HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-19 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa1 • • \ , ·-~. ....... . .. .... _ . • ·Bts ·ua nHiddle ' ~IJ~e:s_: lf e .-Pay .·r'*~· :~ ;·(tind ~~:((,~:ii>,): .. :.o~~~g~ .co(iSt· or · Sada.~lti#~~: 1 .. _ , 1 1 • r :; · , i '·' • '"' '• f • T • • t : 1 : • • • ' , r , · 1 I • r • 'l , :· ti M~Y, .. Jusi :P~~~i~ ~WJ;if;,J;~~!ft '!~y:.~~ppe~ 19· ~~-in ·tj~: t~ ·'ti~.· · , • I 'l • , ., , • 1 .. .. .... ~ . . ' I ' ' • ' '•' • , . . -_J ~ ( I I ' I •• . o~e ... · -I ~... -1JJ.l .• ·-- • ; . ' • • .. • l t I -• :· ......... ... . r' _,,. ~ - . -\ •• . , . '. ( "'' " .. ' . • > I • • . < . I " .. ' .. ' • ' • . ' . , ' r..... • :--. . . , '-" l . . " •. « . . DAILY :PILOT . . . ··-·- • ' #~~rfi•.~"s~s €au . ._tg·.IJ.~~r. . ' ' ""'t ~.l "':: >,.,.. •, • ' • • . I -,. ' ., ··· 'Ciliflt~llFvinePrese~ . WEDNESDA v. AFTERNOON, FEBRu.(riv ;i9, .J'969 ·1· Oc' ·· -' ,. ...,.~·~~~~-·Wt.~-··~"°"-'-~~·-·•_c:r_ ... .lj,...··-M_._· .. ~··~""-~'-....l~-·~·~~ ..... ~-~· • li.~ ....... 111!1 .. llll!··-~·ll!ll-.• : .••• ~ ••• · ........ '!i!ll> ........ • .. '!il .. .ii1111111 ................................................ f ... >.!~~ ..... l' ),-. 4-> -, __ , . " . • .. . _.,, ' . . . . . . ' ...... ... ·, ... ''. ' '. 'i -· . l"!• •.. . ~ I . ' - ' More ;.Flootl .-~ • ' ' j Tides Due ·· . ' In Sunset By TERRY' COVILLE Of9tll0.lr .......... 'lbe correet -and potential I}( devastating -. combination of high tides and storm sun that sent seaWaters swlrl- lrlf.through SunSet ~each and s.drfsidC Tuesday will. ocCur again, authoritie~ aaid today. Just when, however, ii the big 9uu~n. .. Predicting the time iJ nearly im- J>068}ble," says Vince Moorhouse, direc- tor of the Huntington Beach Harbor and _Beach Department. "We bow what and whtn the high tide will be, but we cin't predict what the swells and surf wJU be like before they come in," he explained. Actual damage in the area was limited (S.. FLOODING, P~ Z) \ . RFK Bodyguard Relates Version Of Murder Night I LOii ANGELES (UPI) -You are eslgned lo JrO!e<1 the Ille al •a man who may be the -pnoidtnt al·tbe United Slole1. _You ltay at his side fer ween... You •!ileld him with · yooir'hody iD crowd!. YOU hold him uprig)ll in cavaJCacfes 1" conVerUb&es thrOugb the ·natlon'i clues. You put hit llfelldoro ya own. ,\nd then, ooe night be hoJll off a plallorm and 111111a off inin 1 mob. . y,.. help b.11 wile down and hlilTy olf In hit dlnctlmi. You boor poppUi4 ljft ballooOI "'*'If•· Anti -;.. .. lo hll ilde k ... loo Wa.'Bt ... -~ wcimckd and lhirt Ja .Jii6lalj ,.. CID tfO:" y.., divt al tm --t l!Dllb blm twice In the faco bllt,_ _, llftd Robert F. Kennedy. · BID Barry, 41, ·1 strapping rormer F8I acen~ dfd not Id! it that way II tho murder triil of Sirhan B. Sirhan but Illa trqeey wu between the lines. He aald lnstud that he was chiel of leCllrity far ·the· New York senator and that ft WU l>fl job lo JrO!e<I him. i l" ' . . ' I ' ,,.· . " __ ; : t ~. .. •• ·" ' . .. , ) ' -J -.. ' . ' ' ' P:r-eseryes·.·()k,aye~ I ' ! I ' ' By J.\CI[ BRQBACK j Of •· Dlttr , ....... Agreements setting up "' agricultural pr-'f'! on. llf'lne and ·Milllon Viejo r~1 were approved TUOICl11 by, the Orq ... C!>w>IY . Boan! . ol ,Bupervf ..... delptte11 llrst-mblute plea for postpone- ment by Irvint"Ranch helrtsa,Joan,Irvine · Stnlth. . · r· • 1 • ~ i' 'Ille county '.igteemeob Will set 'up the tu:..advantaged1 preserves on nearly ·100,llOO acre. ol rancblandl In Orange Coonty. • .. .' . · Mrs. Smlth'l ·ohjecUons, and those of her mother, Mr5.1'bunnol'ld Clalkt, w·ere voiced before the· board by Attqmey Lindell .Young.. ·, . · . Both wqmen .Lut week 1!Jstituted a :LA Gamble Flight ' ' •I 1 Seal'ch ~~pered By. 'Snows, . Rahi · . . HAWTHORNE, Nev. (UPI) -G!'Ound partle!, aome on .Uf1 ,or snows~, batuecf rain Qd• lleavy .lfli!tr fGdl1 In their search for a DO airliner misatna •Ith 35 peraono.al>oinf od· I "~i fUghL'! . "' • ' ' "We've got three good leada: " said law•~L seekfni to bl.Ck establlshmenl Or th• a~icultural ptesi(Ve1.' . ' ' Tl>ei Irvin .. h·'-'·•: ,;~y pfdaed ' ' QI.¥'>, r-·,._ I I ' that Mrs. Smith hadn't' betn p\'!?ll-,1111• flclent notiCe of. The Irvine Company's intent to file for an 'agrtcuit:Ural pr!terve. AtlOniey.'dur Ki Clalre•f..-·the 1lrvlne CotnPinY ariswtred that the· railchl Bparil of ·DirectOn. hid·:the , a g."'·1 cu I t·Q.i Ll. preser\oe' plan iuhder comidtratiob linql 1955 and lhaL uie. eppUcaUoa hld'be<Jt apPi'oved: on Marc~ 5,11~. . • · Mrs., Smith, largest Jndl 'fl'dUl.'1 st~kholder r ffi U!,e trv~·COmpauy,. ii a merhber: of ttie board of dlredon. 1 As thlhts now stinci aPl'fdved by· the co . .int)r 'su~~'• prf.sei.vei lJ'tl .•I>' proved ' for Irvine ape:!' ·Ml11ibil Viejo with strict provisloos ~Jlow\D'-·'lew .ex- ceptions to. atrlctJy .. agrlctJlµa~· 111e3., ExcepUonS Include oil dHllitJg and p~ d!i<lioo and utulty enlel>Du, lines. and towers. nu. uceptloos are required Junder the iqt;,1 W~ Act wbiCh set.I up . ~ for agricultural P'!\'11;\:~· :·,,. . , · ' ' . u1qiler. tAe JY:estrve ' qr~nts 1 n<fw ' (See PtillaBRVE&; hp ZI · · ·' • r ·1 Craa11e, .. ·. ... Ue~s c:o·· ·.-JI• · ~· " 1 · 1. co1. ~,·.,.~e· Brown o1. .!hi .\1,, s.a Weat.ll'e"r • 1'71' e ;;:J on.'.' ~~L.·oo Ail n-=i:R";ce ~~q.,T.! The wealhm\iaii ilyta'a chofce I · ' ,.. ' ' '· " • · . •• ·· · .~ " la1a, Ill bat .,.. Iii :n oeare11 plaileio Thursday-1"""ll lo perUy cloudy .. -• -·, , ,,,.,. } '. : remained grou'hded today by the Weather. -but vows no· more ralo. Temp-j P.iWt Edit.Or's Hiiut,.· -~-_;s;:.J.:1-·~by Tw~ ·Distr..itts ~ re~..icluealiwlc:° th~~ :; ~:,~·~~~:' 11 1o 45 ! . -, , ~r, . engines whicl1·nddtnly l\6P.Ped. • .. BJ 1110MAS llEVJL ... · --'Wtlldl i'-'-..... ,, .... , disltid b, he ...... ~bl he,. .... ' '.U lo"· ·'-·""t At"the Circle 1. l\andi near Dyer, INSIDE TODA)' ,..._. ..._.... .....,.... ~ ~ WV\16" Nev., • .:owboyt Aki ,,, 'tt.... • .-h• tt .-~ .,., ---· ·~Jar •""'· -!111 .• ,. Or .• ~. -•··'" -...... of ''-lo ~~ him lo the ' ,..,_ ·-~Th ..1.. · ~ "' -· • ~" ,........, -.. """. •~ · . comfn1 lfg~t',tbi:Olip, ibl .~" Col. eater ....,., are llQhtlng A boate d!Tided -· ..,. Loi II. •""1th ·~·~· .. ~ ,I (or ••) offltt'. · · • , · , , Brown slid. 1 . ' · up all over ,IM ••••IV lhfl '°''" Tract 6620. · ·· 1 1 • If' in.~ r il:i'.I 1 .lli,.: ·1 1 • ~ Up ht suta1&.1 MrJ:.Ji·O'Hira Smith The IUdt ~ced tbe DCI, 8sfmu'ar with five ·""° pttductiotu opt.,.. Thal'• me. '. -· • • -!f1le,,~-::'~~c:qir = ~.~ lb!o !roliblt; , · • , · lo the 00 whlch wu lhe.'wortbonlo ing ·m 111»1 4av1-:_ .Sre Entfr. m:'p ~ar :!. \:!• 1/:::. i:;m ... ~ ~ ..;re:and ' unleia ' ~move the y..,_; cu. ~.run.. 'Ibey, tOld J, O'Hara of w..-ld ·war µ, In an irea. ,j~~ '.<of~me'!'-1'.~" l&.~9. ' ' . " I ' e ..,.,-~-··1o·"· ...... ~·~'J·. • ~•-m ', "' 1 snow ~.ML Tom ' l!lll . 1, : ~ r~lrdlewn,~! ~.~ ('M ,.;;i;trlnti""i'd..i-l:'"~, Smith. Nol only thaL nut Y.,. dad Mon~· 'oq tho CaJllornli.NeT a ·:::;....,'.. 'l: :' ','.':I ·~· --...._, f 'ewl.'lln'in·!haOOOdlalrictancl, ~. :tionler. ~ , ,• .. llrtaoltnil'aitr.. .lnlql '-• • --• belmen the front door and the gar••• lo be ln·the Slddlebac:k Jlllllor Collqe , ._-_; · • •• ._ "'' 11.-•-· tt at I QI j. •-,' l'1! _,_ .. -~ you're oat Of ollli!eailfta1~-Pflt! " ,-'l~•~i . ·' : -.. · • - -'* and allc .. without fear, pnjlldlc:e or Dl•u•CL J q •-"' "'· . a.m. Tuesd'1., . , . , ,......, • " •f't•· ., .. ., " reuon through ~of the twe~ .. 1 It started Jut week when tbe fellow • • 1-'Bli'I _,_... u.s ,the' rest of 1 •About 1$0 penons d.lvfded'lnt0 ll'Nll ::=........_ ,·~.,,: ~ i».: OUr bedroom -my ri•'•'and ~ ·clown on the GllMt .. eacl .al.J'!lft Abbey 111 wllo ·hwll ~ 1. the·-.., teams br1.U.C .the cold and, lll9W fl> •=.,·-~ t='L-:: - --lo Ile inostti on 'lhe.•"'" · Way, John ~ Siolth,-decldod to and moved Into Tract• 1boul, ~ oemh the am. The Nend1 Cl"! Air ~ :. =;;;..,.._..:; 1ide. The two.kldl . ...., lo .I?< "I' )lie . exttnd hll cly!• ..,~ and lftkt ,flnl. ol. tho ·~· 1lod · UIWlied thil Patrol coOtrlbuted It ~ lb• ·:::'A~ J:,' = ' : Speaking 1toity; his voice sometimes fallain(, Barry told the jury Kennedy leaped trom a llqe in tho Aml>wldor (llee llllUIAN, PIC' f) '::'.;'1'.,," 't. ~t:;;;1J:ii~ ~~i:i~::i=·f.=li bo,caU1e :1!e lllU ,w~ln,:lhe f'l!i·-of 'callfornla ~ 17, alid ilJe,.\lr Fortp ':.:.,.-·, -:;~=· ;:l Samewltll~olher-' Btacll _.,. VI Ill Ille baord by l =:.:·=tha'l~~il,: 'fif!.":.'~ IOlll< ~ ol 11\o I ~=':, -.' :" The line. ·1 determined toe! a y , eppoinlmenl ud, lloUt fillow that he (iei llO\Jl,I, ~ l l .,. (lift PLANE; 1'111 ll 1'-::-"'--------.U' 1 _,r--. --. -i.f : -~ t'" r • I ,. " • • • . • • ----------------------..,.......------------- I ~y 1U1 s Wtd 11W, r~ lt lM lob · Corps Alive,, Well in . .HEW :· Department •Ext.lteme lt•~red~ :P.reblo '6.fficer Overcom~·<f lnqui;y ..... . . --' ; . . .... CORONADO (AP.) -Shaking with IObs ~r-Aid. :"Allor lbe ln!Ual phue . st clid')'<G tel llroager In your misWlct?" and psplng lot h(Wh. lbe yOWJlt "Yes ilr'., ." 11anio blwted, b-•"'•• olllclr "' tbt 1J$S· Pueblo uld toclaj' Into IObl, Pll!lnl. ·-.. be wanted to 1:111 bhmell In a North In hla bands~ llld bur1lnl 1111 lace K....,. prllao. ""'1dn't do I~ and llnally "! 'Wlthdraw lbt qutallnn," ~gner ' • IOGMllODtb jJerlod kllltd a plant aald. ~ hod ..... blm tpsltacl. • "Ltl'• iratt • momfllt ...... ~ uld tliOI~~ .. .) 'ljmotb)'•Har·-.~.,.,.. -, •• r11,: =•!lid 1o . • .a c:oUrt of lnqulrJ' . ~ B. ·Mllel a.nw, .. ,.,.Pl' .. ..,_u., . 1nt0 111e·-'of 'the Pueblo· ....,., lbe otlppor of •lbe 'l'Uoliio, ,... and : durina Jtl 11-month 1mprI1 on me.n t placed a hand: on Harrit' ahoulder. The . beca•ltt of hla uncontrolled crying. young Ututenant ralaed hla bead and "I just want to apologize to the court the two wilked outllde the courtroom fir brtaldng down; that's all," Harria Into ~ nlD; told lbe llvt admlrall on tbt bench 'Ibey. rttliulOd alter .-t a minute. aft« be rttumtd. Harris 111 down II lht ta!>le ai>d uld: 0 No apology ill required," said Vice •.•1 want to go back to the ijuestion Adm. Harold G. Bowen Jr., president ... what J wanted to do was take ol lbt court. my lilt. 1 couldn 't do It." Harril broke down under questioning He broke into more sol>bin&: and drum· from aoolbtr member of th• court, Rear mod a pencil on the tebletop. · Adm. Allan 8ergn'5', who asked: "After "l was hoping that. eventually they. the lniUal phase ol lbe captivity, what would bomb "'·" wu your mental atUtude?" He gripped the pencil with both hands ·--haired for lbe Koreans," like a bastball bat, JUChtd l!>to hla llar!ll rtplled, hla ..... btllnnlng to back-~ pWled ,odl. ~ lbab. -., and wlped hil eyes. r • :.. "Al that time the ' ;.>]y tblng l\lat ''Wu there a plant \a tho t'Oo:q?' I wllbed ••• " , Harvey asked. He burled hla btod In bis bmis, looked -"l ldlltd I~" HarrlUilll!td. . ' don al Ibo' wi-tahle, drummed •1 urinated "' It. 1,hed an ·m- hl fln&en, wiped hla eyes ai>d hla ,..,.ui. halnd for evtr)'lidnc there ai>d . when folded bis hands and lfllted hla teetb. they pvt mt Ibis dunn plant ·It toot "WtD ••. "bl mullered. me four montbl bot l llnallJ ,klllod "Coald I rtpbraae my question?" il" Frot11 P-.e I HOUSE DIVIDE D ••. tna.occdlltrlct. , Not ... said Ibo loll<I In Santa Ana. Tllo jomlor coUeco boundary .... lllDICk throach lbe -View e-tract. Sorll!I "-yoQ are, Ind some of you artn'I. In lbe occ dlltrlet. ! lelt obllgtd to find whtrt my allqlan· cu would fall, u well 11 where I 1'fJUid be putting my taa do!Jara and -my kida ulflmately could, JI they cboooe, 10 to junior collt11. ENTERED pl\QIECl' ObllilnC Don J-al occ ent<red the ...-~ml promised to help lbe . · l!nd Ill junior college ldentlt)'. Report 1 !nm Jacobo: "About 21 -In lbe -Vlelr Homes tract .. off~ 1bt!bowlea ... ,.,.. -~ P1ri Abbey, :.r.'Lots • lhroUlh ..,, .. "Nlnet)'-tbreeltt I acreamed. "That'• me." 1 • 'lalla In, lbat'1 whm ;.. pay taaes." Don tlaboraltd. lt'a where lbe bead of the -!OJI bla bead that ~ a lpllt boupcluy. No matter JI be and bis wlle lleep In .. parate bedtooml, the man, in this case, carries lbe wtllbl uoon.'' I aald, "Our titdfoom ls a mighty big one. It may be In both dlBlrlcta rlcbl now. Whal U we moved ,, DBl'EltMIN&D IB8tJE 1'It'1 been done. .. Don Aid. "ffJ'bei'e've betn -....... lbe bOd baa - pulled -to the Giber side of lbe bedroom and tt'a delamlnidlbe -·· Then came a contradictory rtpOrl. Thole folb in Santa AAa never aeem to agree. "Well," llld-Don, "the line .teems to cut ~r.tliroucb your 101." . "Where d0es' 1tiat leave me?" I Wed. 'lbt a-• cilll« .Alil I've-pl dual dlllahlp, I """' to l>Olb dlstricta. My kids, JI they're of Junior college age, could p to either OCC or Saddlebock. "Who &ell rJDi 'tuut Where wm my kldl .. to 'iiOhol>I! Wbal ..... Jiu ping to do about ft?"~·. IDP ""* *8Acr . Dao uplalned .:tbal occ had Wlnltd lo put all o1 .ui,, tract Into Ila cliatrl<t, bot tbal Saddle~ck had objecltd. ~ oo1;y· way · to· iet ua all In the oamt junior colltge leo! ,.u to peUUoa lattr. ''Meanwhile,!.' I ·pkt, "let'a find C>ut ....... lbe Ketvllo.beJOlll." 11..,.rt 2 lmn oblillnl Dao J-: "Tnm (1ben kind ., glalt), tbll ls a rather unUIQ&I lituaUon. In matters cl tbll kind, aceordlni to .lbt county ochooll Olllco, lhe clttermlnlng facto< Is wl!mynu~" UWb1r9 I alet!p?" \ - "Yep, whatever diatr1ct the bedroom DA ILY PILOT ,...,.,, .... " ........... --_,..., --CAUIOINIA OAAMGC COAST PUIU$MING COMl'ANl' R1Mrt N. W114 Jee.• L c.l1t Wkll ,..,....._ _0-., ~ n., .. ,, Kt..0 ·-' ,. lJle!OMlt 'A. lri.f•,,.iAI .. ~·-­ ''"' Hl11 .. --OlfK ... - Momtnt of lmw: Do I pay dual laata u...n1 ' No, lbe tu 1im la apllt between lbt two dlltrtcta fl -_ _.But ynu, ·Mr. Keevll, iPe In the UllUlllil lltuattnn cl being fn . ·I*'> ldentlcal »dlatrlcta ~-Unusual Indeed. · Today ii bdlis-to llnclilll wblc:h theory aball _.ii. Can .! llbllt Iba bed -......... Into lhe klda' -room and ally In the OCC dlatrlcl! Or am I alrtllf1 dostlned to 1pllt my Joy. atty, my bouae and my taa dollan? DUAL ClTIZENllllP u 1 do have this dual junior collere clthemblp, I'm walklnJ< down lbe strtet for a chit with my nelghbor, Mr. John O'Hara Smith. I'm 1olq to aok him wbert YtG llln up lw lbe school board dedlaa. • Then I'm going up to Sula Ana Ind ask for candidatu' papen:. _ Which dlatrktl thoJ'll w. Saddleback AND Oran1t Co~ I'll say I'm 1obur to nm lw both of thtm. 'lllat'U ieaCh 'em to apUt up a happy boutdlold. Use of Tax-free Foundation Fund For Campaign Hit WASHlllGTON (AP) -~ Jolin 1. Rooney lellllltd today a pollllca!' op- pollont uatd a tu.....,pi /oundatlon "11 the conduit for campalp apendiq" In an tlfort to llllltlt him. "I want to acare you, and Uuw&h you the -le of Ibis c:oooUy, ~­I bellevt lliat we · are up acalnol IOl!letblq !hat wartuta a awtll ai>d •Jc-• cr""kdown," ~ told the H-Wayi and Mtt111 Colrimlttee. The putl la~ tht tu lrtitm"'l cl loundaUona al !Iio first llem JD lllOOlbl-lq llearlnga on Ibo tu code. Rooney coot...ied Frederick •· Ille!> mond. an Dppllll<Jll In Jut :rear'1 N"' Y«k lltmocratlc prlmary, 111 up the ~ w. Rlchmcad ,, __ ti Then, "wbtn Mr. llldm!cod dtclded be Wanted to becomt I -for Brootl1u. tho Frtderick'W; l\ldsmond · Jl'oundallon .,., .. tUtnc ... paUtJeel tone. ai>d In way1 that would mal:a lllcbmcmd. ""1 attractive poUtloally," Rooney uld. lbe I-al -•nt 1n 8'""'1 whole lpllCllt-Ii the:poor·" ' But be plclured OEO:p fl'eltal value •• devllJnc .... programs and ""'Ing u an "~I«" for them "duriol their talllalj ~· ...... ! Bl' :llllflllil lbe Joll Oorpl to the Labar Dopu1mtiit and tl"e!lnl OEO of nopGllllbDlty fir opera~ Head Start, Ot&t On a Limb Ille "'-!dent uld lbel agtney could ·-t1a-c*on iono'(atlt& '1n'-ia-.u...i by Wlilte- aourc:ea 11 an important new move, 1'/l:lon told ~ In a special m_. · tbal ht.~ to~ "a na-1 e t ;to1 ' an Amtt:IC111 .,:::: • .pp0i':.1ty for btaltllful 'and at1m11latln1 dtvtlopmtnt during the t.irat l!v< 11111 of Ulo. • Bodies Identified Victiihs of Plane Crash · u.i- Brought From Mountain Sberllf'I dtputlet strnulinl throaP nwly lnaC<Wiblt terrain '.futlday brought bodlal of _ftve U.S. Navy lllera don from a Catalina Island peak wbtre tbtlr plane cruhed. The pred1wn accident moments after Ibo twb><"""" m' look off from the aircraft carrier USS Kearaarge wu the aecond 111bmarlne bunter plane crub in tbt Southllnd in one week. Navy auibor!Uta today idtntlfled vic- tims killed when the plane slammed in.lo tAOO-foot Silver Peak on a routine Dlgbl fllbin lbe Kearwge to North Island NA( ln"SQ Diego 111: -LI. BIDy W. Ray, 28, lhe pilo~ of CorOna. J'rom Pllfle I . . PLANE~ .. • ,jta later ~ 1'fJUid peimJt tbt plaiiu '.lo~· to the air ... •-'Thi J>Iane,' carrying .. ~ -and .. 'a cnw qi tbtee, wu opeiated by Mineral · COonty Alrl!nes, ""1cb at., conducts b6stneu U Hawthorne Ne•ada Airlines. Most or the passengers were on the return Jeg of a Olgbt that carries Southern California customers to a Hawthorne cul.no on an overnight $10 . "cursloa J>lan w,blch lncludel air l1rt, '. dinner Ind cocklalla. . . -LI. M-D. BmNr, 21, the copilot, also of Corona . ·-Ll.~J I Ednnf A. Taraldla, fl, of Im ~ch. -<JI) Frucla Honlm, 21, ol Clarksburg, Mbs. -LI. (jg) Larry W. GarrlM, 16, of Imperial &1ch. The IUJ>.bunter aircraft nnilbed fnm radar 1cteena urly Tuesday, jolt obortly alter It roartd off the Kearwi•'• fllcht deck for the 15 minute Olgbt to Ill home base. A Navy bellcopttr among alrrcill tdm· bing the ruggtd channtl Island for any trace of lbe mJeslng m found tllo wreckage at dawn, scattered over a wide area on the Inland side « Catalina. near Ironbound Bay. So far, no indication bu been given as to what may have cauaed tbe 1~ mountainside 1:rub of a IUJ>.lnmter pj,auO during maneuvpzt'fn'the ll'U. ~ Last Tuesday, anSPIEJle~ patz$t bomber look oil fri>m El ~.111\:M cUrylng aeven memberi"of a M!'tl;; N1vll reserve aquadron to tbtlr an rugged Santiago Peak. ; . A ground party struggled u...ap nmd aJid choking nianzanfta CID the illlnd for two hours Tuesday to reach tba carrier plane's wreckage and found all aboard bad betn killed lnstlnUy. From Pqe I Tree limb on bucket of burning charcoal provides 1ome wannth for actress Mia Farrow during.break in fllmlnr« "John,& Mary" at New York'1 Central Park Tuesday. !Jngering mow lJ sun bugging Fun City; but it provided right setting for shooling of 1cene·for fllln Min Farrow Is malting with Dustin Hollman:· ·• · Tbe ruuJar roundlrip !&re la 131.50, but, an ..,line .,_esmia ta.id, "We onJY have a few of ·fbele pa111engen." FLOODING ••• The flllbt or1Cfqated Monday night Old-tlmen In the area were remlnde4 'In Long Beach, . ...,.1~ penOna boarded Tueaday of the aevere · 1963 wav~ the pl,ane. .Eighteen otbers were picked ding when Surfside wu , truly wrfllldl: up tater al Burbank, wbero Ibey were and lht angry ,.. destroytd st~ !lue to return at'~;IO a.in. Tuf.tday. The crew was Identified as pilot Fred . ~r:,~· furniture and other aueti Hall of San Fernando Valley, copilot household Jtem casualties Tuesday, when Ray Hamer of Long Beach and th Dnd 'Sil L • • ' litewardeu Pat Nones. The last report the surprise aaltwater ba ro ovu ver · ining 1 all lb• beach arta'• blgb udal peak. rom H came 18 mlnutea after takeoff "Most of the area between Fifth and from Hawthorne, when he radioed his llth streets wu beayily flooded," 18..id From P-.e I PRESERVES. •• Fades-Coast lllgbt plan to Tooopab llO mJlu aoutb. Dick Harrl80n, ouperlnltndent of Ibo In effect, the two slut Oranp County "They might have found a nice flat Sunstt Be.Cb Sui•·-· lllstrkl. trta to come don In ot Ibey might .. , ranch~. ~ •~taa rtduc-Gets More Rai·n have landtd 1n one of our alkali lakes," "North and Soulh Pacific avtnuu are "-· · lo f • ..... "'' · _...,. --•d ·•-Ari I also closed because of driftwood, fJofaam ~Iii> '·•=w ... per,..,.. --.-.111111a1tr Barow ."Tbut ' U ta · --' ood th and other debris spread 8Cl"08' the 0-•.'•r.~n ~" . ·.·. p 0 trt ·~ g . • • ey are ... ~--ddnd "'~A-.¥¥" 1"' "silver Unlng" the weatherman the best in the buaineu." ~ roadway," J1ILl'a.wu a • 'lbt''"'11in .,..._-lo ....,. "'-'land · Waters rollnd down the beacll and 1 • . -.. P4 . .~-.. ~-prom1aed beblnd Tuesday'• clouda ap-An unaucceuful air search Tuesday for agricultutal ~,ool:r FIJic lbt am __ _. Utile •-•abed wu coordinated by the Alr.sta Rt.cue around homes in tht community ol 10 ...;...; and "l.t...: • l;rtlianent la· ..-...-a -.,. · today. Service at Hamilton Air Force Baae Surfside, between Sunset Beach and ,,__ ~ ~ In fadf in aome artiJ of the Orange north of San Francl.sco. Anaheim Bay, too, but the flooding wu automaUcaDy eJtend~ tor ID additional Coast, It waa Ieaking. 04We bad aome planes over the area more spectacular than aerioua. J'Ur each Jan.-..1 unleaa one of the Today the weather Bureau nriled but the weather 'la terrible with tbun-The Sunset Beach Volunteer· tire parties ~ the qreement 1ppllea for JLI farecut and conceded that the coUtaJ derfi.orma, mow and Jclng cond!Uons," Department was called to pump water DOIH"elltW&I. an Air Farct apokHman said. "We can from the home of contractor Stan Al!x· 'lbe~.~·bleanctlled dur--lfU. would experience ''.la o l1ted only aet 'tbe ground al:iout five pereent ander, of B-IM, Surfside, but no other in& tbe .ccmtrict ~.bf mutual agree-tho.wen" befon a neW 'cold froat pubes of the time becauae the mountain peak.! residences were flooded. mentotlbecowitr~~Jandowner1. the preclpltaUon eut of 1he picture make tt neceaaary for the search planes Homes in the private community art In l1ICh a -.;.1111!, land llhall ho tonlgbl to stay abovt 1,000 ftet." listed numerically wt-to-we.rt on ocean-~ .m.JDld'by the usesaor The alr tearcb was called off at attn· front A row, inland Brow, and Crow, ml~~'will pay to tiie oounJy '11>uncfay'• foreclll calla for ~ down Tuesday but crew1 wllh Jttps, which faces away from tbt ocean toward u iWiirid taau 11t -t .equal In ""'"'1 Ulei, with only j>art!T Cloudy lour-whte.I -e vtblcles, snowshoes and Pacific Coast Highway. IO ~ of Ibo '*" ...-valnaUon condll!O.. mlltd In. ,And, !he b!irtau skis continued the l'O'lJld oearcb Debris today Utters tbt narrow llrelt1 cl Iba Jftl>orty. l.=-.==lbere==-=='l';;;blbl= UU>Y=taln.====;;;throng=;;;bou=t;;;the=;;;nl;;gb;;;L======='=al:;;;on;::g;a;;;ll;;;thr;;;:;;;ec;;;r;°";;;':;;;· =====::., Finn ina.,,.,t ~ will not be I available aDtu lifter March I but plan- ning d~ elllmatts -the tax e!foct cl TueadlY'1 action to be: -1"1M Raacli: An wesamtnt cu1 lrom Ill m1lUon tbll year to fr.I mJIDon relultlng In tu reductlona from tblJ ;year's .ts m1DJon to •1000. ----· \'ltjo: An u ..... mtnl cut from fU mlfilon tblJ year to fl.I mlW.. wi1ll llXN reduced from fllQ,000 to 191,000. llAllDEBT !llT Hardest bit 111 11>e tu nductlOlll .. m be ICbool districts Including Ibo Sad- dleback Junl« College JJl1trlct, the Su Joequln School lllstrlcl and the Or11111 Vnlllod Scbtol JJlstrlcL Saddlebadt ofllQlla COllltndnd lb• change would cost their dlstrlcl IUI0,000 In taxts nezt year. " Auessor Andrew J. Hinshaw had hinted that hi5 auessmenl& might not be as Jaw as the plaMing department estlmlltl, "dtptncling on the compatible uses approved." InUmuch ~ no pro- fitable usea were approved Hinshaw'• · ."1 reducUoo.s m1y 1ppruimate the plannera estimates. • The 1grlculturil pmtrvt ttatua II granted on a llndJng by the supenioon• th1t "in order to discourage premature and unnecasary conversion of tuch llnd front agricultural u..,, .....,lnldng that !Ucb land ba1 definite l)Uhlic value 11 open space ml that the pmervaUon ol such land In agricultural producUon constitutes an important phyllcaJ, sodaJ, aesthtlic, and -ic ....i lo the county." . Prevloully lltntbaw ·-Ibo land on Ill potefttlal UIO, Ul1lally for ,bome building. 5upervleor llnld !. Baktr did ret one change made In lbe agntmtnl u wrlu.n. u now rtad1 that H tbt wuua..,... Act lllould boecna i-tUVe and tht O!llltr tennlnaioa tilt -on!, ht shall pay the lar ponalty. Tbe act comes up for -hi 1"111. ' 'Presenting_ THE W\lOBW> llfAtTRlS TIME. .. ~by~ I ' I ~ ' ' • ,v '. 'A·Dtwllld,.....,_ llonll')' calendar "wttcbl>and that pull tile' - . · wlloll JOU oil Jllat wrlat -111d th•• 1ome. Two small dtal1 lat you nfir·to any month anr time u a built.Jn oalmdar unrolla ba""' . wanlt or forirud1 to make yoar w1tcbb1111d ·a functional. 11 well 11 h1nd1ome f11hion 1ect1· ~ry. Suridaye ind ~0Uda71 In red. Choice of 1)ol1t-O-Plex• atylaJ, St1liil111 itHI 18.15 and pllo10 aoJd·.ftlltjl flt.p. Newr·bu a wtlcbband -.. ~loa·IUll.. ' . CONVINIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE -J. C. J./umpM116 '}~w11fer 112l NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA 22 YEA,\S IN THE SAME LOCA TJON \ I • PHONE "41·l40f •• " ., I ' • ------------------------· - I .I ·' ' I 1 • I • t I r ' t l • i i s • • F p 0 • a • f, h l l b ' n c 3 c • F .. u • n - c • • • • •uultingJo:Q · . , i . ' . "' VOL· 62, NO. 43, :t SECTIONS, 64 PA6ES I . ' ., ' ~-. ~ ' . ' • • • J . N. V. St41 elii • • • 11 M:Ore .,·n· : . '. I. . ' . I • ~ ' . . . • , ,.... ;.. ' ' ' F,J:q9d,~-~tpeeted ' Plane Hunt Slowed I · · · ~s· Ab6~rd Mis$ing Gambler~s . Fligh~ •• l , .. • 1!14&.Y ,P,l'°:OT ,P.,.. W'T~~Cftjle . ·'WATER? WHAT WAfER,' SAYS SUNSET &EACH · CHAMBER SECRETARY 'MRS .. ·DONAtD.'.STRArff ' · . "'lg~ T~, Bit Suif, Dr1Jtiirliod;~orle1 of•l~',ilnd ·o So~I ~ ~,!;loo<tl~p :·· :-•.-.;··::·-, .· Si~kwJ'".CRVJ!n~~: ,1 ii:·Fi;i~i ·R,an~.e · 'i~ld by Witfte.I LOI ANGELES (uPI) -Sirhu: t. SJrllan fired m°"' than 300 rounds durin( five hours at a taitet range on 1tbe day ,befall Sen. Robert F .. Kennedy 's t death and told another · man his ,pn wu lllfficient to "till a dog," a Witness said today.at bis 'mmder tria1. Michael Saec<l'm.an, who was also prac· ti~ with his pistol at Uie range laid he' talked with Sirhan for more .than 45. minutes and obaerved bundrOdo ·of anpty shell casings oo the ground. Saccoman said that Sirhan told him he·planned on aoing on a bunUng trip. "I told him that hunting wilh a pistol was against the law," Saccoman said. "He asked me why and I told him that.wu because of its lact·of accuracy. And he said, 'J don't know about that -it will kll1 a dog.' '1 • Saccoman drew on a slate board a reproduction of how Sirhan's target look· ed at UH; range . It wa! punctured with hundreds" of holes most of which were 1n the center of the target and Saccoman said be decided Sirhan was "a pretty 1ood lhot." PlaUnum blonde Claudia Williama testified that she also stood next to Sirhan at the range for nearly an ~llt and' that he assisted her in pra.ctlclng with her revolver. BUI Barry, 41, a strapping former FBl agent wbo was tht" slain senator's petsona! bodyguard, 'tutlfied. Tu..ctay of becoming separated from lili ~arce wb<JI Kennedy leaped from ~' plall<irm an<! took a short cut througb the ~ where he was shot $pe.aking alowlY, hil voice aomelimes falleting, Barn' told the jury ~ leaped from a stage In the Ambala<lo< (See llRllAN" Pqe ti Damages Soug~t . ' In Dog Attack bin.ages of $12$.000· 111< llelnR ooqsJi\ by the father of a f.ytar-Old 5'ol Beach ~I who aJlepdly was atlae)ed by a neighbor's ~'. • ......> ·the ~ ...... _ .Nalitecl u .....,...,.. In -.-- eaiut · su11 tiled by llk:hail D. lltearm. SIS lllh 111., .e jlarl>ara ml Join OlialL The)' an olai04 lo l>o lhe ....,... on doc which allocP' and bit Timme Part 'Stalma Jul M. "I. '1'I* animal daiml SMm•, Inflicted "ievere wowida -and deep gashes" on JhO child. He also statea that her injuries will be "of a perman<nt a n d lastlnl nature." · fiEW YORI( (AP) -Th• atoct market ~ todllY wtth It& third loaa of the ~'(See quotaUons, Pages 21-lt). , De's , ' : ' . . ' ' >; . :• Pilot Editor's H-ouse Split by Twp. !Jutr~~: ,. ' ' from Hall came II minutes after tateolf from Hawthorne, wb!n '"" radioed Ilia ~ pfu 'to:T..,.;pa!i 1111 .. !O!Jth. ''They mlpt bav. found a nlcs Oat area to· come dol'!I ·In 0< they ,milht have landed in ape of~ ~k~'lak_e.," aald ~ manqer Art Barlow . '1'bese pllOt&' .... ' real pd' . . . 11\ey ... the ileit In lb6' 00.inesa." ' An ~ air-aWch Tuesday WU coanslna~ by· the Afr.S.a llalcue ' Service at Hamlltoo Air Fl>rcs S- norlh ol San FranclJco. · , "W:• J\ad some 'planet ov.r·ti.. Oita but the .... -It tenlble with' -deratorms; anoW and iclni i:oftdlUoriat" ap Air .Force apokuman aaid. "~ oi>ly *' the ·l'(>Ulld 1!Joul_ five .. ol the lime ¥<'"" the'.'\)0Ullfa1ii·J>W;a make it neceasary for tJie searCh Pfaries to stay Jbove.1,000 feet." The air se.arcb wu called off at aun-- down Tuelday but .crews with jeepc,. four-wbfft drive vehicles, snoWsboee and skis Conilnued the ground selrcb throughout the nllill . • • Plp!llJlf'. C.rrldor . ' • • -.. I .. V81Jey · Apptovese ' '' ' . I' ' IO-year . Budget With ~Guarantees? A ·piopooec! 10.jear ~ gilide rec.ttved the awoval :~ the, FountaJn. VaDey tliy CoimnJl Tuesday nlihl The flnanclal plan worked 1111 by City Manager · Jama Neal v 1l1'11 al I y iU'!'a1iteu. llabl• ' pr0perty' tuea' ..... part· development . to FCMJl\l'ln Vllley ;.,Jifent8' !cir' Ille next II years. · "With · tJUa plan we tan avoid tfle common day-to-day , ~rise.tHrl"9 ti· 1s1ep "' ~ .<tu.ea," . ..p1'1Md Nt:a1 a! 'ht eiented the' program "to eouh-. pt. ' . 1 • . . • .. cibnen. 1 • • • • CoimCllinin John Htrper llOinted ·out tliat !he . IO.year ~ flirij w!ll esiliblialied .the dty water hln' for the neii decade. ' "I bad hoped we could lower Ille water rat. In the llllun," said Harptr, "but ptt11ap1'the'builiet·e111 bet..ined later, ~ fandl 1 from. anotbef ICIUfCe cail be chanced to help lower the water nte.11 , 1o ,. . aurpriR oc11.. on a pllDJ!lllt ll•m. coundlmen nvened • plamdng commlaiDn recommendalloo and deoled • roqueil , .. a ..... chiillt· A~ had -made for a plinned devel-with amaller·thaJHtandard JOta' on ·the borlhwat c0rn<r ·o1 Talbert Avenue an<t Ward Simi. · l'1amllnl -bid' ........ .-QilrotaJ. liul ., .... n_. voled "llin'l'ft• ... ltbe ~ ItnallJ -no llmovatial .JiiiUIJlll :apiclal' ...,. tSdlratm,"' ' . ~ • ,i. ' 't • · ~·Dooald"l'l-·0:11onnal' ~ il:llilallfi!ll.'*'""'1"",dlllal• if'tbf '!Jilillt . i I '. \" ' : -. °"'""'°""" 1:dfti\I .11111; WoiiDJle ~ol'rmill ltQ,. '' ~ i11·~·1.-.. ~":.t-.1w .. r"Iit)iillii\ .... " ................. •'iiid r dai>'I. lite· Ibo -1n 111e ~lllUOO di· 11111" trael• .to \o ...,. ithteid It " -' .. '"!'ID baPP, lo o6ncur ·wMll m"'aald ind Ille ""8lcll ....... ' ii ~-' '' ' '•7:1'-;;1 _~· ·~......_.. ........ ai·Uio tlL...J t• ' ~-..:-.~...-. • • ..,.... ,, ' · -.. ~.~r--• .r ' •. ' .• '·w .. 6~ ... '• The -llffl•a>tholcs Thuraday_.....,. ... jlerUy doud7 "-IM'vowo •·more riJD. Tlinp-1 eratura wlll r.,,e li'om II to 45 aJq the ,coastal ..... 1 • • ~ INSmE'. TeD~Y T~eotcr tlot't arr Ughtlllf up GU OHr ihi cw.Mv w.-~Wek 1DiUI tiff.Mio~­""";,,·lilt• ....... s .. , l:iHit-• ~dl,.Popi1 lf.10. ' ' ' . ' ---· ·" --l ., ........... lt ..... ~ .. .................... , -· ---.. c..tlt . 11 •• ~ .... 1•J \ ~ ,.;" ... ""'~'!a::...,., : ......... ,., ................ =-. ~-... •• , .. ,, Dr: ~ ..... ...... f'tf'I~' It ~ • l9Mti1• " ,...... a 1 ,_,,..... ,. ..... ' ....... ' .... ... .... ~ ............... 1 ..... ,...... ~ .. "\ . 1 1 \ ' ~ ,. I _, _ ' J ' t IWlV PllOf H WdoN, ,.,,,,., l\ 1169 Valley f.ouncil Votes to Dissolve Harbor District Gina Has Knee Job ROME (AP) -Gina Lollobrlilda wadlnient a 71-mtmrte operatfcm m her felt -p" today. II w11 lractunMI tn ID automoblle aocldent Sunday, and her doetm'I ll1d the operation was iuc- .-1. lJ:\11~ PltOl ' OIU.NOI COAST PUl!...aHINO COMPANY . R•Mrt N. W•M ' "'91111111f ..... """'""" J••• It Wr!.y va. '""'*"" ..... ~..-~ n~, '-•"" -Th•=:;,="'• ,.,.,.,. w. ,,... win1 •• ._. ~.... ....llNilM•...,. ldllW ,..., 1.mw ............ Ofllle , JOfMSM.t M•mllf' ~'"'~ P.O. lu no. t:tMI. . ' ' °""'" OM.. NIWll9rf ludl1 #II Wiit ...... ...,....,.,.. C.O.te .V...r m w.t In' 1-'--~1 m ;...t""""' ~e.·P,... Wanted • Sunset Aquatic ' Park 'S9lici~i~g~ -Lease p r o p o 1 a I 1 for f1rst pbue: devolopment ol Sunaet AquaUc Rel!onal PFt are being !Oliclted toclat by the lltf11ie ~Coqn\y De~t of Hart>on . ~ 1lelcbeJ "1d tho Departm<nl cl ~l'npellJ-I .,,,. lint pliaa, h........ ,, -of land and water, will c:ons1st of a boat launcblng ramp, 190 boat berths, a boat ~pair yard, an ovmtlgbL camping lt"-I mtaurui ind I pialJc oru. ~ --· -cl lwbon 'ind buchel, ll1d 11111 -of the bolt launcblng •llllP bu been com- pleled ind la opefat1oo o1nce WI IWD- ' ' l'ro1ll P .. e l . . FLOODING ••. ~ dolod becau• cl driftwood, Dollam and otber del:rl.I apread aeroa tbt roadway," Hll'l'1lcn .ldded. •. -· The bylkheodl, ll>llrjor ~· and restrooms have alao -"'l!l'l!!YI· Lessees will be required to -the sllps1 an aJ(minlllrailve bolldlnf.·._ boalyaro ond tbe ovemlght campini - for a tqta1 lnve1tmlnt of at JeMt '711;ooo. Proposal! Wili be opeoed lla1 19 ud leases signed about July 1. Bids will be on three parct)1. The first contJin11 about 18 acre1 and ii ready for immedlate development ud UMJ of a boat launchln1 facillty, boat alips, dry boat 1tor11e, coffff tbop and rertalD'anL l'be aeoond porcel cootalna about lb: acrea of land ind water and II ready for immediate development and UH for a boat repair yard, boa! 1al01, dry boat storage ind &hip cbandlery. The third parcel II an overniil>t cam- ping and travel trailer area and conal1U of about 12 acres of. land. It will not be ready tar development for ~wo year1. Leaae propo&ala will bl ·~ for M,y oae .of · lbe llnt two porce1-or all tbree. . OIL HUDDLE -Threat ol_oi! drilling off Orange Coa st brought rare joint meeting Tuesday of city rnanagen .ff'om five ... Orapge ' Coast communities, Huddling were (clockwise from left ) lt...,.tb Cari .. ' ', ...... .,~ .......... of s'!!' Clemente, Dofle Miller of HIUlllDll<>n ~. Harvey 11ur!burt ofNIW!iart ·l!eecb, l"8 Risner of Seal Beach and Jainel Wl!Mlon of Lagi1na ~ Walen rolied .down the beach ind around homes la , tho· community of -.--tllachind ADI~ BaJ,,leo, but the floodln& WU men_...,.. tllU oerl..,,. 'l'lla ~ -Volmitoer l'in .-~ • ..., called to pomp water Minimum reotal 111·porce! ooe ii #,000 for !be fll'll year rinclnl up to •u.ooo by 1179. Leaaee must deveklp fadllU.. In accordance with ud!ltectural nan. dardl developed by the Harbor Dlltrlcl with a mtnim.um coat of $300,000, u~ elusive. of the restaurant. , ~ Cities Map Fight on Oil I mp, l!li --'of ---Alex· andir~ ti. a.et, Surfddt, but no· other ....i.i..c. were llooded. 1lomel la the prtyale COllU!llll1i .. ore . ~ llll\!lerlcallJ .euw..w..t .. ~ froot '').:'• lnllDd ·s row, ind C row, whlcb away tromjbe ocean tonnf Pacll1c Cou1 11l1bn7. Minimum rental on parcel two will be ts,000 ti>. !Int year ind rlJlllng up to $11,000 la 1179. Leise< DIUlt Invest •1io,ooo In facilities. Porcel three will require a flll0.000 Investment and may only be lel.Hd ln coanecUon with the fint two pan:eJa. Minimum rental is '8.000 for tht tint Tighter Rules See"' But No Beach Oil SanctiJm:y Debrt. today Dtlen Ibo narrow "llieeto al..,, .aD tin< row& HOMF.1 lfUCi p;o 'l'lla llllarol pou.in of ~ -... 7ur ind up to IU,000 by 1179. . Pmo111 Interested In lurtber ln- formati111 or bidding llll!' call tbe llepoll1n<nl cl Real "'-" s.m:., ill N. 8Ycamon, !1an1o Ana, at tele- phone D!-Ji60. Alanned" by the Santa Barbara oli diluter and new petroleum Jndultry fu. trulioaa into county waten, flve Oran1e ~ dty _.,... 'l'ueod.r Dllpped llrolegy lo fight the poliuUon threat ill a special meelin& la Newport Beach. They each agreed lo take leadership roles in the developing of proposed Jqi•lation ~; -8trengtben the 1late'1 8hell-Clm- nlngham. Act where ft now applies. -Tilbten drWin1 restrictions whert offlhore 9D i!xptlltaUan is already parmltted. The emergency 11es.sian, called by Newport City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. wu believed to be un· ..-.11c1. Oftlp, :t'l'l'lfjDINo I' '/ In addition to Hurlburt, thooe attending were Huntln1ton Beach City Administrator Doyle Miller, Seal Beach City Manaler Lee RllneT: Laguna Beach Oty Manapr JamOI D. Wheaton ind San Clemente City MtnafU Kenoeth Corr. Miller ond RllllU told the pthqlng that tbe1r c1u., would -1 dlortl to ..-the ~. Act'> oll "llnduary'' Into federal waten IOUth of tbe Santa Ana River. But they Indicated It wun't l1kely the Wlcluary could be eztencfed Into Udelandl off Hmtlinlton Beach ind 8'tl Beach, where ollsho,. drllliq Is """ pennltted. P.ROPOllED LAI'? WEEK Tbe }ll<lpoal to ancompuo wil!lin lbe ban the um north ol the river wu put forth Wt wHt by Newport city councilmen. ''We've already &ot offabcn welll, 11 said R1mtr, "and thert'1 nol much that can be done about that." "You can't make oU p!&D\plnc that 11 now under ,,..., ~." agreed llllllr .. 1·u .. did," Aid· Rimer, "tbe lirma that ore already Ibero would get ali 1 tbe oU." • G~VE ENDORSEMENT The two JoinOil Lqttii1•1 Wbeaton ·ond San Clemente'• Cart 1n endonlnl a Newport Councli reialutlon, a<lopled Tuflday, calling fer I'm med I ate suspension by the state of a penntt to Shell Oil Co. for test core drilling one ljllia olf N"1P<irt Harbor. Tbey Mid ;Ibey WoW•f """1untlld ........ ef .•im)lor ~ 111 tbelr ' . ·Fr-. Pqe .r HOUSE DIVIDED . : : to cut diagonally through your lot." "Where dou lbat leave me?"-luked. "Who gets m11tua? Wberi· iit8 .my kids 10 to ldloOl! What are yoo 1o1n1 to do about lt? '.' KEEP 1lllOLI!: TllACf ·Don explained that OOC ·,had .waolld to put ali cl ~ tncl lnJo' us: dl!lrlcl, bot that Saddltbact had obje<ited. Th• oaJy .wa7 to ·aet ua all ·lo the sam• junior oollott·ltnl WU lo peililon later. ''M..mrblle," I Aid, "let'• find out where the Keevila belona." Report I from obllglJll ·Don Jacobi: '"t'tln {then tind of aJale), th1I Ls a rather unuual altuaUoo. Jn matter• cl thiJ kind, IOCMdln& to Illa county 8Clloo1I olllce, the doltnnlnlnc factor I• wben you....... ' "WhlAllleep?" "Yep, wllaleftr dlltrict tho beClroom falls in, Wt'• where yoo ~ tax•." Don elabonlad. 11'1 whore tho )lad " . tbe -lays hil bead that delermlnM a aplll boundory. No matler If be ind hil wlie sleep In aeparate l>edroc:ms, the man, in tbiJ case, carries the wtlchl. "Don." I llid, ''Our bedroom i1 a mighty 1>11 -. It llllJ be In both Mr. Krueger's Funeral Slated Memorial servtce1 wm be, hold Salur· day for Frtder!ck U. Kruecef', ualatant superlnleftdenl ol the Hunilqton Buch waur I>tpuWent who died a&dlreonuyt Wator IltpuWenl who dltd Sundt)' alter a brief 1llaeu. lie WU 61. A rfll!dlat 'cl HllJIUniton -fw =-,..., Mr.<X....., -.....,ta1"u~i:=~ bl 111111 et I p.m. al ~ Mor1U1rY a.pol,•&. Tblrd SI., '-BtaclL. . Mr. K,.... II llUl'Y!Yad "1 blo wilt, l:mllJ, of Ibo lamll7 -· !Mii Rilllla '--He .... i..-a daualilar, lln.· 1.oUam ,,,., cl Huntlqton 8-11; - llarny, Arnold ind Frank Ktuoc• of Iowa; a hall-, ~aolr x.._ ot !(!cbfcu ind a llalHIM-, )hi, Hamat cl 8ou1h 'llllmla. flllll\y ....... tllal' -.... ...,. mite a memorial.-..- lo the Clly of Hope. ., dl!lrkll rlght """· What H we movad " . ' Dl:'l'El(Mm&il 1811111 1111'1 ·been dont..-D:m nkl. '"Tbs't'Ve ' ' . been caieo -·111e bed bu been pulled mr to . ibe other tide cl tbe -aod tt'I -the lmle." Then can\t 1 ccmtradlctorJ' report. 'lboae ~. In. Santa . Ano nev.r ..... lo ........ The lllel&Ol'11 office said I've 1ot dual cl~. I belon1 to both districll. My kids, if they're of junior college q:e, could go to either OCC or Saddleback. Moment of terror: Do I pay dual tu11 .. well? No, the lu bill ll oplil bel-Ibo two dlltrlctl In --· But ,..., Mr. Keevi1, are In Illa -U situation cl being In two ldeotlca1 dlllrlctl slmultaneoosly. Unusual Indeed. Today b bell!I devoted to findlnJ< which theory s)\111 prevail. can J shlft the bed -oc .... lllto tbe ~· bed-room ind lllaJ la 1111 OCC ·dlltrlel! Or am I already deJt1ned to split my loy- alty, my home and Jn1 tu dollm? DUAL CITIZENllllIP If I do have thiJ mu janlor coll11e chl-11ip, I'ln walklq clOwo tbe 1tnet for • ""-1 wltb _mr nllchbar, Mr. J"'11 O'Hara Smllb. I'm ~ to •t li1m where you sip up for the tchool bGard election. Thtn l'm goini up to Santa Ana and aak for candldatW .. pen. Wblch dlltrlct! llM1'li •k. Soddloback AND Oranl' Cout. I'll say I'm 1olnl to nm fw both cl them. Tbal'll i-11 'am to aplit up a bappy buejr:W. Young Republicans Show Heroin Film A flll1l on beroln addiction wlD bl ohow1I 11 1:111 J>J11. 'l1llnday 11 lbe meollnl ol the Hun1Jn11<>o·Vallty vounc Republ!Clnl 11 Iba Sberalon-BUcll Inn. fl'ollowlnc the ~ by Ibo Hun· U!llloo Bloch PoD<t Dapa.-~ the ml1once will be _.,. to -the mm "llartotica" and to a11: q .... Uons. city coanclll. brouibl Ibo ... to Ibo ~ In 'lllon WU allo ainement to~ lllU, -llWlfal A row -were Ibo . -!¥ -oli piobleai' .. wncl:ed Ind lnatwator boulders lhmt oevonl Mloll, with dlvllloiio o I tbrooP B row prqa doon. fll!IOl¥.lbllil?. -Emerpney wortm.i boarded over AB8JGNMllNTI GIVEN wlndowo at Ibo moof cr!Ucal po1ot _ when ireenwat« 1ea1 were poundJJll Here ii bow the aalpmenta were bouoelronll.-bot the problem lessened dl!lrlboted at the hour-long meeUn1 : al other ael!Ons. -Newport Beach will focus Its efforts One woman wbOH famUy hosted a on it• immediate mxvn tbe Shell a· party Jfft her front door Open to air ploratory drilling. · ' out the amoky· bouae overolpt ind found -Seal Beach aod llmillnlliia Beach a baby aell momlng on ber couch the will take the lead in recommending state following momlng. and federal legislaUon that would beef Beach erosion conUnued until lhe Army up drlilio& cootrols ind lncreue city Corpo of En"'-Initiated a 196fcam-lbom of" oil -from "fldelaoda ... _ ........ now '-'·• ...... ~..... ~ la wblch )Oil aaod .,.., pumped ....... -......-baca lmn tbe oeafloor ind ndlllrlbot<d -Seal 8-b. l1ong with Long Beacb, 15 mil" up by the curnnts. will draft policy fer 11,000 offshore acres Nlbbllng 1lowly over the yean which are at prel8lt neither Within however, tht aame currents have qafti lederal-aortbe_1_m111 ._ .... .,............ ..... .... limit ~ a "'no-man's land" bJ ··~w._,..~~~n;;; Hurlburt, _the ~9:1. Jtretcba fr~m Long of new A row homes· Ja1t year. Beach to the Ai>ih<Jm S.y jetty, Somo people thought the ll!M anli- -Lquna Beach Md San Clemente erO!lon campaign WIJ their final annver :1 ~'~ f':'t:~ lo the problem, but lo 1uthorliles who to the m....ILJ'. ..... ~"""!'-t know the proceg ol nature. Tutaday'a _ _.~ta== qood w11 no aurprlu. · to Illa Malcan bonier. . NA'IUJW. EROSION "It was upected," he aplalned, ADVlll Oi1iilRI "because of the natural erosion cl the l!ach IDllll\clpal admlniltraW, ll w11 ocean poandlng uglnst the shore." •llOed. -id telt"llle otben adviled Moorho111e conUnued to nplaln how ol Ill · findlno and recom!Dflldatlou, the natural proceu of bulldinc beach.ea IO tbat. all actfaa would be Jn eoncert. had been interrupted by man..mtde con- In addition, Wlteaton ll1d be would slruetfon. requtlt a meetiq of all Callfonb 11leache1 art built by rivers," he Wd, coutal city llWll&m lo IO!lclt tbe~ "arid wben flood control projects dom- support. med up the rlven in the mountains Rllnlr, meanwhile, will Met the back· it stopped the rtpleniahin1 now of sand ill( qi Ibo Clllfanila Loque cl Cltlel. lo the beacbes. "'Ropetulb:,'" Aid HID"lbart, ''we can "Man-made ocean projecta IUCh as g11"tlla mUra -beblnd -campolp the Anabelm Lindina jetty vii! the San Im: oarncllYe loilllaUon. We'll noad It Gabriel Rlnr jetty In Seal Beach aloo ~~ tlii-· !'1 lol>bJ In _ _., and illlmupled Ibo na-pottmt cl ...... --.• CWTents," M09fbouae conUnued. ,, ~bySpeidtt ' 1t.a11Wadme!Ol- tionary q)endar watcbbond thft pill tbt wbol1 yeu oil ynv wrlllt -and tllin 1om1. f"I' lmali .dtal1 ltt Jou "11f ta ~1 "'°"th an) Ila• ll a ballt-la e1ladu Onrolll 1'1• ,.w. .. ,_,. "' atb -....... d -~ flact!maal .. ..0 ~· faallloa -...,, ludiJo.Ud.......,. ....... Clooloer:i Twlst.o:nm.-~ ltol.i-· ...... .. ,.Uow aold-811td au.ii.*"' liM 1 ~ -1ao·..,.1o1-. . Flooding Blow To Parking Plan On Beach Strip Sunset Beach resident.. today are hop- ing 'l\lesday's ocean o v e r f 1 ow demUllSlra.led the unteulbtuty cl boJldlnl • paridng lot 00 the beach llrlp'. ''This provea Sunset lsn' a atablt beech;" aaid Mn. Donald Stnln, secretary to the Sunad Beach OWnbtr of Commerce. '~P.erb•PI now the Orange County Harbor Di*tet wUl reconsider fta: part- ing lot proposals," 11he added. On Jan. 14 the Hjrbor Dl1trlct reviewed four proposala for estabUlbl.ng a parking Jot to serve the 33-acre county beach area. Three of tbe propoeal1 conalated cl building fa~tuties dlreclly on tbe beach and coridenmlnl varlou.s portm cl pro. perty in the Sunael Beach area. Ali tbm plans were vigorously oppoeed by aboul 11 to IO Sunset Beach ruideota who aµended the m..ttn1 In Newport Beach. A fourth pian calling !0< conatrueUon ol parking laclllUes along the Pacl!Jo. Electric right-of-way further inland bu reci!ived local backing. -Harbor District autbor1Ue1 have not taken action u yet on any of tbe parking propoeals. TueadaY'• demomlr•llon of beadl ... stability, however, may have been alfcbl· ly more empbaUc than Sunset Beach m-ldents desired to prove their point. CONVINIENT TERMS IANICAMIRICARD MASTIR CHAR$1 J. C. J./umpM..i 'c}11w11fer l'HONE S4t.J4DI ( 1121 NEWl'ORT AVl, COSTA MESA 2i VIAU IN THE SAME LOCATION r : f ' i I • t h 4 • t ' ( I r e h b s I lo s a • F p 0 • a • ,, II ] ] c SJ 0 ol p . ., ti w n d • ' Fount&i1':. :V.;Hey. . '~o~~- . I VOL:! ~2. NO. 41, 4 SECTIONS, 64 PA&IS .(. . . . l " . M 1. ' . ·' ', '-'·'.P~ .. ' u~;,~ ... l • '• ~ , I ..,..,i:, ; • '' ~'"J ': 1';,-.~1.1 ., ~·· .. Sirhan Comments At· Firing Range · .Told by Witness LOS ANGELEs (UPI) -Sirhan B. SirhD find more thn 31111 r<IUJlde dllrinl , five hours at a· target range on· the daY. before Seo. Robert F .,.Jeenoed7'1 dea(b and told another . maD his' gun WU sufficient to "kill a dog,'' a withesa aaid today al hi. murder trial. · Michael Saccoman, who wu allo prac- ticinl with his'Pbtol at the range said he talked with Sirhan for more . ~ 45 .minutes and· observed hundreds of empty shell casings on ·the ground. Saccoman aaid that Sirhan told him be planned on going on a bunting_ bip. "I told him that hunUng with I pistol was against the law," Saccoma~ said. "He ..,ked me why and I told him that was because of its lack of accuracy. And be saj,d, 'I don't tnOw about thit -"it will kill a dog.' " Saccom~ drew on a slate board a repi'odUction of bow Sirhan's target loot- ed at-the range. It was punctured with hundreds of holes most of which were in the center of the target and Saccoman said he decided Sirhan was "a pretty good shot." PlaUnum blonde Claudia Williams tesutied that she also stood next to Sirhan at the range for nearly in .h?ur and that be assisted her ln practicmg with her revolver. ' ' ' Bill Barry, 41, a slrappiug fonn~r FBI agent who was the a1aln senator s -al bodyguard, testified Tue!llay of becoming separated from his charge. when KeMedy leaped from a plaUorm and took a short cut through the pantry where he was shot. Speaking slowly, his .voice oometimel faltering, Barry told the jury Ktnned1 leaped from a llage In the Amhauador (Set lllJlllAN, Pap ., Be"s Damages Sought In Dog Attack --·-----. I .. ·o· ·d· d" •~• e . ' -.. ,. .-~'-- . r 1 ». • on -· .. • N.Y. S'teeks · ' • r.iidencel. lo .. niai. lurnltur. and olher llJClt hl>moholcl lteqi·euualtle1 Tue.1111, -ille ~ saltwater hlth roDad aiet; Iii.! llUCli' ., .... hl'gb: tldal peat. . '0 Mo1t :ot. tht area 1ietween nth ·end lltb ltreefs WU beafily-flooded," Safd Dick Harrllon, superintendent "' the su ... t Beach Slnltuy Dlotrlct. , • "North and South Paelflc •-ore ' (llee FLOODING, Pap I) ' Plane Hunt. Slowed . ' . " ; 35:Aboard Missing Gambler's Flight ~'..:..:L: 1· . ~caaOO S / . . ' -; I· ,//, I , from Hall came JI minutes after tUectt: !ram HawilMlrne, •1*1 he radioed his fllgbl·plan to 'f<Miopoh>J°" mllea 11>ulh. "They mllht have found a nice flat area lo come d'!'!h. In or l)iey might have lande4 Jn ~ of_ our alkali lakes," said a1tJ10ri .._Art Barlow .'"lbeae pQoto .,.. reil" IJOOd '. • , they ot• the hell In Ule· .......... ..• . An ~ ioJr -Tutlday WU coor<llnate<H1j •lbe AJr'.SM Reoeue Service •t ~ · JJrl FotU , Bue north of ·Son Jl'nn~ ' ', · ' . "We bad aomi planes Over the ana but the wea-Is terrible with " thun- derstorms, lw:lrt and iclnc · ~UoM,•• an Air Fprce,i tP,>tesman iald. "We CfD only 1tt Ille' ground . .,bout five ptr<tlll of the \h::t~~ ~ mountain ~ make It for the oearch ~ to stay abOYe 1,000 feet." The air search wu called off at IUft.o down :-n-lay but, crews with jet~ four-wlieel1~ ffh!clel, 1110Wlboea Ud skit · conunued the ground eeirtb lhroqbout the l)iilll. ' PlpeU.e Gttrldor S~eps Taken lo!" Start . (;eut Weadaer 11Je weatbenDln liY• a .cltoJce Thurlday-eunriy to portq cloudy -'but mr1 DO ,_. rain'. Temp- eratures wW nap fnlm 51 to U alon& the . .,.i' ..... . INSWE TODAY Theater 1taq11 ore lighting up aU ovtr the C01tfttV thil weelc with Ji ....... prodU<lionl op<1l· iMg( iK &Arte ~·· Su Et1tef. toml!llllt l'agu JJ.lP. • • ..... M ...... ti C-c.r...-If ....... I • ~ .............. . C........, ................. .. c-te. " ..... ~ ti ~ ,•. PTA 1 JI '"'-..... It tirfl't ...... • ~· '.,~ ......... ! ... ........ )';,... ...... .. ....,...... '*"" or. '"'"'* ,, ..... , ..., .... _.... ..... ..... ~ • •T...,...-11 -. "'-""' . ,.. LIMlft ... ....., • M.-. ' ..... . .....,,... U...,11 ..... ,..... .. ........... • 1 ' . ' Ii I ! I ' " tl&YPILOT " Wet HomeoWners To Chal"lenge Park Policy Tbe parl< _.iallloa poJlcJ of tho ~--andParlal (lemml-wll1 be dw!lengod i..tlbl lif I IROP of -'llllo -atnllerportlltho-- of~ Stnll and BellAYeDJL Tbe bllllo • ..-. .-lrlllor parl< la behll loll • -Ii. -al •11 -Qrclo, --- • Sunset Aquatic Park. !'Soliciting" Ltue propo1al1 fer Ont pbue developmtnt of Swllet Aquatic RerJoall ~art are bel"i tollclted toda) by !hi 0r..,. l:ounlf Dtparlment of twticn 111111 -lllll !lie Dopailmllll• of ~al~Senl-. mer. Tba bU!kbeadl, Interior roa<1W.,1· and restrooms have a1Jo been ccxnplotad. • lll«n pu<el " land --wat.r, '11111 II tho allA! piopoood lot ,. Tha Jl?il pbua, IDclud... 17 ..,.. of land and water, wtJl conslat of a boat l11mchlng rlJllp, 190 boat berths, a boat repair 1onl, an ovttnlghl camping ..... ft!lt&Urat and • plcnlc IJ'U. Ltssets will be r<qnJrtd to -' the alit:141 u admlnlltraUve bolktln& tbtl boacyaid 111111 lhe oven>Jll>I camplDf~ll'll for a total lnvestmtnt of at lei.It f71D.009. Proposall will be openad May 11 11111 leases algned about July 1. Bids will be on thr<e parcels. Tha first conta!na 1bout IS acres and 11 n1dy for lmmedlate development and U10 of a boa! iauncblnf facility, boat the tnlkn. RecreaUon 111111 Pork . Commllll-. meet Iii council chauben of' - 11a11, 5ui Stroet 111111 Pecan A-al 7:30 p.m. A large crowd II expected to &SI: that the city uphold Ill Dllllet plan 111111 p1aco a port oo the piope!IY u eulllned la the -plan. Tbe ll'tl II aurrowidtd with olJ!lle family -11111 nearlJ all al Ibo nsldeall have o1pc1 pel1ll<m ,...mot Ibo trallor parl< ubll by Altby c.ootruclloo Co. Tbe land la quoolloli la -and evtrJ winier la coWnd by wat<r, UIUally to a cloptb of about lour feel. II II below the gride of ourroundlng property about five feet. Tbe matter came before the Plannlng CommiMlon w b i ch feferred Jt to the Recreation Comrnllsloo. Tbe Jlecrtallon and Part De~ II trytag to eliminate tbe 10-.cre aite from tta muter plan in fa90r of mall, n<!g)iborhood pora t<ljaoent to Springview 111111 Meadowlark Schools. Sincl the park muter plan wu developed the _,,,..,..., ..-an, bu adopled 11111 -• policy of amall -about two to -...... -ports -to llChoob .. that the lull play aru of the lldlool can In tflecl be added to the port. Once the crmmlakn makes • declllon loollhl. the -will be refemd back to t&e ·Plannlal OmmlMAm for a ftnaJ - Valley Council Votes to Dissolve Harbor District Gina Has Knee Job ROME (AP) -Gina Lollobr1PI• llJlderwenl a ,..._ operadon .., ber left kneecap today. It WU fradured In a automobile accldent Sunday. and her docton nld the operaUon WAI IUC'-- DAllY PllOI OAANISI CO.UT ,UIL.9'HING COM,~lfY lt.Mrt N. WM4 _ .. _ J1c.• R.. , O.rle:r "* '"' ...... _. .,._. ......... n...a. k11Yll ..... Th1~M=l111 Alb.rt W .... ,, Wl11!1"" lt1M A.-t.i. Mlilrt!lll9hM B..m IE.dllw ClfY l•ttw ... __ _ aot 1tti S+r.et M11fl1t1 A114,..,n P.O .... no. tl:HI """' -Newport ... d11 Ull Wwt ..... 119ult¥9"" c.t. Mal: m w.t..., •tMt L.-r. Mtdl1 m '"--* ,.,... ' '· s-a. --dlr'!'lar of barllon 111111 bucbol, WI lhll ~Oii GI the boat lawi<b!ni ramp bu -...... pltlod 111111 Iii operalloo -lul ....,. ,,,.... r.,. 1 . . FLOODING ••• .. a1oo .--·of clrlllwood, notum ml -doblia _..r· acrou the roldwl,J' J ... HarNao llldld. ' OIL HUDDLE -Threat ol oU drilling off Orange Coast brought rare joint meeting Tuesday of city, . managers from five Orange Coast communitlea; - Huddlln1 wero (clocj<wile from lelt) Kemeth Carr \., . .• .... YP"Pf ... Plllll of San Clemente, Do)li YWer ot BlllltlqlaD llffcb, H..Vey.Hurlburt cl NlltPCWt llllch, Loe1Ulilaf l>f Sn! Btach and J-Wlleetcn cl La,U.. Beach • Waton rollad dowi\ ·Ibo beach ·11111 lrO\ll!d IMineo la !lie eommanlty of Blrildo. betweea ·luale! Bucb and ,Anaheim Bo)'; too,. b!il'the no0cunc WU DICft ~cula? than wloul. Tbe ·-.-VohmJer Fin ~·-·ta11oc1 to -p water .. . Cities Map Fight ;'on Oil '"""Ille -of --Alu· adlr, al IMC, Surhlde, bat DO other -----in. tbe' lirinta rommunlty .,. u.t,ci._.n.au,.~ ........ froDt A '°", lnluCI' B row, and C row, whlcli r.c. away tram Iha ocean towonl Paclllc C.. llJPwl1. Debrb lodly Utlon Iha 111m1W - Tighter Rules Seen, But No Beach .Oil Sanctuary :::::.=· . . Tbe Dllunl pattorn al --B1 Jl!ROMl! F. COLLINS Alarmed by the 5a!lla Bll'bera oil dlaut<r and new petroleum lndlllll'J ln- tr\lllonl in~ county water•, five Oralige Cou1 city maugen Tueaday mapped llrll"I)' to flab! the polluUon threat in a li>eclll meetlq la Newport Beach. Tbey each agreed to take leadtrshlp roles in the developing of proposed Jellllalloo.to: ' -3lreqlbin the state'I She~ nll>glwn Act wbere It now applies. -'11ghten drilling rtstrict10111 where olllhora oll ezp!QllaUoo ii already permitted. 'Mle emergency session, called by Newport ctty Maniger Harvey L. Hurlburt. WU believed to be UD• Jl"Ctdcitod. ' In addlUon to Hurlburt, those attending wen Huatlncton Beach City Admlnlltritor Doyle MIDer, Seal Beach City Mana&er Lee Rimer, Laguna Beach Cty -J-D. Whuton and Son Clemente Ctr ~ Kenaall> Cm. Miler and lUaner . told Iha 1athtrlng that their c1u.. wvuld aupport tflorll to aleDd the ~ Act'1 oil uunctuary" tnto federal w1tera south of the Santa Ana River. But they lndlcated II wun' lllely the unc:tuary could be atmded Into Udelanda oil llm>lln&ton Baacll 111111 !eal Beach, wHJ'e ollllbore drilllnl la now permitted. ' PROPOIED LAl'l'"t!Ull: Tbe propoul to --within the ban the aru DCl'th ol the river wu put forth !all w .. t by Newport city coon-. "We've already IJO& offlbore welll," said JUmer, "and there'• not much that can be done about th.IL" "You can't make oil pumplna: that 11 now under way non-amt'ormlng," agreed Miller. 0 1f we did/' uld Rlmlr, "the ftrml that ore alrtady there would 1et all the oil." GAVE ENOORSEMENT Tba two jolnOd Lquna '• Whaaton and San Clemen\e'I Catr 1n endunlng I Newport 'Colmcll reaolullon, adOf'led Tuelday, cll1inl fer I m m e d I a t t .._.i.. by the ... al • 1'el'lllft to Shell OU Co •• for Utt core drtlllng one mlle off Newport Barbor .. They illd' they would ~­pa-• of llmilar reoolullona by their From r.,. 1 HOUSE DMDED ..• ' to cut dlqonall1 through your Jot." dWben dots that ltavt me?" I asked. "libo &eta my •i Wbere will my Oda 10 to ~! What are you going to do about It?" KEEP WHOLE TRACT dlatrlcla rl1ht now. Whal H we moved " ... "It'1 been done," Don nid. 1'1'here'Ve been -• wben the bed bu been pulled om to the other aide GI the bedroom and tt'I detlrm1ned lhl laufl.11 cllY coomcll1. lrilchl· .the aea to Ibo docnl.,o In Tllen WU abo qraamllll to a~ • 1111,. -omra1 A row homel "Vt. llW -lu -· oD problem .. wnctad 11111 -boaldtn c.., ..... 11 frontl, wllll dlvill<m o I lln!P B ..., prqo doon. •. , r•po111!111l1ty. --WIX-boll'do!I """ AlllGNMB!n'I GIVEN -II the -crldeal point -... ~ er-water .... ...... pouadlna Hera la how the aalp>M>la were h-11 -but Ibo problem ·1._.a dletrlbuted at the hciur·long meeting: at other ......,,. • -Newport Beach will IOCUI Its efforts One woman whoet fllmily hoaltd a OD Its lmmedlata coacmi, the Sbtll a· party left ber front door open to air ploratory drilling. oul the omoty houM ovemJcbt 111111 louod --SW Beach 111111 llw>llngton Buch a baby Ital imooW>c Oii ber couch the will take the lead In recommeoding state following morning. and f~eral legl.slaUon that would beef Be:acb erosion continued unW the Anny up dri!Jlni CG11trole and Increase clcy Corpl of Engineers lnlU.ted a 1161 cam. shares ol oil menue from tldellndl Pila Jn which Jost sand was pwnped now btJnc oplollad. baclt from the aeaDoor ind r<d!Jlrlbuted --SW Beach, along with Long Buch, U mlles up by the current.. will draft policy for 18,000 cfUbore acres Nibbling alowly over ~ yean: which are at pruent neither within however, the same current! have acaiJi lederll Walen DOI' Iha state'1 tl>m mtle COllllllDed part fll 1be beach, even thoup limit. Tt:rmed a "no-man'• land" by ocelllfront lot owner1 'bollt ·a number Hurlburt, the area ltfttcbu from Long of new A row homes lut year. ~<h_!'!,!:1'< Anabtlm Bay Jetty. Some people thought the 1161 anU- --.-Beach and San Clemente trOlioa eampalp WU their final IDIWtr :Jll=~:ton~-"! to the problem, hut to authorlUea who to tl>e wa ,...... kn"" the proceu <t .. -. Tueacla.Y'• wl>lcli _.... rr... the S&nla := Oood wu no mrprloe. to the lialcaa llorder. NATURAL ER08ION "It WU expected," he explained, "beea:UJe of the natural etosJon of the ocean pounding aagln.st the shore.'' ADvm 011iDll Each mualdpal admlnb!ntor, tt Wal -· would keep Iha ~ advlaad " an llndlap 11111 ncommencJatltm IO lhat all action wvuJd be In -' In addlU..., Wbeai<lll Mid be would nquell a moetinl of all Ca!Uon>la coulal cllf mlDlfll'I to IOllcll thetr support. • Rlantr, meanwhlll, wlll ... t Ibo hick· In• of Ibo Ca!Uon>la Leq1ie " Clllel. ,HopatullJ," Aki llarlbmt. "we can 1et Ibo 111tlre atata beblDd cm campalp lot camctlve Jeclalatlon. We'll need lt -Iha oD lobby in -and Wuhfttcton." Moorhoue C011Unued to aplaln how the nataraJ procell d building beachea had been lnterruplld by mllHlllda .... atrucllon. uBeacbu are built by riven,'' ht uld, "and when lklod control projecta dam- med up the rtftl"I tn the mountains It ltopped the replenlllllni now GI und to the beachea. "Man-made ocean projects 111cb 11 the Anaheim Land1ng jetty v.r the San Gabriel River jetty ln Stal Beach lloo lnltmlpled the nalunl pattern GI ocean Clll'rents," Moorhouse continued. lllpo, dry boat llorap, cofl" lhop IJld I rutawant. Tile tee0nd parcel coolalnl about 1111: acret GI land 111111 water 11111 II rud1 for lmmedlate deYelopmenl and uaa for 1 boat repair yard, boat Nia, dry boat "°'"' 111111 lhlp chandler)'. Tile thin! parcel II an oven>1Chl <IDl· plni and tr1vel trailer ma and COOJllts GI about II ac:ree of land. II will not be nady for development for two yurt. Leue propoula will be accepltd for any -of Iha !Int two poreeb or all three. . ' llln1mum rental on parcel one la 11,000 for the Ont yeor ranglna up to 111,000 by 11111. Lenee muat de\'tlop ladllUea In acconlance with archltocturll llan- dardl de.eloped by the Harbor .Dlllrlct with a minimum cost of !300,000, U• clualve of the rutaurant. Minimum rental on parcel two wtll be 11,000 the fin\ year and ranging up to 11,000 In 11'19. Lenee muat ln•ut f150,000 1n f1dl1Ues. Parcel three wtD uqulre a !300,000 Jnvstment and m1y only be leued in conntdlon with the Ont two pan:ela. Minimum rental ii 11,000 for tho firs! ,.., and up to 111.000 by 11111. Penona lntemted In furlber In· formation or bidding may call th• Department ol Real Proper1J' l5en>lcts, tll N. Sycamore, 8aDla Ana, or telt- pf>ooe !M-ZllO. Flooding Blow To Parking Plan On Beach Strip Sunset Beach re!idents today are hop- ing Tuesday's ocean o v er f Io w demODl!rated the WlleuibWty of bulldlnl a parking lot on the beach strip. "1bh: provu Sunset isn't a 1tabl1 beach," Mid . Mn. Donald Strain, secretary to the SUlllel Beach Chamber of Commerce. "PerhaPI now the Orange County Harbor District will reco!Ulder Ill part- ing lot proposall," she added. On Jan. 14 the Hjrbor llblrlct reviewed lour propoea1a for utabliahlnJ a part1n1 lot to Rl'Ve the 33-acre coonty beach ...... ThrtO of Iha propoaala consisted of building faclllUe1 dlrectly on tht beach and condemning various portions al pro- perty in the Sunset Beach area. All three pl1111 were vigorousJ1 oppoeed by about 15 to JO Sunset Beach residents who attended the meellll( In Newport Beach. A fourth plan calling for construction of porting laclllUes llong tha PacJllc:. Eleclrlc rlshl-o!-wey further Inland hu received local backing. Harbor Dlstr:lct 1utboriUes have not taken action u yet on any of the parking propoeala. Tuelday11 demonstration of Web ~ stabllity, bowuer, may have been 1Ugbt· J,y more emphatic than Sunset Beach nmident.s desired to prove their Point. Don eiplalned ~t OCC had wanted to put all <t Iha !fact Into its dl1trlct, but that Saddleblck had Obj<cted. Tb• CIDly WIJ to 1et UI all 1n the wne janlor college tent WU to ptUUon lal<r. Tllen came a coatradlctory nport. Thole lolta la Santa Ana never...., 1r~~~~~~--:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.. "Meanwhile," I llld, "let'a find out wbert tbe Keevill belon1." J1eF1 I from obllglni Don Jacobi: u'l'om (then kind or alale), 'lhil 111 a rather im.UIUll altuaUOn. In Juatltrl GI this kind, """""1lng to the .,...i, ICboob oll1te; the detonninlnl factor Is where JOU aJeep." "Where J lllep!" "Yep, whatever dlltl1ct' the bednoio. falls In, tllat'a where you pay laxee." Don alaborated. It'• where the bead GI the -lay1 hb head that delermlnel a oplll boolldll'y. No matter U ht 111111 hb wtfe sleep ID 1tporate bedroaml, tbl man. In Udl cue, carrtes the nlPl "Dan." I llkl. '"Our bedroom ll a mllht1 b1i -· It -be to both Mr. Kmeger's Funeral Slated • to ....... The Ullfllior't olflet nid J've lot dual clUJenahlp. I belong to both dlstrjcta. My kids, if they're of junior college qe, could 10 to e.ilher OCC or Saddleba<:k. Moment of terror : Do J pay dual lane u weD! No, the tu bm II oplll between the two d!atrtctl in-mann«. But you, Mr. Keevll, ll'I In Ibo UllUIUll altualloo of bel"i In two ldtnllcal dlatrlcta simultaneously. Unusual indeed. Today ts btlnl devoted to llndlng which t>eory Bhall . pruall Cea I 1b111 the bed .....,. or ,.... llllo Ille llldl' bed- """' and Illy In the occ dlllrtcl! Or am 1 alttady dtolined to aplit 1111 loy- alty, my house ind my tu dollan? DUAL crnzENlllll' If I 6> have lhla dual Junior collelO citlvmhlp, I'm waJk1nC down &be ttreet for a cbll with ID1 nttpbor, Mr. Jchn O'Hll'I lblth. I'm aoinl to Ilk him where ~ •Ian up for the ocbool boanl election. Then I'm going up to santa Au and uk fer candid.ates' papen. Wbl'* dlllrtct! they'll Uk. Saddlet>ack AND oranp Coaal, I'll say I'm gotnc lo nm Irr both al thlm. That'll teKh 'tm IO opllt up I happy houathold. • Young Republicans Show Heroin Film ~1tingHO 1HE W\lOIBAM> THATlBlS TM. Aaow.,,."'"ln- ttonary r.al1ndar watchband Illa! p•ll tllO wbola :rur on yoiar wrtat -ud lht11 oome. Two amall dlala lot JOll nfor to 1111)' month Uf t!ma 11 a bolll·ln calandll' unroll• ba-. wanl1 or lonnrd• to aub :roar watoll .... -~ llu>ctlODll u wall u band1oma !1alaloa -'°"' Slllldap ud ~olidaya In nd. :::~ Twlat-0-Plox• 1tJloo. Stalal1oa 1tttl ta.IS u ,.now pd-811ad •11.u. Nntt llu 1 . _, ..... to.-. A lllm oo heroin adllctlCOI wtD be lhown at 1:111 p.m. n.radl1 at Ibo meeting of the RunUollilll-VlllOJ Y- Republlanl al the Shirt~ 1i>a. Followtna the ""'""""' ~ the Hun-tlnaton Beach Pou.. °"*-~ the audience wtD bl ~ lo dtacuA the ft1m 11fan:ot!C1;; to ... ques- Uons. CONVlNIEHT llRMS IANKAMQICARD MASTER CHAR&E J. C. .J./u"'f'fuiu 'Jflwfll,. PHONI 14&,l401 (~ ' ' ----------- \' \ ---·- Till NEW'°RT Avt., COSTA MlSA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCA T!ON 1, I l ! ' .. I . ' ·-· -·-;.' -··~·· • . ' L~guna ' •• •. • . """' x... IU)horili.. today .,. tre;ojlng with• tradltiOllll od<ntal delic1c1 i•• ~-; lo get three ~ S<lzed by. R-.i China, one skiJ)pered ~ya Laguna Buch D1&ll., &eed to return home. ~= hu been heard from the M · govunmtnt about the fate of Simeon Btldwn, 56, ol. 1358 Cllfl · Drive, and 4 Giber boaters . since. QleY were captured luDdafon a holiday cruise. . ere-of Chinese junks Plyjnc the Widt· Piarl River estuary be.tween Britiah Hong It.., and the Ponugu .... island colony of Macao spotted ~ ~-­ lured boats · at a r...iuni l'lllage por1 MOll(f1y. Nctmally reliable 50W'CeJ uld Tuu- da)';'bowever that the vusel! have betn Tax Advantage ' tqwod from Gau Chau lo the Chineoe Navy base at Wbampoa, bul whe~ts of lhe·u people la not .known: "Lodging a protest wlth 'P.eklng-would be a bullheaded wi.y to go about tbinp," H ... Kong Morine Depailmeut llirec:loi' Kenneth Milburn tokl ·reporters ~U;; Any f\)tlllal . prot.st about d of Ba~wln,i·five. other America.ns::.Q4 nine H..,. x.., realdents mual ·.o.!t from their respective governmen&a. aid Brltiah polltlcal advisor Arthur Mad-dock&. . . Efforts at 'contact · '° · fir: howev~ have mei stony silenCt. · . Rea50ft,Jor .tranafer of the Mor&llJJI\. the · Uni·l'f•lbrl and the iuven. to .· Heiress Loses ·Appea;l; ··county Preserves QK'd . ' ' llYI~!)!"~~ ........ ,, ............ Acreements llOltiq up .' qrieultural ffttll tll on Irvine and MWi• )_.fJo .-. ...,.. aJ>!"'OV'd TUeaday 1'!'/bli ~ County Board ol SupitJllwt ~te a la~ !>lea for~ m6il by lttin< RaDch litJtta Jou Jmiie Smtih. The county agreements . will att: up the tu-advantaged pres!rvea on 1'11111 100,000 acrts of ranchJands in Or,.nCt County. Mis. Smith's objecti9ns, aud 1"* of her \nother, Mrs. Tbunnood Clark.;~ Voiced before the board by Attorney uDde.11 Young. · ~ .Both women last week instituted · A i.wiult ... king lo block establishment of _tbe agricultural preserves. "'l'be Irvine heiress' attorney pleaded that.Mrs. Sm.llh"badn't been given aaf· fiC!ept notice al The Irvine c.om.pany;a bli:l6t to file· for an agricultural prq,erve. . ~y Guy K. Claire lo. the Irvine cOmpany answered that the ranch Board of DirectorJ bad the agrJcul.tural Sirhan at Firing Range ·· Testimony Heard by Jury 'j,os ANGELES (UPI) -S_irban B. Sirhan fired more than 300 tounds during fiye hours at a target range on the cUy befon Sea. Robert F. Kennedy's «lib and told another man hiJ gun ~-sufficient to "kill a dog," a witoesa Uid today.at his murder trial when Kennedy leapre(I from a plaUonn and took a lhort cut through the pantry where be wu 1hot. Speakinf slowly, his voice - faltering, Barry told tho jury Kennedy leaped from a slag< In the Amllwador (!lee llllUIAN, P•I' II . ; Rains St.e~ ·Traffic · .. Fro1t1 CounlJ. .. Airj>ort ' t • • •' • , • I Airline traffic · at Orance County AfrPott · WU ,dlyeftjdi to Oljtarlo from 1 tb'? ~.m!TUaday·ai erewa repiJred aectiou; Of jtl)e i.ma&t. tmi,iy wblch hid been unilirinbiicthvheivy.wjnter ralna. Some plll>i&·~~--i. like off with l!lbtened.Joidl.· •• • Norm-1 ~ Ofltf•tioo&...,.,...... ed It 7 p,.m .• ,,_.,, ~ lo the•alrporl•dJNctor••'olflce. . . . ' . -~chlel Saccoman,.who WU mo prat· tld1lg with his pistol at the nnge lold he ..wked with Sirhan for more than 4$ minutes and observed hundred! or empty shell casings on the ground. He's 'Di'7tde.d' . .. i ' . on . " S'.I' " . .. • ! . j • ' t.,;,f. ~ \ "'':-t' • , , ; I : r • ' ' . J. 'f ... y,._Fl•al TEN CENTS 35.Aboard .'G;unhler's Flight' HAWl'HORNE, Nev. (UPI) -Ground parties, some on skis or snowshoes. battled rain and heavy snow .. today in their search for a DC3 airliner mi.uing with 35 persons aboard on a "gambler'J flight." "We've ~ three good leach,·• said Col. Clarence Brown of the Air sea Rescue Service headquartered a t Hamilton AU Force Base. However, be said, all but two of 37 search planu remained grounded today by the weathtr. The clllftl came ·from persoiis who ~eporttd hearing tbe sounds of twin eJlllnes which suddenly stopped. At 'the Clrtle L. Ranch near Dyer, Nev., a cowboy said "'I thought it was coming right through tbe house," Col. Brown said. The leads placed the OC3, similar to the C47 which was the workhorse of Worki War 11. in an area deep in anow around Mt. Tom and M t • Montgomery on t~e Californ ia-Nevada border, about 50 air mllea from HawUionfe, where it took off at ~OI a.m. Tuesday. . ' Abodt :150 persons divided into lrtlUDd tWlll ·braving the cold allj! llJOW lo search :tbt area1 The Nevada Civil Air Patrqlr · contrlbitted 010 plan,ea" t b t CiJlllini'-lfN' t7, aud !he .~r. Po/'!' and Navy 1. • S' ' ··-· ........ s........ 'I ' ' It< 1IU' hoped llODIO · clearll\I O! ihe Wic;c;,Jo _,... _,. · . 1kle& later today woul!I permit the ~· ... ' ' "~'-' . ',.. ..... : I I ' . ... • " .\ 'J : •• l : lo'U., to·tbt oir. • .• , ~ r, ."~• ~ ente," II one of llO lf!s seeking G411' ~ pw., carrying 31 pua•n&•rs and . · ,;QiM;·tRl/i• 'illatlooal CL'!~fililfow in San Bernar· a~ ol -, w•·-•ted by Mineral · ill ' ~: -)lfal-GI ;:peke ts •~ i>Y. Sail <;iemeni• Couiit1 -»l!f ·, irblc11 u. ~·eta l!u.-u &iwtborJle Nevada Air~ .. ()o~rnitte~~ying .~arking I .,,. I • '' • Plan of I 0 Cents, Tokens • 'I ,,.. ' ( I ~ , ' I l " Br ,JUCllARD •P. NALL • 1 .... _...,,..,.,,... ; ~ cumm· ~ JD the tye"O( 'a ' . committee studying ·dOwntown · 4in'na Btach parkil\i problema is a JG-cent-per· hou(mettt ~.1"'!!!:14 &Ol'J!pl ·lolen" Clt_Y~~W.. J.~111es l>. _Wheal9n 18Jd . the =•""""' of ~1ani! cny ' ofllc!'1a• wllii:lt · meeti ' "'"' Mon<!ay mQmln( Is l04?king' favorably on 1 type in'etei"'ln iMe in ChU1a .Vtsfa .. EDl~nina lb.e .sys~m, Wheaton .said ttie ~ttt .would; 'put ;10 a dime for an hOUr iod ,then J1Ctlve" a token ,from a mercJiaiil wbert be made a purchase. . . . VSE TOKEN · Tbe .next •Ume · tbe' .per'°" parked the , toten co.Id be Uled·tnstud of the dime. The ' -would purcbase the tokens from the city at .whltevtr cost lllfllit•be'qreod ... : " " ·Qif :pl!Uo ' ol· the-. porllillfi li!UaUon -. ' l . . ., . ; ' : ' : ; 'j I ' ' ;Sehools, .. ' . ' . . . will come before councilmen ttlnl&itt"ln the Conn.or a proposed oiWnance change on ciintr<>J of Jiilrklni,metm.. . . .lt --woul(allow :tbe ,citi lo e&tablish type of meters by resolUUon rather. than the more Ume cons'umlng : ordinance niethod and wotild" rtmdve the · ailthori(y ·I ' • • ' ' t~ plfC~ n;ie~rs.f~ ,the superlnl~ni:lent of str~ls and plaqe it with the ci~y , council:. · 'Wheaton said the p,6ssiDility of rtmov· Ing nieters downtoi.n · has been looked at by the committee. "But l really don't think that it has_ a great deal ol appeal· lo anybody," he said .. "I think the downtown business people want to be in the positipn of pying 'look .a:ang. we're Providing free pari· Jrj,g'." ' I• ' I ' JtEVENuE toM · ' · tumtni.uoii 'ot downtown mtte•i .would a18o mean a lost of' revenue 'to the city ol about 145,0oo 'aruiUally, Wlieaton estimated. He !:~i~ no11 the revenue and e.it· pendltures for the meter program are M~ of the passtngen were on U:ie return leg ' of a flitht . that carries Southern Clllfornia CUI~ ~ a Hawthorne Wino on an ovemlght f10 exc!ll'sion plan which includes alr f~ dinner anct. cocldaib. . Tbe regular, l'Olllldtrip fare 1' $31.50, bu~ . an alrllne~ spokesnlan said, "We .. , only have a few of these pusengers." The flight originated Monday night In Long Beach, where 14 persons boarded the' plane. Eighteen others were picked ~ later at Burbank, where they were llu<:~ ieturb at 6:30 a.m. Tueldaf. 'Ille Afw w•s Identified ·u pll6t Fred Hall of San Fernando Valley, copilot Ray Hamer or Long -and st.wanie.. '1!1t Nann.._ The last report ~rom< Halli come 16 minut.. ofter tabolf from Hawtborne, when be radioed hi1 flight plan to Tonopah 100 mlles south. "They might have found a nice fiat area to come down Jn or they might ba've Jutied lit ooe of our'alkall lakes,'" &aid airport manager Art Barlow ;"These pilols are real good . • • Ut~y are the best in the business." An unsuccessful air search Tuesday was coordinated by \be Air-Sea Rescue Service at Hamilton Air Force Base north of San FranciJCO. "We bad some planes over the area but lhe wealher ls terrible with thun-- derstonns, snow and icing conditions.'' an Air Foret . .ipoielman aakl. "We can oilly see Uie ground about five percent of the time beclUll U. mouDtaln peaks me.ke· it necessary for, the .aurcb planes to stay above 1,000 feet." 'Saccoman said that Sirhan told him ht P,lanned on going on a bunting trip. "I told him that bunting with a pistol >ia5'against the Jaw," Saccomall said. Pilot Editor'1 Howie Split by -Two. :Dutfiets . a~t a break1fe~ .tltuaUon. · The city mihager ~ !j: felt the committee was Jooklng -in'llie dlrtction of increasing revenue so that fundJ could be salted away for future parklilg struc- Weather "lie med me wby &l\d · I told blm tliat"wu becaime ol Its lack ol aceuracy. AildChe said, 'I dOn't l:noW about that ..-1i will kill a dog! " 'Saccoman drew on a 1J1te board a reproducUoo of bow Slrbln:• tarsel look· ed at the ranp.. h 1'11 ~ with lUnctreds ol bolel;,JDOll of wti1cb were bl'the ..-ol the tarae\,1111d -NW be dedded Slrbln' wu .. a prrttr -shot"" . "l PiatlJIUln blonde , aiudla Williama ~ ,that ibe .al&t &lood 'but lo 1¥'.IW? al 111e ; .... ror nearly an 11our ~ that he ...-· her ln P'•ctlcing Wttli her revolver. ·BID Barry, 41, 1 &trapping former '1D. qent who was the slain senator's Jl!nonal bodyguard, telltllled Tutsday Gt becoming separated from his chill• Steele llf•leftl m:w YOllK (AP) -'l1H: -market -~ilaed loda1 with Ila tllltd loll of tht wed. (Sle quotalldna, Pqe& IWll). ' ,. • -\ •' -' ~~-., ' ·• I #. • • , • f ' . lures. . , . ·4gUna. Beach parldnl:;now, i::osta a nickle an· hour escept, alohg Cliff Pfive aild the ' neW' El Paseo lot where the charge is a dime. · 1Wbea~n· sa{d 1he ~~;~;'~ge "\IS! protiai!)y. ·-'IN< 1•~· the . meterr went · iQ. Saa)' .11'.'.it I~' Y~ old.1. ', ,: 1•;.:1 ·· ~!·-;· -lje ""1 • nicilel IMltt Jtr-lol•max· lmutn ..,,....._'lo ·1 ~,... --~ lOIJIY ' bring In 1111 ••mW!)'. ''Q!e ·l'f'~I spacea on the. r,lenM)d S~t 'l'lf,. he Ji.id, cOst about M,1* t eaeb 1 Jn'l nn. At that rite, he '81d, it would take rl years to pay for •.•'8«-' ·M""""' of the.M~t m.orhln&.park· ln1'se8ston1 haVe 'lrictui:lfd 'WMti.ton, the 1 dlre!;tor' ol l!"blic l'IO'l!J..1111 ~ chief OOnfun Stracbu, Joe &Ulbatil, BljOla/; . rlne<, Bob Benlier Ud. ljell l!llekmirr. · iWlleJloD aa{d,.J,. fi!l~.lloi, IJ'QllP w.ould haye _..~~-°"'"°'~to ~ within JIJ'OI\ el&bl ...U. · The weatherman gives a choice Tburad•Y-41111l!Y .lo partly clouily -but vowa.. no more rain. Temp. mtwes wilf range from II lo el along ·the coutal area. 'INSWE TODAY Theater .stagts art lighting Mp aU OVtT &he ·COl&IJ{U thil Wt tie with fiV< "'"' prodliction.T OP<"" I' 1n11 in "thrit da'yr. See Enter· ta1rir7t.ent, Pagt1 18-19. · ....... 14 C.....C...... It ·-' ,_ .... .... . Crw.-.1 1' DMlll ....... JI 1 °'"'"' , ,, . •tttwlel .... •. IWll U IMt ·-.... ,.,.. cant It ::-r::.. :: ~·u..w~ -~-..,..... ~'-11 -.. ... .... . .............. or... """""" 11 l'TA M ,, ............ •*""" ~ .... ~ .... °'"' ........ 11 I=-=:-"': -.. -· .. ...... 'WMl>t' ' ti ................. .. . ·• . ' . I . ' ,! DAll.Y l't\.OT L WtJ 111, ,......, t•, 19" Pnrking -Petmit8 Ey:ed· Two vel<nnl .....,U..UON ha,. uktd ·~-coancllmen f" pmnlaloo to qaln _... lhe hollval of ArU .......... latlnl ... . Counclllnee tanl&hl will Ilk• up the ·joint~ '-American IAcloo Post .:m and Voterw of Foreip W111 Poot s.. ..•. • M'.qoor GlmlD v-IRld: 1.-ied -llllt I) aplOie .. Ibo Joi m1Clll thil JMr be 1111 ulde for F..Uval -WI II DO dlqe to ..... ap for parldn( lost to eoostructlon of the new Laguna Moulton Playbouee. The veterans would pve the city 10 per<ent of the ftmdl collected on the mnaini!er of the lol and would chirp IO cenll per car UDlll I p.m. ad 11 ... 11111ere111er. In other ----ton1&hl: Dana Point MQn Fil.es For Saddleback Board Council ·to Face Decision Again . On Canyon Acres " PW Slyre, a Dana Point publlcatlon.1 conllllltanl, today jolnod lawyer RonaM Steelman u a candklate f« one of two open Matl on the Saddlebick Junior The munderln& and controverahd College Dlllrlcl Board of trustee" allgrunm1t for nleodlng Cllllj'On . .\Cfd Incumbenll for the jW11or colle1e 1pol!, Drive to Lquna'a Top of the W!l'ld Hana Vopl and Pat Bacl:UI, have unlll will be beet before councilmen loolpl Everyone W sits Until Last on Sign Ordinap~ ~ ~ de~ to lei lalo Ibo ~~nlod by ~ r"P of sa,,. Aid ba decided to run for the ~Jan. I lndlciMd ti., -1d :'*""sno::1 ~-of Ibo faulll of ll~ -the allpmenl far - "I.fill to • i-111o ..-i..,n1 d~ ~ u 11 '9 eel>llllolod la II all •111<-•• C::'~ :;,~.:::~ of Ibo ~ In 1111 dlllrlcl. II la on llDDed lhe _..._ '-'-• -~,..,. UJlfortuuta -tllal Iha junior col-.....----leCo bao ~. pollUcll-.. sa,re .. sift the -• -to - A little leu than I~ mootho ·remain Nld. · : ;::::.:. baiter altmlatlve rooto to for Laguna Beach propat,.....,. and H•Aldhelelllhallheboonlmemllerl ~ Aem Drive rllldeall have merchanll to comply with 111o cit, sign sllould mall• an allanpl to uplaln the oppoood the -of lhelr ilml . ordinance and, according to clly o11Jcial1, conlusloo ba Aid emta wtllllo the to Alta'·--· --~ -·~ = distrlcL . -.-u• -·~ It appears a)ll)ost everyone Is waltlnf "II ls •m lo Ibo hoonl lo -that that tt -1d -baiYJ traffle "unUI the lasl mlnula. ~ a -.i ana and mlPI alao coot . "I would NY that mnat ol the ldp1a the poople of the dlllrlcl pl a 'dollari them land ,,_ lbalr loll -Ibo In the town will bava to ba chanp•f. worlb of baellt for = dollar ... .-., -ls wklaned. We nalJ:t have no Idea bow many of ·~.:i~.::-nol --11 Al111oupt1•"'•U,dlrtlafmoolofthe the ldp1a are offocled. RIPI -lhe 1n1--"-· -.'"" to ·tllt ....__ u aUp--id be -.-from men are oat making a slt.i.y..tte t.. .. -......-. _..., ~ of tllt World to ~ ~ vedllry," Clyde Spr1np, Bulldln r to t11t !llou of tllt-. llotd, lhe --'S-·-"="'~ Depar1mtnl -Aid. Slyro'• put pUbllc ..... ---~ -S!1&hlJ1 more thin n -have prealdlncy of a -. poap, llaa allo ~ ~ tllt a8-nL . paaed since the adoption ol t11t -chalrmallllllp of tllt Dana Po In I Tbe _, -1111 ,......'J . aiCn regulallcllll b1 the clly. Tbe . law Coordlnalln& Council, and ..-, ol ol <Olla tllal mlPI ba lnounod fer ;_...... for • throe year -the Dana Point av!c --of the al~t Cit, . .-··--'-·· "'-· ould "'-J-D. -bad aald period In which ..__.. .... " -..of 11-k ,..._.. ~~ ·~ be ohanpd lo fit the law. .. --w--The amortbatioo period ...ia April 2 Drown as Huge Wave a1Jgnm111t P'"" would JllY f0r the ·1• ·-. Aller that .. _ wl>lcb do nol fulure deYelopment o1 the rood up Ibo ~'the ltaDdanft •';iii ,baft to bt h1l1'1de. , I . ·tam. c1own ., made to """"""' 1m-Wailhea 3 From· Rocks P1oao1at -b1 ap111 - . p1fdlaMIJ', s aald. • ' -a porllao of lhe allallment : The Arf • .,, riew -·ls -· l.OSANOl:LD(AP)-'J'Wo-mea .""*"lid far ••eltij1owat-ln Ibo neor : -of the In Iba llale; Sprln&o -...i -a bop ,.. .. IWepl lhem future, H_., ,they ~ to beet ; Aid. '"{;>' of/ rockl and Into Ibo Pacillc Ocaan. the lolal .•1'-1, apptnm1J1 pnler· , All ~' alfociad by tba aiCn Alhlrdman-.Pdto"!lmlo...... rtnno .... tminallorup'.,i-nul ' ordlMnoa Wtll"" ncelvlng lollerl """ Alooio HayAd, 't .'jnd 4\Mrft 0. ,.~ iilifil;:the iiilillai' beet lo . : the bulldlir --t nprdillg aiCn Marton, II, dnlwned .~. ·~-plannei1;-bul the ·cilmmlaJti baa lluct . .-, s~ William!, Iii, Aid he -flallilll' wtlll ~ * -ID !'·lll!lr to Iba council : Cit, Ila!( Dlldlberl will ba available them 1ro1n rock1 '!II IW l'"1ol1~ Pih ·~ the 'hlllr ....... "It w11 ' to mtew ~ llplng prior lo IUIJ Penl-1a -,ol tllt di; ~ the -.Iba •qi-of ... lhe C'rNpi-lllM ;. cmtrool ~ or manulaoture. be wa .. hlL Wllllaml .. repilrlod illf. ,.,,,..... uno.rtalnllel es1i1 rtlatlve to :· aald. ' .. ftrlnl """' ahock. the \doption of .. allpmlnt beyond . the polat __._... and until t.. F: P... l fonnattoo Is prmnlld lo the CommlMloo .rem wlllch would .clarll)' IUCb palnio u HOUSE DIVIDEJ) . • • ';~"it&.~"/!..~~~ • .. Ind . . 'ptUlbWUea, the Com- • lo cut cllagooani lhrou&I> your lit." ".:. a 111he' UD-1 altuallon. 'lo 'lllolllln miulao ""'1d llOI ·-ldopUon of : "Wiim does tllat leave mo!" J-,..... ; of this ~ Wioordlng lo" Iii ..,;m1 ~ en.!1'9 al~ 10. canyon Ami . ''Wbo p11 ·nrj· ~ .. ! Wbero wlD ""' ·' ICbooll oflloi, Ille' determlnlnc'-la ... ' : kida go to 11cb••ll Whal an :iou loioll wl>ert 1"" llMp;:' • · :· lo cl<> about .U!'•. · "Vibln 111111\1!" : ugp WH~ TMCf "Ytp, ..._..., cllslricl ibt 1*1r-, ' ' faDa lD, ,,,.., wbtrt )'GI ,., taxtl .. . Dan uplatnod !bat OOC bad wani..i Dan alabantad 11·11 wtiere Iba bo.d · : to pit all o1 the troo1 Into Ila dlllrlcl, of the bouee '1ays hla beld lhal " but lllat Saddlebact had ol>jeclld. Tbe dtlermlllel a spilt boundary No ...- : ~n1y way to gel us all In the wn• U be and hll wile ateep in llf*l\e · JuJdor colkge tent wu to petltlm later. bedro<ma, tbl man, Jn thl1 case tartifl1 : "Meanwhile," I 81.Jd, "1et11 find out the welthl ' ' where the Keevils belq." "Don " I aaid "Our bedroom 11 a : .. ::1 ~:~obi~~ ii:") J~; mi1bty' b1c ooe: II may be In bo111 r Bia • dillrlcla rllht now. Whal H we lllOVOd , .-----------~ .. JAllY fllOI OIANGI (OiUT l'\IK.llHIHG COM,..ufY l.Mrt N. w,.,, ,.,....,........,. "'*'""r J ...... c .... ., Yb ""'*"' .... OeMrl.I .,.....", n.-. 11: ... ;1 ·-TIM1111t1 I<. M•r,lil11• ~lfltl1!41Hlw ~;,~••' P. Nall P<1vl N i11111 l..•lt!l"I' ..... .,. ... • ....,. .. (,_. (llY! l!tll!M' Dlr«teor __ Of ... 221 ,.,, •• ; •••• ; · ... M•fl'-t M41tur •.o ... 1: 661. tJ61.Z --C..•• ~: "'Wfft .. ., '''"' Nl'W..., k«tl1 nu""'' .. _. ...,...,.,. ~---"""' -........ DETllllMINED lllVE "It'1 been dont." Don llld. 1'Tblre've been cuu where tho bed hal been pulled .... to the -side ol Ibo bedr-. and K's-the ...... Tbeo ..,.. a eooltadlotory nport. 'l1lool -In -Ana --to-The 1M1li0r'1 office Wd I've aot dual ~· I beloog lo balll districts. MY di, H they're ol junior ct>llt.. .... ""'1d .. to either oa: or Saddlebact. Mom111t ol lam>r: Do I poy dual lut1 .u .Jllll! - Nb. lbe tu bill 11 llJ)lil. be-the t\111 ~lsltlcll In -.,._, BUt J"", Mr· Koevll, are In tho -situation of belDI In two khllllcal dillrlcla slmultaneoullJ. u..-~. . . Tqdai:.u ...... -lo~­~ . pntall. Qm J . Ille .... --.. -lnlo llie 'Ml'· ... ....., -.nd ll«J In tllt 00C ~T Or am I a1na11J dlollnod lo split my loj>- .al17, .., -..... "" ta dollan! . . 00.\L crrJZINllllP U I do have !Ml Ml junior coll ... cillaonoliip, l'lll ~ dOwn the •ltetl far a chal with 1111 ntlchl>or, Mr. Jol>n O'Hara Smith. I'm llOinl lo aot him wbero 1"" llp "' for the od>ool board eltclloo. Tbeo I'm ..,.. "' lo -Ana ad ut .... c:andlda!W Jllll"I. llllldi'tllalrlct! "'1'11 • -Am> Onoio Ololl, I'll ta1 I'm iollfl to .., let tioll et -· '.lbll'D -lead! 'em to llpll ap a bam bCluaehold. ·p ..... p ... l P~ERVES ... parties to the qroiment appllu !Or _..._al. The ..,.._II 1!11f ba cancelled cl1Jr.. 11'1 the e<mlncl perlOd by mutual -ment ol lhe coun!Y and landowuer~ . In such a cue, the land shall be lmmedlalaly rtvilutd b1 the ........ and the -will pay lo the county u delorrtd tam .. -equal lo II,..._ of Ille ..,. a-valaallaa of llie ....... t,. ~ 11111, '':.. naura w1l1 oot "' aYallablo -. llU'Cb 1 bat plan- llinl depor--l .. allow llie tu effect of ~· aciton lo be : -tmae ;l!Meli:An-cul '-·~~····­resuJtlns • tu .... ftom ""' year's II mlllloo lo $&00,000. ---Wj<: An 11ae .. ment cut from $1.J BllWon tbll b: lo II.I millloo wtdl lull red1lced llt0,000 to 113,llOO. llardul hit b1 the tu nducllooa wlD be scbool diJtrlcla lacll!dlac the Sacl-diebaek JunJor COllbll Dblrlcl, the Bin· Jooql&UI Scbool tlllldi:t and the or-Unlllod Scllool 1*lkt. Saddltbact --Ille cbanp -id -lbolr ·dlllrfcl SllO,IGO ID tu11-year. Al••••" Andrew J, IDllbsw bid -that hla ... 7 .... mlCbl "" be u low u Iba plamllc dopol1ntllll -..... .::r"""' •Ille ......... Ulll 1J1PF . " lftinnel!i U DO pr-. !Jlablt -.... ::C:"' -··· nductkm may""' lo the plawrs ·--.. Tbe llrioulluril pr-VI slaba II granted oo a fladlnC b1 the wperv!IOn, that "In order .. ._... _ .... and .......... ,, aiat•lkm ot nch lllMI '-~--W.dlot •Uch land .... d6dla tdlllc •llDI u --... -tlio JI'-fllloo of -lad In qrlcullurol ...---·a looplrial'p11111oal. -~ a!ltllelle, and --"' the county." .. OIL· HUODLE -·Threat of bil drilling oU Orange , Cout ~rough! rare joint meeting Tuesday of city managers from five Orange Coast communities. Hudd!Jn& were (clockwl!e from left) Kenneth carr DAILY l'ILOT Iliff ...... of San Clemente, Doyle MillEr of Huntington Beach, Harvey Hurlburt of Newport Beach, Lee Risner of Seal Beach and James \Vheaton of Laguna Beach. • Cities Map Fight on Oil Managers Endorse Laguna's Drill Ban Proposal lly JEROME F. !X)IJ.INll Alarmed by the Santa Barbara ol1 d~aster ape! new JtOIJ'ol~wn induslly in. tnalon1 into :co'*1ty waters,~flve. br1nge C6ut city ·manaien Tuesday mapped · atra~ to fl&ht the polluUon threat In a apecial meo111& ln·Newpoft ~ch. They each agreed to lake ieadershlp roles In the developtnil of proposed legialaUon to: · , ' . · -Slmlglhen the ,lllle'1 :!lbell-Om-nJneham Act where it now appUes. -Tlghlan drlllilll rtatriclitna where olls!>ore oD exploitation 11 alteady pmnllled. ~ 'l1le _, .. Cy ....tno, oalled by N.wpnrt Cit, Manager Hlfftl' L. Hilrlburt, wu believed to be un· _pncodenled. Ol'llBRI A1Tll:NDING In lddllloo to Illa~ thole al1tndlng "'"" l!'.t11t\i1ten Beich City Admlnistrator Doyle Miller, Seal Beach City Manager Lee Risner, Laguna Beach City Manager James D, Wheaton and San Clemente City Manager Kenneth Carr. Miller ~ Risner told the gathering that the.tr 11tj1.les would support efforts to extead . the Shfll..Cl.mn.lng Act's oil "sanctuary" Into federal waters south of the Santa Ana River. But tbey indicated it wasn't likely the sanctuary soooJd ... extended Int\> t;delandl oil Hunllngton Beach am Seal Beac.h, where offshon! drilling is now permitted . PROPOBED UST WEEK The propoaal to encompaN within the ban the area north of the river was put forth last week b,y Newport city councilmen. · "We'Ve already ~got offshcire ' 1f'ells,•'• said Nsner, "and there's l'IOt much that cari be done about -Olat." Dana Trade Held Over A tradt of blU!f properll• al Dl!na Point Harbor WU diaculaed and held .... for-weetbythellolrdol Supervl..., Tuesday. ·The trade, propooecl by the harbor commission, would Involve 1llgl!lly less than hall .. -(If harbor shoreline owned by the Chandler-Sherman Corp. (()( sl1&hll1 more than ooe 1Cr1 of dlllrict-Qt!Jl>d blufl .... -.. the harbor. 'lbe ·~er-Shennan property, already oondemned -,. the county and Improved with a frootage rood baa been valued by the county at 117,650. Presenting ... TME MllllBANI> TMATTBIS TIME. . The dlatrl<t parcel, Wbldl Supervisor Alton E. Allen tenned unuuble by the county has been valued at $78,125. The dlfftttnces In value would be made up by $$8,trl tn cuh from the corpolalloo. Supervl.!Or Robert W, Battin opposed the trade 11 unnecessary and Sltid the btuft face bu a beUer use. He said the cUff Land with access to harbor property could bP. leased for commercial development. Supel'Yin David L. Baker asked for a delay so the harbor district could declare the property surplus in written form . ·~by Speldd. ADIWIDdflVOJu• limlllJ caludar wale&~ tllat puta !ht wkolo JOU i>D 7oar wriat -ud ti... -.. Two anWI dlala let roa nltr.ID t111 monlh UJ -u a INllMa caludar unrol1I hi• wanla or fonnrdt to mab ycoir ..,.1QW·• fuctloaal u wall u bandoomt lublon -"''1· 8UJ1da11 ud holldty1 IA n<L Choloo oC Tw11tzO.Fl1 .. llyltt. Stolnle11 atnl '8.95 an.f yellow 10ld·ftlle4 Sll.95. Nivar h11 a watchband meant IO mucla to 1 mll'. "You can'l make oil pumplna: that is now under way non-<:onformlng," agreed Miller. "If we did,'' said Risner, "the finns that are already there would get all the oil." GA VE ENDORSEMENT The two joined Laguna's Wheaton and S~n. Clemente's, Carr in endorsing a Newport Council resolution, adopted Tuesday, calling for i m m e d i a t e IUSpenslon by the state of a permit to Shell Oil CO. for test core drillinf one mile orf Newport Harbor. They said they would recommend passage of aim.liar resolutiOTJI by their city councils. There wu also agreem ent to approach I.he eomplex offs.bore oil problem on several ltonls, with divi.siom o f i:espopsibillty, ASSIGNMENTS GIVEN }i~ · ii bow the assignments wue d1str1buted at the hour-long meeting : -Newport ~ach wlll focUJ ill efforts on ill immediate concern, the Shell tx· ploralory drilling . -Seal Beach and Huntington Beach will .ta,ke th~ l~ in recommending ltate am 1oderal lep~auon that would beef up drilling controla and increase city shares of oil revenue from tidelands DOW being exploited. -Seal Beach, along with Long Beach Will draft policy for 18,000 offshore acre~ which are at present neither within federal waters nor the state's lhree mlle limit Termed a "no-man's land " by Hurlbm1, the area stretches from Long Beach to the Anaheim Bay jelly. -Laguna Beach and San Clemente will develop proposals for controls of oil production in federal waters adjacent lo the Shell-Cunningham sanctuary which spreads from the Sant.a Ana Rlvtt° to the Mexican border. CONVINllNT TERMS IANKAMUICAAD MASTllt cHAR•J J. (!_ .J./umfj,,i11d '}1w11fe,. IUJ NEWPORT AVE, COSTA MESA 21 YEA AS IN THE SAME LOCATION ~I ------'-------------'--·---- , ' I t • ,I d a d • it II d r h n I • s :· h • ~ y s I, • n • 1 g • 4 4 " r .. • DAILY "ILOT Pi.t. '' T•rTY CewlH• 'WATER? WHAT WATER.' SAYS SUNSET BEACH CHAMBER SECRETARY MRS. DONALD STRAIN High Tides. Big Surf, Driftwood, Memori11 of 1963 and 11 S.111 on the Doorstep Sunset Floods Predicted High Tides, Storm Prove to Be l)evastating Duo for Area By TERRY COVILLE 01 tllt Dtih' '°lltt ll•H The correct -and pote ·ntlally devutating -combination of high tides and atonn surf that sent seaw aters swirl· lng through Sunset Beach and Surfside Tuesday will occur ·again , authorities said today. Just when , however, is the big question. "Predicting the time is nearly im· possible," says Vince Moorhouse, direc· tor of the Huntington Beach Harbor and Beach Department. "We know what and when the high tide will be, but we can't predict what the swells and surf will bt like before they come in," he explained. Actual damage in the area was limited Old-timers in the area were reminded Tuesday of the severe 1963 wave-poun- ding when Surfside was truly surfside and the 'angry sea destroyed severa i residence!. to rugi=, furnilure and other 5ucl> Jlousehold item casualti's Tuesday, when the surprise saltwater bath rolled over the beach area's high tidal peak. "Most of the 1rea between Fifth and llth streets was heavily flooded ," said Dick Harrison, superintendent of the Sunset Beach Sanitary District. "North and South Pacific avenues arc also closed because of driftwood , notsa1n and other debris spread across thci roadway," Harrison added. \Vaters rolled down the beach and around homes in th e community of Sur tside between Sunset Beach and Anahci~ Bay, too, but the noOOing was more spectacular than serious. The Sunset Beach Volunteer Fire Department was called to pump \vater from the home' of contractor Stan Alex ander, of 8-!M, Surfside, but no other residences were Oooded. Homes in the private cQmmunity arr listed numerically east-t1>west on oetan· front A row, inland B row, and C rov.•, \'lhich faces away from the ocean to,vanl Pacific Coast Highway. Debris today litters the narrow slrctt~ along an thr" rows. HOMES WRECKED The natural pattern of beach erosion brought ·. the sea to the doorsteps in 1963, when several A row homes were wrecked and breakwater boulders flun g through B row garage doors. State Senator Asks Ban On All Off shore 1Jrillinp· SACRAMENTO (AP) - A s1a1 · senator opened a fact-finding hearin~ into the Santa Barbara oil disaster Tuet - day by saying there shoold be no mor" oil drilling in the area until "there are fail-safe methods of preventing !hi. from happening aga in." "One oil disaster is OJM: too many, .. .added Chairman Robert J. Lagomarsina (R-Ojai). of the Senate N a t u r a J Resources Committee. The probe is being conducted joinll~· by his committee and the Senate Governme ntal Efficiency Committee, which has worked in the past on state regulation of offs:1ore oil leasing and drilling. State, federal and Santa Barbara area officials were scheduled to testify, along with representativu of Union Oil Co .• drillers of the well that continues to seep oil six miles off the Santa Barbara coast. Lagomarsino said he hoped the special committee's work would lead to aug· gestions to the fedtral 1ovemment for stricter controls, and for stronger state regulation, lf necessary. 111 !he meantime, the Sanla Bar lfu. Jrea legislator said, "I think thert shou l1 l>e no resum ption or drilling on federal or state offshore leases until the com· mun..ity can be absolutely guarantee</ Uiere are fJll-safe methods of preventing this from happening again." But a Santa Bar:bara C o u n t y supervisor, George H. Clyde, wen1 further by calling for a pennanent ban. "A grievous mistake was made in granting the leases, and the only way to correct it is to immed iately and permanently forbid any more drilling in this chaMel ," Clyde said in prepared remarks. "This tragic spill has proYen once and for all to all of us that the channel is no place to drill for oil .. .II drilling is allowed to continue, just the Jaws or chance will mean future major spills -perhaps worse than tbis one - pernaps one which can never be capped.'' Sen. Ralph Dills (0-Gardena), read into the record a letter from the Fishermen's Cooperative Association of San Pedro aaying that no commercial fbh had been caught or sighted in the Santa Barbara Channel area since the spill began Jan. 1.3. Emergency workmen boarded over \Yindow5 at the most critical point - when greenwater seas ""·ere pounding housefronts -but the problem lessened at other seasons. One woman whose family hosted a parly left her front door open t.o air out the smoky house overnighl and found a baby seal snoozing on her couch the following morning. Beach erosion continued until the Army Corps oC Engineers initlated a 1964 cam- paign in \Yhich lo:;t sand was pumped back from the sea.floor and redistributed IS mlles up by the currents. Nibbling slowly over lile years. however , the same currents have again consumed part of the beach, even though oceanfront lot owners built a number of new A row homes last year. jSome people thought the 1964 anti- erosion campaign was their lin.al answer to tile problem, but to authorities who know the process or nature, Tue!day'i; flood was no surprise. Use of Tax-free . Foundation Fund For Campaign Hit WASHI NGTON (.AP ) -Rep. John J. Rooney testified today a political op- ponent used a tax-e.'tempt foundation "u the conduit for campaign spending" in an effort to unseat him. "1 want to scare you. and. through you th.e people of this country, because I believe that we are up against something that warrants a swift and vigorous crackdown," Rooney told the House Ways and l\feans Committee. The panel is studying th' tax trr.atment l)f foundations as the first u,m in months-long hearings on the tax code. Rooney contended Frederick W. Rich- mond, an opponent in · last year's New York Dem~ratic primary. set up the Frederick \V. Richmond Foundation In 1962 . Then, "when Mr. Richmond decided he wanted to become a congrestman for Brooklyn, the Frederick W. Richmond Foundation began taking on a political tone. and in ways that would make Richmond very atiractive politically," Rooney said. Widening Bids Called For Adams Avenue A call for bich for widenln& Adams Avenue in Co!ta Mesa and· the 'Santa Ana River bridge to four lanes was approved Tuesday by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Estimated cost of the project ls $17'7,401. The roadway will be \.\'ldcncd from Albatross Avenue to a point on the Huntington Beach side of the bridge. Udall io Tesiify on De~isio11 Former Interior Secrewry Talk on Channel Drilling WASHINGTON !UPI) -Fonne• Interior Secretary Stewart L. Udall will testify F,b. 27 before: the Senate Air and Water PolluUon Subconuruttee on hill declalon lo allow oil drillini In _the Santa Barbara Channel, chalnnan Ed- mund s. MuskJe, O.Maine, announced Tue.sday. Mu.skie dispuled contentions by Sen. ROOert J. Dole, (R·Kans.), !hat !hero were efforts "by lnfertnct and Innuendo" lo put the blame ror granUng the Jeues off Cllllornla onto the present inltrlor ~I.at)'. former Alaska Gov. Walter J. Hlckel. lo testify. Mw:kie said in a Jeuer to Udall that the committee'1 bearinp on leglslaUon dealing with water Pollution had been broadened lo include proposals for reduc· inl the risk or on leaks such as the one that hu blackened Santa Barb11ra beaches. "Your kno¥dedge of the circumstarr.es surrounding the decision to allow oil exploration in the Santa Barbara Chlf\nel and yoor commitment to a preventive approach to pallutlon control woukl pro- vide a uidul addition to the record of the hearlnga:· the Maine Dt!mocrat told Udall. former secretary wu "delighted to ap- pear to discuss the Santa Barbara in· cldent and it.I legisJati ve Implications," M ta Dole's charges that Klcktl was being blamed unfa.irly, Muskie said he bad· cbected wilh !he committee stall and lbat they wtre "unaware ol any such eflort." 'Return to Nixon Negro A~ Blames Chaos on Hi.s Race By TOM BARLEY OI' Nie IMllJ fl'Utt N•tf • "OUr civil rllbl$ balll• baa been Josi.. '.W~i "'gan Q a glpilolll• ""1ch towards equality hu l>een .routed and destroyed ~y liJe dilClplel of. ~Vil 41s<>lJedlence." And there ii no doubt \fhere A~ica'S ~earoes will 10 from here, ~arpes E. ·Johnson told a Santa ~ Co}lege students' conferenc..>e '.fUesday. "We must . return to the metnod1 that gaVJ! us a century of aolld prog!'ea,s, the slow bui sure footlte'p& that w e r e at. last beginning lo iJ01 off," h• said. Johnson. a , takes over next wetk !he posl assliom him by Prealdent Richard Niloo., shortly after the chief executive's election - a seat on the Un.Jted States Civil Service Commission boar~ in Wuhington, D.C. The former Tuslln resident is this week moving out of his of lice ai director of California's Department of Veterans Affairs, a post to which he wu appolnted by Gov. Ronald Reagan. The former Santa Ana College student told his Phillips Hall audience that only one person ls to blame for "the chaos and confusion that surround Negro desires and demands today -the Negro. HAVEN'T GOT WILL "We don't get where we want to go be- cause we haven't got the will to do so," he said. "Our own differtnces, our own lack of spirit, our own failure to purtue those goal1 that we talk about so much -these art I.he reuons why we bavtn't achltved lntesraUon. ~·Some of u1 have been d,4tracted by the erupUon of clvtl dtsobedlence. ~ lllat pOWerf'Ul and deploratile weapon," Johnao1i old. "And the many acta ~r de!trucUon and violence 1n .which we have allowed ourselves to be Involved have deatroyed many bondl cl oympathy and underltand.ing. "We have a new imqe today with many ol our rormer friends." Johnson told the studenu. "We have become identified· -and it is • 10 written on many UrUted Slates Army cUrecUves - u the most dangerOtlS tbrut ti America today, ·as dangerous enemies of the na· lion's freedom and u luderl of riotl." Joh nson drew prolon1ed applaUJe when ht identified the news media as "that other enem,1" of the Negro 's march towards equality. LASHED PRESS The 42-year-old Nixon appolntff lashed the press for "always trying their very best to pick out the very worst in today'o already co nfu sed and deteriorating civil righll altuaUon. "AU you have to do to get some attention," said Johnlon, "is pi<:~ up a Viet Cong flag, holler 'Black Power', scream and yell a little, preferably on top of your car and, believe me, you'll hit the papers and televb:lon. Bodies of Navy Plane Crew Brought From Catalina Sheriff's deputies struggling through nearly inaccessible terrain Tuesday brought bodies of five U.S. Navy fliers down from a Catalina Island peak where their plane uaahed. The predawn accident moments after the twin-engine S2F took off from the aircraft carrier USS Kearsarge was the second submarine hunter plane crash in the Southland in one week. Navy authorities today idenUf.ied vic- tims killed when the plane slammed into l,Pl--foot Silver Peak on a routine night from the Kearsarge to North Island NAS, In San Diego as: -LL Billy W. Ray •. 1.3. the pilot, of Corona. -LL Melvin D. Brewer. 28, the copilot, also ol Corona -LL (JI) Edward A. Tarald.sen, 27, of Imperial Beach. -Lt. fjg) Francl1 Horaliu, ZS, of Clarksburg, Mw. -U !JI) 1-y W. Garrio .. , :.;, of Imperial BelCh. I Ii ThC sub-hunter aircraft vanl.shftt from radar screens early Tueaday1 juat-ahorUy after it ,roared off the Xuraarge'a flight deck tor the 45 minute Dil:ht to it8 home base. A Navy helicopler among airrcaft com- bine the rugged channel bland for anx trace of the missing S2F found the wreckage at dawn, scattered oyer a wide are.a on the. Inland aide of Catalina, near lronbound Bay. So far, no i~tion has ~n glv'n as to what may have cautetj Ure second mountainside craah of a aub-hunter plane during· maneuvers iu the area. ·Last Tuesday, an ·SP1E :Neptune patrol bomber took oU from El Toro MGAS carrying seven membera·of a Minnesota Naval reserve squadron to their "dialhs on rugged Santiago Peak. A ground party struuled thr_ougb ,mud and choking . manzanria Oii the bland for two hours Tuesd.,-to rea~ the carrier planc'1 wreckqt and 1 fo,.nd au aboard had been killed lnstanfly. Outstanding Group Ladles ''11lat's the way to become an lnltant leader," Jobuorl aald. "You'll find 1v111 newmwi "In America II wlUlq to lllk to you,•\ Uke your pltture and maA you an overnight apostle of NelJ'O libl:rty .. "M'y advice .to my fellow Negrou and all who ilncere:Jy believe to our desire for advancement ii this," Jotm.. said. ''Do me a great bis favor : keep these uily thJngs o~ televlllon and out ot the newspaper. That's the answer ll we're golnc to regain the raped we had in the pa.st and take up that niarch towards pea.ct and proeresa that was so n:iuch a part of lhe life ol so many Negroes.·· D~OYPROG~ "In many respects, these new ad- vocates of violence are destroying the progress the Negro has already made," Johnson said. "They would rather I tell YO!J thal.° I am black, not uiat I .am a Negio. , "That tenn goes back to our al~ve days," Johnson poinled out, "and mt. 103-year-old fatber. who wu a alave,, · believes, as I do, that black, blaclde, or darkie, 1a It eventually became ll just about Uie worst way to deac:ribe th.e Anierican Negro. "It used to be 'burn,~ baby, burn'," Johnson said. ''The way I set Jt we need a new slogan and my suge1tioo is 'build, baby, build'." Two Countiam Die in Traffic, Plant Accidents 'l'\¥0 Orange County residents Iott their lives Tuesday, one in a trafflc accid'nt and the other at an industrial plant. Dead on arrival 1t Beach Community Hospital, Buena Park, late Tuelday afternoon '1.'IS David J. Brown, lt, of cnu:eS&.. The coroner's office reported tha'.t Brown fell from a forklift tractor and "·as run over by the vehicle while work· ing at a lumber yard In La Mirada. Mrs.~ Margaret S. ROgers, 34, of Fullerton, died shortly aner arrt'fal at St. Jµd e Hospital, Fullerton foUowin& a two-car era.ah in th.'at city at niclid Street and Rosecrans Avenue . . Luanne Nichols, ii, of Fullerton, driver ol the •other car. was admitted to thl ho1pit1:I for treatment of Injuries. ·' DRESS SHOES and FLATS MEN'S SHOES WE CALL IT A ''WHAT'S LEFT GROUP'' AT CRAZY PRICES VALUES TO $23. 95 52 to 5 7 SELECTED GROUP ODDS & ENDS VALUES TO $31 51010 s:5 STARTS TOQA Y Please, An Sales Final Na ExchalMJes or Refun• THURS.·FRl.•SAT. 1052 lnlne Newport leach WESTCUFF PU%A 541. 1614 Dole, in a letter sent to 1'rtU3lde early last week, asked th.at Udall be called ln a letter lo Doi<:, Mu5Jde said lhc "All members of the subcommiuee have been careful to distinguish between the policy decisions involved in granting the leases last year. and the policy declaion.s involv!d in Secretary Hickel's inlUal reliance on voluntary company action to halt the Santa Barbara Channel drilllna: and hls uncertainty ov'u ord<:rini lllCh a hal~" Muskie aaid. ------------------.:.....--------------------- ' .. l . ( OAILY PILOT ·w-. r....., 1t, 1tl9 . -~--.. "''~"'""' •"'-• AatrOrieut Jainff A. Lovell Jr. ~d he.Jell like',a .bliman sacrifice "1hat .be climbed aboard Apollo a '!Or tbe lllgbt "around !be mo<ill.Jast i:hlillbn¥. "Everyone was hell':" ill& 111 and ~eemed •o happy \o see us go, I felt like a sacrifice to the Incas " Lovell smilingly told >tu- dents ' at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. • ~-'Ibe Seoul city government plans ID build a million-<lollar "happy iwm'" this year for the rehab~· ~on of the South Korean cap1~ .ial's 2,700 prostitutes. City offidal1 :said that the inmates at th,e ftve-- ~re institution on th'e outskirts of the city will be given vocational training and will attend elemenj~ry Qt blgb scnool classes. Each girl wilf·al~ raise 50 hens. · ' ,. " •• :· • :' -·-~ Elkt Sommer. more known ·& tm 4etrt11 than an artUt, puts the finish- ing final brush strokta on her paint· ing, .'Th4! C1iuTch is Open." A.n _t~ ~ibit of htr work will open at Calt, ornia Museum of Scitme and Indus· '11 in Erposition e"'.k this wetk. torD.en were enjojing a leis· dinner at !be. ·Tarragona urant In Spain w:1ien a -.220- wild boar sud~Jy bursf ;through uie front door and began 'Wllltacltlng everything that moved. (T!!e boar, which had escapeg fh>rn ~a cage outside . the reSt6rant; ,-.scapecf. .. lo tlW~illl-laur;iiii!l!cH~;;: pll• town.aller maklui sbalnWts 9f • Mlle resta:urant."However, the · \riJ.·· flagers later tracked it down. killed ~t and brought it baclf to Jhe res· ttauran~ wbjcb f lJillt(lied roa$) bOar ~· lleXt_ da7; . . . ' . . " . ' . ' .. 196 Enet!fi Ki~ Marin es ~l3Iear. 'Re·d · Stronghold ,/ . .. -SAIGQN (UPI) -U.S. Morine•.• ~l· tllng Inch by incb !hrOuch 1welteri111 , jungJu,, on the edge Of the A Shau Vailey near LIOI, klllt.d 19' ~ortb Vlet-- ·name.se soldiers .Loda)' ·anc1 dllcovtred the gravea.of 'iu more. The leathemecU lost five men killed • aod ZO wounded dt.1riJ1& the day in lhe alfensive uear the bordtl' with Laos. Marine 1Uft1 dueled with Communist artUlery across the Laotian border as the \eathemecU inched forward in 100. degree'be1t 11&1nst 1tlff resistance. The Marine push toward the Laotian bordtr had · become a m1jor baUle for control of the rqioo l!ld nol on• Inch oJ ground bu come euily. Trial Turns Back to Shaw, A lias Probed NEW ORLEANS CAP) -A prosecution witneu tSWied today 1he 11w Clay Shaw, charged with conspJring to assassinate President Joha F. Kennedy, sign a guest registration book u "C1ay Bertrand." • ' ktrand is the allu that the i'~tion contendS Shaw used lo plot· ting with Lee Harvey OsWald and others to murder Kennedy. Mrs. J.e4sie Parttr,_ the 1tate'1 4.lat witness, ,said she wU wc;ir~g as • -hoStess at the VIP Room at New Orluns Intetniitional Airport when she saw Shaw 11gn, in aa: Clay Bertrand on Dec. 14, 1984.. . .. 1, it not a fact," asked defense lawter F. Irvin Dymond on croa--ei· ·. arhination, "that the · next time you sa_w Shaw -in thi1 courtroom -you refused to · idenWy hlm until the dl1trlct at· tomej''s office threatened you with a Jie ·detector or polygraph test?" · Mri. Parker denied that she was ''threatened.'' but agreed the tut was propased. -when she wu referred blck to AMt. Disl Atty. James Alcock for redirect eiaminaUon, he jumped up and sa1d, ••Did you not take a lie detector test?" When Mra. Parker said she had, ~k asked fOr ~ immedille wbpoena· "cl the police ciffer who cOftdUcted the iest and a report on tbe results. Such testimpoy ·" seld~1 adndlsible 1t ' trial. tioit Alcock contended. that Dymood had "opened the ttoor" fer it during cros.w.1amln1tioo. ., East:t CaJls U. Jet to Berlin 'Provocation' "~ ' . 'i. BERLIN (UPI) .-Eu! GmnonJ disrupted traffic on West Berlin's main highwq to the west for the second consecuUve day today. And it sakt the . . . . Tbt '~anltl tlW onlpenHo-lten Oii lllk:lff 1"lulolii;· tht1 bOo"1 talpped dls~ordeil, 'elpii~ · aet : trip WirH a~l'OH trilla toi..;detonate . m~. 'and r1moved •ll unlt"Jdelll!ft-li<lm lhelr dead. -.ut ·taey wete.1ae:Dtlfled u Noi'tb Vletnamue. " · The l>Wlnel set "aut tllreo Wttb .,. to clear large eommum.t Willi Qlll ol tlle A Shau Valley whlci\ l1rtlchea, roughly westward from UMi "Da ,Nq area to the border of Llos. It la a principal lnfiltraUoa roote 10< ·Red unlll threatening the coaatal plain.s. The leathernecu, hauling their own equipment, have moved westward along the ridgelines agaimt 1 n c r e a 1 i D I J y ferocious resl.stance. Today's flgbUng wu the heaviest since the offensive began Jan. 20 to ease 'the threat to Da Nang and Hue. · Today•s fighting raised · to 739 the number of Communists killed in the operaUon, nicknamed Dewey Ca"yon. Most of the casuaJtles were lnOtcted In tbe past five days u mldsummer heat enabled th! troops t"O Shove oft from the fog-ahrouded mountain bases. The Marines reported Americ.an losses since the operation began u 81 k\lled and 295 wounded including five killed and 20 wounded today. The Marine drive baa b e e n helped by BS2 strikes into Communist-held areas of Laos. Informed sources said today the BS:S took advantage of the 24-hour allied Tet truce in Vietnam to hit Laos with the heaviest bonlb loads of-the year. 187 SF Teachers Fired b y State For 'Absences' SACRAMENTO (UP[) -A total o[ 187 San Francisco Stale College in- structors have been fired because of unexcused absences during recent strikes at the campus. A spokesman for~lhe _state .controlltr's office said Tuesday the teachm bad been dropped from the payroll. He said the college would have to file official "notices of appointment" to restore them to the pay charts. Among those £ired were former Assemblyman William F. Stanton, who taught economics, Jerry Hawkins, pres!· dent of the local American Feder1tion of Teachers Union which struck the college, and Black Panther George Mason ·Alarray, who.se ruspens!on from a part-time teaching job helped spark" the strife... _ , The eontrolltr-'1 office utd 280 persona at San Francisco Stat.e had been docked pay for unauthorized absences. Included were the 187 who -were "fired, 2'19 who ricelved partial PIY and 0 who were granted full pay after. In lnvestla:allon cleared them. _,fll&bt here Thursday of West German ::-President Heinrich Luebke aboard a U.S. 13 UC Berkeley Students Seized • • ~ OU-duty Denver policemen will we used occasionally as cab driv- jers in an attempt to head o(f Ibo frtsiog nwnber ot taxicab robberies. • •• ~ In tbe Philippines Legaspi 'city "officials have come up with an in~ kenlive for public support of thei r 7at extermination campaign: Any· l"One showing up 'vith 10 rat tails !will be admitted free to a series of ranees. • Air For~ trans~ v.·ould be a "provocation." An official llltemenl by the E* ·German Foreigft' Ministry said the U.S. Air Force flight would be "miauM of the air routes d the (East) German DemoCratic Republic." lt sald Bonn'• efforts to "annex" West Berlln would .ha~-"unavoidable coosequencea." U.S .• BrlUsb and Ftench planea have 1ir corridors to Berlin under the war time occupation agreements. W e s t German planes are nol allowed to use the 20-mile wide ai r corridor and the East Germans ha ve threatened to halt Gennan official road trips to the city. BERKELEY (AP) -Striking students and their bkkers u&ed hit-run tactics to disrupt ictiviUes on and off the Uni versity of California campus Tuesday. There were 13 arte!t.s and some minot' .bljuries. Demonstrators threw sUnlc bombs In the administration buildlng and a student cafeteria and hurled bottles. roclis and clods of dirt. Highway patrolmen. police and ·1herlff's officers brough t clubs into play on occasion. The swirling crowd -300 at peak strength -ranged off campus at times, blocking irate motorists at" intersections until forced back on campus. ( ~ l Storm Batters East Coast • ~ Gale W ar;nings ' Go Up Along Mid-At"lantic Shor eline Alltlltk CIMll fodff lnuf~f 1-lllt __., "-IN ~ •111111 r•lft l(r'OU ...... .,. ....... Tttl1 "·"" 1!9f111 ""'' ''''""' ~ • tolllflfnf "'' '"*9111 ...... tontl-to .... ""' frOl'e.. •Ind• •lont tt'MI ...W An'"Tlc co.II. Gelt Wlf0111!99 """"!Md Ill for<t I~ ,.._ Jff M'1 ,. Hwlfl c.ron.,.. Tmper•turu ........... A~or'" ""'"'' '""'''"'It! lliim•rrt ••• ... ,., Cl\le.t" Clntt"n•H C:ltwl1»e1 ()anvfr On Moln"' Delrolt EllM'~I l"orl WMt~ '""'"'"" Htlf!"I• H('JllOIUlij H°""t°" I('"''' C•lv Lt) v .... LIP'I """'le.' M!iml 1~11 Mllw111,11!1t Mlnl'lt-ls Ntw °'1"'•1'1!i Hf"' Y"'11 0.k"'IMll (lrJ"h' "'"'° ll:ot>i.t1 l'lllllutefl>M• ,_, .. l'lrtlbu,,,lt ....... """' (l!y ll:M •1114'1, ·-Slft'•nwflttl St. Loult S.llftn Sill ltlt• (!It S.11 D .... S.ft 'r•"<'-<~ "111• .. rbtl .. ...... s.ot. ... Tl\t""°'I W11h!nttwl Hitt! L .. rrte- " " " " l1 ,, " ,, .• n ., ,. , . ,, 3? ·'' " " .. '' " " '' '' .. " .. " " " " " " •• .!~ " ~ " " ~· ,, M U s• •1 .ii ~ ,, .,. .... ~r ti Tr :t l Tr .. " " n ii " .02 " . n " .•• ., 11 .. , " " .10 :1 ~ " n 5' ,, .. , l2 :N ... ., " .l:S .. ,. 5J ,, ,,. " " " •J ·'° " .. fl •t ,\I ~ . :~ • J• • Gas £~)Kills Elglat • Ul'IT ....... Boxcars and wheels are Jumbled In the snow aftei a train derailed Tuesday It Crete, Neb., loosing •· deadly cloud of ammonia. Eight persons were kill· ed and 500 others were evacuated from their homes. . No Way of Preventing Another Big Oil Slick SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Union Oil Co. executives and government officials agree there is no absolute way to prevent a repeUtion of a disastrous offshore oil well leak like tbe one that fouled mlles of Southern California beaches. Likewise, no one would testily Tuesday 1t a special legislative hearing whether state drilling regulations would have h.caded . off Union's runaway well on a federal ]ease Jn the scenJc: Santa Barbara Channel: But, after the hearing, Chairman Robert Lagomarsino of the Senate Nalural Resources Committee. to Id newsmen, "the state regulations pos:;Jbly could have prevented Jt." The joint bearing of-the 11atural resources and governmental elficiency * * * ·committees was called to Investigate causes of Santa Barbara's massive oil slick and rec<rnmend remedlal steps. "l can't guarantee (against) another blowout," John R. Fraser, Union's western regional vic.e president in charge of exploration and production, told the i1earlng. "But we can Increase the odds in favor of not having additional blowoutll signiftcant!y,'1 be said. "By · installing additional casing we can minimize lhe chance of this occurring.'' Much testimony centered on \vhetht'r state regulations for drilling on offshore lands under its jurisdiction were stricter than those employed by the federal government for drilling on the continent:.il shelf beyond the three-mile coastal limit. * * * Hickel Issues 'Tough New' Standards 011 Oil Drilling WASHINGTON (UPI ) -J n t er Io r Secretary Walter J. Hickel Tuesday issued what he called "tough, new" drill- ing standards for oil Well operations in California's.Santa Barbara Channel. The new standards, aimed at preven- ting oil leaks such as the one which fouled beaches in the channel last week, require drilling operations to include ex· tra casing around pipes sunk to oil and gas deposits to prevent leakage into the sea. Among other thingg, the regulations require 1he: extr1 casing down to a F lippin' Winner depth or 5,000 fttt. An Jn terior Depart- ment spokesman .11ald the leak from a Union Oil Corporation well which pro- duced last week's oil slick was 3,500 feel down. "Our specific go<1l has been to develop tough, ne1v regulations lvh.ich will help prevent any future disallter auch as we have recently witnessed in 'the Santa Barbara Channel orf the coast of California," Hickel said in a statefuent. ~le also said his department \l'BS preparing rev~ drilling rules for offshore operations in other areaa t>f the U.S. continental shelf. International pancake race winner Silvia Winstanley, 17, gets a vic- tor's kiss from Simon Knight. sexton of the Olney, England parish church. She beat Americ4'1 entry from Uberal, Kan .. In the annual Shrove Tuesday race by fiipping a flapjack over the ~yard course In I :04.2 minutes. State Sets Oil Da111age At $1 Billion SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -The Stale of California estimates the oil from aa uncontrollable well in the Santa Barbara Channel caused more than SI billion damage. And that figure may be revised ui)\1-'ard, said Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch. if the current seepage or ~·residual oil" from the ocean floor con· tinues. Lynch announced Tuesda1• stale and local officials filed a ~500 n1illion damage c!ain1 against the le(1t:r:il government and the Interior Department. Another $500 million suit will be filed against Union Oil Co. of California, operator or .the drilling plalfor1n, and the three other oil companies who lease the site with Union. "As yet we don't know the run extent or the damages," Lynch said. "~f the current seepage continues. we may have to enlarge our -current claims or fil e additional actions." The well that created a va!it-slick fouled 35 miles of beaches. It was "P.lug- ged with tons Or drilling mud and cement more than z week ago, bUt oil continued to seep 'lroln a shallow strata pre·ss·urized by the original leak. Patches of crude petroleum continued to splotch the surface of the Paci.fie off Southern California but the major concentration wu about two miles long and from 10 to 30 feet wide. At its height the original slick co\"ered an estimated ' 800-square miles of th• Pacific. SIRH AN ••• F rom Page 1 Hotel. thereby interposing dozens of peo- ple betv;een him and his bodyguard. Barry ~lped Mrs. Ethel Kennedy off the three-foot podium and shortly thereafter heard the sholJ:. Barry, who is a vice president of the Bankers Trust Co. of New York, wu one of a string of witnesses who testified 'l\iesday at lhe trial of the 24-year-old Arab immitrant. 'foclay the jury was to hear the testimony of George Plimpton, a clost>: personal friend of the Kennedys and author of the book "Paper Lion.'' Plimpton was another or the men "'·ho pounced 011 the :>--foot-4 Sirhan im· mediately after the shooting. Rafer John son, S-foot-4 and 190 pounds, testified Tuesd11y he joined in subduing the gunman. Johnson won the decatlllon c.:"hamplonship in Rome in the 1980 Olym· pie games. The d,efense claims Sirhan wu in a sort ,of fren.tied trance w~n he .killed Kennedy and has emph.esiied t)ow many bu1e men it took to subdue him. The trial Tuesday finally exploded the bubble of the mysterious "bl)mette girl in the black and white polka dot dress." Valerie Schulte,· D. a long-tressed bloode graduate o( the University of Ca.Ulomia at s,nta Barbara, testified she was at the Ambassador victory party as one of Kennedy's youna:· ca1npaign v.·orkers . She \\'as that night in a polka dot dress but it wu· grt\'!n with )'~low polka doll and she held It up in court for everyone lo see. She was oo crutcbe~ at the time as a result of a skiin( accident. she said . Miss Schulte aaid the ne\'cr spoke to Slthan or even noticed him In the crowd until the shootini, 108 Die During Rio's Car rµv al Celebr ation RIO DE JANEIRO (AP ) -At teaot 108 ~rsons died in Rio during the four. day Carnival te1ebraliOll which ended at .dawn today. But morgue ol'fici111l1 a id I.be total was not unusuaTiy high , pirUtularly for a Carnival period whe11 automobtle , accidents and drowningt gcneralty Increase sharply. /it. mr1jorl!J of the dtat.hll were in auto crasl1e~ r111cl drowninas accounted for 20 TlMIM'e. l ' • I ' ' -------~~-~-~ -' -.,,.._....,~ -----,---------..-----~,..,,.~-.....,~-~===------------------~- 'Internal · Seearlty' Controversial · , -• l HCUA Renamed ··· ' . U.S.-China Talks Still 'Possibility' •• t..." ... -- Bridge C~g Prisoner's Tale Dame Holt Remarries Wfiallv Bmmolc ! ,.,., 'I Felt Like an Animal • • • ' er1ticinl enchilldas ••• tantalirint &ICOI ••• ftlbult. teUeno .•. tuty UimaJn.,. Ind.other~ South:-ot-tM-Bdfd« spetlal~ .....ad tmid the cobful '•~e ofold-~ ico. Delightful llJ'lnl coddaill ft beeor, IOO., ~it ,,,..ft!_ WallichsMusicCi\Y . .STORE OF THE STARS. PIANOS ORGANS Floor Sample1! Rental Re111rn1! Trade-Ina! Studio Demomll'lllonl 'fiOUWIDI CUAUllR ' ' .. MAGNIFICENT Sl'JNET '..a:oo~~()LE~Os, . I . 'BAB.Y GR4NDS. I -• ' ' SAvEDlO ·H% ' ~ • • ~ ;, -r • Den," he said. Throughout the interview, Smllh was careful not to reveal other prisoners' names or much detail on bow many there were. "The days · w e r e. in- terminable, the nights often like eternity," said Smith. He said prisoners kept up with the passage of time by listen- ing to newscasts their capklrs let them bear. Time passed slowly, he said. "We were always hungry," he said. "And I never could get used to their rice. I ate it, lots of it, but it dldn~t Ike Receives De Gaulle; Note M E !.BOURNE, Auatralla fill me. Sometime.s we got (AP) -The wedding car meat, dog meat. it's 8 wouldn't start and a police delicacy for them, I can't say car was pressed into eervjce. 'as much. But Dame Zara Holt married "Seep? Sometimes it was genUeman farmer and bard. to come by. It's hard member of Parliament Jeff to shut of£ your mind, In A alia' ed especially when y-o u· •re Bate today • ~ 1 w • cramped in a'pltclt·black bole ding or the year. undergi-ound, things crawling Television carried the around near and on you and c e r e m o n Y t h r o ugi!oot you don't know when it's going Australia's eastern seaboard. to end, If ever." At one point Prime Mini.st.er He said there were tats, John Gorton identified various "lots of them," and spiders persons for Ult TV rtporten. and· scoijlions. "I h a t e Dame Zara.-whole age is spiders." her secret, ls the widow of • .. .-.. _""""""*- tine. ,_.,. .. "' .... -.Nortl~~ ·-Hu..l•ti~ ot:cl~ ael ,1 l A-.) . .,..--1 ' ........i ....... ~, .... .--$·· -.~ .... ----~ Sf.SOtrtSiiD - 8)nlqoS FAM&TlllSr~ COIT.\ MBA-GIW,,.S.1-...al -'"~ .............. ""'..,.,._ .......... He Said one of the few time!! Prime .Minister Huold Holt, he was beaten followed an. ~w~ho~w~as~dro~· Y1~ned~ln~l9Q~,~.l:iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;~ii:iiii:ii==~=ii:ii~ es<;ape try that f_!ilect. ii He said hi!! release with Spec. 4 Thomas N. Jone!! or t.ynnville, Ind., and Spec. 4 James W. Brigham of Ocala1 Fla., came a!I a surprise. Brigham later died from what the· Army descnDed u poor medical treatment · at the ha:nds of the enemy. , After b r i e f formalities, Smith and the others were whisked away by liellcopter and eventuaDy returned home.' GLEN CAMPBELL i-W: unalt bit album, .. WICHITA UNEMAN"' on Cap;rol label WM .OLESA:LE.R: ·f. 'i . ~ OPEN JO THE PUBLIC SAYE UP TO $100 Annual Factory Authorbecl MAGNAVOX SALE .. . .. (With 4.tnck npe ft'COtdtt. now" iUJt ll98.,0.) Mll,Pln'ox stl!'rto ll01I' from $1J8jo to' $122t . S... 155 on tJu. 1'Kld!!I OLD WOILD MEDITER· WIEAll Mapnox dtlua• con·· .... with 1uperb cabinc tr' i• tpired hr Sp111i11t de1ij:n~ Sha.• fl Model 6976 witti todar'• ltigesc: ~ 29S. ~ imtmw:' ~......,,.q. a: or,rWollge'Tlpnim. Now$595. (Y:i•• 8,2;;c:fwu11l l0hl.re- 111otc,.OW jvst f69,,)~ n••OI: co1or 1elni1io•' aow· frOm tl99.'4)tof73&'4) . ' , ...... rooM for 1969 ,......._ lnventoqwe IMddoM ... 1,961,... ,..,.. and,,_...,... of d quslllw el.,.,... · ROUS, IOU .• , __ .... ,._ ........ ..... 500 • lllfL . . . .,..,_ -111111 IN YOR .IOOM SIZB -1.89TtL ... This is an oppor11lni!y for JOll, !lit ~ ...... "' iYUHI itiH-'. ' .. ' . .. buy your CllJIOI II doilor's cost llld llolow. Wt lom . v.., """twklM. holt,lff, • ..,. 500 ·rolls of c.,,.r in stock -..i cm g!ra .,...,..... .... ,., ........ ""' ...., -Got .... 24 hour. inlftllation in _, e1ses. All c..,.r ls first ...,.,A_.."- qutHty, no StConds or ftdOfJ.rofects. 5"11'1 ls .......... SOUi AT~ SlOllS_ So come In todof. II .,... Clll't .-ID Ctl • let I FOi 7.'5 PR TAID homt -"""*'· Wt wll brillg tho Clf1IOI "' JOll. --3.92.:l: .. lhlPONT $01-N. ICllWr SUI IODIL 51111 """' ..., :.i::.= .... "-Y2"11ti. __ .... -., .. , Mt Im back. . llltll hop, ""' '7. .... "' c:,---..... i.w .,.,_. .... ., ... -...,ts:. .. ~u . .·a..·•"""''-.... ""· ........ off --· ... ........ _ .. .,,.. SIDI AT OTHa STOllS • &tit a---=· FOi US I'll SQ. TAID -111-10.t.5 . sOID AT IWllll Clos, QllT llKlAl FOi lo.ti Pa.SQ. , ....... OW ,.ICI 4.29 ~: . l.fO'!I 4.99~ Olla NKI 4~9•t~ . -Olm Oll.T--<AIPIJ OllLY--<AIPll' OllLT-' . WOOL Siii COMMiaC~L nPI l'UASI "'° .. l1tt flout .. ,._. Wiii TWBD .0. HOMI IJT. -.. ..., ., • pticl, TlllS S A IPli:IAI. IUT 549-3149 _ .......... Alll .A fAllTASTIC l'llCI ..... THIS Wl'IT _, AT 2.lt SQ. TAID. DAl.Yt10.lllO · SIU FOi 1 US PD TD. -~T •• lol OUlPllQ 6AS~ OUR PllCI 1. 99..:t --~L~-4- '. ' . NO MOlllT.DOWN AMI ltST.OYa.ltfAYTfOAll -alPIT OllLT-W10.#-.10PAY • .. . . .. . ' L· & J ENTERPRISES, llC. 3333 BRISTOL SOUTH COAST PLAZA COST A MESA ·-540-2830 TERMS : No down Pa,ment, ienna to S 71'1· (Syn. on TV'.t Stereo) $0-60-90dayeharle'aeeounts Uoe...,. ,..nk eud or_e.,.nt eatd Ma1lcOt1 earrlet roarcontnet, tenM...Unsedlorow:rS1ea~ • Oro~ge County's Largest Wholesale Woreh~se 24o6 S. -~' SANT~ di -~ .. !!' . -Phone 549~3349 ~ - , f·I 1 it.tu." i-Dm m.m.Biii 0PAGE 0 I S I • t , Laguna .-Protests on Oil ~" Tekvialon, ~ Indlutry: S~ ··ewani. an a menaee to public Malth, I hueb;y propoae to ban their OHouttling through ;your • ..• " " •• .. .. . - . "II II lnoonalltaat 'lo permll the exploraUon for oU or ps If ~ of oU and &U &No prolllbited," Ibo niollrtlon d&te1. . It /, one Of two ruolutlons authored by La(1l!ll Beach Councilman Roy Holm and adopted UDallbnolllly by th•~ l!each City Cow>cll. Almecl at state le1W1tor1 and fecleral leglJlators, It wu pa11od while !lie sickening Santa Barbara oil di!llter wu 1t ill height, tllllng wlldltfe, polluting beautiful coasUlne and dolnf mllllon! of dollars worth · of damA~e. ' Oil drilling io forbidden by state law In tlle ocean from Newport •outbward, but tlle state has permlttecl "exploralof)'" drlllin( In the area off Nawport Beach and Orange County. lt's thlJ exploration that the La· runa council quesilons. The rt&OiuUons seek a hall to oll and gas drilling on submergecl lands oceanward of Ca!Uornla. It cilia for stringent safeguards and reminds that assurancu pnovi· OU!ly bad been given by the Interior Departmant and oil compenles tbat aafeguards against pollution were adequate. Why explore for oU If eiq>loitalion Is not intended? It's 1 p>d quesilon to keep asking. ' Unlike soll)e C01111¢1•~ LaglJ!la seldom glye1 advice to state and fecleral aidiiOrlti.,, But Ibis was a much· needecl advlJory. one of many, and a rood job of au- thoring by CoonclJman Holm. .. Encourage Showmanship • I Festivll or AN director• hope to lure tllelr exhibit· Ing artilU to the grounds during the stx-waek summer ahow. The theory b tbat arttsts privilegecl to use the big &bowc1se, a bustling market place, should be available to ditcUJs their wort with visitors. '. hat Youth Asking ·1 Socwty is distinctively "new" aboul the pneration is not simply ita yooth. ·the mere fact that It is later in u a• Cl!' ii "new" tf H is this 1 model -pared wllh list yeor's year before .. Dear Gloomy Gus! 1bat paint job by lhe courtly 1111 lhe bridge cro..ing Co8!I High' . way In South Laguna looks worse than the mesaage it wu auppos· ed to cover up. Why not repaint the whole bridge Jn one -not several -shades of green? -R. J.B. ;, 1 ,...n1111n tllfleronce In g people, not just a tat.)otal dif.. has point and JlW'POll and gives el· And tbll quality • btst be presslon to values lhat are more .than bed, in Mu1Gw'1 term, U "stlf-at· blole>gically or culturally determined. Uzing. "cannot underlland thia, &hen In most socitUes of the put, there you = llLltl>Mn UWe c:hlnce lo do !his, or cannot andanllnd what'°""' • ~I» 11>JOk about lt vtiy mncll' !Jta thin~ IDd ~g rUll ,1 ~ltr'WI &~mere physical exiltenci wa.· l"'Pllli ioWlrd. Sell«joolidll' . .0 -l11d """"'clod lhlt lhe In· hlgWt'*°'"!I ,;: ?: · '::;"· i!;.1: dlvldual orgaDism fought' all Ill llfeUme ent and It bas become poalble for nun ~val arxJ fQUillbrfum. Ill · pm ' 1 -h· · recent time.a. higbtr, and dtatlncUve, needs were ·many peop e uw.;1 m neceuaril_y subordinated to ita primJtive lllJMAll per-1llJ bu corllin clemlndl for life, for 1 kind ol liberty, llloqlcal -U..t !Diil be fer I .,._,. ct aecurily. -·1nmprs Iba! must be f<i\I, ~t ·musl be allayed, !Jll1llcll . lhlt -be 1?1tlfted, 'thll, there are certain aocia1 emollooa1 clemlndl ma<le oo, 1nd lhe -sllty -for looming, for s of some tind, fGr group iden- allon, for survival and support as : aqclal belfll. 'I1le9e earliest and er" needs must be at leut ade- tely met before the fndlvidual can hlmKlf with cthu levels of !LF·AcruALIZATION" Is wbal lhe .. -.. become wllh hlmJel!. u a blologtcal creature or 111 a 'in lh\i mechlrl11m ol hla society. In lhe very core ct his penonal -10 tbtt bis perticular life rr IB NO ACQDENT that lhe moet ~ l11d dblident youlhl lod•J cilme from upper-mlddle-clUI f1milies, whole "future" within the framtwork of. convenUonal aoclety seem1 moat auured. They do not want to fit into ' 1 moold. do not want to accept the values of their meUer, do not want to become like thti.r partnb or their partnb' jrlends. They are asking that our afflueDt aoci· ety provide more than a plentUude of ma- terial goods: that it open new vtstu for lhe realliing of Individual p.tenllalltlO!, ·not in the economic rulm, but in the realm of moral valuu, sensory experi- ences, creative expreaion, and ,personal fulfillment. Their tactics mi childish. but their entb mature. Beans Are for Dirksen' ~ASlllNGTON Memben of gren ore 11111 ~ hll'r•led wllh demmdlUona ct the 41 per<O!ll -lt r<eently -lllell -'3d11100 .. $42,500 .. ,..,.. ' uiiilnid1 ol Indignant letters and stve "bundles to Congress" are con- uinl to pour In """' 10 .... lhe try, The .. bundles" contain old cJth .. and other d-. Cit 0( the lawm.U:m are disc:rett!y t l(bout this crtUca 1 deluge. But --ct lhl hike. Tbty Ire klnll .. -ct the undimlnilbed o( Ol,lttaged maU . They al• are vine & Jot of "I told you so" aatlsfac. '"""It. raphfcllly lllllltrllllft ct lhe quantity nature Cl these ea.DIUc blasts art Jettera and "bundles" rtOOvtd in plll -by :Rap. IL R. G'°"· a. veteran economy champion who · the floor fllllt .,ainll lhe PIY booll. -lbe Clllly -In lhe --·---llbnln -ID blccl: lhe Iner< .. -which "Ja~Ollly not 1111o ellecl Februaq -- or later anyway. Perhapa eome of your money-crabbinl coUeacuea can we it." From Arte3la, cant., Gnwi rtteived the following leUer:; "I am deeply distressed by the terrible pllaht of many or our congressmen and senaton whO e1nnot tltt out an alstmce on PJ,OOI) 1 yar phm «enerous fringe benefits. I am oo 10Cial security (SU a month), and my stipend seems In- adequate, too.. So I augment it by caring for four childmi while both parents work to cope with the nevtr-endlng ln- fllUon, riling wtlfare costa and in· creasJn& tu... "HOWEVER, WE an so moved by lhl blnllhipa ol our llwmlken thal we wlsh to send a bundle to them. Pleue dl.irlbule II ID lhe needltll con- ~n •. but not the beans. The btans are for Stnator Dirksen, bless hi1 lltUe heart! ''The lboet are' ...;.,,, but they are still """ tnOUgh .. ill"' • good -to your colleagues who vottd for this incrfldlble lflb, u weU u btlng IO = In doubling lhl 11l1ry ct lhe t to pOO.OOO ... 0... hu recelnd hundnda ol Jetton ""'""'"""" Illa ddmnlned, llbelt -nlllnl. ll&t>t qllMI Iha Pll In-- Hence wbell arllsll alp '1or lllelr boOlhl tllll l{'l!Df, Ibey J111Y find clausn ID Ibo oontract.comDllW,,.'tbeni to be Ill rtlld..,co ID the area from July 11 Uiroylh Alla, 2f and to 1pea4 time OD \lie fesUval grounds. ~dUi. . . Whether tblJ will be enforced or Is mere!J a stai. mentol boord attltlidorornalm,to be seen. Tho boird allo aireed to up 'llMI price of booth• f.9t ar11111 who work on tbo·grounda trom Pl to f50 bec.IUH they require more•opocf. ' Tbl1, howov~r, ....,,. lnconaistent with the aim o! brlngiD( the arllsll to tbe (rounds. '!'he sculptor at wort with hi• torch or the painter doilJ& a portrait with Jive model are obviously bl( draw· Ing cards, big crowd J>leaael'I . Even If they lhould reqUire some additional room, It would seem wlJe of the boerd to find l"aY• to en- couraie lhowmanlhlp. Artists tell us that in fonner days Ibey did gather on the ground• for the chitchat and companionship of their fellows. Whether the new grounds design or more regulaUons have encouragecl tbe dropout Is a• matter of speculation. However tlle boerd might do well to stimulate 1 r .. tum to tbe "Bohemia" atzitosphere and fellowship of tlle pasl Red Story Out of Date Trustees of Laguna Beach Unilied School Di•trict recently viewed film s about communism. They were films on a list of the county schools office requiring board approval before they are shown to children of a district. Board members found no menace in the films but had another observatJon. They found them seriously oul<lated-about JO years old. Conclusion: Perhaps the county schools program needs some updating. (l) «::. ' Tobacco Industry: Jn keepin(f with our subsidy progra1118, the following is the money you will receiue this year •.. in rouruf millions, of course ... ~: . ' • Reader Answers Attack on Patriots' Ideals 'Maturing Youngsters Revere Flag~ To the Editor: The outrage i.hat Jack Maples predicts (Mailbox, Feb. 12) as a reaction on the part of his distorted "Hawks" to R. V. Mitchell's Jetter (Mailbox, Feb. 7) ii more apt to be the reaction ex. perienctd by most patriotic Americans who read Mr. Maples' thinly veiled in- sinuations that anyone who lllpports the present confllct in Vietnam is a "Nazi Hawk." "F1ag Hawk" or "Gooney Bird.'' I predict that, out of conctm for his feelings, guided by pity rather than anger, most or those wbo sensed outrage will refrain from aUordine his views the dignity of reply. RATHER THAN attack those whO disagree with the ideals that we so-qtilled .. flawks" proudly hold,. since I .m ad· mlttedly Ignorant and ill Wonned on what their true motives are, I will take pointed issue with the accusations so recklessly. and I think, Ignorantly flaunted by Mr. Maples. I) Casualty rai.s published by lhe department cf defense ahow conclusively that the expcml1'e rate of "professional military men ever 35" exceeds that of "the youni fresh men too young to vote.'' I can further attest to this as F on-the-spot wltntS&. !) POLITICL\NS, der~·me contractors and defense workers that I have known In my llfeUme, liid I've had close contact with Bil three categories, are as repulsed and as aUenated by war and its tragic consequences u any other segment of our society. Largely because of their courage and dedication· to their country, , lheJ end ... the, slander lhat i. heaped on them and lllll manage to contribute ligni{lcantly to the progress of our na- tion. S) rr IS TRUE that most. cf the people. at patriotic ceremonies are veterans of one or more of our nations' wars Jn the "over 35" a1e group. But I notice an ever increasing number of youngsters, too, who are maturing to the point where they also revere the flag, yes, are even enthralled by it, and hear the roll of the drum and the sound of the fife as an inspiratiooal chaJlenge to live up to thelr heritage. I proudly number all seven of my children in this vast majority cf Americans. , PERHAPS tr Mr. Maples would discourse en why he does not support our national policiea, a subject thlt he is more apt to be well jnformed oo. rather than attack tho:ie who are proud patriots. a group which obviously he could arford to study more deeply, his views would be more palatable. and 1.., likely to b< construed to be highly emotional propaganda. D. R. HARRIS JR. Lt. Col., USMC "Over 3$'' Cru• /llercenorlea To the Editor: t consider the pay raise voted by Congress as &rmgant. irresponsible and contemptuous Of the Americ1n public. Never In bbtory hu our. npubllc laced probl"'11 Ind dangers needing of Its leadership "1fless, publlc-tpiriled men cl conscltnce whose dedicaUon and virtue: could strvt as an example to a troobled and uncertain people -l11d we are 1iven crass mttctl\lria. I sl\all encourage 1U I know and an J meet who will listen to vote against <very Incumbent ct lhl• "poc);etbool: Congress." , LOUIS F. JOJl.5T, JR. Ralllsn'• rri.rtelu To lhe Edltor• In ......,. lo Lee Mllllr'I lett<r '° Letttra fram rtadtn are welcome. Normall11 toriUr1 1hould convtJI their message in 300 words or ltss. The right to condt11se letters to fit ipacc or eliminate libel is rtservtd. AU letters must include lignaturt and mailing addrtss, but names may be withheld on request i/ sufficitnt rea· ion is apparent. the editor (llfailbox, Feb'. J), [ would like the cpportuni!i to ~plf, Erice· you fttl s.o strongly tMt en!:ry ;1ide 1hou'ld be heard. Lee Millar, .whoever he is, I would like to compliment on hb par.aphtastng of the French pflilosopher, Vollair: "I disapproVe of what you rtad, but I will defend lo the dOllh your right to read it." I could mt agree with this more. However, I would like tG point cut that defending his right to read it does not infer, by any stretch cf the hnaglnation, that J wW buy tt for him! Despite hiJ propensity for prosa"ic pro- f undlty, he does not have the acumen or background information to discern book banning (Gr burning, as he infers), from my justifying the use cl tax money to buy it for him. It seems that he and the DAILY PILOT editorial referred tG, art unable , or slmply d9 not want, to recognize ~ difference. FROM ms approach that everything not purchased ia therefore banned, we on the Orange CGUnty BOard of Education baMed all boob on the power of posltlve lhlnldng, since NO booU 1111 !his subject were Included in our purchase. We are also guilty of banning mMt books on careers, since we included only a few of the many career boob that are available. Of course, if you are saying that 1'Hiroshtma" is of mart educaUonal valut and, therefore, wanants the use of tax money more than the books in the aforementioned categories, then 1 am guilty -not of. boclt banning, as you charge, but of a far more serious crlmt -disagree.in.a: with you Gn the priority of books. DR. DALE E. RALLISON Tl1t Orange County School Boord last Thursday voted 4 to I to ttveTst its prttnous 1tm«l again.st f)Urcha.!t c/ Hersey's "Hiroshima" and othtr books. Ralliaon11 too.t Ulr ont vote against. Stt editorial Feb. 11, "Para- noia in Adion," a;nd prtviGu.t c:om- mentarits.-Editor ClllW'• Welfare To lhe Eclllor• Every lttk:le I've ever read , allo&d adOl>lioP qenclos bat bftn lull of 1111 prsJK about !heir dflclency, Ind lheir moUo hu -proclllmed lo be "lhe chlld'1 welfare above ever, other con-- lideniUcn." , My awn U)leri'1>COI wllh IUCb qeocl11 hJ& elven me cause to doubt thl1. NOW ·wE AEAD of lhe lld cue ct Iha illrtl Ind litUe Buddy. DellnltelJ lhl welllre of lhe child waa nol Iha finl concetn of lhe qency hete. Fer -1clu't Buddy be b<!tor oil wltb those who lovt him and have cared for hlm ln>m•the beflnnlrll lbu wjlh strangers! It ..... admittedly. lo "proleel Iha pro1esab:i,uam•1 or tholt wbo mide tbe decill1111 that lhl agenq ctllclllls -lo mlew lhe ..... How do you lik1 lhlt! Mll3. CLIP'P'ORD MOE!f Bueball Publlcttv TG the Editor: Ten days agG while In Chicago at an M.R.A. meeting with Willie Mays, ht was being interviewed about lbe players' impending strike. Last • ni&l.:!t -this· tape tirst came ovei"'Tv <Ciilnnfl 4) as a "hot interview." If this is the maximum amowit of so-called free publicity sports writers and baseball publicity men can dream up, baseball ls 'in for some very rough times . HILLY CHASIN 'ShoClked' To the EditGr : I was shocked at how easy it was for "Nam' Withheld" to have her abor~ tion (Mailbox, Feb. U ), She had no gµllt feelings at all. As a matter of fact, she wanted otherl lG join her, just like Eve gtttlng Adam to eat the forbid- den fruit that k1c.ked. them out of Paradise. It did not bother her that she stopped the growth of an Individual who wUI never be reprodUced again. Acctlrdin& lo genetics, an individual at concepUGn has his own characteristics which nevu will be duplicated because of the Im- mense number of eenetic combinations. SHE ALSO SEES this as a solution to the juve.nile delinquency problem, stating this 1fould get rid of unwanted children. Juvenile delinquency today i.a the problem cf not only the children ol lhe poor bat alao lb< cblJdren ct th• higher clwes as well. t believe we will solve the-problem!, not easily through elimln•tlni the childttn, but :,i;t ~Joa1'== :m1'.""' I am 1 woman who bad her so-called 0 unwanted chikt." I love him now too much to a:et rid GI him even for a million dollars. ' NAME WlTllllELD Wo111••'• Declslo11 To lhe Ecllior• The mallbox 11!lter of Feb. 12 frGm the woman who went to Japan for an abclrtion states very wen the pGSiUon d. those who believe that abGrUon is the: decision · .,. tl)f: woman involved. However, let me: add a few addiUonaJ ~his worth euislderlng. · -First Gf all, the population of the world is incrustn& at such a rate that baning.. catutrophel or improbable social changes, the day will likely come in 1 few generaUdna when each couple will be legally allowed only a limited small number ot children. Then those women who become pregnant aner they have borne their alloted number wUI I>< lor<ed lo wbmlt 1o 1bor1Jona. we can PoOlpon< that lime 11 loa& u poes1. ble by preventing or endJ.ni unwanted preenancies. D" A WOMAN become& preciwit because of ln1<1equai. m<lhods ct ...,. IJ'lctption, tt is very unfair for ooclety to de,mand that she assume thfl aweaome responsibllily of · bearing 1 child Ind , c:arln& for thlt cblJcl fer lhl -II to Ill yem .. She her..U knowa better lhan onyone llR whelher she Is phyisicall7 or '""11111y prepared for lhe tut. II 1 woman i. In the fillh or lixlh IDll!lb otpre-ey or taler W«o -1· Jnc an abort.kn, she sboukl be 11\ltft ~•Irie Cltt, -ft ·-1lhlJ that only an emotl...ny dislm1>ed -woukt allow an lblWanted prepaney to ao1111thatlaq-•-.to terminate: It, assuming this alttmaUYt were readily attainable. Most women, aingle or married, would no doubt continue to prefer anowtn1 the potential human being to disappear in the form of an unfertilized eg1. · Y. M. KERllEY A9aburt Abortl- To the Editor : ~ If Name Withheld (Wed., Feb. 12) 'Js not ashamed of her abortion, why dGem't she sign her name? PreS!ures from society? If she doesn't want her baby, 1 am truly &Jrry for, her. But why kill it! there are thousands Gf couples who would give anything ta have ·:.. child . "That child." If &he's reat:y worried about the crowd· ed. condiUons ot the world, why not just kill everyone over IO? If we legalize abortion , why not lqalise euthana:iia too? Same d,i!fereitce. MRS. DAVID A. FELDE Molher of'- No. 7 due nm l?'.Qlth 'Laflk of c;....,...,.• To the Editor: In .~egard tG the article en pafe &, Feb. 12, in wblcb you were quot.inc Robert J. Bresnahan and his views about the new site fer tbe airport. I must aay that Jt was a rare dlsplay or his complete lack of concern ror people as hwnan beings. He said that people shouldn't compWn about the proposed site that llVtl in El Toro because most of thtm wUI han moved by then. He: doesn't Men to realize that somebody will live tba't .and abo what happens to their ~y values. THE PEOPLE IN Leisure World art: spoken of. Well, these people have de voted their lives to the betterment cf our society and now they have retired. Mr. Bresnahan tells them not to worry because they probably won't liYe ewer l~ years more anyhow. fli s ideas aboµt pecpfe art moibid and cruel. We are all people and not machines and de.serve freedom and con· sideration in such matters. TllE PEOPLE In J.!Uslon Viejo m.! El Toro moved there: to live ln a fl'Qh new community and now Un11t tbty hive esllbn.hed home& Ind lnvelled in ~ Ibey 1et an lirporl to drop !heir 1n: vemnents by 1 llrp delP'ff. The idea of lhe marine hue i..•1 so pod far a locaUon. Durlnc a naUonaJ emer,ency it wouJd be very chaotic · and an esodlent spot .for lhl droppin1 cf an H-bclmb. A more ilolated area aeems much more feuiblt. HOWARD P. MUTZ Pl~nty A. -There are niore challenalnl u:ecutive a n d apecialisl. poslUons in carw ~~8Cou4"1 tba.n. you can rub .i.1lwo twlp at. The Girl Scouts I ,-.ol lbe . U.S.A., and \he Boy i:&out. ot America are both --"· '"""" l~ 1'69 Ill • Ill Good · ·Oppor·tunities Found Scouting·· of ... -· servlet.1 on the or1anlzaUooaJ • <hart). Tll)O ,1i, ol ' council delennines lbe number ol ,peclallsts and !!<Id service (>el'OOMel employed. AT TH£ NATIONAL l..EY!:L, you IJliibt work at he1dqu1rter1 in New Brunswick. N.J. (Boy Scouta>. or New York ,c111 (Girl Scout.I), 1t a re1lonal olfice, ill1.11trat.inl pib!JcaUw;.. pro. proa'i'&-mmlnf , systems and second-care& le - or ov~. Here'• 1n Idea duclng fifm1 and flbnltrlps: anatyals. And,' rA coorse. ~ homtmaken, and mea ho'fe of the job mas: Penonnel WGl"kinc with other «~· a:ram serYlcet pllJUons on a completed mUJtar)' careen. pocltlanl -1 1 I 1 r y ad-Uolia. Jlorcl>lodlaloc JiOolUons nllj..,.I level Prevloul ScoutlaJ eJper;- mlnlstralloo, re<Nitmeo~ arMS ~e ~. 11lel · promotion, CAN YOU QUALIPYT As II belplul but Id required. job pla<etnent. Public rdo· ~ 'c6QlrOI ' {illlllorm1 , •!;!lle,)'Ol!'llneeda·baclltlor's CGm ...... Uoof: llr11 in job Ilona. and -asine l>Olillolll ad . Cliii61Di pod•. .:Ji d<&Tff, ind I 0 m • I Im • I 11Uiladloo, ..... -In -wrllln& !or new1papera, ~ .,.ll'd auinq dlroctl1 re!iled· employmeilt . l!IGMJ •• (F« tbeo, averqe mlfUlnet, pamplllell, •1V, ( i>Oaltiauintudl ,arusu!Und erperlence. There m open-111nJnc la1ary 11 1 .. T,lllO.) radio; edltinJ, de'1gninc, and 'l~' ..... tlaJ.>computer inp !Of "1c<nt eollei.• ll'•ds. . Houn :"l'IY be nllbll or wee.kendl, bt.IL v 1c1 t lo n aDow1ncta art bttter thaa averqe. f'rince btotfll! and a d v ancement opPoflunlUes are 1ooc1 • >'OR MORE INFORMA. TION. Check wttb your local co u a c JI. or write : lllOll " Bo7 Seoul& ol Amer· lea, New Jlnmaw\ct, N. J. ' . ' ' ' .. "Sweet.Heart'' "Co-.t" c11Ai!sii , DllllWAIMINI LIQUID •ISlfer·CWlri•I • ~. St t:iMI tt Jtll' •..a? l llK'" "t Sttin! • 32 ••• 1' er. 2i2Sc Sit• 1111 m~ ••••••m n11 PrtlHtitl' ljttle. Fris~ies CAT FOOD Ckttst ht• flU, c••C~·· I lhtr ft1v1r ! "Takara" DOUCHE POWDll fir Ft•l1i11 MJrlttt ·-·---i•,'.' ... ..._ ... ~...... ',, .. ! !@> IMtl!ll"ltltKING : . ::.: Mugs and Bowls I ; ~ 01. tolf!e mu1~ 10 twa·!Gl)e '°lors, . e and 5" cereal 01~ 5 '$1 I . . bowls 1n two·lo"e O I cokl1s.. I ""'-·---···---~-"---' ~---.... """-....,.._ .... ,_ __ ., I .A11ctt1• 111t~"' "Piggy" ·Banks lo·-~·~-r-Gli~ in ·s.111 Lar11 l . ' -'""' ""· 1 gc 39c . ' ,_ ...... -· ·--TURTL["[tK Polo Shirt ~:· "P11•U" -cottO!I, lont· , $1m'e sllirt kl wlli!e il1' assortrd soli• a;lors witl' wm prints !JI ~anllt$ family c~ ath c~. Si~'· ~ • to 12. ' 1.79 ' (VEIUOt ' ·uareck" s•-"F y" GllUTTI 0011 ' CIOI• loir ... t~,Or· , SHAYI Cll AM -~···'-"'""'· CM111 tit• a~ Merul "t11rt111nlas ....... , tt l.... 1 .. 1.2t • ... fc: I IL Si11 69~. 14~ 11. Sl11 "C " ~,.. "Som·1nex" ompoz TlllCTS ·CAPSULES l •' 1,_ 1 , 1 1 1 When 1ou can't tlttp b!taihe 119 .wile. o cmporilfy r1 1~ 1 98 ets1mpl~ner•ous1~n,100,ld~.e of s1mpl~ nervous lens1on . . . "Sominex" ii& dtrectfd help Golm ytrn to 1eel 1cldxt!I. I &9 lG's 1 Ret. 2.25 31's • . . 'flavihist' lllllSll!Nm COi&~ fDnttula l!elp~ It 1~Ji,ve simol • cou1hs ef "'"'' ~ .~!:'f ~II 1.88 ~;:"I Flavihist P-A (Pl!OLOllGU>.cl~) COll UPStlUS AnwilL lotl4 tastil1 rel:el trom r.old s111ffles. sr.euiA&. stuH!d llOSt or ar;ll f.Ofll"S- 1\Gn. . 1.98 "Zestabs" CHEWlllt YIT&IUMS lor Chtld1eq , •• 1n I nut fliYOI' tl!iit chlld1en io~c! "lady Scott" Facial Tissue Ctltrftl Fltral l'rilts . .. •' 4:$1 "' "Lavoris" MOUTHWASH AND GARGLE ..... ,. 77c 20.• 11. Si11 ~"IOllHllHltllOltlln... .:.JI--.. I 5 ~"m TV T raY, Set ! As<'.ortedcolorfolPil· i fens embedded i1 5 1enai11e fits Gliss. I s.1t-stwai• h"'"" I cart •It' pld fleck iwivel castflS. o ,t,,s~crted patterns - i_ l~g,~ With llOll-tar. I ·1sh B1ass finish. -, ~MC SIZE ggc . lap..'fr-ay-~fi!ij - 2.1• H's fashioned ii tlilSSiC . _ • "Temp-Aid" cOLDPIC• ......... -\ "Norforms" .,..,"1111 1 59 ; ~~::; noc l0>I•" "" wl<o "' ...i It 69 · SUPHSIT1lllS 119 • 1 fillisbed •1• \J\J . . . • • . for bruises. black eyes. C Antisef)tic: -Deodorjllt -;::======::.:•:;ni m 1D11 • b~ms, tnotllldle, etc. Corwtnieflt • • • tnf ta llst. -•IP -e -: 311'" Jr. S111 1.511r1 • I -=---:-::,_.,.,.--r "Style" wtG "Flair" Plastics 1-1~1 ;:;~~~:~.1 '.-..08 1 · Wi1 .. ~~!~S '"'"" ~:.':: ::E,.. _ .,.e, ' ' Z.14 1N'I • u . Lntlrinr/ . C1UJtiN1r "Milk of Magnesia" • ••1,c:~: .. Cutty Sark PHILLIP'S ~· Ant<1cid, IA~I· five ••. ~ett!es your :illlmar.h i~ !econd~. Regular or M1ot. 1.11 2S tz. Sii1 age 11.19 ... 1 lllHNnHIDIHKHlllllOffllllllfflOllMMHHllDll) Smirnoff i IO PIOOf I v•· 4 as· lM'." frti• M11llal ,-1~itl' ' . 5ta • • I • ' ! ! ' . Eden Roe i IO PIOOP ~ ..... , ~1.4.99i Red Mountain I ~ GRISWOLD Skillets ~ode If 1turd, a:J·irllll and pie· .uSOO!d. C.st·iro~ imprO'Jes food tl1l'Or!. These sktnets wo"'t wear o~! IY,"Si11 r· S_irt 1.29 2.19 3 .. 19 ... L 1 .. 11.... 18c SH! Disl u . • lillll ........... 58'= • ::.~~.~ ...... BBC • W11t1 11111! ••• 1. 48 • H1m,11/lask1t .. 1.98 • H1·m,er/Sul ••• 2.29 ILINDID, Scet~h7 50 ·"" " Pt••I ~t-' I I larpl4r.1i1k t_,_ 1· 49 i •u1, Yi• ••s• 1•1 ~ ti.en. C1 I. 1 i "llYOID" Water Toothpic~· Beef eater , o IMPOITID ••• 19 lnllt lry-M rt. 6 , • 5til • R. C. "COLA" ' .. 'ti's k'l!k '•' ~t«1n,, truh'er ~•-y, ITS. ~ Pepe Lopez ~ 10 PIOOf i , ••• u. 5 69 . tlf MlrPJitu II Pn1f -M • R. C. "Diet-Rite" cal.A Su1• tree! 1111. Silt "5 Day" "Miss .Breck" UllSl'UT ~ llll'lar "d i.,., lloN tor sgc 1K IDdafs "swinfin&" Uir llyles. ltf. 7• II or. 1L ... 1 llt;; HOSE o c ·~Ill s,.,. . Flashlight B•ies ~ lllOSOl llttdorant .. D" sizt ••• ..... ~." NIWPORT BUCH 1121 '"'"' ... W.nllflPluo HUNTINGTON BUCH .=ir."' HUNTINGTON BUCH ~= PH 1lln I it. C1n 1.29 • • J 4 DAILY PH.OT w.dnt.4.,, r.wu., n. 1969 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NarJCI (lltTll'ICt.TI 01' IUSIMISJ ,U,ClltOlt COUltT 01' 'l'"I l'ICTtTIOUS MAMI $"TAY€ 01' CALl"OlttOA l'Olt HOTIC[ 15 .HEREl'I' OJVEH ni.t Ti. lftttlll'*' ,_ ,.,llf'I " it THI COUNTY OI' OIANGI • Tokyo or Bnst for S1nall Y aehis LEGAL NOTICE: "'• City C~ll °'· m.t Clh' Of GMll C!Ond~tll~ • Dutlnett 11 7214 "•t fllt NI, A-tn21 E • 1 B F F c • s f T 'f • R 1 Mnl WI~ hOld 1 Mlle: lllirlne on Ai.I Cott• ~ C.Ufffnl1, ~nei•r !ht HOTICI'. o• Hl!AllH• OJ P•TITIOH ig it oat,s rom our ou1itries et or ranspaci ic ace ~ t~~~rl~ !r~~:::v~,~~ ~~~~~E ... ":it·:: .. ~ ":~v.;; ~:~:::•TA:,~J:,~;;:~A::r7: .. •'Clock ,,.M.. Ol' •• _,. tllere•fle• c:tmPOStil ol ttlt IOll11Wl"f "'""' wl$e Ellll• ,,,, JAM: ,. rokYO (AP) -Ei&ht rac~ names and countries of the and 1967, reapecUvely,·Js eom-lfW 1'C'*' from foor counlrles participants received as o! peUng ln the race. llllve ~ the tint solo last October from' the ,Slocun1 "Frankly, I will like to com· "I don't ,.,_. the ... trip of "·-·•ty' ..... " .... ·ll'IOltwt _., bf 11Mr4, Oii fllr n•-Ill 11'11 ..... '"" " ruklfn« •E,',',~c"e' ~;ct~$EltE6V GIVl'.N TPlat WJUI• ~ fll-NlLI -tma..,... "'""°'" lllrtt fltlMllt of lllt Fwrtll IA U ~ll9wt; I l'I fllMI l\llrtln Wl·u. ~ d"f'-·" -·'d-',the or_,..,•---· _ _,..1_ .. -PhtM of""'(.,,...,.... Ct1111~rtl'leM/vt llOY M. YAltNelL. ttlf f'odfk OOnrlloY ltkll••d l eclt1! ., In ... ~ "ll."UI~ rYTI ~ ...... IUllal -pr'OVJQeU en• lorlil ltt,.. .. ltn, 1111 .... ft>e Mtl!U ._._e!l\le, COlf9 Mta41, I H llT10fl fer 1robl'11 of W 1' rt weatMr is good. Besides Ute trants are ovtt tl -·-old .. i.n .. l lcYClt WtVl. O•lf':I l'lbtlltfV lL lMf ~' IM~~ of le1ler& Tnt~ • I ~Irie s1ngle-huU yacht Society art as /ol\ows: petc Jn the coming race,'' the ....,.. !tom San F'ranchco to--Navy• C.pt. Eric Tabarly. 38-year-old Kashima .s •'Id, J...,.. otartinJ Marcil IS, the vveo Terlein and Mare Cbulk . "Bot I have no boat of the JopanArt[.ife·Associa,t!ohon-.LlnO!d . Gl France;. Klaus •qiecllled six< to enter the ~Sunday. llehner and F.ditb .unman oi· ·competition. Even if-I ·had '' 1 • ~-... • NOflCf IS l'UltTMElt GIVEN l~I ltOY M. Y•ltNEll 10 Pe11Tf1'\H. r.ie•t"te IO wll ell ~ -PacWc Ocean is already add have Pft-V10US IOlo ailing 11 tilt tim. 11111 "'"' •~tnllontd ~"'' of Cttlftf'f!\t. °''"'' ,.....,1,., mfd1 iw ru•Tl'le• ••rtlc1<t1r~ ~~ ~ known by many sea laving 'u;ptrJence over a distance a-•iw •nd 111 "'-.1ntrr.~'" "''~ 0<1 FttlfutrY 1 ... ,,.,, ""f,' ,,";:· ,,,. riri;.~ •i;:.11•1·~~ ~, "'~:~ 14, I ,. A*.11o,.~ -mJ'---•r •11111 bl· hff•d IW lt>e Cltv COQ"'ll 1 Ntl•rY l'uMIC 11'1 Mid fl)( .. 1 • .. in. ... 1 1 -· ,_ trave era. c~...,. """ ..:.. o1 .,. citv ot '"'' MMI on "'d Pt"'°"llll' ,...,...., ..ov M. YAllNEl.L Htt, •' 1::to .. m.. 11 ..... '°1,11 11 11",..,l._;,...,., ,WIS lhe, sec:Gncf 'J'he .... ~ ... in11tjr1• vaAl.•nMltf•rPlfflof81,VCieW1y1. ~"IM IO M '~ HftOl'l!•\-!11-of 0.~l!W-.·~.~~.3 ::,.::llSj~t!Wttl; --,...-•.,.. ~ww.-.,. ' \;.l.N C K tlltl'ES1' ,..,,.. It 1\ll!M"rll:ltd flf IM "''"" ti 700 u '""' • Japaftlll88 ..to make· •· SQlO must be al • single hull-not ch,. ·,lef"~ ............. '"" KknoWlll01fCI M tit.CUI~ Cltv °' S•~I• Ant. C1llf0t~I•. One skipper entering the West Germany; Jerry one now it i.s bit too late transpacinc v 0 y a ro e. He longer than 3$ feet or st>Orttr •ubll111t111 °''"" Ct1st DtllY Piiot. !llt ,.,..,. O.!Wd l'e~ut; ~~ ::iN 0 FtOtutrT 1', 1f4t l12·ff (OFFfCl•l SEAL) Ci· ~ Cit k ' long, lonely race is a woman, Cartwright and E u .a: e n e to ship It lo San Francisco." Edith Bauman of W e s t Martlnson of the U n i t e d Asked how many days it Gennan.v. States, and Rene Hauwaert would take the first yachtman A sPokesman for the of Belgium. to reach Japan, Kashima brought hi.! 16--foot Koraasa th~n 24 lttt. the aasoclati!'D G ..i ~°:i":: ~~•MJOml• iusN. •USMOl.l; .. 0 u'.s,,., Jl into Japan after a IOl~ay satd. Four ol the boats, tn· LE AL 1~0TICE Pr1nc1,.1 Offlc. '" J111 E.iJttw A_ .. tr! I '.. Be h c lif I d' T b I I Otl"fl Col.llllY ltltl H•111Mt .-1-.1•. p rom u.n1g ac • a .. c u mg a a r y s , are P~~·· MY C01J11111M1tt1 ll••!re5 Hll!lll11tl• •-.. c.111t ... 11 In July, 1967. specially design'ed Cllllt1'U11c•t• OP IUSINlSS Junt fl, 1'10 Tlh (fU) •O·U11 • flCTlllOUI NM\ll ,.ubll!llld or-· Coat l O•lh' Piiot. ""'-· .... tltHlleMI' The spokesman said the TI1e yachtsmen are entitled '!'"-u"°'n1t·~~ ,,.~ e•·"•• "" '! Fibtutrr It; J ,,,a Man:fl '· 12. l'o;titltllfd or1ni11 CoHt DrllY PILct. race will start from urnJer to select any route between~~. t,11t•~:,"11..:.!, : fl~i11 ,~ 1ff' '1 '• Februtrv 1'· '°' 11' '"" ,,.,., association, $poneor of. tbe No other details about the replied: •,OIJO..mlle sea event, said it competitors are available, the "I think the voyage will take has no idea bow many more association said. between 60 and 70 days the San Francisco Golden San Francisco and Japan. •tr"' """'' ot NE.wP01tT AIRCRAl'T LBGAL NOTICZ LEGAL NOTICE • $1!11:VICEI tnd IMI !Mild l!tll'I I• con>----~==~:=:'------1::::-::::-;-;:;:-;;;;;;;-;0;'"-;;;;-<;>;;; yachtsnien would. participate NelUier ol the two Japanese because the boal!I are bigger in the nee because all entries -Kenichi Horie and lkuo and raster and it is a race are regjrtered al the Slocuin Kashima -who s in t 1 e and not an attempt to sail Society of the United Statea, h a n d e d I y sailed from between the two countries organilen or the. race. tt.s California to Japan Jn 1962 alone. bea~ers is Jn New York. Gate Bridge March 13 for The Slocum Society consists -111 o1 t; tc110W1,,. "'"'°"'' w11o11 suPi1tioll cou•T o• TMlll sr•T• Jogashima Island, about ~ of about 500 memben scat· ;i:'':: 10\~ow1/1 •rod '1•tt Of rttl4flnce ca11:Ti•ic-.~:2: 1u11M1ss Of' CALIJOll:NlA miles southwest of Tokyo Bay. tered throughout the w\~ o~ld f. Qu111,, llO £. ltHI 5tret1. '"' .. _ .. !.!CT-"'°-"' •,·.~~. --, '" l"O• THE c,.••. '_!T.~:" ~1t.t.M•• Th --~· ·~ 'd th h . T1,1tl1n, CtUfor"lt n.iao ........... "" ""' -e ~a ...... n sai e w o are interested Jn long Jinwr., 17, lHt. conductl~• • ""''"'" 11 wio we11 NOTICE o• u1.r o• ll:IAL race is open to any_ person ocean voyages In .Small boats. St••• cf 0ta~~Q~~,.~u~~~ .... c.ovnty: g::it:.m1~1~=~" tht ':,';;~1 fl~,: 'n~~; in'1~:i;:.~,~ :it.":!~t,T~ ~~Le11. YH 1be i pokesmaq said the -:.· * * U.S •. Sailor To Steer By Automation PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - ~erica's only entry in a 1,000-mile yacht race to Tokyo will have a companion with him -a mechanic:aJ steerer. Jerry Cartwright, 36, a world traveler and writer with a Texas accent, J e a v cs Portland this week for San Francisco and the s tart oC the nonstop race. Seven skippers from live na· lions "Will head their yachts out of the Golden Gate March JS. -i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•I On Je.,,,,1ry 77, lt.if, kf<l~ "'e' t /If MOCl·SAUVf' ENTERPR.ISES tlld M. I ETTS, DtCH$ed. I[) Nolal'Y Publlc Jn erid IOI' .. i. Sltlt, llllt uld 11rm I' CIH'l\PCIMI cf 11:e NOTICE IS HE'ltEIY GIVEN 111411 I S b T d • ""°"'ll'f •PP•ftUI Otvld e, Q111l1t 10.Uowlnt MrMN• wl'lo:se n1~ I~ 1111! Ill• undersigned, '' 6Clmln!Jlrrtcr of N E d ee y 0 ay s biown lo me 10 tit! tlle tar-wllcle 1nd 10l1Ces of ""'lfSMl(I 1re ts IO!\cWll" tM ntate of E,ve!vn M. letts, decelJed, ewpo-rt • .n nsena a ' Mme Is 1ublcrlbecl to Ille 'll'lfl'll" ill-NOtl'n~ll Stuve', "U151 LIS Nar•n"·' will se!I 11 prov1ta Ult ~ lllf ftl•M:>I «.I Wa nl Ads 11ru-n1 IRIS tCk"°wleOM llt u~led Drlw. SOUlfl L1911n1. C1lllornl1. and but blclQr llPOO the h!rm.I ·~ Ille s•me. Sllold'll MP91, 1'-'D Oetuvlllo Pl1ee. condll!ons llerel"lt!er mentioned, tlld (OFFICl•L sE•Ll Costa Meu, C1llto!'nt1, ~111>!ecl 111 c~nl!r,..•llon b~ u ld !u~rk'r 'e Gl'owin.t E:dueatiottal Ser· S&rnuel T e119l!t! O.ted "'bru-rv 3, Ifft. Court, on the 2&111 d•Y ti Febr111,., R Pl. R d' d Mo!erv P~llf.·Ctlllo1n!1 Ncr,,.,.n Sa.U'l't' !969, fl Ille ne111r of ten o"tlock •.M. ace ' ans ea ~e Vice: PtJ/ltlcll Ofll(I Jn $holdll Moll or t11ere1ller wllhln Ill! lime l llOW!d II Your la\1'n v.·ill prosper, Ortllllf counlY s1111 of Ctllfotnl1. Or1r111 CounlY: bv 11w, 11 Ille offices of Fr11'1klln M~ Comml~s!cn· E~~htl On Februarv S. lMf, befor1 m!. ~ ind Frtnktl,., Attornevs. 101 E11t ,11ttl and i;o will these two coJ. 1 Aoru 2e, lt1(1 Nottrv P11bll< •~ tnd for ..,1<1 Sla!~. StrHI, cc111 Mm. C1lllornl1, 111 rognl, Jcgc students, i1 you hire P~n11,11ec1 Dr1119e Co•'' Otlly l"ll~t. persontl!V •-••d No•"'•" S.11ve' •~d 1u1e, ln1rrt1t and e•talt Of tne ••Id Plans are already und~r of the Ocean Racing yachts J1nu•ry " 1/ld Ftb•u1rv J, u, 19, ShO!UJI Motl knoW" IO me to ,w ,~11~, Evriv" M. 111us, detta£e-d, 11 1he 11mr their la\vn service. Exper-196t ISZ.6t persnn1 wtJO!MI n1...e art •~ ~· ., •. of 11er c1e11h, er.cl 111 rl1nt, 1!11e i nd w:ay for lhe annual Newport ·sailing under the Cruising ieoced, and $25 a month 11--------------to 1t.t w11111n IM!l'viMnt •nd •ck now I· '"''r~1 11111 ,,,., estate h•• 1cq111rec1, h Cl b ol Am I t LEGAL NOTICE edetd tlltV e•eculM fM 11me. bv openi!lon cf 11w or ctnuwlse, otll~r to Ensenada yac t ra~ which 'ii er ca measuremen or less. {OFF1c1•L sEALI 1~,n or in •ddlllon «i "''' of u1d annually draws more than 500 rule. Cl.Jss I will be yachts t111r1c11 A. w1'"v EVEL vN M. ae:ns. •' 111e 11me or e lie per square foot!! ,..JU26 Ncttry Publ1c-C11itorn+1 lier cletlh, 1n 1nd to ttlf. •••I i>rlll>l!rtv sailing yachts. meaurlng 40.( feet and over: 11lat's the e"'·-for ttnt-cr1tT11'1C•T£ OF 1us1Nrss. Pr1nc11111 Off1c. 1n i•tu~,,.., in '"" rounlY ~1 or•fl9•· s1111 Class II 36 5 to 40 3 Cl S ........ FICTITIOUS N•MI'. °'"'"'' C1111nf'I' °' C1 lllornl1, tnd described •• tollowu Tom Wilder' race committee ' • ' : as i.ng this indu.strlal space, The underslg~ed do cerlllv lheY ... My COrnml'l'llon E•Plrn Loi ll of T•ICI No. :192~. IS pet ha·-ha d III, 32.0 to 38.4; Class rv, the ~--~ ty cenductlro> ~ bu1lne" ti '· 0, Ill~• Oct*t .. 1172 MIP tnerf!'Of r«e•ded In Book ti, C ...... an, s an n OU n C e 29 0 ,_ 31 9 d Cl V near ..,,..,'Ae ....,un Btl. cos11 Mew, c1t11<1r"11, under 11\0 Pub!l"'td Ot•lllr ca.st 01u~ Pllot, Pi;r '· MlsceJlao.,..,.,5 MrPi.. recordt several Changes in the format • W ' ' an a5S ' Up airport, 800 squal'I! ftet in llcllllouo .!rm '''""' ol NEWPORT Febr'urrY 5. 12, It, 2', lfft 1"·6t cl Ot1nte County, C1lllcrnl1. (l(nown f th , nd to and including 28,9, all SILVElt PROCESSING Ind !h1t Mid •1 119 Sall! Pltte, Cost• Mew, o e race a r ace re-There will also be five 11rm i. com-ed of'"" 1o11ow1n• "''141"=· LEGAL NOTICE calllo•nli.> quirements. e Just 10,000 pennies per whoae """'" '" "'11 •rod Pllce• 01 BIDS or oHe•s 1tr in~lle-d lo• u r" Most significant change will classes of Pacific Handicap month: •eslt':'• ~;· t~~i.~~. 345 w. L~ HOTICI oP •ULK T••HSFElt P•"ll•'IV end 1m,.vsf ~e ~~ "'~W;!s ·~~ Racing Fleet yachts. Class VI, Fiores, Arcea11. c111tt.orn11. ts.n '11l -•111 u.c.c.J wll1 be rece" • e be two c.lasses of Midget up lo 168 •• Class VII, 170 to You can rent a furnished lltn F. Cidwt!ltder. 311 ltvby •~.. 1111crow NO. U·HHt FFt•NllLtN ANO FR•NKLIN, Attorne.ys one bedroom house in 81lbo1 hltnd. CtHtornit, Nonu ts h1rellV 9IV11n 10 the Cre-dl1crs for u ld e51•1e. or m1v be n1e1;1 w,1h Ocean Racing Fleet yachts -210 ,_. Class VIII. 212 lo 2!8·, oiled Feb•u"iirY ~.Ifft. of JOHN c FINN ind ROSA.L IE M . 11>e Clert; er stld covrt, or dellvertil under 30 feet in overaU Jenglh. Eastslde Costa Mesa, at Ted T. ccn•lln!lnf FlNN, Trinderoti, whose b\J,lne$5 •d· ro the •dml"1•1•ator personallv. •I 1n.1 Class IX. 230 to 270, and Class !his ve..., low price, if you Ktn F. Cidw•ll•der ore'l'I 1, l!ltl-B &air.er sutet. ccsie time 11~r !lie fl•sl P11blle111on cl lh•t This year MORF will be divid· X m d •r s1a1e c1 CtlHornre. Ora"g' counf'I': IMI• counlY of Or1nge. s1a1e of Notkr, 1nd before meklnP u Td 1ale. ed into tWo divisions_ Class ' • an over. call today. on Februarv ~. 1'6t, bltort mt, , C•llf~t~I•, n61i. tlltt • bulk transfer S.id iaie wit! be m1de t<P011 ''" The tace committee iS COm· Nol1rY Public I" 1M for selcl Sllh!, ls tt>o~t le tit! 11'\lde lo SEOLEY A. lollowln• term" A for yachts rating 23 feet, posed of Wilder, Paul Ket-• DIM.E A LINE DEAD-~.sot1111Y •P~•l'ftd Te-d T. Con!<l1n11ne votJNG •M MARION s. volJ NG, hu~· ,~,h. and Over' and Class Z for LINE ·IS 3:00 PM FRI· •nd Ken I'. C1dw1ll1der kncwn 10 "'' btnd •n<I wilt, Trensler""'· whOSe Date-II Februar~ 11, lt6'. te nburg, Larry Test and lo bt tM ~"on' wwe n11n11 1ro b<i~lness addren 11 3043 S..mo• Pla,e. BANI! OF AMER IC• yachts rating up to 22.9 feet DAY -HURRY HURRY 1ubs.c:rlbed 10 ll>e wllhln Instrument •nd Ce5ll Me,., Counll' cl Orante. Stale N•TIDN•L TRUST •N!) ~1illard Rosing. \\lilder said HURRY'.'· 1anow1edgo:t1 lheY e~ecvtecl "'' ,1me. or canfornli, '1616. SAVINGS •ssOCIATION. inclusive. h · ·11 be dd d tOFFICl•L sE•L>· The Pr®•rtv '° 11e fo"•nlff!r"" IJ loc•te-d • na11o~a1 Th ·11 be f' cl .. ...:•::re~e:_:m<>:::r~•:..:W~l:::::~a::::~·'.'.:_· __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Josl!1>11 E. Davis al 1903-B Bt•er S1'eel, Costa Me••• B1nklfl9 A$SOC:T~llo~ ere WI JVe asses Nolery PuDllc·C1llfornlt County of Or1n•t Stale ti Calllot~11, Bv T. J. TIERN ... N, Jr. PrlnclPal Olflct in 9'.2616 ' •s•l•llnl Tru~t O!:flcer Orlf'l9e C0<inl¥ s.id orcJ>t•f'I' Is described I~ te~errl •dmlnlstr1tor cl !lit My CommlHlon EKplres 15, E•l1!e of June 21, 1'70 "II stoc;k In lrade, ll~lurt1, eQUlpmenl EVELVN M. IETTS l"ubllshed Orrnge COis! OtllY P••:», and tood will tnd '""''e n1me o! Oect1sl!d. Flbl.,1rY 5, 12, It, U, lHt 141 .. 9 lhll Takt 0111 Faod bu1lnes1 known FltANICltN l"d 1'1tANICLIN t • THE GOtOEN CHICKEN Ind .l.T11r,,..YI ti Lt w l<><:iled at 1CW3·8 Saker Slrtcl, Cos!t lf1 llllJf lttn Sltttl Industry Reveals · Code • LEGAL NOTICE M'"'' CounlY cl Ot1n1,, S!ele cf Co,I• Mos•. C~IUor~I• NOTl'I! TO Cltl!OITOlt! C•llter~Tt. Alltfown lw Ad1!1ln11tr1hr SU,t•IOll COURT OF THE Tiie-bulk lr1nster wlll be co111ummatl!d T•I• 14-t.USI STATE o• CALl1'01tNI• FOil on er titer tlle lrd d•Y of ~rch. All•tntYS ,., P•llll111t• · 1~9. 11 11-.v ESCROW CO., INC,, lltt Publlshe-d Dt1nge C111st 01l1Y tlllol. THI! co~:~X.~:UoltANGE ~arrinr BTvd., Co1ta N-.~••· cc11""' of Februarv 12, 13, It, 1Ht Jf.Wt Of Boating Standards The most comprehensive -code-·of-standards e v ·e ·r published for builders of small pleasure craft is now in the hands of boat manufacturers throughout the country, ac- cording to Donald I. Reed, manager of engineering for the Boating Industry Associa- tion. ' Reed said the 116-page 1970 B IA Engineering Manual has been mailed to more lhan 700 72 Compete In Tune-up Estate ol HAROLD JO S E ,. H Ononge, Stair ol CtUlornlr. known builders of boils under HOULIH•N. D•cusec1. so fer '' known to lht TrAnsler•••· ~I ' ' I gth No.IICE._ IS 1:1.E&.El'! GJ)'EN 10 lhe 111 b\Jsl"ess neme1 1nd tddresses use-111-------------- IA-ee~n,.. en .--·--........__ til!dllfl.r• ci iht 1bcve -n1me<:f cfeCe<r~t 1l'f 'ln~l't'-fol'-lhl-11'1'" vtt•&. -·--1A••1m-- The new manual contains tllef tll "''"'ns having clt lms 1g1lnsl list past, ii different from 111' tbOve. NOTICE 01' TltUSTEE'l t •LI 63 ded t• 1111 i.ald de-cedtnl ire ~uired lo file are: T. o. H1. TS 2n.., rccommen prac ices ti>lm. wllh the .-eeeiwry voutherJ, on None 0n Mt•c~ u, 1969, 11 n :oo A,M., · fro Jinhtnin pr ll•e olflce of !he clerk o1 tM 1t>ove Oa1ed Febru~rv 11, 1Ht TITLE INSURANCE ANO TR:US1' COM· ranging m IY' ' g 0-enlllled court, or to prnerot !he'TI, wl!h SEOLEV •. VDUNG P•NV, as dulv •PPOlnle<I Tru1I« under tection for boats to tire i~ ..,. necess..-v vouchers. to lh• un· Tr&ns!eree 1nd pvrs11•nl to Dee-ti of Tru~t 01tN nation charts for boat trailers. detslgn..O II IM otflte of Ills Allornevs ~~~~l~~eeS. YOUNG Selo!embl!r 19, UU E~r0cvted N BV; Stell end Levine, 111 Wesl 1th Streel. ,.ubl]!hed Oranll CGisl Daill' JOiie! ROB ERT 0. N•LL t nd J •N •LL, Of the Standards, fOUf are ~ile Numbsr tlO. lo:; AM>eles, Cat!lcrnlt 321 .. j h~1b•nd Ind Wife, IS !olnl tenan!1 Ind 90017, wtolc" Is tllt piece of busloeu Februe•Y It, 1969 rttQflltd Seo!embl!r JO, 19U, as ln•tr. new and 14 have been changed 01 "" 1<nder111nec1 1n 111 m•!lars oer-No. 1tJ92. in t>ock aoj.I. p191 ,n, since the 1969 manuaJ waS 111 .. ino to 1he tslale of ~•Id deced•nt LEGAL NOTICE of otlk lal Records In l~t ctfl(e of w1111;,. 4 mon!hl tttff Ille !lrol .Ubllc1llon lh• C0<inll' Recorder of Orange CcunlY, published a year ago. ol thl• ncliCI, NOTICE 01" INTENTION TO C1llforn!a. WILL SELL •T PUl!LIC Seve,ai of the changes _ Oetrd Ftbrv.iry 10, 1969 T .. o\NS,..flt IN •ULK AUCTION TO HIGHEST llODER FOR HocYer H. "''"· .IT PUllK: AUCTION CASH (payeele II time of 1111 ln notably in boat fuel systems E~e<utor Of tnr WlllJll Ncflce Is lletltllV tlven to tne Cr~l!ofl l•wlu1 mcney of the Unlled Stetesl lne ttlove nrf'ned d«e-dent 111 PIETER BYXEltl(, Trt~eror. wh<U• In Ille tot>lw cl Ille west (p1rktn~ will stiffen the re-sTt!LL •NO LEVINE, · busl~es' 1ddfeu Is 127'2 Grove View, lcl) enlrtnce cl Tille ln1~t1r>e~ lluildlno quiremenls o f the B IA Boat n1 West 1111 5lr11t, •Pt. B, Garden Grove, CovnlY el 0•1ft9e, IK•!e" en 111• Nc•lhwe11 corner er s~1i. Nu,,.111r tlO. stale of cs111ornl1. E!ollm ind Mlln Slreeti.. S1n11 o\n•, Safety Certification Program, Ln A,...lts. C1Hf1Fn;1 f001J, Seid ornP•rlY 11 described In rener~I California rll rlt~t. tllle rnd Inter~'·' h, h I Tel1 (1UJ fl7·1517 "" Oie1el Perls, Toe!•. £quit. of thl! co"veyed lo 11\d now held by It under V.' IC current Y COVeTS more Aller"tJI t.r l:JKU!Ot Ole.er RtPl1• ShOP business ~"°"'"'" IS uld Dud ol' Trv!t !n lhe prc~t•TY LEGAL NOTfCE than two-thirds Of sznaJJ boat tllt·Jt311, $VIC£1tl( OIE5El COMP•NV •nd sltvale-d In said County Ind Sllll dts(rl~ Publislle-d Or1rt11e Co.ts• Oallv Pdo1. 1ocated 11 ~XI list SI , New1>0rt le.th, Id ••· production. i<"ebru••Y n. 19, 1' and M•rtll s, cov~tv of Or1noe, Slife of c1111crnlt1. Tl'll' NorThN•terlv r"'tanguta• en•· One new standard calls for 1Mt 2S9-69 •utnan wlll 1>e COfldvdtll bv 'H!L hill ol' Lot ts cf Tract No. ico. HANSON, Auctlon~r. en tne hi 'div In !he counl¥ cl OttnGe, •la!e of a system of pel'D).anent hull LEGAL NOTICE 01 Marci.. lt6t, 11 10 c'dock A.M. Callfornla, 1s per m•P retorde-d i• ------•I 110 31st SI.. N1W1>erl 8e1t11, Caunf'I' Bcok 2', Pille 15 cl Ml,te!lal!!<>u• -ser ial numbers to aid states STEREO SENS•TION I of or~n~e. Still! of c1u1cml•. Meps, In the office of the countv Seventy-two boats in eight concerned w•'th t•-problem • 6Alt·l:Wt The Te•ms 01 !he s11e will .,., tor ••r"rder cf s~ld cou~!Y. cl t ed S d I lie'. NOTICE TO Cltll011'0R:S Cl~h. Said Siie ":l,ill bt mtdo. boil wi!houf asses urn out un ay or of small boat thefts. Several sU,.Ell:IOR COU RT OF THI 5o Far 1s ~nown to the •udloneer, cov!-11•1'11 er warr•nf'I', ••Press er lmPllt<l, Cabrillt Beach Yacht Club's ' STATE 0,.. C•Lll'OltNI• l'Olt all tivslnen n•mn 1r.cl 1ckfre·n1• u•e-d re-ierdlng lllle, ~c•senlon, or """ • stales are ex~ted to pass The colorful sound or ~ TM'f COUNTY O" O••MGE bv Ille Tran·s1 .. cr 1ot" Ille tnrtt year, 'vmbr1nc<!!I. to PIY !he remaining P''"'" M1dwinler Tune-Up Regatta. ser'•i numben'ng laws 80 that Nt. A·'"" 1111 01s1, 11 d!Utr11111 from above. 1rt: crp11 sum "' ihe nole securt11 ~t The winners: ... • • E!!llt of HAROLD e u GENE M.A.N, P1cttlc, t'OO list., NewPOrl ee1c11, ••Id Oeed of Trual. to.wil: S2,1'4.07, stolen boat informal.ion can 0 c t M ... FLi'TCHEFt. Oecease-d. (1111 W!lh l11llrul frcm Octotlt!r 15. 1961 CAL-40 (3) -Tet.ua, Art i..-cd . h ·-Fed I range oun y USIC --NOTICE 1S HEREBV G!V_EN IO lne •nV 11111 Ill cltlm• of wh11.oev1r fl In 11\d note provided 1dvtnce; w lk CBYC m: enter Wit tuc era ... ctrdl!Orl of Ille above nam~ deceden1 nature •re to bt presenle-d to Ill! II tny, II"""' the lermt of said o~ed a er. ' B r a u I lnvest1'gat1'on's Na • lhll •11 per1ens hcvlnt claf!M aoatn.t f.scrow dtP••lment of Pllll H•~-.. of Trust, ftes, ch•r•es and e~oen~e· CAL-34 '-(3) Ba1clutha, U e O · RADIO KO'CM 103.1 FM IM uld10~ec,"',enr are ~~~0 10 11!e -._,otllln. on or belcrr Ille ht cl8Y of ltl• Truutt 11111 of Ille trusl• crai!td John Km. ca'i·d, CBYC. tional Crime Information 11>tm, w ~ e neces!a., ..... c ""· ·~of M•rcll, lt6t ,, 1 o'tlOCk A,M .. bv ,,1., Deed 01 Trust Cc rhe office ol the t~r~ of !he obove ,ion ) w. 11111 St., In !h1 Citv of The btn!lltl•rv 11n.:i0, said Ottd el PHRF (23) -(1) Redon, nter. F F h I I d N B h llfll!I~ caurt, • 10 present lllem, wl!fl Senti •na, cou"ll' cl Or1nge, Stile Tru1t, by re11on of 1 bre1ch or oet11111 n-x Bender. VYC·. (21 t·.·· The manual's standards are ram as ion s an ' ewport eac tne nece~••rY VCltthtr~. tc i:ie un· of CtlllcrnTI. In !lie cbl!ga flon1 secured !l'll'rebv, ~ b ~er1lqntd ti !ht o!llt~ al ~er "''~•nevs, Oiled febr111rv 11th, lt6t. herolaforo t••cvled I nd del\vered 10 between Tortola, Jim Cowie, developed Y seven BI A Gemmll a. Welt>o•n. ll03' E. w1s111n11on Phlt H•nscn. Auctioneer the undetslonl!d • written Declarttlon engineering ci>mmitteel!I COffi• ll lYd., Pl<c.Rlver1. Ctlllornll J06611, whkh Publi1hed Or&nge Ccts! Oallv l'llof, of Oe!IUll 1nd Demtnd tor Sato, ind CB'\'C, and Ginger II, Dave I• !hr place of bu11ne11 ol Ille vnders,oned Febr111rv lt. lt6t JIJ"t wrl!ten notice of bre~ch and ct ele-clion Johnson . CBYC. posed of technical personnel Tn 111 mauers ~rt11 .. 1ng 10 lhe ~t•te ro e•u•e th e unde,.rined to 1,11 si Td C •t ... froon participatm' g manufac·'~========================================::.lcf ••Id deced•"': wllhln lour mOlll~S LEGALNOTICE ~rcperl¥ IC ••lisfy Slid 0Dli•1lle<1!, """ 1U.r20 (6) -1anqueray. ii 1tter the 1111t Publrt•llon cl lhl1 nctlee. lloere•fler. en Nc¥e,,.ber 11, 1Ht. !tie Dave Searing, CBYC. turers. Before promulgation. Oiltd FeDruarv ,, 1969· CEllTll'ICATI o,.. co11tP01tAT10N un~•rsigned caused s1><1 noHce of bre1th the standards arc reviev:ed G!tlreTinn• Fletcher DOING 11uS1NIESS UNDEll '"" 01 elecllD" tc be record!ld in MERCU(\Y (7) 1·ilt, NEWSP~EBS ~d~;1~'~!~!Kn:~::;•d:es~!~t FICTITIOUS M•ME boo~ 9115. pag1 ~17, cf s1ld Olffe;11 George Patterson, CBYC. by an engineering coordination oEMMIL l WELa011N THE UNDfRs1GNED cD1tPORAT10N Record~. 5 "5 ("0.) S L J A 'tl d f ttU 1 WashlnlllHI lll~d . does he•tbY ct trll'Y thal !t rs conductfn~ Oale :TF~bruftV 13, l96t. -u-"I , -uper og. . . c:omm1 ee -compose 0 pi, .. 11:j,..,.,, t:•Hfornl• ffu1 a real 11t11e bu51nen at lll't Po•t T~Js\ 1~0suR•NCE •Nl!t Hobson. CBYC. representatives of the boating Tel· inn ox i-7114 Sheff!eld P11ce, Newport 11 ••th. . MP1<Nv SNIPE ) N H I Public. lhc U.S. Coast Guard "'~'""' IOI' Ad:rnl"l'lrattl~ C1lltorni1, uMtr !hi flctlllou• firm "am~ ~1 3~,d Trus1e~. (7 0. 15280, ug 1 Pu,llshe-d Ortnte Coest Dtll¥ P!tot, of o-.K BFtOOll Vlll•GE tnd rhot :yt LME R W. HEINZElt, Di tz CBYC a nd state boating agencies Fet.ru••• n tt 1, •nd M•rch s, ""' n1me of s11d con>or1!ion •"" n~ . u 11er11ec1 rnocer e • . -EACH NEARLY ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME' "ff . . .,. .. '""""' ""' • '""""' "" ""'"" '""""'' '""" '"" 0 "" """ SMALL BOAT ARB. (13) to make sure the standards R ; ' ocn1ld L. eren companv, UlJJ Ven· F'obrua..,. It. u and M.lrcll 5, ll6' 2U·M -Boat Baby, Don Cladd, are consistent and in accord LEGAL NOTICE !l'!~. t~/70~~~:,,1~~·· 1100· Sllt•man LEGAL NOTICE CBYC. '>''ith public safety. OATEO: J1nvarv 31, 1'69. -----------------------'-------'·llS05 Donald L, Bren Cem~•nY a•lt·lll4 CIEltTtl'ICATI! 01' IUSINE:SS Willlam P. Klus1m1n NOTICIE 0,.. Tll:USTEIE'S $AL• .. ---OPEN SUNDAYs,----.'I 1 I .. ~• .~, ~ Take a LONG LOOI at your INCOME TAX If t... ot• • pal" iii th. Melt t. )'OU, Set ILOCK do tM job. Jn n• ti .. , your ret:mt II prepared, doultl~ checked and 9veronft1d t. occuroey. Try enjoying -.lw•choneeo IOTM fEDHAL AND STATI s UP America'•~ T•x S.M<• wfth 0..r 30f)(t Offln• ' CQ5TA1 MISA 1175 tjarbor Blvd., 64Uf40 HEWl"OllT Bl!ACH, 410 W. c .. st Hwy., 642·7142 CORONA cltl MA~. 2435 f , C..1tt Hwy., 675-0362 w .. 1i o..,,. t .. ,. .• , ,.-.1 s.. .. '••-' •.•.. s , .... ....,._., a..,.. Ta ..,.,_ wltll 0..-r JOIO Offlsn --•NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I \ TWO UPECTS BED .. LOCAL NEWS ' . 51 Killed In ....... .. , ... ------ •1WS•AHU llACll Alll-or ""or IAC11 OCCllOATIClll. Most People Reid All of a Newspaper -All the Time And in Ille Orange Coast Area lhe Paper They Read is lhe , .. I DAILY PILOT I I "JCTITIOUS N•ME Vlce President T. o, NI. TS 211-ft The u~dtrslgnecl CIC~ terllly Illa! Shf W, F. SlrOl!ll On Mir<~ 14. llU, II ll;OO •.M, I• tc~C11tc!lnt I business ti 400 NftWPOrl Sfcrelar,o TITLE INSUR•NCE ANO TltU!T COM· Cenlf-r Or. EtJI. NeWPOtl Beith, S1'•TE OF C•LIFOltNIA P•NV 11 dulY lr>POln!ecl Truite. u d C1llfornl1. ulld1r tho l!clltlolt'I lltm name COUNTV OF LOS ANGE LES I u ind ~u•suint t~ Oeec! of Trust dnt: of MEOICAL OICT•TION SERVICE t nd On IMI 12th d•~ of Ftbruarv, "61. November 1 ltU Ewtc ltd II • LtNC6LN lhet s.td firm It com~lcl cl 111e belcte me, a NO!tr'I' Public in 1nd 0 SHEltANl•N u Y. to!lcwlnv perron, whose ""mt In full fer !tld Cc11n1Y tr.cl Slate, oe•son111v sHERANl•N hu :.-:::. KA,_JHL~N It, 1M place of re1ldtnce 11 11 follows : •-•tel Wllllom P. ICl1<11m1n ar.cl W. rec:o•dt!<I De'cem~r 3 ~"5 w 'lnt~d 6AltBARA •NN llSHOP, 101111 F Slrcne knoWTI lo be 1t>e Vice Pru!dtnl N l~3' " ' t i 1 r. tlrrbct hie Ln., Hunl!111tlon &e1cll, aiod ~c,..,llrv of IM corPOnollcn lhl l 0~·1,111 ·Re::~ d~ 1~ :;r• IOI, ol Cll!foml• e•ecvted l~t wltllln ln1trume-nl en be~•~ County Rtcc~~r '"oi Ottfl9~1 ~~ Oat~ Jan~•.., 21, IH9 gl the cor11<>r1llon lht!n!" lltmld, 1od Celllornlo WILL SELL A1' PUil B•RB•RA •NN llSHOP t(knowledol!d ID mt 111•1 wch ~rl'tl••lll)ft AIJCTION. TO HIGMEST &IDOElt ,cic Stale of (1J!lornlo, Or1"g1 Counf'I': e~eculed lilt 1ame. CASH (Pl'r&blt •t time of 1t ."' on J1nv1rv 7t, 1'6t, blltrt me. I WITNESS"'" hind •fld see1. llwlul mor>ev cl 111 u Uff ~ tH n Nctorv Public ln tM tor i.ald Sltle, IDFFICl•L SE•LI Frtnk I". (jr1v ln !he klblw of 111" n I I It l p~rionally aPPNted BAllllll•ltA ANN NoltrY Publ!C-C.11tomlli kit) onlt e we, Hrlcl"r Bt~HOP known !e mf to be Ille Mrscn Prlnc loal Ofllct In lotote-d Ince 1~ Tl~le 1~11Jttnct lulldlne whott n1mr 1, !WbKrlbtd IO Ille wl!hl" l Q$ •nveles C""'nl'Y lilqhlh 1'::, M'ln ~~~MS.corner cf ln11rvmtnl and ackncwteOge-d 'hf ••· Mv Com"'l"IOn E~Plre1 Cl!lfctnl•, •II 'rftM 11j11' ... "111 A!ll, o:><ul<'d tile 1~m~ O!'C, 11, \Mt • e ''"' nl'll,.esl lDl'l'ICl•L SEALI 54;. OC ronvt vt<! lo ~nd 11ow lltld bv 1t under Jcseoll E 01vi1 .. ubll1hed 011nlt COlsl OtilV P!lcl, Hid De~ cf Tr111I In 1111 prootrtv Ncl&ry P~t:1t1,c·C1Hlpr .. !1 Febru•tY lt, ,, •nll M•"" s. It. :1111-11d Inc 1~·1 t!IY M "tWP0'1 Bt1c~. Ptl .. CIPAI Dlllre In Ifft 9Tt .. , .~. II oun v Ind Slate llf'S(•lbed Or1nre Ccunf'I' · Tn South r 1 Mv commlnlon E1tPfre1 LEGAL NOTICE t e11 tr v hall of Lot '~1. 1 11 lt1C tll of Lei 9<11, •~d Ille Norlhwe~lolrlv vne • ht!f of lei tot of Trod No tttl Pvbll~ Ott "90 Co11t OlllY Pi<()!, l .icr.w llh, J111 IED In Ille c!IY of NeWOlltl l!tl i, ' ' J11>111ry 1' •nO Fet!ru~r·i 5, J1, !?. NOTICI TO Clt(OltOll:S 0~ •ULIC of O<t11•0 lllle of Ctllhlrnlc ' ~~'" 1Jff 15-1..,, t · r, as o•r Tlt•NIP • "''P retol'lftd In Book 21, t&tu a LEGAL NOTICE ISK'I. 1111,.Ul U.C.(.J to 36 !ntluslvt of Mlicellaneou1 Mio• Nc!lct 11 he•IHIY t lVl'I! to tteclltor~ In !ht off!.,. of 1'11 cou~IY rrcoro • ll·--==cc7'-0==="'°--[ol 11>-e wllhln ... m~ H•tlt s I~! • Of stld COUii!¥. ~' NOTICI TO Cltl!OITOltl blllk lf1nsfer I~ lro1e'noted la lie 11'\a"e Seid NII! Wiii bl "'""· l>IJI w;lhou! Mt. A"IJJ)' °" llff-1 Pf"°"!'l'IY, lltrfl!llflel df1(rlb-CoYt1,.nl .. Wlrttlll'!', 11110ru1 Cf' i"'l•l+•e IU,.Elt!Olt COURT OJ: THI: td. '"ltdlnt flllt, -Hl!lon er ;,.· ST•TIE Oii CALtJ:OltNIA J:Olt Tiii! 11111'\e Ind butll'letl l!Od•tll of cv..,brtr>Cft, IO NV "" •tm~tn!l'lt 11ri : TME COUNTY O" O•AHOE tl'll lftltndtd lr1n1lercr ''"' CINI wm fll 1111 1101e iKVted ;,. Esllt. ol' GEOl.GE LEDN•RO BltAD• JO•N OUOLEV, 1111 T11tl!" A~n~, ttld 09911 ol Trutt, to.wit· Sl1n.t J• FDltO, DK.NM<:I. No. 4A. CM!t Mtu, C1llfornl1, with lnlel"tllt frlm JulY {, 1N,, '1; Ntlkt I' ~'*"' ,1 .. ~ lo U'fll!IOf'I Tiie ""'""" rl'!Cf "v!!nlu llMlt'tu cf In ••Id nott •rovlde(!, tdYIMtl II "'""" clrlmt 101!1W1 !lll tald dec-n! Ille '"llnded lr1ntlertt '"' •nv. uncltr !ht lf!rm1 ., 11111 D .. d to Ille still cltlms In Ille oflltt of DONALD W. l•llLING 1!111 JENNIE of Tru.t, fff!, C:l'llrtQ llld , ... ~.~\ ""' C!trk of lhC llwftlld C1111r!, or sue B•ltLING, 71"2 B~!Wtunl DtlVI, of !lie Tru$1ff tlld of tna fr1<11t Crttl'11 lo Ptff•nl tllotn'\ to ,,,.., lllMl••tltnt!<I El Toro. (1lllomJ1. lrl' i.akl Dfotfl of Trust. 11 lhl offla Ill MU$1CI(,. tlEE:lEll lo Thi! IM P~Y 111rtln1nt lle•efO Tiie Dtnefkltrv unclel' i.ald 0tH &' G•1t1tEn, OAf' Wlbl'J.lre B!va .• ln 1111! I• described 1 .. .,,...,. ": M11tr1111, Tru,1, by ~''°" IJf 1 brttdl.,. dt••Yll CllY of LOI .t.nltle.s, Counf'I' Of Lot lllPPn". mtrdlff'ldl... t11ul,,..,1n1, lo•) tn m. cbl,.tllcnt securtd "'••tb •flftttl. Cilllorn!i, w~1cn I•!!•• ofl'I~ 1Urnftur1, • ll•tures. eouliM'lflt, •II '""' htr''°'°'' .,,ewt.,. 111<1 oellwroa i~ II IM •l..::t of bullf'lttt cl~ ulldtl11tntd •l\.t!J, utO!!y cltDOtll>. tOOdwl~I lfld 1111 undt!"lltntd t Wrl!l~n ~cl•••""~ 1 11 inttttfl Hrltlnl"• lo ,1111 el!tlt ~ttl'lold l~ttre,I •fllll It lkllld ti. of Oflfrull •nt Dt"'•"" tor !oil• , of - n • 1 l!N. wtlfl tllo nttffllrY YOUCl>tf'I. Sll w. ""'· Ca11t tMH, C1lltorn11, wrln111 l'ICl!ltt of bf'lll(ll •nd cl -i·(•~ c • • T!\11 18t<1 11Ytk .,,..,,,, 11 1 .. 11"1dld " u11t1 ft'll """'r'i'"'° 1o •1 · " "'\II' IM flied or pt~erllf'll ., •IOrft•ld. •n II! ....... -.... 11<1 •I ,.,. offlCt ol P'-•IY te .. 1111v tlld cbl! .~1 ,. a wll'hlll fflllt l'!'IOftlhl •Tiff l!'tl ltr,t .vbll<t· MERIT ESCll;OW CORP,, 1112' Venturt ll'llf"l•I,..,, °"' Nevember l?V• 1 1' ••of tlon el 11111 f'IOtfu. Btva.. S!...dkt C11y, C1n1orni., on 01 ""°""i.""" uvsed .. Id notlt~ m , 1~· OtltCI Ftbf""'ry lJ. lf... lflf!r Ft bo"utry .. tJff. tfll:I of tltCtlon «i be , l1f ~,.-'t, Pfltr C-r BrHlord lo l•t ~~ f\ ._ fjJ i.alol lnl•ndl!d boot; 171.f, P9"'. 10, f/I I ~d ~. 1' IEocutor ol""' Wiii Tr1ntk!rff1 tei.I lnt>ttodtd Tr1111ltl'ef' lttairft. t'f Ott;: r1 -,~111 cltl:fOent ultd !Ill felle'Wlllf 9CW1t!Cn1I M l,,.•• TITLE IN;Ualo.NCt •NO .MllllCK. !"Ill.II; ....... n "'""' tr.cl .......... wltn!~ ..,. "''* TRUST (OMP•f.!v Aln: ....... A. ~ "'"" 1•11 P•tl: tJ M~ Tl'lllll.,, O~t Wl!dil,. 6M, NOii~ IY l!il.MEll; VI l'IEI NZ Ell LOI ""tliK. CtKilll"lll• ntl r 0•1ed Feb•utrv 11, '"~ Ao.llllOl'lltd 0111(.,, · Alllf"lllYI fir •••urot OCN.U.O W, ••1u,111r; 0.lldt Pebru1rv ll, Ifft J4f4.0!: JENNIE SU! IAll:LING tli*I""'" Ht_.-. Hit~• l<I~ p ' fublu.llM Ol'tnH c .. u 0•11'1' Pltirt, lnkflcl" Tr1ns1-rPe1 C!Wlbll'Mltf wtll'I Otliy ,.1101 r1 F,brulrr lt. ,. Ind M .. ·c:h 5, "· PubHll'lod 0111111 Co.st f11lly "!lot, kKfii. C.11..,,.,I• • "'~.,. 1tff Jll"t Fe-rt lt , ltlt l~ Flllr\fSfY If. H 11111 Mu(.lo I, 11~• 1!{ 11 ' I I I I • ~~. '*"'7 t•. 1~ e"' ... l'!l.O'. n • --~ ' ~-WED, THURS. & Fii. ONl:Y ' I ' . WASHINGTON'S B RTHDAY SPECIALS! . . . .. K MART COUPON K MART COUPON ' K MART COUPON • KODAK M45 DUAL-I X IOYS' 5 'MOVIE PROJECTOR ! KNll SHIRT I PAPER NAPKINS i SUPPLY ON HAND .=. ii STORE ONLY ~ 11'i'2~~ 99.87 5 •;,:"" 68c i R~:'"' 28c ! I COSTA MESA 5 = JHOWS •••uLAt AND suntt I PILM, COM· = = = ! § _Pl.ITILT ...... THllADIN& ~ SHORT SLIR~ CllW NICK ; WHITI 01 UINIOW COLORS I NO SAW TO DEALERS = Open Dally 10°10 -Sufttlay 10°7 ·: CAt.4ERA DEPT. =--l'ARTY GOODS DEPT. --= MEN'S ' IOYS DEPT. I i -e = = _ 1 ·= In = • = -iJluon11u1:14r.1;11<.1114.1:1Jnn11111 •11u1M:Mtt.1;110114.1:•111nt1111nm11 m11mln11111nun hmllnri1••••1•:14t.1;11<.1114.1:+ta1al = I '. • = ---. -= ·= • = I 1 · E I A111 TRAY7"'°UGHT1R lit I REELS ;o CAN i swE:,.'~HIRT I PAPlll"";-~wELS I e.:.-;o-POP I -:5 R~:" 97 c 5 Rri.* 56c !. ·~;r 1.33 I R1;':' 3/88c ~--·~ 1.77 c:a.. 5 -ll•UU.I OR SUHI LONS SUIYI, CltlWNICll: STURDY TOWILS HAYI MANY USll !i I ONLY JI Sm ; CAMEU DEl'T. =_:_ MENS I IOY'S DEPT. 5 e ASSOITID •LAYOIS .• - Z: = PARTY GOODS DEPT. ~ . JEWELRY DEP"1 a . • a ! CASI 0 1 24 :& =· . •· =· -1: · ·= -: E E ·fi•m11n1:1:r .. 1;513.1114;1:11111~••:1:.t.1;1«<·I•J4.1:.1111111Dimm1u1111:1.\t·';IG·I•14.1:•n•um4111111D1t:14t.i;11<.1114.1:•on;. -.nm1:14r.1 ;1«<-1114.1:•~ = = = . = . ~ . = = = =· LO•AN JOO i S FOOT ALUMINUM $ HARDWOOD i § SL 5 STEP LADDER §i = K-Ill.ND = IE · IDE FILE e ! TRAY TABLES § STEER MANURE = FREE ' ' KEY CHAIN § ·~~--2.29 § •-:.~a;' 5997 i R:l~* 84c 'I •:1:• 42c AT JEWElltY·Dtn'. • U•HT STUIDY ALUMINUM D . . . -= UMIT ONI TO A CUITOMll 1= PATIO 0E'1'. ,5 I CU. PT. 1 · l/MrT 2 TO A CUITOMI' -= CAMERA DEPT. =-i HOME IMPROVEMENT DEPT". PATIO DEPT". -= = c II I, KMART COUPON 1 1tr ,, : --- -MIN'S AND LADIH" S ii S 9UARTS S i i 100-COUNT lit I ~ = 17 JfWH WATOIS -PAPER PLATES i PLASTIC PAIL e 1.r11er ; •raMA1N1·s E ·1 1il~ 12.97 i ••1.t · i R~:· 12c i LUGGAGE SET ~ ROSEBUSHES i , i ... Sic -_ = i Mn,·~.~::::7n':'"" ~ COMICILLO WU'"D i LIMll 4 TO CUl!OMll ! •;:,~i;r ·~·· i ·=-73c -.i Ei PARTY GOODS DEPT. : HOME: IMPltOVEMENT DlPT. • &;: i JEWELRY DEPT. • I I i LUGGAGE: DEPT. ; PATIO DEPT. • ... 5 -ii • • ii. -. = iii ,II --~·m1nn11 D1111111,lllllllmn mnmr111u•:ti@ ;i i{.)114·1: mllliltanmllli :t&f i;ilJ.ji!J.]: 'lllllllllf; 1111•+:+tt.i;i iit. Ill4·l :inmnGI ;:; : !! RO.IRS !:: IOLSTIR I JADI AM /fM ii_= 110·llt. IRON ; SPRAY ENAMEL i PILLOWS = DWCIOUS ;;; TRANSISTOR RADIO -BARBELL SET = 87 !!! = HOT FUDGE SUNDAE ·= --R...... c i R....... 97 - ! ~~~lor 9.44 ~ ·;:~:r 11.96 i l.Z7 MOST COLOU i ITTLID ,:·::UILI Hl•H·,ASHIO~ 'AlllC i •;,:lar 27 c .E lt TU.NS. t ·YOLT tAnllT i SPORTING GOODS -DEPT. ~ HOME IMl'ROVEMINT DE'f. i 1= SNACK IAR ~=_ == i = DOMESTIC DEPT. APPLIANCE DEPT. I - ·fit ll .. IHHlllllllll!lD 111un••nuJi:lt.f.\;ili(·''l4·llil11p...&.m11•:•?t-!;lii(.}ij4·1il 11111.11i11111 l!llHllllll _ : : 2 I . K MART COUPON I = • = = -i •ARCIA-MITCHILL JOO §i LADllS' _i IOXID - 4 9UAlTS I = I! .:o:-N POPPER I ·;~;;NNIN~ :.:~ i v~~ ~RESS=~oo I R~~~ TION:~; 4•76 3.44 E THI WOIWIS MOii '°'UL.Al S'1NNIN• lllL -.· ....... -""1 .... Ho ho -.._ ! = =-~--.-APPLIANCE DEPT. -·= SPORTING GOODS DEPT. = ;! I LADIES WEA.It DEPT. • PASTIL AND VIYlt COLORS STATIONARY DEPT. ....... Jk COJTON YARDAGE s,.. 1.00 AUOm• eonpN "'"" YAllDAlal Din'. i 1114:14f\11{.!114·H•anmnllll lllHIH llllAlfliiuwm•:ttyl;lli(·1'1iZ·lliMtDl11 ... lllllQ'.\fl;lli!·lll4·'111H1D• r - - 11nw4 ! . £ i LADIU' STUTCH i I !!--;;.;;;~D I ;E;;: ;;. I DENIM .CANIS I -•• ~::.-. S·HIA~,:.~!.oM I ·:r: 1.11 I .... 2:. _ ..... 2:~ .... _ I ! PINtSHD sm JJ• .I,,. MODD. #111 •• • ............. ,. -A;lllANCE DEPT. I l SPORJIN!a .CODS DlPT. • lADllS WEAR DIPT. · 11m1~1111111....-A..-111111111111mum"J•1AOU1111111111w1na .. 1111• LIQUID PLUMIER R ..... 7k 68c ONI 9UAIT SID ; - ' ,MULTI.f'UlPOSI STORAGE CHEST ...... 1.17 1.24 ,~ : U-..tw:ll•HT. IAST TO STOii HOUSEWARES DEPT. El !! HOUSEWARES DI". 11 .... .....,.111111R11111Ril1a•l.111111.mmu1111 '. ~ ! • • • 2200 HARBOR BLVD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA = r • • • • -. i! -I ·- I I I I I JAi DAILY 'I'll.OT . H ,-Orter Puts it Plainly ,. - : · .ALLAN S. KANAS I :·::Diversified Planning .ltK .............. ,,. .. ,, -f intncltl l'ltftnint • · l<•o9h 1'1111 Corp, •• -16907 ..... , .. H11lfhttff IMc• :. 592.5575 M4-0666 .. •' WrthidlJ, rF~ 19, l'" l"reMn A, ktwltt. Naf•rv f'lltl!lc Mr Comml11I011 E~•lres NOYMnbtt I, 1'1' l'~bll,~ed Orf/191 Co.ii D.ll'f Piiot, Ftbrvt•r lt, M Ind M9rdl 5, n, 1Hf J12..H FLIGHTS EVERY HOUR •• ·-,. • •' •• CAIL &3&·40n L~~~CRBl.E COMMUTER RIRUNES W a:t•&CION YOUW MBI WAITIH IOff. • • In Big'la Gear · Save on Taxes-2: Odds on Audit By SYLVIA PORTER You will be paying an In· come lax surcharge ror the first time on your 1968 Form 1040 -for all calendar year taxpayers, at the rate of 7'~ percent. So, do this: figure out your tax in the usual way ; take 7~\ pertent or this amount as your surcharge: add this to your rtgular tax.; the result is your toLal tax. (If you are in a Joy,•e_r Income bracket, you will do this from ipecial Trusury !ables.) In lh1s connection. If you are 1mona the millions of elderly Individuals who take the retirement income credit, figure your $.1.f'Chatge on the same sc))ed:.lle you use for figurW, your r e t I re me n t cr<dlt. !Schedule B, P•rt VI. 'Illis way. you ~·ill · get lhe benefit of reduclng y o u r regular tax by yoor retire- ment credit befn you figure yoor aurchRrgc. A.NOTH.BR '8 Form lott chaop wtU be Important to ~ U JOU worked for more Uw! -.,.ployer Jul 7M' lad bad llodal s.c..111 .... withheld on more than $7,IKIO of your salary. If applicable} agairm your '68 inc~me ta1 on any Social Security taxes above $343.20 withheld by • your various employers last year. AS YOU \\-'ORK on '68's return, you undoubtedly will won9er what the chances are that yours wtll be plucked for IRS examination. You are entitled to credit the Social Security over· withhe ld against whatever in- come tax is due from you or to get a refund if the over-withholding ls more lhan your income li.L But the Treasury's official '61 in- structions on hO\V to figure your credit for over-withheld The odds are one out of Social Security are. unusually 124 that your Form 1040 will cOmpllcaltd. To illustrate, be audited at your place of they Instruct you to: "(a) Add business; and one out of 30 lhe Social ~urlty (F.l.C.A.) that yoo will be examined wages rectlv~ from all your al the Treasury's office. ~mplQ.Ytn. (b) Subtract Starting this year, returns $7.~. (c) Multiply the with adjusted 8f'OS5 incomes balance by 0.44 and enter the of under $10,000 will be picked ttsult on this line." for examination by Treasury The abn of this belud-computers undtr a n e w dlement ill to cover people fonnula systtm known as who receive Ups on whk:h they "DlF." The "OIF" System pay their own SOctal Security is ba.!ied on mathematical tues. U you aren't among formulae which a•slgn various those, though. there. LI a mucb weights to selected line lttms ea.let Wl.f fot YoU to set on Heh retum. Etch return the amount ol Socitl Securfl7 wtll be ICOl'ed ·Ind ill l'llllc Illes over-wttllhti'd lrom ,..... wru be wblbhtd In tenm It ii ~ thll: 1'0 en al i'llativa neOJ1 for audtt lad ..l a I (or a -:refllld, potential ..,.. In ..,.ned lu liability. mGHER r •• H •• New York s~· ·Exc~e List ;_ ~ ..... , .... a..I 01-.1 ....... c.a... o..•-w.c-.o..I· = ...... --. ·3 ~111r ;!~':t ;,,,~i~~·i•~·j1tf~!ub~ Americp Stock Exchange List ·. ~ ~ I 1 ' 1 1 THE BEST -> I • ' . r • ' ' Ag.-.ew Nixon's __ Qq_iet .~an ~ • 1 l I t Carefqlly, He's Staked Out 'Vital 'Po~itwn ' 1 J~ WASHINGTON (UPI) - Vice 'J>r .. lddt Spiro T . Agn • ~ colorltll 1 aild .c 0 n trover.slal ·camplignJiig: il mad~ hla !WI)• a!Jnost a t1 houJ,e®ld W«l:, hq 1become. ii Ibo · qul~t nlu of !he Nll<oo 1-,1· ! adminlstraUon. • ' ' ~Ince bb ll)auguraliq), he 4 'has «ltopped virtually Q&rt of .---' 1sight! emergtrig Only oa· cue '.to 'mnd JD Teceptlon lines I ancr !Tieet wllh cub scouts . .illl words are measuted. His ... me,Ungs with Pewmen are rare. And be is taking pains not to· upstaga_ tjle boss. But behind ·the scenes, aides say,. AgneW" has staked out a· ):lpttotially signiliq.nt place for 1 him~ In the new ad· mi nistration. . They ·say. Agnew has had Jillie time lo b r o o d about being ap officeholder with no real "'°UUcaJ power but' always a step away from the world 's most demanding office. IJCI Speakers Tell I . . . PBENTY OF WORK Presidents In the past have scrupulouslf made sure their vice presidents have had plen- ty of work t.o keep them front thinking a.bout the work. When he took office. A g n e w a u tomi tic a 11 y became chairman -o! the space council, the colIDCil on recreation and nalural beauty, the national cooncil . on marine resources and engineering development and the· Indian a!Cair1 couocil, as wtll as tlie presiding officer Pf Unicamp Program • " Students at UC Irvine ha ve • ~ formed a. •·speakers bureau" ' . . ~ to.help inform. the community ~ about the UCJ Unicamp pre>- t.Jv.m which provides IWn_mEr camp experience for disad- vantaged children. -''1eff Orne, chaitman ot .. . ' Junior Ebell ... .Club Helps .Y om1gsters 1.)unlor Ebel! Club of 1'jewport Beach is providing a 1 Second school for 70 second ~ders on shortened public sChool double sessions. ·The children atiend the se- ~ school at Corona del Mar Community Youth Ce.nter two morning s or afternoons a Week. 0 °t'he school. taught by a '~lunteer Junior Ebell with UJ'?-ee mothers assisting, con- centr&tes on enrichment pro- grams, including art, dance. lftative writing, science and nature walks. ·:Mrs. Eugene Kovach said the school was started because the Junior Ebell women reali~ ~· what a great loss a year ot:~ not expressing creative dri ve and feelings can be to &i child. , Co!it to cover materials Is U5o for three months. Unicamp and the role it plays ot~r· student! are: prepared lo acCi!Pi ~nvila,tfQO~' to. speak to community organizations. "We w.a11t Lo . W.orm as manj; people as "possible i boilt Uni~ .and .the tole it plays in the education of 'llniversity st udents · as well as the benefits· it brings · to the children," Ofne said.· Last •summer. 7t orange County child?en attended . the Unicamp !6-<lay Session in !t:i> San Bernar(lirio M040tafns as a result of· the efforts. of the UC.'J student grouji. Th e students raised the· $60 cost per disadvantaged child from a variety of sources, and also v ol.unteered ~ camp counselors. Orne said severill ftiOcf rais- ing· activities are· being plan· ned this year for Unicamp, including a university carnival during spring quart.er, car washes, and cookie sales. In additlon, financial s'upport is bt!ing sought f.rom the com· munlty. Unicamp is sponsored by the University Interfaith Foun- datlon and thC' cam_l?Site al Barton Flats ill operated by the University Re Ii g i o us Con· !ere.nee at UCLA -8.nd sup· ported by students at three ca mpuses, UC . Irvine, liC Riverside and UCLA. Further information about the camp program arid ·stu· dent speakers may be ob· talned by calling the UCI Interfaith Center at 833-0891. ·- " ' ... CrosS\\rord Puzzle :•:AC ROSS 51 Two times SZ Most l Complnion: infle xible Slln g s• Crillclzt'd: $:'Without lnfo nna l fate yalue liO God of war l• Gr eek · lil Having -· s\ructur e th rff teeth l§,Win9s li4 Quoit as Have a 1n authori~y -.. ,noti on liS Htlpful l6o Compress prrson 11 Puts into bli Jewish !flee l S"J"i" ll Table li7 I f1rmin11 .. i d'--· chore 2/1916• '30 Kind 61 Xmas 13 Actor Leon 44 Perluau!cl 21' Tcmls of carols ~ · e.11rly ma n 119 Ceased ho"' -41i Doo111ed 1 a.a. Family function ing 11 Goes •s~:::i to etema memb er: Zl At sonie punls~111 .. t #"Informal DOWN othtt time 41 Auto 24 l11ffuential accessorlts 2• -Cruets 1 Bodily ~-· .. 49 E1•in1t Jj Forefattins ZS n•I inin11tdy Of the high-sufftrlnt ~··est degree 2 E119t. 27 --(WOYOCI· S2 Forin*I' tu: Undf!f· ·frt11ch 3' -slandard tnttr111ntr . invshal l Llftff aM cowr • ., tJ Exploit 21 r,eri. to 53 "°'" .. Injure canlflll awky ancient ene:'COlii-. 31 Btfo1e 4 ln11t1daled Scandnsma .... "Bunch S V19tllfl111's 29 "COii.-!'' 54 Fo• of •l Exist cretcl: ll CftJ on-ti• eachartstlc -'2 Nat'I l wOf'ds lfuourl sttvlce Staidards Ii U~cJose: of the Senate. On top of this President Nil.on last week turned over to AJnew the se n si tive business or keeping the na- tion's ~ayors and governors happy. He will direct a 12-man staff Jn' the new office of in- tergovernmental rela tions , ac- ting a! sort ,of an ombudsman to answer .complaints, cut red tape and guide state and local South Rises Ag am-hut In V.oting . . WASHINGTON (UPI) Voter p¢icipati1J11 rose in the South during . the pa.st four I years and declined · tn or~r areas o('l'.lhl! nation, a ctn~, burea~ •"l!\1 Jia".r~l?O'tad,~;'1 , The tepon"'nl>t~· . that 60 ' percent ·of voting ag e Southerners casl ballots in the last presidential election t.'Qm- pared to 57 percent in ,1964. Jn the North and We st, the percentages l~ll fro~ 75 per· cent in 1964 to 71 percent in 1961. , Voting habits among non· whites outslde the South show- ed the shal-pest decline -an 11 percent drop in four years to 61 peccent Jn 1968. 'ALL 1t"aJVl•llf1ITA•fl ' Al ':It • a.Hr12ftll1~· ••'TA M/<,f, PAULO -~-·~ !M5.Jlll ...... ,,..,;.., ~ Mliil1• Kirk Oougi.1-Atu c.f'll 'iHI llOTHllHOO'D" , lft Co~· , 1 ..:;ttAe~~~;~~~ Tiie 8'" ...... Allv"'!Vn M" T1'lfnl AHi W•ll Oi-y's "Swt. h.n, ao1tl11M11" In ColOr. Fred,.M-~vi-r•y.-ln COIV "1"111 H.,,._ Nffla....lre" . ' . . .. ~"·"' . ··-~ M7·l591 ~D.Wld <N°.-,. .., color. . '"A.'lOU.NO THE WORLD •lff. 10 DAYS" fle<:IHll!Tl .... eil fff Adllltl. JC \rk Dougi..~Alflf (D ... "TM .... ,...,._941•• in Color Mlc~af! York -I~ Colo< "Str•llfl Afhilr" Lack of registration provea the biggest· b]pck to voter participatioil. ol the S.S million Americans of voting age who failed to cast baUots, Tl per· cent ·said they were not registered. However. 91 per· cent or those who were registered actually went to the polls. ...................... " UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA IRVIN£ SCHOOL Of FINE AiTS IRVINE REPfRTORY THEATRE presents -"THE TICKLISH ACROBAT" A comedy by Robert H}.vnor Directed by Herbert f\fachiz FEBRUARY 19-22·26; MARCH 1 ·BOX OFFICE PHONE 833-6617 I I I u ·r.-,tnln' 55· "'ta}'Vely Assn: Abbr.· ..... Sllllil QIOUJ 7 Bowler's 11.,.ents ~3 Draftsman's " ...J-l•ttt· S1 Hitler acteSSOI)' t1rgtl ":l;n Ontario follower ====~I ~ 1i1etacarp1! a Earlier: 1 ~ bone Comb. fof'lll t 15 Not hardy 9 Set 1" •7 TV proiram gurpose· SO Proehl n 10 ls11nlon -: Ntirt 11 Gill friend 12 Swearword • ' ' \ lli Spr ltte· 39 --fdt b111anes •O 1fOunt1lno11s retlOft of ~ ,, .. 7 • ii •' '1 51 To lie: Fr. s• C•Pl•lely exhaufltd li2. Frt!lsh'water '"' li3 Slate: Abb r. n " . tl1ernesa -. ' . . . • -\'.' µ,,-;, -. . ... ·~! .. '' Ji "I ,\~ •. 1 t'•\l-'BOP IN (_!J Slfl '.1~,.~ lELIPHOHE 541·1552 FOi INFOIMAnON HELD OYER C.tt•••" .....,, s...,..., -,.,.~.,. '''"\ 2 , . .it. Alia SILECTID SHORT SUBJECTS Opening Speoch -l"h• Bur • The Mouse The Story of Cinderella · Ti.Jun Gon Lumbering Dimensions .~odd.l•JTo Tho s,,. ., ... ·Ch~ol.'Clraen• · ThlllililiJli'ijJ;f,.havecOtloctivllywon 20 rM)or .tntern.iional film ewarda , • HOWi~~ ~AT THE MESA '-·', Next Fri. and ·~. at l 0 a.m. and l 2-p:111 •. and onc:e on S!llt~ay at 12· p.m. - ' Airs• sot . · , ACADEMY AWARD WINNER IOSU'M L LlVINI'. _./'.., ;:;~ HICMO\.I /_.·' -.r \ !;!~lllCI TUllMAlf ' , . '\ ........... ·•IMCMOl.S / ... ·. "'-.... , ·'l"..,'\, ~ l-\ ~·1 .. \ ..... --~-Oj-~' . AUO .lo~ph 1:. levine Pre~ent1 ZERO MOSTEL "theMproducers" co.ii orring Dick Shawn M. r.e~.,, .. ..,, •• .._. •In Color . . ' " lllllllOll Fii'i-SOUTH COAST G!llllll · PLAZA~ CORPOOUIOll Son °"'I• ,,.....1 ot BrisW • 5-46-2711 OPEN DAI~ Y 6:00 -P .M. Fri .. Sat. & Sun. Open 12 Noon WALT DISNEY'S Al.SO . "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" WID. THUlS. MON & TUii. SWISS 111Ah41LY IOllNSON-•:JI I 11iP:.M. -COUGAR 1:41 ,ll, SAT.-SlitN. ; r .~ SWISS,P.AMlliY 'IOllMION ·1·11Jf.4.7,.'-11~f't-' •1 ...._ COU•Al·Jt4Wtl.I a t :SI -' • .SUtcD~Y ' ' _ F.El • ._2$-o,-7 ,~o $3.00 A4Yi-~:SO 1.t DMr ·. °CAL $TATI . FU~fl!T(!~ n.a ............... .. -·-~-... IU ~..Ui_l_ ...... j ~~ :,:;:.• • "COOGANS BLUFF~' r D1i'ly ~~d.Y ttiru Frid1y, 7:15 and 9:4'5 Continu,~s: fro~ 1. P·n:'I· Sit •• Sun. & Holicl1ys SPICIAL STUDiHTS SHOW SATUIDAT, 10 A.M. · • AH $eot&.$1 .• 2S wtttl ~ IHJ Cor4 The Grande$! Cinema of Them AHi "A. ... ., .. of, ... .., .. mu.11 ...... ,., ........ ''One of thl .Ye•r'1 1.0 Bnt Fihm" ''Beautiful!'' -l"lclfMr "Breathtakingl~' ·-Mc(W. "Danlingl" MlCHAEl YOR~ JEJ\EMYKEM' ft~~ 1st AREA RUN nm BROTHERHOOD ALEX CORD IRENEPAPAS WTHERADLER l!iD llOllOllll< !ft! .. c:wwr-..... ,...,,..;,.. A 1nowi• 11111rty for~ 1'., 111d t irl-All 111its 7lj!. Frt. 12 :00 & 2:00 p.1111.; lit. 12:00 & 2:00; $11ndrr 12:0I •. • ~ • ti«AC ·•AT •U.'9 ·! ~ •...t11ly ~WNTtMGT.ON •«ACM•• --7·•--" EXCLUSIVE -• - - AREA CllE -~-~ ENGAGEME_NTS :..~ fA,Y.~ .• l>eanM111in • """11 Helm. Wrcclci:;c,. llCOD 10P WQI '°"'*"' P•pp1rd M.,., Tyl•r M1tr• ''What's So Bad About Fiollng Good?" r • :le ... MAtl~ES'FrtlDAY,,-SATµltOAY A SUNDAY Ne1vpori Pro~1u .. :.~ • .. " , ' I . .... .. ' • I .. ' .. ' r . ' f . . ' '. 1 Pilot Editor's ~i~qU~ke .. · ,C~uuttX~ ily THOMAS XEE)'IL Of t1M 0.llY Pllll ltlff A house divided stands on Lot 93, Trad 6620. That's.me. As,· near as t· can figure from the rn,ap, 'the line that divides Jt starts at the ralobifd sprinkler lit ·the Corller .. ol 'the frorli lawn, crosses .ctiaionally · between the front door aDd the garage and slices without fear, j>rejpdice ar ' reason through both of the twr stoiles. Our bedroom -my .wife's and mine -seems to lie mostly un the one side. 1be two ki,ds seem to Qe on the othet side of the line. The bath'rooms are up for grabs, about half and half. Same with the ct.her bedrooms. The line, I determined t· o d.1 y • establiJhes which junior college district I (or we) are in. Or, more precisely which junior college district I (or we), are in .. 'lbe kiQJ reem to be ·in the Orange Coast College Junior College DistricL My wife and I, unless we move the · bed to the other side Of. 1 the bedroom (but we'll get into that la~). ~eem tq be · in the -Saddleback ,Junior C9llege · Distri~ . . 1 ' tt atarted last. week when the fellQ'lf , do)¥11 on the other end of Port Abbey Way, John O'Hara ,::;mith, decided to :=n ~ ~~c~~~~o~f~:S~ . .Mr. Smith had 1*n serving as Newport Beach represeqtative on the board by a,PpoJn.tment and, stout fellow that he is, he thought he'd see lf folks thought enough · of him to elect him to tlie · office. , ·Up in Santa Ana, Mr. J .. O'Hara Smith ran into trouble. You can't ·nm, they. told J. O'Hara Smith.. Not only that, but you d<>q't eVen live iJi the OCC distric~ and, bU;ddy, yoU're out ol office. ~e. !bat...:.. Pflt! · J. O'Hara Smith. like the rest' ol us who ~ bedsbeeta ;..: ~ )Vi.niiowa w . moYf!ll jnto • l'ft!:li 'll!! .. ~ t1!e llfil Id jhe y"",. ''"".~id t!lat ~-be llJl1 W~ . I~ ·~a..:., city ,of Newparl Beac\l and·in·the Newport Mesa Unttled School District that·~-~--· ,was (See BOUBE,,Pap 11 " Hoag Launches $13 Million Drive For Tower Fund$ Mon than 150 community leaders and Hoag Memorial Hospital supporters met tbi! afternoon to inaugurate the hospital's $13-million, three-year "Reach Years'' program destined to provide ruM! . for the 11-story Hoag Tower addition to the hospital. A1bert J. Auer, campaign c~airman, addressed the group at a noon luncheon at the hospital, stressing tl1e need for the funds and ouUining the breakdown or financing for the proposed tower whlch will be built to "cope with exploding population growth and parallel.in& ex· ploding medical knowledge." He told the leaders that $3 million will be sought from coritribuUona, $'9 million through loans and II million from existing hospital budgets. Hoag Board of Directors President A. ' Vincent Jorgensen detailed the h~ital's past expansion since its begin~ ning in 1952 with 75 beds. ~nca lben, he said, the hospital bas grown to accommod~te 175 more ~· an· intensive care urut, a new pedii.tr1c department, enlarged office space and the recently inStalled cardiac care unit with electronic monitors. Hospital Administrator William R. RUdson Ji. told the group that the hospital faces "perilously overcrowded conditions and 1 shortage of operating room lacilities." He also discussed the controversial topic of IO&rlng hospital coet1 and at- tributed them to higher salaries .being piid to mm highly skilled penonnel wtrking in modern bo,,pltall. . All of the .1>osp11ar1 ~upon"°" costs have been borne ~ community contributors and· 1u11c1s· from the Hoac FoundaUoo. ' 'Silver ·Lining' \ , ; Fades for Co~t 'The "silver_Uning" lhe_ wea~an proll'Lised behind Tuesday's clouds ap- peored a Utile tarnlsbe<l to<lay. Jn fact, ln sonie areas of tht Orange Cbas\, It was ]eating. Today the Weather Buttau revised !ta f6rtcast and oooceded that the coastal atu would esPerlehce ' ' J • o 1 a t e d Uowen" belon a--.w cold front pushes 1'19 precipitation out of the picture toilfitit. '/ ~6 . r~acfl fOr, Drilif(lg • • • By JER6Mii:.r. ~ . New ·t;d.'*J.:..'*'~J 1' ·Tuel-'· •. I " .. ~..;..-... V " ·~ , ' • .i.;--.. ,..~._., -..,s, anlrily ...., d .. •nui'nd.d thal the ·alate.llJSjiend,a permit given to Shell OU Co. and seven other firmJ to sink an exploratory test core .· Geori· Zobal, i ~· Of the ~t)"s TOchilil'al . Oil Adv~ C«Dinit~ Ud a Phil.,..FOrd empl.,Y., 'lild: "The. knoWn · offfbore: · N°ewr or t • Inglewood fauh oifer.s an 'excellen target for the leakage of oil. Huntington Beach ls renowned Ts the mOst complleated oil field in lhe United States •. The ,reason is tha,t it is IO· ~dly faulted . We. have a complex of fau1t ·z0n~ ~e." • iJ' : id:,•~·, , ·· f , · r' NixQn Yanks Job C6rp$~ .· ' ' • ' I • ' Head Start From OEO , . . ' WASHINGTON iAPl. -Prtsjdent 'Nix· on, backtracking on some election ·ciJn.. paip, ~1ew,, to,td enniress we;ctnesdaf . he waiils .tq ~eep ·the· Job~ alive for ·~t leist anothl!r ·year, bu~ r1~ve , it rrom ti;ie antlpoyetty agency. . . , Nlxop, , who · called . for. abolWhfugj 111• Job ~""· ~uring . his c .. n\ pa g n transferred it and the Head Start prp- gi:arµ from the . Off.ice of , Economic QpJ:>O:rt~nity ~o the ·Departmef)t ·of Health,' Education ·and Welf8.re. Loss of·lbe Job Corps and· Head start will remove from OEO about hall of its $2 billion annual budget for an- tipoverty efforts. While there bad been speculation w-ly In the admin.LslraUon that Nixon might even abolish ihe OEO, he said exper- ience has proven "the value of having in the federal government an agency whose special concern is the poor.'' But he pictured OEO's greatest value u devising new programs and serving as an "incubator" for · them "during their initial, expt!rimental rpbases." By ·al\llting the Joh.Corp1 to the Labor Department and relieving OEO Of res~~Uity for operating Head Start, lbe Pre.ti.dent said that agency could concentt~te'its energies on innpvatli>n. • In .wbatrwas described by White Hou$f! sources as an in\portant new move, Nixon told Congress in a special m~age that be pledges to support "a na1ional . cOmmitme,nt , to pi:Ovidirigr :.i1. ·American ci)ildren an Qpportunliy fa: l!Ultblutaod s~u@Ung dev..elopment· esurtpg,the first five yea,rs. ·of Jifei" ,. '. • · · , · 1 Head Start, offefiog suinm¢irnt pre¢ioollng 'to, ~· ~eprived,··n,prntally a!fect.s yog.rigst.e~ rt.:~·5 yea11_1old, . · Wol~ .!li~on said H!l'lf, ~. r~ an experiment .~d "itJ,efl~ ~ ~mp­ Iy·not kn~.·; $.SSOCiates -sai(t:•h;,might w,ind up ~P!Uldinc: th~· pr:ggram . -a move he had suggestea during .the cam· paign. • A1J a campaiiner, Nixon praised' Htlid Start, but said: "On ihe other hand, an example of a current poverty pro- gram that should ,be. 1~ is the Job Corpt.1 ·This ·ii me program that has ..., , a f.!!1ure.. )t 1oundl good, but II coats' ~JOO ·a, year to train a .m~1 fp~ 1'a ,job. 'lJllt · ljiay not even e11st. ,.· ' , , ? ~ In his message fledneida , Niion voic- ed , no current, valUe ~ jUdsfnent about the Job Corps but ·reo:nnmended it be continued · at least until Juile 30, 1970. Troops Kill 6 Ri1>ters KARAC!ll, Pakistan (AP) "-'rro0ps fired into antigovemment riOter~ in· Dae- • ca tod1ty, 'killing six perso~ and woun- ,ding· liO. Azmbtr fiva· perlii)na were in- juie!I by '..Idlers diargirifl wltli bayonets and clubs. · hole ·off Newport Harbor. Councllrneri acted after. they were told by a consulting geologist tha\ ."there is a poSsibllity of .an oil blow-out here" similar to the Santa B~bara ChaMel disaster. Heiress .Loses Preserve .. Plea; • • . ./. Action Okayed By JACK BJ\OBACK Of the 0.llY '"'' staff Agreements setting up agricultural preserves on Irvine and Mission Viejo ranches were approved TUesdaY. by the Orange County Board of Sµpervtion despite a. )as;t-minute ~t,a for . post~ne­ menl by Irv~e Ranch -heiress Joan Irvine--· Smith.' :I'he county . agre~ments will stl up the tu,advp6i.,,a preftfves ~· near)y 1oo:o0o •crei ol ran<:l\14!lds . in qr~e c~~Y·· · . ; 1 1 1 •• • 1 1 . · ~ ~f ,obl .. ~ .. •n.cl -Of her mother, Mrs. Tbui'moti:d:Cltrkt, were v9iced before the board .by ..,A!t<irney Linden v -. .:. · l!Oth .. °.%1!. 1as1· l.ee1i ,JniUll>ied.'. lawsuit ...tq,, to bloclt utahilibm!nt "1 ···1-; or the agrkrultUta .. pr 11 J : . 1 • Tilt 11rvlne •he1ru1'1 1tt;Gme1 rpletd~ that ·Mn. Brnlth l!odn'I• l!Mri ifvta •1111· fiCioht notice Of ,,,., Jrt;trie Cornlll!DY's • intent to fHe for in qricaltin'll prea1ne. ·Att-y• Guy K. Claire far< the Irvine Company aDIWered thal the ranch Board of Directon had the •irlCotturaJ preserve plln undet' considera~on ·since ~ 1955 and that the appllcaUon bad been approved on March I, 11188 • Mrs. Smith, largest i n d i " i d u i I stockholder in the Irvine ComPIDy, ii a member of the b9&rd of directors.. . A.a things now. ~ approved by t.he coJnty supe.rvlsors, preserves are ap- proved tor· lrvina ·and ,Mi.ssi9n Viejo wit,h ;atrlct ·provj~na (~~inl' few ,er.- «PtiClll' to atrict}y igrl~tura]• uses. · .E1cept10t111 include oi~ drilliag ~d pro- duction and utility antennas, lines and towers. These exceptl9ns, are requir~d under the state's Williamson Act which: sets up provlsions for a;ricultural preserv~. Under the preserve agreements now hi effect, the two giant Or8nge County ranch ~mpanles coUld enjoy tax reduc- Uons up to fl.I mHlion per year. The oWnen agree to keep the land for agricultural UM only during the next 10 , yw-s . and ~ agreement i s automatically 'extended for an addlUonal year each a an. 1 unl,eu · one of the parties .. to 'the aarffmenl applies for non-renewal. , . 1 The agrie~nta maf-be cal)Cel ed ~ur­ iq the ·eontract;~o:d by mutual agree- ment of the county and' landowners .. ' In' iucli 1 a case, · the land shall be Immediately revalued b,y the , aaaessor and' the landowner wlll pay· to the county as ·deferred tues an amount eqqal t!l 50 percent of the new assessed valuation of the proj>erly. Zebat 11ald there Ii a a~Ja1'lJy between the offlhore geololiOal stiucture in 5aJ>t& LOS A11GELES (UPI) ..;. 81rill!l B. Sirhan fired more than 300 .....nd1·wliir five hours at I target , rang' on the da:y be'rore SeJJ. &J>tn :r~ 1,tn11edf1• dtiath ··and told Mother hiah ·. his gun was suffitjfJ!t i~ ."kill. a .dog," 1 wit~~ said today at his murder trial. Michael Sacc0.fn8n, who was also pra~· ticlng with hi.I pisiol at the range said he talked with ·Sirhan lot more than 45 mln1,1tes · and observed hundrtda of effipty shell .~lngi on the ~· . Saccoman aald that Sirhan told 'him he planned on going on a hunting trip. "I told him that hunting with a p!Jtol w.as againlt ~law," srccoman saJd. ."ffe as)<ed me why· flld I, told him that was because a1'1t.s lack of. llCC\ll'8CY. Ahd he &aid; :i d0n't mow . about . tUt ·i ·m·"" d '" · · · ... -; 1 :w a.u.i a og1, , , •• • :...i·· !SaeiiOman dfew on. f &Jal.e r~(,;i nprocluclio• of bow 'Sirb"'111J4;111.~· ~ at lhe range. It Waa' Punctuleci W:ith hUii#tds ol holes mMt ol: Wtifeh •. wtre Iii.the· c:inttr ol 'the target amt $.accoman . ' . . . . ' said he decided Sirhan was ·"a. pretty good shot." ,~. ' Platinum blonde Claudia. Williama ' . , . S,n.-w· Haril,pers· Hunt for~ Lost : • Plane With ~6.: " ~.,, • • > • Or..,e .. tesliOed• !hit she abo stood next to -... I • ' Sirhaa al the.r~e for nearly .;, ·hour . . Wea~. :'... . ·\' and thal ~ wisted· her Jn prOctlcln& The••·•""-·• .,..., a....._. with her rnolver. : 1 'l'buraday~~ .. ~a;;; · Bill · Barry, fl, a 1tr1J>Plnl fonner ,I --bal 'v...s ni "*"1 tabll ~ FBI qenl.wbo wu'..the 1laln ·tenator'1 eritli!io'Wlll ........ f...,l'tlo:41·: ,,........ bodypaftl, • teitllled' Tu.,.iay a1.., the ........ _ . of becoming •Mtail lroalllil,cl!Mr• 11 ~.a,;.i,.;,;;,,~g"~~;, when Kepn!dY"Jujiel froni•11' ~ .. ~__.. "" ~ -'That lt·ll 1 m> -..du.r· ·=pie and t&k a 'lliort ''" thnJucb iiie'~ I · • · · · · · • of the salt tliarill llld rnart>e llto · •·-•--~ I Theaier.. 11®<1 _,.,. lioli~· •·~•'•~ •u ~~~.:· . , . " and Is "one of the Ip remalnlol m•Jqr . """•Icing llowly .., vofio'. aoiiielfiNo . "P 411ooir111cew 11111..,, mlinl and f~ ... u Jar ~inll · · r ·lTu .. ' Urt 'tbi .Jii!i l!liiriedi wlth/illf ,,.,. r,;"_M~ op.,;.. travellna !lie f;000<ni!le'ton1 .. ·PiicUic J!Jied "f,:,Y'iitaie · ttl ~, . · · · · mg !" jh"l,. dGV!· ~· Ent"' I Fl)<Wl'l'·.'.' · · · · · .(lee flltlIIAlt, 'f ;t;'1 ;,• 1 w ·rired&mr.~: atOtrP ·fniiln~. wu1 · · · 1 • , . , .. _ • t-, r:-~m.,~ao~• -~ .. ~·· · .. !'1 "· • ~ 1 ~·the aitlihl envl.-<nt of t11e " ·8._,, .:0:.l_ir.!.::.i~:-. '. " '· -•· ' i; · -.. •" • • , b'ay l""l'·wlll llilU'~o·the"JlirUt"' ••· . ,.._.,. .... ,..,"l:"I"', . 1 1 ~~ ·-·· E.l=:-; !!.! • ' tfucllOn 01' wlldllfe 11'lhe 'Nit. ", · • · . ... · . u;;;i;-' · .;; 'The grOup •alio >dteo \ptndlni ·con-'NEWYORK(APl'-Tlle·ltOcilt>narkft ........ ; .• a e .{!!l"t,-::1' .graliooal f,..uuan l}btendeif . ,o. cloled-tOdq ..iib ltl>Wntr• o1 ibl • ~==.::··I'· ~··.tee;:::~I ~~ Ille ''M ·-il\I' UdiI wffkj CS. qlicUtlou, J!-NJ.• t • ........ ,"'"•,"' . • • , ,., -.. ... -lllllill fa1wn11 t11e.na11.n • '™ ·Dow ,_ -~ • • =·~, . .flt if.-~. ..od 'lhit ~.<Upjllor Jlltf' ifutld ' WbJch•Kl-'lllCJli.-•c'llilnll-I r.= ~ ' ' • . ' "'Ji) Wl~triWNii ,4Uilet'1.M {Jliltllii0i,'~ ·day and ruudAV, beW'iftitd •:~JirW : . a. ~J 1 :,.. ' ·': (''· "'~ ·~''llll ':INl'W.~l <1>•r10d1idilrinl !tlii cdllj>."Mnhailori ift ·::is: • 'I:; -• ·•' · if!if!I! wr ·~~ tllill" .eftil lllldod:a lii'Ptlfnli·• *'-dear · -1'=."I. ·~, .. ~.): .. !.:"; ua.:::•~'*""'·""" i"~t""·t rl!tj~ · ...... 1 •,:; • ?' •. r·i f 1: ·i+..,.."--'._' ..... ._•.,;'.;"'"''•·-';..·~''.;'...;·:.•JJ • J • {•t '. ' ~· -....__ ------- "' t/'' ' . 1 ' • --~~~ ..... -.... ,.,, ...... ,... ..... ~_. .................. ~ ....... -~~-~~ .... ~~---~-~..J.~~~~~-~~~~~.L.~~~~~~~~~~.:.J..~..:..~..:..._..;. • .:....:....:.:... .• ·-·~ ..... ~~~~~...i .. ·'-· 1 .. ·-· ~· --N - Top ~Israelis. Huddletfver . . ~ .. . ~ ;I. • ·El Al Attack • . ' ' ..... "'"_ lrt.e Iar1ell ParH.amenl'1 'Secmit1 Counc!I met toda;y •• the borne of lll'IOlt Premier Levi Elhltol In J<rlllllem to diacuss Tuelday'a Arab guerrilla •llack CD ID El Al plue II Zurich. A cabinet • mtJnber hinted at swift retrlbuUon. Inlonned speculall<lo In Jeruaalem Aid the .l&raelll m.Jaht 11.ri):e 1 cat n 1 t ... J)oma,.,,. International Airport -' llgbll an wlth!J lllbt of Uoe IJnell.hald • Golall Helglrti. The Arab commanctOI wbe mlCbtn<gunned the plane In Zurich u1d they took off from Damascul Airport. The United Stales, Britain llid UoiW N-Secntar)' Genin! U '1'!11111 1p. pealed to llrael aot 'to retaliate,' :bot Israeli .!'l'anaponatloo -lloobe Carmel warned of unapeclfled coo- aequencf:I to Arab nailona and the Arab alrllnu. "Our nelgbbon cannot expect .. to tolerate a aituatJon where Israeli civillan _ planes are attacked wJtb impunity ••• while Arab dvlliaa planea cooUnue Oytni without --u U nothtn( had happened," he N.ld. · Carmel ouUiDed the government's poai. -ti°' before the Kneliet, Israel'• Patlla· menl. 'llsrael'& air rOUl.el are or the hi.ghat security priority", be said. "l!l'aef bas the full mcral .right and operaUonal ability to take all necessary . defensive meuurea at any place to break up the fin& of. terrcriam orr the airways OIL HUODLE -Thr~at of oil drilling off Orange Coast broufht rare joint meeting Tuesday of city managers rom fi ve Orange Coast communities. Huddllnc were (clockwise from Jell) Kenneth Carr un.v Ptwf, .... .....,.. of San Clemepte, Doyle MWer ol Huntington Beach, Harvey Hurlburt o! Newport llMch, Lee Rimer of Seal Beach ind James Wbeaton ol Lacuna Beach. and UIUl'e that larMI bu comp1et<11 c M ~t~~~~~ ' .. :.~ties ap,1 Fight on Oil . _, Vail Co ii , T~ght,er Ru'les Sought, But Upcoa,stSanctuary Unlikely ey UllC · ~ ~ F. (/OWNS to ext.nd the Shell.cunntngbam Act'1 city COlll!dlo. 'T t t Dis } qt .;..·o.nr "llt srtff oil "sanctuary" into federal waters soulh 'I1lere was alao qreement to annl't\Sch l 0 e8 0 S0 Ve Al ed by th of the Santa Ana River. rr-. arm e Santa Barbara oL But lb Y indicated it wun't likely the complo offlhare oil . problem on " H ho Dis" tri" t disaster and new pelroleum tndllltry In-the -~ary could be mended Into aeveral lronla, with divlaions 0 f ar r c trualon1 Into CllUllty Wiien, five 0r..,e ijdoland3 off Huntington Beach and Seal l'tlJIPJJllbllJty. Ill-of the Or-County ;, llarbar DJmlcl WU called for in hre -....... Tuetdl1 nl&bt by the . Fountain VaOey City Councll, The Ont -..., stated qreemenl " . with the Oranat County League <i CJUeg -K dtiea -last April to take adlm to dllaolve the llarbar Diltrlcl. . Raolutjoo munber .l)fo petlllmJed the ~ A(ency F;IJ!'IDIUOll Commillloo ' ;;-~ to beiln ~P r... dlioo1u-. ·-libl:' .!''the Harbor Dlalrtct. PrlmarY -glvee for dlaolvlnc • the cllstrict were changes 1n purpose ' which have aeeped Into the r dlllrlct'1 opinltlllJ and the fact tbll the - and the """'11 now ll'ttfap la, .....i . "t::·=:ri:.i:ar~ <i the ; dbtrlcl'• liffj~ i:ould euUy be In-~ -lled,•liit!!'"' county department :· alq with ;irliil'~ other recreaUO!lll ' areas. . . '· When the:Youi, was over Councilman Jooeph Coar!... commented, "II It takes U1 f°" .Xt'P to get a tax break or a rebellkm ., 1hi1 on evuy propoul. I won1 be hero lO enjoy ll" Faur yur:s qo Fountain Valley In- itiated the mwanent to elimlnate the llarbar Dlllllctr ~ overlll'l!inc lad auldlled;l1a:llonl. . : Coast dty mana1en Tueaday mopped Beach, where offshore drliltn1 Is now ABSIGNMENTll GIVEN , stratogy to fllht the polluUon threat pennltled. Here la how the aaat-enta wer1 in I specJal meettni to Newport Beach. PROPOSED LAST WEEK dl!lribulad II Iba JJom-loac.meeUn1: , They each agreed to take leaderahip The propoaal to encompua within the -Newport Buch will focua Its tflorll roles la the developlna of proposed ban the area north of the river wu on ill lmmed.11te c:oncem, the Shell • l·"'·'·tion to: ••• plora•-·"""'·• ~lrenllhen the 11111,1 Sbell-Om-put forth -• week by Newport dly --s;i,' ~ind· u~• .. :..-.BeadJ . sh •J •--" councilmen. .....__ nUL1m ""'• wicn: ,. now applies. "We've already got off.short wellJ," will take the leld in ncommendfng state -Tl&bten · drtU1nc rettridlou where iald Rianer, "and there's not much ll>at and federll leglalatlm thal would bed offlhore . oll aplojtaUon ii already can be done about that." up drlll1nc COl1troll and increaae clty ~tied.·· "You can't make oil pumplnr that &hara of oil revenue from tidelands The emergency leSIJ.on, called by Is oow under way non-conformJ.na " now be1ni Up1olted. Newport City Mlnqer Harvey L. a.,....i MIDer ' -&al Btacll, alooJ wttl1 Loni llfacb, Hurlburt, wu believed to be WJo "II we did ."' said Rianer, "tbt flnnl wUI drift polJey far 11.000 o!fabare acrea ~!Died. that are alrudy there woold set an which ll'J II JlftO!Di neither within '-· A~ING the ol' '" fedml waters -·Ult at.ale'• three mile v•-•••"u ,. limit. Termed a ~·, land" bJ' In .,idlttoii lo Jtai!><!r:li ~ lttendin1 GAVE ENDOl\5DIENT Hurlburt, tbt aru atntchel from Loot were Jtunlnrtcin ' Beach ·City The two Joined Lqunl'a WiJellon and Bud! to tbt AnalJelm BOY jelly. Admlnlstratar Doyle Miner, Sell Beach san Clemente'• Carr 1n endcntng a -Laguna ·neac~ and ~!an Clemente City Manll8er Leo Risner, J,aguna Beach N""ll'll Coundl reaolution, adopted :iF ~~ t"C ~!ter":"~..:i City Manager James D. 'Wheaton and 'fUeedll'. ;taDJali. 't.r f ni llL• d II le to 0.. 8,,..,,,_..._,____ •••clu•-, San Cl ''-· lllllpelllioa.;by'. tlie Jtata of a L't:; ·~~ ..... ~· -· _, emente City M...,"'1 Kenaeth to ~ on Co. for . teat co · wblcb IJll'Oada from the Santa Ana River Carr. · -i -to the Mexican. border. one tff NeW))Oll Harbor, • Miller and RilOO' told lhl .gathering IJ'hey Al<! they . )Jould; r..........i ADVISR 02'lllRll that their c!Uu . """lch fipport ~flbrta PllSAf'. nl, aimilar naoluU""' ~by their Each municipal admlnl!trator; it wu * -{:( -{:( · -{:( -ti -ti agrted, would teep the others adY11ed of alJ ~ and recommendations, ,.,..,... Page I ao that ao acilon would he tn concert. SHELL PLAN PROTESTED ••• ' " ~ In addition, Whelton Al<! he Would requett I -.. of an Callfonila coutal dty muacen lo IOIJdl their aupport. Pope Receives Ashes .-' lti permit to sii.u unw 1 Jd>li9·~i~ intent or SIJell u11 11a IJIOC!ate firm• Mar"1~i.':Start of Leni':'!'· held to · -rtldndb!C " ~.~.J:i=...i~~f:,~ ~ f ' .• ~Uy. _...._. -r VATICAN ·(UPI) -!'ope P>UI , • The commial.in .;,.an·~'·'· permit . waters ...--·• to the SheO-Omnlni· -• with ... ~ .. loCll.I w11: ham Ur\duai'y. VI, hla forehead J!l'ludl---. Iait Jan. I, wluiout any advljlCe notice · applJed uha ID~ to blahopo, prleota, to coutal commontu... STATE l!llJST Acr and Slovak P!ltri~ in SI. Peton ~ . MuDJC!pal · J&w'maten made tt clear · In that eytn~ the aanctuary would today ln a somber rite martin(-~. tJ)ey Wetle-irate over the iction. . be endangertd titcauge the state would start of Lent. -"Thia la a squeeze play," declared have to 1ct to protect its offshore oil Cardinal Paolo Martlla, Mtbi:rleat of Councilman and former tw«>Ume Mayor interest&. Drilling within the sanctuary, St. Peter's, rubbed the Pope's fortbead Paul J. Gruber. "It's just a gimmick councilmen feared, would thtn be pumtt- with uh before a crowd of thousands to open up our oil sanctuary to drllllna." ted Risner, meanwbllt, wlD -the bact· tni <i the Calllonila LMpl <i Cltlea. ''HopellJUy,• Al<! ll1lrlbm1. ""' en set the eour. atate hehlnd oar cam]lllcn for correctf .. JegllllUoo. Wa'U naed It qalnst the oU lobby tn Slleramento and Wublnston." Prese11ti11g ... ' . 'Extr~me Batre~~ 1 .{'~bw 'Officer Overcome at Inquiry COllOtfADOW')-JibUl!llwlthlObl BerCner llld. "Mer the Initial~ ......... hr .... 11!1 ~··· 61.f.:f~\~~-i!. ...... -I'!*' .... ....., . lalo-iUiur and bmyln( hb lacO .Iii •aated tO ldjl bbmiJ1 ID I Nlrlli • in Illa ~ .ga1i . KarulJprlloo, ..... 1<1oJl,IOlldllnalI)'I. "I withdraw ·tbl questloo," B"f"' ·ci-• ,__ pirlOJI i~.l plaal; r~~:;~ •• ,~ e, r ~ ,__ • aJ4 1111 .... llad........ . ...... ... •, l!fd!n•• .,. .. ~-11. {j.J.) ~)!Ir-~ ' . " rta, 2' had' to '"'"' a eourl' <i faqutiy Attorney E. Milli Harvey, l'Olll'"~~! -into flio -' <i the P11elll0 "'"" tlit ~ ,of. the !'"Pl•· ..... 1-dut!N Jl(ll~'-f la 011 ••'n t plDd I hand oo 1!¢11' JlboJddW,1The boMi1• af 1111 · ~· young .Ueiitenant talled hll iJad '.,Ind "I just nnt to apo&op to ui.e coart the two walked outaide the caurttOom for breattnc down; ~'• all ,,. Harris into driuling rain. told !lit ·o-. ~ !JI! q,. bench They returned after abeut a mlnu.te. .ittr ba ,....-Harris sat down at the table and 111d: "No opolocy la f"ll1llr<d " Aid Vl<o "I want lo go back to the questlon Adm. ~ G.· a..-• ir., president , . . what l wanted to do wu take <i the -., "' • my tile. l couldn1 do It." u.rta -dowD UliJlli' W"-unc He broie Into mon aohbinl and dnJm. ---ii tllo~ liar med a ·pene11 on the tabletop. Adm. AlllD ......... 'WllO MlillJ!!·•~ "I was boping tbat eventually they, Ibo ~ ~ <i the caplhtl)',. -would bomb ws." -,_,~ -1" -· . He gripped the pencil with beth hmll -~·· ~1 fGr Ibo~· like I baeball ha~ reaohed lntp hll --......... lili ... hetil111l111 lo back ~·~ pulled out • ~ti ' -·-.--. : . and wiped hlJ fiYel. . .. "Al that Umo Ibo oaty ·lbtn( IJlol "Was· there 1 pllnt In the room?' 1 :wtabecf ••• " Harvey ,asked: 1 . Ha -Illa-ID hll ~.looked "l ~I~" HarrlJ replied. . down II· the .-.table; ;lfummod "l urinafed on tt. I had Ill -.,. ha IJncen, wtpod {lfi .,.. llid liia mouth, hi.tree! for ~ there ml when !ofded hll bands and gritted hll'teeth. they save m• thll damn plani It took ~ "Well .•. " be muttered. me four montba but' I ftniJly killed "Could I rtpbrlle ·my question?" it." I',.... Page I ' HOUSE DMDED ••• . . ID .. <iCc dlrtrlcL Nol ao, ald 1111 fGlD ID Santa AnL ,,,. jaalor coli._.,. .... - ~ ljJo -Vlnr -trlCI. lklna 'a!-,.. ..... ud -<i,.. ann'l,.ID Iba OOC dlrtljcl. I fall olllJcld Jo !Ind -1111 allecl•"' ca 1f90)d flll, u Will . u where I would he ·li!dflntl' 1111 tu dollars lad wbera m1 kldl ulllaiatoly could, If they choou;' 10 to Junlor eollep. ObllilDI DOii Jacoba at OOC entered the -project and promJaed to help the nelshborbood find Ila JllJ!I'"' collep ldtnUty. lteport I from JICOba: "Ahoul K -In the Harbor View llomel trad ... affected. The -.. ,.... -~ Port Abbey, an Lo4a • lhnlu(b 13." "~!" l a:reamed. "Tbat'I zne.'' "Well," said Don, "the line seems to cut dlagonall7 tlJroUlb your lot." "When doH that leaft me?" J uted. "Wbe gell 1111 tua! Where will my tlda p to aeboo11 What are ,.. gotn1 lo do ·-ft!" .. " ltEl!P WHOLlli TllACT Don aplllaed Iha!. OOC had . wanled to pu1 an of the tract into ltsdla~ but that Saddl•back had Objected. The only way to -cet ua all 1n ·the .aame Junior collep tent WU to peUUou Iller. "MeanwbHe," I said, "let's find out where the Keevilll belong." Report I from obllginl Don Jacobs: "Tom Ctbel tind of gtale),. lhil is 1 rather unUIQll lttuaUoa. Iii mattert ol thb kind, accordi1111 to die county schools off1Ce, the det.enninlng factor is when you deep." "Where I lleep,7" • ' ''Yep, whatever ci1striet tbi bedroom !alla In. that's where you pay 111 ..... Don elaborated. Ir a where the head of the -lays hll held that d-1 spilt boanda')', No matter if he and hll wit• a1"op In . _.le hedr-. the 111111, in thll eue, carrlea the welotd. "Don.bl aaid, "OUr bedroom. la a mli!Jty hli one. It may be in beth di8trictl :r!(it now, What If we moved .. . " DETEllMINRD IBSUR .. lt'1 been done,"' Don aald. "Tblrt!"'Ye . ' ~ cuea where the bed hA been pulled over to the otjJer aide of the bedroom and It's determined the llaJe.." Then came a contradk:tory rep«rt. Those folks in Santa Ana never aeiin: to agree. The ....,.or•• office Aid I'VI got duni dllzenablp. I belonf Jo ~ districts. My ldd!, if they 're of junior college . age, could gt1 to either CX:C or Saddleback: Moment of terror : Do I pay dull taxes aa well? No, the tax bill is split between the two dlstr:lcbl in 110nte manner. But you. Mt. Keevil, are in the musual situation of being in iwo idenilcal .dlstrict.9 •lmultaneously. Untllllal Indeed. Today ii betni devoted to finding which tbeo'J' abaD provall Can I abUt the bed around or move toto the tids' bed- rnom and lta; tn the OOC di.strict! oi: om I itliady destined to apllt my loy- alty, my home IDd my tu doilata? DUAL mm:NmiJp . ' ' ., ' . ll I do have thll dual junior coll•1• chiWWJip, I'm walking down the street for a cbit. wttb rhf nelghbo1'1 Mr. Johll O'Hlll'a Smith. l'in 11otni to IOt him where you sign up for the school board election. Then I'm going up to Santa Ana and ask for candidates' paperi. .Which dilli>ict! they'll ask. Slddlebact AND Oran~ Coast, 'I1l uy I'm going to run for both of them. That'll teach 'em to split up a happy ~· l'emple Sets Special A special 1abhelh aemce tn hooor of Brotherhood Week will be held 11 I: 15 p.m. Friday at Temple Sharon, 617 Wtlt Hamilton SL, Colla Mesa. Featored speaker win be Rabbi Canon Goodman. at the Pontiff'• weekly generll audlenct, · he tntoaed the Biblical w a r n In 1 : NO DRILLING "I think the atate'a procedurt1 on ''Remllnbel', man. that thou IJ't dust ind The llJ'ICtuazy, in which no drilling thla matter an pritty lloppy," llld to dual thou ahalt relum." ls permitted, wu created by the Shell· Vlee Mlj'OI' Und!ley ~ He uked CUmJln(bam Act 11 Y""' .... It en-City Atlonley 'Tii!lY Seymour whether COIDpuael an of!abore Wilen WUhln' It WO<lltl he· lit cir<!er' f... the city to . lhe.atate'1 u....nile limit llOlllb of the aeek an lnJunct!on to beld up the SbeO TltE W\lOBW> TIWTBIS TH. • ' ' ' r : • • • • ( . I I ' •• ' • " O•ANGE (CIMT PUllwtil'I• (~.l,,., l1krt H. WtM J.c~ .. e •• 1 • ., Vic.I P""ioft"' MIC ~r1I M11111tfr lilll\\I' lftt•il l •iffr . n ...... , "· MM•plrii11• Mllllt/111 l•llor ' Jtrlll'lt f . Colll111 P111I Niu •~ H•WHrl te.Cll A911i!rtl\1,,. C.lfY~bllw , OlrK"" ,...,., ..... om .. • 2211 W..t lt!IN1 lev110'"'4 . ....... ~,..,,P.O. I• j11J. t 2l•) -- I .t , Zaote Ana River to the Malcan border. project, wllleh ii expected to begin within · : ! Qty Manaaer Harvey L Hurlburt told three weeU. ... councilmen that he bad betn 111Ured 111 'think Ger'I are a coallderable by repraentaU.., of the Landi Com-number of polJllca1 llteps that ceuld he mlJSSon that the Shell permit la for taken btfore we tbb1k about a lanu..lt," 1 "pol'llcal "'""Y" only. He Al<! be Seymour · replled., was told it differed from a probe for lf there IJ no atate ~ to the oil In that onet -fnd If -1 pool coundl'1 rtsolution, ·Newport off'lcia11 In- la tapped, the hole muat be lm"medl.ately dlcated, the lnjunetlen wouJd be tOUgllt. plugged. The city's action was supported Tues- "lf the slate wu aerioui about en-day by representatives of the Sierra forci ng the Shell-Cunningham Act," &aid Club. AudubOn Society and other con-- Mayor Doreen Marshall, "the.rt 'r'OUld servaUonlst groups. Mrs. Howard Babb, be no juaUf1catlon for an 'erplor1tory' local Sierra Club •pokesman, told cUn· peririlt1" • • , • 1 cllmen that the Shell proJtct "is an Councilm'!D lireed that IN •Jlllll'IDI Inevitable precur.ot alifipaiided drilllntl operatl4fta." · Fro111 P .. e I • "Newporl," lbe lald. ''II laeed with • crllll."' Lift}e League To Map Program Plans for the coming yeer will be dl>cu'5ed lonigbt II the firll MO .... ! meeting of the El T,.. lnfne LttU. Lea(ue, 1ehtduled for 7:IO o'clock at Irvine School, localed on Sand Canyon Avenue, juatoll the Santa Ana Frffway. PotenUal manqen and COICbel far thlt year'a loaJDI have bee ukod to call Jeque pnoldent Ed . -•• -· The Jeque arti tnctudea UC Irvine, Uniffntty Pllt, Turlle 11A>ct IQlll, EI Tori>, por4bll el the IMlt Randi and the Mar1no Oorpo Air Jldllty in Slnta Ana. ) CONVINIENT TERMS IANKAMUl~AD MASTB CHAA4H J. C. J./ump/uiu 'J•w•fu 1121 NIW10aT AVI., COSTA MISA 22 YIAAS IN THI SA!oll LOCATION I i ' 'lnt.ernal Seenrlty'. Controv~jal . ~ . { \ . ,.. ·' 1 llCUA Re~meiJ:'. .. '• . ,, WAS!IJNGTON (U~I) ---\~,11! Ju, 31· ·~ J-.c.,n.,, llampbny ·~· . , i lloprt, Fredric Ma r ch, ,...,.Ji lilt' a '""'.~ Pianchol T-, Lool!e Rainer, ~·11t: .:':'...=: ~.Loderer. Sounds tk'''llili. l1U a aid "'°"" its •·,I tho cul for .. a late night ·TV f111ure WUJ ba· · ·It its f movie. · .lo.-.;..~ • ~ : ' ·~-.past .. Tbe .old till)e .Ws were 'g. ci!oo toc1111·will brq , 1 ~ of the witnesses wbo to a cloae .a long period II.. ' in<Julle clergymen writers, Conlroveny," said the com- Ku u"-~••••-:~ · .... mitt.e's · cllainnsn,, 'Rep • ·:~ ·~-.,n""" YIP.-Riclwd 'li. [chord, o(O.Mo.) wba W°'!d :I~ fJ'Oltt ·d II!• .. ·l!fter 'llie'l!Ollae Tutjii01 vole!! ~ ~t~_ '!" \lD; '~'!<> 79.,to pve lt • new r .. ' . . ·~· '11!\1.a .......... .-. ' ' -~ f"'"~"" · · · of ~ to qUell' COii' U S -Chin. a . slitutiOMl.challeriges: • • It ;,; C<[llllll&inod ReP: Talks Still ------------ --~.~ f ;-ofnt1411r~ t•, 1~ 9~Y Pft.9' 1 .. ; • ( ~Qift l Cr~dihi.lty"'· Gap. _. l I I ' Bridge C_om~s Up>S·lwrt '4 ~ .... °"" ....... a "ten1blo PITl'S8tiftGH (AP) -Tbe ~ McCaakk, "11 .IWJof~brf4ietbol~ -::---... u:~~ come to Ucllt Tuesday. 1s· feel,d'·tMdlfa'·wltb bue It's a eao.IAlol-tbol-wu , u-tstllllillMid for the auppcl!lld 'to,,.CllT1 lntJntlte,1 .. '.'" ~ 'It-• nuey in-~ .... p/i,jed. .... c.me. -P. .<':· :olujijiedl lilid' ~ bavt But stole highway offldalJ -'to ' ...0 fOI ndesip IO!' the bltdp Is II feet GUI nmpc lad1niadwaya. of liDt with ..._ttq rem11t • A Jti81rn1 opoluoman said 11111 roodwaya, ballinl all C<Mt-two private _.itan!s drew llNctlon. up plans for the brldp and "It's •.nastY •ltualioQ, ... wd roadway .. •lid the blueprln& a hilbnfl d e'p art men t didn't match. spokesman. "lt'• probably 'the 11Jt'1 a matbemltical errot wont mea ~·ve·ever faced." that can be rectlfl~" be Aid. 'l'be trrOr wa111 detected by "It can b1pp!n to1 anybody. an ..,ine... for the · W .P. Engineers are only humell. Dlckenon, Co., t b e sul> yoo tnow." coatractOr band Ii n I con-.-... "We were 1Pllttlna: in -the brldp piers when OQe of our Snow Expensive 'Po~sihility' Phillip BurtoO, (DCalil,), 1~:. renaming the JlolP8tch Skunk' . Works, .~~ Ozart Perfume Factory." But, said J!ep. Albert w. Wa-. (11.S.C:), ddendiu& the• ~.of whicb be' JI a-member, 0 a V)ENNA (UPI) -Peking's '°"' by any other mome will canceDation of the schedu1ed smell just as sweet.•• • · PENNSYLVANIA ST.ATE HIGHWAY~ DEPARTMENT FAILS TO BRll)c;E GAP Bridge on lnte .. l•le Route 79 WH le Connect With Hithw4iy But Mis-by 13 FHI UPIT ........ engtneera noli"'1 that ~ N!;W YORK (~) -Thi dldri't ...., to :be in nne with 15 Inches of '"'"' that ren a bup· rock cdt being made ·on New York City · anlf ot the south end of the pto-paralyzed the mOtropolltan ject," said John McCaiick, an orta ' Feb. I, 'baa cost the olfictal of the firm. city 15.1 million ·ao far to Surveyon irele called in . clean up· the .city wd ~ S l n o -A m e rican Warsaw Organized Jn 1938 Ill a . · o/J ... --.1 ''.special committee -to in-m.~g has put • but ,nU\ · vemigate un-Ainerican ac- ~ Cong Prisoner's Tale eli~ted. C 0 mm~ !l' 5 t tivilies and propaganda," it Chinese _plans fo~ co-e:11~ten~e was given full status of a la]~ ~lh .Preside~.t Nixon s itanding House committee in adnun1straUon. . . 1945. 1bref: years later. Rep. 'I Felt Like an Animal ' • • • Dame Holt Remarries .,fiolbJ QmmoJe,J. '"i'' eotidna ~ ••• ~'\ICIOS ••• robml: tetienG .•• 1asry tamales, •• and odw •wthentk Sovlh1-of'·dU,:lictfder spttialtli:s, served M'lid ._ <Olotfvl atmo5pbere ofokt Mft. ico. Delightful wine <:oOalh n beer. too. hwi It )'OU're llOt East Euro~an d1pl<>!Dals_, in Richard M. Nixon, -• sfcond close touch w!tb the s1tuat1on, ierm congressman fr 0 m hav•.aaid ,Qina· wan~ to· re-eaJifornia. used hi:l·committee esta~llsb contacts wtt~ ~e member$bip to press the in- outa1de world fr:om which It vestjgatJap 91 ~ Hiss. cut itself off dunng ~ year• 1be almost ··com Ji I et e ol lta cul~ revol~tion. overhaul of the committee -. 'Ibey said the Chinese Com· tchord is a new chairman and munista also appeared 'antious five of Its nine members are to have a aay in any Vietnam · _ new · thil year 'i""": retailed settlement. )ll~gbts o( Its Red·himUbg The . Warsaw meeting, set hiStory. for Thursday, was to have Chainnan Martin Dies of been the first "feeler" in this Texas the committee's first direction. cha~. called· Ca g n e y , Its eancellaUon by Peking Bogart, March, Tone, Miss Tuesday bad been feared when Rainer and Lederer before the acUng Chinese charge him in July, UNO, while d'affaires in The H a g u e searching for Communins in defected and was flown to Hollywood. He gave them a the United States. clean bill. But high East European Screen writers who followed diplomata at the time seemed the actors gave the committff confident. Red China would Its first boisterms hearing not cancel the Warsaw con-when 10 members of the clave, which the Chinese Writers Guild shouted clown themselves had suggested last the committee in ~using to December. answer questiohs ind Were Diplomats 1aid Peking took dmnissed frOm the witne!s Ua time in c a n c e 111 n 1., stand amid applause and boos. evidently pondering ~ situa· Chairman Harold H. Velde Uon, in hopes of estractil!il In 1953 followpl tbt lead of IOqle concessions t r.,0,m.1 hb:,lnvestii~ wbQ cI+nwr W'ashington before a Dew·., Communisf!'1 -had infi1trated ~date is set. . . the Protestant clergy. LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) -Den." he wd. A 2:1·year-old PeruJ.'!iylvania GI Throughout the interview, recounw ' today ~· ... ven Smith was "carefnl not to inontb.S he spent as a Viet reveal other prlsoners' names COil& prisoner. He told of or much detail on how man1 steeplng in ~p hl?les, over· there were. llln· by rats and spJ<iers, and " . . the agony · of no& "airing The days "'. e r e in- what was to happen! -· t~able, the rughts often Pfc. i>onald Glen Smith of like eternity," said Smith. He Akron, Pa., was one of three said prisoners kept up with American soldiers released by the passage of time by listen- the Viet Cong in early ing to newscasts their captors January. let them hear. Time passed Smith said he often felt slowly, be said. more like an animal than a "We were always hungry," man during his imprisonment. he said. "And I never could He was chajned by day and get used to their r~. J ate slept in a hole at night. it, lots of it, but it didn't "I'm one of the lucky ones," slid Smith. "rm home. The others are still over there." Ike Receives · Smith said he doesn't recall much of the attack or his D G uJl N captuce at.Nu! Ba Den abou) e . 8 e . Ole ~.r:r 1:artbwest of Saigon WASHINGTON (UPI) - He said after his capture Former President Eisenhower he was marched for several telephoned President Nixon at cjays, but he l"'i>«'ted the Vi~t · ·~JJJ..""Cii 'J!iesd•Y . lo Gong_ were taking . )Um .in · rece1v· circles. "I'll be( I wasn't more ed a letter from French Presi· than 20 miles from Nui Ba dent Charle! de Gaulle. M E I.BOURNE, Australla (AP) -The weddlni c a r fill me. Sometimes we got , meat, dor meat. I.i's a wouldn't start and a police delicacy for them, J can't say car wu pressed Into service. u nnicb. But Dame Zara Holt married "Seep? Sometimes it was gentleman farmer a~ bard to come by. It's )tard member of Parliament Jell to shut off your mind. l ·"· ed especially when you •,re Bate today n Austr-.wt'l.W • cramped in • pitch-black hbJe ding of the year. underground, things crawling Television carried the around near and on you and c ere mo n Y throughout yau don't know when it's going Australia's eutern seaboerd. to end, if ever." At one point Prime Minister He said there were rats, John Gorton idenWied various "lots of them," and spiders persolll for the TV reporters. and scorpions. "I h a t e Dame Zara, whose age is spiders." her secret, ls the widow of '· ••ficionldool~-- tiM, )'OU'te ... ., ~ ""-te Al'flCriuno faa~ · Ha••el•iacll or dllitn~ pt \ ( ............ •.tt.w.ri~ -....Mmcan~...n. ' < ' He said one of the few times Prime Minister Harold Holt, he was beaten .foJlowed an, ~w~ho~w~u~d~row~necJ~ln~1967~.-d:iii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:i~=~~~~ escape try that falled. ti He said liis release with Spec. 4 Thomas N. Jones of Lynnville, Ind., and Spec. 4 James vr: Brlglwri of Ocala, Fla., came as a surpN.e. Brigham later died from w!iat the Army cltscribed .. poor medical treatment at the bands of the enemy. . After b r i e f fonnalities, Smith and the• others wtrt wbislced away by llellcoplB and eventually returned home: WalliehsMusieCi\Y , , STORE OF THE STARS. GLEN CAMPJIELL His saW:h hit album, "WICHITA LINEMAN" on Copirol lab.I OPEN TO THE· PUBLIC J ,, SAVI UP TO $100 PIANO·S .ORGANS Annual Factory Aullhlrized MAGNAVOX SALE . . • ·... . .... - HUGE REDUOllIONS! .. · INVENTORY ,~l'G .'SALE OF PIANOS a!lOllGANS!., : .. ! .• ~ • . ' ._ ____ _ Floor Sampleo! Rental Retnmo ! Tnde-ino! Studio Demomtraton! 'STOlllWIDICU~ Fiii · 3333 BRISTOL SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA -540-2830 .. ' .. S.n1 tSSen'tm.MCJdel O!D WORID MEDITER· IWIWI M.gnnox tlelurt con-· solo •id11 ••perb ctbi11e111 i•· spired by Spanilh cletipt. Showe ta Moclel 6976-.ida todly't ... pktve, 29'- tq;-ia., Wwv t8IOl!llric col. or,tw0*9e 9• .,_aen, Now$595. .. ROW, IOU EIDS . ,_ ... ..,.1o ... o1aw , • ...u. '°""',., , .......... . ........ .,y .. nwtdoiie9.t.at961,..... . ....... ofHl1pedalr9tl .... QC lllwef_.,.,. .....,.. 500 ... ..... Priced ' '' .... IRING IN YOUI lOOM SIDS -1.89Yd, 1 " This is .. opportullity far you, IM e-al pull6c, to, NYLOl,I SIJ~t · ' ' . .. ' . liuy your carpol II doolor's -.,. below. We hlft ,..., """twillOI. ,,... . ..,. over 500 rolls nf ..,..i In stock now .,. .., gin oy1o1,... -hr·IM - -_., tNflk. °"" .... 24 hour instollatloa In most mos. AD carpol Is flnl ....,,, __ quafity, no -• or factory njocls. ~ is .. ~. SOLD AT llMM ST~ So com• io todof. II yw can't cemt Ill cal n · far I FOl 7.'5 P11 TAID home .,,.... ••• -. w ..... firing tlio carpol le .,... --.3.n.::: . . . . . ' ' . DwPOilT 501·11. . ICllUNWG 10DIL 'SM1'. H...., duty n: willt .... """' 2" tlllck, __ ...... -., .. , 1111 )Wll Net. =llfhll llitlt ..... rtdl -:r: .... ,., r::r-!lor ......... low · '°"'"" Rod, Ill-. -_, ti'. hi:.:l.! ' .~,..-.... ..... ..i•.-. o11 ·--· loW,S Ako -. _, llQ ....... SIEN AT OTllDI STOllS ...... a---=-· Foti 1.95 PB1 SQ. TUii • 10.'5 SOID~T~ . ClOSI OUT SIPIOAI. fOl 10.'5,Pll SQ. TMD out NICI 4.29:::: "°" 4~99~ oua PIJq 4~··~ -OamOll.T--<Alm Oll.T-• -0tm011.Y-- WoOL 5111 ' . ' PUASI l'HONI COMMDCIAL TYPI Thi f I • t • t hpwt.. ""' TWDD FORHOMIDT .. IMno'f eat .., ot I pllct T!asBASPICIALIUT 549-3349 --·lhrd. AllD A FMTASTIC l'IJCI ttbUH TH1SCAam_. AT 2M SQ. TAID •. DMY9101iaG SIU fOl 11.tS Pll 1'11. ' IAT. t 10' I 1.99~ ' ' ~.1110.4 -·----6AS:l OUR~ ' ' . . NO. . ··-. llST. OYll llfAV" IOAll -<Alm tlll.Y-UP10M-~PAY ' . . ' • -. ' ' ' . . L· & J ENTERPRISES "INC., --' ... Orange County's Largest Wholesale W:areho11~ • 2406 s. ~··· SANT~ ilJ ONI :=a'-°.' . : . . . •. Phone 549-3349: ... _ .. ,_)~ ... -JC . " •• •• ; ., '[•~Y .ltoi 9ft8B:W."i-iGE I ' ' A-·'Victory'· · M~ybe . Public hearings before I.be C!\y eoµndJ 1erve two major functloru. P'!nt. and most obviously, they give the tomrQIUlity a chance to comment on issues facbli COUDC!IJnea. Secood, they give councilmen a chance lo develop more informaUon on the issues. 1 N~ Beach councilmen got this public rupimse and additional lnformaUon In abundance at lut wau'1 bearlo1 on the proposed commercial parklnl ordinaDce. the older comiuircW dlwlc11 ln° th1 city, th111 no vi<> 10JY 'lflll have -wCll>-lly IJ\Ybody. And the bullno1 .. men t.bom1alvee wW bl amq the lint to tnow. But Iba qtw onlln-deal pl'!lllll1e Jt lUJj a stait toward IOlullon. AJ City R!•rui!Jll consultant Emost Mayer Jr. put !I: . .. We have to le.am to crawl before we can walk." OCC-Saddleback f.onfusion •• • ' ~ , l ~ !atljqbulull:l<y: Silt« ci(onia -a m.Mce to pub& h•Glth,.I lwrelypropo1• ro ban their advertW1141 throuth yoor niediii: · . ' As a direct result, the ordinance 1U1derwent liJrilfi· cant revtslqn. After Usteniqg lo tesllmony from many coocemed local businessmen, councilmen agreed that the edmllted inoquiU.. of certain rerJIO!leling and r"' building clawes far olilweighed their advantages. - The ordinance was ordered rewritten. When II Is returned next week for rouUne. approval, it will u1ure storekeepers aod other commercial pniperty-owners that they will in the !uture be able to fa.,.,.Ilfl thetr properties without haVinf to add OIHite parking spacu. The resldenla ot' a new Harbor Ar11 realdenU~ area -Harbor View Homes-are . developing schilophrenia over which Jllllior coll,ge <li•lrlct they belon1 to. 'ntelr confllJton la underalandable, for ii developed 1ut 'lfeek that about half of the ultlmata J,CIOC! hQ!llu In the devtloPment will Ile In the Oran&• Cout Janlor Col· loge Dtstrfcl and ball In the Saddleback Junior Colieie DistrlcL ' Tobacco Industry: In keeping with our subsidy programs, ~ following is the money you will receive this year . , • in rountl millions, of course ••. But they will not be able to enlarge I.lie bulklln&• unless they provide the parking, baaed on a fonnula lnwlvtng gross floor areB.1 With restaurants, the form- ula will be bued on the number of stats. Councilmen. in thus focusil\g on preventliig fulura . probleou-railler than in correcting present ones, proba· bly had little choice, in view of the political realities. After tile heartn1. wbich culminated 18 months of -y. 10rne bu,tin .. amen openly gloated over the vic- tory they bad won. We hope this reaction, understandable as It is, does not prove to be prem~tun, Tlme alc)ne will tell whether in fact a 11victory" was acbieved. If the revtaed ordinance brings about no cbongu ot consequenpe In ·perking problenu besetting Local ,school oUicWa 1ucc'""'11Y ne1ot111ed with adjoining dl1trtcti to jiggle bcundart .. and p~ all of the bOlllM In the Newport Me•• Unified (ldndorrarten · through 12th grade) District, but S8ddleback held out and OCC failed In a bid to prevenl the split by annexing the other half. Some homes are literally split by the boundary. One OCC trustee inadvertenUy moved four houses across the line and lost his seat on the coHege board. And al- most none of the new residents of the tract are certain which jwiior college th ey are supporting or which their children wUl attend. OCC .should work with the homeowners to get an early re.solution of the problem. Geographically and for the sake of convenience they belong in the OCC district. N hat Youth A$king Reader Answers Attack on Patriot•' Ideals Dear - f ·Society ' Gloomy Gm: 'Maturi.ng Youngsters Revere Flag' l Doi!~ !he Inland cities and coun- Ues bave a responsibility for the To the Editor: pollution of water and the refuse The outrage that Jack Maples predicts depolited on our shores by the re-(MaHbox, Feb. 12) a1 a reacUon on cent ttorm? Why lhould Hun.Ung· the part of hlt distorted "Hawks" to ton Beach and Newport Beach· pay R. V. ~fitchell's letter (Mailbox, Feb. all the com of rubbish removal, 7) ~ ·more apt to be lbe reaction ex· and patrolling and pOlting warn--penenctd by most patriotic Americarui . f ,_ poUuti r who read Mr. Maples' thinly veiled in· .;,.ce 1.[~. · _q;, _~··~ ~ _ _!!fl '--on ·~ -~nuaUons ·that anytine wbo·supports--uie- beaefles · present conflict in Vietnam ii a "Nazi M. E. H. Hawk," "Flag Hawk" or "Gooney Bird.'' r111t tM11n ~ ......,.. '"...,. .., I ed' th _...,., ... ., 11111 •••• ,.,. ..., pr 1ct 1t, out of concern for his ,_. • ,... • ~ -. DeltY .,...._ feelings, guided by pity rather than 1!11-ls.A!J't1111~~new:.~ _.tion ts not simply its youth, the mm fact that it is later in as a •Cll" II "new" if it is thi!i '1 mode) compared with Wt yw's year before. is a .-Utatlve differe.Dct tn , people, not just a lt!qonl dlf• bi -~ -~ · anger, most of those who sensed outrage will refrain from affording his views the ·dignity or reply. And lhll quali!y can. best . be s point ~ purpoll AllU gives ex· preuion to values tllat are more than .bed:, in Mutow'• term, u "self-ac· blologtcally or culturally determined: yW cannot understand this. i&hen In mOlt societies of the put, . tbert eannot .-.w.1 what )'O!!!!C~, t:l/:'U.1:" = ~ \x.~: tMntinl' and feeling .and ~~-' C....:.:liZ! ~L -~>'~..;,,,.al ~-"1 ~­lf1lllfnll toww. "~«taall-." --•w ·men,..,_ .._,.,.. -• ~ .... ,.. -· n. 11 .. :~--r pnitracted that the • fn. bJabelt and final step Jn human • diV1dual .organism fought all 111 llfetlme pment and it has become poalble for mere 1urvtv.al ancj equllibrium. Its ·many ~le only in recent thnel. higher, and dlatinctlye, ~s. were. i nece:ssarUy subordinated to ita pnmitive lllJM4)I penonaUi, bu -lt'laln llloqlcal -that. -be -Jmnpn that mllll be ltd. ' .that mllll be lllloyt<l, ~I ' ' that mllll be gralified. , ' lhll, there are e<rlaln IMl<lal emotional demand• made oo, and · the _,.111y -for teaming, for of some Jr:ind, for group 1den- tlon, for survival and tupporl as iii being. "nle!e earliett and • needs muat be at least ade- met before the Individual can bimlelf with other level.'! of • ELF·ACl'UALIZATION" is whal lh< wants to become wl!h hlmseU, as a biological creature or as a In the mechanism of bis oociely. m the very """' of his penonat ij.itmce -oo that his particular life --fer IUe, for 1 kind of liberty, fer a meesure of ltCUl'fty. rr lB NO ACC!DENr that the m..t queatfonlnc• and dls&ldenl yoatha todly Come from uppeNniddl&<lw families, wholt "future" within the framework of convenUonal society seems most aaaured. 'I1ley do not want to fit Jnto a mould, do not wanl to accept the values or their meUer, do Mt want to becQme like their pattnla or their parents' friends. They. are asking that our affluent soci- ety provide more than a plenUtude of m1- teriaJ goods : that It OJl'D neW vtatas for the realizing of Individual potenttatlties, not iri the economic realm, but ln the reaJm of moral values, sensory experi· ences, creative upr!l&Sion, and personal fulfillment. Their tacUcs &re childish, but their ends m1tun:. ~'Beans Are for Dirksen' AIHINGTON -Memben of are 11111 ~ berrspl wflh -.Otlonl a( !he 41 pen:..t -It -1y ..ted Itself - f ' ..... to '42.IOO. yur. dt;;~~ of lndlgnonl leltel'I and ~ to Congress:" are con- to pour In 1nirn lll "'"' the ntry. The "bundles" t'Olltaln old ea and other discards. ' oat Of the lawmaker• are di5Cll'tttly 1~t about thl& cr1ticll deluge. But .. oppooeots " lht hike. 1bey ... nt!klnl ne eec:rtt of tbe anclim!plshed !fad of outrqed mail. 'Ibey a1lo att ·vine a lot of "I t.:>ld you so" satisfac- • from it raphicallf WustraU•e of the quantity nature of tbele caUltic: bluts art leltm and "bundlel" rect1....i In put -br Rtp. IL R. G'°"'• a. veteran eainomy champion who the floor !!Pt againJI the po.y boost. JUie tho ooly motloo in !he -____ ,_,, Vole--labft.Jn ~to bfock !he tncreue -which ...... llloll17 wenl into died February l ' ) or lattr 1nyway. Ptrhap1' tome of your money.grabblng colleagues can use IL '' From Arteala, Calif., Grosa' received the following letter: "I am deeply diAtressed by the terr ible pll&ht of many of OW' congremnen and ienltors who cannot eke out an ezilte:nce Oft $I0,000 I yellr plus gmerout frintt bentflts. 1 am on 90Cial lllCW'ity <Ml a month}, and my sUpend seems in- adequate, too. So I augment it by cart~ for four children while both P"rttttts work to cope With the never-ending fn. flaUon, risln1 welfare costs and in- crusln1 tues. "HOWEVER, wt are so mOYed by lht budlhll>I of CKZr llwmum thal ri_.wlsh to_ lll!d 1 btmd1e to lhem PfolM dtstr!bute ii lo the needleit con· _..,, but not !he beans. "nle bel!UO are 10< Sto11tor DlrUen, blOll his lltll• heart! "The ll'M* are worn, but they are stl1I pd ~ to gM! a eoocJ boot to ""'' collt1gua who voted fllr th!• lnc:redlblt Cl"lb, II wtll II beln& IO gen.,..., In douhllog the salary of !he PrtaSdent to '200,000." -... recol'l'ld -" llllm oor1u1)t.ftlflbc hla: determined, albeit uoavalllq. !10rt •rtlnlt tho PllY fn. ....... . BJllMetl. All<I .... Alla Gtldl!1lli. RATHER THAN attack those whO disagree with the Jdu.ls that we so-called "Hawks" proudly hold, iiinee I am ad- in.ittedly Ignorant and ill Wonned on .. what their true motives are, I win take pointed issue with the 1CCUS1tions so recklmly, and I think, Ignorantly flaunted by Mr. Maples. I) Casualty rates publi&hed by the department of defeme lhow conclusively thai the exposure rate of ••protesafonaJ military men over S5" u:Cffds that of "!he 1"J!ll .fruh men too young to vote." J can turthu attest to this as an on-tilt-spot 1'Untss. i) POLITICIANS, defense contractors and defense WG'kers that I have known in my llfetlme, Ind I've had close tontact with all three categories, are as repulsed and as, aOetiatea by war and its tragic consequences -d any other segment of our society. Largely because of their eounge and dedication to their country. they endure thf alander that i!1 heaped on them and atlll manage to contribute significantly to the progress of our na· t.ion. 31 IT IS TRUE that most of the people, at patriotic ceremonic are veterans of one or more of our nations' wars in the "over 35" age group. But I noUee an ever fncreaaln& number of younptera, too, who are maturing to the point where they aho revere the f11g, yes, are even enthr1Jled by it, and hear the roll 01· tilt drum and the sound of the fife u an Inspirational chall0'1(e to live up to their heritage. I proudly number 111 Hven of my chlldrtn in this vut majority of Americans. - , PERHAPS IF Mr. Map!" would discooru dn why he does not. support our national pollclfs, a subject that he is more apt to be well informed on. rather than attack thOlle who are proud patriots, a group which obviously he could afford to study more deeply, hi~ views \\'OUld be more palat.ble. and ltss llkelr to be construed to be highly emotional propaganda. D. R. HARRIS JR. LL Col .. USMC "Over 3&" er... hlercelM!rle• To the !d.ltor: I consider the pay raise voted by Congrul as arrogant, lrtespon&Jblt and conteniptuous of the Americ1n public. Never In bist«y has •our republic laCM-pt'Oblemt ifiCf da.,.,.. 'needing of its leadenhlp &dll••s. pub!Jc,opirlted -" ""5Clence wi.... dedtc•tlon.111\l virtue could ltNI 11 •n uample to A lroublt<l Ind unctrllln pooplo -llld "'e are gjven crass mweeaartu. I 1htll tncourap. tll I know Ind lll I meet who wW listen lo vole aaalnit every lncumbettl of lhl1 "pocketbook Qlogrw." LC)UIS F. JOBST. lR. RalHna'• Prleridu To tht Editor : In anntr lo LM Mlllar'I Jetter to Baeliall Pulillcltv To the Editor: Ten days ago while in Chicago at an M.R.A. meeting with Willie Mays, he wl! being interviewed about the Letttn tram 1'tadnt etc welcomt. pl • · din -''""'· 1 .... • ht " -·'I ·f· .1. •• 1.i ., +i..· ayers 1mpen g ~u1a.t. MA.li~ rug _j!O!.•~-u-wn:~r•...v•o-conve....,oco.w-~~1 . r.::i· TV (Channel message in 300 words or Zets. Tht uus ape ll.-b~ came over right to condt'n!t letttrl to fit space 4) 15 •."b?t interview." or eliminate libel ii rtserwd. AU U thiJ ts lbe mal.imum amount of letters must include lignat1'r1 and ao-called fret publicity sports write.rs mailino cddrtis, but namts tnaf1 be and basebal1 publicity men can dream with!Uld on rtqutst if sufficient rec:· up, bueb.all is 'i.it. for some very rough son is oppartnt. times. 'the editor (Mailhot, Fftc ~), I wotdd like !he opportunl~ to .repJt, llDce you f"t .. 11ton11y tl!it eriii1' std• lhoaJd be heard. Lee Mj)lar. whoeVtt he i&, I would like to compliment on hla paraphtasina: of the French phllosophq, Voltair:. "l dlsapproVe of what you read, but I will ddend to tl!I dealh your rtpl to read· It." l ci>ola ·i\ot agree with this mart. However, I would like to point out that odel<nding his right to read It does not infer, by any stretch or the imagination, that t wm b!uy ft for \Im! Despite his propenal!y for prosaic pro- fundity, he dot1 not have the acumen or background lnfmnation to dbcern boot bl!1nlng (or burnlnJ, u he ln!en), from my justifying !he uee of tu mooey to buy it for him. lt seems that he and the DAILY PILOT editorial referred to, are un1ble, or limply do not want, to recOtp\Jze the difference. FROM BIS appr01ch that everything not. putcbued ii therefore binned, we oo !he Orange County ao,rd of Education baMed ah books on the power of posiUve thlnkJn(, alnco NO boon oo this 1Ubjed were included in our pQrchaae. We are also gulltJ: of banning ,moat books on carters, 1mce we included OQ}y a few of !he DWll' ..,...,. boob tbat are 1v1Uabte. ' Of course, ii Y"1 are 11ylnc that ''Hirmhtrna" ia of mote educaUon1I value and, therefOJe, warrants the use of t11 money more than the books In the afomnentkmed c1te1c.-lu, tht:n I am gullty -not al boolc blnnlnf, 11 you charp, but of a far more serious crime -disagreeing with you on the priority of books. DR. DALE E. RAU.ISON The Orange County School Board lntt Thur1day voted 4 to l to rtvtT.!t i!s previous stand against purchast of Htrst11's "Hiroshima" a n d other books. Ra:Uison'J '°'11 tht ont vott aQo.i nit. Set editorial Ftb. 11, "Para· noio in Action.n and previous com- mentarits.-Edi£or Clallfl'• 'Welt•re To the Editor: e:'lt!'J article 1"¥e ever rud about ado!>lloo qel!da hll been lllU al· Id! pral• •boul thtlr elllcleney, llld - motto has -procl-lo ba "1111 c:hlld'I welfare aboYe. mry oClw -akleralfon." My own experi-. with _ _... hu atven me cause to ~bi tbli. NOW WE MAD al !he 114 .,_ of the Harts and Ullle lluddJ. DllWtel)' !he welfm of !he cbl1d WU not the lint concern al !he qtncy lltr'I. Fer wooldn 't Buddy be better off with thole who lo¥e him and bin cared for b1m 1rom lhl bqlnninc lhu wllh,..,..,,..,..1 It .... ~. lo "piWcl tl!I proftlllonlllmi" of 0-who made tl!I dedlloa that tl!I ......, ollld als nfluicl toremwlheeaae. How do,.. Uh that! MRS. CL11'P'ORD lluEN HILLY CHASIN •srlockefl' To the Editor:- 1 wa.s shocked at how easy it was for "Name Wlthheld0 to have her abor· tion ·(Mailbo1, l"eb. 12). She had no,guill feelings at all. AJ a matter of fact, 1he wanted otbers '° join her, juat like Eve getting Adam to eat the forbid-- den fntlt that kicked them out or ParadJae. It did not bother ber lhlt she slopped the gr~ of an Individual who will never be reproduced 1galn.: Aceordlng to 1enetics, an lndlvidlial at conception has hls own characteristics which nevt'f' will be duplicated becaUlt: of .the .im- mense number of p:netic cpmbinatiODI. SHE AUO SEES this as a solution to the juvenile delinquency problem, 1tatina: this would get rid of unwanted children. Juvenile delinquency today is the problem of not only the children of the poor but alto the: chlldren of lht higher cl.u.ses u welt. I believe we will solve these problems, not euily through eliminatllli the children, but by trying tbr"'lh education to bring .out the moit.rewardln& life for them. I arri 1 woman ·who'had her' ao-called "unwanted child." •I love him now too much to • sit rid · of him even fer • m!Won dollars. : NAME WlTllHELD ........... .Dedrio11 To tl!I Edit«: "nle mailbox .fetter Of Feb. ti from the woman who went to Japan for an abortion Ital.es very \\'ell tbe posJUon or those who believe that abortlm is the decision of the woman involved. However, Jet me add a few addiUonal thoughta worth considering. First of all, the population o( the world. It increasing at such a rate that .barring catastrophes or improbable aoclal chan1es, the day will likely come In a few generations when each couple will be legally allowed ooly a limited small number ol children. Then those women who become pregnant attU they ha.. born< !heir 1lloted number wlU bo forced to submit to 1barllonl. 'ff• can poatpone that timt u klOll • poal- ble by preventina or eodin& unwanted Jll"llR&nciea:. IF A ·WOMAN becomes propllll baclDlt of lnadtquate method• at -lrlctplfon, ll 11 verr unfair foc llOC!ftl1 to dtmind tbat lhe 111ume tbt awMOmt l'OlpOl1Sf~ " belrin( • d!IJd llld clrlng for that clifld fer tl!I -II to•rwa.Sl!lherlell-.ba!Mr than 1J1yone 1lse whether she fa pf\Y~cally or mentall)' pnpmd for lht t11k. • if I WOllllft ii in the Mb or Uth """"' al JlrtlllMC1 or liter lie(on ... k. lnl en abortion, lhl ~ be )llYlll flll'chl6lrio cant, -H HOm1 llktlJ lhal only 1n emollonallr dlllurlled - would allow an ut1nfJlld pnanaftcy to 1oonlhlllonl-11!tllorllo terminate It, assuinlng this altern.Uve were readily attainable. Most-women, single or married, would no doubt cootinue to prefer allowinl the potential human being to disappear in the form of an unferUlized egg. Y. M. KERSEY .., Against Abortion To the Editor : If Name Withheld (Wed., Feb. 12) l~ not ashamed of her abortion, why doesn't she sign her name? Pressurei from society? If she doesn't want her baby. 1 am truly sorry for her. But why kill It'! ·~e -are thousands of couples who WO!Jld give anything to have a child. '"f'1:ia_t child." If !he's really worried about the crowd· ed condiUons of the wCl'ld, why not just kill evuyone over llO? If we legalize abcrtlon, why not legalize euthanasia too? Sam.i difference. MRS. DAVID A. FELDE Mother of 6-- No. 7 due nat month 'Lack of Concern' To the' Editor : In regwl to the arUcl~ on pace I, Feb. 12, in which you were quoting Robert J. Bresnahan and his views about · the new site for the airport, I must say that it wai 1 rare display d. his complete lack or concern for people as human beings. 1 He said that people shouldn't corn.plain about tbe proposed .flite that live in El Toro because most of them will have moved by then. He doesn't seem to realize that somebody will live the~ and also what happens to their property valuc. THE PEOPLE 1N Leisure World are spoken or. Well, these people have devoted their llvea to the bettermtnt of our society and now they have retired. Mr. Bresnahan tella them not to worry because they probably won't live over 15 years mon anyhow. His ideu about people are morbid and cruel. We are all people and not machines and deaerve freedom and ' con· 1lde.raUon in such matters. ' THI PEOPLE in Mias.ion Viejo and El Toro moved there to live in a fresh ~ commwllty and no• thlt they hive establiahed homes and invested in them, they pt an airport to drop their In- vestments by a large degree. The idta of the inarine base iln't IO eood for a location. During a naUonBI emerpoey il would be very chaotic dd an excellent spot for tht: droppin.I( or an H-bomb. A more iJOlated area Sflt!rn.s much more feuibte. HOWARD P. M\JTZ • • Cos'fa •• I • ! :-.·:Pilot E<Iit0ift :R~u11e -~pli~. by TU'.o.' DistriCU • • • • •• • • · --. • DAILY P~T std,,_.. . c~ "°i!DAR -Debbie; 5; '(~ d) ll!li ~,c9,;M..d as ~ l<)r ~lor collegr . ,, '&undary ~wjl!c;h'i)!fis through mid re ofthiilr'Home . in ne~i'View Homes develop. ment in Newport BeacJa. Line separates Saddleb.ack and Pranie Coa~t districts and has m~de •;dual 1cj~~eps " of K@eviJ fa~y. 1 . · I Bj< THOMAS ·UBVIL Ot•Nlr ,......., A hi:luae divided stands ·On Lot 13, Tract ri'!· .. ~t!,l)le. , I AJ near u . I can fil\U'e ~ the lll!f·, Ille . JiDe ~ iity~ .. !t otart1 , at ~!l!i,.ft!nlllr4 fPl'inklol'.;,, Ille ·- of (tloo •;1'"'11-< lawilt ........ ~y between .tbel front door and the 11arqe and• llices without . fear, 1~Jµdice or .-.-!hroul!i liot& of the t ..... ilorl .... OJI' bedrOom ~ my wlfe'1 and mine -seems to lie mosUy un the Ofl9 side. 'I1te two kids seem to be on the other l1de of the tine, The bathrooms are up for grabs, about half and hall. Same, wiLh the other ... OOlpS· ~ line, I . determinei! I o.d a. y , eslablisbes which juoiOr colJep. district I (or we)· are in. Or, ·more pre(lSely which junior college district I (or we) . . are 1J1. .. The kids seem· to be in the Or,ange Coasl. CoPege Junior College Diltrict. My wiie''.,m I. unleu we move the bed to tho other, side; of ~ ~ .. (11¢. we'll pt ' Into Utat , later), ·teem to be in the Saddleback Junior ~ Dl.llricL· · , · It ·ltariecl l&A week· when· the ,fenow 1 down on th9 other. end of Port. Abbey Way, Joll!t ·O'Hara 3milh. decldell Jo e1tcnd his civic -contribution and seek election to the OCC borad of trustees. Mr. Smith had been serving as Newport Beach repreaentative On . the board by apPointment and, stout . fellow that he is, he thought he'd aee II lolU thought enough bl him to eleCt him to the ()fflce. • , , I Up in S..la Ana, Mr. J: O'lllli'a Smith raft lntd trouble'.. ' ' " · Yoli Can't run: ·tbeyt tOld· ·J. ·O'Hara Smith. Not only that, but you don't "t fen:live)n the QCf dlstr~ and; budd)'.",. ~·1'~iil llfi4i!i. Y'Ol!\f'-'Pf ';) -~J ,-O'iiara--~-the ...t-of' \II who' bung bed!beell ill. the wiacto•• ~ ll!OVed ~TJ.& "" abilil )!be f~it of .~If 'that beca... . ·'!!!!'. -!!,~ lil!Y of ·Newport Beach mllii ,,,..,,._iijooitileaa Unified School Piltrid'uoi-.;. sUU WU <91,~ ) • UPIT ...... CLEARS UP MYSTERY Sirhan Wltnuo Schulto Court Told Gun Boast • • 35, ~b>ii . a,·: . "' .;. Mr · · ' .. ...,. · .. ' . . ., ,, !"!.. .... : • ''i'··~y'·:~~- '-*· ·•••4'!~ ... • -.~ '\. l-~_!.:1 • I •,, t' • • .',.' • • I • ". ·~ • Tllf ·~ .... . ". ,.. . . . , .. , .......... ~ 1 ' I f 4 • • .. ::-. t •• ~ .... · .... t J. r,..::-.~· ..)1 · .• •• ' -l I ;· J;:r" . 1~ ,; .. .:·: . ·". . . 8-~ H •. I .r1::,.;. ' . " now · ·tllOOrs • .-'f · :· ' "! ·· r . .. . . " , r I~ne.·" s~.ai.:(th:::· : • • \ ..,,_, .... f ,, • • ; ·,· .J , ( HAl\TJIORNE.-Ntv. (UPI)'_, GfOU!ld ~-n..r"dit;i,i' bave' -.a.'ibci lilt portl,o, ...n. ""· stti or ""'!'lboel. am Jo ·.c0me down Iii cc tltb-' in!'itii '. b&Uleil rain an« beayt-.-..)tqdq_·to bave landed In ... .,~,alkolf~I' ,._,_ ·aearch for• DCI llillilii'·m''-'·" ~~:~!1"1~.:ii..~ UK:U; • ~ puuw lft • ·-., t• ~ ~1 ' ·-· with 35 penons aboard on ,a;>"1am....-'1 Ille llii( ln'1!10 · ." .-: ; -~ Olght." ·' .,~ Ari · um.ucees'.sl\l\ alt 5'!!'1'f~ '. Y. "We've got tbrte IOOd leadl," aaid was ~•lecl"tiy Ille' ~ . <lOL Clarence . Brown · of , Ille ~Ir Sea Strvlci at' HQtlltor, 'Air· Fcice · J\gaJe Service ~ 1 t nortll of San Fr .. claco. ' Hamlltog"Alt Force Bue. ,HOWIYfll', he "We bJd some plane!. over' th6 area ..td, all . but two of 17 -. planes but the, 'l!O•ll>er :·ts.. ~e '. Wtth· - -remained crounded to<!aJ bf·~ -!lier. dirstl!rms; ...,. tuiif l~I i:ondJllom;• Tiie clues came from pel'IGOS who an Air r~ 'SpG:kemian~· ~ ·""'1 an reported .... ~ •• the--·-•-"· t""• oo!Y 'tet ,the ~ ·"'""* tiv ·--. -..,_ ...,.. c1 llie 11n10.beeatw· llio;. J: engines which suddenlT.lllOPpld• . . · -''e 11 ____ ._ for tlte'oean!b · . At the Clrcle L. J\andi -Dyrr, -,..,._, ' Nev., a cowboy uJd "l ~ 'Wwli \0 stQ lllove 1,000 fee\.~· ' ~ · coming rlgbt •throqfl tlit "'"'"-'"Cal. "· · · ' .. · BrowriWd •. ~:·. -· 1 ....;,,. 1o ~ 1~~ :~~wt~.;~':!.': M,~ Re~.i'/µ Ot World War . u. in U area~ deep' in 1now around· -Mt. Tom and· •lf.t_. r· ~ ..... · · ;. ..... • · • ·•• ' =~~:me~uf ~e ~~Uf::Ne;: Mum on Litt:e;· Ha~Lborf\e, where it 1 too~, off at• t :OI · .' ' : · ~ · • · : '-r ' • •' · :~~~\:!hr~fi~'!n~tO~ For · Freeu;af. ·. search thf ·Area: The Nevad~' ·c1vn ,IJi' ,. • • ,, • ·· LO's ANG•L••'(UPI) -St'rban B. Patrol conlrlbutea 10 pW!es, the ,Slrong ·1UPPorl!orlJie•;~'lloci ~ ~ caurornla "• n 17, and the Air Force Rou•• an~ o! Ute Ne...-........,ay Slrhan.,fired mpre than 300 rounds during: wu-, ~ ' 1 ~.' ~er,.., . .,~....,,-.•. ,...,.1 • 1 • • • • • the and' Navy,5. . 1 ' ' • ' .1 UU'<iuib · .m.~ wu ••~ at fiVe hc:iurs at a target range on. .it'a · 1 • ·~· ·' ~ Uie C1iw11 da'y before Seit. Rbbtrt F. Kennedy's It was .hoped .aome : ol~rlnJ -°'::the a "'·-~-~ l,· ... ~ ..... .t .. ,~ deapi iltd ·told · aoother man. hts gun skie1 later todfY woul~ pepn!t U,. JI~ prefmnct Ji bot i,.:. , , 1 • . wis s\dncient ita "kill 'a· dog,'.'' a 'Wltnea to i.ke to,.. the air. .._,,,_.2--J . , ·.Jk~ ~ •~~.,...-:· ~. a.;:~ln· •aid~ at hll mlD:l1•r tr, ~t , 1 ~P'!"Utr•· ~"":.:OD .--1ec1 , .. ,."~" . -of a dl!Ieim(: i:ooir-,. .M~""'' Ml~· Sa--1111 whowu-•--ac m ee, .. ~-~~ '-·~'tllwrt991"1V·· l-~ .s :·.' ~~i=l.h :;;;~t !~-=~ . ~~.i ~·-·ally~""':~-\~ ........... :d;IJ!u~ eel ............ ., .. .. .. ,_, • ..,.,._ ~*~• •11~-1"-·R· ~ . ... ,.,~,. :rr-.. ,,._ ~..,,.,, ..,..,hi,"' • ' l "' 'ilia. ~..:.Mid_·.·}, J. ··--.:....-:'_!\'t"'i•_· . :~.-. eml!\f' , . on,.-= §"--t".tt· . SoUthtrn• Clllfornla ~te • ot\..._.,'!: 1 -... it b,.i _,. S . iUI ~~~~._.him H•-•eaalno on u ~,'11 ty :Falr : . ' "l, , , be:.r:.i~Jt!:t1'-~lli· I •¥<U(llon ~r.;i:ii laeWoil""F'lan. 1iY . .Ulai~Of~ w~saiawl'Uiel&w.~~-. 1l:f.~aad s: -~··'" . ·' ·en· . " . h. "HI~ ,mj .. .ilM .. J hbn ........ • i , Hoag Lauritjhes · · $13 Milllo~ Urive • For Tower Funds """~iii Iii~.-:-or~ ""' ;.li, " · • ' •Hlf ~· ' '; .. "'ll>" ·:· '. • .. ~~J·.lii ,l:alil. ·.~ •<ii\~ .... ~ tiiat "'2..~i~....... . '' .. , . -. iOille: .·~· ;i •• ,; M. 'bD' 1· --: : .... lR' ,'e't;:.~,, sja' l: ::ii'11nl'11l~.'"· s1al.~·· lrt~-1wi.:ii-· I ...... ~' . -~~.~~ .. o ~ , tspersa , . ' ' ~w~ · .. =-:u: o1:. ~-= .. ···tarsei look· : &::r.t1Ck~....:~.:!' N_ ~. , 'ln .1lii~il]i'!i'.,i!IO :11~"-· , , . ·-', ., ·,' · , .. ·' ed1tthetange.,J1wuwnC$.U!!dwlth d'uet.o·returnat•:JO ·a~m:Tuadif.;.'11.·"Arff ,:fjt}~1",2l,QDOn.~t1 .·" 1• h~ of h!ilet pt.,.i ·of wJµdt were ™clew wu,ldenitlJed u #"'4 lr"1f~1~t Ip.'"":'·~' ... C:k' a· 'red'... .• . ··b' y···F· a·_'z"t' . B' ... ·.o'·, a"." t' ..1, •·. In Jhe center of the target·and 8-• Hill -of . SO., flntllldCJ1 Vllley.' c.ptljll 1ui...;,, .... ; . _, •... 1 . I •. (;I; said be' ~added Slrllan wu .. , pretty Ray Hamer 'Of '-Ullr BeeCh ~ Nayar Pinkley' aaid , ~laUvta good. shot.'" ' . 1ttwardeoa 'Pat Nonn ... ' TllO ... ft!>ci:t w!t6 _ljioki on the lllue ~ ..._ , _, . , . · , , • flatliium blood• Claudia Williams !ram Hill <l'1!0 ;1• mJnatU.aftli-tdoclll -~ i orpitl!ooir •'1' ·Coola M• · 1 ' · , tes11fled Jhat ahe also olood !Jt>I to from Hawthorile, when ·be r.-'blo . T~'.illc./ 'which pnfen. thi. lied More. than 150 conunuruty-eaders and 'f)arg3J.lobbin( me~ bl the _cii.ia lh4t arelt cati!ifO::~ . Slrltan at the • raDI• for nearly ·4n , 119"' flllltti]>lu lil Tondpob 'MID:mllla!1oilth:' · ' ~-hi!'.lh"i Stale llotd•w·ir,...6y. Hoag Memorial Hospital sUP.POJ'lers met -~fesa . Police Dep&{tment's dot squad Re.~ rD . , ~· cooctrntd and that he assilted her in practicm• ··. ', .. ' ' . ~Jfp!,·Mlte 'klop& oUt·wfillt ·.aroand this aftemoon _to ina1,1gurate (Be"hosp~.JI • will,&OQD·Jtut a aimul111tedm(>b•di1persal about. u~i-. 1~ of.. na.ture with her revo.lver,,, . . ~ '· 1 • • J thj1 ~,ltfeet~to· tbe''l!:Ut '1ttb ·~. 113-mlilion, three-year "l\'(fb .-Y'l""~ , al, the Orange £oupty Fu~ for on the.~ftlinl .I~ property Bill Berey, 4t, • al<~ppmg r~r lot n!_;. ~· · ai!d.~tJ:;i~ of~ program desUned ·to provide funds for a.tra.iajng film. . , : • . . wu re~ tb1.-~of Utt S1rM1 FBI, qeot wbo wu .~e l,1ain staa!oP'"• VUM;Fe y ,bf: ~ · · ..---· ·l'iD9tm' fiut;,IM the 11..story Hoag Tower addiliOJI to 'I'.he 1 ~erci.&e to ·be beld ,on an ~ict:AgrieultQral · ,aiion. . ~~.~· ftat:id•Y .· \1, k. ,_..,~,,; •. -~ ~~~.wra11 :t:tilil;t i!te hoopllal. ~=i~S:.~1~~.;b;~fi.:'.: be9~;.:;~·:!~~":i·:.:?. ~~nedy~i!1ff: ~= Holds up· :Mesa ·":·: ·~*·~~,;...:~~ Albert J. Auer, campaign cha,irman~ County .Fall-Board i00ly al&er. ll;llUl'lnctl rronts slogan-sbouU.na rioterrfor a Yideo-and took a abort cut throu&b the pantry by · thlal ~,, !U·-~Jr. ., ~~ .... "~~. addressed the group at a noon lunche.{>rt ' . I ' tape . filtn\. to ' be" uied in ·classrOom where he was shot. . H ..,.._ btoWif·'.nd' wr routel,'"'-llii:...llP'!I: a\ the bospitsl , s1resaing Jbe need for • . Jralnlng :aituaUoaa. . . S~lll •!O"'ly, his voice• sometimes OIDe. "'°· ,ang~s , nld, .'4dlni that a city bearlnr·,.p the funds and oullining the breakdown N" ix' . o' n _ Re' m' Qves' . Tr>ltllng . Sgt.. ·-Allen · 11'""" falter1111; Barry told the JurY Kennedy to . be beld IOOll. : . of.financing for the proposed tower which --Falrgr.ounds Secref,aey,:1JlaQQer Alfred_ .Jeaptd from • stage in the Ambassaior Action Of a hotly oppoS~· remJeu1nC · "Cm tcheck!n& to detennlnA we ·ara Lutjeans that the planned exercise wlll (See SIRHAN, Pqe f) job at a Costa Mesa home has been reqUlftd! Wl liav.e . I .p1.1bUc :Het.rlnt"lo will be built to ;;cope with exploding J b Co lf d have no elfeci on stabled horses or curtailed 30 days followtrw ,, dlscoveey the matter and boW: ioOn It lhould be population growth and para!leling CX· 0 rps, ea wild animals. ' ., , of mljor dilcr.epancle(, Jn .~Jciit \abe ,on held;"lhlJnayotiaid•tciday. . ' ', plodlng medical knowledge." Luljeans -cltoiO-\o put the quesllon ~'-hmitz, Badham bllildlnr plaM veroua clly 'reci>Cj!f. , -.• The lied •Route ,!J 'the ' .. ly .one ·wJtld! He told the leaders that $3 million S F OEO before Flit Board menibers; since many U(;_~ Mesa Verde area neiglibors cam.. w0Uld 1ltlvt'Newport.Boulevai'd . and tbe will be sought from conlribuUons, $9 tart rom (~c·~ .. l!',i~ .. ooi. •thw.•m;:i.~: H . paignlng agalns1 eipanaion of tbe Mary. t:.:t.i .. ~::,:-:;.;:,~~.:... ...... I Di thr h I d II 'lli _,,,, -llv.. -r ~· .. ~ Urge earwgs Lou McC41rty home at~ Pem~l>rive mi on oug oans an mr on WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· and enjoy .the nattve.pbtiitl, and ground . , · · , made the announwnent Monday before than the ltH pick · · Irr. exl.sUng hospital budgets. ()0, backtracking on some dection am. squirrels: . c i j \ ., i I the city council. ·User ~~I! __ tn ~P.Ut~ costs .r oag. Board or D~ectors President palgn views, told Congress Wedneaday The teargas to be"~71n ihe field O"n Oil' .Measures ·The 1tearln1 wu m1Jkid ~ ""1daed •1'~!.-~ ~~ii;_"~ be OJ A. Vincent Jorgen~n _d~led t~e he wants •-keep the Job r ......... -11ve exercise la "te weak ~to age S..+ ,.......... ..-..i la F b I -o....i..... .._. uan-1;. " -"' ·-' •-'-'ta!' I pans1onsmce1ts...,"Ul-"' """'!""'"' . qw · ' ••· , _....., comr-o-. w-a • •' ~i · ........,.. ~ .......... •·.:M....at.l_ 198 .. tmn n~111v1. spas .ex ""6 ,for at least another year, but remove Allensatd,andevenfrmfumesqulckly '' since one o«·eJ.a!.ll McC4rtY.1 ~ "•r-• ~..:...:...~t'r.--,. .._ -lhtMlld Oll\i In 1952 with 75 beds. • 1 ~· . if from the antipoverty agency. dissipate in the open flub air. ,sACRAMENTO·-Two Oraqe County WU trued Ftb. I , by a .fall~_ water .· -ataDd . on ",....,. "'.-tteeWW) ' r. $llCI then, he ..td, ihe "'J'I' i.s '" NIJoo, who colled for abo!Uhing the Tbe teargas will nol be aboorbed or· le-'•laton tod•i ..........,_ measures tlfat hea, ter djlplaced In •' llOfllon , of tJiO n .~·.'·orC.O:_!esaor • .~~ .. ~~ gntwn to accommodate 175 more -. Sob Corps during his camp a 11 n otherwise Umanate and ground ... ' r Yr-:"" , td ~ ..... ......,..., ""'.... •uWWf tensive care unit, a.new. pedil,.tr;M:~' '-.. -t .. ..-.:i ·,t and the Head SJart p--con fl'UI wpuld compel' ~ Sta~ ~ Com· JK70ject •• ' .I ' ' • • • trie& cit• . . , . . !·-'-' off .net "-~-.,.. ·-cover \he animals mlgbt later conaume · bli ~ ....... be p•.;,~ llEF-•N-' , • ,. e.nt, en .... gel.I ic_e apace -'gram ftim the Oftice of Economic either, ht auured the Fair Board. m.lsajon to conduct pu c ....,_ .. ,... w n ,._.na ~ "~ """"~" ,+, "-~-----,----,-, ·UM! recently installed cardiac Cart umt -~y to the Department of 'Ibe so-caDed rlot squad led by Police conaktering •111 matter" that would affect Only 1 puslZM: reference wu · miat: ' wllh elodronlc monitors. ~ Health. EducaUon and Wellare. " • lJ .t '-M . . I needed "' state oil wteluatiell. . to Sbawna MtCartr;I, u Mime·!-I or~e Ce..C 8ospltal Administ"¥>" ~l.lllam R. LGraS of the Job Corps and Head start -~ ,_«q1 ~lll~Y eice lltutenaDl &V•mior R.W. ·,Katerndatd, Hd:!son Jr. lokl the group that the will remove from OEO about half of. urPiSr ~ dreamltancel_. but is traln-State Senator Jobn G. Schmitz (R-31·71 Sicily Ave., spoke In . behatf ill hoipital faces "perilously overcrowlled ifs ·$2 blllioo annual budget fOr an-eff ind re.idy u one more upect of Tustln) and, ~lyman ~bert E. the family. co0.ditions and a ShOrtage ot operati}ig tipoverty efforts. modun law enforcement Badham (Jt..Newport Beach) said they "They no Jona:er have elgtit dllldreft roOm faclliUis." : , While \here bad been speculation early would carry the bll1i through the Senate but seven;" the IOftapq-en. '15-yar-old .., .a. • ije atso df9CUBSod lhe cciftlrovUaial In the adminlalr•U•n that Nixon might K>tenidahl aaid In tellilll' cOund1-"---~ ' " toJic or soaring hospital ,,.,;. and .,, even abOllah the OEO he said eaper-Israelis Huddle and Assembly. the couple'• need for more room hu ~ '!'be· ... ··-~-~··~· tributed them to higher . salaries being ience' bu proven "the Value of having In The joint measures arise fr o m changed. ,_~ .. fo T"~..:.J. .. .,....,, IJllid to more highly skilled penonnel the•tecleral g0v!rDJl1ellt,an agency whose • ·J,. • · ·A· k disclosures that the Landa Collll\>iasion "It la dllilcult for "le to talk """t ·, ~~;;.J~ '-' wqrking in modern bosp•tal~ . special conoem'la :::J:°:;" Ov~r -~ et . "ttac last Jan. I had approvod geological It, becauae I love cbllcfren .11\d.llJe,,.. . All of the hospital's pre vb~ expanSl~yn . ~ut .be p1cbnd~ 1 greatest value , 1 , ,_ c, • ~ , surv-drilllnj: by the Shell Oil Co. a beautlful little redheld',11• ht ~lllled. f :;t:!;:C:,~ 1 ~ ~ 45 :· 'ts have been ~',~~~ni as de~ ne•·~eu and serving . 1 . ,.. ,.,._ Wiiie~..,._ and .other, !Inns .:ion• the California The variance todght by Mft~ rlcClrtr r .-... • ,. , 1 butors and fw-uwu Olllf as u "lao•-• 'lof. them "durlnl ~ Jvffll., )'eruqiaot'a, Becurlty ·~ and her hUJband would 'give perjt>laslon ' • ;_,.;,..-8 ,....... "'•y' atlon. • : . · their lli!'i!> uF I oatal plwes.'' • ~ foda.v,at ~ ..... of luaelt coulllne wlt!Jout • mor noWicatloo .'lo to-. add <two beclrOamo, • tw• lllllii, .a ' , / ~lff;I'~ . ..,,. . : ' .... • Bi'~ the Jolttprpo to the Lflloc' 1'nolilld .;.P.. 1'oltiol ln .JeQ.alem t<I couta1 'apncla. • , · • • ' llvtnr room and • do<lbie' PRPi1 ·• · , , 'rheeler 1 • ..,. .119~1lnd' · , D<PortnW and relieving dtOi '°' dliCuoa·;tliddlyca Af!b 'kn'wa attack The ptm\ita tne!M> clrllllnJ. ~ecb tolaL ~ NY -·r tal!t~ \ •P 1111,..;.. u.; =:"· Wo'IOil<ll<· 'Sil r Li'n;nn' .......-wty for operat1'r •tle0il-111art, ...... !!I Al Pliiie .#1'~ A cabinet or'r ~-..... l~T' . ., . 0 D .... , • • plON. : " ,, '~·." -~---Ii.;::_.-.. -'.£.. .. , .'.'..! __ --•• • -. . ve ~ es llte -Prt!ident uld thatv_..c<iilld memlietblhtecfltaWlftretrlbiUon. " .-~ ""' '1 ''Thia Is to be a lionlci,net. lioiiaej' ~~ ,.,..,.,,, -,,.,--~- ' • · concentttaletts....,gi.11DO!nnoftll!>D< lnlonited~'lo-4~an .. ld Ocea ' indotbOrconultun!tloa~ nJd Katerndabl, mlldly n~'Olr' ll "'i ,(JI (h{~~.l:."fs'!• '111.~·. t-.~.Jes for Cnn•t fJfwbllwasdescrlbedl!Jl\'1ti!,iioocic . tllO -dtlillt ll<IU· •1•ln11 rw.... ............. -by. thl oU pocthim from wl)lclt 1111•' ·'W°' tolallif1ll.: .., l'"UU ~u.o sources as an importanl 1•~tf11C!.ve, ·DamalCm: ;~Airport whole 'aiactulry created bj the SbeU.CUO. jlf ad'wid. halitUi '* em~.J ' ' , g;'· '. ..,:; ;.. · S'.:11 ~-·,. ":i , N'11on told Congrea In • apoC!ll li\eoA(e ligh)I -"1ll1la ~of. the:;lsraelt.be!cl Act. · 1 " ' ·) " ' I !"'!" · "" · '':,·~1 : I,"""--"sllvtr Jlnl-" ~ 'tftalhennRn that he pledges to support l•a naUcnal Golan Ji:•''""ta. n. Arab mnunlndOll n1ft&bam ANGRY lllOl1T ' .. •. .i, • • e: -: • -'·i ·-, . ..-:;:,ed behind ~a,y·s .cloud! ai> commitment lo providing aU American who ma-..... Iha plane in ZUrlch ·~ MIChborr """· • " · 1to , ' -. • •-~ -. \ • ~ 1 Utile larnished tqJay. children an opportunity for healUtful and uld llteJ took off fl'Om DamUCUI T ' Kill 6 Ri bepn, but wlli ~ bJ IO ,_,. -· , • •1. -f.5· ' 'In fact. In sdme areas or ~Orange sLimulaling development d°'i\11 tht,llnt\ Airport. ,a,t;oops • Q~8 ahoul:Iroon ~~~: :.. =-=· lj!'. :"" • · d;:.t, it WU leikinJ. ... five yeai'I·~ life:' t \ TM United s--. Britaia and Uni~ 1 1..-I ' • (-·~ ~I olljocl tbll,~ '~ ""'·,.. ~I ~ '.' !!'!!~'. ·=··' '. , Toda,y the Weather Bureau revised ' • ' NaUooo -..i ar u Thant.3 ' lt,'.MCK!, p~ .(Af) -L hlo M~V ...... ~ •• ' .• ,. ;. -"i;~ ,, ..... I~ foreclll•nd conceded that tl\ecoaslal , Stffl;i , M•~lce.~. 1 , pealed to ,i,.~ , , ,(o .1'lali•tr. ~Into ali~~~ID The -·-=''''"'J!'~ , : :, .=:,.., 'ii -,.; . ~~ 1fea wou'\d e1perl~ ''ltoJati!d tsraelf Tr . )Ar\ift.F..M ~ • .kl ill ,-woun-to, canful : pl,1~ .. ~ ~ , ..._,,...., _ • ... !!l'll!t ,,..,. ~ers" 1t<:ore a new cold front pushes NEW YOJ\t{ (AP) -Tlie ltlio.ik'lnarlcel Carmel wll!lld Gt · ~ coal 11.~~1 gv~ ~;-1 1(1-netpllor, ,RalpbJ , \W:.~, ':<,"I:, ... ~ ,~ ~· , .. : tlje precipiJation out or !he. plcturt closed today with Its third lou GI the HqueftCel to Arab 111!IOM aid the Arq :1'r~1~ !'\!Ii·..., , Dr1Y1,.1 qlh ~ W Iii, 11111111)_. f , • • • .... , • '., , *1Jht. ~eek. (See. quolaUons, Pa1ea a.~). airllnea. _ .. _ ... -J cli\e( .r .. I r; (-1 ~ r-. I 1 11' f 1 u. ....... _____ ..,;..;......,,_, . -. ,. . '· \ • .., f. , . ./ ~. . • ~ "'• .¥ ..... -~ ' ..... P-.,. J HOt1sk '". ·' lntbeOCC--- Nol .0, Aid tM lolb Ill Sinta Ana. ,_.,Juplfi' eill.p lll"fl'llr1 ,_ ~ ..... ,"' ......... ~ ........ ..... .i-,.. ... ad -",.. 'eNll't; In tbe ooc dlltrlcl. I ftll ~ lo find wllm "'1 alleCl*o- t:il' -sd loll, 11 ...U u W!leto I ~ be puWnc IDJ' 'tu doQin and when! 1111 kids ulUmalclf could; II Ibey 'dloooe, .... juqlor coll .... ' Obllitnl Doll J1cobs It 0CC tntmd lhe ruureh pn>jl<I ind promloed lo help lbe neJcbl>orbood find Ill jllDIGr coU. ldooll\7· · Repolt I fl'om' JICObs: "AbOl!I lC ,,..._,In the IW1>or View e ..... trlcl are aUected. The houses on your strttt. Port Abbey, ll't Lots " tbrou&b 13." "Ninety.UUU!" I scuamed. ''Thllt'1 UM!-" • . "Well," lllid Dan, "Ibo llDe - to cul ...,...Uy lbnl!lli -lot.. ' . "~ doea thal Jia•o""'l" 1 ·Qbd. · "Who 1eta my tues! Wbtrt will my ildl go to ocbooll Wbtl .... ,... '°"" to do 1boot It l" DIP wiiou: nAcr ·: Don explllned thai OOC lilCj 11anled lo put all ol lbe trlcl Into IU dlltrk1, but lblt Saddleblek bid objected. The .only Way to &et ua 111 Jn . the aarne junior college l!Dt wu to pr:UUon later. "Meanwhile," I said, "let's fll)d out whett the Keevlls belq." R.port 2 from obliging Don J1cobs: "Tom rtbtn kinct ot glule), th11 ls a rather unusual aituaiUon. Jn matt.era ol lbll kind, ICOOrdlq lo tbe COW>ty -olflce, tbe deletmlnlol loetor It wbltt you aleep." "Where 1 aleep?" "Yep, wblt.ver cllatrict tbe --falls In, lblt's when! you PIY W.S." Doll 4lil>oroted. 11'1 when! lbe -.,. jbe ........ Ills . -tW detmnlnel 1 sp!W~dary. No mailer ii he Ind hi• wile .1 .. p In Hpanite bedfooma. ·the m.., In lhll cut, C&rrit.I lbe 1ltlgbL ''Don," [" uid, "Our bedroom JS I -·Jni1hty bl1 one. ll may be in both. dlltricll rlPt n0w. Whit II wl moved. · ... " . \ IlllThMINtD IBll,JE DAILY PllPf ""' ...... f Estancia High School student Michael P. Collison, 15, ol 874 Senate St., Colla Maa. llu awkwardly on pavemenl with broken !iiht l•C a1 opllnl Is ~qill Runnlni from between cars in' 2300 block of Pia-~ .A.VOl!!I~ 'heoday ·after clan, he was hil by auto dtiv~n l!y Linda A. Rice, 2&, of 2971 Country Club Drive, "Costa lliesL Mlil Rice wu not cited. He Is hoapitalized today in fair condiUon. ~Extre•••e Hatred~ · P~bio Officer OvercQme at Inquiry · "II .. ·1-dD." Dao lllld. ''Tlllre ... ----lbel*'bu-pullld ,,,., to tbe o1b1r aldt .ol the COllONADO (AP) -Shaking wilh -Ber-said. "/Jiu 1be Jn!Ual phul bednJom Ind H't cltlermlned lbe ~." Ind -pin( for bmlb, Ibo youngest did yeu &el-In your l'ttlUHCtl" ._,. •-"Yes alr ••• " .Rarrta bturttd, breUl8C '· TllOa cme 1 con~ report. olllctr on lbe USS Pueblo said todaj' , lnlo oobo, (upin(, Ind burylq hll foce Tllole folb In 811111 Anl ....,. -he wanted to till h!mlOU In a North in hlJ binds .pm. lo~ .......... , olllee Aid !'ft : pl XOft411 pr\loii. coulde't do It, Ind finally "I withdraw lbt qut1Uon," ll<rper dull d-p. I be1q le ·botll ••er I four-IDC!llh period tilled I pltnt •aid. ~-)!;y kids, u they're of jun!,or Ills caplcrt bid (ivtn him lllllead. "Let's wait a moment b<re, • said ........_ --'• lo ti"-,..,_ FrtcJile.laced LL (J.1.J .Ttmolby lllr· Bowen. ~~-~ (0 ~ """ ris, is; bod le JU .. a court cf Inquiry Al\Qrney E. Miles Horvty, -tine Into lbe conduct cf lbe Pueblo Cl'tW lbt skipper of lbe Pueblo, -Ind Moment d. temr: Do 1 pay daaJ d•-'•• tta ll·month i m pr J 1 o n men t placed a hand on Harris' lbouldtr. The tun as well! ...... ,. '' !lo, lbt.,tu bill IJ lplit bt-lbe btcaljla ol'bla uncontrolled crying. yoong lleut<nant robed 11111 heid Ind t"" ~~~ •• --·· ~ -. '1 )!l;t ~ to 1poloflle' to lbe ccurt !~toe ~l!. . .':fk!,..,C_.• tlide the cwrtroom ~~ w -,_ fa/ bi'eUli>l ·do!!P· lhlt'I· all " Hurll "' --,. ·~• -Mr. x-D. ""'la'illl -1111-tQld the ' !!ft. ailDilrala"on 'i!.e bench They returned Iller alJOot a' minute. {Ii ·.ibtlal In · .lwo. Jdtotl<al 'dlltrlelt aftet be·-.· Harrla 1111 down 1t lbt table llld said: ~~ · •· "No· opoloa It nqulred," said Vice "I went to I" blek to lbi ~on ::-<""'l:.i..J.. :Adm. !Wold G. Bowen Jr., pmldent • • . whit I wont..i to do wn tab ~.tr*~C:,~~~hlJ! ottbecourt. • · Wllle.Peouldn't'ifett." '-kl l!'ound II!~~ Into the kidl' bed-llarrll broke d .... Wld./'qii .. uonlng H't liro£e .!Oto more'lobblnc di! drum- > occ , from tnolber member cf lbt court, JIMr . med 1 l't!>C!l OI! Ille tabletop. : :o; ·room Ind di' IJi'.lbe dlatr1ct. Or Adm. Allon Ber-, .who ukld: "Alter "l w-"._. •• tlltl cc:!.:...A. •'-~ I already cl<ittlned le splH my Joy· ~ "" ..,,..... ...._,,. _, 'al!1, 1111 hoollt ·ilJd my tu dolltn? the lnlllal pbuo of ·the °"'IM!l" wllat • w6dld bomJ1 ua." · • · · wu your mental atUllldei" " .· He pi~ the pend! wilb bolll buda ~UAL am:liNlijaP .. _ -for Ille XortW." like I ~I ba~ !'UC!* 'lilto bit :: U I do b.,• t1J1t dual j1111l'"' college llarrll replied, Ills ,.,.. btgtnnln& to back pocket, pulled Otll 1 blndktr<httf :citlRnlhip, I'm "8lkinl dOvrn the street abate. . and wiped bis eyes, :for a chit wttll ittJ ne1gbbor, Mt. Jobn "At that t1me the only thins lhaL "Wu there a plant In tbt room?' iO'lllra Snillb.. lOlll IOin& 1" Ilk him 1 wished •.. " Harvey uted. ~.you lip ap tor the IChool lleu1I · He buried bis head in hiJ binds, looked "I killod 11,:• Hmla replied. -loo. . · , down at the wltneaa ltble, dnl!nmecl "I urinated on It. I bid on extnme :. ·'lllen rm colnl .... to Santi ... Ind . bs flngtrl. wipoil !di ., .. Ind hla """" hatred IOI' everylbliig !here end when :flk for Cllld~".P'pen. ' fi>Wed hla banda iod grilled hla teeth. they ;.,. .me thls',~ plont It took , Which dia:tr~!1thty'll 1111:. · ?•, "Well ••• " be ltlUttered. · me four montbi 1a t ftnaDJ killed · Slddltblek ~D. Orlllp Cod\. I'll . "Could I ~ my queattonl" ll" . · A:! I'm &oinll to rin for both of !Mm. · ' 'lbot'll t..Cb ;tm· to split up a llappy !'-"°Id. • •• Mesa ·Gun Buff Arrested ~emple ~ts Special ; A spedol ubbllb aervict to booor . of ' llrctbtrbood Week wUI bt htl<I at 1:11 p.rn. Friday at Temple Sharon, 117 We Hamilton Sl, Costa M .... F-.cl speabr will bt Rabbi Gtnon Goodman. .)fl: 1 • ;"11 r Ill ' ' ' OIANIK cO.t.sf PUlll'"ftrto • COMP.ANT ••tMri N. Wtt4 ,.,~, .... "1.IWI.,,... . J•&" 1. c~r1•v YIC!t ~ IM'll l\t~ ,,,_,. Thell'I•• l••vi1 . .- Th•Mtt A. ... ,,,h;R. ......... 1,. ••• 1 "~"' Al'Hflhllll Olrtt*' ·---,10 w., ••• ., '"''' M.nr., "4•,.••f.P!o. ••• ''"• tt•1• ' . ...... ,, K OT, wl• _. It. ........ .... -~--................ , .... -........... l ...... ~ .............. c.M ........... ........ .... .. ,....... 'Wlllrf', ..... ...._ • , ,._,... ....... OI' ..... ,(tttl Plftll!Mot • c,_... ........ ..W. "' tot 1)1 I WtM ·1 ..... .....,....._...,.,.,,.w .... ..., Mw-. c..iji• MtM. T ":!'.'; m4• M1 ... 1n ' I a .Wua1t' S Ml ... 711 ' fi ... Or-.. """'· -.. .... 1 ............. ..,....-..;. I ....... , ........ "' ...... .. ·===r ..... llMt.111 ..... .... ,,,. ....... '-...................................... t ... w ....... c.1 .. ,.... , , IT:ie. • am. .,,. '-...W.1 .., .... .. , ""'""' .... ,.,....._ II.PS MMlll\'. _ In 'Shoot-em-up' Incident A Cosll Mou IUD buff who keepe his elW\llve arstnal locked up In a HunUqton Beach blnt vault wu ar- rtelecl todly -by lttldent -In con- -wilb I --.up lncJdenl :ierry-.. .. ol $17 --~ 11U booted by COili M,.. police 00 l!US)llclon of drivlnl under the WJuence Ill drop Ind camlnl I conctaled ~-Iller Huntin(tM llolch wetpon. ~ detectl,.. ~ flremna Incident Jail Fridly1 thfly ded 1\ WU ac- c!dfnla) and no charae& will be flied. lnvtitliators •aid the dllabled gun hobbyl1t ~' ealmlnlng one of hla pet weapons 1t ..,. Unltod CalUomla Bent, . COUNCIL. •• ~ limOlpbsn, ala .... IG!il>liJ Ind tbal •aluo. ..,...,-~ llalpb Jtnlt. of ... Mlod-Dri ve, t11>fond the - Uoo of Joi llbt, plot piano end other llClon tllown to be In conflict, hued .. ~--. ..,,,.,...., qulio 1 varillr.a In whit ' one -bll U ld end what we aee on the plans. Jl beboo•t• ua to chect Ind find out who II riJbl," c:onunt11!0d M.,..-Ahia L. Pinkley,, ~ McCarty, wi>Oll ,ltlber 11 a rttlHd -~-tent. told lat oouncll tbe pilnl l>ellll 'Ill• u-..... d,..,.,, up .., tbl c:onll'IClor. o..e111 ... -_.......,to doll1 Iba -omtU Mttd> 1,, but' 1 'McCht7 famllr -""" IJ)Oti said lblt uodtt Ctll!Gnlla llW, 1btJ may lltllJ build ' 309 Main 61., i..t Friday, •btn H fired accidentally. The oJui ricochetod ll'Olllld, wt bll .. _ Rowe'• ICcldenlll most ..... today -1l!llcer lllcl: ,_ IPOllod him mm., ...., ra1r Drtvt a1 va..r Ptace, wilb two rlPt Uno flll <l1ecklng tbe -bit out. l"ndorlbln found he WU lllmlnllf Doi In tny condition to -11111 . -Cll'TYlnl • .33 callb<r mol•tr In bit jacl:et pocl<el The ltTestot told Frtdtrlkatn he bid acddent.ally driven over the curb nl blown out hll two tires and WU Jult headed for 1 service ataUoo when ht was stopped. ~ --.. tbe lot. DiY!d Rold ol -· • ,,,_ Lona -8u!ldin( Ind Stl8l1 Depart. meal employt. said 1beJ eaa ..,,.n, build IOl1Mlblnr far -.. Illa wllat they Jin>pooe. Howevtr, Mesa V .. HomlMrDltl AlllOClaUon Dlttdot Dao lmallwood coonl•red him by sa1lnl !Mt -restrictions cl1 the trlcl Iota -.aid tbll poM!bility and the quellioe .Ull n!miln> open. The princlpol objection Ill lbt .,.., ls Iba! the McCortJ boaM 11 plonn<d for -""°" -tmltuall1 """"" a duplu ""'~i.l The 1o111 r~ 1111 ooaplt, ,.,., children ml two ltll ol bHawt, bill n<Jiltll«s sat tht McClrVt ml,i.t loter .. IL I ·'Leave Gina Hai Knee Job . · ROME (Al'I -Gino Lollobrlclda undtnrent I 7kDlnufa -.U!>li 00 btr ltlt _., todty. !t wu ·frlclured In tn ........,. -&mdaJ, Ind btr doclon said Ibo --WU auc- cOlllul. Mes;t Salesgirl Routs Pa~king Lot Burglar A Cosll Mtll department store salesgirl rtported a suaplcloua 111111 In the pil'kin( lot ol lbt Soulb Coast 1'1111 shopping center Tue3day nlghl Clerk Sheila L. Wallen, 20, said the CSart-beired mah wu 1a1piel.ou1 l y mublng out a car window with a c:ivwbar Ind fled oe fool wbtn. he 11w be wu btin( watcbed. Back ~ay Alone'· It I• nttded u a recruUonal area 11le group also clte1 pending cm- In the future becaUlt (If population eressional legi!1laUon intended to J)reservt the few remaining tidal ~:t tM -..a land ti..,.. .... _ e$blarits and marsh lands of the nation, •-,..,...... ---... and thtt Newport Upper Bay lhould llbtrtby tbe land llrm l'tcllvtt valulblt be protected under Iha! leglslaUon, witetfr'Mt JICopel ty in m::hange for Big "since California has Jost four limes canyon and a rnan-ma<M arm into the more of its tidal estuary habitat than bey "will deprive California clUzent ol any other state in the union." The group also warns that. since the fret, public aeceu to the bay along bay; developed or oot, rtctivet drainage the 'prt.anf three-mile eut thore road." from nearby land, heavy urban devekip. -That the bay Is used for educational ment woold cause pollution and make and ruearcll purpo1e1 by educaUonal bay waters "unfit for swimnUng and lnatltutlooa. water aports, for which, ostensibly, the • -• bay ,, lo be dredged ... -That tt II an autltaftdlnl enmple Instead of bulkhead development in of the Nit manb and marine life «0logy the bay, the group i.s lD'ging development and II "• cl tbt ftw ttma1nina major of the area as a re1ionaI park wiltt f'lltina and feedln1 U'al for birds frtt public access. Existing public lrHtlln~ Ibo I,~ PICllic •horelint should remain .publicly owned, Flyway.'' members maintain. Dndgtns, lbe ~ malntallll. will "We 1rt opposed to the exploillUon destroy the naturlJ env.tromnent ol the of an irreplaceable public re.source for bay end will ldd le lbe thrut ol ea-the btneltt ol lbt few," the alllOClaUon tlnctlon ol wlldllft In lbt title. told lbt stile agency. Pi menting ... MMlOBW> nwm•s TM. A'!"'aa4""""" :".:t....~,.-.. ...... ___ _ _..,...__,.,.. ... 4lltlt Iii,..."'• ...... . ... 11•"9tQ ........ ._ - .............. Ill .... _"'"'~ ,......d .. Wiil ................ ~ ""'1· ~,. ........ .,. ...... a.... .. ~n..e ........... lltll -.~~ ,.u.w.,w llWflt.11.11-.Mt••'*-_, ........ -. J. C. ~!'Mu '}1UN1fer tt21 H~T Avt. COSTA MESA ti VIAU IN THE SAMI LOCATION ' PHONE 14t.J401 I J ' • Credibility G.P. l \~I . I Bridge Co;n~ Up . Short 't··HCUA Renn.med· ... and tblJ 'IDldl a 11bMrlll Pl'ITSBURGR (AP) -Tiii dllcoftry," llld lilcClald:, "Ii lllxy al lbe llrldp that -..... walhuwcl Ulat lbe k1dp . . .,.. llDlnc .... .. -• _r.~G'roN (UPI} , -~ AdlYllla 111 .. 31-J-~. RllnlJlbn1 ,......,.-' -';. ' • l!atvt. Fl'edric ar • r,e h ' • ftdiJ k holl • """"' • ·.--Tooe,i.aulle Ratnm:, -, = ... l' cdlb uy ....... n..,t '1'11eo1117. • • 13 '!WI ""~ -wltll - 11'1 a --tllat. Wll . iJllol .JllaN-< fw I.be '"""""' to ......, ~ ......,... ' j 7t ec:r0aa • •liley in lullut1iU Woilf 0. lbe project wu ColJler -p. '":.c'.!'. 'lloPl*I .., ..... _. bl•• But atlie ·lllPWIY GIDl!lals -to ...n . to · iidilip aoy the llrldp II ti feel out l'llllpa and ~· ............ ~ltol -~·S-W-Sounds Ila =;a t111 111i1rte, 111 " °'!i -for • Ille ntpt TV • wHP• • -" .ua mo.te; , I . GI line wltb CCll!llOCtlni milpa A bJcbw1y ~ .. id and....,,,.,., hlltlq .u..... t ... prl91le ....,..... - attucllon. up, plua for lbe b!ldp ~ .. •• ·~ old •--. Jlllll. . • ··-•-llW's _.. ·•'!11!t ~ lodoy wilfllrinc ...,. al 1ht wltncues who to 1 clooe • Imic period al inClude 'cletamen. writers, <.«ttrJ»eny," A14 the com- Ka Xfux JUaUntn ud 1ippies mittee's cbainnan, . Rep . wlio ......... in fn>lll ·al ,,,. R1diard H. lcbon!, CD-Ko.) ....-T ""' aftu the-H-TuelU)' v~ H(lllle c.mn.ltttee ~n-Un-~-lo 7t to live It • new name and a ievlsid ltltemlM U.S.-Cbina Talks Still 'Possibility' of purpoae to quell cpot- stitutionol chill..,... ' ft Is, complained Rep. Pbilllp llurtoo, (l)CllW.), llD. .. ~the DofpOlcb -Works, . "The Ozart Perfume Factory." Bu~ -Aid Rep_ Albert • W. W11icit, (M.C.),. delendlnl the ........-al which he ii • member. • •• VIENNA (UP!) -Peking's rose by lllly'Oitiiir modit will cancellation ol the ICbeduled smell jmt IS ....e.i," S l no • A m e rican Warsaw 'Organized in lbs u a ''special committee ·to in-meeting has pu& oU, but not vtsigate un-American ac- eliminated, Commun I 11 \ tivities and propaganda," it Chinese plans for co-existence · f n I talks wilh President Nizon's was given u status 0 1 .standing House committee in administration. 1M5. Three years later Rep. Eut European diplomats, in Richard M. Ni.ion, a second close touch with the situation, t I '--. . . erm coogressman r om m1ve said China rants to re· California used his committee esta~lisb contact wit~ th.e . membership to press the in· outside world tJ:om which it vestlgation of Alger His.si cut Jtself oU dunna: the years The abDost comp l'e t e ol it! ~tural revolution. overhaul of the committee - They aa.id the c.iunese Com-Ichord is a new chairman and munists also ·~ anxious five or its nine members are lG have a u7 in any Vietnam. new this year -recalled .. tt1emm1. blghllgbb of lb Red-mmtlng 1be Warsaw mteting, aet history. f~ Thursday, W85 to have Chainnan Martin Dies of been the first "feeler" in this Tei:85, the committee'• first direction. chainnan called C a I n e y ltl cancellation by Peking Bogart, March, Tone, Mis~ Tuesday. bad been f~red when Rainer and Lederer before the acting Chirieae charge him in July, 1940, while d'aHaitts in The H a g u e searching for Communists in defected. and wa1 flown tG Hollywood. He gave them a the United States. clean bill. But high East European Screen writers who followed diplomall at the time seemed the acton , ... the committee confident. Red Chio& would ib> first boistenKu bearing not cancel the Waru.w con-when IO members of the clave. which the . Chinese Writers Guild shouted clown themselves bad sugge.sted Jut the committee In refusing to December •• .:.--~ answer q~oos and w~ Diplomats said Peking took dWnissed from the witness lUI . time · in . can c 81111 n g.. 1taod amid applause and boos. evidently pondtrin1 tbe aitua-Chairman Harold H. Velde tioll, in hopes of extracting In 1953 followed the lead of ~ cooceuions from. bia .inves~ms. wbO tjlaJm!d Washington before ~ ,,,.... . Camnwn..11 ~ inll!trat&i meeting date is set. the Protestant clergy. "'lt'a a nuty ai\UIUOa," uld rMchrly, and 'the bNeprhU a hllbwl1I d e p a r t m e n t didn't match. ~ apokrsman '.'lfl problbly the 0 Jt'I a matbemaUcal fl'l'Ot wont mess we've ever (Iced." that can b& ~"be aai4- 'lbe emir .,... detected by "It con happen to . ..,body. on engineer for the W.P. Enfll-a "" only huma\I. Dicftnon. Co., the 1µb-you know." coatroclot b 1 n d II n g con- t1truciloo. ' 11We ~ ~tint ln the brtdp pien when ooe al our enaineera noticed thal ·Ibey didn't Rem lb be In line wl1ll I "'"' net cot beq lllllcia ''It lbe aaatb ... al lbe ,... PENNSYLVANIA STATE HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT FAILS TO lRIDGE GAP llrW,. en lnterolale R-7' Waa le Co-Witt. Hithw•Y lut'MI-•Y 11 FMI . - led," llld Jam.-Kc:Caaick, n olllcW al lbe flnn. .~eyora were called In Snow Expensive NEW YORK (AP) -n.o 15 tncbeo al ..... that fell on New Yait City ~ paral)'Rd the IDltlopOllm oreo F~. t, bu <Oii llje dty $11.t mllllon oo for lo clean up, the city said "' Co~g Prisoner's Tale ' 'I Felt Like an Animal ·• .. Dame Holt Remarries Enjoy elltidnJ endrilada ••• WMli*'I .._ .•• fObwsl ~ •.• l11ty tanw;ln .,. aftd other authentl~ ~tti·:ot-~~'°fde' special1M!s, Jef¥ed .imid the colorful atmosphere cf okl Mec- ico. Delightful wine cod:hllls md beef, too.. heft ti ,_.. .. 11111 LANCASrER. Pa. (AP) - A !l·year~ld Pennsylvania GI recountetl today, the seVen morltbS he si)en\ ·u a Viet Cong prisoner. He told of sleeping in damp boles, over· run by, rats and api_den, and the -al not knowing what was to 'baDPtn. Pfc. Donald Gfen Smilll o£ Akron, Pa., was one of three American soldiers released. by the Vlei · Cong In early Jamrary. Smith said be often felt more like an animal than a man during his impriaonment. He was chained by day and alept in a bole at night. "I'm one of the lucky ones," said Smith. "I'm home. The others are lilll over there." Smith Aid he doesn't recall much cl tJie attack or bis capture at NuJ Ba Den about Den," he said. nrou1bout the interview. Smith WU Careful not lo feVeai othtr prisoners' Dames or much detail on how many there ....... "The days w e r e in- termJnable, the nights often llkt eternity," Aid Smith. He said prisoners kept up with the passage of time by listen- ing to newscuta their captors let them bear. Time passed slowly, !le Aid. "We were always hungry," be said. "And I never could get used to their rice. I ate it, lats ·of 11, but it didn't Ike Receives De Gaulle Note SS miles! 1111rthweat al Salcon W A!IHINGTON (UPI) -May 3, !Illa. He said after his capture Former Pmident Eisenhower he was marthed for aeveral telephoned President Ni:1on at da)'l! but l)e sU3]Jecled the Viet the Whita H"""' Tuesday to am.' ~ hiking hlm In ' li!firni blllilhat hi had receiv· c!lrcles. "ru bet' """'~ more ... ed • tatt<r frixn P'renCh Presi· than 20 miles from Nui Ba dent Charlet de Gaulle. M E I.BOURNE, Australia (AP) -The wedding c a r ' fill me. Sometimes we got wouldn 't start and a police meat, dog meal It's a delicacy for them, I can't say car wa1 pressed into service. 11 much. But Dame Zara Holt married "Seep? Sometimes it was genlleman f a r m er . and hard tG come by. It'• Jwd . member of Parliament Jeff to ·shut off your mind. In alil' ed especially when 10 0 , re Bate today Atl!tr 1 w • cramped in a pi~ bqle ding of the year . underground, thinp crawling Television carried t b e around near and on you and c e r e m G a y t h r o ughout you don't know when it's going Auslralia's wt.em aeeboard. to eod, if ever." At one point Prime Minister . 111afldoNdoof~ line, you·~ wre to·Nlet,aw None ~iat)O '~ ·.,..,--.. . • H•M;l,.'\ch or dt..ei:_ 9t~ AMftOt ..... the w.ltl ...... hautifu!Mnkaa~ He said there were rats, John Gorton JdenUfied various •·• "lolll al them," and spide" persons for the 'TV reporters. EUnlqOS fAMll.Y ll!lrAUWlll and scorJlons. 1•i hate Dame Zara, wboee age ls aJl1'Atim4.-m""..,.a/llMlil '· spiders." be.r secret, ls the widow of ~~,......_... • ...,..,...,.,_._CMlll · He said one of the few timesii~Pr:im~e~M~lnlster:~""'~=id~H;;;o;;;li~, ~iii:iiii:iiii:iiii:i~iiii:iiiiiiiiii:iiii:i~jii~~=~~ be was beaten followed an who wu cbowne:cf in 111'1. escape try that failed. He Aid bis release with Spec. 4 1bomas N. Jones of Lynnville, Ind., Ind Spec. 4 James W. Brigham ol Ocala, Fla., came as a 1urprise. Brigham later died from what the f>nny described u poor medical treatment · at the bands o( the enemy. Alter b r i e f formalities, Smith and the others were wbJWd away b)-helicOptcr and eventually retUmed home. : .• . . . •. WallichsMusicCiw . · . STORE OF THE ST AAS. . • 1 WH:OL.ES)l:L·ER: ' . ' OPEN TO THE PUBUC • P.IAN.01 SAYE UP TO Annual Factory Autliorfncl ORGAN-I . . MAGNAVOX SALE Floor Samples! Rental Retnma ! Tnde-inal . Stadio O.monatntonl 'SIMWlll CLIAUllCI FIP -: r..-~• 'll'ldt-~ Orson•· .. ,1.8 .MODILS o•s•la:nowt ~.... ' ... 3333 BRISTOL SOUTH COAST PLAZA COST A MESA -540-2830 s... *'' .. &ldli .... OlD Wotto MfDITER- WIUll M,.-1 dolut con• .. 1. with 111perl. c:ahiaetry i ... 1pind bJ. Spuidt dnip1 •. Showa h MO.il•l 6976 witll .... llianl: pktme, 29So ~iw······· co&. or. fWO_~ 'F..Uen. llow'"5. No . .i.-_..., ...... tos,.... (3,-n.' .. TV.tS•-> Sfl.60•90 ib~ eU,:.. aecoaat. Uoeu1 )Mak....i or.....UI ....i. · Maaie<:kreof!leo ,.U .. w-, . liiwwwaetae...atoreTerS,..~ . ' .. . . -. , . . ,._...,_ .... , ... _, .. ROW, lou -. ' ....... , .................. ...... .......... ., ... ~.-' .... •---!~· ,_ ..... ,.. Ii -ill&-.... - _..., 500 lii1111 .... ~ ,., ... ... 111111 11 . YOUI, IOOM' SIDS I ......, 1.19 , .... · ....;~-..;-..;~;;..;;;.~ .............. r...,.--------~· '11"1 is ., opp11 lwlity for you, tht it-al pub~c. to Wr your C1!J11 at doelar's -..i below. Wa hen .... soo .. ns o1 c.,,.i ., mcti -..i .. g;.. 24 hour installatloa iii most ca111. AD ...,., is lint quaftty, no ,_. "'. foctory rajoclL 5"'"' is ........ So come lo todof. If ,.. u.'t ._ M Cll II for t liomt .......... -. Wa wil briog Illa c.,,.i to ,... IYLOil S!Jlt -' • v..., """ """"" IMat ••• .,....,.,,.. .... ,.. ..... _ ' """ _, tnlllc. °"" ..... ' hPOllT 501-1. """"""n:--.,, loll Nctr.anr.1 hltlo ln ·pllhnl. IM, w..,.,.. -· ..... -...111 -SIBI AT 01'1111 STOllS FOii l .tS I'll SQ. YAU oua ptICI 4.29::: -cllm' OllLY- ICllLll Siil& "-fl"tlolck, hop, .... -... '°' _.,~·ol h11ty & -· ........... ·--1 • IO.ts . QOSI ocrr SPE<tll NOW 4.99::: ...(AIPff ClllLY- WOOL SUI COM,MlllCIAL TTPI n.. "'"' .. ,.., .. ,.... TWBD toly,l-- •OlD AT~ STOMS fOl 7.tS I'll, •. OUI Nia 3o 92::: l'UAA l'flOI• FOltHOMIDT. 549-3349 -,. """ 111 1 prtca TtllS a 'l 'PICW IUI' .._ coa --llfli A F.lllTAmt PllCI --. • TtllS wm-. ATl.ltM. TAlll. DAll.T9'1Q-,' SR1Rll11.tSl'llTD. IA1.9TOI OUll'RICI 6AS·~ --1.99::: NO~=-; VII PO ...(AIPffCllLT-UPTOM'-10PAY ' IUT.O llUVf All ' ' • •1 I' •• .................................... ................................... ~,,, ·· L & J. ENTERPRISES Ill(~:'~. . . . . .. . .. Orange. Couilty'$· largest Wholesa!e Ware'~Oll~ 2406 s. 111111, SAlfl. QA OM ::.L Of:_'• -. Phone 549.;.:3 349 · ... !' I ( - , ) •• • • 1 o.tn:Y ·•WtT· EiiTOiilli PAGE 1 Prosperity in F~ilure ' • • .. '· ., • - Fallun can ht p~rolll U Ultd • a catcll word to draw curtomer1. And Colle Men hao h&4I its llliare o1 tndleas "Goin& out of Buabiess" fa1es, · · EvklenUy,.. the going-oul-of·bUJines&-sale achame, hu become a baaic philosophy among SOD?• Southland· merchant&. who lure in bargaln-huo1ry cusl9mer1 un• dar the prele.lt of distresa. Usually, new merchandi11 Js bt1nf delivered at the back door whil e custo mers are doltverinf themselves al !he front. Tbroe months alter the Laat.'l'hree-Days aigns 10 "I'•· ·their P•7<hedolic pink, purple and orange sign• ere weathered by the elements. One auch ahop in Costa Mesa prooperou1ly filtered along nearly one year before clO<ing ill doors briefly· and reop•ninl with a bll dlHerent lack in merchandlse. BuJinesa apparently f•ll pretty good when II is .clvertlatd to the cootrary. Coata Me1a lawmakers are Uo<lt to end all that medicine 1how ballyhoo, however, 1endlng II back up the pike to Long Beach'1 88-cenl at.ore roW, where the proprietors' face! rentain the 1ame while only their stores change names. Coate Masa Chamber of Commerce retaij mer· chants wW meet Friday to ouUlne thoughll on a drafl of an c>rdlllance maltlng it tough to aucceed by "failin4." ' •1,ooq ~l'llllt boD4 m1 olber pee11u ... Some form of the ~w ts dllo II! 'lltbl to 10 wttltt. OCC·Saddl~ ack Confusion The r1&idents of a new Harbor. Ar'ea real4anUal frta -Harbor Vi.W Hom•l'-lrt developiof IChllophrenla over which Junlor coll111 diltrld they b0Ion1 lo. Theli "9tifusion ti underitand~le, for it developed last week that about hall ol,the ultimate 1,000 homea In tho developmont will lie In the OrtDge Coaat junior Col· lega D\strlcl and hall in the Saddltbaci Junlor Coll•&• District. · Local school officials sucteaafuJJy negotiated with adjoining dlstrlcts to Jigcte· .bound¢ea and place all of the ~omes In the Newport M111 Ullllied (ldncler1arten through 12th grade) Dtstrtci, but Saddleback held out and occ failed In a bid to prevent the split by JM•$1 the other hall. Some homes ·are· literally split by the boundary. One OCC trustee inadvertently moved four houses across the line and losl hi s seat on the college board. And al• most none of the new residents of the tract are certain which junior college they are supporting or which their children will attend. • Tobacco Industry: In ketpilll/ with our subsidy program.8, the following is the money you will receive this year ... in rountl milliona, of course ••. Muimum terms of tbe law _aa it is now drawn up would pl!ice mtrlcUom an the COnduct of "going out of b111ineaa" operations. VIOiation of inventory counl• throu8h :repleniabmtlit; lal1t or misleading.advertising and time llmll violation could result in forfeiture of a OCC should work with the homeowners lo gel an ' early resolution of the problem. Geoiraphlcally And for the .sake of convenience they belong in ·tl1e OCC district. fhat Yout_h J, Asking .f.. Society . 11 dlltJnctlvely ••new" 1baut the . ca1<n1kll ii not simply Its youth, . tlJe mtrt fact tlW it is later in .. • -11 "nnr" u 1t is thll •• mocle1 -"'with lost yur'• ,..,. belon. ii • ,...u1a1.. --In ~ not just a I ..... dif· And ti* qualily CID . bes! be in Mulow'• tsm, 11 uself-ac· Dea:r . Gloomy Gus: Wily •hould there be a St. Clair route -the Red Route -a1 a Niwporl Freew11 route through ·Coat.a Mesa? Shouldh't Council· man St. Clair firat aaY, "Let's hear all the facts, then decide which route is best for ALL of Costa Mesa!'' -II. H. bu poioi aM ·-Ind ciVU U • pres!iott to values tbaf; are more than blolos!Cllly or culturalb determined. · cannot understand this then Jn mott toclilies of the 1>1st. there .!:. ........, whal YoWl&,i>ooPJe baa been litlle cllaoce lo do li\if. or, thlntlnc and 1ee11n iind ._, .... 10.lllint .-n Wirf moch l· lbe croPiltC 1toward.' U~Jf~N/!I ·~~-.;,;.. phyllcal ·~ ... , l>idlldlll "" ,.. '""· n la oo .,...1'!1d pratnrdod lhlt thO Ii>-· 1richul and final step In hunian dtvlduaf orgaiilsm loughl all tis llfedme '"~ and II haa become poaaible It:< mere .'!'Mval. al)d ~ulllbrlum .. Ua . people only in recent times. ~ higher, ~ d1stlncUvie, ~s were necenarily subordinated to ill prlrnJUve llUMAli penrooalllY )tu <erlaln demandl ·!or life, 1111' a ltlnd ol liberty, -.ptal -· lbol lllUll be ~ • .._,,. ol aecurtty. ,.:; ~ ~-~~\ J!..~; IT 18 i!o ACCIDllNT thal the mos! -ti..l';;;"ua1 'b. ;;~":d. ,..,_ iiu.-U.C and dlsaident ynulha today 11111, there &l'O certain aoclal Come from uppa-l1\lddle<:!US famW .. , emoUonal demandl ·made co, and whole ••tutun" within the tremework of ~--·•11y f lea.mi-for conventlonal llOclety aeema most 1ssured. -.(.;;;;; kind, ,:, ,,..p•iden-'Jltey do not wanl lo fil Into a mould, Uon. for aurvtval and Support as do not want to aeeept the values of being. 'nltle earlltst and their metier, do not want to become · .. needs muat be ·It least ade-like their parent.a or their parent.5' .ly met before tht Individual can friends. <9CerD bbnlell 'With othtt levels oL They are akin& that our affluent soel-llN; ety provide more than • plenUWde of m•· C:: ' tertaJ goodi : that lt open new vtm1 for ·AcnJALIZATION" Is what the the realizing O! lndtvldual polmllellli.,, · wants to become with htmle1f. not in the economic realm, but in the a bloloelcal mature or as a realm of moral values, seMory experi· the mechanism of his society. ences, creative u:priesslon, and personal 11' . In _the very core ot hl1 personal lulflllmenl ~ir tactics are chlldl.!lh, but ~ -ao that bll particular Ufe their tndl maturt. ... i'Beans Are for Dirksen' .. " . ~GTON -Momben o I ... 111111 bllnl bltrapd with tltO -.11oos o1 Ibo 41 percent ~ tnmue It roetnUy -llaelf -~~la "2.1111. ,..,.. . . 1-odr ol kldilMnl lettero and "bundld to Cc:rtsreu" art con. to pour In from all over the . The "bundl•" contain old mloUiordiDrU. :t.loot of the llwmal<l!I are djacreolly .... I -this crldcal deluge. Bui .. _ .. of tho hike. Thq ... ofi:i:::::.:e~ a I lot of "I told you to" aausrac- fnlrn IL phk:ll'7 Wualr1d,. of the quanlily nature of theM cautk: bluta are "" Jitters and "bundlea" rect.IY'td in pul JIVffk by Rip. II. R. Gross, !t~a. wteran ecor.aray champion who Ibo Door fllhl aplnat the pay -· IUde the only mOllon In tho - ......... & """'11 -WU IUen in lllJri to block lhl --Which --lb wall lnl<> dlecl February p!!l'.'.' W JIECEIVED -~ -AJ•blma, co-. Jdabo. Jow1, New York . "I~~'!: 1't>&I i nd VvpiL 'l1't : of tho -.. "bundlol" ..... ........ UIOd und..-r,·-..... ~ a "bundle" from an.. -a lelttt r1y1nL "'lllt ... la r1PI '" tlit 11*1< 't.,. am'Mn41ngk_. l Ctll • II M9 lo pl the shirt .-.r \ or liter anyway. ·Perhi PI '°1ne of your money"l"lbbinl colleiguu an UJe ll" From Artesla. Celli .. Gl'Oll received the following lelter' "I tm dteply distressed by the terrible pllghf of many ot our congrewnen and 11naton wbO cannot eke out an ulstenct1 on $.10,000 a year plua generous fringe berleliti. I am o~ toclal aecurlly ($6' a month), and my stipend seenu In. adequate, too. So I augmtnt it by caring for four chUdren while both parenta wort to cop;e·~With the never~ndJn1 tn- n&Uon, riling welfare coats •nd hi· maslng tues. "HOWEVER. WE are so moved b)' the hardlhlps ol our lawmall0t1 thal we wllb to tend a bundle to them. Pleue dlalrlbute It lo th& needles! ...,. llfl3imtn, bul not the bun1. The bea111 art for Senator Dirk1e11, bless bis ti tUe burl! '"11le -an worn. bul they .,. 1Ull pod ~ to Ii" a pd boot to your coUeeCUff who voted tor thl1 Incredible .,.b, .. wtll u btln.I .. Ctntto111. In doobllng the aallry ti the PIOlldenl to $1DQ,OllO." ac.. ........... luldreda ol ltlterl ""11!Mndlnc lrll ~lned, albett lllW'llllnC. fl&l>l .,.11111 tho 1111 In--' .,_&AO.. ind AHn GoJdsml~ !Cl Reader Answers Attack on Patriots' Ideals 'Maturing Youngsters Revere Flag~ S To the Editor: The outr1ge that Jack Maples predicts (Mallbo,:, Feb. 12) as a ruction on the part of bis distorted "Hawk!'' to R. V. Mitchell's letter (MailboI, Feb. 7) ls more apt to be the reacUon ex· perienced by most patrioUc Americans who read Mr. Maples' thinly veiled ln- sinuatlort1 that anyone who supports the present conflict in Vietnam is a "Nazi Hawk," "Flag Hawk" or "Gooney Bird." l predict that, out of concern for bis feelings, guided by pity rather than an111:er, most of those who sensed outrage will refrain from affording his views the dignity of reply. RATHER TRAN attack those who dis11.gru with the ideals that 1t'e 90-Calltd .. Hawks" proudly hOld, slnct I am 'ad- mittedly Ignorant and ill informed on what their true motives ire, I wtn take pointed issue wlth the accusations. 10 recklessly, and J think, Jgnorantly flaunted by Mr. Maples. 1) Casualty rates published by the department of de£ense show concluslve'1_ that the exposure rate of 1tprofesslonil mllltary men over 35" ezceeda that of "the young ,fre&h men too younc to vote." I can;:-further attelt to thla. as an on-tbe-cpot. ~es,,. I ·~ "• I) POtmCIANS, defenae contr11.ctor5 and defense workers that 1 have known in my lifetime, and I've had close contact with all thrte cetegorles, are as repulsed and as. allenated by war and its tragic consequertta ·-~ any other 1egment of our society. Llrgely becaW!le of their cdur1~ and dedication to· their cauntry, they end,.. the olander lhat ii heaped on them ind ltlI1 manage lo contribute aignificanUy to the progress or our na .. tlon. 31 IT IS TRUE that mos! of lhe people . at patriotic ceremonies are veterans of one or more ol our nations• wars 1!1 the 41over 35" age group. But 1 n·oUce en eVer increasing number of youngsters, too, who are maturing to the point where they also revere the fiali{, yes, are even enthralled by it, and hear / the roll of' the drum and the sound of the fife u an inspirational challenge to live up to their ftrttap. J proudly number all seven of my children in this vast majority of Americans. PERHAPS IF Mr. Maples would discourse on why he does not support our national pollcies, a aubject that he is more •Pt to be well informed on, rather than attack those who are proud patriots. a group which obviously he could afford to study more deef.ly, his views ,_,auld ht more palatab e. i nd lesa lik•ly to bt conilrued lo be hijhly emotional propag1nda . D. R. HARRlS JR. LI. Co!.,•·USMC "Over Xi" Craas iUerce-rle• To the Editor: I consider the pay r11.i.9e voted by Congrw 11 arrogant, irresponsible and contemptuous of the AmtricM public. Nev<r In hlllory hu nur n'publlc raced problems ind dansen needinl of iu leadenlllp .. m..., publlc-oPir1led men of cmscitnce whose dedlcaUon and vb\ue could serve as an examplt to • ltoubled and unctt1aln pooplo.-and wt are given crw mtretnarlea. I lhlll tncourage all J -and all l meet who wfll llattn to vote 1gatnst •vtrJI incumbeol of lhla "pocketbook Congrw ." LOUIS F. JOBST, ,JJI. Rldll• ... '• Pri.rltfa To tbt Edllor: rn an1-lo Lie MIDar'I. leUer te Lel~rt jrom readtn ere 1Delcomt. Ncmnallt1 tDTittrJ Jhould conwv tMW mes&age in 300 words or le11. TM rjght to condn.te lttten to fit 1pact or eliminate Ji btl ii restr11ld. AU lttttfl tnUIC include 1fgnctur1 and mailing address, but ftCmtS tMU be withh.tld o" requat if iuf/icient rear soii U apparent. • B .. eball Publldty To the Editor : Ten days ago .. whUe In Chicago •t an M.R.A. meeting with WiWe Mays, he w1s being Jnterviewed about the players' impend.Ing :strike. Last night this la:pe first.came over TV (Channel 4) u a "hot interview." U this .is the mai:imum. amount of so-called free publicity sports writers and basehl.11 publicity men can dream up, bueball is in for :some very rough times. HILLY CHASIN the editor (Mall~ Feb. l), I would like the opportuollf lo re)ilii,. since ynu 'Shocked' feel ao llroneJy U.l every Wide lhould. be heard. ~ To the.Editor: ' Lee Millar, whoever he is, I would like t.o compliment on his paraphrasing of the' Fronch phU010piier, Vollalr: "I disapprove of whit you read, but I . wW defend lo lbe death your rlihl to nad It!'· I could not agree With this more. However, I would like to point oot that defending his ri3ht io read it doei not "infer, by any stretch of the fmaitnation, .. at I wm My it for klm! Despite his propensity for prosaic pr. fundily, he does not have the acumen or background information to dbcem . book banning (or b!jrnin(, as be infero), lrom my ju.stllylng the uae ol lu mooey to buy it for ltlm. It seems that he and the DAILY PlLOT editorial referred to, are unable, or lhnpJy do not want, lo. recopbe the dll!erence. FROM RIS approach th1t everything not purehued la therefore banned, we oo the 0n:np County Boaid of Edul:allon banned all books on the power of positive thinking, 1lnce NO bookl on lhla aubject were Included In our pun:hue. ·we are •190 guilty of banning moat books on careen, 1lnce we lflCluded only a ftw of the many career books that are available. ·Of course, if you ·are aaying that 1'Hiroahlma" is ol more educaUonol value and, ~ warUnts the UM: of taz money more than the books In th& al......mloned catecnrt<s, then I am cullly -nol ol boot binning, as you charg!, but of a ra.r mote serious crime -dlsagretln&: with you on the priority of boob. DR. DALE E. RAIJ,ISON The Orange County School Board lrut Thursdav vottd 4 to 1 to recer.te its previous stand agaimf pvrt haie of 1lerse11'1 "Hiro.shima" a n d otlier booka. RaUilon'a tDO.I the one votf again.st. Se1 editoriol 11b. ·11, "'Pora· noia ·in Action, .. and prttrlou.s com- mentarie1.-E'ditor To the Editor : Evtry arUcle I've ever rud about adopllon agenclta hu been full of aelf pi'aia 1boul their elflcleney 0 and lhllr molto bu --1almod .. be ''1111 . child '• wellan alm1 ..,.,, --aidtratlon." My own t%perionca wfth auctr agondu hu lfven me cause to doubt Ulla. I was shocked at how easy it was for "Name Wltbheld" to bave her abor· lion (Mailbox, Feb. ll). Sbe hid no IUill feelings at all. AIJ a matter of fact, abe wanted otba°s to join her, .just like Eve getting Adam to eat the forbid· den fruit that kicked them out of Paradise. : It did nol bo~ hef thal •be lliopped lhe growth of an Individual !'bo wW never be reproifUc:ed tgain. According to geneticJ, an indi vidual at conception has his own ctmacte(lstja which never will be duplicated because of the im- mense number of pnetic combinations. SHE AIM> SEES this as a solution to the juvenile dellnquency problem, atallna this would 11.t rid of unwanted children. Juvenile delinquency toda,y Ja the problem of · not only the children of the poor bul aJao the children ol the higher clusei as well. I believe we will :solve these problems, not easily lhrough ellminatln& the children, bul by lrylng through educaUon lo br)ng out the mo1t rew'ardlq life for them. ... ,I am a woman who had her -.called "unwant.ed child." I Joye ~ now too much to set rid ol him even for a million dollars. NAME WITIUIELD To the Edllor: 1lle malihoJ: l!lln of Feb. 12 from tbt waman wh6 went to Japan for an abortion Aates very well the posit.ion of those who believt that abortlon ia the decision of the woman involved. However, let me add a few addJUonal thoughta worth conalderlna. Fir1l of 111, the population of the world is increasing at such a rate that barring cat.astrophes or Jmproblbfe IOclal changn, the day will likely come in 1 few generations when each couple will be legally allowed only a llm!ttd small number d. children. Then those women who become ptt(nanl after they havt borne thtlr aDoted number wlll be lon:ed to aubmll lo, -W. can pOllpooo thal lime u "'1c aa ~ bit by pnivmUl!i or endlft( -lllled _.ancie!. . Ir A WOMAN becamel Plll•d bec1U1< ol lnodoqute methoda of - traceptjon, 11 ii TtrJ unrm '°' IOcfety to demand that lbe aasume the 1wt1DrM NOW '1l'E llEAD of the rid cue m-"'1llly of bearinl • cbild and ol tho Harta ind Utile Buddy, Dlf1llite)J carlnc !or lllal ddld for 1111 .oat It lhl wall... of lbe ddJcl WU DOI lhl to • yean. Sbe berlalf -a beller flrat concern of the •itntJ' here. For than anyone elle whether lhe f1 woaldn 't Buddy be btllir ol! with time ph,alcllly or meotelly prepared lot the who love tdm and hive cartd for him last. flonl lhl bqtnnlng ~with 1tran1et. U a ...... ,la lo the fifth or llinh II ·-. odmi~edly, to "prolecl 111011111 ot --6CJ or lat« -. iffk· r."'::f'alio!n" ol ~ who mo40 '"' an 11rorUon, abe ahould be st•en tel ' l1llt !be A&tllq olflclall -• Jll)dlltrle ...... -It'. -11""1 to ,.._ tho co... ' . that·oniy an emot1Gnal11 dlllurboll penon • 'How do yoo lib thelt would 1llow 111 umr&nled pncnaney lo MM. am'OIUl -"' ... llllrt ""' --~ .. ' --------'~- terminate ll, usurning this altemadve wtn readily attainable. Most women, aingle or married, would no doubt continue to prefer allowing the potenUal human being to disappear in the form of an unfertlllzed egg. Y. M, KERSEY Ageliut Abortion To the. Editor: II Name Withheld (Wed., Feb. 12) l• not ashamed of her abortion, why doesn't she sign her name? Pressumi from society'! U she doesn't want her baby, 1 am truly sorry for her. But why ltiD if:' there are thowands of couples who would give anything to have a child . "That child... ' U she's realiy worried aboUt the crowd· ed coiidJUons of the world, why not just kill everyone over IO? U we leaalize abortloa, why not le&aliJe euthanasia too? Same difference. MRS. DAVID A. FELDE Mother of 6- No. 7 due next month 'Lack of conCe..n• To !he Editor ' In regard to the article on paae t, Feb. 12. in whlcb you were Quot.inc Robert J, Brellllban and hla flews about the ..,. Ill< far lhe airport, I mu,1 . say that Jt wu a rare display or ·his complete lack of concern for people as buman beings. · He uid that people shoufdn't complain about the proposed site that live In El Toro becaute .most of them will have moved by then. He dotan't 11.em to realize that :somebody will live there and a1:so what h1ppen11 to their property values. THE PEOPLE IN Leisure World are ~poken of. Well , these people have devoted their lives to the betterment of our society and rlow they have retlrtd. Mr. Bresnahan tells them not to worry because they probably won't live over 15 years more anyhow. His idtall about people art morbid and cruel We are all people and flot machines and deserve freedom and con- sideration in such matters. . THE PEOPLE in l\liaaioo Viejo and El Ton:i moved there io live in a fnsh new commurUty and now that thtf· have estabUshed hom,. and Inv-In lbem, Ibey pl IA airport lo drop lhtir in· • ....,.. .. by • ilrl• degree. 1lle ldu of the marine bue Isn't IO Jqod ·for a locaUon. burint: a naUonal emer.-r it would be very chaolic and -" eue!lant apol for the dropplnJ ot an Ho.bomb. A more laolated are1 letrM much more fe&IJbJe . HOWARD P. MUTZ • BY WILLIAM REED Udall io Testify on Deeision I F ormer l nter,io r Sec retary Tmk 011, Ch annel DrUling ......... In the Wind I believe that if I were develop- ing a large parcel of land with mw.ltiple uses in Huntington Beach. I would develop all the apartments Cirst because there's not much chance or getting apartments ap- proved if surrounding homeowners disapprove. Whether it is good or bad, I don't really know. Monday night Huntington· Harbour Corp. failed ·to win a rezoning they bad re- quested on property \Yhich has always been in their master plan ror apartments. Likewise it seems dubious that the company can get approval for a marina development it has always planned for Ch ristiana Bay because residents near the bay already are strongly opposed to the development. * 1'his opposition leaves the con1- pany in the position of having pra. perty it cannot develop. The marina site is particularly in~ .leresting because it is private prf>o ;perty1 but heavily used by boaters . in the harbor including myself. Yet, the water area belongs to ·the company and is included in its master plan for recovering its investment in the project and mak- ing a profit. lt is an interesting situation . because the homeowners bought .when they could look out at the empty water and many paid a . premium to be located on the bay. ; Vet the company always has had plans to build a marina to wovide : boat slips for those who live off the water. * As far as the apartments go, lhe company probably v.'ill con- tinue to fight. It could take the matter to court on the basis that the apartments might be the highest and best use of the pro- perty. At any rate, the land can be used for something, but how 'bout the \vater area? .. One of the problems in the . H.arboul' is tflat the company has sold the pr9ject too well op the . basis of being a special community set apart and different from all . others. It looks very much like it has . become so exclusive that mere ·merchants and builders like the , 'Huntington Harbour Corp. can no longer afford to do business there. . Libel Suit Against LA T i1ues Dismissed LOS ANGELES (AP) -Mayor Sam · Yorty's $2·million libel suit against the Los Angeles 1'imes was dismissed Tues· . day by a judge who said a public official is ''(air game up to a point." Yorty'~ • au.it said an editorial cartoon by Paul Conrad implied the mayor was insane. Superior Court Judge Jerry Pacht said the cartoon "was not libelous on its face " and an editorial retraction printed by the paper "'effectively removed any charge of insanity that might have been implied." WASHINCTON (UPI) -Form<r Inltdor St<tttary Stewart L. Udall wUI ie.tlly Feb. :rr before the Senate Alt and Water PolluUon Subcommittee on his doclli<>n lo allow oll drUJlng In the Santa Barbara Channel, cbairman Ed· mund s. Muakie, O.Mailie, announced Tuesday. MUJltie , disputed contentions by Sen. Robeft J. Dole, (fl.Kaai.), that there were eUw"by inference ud Innuendo" to put the blame f(I' granting the leues off Callforni~ onto the present intericr oocr<Wy, former Aluka Cov. Walter J. Jllck•l . Dole, In a letter sent t• Muskie early lul week, uked lhal UdaU be called lo leltlfy • MUltie Aid In a Jetter lo Udall that the conuntlltt'a bearlnp on le&lalallon dealln& with water polluUon had been broadened lo includt ,!l'OJ>Olala for reduo-lni the rlst of oil leW aucb u lhe oae that hu blaclw\<'f Santa Barbara beacbea. uyOW' knowledae of lhe circumstances State Senator Asks Ban On All Offshore Drilling· SACRAMENTO (AP) -A statt'J seaator opened a fact-finding hearing into the Santa Barbara oil disaster Tues- day by saying there should be no more oil dri lling in the area until "there are fail-safe methods of preventing this from happening again." "One oil disaster is one too many,·• added Chairman Robert J. Lagomarsino (R-Ojai), of the Senate Natura I Resources Committee. The probe is being conduCted jointly Beach Accepting Applications for Lifeguard Posts Applications for summer lifeguard positions with tlte Huntington Beach Harbors and Beaches Department will be accepted through March 14. Applicants must be at least 16, a U.S. citizen, a minimum of 5' 7" and 150 pounds ." and have at least 20-40 vision. Physical examinations for the summer posts will be held March 15 at Lifeguard Division Headquarters, 103 Ocean Ave. Individuals may apply in person at lifeguard headquarters or call or write to have an application mailed. The physical ezamination will consist of competition in the 880 yard swim, the 1,200 yard run-swim-run and the 400 yard swim. A substantial aqualic background is desired. For further information call 536-2581 from ! a.m. to S p.m. on Saturday and Siinday. Ask for eilher Clipt. D' Arnall or LL Bodenbender . Huntington Adds Housing Section A new housing section has been added to the Huntington Beach Building and Safety Department with the approval ~tonday of the City Council. The new section will have a full-time housing inspector, Charles L. Geraden, "'ho will survey housing conditions in the city and bring city pressure to bear against unlivable structures . FormaUon of the secUon is necessary. Cleveland told the council, because of increases needed for inspection of poten- tially substaqd._ard housing for the pro- tection of all in the community. Several weeks ago Councilman Jerry Matney instituted: a survey of housing conditions with an eye to improvement or removal of substandard housing. by his committee and the Senate Governmental Efficiency Committee, which has worked in lhe past on state regulation or offshore oil leasing and drilling. State, federal and Santa Barbara area olficials were scheduled to testify, along with representatives of Union 011 Co., drHlers of the well that continues to seep oil siz miles off the Santa Barbara coast. Lagomarsino said he hoped the special committee's work would lead to sug- gestions to the federa1 government for stricter controls, and for stronger state regulation, if necessary. In the meantime, the Santa Barbara area legislator said, "l think there should be no resumption of drilling on federal or state offshore leases until the com- munity can be absolutely guaranteed there are faU..,safe meth~ of preventing this from happening again." But a Santa Barbara C o u n t y supervisor, George H. Clyde, went further by calling for a permanent ban. "A grievous mistake was made in granting the leases, and the only way to correct it is to immediately and permanently forbid any more drilling in this channel,'' Clyde said in prepared remarks. · · "This tragic spill has proven once and for all to all of us that ttle channel is no pla.ce to .drill for oil .. .If drilling is allowed to continue, just the laws of chance will mean future major spllls -perhaps worse than this one - perhaps one which can ne ver be capped." Sen. Ralph Dills (0-Gardena ), read into the record a letter from the Fishermen's Cooperative Association of San Pedro saying that no commercial fish had been caught or sighted In the Santa Barbara Channel area since the spill began Jan. 28. Moorlious e Going To Lifesaving Me et 'On' Cit y The city or Huntington Beach will pay the expenses of Director of Harbors, Beaches and Dev~lopment V i n c e Moorhouse at a symposium a t Washington, D.C. on lifesaving techni- ques. The American Red Cross has requested Moorhouse to represent the West Coast Surf Lile Saving Association March t lhroogh 12 at a symposium and workshop on major technJques being used on the West Coast. City Administrator DQyle Miller, noting Monday that the Red Crou had oUered to pay ?t1oorhouse'1 Upenaes lf the city did not, said the city should pay the expenses considering that the Red Cross ls a charitable organliation. DAIL'( PILOT lllttt ,.,_,. Cited for Bravery DistricL American Legion Commander Kenneth ~lardman presents Legion Valor Awards to Hunt- ington Beach police officers (from left) Gilbert Velne, Edwerd Pratt and Jack L. WaJ sh. Officers ( ,, were given medals and plaques during t.1qnday city council session. All three were cited for acts of heroism while on duty, -I IWTOUndin1 the dtc.laion to allow oil aploralloo la the Sanja Barbara Olannel and your com.m1tmtbt to a preventive •J>Pl'O<Ch to pollution cootrol ~'Ollld pto- vkie a useful addJUon to the record of the hearings," the Maine Democrat told Udall ln a letter to Dole, Muskie said the former leCll'ltary wu "dellgbted to ap. pear lo dllculo the Santa Barbara in- cident ud 111 l.,i.JaUve Implications." A! lo Dole'I cbarge1 that IDckeJ WU being blamed unfairly, Muskie ·aaid be Nd checked with the committee staff aod that they were "unaware of any web effort." "All membln of lhe subcommittee have been arelul to distinguish between the policy declalonl involved in eranUng the leases last year, and the policy decisions involved in Secretary Hickel's Initial reliance on voluntary company action to halt the Santa Barbaia Channel drilling and 1:i1 uncertainty over ordering -ueh a halt,,. liwkie said. Hickel Iss ue s 'Tough , New' Oil Standards WASHINGTON (UPI) -Interior Secretary Walter J. Hickel Tuesday issued v.•hat be called "tough, new" drill- iilg standards for oil "·ell operations in California's Santa Barbara Channel. The new standards require drilling operations to include extra casing around pipes sunk into oil and gas deposits de- signed to prevent any leakage of flu.id into the sea . The standards require. a1nong other things, extra casing down to a S,000 foot level. The oil leak from a Union Oil Corp. well in the channel last week occurred: at 3,500 feet. department spokesmen said. "Our specific goal bas been to develop tough, new regulations which will help prevent any future disaster such as we have recently witnessed: in the Santa Barbara Channel off the coast of California," Secretary Hickel said, Hickel also said he has invited ofllcials of more lhan 30 oil comranies to meet witlt department technica &id legal staff Thursday "to see if the industry itself will suggest ways for making our regula- tion more strlqent and more compatible. " A department spokesman said re vised drilling ru1es for other offshore problems and gu well 'bperationt on the con- tinental shelves around the nation are being ptepar<d. DAILY I'll.OT l'll9M ,, T«rr Cft!S. Surf Tots A break in the weather brought Yorba Linda youngsters (from left) Scot Terry, 3; Jeff Roberts . l ; Kristen Terry, 2, and Laurie Roberts, 3, to Huntington Beach for a bit of fun in the sun and some beac~· coinbing. Youngsters had a ball rolling old tire they found along beach .• $277 Profit Huntington CofC OK's Budge1' Estimates Income Huntington Beach Chamber of Com· to conduct a full promotional P('Oll'am merce expenses during the coming year in addition to keeping its office door1 under the leadership of c. E. "Bill" open for se rvice. to the membership. Woods have been estimated at $30,318 Manager Dale Dunn worked out a with an anticipated income fr 0 m budget .for the 1969-70 year whicti place1 membership dues of "$30,595. the promotional share of ofUce and personnel expenses on the economic In addition to the budget ·,approved development section which is to be fun<f. by directors M'or'ldar, the ' chamber's ed by the city. EcOnomic Development Section Is ex· Director of Economic Development Bin pec~d . to spend ~e ~19,6llO of mon:y Back already 'ls al work with industrial su ppJie(I to the , chamber from the city and commercial developers tryi111 to ~ough the city's Music and ~mC?tion get B"''iclent development to produce 'tar " · a .. . 1(1 . ~ .. · m toes to · the city ,., much· or. more The chamber has had financial )>ro-in new flfe01"e than It com w. bill blems in the :-past. through attempting department. Outstanding Group Ladies DRESS SHOES and FLATS WE CALL IT A "WHAT'S LEFT GROUP'' AT CRAZY PRICES VALUES TO $23.95 52 to ·s7 MEN'S SHOES SELECTED GROUP ODDS & ENDS VALUES TO $31 51010 ~5 STARTS TODAY PleaH , AH Sales Final Na Exchanges ar Refunds THURS.·FRl.·SA T. 1052 Irvine Newport leach WESTCUFF PLAZA 548 . 8684 , / -~----.. ! . ,• J.' •• ... Marines ·Clear ~ .~ •. t •·,••t Red Stronghold r -: 4C"tllwllll .,. w ,..,. "" ttlftl .. . . . . . . A'ltroa•Ut .. Jame1 A. Lo'(•ll Jr. -iald be lelt like a human sacrifice . »when ho climbed aboard Apollo $ '10. the flight. around the moon last · : :Christmas,-"Everyone was help- ing us and -seemed so happy to see us go, 1 felt like a sacrifice to the Incas " Lovell smilingly told stu-~'dents ' at Massacbus~tts Institute of :fe!:bnblogy in Cambridge. •• • t·· . - ' ;.; The Seoul city government plans .:to build · a million-dollar "~appr Ulome'' ·this ye11r for .. the rebablli- dation of the South Koreon .capi· tal's 2,700 pl'tl!titutes. City officials said that the inmates at the five. ~re institUtion on the outskirts of - Uze city · will be given 'voc~tional ~g and will attend elementary fr high school classes. Each )girl :jvil1 also raise 50 hens. • SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Mlrlnts, bl~ Ulzlg inch by lzlch . lhrolllh 1we11trin1 junglt1 on Ille edit ol lilt 'A Shau Val!ey near LaOI, k11Jed 111 North Viti• nanlese sOJd!en today and diac'ovued .the graves ol 185 more. · The lt11hemecu !oil flvt men killed Ille! IO wounded during lilt cloy hi lfle offensive near tbt boriler with L&9L Marino ~ dueled wltfl Communist arUllery acrOsa the Laotian border as the JeathemeCUf J.pehed forward in 100. degree heat 1ga1Mt 1Uff resistance. The Marine puah toward the Laotian border had become a major battle for control of tile ngloo Ille! nol one Inch ol ground bu Come t..,ily, • Trial Turns Back to Shaw, Alias Probed NEW O'RLEANS CAP) - A prosecution lYitness testified today the saw Clay Shaw. charged with conspir ing to -auusinate Pre1Jdent John F. Kennedy. ij. ttke Sommer,-?'IJ.9ft. known _·GB . an $ actresa than an af'tist, puts the finis I,,. ~ ing final brush strokes on her paint- .., tng, "The Church iJ Open!' An ex-1. hibit of her work 'WilL open at Cali-; 'jornia .,u.seum of ·s.cience and Indvs· f tr11 in Ezpasition Park this week: ~ . · sign a ·gueat regb:tration book as "ClaY, Bertrand" Bertr~ is the afi8.s that the prosecution contends Shaw used in plot· ting with Lee Harvey O!wald and others to· murder Kennedy. Mrs. Jessie Parker, the state's 41st witness, said she wu working as a hostess at the VIP Room at New Orleans International Airport when she saw Shaw sign in as Clay Bertrand on Dec. It, 1966. · "la it not a fact," asked defenae lawyer F. Irvin Dymond on cros-ex· aminaUon, "that the next time you saw Shaw -in this courtroom -you refused • to identify him untJI the district at· tomey's ofOce Utreatened you with a lie detector or polygraph test?" · Mr-s. Parker ·denied that she was •'threatened," but agreed the test was proposed. When she was referred back to Asst. Disl Atty. James Alcock for redirect examination, he jumped up and said, "Did you not take a lie detector test?" When Mrs. Parker said abe had, Alcock asked for an immediate subpoena ·of the police offer who conducted the t'ea:t and a report on lhe results. Such testimony ~ seldom adm!Mible at a trial, but Alcock contended that Dymond had ''opened the door" for it during crooHximilalion. . I !• Customers were enjoying a leis· t. urely db)ner at the Tarragona : Restaurant in Spain When a 220- ; pound wttd boar .Udtlenly burst ~through the lront door and began • alitacking everything th'! !)lOved1 I Tho boar, which ba<l,esc~ed ftwn ~a cago· · ou~de tho "'°iitlllzront, ; escaped fiito-lh·e hilfi ·surroundillr' ··Ea--·st Calls U.S. , ;. the town after making shambles of ;: the restaurant. H~wever, the· vii· : Iage,r"I•tei; tnicice<nt ciown; ltllled •Je· t to Berlin tl it''ilnd·orought it back to the .res-• taurant, which featured roast boar ~.;: .. i tb'1!.~!llne'!I'. xt"""'da .... r :I!". ••E.i....,· .,.,.,..,~· 'Provocation' BERLm (UPI) -E11t Germany .: ''· A: .blac~. butlDJ'I. iutrigu~d a disrupted traffic on Welt Berlin's maln :. clerk ·in lfhe 'hlto· $14 million highway to the west for the second Nieman Marcus store in Hous· consetutive day today. And it said the (on. S9 he pre.s.red it. Six police fli ght here Thursday or West German .. :· squad cart anawered the burg· President Heinrlch Luebke aboard a U.S. •. . &ar~ a.larm. Air Force transport would be a '"-..;a'"""""~~...,..,. ...... ;·liK "provocation." •· e An official statement by the East ~ Off-duty Denver policemen will German Foreign Mlnlstry said lhe U.S. ~be used occasiooalJy as cab driy.. Air Force flight would be "ml!Ule of : ers in an attempt to head off the the air routes of the (East) German · · b of t · b bb 1 DemOC'xaUc Republlc." It aaid Bonn's : ruing nwn er axica ro er es. efforts to "annez" West Berlin would • • have "unavoidable consequencea:." : In the Philippines Legaspi ,city U.S., British and French planes hav"e : officials have corqe up with a:n in.. air corridors to Berlin under the war > centive for public support o( their time occupation agreements. West : rat extermination campaign: Any· German planes are not all owed to use . one slio\vi ng up with 10 rat tails the 20-mil e wide air corridor and the ; will be admitted free to a series of East Germans have threatened to halt : dances. Gern1an official road trips to the city. ' ,. • The Communist lied snipers tO tr~ on aU!cida inlillons, tfley ·bi>oby tripl>e<j dl11<:arded equlplnen10 st{, 1rlp · wU.s acrdia trails to detonate oilnes and reinovtd all unit idtotlfJcation from their dead. But they were identified as Norlh Vietnamese. 1be 'Marines set out three weeks •a<t to clear large Communist unils out of the A Shau Va.Uey wbJch stretches roughly westward from Uie Da Nang area to the border of Laos. It is a prlaclpal infiltration route for Red units threatening tile coastal plains. The leathernecks, hauliiig their own eq'uipment, have mo ved westward along the ridgellne.s against in c r .e a s i n g I y ferocious resistance. Today'& fighting was the heaviest sinct'•,the offensive began Jan. 20 to ease the threat to Da Nang and Hue. Today's fighting raised to 739 the number of Communistls killed in tho operatiQ:n, njcknam~ ·Dewey Can1on. ltfost • of the casualties were infiJcted in the past flve days as midsummer heat enabled the troops to shove off from the fog-shrouded mountain bases. The Marines reported American :Josses 11ince the operati on began as 61 killed and 295 wounded including fiv~ killed and 20 wounded today., The · Marine drive bu b e e n helped by B52 strikes into Communist·held an~as of Laos. Informed sources .said today the B52s took advantage of the 24-hour .allied Tet truce in Vietnam to hit Laos with the heaviest bomb loads of the year. 187 SF Teachers Fired by State For 'Absences' SACRAMENTO (UPI) - A total of 187 San Francisco State College in· structors have been fired because of unexcused absences during recent strikes at the campus. A spokesman for the slate controller's office said Tuesday the teachers had been dropped from the payroll. He said the college would have to file official "'notices of appointm'ent" to restore them to the pay charts. Among those fired were former Assemblyman \Villi am F. Stanton, who taught economics, Jerry Hawkins, presi· dent or the local American Federatkln or Teachers Union which struck lhe college, and Black Panther George Mason Murray, whose auspension from a part-time· teachlng job helped spark the strife. The controller's office said 280 persons ·at Sa n Francisco state had been docked pay for unauthor~ absences. Included were the 187 who were fired, 279 who received partial pay and 42 who were granted full pay after an invesUaalion clesnd U,,m. .. 13 UC Berkeley Students Seized BERKELEY (AP) -Striking students and their backers used bit-run tactics to disrupt activltles on and orr the University ol California campus Tuesday_ There were 13 arrests and some minor injuries. r Dem onstrators threw stink bombs In the administration building and a student cafeteria and hurled bottles. rocks and clods of dirt. Highway patrolmen. police and sheriff's officers brought clubs into play on occasion. 1'he swirling crowd -300 at peak strength -ranged off campus at times. blocking irate motorists at intersections until forced back on campus. ~ Storm Batters East Coast , ' ' ~ ··Gale Warnings Go Up Along Mid-Atlantic Shoreli1ie • ' l Cout•I '"-Ol't!IM (eMI Wiii a.. "'"" (1Go,lf'r ,_., wtlfl _"',.... -"-''' •nd -dtlldt •!If clt1rl11t on 'f"'-"U11r. VbfbUfly Ir. 20 fl'lll" tM Wind -ot 2t Wiii! ..... '9 )I IU'iot-. 'f_,•tu,.. ..,.,. win "'"" ,,,,,., '" ,. 5f Of! tllt _.. .,,., ,.._ .., to 5'J ltolaM. Wtl1r foMllltf'llll,.. It If de-_., S•n, Jlloon, TWe• --WIONISDAV ._,.. Jtiw . •••••. .. . . lrJI 11.fl'I. t.1 a.e. flltfl ........... 11:11 t.m. J.• THUUMT Flrtl ...... ., ......... S:llO •·"'· 0.1 ,.,.., flfllfl ............. ll:IAt.m. ~.1 ~ !OW ••··•·••••··· J:N •·"'· •.t Stt01111 lllOfl ............ ll:U 11.111. '-' 11.S. Stan•M•l"fl ... llOl'!'n llflftrlnt -'"" "°'"' ',ti119nllc co.11 tod•'I' brwtfll ·-~1,,. .,,.,., frtul119 clifule 11111 r•I" 1erou Ntw lrttlli.,_, Tl'lll h. fM ttllrrll fl'l1t le1hf'd ~ Sovthttll 1111 --...cl I ncl c1>11!1n"ft 11:o brlll'I tJll fc«I •Irids •lent the "'Id At11ro11c co.it. Giii w1r"1nt1 rtrntlMd t11 '°'" fl'OIYI New Jer"' IO NOflfl C.!'VllM , °" "" 0-... •ldt of fM 11e11 .. 11'11 11Wm ttltt "-t 11"*1 lfll C•llfom11 C'Otd WU ITIO'l'lnt lnl"'6 brl~1lnt ..,.,..., --"" IMUl'l!lllll flf Vltfl 1N Al'11-inf t11tllno off 1~ Mii 11'1\lflft""'°"" t i lower 1i.v.t11111t, '°""' S(t tltrM 1howt•1 nMtlfllll eYtr SOvlfl1rr1 C1llfom!e, lltt!t IPl(hfl ti 1110W fell ti 1"11111111, Attz.. fUrlllt t llH'llur Hr~. fO bf'lflt !flt '°"' -"" •r01.111411 to 10 lnctltl. Temperat 11res Hitt! L-l"rtc. A!bv~ G " ,tinc1>or11~ " " All1"t1 .. ,. l!la~~nlWld .. .. •• 1111m1•tk " .. llolw .. " 11""1()1'1 " " ... c~1c1tn " " Cl"cl""'TI •• " CleYl!ll"ll " " O!nY!r .. " O•s AA01n.,. .. " D•Trgll • " ~vrf1(1 n .. ,,,1 Woll~ " ~ ,,..,/'WI ~ .. " H•lf~I " ,, Hctnolulu " " Hou~1!>1'1 " .. K1n~11 Ci!~ .. .. L•, Vev11 .. " ·" l ot A"9tltt • " .~ Ml1ml !h111tll .. ,, .Y.11...-..ulc~ " " T• Ml,.M11>on, " ' ,, New Orl!lrts " " N•"' YO)tt; ,. " o~~l•tld " " ·" Om•h• • ' P~to 111111i.-, " " ... Phlla8e!pfll1 " " ·" PllOtt'llX " .. . .. t"itt..,., ... h G " l"Offl•l'l(t " " lll•k:J Cfly " " ltfdl!ltllff .. .. ·"' ·-" .. .~ S1cr1"'-'!111 .. .. . n ... cw• • " S..!l'llt n .. ... Sill Lt1tt City " " "" ..... .. " .~ S.11 ,t1Mhltto n " !1nt1 lttbt•• .. ,, ... ..... " • , .... " " '""""' .. .. Wttfllntl'Oll .. " ' Gas Clouil Kills Eight Boxcars and wheels are jumbled in -the snow after a train derailed Tuesday at Crete, Neb., Jo:o sing a deadly cloud of ammonia. Eight persons were kill· e:d and 500 others were evacuated from their homes. No Way of 'Preventing Another Big Oil Slick SACRAMENTO {UPI) -Union Oil Co. exetutives and government officials agree there is no absolute way to prevent a repetition of a disastrous offshore oil well leak like the one that fouled mJles of Southern California beaches. Likewise, no one would testify Tuesday at a special legislative hearing whether slate drilling regulations would hare headed oU Union's runaway well on a federal lease in the scenic Santa Barbara Channel. But, after the hearing, Chairman Robert Lagomarsino of the Senate Natural Resources Committee t o Id newsmen, "the state regulations pos!'ibly could have prevented it." The ioint hearing of the natural resources and governmental efficien cy * * * l con11niltees was called to Investigate Causes or Santa Barbara's massive oil slick and recommend remedial steps .. "I can 't guarantee {against) another blowout," John R Fraser, Union's \vestern regional vice president in charge of exploration and production, told tbe hearing. "Bu t we can increase the odds in favor of not having additional blowouts :;ignlficanlly," lie said, "By installing additional casing we can minimize the chance of this occurring." Much testimony centered on whethrr state regu lations for drilling on offshore lands under its jurisdiction were stricte; than those employed by the federal government for dr il!ing on the continenl:.:l shelf beyond ·the three-mile coastal lim it. * * * Hickel Issues 'Tough New' Standards 011 Oil Drilling WASHI NG TON (U PI ) -Jn I er i or Secretary Walter J. HiCkel Tuesday issued what he called "Lough, ne\\"' drill· Ing standards for oil we!! operations in California's Santa Barbara Channel. The new standards, aimed at preven· ting oil le'aks such a!I the one which fouled beaches in the channel last week, require drilllng operations lo include ex- tra casing around pipes sunk to oil and gas deposits to prevent leakage into the sea. Amo~ ·other things, the regu.latlons require the extra casing down to a Flippln' Winner depth or 5.000 feet. An Jnlerior Depart- ment spokesn1an said the leak froin a Union Oil Corporation well which pro- duced last ""·eek's oil slick was 3,500 feet down. "Our specific-goal has been to develop tough, ne1v regulations which will help prevent any fulure disaster such as \l'e have recently \vitnessed in the Santa Barbara Channel off the CQast of California," Hickel said in a statement. ~le also said lti:s, department was prepar ing revised ~illing rules for offshore operations ill' other areas of the U.S. continental shelf. I nlernation al pancake race winner Silvia \Vinstanlcy, 17, gets a vi c- tor's kiss from Simon Knight. sexton of the Olney, England parish church. She beat America's entry from Liberal, Kan., in the annual Shrove Tuesday ra(e by (lipping a flapjack over the 4-0g.yard course in 1:04.2 minutes. I State Sets Oil Damage At $1 Billion SANTA BARBARA IUPI) -Tbe State of California estimates the oil from an uncontrollable well in the Santa Barbara Channel causetl more than $1 billion d·amagc. And tha t figure n1ay be revised up11·ard, said Any. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch, if the current seepage of "residual oil" from the ocean floor con· tinues. · Lvnch announced Tuesday state and 1oca1 officials filed a $500 mil1ion damage claim against the federal government and the Inte rior Department. Another $560 million suit will be filed against Union Oil Co. of California, operator of the drilling platfonn, and the three other oil companies 1vho lease the site with Union. "As ye t we don't kno1v the full extent ·or the damages," Lynch said, "If the current seepage continues, \Ve may have to enlarge our current claims or file additional actions." The well that created a vasl slick iOuled 35 miles of beaches. It was plug· ged "-'lth tons of .drilling mud aod. cement more than a week ago, but oil cOntinued to seep from a shallow stra~ pr~~ed by lhe original leak. Patches Of crude pettoleum continued to splotclt f.he ~urface of the Paci.fie: off Southern California but the ma1or concentration was about two miles long and from 10 to 30 feet wide .. At lt.s height, the original slitjt covered an estimated 800-square miles of the Pacific. ' SIRHAN ••• Fra1n l'age 1 llotel. thereby interposing dozens of pe°'" pie between him and his bodyguard. Barry helped Mrs. Ethel Kennedy off the three-root podium and .shortly thereafter heard the shots. Barry, who is a vice president of the Bankers Trust Co. of New York, was one of a string of witnesses \Vh() testified Tuesday at the trial of the 24-year-old Arab immigrant. Today the jury was to hear the t~stin1ony of George Plimpton, a close personal friend ol the Kennedys and author of the book "Paper Lion." Plimpton ·was another of the men who pounced on the 5-fool·4 Sirhao im· mediately after the shooting. Raf er Johnson, 6-foot-4 and 190 pou nds. testified Tuesday he joined in subduing the gunman . Johnson won the decathlon championship in Rome in the 1960 Olym· pie g'ames. '.. The defense claims Sirhan was in a sort of frenzied trance when he killed Kennedy and has emphasized how many huge men it took to !!!ubdue him. The trial Tuesday finally exploded the bubble of the mysterious ''..brunette girl in the .black and white Polka dot dress." Valerie Schulte, 22, a long·lressed blonde graduate of lhe Uni versity or California at Santa Barbara, testified 1hc was at lhe Ambusador victory party as one of Kennedy's young campaign workers. _ She was that night in a polka dot dreas but it was green with yellow polka dots and she held it up in coW't for everyone to see. She was on crutch~ al the time as a. result of a skiinC accident. she sald. Miss ScbW.te said she nevel\, spoke to Sirhan or even noticed him in the crowd unlil the lhootiJll . 108 Die During Rio's Carnival Celebration I RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -At tesst 1111 ~ dled In Rio duttog the 1- d1y Clrnlval' celebr1Uon wlolcb ended at dawn tOday. But morP., officials ~aid the total was not untiMuilly high, particularly for a Carnival pt"rlod wheit automobile: acridents a~ drowningt generally tncrtase sharply. A mnjoritJ of the deaths were in auto creshes, nnd drownings eccounted for 2(1 mere. • • • • ~Internal Security' Controversial .: • HCUARenamed · \ ' ... U.S.-China . · Talks Still 'P~ihility' VIENNA (UPI) -Pekioi's ClllCallatl$ of· the ICheduled SIDO·Amerlcan . Warsaw lll<eting bu put . off, but DOI ellmfnated, C o m m a a I 1 t Chinese plans for e<>aisttnce talks with Prf.sident Nilon's 1dministraUon. Eut European diplomats,.in close touch with the situation, ~V{.pid_~ )'~to~ establish contacts with the outside world from which it cut ltaelf of! during the years ol its cultural revolution. They II.Id the Chinese Com- muniltl also appeared. uxioua to hav11·11y. in any Vietnam settlement. ' Th< wmaw ·meeting, set for Thunday, was to have hem the first "feeler" in this direction. · Ceng Prisoner's Tale 'I Felt Like an Animal • • • ' Dame Holt Remarries LANCASTER, P1. (AP) - A Zl·year.old Pennsylvania GI recounted today the seven month! he spent as a Viet Cong prisoner. He told or sleeping in damp boles, over- run by rat.s and spiders, and the .,...,, of not • knowing what wu to bol>pen. Pfc. Donald Glen Smith of Akron. Pa., wu one of three American aohHers released by the Viet Cong in early January. Den," be said. Throughout the interview, Smitll was careful not to reveal other prisoners' names· or much detail on bow many there were. '"lbe days were in- termlnable, the nig)lts often like eternity," ·aald Smith. Be said prisoners kept up with the passage of time by listen- ing to newacuts their captors let them bear. Time passed slowly, be aaid. M E I.BOURNE, Aua!ralla (AP) -The wedding c 1 r fill me. Sometimes we got Id 't 1 rt nd nee meat, dog meal Jt's a wou n s a I a Po delica~ for them, I can't say car was pressed into servlef. aa much. But Dame Zara Holt married "Seep? Sometimes it was gentleman f a r mer and hard to come by. It's hard member of Parliament Jeff to shut off your mind, Bate today in Australia'• wed· especially when 7.ou're cramped in • pitd>blact bole ding ol the year. underground, things crawling Television carried t be. around near and on you and c e r e m o n Y t b r o ughout you don't know when it's going Australia's eastern seaboard. to end, if ever." At one ·point Prime Minister John Gorton tdenWied varlowi He said there were rats, "lots of them ,., and spiders persom for the TV reporters. I h Dame Zara, whole ace .JI • ' :; .,..,...., I F j .&editiili·y;· Gap ~~~i· Jl-'D•SUO ,_ T•l'dl • • --• • ~9 ""f&T---...... --.. ---.... _....... .._. ' ! Its cancellalloa by Peking Tuesday bad been feared when the acting CbineM chlrga d'aUaires fn . The H 11 u e defected and WU flown to the United States. Bui high Eon European d.iplomat.s at the time seemtd confldenl. Rad China woald not cincel the Warsaw con- clave, wbJcb the Chinese tbemaelv .. had suggested last December. Smith laid he often felt more like an animal than a man during his lmpllsonment. He "'.U cbalned by day and slept in a hole at night. "rm one ol the lucky ones," said Smith. "I'm home. The ethers are still over there." "We were always hungry," he said. "And I never could get used to their rice. I ate it, lob of It, but it d1dn't :i~ers~ ons. "l a 1 e her secret, ts. the widow of He aaJd one ol the few times\iroPr=lm~e~M=lnlrter::~Haro~=ld~H;;;oll,.J:~5i5iii!iii5i5i5i5iii:ii~ii:iiiiii5i~~=iiii~ he was beat.en followed an who wu drowned in 1917. escape try Iha! failed. He said his r.!lease with Spec. 4 lbomu N. Jones of . . Diplomata Aid Peking took Ill time in cancelling, ' t'vldently ponderina the altua· l!nn, in bopea of extracting · 10me concessi.001 f r o m Wllhington before 1 -meelin& date ii ~t. Ike Receives De Gaulle Note Smith oaid be dne!n 't ncall much of the attack or his capture at Nul Ba Den about 55 miles northwest of Saigon May 13,'19611. WASHINGTON (UPI) - He said after hiJ capture Former President Elsefthower he was marched for several telephoned President Nixon at days, but he suspected the Viet the White House Tuesday to Cong were taking him io Inform him that he had recelv- circles. "I'll be( I wasn't more ed a letter froiii French..Presj.. than :IO miles '""" 'Nul Ba . den! pw!et de GauJle. Lynnville, Ind., and Spec. 4 James W. Brigham of Ocala, Fla., carne u a surprise, Brig)lam tater died from what the Anny de9cribed u poor medical treatment af the hands of the e.ne.my. After b r I e f fonnalities, SP>ith and the olhen ...,.. whisked away by helicopter and evmlually returned home. WallichsMusicCity STORE Of 'THE STARS. PIANOS SAYE UP TO $100 Annual Fae~ Authorized ' ORO ANS MAGNAVOX SALE Floor Sampleo! Renlal Retul'll.I! Tnde-in1! ~.18 .8110PELS ons ·. e·:nowl Studio Demon1tratonl .......... CLIUAllCI IAN11AGO Model311J M.-. A• uo-So.ic SlltttO. hi dnmtk pecsa 6r ' abintt. Co.aiu so.no "'1M/All. ndio. 50..u UftdiscorWd•micpowr,2 1,·-.1f'OOftn.2 l~ crcJe.DpODnltial•nW. -..1mict-..ic ncotd ~. HAUllD · ""'"'oo1 ___ ...,13...,.. MAGNIFICENTSPlNET· 4 CONSOLE PIANOS, BABY GRANDS SAVEIPTl-61'- -_. ... ·-............. _ _...,_ ............ ........, ... :: ... .J: •..;.r--~ I:"'--. :: . .... .. . -.. '22tt ........ -............ a _,... ..... ~-...... ...... --·-..... •TY . 3333 BRISTOL SOUTH COAST PLAZA COST A MESA -540-2830 .' j • s-ass-t111t .... f'. OLD WORID MEDITER· RAllWI M1p1.nnt tlelvx1 con-· sole with f'llpetb c:abi1etry ia· 1pirff ,bf Sp•Di1ll de1lpL Show• F1 Mod" 6976 widt wd.1.J'• biae« piic:aft, 29S. sq:.tn., iMtaM automatic col- or, CWO latp: 'I" 1pnkttt,. Now $595. TERMS No dowa poyme•t, tenm to 5 :JTL <s,...-n·a:s. ...... 1 so.6o.90d., ·lutri:· auollllto Uae an1 bank~ oreredi1 card MuleOl;y earrieo 70u eoatnet, ' ..,._·..Ua1ed lorOYer S 7u~ WHOL~ESALER . ~l . ' ' ~. OPEN TO THE PUauC To mob,.... fw 1969 1Rc1..,1 S.Ventprywe....,..__, .. ,,,,,... aous.aou .. , ......... -...... r.m. ond 1p1r:W .._. of .. ••••"'-el .. 1111 ......... IL . ..w ' 1.19:2: llllli II TOii --SIDS - ·111b is • OjijiOil..ity fw .,.., lloo 1••.ol ...... 1'I llYLOll Sili ~ • r • -• ' ,boy your carpot 11 ........ -........ W1 llni 'ftrJ """ IW"'°4 ... ·~ ..., 500 rolls of carpot ii stock -..i CM ..... .,...,_._ ..... _ _._,_ .. _ 24 hour iMlalllfloa it ---. Al Cllpll It tint trtlr.A-- quaffty, no seconds orl~.~ Wit Is W.1~. SOii AT 11•• nai,1 So tOftlt it todoy. II yoo CM'I -it col ll•iw 1 IGll7 ... ~TA9 """" ...,..._, w. wll ........ ..,., lo.,... ---3.92::: DllPOllT501-L ACllWl'SUt 10,DIL-. """ ..., :i::.;: ... Iliowirtiitdr. ...,_ .... _,, .. , w. '"" blct. ..... .,.,. rldo T. -~ r::, ......... -ltw pitttm. ltJJI, w.., ..,.. ...., ~ ... :.!l. . &-. • "'""-........ d ........ 111-..... ......~ .. ....,,_ ...... Sllll AT 011111 STOHS •loll, t "' ,_ ..._ ..... . . 1.. ·, FOlt 8.95 Piii SO. TAD ClllSI OQr lllQM. . ':' 1~:=~,.: . OU&NJa .4.29~ -4.99~ -~:4.91~ -C.UPIT Oii. T--CAll'IT Clll.T--Glll'lf-.r- WOOL SUI cbMMacw:J.TPI PllAllPl'IOI.• Tht fl•ttt .. II ..... ...t T#EED FOllHOMllSr • ....., e11· .., II I ,.tco 549-3349 ---· TRIS SA -Ill' A111 A fAIJfASTIC l'llCI ~ THIS WPfT SllOUUI ATl.ltSO. TAii. llAl.Y9~-SDI.FOi IUS Piii YD. =.::/1,,• •.. ouaNJa 6AS:t 1.99:2: 0.. l'lllCI _.,,.,. ........ HJ, OVll lllAY'I IOAll . -<Mft'f•T-__ .. ,.. .. -. ....... ' J ' I L & J. ENTERPRISES llC. . ' . ' . Orange County's l,argest Wholesale Yf ~rehou•r ' 2406 s. lllJ•, sm• w -~a.o.. .. ... Phone 549~3349 •. I , ' , , > fl .' ' I I • I I , - ' • ----I·~': ;run • ...,oiill 'PAGE,. ,i·t1.'.1Sunset Beach's -~hoice ,, Te1'1iilion,Rddiolndut~S~', .( cillfnts l1l'CI 4 menace to public : health, I 'Mnby propoN to ban their adiiertUirJg 'tlirough your .. '" . HllllllnstM Beach and Seal Beech lfll!_ar about ,.cl,ji' to llui'tt-oiiflWn which CllY ii to annex Sunset BMCli Pd ibe rateway to, the BolH Chica ,P,J'OPtl11es, a fWlre.m4t1na and watorfront C(!IDlllllllllt. So.far Hlllltlnatoo Beech ii clohlf Ila fighting Iii the open 'by ·laldl!a the anneuUon matter to the Local . ""1«:1 Formatloo Commlss!OG and uklng approval for an election. • Seal Beach has annexauon of the ~trip alone Paci- (lc Cout.Hlghway under study, but ,so Iii; does 11Qt ap. pear.'eaie~ 14 have votero In Sunnt Beech mab a di- ncl cbolce between Seal Beach and Hun~ BeeCh. If voten are to decide Oii annualioa In a SPtCial electloii, the eotlre propot!tion abould be on th' ballot •o resident& can vole to join Seal Beach, HuntlJ!eton Beach or 14 remain unincorporated. · _ Whatever happens, Seal Beach Is iolng to have a atrong hand in the decision. If the, dty ii actua117 ln- te""'ted in the welfare of Sunset Beacb, lhls annexation campaign should be open and vigorously pursued. · There are many problems faclnf resklenta of the beacbakle community, no matter what the ,decilJon on annexation. Taxes will be of prtrne !mportanCt 14 many. To avoid a tax spiral, tllere bas been little real effort to modem!Je the strip or to develop it to take advant- age of the rapid growth ol. West O'*!IJ• .~Y· Relatfom between the reskltllta and thqct of Hunt- ! tnifon Beach have been.atralned at t!mtt over possible · ~tkm, U.e ..,.age treatment plant 911 ~l!f1!er Ave- . Diii. the-waterways .in the ane and many_olber prob- lems. '. '!be ralll'9ad ~t of Wll)' throu"1 lbe ana bu been a-and the_. wanll It~. However, the people want and need -paitinJ fadllt!es to. · open up U.e beech to'tull public use. ' Zoning and 1>ull<liill ·'mid master plannlni are of "'ex.titl"'emme lmJ>O!tance. 14 !jle.res!danla pt the btiacb com- hat Youth Asking f S~iety • Gloomy Gmi Don'I tbO !nll!ld dU.. and coun-u.. !>ave a reapono!blllty !or the .• IJOlh!ll<Ja..ol, waler ml lbe - ~.., ... ~ aiitiftcuVtJy "new" ibout the 1enerailon ii not limply itl youth, lbe mere fact that it is later in • cltPoolt*I • our lllotel by t1ie n- -: smn? WhJ' -ffllnllnll· t.. Beacb and Newport Buch PIY all the costs of. rubhllb removal, and patnilllni 'lllld J>Oltlni ...... lnp ""' watl!r pollution on our beaches? M.E. H. • u a... 11 .. n~~tr tt. ii UU.,. 11111 ...._. """" ....., ....._ ... • l ., ....... ._,.,.,, .... • model campl1"ed with 1ut ~· 'i .... -...... ...., ... °"" .... . year~ . '. ·~,------------' ii a . ...uuu.a ·-"'· : people, not JUI! a .......... dll1 . · llu point and -and pva es· And thla quality eaa belt be to -~-Iba • ... . in Mulow'• t.m.' u ·••self.ae-preulon YSURll t are more .. .... .; . blo~ .. el!lturally det<rmlned. . , y..; cannot lllldenll!ld this, then In moot 80CieU.. ol the put, Ibero eannot mideritand what,...,~ hu -• cbanct to do this, or •. th!•tlnf ad -. llld ~· . ' .,'U"! .. !t ... ':'7;=::. poplnJ -f SelN:h-. ..,. """"" . -. ~........ ~ .• ............ ,. .... It.. • . -. ·-.I~ ~t.the ·fn. !qbeJt and final ,t.p In human d!vldual organllm lougbt all its IHellme ;eloi-~ ond ii has -~ poOl!ble for mere llltvl~al . l!ld equ!llbdwn. 11$ .. DWIY people on1y 1n rt<*ll -hlihe•. aad "dlljlnctlve, ~ ""° llll*llriJy 1Ubonlinated to lta: prlmiUve iltiMAN ~bu eertaln · demlndl !or Ille, for a IOnd o1 liberty, NGlotll<al• -t !ft1111 be · for a _,,.Gt IOCUl'ity. • .;. bnngen lhal • mt! be '""· ' . , muat be allay~ ,!lll1*ai ' · IT IS NO ACCIDE!l'I' lhal the moot ' lbal mml· be ~ ' · • • quesllan!nc and dbsldenl yauths todoy 'tbll then· .... -oOdlI ' ...,,. !ram uppeMilddl&claa lam!lla, ~ demanrJI made cm. and ..he. UfutuNtt" wtthln tbe frameftl'k ol lbe pereonal!ty -,.. learelng, ,... ......UO.al IOdely ....... mOll usured. o1 some ldnd, ,,.. poup Iden-They do no1 want to Ill into a ~cl. UGI),, for IUlVival tnd,, support as do not want to accept the values of soclll being. 'nlea earliest and their m~tier, do not.. want to ~ · ,. need• mus& be at leut ade-like their parent.I or their parents ly mot before Iba Individual can lr!end.s. ' blmleU wita other 1enll ol They ara aslinfl lhal ""' affiueol """!-•tr provide mont lban a plonti!Dde ti m• tor!al 1oodl: !bat H opeo new vlllu for the rOalblng ol lndlvtdUal potentlaDU.., nol In the ......,1c !Ulm, .but In the realm of mor&I v1lue1, leDIOl"1 experi· ..,.,.., c:reailvo upru1!oo, and personal lulfil!menl 'llle!r tactlc:o aro childish. but their ends rriatultl. Beans Are for Dirksen' I I • or later enyway. Perhaps eome of your mO!lfY-trtbblnc oolla.gues can Ult tL" Fi:om Artu!a, calll., G1'0lll ,...lved lbe following letter: "I om deeply dlalremd by tbe terrible Jilllbt ol many ol our co-en ""d ttnalort wbo cannot ete out an ulstence '"' '31),000 a yeor plUI ..,,...... lr!nge benefits. I am oa ooclal MCurlty (Ill a ID"1th), and · my stipend 1eems ln- adequato, too. So I •01Dtent It by csrinc lot -childnJn while both parent. ,....t to cope with the never-ending ln- fllUon, riling wtl!are coats and in· crullnl tuu. "HOWEVER, WE are 10 moved by the bardlhips of our llwmakera that ... -to """ • bundle to them. P--to It to the neediest "°"' _....,, but nol the beans. The bunl et'11 for Senator Dlrk1tn., bless b.IJ lltUe hurli ••Thi llbotl: are wtm. but they are otlll pod ~ to .... a pod boot to )'OUT coll....., who voted '"' thl• lncred!hle crab. u nu .. beln( .. -In doubllng Ibo lalary ol the ~ttof;Z00,000." . a-bu hClhtd ......... ol lolfcl ••1111110lld!nr "" dNtrnlnecl, albe~ .... vanm,. llslll qalml Ibo P'I In- .,._ II)' -.. Allto ... An.GeWomlll ' ' munH1. ~ Iller vote the pollible eoluUqa1. 14 these prob!~ lhOuld be a!nd tully. Tilt future • the tlqy beech community la al stake. media. · JI appears 11n!lk!llJ tbaf a1 ... II will be able 14 IOlve the problems-wtili wblda II la Cllllfronitd. , \'et, ~ relld'!!lll do llOt wlab to be 1wall01fed up In an annaiillon and 1lnd ..U dlu It It l4o late that the annflllllg ~ hu no ln~oa of curing th~ problems. The time to !lad out tht answers and lnten!l!>ns is long before ~·tilt vol,fn1 l>Ooth, ana "' get .... ewers, whlchnw cily Is to be on the wlnulng 1kle of that vole 11 Ceinf 14have14 Mil ltlelf. ' Violation of Brown Act? lo-Th• F'oulllaln Valley City' COuncn decl!!oa "' bold •!Odl Holloaa al a. local restaurant two houri l*ore ngular meet1ng11 defeall the spirit of the Ralph M. Brown Act, wlllch requlrea the public'• buslne11 14 be condilcted In public. llecauae of a Joni. meeting a few weeks ago, the COUllCll decided to return to the practice of holding atudy .. 111ons prior 14 the regular session. Cltizena an llkely 14 question the motlve1 of a council th.it does not want to discuss city business in regular meetings .. Study 1essiona, can be a useful tool- but only .If lb• meeting• are conducted in a pUblic place so Uie public can sit in on the dellberationa on its busi~ ness . Holding the study meetings in the private banquet room at one of the local restaurants effectively discour- ages or eliminates public participation in this import· ant governm,ental function. Few average residents will be expected to "intIUde'' on the· council dining,boura and fewer 1till can be ex .. pected to pay $5 or so to sit with the council over din· ner to hear the issues discussed. • • Tobacco Indu.try: fn lr;eepi~ with our subsidj progra11111, thl: following is the money you will receive this year ••• in rountl miUio11J1, of course ••• Reader Answers AtUrek on Patriots' Ideals 'Maturing Y ou:ngsters Revere Flag" . ' To the Editor: . The oatra1e that Jack· Maples predicts (Mallboz, Feb. U) u a reacilon on the part of hll dlrt:orted 11Hawks" to R. V. MJtchell'1 letter (Mallboz, Feb. 7) 11 more apt to be tht reaction ex- perienced by, 1J1oot pclriot!c AmericanJ 'Who read Mr. Maples' WnJ.y veiled in- sinuations that anyone who IJUPportl the present conflid in Vietnam is a "Nazi Hawk," "Flag Hawk" or "Gooney Bird." I predict that, out of coaeem for hi! feelings, guided by pity rather than anger, most of thole who sensed outrage will refrain from affcrding his vlewa the di&nJ!y ol reply. RA TUER TRAN au.act those who disagree with the ldeala that we IO-Cllled ."Hawks,. proudly hold, since I ~ ad- mittedly Ignorant and fll informed on 1'Jiat theJr true modftl 811!, I will -take pcfnted issue with the accusations so recklealy, and I think, JgnoranUy flaunted by Mr. Maples. · I) Casualty rotes publlsbed by the department of defense abow conelwdvely that the exposure rate of 11profeul.onal military men over U" exceeds that of 0 the young fresh men too young to =--~;"'":.attest to lhis .. u I) POLm , defense contractors and defenM en that I have known In my Ufetbnef and l'~ had close contact with all three categories, are as repulsed and as. alienated by war and its tragic consequences u any other segment of our society. Largely because of their coorage and dedication to their country. they "'1dure tfle slander that 11 heaped 911 them and ltlD manage to cantributff lliln!fkanUy to the progrw ol our na- tion . 31 IT IS TRUE that moot ol the people , at patrJOUc ceremonies are veterana of one or-mort ol. our nations' •an ·tn the "over M" aae group. But I notice an ever increaslng number of youngsters, too, who are mat\D"ing to the point where they also revere the flag, yes, are even enthralled by it, and hear the roll of the drum and the sound of the fUe •• an fnsplrillonat cbaDenge to Uve up to their beritqe. I proudly number all seven of my children In thb vut majority of Americans. PERHAPS If Mr. Maples would discourse on why he doeS not support our naUonal policies, a subject that he Is more apt to be wen Wonned on, rather than attack those who are proud 1>1trlots, a group which obviously he could &fiord to study mon deeply, his views would be more palatable. and 1 ... likely to be construed to be highly emotional proJ>lpnda. D. R. HARRIS JR. Lt. Col., USMC "Over »" Ct'tuS lllet'Cettet'les To the Editor : I consider the pay raise \'()fed by Congresa as arrogant, irresponsible· and cont,mptuow: of the American public. Never In blltory bN our republ ic l1ctd proble1111 and .dangers -· ol It. I leadenhlp self!111, public-lpirtted men of cmsclenct wbOM dedicaUon and virtue could serve as an example to a lioubled and uncertain people -l!ld we are given crass mereenarlel. I oholl tllCOUl'AJI a0 l -and aD I mtet who will lllten to vole apinl!I e"'l' lnc:umblnl ol this "pc>detboot C4n0'w." LOUIS F. JOB.ST, JR. R.Ub011'• Prierltlu To the Editor: In .,,._ to Lee !1Ular'1 lollar ta • Letter• from . readlra :ari welcom.t, NormallJI wriUr1 1hould conver their message in 300 word! or less. Thi righl .. -··1.u.r.10 fit lp<JU ' or eliminate libel it re1erved. AU letter• m'Ult include lignature aM mailing addre11, but "amtS may be withheld on uqu.cat if ittfficient rta- son fl apparrnt. BuebaR P1d»llclt11 To Ibo Editor: . Ten daya ago · while in Chicago at an M.R.A. meeting · with Willie Mays, :he.-was being interviewed aboUt the .players' impending strike. Last night this ·tape first came over TV (Channel f ) as a "hot interview." U this ii the maximum amount of so-called free publicity sports writers and baseball publicity men can dream up, baseball is ln for some very rough times. · .. IDLLY CHASIN terminate It, assuming this alternative . were readily attainable. Mod women, single « married, wauld no doubt continue to prefer aUowtnc the potential hwnan being to dlAppur in the form of an unfertilized eg. Y. M. KEJWl:Y Agairut Al'Hwtloa To the Editor: If Name Withheld (Wed., Feb, U) Is not ashamed of her aborUon, why doesn't she sign her pame? Prwurea from .society? 1the editor (Mailbox, Feb" 3), I wOl.Jid Uke 11\1 opportunity to ~ply, since ypu led so. slrongly Iba! every lide shoulit ~~atd. ' -;c ' If she doesn't want her baby, I am truly 10rry for her. But why kill it? there are thoulands of couplet who 'SfWC!ked' would give U)'lblnc to have a ehlld. •"J\at chfld." Lee Millar, wq<>ever he is, I would lJ~e to compliment on his paraphrasing of ·the French pbiloaopher, Vo!tair: . "I dt11approve of what you Nad, but I will defend to Ibo death ·your rilbt to read it." I C(IU!d not agree with this more. However, l would llke to point out that defending his right to read It does not infer, by any stretch of the imaginatJon, that I wlll boy it for him! To the Editor: If lhe'a really worried •bout 'the erow1f. I was s~k~ at bow easy it was td· conditions of the world, why not for "Name Withheld" to have her abor· just kill everyone over IO? If we legallze tion (Mailbox, Feb. U). She had no guilt abortion, why not letallze euthartuia feelings at all. As a matter of fa~ · too? Same dUfertnct. she wanted -others to join her, ju.t ldllS. DAVID A. FELD!!: like Eve getting Adam to eat· the forbid-MDtbir of I- den fruit that kicked them out of No. 1 due nut month Despite hll propen!ity for prosaic pro. fundity, he does not have the acumen or background lnformaUon to discern book banning (or burning, as he infers), from my jwUfyirig the use of taz money to buy it for him. It seems tha t he and the DAILY PILOT editorial re!erred to, are unable, or simply do not want, to ....,...,i.. the dltterence.· FROM ms approach that ev~ng not purchued. ii the~ore banned, we on tbe 0r...,.·eounty ~d ol Educailon baMed all boots on the power of posi.Uve thinklng. since !(O boon "" thb subl«t were included In oar purchase. We are elsG guilty ol bannlni! most books on careers, sJnce we included only a few of the many career books that are available. · Of course, U yoo are saying that uHiroshtma" 11 of more educaUonal value and, therefore, warrants the use of tax money . more than the . books In the afor<menUonod colegorlel, then I am guilty -nol ol book binning, as you charge, but of a far more serious crime -disagreeing with ytu on the priority of books. DR. DALE E. RALLISON Tht Orange Cou•ty School Boord Z!l.!t Thur1dCy votfd 4 to 1 to rtwrtt its previous stand agaimt .purCM8e of 1ltrse11's "Hiroshim4'* and other books. RalU1on•1 toa1 tht ont_ vote a.gaimt. Stt editorial Feb. 11, .. Para· -noia in Action/' and prtOiov.t com- mtntarit1.-Editor To the Editor : Every article I've ever read about adoption ageoc!es bas been lull ol Hlf praise about their e/fld ency, and their molto bas -procla!med·to be "the chlld'1 w,lfare above every otbet coo- lidenUon." · My own upertencu with IUC!l .,- hu given me cause to doubt this. Paradise. II did not bother her that she !topped tbe growth of an. individµal who will never be reproduced again. Accon:llng to genetics, an individual at conception has his own ~sties which never will be duplicated: because of the fm. mense number Of genetic combinaUom. SHE AUiO SEF.S tltis'"\s a soiu.tion to the juvenile delinquency problem, stating thls would get rid of unl!anted children. Juvenile delinquency today Ja the problem of not only the childrtn or the poor but also the children ol the higher clasaes u well 1 btUeve w1 will solve these problems, not easily through elltajnatlng tbe children, but by trying tbrougb educallon to bring out the moot rewlrll!ni !ill for tbem. l am a woman who had her ICH:aHed "unwatited chlld.', I love him nOw too much to let rid of him even for a million dollars. ' NAME Win!HELD To the Editor : . 1be mallbol _ letter of.. Feb. 11 from the woman who went to Japan for an abortion states very well the position of those who believe that abortloo is the decision ,of · the woman inwl•ed. However, le~ me add a few additional thought. worth -Ing. First of au, tbe population of the world · Is Increulni at such a rale that baning catutrophea or improbable IOCial ·cbanges,',t&e doy will likely oome In a few gerier'ltion1 when eacli couple will be legally allowed only a limited amall number"" children. Then thooe women who become prqnant alter lbe1 hive borne theif: ~ alloted number will be loreed to IU!Jinlt to abortiCIOI. We can postpone that time u Jona 11 possi- ble by prevenU.ng· or ending unwanted pregnancies. ' ' · IF A WOMAN' beeome1 Jftgnanl beca.., ol lnldiquate methodi ol -tracopllon, It 11 ."'Y tmlalr r.r ll<lClety to demand that. the U!Ume Ute awesome NOW WE 111!:AD o1 the aact -rOlpOOliblllty !'I 'bearln( a _child and ol the Bartl. and little Buddy. Definlte]J <ulnc· !0< tbal dJfld I« Iba -· It the welfsre of the child WU no1 the to ill ,.!!lo lib! beraelf lmowa, better !Int coocUn ol the qency here. ,,.. than ..,,_ •lie whether &be b wouldni Buddf be bettl!r off with -phyaiea!ly ot meelall1 pnpartd !or the -loH him l!ld ha,. cmd lor him taslt. -· ftom the beglm1ng th•n with strangm?· · U ·• wmu iii ia the flfth ··er lirth .It wu, admittedly, 'to "protect tile lllontlt oll!i'<«""llCJ or liter belcn "'1<· ,,.i-.1~m" ol tboM who m1de !hi , !!>J ~ aborllon. &be should be given dedslon thal the .,.llCJ ofDctals reluioil fio1dilatric care, -It -.. llkt]J to mlew Ibo cue. lh1t mly 1• el!l()tlonally dioturl>ed ponon How do JOO Hke that? woold allow on UllWlllted Jlt"&MllCl" lo ICM. Cl.tn'OllD MOEN 10 ee tbal leeC ..-., ellori to I • 'LAC!k of c~· To the Editor: In · regard to the article an Pl&• I, Feb. U, In which yoo ,,..., '1UOlJnc Robert J. Bremahan and hla vleW. about the new alte f« the airport, I mu.st say that jt WU a · rart d1lplay o( his complete lack of concern for people u human· beinp. lie aid tbat people shot!ldn' eempWn about the proposed site that JJve iJ1: El Toro becaUJe moot ol them Will bave moved by lben. He doelni _, to realize that IOmebody will live Ulere and also wbat happens to their PfOl*ly values. THE PEOPLE IN Lei.lure World ce !poken of. Well, these people blive devoted their Uvea to the betterment of our society and now they have rettnd. Mr. Bresnahan tells them not to worry because they probably won't Uve over 15 years more anyhow. His ideas about people are · morbid and cruel. We are all people and not machines and deeerve fr~ and cm- sideraUon lo such milters. THE PEOPLE in Mlaioti Viejo aild El Toro moved there ·to Uve In a 1na1t new community l!ld '-tbal !hoy bsvo established ~ and mveotod 1n tbsm, they pt .. airport to' drop lbalr In- ·--by. larlO·d,,.;,e. Tbe idea ol Iba marine -lln't "' lood for a loca*'1. llurtnfl a n1tlooal ...... .....,. ii would be ""' - and u .ucallen& lpol le< 1bJ ~ ol an Jl.boinb. A m<n laollled aru teema much more feultile. BOW.lIID P. M1m ' I ' ' .. . . . . ·A Mari Over 40 'Is ' C.alled :T~o Tired' -------..... l(qclJeteller'• fr.ope••I I ~ax ·shar'ing Urge·d. to Fill H·uman Needs . ' I jl'AS!llNGTON (UPI) -.,...ui.,. for dome' t I e -.Ntolp the It ~ in· llW'inl hll campailn for the Collil'UI -wb<n be wu a. 1'he device ~ camlna put pii-poaat." Roc'bitiltt uld. come "' l!li'dlarll, dUI ta prell<ltney, Nixon uld: "Let's repreaentaUve from Wiacontln Gov. Nellon A. Rocktleller'a "However, the fed·, r a I ' tQlre Jw:te 30, U · "a uUoqal have a program in Wa.shlngtoo -lhat 5 percent ol the fedtral vui prOpo111a' ·for aid.Ing &overnment collecb two-tblrdl tu an·lncOme for bl ""'*1 in whlch the federal aovem-income tu coUecUons be edueaUon and w e i I a r e ol all tbt lull-wbenu lllle 11\111~ which hu the major returned ta the llata lo which throu(llout lhe nat!o<I would and local _......i. ooUecl tax money, &rant. back to they were colledtd. be "federal tu lharlna." onl1 ~ and 11111 u 1"' tbt atalel ~nd ta the local Sen. Chariu E. Goodell (ii-"Feder~ tu lbarlna'' 15 a~tt &o Alie& &ht,..,.... govenunent funds that tile N y ) opoaed wb1le compllcattd conctpt In wblc: n .;, __ .'' fo, ' ,.•· ol ....... .:.. ..,...,. '---• ~ 1 ·local governments 1 Pend r~p;~:Uve that S to I per~ the flder al Ovtf1lb:l'Gt would noc-efeller r:gade 1 '1erles • ._.,.. -~ P,t•Ga;liitnl, wllhoat strlnga to handle the cent ot the federal lndividual Wrtna revenu•t" ror In. _.,.,. WOllld civil rlPll roptal!Olll be wrltla Into the dlltrlbutlon 1 -.5bou1cl I b I tu-td rl•-bo ptKed Jn I aeff• parpalUalJnir tnlll IUDd! Ot should~ lllUa an an- nuil approp1otloa! slve IOlnt of the bua:e , ~ far-reachlng ~. dur-partJcularly for .edUcltioa.. problems ol govemmenr." income tu: revenue be return-; amoUnta "' money 1t collecU m& hll · •ppearuce before nie tatter. two propoub The concept or "federal tax ed to ~ ltatea, to percent BJ L. M .BOYD cvrroMD UllVICI· Q blek ta llardiftllOll llate and Pnaldent NW. and U,.. would eotaU "1unllnc IU sharing" It not new. on a populaUon b a 1 i'. -Sbiluld the dlatrlbuUon of t.u:-lharing revenues be made on a per .,.pile bull (which m!lht bolp nead1 111 t e s mott1) ! Or u a percentage of the Income tax collected within the 1tatt1? THE .. ILU '··-··-' · IOcaJ pftsnmenta. The con· Urban Mfaln Co~ncJl .• billion in federal tu funds Dr. Walter W. Heller, wel&hted by an Index of tax CMIPAIGN ta 1t1alt.e )'OW' --· man tenllon la !bat Iba federal --propoood: · ta the 1tatat In the llnl year, chairman of the Council ol effort, and 10 perctnt lll!IOf\g ~tract merrt.11 gou on. come up wltb the · orifla ol . 1overnment tbrOUlh ill in-·...A · compulpy natlooal llarllnr /uly ), and Ill blllion ECOllOmi< AdviHra·during tho lhe 17 llatat with the Jow..,t --------- the t: the marriage wherein the term 'piker' to duc:ribe come tu, hu a much more beal\b lnlurance proaram. wlthln lOur yura. KeMedy adminlstraUOn, pro-per caplll Income. to Uve1~1::r-::°'°man All'.: • che1pek1le!" A.1'1lat belan tfflcleqt method of ralling -'!be federll aovwnmt1nt Rockefeller uld after the posed in 1960 that Cederal The conctpt of federal tax if f Ii in St. LoUla, he 1111-His fundl than tbe lb.tu. evlbta.aJhr ' take ovtr the n,a. meeUn& that Ni1on a n d revenues be dJ1tributed to aharlnl railea auch queiUon.s ~e °bi-8., ven period.Aft of Merriam-Weba:terclaimlpiker "State and local ex· uon11'wtlfare .,.terq. aetUn1 members ol the council state and local governments as : that~ on u,c; co'.o&~~·h e ~ allµdea to "Pike county, Mo.,. pendJturea to meet human uniform ltandardl and finan-''listened and uked ques-with no slrings attached. -How much fed er 1 1 malrimonial life, they must thought to be the oriplal needl have-hem rl.llni much cln& it throuab t e d e r 1 I tions," but exprealed no Defense Secretaey Melvin R. supervl1lon and control should Who Can Read Just-·-One 'Peanuts'! proceed down to city ball to home ol many 1 b I rt 1 e 1 1 more r1pldb' than federal u -revenue1. ptrlOlla} vtew1. Laird proposed ln the 89th be exerclaed over \he tai- take out a new permit. And farmers." What a slur on a -------------------------------------------------------- again the next year, and dandy CQUntyl The reprobate acain, and again, only 80 Jong who started that ia unknown, as they so ~-~---· ••. lorllmaltly .... Q. "WHAT . ~uoe. '11\JDC ra'+' DOES the averqe typlat ::,-im 'tho -tbil make!" A. Strtkeoven. Wai4· _.,_, __ claim H nol ollly would that'• filp De-'-'· 00 w•-e . ~te divorce, but cm-· ,...._ -ra -~ marrlap ....uact !Ml Ille workl. In New Yorlt ~. 'Undar<lllCh ~Jilin could pu1 ""'·!Ill· In Chleqo, 191, lli Baa 'l<leal toveioimeut ... i piy!na 'Francllco, "'I• • ", Q, "BOif l>aat.. Aili lllllnlna our L<ive Ml1al t>Oi:a II eGll ta bu1 ·•••.._ •• J • <••• I ---.lal. 00 .-. nlr l!>tn w 00~ -Doa llarlin'• abowr A. Am it. . told that l'Wll tlf,ODO. THE TOP M.\11 lo I lalat • • hair firm >aya . Jtla company . Wll.l~ llUPlllNED ii now 1elllo1 about 3 000 wile ta I,eonanl ~! lit wu I wttk ta t-· ~)'I. that fine fellow Who IOmO . · · •• ll'OR ~ ~• ·~·bad< made 1.ltllnl·b7 . . . -·-~ dim"--•"•• Iha llM. " hll In tbla country, croullrttds --don1 oulnUJl!l>er tho purebreda moutlt., -. H wu. Ht &llJJ!lCft u much u ~ coald pat hll 1111 tn ll Or mll&t think. Only. bro ta one. · a • iOO.nll lt.,.bolb. Or lour A S T bard..f>oilM e~&11 w I t h o u t , • • • L OU I S •-·"·•"· "· ......,., SUBSCRIBER claims he ~.....,.. ~ I e~. • • • """'" know1 a genUeman whose true WHO WORK in the automoblle •-w•--c1~ plants now are about ttt, a 111me UJ u~ iaSS . • • k fl th th • AMA.ZING the hidden linkup! wee better o an ey were •·t r F a year ago. But men who = ween amous persons! or work in aircraft factories are illltance, who recalh: that · 1,,._ .... JO a week wane off. Efrem ZlmbaJ.i!t Jr. 11 the 11UU• ... stet>brother of that writer ot Because of infJation, lut11, renown, Marcia Davenport? . whatnot. Such is the report , . , A TAWIAN POLICEMAN of the computer boys. gets a demerit from the chief RAPID REPLY: Yes, flrs. every month he fails to arrest c., engineers who recenUy at least one burglar. made a 1tudy of lbe costs "FEW WOMEN cail . find · ol olectrlclty Ill' ill dtoapar . much -iijeyment in the . to leave the TICUt&m ·cllliW amorous .attentlom Of a man ~ u you move from over 40 because by that wie ]'()om to room thin to tum he ii ttnerally t.oo bored i nd lt off and on. loo tired ~ carry out a rial y wr q1e11Uona i1"nd COfl&- romanee. ~. . So •ta~ I men ts err• totlcomcd mid Ltwlaton, ldaho, girl who uk!I what our Love l1ld War man thinks of that. He thinks it aound1 like the sli'temtnt of a mlnJ-sklrt mind. Hun't ahe ever heard that life begins at 40?. Well. what'• We without -lov•T NQthing. " will bt' u.aed wherev!r pos· sibll in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Bo~d. in care of the DAILY PILOT, Bo• 1875, N<!1Dp0rl ~each, Calif., 926'3 Stag Dinners Brought Back to White House WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Niion IJ fallowina: in the social footsteps of former President Eiltnllower. He's givin1 black tie sta1 din- ners. Nixon fir:~ tore a page out ol E~enhower's book by bring· ing 1 white tie fonnallt,y to the Whit• House. Now he 1ays he hu been holdinl about three "workln1' black Ue stq: dinnera a week. He gave such a dinntr lut Monday night for Sir Robert Menz.lea, former Australian prime miniJter and h a d another black tie d I n n e r Thursday nl1ht in the family dining room on the second fioor., Nilon invites 10 to ll tuesls to the intimate dinners which itriin at 8 p.m. Since the Pnsident is an early rlter, thty don't i:vn very late. PAT SE'l'rLES IN While Nlion is usln&: the social opportunities at the White House, his wife Pat bu kept her hosteu f'llnclioni do1vn while she aets lttUtd In tho family quarters. Sh< gave a reception, with coffee and neel rolll Jut Satur<tay , for Ille ladleo allllltary ol the VeUnnl ol Forelp Wan and she will eotertaln ...... -at a· luoebtoa lo lht llate dinln& room _,, Mn. Nlnn bu nol yet dioclOoed aey pal projecll she mi1J>1 ba•• lo' mind u First Lady, but .-ol the outlln.., have been revealed IV Pat Hitt, •••'•ant ~ ol bealtb,Aducalloo and rilare. Mm 'Hitt aald Mn. Nilon wlll be invoh'ed In a n1Uonal tt<nlltmenl proaram I or volun&eer• to "help others." Ed.Callon ·partlcutarly Ix Ille field that lntrtpa Mr• . .Nixon the tne*t All a former ICbool teac:llel'. Htr role i1 be ing worked out ..,. a top Jovel cabinet committee ancl ii "'* npec1'd to be lonnutated for aome time. Mt. Nixon is still awed al btln& called "ldr: Presidenl" ,· He droflPld in at a dlnoe1 part7 ctlel>ratinc A 11 e t Jtooeevelt Lonporth'a Dlh birthd.ly WedMacl1y n!lht 1n<I laltt aJd be WN "ezn. barrassed" because Pre5ident Theodqre .Reoaevelt'1 daughter had called him "Mr. Pral- dent." Nixon had the aame ex- perience when he went to IM Eisenhower •t Walter Beed Hospital arter the Jn.. auguratioo. Elstnhowtr abooll: hls hand and. said "Hallo, Mr. President." ·"When Nixon went to the Pentagm recently be wu ad· d1'UMd as "Sir'' by 1old' braided admiral•. Havln1 been a lieutenant in the Navy dur· ing World War 11, the "Sir" from bra1s haL~ to the com· mander-ln-chief also startled tilm. RUSH ORDER The Slinal Corpi recently sot a ruah ordw to put in 11vtra1 new telephone linet from the PentallOll to Camp David, the presidential retreat in the Catoctln mountains near 'nturmont, Md. Com- munlcatlona there a 1 r e a d 1 were inllantanfOUt for White lloule telephonin& from the Jolmlon days. A White H0U10 apol;esman uld that Nixon wW bt mini UM mountain tap retreat often. There also were ift.. dkations th1t Nl100 will be ·uaJng Camp David fer top tecret meetiJlll perhaps with foreign viltton. Nixon plans ta chlJllt Iba names at the N1vy 11• in the Wl11te HOUll Diet - "Honey Fib" and "Patria J." The yachts were named by the late Prt1ident John F. Kennedy. But there ls no thought to change the name of Camp David, w hi c b Eitenhower named afijr hll arandlon David, who II N$ on'a ton-in-laW, married to WI dluahter Julle. Ensign Named -.i e.n, ""' or Jerry Y. Bell, IJ2t F.11t1 Lant, Newport Beach, hu been corrunl.llM>ned as an ensign lo the Navy followln& gradua- Uon with a decree in 1ndUltrtal administratJon from Unlvenl· ty of New Mexico, where ht WU in tbe NIU1I'C. •• Look for the LIGHTS IN THE SKY. ROAST BEEF WITH COUPON BELOW .\.ccept our invitation to JAX Bout Reef Grand Opening, home of i.,. mous JAX Rout Beei end JAX Ham Sandwiches. Tue edvantllge of our Grand Opening Special of a FREE JAX. Try a creamy JAX SHA!IE .ir other beverage.. And don't mia out on JAX delicious French Fried Idaho .PoJalol!I. JAX MINU JAX 69C ROA.IT Ill' --w._ .............. . i~OKI HOU ll HAM __ ... 69C t::Ho •UNCH ,., ....... 20c *L.Ook fer ltie "Ughts In the sky" Thunday, llitdcty, and SaturHy night! They'll guld• y• te the lttst Htlnt 01 the "Gold Coast!" coLA.coLA ..... 1 Sc • 2 .0c o•••o• ••••• 1 Sc • 20c JAX 30C - • -. ---. --. . --•• ... 310 E. 17tb St. COSTA MUA • MOC,HA I HAKll ........ .,--tN"• .~01 .... '. ..... 1 le • 20c JAX C0,,11 ........... ,.;_.,_ ... 1 S.C 820 N. Euolid Ave. 12151 Harbor Blvd. ANAHl!IM GARDl!N GROYI! OR HAM SANDWICH with lhia coupon when you buy one 11 regular price. COMING SOONI' i ~.~~Tu.f:J~~~r ~· . 1f551 Beach BIYd. 2300 Qllllllll AYi! . 60 7' S. h llYt · Stanton ' -· . Fll11t1~. ilf!le ' , , Relative • • ·01 Buried Girl Held EL MONTE CAP) -The uncle of a young ·El Monte woman shot to death and buried in a §hallow grave under her home bas been ar- ·rested on suspicion o£ murder. ArnuUo Maldonado, 33, was arrested Tueday and aCCU9ed / -~ killing Anlla Arleqi. 22: She disappeared Jan. 15,three days before she Willi to marry Army Pfc. Wesley Hanington, atationed at FL Ord. The girl'I decomposed · body .was found Sunday by her father, Sylvester ArteagL Pollce said Maldonado told 1hem origina]ly he saw the victim last in front of a doctor's olfice in Salinas, but later said he left her m frobt ·Of a department store. • SACRAMENTO (AP) -The legislature'.-initial a c ·t I o n againae. ·violence on college campustS re.ached the Senate floor · today u Gov. Reagan warned 0 the very ,fate of higher education l! at atake." Both Reagan .and !ht Senate Judiciary CnmmlU.. moved against .mililanl dissidents Tuesday -Reagan la a strong statement at bis newt con- ference and the committee m approving new student control legislaUon, clearing the vtay for final Se;nate action. ' . . power lo remoye faculty• student.1 or outsiders whou presence •1~atens the'ordef. Jy operatloa" of · u,e ~ 1tituUon. Rresnl law &1vet of-:.- flcials only the power ~to tell outsiders to leave the cam~ . . . * * * Clean House 'Or Else' f Says Dumke ~~~.e Reagan made it clear he will continue his 1trong .stand, declaring .. the very ·quality and the very success of our · LOS ANGELES (UPI) -"I .was going to.Rive Jal a tip when We left, bu.t I educational institutions b: at · The head of tbe California think rll give it to!°°" now-clop »&Yinc IO much stake and I don't tlUnk it State College ·system warDs atfentilm to m.v u.t.1•• is·confined to California... the legislature may take over..----~~------------ Less than two hours before unless members of t b e he made the s t a t e m e n t , their own house" and put an members of the ~ ei: a te their own bosue" and put an- '1'udiciary CollU'l)ittft com-e~ to campus dilorders. pleted acilon on, tht first of The alternative to ~'higher some 65 measures introduced education cleaning its own to combat,,-.protestera. house" Chancellor GI e n n Alioto Raps 15 Year Sentences in Mutiny ttui Sena l Dumke told a Town Hall · s.ni 1o.,,... te f 00' •n 1tmcheon Tuesday, is dlr<ct.· Sears W arnm· g a biparUan vote ••s a bill makin&, it a felony -with control by the legislature. •· ·. SAN FRANCISCO. (UPI) ~ sentences "approach1 the stan-_...._ . "You aee It today lo '°"'"' Ull ,_____ · · SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -a ,,.e.... .. mn state pnson 37 very punitive billa before . S &eOleDCeli of 15 yun: dardl of cruel and inhuman SCan, Roebuck Co. iJ urg• senitd& cl. 10 yean "'"" to the California Legislature,"'be at hard labor handed out to puniahmenl" ing persons who bought tts assaqit· a campus police of-said. "I think this would not three soldien convicted ot The mayor added tnere wu gu furnaces since July 1 to ficer,;The offense h now a be good. L•don'I thin' the , misd · h bl b • mutiny have resulted in strong "no doubt that m 11 i t a r y checlt coocerni.ng a potenllaily emeanor, punts a e Y leg.islatpr'S Teally want it." defective valve. The valve a maxtmom one year in the Ha.ever, he said jt is "cer-criticism from community organization is b a s e d on county'jalL' i' • -.1.. ·• . ·tt .. 0..1 .. wbat'sgologloha-n" leaders. discipline, but a 15-year presents no hazard unless the ed ....... ·-'-.a h _....., rr-· .sentence to a 2l·year--0ld kid furnace pilot light goes out. Approv ~~,..-to t e unless the acadeinlc coin· San Francisco Mayor Joteph caught up in an emoti.90&1 If it does, customers lhould Valley Vo ,.,. 0 Finance·CoriuTtittee was a bill munity does not solve Its own L. Alioto .said at hia Tuaday m o m e·n \ j 1 j u s t not attempt to relight it, the .,.,...f=i·p=·vJo==g==cam==p=w:::;::offi~.=""=·=b==th=e=;i;problems====~'::;;;:;=;;;:::::;:;;===ot-n=e=w~•_:"l'"'!:::er~e=nce=-~th=•~l~,=.lhe=·__:d=q~pr=Ol"ll!'.:::'1MllMl=··t:!_lt:·_"~·---_::finn=.:::said~·~·-----__:====================================- ,FumU for 'L ·. k'M'' Minorities -.. ,, g.q ~.,. &,. n:o=~~ .. d~r~ ... n'' ~O' t ~-a· n· -ds t ,at San Fernando VaDey Slate. , , -, .I& e· college hu voted to take ,, • .... ' ' ,a tudent's registration fees to I~· ~-about fl 1 year from eich 1~ heJp support the school's ·educational opportunities pro- gram. ·tbe action is expected to 'raise $92,000 whlch the senate 'VOted Tuesday to contribute for scholarships for minority students during the next four • yeara. r UDder the program, ~ t Negro and Mealcan-Amerioaq !>'' . JlludenU atl<mded the Cl!lloP .. ,.. .. ~','4. ~ •. · . t lhla year. And Tuesday'! ao-'1;.. •' , ··'-"',..,.,. • -'', "-" ltioo wlll hclp finance !ht re-1 ·90· ~-~-'~F,M/.A ... I cent agreement between ad-· S ' J.W& 1minlstraUon and m llJI an I •. , . --<"l , · ,.minority students wl;ticb p~ ·~ ' · ial~ ~ 1. ~·. ·k di vides for the a~ ~ . .,C OC ..n 0 fall of another 100 dlaad-' ( a·a. 'vantaged minority atudelits ; • • ~ ': ' l· ' . •under the federally spoosored Oftly larp ~Is that tell the time minute by minute .. program. You d0n1 &et an onli1111ry clock In Sony's Digimatic FM/AM cloCI<. nidlO' 8fC'69W,. Yeu get 0ne lhars pushbutton con- -tr91!W-la119 easy,'te>read nunM!(lll., Instead of a clock. ACLU Fights CAiiif~ 1;0 ~te.) Which means' Once you set the time you want and JNsh the automatlc.b!Jtlon, It wakes you up the exact same time evety morning; ititomaUcally, With no Campus Bill re-setting 1Ner. Also shuts itseff off by 1tsen alter an hour of play. Arid It can autometlcally adjust. to a slightly higher SACRAMENTO CUP!) _ tone.to.wakeyoo gettUy, ii yUI doze off. And look. no hands! 1'he American Civil Libertiei Press IT)lnual 'button and r_ad10 becomes~ fegular table set Union (ACLU) today promised R•dto performance?·Nothmg but rich, boe sound thanks lo 1o 1es1 in the courts the coo-special Sony cin:uitry, 850 ""'of power,.and a full 3~· <JtituUonality of a propmed Dynamic speaker. All in a low, sleek. compact cabinet that ·.11tringent campus t r e s p-ass takes up a minimum of space. Styted In white or grey. Com-: measure approved by the plete'with earphone. Come in, tike'one home, and pleasant Senate Judiciary COmmittee. dreams. SONr The committee endorsed the · · ·s1NCE lt.47 legislation by Sen. DonaJd L. Grunsky Tuesday along with two other . bills specifically aimed at student and faculty militants on college a n d university campuses. Gr unsky (R·WatsonvUle), ·said the tighter trespass bill W()\lld enable school officials jo keep off dissidents who ~~~known to cause ~DAVIS BROWN 411 E. 17th St. --Costa Mesa Delly t-t, Sat. t-6 -TolepbH 64l-1H4· -FREE SAFE . DEPOSIT· BQX · FOR I ' MAllJAINIWG, $51,SA VINOS ACCOUNT. ' ' . . ' . ~ . ~. ,, . . .. ·"°""'' 9:30 ·-;'M .. 9:3"jj.m.; Sot,, 10-4!""' '°'''p.m. f' I • • " ' I ' All Penney ~tores .Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday lig savings on women'& th~. or average length half slips 99~ ,.. nylan holf slips In .... -rat OI' CQ't- -'loncll -. &.ngths in ~ c:olor:t. Sb.$.M.L . Women's nylon ,.itl panb or bikinit at stoclc-up pritesl ·-99< -21or 99< .._,, -trilwd """°"tried_... .... ifl fftft)'CCI oc+u"9dailon, •• WU.,~ p.ttipw• s.M-f..JCL The ............ -le shell vibrantly ..ro...i and t.xtvnd 2.99 Mlilll!lll .......................... ., .................... ,..., ... .. ......... .,..._...._ COSTA MESA (H•rbor Shopping Center) ' . SPECIAL PURCHASE I Girl's col Ion stretch ankle pants! 7-14 3..iit 2.66 1.66 ComtonP-to'-tho~ragoln..,.m-ata prica you -· Gffordl Al girls ..... "--slNldi cfonim pants In popiar'prints and plaids with off ..... bocliar-.dsl tknyandtcM.onef1:•W-.1pOtflaearl HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington C.ntor) Men's ombte shirts and plaid jeans at 9Nal.ICIYin91 nowl ................................ with ahort ...._ i" .bfue, gold or arr.. ... _................ 2.99 ..,.,. ., b ... -,loid ''"" ,,.... i--af _,_ .... _,...,_,,..,.. '"" Ml ironit'lll 29-36 w, 2a.:J2 ..... 3.99 NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion 111.ond) l't ei-.ia T.unnel R•t \ ., Holding a ·flashlight .and pistol,· an American ''tunnel rat'' emerges from a·hole leading to an under~· hiding·~ place ·containing Viet . Cong weapons a n d documents. U.S. and allted·-patrols continue to uncover jwi:gle arms and food ,caches the Gommuni~ts h&q set to luel attac,ks in a possible ~ajor offensive .. • • •• • • • • • • ... • • ' • • • ~ • • ~ ' ' ,. '\ . ... Wit ldiJ, ,..,., 1', l'M!._ NILY l'tl.Of 0 :;R-n:ss "Military:· Budget ~Wo.e s Eyed -·~ -~ J "'" • ·1 . ' , "ASllJN~N (UPI) -eaacr-Jn·Jald.Jen111rJ\IDd 'I...-.,. o1 '111m1a•1 eel-R. Lain! 1ald In a ldevlilon Ullll4d·Slal<o IDJllllDben o1 11'ht·llbln ..,.).....,\loo to .. ~ aw-.IMm 11 ~ v-fecbnololJlbulllln1• lnlervlew Sunday that lhe baftlatle mloelle JaW>Cbm. ~ J a-..... ~ R1111i4'• m1o1tiol;'..u. ,,. ... .._~In Ille lhlhe<! 8lala ID Cilhel' :~;~ "~: .~ :r:J ~ ~deflJ:'°wec1~ mHltlr, 1!lf&tl ·...-.-ltdanl ..., ... ._ ••ilt' -=~~:=.1b.~ htAIU.s. apibds oo trate£ic ablpbilildlllg. keeJlllll ltoof>I. IO far With mixed COOCluaS<lll. f1ICl1 fur: °' this ,$1U, ednc•&ed maoponr, pf u I defeme :.and # (Gr every $2 alone tbl China border and · O..i Yl.:;. ii lhel •lhe Viet-blllloo,-« 41 percer.I, 11 for more ol Ille lnv..-t In lhe u .s: 'spends O. atntegic rannlnc lhe Anbl. nam ,wir bu tJvea the:&ovlel delae, one-Wrd of ~ ~ medern machlntry,• all of offense. ·He dkl not'.. AJ bow . They, lite the United States, Unloo·• boci;t In Ille rfucleer • Vietnam. · · ·wbldl .,.. · needed lo r tliHe flallno were computed.) lace Ille lacl that u arms ~,... -!lilt Vie~ 'lbe IR>!lat Unloo• boo '~ . economic .,....U.. BoUI Ille United State. and t<chnolOIY edvancei COiis 10. ~~*~~i.~~~"i~ • U.8. SPENDING ~i:,r=~i: ~ ~.Ju~:;::beore.: ,;tlh fOl:>,lhe United cWfnM ~ lt 17.Y blflloo ., 'lbe United State. thls.yur groos "lllllonll pro&icts on mor• costly. '11ta 'and ·lhli · bu allowed rubi8; or I • perooit. ,ts IJIOnding II ~ ol Its defense. But becauae .lhe U.S. U.S. bud~et planners hope the R~mlan11, to wOrt oo .a .'ff'*I miUtary coeta ~wldcb . def~, budcet • "1trate1ic econom)'l is twice as big, it to take some of these future nuclnt ar"Jl.\f:" ·lhe So v-le ts buy under ''lief. ,,forces, wbldl 1nclude long can better afford tt and still costs ou1 of boped-for·savlngt Another ie is iiti ~ the met". and other categories ~ ranaeo offensive nu c I ear mttt civilian needs. from ·the end of the Vietnam dllt!Pft>8;..;;',..:0~tai,.~, ate,added, tbe "real" 'So:ilet '>wupcms and -against cos11,y PROGRAM war. But since lhe war has cl•llian .,..uni ti ~ ~. budget "' probably _7mldear attack. . The .Russians have been go-coil the Rlll!Sill!lll lesa. lb end eveQ . more ,acute for 1 .u.; between 20 abd 2:4 billion •· RWIS1I .b spending IM;iflY Ing through a very costly pro-Would iive them less of a SoYieis -for ·S. unJtell• .rublea. • 20 percent ol 111 c1e1 .... funds gram lo calcb up with the budget cushion. Stites, aiid' this .. ~ lbe ·• Traosiltlng this inlo dollars · •«I Jlralegic ,.,.. (lllavt·balf1,r==================, Rnsstaris . 1 . stroacer thotJv'! • 1st 9.Cffuaina.· At the olfklall -on olfeme ud bait on ror nuC!eer anns 'lllnltatloo adlange rate tt would be '23 1 cleleme). For lhe Russians, BARGAINS GALORE Wu:« . · · bflllon' lo 11'1 bllijoo. But aiiice jf'llrategic" forces ·atoo Include · , ~ a Soviet llOldler /' paf!I leU .-mid-r,np --relating lo !.hop at lia111a et ••II f,..... yowr •r111chair. It worlr1 altliar way with DAILY PILOT Dlll'lt·•·Lino all1. Pltona ~2-1671. BOTH ARGUED and sOviet costs .. JO..., r Europe. lklUi.rie\n ~·being argued this mak01 lhe·-military 1; (Defense s.cr..taty Melvin wltliln the fi/l 'ro n 1<1-n\achioe kiok ailrtallfticalJ · ' minlolr@Uon; • 90lliel!IDel. by' mnall. .; ~ ·sBmt people. ~ ' 'Tbe' flrll ii :an 1 argll"1ent ANotJIEJI WAY for U.S.iPfeplJ'edness. The se-: So experta h'aYe another coud is -part of the ad-way of fliurlng It. They ana- ministration's reason for in-Ifie Soviet military 'pro-. sisting that Russ.ia show will-grams and compute what it ingness to .work. for political would cost to run all of them settlements in . Vlelnaln · the . for a ye.ar at U.S. prica:. The Middle EaSt ·. Md etse.;,here · 'figure they come ap with is before U.S.-Soviet arrfts tal.b $60 ~llio~. start. 'Ibis gives a clue to the Tbe theory Is that if Russia size of the Soviet military really oeeds anns talks more. es~blishment., B 1 ut it does not than tbe Uoited States does, measure Rwwa s d e f e n s e she will make some con-burden. This burden must be cessions to gel them . measured in lerml'Clf Russia's own economy and partkularly what parts of ber economy are ta{lped for defense. COMPARISON How do U.S and Soviet spen- ding problems compare? The budget which t h e Johnson adminiatratioil sent Eco~litf ·. believe t h e Soviet' mtUtary ml. apoco pro- gi81lllS consume • higher ·, ' l 1 1 , I • • ... NOW! . ' NEW! " PILOT PENNY . ' ' PINCHER '· ·c~$SlflED. '.ADS ·Wl;JH f!.· \ . . . . . Nl.W-'.lOW-RATE . ~ . . . ~ 3 LI~ r • 2 TIMES ' s1~00 • IN THISI CLASSIFICATIONS! . 1000 Pl•-lo °'11..,. IOIO llodlo I011 Tolevilion , IOI~ . l:ttf'I·&. 51o,.. IOl,4 ;r,.,,. ............ , . IOU· .Clnlof!is & lqUl-t ''.··· "~~--11IO '· , .1110. I iti;~ ·•120 .~ ...... ~ 1125 MIMOll.......i 1130 l200 1205 1210 1220 1300 l400 1500 1550 - e EACH ITEM MUST, IE '. ,RICED e . ' ":I • ..C1All: . .. ( . . 64.%-5618. ,. -ol ' I ' • ~ , ASK F.OR YOUR DAl lV'· PILOT in:v1sOR COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT. BEACH (Feihi0n lsltnd) ~: ~NP :Yo~;1 MAY.1 t'HAit~.E ',1t1 (Horbor Shoppi119 C.nt.r) (Huntington Center) • , I 'I I· I I I ------- JO • DAILY ~ILOT Cocut Officials On Cities Groups A ·roster o( appointees to various Calilomla League of Cities committees including 50 Orang< County officials, 15 from the Harbor Area and other coastaJ towns. was an· nounced today. Costa Mesa Viet Mayor Robert ~t. Wilson, a director of lhe Orange County League of Cities Chapter, identified the city staff membet'3 and councilmen named to a long list of posts. Selected pr imari ly for their knowledge or s pecial t y training, the individuals v.·ill serve one-year tenns on con.1- mittees which meet up to Sl'' times or more annually. No one from the Harbor Area was poointed to eithl'r the League of Cities' Con1- mittee on Aviation Problent~'. or to t' h e Committee on Transportation and Freewayr another major issue locally. The California League o: Louis R. Reinhardt, L o s AlamiLos Mayor Dale Ktoesen andCypressCou n c 11 man Robert A. Harvey. Committee on Building Regulations. -Costa Mesh Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson and Fullerton Buildin· and Safety Diiector Will11•\ G. Vasvary. Committee on City Cler Institute -Huntineton Bea City Clerk Paul C. Joni Anaheim City Clerk Dene ; \Villiams and San Cleme City Clerk Max L. ~rg, n: ed chairman of the 14-mem clerks' panel. Committee on Commun Oeve lopmen l an qeautification -Placer.I Councilman Victor J. Michel Committee on Disasl f' Preparedne68 -Buena P<i r Councilman R o b e r t / l'hompson. Pull the Plllfl '0.11. T PILOT """' '" Jedi C"-"11 ' Fine P.~·-~ • . ~ , Not . AU Agree on _Snak~ ... PHILADELPmA (AP) -Galne1vllle. The aot>i-.. Mom won~ like Mn. Pat kepi Delllh, a 111,' !oOI ~: I ---~ Sh and Vulcan, an 111 root ..,. .8rodey'1 v ewt on IN._.... e ......... •~tctot, in foot'·t-tera Jn tbinl<I tboy mall• .,..at pell ·--" ..... '"' kldl. Atld lll&Ps malle !heir donnltory room. , ·. fltle 00..:IDlll!tl Cit oil-campus "Ev0'body oo the ,rhQ]t pell, ....rdla(to two Florida floor tnew about It, and .. a coo... ioplfomom. ' . ' lot of tile guys .. tile noor • Brod M ~ w"' ukln~• to set tbOln Mn. ey, -Y -~ "' lhlt animal handler at boU auu I UAI' - Phlla41alphi,.'s Academy. of 'which I did," Jenklt>I, llid. Natural Sclenct.1, says •:Most He· now k .. pe tile pall cat people · think th ere ls hlJ olf-eampus bgwe. An ljll· IOl'l1etb1nl inherenUy e v t I named I-foot python bu .~~e about repdlee, bUt tbat't not it a threesome. 1 so!' But mates for children? Jenkins says. t he r eJ:' ':snues make 10od pets, o tomethlnl special abOut bi3 . Dtlllth. ,. abe lnalltl. "SOme common "A snake's clean/' be ..i,11. Varieties are a:arter anakes, UJt's a lot cleinet than ll\OSt greeq anakes and rinpec:k o? these Jadlea' Fr ' n t_.,h an~tes. .. pooodles, ancJ it doesn't . bai'x. "Milk snakes are good .pets It't kind of an intere1Un1 JM!'. too, but a lot · of people 1et "This snake ii unbelievably them cOofuJed. with cop-aentle. She's kind of . like" a p·erhead·s , which are doe." " poi&onous. . 1-...:.---c,.-,-:---- "Snakea are g e n e r a 11 y •"'"'_.._, docile, ocept lf they are · ir.... lty Wit• frightened, and can be fed More ,..cur ; toada, mice or even sardines. ~LSE TEETH , The belt way to house them rJ ' . la In a terrarium whlCh con· At A•z!l!H tains rocka and plants from · l)o4'' "" ~.~-~ ~~ the reptile's habitat." ~.mi;:~ mart~ Cities is the official organii.a· tion representing nearly 400 municipalities throughout the ~ t a t e . headquartered ln Sacramento and serving • :i variety of fundio.ns. Preparation of prototype ordinances, · issuance of in· fonnational bulletins, and ad· vising the state legislature on matters of collective CTJncern to member cities are among its services. Committee on Elections - Fountain Valley City Cier i Mary E. Cole and Gardf'll Grove City Clerk G w e n Wiesner, who is vice chairman of the t+woman, three-man agency. Committee on F i n a n t c Admini1tration . -Anaheim Finance Director Douglas K. Ogden. Thirty acres of water aurrounded by a man-made atoll will be emptied for the excavation of the inner Dana Point Small Craft Harbor. Instead of using traditional harbor dredging equipment, land earth movers will be used to dig out the harbor. When completed in 1971, Dana Point harbor will shelter 2,000 small craft. A ~~~~...i or indoobblr ti'~~«·~"":~: CIAIH1~Ja1uen,pro y r ~lalll~lllll~· would hue lool<ed Pretty fan-=~ -"!~,,;C.( cy to WWim ·Jenkins' and Dentur11 that t!.t; W9 -~:. Robert Trut'a pet anatea at ~r~ti~~ the Univer1lty of Florida In A complete rundown of the various committees, whose basic purposes and policies are evident in the title, and Orange County appointees, in· eludes the· following: Committee on Annexation - Newport Beach City Attorney Tully Seymour and Tustin City Administrator Harry E. Gill. Conunittee on Automat ic Data Processing -C o s t a Mesa Finance Direetor Robert A. Oman, Orange city Manager Gifford W. Miller, Placentia Councilman Robert Finnell and FuJlerton City Administrator William F . Cornett Jr., chairman of I.be 18-member panel. Committee on Aviation Problems -Fullerton Mayor Even Teachers Now Dropouts WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Depmment of Health, 8ducation aod WeUare says the No. 1 problem iD educaUon fs the ever-growing number of teacher "dropouts" wllo quit the classroom to tale higher paying jobs ·in the education field . It said "teacher dropoul.!J are as hidicative of our ed.Ut'a- tional problems as are student dropouts." Committee on the future - Brea Mayor \Villiam Hamilton. Committee on Home Rule -· Westminster Councilman Frank Fry, Seal Beach Coun- cilman JohD B. Hamilton and Anaheim Councilman Fred T. Kre.in, acting as chairman of the 28-member committee. Committee on lnternatior.al Municipal Cooperation and Sister Cities -Santa Ana Councilman Wade H e r r i n . (Santa Atll. El Salvidor\, Fullerton Mayor Louis R. Reinhardt, (Morella, Mexico), Placentia Councilman Richard A. Demmer, (Tlaquepaqur, Mexico). and Mrs. John M. Fiedler, of Fullerton, (Chung· ju, Korea), chairman of t.he 91-member body. Committee on Law Enforce- ment Problems -:-COsll Meaa Cify . Manager Arthlir R. McKenzie, Fullerton Police CQief Wayne p.ornbof t. Cypress Police Chief George Savord and Garden Grove Mayor H. Reece Ballard. Committee on Personnel inQ Training -Santa Ana Person· nel\ Di*tor Donald, E. Bott and· Placentia CJfy Attorney Howard S. Block . Committee on Revenue and Taxation -Newport Beach Mayor Qoretn Marlhall and Anaheim Ctty Mana1er Keith A. Murdoch. Committee on Retirement - Costa Mesa Councilman Willard T. Jordan and Fullerton Finance Director Edmund W. Grens. · Committee on Street Staii,· darda -Orange Public Works Direelor J .C. Harper. Committee on Tidelands '- Newport Beach City Manaor Harvey Hurlburt, Seal Beach City Manqef Lee Risner, Huntington Bu.ch C i t y Administrator Doyle Miller, Laguna Beach City Mana• James D. Wheaton and San Clemente City Manager Ken· neth Carr. Committee on Undergroun· din g Utilities -Fountain Valley Councilman Edward E. Just. Santa Ana Mayor Tom McMichael and A n a h e i tn Director of Utilities Gordon W. Hoyt. Committee on W a t e r Problems -La Habra Mayor ·Dean E. Schull Jr., and Anaheim civic leader Charlu A. Pearson, who is vice chainnan of the 2G-man panel. Committee on Water Quallty Control and Solid W a s t e Manaaement -N e w p o r t Beach 1 Councilman Paul J. Gruber and . Orange Coun-cllmln~Lawrence W. Jordan. PEOPLE T~1t'' wli1t il'1 •II 1bo11t, 011t of th• mod p\pultr c:l•ily f11tu111 of th1 DAILY "LOT i1 P1opl1 Sc1n1. 11'1 1!1 1bout lting1, common1ri, kooli.1 1ni eh1r1et1r1 -p1opl1. ft All '•a~y Stw .. Open Ivory N;ght Mondoy Th,...ugh Saturday .,!.~.~!tt'll THRU 54.TURDAY ONLY! REDUCED I SAVE$100 PINNCRES'r TAPE DECK STEREO CONSOLES N E W P 0 RT BEACH (Fashion lsl1nd) 1 • ) 'Spanish' stereo . console with Garrard changer! Reg.$499 NOW*399 HUNTINGTON BEACH {Huntington Center) All Penney Stores Open Every ,...lght Monday Through Saturday THRU SATURDAY· ONLY! colorful Teflon:.coeted cookwar~, IAV• 4i11 ON OUR FINE FASHION MANOR 11 PC. TEFLON COOKWARE SET! Coeli; up a storm in this color co-ordi· nated ceokwart with porceJain enamel firilsh exterior, no-stick, no-scour, firtd- in T1flon coattd alumi,,"'" interior. The set i~clud.,, 1 and ! qt. ~ered saucepans, ~ qt. c°"rtd Dutch oven, I" •nd 1 O'' covered ltypana and ogg poachtr l"1trt fQr 8" frypan. Your choice of poJpy or co~one to j brighten up your kitthen •nd make cooking mart ~hi '· Reg,29•99~0W 1 25~·· Pay as little os $5 ~r month SAYE 3.11 ON OUR 8 PC. TEFLON QOATID COOICWA.111 SET! Includes: 1 and 2 qt. (f\l'trecl sauc .. pans, 8" and HY' cavar1d lrypans .. , poppy or copptrtone. Reg. 19.99 NOW 16.88 IPIN ITOCk AVAILAILI 1 qt. tov.....i llllC* p1" hf. 4.,1 NOW 3.11 2 qt. 3!....... UH l'I" 111. 5.49 NOW 4.41 5 qt. Dutih ..,.n ltet. 1.49 NOW 6.11 I" covlfWll ryp1n ~ ... S,•t ........ NOW 4.41 10" covtNtl lrf1Nn ltt. 7.49 ...... NOW UI ORGANIZE YOUR LAUNDRY ROOM AND SAVE ... THRU SATURDAY ONLY! TtAon coated pad Ond cov~r leg. 2.69 NOW 1.99 Ironing boards in color! Harve~t or avocado Re1• a.99 NOW f.77 NEWPOR BEACH f Fashion l1l11nd) 20 lb. '•nncrest detergen• 119. 3.,. NOW 3.33 Jfeam/dry Irons In color! White or haMSt gold leg. 13.99 NOW 11.fJ· HUNTINGTON BEACH ( Huntin9ton Center) I l ' ----. ' ·~~~·~~~~~~~II Wo!n<!dly, rtbruaty 19, 1969 DAILY PILOT ,JJ . ~ Legulnture in Action i..hi.klt'e .. ~ dt!WtiWI ., <INttttfti ,., •t•i. laJI ~ wllll 9'eflllltloll -~ Ill ,..,.. lr#1 •• J,JI, .. In'. lt4MI MMlrN. Co~nty ta Expect Student Unrest? Production Problems T~ Topic Ahead of U.S. • County Pollution ' . ,...,, -~ It VllltwM .. ·"·~-·""~111' .. rro. ,.,_ ,_.,.. _. ,_.II., Dul ..... ""''""' Wlfl'oW ...... ,....., .. ltwl ,,._ -ltrt .. .... "' "* •lllMI ~ woti -. _, '"lnlurl-91'1 ttr "' S& z·-.. o. ....._ .. 'rMdrtiMs -lttiWI,. ldlooll With 111111 HfCMll... of rtudlfth ffllln ll'C!Vt,,., tl'llll totll'I ttnilofl ,,_ to Um.II to t -11.llt\um ll ,..,cenl tfle ltUl!lber ef tleuroom 1uchff1 llolvlnt -.,,.,. or lfti of cleUl"OOlll ta.dl1nt u1>trlt11eot1 Al ~ I, Gr"ne, D-LClll ""'''-· Ml.-a -Permits .,....,.,IMl'lt 111 SANTA AHA -----iu.c--...... apeded bl <lnillO ~. tbe COUatJ ScboOl DlMalw A d, • 1 1 o r )' Comm--told-y. A -1 ol ...-.itva from l:fW tnforceuwnt aaen- cla ltlld hlrd .... -art nit 1lllDll'OUI DOW but 'tbef wlll.!le. . • m!nor .....-lt """' • "' ~ Tt p.m, Wld ! 1.m. N h ----------W.bor Qltl'llfll•11onef' deltrmlnts tllt _toy.,. ..... Wf/ttlft COMtllt af "" u. Bud Minn, -1ilt .._,dine u. 0rap Coun- ty Sborll! Dept.,, said tbe mJll. wt left will( -for • Democnotk: Socltty ..... rtv .. Col Stile Fullerton ol· fldlls' .• tllte ol - min.r'• Nrtnts w fflnll•u anf ,,. tdloDI dlafl1et Ille ml""" 11 •tttrMIW.. .,.. .,. ...,.,.._ "" W.'""-1 W'ltl lllf bt illttl''"-"'11 " tllt m_,· ""'""· Nfl!rv .. welfwe1 At UI, C1..,oho-tl. lt-Hedeftd1 Klolthi.. ... ~ -.......... .,.,!bit ... 1111Mt tmpkl,,_t of ml,_,. Uflder 1• Ill Clff1ln IMqf'doul OCC\INtloM H ttie lltllw commluloMr ••enh """lllbl le "'°" 11! Suell IC• 0111e"°'91 At .... C1~11t!I. .................. Mt.e -UfM'I the Jlre!lf~nl, 11'19 MU1tety of 11r!Qlttvr1 ...,. c-reu Ill _, ftdlrtl In's rfttridttle "" ""'"""'"' of mMI frGrl'I 11111 ,,.. IPICfN Plttlh Jn ll'l"'"latt -WI A.Jll 17, ltlns, ll·l'<Ulllrloll. TH• Sl!fllATI 11111~ SC..... -It~ ttmt r1<1utrff for COll'IPlltlllll tYlf-.i.JIY 1tlend1nce "' aclult Khoo! 9'ulM!lts .. -din l'llillrl1 A• J:11, Aklubt. 0.S.n ....... A~llll -MAlni.lrlt llt.ltll .,._ •rim tot ....,_nlfoll, lrMITMnl 1nc1 CMtnll If llC'ofw:lllll'l'I ai I Mrm1-I Pr'Oll'lllll St »I, Mllrb. llt·lln Frtn- ClKO, lllctltnt -lt-.Ull"M lflkmtnt ., ClllllJlklllonl for unclld1fll to ti. """"" "' tv.. of lllllllN'm 1!11, dlr11Mn 1nd -tl1111; SI )», SdimllL llt·Tustrn. Contract Given ()ii Dana Work DANA POINT -Work is expected to start within 1he out 60 ~' on a large Im- provement project centerlng on the Street of the Blue Lantern and Alta Vista Drive here. A $274,979 contract award~ by the county ~rd of Supervisors to the Grilfllh Co. of Coata Mesa calls for in- stallation of sewer and water lines, streets and underground utility Unes. Write lo Uncle Len SPRING FOCUS: BLACK ON WHITE Mam Mid no llntle law enforcemellt agency In the county . boa ldequlle llU!ll- power Ind equipment -lo hln. die a bajor disturbance but that mutual aid J>Kt1 between agencies sbou1d p r o d u c e enough men to handle lnOlll sitaaUons. Ragnar Engn!~ dapu· ty county COW'lltl. 11ld the counsel's office is evaluttin1 student unreat and will have a report on · the issue. He warned of troubled dlys ahead. Deputy District Attorney Miko Copiul aald 30 percent ••• utterly dazzling in a flutter. of acetate/rayon crepe. Juniors like it gently bloused and flicked with pleats-terrifically 'thlrty~ish', no i The camisole dress comes in sizes 5 to 13 for ·•35. Th• plunglllfi.;V d1111 In siZ .. 5 to 1~ for '32. Both sharply outHned in block royon. "'1in. NEWPORT BEACH F11hion ldond ,. • enne111 THE FASHION PLACE HL!NTINGTON BEACH Huntin¢on Confer of tbe "MD!cl•~ alt ol tbe dlltrk:t .... ..,.,, ·omce s:s ~•Ille problem. .... .... dilccwered that oorlaln ill'UPI .,. "7tnr to -· Into Ille ....,. but ·fl' far Ibo -.,.,. njected them." Clplal Mid. lie said all -...... -rulel . .n.i --early -Ille lltu11lon IOI>· Gal ol bud. Monn dwllCI lhll moot lludent di-· ... II> ter.ted only In outrlPI r<belllon-"nbellla( liJnply fO< the .... ol dllruption." He 11ld IC;!iqol olficlols muol Jet,. wbO iii. dissidents .,. 'IOd -they pllll to 4o then attempt to counteract them. Mobile Gear 1'UIU:llTOH -Problems -In proollcllaa' Ind IDllortll cioalrol• ..._,menl prvcr11111 will "' d!IWsBed Thuredly by kMo M. Groot. Jr. u he eddmoes tM Oranp County Chaptu of lht -Prvductloa Ind fu. veotGr)' Conlnll Soelely 11 e,30 1>.m. ID '1illertoa's Corter Bowl. Groot will 1J)tll ·on "How to -l!lOQ Really wwl" 'lbe speaker ii an inventory Ind ........,,... conoultant Ind bu temd II production Ind !D"terial control ·~ ol ·Hllll\ Foods Inc. He Is the autbor or Vllid.aa artfcles for Utaterta1 man.qement trade J!!allZlnes, Penons imerested in the aooety CID call Bob Clerry at ?Tf.9141, En. !55. . " " Pnrchaile O~d : T" '. · c' .. 1 · onrs ap1to SANTA AHA -Mobile equipment with a total value nf ~.200, moot of It for tbe County Rold Department, hu been approved f o r purchase by eeanty IUJ)e?Viaon. Wj\SHINGTON (UPI) - Tricll Nb:c!n hid lunch11>n Tueedly with Rep. Fred Sdnm!ge~ (R-lowa), pres!. dent of Capital H~lorlcal Society. Control 'Stiff er' Oran1e County is far ahead of the federal government when it comes to air pollution control, according to Air Pollulion Control 0 ft I c e r William Fltchen. Fltchen said federal air pollution guidelines ouUined lhis week will have little effect on Orange County's control standards. Described as new, criteria est.abli&b.ing minimum level$ where aJr pollutants att coir didered barmfol to health were released by Robert H. Finch, secretary of health, education and welfare. Fitchen said the guidelines Finch cited have bet.n on Orange County pulluUon cdn· trol books aince 1951. Listed as hazardous by HEW were levels of sulphur oxide1 which result from burn- ing coal and oil with high sulphur content, averaging more than .1 parts per million in 24 hours. ••Our sulphur dioltde level Is so insignificant that we rarely get a reading on the instruments," Fitchen said. Another sourct of HEW mp's concern wu for puticla tn the a1r such 11 ny 1111, ...,... or dust, that averqea: 80 micrograms per cubic meter ilMually. Countywide du1t measurement.a are rela.Uvely imlllllflcant, Fitchen aald. Fftcben aaid IOO,CIOO vehicles .. the rood In tbe .... ty give us aome dust but It never rraclles the danger •lice. U the county were to adopt the federal regulations it would mean a reluation of present controls, the pollution officer said. Man Receives New Kidney SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A San Francisco man was reported "doing: v~ well '' following • kidney transplant Tuesday at the Univenity of Caillornia Medlcal Cent.er. Frank Fernandez, 2 S , formerly of Phoenix. Arlr., received • kidney frOpi his brother, Rodolfo, M, of Denver. Special Prices..: Thurs. -Sun., Feb. 20-23 Washington's .Birthday .Specials w .. h1".,-' llrtlMI., c"" eak .. tw.'s -1""'"'9 for the holiday by George! . V<»1 de Ko111p'1 opeciol Wmilinglon Birthday c.,, CoUs -th-whiN cokes, thteo o..;l's food with wllilo ond P"'k 1c;,,g ond ...ci candy '-heos. CIMi!rY'PMe11 Cake Fat a porfoct \"(11th with your OierTy p_,, le, °"""· -tilb delicious two-layer coke. One p;.lc OMf orie 'Nfiite layer -fined wfth pink buttercrec>M lrotimg, topped with the Mesi quality monhmollow k:iftg with pecan and cherry pieces. l·llJtn 1.29 H91CNI• I••• ,_..,1 ~---~•lc} 35c C....Ve•ll .. C•• 2'21 .. s;••~-.-JV•'i~ '1.15 Open Faced Cherry"Pio Whot bettec way to c•lebrooe George Wool~ Birthday than with o fresh, juicy O.erry FW.. Ir'& abundant with rich, ripe c~rries -and ir's .., foced for less crvst, more cherries. r 6'JC·. 1V1111 Jl.t ' . Cherry Pecail Ice Crea• The perfect touch lo ony dessert. v ... de Kon!p's deficious Cherri Pec:on Ice Cream 5n pbstic reusable coMoiners. It's the finest, smoothest ice creonii ·Clllf'f- whe<e, looded with creamy Mhocne heze<" ~. · ' ' \; 111. Plot 1.19 ... · :39c (ltf. $1.211 .(lls.Jkl Cookl ... Md be"'"' lb k""P pienly of ~ ~ "" hand lor tile hoiidoy. Treat lo Yon de. Komp'• Chocolole Ch;p, Almond< lee 'Box, Moil'- Pecon and Dutch Crisp Cookies. 'JWre gteoi ~ .... of the doyl . Pq. ' . ' . , I 39rc• ' . (111(..4111 I : I Look fa.' the blue ,windmill at selected supermarkets . ' Va~i~~mp's ~ ' • I I • ' . r~ i r JI IW~V Pll.DT • For The Record Sir!" • 1 • ' • . Being the General's Son Perilous • :;;j'· "rll! go1!11·to wily for Sea Reauit Tbrub LI Mebll oal)' -EL TORO'-"'----~-·-~ Sel)ool after boot camp," as much GI lhe notrlcta4 ~-•· ~, y-Tbrub ..i.t followlnl world of boot camp aa Ille _,,,. 11aJP1 II. Tbrub. his o1f1cia1 1tcep11D<e into the D.L allows -and that f11!1 11, pve his did a dlw)' Marine Corpo. known for Its frff.wbeellila Marriages Lie ens es Fire Calls ' - Schin·itz · Busy in ~enate .,..ilnc .-!:y, but be -"U I mike Ille' grade, 111 vistaa. · tur1*l _.. Nm: • tbl older serve in a Marloe detachment "He'• leamln& the f •et• .... In atlfl 1-··-and aboanl ahlp and gel Jo ... behind u., recruiting poollr: 1"'-" .,_ o1 the world," adited 'Tbe Marine Corpo BQ\ICll nmcbecl1 out. neVw Jootm, the wldely-travelled career of-Men','' said one ~ bKt. ficer'• IOU. pttSent at the swe~ Lllo !Iii -toup ..,., For lhe pruen~ bowever, ceremon1· ..... alld maybe -exceplr~;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~iiiiiiii!iiiiii--~ f... the too-brief boura ol • merciful lleep e v • n mlltrJIJle. • Younr Tralll, 110D ol llaj. Gen. WIDiam G. Tbrub, com- llWlder of El Toro Marine Corpo Air Stauon ud aD llilcb western area facl.lities, ii no looger a civilian. He wat -siorn Into the Marine Corpo by his .father Feb. 13, after which .be , was , diamlued, duly aluted, and marched out with his Santa Ana recruiter, Gunnery Sgt. J. Spahn. TOd11, the , generar1 1on, whO Mfl the Unlvc'slly of Arlsona for a two.year enlist-ment, i! at the Marine C.otpg SACRAMENTO -SI a 1 e . Finance µ!, the ~qi lmmns .would •leave school Recruit Depot, San Diego, senator John ,G. Schmitz (R-of a scboo1 tu oVerride1elec-boards~wlnerible to demands bald-beaded and bullied like Tustin) Tuesday canied to the lion 1' be .to elimiilateif. Schocil of .teacher• form..,. pay. He '"8Y •~_boolowt. 1 oC ~ .. 1 .Senate floor Jegjslation that boord.o ,would be .'fr'l'! .. beiii>-Aid .teacbon would tell the • • ~.-ea -°"• ·would continlie lhe re-nlng in ""the·tm school yeaT boardl: "You can meet our reneraJ•sob?"no. quirement that voters must to set whatever: tax )'ate_thtjr dem,.ncis becaus. ·you have Any D.I. will be happy to approve school bx overrides. felt was needed to support the authority to raise taus " tell him ao. He also introduced two other the program. They would not Also lntrodnced by Senaior Following the swearing-in bills, one urging the g9vemor be bound by present max-Schmitz was legia)ation urging ceremonr at EJ T~ ~AS, to impose a moratorium on imum limits or required to Gov. Ronald Reagan to Impose where h11. parents live m OD· the Federal Crime Control go to the voters for approval. , a moratorium on the en-post bc?usmr, Recruit. Thrash Act, and another , proposing Education interests w h o forcement of the Federal ~as shipped oU to ~gm learn- state income tax deductions testified against the bill said . Crime Control and S a f e mg. the hard. realities of the LlllHla INCll nJisted li{ 1::1C1 "·"'· ;.,...,., •••l'lsformtr ti••· for college and university tui-school boards were elected of· Streets Act. e 11 ., e. _ .. •!Wy °' 3:..:= :~-1 Awn"' tion. ficials who would be wary '· The Tustin Republican, l!ut. says an official •:n 111.m. Tuetdllv, t1iu 11•rm. c11v nte tu override bill :Woo ofsettinghigbettax~ratea:. · member of the John Birch ~anoe Corps ~ss .. releue, auis ·~.J.o.,, v•n25 strong approvaJ MoodlJ' .cl the Senator Clark L. Bradley Socfeh· said the Federal he made the choice. lO ,,,, 11.m .. t1i.. •l9rm, 4511 Ootdttttw •.r. r.a/.J~ woM Senate local government com· (&.San Jose), said t bat government is funneling funds • •• rt-• '':!.•·:;,w::U'::v' 1141• Ink w.... mittee. ll'he rneaaure would removal of laJ: rate max-for the act through reitonaJ J"""-tlfCO')ft.IC..C, '""' -repeal a· provision In the 1967 government and bypaaaing Booths Ready •:i;;ei.~;11,Tuesdlv. car 11"'• 1 "~ •nd school finance bill eliminating state and local governments. MUTUAL SAVINGS 1:1,15 11.m., "'"'"''·•• F11r 011.,. malimum tax rates now bin-E t s } A further bill re-introduced GARDEN GROVE -About ,1.·N 0 t..-O ·ol' H A•• o c 1.._T1 o N 1'!,~~m .. re.<~. J...,,,.. •nd Pl•-ding upon school boards unles~ as er ea by the Senator Tuesday Would to booths are DOW beint made •:os p,m., t•l5• ii.rm, llSI a.""'4m they receive a majority vote provide for the deduction of available to commercial u:-28Qfntc.t:HilflwiY•C-DelM•,Clf'rf'.9~&2S .,;:ac .. ~m ..... .,,rntn1 11, •• ,.. ,.,.. of the district. Chief Pi'cked college tuition fees from the bibiton for the Eleven.lb An-Teltphene 1'7.5-58,10 ..,..,., ""'· SI The same bill ....... "...-1 the gross ••~•·--when filing a nual G-~en Grove s--L--_.,..,._. · t :ll 111.m .. llre lnvee;l!Ntloll. 271 C•· Senate U I .......,... b -.... ..,... .. u u•"~· J11L-&• •-tMJr: ttl• rnem1 eas Y ast year ut ORANGE _ F 0 u n ta in state income tu return. -ry~~F;estl~v~a~l,:.aert~for:~Ma::y~281~~~~~~~· ~~~~··~,~~-~-~~·~~~~~~ s..1 a..o was tilled in the Assembly. Similar legislation Schmitz .,01 "·"'· illttd,.,, ,11Ub11c '""'· .., ,. p . b th Valley City Co u n ct Im an ed _ 1 . throuJb. June 1 .. sum.Ide assage agam y e upper Edward E. Just w j 11 sponsor m pas sesaons was _ '!wn11111 V•llly ,, house this year appeared coordinate the •·-•r .. :gina ac· defeated. '';:O::·';b.1~~,J; •tru<turt re, assured because Schmitz had ~war .uo>--e w.,t1111111ttr 21 bipartisan co-authors, a tivities for the Easter Seal DEATH NOTICES 3':1c:·~~,.;_,..,, ,_, 11• ,.,,.. clear majority. Society of Orange County~ Field Trip Set """...,.. 1MC11 Under the 1967 s c h 0 0 I Proceeds from the annual : All P1t1ney.Stotes Open EVIi, Night Monday'"'"""" Salunldf KRUEGER '':.:.;,."'·,7~v. m..tJc..11 •Id, 1''" campaign will go direcUy to A field trip to Upper F•tdefk* u. K•-· 1.m 11:11ont ,,,. ......... medlttl •lei, •1ot sti.uv the Rehabilitation Center for Newport Bay is scheduled for ..._, Hunn11111on eeecll. •or,, n Ai"de Pi"cked Crippled Children and Adults 8:30 a.m. Saturday··by the '""" -111 South Dtlkolll1 dltd ... b-' "'...., l•. S1Kv1w11 bv wn.. Emnv. c .• Pt.lot 111:81·~-s in Orange. Sea and Sage braocb " the =:i:.n Mr'i~:t·~: =.,~ W' • ...,.. SANTA ANA -Newport Just, a member of the NatiODal Audubon Society. The -'•nolll ,,.., 1rw1r1·K...-. 111 o11.w1: tov" •iw eondudilld Mol'l!Mn • Beach nRVchou-;•t William .society's board of directors, excursion, led by Edna h1~, Ff'tlnk; 01 Dtfrolll h11f-Frldt.,. for M:hoot ell-ttl fff'!tl """' '""!>.., ill be · th ,111tr, ""'· L-. HitNk. iotltti D.. 11m. i-1 •nd ~ "" 1ltflef -Lyon bas been r:lected to tht: is employed by N or t h Chamness, w gm at e "°"· Mt-. K,,,,._ •" AUil""' su-1111n1u11cn ,,, '' '"'' 1r111 -...,. board of directors of the Big American Rockwell Corp ., parking area above the Alt _.ln1'tl'ldtflf al Huntlfl!Jlol'I hoKlt Wt1Jer "'-111,.,_!wd •-l'MY •II Mr. ~~'::o!!:"F:i::~iu:,-~·-""'~ .. -·~·~ ... ~-...,,,~-'-'-•_rt_._.,,_·~~-B_ro_th_.'f?~·-fll~Or~1111..:.•~Coun~-ty'-.~~Ana~-h-eim_·_.~~~~~~~~-w~orlm.~~~~~~~~~-J Mtm1rW1 tlf'lkft, seturdly, 2 PM, Motl11lr• Mol"Mll'I" Oltlllel, 3rd ...... ,. ml,,_, lont "9ctl. Ft1ml1Y 111119"t1 "-Whif!IM to n11Q rnemorr.1 ~ fr'lblltlon .. 111NM conlf1bV11 to tti. Cllv of HCIPt. ~1·1 Mbi'1ull'I", Dll"Klorl. ARGENTO Ml'I. Canntit C. Attel'lt.. ~ .. ll, el 117 3"" SI .. Nl!WllOl1 9eadl. Died '""'"" ll. StlrvlYllll ..,. t11~nd. J-c. '"'11o. flelo¥wcl mothef" at ' Fri-MiortM. · Nidmlt1 ..,.......,.,, , It-Mlln, ~ Derr, Of'I..,... Ar- 9ftlh:I end .M ..... refl Gerlllr. Abo IUl'- vlved llV 11 11randchlldre11 1M 11 9rt1tt-lrtl'llktllldret1. CMJle'I MrVlee 1nd ll'l'lel"TMl'll. 12 N-, Thundly, Wt11!- mln1tet tMmOrl•I P1rtr. Mortu1ry •IJlll ,_,,.,, DYER "'..,,.., o. rr..r. t1• ........... A.VOi~ C0.19 Mel.ti. 0.19 el de9111. Fell. Jt, svrvtved by d1utllllt, Mrt. Wtyfll!lll DeYlne, d eosi. Mesi; tll!lf tllr9e 9r1nddllklr1ll'I. GrtVISidto Hr'tlf.ft -11.e!ct iltllftdl"I', FllM"llll'I" ll, 11 Hll"tlor Rflll ~1-1 Pt1rll:. Oll'!(:fef ..,. ,,_ F'"111Y Coloni.1 Fu~l!'l'll H-. OBEY HtnT Alberl ObeY. 316' YtllowwteM Drive, Cost1 Mnt. 0.11 d *"''" Febnl..-V 17, SurvlYllll b"I' wife, M•r· cllt: motl!l!r end 11f!l>-fllttlll'-. Mr. ,...,, Mn. Ctitr~ Russo. s.m1 A111; llro!Mf', H•"*'• of Ct""k1i.tli four ~ttod1119hlln, Mlrt!I Tlllllt". P1r• _,, Ctrlene, Jtlll'llfel' •nd MllllnN Moen! two ~--. Ctl1 Tom 1nd R-. t111 (If h tlorM. SefVk• will be held TllUndlY• l PM, 111 the ChtPtl It P1dfll: Vltw wllll 11:..w. ll:ld'llnl J. Dul'l'-111 otfld1lln1. '"""""""' P1taJC View MemOr\91 Pt1rt., DI~ by P• cillc view MOt111•FY· LOCKWOOD J1mn H. Lawoocl, AN M, l'ft\Otllt d Conl'llCllcul. DI'-el de•lll. FllM"!r 1rY 16. hlh: M"1!HJ"Y, ~ IE. c.t1 Hlgihwl"l't c..-cll1 Mir. l11t.11I Ill--., BALTZ MORTUAIUES c.r..a dal Mar.OR 1-Mll cilla M... Ml M4U BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY lit -1· CGlla Mesa [J Mll3 . DILDAY BRO'l'llEllS S-.-Valley Morlury 17tll -Blvd. Hmlll&Pm-• 141-'ll'll PACIFIC VIEW MDIORIAL PARK Ct .... j e M-• CUpel --View IJltn NtWfOll -. Cllll<iiala -PllEK FAlllLY cc..oNJAL~ 'HOME wa · ·'&er -- 8MlT8'I! llO&TUAllY 111 ·-SI. B'"~'::a.Beld '1111,_A.._ WEITCLIW MORTUARY ., & l.,. IJI., c.la 11..a - L • • All Pen1Wy Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday enne~J AUNA'IS FIRST CWAUTY .. ATLANTIC 1ron Butterfly 1arr, a great gnoup In s-.;. Doiag ...o ~ .. ,. tho r- ef ow ~-'So.I Cq 1r· r W, '\.-ly lo(, ... frigN'. --' 'Retrospective'. The Best of auffaio Springfleldl ••• Of ..... _to_ .. , gadio "'_ .................... ... i10«1l:4 ........ ..... YOUR CHOICE 2.87 'I.eel Zeppelin' ill steno! Doing their latest hitU Two *'-"'lcwmiloo Ml! ... 'Good r-lad r_.,,..... r. Gar-. l--· -51....i. ""'· - -'Aretho Fronklin: Soul '69' Uninhibited soul singing! Nelha ---,,_.. .. ... -.eollod;o,, "' .... - hA Y°""be""'whell'ied! 'Hey Jude, Wibon Pickett' Don't miss this in stereol s.-1> ..... ,,. __ .Hal' la jd ... .,, ... ~_ ..... ........ a•-of -..I "9ld NEWPORT BEACH -FASHION ISLAND \ ALW'!a8'~£v'll THRU SATURDAY ONLY RE:D. EDl1 . / '.' ti ii I! 11 " i : i L " I: I: i ; I! ! ' 1 I ,, ii {I -• ~; 1 I ~ ! . ' I ~i I t !! l Our new 7'x6' chalet steel storage building Reg. 89.95 NOW $79 Pay as little as $5 per monlli This ulhactift buo1ding features end gable designs. deep ribbed steel panels; hut dipped gulwrized loundutions and ,,_. IUP- purt, triple coated pluslic fWsh -gulwaized .... .,.. exi., ior g1ode plywoud flua iig, cloan on nylo1uoller bilait I - White finish with cillr acme wooc9 oin trim! ' Save 15.95 on our 8'x7' stffl chal<!t style builclingl \.Yhitem~trirn .... Reg.119.95 NOW'IM l'ay • little,OI $5.50 por F . 'It Save 20. 95 on our a•x 10' d!alet style storage building Reg.169.95 NOW •149 "" ........... $7·pot -·"· NO MONEY DOWN-USE •BN'l'S 1W PAYMENT Pl.AH NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) HUNTINGTON BEACH (Harbor Shopping Cantor) \ -·· ,,~ 19, 1969 -' Ill Plenty~-, of GO-od--opportunities Found • Ill Scouting •:o· A. · -ner, are more '.'-t~chaUtnabis Oecufive and •'•1peeiallat ·pos111ons In career : ; S<ou!!na than you cu rub •' 't~o ii.II' at. The Girl Scouts HtVices on the or1anlzaUonaJ char\). '!be tile of • councll detumlo<o the ownber ol specia.U.ltl and Oeld service ptl'IOM<I employed. Scout&), at a rqlonal of(Lce., illuatraUng gubUcalkw;,. J)to. pro a ram ml n r, systenu aAd secood~areer people - or oveneu. Here'• an idea ducb'la· tlbnl ·and fUmstrlps; analy&IJ. And, of count, pro. homemakers, and men who've of the job areu: Ptnoanel working wi~ ~r oraanlta-gram services poslUom on a eompleltd mllllar)' caretri . poslUOlll -11 la r 1 ad· · UOiii. ~ pcloltlons II 1 ·I ' el • Pmlous !coutln( Ui><ri Wetktndl, bul v I C I t I on allowance1 are better than averaae. Frtna:e bentllts and I d V ancemtnt opportuDIUes are &ood. ol the U.S.A., aod the Boy •Scouts of America are bot.h .~ . AT THE NAT IO NAL LEVU., you mJa!>i work at he1dqu1 ~t er1 1n New Brunswick, N.J. (Boy Scoulll, or New York CUy (Girl mlnlstratloo, recn&ltmen~ and -< 1luyln(, aales promoUon, 111C~~ y:fu · QUAW'YT ,,. ·is helpllll but nol reqJ::; job plactmenL Publle rela-ia.'(9t;oey 'Control (Unllorms. 1 rule-, you!Jl'need 1 t;achelor~s CGtn.pensa11w: larte in job Uona: and mquine posltkm.s aftd Hmptng goods, etc.). defrff, aod 1ometlmes utlsfacUon, more modut tn -wrltlnc f0t newapepen, J'tb.oCe. a·n·d manaaement directly related· eniploymeiit .mone1. (For men, av«aae magulnu, pampltlell, TV, P.OlkJoos In IUch &r ... u fund !lperlonce. There are open· starlllli .Diary Is 19-T,IOO.) radio ; ecllllnJ, d<algnlng, and ralllil&,'ICCC!Wlt!'ng, computer jnp for'"'ent1c:<>Uege 11'•<\S. Hoon may ba 11\ihll "' FOR MORE INJl'.OllMA. TION. Ch ec k with your local co u n c 11, or write : tOOZZ or Boy Scoull ol Amer· lea, New Brunswick, H. J. ' ,• ;}youuHerv1q v o I u n teer ;orpijutJom with auch &110-:.tic 'inembtrsblps , that they :couldn't ·function. without a ~ar~r · corps ol trained, sup- ~lve prolusiana.11. ;_ BY THE NUMBEllS. The :~•~al -illrl Scout mem-~ls almool•lour millJon ,ll(lirls·.abd adnlt volunteers, aid-;~ by oome l,IOO ·~eulonal ;~~f ,p<iople ; tllO Boii Scout ;~ganltaUOJI. has over five :!fllllllon bots and feadert, ·and j~.000 ftilllline career ScoutU1 .. "'As Scouting oontlnoes to grow, :~undredJ ,of, new men and .'~omeo ari needed each year ;~y loc.1 Scout.inl; organiUtlona :~councDs) and the national :Jitaffs .. ~~visers ·carry administrative . rsponeibi.lltles in assigned • >' ·liijgeographlc subdivisions of t}\e. ~ouncll. Thf:lr work is pri.INri-~ to assist tht volun~~who -..re organl!in(, ~g and ~eadlng troope.-'}:hey help in :.the recrWl,m.eirt. placement ~~nd trainipe of volunteers; ·athey intVJ>ret council policy ·:;).nd p~es : and they ,'~ist in promoting and car- £.;tying out plans within their :-.erritories. :~. Executives and a d v i s e r s •lso find new sponsors for ··1··roops, and orten work to ,; inance Scouting. Some field ·:'j obs place special emphasis ~On work in the inner city ~r disadvantaged rural areas. '..DF;MANDING j:()M- -~11.TMENT. The edcutlve ~ . . ' -director or a local. council is like ltte chief staff ad- , piinistrator of any corporation "Wil.h two.Jrialn responsibilitie1. One ·is tO work wllh lhe board · of directors and commlttees In establishing the council's goals and policies, and In plan- ning its program and budget. The other is to direct the start as it carries out its work. Like other jobs in Scouting, this position requires the same; caliber of professionalism as business, industry, govem- mehtjr ed~lloo. - SF'l!nALIBT C 0 U N·C I L JOBS. In addition to field servitts and general. ad· ministration, council jobs rt· (!Uire experts in program services (activities) ... fund ;co.:raisihg. ·' • public rtlatlona ... i. · ·neH ... tra'lnlng ... com- ty rtlatlo~ . . . ac- . Ung. . .and camping ally • area of program ~ 46 Stqtf ents ,. 'lo ;i,~~llege ~onor Roll "' .~ Forty-sl• South Coast area ·~ts have getn named to ~-Siddleback CoUege dean's "Jist for achievinfl a B or better :grade average during the fall '."~968 quarter. ~:1 Students named to the honr>r •'fist received letters of com- ::lllendatJon. Continued high ·:~holarship and they m~v ,,.tduate with honors, said Supt. Fred H. Bremer. Honor students. by com- munities. are : Capl1trano Beach -Gary L. Berrigan. Joyce M . Enzweller. W 111 i am M. Langley . Darlene L. Stahl, and Karen M. Volga. Dana Point -Kathleen M. Dineen, Everett C .. Evans, Sheryl A. Hone, Shirley A: Kent. Janice A. Koontz. Pa~1 L. Laney, and Hector M. Rodrigum:. Jr vine; -'tw1ark F. Barnui. Scott A. Longnecker, and Mark D. Schtlltz. Laguna Beach -Howard R. Adams, Catherine A . Behrendt, 'WMliam J . ~ight, Robert de Almeida, Gloria M. Dee. David W. Jllrdler, Jamie P. ~tlchelsen, Wendy S. Mor- rison, Rebecca B. Muller, and Randy L. Nelderbrach. Laguna HJDa -Arthur P. Apostolou, Shan>n A. Joluuon, Susan L. Killion, and Robert L . Woodlnp. Laguna Niguel -Shll'Oll Addl1, Michel~ K. Cannon, and James R. Stewart. Mission Viejo -Kathletn T. Beret, Jame• M. Derbyshire, J • m t • M. Donovan, Wllllam E. Eadlon, Dennis H. raulkner, E. Aft1 ·l'•ench, John W. J-. and , SuMn C. Klr-. : South Laguna -Irene C. Clewen Benjamin 8. ; Guernsfy, John 'F. McKinley, t -Robert ''. Schrthtdorftr, 'tbomu Swartwout, and Kami M. WllllOl1. ' "Co r· Inf WAJISll DJSHWASHING UIUID SI kilf tt ,_ •1.a! ll••· .Jlt• i11tr11 ,Friskies ·<AT FOOD C..111i lfl• .ns., C•ick11 · ' • & U¥tr fl1t1r! • •••• .... wn.,tr Altri11I •.• ll11c• Ht St1tu! ,, •.. Sl11 I"" PYREX w AR£'"K>NI I Crystal Cl11r C11kw1r1 I Usetl ly mrlhofts of won1e11 :. i since 1915. Buy TAKARA (it ~ ~ ~ -lie Go~ ,.wa.~ ~, ...... 1 ~-~'8I :~i~~i~:fg li~f!f P I ::=::::::;::::=:::: ~ TirHf• fHI Strt11tr G astl TAIE I-· ." er1"tol" • 10" finer S•nr Pit Pill• w/fllttf ff1e • 1 Qt. li•vid bte1ic1'1 Mt. I T1Rir ~•_ M11sorio1 Cu, • 2 Qt. Siaare li ·::;;;;~ Disk • 2 Qt. Utility Disk I • Cake Disk • 1 Yz Qt. Lu! § IGDltJOl 211.•,•,_ ~l"i·'~'ots;'. I YHI Cloiet C " 1:: ,49 -88 .·~-= IA. :i: " •&.1e to Iron Poor SIOOll ;IUCllHJll11111CUHIUllUIDlllUlllllUIJllUlllll1110Ntlli=: , ..................... _ _, PET Supplies "him" Alli-Fla cAT COWi wm1kit loll ""' kills !leas C011!18· -~ oou~ry vpto6wee~ .. -~~at hsi ggc J2" hifh. w/carpet cayer- lflf .•. h'eps Cits ggc' busy instead of cla•.ring furnituft. Cal litter-Liner •1•u· Panties CR plaslic makes dispos-ggc in& i>f tat litter clean. simple. PA~ 1f ft Metal Diner Acetate with e!iStiC legs and waist. Ass't 2 1 00 pastel colors. 1• Sizes 2 to It • Two cu~ ... ~11C11i;.1 cop~ oa leis kttD ~inertra:n mov•n1. ggc Cbain Leads W/le;lle< H..01• Cbokes ;, "'°""' 1111t: i.1 your 411c colors. \IQ -dog. ;11 · • mu· Panties ""11-lla" -100% f111e c~l· . ton 11fel1slic · "''· Coloos. 2 : 1 00 Sizes 2 to lt • • WIES' Panties Catnip Toys \ ,\ n~ ... -·a e •-~"''~.,:"::-~,:',"'.,:_:;;====:;.=::;; i & l!ICRI MCKINO l : Mugs and Bowls 1 . . , 8 tl. coft~ llllllS IO lwl)-twlt tolOl'S, 1 ~ .11\d ~·· Cl!feal ar SOilp 5 r $1 bowls i• two-to~e o. I cators. I _,._-.. ____ .... Flashlight Batteries *'D" sill wittl "powet ti S'9ft." "Right Guard'' CIUIS Ulr lllt'1 lff DEODORANT tW11P1J .•. clllt11 Ire• Dry, 1 SKtlllll SJflJ ,.,. ....... , "lltr tm11111 ?4 lr. 11flt1ctt11 2:$1 "' S 11. Si11 lllUTTl II "Foa y" SHAVE CHAM Cl1111 fr1• ·~· Mc-tHI It l1 .. 1 I•. '·" 79c 14-11. Si11 'Flavihist'. 11111mm11 Cn&lt hnnll Uelps It relieve ~tmpte couahs ef colds' Ill .... 1.88 ~~ Flavihist P-A !.JI H's 1.59 ---.. ·-·· §= "lad Scott" Faciat Tissue C.llrld fllf~ Plllb I•• ef 4i$1 200 "lavoris" MOUTHWASH AllD GARGLE 1U~Sln 77( KINS Sii[ TV Trays ''"ol!i--le&s d -- isllBnssfa. g9c "Flair" Plastics · "One-A-Day" MtllllPlE llTllll~S 1 88 I• llelp pre¥el'lt Yitamin short- ·age. 2.M l•s • I "Style" WI& , WE llEE8S •Wir .. NlllS"lf • Lnbrtltr/ ! C1 .. IU1ur far tit JIOllE "M"lk of M . II • Wlf C~tHr ~.-,".·",:",·.· ~ I --agnes18a gc r. 1-!."1· '"'9 IA.I Seagram's V .0. CANADIAN Wlil1ky 6 75 I Yr. Ol•-l&J Pl. $111 I ' Jim Beam Kl:NTUCIY STl.llGHT ~::VO~.,, 5 29 ~Ill I II Prt1I Beefeater IMPOITID •••. 619 u.1. Drr'·" ~ 1 PHILLIP'S -Anli11:1d, laia· live ••. ~ettles your st11mach ill seco"d!, Regular °' Mini. 1.21 21 ir. Siit 11111"'111tlDllllllHUHDfl.........allllfllllllKJIU I • 10 PIOOf ~ Yeilk•. 4 89 1 fU Cfai1 tlttt1al .ji . s,irill 11' • I • Eden Roe i to PlOOf ~ lreHy II 4.991 -~-~-~~~· g = • Red Mountain = DINNll i ~,1,~.~~i•• c~a-1 49 i lllis, Yl1 11111 11• ~ 1tlltrs. Gil. 1 = -------~ Pepe Lopez ! 10 PIOOF I Te11•lla 69 = l1r M1111rit11 5 n "''' -stt , R. C. "Diet-Rite" COLA Sot• free! 11 tz. Sile Al HlctS PIEYAIL: rtl. nt• tW. f(I. 2lr• llllllSUI ll"'ll' SUlllAY ft 10 P.M. -7 0.11 A W11k NEWPORT BUCH HUNTINGTON BUCH-=-~ HUNTINGTON BEACH ~~= GRISWOLD Skillets I.lode ti stunly ~l·ilon ll'ld pre .~~safted. Cl:sl·~OA ilYljlRJ'Je:I lood !liv&r5. Tha.se rtiltets won't Welt a~! •l1Ll1Ml111r 10c S11,Disl 11. g- • Tissa1 111 •••.•••• ~ . =~~'.'. .~ ...... SSC • WHll lash!. •• 1.48 .... I~" Sh• I" Silt • H1•,er/bsht,. l ,98 1.29 2.19 3.19 • H1m,tr/S11t .• : 2.29 "lllllt" Water Toothpicl "Hands & Face" llltlSI llllU1ltS Wl-\ly foil •111\!Sd • ' • ifways C011¥enient aM 1eady 5!iC to use. Cl!anstS Ir refreshes witblNJt water. 111-nc 21's "Miss Breck" 11111 SlllY • ~ ..... ""' Su"' ll>lrl lor sgc all '""'' .... ,; ...... sljfts. 111. Jc tltr. _4.95 h· I 11••" , SUPl'GIT llGSE •Mil.,.. "5 Day" 1111111 Oledarlll Pit 11 l• S 11. CHS 1.29 j I I ,1 I ) rl l . • J 4 DAILY PILOT LEGAL NOTICE Tokyo or Bust for S1nall Yaehts LEGAL NoTlCZ: LEGAL NOTICE HOTl(I 01' PU•l.tC MIAlllNO C:lltTIFKATI 01' I VSIMISS tUl'lltlOlt COUllT OP Tilll l'IC'TITtOUI NAMI t TATI! 01' (Al.ll'OltNIA llOll tt!Oll~E C:11tlri;:e~ c?r!-"'!t" t!:~ Tiit uf'ld•rtleftlO llOU CtrTl1V h1 1' TMI COUNTY 01' OltANO.I'. Mts ru holif .-n llff I Of! Condu<llnt • ""'-•• 121' ••d fl( .... A.tttU Eight Boats Frorn Four Co1t1itries Set. for Transpacific" Race :-'.t 1tt-!Ht ... :~ ·~,.~~"8:1v~~c:: ~~-~°'''~ ~r:!.'°"'1:; ~QJ: N~~·:· .. :: ... ~~·w0w 1~~ ==~•TJ:: ,,,.... C1Jlfonil .... IN llollr,,, 1"l0 CUl.TVllE .. Md tut uld film It uns•s TESTAMINTAl!•l'lTON .-uoct l'.M .. CW' 11 -tntr"litr amillOMll ot 11\t tollOwlll'f "rson, wllO:t E•t1t. ol JAMii PIH"' TOKYO tAP) -Eight rac· loll ,.all!s fn>m four countriea -oater<d tbe firot solo lrl~ slngle.Jtu!I yachl =a.rro:rt~: J:~~1: u: Japirt AA Llfu AsM:ciatlon an· -'Sundoy. One ~kipper cntertng the loog, lonely race is a woman, Edith Bauman of W e s l Germany . A spokesman tor t h e association, sponsor of the t ,O»-mUe sea event. said it has no idea how many more yachtsmen would participatt: jn the race because all entri~ are registered at the Slocum Society of the United States, organizers of the race. Its headquarters is in ~ew York. The spokesman said the * * * U.S. Sailor To Steer By Automatio11 PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - America's only entry in a 1),000-mile yacht ract to Tokyo ~·ill have a companion with him -a mechanical steerer. Jerry Cartwright, 36, a world traveler and writer with a Texas accent, 1 e a v e s PorUand this v.•eek for San Francisco and the slarl of the nonstop race. Seven skippers from five na· tions will head their yachts out or the Golden Gate March 15. names and countries of the participants: received 1s or last October from the Slocum Society are as follows: Navy Capt. Eric T•barly. y,.es Terlein and Marc Cbulk Linski cl. France: K J ll u s ltehner and Edith Bauman of West Germany; J erry Gartwright and E u g e n e Martinson of the U n i t e d Stat.es, and Rene Hauwaert or Belgium. No other details about the l'Ompelitors are available, the association said. and 1967, respectively, is com· petlng In the "'''" "Fraok.ly. I will like to com- pete ln the coming race," the 38-year-old Kashima s a I d . "But I have no boat ol tbe speclli«I a1ze to enter the competition. Even if I had one now it is bit too la~e to ship It to San Francisco." Asked how manY days It would take ~lnit yachtman to reach J~an, Kash.Ima replied: · "I think \he voyage will take between 60 and 10 dars because the boats are blgger and faster and it is 1 race and not an attempt to sail between the two countries a lone. •. , doa tt lht .. ~ •i..... ...... •'"'p •• ·-na"-·ut ---· ..... mett.r '""' bit 11.Mrd. "" tht l'Mlmt In tuM '"' pW.C. ., rM!dll'll:t ·~c.~~· ~~'f.·EtY OIVEH ,.,.,, ..,...1., ...,g -Ul w -v llUlW y -.. u.i.eur . ..,...... fhl l'lfMtlll of lllf; Fourlll 11 •• I'll/le""': h trlfcl "'"'" Will be diUicult nrnyld...a •1.-or ·-• • ...,c_ .... _""ul -.t.i-.1 lllllM ti 1M CM11 Mes. Ca.mor ..... l'l'.lvt 11.0Y M. YAllNtLL. UlA ,.c_fflt Ooil'Olfl"I' Rl<ht..O llKktlt 11 ltl flf .--°"' WW: ....... __..._ -............ en-tAne fl:lllM ,-... Mine tllt Mt.II•• AVl!IUt. c .... Mnl. • .,.1111on lor probal• of ... • "'41lher ls good. Besides, the lra.ntl ate fl'{fr Jl ytus old PIM ti 81C)'<lt Wmi. Dtled Ftbr_., 1 ... lM for lnuanc. .. 1.t1I.,.• Tntl";~"'t P··"J n---1-1~.1 nd .... • NOTICE IS l'UllTHl!ll OIVEN ttltl llOY toL YARNELL l<I Jltllfl-r. reftf~ tt WI! ; --.;µ C vi.~1 lll au-~y a ... ve previous tolo lllllng 11 IM ..... n ~ •bo<.l .. mMilOMCI 51•11 of cillfer'llla, Or•,.• Ctlll'Jty: mad• for fv•I"-• 11t'fln111n. end fll• known by ""'ny ae1 (oyl,.,. er~ Ofer' a Al·•-----lfW MM1 all ""°"'' lt'ltti' .. ttd mtr Ol'I FtbrwrY I&. lfft. titlore ""'' lllt !lmt al'ICI 11l1co of he1rfn1 fl'lt lr ... I ... '" .. '6 ,_._ ... .,. ~-...., -r tlllll bt httrd '" ttw Cltt Co!111cll o H~rv f"ulllle la att4 fllr wld $11lt. u1111 r..t bten i.et tllr M•t~ll 14, c:eed1ng 300 ianes. al IM Cit'; "' CO.II N-Oii "kl Pt•iOlllll"I' .,....rid' 11.0Y M. YAJNl!l.L lt6t. ,, t :)O 1.m .. In !tut to11rtroo;;i Kashima was the sec61ld The ... -..c..1 .... 11.... y--1.•-Ma111t f"lsn of •IC't'Clt wira. llt!O)l;fl 1e "" • " me wto'I wr.o" of DeNrtmtnt No. ) or Mlcl 1 cou~ .................. "':".. "'"'""' ' c. K. PIOEST ~ "-It ·~"*' .. lllt wlm!n !fl. "' ,. w .. t E~hlll '""'· " Japane&e to make· a solo must be of 1 1illgle hull, not c1tv c;11rk 11n1m..,,. •NI adlMwlldtM ~· •~te111tc1 c1tv or s."11 ..,,.., c1111ern11. transP8.cl.fic v 0 y a 1 e. He longer than 35 feet or aborter "~"'""' o,,,... co111 011iv P1io1. "'' """'· o.1td FIJl!r11•f" ~~ :~" b~·--his !'loot Koraasa F•1111rv Jt, ltff ' m~ (OFFICIAL SEALI w. . ,, ~ ' '"""'"' V" th&p if (eet the auoclatJon JO&IDll E. Otvll CounfY t • 11 into Japan after a 101-day said. Four ~f the boal8, lo-LEGAL NOTICE ~~!i~~·11~1wnia ~.~:Hie1':::4 ,.":v.,u.••1'"' "Ip I-Long Be··• Cal" •lud1'ng Tabar J • on.~ '-" Suitt Num.,.r • ...., l VUI _..,,, U " " • , Y I 1 8te P425"' MV 'C0mm1uklft EMt!rt1 Hllllllolti. SNCll. Clll .. niJI jn July, 1967. ~pec1any designed, CllTIFICATE OJI 8U$1NISS June"· 1t1' Ttf! 1714) MWJll h f'ICTITIOfJS HAMti PubllJhed <>nntt Cot•I 01llY Jlllol, &rttnll\'1 W Jltllllt<lltl' T e spokesman said the The yachtsmen are entitled T11e unclltl'tlv""" <"(Hit t~ ... IY Pie i. F~ruirr 1t. ,. 1nd Mlrdl s. n. PIJllLISl\ad Orans• co.si 01111 J111oi. race will start from under to select any route bet\\·een ~~'R:. ~.11~·~::.•$11.,:!r ~ 1~111= ,.., fl•"" F~111rv 1t. 20. ''· ,,., 31..., the San Francisc1> Golden SaTnhFrSalnclsco and Japan. ~:..vi~~ ,: ;::1w:.°i.,AT11.!1R1~R~ LEGAL NOTIC£ LEGAL NOTICE Gate Bridge March IS for e ocum Society consists PCud of tN 1ouow1n1 ""'°"· whost su,i••o• coutT 0 ,. THI! STATI Jogashima hland,' about 40 of about 500 inembers scat. ~:i:fo\~11 •l'ICI •llCI or relldtn« CllTIPICA;f:; 8USINISS O' CALll'ORNIA miles southwest of Tokyo Bay. tered l.hroughout the w~rd . O..,kl E. Quillf, 3'0 E. 2nd St•ett, lflCTITIOUI NAME ,o. TH I COUNTY Olf OllANGI The association said the who are interested in Iona ~~~"',., ';!~~~~ "'"° co!:~~'"•~= ':11tt~"'w~~ HoT1cl! ::· :Are1 '0,. •l &i. Neither of the two Japanese -Kenichi Horle and lkuo Kashima -who s ingle handed l y sailed from California to Japan iD 1962 race is open to any person ocean voyages In 1-·'J boats D1v1d e . c:iu1111 co.1d HI•'-"• ~ , ,. c 11, 'lOPl!RTV AT ,1t1vATE sa1.1 l jf-mmmmmmmmmmm ______ ii;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;U;;;~---··1 51tle or C1!ttornll', Orante Coi;ntvi C1llfcrnr.. lMdtr tt1t lldll~ llrm n1rr>$ In tllt M1tt!J'r of tile Esltlt of EVEL YM Oil J_.ry 11, lfft, btlore mo, 1 of MOGl-sAUVf:' l!NTEAPlllSES ane M. l!IETTS, De«l&eel. Na!trv Public In tnd fot Uld $ .. It, lhtl said tltm Is (On'IPO$Cd ot !ht NOTICE IS HEAEllY GIVEN lhlf I 'ee by Today's H'10llllllY ·-•red DIY!O E. Cll111l1 ~k!Wln• --s. ""*' n1me f" lull !ht und9f'Slantd. IJ 1dmlnt1ll'•IOI' of Newport to Ensenada Race Plans Readied J known to me 10 111 1111 ,..,.... wl!OH llhd 11i.ce1 ot tMldfrlCt ••• a1 fClllo=: the esll!e of E'lfltn M. l!lell~. dG'C'NJed, Nl'M t1 subtcrlbod 10 IN w11hln In· NorTn1fl S.llYf", Mlfl UI· N1r1nlu will ull 1t Drlv11t1 .-tt to tile hl1htll Want Ads sflvment •l'ICI acltnewledtlld 11t lltKUled tlrlvt, $Ollth lfful\I, Calltorfli•. 1nd best l>ldoer 11110n tile te•m• 1no lht 11fl'le. Shelclll MOfl. loMt Oe1wllM Pl1ee, c011altlons heri1ln1fl•r me11llonad, and (OFFICIAL SEALl Costa Me51, Callfortll•. subled lo e<iirllrll"•llon bY 1.!1111 S...Mrler • Crowing Educational Ser- viee: S.m11ll T B1taell 01,., F1brv1N J, Jfft, Court, on l'ie 21111 da~ t i Fellr111N NolaN ,.Ubllc.Ctllfornr1 NOrmtn 1t11~e' 19.lt, 11 t~t !IOU• of ten o'clock A,M. l"l'lntlNI OftlCt Ill Sl\olclll Mo91 ar th•rHllfl'" within Ille time •llewed Your lawn will prosper, Drante CounlY Slelt ot C1llfOl'fllt. Oran1• County' 1>1 11w. 11 Th• offices of Fr1n1cl!11 and ill MY Commls1lon E1Plrfl On Fobru•N S. ,lfff, l>flort me, " 1nd Franklin. Attorne'fll, 107 E•51 11111 SO W ~ two col· AprJI fl, 19111 Noflrv Pul>ltc Ill and tor wld S!llc, Sll'iet, Coill M~ .. , C1llfcrnll. 111 rltll!. Plails are already under of the Ocean Racing yachts Icge etudt-nts, if yo11 hire Pub11~11e<1 o •• ,.., eo.11 D•11Y Piiot, D~r..,..1111 •-rtd Horm1n S•uYe' •lld 1111e, interest •nd ·~•~1• '' Ille ukl their ] rv1 Ex J1nu1ry 1' ind Ftbru1ry s, It, It, Mloldll Motl """°""" tt me lo b• 1~11~ EvtlYn M. BelU, d&ee1sod, at Ille 11,...1 way for the annual Newport sailing under the Cruising awn se ce. pt'?-1Ht IS~"'' -~I wl'ICMI "'"'" ••e rb!t• ~, of lier ll•elh. tnd •II rlirht, tltte i nd leneed, and $25 a morith II·-------------to !ht wlfhtn lflstr1Hl''11nt •l'ICI 1 tdcnow ' !ntertst 1111t 11/d est.ie ht' 1t11ulred, to Ensenada yacht race which Club of America measurement ~ .. •-,,, LEGAL NOnCE ltdllllll llMlv ••ultd "" $tmt. bv eper111on cf 11w or ct11erw1se. 0111er I CJ I 'II be h -~ 11------~~------j \OFFICIAI. $EAL) tllin or In 111dltlon to !~If or U!d annually draws more than 500 rue. ass Wl yac ts P1t•lcllo A. Wllw"I' EVELYN M. llETTS, ar ,,.. time 01 .1. ··"t m eaurlng 40.4 feet and over : e nc per square foot?? •·Wl' 111o11,.., ,.ubne-cet!fomT• 11,, deilll. in 1rw:1 1o ttw ""'1 tr0i>er1J sa1 1ng yaoi s. ' Tq&t'I the ch&rge (or rent C!ITl•ICATI DI' •VSINISI, PrlndPll Oft!ao In situ•! .... '" lh• <"GUntt o>f Or8n,t, Sfllt Tom Wilder, race committee Class TI, 36.5 to 4-0.3; Class • ,._ (h;, ind .. ·~al ~·-·. TllR und:,~~.T~:;oi;: ~.~m~ the• i re o r111tt countt , , or c1111arni1. 1nd described 15 .htllews: JI! 32 0 to 36 4 Cl JV .... ...,u-, w_,.., ' Mv (onomlstlon Xt ru l.ol 13 of Trtct No. m4. es p~r Chairman, has an n 0 Un Ced ' ' • ; ass t neat the. Q-nae County <enductlno 11 l>llsTnes< II P. 0. l!rx October I. \tn , MIP tflereol rft((lrded In 8ook fl, 29.0 to 31.9,, and Class V, up ·--e 15tl, Ccst1 Mew, C1llk!O"n\1, uncll!r !lie 'llto!i~lld Onin•• Coal! 01>1"1' P!lol, ,,,, •• Ml•Olllr>!OYS Ml'Ps. 1'1!COrdJ several changes in the format ai"""'rt, 800 ..,..uatt feet in 1ie1111ous .1rm rw1n11 01 NEWPORT ~ 1i. it 1, ,,,, 1'9..i9 to and including 28.9. -l"' ""' Sil.VER PROCESSIHG t l'ICI 11\ft ~•Id FebrWIY"' ' ' tf Ordn11t CounlY. Ca1lfornl1. (Kncwn of the race and r ace re-al.I. 1 Plrm 11 comPOSed ot IM tollaWt~a ,..,90,.s, LEGAL NOTICE •s m S<:ott Ptace, Cost• Mr.a. · ts There will also be five P\o! 1 u nc1 1o ot c.111orn11.1 quiremen . classes of Pacific Handicap • Just 10,000 pennies per ~Jld!nce"';.., •• 'f'o11o::i.: ' ,, tff IUOS or offer.. 1•e lnylled for 1atd Most significanl change will month: TH T, const1nl!ne, :10 w. l•~ HOTK• Of" eut.IC TIANSl'l!:R PrilllllrlV '"" must lie In wrlt1n1 •nd Racing Fleet yachts. Class VI, F'°'"' Atcadll, ea111orn11. tlta "" -,,., u.c.c.) w111 b' •ecelvltd 11 Jhe offices or be two classes of Midget up to Ifi8·, Class VII, 170 to You can rent a furnished Kirn F. C1dw1tl10tr. lll R11b1 Ave.. EiC,... Nt. 1t.16Ut FRANKLIN AND FRANKLIN, .t.ltornt YS Ocean Racing Fleet yachts _ one ,bedroom house in 8111>111 111arw:1, Ctlltomla. Hot\ct 15 hfreb'I s!v.n to 111e Crodllor.i f<lr uld estate. '" mov be filed w1111 210; Class V[JJ . 212 to 228: Dfi.d Febl'l<llY '-Ifft. of JOHN c FINN 1nd ROSALIE M. the Clerk of tlld Cour1. er dellyertd under 30 feet in overall length. Class IX, 230 lo 270, and Class Eastsld~ Costa Mesa, at Ttd T. eo ... tin!ln• FINN, Traniferors. wt101e t>1o'lnes1 1d· lo the Adminl~!nitor PtrJon•ll~. •I ant Th' MORF 'II bed' 'd this very low price, it you Kt~ F. C1dw11l•def' drns 11 10tl·• l tker Slttet. CMll lime 1119• the fJrJf pybllcellon of 11!\J IS year WI IV! • X. 272 and" over. Sltlt of C1llloml1, Oruio1 Caunfy: MfSI COlllllY of Or1n11e, State &I Notice, Ind before mtklno uld 11le. ed into two divisions _ Class call today. 0n Ftbruirv •· 19&t, before m•. 1 canfu,,.11, f'l'2'· t11.i a 1>11lk 1..-an~ter S.ld s.ale will be mid~ uPOn fl!• The race committee is com· Nott i\' Public In 1rw:1 tor Mid s111e, b tboYI to be m1dt to sEDLEY A. lollow1n1 arm~: A for yachts rating 13 feet, ed 1 W 'ld p 1 K t • DIME A LINE DEAD-peno111111Y 1ppe1red Ted T. con511n11r11 YOUNG '"d M.t.RIDN s. YOUNG, Im~· <•'"· and over, and Class z for pos 0 I er, au e-LINE JS 3:00 PM FRI-tl'ICI I(.,, F. Cadw1t11aer kllowll le me 1>11nc:r 1nd wife. Tr•Mf1r•e•· w~ose D•~ FO!bru••~ 11. lHt. tenburg, Larry Tesf and to be the ''"°"' Wl!Osl Mme• 11"<1 blo•!MU •OdrH• 1$ 3043 S1rno1 P\tce, BANK OF' AMEll:ICA yachts rating up to 22.9 feet M1'JJa' rd R os1'n·g . W1'lder sa1'd DAY -HURRY HURRY lllbKrlbed lo Ille wllhln lnstr11mer.t 1nd Coti. I.IHI CounlY of Or1"911. Stale NATION.t..L TRUST .I.NO ' 'nclus1've. HURRY!! ICkMWled11td l~!"I' elfKllled ""••m~. of C1lllor .. 11: t2626. SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, three more will be added. (OFFICIAL SE.t.L) Tho proc>•rlY to be '"'"'"'red ii toc1ted I na!IOl'tl Th 'II be J' I .~~~~".'.'..:.'.'..'.'.~::..:~'.'."':_ _ __J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'J J01eoh E. Oavli al 190l-ll ll•ke• Strttt, Cost• Me••· llanklnt Auoc1•11on ere WI !Ve C asses Noltry Jltlbl10-C:11!fcrnl1 County of Orlntt. Stile of C1lltcrn\1, By T, J. TIERN AN, Jr, PrlnclDll Dfflct In •2626 Aul1l11'1f Tr11•I Ofllcer Or1nga County s..id ~ro~ert"I' 11 dtse:rll1ed !n telll!rtl Ad,...!nl1tr1tor of the Mv CDmmlsslo" Elfpfret 15. Est1te of Junt 21, lt70 . All 111xt In tr1dt, !1xture1, eCIUl~rnenl EVEI. YN M. llETTS Publl5h9d Ol"ange Cot.ti 0111~ '""ol, and toad wlll il'ICI 1T1de name of Oece11ed. Flbl'w1ry 5, 12, lJ, 2•, "" 1'7.ft thll Ttkl OIJI Food buslne!S kMWn l'R.t.NKLIH and FIAHKLIH 11 THE GOLOE N CHICKEN 11'1d .t.tam,,a II LIW lot.II,., 11 1093-8 ll1ker Stteel, CllSh 107 Eall 111~ Slrffl Industry Reveals Code • LEGAL NOTICE Met1, CaYnlV ot Orange, St1te of l':•sla Mff~, C•lll~nl• C•!if.-r,.11. AllOl'llll'I fir Adm111lstr111r .. NOTICE TO CRl!!DlfORS Tl'll l>~lk lran!lfer w!H I.le cons~mm1!fd T.!: ~22.SI SUfOERIOR C9UlllT DP THE on or iller the lrd dt"I' o! Mtrth, .t.1torn1n for Pll!!lontr STATI! 01' CAl.11'011.NIA FOil lHt, II BAY ESCROW CO., !'IC., lH~ Pub!l>hl!d Drangl Cots! 0111\1 Pl!ol, THE CO-::~:'°'~:..DRANGE Hi1rbor BIYd., Costa M"I' Counlv of Febru1rv 12, 13, 1,, 1'6t t~t Of Boating Standards The most comprehensive code of s tandards e v e r published for builders of small pleasure craft is no\Y in the hands of boat manufacturers throughout the country, ac- cording to Donald I. R eed, manager of engineering for the Boating Industry Associa· tion. Reed said the 11&.page 1970 BIA Engineering Manual bas been mailed-to more than 700 72 Compete In Tune-up l!sttte of HAROLD JO S E , H Or1n111, Slate of Clll~ni1. known builders Of boats Under HOULIHAN, Oeceised. . So tar •s known lo ftle Tr•n•fer1e1, 26 feet in length. NOTICE IS HEREllY G•VEN kl the all b11slnet• names tr>d •dd•e,-;stt us•d1------~-------cr~I~ of Ille abov• nlmed decedent bV Tr~~rcrs fof Ille mree yea~ BAll·UU The new . manual contains th1 t 111 pe,..on• li1vln1 cl1lml •11ln~I last Ptsl, II different from !ht t bovt, HOTlCE OF TIUSTCE'S loll.I "'! rec m e ded pra 1· the 111d oe.:e<1en1 ••• •e<1~1,ec1 10 111e ••e: T. o. N•. Tl 211.u °' Om n C ICCS lhf!n, wlm fho ne«5"1fY ve11dlers, In Non' On M•rch lol, 1t&9, •I 11:00 A.M,. ranging from lightning pro-lh• otfltl of the clerk of Ille 1bove Celed Februarv II, It.It TlTL~ INSURANCE ANO TRUST COi.i· enllllld cc11rl, or le presanl ttlem, Wllh SEOLEY A, VOilHG PANY, 11 dulV IPP01Med Tr111tH unaor tection for boats to tire in-m1 11Kes11tv vo~rs, to Ill• 11n· Tran,ieree and 11Yrsu1nt to Deed of T•u•I oatcd flation charts for boat trailers. dersl1ftlld 11 Ille cttla ct hfs Al!ornevs ~~:~~ees. YOUNG Se1>tember 19, 19u E~ecuted By: Stell •r>d l.ev1 ..... 727 Wfll 1th Street, c O•llY PilO! ROBERT 0 . NALL •n<I JOAN NAl.L, Of the Standards, four are 51/llt Humt..r flO, LOI Angelts, Ctlllornla Published Ora~ Ot$1 321'°'; l!llSl>ind '"d·wlfe, 11 iofnl te~1nl1 te.d d h be ha d 90017, wf\!ch 11 the place of bYaln•ss Febru•rt l9, 1961 record~ Se~!emblrr 3(1, 1966, at ln•lr. new an 14 3Ve e n C nge of th1 11ndtr$11n9d 1n t!I m.ttt.rs ,,er-No. 11392, ln book IM-I, page '"• since the 1969 manual was 111n1,,. ,., 1111 wai.. of 11ld d11eo<1ont LEGAL N011CE of Offlcl;ol RKords 1n 1he cfflce of within 4 monttw alttr the 1!•51 ,..bll(1llon Ill~ CounlV Recorder cf Or•nge Ccuntv, published a year ago. of 11111 notlct. HOT.Cl! oF INTl!NTIDN TO C1IUornl1. Wll.L SELL AT PUBLIC Several ol the changes -Dtled Ftbru•rv 10. l Nf TRANli,1!11 IN IULK AUCTION TO HIGHES T 81CCER FOR H<lovff H. Pr•!!, AT \IUl\.IC AUCTION CASH (pav1bl1 ,, lime of $lie '" notably in boat fuel systems E~1<;ulor of tr.e Wiii el Ncflt• 11 '1!1rtbv, •'"" lo Ille Credl!or; lawful money cf the Unlte<I Stale~/ 'JJ if( h lhe 1bovt Mmed deCfldent of 'IETE't 8YK!flll(, Tr1ns~ror, WllO!• In t~t lcbbr of the wed {P•rkino WI St en t e re-$TELL AND LFltNI; b°'lnoS! addren Is 1?U~ Grcva View, lot) entr•nct of Tiiie ln:Wrtn(I .8ulldln• q uirements -Of the BIA Boat 721 WHt 71~ Slrffl1 ,f,ol. ll, G1rden Groye, Co11n,.,. or Or•no•. ioc.11a on lhe Northwnt ccrner of Suitt l{amMr f11, Slate cf C1!1ternl1. Elthlh 1nd Mtl" Slret!h, S•"lt An1, Safety Certification Program, 1.11 All9t111, C•lllttlll• *"· S.ld P•Ol'•rlY 11 t1=lbed in ,.,,,er11 Clllfornl1 1u rlvht, !!tie •114 1n1er•~• which currently cover_ s m_ o_re Teh Olli •V·Hn '" Dl1!1I Pim, Tools. E11u111. et th•t corweved to al'ICI new held bt '!! unoer An.r111Y1 Mt' IXKutll' Diesel Rep1!r She• b\t!l!neu knewn •• 1110 Deed of Trust !11 lh1 praP•rtY ihan two-thirds of small boat '"Jl·2U'll l!IYICERK OIESEI:: COMl'ANY Ind s!lutled In s1Td County Ind Sl1!t deKrlb- od cl. \ PYbllshed Ortnot Ca.!1 OJllV Pllcl, loe&led II (20 31st St . NtwPOr1 leach, td 11· pr U ion. Fetoru1rv 12, 1', 2' ff\d March 5, Counlv o1 Or1n1e. Slit. or C•lllcrnl• The Nor1husl1!rlv rect1neu11r cn!- One new standard calls for lMt m.m Auction wm be conduc,., by l'HtL h•ll of Lal tS of Tr1c1 ~10. 7t6. HANSON, Auctioneer. en flit hi d•Y In Ille aiunlv of Or..,.e, sf1!e of a system of permanent h ull LEGAL NOTICE cf Mirth, ,,.,, 11 10 o'clock .t..M. C:11lfornl1, •• Ptr maa> rKordod 111 LEGAL NOTICE · ] be to 'd ] t at (20 31st St .. NeW110r1 ll••ch, CoYnlY l!look 21. p11e 25 of MIS<:e!11neous Se seria num rs at s a es STEREO SENSATION! ·····•· of Or1nge, Sl•I•" C1llfor"l1. Maps, I~ 1111 office cf tr.. CO<Jn!v venty-two boats in eight concerned with the problem .. The Terms 01 ll'lt s.1e wm be for re,."roer cf s•ld cc11ntv. classes turned Ollt Sunday for HOTICE TD CAEDlTOlS tilsh. S11d .. le wn1 be m1de, but Without · of small boat thefts, Several tUPEllOI CDUIT Oii THI! so rir a! kncwn 10 tho Auctioneer, ccYet11nl or w•rt•nlV. exoreu tr lm1>lle<I, Cabriltt Beach Yacht Club's la] ted l ST.t.TIE OF CALtl'OllHlA FOJI all buslnen nemes 1nd 1ddrJlSes us'!d regardln1 tl!le, POSseulon, pr en. Midwinter Tune-Up Regatta. s es are expec 0 pass The colorful sound of ~ THE COUNTY OF OlllAHGE by the Tr1nsferor for the lhree "l'fllS tumbr1nt11, IO pay !he ••m•lnlno Pf( ... The winners: serial numbering laws, so that E 1 1 1 H~·A:~rt' Eu GENE 1•1t P•st, 11 01H1r1n1 1rorn 1boYe, •re: cr~1 wm o1 111t note secured bt Stolen bo,t i'nformat·ion can ,.,•;,~ERc 0 sed M,A.N. P•clflc, 100 s111., N..w"'"' 1ucn. 111d OHO of Trust, 10-wll: i1.1t•.01, CAL-40 (3) T t A t .. Orange County Music .. ... ' Kea . cant. wllh lnltf9't trom October 15, 1'67, -e ua, r be entered with the Federal . NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN '° 111' Ant '"a 111 e11!ms cl ... 1111soever •s In 11ld note Provided, 1dv1nces. Walker, CBYC. tredl1Gr1 of lht al>ove "'""ed dec:edenl n~lvre ''" to bt Dreunted to the 11 i nt vnde• the "'""• of said o,..., C .,34 .-(J) Balclutha, Bureau of Investigation's Na· mit •11 "''M>lls hav1111 clarms "11~'1 eserDw d•a>•r1men1 or Phil H1n10T1 i. ol Tr~s1. lees, chargfl •nd exoenses ~ RADJQ KQCM 1031 fM 1111 ••Id dectdenl are t8-lllted '°f ie AssoclUe~. en or btft>rt mt 111 d•Y of tll1 Truslff 1rw:1 cf the h111ls crtfled J ohn Kincaid, CBYC. tional C r i me Information . · '"""' wllh the "ece•s8rv vouchers, rn ct Mircn, 1969 ,1 , c·ct.ock A.M .. bv ~,10 OH<I cf Truit. Center. ; l~e office ot the clork "' th~ il>cve •nni, \V. 111n SI., In the Cllv of The 1>1n1nc!1rv Yfl<ler itld O<"ed cf PHRF (23) - (1) Re<lon. f f h' I I d N t B h. ienlltled court. or 10 presonl tllem, w!lll 511111 An1, Countv of Or1nse, stat! Trust, bv re1son of 1 br~1ch er ~tleutt Rex Bender, VVC·. (21 ,.,·, The manual's standards are • • rem as ion s an ' ewpor eac IMf neceS$~ry vcucners, to the un· of Ctlllorn11. In Ille ob!lg•llot!S setY•td lll•rebv de .. eloped by seven B I A dtr•lane<:r ., !he cf/le• o! 11~r ~11~•nt~·s, Dt!ed FebrYlrY l7ttl. 1'6t. heret<Jlore e•etuted 1nd dollve•ed t~ between Tortola, J im Cov"ie, • Gemmll a. Welborn, t03' E. WisMn!llon PMl Htn$0!', Auctlonter the undtrsltioed 1 written Declir•tlon CBYC' and Ginger II' Dave engineering committees COID• lllvd,. Pko-Rlvert, Ctlllornl• '°'60, wlll<h PYblllhed Or1n11t Cell! DIHV Piiot, Of Otl111ff tncl D""'llld !Qr S.lt, Ind l• r~e ,11ce o! bllslnen 1>! me una1r1!1ned Febl'l<lrY 1t, lt6t 31:149 wrJl!en r.ottce ef breach Ind of elediOtl J ohnson, CBYC. posed of technical personnel In 111 m1ttus 1>e•T11n1no lo tlle e11111e to c1use 111e under!lintter 1o sen sild CAL-20 from participating manufac·'-==========================================;l"f u!d decedent, w!!hl" tour months LEGAL NOTICE Pl'flPertv to s1t1stv $lid o1rnutlOt1• •nd (6) -Tanqueray. Ir 1fter 111e ""' DYl>l1t111on cf !Ills notlt•. thereeller. on Novemblrr n, 1961'. 111, Dave Searing, CBYC. turers. Before promulgation. D•ltd Ftbr111rr 7• 196'· ce:11:TiFt<:ATll! 0,. co11.J1o••TION YM1ers11ntd c1u1ac1 ••kl r.otice cf 1>re1dl h d d Gt0!'9!1nn1 Fltlcher 1nd ~I tledlim lo bt M dtd I MERCURY (7) Tilt. I e stan ar s a re reviewed NEWSP~ERS Ad""1n111r11rl• of th• E1111e 001H,•,,:,u,1•0'",,"',.~N10•• book 1115, P•oe 141 0, ;11d0' Offkl~ Ge P b · · d' t" ol tht •bt'I• n1med dKedent " Rte ra ' orge atter son. CBYC. y an engineering coor 1na Jon GIMMIL. WELIORN THE VNOERSIGNEO CORl'OJIATIO'l 0:1e·'·Febr111rv ,, "°' 5-0-5 (10) -Super Log, J .A. committee -composed of *' •· W1tlll~•l•11 llv~.. doet herebY certlf'f "1tt ll Is candYdlng ·TITLE 1NsuRA,rc·E AND , f Jllc.-Jl l¥tr1, C1Nfvr>l1 ffflt a rNI l !ltl• bu1lne11 II U2t Perl TRUST COMP.t.NY Hobson, CBYC. representatives o the boating T•h 11111ox1-m 4 Shefflekl Pr1~. NtwPOrt lle•c ~. bl. h US C AntrMY• for Admlnl1tr11r1r C1lftorn1t, under !hi tlcllllous !!rm n3me RS ••Id Tru~le•, SNIPE (71 No. 15280, liugh pu lC. t e . . cast Guard l'ubllsheo Or•nt• coist DillY ,.1101, 01 OAK BROOK v11.l.AGE .ind tha! !Y1hE~MJ~'1· HEINlEll, Dl'etz CBYC and state boatm' g agenc1·es Febtu.tY t't it 2• 1nd March s. the 111m1 of uld corJ10r•t~ •nd 11~ u or ' cer . . -NEARLY AU THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME I '"' . ·••• '""'"" ""'" ·~·~· "" ... , •• ,. "'""""' 0 """ '~" 0 "' '""· SMALL BOAT ARB. 113) to make sure the standards REACH -oon11d L. er.,, cam111nY. 1sn1 vi!n-FebNirv lt, 2' ind M•rch 5, "" tt(·ff -Boat Baby, Don Cladd, are consistent and in accord LEGAL NOTICE tura Bau!i vird. suite 1100• Sherm'" O~kl· C1111ornl1 tU03 CBYC. "'ith public safety. DATEO : Janu••v Jt, ""· -----------------'-----------11 P·l1H5 ,A· Oonakl I., '"" C0!1"Hnv •&ll·llM LEGAL NOTICE •.. ••••••OPEN SUNDAYS11•••••~1IJ c11tt1F1cATE o11 •usitflss w11111m P. tcl11$:11'Mn NOTICE OF T•usTEl!'s saL1 FICTITIOUS HAMI! Vl(e Prulde"I T O N T• ,, ... The unclt"l;ned doel C!lrllfy lhtt 111\e w. F. Stron1 · ' '· 11 conductlne 1 IHJtl"'5t 1f 400 NtwPOfl Secrei.rv On Maren U, l96t, II 11:00 A.M., .. ~···~·~ Take a LOIG LOOK at your INCOME TAX If ,_ •• a poin In the nedc to "°"' let 'alOCK cle tt.. le*· In no tli,M, your ,...,,.. k prepared, clouW .. c".ck-4 and 9varan11ecl flW ..xwocy. Try iantoying ._for a chonoet IOTH FlDllll AND sun s fr,;!!!i!E"""§"""'""' GU AIANTll ?""""""""""'<iJ W. tll_ ... Mb<•!t fOlt,.1•1•11 tf _..,. ... !tfY••. If -_.,, •• , t fr0!'1 '"'' <Oil ,.... _, ..... 11y ............. --, ... ...,, ., 1~•111.t. 'g [3~[!1'Co. Am.ric•'• Largittt T•x s.rllce wfth Ov•f 3000 Officet CO$TA MESA 1175 Hort.or llYd., 642"'940 NEWPORT BEACH, 410 W. C-Hwy. 642.7142 CORONA del MAR, 2435 E. Co.st H.wy .. 67~362 w .. 111 o.,. t ..... , ,.-.: s.t .. s-. ' ..... 1 , ••• ~·, &..'f"st l• s.mc.. wfttl Owl' lOOD Offkfl NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 1. TWO SllPECTS SflZEO LOCAL NEWS MIWSPAPIU llACll A •"IPAIM Of ,.,, Of IA<• occwr A T10IL .-.rftl 0,llli• l ..... c..,.. ..... Mosl People Read All of a Newspaper -All the lime And in the Orange Coasl Area lhe Paper They Read is the • , • I DAILY PILOT I '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'' • TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM· C~ler Or. E1st, NowPOrt Beatl!, STATE OF CAL ll'ORH1A Pl.NV d I ft" , C1!lfoml1 11nder tile tlctlllous llrm n1me COUNTY OF LOS ANG ELES J u ' IS II V IPDO ~ rinlet \lnde' ' T TIOH SERVICE d •nO OUrsu•nl lo Deed ~I Trusl d•!td of MEDICAi. CIC A t" On !his 111" d•"I' of Fe1>rutry, 1'/)t , Ncvember ~' lPU Executed Bv· LINCOl.H tt11t 11ld firm Is ccmDOled GI Ille belort me, 1 Nollry Publlc In 1nd O SHER,f,NIAN d ICATl<iLEE 1e1111w1n1 pe,SOfl. whos• "'"" !n tun lo• ulo Counht 1nd State, pe•.on1+tr sHEl!AN1AN hlllb•;no no 11 N Rti 1nd pl1ct ct <1sldMt1 It 11 lollow3: 1ppearo<1 w1m1m '"· Kl11111111n 1nd w. recordotl ofc..,.tier l ~945 w, •· 1 ·~ llARl!IARA ANN BISHOP, 1010l F. S!r0"9 known to be Ille Vice Pr"ldtnl No J~ In book ' ' 1 "1 r. H1rbor l!le U,., HYnllntton Betth, 1rtt1 ~crtl•rY of 1111 cor110r1llon fll•t official Recoro 1 ~~1• :+t'f• IOI, cl C11lfoml1 e•KO.Jttd the wl!hln ln1trumen1 an beh11! County Rtccr~r n cf ~ Ct t 1111 Oaled J1nu.irv 21. l96t cf lhe corporatk>n ll!trtln fllmld, ~r>d CtlllOrnla, WILL SEl.l. ri;~• p ~nty, BARllAAA .t.NN lll$HOP ICknowltd11d IO mt flll l 1~dl corporttron AUCTION TO HIGHEST l lODElltU F~C. Sl1le of C1!llornla, Or1not CoYnfy : t~ecultd lht .. mt. CASM (PIVtble ti II of le tllt on J1nu1ry 21. 1Ht, btfo1'1 me. • WITNE SS mY hind end-!. 11wfyl mon•v cf 111 m~ ·ieo "st i..'I Holtry P11bllc In tnd fcf" Mid StAle. (OFFICIAL SE.t.1.1 Frt nlr: £, G••Y !n Ille lobl>l' I • no 1 perscn~llv IPDe•re<:r llAlllAltA AN~ NCl•N Pijbllc-Ctll!Vrnll let) enttlf\CI of ;111 '"~ "'"' ~"1'i:'~ &!SHOP ~newn tc me le M ~ "''~~n Ptlncl1>AI OlllA In !ocutd ...., t~r N• r11!11SVr:nu u lllfl whott n1me Is IUbKrlblrd 1'0 1111 within Los A"ttlt• Countt !::tqh!h ind Miln ;lre:i::' S~er An~ 1n,lrYment '"" acloncwl!!dgl!d iht e~· MY Commission Expl~! C•lllotnlt Ill •IOM lll!e 0 0 0 Kiiied the ume. DK, 1', U&t COtlv .,. ' ' t n n '"''' (OFFICIAL SEAL1 S4a oc ey, '" Mid r.ow l!eld bt n ll~r J~'"'"' E, o1y11 Publlsh..:I or1nee Cot1t D.illy l"ilot. !r.;:'11~e~ 1~ T1~•lot !~ the •n..triv Uo!trY PublloC1lll'Cml1 l"et>rYlrt It, H lr>d Mforch ~. U, In stld COll~IV c Ind si':"~ lll!ltl!, Prlf'ICIPll Office In lff• Jlt." 11. • eic:rlbed O•~noe Coun!v ' The Sovthe t 1 " If My Commtulon Ea11ir11 LEGAL NOTICE •II of Lot ,J;s e;n~ tto' N~lot fOI, Junt 21. 19111 l!•lf of I.cl fo. of t Wttferlv P~bl!shed Ort-CCIII! DllJV Piiot, EH,..W Mt. stll 1!0 !n !he cllv of Htwpcrl r:~tlrNo. tOI. Jlnuirv 2' and F.torunrv $, n, U, NOTICl lO CllllDITOlltS DI' •VI.I( of Or•lllt, 1'-'-of Califam11.' ::u:~ INJ ISW'I TRAHll'l!ll m1p reQl)rcJM In 8oo1t 11, llf'l'S ~t • LEGAL NOTICE ISKL ,,.,,.,., o.c.c.1 to 3f 1nc1111lvt " M11ctll•neous M•e" Nolite h htrttlv •"'911 ~ cr-ectltw! In ttlt of'flct ti l'ht tollflfy rKol'der of '"~ wlt'l'lln 111med p1rt+os 11111 • of ••Id county, E TO CRlOITOll b\11k trtnllfr 1, lntelldf'CI to twl nltdl S.!d ull!' wm bs m10e, 1>111 •llllOut Mt • .t.-'lJn Oii "'"°"'' P!'O'Ol'h'. IW!rtlntftl!r dMcr!b-ai~n•nl or w1rnnty, ••~r~i er ln1J>l/&11, SUJll !OJI COUllT -OF T"I ed. rpg1rdlnt llllO!', l>Ol!IOIJlorl, or en• $TATE OF CALIFOllNl,t, ,DI The n11111 Intl b\lllntS1 *rou Of Cllmbtlroces, lo Pf"!' 11!t rt""•lnllll "'I"• TNI COVNTV OF OI AHOl fhl lnllndlO tr1,..leror t•t: CIP•I sum of 1111 note >«llrtd l>v Eitite of GEORGE LEON.I.RO llll.t.0. JOAN DUDLEY, !141 Tuttin Avl'nYe, stld Dttd of Tl'\rll, to-wlt· S!Ynoi 1i FOJtO, 0.0..lld, No, ""' C:osll Mesi, Ctllfcmla. will! Inter"! '1"om J11ty j 1t6' '•' Notice t& h••• t!YOn to crltd1fof'I The name and b'"l..eu ll!dr"'~ cl In ttld no111 orovlde<I, 1f v•nai .~ Mv!111 (Cl•1mt 11111111 the ••Id dtctclent 1111 '"~td tr1n1fl,..e 1rt: •nr. ul'ldltl' Ille ftrmio of i•ltl D"~ 1<1 t!le salO cNllms !11 "'°' Oflleto of DOHALO W. IARLING Ind JENNI E af Trvst, feet, clllrteJ Ind exP•nJ•J the Clerk of file 1!or-ua1d Cour1, of SUE llARLING, mtt llell~lllSI Dt lvt, of 1111 TN"ee I nd Of ttle 11'\<sb trMIK It P"1ilt nt ~m 1o !Ir• urw:1tril1ned Et Toro. Cllltoml1. bl' ••kl Ottd of Tru1t, 1t "'" offlct of MV$l(IC l'EELElll & Thtl Ille Pl'-rlY ,..rllntnl "e•tlo T~ be<>et1c:l1ry under Mid o~ Ill GAlllJtETT, ~· Wl!ll!lre '111vd., In "''-le dtserlbtd In """"II l!l; M1terl1l1, TrvJt, by <fflon of 1 b•eKh or dl:tlvlt Cll"I' of LOS .t.ntlllS. COllnlY of Lot w11a11n. !l'llrd'i•ndl"' 8'1Ulefll .... I, (OI'} In lht Cl>ll~tl-t.ICUrtd ,,,.,.~ Anlltlu, Cillfo.m1a, wtoltll !•tt.r olflct l11rnltur1, fflclllf11, eciulPIY!eflf, 111 WP• Mt1Tohlre e•ec:u!l!Cf 1nc1 dellv•rM T; 11 Ille 111ac. ot Mlno•iii o( lM undenl~nW 1111n. utillht dYOllti, 1oodwHI •lld lllt llfldtnltlltd • wrl"..., Dtclirillon 111 111 man.n Dttll llllnt te ti lO clttt IN••l'lo!d lnltrttl •fllf 11loclltd1!; of 09ft~ll Ind Demand lvr SI~ lrttl S\lct'I Cl I•" wlttl tllt llf(tua!"f ~.:. J:Jt W._ltlll, Cosfl Miia. C111forni.. wrltl!ln nolleto or breidl •lld 01 eiKi1on • TllM Sl'kl bullo: ll'tntf1r II 111i.ndtd le awt tM under 1'!"11 mutt bl filed or "fllll!td •• 11<1r11a!d, to bt '""°'~"''"" M """ otflw of •-""' fll ulbf'r ' "' "11 ••!d wlltrlll""" -""· •Tier ""l!nl fH.11>11(-.1> MElllT ESCllOW CCIII.~ ni,. V'"lu,. -"' -.. _ Ml .. tl O~llOlllona, •Ml !IOfl fll 11111 llll1U. ,... ' c " • .. , ..... vt m t ll. 19'1 '"• ..... F """' u ,... '""·' MIO Uy, c1111or"lo· .,. er undlr1!1ntll , • .,..., Nld f\Otlq of I>' ~ 1 "' · · 11ier Febn,ttrr •• 19'f. and of t lKtlcn lo lit •<>.K Ptfef '°°"'1 8fidtt:lrl ~ It• 11 It ~-le l.lkl mienotd boell: ll'U. llHt 1'l of rtcor~ 1" ElltClillor If"" wm Trlflllltltl .... lnltflffll, Tr1111!tf'Or' RKONll ' llld Of'lltl~I fll t•ld de(_.ttifll . MUSICK. ,llLlll I e..t.Rlltn 1l$e<I 1111 fllllOWll!f ldelrlon•I bu$!net1 TITl.E IN5VJt,t,N(E .I.NO •t11· lflflrf A. 1.-lllfMt Ind tddr11t• w\111111 file 1t1r" TllUSt COMPANY " • _,, i.,~t NII: I • Mid Tt1t11tt Otlf Wlblllrt I N&,, Ncr.~ It ELMER YI. HEINZE• Lt• Aitt•ltl. C1N..,,,l1 ... IJ Dtled F•t1V1ry 11, 19'6 Allltlorllttl Ofl1Qt ' A"'"'9n fir ·~~ylfl'" OONALD W, l,f,111,ltlG 0.!fd: Frbrutrt IJ. 1Ht ~ JENHIE SUE l,f,ALIU~ '1A>lltfMol HtwPOn l'lll'bor N l'ubll1f'11d Ot-• Conl 01lrr l'lle!, In~ Tran.iu·tl!t ComlllMd wilt! 0.ltr ,.1 '"' !Inn•. Frbrul•"I' It, Jf t r>d Mtrc:h I, 12, Putlll\~..S Ot1"" COi~! t11!1w "11of, hid\. Cal!lorfllt Ill!, Jtt .... r! !te• U1-'0 FO!'tlru1,., lt, lfff !OUt FtbrvltY It. H t!MI Mire:~ I. Ifft tt5\!1 \ ---------------------------------------------------.,,..,.,-------~·~-.-. .. -... ·----- • • No Caneer ' ' H DoctoI." Says So ByPeltr SleiAcnloo, MO Dear Dr. Sleincri*i: I .. I » and have had lumps in my breast '°' the past few mootbl. Both my fNnlly <loo< torandan.-Jent- aay J do not have ctim. ' They caJI I I "fibroeystlo disease." But I am sW1 wor- .. rted. Is there anything eloe I can do?-Mrs. T .. ,. . ~· Every lump daerves respect and In- vestigation -especWfy wbul : found in the b"ast. A>. in your case, it's wise to think of the po.uibility of cancer, I am sure your two ·docton have considered lt carefully, If, after study, they aay · ' it ls noncancerow, then be :. thankful ud aetept their ·word. I. ~ ~ that if they found cantll' they woold not DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Dear Dr. Stelncrohn: I often get cramps lately. My doctor says I have a spastic colon. I've had no :r rays or anything 1lse. How can he tell? - Mn. R. COMMENT: In this tense age we're living in, some get tension headache, o t h er s break out tn hives, still others get an upset s tomac h . PsychO!OmallcaTiy speaking, ieruiion can attack any part of'the body. I suppose your doctor has made his diagnosis of spastic colon on the basis of your history. But If you continue to complain, undoubtedly he will put you throogh the .~. d lagnostic mill o f 1lgmoldo scopy, barium enem1t stool e1aminatlom, GI x ray series and other tests. AUboagb 1prtic colon Is often due t nerves and tenseness, he will wanl to be IUl'e that lhere11 no otber ln>uble In the colon : lib ob- . · nonnll ~. po!Jps, ulcer· atlon, or infection. The coloa makes up the IJ'eater part· of the large In- testine. Aft.ere 1 l r act In r nourtshment from the food we eat, its job ls (o move ~ matter out to the rectum aDd anus. Ordinarily there an no symptoms. But when it is 1pastlc, for lnstanct, then • · come the cramps (and either COllStlpatlon or diarrhea). II your cramps are really due to llpa3tll> tolon, then bland dltl, tranquUlr.ers, and an- tbpasmodia should bring lm- OfMtement. If "'° OT •ll'f ~~~ ~ !!:!!!.'!..,. ~~lny_;: Ct11 lrlW, ,...,... -T;;..... -r "'r'W,Jli1' fllh •=• a 1 • , PENETRATION ,.,._1y •YMJ•n• ,..4, tti • . , ILY PILOJ, •• ,. ••• ,.. .. ,..,..,. hf ... f•'-'•"' Or•t11,! • • DIL 1 M11.c..~·······~c... .... : ~=I~ A-.•.v.r 19ut ~ r;:::t:::::•r:•::: e 14'1 W .................. l'J ._.,_ ' .... 39'Ma ...... ,.,. ~11.·~~-=2!4 Wirt Shot Rach Hold 9 Pair ---""' 88 tidf,Henr-' wire !ldt holds ' plin d aboes! ... v .......... . .. ly Pl I ~..i:-,., miaw 29' .-...~-' Power On 79c.,. v.._ n-. ,.. :;:.,•• 31 SI CllllMI' ••• Reg.914 K21t fpmiLlftw ·-Tvbo 73' Drr lilHr lleg.$'t.14 88' "'" . Gallen : 79:. Woollte Cold Wattlr Waoh :'4·-~2:'1 2 t. 50' YaL Mallo~ .... 39' Stuait Hall. C • D (1\1- Batttftll• 2T25' Envelopes ) •• < • . ~· ~,,. ·v-.1U.! Original . Oil~ · Giid Reprotludions BEAUTIFUUY R1AMB> IN WIDE PRNATE WOOD FllA1MS .YOUR CHOICE oaa;..i Oil -a.to '2'4 .... ...i """ -"""" .. iepcoductiODS cf Old X.. tea. a.oose flOIQ • wide >ori"t " ~""' ... Reg. 45c & 79:. Metal Baking Pans WIDE VARIETY-BIG SAVINGS ·•r"''"" 4 $1 ......... :E-t'r.:_... for ;:.-: ;:r,:,: io ..... of' Illy 4 and S...I the IDlllt....... . ' I P•nd 1191 Of 'llmbo . Ov• Fresh Cookies 9 DEUCIOUS VARlmES 3 round7.9c .... ' '. ~ ' . ' . ' W"""4r. '•"""'119, 1'169 DAILY PILOT J~ - • 1awa.11t 111r .• w .. ·a, w ........ c:... ......... . ..,, .... I ll M ....... ~·-I ,. • ,,,,,...., .. !.! ..... ,,... .............. ..... ( ' *7.98 Wom11'1 ·Full hlhlontd · · ... ,, Acrylic , Sweate Wo111111'1 lltw Spring P•t Shifts ~s39a. ' .Hnctiff .,.. .., "'°"",..... Ddolled to look· dol1m IDOIO. N"' s-p,;.b" mlon. 8-16 • ........ • ... cyllo-I,. ....... ~rc.2•• l_N,...orPu· m..Pias with f ibl'rfilfi:' toPfi. : strek:b. Jace bac\I ond--32-38, lltw Gold.ml•• H•lap si••· .......... ,.\ ........ -...... ....... Mllit.' .,.~--· P1tc11.t ~ .. •· -all"°ll- Cushion arch $J88 support wit h ' ipciaae insole oldudcuppcn. Colon in pop- u I a r size s. While stocb Jut! '2.50 to •4;00 Values! Sllulton'i Dtart Flower Aloe Ytra Skin C.. llttels H =~l,,llJ.-YOUI CHOICI 811holr,4ili c ·-·"" _ ... 2 Dz. 99 °"""'* Mia are lrtllmcnt cmhi"'Afoe, t.balodt ~ ~ tainlltl Vm. DDc. Paa. Monogram Straight Bourbon 791 Chlppen Mixed Nuts Plflh Cltlllon I $299 6 Yt. old &tnisfit bow-· ban. Priald CTerl '°""' d1111 oar ~ .law price o( ,~.~9. ' ' I 59c ' I I ) I I l • I' I - • I l • . • . . \ • . .. OA1l.Y ~LOT ·I .. • ' • .. ..... ' ' COTTON KNIT COORDINATES 3. 99 $6 . $9 Values The lowest price ever on these famous label mix:-and-matcli kn its. Tops in assorted styles, stripes, solids, S-M-L. Pullon pents in block, novy, oronge, pink, yeUow, brown. 8-1.6. Street Floor Budget Sportsweor, 65. \ \ \ FAMOUS KORA TRON®·fLAYWEAR • 6.'11·9.99 Rog: $i0-$15 • '\. . We con't mention the lobe!, but you 'll recogn itil these permenent-press, mechine wash-and-dry separates. Front- tip jackets, proportioned pents in aqua or green. . . . Misses' Sportsweer, 78. ANAHEIM 444 N. Evc~4 1.n.1121 Mon.. thru S•t. 10 o.m. le f :IO ,,., l I· ...... .. " ·• I . .. . • I i .' . ' .. • • • • 1 • -. . . ' . .. ' ' 1 • .. TGr:, lRAPl'Tf ONAl : SPORTSWE.AR0 8.99-23:99'; .• .... :bij. $13. $36! . ' '..:. : ,. ' \ .~I • Choose from skirfs, perifs, shell~; skirts in Dacron!I poly- ester/wool blends or Docro~®·poly~sfer knits. Soft pe stels, red/white/blue combinatiQriS'~ mis~st sizes. . : ·_f •~.-.~ Misses' S'por.tswear;-89 t' .. · ._.: ·; ~ . '-r · ~ ; ,1" ~ . ' . . FAMOUS NAME ~ACRO~ KNITS 6.99~.99 Rog. $10·$17 Hurry in to se·e the fabulous values! Colors include lime, llquo, toast. 100% Dacron® Polye·ster. Shown: cardig anc 12 -1 8, a.99; sleeveless shell," 10-16, 6.99; skirt, .10·18, 8.99. Misses' Sportswear, 40 . .. N.EWPORT 47 fe1hioo l~end 644· I 2 I% Mon. thru Fti.' 10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. S_tt. 10 e.m. to 6_p.m. • \ • • ·i . ... • . . ,. Tllur. Fri.· Seit. f AMOUS LADY· . SHIRTS . 3.99 Reg. $7 • $8 . . -. • ., , . • ". ~· . . -,. '. ,. :.., Gre&t savings on your f~vorite ~an.-.tanored shirtings in long or roll' sleeve versions in easy.care fabrics,· sizes 8-20. .. Tan9erine, pirik, green, blue, yellow, amber. Blouses. Shirts. 66 • . ,_' .. ' .. FLARE-LEG KNIT PANTS • 5.99 Rog. $12 ' . Pull on these flop-hoppy .cotton double-knits for • greet vacation look! Fabulous assortment of colors, too ,. . • junior sizes ~-M-L. Hurry in t.o s~e them! Junior Sporfsweer, 97 \ . . ' ' ·• HUNTIN6T0l'(B~G:H ·nn· u1.,., ·11 •• .' · tt2-1111 • ' Mon. thru Set . 10 ~.m. le f•IO\P.""· \ " • ~ 'f ~ ··~ ')' . ' • ,,tdnffdal, fttlf'UMJ 19, 1%9 PILOT·ADVERTISIR-3 DAILY PILOT J7 --.. ----~ ·-·····,.. -. -. --• ' . , ,. t· . - ' ' i ' j~ " • ' - " I '• ' • • -.. 1 ' .. f:.11,. " ; . '\ ',, . ' . . . • .. .... . . ' " .. I. •. ·, • "" • <( ' • ,,. -·~ . 1 ~ .. '" ~ ..-... ':". . . .• { . . . . at South Coast Plaza. For tht~· days in .the mall we have a:.great sale on 'and Jots of every- ·;.thing for everyone. ,-. . Join the fun! Guess the number of cherries in George's bowl on the stage in · tlie. Carousel ·Court (George himself will be there, too!> Drawing slips available ·in all stores today thrpugh Saturday . ' . .- ! If i 'f' 'l I J ' . '" .... ·~:} -............ - • .. -'< .... •• ... ' • . ' . ' ... ' . •• ,.! • ' ' " I . ' ' .. . . ' .. '' . - " I ·,, .· , ... ' OPIH lllOlfllT 'Tll "'° ix • . I The prize . ~ .. · IOO . pictures of George will be given away to the winner ... all on" 1 ills; ·of· course. We'll also gl\iji:away lots of cherry pie's. Sho'u ru;:..be fun, so come. Drttwing witl.!\1e-on Satur- day, ;F ebn1'azy'"22n.'li:;-W'~t!l'.'1\eed" not be present. Yes,. life can be a bowl of cherries at South Coast ~ .. -..---.. .. . Plaza. ' ·~:&oath (oasf fi~a . , '\ ' ' OYQ IO FiHi STO~ AND SIRV~IS , •• A la c.;.i· • Al1Mf1'1 Hotltry • C.·H. Ww • IW tf·-' lan!.W <..a. o ..,:_ Y.-flllll•• • "'1'11111'1 IMy Ntws ·-...... • --...... c0Mr1 QI. • ..... .Shon• CnM Shots• C.,rlct C.lffwft • C.1rt • CN:ti•'t e Chef Ye CMc Acnuor$n • Qrk,flllilt.1 • <IM'I' Stltll•ll'J' •.Cnckw CJ"-.~ .... • Ill• Clrtw • flt Jack's Cofftt Alp • f&tW'1 ~ • Flnn'• , ............... Rm WHltra -• fta lotlfl c..t ,.... -· • 1'1lt ~ • -'· • ~· _.., • -............. -Ii ~· • llall-s.,.. ..... -& ,, ... HJ.C.. -- • I •-'.,, ' Calttwla •.lllcliorr '"'"' • H-tf f-• -ti N1M o -tf T ....... • -tf Twry • ....W. e•111oo .. loi """' & -• ..... Mr• --., M;_.,.. l!llolo • .io,... Slloo T'" • J.4r't l, ;.0,. \.;~'l;·., M • (1~'1'11£ "'9;11~111 • llfllo" Oo!fu!1•lil 'I ••lfiliill' •pt~·~•, ..... ·~1',11,.0 .~;~o.llliioi i11Wio'1 •·~1~ ,'lllor,Ci.,(.,,..:o_lllillso.& l!fl\llt.~ ~" •'.> ' }'· "'' "" ilii·• ·TrMl·•-·S(nor •'Piifflc· ...... ·&<!Mt "'\ P..-'Ill~ i ·itJi'<p ... 'SIO; ·•'iij if .... 9'1i1°(fllB .... 1lllil •. .-11111·• ....,., e.llif W.W • ' '• 1"""'" f,..,,. • s.\io. •st.;..• SMft (Nit D .... • SUlllll H,.;, o TllOlll M<Aft o Tio lldl o TI• ha o tey Wwl4 o U4tfl'1 -fonihN .... o '.I; lie~•--o Wlfldl'l•Mltk Oly o WtflfltW'1 JI wtln t 1'1lt Wt! Stal • -·1 MM'1 Wtrl4 • f, W. Wttlwwtll • Yo,.. Mtltmlty • Ztllf'• Vln•.iMP'I . I . · , . , . . ' . .......... -·--~ -·-... --~.,. .. ·-· ------.. \ ... - ' I • I I I I j '. I I I I . t ·-,._ ... .. ,._ I 1' l I I • DAILY PILOT Wanning Vp Andrew Hawkes pours Susanna Tomecko a drink after a skiing outing in this scene from the Neil Simon comedy 04Come Blow Your Horn," now on stage Fridays and Saturdays through March 22 at the Long Beach Community Playhouse. Morality Play Slated At Chapman College Vader W!lflner'• Baton ' "Pray for Everyman." This sign is appearing all ovU the Chapman College Catilpus i1J. orange, advertising the next proi:luction nf the col- lege drama department, a modem version of t h e rri'edieval mo r a Ii t y play, "Everyman." tion of Henry Kemp-Blair, head of the Chapman drama iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•••••~-------------.,1 department, who wrote the ii A cast of 30 is currently in rehearsal under the direc- Violinist's Oass Set Joachim Chassman, one of America's most distinguished viGlinkts and teachers, will present three semi nars at Caillornia State C o 11 e g e , Fullerton. as a result of a grant from the M u s i c Associates. Maxson Foss of Fullerton. who heads the support group, s&ld the grant was made so th&t lhe free lectures on "The Arl of Violin Playing and Teaching" can be given to interested musicians. The series, according lo Dr. Joseph W. Landon, music department chairman, opens Wednesday night, Feb. 26, and continues March 5 and 12. The time Is 8 o'clock and the location is Room 118 of the Musi c-Speech·Drama Building. Reservations are re· quired and can be made by telephoning 870-3511. adaptation of the centuries-old classic play which symbollies the journey of man to the grave and to God. Jn updating the play, Kemp- B\air has added go-go girls and dancers to such tradi· tional characters in the Play as "Death," "FellO'll'/ship," "Knowledge," "Beauty," and "Strength." Six performances of the pro- duction will be given In Ute Chapman College Auditorium, at 8:30 p.m. February 27 and 28 and at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. on March 1 and 2. Tryouts Set For Thriller Readings for "Walt Until Dark," lhe next production of the Laguna Playhouse, wlll ge held Sunday afternoon, playhouse manager I rm a Nofziger announced. The supense thrlller of a blind woman teriuUed by three boodlwnt, written by Fredrick Knott who authored "Dial M for Murder." will be directed by Kent Johnson. The cast calla for four men, a woman and a young girt. Tryouts will begin at 1 p.m. in the playhouae, 311 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. QualiCraft Shoes odds .L\.ND ~ ..A ends sa e! ' 00 49 & Don't miss this-choice bif'I of this ond that fl'Ol'I cvr twice.yeorfycleoroM: .. btovgtlt to )'CM' kt e 'fety apeclol event. Orea ttylet and a:auolt In the ClrGUP- 3J33 BRISTOL • South Co .. t Piia• • Cost• Mo .. .. I ' ' ' • - SIX SOUTHLAND LOCATIOMS ONE lo "!WO ~IECE .. . llll IOUTlllAHD l.OCATIONI SWIM SUITS HOIMI 3 ~ $ 00 lllOKIH MZIS UP TO 13 ~-CIEPf DRESSES OILOH & WOOl TOPS FAMOUS IMKEI KNIT COORDINATES LACY-SHW HGULAI TO $12 CAPllS SKllTS SWEATEIS ~ $500 $25 1/2 OFF REGULAR PRICE PANTYHOSE IEGUIAR $S FAMOUS HJ.ME JEANS -~·y TABLE Of SPORTSWEAR llllQUl.AI 10 $1 U.. Ywr Wet SMI Ota,.. left~_,. • Mnltr Ct-lor9e .,,:: SOVTll cQr.sr l'IAZA, .,_ .. the ... ~ ,..,.,. o 54S.21U HUNllHOTOt4 (INTll. --· et Seo °'""" ,..,.,. • lt .. 3331 IALIOA ISIAHD, 204 -A-•.~ CX>STA MBA. 270.L 17tt. -• 541-1222 LAGUNA RACH, 240 1<•"""'•1 o "'""'4 a RGUHDO. 321 Mel• -• '22.1556 • ' OAU. Y PILOT stiff,...,. Life iti the Balatice Di1trict attorney George Shultz (left) and defense lawyer Clark 1'""'arrell argue legal points over the fate of Jeanette Baker in the Rancho Community Playen' "Night of. January 16th," opening Thursday at Mission Viejo High School: PRICES GOOD THROUGH FIB.23 ¥-Jt -l' +: MEN in SPACE ••• YOU ARE THERE! with m VIEW:MASTER lllNE.!S sttreo pictures Exciting 3·reet Packets (21 acenes in ea<:h) only $1.25 each '* * * * * !* SUPRSPOllT 422 Thri lMt.g ~od race onu · motormottc express woy ...• !.~Mo!J~fulp~lrti tw .• 3 22 FISHER Pi.ICE • E~~:A;~~;~'.~~.·~;.~~~~~~~ 2 22' CRT, BAIT BEAR 122 bobycry .......... , •. , ..• ., •••• ;• l'ull it a..d he or MUSICAL IAILROAD By CliildGvidonc•.lll(omo!iv# 322 plcryi °'ii t hogi olo.lg. IMer· c:ho1191ob!e nol•• ••..•• ,. ....... ,, HASBRO'S DOCTOl llT C-plelol......,condypilf ~ "-tr'l.lnl4'nlli ••••.•.•• ' ... ALUMINUM IAKE SET OI MAtlC PEHT POT lyc>ilkiftWort •.•••• ,.,,., •••.••• • .. ...,Aa.a.AMy FOUllllG HIGH CHAii 222 ... , ......... ~.,.;di OCClll~ifl, ••• ••••, HUNTINGTOH KACH 7m •DOfGll!I Ava .. ~ •1191 SOUTH COAST PLAZA !1111:' .. \~"J.lo..- -PARK SHOPl'lllG CENnR ml OM TMI MALL. ll'ttOttli m.-. HAllOlt SHOPPING CllflR r:ll.°M'l'\%~JU.'1°1G.11n -· PLAZA ClllTa 11\r~ru~·.'ll' ... ,, • • • • • 97 ' MULLE_N &BLUETT Ii• -l..' ... • . • \ -\ , .. (LIMrTED SIZES) ' GRO D :INS . Reg.• to "5. , SRORTCOATS $35.oo to $47.50 • Reg. $17.95 to $35. MEN'S SLACKS .$8.97 to $17.50 "". f,:.)1l1: t.c . ii:~··, "J f';f~ I ,'_)11°" Jf.¥¥'f..¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥'¥¥'¥~¥¥¥¥¥:¥¥¥¥.¥•¥-••············· • . I . BETTER BETTER BEllER ··.-,:,,&UllS SPORT COATS SLACKS Reg. $125.·$135. Reg. $85.•$95." • ' Reg. $35.•$42.50 $·99so. • . ' . ' • •• 1 ' .. .J~~' ·t• " You Save $35.-$45. You Save $25.•$35. YQii save $11.·$18.50 J 1 • Jf.¥¥~¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥~¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥· · · 'Me11 "8 Furnishings Men's Spoftswear . ' DRESS SHIRTS . . . 3110.25 ea. 3.49 SPORT SHIRTS , . . . .1.99·3.99 Reg. to.$7.50 Short sleeves, white & colors Reg. $6. to $9. ~11orted styles .. , ' FAMOUS DRESS SHIRTS 3/$134.49 CARDIG~~ SW~ATERS ..• ll.00 · R I $9 L I F h-• · Reg.$17.to $22.50Solfcl colors&pattoma eg. o . ong s eaves, some renc 1.0u11e . , I i • I ' • I '---·----• • Area Service Around World. --&-. ... ~Mr.,.~- F. -ol l?m "A" SI., 11w>11DctM Bt1cb, NI beta l l'lpe\l 1lo 511e_..i AP'B, Tu. lor lrliniD( bl the dtt• .,...,. field. The linnlo Is I lflduale ol Foanlalo Valley H I 1 h School. QIL ·u. u.1.1 l.o"1 ... ...,_., 1DD ol llr. ud MB. 1Uchtrd ......, .... ol c..to -. iJ atio.rd a~ enroute lo Vlejum, Lt. ... ...-. Is • graduate of Costa Meu. High School .... ol the \Joivenlty of Ca1Uorol1 at Berbley. ht. LC. -Allle, 20, '°" ol Mr. ud Mn. HllTy Adle ol -Bolly Lane, Newport Buch, ii oenlog on the blllle !rcnl in Vietnam. _,,... "*" M. ftod. ma. SOB , ol Mr. and Mn. R. M. Rodman of Ban. was honer -mldsblpmao lo< the quarter at the Untveralty of Utah. He achieved 1 S.fl pde avera,e. AREA WOMEN SERVE, TOO ' Alnua 11cvt111 J. wa111a1. daqhter of· Mr. 1nd Mn. Artbur L. w aJllna of . um Apel Lane, Hunlloilton Buch, lw botn 8'slgned lo • unit o1 the Sfrllegtc Alr Command, Wutover AJ!'B, Mass. for trai.nlnJ 'as a recreation opedalilt. She complete<! buic training at Lack]~ AP'B, Tex. sci. lldllll J. s b orb , daughter: of Mr. and Mrs. David L. ShOrb of ':W Avocado St, Costa Mesa, an inventory 1peclall!I, lw botn recog- olzed !0< helpinJ her ontt earn the U.S. Alr 'Force ~lstand­ in.r Unit Award. The sergeant will wear lhe distiJ'Jctive service ribbon . in recognition of the u n I t ' s meritorious service in support of combat and rt:SUpply airlift operJtiool. Sst. ShO<b II a graduate of Coeta Meta High Sohool 1"6. . ' . ' the A~ Group which performs aclmloiatrtil"' 1"1•· ;.-..'--..;.., !loo oupp\y and mainteoan<e !or the lfOUP· ' 1 Spec. t. Claruce HowanJ' 1' Jr., 20, of 1111> IOU! St., Hun· tingt.oo Beach, baa b e e n designated as "Soldlfr of t.pe ~ Month" for the 91.h Loglltical · Command serving In Tballand. A gr~uate of Marine H..igh School 11167, he is the son' of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Howard Sr., of Huntington Beach. Alrmaa Fraak V. WUJOB W. son of Mr. and Mra. Fran1c Wilson Jr. of 9082 Bennuda . Drive, Huntlngton Beach, bas been Usl:gned to a unit of the Military Airlift Command al Sheppard AFB, Tu:. The airman, trained a,s an . aircraft Joadmaster, ls a graduate of Hunj.!ngton Beien High School and attended Oran1e Coast College before entering the servict. • • . . . . . A p-te ol Newport Harbor High Scb.ool. !Ml, he wm be commluloned an ensign tn the U.S. Nary upon graduation from the Urrlvetsi· ty. nical School, Keesler AFB, Miss. Stall Sit-Dougus L • Cameron, USMC, son of Mrs. Polly F. Vasquez of %415 Misenoway. Costa Meaa, -itaa been awarded the Air Medal whHe serving with the First Marine Aircraft Wing, Viet· nam. He received the medal for meritoriOUI achievement while engaged in aerial combat miulons over SooUt Vietnam. Resctre Award Alrma11 Dennis E. RlcbrdNll, aon ol. Mr. and Mrs. Ricbardson ~ 543 W. Wilson, Colla Mesa, has been as,1;igned to a unit of the Air Training Command at Mather AFB. The Airman. a graduate ol Coota Mesa Hilb School WP trained u a penonnet special- ist al the U.S. Alr Fon:e Tecl> Lott Cpl. Rlcbanl E. Bron, USMC, aon of Mr. and Mra John H. Brown of 419 E. Bay Ave., Colta Mesa, ii serving with Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron 13, Marine Aircraft Group 13, First Marine Aircraft Wing, Vl<bwn. Seaman Appren. TlmoUly F. Brady, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brady of 3040 Garfield, Costa Mesa, is serv· ing aboard the USS Robert K. Huntington. Navy Cmdr. Richard R. Pollll o! Htllltington Beach was awarded the Bronze star Medal with a Combat "V" by Rear Adm. L. R. Vasey, recenUy in cere- monies held aboard the US.S Eversole (Dll-789). Comdr. Pohl, who lives at 8212 Malloy Drive,-with his wife Jean, and their two children, is command· er of. the destroyer. He received the medal after successful rescue of a downed helicopter. • The llqU.ldron located at Chu Lal is headquarters unit fC1r The crewmembers visited the British Crown Colooy of Hong Kong during the Seventh Fleet destroyer'• operation in the China Sea and off the · coast of Vietnam ... · SOUIH COAST P1AZA (-low!) CO$TA MftA 3UI llltlSTOl HAI-CIHTlll, CO$TA MBA, 2300 N. HARIOI .. .. S&t. Michael A. Gartland, son or Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gartland ot Sunset Beach has re-enlisted in the U.S. Air Force alter being selected for career status. · The serseant, a supply in- ventory specialist, Is servi ng at Udorn Royal 1'hai AFB. Thailand as a part of a unit of Pacific A1r Forces. He is a graduate of Salpointe High School, Tuscon, Ariz. SgL William R. Carnell. son or Mr. and Mr, William · Carnett of 2524 Fairway Drive, · Co!lta 1.tesa, is on duty al McClellan AFB, assigned to a unit or the Aerospace Defense Command. - The sergeant, a protective coating specialist is a graduate of Corona del ~1 ar High School, 1965, and at · tended Orange Coast College before entering the se rvice . Bu.Uder ::.c. Douglas L. Whaley, USN, son of ~trs. Jack A. Crane or 9082 Kahului Drive, Huntington Beach, is serving in Vietnam with the Navy Mob 11 e Construction Battalion 12. The seabee's are con- structing buJldJngs and warehouses and re p a i r i n g bridges ·near Danang's Camp Adenir. Altman Tbom11 L Chandler Jr., son of Thomas L . Chandler of Costa Mesa, has completed -basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. where he is remaining for training as a security policeman. His mother, Mrs. Clyde C. Smith Uves in Idaho. i\irmaa 1.C. Thomas n. Harrowby, !On of Mr. and ee••.JD'YC~l•eeee •••• SHOETREE ••• •• . .. •• •• . \ •• • • • I SANDALS HANDBAGS \ • • : VALUIS TO YALUIS TO : : 15.00 18.00 : ' :~ ~:. '2 29 'l.79 :f ~!. . ••. ~~ ~f ·~ ~~ ~· ·~ ."?:f •• . •• c,O't' ' ..,~,,,.··· ••• ~· • . ' . Mrs. Thomas Harrowby of 1500 Caribbean Way, Laguna Beach, has helped his unit earn the l.J.S. Air Force Outstandlng ·Unlt Award. Airman Harrowby is a com· puter operator with the -437th Military A i r l i f t Wing, Charleston AFB, S.C. A graduate of Newport !!arbor High School, he at· tended Orange Coast College before entering the service. Alrmaa Douglas L. Gillespie, son of Mr. and .Mrs. T. O. Gillespie of !1652 Am.a· dt'r, Westminster, has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex. for training in aircraft maintenanct. The airman is a 1968 graduate of Westminster High School. Pvt. 1.C. George W. Weldy Jr., USf\1C, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Weldy of 515 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa. is serving with Headquarters and Service Company, Second Battalion, Fourth Regim~ Third Marine Division, Viel· nam. LL (J.J.) Peter Sloddanl, son of Mr. and Mn. James B. Stoddanl of ml Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar, is serving wilh the U.S. Seventh Fleet on ~ staff of Com· mander of AmphiblOUI Fon:e. Thi!: is the statr1 second deployment to Vietnam. -·- C.I. Vaagba E. Deula& ol 15761 Grey Oaks St., Westminster, Deputy Director of CommunlcaUons Satemte Systems Program Office at the Space and Missile Systems or1anlzaUon, Los Angeles, was responsible for manage- ment decisions in the develop- ment of the communications Heavenly WaytoWed: Skydiving RICHLAND CENTER. Wis. 1UPI) -John BattaJio and Lynn Tewr wtre married Sunday in a heavenly ceremony. It took place in a four·place privtite plane, 1.500 feel over the Rich.land Center Airport Battalio, 2.3, and hia bride, 21. are from Madison and belong lo the University of \Viscoosin Skydiving C 1 u b . Battalio, a veteran of 140 jumps, is president of the organization. The new Mrs. Battalio has jumped 51 Umt:.1 herself. lier 51st jump look place Immediately following the ceremony. Original plan1 had called for both Batlllllo a n d hia bride to parachute. then meet in mid.fall for a kiss. BIUalio, however. dislocated. h i 1 <houldtt in • jump rnllblp during lhe we ddln1 ''rehear11l" Saturday. Pat Powers, 1notber UW student Ind best man, jumped in Blltt1llo's place -like an, a:ood best man would. • • '11t1Hlle , _.., launched lhoanl tbe , Tllu IU.C 1pace -· Tbe· colooll -I D OonnlD1 u a -pllol ud baa rectlvld the Lqloa o1 Merit ud Air "'""" tom. menclltlm lladal. "" 1.c. _,. · c. -l'ldlllpo ol Coata M"' la llO"'flJc -'" the U.S. Army In Toi ~ • VldDam, wllh the lrd Bl~ llllon, nod IDf1Dl17 ol lbt ISlh IDfanlry Dlvlaloa. AlrmM Willlla E. Bullelr, ..., o1 Mra. Willllm G. lluohek DI 11:11 Allred Av I ., WeC:nlnller, hu been llllp ed lo Chlnule ~ lil. !or ltalnlna in metalworkln1. IM~T • 11#.MDY The -Is' • ifaduala of w..-High Schoo~ IB. He completed basic: !raining at . Lackland AFB, Tex. IUY OHi 98' HT l:COND POUfCt . .• . . •. (>UND Luce Cpl. Wlittr F. llooe, USMC, IOn ol Mn. Colleen Jlanuay ol 1710% Koledo Lane, HunUngton Beach, is serving with Headquirters and Maintenanct SguadrOn 12, Marine Aircraft Group 12, First Marine Aircraft Wing, Vietnam. ! ,,............... [' $ ... flitlcdl7 tC1!!!!S· 'SOUlH COAST.l'LUA,. COSTA MB/< ........ at tfl• a.11 DI ... ,..,.....,., 'Ibe squadron is based en Chu Lal Marine Air Base, 55 miles aouth of Danana. P'l..._,..tcllwy Fami• f//f Olli. be P'M • &M•ll"lll SA" ·USED SEWING MACHINES Come .id 1et 'em. JYe_JY diy for 3 di)> at •YllY SINGER wmR. we11 sell two, load cond'rtlon. used sewinl madllnu for 99t eecll. Hlmy Inf· mu Ull1l SIWllll IUCHlllo $UI $',IS $11.11 $21.11 SIMliifl Sew l Sie Guarant11: With t't'flry used s•winr machine IHI the SIHW 1111r1frttt of moner btct if not satkftld will! pul<ilaol, or Ml-t -.! tilt (Ill'· dlls1 or t MW SIH(D• sntac 111dHn1t w11111n !10 diysl DD s WITll CASE . ' SINGQrZIG·ZAG SEWING MACHINE H1ndy F1shlon Mite• port1b11 11ws smoott:, stJai1ht stltdies in fOnnrd and rmrat. Df·Dll to overcast and blJttoa. holo. $9tc~I stitcll for blindstltclllns. I l <!fF DIESllllllD S11WS 13 pni::.· 1t11.p.n 11w lllf $147 7...., ...,.. ltltl •n lab tistld for precision qu,Uty. S.nt lllndltt per. Mlt_ltff, _,~ cuWos wtt>ort llft. ~I llOrlc ""' ....... ............ -""'" • --= 11tr1 aat $1.11. ,........................... ., .... SINGER , ...... ,,, __ ,... ____ ........... ___ ., •AT~ Ill THC SINGO! COM"""' l t.llMA ,.AllllC WI Oii The M.IN TA a.n.te ·-l'Hfl Ctnt.r .... ,.,,. """ .. ~-11).f w. flfl It, Kl t!ad AlllAMllM J\J Ill, Lalor• SU.lltl AMIM1m c~...- • COITA Ml$A lfltll>! • """'"'"" .... H» IWlfl t.111 fllwl COSTAMSIA 2al Harlow 11'111. ICI t>TN H•Aor (Mlw MUlfTl ... TOM llACM llllflltl' 11 leafl ft1·lMI "'"""'"''- _, ' • l • i I I • i t • • • ' . ! • ! f • f f I ' • ! I • ' • I ' • • • ' • l ! • ~··············· \~ "ll Jlvtn1up1 dull winter," P.,..nabniU~. ~===============================================" ~ ' . • • • • • ~ r , I • • r ~ I ~ .. ! I. . ' l ' • ,!. • ' I f • I 1 • I ! • i ' ~ ' • i l ' . .. Wtdnesday, 'rtiruary 19, 1969 DAILY PILOT %J REVOLUTIONARY BUYS RIDICULOUS PRICES! ~' atb , . f oasf . ?Iaza f\ OPEN · NIGHTLY 'TIL 9a30 P.M • •• 'd ' 3 DAYS ONLY• » NYLON ~~E ROBE·S ' i · S.M·L saoo .... 14.00 . . f·"Nolll "°"""-Fiiiy Llood-~PW. ..... ·. SABRINA SHOPS ' • ' ' SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA (• ·' -··-· ' ~~!ss"""""'l""""'DA=Y=S =O=tf=L Y===~m. WALTZ LENGTH -HOSTESS COAT MITAWC IONDED $700 . LUUX@ IN GOLD AND SILYU ••• S.M·L Reg. 20.00 SABRINA SHOPS SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA • 1 DAY ONLY IK• Saturday, February 22 LADIES' HAND BAGS only 47'-h THOM M~AN SQUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA -------. .ZB. 1 DAY ONLY • LIMITED .QUANTITIES s KI RT s -Y~17.00 $500 UOICIN sms MARLENE'S . . SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MBA -.... -.. .... ~---fl 3 DAYS ONLY It- OLD FASHION ASSORTED BOnLES ALL SHAPES • COL OU • ., ..... 1.00 79' Ideal Decorator Items SOUTH COAST DRUG SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA -- 3 DAYS ONLY BRAND NEW SINGER CONSOLE SINGER SEWING CENTER SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA --q 1 DAY ONLY Sat., hb. 22nd SWEATERS SOMI VALUIS 511 TO 17.00 MARLENE',S SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA --------ff 3' DAYS ONLY If 100°/o LAMBSWOOL ------ Full Fashioned Pullovers Y-NICK SWEATED ~90 llOWN-YIU.OW40LD-ILAClf·NAYY Loot Sl1"'1 M·L-XL .... 15.00 RAY· WILSON'S SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA Chocolate Covered CHERRIES WOOLWORTH'S SOUTH COAST PLAZA~ COSTA ' MBA :~~ 3 DAYS ONLY 1t.· .. tB SPECIAL • It----ni 3 DAYS ONLY It· . ~========;:=:=====~ Let Us Make Your PUMP SPECIAL Famous Maker ' Customized Jewelery WMto-Oren9.-Block-1.;9o-Yollow . COORDINATE KNITS IRS ... oo" •1190. . Expert Creallve Artisans : 1 /2 REc?t~R PRICE JEWEU BY MATCHING -$890 . HANDBAGS 1100 7 THE wn SEAL JOSEPH INNES SHOES SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA SOUTH COAST PLAZA_ COSTA MISA SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA L 11~~=3=D=A=YS=O=N=L=Y===~lt-• .. ~l!J~b""""'l ..,D,,.,AY""'S""O""'N!!!!LY===~I~-.. -m 3 DAYS ONLY It• BIKINI and 2·PIECE SWIMSUITS SIZES s-12 s300 : REG. TO 20.00 THE wn SEAL SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA ; .zJ~ 3 DAYS ONLY la • : CLOTHING ~ PRICE SALi $4250 ''6350 NOW to ·MEN SUITS ; .... $15 to $135 NOW $350C:o $ 4350 Sport Coats '. .... $50 to $'5 • $897 $1750 NOW to ; Slacks I ... U.H • 35.00 MULLEN AND BLUEn • ' SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA ALL COLORS Panty Hose Reg.to 4.00 s100 THE wn SEAL $ 3 DAYS ONLY &· ODDS and ENDS SALE $1 00 AND $1 49 LEED'S SHOES SOUTH COAST l'UZA -COSTA MBA THIS IS WHERE IT'S HAPPENING. BABY! :n:~ocK •''"otl ~ot1 FASHIONS HUBBUB "Where The Action ls" SOUTH COAST P!.An•-eosTA MISA ~ 3 _DAYS ONLY i~ DRESS SHIRTS SHORTSLEEVE OXFORD CLOTH 50,UD COLl}RS 141/2·16 • s422 PREP SHOP SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA • H 3 DAYS ONLY Ille· LATCH HOOK 1300 • RUGS Alt Patterns And Yarns Avanable. No Frame Needed Make Them Easily With Precut Match- ed Dye lot. the KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA 4 PIECE -SILVERPLATED COFFEE SERVICE AND TRAY , f.CUP COFfD SElVEl $22. 99 , C..•..t5-...ic:r- COMPAU AT $JJ.50 WEISFIELD'S JEWELERS SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA 3 DAYS ONL'( ORLON SWEATERS - SOLIDS• SHIPES SHORT SLllYI ' $522 S lhru XL . PREP SHOP- SOUJH COAST PLAZA -'-C05TA Mf¥ , d 3 DAYS ONtY •• '. . PANTYHOSE . •OPAQUE YOUR CHOICE"' • CAUTRICE • ShHr DEMl·TOE •MESH •1t.~· I ' ALBERTS HOSIE.RY : SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA t 'DAY ONLY --UART 22 ONLY - FULL LENGTH ANGEL MUU . • :::, 5 2 1~·3 · ........ It.ti to 29.'5 MISS HAWAII SOUTH COAST PLAZA -;-COSTA MISA 3 DAY$ OtfLY = SWEATER SPECTACULAR e PURE WOOLS e ORLON ACRYLIC e LONS SLEEVE e PULLOVERS e TURTLE NECKS ' ....... $15.00 . YOU SAVI $7.00 SJ9.7 MULLEN AND . BLUEn· SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MISA 5outh foast'PlazaGeorge Washington's Birthday Specials ! I .. f -- J DAll.Y PILOT • Ramos (20) Youngest Lightweight Champion LOS ANGELES (AP) -The new llglltwtlpl cbamploo ol !hi wol'ld b Mando Ramol, at qe 20 the youqesl evtr to reach IUCh a lofty poe.ltion In Ibo blllory ol lhe I~ division lnlmlnl. n. lcull~ 1plndly legged kid trc:m Long Beach, won the UUe when he otopped 31-y..,-old Teo Cruz of lhe Dnmfnlan Republic in the lltb round ol lbdr acbeduled 15'-n>und figbl Tlle!day nlgbt. CruJ weighed 134%, Ramos ISf~. Ramo8, the rin1 rage of lbe teeny·bop- per set, was a1J month! off target. He wanted to win the title as a t•year- old WI Sepl<mber agalnll lhe cbamploo, Cruz. Peter Martinez. an A m 1 r I c a n bn11ne1m•n and Teo'• manq:er, had no c.omplainta. "I felt Teo "u a Utile ahead at the time but the doctor wu very fair.'' The matcla wu stopped afttr several eumlnaUooa by referee John Thomai and ring physician Bernard Schworls. Ring oUiclalJ had different acorts after JO l'OWld8. TbomaJ bad Ramoo abea<l, SJ; judge Dick Young bad II for Cnl•. 6-2, and judgl! George Latlta scored II even, 4-4. What's ne1t? "We really don 't know just yet. A guy would have to be a real optimist to mate any pla111 before golug fnln a Utle !igbt," wd Jackie McCoy, Ramos' manager. "We'll i.at for a rematch. After all, we•'lave b1m. twD lbota at the Utle," .;.aid. MarUnez. 1 The bout attracted lf,183 fans who >aid $110,732. "Sure, be bit me but be never really 1urt me,'' said Ramos. "And after a few rounds I told Jackie I'd win." Mando hardly nlea with aucb former lightweight greats u Benny Leonard, Willie Ritche or Beau Jack. But be bas one disUnctlon. They didn't win the champlomhlp until they were n. "Sorr)> aboul Iba~" quipped Mondo when ,.minded ol lhe CJlle!l wblch failed In the lint fight with the man from Santo DominJlo. RamOI ripped open an ugly lub OVU Teo'• Jdt eye In the e:Jghtb row>d. He- tepl -1ng I~ u well n slicing a 1maller cut under the eye, unW the bloody dramo wu stopped with II aeconds remalniag lo the U th. Urxler California rults, it goes u a knoclout, only the RCOOd IUffered by Qoui In more than a decade u a pro- f enionol lighler. Top Draft Choices Of ABA Revealed "I art him with a rlgbl band aa be came In," Aid Ramot, whole ring span ii some four yean and only 21 e1113'ementa. nit main cul WU 1\1 lncheo long. Vtlerao comerman Teddy Bentham polched and "Plidled the IoJurr and -bpi ... penJng 11. ST. PAIJL.lllNNEAPOLIB (AP) -n.t Sl P.W Pioneer Presa, In lbJJ momlng'a ediUcm, reported the flrst. two selectees by American BaU:elball Association teams ln a secret telephone draft report..ily held Feb. 15. A bylined alory said the Pioneer Presa hu )urned the aelecllons from a "qualified llO\lrCe." 7 Training Camps Open; . . DJinois Blasts Buckeyes -..... maJ<ir Jeorue bueball llJlrinc tralolnC --In Florida and Arbona loolay and al leool lwo playm plan lo -._t. desplia the Cur. ranl penoioo dllpote between lhe club .....,. and the Playen' --'lbe two are pitcben; Pete Richert and Jim Pabner of tbe Baltimore Orioles. ... ... ... lltlOla North Siar• tonlgbt, a team lhal hu given them a particularly bumpy rid~ WI Hl!OD. ... ... Im ANGELD -Tralllng M, Jee Bahb of Mlnenvllle, Pa., ca.me back wttla a 1'7·ball ru;IM wint on &o defeat DaUu West et ltockford, m., 150-1• TDndllJ la Ille Workl'a lnvtlalloUI CllAMPAIGN, ID. _ ~ all 11111 Pocket BDllard Cllamp1-bJPt. ...... °"' -·· IMlpeo ..... Bii .. ~.==.::=:. Te. ft ·c t•D d 2'111Mp hlldq NY A •-"~-~~• Je·'·-•• JdPt wtdl • '71-17 'flctory ever &lie • ·• _.. " -_.. rM BackeJel. Kelly of Let Vep1, u Ute ZS-day toum• WMle oa.. State wu ..n:m.1 tta meat lads for Ila eonclutlon Saturday. lldrd i.. ti tlle -Pnao defeated ,.. "' ,.. Jndln1 .. it tab a hre-JUDtl lead READING, Pa. - F u n er a l ar· 11 t1t1 Ill Ta wl.. ftve IUlel to rancementl were pending today for play. -· Leland S. Mt<Phail m, son of Lee ... ... ... MINNEAPOLIS-BT. PAUL -n.t Loi Angeles Klnp, boundni !11001 oo a roner eoutlr cl. inconlisteney, vilit the Min-- MacPhall, the general manager ol the New Yort Yankees. ni. younger MacPhall, 27, died u a result of injuri11 suffered ln a naming auto craah TUelday. OLYMPIC PADDLER WORKS OUT -Pete Weigand of Newport Be9dl worb out bl a byak during twilight houri at lhe back bay. Those selections are: New York -'Lew Alclndor~ UCLA center; Z..Bob Arnzen, Notre Dame forward. I Hoa1to. -l·Neal Walk, Florida center; 2-Steve MlJ:, Toledo forward. Loo Angeles -I.Sammy Hill, W es I Te1as State forward; Z..Bobby Smith, Tulsa: forward; 2-Ted Wierman, Washington State center (obtained from l>enm-). Dallu -1-Tom Hagan, Vanderbilt guard; traded 2nd round choi~ to Denver. New Orleut -l·Rusty Clark, North Carolina ttnter; 2-Harley Swift, East Tennmee State guard. Keatac:ky -l·Dave Scboll, Dllnois forward; I-Herman Gilliam, Purdue forward. Mlaml-l·Bill Bunting, North Carolina forward; l·Larry eatmon, La Sa 11 e forward -·obtained from Indiana. No second round pick . Mlmtetota -I-Luther Rackley, Xavier center; Z.Bob Whibt!.cn, Notre Dame center. · · Denver -I-Bob Presley, California ~nter; J.Bob Portman. Creighton forward. Indiana -Flrst round traded to Mlam.I; J..WlWe McCmiwr!hkeprd. OUlaad -1.Jac.t .am..p!e, Monlaoa State center; 2-Ron Taylor, Sputhern California center. The story said that the ASA and member teams are denying they have drafted the playera. The surprise in the draft, according to the story, was Houston's aelecUon <II Fio<ida ace Neal Walk •. Because of this, the aicry aald, Miami took BunUng, from North Carolina - where the Houston franchise h1 rumored lo be transferred for f:he 1969-70 season. Boat Storage Area Needed Olympian in Plea for Help He WBI ~ aQ'Oll the finllh line -ready to win the llrat bi& llayak race of bit brief carter. Then It hap. )*led, Jut1 a baU bool lqlb from the llnfah line. . Newport Beach'• PeL<r W e I 1 a n d cramped Up and Upped ..... Tbal --two yoan .,. ls olmp'1 da1hcl up to experience -one or the huanla ol the game, to hear Weigand loll fl. Anoeher obltlc1e -onf which does -• the U.S. olymplc Lum slar -ls ladl ol ladlfty or aponoonhlp f« i-fdlmi Jn Ibo <lranp Coalt mL "'WI need IOmeont to !live UI a place lo keep ..,. boot.,• the German-born b1ak -11"7~ "Nol baYlDr a fadllty wtler< w can llnre the boat. and chanC" -~ -to dlacoaral" • ;,;;,~-:::. :::i:: .... lo Ile I IT~ool bool to your .. --,..ny ii lime """"'1lln&. "Altar ..... lhn>ugh thel -I"« • i;w lllOllllll • ...,.. -rM1IJ tao!do lo die out. Rigid -wa may lillo lw 1• Olymplano ln>m com- pollilM ,.... .. becal1111he7 ~1 have ) I a place near the water to store their boat and it'• too hectic gettihg the boatl loaded and unloaded, wort out and atllJ bondle lbdr regular jobo." Welpnd It referring to Les Cutler lDd Merv Larson. Wdifand ii bope/ul ...,,.... will be a dc:n>r ol a boat storage area. Then WHITE WASH . •*"""""'******** he '""'Id like to follow lbnJugb by orpnlJtnr a P"ldlina club for the tnnr• c.out arra. . Anyone Interested In htlplng out can call Pete 1t f75.0349. l'rlek11 ... ,_. He admlla It Is 1 pretty tricky buslneu to learn paddling at the ()diset and eDCOW'Qts novicts to stay away from Olymp,ic style boatll ao they won't ha ve to rely «i paddles to maintain balance. "Swimmers seem to make fine pad· d\era,'' Weigand opines. And he points out that competition for making the Olympic kayak or canoe team ill tar le. Intense than lt ls for earning a berth on a U.S. Olympie mm contingent One of the most likely converts from swimming lo paddlinJ! lo Olympian Zac Hom, former Buena Park High ace who now stars !or UCLA. "Zac ls big and baa the perfect build for paddling." sayii Weigand . "He could become an out.standq: paddler." Paddling power on the West Coa5t Ora came to light lo 1964 when a group wenl back to the national cham- pionships in New York and stomped au lhe big guns from the easL "They (the guys lrnm oul here) had · been lralnlng for at. moolha bat no one in the F.ast knew about IL When they went back to the champioMhiP5 and cleaned house It v.·u rtally a shock," Weigand states. Now he'1 fighUng to pre.serv• the power built up In the we!l by maki ng the Orange Coast area a spawning ground for t.alcnL FLYING HIGH -Orange Coast College guard Steve Turley sails down the key on a first ball drive against San Bernardino Valley College. Not ·doing. mucj> In the way of def.,,.ive tactlca for the DAMr.Y PILOT ....... .,, T• ..._ \ Indians are Bob Dowd (21), Sam Christian {43) ·. and Howard Lee. 'The Pirates smashed San Bernar- dino, 81~, for their fourth straight coruerence win. ·, Double Overtime Tiff Red-hot OCC. Anteaters Bow, 92-85; Demolishes Playoff Hopes Dimmed Tr~:EL8~~5 By EARL GtmTKEV Of ... o.llr l'lltf Stiff RIVERSIDE -It'1 said that in basket· ball, on the average, the home team has a seven-point advantage. At UC Riverside, make it about 16. UCR, a team UCI beat almost ef- fortlessly by 28 points a month .ago at lr1ine, took the Anteaters Utrouglt two overtimes Tuesday night and beat them, 92-85, seriously wounding UCl's playoff chances. The defeat was UCI's eighth this season, as opposed to 15 victories. Coach Wilt Wilts NY; Lakers Win, 113-109 NEW YORK (AP) -To Wlll Chamberlain, the thinking man's 7-foote.r, what he did to the New York Knie.ks Tuesday night was mosUy mental. But tD the battered KnJcks, 31 points and 23 rebound.! ls purely physical "\Ve haven 't been getting mentally prepared to play certain teams like we should, but 1 was very, very up coming ln hert,1' Chamberlain said alter spark- ing a second-half Los Angeles surge that destroyed the Kl'lickl' club record 11· game winning slrtak. The 113-109 viclory kept the Laier1 4~ games ahead of Atlanta In the NB· tlonal Basketball Association's Western Division . • LOS ANO•Llt MIW YOfHC OP'T ePT ...-1 '"" • aar1111tt '° *"' n CM~ln II t-11 JI llowmtt1 f 0-1 I COU!ll1 I 1·• )J Br"'lfy 1 ).-4 17 (rfWfO!"d 6 1..1 U De811Ud'H'1 6 I J U EOt~ ' 1·1 , F,11!.r II 1-t )II Erlclr.iOll f ~7 13 H•.tt I M J H1Wllln. ) •• • M.., 1 0.1 ) H9"'111 0 ... I ltttd 6 ).! )f T1111t 41 11 .. Ill 'rtrals ~ lf·fl ,., LOJ A~llfs n tf l• 1i -Ill Nt'lll V0'1<; l't 7' 25 71 -lot Fovi.ci out -Ntw Yorlc. OtlhnKll•I. lot1I t..:ivh -Loo °""1111!1 2%. Nf"I' Yortl ll Att.nd111<t -lJ,llOO. Dick Davia: takes his club to Santa Barbara to play Westmont "tmday nJlhl for what figures to be nlcri ol the same kind of mayhem Irvine ez. perienet!d Tuesday evening. It was one o( those rart ones - the tlnd that brings out the beat and the worst of the human personality. Spurred oil by a highly partisan mob of 1,288, UCR shot well enough to post a 44-34 baUlime lead. But Davia' slow· 1tarµng ouUlt Ued It at 4M9 just five minute& after Intermission. The score was tied seven times in the !eCood half but the fru!trated Anteaters never led. It remained 'for UCI center Mike Heckman to tip one ln for the final regulation 76-76 count with 16 seconds left in a wild scramble under the Irvine bucket. UCI had an 83-80 lead 1n the fint overtime but UCR guard Sonny Festejo scored an incredible, falling-down shot and was fouled with 1:15 left. He made the free throw to tie It up. Steve Sabins miaed a jumper with five seconds left and It rtmalnfld SUS. The High.landers blew UCI out In the final extra period, the Anteaten not scoring a point until the final second. UCI's frosh team. now 14-3, beat the UCR fro!h by 80-68. Tim Tlfl's team plays the UCLA ff06h at Crawford Hall tonight at 7:30. UC •l•tnW. lnl tefl""' UCI (ts) ...... Scllw1r!1 ROCIWlll F .. ~lo ·-· ""' ' • l :it Cllftlll1IOl'l•fl'I I f f ~O S.iodni ' I 7 lS HIC~mt~ I • f I 81ri1n t 1 1 5 S.Dlns I It O Jf FDnfl\IS Ftrley P'trwt!I Totah Jl JO 14 '2 TOtlt1 H1Utllftf score; UCR fol, U'CI SI. fl fl .. ., ' ' • 2• 7 2 • 16 I 2 4 II t • J • ' J J 11 I l J I ! 1 I J ' . . ' SJ Ut~ Iii UCIP' .... (Ml UC IUvenwt P'rMll i.•1 " fl "' " I f J 6 ftflf'f" Wiiii. 1 I J 16 Scott Moor• I I • 0 l!V.fll GMr;I 6 1 J 12 Ttttati.ld F"-t I t lf \l•!'IClrm•" Bl•Ulf t 1 1 5 M1to W•iMHMft l 3 • S llt91n JIC~ ) I J 6 ll:tfnlNI 51Tocl ' 4 t 14 Chrlttl•n.on E.•,.M 0 ! I I G1ffney ··-, .... Ill 1• 2S M T-'-11 J 2 ' • 2 1 1 s ' ' I 12 s t J n J I J 14 I t t f 1 • ' ' I 1 I J • t 1 t 11 •n • Mexican Aces • In BBC Event Make It two Davis CUp teamJI In the Balboa Bay Club'• invitational tennis tournament this wetk. Tbe BBC landed Muicon Davia Qip- pen Joaquin Loy .. Mayo and MariceUo Lara lale Tu<sday for the toumey, whtch begins Us four-day run Tburaday. Already Jn the fold are Unltt!d States Davis Cup performer• Stan SmJth, Art Ashe, Charles Puarell and Bob Lutz. Soulhem Co!Uornlo Tennis "-laUna president Perry Jones nolllled BBC tourney director Hugh Stewart tbtt he had obtained the Metlcans (or the event. Loy~Mayo and Lara won the U.S. national hardcourt doubles cb.,mpklnship two months ago at La .10111. At the Bay Club this week, they w:lll compete Jn sinjlu and doublu compeUUon. Of ... Dllll'f' ,, ... ,, .... 11'1 slarting to loolt llke the baakelball -~ about --too esrly for Orinp Caut Colleff. '-· Tbe Piralea pooled their fourib llralsht victory of lhe season Tlluday nlgbl in the friendly but uncrowded c:Cinttnes of the ooc ll'lll. nublng by San Bernardino Valley C:OUege, 11-65, with a second hall surge. , 1 Tbe victory enabled the P!raltl lo finally even up their Eastern Conference rectrd at U and kept alive thelr shot at a third-place finish. The Piralea played alcpplly in the first hate, committing 11 tumoven and hilling on just 11 of 32 lbols. San Bernardino '1a4 a chance lo blow the cont..! wide open, maldn( eJgbl ol its flrsl JO shot., bat !hi bat lead the Indians enjoyed wu a 22~11 sprea!f. However, at halftime It was only 37..fl, and the Pirates were a completely dU· ferent team after thaL The beefy twosome or Phil J«dan aJid Jeff Sarrenl did an excellent Job of screening U Howard Lee off the boarda in the final 20 minutes. Jordan, playing one of hill best sames of the season, also went to tHe hoop aggresalvely In the second half, cubing In for JO of bis II point.. Complementing Jordan's Inside work were -the deft ball handling of Steve Tllrley and the oulslde O..Worb of Mike Flaherty. Flaherty pumped in :II point. In lhe second hall and wound up with 2' in the 1ame. The Pirates took charge of the piM al lhe oo.,.L of the final period, --Ing the Indians 11·4 to take a G-41 lead. Orange Coast never trailed alter that, altllougb San Bernardino managed lo tie the score five times. Finally at the 10.mhmte m a rt, the Plralea pumped In 10 •lralihl point., six by F1aberty, and it WU alJ O\lf.r • ..,_ CMlf ml .... s. ..... rtn " It " ... " " ,.. "' S..IYlll' 111J Geiuld'M 1111 'Turlt'f I • 1 f Dr:M'll J 1 1 r FUll'lfftt 11 4 t 211 Hri• I l I 1 ~ t111 JW• l1J1 McClrflft I I 111 K•u I 1 ~1 1 Hl l'Clllrt,,_ J J 1 ' L.. lt I ,J l'f stlct:tlmll., 4 2 J 10 Olrlrlleoi I J I • ~ llJU w.nfl-•110 '-'""' 1111 ,...... ti ,. u •• ,..... • • ,, " KllftlfM. SM 8et_.lno 11, or...t C... ~ . \ • . ' •• --:--- I , t t • • ~ • • ( • d n • :s ~ I, [. ,. p " ·k •• :e .. in .. ... 11 !, lo .. • ' ' ' ' " • • .. ! ' ' ' • , r ' s,t.trday ' .. 0 ' • • U .-Stars' Rr>okie W,:edry \ •. ·-.. ~080ui . · ~ngS.ea~onFatj~~esMiller Sbowd • • • • Sea Kings, Magnolia 0 B~iia'f'i. T ... o' 1nhy. . Fp.r ,Sp0m ··.LOS•ANGELEs (AP) -The. Cel a lew ~lcks aller •. 4..;~ think tlw other players We'ce Ju•l,a couple ol ~pe; .& ~ -•4 T ' , ~ long baiblball seuon la 1et· wl\ile." 11! the ~gue would rtseut stars away from being on a r ' V ,' · ·1 • .' 1 " .• • ' • u_~' ~-to. be J Ling, to ·~ Larry 'Mlller, Miller 'llid he's a betttJt !:eu:n~ ~°rob~ stl~~ par wilh the National Basket· lr~Uiebiie~~ ·~. u:io:~: J ~"'-*'~r, mMt covW.r·~ the DaviJ -. _., lir ~n sport! fm rookie 1 'guard of the ,Los rebounder and tougher on money. ball Auoclalion. And when Is at stake tonight when t;JJi 1!t ea dllplay at ·tht Ba""'"' . , aub sattu-,' j'• tbt:v~tY lencing, \rack, .¥Bel~ SW. In the Anlencan defense " a pro than he was "But joist bees""' he'll·draw you lht.;'k al)out it, !he stars Corona det Mar Hl&h School ..... •·-'-y, d11Pir111r '"-41r ..... 1 =A-1 of ... e .club'I ~t,1J111;-~y, ~baa~· ..... ~ AasocLIUon~ in colle!le "because lhey let crtwds and help our salaries of the NBA are all over 30. invade! Magnolia for a YatSllY: ~ --. ..... .u&AU,--... ~ ""' , _, will be .ctioo .,_ you get away with 1 11ittle .__ b k i•·•1 ~~~tennis tournalnfllt. · . "' . , ¥ • m . M:Wer, ·~ _\lt:d o r·t h more here. But I'm not 85 go up, t~t doesn:t mean ~~ "Soon there's going to be as e lHU encounter at 7. '"1'oci,1DIMICup·~en Art.Albe S1MSmilli,l!ob1 oa"'IJCL.\-. ~-~natleoallinals good a shooter. I d9n•t know team Joins will win the htle a tw-nover And alter all it Loara I& al Co.<ta Mela In ·-'""'-~., P••·-" ' .........,:, •• •· .-1 .........,._ , '1111 day beiimi al .• a.al. ,• ~--•-•~ to ,...,_ lo hat ·1 · be 1• every year," he said. , · ' the other 7 p.m. aame. Foon--.. ~ ..__._, are .... _.,.......,,..•""' ww..... at .. wome ~ r-" h ~-• "...... ,,._, w ' 1S ••• may m "Thia: ia a very good league doesn t take u many players 1 ,.... .~ ·~ Tb~, , ~ -• . , ~·._~·Ith nanna· ~~ ~ .U , ~! pM~. moll re just tired. But that'll come." . . lo make a successful basket-tain Va1 ey was at Eslancl~ •' '' )! • • • • ' ->'" " Ufll "~ than 3lt a·-m.. 11U1 co ege At 215 ...... ...ls, Miller is a this afternoon ln , action not ~ ·• ··' •• .. •1 . * * * ...... ate Fencmc ID'Afa.:. cireei:. ~....,..y · rugged ~';.an. Last Mon-ball t'8m as It does to make vital to the Utle chase. ~ . ~-, · 1wo ..-... I 11 ... •I &.II d ,Wesler n Now, s11dd1!1ijy, he's playing day nigh! he grabbed I! re· FRESH SNOW a succeasful loot!Ja!I or Corona up11et Magnolla In 1 1 ,.,,. ' t yft)t ltr the reitimM:w 1_~· -r-•• 1 • ~c Qwnpionshlp!. more than •anyone else on a bounds against New Orleans' baseball team," be said. first-round hostiliUes and if lfilN,~, twmoy dlo:octw llt/Jll ,,....rt MYI !~e "*"J>eUtion CQfltlbues virtually aft·'T ookle pro-RedRobbins,oneoftheABA's AT J UNE MT. "They have to accepl us coach Bill Bloom" defensive- , ""' ,......, ... c.IMr1wMfhlir ~· ~ ,...thermen. tbroucbout the day untn ml~ fessionaJ. tean; with a schedule best. • 80Cll'ler or later. Progress is orien 1 ted shock troops can pull • .-.. 1 * * ~ · t.._ · ~ ~t. . that includ,.• I 71· game "I can use my strennth here HEW sHow: ii. 1'"' inevitable," he said. Jt rlf again it would assure ...., J1£ ~ : At I ~ Pm the B 7 Ii"' SUMMIT: fC h9lr 1.r1t Mo. 1) " the Sea Kin of · : . , ' : .. · · . new ~ regular , season, pre-season more than I could in college '° :n '"I The Stars? P no worse · BV Club officials have ~1be tint Vlrpnia tract stidium will be.the ~ill!: games am a possible playoff. but I'm not better all around ~~~= ~O::~"~":T·::'.1 ,;• ; ;; "We're not a year away. · than a tie with Loara roi: -~· Memorial trophies will be·p,....,..,to~~· ~ the UCLA Relays fertturmg~ "You try to sleep on lhe than I was in college." 11 ,... J lhlnk we may be only a Lbe title. . ~ · ~ 1 Coliaty players on Sunday during, thel~ ~ ~ UCLA varsity, arnf frosh plane; catch a. nap in a plane The ABA plans to give .. JU::. ~·rn1ni::• • 2 :111 1.t!~ month away. We've t>eaten And it coo Id etve Corona COJD.Petitlon · . · • teams, Occidental C-Ollege, Cal tenrunal, driitt bot • te a . UCLA's Lew AJcindor his l')r' ct"-!.,.:="~~. ·-~ne.,.::, every team in the league and the outright champiplWlip. ·hono · ·• ..1 8 .. ,.. C!f-:,,,... ·~te· Los Angeles, and San ,\I)~ \o 141}' awake I've choice of teams il he wanl'I ~ 1' 1~1 (f' 11 tMt .t "'°"" 1 thlnk the teague cham-However, U Mqoolia. wlM ' ,~·~!fl:JD.ed in. r of the late wue,\11. ... o»C""~· J>ieiO State. Admissioft ~free .. never . p\lyed this big a to play in the young league. T1len 'f.' ircm• 11r"fo0Pfr· ~I of pklnship Is still wide open. again.st Corona del Mar and ~ awards Will go to most deserving boy and girt 1eJ:t ~ UCLA·USC t I va I i:-y seuou 1• ·said the 1-foot-3 How does Miller feel about r'~"" T~1ttt 111'1 11fht rv!; .. ~:: Ir we get hungry enough, wi;: Loara while Con::int \ is vic-~r~IJ'"erl in the county. The award will lie1>as~ on ,raews 'itseU When the 'J:rojln ¥Wer ' .. · ·this? •rt,..or:n·Lm l•tto. 2 W' 11 '° ,, could win. it all." torioua over E;fanda L and i~anship amrcompetitive rec»nL ~ • ., lwtmnllna•~ lnv~,..,P~ , _'1•1'bi '18 bit . ti~ alter "He'd bring stature lo the< ::1.:J' u'l:: ~~~, 1~k~M1, ~ I~ he tired? Loara tops Mesa tonight, a~ ·f~' ';:· * * * ':", ; · · . .,,Pfd,fqr •dual meel,begiimmc games'.·' I take vJ~ to league, there's no doubt. He's p~~:r,,e::,.'w.":f.~:.':tr hlttorv. "f just keep telling myself would deadlock lhe final slan-t : ' . ~I p.m. • keep my strength up-. You money in our pocket9 and I ~~~. cond111°"' h•w ,..,,. •• DM11 I'm not ti.red., .•• ". -di(lgs between the three. t .Dff\1 lffra Bob Lutz, Ashe, C~ Poso~lt o•...i'),..:,,.._:_ _______ ...:._· :....:.· ,..:.., _ _:: _ _;_ ___ -'----'-----....::=---------'--,...--...:....:...: __ .,...--'=-.-...:......:..._....:.: __ !J.tan·""lth ploy l'rldoy .ottho Boy Cla.i.t, 1~. 11 •·llJ' · ,. )And....,. . ~ .. ~·, ; ....,a.rt opl~ IHt WHk tho! ovtrl , ,.. ... tro.ntl ... UCl.A'1'Sttvo Thlboll -Id ,,..w. Hmo ..,,_ .... Inst tho D••i• ployore, Ht al•, nornod No- ,_No ,.,kl chomp Gory Jolt...., H another . . . . . ·. ' * * * Here's how the eight seeded .pla,yers are ranked: . Art A•hti, 2. Stan Smith, S. Bob Lutz, 4. Charles Pasa- ~D;· 5' ll'lf, Barth, 6. Tom Leonard, 7. Richard Leech, . 'I)Clit De!L . * * * I. TM o,,vJa Cup player• wen•t tek• the ceurt1 until rldoy, bol"I IOOdod th ........ tho fire!"°"""· Lutz ploy• •t t •.m. •t the l•y Club, Ath1 •n hour let1r,'P11ar1fl ot 11 ond Smith ot ,_,_ * * * Argentina tops the list of international entrants, sending Tito Alvarez and Lito Vasquez. India contrilr utes Haroon Rahim . . t * * lox 1Ht1 for the tournament are iust about iold out but general adml11ien ducats will be on sal~ daily. * * The 1ingles semifinals Saturday will be at 10 and ll a.m. 1't• chapipionsbip match i5 scheduled tor 2 p .m. Sunday. Doubles•-• are at 10and11 Saturday and the final at Sp.in. Sunday. The doubles seeds: Smith-Lutz, Ash~Pasarell, Barlh-Ticlball and Awyer-Leonard. r ... ,, In Last Four Seconds ·. GWC Ends Fall With ·74-71 Win ..... Cypress Colle1e ran out of ~time in more ways than one ''l\Jesday ni"1t at Weslem ··mgb School u Golden West ··downed the Chargers. 74--71, · to halt a. three-1ame losing 'Streat in Ea.sttm Conference .basketball play. · · The two c1ubs were tied, ·?i-71, when Randy Olson miss- • ed the; flnt shot on a one-an<f. ohe situation with just %9 1 1~ds left in the contest. Cypress cleared the boards, ln\I Ol•on alole the ball and '·dribbled into the co r n e r : Waiting for some offensive 'help. When Mark Miller broke do1!l1 the key, Olson led him 'lhe ball and Miller pumped 1 ¥j a six-foot jumper with only ~our seconds to go. •.t~ immed!alely called :;..me ..,~ but the Chargers · Were aisesied 1 technlcal foul s tlecause they had already Uled ,.ii; their alloted five time outs. i, Dave Paynter SW'l.k. ~ · penalty lree throw lo wrap .!1,P '..the victory !or I he ~ who are now 1-7 in eonterence .action. • ~·t~ .. wu a .....,, lame all ·'' l. night with the RUsllers holding a one-point halfUme lead. Cypress enjoyed a llix-point margin midway through the second hall, but Golden w .. 1 · evened the scoce at CG with 6:52 to go on • three-point play by Miller. . Golden West bad a well- balanctd attack with four players in double figures. P.f.lller and Dave Prather each scored 14 while Payter and Ollie Martin chipped in with 12 and 10. Gary Schmidt t o p p e d CypresJ with 17 points. Kwlli~ ltobfns1111 ... nti ... M1rtlft MIUtr .. , .. ., ..... 011 .. ._,, "'" COLDIN Wl!ST 0 4) •G l"T .,. Tl' • t • 1 l 1 I 4 l I l 7 • ' • 10 s ' ' 14 • S 4 I 12 J ' ' 14 J 1 t 1 O O I I tlll\l ·74 CTl'llSS fnt Jfe l'T ppt T" kttmidl I I .S 11 Gtllnll 1 4 .S I Sfoll,.,ln ' c ' .u ·-ir.. ,,,, llllctr Cl.St ~ 1 2 t ' Mvr.hy I 1 I 4 bcflllllCt I 0 I 2 T•ll ' '!t1S1t'1 """"'"': hldtfl ..... , ... c-,,,..-Sf : '>.fange COast Splashers tDrop ,48-47 Meet to SA ~ I • > " oran,. Cout Collep open- ed ti& EUtern Conference . 1wimmtn( lchedUfe b)' drop-. pins a c~ meet to. Santa Ana Tueeday afternoon ln the Dona' pool. 4H7. Or-Cout -~ agatnal Cerrilol ln the double 20f 1Kk -I. M. ,..._ 41AI !. "ldWll IC), S. Olhotr !Cl 4. tit. flltboll (Ml. Tlfl'll: !:Ill -Fr.. -1. Al'?ftltnwtf ISA I '· Wlllml !OCCI 1. C~ IDCC J. TI!N: r.M..f. I M .,._. -· t. W1lo:ei-!SAi 2. OWIMU ISAl 1. J. JOMei.. IOCCJ 4. Sinltfl !CJ. TW: !:Jl.1. 40I A'M ......, -I. DCC fH<MM.. ~. """"""°"' Allllri9fiil Ti Slllf9 AM. nn.: l:tf.O. FIMI ....... : OrMM Coist ..._ ~::"" JMJ ............ Or-'" ... Mftlet' r.!Ay -I. S.llfl Ant t. Ctrr'ITW TirM: 1:9'.4. ' QUALITY YOU DON'T PAY EXTRA FOR ••• FISK CU·STOM ~.,6~ , 30 MQ.:r'Gu&mn' i' $14 $Jll ' ' 1.96 . . 'S11 ' 2.011· ' I . $17 2.20 '" . 2.21 1 S18 . . 12.:N 2.46 $19 2.37 2.63 • ' ..... 11 llACIM~lUlllLUl.. .. Pi.. t1.7t ,..,. lMIM Tee a.ua1s• $23 2.7, AMBASSADOR BY ASK . 'Z7 MONIH CIUAUllTll · fULL -y • 1'UllLISS • NTLOH COID TllD 1$i .. ' • ' 7.it:i<H 2.01 7.7SX14 ,, 2.10 '7.75xlS • 2.,1 •' •• ' t l.2Sx14 2.36 ..2Sx I 5-(1. T !) ·2.,6 US• I& ,~,f " '-· 6.IOall .IUSx 15-(IAS) 2.63 IUCWWAUS. fuilu-11 .._ ... ri...1.n,..._.._.T•lr. ---·-~' WHEEL ALIGNMENT LUBRICATION WHEEL ===· • ...:::.... BALANCE ·f~SK SllOtK. WHm BWING. ·p_ACl I . 4 DAYS ONLY! • DAYS ONLY! • DAYS ONLYI ABSORBERS .87c:; 49Cu~~, 88C .§ 4,88 .... .... lfG, .,, ''"' 4 DAYS ONlfl " "'1.U5 ltNJ JACK _STAND 4 DAYI Otllfl, J ·ff ..... $1.1' 7'•"' I MTSOM.n 1 .,, TAPE PlAHR 79.97 INITAW~ 4'dAn ONLTI dual meet, dcnminC the Falcooa, IO~\\. ff......,., U.t meet wen't a conference event L T,.,.._ (Cl, Tlmt: n). · · ,.. F•M -1. ..._ (Cl ,, Al~ltltt IOCCI I. A"""'9111 41A I • • ......., !OCCI. Tl!fll: llD.t. 9' Fl'M .-1. StAw fC) 7. idllum..,. (DCCI S. StmMt IC! Combo """"" or 2 &11> li&blsand4baUUia.45-llJOO. ' 1t·101.S NOT AYAILAIU AT• SAN fjl!IAllDO Clfl OF ·COMlllllC 01 llALTO • C~A MISA -kAlllOa!ll-YD· ~ ., ...... I ·' SANTA ANA ,. .......,., ,,........., -1 .......... PAI I. CffMfl llAI. """* tin.a. s .. .,,,. -" --" ·· •. ~e poru :WW tO«· ~ ...... JIA• ........ : ~f· • l"IY ·-l ........ (CJ, c.• flAI l H111'* IOCCI 4. H119llt '"" """ '"" p es •4.•0 llO ,.,.. -I. ltfttv'"'*9 (OCC) •• 6 6 ... J. tfit ..,.._ Alltrllf!t (OCCI alld t.:'"-(Cl I. l'*'M (IA), '1mt1 . ' (. ., f, I • 'i::::-. .. ' • " ... -~· .. ------·- \1 ' I I~ I -\ ·---• ,,., 1-.Y PILOT Wtdclrr••• ,..._, l•, lM -- .. O~lers Roll to 40th ·:~aight <jjy ltippii.g·S_A V alley~·91-.48 .. . ' . \ OralllO 111111 Blad; 'wu Santa Ana ;ylllef u Ille Oil City 4trelbd· to a 11-41 trlmnpb ~ alw-In lbe Hun- l{ll(laa .,... . Rof1ecUot bac~ "' bis lh· ct<dlble IOop vldory •kiln, Cambi admlfa lbld ll -bad, told him bb OClllilt would · win lbtlr -411 citooll outlllp an.. lbel ilefeat In quadruple overthne, he'd hive ll!dlld lhtm ....... ; Altar all,'·llle lrvlDo League had 11r• teama raatld ln the ClF's top -It In .,, And In ... lhe &moel drcle bid two In the U;p ftve . rl the CIJ'. ~111 taulb competlUon, to 1uy the leut. 9111. u l)O ..,..Int II: ''Tiie tkll jult111.ve an awful 'lot rt' pride • , • they want to Win them 'all. II Huntlncton wu awesome . . Only One O~erti~e : . . :... • 11f JIOcilii CA*IMl>I Weilml"ottP_ Frllloy Jll&bL quarler tllal -Anaheim . fl .. -·---·· :.tet«y a...,...r take a commanding IH lad • AIURIUI -N •" P 0 rt an earlier trounclng applied after the flnt eight minutes. IW\IOf 'Bljb Schooh near-,_ ,._, -... 1~:J----•J-mNlo . spell over Anaheim In by'NiwpOrf'ln;llrll """"''""" --"~ -~ ~ bukot&au f In at ly Uoo 'when ·lhe Tara duin~ wen able to bH Y one clmi lo 'I" eod Tuead1y nlgHt the · sec...i,jilace ·111111 C1F !i.l~i:!:gh ::"y ~e = w!iGtlte Jl\)11 Colonlstl came AAAlr nlayoff-bound Col"'Y· ft<im'boh!nil to nip the= fl"7 r to take • 12-%1 lead Jrlth 1:15 5141'; la O.lrthne fO< I ··x--baOArlm-to .. lo 1the bill, •II WU tllal LeqM ¥lcfory·bel ... I lllDJ JDl!il Aiie)ieini 'iwlct Jn: t• flnt ~.!hot"" the ·....,_ tuldGut. 111111 .it aJmoot tuinod the !tltk lull undoloa of the Tars. It wu the aecood llrllChl oglln twlco thll oeasoo. Afltr thet K was a nlp.and- ovtl'llllne lfOl for COICll J!ln , Aod -lbey. mi&bl •w<ll ·have tuok -ljitb. Anaheim W....,1 -ac flve. llOd' the Tm DOI been 11n1c1< l!lilalol twice 11 'the bumr ,__ Tll'I ~ib:-1111 •11 -~1.!111-C!'• with .. Jo. to . -· -.-, Into a er•• a loll .to . .,.ilhll OiOjd-~.ID:lha·llnt o@rllDie el W epiece. . ,, •' •• Du · ~. the f·$ . AMheifl' i:enter, jrvvld the .nn.illOe lo tlit" 'crmtlme wtlll ~lliree ~:plaf. with W . i . ~.~ ~1~":~.t.ltv!M the og· ;m1n·ster .l.IUO s1m-,.. rJ#iid .w1t11 . a ~ · polnll wbi PiQI illmel•Wea. ·l',.. . . Ille leailln( sc:cinr,hr:Newport ;'Jrith 17. Lee Ba-. flnl!hed Rips .SA, 84-67 sUYIDI ........... " ..... " It COIDOI I lfille. Jalt fir Jbe 'U-, iiowoftr. T1ylor'1 club II U ond bal 1ppartnUy -UJI Wnl .,._, wu1m1n11er lhol N pment for the 1ame ftlille· the sad Sllnll ..... lilU!nl ~-pemnt. 'lilo LloN llhol· I to<i-Jd II per- .-1 lo lhe -ball .. S..la Ana'• only llaDdout M'!amier was Milcelm CUr· 111, who scored 21. TbeU,.. eOd lhtlr- 'llwnday when 'they M>el to '1WJnl. • With !!. • The wlnnm nn blmed with f'!ll' ~ plays durblt lhe -tbrte by Sim- * * "'""' ...,_. tn1 ""'"" Tthtl ... ,..,_ l,.t ... 11Mt ....... ·-Tm• ''"'",,. , l J n 1 • 1 2 1 • 1 2 • • 2 12 1 1 ' ' 2 1 ' J s • ' ,, 111$11S7 ......... !JI) ,. " ..,. . .,.,. Ltwl1 J1tJ ...i111.. 1 1 I 11 ~IKltlllle 4 1 l 9 11,,._ • 1 , " .. ...... i. 1 ' 1 • f .. 11 D 11 14 a _,,_ H.lrtor • 22 12 11 1-st AMlltlm\ 1' 11 H U I-JI Upset: Laguna Cagers ()µ~ast Orange, 43-41 • ,. 7 ~(lln c """" Cl.;,a,.. I I t t .;;tr 1· ,.,. ll'lltrldi • 1 ' 'l ,....,, tltl ~.,... ,,,. "" f I 'I Ir tfiWM 1 • 1 ' Oliho ,,,, ~ t I I •' I t 1 'I . ' ' . ,.....,,.,, .. . ---..·~· • " .. 1? < .... l .... . ........ , .. . ~ : 1 : J ............. I I • l a;;. ' ·, •. ........, i•-:: -=.. ...L -!L.!l " ., ·~ ....... -r.-• -~==-.,. 11 ll ¢!: , OELTA· SUPER QUALITY nr11 Cost Less! . • CMIPI"" ""' ... ......,. •/ ... -~--" "lfr-,..,fmt• .......,._ .... T -UMN'I -& AU. till T Tl•n. l'IUI I & •• MAITla CMAMI . •ors DELTA TIRES 1~1 .. 1M "· • COlta M~ • 645-2010 . ... •*'l .... .,.., • '• Kim Cata fooled Rudolpb, who qoln mllsed the free throw. Ill ·, latl deaPOfale gup rr..i fouled wr-ut with 11 llOCOOdl to go. lllesbows~ put the free .tos1. ind the Artists led, '3-41, wttb n I n e .eeconds nrnalnl"!S· After 111ntn1 poUaulon lhe P~ called 1 tlmt out with 1 llngle li!cond, lhowlnl on the bolrd. But Bemll'1 41Hoot 1 b o I bounded bannlasly oil the rim. * * I Vikings 1n· 59-51 .; . .. . ' . "d.~cPi.~, .. : ' ' ,. ..... 'The high scoring jUnJor 1 • -• -· . llJJlrd ma~e elpl charity toa-:,ii;oi'h'.l'iib '.m'.._i. Matat ·Do(' Hip Scbool'• Bob ., In 1he 1.m.. 11\-cmnlng ~ 'Gillert ·~ WT.-t.~nied by ~ 'X!1 Bob."Jtel!er the Iatl 1~_m1nuia of NY·· <(411)--.,,;;,. "'~ dulin~11ie Won-t0ra•' is-69 r I • "t ' • -• ·~ t nen wJth.31 points while Gibert scored 13 for Mater Dei. The 1osa rujned the Monarchs chances ·of land- ing a berth in the.CIA AAA playofis. With J_.M Ill\ In the third • ..:J·=· ";::-'..c':'~••u'nt••L .. d •• ,,;..._. .-. In quarttr, fna<d Dlot' l'ril .o~'!'"' 1111..., .,. · m~..--..... w - plcled up iii fifth foul,.-tllit . ,.:._ lultllree~ln· ,. . -~r!:·:=i~-SC .I~$ ·Monarchs Fall Troy Rips .. _!ht -rt ::"~,,..;.f Plaioer 61-60 ·TiJt • , Ni'lm, ..... tallJld I) bit T p 73 69 . ' " . ' ·Sunny Hills ~=~n:i= To ,Foothill . 0 .· ius, • 4H4. . . For Crown But, Buddy' .Moen btt Clll • , II>' S1EVE ANDREWS counter rallied for 10 of his 7.0-foot ltralchtairaJ Nnk-cbat roolllil · JD&lt~ Scbool. cu. ..... Hr........ t e. m I. 17 second-quarter By RON EVAN! 1 I v..... J ""·'-cbed DO...... 1tba a.tie tor .Mite Norton c:.ommitttd points. ot#ltDliftrl>lllttRlll' 0 g"" ~--• .. 7-H .,...... .: ..... .......: Del HI .. School Plus X's i'unlor guard, Tom Troy Hlgb School will move and •-•~ '"' u-•--~ •~ ~-'·-~-LJ -~ .,. 's 20th I .. ~ -• -... _. --.--tumtver with. .-1-.. aeconds Ferrato "'.ll virtually unstop-nto lhe CIF 4-A basketball °" his ..._ ol --boll , ,.......,Ip,, T"""'1 · ...,.. pable fiom, , 'ibe f I e J·d pta.yolfs -wOe!t •" t:n-Bolll llJ'!"dl pl off to a ..... hllq .Jn I . line minute d_,_._ ·.fed "clwn"'-. ol. lhe lyptcll .,._.,.. .,,_, nlllhl wtlh' • balr-tiltlntl fl4> overllmo period u llw league lhroughOOI the game. "''"' ,.... start from tbe 8-'ld llld wound victory· over San Clemente on leadlne PIDI X Wanian slip-The southpaw popped in 14 Freeway League after·r~ping up shoo""" ......_ fntn ·-the kiler'a'har""w,..._ .._. put tbe bolt Monarchs, field go'als, the blggest 'Coming ·rival Sunny · Hllls, ··-..ss, in ._ ...... ., -1 • -..-'th 51 "~ •~-' I fourth $1arltr.runafty. perlmetet.·••-~-u. ---"""'-1~-.. ~ 8 ~ -Jn u •·-••-League w1 ~1""9 S111JWUJI on _..._ ~ -..-1.ui:i -... wrt-an ,_, . ~ •1..-l·'k ••hi h I '-~'·d The 1ame was played before C.nt and W~--•. .-.t--1-"'-, ... _ fourth ...... 1.. .... u ... 11 -•--'....___.By WA: C..,..; 81fu SSC 00 ueiw1 ~0 .. "'~w ....... !""' ....... . -111YHlll • ..... -• ~..-.. • ,,, .. ~ Th b a turnaway crowd Tuesday With Ivie on ~~ ~ place wHb .a H mart. Mater Del wtlteil ander a u.r11ndl. e ucket made il 63-63 afternon at Troy. center Japp Baird took up Cnlg 1Grlmm JDlde the big devaftattn& full-court man-~ 8 sent the .skirmish into ._Giant Scott M 1 I l't.11 so n • the allck bath 111 the · bolrds play f• Foothlll wben be P'Ck· man 'pre111n the llOOD<l half, an~~er ro~rid.~ ,... ~ Tro)''s .. I, Center-,· dqmlnatetl and shOcttlnc-laird.ended up ed .aft a W . pus -and went tundnl the bill over to the nqi 31 PD1nll for the .night every phase ol the 'game, scor- wlth 20 polfttl comlna .. .... tbe IQCtb of the eourt for w~ 14 times and losing Wa! the largest figure posted lng fl points while pulllnr lnc1D& left and rlsht~ a layup wtth 40 llJCoDdl; to a 030 baJfUme a4Vudage. by any participant. down 14 rebounds to throttle hoab. go to &Ive tbe Knlpta their Beb GIMft Aat a crucial Mfter Del now. stands fourth SUM.y Hills' chances for i Vince Moll gave Baird Id-11n11 ~ marsJn, t..e 1Jnw. with ti ><conds In the Angelus League with Ue In the Utle race. ded .a&!listanct of the bolfdl Grtgu&. finllbed the nl&ht ltft Jn the Otatbue iesslon a 4-6 mark. It will rotmd out Coach Jerry Hulbert'! War- whtn needed. He hauled la wlt.b 'jS polntl u the Tritons to _,,r·hil matu to Within a 1Uccessful campaign (1~10 riors are now 13-4 with one ._ --1-1 -1. ...... .:. ... of ....... ..Ii.. "'"' thus far), with an I p.m. game left whlle ••· de-... '"'um n:uuuuul -CODCeatnaed "Gl'I doablt-team-two polnta, n•:On an emu-MIC .,._...... mai. -tbrvw Japoes In Ille Ing cen1w Bilfll6yd and held Inc Warrior "6e tou, North enga1ernent with SL Paul at Lancers ere 11-2. w•nln& mlrnttes. hbn to 17. grabbe(I the rebound and fired home Friday. Through three quarters .H nie· falttrtnc Pk>nffrs now ~ TJ1&on Erle Cbristemen. the Jencth o1· the court, but over l'iui x ~':1 ,,. ,., ,, was anyone's game. But a find themldve1 j\111 ono pme No. I -lo n--County, the balil of the tlrt•W.• ,.. ' ' , , sudden spurt at the end of aheld ol co.ch Lute Olion'1 I v•-ttb...-....... 16 ::i:':"'•tw ,' ', ,' ,' that stanza and Magnuson'i; ed Ill players w 31 polnll Glkrl. tw f !hr and fie•• Vlttap wUb one came lift on " . fWd pals and fttt With that ont fUct of the £t1"''"'' ·' ' ' u o ree owi a .. "' the -.. . ·M.i er1o1 .,;: -• ...___ =: 1: ~ ', 1,1 goal at the outlet of the rouna 1_...-.. wrilt, the Monarchl' faint -100 -•ec1 -•--· I t.rlal-1 • e Weatm'·sltr !t.ftl ..... ...:_ 1. led b 1"'1111 • • 1 G pe11 11:11U any l,:IUW\:es or -" ~ -,.,. • ~~.,en~ Y U 1-of I CJF playoff berth •~-• • ' I the l!iton I.Joni Tbundly, while the =-· .• 11.J -.i..t. ln the wtrit out Ute wJodow and T•11•,. e G 1 o v · -----play ~ t ·-t'Y"'-Tot.11 21 17 ti 7J The l!ICOtt WIS tied or the .-__.. , ...... o """ .,.. ~ ... befcn the In-enabled Pful X tQ open up MAT111: 0111"1 Jead changed h.inds 11 timea: co1)4.place; Anahebn CoJonlits. vaderl ,eJOhd U* pP and 1 . one ..__ 1-d over St. ,.. l'T ,.,. '" bef H lbe pi Mttlll ,~ • .:::... -· .......... h d •-olbrrt 4 s J u ore u rt'1 charn ~s -·--In I An'"-"'• with .... tilt re-'"'~ ' • • I took th llnal d ••• -<•b ,. l'T '' TP ... 1 .-... r.,lot,t "I""" McN1,..mlft , 2 3 10 e a van-.e "to ' ' I ' ...... u ....... Grimm'I -'= nln&. J " to '· '~ third loci , · • 1 ,, • m-. Olllldel ' s s u :":" go m uJ11: per . ~ ; ~ ~ bf& pllf,.. Miter Det ae}y ~ its ~Wier ~ ~ ~ ,: Sunny Hilla JS ti 15 '11-ft , , 3 ,1 _A'.. A A . ~ forw~ 'Ralph 10111• 2, ti ,. " Troy 17 11 17 20-70 • • s • H W' w ' Cbanilol 1q lhe utra ltanui. ·~~~~~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ttlJl4Jt I. I :':E. ·-;1··;·:·r: E::·""<L"''11'•;1 r::.;n2:.~l~f~~~ .: N'EW 'EXCLUS.IV.·E :1 = ! : . ~ :~ °""""',;._ ,; i ; ~ Ht WU ltctlDd hllh point ,.= ~ : ,: ~; ...,..,,.1 ,, • 1 'v ,iqan for Jrny·'1'ar41e's •· . RACK·EM·MATIC-: MarlM ,_. -~ 1..._. ~--~ 'i\. 1: ,: J llearchl with ~7 markers, _ w...,.. 1 11 n 1~1 "°'"'"" ',,. ,,. •Tl' .trailini Tom alter who • fits all ball return tables-Automaticolly racks . UCI Tennis 11"•* 1 ' ' ' tall1'd' 1l • ~I f . : ~. . . : ; · : g .,W$•'• total ~t pr~ • 11 _ aster-SOves wear & tear on bed cloth. -• • ' • • ~ -Ill tbl fli11 half • nly $22.50, ., ..... ,,. ....,.,._ • ~. • ~ ~ 1~ ,: .: • ....,.~ tw juzQped out to ...-~-::••-~, 1$-49· a ·~ mqln. The hero e e J '10 l7111 IJ....4J ti. •·I~· Servlt• tn· : 'T11 Ttu • ___,.~"I~, • ............ . ·-· . : :=' • • • • : • • ........ _... •• -~..... Slate P,Ool Ta~ • . Ntt.11 .,_,. .... , Tt1tlt 'Mlllt T• • -.. • •. "lff.00 wllt,CfUllll.tu.nTM1n .. ,. ••• "'-...tr INteileli.iil ''' IT ..OWi ll19rlfU • . ·=----... . .....; •369 • • 111% ---... TUI-• . ' . . 1., ! • • • .. :~ 'tlflrl-t lllJ>;-11 :00 t 11/0 .....,.1 ....... .., ! • · • t au. NOW-s:li~1,"2, ; '-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~'' ' --.---~--~------------------------·--- s l •• •II ,,.. be "' In re ay n, tJ "' ., tie • IT• ~e led tt . a of ••• •14 .... far the ... ''" '[lb d, -a -!O • • • : : : • • 1: • • • • • • • : • .I • J ·-. ,., • . •f I ' • ( l ;~· I • ,• • \ I • : {; '( • .. ( c I, ' • f , -.,_, f ' • ,. Pal 0 -' SWING IAIANCE AIDED 1Y PRACTICE Prep, Jaycee Cage Srandings 'IAITll.lt COH,l llNCI FullH'fan =-'w .. 1 SMll• Ane '"""'" Ort nte Coe1t Mt. SAC '""" lllo HONl!t h" IMt'NnllM Clll'lll Plut. X SI. MtMITY •"""" Anltl ..... "' ,._ St, 1"1111 W L ,, PA 11 O lW lUf 11 s Ult 1211 ' 1 tl2t 1Mt • 1 tl'1 110 t I l:DO l:SU I I lnl U37 I t · 1t11 11• I t lot'l 1111 ' 11 ,., 1JO :r u 11n im 2 U 1215 Uff • I I I SefldlH Huntlnglon Beacb • n d Wealmlnller blgb schools will be using Hunllnglon SelCliff as their practice Ind borne course this !!!prlng. El Niguel J Im Burns and Bob Eliott learned up to win the partners best ball tourney with a low net score of M recently. Se- cond place was tied between Horry Godwin Ind Eliott; · Ellott and Mel Gray with a low net of ts. Later Lou Lau Ind Oocor Kummer fired a e5 for honors In 1 llte tournament with Har- ry Boucbier Ille! Eliott .ec...i at a . ' . -- Tustin Rips Diabl.os ,. 58-41 All Penney Stores Open Every Night ~onday Through Saturday • ·21 MONTH GUAUNTE' WITH 11 MONTH FREE REPLACEMENT . . ' . ••• plw1 ...,_. tu nd old tire . ' lledc ...... . SIZE 650-13 775-14 825-14 775-15 FED. TAX · 1~79 2.aO 2.36 2.21 BIG PERFORMANCE FEATURES •Tough nylon cord proteds ageinst blowquts • Over 7000 rCNd gripping edges • Long we.ring fonnula po!ypreme rubber FRIE tire i0hlllo11 nery 5000 ..... FREE p111ct1r. repair tor life ef frt•d ,p.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ •• j •• .· ..... ' .... . ' : ' •.( ;; . NE WPC.:>"RT B ~A CH ' jF·~~ 1.i.n~~: · • : J ,, .. ' ' ' ' 'ASSENGH TIR& GUARANTEE CUAlANTEE AllOAINST ·FAM.URE '""'~s f!Llllr•nten ftllel"/ ForemOst• 'tire ·~•iut •II l•i/111,s 1,11 ""'.I this 1111r•n· .. • tff i.st1 for the l'flti,.. llYnntH period stlted for e1ch tire. If Ille tire f1ils d ut· Inc IM ~'""'" perkld, r.•tUfa It willt • yo11r ~rarit1e c:er1ilic:ml• i nd PeMe,.s •ill,. et M1 ~Ion: C1J Npair tla tint, 121 repleoe It with • new Ure, or Cll &Iva )'Ol.I ' •n immedial1 r~11nd. II -r.rpl1ee th9 til't: •irri!ts the f(ff ~pl.K-1 Jlfflod. ttllfl IS "° Cl'larlt: if we ntpi.c. t""' ti~ . 1n1r the lree repl,cen11nt period, yOu ~,. 50% or 25% less thi n the c urrent setllnc ~· If the tire in<:ll.IOl'I& the Feder•I t•· ciM T111 1se11 11.uor,ntee aa11Mt l1llw1 dwrt for dl!lai!,). ' CUAIANTEE AGAINST TREAD WEAROUT ...,_,.. cu•ranton "'"' Foremost• tll'tl {1iu:ept u.. 72 il>f!tinl •1•ini1 tr11d' •••r· Mt· for llltr' entire a111r.nlH period. Yoi. btolMljt •• folio-Of your 1ir• "Weir. out ~ lilt flfst hall of Ille 1u.r1nt11 pariod, mum It ..;111 your 1uar1ntH cer· tifiule Ind Pltineys 1'ill flOIKI rouf' t/rl • 1'ith 1 "'" 1ir1 (!he ch1•1• for this wltl bl !IO% of Ille CU'"11t sellinl pl-lee lncludln1 F1d4or1I Exc ise T1•h if you• tire ~ out durln1· the second hill. t11e c:h1r1e llffll be ''"" ol ltte tllfrenl s-llf"I price l11Cludln1 Fedl! .. I facial Tix. . Thffe 1uiinnte<1s do not iipply 10 Com• ~~! Uff of lf~S. KH•'I Mw , .... llf•t••t11 •tei11rt fei ........ ~., lllhMo , __ , .. pw;..r " .. ·~--,...... "°"' ell .... 2$" .. ......., .. - • Diamond quilted:; ~· auto seat covet.s ; : f.or a new look1 · , · • ,, J ~ luxurious, new look in black, blue, : beige, green or red . Sizes to fi) not : only most American cars, but .. 56 h h'"'VW ' t I ..• t rou9 ~-•. s, oo. . .. .... 27 •. 8.8 ~ -I • Cover · installation special 2.22 ~ " (Huntington <:rem~ ' ' I . ' .. ' ' ' I I ~ I ' -· IAll.V PILOT w ...... ,......, 19, 1969 Start • Your B1:1cs, ~~tiers • .. t• -··"" E . ' ngmes •. Enter EC Relays by Deke Hou/gate Buddy :Baker started the conversation ·with a jovl.al w.lsecrack about the misf..U-ol Ford Motor Compall)' at o.y\oM, ud kept lhe tone UgbL Even 3,000 milts away talkin& into &telephone be couldn't hide his glee over winnln& tbe pole ~ lot the Daytona 500. -... 'l1'e absence of Fords on qu.aU!ying day mp.de tbe job t:llier bot the way BUer feels about it. he problbly wottld liiiirt ~ the pole anyway. Baker, who drives a Dodge Charger II foi1"Ray Fox, explaintd Ford 's problem this way ; °"" "They have this new engine, the 429 'boal anchor,' and they tried to gtt It lhrouih (approved by NASCAR) so they could run Jt at Da:ytou. They" were supposed to have 500 of them built, but they came up a few shy. So they can't use that~·" JU&t bow ihy were they, Buddy? "About 495.'' So Bater and slx ' other drlvm qualified, wbile some df• the p-eats of NASCAR sat on their bandi and wat.ched. 'h the credit of Ford's racing.oriented Jft!ktent, S. E. (Bunkie) i:bOOsen, the powerful factory team djd not wiUdraw from the race. Ford and Mercury will be strongly represented, 1iiiit using last year's engine. : Winning the No. I spot for the race gives Baker the C!lloice of starting on the inside or outside of the first row, ·DI the amiable giant bas alrtady picked the inside, the 9e farthest from the Tw'n One wall. -"The shortest way around is on the inside," Baker explained. ~ere's four active 1aM! <lft that track , and it doesn't make tM much di!ferenci!, but I want the tnsidt." = Baker tested the wall a month ago in a crash that Gled a tire test perhaps more spectacularly than any in lii!tory. His Dodge spun at 200 m.p.h. and stuffed itself into !& barrier sideways, on the driver's side. Buddy is almost merential about that accident. : "Wow," he said, as he recalled It. ''That WI! the quickest t1ing ever happened to me to last so long. It was the first t.ilne I ever made 1 noiae in a car." ~ He Mutated the noi!e for me, and it sounded likli' something am of a ~movie. . -"The firemen said after I 1ot out or the: car I walked 8round it to look it over and wben I 'lot to the other 9e I fell on JDY face. I don't remember anything after t4Lit the wall." · -' -~ker said the roll cage and other utety equipment saved Iii life. His head ond left arm went thrw&h the side window ..i actually struck the wall, but all he gal wu a couple i3r.pieces of glass in his arm. ... h, Baker fared better in that awesome. crash than he did ;,, a pickup basketball gmne at the Charlotte, N.C., YMCA Cmonth earlier, •hen he broke a bone ln his left loot -.teppin' on a boy ." '":: Now he's recovered from both-misfortunes. Baker had jiit completed 400 miles of a Firestone tire teit at Atlanta Rain Again Washes Out UCI Tennis *a he talked, and he was about to do another couple UCl's rain-plagued tennis a;·hundred miles or so, obviously confident about his prospects team takes aim on San Diego ft Daytona and eager for the calendar to tum over to that State Friday alter another Uy when the race will start. washout Tuesday. ~ "Goin' into a corner at Da)'Wna Ls about the safest pla« on The Anteaters wert raln~d ~ track. You're real light gain' down the straight, and out for the secon~ Ume thlS G you start into the turn the G forces make you real ' season when their h o m e !leavy. ,_. you taper o/I the turn ond start to J>kliup speed, match :ru<sday with Cal'Slate Cliat's IJie most dangeroos place. Cl.oog Buch) w.., postponed. _ .. . Thell' efforts ln the S a n t a • _ Lots of cars get Jerked around there. I've aeen some Barbara Invitational tourna- #ty spectacular accidents start there!' ment last weekend were ab-,.. -Baker chuckled and added, .. In fact, I've seen myseU breviated by rain. fQ 'em a few times." Coach Myron McNamara's -team lost a 9-0 dual match R ... ...., •• Future Vp in Air at use Monday. Irvine has :: The future of Pboenb: International Raceway may be decided tldt week i. u aau1ual mall vo&e Gt the USAC board of dlrec· lin. Ttte board is bt1nJ uket to dedde whetlter M cu' back pty e1labll.Ued miolmam pant parutees to • point tnt IUkn boldfa& a cbmpfonship race feasib\e at some of the putt tracks. ':! Under new minimum pune 1taadard.I, pro•Mer J. C. -'caJIUllan l1 btlnc reqllllred. to guarantee $31,• a1ain1t tO iircent of the gate receipt.a for Ida cbamploaaklp race Marcb a He had been requittd to post '15,000 hi previous years. loaded up its tennis schedule with several n a tionall y recognized tennis powers, such as USC, UCLA, New Meixco and·Colorado. Playing as the No. I man for UCI is junjor Earl O'Neill. McNamara s ays th ree freshmen have p layed im- pressively so far -Allen otvos, Richard Harding and Chuck Nachand. The Friday rhatch at San Dieao state st.arb at t p".ftl;' ~ Compete hi Hotkey ;;: Ault'• payoat b9d bttli $17,IM to $21,0ll at1ee ht took M4n' promotioo el tbe USAC nee tMre. He hopes tbe board iiD1 clmnp Ill .. ,. pollcy and lab 11,0ll olf Ille mlnlnnun, a mlgbt 10 ahead with Ute Bobby Ball 151 If the pane iluda at $!5,181. U tbe board votes to keep hi aew punt ]!>11 .. ..,..,,..,,..e, Ault will bave two altt:nr.atives. = "I mlgtlt try to put on a USAC stock car ract en that Mae, IMd I dClll't wot to, ·because tbat 11 Uie 11mt day • tM AUaa&a 511, and 1 could Iott all the top drlvtr1. - Lightweight Basketb_all --"ll neltlter ol these ncu 11 feulble, I wtD have to O to tbe owner, Mn. Nancy Rope, ud 1te U abt: wutl '9ileep Ute tract open." .:.: Wlmt the "'promoter bows is lluit Phoenix hternadonal ~ay ll: • white elepbul amoni l\ln. Hope'• otherwite \elatlhd colledloa ef auell. :.: A.g\e an prohlbly 1trinc a $31,9' pam for ~ fall lll<e -al ...... su.• woald lie • Joi more pradkal, tr.m Jm pohll of Ylew "-bot .,. MXI Odol>er tllen may 001 It. -htenolfGaal~y. __. . Tw• A&aJulu ~p race prtm.oti01111 at Hanford, QUI., are alto la Joopmb>, ... ...id lie oaved I>)' Ubualhtog Ille pane- =. VSAC llods 11..it la a ft.I ......,.._. TM plea ti Cir CIWIM:n u4 *fftl'I Js 1' ,.S. ....... · Pttllare is just .. ,,..1.ttlletopeadq .. -. :=::. USAC publlcly &IUIOIUtCfJll Uaa& It turned dowa tlle offer al ~ 111-tlooal Speod•ay lor a -bloatloo stock "' .............. ...., .... ""' ... •Ills!< day poylnf 112',000. "11AC walried $1Y,IM. ?:. At tK tdler eld ol &M 1t1le, tt 11 putuac 1m1U promoiers -" 1-Jnetll. --Dream Comes to .. ' • In Canada last week, the great dream of havin& a race -eet1F1e through the streets of Toronto's Canadian National 11lpo.ttion came to an end. Flnanclal backing was withdrawn ~ tt became clear that all the new course would •ccomplish ilOuld be damqe to existlnl lacUillcs, like MOSJ>Of!, ...,. •· 'We Cover Boating Best ... t: in West • Complete Printing Service \: ~ Top Quality -Fast Service ... ,. 64~UI ~2211 Ww ..... , lf¥!L Na:apwt IHth I JV Results A111!111"' Ufl UI) lffw-1 H.,IU<• Fr1i,e, (21} I' (71 lll!Ck~ll P•rs-{12) F 01l lle111 OoTi. (2) c en HIH l...,H!Oll (S) C'· (~I 1(,111 Ancl1nen (1C1 C I•! S1~1on Stot"1"' IYl>s: N''""°'! -Sh!"d<I 1. VOi.i.,. It ....... P>elm-TMs 2, $1\t,.!~1 J, C..-r11tt 4 H1rbe• 1. H11fU.... $(QA!: A111~im 21. New--... ._ • ..,.. ....... !JI) un s.1111 An• Tllorr\at Ul I" (I) IC.Yth~rl "afllMOft !ll I' 07' Hcovtr Mc:l tndon (It) C (10! Wi!!ll mt M11111 UI ('; 0 2) WVl!ctt NtwMo.lw U21 C fl l) Pv.w!! ~1111 1ubs: WMtmlllSfet -Ml,,_ 10, Miine 1. Sl11!1 A,.. -J_, J, ,.hi$11ewel9'1f 4, Md>J9d!:tll '· H1!1ti""': S.nt. A,,. 311, WMHl'lln. ,,,, "· 1 cvwtlm4t. H1tftlillt1'tll I") 0 11 SA \ltlftt De8rlf1on I It) ~ !71 OllOft Drllltr !4) F l•I l.-• H11e kf !Ill C 0'1 Otlwr C1rl>on fll) ('; !27) McC1tl!1i Wise fll) ('; C•l l obo Scerl"9 wto1r Hllt'll"91on -Ctl9 lt. Ffl!'>e'r s, Morrow •• MCC:°'11 11. S•nt1 AN v11,.,._cDon1kl a. JoM- tol\ 2, Otlt I. 1<:1ttOd'lrli: S. Hllftlme: 1111nl\"'911M ~. Slni. ,..,.. Vt llrW ».. MttlM Ot ) U1l Wt1"'ft llH I 1..0) I' {•I l t me<!dol• MtC1t! .. !161 , F !") SClwbttt l<:lltll'llU!tfflr nn c-tl'Ol G'""'"' Mv!lelly (11) G l~l M1t11 T...,,,... •ftl C Ul Gvlllefl SoDrlol9 wbt; Mt'°"" -E ... ls S. C""*tt. I. E11i. 1, M1W1 f., w..t-,,_WHIOll 1. l..tlWI•• 4, Tlll'ntl' 2, H111tlmt: Mlrl,.. a, we.rem 1' Bee Resulu Mar• (ft) 1611 W"lml 0,..1, 111 r (101 P••"' T'"""' 1111 If llSJ f~ Mm. ns, c 1111 '·''""'' Wrleltf rat G 01 Oulller ~ ~I C lltl A/lll:h ...... Ml91 MMIM -lufl r. t..o I. lttwoldl 11. Wtl.,l'l-nlll'lt. •. 1-!1,.tlm~ 'CCl'r: ron1 n ··-. - The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You' \ OATt. Y '1lOT ir . • • .WED, THURS. & Ffll. ONL T . . •• WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY SPECIALS! I K MART COUPON ...... ··-r-..... ·~ ~ T' '""" T"'::•·l(l,~TOCK LIMITED TO i COSTA MESA ~ . MOYIE PROJECTOR ! KNl1 SHIRT = PAPER NAPKINS • I .. i STORE. ON. LY a Rl';':.~ 99.87 5 R....... 68c i R...... 28c ; SUPPLY ON HAND I :· ii !ii! . ii '7c =1-JJc l!ll I _ : IMOWI UaULAI ANlt SUPll I PILM, COM• = a ii_ i § ruTILT SW. ,........ ~ SHOIT IUIT~ CllW •••• WHITI 01 IAINIOW COLOH I! NO SAW TO DEALERS ·. -== 0,.. D911y 10-10 -S.o4oy 10-7 = . CAMlkA Ol•T. =-.-,.,TY &OOOS 01'1. D -MEN'S I IOYS DE'1'. = -= I ... _a -. =· = "' = f Ii -= .,. ia1101111111:ttt.t;i14.19 4.1: i _1D1111na 111111nni:1t,t.t;i 11.1114·': •11111Q11mn1m1 11u1...,1111nun 'n111111•-·1a1111:13t.i;I1a.1114· l :k11-.-= . = = !.... ..~_ = • = = liiii ii ClllAMIC i · ..... = MIN'S I KLUND i CANADA DRY I ~ ASH TRAY & UGHTfR SET I REELS AND CAN I SWEAT SHIRT ! PAPER TOWELS ; --· -. -i . Rot•• 97c ~ R~:"" 56c ! R~=~ 1.33 ! Ri;':' 3/88c i = 1.50 = = - ; 5 ONLT 11 sm . i a1auu.1 o1.1uN1 I= LON• sun1. c11wN1c1K =I ITUIDY tow1LS HAYI MANY usn j_ -CA.MIU DE'1. MENS I IOY'S DE'1. -= JEWELRY CIE''• :· ii = PARTY &OOD5 DE~1. !5 CANNED POP 1.77 Caso Rot• 1.H AUOmD R..t.VOIS CASI OP 24 I . ii · ii! i . S ,J.Hmn1m11:94r.1;i«<·X•14.i:ta11A111i-mm,1H1:tt,t.!;il<·X•l:t·'ll•11li1mum•:14r.1;5«<·1•14.i:•11111un6mnt1111w:1zt-l;ili0!r!4.i:t1U1111'f ••n = . -. = = is 1• · § 5 'ii . LO•AN JOO. § S FOOT ALUMINUM i · HARDWOOD i ii FR I I i SLIDE FILE ·~ STEP LADpER i TRAY TABLES ·1 E KEY CHAIN . = Rm• 2,29 a R1.~';' 5~97 i R~~-84c i I AT JEWELRY DE'1'. Ii ~ ...-W. ., te Jtl 2 • J lllM. Al ..... = LlaHT STUDT ALUMINUM = : , = D 'i .. w~ : . . -. -UMrT ONI T4» A CUITOM'll -LJMrT 2 TO A, CUITOMIJ = .. , CAM EM DEl'f. II -ii' • HOME IM,ROVEM!NT DE". I § ----= ~ = K·-' lllAND STEER MANURE Rot•lar 47c J cu."· 42c PATIO DEPT. -· -·· ---[111m1n1n 0111111111i.1tmma+:14t.i;lt<.111:z.1:•m11n..&.1111Wnn:14r.1;111.1114.1:w1111n1 .. 11a1;:14r.1;11<.1114.i: maljnlllftn4:+xr.i;l+<.1114.1:•m -;· T --a -11 a s i MIN'S AND LADllS' I 1oq.cOUNT i s 9UARTS e e a · 11 DR WATCtis = PAPER PLATES i PLAs11c PAIL i ,.,..c. I SI Rot•• 12 97 E -Rot•• 12 = LUGGAGE SET • I 1t.ts • 1 . R:t"" Sic ~ 22c c _§ i_ MITAL DP.t.NSION ....... -LIMIT 4 TO ~UITOMll ...... 8 88 =-COMI CIUO WIAPnl ~ =-1011 e = i 1 YI. •V•IANTll • E !i= = . I S PARTY &OODS DEl'T. -HOME IMPROVEMENT DEPT. ii JEWELRY DEl'T. !i . = • LU&&A&E Df'1'. ---= !i .. = = . = ·-Iii ----= ltnn~1111 inma!m1111111•:14r3;11&.111:z.1:••••f•W4:14m;111.1114.1:nma9aa1um1:1:r.1;111.1114.1:1 ---c E · ! I! ROGIU : IOLS"-R = -• -15 JAD• AM,,,. a 1•o.i.. IRON • s,PRAY ENAMEL i PILLows = i TRANSISTOR RADIO i BARBELL SET I Rjr,'"' 87c I Rot•• 97c e E ~~ 9.44 i · R;?~~ 11.96 5 MOH COLOU 5 mm ,:·:: ... u ••••.PAIHION ••111c i --= -e 11 TIANS. f·YOLT IAmlT !! S'°RTIN& &CODS lllPT. ;; HOME IMPlllOVfMENT DE". -!!i -I a E5 APPLIANCE CIEPT. = I i § i i li-•••1•:•K'·';i•<·1•14.1:1• r1 ....._:+zr.1;1+s.1114.1:•11 E i · -, .. 1. S •ARCIA·MITCHll.L 110 4 9UARTS • I _ CORN POPPER • . SPINNING REEt ~ R ... lar 3 44 i · Rn:" 14.47 I 4 •7' • .i THI WOii.ii MOIT POPUL.t.I .,,NNIN• lllL APPLIANCE DE'1. I SPORTINc;. SOODS DIPT. - -•INlllAL ILICTRIC = J.._ POI. TUTU l'!W' i HEATING' PAD SLEEPING BAG I R ..... 3.88 R~ 7.77 4.67 1 ,. . .. WA.Tll PIOOP, J.HIA'TI PVSH IGYTON • . PINrlMll' tm 11• a J6' MOln. #711 llt --AP'l.l.ANCl DEPT. ::a S'°RTIN& &OODS DfrT. ·---- i --! -• -; • LADllS' DRESSES 4.00 v ..... ,. 7.17 ,...,.. ............... N•.,_• ...... .._.. ........ ..,... LADIES WEA.Ill DEPT. LADIU' STll{TCH DENIM CAPRIS R ..... 2.2·2 2.71 ....... wWrt Ill IW"' 9f at.ft IMW1t1 __ ._,. . ' LADIES WEAi DfPT. ---·-- DOMESTIC DE'1. IOXID SYATIONARY Rot ... 1.27 94c PASTIL ANI YIVll COLOU STATIONARY DEPT. LIQUID PLUMIER · R .... 68c 7k ONI 9UAIT llD HOUSIWAlllES DEPT. ------ ' i I = -= I •HMAINl'S ROSE BUSHES . Rot•• ... 73c PATIO DEPT. DIUCIOUS HOT FUDGE SUNDAE Rot•• J7c 27c SNACK IAR . . • • conON YARDAGE R ..... s,,.. 1.00 Jk .usomu cortoN rtum YAIDA&E DEPT. MUL TI-l'URl'OSI STORAGE CHEST ....... 1.24 1.57 U•HTWlleHT, IAIT TO l1'0U HOUSEWAlllES DI". • 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A M ESA • • I • • • • • • • I I ,, ' . ' • ' I ------------------·---------------------------~---~--j '' DAll.V PIL9T , 16907 ... 1 ........ ............. ._. ($) Ft•-A. ll:•wlel. Nol•t'I' l'ubllc Mv Comml.slllfl E1plres HOVKl'lblf l, 1'10 ' • -592-5575 146-4666 l'llbllihed Or1nte CMIJ DlllJ" 1'11111, Ft bru1rr "· M Ind Molrdl s. 12, ""' 31219 • ... l •. FLIGHTS EVERY HOUR .-CALL &3&·40n CRl6.E CRSU · -~---COMMUTER RIRUNES --~IRM)'()(l'W -WNTINtl l'Olt' !. ·western. Speeial· . B1 Cm CAJll'l'ENSIN •. ,,.""' ,, ... ...., F~ the llllnl year Doell• is now olrerina the Dari WUltnl Sporll Special. The' !act that la prnlous ,..... the Special baa ranked IOCOlld Jo Dari -only to Ille top ol the lloe Dirt GT, ii an lndleaUon ' ol the IUCCell of lhil apeclal model made lo• the Southern Cal i for nia market. Actually, Ille Western Sports Special la opeclalJr equipped, low cort Dart manufacturt.tJ with a mlnlmom amount of opt.loo.a: that come u staoda.rd 'equipment but UIUllly so1d JS u:tra1 on other Dart models. They Include a vloyl roof In whit~. black or O"etn, deluxe wheel coven, sports type woodgrain steering w bee I . whl~wall tim, c u t t o m carpeting, special e b r o m ,. trim and torsion b a r auspenslon. Suggeated retaii car ia '2t10.95. * * * ALL NEW COLORS FOR FORD MAVERICK A rose by any other name 11·ou1d smell u aweet. Bui would a car colored green be as much fun u one colored "anU-establlsh mint?" The people at Ford Division said no and b.J c: am e automotive maverick!: b y .selecting five unique colot names for tbt.ir new small car, Maverick. Availlible at Ford Division dealenhipc In mid-April Maverick will feature these new uterlor color1: -Deep orange will be dub- bed "origlnal cinnanJOD i" -The blue betomeg "hula blue;" -Red-or&rige taku on a semtingly new bue as "thanks vermtllion ;" -Tbeq there is oae .t~at psychoibglats can 1pend some time analyzing -gold .'las become "Fmxl.lan &ilti" -Anti • Wbllshment will make the foreign small car buyer turft green with en-vy. "We decided to have some fun with Maverick's colors because the car it.sell is youthful and upbeat, with an independent personality," said John Naughton, Fon! Motor Company vice president and Ford Division g e n er a J manager. "We believe the color name.:; rtfiect t h• contemporary nature of Maverick and appeal to the modern generation which looks on cars as a 80U!'Ce of fun as · well as transport.aUon," he said. In addiUon to the color!I with the unique n·a mes . Maverick will be available in ten other colors, providing a broad color .selection. And to think lhis color selec· Uon comes from the company that began by offering Fords in whatever color t h e custG1Der wanted ... as long as it was black. NEW ALFA ROMEOS Alfa Romeo has introduced its new 1750 models and mak- ing its debut is an all-ne\v Berlina sports sedan which joins the Spider V e 1 o c e roadster and the GT Velocc 2 + 2 <.'OUJ>f- Featuring a new, m o r c pciwerful engine of 132 HP, the new 1750'1 also offer a•; standard equipment a ne1·: Alfa' fuel Injection system. The designation o( 1750 con. ·1emorates one or Alfa'~ 'lruow pr-~war model.a. Jn !hr By SYLVIA PORTER You will be payiftc an. in- come taz surchargt for the fint Umt: oa your l!ilU Form 1040 -for all caJendar year taxpayers, at lht rate of 7\2 perwit. So, do lhil: filurt out your tax in the usual "'ay; take 7'n percent of this amount as your surthar1e; ICld thlo to ,.... ... llJ]lr tu; the ...,.it Is your total tu. ( tf you are in a lower lncom~ bracket, you will do lhls frol'T' 1pee.t1l Treuury tables.) Ill thia. conneclion. tt you ere ""*" lhe millions ol •idtrl1 indlvldualo w11o tau Ille retirement lncomt CHdlt, figure your surchlrae on the 1am1 schedule you use for nprtni your re ti re.me nt mdlt. (Sdltdult B. Part V). Th.la way, you will pt the benelJt of reduclna y o u r reaulal tu by your retire- -mdll belon ,.. n,u.. your aurcharge. AN0111ER •a Fonn 1040 cbiait 11111 ... bnportant to ,.. II ,.. -!or ...... -one ...,1-1a11 year 'al .... lloelil Stcar1l7 -. .. • • Times '68 Earnings withheld on more lhan $7,IOO of your salary. You are enUtled to tftdit lhe Social StaJrity OVtl' withbtld against whatever in- come tu ls due from you or to aet a refund If the ov~withholding ls more than your income tu. But the Trusury'I OffidaJ •a lo- stnictlool on how to 0111"' your cttdlt for over-withheld Social Stcur1ty ere W1111Ully complicat>d. To lllustra!A!, they imtruct you to: "(1) Add tht l!oclal S<curtty (1'.l.C.A.) wara rtetlved from all JOW' tmploytn. (bl SU b t re CI $7.800. (c) MulUply I h t ... ..... lly .... and ..,.,, the result on thb Unt." Tht aim ol this bt!Ud· dlement ls to cover people "ho f'eCti'le Ups on which they pay tll<lr own Social Stcurlty tuea. Ir,.......,, - tho.te, thouah. lheR la I -'i ealer .-.y for you ~to ftl the -ol Soctll llocurtty i. ... -·d ll'am you. It b llmJ1'1 lbla: ,.. Clll ,.. a mdlt (or 1 -~ I • Mutual Funds if apptlcable ) against your '68 income tu on any Social Secorlty tues above $343.20 withheld by your various tmployen last year. AS YOU WOl\JC on 'U's rttum, you undoubtedly will wonder what tbe chancel an that yours will be plucked ror ms uaminaUon. The odds are oi>e out ol lM thal your Form 1040 will be 111dlttd it your plact of btlllDm; ..i ont oul ol 30 that you will be tUllllntd It the 'l'mlur)l'1 olflce. ' Startin& thiJ yur, mums wflb adjulted IJ'OIS lncomu ol undti' $10,000 will be pictod , ...... -by Trusuey compute.rs under 1 n e w formula ' l)'ltem known as "DIF." Tbe "DIF" Syattm ts based on mathtmaUcal formulae whk:b &Ilia vmious wel&hia to Olloolell line lfam on each returD. E8d1 retum wfl! be -llld hi i:mit wlllllolllablllbldln- ol n laU\'t -I« -..i jlollilllll mor Ii ............ • ,, ; . ,.. . _.r~n-Closi~ =-.. --..... fl • ----· ' ',,. ,. l I ~ ... "'. TWA Pia~· Flights OU~ 1 , .. ·1 ~ ) V' I 'I • • ... , ' -· I '. .. " .. , ' ( I I, I \ . ' I I I ' I I I '· I • •• ,. ~ • " DAll.Y PllOT • ~. ,~ 19.1969 ,'J ' • 1 • ' ' ". • ' . ' . ' pCI Speakers Tell ... , . . ' ()f Unicamp Progr:am 1 . . ; Students at UC Irvi ne have ; rofmcd a "speakers bureau" : t<f.hel p inform the community ~ about the UCI Unicamp pro- 'iram whlch provides swnmer camp experience for disad- vbntaged children. .,Jeff Orne, chairman of ." :Junior Ebell :{Juh Helps :)' oungsters =Junior Ebell Club o [ Ifewport Beach is providirig 3i"Second school Jor '10 second j!t'aders on shortened public S'l!bool double sessions. !'The children attend the se- <:,ond school at Corona de! Mar ebmmunity Youth Center two mornings or afternoons a .... k. '"The school , taught by a '1c'Slunfeer Junior Ebell with three mothers assisting, con- df'lt:ates on enrichment pro- ijlems, including art, dance, c(eative writing, scieoce and nature walks. .. Mrs. Eugene Kovach said the school was started because the Junior Ebell women realiz· ed.. what a great los.! a year of not expressing creative Qrjve and feelings can be to a child. ~toot to. cover material! is $3.50 for three months. Unicamp' an<i the role it plays. .other stUdenls are~ prepared . . . . ~ to accept invitations lo ~ak to C91M1unity or'ga~tions. . ;,We. Want to infDnn as manY pe0P,le as pos~)J~e about UniCamp' and the tole it 'plays in ttie ed.u¢atloo of,university students . as·. well ~ a!f the benefi~ ii brings · to' Ute children," Orne ·Said •. Last summer, ~z .. Orange County cltlldren attended the Unicamp·11)-day'seSSlon ·in Utt San Betriardino Mountains as a result or the efforts at the UCI student group. · Th e stud~nts . raised the $IO cost per disadvantaged chil~ from a variety of sciurces , aDd also volu.nteered ias camp counselors: · . Orne siid several 'fund rais· Ing acUvjties are being plan- ned UH~: year for Unh;amp, including a university ·carnival during spring qu.i:rter, car waslies, and · cOO;kie sales. In additian, flnanctar support is being souiht fram . the com- munity. UnJcaril.p is.spoTisQred by the University · Interfaith . 'Foun· daUQ_n · and the ca,ritpsite at Bartoo Flats Is o.per~t..I by Ille University Rel 1 r .1 0 .u s Con- ference at UCLA · and sup- ported by students· at three campu~. , UC , lrVine, UC Riverside and UCLA: Further information about the ·camp program.. aDd slu· dent speakers maf be ob- tained br calling !he uc1 Interfaith Cenltr at '33-0891. . " Crossword Puzzle ,, , . A.CROSS l Companion: ,Slang -s Without ·· lace va!ut 2"Gr~k n structurr Wings H1vr 1 ... noti on 14 Compr rss 17 Puts into "effect i., Tablt ... d'--111 Kind tt·Tools of ... early ma n tJ Family lltmbtr: lnfom.S it -CftlttS .Forefathers Of Ult high· •11 est deg:ree- lC -standard J5 Exploit .37 lnJur• '!t Befort 39 Bunch -41 Exi st •! Nat'I • St91danis Assn: Abbr. 03 Drattsaan'1 ICCHSO'Y 'O ·1et1c:arpil .:.. bone 1 •5 Not hardy • 47 TV protram ' 50 Ptochaln !' -: .... I friend Sl TffO times 52 Most inflexibl• S6. Criticized: Informal fiO God of WI! 61 Havin9 three teeth 6• Quote as an authori ty 115 Helpful '"'"' l.la J1wlsh •1 rif1.tnnin11 chote 68Xau ClfOIS •• Cnsed fto11 tunctlonln11 DOWN -,. >: Agilin-hut , ln:f:~ting wAl>JilNci,~ (iiJ>1,1 -Voter ·p~~on rose i!" ~ Soulll , darlng the past four ~em ~ jh<;llh-4 :10 'OU/!'!j areas af , Utt nltion, a ctflS\lS blireau 1tuclyiha1:repoited. ' The . report noted ~at.r. 60 percent of voting ' .a:ge Southerners cast ballots in the .. last presideDUal election com- pared to S7 pacent ih 1~ In the North and West, the percentages fell from 7$ -per· cent in 19&t to 71 percent in '1968. . Voting habits among non· whites outside the South show· ed the sharpest decline -an 11 percerit dri>Jt in four years to 61 Mf'Ctnt in "1968. , Lack . ol nogis;lr•ti{IO prov ea the blggts\· block . IO voter partl-;ipa~on .. Of ttie· 35 million Americans ·or )'Oting ·age who !ailed 10 ~ut· bollots, ·77 per· ctl)t . saii:I. they were not regiiter.eif. HOWever:, . 91 per· cent . of · ~e whO. were registered actually went ta !he pollB. UNIY$SITY Of au• ' IRYINE SCHOOL Of ffllE AITS · . ' IRVINE REPERTORY TllATRE ' . presents "THE TICKLISH :ACROBAT''· -. ' . -. , .. \ A comedy· by Robert Hivnor Dire<:ted by Herbert Macbiz FEBRUARY 1'·22·26; MARCH ·1 BOX OFFICE PHONE 833-6617 I • .. ' • . 0 ..... s• ....,, s. ... , _,I .... ff'MI J p.111. 1oL$0 SELECTIP SHORT SUIJECTS ) ._,.,. ""1ncliclflt .... . ..... Nmliollll fh ....... c.-.,,... n. Children's Film Festival ' . . OpenintrSPffCh ,Tho BNr• Tho Mouse Tho Story of Cinjloroll1 Ti.JMll G-,llllnllorihg Pl~ono""-·~ . . . ., . ~P.act.-TO ;10. S.1' . ' Ch#PlCnCk•• . . or.tfJ1msh1vecoltectiv9'Ywon 20 · .1fttern1tlon11 film·~~· · · · " HOWlfilji .~ T THE MESA " .Next Fri. and~ ... lD a.m. and .12 p,m! ' and once on .~day at 12 p.m. · · . · . . AU 'SCfats 50~ ' · ·: NOW SHOWIN$ -.. ... ~. JoWph E. levi1* Prf!!Mlrlk ZERO MOSTEL '·' theM1>T~ducers" co..rorring· Dick ~n ""E""'-r,.._ ........ •&rt Colar Foco•wsoUTH.COAST !A PLAZA TH-IN• San Diqo Freeway at ~ • . 546-27'11 OPEN .DAILY 6:00 P.M. Fri., Sat. & Sun. Open 12 Noon WM,T DISNEY'S ALIO "CHARLIE, THE LdNESOM! COUGAR" WID. THUIS. MoN & Tu1s. SWISS l'AMILT IOltNSOH.-:JO. 11 P.M. -cou•~ 1:41 , fl!: SAT. SUN, , SWiii fAMILf IOllNION 1JiJO..C·l :41·11 i11 cou•A•·~M:H a 9:11 ---, __ lJM)l ... 1Ultlial-J1•• ....... J ,;COOGANS BLUFF" "A Mofle ol yo11ttihl ,_lo"' .._..., _. ...ac·• "One of the Year's 10 B~t'·,FiJn." ''Belu'tiiufl" "Breathtaking!" .......... ''Danllngl" Ne CN"4lMrr , '•" .,.,., ... ~~ MJQlAB. YORK JERFMYKLvr the straooe . ft~ aftalr. 1st AREA RU.N nm. BROTHERHOOD ALEX CORD IRENE PAPAS Wl'HERADl.EI\. 811> -'Iii "CllU*-'s Pl• ......r A movie p•rly for •..-ry tl-r: •l'Hi tirl-All •••h 75jf, fri. 12 :00 I 2:00 ,.m.; Set, 12:00 I 2:00: Suncley IJ:OI , • •UC" • • AT .•U.19 -!--nl'f tUlfTUtOTOPI ••ACM• .. T__ • EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENTS -• -_111!1 -~~--"DfJD"\ifr . ---FAIL'· __..,, __ [ DcanMlrtin .tv'dttt.Jm. Wreclci~Crew ~-. . 11 .. s....r ....... N_,1 .. SICONI TOP WDI- G1or9• Peppercl' Miry Tyler Moare "Wh1t'1 So Bod About Fuling Good?" -.·- ' .1 .~·, .,.,c. .. -·~~ ·I!·"-·-· (C> (!O) -Moo -«Cl (10) ii'!' ff. Md)' Ru*8; SltPPJ' Wflift ... ...... Smltll ·- .. TME SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * ~ 11 JUU£" Doris O., I. Lollla Jourdan ......... _._(OI· • PMM) '56-0orb Dty, leuh Joir· ... ... ... ~· (iO) ·-(C) (!O) lllM II '".'41'911 (q (SO) · ,Ill_,_ • WW'• ....r (30) "Spotts tnd tit Prolwar." A mechlniul tn· ...... u~hlS simple thaorle1 witJI • TI11ktr Tor ael ClllUID Whitt SOii t:Jll 11 at (I)... .... CQ (JO) pltrt11 dtmOMtnllt tht ttchnlquu itieii Ol1ir * U.. ~ .. of thllr ~M. . clM tt ••la ii W..'11.' D.C.. e Mlljlrn Sill All• lor H addltilN( ... 1r., i. Kintr · _. t dllra tJ) Mtlit t fist. •uct ~ 1J'U1 Ntn (C) anlll ,i1111 lo rtrtl their lllmt. ........ --(C) (60) IDY6'11t ti .. ltltt• tf t111 Iii (C) (iO) • ' ' • , ... Wiii,.... (60) "kllt- lr'l and Slsttl's." Anna Blnc Arnold ltctllm-and tll5Wers 11111stion1 lrom 111 1U!lltnct of p1r1nt1.. QI Ill Ill !!HD -<C> D KRAfT ·MusiC HALL * T!f[ BEACH IOYS Intro Their Niw CAPITOL Hit "I CAN HEAR MUSIC" ll'J-(C) llOI T• . ...,,.., IMOR9(j)M-..... !'l'!IOI Mcc11tttl flits ft ltl ..... " 7:00 8 CIS En11iq fll.. (Cl Willer Cronkit1. (W) bUi\d I WI lllilllt I eftoil ~ (JoinM Unvilll), w~o II ~llilllftl his a.tar (N111ey Malont) •Id Mr serionlf ill Mbp Witll I ,htfry ifL$"" , l'UIUNS JUDGE PARKER ll'J _.. "' ""'' (C) (l~ ·-~) (30) ID Wal!ftdat (C) , ~ •KlllM. P11t I of twll r 1 .. •c:===3il ~Ti_: Ct 11~1 ~ (C) 7:30 a1i. ~ IC) (60) Roi er 11111tr •ljll Slt¥il Wondw 1ucsL • tm!ll m"" ~"""' <~ (liJ)"rit Qfdtei." A wt11tt!J man' iCllilltd tott' fiflll• "•pl111 up" al Sllllofl Rancll lllOl't thin t 1111'1'111'111 ltrt: 11 bis Pflinb 1111rly brlnl dtlth to hl11191f and Tht Vlrclnian. llohrt fine 111am. • Looi ....... (Cj ('5) Ii @CIJ 9111111 c ••• 1111 tflm•(Cf (lil) ''OM tot Custom· •·" AdarJt Wlllllfl, 1 youn1 Mormon lumtr, buys \Ind 1111r Snttlt and cauaJi, lllfannl luon Bait tll1t ht flrttndl to COUit ind mlny 1 num- ber of thl &IN from "• Becllo14 ""' ·-llllS\I. Ill -$ _, (C) ,..., "'-' a. ftac. ..,... (comldy) a--~o> 111 --(C) (30) ...... '"(JD) 111-- '!1-Ptlll NIWllltn, Jotn~ Wood-10:>0 II lllN: -n. W ...,. (lllrt- Wlfd, Tllllday Wtld. Harried )'Ollnl ma) '$--Pttty McCormact, "•llCJ' 111ub1nd, t..iinc sl!rhtld HcaL/11. tf llis witt's ciYic KlNitiu, be· Kl!lr. comes i11110Centlt bwt •ml!'n1ssin1· ID"'-(C) (30) ly ln¥111Wd wlti, ~ IOYely ........ .. .......... (30)~ Villqa." Si' ..,,. lticblNM W· · 1ahs I ~ • tW~..q lft and ll1iD hm•SNl '"91111. 111• •. c1111••* (C) (JD) .. ""' -(60) "~~lw'(l~ 1.io, a;.,i • .,;,,,. . . . \ ....... (C) IOl illn. CllJ ...... C} (30) Mayer 1 Jiln Yorty tlllll wlUI jlall Dr. lltll· Mt11 B. Cl11i Gout tllt NlllJQ 1nd MlllcMI·~ nilllOritJ prallun1 .. loo- ·-·-11,ooun•••-1~ e• .. - mu.~"" <Cl ' m Mwil: "11111 ..... ...,. < ... w111ture) ·so -L1wit11et TllrMf', Mlri• O'Brilll, , i!2) I}) U (l) II!) .... IC) 1:25 8......,.. Wtrr. IA ,,_i (t) ll:lCl lllHrit: "SI Wtll 1 ... -.r l :Jt ~) '47-John Mlll1, lltrtlll fJ THE GOOD GUYS Comedy D Ill ell IDT--(C) * HIT OF THE SEASON!! • Dt 8"" .. (C) (30) Guest :iii Bldlus. u a1udi1'1 wealthy father, coma· to Ylslt and is •P· ,.ne4 ID 111 111• daUJllter won.int Ill th• dkllr. D !HJ ()) II ,_, -(C) Gii lM laJ •• • .. .,. <C> <30> iz:aamn Sm.t ~ ~r11 Je&Xt and N1ney Ames ..... 'a -~-Tn.O. (C) 1301 IZoJD D _, "l» ... id""') ""~ W# •5i).....M1r1H .... ..., .Itek w• m Mtn 111111 (t) (90) T ... Wrltflt m ... "' -(C) <301 fZll ltlll ... (CJ (JD) Allthof Erit Goldm1n is trl& Robtrt Cromle'5 iunl Tiiey dilc.uss Gotdm1n'1 new boolt. '1ht TrtpdJ of Lyndon John· son." ., ...... ·--"ThoWod4i11 GTLihi M1rlent." loDODO-«> .... _, __ (<) 1111 ..... _ ... (C) 1:00 B IMtrlf Mllli illl11 (C) <JO) lllM!tr Drpdelt hlr91 lroublllhoot9r 1:11811ft:: ., ........ (1IOnW) 'SI · ""'* BldlM fl'om Pirtticod June-· -Jltn• lclf, IM I. ClrrlL tioJI to l'lict Ille C11mpdb 1.- \bt blnll buildh11'1 flttti floor. )lltlro , 1dds to tllt floor's c:onflllilll by 1:30 m......... 9IF. 'Mr TIUMIP 111llnl hhmff llp It I ,.,ctlltlfllt DIUlllW," "fM C,.t flllMr!OI,'" 1M lilll CS.1111'. 1111 "PllW'IC EMlllJ." Tl i !JR\Dt..~ • JOB PRINTING ' • PUBLICATIONS ' •NEWSPAPERS Quality Prh1ti11t •Ml O.p.1ula~I• S1noi•• ,., 111;9f'9 ...._ • QHrt., -! • c..t.y, NIWPOIT MACH . - 1, • Ml(n AND JEFF. ------------ 1y John Miits '' -ly Harold Le Doux ly Tom K. Ryan T •' -I 'l , w-.,, rlbnllty 1t; IM OAllY PILOT ' CRISIS -Academy Award winner, Sidnoy Poitier; stars in 11The Slender Thread" motion picture tO' night at 9 p.m, on Channel 7, As a Negro psycholpgy stud~nt who works at SeatUe's Crisis Cll.nic, Poitier~ who ts alone, takes a call from a woman who baS' taken an overdose of barbiturates. Anne Bancroft co-stars. TELEVISION VIEWS Shows Have Ups, Downs ' ,_ ... .ly CYNTHIA LOWRY ,, : NEW YORK (AP) -The National Geographic $o<Jietr-specials and "60 Minutes," lllte situation · comedies and westerns, have their ups and dowi;is. But since both CBS shows are lhoughtfully and i.. lelllg.,.Uy. put together, Ibey make prettr goqd viewing even on nights when they are a litUe ~ pace. '!'he National Geographic show suUered pri- marily becauae it tackled a subject imposslble ., handle in an hour -the entire continent of Aus- tralia. -· THE PROGRAM consisted principally of filln shot by some bold adventurers traveling by car across the vast "out-back," rugged, sparsely-in- habited desert. Most interesting portions showed. the lonely life on a cattle ranch 150 miles from t.fit nearest town. The owner's children get their edH- caUon by two-way radio and a diatant doctor pre; scribed medicine by microphone after bearing t.be symptoms. , There was not, apparently enough significanl film made by the expedition to fill the hour, so soll),9, other material was shot to pad it out. Thus theta. was some scanty. tantalizing footage showing the primitive Aborigines, a fascinating subject to e~­ plore. There was pure filler shots of Sydney, a mod ... ern city, of horse races, rugby matches , beer,• drinkers and sheep shearing. \Ve only had one briet loo.k at. a koala, "nd not a glimpse ot a kangaroo. MEA/jWHILE, NSC-TV's long.sought an•wer to the CBS series. will come along this spring, a science series with Hugh Down1 as reporter-oar'.: rator. The first will show the first inhabitants of1 America and Dawns.has been traveling widely get.; ting material 'fo« it, · . '" "60 Minutes" kicked off its biweekly 1how with a diaturbing inspection of some Arkansas families,~ who are poverty-stricken and without enough tQ,, eat. · THE FAMILIES were being studied by a presi· dential commission concerned with poverty and the welfare system. Pne q1an, a ~a week tractor operator will>,• big family wao unable to get steady work and unitble ·to get welfare help because he was "able bodied." Another very sick man and hi.I ail- ing wile had 10 children -and welfare payment• were woefuUY. inadequate for their neech. Mike Willl8ce went to Germany for bis Inter· view with a :ZS.yelll'<>ld radical, Dllllel Cohn·Bendit, a leader ln tast·M'BY'•· student insurrection in Pari.!. Cohn-Bendit smilingly expounded his aim tu overthrow.lll·tri:d!Uonal governments, destroy "the stnlctnre bf Ca~ltilllst •oclefles" :__ tncludlng Ru1' aian "state CM»itallsm" -and ·replace them with some JOrl ofpeopJe.tcrpeople relatlonshlp. ;; COHN.BINDlT, merrily fielding Wallace's In· creaaingll" tough!toned questions, dldn't realJ.ll make much sense, but he did make Wallace aourut testy and slightly condescending -partlcularl7 ~ they wrangled over whether Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixolf are "intelllgent" -by Cohn-' Bendlt'• definition. • . There was also a. look at the bllllorMlollar ski boom, Commentator Heywood Hale Broun bought himself more than·teOO worth of basic skis, blnir. !ngs, thermal underwear and stretch pants to demonstrate where it begins and the feature moY,: eel on to uplore the boy·meet .. glri attraction& Iii th~ apre .. 1ki houn of the nation's snow spots. Detaril• t'lae Menace . ' -' ·! ,, .. -•• -,. I I \ I . . I I • \ l I I \ .. .. • -· • . w~. F•bruMJ 19, 1'169 • • ' ' ' ,IWIDNIW 6' 't • • • • HIWIOll1 2 1'00l HAUT OP .BELVED~P..E ___ J, • ~ l'Ullf hlart ~ ~ • .itc. • ... • ' ,,.., .. 1'9111 .. -9WIC'f ,fltillw• • IMM!DIAn DRMH s177 s7732 s DH. MO. ROADRUNNER· HEA DQUARTERS ;/ ) . I 1'UJ , iCl<:t.»fCl •• !41 fllll Pl(CI 7 '' WHY PAY MORE .r~ '!'! ~~!A.! ...... "'" 5877 ~,,. pock. 'll'tl1t1w11~ txa 21t1. FUll PllCE fl';Mlol'fft .... lltllto ~ ~ .• t.... ' HI. ....,... Miii. ~fllJlillalSt. IMl!IEDIATI DIUVERY , ·s177 , ,· DH. '69 ·!~~·~~~·''!'.: $ IMMEDIATE D£LMRY : • s11 .... s11 n1c.. ~-,., XHU '2l PLUS.,TAX ·~"S~~, . -·. ' " --- $29 * $29 DH. MO. $29*$29 DN. MO. .113 Ill. YIO.UTH ' hrJ) 4r', H.T .. ~Hit; tl11Nr, •lll•·~.,,...,·11-. (l!YC~) . s4 77 Plu• r.•· ' Lie:. $16 DOwn & $16 Monthly l ~::",;;.~ ..... ~~· ~ ~·:~ ss77· ~1••· '~· , & Lie. $2' Down & $tt Monthly ·88 v.w .. .. . . . ' -, ·--~ .• ' fll81tr, II.IM;. ~1 I t /$'fj17 full i . · i '1lc• $33 Dtwn • $33 ,.,~ •. Any Used Cor With GOW Seti ' .• l . " TEE GOOD FOR 10D DAYS Ol 4;00D 'Mll!S • ' WHICHiVU (OMIS.'fllST ' · '· " All MI "'!*~--·....,_. ~' · ... .. At no c05t 10 yov -hrts « .. bot: on motor ,.,bWWmiJsion 1nd.rt1r end. 1hi~ sill ·slates in writing thlt let Whitt·buir'lnf'Mi'ft Nfror, trlrmftissiOft iftd rttr·end 100~~ agaiMt defects for 100 days or 4,009 ~-· whichmr com. first 1fter AH ""°'lfllr N'IJ'OMll ..... • M "*"" • .......... ~..., .-it. , .... ' I ; ' ' . ! \ I • ,. ' W-ay. f1"""1119, 1'169 11-PILOT-ADVERTJSl!lt . ,• 1{;"· ... ' .f 4 "" . ' . { $177 $51~. DH. MO. ' ' WHY PAY MORI '64 l·B!RD " 1 ••. 11d1p. ,..,iom.111:.. ••dlo, 119D1er, '"Full Price 1f9W., p, br11la, p, Wif'do'A'$. f 'JC'1 Alf. O!..G Ul. '63 BUlCK Rl'tler1 2 dt. Hdlp. A11!1. tr1M .. kl.H,fu'll 'Pr"ICO power 1! .. rln;. brtk.,, windows,, ftdw)I air. TFX ft7. • 66 Pl.YM'. fu.ry· 111 ki77 . ~ d<IQr h1rdlll!J. v-a. 11110., rodle. l!Htw,Full p· -'ce P. \1Mrlng. TlLIU." po '65 PLYM. Fury ID $9 77 2-... 11er.1~ A.r .• 111.H, ,..,_ ,,..,..F 11 Pr'• 0 TNl'1'2. · U C '66 BR VEDERf ITATION INAGON F II p ' V4 ~T., Jt&W. Foci. Air. UMMllSI. u rice °'-"-""1~ '°"· v ... AT -1111.Hfull Price -I'. ltr. NQZ 4:V. ' . I $33 * $33 ~ Oh. Mo. · · $33 * $33 m Dn. Mo. $l! * s~ m. Sl.,~ * S~m -· ~I \, ' . . • • • ' ' ' ' 1 ' I ' ' ' ' ' l " ' ' I I ' { I I • ' , i . . . ' • ' t l ' ' I ' . ' .. ''" ' ·; ' ' 1 . ·• ' • ' . • • • ' . ' l . . ' . J • ' • • I • ·~ I ' ' ' I I I I • • I I . ' . ' ' ' • ' i . ( ' • . ! ' • . . , • . .. " . , , ~&~~s~'t he .Roma·r1 s' Do : >;"", '( tr .. ;· . ... ~·-;. "' • • - • '1 1 J• ••••• • ' ..-; ,1 , 6Cl«J .. , 'e1'1t I • .,., ,~ 19,·lM ' , . .. .. ...__.__ -~ --~-~-----... - H .. D.\11. y !'ft.OT About Your ' ' Problems !y ANN !:ANDERS • Jason Shows Up In Miniskir.t Dl!.Alt ANN LANDERS: Our coll•&• sopho- more daulht• ii Coln& study with a law aludenl Bil name Is Jaacm. A few weeks aco Cynthia wore a pantault and her boyfriend didn't like ll He told· her lo go put on a aklrt. She refuJed. l'lnally he said, "OK. you WI, but thla Isn't the end of' It." Last nllht Juon 1bowed up in IL skirt. My hus- bond anawered the door and almoct collapsed. You can't iml&lne the shock of seeing a 6'1", :000.pound· er In Jmee.,aocb (hairy legs Bhowln&) -welling· a plaid jumper with pleats. WGtn Cyntblli 11'11' )llm •he g11J)ed. Juon areeted her with, 11lt's-a kilt." They loft lo llght It out In private. My.hnabancl !hints Cynthia should not 'have gone wlt4 him. I don't know what to think. Do you? ~HUNG JURY DIAR JURY: It aeuftda like o kllt .. mo, Mo. llame, In which' caH, y .. , lt'1 • respectaMe eutflt. Somewhat unceftvent&enal un'9n wwn te • clan mootlnt.' but ......... ~ ........ -..... DEAR ANN LANDERS: Do yi>u !mow '11at the majority of people In thla coontry are dumb, car. less, lazy and they love lo cbloel? I rellnd jnat In ., time. I don't think I could havt survived. llDOlher " 30 daya of dealing with the lonay American public. AJ the bead of a repair service departmen~ ·" I met just about everybody. Thil la what I learned: AD kinds of people -the well-educated, the lpor- ant, the rich, the poor, the old llnd the young - they all want somethinc for nothln1. Furthermore, " they can't read or they don't want lo. They Ignore !nstructioo1 llnd auume that the ru!H were written ., for other people. They brlrig In electric coflff!nlkera, toasten, irons, portable nd101, rter101 -and they want free service. "It'• covered by the warranty," they announce •• If they have uttered 10n1e ma&1c " word.a. When I asked, "Where la the warranty!" '·' they looked shocked and replied, "I threw It out. I never keep that junk." My nut queation, "Do you have ~ bill of ilale!" produced IUCb re1pon1e as, "Wbo·,do; ;n>d think you're talking lo? Ate you .. try!llg to say I stole thil radio?" I',\ I've been called every rotten name in the book " llnd several names not In aey book. Some people think the dirtier they talk to the 1aiesperaon, the more lntlmlclatod he will become llnd the better their chllDCIS '!f setting something for nothing. '• Please print my Jetter, Ann. Maybe It will shake up a few mW!on people. And it might mate file a liWe eesler !or the unfortunate woman who look my job. -LIBERATED AT LAST DEAR Lii: C-ort ~rlntlnt In ~rekon ,,_ •n<M •re ..,,,.,.,.,,.,,~fy '""-and ..,llflter- lftt. Thia 11 • ne (uatlflcotlon fer olMlolnt aalotJllOo pie, --·· 1NI I hope oll tho rucla ond fhoutht· l ... ....-,. wllt take ...... When rolhantlc &llLDCIS turn to warm embraces is It love or chemlatry? Send !or the booklet "Love or Sex and How lo Tell the Difference," by Amt Landers. Enclose a lont, 1tamped, 1elf·addrt11ed envelope llnd 35 centa In coin wlth your requut, Ann Landen will be Said lo help you wlth your problems. Send them to her In Cll"' of the DAIL y PILOT, enclosing a stamped, 1111 • addressed en-velope. · Arron -·Angle, Honeymoon • Bride North Arrlnl•IJ!enll a( wllllutoc~ Tlprde, Ore. llld ll•dltll deoarot.d the For the double rmc rites, lltar of Our Lady Queen of the bride Hllcted a oeoop- An&els Church Jn NewPort ned<ld c:halllllly lace ion Jkacb. when ... Weddlna VOW! . with a front •llDU pant), ..re exchanfed' • by Su= loor lace aloev• llld chapel Ellllbeth Snyder ind Arron lraln. Her altt l1lualaa veil Scolt An&le. WU C11Jlhl • to a hladpioce Noon rllla were rud by of mafd>lJi& lace, llld her the Rev. Ra,ymond Saplla for bridal bouqael WU ID Ir· the couple, Wbo .,. the '°" ~I of ba ttorf t y and dauihler of Mr .. and Mn. baby's m!~ • n d Rqtnotd w. :r: 0 I Wllriq I velvet llld c:rtpe NtwpOrt Buch Mr. and drw In two ahadN of .,_ ,, Mn. GuNf T. AllCle of llld carrytni a boaquet ol pint Wllltlooa llld babT• brulh, Miii Kalblolll "'1der of Nnport -a-Id her alJter u mald of llano;. In similar enaembles, 1t- tendants were Miss Judy Bifolow and Mrs. Wllllam Slelsner, both of Fullerlm. :GOP Seeks Green Gifts • Hunllnlton V llley Young ' Republlc1111 am lnvlted to brfnl atfll ol ...... bearfnl hta ii!CIUn ond liliied by the U.8. Socntery of tlio ~ when they attend a IUl']li1le per\J foe 0-p Wuhtngton. lloltlnl the blrthdq perlJ' ; will be Mr. and Mn. R.L. " --ond Cf!W>lorlq .-'an tmlted to tbalr '·---81 t p.m. ~.re11.21. Alltn1~0<ln­ tertilod prilplcll" mcmbm aralnTitfdtoallllld. Greg Schneider ol La Habra WU asked to be best man. and 11.!hers were Michael CarlJOD of J"uUerton and Rez Sny<Jer of. Newport B<1ch, -of the llrlde. . Pini<. bolro llld · prlanda were entwiriid ' on t h e slalrcase of the Irvin< Coast Country Club where I be ne•lyweda sreeted It f\ltlll II I ciwl!pline nctptlon. Ml11 Joon !Anti of Whluter drcutated the Pl! book, Whtcll WU • lllped by C.pt. .... Mn. Ted AllCle ol F.dwonla Air ram a., brolller llld alattr-lft.law of tho ~ and Mn. Bertha -of Florid•. -friend of the bride. After ~ lo BJc Sur, the .... Mr. and Mn. A6'lt ha1t eatobllthod lh<lr Nlldence lo 'l'llallo. Ti. brJdl, a arldlllla ol P'1illlrtoii Junior Coll.,., -Id be' AA dotree lo dr6fttn&. Her buaband ncelvod Illa Ba ~ lo lDduatrlat ..,_ inf .,...,. Clllfornta statt COllece II Lona Buch. l ' Ct ·--... .4_. .... _ • '· . . ' Strve chillltl toitA oeafood! ••• W...tt Grey Riuli"11 WiM.,. Stll lt.71. DelicWtu d'l/ wme •.. A""411d RmJZ Pouillv Fuiue ••• 5tk ... lt.91 Super-Shopper Produce Specials! • Art• h ke· Frootlilisedtobringeachtendertiptoitapeakor 6 f $1 . perfection flavor! Don't settle for le!!! than the beat! or IC 0 5 ........................................ . Sunlist Lemons .................... : ......... 19~ Cucumbers ...................................... 2 FOl1r Tangy ahdlpicyl ••• You'U.wan~enongh toaowith filh! Crisp and cool ••• Thin !1ices will be welcomed in your aalad ! · Super·Shopner G1'00£ry Specials! s&w Tiana ............................ ? ....... 3 FOi ar Carnation's Slender .................... 6r Llrht maet ..• chUDk '1tyle .. : for 1alada, sandwicheo ! No. >,J .cana. Ca1orie control in & p1euin&" fashion! AH !Javors! Save 20c! S&W Baked Beans ... : .............. 3 FOi S1 Green Giant Vegetables .... 3 FOi S1 OVen baked ••• New England atyle ! .. ; bi124 ounce cam. Frozen: Nib1et.I, Cream Carn, Mixed VeI. Cut Green Beans, Cr. Spinach! Danish Margarine .................... 3· FOi s1 Stouffer Meat Pies ..................... 4r Borden'• quality ! So smooth ••. apreadable ••• 1 pound cartons. Beef, Chicken or Turkey ..• 10 oz. ot ioodneas in each I Frozen! SIW Apple Sauce .................. 3r Pepperidge Fanns Stnidel.. ... 49¢ Diet Breakfast ......................... 4r Bi1 25 os:. ;al ... saucy GravensUin flavor ! App1e, Blueberry, Pineapp1e-Cheet1el Frozen. Inatant breakfut ••. yet 1ow in calories! SIW AppJe Juice .................... 39• Globe A 1 Noodles .................... 33¢ Fabric Softener ....................... 69" Quart aiu '. .. drink a glass of health! Fine, Med., \Vide ... for CMseroles! ••. 16 oz. Miracle White .•. uve 20c on quart size! Pink Grapefruit Juice ............. 3r LiptOll's Main Dishes .............. 69¢ Friskies Cat Food ............. :. 8FOl '1 A meaJ in a matter of minutes! Variety, too! Ofter your kitty a variety! ••. 6~1:" oz. cans. Texsun ... 46 oz. can ... healthful, delicious! ChelTy Pie .fiHing : .................. :59¢ WoodbUrjs Soap .................... 29• MaiWelfltouSe Coffee ........ :67~ -. Two pound can .•. $1.SS. Thne Jiound can $1 .93. · Comstock'! ••. to celebrate the holiday! Packa,. of ' ngular bars at thlg price I BJrds Eye's Awake ........... 3 ,o. '1 Pie CMt Mix .......................... 23• ~~ tillard ............................. ~9--. . ' All the flavor and vitamin1 of oranp juke; 9 ot. Betty Crocker'a .•. 16\) can'l llllko a finer crnatl Bt, aavinp on tho ' oz. me ..• protec:tion, loo I 'WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY N• 211111c.twyEftN , •• 0~ • This week Sedlan 4 om, ............... ,,. FREE With This Coupon And A111, Pun:haae I El ll(zncho Delicatessen Seafood · Cocktlll Sauce ................................. 39" Sllnr Sprlnp ... dellsht!Ul ....,,t for seafood tovorite1 , , • 10 oz. Sindwich Spread .................................. 2 "' w Oac:ar 111"-Ylr .. , meat spread that wlna approval! ••. 8 oz. Braunschwelger Chub ........................ 2 .. 6r 01C&l' Ma,ar.,. made Jn tho old world manner I,., 8 oa. l. 1· Ii ' I ~ I I I • ' .. .. ' . ' ' " ·. ~ . ~:f : , ~l Rancho Supermarkets this week! Fresh Trout .... 39~ Rushed to us from the icy Snake River t ••• tn.in. wt. 5 oz. Swordfish ........ 79~ ' Thick ste~ks ... serve broiled for a really fine en tree! ·~;Halibut Steak 59~ ;~.:: Ahvu.Ya a favorite ••• and rood served ~o maiiy different ways! ,,...:l-,,, . LARGE c b 69C FRESH ra s. . . . . . . . . . . . "' Lai-se size ••• and, ot course, 'vc'll gladly crack lhem for you! 0. t 89'112 ys ers .. .. ... . ... pl Eastern ••• gourmet treat! Serve them fried ..• or make a atew! ... Sole Fillets ..... 89! Freah! Mild ! , .• even ~pie \vho don't Ji_ke fish enjoy sole! ~S-J:' . ~ ... i;\i ·~~H lib ' fill · : s1 29 F h Lob' t Sl 98 _jf ~; . a ut 1 ets .......... :.. · , ~-res s er .............. lb W estem Oysters ........ 89C ' IJ·~:,~se "S_bake 'h' Bake" ... for easy cookin1! ' $ 29 ~ fresh Sea Bas;s .,'.~.... .. l 1~ ~. ~ehaous i>akoo . . • sene with lemon ·slices. Enjoy gourmet cuisine right at home! Lobster Tails ................ s1~~- Jumbo size •.• split in half. ?I-f in 8 oz. 'ea. Fresh ... unique and tempting flavor! 12~~·)ar. finnan Haddie ............ 89~ As authentic as Scottiah bag.pipes! •• I I l ~ I ··~fresh f erch ......... : ...... 69~ Locally caught and rushed to us ! Salmon Steak .............. Sl 41? '.From the Columbia River country! ' / fr esh Catfish ........... 98~ From the deep south Louisiana bayous! 'Sand Dabs ...................... s1°1?. So easy to serve ... don't forget tartar sauce? Mahi Mahi .................... 89~ Seafood treat from Hawaiian waten ! . ·Pompano ........................ s1sz Great flavor ..• caught off the FJorida Keys! . ' . Juicy and tender! •.. beet at'its .beat ••• , because it's El Rancho's! Selected !or qua!· " ity ... ag-ed nature's way for flavor and tenderness! Jlere's real dinina" delirhtl We WDI Be Open Washklgton's Bh1jlday Feb. 22 ............. : 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. El Rancho Liquor 'Bacardi Rum ........ r1nH ........ '4.99 Amber or Gold ... for exotic mixjnr ! Ql is.19. Old Forester ........ FllT1I .. .. .... '6.19 Straigh t wh iBkey ... for 11ippin', mixin' I Qt. S7.55. Jim Beam ........ Hlll GIL ......... '11.99 Eighty-six proo( ••• low price on bil jur ! El Rancho Scotch ..... rlfTH • • .. • SS.79 Bottled in -Scotland •xclu1ively for El Rancho ! Save 10% on all purchases ••• by the caul Medium Shrimp ......... s1 s~. Lots of really good eating here! Monterey Squid ......... 39~ F'or those with adventuresome appetite.!! Jumbo Shrimp ............. s21?. Big enough to afford real pleasure! Re~ Snapper ................ 79~ Pan fry .•. and serve with corn bread! Fresh! Cherrystone Clams ·: 79~ New England ••. serve on the half shell! Frog Legs ....................... s1 ~!. Real delicacy ••. flavor much like chicken! Littleneck Clams ...... 89~ Scallops ,. ........................ s1 9,!, Have you thourht of serving scallop stew? New England •.• for a hearty clam chowder! ' Abalone Steak ............ s45,? ' Smoked Tuna .............. s1•2 Slice thin •.. .saute in butter ••. serve at once! Smoking adds a very special quality! King Crab Meat .......... s47z Smoked Albacore ..... s1 9! From Alaakan Kinr Crabs .•• the finest! Smoking makes the flavor doubly delightful f /Jiiii lllgnnn Price! in. efft.ct Thur. througk Sun. Feb.lo, tl,lt,%3. No 1ale1 to d..W1. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin· St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 255 5 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena • ' I Weddings, Troths . . .Pilot's Deadlines ' To help fill requirement& on both wed- ding and engagement storl.,, form• are avail- able In all of the DAILY PILOT offloes. Further quelllons will be answered by Social Notes otalf members at 842-4321 or 494-9486. To . avoid d111ppolntment, prospective brides are reminded lo have their weddlng stories with black and white glossy photo- graph! to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or °"'1thin one week after the wedding. 'CT For engagement aMouncement.s it is auagested that tbe story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy p i c t u r e. be aubmitted. early. U the betrothal announce· ment and wedding date are six weeks or l• aplrl, ohly the wedding photo will be ac· cepted. UC Se ries Women Probe For Authenticity By JUDY BUR8T " ..... ,,,, ... Miff can we af!onl .. be gen- uine ! From the momei)l of our birth we are II~ to dlf. fOIJ'lllale ourselves from other -1• or other lhingl. We begin to develop our ego llrtqlh. 'lll.eae were the words of 'Dr. Robert S. David so n , coonllnator of Iba Un!veraity ot. Callfomla'I E z. t en a 1 on Hrlu,DtmeDalcinaolRuman Potential Lilt Friday mornlni be and his woclatel dllCuued lhe concept of !lecomlq AutbeD- ti" '!be 1-'llloo R.iatlomhip. 10 know, control and use things and even h u m a n belngs: in other words, to survive, we mu.st qage in depersonallzine and dehumanillng our fellow men •.. however, the I-It relaUon muat remain subordinate; it is the predominance, not the mere e~tence, of the l·lt that ii the ~ of evil. Following Dr. Davldlon's in- troductory remarks aeveral members of blJ panel be1an cUllenaJng Buber's theories. One clinical poycholo&Jst proteated that there be an I-It relatlonabip, be ca u a e many people early in life 1et fuced In tblJ rolatlonshlp and tt tam growinl to chanit - Dr. Da-""9acod lhe thloriel of V l e .. a n a · b I> r n phlJOl<Jllber Martin B u b • r. wtio hu dll\gl(i!ct ways ·ol YOUNG PEOPLE relattnc. 1"Ibe I-It reJ1tionlhip Many yiJunc people are look· Lt oae ln which I am: itpll'lte iq for the l.'Ibot.1 rel&Uonshlp lnlm lho olher -: I u-. in poyc1-Uc drvll, rtalod porloaoe ·t.bt --;.,I . Dr.--•· Aaollier .,..,. ...._tbaolher-:l'mdll· 1lde~ed lhe I-T h ou fenntlaled fJ;oin lhe olber nlatlonihlp "a . peeling off --" . of facades and 1<WDi down lllJ1IUN CONlllTION· . into ~ ballc, aulhenUc feel-p . 1be l·It ·relationship· wilb · Or. David.son believes that it.. using of other people is an J-'lbou relationship would part of the human condlUon be difficult ln a business set. -it is ptrt of being alive, ting mainly because of the he continued. use of manipulation. Another "In the l·'lbou relationship panel member said, 0 It'• good the other person Js not bUliness that one show con- a e par 1 t e-a 'we'. is ex· sideration for employu, but perienced. We are tn some this is not an I-Thou rela· way a part o~ the same thing. tionship." The Thou as someone we Buber's thinking is pro-mlcht U'uly love, not torneone foundly religiOUI for be sees to UR or manipulate." man as essentt.ily orientated According to Or. Davidson, to God. we need to go back to the During the open dilcusslon I-Thou relallonshlp and lhould it WU llliiest.d that people forpt experleocing ourselves often relate to God tn the u separate from o t b e r I·lt relationship penons. "We must try to be To elabonte, · many people ln a situation where our in their pnyers try tO use God sepuateneu doe1n't e:a:iat. for favors. One of t.be panel Thia, then, becomes t h e members remembered i n clotett form of love." Reno when people would pray In the "WrltinCI of Martin in church and light vigil Buber" the meuage, or heart candles hoping that God would of h1J te1chlng, ls that "nal give them luck ln t h e i r ltfe Is meeUng." Profeuor gambling. Buber maku I radlcal distinc· Uon between the two basic WORKSllOPS attitudes. FollO'llt'i.ng the discussion the RELATION TYPg, '!be two fundamelllal types of relaUoo. of. which men are capable, are upraaed in the primary wwdl l·Tbou and I· It. '!be primary word l·Tbou polnla ..... 1a11oa of --~ a relaUon of reciprocity lnvol.tnc meeting liC --'!be primary word 1-11 po1a11 to a .. 1auon of -to thine. inV111ring 101De form ot ~llzatfon, . dollllnatloo « coolroL Tllo l·Tbou 1<laUon, which Buber uaually deaipa\111 .. "r,llUon" p1r excellenoe. la .,• In ""1ch man ~ •ier oolJ .w1111 Iba wliole ol hll -be· Inf, II a -In< por.. audience brute into a ~ E worDhop groupo of ZO. In Dr. Davl<lson's group the attitudes of therapy Which hav~ been persisting in the previous sessions was the laue of lnt..-..t. "This la not a therapy group but an encounter group," Or. O.vidloo reiterated. 0 We are trying to develop authenticity and different ways ol rolating to each other ... The women began anew. No one WU p!l down. 'Ibey bepn leveling with eac:h other. Honor Caps Ce remony It la a nlatlon, which Bliber feels la poaslbi. for mon to hava not oolJ •wllh ,human belnp, but also wllh aa1Uro ·and lnlolllgeot forms A Huntlqton Be a c h '(art). "Floron<e Nllh~" h aa The Mt Nlatloo, on Iba been c:hoten beat In nurainc .othir ·band, la one that man· _performance In bor c1u1· o1 --not wllh Iba -1talmwi future -In of bll balnJ. Ca1lfonila Hoapltal l!cl\OOI ol · Nunlng, Loo Anpla. 1111111'1 WlllTINGS Mba Carol l'1lr1or accoptad " 'Ille wrltq. also "'4od that her cllll award al Iba trod!· K II ta Illa l·Tbou relatlon Uonal capp1q CU'elDOllY In tllal Illa panan In bll aulhoo-All(<llca Lutheran Cburcb, .,lie~ 1mar111; Loo Anplaa. ''1llnlulh Iba Tbou a man A clUs ol !O fulure ....,., becomes an I." recited the FI ore n c e Authentic human erlJttnce NllhUqale &:,~• and llllhlod la uiatence In 'the l·'Ibou. larnpt, 1ym of a nurse'• But auch la the ....-Id thor dodlcaUiln to 11UV1ct, 1n 11\1 one cannot remain 20th IMU&l ceremony matt.. )>llnWlently In lhe 1-'lllou Ing comploUoo of their fint roiatloo. To ourvfvt, WO need Ill< moolhl ol lralnlq. -----· • l ! ! ft DAILY PILOT Varied Programs Sal ~te Founders of PTA • IEdltor'I NM1 A NM lino! .. lo Co.II lrMM. H.-..n ltKll Mill ~ auc:11 ,., .. , .... ctwr .,... ... , .. ffcir-. wlM ........ It! 1M DAILY PILOT M<.11 wtM. lllforln.l•kwl mvst lie r11«f\IM "' ""' 'IOCt.lr OtiMn"""'' or by .... 111"' Of ~u-"" CDI,, to '°""" Golirtll $rnl!ll, 2012 Ctnhll~ f'ltc:f, ~I llN<ll, by J D.m. Frld1v tot IN,lbllc1!1ot1 Wftnn<llJ ) Adams PTA Mn. Carl Leuck President COti.tlNG UP: Founders Day n1eeting at 7:30 p.m. tomor· row, in the multipurpose room. Girl Scout Troop 146 "'ill lead the pledge llf allegiance. l\1.rs. William li.laMing will present the honorary life membership award. A-tichael B r o w n . political science assistant professor at California State College al Fullerton will speak on Drug A bu s:.-. li.iothers of fifth grade students will host. Canyon PTA l\lr.1. Dennis J\1illtr President REPORTS: Estancia High Scboool VQC:al e n·s e m b 1 e under the direcUon o f Gerald Olsen performed at the Februal')' Founders Day meeting. Past presidents honored were. Mn. John Elledge, Mrs. M a r i o n Hartley and Mrs. Whliam Draganza. Honorary 11 f e membership award w a s presented to Mrs. Dennis Miller by Mrs. Gary·Evans, chairman: Serving on the nominating committee !Ire the Mmes. Jack Webster, chairman ; L. F. Ferguson, Robert Wright, Ro g e r Davenport, and A l f r e d Ducharm. Fourth g r a d e students in Mrs. Andy Mor· row's class performed a square dance program. Colle ge Pk. l'T ,A. 1'-1rs. BurleiO BIU'Sltem President REPORTS : Follrth grid e students' and CUb Pack 39s' . . J Spirit of 76 Pervades art projectJ m1y be viewed until Friday, Feb. 21, at Ora111e County Airport. Miss Mary Jane Mc.Arthur , teacher, and Mrs. Don Bruneau, art cha Ir m J n, coordinated the display • . Sweat shirt sale n e t t e d '"'· CM High PTA l\tn. Omer !per Prfildent COMING UP: Junior-senior Parent Night at 1 :30 p.m. tomorrow. A panel of students, advisors 1 n d coonselors will speak 11.nd answer questions on college requirement.I . . _ Board meetirlg at 9 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, Ill tile b\>m< ol Mrs. Omer Isner. Davis PTA l\lr1. Donald LackJe President REPORTS : Mrs. RI c h a rd Ready to tip their hats to our American heritage are (l eft to r ight ) Ray Aguirre, Ira Saul and Gary Spielberger who with other fourth graders at l\1onte Vista School will present a patriotic program next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. fQr the PTA's Founders Day observance. Units Continue lEdilO<'~ Motr: A ..-111 df~01.,, io F011nl•in v111n. Hunlll'lll'-" &e.cl>. OU.n Vie'#, SNI &.&di 1 n d WfttmJm.11!<'" School dl1l•lct 1>1rtnl· ~l>tr orv1n1z111om wm •PDl•r Jn "'-CAil Y PILOT tlch week. lnhmnt · llan m.,.1 be l"K~lwd by Mn. Wllll1rn Pull0td. 1 '260 51nle Luci., Fo.'"181n V1llt\' by ~ p.m. F•ldlr tor publktlien WldN!tdlr. I Arevalos PTO !\In. 8. J. 'Yorks Presidenl REPORTS : Cub Seoul Pack 408 presented the f I a g ceremony at unit meeting. Past presidenls of the PTO v.·ere honored. America the Beautiful was theme of the program, presented b y school chorus and band. under the direction of Mrs. Arthur Walls and , SCalo n Blonco, music teachers. . PTO and room mothers spo nsored Valentine 's Day Serious Subjects Scrutin ized Raising parlies last week. FV Ele. PTO Mn. William Dunn President COMING UP : Fiesta of Fashions is theme of fashion show Wednesday, March 19. under the direction of ~1rs. Andrew Edwards, In Four tain Valley High School. .4. very serioul top ic will be under discussion b~ a representative of the Hunt- ington Beach Police Department when Hope View PFO meets next Tu .. day al 7:30 p.m. Marijuana is the subject of a fllm and the talk. Co~S>denng the dangers of the dNC use are (Jell to right) W. A. Gerhart. principal; Wendy Wright, •ludent bod1 president, and Mrs . Ray Tannler. PFO president 1 ~ t Ollv• was awarded the booar&r1 life memhenhlp for bet activities w It b -11111 dlairmambJpo In PTA. • Ensi gn PTA Mn. J.IL t- -tnl COMING . UP: Ge a erat meellllg and FClUlldeit Day program at 1 p.m. ·temor· row, in the cafttoriurG. Great boob. demonstraUoo. will be ~led. Kaiser PTA Mn. N..,...EgH Pre:Udent COMlNG UP: Founders Day meeling 11111 baoor&r1 life membership presentation. at 1: 30 tonight, iii t h e mullipurpoae room. Election of officers will take place. Concert and stage band will present the program under the direction of Ken Owen. Stage band won first place at the first Jazz Band Festival at Orange Coa.st College. Kilfybrooke PT A Mn. RGu!d llaywonl President COMING U P : Association meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomor- row , in lhe multipurpose room. Camp Fire Girls will lead the '1ag salute. Fourth grade students will present a patriotic program. Mrs. John Consoli will award the honorary life member1hip. Parade of Nations Honors Students REPORTS: Valentine parties took place in all classroow last Friday. Mariners PFO Robert E. Aadtnon President COMING UP: Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 'J:l, in the home of Mrs. James McCun'"niff , secretary. REPORTS : Mrs. H. B. Ben-- jamin, educational legi.!la- tion chairman, h e l p e d organize the work at tt:e bond el<ction. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gale suved a buffet supper to parents and Earl Bjelland. principal, t o celebrate the victory. Students from other countries who attend Po1nona School were honored during a Parade of Nations at tile PTA meeting yesterday. Representing Mexi· co, Germany and Indonesia are (left to right) Maria program will be presented by fourth grade students under the direction of Miss Dorothea Bramble and Mrs. James Pitton. Mrs. James Moor will award t h e membership. REPORTS : 125 students 11· tended the February movie : selling refreshments were lhe Mmes. David Goodsell . Mark Morris, Robert Lacy and Donald Greene . Testing fourth g r a d e studen ts on physical fitness were the P.1mes. Covel Allen . . . . Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. \Vednesday, Feb. 26, in the cafeteria. NH High' PTA ~1.rs .• Robert Hetiel President Monte Vista PTA A-trs. David Goodsell President ~ichael Hi ll , Ri ch a rd Firchau and Morris. COMING UP : Founders Day meeting at 7:30 tonight, in the social hall. Mrs. J. W. Hemstreet, ways and means· chairman, will report on Dollars for Scholars. Past presidents \\'ill be honored and Mrs. i.!lrry K. P.1ellar Jr. will present the honorar y lire membership. Mrs. Doris Croxon, assistant vice presi· dent of Newport Balboa Sav- ings and Loan, will speak on scholarships available for high school students. COMING UP: Board meeling at 9 a.m. tomorrow, in the teachers' dining r o o m • Nominating committee will be elected . . • Mothers of fifth grade .students wlll host the ice cream social at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25, in the multipul-pose room during the Founders Day and honorary life mem· bersbip meeting. Patriotic Funds FV High PTA Mn. WUUam. Mason President REPORTS: Honorary 11 f e members, the Mmes. Joseph Ditte. William Ma.son and Robert Chamberlain were presented corsages by Foun· ders Day chairman, Mrs. \Villiam Brockman. Panel presentation was Jiven by Mrs. D. W. Brow n i n g, 1noderator; Dltte, parent; !lavid Bufftlgton, faculty; \1iss ~amara Bonnell, \merican Fie1d Service stu- lent; Linda Carlson, Linda ?erry, Rei: Fowler and Eric Hammer, students. Elected to serve on the nominaUng commiUet are tbe Mmes. l)itte, Charles L i p o l , B roc'kman ,Richard Benedict and William Creed, Alternates are Mrs. D. W. ~fohundro and Mrs. Doyle Muwell. Harp er PTA Mn. Chlrle1 Upot President COMING U P : lqspiration Through Hlslory ;., tile theme of unit meeUnc at a tonJPI. Ill tile music room. Founders Day clllinnan, .Mrs. Frederick Voa and .honorary Jlle membenblp cbainnan, Mn. W 111 i am Muon will be featured. Progam U tiU~ Humor and llisto<y GI llcpeT. NomirudlqCGClllllltleewm t.part. . Hope V"iew PFO Mn.R.,n.ler President COMING UP; Urllt meelillg at 7:3> p.m., Tumay, Feb. 25, in the mu!Upurpooe room. Officer Burt Oladwick GI the Hunlinglon Beach Police Department will show the film "Mari- juana" and answer ques· LiON from the parents. Newport Ele. PT A 1\lrs. John Scapple President COMING UP: Try outs for the all-children's talent and art show will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 22, in the school cafeteria. Students from kindergarten through sixtt: grade are in· vited to share their talents : Mrs. P. J. Hall is in charge Rea PTA Mrs. Keith Kellogg Presidenl COMING U P : Association meeting at 7:30 ton igli1. Honorary life presentation and Founders Day program 'It's a Small Wo rld' Spotlight ed Borrowing the theme from Disneyland, Sun View PFO's talent show will take viewers around the universe, vl.a costumed dancers during the presen- laUOll of "It'• a Small World" at 7:30 p.m. tomor- row, at the s c ll o o 1. Representing Holland, Membership chairman will take dues from any parent who woold like to become a member of Ute PFO. Kite contest in March. Spring View PTO lttn. Vernal Day President COMfNG u p : ratltt'l'·:O.UI\ \ Spaghetti Dinner Friday. l\1arcb 14. . .Paper Drive Friday. Afarch 21. REPORTS: Dr. Cli reoce Hall. superintendent of the Ocean View School District told o( the financial problems fac- ing the district and showed the necessity for lht May school bond eJectlon to 1. Acevez first grader; Cornelia Brass, fourth grad· er,,and' Albert Nelwan, fifth grader. In keeping with the theme were international refreshments. will be presented by Mrs . Vernon Schoeder's dram a class. Election of officers will take place ... Board meeting at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25, in the teacher.i' lunch room. REPORTS: Profit from canl.ly apple sale was $27 . St. J ohn Aux . P.1rs. Robert Reid President REPORTS : Heights, weights and eye tests were ' ad· ministered to students in rirsl, second and third grades by Mrs. F r a n k Jancek. health chairn1an and committee ... Joining the eighth grade students on a field trip tour of NBC television studios in Burbank were the Mmes. Thom as Matheus, James Greenwood, George Johnson, Edward Hrown and Paul Doutt. Sr. M. Dolores, principal ; Sr. M. Annunciata and John P. McGrogan a~ .ittended . TeWinkle PTA 1\trs. A. A. JohDSOn President REPORTS : Officers elected lo serve in 1969-70 are lhe Mmes. Robert Sorenson. president; Robert Campbell, Paul Ohlsen, John Michael and Ralph Boegel, vice presidents; Richard Gibbs, and Paul Watson, secretaries, cart Le u_k e, treasurer; Charles Lamb, historian ; A. A. Johnson, parliamentarian, along with Theodore Johnson wbo will serve as auditor. Wil son PTA l\1rs. Fred Simpson President COMING UP: Honoring Our Founders meeting at 1 p.m. t omorrow , in t h e multipurpose room. REPORTS : Room mothers. assislants and Mrs. Jerry Sturgeon, room represen- tative chairman, hosted Valentine parties for all classrooms. F_rance and Japan are {left to right) Michele Sob- n1ck, Susan \Valder and Debbie La Buff. Besides dances, the program also will feature magicians, solos and commercials, according to Mrs. Don Presley, show producer . parent.s at unit meeling. Jo'ifth and sixth g r a d e creative drama e I e e t i v e classes gave choral readings of "The Highwayman" and "The Gettysburg Address." A play. "The Cupid Com· puter'' was presented jn behall of Valenllne'1 Day. Village View PTA Pttn. Robe:rt MCIOl"Oud Presldent REPORTS o Brownie Troop 104 presented the nag ceremony at unit meeting. Foundert Day s~it and folk dancint was presented b7 t lt e studenLs:. ------~ -----~------------------------------------------------------------- " Ho roscope .) ~·. ·Pisces: D.ig for Informa tion THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-April 19): Pressure c o u 1 d m o u n t resulting in fatigue. Key ls to apply lessons of relaxation. Cycle remains high. You can handle challenge, responsiblli- ty. Realiie this -have confi- dence in your!:ielf. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Degree of privacy is required. Don't be alanned if you learn that older individual has been telling ta;es. Be lenient. Key ls maturity. Study details. Plug loopholes. P r o t e c t yourseU ln clinches. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Some friends conl&S baJic needs, requirements. Be con- siderate, fair but finn. Realize people want aid, not charity. Your attitude is important. Don't embarrass one who con- fides. problem. CANCER (June ii.July 22): Duties, responsibilities take time. Avoid fUllh tactics. Means be thorou gh. Career, reputation could be on the line. Show that a bit of (!Vertime will not discourage you. LEO (July 23-Aag. 22): Be patient, especially where uni- que legal procedures are con- cerned. Don't jump the gun. Know that you must work within framework of regula· tlons . Look ahead. Vll\GO (Aug. 23-Sept. 23): Payments, colleetlons a r e personal leg work. Go dirC(tl)'i spotlighted. Not wise today to source. Check nameS( to accept money responsibility figures. belonging to another. Be sym-~ pathetic without becoming in· CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan: volved. 10): Give attention to property UBRA (Sep!. 23-0ct. 22): matters. Old Irritations coold Some alliances cannot stand come to fore. Be to lerant wit~ test of time. Know th at this those who secrn 10 b 1 is day which separates true repeating thenlselvC$. Visit friends from fair-weather froni individual out of past variety. Accept facts. Don·t is indicated. distort with wisl)ful thinking. AQUARI US tJan. 20·Feb. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 18): Trip could be dclayc~ You would be wise to play No need to rush or panic. subordinate role. Permit What you need is available. associate, co-worker to bask You need not reach far afield. in spotlight. Bide your time. Deal with the fa m 11 i a r ~ Realize rest, recuperation are PISCES (Feb. I~March 20J: necessary. Don't force issues. Be strict where borrowing. SAGITFARIUS .(Nov. 22· lending enter picture. Guard Dec. 21 ): You get warning security, possessions . Someone concerning risks. Be sure may be trying to g e t rather than sorry. Don't gam-something for nothing. Dig for ~FF Td "r Ht PARTY'_: The Baltloa Bay Club'will be the destinapon next Friday eveniIJg for member; of t.pe Thursday Morning Club of Newport Beach and 'their husbands, when t~e a11n'aal dinner dance is planned. Pink and white cherry hlossoms will change the season from winter to· spring for, the . evening, and lighted hurric~ne lamps wiU1 com .. plete the mood. Anticipating the evening ·of lestivi· ties are (left to right) Mr. and 1.frs. -Howard MitChell and Mr. and Mrs. James Lee. · la gu n·a Women Sa mp/e 1~cbiii10.iijon~j·.,bhiiiili·',Y~~·l·-·0o'iiheiiir:ii,j'~· jjijv.~liiidiliiniifoiii,miiaiii!iiii·",· iij;Doiin~··~"" I• ~ sa~isfied with the superficial. Coeds' Culinary Efforts Culinary efforts of the Laguna Beach High School Home Economics Club wlll be tested by the Business and Professional Women's Club of Laguna Beach during a dinner in the school at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. Chr~topber will ~her re- cent trip to South America. PIANOS • O RGANS FAMOUS BRANDS COMPETITIVE PRICES we'll meet all pr!cesU . . . RENT A PIANO CAREFULLY No time limit! No RECONDITIONED Guys, Dolls Celebrate Washington's Birthday Cherry Blossom T/me Coming to Bay Club Mrs. Maurice Van Dyke, world affairs chairman, has planned the dinner which will be prepared and served by coeds under the d.lreeUon of Miss Roselma Mess man, in- structor. Reservations may be ob- tai ned by caWng Mrs. Edna Carmichael, 494-2665. Fashion Predicted . . obligation to buy. • • USED credit ii you do. PIANOS NIW ANKRUM'S USED 2064 S. MAIN -SANTA ANA e 546-4800 701 $. HARBOR -FULLERTOfol e 871 -4326 · 11 YEARS IN SANTA ANA Washington's Birthday will be celebrated by Guys and Dolls members of the Riviera Club wllen they dine and dance to the music of Danny Orton's Combo in the new Towers Book Group The Book Discussion Group of Newport Beach Friends of the Library gather the last Wednesday of the month in Mariners Library at 10 a.m. CM Au xiliary The first Thursday of the month, members of the American Legion Auxilia ry, Costa Mesa Unit 455, gather ln the American Legion Hall, at 8 p.m. restaurant, Laguna B e a c h next Saturday evening. Reservations and further in- formation a b o u t the event n1ay be obtained by calling to.1rs. Ritchie Wilson. section chairman, 494-5188. Other activities awaiting Rivierans include an outdoor sketch lesson, followed by luncheon for members of the club's Creative Living Section at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25 in the Newport Elks Club. Mrs. Rock Duitman. section chairman, said participants, dressed casually, 'vil\ bring supplies in their c ho s e n medium. Reservations and furth er in- formation may be obtained by ca!ling Mrs. Wally Taft, 494-6483, or Mrs. Betty Rowan, 548·5981. Spring has to be just around the corner )¥hen pink and white cherry blossoms start appearing. They will blossom next Fri· day evening in the Balboa Bay Club when the Thursday Morning Club of Newport Beach has ils annual formal dinner dance. Guesls will appear on the party scene at 7 p.m. for a no-host cocktail party, then will enjoy a prime rib dinner at 8:30 p.m. Music for after- dinne r dancing will be pro- vided by the Warren Saylor Orchestra. The cherry blossoms will be in the form of topiary trees provided by the Cerebral Palsy's Young Adult Training Cente r which will be placed SPECIAL DATE -Valentine's Day this year waa extra' special for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amburgey, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They were feted at a party in Sunlight Convalescent Hospital Amburgeys Saluted .. At .Party CharJes Amburgey asked his wife, ~osie. to · be his Valen- tine llll!it "Friday and she con- sent<d. It was the .60th time !or the couple to be Valentines ' since their Feb. }4 marriage jn 1909, "°nd Ute spedal wed- ding ~nf:versary was inarked at :e~ VaJenUne party in SU ' Convales ce nt lJOlp • Costa Mesa, where . they t.ow reside. Seated before a huge heart inscribed with the hospital pa- tients' names, Mr. and Mrs . Amb9fgey received the con- gratulations of more than 100 guesta, including one of their sons and several daughters·in- law. A program of songs !old &he story of their lives, begin- ning with their courlshi11 and marriage in Kentucky and continuing through the birth cir tbelr 14 children, 49 grandchildren, and 59 great- grandchlldren. After the'\ program , refresh ment5 Of punch and beaft..sbapcd cookiea were en- joyed by the honored couple and &11<111. SEBYING TBAYS $10·95 ;10· ...... • · Cllolee .r w.. pnooeal .i-... all henilr p)•ted whh pure lilYer and ttylod with ~eli- ate ~g aud •pplled Godl<ion border. ' +THE'iNT!!ffNATIONALSILVERCOMPANY SLAVICK'S J t wllttt Si11c1 It 17 Your Cfl1191 Accou11t 11 W1lco1111 , •• l•n~A1111rlc1rd, M11t1r Ch1r91, lot 18 Fa 1hion I.land Newport Beach -644~ 1380 1· • throughout the party room and softly glowing h u r r i c a n e lamps, also provided by the center. will further set the mood. Because this is World Af- fairs Week for the group, table decorations will feature flags of all nations. Proceeds will go to the Scholarship fund. A peek at what is ahead i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for 1969 in fashions will be af- forded members of the ladies Society of St. Luke'.s ortbOdoZ Church of Orang~ County and their guests when ·they attend Design for '69 Saturday, Feb. 22. ·- CUSTOM MADE ,FIREPLACE SCREENS INSIDE ANO CORNER MOUNTS Coordinating plans for the event is Mrs. Leslie C. Reynolds and assisting her are Mrs. Mario C. Pacini, decora- tions chairman, and Mrs. Ivan W. Sturgis, hosp it a Ii t y chairman. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Robert S. Wilson, 644--0446 or M r s • Robert T. Burbank, ~3529. Mrs. Emily Stricker will preside over the meeting, where speakers will be travel- ing club members. After gathering for a socla1 hour at 11:30 a.m. in the Sad- d.leback IM, Santa Ana, they will enjoy a luncheon at 12:30 and after tha t f a shions coordinated by F I ore n c e Smales. Music will be pro- vided by the Barry Perry Complete Line of Fireplace Accessories ·:· Written on next month's club calendar is a brunch and lecture in the Balboa Bay Club with Tom Franciscan as guest speaker. Mrs. Robert D. Smittl will preside at the March 13 event. Miss Bea Whittlesey will tell of her visits to Business and Professional Women's Clubs in New zealand, and Mrs. Elga Membership Treated Well Orchestra. - Proceeds will help lumlsb the· new center on D.mklee Avenue In Garden Grove and 1 alao will be used for. the church building lund. ' Mft. bi our on foclory ONE WEEK DELIVERY Call for frff estimate • Complete Une of Gas Flame loCJs NB Auxiliary Members will r e c e I v e. Are.a women uslatlng wlth specia l t r e a t m e n t when preparations are Mn. Ral~ Laguna Beach Chapter, Order Turney of Costa Meaa, ~ ~f the Eastern Star mee!S _ lions, an~ ~-George·,,...... 1n· the Laguna Beach Masonic of Hunun,t9p ·~ ~ Hall next Fri.clay ~t 8 p.m. Anyone Wtshlng-l'elel"VatlOm -'Santa Ana Tent and Awning Co. ~ 2202 S. MAIN 545·0491~ Newport Beach Police Aux- iliary gathers the last Tuesday ...of the month at 7:30 p.m. Location is available with Mrs. Robert Wheeler, 675-1 1.29. J'.'or the oo:as1.on, several may c!lfl Mn. David DaiileJs, , officers have invited regular 838--lG members to fill their stations. • •I SANTA AHA ;:.1 -l\i"!!!_~J I Wo1hlngton'• llnltdoy Special! : Let us Capture Your Child I in a ProfessionaJ Portratt Our talented photographer It a spedohtt In capturing yovr chnd'• f>frt0l'laJily in a fin• portrait you'I trea.- ur• always. Memory fad11 ••• but a portroff pm'"" for.vet th. precious, flffting moments Of ch11dhoocf. Come in now •• ,and you can charge It at P1nney'1I THIS WEEK ONLYI 95 • ONLY l lf , ••olltlful 11•14 ,,..,.,r.,h lll'ULLlltTOlf HUllfTllflTOlf llACM JllWl"OJ;T llAClf Ot•llMfelr Ceftftr H\lnflntlotl Ctnter """"" lllal'lf 2rlCI "°"· Vl-00 IM "-•.,_mt .... ,..,..~ &u.l!!H• BY GEORGE • • • TIME FOR A SPECIAL BUVll MEN'S AND WOMEN'S WATCHES AT A SPECIAL WASHINGTON$ BIRTHDAY PRICEI Many· Moro! Take your time from • ".aut fine Jewelry 0.partment, we've , 80! all the time In the world! All the 1avlng1, taof Isn't that Jhe ttuth, George? ONLY CH.QOf.lf AF YOUR l'IHHfY'S 11Hf JIWftRY Dfl'AllTM ENT s,..dotal111 ....... Dtci .... ~"' a.11iei.111tlflt, .,.,... .......... SfrylciN, ' . • • FUUHTON HUNTIN•TOH HACH • NEW~T MACH Orange Cenf•r H"rttln9ton C•tner Feshion lsltnd • Harbor at E-din91r at Ma cA rthur at Orangethorp• ·s,. D1090 Fw'f. Poclft• Coett ~ ' • • • :'I r , ' ------------~-------·--------------------~··-··-~ .............. -~-. .. Nll.YPll.OT ' ........ ,.....,,.1', 1969 . • l f .. • .. ) .., co south cotri ph 11a, san dleg~ freeway at brist~, costa mesa: 546-9321, t \ .. l ,, ihtroducing Miss For.Cast ... ' a new . shop with timeleu fashion Here, now! A new shop. For women in liulineu; whose horizons are.ex- panding. For wives of young executives who want to ·dresa for their hws- band's potential. A .gpthering of · <;ontempormy fashion •.. lreeh, lively, timeless, Glothes'meant lo be v,:orn. By you. Forty.19.nin'etf dollan!. • t. . Fram. Don ~ Spring clie<;):• of .aisp rayop. with !he look of !~en. Sizes. 8'16. Left,\G<predsely shaped bodice 'With.a:mtcwed patent belt, gored skirt;· bk'ldt and "White; 50JJO, · Righ~ !he in-vest tied over one- piece dress, patent and' ch'ain,lielt, black, white with net vest, 68.0IL may co miss forl.cast 1!9-all'l7 storeil inclu<jing:ne"w-1"fay Co .Carlsbad order by mail or phone MA 6-3535 . shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm ~ 1 , I -~--~------------------.,-,=------- D~veloping Space Fare Challenges :_Air Force Dietitian • d7 JiANNE L~EM Captain O'Hara said it's crumbing. And beef in gravy and sausage patties were too rehydrate lbese foods with ·• And no lllght before Apollo titian, who is based at Brooks fi~~-,..., hard to tell bee( stew from and beef 11tew also are ess-dry." special watergun, Ulen knead hadbotwaterforbeverages. AJr 1'~orce Bue, San Antonio, tort to have space 'plJob: •t the foods !or a specuted ~ 1 of time before tako«f, so ' they can famlllarl.u them- selves whh It, decide what they like and have a voice ln , the frequency with which pa"' ticular items will be on the menu, she said. NEW JYORK (UPI) barbecued beef bites when enUallv the same, she added. She added that bite-size the packages to moisten the .. You drink coffee at about said airmen there Wte test MealUm4f boredom can be # foods are desirable b o t h dangeroUI for astronauts, says they're boUt in com pressed The researchers have found because of chewy texture and food . 190 degrees, but the waler foods being considered for an Air force dietitian whe> forpt.. ~oth )Jl'e nfade from . some foods .tba1 don't lend the saving they represent in A typical n1ea: on Gemini for making lt before the Apollo space fiJgbts . The m en helps de•elop and plan meals ground, shredded or diced themselves to bit-size treat-meal preparation time. They flights sounds not too bad -flight was just warm -about generally spend XI days at for spacepien. beet then mixed with gravy ment. also increase caloric density beef pot roast, toasted bread 80 degrees,." said the dietitian, & (une ln the program before Capt. )lay O'Hara , 8*)'.s. and ~fied. All wch food · ~·eom chowder and corn and take little storage space. cubes, pea bar, pineapple The present astronauts ap-returning to theit regular astronau(s ne~ m~~ • is t'Oaiel:I· with "a protein fat bars didn't work, because the The astronaut saves lime cubes and tea. But the sollds parenUy have litUe to say mess. n u tr I t I o n lo ma.J.ntain substance lo keep it from kernels didn't always l!iOften, because he doesn't have to were all freeze-dried tablets. about their meals . The die-Authorities hope in the fu-e£ficienc;. Captain O'Hara1-====-=-=~::_::..::::::_:::.:.::..::::...c:.=-c__:__:::__::_ ________________________________________ ~.------ spoke at the Grocery M a n uf1Fturer1J' AsSoctatlon · : forum md also di&Cussed · space rate during 8n· loter- view. The dietitian estimated' that · astronaut, nee4 l+QDl 2,700 lo Z,900 calories a_ W per Jn<\fl. ''They , u s ~ · Consfderable energ~ becau·~e of weightl~ness in space:•· she ; said. "When they 're b!Jsy, they . have a str.ess situation -'this requires ·rood energy because tensions burn calories. "U a man gets involved ln some -task, he's likely lo push fooc:I aside il it, takes .. , too long to eat. 1r 'c8uld tfltif from 45 'minutes t8 an hoi.ir to eat a 11QC1 to 800-eaf9rie meal. Mealtime mono~ is a reaJ,. _.,._r threat orrlong tri~··'she said; because only 50 '9"-60 food l·tems bav~ been developed so ar that 111eet the criteria' 1 · space mtJ}s. "Food bas lo be pretty bland so it won't cause intestinal trouble. It must be stable for Jong perlxfs without refrige- ration. • "It n~s high fat bUt low roughage.or· cellulose content to provid,f maximum nutrition. But you Can't add too much fat because the body can't tolerate it "Some ·bite-sized foods now used are· sweet because we had to get as many calories as possible into high density items. But the men tend to get tired of sweet foods." AU. VONS . STORES OPEN WASHINGTON'$ BIRTHDAY , .. , JKIUllellS ·-saturdey *Fu,..,.,22 f(~/ Chedc these • E"'1a Specials! lOW EVERYDAY PRla5, ADVMTISED SPECIALS, PLUS BLUE CHIP STAMPS! CHUCK STEAKS Rib or F~:nily 89 49f. ....... 7Jc a.to.· .. Smllopl OUp& '~ "°" ..... ate Fried m... af P•da .--s nor. ftG. 39- Tureli: lnodfld Veal Cot..,_ ........... u . 9So Limited storage space re- quires food small in size, but with high nutritional content. Meals bf,ve to be wrapped in OexibSe material that is impervioUs to both moisture and atmospheric pressure of five pounds ·per square inch. All the ,foods used in space flights so• far are either bite- iize or rehydralable. Decorative CHERRY PIES S?~· 69! Gra~am Crackers . ·Yins........... °'""",_.ca.a Whipped Butter flaESIDE SUGAR·HOHfl' J.lJ. IOX, SAVE 4c lElSEY~D. GRADE M FIRST QUALITY 29c 59c Newest decorative fashion! Embroider in crewel wool - red, brown, green, gold tones. Everyane will admire pillow, chair seat in unusual, all-over embroidery ·filled in by satin , stitches. · Pattern 7 I J 9 ; transfer 16 x 16", color chart. FIFTY CENTS (coins) for each paLJern -add 15 cents for each:t>attem for first-class mailing and'"special handling ; otherwise third-cla ss delivery will take1hree weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks the DAI- LY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Prial NAme, Addrns. Zip, P1ttem -Number. Giant, n·ew 1169 NeJllflecraft Catalog - over 20p designs to choose, 3 free patte{Jls printed inS~. Send 50 'tents now. NEW!" "50 INSTANT GIFI'S" .-fabulous fashions, toys, decorator aCcessories. Make it today, give it tomor· row! Ideal for all occasiooa. SO cents .. "11 Jj(fy Rugs" to knit. crochet, ,..eave, sew, hook. 50 cents. Book of t! Priie AJgban1. $0 cents. Bargalft! Quilt Book l has 16 beautlful patterns. 50 cents. M:111edl Qal1t Book 1 - patterns 1for 12 superb quilts. 50 cenls; Book S. ''Qalltl for Today's Uvlna:."·15 patterns. 50 ctnts. Wh ite Wa sh · .. ~§T::.~!~.~~~ ..... !9~. Vienna Sausage %-U:. T\11 OOJCIOUS HORMEL 2 : 49' A.OZ. CAN • •••. COUPON I••• • 001.iBLE liLUE CHIP STAMPS • • ~ith ·this coupon on the total • • a·~ount of ~ny ·purchase excfud-• in9 liquor, tobacco and fluid • •· milk products . I coupon per I • customer. COupon 9ood Th urs- • day thru Sunday, Februa ry I 9 • • lo Februa ry 23. • ••••••••••• voNS . AN LOllON • DIODOUJtT itNCLUDES 5c OFF. C . ti.RGE..... 53 ' 'fXOA Sl'l'CW..--. , , ' JDGUIS iono11·---~=77' ANACIN TAllllS ___ ,_,,, __ ~66' frozen Food Best Buys! T;._.o,-Jui<• -·~,,,...,,-.. ..-•• !Ilk #"'°"'9111~-GOID•..m:NJi. _ ••. ., •• -:11~ c;;..,'tl'iaaP~.....,,, n.•-.-a .0. 55c f tlod o..c.. Ringl _........, .. ~-· -·--7k SlllPLE SlllOI nurr l'IU "' 33' """"" l'IAt ll, OUfl.fQf ~ t"Ul"IA... ,_n ..t·s.rtions ~19 .... ;_,,_.Cl&Y 99i1o • o.h.x•llNltr ... -••..•... CICY $1.99 I BAIANiil fresh Peas ::"~ 19~ M ':.~:"JOc , NewPotatoes ~~·10~ W i:~x !2 Fancy Dates .'::~ 39c PILLSBURY FLOUR '··~·. ,.• .. -... , ... ~~~TOMATO CATSUP x. llich1 Zesly, ~ Spiced Just Righi ... ~ ~··•1.-• ....... r-• .. ~' '· .· .••. Hew!VEGRABLES _. IN Bumi.SAUCE , 6/~ West Poe • Frozen \!~ J .R'f P£As, cur Cotl:N, CUT fKO. fJ &EANS, MIX!D VEGETAllES ,/ ' • • PLAY VONS TV GAME "Wiii WITH THE STIRS" ~~~~·-WED. 8:30 P.M. ll1Ll·5 [Fr_esh ]LEG O' PORK [A'>l!RN f l I •<At<' ~tll 55 Bull Ind or 59 ;.. fb Whole Leg ,.,. BONELESS I SKINLESS 1AYUN lllM UNK SAUSAIE foomotJohn $J 11 fctrm.,.J"'-2"' Wt!Oll HJ.14 .,, UI, ~ lL l'ttQ. .. ,, ,. y- ioM&.. l4oin ,......," lOIH. MAii ..... .,, U.$1.2:9 Swift's rl'lfllf1.1M. Sliced ~ i.i.,, ~, • 6911 loq Mop&. Slitecl '-" HI. tt.Gi. "' .,,,, 6fe o-t NMyd SliCllCI 8-1'1 u..uw, 1.11. l'CGio ~ 0-Miry ... WaM Thi" lacon 111.-. •c , 1~1. PKG. , . ' ' .. COnAGE . Mmarella J BEEF CHEESE , Cheese· ~ SALAMI =:::::.. 31c ~ ::':':::::'-... 4·. 5c ::;;:::::~M~ 55c IO~<.lllAilllA. n. CIC, u. fllU. CllfU& t' ~.'' IJ.Cll. Clldl ...., _____ ...,ail' 'PQl.PJQ.~flC. /V/OZN/S7 ~·-~MARGARINE '"--. . . w-,-.p~ ·' , ·~ : , •• r ·.,~-• •• • . Van de Ka mp '· FROZEN • a.o z. PKG. FANCY APPLE JUICE. ·~Seneca, Delicious · iresh Fniil f/avorl . 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington 8"cli 17950-~, Fountain Val' -~·---------·----------~ ------------------ . I I I l I ~ I ( ~ I I Art Le~gu e to View • Kennedy Sculpture The COsla Mesa Art League tourjng the United Stale::$. will explore the medium of Lingering at the sculpture portrait sculpturing when Mrs. displays, she b eca m e . Cloria TerTy Pugsley or Cor-fascinated with the medium on.a del Mar is guest speakp' and later purchued clay and Tuesday, Feli. 25 at 7:30 v.m. ~Ls and campleted a portrait ~ in Adams Ele.qM!ntary Sch~I. ' bust of her·~ges~· '!laughter. Costa Mesa. · Her work waa brought t.o Mrs. Pugale)o will bring w1th · the attention of Hungarian her the recently commissioned sculptor Ft!renc Varga, who portrait bust of the late Sen. offered her instruction for two Robert F. Kennedy ·and ii, years . w~e she attended lustrate her talk wit.h Colored Detroit Institute of Art. Varga · 1UM · _ ~"" • taught her wood and stone • • ~ carving and lnOuenc:ed her in · ~~-'tif!"Jt! ie:fott~ tbe ' personal commitment of bronze ~. the artist worki~g wlth ~ at u r a I will express!.. her feeling that matenals in rtt0gruuble farm art • should haVe a profound rather ~an mutations ol form. connection with tile a n d A native of . Gu~ S~gs, hunian 'ideis Tex .. she studied journalism .• · at Texu St.ate College for Portrait ~pture.. bolds-~· ·v;omen a:nd tbe University of speclal ·fascination for me, Houston and :wrote gourmet the ~tress said. "It's like, "COlumns ,"and· petsonallty prti-- .a !roztn memory, the ca~gbt {tiles forsevetal Southern moment, the p e r so n a I ,. t Y ' Callornia 11~spapers a n d bared. ~ can .one .better magazin~. 4 express his encounter w1\h the:. Mrs Richard tnaram presi- ld.,,. • e ' wor · ~dent of the art league, will Mrs. Pugsley's interest in introduce the· s c u.J p t res s I sculpture was '!:wakened when follow ing a ·brief business she visited a museum while session. Ye Olde Pub Posts Hear Ye ! I-fear Ye ! The UCI faculty and stall inembers and their wives have been sununoned to appear at the pub (faculty club) on that hallowed· campus on the 21st day of February at balf- past eight in the evening for an English Pub Party. Be it further known that beer and sand· \viches will be served to those obeying the summons and presenting themselves at the aforementioned place at the proper time. Furthennore, let It be proclaimed that games and group singing will: lend a rollicking spirit to the evening's festivities. For those who are concerned, all pro- , • ceed~:l'lill bf gj~en to. the Creative .Santa Ana Day:cate 'Cehter. In Santa Ana, a fav- orite philanthropy of the Irvine Facu1ty·StaH Wives, sponsors of proclaimed event. Mod dress wtll be vogue for the evening, according· to the wishes of the committee members. the Mmes. James Delany, chair- man, and Spencer Olin, Paul Condon, E d· ward K. C. Lee, Leo Keller and Douglas Mills. Anyone wishing to make further inquiry may telephone Mrs. Delany, 642-0398. • t 1: ~ ••. :,J, .. c PLEASING THE TASTES -Two avences of pleasure will be opened n~xt Fri-'f day evening when members of Pacesetter Chapt er of Childrens Asthma Re- HB Juniors Encourage "'"''°''""" .... -.. "'"''""" .... , ... _,.,.,, . ._._ .. f Mus ico I Tau r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiF.I City Bea uti ication O!'gan stylist Eddie Paddock AUTO search Institute and Hospital enjoy their annual wine tasting party and art i show. Selecting favorite wines and art works are (left to right) the Mmes. ~ David Sandor, Philip Randleman and Mark Millard. City beautification is at- tracting the attention of lhc Huntington Beach J u n i o r Woman's Club. Mrs. David Stecltbauer and f.1 r s. Ken Anderson participated in the City Coun- cil meeting concerning the an· tilitter law now in effect, and Juniors wrote: letter~ en- couraging the council to preserYe the fresh-water lake at Talbert and Goldenwest A venues to provide outdoor facilities for the com1nunity. ... i Taste Buds ~To Tickle I Wine and art wijl be a happy i combinatioo next Friday even· ing when members of the Pacesetter C h a p t e r of ·ti Childrens Asthma Research I Jnstitute and Hospital gather for their annual fund-raising .,;event. .5• While viewing works of art I 1by area artists, including oils, {•stitchery, metal. wood 1f. sculpture and pain Ung on wood, chapter members and $;their guests will sample a --·l:t ,.. ........ Peering Around •' Under the direction of J\Jrs. Ted Reddick, conservation chainnan. Girl Scouts from community troops 1645 and 1160 will be joined by other girls to help collect the debris from recent rain storms al MISS 1t1ARY ANN Green ceremony in Our Lady of Mt. the city's state beach. Any entertained $0 guests in the Cannel Catholic ch u r c h , gi rl interested in joining the home of Mrs. Mary Hill to project may contact Mrs. honor the !onner J\.tiss Hillary Newport Beach. Reddick for· additional in- Hutson who was married to Special guests were Mr. and formation. Bruce Pedy last Saturday. Mrs. Jack Oechsel of North In recent months the Juniors Juniors now plan to provide a tree for l\-1urdy Park in cooperation with the lVomen's Division, Ch a n1 b e r of Com· me rce. Mesa Seniors Champagne was serv ed Hollywood, her godfather and have placed Johnny Horizon from 6 p.m. until the buffet sponsor; Mrs. Andrew Bailey liller bags for cars in ar~a supper at 8. Gaily wrapped V of Ba Ibo a . h er service st ations, and through gifts were piled high on the grandmother; Mrs. E. E. the efforts of t\-trs. Richard Comm un It y Recreation living room floor. Watson or Kingwood. \V. Va .. MacGregor, a club member, Center at Orange County Four round tabels sealing her gr eat·graa dmother, and Boy and Cub Scouts were con-Fairgrounds is the scene of 12 guests were set for dinner : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bailey tact ed to assist the Juniors acti vity when Cosla Mesa each was centered with a VI of Dana Point, her aunt in removing 400 campaign Senior Citizens meet at 11 ·will conduct a Musical Tour of Disneyland for Lhe Woman's LEASl.N G Club of Laguna Beach in the \Voman's Clubhouse at 1:45 p.m. next Friday. P a d d o t k augments his musical story with costumes, effective lighting and in- formative narrative, selting a picturesque scene for each musical interlude, according to Mrs. Robert H. Hull, publicity chairman . A tea following the program will be hosted by Miss Alice ·Ledger with the assistance of t\-irs. Maude Dumont and l\frs. J. W. Lansdell. AU Makes 1 ...... ,1.1 1969 Thunderbird 4 Dr. Landau Sl l ,.00.,_r 111•11fll CORT FOX LEASING 224 D· W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach, Calif. 642.8.440 For4 Authori11d L•11in9 System Guests may participate bb.Y~~~~~~~~~~~ purchasing a ticket for $1. = a variety of wines. ' fi The Newport Medical Plata ~l\'&S chosen to ht the selling ' for the 7:30 p.m. affair, which . will benefit the CARIH prcr gram in Denver. candelabra tied with spring i:=a=nd=unc=I='=· ========po=s="='=s·=========·=·m=. ::•::v'::'::Y=Tu~esd~•=Y=· ==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ blossoms. Greeting the guests were 1111"5. Forrest Smith Sr., the honoree's great-grandmother; rt1 rs. Clement Lang Hirsch, her mother ; Mrs. Hill ; Miss Green, and the new bride. ~ Anyooe wishing to purchase ~f,!1.ickets may call Mrs. Phillip ~andlem&n, 545-3749 or Mrs. ·~.::David Sandor, 833-11.00. ,,.. ·~ "' '• ~ Auxil iary -; American Legion Hall in :):osta Mesa is the setting for ~eetings of the Auxlliary to , :,11arracks 1249, Veterans of •World War J. The first Tues- • -!Jay of each month members '"lather for a business session :~.)t 7:30 p.m. and the third ~Tuesday for a social and ;.Potluck at 6 p.m. A BUFFET luncheon In honor of Miss Ma ur e e n Murphy took place in the Ne wport Beach home of her parents, Mr. and Mr s . Humphrey ~'. Mu rphy last Saturday. Miss Murphy received her confi rmation during a morning Nearly Everyone 'Listens' lo Landers FINE JEWELERS f OR THREE GENERATIONS NEWPORT BEACH, 3412 VIA UDO ........... ......... ~ -· OUT OF BUSINESS Everything Is On Sale!! • OFF ·REGUCAR PRICES EVIRYTHING MUST GO! Marian's 14 ,,_SHION !SU.ND NIWl'OIT C:INTll n LIPHONE '44'lH2 NIWPOIT lllACH, CALI,, EVERYTHING MUST GO! ·------------------------------------------- TO LOOK 18 lll'IUNG The (relh lilaa amen dletr nost:allia in the ftower lhop ..• a box of kites ~.1ou a brttze will 90U' them hiKh into ,..-bite billowy c1Cud1 and hlUe aki,rs. You aaunier through the 1U1ter brliade past Gl"ttCe'I dry aperitif Ouzo and -.,.,,,. gin and· the wander!Ulf. bul? bites you. Mele Kol Haw.Han Coconut snow almost brln;11 yol: home, but you rbllSt pause a moment to alp a famous Snow Cap or pe~1 a cup of Moose Milk or wb ip up a TropicaJ Milk Toddy \vith l heaplne teaspooM at Coconut Snow, plus a glass of milk, plus nutme& • • • A can of Cooonut Spo\v tboqld be a rpusteroo ~every ptfl'- me! cook~•_. -e-rlment)hg shelf. Ttie nauntina blend,•ot coconut, sugar, egcs and ji;. vorings does wondrous tJ\b!a• ·to custards, pUddfna:s ahd other dreamy concoction$;~ FEBRU.llll' IS AB GOUDA MONTH AS AI!Y• . lo chec k on the new clothes situation 1or .W,. Join the no mtl8"1cro't'l·d w\th F. B. Ho'rpn's. Pocyestep. ' Once you weal the!m yw zet the no care, easy does it fever ••. Throw 'em in the washer, throw 'em in the dryer , . , !it on 'em, PBCk 'em, 'waddle 'em up in knots .•. they st.ill mnilc serene and wilUess ••• Pack your· self a \Vhole mix and ma.I.Ch \Vardrobe ••• the c o Io r • bright white, sunny canary, and a blue that's pretlitt ~n powder , , • Pick out a peck of Bennudas, capt111., sleeveless or long slee~ jacket blouse11 ••• Add 2 shifts ••• one an A lhliiE long waisted and 1 c o o p necked ¥.•hicb cou1d doutile as a jumper , •• The other kinda y,i\dsy, Mtb a collar and buttons down the front •• , Beautiful, basic, a1"'-'aYS . right .. _ a \\'ear aeywhere. anytime investment for all summer long. Won't run either. ll you latch onto a splinter and draw a thttad, just sni p it ott and every. thing goes back topther again. FOR SWINGER.'! TllE BOUTIQUE LOOK Ellen Tracy·s lonr white 11·esket ,vith big brass bUt- tons teams up in tune time- , with black and white striped billo\ved bottom pants or a white pleated skirt \vilh th& 11•esket coming clear dOl\'11 to there letting only 4 inche11 show ..• Ano~r mc>o<t iB a turtle neck black long sleeved sweater • , , lla(Jle lovable get up and go 1100.S, dunk and breeze dry ~Y­ ester. NO i\IA.'i I~ IN IThLESS he O\lll1S a Cabana Set _ , , Catalina t>Iartin'1 ireat shirt. short sleeved &nd zippered all the way down .with match- ing walking shorts •• , solid grH:ns and blues or talW· sail plaids . _ , sharp wlth that 11·ell pressed look poly. ester and cotton, If the C.• bana happens to own a pool ..• a sharp striped print of green and blue, the jaekel lined with ten;', ttiamed up 11·ith swim trunks.. , .Sheared terry jacketa __ , you know the to1vel.s that look like ve]. vet ... same thlna. The line-up of men's swim snorts splash front he~ •to way over there , •. boye never had lt IO &ood on thf" beach ..• and a whole wall of T shirts Kive a variety u the ywatch the &ids ro by. INFATUATION FOR THE GIRU to swim, Iouna;e, b""'Vl!lf' and have fun in • , • A &hock- ing pink or yellow mood in cotton • • , one piece 1wim suit with matching bla 001>- peroo pants or a shortie cover-up with a filtt'!d Em· pi.re look. A rtaJ i?'OO\>y effect is the cover up ove:r the Ooppy pants •.. Dainty and curly l!I a bikini t.11 bl~ and. while · dol!I w{th tattinir trim and pink rose bucb, Plus the Wide I~ pant!;, plus a cover-up tHIU could double for a ahor1:1 nifhtie with it.I little Moe atrlng sln.Jlll • • ~ DON'T FORGET THE GROOF.BJ!;g Andre 's Tortellini is Mw . . • Froien little tiny do- nuts ot dough tllled with meat and CheQe . , • boO them and they putt Up liQ macaroni , . , Make t~ Alfredo or PlmeontQe wUll melted cheese • , • or Bol- ognese \\1th meat sauce Boil them in bouillon f~r • 4 dlttertnt soup ••• Richard's, lhe People Slo~. NeWJ>011 Beach, hl1 a tot ot ewryo. thing unulJU&l and rooo. , •. .. DAILY PILOT 41 . . PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 20, 21, 22 • • '· Or.gin Serenade For Your Pleasure , . . LIDO -MA-RKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE by Bernice Fey RICHARD'S TOP OF THE GRADE, U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF PREPARED FOR EASY CARVING PRIME RIB ROAST S•rv• it with Yorkshire Pudding , •• A mix in our Deli. ENGLISH STYLE SHORT RIBS OF BEEF GREAT EATING AT A SMALL PRICE 35' LB. HORMEL BLACK LABEL BACON LEAN . GROUND BEEF WE HA VE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF EXOTIC SEAFOCDS AND U.S.D.A. "PRIME" BEEF NAIJSCO, NEW! CHIPSTERS SNACKS . ARDEN AA BUTTER I ·LB. SUN-~AID SEEDLESS RAISINS 15 ••. 35c 79' 29c cAeD.U leedy t• ,.-, :n the •""· in ih •wn fe il ,..,. • 89C U . ,CJ(~~,µ Dellci.-1ly 111.•rinilt-4 in wr ..... ,, ••uc• 69C u. · 8~e~~MteJ(Nttt Elwell F..:-. Stuff .. willi wilt! rice etld mv1hroo11u 1.19 ~Fli Elwtll Ftr1111, Shrffetl{w/fh w'ild rice end mud1room1 or Appl••lllC• 1nJ Al111onJ1, or CorJon lleu. LIBBY Fruit Cocktail LlllY J.YJ' OZ.· TOMATO JUICE Llll'f PORK · and BEANS . 1.09 '"' lOl 5 ,.,, , .... 11 39c 'Z'll 5 ... ·1 PRIZES BY MARCH 7. CERTIFICATES AT INFOR- MATION BOOTH IN LOBBY. BUTLER 11.ECOMt.IENDS RHUBARB PIE .... 1.29 GREEN GIANT NllLETS CORN ,,....,_. .. ... 3~89c GREEN S.IANT NllLETS CREAM STYLE CORN ,.,.3,.;89c GREEN GIANT KITCHEN SLICED GIEEN BEANS ,, ''"" '"" , ... 3 ...B9c VAN DE KAMP'S NORTHERN HALIBUT , ... 69c DOWNEY FLAKE FRENCH TOAST 29c 11 ... BEEF PIES lit oz. -;rouF/.111·s CHICKEN PIES 11 ... STOUFFER'S TURKEY PIES f/fi£u~ PILLSBURY DINNER Crescent Rolls···· 3 '··1 LAS MIERIAS HERi , FRENCH DRESSING '"' .. 3 ,..'1 RED-E.$ERV~ ORIGINAL RECIPE Polish Sausage , ••· 69' . .- TASTY, NUTRITOUS, VITAMIN ENRICHED FUERTE SWEETER BY NATURE; JUICY TEXAS RUBY-RED GRAPEFRUIT 8 FOR, FANCY, MIS.T.KIST; COMPACT, LARGE SIZE ARTICHOKES 5 FOR, FRESH, HOT HOUSE GROWN BROWN STEAK-TYPE ~-~UNKE TUNA "h 3, .. 89' !~~~TOES 101 5 1··1 ~~ii~J~~ Ji~\,.'""' ,. ... 69c . ~n;;, CROUTONS • FL.UOlS 3 ... ·1 CREAM CORN 5 ,..'1 FROM GER ... ANY, GUNKEL ~ POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL • oz. R.EYNOLO'S WRAP 14"iJO' ~y FOIL • . . "' HERRING FILLETS ''" ... 3 ,..11 DIETERS- 3tk BLlllEY,ECOFRNEHASD H ·.r.1.'"'" '""·"' '•••• "'" SATISFY YOUR CRAVING FOR SWEETS! 1 ,· . . 1 , 16 01. 2 r., 79' LOW-CALORIE 39c viENNA SAUSAGE • ~ 5 ... ·1 ry<...~(JJ{etGJtt.,IJl(fl---F~UIT DROPS SANDWICH .SIZE, SMAkl FRENCH ROLLS 6 ,,.29c ··.1 HEARTY, NATU~l· GRAIN IND!AN BREAD 45c CHEii.RY FILLED DANISH PASTRY ..:..15c YUMMY! PINEAPPLE • UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE 1.09 6/,(J~ I LB. CELLO 110 B-!>G Ro9. 1.15 8 BAG CANDLELIGHT'. MEATS MRS. WILLIAM MILLAR-Cot!< M••• M. !VEY-Newport letch MRS. W. A. VOLKMANN-Nowpdn BHch • FRANK RINNA--Corone(de1 Mer .' . ' FRENCH ·BoQuETS • ' • . . LORING WHITAKER-No .. porf'BHch MRS. A. J. KEEFER-Cosio Melo . LOUISE HANSEN-4!1...port BNch RUBY HOWE-Newport Botch $25 GIFT CERTIFICATES MRS. H.M. SWEEN-€osto Me,. i»IRS. LAURENCE l.oBAR~""'""'-h <?Y~et~ All Foliage Plants 20%· 9ff "NOW -ls-THE-TIME TO BUY! • • . · .,. "' .1 • ·• .. '" .. .. " "ft.J.~ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP FLOWER SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR LIDO YACHT SHOP CLEANERS ' OPEN DAILY 9-7: SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY t .6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY 9·5:10, SAT1 9-5 DAILY 1:10-6, SAT. 1':30.5 .. ------------------------------------~--------------------------------~-·~-~ ----- 1 i I I ( f I 1 ' ' J SlJ: DAIL y PllOT .. ' .. ~ .. '" u.s.Mo. l sw1n IROWM, 3 ll.25' . . ' • . .. j Join the smart shoppers who save by the "BAGFUL" each.week af STATER BROS. MARKETS ••• full 7-day fe'lture values, lower everyday prices, plus BLUE CH If stamps . USOACHOIC,E-OISTATIRllOS.lffF $11 s T-BONE STEAK _ ............. LI. USDA ot01cuili "" TIJ ·~os. .... $119 PORTERHOUSE STEAK .. LI. . USDOOIOICIOl$TATRllOS:-$139 T p SIRLOIN STEAK ........... LI. .. 99< FRESH LEAN DELICIOUS 49c GROUND CHUCK ........ . ... LB. ~EAN TENDER 79c 11EEF SlEW BONELESS ...... .. ........ ": USDA mtOICE'bR STAT ER aAos. ' 79c.. RUMP:ROllST .... _.. --· "· . . BIRDF.A°RMWHQLE HOG 1.Le 5nc P.ORK SAUSAGE . . ROLL :r TABLE BRAND "BEST VALUE" I -POUND PACKAGE 39~. GROUND BEEF FRESH • LEAN GROUND HOURLY IN OUR STORES 43~ .. ALL MEAT WIENERS CHUCK ROAST • · USDA CHOICE OR OSCAR MA YER ST ATER BROS. TOP QUALITY ·31~. 59~ ROUND j STEAK BEEF ROAST ROUND BONE U.S.D.A. CHOICE OI USDACHOICEOR STATER BROS • 4STATE9RIROS.c B~=7 9! LB. BONELESS -u.8t STAT.ER BROS. . ' ' ( GLAD BAGS~~g~AGE .. . ........... so·.69', HUNT'S CATSUP ............................. 2.i.oz. 37' TOMATO SAUCE H UNTS ~. . 3 B·QZ. 33' · u.1GEFAESHTENDEIG~KEEN1s' 3 29' :"> AR1JCH0 .... FOi CABBGAGEE~-~ .................. L•. 5 c ' EXTRA FANCY TENDER ,!t. . 2 2 5 C CORN SWEET _ .................. ~ . COFFEE :: ............... l·LB. CAN HUNT'S FRUIT COCKTAIL ......... I NO. 21/1 CANS SUGAR TWINS . SM. 3gc LG. 5gc ·MARIANI ·P,RUNES ~~~. .. 1-L•. 47' DRIVE DETERGENT ..... . ..... GIAN T 7~, COCOA MIX ~1l1liE .............. 2a oz 89'' NOODU-RONI GOU>IN GRAIN ~Ml(ll[(N-N-AlMOHOS • St~:~~~~~~~-•M•M· .. ·····-3 6-0I. I 00 f,s~ 01(, 2"'4fitit '?'14pe '?""44 I.AURA SCUDDER ( MAYONNAISE MAC.& CHEDDAR g?"L~:~:~~~'~zs-oz.19",. CLOVER HONEY ~L',}E RS51c ........... 8-0Z. 31', fsANQUEt'DINNER ____ 39• MIAT-l\IHA-MACAltONl•OlffSI · 5 s 1 OT PIES ••'°"• ---~----,.., Meds ·- ADI01.4-0UNClHG. s 179 . UPERT SHRIMP __ .... - , 1[5Wllf1~0f , .•k 4 SJ r.o. .. NAllON 69' ANGE JUICE ___ '" SOLE FILLETS .... -"'· i lOit.POlJ.101~ 39' f~~'IA11QN 1 /-01 • ~9• 39' INKLECUTS .. ___ ," FISH STICKS --•" Pi°Ei;HAtlBUT -• CL 7gc 'itRBS"Ev0ErPEAS __ 1o ot. aac ~~-~~~~:s 411!11 sto .. P1,Pr .. o .. 1 69' l'llUllE .. !iA.UCl 33' -------•H BOY PIZZA --"" BIRDS EYE CORN _ w,, 'lll'!;so .. 110 79c l'l l l!rTl"U.l,/C;l • 39c BABY OIL DY BAG·D·PIZZA .. , BROCCOLI "~"''·"" JOHNSON! 95' 5" STICKS . ___ ,..,59', _11_.-lla_Nc_E ___ _ BABYPOWDD 89• iii"HALIBUT ___ ...... 69' 1 . MOUTH WASH v(wi11;11rr•1 ~ 31 c 1111o~lv1 w11 .. ••JT•l~ 33' l"URIFY NCH BEANS _~-"' MIX VEGETABLES .»•-. 1•0RROTS:~~:~~,.or.3ac UGGEosTUKS -1 ~"(.99c t "U•cE83' o ktSI 39' •olO •llf 45' ~ EFSTEW '" CREAM CHICKEN -'" -l~OUNet:_:_ $1.J7 l0~\~1 37c JOlD•IS! SWfll l 55' ICKEN ~oln-•or.. CHICKEN ~11 .-•oz. 10 ~1~1 45' ~Ottl ~•Sl l.(ll 55' RLDINTIPS __ ,,, BEEFSTRDCANDFF ... ,,,~ ,.,~- ~-~ ~~i'1 111: tf1 . ~Ff'(Al\_'-;:; ·~r. Tf I UfEBUDllYI :8ar ·h.,,.,. . , FluU UID. A\.L ' .. "'"' 1' P\IAS~ . · · · · VITAMINS QUART JAR .......... ASSORTED Fl.A VORS CARNATION SLENDER ................. ~~- 13-0Z.$ CANS ORANGE HONEY ~~.l-'"5s1c ....... s-oi.31'. BEEF STEW ~g~~~". ........................ 2.i.oz. 59'1 VETS DOG FOOD ASSORT, ...... 10 ~~~89', ~~~~~~~~-~~~·-.. ···-·-7 7 c COTTAGE CHEESE ~ll.~kLE~~t: ..... 31' COTTAGE CHEESE g~~~~~~"...~ .. ----59' SWISS CHEESE ~i~~::Etl_~:'. ........ g.oz. 35~ ALEX SALADS PO TA TO-SLAW 3 St MACAA 8~·-···-·-1 &-OZ. KRAFT CHEESE ~~W: sm;rn ..... _,.oz. 47' KRAFT CHEESE NATURAL SLICED 451 MONTEREY -·"'·-" 6·0Z. 1 INSTANT COFFEE ~~~'-'-'-·~"'-11n PUSS & BOOTS ~:s.-;,., __ .2 ·~ 31' DIET RIT COLA 6W6~S1:':~' .... 6 i2.oz. 53' FABRICSOFTENER ~~~i'.' ___ ,,., 89" CATLlmR ~.--.--.... '"'"·sl" POPHITT CE·REALw.HIFFs · 23': RICE-A.RONI $ MIRACLE WHITE BLEACH . ,. .• , 69" 0 RICE .. . ... 6-0Z. ~"::'.'.':.~::.~ 4 , .. L 1 KOTEX NAPKINS ~l0.\'J,~', ___ 12 ,3gc QUICKER 0ATS 3-MIN .... •2-oz. 53' DIAL SOAP .,,,,.o.. ... ___ 3 :!~s 31' DU PQNT SPONGES _____ ...... ., 2f YORK COUNTY ONIONS ............. i~~ 33', sucED BEETS ~~~~·· ~ 26' BEETS =".:"~:. m tf STEAK SAUCE DAWN FRESH .............. 3~'t33' ONE-A-DAYVITAMINS wmi1·0·-----.... 100 .. :3.19 2-ll.CAN ... $1.17 •5 ... 9. c KRAFTMAYONNAISE ............. 32-oz.59'. CHOCKSVITAMINS REGULA •--··--·--.100. 2.89 MANNINGS . LESLIESALT PLAI NOR 2 25' SUAVE HAIRSPRAY ·~:w:rrn .-:--·--· JJo; .. 59' COFFEE . l-LI. IOOIZEO ...................... 26-0Z. . ADORN HAIR SPRAY BIKINl l ll'JSH --·--•·OZ. 1.19 -·-""'CAN VII 39 wrrH · A PAKT to. C ADORNHA1RsPRAY""""""'"-·-TJ·o<'1.s9 SNAYCAN ou1 ... G. 52c DRINKS"''°'" CAL HA" SHAMPOo i:N'~~S~ ... , __ .. o,49'1-o< 79' •~oz. '1.59 PRUF . . '°"'voos GAL. CREME RINSE~~~".St~-. .. o, 49'1 oz. 79' "oL 11.49 STARCH BRECK WAVE SET ASSORTEO ---------· I OL 89' ... lS-OI: . GREEN BEANS g:~~g~2t _,.. ......... ~~ 25' QENS D -'""''" 75' WASHEl#l -.......,.42' . DOVtllQUID • ,,..o.., 51' WXLIQUID • . ....... w IMPERIAL 37; WISK llQOID omROEllT -.. .i~ I-LL " flllAl..fOUCH ~~·--... ,as• MARGARINE WITOILETSOAP 2,.,.31• . . ., . 1 FAB llRQC Dlll•KG DETERGENT ' • r ' SALE '91ICES EFF_l~ 7-FULL DAYS. THURS. thl'll WEDS., FEB. 20th-26tlt. ·-, • • Knit a Skirt No wonder knit skirts. are IO popular -they're ~ any seaaon. practtcal for travel. · Double your wardrobe with w r lnkle-reaillant, ea1y·knit 1kirt!. Top •lyle bu baby cable fraot , pockets. Pattern 70l1J Wallt silel ~ incl rim CENTs (coina) for each J¥1lt.em -add 15 cents f0t each pattern-for first-clus mailing and rpecial handling ; otherwise third~lass delivery .. will take thtet weeU or more. Send to Alice Brooks, the DAI- LY PILOT, 105 Noodlec:raft Dept., Box 163, Old ·chelaea Station, New York, N. Y. 10011 . Print Name, Addreal, Zip, Pattern Numbtr. Giant, new 190 Needlecraft' Cata101 -over 200 de signs to choose, 3 fr ee patterns printed i111:lde. Send 50 cents now. NEW' "50 I NST A NT GIFTS" -fabulous fublons1 tays, · decorator acetalOl'itt. Make it today, give it tomo:- rowt Ideal for all occuions. so eents.-· "ll·Jlffy Rup" to knit, cro-chet, weave, sew, hook. 50 .cent.I. -al u Prhe .uaii-50 cents. Bargain. cj.iot Book I ~as 11' beauti- ful J!l.ltrns. 50 cont" M-·Qlllt Book fr;>al· terns fOr 12 ·auperb ~uilta. 50 cenu. B&k·s. 'Quilt! for Today's Uvl:ng:." 15 oatterrui. 50 cents. Beefing? . Freeze It :· For Family To fretie beef or not lo freeit bfff may be your quu- Lion. Especially with beef sup- pUes so 1bundant and many special sales ol. beef cull and whole carcasses. How will you decide and how much will It cost? Part of your decision d~pends on your need for con· venlenct. tf getting to the grocery store is diffictilt, if you really don't like to shop for meat, then beef in the freezer may be for you. Another pa.rt of th e decision depends on the f a rn i I y ' s favorite beef cuts. Less ex· pensive beef cuta ma:v be on special sale u often u once every three weeb. With Ulil as the !IChedule, "buyl.na ahead'' may be unnecessary. 'I'1le more expensive beef Mtab and roasts will be on special sale once every five or sis: weeks. With sprint corning on, the schedule mJY be Jeu often. Pri~ of tlie more tender, e1pensive btt:f cutl tend to incrtase 1 ~It in warmer weather. So your decialoa may be to buy an extra supply of the more tender cull. You may also need to con- 1ider the cost of wrappin& materials. This servk:t may be included in the price ol the meat, whether you bu7 it by the cut or the carcass. Wil1 you buy the beef u Individual c u t 1 from tbe counter, or wW you bu)' • whole carcus, or p1rl or • carcau? Th1I taku some figuring and cost compari!:ons, but it ma y be tmoortant to you. Perhaps the easiest way to -~ii. lo•ch<ck lbl tlnd and amount ol cull you 1et from the whole ClrtlSI. 11len check the price of the ume amount of cuts )'Ou 1et in (he market. Be au" you com- pare the aame qu1llty of meat -and the cut.a. Milwaukee 's Holiq~y Folk Fair Offers Tasty Fare , . ' • \ . . bWliljt!ly in ""' .... wt klldleo. ,'I> C)IP ~ IOllt ...... 1 IWpooll •lllilll!· . stfttd "conte"Ctlontr' (powdWld)- ~ Fllllq Cl_.r Rofrilerlle wblle ,_-,prepue al ltall· • lncllu apa.rt on tbO Merlquo Fllllng. uplly rr•ued cookie Sheela, Sprinkle a board tt cl~an Bake 1n a preheated ~ pastry ' cloth w ll b .,.;... , d-oven wiUI lighlly !·~·--' r ••• ~ and meringue show-~.wutl' 1 aupr. aeep..,. re-iq at ends of rolls ls firm malnln& douP rtlljctraticl, M l •• ' ••• Use the · above rttipe tor 2S mJnuttt. FN>f' ._.. Swld Meringue Rolls. Afltr fectlon~·· suc11 ~ dougb Is divided Into I equal AIEIUNGUE llI.LIUllll] portions, roll each portion into s egg white. 1 f-.ineh round; cover with 1 cup "fl" Tbt MllwaukOI Jl'olk Fair II, spiloMnd by the .J,ii.,... llooil lnltltut. In c:oj!penlloa -11111<»allly ft o u P • ,' M-ol lbl 1ri!tP1 mue ,....,.., ellbii lo «at b er, dtam&U.. and cllJP"I, elhnlc ....... du>ct11 ""· «a!tt and fooc! al lbolr lair .. , 1 •awULI . In a lar.. mlllng b o 1t I roll out oat. ball at • time -ON o ....... aunu.....,. lllto 1 18 by s lDcb 'rtctanale WHb I Wijle spatula, remove -·u. WW be about '4 Inch at once to wire rack to cool. thtCk. sprud rectanale With Frost "! J th confectioner 's 1.. of lite Meltnau•' FIW,,., 1111111 lc111g. a porllon ol the Meringue Fill· I 1eupoon vanilla , Ing.and sprinkle wlth cbopped Bea! eu wbll .. ','4ftlll M;irr. walnut.a; cut eacl r901td ln,to 'Craduallr Mal sr1he IU(lr: thoroulblY .ur ~~Ille' fillllf, silt' ailil y,.i· yeuL With a ·putry l>lllllkr cul In butler w>lll j>tillcliJu art line. Add tll yolb, ,_ cream and vaniQa; wltb banda mlx thor"11(bly. I •.ed&et. continue to beat~ 1f '*"'PY· Beain at wkte eod ..and rol until meringue holds 1liff up each wedge, ~ther too strai&ht peaks.~ in vanllla. tightly nor twOO loosely. Place, Gently JeveJ meringue;-mark point alde doWn, several ·in-off top inW.,1 equal portions. <:hes apart on an ungreaaed Use as directed in Swill Mer· cookie sheet; bike in a _ ingue Rolls or Mlr!lature Mer. preheated sao dqree oVen for • ingue Rolls rec!Pe . sWil8 MllillNGUE ROLl.S 4 CUPI slfleit jlour "' 1Wpooll aall and sprlnkle witb walnuts. Meringue d l s s o I v t' s in· Roll up from long side -~center ol pa!ltles but stays neither too U1hUy nor too crisp at ends. tOOleJy. Roll out and fill re-Makea: I Meringue Rolls. 1 pack11e active dry ye1st I~ <UPI (21> sticks) butter • "' yolb, ~ bealetl Divide into I equal portions, fonpln& each into, .~ . bill. malnlng dough the same wa~. P.11 NIA.TORE !'tlERlNGUE Place rolla, MQt. aide down, ROLLS . , . BONUS ST AMP SPECIALS! THEBESTof t.he BRTNY n EEP SALMON :;;,"ft. ~~:~ .. 79' NOllTHDN HAUBur AIAlll ..... :79' ... LO 98< · IWOBRIH ITIAlll OHICIOUS WHEN l.U:ED -•-··•· ___ .......... . FllllH SHRIMP fOI $ALA05 Ot COC(l Al~ UNCOO«ti. -- GltDNLAND HAUBur flUEI CUTS . , ... u98< ,,_,. 49' G••• Dcdllg Sptelotsf ARiDIN ICE CRIAM 5nc AlD!N HlGH QUAUTY ....... ~ ......... -..................... l1 C.All°"" ... - CO ft A GI CHDll 29' AROfN QUQ:j SIZE }7c ...... : ................. w ........... ~INT SIZt -... ,, ... , ROl'Al ac<:A-..G.U o : !!n~ ... t.KJMr SJ" ICONll "" 'IO'' llO't'ALOCCAJION QM. YOHA -..-···· VOftolOlf ---,. GAL I . STANDING RIB ROAST ~­w.mr ... FOi POflCT TENOllNISS FRESH FRYER PARTS FlllH--flNDH AND DRICIOUS LIGS TlllGHS llNASTS .......... . 1.b. ALL STORES WILL BE OPEN SAT. F£1. 22 WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY . BEEF ·~oR STEWING SLICED BACON ......... .. MAYfRES~'OR HOFFMAN'S !ETT~R MADE ................................. . 59< . ' ;11 0R 1.; NI AYFA 111 1\1 EAL ''14 K /.;RS. lb, !!~H~IC!~PrEN~!!~.~~ LO at ' .. CORNl .SH GAME H-ENS. -l~~P.!!~~J.@i ;!!M~.~~~ "39' !~80!0 !~SM~KgU,:.. . ; i~. ll 49 ~ ,.,·, . . . u.s.o.A. GIAOI ..... 10.0L . :::~~ ', .......... .. . . ~~!~!! .. ~.~~~~!~~.~~ " 49t Elin lMtt Giadt IA .. 41c Mm!UM WOE IA .... __ .43< .'i~!l!!!, Y,ILOJ.~.P~!!~ 43' , - LARGE EG.GS M•yft;s• L9'i,e CHUNK ~UNA 'l•~· MA YFRISH LIGHT MIA T •..••...... NIB LETS CORN . WKOLE KERNEL 11.o z. CAN .. . ' ARDEN CHEESI LOAF . .... 79< .4i$i1 ... , .... 23< 4i$1 ,---m!rnfair Frozc.n. food,--- 2·ll. l0 Af •....... -................. -·············-······················ MAYFRESH MUFFINS fNGUSH MUfflNS 6 ,ACK ................................ . JOHNITON APPLI • i•CH 59c OR CHERRY PIEi ·········· . . SIZI DOLE PINEAPPLE suao 1 W.<A~ .... _: ............. ; ......... _ .................. . GALA Ju•o TOWELS JUMIO SIU ~L -·•············'·-·ol·-·.,.···-"-····· ......... . !~~"G'-!l c~jlf!·~·"" ___ _ 67c MACARONI & CHEESE . ~~~."' 35' STAR KIST TUNA PIES -.. -•-0z 6i $1 HALLEY'S XLNT DINNERS '~~~~~'.'43' CERTIFRESH FISH CAKES ~~: 63c Wllllll~llllWIW Van de l<amp's Sl'l'.CIAl.S TNl•·S.., Fli. lO·ll C~t<illlo C~~. Al .... let III, ....,,_ .. ~~~7 ......... "'· 39c Open Fic1d Chll'fY Pie. ...... 1· &9c \11\IJWIJJ\YJ\WIWr "HOTHHCi ~'°'HS UNTIL IOMbOOV IG..l..S «IMlTHNG., KATIOIW. SliSHel 1S WW • ma_yfair Fruits & Vtgc.tab&s CH IQUITA BRAND BANANAS GOlDEN RIPE .............................. , ... LB. !.~!~~:~~ ~~~~~-·· 4t$1 ~~~!~5 ·~~,u:ICJC . ~!!!~,~~· __ 57s1 ~_ ~!!.~.~'»."~ . 4f51 !'!"!!!... 3125< ADVUTISID PllCIS IFFECnVE1 FUU DAYS THURS., FD. 2,0th.tbrU WED., Fii• 26th MAY,All MAlKIT -171 I.AST 17TH STlllT, COSTA MISA w. 1t •m.t. •••ta An• nn W•tmH61t.f'. 4'rd•PI Orevt , ' " --------------------~-~·------------~ -----~--·--- ' I .· ' I I - .. JWLY ,rLOT . ' ·i w-·".,.1,, 1'69 • SOUTH-OF-THE-BORDER FLAVOR ;Tour . of Mexico jT aken Via Food .-; Do you loqg to , get away toasted -tortillu), and h¥ve ~ Mexico way? To marvel a (iesta with your family and t the golden treasures of the friends. ' · ~~ of the Spanish dom, the Condensed tomato soup can " i;:m richea of today's Mei-give Y,OU a taste of fara"'.•Y ·j To feast on the dishet1 Mediteninean shores, as well . .J led by the-great cooks Tty Lamb Chops Alexandrian. '*the fabulous hi&h plateau? -Wilh tomato soup as ~-sauce I 1ben have a taste of Mexico and the seasoning, this Egyp-~ your own supper table. lian blend of lamb,' potatoes Have a ireat soup with the and zucchini will delight your · ~ous flavor of a aopa family and impress your ._ from south of the Rio Grande. guests. • .. 'I ' It's surprisingly easy to CASA MBXICANA TOMATO make C;asa Mexicana Soup SOUP with condensed tomato soup u • base. All it needs ts 2 ta_blespoons sliced creen a tooclt of cloves, a dasb oruon ol. bitters, a garnish of green 1 ta.bl~ · butter o r onion and a few slittS ol marganne avocado to give It a Mexican 1 can (10% ounces) con- accent. Serve Casa Mexicana 1 densed tomato soup Soup with corn chips (or ~P can water 2 Whole cloves 2 tO 3 drops aromatic bitters Gr~at Look Sliced avocado Cook-onion in butter unUI TEN great fuhioa looks - t yours in one remarkable lem ! From <jUlck skimmer • shlrtdreu tO belted lookl, sh<>rl and 1..,, jacket.. Prlnt..i P1ttem 9191 : NEW NWes' Sizea I, 10. 12, 14, ., lild Hall 517.es 1211. 1411, ,.~. ll'it, 20%:, 221/a. SIXTY4"IVE CENTS in -,.. each pattun -ldd II C9lll !or each p1ttem 111< ~-mallblg and ~ ; othenrl,. think:lw will take three wee.ta tDON. Send to Marian the DAJLY"PILOT, fG PaUern Dept., 132 West tender. Add soup, water tnd cloves. Hea t; Stir' now ind then; simmer a few ininu&es to blend · flavors . Remove cloves; add bitters •. Garnilb l''ilh avocado. Makes 2 to I servings. · LAMB CHOPS ALEXANDRIAN 4 shoulder lamb • c h op s (about 11> pounds) 1/, cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon shortening 1 can (IM't .ounces) coo- densed tomato soup 1 soup can water 2 medium ·potatoes:.. peeled and cut in eighths t cup sliced zucchini Paprika Brown meat, onion and garlic in shortening. P-OUr off fat. Add soup and water ; cover; cook over low heat 15 minutes. Add potatoes: cook 15 minutes. Add mcchltU ; sprinkle with · paprika;. cook 15 minutes longer" or until meat and vqetables are tender. Makes -4 ter)'inp. Filling Perks Up Interest This interesting aandwlch filling come·s from t h e ·fascinating ''Bratilian Cookery" by Margarettt De Andrade (Tuttle). BRAZILIAN !X;G AND SPINACH SANDWICBES II package chopped rr-t spinach Few cfn>\>l lemoo juice 2 lwd-booled qp. chopped 4 tables-cho9Ped celery 1 grated raw camit Salt me! pepper Mayoonaise Cook ~ .. dlttcted and dralll out Ill the liquid. Cool thorOOghly and then 1prinkle with lemon juice. Let stands .. 1om1nutes. • .Jiiii SL, New York. N.Y. .. L Print NAME. ~ .... with ZIP, SW: and ·~IMIBER. , ~f ! More lrelh, a MQ'·leW l lyltl Jt1 .. _..t a1*r Pattern Add -· eeltty, carrot, ult ond pepper lo tule (also --· l'roe paU.rn c<>upoo. ,..... . '( I dry muaflrd, II deslr<d) ind eoou&ft m1yoonalt< tq hold. Uoe 11 lllllnl ldr undwlcha. ,, BAN VITALIS DIODOllANI DRISSIN;, $1 .. ~ .. llAT $1.ff Sln '-;:~68c -~S::-i92c • "• II..--:;, lnCl ... pr:ice off1fc+el CllllCICS CASHID & t '. American Express Money Onlen ........... S111s 'rille! s... SflflSf ,., All r""' liUs :wit• •'TiMt Safe Moaey'"• ALL CRJNDS (Offll. YU BAN.- AUMT J~ PANCAKE FLOUR , IMSTAHT Mlk ' ... • ') ' .. I .. • • l Patt.T COOllUD . · • . . ' , BONILESS HAMS • RATH ·sQc1m • HORME~.-~Y~E !'.~ • WiLSON1fESTIV"At ;, .• PAPER-ASSORT ED ORCHID -. •139 lb • GREEN GIANT< 5 11 •1 -. ' Gre•1t l.!.,ins 0 • ::.': 1 " , .E:. ; i NAPKINS· ·REGU~OltLO CAl~NCL3<0Ff) . -3 ~":=~,:· .1 •. ,f 49c . HaJ!lr••ian !li'unch ,_... i · 360 STRAINEDVARIEllES , 3 . 33c: . Gerber Baby Food ·;:; · , · ~ . . IMSWllT-A_ll ~RIETIES , . 49' :, r Pit'iilc"ll -~-.DI.et ~Breakf"st :~·· ,_, . . , 'R0Ll;S· . . •ffiOD•GIA!"r-il'iNK OR AQUA • , ' ·•• · ,k.:.,.381'. ·:Litt ..... DetergeJjt. ~i~r.;., '" ,. · .. ,-~ · it;i;l~y cat Foow :·s ~:.::. I FOOD GIANT Dfl\J'Xf SI.ICED PASTEURIZED nocfss;CHffSf AMERl~Afl . sw11s -· · PIMllllTO B·OL pkg. . '\:. 45.~. LAUNDRY DETERGENT DRIVE WITH EN SOL VE . ~ ~ ,. .1:~:'69c •• , • THE REAL Mc.COY'S----- IPA.TRAMl· 1 COrned Beel• 3·or. 39c •••» 49c' pkg. pkg. " GOLDEN CREME-FlAVORED 5 (1-oz.t$1 YOGURTS "" REDl-SPUDS HASH llROWN POTATOES 1s..r. ~-25• ""11.0WCR QUICK SERVE . . :I CHUN KING• iGG ROu.I~ • Chick•n • lobster • Shri111p • M..ot & Shri111p ••ciiti.Alti~ . .. EN1REES . • ll!ff •' OfEfSE • CHt(KlM HUN'T"S - HOLLYWOOD '" 39 c KRAFT DINNERS. TOMATO 2 ,,._.. r MARGARINE .... . PASTE . ··f"' I .,: GREEM GIAHT DELUXE SPAGHITTI -FACIAL !! ' .73c. 2-lb.(.011 ... $1.45 ·NESTfA HOT TEA kirig St le '•'·59c ,.,_ $137 PfAS & "" 33 . ONIONS :lOJ c '" MACARONI w/MEA T SAUCE ,...,, 51 c ,,., 59' SCOTTl~S ~~.~1 r pkg. pkg. 11SSUES '100 • , '- • J f I ; l i t .. - -----~---~----------------------------......ii"- • 1 E . ' •• EM FOOD SPECuALS " ' l!D A&AMCAN-WHOl.l 01 HAii 79 llLYIR SALMON 1b, lfOAWCAH-CDm•CUT , 89 IA1·'10N ILIC.I . . lb. am.fl,SH-flOZIH • 29 ,, ... CAKll .;;: ~ Gul101M~~· $179 . ••••DID IHRlMP1\;-1b ..... HON!YSUCm~PIO!IHWITHGUVY'· . 1~-llr., $169 TURKIY ILICll ·""' · HALIBUY1 FILLETS ~5 HO ... LRIDLA~IL . • SLICED BACON: l·llt. pkg. ' . . . 59c . . . . lROa.IN -4~L YARll1'11S-, .. · ~-· 8AN0.EJ::'Dl·NRl•t "' SAN fflHAHDO LAlGf I • Pitted Ripe Olives Jlf~IMOOtH OI CHUHKY P-nut Butter '10I flHfl,fLAYOI (9-. W.,.6fc) A·I •-I Sauce . J.UHT JEMIMA Pa11t•k• ••our. · i · ' . ~ ,•_·. I ( '. .:t~ .. ,, ' .. ' $ ... :• .. !· ·' ..... pk"Sw •••• ,. • < • . ~t~ ... - • • ' "T . ' . . ... ·47 = C· ,: -.. · NALUY'•· .. , . ·~ 61~ MEXICAN 1'001111 •CHILI .CON CARNE 3 •1 3~•· 39c ,(1-vufar.or Hot) · 1.S..z.· \ . • fMCHllADAS .c... · . , 't TAMALE~ , . ., , , J1G• 1SARA · Lii CAKES-r . . ; ' • ' U. I • CHOCOLATE , ' ,.• IAHANA. • • OM.NGE ·~· •ftc . pJl•~ ··~\~ ~-hrirrip ....,PWN1ES •.GIRMAN CHOCOlATE j g' 6 • l 'c 8HNSt-~'S ,l.S , ' , • . ..,,.LE ••MiNcE o ~UMPKl{'i. ll~ ~ • SUGAR CRUST l!MON . -· ._ 9 , :,,' ;;;-:. 9'.' Pll :.J).).~ ,':i; ~7', . ' ..• ~: DI~ CALAY«f'AYHADO DIP · . -.. :_;.~-~~-· ~•-.a • . 6-eL l'JC · 11-ea.53c ... . ~ ~ ..... ·-···· f .... -. HWIOM ~ I RID ....... ···GRAPES . . ..... -... .. c G.\RDfN llfS!t-"TOPS ON CARROTS ' • • • l'llEMIUM •AKING POTATOES lAJIGE. 9c ' BUNCH . ' U,S. NO, 1• t.c . IU~ET . .. ..... .l9lcy l.liisiiiioMS 3fc ~~~~s:..·~· . ··· .. ~TED flAVORS DEb MONTE : · SCALLOPED 6;::L35c . POWDERED Bl!AC/t ROYAL Ff!lllT; 21.ift'.t 39c ·POTATOES MIRA(LE WHITE GElATIN -~ • - COCXTAIL ·Icons '"""' 26-oz. 67c WHtTEAMGit. '.tf 59< G~1r 3 6-oL 27c REA LEMON kL 23c pkg. -CAKE MIX . OA:I cons· JUICE btt . HUNGRY JACJ: ,...,_54< Ind.. iYIAS~ED POTATOlS " "Off 2300: Barh0r ·u1vd. at W~n St., Huller Shopping C:erit_er, Costa "Mesa I I ) ' .-. ' Pound of Ground ' . - Beef up M_en u: I • • ', Chinese Styl:~,· You might gUess that the Chinese would make the most out ol their pound of ground Cillfornia beef. AJona: with some of the usual Ingredients they include chop- ped walnuli. What's more, they dip the lillle balls in a baller before they brown them, thus . giving them a cared-for quality. And then they br:l&hten up the picture with some pineap- ple. ond . -pepper •Im· mered qulekly la a lbarp l'!"fll aauce ao Javored by CaucULanl u well .as Ori· entalJ. !lol COl)tept to lei . dellclOUHnough alone, they lamlah \he p1a11'r • w I t h nlmt halves which have been tout.cf In soy ..... and bul· tM. Theae bffj bafll .,. .. nperfence. . . wine. Sttr In~''""" with beef broth. ~-)1111~ thickened and cleof, ' Add tomato, cur · "-" · ......_ Gamllh wflh. • l!oY Walliub. Makes 8 oervtnp. SOY WAJ.M)TS Heat 'la cup Walnut halves with I leUJlO!Nl EACH soy sauce and butter S '8 4. min- utes or until. ~ ... • Boe! bu become a !avorile meat with the ChinOie la the Wutern -Id. Especially the Far Western world of " Calllornta with ita own home- grown beef ln all the markets. The thrifty shoppers In this state can tai:e thelr choice fl. . any number of cull of beef. Many 'Chinese recipes call for lean beef to be cut into thlil ltrlpl and slir1ri~ qui!:k· ly to retain its tender, juicy quality. For this purpose you mlghl choose top round, skirt ste~,· Dank, elrl9ln -even the lltUe steaks which have been put thr0ugh the ten- derizer can be used. ' ' ClllNATOWN.BEEF BALLS 'N' PINEAPPLE 1 pou"nd. r ground I e a n Call!ornia~beef I teupoon salt V. cup finely-chopped onion ~ cup chopped walnuts ¥• cup milk % cup lolt b<ead crumbs I Oli ¥"cup Ooor l/S cup cooking oil 1 (1%-ounce) can pineapple Udl!lto I l""J1 pePl't', cut In ltrips "" cup sugar "" arp vinegar 1 tablespoon soy sauce 'h cup "bite dinner wine 2 tablespoons cot'Mtarch % cup beef broth t large tomato Boy Walllutl . Combine beef, sal~ ooion, choppod-wahuto, milk and bread ~. Shape lolo IZ balls. Mix ........ "" ond flour to make ·l!att<r-1\<>U beef . -In botler theo, brown In bol oil Dnln ell lll1 but ·1--o11. 'To beef balls add--.med plneappft, "'°" ••ppor, lllpr, .taepr; ""1 laece m:I • Pizza Salad IWtwlthlml>romalne. PUo .. ollcea ol llllml and Mouarolla -· Gllltenlng ealllt!mla rtpo on.. ,. 1n bet-ond on top. A iprin· k11 of Parme1&11 cheese and 1 drtzlle ol oil ond vinegar 1ocent this ripe ollv1 plua 1t7l1 Alad. ' ·sms a.II ( I ----------------------------~---~~-~---......__..____ --------... --------- ~~<"l'""llJ=:~._.,f"'Jr;'.\'~'..~ :>··''·' ra~·r' ... -~ .. , ~~t;·•t4 4"'""f/'.••·~·"'""''""'""....,...:-c.,,...~"';"~:v..-.. , .. l.-""t...,.,•.,...=•"'n ... "',.~. -.-.-=.--,.....,.1 ... t,.....,..,,,... •.• -.-.0-.. "'.-, ~·-.·.--.-,,, .. ~.,..--.-.~-·~--,...,.-,~,.,,.,.»..,, ... r.#r~----· -·• •• -·~-r ....... -"' - I • DAILY l"!Lft I Simmer ~A ·Sfew ! . FFor Two FtbNuy'1 1t1lood cileodu '" lllta oylttn. TUil 11 1our cue lito Mrve them ••• just for , .... On -thou1h~ • r pit of oyster ll<W II ll'Olf !.~CC:~ a crowd oo -fti rul way to 111a1t1 oyster ltri1 1a to buy It In the can. But jell can buy the ln- ~ts and start 1t the · ·:rs· . It really doe&>i . """' aybe J<1t1 are I fll&le<i allJt and I ft IC· plllhed O)'ller -ker. lhell °''ttra . . . you bah to .ahop a flSh et rather than yoor 1 filh counter. What's qy.W ali\ICker! One who .......... Ille oyster fiom tlie lbtD (l)OI ali' &lway .. ~.,Y tull). . How 1111ny Qy1ter1 to buy f• bow mUy, depends a bJt Of! bow oy1tet1 ,1re to be auv· ed, ,but tor 'two1 a reliable gill.,. ii: all°" """'!Ulti. of sheU 01s!lro; IJr 9"" cup (hall a pint) ol ~ed oyatera or one t:labWulk.'e can. Mmy ttclpe1 for oyster 1ttw and bllque direct you to mince the oysters. For lhJa recl:ince therp « not. uy . lllBQUE One can coo<11msed O)'sler ( stew, widlluted I Ont and ·in cups milk One -~ 14 leupoons in- ! stand minced ooion 1 One tablespoon dried celery • flakes · ~ One bay leaf • Yt teaspoon hot pepper •-sau~ I One l-ounce can oysters and • liqu<r f One tablespoon flour , Two tablespoons water I l/t cup sherry Two tab!UJ>O)lill parsley flakes · ~ Combine_ ,first seven fn. gredienls in a saucepan, Stir an<t heat until mixture Is "-'ghly hot. DO Dtl boll. Combine flour and water and blend until smooth. Pour Into oyster mlxturie ; heat and stir unW thlcleritd: Remov& bay feat. Stir in sherry and parsley and serve Jmmedlately. Makes about 3 _cups. ' Loungers 1~58 " ' ' } Wtdnadq, ,~ It, 1"9 . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B!!--,_ AU MAIKrT IAlllrT ITOIU· 0PrN REGUW 'HOURS wisHINGToWS .annliDAY • Saturday, Febrvary 22nd Market ~asket Discou'9tS . Prices on Quality No Games, No Stamps, No Costly "Extras" Produds. · Most •tores claim to hove low prices. But ,on what-on o handful of items, or infer)or products? Not Market Bosket. We dlscoUnt prices all through, the store (except Fcilr· Troded or government controlled prices}. And guarantee satisfaction or your money back on every purchase. True, you give up game$. and stamps to shop of Market Basket. But y'ou get bargains and quality always, every . doy. See for yourself I . ' Solciib ·• . ' . Pkgof * .• , ............ 59' ·coifbul"; K'i Siu ll!ilk or H111tlnut Choco1cite Bar ... 39' Notvrol rlf s• thoc":okHI Ovalti!ll ; .... 'l~66' N.,;;;.ment •• .'1;~· 39' llutromtnl IOSIGlll Chocolo!t, . Chocolott Mdlt « \loritty Diet .Mlx ·~as• • " ' .1 f ' CHUNK TUNA '·.·27~ · . :. · · 37c e.tWStrailltd any Food .. :~~·n· 7~AllilJa..1•• .... _ l'JI.... • ... ,1" ~•••••••Jor • ~ "'" ~~····· C'#19' !!"~ '01 15' tlll ......... j. 1°'P.f.Mlt1t .. ~~ .......... ,,... . kdlitt Ond. 3c Off LDbrl)" kicn * Facial Tissue3 ,g, 69' ~ Ontt 20c: Ott label> Foll Wrap ... '~J•Sp• PurrT-C\d Jood ... 2 1~~~ 25' S\dpp'(MS11w D F d '"0'14' og 00 ••••,(ens Pus1 'N Boo11 fish • • • ' . AflPiesauce •• 'i.~'29~ ~ lrofl ' 10.() , • • Grape Jelly .. '~' 25' ·: $TAAW6Ul~Vl Uc M-*·~-'"·37t argar1ne ... '"· Kroft ~ Goric. So!Qd Stcrft rlf -Dres"'f .... 36~ sings .... .. ·-"""' ef H TrtnelliQllidOnd.HlcOfflobeO • ...... nt' "'0'33' · llS'l&rgf • • • • .Brl ~ Trte llnd 5c DI! Ltb!~ Dishwasher •• ~' 34 • Pn.rf(1nd.7cott i..:,~ IS-Ot. Spray Stun..., •. 48' -Liquid Wax .. 'i~'79' fD!y·Olf 5proy Oven Cleaner ,•,:; 67' 10-0 $l.ot .. = --~ ------•• .. ---" • • • , . " • • • t • , • ' ' • ======================--=---I HLtl.tllSO!;{;OUN T SPECIAt Cat Food .. 2.' \~;:•29t Oepl'iftlr. Styling Gel .. .'~~ ~7· leot the &lob Alka Seiber.·~,· 59' l vlftrin T obltll · B . .U • Mlr 77c uner1n ••••• oo · 'ob Childr1n'1 0-b?e Vitamins : ... ·~·'s1 11 Ntwl>vwnAuf"'I Shodet Hair Co1or ....... $)'7 rruriu llSCllHCf l'llC[· ' frwt11 6 ·Ot. Co" Hawaiian Punch 19' vn°''l~flal-9-0z. A1as1a Cod ... "' 55' froz1n Chotoble, BOllOl"IO. Germon Chocob!t, Orange « Browlllf1; Each Sara Lee Cakes • .82' Mr5. l'ouls Fronn lll-O Onion Rings • ..,.'85' G~ Gionl frozeri Nibltt1 C C "' $TVlt Corn, Mixed \ltQStobln~ · GAen Beol'll or C*"* $Jlinod'I V~etables ... ;:-33• CENTRAL AMERICAN BANANAS LB. HEN . TURKEYS WHY TRUST TO LUCK? Take U.S.D.A. Choice-Tenderay Brand Beel Don'! be suckered by gobbledegook. "Bonded'' &eef isn't U.S.D.A Choice. ''Trim-Rite" Beef isn't U.S.0.A. Choice. Only U.S.DA Choice i1 U.S.D.A. Choice! And o Federol Government expert 1ays 10 wilh o purple stomp right on the meat. MorkefBa1ket 1ell1 only U.S.O.A. Choice Beef. Arid only Market 801ket 1el11 It dlscount·pricedl us D.A. CHOlcrl ENDERAY BRAND BEEF BONELESS NITTt:D BBC Clod Roast ........ COUNTRYClUS $298* Canned Ham ..... u~ U.S D.A CHOICE T£NDERAY BRAND BEtF Sirloin Tip Steak . ,.98c' Sha"nkTYHaifHam . oll59c• llW Clllo~IY Skirllt» lNlk * c-.. --4 ''0'$1 -v......... Pl;s. (OUtm (j;niifl.ftd Potk Ceriter Rib Chop$'89' c;';k.d Ham ~ 55' ' udllia WlJ!tr Hom. Cbitlr.tn. T ur\tt, om.a kef.Pa1!romi Of Chipped IHf >;:>: 37' I I •BONUS DISCOUNT SPECIALS Prices ore effective now thn.i T uesdoy, Feb. 25. 1969 fRfSH FROSTN -RED AlASKAN Si'lver"salmon ... o lB 7gc CENTER CUT STEAKS, l6. 19c rir'ie"'ioinchops'.''.. 79c s11;;r·sacon .. t.69' 5""'1 l'rflf!ium H!!ll & flll 1._0 .Smokies ..... it.'75' fft.u1'«' From fllOClld i O-Ot. Fish Sticks •• "' 49' 24-0Z.. ,,, s.o 'ol f l'Dllfl !rtOded Sh • • .• , 19' nmp ••.•••• Pku. 16·0Z.11.67 Mrs. fhdoy't fre ien Bmdtd Sh • '""'2•• nmp •, o o •• P\.; I J, -----~---------------------------------------------------. . ' ' ' ' ' -·· ' ' • • • • • ' • • • • ' ' • • • • ._,. . -·--,. .. ----... ---... ---------• • ' . • • • -· -·-----s ------------... --· --·--~ .... -- --:: ------ - ' ' .IAICIAIN IWUt wn.i. Ii ·. VALUAILE COUPON ONN WAIHINeTON'I .. RIMDAY • . S.lun14y, ...... ry'a . , 9 a.m. ulllll 7 po111 • . .. · .w; -· Ciiiii0 '&" iu•s 29' I 'lecti1113 .. Mil IUUY'S-Y-wQouiote-1 ... 41c _ 3 . $1 . Wint THIS. COUPON AND $1 MINIMUM l'UltCHASE ' · ... :,,;r.r Likity Split S:::. Cookies .,., Lllnlt ... -,.. :'J -OM ...... ~ ••••tr. ~....,.:rctl:':'=--v.w"!tr:r.:=,:-;.=;t;.,-:1,••; Good 'Oilly At lartaln lalklt \j81 scott -. . 1\SSU .... ~ :· FOREMOST V2 Gal; IMITATION Mll-11. f""' I ' • '.., ' I '"~ . ' ALPo ~; N·~ 1 Ta.I Cans Meat Trio· or Savory Stew PET FOOD ROYAL YAMI 1/2·Pilll Cartons f 0 • . ' FROZEN FOODS J 1 r ROSARIJA DINNERS : .... e MIXICAN DINNER e a ENCHILADA DINNER . ,. llODMOJT ~. V2•Pllll . Dino DUS.RT •oa.a.s , . 0 R · T.OPPING -:::;:;:. e C:OMllNATION PLATE 39" e p!EESI ENCHILADA DINNER . : H . '..IRDS EYE•• Reg. 39c Can .. AWAKE 29¢ , 1IMIJATION ORANGE . JUICE Pepperldge Farms STRUDELS : .-.... u. . . . FOREMOST•• Quart .CHEESE . . . -c·o·TTAGE . . MIRAC1E WHITE Pepperldge Farms ....... 79"' Q rt R 7,.. · ,. ua ••· eg. .,. CAK~s. :=:~-.' , · ; CLEANER . · Nabisco CHIP.JIU -....10 . Snaclo a,.. ... 35c Ion Ami ClUNSIR · ,.:__ .. c.~ 2/25c iiuwaiie.i1ii 19' PACIFIC G .. H~ CRA~ERS 1.- SUNSHl"E f;ffEU·l.T c;p~KllllS I~.· ' 39' Blue Gingham ~ • 3 lb~ Cail S·HORTENING · BAI M WfSlERH S1YlE Hickory Smoked BONE SS Eastern Grain Fed Center -Cal " ' ' .. . . . ' .... , .. ,. GREEN GI.Alt #303 CANS • Whole Kemel Corn • CrHm Style Corn • ~ut O..n .'lo"•• • fr.-Sty. Groen Botfll " FRESH PRODUCE Delicious APPLES .F· 0 R 8 ~ ... ,9~; jiV£ffiS 1 RIB PORK 1b.C·HOPS c Iii ---------1 F(RAESHR' DRAOILYJ._SI lb. Cello . 5¢ Arlzon• Vel•ncle · . Pk,. 4 Lb. Cello 11"9 ·ORANGES HAMS 29¢ YOUNG. 'N' TENDER LOCAL · BROCCOll . ' ' Young and Tender PORK CHOPS . ~ ORANGE JUi(f 79¢ I iuli'WiENERs AF BEEF iiCDt.m Grain Fecl·C~~ Cut · LENTEN SPECIALS . . Prices llfecllvea ' LIVER ~·f LOIN ~~~ . a ·9c NOR~HERN • . s" 9¢ 1'lllnday "'"' s .. ., . PORK CHOPS . . :Iii ; ~!ffi" J~~11.01 $ .b. .. ":!: !~ ~~2!'~ ..., . ~" Feel · Eamr GN1ii Feel IREAPED 5"RIMP . l · Lb. . . ;~.R'om-69~ptftK"loJ~ 69~ · ~~;:·':co!9~~-· 1 Ecilter ~Nin Fell -'. .. WlscoMin · .· , · . WIL$0N -· C~N . KING .......... : . 59~ PORk ~siji. 6 .. 9c LONGHORN . 79c IAltM -BULK srru ............ 69\· '-.. M.., 'Iii . . ' . . ,, MORRELL -YORKSHIRE .......... 59~ . :~~ SPARERIBS . . CHEESE I RATH'S-·~CKHAWK ........... 69~ . COSTA MESA OSCAlt MAYElt :.. FULLVIEW .......... 79,. PLACBlllA ' . . .rJ.9::r STMPI ,,. ... "_.. 710 w. Oii; " =I! OAll.V PILOT ' ,; ' 8-0Z. PKG. STAR-KIST -8-0Z. PKG. ;f,ROZEN 5 TUNA PIES . . . . . . . r-OR ' ' . ~ruhine State-~rozen • . ' .:ORANGE . JUICE . ' . ~--(/ ))1 ~{J -~ REAL FLORI~~ \ 5 6-0Z. s100 TINS .EVERfRESH FROZEN-ALL VARIETIES . MJs. PAPL'S-f~oz~ VEGETABLES ONION RINGS 4 .. ~ .. $,00 · '""· Pkti. · l'k9, ,79c 'U,an Je _}(amp~ ·~~~':IED .,HALIBUT 8-0Z. PKGS, c • 'JERSEYMAID-1-0Z. CTNS. STIRRED OR FRUIT AT BOTTOM YOGURT ....... 5 ... $1 JERSEYMAID-ht QUALITY:....1.LB. CTN. · CHERRY, APPLE, PEACH, BOYSENBERRY: : BIG 46·0%. SID ~cf Swee! ~rozen " ' ....... ..... .,,, . .,.,,. .. ~ .. .. "' .... ( . ',.., -'• ., '• ' ,,, .. · .. '""'" ,_, ,, ... ' "~'' .~ . . "' . . . ' " . ' ...... ' "' " -, "'"'" ' . . . .. ' . " ' ' .. """' •."I ,, .. , I ~ " "' !> r; '' "; .. ·1.. ; "·' ' ' ' ' - ' .... '" ~ "AA' BUnER ... 79~ GOROON '>-SLICED WHITE OR WHEAT .CYUT CEORNG, PEASE, PEATS IACARiiLSPINEACHS, SQUASH 5 ~~2f '1 :::,~: BREAD ......... L6i~· 25• "'"'' '·'' WHITViii. PKG. :Jo Ce/elrafe Chinede r/ew 1}eard . ::::~·:: TOWELS !~~;~~~·.~E DINNERS ~:~:.·: .. ., '" I C.H.I. -2._or. lattlo i CH,UllY NO. I TINS i SYRUP : DOG FOOD : GALLON · IOTTll CLOROX . ' 3 $100 BEEF CHOP SUEY 'TIN$ c , CHICKEN CHOW MEIN for MUSHROOM CHOW .MEIN • .. I . .... . . I I ,,;f!u 0 , 27C i 1.2 •w $100 i 59c • Produce 'J:Jeparlmenf Specia£. WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY WINESAP .. -'· r , LI~UOR DEPT. SPECIALS GAU.0 'HALI' GAL. SALi VIN ROSE, 'RHINEGARTEN, CHIANTI OF CALIFORNIA YOUR s13s ' . CHOICI · UCH ---Get Volum• 6.Tod•y--a McCall's79~. COOKIOOK MARVE~-Ous Mef,·TS " ' F.REE!·1ii ' . WllSTll'S -20T1I CINTlllT DICnONARY . SHRIMP· CHOW MEIN .Ea • ''""'. .. . ' ...... 1Je/icafe:Jden Special:, ,. .. ' ' .... , ' "' .·::r CH-EESE FESTIVAL . . ._ .,, .. WlSCONSIN:_MtLD AMlllCAN tlllDDAR CHIUI .................. :r.1.": PUCIOUi • , RIConA CHasl ................. Jw~: PICHIC ,ACI( SWISS CHIUI ......................... ~'. PUC LOU$ MOZZARILLA ......................... .'~'.- Your Choice MONTHIT CHUNKS • • "1' • .IAClt CHllSI..... . .. .. -~ ' ·· PUllTY -MATIUD ',., ' . ooa,D~ GllUI ... .. . . . . ...... ~ I . NCHIC PACI " . MQNllUY .IACK CHDSI .... '~ ... IOlDliM -IHDivTOUAl.l.T WUPPlD • ' . AMIR. CHDSI FOOD ........... 'Iii:' · · ' c ... , . ' .. ;'ifff•, ... ,.,, ' ,,,., ' .. .. ···~" .. ' .. ,, . t ~~ , • . " , ....... . '""" . ....... . -·-~ ''. ,. .. . ' . .. , .. " ' I ' ' HARBOR BLVD., C-OS't A MESA . ' J;;,1-' •• ' . . .. e 139,22 JRQOKH,URST,. GARDEN .GROVE · e 5858 WAR~ER .. HUNTiNGTON HACH'.''. . > . ·~. •• ... ' 1308 W. EDINGER~'::SANTA ANN.,:_ , i. --· ' _., ··-' .. . \. . .,, T I •1, '. 1j O' : .. • "<'! ._ • ...... ,., . .• 7 • .. ....... ' ' • ! 'f , . l ~~-~-~~· ----'-.... ---------·-----. --....... -----------------------------·--------' ' I . . . -Wtdnttd.17, f""""119, 1969 •• , Car ~·¥()r.e. i ·;,Jrurn:s .. Vegetariao· Because of .·, Curiosity .·~ : . · ~ · . ' ,... 17 JOHNA llUNN PfOdu!:ls aYlllable In health NEW YORK ~ "Saddenly, • !oocl ilcft. by writing tjlll col· two and'•~ bill ll"I" q.: umnllt, 'can o! lhil paper. ! became a~ ...y>IY EFllDJ ZIMBALIST'S out o1 curtod.J._i' ~ one, pqrAto CURRY simply .L feel .. & ~ !"'~ marvelous,", · Zlmta.&w 2 tab~ !Jiflablt? oil I · , . .; -·. 11 te-·@>und turmeric "That's ~~ r ~. l . I lelll)OOO, •iiluJld cw1ai\det happen t.o ~~ :mtar. ~u .~ tt =·=seed 1 didn't feel 10 wtll. I'd 10 t teupoon Cl.llDfi1 aeed right back on my old. dlet. 2'12 CU[JI water But I have sol"much buoyancy, \!1 cup Of yogurt energy and i~ ·now. salt. frishly ground pepper skillet: heat until barely (white llld'yOkes separated): Wll'lD.• Add .,apices, llllrrinl: . !Hed chofl!ed salted peaool.s, ~dd poiato61, stir u n t II I grated rr.Ob. COOO'!Ut. risihs potatoes are well coat.ed. Add plumped in water or sauted water,1 cover, simmer about. 1ln butter mauco chutney, 1111 mlnut<s: (or· 1\1)111 J)Ollloet cbopped <ucun)l>en &tit mint are tender}. RemQve lid, cook ln Yo I u r.t , bacon-ftavored few minutes to reduce volume morsels, plccalilly r e l i s h, . ' chopped . ban&N&, p 0 pp y stlghUy. Add 1,0l!Url1 oeuon lo .....i,,, gnilod"Bombay duck taste, heat unit! just warmed (found In Oriental foodshopo). through. Serve over mounds shredded lettuce, watercress. of sWuning '!.hlte rice. Ser.ves VEGETABLE CURRY 2-3. ~ . J cups string beans, cut .in AFTERTIIOOGHTS: For bite.size pll!Cils and diced vegetable oil. Add t o three large carrots, peeled vegetables Jn boiling water. and diced • Sfrnmer 11:1 minute' (or until water vegetables are barely tender). 3 tablespoons vqetable oil Adol.yogup. nil and pepper l 'i\ tea.spam· muslard seed to taste. Heat through. Serve t '12 teaspoons gr 0 u n d over hol rice. Serves t. turmeric MEAn.ESS \t teaspoon ca)'tMe C.U:SUOLE one 30-0uncl can 'vegetable I 'h teas~ cumin seed protein dinner cuts 1 teaspoon coriander seed t'«!nce c a n mushrooms ~~ cup unflavored yogurt (sliced or caps) Salt, pepper to taste !Javored breadcrumbs PN.ce v e g e t ab I e 9 In medlum-elzed onion, peeled Drain Juices rrom mUshroolll.'I and vegelable pro- _tein : reserve juices. Roll dlnner cut.I in brt•d- crumbs; i>n>1'Jl qul<lly on both side> fn r tai.lespoons vegetable oil: aet aalde. S.ute onlm ~ """"'°°ms in remalnlnc ou,.brali.e ball lbe browned cub-ln bOttom ol o'Ullproof caaerole. Top with ball the onion-muobrooms mixture; repeat .second 1-yer. Mix reoerved Jul""' wllb aour added touches, cll006e con-1 cup green peas (froien dimen\I from, lbe following: or fresh) Besides, it's not ~ difficu!t to taste as it sounds," .1!14. •tar of !'tel, di~ potatoes ; >Cl saucepan with barely enough and chopPed boiling water to -001i1er •. Set 4 tabl~poons vegetable oil ~hip~~~~' F" Oven 45 minutes. · Serves u . . VEGETARIAN , . television's "'I'M' Y.::B,L" a~· as· . Place ~ etable oif bl· ded. . rif..~ ,; · · ' .._ .. ~ "r 1 ~-· hard'~ e g g 1 one large potato, p e & I e d aside. ~dd spices to heated one cµp sour cream ' . "I'm not a ~fOod faf : ~ 1"'' \ ~ , .. ~ dist. I don't P. I& UJ~ pains ' ! r .... • "' to enlist other P'<!i>te lo try this dieL Besides, J'm not strictly a vegelBrian in. the true sense of the word. For example, I eat ~ aod cheese." be said, ~~ a cracker ~th ~!!--'!!<-~ "and ""1 drink milk.: 1Qne the tenets ol veg et~.~ Ing prescrlbes ·a )Q!lr,~ diet. Our mania 'tw ,~t}ugh protein diet is nonse&e .. We eat like stlfved6res, tbeb 'Ii\ around in an office all day Jong. I simply ~·t eat like that. -~ · "Besides by °'ture, man. ls not suited t.o be a carnivore. His teeth are better suited to an herbivorous diet!" He cites Pythagoras and G. B. S haw among famous vegetarians. PARENTS' TASTE "~1y mcther did so m e strange things with f~. 1 recall that once she went on a diet of oranges in _an effort to lose weight. My ff.I.her had .• a great palate: · lie. .()vored • French food, partbi&rly the , fish with all those .delicate sauces. "When T came home for a visit, they would get a huge steak for me. We traveled a lot and were elJ)OSed t.Q all kinds of food ." He was born in New York City, the son of violinist Efrem Zim· balist Sr. and opera star Alma Gluck. Zimbalist Sr.. npw is director of the CUrtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. · "Th e health.lest peop)e. in the world are the Humas whO Jive in the Himalayas. They live to the incredible age of 160 and often play polo in their 'old age'." Their diet consists mainly of vePtiblea IJld !rulta supple~ wtth a little a:oat,meat~ ~·a.id. "The Hunza.s ,.~ over- indulge and, 1a..-:-Ji~ a I th , ' reasons, fast for ~·t&..sii days at a time. Tbii plactjce came about quite acciileil~y, however I since despl.\e' I nc,, soil they run out 9f food about once a year." A!ked had he visited there, Efrem said, "Never, but I'd give my soul to fii there." CHANGEOV~· • His chang · . ffom a non.. vegetarian was n o t without it• pairiful side effects. "After t~ mOnths with my new diet, I developed pain in my knees and bad great difficulty bending them. A diet doctor gave me a thbrouJh physical and\ found· nothihg wrong. I was.. encouraged -to pursue the diet. He said he'd found th.ls was often the case with vegetarians Who ..-bad similar reacUons .• Hf'sakt. 'I can't be sure, ~t .-1 think it's part of a cher¢ca]. change in the body caused by • tbe change of diet.'" Securing his diet food is sometimes ~· "I eat twice a day ,, 8 rtakfast is orange juice -eggs, cereal or pancakes without the ll.!Ual sausage -coffee or English tea. Although I don't eat fish , there are sUD plenty of foods to choose from. I bave a...cooi v.·ho's clever ln tbC ti .. "One of my favorite dishes Is curry. I look forward to eatiJig a potato or vegetable curry, which I can·t get in CaJifomia. I remember all the pomp and ceremony when I was a boy and traveled· to Ceylon with my partnts. It took 17 bOys to carry in the curry and aU lhe sidedlshes. CELEBRl11ES ··0ne ol the ifeatest ac- companiments to ~U"1 are chappatiS. tri the Orien!i_ the natives carry a1on1 their own mills f(lll' grinding 'a the whole wheat flour they put into the chappatl." They M flat discs made of whole wht-«. flour mlJed. with retll1ir 1~ • bread flour and ju.t enough water to for m. 1 IUI douO. he said, Aller-*""' ...Wal houn. the doU~;~ well kneaded . 1")11 I Into rounds lik4 tottiDu and baked on a dry liOl 1:Jdd!L Recipes far two ol Efnm'1 favorite vea:etable curriea, plus one for a meatlesa casserole with vegetable-pro- leln "meat" cut.s. follow. Weight w1tcher1 and vegetarians may get ad- l ·~ LOOK FOR THE LU(l\Y "BOND"' ON EVERY PACKAGE OF· MEAT 'SOLD AT• LUCKY •. IT'S YOUR GUAIAN· . TH OF FLAVOR ,UCO TENDERNESS: TASTY SUGGESTIONS FOR LENTEN MENU SI •OITMllW·ChnlCUt 89 < HAUBUT STEAKS........ lb. flfSll 69" FILLET OF PERCH ... ,..... lb. (OOfiD 59 < FIUET OF PERCH........ lb . ......... 79'' FILµT Qf .. SOLE ........... , 11>, ~ ,., 73' FILLET OF . COD.. . . • • .. .. • " lb . ~ "'"" BACON ~~: 53c 1.U.PkG. ~~r:.~,~~~.~.~.~ ......... 63'. fAllMEl JONN BACON 55' • ..0.1..-•ACWL ........... , •.... , ........... . ' ' ' 'e2~~~=-~~,~~ ............ _,,,., 68' SWIFT PlQAIUM IACON c IUCa M'tllllftMU6L .............................. 68 COMPAllf LUCKY'S JOP QUALl1Y ,.u1rs AND VIGIJ'AILIS fOA ,.ISHNrss ••• fOR QUALl1Y ••• AND LOW rv111:r.0Ar DISCOUNT ~llCl.SI CHIQUITA Bl,\ND BANANAS U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET .POTATOES I'' ,. 1-o ····· 49c . · cruo BAG Our LOW E><r)dayPr ice! KRAFT CHEESE' FOOD VELVEETA :J2.QUNCE CTN. • Govtrl1ment (Mlr11.\•1i 9nCI foir. Trodt 1111111 (11tepled 1·:10·69. PRIM ==-~~-..... _ ................. -·-··· 53' UllY'S CORNED BEEF ..... ,~ ....... 59' •' . ' i I· I 1· . : • ,, . .. SQ{ll SUPERMAlil!M . LURE YOU WITH "FREl" GAMES, STAMPS AND GIMMICllS ... NOT SO AT YOUR NURBr LUClY DISCOUNT SUPERMARml WE'VE CAST Off EXTRA COSTS AND EXPINSES AND FEATURf ONLY lOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES. DON'T TAKE JHE "IAIT" •• 10l!Ll"~UCKY DISCOUNTS EVERY DEPARTMENT INCLUDING THOSE FAMOUS BRANDS YOU KNOW ~ TRUST ••• TOP QUAUTY BONDlD MEATS .. :rm SWON'S FINEST PRODUa ... HEALTH •: JIAUTY AIDS ... ATGRUTERMRYDAYSAYINCiS!• •1: ~ ~-,_,, i; ~~~~~!~~~!.:::: .... 38! -~=:~~~B~MEl='fs~===·=~:: T-BONE STEAK TAtlS llMOVlD ••• 11011 DI Ul'.1-CU(,,,,,,,,,, . !.~! .~~!!..~:::: .......... 19 ! 0 ::~~~~-~!:!!!:~UTY .... 43 ! ' • I -' - CUT-UP Fl~CHICl!JNS .. , .............. 35,:. CROSS Rll ·ROAST .. =:..__., ........................... 79.: .. '"· ..... --TU.RllEYS TOUMl.i.I.&. 39 ' TURKEY HINDQUARTERS .... 29,:. • .... "'"""'...... "· RIB STEAi ••••••••••••••••• 891i.. PORTERHOUSE .... ,,~-:;-:., •••• 11 :.' OUrLOW E~Pricc! LUCKY ALL MEAT FRANKS 1-POUND PKG. 49° 12-0L PkG. 39c ~l!~~~~-~~~~ .. ~~~~.~ .... 1-l1. •••· 79c ~~1~~~~~=mtt1~~.~-~:. 59c ~~~~y !!~(=-~~ ... y.,,UL .... 9c ~~~~~.~ .. ~~., .•••. $101 ~!~~l!>!~!~~n~~ ........ MI. Pll.49c lln~Von de Kamp's111111 AN OUTSTANDING YARIITT OF FRESH IAlllRY GOODS (Al MOST lUCl:f ITOllSI \II \11111111111111111 lr/llllll llllll 6 ~·1111•·--' - HAM l'l,IUJCOOIUO-JAIMllJONll 49 ' ''''''' f\IUWIAlllllAU',,, ,,, I~. SAUSAGE ••• suiu!::'~ ~~ , •• : .. : 29' ~!\l~J~!~~~~~~!f'~.~ .. ~~~~~ ,.,. 45 c BOB'S TARTAR SAUCE 37' ~IPACU,L ...................................... . ;;;:~~f ;~;~~;~~ »• ... 37: UIS<O., .................................... IJ·OI. IAI 73 , . .,.. GR6" OLMS:::~~~-~41 ' LIQUID NUTRAMENT........ 39' IV ........ (ll(llUltl. wrtll (llM.U.ft. ml-T, CMC ... 1' _,... ,.-TACO DINNlRS ;<.::~ ........... 55' SPRECKELS SUGAR::l.~~-......... '1" . OUrLOW EIOl)dlo'Price! HARVESTD-Y COFFEE -48·0UNCE CAN $2!' LIPTON DINNER ~:.~~· ........... ..75' OUYE Oll;::t-CM..---.. -............. 81' DEL MONTE PEACHES ~:t~ ........ 29' DOLE PINEAPPLE ::::~.~ ................. 25' OASIS FIGS='.:::., ........................ 27' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE =. ........ 46' ·PINEAPPLE JUICE :!'.'l~J! ................. 29' GRAPE JUIC{ ::::.".\..'!!... . ........... 35' ITALIAN TOMATOE5:::.•.;. __ .. i4• Our LOW Everyday Price' . afDNK CA~Ajlf>N TUNA f 61h-OUNCE CAN .... . .., • ' aa·c. STIWED fOMATOES :::'1 ....... :22• .. HUNT'S TOMATOES ~ •. ~ ...... 31' HUNT'S RO BEANS ....... ~ .......... 17' HUNT'S NEW POTATOES::-.:,~16' HUNT'S TOMA TO JUICE ~·~ 28' • DEL MONTE CORN ~ ................... 23' GREEN GIANT PEAS ..... ~ ............ 23' Our LOW EVCl')d.~ Price! _.. PINl SOl QEAll(R, .. ,~ .... 56' CIGARETTES ::::.:::~.'.'.:'.'. ..... c ......... 12" , HARVESJ:tlY-ROUND TOP -, DEllM BREAD TIDE DETERGENT-.-................... 79' ..-DOG SNACllS :'::'!.':.:'.~~ ........ 28 ' IVORY SOAP FLAlllS ,,., ............ ~' GAINES lioG FOOO :::r:t.~ ... -.. 'l" 1~0Nc1 LO'.cF OXYDOl DmRGENT-•--.. -19' LORD & WY CAT FOOD ~~ .. 14' SALY~ PEUrts= ................ 75 ' ·VETS' DOG FOOD ~~ ...................... 8' PERSONAL IVORY ::": .. .:m .............. 28' JOY UQUID :::'::'. .......... ~ ...... ,58' ··__.:_ 11Jl/'J L1iSCOUNTPR!CES G~ r1EA L·,J : .• l ' .t· 1¥ r,~.Jr, ~ UoulD RINSE -·~J9< ~ EXCIDRIN TABLETS YAHO LIQUID ST~~~~25' ·;":!'°i1!'!'.,\\ltl:;..~'"' . 11 " APPADS""'"'•• '23 r:;....,~ .... ~tla B UO SO •~.-............ ' :·''"/'.,.. I LUCKY C~EI ... ,.~ .10' NlWI DRY llll SPRAY Our LOW E>e ryd.:ry Price! ANTl.rtHPllAMT DIODOIANT 6 PACll =::".:.-a:-:.:: liai1 COCA COLA Ef".:::t.:.·"=: 91 c, COi.GATE 100 ~~'::'tr~~: 85 ' c ... _....,.._ . c - . ' CIESTTOOTllPASll ,_,. ·I. '""'' ·72c . ~ ... ,.....,. , .... , ..... ~ ••• BRlCIC CREME RINSE Efrem Zimb.tlf1t Jr. * • " """"""'' .~.,: ~ton't~ ... , -~~ '. Ml s~ will -et PH r1t1la,loflt,11 • : · Waliillitil's Birtida1. ~a)iid'j;Fll 22"- SETTY CROCXER-5V2·0Z. BOX '43° CORONET MlAT.BALLS :::~ ..... .69' · TURKEY & GRAVY :::'.:~~: •. 35• .. . ' FRllD AWKA COD ::,':,,."r · · 55• FISHSTICKS ::..':' ......... , ... _,, __ ,93• PERCH FIWT~.·= ..................... n .... 59• ORE·IDA POTATOES ::::.-:::'. •. _.45' YEGET ABLES:...:: .............. -. .28' t-..i •U.U. Maf lm&l, -t!IUS, lfAll>lll ..... ....,m•••WMIJ . 1 BROCCOU:::Q~~I~~~~'.~.~~.~~ .............. 37• I ORANGE JUKE ;~~.-... -...... _55·~ . JJIWQ )Ill.( ·~ 1(1 KRISPY CRACKERS :::.-: ............... 33' GRAHAM CRAOORS:=::'.'-,33' NABISCO COOlllES:::\::":.':~:.~5' LOOK fOl·TMl-KIY IUYS "'QV ... l llYS' .... ~ JllCldt ~siblt by -,~. ~ .;.-lll'llofioMI olowone-. ... Tiii ~E'( llJV" iltmt htl'd ...,,..,.,, 1-tew ol.tht mony bll'll ..... ;" irore for 'f'llU ...... s.191)nl rou 1111tk·UP G11 lllow "l((Y BUY" ilerns you -l1lll1Jv UM for G!lfATtR lVlRYDA'f' ~Vn.G~! ' LAlllES' c4RDIGAN ~ ' ' SWEATERS ' . -.-......J.-.. ~..:•"•W... ...... w. ........... , ..... r..:, ... ..,.,. ..... . .... ,., ..... ..,, .. ••• $497 LOW • PllCI ' . ' dill"l"'I recipes using m .. 11.,. , \ .. _' -----------------------------------------~-··~------~-~-~·-· -~~····· .. ~-........ ·'· .... --___ ! __ • ( ' l • ff OAILY PILOT Wtd....,ay, Febnlv/ 19, 1969, Log This Che ~ry ·Recipe for Holiday · The "" use.no· be a cJ1<lT)I pie. But thia year -try ao~ n e " and create your dwn cherry JQgl and chm'y chip cookies. You'll rediscover• the surprise cher- ries always giv.e to, foods in cooking or baldog. The cherry hu _ been a unlverul favorite from the time of the Greeks, around 300 BC. Spreading throughout the world (probably w:ith the help of birds), cherry trees were first cultivated in the early 1800s. Today, Amerlcatis are cherry mad, consuming more than 145,000 tons each )'ear. While cherries are a year- round perk up for any menu, tradition puts this delectable fruit in the spotlight during February a 1 Wubingtoo'a birthday approaches. One Important poirit: If YOO bake lhe cherry logs ~ cher- ry chip cookies for family !*t}~l.;iil;' and friends, remember that these are very sweet saackl -and need a balancer, such as a tangy soft drink. CHERRY L91lS 'h cup soft shortening Ii tablespoons brown sugar 6 tablespoons granulated sugar • 1 egg, unbeaten % cup sifted all purpose flour ¥• teaspoon salt If.: teaspoon baiting powder 1 cup uncooked quick rolled oats 'iii cup walnuts, chopped I/• cup niaraschino cherries, drained and chopped Cream butter and sugar. thoroughly. Add egg and mix uoUI light and fluffy. Silt together flour, salt and baking powder and beat into first mllture. Fold' in remaining ingredients. Turn into an ungreased 9x9l2 jnch pan. and bake in a 375 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes. Cul into 8 pieces. CHERRY ClilPS 6 tablespoons soft butter ot margarine 1h cup granulated sugar 2 egg yolks, unbeaten ~cup flour . 1 teaspoon baking powder 1~ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons maraschino cherries, chopped 1Ai cup walnuts, chopped .BAKE A CHE1'RY CHERRY LOG C r e a m butter and sugar Add egg yolks and mil: thoroughly. Sift together flour, bating powder, salti aod add to Ursl mil:ture. Chill dough for 00 minutes in re.lrigerator. Forth into 12 · balls, roll Jn null and place on an ungreas· ~ cookie· slleet. Flatten . with .s glass dipped in sugar. Bake in a 375 degree oven fo~ 8 lo 10 rnlnutes. Makes 12 cookies. "· Favorite Fru it Featured Alaska, A delighUut des.sert.lo com· memorate and celebrate \Yashinglon's birthday is \YashlngWn's Alaska. It reminds us that George Washington's favorite tree - for chopping or satisfying hunger pangs ~ was the cher· ry tree. ~ J)rincipal ingredients are brownie mix and softened cherry ice cream. The secret to this recipe is the quick refirming of the softened ice cream afr.er it has been packed in a round·boltom bowl. WASHING TON'S ALASKA I Package Brownie mix or your favorite brownie recipe ~: Gallon of New York cher· . ry lee cream 5 Ega: whites S Tablespoons sugar Prepare brownie mix ac- cording to package directions and bake in a lightly greued and noured round pan. Wh ile the brownies are bak· Ing. pack the · ice cream inlo a round bowl tltat has been lined with transparent plastic or wax paper. A ml1.lng bowl with a rounded bottom is Ideal. The Jee cream will pack more euily If it is allowed to soften sllthtly. Place the k!e cream Jn the freezer ror about an hour. or until tt becomes firm and takes the shape of the bowl. Turn the cooled brownies on to I round pla ... Shortly be!ore serving time, beat the tu: whites until they are stiff and add the sugar, beinl aure to blend the sugar wen iftto the qg whites. Place the molded lee cream tn the center of ult brownie. and frost ~k!y with the eg ~mixture. Plact in a pre- ..... 4'° degree oven im- q11dt{y and bake for 4-5 ndllaltl or unUJ browned. a..ilh with cherries and an A8mtcan flag or several i.......l.li"' ~ flags. Serye fm.. fp a ¢"f, • George Washington Style A p'ATRIOTI C TRIBUT E TO GE ORG.E WASHINGTON \ ( i . -~_,_..,,..d;J.__~--L _°J_ ____ ·_:_ ·.:_·_·.:....;. ____ _ .. --------------------------- I \ I Prtets Effldlvt la u...I Sl!l:a41 Tilln.11111 Sul.,,,._ 20 In 23 ' 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Manarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna I ' ------------- ' ' • ' • ' • I ¥1 .. .....,/,...., 19, 1969 . . • I ' : A combination of thin .. mak•·oU~IO • • • ' < • ' I y-back parantee poslible • . " . .. .. . , . " . . • " " . .. .. .. ' . .. . .. ' • .. • ' • • • . . . ' ' • I . I , . , . . I I ( \ Pork Boneless Roast Chops -~~,:: .·5 I C '°""" , ... n.r. . "'*... . _ ........ 19' I. ~~~ .... a.t I· •• 8· I C. U.S.DA ChOlct 8Mf U.Anc!Tas~ Chectl Tbit low, l"' Price PortcCliop.l:~~ .. 691 hrlc St•=":::. .. 691 Fresb Sparei:llts ~: .. 691 Pork RoUt· ~=.. .. 691 let Of Pork ~·.::~':" ..... 69' Pft Cliopj t'1~..:' .. 991 Chuck Roast :~A .. _"" .. 49' loneleu Steak ::::-.:: .. 79' IHfRibSteak =~ .... tr Top Sirloin Steak :.. .. •1" Y eat Chops ::i:. '1:.. .. 69' . _let Of L11111b L:'u!:"'--.. 19' ---- - "Rli'di· •in am -••11tlD'Mlll·•·..,. ...... • 1 •11 ...... ...., ~ · · -lip T ~P Drinks . . . FlaU Fn-10 • .. s1 'ClloiceOI-~ .,._ :"'~~-· .•• ~~ Cherry Pies , -•t1• 3 $JOO Fl"*ftlllll''f\IJI ..... ., ..,... ........ ___ . ......._, ·;...-HoM~fi-t .... CREST eo11acc.,.1es ~ w. Toothpaste su.,.. :=:.. .::71• 111111r111p11r 69 · l11Ci1T1Web ::r: 71' . Fights l!'lh Decay-Whitens kL C Gillette Bud:i= ~ 79' . And Btightens Your Teeth! llN • · . Micrin Mouthwash ...... lllhltftl 92 For Sad Breath, Colds & Re· ~ C sullant Sae Tlvoaa - Colgate Toothpaste 1 aw-T,.,SmieW 1%«. . C .llNllllJl'tl h 77 f-y,.. Brtlth .... Alka-Seltzer ....... --. ..... 5ac Sillll Qllici Rllilfl tf t• ~ Bayer Asitirin Gardenllde Green Peas ·----·· ,.. .. _ ...... ...... -. ..... • .,....ClnWICA,. ••• nwu.•st111111 ...... , ... .,, .. .,. ......... Honnel Curt II =.-.. •1• . . . Wllnn Festival Ham .: •1n Gold llvtget Hom=-.. •1n l111l1u Tneia llm l:"'ll~ Hom Sllcu l:I"'..!: . .. 'I" lt••I•• Cllops 1:1.:" ... •1n .YacuHIM ·Edwards eo11. I·~ .. c i lest Quality ._ Tthlunl '119 .Int . Aglnr ladlrilil 3' ~·,: Scotties Tissue . Potato Salacl lmw"fiiilllfJ ......... c.111 •· . 3-=-'1 00 C.tbp CilH• ~ _=. JSI NclM ........... CllllM....., lbll. Cil .. .., a.-= .. 15~ ·sM ...... low ·PUffs ·:.:-3tc . . S lusylakH · Cookies =-. :£. ..... 2ftc .,.,., ,, ........... ,.. ....... -·· ... ...~ ,.,. __ .. ,, • 0-Clrl& low Ill Mell . . ................. Busy•• Cookies Apples EF .. 'I Potatoes=~~na10d91 ~pples a~ 3~5t .. ---t ,l:ia;.• ·~•tc s .· Cookie Jar Mix " 4DD!lt0"·'1 ff/OUN !OCDS .AJrOcaclo• , . .. Celery , ~~= .4 ... ".' =~=Mii ........ . -~........ -=--2.t .If· Paun••· == 2:. 'II' ,11• .. 11:'.::."I...-·=··· , ......... . <'Wllitis•:au""" 1~-t1• -.. -5 .• , •.. ...... =,!Ot 1:;:•1• --~·_ .... __ ... ________ _ 211 E. 171h SI., CISll MISI 100011JS1H Dr., llewport led ~ • 24 Mo111rth Bly Pl111, So. 'taguna 636 II. Coast Hwy., lagan1 lelcfl Sinll Ana frteWIJ 11 LI Paz, Mission Vlelo Fllnlew Aft & Wilson SI. I• I: . ' ,. ' \ ' \ " 1 ' : • .. , • 1rt DAILY PILOT WodotSd.ly, Ftbnlary 19, 1969 .... .. ~ • , ' .\uSoA CHOICE Did you know that all the beef at White Front is only U.S.D.A. Choice and has all the superior quality thcit makes for good eating. Tender, juicy and flavor- ful, the best our meat experts can find anywhere. · In fact, it is 111 r quality in every way: The purdlailr!s' cuttitig, trimming, and packaging aR Gr. watched aver for perfection. Wh~n a side of U.S.D.A. Graded Choice beef is Wng divided into various cuts, White Front's exp9rt meat cutter& !Yim away most afthat heavy fat that makes a good steer" Even the finest porterhouse is trimmed waste free with less fat and bone before ' l its weigl..t and DGCkaied. We leave just enough fat for flavor and not a fraction • more. Remember the best buy is White · F.ront' 1 carefufty trimmed meats at the' towest everyday prices anywhere. . ' ·jiii11 ~~ · ~ c PORKhi 24' MIRACLE54c COCKTAl"4i4 BEANS ......... . WHIP ............. . ,_ . ciiNG Nc·~·29< iiiiNi.E1s 20' c'iiuitsil 29c PEACHES .. CORN 1~•~f .... TUNA Ne~~ • iOMATO ( DOLE 4~#.~z. 29( BAYED (. JUICE .4~fNL .......... 29 JUICE ...... .... FOID ....... ~f;E 9 ;;:1 4~Ao,.z. 41' iyii'iQT. 57' i'iilvD RE~. 10' COCKTAIL FOODS ......... FOOD sm WELCH 'S GRAPE: JUICE 111t11L------· 36' TRHSWHI GRAPEFRUIT JUICE "'i. ... 46' SUN SWEET PRUNE JUICE. Qt._ 47' DEL MDHIE CDRN DR GRHN BEANS a1 23' DH MONIE SWEET PEAS "'··-----.. 21' DINTY MOORE IEEF STEW ,..,_w ........ 57' ARDEN SOUR CREAM"'"-·'·--·---.. 49' DH MONTE CATSUP u • in ............ -21' CARNATION INST .BREAKFAST'""·--70' ARDEN YD6URI u111 ·-5i11 DH MONU~ilMATD SAUCE,.,_ ____ 10' KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES .,_._ __ 28' N.R.C. CHIPS AHOY ,,...,_ _____ ... 45' LIBBY CO~N D ~EEF u.u. ........ : ........ , 59' GEN ERAL Mil LS CHEERIOS 1111 u. .... -35' SUHSHINE GRAHAMS 11-11 .... -.............. 31' . U.S. NO. 1 RUSSETS POTATOES FANCY LA.IOI MU.TY $ AVOCADOS ____ .................... : ... Si 1 ~ CUCUMBERS ........................ ~ 1 0' ,. SWUTHAWA:'I PINEePPLE ---........ .' ........ ~39' ADHTtlCltMIAT , , "'' BANANl'JQUASH _ 7'1•. "' I ' .. . AIDIN HIGH QUALITY Yi GAL 5 9' ICE CREAM ;........ ............ . SWANSON'SASSTD. T. V. DINNERS ................ 46< SA.IAUICAKBAJC) 69< PIASTRIESEXCEPT CHERRY H C!!_E.~:~~~.~'!J BRIDGEFORD WHITE BREAD1 mi ................... 49' KERMIN MEAT PIESaoz.. ................................. 17' r•1 LUEIQUAUTY l~ll. 5"' All MEAT FRANKS·--·-7· ARDEN SLICED CHEESE Ill!·"'""~· ............... -............... 69' Al P'S SLICED SWISS CHEESE•~.-.. -.• -................. 49' KRAFT SllCED CHEESEn1r1 ........ --...... -....... 1u.45' PILLSBURY BUTTERMILK BISCUITS ___ ,_ .. _,,_ 10i11 ADVUTISID ~ES EFFECTIYI · ntUIS. THIUWID .. Fh. 20 THIU fll, 26 Ol'IN WASHINIHON'S lllTHDA Y, Fb. 22 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M • 12l1HARIOllLVD. lllDN .. TitlU SAT .. 10:00A.M . to t :JO fl.M. SUNDAY, 10:00.A.M.TOJ:JDP.M. COSTA MESA lllSTOl. lNO PAUl.ARINO MON. "4IUF•IDAY, I l:JO A.M.109:l0,,M, SATUIDAY, 9:)0 A..M. to 9:)0 fl.M. SUNDAY, 11:]0 A.M. TO 7:10 P.M • . l .-• . . .. .... . -· ., .. . • .. . . . .. . .. ,. . ... ... ... • -".! Wednelda1, ,....,. 19, 1969 NILY PILOT @ Huntlll9'011 leCICll -8911 AdMlll Co.-def Mw-3049 C11st tt,ry.; . . . PICNIC . STYLE FAMILY l»ACK SWIFT'S PREMIUM -:.,: PORK ·ROAST G .·_.. CORNISH ·' · rounu ·, :· . . GA : . '· ~ .. • c I&. llr~ t LONDON BROIL~~~ .... "'· 98c BEEF LIVER ::"~~1:."::, .... '."". ••. 4C)c PORK STEAK ~,.'.'. ....... '"· 59c SAUSAGE ~:'.;;!;' ,:z:,,;·,. ... : n.. ~9c PORK ROAST::-.''.~ ..... ••· 59c SLICED BACON~!',~.:.,,. .~. 57c GROUND CHUCK ::.'!' -~n41b. 59c SLICED BACON :.":.'~~ .... lb. 4.5c BEEF STEW ~':"..:':'.'. ..... · ...... 1b. 79c RED . SNAPPER :;:,. ....... ••· 7 5c MEAT LOAF t.;h':''.~ . . .... 59c FISH Sl'ICKS .... d,.... . . n.. 39c Quality Chiquita C&H CANE IMPERIAL BOLD GIANT DAILY DIET Sugar Margarine S LB. BAG 1 POUND CUBED 10c OFF . TAIL TIN ·/49c . 36c 68c Jt. GREEN GIANT CASCADE DISH Nib lets Detergent 12 OZ. TIN 1 Oc OFF GIANT ' s:•1 Fresh at Our Stores with (t4llY hF .pft!Al . an In-Store 1 - Bakery •.•• JIF 18-oz • PEANUT LADY scon 200's -FACIAL ' Tissue ·4:•1 .lumb1• 111 Pink 7 6C: SALMON .................. '"" ..... Ch-,.... . \. 98C VELVEnA .............. 21i... Wltd1m1u Cherry 56C PIE FILLING ........... #2 . Plll•b•!'f . 25 c .PIE . CRUST MIX ..... •••· °'"'• . 49c AIR FRESHENER , .... 11n i.ly ·s..tt 4 /1 BATH TISSUE . Twin .... • '·.:i;M:o~.·~·.:. ,m, 33c c .. 1U..'A ~Id.'.~~ . W• 39c Hor CROSS ' '. MlYoNNAISE ... '"" Ov•• 43c BU YUBAN ·~·: 69C •·lb. 138 NS 6i3.fc COFFHM .~; 69C ·~~ 199 . ·RAISIN 3oiF$1 BREAD . c .· '·· LARGE 22-oz. ea. SIZE c lb. Pick-Up Entry Blanks for ; 'Prizes-by- the-Bunch" c EL ER y ::~~:~ ..... · ............ IA. 101 B I • TENDa YOUNG 1 SC rocco •SPEARS ..................... LI. Carro Is PRISHCRISPCU''°' ............. LI. 101 CEUBRITY 3" GRANT'S 15'9 FULL -·YR. OLD FIFTH . • · 1 /2 GAL CHAMPAGNE =~~th 1.79 I . . . WALTERS BOCK BEER :::.! '.": padc 99C Wine ::.:..., ...... !th 79c Beer ~~:e'2 ........... 89c B L"""...rl AIM"-'• 4 49 ouruu 10 ,,..., qt. • • B d All-•loo• 449 ran y '"" o.... ... . ARMOUR STAR-1-18. F~NKS55c .. GIANT TIDE •••• •79c 12t .ft,. .. I , ' /' /'I ~~ =··'"'.' ...... 65c GIANT DASH . .. . 63c i ROSARITA · .. , .. off GIANT SAL VO • • • 6Sc I Oc eff, 22•1. · ....._ .. PNt11rr#· Aiwrkiln Cheese FQCKI ... , ..... 87c ( B• I&.-·· 19 I MIXlCAN OR COMIC DINNH · 2'88 , -OR CHHSI ENCHllADA • ~ ( 'lllP TACOS -.YOUI CHOICE .. I HOT SLICES MYERS lll~D;, .. L . . . . . '2c CINAMON LOAF . ..,..., , ... 49c ..,....,. 'tel CREAM ..:_., . .,.,.,, . .-68c • QltANG• PLUS ··~ ..... 44c 9i~ds·l~e]6c MIXID YIO. I ONIOl!S • VIO. JUlllR • KING .CHEER . . .. . 1.32 . IATH SNIOUAID 20c 2 PACK DST .. ••· IVORY LIQ(HD .. .. 4k I GIANT BONUS •••• 79c u-· ,/ . VA SOAP ..... 13c llCU ..... 10 ......... L . .c . I 1 ---Lunch Meat ~ .. _ 29c I • • '" ' . ' . ....... -HANS WITH , AlMONDS • llCI AND • 1 PIAS WITM MUSHllOOMS -CHOICI ~ .. IACM I \ I LA-WllA l I . AIWll1'· Whittler llv4. •t lre;thurtt I. ~ I ~,~-" •t .... o .... ,...,,. • ' ' ) l { I j . II u - • ·-~ ;_j I .. \ QAll.Y. Ill.OT W_,f.....,.i\._ -• ·-i . • Alpha . Beta's ~ I • Man in Blue ·"-' says: . .. . . • I OWN io,IARTH DISCOUNTS U.S. ·NO. I • All PURPOSE POTATOES RUSSETS LB. ·BAG 10~ . f\AVORIUI. • EX.fANCY YAMS 2 ~ 29c CRISP·~ • CIRRllTS· ,; · .. e'RUTllAGIS• · • TURlllPS :'.:, .. YOUR '1" ·o· '•;c . CHOICE LI SUHORlm • 1\i LL Pd. BR MAST 44c PRUNES I < .. " • • - .. ' .. ' -l. . lllClUDES Cl.EANS AMYTHrNG Yo0i:wt WCll ~ Slll'l'lY of WITH A GARDEN HOS£! . ""'C'd ·= JET·X SPRAYER CONTROU "OFT-OW' lXCLUStvn't' UNIQUE VALVE SYSThl . . 1511 ''&OAP and llln&t-' AT N..rNA IET,\ . STOii[ H°'""' · l MON. thni FRl-10 A.M. ta .f PJI. SAT. ond SUH.-10 A.II. !o H"". !Ul~L OISCOU '41 S t~[~Y [)Al :=.~ C*IK n JC£ ~11t.'i'rna cil*Ut°lHtm at¢ QUAllf.-CMTON ' 11# Y-. a.: ~sE'fuft~ 87¢ -.. • ~-· SAYE WITH ALPHA BETA'S 12.171 TOTAi. 01$COUNTS ·~l!l.Mi Save.even ~ . more with , • ' 'Double Discounts They mean extra la'!• for you, Mldt ,.,.,~. Ill ·-""' cl'tlsu wfli the cost ntllctions pnsed on ta yoa. llllt for 1htm throughout Uw"stort. MIN£ IUMAllTA ST~ES OllCOUllf Your AllffA BETA NeiiboffioOd llald1er .· (the Man in the Rid~ rraatly.~ ~ . . .. BVTCHE!'S PRIDE MIA i ~ .... ..=..: .......... ,*'*' .. x-•• ..,. .... r"'.::r=·t=a-""""'"'""'-''"~"'-c-J::.L.:r.~ · ., · .. · -. ._ ........ · .................... ··-·-··~· .. ·--~·:--· ••• ,,.. -'_.;,:_' --"-~----~"..:_·_·.,,.;__...:. _______________ ----------7 . . . . -. --.. .... ·-· :LJ!Al o:scOU '4 1S [~lRY [IAY ' -' ,j ,J ~ . J \ .. ' ~ . / . :lie 271 • .. , 59c 551 49c 441 OUINllUrS . LISTlTIN QIMlJTf l!JWA MAID BACON · RE~ IUCIU • l·lB. PKQ. i' 49' I . ' .· -. 22-PILOT-ADVERTISER ... -' TWI Is 'fl11 l;ln • MlrclrJ'I ll91uit Y.,r. Allul It II Jo•11_.1 llqsft fMf, T"" , . '" ~: ..• ,.... ~"' Gnat ~.i,.Gt111, .Great'"-" ·· · AMI. ''"i .,..,,. t.--.. • . t;al Wltlll '68 Lincola Continental EXECUTIV• CAR S1ve over $1925.00 off ol eil8'n1t'P,ke en thl1 IHutlful Car and drlva11 lou "'°" 11,000 ml ... n1turally Its fUlly continental equipped, vinyl f'oof, lffthlr trim, •he: wjy M1t1, and 1utom1tlc 1ir. Our Stock Ne. 1Ql9 . . •.'' ~ • j· • · · 'Jf'Ccidiil.ac Coliv;rtlble · .\ a.11tt'IJ11I u.xony ~u-11t.ri~r finhh with lll~c~ lee· ,.,.~ r11t1rl11" 1nl bl1c• top. ,Jvtly h1111ry •,ct.Hp;••. , ~1111• 'rlfll,!"il•loo. f.M·FM r•dit,_ •11tJ11111tif !-,..,.,,. ~· "W'ft" ctfltrol, 1lr c•i1ditlon1fr, ·,1w•r;\toflicl•w1, 6 w1y ' .-!1t, ~)•wer 491ril•clii, tltt ••i••t•ill. rl11hn1 whttl, •• too. Tiil1 1trictty .,.. ownlf" ~viomoWI•, Ii hi 11c1ll111t -ctfltl.fticfll. Orily;olrlvn 24,000. 111il1i •. SAVE 168 M•·RCURY Cyclone GT F•1tb1ck. Errn int whlf1 1rlerier Wlt11 b11r,11ncly i11· t1rior -1uto1111tlc tr1111111i11ion, r1di1,, h11t1r, pow•t 1t.erNtt,. pew•r br1k11, f1 clf!ry 1ir c1nclitionin1, co.tn• kn Wl'l 'l'e b11e•1t 11111, f1mo111 ]90 cu , in. 01191111 ~ f lfh p1rfo"rm111c• h1ndling p•c••t'· l r111cl n•w wid1 · t,.,,1 '.tfr1&. Thl1 Cl ('h!I 011ly I 11000 mi111-1 John~on . ,. •Se• ctr nt•fr pr1#10111ly 1olcl. lie. WXF124. '66 CADILLAC S1cf1n O•Vil11. k1utiful GoW, Milt fin11h witil lil1ni b1 ig• l11th1r inl1rior. Eq11lpp1i with' 111 the luawry f11hrr11: 11110. tr1na., R&H, PS, l'I, PW, 6-wty 11et, 1uto •. f1ct. 1ir c1nl; •tc. M1tic11lo111 c1r1 h 1b.,Jo111, .•nly JI.ODO 1i'it ln1r"in1f•1. l ic.·s1s1•1. ·: •• . It· h Joli-& Son's Polley To Sell 11lelr FfH !.ow•Mlleage Executi,e Cm FOUR Tllllri A Y .. r Instead Of Th Cntol!ICll:J Once Or twice • .. luy NOW & Sove!' " ~· .J~~~1::. ::: ::Ji:.'i:U'! ' SafeluY i I· 1969 LINCOLN CON11NENTA,L 'I( ' . ... HUGE SAVINGS /, . ' . 4 cloor SH1n. M1ii111111t~lcf met,1;1ic, l1eA.r•tffh, d1r• gol .. 'l'l11vl roof. 4 ply 9li1• ll1lted ti~•• powtr 'l'•nt wincl•w1, 4 Wl'f' 1e1t, tilt tt.•rlnt wh1el, •ir conditio11in9, AM/FM r1il1, tint•cf ,1,11, h1odr11fa, pow1r a .. , lock1 & bl11tlf11I fl•r•d' w.li11I, No. 1121. ... • ..,,, ............. .,,....,... J • .t..,.. CAR$ STILL 1.N WARRANTY • J ' ,. usm· cm '68 COUGAR L•1t •f •r.tr 61'•· Cougar 1upor ]02 en9ino. l l1ck c•"'"'" t~f1 .1oloct diift, wtlito w1ll1, co111olo, tll10: ~r1k11, tiff '1koring whool, powor 1to1ri119, 1ir concfi• tio~ing., radio, cltcor group, ti11.t1d 9/111. SAYE $1050. • 1 '68 Imperial 4 door hardtop. lorl'l11,d1 11110 motallic flnid1 with C '"'tchin9 int.rior, 010 ultimofo Jn luxury oquiprnent in· cludlnt tilt 1t.1ri119 wh1.1l1 cr11is1 control, AM/FM Str10, r•1!i1 •tc, A on• 'ow111r /11x11ry c•r in be111tif11I coni iti1n. Lie VTT 176 •' $4795 • • i') '· lt69 COUGAR: 'XR.7 " . ~ ... ,, SAYE 5 781 No. 4250. 011• 1.,.., ;r•1ft. ]51 cu. i11. 4· i:i1n el, •ut-im1tic tr1n1• 11"11t1!1n, whl& 1i4• ,..,11 trl1t con1ol1, power 1t11ri_n,, ptw•r llll1c• l:ira•eu, 11' ctn• 'ltl1nlnt, tint.d 9l1u , rtclio, h1•t1r, 9111rlll1 I 1'1•d.,.1h.-let1 th;t11.~i'DD !!Hlt,1· T ~ <i, """'.n. ""· -~ ~ ·~ 1 '68 COUGARS A·V.Al.LAB~, TOO ! '67: Cougar GT • P'!l•r whit1, with lil1ck b11ck1t •••h, •11iom1lic tr1111 p1w1r 1i.1rl119, pow1r':tw1•11, 1ir conditioni119, P1r~ I formonc1 ft•ndlin9 p1c••1•, wide 1¥11 tir11. A re•I bee11ty. TXSl55. I i.- ~ $2895 ·- ' '66 RIVIERA Pol1r Whlto fini1h 'with m1rin1 bl111 interior, 1q11ipp•" with 11d1m1tic~ treft1mi11ion, redlo & h11ter, power f 1t11rln9, p1wor l:ir1 •111 powtr window1, 6:w1y pow1r •••+, 1tr1t-aft, tilt at11rin9 wh111, f1ctory 1ir cond. 1 l1111tlflll l ~..,-fltT ctr m1inttined Ii•• n1w. lo mil11. TPT2!0. • ''3195 s3795~· ,,.;-. '·.· 9"'-~~ -.' ~ ........ ,.. ....... ""'.,,~i::-... J ~; i\,!' " • .J67.FORD CORTINA I •DO O.lv.1~, 2:t1•or 'l:OCie"ll -1ttt,1ctlv1 m1r1111 e1· t.rior with lll1c• "il!Y1 interior, 1q11lpp1d with <f·1p114 tr1n1tni11i111, r1d io, heifer. Tr1Jelll lly 1rlgln1I ewner end •ept in li1111tiful c1nO/tio11. 011ly ll,000 1ctu1I """ .. ~'" ~:~·1495,,, •·J; '. '68 Olds. Cutlass I I ' . Su,. 2..Jr. H:T. ~••1.utif11I 1111 g•I' 1.+, w/mtchng. Duc~tf 1i 1h, Ill~. l1nd4lu roof. fvlly fie. e,.1lpt. + 111t1tr1n1.,1RIH, PS, l'I, fie. t ir. Dri ... 1n 16,000 111i., c1r1full., 1111in. bv orig 1wn1r. XOA 412 $2995 '07 MERCURY C•leny l'trlt t p1•1, 111, ·Wtn. StriH"g 1rctic whit. .911111 lnt1rl1r, 1wt•. tr1n1., RIH ,1ir c111cl., I'S, Pl, ctr. f11, Jnl 111t, l11g1. tack. i111I eel. t•il91t., I -n•r cor, 111111t ••• te 1pr1ci1t.. Uc. UIH717, $2795 '66 'CC)NTl .. NTAL S11ony y1ll1w oxter• with .. w ln+.rt.r, ewt•nttfl•· tre"1111iulon, r1dio •ntl h11t1r, 1lr c•niiflening, full ,.war, 1to.rl119, Mk., 6 woy 111t, tilt 1tlwln9 wh .. I. SVZHO. '3395 .. ' • ' . .•. ~ • . , J. .. .,,.. ~ I ~ . f' ,, I ' i ~ ! r .. I ! 1969 COUGAR XR7 Con•1rtible, Mn. Joh111on'1.p1r1ontl c•r with • n1., JOQ.O 'mil e1. A ll1111tlfu1 ,-., Wi!h· l51 ·plr· f!H'111•nc1 <jroup, 1el1ct •hlft tr1n)ifti,1lon, pOw. er0 window1,.·ajt1rh con1•lo, power 1t111in9; ,o'w1r clhc br1ke1, tilt 1tt1rin1 wh11I, 1lr co11dltT1n1r, AM/FM 1+.r ... r1dio, tint1d fl111t compl1t1 wir1 whe1I '''''" Ne: 4271. .. w " . . . .. ·IUY: NOW" •••• ,-f.Aq NOW! ~,.,,...,.,~ ... ,.,,, ... ,.... ! ·,fC1 "~-· ·~(e. .... )t *-·~"=·f1·""n"''~ . .,..""' . . I '• 1969 MAR9UIS COLONY',l'ARK ST~TION WAGON ..... .,.._, r ·~ w ' Cic• JehnMn't ,.ratt111I cir, wllt! 1111 thin 5,000 l'ltile1. A· kt1!"f1I light lvy·y1llow. Thlt Wlflll b c11111Jl1t.fy 1q11ipped with 11/'fho'luxuft 1q11fpm1M yeu would ••p•ct. No. 21lG .' .. '•. $866 ~ ' .. • ,. \ .:., ' ' ' . . . . . . .HARBOR BOUtEVARD, COS'l'.A MESA ' ,. , .. . • • A I.. '• , . ..... • • .. " "-·· .. ' .. • f"I ..... ! I I I '64 MIRCURY Coleny P1 r• 1i1ti1n W•9011, t p1111nger, Arctic Wh lle I flnhh with rid ¥inyl inlerior:Fvlly '"'"ipped with 11110 • "''tit fren1ml11.l11, r1dl .. ileatff~<.l."lf•r 1+ .. ring, pow• er llr•••• 1nlf ftctory t lr conclitlonln9. Cl11n 11 1 pin. Lie. LOX 124. $1495 ' ' '64 CADILLAC ··, Sei1n 01VIU1, !rmfne Whit1 with medhrm bl111 lnt11ior. F11Uy 1q11lppff with 111 th1·IU11ry fut11r11: 111t1m1tic cr11i11 co~trol ind f1cfory 1ir co~cliti11in9. Lie. SERIH $2195 '66 MERCURY • PARK LANI!. C111•1rfible, l:ie•11tif11/ Alit11mn R111t M1., t1 IUc fi11i1h witlt--11/ 'l'inyl parchment int1rior -.! '"'11lpp1cl with 111fom•lic tr1n1111i11ion, redio, h11t1r, pow1r 1t.erln9, powtr br•!r.1, powjr window1, f1 ctory ! e lr co11iitlonl119, d1l1111 wlf• wh1el C0¥1tl, e1fr1 clo111 tllow1 w111d1rf11.I c•re, Uc, XSS990. · ' ' 1 • 4 $2195 '· ~ ....... ··~..,. ....... ~~~ ... ~~-- ' ' "'. '66 'CHEVROLET IMPALA. H•rJtop c111,,: l1rm11Je.~l1n rntt1lllc fin. I ,'"',,·,wl. ffi 11111tching lnt.rior, f111ly 't•ctory .q11ipp1cl, 1ti• +r1111"'i11lenJ rwdlo, h11f1ro ,ow1r 1f11rin9, air c..i~l~ettlng, li'I M111tlfil ce11dlfio11, Lie. SMIJS: '1595 --.. -- l • I l • l .. < • ' .. ' 16th &: TYstin -Costa Mtsa Excellent locaUon, near schools, shopping and beach. Only a few left. Buy now while interest rates are only --· - 7Y\ with 20"A down -71h:% with 1CW. Dn. no 2nd -no polnt1 -2t yr1 on balance Priced fr om $30,850 to $33, 950 ~xcl.uilve A91nt p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LI DO Trocl Ph: $10-5113 f rom L.A. Coll~ >11134 ---~---GARAGE '& WORKSHOP Larg~ douWe iaro.ge, tool shed, 1 24' x 26' '11orksbop stressed for secood story. Covered and enclosed patio· boat storage area from pav- ed alley. THREE BED- ROOM, TWO BATH HOME \\'ith extra SPACIOUS l\IASI'ER BEDROOM AND PRIVATE BATH. \Veil kept prope~ i.n Nowport Heights area. , Full price ON LY $32,!KlO 1-~ CAlJ. FOR AP· POIN'l'MENT. * * • * MW VERDE Lait Of .-n. Small Speilders Here 1s custon1 chum ror tlll! budiet minded. From the wood shingle roof to the st;yliud brick entry this F.a.st &Ide home gives a warm v.•elcome. Large pan- elled livh~ room with pic- ture w!Jxlow and cheerful wood burning ralaed hearth fireplace. Bright country kitchen, plus ·fonna! dining roo1n. 2 queerudzed bed- rooms with storage galore. Priced for the speculator at $22,750. Colesworthy & Co. 642-7777 1904 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Bus.ineU pressure f o r c e s Open Eves. 01vne1· to sacrifice h.is beau-I -~C~,~--.:..~y~0-u-r~l'~s- tlful, recently d e c O't a t e d Kn TH RE E BEDR001tf. 11/a Picture a beam ceiling e BA TH HOME; Newly install-used brick fireplace with e<l quality carpets all rooms 11 big hearth • and a bar except kitchen area. Forced in your den open to a patio air heat, large kitchen, gas area~ foi: $800 down FHA built.in oven and range. $178 pc1 month including Fenced front ancl rear yard wtes. 'NO down to Veteranl. -completely landscaped. AS. OPEN EVES. 'TlL 9 SUME A 61.4% nIA LOAN 5f6.Zill 646.nn OF APPROXIMATE $19,000. Priced at $23,Soo fur qulck salo. Evenings Call 64G-Jl'.l50. Four ·aec1raoms· ' $17,25llJ . ?<.love inlo tllli lal'ge fantily home today, Oose to :!!hop. ping, schools and churches. Just put on the mai·ket, this one won't last. $135.per month includes taxes and in. surance. ONLY $500 OO\¥N, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee THE ~JE AL ' ·E£JTATEPsl 4 Bedrooms 21/2 BATH $26.500 NEAR THE . BEACll . No do\vn to Vet.II, lo\V down to FHA, Ideally located, Jr. Exec: 1ize lot. M.lght lease option. Harry A. Boggs .P.EALTY ~~· Brookhw'9is.:;so.i . it's Diff. rent OutJtanding 4 t;itd.room home with fam. rn1., fonnal din rm & .breakfast room, Own· .er Jfiaving a.rea. Priced to sell. Amold Ir Freud 388 E. 17th St., CJ\1 2043 \Vestcll!J Drive ltealtors 646-77S:. 616-7711 OpC'n Eves. Huge Rumpus , Room 4 BR home, 1%. baths, hard- v.•ood floors, double garage. $25,000. Well .. McC a rdle, Rltrs. 13l0 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-7729 Eves. 64l-0684 ASSUME 5'/• FHA NE.AT I. AITRACTIVE Cozy 2 BR on lg. lo!. Ask· ing $19,950. Pymnts $138. DAVIDSON Realty HORSE LOVERS Santa Ana 1-leighls 66x200 with 2 bedroom home and a 2 car garage. Lot com· pletely fenced. $23,500 - G1oot te1ms.. The Real Estaters &16-2313 • 646-Tin DOVER SHORES Dea~ed & built by IV AN WELLS. Unequale~ for qual· l!y, & elegance. VIEW, 4 Bdrrnt. 3 baths, atrlun1. · Roy J . Ward Co. (Baycrest Office) 1842 Sanlill&Q Dr. ~1550 C,.ecil Covey ........... -----~ ~---------.... -----------.... -----------------,.------~--,-:; ECONOMY SPECIAL, I JU.I listed. 2· Bedrooms each Unit. Near Oc,ean and Sboppll!g .. Fee •im· ple. Divorce necessi .. - taies qqick sale at 'give . away' prlc' of $33,500,. Name your· ~erm~. . ' Presents BAYCREST BEAUTY The il1vltina: pool . ~ beautifully manicured • yatd compliments thls ~,'b r1ght & -· "'"' • bdrm 1 'bonie, with tbt»Ulthnate tn "Chartn'and Hvablltt)'. AA" exc:euent vili,ae • c..u to - NewpGt't •• Vlclorl1 RENTE RS RELAX? , Here'• the perfect bu.>' 1 3 bedrooms, added dert and kitchen with f'll!\v elec. Bi l range, ~.950 -:-.No dOwn to Vet1. The ft"1 Eatatei's 6'6-nn , M&-im.. , $750 DOWN .Jmnted, occupruicy. 3 BR Newly painted. Yard, patio. $19,500 Ritt·. 642-973() Eves. 5.'P.Gno e KENNEDY t' ' • MR. EXECUTJVE · We have a lari• aelec!ion· of Executive M~· sions in prestige neigbborho"od'. ranamg from .~,000 to $!,ll0,000 in p•1c~We can help ~cioa~aavi \D~ dollars ' 1' · ange al· most:~.tj!mls. H;i'e's just • f . samples: S~ %· LOAN', •• Anyone quallfiu to take over lhe $169 mo pymnt. Yes, incl taxes. 3 immac. bdmia & din rm, 2 pullm"'1 ba, brick 1 1 frplc all blt·ins, quality cpts/drps tbruout. ~!Any .cu.i.,m .. ~tras. Submit your dn pymnt. ·• ·.,"' . Only •27,750 INDUSTRIAL L01'.S , ,. l&fi We1tclill Dr. ~J NEWPORT BEACH .64t,ltl.1. Coste !t1••• " -= 1100 . NO MAINTINANbl. ,, •• in the superb Hunttnaton Harbour · To)Vnhouse on the mli,n channel. 2200 •er ft .of luxury, 3 gigan- tic bdrms, sep. fam rm, form.al din rm, 2 200 x 170. Behind Edison Co. in Huntington 0 Beach. $37,500 value. ~ell or trade equi~y ·for, income units or small house, Newport or Corona del Mar. ' . ~ ... : ' ,· '..,~•5200 ---· Dover Shores Wiiterfuint · -11000 on<'FHA_·APPRSi pullman bo, all elect. bll·ins, ·2 paUos, 21'• 3 bdrm.s & .4en. !W Ba. "car gar. & so much more. Submit·your small panelling," crpts, ;d-r P s . dn pymnt. Ontv. t 54,000 ~v~~·4i~~' ~·,~~;!~ MEOITERRANIAN SPLENDOR .!~'J. Space BEACH CLASSIC Comfort and convenience.in this 2 bedroom buy of·the year. Located Qn R-2 lot near Lido shopping. Only $22,500. Make it ·your beach hideway or collect the rent for tax writeoff. i"'r. :m~cnab IAYCREST Beautiful· 4· ~ con- lempotvy. ))ome, 2¥.t ba.lh/I pl~ tiowder nn. Formal dinlng mi, all etei:trte kitch- en. BeauUfull)o lanUacapcd, Plush c:arpetlna: & draped. AlrnOBt 3,000. lq. ft. An in1· macµlate home, · Priced ••. ' ' . Spacl®i: two .• 1tor)-' s BR · home. Fonnal entry hall \Vith circular stairway, din~ ing room. Panelled den has firepla<!e. Pier & fioat . : ' wlblt-ins, ','ti.le, •brealdast conscious? Then this ls it! On a Ig•·Cb.r, lot a nook, du.htridter, load! ot gigantic 5 bdrm w/sep. Cai:p rm & f~rtfi'l din cupboards. WJU1ta ,3 bUts of . rm, 3 ba, 3 car gat, 28' _,M pll:o en\cy & so all •dioob. Blt;'~1 cor. much more .. J)ut:be:st <>I all.an •!>e$1ely ~ ~f~";"~= 'unique SWIMJ.llHG •POOL •WJTH ,tA~ZZI PLUS ·gtgantics e .par ate & a custom pat\O With firepit.. )lust . ..,·fi> .ap· yam ior .,..!., fJ'lri, dop, p~ec .. ~u~mit y'odr dn P)'.lllli.\;''.r . ~IY!~~995 INVESTORS ATTE NTION """."""" .. ". $1\5,000 12,000 Sq. Ft. Lt. Industrial building with ten- ants on lease and plenty of parking. Located near Ne\vport Blvd. & 17th St., .Costa M~sa .. $108,000. Call now. Terms can be arranged. ?-.1rs. Raulston · ........ Coldwell, Banker & Co. !cido, eto:. Cumrlt F/IA ap-HllNtJNGTON , HAR~i;/1t·: •. :, •• 2 • 1tory! of pnl " 122.850. Bu.v trom pu'te luxury 1il ·liuJlllng!On }ea<:lt'• ll)!est o\vner this 11·ttk foi'$21,850. ;~1 •. 3 ~~ersil~.,~tm~·-.'i.i(-.0~ I~~.' r1n, R E A L T y ................... ·-. $85,000 ShoY.·n by Appt. Call: Von Dexter (7141 642-8235 N~L=~.._, Kl"t'm1 o• :=- OUI 0<0-8644 " 5<8--0.190 hµg~ flll',D.la din. 'tin,.3>Jl!l)lli1ln,'"'"Jli~·Imest Beaut~~·~L~,~ bath + . brt~.hl·.ap"plia~; expen·stv~ paneW,!1~ & a 18, 21) x 211 bonu> room, lbqg, 19Jlg llit otcµstom ex:ttalh"JT~ unpos· neiv c'atpets. lt$.ac. l;ftrd, Sible ib d-es,~rfbe. ·~urry foi· ~pp$,. '.for your 1.JJcs.ttd, on qlPet tree lined whJte glove inspection. .. O"'-Y; '56,500 2025 W. 8olboa Blvd., Newpon leach Rent1ls -673-3663 Sa les -675-6000 !I01 Dovet Drive, Suitt> 120 Ne\VJxirt Beach -.. --- street· Just 2 blocks irom LEASE OPTION ••• Large !J~~!Y~ & pets Spanish cha1·mer, arch-Elem & High school1. tjo '<:>if in this big, nice home. 4'bdttm,:.Jg fam ed entry, 3 bedrOOms, loan fees. High ex15ting 6% .nn,' frpic, bit-in range, oven & ,~hw, asher, den, built-ins, fireplace. Joan can ,be amubed with d d ffn-"1·r ly NOW! STANCO Sullder5 Inc. WILL BU ILD A VALUE·PACKED HOME OF YOUR CHOICE ON YOUR LOT* "Jn n1os l Ot1lngr Cou11!y and other a prrovcd areas. AT TREME NDOUS SAVINGS TO YOU Low prices are assured by Stancu's huying pow- ci". trained ori;aniutlon ru1d n1an~· }'ears of ex· pcrience in building oul- standing va l ue ipto homl's. CHOOSE FROM OU R DESIGNS, ST YLES. ELEVATIONS Stanco offl'l'S many hornc designs including Con- temporary, Ranch, f.fedi· IC'rranean, Splll•level & Colonial. PLANS CAN !IE vAruEo TO SUlT YOU!\ N£IEDS F inancing Avalllije .... -I) CALL 537"3IO . Open 7 Day~ 10666 \Vestn1inslet· Ave. Garden Grove Balanced Po~·er Homes Slttlrig on ·a corner Only 6 months· ~EW! total mo. pymnli cniy:·Sl4G opts/drps, bi&" fnce yar . ......,,: s on ' near tht Park 2 n1iles to BEACH. incl princ. int, taxes & tna. $235/mo. .! · \ 1-Jjred of Looking! '· • BRo 2 bathe,Jamily room Total pd<e 121.950. CALL LAMY 5 4 0-ll 5 l ' FIRST ., ,' .1· & all builtfnS + a brand (open evts). H:erlt,age :ttnJ ~ ~ At innatro prices? Fine 4 new ciirpet. New. rinanclng •. COATS Estate ~ · '· ' PIONEER RE~L.~ .~·'f• BR -!-dl'n & dining iomh, & now tie.eds & new' Wnily. . &:· . '. ~ . "The One to C.aff ··fJrlt"~ 1* oou,,, built·i" kll<bO", You '"" g1,.·t\tla horn• a . , WAL~·CI HOME + 'INGOM.E 842·4421 , ',: < ls.rye living rocnn with ~ HEART. ·TRANSPLANT for ,lllALTOAI Npt. u .. hta. DI~• . 2· ·bed.o.; fl H•) · / • dra · o"'" IDN •-·-It' the bet ·• ~ 17471 •-1•h llvd. IHwy 39 cor,· 1tar In u place, w 1v cal'pets P-• ...,-·ia uvw... • I 546o4T41~ ·room completely.,~modet-. -· · · ., .. Ce, fenced yard, ~da: 0n1t bu.Y, ever )Vlth room w • (Open 1 .. nilltllJ · ed + 1 bedroom ttntal -l'!!!!!!!!!l!!l!!!!!:'!'!!'!!~~~~!!!~~·r.~-~-~!'!:~~··I $2:i,900., FHA/VA financing. boat. 'Only $30,950 ~ irnm~ 2 -... .,,..., New drlVe·l\'ays 8 h 1200 Cerono .ill Mir 1256.' . l!!Ltill I ate J)CllleP1on. · l:.,,i!!!!ei!!!'l!!.!!1!!.,.!!!!.,! I -"~~p;,t. $lOO ""'1'" $:?9,SOO Ntwport 11c ~ ~... ~~~*:i-t~~. U ' ~!!~µon ;-~~~~ii~~~ih Esta<· G,~;::h~~~:. 'C~i:i ~ttHtrtior:CM. are important to )'OU, look Our exclusive! Ntw 'C""bed-~~,;~~-~~~~;~~~~ . ffl . '1 ~8~~~f.;~~~ 1t~~~~~~t~~~ ~~:,:~::.:~t•t• Income Property . Fully Furnilhe:d 1 Bdrm Apl to help p~ your rent Ii taxes plllll a f\vo Bdrm home to live tn -$45,900. · Orange CHst Property· 33.. J\.larg:uerlte, c.dM 673-855<? cd . ~·1H"t!. lot" or .cabinets, Harbor Highlands features. 3 bedrooms. 2 Wilson then call: and a good \Vc:>tMldc loca· M baths, fireplace. cpts. and LOC'""ART REALTY 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 ' t S 111 A.<• Balboa Peninsula 1300 tion. TC'1·n1s very Oexibll'. -US . e •· drape•, double gara.gc, con-64e-2301 642-0267 548-2!)51 Balboa Coves. $ 6 0 . 0 0 O. Could even a!l!Ume high :; BR and den on corner lot. crete drlVt> large fenced Prefer trade for acreage or ri1J •,;, GI loon • Price.<! inod-New rugs and drapes in bac;k yard 0~ 00x130 FT. k-2 SPASJOUS 3 BR, 2 BA, w~ consider other. W.-77TI MINI •CUTE estly af S2J,900 ·Hurry!! i · L/R. $3l...SOO ~ LOT: There is not .to much famil~ rn~. home .. Eatlns OWNER Sale-Duplex. Near Doll H · ula' ·• "ring" · · '.A Good Buy! available in thii pa.rt of :'i;~a m ki!ciJen,. ce4~·ot ea,.&: Qcean. ·*~500. 220 ~t· = ~:mso ' I •.., •-SPRING la .. y & . Beach eastaide c.~f. }Jurry, OWN-it, ab,,~k· ,g~nge I &or 34th !5t .• Ne. 6't3!5M8 . and ~ half baths fireP1acei , ..-; -. ER. 642-4980 opener, r1c 1 r e p ace B y VIEW F I t i;;, ' J •"" • REALTY R It I · shake roof, new carpeting * A , ee o OJ lge dble a:arage. Nenr ch ; ~a: . . ea y, nc. C.d.M. Hi Dist. $29',500. can x. 19!1 \\'/, *11'· SM,!llX>. net and public beach. , I •• "ant1time" oo1 Dover Dr ... ~B Suite~ 2 ·BR DUP. •.rXES 5-1~2326 att 4:7AI Pl\1 o ... 'ller 548-7249. 54H207 Jewel. Rectuced to $38.200. d ·Hartior mw .• C.M .... : &IS.2{XX) F:vrs, 673-04?9 u; BURR WHITE, R1.1lto 4 BDRJ\.f, 3 ba, family rm, LI I h . l!l Bullden Re Poss HORRYl?HURRY'f ca,... 900 sq tt units •<th.,,. 3 "" ·-·· blt·ios, ....... ~·':"lll!rtt1'', 8 ,h~::.· -~ 29QI Nowport Blvrl., N.B. · $ 5· closed garages & in ex~I-inter-com, elec .ni ... "'r & 615-4630 Evet '42·2 1, O. O Down Beautiful M.1a Verdi · lont co"d·,,;0"· ·N,.r ''""°" ·-• 3 BR l " ba'"· I ula " " ~ sprinklen, nr goll '°"'"· OCEAN VIEW '"Yllt LOAN ,. u .... mma.c te. •-h t o ,. ~00 ft '" 500 b _. • I .. _ S19 <XXI 'FHA I "' s opp ng. \\ll{'\' as ltlg. ""°"sq . ...... . y ownei-. N Iv uo· 0 ~I by Lid t I 135 SPACIOUS & COMFOR-......... 11e ' ~can $24 000 Trade income properly ~al'.,, -, cean ·· ~-" -;;;;";;;;.;';;•;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ TABLE HOMES. 3, 4 &: 5 be asaumed. Full pnce on4' . . ' 6~6 Day a-•sparkling lieJ:its by .-·--· bedrooms, 2 baths-ch"•t-$23-,500. call now. Night. 3 BR, 21h baths, frplc, CORNER ON CHARM , ::i PENDING FORECLOSURE hobb •· b · I . • $99;) moves ·vau in. 4.BRs u.h-... i•~ooo· •· fa! kitchens. New paint, oar-~ri!RNii':Z:.,. ij ; i · Y J"Dl "" ·ip e garqe. peting .t drapes. ERNIE ii ~ • ~~ ,uuer o .,...,, . . .. '· . --1C;01M~L~ 2 baths all b..JJt-lna, sunl<en I!\. HorryRE~'.TYlog. gs .ci.~!:CAND • • -·· •• ,'."~ ~ ,:;:''hfc1/~~i 1}•~!11-. Brand Spanking New t\-1.< H 1 ,...,.__ Just completed _ & ju11L ,,_ in99 Brookhurst Realtor * "642-1771 Anytime * er tage Real Est&te I E A LT y , 60' ·corner chok:e location 3 Ba~ conv/studlo, tam nn 3· ba, din rm. pvt So. patio cust·blt immac, $105,000 R. C. GREER, Realty short di-ive (fot Palmer) to 17199 Brookhurst 143 B lll IMMACULATE Z lxlnns, l~~ Mesa Verde's 17th! Fabu-962-fi637 968-35111 Eves. ~2:U?, 646-4579 SACRIFICE ba, crptg, frpl~, dilbv.·asher, Near .~ ~Oli_t. Of~. 6:'~_24~'1 1ous 2-level custom home "'I ~ ~~~a;ia~e·.'~ & P~FJSONALITY ' PLUSL .. ~~fro"!t O!JPl•x•• now oUered+by builder at DO YOU WONDER? ON··Tl1 •BEACH l Br. J Ba. New crpts, drps, ' $1 ,COO. 2-thrte: BR's t aacrl!lct. 4 fam rm, wet which area is just right. Nice Eaatside 3 BR, den, Miie Verdi l f lO Nttta:.·J40(] let. tt:Dtt:-dl:ll f115,(.0q·13 ·BR•.,1\voBR't bar etc. Hurry now! It nlight be J-lalccrest in ExchJ.!Li\.>eChlriaCOvehome-built-ins, carpets, fen ced ,181 .wl t.Qey, ac~s:t, B)I' \vlth ~_p!Jces 5 thls neat, bright & very year around living .. best yard. $23,300 • FHA 5~ % * OPEN HOUSE ~ Lavely owner-~ only. 1>42-6767 ,., W1lkit' WHlty fnta!'~~~~~U!rtl clean 3 BR, big frun. horne:. Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba, int. • 10o/o down. Immediate 3 BR. 2 BA, ·lam rtti. "New <--------~· 33?.6 V:i" .l.Jdo t .. 67s.5200 L O"'" $24 9~ F I c x i b) e priced lo sell fut at • $69,500 _P.Ossession. h t' bltn 8e -1J~!~~"~:~ t;~s. Th;''Real Estaters. By appt only . Mixell Rlty. J.ta..2208 ~n:c~rp w~; sprnkir s;~~· NeWporl ShOrn · '122'> ";!!l;;ijij[i!i!iii;ijii;iiM I· 646-nil -5-16-2.113 CORBIN-MARTIN --4-0Tcler Unit-,--boat stor. $25,000. o*rter. TERM! ·10 iwi'cii-f,W op-s~et0:,·2 ii Iba:,::, m ---7 ---q @sr , . REAL TORS JlS?l mo income. Lot G2x300' * 546-2881) lion. 2 Bedroom1; Dtn best niode.tn Spanflh decor, lge BEACH HOUSE LESS THAN RENTI 30361 .CoastHwy,CdM oWner mU1t· ·sell -EZ OP+,N House. Lovely 3 BR condition. 219 Cedar. OWner secluded e<>rner lot ,$61,500 3355 Via Lido 673- Older tlome on lar&e 4 BEDROOM .. $22,.500 f75-1662 'imns .......... : ••• $$,500. 2 bath & family room. not at property. $24.500. Call LIDO Rl!AL TY, INC •. NEW DUPLEX (35 x 95 tt.J R-2 Lot 2 baths. Family room. rear __ . 2 ·BR Cott ... Heme Assume.$%% loan&: owner -owno~ 5404991 or·~2335-.. 3400-Via Lido 11 673-3830 on Penn. Dlxe 3 BR Units. I block to Beach Jiving room ,vith fire place. Cha nnel RMf \VesWde. 1 blOCk .to shOp. , will take 2nd. 546-ll?O. BY. OWNER .,-..Pfl'IOna\lt)' · MG-5460 Evea. 549-1058 OWNER anxioM. :P.lakt of- fer . Nr Back Bay. Spaclowl 3 BR 1% ba, tam rm. Quiet street. Assume 5%% }oa.it. Adj. to Ocean & Bay, $59.950 $27.500 Bril'k pa~o. w1tlt gas fired Pentti0uH ' Apt: . 'p1ni .; ••••••• •••• ••· $15,950 BY 0~ ~-U&hf after . pl.us, nr. beach, ? BR, d&ri, ~y ~ 2 Br.~l ha, frplc, Balboa Rial Estate (o. George Wlll lemaon BBQ. BUilt·1n range, oven For Sa1e or Leu-at $650 GENCO REALlt 6U-4t22 Republic 4. Mr split Je'vtJ .. 2 ba, $25,500. &t1-33:l4 after blttw, playrm 4J, ba. Btst. ----------- Realtor &: dl!hY.11.sher. 54().1720 ....,, mo to ...,,,_ .. ,_ ... a ... 108 • • -,$86,950. "MCll, , . . 4.. Lido ~ MtJJO. CU4) I 700 E. Balboa Blvrl., Balbo6 ~1~• TARBELL 2955 H bo •· ' .,~ ~· rnE HUB ol aotMN "" -·""" .. ' .. 6~ Evta. "'"" _. tr r only. ·ctieater sallabury, __, , ~ v •"-o:, · . , • "';r....., · " · 2600 Redlands IUtt -MI 2-2222 !!l!!! ... !!!!!613!!1·!!~!!l4!!!!0!l!!!!!!"' I i!i!ii!!!~!!!!!illiililll!!lll D""Y P" ~ W .... -......... Rcalt 613-6900. ee-"'1C1 but!n-. ~ • • ~ NO matter wl*t k Is. you JS YOUR AI> JN· <a..usJ-. ·. _ , ~ -• ~" -or, Ouo!Jlo4 .W.·Dltll12-' .. ' <Ill ·1ell k '11111 I OA!LY FlEDT l;jxn-..iJI )>a nl!: QUl<;KEll ltOU <:Au,' CliARGE·your want a.d now. \Vhite et$hanti! Dltne-a-line DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 1 B!tING RDULTS! CHARGE IT! to olJ.f!r 1Giar Mtflc9 NOW .. Pll.Of WAN'l' AD!! 611-fi(i~ tocldnf fOt i\, DiJ Mz¥rl.' nit'QtnCKER. !CJU SEW 1 ====~~~~=-=~==~~~=======-~======~-======>;;;=====::;;ii:=:=:=':.-=.=-~ 1000Clonoral lOOOGonoril •IOOOG-rol lOQOGonenl 1000 Goner.I ~~-~-~·~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY .. 7,12 ••i o""OllTa -...... MUNTINGTOtl calfTI• o, .. 1 ... 1.,. CUDIT A PIOIUM'i -IUY LI KI UNT7 Sharp 3 bedroom pld. .Almost brand new ankle d~ carpetlna. Beautiful draJ)<!s. Modern kitchen with rctr!terator! Doublt Garage! White Brick 11.tepkce! $50() Down. Payments to flt -your budget $22,900 .lull pricl'. GI ..NO OOWrt. $100 Dl>po1it ·refunded. POOL TIME Take ad vantar• of wlntrr. HeN!'s a a:orgleous ;~ l>Nroom ~el 2 Baths. Hu_ge p1r1¥ blck yard "'Ith beautiful Bl ue Haven Pool. \Vhat a pl&c:t or only 322,7~ Bellev' It! "91 TOTAL DOWN CrM!t a Pmblt'm! Anyone can as&unie this lo1v intf'rest VA IGlln, WJdows, Dt· vorcs al5o. \V.here .-:an you get a 4 bedroom. 2 bath home for this kind of monry. Fenced cul-de·NC lol WHAT A.BUYI ·soi.II YOUI HOMl1 Need somtthtng larger! ?ifake this t.ftJST SEE! 4 l\fa.sttt size bedrooms "ith vanlt)' nook. 3 Bathg. Huge family room with wall to \\•all firepln.C"t!. Formal dlnlnt.-room. Electric. bullt.-lna. New nrpe .. a-dra~s throughouL Asi;ume Jow nlA "5¥ % Joan and $3,000 will handle GI' DO Oloney down. : ~= • ' ' 2043 Wo1 tcliff Dr. 1t lrv!ne1 , Open Eveni ngs 9UIET COUNTRY IN NEWPORT RACH . CliJt Haven ts offerlng you one o1 the few 'POOi homes Jn Uli9 de~irable-area:· This pool was built by an executive of Anthony Poola: tor hil own use. Heated and flltered with extTa decking set on a home size lot. Brarul new carpeta and drapes, Two queen sized baths, with muter dresslna room having trcm•ndous· close la. 'Fireplace set In mammoth livtna-room v.1th slidinir glass doors Jeadini to pool 4rea. One of.a kind. $34,950. OWNER ANXIOUS. LUXURIOUS MANSION 5 Be-drooms 3 baths, Dre11m homt' bui\t for a di~criminatini: executive afld his dti- Mlr"ing family. Delightful decor. Large living room, huge family room. Lan"sce·~ \\ith an eye tO\\'&rd bl'auty 11nd e11sy maintenance. Located on quiet, cuJ-de-aac greet. lf Yoll can afford a S.16.000 Dream llome you'd better aee this today. GI NO DOWN!!1 Submit your amaller borne on our guarantee sale plah. ' HOME AND GUfSTHOUS( Great 3 bedroom. 2 bath, home Wilh ~harming 1 bedroom i:UC?St house for mother· in·IRw, Built·ln el('Clric kltcht'n, includlng dl.~hy,•asher. Wood burning fh"t"irnll•. Allt'y entrance for boat ar trailE'r. A rare find-only $29,500. Submit your home on our J:UArantee trade plan. IAYCREST AREA ExCt>ptiona l fAmlly homf" rm:tled 11mong t°"·t>rlnf shade lrf'e!I and bcaut!tul r;hrubl!. A thick shake r oof ndds l"lt>ganee and chArm to thla s·~clous home "·Ith hu~t' back yard in a 11t1.rk-llkc atmospht>rr. Lti.r~e bedrooms, uttn sized bathi and te1Tl!ic aJI cleelric buil t-in kitchen, Sre today. $43,000. Su mit your smallcf home on our guarantee We plan. WI SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES _11_r_·..-!.....L.:.-----J.-_ _,. _!'.__-' _.__r _-_;:__ _~: ... , _ •_: ___ ._. _• --'---• -~-· --._. -~-·--·· -• -, -.. ' t• \ ' : 1; • , • I ' ., • • -1--· IEl'OSHSSION -P011cto~ul1·1 1 NO DOWN m ' or •HA TIRMS. · , ., . I .: .. --·~· This near ne\v HUGE 3 Bedroom, 2 bath h(J1'1e l\b }:l!:e1\ comt)lettJ,.y. rc[lllll'.'trd In· side and beautlfuJ NEW CARPETS INSTAil.ED 'nt~b(tGHOUT. Enjoy ill large l>EN snd tremendous kitchen with all ELECTRIC BUILT INS a.djolntnc the FORMAL DINING ROO~I as ,\·ell as the outside large COVERED PATIO and ovenlud lot. POO L HOME -NO DOWN VITI For this l{l't>llt cutie y:ith 2 1p1.clCut bedrnonu A: ftmily ROom, adorned \tilth cozy stone F1REPLAl:E in P.Xetllent •~a. This hard'A·ood floor beauty is CAR· PETED &; DRAPED. \l's &PT&Wllna Yard haa terrific .heatt'd &nd ftltertd POOL. , ! .... -~- .·~ _._,,_ '!,...,,.,-~,__;'; 1 .. -·--. '\ -•_r -... . ~ .. . ........ .... ·-~ , -.. \ . i . • l j • i f ' • ii;;iii-.;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;--"':"~~.,~IH~OUS~~l!!l!'~O!R_!SA:!1!:;1!,_ lllNTALI RINTAU ltlNTALI KcNTAU <cNl'ALS '• 1' r.--tl'.unM ..... IMch ta H1w• Punt...... HI 111 Un .... 111ih1• ~ ""°"....... ...... ~ .,,.. ~ D.lltY llll.01' /11 ' ' ' " , 11 ' . . I'm · The lini ~Qf ' • ' ' . Wonlan' wtio, Gets I ' •• • I • 1, j • • ·What She ,Wants ••• Because I'm The . Kind Of Woman Who's Smart Erioilgh To . ' Use DAILY PILO.T Classified Advertising . llolio¥e .,., tM..'1 .. t""'9 lrouM ..., home anymore lhit isn't btint used -btc1• tM minute I .r~covtr .0....thing ii .. ""9tr ...did, I ... it, wlille it stil hos m1>amum vtlut, through 1n iMlpllllivo DAILY PILOT ·a.uliitd Ad. That w,y, inslttd of 1 clutttr of things ,.. '""'t u,., I h1v1 tho 11tro c11h !hit lets me hovt tht ntwtt things ••• tho "ertr1" things rrrr whole family ltljoyt. Htrt'I whet I mttn.' Tht ush I ,.t for tho good clothes 10d· "°YI the childrtn .... d outtiown bought ... the dtcorltor lomp I'd been w1ntiog. The musical inrlnlment ne °"' ployed peid for .1 big pert of .., porltblt doti9 unit. Tho pewtt i.ols rtdtcorlttd -deuthttt's room. Ando just for.tho fvn el. it, +ht .tM<I ~ir thet just dlcln't 'm1tcJ. 1nythin9 1nymort teok my husband tnd ml out ftt 1 ftbulous lfilirior 11 tho ft .. itst rtsfturtnl in ltwn. Ge ~ ...., heme. Min• ·1st .of 11 the worthw!il1( tt.itlp ~:fll..i 'thet -·1 btint: ,..;I. '(Y ou'I be turpritH 11 tlie ,...bar you t.rn up the' .rwst tin.o.) Then. ii~ . 642"67t ..., time """'"" ...... ""' ' p.m. lild ' give yeur Rd It 1 friendly, oxperitootd Ad Writer. That's 11 tht,. is It ii. It's in11pendv1 teol It un cost you 11 little ts PENNI£$ A DA YI Wei. new thot you know my ...m -isn't It fflM yw got stlrltd tewer4 botlo., ttsior, heppior Uviot with DAILY PILOT 01111fitd Aft? Stort btl•t the .... ol women,wht .... whet iht w•nil today! CALL NOW 642-36'18 , ! ! 'lliDllodMa'. f.: lantalt It 'sllo,. iiiliS c.h Mooa r' 1100 OtFPBI ~ -c..ta.-. 1100 Hunllnl*t lttili'. GJlor nl'4. BIO Iii n. UI i'.Atlf .-....,_.., ...U. lfOW vlci.lfr • hnmedlote ''iiiiiiAY PLAZA • 1 ~iii!ii~~i!iiiiii'iiiiiiJiilifiiiii!j!!iiiiliiii I ba·t'h. flnipliet, ekdric new hdeM 'Wtat -....... M I•. Back Bl.)' am' IJPJWD', ..___ ;;Bdrm;' HJllOD I ' .. , I • I • ' J>oill."'"-....... I dropes. emi\IO)lod --i Bit d 2 ba~ "° leuo Fllrtl. ap~ 1135 PtUI 9tlL !I' U • 111 ,.11o, blodr wall • ..._·-. -.-Ill NqUlrwd. l2tlll/loo. C4LL I Br." ... 1160 Pim u1ll; GREENS, hnCo, -· )'OUt lermL. 4 PM: ... 11>1 (-••••) Hlated pool. --'at.l50. 2 ~-.-. d\lplex &rttqe n.l l:lltaiil' -No dlildnMfo Pets I "'~-J . ~ ~--\ . ' : I I ' . • 'I la-·--'51, Mo. 'l'llREE 8EDROOlll I 1985-OI t5G"85I llAOIELOIL IJNFURN. I ·•· ,,-i,. • m--ba!U, laml'l' -. w/W ..... $100 ~Dllb 1ty e, -c ~ W0lol4N 'lt ---tD -·-C..11 Moio 4100 Al8J AVAll.ABIZ carpetlq, self cl ..... 1.1.-.=="'"'=;<;Ee-D.--,.,_ " • i; It• u • 1 17 )'Ill!._ Letto $1&5/mo. $25 1,Wll. Up 1 • 2 " s BDRM. ' inl oven(, prlva~ • HUGI ADD w-0-. m.m' ~.q.AL~:wm eS1uc11o1<8adoapt.. lioa!*'•~=-, .lruc.-•J'l'.i)'ale;tl!g,/ ,AMILV 11991!', -....,, e ~·-··.Pho-_ Centor, -· -81cts." At!Wt living;' with SWediat!'~. Pink Coate Mita :1100 2BDRMunturnCouplnonly, u""' u~• '"' ..... ~. No peta llkrwid 11ear beaches. A white 1ann~le tn-model I cbDclml ck. no 'pm. $125 e Maid Servb. TV avafl. 2700 .,-...., WQ, at Har- eoadlUao. eomerla~ ..... to I Bit Ho,...,.--+Pl•-· ~'it.st.~,.._ bor,e.,-..., c..taMnL I a 1 BR, I BA·'""" -s.eliir II ... od, Adwt., "° poll. Cal< ltEDECORATl!D,l -' i5404!10 • $le lo $110, lltWw ·Onl)'l23.900 ,IS300 .... ""-5 P11"' -,..,..a1ar11111uru......._ CHATeAUIA POINTEJ!!!!!IJ!l!!!!ii~l!'!~~I down A.,..... mA ..._ """-5IWl23 1125. 211 Knox SI. CM:. , __ ,., .7... 2 Bit apbL Oii llSO. I BDR, d<n, l>plc, pri Peul .._ Rttlty FURN. 1 BR. -; Eut ';;;::i;... ,..,,...., Htd poUO, ..... ...... lit.JM, M1. 1265 ~ 536-rut ~ ,._~ ~ WaW N .t -320Q pool. Adultl. no pets. SUO. adaltL Avail March lit. 4 UNITS ~ ~. -41'!'!."'l 1911 PO!!ONA AVE; ·~M. <:ZU) "'2al1. Nt•-.t. _,, 2200 s Bit t bath home. Bad< Gr..-Adult ·~br"'9 3 BR. 11> ba. °'"""" -~ HQ Dble frplc,. )If cor. 16 2 JJR... 'W/.w gm,.drapes, wtieilme. iiso. ytr. 1$2 W. i..t:le.:Zaloryapl,be'Wc&Jlo. lot. IM or lae/optlon pool. !ttnr~tl (>.It ','' . Center Apt l ; 10 AM. "'"·"-'point. Beaut!-•-tc......a !mlmo. Avail Much 1. MEo'A'"'I!'""'°''&....., i._;•.;P~i,l"-'=~=-;;="7'1 ful corner lot DN1' ocean 1n _, rIVWI ISQ..f.381 -"' IUI flllr'la. 13 BR l"-batbt.. '150/mo. 19122 li-oolchurat (IVlt N.. ef Ad1m•l Huntlntlton leech (714) '62-281 ' ---=------= multt.mDllon dollar dtwlop.. 145 E. 18th, .C.M. 642-3414 Welll-Mceardle ~ ment $39.(0) U•rllo lsl-.1 A.. •• OIOICE 2 bdrm beacb apt. EXTRA Large 2 bdrm 2 50-1'120 ' T-· W•Y R'tty 5»-2S7t "" r -llVCI Lwmrlowo ... p. "n I " ba ~ Ma .. -,,,:... EX cw---1 yr lie. M"'t ... ' ~· •w• -w~ SHAU, apl. fir ltJ.i< ""'1L ' "9•• 5 BEDROOMS ' -21> batha ., ......,. 52>1 111ver st.. llSO. uw pold. 2115 Placen-. stove " ftlrir., sas mo. ON·THE.aEACH -., lo larle plor I< ollp • Apt B, N.B. er calf~ tit Aw,,.._,.., W.17th.,Cll.-2AI lltdroolJ!Apls.. 1'ly ~ .cub ex-beaut1Al.I tropical WW NEW 2 BR. FURN CPTS. _...__ '* btbw 6\i'll> mA loon @ lomiaJ ••·•-..,.. BAYCllESr 3 Bit I< den. n.,;._ Pool AdWll. '00 "'" 2..:'\lll ·-apt. ftil. -._,,,_,,.,'::""-_ $207 lbtal monfbtY, P'ormU ....._ Avail on nbln•Mudal$ • ' *1Jsi .~patio.. pool. ..,, iMltil •••I; dln. rm. 11.4 ti.ttis. SHARP! J125 Pft' mo to June 15 ·w/llC*ib&e ex-::-. 2272 Maple-St. '42.-mT Adlta. ·DD pets. $lf5. -.SW aftll&blt at1•• 1 DESPERATE OWNER Call' Tad o..me ......... No ..... $3111/mo SPLIT lovet!Br -..... ""· ffgnftlUil•n BRASHEAR REALTY Res. m.835 tncl prdtnd'. Asl 6*6926. SEPARATE Bachelor, quiet, blbur Aho bach. .... 1'111'' M?-8531 Eve" 511-2442 MAR•Oll ELEGANT &yvlew, xtra ltl Eastslde, Piilo, 1110. 1 2880-A Moncba !560421 "AC'lllT uusr SEU. 3 . Br. 2 ... px>l, .. u, ..... t. ttla --p~~--• LIKE NEW I Br ....... cpb., I, Ml-rl lfdner. CdM HJ, $350. Nauau a•uui drpa, blt-lnl: carport; no P1dOc &G-llll 1 6 2 BR. • Pool peta. AduJt&. 5fl.6f9 ASSUME SY1% LOAN duplox 11T "-22nd St. 61>--3615 .=:=:=::::::=:::::=,,I 'Ill Soibmlt on Down Payment ' REALTORS ~~.s :·-.. SM:ALL Sl'UDIO Newpilrt -5200 ~ ~ji, 1tB 3 BR. fun rin + din room. 6 73-4400 Broker M"9fl> $110. MO, ~ uttl'1 1ncl IJ!!~=====~I HAFFDAL REALTY -LARGE 2 BR. 2 BA. uttal· B740 Warne' 842-l«lS ---;~~~~~::~~ leo .,.. ... Bit with priv L ........ llMch 5705 Cortnt dtl Mor tUO NIWJ'!!'! Holghto 3210 Nt!'PO"t "'°ch 4200 BL Bit·"'"-very d•an.1-=~---·---1 .$13,500 1-------y..,. Jeue, 1165 mo . 100 CLIPP DRIVI Juat can't find the111 l.ft1'-s BR. z Ba., bltna; 601 ~;,th2 ·::::.n.,;! l_llllRM;apt.'l'xlnt 1oc, .em! ~ LlJXURYJ'URN/lJNJ'UJUf more::-Older home for,retlr-NatcluUL 2 ChUdrtn OK ........... drapes, EutlkM pvt·beacb. $175. ~·Adults. UPPER Du)iex, 2 Br. S16D; Yeu11X....162 Bdrm& t.d, llinJttil income· perton. 5"-3282 -.-6'D-8'l85 1 yr. lea.le. Adults. no pet.a. ete11 to Shen 6 Slqm See this. Colt.a Mna.CJOR to ahop-OCEANFRONT APT. Idea! See by ~·t oni,y·. Oce&nvtew fr'OftlWf/117 Apt. R. b. SLATES, Rltr. Lide Isle 2351 Pina: &: park. N 1ee 1 y tor b&chelor; nicely tum. Ma White m.91!iO tram $150 mo._ 1eaa 1840 -------:--yard, ........ . 847-Ml9 Eves.~ --· pat io, very quiet "$100Mo.utn.p;!;l73-6990 2 •:ite "'"''=--=-=---:::::1 ,,-. -==-FURN. luxury l Bd. l ha Newport H..._ 5 10 Ext , _ 3 BR. 2' Be., w w -· + !am rm I< den. Mar "'"""°""""'· $195 pr. ""'· C ..., Mo 4250 •·-r• ~ ... drpl, dishwasher. $21.500; ht to June· 30 • $500/Mo. Avaflable tor bnm'."!ll•t. '°' 1.;..oro'-'-"n"ll"'..,..°''"'-.;.;.r ___ 2 BR. w/w crpta. Oan. 2 BR, pvt i-tto, pr, ectan $1830 down to a new FHA n ..... _ It. c. Grftr ~._Write Bu G2 c/O n .. -.--. '"'D v--....:i.. Ad"'ls, no -ts r1111: lSUI view, near beaieh 6-~ •--897:..2382 OWNER :".='.!..nc:!-' n..n-Pilot ~ • ..., ~·~ ,......,..., "' ,,.. ......,. 1..... ..... '1• .,..... ..., ... •u~ --..v kits of charm. N!d alcove, Hawn Pl .. M6-3012 p .. '5. '"'ultll. ...-. lne. atfL SOL Vllta. 1potleas 3 BR. I =========A 7~nl'ice'-,3"""Br"'."'1n"""n";"'""=..,,::: 11. pvt deck, mature, quiet -=======::I;-~~-.:_ __ _ cust drpa, crpts. all \It-ins, I· Jooldlll'. for ruponaible Jona adult only. ~·m-m -. ""'" (lwnr $24.500. 147-<261 L011VM a..ch 2705 ..... ..iwt tonants. -2 BR dooo .. Shopping, $165 E111 Bluff 5242 ltl!AL ESTATI V•n M h 15th to J See after March ht Call: mo. Leue or month to e NEW DELUXE e General l'tunl•ln Volley 1410 A~~ arc une SIS-1289111.SPM .1--------·I ll~-"-'---:~---I 15th; 2 BR., taboloua ocean month. Hal Plnchin • 3 Br, 2~ ba. apt. for leue bntila Wanted 5990 Y.Clnf/lm,med Pos. .. A ... ~ ... °'~.Y-Mo, Al.La.;: mo ""°"· ......... ' ' lno:L spoc, '""t" ...... dln 7c;;:;:c;;o;:-;;;i;;;:1 w -::::::=i::::.:..==:::......::.= Boll:.'--. , ,.,._ rm. 6-dbl. garqe, auto. so. eo·1 Gu Co. ~ ~pold-·~491=-=-==,--LEAsE only $200 a month. I--·----·-' ----~ door opener avall, J?ool I: needl 3, Blt home.-Poalble S BR" 3 °bathl," l600 .111 ft. JBR.nearbn.ch 2·Bedrooml .and den.. Cpta, Q.EAN Bichelor Aptl. rec. area. NJ'. Catholic rent with option. Loe. F.uf: frplc, blt·inl &: dlshwuber. Inunedlate oecupUIC1 dRpel'etc. Good· condition. All utD incl t11:: up Olurch &:: school I: Corona of Harbor between Low down&: assume exi&tln&: 494-81~ or (91-1413 . 219 c:edaf. Owner not at "'"' del JI.tar Hi1h. Paulerlno a: Fafr, CM. Joan. ~ will pay all property, Call 540-2981 or ~AE. Balboa. Bl~ e ONLY $211 e 546-9888 after 5, cam, 642-2835 837-871 Amlpa Way, N.B. W~. 400 .aq ft Jn . vie TRADEWINDS RLTY. V1ctllen lttnltl1 2tOO I======== H I a.. h 4400 or~·& os..tRw., fir ..,...,,, 0' ..,...12 . Hunt!_._ -h ••-unt ngton ' • --------· • BIG Bear New A.Frame ea-......... --Coron• del . Mir 5250 •~1.J rnodeJ dlop. Mull a.ch 1705 bln, crpta. bU.-tns. $10 Pl' · . have ~\', wa.te.t, sood 11,;L;'!;"";;;';;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;1,w~k~•~nd~,~.t~ps~.1i;;;;+;-·~-;;;;;;.. NEW 4 BR. 2· Bdab't' Urhtina:. A: ""ter proof. I: diahwuher, 1tove; • .,, &IS-ll35 · . Boy FOR REltT Ftlrn Mammoth pr.; drapes, ear p e te d: ~ · ' · Mo•• lat n Condo!lliDlam Leuo $250 Mo., wator pd. fl,. FIREMAN II'-2 Br. ITS BIG 11Hpo I, ......,.. W30l9 home; baby I< pell. Xlnt ni. bulldor Is -RENTALS s BR,, hlt-lnl. lrplc. wtw eompletion on thla f&bulou: HIUlll U"""'""9M eptJ. dble pr, $115/mo. Lqww, Buch home. ~ am Mumter Dr. 6*-2309 tailed ard:Utectin, 1tyled General '°°° I BDRM 1" beth. r ml in NEW ORLEANS motltt, from beach. $190 mo. Phone f~aturea extehsive Uk of · W..Trft · .,_.t Iron •butt•"· IRON *WHY -9AY RfllJ! GRILL GATES OPEN TO . , • . S•nll AM Htlghlo 3630 FR o NT COURTYARD, Not ONI PENNY dtwn COMPLETELY ENCI.OSED QuaUf,ybw Vets c:aa niaVe W/MASONRY WAU.S, AND tn tnune<ll1<*. PROP'ESSIONAL LAN 0. SCAPING. . 3BR.SllL,-.... ; on % &1n. Rm. tr bones or what haw you. Leue j avail., $325 Mo. eo..asoo Gtt:at location in Hunlinl:· ton Bea.ch on Hamilton Ave. 1 ~..,=, ~------,.·•· betwttn Brookhunt and l BR. house; pr., ~~v Blllhard -cloee to the leue, $165 mo. beach. 548-1362 Spallisli ,Jtyle, decors· tor furn. Shag carpet· Ing, sell cleaning ov· ens, private entrance. & private Fundeck~, .Adult living, n e a r beeches. 1 & 2 BR, 2 BA from '170 to '220, ~ ... ~ 1 tl22 Brookhurst (iu1t No. of Adams) Huntington llHch (714) '61·1'11 . ----- Approx. 2200 SQ, Fr. of Uv. aru., featurb 4 BDRM. A: FAM, FM. FLOOR PLAN, SERVICED BY 3 BATH- ltOOMS.' lpa.dOUI entry foY· er, .'with .ftoor ol slued tlle, OPENS '10 GRACIOUS FORMAL LIV. RM, I: AT· TACHED DINING RM., 33 rr. LO!IG • Quallty s e. ' be4rooma. Ltpunt Bffch 3705 2 I< S ~·""'· ID ono 11ory OIARMlNI} 2 BR, modom, homn. From:$32,t00, Month-ltlftdeck, fireplace double iENTAL5 1Y payment. from $288.2! lara&e $185 980 'eiueblrd Apft. Unfvmllhed Unique· kitchen -fam. nn. Ind-Pll, 'lax'" A In-en,n Dr. ~9259 IUf'IJl(.'e. GORGIX>US View; mw1t General 5000 UT&J:1pment, 30 FT. LONG, FEA'IURES Dume?'OUI hdwd eablnets, BILT-IN RANGE. SELF CLEANING DBL. 0 VEN S, DISHWSHR., GARB. DISP., BREAKFASJ' U --t1G...1 Vet rent tldl Wftk; 3 Br. 2 ... IUI 2 BR. 1 ba.. tio. you are• .. ~ a... Hu ever7tbJng1 -: ' ; pa. · yw ean mow in without M&--2591 w/w, bltilll, garage one peMJ' &nm • • • not Broktt ~ even doains eo1111. B/.R. Qne wall of .tam. nn. Offen good Obb' throulh hu STONE ~CE February 21 1969. wrm WOOD HEWN MAN· · ' TLE. $ Sl'OOL WET BAR Wllftr A: Lee, Salel Acentl W /SINK, LIQUOR CARI· Open 10 'tD dwk dail7 NET le MIRRORED WAIL. ~· Tbll """"" quality ..... . e: IUXllrloua W '1Y carpe~ or :.;i~ ~E ·~ SHERWOOD ESTATU AGES WITH A'M'AOIED LAUNDRY RM, You woaJd elq)ed: • home at thil me I: qUa)lty to aeD many thou- aandl hilher, than tbe live. away price of $37;950 FULL PRICE . $3795 DN. PYMI'. OWNER WW. CARitY A 1Sl' T.D. FOR THE FULL BALANCE MISSION llEAL TY tsS So. O>ut Hwy., Laguna Phone tnt> 494-0731 by Ille SU RENTALS Apll. F""'ishtd $95; 2-BR., feDQed yd.; pr., stove. Children I pet OK. Brokor 531-. Gtntrtl 4DDD ======~ Cott• Mos1 . ~100 RENT 3 RMml Fumiture $25 Month FUl.L OP'I'lON TO BUY tRefrtreratort Available) No depoirit 0.1.c. MOVING FES. 23nl Newly Docor1ttd 2 Bdnn.s. w/pnge $115 Water A: Gardener Paid 1575 ~ Ave., Apt A • 636-4120 • ret'1. Call collect n•: QN. TEN ACRES 'Dl..!2!o 1 ol 2 BR. run. I< ti-. EMPLO"'===Ym="'~....,.--....,.i1-,1'1 Frplco I Pd I -I BR ....... Apl.beod>aroo, Pool&. Tamil • Cantnf1 Bk-to $llO. Carporl.or-llftlll tst. 9 ~ htt/Gnen. nee. 6Q..Wlll aft/5 p.m • ®O SN Lant, OIM -.XU WANT Garqe for Boat atar-(M~ nr. ~Hwy) aie. $10 mo. N.B. ~ 673'"34 eves. .. Corollclo .Apll. • LANDLORDS o 2 BR. untum. Pentbousa-nu:E RENTAL SER.VICIC' ,_tlowls-ltudloL ADeloc. -- kitcb.. diahwuhen; mmeJ;=r• =:;==::::;I bplco, w/w -· 4 .,,,,..._ II-""'r lltnt 5"5 2 car carport. PooJ.. Sl1D to ___ •...._•---,..- $200. Otlldn:n O.K. 61S..:n7I WINTER rental, % bloCt to 4102 E. Cout Hwy, CdM bea.Ch, private entranot. CHANNEL Reef 1 yr 181!1 Adult only. 112 3ftb a,. $600 mo. J Br, 2 k. NB m.2173 aft. I PM .. Watftfront, bol.t aHp; , H. $50; PR!V, room. emprao,ed Ropn 6'J5..SU3 or eollep pntleman; 1owJy LGE. Studio, new . epta. a home. Eve. 54tr1713· drpa:, prime locatlon $150. -Bado. SIS. 673-690I l·---11---.. ---5'"'"''"'·' 81lboe 5300 SINGLE..,...,;,,. - GRACIOUS Adult Ltvq:. " water. Rent PS mo. Ocean • ~view. Spa.dous will. work out excba.fWe tor 2 BR. 2 BA., walk tn doclr: apace. 1015 •W, ~ closet., beautiful c:arpets 1: Aw. 673-Gl3 : . draperie1. Pool. Boat lliPl1--------1 for tenants.. SUbtmanean IUllMll ltent1I 6060 parldna". 613-3003 Balboa hkmd'•1 ,, ' -------------------~------------------- i I I I I • A OULYPllfT UILBilTI ...... SM Ollloo lldtalllo - -. ' Goll!& 1nto lliil!w« fG'r yourself! DO IT •IOHT I All Sta ... eomprehensl"' lnhllnl ~"" sram pl• Br111!1 Nmte lOc Snacb and Candy ....,.10urau.-s. WEDO YOU DO ' ' •iiliili!liilillliiilm~iiii·lliiil!ll .. .,..-'• SllllJCl..D!lt~ •!IYI. _Cl C!ll!!CTOliY ". , -~ c.iF S!!!°JI"' ; .W =::.,i --. ..,. __[: . -~'t l!JLoT , PlWI! DUlNAL f "'-" "' .. -· .... -~"""'Pl..;.i~ Vl!necododP&lUI••· '.CL·""'-I -... -,... .... IJc, "" lmal1 \ • -.. . < • Allea'.a V,' , wac:e iDtil 'lftlcroow. ~ ., Fed ..,.,..\ .. ..,..., A iht•I• • l4MOG "" --fiibSE Pi!D11qr. QUall1> at CARPET It riiii: CJeUJiii l fair ,..._, n. ut. Call lar 1 day -L~ Ill<*--=> , =!l<M~~ ,._ •;=J:n.·?~ "°""'* ~ .. ~ --~~ ... ;::: Gorditnl.,. I . -l:".:-.:t-................. !:t!W ....... ,, .............. . DIAL DUU:C'J' sa.sc7• -· dlmlbu••-. ,.,.._ L VIII, air concl, !om inc:hJd. ed. $'71) mo. JllOll -2. hant St., H.B. 5t0-2S29 J. Supply 3-4 houn ' week !lltablllh Route Supply you wllb Nablleo, Austin, Buny, Heuhy, and 2. many olbor N•l\ODll 3. Brand Name lOc Snacb and Candy . ..._ .; !t!! jd. Rdl a ,. .. • ~!t~ ... -...... : ... r,,.. -'"' ....... . ' • -M&trA VllDli ,._ .. , ....... lU• llAltc:H•I ...... ,.,,,,,.,.,,, ... . ""' ANTH. ONvJ.. Pl•lftrli,g, Repair .6180 'cet.a.••• ,,..v .............. 1111 m•ui •1tOV•• ............. ~i ,. , , • • '• · · _ ••WH•T •••c• ............ 1211 11oCaEAll ................ . omCE on ~ Hwy, across from &lboa • Ba,y Oub. Approx 2"10 llQ. ft. w I cabinets A: 2 entranoea- Be )Yl1llnC lo le'm Keep .your ooln· opera led .dbllellMl'I, clean and 1foclted WMd...,• Want?, =:.o..t OiNen Service 9 PAT'S P1u'-'-AU •••PO•T M•••MTS .......... 1ut u111 1ls1No•• ............ . •J H<'laJia , -i...___ "'°".._.. IALIOA COYIS ........ , • ., •. 1211 l•JOlt'T ,.O,llTY ....• .,, •. Sl!ICIAL CLASSIPICATI FOil _., ~ cypa; Fm utlmate ~ MIWl'Ot1T IMOllt ........... int o••••• co. ,..o,•ll'TY .... . NATU. ••L 90._ .. ·swA•Pi1ts B1J0GET LA.NDSCAPJNG ~ • c•••T ........... _ ....... 1 ouT T"• .. ., ......... .. -~ ... ~ o1E , .... ~·-··.. ... . ....... . S ..... I·-~ -... l'IU( ... --........ ~-••• _ .. ,_........ .. .. I ......... at ,_.,I -•• ----~" -· -· •T<LI •'''"""""' -• 1 ..... .. s LI_.. s Ii 5 ... L. .... ............. ·-·-........ -..... ,... .. .......... .. -""'-:""' 8UCQ l!:xp. ~ ' futured 1~ ~~ IY IU .... ,.., ......... II.' .. WA"'9:D ... . ........ . ' llUlll -"" Ml/IT IMCLUCll ........ BROS . et ..... ~... llYINI ........... ........... ltll BUSINESS Incl ~ ...... 5jOJl1T 3. SMAIL omce on buSJ eor- ntt Cotta·>'-*· $55/monlb Glve you home of-fice lralnlng and 4. Provide •1,1Ml5 lo 1-Wl'llt ,... ....... .. ..... ~ ...... WWII ... ,,... ~ IACK ...... ... .................. .... FINANCIAL a-vou• """"° .,..;-....., '-' ._"' ...,..,._.,.. GARD~ J:nmENTS •1umw.,. ... ._ ••n•w'" ................... un . , supervllion · •s",7!!0 operatlnc ~INO !"Oft IAle -TIIAOU OttlYI ~J-:.-' r ·--llVIN. TUIACll ...... .,., ..• 1. IUllNISS Ot'PO!lnfNITfQ .. PHONE . 642-li71 wor.ldZ!I( tblli',,.,. thrii col--co1tofiA Hl MA• ..... 4 ••···'• 1u1t111u1 wAMT10 ....... 1 ... utilities tneludelf. MU5llO 4• Provide you wllb capitol T P -~ :"\"" . I lege. ~. llcenled. PLUMBING REPAIR IAllOA ••NINIULA ........... iN'fllTMIMT CNt"t -.. • lie. Your .Tr•tr'I Paracllle M REASI MM203 No jolt too amall ••AcON MT ............••• •·1• 1NV1n"Ji11u1T w.-To ..•... IA't ~ .............. ,,.1J191 MONl't TO LOA• ........ -. .. . excellent Income 5. Show fvi•ence of ho , · · '!" --" Trade N"ew 23.SOO Ill ft for 1 few urs ~ penn111.anM. auu,, -u1• __ ,1 '"'"' .,~ •• ~ ~ b ~ .• 11~.1n..--·· .• "~ -·~ J'OR -.. l..qWll. Nlpll. wora. eac wee-. uw., ,, .. _ leaatd H.arbol'/Wamer ro<;r., ee sa Dllrlo bJ" at..~ (Day or E\'.e.) " · artL net rtturn tor Oceanfront Vllltf, ftlW commm:i&l .l ' ' Duplex W/Newport. 548-l<m ~ ""'"' Dllta Eiet> . For · ln\m\ew, Ill your ...... write Mr. me. ~ • ail-JIOO. J:..o • H .. S. Cam~ Iiirtdor of Dlstrlbulonblps, Have: C.mmerdaJ.Medicll djMllL · · ' P.O. ll01 r t.a1a;ette, Clliforn!J 941549. ~ ":li',lC:";.'rt II!,~: lOOOSQtt.-•-hidude'N · :Mdierf' and Phone"Number. want: HOUIH,opts,land,or + llXIU• 11·-.. -•-;;:t:i~~=~~~;;~~~~~~~:;, I~'~' ~M!!-~·~~~~·;-;:;;;; ..... !&$ '-°'"""'I: Rd. ln4l. -,. <n<> UAL lisTA11i 11111 lotm LHno N4CI =· ~'. ~~':i,oo~ :: fl lie per ..,. ll Gonorol HOMI LOANS "1'> + l'llOO. tnd T.O. at Otanae County AirpCll't. R. E. Wanted 6240 MONEY AVAILABLE Want: Land, income, tf AU: few Cluck 540-$90 C&11 1.cr detl.lll on todaY'• t(yers. 87U7S6. NOW LEASING _New M-1 PRIVA~ Party will .~ UP nJn 'for, bl A 2nd TDL San Oemente Income 3 Ind trial 1350 llJURn! feet to $DX!. tat G.L tat F .H.A. ~ Otanp Oll.mf1' tr storn • 2 Jota 2 otticel · 2 ~ A&ent 642-l'85 Equlcy. for J bdrm + hup 1S yean. Apts • Wfil take TD'1 or mo. tam1J;y rm. .... Sl.ttlrtt MfX'tlqlt Co. Inc. •maller property. MW olJ.. Ml·A: N'pt Bch: 450 Sq. so er llO Unltl or mon 3.11 E. 17tb St. . er. Call • 494-3262 ft. """"n .... -~· ~= CiO $100,00(t. Down eo.21n, stl><Sll TRADE '6' Karmann Gbla ICI· · •· ..... -~. AGENT lel.525 Ens. 6'13-7165 6G-lli7· fDr older % ton, 4 !peed '... '100 IUSINUS 1~ •,'ck, ,-ue_: olMd~--'f!! b~~ -.--Mwt11111, T .D.'e 6145 -....., .. .., .......... LOWER 3 Aftal BAY riNANCIAL HAVE Uo,000 M-. 541H\9Z l.afl'! lewl ocean view lot .... Oppertunltlee 6300 .Private Ul 0 D. Y· tzrvatar lJ99 Pb'mDlllh SateWfie I near beach ~ n t r a n c e • wants to buy leuooed lit pus lta wag trade for Nr- $35,CO'.l. · Private p.rb'. Box A 2bd 'l'Dt. Reuonable dt. lier model tranlpottatlon --~ t · · ~can-~w LARGE Jot, WW take 4 ~ttle"r ,,ion.p;:e Co. Ine. e 536-791.9 e ""'"' Ce•lrall>' 1oc&tod "' lmporllnl Nollet 336 E. 11th SL H.B. SIO,ctlO. ' Ted WQ gc...nn · 560611 RealtJ 5.36-2579 Evu. m.7165 SC.lli7 BY Owner, vi<w IOI. _, ANNOiJiiCIMENTS 22' Century Inbrd., hat aD ftb'u, C.G. app. equip. + SIS RT. Sold new ~ Winter price $4295. nue tor ama:.Der boat ~ ~ 1 6 ~ OltA:EdpL&wn e Ml-3128 e l.100 llU ..................... 1•1 •1•1NUA1.1.o.lNS ......... .. Hntst ...._ 01tOt. Cmt Mabrt1eruce. LiotnHd PLUMBING M hr _,.,: ~~iJc;r·:::::::: ~~~lfl!".!'t""'U:..Jit·::::::::: fl.700 4 )'Tl 8'1>· Want oolar ~ aft 4 Work quai', lie, fm. remod.' =..~~~TO:At'f:F.~ .. :::::=: =~~'J:1.1T~J...·:::: ~ 1'.V· 4 track tape rec JAPANESE Glrdenef, ~ ftp&ir, roottt mv. 531-1566 SIAl I CM ................. ::: MONIY WAMTIO ·•· r .. au:n plet.e ,_m N'Mce, fM :,~1o':N1::~:1·:·::.:'.:·::::::.1m ANNOUNCEMENTS ..-. ·-Remodel., ltep1lr, 6940 LONo ••ACM ..................... and NOTICES n.1 4 n...,,_ ,.__ etl:bba-1 -L.AKIWOOO .............. ,, .... llM "'"" CP -· .a:.-.: l1Xe ~" ~~ =:"i >tlAllGI COUl'fTY ............. 1• • ,_ ......... .. monthome,$2T,500lorOr-J1p1neMGardoner IF You med~. OUToircouNTY , ... Lon ....................... ... •-~-~ ............... • •• ~-, .cam..11 ... M --..i-.... 1 .. oln• OI' -Call ·OUT 0• ITATI •.•.• ,,,..,:• l .. •l!llONALI ................... I -...... '-UUD"' ¥r-'"' --.-t• r ,,_ .. _..,_ _..,.... RAlffOlll ,,, ... ,. ..... "t•ll ANNOIUtCIMllfTI ............ .. TD. rontn Clo.. l'IQJ west. l'rM .afmate. 50-1958 Dick. 6G-l'm WllTMINITT:·a··::::::::::::::::161s 111TNS ................ -........ un .'.w.y Cl-16'• •UNUAU ................. . _,:H ""'-al!JllllVI .,_.......,. '' ................. PAID OllTUAIT ................ 1 """"" .... .-• .,....._,. .,__,,.,., CLEAN-UP 8pl!clallat! Mow--1too' fl . 6950 UNTA ANA .................... lUt •UNIUl. JllllCTOM ' '41 Inc. edatQC ;oifd ~ fillll "I• 1.ANTA AMA MflL ............ l•M •LO£! , .. , • ., . ..., tlnoblrumlwvirewlotinPal-__ .. __ n-u1 ···-· ROOFING .... ~ .. "' OUNOI ...................... Im CAltD +:.:c;····u ............ '41• ~ -·· \VW tltdl ,...,,, .. ._ nc _.._ ~.n.u.._ TUSTIN ........................ 1 ... IN M II ............ '4U • ·.:!.. ... ~A~=='°7.~,...i....:. .... eJAPANESE GARDEllER DD lo&k loo -·"I NO•TM TUSTIN ................ ~= ClMIHltY l ":::::::::::::'41 'I-~-· ~ .......... -..,._ AMAHllM ······ ........•.•. :.. ct.MaT••v c11.vm .. ,, -!""":.1 or''' f' Maintenance J: Cl,ie&Dup. ~--2363• l llYlllAOO CANTO~ :: ...... ,1651 =••'t c•ym :::·.:::-. .. , -Clll ~ -'"=========;: LAOUNA HILU . , ............. JNI CO T~I•• _._,,. I· , L.AOUMA IUCN ........... ,,.1N / .............. . -Sow .. NO 1.ACIUNA MtOUl!L ........ -••. ,,. .¥111!10atlli •Alljl'I ........... I AL'S Gardenin& SetvlCI IM 6 IAM CLIM•NT• ........... · ... 1n• •lll:'ttOlil .................... . -d '80 F"""' ~ '.--!.--;;,;.s SAN JUAM CA•tmwtO ... , •. 1111 ~W~'*!';i~.CW .......... '4U .... e: .,,....., ' t.wn DY.bttenuo, •-e ~-"'-•lfl!n.Uona c.t'llTilAllO t....c• >. ........ lJU T,••M"···"ATIOif"""" and/or 16' outboud Cabin lnl' a: clean Ups. M6-3629 .... ~Hems DAMA '°INT .............. ~ •. 17111 s=.'!.. . Jd!!l!TATIOtf'.:::: Cnalrt. 'IS eiee. Johim:in, LA;;;c; r-.1-. • ~-~ "'~ CAILS•AD .......... ., .... , ... ,it• TICd . .. ·--""'"""•'" •·-nn ~.., ... ,.., • __..-* ....... * OCUMSIDI .......... .:ri •••••• 1 .. OI -~ tvTollift········· -' ~ DtW ....-•h.afenta:. ~ $Zi ..... DINO ............ 7-;.-•• •m. ' ... .. .... . Uy car. U 1-9132 w ka a month. ~lr& N!!t•=. :;4~.! :W:i..:7~~:::::::5 ~;·;~ 'P.'~.~.~~-~y TOWNHOUSES Br.~ bL YARD Clea 11 a P . Tree OU"'-IXll "9: Ulll ........ lftl :"Lt~= mm ·;"ifti Ul Beaut. 1.11Pt'.cL ~.patio. ltrVice, new l_aw•1, TILE, ceramic 6974 ~RE•NT•™A-LS'°a"'l.9, .... i• .tis•MU"f8a ............... :: pool. cloN to bay Val sprinlden. rototill. 6t6-Ma .. AUTO Uf'AtH ........ · .. · .. • T * v ---~ u .. * H ... _ .... tel AllTOo.llilit .... T-. lie. ...... $32,<XXI, low dn. or .D., JAPANESE Gard e ner nm.""" ..... -OUM1 rv,..,.., IAl¥SnnNe ·-· ........ .. Car or • Owner M&fl654 "-pl .. s I Ex Cuat. wort. IDltail. repaln. .. ,. ............................ ,. rtOAT MA1f'TllllA19C• ....... . • ........ .. e • r v c e. . • """"" too --U ---ll:IMTAU TD SH.I.Ill ............ l•IC:IC. MAIOM•'t•tl&. ...... . 1966 COLUMBIA Mobile perleDced. Rdiable. 6C-4389 •NO ruv . ~ r ... uia-torTA. MISA .................. ti• IUSINUI ... YK:U ...... ,. ~ patch. ~ show•r MllA Ml. MA• .............. JlN IUILDlll:S. ................. . home, bea.Of. cond., in 5 . MllA Y'llDl!2111 CA"fEllrM -6f1J Star Pk. nr oce~trade for General Senlcet 6612 repair. M7-00/M6.GI&. . COY.IN •AlllC .............. Jiii CAllNITMAIUJt9 ........... .. • .. ........,. ll!ACM ............ !2• CA11l•INTalll"9 ............. . bi·plex or duplex. locally. -Uptio•~ 686111 •IJWPOllT MOTi ............... :1211 ceMeNT,~ ........... . 53641933 CRYSTAL JANITORIAL A ~7 1"7V lllWPOIT 1MO•as .......... mt CHILD CA.ti, u-1 .... ~ .. 6'1 ~=-.,.c....,"'""-~-1 Window Qeanlne Cmtpl ' IA'YlllOll!I .................. ms COHTWJ'Ol:l ............... . 17 Ft. oulboaid .fcr:l"tatkln jurltorill 11ervtel!: Budn. f;ZYKOiK~'S comm WJ~lrr:·~-~.:::::::::::::::: ~:::.::ie::'."':aiili.iii '6m wagon or aum of equal val-ft'llden or constru. nee Upbolattty. JCuto p" an UM!Yt•llTT .... llK ........... m7 DRA•lllllf ..•............... --~ ..... ~-·cratt •ril~••blp.100"' fl'l"IMI ........................ tnl Dlli!IOllTIOM ................ .. ue. C llVI., VU1'IOl.I ntlmate MS-1737 . • llAIT ILUP', .................. 2241 ouf'r:r,· ll'l"ICI ......... . . • Fina.ncin1-. l'un1. boa.ti" I: 11tv1ME Tl!RUCE ........... :nu •LICTlt ................. . Ca.bin Cl'uiser, Twin Screw, La,una Belcla' bdrm home HEATING • Air Cond. Serv . aulo'1 642-161· . l 'll l COllDNA OIL MAI ........... mt IQUlP llMTALS ..... .. FouM (Pne Adi) 6400 30' Owen!, Top cood. equity I: near by 10 acn_~ A rtpair, a1'o Wu.her A Ne~rt mvd., e,ir,. · ~Jo'~:L .... ·::::::::::::::::::::f :f"~~e:~:;:::::::::::::::::::: RI ... , 'l'lulln. fll.000. Aft • • • • ii.ti NOTICES 3 pm. 544-4413 6150 CANDY SUPPLY ot $70CO. Trade tor house, . .Sf'l)Ve• Want hone,.,.,... or dryer repair. 24 br MtY. , 1AT 11uN01 ... -........... mt •U1tJtACllf 111•&11s. 1k. .... . ROUTE FOUND Part Collie, Ger lot, auto or? apts.;BKR d4.J.33o , ~m7er141-&iSl JOBS & EMPf.,O~ME~t. ;:~:o:L~~lp'~~.::::::::::::::~~ l'U•:~T:,-:::::•'"' SAN TIMOTEO 5bephrrd *II tout brown. ~ c1 lotsos175, Tuatin. nI HAULING. aeanup p:rqn. Jo1t W1ntect, Min. 7000 ::~~ ::~ ::::··::::::::::::::·:: :::rJt":•RViCQ' .:::::::: RANCH :!!: ~=--·~·n...~~ Lquna8each-3nliden-$45,000. Trade tor comm odG jobl et.c. Fret at. Jim . . HUNTINGTON ••ACM ......... MOt OUDIN ... DISCIM• .......... . * * * * .. ~-.o_.. •-....,;:;•-•• "-' ._._ ~.~. WU!_,_ bid< -/Income or Palm 518-5325 --..i~ 'Lady Barber~~. l'OUNTAIN YALLIY •••••.• ,,.Ml• •LAJI .... , .................... . ..,-.,,cy .. _ _..,.,, uaa --_, ll"-• "' • ~..,,.., IEAL llACN ................. 2411 OllEltll TKUU ••······-······ 360 ACftl nnch. BWldl'O I: FOUND, ~-•-·, up fo< ho. ildinc aultable. U SprhW& Houle. Robt Wheel-_ Dellrel Position LONO IUCM .................. UM •UN SHOP .. , .................. '71 _....innuont worth ... prald-..--.. UU5 N U Allociat '"'"' 42 Plaza Oran&e H1Unne· , e730 548-2133 evenin&1. o•a.MG• couMTY ............. t• NIAlTN ~w11 .•••...•.••••• • ~-·--~ w u. .... Ne--. , , t. n d ' garap. ewe • eL er, nt!O" • ' SANTA ANA .................. Jll• MAU UH ................... . mately $118,000 with lnft~ • ,.. .... : .. "t"''' 4!M-659f ·538-1723. WEITMINITll ................ Mn MOUllCLUNIN• ............ . ....... turnlsbed. Some acre-Newport Beach. Call .,_________ Haul~Cleanupl _, 'MIDWAY CITY .........•••• J ••• tilf lllTlllO!t;DICOUTIM• .•...• -,..' ..... , ---u.. An .. -......i-....,,_,, id.en~"· 673-27112 afttr 5 WANT condo. Houae, or 10 acres in'Oceanaide, M-1 Trim Hed..._ Trees. Reu. Job Winted Lidy 7020 IANTA AHA M11aMT1 ........ = INCOMI: TAX ............... •1 wan: ..,..,... ·-...,..,.....,'6 ~,._..... 'UJ -HAVE ~--· lal ' •A..,i,.,. . t COASTAL ... , .............. ,,. llOH,~•l,ilc. ,, ....... 7 well · tor distributor to P.M. Wlitl In area. 3l' ....,.,uin:l"C --•· BIG JOHN -642-4030 LAGUNA l lAC N .............. 1791 1•0.llile· ....................... •7 water rl&bta. A Jireaure ttmit1 a up to 1.20 acre• al $300 frade lot Apta, Commer-CONVALESCENT Akle or LAGUNA NJGUIL ............. ,,V:: INSU4'T•N• .................. " l:)'ltem. Pawd road front. nm excellent income for FOUND Feb. 17th Oarona . ? ., • $110 000 _..,,ty Co . vail h t" iAM CllMINTI! . . ... ......... IMSUllANCI ................••. .... N_., n~·=• ~ Rtv-1n houl'I --(••-. del Mar all white ~,,. per acre. Matchem Realty ~ial or · · • , ~-• HOUMCS..nl.. 67ll mpanion, a • e r IAN JUAN CA•ISTUNO ...... ~!! 1Mv11TM1AT1Me. °"""" .. . -r nau-~ Ill ._. ~· M6-4837 Owner'tU-2945 term or perm. LI~ in or CA•llTllAMO llACM ............. -JAMITOAIAL .................. . enk!e County. FUD. prict: or evea) paslaD kitten )'tilow e)'eL '-=-· ===~..,...,..,,..,,,,... . ~-l H 0 M E MAK E R s PANA •DINT ................. JUI JlWlllT IUAll. .,.,, ..... . • --"BAYFRONT ... ~ .• Bal. Contracton field 0 t fie e LITE Haullnl • .....,......... DU • Rl\llltSIDI COUNTY ···•·•·• ... U.NDICAl'IN• ............... . $360.000. J'or rurther bdor-·-·· .,.,_; ' -n-.... .... -•-·t ReuonablL-Ally area. 547~1 VACATION Rl!NTALS ......... ,,. LOCW:J,AfilTM .................. . mation. JllnR eaD Glenn BLACK 6 Wbtte llDlll lhag-boa Own. NB; eq, $52.000. , ua.ucr, wP , W9U•~ Call IUMMl!I llMTALS ......... Jtll MAJOM•Y, •llC:tc ........... . Thom-with WI A .. L~int for·. _ f---~ doc -.... Trade Jor T.D.'a or '?'? 1 er panelled interior carpeted IO-J657 HOUSEWORK · wanted by cONDOMIM1UM ................ me, Mov1Me·& 1Toua1 ....... .. ----.. -.... • • d•V in Corona del Mar. Ex· DUPLl!Xfl P'U•N ............. m •AINTIMG, .................. . Eckhoff & Aaaec.., Inc. bMdt. Found vie w. 17th 1eue /option. eourtay to $1.000 val~ Trade for .• CARPETS. windowt, firs, ..., RENTALS •A1lf1'11M, s1t111 .............. . _..._,, w. Chanm•n "ve. R-"·'"1-.... -to dewte ,..__._ M"' .... .-. brolcen. 675-C3l 675-$82 ete. Rntden. or O:lme'L perleneed, 1ood merences. H Unfu n"oL-~ ;~;:.•'Ai•MT" ........... -.. .MU6-...:: ~...-,. ~ r-v .......w ..__.... i Xlnt ToU'k lteul Rd.I. ~1492 ousas r I,_ ............. .. <>n.np, CaUL 2· ta lD hoarl per wffk r. FOUND•. ~-" ~· .. "'°' wani cna0er-car w/pwr Have 22' lted bull cabin ----_,,~.,..,......,..-· -e1M1UL .......... ,,. .... , .. ,... l"LAST•11uNe, ''Id\....., .. .-..... 90"' _,;_ With ''inofor 6 bil, 5a-fll1 . , COIT.to MIU' ..... ,, ........... J"I• PLUMllQ .................. , 5tt·2621. E¥eHrtndl 531.fm mu., a c:iUtctinl: moDl!J die, vtc. Irv1M a 21th. .tact atr. Trade '6C. 88 Cldl ~.-I-;==,..,==="'==-MISA oa MAii ............. ,,. "oooc.• ow:OOM1N• ......... . l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I from. A:'mdqoe cotn GP-Cotta M-. Call A identity w/pwr A tact air + ~000 w!U eXcbanP :tar pick tll Dl9count Oeanbw a.me. DomMtlc Hele 7()35' Ml!IA v110• ... :-.......... 1111 ="dl!::~c.··iD' ........ ··:., I' •-. ~11~.==~%, an....., ~2343 eq In 114 acr nr ~ .. SppWl track at eQlal $6IX) ftlue. Apt.• Carpets• Uphollttry . ~~~:.~•::,.~ .. ··:.:·::.:·:: .. :::·PUMP' 111tw1c• .... ::::::::::: AcrHl9 .....,,... Bal $895. $15 .,._. , • 1 49J.."1T • Fut Setvk:I 539-1456 • George Allen 8)ltod ~-NIWl'011.T NeHT1;o· ............ 2'1t •00•1H ..................... . 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 ~·--'"···Na ... ~• _ __,, BOYS, mue Sti .. ..-v bl--i-. mo. Empl "D.... .... .. ...... T IMOl:ll .......... 122t RADIO, lltNlrt. lie. .......... . .. \nanuln~ _..., _..,. ·--... .,,,...., *' ' ' " oyer "mJ• "ft IATSNOlll1 ................. m! llEMODELING I.' llEP'All: OUT _ ~(~ lbdr:l) .. Toqallty Vlc. Brookbunt a Mama * 1' * * *Income Tu 6740 ioo-s E. l6th, SA 54r-0395 · W.~~~r.tt:>"~.~.:::::::::::::::!!ll! :c~=l~~.~~~"-~~.~.::::: . you mua't haw pod ear, rel-~96UOU=~....,.,......,..,...=,,.... . · Chinese u~. Cheerful 11N1vus1TY •••K ............ iii ;m•· ..... i .... • ..... ·; .. ••· . • • • • • OUT erenee1 A: U.e:t fatal cub TAN~ white~ ~kina:· 'ANNOUNCEMENTS SEltVICI: OIRECTOIY H:~. ·K. Cl!!k-Aoctc ~ Permanent.~ ;:~~:: TiR'ucii'·:·.:::::'.":.~". l•T~ic';!"~1~.:.~ and ' ~Invest No ldllZI&' requir. =~Vic~. 1 ~ f.., M. 1 .. · NOTICES . 1----------I e · --Far Eut Aaency 6U-87Q3 co1toMA 011. MAii .............. TAILOllNO ................... .. ~ --• 11·-•n-.$try(ce 6562 n, )'Ollr bom1 at llfc. IAL.aOA .................... :·= •,i,111:.MICTll C~,!'ITIOI. .......... . -20 Joe ftnn. · I . IAY Ill.ANDI ............ _,,, . ·Tl .., .... m.., .......... ,,_ • ., AWAYl!I FROM: ...... luttor traffic noiao TO: clean, dry air ,.. ... &. quiet lak11 fish Int swimming OTHER REWARDS: WMkend r.treait Lind lnv11tm1nt Nut & •r,rlcot 1row1,.. Flth ra 1lng Alf11fo irowlnt Parcel of l1nd •II your own Own your own like We Offer: An WlpU'llJtled oppor.. tunlty to join a leader in this fteld. ~ aeuncy ts )'OU A youf famib' cin ti. )'Wl'I tn tbil provtD • boom. ""' llelcl. lloply In ConlidonH J'or men inlonnaHon A detalll, .end n&m•, addreu A: 'phone number to: ROUIE DEPARTMENT FOUND. Whli. __ ,_ ~.. •n-·nco-~ ••101---------yrs exp, LIOO ., ..................... 911 LL L.lltelltml & Mnl9 ...... . · wus .na.tW"C, ,.. ,_.. ..... nr•· -EXPERT Typ1ns • Dldatkm 6U-4l83 or ~42 evn Help W•nttd Men 7200 •AllOA 11il110 ......••.•.•• ~ Tilll se:1tv1c1 .............• ~ ~ Dfinaer, . ATTENTION Exec IBM equip n.IPI. dbl BE A s.ttdw Oitnt witb , :~'i'Ni:.'T:,·~~ACM""::::::::'.: ~=~::~~·::v~~ .. ~~.::: Ex NAVYMEN ap oi' $Sfhr PU-del ava.ll Hanis Tax Servke 9th NUNTINCITON llA•1ou11 .:. ... MS IULDJMO . . .... FOUND -Female buset -His 9-5 wkend by appt. · yr. FRY (OOI( H~AIM YAl.1.1'1' ..... ,.:~·-'• \IOJS & EMPLOYME N1--1 aean cut the old ... • . locall,y. Avail. u moa. 311'1 * t•AL llACM . .. . ................ 01 WANTIO MM ho!,i.od Lacunt. .. -areL _ _. .. _., out • -"'"Ule. sm Ave IAtio. N.B. 1)44.2641 . R 0 DI • ., e I t W•'v OL u•o•N ••av• .............. 191 JOI WANTIO: w-d. :::::::· "95-t798 ..,.. ""' -_., LONG l lACM .. .. ........... .... JOI WANTEO Glw )'OUI' old lm1fomw (()ff. "'-"Mack'' 51)-2971 o•ANG!: COUNTY ............. aet Ml!M a WOMi:N ............. .. Bl.ACK I; white hmlJe Se. (arpo~"' V<llPV SANTA AMA ................. · ... ltlt DOMllTIC NIL• Id-· t mo. _,, -• SL Seen I: Elllllted) to the --'--~"""'----! • THE TAX ADVISORS NIGHTS Wl!STMIMSTll ......... : ...... MlJ AOENCllS • ._ .::::::::::::::71 '-"" uw.. ..,... 8cou.ta. Need bluet . wtdta, y mmd of 321 N ' MIDWAY CITY ........ ,,,, ••... Jll• Ml~ WANTID Ml• Balboa Penlnlula. 67J...!156 · i69 eU' C. 0. IAMTA AMA MllOHTI ......... K>t AOINCll!I. ...;_ ......... . tea·bep, etc. MU CARPENTRY Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Rtu1 APPLY IN PERSON coa.1TAL ................ 11'1 NI~ WANTlo, .-·-.::·: .. 7 FOUND Female Collie' vie C&ll $4S.Otoo kr L LACIUMA IUCN .............. ms '°'"""""-a ..... ........... -"Santa Ana. &O-l41t HAVE A PARTYI MINOR REPAIRS. No Job •PP u•UNA NIOUIL ............. 1m AOIMCltl. Milt! a. ...... .. -BE DIFFERENT! Too Small. ~binet in -~ SKOUSEN T•v SERVICE M11BfN ( la: SAM <L•M•NT• .............. m• KMOOl• a 1111sn11CT10N .... ., ..... ·-AA nu " CA,IST•ANO ' ................. DIS JOI ••• ,AUTtOll .... ., Have your own authentie qt1 It o t Ii er eablbetL Your home . Reascnable. · ' ~!:'.:T:,:1':t~ ~~~.::::::;::m TM""ERnoCoc.u.HAN.D .. IS.E:·::F·:0:::R:· Oriental stand-up cocktail 568175, tt no anawer lea~ Eves. Norman M • n • 151 E. CNtt Hiihw•y coNoeM11111uM ............... "" LOST 11 mo. old black A party, we cook it 6. terve mag at ~ IL O. 5t5-S2S Newport .B•-h DU"'-•••• UMP'UllC. ..... : ... .tnt SALE AND TRADE .......... I-'-"'-==~=~~-•'-1UMMlll 11.INTAU .......... .. roJ.d German Shepherd tut it in your own home, all * ml YEAR * RENTAL~ •UAN1Tu•1 . . ......... . N her V •• ···ta ·-· yo" .. , .. -1 .. B---~'-'"·I STENO ·---------1 Ol'•ICI f'U•NITVI!• ........ WI ovem · "' ....,, ..u• • ..,..V'<I """"' uro: .-....... .... AplL Fumlahtd Ol"l'tel IQUl•Ml!llT ......... Ml Ave, CM. (Bdonp to 1t1"1u LDy SAM 642-5353 QUALITY Rtpoln -Alten.· HARBOR suo-G ~ ...... , -ITOll IQUl•M•HT ........... , r ~ .. ~ DAY .................... CA!fl, llSTAUIANT ......... "1 disabled Vel) REWARD tlons ·-New cornt. by hour evt/wkend by appt MS-8820 COSTA M•IA ................... , .. IAI lltU"MIMT . "' &G-9158 5"-2324 ll.I-I L. ••21 c Ira ••• •••• B b . MllA Yl•DI ................ •II• MOUllMOLb eooas .. -..... .. m.morl1 ·Par--or on ct~ Wll'·r H. F·'-nh"" p • us oys NIWP'OIT 1111.CM.....!.:""""···aw °'"Ol'IALI ......... . "" "'11c ""' .n. NIW•O•T Mf:IONq ,. ........ flit ····'' · · · ........ · LOST: Much IOVed 2 yr old 2~01CEontombmenl REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Income Tax sttvice NIW•O•T IMOltfl ........... cm P'UttMITUttl AVCTION ....... . f mal Colli V1 M "-"' CAB~ ·-· -·-job WllTCLl•P' •ut ,.,LIANC•I ................ ,11 e e e. e na lpacel at Harbor Rest ......... Qo -v -. l42-620t at 545-1398 eft. UN!Yt:•SITY •'i.11~":::::::: .. :ttJ1 .. NTIQUfl ..................... 111 Verde. 3 Very unheppy M~mor:lal Perk, CM. J.Arge 25-yn.exper. 548-6713 PERSONALIZED, expert APPLY lN PERSON IACK IA T ..................... ..,.., ~~~:~L~~~~':,~n;:·:::::::::i children. 540-lSSD .... ~ •~ REUBEN'S IAR •LU•' ................. 4111 •1AJfo1 a •••&H• '' discount by private p;&rty. ·~~"'""' carpenter, ... per Tu ter\I, Year rwnd ate.. . COltONA DIL MA• ........... CUI ';'""'""" FEMALE Pekin(nne, blk" (213) ~'1'900 bour. Rem::id~ .1tepatn. nu. M&-8712 •AllOA . . ................. 14* ~:~~t..1.0;;"········""•00••• red. An1 "SooHI". Red col· ....... .-. ~--IAT llUtllDt .................... " .... a ITl•ii0''"''"""'"'"'•1 Loot 6401 SERVICE DIRECTORY ..,,........... or..__ INOOME Tax Serv., Notary COCO'S LIDO llll ................... i 4111 rA•• ·a1co1011ii ............ . Land la tellina: -people are lar. Vlc NB. Reward. IAllOA ISUMO , ............. an CAMlllA1 a IQUl•Miiifi'"': •. : mcz.e ... 1 ... 1., beco-1-ware C7$-4317 Public. fteu. Eves. 549-JMO, HUllTINeTON llACtll , ........ 4411 ltOU't IUH'LtlS .... • l .:::--............... '" ~ .. -P.O. IOX 3146 Blb-IHint 6550 Cement, ConcNte 6600 ....,.. Ztm. th, s.A. Hts. l'OVMTAIN YAU.IV .......... <Ml• wo1tTiN• 90001 ···· ········· u., ut11 ~""~ ALASKAN Ma.lmut~ male ,. -... 1555 W. Adami ••Al •••ell ....................... 11NOC11u.11. sccWii'i ':::::::: V-•~ •• ml .... « n.. BAllYSJTTING * CON---· ~--'.INCOME "'·--_ __. LON• IP.Cit ............... , ... MllCILUNIOVS , __..,,, +o ._... ANAHEIM. CAL. 92803 pup. 13 m old. 25 Iba, ~ .. A "" QUD;I .. ~ .,. ... _..,.. Coste Mau ouN01 cou""' .................. , ............ . -WH· c.lll.y WAn? blk mut Woe ~ 1n nu-home. Near Mqnolia ed a: lJoeftll!d. eoneme ?::t home, kin&: Dm eom--1----------i:~~:~ .. ::=·:.:'.'.:::·:.:·::::.:~~ ~:=~~~:.:·::::::::::·:: .. ' Reward. lll-2735 and EdlfWer St, w~. awina · 4 • • $15. fM..3C22 CAREER "''owAv cm' ......... -•••.. -.1• ~~·1 ··:::::::.::::::::::::::• ~-t Jn •-'--~-ro1I • p•ft ·~ •-t a _.. ter. Fenced·--' hot mM1I ~ c.emtnt. 54l.Q80 Go..;..ion N. Wunn, PA MNTA AMA ........................ 1u1LD1JM MATIRJAU ., -~ Til9 • ~·~ """ ......,. ,,.,..._ '"' SAltTA ANA MIMIHTS -··•··AUi IWAPS · ....... pu-· -mike ....... ,11 "LITTLE BUSINESS" ... from 900 -· """ included. ~7-7187-• BEST IN CONCRETE Ulb yov. Appl . m-1345 OPPORTU. NITY' '· TUOTIN ........................ -PETS ... nd ..... L.IV.Es'y"oc"· K -"--~ Wllkl, pool decb "' COASTAL ..................... ,tl'lt • • vpn•te fnxn. )'OQI' bcm:le Avenue, Lquna B •• eh. . • uoon. • PROF'!:SSONAL TA x Join today1 fu:tot crowtna UOUNA IUClt .............. •111 Pin ... NIUL ............. . CALL OWNER • ~ ... .,._ ..... __ MU -IJCENSED , ... __ ~1 Pltiol: Phone MUS14 SERV H---""' __ .... ueuMA M.-VIL ........ -... 4117 c:.t.n .......................... . "'"" ...,..,.......,,,.. ..__.. .-., ... _,., r.-.: ' • ..__..., __ .._.._-.... .... ~)i(atual.J'lind aaJa SAN CLIM11Jft8 .............. ml 0091 .......................... . 147.fMO f!Vel after I PM e Hilb eamiJwa "DAISY" Is loll, black A: wkt1 J..4 yn. Hot lunches. e CONCRETE wart, aiJ $J.9. Completelt 9A-MJI No--'-'-MC rr""" DAllA '°IM'T ;.,,.. ......... ~,,,.,.. 110a11tw . .,. .•. 1 ............ , l!!!!"!"~~"!!!!!l!l!l•~!!I• No experience~ white cocker, bndl around be.I~ activities. 546-1539 types. Pool decks 6 eustDm. •INCOME TAX• We i:;:Ml-'or part th;, ~=~=Nnt",. .. ::::.~·:::::: .. ::: ~lfOR.NiA"LiViNG! .. DOWN. $8 per month, • Frtt! trainlna: propam. neck. Call Judi. KI 5--6061 BABYsrrI'ING my hcrme, Call 5'8-mf, ....... __ ... bo M I I F nd ·~i . RENTALS . I I ~ • E&m hlle -~~ -,.... ,.. u UI u -· ..... A Unfv ,...... ........ .. .................... . $795 fUII priot, bql 10 • $3500 ~stment buy afteT 5 day1 or nitn. W. NeVt'pOrt. CEMEN'J' work, no job l'oo SS And up. a-irm Inc. •••'",.la.• rn -Jt~="'.~.~.:;:::~:::::mf Aow 1n So. CallL L . I DOBERMAN·Male, blk, ear-. 646-3874 amall.. re.uona.ble. Free ~pt B. ltm Wtltditt IGtm: CotT~ll MllA .. :'.::::::::;:::;:;:;1• AWlillfMI ...................... ..,. lbewfelt, 321 W. Srd St. complete inventory c:rped. Cl&1n C'.'Ollar, name LOVE to care tor (irt 2 e1~ H. Stuntek. 5'8-8615 lrenlnt 675.S S.A. 1212 tf. BTOllllwQ MISA v111011 ................. 1111 YT"f:''lN'°"s'PO .. R ... T .. A .. T ... l.O ... N .... , L.A. (213) 623-$102 • For Jntormation Mite ''Frtd"'. Ewa. M&-U07 to 4 yrs old. Near Fairview ecusroM PATIOS• NIW'l"OIT llAC" .............. -• Box M-469 n..n.. PDot Will do ~-1-tn SIT.mt NIWPOIQ' M•teln'S .......... nit 10~ Y.lCHH ............. § J ac prime Nappa v1iJw arei. ._, ALL Bladl: temale kitten, A: J'ailo.Dr. 5C5-($ cancret. awirw 6 remon1 .u;uu -NIW•Ott lllOall ........... = l.ll Tl•\ .................. ttl __ ,_,, wrt .... ELECI'R.ICAL Co --·~·~--.. ... • ·-1Mo m,y hOme. $1.i5 dolen SERVICE ctatton attendant WllTCLI ..... '.............. . P'OWO CltUtftn· • .• . nr ..... .,"... COUl'H. "" n. 5 mo o&d. 2ith SL Balboa '~ turried hooaewile .,.. .....::. .,_........ 146-*3 Must have ......... rience n-·-. UNIY•lllTT PAM ........... lbf 1•11o-.4kl '°"' ::: .. :::::: owntt', 2l12l M&rlrw. Ln HB. 8usinel8 for ult. cfo Sta\41 Penlnmula. ~ will eare .for )'OUr child u -...---r> •ACW:U.Y ...................... IMI IOAT TJl&ILllS .............. M Uc Will R.M.E Uc to permanent. Xlnt v.wklrig llAIT ILU.., .............. na •OAT MAINTllNMICI & O... 6210 · · ~own. SS~. se..2219 Chllll Care "10 '1perh1n1lnt ndltl umoa Oil 393 co111:o•4 111" ""'11 .............. IOAT LAUHCN1 ....... :::::::: f!'aunt. , rt rlaht people. 54Q...487! aft P•nenala 6405 • BABYSITI'IN~ ..... v home pi ti .,50 '°E llh • .._S CM , · IALIOA ......................... MA.Riii• 111u1, ............ . 6 .... ••v I ft "' -• t I. . . MY llUNDS .................... IOAT SL••· MOGalM• f A NR Hemet. Xl'1t ftlw, ... 08· !LE n-~ -·-• LICENSED on nawtt, Colta. Meca. QtlLD Care, m,y tionw, ovu GENERAL Plant Help<" .... & k~1L'.U:il0'"""""'"' .. ·= MAT s1av1c:11 ...... :::::::: - • el Wtr, --. •cn:i.. DI"--··-w/ ~llAble, IWS-1101 '-. v•-·~· .. u.~. Interior P1lntine ·~· •••T• .. -.... , .... , ... _,_ IOAT ••NTAU .............. . -a Q3-77lD ~jQ~...,llll it~ A equip. Cu fitmlC!e Splrltual Rladlrvl, advft'e CHILD ,...._ I -'-·-week C.Pi.: 541-ii;"' nu .... -Apt&. or hOtlll!s by job ar work). MUBt be dependabh. l'OUMT.ti11i'Y.&a.LIT ~:::::::.1111, =~~~~~~ ::::::::~::::: "".,.."'-'"'""--'--,,..".:"-,,,;~I put w/ rood cr•d lt an all ma•"--ltB s. E1 ..... st .....,.. • .._ $1.SS hr •ta.rt to $2.30. TRI· MAL 11AC11 ..................... .,.,. 11110Y1• r • ......... bot lunch· \'1e. of Beach room. Low (lff '"'°" hlSS. l).VISION, 1415 'E"'.+t .... er, LOil• l'IACM .......•..•• : ...... IOAT ITO•Ae1 ·:::::.:::::::·:: ~ .. I. aJ0 173-(&2, 573-93lJ ne Camino~ 8&n Cemtntt, Ir: Heil HA 147~1469 · ~l<a' _..."' OUNe• COUffTY .-............ IOATS WANTID W 4912-9136. 10 AM 10 PM • c ... -" ...... _ S.A. 5f7..o709. e.AaDIN ••iwa ................ ,. AlltCIA•T .............. fl .........__ .,,... ANTED : Oft.SU. liquor • ..... TllRE Mother chlld 1••~ _ ... ...,VINYL --" ,,1•1 w11TM111n11 ................. 11 nv1•o Ll•S.0..i·········"···,.. SAVE: '""'~' ac:ratP· -Uct..ue far c>ra.rwe Countr SPEaAL 12 READING ..,. • care .-au c 0 " " EXP . · M10WAY c1n ................... " M011L• NoM1s ............. 5 ... ~ u down --nt my homt· fncd. yd Da)il ADDmONS.REPAlRS 1peclalllt. Kit. bath•. SET UP • LEADMAN SANT& ANA ..................... MOTOR HOMu ::::::::::·.·.·.·.·. •....J:: bataa.t ar llml!l.._.;dts, Call: IGllJI DON'T •et anothn' lonely -" nt&'htl. Wm CM. Ms-1470 REMODELING M t t'lal a Labor EIL -• · SAllTA ANA N11aMTs ......... aat 11CYCLl!s -.. .a d weebnd ro by! &ICCftCI In · a e • for plastics ~lna: lbop TuniN .• ,. ......................... 1L1CT11C <AIU ·:::::::::::::: Alltt a·1 • • fnw1tnwnt ft::'.::· Q10 da••-Mthovt -n .. ,_1 ... , Chlhl or lnf1nt C1re Dealtnirw ' Pl&nn.lftl W-165.9 Call 546-3.170 btwn-1 am.I jai tt=i:-liiACM ':::t;.:::::i "*1 ..................... .. ~ ew9 ~ i..;;. Bell~ .. ., .. "' Explritnced N:otber. 5G-0126 Kltcbrrw-Balhl, •tc. PAPDl HANGING .....,. 1tieu1L ... °!...... • :::Wafta;"· ........ .. Ii. PAR'IWER w •• t• d to Uc'd • Bonded. F"rM est. PAINTING BtJS bpy/Oishwuhlr l-1 IM 'CUMlllTl_....i.,,c·~ .. •••• • AVTO lllMCll a ..... :;n· .. .. K.·L w..... COUPLES • Slns,tn. MW ill A a a CONSTRtJCl'IOH f15-.104I ..,..t dayttrne. See Mr. UN"'..,.. u.•...,_ ...... .,.,,. TOOU • 1ov1• .... :::: WA!ff TO SAVI! MONl:YT We..UJarf".-.mnmi.. akin! t ~ With 3 " 0....,. c.un,,.. """'· WE G!:l' .ACJ'JONI Hult, A. '°99• aAL1'Y 1'111-lt JU1Selpatt bi· bWbl1 Jl'Oo ana, ,.,,_ Utoplanl" an lf'lck. Muenry, ,.c. . ..1~ Pa .. 1 .. ..1.... OI Schlerhold, Mt. Steak, 2'JST :-~-s;:C'TAT .. E ......... .o. flAIL1a. nAYll. ........... .... fttable nal utalo -•-· 1"11. 5 PV13W111 ' '560 --·~ • e ~. rn, ANY SIZE , -~ -· • I."" -............ . RHll> ptOjed la N041 ID """-· * li45-49l1 * JOB. XInt .,..t, ma, -FaQ-riew Ra, Clooti I """-................... . eommenct A ft na 11 Cl ins (~The Rqiltry) BUIU>. Remodel. Repair J.dditionl * Remode.lbw nt. JIM. ·IC-t6&8, 64-3749 RETAIL N\D'Jlll7 . alelmna. ii!'f...._ ....... -···-···· ·jjii..:'.".:::::::::tt al-"-obtained at &5_.-ALO)ffOLIU. Anc#ylDWI n..L.o. "-1-'-c:onerete, ~·IL•-•·• L1~ Penn. Gd .!l......i..i..-~ D-lllM •. ,. .. .4 ...... ...-.,,. b-'"Z yeara. Profit on~ Phone 50-T'llt or wrttt bl ~"";y~ job too amdL ~ u;~~.~TO PS~~!•~'-~ al~ Hollister Niu:;:~ Hal'-IOOM~ •o'fAa'W: .:::::;::::~ ,,_,..J:o MllOI ........... . ·--~ -~ ~•• doubl PO .. _·-,.___._... • .... r..._.. ...... .,,..,_ ...... ,.... ......,t<ft.'Uo .,.,._ bor 81.~ CM,..,.__ aooM&IOAllO ..... ,,.,,. '~' CAll:I ············"' ....,..<CV ww. .JK'<'IA I , , .uu.o. u..J ~ ... tA. ....., .....,.,..-. ~ ""·• • • ~ MOTEll, TIAtl.•I C::OUltTI '"' A.NTIOUIS. C:U.ISICJ ......... .. minimum "'1thln one )'Ul', THE SUN NEVEi\ i1'TI .;. nthnaa so.om EXPERIEN':ED 0 NL y . oul!tT HOMES ""' •AC• CA•s_t 'oo' ......... .. N..-a _ _,..MtlOf .... -...... 'Ir -•-y ••tn ~-~~., ~--•• p JNTlNG ,,.,....... -' MtK. llENTALI ... AUTO I Y•"n .............. .. ~ -..--, ~ •. _,. .. , I ... ourtw. our~ ..-..1ed'1 .cUon poww. A ltP'P'!'• .. -..• .. a:. Surtbolll'dJamlaaton. and lf!ICOMl"lllffl•~ ............ A.V1"DS..W&"'n ............. . now! Qulll6tcl Jldnclpall N• 1.,Gut1&Jttlldtt Someon1 w1ll be ,looJdna 'b tor u ed to .JI around nuonabte, 25~ yr.-exp. Surfboard ~ AJIPl1 1U$1Mlll'""°"1."'1• ··-""an , ...... _ ....... 1 ... llllM&37 - -·-103 n...11 .. PQ J1nd tt th adJ I 1,.,., 1916 A1.e1 c!. lllllll!:• P'AltKI ... &U1'0 i.aA.lllle .............. . -...,1 b M .,.....,,, ot w1 a wallt 1. OW 6G.s67I the dnek, dial M2-M'7t ftf~~•. &D-"T 19 6 1.centla, M. 1~1NllS lllNtAl ..... -11110 e.t.•1 ........... , -= \ ' ~-\ • ' r ""'°" . " ... ~. ~-~~-...... ..., -1 ... c..' :-a .... "--1..J'..i"_~ J _, _,__! _l_! __ • ___ -~_...2'.J :.!...J:._• , ' - .. : • • . . --. ' ; ,, ·~·~·· . ' . ' ... :, . ' _,.,..,_,;·~-· ..... .... , ~------------------------------------- ""lO"as ..... a'IMl'ou;"'~""y'-' .... ...,~,,,,;:;-:::.,-:-=;;--~i:(,1-::-y ==-,:-r~-:-: ... llS. tNl.OYMlllT .IOU a IMPLOYMINT "9fp W-:-Mli!-nGO Hilp'-Wan..a;-Mon 7200 HolilWiiilii'.l."Miii 7200Hilj1Wiiiliil;-Min 7200 SERV. STA. SALEQ.IEN, Men to work f\lU time, •wine ahttt. Ste: Cylde, 2'80 Newport Bil<!., CM. NO MATIER WHAT IT , IS ••• YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! • DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 CHARGE IT! . - ' AIROSPACE FASTENERS MISS WC AGENCY New manutacturlng laclllty In Orange County bas PP'!ninP for Ullled "" l'alcl Seel;)' /ReltCb (apllt) to i!50 Nole WANTED ••• Women! Spanlsll Moclltorranffn lleu,M Maiouflctvr.r'1 e HIAOlll O,.lllATOllS Seet)'IPR , •••• , ,,, •••.•• i500 Secty!Salel •••••••••••• $500 Secrt:t&ry • • • • • • • • • •• • • • "°° e THlllAD ROLL MACHINI OPlllATOltS e ,.UIS OPlllATOllS hwentory °"""'1 .. to ~ • Teller • Ladiol ... .,,., ftltd )'OUr abUi- Ue1 10 ftU w&itftw jobl in Ott1oo1 1n the 0ranp eo ... v-. e CINTlllLES$ GltlNDll O..lllATOlS e TllAUA· ICONOMY O..EIATOllS Order Oerk ••• , • , •••••• $«>O ~ptlon.llt • • • • • • • • to $400 Excellent opportunit)'! APPLY IN PERSON '6' Shew-Sampl~ J.T--1 ...... --e UTILITY MAN Ajlplkant Pay• F" CaA (7.J4) 5411-6740 Ttch ID\lltnllor • , • , , • 10 '600 Executive Sect:1 ........ $512 1st Nlllo111I Bink SPOTLIGHT JOBS 8' Wpod carved 11m1 di•••• lg. man'• chair · or love •al 5 Pc Octaaori dark oak din ••I w/black or avocado !tamed chain; 8 Pc l!R set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dreaaer, lg mirror, 2 commodes, decorative headboard in Spanjsh oak dealgo with matching box springs, mat- tress &· frame. Sales Oraltp Ooilnty HOW TO MAKE Tl:IE MOST IN SELLING 1. Auodatt . with naUonal coiiioraUon. with srowth .-ly. 2. Proclld ud IU'Victa have top marlcet ' a.c:ceptance and are aold on ~ prol.,.;onal ...... S. No 1ervtctna: of accou.ntl, collecttnc etc. No can. vaatnc. Full time donat· ed. to tales and sales pro-.,._ U :you are interested ln train-Ins for a protesakinal sale• career with eaminc ot $12. $16,® annuall.)', with suar- rantee ot $600. per month kir tboM who meet our re- quirem.ent.!1, Telephone for appointment 8!ll-56ll 10 to 12 AJ.t &: M PM ,CAREER OPPORTUNITY Harbor area Imurance Aa:en. cy la look1l'lg for men to be- come members ot its finan. dal een'icea team. We are lookina: for ta!ea orten..ted -·--prefemed. No experience necessary. We will train. Thil la a aalarled sale• po8l. tion with an opportunil;)' for unlim1ttd future eamlnp. AD. repllt1 contiden~. Call or write Thomu Do)'le A A.uoc. 1500 Ad.um,. Costa Mesa or 546-7370. .' RFl'IRED mu u part ti.me Manager A Host in the frlendllellt ,\ most deluxe self l!rvic9 11.undry in So. Clllf. BaMr A F&Jniew, CM. Must be 10ber, dep;en- dable, In """' health .... CW1tomed to meetinc the public. Short hours, not ph)osically demandin&. Work Wed noon thru Sat Modest Wary. See John or Betty Br1acoe at the store, or call Q.K:.~ alter 5 . . < Test Technician To perfOrm t1nal ~sf on complex electronic eqUip. ment. Must be fam1Uar with open.Hon of all types of eleclronlc test eqUipment and' be able to dt'Viae 8Qit. a111e teat. arranpmenta: am write test proceedure. Call 646-Mll Fune rel Counsellnt Beautiful P a c ii i c View Memorial Park is localed on the hill· side overlooking the Newport Bay area. Cemetery lots crypts and niches. Before n e e d pur· chase plan. A fast growing com- pany with romplete s e r v i c e faciliUes. Mortuary, C h a p e I, Mausoleum and Cr&- matory all within the cemetery. We want two em°" tionally mature men. No experience ne- cessary because of Escrow Ottlcer • , , •• , to $500 Sectttry • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $475 Secttt&ry •••••••••••• to $450 Girl Friday •••••••••• to $400 Elcrow TnJnte ,_., • to $350 '10 w. Coast Hlah- N ....... Beaeh 846-393t Secretaries, many •••• to $645 F.C. Bo!>kbei>er ..... to $tOO Gla1 Friday ........... to S600 DMV .................... $475 of Or1nge County 1150 Mam• CMta MoN ASK FOR' Mt. Stamer ... Mt. - An equal oppor!wllly -lnyer • Exp Cuat Serv Rep. • 1'C Bookke-epu e Acct. Cltrk eeomp ...... 0pr. COME IN' TODAY ~ed fnlnt A back • ··.to $450 I ~=~~-----1 Typists, many • , •• • • , • &o $410 CLERK Anaheim Auto CUhler ••••••••• to $315 Santa kw Blllina Qerk •• , .......... $350 OPPORlUNITY PBX .................. 1331 Ttnee &ond aerie • • to $400 Tmee Typllt. , ........ to $3'IS Tmee Up! Seely ...... $3'15 Trnee Steno •• , , ......... $333 Tmee Auto Cuh1er •• , , • , $325 Trnee Tray Girl ••••••••• $2W Tmee Nunes Aidea • • ••• $286 AL!.'El' AGENCY Costa f.feu. . C7 w. Ulth &QoQSl Gardeft Grove U291 Harbor Blvd: -e KEYPUNCH e OPEllATOltS Experleaced Alpha I Nllm. Lone tum a!"dlbmentt. da>s.1-Beach .......... pUktnr. . KELLY SERVICE~ INC. 230 E. Srd Street 1-Beach, Call!. (%U)'1U191 E4Ualo.-.Uly-- Top phannacy n • e d a clerk in mcnetlca .I: sen. mdse. WIU train • Must be penn, Neatness, .I: manners and aincerlty with people Import. ~ cattd Udo-Balboa uu. All replies confidenuaI. ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeeper wr!te d....,. .,, The ltNpon1lble, feft l .. tl Dally Pilot Bex P.QT position hr sharp, tak .. Appllcatlono lelng charg• 9lrl. Must have TAKEN 1xcelltnl 1k1111 Incl. FULL TIME shorthand; handle Iii. EMPLOYMENT bldtpg; bllll"I• Under Pflmanellt oa1y 30. Call Barbara. (n4J bQ students. perfer matutt. M2.Jt10 Liberal vacation pay, Merit 1.::.;::..:::..::.-----1 raiael, empl~ dlacounts, five day, week. Apply Mon- dar, Wedonday, Thundar 'and Friday, 9:30 to f:OO. Host~ Apply In por..,, ltema Sokl Individually Shop A""'ntl -lehre you louy -USI VALUI $109S.95-FULL PRICE $529.9S er t1m11 II low a1 $4.66 por-k U.e Our Store Charge Plan or Bank Financinf No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Vilues Inaldo JOIS a EMPLOYMiNT JOIS A IMPLOYMENT Jobi Mon, Wom. 7500 Jobi Man, Wom. 7500 SECRETARY Attractive, permanent pc>- altion with diveralfied responalbllmea for per- son with iood typinz and shorthand tkilla, and pre- ferable experience in quality ccmtl'ol. Our com. pany benefits include a pneroua profit sharlfll plan. J. C. C1rter Co. 671 W. 17th St. Waltreu A Bar Te:nden * Call le-1831 * 21:M> W. Cout Hwy N.B. Manicurist Wanted Beauty Salon. 60-1800 7550 newport. personnel agency ,f. W. WoolwOltk 2300 Harbor llvd. o u r professional Help WantM training. Do not pass Women 7400 --::.==:.:A..::MESA=:.:....--1 REUBEN'S COCO'S C11ta Ma .. 541-3421 Proh11IOMI Service fw the omployer anti tho applicant 133 Dover Dr .. N.I. '4:1-3170 549-270 up lhis opportunity. I --"-=-----1 Waitress An equal -"""'"' employer Phone '''·0212 Dlrrell W1rd Vice Pr•siclent .1nd Directer of Sil••· Cook Apply in ,....,. REUBEN'S COCO'S Newspaper Artist Experienced in. finl!hed wub and line. Layoot and pasteup knowleda:e helpful. Pennanent, 642-1321 er 540-1220 Ext. 270 lJ to 3.S. Full tlm• Neat Appearance No expdi~ neot:UllY Apply in P•l'900 1555 W. Mams C .. a Mo .. CLl!RlC TYPIST UNUSUAL School .. lnstructlen 7600 Tho Nawport School of Bu1lnua .Opportunity : ==-~ Tlie Independent Order of e Modem oWce procedures Fot'ft~rs have opened a • Brush up GftQ 8borthabd ---=~---!Lovely new offices I: llnt new office tn South Orai:ice e Personal Development SHARP GAL! Company benefits. Stable, County., Require inWlipnt (Ask about our special Feb- lob'• lit lay 15' E. 17th St. C.M. $425 SALARY To auill1t mliLllqer of IJ'OOV1 proereaslve c.o. If You can man or woman over 25. Col-nwy offer which includea boutique. Permanent post. type 65 wpm A like it, yoU lese not D«'tllU)'. Should tree typing W:truction.). tlon with room tor ad-will enjoy this position. have experienoe in mttti11C 646-0152 vancement, with rapidb' Some flllnc I: sen ofc. can public. Dlgnliled lHe time LIFETIME Gift, typewritinr. --------1 srowina oraaniu.tlon. Ex-1.ola ~o. Juon Belt :m== =e~ OUldrtn. lfaDdcblldren. or: perieneed pls only, call for Employment Apncy. 2120 in of S200 ki.. younell! lndfvldually tutcr· PA!IT TIME EXPERlENCED appotntmtnt So. Main. Sl:nta Ana. excess wee <¥• ed Clllcolll 10 ie.,,,. CWinc THE LOOK 6"-2400 Posidont aim avallablt tor Telephone: '9U700 between school. 173 Del Mar, Of, • COMMlllCIAL • --· ACCOUNTING tAM.lPM!llon,lhNFli.1, .... ="'"=,,....,--=-I TELLER eMAID!.FUIJ«t>Orttime. CLERK :..~i:?.:.~ s........,.. ~~-= UNITED CALIPORNIA M..i he able ., wor1c .. ee1o-All ,.bJ<et.. grades 1 ., IANK enda. Rap;dly -Manufactur· * DRIVERS. * I Call' S<U702 Aft. 5 PM e FINISHED 1555 W. Adami Kon Nll11 Mehl er ot ""1nlmenta hu oppor. . C0oto Mo.. 22:1 Ocoon A...... 1021 -Dr. !Wiily .... &hi accwote No Experience ,MERCHANDISE FOii CARPENTERS 1.q1ma Beach Newport Beaeh w1ttt, ~ lllllln&:· Acc11 Nec• .... rv! SALE AND TIADI • PLUM.EIS r-p Finance Man T I .... _ p11--PayabJe:ic accounfinl dept --I , ' U • , . a,,___ raca -cierlcal ...,k. Movtnr 1o Miii! have clean ·cantom!a Furnltvro IOOO With experience in mobile 4"'"'546 work. Apply between Qiunty Airport area late '69. drivinc record .. Apply home, <ampon and mot« You may quallty "" • pool-r-··• oppo~·-•N emp•--I p.m. a 5 p.m., 112' Symbolic Dll...,., Inc. YELLOW CAI CO, 20 PC. MODERN homes. Muatl>Aveown iow.. !loo with ooe ot America'• ~-"-·~ _,_ E. Maywood, Santa 11B3 No. Batavia st. 186 E. 16th St. GROUP Wander Motor Homes Inc. leadlne consumer finance FULL timr or part time AM. Oranae. Calli. Colt& Mesa 806 E. Wubinrf:on St. companies. To quality you cosmetolo,ut or 'a lo n SECT'Y/llECEPT PART time hoUHwtvn ... vt nJLL time aaJet -•n•-· Includes: Flonl ICtf.a I: ebalr Santa Ana mwt have u. minimum of l make-up beau t I c I an , "" ··:---· • • walnut tables • lampe • -~=~-~-~-I year experience in the ~ Permanent position pro-Good typlat, varied duUeS. )'OU ever atven • Jeweley Hire, ~ and. .et up complete bedroom with qullL • SMALL lfOWlnl Orana:e awner finance field. Phone motin&' n e w Trl -Dmnal Real estate experlenoe de-brunch or eookware party? dtatribuHon tor akin tare ed mattreu • $ pc, dinette; County co., needl thin film or ...... 1 .. in --528 w. ,_ llrable l42-3t30 Ever tboulbt you'd like to? oosmetica. An excellent pro-1 '" •--~ to manap optical -}IV _......... Beauty Plan that wor-. Make more JMllfY lhowirl& duct with a dynamic Ales e e. A.II ....... ooat!ng dopt. 5 y u 19th St., CM. W.2100 with "'° demon1tratloo. WOMAN WANTED, nilht your ""'1dl ... Tri-Dermo! -!Ion behind It. Om> $277 n1inlmwn exp. GUARDS You will be involved in· ahitt, put time. No exp. Beauty Plan that wora mia1ion.' Send resume to No dO\\'JI • Pmtt. Ollly $10 tM. e PRODUCTION' ·control, 5 Full I: !pa.rt time poal.tlonl .. ~ ar: = :: ~ 2M5. App., Mr. Donut, ~-•~--~~tlvtio,,n. ~:?.~.Box 561 SW-t 8eaeh. wtl Ir's w llllWlllR yn minimum exp, Optical avallab e in Captatrano --• __ 1_ 135 E. 17th St., C.M. """""" ...... ""'"' • ..,.....,, ~ ~ MUNU.llO or job sboP exper. pref'd. Area. Uniforms I: equlpment ducts. Bae -...ary _....... paid. Pius learr. this new:J -==------ EXOTIC MATERIALS, 29151 furnlahed. Frince benefir. comm. Send reirume to Box ~11ymaid ~~ed.A~ beauty ritual and pt a ' el·"-·.n.. 600 W. 4th St., Santa AMI ft·"'·!~ C.M. .. ~., •~.,.. ttme &; % overtime. Car A 567 Sunset Beach, Cal. e morn .. ,. ... · .,...., I I I !•-'-Payinc I: Rec ..... T~r Open Daily I . I nlUl\N 1'1., _,__, in penon. 21M Newport 0 v e e r comp~... with detfre to learn other eINSTRUCOORS -l\lll :.er,:n:r~ru~a~ LIVE-per ~H~·~ Blvd,C.M.548-8173 ~~:_Cotn~!·o·,.~ phuel of~-Exper-Sat.t.I SUn.U.I or/uvJ ~ ... time. Neat a... ........ t!J'I.¥ * OPERATORS * ....... .,........ ,goo::iao,;1.1, ~ 'ience -·I-.! Ftuniture returned from dia--· .A. r Main St, Santa. Ana. female home. Muat bl ea. Polltiona available in area. .~,.......... ..1 .... -.... model homes, p1annoe. Must be .-gJe to ----~---tionally matuN, capable of Better dreasea, top wage for ~ •• ....._ meet and deal w,lth tht MEN pnMdln& &oOd. p h y • I ca I quality work, La I u n a * RECENT dental srad or Please apply in pmon decon.ton canceJJation. public, l'OOd tipr« Apply Learn & &m fllUI ~ per care & -.ibJe -·'dance Beach. Dort 4!M-8118 e:xper. Must be outaolns A 2523 Eutblutt Dr. Spaniab • Medltm'aneanlEetc in -....,.n. HoUday Health _.... .,........,_, •-UM own initlaUve. N-·-Beaeh RD FURNITU · ....--week plus, No experience to children. Rdl. 536-2453 GALS, I have an ideal Small .... J'V•• Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., Prol 1 na1 houlecl an1n b 1 1144 Nawport lhd. CM C.M. !!i~i!!1nsary,+i ...... -~~0N SURGICALIMEDICAL ..... 1, 't • uohn••4• *DENTAL receptionist SECURITY PACll'IC _ ...... ,_tilt ............. pres.,. ....... w-... o transcriber needed at onoe. -s a:e our ea ' <ah'I Friday) exper, Llcht 1..1:..TIONAL IANK ··-DOOARTTM!o&~Dp:~~ING door -· our <Ullo-E><perlence 1n heavy .... !Mr! 642-08U "°"kkeep ............ work, -Wed .. Sat. A Sim. 'til 1 men call us. For appt C.all wratcal dtctaHon. Houn WANTED: Anreasive, e.f. twin& • aood public rel&· ECtus1 Opportunity EmplO)'l!:r 2" Pc. Maple ·N or part time, days or 9:30 to 12, 526-6616 flexible. J:ontact Mr a. ficient, exp'd, Front desk tions. . . 11111: '""" N••'-, rata .. Call!. 0<rrsrANDING OPPI'Y. Atqna. Santa An& Com· lirl tor Dental otc. 19H61J 645-1060 GROUP dtlVl!r'• ltc required. Call For dynamic youni men cm. munlly, 600 E. Wuhlnrton · MOTEL MAID HOSPITALITY HOSTESS is REI.If (OQI ~.vi:; :~~~ aattdk!d with their present AVI!., S. A. 62(8 W. Cout Hwy, N.!I. 1ookina fDr' mature M:ltnen Includes: Livil:I& room 1et • ' tablta • lampr1 • bedroom tet • quilted mattftu • ma· ple d1n1nc room. AD for , • , Inn. &f.l.lTOO ext. !i55. u.rnlnp, but wfWnc to HOUSEKEEPER/ Bab)'rit· MAIDS WANTED to welcome newcomen to Exper~ Pref work hard to e&m $1!,IDI tu, live in matuft woman. 2.W1 Newport Blvd 0'8ta the communll7. Muat have APPL y Tr•rnencleuthtentlal tint year. Heartnr DI m.. t.aa:una Beach. Sorn• M~Applyin~ typewrtter,car,andblbon-Sunllte ExperieDce or no .lob otters sun.nee er direct home •U. Efta:Uah ~ ft&, $2IO mo. · dable. Apply 215 E. Main, ..L-- $449 unUmlttd o~ty for Inc experience helpful. 4944171 WANTED Live In bab)illtter. SUlte T, Tustin· Ca 11 f . Newport H•r...- am.bttloua pet'IOll, Phone 547""1'12 9 am to 5 BABYsrrrER .-Woman to Lla:bt ~~· 544-6925 t.fivale.unt Hetpft1f No down • Pmts. only Sll mo. WElK'S WARfHOUSl ,:,.s,: ~ o..= :;.·PS:::SM";;';;TAL _,.,my ...... ;,un1ven1-BABYSITl'ER """"'.AM • NURSES AIDES. ...77 ... ty Park. Occuklnal mom-,. 'DU F _ _...,_ v·n-· t AM to 3 PM EXP. DlnDu 'WaJtrell -&:IO W. -'th St., Santa Aaa 10 am · l pm MACHINIST, inl· Care tor f mo old. :..: ~;;:.., .,....,~, --v . $PM to U PM Wafter • .c.ocJdall Waltiello Open Da1l,y 9. t "DISHWASHIR" prototype oriented. 133-2139 . • Put Lido llul"°''· Sat. I . 6 Sim. 11. I , TECllNOSCAN., INC. HOUSEKEEPEIUhounper TELEPHONE -~tHoopital llN lltOWN'S llEST. LOVESeat$80.l'med.,-, EXPERIENCED 3740 Campu1 Drive day 5 days wk. $2 an hr. &!tv1ce. Experteneed need lfei Superior •f' the love •at. ooffff A end NoP?loi:itCalls Newport Beach Own tran1portatl•n only apply, 54()..n,G , Newport.Beach. 642-2«10 L11una Beach CC ·tabJel, lamJll, 5,_pc dlne_tte SURf &.SIRLOIN ADAfiNISTRATIVE Trainee 60-3U7aftS. WArrRESS wanted, apply m GE?fERAL. otftce ace ta 3lllJI S. Cout tfwy, let. Lea than 2 mo1 old. 5930 Pacttl.c Cout Hwy,. N.B. & degree 1n buslne". $650 PRUG CLERK. Three )'urt person, Mna Lanes. 1103 payable A tteelvabte to $400 So, Lac.una Reich 49&-2663 Must sell thia WHk. Prv COOK • Experienced try. month. ~tercha.nts ~ min exper. Refs. Top SUpa10r Ave., COlta Meaa. pd. mo. Merchanfl Pt'f'IOfto R11I l1t1t1 S1SH prty. !).l9..9046 broiler man for family net. 20l.l WestcUH, ~l1TO, waaea. C:iUep Pharmacy BABYSITrER needed I AM neJ, ~ WestclU!, 6&-2Tl0, Mtft & W.m.n ELEGANT Sp ant ab restaurant. Top man only 545-5685 440 Fair Dr., C.M. 540-4580 to 5 PM; Fowrtaln Valley M5-4685 ~ndq' ICl1n. Ouloe # esrntture. 3 rooms l mo need. apply. 1'or interview, • AtrrO TRIMMER• EXPERIENCED druc clerk are~ 531..a230 Ewa:. PHYSICAL Therapist, pa;ri • ~ availlb1-tor old. Cost $CIOO. new. tell o:>ntact r..tr. Sch\erhold, Mr Experience-40 hours. for profeulonaf pharmacy. HOUSFKEEPER. tor one tlJM mornlnll: for Hun-Uc:enHd men 6 women. ID-all $2500. 546-9265. 1330 Steak. %J61 Fairview Rd, DeGUl'lle a Soni, HunUncton PARK LIDO PHARMACr lady, ~ time, live in. PVt. unctPn Beach 0 ff ice. ltant income 6 ~-,Ml Palludea Rd,.No..11.,. S.A. C. M. Beaeh. 536-&S61 '60-lSIO rm. and bath. SIS-6539 515-1>21 GB!'fn<r. SP r 1 • 1 Reall>. 20 PC. "MADRID" SERVICE itatio• ........,., ~"'!?. W-7300 MATURE dontal a-.i. WA11'R&'!IES, Pill Ume. WANTED babysitter my 54Ml2I , J R G mechanic A atteodant&. Full """ 25. chlllr &Ide " _, Over '1 Call home Fri lhN 'llM~ daY'I PRINTING • dapllcator <>per; 0011! IOUp 6 part time, Must be up W.,k Near Home desk exp. Sand ftwmt to 56-9863 onl,y, 1:15 ID 5:30. 2 ator Hunttnaton Beach. J!:X. FROM ),JODEL HOMES w/local ftfa. GlQ:I a1ary e Accountirw/Bkn P. O. Bo.x.28. So. Lquna T.C. Bookkffper. CR ex· chlldrtn, ~ tehoo1 qe. perience AB. Diclr: or MultL Includes: Quilted ICQ 4 + GllMl. APPbr~ JODI E. e S«fttaNl CURTAIN A drapery perience $600. Mettbantl J40..08M,, Must work 'frithout ~ chair -2 end tablet. a ed.· Ocut H.,-, NB., ' • Reception aalealadlts. Apply . UdoU'a · Pcnonnel 6'5--21'1'0 54.>5685 ion, small camera expert. fM tabJlf-2 lamPI -~ Su·= ..._ncy H.,,,. Furn""'-S. <lout BEAllTY OPERATOR, ... Mon, W-7500 !_"'.!-"'~-~P-.0 ft-et-mirrw-hndboud-NOW'S .1HE • TIME .FOR--- 9UICI( CASH 1HROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD ~ ...,,. Plua.C.M. WANTEDFU!Jort>Ort-. ~· .. -~ • -qUil!Mbo<-Ama,._ Eotablllhed 1946 . Bal. lit. Call m3!0l PHONE .. ,. -· 1 hour 11* Hun"-Beach, rl8<7 .,.. -5 pc. -,....; 1851 Harbor Bl. Com Mesa GIRL f\lll ti.me. de# Ir a nicbl 5 di.YI a week to AVON ti.Ne A 4 hi-back chairi. Call tint. ec.nu ll!Jl window thadeL W• NEED Babystttitr. DaJia. people who ha~ recelwd MONEY WORRIES ' f • O')MPARE AT $7C&Jlll S CTY train. CU.tom Shido Shop, -•end• or "'1y, My home i,.a tertat. · $399 EX. I. $525/$550 3635 Eut Cout Hv.)', CdM. 64J.8099, tit~ Hts. lft" approac ma ? ? Oear up thole blurts To f.farkf:tins Dlttctor $50tmo. auaruatft phm. bf spendlna a trw houl'I No dOWD-Prnta onlJo SJ.I mo. Good akUls· ability to °"" ).fA'nJRE, live in clilld can J'OOD It Cocktail waitress. S'l'M57t dalJ.y •~ an AVON ter-£.llfts WlllCllNIR canit.e. ~e collear. Santa ~r, 5 dq wk. pvt. Ap)ll)o In tieJ'SOTl. · H•ary'r mt ~ATE. SboWdn't rttory Ca 11 $*).TOO. « wl&A MUIW.K Ana srowth co. P'te pd. by rm. F.V.137-mB, RHtaurant. ~'l9 you be selUnc the hottest 5C6--5Ml · emplo)'!r. Ftt jobs alto. Bookketptr up to trial MATURE woman to care tor arta Huntnllton BeachT:I.:::.:::::::.. _____ 800 W. «h St., Santa Ana J .... -...... A.-;!' -balance. -I yr "\.&hi. ""' Home. vw.,. Roal Eotato llSMm .... llall11"1ot Wlft! -Open Dollr ... 1115 N ......... CM. MUm ' N....... Beach. ~ 'lpfel ~ .. ~ • n. ow -' ,. • S.t. H sua 11.a l I t f- ., . . ' ' I I •• I I t I ' I I ' ' U. • ... • ·- i. -. ' . •• • • -!/ji11l' . ..,..j •• ..... • • 1'}1 1 1ioihr• ., .. ---~~ ... ~, ... ~:; ~ 1 J. ; . r1 I { • ( i~I .,'J • -·--~-~ .... -1 NO MATIER WHAT they're in the market for, our readers find the DAILY PILOT is the best place .to put the ·bite on bargains. And they 'do it with the same gusto as t~e gourmet here 1howing how much he appreciates the wares of the famed Alkmaer Cheese M;,:i.et in The Netherlands. You don't have to travel so far to find good things to eel, nice things to wear, ntw appliances et bargain prices, a real car buy--or even e chunk of cheese. Just shop the ."armchair market," the orie our advertisers deliver t<> your door every day. .. •• . -' ' . r DAILY PILOT . • • . \ . I t .. ' I • I . . .. , ..,. ..... , , _,.. ~ 1'··' .t.·•.., .. •· '· ~ ........ \-,_,,.T, r • ..J-'•'-'t~ • •,._ 'J .•. ~~-···: • •, .!. --- - ---------------------------------··-·-·-··· ----• ----------- ... •v ' c .. f .• ... • \ • . . . . '" i ' - '" .... • . . . . -.• ...... • ' ' • I •...-•':.._~ . ·-- -----------------. ~K .. .,,..,o._.-·~,c-·~2c.w;ai11 ·~NDISI l'Cll MERCHANDISI !'OR MERCHANDIS! ,OR SALi AND TAAOI LE AND TltADl.. SALE AND TllADI SALE Al(O TRADE Sl\LE AND TRADE '!""!",.... IOOOf....-... IOOO ,Ml...U.i-.. 8'00~111-MOO Mlocollanwi. MOO ••••••••••••••••• • RUG SALE BRADD 3Pc. SET LAlCH FURNITURE. STORE TAX tlQUIDATION-MER' NOISE MOVID 1'0 OUlt LOCATION • JR SALE ' C'ONVENllNCE Public WED NITE e fEB 19 7:00 P.M. SONY 500 Stereo t I p e reeordtr, complete with speaktrt: & m1kes. FlrJt SI~ t&Jcn. St5-f47l QUALITX klfW' bed w/quilted nutttt'ea, comp. Never used 198, worth $ZO. -- Mlsc.Wanhcl 1410 • TRANSl'OllTATION TRANSPORTATION rRANSPORTATION --S:.:•:.:llo::bo:;;•:.:l•::.... ___ _;90=10 Trtllor, Trtvel 9425 C1mper Ronl•I• 9522 ~-On.Ilic Rldrc Sloop 30' AIRSJ'REAM 19 6 6 C.'OAOI ~ TtlAILEft Rhodes 33 5-ttlin 01 The • llolod. RENTALS .. HANAHULI wtw cpta:, 8a.y Breew air It't none too e&rly to mako ' No. lJ· oond'r. Spw"C wheel, TV ttS(lrvationl fof Sprin& Jiol:. Sleek raclnc Sq A-Ocean antaMI.. Call aft 5 Pld, klaysl Sailer. f'iDtlt equipment 839-4375 Asking $6,000 WEEK·END OR WEEKLY & condltton. Ttrma. $5500. 54G-029l Own<' 613-1232 y,.,... YSOO I ===~====== Lastcbance '°' Boat Show *S~ORTSMENS VAN* Ouno -Buggl .. Bonus thla .... end. Co~ * TRUCKS * . 19'6 ado 15-flll!l!I, Cor -5. T"· A Al H Cor 34-$16,995. S ave ~ ,.,.y re I ere At DIJNE BUGGY no~t sup avallablt. F1ntao1ic Dlscoun11 Open nltca: Ul 9. 6i5-cm0 Re.La-to Go Ready fbr 1m.medlale -r COLUMBIA Defender 29', da.llvt.-ry $1699 racq gur A extras. Dinghy DAILY '1LOf 81 "7 Fiat 850 SPtdCr 16,(DJ mb XbU ~. •M&--'l'!lO• '67 FlAT 850 Spider, Sl.650. 'I * &1So791.0 • HILLMAN 11"' ' 3'l h.p. mboa:d. "'0 BEACH CITY . ~ Open Dilly 9 to 9 I. Sunday & outboard. $12.850· DODGE ft ~ * 110 New Uvlng Room Sets . • WANTED • -64-..... -"'7-"''-.,._~ms-'-'-.--11655S&achB1w,. tHwy.391 ~~ sO Many colera • Latelt sty'" e Pint fabrics Furniture e Appli•n~ Powet: CrulM::,11:.........:902=0:i 540-2660 • '62 HlLLMAN HU.W-, lo rq.J,,, • Spiinlth • MedlttrflMln e Mepl• Color TVs e , Pl1nos SACRiFICEI lluntlngton Beact: ~A 1,I.; runs a:reat. new tires, '98 _ ... 8'~1QV ·2•xs" l 'IN-.rt '"""'"--· 29 44 • Modern e French Provlnclal ETC. 36, CrWler w/65' mooring: '60-CHEVY 1 Ton, " ipcl, ~L. ,AJIP i -""'='·..:""'=·-£13..8135=='---* 4S Cuatem Bad'oom S.h. 30 Dlnottoo, Cash In 1/2 hour top cood.-MUJt oell .. w .. i. flat bed, m•h)'. """"'· ... ,,. lot .. t doolsn• cod. 548.stl9l All. ,6. at 837 w. !7th, CM ""·1691 KARMAN. N GHl4 541-4531 or eves. 548-1112 !14t-OJDl-471·11tO {:o\tfW".& ...... k .... ,...~·· ... ~!t...t Tllf.W:NIW * 11 Dining room 1tt1 * 50 Mtttrou &0ts, 1.,. ...... ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---.. -·-•· -.. -Ill sfHI 1~ $--~kl Bolh 9030 '62 CHEV. 1A ton pick-u p; 1970 HAllOI ILVD. ,p ______ ..;::.;..:;,::;;., ______ •lELECTRONIC student ;;Jc;:;:__=::....;__ R&H, hvy. :springs & tires·, COSTA MW GHIAS 11 C desires "not working'' T.V.s 13' WHALER; 35 HP cat! aft. 5 PM 494.-1151 ' olor TV's -also Bleck & White's can't pay much. 673-4380 Johnaon. controls; i 9 9 s .. 64 Ford % Ton v-s. custom Imported Autot 9600 1 ..... ~-..,_-.r. l"'llW.I cm.it..,,....,_ ......... _._ .... , ..... • . Houri: Mond1y-Friday 10.9 Sat. 9-6 $un. 11-4 LilS .. 'l!nusuall'urnilure trtSl lfA(ff II.YO . HUflllJIHGt'ON SIA~l41·A4•4 ~··········~···· Stereos & Combos Mlichlnery, etc. 1700 6?5-2«91 or 67)-2332 Eves cab, 31,000 ml. Very clean. Sln50. 548-8584 • Top QUALITY A NE LANCE Tubing Bender 801t·Y1cht -NE R W • Charte.. 9039 '58 CHEV. 1\1 too, van body, Couches, loveseats, sofas, sectionals, hide-a· ;:=: 2~ &~~:: J:: ----'------$600. Prvt party 642-.6788 beds, Bedrm sets, Dining rril sets, dinettes, reasonable. 642-5907 CAL 24 tor CIARTER 5 '1'11e Fr. Provincial BR sets. S25 doY. 1150 wk. 1 J.~ae"P;:• ____ _:9510 TRANS,ORTATION *842-7528* e Spot Casb for Imports We pay more lor any lmppr1 regardless of year, make or condition. 1ry us before you sell. ELMORE 1'10TORS, 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminster. 8M-ll'l2. · Re~rigerators, stoves washers & dryers. PETS 8ncf.L.IVESTOCK ========zlMILIT~Y Jeep· Chev v.s, We Finance With Good Credit Pets, General ~800 M ~"'o"'b"'ll•"-'-H"'o"m"'"-'--..c...9200. ~:": !un~~tsu~;· to~ DATSUN -- Master Ch1r,. & B1nk~mtrle1rcf Costa Mtaa's new UOOx15 tires, inany • AOK Commission. G. aller.y YOUNG, African .,., p.,._ Yur Round more cxtraa. On"""'"'"' DOT .• rot; very tame, talks, rare, Mobile Home Show Feb. I s sue "+\vheeler" DATSUN G • H ..... n22 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. beaut.; papers. S475, 16._20._2'2._24, 1: 34 wides Magazine. See. at .Alesa r _ , u1ttr lt!UQU•rter• 1 Block West Of Beach Blvd .• off G. G. Frwy. ~119 From $6995 Union Starin Cor.~Fa.irview AUTHORIZED DEALER Furniture 8000 Musical Inst. 8125 ! . 67's Like new "One wit~ 9,000 mllfa" 2. 66'1 Extra.Nice . ''°"' -l'ir ~ . All extra ~ all wftb ra· dios & healers..aDd one with air conditioning. 17 Pc. King Size liedroom Large 9 drawer dresser, mir· ror, 2 bedside stands, king size headboard, frame, quilt- ed mattress, sheets, blank· F~nd~ ~ ~":!o1 -Dogs 182.S OOa Loma. Bay H"""" Klt. :. N•WJ>Or 8!"'1. &t:>-2380 HUNTINGTON e GIBSON e MARTIN a.1."" CD.ribce, Roll-Away, Towne C 9520 54' 0•-•73 1190 e WILSON e YAMAHA 1·;;;:;;,;;:;;;;;;;-;;,1·ALASKAN Malamute, AKC, House, Homette, Celebrity, ampers BfACH 1v10 HAQoR ·ILYD. Drum Heeciquerter1 WE'RE In our Dew :stott.1 1 lemale, 4 mos. Excellent Sahara. COSTA MUA e N,EW and USED e Our fantastic sale of Piaoos * AUITlllU * for show protpects and 12 WIDES All ''' MM1l1 Now Here New e nd Used Cars -, ets, etc. WDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO & Organs npw oontinues at '-11Vft breedlllg. Black wtlh white 40'-43'-45'-50'&'-60'-64' s ..... •rlra $on our Truck-Complete Service & Perts 1---------1 Choice of Spanish Large selection with new 4 Oran&e County's only piano FRIDAY -FEB. 21st marking!. 492-0403 From $3995 ~-~~.~''ft~'~:'d,11, Cha1si• 18835 BEACH BLVD. "MERCEDES BEN?. .,. Mod'm Style -. -~-and-•·•·,.-.... & ......,an "super market". MINIATURE Poodl You can pay more 842.7781 -5<$0.0442 · 1~---" ---~ t--. ...,.., ........ -....,, -.. 7·30 PM e pun•, Mod•l1, Soll c,,1,in1~ Piabol from .-im: n...;... .. ~ • ..-but ,you can't buy better '" Just l mll11 So. San Dl•g• All For $249 I.fl&' at. $189. Pedals, bi-hats .,._. ..,,. • ....., Color TV's, Llk• --a•-·•, AKC Reg. 4 males, 2 , , U11ltt, All C1mp1r Acc11• lt.-trom $195 .... .,. """'"" Parks available in all areas. • .. ,. and l1ut a few 111inyt11 No down. Pmts. only S9 mo. and !els repaired. AD small • TV's, Bed.room sets, divans, females. Bay Harbor iori•i In Stock. North of, Adam• WEllf'S WAREHOUSE ut~·-~.ccessories & cymbals WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO chairs, chel!ll!:, cottee table!, _536-1044 eves. CAMl'lt CLEARANCl --=~-LA __ lSDNewport.C.M: 6C-M84 dinettes, sewing machines, ADORABLE Pups, "' Mobile Home Show of 1968 El Dorado, Four 1968 -QAJSUN EVERYTHING IN MUSIC UPRIGifl' Scbumanll Piam freezers, stove!. washers, Yorkshire, ~ Silky, 6 weeks 1425 Baker St. Wind1, Scotsman and Gold. 00! .\'o· .. 4~h ~t;·; .. San, ... , Ana ·····h Music Center I: Bench. Refinidied (Not dryers & MUCH MORE!! old. 4~1798 . ~~block E:t ~=bor Blvd. lin~ ii~d~l:sc~UNTS * ~ u-..q • 9G 'i.: antiquefl). Good tone &: COME BROWSE AROUND oo· BE 6 mo· _ .. male AKC, Sa ' 9 6 S 11 6 -od. N-....i-..._ .. -----' ''t:'l Costa 1.ft!sa Cn4) 540-9470 5 Y•ar Fin an<.in9 On M 'oa· E cu"A· s·H •acto•y Sal<a & Scrvke iioo ~-·· ·~·Q~. WINDY'S AUCTION :!::.~.&,,.:,':;' ;.r..=· SEE ... Dual ww. llood-CAMA"E'"" c .. da · Daily u ""'° ·w " s.t "· line' p., ""'""""'" p.,,. P R RENTALS · 11(1)1 ~cb Blvd ... (Hwy 39) Tefev11lon l205 2075% Newport mw. MAL~ German Shepherd, mount, Elite and General P-AJD FOR 1% ml· So. San Dieio Fwy. -Beh~ Tony'• Bldg. Mat'ls. AKC, 1" yn, g6od pet, mobile homes now at Specl111I wh•m r111tH. M1111te -Huntington Beach ~7-8536 23" MAGNAVOX Console Colta Mesa * 646-M86 likes childten, $15. 962-1233. Dual Wide Sales yow reseM1rleu today! 1600 convertible. 4 speed transmission, radio and heat. er. (WlJ856) $1795 ATLAS Furniture sr. George guitar & TV, bl"'k & whit•. xtnt OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 LABRADOR Retri•"' PllP'· . THEODORE amplifier, ai.o 3 pc. drum Cond. beaut cabinet $50. black. 6 Weeks old. Dam CbaDman Mobile Homes lnc. R b F d aet. 548--4.5Zi eves. 64&-U25 FORD Exec retired, moyirc A: Sift imported. 838-4928 520 N . Herbor, S.A. 0 "1ns or CHRYSLER-PLYt.toUTH 2929 tiarbor Blvd. '67 230 SL Mercedes Benz. Costa Mesa ~1934 Light~bl.ua w/~vy blue sort RENT TV $10 ID De"""· otton the follow-Cu te &ogle would lik• 531·8571 Pi1nos & ()rg1n1 1130 Ne. Depoait . Free Delivery 11111 Items at substantial••· male !eagle fer mating BEAUTtFUL l bdrm furn 534-04n or m-9110 lngs. GE dlx refri,g, sell by Feb. 24. 545-61M trlr 1968. l2x40, cooJer, Colored TV's, Pi1nos Appliencu,. Antiques 1 Piece or Houseful! • New Pionos • 11 Our Speci1ltyl WURLITZER&: BRADBURY 636-3620 All Styles & finishes, a11 24 HOUR SERVICE American made. 88 note, del BUYER ON DUTY 7 DAYS W·bencli &: tuned. Price start. 12' l PC couch, roll-away ing at i499. bed, ""'· ";""u' "' "''· WurJitzl!~ Qi:gans ner table, re aaona ble. e NEW 4 uSEt> • 642-86a4 Tremendous savings on '68 .;, U A L IT Y king bed modclll and rent :returns. w/qUilted mattr'f!ss, comp, EVERYnllNG IN ·MUSIC 1~~0::,"",=."~"""~""-·_""_"'_1_250_· 1 Beach Music C_ente 6' RA'rl'AN couch. Frame ts good, cushions usable. $15. 644--0577 Factory Sa.Jes & Service Dally 12 noon 'tll 9, Sat 9-5 1740f Beach mw., <Hwy 39) 1% mi. So. San D~go Fwy. Sacrifice, 8' \Vhite Sofa. * $75. * 646-903t 646--0806 HWltirigtOn Beach 847-8536 G S I 8022 Grand Opening ::.::;"::'e<B:.' .::;;.a ::'c......-.....:= Our new organ department HUGE Collection of over 5,000 boob, fiction & non· lictton. 25c to $2. 20'131 S.W. Spruce, Santa An a Height!:. 546-1264 BOAT S~oves, butane & a1cohol $50 &: $25, many ml•eellaneous Uerna 530-6185 Af!lian... 810j> e SPECIAL PURCHASE e Retrlgeratol'S, automatic washers & other major ap. pliances from model homes at fantastic discounts! No Down. We service. See at: FOSTER'S ln.85 Brookhurst, Fin Valley (So. o1' Warner) 968-1234 \VE.STINGHOUSE 5ide by side refrlg wJice maker. 1 mo, old. Cost $525. sell $375 . .,.5 46-926 5, 1330 Palisades Rd No. 17, S.A. GENERAL Electric automat&e wasber, I ate model, like new. $ 7 5. 847~ -An_tlquol 1110: ANTIQUE Spanish and Mex. religkrus art fnn. small pvt. collection. 18th c. paint. San Antonio w. gilt frame; Mex· iCRn eUful1lx. t m a I i , priniltive w. lnaet mfrron:: 17th• C. lllu uolnated parctqnem;. tin pe.tntlnct -priced"' ........ Jor_ p>d nay.tlcal antiqlln:, ~ v A.St Stock Amer I: Dtt rum &: clockS. L a r r y Mcqan Ant.ique!'l, 2. 2 a Ne,rport Blvd., C.P.f. ANTIQUES k CLOCKS 6(i~lt~~~:CM Sawt"9 Machin• 1120 1BBS SINGER. ZI g-Z a g , touch-o-matic. Wal cebinl!t lncl. Service man lea.vlrc are. lorces repo! $39..85 CUb tJt assume $4.66 mo~ Buttari hOles, o v ! r c a st blind. hems etc., \\1thotlt at· ~~u1,r1o te,e OK. 1811 SlNGER. Zll Zag automatic wj lh ft1 cabinet. Talto -$ f>Yllll'tl .. $7.:15 !>* i!D. Call 526-111 7 ..,um..· is now open featuring THOMA.s ORGANS with ttw: exclusive Color-Glo and Playmate. FR&E Lawrence Welk family music ~. a $100 value, free with every Thornu Organ. Prices start at $595. Caast Music 1139 Nowpo't Blvd, CM Corner of. Newport & liarbor 646-0271 Used Organ Sale PACKARD Bell Color defrost, $175. Hamilton skirting, Newport Beach. C----• 21" 1967 . dryer & Frigidaire wuher ,.T~RA::::;N::S:;PO:..=:R::T;:A::T~IO:;N;.__ ,_&12-< __ .. _2 _____ _ ~*"e, • •new PIC-both for $150. Gold carpet 1... •· ture tube. Offen! 646--6700 14 x 13 nylon $85. Tweed B--fs & Yachts 9000 2 BDRM Mobile Home. in -quiet adult park 10x50. Call HI-Fl & Stereo 1210 fan rm Mohawk carpet, lT ·. aft 5. 54~ STE:-".;..RE:..;;;0..;1;_969;:;.:ao!Jc:...d-,ta-t-',"'CO: :OO~· e~(;pti:,:r; ;t:;;i! SCRAM-LE·TS sole. Never ~ $85. Also care. 6#--0947 NSW£RS 6 ' walnut AM/FM MAHOG. ship bunk! from A multiplex, S speaker audio "Queen Mary", comp!. with system. Normally aelll for mattress, s~ad A Queen Felony -BefDg -eegun - $489.95, sacrilice • $250. Mary brass plaque: ideal Femt -TURN him OFF Credit Dept. 535-7289 for boy's rm. $95 each. Remark about a bore: • HONDA • MINI BIKES FREE TO YOU ORGANIC Fert:llizer, aged horse manure combined with wooil shavings. Good mulch. 833-5332 or 546-4931 betw 8 &: 5 Mon thru Fri. 2/28 DOG; 3 yr. male, small Standard Poodle. Excell family ~· loves children, very well behaved. Needs horile badly. M2-2'll5 aft 6 p.m. or wkends 2/21 NEED good home for "Barney," lovable, small breed Terrier-mix; male. Housebroken. all sh o t s ; loves children. 828-7977 2/20 FREE TO GOOD HOME 2 spayed and a1tertd kitlens, to adult home. NMds shots, 540-6183 from 11-4 p.m.2/31 FREE to good home -pup. pies, blackfwhlte, mixed breed shepherd type, 1 wk! old. 962-2143 2/20 FREE tD qua]. hOme, Beellt. AKC, Male Beagle, 1 yr. old, all shots. 639-2858 aft, 5 p.m, 2/21 l 1h: YEAR old blond cock-a- poo, male to good home. Very playful Ir. 1ove11 children. 531-1815 2/20 INCUBATOR, freezer, refrlaen,tor,._ lavatory, both tub, 2 • S2 gal. drums, dlshwahr. old metal harrow. Eves. 540-4519 FREE To good bOme 2 kit· tens 9 mm. old. M· fectionate. trained. •1403 2/21 CLEAN 4 8\Jl'lll!r. gu stove, oven/broiler, 1 o o d con- dition. Larae sbe Servel gas refrigerator. M9-2lll 2121 SMALL, male dog . Chihuahua/Dechahund, 15 mos. old, housebroken ~S.A. :V21 Minney's Ship Cbandlery "He'1 a drlp, You can always 2537 w. Coast Hwy, N.B. bear him, but can · rarely. 548-4192 Open Sundays TURN him OFF." KHITIED FABRICS ... FOR SALE INVENTORY SALE NEWPORT 20'S Remnants, samples & ?.Iill Slips Included end• Sat. Only 8 a.m. to 2 ePACIFIC YACHT SALESe p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. Kettenburg Dealer 1969 '90· OR '65', * ·$239 * HERB FRIEDLANDER FR I GI DA IRE Washer, 3446 Via Oporto, Newport perleet condition, S 4 O. 24 Hour Phone •••• 613-1511) Dining nn aet. $ 3 0 • ""'~~~""""!'!',,,... In1ported Wedding gown, 17 Fl'. Performer. Islander 1ize 5, $35. Zircon wedding Deluxe model (all fiber· ring set, $35. 540--6539 glass) outboard. CU!lom '66 HONDA 160 FOR _&tle: 11,500 B.T.U., snap down cover. Big wheel Scrambler, Low mllaap Kenmore air· conditioner, tilt trailer. S700 or b@st off· Tuned pipes $275. 110 wits. Used just one er.Phone642-4980after7pm • 54l3182 • :year $135. 638-1185, 11301 18' OIRISCHAFt. utility I '68. HONDA Trail 00. Like Euclid Spare 102., Carden pleasure, 105 hp, 6 cyl. inbd. new. Ohly 500 ml. $250 Call Crow Lapstrake comtrucUon. 1 ,=540-<!;:;..cc.638~olt::,:..:6.'-p~mc,. __ _ 2 LARGE glasl!I abbwcues, Xlnt cond thruout. Full '64 YAM.AHA 2'".JO toe, low 2 tables fol' window display, price $1450. 962.-1440 a.ft 6 mlleqe, excellent co n d, picture frames, all si,r.e:s, PM. New tags. $350. 646--0156 Jouncing rocker Cb a 1 r • SHAR='"'=P~lil~' ~ ... -t-w-/oo---. TACO Mini bike. New pa.int; 494-3320 LagUna Beach sv,dvel seats. 40 hp motor Real good condition. Must Kirby vacuum cleaner w/at-&: trailer. $750. ~7 sell $80. 842-2342 tachmenfl. Take over small 15' FULLY eqUipped. 30 hp 1957 HARLEY D a v I d 11 o n pymnta or pay off balance Evtn. etect.·fie.iler. $600. Sportster stock, gd cond, of $36.12. Credit Dept. 540-ll85 aft 4 PM $500. 968--2733 after 5 pm KE 5--7289 · 18' CHRlSCR.AP'T .Fiberglas. VICTOR Addin& ma.ch $49.50. Inboard ou tboard. SJ!ro. pvt Remington elect typewriter ply. 548-9868 $39.50. Uoduwood prtnttngi-"'C,S,:CK!,:CP,,:,PE,;,R--•• -... -1----'----·I ca I c u I a t o r $69.50. 340 wan..-pa FOR Sale complete "396" time work. 548-3561, Broadway, C.M. after I leave rneuagc. Chey eng. 350 hp, llke new. p.m. I========: $600. or beet offer. ~9643 TILE hobbyist: Here's t. ttal barpin. 2 x 1 toot table1s.;=llbo=ac:t•;_ __ ......;.90.;.1;.;0: 1 Auto T.0011I.Equip9410 and original Denwar tiles ,..A, 25 1 old I TIRES -·pped, JilGe new ready for c:utttna: and .,.... · yr · ......... ach 4 to rnasdc • all for $25. 644-4188 * $6, 75(1 * 825x14. $8 e or r '-=~ean;:;....._.;;;~n=o11;;;'~'"'=.::...!1$30~.616--<l82tl""=::;======:::::-I PRIVATE party Jeaving U .s.1 ~ wbe• to oetJ all turn • Imported Autoo '600 Imported Autos houlehOld ltetns. Everything 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j less than i mos. old. I~ 6#-410< SI'OVE $40; Refrlg. $75; O'.>Uchel $40 • $60; dlnin8: set '50: twin beds '50; etc. g7S-1211 arn~a~ 5 PIECE dinette ll!t p:>. -StroD-a-cbalr baby bua:Y ss. 8921 Comet Cirtle, WestmUllter. 847-1111 ' e VACUUMS e f\O..,. Rapob. -R.euomble. CoUt Vamum 3.1l E. 11th. CM., 142-l!m , 2 WAY RADIO ~wattbeltl:mobUI atadona. 839-aJ iLMOltE MOTORS link f.n•nclftf ,.,1tl1bl1 111 "4.nk .,,,..,, •f u.dlt. REE-FREE las Veqas Vac1tlon 3 DAYS I. 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO N• Purc:lt••• N1ca•t•rt 2060 HliRBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA --~642°00_1_0 __ _ vw Bus & Camper SPlCIAlS '-----------------.....----~-.:..----~---·. Open 'til lO p.m. top; all extras "incl. air! --7'-:-==~~--I xlnt cond. $5600. 962-20t1 '69 DATSUN Big sedan, 96 hp, overhead cam eng,, dlr, 4 spd, radio, heater, Wl!IW tires, loaded! 1:!00 miles, Wlder factory \vtUT8nty. Bal S1T15. Take S75 cash dels or older car. L.B. YNWCll7. Call alter 10. 491-9773. MG MG Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery, All Modeil!I J2rtupor! 31111porrs llOO \V, Coast Hwy •• N.B. 642-9405 54().116( Authorized MG Dealer -·-·---·--. ' l I ' I • • • • • • " • • • llAND NEW 1969 IUICK • s199 DOWN • • • • • • Plus tax &: llctn&e on •P-• JX"O\led credit for thl.a • New Buick Special No.• 433279Z600049. • POOLE 'S FINE USED CARS • • • • '6Z JAliUAl • l .I 4 door, A11t.. front.,. r•dlo, ho•ter. Sh.wt •l· c1ptlc>11•I ur1. (WNAIS51 • $2195 : '6' TOlONADO e F-111 p-•r, f1ctciry olr• co11d. I SIN112 I • $2995 :1 ~------. '67 Ol'll Spt. Coup.. ••die, lri•1hr, • 4 1p11d, I ••••r, IUOF.• 101 1 • $1495 • ie-------· 'H IUICK e Sport Wat•"· Factery 41r. c.ltd., racflo, ,. .... ,, pow-.il ., st.ar, IVlX241 1 $2295 ' • 11:--~tC ''5 CHRYSLER j j1 New Yorker htrdtop c:a11p•• full power, fa ctory -9"-j co114. INHA 1141 $221P5~ -: '67 COU&AR • • RIH, ...... PS. •lr co11dJ •• v ti.11in'll. I •WJI''· ',CUCX· • 9121 • $26,5 • 1--~~-~-~· I 'U OLDS "H" • tL01.11ry 4 do~. Fall ''"'"'·· 'factory air. ISUPS121 • ii $2495 : Ii I '62 CHEVY • e PICKUP e i R1clio, ho1tor, ] 1pttd ;alK6Jt511 • • $1195 : • •n OLDS Dolta 11 : l4Dr. H.T. RIH, auto., PS, ••Ir co11iiifia11l119. CMOY·· 146} • : $1695 : • • ''2 Gii.AND PRIX • •A•lo ''"'"·• powor itaar., •r•lii•, lteot.,. fOHZ 6211 . • $1195 : ·······r. : JAGUAR • : llADOUARllRS : .COmpl.te Sal•• • s.,.... ~e• ind Pertt O.ptrt-• •mont f., JA6 UARS. • • s .. n. bcill119 • • '''' J • ..,.,. r.,,., • •••••••• i..------· • 23' E. 17• ST. • • •••·7765. Mon-fr1 1:30 om .. 'pm Sllunlay 1::111 om .. 'pm hndoys 10 om .. 6 pm fi'JJXJ!R BUICK • 'I ( I ' Q "I 1 COST A MESA ' . .... ___..--T .. • • ·-·· ~ , . . . .... -..--. ; -· NEW 1968 ENGLISH FORDS J TltANSPOllTATIOH TllANS'°"1'.ATIOH · TllANS-TATION 9600 WHILE ---HOO Imported A-HOO Im-A'vtao VOLKSWAGEN -------VOLKSWAGEN vw Prlco Spodol1 '60 Bug • • • • • • • • • • • .. • $399 '63 Bµa& .............. ~ Over 15 VW'• <Ill~~ . i*t lo $l999 o~f/1-" ,;_,.,. NEW 1968 THEY LAST! SHELBY· AMERICANS ' DEWXE 4·DOOR's No sales expense charges • No prepa· GT·SOO's DELU.XE 2-DOOR's 'GT·350's GT 4-DOOR's ration charges • No clellvery charges. FAST IACKS GT 2·DOOR's You pay ONLY $99 over actual factory Station WCHJOns CONVERTIBLES 4 Speeds, invoice! Compare window stlcken with 4 Speeds, Automatics our sale prices to convert these truly Automatics $99 OVER ACTUAL unusual discounts Into actual clollan-$99 OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE and-cents savings on these final fac· FACTORY INVOICE WHILI INYENTOlllll LAITll tory shipments of 1968 models. WHILI INYINTOltlll LAITll SHELBY AMERICAN FOR 1969 ! Theodor• Robins Ford, Orang• County's o · N l y Shelby American I Dealer, proudly presents t he uncommon GT for '69! GT-350, GT-500 NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. THUNDERBIRD SALE 11 to choo,. from. 2 cloor oM 4 dow mod•ls, H1rdlop1 111d l 1r.d1us. All with •Ir conditionl119 •nd full powor, Som1 with 1l•r10 lop••· '61 thru '67 Mod1ls. IXAMPU '65 T-Bird Landau fully oqulppod, •ir coM,. pow•r wlndow1 I 1011•. llu• Book pric• $2lJI, IOYG· 621 ) 20 'X. clow11 o' tr1d•. $1395 ~~~. $48 ~':.!:. '67 T·Bird Landau RIH, flit whl., oti1to., rs, Pl, p •• ;ndowt I 1•11, •It coftd. f1ct, w•rt111iy CYCKJ121 20 '1. dowl'I Of tr1d•. $2895 ~:-t. $7 6 ~...: TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW-PAY LATER EASY FINANCING AVAILABLE GET RED HOT-SAVINGS ON SPECIALLY EQUIPPED MUSTANGS, FAIRLANES & GALAXIE 500'S . These unique '69 's were specially built to save you money on the most wanted 19b9 extras! Come in, see the amazing savings we're offe ring on such op. tional eqitipment es air conditioning , E-28 whitewalls, vinyl roofs, deluxe wheel covers, tape stripes, bod y mouldings, etc., etc. LIMITED OUAHTITIESI HURRY WHlll THEY WTt '64 FORD SALE 7 TO CHOOSE FROM 2 Doo11, 4 Doe,., Sed•ns. H•,dlop1, Con· v•rtibl11, W•gon1, 1om• with ,j, •rid pow- '' 1t11ri11g. EXAMPLE: '64 fOI D •ALA.XII 100 4 DOOi V-t •vlom•+lc, fully oqvipp9'. ITWA. 4111, 25 'J. clown ot tr•d•. \.•.,re $695 Full Price. $23 per 30 mos. '67 Mustang H.T. Cpe. YI 1ulo., RIH, PS. f1ctory •ir, llu1 look prico $24S4 (UJl1571 20% dow11 or tr1d1. $1695 ·.~~. $47 i::.::. MUSTANG SALE I] lo cho•t• from. "6" I "I" c.yt1ncl1n, 4 1p11d1, 1ulo1r11tic. Soll'lo with pow1r sl11,l11t 111d •ir condilioni119. lt6S thr1 196t mod1l1, con••rtibl11, coup•• ind 2+? f1tlb1cli:1. IXAMPU 1961 MUSTAN• H1rdtop Coup•. fully oquip1cl fWXS. J 91) 20% dow11 or lr1d•, $895 fUU. $31 NI JO PllCI MONTHS TRUCK SAW~SERVKE SUPER COOER F-100 Pickups lo Heavy Duly Custom Rigs. Spe- cial Fleet and Lease De- partments. Off SEASON CAMPER SAYINGS ! F-250 PICKUP .... SCOTSMAN CAMPER ~~ $3495 lhf, H•. f2Sl111HJll Scotsman camper iA com- pletely furnished "·ith ice bo~ 1to\le, etc. Sleeps 6. F-:5> pickup has 300 eng., amp A oil gsuges, 1950 lb. t'ellr IJJl"lngs 15) 8.00xl6.5 l!r ply tubeless tires, dlx. heat. er and defroster. etc. Many to choote from .e.t this price! USID CAI SAU PllCU l"ICTIYI 71 HOUU UNLISI NnlOUSlY 10\.D AU. PAYMINTI Pl•UU D ON APPlOTID CUDfT 811.ve on Eldorado. Four· winds, Goldline Scotsman. O\ler 30 Yarted floor pl.11.ns oi;i dillplay and ready for tm~ mediate delivery. OPEN SUNDAYS • " , .:..b:; · 1! _,, M.._oltMMOSCmMemhn ..... Md ~~::l~<I~!"~'~'~/"' .. ,:; "' MMc9bdlW.OflthilW-.eo.t /-&fbuThftodqre "-1..:./J. I 2060 Harbor Costa Me;~5-;.2:0010 . • $225~ ,.. ..... DELIVERS BRIND NEW 1969 TOYOTA COROLLA 12 •• s.inl • 6 • ., ..... e4 1p4,,...... e n~..-.. • '#MN -n tfrft, • F•ffJ NClhtlat ••diet...., eNwt•R~ • 2 SpMCI .,,.. ewi...w.w .....,. .'"" ............ ·-........._ e sw..., ·-- tnclude1 Tex & l ie. & Interest -36 Mos. 900 S. Coo>t Hwy. L~gunf 81!J(li 494-7SOJ ORANGE COUNTY YOLKSW~GEN FINEST SELECTION OF . PREVIOUSLY .. ' -owu1:n ''68 CADILLACS IN SO. CALIFORNIA 4 DOOR -2 DOOR • El Dorados • Cal1ls ' • CouPJ de Villes • Sedan de YUies PRICED FROM $4995 AU Carry New Car 5 Year or 50,000 mile Warranty ALLEN OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC 1150 SOUTtt COAST HIGHWAY LAGllNA BEACH 494-1084 • 547-3103 ------ MUsr "" '18 VW. Sunroof, Auto l.us)ng 9110 AM/FM, auto, xlnt care, ------------ . CHEVROLET l2,<m ml i.tt on warranty. • A NEW UFE '66 CHEV MALIBU $1800. 494-1191 or 497-1863. · · · · ... far Gary Arcl>lbald ON LEASE • llanltop, .. , .. , ... ts. radio. - _______ 1 ,67 TBIRO 2 d Land heater, pwr wind, dlr, fact · • r, au, air, Godde" gold ext. New VOLVO air, pwr. $94.'12 l?O· 24 ma. tires. Will takeolderf0ttlp ---·-----1 s100TH COAST car 0~ $85.Cash dell. tine CAR LEASING ~ki~·~~ 553, '68 VOLVO 2 DR. 300 W. Coast Highway MANY EXTRAS Newport Bch., &P-7182 1967 ~ CAlllNO, t speed. s p e c 1 a I suspe1111ion-39S. EXEC CAR Black per!IOnal car, new i2495 u .. d Ci rs 9900 tires, 1st class condition. " L $2100. STh-2226 tM tBJU TRANSPORTATION ·•1 CHEV 1m'pa1a HUif1o,,. Runs good. $399. IHPORTS CAR S L£ Febru!l.Jj' Clearance Silt! TOYOTA·YOLYO A ,....,.., "43-8511 1966 Harbor, C.M. fi46..9303 ,62 CADIIJ..AC 4 ·door hard· 1961 CHEVY Convert. lood * Y running 348 engine. Good New olvos * lop, fW! power, Jaotocy .a. ""'· w im. ca11 516-1121 GET A cond!Uontng • .. • .. • • • • ;799 alter s. BETIE~ DEAL :~ ~~ eo~:i:r ~~ 1-"'·s"°T °'CH"'EV=Y-. good-,:-;-,"'.,-,nd..,.--1 Herb Friedlander '"'"'· nuu., ... ,., •• Sl99 eotng tn """"' .$300. 13750 Beach Blvd. (Hwy 39) '62 OLDSMOBILE F-85 4 ·-==*~"-6-0885~-*~' --l 2 blks So. G.G. Fwy, door. Radio, beater, auto-'60 CHEVY Station Wa&QI\ 893-7566 537~4 ma tic ............. , •••• $99 6 cyl, Very Clean. AJkirw '57 BUICK 2 door. Radio, $300. 847-0044 -------,-1 beater, automatic •••••• $491-========I Antlqu•, Cl1ulcs 9615 BLUE CHIP CHRYSLER 1 .,. Fon! grill•. 2 "'" d..,.. AUTO SALES oompleto with glau, 1 hood 21C> Hul>o Bl"" SAVE $1200,00 slightly beat. 1 bell housing c.osta ;Ha · with rear end. 1 '40 Ford 642-9700 54()..4392 Brend New lfft hood del~ &. 1 grllle de-(-======:::::= I 1 .... "'' o1 .. , .... ts ,.,,. Chysler New Yorlcer v.w. s... Pho"" 5.16-Slli BUICK H.B. Ask for Bill. •---========= '61 BUICK La Sabre, 2 dr. Race C1n, Rods 9620 hardtop. New rtd paint job & upholstery. R &: H. Power 1956 AUSTIN Healey, Fer-steering $400. 1532 Pegasu,s, rarl body, pwr windows, S.A. Heighl.!I. 549--0449 dool'!!, 327 cu In, rad/stereo. '58 BUICK Sta:tio~ Wagon Best oiler. 2865 El Rio, yery clean! P/S, B, R/H: C.M. 549-3459 Roof rack, oUel'!!. 646-6700 Autos Wanted 9700 57 Sulek Century. Good transportation car. $175 ••• 548-0291 WE PAY .,. CASH for use4. can & trucks just call WI /fir tree estimate. GROTH CHEVROlfT ~ for Sales 1.1anager 18211 Be1cb Blvd. Huntington Beach Kl 9-3331 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNRL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor mw. C.OSta Mesa 546-1200 Will Buy Your VOlksw"l"ft or ~he 6 pay ~ dollan. Pot lor or not. Call Ralpll CHEVROLET '67 EL eam;no, new tires, 396 eng(M, 6000 nU., $1900, 646-UOJ, 548-3351 '55 CHEV. 2 dr. hdtp.; Xlnt cond .; new uphol. &: tires; many extras, Pl). 675-lm '58 CHEV. Impala convert. Nr, new top &: seats; ndll. eng. work. $15. S92--7531 eW: 4 Door han:ltop. 3 in 1 bench treat, driwr a.ir group, AM- FM radio, power 1tttrin&. power brakes, 3 spttd wmd- shield wipen. remote out- side rear Yiew mirror, pow. er windows, power antenna, torqueflite t r a n am i 1 • - ion, head rest, 440 cu. In. e~ gine, tinted glass. comel'inr 1l~hts, automatic speed con. trol. pov;er seat, power door locks, tilt le telescopic 1tttr· ing wh!!el,, vinyl roof, whltt wall tires. CH43K9CI00889 we1 $61'2 NOW $4992 ATLAS CHRYSLER·PLYMOU'nf 2929 Hartx.' Blvd. C.OSU Mesa 545-U:U Open 't.il 10 p.m . ''°° 673-1 190 IMPORTS WANroJ """'" """'"" TOP S BUYER 41/3°/o BANK FINANCING On Approval of Credit BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach mvd. H. Bes.ch. Pb. MT..a555 Auto l e11lng WE NEED YOUR TRADE IN I I Wfll.....,, F...., 1', 1169 DAILY l'ILOT 13 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ~ T~~!W!I!!! tR!iNS~~·~ ·• , ... ~ .... v .. ,,.. •• ...,,,. cart •. 9IOON-can 9'00-Cart --C... --can -HOCINow can HOO , • • . • • • I ' . ' CADIIiLAC for 'NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE ' ~ ' i ' i -. ' 1963 CADILLAC PRICI 1967 EL DORADO lt•11tif11I 1n1w cre1t white e1t1riar with lll•clr p1thl1d naef 111d ble•lr /11t+i1r i11t1ri1r. Tlil1 cir 11 1lisoh1ltly p1w1r lo111fittl wi th p1w1r 1t11rh1t, ,OWlr lit1lr11, p1w1r wl11d1w1, powtr 111t, pow1r tlttr l1clr1, powtr trw11lr llcl r1l1111, St1r11 AM·FM ''cllo, llfht 1111ti111 I, 111t11t11tlc /l1ht tll1"mt r ' ' '"""'"• ''' ":~:~'"$4 999• :~:~I '.•' 1967 CADILLAC C111p1 D1Ylll1 1111d1I lh1hh1tl h1 b1r1q111 ttld wit\ ctvtrt c.I .... 1114 l1•th1r h1tt rl1r. Hi1 t ll tht pow1r 1cc1111ri11 h1cl11dl111 ptwer 1t11ri119, p1w1r llr•••i. power wln itw1, powtr dtor loclr1, tilt afttrlnt wh11I, twilltht 1111tln1I, altrtt AM-FM r•dio •nd l1ctory eir c.•11elltlo11ln9. IUEW. 556 } SALi '3999 PRICE 1966 IUICK ~1utorn L•51br1 4 Oo1r h1f411p. s,1rklin9 tHI bluo.with m1lc~h19 l11!1r· tor. Ftclory t ir 1onclitl1ni11t, 111!01M1tic tr1n1rnh1!•11, powtr 1l1•rin,, '•wtr br1•11, rc41o, h11t1r, olc.. Truly • f1111 111to'"~i. thet mu1t b• 11111 •n4 4rlw•n I• 1ppro1l1t1 ii• fl111 w1l11I ISIW4ttl SALE s2222 PRICE . 1966 OLDSMOBILE " 91 Lu.11ry S•4tn. l1111tlful 11tln 1llw1r 111t1ri1r with bltck ¥inyl r1of ind m1tchl11t br1c1tf1 lntliriw, r~w1r tl••~inf, ;1w1r ,-llr1k11, p•w~r wind1w1, p1w1r ·•••t, AM-JIM r1411, flit 1t11rl111 wll1'1I, p•w•r ¥1111 wl11d1w1, 11r c.1nd i.tl1rili19, Aluol11ttly ''i'ou1. (RUL0901 SAU 2333 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC D1Villo c111¥1rtibl1. l1111tlful C111110 biit• with mokhint top 111411 111th1r in .. rior, Thi1 low mil••t• ci r i1 1xc1ption1Uy 1quipp14il with f1ctory 1ir condltlonl119, power 1t11rint, p1w1r ltr1k11, powor 11tl1, pow1r wlncltw1, tilt t ntil t1l61copic wh11I, AM·FM r1411. IXSP6t2J SALE s3999 PRICE 1966 PONTIAC GTO A vitry •l'•"Y herdtop thtt i1 flnl1ht4 ih 1i!Yt r'Wlth ltl11• 111 Yl11yl li1c•it 1111 intorlor •. F11lly l11clt4 indudint lit YI 11191111, trl·p-•r 4 1p114 "'•n1ml11!111, p1w1r 1t11rln9, pow•r br1k11, rtdio 111.I h11t1r, F1ct1ry Air c'"'"""'"•· y., =~·52333-•::~:., VISIT OUR COMPLITE VOGUE TYRE SALIS I. SIRYICI CINTll - • • WI ALSO STOCK ALL ORUilNAL PACTORT 19UIPMINT TIRES. s39'~h INCLUDIN• MOUNTIN .. IAU.NCIN• & llCIU TAI • FREE PICKUP AND DWYERY ---·· ------· 'UllllC•n ~ Used Cara 9900 UHd C1rt 9'00 -CONTINENTAL ---'IC UNCQUf Cont., low milU. very dean. $1795. 71Ai: ~104 Palm DelUl 'i5 COfttbint&t, eOOd con-dilJOn. Fllll ......... MO * &43-201'& folAllZ A .-0 .. plblr .,..,.,.. ... ,.,,...-. ·Ifill -lllr .... with -·· ··. " ' -, CONTINENTAL 'li6 CONT. 2 Dr. All pwr. .AIN:ond.. stereo-tape; xlnt cond. S2800 644-2867 1107 Goldenrod, C.D.M. 'M CONT. full pwr lthr int, u "'"aY 5-'!ats, nrn. pvt ply. S<&-'343 '67 LINCOLN, 23,000 Ml Rtd with black vinyl top. Loaded sm> cash 673-5180 j CORVAIR '62 f\tONZA, 4 spffd, 1 owner. Beautlf1llly maln- lalned .....m! CORVETIE '67 CORVETl'E, BursundJ 427, low mileage, xlnt a:md. Sacriflct. 548-8522 , -. A Masterpiece from .. ·. ' ' ,. .. The Master Crahsmen ( On,Dlsplay and Ready for Delivery Todayl ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW! LEASE DIRECT • FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE LARGEST SELECTfON ' ' . ~ ' -, OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED • CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY 1968 Sedan De Ville ~ 1967 ' Sedan DekVille 1966' CADILLAC , -,,,,,~-~: - P!Otfw ... ""'"''"" M1lllflo1..oil\A.i.wt411 ... ~ ... , .. ~lu\ ,,,_ 1114 II--Ii. Ali: ...... I . -~''" wl-4....; "ll'f wlfl4""*' ... ~. M ............ •• t -f tM1cepft: '""'" ........ ""'.,.....,... -llll¥-1lf.• . . -" , ._ . • -· •• r W.I ,., l'llCi , . - ----19-,"""'s"""c~DILLAC- Th• ,.,.,1,, 1'4111 DtYlllt. "11!1h.I kt .. ,... fe8' '*"""' with .,,+q. , Int 1,w to1fh1t 11111 1l1lk 1mr1_.,. He• -.n fk: ,.,_.., Oftlll•c l~x.,., f,, .. ,., l111IHl11t , ... , 1t.trl11f, ,,.., tMoelrlt}.. '-"'" ·""'"'•••· ,,..., Nth, 1111111 11okh11 r141e •M If ••tr,M C.411'ff 'f.et• tit .. ndltlonliit . .. f712J) , . ..,. .. , 1ALl'$2666. -PA;C," •'. , ' : -----=-, ,,...,,-='2 ""c"'=~'='D~ILlii""''A""c:-,----- • t.: c..,. DtVllle, Ttil1 n11!1tKt ....... Mid c.itttH ,.Ith whit• l11tt. • h1t.rf1t ••• •'"'"' ell tf tM 4,1 ... ......,,. fMt CHIH•c. 11 f1mo111 fer .. Ttii1 lo,1ly $1d111 D1Vlll1 ht1 ell po,11111 power 1i1i1h l11cl11.!l111 pew1r .t11rint, 1ow1r ~rake .. ''war wintlow1, pow1r t11t ond Ctdtlla1't ft rr\out l11tory 1lr co11.lltl111l119. Thl1 IM111tHul 1vt .. "111.111 hit M111 Yl ry c1rof11lt., .ld¥111 111d 1how1 only t ht fi1111f 1f ctr• "y lt'1 pr1Ylt111 ow111re. 144411 1111,... ,..., t+Hrl111t pewtr ilftkffs JtWlf Nflt' 1,.4 poww wl11d1- Alt1 k11 C..111110 f.11t1'Y t lr Mll4Mttlf .... 'Ytt N1t chi•• tlll1 -· IJlHIUI $888 SALi PRICE 1967 RIVIRA '3999 Cjr111 Sport. U.oly mltll\Jtht """' ....,,., wlth ltf1,• 111 Yi11yl l11t1rl1r'o H11 ,...., 1tt.ri11f, ,._, litt ... , er wh1il1wt. tllt 1t11ri11t wllfff, •P••ltl hlth ffyl• ••1 Sp-rt wt.fftt of c1111t1• fttlory •Ir co11clltlM• ' 1111. Till1 1ul1m•"ll• 1hew1 th1 { ef ,.,.. ltf it'1 prtYl1111 owHI'. SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN M•d ... _ ITSD "" I • 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY SALE ICED 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY ""d SUNDAY _'· SALE PRICES IFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1969 , '" ''-' Your Fa~t~~~ Authorized Cadillac Dealer h4 1The Orange CalJlilst Ha~r Area t - NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 , IJ1ed Cart 9900 Used C1r1 9'00 Uood C1rs 9'00 MERCURY -PLYMOUTH UtM can ffOO UMll ca.. '90Q SAut $.1.::000.::.:.:,QO~~l""',ltl.-PL:--YM--:OOVTH:::--, ,-. 1-:";-, n, __ IA_M_ILl_I_, --------CORVETTE FORD '62 CORVETTE Black beauty! Muat '"' to appreciate. LocfJ. car. $30 cuh dt'lt, dlr, er Y.ill take Jorelan car in trade. Call alter 10, L.B. QOB223. 4~9773 01' 54S-0634. ---· .. ·~ -___ , _______ _ '63 FORD '6a COLONY PARK G1laxl1 H1rdtop Station Wagon; blue with ft wacon . J;xcellent1';"' ='.w ="'~ '1.'.: 1967 UMIUR SST: N. 8. Brand New lfft PLYMOUTH YIP '68 CORVETTE <"OnV, lilt1 blue, u new, orig-ownrr, AM-FM. autom, pwr strg I. brakes, elec windows, ·new ttret. Immaculate $MOO 494-MB! While exterior, pl1&1b tur-matcbhW viz1¥1 lnttor, In xlnl quolse bucket seata, fad dlr cond.; air • cond., auto. PONTIAC air. $30 cash dell, will fine tranL; pc™oer brakes. 1tttr-2 Door hardtop. l'uJl,y equlpp. pr-1t. prty. Pytnta $29.85. LB. ln1 &. rear window; radio, t!d with llaht packq:e, A.Al· -------- ATB 798. 4~9713 0 r heater; good w/w tire•; CUI-n t mlltlplex radio, torque-''5 PONTIAC ~ tom foam • !Wed naua:t'Jt¥de fil te traNmiuton, power GTO Conv•rtlble p&c1 ro d Ir (ideal for stetrlng, power brakn, IUf'I! ~ l>laa, bucket •ta. pwr E '66 ~I 0RD8 chlldrern re:he: traveUna;.) crtP duterentlaJ, 383 cu. In. ctra:. dlr, auto, car in excel· cono lne UI ,69 Licented. Id<!al fam ily erwfne, Unttd 1lu1, air con. lent ahape. $50 CUh dels. Windows a.Ii way around, 3 car, ra.irly prieflt at $995. d!Honlng, power 1eat, power or older car in trade. Will Mali, radio, heater, dlr, 642-3589 Aft. 7 PM. windows, Wt 1tee~ wheel, tine prvt p&'Cy. LB NRC - Rebel coupe. VI, automatic; f&ctorY alr c:ondl~ pow. er 1teeriJW, JlOWU' ~ ncUo, heater, w,hlte llde'w tft1. Extremett lbup. (Sl:f KSISl $1795 . ATLAS auto, excellent condition. Ra-----·-vlll)'I roo~ white wall tlrea. *"9'173 or 54.S-Ol34. . dlttl ""'· ISO Cuh ..... " MUSTANG PP'l3G9Dl!Cl389 1962 PONTIAC aoru;;;ru. I QIRYSLEJl.PLYMOlml -COUGAR -W.e !rad<. LB SVE '°'Call Wll S5009,1S dr, ""' str/brakn, ,MJ, 2919 llU>or Blvd- roRO Exec, ttUred, movini ·~= ~~· ~ Suptr van. ·~:,i~:i· ::':a~~~~ NOW $4009.25 alr<ond, $100. '*"1230 °*" o'::~·m lo,.~· to Denwr will sell ptrsonal Auto-302 V-8. m ml. $l!IOO. warr. like new ~7877, att. ~ ror::;• ~lyorre-.,: NEW 'Ill Rambler. i"iiii awl car. '88 Men::ury Coupr, M&.-16114 -' pm_call 962--_9566. ATLAS ' ' ' c:mnpW., s:i>c3 + tax and red, 2 dr. w/whlte puch-oUet. Call 918-6230. 'lie , . m'"t Int Pwnl wllh •UP'• "8 WOODY, '1"1 """· Soll OLDSMOllLE 'II PONTIAC GTO, Cito' • :m V-.! q . Fu111 """ppid tr~";'~ cond. Pick QIR~~=~unt wrtlble, all ........ , ¥,fX! . ~' . ·1nc1, pwr '"'· P"' brkl. ,.,•· • ' dr llllumtnv ~ -.;,. _ 1flllll, l'lfOD, 113-";1' . · • .~ cond, ...... _ m -roRD hlrlw, ' • JUUlll ~ --• POtmAC <ffllll PJlr. whll ece. Orie· -·-r a )I, Good aoodlflio. IQ. ()pan 'ID It p.... . II.IOI , iof. J>wr. ·-· -ci ... ~~ _.... ...... P!SO· Cull '°"" -· m-1523 .-~........ SAUIS & llRVICI . 1967 p(VUlllllll lllao. ..-,-. --;o.9 -• . 19&9 FORD S<atlott w....,. 'OlDSMOlll! ,1rM11n •• i'ilitllllffi iii 1111. 1111 OOOGAll, oY'l' •"'· W. ~~·.:~ ~ drtw rur. m I~-· W, , -. I• llr. -..:==='41=-===;J~ ""'' 11r '°"" PIS, ..,.. 11i10 -Bhd. ~-~ •·~ -•· """ -All /nl.W /O,_Wli' Colla-• •·--__ , -_,_ •. _r.._-.. __ _ ""'m-ml.mU&I.... MDCURY -u11t1c...1MN111 di~--.,.,_. --.. -M-.-11-1--STUDPAm 1. m.....-m..2211 or &. white Pit nit tans. 1-----.....,,-,.--1 ·es OLllS 18 2 Dr HT !TNBal l!U STUD11. ·c•··· m.2241 1llO MERCURY. Xlllt cond. °"""'1 owner. ~ •: . $1195 .... m'd. w/lt31 Fm! M '68 COUGAR 1 ....,.,_ szo. MUJt ..u .... ,, otr.r. Alt •. "' l\All11LZ11 ·-op111 whbonl. -roar ~3 alt 3:11 p.m. ta-l7l2 Xlnt lhape '800 Cit a.t end, 2-lO" ma.a. tint' ortc. =~i:f:' C:::J:. '66 MERCURY ilmiewl,)', '67 OLDS 442 red 2 dr Hrdtp ATLAS ' offtr. 50-DI aft 9 'I' HaiUbrand fMD. It r . '2800-H. Stotts MUl8L ri..r·~·· -Int, P/S. .int condi l.own, j __ _:__, IUIJllr"-..tlllN ii ~ ... ti.:.•,1!'. ,Ew:s. 112-711111 · ¥II@. 5.1MI07 an\YUll-PLYMWTH -Tito DAll.Y Pl1Dt .~ -~·- 'II d51Jo.,ut XR7 allO mllol II Your Ad In -.......... , ilC 1-ltl Cut!MI c..rmt.' lD lll1W BMl-Qlili:ft>I • -.,.. '--' w .... : Prl«d 6li-hnmed ...,, c.11 s.m...,. wn1 bl Jooldtt& 1a1 Good """"' .int -. d<l1 Colla -5'1-Ulf -· -a -. ~ '-· !!!!: m-111Clf -<19T-l.S6,1 ILOta&-.~ 6*88Tl..eves673-6092 Open 'tUlOp.m. tMtWlll ,", D.\lLYPILO'l'WANi'ilbli 14 ' .. - I I I I. I • • I . W•sdQ, Ftbruary 19, 1969 Pl~OT-ADVERTISER-30 . Wf<llWSdar, F\......, 19, 1969 . l ' ' : ' ~ .. ~R ~l ·~.G 0 1U.R Gl~A ·N .T1c ··F '.l :REBIR 'D SA .LEI . . OVER 60 •RAND · N~ . Fl~.BIRbS 'ON HAHP AND. R.EAPY ro · GO • • • ---------TODAY! SPRINTS, 400'S~ . 350'S ••• YOU NAME IT. HERE' ARE BUT A FEW: ...... ~ . . . . . -. . ,,, liEVli9a.tr . . · ,, _ hnptlt S.S. VI, t11tof1'1tti'c, power lfttrinf, '$17· 7 7 11dio. heater, WSW, .vinyl fop. ·26,475 mri,,. ! NdYSll I ,6~ •. ~~~~.~.~~.~.~?. ..... I $2611 • r1dio, keet.r; WSW,•fectory 11r vinyl top.. · •.. , 4T·PY5!9,I . ., , '66 VOl;KSWAG~ C1mp1r 1Jq11ipp1d, r1dio, h11l1r, 4 1p11d, 39,61~ 1111!11. !SlcD 2711 ,6~;!.~~,!!~~ ... , ........ ;,· I $1.. . 311 & br1kt1, , .. ~io, ft11t1r,'f1ctory, 1if, WSW, · pow•r windo.,,, bl1clt 1"1!.bl1clt hp. (RlA451 ) • " I .. . $2878.16 BRANQ NEW '69 FIREBIRD V11'dofo ••-ut.rlor, eu~mllllc tr1n1mluion,( pvsl>-. button r-s:i1o, dtluxe Whffl c111a, EZI oi.u, head r• i1T1lnts. "'"'' ovil White 11dt will tire. .51rl1I n11mbtr mmuo1a11 · ). $2969.74 'BRAND NEW 'ff FIREBIRD 350 d,,,_ ivory w/dark blut cordcMo totl &. bll/9 Interior. TurbcMlyd,,rnatlc, 1Mf'to nMfi., .. llilXt Mlls, db<. '&lllffl colltra, dlx. slet1rlnf whtel, R .. lr O wh.els, contote, PQWer 1!Mrl1111, dblt0 lll'"lke, frwol . head r esl3, EZI 11111,, red 11"9 llrll, frv11t floor meh, etc, el<. S1rlel number :l2lJ7Yt.112'16._ Otfkl9l •tlCllff-prk;t $0!2.ll S;i496·~~3 lillAND NEW '69 FIREBIRC BHulllul C1rous.I 11t• equlptd wlltt sPK!il ptlnt, 8 -71ht1' tld lint !lrts, dtllllll whMI Cll"tn-tltluu 11..,ino Wl1"1, wt.ff! openlll!I rnould~, Cu.tom ll'llltl trim plllfel, Serie! Humber 22l37'L601'1! $2784.46 . ,. THE JYDGI IS HE~E! THE 'TOUGHEST CHO OF THEM ALLI SERVICE DEn. OPEN . 7:30 a.m. EACH & EVERY "CARVER°CARE·CAR'~ CAiRIES TO · 6r30 p.m., MONQAY THRU FRIDAY OUIJ 109°/o, WA"RANTY ON MECH/ P'~TS · ... ..,.--~~ ...... ~-~====~ ·~··977 '6~.!;~~1~,~~-~"moti<. '""" I $10·7 7 ,.. ''O~:!~~~~~~~." ::f.:;' 1fetring.brak•1-wlndow•·Sttf, f1ctory tir ieah, ISVY 9411 conditionin9. IULF10ll .,---:,...,-,,-::--=-::-::=:=-:C-::C::-::~==!:;:=;:=::;=:=:;=:==; I '66 VALIANT V-200 '63 VOLKSWAGEN ,leMan1 2·Dr. H.T, VI, hydremetic, pow.er 1teeripg, redio, heeler, w1w, feclory eir. IV.H 6141. '•7· &;E MANS 2 Door h•ultOp. Va; hydr1m1tic, pow•r 1t11r. & br1lt•1, rtdio, h•1t•r, WSW, fie, 1ir, vinyl roof, 23,497 mil11. (UWW 291} '67 BONNEVILLE 2 door h1 rdtop; Hydr1m1tic, pow1r 1!11r· in9-br1k11. r1dio, h11t1r, WSW. 2-4.11• mil11. {UKD 225 l $2777 . , '4 Dr. p••••llgtr w1g~n. VI, e11tom•tic, power 1t1ttin9, r1iliiD, ht1f1r,' WSW;. • 22,174-milti. ITIX l~tJ . '66 PLYMOUTH Fury II f p111. w•9011. VI. torqu1fli11, pow1r 1!11rin9, r1dio, h11!1r, f1clory 1ir. ISSU· 1 Ill '66 PONTIAC GTO I Sport Co.,p•. YI, 4 1p11d, pow1r 1!11r- in9, t1dio, h11ttr, WSW, vi11yl.+op. CSSH- Z71l ·~68 PONTl•C GJO, 2 Dr. v·a, hydr1mttie, pow•r 1t11ri119, rtdio, h11t1r, WSW, f1etory t ir. CWlC- 0671 $1877 ' . , ALL PRICES INDICATED ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS UC. & TAX. .-. ·;C>' >O . ' 1 • • . 0 " , " . -~ . . ......... __...., _._-~-~~~~-----------. -~ l ~--.