl. Jerry Moore, 20, of Phoenix, Ariz., and Pvt. Vemon Te ct, 25, of Gardenia. a Los Ange1e11 11uburb. A Marine spokesman sald the two, wanted f o r being aMent without leave rrom El Toro, recently were apprehend- ed ttparately in Arizona and turned over Thursday to San Diego pollce who, in turn, transferred them to Camp Pen- dleton authorities. They and three nther prisoners were beJ.ug ta~en .. to El Toro Thursday night, when Moore and Teck overpowered the two guards and forced the driver lo take them to the harbor area where they fied, the spokesman said. During t h e incident, he said, the three other prisoners, not identified, "dldn'i do anything :-they ·didn't help or hurt. They just st~ ·there a n d didn't get Involved." · After the e.scape, the spokesman said, the remaining prisoners and the guards and drlver completed the trip to El Toro. DAILY "LOT "9tf tM .. Nemport Planner A. Laurence Wilson, 42, is the new Planning Director for Cily ol Newport Beach. He was selected from field of 43 can- didates for $16,000.a-year post Wilson, chief planner for El Cajon •inco 1962, starts new job In about six weeks. ..... W"S·. llilanii hill a..~ day,• hi sale!. :·~ lhtlllnr « ~ P"h ..... ili cnot .... lljlllQf fJ\ale 'lrl\lll. """h bu ..... redocod lit \lie repair of San Juan'• last Week, that area ls sUll qµaranllned. "Sewage is still being dlscharged at ~ rate of ~.ooo 1allw per day there and our bacteria counts m still way up," Stone said. Enfor"""°t _of the beach cloaure has ., boon plaCed with 'tbJ •!tie beaif! rangtn a1 iloiiioJ. lloPOi1c ltill lllifm w vtlllured "' the dooed ........... _.. wllll """'no~ by Slone. "I guess aurftrs are IW'ferr," he said. t•J wouldn't want to awlm in t.bat water. and I wouldn't want otbtrs to ell.her.'' be aa1d. , lngeatlo.n of the polluted brine could result in Ulness such as salmonellosis (a form of typhoid fever), bepatitus, .. . -DA"-Y !P~T ~ Pfltlt Rl!AGAN LAUDS Nl!Wl'ORT'S DFFIC.RS ·OP :VE'AR Pafrolm•n Rlchord MJllor1 loft, ond Sgt. Rlchord Haml!ton Fro~ Page I NEWPORTER •.. ' . Amerl~'?" he asked.' "We're upside down." He cited the alarming crime rate, uyJnc that u the audience at Ill the hall for "this hour and a half a major crim.1 ii 1oi.ng on in the itate each inlnute.'' The IOVll'Dm' then cited several atate P'"lfll1ll lnl\ltuted under bis ad- mlnlltratloo to tackle the aw880me in· crease in lawleamess. CRIME NETWORK "We have instltuted a pacesetting com- municaUons aDd crime spotting network thanks to modern eledronics with a fenders who use {lrearma In their crimes. "Legislation alone can't figh~·~ soar- ina: crime rate however. We need you people to take it on yo,urself to beCome involved in leading youth ,out of trouble and in endiiig thia hllibl. of DOl>in- volvement when you see a crime occur." He alao charged the •udience to help stem the tide awiy from the principles of God, saying, "when a people of a society have left God for no god at all, then they have ended their page in the history of manl:inrl." -·~ link with tho ,, FBI'• computer in From Pftue 1 W-n, D,C." l " I' ffe ,alao oullned a pilol1"0ifam at HA'RBO'R the it.ate'• correct.Jona! 1nstituttm in • • , Tehachapi whereby, on good behavior, first-time offenders under sentence can spend weekends wltb tbeir families on the compound in houses onca used by the ataff, "to assure the crimlnal . that be hasn't loat bis family when he gets out of jail." Ho died proBWJ&lng leglllaUve pro- poaals to curb dis!emlnollon o f pornography and to combat organized crime. He also noted a Jaw coming into effect soon placing atronger penalties on of·" * * * 2 NB Officers Win Top Honors A Newport Police Depar tment patrolman and a sergeant won free trips to Las Vegas and recognition Friday as policeman and aupervi!or of the year respectively from the Newport Harbor Exchange Club. The two pe1ce officers. Sergeant Richard Hamilton and Pat r o 1 man Richard Miller, won the recognition at the club's annual Crime Prevention Week kickoff dinner at the Newporter Inn. Gov. Ronald Reagan v.•as the guest speaker. ~ven-hundred persons applauded the : \VO officers as they received their pla- q11t's. Sgt. Hamilton is 1 six-year member of the force . ·Before service here he was (ln the ~ Angeles Police Depart- ment. Officer Miller, who holds an A. A. Oearee in law enforcement, has been with the Newport Beach Police Depart- ment four years. 'I'be policemen we.re selected for the hon« by a vote or their fellow members of Ibo deportment. them? Jt is persons of eration who are getting off you. the older gc11· fat . filthy rich. "Do you want to take a chance of be- ing a sucker so some old cadger like me can sit around a crap table at Lu V egu and spend your money?" he asked. On the vole for 11 year olds, h~ said: "Richard.Nixon ~ I are maybe part- ing company on this. I think as the Presi· dent does, without trying to natter you, you are bette r informed. ··\Vhere I hesitate and would like some n1ore study is what it would (!o to t h e c:an1pus. I don't think thEire is any poli· ti cia n or party that could al!ord not to organi1.e the campus. I wonder if ac- ademic freedom v;ouldn't suffer?" Iteplying to a qu estion about the draft, he sai d: •·As Jong as there is a war there will be a draft. I 'l'Ould like to remove some of the exemphons and make it more uni· form. But as soon as this war is over you are looking at an advocate of a vol· witeer citizens army.'' S~aking on campus disorder, he said: "The academic community Uves in a world not used to violence. They a r e used to dealing with men of reason a n d they are not able to cope. "They're so confused with sympathy for some of the social causes of dlssi· dents claim to represent they've for1ot- ten there is only one issue. WouJd .you take up the cudgel of violence against the rule of order that Is the only' issue. If like the bla ckmailer they say. 'Do this or we burn the place down,' there can be no compromfse." · Before the long question period\ the governor gave a IO.minute talk on h I s creative society in which he said there is no left and right ln poUUcs. "There ls only up -individual freedom -and there ls down -aodallsm, col· lectivism, communism " . ' Columnist Porter Gi:_ves Pilot Readers Tax Tips Sy!vl• Porter. DAILY PILOT financial columniat, again tbi8 year offers readers Ups on bow to save on taxes wh.ich are not publilbed in any other mediwn made available to the general public. That's the word from the Research 1nsutute of America. recognized u one of the world's roretno5t aulhoriUes on taxes. Tho Research lnsUtute of America collaboralld with Miss Porter In pro- duclns the IQ.part aeries of colwnM which 1\&111 M<ilday on tho llllance -d the DAILY PILOT. · SpeclfJcs on what the lli:paytt can do and -10metimes even more lm- (. portantty -can't do in figurine deduc· tions are included in the set of colunw. With new forma, a new 8Urlal ind other changes In Income tax computation and M!porUng io1n1 into effect this year, the series Is probably u Important ., paper and peocil to the taxpayer !igurlng hill own Wes. The columns cite obscur< TtolSUJ}' Department ru!inll and ...al dectalOno as proof of the lepllty ol dedUctl!>N l1llJ1ll w_. micbl ovwloot. , The coluinm ... npec!ff to be anolher "clip 1DC1 ..,.. Mila by the nallonalq famed llnanclal writer. ' "1!!1!1. and all !"")ft;J~:fut.e.llnal~ s&b .,,;; . .;. ~ l!lono !f!4· 'l1liY C,. be translentd ~Y the liilected ,'person· handling I~ . or the ~l•.ol olbo!: per""'f-.!. ·,iii · oo, ..W.n flili'. al 1~· ficted aria( d · niter Ill , large : .. Is of tlle foul ,water and ·hold the : terla °"" coiitfnhililfnl ti\em.Jl~-. a: . . . . . --, 1 >: \ · · "'° .. ' fqe · ~ -\ .. s EZ... t ~ .. "\ ~ "tlun\i!IC 'di the prellmlllll'tbearlng ai..odliier II> Unfolded Ul1 state· ll)eD\ · _ made hY. HarF.~~; in the eMJ;'·holln da .. Oii JUS: ']C. Later that -day ...... Olhet.P.<rson• aocueod <i tip crUiie...,. to "'"-'8ued· •uHt (lfarlf'aVe)rWU ~itdid ho do JI. Wbat made him clo ftf. did Siana c~ jbat woman/ h.t 71ub d," testllled Rineholtz. 111 tried t0 calm hlm. t ordered cor. fee serit in. ·I Jet him settle doWn." The officer testified that Hargrave told him on the night of the murder he had gone to the apartment of Sianez at 312 Clay St. The two went around the cqrner and walked the two blocks or so to the gar· age of ~garet4 Ding'F at 2606 Di;la4 wart St. There -the two pushed out of the way tliie car ·parYedrtn the driveway belanf,:f.I; to N~n /Coatney, 4~ .. o[ Los . · ~,. and ,01~ a set of keys ~ 'lO tba l)lngar automobile which~ .'liod. pii><!uced rroiit .&is pocl<il; \f'lilied Rlneil>llz. After *-~Uuy pushing back Jnto place Coat;ney'l 1969 $ejlan~ the pair pt youthit drove away in .;MisJ Dinger's ··car. At Malrt.and '17th Streeta they had.a.11light scr~pe ,With a While; sedJ.lQ ._,dftv~ by a grey-ba1'ed Woma~ •coming ho~ after dotng he"! week's iaOndry. . They roared away down 17th Street hut the white sedan roared after them. The drh•er or the sl.olcn car pulled over and the white sedan parke~ neatly at the curb behind him, Its \i~hts piercing the darkness. according to the tesimony. "Sianez told me to get out of the ear and St8Jld by the passenger side. Sianez jumped out and ran up to the woman as she got out of her car," Hargrave said to Rineholtz, aceording to the officer'• testimony. Hargrave reportedly told lhe officer that·Slanei began lo slash at the;woman with a knife, stabbing her repeatedly u be watchj!d in horror. · "Oh my God what are you doing to me. Stop! Stop!" cried out the woman as she st.8.ggered about on J7th Street near Palm Avenue, before falling to the street in the glare of her car'& head· lighls. As her. life's bl~ rsn Jrom huge, .,.,.,g&pio&, .,~·across the,paveinept and lnto1 lhe gutter. ' · ' As 'Mrs. M!rkee lay dying the two youths allegedly jumped bact fnto t h e car and sped away to· 21st Street and Olive Avenue, an area of old oil tanks and pipes, jWlt six blocks from the apart.. ment of the slain woman. There, Hargrave is reported to have told Rineholtz, Sianez ordered him to use bi.I roat to wipe away the blood from uie ati!erlng wheel .00 to gel rid or \he keys to the stolen car. 'I1lis HariraVe said he did, according to Rlneboltz. It is this action which Judge Charamza said left Hargrave open to a charge of being an accessory. A few moments later the. pair pre-- se11ted themselves at the hQme of an· other youth, Roger Dehne of 323 W. 8th Street. Dehne, who testified he thought t h e youths to be intoxicated, admitted on the witness stand that he helped wash away the blood from their clothes, blood 'vhich he was told had been spilled in a knife fi ght at a local bar. Even as they washed blood from their hands police at about 9:15 p.m. on the rainy Sunday night were just then find· ing the body of the murdered optome-- trist's receptionist. Hargrave is reported to have left the apartment earlier than Sl.nez who re- portedly hilled a cab which dropped him olf near his apartment. Tbe cab driver later came to police to tell them that he had dropped off a fare on the morning after the murder near the home of Miss Dinger who along with Coatney was accused of the murder because they could not explalr\' lioW her car had been removed from th.e· garage. Testimony Friday also revealed what could have been a finger print left by the left Jittle finger of Sianez in blood on the steering wheel of the murder car. In the courb'oom . from the :.10 a.m. starting Ume until ihe cOncluslon Friday evening sat tbe parents of the two ac· cused and the wife of Slane:, Who sat quietly fliigerlng a gold croos about her neck.. · She mlled sweetly and waved nerv· ously to him as he stood in the jury box behind the dour meln of the attending bl.lift, waving at he.r across the court '*l\J}Y: Sianez will . stand:~ with hi1 ~Y in .Supvlor Cor.lr'Las be i1 accused of, first degree murder. Har. grave.,!f!Yl.f cleared, of the lCtual mur· de wtrl"""not be far a'i\'aY as be must answer for his part in the theft of the murder car. Results in Reading Must Be Reported SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Changes a lam govtrnlng public records now re- quire the state Department of Education to report publicly the results of readlng tesll on a dlatrlct-by.<flstrlct ha.is. . Atty. Gen. ll'bomu c. Lynch innouno- ed hll decision Friday on reading abllliy and skills 1 .. ts Jlven In the fin\ lhr• grades \mdtt the 1985 ~fill•r-Unruh 'Bui R<adini Ad. • I -- ' · IAIL' IUr· 3 • -~. ,...,, 1" ''t' (;areer .~ 1B~~-Dull ·= an.d , Dande,.otis. . ~ r • . .. Of.ficer's Life · Constan,tly Changing LAW ENTERS LABORATORY Tools of Modern SoCiety ~ 1W ... ~Hy Plllt SWfO 87 ARTHUR II. VINSEL Of .. o.llT P'llft lttf'I Dedicate.J to dull clerical duty OM 1 w anil a blgli-rolllng gambler wilh hlJ life In \he stales \he next, be sullen from a deep idenUt.y crisis in American's -t yblrlpool of social change. so cto·other Z2-year-old men. 1 He .. ls much ttke a.ny -oth'er son of the Schimphrtnic Sixties, with one major ·on thal-often sets him apart, Dillx, ·and socially, from #'eera, si.lesmen, mechanics and ·--. ·" • ll~mp .... ~~ ... ,J:mt.. ~ing. hls career, he ·Isn't ·~-dlffll' •. from anyone else In kin· n ~ the "Korean .. War endo;t, .' IUlaglnatkln . \iiasofired in tM r grade' by "RUssla's 1911 SpUlnik 'lluncb. · ~He wa~ 1he 19'0 .Berlin Crisis !rom jWlfor high fe!lo91 _and .. ., lh• phenamenal .Beatles rise to fame !our years later. President Lyndon Baines Johnson ·announced hb 1965 blueprint for The Great Society and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a black voters' rights march in Selma, Ala., both during his freshman year lit college. He alwafs knew · whAt he wanted to be w~en he grew up . NoW that h1s goal of police work is fuWly realized, however, a dOclety in quJck , COOS:tarit nux is not at all certain what it ~ in tJ:1t course of ltl5 sworn duty. 4 •.. He is a highly trained profooslonal, but 1ht and the public he 'S~ .,.- regarding him with ftar, suapiclon or outright hostllity ~ have not established his exact job. .. "One of the biggest problems facing DAll.Y Pll.OT Stiff PM1' The Banlt of New Mexico in Al· buquerque won't take any wooden nickels 1-but they did accept a wooden check. The check, payable to the New Mexico Department of Motor Vehicles, was carved on a 2-by-li inch block of wood by Rose- well, N.M., resident Ben Q. Adams, Jr. The face of the check is an e~act replica of a Rosewall Slate• Bank check fonn. "The· man has gone to a lot of trou~le. t~ make his point -whatever 1t is, . said Bank President W. A. Clark. CAPO'S PHILIP GRIGNON LOOKS TO SEA 'We Know More About the Moon Thin the Oceans' •· In Groningen, Holland · a land- lady Iecf 'two prospective l!lnants tbroUgh 1 a .doof, · 3nd sa1d, ''And this is th~ balcony," Before she could finish the _s~tenc·e, how.~ver, the balcony collapsed and fell 10 feet lo tbe ground below. The land- lady and one of the -apartment hunters suffered bruises. • Mrs. Sam Drake of Houston ttWed a little mone11 rtCenuu en. a tip from one of the nor· mally tight-lipped ticket sales- men at tM New Ortea~ Fair Grounds Race track. "Lady, you don't want to bet on that horse " he told her when she 1tmt~d to place her money m the 8tvtnth roce. "He died this morning." ·--------...... -• ' "Bring it back," said the Cleve· land Obio bank officials. "Come and i:et it " said Ed Bartunek. "It Was your' mistake." The mistake was for 'I niillion. Bartunek'• ten- ant, Mrs~Otis Speers, asked for a $70 money order: and a bank ma· chine error made it out for $1,000,· 070. She didn't notice and mailed lhe money order to Bartunek. Bar· tunek can~t cash it and he's out the $70 rent until the mistake is cor- rected. But he's having fun flash- ing the big amount to his friends and add s: "As long as I've got the . Meet the People Capistrano Teacher Uses Sea as Educational Tool By JACK CHAPPELL Of fl'i1 O.llY PllRI Sl•ff It has been sa id that th r: sea is all things to a11 men. Proof of that thesis• comes now fron1 the Capistrano Beach School District where education from mathematics to reading is being related to the sea . The man greatly responsible for the innovative use of the oceans and its denizen• as teaching tools is Philip Grignon, district chairman of sciences and a high school teacher. Grignon (his students call him Capt. Ahab) has, at the direct.iOn of the board of trustees, developed ·an instructional program based on the sea. "Instead of reading "see spot run," it's 'Thar She Blows,' " Grignon safd. Part of the program Is the shi pping of 3)l00 of the district's students in grades kingergarten through 12th grade out to look at the migration of California Gray Wba1es. the figures to themselves and to cars to learn measurement. •·My students teach other sludents. Once a man has been taught son1ethini;, he ought to teach it to someone else. This is how the good things of our culture survive," Grignon said. Grignon began teaching 10 year~ ago at Newport Harbor High School. Since then, he ha s taught at Orange Coast Collegt, Savanna High. School i n Anaheim, Cypress Junior College and finally Capistrano where he has been for the past two years. · Before teaching, Grignon was a Marine Gunnery Sergeant. He fought in the Korean War. He also was a judo expert and, at one time, thought of going into law enforcement. "When I gOt out or the Marines. 1 was all set to join the Santa Ana police. But then I asked myself 'What am I doing taking or r one uniform and putting on another ." He started school at Orange;. Coast College and then went to Cal State Long Beach. . IDQllO)' order I feel like a million , dellars." "It's more than marine science, it's technology, Un.e. art.t such as marine illustrations, literature of the sea, in relation to man and the sea," said Grignon . "Students have a natural curiOSJiy about anything big and what's bigger than a whale!" He said. When Capistrano trustees decided to set up , the ocean-oriented educational program, Grignon was brought to the district from Cypress Junior College. "My kids do ytat things because 1 give them their head and let them run . I think we've held students back Jn the past. The program is innov.auve in that it allows students to· uae the knowledge taught them in the search for more knowledge:." Grignon said . -· •• • • The reallr1 ao W com- pared to this inowed-in Gt~n drit>- ef' as he pokes an' arm through th~ tOjndml • to • •'"'l'f . tnO\O Ir"'!' . hb .mt<lahitld. A '10.liich '110Wfoll pam- ll/ud traffic in Frank/ur1 1 f'!' 'llOSt of FriOOy. • • la Mankato, MiM., lwtr Schut- ter, a member of the .Mankato City Council, won a date with a Play- boy 11wtny and a lifeUm,e. subsc.Qp- lloo " Playboy JJ18(!Wl)B. SchljJ- ltr •• father of several cllildttlt. tu,.;,l.'d down the dale but a~ppted the subscription. I I j Students in art classes make models o( whales. For elementary school IUldents, life.size whales were drawn oo black-top and the students compared • Coast Executive Succumbs at ,S5 Rosary will be recited for Dennis Brodginski of 2119 Vista Laredo, Newport Beach, general manager for Keystone Shipping Co.. at 8 ).m. Sunday and Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Monday, both at Our Lady Queen of Angels Calhollc Church, Corona del Mar. A resident of Newport Beach for the pasl five years, Capt. Brodglnsk!, who served in the Merchant Marine, died, Thursday of an apparent heart attack whfle on the golf course al Lona: Beach. He was 55. ·Survivors include his wife, Adele and daughter, Adele, both of the family home: his mother, CeceJia o f Pi.m9y1vania; two sisters, P!tJ1.cla Brodilnsid of New; York and Helen Ben- jamin of Pennsylvania. J11t.erment will be at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, Orange. I I ' "Historically, the impetus haii always been toward land but 71 percent of the entire earth is the ocean," notes Grignon. "Now the expanding population, deple- tion of resources on land and ; new i..:nowtedgt are leading man to the sea again. ··we are beginning lo realize that we know more about the moon tha~ the oceans. "People are beginning to look at the se.a because it holdJ · lbe immediate answers," Grignon said. 't Ocean View Schedules Pony-Colt Signups Ocean View Pony Colt League will hold additional signups for boys •anting to participate in \he 111119 season Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at lhe' league lleld at Bolaa Chica Street arid l.oa1-Pa tot Drivt. · Bo)'s 13-18 are eligible and must br1nc birth certJfJeate plus: one parenl to sign. ups. ,) law enforcement today la !he fact, lhal \he PoliUon ct \he lawman la In rapid change," said police science ex_pert Derald D. "Dick" Hunt. .. Neither Police oor the .public ha•e decid!d just what role be is desired to fill in soclet,)l," ll'li• Hllill, an u-eop·' who.Se career· ·11· now the t'.l'alninC ot new lawmen. No. decision is imminent either, 1e-· cording to the fonner Riveraldi police captain, coordinator of police acience programs at Oraol• Coul College for eight yWs. No longer Tue easy..goJn& town cop with plenty of Ume for a cup of coffee and acquainted with everyone around, "a policeman today is ont lmODJ a MW and mulll-talented breed. • SET APART "One ractor is that the magnitude of society now takes him away from close personal contact with the people he serves," Hunt said · during a Law Enforcement Week interview on the con- temporary policeman. "The black.and-white patrol car ls ac- tually a suit of armor Jlnd he doesn 't kn<iw his public anymore like he did in years past," Hunt adds. He has the resources of 20th Century technology : computerized central banks of criminal records, videotape gur, a brQader knowledge of human motivation, as .well as Buck Rogers inventions un· dreamed of SO years ago. Gyroscopleally m o u n t e d binoculars allow helicopter patrolmen to read car license plates from 1,500 feet in night skies over 1'os Angeles, or count hairs Ln a mole on • aunbither's back at 500 feet. •, , N.IL 'I' P1UY.ttM4 lw lM ,..,.. SHAKEDOWN IN THE SHADOWS FOR DRUGS OR A WEAPON Criminal C11e1 Acc~~i'"'tor 10 Ptrcent of Duty - fie has new tools for a . trade u old as organized humanity, ~t tlements in that society are creating new problems ln law enforcement as well as the tradi· tional ones. TodJy, lawmen are being required to look into a man 's mind for causative fa,ctors in antisocial behavior qiore than cracking his outer .1 head with a billy to remind him tnat h.is particular symptom : crime, Is illegal . · TRAINING EXP ANDED Y,at he ts Indeed . an acrobat of sorts, performing in the ilare of a public spotlight. . "The biggest problem is thal he must walk a tightrope : with liberty on one aide and rights on the other," says Hunt, who has degrees" in both police science and public administraqpn. "It requires the greatest or judgment to attempt to balance our collective securlly with individual civil libertie8 and freedoms," he continues. "The question now is this: fiow much of our rights and freedoms. should we give up for the good of the collectivt security?," Hunt explains about the pre> blem society must decide. a, soldier wiUK>.ui 'an army.'' Hunt con,. cWd.e&, "required to carry out. cOlifllcting or<Jers wllbout ·any support fron'i behind." The nec'8sary mission can be boring, sensational, lonely or dangerous -even fatal -aitd p:illcemen also rlrety gd rich. unleaa they are shafp inv~s. Yet v~lunteers, for som.e reuon, wait in line toda.y to qu.allfy for ·t~e silver shield signifying that he is ·a friend and protector of the: public, whateVer it thinks of him. ··wc·re starting to borrow heavily from other disciplines such as the social sciences," says Hunt. "but in many cases individuitls dQn't get adequate training for certain problems they may encounter." Virtually all new local area la\vmen are graduates of the Orange County Peace Officers Academy, which includes 280 hours of Instruction in 45 aspects of tl)e increasingly complex field . "Or are we required to put up with a wtain level of crime. with the un- derstanding th11t we will not therefore be forced to give up certain rights and liberties~" · Beach Library Revises Schedule ' For Bookmobile. . JUDG,,ENT NEEDED "Based on, a ~t survey, it SJems likely we will s.oon extend it t.o more than 360 hours/' said Hunt, adding that moot rookies continue studies toward advanced degrees in police science. Ulusttative of this polnt, of discretion, Is an officer's choice whether to. stop a stranger on a dark street at a late hour to question his presence and purpose in the neighborhood. HunUn~qn Beach· fublic IJbrifY ~ ~·· reviled ~ bookmobile JChedul!:, ~· Effective Monday, the bootmobile1 will make three types of slops. First, : It will stop al all major shopping ceQters weekly in the late afternoon when acl)ogts Once in the field as a patrolman -taught to be a counselor, marksman, 1'cientist. clerical worker and sleuth - the rookie quickly learns at least something of what is, or is not demanded . "Most of the time, his first call will be a family bee/, traffic citation, or some civil dispute," says Sgt. Ron Allen, training officer for the Costa Mesa Police Department. Si\1ALL POTATOES "As a matter of fact," adds Hunt," 90 percent of a policeman'• time today is spent on non-criminal activities - minor stuff, but cases where he can be of help." lf today's lawman is uncertain about some of his roles, no question can exi!t "This may be offensive to the person,'' Hunt explain&. The end result is simple: determination whether he is indeed a danger to the people 's welfare, only taking a tiedtlme stroll, or just involved in some other legitimat~ business. "Great judgment must be used," Hunt says. "Actually, the policeman today serves several publics. Hunt explains, "but one public wants no attention and another feels he is remiss in not giving more attention to tbe other." The patrolman's work is made tougher, however, by the fact that the ultimate boss -society -has not spelled out just 't't·hat his lawman's job today really entails. "Sometimes he feels he Is literally When you know not _ what harbor you seek, no wind is · right When Seneci. aaid that 110me t"·o thouaand yeu1· ago, he wasn't referrin1 to men'• clothing. But . .J_uy it appliea to auill u well u to ahlp1. Even a man who ·dresse1 with 1ldll and taoje findt it difffeult to 1elect new auita or other clothing wlth,ut adviee, 111d P.rbapa a bit of Pidance. Anr experienced elothing mon know1 that. If you could put nery aoit from every clothing 1tc>n1 In-•IJ room, and let a man I.moe thnmp them alone, wlth .. t~ atten· tion liom a Aloi-: 118 would ..__ 0011.inced thet there WU nodWis fn the ftOle lot that lii~nally Waidfod, The lon#r'M.loobcl. die liuder it would be for him to ....U ap hi1111iud. de1irable for you to find a store salesman in whOJe knowt. edge you can have eoulidenu. A IOOd retail clothing man Jearns through yean of uperi· ence how to read his euetomer, .to make IW"e the Cllltomer doetn't overlook items t·h at appeal_ to him but that are dilLicult to •ppreeiate when they're 1urrounded by IO many 1imilar itema.. TheDeitJiDte you're in thi11 neighborhood, take the time to eome m and introd11Ce your- aeU.' Alk for Jim Anderton, oar manager. Tell him you W11111 the 5 Cent Toor, lo give you an idea of tit• oort of mer- cltudiae we have. The branch "" ....,., 'nie different kinds of 11yllng. Oor'price - are out. ' Second, it will park at , or adjactlit to, as many schools as polllible durin& lhe school day. Because there are more schools than can be serviced dlir\ng a two-week period, tchool stopa ~ be limited to those which are not nelr a major-shopping center or a library annex. All school stops will be on alternate weeks. It is hoped that students will be allowed to use the bookmobile a1 a class. Third, evening stops will be withlo tract• themselvea and will be. w~tly. These stops may change to every other week as new area.s appear that need service. Or 8el acquainted with any one of our 1talf. Thet'e'• Bill Hanuaban, Don McProud, Clyde Reyes and , part ~ Jack Luke. I recommend any." ·one of them. , 11 you can rem~r your sa1e11111an's name en the next· visit, 80 much the better. ·I •r lhat becante IO ma JI y.....men. eonte in here, look annmd with oort of a loot friead look, and ffually uy, "Bey, I'm looking for Old Wabianame." ~ if yoa want to look lllie 1omebody, a1k for your 1alet- lllOll by -···boy all your elotb .. from Jick Bidwell, ud keep your chin· h;p. Remembor .. Dlol T-..e.,.. 1lt on a llWllp ud· ...,lliler If it .... true about hl1 lieinf the king of the jungle? Did Alexander The Great wonder If he ....Uy wu? I'm giving you~ OSCUM l can think of for buying hON- 1 hope that from' now. on you. will foUo,. ilaat -lent Ro- man'• adl'iee ad realise that thio ia the harbor you -k. And now, due ''the tide 'tarrietll for no m..," aceord-m, to. John HerwOod, I ...., reached 'the end. or my arp- I 'l1iat'• om -I'm pd to tee a man enter lily 1tore with hlo wife. She em eafolr cll.u@ree with him. And ohe Wt point oot eertalil tlihip he would n°'er notice by hlmootf. Jack Bidwell For almllar rueom, it'• 3467 Via Udo 011. The Lido Penln-ulo, Newport e..clt, DOXt toilWtard'1 Market aad the Lido T'hoaler, · Free parking for CadiU..o-~-6n.4610 ' Copyr;pt 1969, Jack Bidwell. · • · ------·- ' ' 1 r L Pulpit ......... -HJtb ~ wtD bold the tblnl .JI!·-" m ·=np" <iMID-A!tvf.Jlt • t :• :to• pa . " <;.A ...... tnUUed ''Salnta 6alnll." will be 1>.J the Rev. 81111')' 11 t IDd 10 ,IO •.m. :.!ll"lcoa for • C.lnl --.·--~ "'-~-Hewlll ;! ,, • ~ k .. '"llllrty•lhree ~ ol &atvatloa" •I the ~~venltl wonblp hour, f ·-. --· Including )lible' llu<IY, praytr meeUng, JCbri&tiall 8en1c< B r I g • d e ihoetlq and Plon«r Glr~ -... wtD be held '!bun- ...,, 7 p.m.. I, Probltm;;;ri:;·gmia Belch !youtb;' indi1C1tnc family ret. I~ -1n .. 11on IChool ,aiid cUnics for drug users will i::.=-•t tile Sundl1 ·rneeUnc. 10 :30 a.m. ~ \he' UldlulU-Ulllvendlt tllo~ of Lq1llll Bado at the Art Association Gallery. llllchard Holllal<r. dlrectee ol pupU servlceo at Lapna !Belch lllib School, wtD lead the dilcuu!on. Astroncirey will be r .. 1urec1 Wedding Billi SundlJ wtU be held at Pint ~ a.ma. 'ltl Victoria St., Coola Mesa, wttb .U -wllo _.. -In tile dlepll ol the church In-. to ntllr1I to renew their von. '!be Rev. Jemes E. Plerq, wtD opW: on "A New Look at Love'' •t ""'"'"" _....., -· l :IO and t0 :40 o'clock?. FellOWlblp dlJmer wlB be held at 5:11 p.m. ln the cburcb hall. The vice .,....._ ol Pacific Clll'lltlan COUep, G.B. Gordon, w I II soeU: durtnc · the vesper hour; 1 p.m. .• Doualas Calmer1, bollnelsnwl .... member ol U..... CllrO ef t'1lrilt of NlwJ!m1 llem will be a panaHlt oa the church te1evi1io9 srOcram "Survey". Tbe-1 ptll dllcuss "What's 11oJ>P1111ni In tile National caunctl of Cmrches," Satur-dsJ, Feb. 1:1, 7 p.m. Ill. M • r k Presbyterian Oltarcti, ·Jtutbluff Drive at ~Jamboree Road. Corona del Mar, wUl hold Rl'Vlcys 10 a.m. with the Rev. James G. Kirk beginnlnf a new series of lmnonll bued on the theme 11A Better Way." His sermon this Sunday wtll be "The Way of Forifveneaa". Communion and the roceptlon ol -membero will hlll'l!lht the .. me. . The Rev. Loren Dale Flick· 1nger ol Newpon U•lt1 QIU'Cll will preeenl a 1eaaon sennon enUUed "Your Way Revealed" '!bl wvlce Is held 10 a.m. •I tile Stnloi' CIU.W BuUdlng at lilh Jnd Irvine, Newport Beach. Wednesday, Putor F1Jck. lnger will lead an evenlna "Singsplration," 7:30 p.m., also held at the Senior Cltilens 'Building. "When God Is Clllllng" is the sermon to be · deJlvered by Dr. P. G. Neumann, at morning worship semce, 11 a.m., for Flnt Baptist Oirrt• aod day school, 301 MagnoU., Costa Mesa. At the evening service, the Christian Players o! First Baptist wiU pre'.stnt "Coming Again," written by Mrs. Donna Anderson and directed by Ralph Inna. Nursery care is provided at both services. Sunday's message at Flnt Christian Chlll'Cb. Legion at Catalina, Laguna Beach, is en- titled "Overcoming Racial (See PULPIT, P11e II ·~iplesCA __ u_,g'""'"h_t_ln_Cro_s_s_flre_ BegiD Fund .. Pastor for Poor! A lJiCemma Raising '!'be Olrlatlan C h u T.c h (Di!clplt1 ol Christ) hai' clllled upon congreaaUon1 naUonally to -11411,000 lhil yeir -ID( lt1 annual WeeJo'. of Com- poulon, Feb. lUl, I o.r ........ old to ., bolt ol Chr1IUaa indeavora. A lar(e )IOfllon of the fund will be divided betweon Church World Service, the relief and rehabllltatlon agen- '!! .l <>!. 32 Proteitant Ind Vl'UIOOOI denomlnailonJ, and the Workl CouaclJ o( Churches Projects tMouibout I ~ e worJd to W'hlch the tunda will be allocated run a whole spec.., trwn ol. aaaiatance, ranging: from d.ltect heJp to refugees, dlsuter victiml, and funds for self..fldp program1, com- munity development in emerg- Jng countries, scholarshlpi, elementary and secondary school ald, special project.a for needy chlldren, alflcultural tralnlna and other fonna of help'to needy peoples. Other lql!IODll ol the fund" to be raised during the Week or COmpuaton period will go toward 1upport of Christian churcb bodlts Jn many parta of the WOrld By GEORGE W. COllNELL which 1._itnc orpoba-11J111Y lli<lr -.... to NEW YORK (AP) -The Uons lhould control •cUYltla be heard • a lot m •rt chur<hes hired him to work among tile needy to lmjlrove ~ tile eOtln - wllh tbe poor. Soon be «•• their lot. . ' ' muntty, aDd allo the~· taking their side ln prote1tt Tht frlcUon caroe to a held ~ against the provalllng .,mm. In action to dlsmlu the Rav. FACI' FINDBlll The chun:hes !Ired h Im . Ed&ar A .. Kruea<ir. 31, u A.. uUOlll( 1n-....in. Demonstrations n.red. An In. director of lh~CO!lncil't V~ 'tlOiiaJ ~· the ~'on quiry boga°' He kept at ~ Mlnl!ior AuoclaUon am°"' "'Spinllli. ~Wort,' dlo- cause; , the Mex1cen-Arnerican poor Pitched 1 ~ IP It'• a common pattern, In alnng the Rio i;tanc1e. ' llndln( codiiDlttee ,to Taol W many a r e a s , as · the · Check lib tbl dhHm' predominant r e 11 g Io u 1 in-ENLIST, EFFORT ~ ~ ind tiDltl sUtutlons seek to rechannel Clalminr be .w 11 in-prOtaunc It mjted 1JDC1111 their erierglea: to serve the subordlnat~ anld TtfUMd to 1-e v er a 1 alafcaD.~ tong-neglected, often alienated work t h r o u I b establllbed ,,.rp.. underdogs of society. chur~hes aod nthtr civic lo-POCUI ol' the Ip e ct 1 l This week the conrurt stltution1 in the valley area. min! try . river deb emerged in lhe Rio Grande Dr. KI.lpatrlck aald, "We need -..i I ol ~ a o u n t I e 1 Vail and • I ed th T to enlist these groups in the ·~CID our c ... • ey 1nvo v e eus effort tM than fi .. ._1 them,. RldaJ&o, Starr. Camer.oa utf Council of Churches, on the ra r ,,., '. Wlllaey where "coloniu" - eve of its reconstltutlan u On the other hand, the Re~. !bantyi;,wns of famlllel ot a more Cully inclusive body Krueger malnlalned lbat it fann and other dlJ tabann o f i n t e r d e n om.i.national would compromise the pro-_ Jay outaide about JOO ca- cooperation. gram to subject It to dominant munltles. WHAT'S rrs ROLE? "Jt'1 a problem that ls con- fronting the cburcb everywhere and ita role in social change," said Dr. Harold Kilpatrick, or Austin, Tex., execuUve secretary of the statewide organization. At Jssue basically, there as elsewhere, was the erlent to community structures. JI e blamed. bill OU1tu on bis re- JecUon of the "paternalbUc patterns which tend to keep people In servltudt. "We have tried to build leaderahlp amoz:ta: the poor so they can sptak and act for thenuelves, "· be sald in a telephone Interview from his residence in Pharr, Tei-. "Cer· The "colonias" lack NWap systems, running water and other ordinary faclUUes. Tbe Rev. Krueger tstlmltea about 90,000 Mexican-Americans live in such impoverished en- vironments in the region with a population close to 400,00t. The Rev. Krueser't (See POOR, Plfl ii ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY ' . FAIRVIEW BAl'l1ST CHURCH '"-1.C.1 .,.,._ ._. .. ,_ ""h!o C.M. 10 A.M. WORSHIP-SERVICE f AM. lltMDAY CMUK• KttOOl 6:• ,.M. H. Ml 6 Ir. HI ... T-····-1•1 t• ttw, WM. J:lt • l :U l'.M. ................. v.~-MWWYC....-MMAI HARBOR TRINITY BAPTI~ CHURCH 1111 ..... It .• hlnlew. c.... .... ~c:.. .............. SUllday SchooJ 9:45 a .m. Morning Worlhlp 11:00 a .m. Baptist Training Union I p.m. Evening service 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study &: Prayer •.......... 7:00 p.m. RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 611 HAMILTON, COITA MIU l_..·. • A.••· hit Sclrufl.lt.llepf i.M•y Sc.:h-1 •••• , •• t :45 lr•i"!"I U11iu " •••••••• 6:00 fl. • W h' I I OO E"1n1111 Wonlllp •.••.• , • 7:00 • nnng on 1Jt • • • • : W.J. ft1nin1 S1rvic• •••• 7:00 ,.._ Ml-flit N...., .UW.,. A ...... UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2212 S. L PAUS.UD ID. SANTA ANA Hll•HTS IVNOA't ICMOOl ......••....•...• , ................ r:• .t..M. MCMt"INe WO•IMI~ .•. , .......................... ,, 11 A.M. t · r.::~.011 "::~i~~~ W1!DM·1soa;.··:·::::::::::::::··r • .: :::: Wlllll!l'I I. AC'llll. 1'"'9f' CMrc11 ,,_. MW677 ' FtlST f; IA"1ST CHURCH : ........... ,.,..., I ("-1Ult ._...,, j· 1741JM...,.n.. !' ............ ' • ..,. DIM,....... hMey Sche.t •••... t :JO AM t¥r-l111 W•rthi, • , 11 :ot AM ~ S...ic1 • • • • 6:11 ,.. ~!111 Wotship • , •• 7:11 PM '..,,_,.,,......,..It al s.vic. 147..Cl44 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH M•in I: Ad•ms Str•ets ' FIRST .CHRISTIAN CHURCH Victoria & Placentia Aff. Costa Mesa -··---"-·--• .,.,. Wtnflt. . ..... ..... 1111 •·"'- .... ldllill . . ... . ..... t :ll ·-~ w.-........ lt:tl Lift. Tllll'll""'-················ '"""' v-. ................. '"""' Nursery Care Provided 141-4771 MWl41 w, l11i1¥1 '" Yo1 , . UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 'I 12&t Vlcforl• St .. Cost.1 M11a su•n 1.11 •"-•2 I ,.,. ~HA';;- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IUNCHIS OP THI MOTHn CHUICH THI fllST CHUICH Of CHllST, SCIENTIST IN IOSTON. MASSACHUSITTS ''SOUL'' Subject of Lesson -February 15 Coste Meu -First Church of Chris t, Sclen,ist 2110 M ... Yer4e Df., Cnhl ..... Sn*f Sd>Ml-f:11 A.M. C.,.rdi Serolca 11 A.M. ....... lfffllt 1150 M ... YarM Dr. Huntington Be1ch-Fint Church of Christ, Scientist 110 OlfoM C•lfr'Cll & S11Micry ScM!-t:lO Ii 11 :OD .... 11., ......... 10 Oltw. L19una Buch -First Church of Christ, Scientist 611 Hltlt Dr. C.... Ii ...... SchHt-t:lO & 11 :00 ............ 114 ........... llawpert leach'~ Flret Church eA Chris!, Sctentftl IJUYl.W. a.rd • s..., ScltMl-t:ll • 11:00 l.Ulllt ....... lll 1 Yhr Lhl• . Newport Beach-Second Church cf Christ, Scientist 1100 hctftc Ylew Dr., c-1t11 .. W. Ch1rch & SlrlMhy lclNel-10 A.M. lHdlitt lo•-2161 I. Cfflt Hwy. All are cordially invited to attend tbe church services and enjoy the privileg"" of the Reading Room. CWl4 c.,. Pre..w.4 AT ALL SIElYICIS CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA llTWllN HA.DOI M fAllYllW SUNDAY MOlNING lllLE ST\JDY . , .• , •.•• , ..•••• t :41 AM SUNDAY MORNING WOlSHIP I COM"'4UNION •• 10:41 AM SUNDAY EVEHIN6 WORSHIP ..•.. .' .•.• ,, ••••••• 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY lVENING lllLE STUDY •.•..•••••••• 7:3 0 1'4 NUWIT CAii PlOYIDID D• ... O. M•rn.M D ••• Hint Mii..,_ ADMi.teMlit..,_ Phone: 548·S711 Day or Night CTNTRAL BllLE CHURCH CORONA DEL MAR Huntln9ton Beach M...,.1n1 w....111, •• l :JO 10:41 "ltf• Scl.•el • ·• ••• 11 :10 PROCLAIM fmphuizti:ig Y,.. .. &. .. ,. ""''" •M Saha' u' llah TM""'ofGod & .. i111 Wonlli, •• 7:00 PM n. hnon of Chri5l .. .. .,_. -Wiii. -J •.M. ,......_, ,,,_,.,,, 0"1" Clr'I l'rO¥IMll 11 •• "rvic.. '" ... TlM': Power of tht Hoty Spirit --.Dllo11>9'11tf~ 541-1215 or 549·200S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! Slrndrf'Schoal ! AM Mo.-r1i111 Wo.W.p ! ind 10:;JO AM l -.nlns Semoe 1 Pt.t 1 , GO AHEAD! rn:i:~1; ~~' SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! """"""''"..-. A Ml Ya.th Prognm n. ...... tlle lilt A....._. ..... • Cm. of OflftP and Drd. Sf. CALVARY CHA .. IL c.&Meu COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAl ,. MW ...... •... l'IAer H. L )OMf; IFCA Mbr. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH . ,.. ...... Clwtltlltl ~ ........ .,...... ............. ... /llllMc. Cit'lef'Y CMllll Ill t11 11•111 1•1 I f' • ••"" Clillrsll ........ "" ..................... __ .... : 642-670 646-9512 J.la,./,or C/,.,.;,stian Churc~ Of! MIWPOIT llACH-lllM"ll1I ...... ..... ., ...,.. ·-··· ...... U11. 1M It. C... .... Church School -9:45 A.Ni. Worship -10:45 AJr\rn .. _, c.. .... ,.. •• -:675-HU Minister: Dr. D. W. llcElroy ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH fMlt ... ri Sp.41 _,..., ..... UNIVIRSITY PARK SCHOOL Stffb.i~ If! Un'""Jty ,., .. ' lttJI ........ "••· H. Hl-•11•, Pait..-111·1211 INTINSIVI Dncribts th9 UAILY PILOrs CCMrlgl fl IOcli MWL No eUMt l'tPlf c.m a much ...... whtn '°" vou lht. • 611 HELIOTROPE ............ ,.:IO A.M • Ckt&li W111 1 ftll A.M. Cir. ~--0 . illft-ty, Mlft .... Miii ~ 1tlll91. o.c.a. 673..COOO S.v•nfh·Day Adventist Churches ---.__ 171 A ...... ..,._ ......... .. J.h11 Shew"'•k•, P•.t.r '-" ........... ca... "'• ... 1 141_.,,, una o... ...., ......, .....,. .._. • ••. ttlt AM A. £. la...,., '••f• ..... .....,, •• 11:11... . ',..,.,. 4tl-ltJ• -~ -·-····"'""" •••r----.·WM·7tJtPM ..... \:/ ....... tl:lt AM a TEMPLE SHARON TJ.1 C•llf•t¥•fi¥• ..,,.1909119 f.,. .... •~tite Httb•r Ate• 617WettM....._,C....._ Alt ,..... ...... -"'"""" ....... Ill """' "' ... 111 ... IAllATH MMIN• 11mcn fllDAT -1:11 P.M. ..........~_ . ..., .............. ..._UH T_,... )111,_ C!lllr -011tt Sllt .. I ... , .. "I IJ THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Wtleorries You • ST. .IAMIS. JJOt ... U., N..,_,, 1Mci1 ........, ~-7:31, t:°' 11:t1 '. ,....., ll;Jl-1'111'141ey 1:00 p ... • Heir 11 ~·I 4'I I ........ s.mc. ...,.,, 'nit ..... ,,... P. ~II: ......... Tltie I..,. DewW er._, Phone: 67.S~fio . ST. MICHAEL lo'ALL . ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, ·corolla ·del Mar Sundays: 8:00. 9~0 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Days as announced ........ De ........... "-'"' n..ts-...... 644·0463 ST. JOkN THE DIVINE, 21U3 Orange Ave .. C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced ..._,De In. Jei. W. D...W.it -PllMI 5414326 EPISCOPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH a111 It. ti 011 .... Lani -hit urt .. l'l'ff hiltts M~ ... cit, c.llfWlll• TM ••'f'. J-C. ClltY, I'•*' Sunday S.rvicq ... A.M. Mm-c __ ... f:ll A.M. l'•mlly IWYke • Cfllll'<• 1141 ~.M. 1-. Scllett ,,. l'.M. ·~C#ll ., , .. A.M. Me,.."'9 w ... '( ... ~-lllllrWY C.N ~~ First Assembly of God Church 146 E. 22nd St., Co1t1 M11a 548-3761 M. C. Cronic, P11tor Rey Nie~•••"· Mini1hir of Youth SC"IDULE Of SIERYICIS S11"9.,--Ch1Rll Schol ••••••••••••....•..••••. t :Jll .... ..... ly W..U.lp •••• , •• , , , 10:50 •·'"· I 7:00 p.m. Church Choir -SJ.eril Paul11 n, Oir•clor YWten WelnMG -N~ AtteHllt STATI UCINSID Pll-SCHOOL,.-.hirl WIUl•1111, Dlr.ct•r ...... : '41-JlJl a HARBOR RffORM TEMPLE meeting 1t St. J1mes Epi1copal Church 3209 Vi• Lido, Newport Beach SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IU.111 ••N UIMOW l'O• llllFORMAT10H: CALL •7W4G T~ ••llYlllWll, l't1"1' -Nm Mllltr, Muskll Ofrtc*' t :41 A.M. -S1"4ey Sc•-1 10:10 A.M. -''T'k Splrlhl .. Tottle ef G•d" Sirmon by P•tlor 7:01 P.M. -'1'M Al__, Dhdptft" S•rll'IOll ~., '•"~' Me11. 7:JI P.M. -Ce"9fe heytw .... fl11t-eoll •46·J760 '"" 71JO P.M. -C.A. ServkG De" Mur1 1y, Oirclor WM. f:JI P.M. -In. P•-n Lt>-Speci~l11t CHOIR SINC'iS AT IOTH SUNDAY SEIYICIS Pr•y•r M11ti111, S•hird1y t :]O A.M HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. WlllOn, Costa Mt•• Y. L HllTWICI(., ........ CAIL C'ilNTIY 141-4704 Ml11hf'ff •f M111lr: SUNDAY SIRVICES 10:10 A. M. -"lc•11• ef c.1.,.,., .. S1rmo11 by P11lor 7:00 ,,M. -"If Clltht Hod Nat C••" krlllGll lty h1ter COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL '"'4cMM -K......._... -• ......., -(II! .. C.rt FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH '"41 ,.., ..... (T ......... , .. n.1, rollNTAJN 'f'AU.U UNIFIED SIRV!Cf • S11nd•1 Schoel t:J~WORSH I, • IO:JO W1tthip I Ye•tll Q.,..up• • 6:JO p.111. H11"1ry ,,...,ld'4 •t ti! .. ,...icit ,. ~ ClilrUi -~ ...,.. """'" '#~ Trinity UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1411 IMftl .... SMtli AH WORSHIP AND £.S.P. ._.., 1 ........ -7:JO •·"'· t6J..Kll Ml41JO W1 1•111¥1 111 fl1Nlll l !t1 •lld '''"' It! > I Ntwpori Harbor I Luiharon Church 2lOl Cliff Dr. LI M2llll · 1'9 .... -....... - Lutheran Church of the Master 2900 Pacific View Dr. CORONA DEL MAR ,,., ............ ---............. l tM:ll ''"" DR. WILLIAM R. ELLEll Phone OR 3-5022 ...... ........... r1&lt1U a.m. ........ ~ .... llo ... 121 .. Ntas•Q' care available at aD 1ervlce1 WILCOME 1:45 A.M.-F.mily Won;hlp t :41 A.M.-Swnd1y Cf111rc• Seh1•I 11 :00 A.M.-F1rll•1 WGn;hJ, NWllt'JPtetWM' CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ~U.souti Synod 761 Vkterli St .. C..i• Mell a..thar v. ,.,.,..., , •• ,... SCI 5404 W1r1~l~ StnlCll: l :U • 11 A.M. $"""7 kftttil: t :lt A.M. Mull ..... C81 t :ll 4.14 CHllSTIAN ILIMINTAIY SCHOOL !MNl66 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M•1• V1rd1 Dri¥1 I l•k1r Str11t, C•lf1 M•1•. C•lif. AlllDil!W C. AlllDl'UOll. ,...., Merlll111won"": l :Cl,J:30t.11 :DO Sunolt ykNal: 1:•.t :Jtt.11:.16 Prit1c1 •f '""• ~w•it Sclle1I -Mit1 Edtiw Ohc.n, Pri11clpal Office rho11e1 149-0521 Sch•el Phtlf1•: 14,·0162 HUNTIN.TON RACH UNITED CHURCH Of RWGIOUS SCIBtCE 420 10th St. Huntington Beach S.nU, MGflll .. Sin-kn H4I T••" Cltafc.._11 :00 •.111. W•tln•1tl•y h111i119 Study 6roup--7:JO p.m. llMd ..... MlithNr Pktte: IJ6-2120 A Cordial W•lcoma from THE llNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1.1~ •• ltl•l'MI COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Ill A11t• 675-0950 1:11 nfM1111I Wor.hi, f ;]O Tr1dltio111I Worthip I Sund1y Scho•I Cost• M11• FIRST UNITID MnHODIST CHURCH ltth St I H1rl.or 1!¥d, Wotth1, & Church School t :JOlllAM 141-7727 Cott• M11t N•rth MISA VIRDI METHODIST CHURCH M11a Vwd1 I l1lt1r St • 54f·211t Wer1hip I Ch11rch Schoel t :OO I IO:JO AM Hu11ti11ff•11 ... ch FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St ...... l.J&'-llJ7 S.r...Jc11 -t :JO I 11 1.111. Nur11ry tfir. JM .,,,, • I I Ch11Rh Sch .. I -t rJO •·"'· H1111ti111to11 l•tct-Nortfl COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHURCH 6662 H1i1 A ...... 142-4461 WOJ1liip I Churclo Sch••' t & IO:JO AM lrvi11-E11f l luff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH Wol'lhlp •••• 1:10 AM 13l-12J] M11tl111t1mpor1rily1111 St. Mtrll Pr1tl:tyt1rl•1t Church E11tbl11ff Dr. I JGmbor•• Rd. L.1911111 l111h LACOUNA llACH MnHODIST CHURCH 21 •12 w •• 1..,. ~ 111 Se, lltUftl Wer1hip t :JO I 11 AM Church School t :JO AM •tt-JOSI Newport l•1ch CHRIST CHURCH IT THI SEA 1400 w. 1.1t..1 11.4. 67»-1111 W...,liip I CMirc• S.lt..i t :JO I 11:00 AM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Chri1t Chlnll Presbyterian 20112 ........ , ............ " ....... .... ......... 0 ............... .... s....., W.,...,: t :JI AM a.-.l .... : 11141 A.M. OMe. Jll ... It ..... fflo4t40 St. Men Pmbymian Church c.....1 ........ 11#-..... C..... ... ..._ ,... ..... a..,~ W ........ I Qlrlll .. , 111 11 AM u+tM1 Community Pn~yterWn Church .c11 ............. r. W•.1. L....-.... DALI.Al TVllOI. PAITOI w....., ' 'ctr*a , .. -... fall .... .....,_,, .... • 4K'llll .. ' , I • l~ ... ~;...;. ............ ~.c:i ..... """"'""""'-·~-~~-· • -: __________ --.. • •• ---------------------'" PULPIT AND PEW • • ... (C.OU.U.. from P ... I) C.UrQ al 81. Wl1lrtd ti Yd, Cowlty mlnllln In brlilod ~" '!be Rov. ,JllllOO Chapel Lano o1 ~ H""' to a Wk bf Dr. Dooald Qdhlngo .in dell..,. tlie ad-'ti,,.too ilt'aCb, 'liiclii10: 1:10-VcGinan '• mi. Church dreas al tile t0:4S a.m. a.m., impoeitioll of Nhes ..a Growth Poful o1 View and wonhip ..me.. COllUllUDloo; 10 a.m., pealteo-Cbrtatlao Mlaaloo." He ts a Jl'lnt Cbr!JUan ctwrdt i. tlal Jllllce. Llllal>, 1,..po.111on dean ,fll tbt 8cl¥>ol ol Work! looking forward to movfn& Into of llblt and colllmwllen; 1:30 Mlaalcn o1 fbe II' u 11 er new quarton, Feb. u. "Good p.m.; chllilrto'a auvlcti; and. ~~will~· '!be Twlos" Concert •by ......trn1 I p.m. • -loii and Ill> ·-.,.. oaln W~, art~ta wltl hlghll&ht the !Int poslUon or ubet. 1t:l6 1.m.at the P'ollr Seuoo'a service, Feb. J.1, 7:JO p.m. A pquuct dlrmtr wlll follow BlCa!deter!!~'"~lm.383 S. Anabelm the eVenlng 1erviee and the v •• AmWt: The Rev. Norman L. B'rown will speak on "The Gospel According to Jesus" Sunday, 10 a.m. at lbe Plymoatll CoDJl'tllllODal aordt • f Newport Barbor, 326% Broad St., Newport Beach. Sunday school is held at the 5ame time and child care is pro- vi<lod. 1\<v. ,..,,. C. Caley will deliver a short me:s.uge. SL JoU th Dlvhe EpiJcopll Chlrdl. ZOii Oranp Ave., CO.ta Meu, w 11 J celebrate communion al both 1:30 and 9:30 morning servicea. Sunday a c h o o I c1usu f" an qp meet al t ::IO a.m. Nunery care ts pro--vlded . . Letturing Tu e s d a y and }ficbele Willlams and Greg Wodne!day, Wllllam Samuel Foradtel: will ,.port to the will talt at the Lquu Bo... 9:30 service on the Dynamic Churdl of Rtll&lou ·Scleace, .Bishop's O:lllfmnce en Youth. 20062 Laguna Canyon Road on • Dr. Cbarles H. Dler<Dfield will preach oo "llemember, You Promiled" at the I, 9:30 and It a.m. (services) for St. Andrew's Pre1•1terlaa Cbrell, aoo St. Andrtws Road, Newport Beach. Yooth choirs will present the offertory cfur. fn& the .....ice.o thla week. Oiaclll8ing "What ls a Unitlrian'', the Rev. 80ger Wolke, will begin "Sunday worship services at 10 :30 a.m. at the 8ullqo Uoltlfln Uolvenallll Fellowllllp, :t025 N. Brotdway, Saqta Ana. 'nle Rev. Walke 11 the minister of the Costa Mesa Unitarian ----.. , .• 0 Cl~ I • ---------. --. - ------------,,.._._ DAILY l'IL4t S Man is God's Proo ..__, -· BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAC GUIDE "The So~1utlo~ to Your Spealdnf on•• Bat an c e . Problems. Tickets for the Powtr anti Poise," Dr. Henry lectures are now on sale at Gerhard will iddrta the con. the church : at Carol'• Bqok greption of Cltare• 0 f Shop, '129 S. Cout mglnray, 11411&1--· 20013 Live Wtre Cleaners, lei Forest Lquna Can)'Oll ·lload, Lquna Ave.: and at King's Ml-Lady Buch, at ta.m. and 11 a.m. lm!'5 Shop, 202 S. C.Ut aervicff. Sunday will also bo H1ghy;ay. AdmW:ton for two ce)ebrated a1 Youth Sunday evemngs ts P : for one lecture, with hi&b school e h u r ch Ch~ch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. memben participating in the . "onllip oervlce and serving Respo01ive readina will be refrahments following each included in the 1 u n day service. Junior Church meets services at a 11 Chrladan at t .a.m. ScJence ch~es. The subject Dr. Gerhard will continue of the Bible lesson-sermon is his Tlturaday lectures, 10 a.m. ''Soul." at Clubhouse Two in Leisure SL Paul'• Lutheran Cburcb, - 429 Cypress Drive, Laguna Beach will observe the Lenten Season wltb mid-week worship aervicff, which will belln thia Ash Wedl1<8day, 7:30 p.m. '!be Rev. W. E. Niederbracb will conduct the ~?Vices using audJo visual methods. The genml theme for the aervlcea will be "Words from the Cross." Honoring Jewish Mu s i c Month, Temple BetJa David of Onin1e Couty will conduct Creative Service at· Sabbath suvlces Friday, 1:15 p.m. Rabbi Bernard B. Gold&mtth, Cantor Harry Newman and the adult choir will conduct the services to be held at Community Congregational Church, !Catella and Blo- omfield avenue•, Los A.lamtlo~. FQllowing t be musical service, Rab b i Goldsmith will lecture on Abraham Joohua l'achd and Cba11idism. General di!Cus.ion will also be beld. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rodd and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Cohen will host the Oneg Shabbat ;r..bich will follow. the aervice. Men Verde U1lted Methodist purtt., 1701 Baker St., Costa: Me.sa, will bold services at 9 and 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. J.,.ph W. McSbane speaking on "Bleas- ed Are the Peacemakers." Members of Cbrllt Lutbern Cbarcb will oMerve the last Sunday of pfe-Ltnten seuon with communion Sunday. The Rev. Lothar Tornow will apt.at oo the theme "1by Faith Hath Sa~ed Thee," at both the I : 15 and 11 a.m. services. Ash Wedne~ communion service will belin at 1 p.m. The Rev. Tornow w!U .speak on "The Forgivenea.s that Doesn't Stop." "Brief Odyssey" is the sermon title this Sunday at Commout11Y eon.,.,a11 ... o1 Clnlrdt, 611 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar. Dr. Philip G. Murray will begiJI worlhip aervice at 10 a.m. Child care is provided. Church school is also held at this hour. With special muaic by the aenior choir, L&Uaeru. O:ud of tbe -· llOO Pacllic View -Orive, Corona .:del .Mar, will hold ~ at 1:46 and 11 a.m. Dr. WJlllam R. Eller's sermon ii -.! ., Jeremiah a: 4-t, "Ability to Read the Signs." Special RrVica will be held at the chllrdl aach Wednelday durina Lenten ......,, Communion will be offered at 7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday. Dr. Eller will World. The, Rev. Roger G . Betsworth will preacb at SI and 10:30 o'clock morning senicel for Cemma1lty Uolted Metbodltt CUrdl, Ille:! Heil Ave., Huntington Beach. Church school claSla u ... ll u nunery care a.re also i:ro- vlded ol both bourll. '!be Arcbltecta, a c1ols for adults, ta still meeting at 10:30 a.m. in the church Chapel Chancd dramu will high· tllht mid-week Lenten ..,.;. eel, Wednesdays at 1 p.m. at Cluitt Llltbenm Chardl, 7!0 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. The theme for tbe .services will be "CroN: Word&". 'nle title for the first. week Is '"lbe Forgiveness that Doesn't Stop," bued on the words of. Jeat11, "Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do:" All J!arbor aru and ·West · POOR • • (C«ltlaed lnlm· Pqe f) dismissal wu made effective Feb. 24, the date-set far dlisolving the Te:s:as Council before its reconstitution the nnt day u the Te:s:as Con- fermce of Churches, em- bracing 10 Roman Catholic dioceses, the Greek Orthodox diocese. and 7:1 Protestant denominations. Dr. Kilpatrick said in a teltpbo~ interview that the organiz:ation felt the Villey Ministry should ''incorporate all the forces Jt can," in- cluding 11tabliabed In- stitutional ltnlctunB In bring- ing chll!i ... "hope and belp" to the poor. "We're not changing our goals, but·wt're chaqtng our methods," he said He aaJd that under Rev. Dr. Kreuger's atrategy, "We had the responsibility, but. no authority." He Hid Mexican-- American representaUon 11 sought 1n the wort, "but they're not rwminl the pro- gram -we are." The Rev. Krueger, a United Church of , Cbrll! mlniater, said a butc ciisqrttment with the COIUlclJ ...Wted from hiJ conviction that "the poor tbemlel"'8 • ~ develop ltadenbip and be helped to a point-· th.,. ... -their an lives and determine their own detlUnlel." Dr. Kllpatrlct said the dlan!aaed mlnilter bu -'"vtr'/ eUecttft'.' orpcldna: the poor, bat thllre WU a _,., of llUch -to want fmanclaJ support but no direction. speak on '"l'hey Believed in;========= God." An adul.t inquiry class 'for churchmemben will follow the Lenten WOnhip houn on Wodneoday. -- Ash Wednelday strVlces •t BRIGHT. 1\e DAILY PILOT -"" ff1 """ t ... ,... ntht, tltht •'"' lwitht: hH ...,, ... ...... .._ •41tfe• ~.11, • ...i ... i.,. ........ ~-• ecar ·wa • '*-• 1 ~ .:1 TREES"'~:. ~ORLD .............. -*~ I ' Owrcb school is held at the same hour u the Sundiy worship servlc-e. The discuaalon series "Elg'ht Ventur.1IntoThought"11 sUU accepting particlpanta. The talks are held Friday even- ings, ?:JO o'clock. S p.m. He Is. th. Rev. Harold Amatut<, candidate oecrttary fer the Alaoclltioo ol Baptists for World Evll!ielism. Sunday school will meet ol 1:15 a.m. Youth Hour ii held at 5 p.m. Nursery car. II provldod !or all services. ''Tbe Cost of Being a Chri3- Uan and the Cost or Being Christian" is the UUe of the Flnt United Me t ~ o d I a i sermon to be delivered at the Cbard, 2721 Seventeenth St., Huntington Beach will conduct 11 a.m. service, by the Rev. two worship services, 9:30 and Stanley P. Allen, pastor or Foun•n: Valley Presbyterian 11 a.m. with the Rev. G. ..... n Russell Shaw preaching on Church, 9420 Talbert Ave. GeraJd Partain was elected ''The Christian Imperative: th S d Reconcilliation." Ba ... 1 .. m will u chairman of e un ay be d-1R1.. ....i .,t ..... b th School Board. Sunday school .3 "Ul""'.er"" a o begins at 9:'5 a.m. serv1ces. , Young people for Christ will·~ .. Church IChool also mee.s meet Sunday evening, a p.m. at 9:30 and 11 ~.m. and Everiing worship service will nursery care la provided. begin at 1 o'clock. The Inquirers class meets at 10:45 a.m. while the youth Exploring the idea of "K• Ing Your Balance," the Rev. Ernest Pate will deliver a mesaage at the Bathlpn Bue• Uolted Churdl o I Rellgloaa Sdace, 420 Tenth St., 11 a.m. service. The month potluck dinner, spon.scred by the Women's Guild, is slated for Friday, 6:30 p.m. A movie about the Nile River wiD be shown after the dinner. · Beginning a second series on Prophecy, Dr. Edwin R. Greene will continue his talk~ Sunday evening, 7 p.m. at Warner Avenue Baptlat Cburtb. Warner · and Gothard avenues, Huntington Beach. Teacher training sessions for Swlday School teachers will be beld Sunday aqd oert Surlday at I p.m. in ,the Little Chapel. groupe: meet at t :JO p.m. Delivering a talk eatiUed ''The Value of Values", Joel Rooaeveh. Golden W e 1 t College psychology instructor, will address the congregation of the Colla Mesa Unltari.ln Ualvtnalllt Clmrcll, 1259 Vic· toria St., Sunday, 10:30 a.m. SL Mlebatl'I ud AD Angela• Epilcopal Clnudt, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, will celebrate communion Sun- day. I a.m. and will hold "Sex Education of Children morninc Ill'~ te."VU:e. •t :JO for Parenti" is the t.iUe of o'clock. The Rev. John BOien a talk to be giv~ by the Davia wll deliver A ~ Rev. Francia: L. Filas, S. J., entitled "Vlewing ~ Tutlday at Bleaed Saeramnt Two communion. Hnl'ices pariah hall, 14140 Olive St., will be beld All> WedJleaday, Westminster, I p.m. The at I a.m. and another at 7:30 publl~ ii invited to attend. , p.m. The Eplicopal Church .. Women will meet Alh Wt;dna· lluthl&toa • Ville7 BapUst . , Churdl, 97'19 Slater Ave., wilt Kids Like to host a RUesl minister at both k d wonllip aervices, 11 a.m. and As An y OPEN, SUNDAY BE CONFIDfNT ABOUT YOUR INCOME TAX ......... .;--......... lot ROCIC Wp ,.. W .. ,_ &.gtfL1 ... d • Cc-. ...... ,.. ...., .................. Our _..11-...,w:ea f ,_..._ IOl1I I •IDllAL AllD STA11 COfTA MIS.Ii, 1171 Haoliat llW., 642- NllWPOln' UACH, 410 W, c-t Hwy, 642-7142 CORONA 40! MAR. 2435 I. C:.-Hwy., '7s.ou2 ....... , ..... ,..: .. .,la ....... , ... NO .--1NTMINT NICllSAlY " day mornini, 10 o'clock, for a eoflee hour. ' Due to the Alb Wadnesday celebration, the 1 em I n a r series, "Racbni and Us" will not be beld. MeSI Upholstery · ~ 1 Ubetty M781~ ~ Contlmdng the School ol MiMlonl, Flnt Bapthl Clnlreh ti HanU,,.... Beacli paator, the Rev. Willi! J. Loar, will speak on "The Shepherd Psalm." The first service is held 9:30 a.m. at Peek's Chapel , 7101 Bol1a , Westminster, and the second, 11 a.m. at Huntinfton Beach · Chapel, tth and Oran1e. Church school meets at 1:30 a.m. A guest mlASJonary, the Rev. Oscar Jones, will speak at the FamUy Evenint service, 1 o'clock. Tbll will be preceded by a potluck din-ner at I p.m. UM NIWl'OIT II.YI. m Rn Sp' B·LD'S ~~-=1~ ............ ... H\lllTNnOh lfM:llj 11512-.. .. . ! " ...... (714) ta.4477 --L&UI ..... 4IOW(W1Aa•ll•llil)•"-01') .. llt ---·-•MlllltPllll--•MT.tAM'lll ... Plll , ___ 1'111 .. -, .; l I _J r 1 • ----- WJ ·c onim eni • . .. ..• ' Page ) !. ... • • •f ' .. -' I t ! • , • t , ,, + ~ .( \ • I I •1· I I I i•f ~ '•I .ff t1ot1 fidget, cross your legs, jingle y011r 'kews, clenCJ.:v;,..r· flsts : ~·. or ,f:,,o.f!Jre a unl0n off~I, work tor • ' ' ' f l ' I • ~ • ' 'I * I> , ,,. ' · ~ 9~ern111ent, talk through your teeth; ':"' ,...,e Nordf'tt fJ1oofl, .. :-.· .... tlui knp,fl~ '.will con1icler If. t10.'re: •• .. ' , • I ·1 , ' It 1 ' ~G.OOD JURY MA TER IA L f' • ' • ' . . . .. ~ • I ' I • •i •I TRIAL MAGAZINE By LOUIS S. KATZ ~~~lt Is ·ume that lawyers stopped evat· 1:...ling juries solely on the answers 'lfvtn oo. voir dire. Some lawyers m~y '11le skilled in observing jurors and thetr 'ftSponHI; O\herl may not. be. '' There are several areas where we -:-can augment our knowle;dge about the . .,.,.... ~; Of course, lawyers have general at- titudes about eLbnic groups and occu• ~ patioru;. Some !eel .that : l,.. Retired military ofCicers are conserva· ~M\!e ; • 1 Housewives· are better-jurors than "proe~ional women ; . '" Middle and low economic groups are ",1r1ore sympathelic than the upper _class; ,,.~,Minority people are sympathetic ~ ,Jess tbe defendant is of the same race 4and is a discredit to the race ; Social scientists are people who work wilh other people and are probably more humanely inclined than tho8e who work with mJchines or numben -such •• engineers or certified p11blic account- •nts· with a female defendant, it ls prob- ably better to have a -male juror if ' your client is attractive; in a rape case, if the victim ls attractive, women juror• ptight be more sympathetic to the de- fendent and not believe rape; t..Young men are suspicious of defense attorneys; I .. People with more experience Jn the world are better jurors; and students klJould be excluded. -Concerning ethnic groups, lawyers ~enerally feel that: Latins are emotional; Portuguese, onservatlve; Orienta.ls, c9nservative nd don't recognize pain and suffering; :Jewish, sentimental and liberal, but in ~ serious crime, just as willing to hang ;!he defendant as anyone else ; and Cen· tral European or Nordic are conserva· ·ve. ' JURY SELEC110N ls .never going to me an exact sciellCi! because it with people. Ther:e have been veral sludles made on jury attitudes. • book on the subject, ''The American ury" by lCalven and. Zeishei', evaluates he differences between the attitudes jurors and judges· in a selected number cases surveyed across titef country. . study by Forbes Research, a ubsidiary of Forbes Magazine, reaches terestlng conclusi0r1s. -Women in particular are biased ' nit other women; -Salesmen and office workers are re sympathetic to women than other ps; ~-People in low income groups, under ,500, tend to be somewhat more hostile women than others; ~-Women jurors are more biased alnst men than men jurors, but women ve indicated a greater compassion for egroes than other minority groups; f -People in their 30's are least Ukety lo have prejudices against others, those tver SO being the most prejudiced; and -ThOse in the upper middle income rackets (from $10,000 to $15.000 an. ually) and people in their ~·s and ver, show a bias against a defendant ho is not married. THE SURVEY showed that a client's ~lion ranks among the most critical s in jury verdicts. The most un. pular is the union official, especially a criminal case. The chief bias against on officials comes from business ex· Uves, salesmen and people in their '•· · ~ is also bias against government mployes and people who work in Eshington. The unemployed are also ject to unfavorable bias, particularly m, Republlcans. Negroes ha\1e a pre. • ·Qalnllbusiness executive s. ~ ' ' fY enough, the survey reports · WUe prejudice against Negroes in courtroom.) When it comes to tho, arlowi religions, most jurors appear 1M rtolerant. ~er area as yet untapped, but · biCli m>y be an addltlooal aid. is • of .ex:imlrilng Ille handwriting of juror. Many competent poychologlsll craphology to determine personality ail.I of a parilcul1r juror and to detect lie h~ ever been in an accident. ' &ny physical defects, Is generous, tf:~ative, overbearin& or mentally PSVCHOLOGISl'S :.ay the eyes can ~and the moullf can lie but the body . Whal does this mean to us? int, when the juror hears a question, reacts to it. He m~ tell you ht eomplete.ly fair and obj~Uve and ,..,. ___ Sa!UJU,y; Febniary 15, 11169 Tho Comment Page of lhe o.lly .Pilol ..Us lO lnlonn and aUmulalo readers by presellling a variely of com- mentary on ~pie• of inter- est and slpilicance from informed observers a n d l :::":'.'" WoM Publlwr : •• \ has flO friends Jn law enforcement. Something about bis body wUI serve u · the polygraph if you are able to observe the characteristics and watch the response. There are certain physical ctlarac· teristic1 to watch for. For instance : 1. Jf the juror's feet are crossed, he is not accepting what you say. 2. The same would apply if h.is arms are crossed or if his fists are closed, specifically clenched. (You may note that some of the jurors sit in the box with their arms crossed all of the time. This is not a concern, but .if the juror has his arms crossed when you are talking and spreads his hands out when the other attorney is talking, watch out.) 3. It seems lo be accepted that open hands are receiving or accepting. 4. If you see a Juror with his hands closed or his fists clenched and no matter what you say, he won't open them , hand him something. Open hands, open Chi~ago: mind. (Walch the technique of the salesman_ --he puts .something in your hand while he ls talking so lhat )'UUr hands and your mind don'l clooe·up.J 5. A fidgety juror probabJy resents your questions. · i. The . juror with poor postw-e is thinking off balance. 7. If he cocks his head to one side as he is listening, the psychologist mighi form the impression that he is not too intelligent. 8. Even though the juror smiles with his eyes and his mouth, hill body may be reacting just the opposite. 9. Watch out for the man who has his hands in his pockets; If he is jingling money, he is showing ccincern about money : if he is fiddling with hls car keys, he is concerned about losing the car; the man or woman who twirls a wedding ring or takes it on and off probably is having some marital problem or thoughts of infidelity. 10. Crossed legs alone are not signs Johnson Views on Yo ung People From an Interview with President Johnson appearing In the current iaaue of TRUE magaz.lne. Copyright 1969. In the 1968 campaign thousands of young people turned from confron- tation politics to work witliin the po- litjcal system. Do you think that to- ddj/ these 11oung peopte are so dis· enchanted with politics that they wiU ·either drop out or turn to more trio· lrdt confr.ontation? ., . To answer that question, we'd have to know why the many thousands of yo.µpg ' people got involved with politics :lnJho firlil· place. For those to wl)om the campaign repreaented simply *" exciting nitiooal idVenture, the chalices for sustained · commitment an slight. The work of politics is not dramatic. It requires direct and constant involvement at the local level ; it demands building at the base of the local ward and precinct. Such work is often tedious. It demands an everyday commitment, not a one-shot alfair. For those to whom the disappointment Lipstic k Next? ... and frustration at not winning was greater than the desire to keep on fighting, the chances for sustained in· terest are also small. But for those I believe to be the majority -the thousands of young pe:oo pie who entered politics to produce n!al changes -the spirit of involveme'nt is likely to grow rather than die. I do not believe the committed ones will retreat to private islands of despair. Once a person is commiUed to something, he cannot back out at wh.im. Nor do I believe that ·the majority will move toward increasingly ,viqlent cqn- fronlations against the system:. ~TO accept · violence as a means of change in · America is to destroy tbe chance for real succeu. If the commitmdl 1 to ~. change is deep enough, an equal cOm· • mitment to devise the moat effective strategies will follow. How did you react to what went on in Chicago? Without question, the blood5hed and terror in the streets was a tragic, ·Jior- rible thing. At the oustet, I sympalbized Okay, F ellow, Dot Some Perfume on Your Scarf By ROGER T. S~UTH• CHICAGO, Ill. -All you have to cjo lo make everybody nervous around the men's wear people here is to change the soog and chant: "Why can't a man be more like a womap." The one word that seems to be outlavf· ed is femininity. No one wants to face the fact that men's wear is moving in that direction. Perhaps it is the only way !or it to go, but the big undiscussed-in-public question is whether the male in general will follow the ttail. The trend is ev1den~ Some examples: The patterned satin tuxedo jacket worn with a large fioppy black velvet bow tie. Or brocade dinner jackets, red noral patterns on white backgrounds. Or a ' light-weight fur dinner jacket. IN SPORTSWEAR, the print trousers, with wild colors and huge flower designs. Jackets that flare at hips. The gaily colored scarves for neekwear. And this year a long silk scarf you wrap around your waist and lei drip down your left Jeg. Shirts with lace and ru(Oes. The \\'ide. heavily colored, neckties. Purple shoes. No one expects men to run out en rnasse and buy all these thin gs. But they are the "news" of the joint con· vention of the American Institute of Men 's and Boys' Wear and the Men.'!Wear ~llers of Amtrlca. "We feel men have beaime much more fashiOfl conscious," said an official o( AtMBW. 'But the question is w'helher there will be a "backlash If we go too far too fasl" The Industry would love to get men away from the drab. three.button con- vent.tonal suit. Tl\Cy hope the F.dwardian loot. more. tailored, more Oamboyant, will do It. But It does nol apear they will qu it making lhe convtnUonal for a whilt. TREU IS a tug-of·war among the more conservative relailen and lhc crtallve de11igner11 and promoters ot men'• fashions ... On the surface, everyone appears to be JOlilll1 behind the IMOUnced U.ndt I for this spring and fall. But privately there is much grumbling. "\Vait unttl the orders start cqming in," said one large retailer. "Then we'll know whether it will be a success." At a session on toilttries, it was dif· ficult to feel it was men they were talking about. "There is a most exciting change, a male fragrance booni," 1aid Dr. Phyll B. Hurst, a men'11 perfumer. "In fi ve years, men's toiletry counters in depart ment stores will be equal to those for ·women." THE EFFORT now is to gel men to choose their smells on a personal basis. "An odor must never · conflict with one's personality.'' · Right now the grooming aid business amounts to $600 million a year. It is expected to reach a billion in a year or two. Touted as big items of the future are cleansing creams for the male. "Soap only gets so percent of the dirt orr," sald Dr. Hurst. · . And• nigtl(""'"creams. "Tlley'll disappear quickly so you won't have to go to bed with a greasy faoe like your wife." There will be "sauna splashes," a bit of fragrance for thlt diversion . And hair colorlng. .Not just somethina to dl.9gutse greyness, but change of colors to suit your mood . In conclusion, Dr. lturst said seriously: ''There has been a lot of talk of li~Uck for men. ll is not at the moinent foreseen ." Maybe next year? -MtnY1tapolis Tribune Quotes Howard Al. Vollmef. ~fenle Park. on atudtnt pn&e:11 •ralnst S t ' n f o rd Restarch 1n1Utute war-related pro~l -"If academic frttclom ls an important value in unlven:ltles, ls not a similar ki!'d of-l·marth frecdom-Impomnr ln non-profit p u b 11 c scrvlco-orlentcd re.search institutes?" . •I - -' • ' I -"!·~If. "111 .a foot ~iw:, .. 0,. jlil:w~~ bli legs, la • sicn of hostillty. . . 11. W.atch for the jW'Oll wbo talks ~h his teelh. Thia alao· indiJ:aie. 00.Ulity. . 12. Hands or fists In the form of a claw indicate rejection or hostility; when the fingers are opened the juror b: re«iving. · 13. The jUror who puta his hands on his hips is rejecting you and your ideas. 14. If he Jl"ls bis h&DC\S behind him, he might also be rejecting you. Of course, thn c 1uld be open, but you don't know. 1J. The juror who is drumming on the table with bis fingers, or even drum· ming on hi! leg, is expressing inner tensions and probably is not listening to you. 16. The man who is touching his nose is doubting what you are saying while he is listening. 17. When you ask a quesUon of the with the objectives on both sides of the confrontation. Keeping internal peace and order is the dut)'' of any mayor. Yet expl'Wing deeply felt feelings and thoughts in ·a peaceful manner Ls the right of any citizen. The violent con· frontaUoil that occurred is a sad les;ton ~ what tiappenS w.hen decent. people on both aides abandon iestrtlnt and understanding and confront one another ~iUi·ra~:~tio.ns~~! ~ fP'? . _ Yet what \,e saw inside'the conventfon itseU -the tenslo'n between McCarthy's youthful supporters and the older con· vention delegates -may represent the beginning of a fundamental rtform in both the convention system and the' elec· toral college system . If a political system cannot · rene\f ilsell, it will die. What we ·saw in 1'968 is the beginning of that renewal. man who baa· hls hands: over h1s mouth, he i1 problbJy saying to hhttself, ''ThLs ·is a subject J don't want to talk about." 18. When you ask a question ot a Juror and 'be points his hands' away or pUahe1 his hands or arms away, again, this indicates a subject be does not . want to lalk about. (If you have ·a cl!e involving rape or a sex offense and you ask queaUons of the jurors about their objeclivi~, the juror w~ sits there with legs crossed or held tightly together, ol cour~. is protectl.ng &0mething. The jurOr whose legs are spread wide inay be hrterested in the subject and is willing to accept your point of view.) 19. The • man who is CTacking his knuckles or wringing his hands ia pro- bably pro.Secution minded and a capit.aJ punishment man. lF YOU WANT to determine whether jurors are responding, see if theyJmitate. Some i';D'ot• may be verY receptive to .. fcil.I. your rtnt of view. or just receptive 1n 1enera . One \VllY to lilSCertain this in talking to the jurors ls to do sometblnl and ·see if any of them imi~te. You whisper and they whisper. If you walk in front of qne juror an'd: ask a question, you may. subcoosciously decide to ecratch the b&ek of your head or ruck an ash off the front of your ·coat. If the juror doeJ the. same thing, be is r~: he ts accepting your ideas. If, in talking to the jurors, you say you waot lo picture something and close your· eyes and say "I can see it now," watch to see if any are going to close 'thelr eyes along with you. End your formal interview with, "Thank you, Mr. Jones, we have no fdrther questions." The juror ia then off guard and you might aay( "Oh, by the way .. .'' and you may either receive an answer that you.didn't expect or you m&y observe a reaction· (f81Cial or otherwise) as to hit true attitude towards the subject. Better Glass Odds Improving ' In Car Crashes Researchers t r e understandably cautious, but thell: reports about two recent automotive safety advarices sound encouraging. The progress ,follows introduction · of improved windshields on 1966 models, and energy-absorbfug steering columns on 1961s. Both came from several years Of risearch by the automotlve industry. nie new laminated windshields contain a . sheei of plastic twice as thiCk as ~ previous staridard, and a loo'ser bond P.e~~ plastic and £lass. The result is that when struck hard enough, the· glass breaks but. does not cling llO tightly t&-the plastic that· It tears it, and the ~clfer·· plastic 'holds the head like a oet. 11lE INJURY role of windshields was delineated in a 1964 report from the Cornell Automotive Crash I n j u r y Research project, sponsored in part by the Automobile Manufacturers Associa· lion. Comell said that "windahields have been ' sho\VTI to be one of . the three or ·four top-ranked sources of lnjtiry" and added that "in lnjury-producinl tt· cidents. . . about 11 percent of • ( oc· cupants) are reported as having sllltain· ed injuries from the win'dshield." Such in- juries, ·qomen noted, were 1also the source of much disfigurement and psychological damage. A recent report from the University of, ~omia at L«s AngtleS. to the Senate Commerce Committee 1um· marized advances. A typical accident pairing showed that when j pre.1966 car struck a wall at 11).15 miles an .bour~ the ·right front p assen'gfr penetrated the windshield and suata1ned deep lacerations. ' WHEN A POST-19" car collided 1'.'ith another at 30 p\jles an hou':r . the right front pa~nger only cria,cked tht windshield and suffered minor cuts and abrasion!. UCLA·, whose research Is al t t1 sponsored in part by the AMA, told the Senators : "This heralds What appears to be a major decrease in the .'.nttmber · and severity of windshield iftjuries." Our .Jlfan i.n San Fr a nelsco ----- This work is substantiated ·by -that of Dr. Donald Huelke of the University or Michigan, who concludes that ••racial lacerations resultiTig from head-to-glas., impacts against the newer windshields are fewer, less extensive, aqd lets Hijacque.d! By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO-About all !his :ikyjacking: The dany convocation or gray matter at Enrico's -Blair Fuller, B a r n a b y Fuller, <e> Niels Afortensen and others -has the answer. Each \\'eek, one of the airlines usually hlt (Eastern, National, TWAJ lays on a free flight to Havana for anybody who wants to go. If that isn't SIMPLE . . !\teanwhile Jim Pritchard has· this definition of a real loser: "A guy wha books a flight to Hawaii on a plane that is hijacked to Fresno" ... And I don't supPose you heard about the Air France plane that was hljacqued, did yau? Well, then. JACK VAREHA of SI au f fer Chemical in N. Y., visiting here, slip- ped on the Balclutha, broke his arm -and Is now the toast of the Manhat- tan cocktail circuit with his story of falling down M a three-masted square rigger in San ·Francisco. CAL STUDENT to Hetbert the Fur- rier: "The lrouble with takinl 11Cience is that you spend all afternoon in the lab while yolU' girl's in bed with an arts major." Herbert, wl!ely: j'Now I know why there are so many mad scientists." RAQUEL WELCH. fearlessly quoted in the Far Eastem Economic Review. and don't ask me why : "Send· ing a g I r I like me to Vietnam to entertain the troops is like teasing a caged lion with a piece of raw meat · ..• Deep down inside, I think it woukl be best If stars like ·me stayed home and the government would send. troupe• of prostltuie. In· stead. When you get right down to It, those boys want relief, not more flU!!ltratlon ." (Applause .) ANIMAL KINGDOM: You should've been there! Here·, this Lincoln Con· linental parked near the corner, and inside Is lhe cuttst lfttle white mon~y. wearing diapen, you evtt saw. Ont window was down a couple J of inches to provide air -and pretty soon a cro\\'9 gathered. A nice old man and a, nice old lady got too close -"Cootchy-coo!" -and the monkey ~uddenly reached out and snatched off ·~tr eyeitasses!_ Two hours later, they were still standiag. there, waiting for the.owner to return and retrieve the specs. OF HUMAN INTEREST: This good· looking young blind man, led by a Gulde Dog ind accompaniect by an older woman, walked into Jimmy Stewart's Treasure House on Sutter one day la.st week; in searth of cuff. Jimmy ·set a tray or links on the counter, and the young man ran his fingers over them. "These feel good,'' he decided at Ia.It, fingerin& a pair , or gold nuggets. '"I'll take ; U>em.'.1~ So ta)'lng, he pulled out a checkboOk · aDd handed it to the woman, who filled in Stewart's name and the amount. Then the blind man utracted a rubber stamp and "signed" a facsimile .of his tltnature. "I suppose you'd like some iden· tllication," he said, and Stewart replied "Well, yes, tht would help." At that, the blind man reached into a pocket and tossed onto the counter -a driver's license! Stewart looked at the woman with raised eyebrows. "Oh. it's hls, all ript." she whispered. "He was blirict. ed in Vietnam."' The purchase validated, the y~ man walked out with hi! oew cufllinks and his old driver's Uce.nte .:.. sUIJ valid, but forever worthless. PLEASE do not fllfd lhe gr&fflti: "That Maharishi usts Compoz" (Blae Unicorn) . . . "God'! wiJJ is still in probate" (noted by Jon Walker In a Berkeley COop phone booth) ... "Bishop Pike's new book was ;ho.,t·written'' (Georae Hinman) • : . "No man loves a crushed fJO\\'U tbougb It be crushed by his own· hands " (women's john., LaUtude 38, Sausalito -and -(be ltdi6' are moct pactic, all right), t severe." { "There is no eviden~ that the . ln· cidence of intercranial pr neck Injuries is increased," he .adds. The older windshields l:enerilllr, allowed the head to penetrate at speed' above 13 m'.iies an hour, whlle with ~ newer ones thls does not -occur·on the av~Jg• before reaching speeds above· 2t mites an hour. Injuries were fonner(y more serious because, when the 'glass broke and the plastic loret, the full load or the impact was transferred to the head by the broken edges iol glass. The result was frequently concussion or fracture, and slicing injurie~. SWILAR PRINCIPLES ....:. spreading the impact and reducing its force - are employed in• the energy-absorbing steering assemblies. The colunm starts to contract when a load or 150 paunda or more is applied to either end. Jt the driver strikes the steering wheel with sufficient force the column will begin to shorten from that end, while il ~ fron~ ~Clure begins to '"'clde. the thaft wUI 1b~ from the ftirward end. absorbimg much of the collision force as it does so. Steering wheel• are also dtepb' . .elided, ·to absorb 1omt. or the-force an<f keep the chest Cram hitting the end of the steering column. The rmilta were recently described by Deputy Director Robert Brenner of the Natlooal Highway Safety Bureau u "spectacular". SOme researchers f'oreset a possible 70 to 80 percent reduction in driver deat.M ftom this source. THE UCLA REPORT again graphicallJ illuslrates the poasibilities. A_.J96f car hit a pole ;at 3Q.-35 miles an 1iOur wJ~ "moderate d~ormation" to the front The driver· died of massive heart inju,ry from the steering wheel. A 1968 ~.' hit a pole 1t 40-50 miles an hour wttb "more than 30 lnchtt or frontal penetcaUon'' but lbe drlvtt "made a rapid and unevenUul rec.-o'esy" from assorted palntul injuries. 'fhe_ltetfl. ing column collapsed slx inches "reduc> ing. what would hive been fatai IQjilrfa . !o the nonfatal !'?v~!." · Dr. Huclke reports that stemor ail- umn lnju/;., sustained by drlven"lllrlt· ing the 'new units usually conaftl: a& most of ''a sore chest". No sc11t btlta were worn in U.. cases. Most injuries would bave ... lvOlileOenlirelf by 11'6 if I W, -A111tmtdvt bf"• I ' I ·----------------------------··------~---- ·Real Soar .. Estate-~ \1 #~ "., .. vtj.. I '\41 -~ -t,J.._ Questions County's Sal.es ~Jump 78 Percent . .. I Comment ~ By Rt1ltor R cMD McC1rclle .first R,sidents Move :1n at Century H9B1~S Xhe disUnc~lon of be~, the Century Homes-Santi ADI llrsLmidents in Oran1ttCOun-ii . Ille llrst ~ project ty'-s newest subdivisJob: has ·of PBS Corp:, _wh!cb ' ii also gone lo a )IGUng· familfi ·from preparing a major: 1Ubdivision Gardena which moved Bl last in Fountatri Villef: rib wee.k-at Century Homes~ta · another scheduled hi Sylriiar. Ana. ' ,Parker Is former pruident ol .Jaine.s apd KareO 'M~all Macco Realty Co, Glenn · and '.their J:year-old son !~im-Brengle, PBS vlce: president, my were welcomed into lfieir also formerly was with Macco. thrte..bedroom and tWo · ~ui · --h0ustat~342fi-T{arilona Ave -,, ·- These. homes are·not quite ready for.the grand opening. But they are reedy to prove·that convenient, cosmopolitan living can be yours-Just 15 mlnutllll from the beach. so iiilie a preview 100.k 8t the latest in new features- and tfle gnjatest in money-saving iuxti,Y. niree:four and five . bedroom Santlpointe homes start ar only $26,395. What .a wonderful way to plan for the future. . ©SANDPOINIE Jn Santa An• ' ' · "· ... Santa Ana, by ~!dent !\1'D u er_ Buildm' g 11. Parker of PBS ~\]>., r---..J developers of Century ~ ~ ~ " • -. ~ ~ Slnti A!IP-The project •• -t Co t ct Set 111'.:WUiiir ·BolJlevahl • ~lid n ra l'low.r sfteet; -tho SU.ti . ~n.. N"'PO':I •Qd ~ D\~1• · Ftoewlys. ri .. . .Mer.ii, ~7. ts suid)'lni .tllC-. trilnics it Qrangt Coast Jun\1>r 1. ~lege ~ Ute CI Bill educt- t1ohal aM1stance, program. The McF~ll1 iiped· up f A $46,318 contract.bas bm1 a"8rded for consl.rucUon of a second student c e n t e r building at UC Irvine . The singlHtory, wood · frame structure w1D· b e located nr,ar the. Flnt Arb 81.!ilding at Ole :north 1lde of lht ctntr.al-ca111pua;..ania,..:... . Architect for the new ctnter ~ i !i • I IOl.l~AV ..... ... · Mcx!•l Jlll5, ElevaUon B, th t• flr1t "lime'. 1tbey -AW.~ developit\eht. accordlnfl l o i 'f,OJll .P.ait!>. lill'I J118118i"' ror ctitury Homes-Sanla Ana. is Wllllam P. (Ficker, of•----------·-------------------------------• Newport Beach . . ' • '"Move 11t ·'Now! · · NO DOWN PAYMENT! .. ' •, ' '• If 'f04' e1re ··a v•t, "-re i1 a chonc. to to'f'e hvn· '· dred1 of dollar1 ov•r expen1iv• new home ,pricet -or inflated retaMi homN. All homes ready to occupy -and fDf' no down ·poym9nt if you ore a vet. Some' need worlc .•• others are bright ancf dean. All on...af-a.li:ind In nice, e1tabli1Md neigJ,borhoods. a..t terms ' any· where I FOUNTAIN VALLEY-NEAR PARK """"" ...,.... , ....._ ,_ """ '9mlir ....,., llultt-111 ld!CflM. ..... ' V ...... ftrtDI-. rldl --W •II • 'lflltll, ~ hl'll """"'.l ._..,..,. 11irryw ....,.. *ii ... 11 ... 11cw1m1. Wll*lw$. Orlf Midi .,... _., llf ..,_., • cfilob --i.t. Gllllll ftrmL Now $26,950 FOUNTA'lN VALLEY • '" • • • a DAILY PllOT Sllwtd.IJ, f""'!'IY !.!. 191,t Mission~. v-~;·~jo: . . . DREAM.VIEW-OFFERED FROM GRANADA'S MASTER BEDROOM Park Homes to Offer .• > ' -·· • --- 'Ul . . P . ·' tir,wte in ~ : .r.-ivacy ~ . Constructlon on u.e first ·unit ing and wood-beamed ceilings of The Park ' homes at add warmth. · _university Park on Irvine "The homes also offer-large family rooms and formal din-Ranch will 'Ix complete within ingi-rooms," said Lench. "The 90 days. nee·ds of families of any size According to A. P. Lench. ar:e· met through a variety vice president · di marketing of :floor plans and exterior for the _Stanley ~-Swartz ele,vations. ,. The Park homes which are Company• . ~yelopers, pro-simultaneously with Village spective homeowners w i 11 Three mbdels will be situated have an QJiportunity to purchast a home deligiled to in a lavishly landScaped 14. .... 1. acre park featuring v'5t hi6»'1gbt Southern · California stretches of grassy greenbelts living. and tree-tined w a I k w a Y s . •'Through the use ol. in· Neighborhood parks will pro- geniously deaiCned enclo5ed vide al tmosnhM-·th patios, the ultimate in privacy th ~ a_ ~ ··l·a ·-,~ ~ e. wi . and indoor.outdoor livin• has e promru y o an con-. -. veniences including University been achieved,'' said Lench. Pt!f~.; ~piqg . C _en t e.r. ''The Ule of walls provides·· University 'Park Elementary seclusion u well as a · School 'il'id :university or decorative touch to th e C;ililornia a~ ll"ii.ne. homes." The Park homes are base- Lench 1 a I d homebuyers have been impreased with the feeltng of apaclousness in- corporated into the new homes throuih the vllllll.,t ceilings. Two-stoey rooms lend appeal lo the open !.e!ing i nd plank- .. prictd ffuln $3'2,995. Village Three homes are available from $24,500. Models may be reaC~ed by taking the Santa Ana Freeway to Culver Drive and following the sigm to the _development. . . .. M. J. Wiener Heads Tile Conti· actors ' ~1artin J. Wiener of C. B. Tile Corporation Inglewood, \vas elected recently as presi· dent of the Associated Tile Contractors of S o u t he r n Califotnia for 1969. The ne1v president succeeds John Rau of _Bayshore Tile Company, Cosla Mesa. Wiener has supported association ac· tivities for many years and served last year as ATC vice president. Other newly elected officers are Ralph Mcintosh o r Arcadia. vice p resi d ent ; Frank Barron of San-'Gabriel, secretary. and Phil Good no" of Redondo Beach, treasurer. Directors are James Hagar of Culver City ; C h a r l e s ~fcCandless Jr., or San la Ana, and Del Mangels of Costa ~1esa. John Nelson .serves as ex· ecutive secretary of t he association which repreaents tile contractors in Lo s Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties. . - . SJ.EREO $5NS .• TIO•! ·he colOrl'wl ....mtl of ~ .. ,. County Music --~ RADIO KOCM 163.1 FM · 'F'rom F.a sh ion l~ar.id. Newport Beach . '. Growth a After 211 years on the Balboa Peninsula, Bay & Beach Really has moved its sales department to a new location at 901 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. · ,, · 1 See ByTliday!s,!: · Want Ads: I IT'S •' DIME A LINf ... -The DAILY PILOT. • TIMEll I ., . ; I .. . • • . .. 'Stocks it to You ' ~n-open ·J~tter to ·P-rofessional men ·anCI executives:·,. i' . ..;r~ •• ,, •• , .... ,. • l ' , ... ,, ••• ·"t ... -·~,· '-~ . ':. ~-.. · ·.~· ... 1··.,;.~·-: . '. . '. ~~ . . '. : • ,• ·1' ·~ ' i ~ .... i . T-i • i:;:;;.; ' ' ~ ... . -• . . ,,•. ' . ,1: ' .• · . ~. · . ..;.'~f.~; f~·~.. '· •' r -~~··· As a·person who fpllows important trends, y-0rl;'.'fmow · · . , that real estate has contiriqO,Us}y appreciated in value and is ~ likel y to do so for the foreseeable future. . , _ Wh.y? '·. -~ :. . . . . " . The rising-costs of both materials andmbor;an<i'th~·,; diminishing~upply.of~and, : :. : ,~,, !~:~ ~;~ So right now is a good time to purchase alio'1}e.; · "' Butwhatkind? · •. .' . , ' . .~ · Where? . . '·· 1 : ; · · • ,. we of the Stanley c :swartz Companyfeelthat OJ.le""' of your most important yardsticks should be'thi'~t "is tnY;neW>' ; home in the path of economic progress to provide appreeialion , · invalueoyerthe years?" · · _· · -.' , At our new community at,Universi t y l?ar~onthe ' Irvine Ranch , wehaye created homes that J1~i1>Ylde ~ater.· • initial value and offer better apprecia~i9i1 owr the Stears , . I ·~. I . - " . ' be.c_a11se of design, location a~d price. · . ·-.-_ _ ;. .'~ . 1 --,_We call them "complete homes."~ · : .. · -_ '·. . · ' ··: " . ••• ' . - lromes in'fhe Park include ite irls o\i r compl!t1idrs list as "extras." They are fully carpeted and draped. Se'teii-fodt • high walls surroµn~.the property. Beautiful Spanish clay tile;' entryways provide the look of luxury and creative place111ep t' , of the house on the.lot gives you m ore outside area. --· In The Park, it isn't necessary to take out expens ive' sid e loan s for those features which mak~ living mot e ... ' '" enjoyable; we've already provided them. ·. Weurge-you·to in vestigate our compe titors and then . compare the complete homes of The Park. · . It makes sound business sense to make the.move t&us • from'$?2,g9.5 . . . x:~-:~~ Stanley C.Swertz Compeny-Commun~lden ' . l ·~r. ·~- .. .. . , . ' .-' ... "' '' ljt" "-:r.' . ·• --·....---. .... . . iJ '. _, ______ _ -- • l ·'!C . " " . . ··" .. ., -.: ! ... .-•· ... . . ·-------~-- ' NEW VOORHEIS. TRl~DLE·NELSOH :aUILDINC> :COMPLETED IN IRVINE INDUnRI~ COMPL'El( ' ' . \ • S.lu/Ur, ,..._ lS. 1!69 eaI ;Esta Law ~~·Cai4ed . ' . ' . 4 ··_.i !.......,., 1,... ~ l"!portul -OI ~~le~ =~··-*Ill r:::=e:; Clll 11" w ...... LI'!!" ..... ...., ioP.lallool lilii ' -· ,;Jr~· tqi or ea lfornh Cont-. &•ill• Qlill6Mo ~ ........, OI Corponllonl. , • mtlle Opn,o . Slarl', II tlle ~ M ~--~~~.~.;'"~!=ti"!~~ ..., 11111'*-t; oi N.Wporter Law OI , 11 e ~ I fJ!O!la ••port lllac:h. , 'Estaje.l' I, PlfW U. law I -..11c ·llirr, _,mtnt ._ llim/l!f.1 llUllirr llo.. Pl _.. 11*-r la Ille~ ol real Rt ..... ~ ..... ~. ellalil' id .. lullllOn, wW he . oJlo II ._ ~ Irvine Complex Adas New BuiliJ,ing :?,',~~~i:.:; ::rs;...... . ., . ,, II IC. •• un-'lhe ~--" """"'. --.•• ' ....... ol Ille day-to<lay tlont ,.., bo ~ w-- The cOmplelion qi tfle· new is providing complete plan-by Ako-PacUic Con:itruction tlon· lobb1_, · .. ~ of Je1a1 concepts ~-~St ~-1 711 ~A I U 0, O O O Voorhels-Trh>ifle. nJn&, • r c b l·h c I u ra I and Company, Inc., Westminsler V'J1I -orpilbed ID 111111 lo .... eoll(e rmrUlllll. ec-'• !~f , 1'twl>ort Nel8on, Inc., office 'building engloeerlng 'services for in-Exterior construcUoo Is of and liill flllC9 Iii V!111'Nlr1at -.. to c .. H. Cal!lson. ~· OI\ • ~-~1·· in the Irvine I n d u st r i a I dustry and I o v er nm e n t concrete Ult-up walls. A Callfornl.I.:; -Lei' "It I••, IN~ a( tbe sponaortnc 0:·1 · · Complex of Orange County throughout Ille Soulhweslern 'highllilll of the richly •P' N~v-a'd•;>, B~l)•\ru·e;, cbmip -· , \'"""•'·' ' :- . was announced today by Ken-United States. A staff of 160 poln~ Interior with extensive W~i ~ l'Jqr,icll; ~ "Tlie Qlli'JOf ept>,·s1, will . , L.~"'.':'!i' ~. neth W. Carlson, oirfuer aQd persons are headquartered in use of walnut paneling ac-and-h:l\~1at~a -~. ~ Oft. ~!"!''".HJ!Jft '"' , N. ....... """""' ,t.fl1:_,.. general manager of the Orallge the new location. cenluated by cheerful wall and. Gnli,milt. · ~ t Gf ,, p.e, i:e.arlllar~tie. ~tr .of .. r., _ ~· 4f•y;' ·~ \IP\~• County facility. Occupancy of Construction or the new two-floor coverings ls the 25-foot· VTN Orerige~tj' faclUty tell' eltl'le -co a fr a e; ts 1 • t•1ftt " jli tk '"•..,...••• the new 41,000 square foot leVel structur, was hand1ed high ceillng In I.he main recep-la 1301 Campwi Drive~ Jr,vine. Ca1HloD aald. -t ' Celi~ '-'' tlie 'tAILYi PILOT; facility was tchleved thls,...;::::.,..:::..::::~~~==~~~~!..'.'.'.=~:::'..'.:::::!'.:......::!..=~:!::!:::..!::::~::::::::_..:::.::::=.:=::_-.:...:...:i.._:i..=-.-"'!',..._,_...., Li 'P~ 'Homes Laiiiich ; Fif~~~P~ New Tr~~t . ~ Pu }fblnes, ~ best views and the · nlajority of selling n e I & h b or-'' 0 id in them are IW'etping panoramas ""-'on "'·io· ' "Amer•'ca'• looking to. 11 •• northwit or ~ ~ Old .,Saddle~··domlnat;ng M~ Succeutul New Town," the horizon. · opened it. 11th, F' !isl O!fer¥ia three to fl v • weekend. bedrooms, La Pai Hom~ are The new unil o1 70 homes priced from 125,990 lo $35,990. b,..;g, the '"'•'i'"'-"-ber of They m'ay, be reached by, lat-... ,... '"'"l8 ing ~ •. ntwly open~ San La Paz Homq oVer'tbe 1,QOO Diego Freewa;:: or-::~ .Santa mark to 1,058, notea 'Stuart Ana Freeway id ~~az Road, lijcFarland, sales muag,r-for crossing over "the ~dge into Mlll!llon Viejo C o:m pan 7, Mission Viejoi'~ollowing dove!Oper of tho. )I,~• the signs. t'' •( new1-tow!! Jn ·~n ;.' '~ week. "With these ·new ofOCi!li, Vl'N ' po&esses the most up- dated and fully equipped civil eOJ!lnterinJ and archileelurol plant in Southern California," cartson stf,ted. "'.One of our conttnulpg ob- jectives ls the attainment, Jn terms of technQlogy and ap- plication. of new developments ahd techniques aris~ ln the ~ring and arch1tectural fields ~ and the uWlzaUon of tl)ese concepts ln corporate projects. The abi.ijty . of our staff members coupled willl the lnooyatt ... cleslpled !olo oor ne" Orange County facUi· ·. I~ wW .asstot ux in ·cooUolilna ~ m~ Qlia object i v-e,' ' Carlson concluded. F.rOni the new facWty, VTN °''I'll' ~1· -. ,! ·' ".jnd, B~e Ill\ !I. Ul')lf 11!•1 w t " T Sale !mritedla1o1, l'!'i"'4"1i "" .,. oman op~ · sman anticipate lhlt Uili ljll]t w!I! be greet=y • Urie or . fimillea cam ng·one or more Nancy Fleming, a member a year ago. da and. ·to mate sure.. of_~ _Rqpert ~ 9~ant apd Mrs . Fleming was ~warded ti:' · -t t!)e mod 1 Of their · company Sales force for near-a seven-da y vacation i n ch ~ &e ·a· _ .. u~., lot: if 1y U;lree years, received the Hawaii for herself and her . met ~ i:-'"" -. . an nu a I company-sponsored husband, John, acairding to t~:h,apPtna,it,will~MWJon .. Salesman of the Year" general sales manager Clyde V1eJ0,~ ~ urut~~C4111-award this week for register-Wixom. poql __ t __ .. . ing new home ·sales totaling "She will probably set a McF~ noted that the over $3 850 000. 1 ~erHlf1 record flf Cf ,; unit bu:''Jn un~al number Mrs. ~is part of the ·e.coriuti,lf.o Hawitians?_: '· -> of ~g Vltw lQU: to sales force at Tu & t i n ed Wis.om. -• ..:.. -• spark t.Ji!t ·tind ol ~usia.sm Meadows, a new 900-home.;_, Formal prtsentaijens () f that caqses people tD camp "Community -.on . the . lryine,. Grant company aal~a\Yarda oul" I ~':lr~-<llft-.~ siiii''. '!ill be ,\naae al llJI. flflll's "Unlt i 1$ • occupies a ~Wili .OJd-.. stnce-" annual •Honors Banquet in hillside, "·ht explained. "Near--'-o r I e b t e d mid-January at the Queen's ly .ono,hill. 111· the homes h&ve de~I opened less than Inn In Oranae. saidJY~m. . ·:..~ ... ·. __ ..,, __ .,.... ·- ,THR • l'R~ coAF, ~ .... ~s;t«> CAJ-IFORNIA EXECUTIVE POSTS lf"'I" 1-tft, H"t··~~~nl ~!ti'91ouaa, Ho.OkfLync/I Jr. :(~' , . r_,, ,. . Ba~~· ~fornta -~~ ,, '---=a I .. ' : j 3 ;G~ast Men in Top Posis ! • • ~· c:oe.t land ,LYJ!Clr, Jr., named .vl<t·pre•I-Rancho CaUfornia whi~ Is ~~ 4iiil,·plc!O!bs •. ,. _ ___..._jolnlly_by K.arser • w rliw • * Blue, a resident of South Alumlnwn and Ch 1 m f c a I m~~ • i ~ Laguna, bas been manager Corporation, Kaller Industries stepln ~~··ft·~~ ......... ble .for ·Corporation and Ma-cco ol Ranchi>"~« •.· "· )>biillil ·and ~1111. He Corporatloo. • The 11llGQ·-·c o u ·~~ w:; lltncho Calllonr!a in ~ ~~ . , ' I ,.. ' communlf, tl'V" · I ~ as project engineer. _., .. R!venlMCounit.~c · ,( _ t~hollae who !ires in Reaijy Jill · ' ed total -JI{ .Il:r~, ~ Alia He>ghto, WU . I , , , ' '" t• llCO! ~ .Jiiil formerly controller He .ha• ATHE!i$ <irPil _ Ein· ol COl"l5lanUy ~ MJei; • .. ben with tbe company since ._ tecordln& to s.::_J&rriehtfl)ia'r, 1911. manuel ftllesmenakls, 4 2 . president. 'of tht r;"pert · . '1nch. who uves in New~ waited for two houri at the Btacb-tlilaed, ranch COD)plll)'. Be;Ch, previously ser..v:el,~! .church In Xolymbar:I, Crete, To meet _, '"""i£1 . J!llining director, ,JI• als!>, Monc!ay,)>efore learning lhal adiwldi Hil¢1!1\it Jill· -~1he compm\j' 111-1• .. -hll lntoooed bride, Nlld '1'1an-nam0cle_.. rm : ,,:r'be three newly elevated nakl, 30, WU In a nelghbotlng land de•e · ·· · ~ · ~vu' wlD have direction ·village church -getting mar· Boultln · ._.,,_d:o~. !J( aij •• !J( dov•lof!m<nl , rled lo l"'!Ml• '111o!!l~d•k!I, ... (lttllden~ -· UM! lliiotd pilJUllnii and finance for 33, wiih whom she had eloped . I 1 I/ ' •• .. ........ .. ~ ~:IOil'._..,, .-.. AJA. "'°"*iO II. "'°"" II.I.II. Mnul&~A.1,11. _._ ~-.: . -- ·-·llfeatyle ' I wtthl blgvlewl " ·-llfe etyte ln•n ldNI c:llmllel . ' l . -~ • . ' i' .. ,; .. ... .. ~ i, llfett;te 'yollCl!I 'lflordl I' • i' I • I ' . ., ' .. 11 MW Bffe style ••• withyoiir . .. ~Meehl . ' . \Mt .· .. CRD\W{ VHLLEY HIGHLA~Oa al&twlilPllllJ·a.""""9. ' r1 • ..1 I \ , Je DAILY PILOT Rollo, boys """ llrlt, and a belated ha=lly Vllentlne'1 Day Jo 1G!1 from Unclt l.Aa'• Cornlr. ' U11<le ).en ' would Ill<• to • thliit ... of hli lp<CW 1r1-. M117 Beth Gulfol1tn of lillJ1ilnlloo Btacb, !or ...,. dlni him 1 real nice .. 1 .. tlne. M117 Both "" the wlnnu d our art caatest tut wee~ ALIO, u..i. Lfll wanta to l'Ulind Ill you boy& """ 11rr; lo be -lo put JIOllll• stamps on your letten wbtn you llOd them In. One llrl from llUntinpo lkach '°"'" thla...U. , Remember, nut. S11urd1y II Wublnpoo'a birthday, ud I • •, • .. . ' } ' '. OMC' ia.-.;-~ .-;, ~;., . ~I~ . t , . . -art -wtll be all .-_ ~ llrit pte11d"11. We'\J• be IOoltlng !fir a o m-i I ' WuhJnilon .,...,. In t11e,....:;============;;;;_~-=.;;...~~--~~~~~~~,.----",I poetrr co•:~ * PRlZE :wiNNER When Abe WU jusl I lad bis father uaod lo say, "You study hard 1nd you'll be president llOl!le day." So Abe did jusl that and read a Jot of books; Ht did btcilme pruident and grew so very tall; But one cold night When lights were brlghl, * • • This week's contett winner ii-Teresa Foley, UY.a , 647~. Navajo Road, Westminster AIJ.y child under 12· can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (!) Draw picture on ~iece of plain, white paper 512 inchea wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace ·picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put yeur n ame, age and addreu on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa ll!esa. Winner will rec¢ve Kennedy ball dollar. He weilt to Ford'• Theater'-------'-----------------------'! and there he died; He wU shot in the head, and everyone sighed. -no name given HONORAllLJ: menlioo wln- nen in drlJ week'• art coatest are:-Mary Bttb Gustaf10n, HUb-tJncton lleach; Deborah Ann Oilrdner, 7, Liguna Be.ach; .---Carol ·Roger Motter, JO~, no city listed; Diane Ftatt. t~, CGSta Mesa; Eric Ev1n1, t JWn. tln1ton Beach ; Noah Tengwall, I \\ ,. Hunllngloo Bi!ich; Carla Ivans, 11, Hun-tJncton Beach, and Jo a I SorenRD, 11, Hun (in g t on Beach. RIDDLES AND JOKES * He : You are the sunshine of my life, you A!gn in my heart; Without you, life 11 but a dreary cloud. PRIZE WINNER She : Are you proposing or ia this a weather report? -C"9rYI T1UI)', 12,: IUC2 Lucl1 L-• .. .r·· ' : t!lllllJi!ltM li!dt -~ Mary : Last ni ght I dreamed I ate a fiv&-pound ma1:1hmallow. Rick : Rtally? . , Mary : Yes, and when I woke up my pillow was gone. • ~ -'.·· -MIN ltlh Gvttlf'llrl. H ....... Nth D~ ~I: What kind ol. lhoes are nlade ciut ~a skins? -·utddus •...._ _,.,.._ ~. t\o\> WfttM111tt1r ,. ' Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 4C Au.ton 45 ... -1--4'S~all · I CHI et,._,. 'li91'a t1•• 1119 It.. 41 ..... tll• .. ''1rlof 51 ·•1rt11le u~ ·:!\'it\ 15-••• 1••• 16 -of 56 f'ttlod W• ofl1111e THE WIND -Tbe wind rides swiftly through brush and tree, 1 Tl\e wind blows .sadness and sorrow from me i The light, tender wind is so grand and lair, The wind blows softly through my hair; The · wind is so nice and gay, I hope it always goes rpy way : I hope it lives forever · In the passage of t!lne Because the wind always seems To be a friend of mine; Forever and ever the wind will ride SofUy and gaily by my side. A ti:_.,, lilllf ~ -te J t1l1 AM ti: .... ,, II. !ttt Jtc1P...-A\'I., e..fl M-ftp tM Wl~Rlfll lllffY Ill ,,.. ltwY .... -ctlllett. ~I Y--If sllrY M Uncll Liii. .. ll IJll c.t1 Miii, GIN!. IH4 YHr ........... t• A4: A11dy, &/• Ofut-c ... Dan, Pll.t, ••• 11•0, C•lt9 M._, C•llf. Wb1t aon of creature h; a 1Un1 raY,! Any creature with a stinger is likely to be an unpleasant character. A stab from the slinger of a bitsy bee is mighty pain.fut The sting ray is anned 'wtPi al, I~ one ,atinger: and . ma)t>e several. His 1ting ma,>: be bearably p~nfUI or dOilnrJ&bl d<adly, depending 9n what. wt of sting ray he hlp~ns to be. the stiJ'lg ray jabs, his stinger also injects irri tat in·1 substances into the wound. These substances cause pain- ful rwellings and the wounds take ages to heal. Even a stab Irom a small sting ray needs medical attention. Off most of our beaches, we do not expect to find sting rays. The lazy fellows' prefer warm tropical and semi· tropical seas. They enjoy life in the shallow waler1 near the shores. There they, spend most of their time flopped flat on the sandy floor. The J PEANUTS PERKINS --' ) JUDGE PARKER MOON MUW.NS t>AAN ! I WISH MY ~IPSTIC!c: V/Oll~DN1T 5MoAR ~ "~ ~ TUMBLEWEEDS ,, ~ ' t ·'. ' I " • ' : . .. ' \ • MUTI AND JEFf ' 11cm1•1o 57 o .. ~ .. Intl lie htC011pllllfY 11 lustcal 51 Boxer&' All the sting rays are flat fishes with gristle in place of bony skeletons. They flop to the ocean floor and doze there, often half covered with sand. If you happen to be wading, you mlght mlstake one of· these sman fellows for a pancake-sized flounder. You might even step on him by mistake. Too bad. The flat lellow has'. a qplck, ·whiplash sea has other ray fishes that r--~~="'.~~~=­ ln-.•l •llleu lt Kliul of 5t '''• filNtl "'115"9 1--MS-' • •• za fllotll IUftl• forni'd 7 11n1: Fr. 3S Pay •tttn-11 City.. •••••l I Co•llli:: lion to. Alti.W. U Ardilt. lnJrH'ltnl '' Conflscrte 2 .,.,, nt t1• ! Vftw1 31 Set nmly 23 OK=.-'1 Qral111 lJ Mcltnt In the it ~r,;\o. '"' U =~ I ~-:ti~: 4Z ~:.·:. .. 27 Allfn nltl• ' ~ z wcrd1 44 Th1 •lddle 2tWlr• M letdlMt U hrtof 45 Ont uklng ;:z.•• 65 Giie _, tf a ltt If• for •l•s. J2 ti fat ........ U Sf4!nlW 47 Ill• M artist 1it11t 41 -Cm JS Colfltut'a DOI If 21 YNll 49 Asl• shM have tails without stings. , Every sting ray hu 1t least one sting on its tall, and a larger fellow may h a v e several of the spiky stin1en. A.WV ••1111• • 'Wwl4 ... Ae• to M1rth1 wtiltl, '" n, of T rn-mon1vrn1. $wlh (1rc1llM, ~ flt ounl""'; tall that en& with • stabbing Some skid downhill, but so sUn&er. 6o some graduates. Dropouts I , 11 ' , . • • .' .,. ... ! .. 0 .. ctlCtfll • f•afo 50 LIYtly )6 ,.,. l t··--H ifr'l'saanc1 Sl :'=~ fi ~=" 2 .J,~ 11 •-52 s .. 21 When disturbed, he flashes who do make &ood admit later t'A-P his tall around and jabs in that the effort would have .,_ ____ _. ____ _. ~=::li::lo- a piercing 1'0Und. Naturllly, been easier with more schoQl: = the Ooppy fellow does not ing. The word "education" mtan to c1u11e 1 9tl'iOUl!I in· means "to draw forth," and jury. After all, be is only good schooling showa how to Cel• J lmlf: 21 A• aot Down '·;s;""'"' c.... .... ·-lld "'"'" .. .. 0 tt 4Ullttlla JtrJ.. scfi!?p' 1 . t•lt SIT fil~ . • Cl lilt: •ldl ! • --SS fll••I" ~!!!:..t"' s c-· ~ .... , I ~ Sr.i71; · •=u.i ,.r."t:.,. · "'-?" "'"1" _...,. 2 --. .. : " • a fish and he cannot make draw forth and use the best spiteful plans, or plarni: of any in oneself. 'u also teaches sort. He merely uses his sting· basic skills and'· lhe know-bow Ing weaPon to defend himself. to deal wtth,.future problems. GORDO Our little 11J..ng ray_ hu A dropout may or may not several much larger cousins. figure these out for him1SeU Some are six feet long, in-by trial and error, but it is eluding their whiplash tall&. certainly easier to learn them The giant of \he clan is 12 in school. One who walks out feet long. He lives in the warm on his golden oppor\"unily ocean waters near Australia. cheats himself and his future. The bll 11tinJ. rays spend a He reduces hhs chances to -lo11-oH:iine-~~:..itiloo!",--ll<e-the-~Hl6e'-'·<ll--l1il~-to<~ ' : . ' ~·\~ ~ ' : . . . ~· I, • • • • ·-, ._ .. <-' ..... ~ :i;.f+ . . . , ·- .• ' ''="" ~·., I ft I, ' ~ }. • By Harold Le Doux By Tom K •. Ryan . I . . -I ~ ~. '. , .. • I • • ~ • " ~ ~ '2-1; l • I ~#ID RIJIN QJR. VAL1'A8' F RAIBllltlEfl1 ' . ----··-. ·-... - • ,, t", .. . .. - -1 I I I ' ' ' . I ' but they also like swimming qualities. 1....,,=~:!:::::::;:===:....---------...;.-.J. -and thef are atrana:e look· Society t.erids to strtss the ' ' ------~_.. _____ _ fnJ rw1rnmen Indeed. importance ol m1klng a 1ood ne ,lldet of • large •tins livtog, True, thts Is gratl!Yinl ray .,. Mn of soft bits of and good ocbooUq makes It gristle covered wtth pliable eulcr. l!ut .lhe.Jiuman hwt atln. n<y are bendable and Is blggu then this. It seeb Vtf1 rubbe'ry. The big ftllow eternally '" to grasp an urt- can ••ve hi! !Ide nap. up dent&ndhw of.-Ullngs on 1 and down like wings. And this far wldtt .scbpe. A well-round· b: just what hit doea when ed education opens doors to he ,... 'J'lmn1lng. If you Jhese broadtf vtslas. True, dlanced. to soe him un· staying Id acbool calls for pa· derwa.lt:r, you might mistake tienct!. At tJmes, ape~ may him for a huge, ocean-go ing have to pocket injured pride, bat. despair and other items o( A bee csrriea I pocket of self·pity. But a to u g ~ poison to jib Into the wounds character refuses to adml{ made by her atlngcr. When defeat and quit. ,, ' \I MISS PEACH , ,, ' 1'· ,•Ii ; '., ~ ~· ,. l-. I ; l, ..... F~1'E. I · R:>SITNELV tlQ NOT W.TE vou ... l ! -----~-----=----------. ~wingers ' Performing Keeps Jack Benny '39'' --~'M ~:.=~· .,. . /;. I ADULT> ' Stev.e Nisbet and Kathy Donovan are the dar- ing young pair on the flying trapeze in the If-· vine Repertory Thea- ter produCtion of '1The Ticklish Acrobat;" op-- ening Wednesday at . the UC Irvine Studio · Tiieater. k ·Ramsey Du~ 'i. ' ~\ ln tJarch at ,_ r MelQdy1and { Jazz pianist Ramsey Lewis B. ~~. ~~lhn1set 1as .special guest ~ ~ 'Wl_ . sou singer Marvin ft Ii. Gaye' 1"at -Melodyland next ~ '¥ . mobtti. --'- ;' ·Lewis and Iris trio·, who have t bein:'•iwarded seven gold , r~rds.· for such million·sell--tni' albUms and singles as "IR \ CroW'd," 'I Hang On, Sloopj" ., and "Wad!t In The Water," f will appear with Gaye in five f performances Marc)\ 7, 8 and 9. Friday at 8:30, Saturday I~ a~ 7 ~. 10 and Sunday at 5 and 8:30 p.m. ' • Tickets are available now at the Melody-land box ofiitt, by mail and.at aJJ agencies. Next attractions at the Anaheim showplace are Sam- my Davis Jr. and Harry James Feb. 22 and 23, folloY." ed by Jose Feliciano and ~ .Julius Wechter and the Baja Marimba Band Feb. 2&-March 2. " ' . ! • 1 O'Brien Stars CSF Slates 3 Mu~ical .· Attraeiions Three musical presentations will be featured in California State Co 1 I e g e , FUllerton's fourth annual Artist-Concert· Series, according to Dr. J. W. Landon, music department chairman. Sponsored by. the Associated SWdentS and the · CsF music de~t. first of the series' will be the J,.urie-Dahl-Sbapiro Trio neJ'f. Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in the LitUe Theater. The second event will be ' Pinchas Zukennan, 20 yW. old violin vi.rtuoao from Israel, · · '. on M-y. ·M~. 17.' Zuke~-90mes u;.ca:1 'state \;-, Fullerfun:".from his '8cClairped · ~-·. '~ 1 1io NeW Yor;-debut in the Lincoln -' . qA1L Y l'ILOT Sllff l'Mt. center. Laguna's B~~t Climaxing' the series will be pianist Ralph votapt.k, Mon-Jo11;n F 'erzacca (left) and Ralph Richmond compare day, April 21. Votapek was their DAILY PILOT Distihguis.hed Perforinance winner of the first Interna-and_ Production awards for the Laguna Playhouse's tional Van Cliburn competition "Tiie L~on in Winter," judged the county's best of in Fort worth in 1962. 1968. Richmond . was. named best actor and Fcr- Works by major composers -~z_a_c_c_a_b_e_s_t_di_._rec_t_o_r _f_or:....:th::.•:....:L::•:::g::u:::•::•~d:r::a::m:::•:_· __ _ Mozart, Stravinsky, Brahms and Bartok will ~ perforpted by the trio on M~yts pr~ gram. The trio will be com· ~Jemen~,<.b,y solo harpist Mrs. Dorolhy Remsen: ~ - All seaJs Will be reserved for this series. Season tickets -may be :purchased for $6 , a $1.50 savings over single ad- mis§i,on prices, by calling lhe theater tiox office-at 870-3371. CSF students, faculty and staff may purchase season tickets for S2 or single ad- mission tickets for $1. Ernie Ford Show Due Tennessee Ernie F o r d returns to Melodyland next month as part of the Anaheim theater's current celebrity series. De Cor.trJ,ier Singers Set at Mus'ic Cente'; The Robert De Cormier Folk co mposed lhe music for "The Singers will perform a pro-World of Sholom Aleichem.'' gram-selected from lhe . vast Variety _ls the keyiiote of song repertory of many na-the program which will in- lions in the Music Center elude a group or early Pavilion, Los Angeles, on American folk songs showing Wednesday. Feb. 19 at 8:30 the widely diversified cultural p .. m. backgrounds and activities in Under De Corm i er • s this vast nation. There also guidance the Folk Singers or-"'·ill be a section of in-- fer a new approach to concert comparable spirituals of the entertainment aimed at· American Negro, as well as recreating ~he cultures or folk songs from England, many lands through a 11 Canc;da. Yugoslavia, Croatia, artistic mel!.ns. Acclaimed for Italy, the West Indies and their fusion of movement and Africa. Supre~es • In Anaheim Next Week Diana Ross and t h e Supremes will bring their distinctive Motown sound to the Anaheim Convention Center Feb. 22. Hailed as the country's number one female vocal group, their concert marks a major new attraction for Orange County's ConvenUon Center showplace. Blues singer Bill Medley, formerly of the Righteous Brothers, and the Watts 103rd Street Band are supporting acts booked for the same night. The Supremes just closed a record smuhing engage- ment at the Frontier Hotel at Las Vegas. Virtually alf their records have been ruts and in the top 10. Their millions of record sales testify to the appeal of their Motor City sound that goes back to their native homeland. Tickets for the 8:30 p.m. concert sell froRl $4.50 to $6.50 and are available at th& center's box office , Mut~1 agencies, Wallich's Music City stores and United California Banks in Orange County. ~ ... HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Ed- ·.~-mond. O'Brien will star in Universal's world premiere "The Savarona Syndrome" With the popular Lennon Sisters as his special guest stars, the "Sixteen Tons" singer will be seen in five dramatic lighting with song, A highlight of the evening they create a:ll the verve and will be "They Called Her excitement or a theatrical ?i.1oses, .. basec1 on traditionat Carol on Show entertainment. Negro music by o ,o n a Id L'"" G performances· the weekend of ' uest Roles March 11-16 -,,30 Friday, h March 14; 7 and 10 Saturday, 10. HOLLYWOOD (UPJ ) March 15, and S and 1:30 p Brenda Scott and Jack on Sunday, March 16. 1 Albertson will play guest star Tickets are available now : _ ' roles in an episode of NBC-at the box of!_ice, by mail , TV's "The Virginian." or at all agencies. ~~~~~~~~:=;! , . 1 .1-JFiixsouTH coasT f, \lUlRll l"LAZA THKATRm COIPllAlKIN San Dilfo fl'MWll)' at lristol • 546-2711 1• with Fernando Lamas. " OPEN D(tlLY 4:30 P.M. Noon S~urday and Sunday Open 12 WAlT ·DISNEY'S .. The group will be presented McKayle and Robert De Cor-HOLLYWOOD (UPI) by Ule Southern California mier · Ttlis work relates the Song stylist Carol Lawrence ' Oloral ' M u s i c Association, true slorf of Harriet Tubman. will provide musical interludes whose music director is Roger herself an escaped slave. who on the ''Red Skelton Show" Wagner. helped in bringing abou·t the this spring. The De Cormier Singers escape of more than 300 slavesli=~=======::==il in the 1850's. bear the stamp of l h e showmanship a n d musical Mail orders are now being :Am good tasle of its founder WhO accepted al the Music Center gained nationwide r a m e bor: office, 135 No. Grand l 0 through his work as conductor Ave., L.A. 90012. ·Prices· are and arr~nget for H a r r y '5.00, $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 and Belafonte and the Belafonte $1.50. For information phone Fo'k Singers. The formation 626-7211. of liis own group in 1962 was'.l·_.--.-,.,.--...,.----- the !18tural outgrowth of rus ~· ,....,.. , ~m. "· expr1ence. He has also ar· ranged choral music for "l:lllilllmlllllllJlllJlll A Broadwayproductionsin-1 ~-•- clud"'I! "110 Degrees . in the -* HEY KIDSI *-Sbac.:le '; ha• done ar· ·rangtments for Philadelphia ~t Pill S..w. s.t,. I :OO ' and New York Philharmonic c.,. .... ..c,....._,.._. Orchestra' reCQl'diQgS, a n d "" .. ,.. .... Wttti SS "" tWs "'"' ..... .............. , :· ............................ . : lfTllCT[l ' i COMllMUDUS PfRfORMANCESJ ,_ ... ,,.. _, •••" I -, llllllW l'/llM AIClll WlmllCll MtWl'Mf l u.cti -.i th ••"•• .. I• h~~ ll .. lot. -OI. 1-ll JI 3 ACADEMY AWARDS 3Wlnnerof Academy Awards ! ~,,~.:::~ ... ~~.~~.~.~~ .... ~J llii~r.i~r.=:;;;~i1I Lr-~ C)l '"'"'v - 2 Great D(s;;,-Hits Tog.titer ' _ : ~=!~!=~~•~re~~ lll.:.·""=~=:'=::!f'~-~/J.~.1!~,'._d:j:;~-~11 -·-~· '/ -..~I JoJOU--. ftiwl.la m1ll1D O"IAMllfllWN ~--· .. . :: .... ,~~ I .... -~.11,, JR'I" . ~ .. :.· ..... ". '"'.-..-:.~,;;:f:• ... ·11•• j' 1 · AUO IHOIT SUNllOTS ·:_::··:~ Wiii DAYS AT 1 AND t:4t Techntoolor' __, . CONTINUOUS IHOW . .._ ______ ..;._....;._....:. ____ _:. __ ....I T .. T AND SUN J~Oll t PM ONI SHOWIN• l.t.CH IYI mULIA 9t 7 CAMILOT 1:41 ;;;.;;'L __ c_o"'---·-'":":':•:0:11:·1:"'.::...._J ( 'I \ ........ -~-------- • ' ·• , .. i-llbent! i:~ unique! " •, IUptrbJ ' ~ ~.•ily pilot pretent•- M•rq•r•t Cowl es---- "JUST &ETWEEN US" Ev•ry Fri .. Set. I Sw~. Till Merell 2 T!tktli Aw11l1Mt 11 l o• Olli« tr N-rt Sllli-n 2ll 5 Ville Wey Newport ll11 ch 675-1120 BAIMA 673-4048 o,.. 7"1 ....... ·;~I ... ~ .......... .. Carson McCullers'. searching and sensitive story of innocence lost that has become an "endurini m as terpieee.': ·-vt11NA U11 " .. __ ., __ _.... ,_a.i.-,..., ""' 111 d 'lb .,._.,., Omer Sl\llrlf e COt..OR e "DOCJOI ZHIYA.0" ODrls Oer • COLOR • "WHa•1. Wllllll. YOU WHIM THI' LIGHTS 'Wl~T 0UT1" ALL Dl1Ya-1N 'STAaT1 ' I,._ Al f :» · a..... ....... 12~-1 ' ' ' i \1 f '• PAULO ----MS.JJll -·~ . -• 147-Jltl ' •ece1t1"*IHlll #r ,Mllflttt. -Fr1nlt 51Mttl • (()LOii: • "T'1t htMM" lll:lltltrt Wt lk.; e ·coLOlt • ..................... -·--· . ENTE~TAfNMIMT IE CAUSE . OF . THE U!ttUSU~L ENDIN• NO .f"ll WIU. H ADMMID •DUltN• THI LAIT 11 MINUTIS . ·-ll'sliooe to 5jlnl'of,...... lllillp .~ . . ' . EUZWih TA'ILDR . MIA MAACIW . ...... ....._ · v...n"Raw•• va ~ ...... ..c>NtE~~ . .._."'"""' "llCAET CEAllliDllY" . j A09ERiit°ITCIUll f ·-PEGGY A9-C:Rc:::IFr FWY'ELA~· ' •T1a11m• .................. •-.,_,~IU--1••-.,... :::.'::::: "COOGANS BLUFF" COAST HWY. AT MAc::m"uR atVD NEWPORT BEACH * 6'4·0760 • e NOW. OPEN e WHknlghts: 7: 15 •nd 9,45 p.m, S•t ·• Sun. &"'Hcsticlifl _: Contfnuou~ from 2 p.m. Exclusive Caastal . En1JG9ement. · "BREA i'HT AKING!. · ;. hltntf•• t• Cf'Hts ....... & ,,..... : ,.,,. -;: .~;; Y"~ _, ... .._ •"~ Mllt..ftrl" . :c .CAU'S "BEAUTIFUL!,.. • ..:. .,. k. ,..;. ., _ 1.,. .... ,. ....... l'Ml94 ef.f.•.. ....... ' ·- Y••lt ....... .., ............. .=,:, ~··:.·::: .-ce ,_.,hlJlcttlMi .t "'W• Sffle St. .. t. I I ·~ ....... ...,. • .... I . ry, ?•id •• I,,._, ... ..... I" ~·· y ,. .. llfk ~ .... ,.,. 1961 • PLAYIOY "ARRESTIN~!-. ,_ ... OIM• H .... 17 .,.... el4 ~ Wlllthif · .. •ell ..., • .:: _. .~•I S"9fy ... ef tM •nt 'ylttltly &Mltl .. fti .. = ... , . COIONIT "D~.ZZLIN~! a-, .. _ "· ,. ... _ - . ~t111N_ -..... &: Jtllet \ •"9 ttie wey Y•• 1114 .....,.,.. UPI ~--l~bmuw 'lloMF.o . 8'.PJUEI' Noordlna l~•Of')· .. ,. ~I .. JI D.l!lY l'llGf NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE ; • WEEK'S AND YEAR'S IDGH, LOW, CLOSE .. ' \ '1 I __ ._. _ .... .z.. -.. . ~ •• ' :· h .-~ .. t ' " • • • , . • . .. • ,. ·, " • •• ' ' • .. -• " .. .. AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE o I • • WEEK'S AND YEAR'S JU(;H, WW, CLOSE Over-the-Counter Listing~ for Saturday, February 15, 1969 Mutual Funds Bid and Ask . "' . . .. I ) I I I • J 4 DAIL l '1LOT Week's M~etings DEATH., -~ICES . "' WAN J1ne C1n11lm1n Alie"!\. D1~ ot lle11t1, FllDr'll«Y 13, 8"°"9d wife ot Rotllrt ,,..,11•1 Alle11, Stft M1rlnot mol~r ot Roliiitrt M.. AJi.n, Jr. 111G M,.. 5Pllrl" Al'-n 11ent11 ""'11111 1r1nd...othlr fll M,., ~-l(lnf,lftobert M. Allin •u: Entl1n kv1t H. Allen, D1vkl L. A111n I nd MM\ ... J-Alll fl. S«vkH •I 11 AM TUftd1y, FIJbnlarv IL II t1w EP~I °"""°' .. our S.,lor, Slt w. II-ROid. S.. Glbr~. •Memo!'1'1 contrltiutlam .rrwy be Mflt h ltldllr, ~ ot °"' s..•. Stn a.brlel. I!~. S.11 ~ot. Ctmdery. BRODGINSKf o..n1111 C9Mlld Brod1lf\lkl. tnt Vlsll LI~ N1WllDl1 Buch. D11e ot de1ttl, Feb. 11. SVrv,.._ bY wlt., .... C. l rod1fN.llh ,........,., CKe~1 &rcdtllllkh l"fllMYIYWlll l ,.,.. 1l1tet1, Pltrlcll ISl'Odtlnskl, New Yori<, end Helen • ..,.. l1mln. P1nruv1Y1nl1. Rcsary, SllnNy, I PM. lt9"1ulem Mass, MOndly, Ill AM, boll! 11 Our Ladv Qulrn ol A"911S Ctlholl< Cllurch. lnltrmenl, Holy SePVI· ctier Cemetery. 0 "1l<;tld by a11u Mor- tuuy, l52CI E. Co11I Hl1hw1y, Co~ 1111 Mer. CHRISTMA N Jerold W. Chrltl!Nn. 1112 CNorleslOll St .. Cos11 MeM. 01!1 o! de1!fl, Feb. 12. Survl'tled by wilt, F•td•' follr soru, P1ul Mld\HI, M1rk sie ... en, o.nnr Elllllft, 1nc1 01vld ITl1n Cl\rlslmen1 f1t!lilr, Ck.II W. Cllrlltrr\91, C1ot1rw1Nr, l"lorldl . hr'<'~ Tuttd1y, 1 PM, C~· Del of Jl$f'J'M, \ve1tmln1!tt' Mf'l"llOt il l P1'11:;. 01...a.d Irr ltlll Mm"luWY, 1741 SuPtfltr, Colli Me11. GAFFNEY llllcllttd J. GtlfneY. n• JetMlll St., Cost• Mnt. Survived by rna1"""· Mrt. Htleto GttfneYI three brolhlU"I. Hlllll, Guild 11"' Tl'IOtn1u tr.. 11stert., Nfr1. Au11111t1 coon. Wlllttler; Mrs. Flor• GtffneY, wtiltti.rr Mrt. M•'1' Wlntlvrn. ~L M1rlorle W..it1, lhlly, tnd Miu •~rt:itr1 GtffnlY. JIOll'1', SVnc11y, I PM. """""' M111, MOndl'tl, ' AM, tlotfl 11 51. Jotch!rr. C1tllollc Cl!Urch. l....,..mtt'I!, C1N1'1' Cemtter'I', l.Gf, -·· HANSEN M.rr J, Ht1111n. 20M NIWPOrt l l\ld., (•II ~I. 5un"Jvtd by Sl-..c!IU!lh"'r, Mn. 11.-Mnl Shn, Plto Rolllil"ll Ind twt iiltlrL Slr'tllcH Hlld'!nt. leH 8rMdwll'I Mortutr"f, 110 l nlllfwl\I, C•l1 ""'9. MEEHAN IHfANTs Crawlers Aclorable·st1les for boys 1 98 ind &lfls. Clloose frOll ' . assorteil colors witll ap. pflQVeS.:sizes 9-24 k • N . . . ,~ ~-'.;; t --' NUTlf COmplete Wig Care :,:i ::" ~.,."" ;}'""2· Wi21 -9· ~ "'*""· .... Olld "'" """"".... . SET Oft • Faucet Queen STIAINEl lANll·SrLAsttEI -with ;i ilick of the lil'Jier, Ml splash STRfAM or gf!ltle SPRAY. flexible ffllow, lits 111 homt lill!C!lg. Kleensteam Filter WAMR -SillJle 1111t wattt · l11ttt ltJ 111en rons .•. ""~ in1 else ~ -iust aU ~ waler n stai.t. age 100 Poker Chips ARtlUCKHll -fillllOllS "Cflsader'' o..ii~ pbslic rl>ilS m haoly "stMd-4111 play-lrOlll" pllS· gee tic dispenslll'. Blues, Reds, Wl\ih!s. Around. the · Oral\ge . Cpast , A~~a ; . .. .. ,: (' ~ ' . ~···· . "' .·-... INFllllll llllUIS "Capri" sm Choose from ll1lllY styles 1n ass't "eas1 cart" mt- terials. Pultliase ~erll sefl & "mix & matcll" at tbis low cost. Sile$ ~.1•l..i3•6X .. ~ ~! ~l:!~ ... ~ ~,... Crawlers :;: . ~ 7 ~ LJ. "l151 care" ~Is Ir r&.a· ..,,. ')f. "°""' stylos & , "' """ "" bo!> l ~-· ,lits. 9·2f llm.• ,.. ·"Capri" . sns ·Welt for ttie infanl It ·' "rom~" aro11nd · ltle ""~ Olld (or ~· , 111.11n1 1!'11own-uJ'' "Listerine" "Anacin" TABLETS ~NTISIPTIC F11t P1i1 l11i1I Kills Ger•s 11 Ct1tact ~~~ 39c $111 ·:~· sac r"" .. , ........ ,,,,!D ____ ,, . ...,~,,.,-.Au T~NQt1v A<:CfSSORIES ' t ( ! "AIR•WAY" - • CarCOmpass Beaulitully styled In sNitne.tnJll! ••• • m~unls easily-simply m It Ol·r.owl I • ·, oi: wiflds~ield ii Oeslled 1oc.a&n. · ' 2.29 ,. ef#llt ts slart!~g oors-•·.~ ery school. Choose • lrorq rnarfy color1ul i· 1sty!es i~ assorted • .rn.ttetials. 2 lo 4 & <J to 6X. 2.69 .. '"CIJf ·OH". . Yatij Mirror · for Mb and Hoine-witti metal lrllll!! ... lkge 4w8" silt slios 1111 lljto visor. ~§ 98c l!!!1....!J I New Ory "Ban"'. .INTI·PUSPll.UfT 7~ s,,., .... ,Ill . '.,, c. . , -"Pepsodent" TOOTHPASTE -New BngM· w~1te. 5 11. liq Sin TH• . 2:1.00 "Pepsodent'' TOOTH llUSHES -Cholr:e of Adult. Jumor or Cll1ld''· 4 :1.00 "Lilt" Push-Button 1.49 Html PerMil11111t Wa•i111 f1a111 t1r '"! type •1ir. Re1 . 1.9 Shoe/ Handbag Caddy EllllUTY PUSllCS - Crystal clear lor eisy selection. Han11s 0t closet rod or doof. llolds IO pair shoes and 4 large handbags. Ideal 10!' s1or1ge or trawel. QUILTID Garment Bag EIUALITY PLASTICS - Jumbo Site, l·hoo~ non·ti11 .1rame, el\ra kll'g 1iwer, re· inlo1ced top, choict Qf colofs. -e "Auto Butler" fll~ eYecy tar •.• $Wings illld« dilS- Wilti I touc~! Permaneat Yl"Y\ b.Jt I~ brilliant jll!arltscerrl colDrs. I • fWst llality • lln. ltrfn • Carter fill • Sta• FIEE • linlt Fl£E .. "Vano" Jaliric flllisli K1111 fairies Sift .. and llript WIUllNSON Super Sword-Et111 Rmor Blades 5 h1lle U11 lllHI 2i79c l J • • . • l •. • l z , " ~ ! ,.. , J1riet E. Mlll!Mn. II.ft .SO, of 710 Wll· !11mt, HUl'lffn1ton letc.11. O•!t! 11 •Httll, FR. ll. Survlvtd IW rnatt-..r, Mf'5. J.cille ()"Ir.ti "'""'"'" 0 11"""1 b!'6ltl· er. Hlltltrt Q, °'""'I IWtl 1l116rs, M• .... Roblnon Ind Ult Uwry1 t nd t.o trtndthlldtefl. 0.1-.Ullle Mrvktl. Mor't- <11y, 11 AM. GOM1 ~rd CtrMltrl'. l mlll\1 Mllr!VtrY, i!'Klor1. SCHREIBER ltldllrd SchrwlbM'. 141 \lktorl1, CO&tt Mesi . 5erWICllll pendtti.. l tll lrotdwlW Morlvl,.,. 111 llroff'w1y, ""1• Mesi. IOYS' AND lllU' J !~~~;s_ ~.~.s., .. , .. ,.,,., and te111n1" s~t or 9gc 99c Dress or Coat Suit Bag BALTZ MORTIJARl~ eor-del Mor OR S.Mll Colla-Mll-llU BELi.BROADWAY MOllTUARY lll ....... ,, Celta Mesa u~ DILDAY BROTHERS Hullo.... Volley M.......,. 17111 ~ Blvd. Huad•lf.oa Be•ctl US.7711 PACIFIC VIEW ~IEMORIAL PARK Ctmeia, • MNU&l'J is. Padllc VU Drtve Ne,,,.n -. COlli.nla MW'l• PEEi. FAAlll.Y COtONIAL FUNERA:. HOME '1ltl 1t111 Ave. Wes•'"W DJ.mi l!Mml't MOllTllARY IZ'I -Iii. lludqtao- IEMut 'Wll3TllJl!'F MORTIJAllY Cl E. 17111 SI .. Co ... -- \ Girl's ·'Panly llose" set. 2 89 Sile to 12 nib. Pis- te! CO!e$S. • '":fil':u HOUSEWARES llelfff llcctsSOrin Ftr ftl!J In• I• Y1or ttt .. l YIUI ctttllC( 1.1 IAC--2415'" , .. b y· weiPt. cltall vinyl with brushed silk filMsb. '65· setecl sides alltl tne fol ~ roomy CO!llfcrt. Keecis items 11eat i• !he ctoset: • 11 lie ... ggc • • 2(142" ot he.nyweig~t vi"yl, smartly tailored witll a JUlllflOfS brn*4 silk !111-• i~. llMlg. lipper opelllft( witll "YloJI tofd Sifety lie. Kie~ s1it1 AutJ!ldQ. •1e fret: . HUNTIN~TOM BEACH u-·a ... "'-nt • < •• , ' • _, ... ""' .... ,. "~ ., '"' ..... . -... ·"" a ..... J . ' :.-!)~ ;J " ,. l •• .. ::! I • J ' ' ' • ·. ' • ) \ -' " ., l ••• ''" ... •J .. , ••• ' . •• .. . ,, •. ' "•' •• . , ' -" "' J • .. , . • SalUl\11)', ,~ 15, 1'6' DAILY PILOT J~ GI P Pi :rialt1es· 'tJplleld{. Mesa Added ~o List .. ' .: ' " ' WNOON (AP) -Jim Ryun e world reollrd of 1:~9' for lth8 880, orphaned for nearly thrte. years because of(.)h NCAA-MU ' 1,ra~k 'llir, Wl8 off!cli,lly recognized a1 ~ world standard P'rtaay by the Inte111ational, AD'iateur. Athletic Federatkm~ 1 ., - Ryun!a wq ~ o( · 2t re:cordJ IC- credited"'U.ot them by ~icaJLB. Bob Beamon's taot,pUc lOl!I Jump ot 29-ZV< -"at the M•co City ,Olympics, bettertti.g Of old mar,k by abnost two f .. ~ "" arii>ther of.the~ \ct Friday. ' · · Sprinter Jim Hlnes of Oakland taf.d quarter-miler Lee .-~vans of San 'Jose each shared two .ftcords as did the ace u:s. woman 'stirtnter, W1omia Tyu.1 of Griffin .• Ga. · , f .. 1 Most Cl !!lo marks 'liriO set , m ·the Olympics las! ,OOtotief. Beamon,4jear~ld )wil,P!r from El Paso, :MIS pecti1'd with the greatest single achleVemerit wbeft he leaped one foot, pt~ 1ncbes farther than any man ha~~~J:·shlNd·bf ~erica's Ralph -"l"1 Ruula'• Igor Ter-Ovanesyan. / · Hines ~ the .!Wortd'• ·fastest human''wlf~[~e;•,rl.n &he 1~ meters-"·- ln I.I it.]detico 'Clly--'Oc;\,. J4 ~d. a,,. shared the~ t!WJ:d, ~JMHneter· r.elp:r; .. · record of 38.%, a~if'the Games. t 1 • • RANcffO LA COSTA, 'Call/. CAPl ~. • Dan Reem, Dallu cow ... llld Jim Paa -Lance· 61Worth llld.~. WYM, ~ Altrol sbot • oo· did -· 1lm Da~·~l''·~ aelencllnt cbomplims Bill -of at La Ceola Coua!!r·Club ~111-:. the Pittsbarsh Pinta llld Paul Knuae tab .the. lint rounil! ioi\l>ln the ~.Ii*-~; ol the ~ Vttlnp. Altrol" Golf Clualc!; · Scoreo are computod oo, a )>eot.l>oU Aliolirlli> or the Sao Dlecd Chargera baals wltli handle•!'! taken, lntq ICCGW\t. and Da._n of the Son Franclaco Lowal handicap 'Fr~Y WU John Gian\' rlppOd the bac~' : of the 1,llO-Qrodle, San Fronclaco 48en wfth a 3. yardigo/•l~f for ·a !· , · . )eld·'..r Mel F.ur of .. tbe Detr01I Lioqo, has the~.~ . the hlP ol.27. . ~ -~-, IOoleaaloaal loo!' The team of. Joe Namath o1 tbe Ntw baJ! playar iiad.-. bnlJd -· . York Jiii an d Mickey Mantle ol I he dlno;ea-wti .o1 thi llol!on Patrlott · Nil' York Yaokea, lllllobed wllll a .. ond ,'Jlin -i.OnbOrg .. of the Boston Red ' · ' Sox shot a 64 as did Mike 'Pitka, Dallas Cowboys and Jim Bunning,. Pittsburgh Plrltel; Jim Hart, St. J.oo1s football Carlnals an« Joel Horlen, Clilcaro White ~ · Sox and Willie RichardltOD, Baltlmote· " Coll.a and Brooka Robiaob, BalUmore Oriole1. ;· ; ""; · ~1 l' · ,•. , ... , -•,, ~ I i ... ;'f' . . ·., . Graenne~~ R'.alfy ~ .. ~ Tops HnllQh t;rg;i Smith Wins ,_, ; .. ·. GLENN WHITE , .. Spom Editor Evans' O.I for the 400 metm: was approved ~ was the .American U:400 relay mark o(.,•2:Jil.l, 1n which Evans ran anchor. " .. LY P.IL.OT ,.,_., O'oi..pl SALISBURY, Md. (AP) -Second.,...f. ed Clart Graebner an<r St>n Sn\flh, the No. 3 seed, won u expected Frlday nl&bt w · 'lldvanced . to the ~ of the,U.S. N'atioljll Indoor T•nn!~. pionshfPs. '"'t'i\ • . Miss T)rus• nime gbu' lrito lhe books for 11 seconds flat in the 100 meters al Mexico City and the ·42.8 for the 4xl00 women's relay ln which she ran the final I~ ~i;lf<t}d tec<lrds ·went to T~e Smith Of' Qmoore, Calif., in thCl ,400 meters, ·tt~«eoods ; the Texas Spu'lhtrn 4%110 i-el!y:l<am!SO" and Jay,Sllruto~, of SmJttilleJd, • r dilcus, 211 feet, 3 inches at Mode , ay 25. A spokesman HW tfle IAAF slid the list included records set between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 1961, but one mark aet four years ago was recognized althoughlt.sln!:e liaj l>!on bettered. Pam KUbom ot• A:u&falalia was credited with 10.5 seconds for lhe 80-meter hurdles set·at o.ata, Japan, on Oct.~. 196f. •i I( spoiwnari said the application .- peienUY got lost in..the. e.xc1temtnt over ~ Tokye Games. The record ii 10.%, held by Rusaia:'s Vyora Koraakova. · Costa M'JSa' ,, \ • .. •' TAKE A4G IANT STEP -Orange Coast COUege Jefi Sargent'(Ss). Golden West d~enders are Dave . Graebner pulled his game·~ In the Ona!-set and ellmlnatod:"9t.,.. Ron Holmberl· M1 1-t, &.s lollowlng Smith's.surprisingly easy 8-3, M victory over two4ime champion CharUe Panrell. pros Rip Up centerJlli;Ji Hardgrove stretches to his full 6-4 len· Prather and· Dave Paynter (2.1).:-0 range Coast p~t gth to grab the ball, much to the open-mouth aston-a blot on Golden West'.s hope1 for a second-place ishment ol teammates Steve Jaco_b_s_en_(_33_J_an_d __ fini_' _·s_h_wi_·tb_,,t_'n._9_1 u_p_.•_et_. ______ · __ ,___ • Phoenix Open; Sues Record 92-91 Victory ·Over Rustlers Orange . Cout ColJq& rea.uerted its domlnanct over arc~!Y'al .~Iden West College Friday nigbt and-~.process p~ a serlow crlmp in the RusUei's' vls- ions of a seo:¥Kl:j>lace. rmi.nsh in -the Eastern Cont.....,. basketball race with a 92-91 victory. Both. clubs continue confereDCe action tontght Wllh 8 o'cloCk games. Golden Wes.t travels to San Bernardino Valley College wblle Orange Coast remains at home for a contest with Santa Ana. ir~y Di&ht's game in the occ om went down. to the wire althou&h orana:e Coa.1t never aave up the lead in the sec- ood "hilt: A jumper by J I m Kindelon gave th e Pirates a 91-35 lead with Ill ~ left ,, Sports In Brief '~. I Williams Ready to Sign; Ta .r l!~els Upset, 68-66 ., MIAMI, Fla, -Ted Williams utd Friday he is "awfullY clole" to an ~ ement to manage the WaabiactOa Senators and tbe decision may be made aoon: "Perhapg Jn houn." , .r:~; "To be hOl'leit,' sWllliams told an airport news conference In Miami, "I h~ven't. sJlned a contract yet. but we're awfully close to agreeing on things. There are a few minor detal.JJ ~ be worted out." Wmlder B•bles Wln·, CllAllLOTl'E, N.C. -S out b Carolina'• Wonder Ba b I e 1 -l o a r aophomom and a junlor-<hocked ilecorlit ranked North Carolina -Friday nJPt in colleee ~~\bPU· The five SOalh Cuollna IWtm ol coach Frank McGuire, hlmlelf a former North Cuollna coach, ....i all the way, pacod by Moot-2 John Roche, who "'""eel 31 polnta on a brilliant variety ol ahota. Suit F llelll LOS ANGfilEi -Ottidolt o I Hollywood Park •-track in Jqkwood flied a ff.S mllllon defamaUon .Wt Fri· da)' against six thoroughbred horse~ "'""''· The Bou,wood Tllrf \Club ,aald In II> Superior · Court ac:Uon that 11n.ce Jan. 7, the defendanta hive alle,ed~in public lltatemenl> that Hollywood ·!'ark, by allowing rrlght harness ·racing, may cru.te a dangerous running surface for thoroughbr<iflr • , ·. The traci •lflid In ita ·lllllt that It believes "It .wiJI suffer flpaacial IOM to the oPeratlon of the patk ... , a horae racing eatabllahment" becau'aei of the statementa of the horse owner1. Reeerlll Broken TORPNTO -Wlllk Da~, Baloni Rouae. Le., eet a World indoor .record of I.I in wiru\lng the llO meter hllrdles Friday nl1ht In the Toronto Telecram· Maple Leat·bamos. · . ' . fAker •·Re H The NBA'1 Western Divilton 1eadln1 Los Allp1'1 Laken downed .the SOn Diep JlocUta,. lf5.10t, ·Friday · .JUcbt before more than ;11;000 fans ;In IngleWOOd. · ' Loi Ancelea' other pro team, the stl.{11 contilllled to have pn>blems, drOWl!>I a 107·103 decision to the Ntw Yorlr NetJln the·AllA. j . . ' ~ •\ 1 \ -~ ~,1,:, 1be American Dav!J Cup teammates will face each other In a Saturday nllht Hllllllnal, • . ' •. Stevens: 62 An afWnoon match wUI tnvofve dirk· horse · lamat!I EI Sbaftl of tM' 1Jelled Arab Republic, who bu ell~ JWo ....__ ·,.,.cted• player&. and Turben ·lllridi .of PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) -GoU's toorinc nenmark, the No. 4 foreign ~.," '';, Pro!. eatonal.I ripped par at the Arllooa G r a e b n e r 'a PowerfuJ .ierttice culminated the deciding set against ~ntry Club for a Bectlnd straight round Holmtietl. Ke served three gamei at Friday as Billy Maxwell and Frank lave 'd lost mly 1hree polnti wblle Beud grabbed the midway lead at 131, he ..... at the line. n strokes under par -and young Jobnn7 H~ ~ through the ~ Steves shot a course record 62 set afier two Wvlce breaka ;l!ad ~ . · . him a 4-4 lead. Graebner. ~. Maxwell, ,,.year-014 Teun playing out loolng, dellbtrately loot ootd~· ,.-,,; <i lndianapollo, Ind., canl,ed a 16 alter .iy could start iervke In the Hiia'l'W., -..,_g the first round lead at 15, while 1 Graebner w~ the OI;>tninl stt after the bespectacled Beard, from Louisville, three consecutive 1erv1ee breaks, ap-Ky scored 1 15 to go w'tb his _.,;., parently calllld In part by poor lighting ·• ' 1 0~·1 at courtside, which wu rectlfied"'afttr 66. the aevenlh game. The 26-year-old Stevens, a Certified Public "-1ttln~ played bis round nine under par, betttrlne the competltive course record of IS by Ken still four years .,o. I t' . . MA RINA QffA RTE T RUNS IN LA MEET ' LOS ANGE;LES (UPI). -The U.S. \rack ~ fiel~ .fed~~tlj)n" brlnp ,tis fint 'lndoor mett to LOI An1eiu todl)". ~pie per!-· dominated the 1/11· try :Ill! I« the' ~~ m~ w~lch got under woj. I! ll:IO ·a.m. with· hlgh ocboolandjuo!Gr--..•• The Orange Couf aru will be represented by Marina Hi&h's four-man relay team. · ·· Jc. Ventimiglia, Dean KJtimo, Tony Ventimiglia Ind !)ave Lacy Werl'~l­ ed to tour the, l~ord oval : a lap each at 11 :45. · • eoacH Jack· . Rewiri'1 ouUlt ' will be up against 'S"an Bmllrdlno, South Tor-nnce: Taltizi and'Workblan hip$:·• . ,·. '·· ' .. ,( .... Stevens carded f<Nr birdies and an eaa:le on the front nine for a a and came bact with th.rte birdies on. the backside for S3. , With his. eyen.par 71 OD Thurad17, the record round left him Just two.-off the pace. ·Deadlocked at 132 were John J~ • another of the eeven firat-round co. leaders, who had 1 47 far bla second tj; D!m J111111ry, ,.11o -a. dtaplto rUnning • fever with the nu, and Rod Funseth, with bis -II!! straight 16. -hole-1n...,. cam. in tbll n seorinl tournament, 1 tblJ one by JttrJ McGee ot Lakewortb1 Fla., he hlt his ff9. 7 iron tee lhcK on the 15* !Ith two feet put the cup Iha ball hit and lpun ~ to pl Into the llole. ' ' II)' E.uiL QIJl'nltn' The prospOct of squArini off acai.t aame tO\\liht. "'"' ---the Wlfl"dlctable Chapman outfit ,i-4s "Our last eame with UC! ,w"'~ Uiyolo. · '11\at lllbac_k <n<led Antaater '-lor a -In.~ Tbe heot will. •be "'""" up a faw , Davll the allakal, ol Ollr betltr ball -Unfor!Unli4'1• more d!IJ'O<• tmlCht "!of 'tltr1 alrud;;' Once leadlnr'bY · 1t polnll In tlMlr "'mly ~ thr<e-looilllrol 11 @tile.' ~ -n -· ' pm1oa1 meottnr , last ~ . ·the TbfJ' "" tilil bit lead .. "' liM PAI The Anloatm take Ml Chapman ' Atlttatetl frttwe<f aWIJ that"""'*'° UI behind thee~" • ; Collep In Cnwf°"' HaD at I In the and had to 1>11\i oo lo ~ail.llJ m, IG <-*i 'to ~ ~ ,. ..... , 22nd pme !or !nine. n.. '12-70. ~: · · Welfl!llll 11 lalely troa with ~ an·Dv. to ,.. • Chapman pnl Douc l'.ckert .-• llo(lilar, cuanl Mike and 1Ub With '-8 ol ..curs., a spot In the 1 jump abol at the -to a~ PoO Cllailln have bad i6ro throlta all piolt_.,.._ NCAA. coll• d h ll lo n tie tho ll11IO up but the olllclaJLrlllid week ,and the coach 11111 IUl'e wllo w-m tqlooal pll!'oll• Anteater coach othrorlse. • 1 Wiii « woo1 be 11-.llhy 117 tb11 ntolpf. Did Dam nolld mj much like to ·lier 11 t4-7. Chapman, afltr IOllnl Chapman loll at San Diep Si.ta a win them all. llN'1 at Westmont Fr1dlf nlah~ la 5-11. week lfO, -· UC! tttka to UC Rlvenkl• Tueaday Panther coach Dave Wuthlr!U 00,... UC! will be attempUnc to rally back nlaht. his club can put IOftthtr a complete lrom Tueldiy nlll>t'a 11-'IS bealln& at t, I I Davll -1ved ,a bi.alt earliar In Ut. week wbenJ'i'.aatheQll lnformel"hlm Ila coiikln1 """' up with a eym for tbe 11abte. llflclnlt!y 1<beduled for ~ lfll!!. "We -to , have the pmo plfyad at our plact," IJl!•la undonlltad, u-p,: tlW!MAN MM-M-Mlltlllu Hgdert M M!lllli<r ...UC! JI' CM .... W J'.. -N C B-N G -M G 81111111 M -----------------------·-------=-"'--=-----------"--"-~~ ... ....., ' ' t ' I .... -. ... ... . . . . DAILY PILOT A FRENZIED MOMENT -Newport HarhQr High 's Paul Holmes looks for someone to pass the ball to during Friday night's incredible fiv~vertime d1,1el OAla.Y L911.0T ...... lt9 ,._,_ with Westminster. Behind Holmes.ia Darryl .Berg of the Lions while Lee Haven (55) ""stands by for Newport. AH three fouled out. The Libns won , 97-95. Couple of Valentines for HB As Oilers Bag 68-50 Win By GLENN WBlTE Of tlM PIHt Plllt It'" Huntington Beach High School's nifty basketbalJ forces picked up a couple of Valentines Friday night at Western High School as the Oilers cruised to ·their 391.h consecuUve league triwnph. Of primary consideration to coach Elmer Combs & Co., was the 63-50 re. suit of hostilities on the hardwoods. A nd the other Vaelntiile Was in the form of a oot-.or apples, each with a Valentine attached , each with the play. er'a 11ame on it -courtesy of the Boos· ter's Club. Huntington, now 12--0 and official Sun· tet League champion for 1969, showcit why it should be seeded for the forth· Viejo in Thriller coming CIF playoffs as the Oil City exploded in the final period to bury the Pioneers. The Oilers were hanging on lo a 48--43 lead with . 6:48 to play when a typical Huntington explosion rocked the quonset hut gym. A free throw and two cubkets by Mike Contreras, followed ·by Lee Walters' shot underneath made it ~ as the Oilers ripped off those seven points in 8'l seconds. Then they .went on another spurt. Con· treras and Mark Wb.iUield each scoring a bucket then Roy Miller coming through with a basket and free throw. That made tt 61-44 with 2:S7 left and 11 close eame "'as suddenly a rout. Tritons, Artists, Diablos All Lose in Crestview San Clemente, Laguna Beach and ~li~· sion Viejo all dropped Crestview League basketball decisions Friday night. The only close one of the three w111s a1 El Modena, where Mission Viejo lost a thriller by two. 62-60. Tustin prevailed by 60-51 over Laguna and Orange was ;i 17..s& winner over San Clemente. Mission Viejo out-scored El Moden~ by four points in the last quarter. The big play was registered by EI Modena's Dave Poat, who, with 1:46 left on the clock, SCilred a three-point play that gave his club a two point lead. 'l'b.aW to a 46-second stall in the fin~l UCI Swimmers Split; Try F JC UC Irvine's liWimming Learn plunges back into the water this morning for a dual meet with Fullerton Junior College at 10 o'clock in the Anteater pool arter apliWng I double-dual.meet Jo'rkiay with UC Santa Barbara and Los Angt\es minute, El Modena never trailed Jn the last frantic seconds. Visiting Orange took advantage of 30 percent San Clemente shooting by hit· !nig 45 percent from the floor . The Tri· tons led by a point early in the third quarter but Orange pulled steadily away and the Trilons couldn't catch them . Laguna found itself 1n an old fashioned l>arn·burner for three quarters, with neither team maintaining any kind ·of·a significant lead. But Tustin lightened its defenses in the last quarter and allowed Laguna only four penetrations to the basket, outscor· i.ng the hosls by a 21· 11 count. Brian Jones I e d Laguna with his sea· son·s · highest total -16 poinL.1. -{){ -{){ -{){ It~ Cit"""M UU 0•111t• Cl11 .. fl ,, " ""'fl• """ ' ' , ' Frt\t ' ' I fl..,llmln , ' • ' Ct lt• • "' .-11\lld'>tll , • ' • ICrudwld ' ' . " •etH , • ' • Poner • ' • ' G1wldtll ' ' • ' Gla..._•aw • • ' • Ctlrl•llJfl<tfl • ' "' Ht mer • • . " i.-111 ... 1 • , . " lern1I ' ' , " lolfh ll 1171SI TO!~ll 11 U1111 let,. 111 Ouuttr1 11 u M !._.1 ll ll 19 ll-SI Miller led scoring with 19 " four Oilers hit in double figures. ' Hu111t111'9ll uai W11ltrft ISi) ''"'''' 19 n"' I• C011tru11 ' ' "' Ech1t1rd1 ' ' , " W1l~t1 ' ' . " ll1Herh ' ' ' • Ml!l1r • ' ' " N1•lrcl ' , "' 9onw.ll ' ' ' • °'"~ • • ' • Whl!tielcl • ' . " O'K'"'tt ' • , • WIH • ' ' • Sllull ' • • ' . W1lllw • • ' • Gtll • ' ' ' H1rrln1ton • • ' • O•W1oon , • ' • T011l1 • nn11u Tottlt n . '22 ~ Sc•rt 11 Oll•r1tr1 Hunrlnuon l11tll " • " ·~ Wt!lt•n " " " , ...... Murray Leads Magnolia -Over Eagles, 7 5-5 7 Hot shooting Dave ~furray fired In 21 second·~aU points to lead Magnolia High School to an easy 7S-S7 victory nver Estancia Friday night in an Irvine League game played on the Eagles' floor. tt "'as a sloppily played contest. with 18 turnovers being committed in the first period. But Magnolia's superior board work. some clever reeding by its guards and Murray's hot shooting kept the Sentinels in the running for the Irvine title. r.tagnolia, which had a hard time with the Eagles in the first round or play. started slowly. It commiUed 10 of those 18 first-quarter turnovers and c9uld only break even, 1~12, at the end or the intial eight minutes. Five seconds into the next period. ~iurray canned a pair of free throws and Magnolia never relinquish~ the lead. Nine straight Magnolia points in the last 51 seconds of the second period and the first 52 of the third broke the game wide open. •1tt1>el• !Ill 11 II " '' MttHllt 1111 ''""'' Wiiii.ms I ' ' " Oflllll • • , I M l y! , • ' • ...... • • • • tUva , • • • M"'''Y ,,. ' n Henry ' , ' • it.d1m10~ • ' ' " .... ' • , ' ltrntn ' • ' ' Longnec.er , • ' " Vt Hert • ' • 1(1111• ' • ' ' Sm/I~ • • • Wt NI ' , , $11~1Ah~u1r • ' , Tet1l1 • sa " loi.1. ,, 71 u " " " ,, 11-7! " I ,, '""" • It· Take·s 5· Overtimes . ~ " I~ But Lions Win, 97 -95 By ROGER CARI.SON Of fM O.I~ '"" I,.,, Randy Combs, only one of two start,rs left for coach Ben Taylor's Westminster fllJh School nve, cooly gave a head fake one way and swiveled around a Newport Harbor player for an ea~y five-footer with live seconds left in the fifth over- time to give the Uons a fantastic 97.95 victory Friday night at the loser's con- fines. It was one of the great comback vie· lories in Orange Coast area prep basket-"Tiall'E~fury. It was an unbellevab)e turn of events 'or Newport HarbOr, which had battled rront 10 points back to tie It up at the end of regulation, 73-73. • And, in lhe thlrd overtime period th'e 'Tan jumped orf to a seven·polnt lead in the r i r s t I :48• of the lhree-mlnute stanza. ..._, But somehow Westminster's gutty crew managed to come back and move the game into a fourth and then a fifth overtime period. And even in the final overtime it was the same story. Newport jumped quick· ly into a four.point lead \\'ith baskets by Paul Holmes and ruch Post. Lion Dave Delfs canned a shot with I :SS to go and then added-.two free thrO\\'s GWC, Saddleh~ck Win; OCC Nine Divides:. Pair In Tournament Hostilities .GQ.J.den_ West College, a 3-1 winntt over Santa Ana College Friday afternoon . moved into today's semi.final round of the Eastern Conrerence baseball tour.na· ment against Chaffey College. • The Rustlers are scheduled lo play at 10 this morning at Mt. SAC. In other junior college ·baseball games Friday, Orange Coast split a pair of games Jn the EC tournament and faces -Fullerton at 10 today, while independent Saddleliack College, downed Cypress, z. 1, for Ila lint baseball victory. Orange Coast won a morning game from Mt. SAC, 5-3, but lost a slugging. match to Rivirside In the afternoon, 10-6. Gary Dunkelber.ger went all the way for Orange Coast in the opener, limiting Ml. SAC to four hi t!. A big four·run , :iieventh inning highllthted by Roger Palmer's two.run aingle, won the game for the Bucs. In the nightcap Pirate starter Steve Pinter gave up a grand-slam homer ln the top of the first inning Bnd Riverside never trailed. Golden West, meanwhile. got six-hit pikhing from Gary Marks and Dick Hutchinson. The Rustlen scored twice in the first Inning on Mike DeGeer's single, a sacrlfict, a walk to 1tiyron Pin.es, another Bue, Gaucho Spikers Lose First Meets single by Ron Richardson and a force play. Saddleback used run-producing singles by Scott Longnecker and Ed Eav.li;. to trim Cypress. Greg Pennington flipped a four-hitter for the Gauchos. S111S• A.. fl I ·t~~~ 1:, HMltll, 11:1 J-, cf ar-n, ct ·-. f"'9f'I", rr •• ,,..,., c Sml"', II He\ll"lfl, pll ldc.arp, llfl 11.ei.. rt , .. ¥. , ::11Crt11e, p '¥ttt!1, Ph T011lo tll t II rM ' . , s •. , . ' ' ' • • , . • • • • ' . ' ' ' . ' . , . ' ' • • :n I ' 0 O.Ntil WHf CU Hr Ji 1111 o.<iHr,H 5121 9awtfl, lb 3 • t 0 .:\~rf· ~ ~ ~ '1 Mtrtl P<f •• 0 PtUltoll, :lb' 4, 0 I It :onw11,1t 3010 Ta.r«, c 4 t e O Older, rf 2 l t I 'fllld'll.-, ••••• ., fpl1ls J4 l • l ' ' . S•~lt Ana .......• 001 000 *-1 6 O Go~"' Wnl ... , .. :IOO 100 OOx--J a f ~·-C..St 10 •II, • Jtnlllra, u ........ ,,. 9••-211 l.HC:11-; 2b Btlky, If •1u1, 111 llfflfrom, ct Selbert, rl Morgan, rl P1lmer, c Pllller, , Crlu , • W1sh~o. pl'I Mtlr, • . ' ' ' ' , , .. , ' . ' ' ' . ' ' . . , .. ltl.,.'"'IM IHI . .. ·-· ss • ' Wt rd, "' • • Curtis, ' ' , .SC.Wiik, )I> • ' Wtlr. ff • ' 91'n'11trom, ct • ' llef'IWHk, lb ' • Cl1rk. " ' • Fester, • • • ' • • , ' , ' ' , ' Tott I• , ' ' ' ' . ' .. ' .. ' .. ••• 37 ' ' Toltls 41 tO U C1•r•u 01 . ". 000 (l(M 110 ' 5 J • 020 .101 -'' n 2 SH<llllHtli (2) Mr II rlll tll r II •Ill M1rtl..ei.. If ' • • • Stubbs, •• ' ' ' • Ph.Im, .. ' • • • 1.-nKktr,ct ' • ' ' Htnm!Q", " ' • • • SWH!lt....,, C ' ' , • .,_,, d • , • l urkholdtr,lb ' • • • Dllwnev, ' ' • • • Etelt, lll ' • ' ' Ftrrtll, "' ' • • • ~rb\lshire, If l • • • Mllktr. " • , • ... ...... 'ti • • • • 1!;1'1<, ,, • • • • Vick, rt • • • • MtlMMtll. ' , • • ' Pe~nln9t1m, ' l • • ' T1t1l1 " ' • • • T1t1ts ' • • • , k••• Ill' '""'"'' CYprf~~ ... " . ... ' • S~dltbtck . " • ' ' • ' ; to tie It al 95-1>~ with t :OJ left. Newport lost possession with 45 sec> oods left and the Lions, with Jeff Pow- erll, Dan Broderick. Dave Smallwood, Bill \Yallace and Darryl Berg on the bench with five fouls each, stalled for a last shot. Then Combs made his play and that was that for the Tars, who had won six in a ro\v \If Sunset League .action. The game was won and losl a hundred times. The whole thing started when Delfs stole the ball and fed to Dave SmaH· \\'ood for a bucket with six seconds re· malning in reguJation to Lie it al 73-73. N-t"rf NtrMr OSJ +1 ft 111 "' • ' ' 1' , 1 • " Wfflml"lltr CJll 6rllllt~ · Holmet Tttltl ·-· l.indt!edl EttlH "''M 2 f I 4 I O 1 1 1 1 J 15 1 s • J 1 11 l U Po,...-~ SIT\fllWODd 0110!1 O&:ts ·~· 6r~rk;I( W•ll•tt """' 11 n 21 tl To111, $Cert 111 fht~I 1611 25 15?7 1'7Cll72l?7 It fl pl I• • J ' I! • J 5 1~ 0 0 ' 0 ' 5 J IJ 4 I 5 ' l 0 J ' l • J 10 • l ' 11 Jf ?ll6 Pf ' , ....., 7 J .... " Walker's Shot Gives MD Win In Overtin1e By STEVE ANDRE\VS Of 1M DtllJ' Piii! Sltlf · That old sport proverb: "When two rivals get together you can throw out the books and expect an exciting ball- game,'' held true to form Friday at Servile. Tom Walker's JS.foot jumper with no time left in the second overtime period, gave the Mater Dei Monarchs a thrilling 68---66 Angelus League basketball victory over the Friars. Coach Jerry Tardie's band of Mon· archs found themselves down 11 poin!s w i t h just four minutes sho\'l'ing on the clock, but rallied lo knot the count at 64-M and send the game into the first extra session. J unior Ralph Chandos headed that gal· lant comeback potting seven straight points and nine of his team's last eleven. The leading Maler Dei point·getter tal· lied 23 for the game to nip Steve Fate or Servile in the scoring column. There were only six po ints scored in b o th overthne stanzas combined. The Friars got things started on a jun1p shot by Mike Stanbra, but Monarch Bob Hau· pert got the equalizer. M11..-D1i C .. I Gl~rt Hortin MtN..,tm!n Ch1ndos •on Wllktr HluHrl .. It"" ., 1 l ' ' l 0 ' • 7 ' ~ l • 7 • 71 ' I .! ll ' ' ' . ' . ~trwlhl uo 8 . 6trlow E11'°1 Falt •a Grwll SeYmour S!onbrt Wllilf rot11s fl fl pl '" l 1 I 6 1 D l 4 l n 'n 1 , l ' 1 0 l 7 0 ' ' 0 ' 2 ' \4 .! l • 11 !l 2<t 12" 5ctrt br Qytrt1r1 ,. ' 17 ,~ ' J--M ' 14 1J 14 1 0-46 Orange Coast area junior college track and field teams found the going tough on the road Friday afternoon, losing dual meets to Grossmont and Cypress colleges. Orange Coast was dumped by Gross· mont. 93-52, while Saddleback had its spike debut spoiled by Cypress, 86-57. despite four first-place finishes by Paul Cox. Baird Sparks Marina To 61-54 Win Over SA Cox won the long jump {21·1), triple jump (4().2), discus (122·11) and javelin (167.0), but the most impressive single Saddleback performance was a 9.9 vie· lory in the 100 by Jerry Blackmon. Blackmon also took the 22<l. Orange Coast was only able to win four event~ against Grossmonl, the most notable effort a 4:25.9 mile by Fred Skirde. ·/:{ too -1 EYl n1 (G) ' W"ee"'• !GI J. $hlpl1y (0(() Tiii'>'!': t .6. no -I. Kell• !OCCl J. 5.hlPle• (0CC) l , t •~~l IGI Timt! 11.l. OAO -I. ltyff (Gl 1. liker COCCI J. Dl•o;on (Gf Tlmt: ~t.t. U0 -I. Ungrld10 !Gl l Scllmit1 tOCC.) J. N-fG) Tim•: 1'.$1.1. Mii• -I. Sk!•dt rocci 1. W~lttler (GI l . Moontw !OCC \ Time: t:?J.t , M!·~i. 10-, 1 . ~I!"°' (Gl 1. 5ldrd• tOCCI l. f lme. t .U.O. UO H -I. GtYllt•rt CGI 1. Pflmen>w !OCCI l. Storm !Gl Time: U.?. '-"' IH -I. G..,_ lGl 1. Pomeroy COCCI l . Wl\YT«it (OCCJ Time: 56.,. SP -I. W1clll111Ton IGI 1. Kiehl fGJ J. l urtHIU CG) Dllltl'l(I: 4).JV.. , DI.Ku$ -I. E1dlt IOCCI 7. Wtelllntlo" (GI . IUl"ftlSOr !Gl Ollltnu: l •).l. PV -I. Oetuntr IGJ 1. Kent IG) J. ~le• !Gl H!!!e/11: 1'-6. 1dJJHtiih\·: ~~ler (OCC) I, Clt r!I !Gl 1. Cc.tnell l.J -I. Ho1fl1~ !G\ '· H1n~ !OCil J. T°"'tht! CG) Disltntt ! 12·1~t. TJ -1. B••l'ID (GJ 1. Toucflet !G. J il'fter1011 !Gl Dlsll...:t : ...0'>. «<> !111tw -Grtumont Time: O.l , Milot 11!111 -O•t fltt Ce1st !Kell•. SM•~•• I•~"· k"mlttl Time: J:?f,,I . F1<11! ieott· G•o,,1mP11I n, .:>rtntt ,.,.,1 >l • By LARRY DUNMIRE Of !tit C>.111, Pll•t Sltff ll wasn 'l exactly a Valentine's Day T\fassacre, but the visiting Vikings of (\.f11rina withstood a late, too late at that, rally lo whip the Saints of Santa Ana High School, 61-54, Friday night in sun. set League basketball. Tall Viking forward Kipp Bird potted IO straight points in the third quarter lo clinch the victory for coach Lute Olson 's hoopsters. Dick Ivie hit for 21 points for the vie· tors and Malcom Curt is took scoring hon· ors "·ith 11 field goals. T ~ e Saints led but for a short time, pulling to a 7·2 lead, before · Marina threw in nine stra.ight't0 pull even, ll·ll, at the quarter mark. Marina capitalized on poor shooting and numerous turnovers by the Santa Anas to notch a 24-20 halftime bulge. ri.tany traveling calls and cold hands plagued the Saints and Marina went to work. "Too many turnovers 1" yelled Olson. "Let's get going!" he demanded. And the Vikings responded. Baird now turned on for the winnners pulling down every rebound that came hi s "'ay and the Vikings fast-breaked ta a 36-26 lead with three minutes left in !he third period. Baird dropped in a fol· low-up shot, and scored again 10 seconds later after a steal. Malcom Curti~. the only bright spot I o r Santa Ana popped in a lG--footer to pull the Saints lo with in six, 40-34. Both teams turned on I he steam in the f~nal period as Curtis hit wi th two straight 2;,.footer and the Saints were again with· In slriking distance, 45·40. However, i t "'as Rich ri.1oiser's turn from the corn er and he swished two to pull the Vikings farther in the lead. The Saints couldn 'l seem lo lay in the close shots and Curtis hit for sev. era! more. but Ivie kept the Vikipgs ahead. ~ Jim Galbert. Panesi Afualo and Chri~ May all. hi_t for the Saints and they pull- ed to w1th1nJour . 53-57, before Ivie nd Buddy Moen clinched the win. ,o.v,1,,. 1•11 ''""'' f S Jfl, S111t1 A,,. (M) ... Mol•~r ltlrd .., MM• Tol~b • ' J 11 I l ' U . ' ' ' ' I Curll' ,l,lut lo G.tbert ..... ... WOD01m1lt Orew '"""•~¥ si,.uord 10 '1 n 11 Tolt!\ s~ "' 0111rtitr1 •! IJ " . '" t• " tJ n o s n .\ o 1 1a l ' ' ~ I 0 ..S ' l I l t ti I , I 0 , l ' 0 ' ' 1 0 0 0 ti ,, • 11 ... Cdm Stifles Mesans, 62-54 VaUey Colle1e. Lo B } CC ~~~~~•wrcr ..... •wOf'P"l.,....,..V~•w1W~¥~·~•~i.~tt~,~bw~lµolr....,apped"""~ ............ ~>-+...,~ ... ._,.._~....,,_..~~~11A~"'°~~e8.~~C~'~l~~~~~~~~-IJB~y~E~!Y.!'IL-tL~~V~~~~-<C..."'8rr11~1 .... d~el,_,,Mlaar~.~MMW~i~d~e~•~dloc::Oclk~ed.t-;~mr·-~t,..,..,,,,~.,,..~--~~~~~·'°"'c"-~~1 a C4' decision to the santa Barbara °',.. D11tr Pr11t ,,.,, 11 conae no Closer. COrona dcl ~Tar the Irvine leadership, rolled to a 15-11 lvas pluckJna: th · ed J IChool. Blanks Rust}Cl'S Costa Mesa Hlgh's frustrated basket· marain at the first quarter buzzer and board e miss ayups off th• ball team had ev•~ihlng go•'•• for ,·1 a· s and SCtN"ing. • NtttltY 11.1111 -, S•~•• .. ,bl,,~~y,,...., ~,, ·~ had it up to 32 22 t th half Th a:•·'· but a steady sbooUno.hand Fridav night • a e · e big baskets were canned by Kim MID f"r• -l· ,.,..111ft IVCtl 2. PIH•r• :'II 9 " It " UI I . ••-third W"ib-"I nd S •Mu•,l'WOlll cstf N\!lmt. fSG I 2 IE iucii Long Beach City College's tennis team and as a consequence the "fustangs wa: ~ Wl ear Y Ill uro: f" 1 •Q;I'.• a teve Leech. who had a. '1'&1f tlr!i.: 'r:l.a. · ·-had !JUie trouble shutting out Golden dropped a 62-St Irvine League ve.rdict quarter at Costa Mes.a could untrack ave markers in the last quarter. llo a. .....rr •• , T~:~'...".'* (UCll f Pin,.. tV) r .,1h11 11 u u 11-4a West College Friday afternoon. 9--0, m to Corona del Mar. a rast breaking orfense. At that point, and Wilbrecht had 17 for the gan1c 1= ~'*" -1. Meel6"I 1s11 1 11:ern1 cv1 .... _ 11 11 u 11-41 a non~onrerence match 00 the Ru.suer Time and tlme a.gain the Mes.ans CdM was up by 39-24. But between but Pifesa's Erskine topped all ~corer.a ~J ~~l~/~ 1 !:°'.~ w 1111111 n1C•> 1 ~11i.on •• • ~~ ..A.. t.'0Ur1s. , slithered into the clear off their second 5:35 and 2:53 ol the third quarter, the y,•lth 20. ~ ~ -. G11..:t11t1~ 1s11 1 . .ui1er1oon 1s11 "'''"" ••• ,·,, '"' w l..t" 11 ::'.! half fast breaks and mo-lrequentiv ri.tustangs pared the advantage to 3f.30. .,,,, ••·· , •• , &. "&w;rf !UCIC Tim.· 1·t10 .,. l"t M ... M {61) o--'''' "'· G-,• '· ", ••. ''" ,, -.., 1r.: ftrll -h.J·Kn· "ruc11 l, l"llllOll IVI t1 n"' ,, """' ,, ,.i:;.;1" llfL~e-t. ~m 1Gf:. ,.j .•• I lhan not, they missed shots that sent Chuck Yerkey accounted for two Ytrl><t1 !' r r '1~ ~G.'::~: ~ .... ~:f:A. 1sa1 , o.q nKu g~..,_~, 1~ ! : 1; ;!;n':' ~ ~ ~ 1~ i•=1'f(.~ .1.lt.~ ... '\:!1~wc~» 1t.t0 Mustang coach Herb Livsey Into writh-buckets during the spurt. He and Gregg A1111HJ ' 1 4 ' ,. "',.. _ 1, ~111 1uc11 , v .. ,,11 15,1 "itu11 • • 1 1 :111M111 l a 1 1 ... :'t'r.1, ~ ~S.t8~: tJ: t l:. Ing agony. Erskine recorded three-point plays in ~!: ; ~ ~ ~ 1·:."'IJ!:/ ~ 1/'."'i.-1 1s11 1. •1WC'I' 1511 !;.::.,. ~ : ~ 1: ';:j~, : ! ~ ~ •lad the layups found their mark. the the waning moments of the third period 1te11y ' t • • J,1C•UJ../~ '~ 1 wn.., !VI 1 Wllllltt =~""" ~ ~ : ~ co'w'ri~:;."t~ IL ll Ml "11"''"'11• 9''k°" contesl would've ~n anybody 's ball but the &a Ktngs were sill on top Dltt ' 1 ' • 1ucu 1. ~lii:-'l\i1 l•uellfor·M• tL l l, de-t. Grt't'·~-cc;wc1, game at n •• end but as 1·1 "'' r-3 at the buuer. 47-38. T11tlo n 1111 J• • ,,.. "....,. _ t trwl"C (ffll!Mf"Nft, F•r-•. f o!1f1 'M I 1•.. Tol•h ti 1• • t.2 •·l, 6-t uot:: """""' o.-.-., ~· 11w .1. Sao~ "' ... ,..,, 1r11c11o1...su.... ILl f *'· 1111t111 -°""''''et! ~fes11 could pare the margin to only When Bill Austin made it 49--i2 early k -'• oto111..-. ~IMI tc-r UCI 11. 1 oi "'""'"'' 1111tw ~f F.I Med"'' 11 It I• 11-IJ IOWCl,•t·'· M , 11. · • 0, d h jf . f' J 'od ,i,. COrftnl "~t Ml• 14 1• 11 ,~ .., uc .. '* ...,..,, '' v<.1 11 MIMllll v i.11 '' 11 • n-4 ~1.,., k w•i LOl!t 1111ch t, Gollkn w11• e, seven poonts in u•e secon a • 1n the 1na pen , un:i Musta11gs \\'ere ~l• MllM 11 11 11 lt.-6,l . C1•t111 tot Mer !+lJ It II pt JP l.~t! Sl l!1 MtWilll.flll I ' 4 • Wlltotwl\1 6 J I t 1 lflor?l!Mn I 1 1 \I Otelt ,,,, Wltlt l!'l N..,....., 1 l O I To11i, )1 ~ 1' t 1 ' • I ' .. ·--- > ,. I, • a •t • d !• I. • " " • " • • " " " 0 .t I· . t 0 I, g y ' e t l ! ' ' t • • • ' • , • , ' • ~cia-1~~ , , Barons • NinRed .. F~rTltle ·t E!tancla lllg~ s c h o o I ; s varsity swim team c:•me • wiUdo !our.tenths of a second " of wlnnlllg the v1nlty <I/vision' 11 and swamped th~ opposition in lbe Cee competition In lbe t Eslancia Swim Relay1 Friday ,, afternoon in the Eagles' pool. The varsity •title wenl down to the final event with Lone Beach Millikan and the Eagles ·'tied with M points. The Rams edged Estancia for second place In Ute four- man 200-yard meelley relay to gain the title by two point$ . Cee action was an Estancia wipe-out, with tbe hosts Win· , ning six of seven events and placing second by less than a second in the other for 94 Points to runnerup Upland 's 52. ' Dan Hefferan spearheaded the winning teams (or Estan- cia with a spot in each quartet; 1 Greg. Goodyear, Kit Weiler,. Craig Davis and Hefferan team~ pP In the ,four-man 2()();yarit i braastst~ote for a :Z :OIS.8 c1ocking. 'Ibe \\'illnirig foursome of Hefferan, Don Randall, Steve Webster and David . rDeGrasse • n i p p1 e d Millikan l>y {Wo-t~nths of a second with a I: 53. I in the 200 back relay. New.port Harbor grabbed first · plaC1!: tn only one event during the afternoon, -the Bee 400 free relay . Jay Farrer, Kevln Ashe, Bruce Talmage and Matt Gre(r posted a 3:44.~ effort. Upland dominated the Bee eve ntJ with. six ' first places to easily take the title. V1rwltf • 11 so 'fret -l. 1ta!lln11 Hiii• 7. Manrovl• J. £•11'ljl• 4. Aldlanch s. M1111krn 6. up11nc1 ..... ,. 1:11 .•. • • oo lnOo -edltnes 7. Mllll-tn J, E1l1ncla l . Newaqrt H1rbclr 5, MonrO'lll It. ltollln• Hiiis Tlmt: 4:03.J. 4 :r Sii ti. .. 11 -I. Eltt.nel• (~r. Welllr, O•vl1, H~tnl 7.--MOiii'ovl• ). UpT1no l. ll.1llln1 Hlll1 S. Nnn>Ort H1rbor Tl~,· 7:06.1. ' ~ so tW -1. Rolln11 Hlll1 2. ltldllt'lda J, Ewnd1 l , U11llricl .S. Morvcrvlt Time: l:Cl.l. '11 H tllc11. -I. E111nc:lt ltffffer1n. 'fl\H, W_tblter, r::r11t.1I 7. ~~ti 111 1. Rpll'"9 HI II 4. H-' f:'j S. Mmi'QVl1 f. tdllnd1 Timi: :p.~ 1110 lffi:i-I, 1t1nlt>I Hiils 7. ~ Htr l. U•IM>cl ._ Elli~ j\1f.s~· Mon111Y • l. Mltlllun Time: l 11 SO meet~..::~!· RJ!!~ ~.~lllJ. 14J,l\J11fa,..-r"'t);1!..,'""f1m1; 1:4 .I. Flfllt 1core; 11 Ro111M Hiiis_ " T. ··~~lo r ....... • <. Moorov 1 1' . N......i Mlfbor· '1 6. MUI In .M • U11l1ncl t~ •• 6 JI JO ft'lf -1. Upl1rtd 1. N~ ~,~n l. :1mi~~1111 •tiJ.~·~.3. s. ( JI 1110 nOo -1. Ut~',;a' I. "'-" Htrbor l. Rtdt1nd1 . ltolllnt Hf!11 S. Mllllkt n '· Ert1nc. Time: . • r-·. S0 brHll -1. LJ.11,,,f 7. Mllll•~n 3 HIWPO'I Harbor '· A•dl•nd• !. Rolllnt Hlll1 6. E111n~l1 Time. l : 10.J. ' • . ' • SO fl'I -1. UPltrld 7. Rollln1r ~U~,. J. E111nc.r1 '· Mllllk•n Time: 4 • so bee• -l . ue11nc1 7. Mllllkftn JJ. llldland1 l. N1wo9•l Hftrbor EtltrlClf fnd Roll/n11 Hlll• dlsq~1IU1ed. 71m1: :Sl.1. ' J 1D0 lrH -1. NIWPOrl Harbor (Fa.ctr, As~e. Talrn111e, G•ttd 7. U1111nd J, Ml!llkan •. E1t1ncl1 $. ltcllln11 Hills Tl..,e : ),oM,J. I x lC rntdil'Y -1 UPlt»d L "j"'PO•t HtrbO•_}. •1ifl"1 Hiiis r. ~!I~·'" S. R~!"t"I '-i ~I _Thp1;~ f 1n11 ~or•· t.h>ll~ to. N.,..Plrl I Htrbor I Mh11k1" 4 • l'l.td11nc111 30. R<lllln• H 11 1t. H1t1nc 1 24. "' 4 11 100 ll: -1. U•l•rld 7. E111ncf1 J, ldllndt 4. HIPPOrl Htrbor S. Mon tit 4. MHHUn ITllWI •"2.l. ;\ f.~'$• m!°n. ''~M .. ',,J~,~~11e~ tt.nn.R. ftvlldtrt l 1. Mlllll1;1" .:.~ ~":\,,~fll . MonrOYlt '· UPllM • • lO ~I -1. El11nc.11 I· Motin11on. Rt , 11~111. JollnMlll t. "Ind J . ., •~I• i . Mllllk\" < ed tndl -. "-1 H1rbor lrn1: • I : 11.2. l "' 50 tlv -1. 1!1l1"c11 (L. '"J"m!n 2. ll:t rlt" 3. R. Blalltrmen. Sr>1 111"1 . NIWlflrt Htrbot' l. M!lllkt" ~)~'rf~~-'·'· Rolllr19 Hiiis '· U11!1»d j ' x lC rt -'< £1l1ncl1 ILll!t ll, ""'•'°"' ton, IWlbe) 7. M!!ll~an . ldlt ~4. Monr0111i /· U11l1nd . N-PO •rtlor Tl,,,.: 2: 1.3. ,.4 . 1 rft ._ 1. Elltn,r. IR tllll1rm1n, r1tiin. K1w16-, $t11ndtr1i N1WllCWI Hlr l Uplfnd 4. flolllne i/!~1.s. Monrov i Mlltlk1n Tr,,,.: ' J so Mtdl~ -I EstrM" 1K•!f.bt~ Tu J "RI t 1111 •r, t~:~~r&il: i~ "'•H'1lr.wM~~"f. _,,Fir.el~~ E1t141'>clf.!~ 2. UPll r>d ~~Ni:'!i.' !--f. Tor1~f H~ Losers, J ' • -· ·s948 " ... r. ~loythluhet-lf,.., how a1fllctert londlre opace -pitch tho ball lo lanCI an tho '-r 1 ... 1 (No. I), If tufllciw loncll" 'lpac• It not•a¥11(able, ute • I-lofted cklb.Dnd play .i.o.t of tho bank (No, 2). Avoid playing into the hac~ (No, 3). The thot might lond on tho 1idehlll 9nd,t!Qti ~rt< pr<evon 11111 bac~ down the hill. If y~ ~the bank wlth'a ICM,..ftying thot, the boll will probably roll over the green. • ' 6. INt HA"-"'"-,,,., _ Rangers Tackl,e Loop Co-"leader It's showdown time for the Coast Rangers as they host surprising Temple Clty Sun· day afternoon .at ·Newport Beach's Marinl:!rs Park. seemed to hive in the bq: six weeks ago ls now about to slip from their grasp s~ould they bow Sunday. The Rangers are paced by such stars as Colin West, Joe 11..r1,,.11n "'"' l 1lllC>I Nld'lol1 FrtnQn Pa11t~Jll .... ... Talti. Two-fold Program AtOCffi The Pacilil! Soccer League's titJe is on the line with kickoff coming at 2:~5. A pretimlnaey game will match Ranger reserves with a ·· Shakespearian theatrical group a.od begins at u ,30, Feola, Jackie and' Harry Auto racing fans on hand Ogilvie, Jim McWilliams, Eric Sunday at Orange County Smith, Albert Burns, Campbell International Raceway will Tait, Glen James, Lei r have their choice of watching Wemeid, Jerry Dawson and either drag or off·lhe-road Coach Brian McCaugbey 's Rangers find themselves· tied for first place with 'rem·~1e City after the laltef got them going on a down4ill.!re~ with a 1-1 tii; earlier in the year. Since then, ·the Rangers ha.Ye auffered : a Joss and another tie. ·SQ the crown·_thcy Ken Daniels. racing. McGaugbey's. biggest con-While llDd b u 111 e s cern is getting back tbe punch negotiate ••ter trips .rid in the forward line. Wtrneid, jumps on OClR's new ofi-lhe- lhe onetime pro, apparenUy road course oubide, t be has J03t Iii.• tou,ch. clfagslers "ii\ be perfcnmg Wilb the big game Sunday , :tmide 11 usual , and upcoming state cup play,· ·eompe\tUon starts at I a.m. McClughey has d o u b J e d for the bugeiea, jeept and . workout sessions thia week. experknental v e b J c 1 e 1 , AdmiSion i. II. Hoop Standings The uphalt action wllJ be supplied by 200 mph fuel altereds, B-1as aupercharged t:ars and wheel!land-..r Chuck Poole. • C~ISTVll!W LIE.-,GUI! W L l'I< f oot"ill 10 I ~ \tllla "••k I l 111 El M<lde!'lt I l 716 S." CltfN"~ • J U S Min ton VIiia 1 Wl Or•n91 • 1 4Cl T1111!n l I m Lloillnl lllKll 1 111 .... '"*"" ·1urn T1111h1 ·.O,: LH11111!'11 ' Or-• 0 , 5111 Clfrnl.ritt 51 El Mlldl'nt ''· Mlulon VIII• to FootlllU J.I, V!Mt P1r1i U Tutsda)"I 0-1 L111lJ111 lle1c11 11 Or1n11 T111!ln ti Mih lotl Vlelo Foothill •I S.n Clemente IEl,Modtn• II VIiia p .. GA•OIN OltOVI L•AOUI SUNSIT L•AOU• ,..., w I....,, ... ~I Hu"u""'°" llttcli 12 1 111 Jle 6'!1 ,llntlltll'll t t 71S 63' 6'!] ~'""'""'"' 7 J l5CI '°' 6S1 Ntwaort Htrbor • i 165 rn ••I Westtrn ' • no n1 6.$1 M .... 1n1 ' t 1m 111 61l St"!• Ane 7 ' .,, 1'1 6C1 1 S1nt1 Alli Vtlte-t I f lo&I tM .fttldt'1'1 lceret Hl.>"fillltlOll htclt 61, Wnlllfl\ 111 w .. 1rn1ns11r n, N•"""°" ts II DYw· times) Mt rll'll 61, S.n11 SI AM"'4rn 12. s.-, Vt lftY '5 T,,...,,..l"s 01'"" lj\ Valle~ 11 Huntington l1lcli U;IS) NewPOrl nl Anlhelm (7) Mt rlM el Wt1!t m U:IJJ S1nl1 A"' 11 We1tmlr11ttr U:1$) lltVINI L•AGUI Wlnteroationals champ Glen Way of Pomooa wJU drive his GroundlhatUa .rr: 'against one of the tougbeat 11tered fields ever assembled at OCIR. A B-gu rupercbqed com- petition will wind up the Sun- day drag show. Gate. open at :t 1.m.. and elimfnatiom start at 2 p.m. Prep Swim G1rden Grove LI Oul~!t lttn<;llo A!1rnll1111 llDltl Gtt l!dtt S1nlltto P1clllct W L l'I' "A • 0 .56t 351 Sl ol.!7 '11 ' ] 41l Jto l5 H9S.• l S•6fft 0 • '52 ll6 co.-del Mtr L~r• W L "'" I I 411 '' .. ' ' n1 ' . ,.. .. ¥.i _Sullllllaries ' ' "' "' ' ... '><!' " , IZGAL N<71'1CE LEGAL N<71'1CE · NOTtC• TO CllDITIMlll l'-Dllt SUf'•llOll. COURT OI" TH• C•ITll'ICATI DI' •Ul1Nl1S STATa 01" <All!IOIMIA FOil l"ICTITIOUI NAM• THI CDUHTY O• OllAHO• Tiii undll'Mnt>d don c.rllfV Iii •• ... -condudlM I Mi-1! 1'°26 lleollhllnl .J It SlrHI, Hllnll"t..... audl, C.llfomlt , =~If' ~~:~:y~\i~i~ Lmdtr rllt fkll!ltM """ Ill-fll I/LL '1 trld"'rw fl lttt RIM MmH .... HUNTINGTON \'AU!Y Sf'ORTJNO 11111 t ll ....... -,.--oO ~ GOO!» lftd ltttt wld firm II __. ""• '"'" .... n• Ill 1111 follOWI"' per-., W11-. lllnlol Ill t1-Mid dlcMotll -,..,, ...... fllcf _, -= "'*"· wlll\ ... _,.. ~ "" full tr11 Ill I• II fOlfoMI 1f1t off1Q Ill fht clilrtt: f1f 11141 ltlouti WILLIAM J, I llAZNEY, ":II Oltfonl ll'llllllld _,rt Dr fl! p-f hfll wl~ brtYf, Huntll'ltton llffdl, ClllfOrflll , ""' """"',;,. 'IOIJdltr.1. to tiW Ill"' Dlltd J1t1111rv 1•. ,,., dtnlt nfd " fhl oflla Ill 1111 AllWMY WILLIAM J. lflAZNEY llablrl A. E"lm1rt :mo Htrbof 111'9 Ill C1llforn11, Ort"" Clv"IYt loullYll'CI surte Nurn::r' JOI c0.11 Mete On J1nu1ry 16. ltff, blftrt ,.,., a "''-•' -,. • ·.. •-· , Nol1ry "ubtlc In Incl for N ld Stolt, -~ n II-.. I PlnOMllY ·-·,.., WILLIAM J. bullnt11 ol Ille uncle'lllntd '"•II rnll!Bf'S llltAZNEY known to mi 1, be !ht ~"°" 1111rt1lnl"f to ttlf 1111i. ol 11ld dtndln!. WIWIM "''"' 11 •u*r1btd 111 ...., 'lrllllln w!t!ll" fl:iur montha llflll' 1111 11rtt pl/Ollu· ... ..,.. 11001 Ill 1111• 1111111*, 1"1trvmlfll '"" 1d<nowlldlfd hi nlClllld Dtled F111f'1.t1ry 10, 1,.._ (•o•,,•~,m ..... L ''''' Cllf'tnu A. WllltlmlPll Eiecutor or Ille Wiii Wlltl•rn W, KtllY 111 1111 1~ N'"" •tctdtnl Nol1ry P11bllc-C111fo,nl1 lltlMM1 A. •fffm-l'rlnc!"I Office I" 21" ,,.,,..,. ...... ....,., Or1r111 Co11~fy • hlle ,. __ '91 My Comml11lon f:r~lru c.tl Met.I, c11t11rr111 '2ol2f All'f. 2, lt7' Tth (7HI ..... •llblll'*I Ortlltl co..t D1llY .. ttol, Atlenll' fir ·----Jiii. 2f llld ,lfl. I, •• U, ltff n ... , hbll1111d Ortfttlf C0..11 D11ty l'llol. LEGAL N<71'1CE MOTICI TO Cllll111TOU su,111110• COf.lllT OP Tiii l'ltlrwrl' lJ, 21 tricl Mlt'Ui I, I. lt .. .. ... STATI 01' CALlfOllMIA ,Ok Ul·IM't TMI COUNTY 01' OU.NOi MOT.Cl Ofll SALi ... .... "•1• ... IEIJfm of lll;YANT O. MALL, o.c.u.d. lllAL PlllOPllllTT A 1 NOTtcl II Mftt:IY GWIN " n.. Pa::.A~La CN!lli.... el ... ~ 111""4 ....,.,... SU,..RIOI COURT 0 .. THI thl'f •II HfHM lia'llne Clllrn1 ..-.IM! STATI 01" CALl..OllOA l"OR "'9 Nld cllced«lt •r• ~I,.;' '° fli. THI COUNTY 0 .. Oli ... I IMnl. wtttl 111t lltQltaFY ~rw. !ft '" tt1f M1tt.r flf tll9 E1tlf1 '"" tht lil'l'ICI Ill tht C1'rk Ill '"' •~ Cor!MN•IWll'll11 111 AUGUSTA K. WEDGIE '"ltfltd court. tr '° "'"'"' "*"• wllll (C:DnseN•lff). the ~ry voud\11'1,' to 1'111 u~ Nortel 11 hi,...,-•I""' Witt fflt """ lflnltntf t,t '5'1. e.11 CG!oradt a1w1., lflnl•nef "f!H .. It 11 l"rf\'119 Ni., f'1ldlrll, C.lttoml1, Whlci'I 11 lllt PIKtl Dn or tfttr tM 14111 HY.> IA F*1MtT• of blntr1111 .. tlll Ufld~U11tn~ In 111 '"'· ,, 1111 offkt of TM comtrw••r, rn1tttra Hrlllnll'lf to 1111 ut1tt of Th• Flrwt N1tlonll 111n11: fl Or11191, "lei d•All•nl, within 111 month• 1tltr tocit.d 11 101 Eilt c111-1n A-. 1111 fl"l 1ubllc1non of 11111 nonc1. City.of or1n11, County If or.,.., Stti. D1lld FtbrutrY 10, It#, of Cthfomli '1"9 to ftlt h"'*I Ind l"IRST WESTERN llANI( .,.., bl~r, i nd ,;.,lief te c:onflnMtlln Frld1J'1 SWfft GlrdM Gro'll ''· 8oltt Gri nde " L1. Quin!• 74, Ptcllk:1 51 M111111llt F®"ttln Vt lley COlll MtSI E1t1ncl• '' ... l'rlUJ'• Sutn CoroN dtl Mtr ft, C01t1 Mtu Jl M11noll1 JS, RltlnCll JI AN~ TRUST COMPANY bY n!d lllffrlor Cwrt, t it lttt rllhf, Vtrwlt'r llY -Rablrt R. Htlc""' lll1' ,,,.. lntt....r ., .. 111 C..•rw .... "' Ct1ll MtMI llMJ Ul) W•fltllMIW A111tt.nt Trvtt Offlctr I ... lo 111 tllt .-...11,. llll --IY ., R1ncl'IQ Alamitos 7', Slftt!tto S4 Tvtldl)"1 0111tU lol11 G'tl'!IH I f St nlft'° Gtl"dtn Grov. 11 it91;lllct ll:1flCl!o AlemllOI" 11 L1 011lnt1 L01r• .ff, l'OU"lt l!'I VlllaJ .q WH"'IH'l'I ,_ c,,_ dtl rMr ti Mt1rooll1 OJ loart •! C01l1 ~t.1 !11 Fountt ln V1!1tY ti E1t111elt CJ:U! ~19y Rtlty -I. Colle M111 E11Kl/tof' of 1111 Wlll " -' ,.._.. (Mltoltk SP0111•• .,.., • ) --, ,~-..... <-.. -1 1ltuat.d In "'9 CltY of Or.llfl, C-h' k11001 ffcor•i Trm.'i 1:.o.•.mon. oY HUlwiTz.'Mult'Wl'TiA a1Mi• "" 111 or1ntt,,St1te Ill C.IHomS. ftrllo.!~"1 •,.;~,~I I,·. ~'fi~~--!c'tJi.Ji "' ...... :!':' c."""" dffc;~~r•r/·1~ '-"'' so-F,.. -T~"':i.~T\WMJ 1. =' I "91nnlM •I t '°"" '" "" I! .... " llO'I CCM) J L CWM TlrrM ""'""" • l"tfllltMf' lfne or Lot ., 'TrKf Ne.. ..... I'·•· • • """ : l'Vblll!Wd Ori,,.. ea.rt Ctll'I' "11111 Oriftlll "'"'-~ Mo. i, " ....., Pirate Swimmers Dow11 Corsairs, Valley State o•AHGI LIA~U•L .. , ... I'~ 1~~=~·~1 ~ r. ···=: It's Sydney Omarr Ftbtllll"I' u, 12 '"' Mardi 1, .. IH; ::.. 'n :-~,.=,. t.... "'*~ 1C11fll• n t 1ou sn W J l";m., 1:20 m.t ., Or11191 ""'""'' 1.1111 '°"" ...,. LD• At1..,1101 • 4 m 63' c-iM/'1. ktz~ \~~ JS~!: ~;,.~-ll ---==.,.,...,,==,,---·I 1'3.7' tttt Norll!lrl'I '""" t ti, S.~dltbod< • 4 1SI '"57 lt'O Fty -. 'ct-9'1 CCM 1 LEGAL N011CE SOV111t11ttr1Y --" NMI Let ., llru 7 S 1'4 '" Mill (CM) l. a-CWMI. T i tntnct $Ol,r#I 15" ~I' 1J" Welf al.JI 5,...,,, I I nt 1611 U.!. Cl•T••>C•TI fMf 11 ftll' etnlll' llnt M Lei A El Dotlllo I 1D9 155 lDO FrH - 1. Wlllttlttr (CMJ 2 .-ol 111d T,Kt Nt ..... 1 f!llflOt ..... Vtl...c:lt l t llf1 n4 Girdner tWMI l. llo,11 (WM). Tffrlli ca•,OllATIOM TllAMU.CTnt• u ld Clflfetl'"-Horlh 4" 11' 4t"' Wiii LOI Am1tc1 • n u1 tt1 so.2. And now this erticulete writer who hes •u11"111 1«1-"I fttt 111 .,,. Selll'-" --"'N'''' ICll"tl 100 &td< -1. Mltoltk fCMj t. l.INDI• l"ICTITIOUI MAMI d 1111 llfMI ~ 19 CPllOtl • .,,.,. Lot Alttnltot ,St, lrte 5-1 r•vls (WMI J. ClfonlN fWMr T mt: IT IS Hlllli!IY CEITll'll!O AS Hiii ,,,.. Wiit 11'1' llttd f'9etrdl4 ... So<.or1 ll. Loi Arn1o01 a :~1,os. Free -1. Plu1'111tt tCM1 t been celled the "estrologer's estrologer " ~ow~1,t'lld, , C•trtornl• CO!'· ttmllff 11. 1n1 "' hi* "" "" SANTA MONICA -Orange Coast College'& 400-y 11rd freestyle relay team riced to victory in the final event of the day to lock up a doubfe- dual·meet victory over San1a 'Monica City Oollqe and Sin Fm\ando v,.n...;. s·~. Colle.gc s.ddlebllck .,. El Do<IOo ,, Htl\l'll"''°" fWMJ 1. H•U CCMJ. TN: -•llofl· " "°'"' llWllntn 11'1 1!111 '".. )U .. Oflk1el ·--d• "' .... Ctllnt'l1 ~~ WH ICtldi. "· Vt le<!C!I Si 4:1'.I. d th t I s d 0 ~ Morftt .. .,. 1 ... '"' .... bere Friday. T1111,.,.. ••ma 1ot 11r .. 11 -1 "'°""i. tCM1 reo s es ers or you. y ney marr1 er C".1111wt111 ......,. ,,. fll:tlt1ous -...,. SoU1tttr"1, t111t arte1c1 .,. ~ Velt!'lell it &I'll 2. Woll!"' IWMJ Ji Oflr1 (WM) tkflltl "CAl"ITOL MACHINE" COMl"AHY", T1lt . frlt Oltrld 'llrMI' Miii. ,,,,., '"' 1'lle B•-• ed.., •··ta El DorldO •I La Am'-·· r1COr•l Tlmt: 1:1 .a. J j' ' J j 1· f wlllcr.tt tlece If .'*"'"' tnf lM '" -,.. - --•""' .-n ...,. • ''" ll~!!.L -'· '"" "'-' ong 1me persone &$ ro oger o many 1111c• o1 ...rt11M.t ., "" ee'"'9t1o11 •111 ----·· , Monica, 57-47, 00 &he atr-...""'" ~.":l~~i::i:.ocr11~~ 1wr.111kw, PlitliM 11111, ~J 11 lllc•tld 111 ,,, Eid .,....,,. stnei, Mid E....,,., 11111 louftl r or IJ" d. the relay win, and d~~ ~ ~1 ...: a: .s. of Hollywood's end the literary. 1 • """ •I'll. °'.,... CGl!My, c.itfllltlli., :..1111n11~•·" ""' " "--'"' "' V ""~ l"••IWAY 1.M•U• Clll1 Met.I fUI 1111 W"Q, Dtltcl: l'lbt\ltrv 2. IHt, "•rut i~ • alley State, M4f: w 1. ,.,. ,., :oo Mf!i.y 1111111 -1 ... 0t111 _jd f . D y tco11>0•ATR s•AL> '"""""' •t"" ~,.1, ..._. p Tr.y u o n1 m ~~~:: i:'l~r11 .• ''' w1ldlll:l. MC.t.llUW won '1 most emous sters, is a AIL M • w w.cHtN• aul Hughes w·u a double Sllnr>'I' Hu11 11 1 au m 2a0 Free .. -1. KTmpn /CM'!· ~~~~r~=~~~Woodh .. d ;'1rt1t.et,.,;,:.'ll.~s.---~°"': winner for the 8Uc1, takJna L1 H1br'I , s .,., n1 !',·.:!',.",,,'"·•·Ml 3. Lfl'IOOlll• -ICM. PILOT •Alumn'isl. "l'llkllftt • m" l"ltOl'Wf '" hlll:-If, .... ••· 1000 ,_A • K•11M111 , s m "' .. ~ 1 ...... ,., 0 ,.,, ,_ 41 o1 Mltcallt'*'11 ,,,..., .....,. T Pl u,.; u~ in 10:58.1 Ind' L-11 ' I m IU 50 Frff -1. "l11nklll IWMJ 2 " •• • If Or•nt1 c-t'fl ll!Mcl Stwlft .,. rout ' ant the soo f in 5 It llll«nl l'lr~ J ' .... uo f ril!OUll {CM) J .Of\IYr-1 ICMl C••• Met.I. C1tlforl'lll 41' 11" Wiit .an .n ""' '""' .. .... ree : .s. I· S•'I•-, ' w ut i~,;:1~0(,,1d1111 "'tt'll~ 'c"''1' 0 d f I L1wr111e1 c. MteQuttll soutMri'I nne tf .. 111 '"" • .,.. • .• Fu11.,,.,,, 1 11 a.. .,, merr's recor or eccurecy o via ,., .. 1c11n, "' ,, .. ..,..., ..,..!Oii '° 1111 -.-,. .. ' -MldltY Aler ·-'"''Ii.II • (CM) 2. •!<MY M ' ). .. I '~ SI~ 1.er..... ' -.. " t _ ..... ,., are ~I~ rt,M· !!mn1 Hlllll ... ll"lltltrWI tt T""" 1:06 COUNTY 01" OAAHOE IM 1ftr111 u• Al' Ir" i lft Ja.tr ,_. ) l I t 1 \ four MQulhem C.ut'*1a ~ v.1i....'''W~·:}:' • ....-... =.::-"ill' M:'"'-... t.w•*''"' <eM•i· d' t' b d t I . I I . Slflh·l\nl.c.11Jorn11 ~ ,';,,,,. ~ .. l:tn~:"t.= reJcrv.IA ', _.._y __ L -~ ...... , to ~Ii: ..... , I . '' • • L• H1ti.• 11, JIYllWll " G~~.-•.. '.I. (...,..J; a.. K-. {CM . pre IC ions ose on es ro oq1ce one ys1s ITATR Of' CAll,OIHIA 1 r lt' ..,.. Wiit T0.'7 ""' """°' be -t ked this ••• Ith r M ' -·~I Tnl'I' •• 11 ...... 1 •irk n 100 Free -1. Mal-ICM) • • WL.th d °" """""" ,, 1Hf Mfon -1M le "" E•MIY -tf a.IW I.If ... ,, oc w~ ~1 , occ, i "'' -,........,.. ._.. l~rl'.r.' 1wM1 ,_ L1 .... r11 rwM1 1s ema11n9 . no er you ree vnMnllnld. , ,.,.,,.. ""°* '" 1nc1 ., ~ ''°"' Nkl .• ....,.,. ..... ca\cheble-tiJe r ' , 'I), J, ( C~ $uf1!1.J_Hllll ILTNr~-----.. ~--' ..... m ~ ( for Mid CWfllY llicl Sl•tt. .,...I_. _..,..ILM'-U'!.w.uo.&""Uo""~---l ' m e ....... -.... t Of Fl!b • -cv!/l· ~~elf:! u-H.tbr, 11 Kll'lllMY 1cM ,,_ ~•vi ·fli'CJ ' astrological.forecasts for fun or. el o ...,..,.,, wmltfll H. Wlodl'llld'. ~ '9lftl "'"''""""1 • ..:..!a .,.....,ig, _,.-r8;'eii .. YIMll "L-11 ~-l'rfl.1 -, o' 1, ·-, ,· .. -.. M 1fM "mldlllltt _.. a.-..-~Cll"TIHO Ttft:R•fllt~ h ~ llTlU •Game ha•,.J...v a t ~ 1 ,. L • • Futllf'fon 11 '"'"" ,.,,, J-...,...,_i., 1 • tu'" t f st , · •rt c. MlcQlllln. ~ " lie ... $1Crtttrv tWlt • ..., 111 Llf N " "" "*' ~· _, ,_ 1, ·-1..," ""ous • ~•n o er-<;e,ing, you, • "' _,.., - -"" .,. ,.. ,.._ rmmore. l. .. _ ( ~ ~;u· ~-Iii! ANGii.Wi LIAOU• c (WMI ;: .,..,,, . <WM Tltftl· Wllf'llft '"""""""'' ltMM! .. -.. A&.90 IXCl,T TH•-·'"°"' ... u ddy and ·~ ~ :i. 1 w t. '"'" PA r11 2.s. • 1 • • ' Syd' 0 · • d 'I' I 11t 111t --wt11......, ... wtlMil ...,,..., m•., .. 111 .. ., '"u •ater 1wuu-I;: > _ Nut x , 2 '" m .... ,IW 11:11rt _ .r. c ... __ Mw en1oy ney morrs a1ycoumn .,...,,...,... .. .,.rt., 11111 ........ ,..._" ... clMfll 111 """"',,,._ d~ roada make Jt-elther i ~· °"""'" tott1 ,_ w..-11 . ...,,...... ' ~ .., m ~t::'f;it1; Klnit. ~. ~l I":" ~ ""2" s1 •-1 • ...... tiftl!W sw • ~ ........... tp,posslhle ot ""-'·· t o ·:t"' ltMt.-.:-'""-iocc1. s 1.,..., "'"" • • "' "' CMt Jn the ltllt ,.. '*•-OICVlld . " ..... "' "9rt • .,.. ......,. ... , .. QllO Mlollr Oii • • 4llf .,.1 111., -, wllNli ~,...... llf Its ..,..... ~ W ""' -'"' W ~ fstocll: catchabtes in •"." Lf'l•f .r~..-.~, c 'J.S"'\..,'· S.P'Yli. 1 f...,., nJt::J:f: .... ,~al'*W11'L "1 -""*'"'"'...,."'•1wa. "Trwf a....,,.,.~• I ~., CSMI . ;ii11\Q."1 '6a IT. ".ul I I OI &M II" . .,..l'; .. .._ iii'i'J (OflflKIAL HALI Mid. Ttfl ,_... flf .,,.... '1jll .. 9 her Southland wattrs at thlS ~«> ,.. -' ~r~·~ I: "~ ._ T : :ffJ. ~~lrtcll ... 'S_1~-• 111-nM 'flfh 1111. o::•e (OC • -, ' C Mt!"' Of! ... lln1tt 6f (t O¥ll'-1 _ '""--. 1._._MICM' I,, ...,flry rva -~-.-..I --II' ...... le lie hi -... ~•me. t r Ill (V .... ~ IVS ' tlmftl ..,..,.. WtN lt f fW --T!Mt ~I omot ltl wlll bl ~ It "" ........ ~ R1rrlne unfortsttn'pro-1 ;:: ;l5., , ·~ ' ~,~..:;,'lfTt.",."::!: !11r.-L-1.~ci1111 CN;',l.•~1111,. ~~....-~ .... """..:' .. :'.,'Z.':.""''*'..,. ~I~· these reservoirs will ,..lv:F"i. ·~c~s. i>r..,-!11~,1 ... J;,· 11• .,.....,.. ._ toer 1t;I'.!!? ~ 1 1 .,_. -. 1t11 Clltlrf "*""" 1s. 1,.. Iii! I ~ · """""" "kn1t1 rwMI . 'lY:! I ~ 11~ • ......,., ..._ W c,.ii. A"'""" ,.,.. 1"111:,IT HA1'toNAL planted UUs week: : . F,m - 1, . ~1 '· •"'9 x '' Mllef" °" {WM : ;Ol'.I, 1'11 ...... 1ll'lw. ..... ,,_..,.... h.Nk 0, OIAHOI COUNTY LOS ANGELES COUNTY -rri. r.~l.:O:~J ~l .~1 '" __ • ____ ..... _ .. _._, ~··-"-'-'-' ----,,r': cWM.1 k F~.::"cck~'\Wi w.-rn:,:. c-......... ""' ~c'!':n1"... tM ...... Ill Leci L 1 k e , Puddln&Stone J·fF"F£t?'i-,,. ,_ ~ ,11. ,~· _ I atti ·~ ...,. M'"'*' °''"" c.td 011rr ,.u.,, ,.,1 M1cHA•1. '"· o.uu..t.ND -··--Ir ( • ( I We r~ver Da•t1'ng '"'~ ... ·r· '""' ' ·-.• n ... -" • "" ---'""""'' • ., . . \.U UUG . • ' -\:. Cit · '}~j l"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!:_ ________ ~m~ .. ~1coo•S•Y, ICNVMACJJ••· C.1*.11' SANTA BARBARA , COUN· Ii:'°° ,.,. 1.c.. -1. ~ err, , , Jir111: ~ <WM s. r I ~~-="":;, ....., TY -Late c1c11uma . --::.,,~ ~1.1/,,1:1: •i .. ,:-~ ·--'· °"""f'M' ' "' CoaJJs-No. 1 Th I P1'lot ---VEN'l'URA couNTY ' Best · W sf "" ......... , .,CM ~ .. , vrange. ar Paper! e Dai y ••· ..,.,. -.;,,,." -~· J-it= a:1! t:c IR e !..!lP • .,, ~ , ,_ --,.,..,... o.-'-' .... ,,,.. Cas1tu Like. .,11.., M'\f. · d.r.--• le!ll'IOl\o ••i. GlltliJ Tl!Mi ,.•_-__ .,_,._••-•-·-------- , ' '' ,, -----------------------I I I~ ' I ,1. -·~ • • 'I• ........... ·-·.. • • , ...... ,--·--~~-===;-;.~.;-;.::-. =· - . ·.=::-:.-:-.. ===--.. • . . -. 1• • • • • • le DAIL~ PILOT Saturday, r .. ,.., IS, 1%9 A••.•••d~. ,.. ·~ ,. -- ,., } .. -• , • ~ • • 1 ·.Furniture Stores •• DEAR ANJI LANDERS: Our daulbt.r·Mary was going ateadJ with Arthur. After he left : for.;-~Vtetnam they ex- changed letters three times ·--'lben Cl\lltk-.aPP<ared 00 the ·~·~pe . ·l ·•h \\.; 'Pisces: You 're A pt To Become Mood y SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16 By SYDN~ OMARR '"J'he wlse man controls his destiny •.•. Astrology points the way." ARll!'3 (March 2l·April 19): \'ou can successfully display ablliOes, reveal plans. You get backlag of groups, organiza. lions. Cycle moves up . What was privileged information is made available. Go to it. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Finish projects -get ready for new, exciting friendships. Turn on· charm. Personal magnetism attracts opposite sex. Some of your hopes, wishes are fuUilled . GEMINI (May 21.June 20): ~uiremenls. P(otect pro- perty_. CAPRICOl\N (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): G:~I~ indicated through message, short journey. Ideas abound. You can afford to choose the best; means don't compromise principle s. Relative who pouts is: only ac- ting. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 ·Feb. 18); Em~hasls on money, per- sonal possessioM. Key is to finish. complete. You are able. t'o spread influence. One wbo means much to you confides prob!em .. Be mature, helpful. P~ (Feb. IS.March 20): Moon. in your sign tonight in- dicates you might be subject to moodiness. Stri ve for balan· ce. New contacts should be encouraged. More people ad· mire you than is im,agini;d. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIR1'BDAY you a r e in- message. Accent on ac· trospective; you are dedicaY!d complishment. career poten-to principles, Your interests ti.al. , Stresi personality, ap-are unusual and include ·the ~~ history of science. You delve You gain recognilion for ideas. Opportunity erists for new ltart. Obtain hint from ARIES CANCER (June 21.July 22): deep · for answers . Nothing Use intuitive intellect. Means superficial about your nature, follow thn!ugb on hunch, character. Interests now especial l'y calls, cor· merge with another -mar- respoodenCe, those at a riage CO.Uld be on hori,zon. distanci!. Look ahead . GENERAL TENDENCIES : Perceive beyond surface in-Lunar pos_ ition good f 0 r dicaUons. LEO (July 23-Aug 22). You f~l\iM;"planting • ._<;ycle high · · ror r~Es. Spectal word to cookll>e Involve!! In mys~, CAl>RIOORN:' don't scatter · puzzle. K'J _ ~ to be flexible. forces. Fbrlsb one task at a 'fheJl .4 .JDQ?e than one 1 time method ayailable. D ea I · .... N1t111w with t:. .. al document To o•O~ S....OMi ·t>m1'r'1 ·~ :;;,::::;;:t •~---=:-, """'°'"'~' TM '.lnlt1t ~.Aboli1 ,,A1t"'lo.:i-v, ~--·~ .... , .. ,. ' .. -.-~-'·· , •. ' 1l'>e ll;Y PtLOf,,,.ao.-Gr.-nd ' I • ~ ~Aug. 23-Sept. 22): • Cellfl'• Slllklll. New Yott;, •• !0011. You fJ.Qd, that relations will\ . ooe doseio you inat be sUght -• • · 11 .tr~:. ... ~·ruc·b~ !! Rare Book ' llUlntI'Ol.ll ~ ~,,, \ yr ' ' 1: • mand ~.'Be Observant, ! · \ - ·study LEOmeaall"-_ · . D~vewd ' __ ... ..:...". . . ~~ B ........ .,... lndlcate.i· )'.all , - ' •:~.mucb·thr~u.gb -.CHARLOTIESJIILLE, Va. ! .creau., llldla~.llllportalft (~)-~<hance:llll aJ 4 loose I · 1o ~--. loeclaf--• boird!:by • -paJnllng the 1 ;m 'llboii!a Doi' ire Usecl .., · ~ at tllO umve'1lty of ~·to.:'"~~···~· ,vtiglnla'1 ~nda ~Uy re- • ' IOOliPll> "(Oct. U.Nov, 21): vealea • yellpwed, qiusty. . ~ -aspect today coJr>. • sinelling and wonn ... ten ~ w!llt cbenct1lor gr.ater book. . -•H'"'-IOo. · Spotlight .,;,. Carefully penned 1n b I a c k ·cblldi'tn creative. prQjecl& tcrlpt on.OHi title page o( "Es. Give ol youratlr. Stral&ht~ say 0!1 the ImpoHcy ~ the out cbnertic affaln Amencan Slave Tratjt was ' .. ., ....... n~ c'N • M the slgoetur< or tbe bool<'s ~-·~IVM"". · ov. '""' , owner.James A.1adlfon. Do<:, It): ·Avoid te~ Modlson. rdnrth pre5ident or .IO!llril ael~ -&•~ u.e-uoitecr&w .. · Succe«led '"' , tl!UOlloi» • th0Tw·1 -.,1111enoo: the third • lullr nllt. Key Is to be proe> P""ldent, ._, rector of the uni· tleaL Bt aware of securJty veralty . '\ - lfAtl.'1'·10..10 "SUNDAY 1.0.7 - ' . . Stuailia!I 011l!I O• •• ACTIVE BOYS GO FOR (OJTOH WYAS JWIS _ • Our'Rog. 1.57 $1.33 Cherg•ltl MEN'S AND LADIES' 17&21 JEWEL WATCHES In Yellow or· White. Jill with metal expansion band-s. 1 year guat~tee. No dealers please. $12.97 ea. ACRYLIC PILLOWS R eg. 2.97 SfJN. ONLY $1.96 Fast color ... Always· flufiy ---. ····-·-. - ' " Ctu1e of 24 . i '· . CANADA DRY ' ' ' ' $1.77 ·Your choice or assorted flayors. Diet or regular. . Buy it by the case. > • • , • _ __ ••• --~- .t' . .. ~ -' llSTLE'S CHOCOLATE BARS Reg. 31c. -Sun, On ly 28c Assorted Flavors 1: .• TOLEDO BEDSPREAD Reg.'7.47 $5.4 .:J; Sun da!I 0111!1 'l ' 85% Cotton· 15%-Rayon. 8lx108 and 94xl08 single , · or double hed. ' . . ·" Terra ,Cott'i' Design ALL-WEATHER BLANIErs· ',:-" 'Our Reg. 4.tt · :_\" '2.97' : ' SanMl9W Oals . . . , . ' . ~ .. . . • , ' I • • ' ' . . .. ~ ~ . N~pptd'. themiil~:blanle~ of1 ra~; '!,, • · • nylon-llDd cottQn·bJend, is comfort· 'able wihter ani!' spring. With ace. . ta)~ ~tnding. M~sures 72 x !IO''. Terra Cotta tweed design. -1 X • ~, Reg. 1.91 to :t.22 ••~66 Su11da11 Onl11 ·, ' '• . ~; ,;,. '. I'\~~ 1t J· ,_ , "I r c'.i'Pii1hed,; coUon and Avril• t'lfOD :-slacks with elastic back. Colo~ in-~: ~~lude blue, red, & others. 3-6Xf ·1'4. -CHARGE·fi(l ~ ~ i»T-Mo ~~ew,. ... . '· ~·,,.·s 6"WQRK -8QPt5 -- ~". ice11• 1.91 ., .. 6--fi,,1<;, S unda!I Onl11 -'1}I:' Tough and sturdy, 6'l work ~~ '.~ pJiilh toe sty!ing; ri~h brown. leather ,uPP\t.,~di itrong compc>sitlon heel and. sole. Availabte· in .sites 7 --~o Il.-Shop.K mart, Charge-it! - . -:, I,' ;. f •,. •' - Waterproof TARPA~~N Our-B eg. 4 .84 $2-.9.7'. Sunda11 Onl!I Mea;µre;. 6xB', 10.0;: weight ReWoi!>eof grom-mets,-·comers. • · Oar Reg. 7.97, BxlO' tarpaulin ........ .-.. .'6,43 · OUr Reg.-•11 .97; 10xl2' tarpaulln ....... :,:; .. 9.74 ' " 'r· I ,! • " ' • . . 0 U I i ... Mondoy, rt...., 17, lM DAILY !')I.OT ,,. • F.URY 2 DOOR , ' • IMMIDIATt DllMlY . $Jt:-7·7 .. S1ri ss9 '111 DH. MO. ~ .. llUlll --· "'69 VALIAN'I'. ,llllY fKtwf ................... h1c:..-..w.-.-c11~ """_ .. ...,.,...... ....... ....................... VU\Aflllll'L . -.~;JOAltDNER . ·-'.: .. 1'19.l .,Af:l(E~-:~!;_~!W · ~~·· ---~H~~-· FROM H£ADQU41TERS . · ;,69 RC»A"l»RUNN•R RO DIUllO HEADQIUtEIS · ·. UE U!lfi°'1t MUS. IMMED~ Tt DWVERY $77 dn: . · ·$77 mo. (Y JIY11n , · · ""''--·Illa. tn a. Uc.,.,.,..."*· .n _.. moillt . . . . ~fTI-'~~~-: $16 Down l $16 Maftlhly '62 CHEYROUT 1n ·FOlfD .•. i W1Je0W CPI. \1-.1, ClrltlMI ..,.,..... ""'*'• MulMw•ws:I ... SOLD i,n ...... Pnco $577 ·"'': ~· $1t--i.. $19 Mlolltly• '84 FORD ·s477 ~~ $16 * $16 ,,_:· ''"· MO. "LUI TAX & LICfille 1,..i1 l ''· K.T: AllllnWk . ..cllo. i'IMIM', !!CIWtr_ 'm.lne. . fldwY 1lr~ (VHa im $677 "•'-! .. & Lie. $23 Down & $23 M-y '83 DODIE f.lriHt. A.T .. lll.H. ,_, ,,,,__, ... ,., s377 ,F~U Priw $13 '* $13 DH. MO. ......... .... ........... ·'•'v:w. t.Dlwo: ..... -.,1 .... • )(IJ.m. . ' .$8'J:,_'T"I' ' . . 'I: 1:. ' lie. '·-· ... · .. , ;,'ffY't-i'\'Wft .· , · $29 Monlflly .. . ·:· 88 Y ••• · ,_ . • -'t.!t'.t.- 1.91'1 ·~ $33hw1 $33 Me: Kldlltl "L" ll1l1ye 2 II' 11d. , •·· Miit., bud<llf -.. rac-lnl 1trk1L IUJ£ 7J1)~' '1177 ":' J::· , SJf D•wll &: SJf M•11ttlly Arrt Used Cu With Gold St1I "" WO°/o GUAR·ANTEE ' GOOO FOi lllO DAYS OI 4,000 MIW WHICIClYll COMIS .llUT • At M. cast to YfN -Partl or ltbOr on motor, tr1n1misliOl'I and rttr end. This Mel stat• ln wrtting thlt lN Whitt guar1nt..s tht motor, tranunluion ind rear.tnd 1001' against -for 100 days or 4,000 mlln, wtira-comn first 1fter purthtse. ....... • , / -. JOI OWIGI COUNTY WHY PAY · MORE '64 FORD Gal. 500 $777 s26 * s26lflt 2 daol' lllrct!Oll. .vtorrMllk. poMI' .1..... . Ing, rldlo, "'9ter. CHGll u.1 Full Price Dn. MO. ·:~6 ~~. ~~!! _, __ $877 s0n2'_ * s.Mo2•_ ·.11r~. wsw. cTeA 1271 Full Price ~ - • ' '• ' I ' I• ' \ ' ' i r \ ' r I I I I I l 'I • " I 1: ! 1 1 ,, " ,, H ·: l ' 'i 'I ,, I I I ' I WHEN SELLING' PROPERTY . ' think of p..;;..w-c YOUR PAU~-WHITE-CARNAHAN AGENT .•. is a professional career man. He is trained as a representa- tive of our firm to adv:ise you in bow best to sell your home or otber property. i'llllJnaY bave .complete confidence that your investment is in good bands~ : • WHEN SELLING YOUR HQME YOUR AGENT WILL • • • 1. Give you an accurate ap- praiJal· of what you can ex• pect, for your borne. 3. Maintain an individual management file on your · . property lo keep you con- stantly advised as to the sales _progress · o( your home. 2. Offer experienced advice relative to decorating and ·presenting your home in the best possible ·manner. 4. Send out an attractive di- rect mail piece on your home and otherwise pro- mote.lts sale tbrough tested me~ 8 HOME ~ A_LUES 4 Bedrooms $25,900 + '2 baths+ GI· FHA , wms. lfall< to all schools,. • GoOd qii8uty w /w carpets, custom drapes, aluminum covered patio, large lot. Ideal for boat or trailer. Hurry on this one! $750 Down We urge you to inspect this VA owned, vacant 3 BR home in Costa Mesa that has· been completely recon- ditioned in & out. Near all schoo!J. Large Jot, fenced. Fall price only $17,950 - payments $157 /mo. Owner Anxious to move & has reduced this fine S BR 2 story home $1000. It's a real bargain with many expensive extras Nylon expensive w/w car· pets, custom drapes, clever wall papers in most rooms. slate entry, 2 baths. Out· standing yard \Vith redwood raised patio, 2 firepits. Now only $33,950 • FHA/VA terms. 4 BR-$24,950 Hard U> find • but here it is I ¥ condllioned home has 1% baths, stall shower, all electric bunt-in kitcllen, brlgbl living l')Om with flre- plAce, w/w carpets & dra- pes. Fenced rear yard. Va· cant move right · in. Has 514 % loan that can .be as· sumed. Only $24,950. Barqain Hunten This 3 BR + family room b.ruhe in Mesa Verde is tc>- day's best buy. FuncUonal ...fl-Oor plan 11'8 1 % batbs; all electric built-in oven & r_ange, nice service porch,· spacious livlpg room, w /W carpets & drapes, feftl;ed rear yard. Good locadoll1 near shopping center. Only $:>,5,950 -VA or FHA terms. Spanish lnfluene• is evident tn· this lovely 3 BR + large family room home in Costa Mesa. Walk to all schools & shopping. Distinctive tile entry, 23' living room with fireplace, outstanding kitchen with built·in oven &: range &: D/W, quality carpets & drapes. 13.4 bath, stall show· er. Asking $30,950 -EZ terms. For The Executive This 3 BR + huge separate rumpus room with wet bar is designed for out of town entertaining. It's unique & different & completely re. decorated. Has real charm. Extra-size kitchen + din· ing area. Also beautiful Ta- hitian rock, heated pool with lush tropical landscap- ing. See it & fall in Jove again. Only $39,750. Hospitality Home which extends a real wel- come for high level enter· taining. This 4600 sq ft cus- tom designed. home by Ellen Brook has everything de- sired. 5 bedrooms, ?II cus· tom built CIQsets & drawers, specially designed. wet bar complete ·built-in Fis~er Stereo System. Lovely kit· chen with NuU>ne food & · automatic control center. 312 batbs, 2 separate dress· ing rooms + workshop & dark room. 180" view of CataJina Channel. Ocean & Bay. Price $139,000. Call for appointment. CarHr in RHI Estate for both men & women Tr•lning Program -Profit sharing plan c;all A•rt-"'°'r1of~lflihmthrHn ..... lo..-----, . I P.aul ·White· Carnahan REALTY . COMPANY ... • 1093 BAKER, COSTA MESA .541-5440 ---------------- Pictured above is Perry Zlmmerynan on the left as be receives bis award for being U>p listing salesman f:n 1968 for the entire New- port Harbor/Costa Mesa Board ot Realtors. Congratulating him is Guy Coats, owner of Coats & Wallace Real Estate. If Perry can assist you in any way with the sale of your • home just give him a call at . COATS & WAUACE REAlTORS Gener1t 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 COSTA MESA. CALIF. 1000 General Coldwell, Banker , OFFERS: Dover Shorts Waterfront 1000 . Spacious 1wo-sU>ry S BR borne. Formal en· try hall witb circular stairway. Dining room. Paneled den bas fireplace: Pier &· Float. ........................... $155,000 Mrs. Rau!Jton View -Pool -Value Exceptional cusU>m home wltb unobstruc- ted jetty view. Extra Irg. garage W/work shop area. Owner moving -muat sell. ...................... , .. . offer $82,500 Mrs. Harvey Udo -For Fomily Fun Short walk to private beaches, club house & boating. Lrg. 5 bdrm home w/sunny south patio well landscape·d -55' front· age ..... , ................. ' ........ $74,500 Mrs. Harvey View Lot -Emerold Bay Laguna Beach. A wonderful place to live. Lot located near steps U> beach. Piao• !Or dreamy borne available. Fee land. $35,000 Mrs. Raulston ~ Ccm You Top This?? Custom 2 story Colonial 5 yr. old bome. 2 ba's, family rm. Brick frpl & lg. living rm. Comer. Corona de! Mar. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. Asking $69,500 Mary Lou Marion Boycrest -Choice Area Functional and charming. Spanish tile roof, 4 bedrooms, 21h ba's, formal dining room, paneled family room . Nicely land· scaped 90xll0 lot. .. .. .. .. .. .... $56 500 Mary Lou ~1arion ' Balboa 4 Plex .r-• .$6z;~o ~ • ·Very Modern studio apts -2 br, ahd bJtb + powder room. Close to bay & ocean - $ Spendable income $ -May be seen by appt. Walter Haase Irvine Ttrroce Exclusive Located on Malabar llr. Ibis 3 br 2 ba res. hu lg. lot: Av. 75'xl75' wblclt bacb to Irvine Park. Terrific for children. Huge mstr. freshly painted. Lowest price in Irv. Terr. .. ...... , .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. @ $37,500. Greg Wobl Pri111e View .LotS · 2 vie'v Cor. del Mar fee Jots m'Ust be sold together, R-1, $30,000 each. l R-1 Dover Shores nert U> water & beacb (no pier) ...... · .................... ·'-.. . '31.5M J . Clarkson ove . Oceanfront and oceanvlew bome1 lo lots. Private beacb and ncreatlonal factllUes. Ttnnil els, swm. pis, volleyball els. Tbe1e properties are shown by •PP\Jll only. Greg Wohl ·· COLDWELL, BANKER & Co. 2200 I. COAST HIGHWAY -~ NIWPORT BEACH Kl 9-33JI ,_· $550 . are tbe U>t.al costs a. dQWD payml!lt to a Vet on tbil FAR EAST CHARM· . ER. Complete prlental'<locot enlwlc- es this bea1lty with 3 BRs, DINING ROOM + HlJGE RUMPUS ROOM. Of course, all the built-ins too. Full price only $22,900 -U>tal payiJ\ents •190 month. WOOF· WOOF What a DOG! But you won't bark at tbe price, Check tbe foilowlDg items: !,QWEST PRICE IN MEM VERDE. MOTHER-IN-LAW ADDITION, LOW INTEREST, GI LOAN THAT CAN BE ASSUMED, plus more. Needs buckets of paint bot you cao reap tbe profit,_ Full price only $23,000. ·*OREN HOUSES*· 2006 Holiday Rd. 1707 Anligui Way 1 Baycresl Bay crest Open Set/Sun 1-5 Open Sat/Sun I..! Outstanding 4 bedroom Arti.sticaUy designed 5 home with !am rm, for· bdrm 4 bath 'borne. 1 mal din rm & breakfast bedroom suitable for ' room. OWner leaving maid's""room. Delight· area. Priced to sell. !ul pool. 1815 Santiago . 2215 Irvine Ave. Baycrest (cor. of Heather) ' - • . COATS & WAUACE REALTORS . 14f1 BAK0ER STRE,~T 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. Open Sat/Sun l·S Open S•t/Sun 11-4 CusU>m Built 5 bdnn ~lit level 4 bdrm borne home. Brand new. AU with nice pool & patio. large rooms. Space for Good terms or might pool. Price reduced. lease with option. I UMYERSITY PARK Country Uvlng on JERRY FREUD· CHARLES ARNOLD A Third of on REALTORS · 4061 G•rmafndlr Way View home on the green belt near aduJt pool 3 + family room, popular Edinburg model, shag ~t through· out. Acre 646-7755 Newport Heights -==== This rambling 2600 sq, ft., 4 i bedroom, 2~ bath home has a 32 x 23 ft. living room with 1loor t.o beam ceiling rock fireplace, deluxe pg .......... ...... .. study, proleWonal land,.,.plng, ~.roof • all bidden by a 'lorest of towering trees. Re- duced to $57,000 • call to.. day on this country retreat LAST CALL!! $31,500 OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ' Newport at VlCtorla 646-1111 Co11et9 Paiii 4 -f· Famlly in the city. RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookbursl & At- lanta in Huntington Beach lijls just one home UJlSOld. Thii 3 bedroom 2 bath borbe features a dining room, a 2 story blgJl living room, ~ built-in electric range & dishwasher, carpet .. ed throughout in luxurious bronze shag. Full price onl:Y $25,900 & that includes shake roof & concrete· driveway. As added inceriti.Ye to get this· last home sold we are· incl tiding at no additional cost 1.be custom shag carpet already mentioned + solid vinyl kitchen ORANGE COUNTY'S floor & sliding warorobe mirror doors. Im· SHAKE ROOF RUSTIC. ·4 + Family + bonus room! J\Uge family room with used brick fireplace, Mammoth master with private bath. Mothers dream kitchen with built 1ns and breakfast nook. Priced at only $28,800. Fbr· est E. Olson. Pb. 541-5314 LARGEST mediate possession with 10% down. Sales 293 E. 17th St. ~94 office at Brookburst &.Atlanta Call 968-2929 or 968-1338 anyday ffom 10 U> 6. , Open Sunday 1 ·5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i-!!!!!!!~I 213 Fairway Pl.~ CM 2 BR , ... , ........ , .• Slll,950 HUGE 2 story home · with . Channel RMf 440 Aliso, Npt. Ht" f.mly .room. formal dini~ . Penthouse Apt. 3 BR $27 500 room.· 24flO square feet hv. For Sale 'or Lease, at $550 DAV· 1·-D· ·s··0· · ·N· ... R .. ....i... .,,. .,.,., • BR. , BA. .., ...... ..i;,.ble """'" -••1 ftduced $400'.I to $41:500. only, QH.'ster Salla\lury, I 546.5460 Eve. 546-8169 Owner-Art. 646-7205 Realtor, 673'690(i. - .. Open Houses THIS WEEKEND • .., ....... , di'"'°" wltll , .......... n.. .. y1111 .. IMne lttillffwf. All ... lomtlHI I"'" ... .. •crliH h ......., .._h by ....w., .._, ..... le tMey's DAILY PILOT WANT J.DS. Petr.• 1Hwl11 .,.. Nti .. for .... er to Niii' •• ...... fo ll&t IHll lllfo,,.,..,..• 11 iWa col•-"ell Prll., .. (2 Br. & Family or Den) 2518 Via Marina, Newport Beach 642-3219 (Sat & Sun) * 2012 Commodore Rd. (Baycrest) NB 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom) * 16111 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-6472 Eves: 673-3468 (Sun Alt/noon} 2121 Mirall!@f Dr. (Balboa Pt.\ Balboa 675-4630,.Eves: 642-2253 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 405 Homwood, (Newport Heights) NB , 675-6000 (Sun· 1~) 1129 Pembroke Lane (Westclif!) NB 644-4044 (Suri 1-4) 1901 Glenwood (Baycrest), NB 642-5200' : (Sun 1 ·51 9131 Kabulul, Huntington Beacb 540-5311 (Sun 11-5) 1955 Monrovia, Costa Mesa 541-5311 (Daily 1·5) ** 106 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun 12-5\ (3 Br. & Family or Den) 866 Senate, Costa Mesa 671>4630. Eves 674-0859 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2043 Calvert Ave., (Mesa Verde) CM 546-3081 (OPEN DAILY) 1206 Pembroke Lane, Newport Beach 642-4251 (Sun, 1-5) *2256 Fordham Drive, Costa Mesa 548-0570 (Sat & Sun) 9141 Madeline Lane, Huntington Beach 546-4141 .(Sun 1·5) 1014 Santiago (Dover Sbores) Nll (7141 642-8235 (Sun) 1374 Galaxy Dr. (D over Shores)' (714) 642-8235 (Operi Daily) t147 Glen Eagles Terrace, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun 1-5) 3'll7 Jodiana Ave.' (Mesa Verde) CM 540-4722 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3240 lndi.ana !tolesa Verde) CM •548-2880 (Open Daily) ~VitdeJcr 54S-~ (Sun 12-5) 3301 Admlralty Dr. (Huntington Harbour) HB (714) 722-9530 . "'' (Sal a. Sun noon 'ti! 5:30. 4061 Cermalnder Way (University Park) (646-ll!Jll (Sat & Sun 'l-5) 26117 Oceon Front Blvd. CdM (673-3000 Eves: 815-5764) (Sun J-5) 17661 Queen.swroalh (Irvine) (675-3000. Eves: 646-5227) (Sun 1·5) 2828 Serange, (Mesa Verde l CM 548-2318 (Sun 1-5 ) 3124 Dublin, Costa Mesa ~ (Sun 12-4) (4'Be\!room) , '*101 Unda Isle' Dr. (Linda Isle) l'\B " (714) 642-8235 '(Sat & Su!I) (4 Bedroom & Family Room) * 1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shdres), NB 646-1550 ropen Daily 10-5) 1354 _E., Oceanfront, Balboa Penn . MlS,2000, eves;548-6966 (Open Daily 1-5) 2807'Europa, Meoa Verde, C.M. 540-3380 (Open Daily) 1706 Highland (Westclifn NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1417 Mariners Dr. (Harbor HighlaP,ds\ NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5 1608 Elm Ave, Mesa Verde, C.M. 540-9534 (Sat & Sun) *1749 Skylark, Baycrest, NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5 26622 Vista Drive (Bayshore) NB 642-1771 (Sun 1-5) 16622 Robert Ln. (Warner & Edwards) HB 847-3519 Eves: 962-7369 (Sun 1-5) 2861 Jlayshores Dr.'(Bayshores~ NB 675-SoOO, 646-6590 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 507 Avocado, (ll'Vine Terr. 11) CdM 67:.-3000, Eves: 673-0554 (Sun 1-5) 1940 Windward Lane. Newport Beach 646-7171 (Sun 1-5) 1375 Galaxie (Dover Shores) NB 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2341 Irvine, Newport Beach 540-1720 (Sun 1~) 61lt St.James Place, (Cliliba•en) NB 642-7000 . (Sat & S1ili i-li)": * 1720 Candlestick .Lane (Baycre,sl) NB 675-3000, Eves: 54S-8ll68 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2215 Irvine Ave (corner of Heather) NB · 646-7755 (Sat & Sun l!-4) . 363 Vista Baya (Back Bay) NB , . (714) 642-66113 (Anylime) '2006 Holiday Rd. (Baycrest) NB 646-7755 ·. ·~sat & .~un 1-5) (5 899room) 908 Chestnut Place (Eastbluf!) NB 642-2000 Eves: 548-6966 (Sat.& Sun 1-5) (5 Bedroom & Famny or Don) .10041 SU>neybtook, H$tington Beaclt , 546-2313 · . '(Sal 1-5) '*1707 Antigua Way (Baycl'tSI) NB ,. 646-7755 (Sat &<Sun 1-5) ~1815 Santiago Dr. (Baycre1t). NB •• 646-7755 ' (Sat ~& Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES_ (3 Bedroom & 2 Bedroom) 220 34th St., Newport Beach 673-5536 !Sat & Sun 1·5) (2-two Bedroom & Guest Units) 209 -33rd St, Newport Beach 646-2414 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ' . HOME & INCOME (3 Bedroom & I Bedroom) 64tl St. Paul Circle (Sherwood Estate) HB 962-4471 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ....... ,,,. 279 Brentwood'Pl. Costa Mesa • • w ... ~ .. , 646-7171 ;;;;::;;~(S~mt~1~-S~i=~'~·~·~·=-=.,=·:•:;ifi:•::~· ::;;;;;;;;; ;;.;t..:::...:::=::::::===::=:-~-·~l--::-~-~·;...,.,.,_ ..... ~~·-• ... < ... _l'.;b"""'' ... ::.-.... ·_ ....... · •• · ..... ·--"-=="""-'""''"'-............... '-"'===....:.;C:.:.:;,,;.:,,:c '~·~ ............... -·~· ..... t I i 0 s " i f ! I f I I I I I I • • I • -~--·-------~--------~-~-------.,--·---------~··--·-.~·_____.......·-~ ·---~ ~--~-~~~----- HOUSES FOR SAL<; HOUSES FOR SALE 0-ral 11100 preJenLJ BEAUTlfUL 8AYCREST BUYS NEWLY LISTED! Beautiful 3 bdrm 2 bath home with all of the extras you have u~td-forl Separate formal dining room, huge panelled gl(lle room with mwive stone fireplace, well planned kitchen with large breakfast -area All on an ove~jzed. beautifully landscaped lot. Priced lo sell at $53,500. . ' OPEN & SPACIOUS-take C"ommo- dore to Starlight Circle, turn right 1 block & park your cir in the cir· cular drive & we'll give you the full tour of this 3 bdrm home with some surprising & exciting features. 1901 Glenwood Open Sund•y 1.s VALENTINE VALUE -Price .... duction. An immaculate split level home with a great floor plan: 4 bdrms 3 b a t h s & a huge family room with fireplace, formal din~g room, garage arranged for hobby. Our V~lentine value at $58,9!)0 .. DELIGHTFUL EXECUTIVE HOME -Formal dining room, warm family room with firerlace. 4 bdrms with a sparkling poo for your enjoyment. Freshly decorated -a delight to show. Weslclill & Harbor Highlands SPOTLESS 4 bdrm with a fabulons · '· family kitchen, huge dining room. Owner may consider a lease optian & immediate occupancy -West. cliff area. 1706 Hlghloncl · Open Sol/Sun 1·5 ALL FRESHENED UPI New paint, clean carpets, vacant, ready to move in. Wonderful for large fam· ily -near Mariners School & Park. Arrange rooms to suite your needs .3, 4 or 5 bdrms \Vith family rm &/ or dining rm. Harbor Highlands. 1417 Morlnors Dr. Open Sol/Sun 1·5 OFFICE OPEN Saturday & Sundays " ,. 1605 WESTCUFF DRIVE_ .• Newport Beach 642-5200 I Income Units Twin 4-plexes, 2 I: 3 Bdnns. , prime Newport Beach loca· tion ex~Uent rental area. \ ~~.,;. cpl & drape11, bll·in's, disposals, only 3% ye&n1 okl 1-ASKING $75,SOO each Bay shores I OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1.s 2731 BAYSHORE OR. NEAR PRIVATE BEACll • I Ideal home for lgc. family, attractive 5 Bdrms. 5 baths, Jove!Y lgc. liv. room plus I din. area, lge. fain. room \'fl fireplace plus den study, bit-In 's, w/w drapes, 3 car garage, CUSI'OM BUU.T • i flS,500. ~ "C" THOMAS 1 REALTOR !M \V. Coast Hwy. 548-5527 Newport Beach Eve. 545--5643 Eastside-$18,950 Roomy home on large 66 X 1140 rt. corner lot iooed to ~ild 2 more units. Live in the home while you build in. ebme unit!!. Close to shop-i Pine &: schools, A bargain buy at $18,950. 'WE SELL A HOME '!!VERY 31 MINUTES 8142 Lambert Circle 4 Bedroom-2 Bath • Plus Bonus loom • $149 per .month Owner trans!erred, must sell Otis newly redecorated 2- story home. Ne\v carpets throughout. This I85P sq. ft. or living space prlCed 'be- low market to aell lor $27,900. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th SI. 646-4494 EASTSIDE BEAUTY A must to see. Tri-level, 3 BR + family room, 21~ baths. firepl.11.ce, d o u b I e patios, built·ins, expensive: carpets &: drapes. automatic prage door opener &: sprinklen front &: rear. Call now to see. $32,500 Nowport ot Victoria 646.1111 Walker & Lee I 2043 WestcIIU Dr. !~~~~~;;;:;:;;~ 646-ml Open Eves. DAILY PILCJI' WANT ADS! THINKING OF SEWN_G YOUR HOME, BUSINESS, APARTMENT, ACREAGE? WE CHARGE ONLY • • • 4 «ro SOllNG ffl IFREE APPRAISAL-NO GIMMICKS ) "MR, REAL ESTATE" HARRY A. BOGGS 22 YEARS EXPERIE CE Llcented By olo of C.1ff'lon"---t-'""-Sto .. of' Ohio "DON'l' TARRY • • • SEE HAIRY" Harry A. Boggs Realty frM Rent•l, S.rvta 17199 BrookhuNt-Fount1ln V•ll•y Next to G.mco -So. of W•rner l'hon• 962-6637 Of 968-3505 .. - HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE , FINER J!IO,MIS . DOVER SHORIS -New exclusive listing panoramic Vter b9me ' with 4 l!dnns, 3~ · baths, fam rni wltli wet bar, all oew carpet- ing, luxuri°"' window trutmenl New An- thony Pool, Solar Flo outdoor heate<I. Ex· citing terrace on , Bay side. .. ...... i112,500 ' Call· Eileen Hudson OPEN SAT & SUN 1,S 1218 POLARIS DR. CAMEO HIGHLANDS-:.Enjoy lite Iii a park with private beaches. This beautifully ·dec- orllted home with clutom drapes & carpet- ing. has S Bedrooms, , f~ , room. Move-in cond!Uon. Garden profeSslon8ily landscaped with l>Oautlful pool .......... asking '44,900 Call Dave Cook OPEN SAT & SUN 633 Cameo HigblaJl!ls Dr. COVER SHORES -Beautiful 2-story 3 Br home with fam rm. Formal diJUng rm, large living rm, 3lh baths. All electric kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . $84,000 Call: Ela in Svedeen OPEN SAT & SUN 1518 ~tigua Way WESTCLIFF -Impressive Mediterranean home. Custom quality thnlout. Spacious liv· ing rm with beam ceiling. Formal dining rm . 4 Bedroom, family rm with fireplace and wet bar. Beautiful master suite with wall of mirrored wardrobes & seP.arate dressing rm. Sauna bath, heated & filtere4_ pooL ................. ; .............. i1os,ooo HOUSES FOR SALE /Juccofa i tn_'ii/;,,L Ul/ag• ' l'th &. Tustin -Citt• Meta Excellent locaUon, near schools, shopping and beach. Only a few left. Buy now wblle interest ra~es are only -- - 7% with 20'4 down -1Vi% with 111'.4 Dn. no 2nd -no polnh -2t yr1 on balance f'rlc.iHI ·from' $30,tSO to $33;950 , E1'clutfve Agent 1.1 1 j ' ·' , • ,. . p., ~· palmer incorpo~ed , 1 1377 VIA LIDO , ~ Ph: ~IQ From L.A. Coll MA UOJ4 -------------------. ~------------. WLL-ZL\.l..AL.~~~ Sale~ throL9h the Multiple listing; Serviee"of ithe Newport Harbor Coit• Me1a BoerCI . of R.e.•lf°I'", totaled $4,565,250 for tlle fint, . .. m~ntl\ of .:.I 969." This represents 1, 14 "nit 1ales a11d an increa1e of 33!/J//0 over Jen~ary of last year. ·l!ist your 'property with a Realtor , 't0day. · · . • . Call: Evelyn Gray OPEN SUNDAY -1347· Hampshire Circle ....... ------------------'-. . \UWL.V.L\l..f.L.l.V.L.\.i..K.L\L.Y.L-~<.LW BAYCREST -Beautiful 4 Bedroom COD• temporary home, 2Y.i baths plus powder rm. Farmal dining rm, all electric•kltchen: Beau· Ulully landscaped. Plnsh carpeting & draped. Almost 3,000 sq. ft. An immaculate home. Priced .............................. $85,000 Call: Von Dexter OPEN SAT & SUN 1320 Santiago Dr. BAYCREST -Beautifully cared for home, 4 Bedrooms 3 baths, family rm, formal din· ing· rm. AU new carpeting. Rear landscaping done with use of brick & potted plants. Call: Barbara Aune OPEN SAT & SUN -2107 Santiago Dr. john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Sul,t• 120 Mocco RH!ty Ca. Bldg. . '42-123S • Best Baycrest Investment al $46,IXXI. 4 bdrm .• large tam· ily room. 2 littplaces. PoOI 17 x 37 with diving board and PoOI equl;:nent. Patio + ¥ide yards. C.d.lf. High School, See thill at 1749 Sky. larlc Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5, or call for ·appl Jean Van Der Bonl•n. Canyon View tmmacu1a.te 1plit level cus- tom built 4 bedroom and panelled family room. Lower swi deck. upper balcony. Cl:lunty C.On-idor Newport Beach malling address. Ex· ce.Deiit buy $42,SOO. $1,650 DOWll"· ~'ANYO~ 'I'11Rµ! Bm. ROOM, 1%. BATHS, Built.in electric range and o v e n, dishwasher, forced air heal, attractive waU to wall car· pcl<i. Two car Jar&ge, ~ lot, located on a qWet cUl-Oe- m c street. Owner moviJ'v to San Diego and wants quick sale. The financing is all aet, FUU. PRICE -ONLY $16.500. * * * * ONLY $20, 950 OUR RARE FIND!! Your three bedroom h o m e in EAST COSJ'A MESA. Walk to Westdift Shoppinc c.entu • Enjoy the fine neighbor- hood,.., .......... .,,.,..,.. ground. Luxurious HARD. U-, febMq 17, 1969 HOUSES FOR SAL• HOU J F Ul.I -· ,-..,., 1000 ~.GE ·~TV ' , OPIN THIS WEEKEND 297' Jovo Rood A Moto V•rde Spoclol . DESPERATE OWNER FACING POSSJBLE TRANSFER. Huge Colonial home, ~ block to goU course. Listed at $41,500-make your own appra!Jal. ALL OFFERS CONS!!). ERED -must be sold! · , • 1606 Baker StrMf ·, . ' (Open SUnday P.M. Only\ . !lovely 3 & family i:oom In Mo•• Vo.W otter- ed at no down payment to veterans or FHA terms. Really hard to beat tlli at '25, 750. 2946 Maul 'P11ce, Mesa Verde Builder's closeout/5acrilice -On~·kizid 2 level (not a 2 stoty), brand new custom home near the Mesa Verde Country Club .. 4 Bl\s, large f4mily room with wefbar, din· ing area, etc. 2465 1'q rt Don't be sorry - see it today & let us know what YOU wou1d buy it for. r. 1500 ADAMS ot HARBOR, CM 546.- (near Cinema The1tN) ------- Open Suncloy 12 . S 106· Lindi l1le Drive A Rare Find on Woterfront Just completed, lavish, 3 Bedroom, 3. Bath , sipgle story home, 52' lot. Large spacious rooms, Finnish sauna, walk in cloiets, fully carpeted, landscaped & complete with . uni- float coocrete slip. Priced at only $100,000. LINDA ISLE DEVELOPMENT CO. BILL GRUNDY 675-3110 BAYCREST ------ She'H Love This One! Juat Liat6:1 Baycrest home on qllie:t tree.lined street, 3 Bdnns, 2'Ai bath&, formal dinin& nn, Panelled fam rm with wet bar & book ahelvea Beautifully landscaped yard FH Simple ·~~~~~~~!!~~~~~ Corona del Mar EVERYBODY WANTS BAY. CREST 4 B<droom•, 3 baU.., bar IN MESA VERDE andcardroom,dinln&room, Spack>ua Dream home built Jor young profeulooal fam- ily. Delightful decor, Luse livin& room, hui:e famtly room and ftreplace. Located on street or expensive homes. If you can a!ford $44,000 you'd better see thi!I today. You OWN the land. Submit your smaller borne on our guarantee trade plan. WOOD FLOORS. 1~• 1-WE SELL A HPME ed rear :yard Wllh treeL INUTES PavedaUey -easyaceftSfur EVERY 31 M boat """ ........ A BAR-Walker & Lee with expensive masonry separate children's yard "'·"'° Call Jack Scroggy Res: 644-2250 and we have the MOSTEST FIXfR 2 room &; bath cuest apt., in a dreamy 3 bedroom leclwied patio .l .pobl. nxie heavy shake root beauty Owne!"l forced to aell this garden, gorgeous view, 126x with a FANTAmc FAM· palatial home on tee land. t40x183x151 Jot. Jmmf!diate ILY ENCLOSED RECREA· Price slasbed $6000 for paint TIONAL PATIO. The lCM!:ly and carpets. 5 btdrooms, local jU&t a few block.'! from family room, pool and ireat the ooi.F COURSE. Carpet. potential in an area of much ed & tlllltefull,y draped, you 'll more expensive homes. Now abo Jove its homey living ukirW $51,950. Hurry! occupancy. , JEAN SMITH, Reciltor 7141646-3256 room with iruwlv• !lrepla<e HOME + .. well .. '"wi'pWOU .. · '1"· INVESTMENT •. BAYCREST CUSTOM ficient kitchen th e CC· "'' built '"'· Off•ttd" 01 E9UAl! $1.6,500 2 BR & POOL ONLY $33.SOO. ' Inoorne + location, location, WE SELL A HOME · 2 "'house R2 EVERY 31 MINUTES localio':1-· an · This lovely home feature11 Jot. Will !ell fast at on1y beamf!d ctillngs. r a i s e d Wa.lker & ~ee 116•500· hearth fittplac:e, euslDm , •• • MOVE IN binetzy, ·sunkon Roman bath, mo Harbor Bl"". at AdamJ TOMORROW lush land.,apini: & muoh, 545-9491 · much more. Asking $47,500. Opell til 9 Pl\t l-luge2styCapeCodisready OPEN SAT/SUN 1 • S for YO?· 3 large ~roonu, • 2012 Commodore Rd. PRIME COMM. LAND den or rumpus ~· Exce:I· No port Beoch lent terms • with 20% dn. w Only $225/mo. Priced lor ac- tion at $38,oo:l. JUST LISTED-VA ~ r-- 1PERRON GAIN ON' TODA Y'S MAR.- 'KET. 204.3-WestdiU Drive Evenings call 642-919'l CORNER LOT Easy acceu: Jor bo&t or trail· e1'. 3 BR. 2 bath, hardwood fioo1-s. VA or FHA $187 per mo pay~ all. $21,990 Newport ot Vidori1 646-1111 6t&-T7U ' Open Evel:- BAYSHORfS BEAUTY C.Ome see this Iarie 4 BR 3 bath separate dlnin&' mom. patio &; boat yard, Only $55,000 2622 Vista Drive,. NB Open Suncloy l·S ~ 'P E RRON --.,. . ..... ~., _.,~. 1797 Orange, Costa Mella * 642·1771 Anytlmo * PRESTIGE LIVING at the Beach Newpo;rt Shor.et, NB * SPECIALS I * * "A" frame 3 BR, 2 ba. NEW PRICE Pace11e1ter. 4 bedroom, full dining, 2 tile llhowcn Jl<'W carpet, cloae lo the country , club MESA VERDE We're n1oving .ia Feb. Priced to aell at $34,250. Brokert Jltt>t 2801 Europa, 5f0.3380 OPEN DAILY 132' frontage on Beach Blvd. in Huntington .Beach. Prime location with lota o( room for parkinc for any com· mercial endearor. . I • .................... ,,.. $24,500 Imfl'Ulculate 4 br, pool sized ~~~~~~~~=I* A dream ~ BR, Z.1tory yanf, two paU.., w.e ...... * 642·1?11 Anyti .... * INCOME UNITS ...... w/e•tru .. 13:1.400 ""!!!'"'~~'!"!!""'""""' $92,500 • 29°/o down Newport ol Victoria ing GI loan • 5% %, loads ' * Like new ' BR, 3 ba ram. Pretty Pool Horne of cabinets. Don't del.ay .I""""""""""""""""!°-NEWPORT near Beach with Uy rm ............ $35,750 Newport -$21,$00 FHA/VA. partial Ocean View. 2 -two * On th@ Water, 4 BR, l Charming living room with• BR homes A:: Guest Unit Dbl baths ....••••••••• $45.SOO com pie~ wall of uaed brick pr, 131.500. Coywood Rlty. 541-1290 fireplace ...a. kin&·'""' "ring" 6306 W. Coast ffiway, N.B. bedrooms, dining, 2 separate EASTSlDE C.M .. 8-one BR I'll======== J baths, 2 tireplac.es family Units. 12 years old and wtll· 11 room. built-In apj,uap1 kept Good Income of $6111 HUCJ• Rumpus Near Westcliff shopp~ DAil Y 'ILOT fl ,, I Irvine Vllage ·1 A Oab ol. two S ~ +Famll>Rooa>T-· n. A alnrle ltol'Y and a iW story. Vacant.QWck ~ ---~ @ 127.:iso • Irvine Terrace •1 Enjoy tho cOnvenlloce OI ~ pclou.t A Bednh S Bait borne • in the hub ot aettvlf)i ahopt, C.ountry Club °' Beach • ... ..... """ ""' M. There la a mp rarmap. andodlnire l'OOID. $G-!50G , I Chlnll' Cove II )'OU are eoU. to live •t ~ Beach • wl\y not BE AT TH! BEACH! This like«tr 1 Bdrm. 2% Bath home It just 60 ft from the male private 9UhUc beach~ 185,000 . you. own lba J WllCINYff 1, T11n11 YOll 0. • '4. Bedtocml - e 3 Nice B.l.tM • Air 'Condltb\lnt • Rich Cuoellni: • Lesa than 5 Yrs. aid e Wet Bar • Priced under S37 .om • Assumable ~ Loan e No Points Bay & ... di !' Realty, Inc. :r 2407 E. Coast Hwy., CdM I 675-- • OPBI HOUSlS ; Choice New Off.erinp t SUNDAY l ·S p.m. ' cameo Sbol"es: ! Plush 4 BR .l Den, S ~ ~. submit $13,tm doJ * 4527 FAIRFIELD *l Newport He\ihtl: ! NEW J BR. Mediterrane~· atyle, choice corner. $38.~ * SOO TUSTIN * I I eay,...,., . I Own!r:a new home read;y!! 12000 reduction. 3 A: tamJ Offer •••••••••••••• '4300 ~ * 1131 Troclowtncls*! Your Prftenl. Harne Considered In Exchanp HAL PINCHlll AND ASSOCIATES • --- ' ~ 2 blockt ft'cim 0.0.n ! with putta1 OCEAN VJEW ... 1 Owners Unit 3400 Ml ft .. . Bullder/Owner ~ 3 '1l .. ~ baths, !am rm .. dlnlftc area, -den. Bl kitchen ml BBQ~ 40' x 118' lot -aundeck '"\ wired for Hi Ft • d~ ~ ... + '"""rt. !IHuiilul wood paneling • unit CMr• prep ia po1tttvely deliml, with putia1 Ocean View ... beautiCuUy dKorated • ~ property Ia a MUSI' SEE .. Call for appl. CHILT R081NETT ·; REALTOR '45-012' ExceDent for Income a writr-Off. 131,.., • $4,000 ..... G-go WllllomlOft Realtor Eves. fm.158C 646-1111 I,!\ SPRING .. -•REALTY -· "anytim<" 2629 Harbo!' Blvd., C.M. One of a kind. 5 bdrm pool home with authen- tic Colonial design. Par· quet noon;, dormer windows, C a JI e Cod kitchen &: a weepln& \VilloW tree. mo. sss.sa:i R 540-1no ,.... oom TARBELL 295S Horbor $23,500-Moto Vonlo ""!.~,. 'BR homo, lll bath•, hant. 4 "-'room -$21,950- NEW DUPLEX DELUXE 3 BR Unita Adja· cent to Ocean & Bay on the Peninsula· 77(. financiJli! $59,..,. PENINSULA PT. 3 BR home on SO x 100 fl lot. Choice location. Lac patio .t: room for boat. $42,500 10 UNITS OPEN SUN AFT /NOON 1601 Bonnie Doone, Irvine Te1Toce SPECIAL!! -POOL & VIEW- 3 BR, l be. FA. blt·in gas Home includes 11. 20x40 pool le 1Qx20 pool )wllM.'. Fine location near roU '°"'''" $51,500 ~ wood Doors, double prage. -Lara:e bedrooms, plus den, 2 :ti LT(' $25,000. Huge family room. elegant baths, bolated rear livln& W II M C di RI' fireplace, large cover"!d pa. room with brick firep)a«: N NB P Or "'"2"1 • a-c ar e, rs, ti I ·.~ .~ Pool ··~ .~ ',, __ car ost c. vw-u 1310 Newport Blvd., C.M. o n 1enerous Ml~'U y .. -.., Su.cu y........ ..._ ... ,, boat acceu. 54lJ.1720 kitchen. 540-1720 Who LikH Childron? l!5'8-~T"9~~~E~v"~· -~~·~TA~R~B~E~L~L~29:;;5~S~H~o~r~bo~ro:.}T~A;;R;;B~E~L;_;L~29;:;5~5 ,_;;H~o~rbor;;1 Nearly everyone, So if yoUrl .. future iR tied to the kids General 1000 Gener1I 1000 General 1000 convenience, & protection, here's a 3 bedroom borne on eastside Calta !Jesa. only 1 ~ biles to Newport Hel&htl On 3 Lots! Includet' 4 BR Apts. Jor owner/occupancy. Just steps to Ocean. Super location fot rmtals, 1155,oo:l. Bolboo Rut Ettoto Co. kit. &erv porch, dbl pr; par-R-'-I quet flrs. Low leaae-hold, 30 WtUX. . "'""" """""-Luse -back yard wltll alley en. Solo< a Simple Scrambled W""'1 Puzzle for a Chuc kt. Joaephine Webb, Realtor 700 E. Balboa Blvd.,. Balbol m.410) 2 BR DUPLEXES Lar&e 900 sq fl wlits with en- closed a:arqea " in excel· lent condition. Comer )oca. lion near schools 6: sh:i~ pina:. Owner uki114t $24,000 ..,. ... ~ Sman. BUT .., In The Coziest eve.,,UUng! $43.500. Appoint· R I T m~t only. oom " own CURT DOSH R Ito 1100 ft ol ........ IMq:. , el r 3 spa~iou.· bedruarn•. 2 tiled 1730 W. ~ Hisfrny bath!, 100% n~4n carpeting EVES. 67J.3t6I tbrougbut. Plus ~ family 00-6472 room with open hMrtb fire- place. Not to mention the 18 Extra Special x 36 hcoted ohd'mtr""' pool. Low!y brigtlt and c~rlul Name )'Our tcnn.1. kitchen with ptm wo6d fJh. Total pril.'e 127.600 FHA · VA ished cabirJel&. 3 qui!en •17A!d bedrooms plus 1% batba.•A wall of glau over lookipa: ,....; own '''"""" pn1on ORANGE COUNTY'S patio. Large pari< Uke""""" LARGEST . rot Bat of an on1;y m:rno; 193 E. 17th St. -94 ColeSWGl'lhy & Co, Owner Tr,ntforrod rr-.. ~;;:::;::'.:-;;w---t-ff,115 s.1--<: . 1!04 Horloor Blvd. Luxurioua 3 Bedroom, Pool C.M. '41'-7777 home, F,.turlre Avooado Open Ent. SMc lbJzl with Drapes ~'!"'~~'!!'!'~!!!!~ ---;.-a;;;;;:;;;---1 ~t. Atrium fiool' u • .1. •• Hi...,'·nds MOVlllG p1.n with wa1n1an 01op1oy. ..... uur ..... 'Ibis 1 year old beauty ii an ~ODAY excey~1 bqy at mm Newport leach I' SeUer will pay v.A. or 4 BR 2% baths. huae Uvint F.H.A. points. HUM')'! room with fireplac:e, an I: rtadY for you tomorrow. 2 WE SELL A HOME built-in kitc~n. hardwood bedroom + dtn or 3 bed· ·EVERY J1 MINUTES noon. completely carpeted room. 1\f baths. w/w ,,. .. r. w· lk & L • dropod, ·~· ....... Prio-pet, ....... ...... fencod a er ee ed to sell rul! rur yard wtth alley. Good . "" MllS IOcaUon on eut side Colla 7612 Ed~ JUtr. 646.J928 or """"'.. Mesa. 1.ot1ed tu. Phone ow~ 8c.44S$ of ~140 ;*LACHENMYEI ., 642~!l80. ll5.soo. C)pen•Doi\J tot,,,. 1 ____ CHARG __ E __ m-r-·I DAILY PILOrWANT ADS! ~-tpbantaf ------------------ """""· ~. lilli>ino. cpll & drapes, 1" batha. For appointment lo see HARRY BOGGS REALTY 17199 Brookhlll'll 96U637 968-:15115 $$ SAYE $$ Cause It's Dirty FULL PRICE '$22,995 for a ' BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME\1 ! Evef"Ytblnr >'°"' need • built-ins, double gar- age, paneled living room and comer k>t. No down to Vets · smaU down nlA.. See this one. Farrow Realty, 2IJ E. 17th. C.M. 64M49t. NEW LlmNG R.eal prett)' ft&anled hom& with MW e&rpetq ttiroap. out, new tinancirc A: • IXS'- ner fur accorndatine )'OUI' boat or trailer, -C iOOd abed BRa .l fa'm.ily room A now offered at $30.950 at 1091 down. A ml.lit to see. IM· MED.~ON. S"·SUO nearc:Mll .... OU£G£ REALTY •l•-·-..... i LAlfD .... .._ -dfol In town. - ' - l'UGL.EN I I . I 1 I I I I INAGRA 'L :·-rll.l ·I I ILAYSAW I I I I I' I SEY LAM • ;ri{·.~·· r r r 1· r r I' ., •• r r 11 ·!5-·I !. IE I I • I I I I I SCUM-LETS ANSwElt IN Dl ... ·.A.UNE ------------·----- I I ~. I t ·1 I • l ( I ' IS FO. ....... HOOSll ~-... ~· HOUSES ii!>JI SALll • HOUSES ~~~Lli .•• HOUSES l'OR S~LI.· : • Houri~ F.O'R ·~\f;IFIOOSES '!'.~ltJAL .. ....... _II • I""" w '--....... ,_, • ' ' • i · H -,~ .,. ''' ••..I"-"""' -~~;;;f;;:;;;;~;;;:~;;-;!!!!!!· 1;;;;:!~~~-~-~;-~~r~.:;;;;;:;;;~-~1~1"=•~-=-t~-~k~1W:. Ctnna.-Mat JUO HuntbiifM . • • • . • , unt.,.,_,_ -....... .,..__ •. _.,_ • 1:~~;:;;~~:;;:;~J;;·~tt..~~-b~"';•;·~·;;;;:!;;;~·'~40~os~,b·~H~or~11oo;;!;~·;;;'~·;;;;· ~\405~·~·1-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I· iW Ja:AL il:&iWl-.: .. 11 I .....__... .& al GEMS I• ...... -..... ~ -"'PP•7 : ' AR11mc ' J)UO ~ GINE'S :-:.: IOI;. ·~.::;;. ·J 1a. • • ·1 ' , · • • ·1-!!) • .-.71_n For u.. 1am11y th8t wants som•tblnr more Sinlll ~ .. .,... 1ot or•• c:o..t P,..,..~ 1wui111111 wiiui:. Oii .i .. w· A. -· · 1 , ,,...,. ·•1'"' · . WHY' ••NT" tv .. lban'. Ille ozdltlary. Newport HtlaJ!ls cluu'm with prtce .. match. Two. °""' ........ l~RMl!ot ..,...,u., •• ._ un: llA •'.~··""·~ ..,,. _,..,'~au· ·~.u 111v"l"' ~ . '31;,.,t i.' Vl1th the erpQSeCI beam ceillogs m Wood ... • boilroom Qtl ,._ • * • t FANTASTIC 8\i'% ..-. 30 yr Joan availabi..-. tbe b•llder ia "'*"W .s~" , ,;~ .... '!~ . ..-la• §Pl'Cl.0 ~~'.\':f ' burning fin> place, bright eo1111t:y ~ 0'6'lm -.u.... 111eou Ocean ltvd.•Vlew 'MagnlllcenU, decorated. J""t painted IJWde .. : · -a;o . .,. !his - -"" ..-IMICI llClil!OI "'""""" and private ganlen paUo. Three beclrOoma °'-· ~ Rustic l .......:.... ·--~ • all ldtc•·-fl IAC\ln& · BeedlT1-' '* ~ Ol!ti.rie. 2 'batlil :e1ec1r1o ~ lato-...U -bOf _..,....,... ---~ ou, new. w . pa~r, llOW· """ oor~ tailed udi-.. :lll>W -No' doWJl_ V.YMA .-FHA. ' 'itmii ..• _ ··*· plus a eue•t·.apertment witJi private ~··· • ...... ... mtll. .;-.:,., • choice ........ Joi .... c..-We, lwclous .new. nQO'ey coloz' w /vi carpet;. In NEW ORLEANS mbtUI, • • .,. .perfect for lbe il>law. The. price ,~ been llURR WHlt'E Roaitot del Mar.-placo1 .$80,000 ing. Your own 40' IOAT SLIP off the paUo,• -· --~161 ,. . 1 MO · UP?· " reduce4 to only $28,900. , · 290!.N~:O ... t1.a: • • ..,. • ;c bdnm, a baths, ovO!' ~60Q ag ft. bug~. • -t.ao-·llWI< tHiN YOU WILL went to see ~ Ideally "A" It's Ado-....a.•e' '7"44'0 . .,,.. ~ 0n 0_!,!n1oy11~~ ~..... ·1'111\A: 11v1nc...,, wJOJ-wet ~ a:.1>uuu... aNLL .-.,o..-.TO 1 1~ ...... v• ... •st All · OIUll ·---·~·· . · +tew 'ot'the My; m<idern ali'electm kit;. ' ~N.,'!;...: OOUJ\'l:Wll)y-•a·;..-.: ';=:;;,j~"io7~~yanLi::i;i:r. "B" IJ biautHul •condltion. Formal 'dining , . Wouldi'o~beu.v ..... m:ioo c,IJell. uqQ).jlte crysW ehandeller: Fulf ... wmNJiYw'AU.s.ANi> -.. a. !!alba,· fomlll dining ~ and ttt;. room. large living room )Vll!l Jo~· .of: wood · Owner Wiii FinlllCe * * • * price t88,600. . · PIUll'EMIONAL · L:A.>LP.. c!ten with ialand ,18ll(e. _ '40.UOi>. e-nellng and a warm flrePI~. Cuitom da-· · · In came ProPerty Fd• '"'"•' PL.. EASURE opeN SCAPlllG. r. .. .. · • taJ!lng through .out,'% queen stied ~iooma,, , FOUR BEDROOM • TWO Fully IUmllhed 1 BodroOm " !YI'" • ~"""'' •19QJ f'I'. ot · H~f OF EASfSIDE brick patio entry .. Convenlent'Eualde Joca-, BAnt -•t and two Apt. to hill> PIY,..., rent SA'l'/SUN.,Noon 'Ill 5:30 PM 1tv: u.a, tea-• BDRM. i IN co~·D•L MAR High ~ct. Thia tlon. PrlcedunderJ23,000 ; ' ' .......,. : -·boll>-" and ~Pl.,al~ Directions: -P~Cifie c0..t Highway to Admir-a.r.or.ntn.ooa111..U1, ~i a bedroom with 1arg• family COLESWORTHY • c· o. r~~.~ ::'. ...,,,. : »t.1n.;. .... ;,$41l,too auy, turn "' north .. ,.... the bridge to 3so1 ~l::s.~:!. :;::: roain. alld cov'eie e-tio la o~tstandln& at . . --_.,..., LuY11rv Du..i..x in Huntln(\otl'll'!IOb or ~all (71~1172·9530. er, with -lll·tlluod tilt, only ... tlOO. Owi1er It eager t0 move: 191!4 Horbor ll•d1'...,.. E CM. . f4t•7777 IURR WHITE, Roaltw O..ton>"jj;ji{ s sJ:'... s MORTGAGE SlltVICING ASSOCIATES , OPENS TO. GRACIOUS out ot state , -ownerloat......Sand .. ..... oell ,hia .Fsedroms, 2% bath home ' located Oll trff.llned atreet ~·BackS., ...... ·~. Spacloul.Y,ani :wltb ... larp swimrnina: pool i ~~ beautiM borne i& treshly deci>rated aM I ready to JO• I '.f $51,500 j::in: Jim Cobb \ !f" Rel. 673-1864 ... Family And Busfness ER Ol'IE ROOF, Tblll ~ bu ever)rthin& you CiiuJd. hope for. 4 Bedrooms. ri cmWert 4th bedroom lnto den ar dining room. Two i b&thl. 1au.ndry area in- bullt-ina. Plus bQP pool lob., decloilw. The youna one1 ci.n sw.im'wblie ~ rons. the stift.. ZoninC ..;..Jtt -any lciJtd "' liddma .. property, HllrTy. jpt lillild. Won't· lut. V .A.· ' ........... J' Jtl A. mnaD down. ,WI SILL A HOME IVERY SI MINUTES alker & Lee * 646-7171,' * I * 546-2313 * . . Open All Doy.Suncl~y ,. ...-•· · VU. 2801 NfWport Blvd., N.B. ..._., home plus 2 aA-2 FOR.MAL LIV: ltM."6: J\T-, '7s.4Qt . -~"• "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!;;'!~""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!! TACllED"Dll'llNQ ·mr.; 3! -==-=---_--· -=-..:=--=---=-=·-== - ' . "Oh. What A hautlfut:MOmlngl" When Y.vr' Addreti 11 1 bath Apt • ......... • *$&2,WJ ; . FI'. LONG. • * Llolo•hle o. U61 Huntlngto,\ leach l'llJO llnlqut•ldtchfll. tam:rm.. ~~...:= --~-~--* 'Ille lluffa * Lats of Lats -=; ~ j =r . -11\eM.. 30 rt'. LONG,' l!:x-. c Br· <a Dr,. a, Beautlllol Ocean and Cnut-[ICI01 ( 'liiiiii (h · llf FEA~.._hdwd j " Den) 2 Ba. Tbe -K llne Vlaw l!ulld1!1ji ''"'· ..... s,aclool , BR.. ... ...... ea~r lllan R• . cablneU(_ l!l!iT·INI 'li;,u!G!, lay ,....;:.., "'xer · · · · · I )>Ian. ~ ·-11p1c. 1o1ns EmerU1 BiY ;. arta _,._.~•.c1ecor ,_ .... · __ . . s ELF Cl.EANll'IG DBL. ~ .-., ' ,• ,. • d• ~ Brkfut uea in kit ·2 en-ot $l.IJ),<m'bomta. Owner .e.ctude-4.,~Jot s6t;» Just take over thla Mi" OVENS. D!SflWSHlt, i:=:i ~to.., ..... = tfl, <l . e .-patlce. -· .. -will bolp'tlnaneo .... $.'17,:IOO LIDO R£AL TY '1ifc. Joa,, anyone qua1llles lnr !:~· D~>e~Ml' LAND. Price llMbld UM'I ,na. Walk to 1tort1; ICbll, ~ 3400 VI.a Udo 'eTWsJo thlssuperbaBRa:aepara.te .-no Oftewanat·flm:rm.. •-•. ,;.. .~ , . .:T! OPEN HOUSE DAILY 12·'4 P.M. t•Mla.club'a, l'&l'k. l30,9!;0. ~· • • dining room, .2 -""'-STONE FIREPLACE ~. 'j.':..~;;;.,,. 103~ 105 ·Lind II' Isle Drive, Newport Ilea ch By owner. """3!,'_. biith" built.in nqo, -. A wrrH WOOD llEWN MAN· -Shown by •PflOlntmont -· · Bayft'9ftt D.,...~n dishw.,bol'. Brlel: -· TLE, 5 S!'OOL WET BAR poolan a' ~ .. cr-mautchpotonti&lmore !_ SSS S/4""'. SSS 11115,000 • 2-three. BR'•" hUge oovered patio a, ..a,,. W/SINK. LIQUOR '.£Al!!. ·-. -• I 0 Y D R E A LT Y '" 332 M.,...n1e .. CdM lllS.OOO. 3 BR a, ;wo Bii's custom exb'u.'In an excei. NE'!' a M111110l1ED·Wµ.t:: pensive homes. Now ukin& *9 E .• ~ Coti,t Hwy., CdM • A7S.5nl Wettclltt CQltom bomt, by 67US50 with Fireplacn leot nelgbllol'ti9od. walldnc Tbls cuatohi q\Wlty bOme $51,950, HW'1)'! g owntr. 3 BA or 2 BR. Ir dtn. I~""""""!!!!!!!!!!!!'""'~""" Walker Rtalty distance to schools. SUbmlt bu ltlXUl'kJUI W/W ~ Just Llttecl-VA OWNER' anxious. Mok• 01• O>artnbw · Ir. cir, Ira. kit. lnvost Nr, The Ocean 3336 Via Lido ~ yo.,. down """'°"" , "-tM><ut 1n -<Mtce Immaculate• BR. pool tlzed ter. Nr'J!&d< Bay. spac1oua COiia Mna 1100 Many opeclal leatum. Nr. s.~..;.'11• !':!!... ... !:.2 .. ~ I '!!'!!!ll'""'!!l!!!~ll!l'l!!lll!l'l Only $27,750 .o1AGco1ESor:wrr'" n:H. wA~EA2!!:: )'&nl. fylo patios, IJl1e tx'I a BR 1% ba. film rm. Quiet ---------1ehla It lltOret. J>rictd below -~... _ ...... -u l&UI BY owner 2 Br, -i ha, frtilc, ~ ,. "-41:.U ~ GI loan, • $'i4 I}(., loads atrett. ~ S~% loan. Mee 1 bdrm. R-2 ZONE mrkt. Fee Utle lancl. Immed. type beach home or use u bltns, playrm &: ba. Beat Fl RST LAUNDRY RM. y0q ·Would ot cablnetl. Don't Dtt..... 2808 Redlandl VACANT. IMMED. POSS. poueaJon. Duplex. or build 2nd home Lido bey $44,500.. en•> PIONEER; ~-•'home 'et ffi!s irbe FHA/VA. -!Utr ~MI wm * $12,500 FuU Prl.. OPEN HOOSE SUN 14 "" beautlllol 40' lot. 615-5023 .1;.,1uall1> to ..U tbO!i- !3000 do. Ownor wru oarry -STAN SMITH ;:,,._ Qn.~ Call Finl" llndt -·-ma:- •• ~,. :RING'.'. 21/J ACRES M·l 2"d TD. Drive by U5 E. The ·llUffS Realtor ·• m:mo ~'.!,::t,t~-:0:8&. 842:«21 a....,prlceol · 1.-A !>PR~G 'C::~ ~-~ ~ ~!"nn1·000, WlltonLOCKHAR-callT ~~ .. -"LINDA" INVES1'0ltS Spedti 2 nice N..., kit°""""· 675-2643 171n Beach Blvd. cu-19 $3),950 : • .., .. • T ""' -,_ --~· • 1 sn. -158.ooo°" ~4!'.'_1o1.;.. s.~!!! hwy. -· FULL •RJcE r.a · ....,.,.... • n•-with,..,,,,,. Real~ 646-2301· 64><ll67 518.29111 2 Batbt. On major ~~' ••~ Hu~l .... on ... cl)· .. l.•-. come"Slattr In Htn. lleh.i r ... • ..... ,'lllllF ·-v rreen belt ~'d, drp'd -'-==-====== "' .... -. • 6l6M9' er 5464158 ' BDR>I, 3 ""· lamlly rm, Many •xbv. Shown by..,.' BalllN Ponlnaulo 1300 HUG.E ADOED· :$J79& DN:PYMf, 2629 -Blvd., <:.M. :;:. ::. :.~ fu;...":'"9.;..blt!':: ~ cl:..~~ ...... _ ~798 LOVE • FAMILY ROOM . ~~~y w/apf&' in Uv. nn I: hall. sprlnklerw, nr aoll CG\U'le, leach with ·swediat. fireplace. PfnJc FULL BALANa: 20lll. Spruce, Bade Bay "'81) oq It, $<1,:IOO. by.,......, llEAUTIFUl AT FIRST SIGHT & white !arm al>l• in mndel MISSION REALTY koa. By -.-$22.000. Trade income -QUALITY HOME Fixer Upper =>dllion. Corner lot. ...,,.., 513-7ma,-11'1""846 2 Br. a, Fam rm, 211 Ba. Frarudybeacby,butpleuant throUghout Seeing It bo-~it.,"i~~~ ! BR. tam nn, ~· LR. htd X1nt arta. Prfcm Right! 3 BR home neat Bi& Bly, Startins with the IuxUrious lieving -Only $23,900 • #3()) 1100 pool. 2251 Fordham Dr., o,,ner. &Q.3211, OPEN need•juatallttle11.C.Price l&ndscapinc at the entry down&:asa:umentAloaii.. THREE ARCH BAY : ':;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:= Open Houle. * !WMJS?O HOUSE SA't A SUN. 11 right ($35.000), ~ way to the huge yard with -Paul JOne_-Realty ·* Cbannmg-home-oll itftet I• ! BR. Hqp tarn nn, 1~ II right by owner, and lo-ilgantic covered patios in M.7. 1266 Eve-a. 536-'lllC to af.reet lot -3 . BR 3% BOYD'S 1.1n BUYS Mffa Doi Mor 1105 BA. l'lr Marlnen Parl<, cation " ....,.ttonal. Iron~ playhoule, ..... room Yacanf/lmme· d ,. o· s. Ba,. ""•'·"· compl•tely a.II 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I Westclitt Plaza. Ex cond; BURR WHITE, R11ttor for a trailer a: IW1!nmirc-modenlt aecluoot patio ··a: I• fenced patio 0 w n e r ~1 N-·-• Bl d N P pool. The inside . ii just a g·~e,, ........ ~~ ~ v le w· 'BR f 1ll Bath • ' ---~· V " ' ' •-·-lmmaclllal 3 h 3 BR 3 bl'"• J600 • -" -0-• $2•950 r Im, 14 ~ 675-46l0 !ln1. 67US.19 ~-' . "" · ·~ oq ., $11,!00. * PJ,Y •$0 ,500 • ., _· . 's'°'BR=-;~-d"'eo",-poo1=-.,:-pa'"'tJo.,.. bdrml, dinina toom, ~ trplc, blt·ln• ~.c;l~~r. FOR ·-A ·FIXEfti.UPPE:R" 3124 Dultlln Plua c&niete4 full7 enclolld LR 32xl&, crptl, . drpl, ate 14x16' tamlly rpom, fire.. LdW dow11 le a.s.9Ulne ~ · ;tt;s _ if Yoll: wan! a ~ . . s :BR· plua ..... 111 . baths._ 12 • SO·llooul ....... For beaut landaeaped " ...... MINI. CUTE plac., qualll> bullt·lns " loan. Ow»er, wm PIY all Old Spanish home on '" R, I A, I; :r Y · -~ , = ::tt:=:-s· l)tn, F~. and Gmtel .. secluded. Fee title. Reu. Doll HOUN on penlnlllla :1.°a~~:~~=~-= TR::OewaN'os RL TY. -fttite··IJied Jot wttb big 203$ w,,Ballioo Blvd., N.JI.. 0 l!N SUN 12' 4 $32,:IOO nu, GJ. m.ao6I poin~ three bedroomt. nne · · w.scin · or · a~~· """ a oe... view. ,... ' 67U000 .. , p • LLOYD BARNETT I BR Waiiiiliiiit No. 62 and a hall botho, llreplace, anyOtmnnlyL S25,900 --... ,.,....U! BETHKE $2',750 REALTOR 673-5420 Bal .... C.-. $10,00.0. Jredble-.NtarchaJ> THIS ·"IS IT " REALTY·-· .... 2333 E. <»ut HwY, CdM Prot.r trode lor ......... nel ... puhlJc beach. A FIRST . mw.t roolbeauty !arr srAIRwAY .. B<icli:· DI> 12 llical!le ,Units 2617 Woatmln1tor Pl. will iontlder °"!fl'. 5411-7771 Jewel Rodueed to $38.2tll. PIONEER lot, • • =· ptex, 2 Br ea, lower ne.ey Loc•tecl on E11t1id•, 3 BR, 1~ bath&, available M11a V8nfe 1110 OWNER ~ ·Nar · Open S.t a Sun "l..S ~ ' =-'*1::-.=·.::: ~~ttd. .. ti.t.W ... ldtct.. Cott• Mesa F'HA -a 11ttt f.am1)y home. ~-·1s ~ ~ m 21~t '-"'•""1·1;Jir. ''The One to Call F1rlt'' coveied "patio.~ A ft&! Nee. $76,~; . . . . . ' Otttysyeanold.•rpts....... su ... , .. *OPEN HOUSE. Lowly 3'thSt .• NB.rn.b llURRWH1T11;1t •• 11or 842 AAi1 ~ .. ~.f!!.1SO. a1 ..... ·mAtlOH ·mlLH.l ~ S BR. 2 BA. tarn rm. New 29IIl 'Newport ·mvd'., ffi.e·. ..,... £".nn. Bl/ltitcben, cenm!c Ille Ui SN Woat lloy •'·· ~t·r·. bl.,,. Beaut No__. He'-'-'-1210 67' .,_ .Evff , __ ._.. mn Beacb Blvd. (H-19 Pe I J••• R lty bath& .. ldtclten -• 3 BR 111 bathe, new·eupets h,,"!..;;·· I -"'--.,-· • "''"' -~· .... . .. , . u -~· .. R" 'L' es' 11"TE apaciouJ unit& •. vacancy I; •P,"""'""'·· __ 1,... lnimedi-..... ..,.. w •Y•11•-111; · COJ'?l'r Slattr 1n Htn. Bch_.) ~7·1266 Eves. 847-8919 IOI\ n !~';;~~ :.:.;:;·•:.::;: ale;;~· • . 1:'~:0 !Z.too. Owner. OCEAN VIEW 1;L;ldo;;;;l';'";;;;;;;;;;;,;;:;;1;35;;1 VA no down ~~~ '-~ •--II?~ this ASSUME low f1lA. total Nearly llO" Ocean Vie'< by · . LO•-3 """' BA" ;;:~~~~t~~loon.. BOYD pymt $17'11 3 Br. pan den Day • Q&rld.lnc lllbta by KATELLA or. auume FHA 5"" Joan. •: sR~ ~.~~Ho: sideration. For additional . REAL'PY· A fam, Jri, low maint. yrd. Night. 3 BR.~ baths. trplc, Lot Valu .. Udo 3 BR. llxU .,.rate Wnllf citru. tree-a on larp 1ew1· info call: 3629 E. Qiut mwWY;•CdM: Newly painted. Will take hobby nn II tri~ prap. ro0m. 'hdwd tlocn, epts/ ocean view lot ·nev beach CHILT ROBINETT 675-59JO 200· $26,!00 5404722 Maltecflerol!<D,OOO.· FREE. channlnr omall REALTY drpi, ..... pelntedlnO!dO'.r. entranc.. Prhati -· REALTOR 645-0!28 1 it 3 H::~~/~f!:''o.t, 91'Cf>•j4e ::::.;;.""".:::h:::t'\:.1:! ·ta NOW PAYING nu~~ REALTY Bo< M·'llllDall,y Pll6t •... HURRY'• ·HURRY! Take 11mi SJOOO. "'""" 611% loan.. •-"" Vta :="142,!ltlO up to 947.ssn ' tve.. ,...117• L'l!una. Nlgual 1107 ... 'U Total pymnt $190 mo, Ml , I l A L t T RE'""'S •·-utlful . to "'· you open up rl ,,. 800 0 Mary Harvey 80% . rv DELUXE 3 1lr i Iii , .... your hNrt to the cbftry ~82'Z .,...., · w n e r • Near NB Poat Ofc, 6'6.241f O t69S • $.195 DOWN te.1• ~,nclqd.··A· ~= Mesa Verde warmth of thll ·3 tlR -e. ~· • BR. ~~-& 2 •tory -In <Xdtlllwo' u-~ ·-• Extra p1e...,.. tncludet tu. BY OWNER; 4 BR lll BA. -• . -~ -...,, 3BR111bltht.lmmaaulalt. entry, ..... eupetJnrA!arre fAmlly. lrplc, Chol" loea· N~rt Shorea 122D Comm1'ss' 1'on 16S01q!t.1Dlilo"1ltne• love1>·-. .view; -· Lata:e $19,000 mA Joan can covered paHo for thole lei-tiOn. Walk to IChla. frMwr TERMS to lul.t er 1eae oP-paint. Vacant Quick move-water IOftentr I: e!R: "IV· """""'""'·Full price only '"" dayt i.head.121,t!OO tr .... ,..,..., 5l(% n!A. tiOn. 2 Badroomt. Den but Coldwell, a •• Ler·& (e. In. d-; -1 yr, -.',.W,Jltll. $23,500. a.,. fll.200. SICl-lnO -·••"·· 2!9 .~•--. ...._. """" Coll 147altll IW'FDAL IUI> !~ with t1i% -. -O) · ERNIE n BY OWNER• M ... vm1. ;;;;,'";;,.,,.,;:~sOO'.C:U ..:;~=:~ a •lie for HAL MORR OPEN SUN 1•5 · •99-41SI · . Pacesetter. 3 BR. & l"amlly owner 54()..2991or642-2835 ti622 ROBERT LANE i<c:t'lT AL.$ . CLEVELAND Mil!!utCwfHwy: ~~~~'.°°' 546-3081 BY OWNER ....... nail.. .2 Best auyl · <Nr. Warner" Edward1l Ho-·fum1-· .--entona. ~el Illar 575-3745 4 BR 4 Fam, 2 ba. patio, plUJ, nr. beaoh, 2 BR. den, CUL D£ 'SAC S::,~~,!. 2sW,"'..llf.' Gan~rol • 2000 ~~~'!' blk/fence, dbl pr, 1eos ~ ba. iz,soo. li4W32.f after 4 Bedrooms. wit!I 2 bathl. ....._ 143 Bro• way 111 Elm Ave. OPEN SAT &,.,,•·======= lar(e comer lot Room for Two story houte ·oo-~t, R •. Q. SLATES, Rltr •. ;Us; 3 BR. 1 badl..JenC.d ''. • Evtt. 641-14S3 646.4579 cozy & WARM SUN SICl-9534 . " 111 Jarr• lamlly ... pool. Only ltl'eel Four ltfdlOOlm, --847.J519. Ev,., ~1309 yald; W/w, ChU ..... OK. ~~,!~.:,;:'.:;: Haine & Income " thll 2 BR, home neu Open e-s.11son Wottc I 1230 l59.!00 ·rood"""' Uy room. Newly ..,..led.' *$17,950 Owner Brok«·~ !I -•·• N--• Hei~ll nn -~• -~ New vork Aw W t 1111 p ti Owner ANXIOUS wants oft· 1t. -1-~ · aw conatruction. 3 ~ 2 blocks to ocean with quiet ..-.. .,.... ... .. ...... --... • II c r11 11• 3 Bdnnl + MUla Rm I: er NOW. $2S;soo. r ,. .:i Br, ~ Ba, blt·b, trplc, R1ntll, ·to Shara" -~ ~· 2 baths each untL 011 well in your back yard, n., tnJ:& 1trftt Good me lmmac. 3 Br. 2 Ba. &: fan\ 3 bdrm, 2 ba &: farri nn.. ba.thl, tree •haded South Pl· BURR WHITE 'R Ito dbl rar. 8322 Mwtu. Or., :r.Pfced a1r Mat, fireplactl, nettina: you Sl50 per month ~.=-1or ~ture potential. nn. By owner. 546--1170 beautlfully decorated, priced tio, newly cteoor.ted • im-, •• r Pacillc Sanda. 2 blQ N ·ot WANTED -Youns lai!j to electric lritcbtnl-"9,500. with.21% taxdedi.x:tlon.All..., Coll ... Pirie llll ~!o:_.are.a, 139.950. ~· mediatep)Ut11i0norltue/ 67~.r~!wportBlvd .. N.B. Indianapolil. 3 brka E 0 ot ·lhate ·beach area bome On 'tor fUll part1culan and mineral rl&hta included wttb ~ -'"'t.Ml.1. _ option. -.iv Eves 642-2253 Beach Blvd 1 m.Ue to ~ch. w/same. 675-.S!JIO aftlr 5 ~"-·to"'· thit loTt!y 2 BR + lamli,y Aa 0 ~ 3 BDRM, 111 Ba. Coll,.. l'0.!00 • iood terms GI. FHA wl<<t.,.. .. , '.'DAI !ha~~~:::-;:!:; 7 ~ =...1l:°r.». ~ by,_1a_c,k_s$1a~.v-1-,-1-.-·12-40-m:,•r~tr::_~!;..747 •BR 111 bath&, -brk:k Minutes lo Beacll ~r ~ ~.!;~ ....., $5800 potential yearly m. exterior, shake roof, double Lup 4 Ba,A 1amlly dtniJW ·Wemnnt.er ...._ --~C~ . RE ALTY come. Prlc@: $39.SOO. Pleaat N'ear NB Post Ofc 646-24141 :N~o·w·e!~rtiiillo~ICl-.h?iijil200iiil A REAL BARGAINI ::.-ri~~J =~ = room, 2 pullman baths, fire. Coif1 Mesa 2100 2¢5 w. Balboa Blvd .. N.11. call =tltia• with F&l' . I,· Charmlnr 2 BR oldar home. 'l'bla w..k only .3 Bd, 2 "" pat!o, lireplace, 1Jx17' dinlttr p\M:o, qu"111> bllilt·lntt. lt<p .,_...._,_:=:1 67S-now v RUS11C CHARM . JUlf . Reduced . Frpk .. hdwood lloon. moo· PLUS 2 patios, top too. room, built-in,.... • ovou patio, lenced yerd, "'""" l ·BR·-· pu1q luntJtO. 64&-449Cor546-2'159 Owne'r Wants ~11.,~X.:::Z.:wooded attOn,cla.e 'toNont·beadt & dlahwubtr. FHA value ~extras. Muat•·to ed. AdUlll; m -peta.· Call ,; Three Withes Open Sat/Sun~~:'.!. bli:: Offer ~ :: ..., .. pal"' bniM, $4s.soo "•1'400; "0".°""1' ... v.i; :•·i. .. submt• any =~PM"'" ...... . ------- '!..":";..::,'~.:.= 613 PIU;.a,. CM. neu......,..ochool. E.,,. .601 St. Jame• Pl. = .SU:.:'li~ :! s:i"v~R~~·..ai Iii!!· . O.NLY S24,950 ~·~• dol .~r . 2250 .. .... over. "'·--••Mt to Ul'81r • I nomtcalJy priced at $27.950. Cllffh uU;d•~B~ull;;dlnr~!!!!'~6'J3.9300;;;;;1'iiii~~jfioiii'flmifrii FIRST • -~;,~ .,...ie ' OPIN SAT & SUN avon +din rm. 6UaMll I!! i5lJLy PllDl' WANT ADS 1 '. " Ji11Uio0.. ~ $235 mo: Newport He 1 1~1 Former ~11t H°"'9 · .1 .. 5 P.M. ' Bdrm, 3 bath, cllnfn& nn, DAD..Y PllOTWANT ~1 DAILY PU.Or.WANT ADS! mt!NG·u:sut.TS! PIONEER 2 Bltllouie Ulllml-11~ mo. S.bOol. and all ~ I BEDROOMS. Sinrle story '66 Sonoto, C.M. family rm, l500 "I It llt!OI ==:::::::,,;.,:==::=::..=::ii=""=:::i:::::.,::.:=i0:::::,::;:=i:=c:E:::;O::= -· Davit. Raa!IJ" c·-.• -~ =".rnJ .. • ~ ::"'Pllll. '•, on 'llrJ< lot H .... tamUy IURR WHITE, Rooltor opace, ~ ~ plus ._ .. _______ ,_ __ ,_,__ .. _·--~ '.'l'fte One to Call Flnt" ---·~ -··-+ di"' """"tor ~er.-'·.,... . 842 AA21 a.1~-4-·teahll'H. 3 bedroom.I,, 2 , wn" ....... _....., 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 9SCl d_/'IQ~. J'\,' f)~ flilQ.• ..,... --""' ~fireplace, cptt. ,and :.:i""C:-.:'~F~~i 675-46l0 l!na. 67Ul59 "o'.:!nsat.&Sun.1.S p~,J.'i.Clq l.)'}.-11& r;iq•p ;drapes, double pnae. con-""""" lo .. --; .... , or by appt: Mr. RobinlQn =,!:":;,~~ lU;. ~-; ~ FllEE RENT Davia Realty ~i ... si...p1os ...... bltdWonlhnlcf.,.•Ch""kl1 • There is not 10 much *LACHENMYER 'ntree bedroom house pl"' 642°7000 ........ ...., <I tho twallable ;, th~ part ot SP •RKUNG duplex. Bey thll and tel ""· llJ!!ll!!l!I t.. 10nelt.d -i.o. .... ide C.M, Hurey, OWN'· ,... ants cany the load. Near low to fotl'I fovt .r,.i. .... fr·...-. a bedroOm home, 1-w. lchoolt • churches • abop. up X 'N IL V I O ' v ' . . ' l nm Beach Blvd. CHWy· 11!1 COftlel' Sia~ tn Hin. •• ) 2 BDllM FURN!S.H·ED l!OIJSE, Pen P o I n t. ~bed.·--. clbt ........ 1111. wlnt.r, 1225."Y<M!71-.-lf5..4ISO I 'Week.ends • r ~ . ·~~:.:...==----carare ua wocklb6p, boat "*1c • in ftltstde Calta Sharp Unla. conveNimt to ~J<l'--~--f-"'!"~· ~~~·-:~i~~·~~~~ .~wporl Splnlsh ed. -i::.-1'0\V· ., ru·~ WHITE, Rtollor ~~ w:.!.llh!.;.:": I~ IA DM .... . _,, "t;;~ ... ij;:~ll 2901 Newport BJvd., N.B. Bdrm cnmtr'1 Unit with a _ "" I ' ,_aln V1lley 1410 ' MEADOWS HOMI lllellt1IUI 4 btdroom. 211 batll, tamlly room -.., . . • , ...,. IQ. It. .MAIGlllw: ,_... '7MQO E... '42·2253 cheery 2 Bdrm VOi& ID P1Y • I j · j I .., tee --'>l l IS R.olhNI• c;.A( your ,..., • $43,lSO. • • • • bClrm. 1amli.Y ""· ""'· :IGi SQU.UU: ,1'£ET ot liv-C11$Cl !J(tcbe,, 011tom "'"'° k ing .,.L Maul"" 2 story PROPERTIES WIST ITELOS j I .~ ~ttm ttJnKcbout horae 'With tonnal dining 1C121 ~ Driw • • . ·l!Dme;Qopts.drllloampltlt\ room. family room. double Newport Beach j IJ I' Barroom gonlp: "Ht hosn'I _, all -$151.000 .dWoi' llr•)hce,:.W;,.g..,.... 675-41" . ~::;-~·;:;:::· :::....,•n enemy In tho world. Ao !'.Owner. SC9.mo1' 4 . Uriitt. . drtve A ownlr.ed iot. A !!!!!!!•-..!!!!'[lil'!lll!' ... 11 ho thorn II ,; ~/nio-Lot 1211110'' llttle bit o1 everythlnr tor F.....m1Pmlnclal IUTl,OT , , _ · 0 .• 2~t5 ' 1 • Owner m"" ..U , -Ji2 $41,liOO. C..l.L J,L BLACK Lure U"'1>tji0d lloor pi&JI. i-...., 1 , ...... 1-,..-~, ~1 j,....j O Comf>lat. tha dtuddo ....... f liiil,_ -..!U,1JO -~ .......... , ... $211,aoG. 51G-1151 HerlllJ• R u t Bade a., cul<IM&c. Pleue btf,lilno " tho "'"'" - • like -thl)i ..,,..,,!! 2 ·~ Celt ... ~ ,,,,Ett,,,•"'t•=..,..,,,..,,..,.,.--= call ltr appl -· . ,... ............... No. 3 below. !.tiape~~ .....=-:~ ~~ .. ~ .. ~ .. ~ ~ ~~.~ d=~~ r ..... oL: ~-... ?. • r::w.r:al:.u 1 1 r r r r r I' r 1 ' ".-•;llJJIJI , GEN~~ llM422 all extru. -·FHA A lllr" !'e'g .. ~ - . i ' :AllllLL ., ........ DAILY Pnm •Alfl' Aiii V'.l ---i ~ imiil I I I I I I I t . I BRJNGRilltJL11U --"~""~·te~El;;;.;;ephanc.;..~11~?--·---a<ARG-· __ E_IT_! __ l ___ ~.::~::-::~,~====·:::::::::·:::·~·.::~·==·.::-~·~·--- ' ,_ ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~.,-~~~~~~~~~~.....,~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~---·~-~--·~· ..... ~.~~~~~.~~~~...., .... ~~~'"'"'!"':"' .... ~~~~ . . ·-······ ............ ·····-··· ... ·--........................... ········· ... ..._, .................... , .. _ .. , ........... . ... ~ ............. .: ............................ :--··· ... ... lll NTAL5 ' . ~ENJAL5 • ' llNTALI Mood.,, F-11, 1'1119 DA!lV l'fUt RENTALS llNTA~ ' . 'RIAL ISTATI "· RIAL ISTATI :--;J!!+!llllilli~*i.!1111•~.!19-~*!19llil!*!lllmilft 1..Hlu111 ~ Hou1• Unfum...... .,... Pumw.t *' c.... .. Mor '250 -1 ..... --i;;;,~ ....... ;;;~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; •4 BR. 3 Ba., ref., f'l., l;P;;;;;R;E:;V;IE;;;;;W;;;SH;;;;""";;;;;;;l;N;;;G;I :*·• .. nr. PA. Y DAiil --· ..--= SPANISH =Jc.~ -" • :::J"" t?'A;,dtla,;,;oo"""pe;:ta;:. ns.mg==:=: ' °""""" -ohoJ Nat-ON I PENNY Dawn '"'"'"""· oe)l-ov· ~ Vf!i&·can maw Bali... ·' 3300 M. la' lmmodla:.ly, e Sl!NIZi 142 BR. I BA. ,. .1. ., aAYF.RONT HOUst' e Llve d'lt Cll1fornla lite u Grell-location hi HuntizW. 3 Br, tirep&aor:, ~ vJn:. l u .hoWd be lived at tobBMcbonHamiltonAw. ~ ~ .yi.. Unfumhhod AplL Unlumlallod 1 -"! 0-.ol • _ .--:-""'.".'~ 1-,.------,""'l'"'llOcl Nowport _.... , 5100 Hunt ............. 5400 ...., __ , -· -- • " JI ' I BR, 1\1 blk to _,., 2 DELUXE otudlo, i BR, I ..... __ '-'-nd Ba. bit·•···-· BA.-· patio, blt·lnt, --OUT -"'"' Mllll, no pet& l2Z 2 hlocQ to ....., Adult& Dlolee or Two, l150 • Sl'I!. Yearly. ~ USO. 14111 OUve, H.B. Rltr. ~. • LEASE, \lily.;· Oceanltonl s BDRM, """" drt>o, hlMiii: • • OUT • unturn. Cotltacl: JODN Rlty, 'No pet& 1 chikl Ok. 8oba Office Rlnt1I Nl<fo<Anl... .... Chica • Fd,_, ,_ 1----=----6~0 b.;o 1145. 113' GE l.me LAGUNA lllAOI 6070 ' UPPER DuJ)lex, 2-Br. $160i l BR Townhoule PoOlt. fclub 1 Air C.ncfftiened AWAYlll PllOM : . betwMn. Brookhunl and ---lolhe l 1f. leue. ~ults, ho ptb. bowie, ~w cpts,' drps, P&Uo. ON l'ORES'l' AVENUE smog Hlil"I-. 1 ~.MOO See by·l(JIP•t.-olnly. 1 All appliances. $ 12 o. Desk IPlut a1'&1lable tn clutter ..., ·.-· rr· ~ Miu White m.9150 MS-1019 • 1 new.a ofllct baiktina ar traffic NEW 4 ... BR. 2 B·a ,, BhiokllW'lt·N. or Adams 2 BR. 2 Ba,. q'IU, <fl1>s, QUim' l bdrro apt, older 1 iC. loc:e~ 1n ::: nol•• Wlilddy1 W1nlf Whiddy1-Gaft • SPICIAL CLASSIPICATION POii beach. . . . . Qulalb' 3 &: • btdrooms, 2 .l 3 baths, au one 1tniy homer. From $32,400. Month. lY A1Ymen1B from $288.21 flbdudlrc Pll.°11xes·4'tn. diahwaaber. 1fow; d bJ : ~n() 962-298.l bttna; ad~y. $UIS pmlO!J or couple. R2tired Uooed cupeW. ...:.,.rlffri.,1· TO 1ar.: ~.care ~\ed; l!\lll!!!ll!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• I•;"'=.,.=·,,•;•:===""""":""':':: or 1e_mi-reilred, util, furn. -~ ..... ~-..' ... =T~ : ' NATURAL -N SWAPPIQ • -_,,, ""'-...... -pd • • A'• 914 C&llfomla, H.B. · .,_':'..........,.. • 0 c-.n, drv 1lr MCut _... mo., .... er · --1• • ~ • _.._.2 entranees· 1'ionlq'e oa ' af2..S993 ; 1 t; l A• UnfumlafMd hit .B~uff( "-7 2 BR, 1 BA, crptt, drpa, J'ottst · A;e mz 1MU to pe.ce & quiet • Spad1l -s .Li--s t1..,.-s """" 3 BR. Smalt~ yd, $140 -, • 1 ••• 1f. 1 blk ocWl,· 1135 mo. MWIClpal .,;....,.,-loll. ilO lokff )Tfy ........ 3 Chi!<!-.p-; -I'll 5000 Prestige LUlollllllft 84"4085 ... m .. lb '" ...... ~ flohint • ltUll!S -AO MUST IMClUOf: I-WW "9lt-..,.,. te ffMt. ..WW Y1141 W11f1t fR'~ I Nr. Beach Blv &: Slatfto• $ill; 1-BR., patio, w/w, ~. 2 BR ~ bathl, bullt..U., w/w and ebaJn af&ilable tor $5. 1Wfm"""' /. )-YOUlt .._. illld/W ........ .... .._ tf ...,.,,.. · ~INO f'Olt SAL•-., ttAOb ONt.YI "• . ·turance. . . ' . u )'O!.I ltt ... quaUlied ~·t m can move in 'l!i th:>ut 09' .penny down • • , not even cloalna: c:oata. 17654 Van &ren SG--7123 drapes. Child &: pd OK. For 1-3e, deluxe 1888 aq. ft. drps freshly pa I n I e d Bulfneas botn &uwtriQC · . PHONE 64U671 CONOOMINlllM 2 u.. 2 -.,.._ ' BR., ''° ba. Apt Frplc, susimo. "-'· 5!0-4483 .....tee s,..U.bte tr• SlO. OTHER REWARDS : · To P.i-Your Tr-• PorodllO Aid ' Walker & Lee, sales A1ents ()pen 10 '\11 duak <&ijY • ·!168-3136 . . ' SHfRWO()D ESTAm . . . :·.''by.the SEA . , ha.th$, poOa. $1::6 mo. Prop. drapes, -ci.rpets. wet ba]'t' All atilltiea pDI ucept w .. kend retl'fft erties Wfft e.-030.--Coste MMe SIOO priV. balc:onies; dbl. pn.ge S.nta AM' 1 5620 telepl:.one, Lanll Investment , oll klkh. o-....... dbl. l)AIL'f PILOr " Nut & •r,rlcot 9' .Wing NEWLY cptd. &: ~ted; 4 oven, pool Convt:nient to VERY dnn 2 BR. 2 Ba. m FOREST AvmtJE h .{, .. •· 2 Ba · --· '-le _....._P'I·· --'--•-•--a· .,.. _ _._, A..t•• Priv. patio, . -' Fis re sing · T:OWNHOUSE 3 St, 2~i bl.. Beaut. ippt'd. Pri\.', patio. pool, cl6le to bi¥. Vat. $32,0», low dn. or T.D., Clr or ! Owner M6-66S4 ..... ., ~-..... f-1 1' • HARBOR ,..., KiaJ<JUI • .-...... ......""' t',-IUIL~"'"" LAGUNA BEAal Alf11H11 1rowl-Nr."9Chl., beb. $21i.i847-400&· lion. pool. Nk:tl ~a. ~...,.,, 49t-M6l5 ··• ~ifUn• ~ • 1,US GREENS ~~k ~~Mis ~ATf S. A•• Holphtt · 5630 * Modern Office$ Parcel of 1~';;' yeilr •wn ;~~lf ~ t::f.· "~"EOUS·~·.m"•lnnl NowportBooch 2 1 .. Single or suites. Alr condo Own you ewnl•ke Wl!l~torGa'QotMs ~ ...... -$ll0 MON'I1:1 : Br., new.., itionlng ~ tmial Dryer 1D lib condition. Call this week; 3 Br •. 2 -~ BACHELOR. UNFURN. ,Mgr. Apt. 9 decarated; cpta, drapes, service.' central·i:a~on. Land la •llinc r people are 142.5689 , Baa'"' $325 Mo. 646- 2508 from $100 · • ""'' 1 Child OK • ...._ c. Rohm Nattress Realtoe increulnaty becomlniaware • --··.·•·····bdrm-• . 3707 t Al.So AVAILABLE l iiCoiiroiiiinli1ii"91~i1Mliiiiriiiiiioii25iiiiO ' 1552, O~ARD 23> E. 17th~t-of the potential In Silver &:";t;'lO--..cre on.rwe 1 • 2 &: 3 BDRM. Lagune 8Mck 5705 C:OSta Mesa &u.1485 Valley, 18 ml eut ol Bar-crovt. Want hone ranch or ~=i!~llllllllj;C JNEW , BR 2 BA. ""'·mt. "'•'"Pool• Chili! ea,. ~ -Execlitlve '.''ww. c.1H1tY WAIT? •Pb. BKR <>i-1'3<J. • cpt, drps, pvt beach, l mi C.enter, AdJ, to ShopPins -in~ 100 CLIPF DRIVE ' 'Owners Aft.ntlonl· golf club. $Zi0. 495-5593 No pets allowed ...,, •rt• LUXURY FURNIUNFURN Office · · 22' Century Inbn:I., has all ' 27., n... w t Hu --.G .. -in-Mfor.e-the-rHI-@Xtru,.....C.C. app; eqUip. Op you have rental units RENTALS , rci.crson IY, a · Yearly Lease. l 6 2 Bdrrns. · app1wc 700 •liq, Jt in push _ m•k• money I I + SIS RT. Sokl new $7500. \~:i bave aood tenanta from. Apts. Furnished bor & Adams, c.ost& Mesa. ON TEN ACRF.S 1t1pa to ShoN Ir: Sbops new Building by Oi'ange Winter price $4295. Trade ~11,ioua years and need • Si&-0370 1 1: 2 BR. Furn a: Unturn Oceanview from every Apt. . County Airport, Available CALL OWNl!R tor am&ller boat. 546-9812 ~ • WINTER -.and Gent'r1I ,. · ""4000 Frples / Pri I Patioa I M>m $150 mo Up. le&s. immediately, s.tlj mo. oA7 =•• .,-, after 5 PM' u .,_ •--........ p-· •"'"UAL rentals tor them. DU rear apt. Eastsidt Bk MY 2.-.,..,. A'"" Bkr .,.. .........., .... .._ ...... ..,., • """"' ·~· v ~ .. , C ,;,_ •••• BR 11 · Pools. Tennis • Cootnt'l • • .,.... ...,., u•...-..wv • to ... -~--, for M-cu .. &&e .• c.ii our ren~ dept. ~NT . .l\I. 1 • .,..s""" , v1ng '."),•tt/G ~ ~ II• 1 ... ~., ,,._ ••• RED room, dining area .• Large fsL 9 bolt ., " nen. Extra tarp MEDICAL -Protesalona.I Home Park. c.umci" ;;;tment ~';mi de-3 Rooms Furniture den with tireplace. New car\.' 900 Sf.a Lane,. CdM 644-2611 2 BR, patio, pt:, VIE\V, Suite11 for lease. Custorn Resort Property 6205 Aaent 646-2629 or ~e the besl: $25· Motith pets. Newly redecorated. IM'acArtbur nr. Coast Hwyl Sl.85, util inc. 494-JOOf remodeling avail. 18 7 8 2 10 + ACIRES. Omice PK 1 • m _ 434-5958. CARP -' ~.~, ·..,.. hbo~~ Ad·"t• Main St., Hunt. Beach ., In •-t _ .. RED ET Rlty FULL OPTJ.oN TO BUY "':i:': 11351 ''~"'or Corolid9 Ap-D1n1 Po1nt. 5740 (1-213) 4J5.-8Z26 ll e nor ve11 .... ~ .. .,.~~~~ P.U. -Buick ~ in Stude. Rental Depl 67.S-3663 (Refri&"eralDn.Available} o,...,. mo. ,.,. No. oil ramp. nivc•......, Power-speed, Oean. For, '2t!J.5. ~-Balboa Blvd., NB. ~ '·No depostt o:a.e. SfS.3483. 2 BR. unfum. Penthouses-'l BR, c&rpef!I, built-Ins, ~Rf CIVIbl C 4~ComR Co. $3950 per Acre. Euy VW ~Sand Blay. Walk in LIJJCORIOUS , 8'. 2 -..._ H.F:R.C. *LACHENMYER street Ievel.wtudio&. AD elec. earat'f, private patio, No uUJ<..-.:a sulta e .... • Tet'ml or trade, ~ van or Roadster or ? ll582 , ~ ' R I kltch, d'~'-washers· some _._ildro I& l19U tnerclal, Medical. Dental. FOR RENT ~-••----''-·N-A·-, S.A. ... -1 - •. Fam nn. hld -•, Furn1tvre ent1 s MOVING FEB. 2llh ""'' · ... ,. n ·or pe ••-__ .. I&_, __ ,__ zu.o1 oua.i1uuuu1 ~""''' .... ............. .......... 517 w. 19th. C.M. ~ frplc1, w/w caJll. & drapes. Diana Or. 496-9615 IUC""mflll.~ $70....... M o.u n ta In Cbnd()mlnlwn .Tool box with toollA.J.cond dtlldreN ,play a r ·e a. 1568 W. Lllcltt. Anhm 174-2!m 2 Bdrm&-W/£'ar&ge $110. 2 ctt carport Pool:.'1170 to KEAL ESTATE 541.-5032 OR 675-U64 sleeps 8. 675-tl30 valued approx $3oo.. ~ Gardener & pool service. Adultt only $200. Children O.K. 673-:tJ78 Gene I for small economical tn.ns. .13!fl···· •• ~ Fountain Valley. HOUDAY~Pl..A21A Water .. gardener pa.Id 4102 E. eo+st Hwy, CdM ::--:-'-'--:---SMALL Office suitable con-Mount. & 0...rt 6210 portatlon. i16HI~ 2 ba I DFurn.ELUXEapt.' '~!~P·ll.,·Bdemulil·. J>.n •. 0..6~,,e ~lvl•O .. A.pt. B CHANNEL Ree( 1 yr lsc Rent1ls W1nted 59'0 tractor, dl!trlbutor, sales. 890 Governor St., C.M. 11= 3 BR lrpl w w • ....,,. _... 2 ' ba, Util, air cond, turn includ· 5 A NR Hemet Xlnt view. ... ; · ' • ' 2 B & •· 11~ Pl ti! $000 mo. · er.. -. . 10 s ·--I bllim. Childttn Ii: pet OK. r. _.n "" us u · DELUXE 2 Bdrn1 t wa1e~-,., boat · slip. H. WANTED 400 1q n in 'lfe ed. 170 mo. 19028 Brilok· 2800 ' el. Wtr, pme. 16.00J . acres mi .u.wu new . no · H~ated pool. Ample }>andng · ap' •uv t Dov Coast u;~. for burst St., H.B. 540-2529 $60 dn. 633-mo S.10 a.m. ~. ternatlonal Ali'port in Palm-Broker 5U-698ll 'No childrtn-No pet! aQults over 50. Sl30. Near R.oi:-ers 673-5483 · 0 er I:. • ... :1. , ;:=======:;, dale, sell for $5000, per 11-·,' "BD. 'townhoUM!. l Mi ,,...,, Pomon•, CM ••• •••• mMrkt. 263-2G5. 16th Pl. See """"'~~'-::;:::--::;,.:--;:& stora,ee & model shop. Must OFFICE on Coast Hwy, 1 · ,_.. 1 ·-•••-pu; f t • . , j.;JOJ V'l.4-;JOJ() LGE. Stu_dio, new cp..,. have pow~, water, good Exching•, 1 .. E. 6230 acre, or uaue or .. .., ..... ,. ~t~ w(W,' , b l t~ In s . 0 .. _ liL .,,.;,. gr. drps, pnmc location $150. 1,.1,u.. •. ·-t•e p-f. a"'u""'b. Afroppromx Bal270""'-.Bayrt. o! ~ valu.e; ~19 OiDdn!n'oK:··EiJcr. ·~ S90; l-uw.u .. , u · ~ 3 BR l~~ ha. Children .,. .... "" .... '"" ..... K~fAL~ ~~: '. 1 -~-· ~ .... to r:.":.86980ter welco~. $150. Mgr. 862 w. Also Bach. $85. 673-6904 64a.-l335. w I cabinets l 2 entrances. T~! ::::m":::~~ Trade New 23,500 sq ft H---Unfurnlsh-..1 °"'!' • _ _.,. . ee4 PoMter At>t 1; 10 AM • BilbOll 53001'w'"ANT'°"'c-:--d:;;bl:;-.-:&:;a-;,,.::&"°•--:o::r Call days. ~3477 apt. properties multi-unit Indus bid&", fU1ly ,...,._ -1ultable 1>...ace for cl~an non. SMALL Ul ...... lea.&ed Harbor/Wamer 10% -,. _ _.. Mell 4100 . na blv ,..,. " o c:e on """Y CO!'-~van, Alt· M0-4429 net· .. tttum 'for Ocet.nfn:lnt C·~. -310o J ~'• 3 BR l'4 baths ll50/mo. GRACIOUS Adult Living. mma e 1to~ ;JU0-1,1161 nerC.OStaMesa, $55/monlh l"'=======-=o -• al Ocoan & Bay ,,;,w Spaciou• 10 AM ID 6 PM utilities lnclud.<i. 642-6560 R E W led 62411 Duplex W,__ 5'3J"2 ~-------· $25 Wk. Up Wells·McCan:ile ~ tors 2 BR. 2 BA.,_. walk in EMPLOYED Laey needs 1 -· -· -1-"----· -· --Haw: CommerclaJ.Mtdteal PENDING FORECLOS~. e Studio a: &ch apts. 548-Tral closets, beautiful carpets . .l BR unfurn Apt, beach area, Industrial Rent1I 6C>9C) PRNATE Party will pay up BJdc, he Ir: clear, $100,000. Uueloption or l&.le th1t1 e Ind Utll! l Phone serv. 2 BR., pool, No pets. New draperies. Pool, Boat slipe to .$110. Carport ._, ~ to S2CKXJ. tor G.I. or F.H.A. Trade All or part equity, 4' BR 2 bath home. Im-e Maid Service. 'IV avail. carp.; $125 mo. 642-8499 for tenants. Subterranean nee. fU.0086 afJ/3 p.m. FOR lease Laguna N'ipel. Equity for 3 bdrm + h~ Want: Houses. apta, laixt, or mediate ~ •~a ~~°a{ e New Cafe. 1: Bar 3ll E. 17th Pl., C.1'.1. parking. 673-3003 •. LANDLORDS e ott San Diego Fwy at Crown family rm. 636-280!. ! ! M)oen, fll.6'S. ~~ ff·"~--R .• a l 2376 Newport Blvd.. ?48-9755 NEAR OCL. Large 2 Br. Yob"""' &T' SERVICE . Valley, new commercial .l PRlVATE.u.. ..... will ftaV .... u-.. 2· ~-.... ~ .....,...LW4 ci•-.-. 2 bu ts drps Huntington INch ,5400 "'~RENT....... induatrial unita. Delta E1ec-• ... G.., ,..... .... "'""' .....,,..... .........., Eltate SPACIOUS, CLEAN l Br. BA. Bl • Cl'P .: • Btoker 53+61182 , tric. • n ... - 4 B3l-l400. ~ _ to $2000. for .I. for F.K.A. house;Banntnr. $10.000 eq. (or unfurn). W/w erpts, $1Sr5 per mo. 540--0336 '-"'Y" -Equity for 3 bdnn + qe uicy. + S'l9JO.· 2nd T.D. EASrSIDE 2 b<inn. beam .. ~ e1ec bltns. All freshly 3 BDRM unfurn for ren• ·EXC'f "SIYE R ~ R t 5995 499-4Ul8. ~--11•• 636-2808 w· t Land · " celllnp thruout._s ln1l ... t'"' ........ _.,,_ .. _. ., ~..... ooms-.;vr en . ....~rm. · an : ,'J.DCOme, •• 000-oveniled . C(lcl~ palntn1.'~T• -.. :1•., f, 2 children'-Ok, crpf!:, dfllS, B ACH :rm SQ It warehouse & ottlce BUSINESS Ind , Myers. 6'73-6'156. &~. 'fl rd f e l"9 f 0 l'l a 1 No pets. 549--0412 eves. .. blt-lns. 545--0262. No pets! ON• THE· E MOM With private entrance + 6000 sq ft paved &: fertced FINANCIAL San ~mente Income 2 la~---~. 114 0 , • ..,. wknds. 2 BR, ~-apt. fpJ, cpl>, 2 & .. 11 • .1room .a. ... ts. A. BA lo m Id d I e -~ 1 e d yard.' 1855 Lacuna Careyon ·---1 2 Jo•· 2 lfi 2 ,.....,......~ ~ .......... ~ -"'f" employed pe-r!On S45 mo Rd. 1714> 494-8066 or (714J 1 ores • .,. 0 ces dePoSit. 540-8600 Gracious Adult Living drps, bltM, patio, pool. Luxury Living to please the 548-393S . · · 540-768() BUI, OpportunltiM 6300 Apt! • Will take TD'• or NOW VACANT -immediate l & 2 BR., w/w cpts, drapes, Adlt!., no pelt;. 116. 5-16-5163 w.ist disc::riminatina:. ''W Room with private entrance NOW iJtASING • New M-1 1maller p'roperty. Make olf. poMession. Back Bay area poo\. Studeilts O.K 2 BR. grdn apt. fpl. cpts, available at & ba h / d $ 5 er. ean _ -494-3262; 3 BR d 2 bath-no ""' MESA EAST APTS. ,_, bllM, patio, -1. lb H 1· IAn t • caeport ..... l Jndwtriw USO .. f t. 74 ... v ri-e Uft lftg t' wk Working man prel. 646-$15.5/mo. Agenl 642-148S TRADE '66 Karmann Ghia ~ired. $:rxt/mo. CALL 145 ~ 18th,. C.M. 642-34 Adlts, no pets. Sl-45. 54&Sl63 7Q89 I rl f N f" tor older %, ton, 4 speed 540-llll (open e ve I) 1, BR. $95. incl. util. Man BACHELOR apt, ubl Jld, $80, LRG Room W/ sep ent. NB N'PT 8ch M-l W&rebou$1,s mpo IR 0 ice ptck.up or older vw bug 'or HH"itaiie ReaJ EstatP. only. Reftrences. ()pen 2 untum, $90. Furn. Eastside. •1• g:e ·~~~ ~-~~ con-? ? ? ,3JS5 Madeira, Costa • BR., din. nn.. kit.ch. PM Sun. 213: EX 6-0995. 540-4431 PICI IC area. $12 week. Mesa. 54&.WJS 1 "'""~""...,,.==-===-. . 548-3684, 642-6221 w/stove Is· refrle. frpk:, 310 Meadow Lark Lane, o .. 2 BDRM, aun-d@Ck, garap, Lots 6 * * * J Coldlpot Ro-tor "'"· Gao -,./, -OU.... OrlOotO!l Rq, -lbl,. -·lor diamond Ol' ! 54S>SG5 HAVE: Improved C3 . C:M: Value $.10,000 dMr •.. \\·ANT: Induitrial bide. ' 4J'l!a, Will auUme. ~ I Dania Realty Co, ~ BAYFRONT 6 dock; 2 I1o1i I "°' Otvet, NB; eq, 162."'1 Trade for T .D. '1 or ? ? ! _. leue I option, Courtny ~ t brokers. 875-4331 ... 11 l3' Chm Elqt, '!16 m • New llll"Yey-' Al..Dbl PkJ9 · MAH. DF, SIS odtri&" dodi-I elt, Trd R:E. Eqty, moci11J bome, ? &H-2374 •11 2Fon Plhu, appe.16~ Boxed-Del I plan!M. ror boat, tools, nca, ~ :>r ? Palma .. Del,lvay J:i(ll I val KI Ml20 att 6. _,,_ llrost ... ..., -~ 11111>•~-w ... :D\lole TV, 4 ~tape 1rec )1' 1. 51331 • WHITTIER l Br. 2 Bl .. ,~view + cul\ For N.B. to 50 M. I 646-2229; 5t8-S62'l Bkr. ' ) Clbln Crulaer,.Twin StteW, 30" Owens. Top cond. $71'.m. ~ty Trade-fot boult, lot, auto or 1 6'7S5lil2 . Deliaxe 4 Bedroom ear.. mont home, $27.500 fir ~ ance Cowl~ p~ • w ' TD. Fortin Co. 1103 West. dllf De, 6(2.SJOO, * w/w cplB, drpii; range; 2386 Santa Ana. C.M. Eastaide, adul ts. 1135. 711 ~ Ave. lLB EMPLq'.(ED .. ~; . .,sep. en. 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;;;00;;, e • .• • $250.Jd~th. 1ardener paid.' 2 BR. New furn, c:pts, drp;. * 540-4431 * (n4) 536-14'7 -try; quiet; SS0 ' $55 M:onth 1 • ~1844 , . Beam ceil, '~t-tns, pool. SPLIT Jew! 3 Br. cpts, ctrps, I~~~~~~~~~ ll;'~"'=""~kl=y>::.=""""'=~-LOT ' --·------- 2 BR. WIW. drape11, rdr!g, Adult&. 1150. 2272 Maple St. bltns: Alm bach. I 'PREVIEW SHOWING I Guest Homet ; 5991 l/i Block to Bt•ch atove, patio 1125. 548-1008. 540-S566 ~A Mi!ndoza 545-5421 N1wport Be1ch e SPANISH STYLE May be retired part.time NEW 1 Br., lovely furn. All LIKE NEW 2 Br., new cpta., •Shag carpeting, se\f dean-Misc. Rentils 5999 By Owntr 54&-8315 ~· elec. Quiet. Closed pr. drps. blt-1.ns; ~; no it1i; oven. 2 BR. pr, patio, erpts, drps, AdulllJ $150. 2Zll Elden pets. Aduils. 54\.6769 e l140-Sli0 l &: 2 BR.. 2 BA ~LE prqe wtth electric LOWER 3 ARCH BAY ~-, --. Tropical !let-66-1251 n. -. I a-level ocean VieW lot •-•< ""' -~<'7.'::::::::-==---• Live the California life as water. n.o:nt ..., mo. oi: ..... &" ting. For adu1lli, 1 blk. to e Nasaau Palms • Newport 'leach 5200 it should be lived al will work out exchan~ for near beach entrance . shops. $140'ln0. 544-4780 1 & 2 BR. • Pool I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dock space. 1015 w. Bay ~.cw. Private party. Box 3 BD)!M,,111 ba, fainily rm, 177 E. 22nd Sl. 6'1rJ645 .,.. The , n trllldllAN Avo. 673-<303 M·104 Dally Pilot 2 ·child ok. no pets, Av~ .$1,25 CLEAN furn 1 BR cot· 1 UUllVIQll GARAGE. Single stall, cen. LAGUNA Beaeh, 3 con- '· 311. $215. mo. 646-4780 {age, BaehJonly, .m pets, TOWNHOUSE tral East 19th st. loCaUon. tiguous view lots 30 x 85'. , LAJf,GE 2 Br. Crp~, f&rqe, incl ulils. 548-0.522 Available March h t Brookhunt4 •962N, ot2981Adama Avail lmmed. 118/mo. CaU Near Ashton 8' Alexander. 'fenced yrd.._ SUS. 2199~ DELUXE apt. 1 BR, pool. 3 bedrooms 2 batrui en ) -Jlm Wood 546-5900 $5,000 ea. Brkr 644-2907 Maple St., 642,.7658 Ideal for baeht!lor. $1li. 1993 Carpett, drapes, bullt-in8 SELECT ocean view lot 3-BR 2 bath ·-•· 8"'k ChW'Cb. i:.Ao 9633 Fireplace, 3 Cl\r carport \VATERFRONT wt~' slip; 1 __ ., Property · 6000 North Laguna. 113,500 in- 6"0"" Asking $265/mo 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo. in Hun-,.,.~,,... -·----. ~·-· a. • ., Double lireplJoe, larie LARGE Bach., olce1., furil. · . .. •• Ina ..,._ ,_ eludes street pavmg. v,..,.,,r ~ ,, .... •"""' v Bay & Beach tington ..... r . "'"'Ira '6"· * EXCHANGE (213) 355-0155 Cor. lot. $215/mo. ID't...-..)0~· blt-lns; EmplO}'ed adult: decK, garage .l carport. No HAVl!:: 13 ney,·er unite $72,'000 MESA Del Mu • 5 Bdi-ms avail. Feb. 19th. MS-M21 Re1lty, Inc. pcU. S350 Mo. on IM>. !213J equity, WANT: land vacant SALTON SEA Lot. $2,:-aJ &: family rm, $300 mo. l.arge Bachelor apt turn. 901 Dover JJr .. NB Suile 221 . 592-5918 Evc!t. R-.'l Orange County. reduced Sl,000 for quick --~,, Wut -'130 ~2000 F'.Ncs. 548-6966 aale. Need C.Uh. 545-1591 r•vr~•u '"' .,,.,... Prefer business J}1an. Wint Privacy? t,lewl * 16 Units e $175,000 aft 4. N.Wpori llooch 3200 ="54&6cvo:n=6,,oe=IW;c~,-2550;;o=!HONEYMOON haven: ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN AMual gros11 S:l4,ti00, Near BY Owner, view lot. Redhill NICELY furnished l BR apt, delightful duplex: i;mart $132 nlO ($147 Furn) garage Euclid & Bnll. Aoohclm. Rid Tustin S2l 000 Aft BA YCltES'l' 3 BR & den. Avail on sul>lease March 15 to June 15 w/p>&Sible ex· wn11on. No pets. $370/mo Incl. 11ardener. Act. 6f6..9626 TOWNHOUSE 3 br, 2~~ ba w/w cpta, drps, fencd, pa- tio. Dec bit-ins 2 car rat re .1275-w.ms. . garage It pool, Water pd. carpeting ; view w 11 h 2ti"" • 14th. 536-1319 6'B-1184 * I Unita e $71,500 11 3 P!~· 544-44li ' · ZW4 Elden Ave, fireplace, garage, adults on-IS YOUR. AD lN a..\SSl $8,IXKI doYln. 301"' return. Wi $1JS. Furnished 1 BR lower, Jy, $225. call st8-2.J94 after FIE[)? SomeoM will be exchange. Call Mr. Krauter fresh paint. Pa ricing area. 6 p.m. lockinP' f<r ii. Dial 64Ui67& or Mr. Fel'(UBOn. lnvntmcnt iw~·~·-~·~gc.~M~. ~m.s~~"'~::ll~;;:;:~::;:=~;:;~:;;;:;,~;~:S:~ Dept. 54G-23L1 :: Huntington le•ch 5400 Huntington Buch 5400 Newport INch 4100 3 ~ Den. 2'i BA. Ltue $3'$. Pool, prY patio. * ~U72 3 BR. 2 Ba. ~try kit, lrt yrd, frple. tz;io leue. >IH674 I BAYVIEW Condo. Lrg DXI', Ni 3' J!r. CdM H"" l.150. PoplJ, golf, etc. &la-lllL 2 BR. Frpl. VERY NICE! Xlnt Peninsula klc. no petJ, emplO)led adUltl Av a 11 . abo\11: :F:eb. 25 'tH JUne 15. ~ble.~r VIEW apt w1tb· ftrepiace, $155 me. util. GarQe. Adult male only, S«S--2394 after 6 tt.m. DARLING-Channel front apt, couJllc only I other rental,. ABBEY REALTY 642-3850 N.wpor! Height• 3210 Corvn• do! Mor . 4250 CJW!MING 2 hodroom • deft.-2 bath hcnn~ w/w B AC H E L 0 R, Compltlely carpels. drapes, F.utakte· private, hOt plate •A. rerrl&. ta'~. to s • mo. Uttl ---1-.l.p'"urc-I: 7 p1rk. c e )' t ~ bl.Chekir apt, wUb ~aoped yard, covered ttff.gt1ator; m. Mo . p;i1o. very quiet ~lll'aftl. 546--0307 .. ~: $195 pr. mo. A_...tGrilmnedlate,.. lllllM eap9ftCY Wrlte Bex 812 c/O "'-"""----~:- Dd, p,\;i · ~"'se~ -:r ,. -!er. in ClJ!lh&von 315 E. Balhoo Blvd. looklrW '°' _... ... '°"' BALBOA -win adult temltl. $22S. ,... afltt M•rcb ht Call' lllllM lillOd 5'8-mt aft. S PM ~ 4355 N-rt Sho m 2220 LEASE onb' $200 a month. 2 8'drt>OIM and den. ~ dn.pes etc. Good condltioh. m Cedar. Owner not al ..... ..,. CaD >l!f''l991 .. 84i.2S3S BAQIELOR avt. linsle itlrl only, $100 mo. Yeart;y. Util. lncL 615-3186 VUSLUll "*' ......... • totm. Thi DA.rt:! Pll.ot a.--s. .. 190M1, ti.Mt • efftlrt. i..ocll ttOWI!! Spanish Style Luxury Adult LiYlnc--lllldlOO -~ Seit a ... -. ap. Hup.l'aol Par1J PIYlilon Wlttl K'rtchtn Now Rentini 19122 lnlolillurst St. Jutt North of ~ Huttllnilllt 9-11-(714) !162.ail ~· r·i·; •''I:'Al. ,\ ..... L._, r .. -;.·1c:r:·,, J NICE MOl,ILE HOME PARKS;C:M. with nice owner'1 llvln& quar- ters in each. Glw Mom .. Pop aome Incentive It let them manace + havf! ex.00- ltnt net spendable, too. Wally McCoy R.eAlt;y K.-6487 Eve!!. 545-4~12 luoinoss Property 6050 Small olllce buUdll'\C or store 17th St., a.Ir cond., pYal tm· ft• 6 pariclrc. Ooly 135,0ll. SUBMrr TERMS ,\TRADES RICK ALDI RITTE, Reallof' 1104-N. Rola 7141541~ R1nch .. 6150 \ CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE * * * * We H1v1: An outatandine OPJXll"' tunil)t for a . distributor to earn excellent Income for !ew houri wffkbt work (days or eve!) W• Are Looking For: Reliable party to devote 2 to 10 hours per week re- filling &: collectinc money from new &: unJquc coin op. erated di8pc.ruer1 in Orange Cowity &:. aurrounding area. !Handle,; National Brand Candy .r. Snacklll. To quality yoQ must have 1ood car, re.I· er.e~ Ir $1,650 tolal cuh to invest No ICllinc· requlr- od. dU~INESS eM FINANCIA~. luo. Opportunlllio 6300 Moniy W1ilfod I . I '"' CANDY SUP.PLY ROUTE {No seillrir Invotwd) Excellent inco~ for few how-I weekly work (~1 or tftninal). RefWiQs I: col- ~ttng money fr'Oa\ coi1I .. erated d.i.lpeDlel'I in Costa Mesa l:.IUtl'OWld.ins areL We est. rou~. (Handles name brand candy I: snacks). $1450 Cash requh'- ed. For personal inW:rvlew in Costa Mesa areat, a e n d name, address .. phone num- ber to Multi-State Inc:., 9075 E'. Imperial Hwy. Downey, Calli. ,..., ' $30,00o at 10%, 3 yr lit' trust deN. EUcuttve waN WW lo build new residenee on 7. acre hD.Wde, IApna Cnyn Ra. f97-1507 ' ANNOUNCtMEllTS f ...i NOTICES "°""" ,,,... Ado) .. rotiND: Fairview St a ,t ~ Hospital, min. White maJti ~le l brown M I x( Pomeranian. 545-9331 .t FOUND: Man'11 'watch, vii;. ,Huntington Savlnp &: taan on Bristol, Cotta Mesa. c.Jt' &: identity. 545-4543 " MALE dog with lox llko lac; """' '""'!". ......... , ... dnitlna> '"""' v~ Fowil&in Valley. m '• .' ----~ -·----------------------~------------• ~-·-------u I• I • " ~ I ,, t: I~ ' " ' . ' I • " ' Slll(ICl!-Ol~ICTORY · JOIS t. EMPLOYMENT JOIS t. EMPLQ:VMINT SERVICE DIRECTORY• IOllS HMl'LOYMENT t-JOIS'&-IMPLOYMINT Help w .. 1 ... , Mon 7200 rlol~ Wani.cl, -1'200 Holp Wanlod , -72llD Help Wanlottl • w ....... ("~ 7-\ OI I '..w ·) -fVLL lime man needed. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;I m JABSCO M1ititen111oe ~~;i~~·~· i'!.IXl''rillitc10.:. 1> MATIRIAL HANDLER ~ I ~ OLO£R Man who aUo'it •1 OPEUTOl 11 Man IAlldng to people"til .... • Nott · f., 1 retail •loftl. 146-WM 111111 ft,.lllltt ~-Ito, wamell 7300· •• Tener • . . " ·~pllWllU Prtter IOftW experfeno. tn --llcWllH.· ... en.ta fmWlft. dmtl. ~ p&n)' truck. ·Good benellta utl-....U-. APPLY 'lO PERSONNEL DEPr. e KEYl'UNCN e OPERATORS ExpedencedA!pha /Nmn. Lona: tenn uaS&nmtnta. cla1•1-~ana.n.e PIU1d'bi1 -' . ' KELLY. SERVICES INC. Designing & Planning lewl'!I "'° An eo"!I opportw111y Ael>IY '"'• 230 E. 3rd Slriet · : f, Dp_~~tlom einployu Personnel Office. Lolli Beacb. Calif. KltclltM , B~·ny room It hiliie 1" ·:· ::SP<d~J:i0!t•1rei.. '. HIS o.ie 'It;.;., c.eta 14•• U S D' ' Equal o_.iu~~~m~ 100% FINANCING : ~~~.~~:.~:: l--S111P-515"25-PD1G_'-,-Co~p!!~rs 'A ~=ei:· * v ..... ibe TUe .... * 332" w w .JJ1J.. agency ' Excdlen,t o~b'? APPLY IN PERSON ht Nllioull Bink of Or1n1e' County •1611 Mims . .Co~ta, Mese ' ' ASK 'FOR: Mr .............. - Aoequal'- employer . . . cu.i.-. -• ....-lll<BVlllG · :~...:.-Anaamtr Prola111oftal S.rvlce . No job tD. iajan. -..,."'" for the •'""'9v.. 1--r--:---- Apply ID.,.,_ Security P1ciftc '. NilioMI~ .. ' . . .. 196 E. 171h St. ,,~ ·Clotta· ,.,.,. ·.Newspaper · A~$t.,. patc:IL LlaJdnr 1 bow or Aero. Orarce-=..... and the OllPllcanl IMMliilATE . ~· ... l:IT:ll!i7-An equal ,.......Uty 133 Dover lir., N.8. OPINING .. . ~ Hu -tor • ..._ emp1.,.., 641-3'70 , .,.,,27a · Experje-'"' • llDltli<d l.!pholnArV • 6990 chup type lndMdQal In . . , . . w&ll> aql Jjtle. '-1 ml --= their·"''""" ml -•.UWI--=,;....,-=~~-LADY MAN AGE R; P..teup b>OwJoda• bolptul. CZYKOSKl'S ·°"""" departmeotMuotbavere-COASTAL llMllett711Nceat Cofloe shop. Exw~ l'ermanent. ··· ' IESAre)'Otlk>neb', new -... . UphOJ.atery. European centexperience. SeDd INDUSTllES m fl ence ln foed seril'Cfi ~' ' , I . 01 :8c~0:~~ha~' 1122 .P~ula~no, C~a ·M11a ~:~.1~~3~ ::;~~~-~M_: N~~:o· 1.zency!!~~:;_ ;::,:~· ~:~=. •ro '4~1.~2:-1~ .. ·-----Phon• 545-4941 • N•'tl'J!!' Blvd ... C.M. ' T!>e ~ p . SWING. SH1lT uo w. COut Hwy., N. B. ~m·· 11onl:30·•mwor 2 , ... ' • • ' ..•.• Phone su.;1211 or write to ..JQBll ~;;:;,","'•:.:·N;:;;.;:;l!:;.';Q::.y:,.M;,E~N~l~ I • 1 PART TIME 6:30-11 PM Sy appolaL · 646-3939 • p.m.· Y·' arr en · -· -, t·o. "°"=··°""'Mesa. DAY New oompany noeds 40 meo q,ntz. 644-1700 r..:::· '. ' ~p11' ~·so" = Job Wanted, Lady 7020 B b '" a11 •hltla. No ""..,;'"ce · '· .119110gf1 II'•.,. '.· An-menlt 6410 Llc'd a Bondod • ' Henri J. lour1at us oys ,_....,,, Cmnplete com· Halp Wanlod -THE ' ' . • PosrrtON · 01! l)irector of pany trainln&. We will pay Women 7400 · • ~-olfhSe dut1. fllr mil- l t EAX'f!~VYNTMIOENN ~ N"""" In Med!catt Ao-APPLY IN PERSON top •"'1in& w..., 10 meo UNIQARD NEWPOR.TER INN ·dlum..,.O><ooa,del~.1!1- .""' 1~11 11 n 11 J ! u 11 I proved Co r: vale• ce n REUBEN'S wlllln&toworkandlearnour t Newport. Bi1ch auranct aW~. ~·if\il I Clean out ~ old aea..l>q I~ Hospital. RN (3 yr school} trade. roundinp. Paid~~ 'frve~':~~~1:: C1ment, Concrete 6'00 H~-nl"I ''" ~';m~ as~ COCO'S CALL lnsuraM*G'°"p ., fit&. 37~ hoµi~-WffL·~ .. 'bn4EDIUted)tolbe Sea· e BESTINCONCREI'E N"""". Pleue phone MR. NELSON :;~:LONG PARTTl,ME .' .;:::::i:-= , "Scou,· i._ Need bl.Uff. whiles, \Va.Uca, pool deckll, floors, CARPETS,ld windOws. fin, 54S--8876 potential for· ~l I ' aea-1.·-,elc.642-:i7'9 Pa~. Pbono ..... ~.. etc. Res en. or Comc'l. 1H5 W. A.dims SAn1RDAY9A.M.to&:P.M':Unip:rd lnsuranoe Group 11 e COMMlltCIAL· e· ......... 'ii\~ ._. .....,.. ~,. X1nt wcrk Reas! ·Reta. F. C. BOOKKEEPER Cotta Mesa MONPAX 9 A.M. tot P.M. now hiring trainees or exper.. Tlllll . ..-..c f'&tlie ~· CID ?dh. ASI'ROLOGY C1us, reailtra-e CON.CRETE work. all 548-Ull Hotel!Rut E¥P-Fin. Stmt.s. S4G.ZW ~ "need personnt1 I.or position, Micbatl, 67l-2510..' .. ~ ·,, """ open until t"l!b 18th. call type~ l'ool ~ ... Q\llom. * APT. Cl.EANING * Qtrly tax .. 6';-'194 FIBER6W PLUG for 0"' """ '"•"""' of!•,.. UNITID CALlfORMIA FULL tlnu" br c: ... ;I ...... 675-2140 Call SCS.1324 , Fut -' tboroush MJ.llM NURSE, Private duty. Dt.Ys IMMEDIArE OPENINGS openirg approx. 4115/'69 ill BANK ,...._.' ~ .. 6412 * 00NCRETEwork.Bonded WILLIAMS aeam. Serv. • only. Driw. Excellent RJ!. & Ul\11\ Dllllftmf ·roR Huntln&ton Beach, j1111t oll · · ~bt or -~&·H.D Funera 4 LbnMd o:mc:rete •win& ·o·---......... 1_ .,. _ _,_ Call evH. 926-6004-J'IVUI uv...,uu the San Diqo rwy, 'Ibne '525 Mc.Arthur Blvd. ~~~ e •.n t:I-.::: t • 11 . ( . -c..nen~ 54M3lll ~" ~--• ~ .. ~ poaitloN"'"""""',""" ~~"', W~1on : ;,.. U: ·Apt.. Cirpeti -·UPhoUtt'rY Jolll Wanted with experience bl 00..ts: and e PRODUCTION. • ,_; .. : .. -.od. -• 2 NtwpOrt Beach motlne 11 e'" Trl' -'De""•I WESTM1~1ER CEMENT WOl'k. no ·j0b too 1·e '·Fast,Senke 539-lt58 • . .._. __ & W--C&l'I. M1.11t haw owa tools. .. ......... 46 pen ~ months · , Beauty Plan '.'(tiat . ~ MEM.""IAJ. . PARK small .. "-· H.-1>5-.~.}" .. ?' ~.. . ~ _,_.. 7030 See "Rick" al 21!5 C..,M . . ., °"' Loo -oa;ce, 54M424 I with Ol>e d'•moiiatratlaot. ~ ....,.. r..u.s.uo.;ii.. .............,...., I T • Drive, Colla Mesa or call ~ wl\IUIDlir e !>elate the move. Mile~ ' . You wW ~...,','"' Martwryt.c_,.ry l====::i==':;:===-1 nCOIM ,U 6140 PRIN"nNG duplicator .,..,._0 UIUlUU .~~-'be. paid durinc: thll Equaloppoitisnityempi.:..~. ,tralni-_.J.a ,•JfOf.hft h I C 6610 operator Huntln&ton Beach. .,_..,,..., ~...,... ,,.,,..,. .... .-Com....,._ funer1l1 C Id IN H.' K.· Ciatk Acct& serv. Experie~ A.B. Dick ·or •. FINISHED Njght llhift work. Apply PART time ~vt& have · personnel.4.·..wnc:be.l'fO: ·• from '24S COSTA MeN pre-«hool. InoOme tax, penona1 or Multi. M111t work without you ever &Iven a jewelry '.duct.I. Bue .~·~1 ' C-ry leis •-a 2 lhnl I. ~-6,45 boWneH,,..., hOft10 or, 91<. llUP<rvirlOO. small camm" , CARPENTERS loduatriat Clay Pnxlucta 1· odl 1 0 1 I brunch or CQOkwue p&rty? comm. Selld mome,lO.BOx , from $150 k,6" S:'5 PM p~· _,.._ 20 yn 'a~1oc· firm. experienct: desired will eon-• PLUMIER$ lm5 Fiber Glau Rd. ~~-... _ 4 11 • 1 pen ngs n .Ever thouthf)'Ou'd 1~_.~?: 587 sunset Beaeb~lill· ,.;; · · , •··•·• •~~ --... "183or •• u •• ~ti 0 -I PO Hun•-·n Beach, caliL . ~ ~ ow ng arMI Mak• m<>tt -··~···. . •.-, • ' : .. :....,;. ...... Endowment .....ni aram. 54S-9803 V'U""U ... eve. . ..... er_... me . .n.cpy . . .....\.U ··--1 ;w.iv.,...,'6 rrw··rt ~.-•W•• ID .. _ ....... 1 ...-' u.-1086 Hun•;,.,,..,.n Bean'" .With experience in mobile your fr:ltnd! the7. Tri·De.rintl WA SS· 1: "" .. l : ..... a ·7.....,. OM ~w.Uo CHILD C... my home. Dav. Br. A Satldied Qient with ,_,,. .....,...., ....... CODING "'-----.. 1place mea111 lna toll. ..... y Haitja: Tax Service, 9th yr. 92647 home, camper• and mot.or RETIRED man.as part time .. ......auty Plan that works . I. Mo traffic problem&. !e 1!~b.cdN_·!.. ~1:' locally. A\-Wf['U mos. 3117 L homes. Mut haw: own tool& M~r &:. Hoit in the Experienced or trainee tn with .0~ demonstr!.~-. All stiittt . .. ~ JUOJ. Beacb., Wtitmtm..er ,.~....,., Ro o..-e-v-t It Way, CM. Demeltlc Help 7035 blander tofotar Homes IDc. friendliest A: most deluxe-fire le/or 'casualty statlali· Comnussiom · & incerrtives '" :1 531-1125 193-2421 "~k'' ~2971. 806 E. Washill(ton St. sell service laondry in So. c&I eodlrts. Math aptitOOe pa.id. Plus le~ this MW Ap b' ln 'nrpD .. , Contracton ,6620_ ~ . ~ ~ep. BylaPd Aterq Santa Ana CalJ1 Baktt._ .&: Fairview, -~. _ beauty rl~ ·aoc1 1tt a P pe · e THE TAX ADVISJRS EmplOyer Pays Fee Part Time Dl1hwa1hor C.M. Must be BOber, depeo-. lo ve 1 i er ariliplOP.I . . . U---~-1 Pa~ 6421 .Addltioql " Re Year round ol~ 321 No. ltJ&.B E. 18" SA 541-0395 ~-IL °"' .. -p 0 Box. Denny's R .... ·ur nl ~~ ~ · ,...., H.' Gmlck. · Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Rast ChlnHe li;;,,., Chttrlu1 E••"ili,...work. Call aner 2 =~ "':;' ::~:::..& ~ ACCOUNTING 5&7Sw,..,,.;.,,: ·Calif., :"H!I .. I : 2 OiOICE entombment 673-Q)(l ' ·• se,:7170 Call 66-0tOO fOt appt. Pn'mabent Experier!M ~~ ~ .. 1 O! .apply in public. Short h:Jurs. not Type 40 to_ 50 accur&lllfly. · Politionl available in aru. 11477 S..tft B1Yd "'*" at H.-Rest SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE Far Eut Apncy 64UI03 ~-V .. lll• Rftu• physically demaodio&. Wori< Som~ expeneoce or aptitude ADMINISTRAT1VE Hunllntton iMoh , 1Memorial Park. CM. Larp Clrplll CIMnlftt '625 Your ho me • Reuonable. ,.. ""'""' Wed noon thru Sat Model!t with fiiUttS helpJ'uL Uibt · · · • · · · dbcowrt by private party. PROFEsStONAL RU& . • Evu. Norman 14 a"' H~lp W-. Man 7200 RESTAURANT Kluy. See John ·or Betty cwitomer contact. . SECRETARY -• No Phono ~Joi .... (213J 255-7900... •. ,_ Upholltery Cltanine• Top 5'.Hi32I - -441 N. Newport Blvd. Brix:oe at the •tore. or call $536.· io '63L · ' -quality .,,aranfeed ....Wt.. • * 'irii YEAR " N-1 INch .... 1301" ..... 5 . • . RA TING . _,,,., .. , U.S. d·-~· . : ,· • : L ... I ~ .... " -6450 ... _·, .• "-·-~·-' ~-:·lmoP!lfSIEN_O:-amt,· CITY OF CABINET hi • ;;'!;':, _ """' roaulL ... _._.. _ _ u11rw Experienced or trainee. Rat·· • P. ve ~-1ette..,._: SICR•TAllY 1 iVILL not be re•ponoible . ......,., "' ..,.. 60>35'G· N~PORT BEACH • · . _ · 1'11111 y f y--L i I tng 0.., pollclb reqtl1res 1 experleoce, two Y'""' CO).. • •' "I •., .. , for aJ17. debts. '!lher than CARPET A Furn. ae&niJ'C; eve/wlieod by a~t ~ 11 ~n C ~n rood math aptitude &: plea. lea;e, shorthand 90 wpm; j;yp. , , A. H s· •-1 ...... __ .. _ .._ -... 11... nn•FTSMAN with experience 1n mobile To perfonn tinel teal on ..... 1 p'--pe---·"ru. •·-50 wpm •. ·A~ply at.· . . $fSt.$550 • , my OWJL • ine. ....~ ~ _,.-v.....,. • 'I ..... ..., PER$0NALIZED, es Pert "I""" · homes, campers Ir. motor complex electronic equip.,' -... """"" .-:au.i1M.1.,, .. ,. W st fr\ ft A SERVIC! DliUCTORY ""'1<, call St....,. fM Tlix ,.,., Yeai round ofc., ENGINEERING AIDE homes. Must have owo tools. meot. Mll!t be tamilior with • m 1 r • ~-buy to ~I bri&btneu! 6U-'520 reu. 646-8712 $S76-$701 per month See "ruck" at 2135 Caeyon operation ot ah types of Excellent free benefits. School District M ...... _.. hea8. 1 Bebytlttl~ 6550 G.n1enln9--6680 1~~t~.F~lf:.P.A. . ,-Drive. Costa Mesa or call electronic test equipment Permkan0ent, stlie a 'd.Y 14WE~~~ .. ~h~~-~':iribi':9mn80:i ,, BABYSITTING ,1 .... waY;~~ ~.lwo.,ears ex· 642-9758 andbcabletodevisesuit-wor · ur po cy IS years exper A~tnl 1 1 Ih my home. Near Mq:nolia ANTHONY'S 642 or :io-1398 eve ' pefieiice dramng and olf· GOOD MAN OVER 40 fo,t &b!e teSt a:rfa~ents and promotion from with-. * PART TIME ·. * '. opportunities' ~ ·ltilW'- and Edinpr st., westminl-Garden~S.t'Ylce INCOME Tax service , tee work. Promotional o~ sho~ trip 1 iurroundinf. wntt;. test pro(leedUJ?.. in. -Xour futu~e is. de-,Need ~me6ne; lo . .W,t ·in ·&nee plan 1i' ~·tkation ter. Fenced yard, hot meal! 64~~ .. ~ _!5: N~ Publl~J~,...,b}e. ~·;portuni'1 to•Senior ~~.-. { Beach Ci~ area. Man""' Call '46-9611 _ tenruned entirely by· my businiw. 2 hrs per-~~, .lick leave ctc..BOX.;;p ,sf tt."llCluded. call~ • BUDGET UM>iiCAPJM.i , ~only. 549;'1341 ~ i. · .. fneerikl&:~.$667 -ss~ :-Want ll 1rorth up to n&,5Cll you. New modern of~ 5 days w~ .. ~ per wk,;·~ Daily Pilot.• . , •• l · . MT-nrl Prune .•• Plant ••• Prepire INCOME T.xe1 prepared av all aA1>1 e withlned~ In yeir,. plus new car .,-SERVICE Station Attendarit lice, friendly, pleasant" ri"~ =ewbe~llnl ·• RECENT detital -snd·'Or , CHILD care •• ~'tdQI week, Monlhlf NainteWICI your home, Iona form com-mo~?'8:_ .~!1>' ~mm 'j ~rrua.'·· Am~"'NLu.H.briS.c~ta' ~edianical knofl.&w. ')Ii-,atmosphere. le 4. ' '·. . r expe1'. Must .J>e ~l!W" hot lunch: w:. of Beach Exp. ~turilt. 1 bined, US. 49W422 ate.., ~c·"~ '"a11no~ ~"1:" C<o""""'' .... , time, Salary comme11SU?1te · · . Ute own inltl&Uve. · I Hell, lf.B.,UT-1469 .ALLEN BROS GOrdon N. Warren,· PA ._ 001ct, , lb"· H ' ~ ~i~1 Box 76• Dayton, Ohio with experieooe.. Apply o6!1 ~ WA~ * !NAO< • ' ·, ' GARD ___ sru· 0........... ..~AE Newport Blvd., Newport 'W'W • u · ...... , ,, ___ ....,..; .... A a.!.... ForDetailsandApp't. BAR HELP ·• .• * DENTJ.T .'.·~~. 1 UCENSED d&¥ care. Pref -,~ -.,.~ 18th year. Appl. ~-Beach 92660, (TI4) e FRY COO ~ ... y':' """' •"':"'r-·-·"""··""'''" C ll Coll I · Over 21. Apply in penon~ c :-a • .-.-..... ..,.,;~ 1 wkly 2.-4 yrs. ~ Junchtt. ,11orldng their way tbru col· • P..ROFESSIONAL TAX m.&633. K e dar;ue, )>ttlo.Dable. Excell4nt a ec . .1701 Golt COiJne . ,... Frida)') .aper. · IJabt bOW>c<d actlvlli -15.19 ''"' EXP'D REAS! · · WANTED · ' npl>or1unity ,,., 'br·I'i)>t PERSONNEL . Dr.·e&u bookk,.pln(, Dho"'. -f BABYSJ'I'Tl1<iG :. home, 64&--0ro1546-25fil ·~~~=~~te. <;ou~ Shop. Day shift 7 to 3 future. Contact '.Murt&)". ( 213) 384· 1213 .Mesi, Stt ~fr. ~-e o. typina; &; good ll®Dc: Ma- , days or nltes. w. Newport Cut l Edit Lawri · T p.m., 6 d8Y week. Med. ins. Safeway "li6". Ba~ide Dr. ' · P&l'90l15. fi.< tions. · • . • I• ..,._,..,4 Mainteoaoce. Llcemed l"'"lng .it 30 d'Y' 1'6. •bill to & Marioe Ave. NB. 6"-991! UNIGARD SECT'V/RECE T : . ·&&-1m1·. . , LOVE to '""' !or rtri 2 ,.._..,.l...,_2310 an 4 6755 POLICEMEN ""'· Muat be ful, neat a"'1 • BUSaoVS & · ~ Good typ"~-Varied duues.· to < yn old. Near Fairview AL'S Genie"""' s., y Ice JRONING • 80c an hour $667 lo $809 por mo. able, 10 cootrol COOL Call DISHW.q!IERS . INSURANCE GROUP: Real .,..,. .._ • ..,, ..... , SOUTH··LAO\)N,4: .It Fair Dr. 545-0096 IA.wn malnt.nanoe, prdeo-· Pleue brine hanpn 89J...S815, 10 am ta 2 pm only. Fuli time Over lS . . 1lrable. . . . ~ , 1 • BABYS11TING, J'01 home ing II clean UJ>L 646--3829 251-B Avocado, CM 5'1-1271 AGE: 21-31 up to 35 with ap-PART TIME .APPLY 1N 'fER.89N ~RK LADIES: FREE ~Y. 'Attractive, well a: r o~.B;a 1 d I Flo1"ft' Colta Me ~ . pro¥ed exptrience. HEIGHT: , · •. · Jor 6 CUPS OF -COFFEE · lady for dfice .• ·aome p- :liahle, sis-'llll1 . " JAPplete · .... ....w ~':.· ':: '•r,::rh•"ll"I s·s•· minimum. WEIGKI': in $250 PER MO. , ·.apJs:$·~JiI\'~ .B:QY OPPORTUNITY 5'0-6695 5.'l).Mo7 ceptlonbt d91Uta ii\'~ ,_. p0 nll"9 6150 .~, to bo. ight. PHYS. NO EXPERIENCE NEC. -• n.,'1 ·ft,'. SIS-0212 ""3!30 ·Ula"'1 VllUa<. • •• ,..· N~- 1 Inf."' C.r. my L---eatlmates. Sf.>..1332 ...,v_..... CALL MR J..,. ~ Y" .._ •· ~ !CAL REQUlRl:MENTS• • RllD · ~ 1i1eaa · • 54&>11%1 . , uel. Ptt(" -~°"' .bul ,!kc..:ci:~lher. 5'9-0m ~~.•::,,o,~~·=-~~ ··Interior ;.1ntln9 Highschoolrraduate, valid 540-2034 OOORMAN PARKING Top phannacy n ee·da WOMAN WANTED, nltht wmtra1n:.F(l(lap11'f,cia 8 k Muon "'""".,..., .,. ..,... .&ilttl. or holi&e1 by ;!Ob ot Calif.operatonliceme,U.S. SATURDAY9AMtoSPM AftENDENT 'clftkincomtedmAren. 11hlft, part time. No op. (ll ~~1241 ''· rlc , ry, etc. Free estimate, 548-'79Ss rbom. Low otf''.1e&1on ntes. citizen. File application al MINONDAY 9 AM to 9 PM Fun or ·~ time days or , mdse. WW train ~ MU!lt 1 o 36 ec.E25-45. ~6·-pp., Mr. l)Qm.it,: WORKING . 'Mothd 'Metia 1-------·-65_60 CLEAN-UPSpeclall1t! Mow-• 6~1!M City Hall, 8200Westmin1ter e STRUCTORS -"Full ew1 Neatneu '1s Ca.W. be perm. NeatneM, Is . .17th t.;C.M. REL1ABLEl)a"b "y ~ffl1r DUILD, Remodel, Repair in&. edgina: ,odd job8, liaht PAPER HANGING Ave., Westminster, Calif.; or/and part time. Neat ap-d-'-...:r's lie ...:;,~_:: .... _n mannen and iince..i1-u LIVE-JN care for man bed.-TuelldQ"S & po 1 i_i.~ I y I"' 1 .... R , ~ PA"""'"'1r.. before February 28th, 1969, M t ..._ nv<= ·~"""""" '-l&U .,,.., W d d 1• Brick, block, concre t e, mav .. ,.. eu. "''""+'~ pearance. us...., able to 4-6 pm, Mr. Lomas, Posh with people import.~ patientWifeworks.·Prtvate . e ne1 a-r·~ 8..,-.-r.30. 1 crpntry, no job too small. YARD Cle an v p . Tree m-304.3 P·~n,4) 893-4511 ext :iQs meet and deal with . the Parking Service Newporter cated Udo-Balboa area. room. CM area. DllYS. W111tsfdt' C.M. area. Your Lie Contr. 96U9t5 ~ce.. ne'\11' I aw 11,1, e INT -EXT. ANY SlZE pubJlc, good filure. Apply 194 6"-1700 ui, 555. All replies confidential. 673-6733 evg ~7 · · home J)referabb'. ~.'Chlll!ren sptinkltrs, rototill. ~ JOB. Xlnt work, rcfl, free 1.,.!!!l!!""""""""!!!l!!!I!!!!""""' In penon, Holiday Health GENERAL Pl ·; H'tt (l . GAL.51 ha~ an kin' Small ages 31,i lt~y) I 1 ~--(&irl) i ........ ·--1.. , ... JAPANESE G. rd.". r .. L JIM ••• •••• • •• ~ .. 1 · Spa, 2300 Harbor mvd an p ight wn·•· ~-tail• t T"'-· ..... _ _'_, ' . b I. &46--0&16 aft 5 P1"I _.... _. • -· Vl'iN• C.P.t. ., work). Must be dependable. ..., o: ix: ·~eanmr u • ne •.• • """'iiXJI: , • , :: t:XPDtT 'typlnf I: Dictatiori ~plete Ser v 1 c e .. 'Ex· PAIN'I'1NG, inter. _ exterior 1 CAREER -='"";-,-~...,.--1 SL.15 hr start to':U.:r:J. TRI-Dally Pilot Box P-617 Lei 1 pt our: be-~~.: BWKKE .• PE" ,p~ ', Elec mM equip $1.IPI. dbl perie!Dd. Reliable. &Q.:m9 State lie .• bonded. Free Two Men needed for 0.VISION, 1415 Edlngti, lartthl!r! 642-2812 L • lM' Yacht &. Shjp Biil~ in .. umai ... &C-0238 OPPORTUNITY! JonllDrlal Dept. S.A. 547"7709 w'AITRHSES ll!ANAGER -SmaO · -Newport Beacb..9 .. ·S; • ; IP er 15/hr PU..id avail -.1 Sertfci& 6612 .:;;==-=-=:---Prelor wicler 45. U .:. . Day Wftk ~-_.. I• Hn 9-s, wkitnd by appt. -Paper hanlgng. 45 years Join t:odl,YI tutot crowinl NiOit Shift • PM...::30 AM EXP • . =~ :::~ ~ draa; ma condiuOn..11 ..W:,. aw.: • OIJI Ave t.arao, N.B. -CRYBfAI. ~ANn'ORIAL. ~ experieoce. Call »edl JllOf-.Mllt1lal Fund .U.. COotact °'"" t.aoey. AM SET0 UP t. LEADMAN Lun h • · -, · 1acl• Mn. llouc<t ,_ I W'..;,,,. ~ =·pl *548-<"'1* No--necom,,. DAILY PILOT ~tplastlca....,..,.c.._ C: ton llELiABLE-·~ t1ous~-•6,.,,._,. l'ca-11orf-6590 .. =·· ---"·:.· ·-·sft·~~P1tnt10 1 . ,. tnlD ·flJIJ -~11m _... edby ....... -mo!Mr. ft ,, --.. ..,. _,,,. .,..--.,. ,,.... __ ... Kn..,., \1.1".oJ. ~ • • C>rv-• t 330 W. Bay, Costa Mn:a Cail54&Jlmbtwn8am-5pm --. ... ~ · 11. y ·'~· · relkltb or COf'lltn:J, 'Ftee l'fte flt, Uc. 1m. Small Mmi,1 . F.ulnclnc. Advisors, .,DISHWAStiER" PEJqd. PART TI¥E; OOOK, . Apply ta pmon Id. area. Call aft 5.m-¥11. =~ in~· eam ~ ; ' CARPINTRY ........ 54M731 joba ...ioome. &a4G1 Exp!<!-!001¥, ·-.., Tiie• tbno Fri MANICUIUST, ..,..i-_.,. u a VANDA ~p\; I -MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Gl!:I' It r<plaeed. -HOUSE Paint!,... Qiiillty at N)t B. 1603 Weotclltt ll<U42I EXPERIENCED ""'~ matltubal """' . STUFT S.HIRT tuolty ., -oalcoi. OIM., COUNSELOR. . .... 1raJn. Tto Small. Cabinet ln rar· or tmtalled. Call Scott'• a fair Plitt! Free at. can · 6.A. W H. ~ No Phonf! Calla helpful but not nee. :;tg.;.m , can art l. 833-0350. · • 675-3962 1 ;.e.,.fm . · -ae• " other cabinets. Home Setvict &. Repair Rick, 66-2m . sn.aa:n SURF &.SIRLOIN i;ULL '11l'E ·Sel'YLie.8talioii R.staur.nt GIRL FRIDAY, een .Oiibl MATURt,fXt-~tfTfVE '. !;6-1175. U TWJ answer leave 968--2463 anytime. PAINTING, Paperin& 16 yrs 5930 Pac1Uc Coast 11wy., N.B. iDaA wi'tft mechiaicU abili· 2241 W. Coest Hwy, · work. Loeal TV state. · TYPE RECEPTIONIST/ , , mi;s at 646-:2372. JL o. HEATING • Alt .Cortd.'-'$tJY:' in Harbor area. Lie 1i. bond-(Imper & 8ERVICE Sta. Attendant ty. Appl. 1697 Placentia Newport Beach 8'1&--1455 ' . · SECREI'Al\.Y .wt Ortbodo,n. _ Anderaon It. repair, alto Wuber"• ed. RefA turn. 642--2.156 i Mech. elU>· nee. Salary + C.M. koUSEKEEPER. A ,CliJld., tic .oUlce. Dental. ~m eJ. dr)ler·n!pair. 24. hr aerv. Pl I R . 6880 Motor H comm. Vac. w/~ aft lit Bt1~.i boy~~ to • NUR·s-E·S-A.ID--s-. care; IJV&IN. P.R. le B.,.11tnence not ~· ' CARPENTER. masta bt 142-7237 or 147-0681 . . ~ eater ng, 1pa1r Ome yr. Ray'~ Plillll~ 66, 890 Wottt· daytime." sri Mr. m;. '50. a Wttk. 540-9212 •• · . 60-1530 , c1us Reas. Free nt. Call HAULING. Qeanup arq;;I.' e PAT'S Plutertna. Aii BUILDERS S. Coast ~vd. Lquna Bch Sc~ld. Mr. Steak, ~ ; ::: ,~o l~ ~~ $1.75 HR, Ute cl e ~.n In I 'PART·TIME ~· al Glri .. Btl John m.3217, ~ ~ ~ ett .. ~f types. hee ettlmate. CaU _ NtEDED JN ALL P~• SERVlCll. STA. ATTEND. Fairvtew Rd, Costa Mesa. Parle Lido Bayfrorrt trlr. 2 Half d.Qa. nid&)" fot nlind atty.· now lJL--~-:tc.,.~!l'i't;:iiifii&ki~~,,-"it~~J~~~=~.. 4"'1' S40-Q25 of a&Mmbty 1 produetiOlk 1tfln ~ Will train. Ill yrs RE't~ .N~ Nle1mna. Convalescent ·Hospltal wk. OV(l! ,tftl\I. st&-73A ; ln the stk. mll:t. Wt~. !:' I • ~ Oeu out /Yara ~P.lultt. exL.BtuccQ, dr)r..1-Muat-ha~ ... ·or "OVtr; •de p e n d a~ I e • Perm. Gd w6rid1lr conds: .-:· ·_: Suparior. JU.JDS w 1 • cbart •tocka.• ket,. ncordl .I:: i 1 u:a -N~ COhll. IO' bOm' Liebl · .,..i1 taim..~ amusttc -tdot" ,,,..,... too1J. Ste "JIUdt., al Slrt~ 5T2 HOIHstl!r • • ~ .... Newport &e.ch. 642-:HIO '.Dll Newport \Id.;: -. ft'17' ·-._-' I I I Clf Cen1nct ~ • ~·· textund oallinp. 56-60Dl· na.·oul)'(;n ·~. CDltl Ptllade1 Rd, S.A. bor Bl\1d,, CM. 5*-6525 ' • Mna. Ap~IJ'·ln Pesa .· ~ .MS-1331 . I • ft-AIRS AL=-· lhi --· Cl\fJL a -~~ EXl'ERIENCED. 0 NL y ' . Tafeiil-ncoptlln w . ' • lliArn ~-· '--' ,,.....,~-Ha 11 .• •110 ' ·' . .,.._ 8GM58 --• k •-• be . -- CABIN!m!..Aro"d"""' • "' '" "'""'""" PRUFESSIOt!~L'S8it llraltameo "" Oran&a -·--ml wor • .....,..y -Am In-· .... 20, --·~ -1:1,... _.... 54Mlll YARD, pr. &ar!ioo it.mov. PLUMBING REPAm CU..r • SeuclUn& !ar mao COunty or Son Frandaoo SUrfboonJ -~'I p.m. t. ~ p.m., llJ' · ':Im W. P>aa!~H"" .lill. ""~·-· ~ -lo A·1 httl, IY)', ·O'Qt!., .rumpt, No job too nnan .to ltarn our bullnw: and area. Min. 2 yn ~. '1916 Pla~Ua. c.M. 'E. MlyWOocl, Sant• MBYili11iii ~ Allf· · P. O. Box 21. !!a· Lp. Carpentry, any da job! pade, tttnch,~te. e t4W12& e . ha.ut..,_ @~ pGl:l. S&1ary open. Phone m-8'119 ...._APA JOE'S' NEEDS l ~.". 'to S PU; ~-lllty. GIRt f\111 ttrae: ~ ~ Call Gordon 14'1'..tffO 982-8'145. '. ~ ~ P'UMBING •• br -·. Uon. ~ lnc:ome pro-ruLL I-part llme htlp -·-0. Mut ~.n .. App. PAPA JOE'S ~a.~ Eves. all window itwn \\1 14,Ul'ER -14 ,.. .n;~ ., iv'"'.,,.,, 11;: '"" ,,,;;,.j, , -. c.11,... ..i .. or ;:"':'· ""'"""' cbanoo ;,:' R N•bi1" ..... ~.M. Need• 1uu """' •"'1 · ..,.. w'iJi't'i& u';; 1n ii0l1ilt!<t-:frt~SX· !"$!....., hOW'. Rc~IJFW • 1\efa.ln. Tr1m H~ 1Wtl. Rtu. rtpt.!t rooter terv. !iJl-M bulWlll txP. -lit arr I ed . 1. vancemenL · ue n, tlmt Go Oo f lrl1. Am"'1 1"' Llabt ha111Cleal\UW; '\..~ '. ·~ '!'~· CdM. l4M«ll er SJ&-3900 BfGs ~.i "IU-tl).1) ror Datil' PDbl W.nr ML sq..atXJ. Ext. 321. ~~~o ~I WASH A~ bod¥/rtpairman t Newport Blvd .. Colllll. Mesa. 535-1011 WANTED: arentvt, er- -lJ"Tk Haulliir /i dtmlp. DIJI ~ CUSTODIAN \\>'ORK. Steady e A~ TRIM~~p.~ I yr e;~~nct~ve ... 11,*, d~~~M-:. . ....L 8{t~ ~ S l5~! '~'9\-=-=tll ":. c:.m..t, Concrwte 6600 Reu:lnablei AJtY am.. IS "OUR •ft IN _ •••J· men capable of cltanlna: Cl(. h-...rfe TIRE dJfitAER -,.,_,.. 'tv1• -... -"°IW" lM -s-m...8tlt .. ·r -· Cati ... AM ~ fict buUdinr l bank ln their .:. .. .,... nee-40 houri. '"~ · Full Co. quaUi, \\'Ork L 11. au n a C.M. 64i-a&4L -~-9CUITOM PATIOSI 6U-:as5T FIEDf Sooaeant wUl 1111t lrilure houra. Write nara.t, DeGuelle A Soru., ffuntinpm benefits, pd ~. Apply, Belch. Dort 4M-ilJ8 Mij\lcurlit W1ft'"7 • it.ilP"". ="1n""11a"'~""""~·-r-. l~a.~nl. ~· "1:,'" i:."'': •.;;.\';'1 oiliY l'll2ii' "'°'"' All6 1ooJdiw tor I• Dial ~ m1 ....,. number lo Box Beach. 5.1&<!61 1596, Newport Blvd, C.M. MOfEL AIAlb" . ~$,Jon. ~iii'·! , """Ill Iii ""'°·"' 1 chUd. -~·t!tfl!!_;;,fM_~I~. ,...,J_·.~ .... •!'! .. ~---, ".lt.Allol!Y_ _ PJ!ot,.; > •• ;~··~ .. ~!. OAILYPILOTWANTADS! • P.uttlml..-__ OIA1IGE .,..... 4 da,i ~ .... ~. l3MllO ~ . . _ . ·---~ .. ,.~'ff!!' .'~!".· ;·~ .. t~i.e, -. -----.~:-;i-.~;--·--:.;...:;...!!2·1.;..£ ' ·---. -""":-~,; .. icyft 0-.-a.iif :!ti::· .... H'> -. ~;ar;:... ..,., -• ---'.':"Y!:-~ _,_ -.:: - - T 0 -• • I i ' t • ~ II l • • • ii ~ " ~ •· • " > ,, • ~ l. '· 3 ,, ,. '· ,7 • l rt ,, ,. l : t • r ' r ' ) ' ' I ' ~ • ·--·-----------------------:------~..., . , 0.•ily Pilot Cle111lied CLASSJFIED INDEX AdV.rtl•rt may plaoe_tt••lr ad•'' tal1ptteM. • Phones Are Open 1,:00 a.m. ,.... 5:30 11:1"· 9 to Noo" S.1twd1y etos.d Sund•y DIAL DIRECT 642-56 78 HAVE YOU ' LOOKED .FOR . TH .HlpDEt_f DOLLARS • IN YOUR HOME LATELY? -- • ... --"" -... ... .. "" - SAYE CASH! TIME FOR 642- ' APPb'ln .. non 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. MOhday thnJ Friday J. c. PENtlY co. Please apply in per90n 2523 Ea.stblull Dr. Newport Beach Spanlsll Mecllterraneon loutht Mlnuf1ctur1r"1 Dislrlbullo1 CJn ,~-·. J ~' '69 Showroom S1mpltt 411 __ ,___ I Will involYi: beaV1' lltt.. Ins, may lnvolvt over- time. D1.1•tb1ft. Repro led lr1l1111 LOVE Mt $80. a•' n)td tofll, Jove IQ.t, coaee ' t~ ta· bles, tamps, s pc dtneue .. aet, kns aiie Spanish BR »el. Leu than 2 1:no1 old. Must an this w.o. li'?'f pr1)'. 1 ......- 81 Wood carved arm di\11n1 lg. man 's chaJJi or love oeat. 5 Pc Octuon dark oak din ·~~ w(black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR aet. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dreSAer, lg mirror, 2 collll)lodea. ·decorative headboard In Spaniah oak dHlgn with matching box springs, ma\· I DINING nx>m oet mate ln ~ II lralJ)e. l I \VUl _. Xftox. &run.. ............ -... lna machll'.lrea. Italy, ta,,.,, marble sldllll, ltemo Sol4 lncllvldu•lly I 3 ,,,.,.., ea,.. buttot ~ '""' Around -e.io.. you b<Jy -USI •Ide-both· will> ...,.. VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 • "" top1. 8 <baJn, • Q>ot or lormo ., low •• $4.66 per - IUIMI. wm "" ""' -Use Our Store Charge Plan or Bank Finan~ r~~~='~~----rNo Fancy Front -BUT Quality Valuea MAPLE BR. set, colil.pl, J.Uj, Waln. Din t;rn ~t, 4 chrs, 3 leawa. $100. Redwood unibreUa tbl WI umbrella, $20. Wuber/dry.. er, $16.i All ln iood cond. -"l'>"im<· . Clerks OpeniJ1& a.vailable in en- ~ ·~1 'and computer room. 11hit1. ~ MAHOOANY settetary, an- COLLINS RADIO CO. tique rocker m re<t wtwt. I ~!!!!i!!!!ii!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!i!!!ifl French dresser, mahc?I c1rop I: leaf tbl I 4 chrs. Cam'phor 'umfture IOOO F.umlture cMst, 4 antique chn • bed. I :.;::;::.:;;::;:_ ___ ...::;:;:: OOll -Clrole, H:B. =C~YPROVINCIAL anytlmo. SACRIFICE. r eold maple From A Large EAtatc h. l50 A fine selection ol con1plctc ~ , or beat otl.t!r, full .• i-bedroom s e t. Birdseye maple dresaer w/ ....... lup mlm>r I chest of Dl nins room set, table Ir dra\\--ers,. '25 each or best 6 chairs. eh i n a. buffet, oller"6C-4386 CWJtom made sof a chair, SEVERAL rooms of walnut mahoc-cof!ee &. large tables fw-n. !!Xcel cond. 3 yrs old. w-lealher tops. 2 twin ma- \V b lrlpool refrll/freezer. hog. bdrm. sets. Duncan All applicants revlev.-ed on merit with no blu to'vard Race, Chlor, Creed or Sex. :&loving must sell. ~ Phyfe table I.: 6 cNtira. aft. 6 PM 1.Wst sell all lmmed. at a :iiacriUCe. Terms on 1ood LGE. Antique whltt. bullet; . credU. antique hi-bOy, dinln& rm . ~rver I:. occ1tsional tble: metal bridal. tble. -w/S toldirl( chain. ~7798 7550' I ,iMiiAP'°LE'""'°'-'7twln-7"-'i'b<dc;.c.,,=..,bo~x FE:u.1.1 • DIVISION aprinp il mattresses; niaht .. ~ stand; 11 drawer dreaser Ot.Oce Mer ........... \:.. $586 w/lte. mirror; xlnt cond.; Part Time Sec ••••• fJ. pr hr $150. 673-4545 Teller Trainee ••.••••.•• $325 I ='""=~'"""'"'""---~ , _, 11 l S6SO FINE furniture, includina "'""" ... Sec ree 0 0. 0 0 0 ~·'Bl -~1 '"""' ex'I...., te ma.1-11 e top French Payroll Clerk ...•.••• to .,.,.,.. bl pl l 1 Sa MALE DIVISION ta e, us m sc Items. t I:. Sun, 2400 Univeralty Dr., Admln-tmee • • •• , •• • • • SG50 Ne\vport Beach. Drtt.nn • •• •• • • •• •• •• • $780 Audit Mer ............... $1250 BABYLINE French Prov. credit Mar ............. $650 crib It cltlffernbe le 6 yr. • Some Free, Some Fee m11,lttt&'!; used only lB mos. Marchenh Personnel Coet $1.30 new; tlS. 962--063' 1.043 Westclifl Drive M0\1rnG: Furn, appllancu, L4bby oo;.,. mloo. 1962 Cbur<:h St. QI. Comer 17th le Irvine 833--2795 or 646-<l6%J Newport Beach SACRIFICE! Fine Mahogany ti45-2770 -54>568!i dinin:-table and chaiI'll $250. 644-1679 S~hool1-lnstructlon_?,~ TUTORING in , )'OUr home by credentialed l!!achen. All subject!, 17"ades 1 to 8 Call: 548-6102 Aft. 5 PM 5' Antique harvest tib19 xlnt cond, $140. • 833-1026 * TRADITTONAL aola, pxl cond, uh dlnin&' rm set, frplc 1ereen. 833-2265 USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID AO« WAREHOUSE . - 1122 Garlien Grove Blvd., 1 8lOck W, of Beafh-~lvd. oH Garden .Grove Frwy. Open -10 to 9 SUn. IM * m.44 ·* 3 Pie<ie Bralded e OVAL RUG SET e Nylon blend,1 reversible, Brmvn, coppertone, ereen. Sizes: 8 x 10, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 AL'S UNUSUAL FURNITURE 17881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach Jt2..4t64 Fumilure J"et\lmed from dil- pla> """""· model -decorators cancellaUOn. Spanl!h &. Mediterranean eh= RD FURNITURE. 1144 Newport Blvd. CM ever. night ti! 9 \Ved .. Sal le Sun. 'til I QUALIT Y King bed w/qulltl!d mattreu. comg. NP.Wr used $98, 1vorth $2511. 842-6536 ' SPANISK &ROUPS.1 ' 20 Pc "Madrlcl'f 3 Room Group i From Model Home t includes; Quilted &Ola 't chair, 2 l"nd tables, c& table, 2 lamps, dresser, mit- ror, headboard, quilt bilk sprp I:. ma ttr. 5 Pc DilWf l"OOnt table le 4 1-fi -Ba<fi: chair!I. I Compare at $749.95 C.Omplete group $399 • • • P•y only $16 per ~ 21 Pc • ''Barcelona'' ". King Size '. 3 Room Group ! Old World Elogonca includes; Quilted sofa ~ loveaeat with pillow be.cki, 2 ma&!llve lamp tablea, CD(. tee table, 2-42" lam}Jll. KiJ:V size muter bedroom~ quilled matb' &: box largt' dresser, mtrror, - stands. headboard. 6 Pe IWivel chair dinelle itet. , 1 Compare at $1299.95 ' ' Complete P'OUP $699 Pay only $21 per m• • WELK'S ,. DAILY PILOT WANT AD ORDER BLANK · Furniture MART • 600 W. 4th St. " '. .!i&nta Ana 547-5731 I-lours: Daily 9 to 9 Sat S-6 " Sun ll-6 ·' I ,· AND REA~H rHE •ORAN&E QOAsrs BIGGEST MARKET 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE O.NE UNEl-NO AD LESS TH~N 3 LINES • ""-" $4.SO $5.10 $6.00 PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 P11bli1h fer . , •••••••• tlty1, 9t 9f1111ing , ••• •, •••• , , •• , , • , , , • •• • • • •• • • • • Clt•1ifictti•11 • , , , • •• ••• , , •• , •••• , ••• ,, , • ,, •• , ••••••• , •• , •• , ••••• , N•m• ··••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••···'~···•••••••••••• Adilr•u •,. ••., •• ;, •• •• •• • • •• • • • • • • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •·• •• •• •• •• • •• Cit, • , • , , • , , • , •••••••• , • , •• , , , • , Pil•11• ••••••••••• ,, ,, ,, , • , • , • • CUT Hiii ._ PAITI ON TOUI INYIL.On -; ' • • ' " TIMll TIMD TlllU $6.IO $10.65 $15.90 ------ "$1.21 $13.10 $20.10 $9.76 $15.55 $24.30 -··- '° •••uu con Pri •nly •l'I• wer4 ht ••ch 111•c• •ii•••· l11cl11cl• 'f•ur •lltlr111 er ph•n• ""'""''· rlt• c•1t ef your •' it et the e1ul ef th• lint en which the l•tf ~er4 ef yeur etl 11 wri+- tt1. A.44 .2.00 •-"• If yett tle1lre ,,, ef DAILY PILOT 1 .. ""'''' ·wltfl ..-11-' , .. . ' ~ "''" . ····-···--- • • • EXQUISITl l SPANISH MEDITERRAllAN RETURNED FROM · MODEL HOMES 1 A line selection of complete houaefulls. Brand ~ kinpite bedruoma, beautiful 7 pc. ~ l'OOllU, chinu. hutche:s, CUBtom quality • fas &. Jo..-e seats, double door retrigttators, washers, dr1· ers, color TV'a (all auaru- teed) will sacrifice. Sell ell or part. Terms on good cred.. ;1 AOK WARBIOUSE : . 7'122 Garden Grove Blvd., 1 Bick Weat of Beach m·vd., oU Garden Grove Frwy. Open 1D to 9SUn10-Ii SPANISH FURNITURii; RETURNEV F R O~ MODEL H0""'5. SAVINC!S TO 80%. Spanish quilted 10fa A love sent, 3 oak llvtrw room tables, 2 livine rooin lampo A Spanlsh ~. El Pttaidente k I n & 1 t ~e -"""· oak -dn811er Ai mirror, kiac hea.dbo&rd. 2 OOIDIDDdi!s, klngs.iie mattn!U 6: bO:r '""""· ' _,, ....... 6 p~ Spanish wrougtit Iron dlnln: set Onl.)' $467. m.· dcnvn I: $4.50 weekl)o, .l!Cll scparatel,y. F.aly credJI. l fA~IIJ.TON FURNITURE ;,~~ti \Vetrtminlttt Ave ., \Ve1tmil'lllter. S96-4'3t daily IO a.m. tr: 9 p.m., Sal 10 Lm. to I p.m.. SUn. / 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. L---1= OIE CIS~-55 • • ' PAID FOii • •• IUSINISS llPLY MAIL ....,_,_. ... ~, ..... cw·• ' I Oren• Coelt DAILY ~LOt ;.o . ._ ,,.. •• • 1 . c... ~ C:.llf, nu6 ------- •• • • '~~!~!!'-• 1'-.Ant'--.. I, .... .,..,_ Ho1sef1ll · 1,~1tyt 14 HOUll SEllVICi BUYER ON DUT\'. 1 DAYS GOLD ecNCti a: lcM! -1 O.l $300, toU for St.50: ._ dlnhw lahtt, $46.. '*6271 _...._ ____ .,._....,;:__. .......... __ .... I i r I I f\.1 - I ! l • ·'••·• ............................ . ' . . . . " • • ... ' -. ·W~T Don't iust SIT there! ·Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: . ' ·. I . . •I . ,, 642-5678 · Just say: "CHARGE IT!" I No.th County, 540· 1220, toH free) • --------~-. " . . ' . ' . ... _,, • 1 ... ,. ---~-; ' + • ~ ... ~ • .,,.,, . . • • ·---- .. . . ' IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS ' ,. . ' PENNY PINCHER . . WaNT A ;D.S NEW-LOW-RATE ' . 3 · LINES l TIMES $2.00 IN THESE CLASSIFICATIONS! Furnitur• Office Furniture Office Equipment Store Equipment C1fe, R•t1urant B•r Equipment HouMhOld Goods Applhmcos Antlq- Sewlng MachlMI MU1lc1I Instruments • 8000 8010 8011 1012 8014 1015 1020 1100 8110 1120 8125 Pianos & Org1n1 Radio Ttlewl1lon Hl·FI & Sttreo T•pt Rtnnltro C1meru &: Equlprnenl Hobby Suppli'8 SportlngGooft llnocul1r1, Scopes Ml1ctlltneou, IUO l200 1205 1210· l220 1300 = 1510 NOii e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e · ·: "1 e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIALrlRMS e- e NO COPY CHANGES e NO AllRIVIATIONS e . , , .. • Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! , •' • . 1 . .. . -,......,_ .. " . I ' ' l I • l I Ii ,, Ii " ·i II " " ,i I. ,, Ii 11 II ,, ,; " ll- 11 . " ·I j 1 -· . I ' • I' 11 !i u i 1t " ' I I I' II I I ,, I ii I' · I j ' _, . I • • ' • • ......... I-...... ... ·~·"" ,; ... .. .. . . . . . -. .... ' ' . ' . . . " ' DAll.Yl'tlot r1 FOUi CONVINIENT 'Off!CES Here's How Y• C. Use O• Fa-DllM ·A· LIHs TO SERVI YOU e lllWPORT llACH Ul 1 ...... 11M. e COSTA llllA --···-·-·-lJt W• ... e HutmlleTOll llACH ---J" l'llllo S1rN1 e LA•UNA llACH -·---m ..... A..0... ., .... _______ _ ,._.,_._ ............ ' . • ... 1114 ,., ......... ... ..... --.......... -.. -... $2$, ' c.-n.....,. ... .-,. ... * llLANKS '1 Im, HID OLIVE ~ "I -···-'·"-'· Mod on l!!NGLE . ~-b••t -.. ,, ........ ,_..1......, SUll11IO.UU) I'll" u~ ......... .+ M-'--·-.... ·~-·y ~·-t • oo·~··,......,·,..· ...... and Zl" TV,~ -...i-~ ;,;,; m i:.. -;:;:;.;;;:;: ~~ba~ ~!Id bani!¥ .... ~ Shl&lt~· 10i1s-&1•••·1;~.;:, .... ...., c:ondltlon ~"5'.'.iiOi' <ktfi ·"' -;;.~ ~ ';;ih."d..;;r.:-~,· ~ .... -;;:;.;-$25. °"" .. ..... m~~ ....,. ,,...onl)i #5. -14 lnch em-$10 Oil .,,..., .... ter taint far: • Trimpb > ~ ltell for $4 S.Jivtl dl&lt ·~ .Twln bunk beda ns 12, $).$10 Wig, .~. drawtrl fZ5J ' Book c. I e 'M"OTOOY==. o""".r"-""'"'· "'•"•'°1:1'1""""~ botl!IW tape 5(1c, New 3/8 ail Ul: ~Unp $10 and Batk Ref IOI' '61 Y, · $25. &li..2137 ' ,,.. · $" , 3 SPEl:J) blke, twist 1~-8ookcaW ~rd ,IO!t taupe color $15. 54&-873S headboard. a.~ •Nflhtstand 1izt1 for II lncb rims $3 metal emboulna tool $10. \\'Omtn'a li&e 7 5~ i:.;: $2.:io. ~T . MOVJNG. Chioi. cabinet· sz. grip~ Mitt. •Pttdomettt p.i 'New •wini Ml ~ iio. 1Drurn , tni. .. $12. Scat to sto. 646--3759 S1un model 4$0 bQe mike Topu, 6$.lOi • 8v ,J25. ' at0oz1 $25. 2 and ll&ht in 64f.-0196 CdM. ~ much tnqre,1 Lirp URGE 4 x il foot Blot-.car ~ 18. lliM.ttc :set $21 'LOCl<;:..,;"S:,--"Pl.;. ..... .='-a-rd.,..;-,..-n. $10. (X)..AX: conneetocc lUG· , , ANTIQUE d6or knob S10 la,inpa $20. KUchen 15too1 $3. electric heatot $10. AnthNt back, mountalnt and Hkleahed $al. Bol*lhelf S3. .,., h. Fa ... 18St.J) '5e. ~ 1 ., , . MAPLE 11)tle bed ud mat-Sto'*POllshtt and wheeb Kitchen table 2 chairs $7 EIGHT I oz. bl.by botllff nlte 1tand1 ~ Ucll. Qrape·s va)ley1, wired $~ Sete at Braided l'UI $5:. J:9d table b::;; kit=n 11 "."SS. 1-------j.lj,..;.,.... -.. -• $10 speed e. adder $10 Comer deak. $5. Cha.be and sterilizer, like new $$. $8. Swag lamp $10. rwunr all Campus Dr .. Newport $1l. ~ !i17 Ce.rnation, Plumb!-..._.,, __ ., • H '• .' ' .. ~r.o ....,, \V~'JJ2 lpMd ~· $15 Antique In-~ UO. 3 pe.tlo chairs ~2199 par $1 to~~. Mach (acrou from Oranp CdM. ' ~ • ., w.;,,...TII •~ -':.V:~\xi~f!Jw$J: ~f ti!~~~~ ~ dWl pottery $12 Bronaon $10 l!'Joor lamp ~ Cooler DlvtNC tanks: 2~ cubic Zic to $5. ~ ~lJ, nlovlQc diunty Airport I 50--0UO, FRlCJDAiRE eketnc stovt, ;:!~bulca~I~~.$ ~ 9' t'l!ltt&n Hdional. ,\fill MI1 _·blndllwa S15.; Mu'a lld rad: ancS reel $8.!!0 Movie: -mi picnic bubt.1'8 Mix• f~ tankl ln rack witb out of atate. 8'7..-2907 Wffk11a¥1 only uad cm )'ell" $Z. Box tie.di $1 • SS. RCA Conlolet. one1ttdonk-S2Zi~'"°"· boots~lO ·~ (4\14" :::n~~.;.ia:;1~~wl~m1&t·lrinder; ~$20Uch.613-t769 AHT1QUE ~ m.od1ra aicYcLEs. Sevnal 11t)'lt1 sprtnp and mattreu $21. te TV 21", $1\.. Brunette dona in all) Cl.I.I 6'5-m3·. h\lb Cl.pa $1. SU.:.1'23 ahoea $UO 4 ~ ~ "_. e $11 Rocker ALL wOod V.-.rdrobt llldlqr • furnlture, 5..ptoeee end. ttbl9 ·~sltt1 includlna: SUIW• Zl E. Dth·St. Costa Mesa. wfc and cue $25. Sewn.l .,._., p.m. ¥ "' ~. J . 111t, 2 dte.1'f!RP EX! Jots cf J.olp&d ~~ ~ !}2,__:_~ ~ 1wUr. ehoe rack. }'hell, Md/,coUee '!ft t~ -.pje(;e1, ''f:.:-~ • :~ $19. •-•·• ~-""'132S;;;:':;n~==.,,,.,= drawtn for cabinetl ll '·. """~. ·-...., $2S. ..... , -~-~ --~ ll,I. -book -16. I .... ·-115.'•An~~ ~~~ --·-PORal alJdor, lll•UIOW $20. ...... '4>-'1616. 2212 Eldeo TANDEM '"'-'de (built fOr Automatic .... ~ ..... N•w '"'" ....,, S speed ttcord House plaat $10. Palm tree .,..,, ...-_ _.-:r: ....,_ QI-""""." • Jl0-#16. AU In aood n~ ) ~--k ...... ..,.. _, playn ~ s.m and spray $5 Cypra. trtt in pot $4. VIJ""';NI Wl,,~l' '"'·. d Dllncab c:or¥!HXm. 54G-2847 S023 ..,tf rocker c:bdr, sreen. Ave. C.M. twa. .... ta e1 . fender skirts for ''ll J'ord Iran $8. ~fl')' $4.50 646--0'lSl • CGAR.AGE;..doorsprinpand Pbytl'dlnlng W.$25.~ 'Klll)'~Lant · good conditklnt COit ~AD -~~-T-._---~-lu-115.~ rrs.-t'l02 SS pair. ''Open lb&N" 'lla:n ,Coc'ner stfp-table $4 Side -· w overhead door hlnies $3. lll'AI and chair $2S each.; ' C.M. Kii tor $25. DW:tte chain. Child'• aet $21. Bockcuts 4 8AJt. atoola. $8 och. Cedar ~~~w~ah= ;m ~ tab)e $4 k&nd. vibrator SC NF.AR new Boston Maple Twin beds itp tfCh. Soll 4 lounging cha1ta Sil each. FoRMJCA Cowred cabinet. ~oo:tool' $2$5 54~ White $5 and $10 ea,dl. Atlu $9. cbelt fl), Waffle tron $1. ch11.lr $5. 847-8US ' Kltcheaa nj ~ 1111 ~~"~ti rocker $2(1, 962-2964 shell Crab ca\c.ber S l. ·=rd Pa~'~;. 1~~ :· 44" wW1e $25. Ga1 stove ru.,_,. .. • ~---_ ~~bltlonao ~ .. no.,.. ~ ~ 10' pludc match IUck m e e .. ~., ..,,... .--a re APT size &as stove $l5 Ree Hoover ~anistrr vacuum ~ H.B. orlt~ cJi:b · $25. Youna: man's suit 18 ~~ .............. _., ........,_ ._. ... ~ - drape $5. 2 chahe lounge KROHLERCouch$10. %. bed pad $2. Ylt1s and ladW. •iil' gu lltove $l5 Table $7.~ .. 2 Delux r;nkldll and yrs approx~ $3), (l(X)d) SUnbeam Mix.muter $7.50. box SJ)rlnp $18. Fa rd chain $10. car top. carrltr, $10. 408 Lincoln, H.B. clothing 50<>$1 A•• c rt e d f chairs, tlffds ~-efrna. SlO'. rear vvt. wan .eat.a '7~ 1 GARDEN rakes S2 ·each.: Tift• 6.9$ x 14. IX! x 14, I i"4$.'iFi"'51m==,,-=~-flathead cam tnew) llttttl and cover $S. 4 laddcrback tools SOc-$1 Dishes 5c-50o 673-7556 ..-, each. Fokl· up metal 1;nalle .. 2 pair still& St a pair. i ei9 x 15, U nM tank RE 0 ISTERED miniature and IJ)rlnas $15. Tr1·powtt chain $10 .ch. 646-6278 CIIEVY 6 cyllndtt enatne Ccelman ice bax $12. Sal· P}Jli"A~ANTS $5 Sh 0 w lounge with pd $5. 2 Boxti1.," M" provfncial gold eoflee $4. 5t)..8316 poodle, blacR, rood with P!t-up complete $21. Chev Sl~. Corwtte Yllw tovtn Sun. lG-5. 21'.K* Allllc, C.M. p~$4 642-S:3fll pl umbing , flt t t n r a $2. ~ $15. Storqe cabinet ' ehlldrtn $25. 1250 So. Huron. "282" four bunl manifold Gt tank vacuum at- tachmentl $S. Coffee table J2x31, slaa fop Ind lhelf SI. Mini tape ftCOl'der, rood $1. 3 floor polllher, electric, $1. 2 R.emin,tOn Electric ruon S2 • Ss. Wool rufi:' and pad, 7x4 $12. La1vn mcwer $5. 4 TV stands $2 -$5. 6 elt!ctrlc alarm clcck~ $2 -$5. GE clock l"l!.<il'l $1. Dlshn\Uter link fauce!. socd $21 2 record pl~'C!l~ fS.33, $.1 and $8. Sunbean1 hair drytr $1. 3910~ Chan· nel Ft., N.B. 513-1803 BOYS 20" 1tinlra:y $12. LClnlhlb"ed autne• p 11 s white me. Colored 15c. Toy• and 1amee ~ to 50c. Pinc Pone table and .et $8.50. rm wooden canopy-type child'• iwtnr. m York- tcwn. H.B. 982-"18911 TWIN bed1 complete with headboard• $1.2 each. Child's wardrobe chest $10. Pole lamp $2. 96l-0646 '!WlN Hollywood bed fl5. Sl.mm01t11 twin roll--a·1vay bed $15. Kenmpre upright vacuum and attachments $17.50. Round :P..1 a p I e drop.leaf coffee table $25. 5 dn.Wtr white chest $12.50. f dranr Walrnrt ehut $15. bl2 aold nyloa nia: $15. Double Simmons eprtn: and mattre• $23. Palr ?.laple end table! $15 tacb. ~ I. No com,,,.rci•I Rrmt ., prlvote busln ... rn1<y UMth ... colum111. ia. 3-barnl manifold $5. cf 20th between Tuatln and · · Alwnlnum patio ch at r 1 1 1$. ~1390 · MAPLE Set tee $ 2 5, S.A. 540-8609 and bla carburt:tor $11. t'8'' Duntov ,._ cam and solid Irvine. 6f6-2640 -r:ia~RAPY ~j'1 ·lamp S20 need new 'webbing $2 each. ·GERMAN Sbe •. ~-bed Pt f;al!Ddry ·tu.b)!O ~::;.::;VIN:"'(l=. ::Ma_pl_e_bedroo __ m Hable llUrlboud $25. Gclf llttera 115. Stock cam $5. YARDAGE for q u 11 t e d 642-3~ cet ng healer $1 2 tbeetl of ' &OOUlltlc bani ,tri colO!' ee~~P.i. #.Tub llhlf dnk com-nt~ Double eet $Z. Mat. clubs $4 each. Goll bq $15. Wind1hleld fer 57 Chevy $10. bedspread $5 ftound Maple . rubber, 4 ft aq. $1.50 each. .. 90-:729'1 • "'" l. t;5. bination $1 Cedar cbllt =. tn_. and box springs $25. Catt $14. Tire1, nrbll 3.0S rear tnd no. 57 Oievy ccffee table $9 Wing back TIRE chains 1S x 100 $6. 545-891& I • • ~ ~ ~ Rlverlida. Dr., llnta 'Dftiler ·'and. mirror $25. aliea 50c • $5. LI ~ front seat ~ De n n i s . chair to cov~ $15 Inlay 548-!l64l '-lS" OORVETJ'E rim. witb ~TS car nkll!' ~ ~ H1hC.. Nl&ht 11tandl -sz. 5 foot t BOX-fPrinc and mattra.t ~:o:u, 11313 Palm St. lamp table, refinished $8. ~IGERATO!t.• Gcod wide dual tttti $10 each. '$6~ = i.'l.l!lf'P. ~k 1r• PORTABLE TV $25. white ~ua:~ couch $20. tw:ln·1lze on roller fn.ml, Bendix washer, as is, $5. worklllg cond1tK1n S 15 . ~2133 Sund , . u a Dl a r l c !4-6529 , ~ cccaslonal chair $5. excellent condi&n. used In fll~ING table and 6 <ha'-Old chest ot dra\\-e-n $20 646-2217 after 11 AM. 1500 ay. . . lladlron electric IJ'()ner $9. 2»5 Wallace, C.M. guest room. $23. Vt.ta $' •• Glass11.-att 25c to S's~ Glass lire screen $20 Round Clay St. N.B. ~H~~r combination ~n~ ;,~ up.,~ 8 .:=99~hwinn DlnUer KELYINATOR ttfrlgerator modem (~ t)' p e) f)l ~ picture frame $2.50. f.laple drop leaf table $20. RACER-Scat car for age 2.s -· · .;, ClUU1: ~ with crou-top freezer $25. black nauphyde much on l I q u e mirro r S 3. Wall rack $5. 613-02a2 or S4 Child's typewriter 1.''lth BLUE Stamp books 121,ii $21. ~ .:t~her ' p.~ 225 l9M FORD $15 or sell parta IDC 3Smm aUde _projector heavy Wl'Cll.lht-lron fn.mrt ~:"hDiany drop leaf table 675-6t25 ea.&e $5. Toys 10c.$1 . Green stamps, nearly 9 Beach. 536-0i'.13' HWltincton $1 tG' $25. 1956 Ford ~ $15. Mt.fle albale btd, with 2 b&ck-l'ftl cushion&. S2J. 4 chain $15. Ailtique NET playpen S4 Crib $1 ~4 books $18.. 45S Bent, Lquna ct 9e'll part.a Sl to $25. 1980 liPrinCI and Ji¥.ltrea $2.5. Good for ~don l"CICnl, pine headboard $21. lJvhle Lawnmc\\·er $8 Bia.sell rug TWO S\ltftt orphan kltte~ Beach after 1 p.m. Cub LINCOLN ~ tet 58 Ca d S 2 5 w I th cu I S ~ bllek. hip. coating 119Uo, etc. $25. 5 toot ruu room chair $25. 19501' shampooer $1 Stroller $'1.50 will oc~ affection fer h:> check& -le li8 tealed lft plutie n. transmlslHon Cll' radlatcr. ~ . FGr Sale sian $.1. lUXl.ll'icus live }hlJ.ldtndftla Arqon Ctrcle, H.B. 968-1559 Pole lamp S3 8xl0 ¥.WI room and beard in a klving BABY LAYtTTE complete, ~~':!!'. ~)1963. J.9C.O Lin-125 1"". 1~ileala'd•'l'l'l'anolae .":d"'la~ ~ . · indoor plant $10. Beautiful braided $15. SfG-8019 adult bGme. Brcther and near new: Carriap $25. ~ ~ ..... . , Uncoln ;><>U oa ""' MINI·BIKE· W 'kX; '~1..._. 1attn wedd1zw drell. chapel DINE'lTE tet I chairl $20. nia: iiater raised together 7 small crib $10 large crib ~ $1. U8l.o nilnt set $15. 2 new 500 x 9 10 ply ....,. Tei:l., ~l-trUs. ilze 11).12. must • Coakwatt 1et heavy club GRtEN chal:r $5. Black mcnths, ala-red 0 ~ 1 Y sz;. cany cot is. and com· Sl.!ril. .l96l M"'1 •t $1. 75. tires SlO each. 1 and % three It. Boy ScoUt Clmera izs. Brovm and b e 11 1 aluminum $1.'). :P.fototcycle clothes hamptt $3. w~~ cha~ 111 $20 to ~ shots. plete sell of linen for each, 1961 Mlnt tet $1.25. Coin& ten Yale Ccmealona $25. iz. 829 St. James Rd. N.B. froded wipt, human balr, windlhltld r'· J Qeed floor playpen $5. New aluminum ~ ~· chair $6, sc.alei S 1, ~ be available only from Westinghoose: floor ICl'\l.bber a'.! GALLON ftquuium. caod. excellent condltiDn, '15• 2 1hlft l1nkare $5 . andmelhpcrt-a-cr i b, MODERN SGta . automatic ateriliter $5,"t .1 a.m. to 6 p.m. 2/15/69, and pollsbtt $8.' Eureka condltlon, bu.Jl!T, pump, Piddle tennll ~t.. IGe Reverberator for car $15. playpen combination $10 Ice $20 and Chall', petty chain S5 and $.l elec--· '38--3021. electric broom $10. % Ton cover $25. Wfou&bt ron •each. 1 pall' of chllmn'• ~~:111 $3. Breadbax chest, biggest $20. 645--0156 wa'in~t ek~d~y ~~~st:~ bic feed.inc plate $5, 'infant WASHER $10. Maltreu s10. Chevrolet truck wheel $3. it.and $5. 2933 C:aala St. •aldll and polea, $8 (fer · PROCTOR ironing board $2 table, $1S; walnut corner seat $4, swing, dlaptt pall, · Bed frames $7. Secretary ~e~~et f~~l a:~..,· S! Eastbluff, NB. 1 )eainners). 1501 Anita Lant, P'1UND gold leathtr hu!lllck Toutmaster $2. Steam iron tabi,, $15 MQ.!i383 bottles, 3 foldlna: rattt $3 chair $8. Breakfast table .... TV portable, GE, m 1330 l'.fewport Beach, MS-31IM $10. White lcunge chair $25. $3. Manale $5. 2 bra.11 stools (2) fi=VoJ . ea, or Je••· cc mp I e t e $10. Chain $2. Popcorn pap. Air CGmpreuar $15. 15 cu. Pal!Jadca, No. 48. 56-2305 Youth size day btd tz:. $5 each. Bookcase 53 Hedge HAWAll t bath!~, S~O '!a· wardrobe fer Want and girl per S5. Baby, atroUcr $3. fl httzcr SlO a!I is. 2 FOUR 13" chrome ~ijf CL()THES bamepr $!. 'rrfey. AllJUCe new:~-' -"" .. cutter, electric $5. 20 ft ., __ k ~· 10 · $25. tc age 3, diapers, hamper, Car seat $2. 'fennis racket CheVJ'!)let radiator& S5 each. rims $'1.llO. 14" racing-steer-.elf In perfect condltkin ~ BIRD Cqes $1. ReCGl'd chicken wtre, 36" wide $2. ix.-.:r egs, .,., eL 615-4302 ·maternity wardrobe S2 -$6. $10. Hair dryer $10, Chest 1-12 x 16.5 Chev wheel $10. Ing wheel $5. LI 8-6507 ~~ pe~~~a:n~:. changer $18. Hair·~ lf,. 1 piece, 8 ft, !10c 1 piece, MOVING-Antiques $1 , AIL excellent conditicln. drawm $15. E'l chair and 3 camper wlndows S3 each. CRIB $15. Playpen $3. -Man sttirdy ·ru. Slat bl'nc:h .-ii. &by rats 2Qe.. ~t \ftt• 31 tt Ieng, 24" wide ~· typewriter $20, Penian rug * 494-52'26 fr Otteman $15. Open fUl!'fl $5. 3S ton simplex jatjl: $Z. and ladSea bikes $1.0 rich. "----leaf maple table otfo_ ch $3. Tele1cop,,,$1B. BiliF Jb'ua f1tt ' icnen ', 3. $15, records 50c. ping pong Em•r•ld 8.-y De~ $5 • $2i. Step table 29 ton hydraulic ja~ $25. SJet:ptrw bq: $4. 2 Wnpa U~tered chair, nice far :Jumplnc chair--'-$f. Ant1qiiie Lumber "-x 6, 3~. S.' f •. table $5, paint IP1'8.)'U' Ul, 1.956 5'11.lP_glAKER-I' bed $1$.-Storqe cabinet $5. TV -~lectrlc drill n5-650 S3 ~etich. Dllhwuber, needs bedrpcm i:;. 2:1.lnch black trunk $l0. N'ew bow&w 9, 10 tt lone 4c ft. FendJW, pictures SI, books 10:?, pickup -meter llbGt, S25 -p. Patio chain $5. 646-4837. ·:m:~,~ n."11~ $1 v~u:'; meter work-$5. 21.arat wine .dd_ '1fhlle TV, war1cs well &heft size ~ $2. Bridle l't lt, ~ ift hl&h, "' x 536-1161 4!K-3118 -. 155 Rochester C.M. radic $8. 289 Ford 2 bbl barrels $10 each. 2 3 9 0 tu. Coffee table rudy tot and bit for bone. $(. Elee-5~ post and 2 x 4· $94. DINEM'E Set with ~ Leaf SC ,-~·-to• .~ m••llold ,.,. Fordham, C.M. 5'.5-8lDf t1u..... -('Omplete with 4 X 8 Jt I $1.25 2 X ' 4 chain $10, Ocuble bed• GOOD Barp1n for tile hr.lb-RAM LETS ai-u ... <; nu .,, ~ ._... :i~;~: i.,s:f:. 3c ft. 2 x f x 10 ·$1. each. mattress, tx:oc 1 Pr 1n 1 s: byiil. Table ready for tUln& · ' • lolctoreycle 1procket1, bat· 21 S= e~ ~· :.~ ~ :~ ~ · 7 tt ~umlnum. Ouistmu frame, IOGd condition .,o: and cJ1&inlJ ,biack-p'ffn teriel!, chain and para , "'"J needs new wire $1. 2 ~ W1th rnolYlng wtml ~2819 ...,. dealgn t 11 •, .n for $25. ANSWERS 25c-$5. 6 cyl jeep e.Q(lne CHEV. 56 - 6 cylinder 235 HUbci View Homn. near bouidoir 1-mpa '1 each. 2 $8. 2 blket. bey's SS each. 644-4188 $25. Heavy duly winch $25. truck motor, complete: $25. 1 ~ M and MacArthur, t1ble lamps $4 each. Wead 1 piece preued wood "-MUST SELL•nns WEEK• %" drive ratchet S7 "-" RotoUller, lea motor $25. Na ·~ Wrlll e~~ ~~~ 'X.11x6, $1. '62-1&53· ' NO~ On'ER 2 SUNBEAM axlel ~ Scme Enculf -Rqlan -Always drive llGclr:ell $1 uch. Hand Metropolitan parts S1 • $25. 1'"Ailtt'""""''~ll"O"'. °"6~dw~ln~l2S.= 0 x.u. • .-' m -•·-I 1 RE1'USED Twin mattrna: Popular Scl1·n-e1 Md -Mealy-Newest-~ tools 25c--$5. Marble com-545-MJS i ; .. ~e chain ~ FOR the shoot.tr, ,be1M6fQ IL p .... ua., 90 _e v..._. a and Box spriDgl $25 t Mechanic mqulnet 'alncre lfy -PRESS AGENT mode tcp $5 Sled1e hammtt BAKER'S beam IC&les, I iJ.: ~pg $3. End table. 9X ipottln& ~' with $74. WW 11!11 $5 to $25. Sizes frames $5. ea.. ~pi:'~ 1959 to 1960, Complete met Beth: "So Herbie hidea: ~ S3 1 HP electric motor, 110 pound11 $25. 548-8236 M:_,~ for 8 dl1htt $12. adapter tor camera $13.50. ~pe!° 8 2:ea:c.~~. ~ screen ~.50 wood buket 1900-Febnwy •li8p i 15 · der the ICda an drepol"ll er 220 volt $25. 823 Towne NORGE wrlnier t Y Pe ~ vacuum $12. Elec- 5.16-3417 etlll-llfet. All llft original, fl.SO Andll'()ns S?.50, I&-pie-. S48-81H8 aft 6 ~I·.~ and every time you're beina Jwa. SL, C.M. 646-~? washer, used twice sz. trlpl,..1.pplianctt. !iOc • $5. BOY'S 10 1pted blkie, 1IOl)d Saturday and Sunday alt«r ture. framea $6. Picture!I Sun ' pd." 8" INTEGRAL hub trailer 543-8236 ~ l!Clc • $5. 8G)''1 b1loe condiUon $25. S3S-6U& 11 AM. 531-3193 ' &le lo $10, Deak and chtJr STINGRAY ~;.~~ con-wheels, 2 have new tires .NOR'I1-IAIRE car cooler like ·~O."i~ 2. EACH ITEM fOf LIVING · rcom dl&tr $25. BABY dreaslng table like $6. ~~Irle ~wina machine dltlon, new ~·teat and Mildred: "Yes, he la a ree. $25 each. I with used Ure new $10. 548--823& • Io'""'~""'---=.=,....,-and=pump,---1 1ale murt l:.e priced -White a"nd Sold hi:adboard $12 N ey ~r $3 $12.50 Electric lktllet $3. tire!! $12. 962-~"l· ular PRESS AGENT." $5 Black pcle lamp $3 Baby mtf'I', italnless ltftl top ott1o: :~..-..· c.= &: Sattler, Bedfspo" ~~d•-$2--JllcSS. Dta 11 h'550, BOY'S ~. ,,llllce $11.50 awinr S2 Car aeat $2 C:OSco 2 • 9 FOOT Italian Spruce W1111,.• Urbts $12; b I a e k no price ov• $2$. $15. Livinl room lamp ...,. .u=u• -..... -.Ice lki» $ 2 10 SPEED bike o . Con. $25. lllgb chair $10 Seucape pie--trees $10 fer both. 548-8543 ~t lrc land for 968--fOC9 bullt-ln, 4 bdrner stove $20 Wall Sccnce $12.50 EJectric Man's , s · Mate! power shop $10. t1u'e 15 I.nu I brown Llll PARAKEET aviary ~ 2 't='c "·, .!,.',., ••u c:.oT'DtW 1 "'v ., m1 .. COi.t ~~unt clock $5. Small Iron $1.50 , ....... 0.1-50e _ 646-3680 ~ • 5*--lal "Fi ef --t....-12 '• ""' ... .w-J. DIME • A • LINE ·::7-bo·-'1 ':'_:'":li! _.,. &:Irie clock $2. 54&&2. $10. o-,.-.,-5~ P.M. 730 BOWLING B1lfO 'Ind bap ' ,, Ann llill~· me tno. 110 ..-~=" I . lfomen'a ee wool "°"'· zip um,.., nd .,,.. """' _. •-#--• _ C.M """ 3. Black faille heels, 68, $5 akates $3. Larp cmTll!I' 1"" $10; rupbeny coat $:5; tdl are accepted a ald $4. Pink ~te4J ba)f .,.. .. 1-Ul,.mo, ' Amip Wa:y No. 3 Newport $5 Lazy-SuQ ', $ 2 • 5 0 Tii HP Elfin ootbcard and Pink cocktaU dreaa, size JO. table ~. Nevermar Danllh ... sltt 10 bone Mew pubn.L.; 11 1 un'!"U9 blanket neve.r used $2. MOVING. Llibtwe!rht ¥ke Bluffs Bed11pread D " mi $3 . tank. needs tune up $25. $7. 9G-383l .:walnut~ table and end --1 "6"-l'""""••ft"IN> • an.a , ...__ed tall picture cf barn· S5 TV stand $1.50 Hl&h chair TY-·--u-.. -·-" Oven~ &nc11~ $1 and F . I · ' table SS each, Gr both '--""'"'·=-·,:,-~;;,,;;-~;:;-="'"'" Mrvece to our ft.lifrom ..-boo·-· bl--• 00 white M . $1.50 Crtb $10 Diaper pail "':'"n..i'"""" ,..,.e, """" S2. Carafe and wumen $2. 1·re ext llg\llllber $9. Elec-SHARP UpOOlstered chair $6. " u -·~ bow., 0 •• ..__~-AOUSTMILE Bed trame $3. r--T -..;-. ... $1. Toyl 25c-$1 Fcldlng rebuilt ~ new $22.50 Relish trays $2. Flah tank ~ba:,m~-~11"'. -~u'. ~ .,.,. """""" .... .,,....,., Slldln&: door boolccue .tth and the DAILY PILO 347-.J.123 ,cllair $1 et.ch.' Man's chair, 548-TIG.5 and tnppin&:1 $5. 1986 Inc lla:ht fixtae~ new \..C$1. SOLID Maple twin bed St& ~ ~n~'. 1224 Be1!ut. C.M. one draWtt $7. 613-1211 reserves the right to CHE§'1' of dra.,,·en n o Maple black ""' Sectianal couch LOVELY Larae Decorator "'---Aw., c.M. -Sta 1 " ... ~·---,--"· "" ..... C<nrvl'I ..,..,,.,,. 2 _,_ -··· M) •• -•t ..___.._ ............ 11. ea. • 't •L.• b" t' 'JV ' hutch $8 Map I e .,,.., .., Lam l25 '""o ''""" v .... ., Per .,.,. !i llLllGn Dunn ........,u1&11 "'""' ""' .... -v "'"v•~ ,.,..,, .._. u ..,,,.... .,.,..,,,.,., ..., 11m1 metr pu HU !Oft bookca•i $10 each. 2 dinet-$17 each. Rcckinz hm'wll! ~· P ; ............._ MOVIE Pftljeci:O!' $25 Movie A Edward&: whlte paint $1). R.etnmgton" lhaYer $ 5•. trtllel, sprirws &fXI b.mes HAWAll IUl'fbcmd, 10', $Z5. to one day each week. t e 1 e t 11 $1 o. $ 2 o . Cloth~, adult and chl1clren HOBIE ~· 8'1", good 8CJ'een $9 I>a¥11cht viewer Auta tire and wheel tor 541-4911 $15 per •t. White drulel' Bttr kep, $.1 ea. 175-0D TrUalltorbed 1 en I t l 0 n 50c.J2.:iu. • E. 15th St. condition S25: lolen'a shoe $12 Simmens couch $8. Hillman $2. Ammunition, SiLVER rray 9 arawer $12.. Blue and IP'ffd ll Jt 2 BUNK bed• $15 each. DIME-A-LINE 1de 1ro nrictly .. sh with copy. fteaOlr9 art mpd le r. port prcmptl7 tc the DAILY PJlDT C1aaalfied O.putment &n1 TlolaUnn1 Of thlH Dbn .. A•Llftt re.ru· ·a.Uom: DON'T mtv• tt aw~, "ie1 tuk* .. ... It wttb t Dill> -.... Adi - ca•ltor dJtcharae no l C.M. akate1, xtNr condition, Tr ave i 1 e rod • a n d rlOes Sl.5. Drill bit set $12. dreuer m. Matchlns dou-14 N with ~ $15. aean Shrubs, trees $1 each. eol'l'l!1\0dtll, very old, iood PORT J. BL t wuhln& $15. Call ~ after 4 hardwarf 4 ft to 7 ft, $2-$4. Sheil run 1helll, 11 pup ble beadboud $15. Nlcbt ltmy uphoh:tered chair $12. M&-3621 condition $25. I:nlinkerator maChine $10.50 Near new 4 MAHOGANY bar stools, Steel ca.~t, double doors, mq, $12.. Shot run lhelli. ·stanc!J $10. "5#-4911 Antique mlmlr, 3 x ' $1Q. =~~~-~~­ earbqe dlspoul. 'MJl'kl $10 baby IC&let SC.SO Outboard no: ea.: 2 tum tabll!'fl, $10; 64" x 24" x 20", $12. Camp 20 gauge, $2.25. Bar-&Que NIGift 1tand $20. KOdik n Lawn chain S2 each. Cbai1t On~~~: .• :fl :. 2 barbecues and motors nlOtcr ~-Galt clubs ~.50 tt..; and S3J ea.; 2 Auto •tools. portable $3 each. $8. Shoe ahine cutfit for Movie camera cue $15. lounp with new pad Sf, ._,,""Y $3.50 each. Coffee tables and $2.~ Kl'!'JllOre waahlrti speak:el'll $1; ea.: 54M320 Electric warmer and Silex wall $3. Barber cllppel'I $5. Brass tea cart $15. M6-tM69 Co~te bird bath $4. 311 any borne $10. 944 Oak St., $3.50 e a c h, Bed frames, machl~~ $-u.;_, · 9:1,.ff~-.. ta~ METAL Werk bench $10. A.... hot plate'.:$3 BtttlxJven bust Coca Cola bag $1. 50 gallon LARGE braided rug wtth La.Perle Pt Costa Mesa Saturday only. metaJ $2 Dor basket $2 $3.50 •win miltre .,,.. ....... 11 11 S5 ..--S4 Mahcgany and winy! car-drum Sl.50. 2 metal chall'I d 11 ndiUo S25 BOW nd R.ecutw DINING Table, fcrmk:a SZ ~taple ch~ $10 Rocker pj springs $15 Dciuble Walnut JI ancei. to . · 673-l1G6 rylng casH $6. Small clcwn 11. Box ct brass fittings ~ce ent co n • ntierr~au .U:.:1• hardwooi 6 chain $20 Mabo&&ny encl 2 rnen'a bicyclh: $10 s~ neva-mar headboard and 2 GIRLS Schwum Blke1 $25. piclures In frames 50c each. $10. Plutlc fittings $2.75. laminated, new, aaldng" $15. table drop 'leaf $4. Calfee ·~-~ __ _. ....,,_ Rua. Du...,.. rilght 1t&nda $10 Naugahyde ta. 28" Uke new 548-4815 \VaHle trcn, Toastma11teT Polishing head S4. Paint $5. TYPEWRITER, Pc rt ab I e "'"'!0!3 and end tables $4 each • .,,... -r··· HulOclc. Underwood "Silent" $25. ......,... Med trs JS-$10. with pad $20. E.z cha~ J?·SO GIFT ITEMS: n and $2: deluxe $8. H I b a c h I , AJumtnwn wire $25. New 6134148 or 5'S-37ll TYPEWRITER. small, good em cha 110 Hamper La\tft mcwen SI and $10. $3.:;G Small table and vases. pictures, framea, Japanese, 1tcve $9 Larae prbage dlspauJ $12 , m ... , _ _._..___ _ _, $2. 2 for homework, nttdl ribboi::I $2. Hideabed $25. Double El lpjepo surf rider $15 drawer $3. Chrome kitchen I am p s. candles. blakell, hanging ehoe rack, plutlc Fiower pct $3. Fishing pcle ~ ........,.WIJ.l\I bGx lprlnp and mattrtt. Lad"'• lhcie skate. $20 Bad-table and 4 ioctl chain hats. 15th Strttt a n d z.lpper $.f While kitchen 110. Sprinkler head $6. Dou· ·""°"' benches $10 and 01. $25. 16-3185 ' 1 $15 euch. 2 mat c b t n I mlnk>n raqueta '!IOc-$5. 'JV $22.50 Goose neck desk Modena, Nl!'W(XJl't Hel&hb radio $3 Brown ck>ck radk> ble blt axe $2.50. Sear's 'JV Blin wanntt $5. P9dal art .. PHOTO ~ $250 'fimU upholattrm: •traJ&bt cbatrs :P,iqnavox, ..wks s Io lamp, like new $2.75. Corner Saturday lQ.5 $4. ~ por1abl9 SS. Hollywood bed .$4. Bllte-tr!U $1 -$3. W1oeUi i $4 • ...,,, i .~· ST each. ~. J p*'e OW. dhet ~ Olaq9 Speaktn $1.50 to $5. Rain cup~ ~~ Dra5e ~~ 2 TWIN Btdspreadl ~-2 BLUE ~ stamps $2.50 per and frame $6. 2 metal drelll!'r $2. Small Wl&Oft a SPEED Girl'a bike $18.50. $7. Movtnc. 545--2991 ,_. ... a. ltt ..... -' bird lpt9kfn: $2.50 et.ch. cupuua1-.. .,..._ -.. ....... Twin bedlprW:ls 1 l's · book. ~ cabinet eetl $20. 2 filing 75c. Carpet IWl!lt!ptt P. Stinp'13 $18.50. Sweeper, ruu. Size bed and boz. t~1"'~•~1o~ ... ~~·~O~M~riq~t~~All~•~1·~3l.O~Goldo~~,.~od,~~CdM~~ l llxlllfffll.u. .... ..!1.~rodTn.•"""1,,_ .~ 968-4049 ' BEAUTIFUL Se a 1P 0 1 n t cablnell, card size, triples ~-~I ta'!;· Sandi'" Tboa: uPrl&ht $1G. M&-63)1 aprins $21 1005' bin rub-.,., ~m.._.., ....., ,..u • ., $14. Ford carbutttor 19:J4.Q. •-· r.:u e """ ...,, C)'I ISJLVERTONE clack radia ber matlrtss $20. A real ~ aood Sl.50. W<>men'1 'Yet')' BOAT Fire Extfnguilber 5 Slamne ~ldlteruJ, 6 monthl new $7.50. Electric fuel lOc • $2. IU-09'37. ta $7. Electric rotluerie BBQ BU)'. %Jt1 Harbor Blvd.. P ... TRONS a'OOd clGthn 2So4lD Shael, lb. Cart:on DiooUdt no. Sl.5. u 8.;2538 pump, l2V $7.50. Car radio, J'lmwr, C.M. H Ve-'•--cop'-...... ""'-t. c M. acraa from K-Mut. 1' . wotneb'I, good. silH 8%-9, Generator 12 Vcilt new 15. SOFA $25. M.atchlnc chatr tranlllltor $4. Mile. pipe fit. 2 ONYX lampa $15 eacb. '" ·~ R"r ,,_. uiac, , 50c-$3. Baby ck>thel, boy'• Beat Dolle.y 10" Whttla $5. $2> Uph(ll1tered chltr $10 llnp 20c each. 2 pllon' 646-3769 eu1'cul fur jacket $12. Plnk 1-:8,;, .. ,,,"',,,._1>-_u,,,..~--~ RGED IJllll-1id'& G-3 )'I'&, ERae Roll4Wll1 Btd-coocJ ~ Oml5e1' 11. 4 burnrr gu pressure tank ~-Fiahibl leather Jacket $1 C.ockt&il CHEST OI drawen IZ ARE U ' nevtt worn lOc-$3. Dlshes, 4'..0 $10. Electrlc R.outtr l!l<n.'e m,. Truh can cart tacJde box $3, Fish tap1c: TWIN beds, complete $15 d re 11 s e I • knit sul~ Refrigerator $1.0 ·Rq rup. gl&IR8, tuel lo-fl. Satur-oven · new cord SS. Bath $4. Bab>1 table and seat and 111.tppliea · $10. 3 wire each.. &U...-214' ~ .-aim_ 'ct.sicia. ~ $2. Larp_M. Practice TO REPORT ~y DIME ·A. • LINE IRllEGULARmES THEY FIND IN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING TO THE dQ I:; '&l.nday 10A1't-5PM J I v a tor y ..,ith ~ $2. 545-1.111 elertrie C'Of'd, 100'' he1vy SF.cl'IONAL. 2 p~ S25 shorts, lowl.y tops. llze 12-G~pk!I $2. Umbnlla or durlac,.-plea.e phont faucett-n0 nieb, porcel&tn, STOVE; 6 burner $25. Due11tJ duty $10. ~ Calvert AW!. ~~~p~~ !e~.u~ :!oo~S·~~·lw;1;i;; r:!n'5 :wer~ 15 ~ firlt 5tG--2110. 2l'm _Spruce, white no. Panel ray beater M.C. fender SJ '39 Ferd (Mtsa Verdel CM. Sunday white, told with Scotch-rear14l7% bi.( C.M. framn $1 Card table $1. S. A. Hcbtl. elf Paliu.des with pipe collar and Hood ?1-t.C. fender s.1 l9 Ferd cnly. ruard. cost $165, $20 each· ' WHITE bar stools $25. MJr.. Dlnlfw table UO OWn $5 WHITE rotary electric BC!\\"· alngle panel perfect. $UI. traruimlMion ca.-.e S 2 5. 7 FT . .afa $%5. Ventleu 1tove 673-2148 rcr, CU'Vtd Mexican. fl'ame tncl}. 548-nlT. 407 &tcw lnl mechlnt 115. ~ws Ll<bt FlxlUl'O• "'"' new, IH6-8'llMI hood · 125. Blood wic iz;. -~ llorbor Rd N 8. RElitODELIN'G. 2 wall eacb ~ Screen . doer -... w\JBLE. bed, ,-n firm $1·0 . L a_velr tr•m~d ·• · i.tm. p1dr $25. ,_2 Alumlmlrft 11kt new wltta REFRIGE.RATORSU Seffamatchln&1aet,Ukehew ab!tr&da,•U '"Jt24 and 20 OUCAGO Wall faucl!t, new ft ckQ1 c;' uch l-3 ft rrill ·s10. 42" x 90" With Washer $15 Power mowu $25 WHALE Galley pump, ex· $20 each. Frame $5. 8'J3..2148. :--24 $10 each. Street mall $l5. 2" p.te valve, new fl.SO door $5. U ' doon ~th ~ ckMler no. Drape1, Geld like Lawn mower $.S. Rue $10 cellent condition $6. M2--03C REDWOOD chaise w 1 t b bax, black $2.50. Picture Arvin electric bM.te', 1fi50 do $5 M&-356'1 MW" 28' x 84" <Oean) $2,S. 'l')lpeVtTlter $15. Electric whet'l11, top and pad, lood fnimee 25c 4 $3. 313 ~· $10 Alemltl .._.. sun w · DraJ)f!s, Beige, new 28'x broom $10. Bike $10 Drapes condlt1on· $3J. Metal patlo Rcchester St. C.M. Sat~ $3. Rubber hots, "" s 15'. NEW unp1a.)'M albums '15c, 3'-10'' hlih $25 Foam nib-SlO ltl&h chair $4 Dllhea, tablit and 1 Joct umbrella da)'. 642-5334 $5. Wall type buln 6.llC9f. DAl lJf-Dll-ft,;i=---llH~~·=.511:h-, for _St ~-bet..3-.pitcea 1:i" wlde...Sr6" 1tt $3 Ma table $10. al•., tllp_~t .MIXED puppln. 1 ~ prflf IUD .Pam.la daar L rll.U Jtctor'·::~-~ 1onr 4" and 5" thick $1.50 · -·, Dreiser $15. 0n1Ser su.so 1mn .nc1 tables ns each. black.sma11brHd .no~:r• aoca: tz .tuh.-~~ SI. ~ sz. chest of ea.613-13l7 . FULL S1zttU"""811iji:·11ox Vacuumdeaner"5,BarS25. ~'lJ,.2'148 "'8 au ltO\'f: ~ ll:IOlt ·~No. 14. Jc prr It. '1 '"' ' cn_.,,'tn tll. $11 Nmow RED Sd:tirifliil 'BMtam a'.!'" ~.$2$'~t.~~~ 'Sswtw!lbumol.IWS.'Bar 0JBIKES$25 ~ach.8mmPftj:. .~J~ DNm •iltt JD{ SbotP: shlllf., U a-. 1111 1--s2s, Brau blcydt •• lto i mHe ''°" $2 8 ..... """!'l!Oilt '125. Headbo&r·d 1$. Ji' .... 110, #a Que $1~' 1daoI '!" -~ol'" ·~~ 'n(\I l.allmplr, WA .l aautoebndboudp$.Luc· wUbft', rudl f'!plllr ~·SS. S.by ciotbfe '° ~ Omltufted cb'l}r p 11.awn 1P'J'W"r $1, Drly,1n ~-! · •,,_,.=",,.,,~~----• . p Lampe #,ill, lllt. lee Cfiill•SI. ~ ~ .....,, Babt .. 111 ~t a..ock 11 ~ M. •TV !10· H-8oll WlUTll --~1J1Si'"4i1, Lawn-. • '::'a. c:oometlel non, ...,,,..Mw,,"" -• !iOc B ~J~ !iOc ...i cue l1lt c.ae. lable IU. lltlarcl>oe, -·'!-$10.•ACAll:'dol--~.-·ta-US. •• • !". ....... SOc. )lo• 'l'e Ille. ·p;ao;,. j]. ~-;;-.. " '~· 11 Lampe 11. 2 -'foy dlelt 15. End lalllil TV ·pj, ·""' -BBQ .......,._ "5. Bibi IS l,.i;.;.;. •• iilil.il!ll••·••-:1 llafl'\Otrato< lit t.uml>e< 2 needa work $2. AM·FM.sW and ~, I flr ilof~ atUda and .., ...... ilinda SI. -tatile """ I "'ti! -!13. WOoJlll .. ' lo 115. lbljl -· -~!IOI~~~~ j,...., ~ ~JOcll~: ~·~11 ..no IU. i~ .. , .,,it<'~ ;ri-$.1.~landa:a:: ~~=01.~ IL #''lOC~ifr"e!°..t''Z't: =~- " ., • " d . 1-l\c..tlti-125. 1'1%50c'Sel'o!J .~. (CIOA . IDp .tr .... r 1l.101Jlt!t.CM .10o .. a,"Bladcann-DIW'l'INGTablelllrui.., A.U"" ..;..t.t..... !)'ttiji .'lft1Wulotllil of -. -., -. 115e Bl,UE"11P~l2.!IO'r!' $10. '"' -.. ~·"& rel>tprator 111. .J>labh jijS!)NITE top !Or PICliii '12·"-IJleri'• Jackel• and · iab!Mt IS Hand dt1ll io• a _ __.. •-' 1:-..C.afio Sewtns macblna cablnet 50c 646-1215 66-li4l ~ »JS, Straiaht 1*f 11> " tridc. 80" Sana:. 60" Wide,' j IJ.&Jti. lbe X larec $2 • $$. lt01 Stamp maddm S&to Nth City ind Stile -"''¢t:"I_"_ " rn-'""",... 125. Gurr All With .,,., •trlnp, STANDARD com p• ti• r Uq""' ""'" ll.50 tronl/C 'Zl'• 11JP m. 2 ...,,._ $$. IJkc new wa!lt< ''°'' Enaravtnr ..-"5. codes! Jt Mcvlnc. 2tOO Unlwnlty Or. •.xctllent Sl4. Easy com· IC&le to 25 lbll. Graduated board St~ Ftahlnr rode (2) toot boxca 13 tach. 2Sf &. need.I cord is.-<Mannlna:· Pool tallt us. ~ r~~§:=============j acrou the 1rr..e1 trcm new blMlkm w1u1her/dr)'er very by t aftd tc lo $1 per $1 . "('h. Pulltt U. 1621 itth St. Colta Me • a, Bo'Aman). U86 r.&nyon Dr. Mov» arid J5 mm sm. • On.np Oounly YlifCA good $20. M>-4988 lb. (u,htad) 12$-&&M trvlne, c:M. Sat til. Ml-1328 No. 4, UP1taln. 548-Bf hmba, Oaata Mta ' . ,, • • I ! I r I I I ' -,-------' ' lliDJill'& "'!~LI •NblliD ..;;,~ ~~LCl~DS!,~DI MUC:HANDIR POI , Ml!llCHANl>ISI POii MllCHANDISI l'OI nANSl'OA-TA......, -ru-'-i--·N~-ATIOH ...0 TUM -~ ,.....,. -"" ,..,. SAi.i ANO TllADI SALi ANO'TllADI S#.\.1 AHD ,TllADI .,,.... ~ .... ;;;;n_.,_,. ,,u. •rvR• -l I ......,.._ •.00 Anti-llTO Pl"* I 0rtw 'llW "'"llr•' a MOO-llon21w MIO Mk woiifw -. NII •ai&a&lt Nlt "'~I \If ,. l'!!€!1'. ~-: d .+l ~-'---tt,-rtl..,...._.,....._ ANTIQlfl!8i>onlsbabdMex. ..___..Op i. ,. '? -...... ~ e ~Q~ ~ DATSllN . 1f1 1-IUl'V.Nl'.»MIS :l~ .. ~~=~ O:::"-PA :?.t ~TD uqw.i.t1o11-•·w&ieii • · H.=Jt.I -> • ~·, "S' · r•'"i~r"~J Iii IX-I c:on>lftlon, Uke Antonlow.rtfthme; Mex-ls11DW'openleoluri>w, Colo~ 'JIV'1, 51ereo1 a, AppUuc.. · 'llnlltv,.e,.,,.._ -~ ... ~•-' Mle1f BIKE !!fg '<'""' !G hp_._'.~· qiw-iloalll._qll!j...S -$11. -'ruroltix, • m-. fl, Am-PUILIC , .... - --uo ~, TVo e Pt_.,.. ~-.-.._ ~ otPn m •nt-1 dlr. 4 opo, ·-~ '°-3 pc. fl;.d. $99. pi;imitlvo •.. In.set mirrol'S; with Jhe Utlua!vt Color-Clo M.1 .. WI,.... ,..., 1&. It.It P.M. · ITC. . K;.uer. ~· J;Ulpije11t , • ·, ,,,,. 'tll' O} 'tit' 1 M .. lu'. ,...JW •l}.r• ~. -• ..... "'t 1119, 5 pc, 17th C. l fl• m hi a to d ai>d l'ls>m1,., ,', C ... ill If:• L-·-Owl ~-,,....._ ~ ).j" * U, 39 * ', w'ia_T,_•.•,BaJund<Sl!'....lsc~lo' ,_ ~ttto "1et $M. 5-pc bednn. parchtMnts: Un ~1ntt~. ,RIE • llVlll'" ..... ,.,..,_ .. ,.,n,. ''" •t $89, box aprs·" malls SfOslb\Y l>ri"""' eithwi<e Law,...,, Welk tamlly mu,lc " 541-4531 ow ~do Dealer in ERB, FRIEDLANDER .m ""$• d•is '" otd<T JI!!' f.n.. dalil:). $1..ea. 'Xtna sbe b' aood nauticU antJq cou1w, a S100 value. frtt a -e --; s ... Newport, .COronado 154109.\ 1111_0 .l~Cl·fl(i/O:HW. ;,, ·i:..a 4~~Clir·AfttP11 ~ ta.1Sell ~ ~ ~ pu.1. 545-2629 · · v.'lth every Tlwrtiu Or::a.n. w A; N J E D Cor 2$.$4900. O:lr SWlll.995. It llt UJ s,. 6 ••• 10" ~.I .. 4!M--8773. ___ • ...,_,,,..." :a;WAIBIOUSE ~~~Bl!':'' Pmaitatt at$595. -w ..... :qoo111~ ino~ ==.;r:·~~,va11. ~'i~~~ , FERRARI , i eottlilnc C-t Minic Open Dally 9 to"9 ,&i S\Ulday fof your in· pl..,.1. Fum!Oft, color COWMBIA .Doleftder Ill'. !.o,>~~f..\._Jtl!'! __ u!.~'·-'. FE•• .. •J-~ !, ' I ' ' 1tt: Ca.meon Crove Bh .. d., 1·.ftqck w. of Beach BlW., o.tl Caroea c'rove Frw)'. Open 10 tp 9 p.m. Sun. 10.6 CAL. Shpp tlaple ova] drop Jeat.di1Jlng tablf', seat• lZ. 2. leave:-A-'table pads, 6 .tbaln and b~\!;h .wltl1 glass doo.ra1. 1-lkf.,.pew' 'Saalficel ~ compleht! p,i.~ Cam· p!r with beds ·$1$0. -<Brown & epld print wine chair SM!. 833-1690 aft 6_ Ltt.hr ~: Furt . 1at 'Newfporf 81~, CM s~iQn &; convenleh~!. Evcrythjng mtist go TV's. steA'Ol1. applia'nce-. elPt e; 30 h.p..1nboud. Full -~ -·-v~ ti'!itha Newport tn;; Lid. Ori- BED. ~' .thif.fotUer, Comer of Newport & H;1rbor NOWll. Tbi& will be a cOmpll?(e, l,horOUgh l~ tool.$ and oUtce equiJ>(t!etlt. raclngiear' mru. DlnchY $75!)., ~ aft 5:"50 pm, ....... ~-· -··· auitaor-1 an\ill ioielcer,~ ..... 1\.1 Hon. 646·0271 Uqitld.ation-. 1 ' · TOP CASJf 1N :}a ¥1ou1ea1 4: 1•.utlloard. JU,&50. Mtyime·Sat~Sun. -•· Y ......, du"' 1"'1Mhoa:any~etk. 40 PCS ' OF'TRUE FRENCH PROVINCIAL 531,-1112 '• 893-00~ '64(i.$.17 or -4n~7735. Musr-11eu 1967 Yamaha ttl9 iud.:il ' .. · " 1 613-'623'•. Used Organ Sile Soveraf Bedroom sets (beautiful cond.), mar· M1<hlnory, otc. iiOO cw "" 1 !" otd. M:,:r~::;:,~,. G'(,!j'~ ~ :.R= -~~ VA.Sr •tocik Arr.er " a1t ble top· side tabl_es, commodes, pianos. ---. -·-... 1.-* $6.tse .* ~ .. • Ne~H Betcb' fur:a • ciociks. La 1" r y H1unn1ontl hllOO S1)lnet $995 NEW & NEAR NEW • ·55 sets of new Liv PH Arc Welder 2SG ·-p., Call 64441'1T aft 6 pm m0tt. $DJ. 'fl3..3.512 W-~405 540.tW ?i1organ Antiques. 2 4 2'8 Hainntond. A too Console $1800 Rm coliclies &. matchiug Jdve Seats Oatest on tll3 driven: 4 cyL Cdn.1 'fHlsn'..E No, 1479, tr· ~tISH~. ~ ·500 ,« op-· . Autnor:f'icdlJit:G De.Ja .... 1 Newpc:at Blvd., C. M. Hanuriond RT-2 Concert wllb the .mar.ket) e hide·a·beds • recliners • OCC tinenlal-mtr., mounted on fJqe.,rgtas,. tul\y equj,e .. cov8-Jl9Sed· tw\n, 1h.aft•drlve, ex· ! ANTIQUES & CLOCKS ur. w ·" " .. · .... · .. · $18'1> ch!-irs •. coffee & end tab)e,, t . ga'IJ• se~ ~ n~u"-" l<OO'caslf. ,W2-lt.lll ·• lfa••r. $1!llii.:;-:,.;n -g;," 642-lll01-462· E. ''"' ' 1 FOSTER'S.ANTIQUES Hanuoond Cl & PR w ''""' dlneltes • name br~'lltls c•••tom l\edroom P~TS fnd LIVESTOCK 1QllA .CAT>-.Yiiilliii ..., M 1.fil.38 • 1903 Federal c.r.1 Han1molK'I Jl-3 & Leslie $2150 ' k ~ , • --• ~\ler .. $1&0 ·~make of· -' Gul"°,a'nsen P~mier on!y 8 .~!s • .rpaple bu~ ,beds .fl.,~. 1 " Dogs ' , '*"~fer. 494-7~ ··•' " . Tr•1.lir,.Tranl_ · 9425 S.Wir:9f--M1chlftft 1120 monOa ,Qi,d ......... , •• $3395 'ftf !tny' Color TV'• '8 '& w· I .. • ·St' ' . ' -lJ' Sallfloat, 19' mast. ' . ALL 'PIANOS .............. .,..~ . ;"'l'""i s -e1'e98 AKC. CocltC't~ !~nJel Pl!P-fiberglat s16S. 1968 SINGER, toucl\-0-matic 20% or mor;e Savin pl! & Combos -a CQmp~ete Vox' S0Und system pies. 826''-! o th st. * 545-5Jo? * com pl, wilhWoJ cab. Illness Open Mon & rr1 eve!. ~ * \Vestni'lnster after 5 ! 3 o I===="'-"==== ~ce furn:itvre -8010 torrea repo pg.so full price HAMMOND . Re.~rtserators, stoves ·v.•ashers &-dryers. w"te~ • d a.)'•" an day Power CruiMrs .or.-$4.'ffi,mo. Automatic, r.ig in CORqNA DEL MAR We finance With -Good · CreUlt \\'eekeJ¥.fs. 9020 ~y aood Remington Typewriter • Standard, $60. •. ' •M&--1037• z a,, button boles, blind 2854 E. c:oa11t Hwy .. 673-8930 Maiter Cheri" & BankAmericarjl Mm;tN"t"~"ru'"'RE,,--.P"oodl=•-P~,-.,-, 30' DRAKE cabin cruiaer. hems, overc&$tl. some-fan-WE'RE Jn our new store. A' OK · C -• • G fl AKC Rtg. 4 males, 2 Fiyinz bridge,' electronic CY stitchell etc. No attach. .Our fantastic saJe of PiaOOs . om.~1.ss_ IOft~. a ery femw_ ,.;., •• , ·v-. :;~-Sacrifice $ 4 9 0 0. needed. Guaf!lntee good.. &-Orpns now continues at • ,_ ..,.... .._ "'"' ~· Offlft Equlprnont IOM ,,,._..16 . , Oraro<• Coumy-. onty'p;ano . 7722 GAR.D•N GROVE BLVD, w~N'l'ED a good home tor • BP LES· hro, n· semi· seH c:onta!nea. 1 A honey! $1250. '1'°.>--0155, 1 am to 8 pm -·-~ CONTRACTOR'S lleld office \\'alnot paneled in!. carpeted, ~1000 val. 675--6582 Tro <kt . .,9AOO jiSl'ORISMENS II AH* i:LEc io key· ~adding m.tchine W/ C'tt'Clit bal. $39·.58 ~ Royal eJec ~~te~" $4(!. Very nice 8t.andard ' wrl 1.50. SINGEft l~ t,o;ti.c~t:!Ct & organ ''.s;tper ,market':· 1_ J3~~~k ~est of ~ach B~vd.'. off G. G. Fr~: a pretty black female Poo-Speed-Ski 1Mt1 9030 does everythinJ:. ~iVi'ftl Pianos !_tom $195. Orgazi1 die, 1 yr. Adults ooJy · . . sta~ -mw;t -~11! ~ $37.50 frqin ~195. . .· :.' ~. "."[. ____ ·• -~·-:":" -546-:0594 rnorn\np Only . " 16' inboard speedboat 1pprox or:1 pyip.ntf ~ ~74.•~ei'.' ,WARF>~ BALDWm: ,m't)DJO; 1fi\ ~lllr).Mut 860Q Ml1c1lllneOus :•.&600 POODLE Puppy AK C 4 y1·s old Yrith '51 Chev V-8 ' . ;\"'''!'RUCKS * JAGJJAR Thoyl~ra>ll Hlre-A:t · -,,,.,....--,..;..-..,..;. ... !r F1nt11tlc Dlscqvnt1 '67 · JOcJ' XKE , guiiffnl~ 0~ Call.~7 .1819 _N,wport; C.1.l.1 642~; 'PHJLco :., Coldspot •$.'l5 . MOVING-fttra length kil"I& adofable v.·hltt male: 12 160 ~p \l'ilh velvet f!o\Y in/ Ready fol" Immediate dell very Coupe, deep mldn.i&ht ~' , before~ PM. , ' STEINWAY Baby-Grant:l1 · ....__1 ,;. d _,. & ~ . bo . V>'ks. old. m·Jy housebroken oot trans & trlr. $600 n. _, tor, ~lee, .. ,. """ _,, .... ....., /'""~wen. e..... tw... size , x:!prrngs. mattress, · 6~~ ~1~ · worts good $89:50. 64Ul43 MUiical Inst. 112i Che~ .,.40:J bet( Ml ·$35. Stoves, gai frir.mc, custOm u~h61stered 962-{;1&1 ,...,~~7.··~=~~~-----=---'--_ '· · & elecbic $15 and $25. headhoard &: .spread ADORABLE pups, ~ * 1<1' GLASSED fish & sld 8205 Tables $4 & SS. Hide-a-bed, (neutral color), like new, Yorkllhire, %. Silky, 6 \veeks boat with tilt lrctiler. $175. Gu u __ ., · Television______ needs· cover $15. Bicycles asw--$125. Cotfee table old. 49&-1798 548-3150 * Hou11held Goods 1020 BEACH CITY DOOG.E 16553 Beach Blvd., tHwy. 39) 54fl.2660 with plush colitrasting leath- er interior. Chrome wires,1 AJ\-r/F~. etc, Only, 11,om , careful miles, Condition Gt tllls Jsg .is inipeeable; METAL dinette set $10: RCA ·19" black/white cabinet TV .$35. 540-1:=3 itlf' ne.Uqutrten • . "u'6 ===~--.•NEW and usro e · RENT TV $10 2-gii-1126.", $10 e,. Schwinn 57"x39", hand painting on BASENJI Pups~;_,A1~c~· is (SI: M ,-~'°36 Fender • Vrt.<. • Standel . Nt Deposit . Free DeliYery bike 28:' $18. McCullo~h top & sfgncd by artlst !!hots, male 4'" ,female.· oa , ip --~r "'-3' chain saw. Wisconsin 10 "Dusso", $250. La .... e teak * 831-1703'* • GIBSON • MARTIN 534-04n or T(2-9UO •e. ' SLIPS }FOR RENT G.r-. Sole I022 e MLSON e YAMAHA 21" tt"-\V Co=l• TV, •x-1 HP p.s enaine·$35. TV SlO clablnet 12':x24~· c:ontainng 2 AKC Dachshund Puppie11, 8 BALBOA PENINSULA 00< ""' • Sll, 1550A' Superio1", C.M. . arge speakers, 1" e co r.'d . . oond, beautiful cabinet $100: • 1 weeks, small breed, veey • 536-4953 tr -Huntington Eeac!. !66 Ford Pickup Long bed cust cab, V -8, dlr, ;bwnper; pearJ grey exterior. J1rtuµo 11 31111por 1:> • TRACK ta I D H -• rt . . &.16-9189 , · . , { payer, stereo, rtorage Ir: red. •«• o~" ~ FOR '"-nt , Bal~· , • 1•6 .. pe p ayer, rum e.uque •rF-962-6576 TV space $50. All wool ...,... .,.._,_, nc ....,.. ,. . f~g pole1·1t ·reels, ,water •NEW and USED • . -21'' TV $29 custom made ireen &. gold BROWN n:ia]e toy poodle, x 38 U slip,· 4 way tie, Xblt cond. Take foreign car 3100 W ~ Coast Hwy • ln trade or $50 cash dels. Newuort Beach , aJd~ "iPit; clubs,· camera$. Lu.PWIQ, l(OG~·,.-cAo ...,.,0 :.,,·. 3 Pm Fashi'on T-ncls area nl", 1,....... tassled 8 w~ks. $100. $100 mo. Agt 673-QSO WUI' fine· prvt prty. L.B. 642-S,105 541).1764 R15187 e..n Jim • 4&f.9173 or Authorized ~ Dealer · ttcenfs, , hand fools,· a''" I a..._ HJ :..t..._:: • ' _ ~ . t"""'N .. ,' cu ' . ' ,... e. -e.-l<A<'19>0 ' --~-._._..___....t\;_)AH~ JL.'9 CUSI'OMDRESSMAKING encl!, 5'x8', $90. lD'xl2' * .,..,._'r" 'T BOATSLJPS-Upte ~· Milef -;&·c a.t pc • .ell: and cymballl start·. l:f' f.J I $---, . 1210 v1hile wool tufted area r""' ~tALE, "Samoyed, loves 35 It, N.B. <>• '""' 545-0634. • 1966 JAGUAR XKE, yellow, ~~diet .clothes (9-10) iJjg at $1n..i:Pedal1, hi·habl · 1: . c " _ & ALTERA:TIONS -~ ,._ i. 1;,., • ~ 3068 · . · ~-, ..i. . • Featurlnr exciting B<rutique with· pad, $190 Olke new) children, friendly and good ======== ""'""wtu.r • ....,., more. and: aets rtpall'ff!. All;imaU ;)J ~NW"l::l!l:t"soUd state con-11isc other ile1'111i. Showing pet, 4, yeans. $45. 531-7636 Boit• yacht 1963 CHEVY" ~S ton Pi ck roadster. Excel. cond. Beat up wicamper. Loaded with , oUer. 615-0896 'Ce)'IClfl . Rd (~eu. Verde) parts, aCCft!Ql'f(;~ ll 'cy;nbalt, Bo:te. Never t(sed $85. Also fasNhlons for every oecassion. 15th & 16th • Feb, Bayside LABRADOR Retriever P"P'· Chirters 9039 ,Qll. Mf).:.9362 r , in stock.. g ,,. , w a 1 n u t A M / F ,1 e\\'POrt Shores Center 0 NB 61~ _ " ---------~-Must "11 !12>1-KARMANN GHIA . " 518:3881 r., · .,...,u"" bla(,'k. 6 Weeks old, Dam KING ; size , bed • JPre&d ~ ~ultiPl~x.: 8 ~pcaker audio 14. IT Refrig Whirlpool, 2 & Sire _impprted. 838-4928 CAL 24 fot, CIIARTER , '55 .I N T E R NA Tl 0 NA L 1 {w/m:) $33 O'I(~ '.Ater-' EVERYTHING.IN MUSIC ·sY!ltem. Nohnally sells for d 1 f ·~ d• .... n~ wk. ' Ptclulp .. truck, Kood cond. , . • , r l'l-Oss-op re e z e r , WIRE Hair Fox telTler ptips. .,..... «J ·-$%iO rlSe~!.r ;;:l:m:.;p:o.:lerllti;:,a ,: Beach·. ~usic '"''~~ =~~De~~m -$2SQ, POO_L ~~~~!i:~elro~~e! $~~ .. ~s~ :fi~ ~-· ~':z 'I e 11: 8o t 51*842-1528* .... , .:-~VY23~~,c~oodlahdT -• tpdor .. -...,"".,.'""'-"'" .. BRAND Cr • St o •• , ..... ..-..oi~ .. 11,-. (both -a or..... ~ <>IM..nL ' on, ' ' G!IW Frigidaire $45. Sat. til. 1631 rectory A\ltb>fi,l;ed . ~ new a_Jg e.reo TABLES ·-·" ---Irvine, CM . Sales & Service tape recorder, Just pnce, . still under w ~rranfyJ, Hors., 1130 BOAT SroiV:GE . flat bed..m&Jl1 extras. See Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 $180. ,\!king $100. 548:-3989 Barco lounger v I brat In K --, . at 837 w: 17th,' CM 645--1691 GARA.GE sale 314 Diamond 114M Beach Blvd .• (Hwy 39) . --New llate $695 val Now $295 chair $75: Fl ta • Spllere , WELU'"'trainl!d reg, mustang, Sall or power Up to 20 Fenc;; or eve~ .. ~7112 Av. Bolboa I·•·~ •-C & E I 1300 · · , ~,,o __ ,. ~i:n; o .... .,,, .n & t ed )'ard. Newport Bayfront =""'"="'=-=~~~ •• ' -• ---~ DUii. 1~-m:t. -So. San Dle10 FWy; ....... ,.. -,qu P· -23-Modell to--cltomle from-$59-JUlcet.-COli.....,,..__...__.._....,, _ _.._)'l't,..:....,.,..., ~apers_ -OP -MOHthl--t-oo -d 1. ·ss-;s.:. T ·-ehevy P/U.--V-8, 2,Tr. 2-'66's 1 '63 All extra sharp, ~ with ra- dios & heaters and one with ' air conditio~ trailer $100 Elec stove $40 · -...<.. · --213 ~ ••67 ~ 2101 Smith CorOria .. :....writer, free breed1""" incl. 545-2231 Y ra es .u e. · • ....... _. heat Fluor.,. Ute~. cabin; t .~ · Huntlngtgn Beach 847~ CAMERA Pttri FT.SLR. 135 up. : ""r"l.l ' """"" ofc size w/stand i007 maple eves. ..,. Use of hoist ............. u, er., .. camper, dishes,i*ddle b:>ard, C'hild'.a mm telephoto, 28 mm wide 2 EA. Streamline Fiberglass dining set, 4 chain 48x5S HEREFORD Western ""lfdle Launching ~~~· $6?5. ~9835 ' ski · boots. other-odds I: RICKENBACKER e I e c angl~ 2XExtel, lens· adapter. pontoons, 10' x 12" $35., 1958 extended 54x12 $40. 646-3423. .... call~:• · 7JI ton. ''62 pick.up: ends. 673--3898 • s""t·i~~· o/J.&p."~•r $3~-5p' Mttjpod, $225. 646-7568 aft 6 :i~ l~~· ~ ~ ~:: i:;: ens. !:eri~~~~~l!iO. Ex· ~~~-~bed~~r. GARAGE Sale. Conference • ~·5" IUII •uu ' ...,... · · ' * AUCTION * desks $'15. Sall boat $300, both seldom usetl, call after ings two sides $3500. Island " , · tltANSPORTATION M.bile Homa 9200 '&f Ford % Ton V-8, custom drafting: tables $85, dothing 5: 30 ~. , Spo;~ing Goods 1500 ~!~~ c~~~2 1660 Whit-U .YOU will sell or buy hats la Y1chts 9000 CLAS t'!OO . .. .. cab, 31.000 mi. Veiy clean. 5c ·up, Baby car aeat, bed; ST. GeorP guffai' le lt GAUGE B · ciVe Windy a try o.;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~1 . Co1ta Mue'a $10SO. ~ rocker, chairs. des~. maey amplifier, also 3 pc. drum :ownin&. auto POOL TABLES -\Ve Buy, Auctions FtjdJy 1:30 p.m. "!I '69 GMC p/tr;;·% t. Hvy duty zt!Ol'I· 155 Rocherttt CM set. 548-452~ eves. $15. 22 Sprtngf1eilld semi auto Sell & trade. Table recover· Windy's AUdion Barn EGG,HARBOR 37' ~ear ft.ou~ susp. 400J ml. Sell/trd 3(). .. I" •• 54f·03Dl-4n.1191 1970 HAUOI ILYD. COSTA MllA' 6'6-4837 MEWDY GUITAR $25. 30.6 rlebu t Japanese, ings & biiliaro supplies. Behind. T..M.l•i Bldg. Mat1 '69 Perkins dsl dbl cab Mobile H•~· Sbo,r 40' sailbt."962-1909 Iii ~ Ir\ •'ln $35. 2043 CaiYert Ave, CM. SPORTS 100, 1om Garden ~q EGG HARBOR-43, 16'-20'-22'-24' & 34 wides SKI ~clothes, sm. appliance, ew gears & 8 ngs _.. 546-3081 Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. -2075% Newport, CM 646-8686 From ;6995 ,.._. · 9520--MER · pWl'tools,·fllrniture, clOthes, 613-4l5t or 542--0022 6'3" HEAD Standards with ~2730 MAHOO. ship 'bUnks from ;~l!lf~sher 6-TI GM dsls Casa 14ma, Bay H~bor·Ki!, -mpel'9 · .ct•ES IENZ (8-12-). Jewelry, wigs, pe.Uo C. ~tELODY Sax, Pencel· Nevada toe .. .:: ... Woman's .. n. ...... n,'ll·-"', romp!. with "'"2S' I< 28-, SEA SKIFFS Carlbee, Roll-Away, TQJme CAMPER sffELLS "'-•'--add ma'c• bowl · y k ~ TILE hobbyist: H~re·s a real ......... ..,,,..¥ W" ~'""• '= · .., · Mueller clannet. or ski boots, size s, i25. :mattress, Spread &. Queen '69-36'.-SEA VOY.AGER House, Homettt, Celebrity, & sleepers. 24':-to S2" hlgh.. ball .&: bag,' play itfi;p!. lJl Hom, Old violin. Pvt Pty. ...A,.9539 alt 4 bargain. 2 x 4 foot table Mary b--· pto~•e·, ,.,_, Sahara No ~-· ... .,....ent·o.a c v· Lido Nord "~ !•' .,...,... and or iginal Denwar tiles· ....... "M 1U cu •USED''BOAT S•LE• ' .,.,,..~ .......... ,. · ' · w. · • ~ ,..e. 642-2932 Ll tl d 9 0 .,_r "···•·'• nn. """ each. ea-• 5 . ~ 24 12 WIDES , HATTON LAMPER SALES t e use I ready for cutting a n d w ""J ..,., ..,, ,.ves <>· Feb 14-· APPL1ANCES, furniture, old F"IN NOR •·-J ~~ Mmney' '1,Ship Cbamll•ry ,(' 40'-4.1'-45'-50'-55'~'-64' 222 W. Wllaon CM 548--0343 Pl & 0 1130 · nc.:: ..-.. mastic· aU_ for$25. 64+.4188 CHRIS cn•FT · ghw &: copper items, odds lnot _!.1-_•_"-' __ * 544-6831 * 2531 W. 0:r4'st HW)', N.B. """ From $3995. '59 \fW Dix. Camper' xlnt k ends: S:i: t.:. S<ia 9-5., -1-~~-'---7~~-~ 5 PIECE dinette set $20. 548-4192 Open SUndayg RtwiOAME185~~ ·~30kw' alum You can pay more Cond, new 'Paint, tuned, ••• Catal•'na D•· N• t Surfboards Wentedl StroU-a~hair baby buggy n ...,,..,g.;. geo ~-1 n't < .... •·tt · -' wpor GIIT s•-selling out·, an-. . uu you ca . .,..., ""' er many ~tru $995 613-1331 H,_ 0 New P1'onos • • 54!h1158 * "· 8921 Com•\ Crrcle, •N• Xlnt oond O•"· Ill 000 p ,__ ll " ' all -' ' .... .., tique truriks, statues, im· · ,.._, • · ' ar~ ava a .... e. in areas. ANTI, QUJ:: walnut tble, $50. WURLITZER & BRADBURY \Vestmir111ter. S4?-TIB7 CAVALIER '65 • 33' . Bay Harbor Ctmptr Rent1l1 -FREE TO YOU ports; aJso, old Persian rug, Twin 210 Chryslr, radio. Mob•'lo H-s•-w Spanish candelabra &: tbl, All styles le flnifihes, all • VACUUMS • fire extinguisher, Ghelves, Lo ded. o~1•• S12 000 ....... nu $15 ea. ·TJ-ltn.Fonn ex· Ame-riean made, 88 note, de! SlO up. Repairs & parts. brick display counter, an-TRI~ARAN''TP • ' 1425 Baker: St. COACH .· TRAILER 9~22 l96li ftd5er $60. Saturday w-bench &tuned.Pricestarl· ORGANIC Fertilizer, qed Reasonable, Coast Vacuum ttque desk, etc. 551 \V.19tb , . , •35 lh bloekEutotHa,rborBlvd. RENTALS 6l2.$!34 · irw at 1499. hone: manun combined ·333 E. 11th, CM., 642-1'60 St CM "'0-1914 68 Ptver 35 dsl ~ux, on Baker. It'• none too early to make ... ·• · .,.. stereo ll reel atio fo · Hui P/.b, p/s, auto trans, ~ cond. Xlnt cond. Muat 11ell, will sacrifice. 'Evet. 1 833-2746 NEIGHBORHOOD g a r a I e with wood Gha.vings. Good cusToM li,.,•or cab i n e t . KNITTED FABRICS • ro er ing. Costa Mesa (t.lC) 5fO.M10 ftaierv ns r Spl'ina: • 0 u1 h 833-5332 54MB3l .. ~ Xlnt aurvey .• $19,00J , iday•! ta:Ie,.··fumiture, &lasswaft, Wwlftzt,r l'CJClftS :~ . 8 & 5 c;:;on tbru Do!Jble bed. Aquarium in EGG HARBOR SEE the Dual Wide· JtOad-WEEK·END·oa WEEKLY ~. bunk beds Ir. ntisd. e NEW le USED e Fri. 2128 room divider. Decorator YACHT SALES liner Pan ~.Par•· _ 54Wl9l m>-~ather Lane. N.B. Sat Tremendous savings on ,68 . Jlel'I\&, f'lc, etc. 642-2932 .,FOR SALE 2540 Shelter Island Dr. mount, Elite'' aitct· 'Genenl I========= & Sun. Feb 15t.h & 16th. models and rent returns. . PETER Rabb~t 6 mo old. Q"U AL 1 Ty king bed Remnants, Gatnplea Ir. MW San "Dlf'go TI'4: 223-7o&!> mobile homes now at Dune IUftllft . 9525 '67 n> SL Mercedes Bem. ' Li&ht blue w/navy blue .ott : top; all extras Incl. air, I xlnt cond. $5600. 962.-2011 STOCK from cift ahop: Checkered 11ant buck a w/quilted mattress, comp. ends SaL Only 8 a.m. to 2 "ii~=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i=:il Dual Widf Sales v;ues. baskets, 'pe.intinp. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC family pet. pennanent.home NeYer used $98,' worth $250. p.m. 929·Baket, CO.Sta MeGL • ---- etc & J.:it Ia! 12·• """! wanted must have cqe. 1 PIANO $300 1 I NeWporter, mui>t rell $26,900 0.5ap20man blobile Hom!!s tnc. b~. In ~;, 15th": Beath Music Center _will dei1"er. ~2445 ,,,"~2--6536=~~~~=-=-bdrm se~ s ~. s;;.P ~ Trojan TIS., 110 hn •• $10,75CI N. Harborf, S.A. '68 RCA Port B/W 19'' TV. 531-1571 MOdena, Nprt fits Sat. 10-5 WESTINGHOUSE C 0 m b 0 maple harvest tbl, 4 ladder 39' Block Isl Schoon $16,500 MG 19'6 DUNE BUGGY MG wfstand, like new, $100. 2 FURNITURE, some an-Factory Authorized elec washer/dryer, for back citt's, $75. 2 fireside Z7'.King1~11plmmac$1,100 BDRM Mobile Home, in tt~s. toy'6, clo~i. !lirls. Sal!s & Service hauling away, work,, Good ':rt~l S~O, chrs, $20 each. 1 couch. 38'.Race Cr Sip, nici:! $15.500 quiet adult park lfht50. Call a12. Sat.Sun, 10 AM-6 PM. Dally, 12 noon 'HI 9, Sat s.-5 673-5169 aft 5 p.m. aqUa, $50. 1 collee. table, * ~ e: ___ .. '"·i-•I * aft 5. 546-8680. 3SC Bucknell Rd. 549-2534 17404 ~ch Blvd ... (Hwy 39) FREE amaU mixed breed 6'3" HEAD Standards with $251: mi!cl. 968.:.4644 Colunbia.~os old, inbd. Mot H 5 ~.DIME sale, junktiques, ~~.~:~· ~CD.1eg~r.w~ puppy, blond & wht. ~~Va~~~ :~ ·~~ma;J. F,!rfl•Gct1D_:nd1IRl~E. w .. ,, ... ,· B+Pm•:I;: !..~.·j~~.~ Of °!'*----~~-1-_5 Silos, Sorvico, P1rts JI Complete Dew MG tnV"entor, See the ne• Austin America 1 Here Now! ~ ... brle-41-·brae: I>edeft:, nw, ... ,....,., -=o. Female. 6 wkl. Very friend-~9S39 after 4 ,.~ "" "' · • -v ""'=-...._,...,,-. BILE Home, 2 DW"m, 2544 ,Newport Blv. "2-5407 i--~--~---ly. 546-9463 2/15 Dining rm set, $30. Asking only .......... $10,500 laundry nn. iz,c40 cab8:iia, T-•• .._ "'"""' .. .,,_ . Orange Counb't CHROME stroller, a"tomatic Fabric, Fabric, Fabric. Imported Wedding gown, , DAVID L. FRASER carpeted, 12xl2 l!Clftned ._.a •• ,._.. .. , llOme an-., ·-t Sel ti of " Factory ·w-mnant We, Sat. Gize 5, $35. Zircon wtddlng CaU: Chuck AYery tiques. a:lau. china, pewh!I'. --•"'' ec on ironer, double bed. d~ bed. 9 AM to 3 l'M. 1820 . t $35 54()..6539 . patio, $3500. 893--1874 819·WestBalboaBlvd.,Ba. CONN ORGANS 531-4781.9676Marigold, Monrovla.CostaMcsa. nngM!, · · -~Via°P?.,"!,0.;,!·B· El C . NEW ,_ USED al., Fountain Valley FOR Sale: 11,500 B.T.U., o;o•~ * ~_._s eves. edric 1r1 92.50 a-llancea. 1100 ._ 2 WAY RADIO Kenmore air conditioner, ,....,.,. _ _,__,,___..=---"· _;..; WURUmR ~ '!~!;t :1a~~-~~ &"watt hue&: mobile 110 Y<>lts. Use4 just. one MARKETEER. &ood l'Oft. • SPEC!<'L PURCHASE • PIANOS &'ORGANS . 646-"346 2111 •t•Uo"'-839-4000 year $135. 633-'1185, ll301 INVENTORY ~:':i. Ll"'""· °"""" ln- Relrtieraton, automatic Some FlOOr Model.s -, _ 2 HAND Crocheted doublt Euclid Space 102, Garden SALE wutitrs &. other major a~ Rentals • Servi~ • Ttnna HAPPY VaJtntlnes Day. 04 bed spreads. linen thread Grovt ~w:"1d=!u~~e: PIANisi= Teachers $38!1 ~~~ ::~vt!=e,_wl~1;i4;~ $JS. eaC'h. 646-7506 eves. ~~~ak~e!:~ = ~n~~~s Motorcytfw '300 Down. we ·ltl'Vi~. See at: . ........ aft 5·30 2-1! ALUMINUM PaUo cover 15X ... '"·'·--•e'ocmc YACHT_ SALES• YOUR Cho'---·-H,;... ORGANS from • , ·~ •••• $4Tf • 17 N Coat S450 Sa 1 pymnts or pay "'" IHWUll.,. K n.~ 1111 .,..._., l'mlllt'S Gould Music (omouny ND GD home for loYable _ ear new c ot $.16.12. Credit Dept. e-ltubW'K Dealer 450, xlnt cond '51 H 0 ln85 ~ Fbl Valley _ ....uc N ~-•o.-~--.•-rAna-Collie-_ mixed, 2 yrs , $350. 642-4547. J{E_ ._1289_____ 3446 Via Oporto Newpcirt ' or -•· • cSo. ofWiiiiti)--*-lll4 &.' ot."~547.oGSl Housebroken ~93 -,.13-H"o"'uo=xr.v"'"H-w"'th,.,,Spa-. :::,.:-... -HOLIDAY H e a 1th spa. 24 ff.our-Phone . '. .. 67,\:.157') QJQp~ ~~ · ,DOUBLE ~n. · f'rt&\d,alre, Mon & Fri 'tll 9 SUn 12.S M1XED Terrier-Beagle pup-oontnct for 2, makt olfer. Membership for 2: contract l? rr. Performer. Illander '66 HONDA IIO ~ilt·in. LU!ie new. stainless PIANOS & ORGANS P I e s •. 1 wk' • o Id . ~779.1. ....._ thru Aq. '69: $20 Mo. Deluxe model <..U fiber-Scramhler, Low ·mil~ atffl, all contrclJ. Also mat· WUrlJtztt • Knabe • Fischer si;i2-2158 2118 * MINK STOLE-Silver 646-37lK aJabJ outboard. custom Tuned plpea ~ . 645-2318 Im"°""" AViw '. MOO • Spot Cub ·~ tmpor\, We PIJ' more for W~­reprdJees ot r.-. .- or condition. 1ry m: bdort ,...-..U.-E-Y.-MCIRE MOOORS, l51flll WicJ. Ji1..i. Writinlnster. afM.!32a. '" ':L~ CQOk tcp. Sacrillct. OraJwe County's ~st PO\VERGUDE Good condition. $7S O"'RN=A"'TE=-.,0rnam==en=1a1"";,,,=n 1nap down cover. Big wheel e 547-3182 e · mU&ic dealer •••• ,·••• ttanam~ tree. 8'2-1034. 646:9106 gates, each panel 16" v.·lde tilt trailer. $700 or best off. '68 KAWASAKI Bu811wbacker , · E PortaNe dllbwuber. WALL.I CHS 17373 Palm .St. .F.V. 2/lS BOX 1prina: & mattreu. tun by 78%" high. 1ll Via Lldo er. Phone 642-4980attu 1 Pin 175 oc. Only 1500 mi Under 'fl ALFA • ~ J stilint ALFA ROMEO ~ modtl wUh rl.nee MUSIC CITY 1 ONLY 6 mo. male pup .\ twin s!J:e. ReJrtg $25. Nord: Lido Isle, NB. 18, otRISCRAFT. utUJ• .. I wami.nty.·$410.•548-0291. Coupe Xlnt cond. New , ~= dr)'lnc ey. 3400 So. Bristol, Co&ta Me-sa lowa Children. 548-Ci03 2 desks & misc. 642-46lll NEAR new King size. bed pleasure, lOS hp, 6 cyl. ~bd. T~A:<:co?'Mli;inm~· bbiliiOkeO._.]Nfo.w;;j~~-~-iiL: I,,,.,~-·~';· M~uot~..U~I~-~~~:.,_ ...,_....:;;GHO~"usE Autcmade e 540.21'5 e 2/11 MUST tell . ~llP9t Refrta'.. inoludea t\>.'in box 1prinp L&pgtrake comtruction: Real gocc1 coridi&n. 1'fUst DATSUN ""'"'u~ HlMMOND • Stelnway l·a. FREE lure utility trailer. Twin bed Ir. box springs, mattreM & trame $75. Xlnt cond throout FUU anytime Sat .l Sun. ~~· ~->T.olid. like new! --'--......... _...... -· Yov Mui. CaU LocJchart na~ sol.a.. MS.7l71 543-0721 pr;-$1'50 962-1440 aft I 1965 HOND i50 t--------- $IOI. 111.ms ;;i.jj ·.;;;;._·a:;-~ Iii R<oif>. 646-%301 2111 FOilS4r.O'Chntract Holkfar so*"NY""'"soo~~s~ ... ~ .. -,~,~.-. p,;· · cvatu• sJ, Tr.8:":~ e Dql' e• -~-_, -. --a..-.-flolll...._"'--MALE --~-.,.~ ;., •1>o12ll.ml__ _r._comp1e1e_.1u. NEW--u--Spnrts-~c-• -"'>nde,-trall.------DAT.i.:U •;at6:1pra"?f., ~ iCCO-ICliMIIn' MUSIC 00., about 1 yr. wry )ovlnc. 5C9-239C spWttn Ir: mlkts. Tint cyl Mere. Loaded w/ ae-'66 • 90 cc. UcJod condftke ~ --$1'11. ---lJJIJ1 I!, Moln, MS-(1137 .J/U RUGS $31 ~ j30; rollt< ta-IJ.!$ tatm. ~ .,,-. -10 x, .,;i) $125. " AUTHOkl1IO D .. llt ..... -· _... PUPPY hf< $2Q, bob> ..... 11-15. Mobile r.iephone. ... ... "" ...... """"" 84?41.. Hu"-'ft1.";.."'CD"' SoOd'""!'i· S-Yn..W:'91. PRIVATE --*'lib 10wf<-!JnPn$1.Bed$10.~'18C Leueor .. u 839-09'1 caror • 1168 TC lllO s;u·aa•I .N '!"-'-I l'I 911~; ..,,,_ amaU. -.,rlatrt ..... c.n 841-7362 2/15 ROUTER .,,,..,,, " hp .. -* 83M030 * 2 6 ' c HAR Ac TE R ' s ScrlmbMr. "" -t ...... B&ACHl .. ARCH k-a..r..,ane wttl't :dnt tane, ltcfll wood a MOS. ~m. Codcapoo, bm, cvtttn. 8aabo)' aoHcart A <DCKER Spamt) Puppie.I, 6 .Character Boat $150,(Q) or $500. ~ • NeW en41 Uied"1Can '""!" ..... _.~..... prdttrtd.6'W867evu. t hot1, bOUlt'-broke bq.MahOfNr.49t--a .. 'kl. $20. eau-..285.1 aft btst offu OVtr $1195. l9M HONDA 2SO cc. GOIOd Com-•~$i"""'" IP"' J1rtupori 31t11po11 s noo w. tout HWJ". N.wport B<a.:b ~ ' SllJ.1'16C Authortzed MG Det.le:r ''1 MCl'MIDGET Rdstr. Mark ID, 4 apd, dlr exttllent J'WUlitl& cond. wn,; wheeh, cream white body Plush black int. Driven ~ lif!le 'ole man fl"om La&una. $85 Cash dds, will fine prvt, Prfy. L. B. UOF S93 •~ -or 545-aiJ4 ' ~· "' MGA 11 ' * :-. * NN Minott ara.n, crtc. 548-6708 2-17 ..,,, '61 CHEV. c.orvatr. 5 pm, or wlmdl MS-"1134 condition $«IO:' lf.urh .,..., .. ,..._ ... ,,.;. • m. a:~= :=hi~u~; au tprt=.·'=1:·~:':1!!'; ::=;,~:=: 54~ bad K~:U:tm~~i'!,;:: s:iz :;ts.~:~ ~ut~ ~ · ~:2~~~.~~~:~i~ -~~c:i~~s=O:: ~~iMl~ml~~===:!~~ -n"'TE p.a.RTV 540-m J.17 J DOOR -now Admiral or mbcl. ~7349. "tJsIJer· $i!iO 60-0267 67 Honda 3llli ~ J••f J ,..11,, k.. S.•11 01•1-,. kia :J.18.6Sll). -rn. ... " ·~,,~~ .... • • Uke new. ,.. • fwy.•"' 1"'' .... h-.'" ==-:=~~::====-In 1110 \Yant.I to bey pU.oo • MON'rii old re111Ale ~ . JW.rlprator. cle-an. Movinc, Misc. Wanted '64 Century RelOrt~ * SCS-7992 • Nor•• •f A<f•l'll MOIUllS --for Cub. 21.MTf .. JOJS. 'SoOd with older children mu:itltll$60.M1-3880 --l6lO 16' .lJ200-~47 DAlL'i PILOT O~ Jii968:;;-~Pl~CK~~Ul'~.~ .... ~-,t~han~l-:::~~~~~-:;11 NrnQtJEOM~Orpn. iiALDWJN_ACl'OllOftk Spine_t _S!).Q)66 2-11 NO·mattv what tt ta, )'OU ELECTRONlC 81\ldtnt SKIPPER wants part LINE3 You~.., them ·eaoo ml,· like new,' R/H Monie:Minor -alld1 .. with ''°°' J11fano. Prlva• p•rt:r. MIXED LU puppy, 7 ,.,'kl, eta 9ell it wttb • DA.n.Y da:!M "notv.'Ot'kina'"T.V.1 .time WCl'k. 54$-3561. torjultPIMMtadai.DW A-b'lntau ~· $1650. itl.W . loo:l$t11...t. . . -. _,. .,_ kfdt. lMl--1429 W •PltOl'WANT41lff-c.n·1.,.,111U<1t..-i.aw ......... 842-5611 ' S6-8S!f • -~VklQda..rut. ~~~-~~~-~---~~~'---' ~-------~-•-~,....;"'"::::~·~.....,~~·~·~..::.!lJf • I -·· -.,....- ..,......., I ---; ' L~ "'a.! ' 'ARTS ~· ' lo.tllfi <la I -_I ' I ~I E I bl9"1, leath. Vires,' 17,Q® , ... I ·, ' ).17&1. er eITOW: ""' ._ DA b ft• with T.:' .... , .. u,' ... - ' ' I ' "" .... I .. A. I 73 ' -... •• ... " .. ' ~·~--------------~----~--..._--~--------~~ ...... ~~ -"~l ll'~",11 )IJ1q:u, [ I Al Ccmy New Car ~ Y"r or 50,0GO mile Worranty -. ----------· , •: ; I•' . . • THEODORE l!OBINS FORD, ORAN(iE COUNTY'S 'ONlY SHEL'91f , AMERICAN DEALER, PROUDLY PRESENTS THE ALL NEW . SHEi.BY~ ' ' . ·-· ' . . ' GT : 1·9' I '9' · TWICE ;AS EXCITING ~S ANY PICTURE! · . , For . IN OUR SHOWROOMS NOW.I .. -. . . -... , ' ... . ..... . • ' .2 . ......... . ,, • ~ .:,• -.... ~). . l. ' . f .. Thia is the one you've. \\laited for! : Am.rice's most exciting, UNCOMMON · -high performence _',Port~ .c.er! .. , , ff!Jr··,_ ~ -1t".'·I~~~\-~ ,:p- AVAILABLE FORi-IMMEDIATE . · DELIYlrlY .· ~ . . . . . .. .. . . .. ' FINAL CLIAllANi:i Ol'-INI GT.JIO'S;OTolOO'S.~-NIW ~ iXIC. .CARL 'Liss THAN A .. DOZIN ~ ... ... • LEFT AT .THE GRIATIST SHILIY-AMIRICAN DISCOUNTS IN OOlt I! '. ~ ' .. ' ' . ' . . . . ...... ' ~ '.· I•. •. '< ... • I d \ I l. \. ' ' . TllANSl'OllT AT'9ii "JTW.s-TATION ·TIWllPOtlT ATio'N T1W1s ii0itt AT1c!N-"-'~ =...;..;.;..o.~.;;,;.;..---.;..;;.o.;.~c.;.;.~,:._~~-Ulllll'--_c.,.~~-..-9900=:::1 ORANGE COUHTY'S l,IO. 1 I . TRANSPORTATION ~ . . CENTER ' J I ,·9 1TRANSPORT A Tl~N ! SPECIALS ., ,·~ • EVEN ·lF YOU HAVE BEEN BANKRUPT · •1EY,EN IF YOU HAVE ._O CREDIT ./~ · "·· WE CARRY OUR OWi CONTRACT . e' •VEN IF YOU ·HAD . A REPOSS~$Slp,.N • P Y.O!~Ell 1 •EVEN IF YOU ARE ·NEW IN AR.llf •PAY' DAY L'A7fMINTS • E-Z BUDGET TERMS . · : .• MO RED TA'~' . COST A M'ESA •. 2. BIG LOCAT,ONS. ~ ~ ~ -. . SANTA ANA ' :..••••••••••••••••••• r••••••••••••••••••• I ~ Jl!~T A ·SAMPLE oF SPEOAIS AT ouR LOT IN cosy A· MESA. . I . JUST,. A •. SAMPU OF SPECIALS AT OUR LOT 11f sA!iTA ANA . h • I I '60 . PlYMQUTH '59 VAUXHAll '55 PLYMOurH 511. Wag.· I I '54 IOICK . Ctni. '58 FORD . '57 CHMOUT I . I ' t Dr H' "'' R•H. cxn m 1 l"llltt 'klorl E1111k1Ped. Alll•~ "'""· ll&H. nHx .,, I I • °'· H.T. v ... A.T • .CLKM Ml .., ... "-'· ILX' »1> v.a •~'!'· ,..._, tYl"S i'!l) I , , . .. ' {GAil ~71 , I '49 'Totol Prico '49 Total P•lce s49 Total ~i<e I I $ 49 ''t otal Price $ 49 Total Prico s 49 Total p,;,e I +Tax & Uc. + Tax & Lie. + TaJI' I Lie. + lox & Uc, + Tax & Uc. + Tax & Lie. : '58 FORD Sti. Wig. '58 CHEV. lmpall '69.DODGE . •• : , '60 C~~:: .~· ILT: '62 FORD Fakon ;:s:.H~~DE~.~I~~-•• I s49A.T .. U H. (l~·'tl ... '. $.,4 ... ~9T.IM4. P.I. a.i.i jt7:1)6. s7u9 .. , .... UH. (Off o»l I I ~, . s991 Dr. IUEL llU ., :. '$99'F.c20r7 •lr. ~llH.~j I I ~·~ ----~ ------_____ +_r_ •• _,_Lk.__ + Tax & Lie. +Ta·& Uc. I ~I + Tcu: &.Uc. +·Tax & Uc. 1 +Tax & Lie. I I '59 PLYMOUTH '60 FORD St1. Wag. '61 CORVAIR I I 'SS FORD 2 Dr. '60 PONTIAC H:T. 159 UNCOLN CONT. I • " 4 ~:o· ~ ...... .u-s9"''"9"ld0rr lillUIPPtd. (lftl,»11 s"1·'·9"9H, ~1~$~1 •. 0 ..... 0•;01"'2' I I Sftftu. ~JM ,., $199u·;; (,""'$12 ,.1·99·'-510""$12 I ~ 77 Tatal Price Total Prfa I I 77 Total Pric. , .,.,.11.,r1m :ree-1 ToNt I .+Tu & Uc. + Tax & Lie. Toti! P'rlat T0!11 Tetet + Tax & Lie. + l~:'l1ff. on.'J':~. ML'~. + T1i a. 11c. on.: PYmt. -""°· PYmf, .1 -'61 CHN ·-· •• + "'. "~ "'" """· ... ""'" I •. '61 OUIS ···-88 '63 FORD G1lx. H.T. "62 CHEv, II I .. I . ,.~ -tr '62 .CHEV. II SIL Wgn. '63 DODGE Dirt ·I ... ,.... t.i;:.,r,.~ I I iij9~"~9~·~l~Z $199 ·;1·0·"$12 $3;9"~s ""~~ ·: I $l·99··-~to·";12 '29, ... ~,·-·:~"',:~ ~1991°;:~~1:~.. I .+'fu .~ Da ~"· "4; +\:~~,~~~~ ;.:::.;·:.;'~1 ~=~·:~~·:~: ••• .;.I;&; •• ·,. K-.-.. OPEN 7 DAYS A'wK~-A.M~ro~1'0Llc.r~M:'"'F01~!'9uicoNVENl~NCE . ..-+ • FREE·FREE Lis YiCias VICl!lo11 3 PAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO M• '1ttth11t Nt c•11•ry 15300 Beach "''· Weslllllnsler 194-3322 OPEN 7 PAY.I • I I ... • '67 SEDAN de V~ elec · · · • '60 otEV. Station wagon; windows, locb, seats, Wted' '62 CHEVY SS V-8, auto., p1A-T. steer. & wheel, air, crui~ control, 327 engine, 4 speed, PT. r.m, brks. Air·concl. XI o t ! gold w/black vinyl top, air condition like new see 645-2M2 . black leather. Immaculate. to appreciat~. 549 Stu~eon '6j ~L"CAt.tfNO, $4250. 494-2469 Drive, Cost.a J\.1esa. 540-8372 283 cu in. stick, i1000 '68 CADILLAC Coupe De Ao.__. 67J..438.? . Ville e.onv. Xlnt cond. Pric-63 u ·u::.v. I~pa]a 301 Vette ed. loc quick aale $5000. eng.411 J>l?!'!I. Mags. lndys 160"Chev~ $150. 6 cyL- 49'-5789 =l950=-·=54S<>jl8==='=-=-=-o=.l.=·=-s'="=k=sh=ilt.=-5'8=.a..;==== CA MARO '68 CAMARO RS SS, 396, 375 hp. 4 spd, 410 posi, Jardincs, ·Hurst, American, Dunlaps, Stewart Warner, lo ml, AM/Ffd, stereo tape. 1~13) 592-5149 '68 CAMARO 396-375 HP, 4. ~-Xlnt cond. Must sell. $2400. 847-2494 CHEVROLET UMCI C.ra 9900 Used Cara 990o A FACT TH!SI CARS ARI FULLY Rl!CONDITlpfflD, AND ARI llf NG OF ,.IRIO AT OR Nt ia WHOLESALI PRICISI 1963 Thunderbird Full power, factory air condftlon. Wl ll te with black mterlor.:IYE437 " 't· $975 • ' l ' 1 'l. ' 1964 MMe. Mont<ielr 2-<lr~. H.T. . 'RS The Fastback model w/~ . f l:.braJ$~ I: factory~ condi~on. l . , · l • " • ' , 1966 Comet 4-dr. Capri • $]475 V-8, auto., power steerin&, factory air • cond , new tires A: completely recondl- Uoned. RRY522 . ~· . ' ,. ,, " • 4 \' • 1965 More. Colony Perk Ste. Wag. , 57· 5 V-8, llUto., . stttr.. . brllkeii, file. , llir cond. rl::ntin~ go~/match, inter. ' HON348 'rifl M.;,, 4<1r:'l>arkla"" 'The liest" t>etlf metlllllc maroon with blatk'land1:a roor. Pwr. steer., pwr.brakes, fllc.-air cond. XSS516 1967 Muotene ~po G.T. $21 75 V-8, 4·speed, pwr. steer.. • brakes fac. air, wide-ova) tires, J:t. blue wt'th matching lnt.rlor. TN""'6 1965 Oldomollllo "91" 4-clr. H.T. $)675 F\JU power, file. alr cond. Ermin<' white w/powdtt bl~e Inter. NBR792 JOHNSON & SON . 1941 HARBOR BOULEV4RD COSTA MESA 642·7050 , .gon; : •. & o.t ! '-' • • ' • • I ' I I • • I • , . • MOlldty, ,......., 17, 1'169 DAILY PILOT U TR4NSPOllTATION TRANSPORTATION -TiWdPORTATIQN .fAAHSPOifAfiOh~") I'".". . ....,...,,.., .... ~ "'; . ..... :..,1 •• ' •' . . , t I -~"-' --~,__ --~---' ~ 11ooWS --.... swuwW -. ...., ...._.. • .....,.,...., Cira :.. ' -• • ' ' GKOltLAC.:.f~r·'NINE.rrEEN SIXTY-NIN.E - > , t', ~ 0 I -i;; ' "J .... • " , ; I : ..... _ . . . '~ ~ ~ ~ • .. • ''If' • ' \ • . -~ ~~..2 ~ . . 1 ~ •4 :::.:. :. ~:t•·: Mirstei-Piece ~from ·.-~·~--~ . . " • 'I ,, f I .: • .;,1964 C~DILLAC , "~ ~, ' -. 4 Dolt" h•rtlt-p n11t~ 1111 ~oy1fo ll1l 11f.,lor with ll'llfchl111 111110 cloth ~ lnftrlor. H11 t;ll tk• p0"11!1r C-_tllllac power 01tl1h l11cl1dl119 IHI-' ·•1 •*••ring, pow,r:bloko1, poWor wh1d•w1, AM.FM rodlo, 411i10 co11tr.! encl l ll'IUth, muck m0to,•.1VHU1tfl • · ' "!< s1444 .. , .. ' I ., • SALE P . ''1 ;_ . J!63 C~D~C " , , Thi popul er S1d1n D0Vlll1 lini1h1d 111 orniin•"whlf1 1ri1rior Wi tlt co11lr11t- i119 blW' cloth end l11thor hit.riot. Hn ill ffto ,.,.,101 C.4iUoc ,.wir I\ 011i1t.:.1,.cludln9 1toori119, br1ko1, wl.idOw1: 1oit, AM.FM f1dl• ti111:I C.tcltl• ' J loc'1 ~11eu1 f11t1ry. oir ,c1nditio11i119. 151651 '· ' I ' ~ SAU $11'11 PRICE 'l' 1967 IUICK S•yl1rlr · h1tdtop Coupe. H11 VI 1n9in•, 011tomotic tronilnluio11, ,._, •l••ri1J9, rodlo·on4-hHter,. F1roiory Ai~c.Hliio11ln1o -!",ltlt..~o ••11 tirot. Thi1 ~oclrlc blue c•r ho1 111otchin9 111 ¥inyl lntorlM ind h • local. on1 ..... ~: .. ·"' siiE.~tii.cED·~··: ... 1966 'BUICK C111~ liSobN 4 tlior ~irdtop~ Sjlarklfn9· t111I blue with -khi•t lnfw. lor. f.#llf'J olr co.idltlo111!19, 011te.otic tro111rni1tion, p1wor 1f1orln9, p....,_lirok11, to4it, hoofer,. etc. Truly o fine outoll'!obito thot wuitt b1 · •1111 ·a11d driYlii tO oppredot. lft 11110 ••luol CSIW4991 .,. $ ' SALE 2222 PRICE , -. -. l~+"• ?tDSMOBILE~-.· 91 Lui.ry S1tl1n. lo1util~I 101111 ·1i1v1r •rl1rlor with block •l~yf reof orul "'•tchgit brocod1 l11t1f!or •• Po\fro'Of lf1orln9, pow1r br1ko1, power wl11dow1, pow~11t, AM.fM r1dio, tilt •f1f.ri119 wh1ol, pow1r """' wi11dow1, oir co11tl"'onin9. Ab1ol~t1ly 1or9to~tUt0901 ' ' . ,_:. ·-.'. .• ~th·e Mas~r Crahimen .. ' .... ' .. tt f .... .~ .... On Dlsplay and ReGcfy for Delivery Todayl ' . . O~PER YOUR ·19c.9 CADILLAC NOW I . LEASE DIRECT e FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE " ' . ' : LARGEST -SELECTION . · -, . . OJ' LATE t,,iQDEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED . _/ CADILLACS IN· ORANGE -COUNTY ~ . . . . 1968 Sedan · . . .. '' . ' ' . . . • • - 1968 EL DORADO Tho •••r "o,.lor ill Dor ode, FlnlshH in Uroquo 90'4;..,ltli IMlp ,.;df11d roof end 9old lnlorlor. Tiit wh11I, pow1r 1to1rin9, power Mobs, pow1r windowi, power 1101, pewor vent wl11dow1, power lr1111k II.I NIOIM, St.No >!M.'FM Rodio, i nd m<lln'f mo,. lvnrry p-•t f1otwre.-SnclNln9 c.idilloc .f•riory oir .colttlitlo11i119. httor t•t h.,., flnt ·•w t1\ls houty. IVTU671 SALi $6444 PRICEp 1967 BROUGHAM • Fltttwood lro119h1m. M1f1•tlc re91'I ·,11.,., with ltlecli: ,atldM t•IJ efld bl1ck t1p11try 111d l11ff1'1r lllf1rlor. All pewtr bu!hNll"t ltNrint ~r1k1t, :-rrl11dow1, went winJow., tr11nk l!d rtl11 ... St.r•o rHI .. tilt •141 t.l1scoplc 1te1rh19 whttl pl111 f1ctory t lr cOllClittOnl119. IUKV-2J9) A bitutiful Ch11tnut brown 111temobil1 with 11ndl1woocl p1dded ,,,.,!KJ "''"~hint cleth & SALE s4555 PRIC,I lttfhtr inttri91'. ·H11 tit tht ptp11l1r ,,.,,, f11tu r11 inclhllitl p1w1r lfHrl119, ptwt r ,,,.,,, De Ville powir wln"dtw.f, pewtr t•t f, f1ct1ry t lt-.condltionlnt pl111 pr.mlu111 tlrt1. Tlti1 lo••ly C.tf h.tl 1965 CADILLAC ·' -Mori dri•on •!ry J•.w "'.' 11 '' '"s' ;, 4··,'·-~.;_j'.!~t-'·g"' ·,· Tho "op11l1r 1od~11 0.Vlllo. Flnl1hM 111 lor~110 901.1 odlrler with~.-_ Inf 9olcl lottfitr end cloth lniorlor:-Hi1 ell tho po_p11lj1r Cocllllo1 lawy fNtv,., lncl11dln9 pt-r 1t.orln9, powor. Mob>" ,.ww wlMowt, P.ww •••h. 1lg111L1ookln9 rodlo .tnd of co11rM C.dUl1c f1ct.fy olr coitd!tfe1l111-l 7122 l . , I' '' I ., I I ' SALE $2666 "PRICE 1967 CADllJ.AC ,. . 'I :! .. : h ,. w·d Sed 196 D 7 Vill c..,. 0.YlllL "''' ~~!~~.=t~~~~ .. wltlo whit•'"'""' '! ·t }poVJllo con•ottiblo. lo•11tiful C.oni"oo 1'oi,, with 'motchin9 top ond lo1thor _z: f =:F '.•op_. .8ll e e lntlrlor ho1 olrno10 oll of tho d1l1110 f11tvr.1 th1t C1dlll1c b f1niop1 for .11nt1rlor. Thlt !•w rnilo190 cor it 1•c1ptionolly oq11lpp1d with f1ctoty oir · .V "1111 • ,. . lncludh19 power 1t1orlng, po-r br••••, power 111h end ,.w1r wl11dow1, 1 ~. ,)concfiHcnilli: power 1toorlt19, power broko1, pow.tr •••Ii. "ow.tr wiMlow.. :4110 ho1 Codllloc F1ctory olr condltlonln9. You m111t ilrl•o tltlt ono. ; ' S~~ s2.;33 PRICE·-' . ~ _j_Hlt on.I tol11copic wh .. I, AM·FM rodio. IXSP6921 • . ' Tltit lo.o1y: S1d1n OoVlllo ho 1 111 ,op11lof poww 111i1h lncl11dln9pow•r 1t .. rln9, pow1r broko1, (JRHIJZI ~, s1, 8 ~! t~ .. -~ . . s3· ·9n·· ·. ··-.. : ,.._;whMl . .W..·,.ww11ot·•N~hH·•:f • .nonf.....,•Sr..wftlont111,1TMiM.trtlftlovt0o c'.&•I PRCE :.; ~ · · • · · 111ti~lt 'h•• Nea !er;' c•i:efwlly "''"'· il'ltl tti.,renly "'9 fl~ ·~·••rw ~ It'• prnlo111 OWtllfl, ~ ·' 1 I · .. \ 1 ~ "'~ •· _ . '. SA.LE . • ;: ;' ' PRICE_ _ ~ .. l~ll · .. • · · ·....;.,, ... ~ _____ _,·.,, ==::-:-':"lm""'!"'i:-::':::-::-:--=:----'--- . "" '"'ii ~ . • ·' . ~--···,·,·, •. ·a·-::._..,,.·,9:--,_.-:-.9-~.~ "'I_,-, . & , -_, 1968 CADILLAC , .. --· ·1966 PON.,;c GTCS . . ~ "sN111 D1Villo wl .. ••rCHlll• ,.l4'1ntorlo1' •"" 1:11.td poddM .. , wlflt ' !'; .*A vwy •P••ly ho·'top 1,,, ,·, lini•, hod ,..• lu..,. with 1.11,'oll yl~ i..-ckot • -111otchln9 bl1cli cf1th ontl l1othw·W.rl1r. AJ.olmly INdM with IHIW•r ·' V .., 'l 61' "\' IP! ' "'l' rl"f, po_, ~lkMf .,,...,., wfnillows. power 111t, llOWOr trvnk lld ,. • • 4 ' J•••I iritorior. fully lo1dod incl11din9 ·,•i9, VI 011911111-;.trl-pew.r.-\ 111'.td , AM·fM "rM!o1 R'f.&¥191-~ 'i TyNI .tnd •f 1ouno foctety .tit ion. t, tron1mi11l1n, po-r 1t1orin9, pow1r br11h•l rod lo ...... h••t•r~ f 1cftry Air tdlffen frig. no,. ir1 ••; '&a'i ,.,, t fr om rltfit II-•• N0Mr1 C.dill•• ! i. '~ c,.~;,;,.;,,. y!'f ..... w .......... h .. !'" ~~···· ' . . SALIS.'<DEPARTMIN1' OPEN ' ~ ''.'.'' ..... o.v_.'sl,1, ••. -, ... ,, .• -l·E·~ .. -.': '·.'"R· 1c· .E·D· '·_. I ; •" . · 1 $233!,. , " · -. ' ; '. .. ; t:~O A:M. to' 9:00 p.M. MQNDA't ;tllru FRIDAY , · ' . 1 i" . ' . ; •. ' ' .. "·' .. ·., '_ . ,, ! " 9:00,. ";i.:_u. to ~· P.M-SA. ru, RDAY ' 1\i<I s1·1r,' DA<'f..'. ' -~ ·;.., 1r SALE · 1 a · l c-. :frj rr· '( ~ \•, '''''t" .. " liliii!. _ ' .,,,,;,....,__,,,,,_.__ __ , :. ;_'.;r.i _fAL!_P~tlC~~-~FFECTI . "!H OUGH Tu~A¥, FEIRUA" Y 11, :t~~ . , _ . . , . _ \ : ·~' .• , -• " ·'ii>,<~· : . .:i ,,1~~'~&c~~°thorlzed Ctidllfac"B:alerS.~in~'\he Orange Coast tfo~Al'ea ' -~ ! VISIT OUR COMPLETE .. " VOGUE TYRE SAW lo SUVICI CINRR • WI ALSO STOCK . ALL ORIGINAL FACTORY l!jlUIPMINT TIRU. s39n _ -.... IMCLUDI N5 MOUtmN .. l.ALANCIN• & UCIU TAI ., ........... ,....-... ).. -•. ·•· . 1 :I-!.4., ..:..~ ---""'JllEE~!,_ICK_.l!P_.;;., AN_D_DBl_Y_ERY _ ___, ,. I ' " '' ' ' ' " 2600 Harbor · Blv.d.-,. :C~sta1'. Mesa ·· " '. ~ \• ~ ,. 540~9.lOO ... . ' l' , : l' .' I • I ,, I' ' l \. t I • ' ' - , .. " , WE'VE , ~~$HOPP~ FOR YQU! WE IJ:1:VE' dEM ~ill" . ·>< :; • , • 1969 • Mustang • f,'t1no GT· • .. (aniare. 'l~d-•utm,r • F1re.b.1rd !I 11t1pala Wl'VI ~Tr; ;c;.;:y•& ~=;;t;~;~iciSmtil1i4":1°:1'Ala'i'•~~§Cl~nc. -' . . I • "1' ' ' • "°' . ~·· . ·NO 'NEED 10 SHOP .ANYWHERE ELSE · auT HARBOR DOD'GE · .. ; . ' ·;· . . . . -. . . ~ ...... -· .....,----~-.1969>.DODGE cewot41r1'L~... • ..... : ltl-t ~:. . .. I c ll&•GIR~::.'~ .. , ' FULL FACTORY TOTAL~·: ~~'~T.~:: Um~:r~·· . _·: . ·~. " '' ;\ '_ .. '· PATMINT . PATMDir llllllllClll!t DtHnry TOTAL PRICE t,1~ ,.,_,. ~ ~ l "-"' ' fl~ """" .... -· "' ..........., IJtftlt-m!Rt .. • _,.. r I " ' . " '61 CHIY. IM'PALA CUSTOM COUPE · ·v:t.' ~ trlrmtllelon, redil hilttr. .·1ecuum_. ._ . . $67= $67=· $1988 ·~~ , ~T. rm. . ~W I UC • $63= $63=· $,18' ·88· -:-.: n.-. . nllT. .+ T.t.X a. ue. . ' ' \. •.• , '.67MHilllC ~a.q· cN. · •. --... ··------· I•• ·111-. ""Y' ..... UiilM ----.. ....,.,., .tC. """1N .. s5. "=:s5· ·7=·•1·6·"1 .. ·:a·· -:-: · I ;rtq. "!"'·. .+tAX l 1.lt ' '65 c•nm 'a c ·WAGON ,. " ' ........... w.a·......,"" ,...,....,... ............ Ul.·mitm:lt s4ft!l:!! s4o~'l.ti'r, s1188 ::: . Unfif. _nMT. + TAX & UC. ' H D t FOR YOUR PROTECTION 1. . :5 .. · · -'Uielrfir_.GOLD'UAl!'hl'....-wtMlllllld- 1 % UNCONDITiofw. G,U.UAHT'E ,.. Tlils·STAI i'r .. t~ . WllT1NG THAT H.UIOI DODGI GUAlAJlfm THE CAI 1 . · ,. . 'CARS ~AINSTM!CHAHICALD&ECTSFOliOODAYSOl .(~!I~ ' ca· "RS WlllClt Ml.•COM~:JllST AFTll PIJRCHAS!.. THIS,~ , • .,,. ' All MKHAlllCAL PARTS, EIKTIJCAI: IQUil'MBIT, 'IA'[lllY, . ' · , . · SPllDOMITll, ltADIO, HIATll ·OH AU. C.US. THIS GUAWllff . . COYllS ·All:'ArfS AND IABOl 1111 TO lYOUI · : · ; '66 Clltt. IMP'Aa.:. HAIDTOP v.f, ptWll' ttttriftf, brdtr, f\ltt. 1r1111., •k.·~ .. ' •ti CHIYIUI lilW YOUlli" . 1 -• ur.111,..,., C.... A1.r19. ~ ...,.,lfMrl~-·a~-.,. ~ ~, llliMIMI SJ'6i! s36~·,~108.8+i~~ 165 ~. IMP:MA U. s36= s3&...iu::. s1088 :r.:. ntn. U-•Tjii . _ + 1AX lo UC.. . ~ . . . ' -' . ' '6S CHIV. 118PALA ITA. \lfAOoN f~ t ir, V-1, M/tL tnlla., lltl', P.S., P.I. ~" .. '66 PONTIAC GUND PRIX V.f, •""-tN111., f-101? til' uM., ,..,.., dMr:lllt.·.....,~ ;_.Will ...... •-'IM/FMNdl•,hllM,-,'~~fta,~,'fUD51ll .»-sso· ·= s50·:.:; $f48'8 ~':-i;t""· , PTMT, +TAX I UC. • • • ! .... -- .s33::::.: s3·3· Fi·· "'"· .,. . ' . ' . ' '6S•OlDs CUTWI' -~ j •• ~~°"'44.Vt,~~~Wcb!Mltl. ~ -. . . s3~= s . 3=.· $988 =; ~nllll, . . "¥'• p ~ : 4-T.U:I LIC., : .. , . . . . .· . . ' - '66 MDCu"r : cOiAn •·I•!•. !raft•., -........ .....,_ ....,.,., ,,..,. ·•1 l'LYlllovnt 'lqliVIDIRI s36:::.-~ s3,~w::. s1088 '::! s~" .,. s'2'"'· "9" '"'"""" "';9··88 TOTAl V<li."""tw."'~ ... • ... ..,'"",' """ll"r'. GOLOltAL n•r. nMT. +-T.U &uc. . · l:J:~ ', IN:t.. n.tel ,_ ,,.,,._ l---------------·I ;nail, n MT, ·.:-. +t.U &Lrt. s36::..": $36~.· s1o··aa:..'°··" .. :.~U<. '65 CHIYIW MALIBU COUPE . ' l •66 DODH~ • .t•, ... ,.,.,, _ V-1. ~It~ l!Hm, hctof1' elt COll4., ,..... rlffri!!t, -, """" .. {11X'°5) . .-•, • "'nhpCluplwl~ ..... , ...... ,..., • .....,,_,\'lf!Yl-.-............. fTIJ, .. '65 ClllY. IMPAIA HAaDTOP V ... ~I I .. ,_, . .......,.....,......,,n"'f'Ullt.'I $J3:::.i "'"· VOLKSWAGEN CENTER '67· vol.iSWa&lii .................. fUJODct $988 :'!!f . s33= s.33. ~~. "' .,.,.,. . . . ma. . ,,... ' .. ~·~ ' · . ~IC YOLISWAGEll ' . .......... ....., ...... (NCUW) ' 1510 '°'"' $18.!!!!f -s1·9"mn 10.,e~uc. 7-nMt. . . =~· 533"'" $33"'" $98 8 '"'"' . -=. ~':;~· +t'!~ic. s29w.~ s29~\. $888 ':.: nMT. nMT. .4-T.U: & UC .. --------~--~---· '65 llUIT .. ·F~ • · • 11rnr ·Shtrfnt: W•, lfMter, ·~ MIU3n $33 "'" $33"'" OOWll MnllT. . n MT. "Ml' $88·3 TOTAL N ICI _..TAX & llC. '65 Cl:llV• IMPALA \'B Allio. ffMI,, ,_r ST•rk!f, •.-i.. M.&l'tr, w... Tirtt, ""· (ffOJ.035) I .'~2·3!! s23~~-s688 +E~{IC. '65 lllUITANG FAIT~CK V..f, Mo. trw., hNltr, 111WM-t1•111, wtW. (EIWl.q s33~ s3· ·3·::1.\~. PJMT, nMT., ~888 T ........ . "''"' ~ lAX -&tlC. . . · · 'O'S.DART Gt ~OP v.a,' "'"6, vinyl 19,, rtcll• &:!!rt-~ ti'"~ M111"'1 n111. (IVW752) • ._., ·.,-·--• , T s19::::~ 's19:JC.~. ssas =~· PTMf, ~ : • ·~'· . + JAX· I. ut.: ORANGE COUNTY S LARGEST TRUCK, CAMPER & V A f~ llE ADQU llRTERS '69l>GDGE· TltADIUU.N VAN,: . . -:• ·'60tDODGE V~ ION·P~KUP . . ' . . . . , . '61 'DODll~Pol>~lt4 HDDTOP · Di .. v:ai .,,_..,,. "'·,..... ._., llnkH. •ute. 1r1111 .• u11,. • . Wl'tl·tlnil,..whMI ..... (VWJl .. .. ,, .. ' '65 Cl:llv*W llDAN $688 .TOTAL PllCI +TAX & LIC. . . ' . ~' -, '64 DODGt DAllT 270 '62 ,YOW\YAGEN . • fµJ(y F1ttorv (Quipped inc;luding heattr, eft. Mo'tor #1161876320. , · , . '64 FORD· FALCON lc011ollH St111ii1 wtr1-~Ni .. hMttr, ,_., ltltl. Jc. IV2T3UJ ,,..,.."-"'-...,.;1 fl*'2) $41&,.... s16· "'" ~ • , ' Nita t towll . , W:&UC. n•t.. • • ,. ' ! ' l I ,I s .... . ·' ' . ··- DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNn, CAUFORNIA I t r I t ' I I Ask Them YourseH POa D..4YID UNNBD'Y, Secrewy oJ 1M Tr«IMll"f ...... u ... .,, ........ ,....,_,,... •I v.s. paper awreaey a. draal."-' .,. .... ,.,,. .... ..,__,, ... ~ ltl. ltlW., ..4...,,., Te ... • The 110,000 note, which bean tbe portrait of Salmon P. a.ate. Secretary of the Treuury from March 7, 1861, to June 30, 1864. l'OR ..UCT FLElllNC 1t.o~1 oJ • ~==~ tlae q•d• •• ftNrt fro• ._.__,., or tlo yoa luaH W.U.11 e .. e•rde1-..41111 Claie•, Norala,,.ra, Ala. 'know moet of the anawera, but I aleo get aipala from bacbtage. FOR. ED lleMAHON, .,.l90Pcer, "To'"'lu., Nun. ll•N )'Oii ~yo.,. re- N•W.11ee 1o Yie. rr:.en-*"' Splro A6fU*'1 Do ,..,.. .. .,,., . ..,. ......... ~111"1 ,,,..W.-. ......., o/ 111- &. Clae.,.r S1ro..,, BJo..11.,.,, P•. e No, I ha•en'L No, I don't. POR JBANB DIXON DW yoa pNflid die R.e- ,,.wara 111ea.rr..1ra 1961, wllll IUeli.arfl IV~ 1M ..UU..r1 H•H ,.... .i.o JH"Htckl4 •• ,,,.... ... "' 19691--Dt..~ Croue .ifaeior, IU. • In .. A Gift of Prophecy," publiebed in 1965, I predicted that "the Republican party will be Yictorioua at the poJla in JM,/' and in October, 1968. I stated in my quarterly forecuta that Richard M. Nixon would be elected Preaident. I did not pre- dict that a depression would occur in 1969, but I do see a alight dip in the stock market early in the year. It will aoon come back up ac&in. howevtt. POa Ul"RBNCB FBI.IC. I r 0• 0/lefl .. ,., ... YfHll 4••1•••r·U.·I••, d111er I i:.,... F.io...1. yo.,. .... .... °" tlae .1ao.1 ,, ,.. ... ...i, e1UU1 Jira. Be11ry Beate4 II~ Ore. • My eon Larry, Jr. ia a •ice president of a recordin1 company, Randwood Inter- national. Larry and the rest of the Welk family ba" appearecl • eGr Cbrietmu abowa. My wife and I ha" three children., Larry .... two married claualaten. Shir· Jey and 0..., and ais pucldaildren. • . POil Da. J.iillBS .ii. UVSSBIL, 1111le, 1¥.Y. ..Mor •/ .. C..-6.M o/ • CriaM PqcJaiMrl,,I" , ... -.. .... "c:rlme ~ .,.,__,,,.._ ,...,. lYC.....U, ~ • I apply both intuition and peychiatric training to interpret eYideDCe supplied by law-enforcement ofliciale aeeiinc my laelp. In the cue of New York'a .. Mad Bombor, .. for instance, I had only dacriptioM of the bombe tkm.ebes, where ther were plaeed, and a few handwritten DOtel to go on. From them, I was abJe to deduce a description of the unknown criminal that fitted him exactly. A good crime ~­ chiatriat muat 6t to1ether all the ptece. of a puzzle before giving pofu:e a deacrip. tion of an unknown criminal FOR BART ST ..tU, qurterlHtcJr, wHn &1 P•tlta• ,,,.., ... beell yolU' ,,...,_ .., .IArill -.,..,....,_ T .M., t.1ta11er, r .. • It wu ecoring the winning touchdow6 against the Dallaa Cowboys in the 1967 NFL Champiomhip Came at Green Bay. FOR SBN. JOHN MeCLBLUN of Ar"""-6 ..4re )'Oii ,,,....._ ~ •pedal polb .,,,..,...,. .... ,..,.. .... •,,.eelae• •"°"* ,,.. eowalry1- Hflr'oW C. ReHrt., ru.. Blaf, h~ • No. The only protection I haft ie that whiela • an-tO aay.Ot6er cit-. of ~ U.S. Of coone. if eome apecial need de· moped where it an.ht be nec:eeary, I am aure it would be proTidecl. FOR B..4RBIU STUISAND ,, ii ,,... .... tlae c...,..,. ....... _..,. )'Oii lo 10 lo ,,.. Soei.1 v .... -"" .... ae11er•l eoraeerl•1-.ifr- ... .-.,. BoM, •-a., lllL • Yes, and I would lo•e to entertain audiences there and in every other coon· try around the world. Bot, as yet, I don't know when I will be able to 10. FOR. MB.iiDOFUU LEllON oJ U.e R•loa Clo6t1niun H ..... .,. •• .., .... Cloh1r.u.r1 ,,i.y e.cA ,....,.,__,.... i. s~ Delroll, lllela. • About 250. We atart our tour tluouatl the U.5.A. in October. Thee ill April we p to Europe for three month.a. ,, ..... _. •,......,.;.... • a •rt Y--..._.. .w. ......._ _. _,. .- - ....... ,_ ..... I ...-,... ..... _ .... t' ,,..,....., __ ......... A*,._ 1'-, ,._.., Weelr.lf, Ml ......... A-. l'Cew Y ... N.Y. lMa. ,,. ~ e+ I .. I I .... " ....... ,_ ... -.... Wll c ...... Drep Ourt Private uMeoiliM are fodng a ftnandol crWs which coutd couse a dedfne of IUdt education. Endo ....... have ~ from 50 peratlt of their ittCOfM needs to only 10 f*'Cllld; foundationt such at Ford-ore turning elsewhere whh their funds; hdetol Government grants ~ tmctff, uncertain, and full of red tape. Coat-per-student hos ~ 7 .5 percent a year; faculty salaries, 5 per· cient; and maintaining the library, 15 percent. And it is pr..tkted that oper· ating cost will friple in a decode. Perils of Stardom Eight-year-olds Heather Ripley and Adrian Hall, the lritilh children in "Chitty Chitty Bang 8oft9,'' like to talk about friends they left behind while making the film. Bath were firm for ''loyalty" as the main qualificotion of a "best friend." Adrian added, "~ne who likes you, who'll Heatlter ond Adrian p&oy with you, who keeps his promises, and who, if I'm a ha'penny short, wiH give me one." Heather has a slightly diffeNnt opnion1 "Not tolling your moneyl I fhou9ht I'd be getting all the money from the fllm to spend-you . know, lilte an allowanc!e. I told them that at school, big blabbermouth that I am. When I came back, they all said, 'let's have our share.' " Nalls,,,. ..... c.. ., ~ ....... ect 1ong ,,,.,...., ,, aCtr... 1r1tt a . land (''The Night They ...... ,... sky's"),c:ont.ues, '1Mlt no tUdt luck. Suddenly last ........... ...., l-llt ...... long and v.ty strong. r. IO proud of them. I use ...._ instead of tweezers, for putting on fa ... lashes, indead of a brush for putting on rff11lner, and In- stead of a comb to do the CMter port of my hoir.---Any dhochantoges? ''I can't push elevator buttons, open win- dows, or button buttons. I have to use my knudcles °'chin." Travelen In TrouW. Whot happens when-you're In a foreign land and suddenly fall ill? For such ..... .,..des, the 1"19rnotional Assodotion for Mecft. cal Assistance to Trawler.., a nonprofit organization ..,.,P.,. lllCI by donations, hos set up offices around the world. If you call them, thfYll one you .... names of at leott two dodon who . meosure up_.to. ~ standards, charge reasonable fe~ tpecak English. Frw infonnolion, write, !AMAT, Dept. FW, 7.45 Fifth Ave., New YOtir, N.Y., 10022. Awkward Aee Does your favorite two-year· old haw ftat feet, knodt-knees, and a pot belly? Then he's norma~ says AIC-tv's ''The Children's Doctor," Lendon Smith, M.D. Two is an age only a MOther could lave becaUte the typical tot whines a lot, is sleep-resistant, has one overused word In his vocabulary ("Not"), and poor eating habits. Some advice to moth- en: yov're not alone, and nut year (age three) wilt be better. It can't be wonet Family~ ri..Ne•111•1•r••••.-·111..... F..,_rw11,1H1 UOMAm> S. DAYIDOW P~ IOlm1' R1Z &•I all •MNr 61 CltWI MOalOll fUMt ~ IACIC IYAN .,......._ ..,_ WAlmt C. lllllYIUI Settm c.,...u.,., MAIM N. lllNQUI Art ~ W. 'W 1"0Ml'IONA..,..~veet# MR*• M PWI , ... ..,_. JallPW I. .,_.0 B•.,_ A'""'-i .. lie_,.., A_.,.~ .....,. •as 14 IUl1BL L •MD M'...,._A4~11....-r .,.__,_.,,.,......_,._.,, ..... PwA.OJ• at ........ :~~7 ... °9'f.-;:.~k!:'!;1Ef. 1:.n,•::; := M4MW O/ti-: .. ' , ,, ...._, _. ............ --, 1ftt .... f-.r, ,._ , .... N. Y.1 .. Mlaa1..,.lll1 M4llJ 8'11 ........., ......... a..~ @ 1tlt, MMRT._T,-.. .... , • ..._It..._,._._ M18I M ....._ _,... Now ... over 100 beautiful rTielodies I you've hummed to .. . dined to ... danced to ... dreamed to! oELuxE 1-REcoRo sEr .. ·A d K · stel et personally selected and conducted by n re 0 an -z .ind tf you decide to keeP tt, It's you,. for only '1495 W1MG it ann.. we bape 109'0 90tloe that DO ex;peMe WM ...... Ja pnptriq this la'filh _. Hbruy. Tho ,...._ prwatatim cue will ..U aa ~ addidoa to your record collec:tioe ••• tbe ~ record lleewl wlll proeect C9Ch vitsi• Yiayl record for ,.,an ol cl'Ult-free, ecratch.free playias ••• and die Inda printed Oft the intlde-COftr mUa It a map to ftDd 8111 one ol the 103 lllectioDI Most bnportaat, pa., yow recordl. Jat llstcn to their full-ru11 "Total Sound" ••. tbe daricy ol each faltnlmlal ... the brilUut. ~ormaace aa.lh ol "Clalr de Lw." .. ~"Ai>. cuma U...." ... aD 10 ....._ n. world'• ._. llNliclam .•• under -ol tbe wodd's peat coaduc:tof'I ••• will - to be performiDs jUlt for you -rw.. la your OWD liWla room! y .. the JIMllic la lloriou ... die pack. alias ii luaurioul ••. the IOUDd ii brlH.llll -and the price ii m..,_..ablJ lowl lf"YOU - decide to keep it, tbe eatire 7-reccwd lleleo let is youn for only $14.9S (plus ,_.,. and baDdlfna) -paYlble iD duertonYe-nJent moaably iMW1mealL So .-Id for it todaJI (Remember -wliletber or 9"". ~ wWl IO MICWoD dm Id, you are ltill We for oar SS,000.00 c9r ,....._,.....,) COLUMBIA MUSICAL TREASURIES Tene Haute lndlaM 41111 - ' ~' J 1 ;, J J ~ f ""! . ... .\ •• • ) ~ ) ~ ~ Hurry! they need you in their lonely hour And you'll be there. Q uickly. Arms around them. For you know you're needed. And you can help. With the warmth ol your love. By being there. By taki~g charge. Wccb later, you may won- der, "How did I ever manage it?>' Then you remember the re- assuring pracncc of the family's minister. And you recall that, just as it 9CCJ1lCd you'd be over- whelmed by all the thingJ that needed to be done, the funeral director was a1ao there beside you. An islaNI of calm. With answers to stra nge, new questions. Ready to carry out the family's wishes quietly, sympathetically, with efficiency and dignity. Perhaps one wish was that the burial vault be a C lark Metal Grave Vault. No other vault is asked for by name by so many families. &try j111VTal Jiudor "'" jrmwA Clark prot«- ti01t. l asist 011 it. T ltne is 110 substitull. WRl·T.· E FOR FREE COPY OF .J2-PAGE BOOKLET, "M' Dfll.1"· Its 32 "1!fts 4'1SU.~ '"'"'-' f 11Uti1HU, tJI _,..,, "wAal ,. io" wltnl _,..,, ''" t11Utl ,. #.ti dl.11. r,11, "-"' wriu sywt/MUl.1...US. c.u.;u -., IHaliftJ -' ~ ~· MiUioru of 'ofJUs iistri6.uJ. Wriu, Tlw Cl111k er-Vi-'t C-,-.,. ~lmml FW 107, c.1-1nu, OJ•• '31D1. TI1e finest nibute ... the ~ most ousted protection... ---' --~ ,.,.. o ... , ..._,,. ENTERTAINMENT The Three Lives of Samantha Eggar By PEEK J. OPPENHEIMER I T SEEMS strange that a beautiful, 28-year--0ld actress can appear in big-budget films with big-name stars, be nominated for an Acad- emy Award ("The Collector"), and still remain 8 mystery t.o the public 88 well 88 to those she works with; Part of tbe J11111te17 of. Samantha Enar ia her reputation for belnl' aloof, with- drawn, and unc011UDµnicative. At inter· view11 ahe ii _.....,. polite and correet- ancl Olll..,._ft. At parti• ud ehe ii admittedly an avid party-soer-ehe la al!faya the loner. . lut llMMt ol the myatery lies in the fact that there are really three Samantha Esran in one: the sirl who wu reared in a convent outaicle London, the Chelsea awinpr, ancl the wife and mother. Samantha's childhood did little to make her an extroverted, happy-10-Jucky person. "I've seen little of my father since I was six years old (be ia a Britilb army general now stationed in Germany), and I apent 11 years in a convent school," Samantha N.111· ''The nuna didn't have too much suceeea with me-I've always bad a violent temper. In fact. once 1 almoet killed one of the nuns. "A friend and I were keeping diaries of imaginary romances, and this nun took my book. I be&'l'ed to have it back, but she wouldn't she it to me. She ataried down the 1tain, and I threw a chair at her. It milY:d her_by inches. That cost me a week in 'solitary,' bread and water and all that." When she l'Ot out of the convent school, Samantha cbansed her whole way of life immediately. It wu euy to understand w~ ... I su.e it wu a aort of rebellion for the dilldpline and nrahw of tbe prnioua 11 years,,, Samantha admita. "I apent two and a half Jean tr)inc to be a fuhion artist, and when that didn't work out. I decided to try to be a swinl'er, a free- wbeeler in tbe Cbelaea aeetion of London. I aot fed up with that, too. So then I tried lld.iq." I•• llw'a I p •d on the movie world waa not what JOU wou1ll call smMhin&'. She appeued in a number of aecond·rate f ilma. all of which did little for ber career. Then came William W11er'e ''The Collector," an Oacar nomination, instant stardom, and big f ibn offen opposite such stars u Cary Grant, Rex Harrison, Sean Connery, and Richard Barrie. Still, Samantha aeemed llaU-, unhappy, 4 F 4milw W••klJt, F•l>nusf"fl 16, 1961 unfulfilled both u u actr ... ud u a woman. That all c>anpd whe1I •• met aclo~ Tom St.en at a London nfa'lat club. "I knew I wu eoin• to DW'l7 bttr • aoon aa I aaw her,'' aaye Tom. "Tbe oalJ thina I needed wu an int?Qduct1on.• Be pt that throqh a mutual friend and propoled to Samantha via Ions-distance telephone from New Kaico ICmle montlul later. They were married in CheJlea in 196'. n.. ml11fw111 that hM marbc1 Saman- tha'• penonality hu aeeminsl7 cli1ap- peared now, and the reuon ~ well b&- ber children, Nicholaa, S, ancl JflDDa Lee. l. "Baviq the dWdrm _. me feel om- plete u a woman,,, aaye Saman\ba. "Tbey seem to have chaqecl 1n7 whole peuonalit,r. For the first time, I feel aeca.re.'' Samantha f eela more aeeure in ller career, too. To date, on)y one of her films, "The Colleetor," could be called a eaeceu, and she's reluctant to talk of her mo.t re.. cent effort, "The )lolly ll&l'Uiree." But you can read between her linee, and you know she believes it'a •ood and th.at 1be ii proud of it. Somotrtlua, Iota Nie/Jola, ci"4 Mll&acl TOM. It is not typical of Samantha to beclse like that on an,thin&'. She ii one of tbe moet atraishtfonranl penona in tbe morie buaineaa. And when it comee to her mar- riap. she ia honest to the point of being blunt. "We have our 1bare of troablM." abe aaya matter-of ·flldb'. "I mab mon money than Tom. and iw-1 IMd. And, too, there ia a reli«ioua difference (ahe'1 Cath- olic. he's Jewish), but we haw it worbd out pretty well. .. FinaD;y, Tom and I have little .in eam- mon u far u 1eiaure time ia concerned. H.,a sporta-.oriented. beadatroq, impatient. I'm not. I have little time for an,thiq except raisins t he children; Still, I wouldn't want it any other way." It's obvious from that statement which one of her three Jives Samantha Eal'ar Ubl beet. • COVH IY IOI WlllOUGHIY ----------------------------· ·------ -- WorldS Most ' Kitchen Shears NEW-CHROME PLATED ALL PURPOSE SHEARS with . DOUBLE LIFETIME CVAllAN'I'EE .. Tri1nB Meat ... FiBh ... Cuts P<ndtry-Chicken., Duck, Tur1"y-lncluditlfl Heavy Poul- try Bones. Prepares Fruit, Vegetabl.es quiekly. Helps Slash Food Coats By Efa.abling You To Prepare Food More Efficiently. Special Serrated Bl.ade Nev61' Slips. Efl,f/i~ Ha.flll.lea 0pnia Bott/a, Loosens Tight Jar Lids, Cra.cka Nuts E<Uily, Elfortle88ly. And EVERY PAIR OF SHEARS CARRIES A DOUBLE LIFETIME GUARANTEE THAT PROTECTS YOU AGAINST EVER HAVING TO PURCHASE ANOTHER PAIR OF SHEARS AGAIN! HERE'S WHAT THESE AMAZING ALL PURPOSE SHEARS WILL DO FOR YOU • CUT THROUGH ANY KIND OF FOWL - CHICKEN. DUCK. TURKEY -INCLUDING HEAVY POULTRY BONES • TRIM MEAT ••• BEEF. PORK, LWB • CUT VEGETABLES ••• FRUITS • CUT FISH ••• FRESH, FROZEN, OR COOKED • TRIM FLOWERS ••• CUP HEAVY STEMS • CUT PAPER, TWINE, HEAVY CARDBOARD, METAL FOIL • OPEN BOTTLES • • • LOOSEN TIGHTEST JAR UDS ••• CRACK NUTS • WORK AS A HANDY TACK HAMMER OR SCREW ORNER lmqine own.ins an. amuins pair of kitchen shears especially-dellfsnecl for woman'• work ln the kitchen with a UfdS.. SIWlf'Gfltlfl Now never again will you ever have to worry about11heara that need sharpen- iq or repain. Thae aheara are so remarkable, will save you IO much time. work, and money, and are 80 well deeia'ned. they carry a DOUBLE LIFETIME GUARANTEE THAT INCLUDES SHARPENING AND RECONDITIONING FOREVER! Made by One of World's Finest Cutlery Manufacturers These amui~ ahean have been manufactured by one of the world'• ftne.t cutlery manufactu~n. They were eapecially designed for women after much con- sultation with leadinr home economics experts and bouaewives who appreciate the real needs for special "toola" In the k.itchen, toola tla.ot· ca" b• tued biv W<>Mn. The handles are specially fitted and a-ently tapered to flt euil)' into your bands. And the ahean are bal- anced 10 you can uae them as much aa you wish without tiring. The special blades are made of hirh- carbon. dro~orred steel and are serrated 80 that they star unbellevab17 lonr, and never slip. And, becau.e . are chrome plated, you can take them in and out of water all day lonr and they will never ruatl Hundreds of Uses You'll u.e theM ahean in bundi'edl of different ways. You'll be delfabted about the way they cut throurh ' all kinda of fooda quickly and ~'11 be able to trim meat neatly and ecooomi , eave money by eliminating waate. They're ~~ bandy in preparina' veiretablee and fruit.a. TbeTre aleo acel- lent t"° trimming ftowera, clippina' heaV7 items. And marvel of ~la. you have a handy llCl'eW driver and tack ham.mer, and you don't have to raid your huaband's tool box! Eva the eta can uae them to cut paper, twine, heavy cardboard. and you never need worry about damaaina or dulliD&' them. In fact, they'll eave you ao much time. wori. and money, you'll wonder how you ever did without them I Amui .. Home Trial Offer Theae bandaome, larp 8" chrome plated ateel abean are yours on thia amazin• no-risk offer. To aet yours, mall the special no-risk coupon below. Wben your all- pu.rpoee lhean arrive, use them tor 10 full days. Use them to cut all the food you prepare. If you are not abaolutel:f amued and cleHshted . . . if you an not coqvinced they will pay for themaelvee immediately, your money will be refunded without queetion. Offer Will Not Be Reputed This Season We uqe you to order your all purpoee abean today, to avoid delay. Demand for these special chrome plated aheara is absolutely tremendous. All orden will be dlled on a flnt come Ant lel'ved bull. We will send it to you tor juat $8.98 poetpaid. You will be am•Md 1b7 the time, work, and money you save. But don't delay, be sure t.o mail the coupon today. This ofter will not be repeated tbia aeuon in THIS WEEK. DOUBLE LIFETIME GUARANTEE 1 TheH preclalon lmpleaeata are paraat.eed • .,.iaat cldecta la mual11ctare an4 carry a life- time .,aaraat.ee apiut bn11U,., loOMMd 1enn or 11latlll&' failure. Ad,Jutment or nplacement • will be...._ at ao charp. ('l'llla suaaat.ee la not •pitliuba. wlMre mpi.-..ta b•e bMD orrl.H.al7 aMMd.) 2 TheM tmplemeata an also p&J"&Btaild for W.. • u .. tor lh~reenlnK and nconditlonlac. 8191117 Mnd lo, ta Mlp cnu eo1t of poetqoe ud ua._ u ••. au.,,... ... aacl recoaclitioalll1 will be ... e atao charp. • WHAT THE DOUBLE UFmME GUARANTEE MEANS TO YOU Ulllike alaean which .. t chall and rut qllicklJ, oan .. not. Ua-llke eheara which onl1 c...... paper, oara cut cleaalr and nulr rt'erJ time. Uallke 11Man wlalcla oalJ aaw atrt-. aad twlae, oan cU119 them o«. BecaaM HeQ' atap of a&11alactare wu qu.allty coatrollecl 'ft eaa ..a W. paraat.eel ~~~----------.. ·---, COLONIAL~_... .... 20 Bank St. White Aalna. N• YOftl lOIOI ...... Mnd me the ... All~ I Cfww ....... UIMit .._. wtttt the Utedme ....._ fw onty $.1.• en Ml mc1MY beck ........... tf I tlfft ncit d11WMd. Encto.ed Is $ .............. . ................................................................................ ~PllflT) ~ ............................................................................. . CM)<................................. ..... . sae. .................... Zltt ......... . 0 IAV'EJ lflCW. OfflJt: Ofdlr 2 ~ ..._ for ~$6.95. (You awt$1.C>O). EJdr9 ...... ,......,. lde9I lift. -J. ~--------------------~ I I I l --~~~~-·-~~~·~~~~----------------------------------------~~~--~~~ Unregulated Credit Reporting Co!'lputer error, an unpaid $5 'bill, malicious gossip-for many, they mean harassment By Sen. WILLIAM PROXMIRE (D.-Wis.) r KAY seem incredible to you, but for mere failure to pay-within a week or so -$5 item on a credit trans- action, it is entirely possible for you (or any average American): l) To be bounded two or three or DION timea by either individually or CiJ!!!PiRer-written iett.n, threaten-- -JOU with lep1 Ktion and per- manat impairment of your IOOd eredit ratiq. Z) To be denJed a chance to get into tile enclit record any extenuat-- iq elftmnetenc. (1uch u illnem. ablence on a bu1ineel trip, or even defeetiveneu of the merchandiae). 3) To be turned down, aa a reault. l&fP application to buy a home in- 1ared by the Federal Housing Ad- ministration becauae you are a "pool' .. credit risk/'. altbou&'h you otherwise may have bad an excellent credit etandiq and ample fundl for the down payment. All thla ltecauM of one skipped •6 payment on eome trivial item! It may aound farfetcbed, but these tbiqa have happened to people, and they cata happen to you I The results may not cauae you to lose your aanity (a1tbourb there are inatancea in wllMlib it baa caused sensitive indi- viduals to encounter mental, marital, and even medical dift\cultiea). Bot they certainly ca" seriously aJf ect everyone'• life, hia &'ood 1tanding in the community, and hil right to a senae of mental peace. Let's face it. Many consumers have been and continue to be victims of eerious abuses in the 6eJd of credit reporting. As of now, with relation to the credit.reporting situation, there is much which nffds to be cor- rectecl. I can state this without equiv- ocation on the basis of sworn Con- nesaional teatimony, a ma.u of Jetters from individuala who have been vic- timised by a faulty credit-reporting sy1tem, and the f acta that already have come out about credit-reporting apnciea in every area. It i1 clear to me that we muat enact aafea'Uarda over credit report- in• MW in onler to help uauap the problem.a of the ghetto, aa well as of UJ>per-middle-elaaa citiuna who are " concerned with credit matters. Here'a what a coue..;~upper-clau­ man in Madison, Wis., wrote to me recently: "I received two oil corporation credit earde &fl part of my entry in a1promotional contest for college 1tu- denta lut spriq. In Jun' I bepn to. uee the card. I also woi married and JDO'f9d. The corporation never NDt a bill duriq July, Auarust. and September. ''My ..al WU forwarded ncularly from my old addreaa. In September, m.y huabud and I received an over- due bill notice. We paid the amount and ee:nt with it a covering letter • aplainiq that my chanp of name and addreu probably confused their biUiq department. "In reply, we received a letter de- manding payment of the same over- due bill and return of our credit cards. At thi1 point, we were only too happy to get rid of the cards, but we still owed the corporation more than they bad attempted to collect. At this writing, they still have aent us no bill. "A poor credit rating wiJl be foisted on us aa a result of its mistake.. As young marrieda, we are just be&'in· ning to need a good credit rating. This company's mistakes can cause UI grief." If this young woman, already ner- vous, could see some of the letten sent to me by responsible individuals about their credit experiences, and the reault8, she would be downright frigbtened. These individuall, for having reacled exactly as she and her husband d id with regard to this cockeyed biJJing, have been prevented from getting FHA approvaJ on the purchase of a home; have been un- able to buy cans or applianeee on time in a convenient manner; and, in all, have been robbed of the op. portunity to enjoy many of the bene- ftt8 that should be considered normal. We live ln an economy grown big and prosperous through the U8e of credit, and let me make it clear that I am ftiOt opposed to consumer credit or to credit-reporting agencies, which are a vital part of the system. But the ''facts of lite" make it es- sential that we pot some lepl sat~ aruarda on the activitiM of credit- reporting agencies so that they will do a more precile and uaeful job. Literally nybocl,-if be hu the desire and can a«ord a telephone and a liatina' in the yellow pqe9--e&D ret into the credit-reportiq busineu today. The Credit Buraua (members of the Asaociated Credit Bureaus, Ine.) in the varioua areu are the biggest siqle factor in the credit- reporting buaineu. But they are f8( from the only onea. '1'hele credit bo- reaua senerally operate under the tutelqe of principal merchanta. They atrive to l'et factal from their me111- ben and pue on tlu. inf ormatfon to all subacribiq companiea, when requested. If tbeM were the °"'• credit-reporting qencia, the prob- lema might not be u bad u they seem, but there still would be good reasons for regulato.ey-laws. But there are some qenelM which 11.pecialize in coUecting (and eelliq to client.a) °"''derogatory informa- tion about you. It can be, and eome- timee ii, merely eeandaloua smait>- J ust because a person calla and aaye be is with a "credit bureau" does not mean be neceeearily ii with the local Credit Bureau, Inc.. spomored by merchant& you know and trut. Since the court& traditio:nal)y have upheld the right of "credit-report.. inar agencies" to diaaeminate bona fide credit reporla without fear of being held accountable for b1>el, the Credit Bureaus Question Need for legislation Associated Credit 8ureaus, Inc. and Senator Proxmire have the same ob- jective-protection of the privacy of the American consumer. At the same time, we must preserve the odvon1age$ of our American-system of credit, by pre- semng the aedft granters' rights to pertinent information. When you consider the volume of credit extended and its impoct on our whole economy, It is important to keep the few isolated complaints against credit bureaus in proper focus. Credit bureaus hove a long-standing policy of encouraging consumers with credit difficulty to visit their local credit bureau and review their crecflt records. The credit bureau is glad to make any necessary rein~estigotion and correct any errors. If a particular tronaaction is dispu1ed, credit bureaus want the rec- ord to reflect both points of view. ' Credit bureaus neither approve nor reject credit. They supply routine, factual information to credit granters in objective terms. Credit-bureau files deal primarily with the credit histories of consumers. Credft•bureaus do not employ outside investigators, and their credit files do not indude medical rec- ords, opinions of neighbors, or detailed employment histories. The confidentiality of credit reporting is protected by written contracts between credit bureaus and credit granters. Credit bureaus provide infonno- tion only to those with a legitimate need to know. Senator Proxmire hos proposed that credit bureaus notify a consumer when a derovotory item of public remrd is filed. This costly procedurw would have to be borne by all consumers and would substantially Increase the cost of consumer goods and lefYices. ~ The credit-bureau industry, working with credit granters through an Ad- visory Committee on Protection of Privacy, has now adopted standard oper- ating sofeguords. These will relate to the areas of confidentiotlty, correction of erron, and deletion of outdated information from credit records. We believe that these safeguards will substanhqlly answer Senator Prox- mire and other legfslaton and can be most effectivly enforced by the In. du.try itseH. -John L. Spafford, Executive Vice President ol Aaociotecl Credit 8ur90w, Inc. • ------r Could Ruin Your Life an~ problems in buying anything frQm an appliance to a house entry of other ftrma (besides mer- c:banWponaored bur.ua) obviously pollda to a whole ~ht IOlle" of pouibiUties that can be es:poeed and controlled only by official regulation. The practices of even the beet cred- it agencies are not foolproof in light of the inherent problem.a of compil- ing in.fonnation. What are aome of tbeae }ll'Oblemll ! MlmoM of Americana marry (or pt div'ofted) each year. One re- eeareher went to the loc* eredtt bu- reau to check hie credit record. He WU chagrined to learn that, althoush he had been divol'Ced seven years (and thi• fact wu on the c?'edit record), there were 8CON8 of entl"ies relatinz to purchuea he had made at Washington department st.Gree in those years, although. in fact, be had never made a single charp-.accoant pun:hue during the tillie ! The a tores (and the credit bureau) still .are recordina', on 1aU ftlea, the purchases being made by his prerioua wife. Good or 1-d. he ia caned with w cftJdit record, altboqh they were lepl)y divorced and he. in fact, hasn't eeen her for yean. Literally nulliou of American.I have D&llle9 similar to, or identical with, those of others. There are tbouaande of "11.ary Smith.a" and "Jim Jones" in thia society. Yet many companies blithely bill one "Mary Smith," ignoftl her repeated denials that 11he ever even traded with the stores. aue her, set juQ- ment (becauae she hasn't the means or ,knowledge of how to get a eom- petent lawyer), and give her a bad credit ratiq even though she may be the Wl'Olll' "Kary Smith"\ ....._, ,_. ex1111.l1, is a letter from a reapected Pennsylvania boaiDfMIN»: "I am currently doing battle-for the Mth time-with a -.ior credit.card company. Previ- oualy, it wu eomputer error. bat thia time it wu clerical (human) el'l'OI'. But I pw nery reucm to believe it will be j08t u diflicult to correct. ''lleantime, I am l'9iped to re- ceiving the aaual ltream of com- puterised coUection notieee. becom- iq propeaively more ominoua in threateniq me with f!Vel7Wq from lepl action to lOlll of my credit atandin.g if I do hot pay at once." .. AU private reporting, for buai- neu reaaons, should be regulated," a co}]ep MDior wrote to me. .. )(y college roommate loat hia car inaur- anee without any reuon. The agent, a good friend. waa very apoJe>ptic. He conAded that wbile be bad no proof, he thought (an adverse credit report) came from a next..door neigh- bor. Theee people have never spoken ao much aa one word to us and could not pouibly have 'known' the atu- dent in qaeltion. Neftl".theleu. DlY roommate wu ma1iped-and could not defend himself, aince the penom making credit reporta on him are protected from pouible libel llCtion." llsly .. the ftnt aeaaion of the 91at CoQNIS, I introdueed a bill which would inatitute Federal aafe- panls OD credit-reportiq apneiel. with the prime pu~ of protect- inl' both the buaineumen who have a stake in extending c?'edit and the tens of milliou of conaumera who virtually •at have it to bU7 "big ticket"' itema. The bill woolcl establl•h thele three buie requlnmenta: 1) Credit-ftporttq apnclee are required to maintain procedure1 aiv- in• couumen aa adequate oppor- tunity to correct inaccurate or m.ia- leadiq information. %) CredJt-reportinl' agencies would be required to eet up proceduns to aafep.ard the conMential nature of the information in their ftlee. By Jaw, information could be fur- nished Oftlr to buaineuea about to enter into a prospective tran.aaction with the comumer. ~clud­ in• Federal, state, and municipal aaencies, employment bureaus, and 10 f orth--couJd not obtain such in- f onnation, legally, without the con- sent of the individual concerned. J) C?'edit-reporting agencies would be required to update the inf orma- tion in their ftlee ayatematically and to weed out oblolete information. They alao wouJd be required to noti- fy any individual whenever any de- rogatory item of a public nature is entered into his Ale. Here are 1011Le tboua-hta about pc»- sible ~latory points that have been suneetect by many individuala. First, to require credit-reporting aaenciea to ceaae all eollection activ- ities, if they uae their aame ftrm name in such activities. It i•, aeeord- ing to many, a conftict of interest. Second, to make it clear in law that the credi~reportin.g agency has u great a reaponaibilit;y to the CQn- 1omer aa to the buaineuman wbo al· le«edly "pays" the agency. Actually, through hia purcbuea, the conaumer pays the entire bill and deserve. a b'ue report-and ia not setting it. Third, to make clear in law the t~ of information which credit- reportin.g asenciea lecitimately may eeek and record. and, at the same time, to require a record of the •e>wu of the information recorded. "We .,.. neither hiJJPiea, yippiea, nor memben of a protest ITOUP. but we are protatina"," a couple wrote to me from Teo.a. -rhe credit syat.em today is probably the wildest, most mixed-op •aystem• of any syatan or bu.aineu in our country!" To an extent, I acne. We muat move lqislatively to make it work far better. • , ...................................... ---------------~~-- Freedom fighter? ''" YH, you. In a way, most ...... 1 .. ,.. ..... your "9httft8 spirit. You're enough of an laclfvld-l to W9Clr the clothes you want to ... r.Dowt.atyovwont to do. Study the thlft8• ,.. you want to know. That's probably why you UM ToMpCIJl ..... ,._. ChoMes ...... ..... nothing to do with the factthatTGtftpax ................. n ..._.co.Wned.Orthe fact that mHllont of WotMn all over~ .................... trust them. No. The ........ you ... T-pax lua pat• hthe ~-­ cwfwt-4 ... fN1lllMft ....,.,..,.,... ...... Internally, they let you wwaryowlOftof clolhes. Do ,.ur sort of things. ,_ .......... , ...... ................... , .......... ea.,, ...... •lt1er ..... AIMI ~ ... d.t.tocany .................... ..., ..... ..,,,....,... tampoM are freeclom ..htwa ln them..W-. TAM~ TA~• A"& MA.DC OHLV •V ,,_ INC011tll'Ofl9ATCO. fll:A'-MC"• MAee. I ... WILL YOU SMOKE MY IEW KllD OF PIPE 30 Days at my Rislc? All I want is your name so I can write and tell you why I'm willing to send you my pipe for 30 days smoking without a cent of risk on your part. _. BJ E. A. Carer My new pipe ia not a new model. not a new atyle, not a new 1adpt, not an impt"Ovement on old atyle pipee. It ii . the 1int pipe in the world to uae an -oatirtly new prin- cipl~ for giving unadulterated pleaeure to pipe •mokera. I've been a pipe 9m0Jr.er for 30 ~ always lookin1 for the ideal pipe-buyinf all the disappointing pdpta, and D8Y8' finding a lingle, eolitary pipe that would amoJte hour aftet hour, day after day, without bit*--. bite, or 81udp. With comidwable doubt, I de- cided to work out eomethiq (or m)'Mlf. After montbe o( ezperi- mentiq and ICON8 o( diuppoint- menta, audden)y, a1moet by acci- dent, I diacov.-ed how to ha.rDeM four peat natural lawa to give me everything I wanted in a pipe. It didn't require any "breaking in." Fiom the first puft' it smoked cool -it 81DOked mild. It smoked richt down to the lut bit of tobacco without bite. It never haa to be "rested." AND it never has to be dea111d I Y~ it ie utterly impoe- mble for aoo or 8lu.dp to reach your toncue, became my invention dia- aipat.ee the aoo H It forms t You mi1ht expect all this to re- quire a complicated mechanical pdget, but when you eee it, the most llW'prilini th.inf-will be that I've done all thia in a pipe that loob lib any o( the finest conven- tional pipee. The claime I could make for this principle in tobacco eirjoyment are ao spectacular that no pipe amok• would believe them. So, eince "eeeini ia believinc," I alilo uy .. smoking ill convincinc'' and I want to eend you one Carey Pipe to smoke 30 daya at my risk. At the end o( that time, if you are willinc to Jive up your Carey Pipe, aimply break it to bite-and re- turn it to me-the trial bu coet you nothing. Plee.ee •nd me your name to- day. The coupon or a postal card will do. I'll eend you abeolute.ly Cree my complete trial offer ao you can decide (or younelf whether or not my pipe-smoking Criende are right when they eay the Carey Pipe ia the peat.est 81DOJr.ing invention ever patented. Send your name and mailin1 addn. to me today. A. one pipe m:nok• to anothm', I'll guarantee you the surprile of your life, Free. Writ.e: E. A. C..,, ~ 2IH, 1920 Snnpldl An~ Chlap, IU. 80840 r-E.-,. CAlllY, 1920 ..;.::::-::-:-.:.-;~:.:::.=--- Pleue mail facta about the Carey Pipe poetap pr.paid. Aft.er rMd.iq I will ~ ii I want to try it for 30 Daya at YOUR RISK. Every- thins you ..MS ia free. No aaleeman ia to call. HOME IMPltOVEMINT Now- The "Mini" Desk! B ·ROSALYN ABREVAYA Hmtage'1 1ureta~ wk u ;tut hoo feet wUk ht taU nowoA (11") to Ind arcli- tectvral i11Uf'e1t to citar <In. It u made of 1tvnl11 peM11 aolida, ONi-Md claerrw vtMers. Tl&v cont~~Frnel duk ff'frA T~ ca• ea.stlr becOM• ca 1'aitr by nbltit"t'"' a "''"'°" for PtJi•ti11o. It u weade of '°°""' ocak 1olw au ,,_.,,., i• a 10ood or pai,.ted /lfaul. • Thu Aa"41ome Victoriata duk from Drezei u a "'4n•lou acent piece. It lf'Orll a# attrac- titt• brua oalltrr oa top toitl& ca 1>0f'c•lcai• JHJd- "tal aad haa a j)Omted ca1t-aluminm baa• . DDJKS DO their own thing this season. In an array of de- sign motifs and finishes, many of them are so compactly scaled that they can be accommodated in a tiny comer. They add in- spiration to an entcy hall, dou- ble as a vanity in the boudoir, and are even portable! If you've always wanted a handsome writing unit (to pen a thank-you note, compose a cou- plet, or stash those overdue bills) and never had the ·space t.o spare-this, the year of the mini-desk, might well be the time to solve the problem. + ~ Medalliort'a repf'oductiort o/ Qa old E"f}- luh. duip, tu cooc1"110 tab~. f ol.da ~11. haa a11 nabo11ed leotla# top, ci11d u bvilt of dutruaed. tOCllnt 11euer. ~-~ -------------------------~--- His Master's Voice By JAC~ TIPPIT Can your child read these words 1 napkin misty punch fuzzy chicken camel Your cbUd wm leuu bow to r..s tbele .... llM)ft than • other wonta after won- ID& wltb dae Nry Jlnt record GI The Sound W.y to .....,. Reecttna. Try out thi• Phonic• Coune FREE FOR TWO WEEKS with 10u.r chJ.ld in 10ur own home-without riaklnc a penny. Mall the coupon below. 1 your child ia a poor reader, if be hu not been able to keep up with bis clam in 8Chool-hse ii a ~that "°" can help him. Many parents have eeen their poor readen pin up to a /tdl rear'• grade i n rfltJdiflfl .aa in just six weeb with the Sound Way to Easy Beed inc. As eoon u your c:hild ltarta playinr the records and usinc the cbarta of The Sound w~ to Euy Read.inc you will know why it worb '° well. It tabs the mylltery out of learn.inc to read bec:ame it teaeh• your child by the p.\ofttc. method (the method by whic:h most parents learned to read years ago). Tame. wtda reearda With tbia eowwe your child dilleoven that lettaw haw .,.... When be atarta 80U.Ddin.c out the lett.en be bean hirmelf aari"f the "WOl'd. He'• reading. The lecolda drill iia i1t UN.,.,.. of tM t 6 ldW1 of tM alpltabfl and their blends. By the time be complet:M the fir• record (about two ween for the aver.Ce child) be can read 800 word&. After finilhing all four reeorda he hu been taucbt 128 buic phonics 8CMIDd8. Once he lmoWll thee IOUDda he can read up to 86 3 of the words in the Encliah Lancuace. It worb for chil- dren of. all aa--in the earliest srads and even in hi&h echool. Ita records tell YoUr child exactly what to do, eo he c:an teach himllelf without any help from you. TMted ud Pro.-ed In a pilot atudy by univeni~ psy- choloeilta, children pined up to a full year's crade in oral readiq akiJJ aft. only 30 1e18om with The Sound Way to Euy Readinc. A aemeeter-lonc atudy lnvolvinc 2l• pupill in four Chicqo 8chools proved that the eta... elven The Sound Way to Euy Re.dine abowed marbd improvanent in nadlnc and apeJJmc o~ the eon&rol sroupe. Don't think i~• all your ebild'a fault if be hun't learned to read. liquid velvet whisper zigzag Many of our brilhu.t ebiJdnn are not able to crup the "Jook..nd..Y' method taucht in most acbools ~ day. Yet. many educators insist that at 1eut •03 of our children -*"' ba've formal tnininc in ,.,.let-that they will never muter readins without it r ~Help Yom Child Now So don't wait fol' youT pool' reader to ~ hich echool before cominr to hia aid. By startig your child on The Sound w~ to Easy Rea.dine now, you c:an cbaqp hia entire attitude t.oward 8Cbool-turn hil --of '*1- ure into the joy of auc:cem. Try it free for two weeb. You eend no money-· ju.st mail coupon. USED BY ..... PARBNTS wllo -• maaj le&&en II.Ile"'-' a.u.r •arll9-''At t.M -· of 1tJa &st ----IMrtb...-,a..w· ........ -' -. D-mi•• An. _.... ....... ...... ................ _._C." Jira. W....._ ,,,_.,,Br.I .. 8. DU. .._ ---ia ~ ..... twe ,,, .. ._,..._... .... ._... ...... ._D to B. Alld ow..._,_•-uip "-D to C. r•--.--b~~tM.l .._..,. .... wlda ,._ _ .. ,,,._ .leAa o.w.. Jr., Qr ....... Be I 0..... ........ Di.pt. K -2ta ................ 1 l"---4 -n. ...... ,. .. Baq "-cl-- -po«peM, GR .,.,...,.. Alt« 2 _.. trW, lfl-1 ............. lwll.-dl6• .. ~ ..... l'lllllit t6 _.. ~ twdia-.&6 .-..0r.1w11 ...... ~lat..a.U.-mtWMaftlrll'lltt ...a.1.m .... ..-_ .... _1'09 ........ 8-d -O aa~ RPM, 0 '6 RPM N ... .__ ________________ ___ j Artificial Teeth Must Be Cleaned like fine jewelry Testa prove that modern den- turee are 15 times «>I t~r than •• tural teeth. Tht» they are eas- ier to ecratch and damage from harah brushing or abrasivea. That's why more and more dentists n ow suggest toaltinB dentures clean in KLEENITE in- stead of hard bruahing with abras ive pastes or powders. Spedol Trlpl•Adlotl \LE£NIT&'s triple-act.ion for- mula -(1) detergent; (2) cni- dizer (3) solvent-cleans your de ntures like fine jewelry. It helps soak away stains -pene- trates even toughest tobacco stains. Helps rt'Store original whitent'SS to treth a nd true pink • COtor to gums. The difference it makes will amaze you ! IMPORTANT: T o d ean artificifol teeth like fine j ewelry, get l<.LEENITE to- dayatalldrug counters. Help1 restore . dentures' -!!riginol whiteness I TRANS.MEDIC STOPS SLIPPAGE, OOWH·SHIFTIHG. R00GH SH I FTI lfG. SLUGGISH ACTION. GUARANTEED. AT SlR\llCE STAT1°"5 ANO AUTO STORES. ~-~-------- HowYo,.May Never Take a Laxative Again! ffoepital-T estecl Replatm Help. Relief Come Natmall1 New York, N.Y. (S,.clal)- llesearcb bu dilcovered a won- der-workins substance. that helps correct constipation without laxa- tives! Docton uy most comtipaboo occurs when waste loeea moisture in the colon. To give n:lief, la.la· cive"S often foroc action-cause sripins. crampins: can become habit-forming. This hospital-tesled substance works in a completely different way. It helps natural moisture in I.be colon work more effectively. Thus by workina oo I.be pcoblcm, not on you, it helps cornet con- stipation aa no laxative can. This discovery is now available under the name REouTOL•. It is not babit-formina. No warning on the label-no prescription needed. Try REOUTOL-you may never tab a laxative apint FLORIDA HOllESITES $1 O ::-9 Aal.ew•ff11Pw\6a.. = / \BEAUTIRIL WES Rl&HT ON THE PROPERTY. Fall lab ,.W· ~ ilettt. Re"' lw Wl4i11. fW. 14a'a Mil ,.. ..... d•ta. Mjlc ... ta llltarllcMlt. Fleri ......... C.,ittl " ... ..w wldl CHVMitllt ........ dlwdln. adleeb. Fttll ... ., ~k twutM. SEND FOR FREE PHOTOS. MAPS AJIO FACTS-NO OIU&ATION. Sava., ti 25" • 1erttr tracts. llTHLACHEl LAIES mans ...... '2 ............... ..,... ... n..12111 AD"'-'' a• BACKACHE- Aching Muscles You 1on1 to ••M thOM peJns. 9'Mft twnoOnlrttY. Unttf the C:IHIM la c:leeNct up. For pe ... thle or t.mporuy, peln Ntiet 1ryo.Wftia PH.._ F•mous for ovw fiO YMnt o.wttr• Pll•oontaln •nen•rpstc: to red~ pelf\ •nd • very mlld diuretic to help ellmlnete retelned fluida thus~~ lrrlbltins Min CMt8ln9 ....... DeWitt'• Piiia often suc:ceed .._. others 1-U. H P111n 1*'8isb ~ ... yow doctor. lnstat on DeWitt's Pills- Now ••• Plastic Cream Invention For -Artificial Teeth Por the e .. t time .::imce DOW ol- ,... a unique plMtic ereun that boWI fa* teeth almo9t lib Na- tme henelf holda natwal teeth. It._an elMticmanbranethat bolcll both "uppen and Jowen" • nnerWon. It'• J'uODllNT-a reYOlutionary di9CO'N17 for daily home UM. 8o different it'• ~~tectecl by U.S. Pat.t tN,008,i88. Paoomn ·not only bolds dm- tUNS ,,,,,..,, bat it holdl them MOtWCOM/orl.ably. too. It'uo...._ ,,... tic you can bite harder, chew huder willaoul pain. You may even ea and eitio1 appl-. ateak. com-on-the-cob qain. FDODDT'• epecial pencil.point dilipemer l.:J.:t put it aactly where it'a Awidl oosinc awr and pa;".I· Juet one ~lion ma)' last 'roand·tbM:IOca. Even ...... bot coaee. Denbuet that St are --eential to beelth. So eee your den- tist nculu17. Get P!XODDT at all drQI count.era. for Teens MILANIB lJE-Pl.On' Food Editor • Whea teeu pl aopther, appetite. and reeo...t. get a wod;out. We won't •auest what to pat oa dae nieord player, bat here ue tome treata for tlloee SMtful appetitee. Remember, keep it all ea1aal--plper na~ "hot" and "eold" eape, plaade- eoated paper platea.. Peanut Pie 1 pks. (3 potidl•) ereaa pie alx. ............... 3ta ....... ••PI' ~ np lnltter or aarpriM. eoltenecl or aelfed 2 ~ cape eaW allk % eup daau .. t.Jle pe.anat batter S tablelpoo• eoeoa 1 tableapooe aapr ~ npeoldailk ~ teupooa Tuilla utraet 1. Prepare rraham crumb crust follow- ing pouch 1 directions, using the 8 table- spoons sugar and the butter or marga- rine. Press mixture firmly over bottom and sldee of a 9-in. pie plate; chill. 2. Blend the contents of pouch 2, the 2Y.. cups cold milk, and the peanut butter in a bowl. Beat until thick and creamy. Pour into prepared cruet, spread evenly, and chill. 3. Blend cocoa with the. 1 tablespoon sugar in a deep, narrow-bottom bowl and then the contents of pouch 3. Add re- maining cold milk and extract. Wlrip fol- lowing pooch S directioH. Spread over filling. Gami&h top of pie with salted cocktail peenuta and chill.°"' 9-ita. ,M Peanut-Caramel Clusters 1 pks. (1' os.) nailla or chocolate caraaei. 2 tableePoOU water 1 % cape reacb-to...t cereal• % cap salted cocktail pean•ta 1. Melt caramels with the water in a heavy saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from beat and at once mix in blend of cereal and nuts. 2. Working quickly, drop by spoonfuls onto buttered baking sheets. Let stand until firm. About 1~-lba. caad11 Choeolate-Peanat-Canunel Claate.rs Follow recipe for P•t1•t-l'a1"0tMl Cliu- t.,-1 mixing in Y.. cup eealsweet choco- -... ----... Pean"t bwtter i• a banaJMJ-.er•m /Wing and cococi in a tcrppi~ crowned with SHI• 1mta-all in" crumb onaat make for th.is teen delight, P•ntd Pie aerved 'With col4. late pieces with the cereal and nuts. *Cereal flakes tend to crumble; other cereals are pref erred. Sauey'Ribs " Thia recipe ?Mfl be prepared hDMra, or et1eta " "411 or t100, i• adNnee. 6 lb.. aeat7 •pareribll or back ribs. eat acrcJM ribe and ia S-iL JeartM ~ cap liglltly packed dark browaHpr . 2 teupoou drJ •astanl 2 tableepoou ...-ed ult ~ teupoon MUOlled pepper 2 CQIM ketdaap 2 empewater 6 tableepooaale•caJake I tableepeo11a W orceisUralaire aaaee % cap cicler riDepr YJ cap i•tut aineed oaioll Z teaapoou prepared honeradiall 6 clrops Tabuco 1. Brown ribs on both eides in Dutch oven, heavy skillets or saucepots, pour- ing off fat. 2. Meanwhile, in a saucepan prepare the sauce. Blend sugar, mustard, salt, and pepper; stir in remaining ingredients . Rring to boiling, cover, and simmer about 10 min. 3. Pour hot sauce over ribs. Bring to boil- ing and cover. Simmer and steam 1 to 1 Y.. hrs. or until tender, basting and turn- ing ribs frequently. 4. Put a toasted buttered seaae or poppy eeed hambur1er bun half on each paper plate. Top with ribs and spoon some of the sauce over all. Serve with potato chips and pickles. About 6 '"""'""' Saucy Ribs from the Oven Follow recipe for the sauce in Sat&CW Rib•. Brown the ribs in a jelly roll pan or shallow roasting pan in a 850°F. oven, pouring off fat. Spoon sauce over ribs, cover tightly .with aluminum foil and cook about 1 hr. or until tender. ----·-- - Biz soaks out stains and dirt which no other pre-soaker can. Test it yourself and see ... -"Biz is better'' .. Procter & Gamble's new pre-soak invention. Housewives who tested Biz against another laundry pre-soaker prefer Biz almost 2to1. Bo11•ewivea all over America con- ducted teat. ln their own homea. Given unidentified aamplee of Biz and the other pre-eoak.er by an independent teet.. ing organization, hoUlewiWB med both OD their own laundry problmw. 'lbe ft!l8Ulta are cooduaive: Bis I• overwhelmln•ly preferred! HCMa?wiYM volunteered theee prefenmcee. For bJ1b stain removal. Biz w• pn!lened by almo8t 2 to 1. For whiter clotbe8. by al- most 3to1. Bis u the mo.t decdYe pre-llOaker yoa caa bayl Biz eoab out staine which no other pnH1oa.ker can. Bis hae Bi~ Enzim -a combination of 1tain and dirt removal ingredient., includin1 emymea that break down staine and dirt biologi- cally eo you can eMily waeb them away. Prove to yoanelf that Bis u beUez. Teet Biz younelf and you'll 11ee that Biz gets out ataim that the other pre.eoUer dom not. '1bugb staine lib dried-in mulh- room gravy, grape juice, blueberry pie fillin& oolfee and many IDOi\?. Yet Biz ii afe for all WMhable fabrial and coJon- fM!!ll delicate linprie. nke the Biz d\81- lence and to IOU your clotbe8 in Biz. You'll eee for younelf. Biz ill better! Biz aoab out It.aim and dirt which no deter- 1ent, no bleach, or no other pre-eoalter can nmovel PICK STRAWBERRIES IN 90 DAYS SKYSCRAPEr CLIMBIN.G SJ WBERRIES EVEllBEARINQ PRODUCE ALL SUMMIEll UNTIL FROST 4 s100 FOR • LARQE JUICY IEJtRIESI • PRODUCD BURIES FROM 8GTTOll TO TOPI • BEARS FRUIT FIRST YEAR! • EV'Elt¥AllN8 PUENIHALS CROW YEA.I AFTElt YEAlll • CAN IE ntAINED ON ANY TitEUIS. FENCE OR POL.£! • EASY TO GROW -SIMPLE TO Pl.ANTI CUMBIM STUWllEUIES ARE P£R£N1HALS OCH ., .. 5'r hrries 19" If ordtrl•1 froM C111ad_~ pl1nta will be .....,... bJ ew ~ unice. of pound pet' .,W.t! lmqine-a c:lj ..... ltrawbcsty plant m.. _., 2 ...-are feet of pound! Amerjq. but true. Plaatiq alld care are simPe 8Dd fall diRdicm cune wida your order. STRAWIEWRIES FROM SPtHNC UNTIL FROST Offtt Will Not Be Re~d Tbl1 Year. Tiit •ti I ._ OL-.• PUWG ....,.. .. .. .. _.....,.._. l ll)llr•--....... - ......... rtva , .................. ... ....................... If .......... .......,, _._ .. ....., .. .,..._, .......................... e.. ..,_ ....... ...... ,... .......... _. .............. ,.. ........... a-.-.114 ............... . a,......, .. ,_._.,.... • ......_ PLAllJI WIU II UWPU .. JIM[ HI N.,U PUlll9I • ,_ MU. ftl WIU. • ,.._ _ ....... lfTD "' ftMf nm. r---RUSH ORDER TODAY ----, •cum .. nu....... I IMPT. •~1• , ...... OllO.,, ICMNllMU, ILL. 62901 1e ....... ...,., , ..... ,.... -._, Cll•lllC ITIAWIOllT NMTI' .. t!M •••• 11 tw f;l.11. I I a ---a.•--m.m PlMrl.. I I ~n.,.POlbCl.,.....,~ I I DQ.OIO II ' , .. _.-..i ,~E I IAODltBS I Le~:__ STATE _!!!. 1 De ... Iii• Why .. A&, I pray, ........ ,....., ..... ........ ,,.,._ r.. ........ tny S&Mbd wllll t.eqo1 aD4 tlcarp9! ~~~ ) QUIPS AND QUOTES The flaabily dressed young woman was on the stand in a casu- alty cue. The lawyer for the insur- ance company, bopiJic to diecredit the witneu, sneeriqly asked. .. And when the elevator started to fall, I auppoee all the alna of your past flubed before you!" "Certainly not,'' waa her cool reply. "The elevator fell only seven atoriee." -DorotM;a Kent A littU bor of •iz or 1eve?J 10cu leoUd 1'e%t to G Little old tad11 i?l ckrcl. WAn tM aMr-1torted to qp1oaci. tDUli tlu coll«tiOfl plate. tu liteu old. ladr f•-"l«l a. Mt" cl.vtUr«l pwrH kt 10Ga nGble to f iatl, Tur '9&0Rq. Stuldenlr tlu little ~ 1n14g«l IMw. ..Her•,'' lu 10.id q•ietlr. u yn take m11 "'°"er, ""d I caft. hide uJld.er tlu1eat.'• -V. D. Pa.lat Diet: Something a person does tor bad breadth. -Bn Ca•ell Sip on Five-llinute Speedy Car Wash: "Would you believe ten?" -LoM 0li"llMMa6 S..11 Soll Bew.--? I doe.ht tlae .....,_ Too eleaa a la~a&oryl -RldA Cla4id111iclt A man who had been up for the paeition of executive vice-president of a large corporation finally re- ceived bis promotion. To surprise hia wife with the cood newa, he invited her to the company head- quarters one afternoon. knowing that the moment she et.epped into his large, swanky office, she would know be had received the coveted job. His wife walked in, and sud- denly he saw that she waa on the verge of tears. Taking her in hia arms, he asked her what waa wrong. "You didn't even notice my new hairdo,'• abe said. -Da.1' BMfUtt '"ft•• Mt a bad pla.ce to vi•it, b1't tfOU teoicldn't toGM to li'1e tMrs' ..• 11 tluJt all JIOW ca" 1011 4bovt the ftWO?l?" II Family Wuklr, Felwtul~ JO, 1961 • A cherry upside down shall be Only Three Words There are only three words in this crouword puzzle. In some cues, they read backward or from bottom to top. What are they? (See AMWer B<n) YouN ..... lt (See AU10er Boz) HI, M.th F•nsl To what number under 10 can you add one letter and get 10 times its value, and then add a different letter and get only a frac- tion of its value? (See Auwer Boz) V,eorge Washington's famous cherry tree. s N G R N N R G N w Hlde·•·N ..... Hidd~n in·this aentence is the first word of a term often applied to the 6rst President of the United States: When she hurt her foot, the bus driver let her off at her house in the middle of the block instead of at the corner. (See Auwer Bo:c) Answer .. x: ·wnqBJe-..<lqlJ1a -1qlfJ3 : ilrUW.i 'llWH .. B •t puv z uaqmn,N : 4a~ a.iy Oa.J. 'PJ'IM. ·.11;nn•.!1 :a .. N-•at>IB ·•oq13 :u a .. N no.x. ·uo.11 'lJoJ• 'JDJS :91>.IOA\ H.111.L AIU() 11 ......,, ...... 17331 Fa. mew reuom to dwow 11Way yw iroa-fow ...,. slllMt•1ttes ill ailp WOfta dlecb-fem WOlllledtil ways Co pretty you lpre! I -j SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY BACK! r.------------------~ UllA LOIW., ...._, ,_, 17»1 D1Jt. 111434 ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Matt zi, f'lelle .... 1111 the fellowl111: stJ!e# u... Sia lttC:OW 2MI Cellr llrtce W22M A-39009T 142103 W5254T C.Dllt5 C.25247T D-22111 O-H2t2T ,.,.. HClllMd. Md:: J::flct and l...tllftl :C.."' tint ..... "' llCll ... lt1111. ... C.O.D.$2.00 0.-lt tllCIOHd for ucll lttlll . ... 0 ftjJllC ..... fw C....t INIM .t ALL COLCll LOllLL FASHION CATALOG. ... 0 $1.00 bdelM fer OM YW'a .._,..... ... TOTAL ... ~UMuea.LllC.1• ~------------------~ I r. •' o •1 0 • •• •: If •• •• •• ' •• • ' I l UNIVERSAL MOTEL SCH00U.. o.a. FW 1872 N. W. 7 St.. Mlllfnl. Flaridil 33126 ....................................................................................... :_ ...... . ~ ............................................................................... -..... . acv ·········--········ ............ _ -. ................. ·-····Zip ................. . ,._. ........... ••. ..... ..... Ct.:k far f8Cts on ,.. G.I. BHI. .a cau&.m ......... ......... ......... lllst_ .............. .... _. wfff wlftllt. Prlcff $4.H te $13 ........ .... tJfwl ... ,, .... ,, .. 1t1, tforllwur, =-~~.·.:: .ilroda ef 1trlH to ..... .,..Cndtt flll Hllllltlt,, H ... ,, dow1. Miii ........ , -6--... -..-.. "M.:._-~: .~~ , ............ . , .... fl&_...._., ....... ..... , ... .....__.......__ I I -1pi;c;; .,.,.,, I 1..... I J I CAlmmOft XJOey -BlaiclMr' lrrita-Uom atrect twke a maft)' women u mta. olla caustns ._ __ and ~ ~ treq.aenl. bum1q.. Itching utln&Uon. SeeondaTtly~!°" may 1-a&eep and have H""'eedl ... ldM9, ... ___ J5e<'lrachft and feel ohkr. ttnd. M- }lttDe'd. In audl ca-. CYSTEX -ally brlnp relaxln& <'Oftlfort by c:urb- ln1; &ft"ml In .clcl urine. aAd eMIDC tln.~CYSTEXatdr\I lata • HARD OF HEARING ...... 2 , .... ~ .... ,.. .. ....,~ .... ... ~ -Wcii3W1= _ _._. .. ..., ..... _ ... ~::==---..... --.,....... ''problem" • • persprraaon solved nn"' tMISllNls wllt ,.Sfir• hllilJ An antiperspirant that l'Ml.ly worltef Sol•e• underarm probtem. for maay who bad deepaired of effective help. lllteha.m Antl-Penplrant keepe uadenrml abeolat.ely dry far thoo-wle ol paWul ..... with comnlete ... tie.._ to nonnal ~ and c:lothiac. Thie unmual .,_.ula from a ~ worihy --~ labon.t.y i• s:uaranteed to aatiefy or dealu will refuad nurch ... price. So -tbe .,.Ta.. tectioll ol llltelram And-I:°. ...-w&,liquiil cwa.m..$8.00, 9CMia1.~.A'¥lli1ableatJOUI' fa¥0ritedrus•toiletr7COUDW. QUIZ Are You a ·Helpful Wife? B EBIND EVERY successful man is a helpful woman. That's an overworked saying, but psy- chologists agree with it. In fact, this qais ii baaed on peycho- logical studies deeiped to evaluate a wife in terma of how much ahe helpe her hus- band in c~inc the ladder of tocceu. So it you wut to And out how you qualify u a helpful wife (or Jt you're a husband. you can evaluate her } , check off which of the three anawen yoo feel ia beet for each question: 1.Yowhw1 ................. ...... ...... .,,.. ......... of -of .. co- worlten. You preriovsly have hlvftecl this llMlft ...er his wife to dinner. How ..... ,.. ................... , a ) I would iment eome kind of excuae to call oft' ·the cl.i.Jmer. b) I would &'O right ahead with plana for dinner, realizing that I'd probably have to face them sooner or later anyway. c} I'd go ahead but dread every moment. 2. How would you '-1 about your ...... __... owalks• at •lal:rf · a) It would mate me unhappy. b) I wouldn't like it. but I would be able to adjust to it. c) Pd tab it in my stride. ~ Do y.. ....., ... ertulelea? • a} Not particularly. I would rather be invited to partifi8 and dinners. b} I lib to entertain. but rm always wonied and teD8e for fear everything won't IO right. c) Yes. I enjoy ptting people together. 4. .... dr.la lo ~ your ...... ...... ..... .. tralllfwrecl ,,... ..... ....... lo ...... cities. How would you feelaboutpuR .... ....., a) I thiqk it would be challenging and exciting. b) I miPt not lib it, but I would be wl.l1ing to accept it. c) I'd say no. s. w..w y.. worry ......... atfect oa .._ dll6-of ..... •ool9d! a ) No. I think it would be broedening and educational for them. b) I think it would be moet andeeirable ao far u the c:hllclren are concemed.. c) I think it would depend on where we moved t.o-.m how often. But I would try to make the beet of it. 6. ff y..,. ...,...._. lwouehf hcNne his ..._ and his wife to .....,., and one of ......... eel ycMf how you felt about a ca 1t1ovenlal '-~ ..._ waHlll ~ ..... "' a) By sivina a .traightforward answer. b) By adroitly drawinl' out the queetioner on his own view, without committinl' my- eelf. c) By trying to change the subject. . 7. You ore about to go on vaadloil when your hulll•I'• t.ou alka hlllljf IA would I .. to go Oii a .... -.1aeu trip. How would you ~ a) I would feel it was most unfair, and I would be ftrY upeet if my husband went. b) I would leave the decision entirely up to my buaband. c) I would talk it over with my husband and try to work out an agreement together u to what to do. a. Do both you ancl your hw•lllMI ....,, ........... Idea about ".ueoeu"? a} Almost. He places more emphaaia on power and prestige than I do. b} Ky bus.- band believes that happiness and material succesa. go band in band. I don•t. c) Yea, we both have the same goala. 9. Do you have a --of ll••arf a ) A lot of things moet people think are funny leave me cold. b) I consider my- telf better than average. c) I enjoy bu- moroua situationi. 10. Do you ofteil alle .. t mor. t'- you_.. cap11W. of..._, a} Yee, but I usually !DA""l'e to muddle' through. b) No, I'm a pretty good Jud«e of what I can aeoompliah. c} Yea, I'm usu- ally aorry for it afterwards. ANSwas 1. Answer b is best. It ia better to f~ up to social problems with poiae and tact . 2. Anawer c. Inability to make necessary compromiaea will hurt your husband. 3. Apin c. 4. Answer L A woman who will go any- where with her husband ii a great ueet. S. Again a. Thi.Ii answer lipiftee family solidarity on important matten. 6. Answer b. Tact in such a situation , is really the only answer. 7. Answer b. It is a wise wife who let's " her husband make aoch a difBcult decision. a. Answer c. The more a wife believes in what her huaband believea,. tbe sr-ter the potential for helping him. 9. Apin c. A pod aeme of humor fa- cilitates getting aloD&' with people. 10. Answer b. It is a wUle penon who knows her capacity. • -JORN E. GIBSON t.' (Adwrtiaement) . I lived in· maternity slacks, mitil I lost 98 pounds By JoAnne Lawrenc.e-as told to Ruth L McCarthy U nderstand me. I wasn't pregnant all the time I wore maternity clothes. I was just plain fat and nothing else fit. It started the first year I was married. I was only 16 and gained 75 pounds in twelve months. We bad moved to Austin. Texas. and •our apartment was so small there wasn't much to do. So I cooked and ate and ate and cooked. Then. when I found out I was expecting, I started eating even more. I thought that to have a healthy baby you had to eat a lot. My doctor kept telling me the weight would be hard to get off. But I wouldn't believe it. I was sure I could take it off in no time. The "no time .. lasted nine years. I just kept get- ting heavier and heavier. as I bad another child, and another. Occasionally, I'd buy some yard goods, and a dres5 pattern With a waistline, and .rd run it up. Then I'd hang the dress in the closet. It was always too snug to wear. I mide things My husband caught me off gwird here, at nearl}' 230 - pounds. This snap is bad enough, but at least I wasn't in my maiernity slacks. -, that way on purpose, hoping it would make me do something about my weight. But it never did. I'd just wind up wearing my ma- ternity slacks, which had an elastic waistband. By the time my last son was born, I was really in bad shape. I weighed 230 pounds. It was hard even to breathe. The doctor thought rd lose the baby. He even thought he'd lose me. the fat was squeezing my heart so hard. But, fortunately, we both pulled through. It wasn't like I hadn't ever tried to reduce. Doctors had prescribed diets and reducing pills for me time and again. Sometimes. rd stay on a diet five days, then I'd have to eat big. Fried chicken and candy. I couldn't seem to live without them .. As for the pills. they made me too nervous. Besides. when you swallow them, they're gone. It's the same with liquid diets.You drink them. and they're gone. It's not like having something you can chew on. After the baby came, I was desperate to lose. And I wanted sympathy so bad. it hurt. Finally. I made an appointment with another doctor. While in his waiting room. I picked up a magazine and suddenly saw this story about a woman who'd lost a tremendous amount of weight. When I looked at her fat picture. I said: "That's me." Then I looked at her slim picture. And I thought, if she-can do Now that fm 132 pou1Ul$, nen my little boys .,. pToud of me. TM oldest kups saying to his pals: "Bey, yo11. this is my AIOlftl" it. so can I. So I read every word and I found out that she did it with the help of Ayds RA> ducini Plan Candy. . I didn't even wait to keep my appointment witli the doctor. I told the nurse I was sick and left. And I went right to the drugstore and got some vanilla caramel Ayds. Later, I tried both the plain chocolate fudge type and the fudgy chocolate mint. And I started las. ing on the Ayds Plan. I didn,t set myself too strict in what I ate for meals. I was just careful But I took the Ayds. as directed, and they helped me curb my appetite. They really did. I kept my Ayds in the refrigerator and that made them real cbeWy. And that's what I wanted. Somethina to chew on. Why. if rd wake up in the middle of the night and start thinking about food, I'd just get up, get an Ayds and chew away. When I'd gone down 26 pounds, I was able,, at last. to get into one of those dresses bans----- ing in my closet. You can't imagine how good that made me feel. Soon I began looking at pretty dresses in magazines. Bright, bright colors, too. After all, I was just in my mid-twenties and I was tired of wearing black. About this time, I aJso started doing exer· cises to help me firm up. But I have to ad.rn.it, when it came to touching the floor, I cheated. So I decided to switch to walking -eight blocks every evening. And it made me feel real good. When I finally lost 98 pounds, I couldn't be- lieve it. I was like a new person. I bought my· self some shorts. Some dresses with belts, to show my waistline. And even a couple of minis. Fact is, we've had to add three new closets to our house. I just can't get enough of dress~g up. I've been down to 132 pounds for some time now, but I still keep a box of Ayds. in the re- frigerator. When I feel myseH slipping, I look at them and say: "You satisfy me, Ayds. or I'm in trouble." And they do. They've helped me cut my appetite way down. And my weight. The only thing out of line now is my clothes bill. ... Before and After Measurements Before After Height s·s· 5'5 .. Weight 230lbs. 132 lbs. Bust 44" 36~ .. Waist 36 .. 21· Hips 44 .. 36'" I Dress Size 22~ 9 t I I I I I I .t I Before one use other Nature provided the magic in- redients that make lines and wrinkles nvisible ... that make loose sagging skin n face and throat tighter ... young look- ng again! Here's the secret that helped reverse he look of age for all the beauties down hrough history. Not a drug, not a chem- cal. .. but a secret formula that truly orks wonders by tightening, drawing, lattening out telltale lines and wrinkles ... ithin the very first few minutes. Now you can really turn back the cal- ndar, bring back the young, unlined look you were so proud of the day you gradu- ted from school. Not a treatment cos- metic, Renascence Honey & Egg Creme takes years off yoµr looks within min- utes. Prove it. Smooth it over every line, wrinkle, puffy, sagging area. Stand in front of a mirror with a watch and time its action. You must actually see dramatic Remember, you're only as young as the results instantly or pick up the linesonyourfacesayyouare.You'remuch phone and send us a collect Western too young to let wrinkles shout your real Union telegram and your money age! Banish the giveaways to age ... within will be wired back immediately! minutes with Renascence Honey & Egg You speiut24 hours a day growing Creme, the natural, safe way ... or money older ... why not spend a few min-back by Western Union. Yes, the young utesadaygrowingyoungerlooking? look can be your look ... starting the very Let Renascence Honey & Egg Creme second you open your jar· of Renascence. be your magic wand. Within min-Astonishing Results or We utes, watch all those hard-to-lose Wire Your Money Back! signs of the passing years disappear Wrinkles must go or we pay you your from sight: ( 1) lines on forehead, money back after your first prove-it ap- (2) crow'sJ'eet, ( 3) lines around nose, ( 4) plication. Only a product 750,000 women lines around mouth, (5) puffiness under proved really works could be backed by eyes, ( 6) lines on neck, (7) drooping chin. such an unheard-of promise. So don't So stop looking old -before your time! wait-every minute counts-rush coupon Stop trying to "cover up" those stubborn below. Instant results or instant refund is lines and wrinkles. Try Renascence-the the guarantee! . Rush No-Risk Coupon .•• Right Now! closely guarded se- c ret of beautiful .............................................................................. women "over 35:' This natural secret formula con- taining the tightening magic found in a hen's egg and the nec- tar of a bee's honey ... makes lines and wrinkles vanish from sight within seconds! . : 0-.' 7 el '/04 :N-.D : •r.to.:.tes..t : ewa.o .... -.u . . YES! I am williag to give~ Honey and fa a fair test. Rush me my generous supply at the special in- trodactory price. If I don't ecpe ilnct dnanatic raults, it is understood you will wire my money bKk. Encloeedis 0 S3 thra-IDOl\th supply 0 $5 Double.(sbMnonth) supply NAME~~~--,-..,--_,,~~~~~~ ,,._print) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J l I l l ------............ 0 §1: H~ourgoal is financial securi~ we can help youeveey step of tile way. Greater security for your family. Funds to help see your kids through college. Extra cash to give your retirement a lift. At every step, your New York Life Agent can show you the right path-with a life insurance program that fits yo"r needs. But why New York Life? We might mcntionexperience-124 years of it. Or financial strength-our assets put us in the ranks of the country's top ten corporations. Or the high caliber of our Agents-we have more members of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table than any other company. But one of the best reasons is dollars! Dollars received in the form of dividends by millions of our policyowners. Currently our dividends are at an all-time high. This means that the cost of our insurance is at an all-time low. New York Ufe. We can help you take giant steps toward financial security. New York Life Insurance Company Sl Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 100l0 Life, Group and Health Insurance, Annuities, Pension Plans. •I His Lucky Night By ANDREW S. HADDICK LAS VEGAS BANK E NIC.MT DlPoSITORy LA':> VEGA 5 BANK . L A~ V EGA':> BAN ~ L~S VEGA5 t:S A t-.tK II FaMilv W•eld11, Febnui,.,, 16, 1961 I s YOUR child "allergie to print"? That is, he can read-but doesn't. If so, he'• aa deprived educationaU, u the much-publicised "Johnny" who can't read at all. ~eading i• enentlaJ In hich school and collea'e. of eoane, but alto a req- uisite for succea.-ln career and culturaJ enrichment-alter echool What can parents do to cornet tb.i8 Det'- ative attitude? Here are IOllle tipe from noted educators: 1. Tempt them with paperback bookt. "It bas been found that papvbAek boob. are more appe•Hns to poor reader1 than hard-cover boob/' says Dorothy A. McGin- niss, former eJ1:ecutive secretary of the American Aaaoclation of School Libr~. "Paperbacks are more attractive ancfieu formidable." One teacher tella about the time he left a paperbtick copy of "The Return of the Native" on top of bi8 delk. ithin several weeb the book bad been icked up, relld, and returned by 11 1tu- dents. Yet the hard-cover edition bad been in the school library for montb&-unrelld. 2. App1.a to their ........... ........ ..... One of the basic principlel of tuchins to "•tart where the student la.'' Thia eana ualq the etudent'a current inter- ts, needa, and enthuaiuma to help him xpand and learn. One teacher Wied a wart on a boy'a thumb a device to start him readiq. Barry wu orried about the wart but atremely au- ratitioua about where warta came from d how to pt rid of them. The te.eher mmended a book titJed "'Supentitioua? ere'a Whfl" and ukecl him to read the hapter on warts. BalT)' almoet memorised hat section and ~finiahecl the entire book n four hours. On tbia first trip to the u ... rary he alllo diaeovend 8CllD8 ftl'Y nlld- ble boob on health and ~or ntereata of hia. Sixteen-7ear-:0ld Ba1T1 uddenly became an interested reader. a_ ... ii I to a ••I thtP llfecl lly for your chllll. Few younptera.-....wlae tbeJ lib to ad or not-an reaiat the appMl of thei~ ery own maaulne arriTins ill the mall. Kaauinee for younger children are seared fo their intereeta and written at their rud- ing level. Reluctant young readen find · tlwmu1elves readinl' inatructiona for W1' make-and-do projects. Their .,. are then drawn to riddlea, puulea, and atoriu. Before Ions they are boobcl-lookiq for- ward eaaerb-to the nat iaaue. 4.. lallancahlilltolMpubllc••t· Take your youns child to the nean1t library. Help him pt hia own li~ card and inb'oduce him to the children'• HCtion. eo be can mab b.la OWB aeleetiou. 5. Make the .... t ef yow tlelly _..., ... r.. • "The newapaper communlcatea & 118DM of vitality and immediate excitement .equaled b7 no other pabtie ~of oar-tbm. It ill juat that 1e111e of 'excitement which hu been ao alldb-miuinc from the t.exte of ow public achooJa," ._,. Daniel N. Faber In "Boobcl on Boob." Pique your chlld'I In- terest b7 clipplq articlea that will appeal to him. 6. Jolnadtl•w•llook.._. The replar arrlTal of boob wltll JOUr child'• name on them-boob of Im ve17 OWD-QD be a 8troQ inducement to ned- tnc. Several cluba now mat which make · available weD:.written ehildJ.en'a boob with illuatratlom. 7. a..t ......... Parente, and even teaeben, too oftea chooM childra'• nM1q material b7 their own U1rea and &Jibe. The faet ia, cblJdnn ·are indl•iduala. They ha•• their own "f awrite" atori-. Let them mab their own 1electiou--ud llktl7 tla11'll o•ercome their ""alleru" to print.• I ,._. W.,. ta It pr•wa y._ CltlW'a 511111 ReaMrs WM ..,.,., to ,..,,. IA.Ir~,.,..,. otd •f •Mol ... --,,,, .aw.,. ... •I tlue HM.: Fw ..,,_. ......,_., _...,,,...., e.M IUI /w .. ., w ... C. B .. y,,., CW fll Se/&.ool'' c. F. 'W. a..b, Dqtl. ~IUIJ, S.. rrt, ~ C..,,.., Stain, N .. r..-.. N.Y. 1001'. ,..,, ,..,...._. _,,. ..... ,..,.,....,,,...,.,•a .. • s.1111• • llfP ... ,.,. c. r . "·....., D.pt. Aill/1, B• 'IO'I, .__, 0-...., ......_ N• Yeirt, N.Y. 1'11'. ... ...,. .............. ... ...... _., .......... 0 •• ...... _ .. ...., .... ..... ...................... ........ ,.. .............. .. .......... .., ......... ...... ........................... .................... .., ..... .................... -. ........................ ........................... ~ ................. Al ...... ,.. u•••• .. •11111••,_-. .... _ ...... ,.. ....... ,...... 11 .. ,..., • 1n11•le11J. • Jmt • ._ :--tlllrt............... .... ............................ llPJ .......... _... ...... \.,,_ ~ I (' ! ·' ( ~ • l • Sleep Away HemOniOid lti:h If the ltd\ Ind bum of hemorrhoids rn.e. lffe m111rM>1e. try thts little trick. Get some Cutian OlllllNnt Ind 1PP1Y Just b9fore ... '° btd. Cutlcura'• emol- lmnt ...... Ion ICdtm .,..... tlon, quiets ltchlnc. tftft aids heellna. Wake up ftelln1 woildlrfull Cutk:ura Mldicad Olntm.nt. AYeU· ::.:::•• dru1~ ' - I t . ' t I t EnjoJ tt!le newest PERRY MASON through this special introductory offer from Deteciive Book Club • •• • ....... u $40.75 worth of •Y•teries IR pult-them complete in one hancbomelr·bound II ah en' orl•h••t etlltlo111-011ly triple volume nsily worth •I l.85 to Sl3.8S $ t .00 Here'• yow cbance to pt tbe very in publitben' or(Sinal editions. At a mem· 111tat Perry M-. aloas wtlh two more bet, however, you P9Y oaly '3.39. new myltftiel in a W, ~in-1 eclltlon . . . ,_.. OH&.Y,.. ..... ~-W_, plus Pilbt mott Gardner peats In four doo· You do aot bave to tab a volume every b&Hencth, hard-bouocl volumes. A ~0.715 moatJI. You receive • free copy ol the value in orilin&J publithen' editioai -but Club's P~ wtuch will fully cte.cribe now, u a brand-new member, you can pt all oominl •lectiom and you may refec:t all eleven for Just U .001 W" make dais any volume before or after receivin1 it. apeetacu)ar ~to mylt.ely (_, in order to y OU pay DO 1DODl')' in advance; DO melD-Mow you the many adnnta&a cl member· benhq> feet. You may cancel your mern- lhjp in 11ie Detectfye Book Club. benhp at any time. , .. ...,,,_.,..,..__ llNIDNOMOHIY At c .. 1We: ...,, s..i... ..,, C...,. fer All I I M,ate .... 1 Out of t.he 300 or moni new detective Don't be disappofatedl While tbe su~ boob that come out every year, the Club ply lasta, .encl the coupon to set your nine lelecb tbe very cream ol the crop -by out. 1reat Erle Stanll'y Cardnen -plus the 1tandio1 Mlthon lib Brie Staley Card-otbtt two udtinc mylteriel delcn'bed on nerL..AP.~ Chriltie, A. A. Pair, Misnon thil pace. Orden wm be &lied only u long C. &Demart, Jobo Oreuey and Van Wyck u there are boob available. If you art' a Muoa. All tlaea and muy other famout real myltery fa.n, you won't want to let autbon have had their boob ae~ by thil opportunity cet away from you. Mail the Cub. Many are memben tbemaelves. the coupon now to: Club ldectioos arl' all newly publilbed THE DETECTIVE BOOJC CLUB boob. Eaich moada you Call (et lhrN ol Rollyn, New York 111576 r----------------------------, I l8N» NO MONIY -JUST MAil COUPON 21417 I nm 9ITKllVI ... a. I ....,.. ..... Y ... 11176 f.SY I Plea9I ....... -... ---..... Mr . ...a -U -Ute I-fllll·i.c&h, bard-Mn. I .._. ...._. 11 OU..../h!F \IU'Wll"8. kla ----,,,c;::.._.=-:=--Prt~nt""P1a1o="",-lJ,.....,..I --- plw &M .,..., 111111e *-a.a~ I em4UlllDI .... la .. l'Wl7 .._ Mid lWO I -:W-=::r=-..uumucs:Wldi· • ...._ ____________ _ .......... ,........, ..... twlll I ....., ...._. I.Ma .u ...,. ............ °' I ..... AL&.Pn'S..a-. _...._-..VU ........ ~ ...... fw t.be ..-i I -t ....,..-*7,......, ..i.r ••• at, _____________ _ ..... a ....... -'llaa ..... ). I Al ....... t m&T ftJeC\ MP...._..._ ........ 1 ....... 1&.udt~-1 I ., _, ... a& &Ill u-. ( ............ a V.&A. tmPr.> aw. z.tp ___ _ l-----------~----------------~ including 9 of Gardner's latest ....... u. TOU GIT 4 Peny ...... Mfflera anti 4 .,.... ... "-' -...... Cool thrillers (which o.r• .......... Ull4er .... ---,, A. A. felr'') 1 'Rle C... ef ... •llNLT CONTllTANY ......... ,.,.,.. ~-Ala .in. ..... , -..... l'WTJ bl ........ •U.ll • ti...... ..... lllMlkaAIJ ... Alld • ...... ..._._,,_ ......... (htl. M . ta.Ml 2 1"IAn ........... 9Alf •• A • .t. rair. Dmlakl i.. in.-....-• .. .-ad ,_ ... _.._,~ .... ad l'aJ.tr ......... -for am__.. (1'1111&.af.P:tll 3 Tiie C.. ef ... WG .. llD WAmtUI •• .rie....,., ~. ~ .._ .• ~ dt.t ta elaarald.. wtlll ......_ -1&. ADii &M _., -Wtlo can Mft .._ II hllMI (PQI .... ta.Ml 4 WIDOWS WIAll WllOI .. A. A. rall. '11119 pollca laJ 0-ld I.a 1Nt ta.a& kl'\Ue In ~ll'l'a -.. .•• Alld UMJ'" IOl wta-to )lf'OYe It. (h"1..M.N.MI 5 Tiie C... ef ... UAU'nfUl IMOAI :i.:.i. .talq a.ru.r .... •wdend Dallbne? • ...., -'ta.-. I\ .. ,. ~ Dapbne -•make• .,...... ~· (P,.111, .... ta.Ml 6 Wf._.TOW• •• A. A., •. Daeald 1-.. ,. ovt t l O,OOt for an "ac>-...... &Ml -~ l1b • .Ullll -for aurdu. hlll.Sd.tl.JOI 7 fte C.. ef ... '1tGUKID ftUITll •• .,... •'-' .. o.ni-. DllMDt\ ... •llb Palm« lhe _, ..._ ,..,_ e.i. o.uoo•a run ia:w 11.1m1 c.n l'WTF-aft Illa _, (Plllll. Sd. ti.IOI Wfa.eu.u 8 ••A. A. '""'· ....... 0-la tenuled -lleca-.. ....... tM& Ula ... ftlo ''Mn'' UM llOllPltal wu MMI thlll. at. ta.NI $1JIS YOU ALSO Gn the tat.st Perry..._ Cllltl 2 MOr• new my1terles l11 tWa W9 triple volu .... 1 9 n.. c. .. ef .._ CAlllUll CUPID •• •rl• SC.al .. O.r,_, fl ftll·to-do w'4leW la .._. ~ Ula IU cbuni. ... lllll-......., Mila &lie k1u.r Wtlo JM ...-le In lla llllallaM'a laa -i. (P91, •· SSA) 10 ... If TWO Of fMIM AU •IM •• ltcatooa ror~ . .....,.._,,, ~ .... LcM. /lad m)J ..... ,_ -........ _..,.~ •llMYeft, ......... .II) 1 101AVl .. ILIH 1 •r Ir.Ur a-. TM lllrla UUDk 1-17 -ro-. la a ltllaW for Vic J--, , , , io1t U.. .,.. otllars .._ --' lliba ..... .U.-1 (J'llM ........ , COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON 8EACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF FEB. 15 • FEB. 21 Freah elr hHter 1..4 defroster, becli- up, dome Hd courteay li9ltta, bucliet H•ts, •II vinyl trllft, nylon cerpets, pedded d•stl 1..4 •lwra, whtthleld west.era end 2 apeed wipers. '0' ONLY J6 MONTHS °"~ ---~. 1969 F·250 sun Wltll ,.c••• et _, • Dorado c_,., ........................ , .. .,Ndtr ......... .-. --~ ...... .,. ....... , r..w ..... u. ... ., .. ....,..,. te ftz•HI ~ .... ., ... a1•tnck. ........ ... .... A••.-u.111111, ~ ..... , .... ..... ~:-"",.... .,, .. .. fORD JUST 2 MILES SOU1H OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULE·VARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON 'BEACH SALIS DIPF. ' ...... 10 , ... 7 .,.,. SHYICI OPIN 592 5511 T11n. tin Ptf., I •·•· te 5 p.111. I • ... , .•••.•. te' , .•. .f· !PORT! HIOHllOHT! , ........ .. :S\ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 @m NBA Basketbiill (C) Philadelphia 76ers vs. Boston at l5hiladelphia. (j) NHL Hockey (C) Boston Bruins vs. Chicago Black- , Dan Kelly and Bill Mazer call the action. Sports Special (C) "Attack." Top Alpine skiers demon· the techniques that made them ihe champions of the •titive skiing. (]) Phoenix Open Golf Tournament (C) The two-hour special Is telecast live from Phoenix, Arizona. The final of play is called by Chris Schenkel, Jim McKay, Bud r and Byron Nelson. i Cil The American Sportsman (C) Former Texas Governor Connally participates In an unusual African duck hunt, ;urt Gowdy fishes for dolphin in the Bahamas, and writer la Kraft stalks caribou in Alaska. orts Special (C) "Roaring Wheels." A presentation of :>atage of the best sports-car races of 1968 and 1969 thus >tan Richard narrates. tiler Games (C) Los Angeles T·Birds vs. Texas Outlaws. Lane calls the action. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 :LA Basketball (C) Dick Enberg calls the action between lruins and the Washington Cougars. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 1kera Basketball (C) Chick Hearn calls the action between .os Angeles Lakers and the New York Knickerbockers. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 'restllng (C) Dick Lane is ringside for the main event at )lympic Auditorium. J 00 I IBcbY I The Aaldemy of Professional Sports Awards fhe second annual presentation of awards honoring out· jing professional athlet~hosen by fellow sportsmen- 1seball, football, basketball, horse racing, golf and hockey. 1er of the special "Man of the Year in Professional Sports" d (Elgin Baylor, Bill Russell or Wesley Unseld) is selected 1e nation's top sportswriters and sportscasters. Perry Como s. Personalities from the sports and entertainment fields ant the awards. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 loxlnc (C) Dick Enberg and Mickey Davies are ringside for ).round lightweight bout between Eddie Garcia and Jose quez. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 .JCLA Baaketblll (C) Dick Enberg calls the action between Bruins and the Oregon Beavers. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 lN D High School Basll.tbllll Game of the W.O (C) Qt Cl) CBS Golf Classic (C) The first semi-final match is held. 9 @ Pacfflc 8 Basketblll (C) Cal's Golden Bears meet the vers1ty of Washington at Seattle. Basketball (C) Pete Peletta and Monte Moore call the action ween San Jose State and the University of San Francisco. (ill (j) Pro Bowlers' Tour (C) Lex Barker hosts the $75,000 Jgtr "liGA Open from Paramus, New Jersey. Santa AnfUI Race (C) Th' $75,000 San Antonio Stakes at nlle and one-eighth for four·year-olds and up. Championship Bowling (C) Ralph Engan and Jim St. John et Mike Limengello and Bob Strampe. Celebrity Bllllards (C) George Burns guests. AILA Baaketbllll (C) Chuck Benedict calls the action between 1 Los Angeles Sta~ and the Oakland Oaks. UCLA Baaketblll (C) Dick Enberg calls the action between • Bruins and the Oregon Webfoots. -- S)rl ~\~\~I.\ UNSURPASSED FOR ALL-AROUND HOME EN1ERTAINMENT ENJOYMENT Smooth Co11lempor.,.y-W•l11ut Oiled Veneers end Solid1-Relieble Gibrelt.,. Ch•n:1-Color-bri9ht 15® Picture Tube-295 Sq. 111 View- •ble Picture-Su led Air Su1pen1io11 SpHlier Sy1t•mt-Gurud Cu1- ton Oeluu Turntebl-·FM Stereo/FM/AM Tunef'--25W•lh EIA-Con- veni•nt F•cilitiH For Adding b+r• Spuhri •nd Tep•. H .l .C. CF HOW s795 SYLVANIA SlEREO AND COLOR TV AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Contemporuy-Gliding Ooon-Ve11 e.,, end Solids-Reli•ble Gibr•l- tu Chu1i1--Colorbright 15® ,:cture Tube-295 Sq. In. View•ble Picture-S .. led Air Su1pen1ion Spulier Sy1tenu-Gerrerd Cuatom Deluxe Turnteble-FM Stereo/FM/ AM Tuner-25 Wetts EIA--Con• venient Fecilities For Adding Extre Spuhrs end T•pe. H.l .C. CFH2W THE FINEST IN COLOR TV AND STEREO 'SOUND .. Sp•nlsh ,rovl11ci•l-&lldi119 Doon-,oun Venoera •11d Solltl-l•ll· eltle 61broltor Chusit--Colort.tltfi\ H® !Jict.ro T•bo-2tl ~-In. Vi•..,oble .Picture-Full Function Romote Centrol-,1uhlu1tt.n Pow•r Tun!ng -Autometic Fine T•11ln9 IAFCI -S.olo4 Air S•ape111lo11 SpHker Systems-Du.I IOIS A.+omotic Tumtoble-FM Storoo/FM/ AM Tunor-100 W•tlt EIA--Co11vonl•nt Foallltit s fl.or A4Ul119 r.,. ond btfo Speokors. M.l .C. CN7JPI 11295 DAVIS-BROWN 21 YNn oi' 0.~altlc hrvk• In ~ Harlter Area OPIN NIGHTS TILL t '.M. -IAT. TILL 6 ,,M. 411 EGlt 17ftt S~eet. c .... M ... I 646-1684 . . r~ CLOSE -UP ; ... » .. ,( Andy Griffith Spec••I loolunc Back "lt•s the kind of &bow I've wanted to do for a long time;• says Andy Oriffith of his new special "Looking Back" (airing Thursday at 8 PM in color on CBS). , Griffit.b. after completing eight successful seasons of The Andy Oriffith Show on CBS, is now devoting his energies to motion pictures and television specials. He recently completed "An Angel m My Pocket" for Universal Studios scheduled for an Easter release. "We set 'Looking Back' in the 1930s. A lot happened during that time and today ft has a universal nostalgic appeal to millions of people. We have a whole generation of young people to whom such things as the depression, the jitterbug, and the radio series are just recollections of their parents. Practically everyone was poor in those days, but we always managed to have fun. Instead of the normal reminisce-type ~how, we have what we hope iS a different look by visualizing it throush the experiences of youngsters growing up in those times.'' Andy made it very apparent that be enjoys his work. Anyone should with guest stars Janet Leigh, Don Knotts. Tennessee Ernie Ford and three musical groups, The Establishment, The Young Saints an<t The Gaslight Kids, with whom to work. "Don and l do a sketch which is very typical of the youth of the 1930s," explained Griffith. "We have to try to figure out how to take our Saturday Ni~ht dates (Janet Leigh and Lee Meri- wether), whom we're trying to impress. out to dinner, a movie and later an ice cream soda on our combined funds of $4.00. "Another area which recalls a lot of memories is the era when radio was king. When first starting in this business. m y wife and I had an act which involved travelling throughout North Carolina and the surrounding areas. On the road, our favorite ra'dio program was 'Bobby Benson and the Bar B Riders.' A few years later. in rehearsals for 'No Time for Sergeants.' I heard this very familiar voice. I knew it had to be the man who played 'Windy' on the radio show. Sure enough, it was 'Windy,' the first celebrity I ever met and today one of my best friends, Don Knotts. "We al~o cover what was probably the 'big' social event of the day .•. the dance in the gym. When I was that age, it was more of a stand·around. The guys would stand on one side of the gym looking at the girls and the girls would stand around malting be- lieve they didn't notice us looking at them. And then there were showoffs. A showoff was any guy who knew all the latest dance ste~ when you didn't know them. 'Theo we have The Establishment. T he Young Saints and The Gaslight Kids who do a marvelous job in several numbers. And Ernie Ford delightfully demonstrates an art, long enjoyed before television. that of telling stories to children. especially ghost stories. "But I don't want to tell you any more. T don't want you to remember all the memoric~ before you remember them when you watch 'Looking Back.· " ... ,. ' THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 15, 1K9 Movies ol t/Je Week ] SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 9:00 f.J (ll) I]) "The Carpetbaaers." George Peppard, Carroll Baker, Aran Ladd and Bob Cummings star In the film based on Harold Robbins' best·selling novel, a story of a ruthless ~nd reckless multl·m1llionalre who has everything but the one thing he really wants-his father's widow. a glamorous model and interna· tionally known movie star. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY· 18 9:00 O QJ (I) "The AppalOOSI." Marlon Brando stars in the ad· venture·drama that co·stars Anjanette Comer, John Saxon and Emilio Fernandez. The western story is set in the 1870's. Matt Fletc;her (Brando) has returned to his home In a small border town to forget the sins of his past and begln life anew. His plans to settle down and run a ranch with his foster brother are upset when a Mexican bandit, Chuy Medina (Saxon). steals his Appaloosa horse. Matt. disguised as a Mexican, sets out to retrieve his horse and his dignity from Chuy's Mexican strong. hold In ~Cocatlan. The 1966 Universal release was produced by Alan Miller and directed by Sidney J. Furie from a screen- play by James Bridges and Roland Kibbee based on Robert MacLeod's novel. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 9:00 fJ @@ "The Slender Thread." The 1965 Paramount chiller stars Sidney Poitier. Anne Bancroft, Telly Savalas, and Steven Hill in the story of a a student volunteer (Poitier) in a crisis clinic who receives a phone call from a woman who has swal· lowed a deadly dose of sleeping pills. He tries to keep her on the phone while he seeks clues to her identity and while the police trace the call. Flashback sequences tell the story of why she tried to commit suicide, and this one will . have you on the edge of your seat until the very end, when-but that would give it all away. Watch it! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 9:00 8 ~ (j) "The Americanization of Emily." James Garner, Julie Andrews, Melvyn Douglas and James Coburn star in this warm and wonderful wartime story released in 1964 by MGM. An eccentric admiral thinks It would be great for Navy .public rela· tions to have a sailor the first man to die in the Normandy invasion. A reluctant lieutenant commander follows orders and apparently succumbs, but turns up after a statue has been erected to him. The film is based on a novel by William Brad- ford Huie. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 9:00 8 ~ Ci) "Seven Bndes for Seven Brothers." Howard Keel, Jane Powell, Jeff Richards and Tommy Rall star in this musical 1954 MGM release. When the eldest of seven uncouth broth· ers in the Oregon Territory brings home a wife, the other six become restless and sneak into town and steal six girls they meet at a barn raising. In due time, all problems are settled. The film is based on Stephen Vincent Benet's "The Sobbin' Women," and features bright songs and hilarious foot-stompin' dancing neatly integrated in the story. The picture won an Academy Award for Adolph Deutsch and Saul Chaplin for Best Musical Score. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 9:00 O rN,(6) "Deadlock!" Leslie Nielsen, Hari Rhodes, Aldo Ray and Ruby Dee star In the drama of the efforts of two men to enforce the law in a city torn by dissension in the "World Premiere" movie produced by William Sackheim and directed by Lamont Johnson. Co-starring are Beverly Todd, Max Julien and Dana Elcar The story was written by Sackheim and Roland Wolpert and adapted by Robert Thompson, Chester Krumholz and Sackheim. District Attorney Leslie Washburn (Rhodes) is asked by the mayor of a large city to investigate the death of a highly respected newspaperman, a death the public thinks is the result of a racial incident involving a young white police- man, killed after shooting a Negro. Since Washburn himself is a Negro, he is meticulous about keeping the investigation impartial, until the results threaten his chances of being elected Senator. The police conduot their own Investigation, and when they learn the D.A. is concealing evidence, they call out riot troops to track down the killer. 11:15 8 "Portrait in Black." Lana Turner, Anthony Quinn, Sandra Dee, and John Saxon star in a story of what seems to be the perfect murder. fJ ''Baby, the Rain Must Fall.'' Steve McQueen, Lee Remick and Don Murray star in this mediocre story about an eK·prison· er who returns to his former way of life as soon as he is released, much to the disillusionment of his wife. 0 I? l\j I ~. (; I ..,, .......... Hobo "'"' (C) 4!'00 Mr. Ed; Mevlt: See Daytime ... ovles, Wednesdey only. Gait 1841 Hamet cm m mo..t.._tc> hJ lirclS (C) Art Jemes hosts. 4:30 liloM: See Daytime Movies. ,. .... Don't £1t .... Dlbltl (C) Ntw1 (C) 8111 BondL '!!r.Plltne• ..... (C) loio t I I& Top Sltow (C) mw111. DMp CC> SU.e(a Pia• PaftJ _..........._Talk (C) 5:00 DIC ,..._.a (C) D rtadio's PAUL HARVEY * joins KTLA NEWS! An exciting personality! Im.A Newa (C) • The 8l'OOVJ Show (C) The AdclaMS fa•llJ Jl11111J Tho•alOll Show The U.cy Show (C) ' •n (C) !i:31»j"°~;~S:;,:: F~•i Tltla Dar 1969 (C) .... ..,. (C} ,.,. 5 ffr.ademy of Profession31 Sports ffwards Perry Como is host of the second annual Academy of Professional Sports Awards special on NBC, Wednes- day at 10 PM. A host of celebrity presenters, including Jack Benny, Kim Novak, Danny Kaye, Art Linkletter, Bill Cosby, Charlton Heston, Roy Campanella, Vince Lombardi and Willie Shoemaker assist Mr. Como in presenting the full-hour awards show honors to eight outstanding pr<r fessional athletes in six major categories including foot- ball (one each for AFL and NFL), baseball (one for each major league), hockey, golf, horse racing "and bas- ketball, plus a special award for the Professional Ath- lete of the Year. The program airs live from the NBC studios in Burbank. Active players in each respective sport vote for their choice of outstanding player of the past year in their category. Under the voting rules, no player can vote for himself or a teammate. The accounting firm of Arthur Young and Company tabulates the votes and releases the names of the three top vo~getters in each category in alphabetical order. The Professional Athlete of the Year is determined by a poll of the nation's top sportswriters and sportscasters. Perry Como and loan Parker ·children's. Letters to God' Many unique qualities of children- including their innocent, often humorous interpretation of the world, the creation and the Creator-are reflected in "Chil- dren's Letters to God," an NBC special this Sunday at 8:30 PM. Gene Kelly hosts the combined live- action/ animated program based on two best-selling books by Eric Marshall and Stuart Hample, "Children's Letters to God" and "More Children's Letters to God." Material for the show was gathered from the syndicated newspaper feature of the same name and from hours of informal interviews with children con- ducted expressly for the special. Also featured are an informal medley of children's songs (performed by the children), visits to children's zoos on both coasts and the painting (by children) of a gigantic mural depicting their inter- pretation of the creation. llll in 18 llk1 Calllrl If Cllfuria Pi• m 1 •llln•1• lllrlllkil CllllllA P•S IAIE PAlaLS FROM 11• Fil PRal THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 15, 1969 30,000 acres of vi11in Northern CalHornla land are beint developed as the wor1d's larpst privately-owned vacationland. Only 1 small part -approxim1tely 1,000 acres -of California Pines is now for sale. Much of the remaining land will never be sold. Califomll Pi~s is not a commercial resort -not sold IS 1 hedge 111inst inflation or IS 1n Investment for profit alone -but as a refuge from the smog 1nd strife of our cities for families who want to own a shire of unspoiled California. Ownership of property in the Like Country gives your family full recreational rights in all fin C1111trle1 1f Clllftr1il P1111! Tiie Str1111 Country The Hi&h Country Tiie Tree Country T111 lake Country Tu Hors~ Country ; FREEi 1. Pictures, floor plan of thia A-frame cabin (we build the outside, you finiah the inside) you can buy on an acre of land at California Pines for $4000 (Price includes land!); pay- me'ilta $40 a month. 2. Mape, color photographs. 3. Official report by the State of California on California Pinea. , Dial or Call Collect 542-1701 CALIFORNIA PINES Drpt. TVWOC·21 IHB Vennari Blvd. Sherman Oaks, Calif. 9141} Please ~d me I.he frtt informat ion pack.a~. Clty ____ St&te ___ Zlp __ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 7 t - 1000 BEAUTIFUL t·STICK-ON WELS $1.00 ........ . May be used on envelopes as return adc(ress labels. Also very handy as identification labels for rJtarking personal items such. as books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on glass and may be used for marking home can~ed food items. An bels are printed with stylish Vogue type lon fine quality white gummed paper and packed in reusable magic seal top container. Mrs. ChristiM lrown 969 Post Ro.d Coste M.se, Ceff. '2426 r--------------, I I I I I I I I I I All 111 thla ce11,011, cllp end mall with SI .00 to: '11ot 'tlah" Lebel Div., lo• I 175, Newpert .,ctt, Calif. t266l -----·-·-······----················-··········-····-··· ... ···--························---------····------------- ·······························-····--------------······ ... .,,. to llM , .. , ZJp Co4• I I I I I I '---PILOT PRINTING ----' L ---------~---FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE Pl& SET OF PACKAGE MAILING LABELS. Te ............. _ ..... _J THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FDIRUARY 19, 1! SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 fVlNING 1:00. n. lit ..... (C) (60) a a oo m H...ue,..lri11kltJ <C> (30) IJ RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS vs. ST. LOUIS BLUES D Imp HodltJ (C) (21h hr) "Us McDonald calls the action from St. Louis and the Los Anples Kinas meet the St Louis Blues. O Boa City (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. m -11-u-c-m-1 QuMfl of Hllltl hpant <Cf (60) Sixteen beauties vie for the title In this pageant for the Heart Assodatlon. The paeeant Is unique in that every eirt entered must have in some way been in· volved in a heart problem. m Documentary (30) "Pour Le Merite." A look at the history of Germany's award to science and the arts, which was dedicated In 1842. 6:30 I ""BC. Newwrvlce (C) (30) ROMJ Cn• (C) (30) I Love bey ( 30) . Playinf Utt Guitar (30) (R) • EtttfttainlHftt Spedals (C) · SI• Farrar (C) 7:00 II ~ (I) CIS Evenlne News (C) (30) Roger Mudd. 0 KNIC Surv11 (C) (30) Bob Wright hosts. O The Anniwrury Game (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts. ! Dutll Valley Days (C) (30) Valentine's Day With the Kine lllily (C) (60) (R) I Wonders of the World (C) (30) NET Journal (C) (60) (R) Ellto111etro 7:30 I § ~ Jacklt Gleason (C) (60) • · 6 a;, Adam·l2 (C} (3Ql al I sJl<•eO Fttlin' Groovy at Marine World (C} 1(30) Sine Crosby, Kathryn Grant (Mrs. Crosby), Anissa Jones and The Rascals say it with music and conversation as they stroll through ABC's Marine World. the 60-acre marine complex south of San Fran· clsco. O Million $ Movie: (C) "The S.V· •·Year It.di" (comedy) '55-Mari· lyn Monroe, Tom Ewell. 0) Wor1d of Wo•en (C) (30) "Car. nival TI me in Rio." '° Estelares Mld•o 1!'00 ID 00 m Cet Smart (C) (30) o Sire, With Love." Part I of two ~rts. 0 (11) CI) al The Ntwfywed Game ffl (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. Saturday Nietlt Fichts (C) (2 r 0) Alllericln Wut (C) (30) "New Look at the Old West." Jack Smith takes a journey to Lake Powell In Arizona and Utah. (R) I NET F.tttival (C) (60) (R) Nuwa Cita Musical l:JO 9 (j) My 1llr1t Softs (C) (30) ID 00 m11lt 811ost and Mrs. M1ir (C) (30) "Burled on Page One." Mrs. Muir eoes to wort on the local newspaper against the wishes of an angry Captain Gregg, who holds a century.old grudge ANTHONY Q_UINN ANNA MAGNANI Wild Is The Wind 11 :15 PM Saturday ~ lRY 15, 1969 NY lNI • t nd day ~Inst the Bucon. U Ctalld Git 0pry . (30) Porter waaoner and Dolly Parton are fea· tuf1d. 0 @ Cl) GD l..lwnMe Welk (C) (60) 111&1 Al4lr1'll SM (C) (30) ~Mims 9:00 1~":9'· ........ (C) (30) fl' NIC snn., ....,_ It: t ~ (dtlma) '66 ~uati O'Brien, Mlck91 Roon91. 1J MelodJ Ra.a (C) (60) Jeny lnm1n, Olck Haynes auest. OJ Ste••• faally ~ (C) (30) m CrttMI• (C) (60) An outline of the development ind imped of "chromo1raphs" -art reproductions so faithful to the authentic tu· tures and tones of the orlilnal work that they ire altered In size to prevent uns_crupulous dulers from passln1 them off as orl1lnals. I NtcMI Tapatias 9:30 QI (() Petticoat Junction (C) ( ) When Postmaster Sam Drucker learns that the Hootervllle post of· flee Is aolni to be dosed down, he tells Unde Jot, who decides to see his con1ressm1n In Wuhin&ton. (Reschedultdk ~ '°?1ro~~s h:': Steve Allen, Jayne Meadows, Mel Torme, Leland Palmer, Dana V1lery ind Jeny Collins perform. INIWI (C) (30) £ntat Tllbb Sllow (C) (30) lal...-tl 10:00 6 (() Mannil (C) (60) Man· nix roes to the aid of a kidnaped pollcem1n and finds himself cor· nered In a booby-trapped buildin& where one false move could brin& instant destruction. (Rescheduled) 8 T1tt Dtftncltfs (60) Movie: "Tiit Cool World" (doc· umentary) '64-Hampton Clanton, Yolanda Rodriquez. Ntw1 (C) (30) Cal's ·Corral (C) (30) : NliT PllJllGllM (90) (R) • Bo1 cit MuJco 10:30 T.H.E. Cat (C) (30) Joe ..,_ (C) (2 hr) C.untry·Wtlttm Sllow (C) (30) Hollywood ""' tit• SUrs 11:00 PJ» ::-~ <C> TM Ellprus (C) 11:15 fabulous 52 Movie: (C) ""- Nun's Stoty'' (drama) '5~df81 Hepburn, Peter Anch. CJ@DNtw1 (C) 0 "WILD IS THE WIND" * starring ANTHONY QUINN, ANNA MAGNANI 0 Movie: "Wild Is tM Wind" (drama) '58-Anna M1rnani, An· thony Quinn, Anthony Franciosa. 11:30 e Movie: Hl914" (drama) '56 - Edmond O'Brien, Michael RedlflVt, Jan Stertln1. I Ttltro faMl1'8r 11:45 8' ToalOt Sllow (C) IJOvlt: ullqnlflant Doll" (dra· ma) '46 -Glnpr Ro1ers, David Niven • U:OO 0 Movie: ''Scteam of F•r" (SUI· pense) '61--Susan Strasber1, Ron- ald lewis. 12:30 m 11 s....t strip OJ Cla_. Saturdar. "A Bedtime Story." 1:15 ti Movit: (C) HApadle Tll'ritMJ" (western) '58-Rory Calhoun, Bar· b1ra Bates. CJNIWI (C) TheNun~ · Story pierces deep into the. fascinating secrets of a seldom seen world, and deepest of all into the conscience of a young and beautiful girl. Audrey Hepburn stars in the stunning motion picture that received 8 Academy Award nominations. In color. Tonight 11a15pin css•2 ,.... A Real Experience Led to 'Color. Me German' When \ 1 ·tor Vicas woodered what actor should play the lead iD .. Color 1 te German," bis filmed-in·Munich production for NBC Experiment in Television, he didn't have long to look. Author Manya Sta'r bad the answer ready for him-James Edwards, actor, writer, former boxer and Olympic runner (Berlin, 1936). An Amerlco11 Neira sd1oolfHieMr (JMflel Edwards) vLslt.r hLs Gumon- bom 11~hew In Munich In "Color 1tle OeTJfUJlf." Borlt lite leochu and rhe n• (Ron Williams) ory 6ttl<Jn1 tlwir place fn 11/e. Rournorie Fend• plays the yowlt's mother. "Color Mc German" airs Sunday at 4:30 PM, on NBC. It was actually Edwards who had given her the germinal idea for the original television play about an American Negro teacher and bis German-born nephew. Edwards' late brother had had a son by a Swiss.Oerman wife and the young man is now Jiving in Swiuerland. Edwards had brou$ht his nephew to the U.S. for a visit and took an interest in bun. He mentioned this to Manya Starr at a friendlX luncheon several years ago and told her about the thousands of 'mischlings'' (children of mixed racial parentage) living in Germany and other European countries. Manya filed the infonnatioo in back of her head and, as so many writers do, forgot it for a while: La.st year, while she was in Prague with Victor Vicas working on "Passport to Prague" which they co-authored for NBC Experi- ment in Television they talked one day of the Negro situation in Europe. Manya remembered Edwards' story of his nephew and they decided it would make a good subject for an original tele- via1on drama. While the circumstances of the drama "Color Me Gennan" are ftctional, it was the original conversation with Edwards that set oft her train of creative thought. Manya Starr's first contacts with Edwards took place some years earlier wheo she was author of the 1V series "The Clear Hom.on" io which Edwards played a principal role. She had written in a part of an Air Force corporal and, remembering Edwards' per- formance in "Home of the Brave," su"csted him for the part. But Edwards had given up acting for wnung and directing. Manya urged him to read a scene. There was no mention that the part of the corporal was a Negro. In the audition scene there were two parts, a colonel and the coryoral. Edwards asked Miss Starr which part was his. And she rephed be was too young for the colonel. When be read the scene, he immediately accepted the role, be- cause it was "written for a man." Had it been a part calling for a Negro he would have turned it down. The series gathered many prizes as well as critical praise from the press. Miss Starr is perhaps best known to television viewers as author of the series based on "The Egg and I" and of many episodes of The Docton. She wrote the off-Broadway drama "Whisper to Me" and is president of the International Writers Guild. Edwards starred this season in episodes of The Virginian and The Outsider. When Manya Starr phoned Edwards in Hollywood about the &bow, she asked if he wanted to sec the script first. "If you wrote it and think I'm right for it, 111 do it, without seeing any script," he replied. hplO SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1& ~.~ 0 P N I N (, THE DAILY PILOT, TII WEEK, FEBRUARY 1!1, 196g m Faldl ftr Tq (C) Q!)Cl)F .. ,.1 10:55 0 @ CJ) m NIA llaetbln (C) Philadelphi1 l6tr1 vs. Bolton Ct1. tics at Phllldtlphl1. . nus •• ta• Llf• <C> ..... ,... .... (C) All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no- 11:00,Co•.utlMllt (C) MoN: (C) ...aact Sabhl~· rrot) '64 -8ot1s Klrlotf. Mir\ Damon. I Cllurdl 111 tllt Ho• (C) @ f'lf1t llptiat tllWdl tice. B1t"Pidwt (C) I: 15 m T1tt CllriltoCllltrl 6:30 m T1tt alblt An•rs 11:30119 CJ) NNl. Hoc*IJ (C) Boston Bruins vs. Chlcaco Blackhawks. '>in Kelly and Bill Muer report. 6:50 fl Clvt Us Tiiis 011/News (C) 7:00 fJ Tem ind Jeny (C) GI SundlJ Funnies (C) 7:30 I Aqu11111n (C) Mormon Tabefn1de Choir (C) F1ee to fact (C) • Day of Dlacovtry (]) Ministerial Alllance a lattmat6tftll r... B Movie: (C) "'nt Y111qlllahed" (adventure) '53 -John Payne, Jan Sterlina. m Sunday llltia• AFT! RNOON 7:45 m Tiit ctirlttophen 12·00 I Oialeaues In Art (C) 1:00 9 (j) ump Unto My feet (C) ' Kipllnaer Ftlturtt (C) · m 'i'lil CllrlstoplttfS (C) lntellipnt hrt11t Cltlledral of TomorTow (C) Cil Ttlplt Feature: "The Loot- Challtnau .. "F · G • th R .. Davey and Collltll (C) ers, , ranc1s oe~ •• o e aces, wondereiu (C) and 'The Spoilers. ~ (]) Alltl'I Rewiv1I Hour (C) 61) Cine tn Su Casa Cod Is Ult Answer (C) 12:30 I Newt Cotlfer•cs (C) m Report (C) CIM A&lbJ 1:30 11 Looti Up ind live (C) "The TV Worallip of ltlt Wut (C) Greatest Poet in Talpiot." The play, 1:00 0 m Meet tilt "• jC) adapted from the short story ''Te· 0 llovit: "PltblMHtli (drama) hila" by S. Y. Aanon, is presented '42-John W~t. Mar1ene Dietrich. on the secopd week in a two -week 0 @ (]) QJ Dlf9Ctioat (C) Art series about the Israeli author. examination of the similarities and I Profile differences of two black churches, @ CD m The Beatie• (C) one in a Iara• Northern city (New Movie: ''The Su H1wk" (ad· York) and one in a Southern city venture) '40 -Errol Flynn. Claude (Memphis, Tenn.). Rains. B Sporla $pedal (C) "Atteck .. " Top I Kathryn luhlm1n (C) Alpine skiers demonstrate the tech· (i) Full Coapel Reviv1t (C) niques that flJade them the cham· tieueta KMEX (C) pions of competitive ~Una. The Answer (C) m Colnblt 9:00 fJ Clmera Thr" (C) CD Revival f1rta (C) 0 My F1vorite Sermon (C) Rev. C. 1:30 Gordon Beale, First Congregational 0 Story of a New College Church of Pasadena, guests. * "ON CAMPUS" ~ of Dl~ery (C) 0 On Clmpus (C) "New Collep Cl1J Cl) ff) Linus (C) f T " U • Country Music (C) or omorrow. n1qu1 proar1m @ t leliev. e in Miracles (C) that ~eals with the foundina of 1 Cl) Tom and Jerry (C) new liberal arts colleat-Johnston . IMpactos Mullc:atts College. The .new. colleae Is part rt Nft Testeaitnt and Miii Redlands Un1veri1ty. · . o Ci1J m m D1tce¥trJ <C> "Dia. 9:30 11 Conversation• W'itll a hJdl• covery Goes to Switzerland '' Par1 triat ,,<C> "Emotional Communica-11. A Visit to the Swiss vlli1ae rt tions. . St. lmier and a cla. look et vii· 0 ~Hurt USA (C) lage and family life thert. e Movie:. (C) "l1le Palo•ilt" B Willl1• F. hcllty .... (C) (west em) 50 -Jerome Courtland, ''The Tragedy of Lyndon Johmon." Be.veil Ill.er.. Eric Goldman of Princeton Unlnr· 11 lV. al lina Konr (C) sity, author of tht recently pub· 6 lnuatrt lished book by the same name as . Aquaman (C) the show title, auests. Arriba El Norte m Voice of Cllmy (C) Thia la the lite a;, MclH¥• and t11t CtltMI 10:00 ~trlJ ind tl1! News (C) 2:00 11 ~ (j) CIS a.udrt1t'1 fll• F• · Youth ind Police. (C) tlval (C) ''The Maanlflcent Six and @ (]) · lullwinklt (C) lfz." A trilorY of Brltlah motion • Movie: ·~una Ciuns" (western) pictures about the madcap adven· ' Russ Tamblyn, Gloria Talbott tures of a group of younpters. I~ Faith for Today (C) Each of the films revolves around . Town .Hall MHtina (C) the activities of four boys ind two Uftrts Sin Amor girls and a tiny tot who representa Wlnp to Adventure (C) the "half." Fiims are entitled 10:30 I Stltll to luminf (C) "Ghosts and Ghoulies," "When · Qj @ m frontler1 of Falttl Kniahts Were Bold.'' and "Peewee's ~ Pianola." @CI) tm IUUH and Answtt1 0 Movit: (C) "Wlqs If Fite" (drama) '67 -Lloyd Nolan. James Rt p~ M S:t f1rtntlno, Suz1nne Plahette. D@(J)m ...... 0,.. W r..u-t (Cl Th• two·hour IPOfts speclel is telecast llv• from Phoenix, Arizone. The flnel round of pley ls celled by Chris Schenkel, Jim r.tc· r.ay, Bud Pelmer and Byron HellOn. I Riiier Dny (C) u ........ ti, .. ,. bt htNI (C) Z:JO MlllM S Mewtt: "\.iale Pri•· cas" (dreme) '39-Shh1ey Temple, Richard Gretne. mu.s...., fll• l:Gll flCt ........ (C) Tales of t1tt loldtn West Outer Ualb HtMyWest Cl) Wmtll11 (C) tulp O'Toolt l:JO II IMWer /Ollts!W (C) "Af le r llllcldsm, What?" II) S11nday MltiMI: "Down Mis· aouri Way." I UD .... (R) Tiit DaUtu lllll&lrt (C) 4:00 I Y11Wpoh1t (C) • ~Up (C) Bill Lyden hosts. ~Ci) 9) Th A•tricaa $porta91ft (C) Former Texas Gov· emor John Connally pertlclpates In an unusual African duck hunt, host Curt Gowdy fishes for dolphin In the Bahemes, end writer Viralnle Kreft stelks caribou In Aleskl. I Man Frt11 UNCU (C) (I) FICt tilt Nltion (C) Viirt.na Solwt loa Hlfos 4:30 11 N ..... lltn (C) U. S. Repre· sentetive John V. Tunney of Cali- fomie auests. D 9 00 m Elptrtlllllrt In Tele- vtliM (C) •1eo1or Mt G11m1n." li'enya starr's oriJinal television drama about ttte •arch fot lden- tlf1. Jamts Edwards, Ron Wiiiiams end Rosemerie Fendel head the cul An American Hean> 1ehool· telCher (Echifard$) IMS to Gennany to visit his nephew (Williama). the German-bom aon of a dectued American Necro father aM white German mother (Miss Fendel). Pro· aram dlreded by Victor Vieu and filmed In and around Munlcfl. INtws (C) lf'MCO Ci) I Dr ... of Jeanale (C) fita ....... Ne~ (f) Pda hndt (C) Makar,..._ 4:55 D Woftdtrfut World of Spelt (C) 5:00 I """ (C) Clete Roberts. Tiie '°"' style (C) MoM: (C) "Mu's f8"ritt Sport" (comedy) '64-Rock Hudson, Paula Prentiss. fJ Coaetry C.nMllll (C) Bill Car- lisle auests. I The LUCJ Hour s.... Arts Tlltltr• Meet ... ,.._ (C) I New? TONS au. for Yow Lift (C) m frMtll Mc:Stt (C) 5:30 1 ~~Aaattor Hotlr (C) rade (C) • Sklppr die 111111 ~proo (C) ' he Bush Ranaers." The ranger headquarters Is robbed of every movable Item of value. I Mdlalt'a NIWJ (i) Mitt ... Presa (C) 1'H City Mabra (C) ROCK HUDSON PAULA PRENTISS Man's Favorite Sport? 5:00 PM Sunday in Color ~ I V f "I I ''-(, 1:00 a a m n.. 21• c.twJ <e> (la) •'ifit First Ten Months of Life." Part I of two-perts. Tht pro- anim elplores the most dan1et0us months of a man's lif......the first nine In the womb and tha tint lllOflth Ill the WOl1d. Fetoloo, a new brench of medicine, has developed methods of detectina medic11 prob- lems In fetuses so they may be treated while still In the womb. D 9 (6) m C.E. Ce11t11 lowt (C) (!OfloUTslana (Baton Rouae) state University Is challenaer. • Clqlt (C) (30) r., Cards (C) (30) lite hwlcler1 (C) (60) Qospel of Cllrtst : Ilea '9nptctive (C) (R) · Mu f,.. UNCU (C) &:30 Ralph Story CC) (30) · 0 00 m Wild I011rdo• (C) ( ) "In Search of the Giant Ar· madillo." Marlin Perkins and nat- uralist Stan Brock journey to Guy- ana, South America to find and capture one of the world's rarest animals, the alant armadillo. IJ Mil TON BERLE & KEN * MURRAY head a list of great guests on the JOHN GARY Show tonite! D Jehe Cary (C) (90) Miiton Berte, Ken Murray, Llurindo Almeida, Edy Willlems, Carole Richter, David Wat· son, Loree Frazier and Pat and Cash auest. fJ Sports S9tdaJ (C) (60) "Roer- ina Wheels.'' Alm tootaae of the best sports-car races of 1968 and 1969. Stan Richerds narrates. Du l ridp COii to Wasltinaton I Hatti (C) (30) M1naut1 22 i ) (R) SlliHJ (C) 7:00 Cl) lmit (C) (30) In a deSPerate effort to save Lassie, stranded aboard a sinldna vessel, Forest Ranaer Bob Ericson enlists the aid of the Coast Guard. Con· ctuslon of a hwo-part episode. D 9 00 m Hlldl Finn (C) (30) "The Conquistador Curse." Huck, Tom and Becky create problems for themselves when they remove aold- en treasure from an ancient for- tress.· U TOP SPACE AGE *ADVENTURE THRILLS "LAND OF THE GIANTS0 U ~ (]) 9) l.attcl of U.. Ci.ts (C} (6(}) "The Nlaht of Thrombll· dinbar." Giant orphan brothers Gama and Tobek capture F'rtzhuah, belieVlna he Is Thrombeldlnbar, a mythical elf who brlnas aitts to children and arants their wishes. l lnrtlt or c.ae.•ces (C) (30) Pasport to Tl'MI (C) (30) azon." Host Hal Sawyer visits the back country of the Amazon River Valley. fJ) No TIIM To le YOUltl (C) (60) 7:30 i ;-~ c.!'.:dez ltn (C) (30) Ellen Wedloe takes Marti ind his friends on a campout In the Ever· &lades but the tail end of a tor- nado causes a flood at their camp- site. (Continued) ..... 11 AVOID THAT OLD SUIDAY llOHT LETDOUlll THIS WEEK! Th• Lohm•n & Barkler Television Show: A KIGHT TO FORGET ~I ~ -· ,...12 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEE<. FatRUAR't' 15, 1969 SUNDAY (Continued) D 0 (]) e Wa lt Olney (C) {60) 'The Secret of Boyne Cutle." Part II of 1 three·put presentatlon of a motion picture filmed In lre- ~nd. Enemy 1gents discover that the boys know the whereabouts of 1 message ooncemlna the man- euvers of an escaplna Iron Curtain scientist. O Million $ Mevi.: (t) ''Ila Cir· CJd' (drama) '59-Victor Mature, Red Buttons. Rhonda Aemina. m Mttv Sriftin (C) (90) m Thi Cllalltnflti1 Sta (C) (30) "Conquest of the Nor1hwest Pas· sage." fl) Ii& PichH't Chimp end Mitsuko funullhl-dis· pl1y dazzling 1rtlstry on Ice. U ~(])GBAIC 5-dlJ Mewle: ('C} Mf1ii C.rpetblgtc1" (d111m1) '64-Al•n Ladd, Bob Cummln1s. Georae Peppard, C1rroll Biker. Based on Harold Robblna' btst- setlina novel, the film Is the story of a ruthlw ind ndless multi· millionaire who has everythlna but the one thing he really wenb-hls f1ther's widow, a glamorous model and lntem1tionally known movie star. m lucldy Crece'a "f•llJ Ya• tiftt" (C) (60) (R) m News (C) (30) fJ) P.ter &11nn 9:30 B News (C) (30) Lany Burrell. 1:00 tJ ~ (I) £d Sulli'f111 (C) (60) m Wtr1d of Youtlt (C) (30) Arthur Godfrey, Jack Car1tr, Neil fJ) Suncllf lool/M11ion Ftm1 Diamond 1nd Roslyn Kind auest. fm CoevltSltions Witt1 Clart BootM 11 ROLLER GAMES-live! (C) lltu (C) (30) .. Author ind Play- * T·BIRDS vs. TEXAS wriaht." The former '10naresswoman recalls some of her theatrical tri· O Roller SaMS (C) (2 hr) T-Bird.s umphs with Dr. G. Homer Durham. vs. Texas. El) la Toomeata U FORD MOTOR COMPANY 10:00 R 9 (() Mlsslofl: lmposslblt (C) * Presents THE FBI (60) When an unscrupulous manu- facturer risks World War Ill by of· 0 (ill (I) m The fll (C) <I?<>> ferlng a hydroaen bomb for sale, 'The Attorney." Inspector Enkme the IMF enters the biddina with a finds deadly pu~e behind a danaerous plan to keep the weapon death threat mailed to attorney out of enemy hands. · Richard Bender. Tim O'Connor, L!n· 0 @ 00 m My friend Tony (C) den Chiles, Edward Asner, Louise (60) "The Hazina.'' Woodruff and Latham, Dawn Wells guest. Novello search for a missina for· m Wanderlust (C) (30) "Bride of eian exchange student whose disap- the Czechs." Bill goes to Czecho· pearance threatens international re· slovakia to view the countryside percussions .. and the people before the recent 1J m News (C) (30) Internal upheaval. O Movie: "13 West Strttr (dr1- fJ) Tbt flsller Family ma) '62-Alan Ladd, Rod Steiaer, fil) PIL (C) (90) "New Television Michael Callan. Technotoaies: Get Whal You Want m Laber Report (C) (30) or You'll Be Forced To like What fil) DllVicl Saalind (C) (2 hr) You Gel" A repor1 on the battle "Black Gir1s Talk About Beauty, Sex between conventional television and Mr. Charlie" and "Drew Pear· broadcasters, CATV, cable operators, son-King of the Muckrakera" are and the telephone company. The tonight's subjects. proaram traces the increasing diffi· @!) C.nouMI Mulcano culties between established broad· casters and cable operator&. Gov-10:30 0 ~cicess St.ry (C) (30) emment representatives and execu-m Jot Pyne (C) (2 hr) tives from the combatant companies m Wild Adventure (C) (30)' "Run· voice their own views of the prob· nina the Colorado Rapids." fern. 11:00 II 0 @ 00 N.ws (C) @!) Cuatrt Evu Para un Ada11 II c.tbtdral of TOll«row (C) 1:301J Qt 00 m llHc!At I C.i I· m Mtvlt: "Actorl and Sii" (dra· drtn's Uttll"I Ill Std (C) (30) Gene ma) '53 -Edward G. Roblnton, Kelty hosts the live action-animated Marsha Hunt. program based on the Stuart Ham-Ci) (j) News pie-Eric Marshall best-selling book 11:30 tJ Movie: (C) "F1yl11 LtatMr· of the same . nan;ie. The show ~-nteb" (adventure) '51 -John plores younpters letters a.nd thetr Wiyne, Robert Ryan. Ulou~hts about human rel~tions, the 0 Lollua l l.tllJ (C) ::~ion of the world, animals and ~ OO lnsl&llt (C) m Tiit Siii Shtw (C) (30) 11:35 0 Feature/Wedd of Ytd (C) fJ) Wor1d ToMOnow 12:0011 Wor1d ToltOnOW (C) t:oo ea (I) s..tMn arothtn <c> u trn oo m ... <C> (60) Liberace, David Frye and the 12:15 U Movie: (C) "Oii tit• Town" (mu- sinfing team of Hedge and Donna sical) '50 -Frank Sinatra, Gene guest. Kelly, Vera-EJlen. 0@(6) m !SHc!AL! Hlfll· 12·-1 f t (C.) "Debrief -·-·1o lipts oft.e Ice Cipad• tf 1969 ·"" ,.• 1119 ...,.,. (C) (60) Host Jack Jones and spe· 11. , .. cial guests Nancy Sinat111 and Louis ~pn1t111 Slllldq: 'Tw1haht Wom· Nye provide the music and mirth, en. and several of the wortd's ice-skat· 1:00 0 Newa (C) Ina pe110n11ities-Tommy Litz, Ro· mayne and Steele, Ann-Mararet Frei, Biiiy Chapel, Freddie Trenkle, Dave Pitt1 ind Spanky the Wonder 1:15 B Movie: "TIM SMdow • Utt Window" (mystery) '57-Phll C.rey, Betty Garrett 69 •: •) 1, ·r. t· ry I· Jt is el ie 1• • ,. tit j. •• ~ I• '· I, a n ·. .. ,. ·, MONDAY FEBRUARY 17 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tlons reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D.,..,. eo .. tile Neboa" (com· edy) '52--0zzie, Harriet David and Ricky Nelson. 9:30 D "I've Alw1p Loved You" (ro- mance) '46 -Catherine Mcleod, Philip Dorn. 10:00 fJ "Low In tlle Atttmoen" (com· edy) '57 -Audrey Hepburn, Gary Cboper. 12:.30 ID "He M1nied His Wife" (com· edy) '40-Joel McCrea. "11le Lldy Confma" (mystery) '45 -Mary Beth Hughes. 2:00 ID "T1'e Blad Dtvib of Kall" (ad· venture) 'SS-lex Barker, Jane Max· well. 3:30 fJ "Sab1'9 Jet" (adventure) '53- Robert stack, Amanda Blake, Coleen Gray. 4:30 IJ (C) "Wonder Man" (comedy) '45-Danny Kaye, Vireinla Mayo. IVfNl~f, 6:00 8 lite 111 Ntws (C) (60) Jen} Dunphy. D 8' HlllltltJ-•~ <C> (30) D DON KNOTTS visits Steve * tonite! Get set for some loose rib5! GREAT! II Stlft Allttt Sllew (C) (90) Rev· 819ftd Dr. R1lph Abernathy, Wiiii Dorsey ind The Ladies of Sona. Don Knotts, Barbara Rush, Dick Jensen and A.sher Snldw auat. ·a Six O'aoct Movie: (C) "A S.... -Plaa" Part I (drama) '59 - Richard Egan, Sandri Dee, Oorottiy ~uJre.. Tn>Y Dan.tiue. fJ I Spy (C) (60) ID latlUll (C) (30) @CI) lillfY 8rtffln (C) m Mlafs New? (30) "Health He· roes." A look at the IHe of Madame Marie Curle, who discovered radium. Stills and film footaee are from the Metropolitan life lnsur1nce II· brary. @I) Majeres Sin Amor aJ'KPLM NIWI (C) &:30 CJ KNBC N1W1mlc:t (C) (60) ID Vorart ta ttte lottlOtl et tll• Sta (C) (60) @·Ci) HuatltJ·BrillkltJ (C) fll) DEBUT RNCll Out (30) A new bl01raphlcal series by LA City Schools concentrat1n1 on minority eroup Individuals who have risen to high positions In the c:ommu· nity. (Continued) A SUMMER PLACE Troy Donahue, Sandra Dee, Richard Egan and Dorothy McGuire star on The Six O'Clock Movie. In Color Monday, Part I. Tuesday, Part II.~ Choose Huthkit® Marine Electronics Heathkit Ml-11 A Depth Sounder S.n1ftfve, Accurate. & Dependabi. ·~~ .......... ,., .. ,,..._, wlhl K MCWWCY • atNlltt ..... -... , "' ................ ltMltNt •IMr••..,_r clrelllt-4'1tt•f _ ..... ,........,_......._. ....._..._, ff llNI MllllN -N lw ...._ --....c. e ..,., _..... ctrcwlt llMrtt -.rr.ni-e •• ,.,..., -~ ...... tell M ,_ .....t tw NtY lcutl. S•fety •nd Conv.nlence for the Y achtaman .... "Fun" Aid for the Fisherman HfftMdt Mariner® Radio Direction Finder Fw S•fe Sure Offshore Navleatlon • U .. y<W ' Mllrlfter"41' W HO, ltl'ffl .. ....,..,.. .. ,, ......... u .. 11. .... ....,,.._.., llllHlltt Oil AM• rMll, er tw _,..,.... IN ....,... UMMll e <.,,.,, .. ,_IC_.._ AM_, MllriM ......_ llMIMa e Alf.trHllstw clraltry ... ....... MlllY, .... lffe Ulll ... Mlttry ..... e l .. tu•111I w1•• Mlttf"I -IUtllll'I • ,._.. .. ~ .... _ .... Wlltl fectwy Wit _, all9'1N "fltwl· ... '-r """'l'N _.._, 11ac11a ... Accurate OffshoN Nevle-tlon all<t,...k Wtn"""' "It" ... HNn Of ff• •uertMaMi.t Wlltl Clr'('('.lfh Tllat ,.,. ,.,., IHllcatleMI & •'4111Y Wert! • CNtallts .. 1MWief1 £ IMlnl<· .......... _....., ,, ~ .•. trlllk ....... • ,, .... .....,.... •l'IM·t'I.. -"" • OMntas 911 .ate -IUI flMllltllt -Mt· e.nts c.t IMl-.i) Paaff•CT ff~ ANY YOUNOSTaa WHO WANTS TO •XPLO!t• TH• MYST•alH Off •l•CTaONl~S. Conttll\J Ctrloon-llfustrelc~ IH'lnciP ... of o:Mtratlon rl\d simple, non-tedlnlcet Instructions r°' bulldlM lt dlffttent prolc:ts .•• code llashaf, tvrol•r eterm, putllc edd'ress svsttm. 5 dlf· fercnt trans.lstor redlos. lftctronlc tlmef', TV t llenctr, electric •Y•· ~·iron~. coda trensmltk..-, velce trensmltler, lleahar. lnlc.rwm. eudlo sl11ntl lnlec1o<", c•HCllY & voice OP- e<atff nltYs. Solder1eu. tPf'lfte·tyH (.CnMCton IPMd asHfnb:y, and can ti-. ll1Cd rc::u1ae11y ror bulldlM. 1ev- or1i. prolects. ~rat" on four HI• C·slre llaVlllellt t.>tterlts (not ~ chided). Makes en Ideal oitl fer an" yeJntSter at bh1hdaY, Cllrlslmea or 11raduallon time. Hear News BroadcHt1 Direct From Foreign Countriff ••• Be The First To Knew With .~ Heathkit® Shor1· wave Radio FREE Send for Our Huge C•tal09 It's Fne to Yo11 for rile Askl119. HEATHKIT® To reach Heatllliit Elactronlc Canter tah Herbor llvd. to lell ""•· •est on lell • faw short bleclis •• HO Ee1t lall or telia Santa An• ffeewey to Herbor llvd., Hffbor llYd. to lell, • faw shOft blocli1 encl you'r• here SALIS & PAITS HEATHKIT 776·9420 JJO EAST IAU, ANAHEIM SHYICE 776·942J· ..... 13 WET THE *BED? llamyMufts-~­ ... •nu uurilr! ~--·­Zl,......., .sl.000 ~ tNt. Qft sllaO .... • .. ~· -. ... c...i., ........... • ....... ill jusl '-to four ............ *UC Oil dilt. ;..a • ....... -0. llldllliQult. DN'l- TC>ft E is ttlt Ofi&iMI a"4 °"'' -.tMd ~ "'. doctar, .... """*' "' -dodorL 111-.-lded ca ' Dwu so.. Mail c:oupon tor All IWOIUM- TtOM wrthout obliphon, Md re- ceiw tioaaJet on bed-edtirc wntlllfl ti, an tlNnent blmily dodor. ~~-_._- ADOMS-\.__ _______________ _ cny ___________ • .__ ____ _ "'"°"'-----nP __ ---- ..... .. -.. -. -~ -. .. . . ----.. ....... THE DAILY PILOT, TV WIEK. FEBRUARY 15, 1969 HUllOR/YUlm THE STEVE ALLEN SHOW "Old Shakey'' ... bltts 1111b$ 1 hllarious visit with Steve Allen, who was Ille man who "discO'ltfed" Doll end made him a reiular on Steve's old "Tonigbr' show. Actress ... Uri 11111 returns in an interestin1 Interchange along witll a demonstra- tion of facial isometrics, °' how to keep looking youthful and hulthy MONDAY· FRIDAY -.lift. 6 PM • COLOR • KTL.A V • *" Crlflll -(90) D (ll) (]) GB Tiie Iii Y..., (C) , .. , (60) "lifhtfool" Jarrod tlkes the e ... • 0... (C) (30) case of an Indian fr1tnd who Is e 1' ...... Olllrt falsely charged with murder. Joe t.o B ~ Int (C) (30) Farmer Don Baker guests. S-'s c:mfuDy nurtured string e ...... Dilllll (30) bens conte up pitifully stunted. ~tut ._ (C) (30) Phil Ford, ..... Millie's beaas IJ'OW long and Mimi Hines and restaurmur Joe beautiful. Kipness guest a 9 (i) m... ...,. $ptcial m n.. erut •• <30) "EWvs-(Q (60)lioli Hotle and hls pals get tion." The time is .Janu.ry 1, 1916, ~ for a meny salute to the to July l, 1917. Uayd 6eorfe dlys rJ nudmHe. The iuests in· tackles the problem of wilnina the dude Bint Crosby, Martha Raye. war and turns to France for help. G«Wte Bums and Diana Ross and Hirtrfights: the Lansdowne Review, The~ Irish Rebellion. the Russian Marth 0 (ii) (j) El) Tiit o.tcasts (C) Revolution. (60) "The Thin Edre." A young girt @I) Dic*a Robida is .ccideM.ally. shot by Ear1 during 10:30 e Mowie: (C) ~ (dr1ma) a lhootDut with 1n outlaw. a~d '57-Mar1on Br1ndo, Red ButtDns. utt. raclld by unbearable guilt, Miyoshi Umeti seets his own dath. He challenges · the girfs fiance to a gun duel ID News (C) (30) wtlidl he plans to lose. Carol Pfan-m ......... (30) "New Care for der. ltlbs WMe and Ida Lupino Coronaries." Two ~"' diSCUS$ cuest. new techniques and equipment for Ql ._ t. , .. Life (C) (60) treating heart atbdt victims. ti> ll£T 1-U (C) (60) 'The Bat-&'E C•te Si11 Hi1t1ri1 ~ Qiilcl.'' A report on the wort 11:00 tJ D fJ el m ..... (C) bein1 done at the Uniwrsity of g Alfnd Hildacl COiorado Medical Center by a spe-. . dal tum °' psychiatrists, pediatri· m Liars ~ (t) Rod Setting ciafts Ind 30Cial worters. They are hosts. Pa~hsts ~re Roffe Petenen, WQftiq lDtfther to rehabilitate Betty White, Pia Lindstrom, and daidreft who m victims of mental Pat Buttram. lftd physical abuse in the 11ome. ID Mowie: ......,s r .. ....,.. (ad· fa (j) 11m mm 1J11CU (C) venture) '58--Stephen Mdblly, Yic: llt u .. 111.wita Morrow . ,. ... r.-, .., <C> <JO> unc1e Cii.l rn @ @ m ..._ ~ Bil and Cissy find romance in ~ (j) News s,Mft. unnm that French has 11:30 tJ Mewit: '"StlP lMlf' (musical) last the twins on 1 sirhtseein& trip '44-frank Sinatra, Glofia DeHaven . in tt1e second part ot this three-D @ @ m r.-.. sa.. (C) part story. u Mtwie: .,... ...,.. ...... D ._ (C) (30) Ted Meyers. (comedy) '39-laurel & Hanly. ...... ...... fJ (ii)(})fiEJeey .... (t) 1 .. ! a C1J Cini ..... <C> <60> m' loM LKY a o:~~~ r'.:: 12.-00 m n ~-.. .., (t) (60) Lucille Ball 12:30 ID Action Tllutre: ''The Saint's lluds a list of pests who will join Girt fridey." =.:. :,.,~eha:~ ,ri~lta~ a~~~ 1:00 D SPNDia r...., (Q Baocbr. Denni' Day. Ann-Mararet, U Com•1111tJ .... ......, (C) lnfeftcle Wetk. Jeny lewis and fJ News (C) Rouwaun. 1:10 fJ Movie: ~ lie .... I 1111" 8 Radio's PAUL HARVEY (drama) '61--0iane Cilento, Claude * joins KTlA NEWS team! Dauphin. N 1:1511 Movit: ~ .... .........,. ow you can WATCH him! (comedy) •48 _ Paulette Goddard, D • -(t) (60) Michael Wilding . l 1 i9 d, >e S• 6, re le p. •• :h •) :s, >r S$ or ~g n. ld d- 'ic 11) n. a" C) r ,. r d, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 18 For morning and afternoon listlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D (C) .. lacltelor flaf' (comedy) ·M -Tuesday Weld, Terry· Thomas, Richard Beymer. 9:30 II "Si111in1 Guns" (western) '49- Vauahn Monroe, Ella Raines. 10:00 B (C) "Dlcldy Lon1·1.tp" (com· ody) '55-fred Astaire, Leslie Car· on. 12:30 m "hrlln Cormpondtnr (ro· mance) '42-Dana Andrews. "Tw Lost Worids" (scl-fi) '50 -James Amess. 2:00 OJ "Junlfe P1trof" (adventure) '48 -Kristine Miiier, Arthur Franz. 3:30 tJ "lftlidt tM Maf11" (drama) '59 --Cameron Mitchell, Elaine Edwards. 4:30 II (C) un. Revtnp of Franken· t&ln" (horror) '58-Peter Cushln1. rvrN1Nr. 5:00 0 Radio's PAUL HARVEY * joins KTLA NEWS team! Now you can WATCH him! 6:00 II Tiie 111 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. I fI:' HunU.,-lrinldlf (C). (30) Bruins In Action (C) (30) Sil O'Clocl Movie: (C) .. A 5-• ••r l"ltce" Part II (drama) '59- Rlchard Epn, Dorothy McGuire, S.ndra Dee, Troy Donahue. 11 5n (C) (60) lltlun (C) (30) (3) MM Criffin (C) Mars New? (30) "Whe~ Do We Get ltT' Bill Smith journeys to sever1I firms to see how fruits ind ve1etables 1re arown, processed an4 ~1ed. I Multr• Sl11 Alnor IU'LM ..... (C) ~ c~~E~E~c~~~~ * LOS ANGELES LAKERS VS. NEW YORK KNICKS • l*ri ..... (C) I: Vtp&e to Ult lottotl et tllt I tf1 H~-lri11k19J, (C) llldm& Wlltl Yoar cillltl (30) C1J mmm ..... <t> 6:35 Laan lllbtball (C) (2 hr 15 m n) Chick Heam calls the action between Los Angeles Lakers and the New York KnlckerbockeB. 7:.JO 9 A Nat'I. Geo. Special * "AUSTRALIA"- Sponsor1: BRITANNICA and HAMILTON WATCH II Qi(f) Natloul Ceo1rapltlc S'pedil (e") (60) "Austr1lla -The Tlmeleas land." An adventurous look at the Down Under continent and its ruaed frontiersmen, who for&• a life in the manner of the pioneers of America's Old West. Aleund« Scourby narrates. The proeram al11> takes a look 1t Sydney, the JOC>hl• ticated metropolis that sits not far from the ch1llen1es of the stiU hostile interior. HEADS tw-Eart J. Wlllltdon (MldtHI Uak) OHS 11119 llud la bdplaa C0tty (Marc Cop•) pl up ID tk world u lilt bo11 pl away hom Earl's anal W1ada la Julll colorcut of "Wanda MeUI Well" oa NBC, TuetdaJ aJ ltlt PM. J ~ <A au oo m JenJ u... <C> <60> Totie Fields and Paul Lynde 1uest. D @ CJ) &) Mod Sfauad (C) (60) ilfhe Up·Tl&ht Town." Pete, Linc ind Julie travel to a small western town In the ,Ulse of archaeoloa students to search for C.pt Greer, who failed to return from vacation. Ja30n Evers iuests. B Million $ Mov6t: ..... .._ tw a HenJwiPl" (drama) '62-M· thony Quinn, Jackie Glt11Dn, Julie Harris. Trdl or Consequences (C) (30) PwrJ Muon (60) : C.nclon de II Rua (30) 7:00 R CIS £ffnln1 News (C) (30) 1:00 Walter Cronkite. • U11 All&el tn ti F1t1p Km1 (C) (30) : Woftd p,_ (C) (60) ,,..... Orftoll loo.co • Wiatt's My Unt? (C) (30) P.-.rd (C) (30) (i) AINlicll (C) . nil frtndl Cbtl (30) (I) lite Ceed Cup (C) • ltil.da In tllt Sn (C) • Trdl or Conaequewca (C) 1:30 QI Ci) ht Sblton (C) (60) Mickey llOoney and Hal fmier ~est. 0@@ m Jalll (C) (30) "Wan· da Means Well." Julia's •P1rtment Is bur&t1rized with unwittln1 help of IO MINUTE MUSIC SP£CW. AL HIRT AND SARAH VAUGHAN To a wldly chHrlna theater au- dience, the talents of Hirt and V111U. explode with brass and voe1I e.xcltement in this TV block· buster. Three of the world's areal· est Juz horn artists; Dim CllleSJlt, Peta Cetdell, and Dt• {Ills join Al for some "jam" numbers that are sure to m1ke home viewers "blow their mind." Sarah Is fantastic. TONIGHT 9:00_~ COLOR• KTLAU Earl J. W111edorn's aunt Wanda. vestiption into the robbery of 1 Tracy Morgen plays the lister or local arocery store In which the Leonard Wauedom (Hank Brandt). main suspect Is thou1ht to be • She is Brandt's rHl·llfe wife. resident of the Phoenix House. D @ (1) m It T1ba I Tllltf (C) I Ntwa (C) (30) Ted Meyers. ~) "Catspaw." Fernando Limas ~ ,uests as Pepe Souchet, a thief 10:00 Qt Ci) 60 Minutes (C) (60) whom Alexander Mundy tricks into Subjects of current Interest ere prt· 1ttemptln1 to recover the stolen sented In a ma1azine form1t. crown Jewels of La Monica. O Radio's PAUL HARVEY I MtfY Critflfl (C) (90) . • a..t Ult Odds (C) (30) * JOtns KTLA NEWS! An a:so Laklrs Wr1p-Up (C) exciting personality! 9:00 9 (\1 fI:' NIC Tuetdq Mo-~ m News (C) (60) <t> 'Tiit Apptloou" (adven-' @ Ci) a> Thlrs lift (C) (60) ture) '66-Marlon Brando, Anjanet· " ou Never Take Me Anywhere." te Comer, John Saxon, Emilio Fer· O M1rsla1I Dillon (30) nandez. Matt fletcher's pl1n to be· OJ Thet Show (C) (30) "The Joys gin a new life on his foster broth· of Ethnic Humor." Maraaret Tru· er's ranch ts upset when 1 Mexican man ind Leo Rosten 1uest. bandit steals his Appaloosa horse. fl!} lllcl Ptt1iptdM (30) A panel • A · ed'bf h Of reporters from the loc1I news n mer I e our media discuss the campal1n for * of AL HIRT & ~RAH Mayor of Los Anaeles with candl· VAUGHN plus Dizzy date William Hathaw1y. Gillespie, .P~te Condo Ii, 1 l0:30 I :::,: R<:' "T1lt PhlntD• o1 & Don Elhs. Stupendou.s. the Rue Moraue" (horror) '54 -0 Sllowclse 5 (C) (60) Al Hirt, Karl Malden. Patricia Medina. the man who re1lly knows how to Ntw1 (C) (30) make a trumpet talk, brlna:s sixty : Reapn N... Coftfertnce (30) minutes of SOUND. Joining him are Ctnte Sin Hlstorll Sarah V1uahn, The Al Hirt Sextet. U ·OO B fJ 81) Q) News (C) Dizzy Gillespie, Pete Condoll and • AJhd Hltdact Don Ellis. liars Chlb (C) OJ Run fw !our lift (C), (60) Movie: ''Tllt llacl nill" (Id· flll NO: f"1iHI (C) .~60) 'The film venture) '57-Hu&h M1r1owe, Ansft Generation on-Music. Actor Andrew Dickinson. Duncan narr~tes this proarem on I~ tD (1) m ..... (C) music on film. Se1ments 1re Jhwl "FFTCM,".':. by Will Hindle; ·:D.~nc-11:30 ovit: (C) "No Na• H t111 In~ So~~s. by Elatko Bo~re~. C1· lulltf' (western) '59-Audit Murphy, pncclo, by Ole Askman, 'Yellow Joan Evins submarine'' from the new Beatl81 19 CI ) m Tonlpt """ (C) movie; "M~slcal Pia." by Zl~!lro Morie: "Rosu•' Reat•tll"' Gr&ic: and 'Tuesd1y Afternoon. (drama) '48-Didi Powell, Marta @'I) Cludo Awtlllltlt Toren . 9:30 II a Cl) Doris Day (C) (30) Buck I@ Cl) a>...., • .., (C) is very excited over his wlnnln1 I L.,. LUCJ prospects in the annu1I horaeshot 12:00 n S.nMl . ..., tournament until Leroy 1CCldent.ally 12:10 Mn: "Dtt&* of Of. _,. neutralizes the pitchln1 •nn of Doc ( rror) '57 -John Ager, Gloti. Carpenter, Buck's p1rtner. Talbott. fJ EXCELLENT POLICE 12:30 m Action Tlleatr~.: ''The Wor1d * ACTION MELODRAMA Owes Me a Livina. fJ (ii) CJ)&) NYPD (C) (30) ''The 1:0012""" (C~ Candy Man." Conclusion of a two-,, .. :t~~":ut ~ (C) part story. Jamea E~rt Jontt. stir 1•15 I ............ "I 11 J flN" (__.....,. of the Bf'Oldw1y hrt, "The Grt1t • , "'"""... • .. _,,..,..,, White Hope," iuests u Cindy -Gary Cooper, Barbara Sbn- lat10n, director of the Phoenla W)'Clt House, 1 dru1 rehabillt1tion center l:JO m AIMlllM Dtw: "Tho Lbn1. opereted by eit-1ddlcta. Haines, o.l.c Hall." ''The Amphibian Man," Ward 1nd Corta continue their In· and "W1r Paint'' ,.,. 15 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 19 For mornlnc and afternoon liltinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day'a moviea. All sta- tions reserve the richt to change pr01fammin1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO 0 "'Tiie City Thlt Nfttf Sleeps" (mystery) '52 -Gig Younr. Mala Powtra. 9:30 IJ "Y111ishln1 Anttrican" (drama) '"53-scott Brady, Audrey Totter. 10:00 0 (C) "5"en Citlel of lolcf' (drt· ma) '55-Anthony Quinn, Richard Eaan. 12:30 m "'Tiie Bl& Fla" (mystery) '4S-- James Bn>wn. "Ol1t Ceftaht W• .. ,.~ (drtma) '37-Bette Divis. J. 2:00 ID "Arma fer Hite" (mystery) '59 -steve Brodie, Lyn Thom1s. 3:30 D ........ Dml" (ldventure) '53 ~obert Sttck. Hiael Bruce. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 15, 19611 I PaMOrd (C) (30) croft, Telly Savalaa, Steven Hiii. stu- @ Yoo Wed for It dent volunteer In a crisis clink: rt· (j) lawtJ HUlbillln (C) ceives a phone call frwi a wom· 5:00 m W~ (C) an who has swallowed I deadly 00. II Radio's PAUL HARVEY m Trdl er ~ (C) of sleeplna pills, and tries to kffi> * joins KTLA NEWS! An 7:30 R CIH Ca.,W (C) (60) Roger her on the phone while he finds exciting -sonality! Miller and Stevie Wonder guest. some dues to her identity. -· D @Ci) m 1lle Viflbiiatt (C) m Portrait of I Stir (C) (60) I 5;00 II Tiie 111 ,.... (C) (60) Jerry (90) "The Ordeal." A wealthy man's '"Milton Bene." Dunphy. spof!ed 10n finds "shaping up" at I News in Plf'l9ldlve (C) (60) 0 8' Huat9ey·lkl•ldtJ (C) (30) Shiloh Randi more than a summer t.·"O S!_lv~ ti=~--.. (C) (30) 0 KAYE BALLARD is a 1ar11 u his pranks nearly bring ~ Qt~ _. * riot on Steve Allen death to himself and The Virginian. When Ohver and Lisa Ooualas de· tonite with Andy Russell! Robert Pine guests. cide to remain in Washington. D.C., O lMt In 5pKe (C) (55) for an additional wee~ Mr. Haney 8 Steve Alltfl SMw (C) (90) Kaye 0 @ffi Q) Hert Co int the se6 a chance to mall~ a fast buck Ballard, Andy Russell, Slappy White Brides (C) (60) "One to 11 Custom· and plans to rent their house. and Paul Smith auest. er." Adam Wilson, a young Mormon 0 News (C) (3~) Ted Meyers. fJ Sb O'aoct Mtvle: "Julie'' (SU· farmer buys l1nd near Seattle and 10:00 f) Qt (I) H1W1d Flv..O (C) (60) pense) '56-0oris Day, Louis Jour· casually informs Jason Bolt that he McGerrett flies to Los Anaeles to dan. Intends to court and marry a num· build a case •Rainst a cure·ell quack 11 Sn (C) (60) ber of the girts from New Bedford. (Joanne Linville), who is victimizing Babnan ·(C) (30) Peter Jason auests. his sister (Nancy Malone) and her CJ) Merv Sriffln (C) c:J Miiiion $ Movit: (C) "Rally seriously ill baby with a phony Whirs New? (30) "Sports and 'Round th Flir. Bop" (comedy) "treatment" machine. Part I of two the Professor." A mechanical en· '59-Paul Newman, Joanne Wood· parts. alneer uplains simple theories with ward, Tuesday Weld. Harried young 0 ~ @ m I sll'l5'AL I T b e I nnker Toy set. Chicago White SoJt husband, feelini slighted because Academy of Proftu10n1I $pof1s pleyers de.monstrate the techniques of his wife's civic activities, be· Awards (~) (60) The second 1nn~at or their positions. comes innocently but embarrassing· presenta!•On of a~ards hononng I M•itres Sill A.or ly invo~ved with seductive lovely outstanding professional athlete5- KPUI NIWI (C) nei&hbor. chosen by fellow sportsmen -of 6:30 MPC NewstMce (C) (60) m Trutll or Consequences (C) (30) baseball. football, basketball, horse Voya.. llD u.t Botto• of tM m Perry Muon (60) racing, golf and hockey. Winner of $ee !9 (60) m C•ndotl de 11 Ran (30) the special "Man of the Year In @00 Hlllltley·lrin.,_, (C) ~ (J) Best ef Hollywood Professional Sports" award is M· fil) Talb W"llll Partttts (60) "Broth· @!) Un An1t1 en ti Fango lected by the nation's top sports. ers and Sisters." Anni Bin& Arnold 1:00 m Hanf (C) 30) writers and sportscasters. Perry lecturu and answers questions from ' Ell) TIN City Millers C) (30) Mayor Como hosts. Personalities from the an audience of parents.. Sam Yorty talks with host Dr. Ken· sports and entertainment fields Qt Cl) @m 8' aJ News (C) neth B. Clark about the Negro and prese~t ,the awards. FVFNING 7:00 II CBS &tnln1 News (C) (30) Mexican·Amerlcan minority problems 0 Radio s PAUL HARVEY 4:00 II "'Tiie Outlidtf" (1dventure) '62 Walter Cronkite. in Los Anreles. * joins KTLA NEWS team! -Tony Curtis, James Franciscus. 0 Whit's MJ UH? (C) (30) @'!) Mltrceln Malc11 N o WATCH h. 1 ------------------------1 1:25 0 w _.,.111 Wottd 1 L.....t (C) ow y u can 1m. • c 0 ....... ' I m News (C) (60) 8.lO • M1rshll Dillon (30) "Oscar" winners Sidnq Poitier and Anne Bancroft star in "The Slender Thread," a daring and dramaJic probe of suicide and crisis, on The A.BC Wednesday Night Movie at 9 PM. fJ THE GOOD GUYS Comedy Public Stnlce (C) (30) * HIT OF THE SEASON!! : &uten T1r (30) G llle 5ood tiup (C) (30) Guest · Dich_1 Robida ,. Jim Bac:kua, as Claudia's wealthy 10:30 • Movie: "The Bid Seed (dra· father, comes to visit and Is ap· ma) 'SS-Patty McCormack, Nancy palled to see his daughter working Kelly. In the diner. ID News (C) (30) 1J Win Wlfll Ute Stln (C) (30) Ell) Art and Artists (30) "Cookham Geerre Jessel and Nancy Ames Village." Sir Ralph Richardson nar- guest. . rates a report on contemporary art O (ill (])G) Tum.On (C) (30) and artists from Great Britain. I Merv tirlffin (C) (90) I tiente Sin Historl1 Bett tM Odds (C) (30) 11:00 0 0 @I) a> Ntwa (C) Book Be1t (C) (30) Author Eric Affreii Hitcheock Goldman Is critic Robert Cromie's li1n Clllb (C) iuest. They discuss Goldman's new Movie: "llUI or Be !Oiied .. (84· book "The Tragedy of Lyndon John· venture) '50 -Lawrence Tierney, '°"·" Marin O'Brien. t!) Soertsu i (]) QJ@ 8' Ntwa (C) 9:00 IJ ltvtrlJ Hillbillies (C) (30) Ci) Ntws Binker Drysdale hires troubleshooter 11:30 Movie: "So Wtll R~ Homer Bedloe from Petticoat June· (drama) '47 -John Mills, Mirtha tlon to evict the "Clampetts from Scott. the bank building's fifth floor. Jethro ~ @ @ a;, Tonl&M .._ (C) adds to the floor's confusion by Movie: "Sin1apore" (1dventure) settlnr himself up as a psychiatrist • 7-Ava Gardner, Fred MacMurray. and fish cleaner. I@ (])(E) Joey Bishop (C) D KRAFT MUSIC HALL 12:00 ~ ~..;.UCJStrlp * ~n Adams, Don 12:30 • Movte: "TM Men" (drama) Rickles, Kaye Ballard 'SO-Marlon Brando, Jack Webb, 0 0@ m Kr1ft Musk Hill (C) Teresa Wr1ght. (60) "Don Adams and Don Rickles ID Action Tl'81tr1: "The Weddln& Are Alive and Well and Living In of Lilli M1r1ene." Calllomla.'' Hosts Adams and Rick· 1:0010 News (C) les ue Joined by Kaye Ballard, Jo. eo .. munltJ Bulletin lolrd (C) !h Cotten and The Beach Boys. From tM Inside Out (C) , WrestHnr (C) (60) Dick Lane is 1:15 Movie: ''Ttrtntull" (horro<) '56 npide. -John Agar, Leo G. Carroll. O @ (])t!E)ABC Wadnud11 1:30 mAll·Nlatat saio.: "My THn•a• Movie: ''The Slender Thread" (dra· Daughter," "The Great Fl1marlon," m1) '65-Sidney Poitier, Anne Ban-and "Public Enemy.'' ..... 1. )9 U· " II· • 19 Js )) l) !· . ... sy !k )) lo ;k II !f ,y IO • b al •a of .. of In !· S• ry 1e ,, II a! ,. :y 'Tl r· rt j; .. I 1) '· t) >. • .. I THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20 For morning and afternoon II stings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS .. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tf ons reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "T1kt Cart of My LltUe Clrr (drama) '51-Jeanne Crain, Dalt Robertson. 9:301J "Mr. Smltll Goa to Wulllnr· ton" (comedy) '39 -Jean Arthur, J1mes Stewart. 10:00 O "Conspiracy of Heam" (drama) '60-lilli Palmer, Sylvia Syms. 12:30 m "Stolen Holiday'' (drama) '37 --Claude Rains. "Llcfrtllouse" (ro- mance) '46-John Litel, June Lang. 2.:00 II) "Bents of Maneilles'' (horror) '59--Stephen Boyd, ~nna Gaylor. 3:30 0 "T1tt Gt.nt BttlemoUI" (sci· fl) '59-Gene Evans, Andre Morrell. 4:30 IJ (C) "A Prize of Gold" (adven- ture) 'SS-Richard Widmark. Mai Zetterll n1. TONY RANDALL BURL IVES The Brass Bottle Thursday in Color on The Six O'Clock Movie ~ fVFNING 5:00 II Radio's PAUL HARVEY * Joins KTLA NEWS team! Now you can WATCH him! 6:00 1J T1lt 811 Ntw1 (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. D m Huntley·l rin_,., (C) (30) IJ Barbara McNair warbles, * Eddie Albert clowns! It's STEVE ALLEN time! 0 S1evt Allen Sbow (C) (90) Bar· bara McNalr, Eddie Albert, Adam Keefe, C. B. Callahan, and The Five Americans guest. 0 Six O'Clodl Movie: (C) "111t Brass Bottle" (fantasy) '64--Tony Randall, Burl Ives, Barbara Eden. 11 Spy (C) (30) Batman (C) (30) Cil Merv Griffin (C) What's NN7 (30) "Mississippi River." A cruise down the river from its headwaters lo the delta at New Orleans. The cities. people and way or lite along the banks are high· lighted. @E Mujeres Sin Amor a> KPl.M News (C) 6:30 0 KNBC Newservict (C) (60) ID Vopae to tftt Bottom of tftt Sea (C) (60) ~ @ Huntley-Brinkley (C) Er!) More For Your Money (30) "Education-A Constant Need," Ma· rlon Marshall points out that choos- ing the type of school best suited for you and your children means looking ahead and setting up fam- i'I goals, 8 mma>Newa (C) 7:00 . ~s Ewenlnr News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I wtiars My line? (C) (30) Pnsword (C) (30) @ Hip and Wild (C) Playin1 the Guibr (30) "Be· ginning To Play." Frederick Noad teaches the rest stroke, musical notation and some one-line melo· dies. I Ci) McH1l1's NIVJ T rve Adventurt (C) Trutti or Consequences (C) 7:30 Q!I Cl) I l!lc!A(I "H•'• Your Dor, Ch1rlie Brown" (C) (3C) Snoopy, the bumptious beaif e, has the stellar role in this animated cartoon special. Snoopy's sudden attack or bad manneri causes him lo be sent to the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm for a refresher C1>Urse In obedience training. (R) D Q) ~ m Daniel Boone (C) (60) "B1ckford's Bridge." When a farmer catches him attempting to blow up a bridge, Daniel b Im· prisoned in a cellar. Simon Oakland, Peter Jason and Kurt Russell guest. IJ Lost In Space (C) (55) fJ @ @ G) The Flying Nun (C) (30) "The Kleptomonkeyac." Carto.t asks the nuns to babysit with a pet monkey that turns out to have thieving ways. fJ Million $ Movie: "Casablanca" (drama) '43 -Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains. I Truth or Con1equ111m (C) (30) f'tnJ Muon (60) Candon de la Rm (30) Un An11I en et Fanro 1:00 9 Ci) I S!lc!A I AndJ Grimu. -looklna Back (C) (60) Andy hosts 1n hour of comedy and music end (comtdy·dr1m1) '6'-James Gamer, bas as his guests Janet Leisti. Don Julle Anc1Jtw$, M~ Dousta. 'f1'e f(notts. TenntSlle &nle Ford, The stocy of a werm and wondtftut Youn1 Slints and The Establlsh· wertlme m1rrilae • On@(l) a> nat Cirf (C) (30) 21 ~ ir~ 't! ~ ''ihe Subject Was Rabies." Ann welcomes the Smothe11 Broth .. Marie's taking time to 11w a smy and Art Camey to the lhow. pup 1 saucer of milk white rushln1 I RIM for Y .. Utt (C) (60) off tor a Broadway Job Interview • EJ MllMo &ti Ucit r~ults In her father ~In& QOn· 9:30 • @@ m Drarnet (C) (30) v.nced he has a dread disease. Lou "Frauds-DR-=28." A computer puts Marie is nipped in the ankle as he Friday and Gannon on the trail of attempts to embntce his departin1 an embezzlement ring, daughter, and the dog runs off. I Ntw1 (C) (30) Ted Meyer .. When Don heers the story and : Waslllnaton In Review (C) (30) jokes that it could have been worse 10:00 . Q) CJ) m Dun Martin \C) if the dog were rabid, Lou remem· (60) Bobby Darin, Phyllis Diller, bers that the dog's mouth was The Mills Brothers. Bob Newhart foam . and Don Rice guest. IJ Radio's PAUL HARVEY * joins KTLA NEWS! An exciting personality! D fg'1, ";ff ~~t~~S * "THE GOl.NG THING" 60 singing minutes with SPECIAL GUEST STA~S 0 I sijc!AL I lllt Cti•1 l'Mlll (C) COO) Musical variety show featur- ing Phyllis Diiier, Donald O'Connor, Arte Johnson, Lou Rawls and Gent Sheldon. fJ Ma .... 11 Diiion (30) ID Tlllt stlow (C) (30) "To Freeze or Not To Freeze." Pew Cass and Louis Levine guest. @ ('!) T11t Klny Style (C) m fliUtra ••at (30) Th• lnal• wood Playhouse presents scenes from Athol Fugard's "The Blood 1;not." Hal Marienthal reviews the HARMONY -Dean Mardn taa11 production and talks with director wttb runt star Bobby Darin In .... Martin Magner. sk:al number on NBC's ne Deaa I Didi• RobM1 Martin Show, Thunda,y a l 10 PM. Paaapof't to Travel (C) m Hazel (C) (30) 10:30 Movie: (C) ''W1111n of straw" Er!) NET f'laytiouse (90) "Talking (suspense) '64-Gina Lotlobrlaida, to a Stranger-No Skill or Special Sean Connery. Knowledge Required." This Is the II) fllews (C) (30) father's view of 1 weekend vilit by @ ~ ftmrt (C) "Oebtlef-Apollo his son and his daughter that ends VII I.' in tragedy. The father slides in : Saa111tlltt F'Ht (30) and out of daydreams of the past Glnte Sin Hlltoria during the frequent confrontations · Twlll&M l.tftt during the weekend. He reveals his 11:00 B 0 g) G) Ntwa (C) hatred for his wife, and she com· Allied Hltdadl mils suicide. Llat'I Chtb (C) I Ftficlano! (C) Mewit: ''Ph•, Mr. la!J:lc# 1:25 Wonderful World of Sc>ort (C) (comedy. ) '56-8rlgitte Bardol 1:30 @ Ci) m Ironside (C) (60) I ~9 Cl) m ...... (C) ''And Be My Love." Eve falls in Ntws love with a columnist she suspects 11:30 : "The Ytfvtt THdl" of robbery. Chad Everett ruests. (mystery) '48 -Rosallnd Ruuell, 0 8o1in1 (C) (60) Dick Enbera Leo Gtnn. and Mickey Davies are ringside for R 9 00 m To•latit Sllow (C) a 10-round li&htwelght bout bt· Mtvle: .. S. Seon Te Die" (mys. tween Eddie Garcia and Jose Mar· tery) '57-Richarct 8111h1rt, Anne quez. Bancroft. o trn m m ltwitchtcl <C> (30> I @ rn m JNJ •1111ot1 <C> "Marriage, Witch's Style." Sam I Lowe L4ICf tries to discourage Serena when the 12:00 77 Sullllt Strt, latter decides that she, too, could 12:35 • Movie: "Fear In at NlaM'" find happiness In marriage to 1 (mystery) '47-faul Kelly, Deforrest mortal. Sam relents and takes Kelly. Serena to Human Equation, a com-12:45 g) Action Thtalte; ''Tum of ttlt puterized matchmaker. Serena meets Tide." Mr. Wonderful and falls in love, 1:001 O News (C} and Sam Insists she tell Fnrnklyn C011111uN11tJ •u1t1tift ... ,.. (C) that she's a witch. Lloyd Bochner Frem the IMWt Owt (C) guests. 1:15 Movie: "Ru111blt tn tftt Dlcb" I Merv Griffin (C) (90) ( rama) '56-Jamet Darren, Lauri1t Belt Ult Odds (C) (30) CamJfl. Muslca J Eltrellas (C) 1:30 m All·flli&ht $"°": "Bordertown.'' 9:00 R Qj Ci) CIS lllundly Mowlt: "Train of Events." and "A Ga mt of •'fh. Americanization ot !ntlly" Death." ..... 17 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 21 For morning and afternoon II stings, please see DAY - TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:00 D <C> "Swrd of Lancelot" Cad· venture) '63 -Cornet Wiide, Jean Wallace. 9:30 U •'Orders To Kiii" (mystery) '59 -Paul Massie, Eddie Albert. 10:00 fJ '1.onl ol tilt Ales" (drama) '63 Tom Chapin, James Aubrey. 12:30 m ''Tlnt oa a Tlcut" (mystery) 'U -Hugh Beaumont '1\e lron- l1t1 VIBiott" (dram•) '51 -Jean Kent 2:00 fl) ''larrlcade" (drama) '39 - Alice Faye, Wamer Baxter. 3:30 fJ (C) •Marco hlo" (adventure) '62-Rory Calhoun, Yoko Tani. •:30 I) (C) "WrlttH on tlle Wlltd" (drama) '57-Rock Hudson, Lauren Bacall. TITANIC Barbara Stanwyck .Cllfton Webb Robert Wagner ftitaJ on The Six-O'Qlck .Movie ~ p.,_ JI THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 15, 1969 fVfNINL 6:00 II Tiie 111 News (C) (60) Jerry Oun~. D m HuntltJ·lrlnkJty (C) (30) U EVA GABOR & PAT * O'BRIEN have fun with STEVE in tonite's riot! U Stm All«! Sltow (C) (90) Eva Gabor, Pat O'Brien, Billy Clrr and Bob Allen auest. O Six O'Clod Movit: ''T'lbnic" (drama) '53-Clifton Webb, Barba· ra Stanwyck. 11 Spr (C) (60) latman (C) (30) (]) Mm Criffin (C) PLAYBOY AFTER DARK Hef's bash this week brings T•••Y S•others and Louis Nye together for some comedy that adds dimtn· sion to this new series. Sultry songstress An&tllna htler delights paf!Y guests (a nd viewers> with her stylizing, the B11ddy Miies Express eJtplodes with big elec· tronic sound, while Jotln Stewart and Bu ffy ford provide some change. of ·pace folk ballads. Fast fun. FRIDAY 9 :00 PM COLOR* KTLA. WWa New? (30) "The Flicks." A review of the history of animation from cave drawlnas to the modeml---------------------------' cartoon. Included are the works of ------------------------ea(ly motion picture animators. of an elder1y man with terminal it with destruction unless they ire @II Mujtrn Sin Amor cancer. taken to their "paradise." Skip a) KPLM News (C) 0> Nodte dt Es1rano Homeier auests. 8:2.5 -Wondttfut Wortd of ~ (C) 8 m News (C) (60) 6:30 D KNBC NtWltfVU (C) (60) ~ """'' @ CI) m Judd for .... 0.. fl) Vepp te tllt Botlotll of tilt 8:3011 9 Ci) C..lf Pyle (C) (30) ftMt (C) (60) "The Holy Ground: Saa (C) (60) Seraeant Hacker, Carter's "enemy'' The Kiiiers." Conclusion. Judd's dt· ID (i) H11nttay·lrinkltJ (C) durina war games exercises, al· tense of the iuru of a new cult on m 1'lie Absurd Arts (30) "The Ab· tempts to use the 1uiletess Gomer a murder charge takes a sudden su rdity of Newspapers." Dr. Clar· as his ploy to defeat his rival in the turn when hypnotherapy Is used tD ence Sandelin points out the sym· maneuvers. uncover the truth. Richard Kiiey, bollc functions of the various sec-D @ @ @1'5 N1mt ol Ult li1mt Joanne Linville and John Dehner lions of the daily newespaper. (C) (90) "The Bobby Currier Story." auest. 9 Ci) ii) m a) News (C) Julie Harris. Anne Baxter, Brandon fJ Mama! Diiion (30) 7 oo !?i CBS E · N c 3 de Wilde, Tisha Sterlin& and Steve fl) T\at Sllow (C) (30) "Fraudu- : ftt'ltn& "" < ) ( O) Forrest Join series star Robert stack lent Barrains." Joan Fontaine end alter Cronkite. I M LI ? in the drama of a confused, hale· Louis J. Lefkowitz ruest. Wllafl J nt (C) C30) tilled youth who sets out on a crime Ell) R&D Rlvltw (60) "The SIAlnford Paaword (C) <30> spree. Linear Accelerator." Experts Join ctJ CinttU ~ (C) "Sem· ~ Aaoas the 5evtfl Seu (C) (30) Or. Albert Hibbs for a look at a inole. fJ1) Wondertul World of Clllldran he Japanese Hollywood." powerful new tool available for r. {30) "We're Off To See the World." 0 @ (j) (l) Ceneration Cap (C) search In hl&h enero physics. Beyond the home, children contln· (30) Dennis Wholey hosts. @II Dlclla Robida ue to learn as they take a trip to m f!llfV Criffill (C) (90) 10:30 fJ. Movie: "See Wife" (drama) '57 the zoo with Mrs.. Emma Jimenez. II> ... t tilt Odds (C) (30) -Richard Burton, Joan Collina. I (j) Mayberry RFD (C) 9:00 1J Qi (j) CBS Friday Movie: (C) fl) News (C) (30) A111arican West (C) "Savtn Irides for Senn Brothen" @II Can11 Sin Hist»ria Truttl Of Consequencn (C) (musical) '54-Howard Keel, Jane 11 ·00 II 0 um m ..... (C) 7:30 119 (J) Tiie Wiid, Wild WutiC) ~h~~I, ti:!f~l;~a~~~!~~~~c:~~ • 0 uCu 1..bi,._n (C) Dietl En· (60) An Army ser1eant's letter to brothers In the Oreaon Territory ber~ calls the action bttwwn h Presldent Grant brlnp aecret aients brinrs home 1 wife, the other six Bruins and the Oreeon BMVIQ. James West and Artemus Gordon to become restless and sneak into m Llara Qllb (C) 1 lonely outpost to fi&11t an under· m Mew1t (C) ..,.~ (I sround band plottinr to t1Jlt over town and steal six 1ir1s they meet : _.. • tht territory. (Rucheduled from No-1t a barn raisin&. trliue) '57-Anthony Shtf, St:anllf vember 15) D Party-time up in Hef's Baker. a., Hip Cllal*fll (C) (60) * pad! TOMMY SMOTHERS @ (]) 9 CI> m ..... (C) ''Slinky Aana11n." Cav1try trooper & LOUIS NYE have a ball 9 Cl) Ntn Aan11an deserts and sella hla pet I h 1 y U ·JO B ,..,... (C} "Tiie "-Sii" camtl to Buck. promlslna the •ni· ton g t . ou are invited! · cdri . : ......, mal will revolutionize the catt"· in· 0 """°' Mer Dart· (C) (60) ( rama) 57-AJan Ladd, Joey Bith· dustry. Frank Gorshln auests. Tommy Smothers, Louis Nye, Dr. :. ,.,. f7'-. § Liit la SplCll (C) (55) Wflll1m Schutz of the Esaten Inst!· ._..,.,. \!!./ ~ Tonf&tlt sa.. (C) @ (I) m ™' la To• ..... lute of California, An&ellna Butler, D @ Cl) m Joey ,....., (C) ( ) (60flommy Steele, lulu, Lynn The Buddy Miles Express, ind John 12:00 m 77 $aaet strip Redarav., Serclo Mendes and Tim Stewart and Buffy Ford ruest. Conway 1uest. 0 ~ (1) a) Lara Miu • 0.1 12:10 B Movie: "Molt o.,...,.. ... fJ Miiiion $ MMlt: (C) "~" ~ (30) Monty Hall hosts. Aiift" (drama) '61-Ron Randell, (western) '54-eurt Lancaster, Jean fl) Run for Yow Uft (C) (60) Debra P11el Peters. 9:30 D @ rn m ne Cuna el Will 12;30 fl) Action Thuh: "Meet Mr. Cit· I Trvta or ~lllllCel (C) (30) Sen..U (C) (30) "Jim Sonnett's la&11an." Ca"'2,_11M~11<~~-(30) Lady." James Sonnttt is led Into 1 12:55 g Wondtlfut Woctd tf Spelt ('C) - -,._., trap by a woman who is settinr U11 Aaftl "' ti F•np him up for a min who seeks r• 1:00 DU Ntws (C) 1.-00,n;Clk?i (30) venre. Will poses as the runm1n IJ Mowlr. "The Dirt hit" (my> llrtlt ind Dtatti (C) hired to do the job and receives tery) '49-Willi•m Holden, L• J. ( hr) reprise of 1 PBL film es. the teleiram telling of James' Ir· Cobb. say by Arthur Barron about the joy rival. Then Will and Jeff ride out m r,_ tilt IMWe o.t (C) of life's btfinnln1 and the anxiety to meet James. Jason Everi ind ot 1 ttyln1 man. Tht prorram r• Norma Crane sue.st. 1:15 8 ~: "TM U. ....,. (dra- cords tht emotions of a younc C:OU· fJ""" (C) (30) Ted M111rs. ma) 57-Vlctor M1ture, Diani Din. pit prior to their first child to be 10:00 D @ @ m Sbr TM (C) (60) 1:30 OJ Alt.Nf~ ~ "Gmt EX,ee- dellvered by natural childbirth. Alto •'The Way to Eden.'' Social rebels tlllons." 'Never Say 8oodb,e," .S -.en Is the stoicltm ind mi&n•llon capture the Enterprise and thr11ten "The Dummy Talks." • II I l d .. f t 1 I I I I S9 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 All stations reserve the rlaht to chan1e procram. mlng without advance no-tice. •, 1 () P ~ I '\I (, 6:50 "" Us 11lis .,., , ..... (C) 7:00 Julia S.•nw Miller (C) Mr. Wishbone (C) 7:30 Sunrlle s...st.r (C) ea.,. PrtfU. M1kla1 tile Most of M1~ EAIUC1tio1t1J F1ature 7:45 Slcr9d "-t (C) 1:00 I~ c..co '°'*" (C) 6 m. • S.pw 6 (C) mc..r (C) · •bl. tile Mita Uot! (C) T ties of Wiiis flrp Saturday Matinte: "City of Miss· ,\ f ; i f> ~~ (l 0 N Cal's Golden Buri meet the Uni· ~rslty of Wuhlnaton 1t Selttlt. ..... T .. • Set Ille USA (C) 3:00 Clliller l....,l(C) Datlllell5lerll • QeMst .., Adwelt.e (C) 3:30 Movie: (C) .. Up la Alat" (com· ) '44-0anny Kaye, Dinah Short. D@(l)a>Prt ......, t .. Cf) lex Blitw hosts the $75,000 Cousar P8A Open 1rom Paramus, New Jersey. • lie Plcblrt (C) 3:55 • News (C) 4:00 litl'lftpr Ftlbna (C) • W11H Tr1ln (C) ....... 4:30 · Slntl Aaitta Race (C) 1't Oatdoorul1n (C) Outlr LI•lta : Meriu111 (C) A study of tti. first Presid1nt's life. 5:0011 9 (6) 8' Slltlrs WOftdlrhll Wortdof""IO!f (C) A seml·fln1l m1tch at the London Hunt and Counby Club, London, Ontario, Canada. Ulll~ionllllp lowlln• (C) @ C1J al Ale's Wide Wortd of (C) Th• Olympians Track and field Meet from New York's Madi· son Square Garden. 11.oofaea (C) ln!Mltiens (C) Futbol-Soccer 5:30 II Rllplt story (C) (~) D Celebrity BiUilrds (C) Geor1e Bums Is Minnesota Fat's suest I All·~n Coli.,. $ltlW (C) Man front UNCLE (C) Mdlalt's Navy News In Ptn,ectlve (C) (R) e 1969 GARRARD AUTOMATIC TURN}ABLE PLUS STEREO CAR· TRID~E WITH DIAMOND STYLUS e 12" CO-AXIAL LANCElt SPEAKER SYSTEM OILED WALNUT ENCLOSURES e 25 WATT SOLID STATE STEREO AMPLIFIER It PRE-AMP SALE PRICE 99.99 SONY 250A STEREO e FISHER XPSSB FREE PISTON SPEAKER SYSTEM. WALNUT ENCLOSURES. REG. $109.00 PAIR. ONLY e 1969 GARRARD AUTOMATIC' TURNTABLE PLUS STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS. e 40 WATT AM-FM SOLID STATE STEREO RECEIVER e 4 TRACK STEREO & MONO RECORD & PLA~BACK. VU 0 METERS. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF. DIGITAL TAPE COUNTER 119.50 SALE PRICE 249.68 1969 GARRARD AUTO· MATIC TURNTABLE PL'JS STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS . e PANSONIC SOLID STATE AM-FM STEREO RE· CEIVER WITH WALNUT CASE. e PANASONIC DYNAMIC SPEAKERS WITH WALNUT ENCLOSURES. e STEREO PRE-AMP • 20 WATT AMP FOR A COMPLETE STEREO TAPE SYSTEM. SELEC· TOR SWITCH FOR REC- ORD OR PLAYBACK ON ITS OWN SPEAKER SYS. TEM. SALE PRICE 134.63 ONLY 229.50 E1 : 14 • \'(l ·I· l · I I !J : t3 4 •I! 1 ·I• 1~1 • SPECIAL SALE SAVE 28981 e NEW SHERWOOD SBBOOA, 200 WATT SOLID STATE FM STEREO RECEIVER. ex. CLUSIVE l YEAR WARRANTY! e LANCER SC-6 12 INCH 4 WAY OILED WALNUT SPEAKER SYSTEM. e DUAL 1019 AUTOMATIC ' TURNTABLE WITH SHURE ELLIPTICAL CARTRIDGE, BASE AND DUST COVER.